{"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n而我们的银河系如今已经130亿岁了。", "output": "Our galaxy is 13 billion years old.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n协会成立之初只有500名会员,发展到现在已有42700名会员。", "output": "Primarily there’s only 500 members, and now it has developed to 42,700 members.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n美国和以色列之间目前有关军事援助的协议到2017年过期。", "output": "The current U.S.-Israel military aid agreement expires in 2017.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n052C/D系列驅逐艦主要是為防空任務設計的,用於保護意義重大的海軍裝備,比如航母和兩棲攻擊艦。", "output": "The 052C/D series of destroyers are designed primarily with the air defense mission in mind, protecting high-value naval assets such as aircraft carriers and amphibious assault ships.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们发现了一种新的人类。", "output": "We discovered a new type of human.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n就这样她又走进了生物科学的世界。", "output": "She entered, instead, the world of biological psychiatry.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n让“公园之友”享真情服务", "output": "Ga Friends of the park passes honored.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们只是想把余生都放在一起,他说。", "output": "Let’s spend the rest of our lives together, he said.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n肺癌的体征和症状通常仅在疾病进展时发生。", "output": "Signs and symptoms of lung cancer typically occur only when the disease is advanced.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n投资在正确设备和改善安全程序中的时间与金钱将通过相应的合格率提高而得到回报。", "output": "In ESD protection, the time and money invested in the right equipment and improved safety procedures will be rewarded by an increase in the corresponding pass rate.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n12 愿他们把荣耀归给耶和华,在众海岛中宣扬对他的颂赞。", "output": "12 Let them give glory to the Lord,and declare his praise in the islands.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nAllClear的免费信用监控服务最终可能成为大多数账户持有人最有价值的解决方案。", "output": "The free credit-monitoring service from AllClear could end up being the most valuable part of the settlement for most account holders.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n此外,公司持续关注海外市场投资机会。", "output": "Furthermore, the Company paid constant attention to investment opportunities in overseas markets.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n「一個故事能吸引數百萬人閱讀,那是魔法。", "output": "\"When a story captures the imagination of millions, that's magic.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nNBA两场季前赛转播计划因此被取消,一些中国公司还暂停了与该联盟的伙伴关系。", "output": "Plans to broadcast two NBA preseason games were canceled and some Chinese companies suspended partnerships with the league.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他们将所有企业财产都收归国有。", "output": "That they have returned all company property.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“当我看到这些游戏的时候,我看不到差异。", "output": "“When I look at these games, I don’t see a difference.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他们不会把它借给别人,而是把它交给人们,作为人们参与网络服务的报酬。", "output": "And they do not lend it to people, they give it to them for their service on the network.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n话虽如此,有 43%的开发人员表示他们更愿意为那些为开源项目做出贡献的公司工作。", "output": "43% of developers prefer to work for companies that contribute to open source projects", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n目前存在的反应堆问题,比如事故风险等,可以通过创新得到解决。", "output": "\"The problems with today's reactors, such as the risk of accidents, can be solved through innovation.\"", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n她同时表示,加拿大仍然致力于在所面对的共同挑战面前与俄罗斯进行对话与合作。", "output": "Canada remains committed to dialogue and cooperation with Russia on issues where we face common challenges.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n,你猜我最想做哪一个超级英雄。", "output": "You know what I want my super hero power to be.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n此外,该观景台可以提前租用举行庄严活动、晚会、浪漫晚餐、婚姻巡回登记。", "output": "Moreover, the deck can be rented in advance for special events, parties, a romantic dinner, and visiting registration of marriage.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这种传感器可以为神经科学家提供一种在空间上精确的方法,以查明大脑中的电活动。", "output": "This type of sensor could give neuroscientists a spatially accurate way to identify electrical activity in the brain.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我們將會尋求世界各國的友誼和善意,但我們此舉是建立在把本身利益置於優先是所有國家的權利的理解前提下。", "output": "We will seek friendship and good relations with the countries of the world, but we will assume that all countries have the right to put their own interests above all else.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n無論是六個月還是幾年,請記住,去看牙醫對您的健康有益,而且不去看牙醫會導致將來出現更大的口腔問題。", "output": "Whether it’s been six months or several years, remember that going to the dentist is good for your health, and that not going to the dentist leads to much larger oral problems in the future.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n正如 AMD 的产品经理 James Prior 在以上视频中所说的,答案就是选择。", "output": "As James Prior, AMD Product Manager, covers in the video above, the answer is choice.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n当然,这本来也不是我的首选。", "output": "No, it wouldn’t have been my first choice either.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们认识到他们所面临的,特别是经过15年多的不断部署后的,独特的担忧和挑战。", "output": "We recognize the unique concerns and challenges they face, especially after 15 years of steady deployments.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n比如智能音箱的技术往往数月就会迭代,但与之适配的灯泡、空调等家电厂商并不具备这样的迭代支持效率。", "output": "For example, the technology of smart speaker often iterates in several months, but the manufacturers of light bulbs, air conditioners and other home appliances that adapt to it do not have such iterative support efficiency.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我也没有精神于一点像样的工作,可是不仅如此——我不愿意离开盖茨比。", "output": "I wasn't worth a decent stroke of work but it was more than that--I didn't want to leave Gatsby.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n除了矿山,还需要铁路和港口。", "output": "Mining operations require railways and ports.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n网购钻石:让奢侈飞入寻常百姓家", "output": "Online shopping diamond: let luxury fly into the homes of ordinary people", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n对于历史的考察,可以从很多思路入手。", "output": "Conducting history research can take many paths.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n一份协议或一份声明都比没有声明好。", "output": "Even a paragraph or a sentence is better than nothing.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这些故事,都来自于他们生命中的某一天。", "output": "These images are from a day in the life.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n美国总统当选者唐纳德·川普(特朗普)称,川普政府将遵循两个简单的规则:买美国货和雇佣美国人。", "output": "(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: We will follow two simple rules: buy American and hire American.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n因此想在多變又不確定的環境中勝出,管理者需要學習如何迅速果斷地利用短暫的機會。", "output": "To win in unstable and uncertain environments, executives need to learn how to exploit short-lived opportunities with speed and decisiveness.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n1.57亿人在工作。", "output": "157 million people are working.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n当你处于困惑状态时,慢慢说出来。", "output": "When you are in a state of confusion, say it slowly.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这就是我提出的至少是人类可能性的远景。", "output": "So that’s the long-range view that I put forward as at least a human possibility.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nPayPal的Node.js应用程序的构建速度可以提高两倍,人数也会减少。", "output": "A Node.js app can be built twice as fast with fewer people.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n为了完成目标,我们究竟要将产品研发与客户关系打造得多好?", "output": "To achieve our goals, how strong must we be at product development as well as building client relationships?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n政府在今年6月向本會表示,將在本年下半年開展有關智慧城市發展藍圖的顧問研究(\"顧問研究\")。", "output": "The Government told this Council in June this year that a consultancy study on the smart city development blueprint (consultancy study) would commence in the second half of this year.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n從房屋和辦公室到銀行和政府辦公樓,這些功能強大的小電子設備左右擺動,並監視所有事物。", "output": "From offices and homes to banks and administrative buildings, these dominant little pieces of electronics swerve right and left and monitor everyone and everything.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n对于预计在今年年底或明年年初达到峰值的此次厄尔尼诺来说,这份援助来得太迟。", "output": "That will be too late to help with the current El Niño, which is expected to peak late this year or early next.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n关于它的介绍我引用一位前辈的经验:", "output": "To introduce the city, I will quote one of its famous mayors:", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n乌拉圭狂欢节历时40天,是世界上持续时间最长的狂欢节。", "output": "Uruguay’s Carnival season is 40 days—the longest in the world.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n首席设计师基本上属于是某个特定设计领域的专家。", "output": "A principal designer is basically an expert in a particular area of design.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”杰克坐在地上对镜子说。", "output": "Jack asked, glancing at the mirror.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n区块链数据库的一个特点是,它有自己的历史。", "output": "One feature of a blockchain database is that it has a history of itself.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这在世界不同的地区和不同的文化、市场、劳动力和经济條件提供了市場趨勢的指导。", "output": "This provides instruction on different regions of the world and their varied cultures, markets, labor and economies.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n現在,我們的警告,宣布美國中情局局長特內特仍然在索非亞,已證明是正確的。", "output": "Now our warning, announced while US CIA head Tenet was still in Sofia, has proved true as well.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n对已婚的我发出这个命令(不是我,但主):妻子不得与丈夫分居。", "output": "‘To the married I give this command (not I, but the Lord): A wife must not separate from her husband.’", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n這對以色列國來說是美好的一天。", "output": "A great day for the state of Israel.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这是布达佩斯规模最大的教堂。", "output": "This is the biggest church in Budapest.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n很抱歉,我还看漏一些文章。", "output": "Sorry I missed some posts.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他站在前面的沿海地图做圆周运动的淡蓝色的水。", "output": "He stood in front of the coastal map making circular motions over the light blue water.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n使用主动性和判断力来规划和实施一系列领导和管理职能,并在广泛的参数范围内对个人和团队成果负责。", "output": "Individuals at this level use initiative and judgement to plan and implement a range of leadership and management functions, with accountability for personal and team outcomes within broad parameters.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n顺便说一下,这些产品类别也会因订单数量而给人留下深刻的印象。", "output": "By the way, these product category can also impress due to the number of orders.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n随着经验的医生,提供医疗保健客户提供战略和运营", "output": "With experience as a medical doctor, serves healthcare clients on strategy and operations", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“机组人员安慰她,並试图把她送回驾驶舱,但没有成功。", "output": "The cabin crew tried to comfort her and send her back to the cockpit, but in vain.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nRPA工具的工作方式是,用工具语言规划一套流程,以便软件“机器人”遵循。", "output": "The RPA operates by mapping a process in the language of the tool to be followed by the software “robot”.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n富与贫:拥有多少钱才算有钱人?", "output": "Wealth and Poverty: Who's Got How Much?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n审查马戈·麦克唐纳法案的委员会…", "output": "The Committee scrutinizing Margo MacDonald's Bill ...", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这是因为移民父母通常会带来不同的育儿观念和价值观念,而其他国家则接触到这些观念和价值观念。", "output": "This is because immigrant parents typically bring with them different ideas and values about parenting, which other countries are then exposed to.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n参数可以通过值或引用传递。", "output": "Parameters may be passed by value or by reference.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n款待– 国家饭店协会教育基金会将获得60万美元,用于在新奥尔良和路易斯安那州实施饭店准备和学徒计划。", "output": "Hospitality - The National Restaurant Association Educational Foundation will receive $600,000 to implement the Restaurant Ready and apprenticeship programs in New Orleans and Louisiana.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n然而,CarTrade没有透露家族办公室的名称。", "output": "CarTrade, however, didn't disclose the name of the family office.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n即使是埃及的更衣室也不是一个没有政治的区域。", "output": "Even the Egypt dressing room isn’t a politics-free zone.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我语气重,因为我确实很失望。", "output": "I'm lying, though, because really I am disappointed.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这是一个晴好的天气,所以罗渣士中心顶部的穹窿开启,无缘目睹其下雨时闭合的盛况。", "output": "It was a fine day, so the dome on the top of the Rodgers Center was opened and it was not possible to witness the closure of the dome when it rained.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n人口从农村迁往城市也带来一系列挑战,例如过度拥挤、污染、犯罪等。", "output": "Population shifts from rural to urban areas lead to a number of challenges such as overcrowding, pollution and crime, among others.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n地狱,我可以感觉到它。", "output": "Hell, I could feel them.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n对于大多数人来说,增加个人结直肠癌(CRC)罹患风险的主要因素是年龄的增长。", "output": "For the great majority of people, the major factor that increases a person's risk for colorectal cancer (CRC) is increasing age.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n鲍勃·霍克 澳大利亚工党领袖", "output": "Bob Hawke Leader of the Australian Labor Party", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n17. 数据库服务器和网页服务器应该放在不同的机器上。", "output": "Database server and the web server must be placed in different machines.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n然而,这样一场灾难性的太阳风暴可能不会在近期发生。", "output": "However, a catastrophic solar storm may not occur in the near future.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n芝加哥警方日前表示,芝加哥一年平均繳獲近7千支非法槍支,其中超過20%來自毗鄰的印第安納州。", "output": "Chicago police have said more than half of the guns used in crimes come from out of state, including about 20 percent from Indiana.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他曾經被沙皇判處死刑,臨刑時被赦免。", "output": "He was pardoned by the Tsar and given life imprisonment instead.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n其中一些这宁静城市的著名旅游景点是三宝洞(Sam Poh Tong),一个建设在洞穴中的华人寺庙。", "output": "Of some of the most famous tourist attractions in this quiet city is Sam Poh Tong, a Chinese temple that is built into the very caves of the mountain itself.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这本小册子还将告诉你,当你的孩子疼痛时如何照顾他。", "output": "The brochure will also tell you how to care for your child when he is in pain.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nTWU的紧凑型定义客户为所有类别的学生和在适当的时候,他们的家庭和社区,如学校。", "output": "TWU’s compact defines customers as students of all classifications and, when appropriate, their families and their communities, such as schools.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n政府希望加快庇护申请速度。", "output": "Government urged to speed up asylum application process", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n必须让美国国会认识到问题的严重程度,认识到美国与中国市场之间平衡与平等关系的前景正在变得越来越困难。", "output": "Congress must be made to realize how high the stakes are and that the outlook for a balanced and equitable relationship between American and Chinese markets is becoming increasingly difficult.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这是关于我们国家的性质,如果我们不会站出来迫使奥巴马总统否决这项法案,那就是我们的耻辱。", "output": "This is about the character of our nation, and if we will not stand up in and force President Obama to veto this bill, shame on us.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n分数从1(港口基础设施十分不发达)至7(根据国际标准,港口基础设施十分发达高效).", "output": "Respondents were asked to score their nation’s port infrastructure from 1 (port infrastructure considered extremely underdeveloped) to 7 (port infrastructure considered efficient by international standards).", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n发展社会主义民主政治是我们党始终不渝的奋斗目标”。", "output": "Peaceful unification of Georgia remains our goal.\"", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n产品制造商列表 Prada", "output": "List of products by manufacturer Prada", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n尽管2013年中面临着许多挑战,但与年初相比,现在消费者的精神更佳。", "output": "Despite the many challenges throughout 2013, consumers are in better spirits today than when the year began.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n表达高水平的这种酶的细胞会发出荧光并且能够被检测到。", "output": "Cells with high levels of this enzyme become fluorescent and can be detected.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他们拿来牛奶和毛巾,以为我很冷,", "output": "Got my milk and cereal, made sure it was cold", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我唯一的功劳就是在405公路上开车练歌,练了一年。", "output": "The only things that I would do by myself are sing in the car on the 405 in traffic, you know, for a year.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在世界各地使用掉落运输,在本指南中,我列出了一个杀手地点列表,以便在您的商店中找到产品并出售。", "output": "Drop shipping is used all over the world and in this guide, I’ve put together a list of killer places to find products to dropship and sell on your store.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n更多的牲畜仍然迟到。", "output": "There are still more late harvests to come.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n印度卫生部也发布了新的图片警告,显示病变器官和牙齿腐烂的图像。", "output": "The health ministry has also released new pictorial warnings, showing images of diseased organs and rotting teeth.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果你喜欢这篇文章,入。", "output": "If you liked this article, pass in on.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n其次就是对美国做出回应。", "output": "Second, responsive to member states.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n无论基本面展望是积极还是消极,投资风险水平大部分取决于资产价格与其内在价值之间关系。", "output": "Regardless of whether the fundamental outlook is positive or negative, the level of investment risk is determined largely by the relationship between the price of an asset and its intrinsic value.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们已经开发了很多产品。", "output": "We already developed a lot of products.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但是在莫斯科,俄羅斯調查委員會表示克里姆林宮與此事無關,並說已經自行開始了對巴布琴科之死的刑事調查。", "output": "But in Moscow, Russia’s Investigative Committee distanced the Kremlin from the killing -- saying it had launched its own criminal investigation into Babchenko’s death.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n哈里回家后几乎冻僵了,他告诉了妈妈他不听话而做的错事。", "output": "Harry went home almost frozen, and told his mother how disobedient he had been.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“他不是我们现在所做的国家安全或外交政策简报的一部分,”8月份被聘用的康威说。", "output": "Hes not part of our national security or foreign policy briefings at all, certainly, Conway said.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他们似乎已经照顾一切。", "output": "Seemed to take care of all things.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n关于该提案的公开听证会定于周四举行,仅在该计划草案发布后六天,以及该州与富士康的交易消息传出后八天。", "output": "A public hearing on the proposal was scheduled for Thursday, just six days after a draft of the plan was released and eight days after news of the state's deal with Foxconn broke.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n哈哈哈~~果然,Tina是個好名字。", "output": "Btw, Tina is a pretty name.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n更多详情和条规点击这里", "output": "More details and order links HERE.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nnew-ironed衣服和洗热水澡…睡觉和醒来。", "output": "\"...New, ironed dresses, and hot baths, and sleeping, and waking up.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在港口建设和维护方面,外商直接投资比例允许达到100%。", "output": "India currently permits 100 percent FDI for the construction and maintenance of ports.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n只有疯子毋需对其行为负责。", "output": "Only the insane are not held responsible for their acts.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在维吉尼亚荒野突然我们看见一个人走在路上。", "output": "In the Virginia wilderness suddenly we saw a man walking on the road.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n法老把他的百姓領入歧途,他未將他們引入正路。", "output": "Pharaoh truly led his people astray; he did not guide them.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我認為婚姻,人際關係和能量消耗得更快,因為我們的社會正在變得更快。", "output": "I think marriages, relationships, and energy get used up faster because our society is moving faster.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n可怜的女儿们常常还得饿着肚子上床睡觉。", "output": "Children would often go to bed hungry.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n该设备是一种光学连接的小装置,但在使用之前不需要额外的驱动装置。", "output": "The device is an optical wired gadget but needs no additional driver installation before it can be used to play.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在第一轮投票中,约56%的人对宪章说“是”。", "output": "In the first round, about 56 percent said \"yes\" to the charter.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n招聘人员们通常很喜欢LinkedIn并十分积极地参与其中。", "output": "Recruiters are using LinkedIn actively, and they like it.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n““我明白了,无论如何,作为一个理论。", "output": "“Yes, or rather, that was one theory, anyway.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n增加了很多细节与人物。", "output": "So I added more details and people.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这就是为什么杜鲁门和他的顾问们要着手制定计划,重建欧洲经济。", "output": "Then, President Truman and his advisers developed a plan to rebuild the economies of European countries.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n向我见过的最伟大的领导者致敬,我的祈祷和希望与你同在,Steve。", "output": "To one of the greatest leaders I’ve ever met, my prayers and hopes are with you Steve.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n「那时候我还是本科生,一天晚上我走过校园,途中必须要穿过数学系的地下室。", "output": "“One night as an undergrad I was walking across campus after a night out, and I had to pass through the basement of the math department building.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n传说,耶跋摩二世给了他的继承人一把圣剑,故名。", "output": "According to legend, Jeba-mo II gave his heir a holy sword, hence his name.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n最后,亚拉冈勉强同意,但他命令哈玛不许任何人触碰圣剑安都瑞尔。", "output": "At last, Aragorn agreed but commanded Háma to prevent anyone from touching Andúril.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n流行文化的现代形式,像传统的形式,不仅提供娱乐,还逃逸了当代日本从工业界的问题。", "output": "Contemporary forms of popular culture, much like the traditional forms, provide not only entertainment but also an escape for the contemporary Japanese from the problems of an industrial world.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n寻找价值可以把你带到一些很奇怪的地方。", "output": "Sometimes shooting may take you to some strange places.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n就这样,我对父母说我要去参军。", "output": "At one point, I told my parents I was going to join the military.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n荷兰也吸引了更多的亚洲及美洲移民。", "output": "The country also attracts immigrants from European and Asian nations.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n一些糖尿病患者可以更安全地在饮食中加入香蕉的方法包括:", "output": "Some ways that a person with diabetes can incorporate bananas in their diet more safely include the following:", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n因为即使在今天, 也有许多殉道者, 许多人因对基督的爱而受到迫害。", "output": "Because even today there are many martyrs, many people who are persecuted for their love of Christ.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n当牛顿用万有引力理论解释行星运动时,再也不需要天神去推打行星使其运动了。", "output": "When Newton explained the motion of the planets by the universal theory of gravitation, it no longer was necessary for angels to push and pummel the planets about.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n””他嘲笑我的困惑表情。", "output": "He laughs at my confused expression.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n3.共和國總統不超過十五日的私人訪問不需獲得國會同意,但共和國總統應提前將訪問事項告知國會。", "output": "The President�s private visits not exceeding 15 days shall not require authorisation, although he or she should notify the National Parliament of such visits in advance.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n产品设计师会设计解决方案,直到问题发生改变。", "output": "“A product designer will design the solution until the problem changes.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n18 世纪河, 当这条河变成资本: 直到一月 2016.", "output": "18th Century River, When the river turned capital is playing 8 May 2016.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他的熱情和耐心,加上有條不紊和有條理的方法,使每個鋼琴課都愉快而富有成效。", "output": "His warmth and patience coupled with a methodical and structured approach make each piano lesson enjoyable and productive.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“我们取得的最大的成功就是5K成绩突破30分钟。", "output": "Our greatest success so far has been breaking 30 minutes in the 5K.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n中国还表示,联合国新的制裁不应对朝鲜平民产生不利人道影响,不应影响“正常经济活动与合作”。", "output": "China also said new UN sanctions should not have a detrimental humanitarian impact on North Korean civilians or affect “normal economic exchanges and cooperation.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n有两名“无限期被拘留者”,包括阿富汗人,在营地死亡,一名是自杀,一名是心脏病发作。", "output": "Two people on the list, both Afghans, have died in the camp, one by suicide, one of a heart attack.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n4.网络接口(NET)提供了对各种网络标准的存取和各种网络硬件的支持。", "output": "The Network Interface (NET) provides access to several networking standards and a variety of network hardware.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我为7月出版的《食品与葡萄酒》杂志写了一些经验。", "output": "Yesterday, I received my Food & Wine Magazine for July:", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n风真是个快乐的旅行家!", "output": "An educated traveler is a happy traveler!", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他們看著他的背影,或讚揚,或嫉妒,或不屑。", "output": "And they watched it backfire or go wrong or whatever.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n不是最好的,但我会接受的。", "output": "Not the best but I will take it.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n康宁翰集团提供精心设计的生活方式体验,满足开发商的不同需求。", "output": "Cuningham Group delivers well-crafted lifestyle experiences that meet developer demands.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果我没赶上,你是联盟的唯一希望。", "output": "Luke: If I don’t make it back, you’re the only hope for the Alliance.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他们真的触犯了法律。", "output": "They really did violate the law.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n此后,美韩已取消了多次通常被朝鲜视为挑衅的演习。", "output": "Since then, the allies have canceled several drills, which North Korea usually sees as a provocation.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n2013年8月8日,创办林浩爱之链基金,成为中国首个未成年人发起的公募基金。", "output": "On August 8, 2013, Lin Hao Love Chain Fund was founded and became the first raised fund raised by minors in China.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n上一篇 : 全球气候谈判扩大到克服争端", "output": "Proposed global climate pact aims to overcome divisions", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”“這表明美國依然想主宰世界,不甘心僅僅作爲平等國家的一員。", "output": "'It shows that the United States wants all the same to dominate the world and cannot merely be a first among equals.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n第1章 开门!收租了!", "output": "Chapter 1: Locked out!", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nNASA利用太空的有利位置来增进我们对地球家园的了解,改善我们的生活,保障我们的未来。", "output": "NASA uses the vantage point of space to increase our understanding of our home planet, improve lives and safeguard our future.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n从斯坦福大学毕业后,胡佛成为一名采矿工程师。", "output": "After graduating from Stanford University, Hoover became a Mining Engineer.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n反对党也表示,政府的做法会让2亿穆斯林进一步被边缘化。", "output": "They added that the law would further marginalize the 200 million Muslims in the country.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这样的小改变并不奇怪。", "output": "A small change like this is not surprising.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他说,我们要在很短的时间内完成很多工作。", "output": "He said that there had been an awful lot of work to do in a very short timescale.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n所以你必须正确地拼写单词。", "output": "You have to correctly spell a word.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n2006年夏天,我和一个比我大10岁的女人约会(我现在31岁)。", "output": "In the summer of 2006, I went on a date with a woman 10 years my senior (I’m 31 now).", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“任何支持暴力、仇恨或压迫的人在我们的国家现在以及永远都不受欢迎。", "output": "Anyone who endorses violence, hatred or oppression is not welcome in our country and never, ever, will be.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n不建議大家吸煙,即使是愛因斯坦也不可能注意到所有的健康風險(圖片來源: SPL)", "output": "Smoking is not advised, Einstein wouldn't have been aware of all the health risks (Credit: SPL)", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n删除ETL过程意味着没有与许可、维护或增长数据结构相关的成本。", "output": "Removing the ETL processes means no costs related to licenses, maintenance, or growing the data structure.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你不会爱我任何其他的方式。", "output": "You wouldn’t love them any other way.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这一概念在今天看来仍很激进。", "output": "It still sounds radical today.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n北瓦列霍小联盟组织在其官方Facebook页面上宣布所有游戏将被推迟,直至另行通知。", "output": "The Paso Del Norte Soccer Association posted on their Facebook pages Saturday that all games would be canceled until further notice.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n通过制造和升级自己的武器,玩家就有机会战胜邪恶的统治者。", "output": "By producing and upgrading war machines, gamers have a chance to defeat the ominous threat of the Dominators.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n标题: 联系我们 [打印本页]", "output": "Contact Us [Print this Article]", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n大多数情况下,天然气连同石油一起生产。", "output": "Usually some natural gas is produced along with the oil.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n她说她留下了所有的财物,并且在七八年内与他没有任何联系。", "output": "She says she left all her belongings and have had no contact with him for seven or eight years.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n此外,数十名教职工当选的专业协会如美国化学学会,美国物理学会和协心理科学研究员。", "output": "In addition, dozens of faculty members were elected fellows of professional associations such as the American Chemical Society, the American Physical Society and the Association for Psychological Science.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们所知最早的人类是在非洲发现的。", "output": "The earliest humans we know of are discovered in Africa.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n特立尼达海滩-有很多受欢迎的海滩,你可以访问特立尼达和多巴哥。", "output": "The Trinidad beaches - there are quite a number of popular beaches in Trinidad you can visit.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n来看看其过去几年的业绩:", "output": "Have a look at their achievements in last 2 years:", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n让我们集中精力完成这个。", "output": "Let's focus on getting this done.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“做好准备面对批评”", "output": "“Be prepared to take criticism.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n” “我们必须抓住时机,动员机构,不仅要改善大学入学率,还要改善学生的学习成绩和获得学位的学生人数。", "output": "“We have to seize the moment and mobilize institutions to improve not just college access, but also equity in student outcomes and the number of students who earn degrees.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如今想询购卡车离合器的轴承配件,并提供了详细的车辆信息及零件号。", "output": "Now I want to inquire about the bearing accessories of the truck clutch and provide detailed vehicle information and part numbers.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n* iTunes Store 外观焕然一新,具备更强的导航功能,使浏览简单快捷。", "output": "2. iTunes Store has a brand new look, with improved navigation for quick and easy exploration.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n要将数字四舍五入为最相近的数字或分数,请使用 ROUND 函数。", "output": "To round a number to the nearest number or fraction, use the ROUND function.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n壁画变化频繁,整个地区对行人友善。", "output": "The murals change frequently, and the whole area is pedestrian friendly.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n2014年以来,德法青年会一直在资助那些激发青少年反思一战影响的项目。", "output": "Since 2014, the DFJW has been supporting projects that encourage young people to reflect on the effects of the First World War.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n她离开大地飞升而上,看到血河在不远处分了叉,还有许多条树枝状的血河,构成了一个复杂的河网。", "output": "She took to the air and saw that not far off there were forks in the blood river, its many branches forming a complex network.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但特朗普本人在白宫会议上承认,试图申请紧急权力可能会最终导致一直到最高法院的法律纠纷。", "output": "But Trump himself acknowledged in the White House meeting that an attempt to claim emergency powers would likely end up in legal battles going all the way to the Supreme Court.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“创客文化”并不适合当代教育模式。", "output": "The \"Maker Culture\" does not fit nice and snug within contemporary educational models.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我作为外交信使,有幸到过一百多个国家旅行。", "output": "As a travel writer I’m lucky enough to have visited over 100 countries.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在桑迪试图与她的男朋友瓦尔特内格龙在她寒冷无力的家中生存之后,她花了近两个月的时间。", "output": "She spent nearly two months after Sandy trying to survive in her frigid, powerless home with her boyfriend, Walter Negron.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这也就意味着美元在全球市场的重要性。", "output": "This indicates the dollar’s value in the world market.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n通过这种方式,全球企业家峰会为企业提供了一个展示其创新理念的独特平台,以应对当今世界面临的重大挑战。", "output": "It offers a unique, international platform for companies to demonstrate their innovative solutions to major challenges facing the world today.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n所以,这可能很显然了,我们的飞机没有降落装置。", "output": "So, it might be obvious to you: none of our planes have landing gear.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他们有许多用途,包括提供温暖,风格。", "output": "They have many purposes including providing warmth, style.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n此外,增加对新建酒店、教育机构、医院和写字楼的建设和改造投资,将对市场增长产生积极影响。", "output": "In addition, increasing investment in the construction and renovation of new hotels, educational institutions, hospitals and office buildings will have a positive impact on market growth.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果你以为雨水就此打住了,那就错了。", "output": "If you guessed freezing rain, then you are wrong.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n至於能追討多少款項或財產一事,可能須受限於具體法例規定或當地的規則。", "output": "The extent to which You may recover your money or property may be governed by specified legislation or local rules.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n此案的法官曾表示,印度的同性恋者面临着根深蒂固的创伤,生活在恐惧之中。", "output": "The judges in the case had previously said that gay people in India faced deep-rooted trauma and live in fear.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这个等式可以重新排列和简化,以解决R2,即热敏电阻的电阻:", "output": "This equation can be rearranged and simplified to solve for R2, the resistance of the thermistor:", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“还好水还没没过腰,走了50多米,我到了落水者身边,是位老太太,年纪六十岁上下。", "output": "\"Not yet, the water has not been in the waist, walking more than 50 meters, I went to the drowning side, an old lady, aged sixty and down.\"", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n1975年,红色高棉政权上台后,她的父母就失踪了。", "output": "When the Khmer Rouge took control of Cambodia in 1975, her parents vanished.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我正式成為一個老頭子了。", "output": "I have officially become an old man.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n她把小孩从王后背上解下来,抱在胸前,让他吃奶,然后把他放在一张铺好了的美丽的小床上。", "output": "She untied the small boy from her back, held him to her breast so he could drink, and then laid him in a beautiful made-up bed.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n虽然控制卖淫与荷兰的娱乐和氛围相结合,但在红灯区街头迷路一直很棒。", "output": "While controlled prostitution combined with amusement and atmosphere of Holland, it has always been fabulous to get lost in the streets of Red Light District.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n以逃避宿主免疫系统的打击。", "output": "Evasion of the host immune system.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n不仅如此,艾米还发现丈夫尼克其实已经出轨了很长一段时间。", "output": "Sadly, we also discovered that his wife Nina had left him some time ago.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n砂拉越是一个独特和愉快的旅游目的地,古晋是理想的探索出发点。", "output": "Generally, Sarawak is a unique and enjoyable tourism destination, and Kuching is the ideal base from which to go exploring.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我不想成为一个挣扎于世俗生活之中的单纯码农。", "output": "I don't want to be a simple mountain ape in a room of Silverbacks.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n运河运输量进一步减少还源于澳大利亚的贸易从欧洲转移到日本和东亚。", "output": "Further decline in canal traffic resulted from a shift of Australasian trade from Europe to Japan and East Asia.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在目前的对冲基金产业,你会怎样获胜呢?", "output": "How would you champion what's happening in the hedge fund industry?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n鲍里斯·约翰逊将是第一个英国首相 - 如果再次当选 - 下了危险进入联盟办公室,北爱统一党领袖声称。", "output": "Boris Johnson will be the first UK prime minister - if re-elected - to enter office with the Union in peril, the leader of the Ulster Unionist Party has claimed.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nPISA还评估什么?", "output": "What does PISA assess?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我亲眼看到我父母在它们买房时候经历了最可怕的压力。", "output": "I saw what my parents went through at their worst moments owning a home.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nDuterte到Maute集团:不要强迫我的手参战", "output": "\"Duterte to Maute group: Do not force my hand into war\".", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n交换机从 Fa0/18 端口收到的帧的源地址中获悉此 MAC 地址。", "output": "The switch learned this MAC address from the source address in a frame received on Fa0/18.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n30分钟到马拉加机场", "output": "30 minutes to Malaga Airport.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们正将它融入到iOS 11中,将其向开发者开放,进而释放出数百万人的创造力。", "output": "We’re building it into iOS 11, opening it to developers—and unleashing the creativity of millions of people.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n電視業在地拉那發展起來,是該市經濟的重要雇主。", "output": "The television industry developed in Tirana and is a significant employer in the city's economy.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n」( 你不需要每個人都愛你,只需要一些好人!)", "output": "You don’t need everyone to love you, just a few good people »", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n金星,先生你会让自己有用,把蜡烛更近一点,先生?", "output": "Mr Venus, would you make yourself useful and draw the candles a little nearer, sir?’", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“这将是一个战斗的地狱。", "output": "\"It would be a hell of a fight.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“R5”的四轮驱动技术远远领先于它的时代,防抱死制动盘,甚至电动车窗。", "output": "The ‘R5’ was way ahead of its time with four-wheel drive, anti-lock disc brakes and even electric windows.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n看到這段描述,我只能說:「Good luck!", "output": "Without this key, all I can say is “GOOD LUCK!”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n那时,这个游戏在古代的中东很普遍,包括埃及,,美索不达米亚安纳托利亚他说。", "output": "At that time, the game was common throughout the old Middle East, including Egypt, Mesopotamia and Anatolia.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我很抱歉,我很高兴,但我知道,这对人们来说,这对他来说是个非常重要的人,和你的妻子一样。", "output": "I am so sorry about your wife, but it sounds like it was a healthy decision for both you and your family.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n比赛每半场为 15 个回合,率先赢得 16 回合的队伍赢得比赛(超时除外)。", "output": "The match is played over 15 rounds a half, with the first team to reach 16 rounds (unless in overtime) winning the match.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n英飞凌复杂性降低计划(ICoRe)旨在使工作和流程结构更有效率。", "output": "The Infineon Complexity Reduction Program (ICoRe) aims to make task and process structures in the company more efficient.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他们是完成了工作,但是不是以最聪明的方式完成工作。", "output": "They’d do the job, but not in the most efficient manner.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你能对它们进行分类吗?", "output": "Are you able to categorize them?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n诚实:我们重视我们所做的一切的真实性、完整性和清晰度。", "output": "Honesty: We value truthfulness, integrity and clarity in everything we do.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“我无法掩饰执教巴塞罗那的梦想,我在很多采访中都说过很多次,每个人都知道我从心底里支持巴塞罗那。", "output": "“I cannot hide it's my dream to coach Barcelona, I've said it many times in many interviews, everyone knows I support Barcelona from the bottom of my heart.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n一名税务会计师在一个网络小组的讨论中指出,大数据正以惊人的方式改变金融领域。", "output": "One of the attendees was a tax accountant, who said that big data is changing their field in surprising ways.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nJob 27:10 他岂以全能者为乐,随时求告神呢。", "output": "Job 27:10 \"Will he take delight in the Almighty, Will he call on God at all times?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n除了极具吸引力的薪水,我们的薪酬方案也包括多项额外福利。", "output": "In addition to attractive salary packages, we provide an exceptional benefits program.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n西门子将集中可再生能源的发展精力放在风能和氢能源。", "output": "Siemens intends to focus its renewable energy activities on wind and hydro power.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你的意思是他们每17年才出来吗?", "output": "You know they come out every 17 years.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果你对此仍有疑虑,那么这三件事可能会改变你的看法。", "output": "If you still had doubts, this will definitely change your mind.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n至少对我来说,假设生存缺乏基本的安全保障,就难以潜心创作。", "output": "It is hard for us to imagine living without basic assurances of safety.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n生物安全的空间:处方和谈判解决方案,以牛结核病", "output": "The spaces of biosecurity: prescribing and negotiating solutions to bovine tuberculosis.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在这里,你可以品味到不一样的泰国滋味。", "output": "Only here can you get a real taste of Thailand.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这所学校最大的特点是它的自由主义。", "output": "The worst thing about this school is that it is very liberal.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n无论多么无效或制度缺陷,议会(如法院)都阻碍了强有力的执政。", "output": "No matter how ineffective or institutionally flawed, parliaments, like courts, stood in the way of strong executive.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n随着新技术的出现,企业将能够将这些数据转化于客户、自己的供应链及自身有益的极其宝贵的洞见。", "output": "With new technologies on the horizon, businesses will be able to turn that data into incredibly valuable insights about their customers, their supply chains, and themselves.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n英语作为至少70个国家的官方或特殊地位。", "output": "English has some special status as official or second language in more than 70 countries.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n作为一名年轻球员,我知道拥有水下海豚腿不仅会很棒,而且会让我看起来像水中的超级巨星。", "output": "As a young age grouper I knew having an underwater dolphin kick would be not only like, super awesome, but it would make me look like a total superstar in the water.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n北京京西国际学校是一所领先的国际IB世界学校。", "output": "The Western Academy of Beijing is a leading international IB World school.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n)Sun Herald正在为卡特里娜飓风的幸存者举办一个以便与亲人联系,找到住房或发布损坏报告。", "output": "Sun Herald is hosting an online message board for survivors of Hurricane Katrina to reach loved ones, find housing or post damage reports.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n然后,大多数人被带到奥斯威辛集中营,那里只有不到100人生还", "output": "Most were then entrained to the Auschwitz concentration camp, where fewer than 100 survived.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n服務對象年齡: 8歲 - 成年人", "output": "Recommended for ages 8—adults", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在以色列,国家救援服务部门表示至少有7人受伤,其中包括一名情况危急的19岁士兵。", "output": "In Israel, the national rescue service said at least seven people were wounded, including a 19-year-old soldier who was in critical condition.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我不能忍受再多一天这样的日子。", "output": "cannot endure another day like this.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n與其他人合作以降低環境影響", "output": "Working with others to reduce our environmental impact", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n其中1525052名患者报道发病,涉及23种不同的恶性肿瘤类型。", "output": "Among them, 1525052 cases were reported, involving 23 different types of malignant tumor.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n美国呼吁阿萨德下台,希拉里克林顿说他可能被视为战争罪犯。", "output": "The U.S. has called for him to step down, and Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton said he could be considered a war criminal.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n第192章 不講信用的男人", "output": "1962 Third of a Man Uncredited", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这片高原的争端构成了整个战役。", "output": "The dispute over this plateau constituted the whole battle.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n上一篇 :澳大利亚,印度尼西亚考虑联合南海巡逻", "output": "1 November 2016: Australia, Indonesia consider joint South China Sea naval patrols", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n英国,作为全球海上风电的领导者,拥有全球最大的海上风电装机规模。", "output": "The UK, as the world leader in offshore wind power, has the largest offshore wind power installed capacity in the world.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n而且有数以万计的拷贝。", "output": "Tens of thousands of copies.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n记住马克思的战斗性是至关重要的。", "output": "It is essential to remember Marx’s militancy.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我的外甥們就是這樣。", "output": "My nephews are that way.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n美国国家卫生研究院(NIH)建议男性和女性每天应分别摄取约11毫克和8毫克的锌。", "output": "The National Institutes of Health (NIH) recommend that men and women should aim to get around 11 milligrams and 8 milligrams of zinc, respectively, every day.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n龙舟,她的工作和咨询癌症患者和新的幸存者是她的生命线。", "output": "Dragon boating, her work and counselling cancer patients and new survivors were her lifelines.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我甚至使用过翻译应用程序。", "output": "I have even helped with translations.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n造性提供了较多的空间。", "output": "Category SE offers more space.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n就像說某一物件比另一物件更完美是荒謬的一樣,說神的真理的一個啟示比另一個更低級或更高級也是荒謬的。", "output": "Just as it is absurd to speak of some entity as more perfect than another, so also one revelation of God’s truth cannot be held as inferior or superior to another.45", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n成人或兒童有多少客人:", "output": "How many adults and children?:", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他给了我一切到来之前必要的信息。", "output": "I received all the necessary instructions before arrival.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n与此同时,手机上的配套Android Wear手表管理应用,Google也做了一个中国版。", "output": "At the same time, the phone's supporting Wear Android watch management applications, Google also made a Chinese version.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他的儿子很快意识到留在这里的风险远远超过了任何潜在的收益,第二天他就辞职了。", "output": "His son quickly realized the risks of staying in the company anymore and he quit the very next day.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n事实上,在项目中的任何地方都可以进行任何CRISP-DM步骤,同样商业理解也可以存在于任何一个步骤。", "output": "In fact, any CRISP-DM phase can continue throughout the project, and this is as true for Business Understanding as it is for any other phase.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n武器购买协议对安卡拉与莫斯科的友谊来说太重要了。", "output": "The deal is too important to Ankara’s friendship with Moscow.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”您如何看待这两个标签?", "output": "What do you think of the two labels?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n對於很多人來說,心理治療是心理和情緒問題的一種有效的治療選擇。", "output": "For a lot of people getting psychological treatment is deemed to be an effective and efficient option for emotional and mental problems.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你将能兼顾应用大小和性能。", "output": "This will help you to compare the weight and dimensions.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但对于许多企业来说,这个过程并没有像它们希望的那样快。", "output": "But for many businesses, the process isn’t happening as quickly as they’d like.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n购买者姓名(如与上述不同)", "output": "Name of Initial Purchaser (if different from above)", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n贯彻执行这些解决方案,可以改变企业看待客户价值和内部运作模式的方式。", "output": "The implementation of these solutions could change how these enterprises view customer value and internal operating model today.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但我相信这句话不会让你信服。", "output": "But I know that won’t convince you.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n因为在这个星球上,存在一个伟大的真理:不论你是谁,不论你... (26回应)", "output": "There is one great truth on this planet: Whoever you are, or whatever it is that you do,", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n当我最不期望的时候,答案可能会出现在水面上。", "output": "Maybe when I least expect it, an answer will fall out of the sky.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n作为一个作家,我很不高兴,作为编辑,我讨厌,作为一个人,我恶心。", "output": "As a writer, I was appalled...as a human, I was disgusted.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n阿姆斯特丹是几条访问荷兰无数亮点的路线的出发点。", "output": "Amsterdam is the starting point for several routes that will have you visit countless highlights in Holland.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在以色列,13%的人口是素食者。", "output": "In Israel 13% of the population are vegetarians.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n家庭甚至为我们提供了列车时刻表。", "output": "The receptionist also informed us of the train timetable.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n社区和其他利益相关者的参与也是行动中不可或缺的一部分。", "output": "The participation of communities and other stakeholders is also an integral part of this exercise.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n「她有一雙大眼睛!」", "output": "She had two eyes!\"", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n基因泰克在1978年宣布生产转基因生产的人胰岛素。", "output": "Genentech announced the production of genetically engineered human insulin in 1978.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n- 紧急情况下的SOS模式。", "output": "– SOS in case of emergency.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n数十亿年以后,这颗行星的表面温度将最终达到与木星一样的水平。", "output": "In billions of years, the planet will eventually reach a temperature similar to that of Jupiter.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n价格上的贴金的房间和夜间。", "output": "Average room rates and prices per night.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在2012年扩张的800多家店铺中,阿迪达斯将其中的2/3开进了三四线以下的城市。", "output": "In the last year, expanding more than 800 shops, Adidas will be one of two / three drove into the three or four lines below the city.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n那认为地上的事物就是主要福利,那尽他一生的努力、务求获得属世财富的人,实在是在作着拙劣不幸的投资。", "output": "He who looks at earthly things as the chief good, he who spends his life in an effort to gain worldly riches, is indeed making a poor investment.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n然而,他们并没有一个解决数据流瓶颈的计划——从数据存储到分析层。", "output": "However, they do not have a plan to resolve bottlenecks in data flow - all the way from the data-store to the analytical layer.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n而除了不到10%的刑事案件外,绝大多数是民商事案件及民商事案件引发的执行案件。", "output": "Less than 1% of all inspections result in civil penalty or criminal cases.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n圣地亚哥伊斯兰中心(ICSD)的太阳能电池板。", "output": "Solar panel at the Islamic Center of San Diego (ICSD).", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你有一个迷人的妻子,瓦登先生,还有一个非常漂亮的女儿。", "output": "You have a charming wife, Mr Varden, and a most beautiful daughter.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他表示,价格将由市场决定。", "output": "indicate that the price will be determined by the market.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“这是一个混杂的袋子。", "output": "“This is a mixed bag.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n改变,发生在怀孕之后。", "output": "All that changes after pregnancy.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n马诺洛·巴尔德斯 (生于1942年)是居住在纽约的西班牙艺术家,油漆,雕塑,混合媒介工作。", "output": "Manolo Valdés, born 1942, is a Spanish artist residing in New York, working in paint, sculpture, and mixed media. ...", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我无法阻止他,山姆。", "output": "I can't stand it, Sam.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果你发信到像都柏林那样的大城市,或许不需要写县名。", "output": "If you're sending a letter to a major city like Dublin, you probably don't need the county.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n律制度的不健全,使得企业的。", "output": "The instability in regulations makes doing business difficult.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n無論是靈感的浪漫、親情、友情或神性,這個強大的情感是人類的心臟。", "output": "Whether inspired by romance, family, friendship, or God, this powerful emotion is at the heart of humanity.\"", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果没有设备,则必须手动安装。", "output": "If not, it needs to be manually installed.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这160公里的线路被分割为14部分,每部分的长度在7公里至21公里之间。", "output": "This trail is broken down into 14 different sections, each ranging between 7 and 21 kilometers long.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nYUM 提供了命令行界面用于和 RPM 系统交互。", "output": "YUM provides a command-line interface for interacting with the RPM system.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n废话,废话,哇!像永恒一样,临床,不可避免的,因为缓慢奔驰的心脏本身。", "output": "As eternal, clinical, inevitable as the slow gallop of the heart itself.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这是20世纪70年代初著名的“乒乓外交”的第二阶段,这件事让两国关系更加紧密。", "output": "This was the second stage in the famous “ping-pong diplomacy” of the early 1970s, which helped bring the countries together.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在床的另一边,一个穿黑衣服的女人在哭。", "output": "On the other side of the bed, a woman in black was crying.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n德哈耶认为,在回答卡罗尔时,SCL承认,即使作为美国人,他也有权获得自己的数据。", "output": "In answering Carroll at all, Dehaye argued, SCL conceded that even as an American, he was entitled to his data.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“显然,这起案件中的指控令人深感不安。", "output": "“Obviously, the allegations in this case are profoundly disturbing.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n现在知道我们为和平而来,没有战争。", "output": "Now know we come in peace, not in war.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n世界上很少有城市像北京这样具有无穷的历史魅力。", "output": "There are few cities in the world that are as historically fascinating as Beijing.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他说,美国谴责巴塞罗那发生的恐袭事件,并且将竭尽一切可能提供帮助。", "output": "The United States condemns the terror attack in Barcelona and will do whatever is necessary to help.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n全国检察机关共起诉此类案件2663人。", "output": "The Tax Ministry revealed 2,662 such cases.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n到目前为止,构造函数已经能够创建一个普通对象,然后为新对象指定本地的属性和属性值。", "output": "So far, the constructor function has created a generic object and then specified local properties and values for the new object.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我不知道任何拉丁文。", "output": "(I don't know any Latin.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我們知道各種各樣的事物都如此。", "output": "We know all those kinds of things.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n10秒是用户保持注意力集中在操作上的极限。", "output": "(3) 10 seconds is about the limit for keeping the user’s attention focused on the dialogue.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n” 甚至以1961年的标准,她结婚还是太早了。", "output": "Even by the standards of 1961, she was young to be married.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“我很荣幸被董事会选中领导这家非凡的公司。", "output": "“I am honoured to have been selected by the Board to lead this extraordinary company.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这是中国教会需要学习的重要功课,因为它正崛起成为一股世界力量。", "output": "This is a vital lesson for the Chinese church to learn as it rises to become a world power.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们的年轻和进取心,我们的多元性和开放性,我们对冒险和改革的无限包容,都意味着未来依然非我们莫属。", "output": "Our youth and drive, our diversity and openness, our boundless capacity for risk and reinvention means that the future should be ours.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n当了43年共和党人和10年共和党议员后,美国堪萨斯州参议员芭芭拉·波利耶宣布要更换政党了。", "output": "When the 43-year Republican and the 10-year Republican Party After the lawmakers, Senator Barbara Bollier of Kansas, the United States, announced that he would change the party.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n自上任以来的一年里,特朗普政府一直在努力减轻环境立法,该行业认为这是增长的负担。", "output": "In the year since coming to office, Trump`s administration has worked to ease environmental legislation, which industry considers a burden on growth.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n有时候我们需要放弃一些漂亮的进攻,去赢得一个好的结果。", "output": "Sometimes, you have to give up something good to get something great.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n世界并不太平,和平需守护。", "output": "The world is not peaceful and peace needs to be defended.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n该禁令将于16日生效。", "output": "The ban goes into effect Dec. 16.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们的研究还表明,在大约八种治疗方法之后,最大的收益是产生的。", "output": "'Our study also showed that the maximum benefit occurred after about eight treatments.'", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n财务支持证明可以采取银行结单或财务赞助人的信件的形式,表明你可以支付学费、住宿和生活费用。", "output": "Proof of financial support can take the form of bank statements or a letter from your financial sponsor, showing you can cover your tuition fees, accommodation and living costs.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n布什总统星期四晚间将发表全国电视讲话。", "output": "President Bush is scheduled to give a televised speech Thursday.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n温克尔曼说,遇难者中包括72名德国人,35名西班牙人,2名美国人。", "output": "Now AP quotes Germanwings CEO as saying that the plane victims include 35 Spaniards, 72 German citizens and 2 Americans.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们的态度是不为公司牺牲国家利益和国家的改革开放政策。", "output": "Our attitude is not to sacrifice the national interests of our company and the national open reform policy.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n另外,还有环境心理学这一新学科(或者说整体概念),帮助进行良好的设计。", "output": "Additionally, there is a relatively new science (or rather a holistic perspective) called environmental psychology, which may help you to make a better designs.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n的ESR的结果报告为透明流体的毫米(等离子体)这是存在于一个小时(毫米/小时)之后的该管的顶部。", "output": "Sedimentation rate test results are reported as millimeters of clear fluid (plasma) present at the top portion of the tube after one hour (mm/hr).", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n她喜欢巧克力,且只喜欢黑巧克力,越黑越好。", "output": "He said: “She likes chocolate, but only dark chocolate, the darker the better.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n只有2%的瑞士公司可以符合D&B等級證書的條件。", "output": "Only two percent of Swiss companies fulfill the requirements for the Rating Certificate.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n小心,“野蛮人”来了", "output": "Beware, \"The Benefactor\" is coming.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”有时他们谈论严肃的问题。", "output": "Sometimes we talk about serious things.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“你不能这样抱孩子。", "output": "“You can’t carry your baby like this.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n·2015年世界献血者日主题:感谢您挽救我的生命", "output": "Theme of the World Blood Donor Day 2015: Thank you for saving my life", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n然而,虽然你有赏金,但你不能使用驿站马车快速旅行。", "output": "However, while you do have a bounty you can’t use stagecoach fast travel.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们的产品、服务、品牌与声誉", "output": "Our Products, Services, Brands and Reputation", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n塞勒斯哈丁的第一保健是发现花岗岩的房子前面的位置。", "output": "Cyrus Harding's first care was to find out the position of the front of Granite House from the outside.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n1992年取得会计师职称", "output": "Certified as a Public Accountant in 1992", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n其他较小的经销商可能无法提供汽车贷款,这将是另一个原因通过金融公司申请贷款。", "output": "Other, smaller dealerships may not offer car loans, which would be another reason to apply for a loan through a financing company.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n非常害羞的天性,他已经严重依赖妻子的支持。", "output": "Intensely shy by nature, he had come to depend heavily on his wife’s support.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n除其他外,应考虑微服务架构。", "output": "Micro-services architecture should be considered among others.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n2011年,一個巨大的戶外自動扶梯被建立在了哥倫比亞第二大城市最貧困的地區之一。", "output": "A huge outdoor escalator has been unveiled in one of the poorest districts of Colombia's second largest city.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n2 Responses to “一首特別的天倫之歌,及其他”", "output": "2 responses on “A New And Also Very Old Song”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n报道称,在过去的三天里,美国7个州共计报告了52次龙卷风。", "output": "In the past three days, 52 tornadoes were reported across seven states.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n新功能将在Facebook群组全球范围内在欧洲冠军联赛足球比赛等体育赛事中进行测试。", "output": "The new feature will be tested globally in Facebook Groups during live sports events like UEFA Champions League soccer matches.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nKnud Brix(生于1922年)被聘为Herbert Schou的私人秘书,并成为财务部的成员。", "output": "Knud Brix (born in 1922) is employed as a personal secretary to Herbert Schou and a member of the financial department.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n该中心对枪支暴力的公共卫生措施包括关注亲密伙伴暴力、人际暴力、药物滥用和精神健康等根源。", "output": "The Rutgers-based center’s public health approach to gun violence will include a focus on root causes such as intimate partner violence, interpersonal violence, substance abuse and mental health.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n然而,由于主观和客观的诸多原因,将发展西北社会经济与加强国防和安全相结合仍存在一定的局限性。", "output": "However, for many reasons, both subjective and objective, there still remain certain weaknesses in the combination between socio-economic development and defence and security enhancement in the region.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果这样认定,则存在一个逻辑的悖论:", "output": "If such is the case, we have a logical paradox...", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他带着一副无法相信的脸孔,对她说:", "output": "With an impudent face she said to him…", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n与数以千计的鱼群互动,它们会按程序对你、彼此和捕食者作出回应。", "output": "Interact with schools of thousands of fish that procedurally respond to you, each other, and predators.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“我们也将加倍承诺维持经济开放并重振全球贸易,作为提振全球增长的重要手段。", "output": "“We will also redouble our commitment to maintain economic openness and reinvigorate global trade as a critical means to boost global growth.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n劳动密集型产业也可以将现代电子,IT和其他技术引入该行业。", "output": "Labor-intensive industries can also modern electronics, \"IT\" and other technologies into the industry.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n最新的財務報告顯示了一個很大的改善,特別是在2008臭名昭著的經濟衰退之後。", "output": "The latest financial report shows a great improvement especially after the infamous recession of 2008.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果我伤心所面临的是父母要求他们失去了男孩,我只是要求我丢失的球体――或者问他们的意思。", "output": "If I was faced by sorrowing parents demanding their lost boy, I had merely to demand my lost sphere--or ask them what they meant.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n勞工及福利局局長:不是。", "output": "The Minister of Finance and Personnel: No.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在前一階段,您需要提交有關中國業務形成的必要文件。", "output": "In the former stage, you need to submit required documents regarding the business formation in China.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这一确认意味着,我们已经通过了严格的安全、管理和行动评估。", "output": "The confirmation means that we have passed rigorous security, management and operations assessments.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n软分叉是软件协议中的一种更改,其中以前有效的区块和交易变为无效。", "output": "Soft fork is a change to the software protocol where only previously valid blocks/transactions are made invalid.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n排除2017年末香港国际机场特许经营权终止的影响,内生性营收同比增长14%。", "output": "Excluding the impact of the termination of the Hong Kong International Airport concessions at the end of 2017, organic growth was 14%.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n欧盟委员会计划在夏季与会议完成磋商,并将在今年晚些时候公布一项行动计划。", "output": "The EC plans to complete the consultation process with a conference in the summer and will publish an action plan later in the year.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“白小姐,你的声音为什么听起来很愉悦?”", "output": "\"Hi Mom, why do you sound so happy?\"", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n10多万国际学生选择加拿大在2013年!", "output": "More than 200,000 international students were issued study permits to study in Canada in 2013!", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我在那里接受了培训,关于如何开办企业,以及管理和经营企业,就是如何将我的产品推向市场、如何销售。", "output": "I received training there on how to set up a business, and manage and run a business — how to bring my product to market and how to sell.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这对她来说是多么痛苦。", "output": "How painful that was for her.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n而25-29岁的年龄组,该比例则从15.7%升至17%。", "output": "Whereas, for 25 to 29-year-olds, it increased from 15.7 per cent to 17 per cent.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n您的证书充当您的美国公民身份的证明。", "output": "The certificate is a proof of your U.S. citizenship.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n目前,我认为你可能是安全的。", "output": "For now, I think you are safe.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n冥王星依然停留在此区间双双掌管人际关系的第7宫,可能激起某些事情。", "output": "Pluto still resides in your 7th house of relationships and may stir things up.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n此外,密封毛刷的质量也很重要,它贴于门的背面。", "output": "In addition, the quality of the sealing brush is also important, it is attached to the opposite side of the door.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n2016年,這四個城市的R&D經費支出已佔去全省82%,有關科研實力不容小覷。", "output": "In 2016, the R&D spending of these four cities accounted for 82% of that of the whole province, an indication of their strength in technology research.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n57.第57章 開排", "output": "Forward to Clause 57", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n它是有形的和透明的。", "output": "It is tangible and transparent.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n见过实车后我发现,其实它看起来还是挺不错的。", "output": "When on the car, I felt that it looked really well.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nPS:这个故事发生在未来战的十一年后。", "output": "Q: This all happened just 11 years after the Civil War.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n越来越多的品牌开始使用LinkedIn来监测对话、与消费者和影响者建立联系。", "output": "More brands will leverage LinkedIn to monitor conversations and connect with customers and influencers.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n并且同时你也会学习到如何通过 SSH 命令连接到虚拟机。", "output": "You will also learn how to connect to the virtual machines via SSH.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n符合社会保障条件的工人可以在62岁时开始缴费,无论他们的退休年龄是多少。", "output": "Employees who are qualified for Social Security benefits can begin payments once they reach 62, no matter what their full retirement age is.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这允许汽车的所有者显示他们想要向在他们后面或在他们附近驾驶的人呈现的消息。", "output": "This allows the owner of the car to display a message they want to present to whoever is driving behind them or in their vicinity.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n不过,随着我们进入AR 3D互联网,我们和计算机的交互方式将发生永久性的改变。", "output": "However, as we move into an augmented reality (AR) 3D internet, the way we interact with computers will permanently change.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n之数盖万有一千五百二十。", "output": "It owns is one hundred twenty-five.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n此次会议的主题是:“另一种世界是可能的”。", "output": "The theme of the forum is \"Another world is possible.\"", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这是个荒唐愚蠢的想法。", "output": "What a ridiculously stupid idea.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n““你对女人确实有办法。", "output": "You really have a way with women.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“北京应立即允许他们前往第三国。", "output": "“Beijing should immediately allow them to travel to a third country.” ......", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n《儿童的一百种语言 : 转型时期的瑞吉欧·艾米利亚经验(第3版)》", "output": "The hundred languages of children: The Reggio Emilia experience in transformation (3rd ed.) .", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”狗叫提供更多的能源,成为沉默的三倍。", "output": "The dog barked three times with increased energy and became silent.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n罗斯福总统签署了一份行政命令,要求日裔迁移至太平洋海岸,居住在曼扎拿这样的安置营里。", "output": "President Roosevelt signed an executive order that required people of Japanese ancestry living along the pacific coasts to be placed in relocation camps like Manzanar.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n她不是不想,而是不敢。", "output": "She didn't want to, and didn't dare to.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n它是葡萄酒的主要成分。", "output": "These are the main ingredient in wine.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n同行评审的这种挖掘确定了人工智能可以处理医学图像以提取生物和临床信息。", "output": "This tap of the peer-reviewed wand establishes that artificial intelligence can process medical images to extract biological and clinical information.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nXcel Energy是一家公用事业公司,主要业务集中在中西部。", "output": "Xcel Energy is a utility with operations focused mostly on the Midwest.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n致力于研究且喜欢挑战的学生应考虑工商管理(MBA论文)计划。", "output": "Students committed to research who enjoy a challenge should consider the Business Administration ( MBA Thesis) program.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n说是这么说,可谁特喵的知道这样的事儿到底要什么时候才能结束。", "output": "Seriously: How can anyone possibly know when this damn thing will end?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们更接近实现盈利,因为我们在过去5个季度保持了相对平稳的成本结构,同时全年收入同比增长43%。", "output": "We are substantially closer to achieving profitability, as we have maintained a relatively flat cost structure across the past five quarters while growing full-year revenue 43 percent year-over-year.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这些发现减少了客户分析故障所花费的时间。", "output": "These findings reduced the amount of time it took the customer to analyze the failures.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n该活动还将促进已建立的组织,计划和帮助儿童克服他们在现代世界中长大的一些问题的人员。", "output": "The campaign will also work to promote the people, organizations, and programs that are helping children overcome the issues they face growing up.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n更不用說,私立學校有最新和最好的教學工具,為您的孩子。", "output": "Not to mention, private schools also have the most effective and latest teaching tools for your kids.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n哥顿布鲁是世界知名的教育机构之一,专门从事餐馆,酒店,旅游和美食,于1895年在巴黎成立。", "output": "Le Cordon Bleu, one of the world's most prominent organisations dedicated to culinary, hospitality and tourism education, was founded in Paris in 1895.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n园区的规模还可以进一步扩张。", "output": "The area of the park can further be extended.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n然後討論的第二件事,我記得很清楚,是關於日本為什麼不願意在中國金融業裡製造混亂。", "output": "And then the second thing that came out that I recall quite clearly was mention of Japanese reluctance to create havoc within the Chinese financial sectors.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nRCS 經常被與 iMessage 比較,因為它能提供群組聊天室、高解析度相片分享和已讀回條。", "output": "RCS has often been compared to iMessage,offering features like group chat, high-res photo sharing and read receipts.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n高街时尚的Marylebone是一件容易的步行路程。", "output": "Trendy Marylebone High Street is an easy walk.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n稍後公布的《香港藝術界年度調查報告2017/18》將有更詳細分析。", "output": "Detailed analysis will be covered in the Hong Kong Annual Arts Survey Report 2017/18 to be published later.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n企业策略及品牌产品重组", "output": "Product strategy and product label re-design", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但是他无法理解,为什么这只猫被活。", "output": "He couldn’t understand why the cat was outside though.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nPANGEA作为开放存取库运行,旨在存档、发布和分发来自地球系统研究的地理参考数据。", "output": "The information system PANGAEA is operated as an open-access library aimed at archiving, publishing, and distributing geo-referenced data from earth system research.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“我已经认识并与Wayne LaPierre合作了30多年,我认识这个人。", "output": "\"I have known and worked with Wayne LaPierre for over 30 years and I know this man.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n卓儿身后的大桥是中国和俄罗斯一起建立的,称为友谊大桥。", "output": "The bridge that connects Nepal and China is called the Friendship Bridge.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我有周游世界和旅行的方法,这些方法对我很有帮助,使我从A点到达B点也很不错。", "output": "I’ve had ways of moving about the world and travelling which have served me well and got me from point A to point B quite fine.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n分析人士認為這種成長趨勢將會持續,這已經改變了企業的營運方式。", "output": "Analysts believe that the growth trend will continue and this has changed the way enterprises carry out their business.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n请注意,任何要求删除或更新您的联系方式可能需要3-4天。", "output": "Please note that any requests to remove or update your contact information may take 1 - 3 business days to take effect.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n北京视达赖喇嘛为危险的分裂分子。", "output": "Beijing regards the Dalai Lama as a dangerous separatist.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们需要一种新的秩序来恢复天堂和地狱之间 的平衡。", "output": "We aspired to a new order that might restore the balance between heaven and hell.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这是一个星期五的晚上,桑迪刚刚经过巴哈马群岛,被东南部一个普通的冷锋所笼罩。", "output": "It was a Friday night, and Sandy had just passed the Bahamas and was being enveloped by an ordinary cold front coming off the Southeast.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n直接向我负责的有十名副秘书、八十七名次级副秘书以及二百一十九名助理秘书。", "output": "Directly responsible to me are 10 Deputy Secretaries, 87 Under Secretaries and 219 Assistant Secretaries.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n1998年,在俄勒冈州的蓝山山脉发现了一株更大的球蜜环菌。", "output": "In 1998, an even bigger cloned network of honey mushrooms was discovered in Oregon's Blue Mountains.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n虽然只有49%的零售商正在使用物联网技术,但其中81%的人表示,客户体验得到了改善。", "output": "Just 49% of retailers are using IOT technology, but 81% of these report improved customer experiences.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他所允诺给我们的“集体自由”并不是社会成员的自由,而只是计划者对社会的为所欲为的无限制的自由", "output": "Collective freedom…is not the freedom of the members of society but the unlimited freedom of the planner to do with society what he pleases.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这次演讲代表加拿大央行对该国金融稳定问题进行半年度更新。", "output": "The speech served as the central bank’s six-month update on Canada’s financial-system stability.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“叔叔,谢谢你帮我去上学,这极大地改变了我的生活。", "output": "Thank you for helping me stay at a school that has completely changed my life.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们为您就使用和披露您的个人信息用于营销目的提供了多种选择。", "output": "We give you many choices regarding our use and revelation of your Personal Information for marketing purposes.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n正好查看一下选择红包的东西。", "output": "Look at something for the red selection box", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n塑料已成为钛白粉的第二大用户。", "output": "The plastics industry has become the second largest user of titanium dioxide.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这自然beatitude是最低的一种幸福是上帝,在他的善良和智慧,可以授予对无罪的人。", "output": "This natural beatitude is the lowest kind of felicity which God, in His goodness and wisdom, can grant to sinless man.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我担心会伤到它,担心红色的叶子会流血。", "output": "I plan to wash it but I am scared that the red strap might bleed.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n周日,中国政府批准了四个注册商标申请,包括幼儿护理中心,太阳镜和婚纱礼服。", "output": "Four trademarks, including child care centers, sunglasses and wedding dresses, were approved on Sunday.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n同时,如果你身处一群不孕不育的朋友圈,希望为未怀孕的女性提供一定程度的关注和关怀。", "output": "At the same time, if you’re in a circle of friends who all struggled with infertility, expect to provide some level of concern and care to women who become pregnant, too.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们最大的债主是中国人。", "output": "Their biggest creditor is China.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n目前Burberry已经在大中国区开了7家店,其中5家在香港。", "output": "Burberry opened seven stores this year in the region, of which five were in Hong Kong.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n此页面列出了这些资源,包括在校园内的机密资源。", "output": "This page outlines those resources, including confidential resources on campus.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n今年1月,福特首次成功在雪地环境中测试了无人驾驶汽车。", "output": "Last January, Ford successfully tested one of its self-driving cars in the snow for the first time.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他看看我,好像我剛說了一句蠢話似的。", "output": "He looked at me like I'd just said something stupid.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你能在他的手机上找到很多信息。", "output": "It can take up a lot of data on your phone.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n该研究对美国家庭所受经济影响的分析表明,全民医疗保险将成为工人阶级的重大胜利。", "output": "The PERI study’s analysis on the economic impact on American families makes clear that Medicare for All will be a major victory for the working class.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在同等工作条件下,其使用寿命至少比高錳鋼錘頭提高I倍以上。", "output": "Under the same working conditions, its service life is at least doubled than that of high manganese steel hammer.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n儘管會晤最終沒有成效,但在整個春季和夏季,外交仍在繼續進行。", "output": "Despite the fact that these talks were unproductive, diplomatic exchange continued throughout the spring and summer.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n更多的资源为学生 open_in_new", "output": "More resources for students open_in_new", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我看到的是一隻魔鬼。", "output": "What I saw was Satan.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n不過我有些好消息可以給這些非專業人士:一般投資人其實並不需要這個技能。", "output": "I have good news for these non-professionals: The typical investor doesn’t need this skill.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“我经常感觉很孤单,我在台湾是一个人,爸爸妈妈、George 也都不在,他们都在好远的地方。", "output": "\"I often feel very lonely, I am a person in Taiwan, Mom and dad, George is not in, they are in a good distance.\"", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我爸爸是个工程师,我也有工程师的头脑。", "output": "Ed had an engineer’s mind, and I have an engineer’s mind too.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我也喝了一杯清咖啡,一如往常。", "output": "I did prepare a mug of coffee, as usual.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n然而,就像所有人一样,有时候你很爱自己的兄弟姐妹,有时候又会很讨厌他们。", "output": "But, like everyone else, sometimes you will love your brother or sister, and sometimes you will hate them.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n根据2009年的一项研究,只有十分之一的美国制造业业务涉及大量的能源成本。", "output": "A 2009 study reported that only one-tenth of US manufacturing came from the energy industry.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n将进口创新药特别是急需的抗癌药及时纳入医保报销目录", "output": "Imported innovative drugs, especially much-needed cancer drugs, will be incorporated into the catalogue of medical insurance reimbursement.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们确信您将享受在Kaplan国际芝加哥分校的学习时光。", "output": "We are certain that you will enjoy your study and your stay at the Kaplan center in Chicago.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在1705年,愛德蒙·哈雷應用牛頓的方法分析了在1337年至1698年間出現的23顆彗星。", "output": "In 1705, Edmond Halley applied Newton's method to twenty-three cometary apparitions that had occurred between 1337 and 1698.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n旅行传统开始从机场或火车站。", "output": "Travel traditionally starts from the airport or railway station.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n当他们帮助别人,诚实,有秩序并注重细节的时候是最幸运的。", "output": "They attracts the most good fortune when they are helpful, honest, orderly, and pays attention to details.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”请允许我重新措辞。", "output": "“Allow me to re-phrase.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n第一幕,場景二:現在,英雄真的開始質疑他是否要繼續這個旅程。", "output": "Act I, Scene 2: now the Hero really starts to question whether he wants to go on this journey.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n当初干臣把他从狱中接到家里。", "output": "So Keith followed him from prison back home.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n帮助对妇女赋权是朝正确方向迈出的重要一步。", "output": "Educating women is a big step in the right direction.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果发现潜在的危险废物,但不知道如何处理,请务必咨询环保主管部门。", "output": "If you think you have hazardous waste, but are not sure, contact the Environment Agency for advice.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n此时国内鞋企正在创建属于自己的品牌;国际鞋业品牌也正瞄准中国市场。", "output": "At this point, the domestic shoe enterprises are creating their own brand; this time the international footwear brand is targeting the Chinese market.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n现实中你的声音很浑厚。", "output": "Your voice is really soothing in real life.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n问题23到25是基于你刚才听到的那段话。", "output": "Questions 19-22 are based on the conversation you have just heard.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我覺得你可以出書了~真的!", "output": "Her writing book, You Can Write—Really!", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nVan Deursen说,继续回答基础生物学问题就是这类研究最有力的成功。", "output": "Van Deursen says that continuing to answer basic biological questions is the field’s best shot at success.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这些物质在发生原子核反应时释放出能量。", "output": "These substances release energy when the nuclear reaction occurs.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n仇外心理是一种疾病。", "output": "Radicalism is a disease.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nLieberman再次援引采猎者模型以分析运动的动机,他称之为“胡萝卜和大棒”。", "output": "Lieberman returns to the hunter-gatherer model in dissecting the motivations for activity, which he describes in terms of carrots and sticks.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n该机还将dpi设置为200%,这使windows10的用户界面太大,儿使用150%则是最佳。", "output": "Lenovo also set the DPI level to 200 percent for some reason which makes the Windows 10 UI a little too big, and I found it much more comfortable to use at 150 percent.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n注意:是矩阵的乘法。", "output": "Note that this is matrix multiplication.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“那怎么才能破他这一门功夫?”", "output": "How might I break him of this habit?\"", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果没有“实际而可持续的办法来减少全球温室气体的排放量”,全球变暖带来的影响会越来越严重。", "output": "Each warning about what will happen if there is not \"substantial and sustained reductions in global greenhouse-gas emissions\" has been more dreadful than the last.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我確實相信這裡涉及到電視和網絡。", "output": "I really believe in integrating internet and television.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在没有任何正式和法律名称前,它几乎从未在酒的标签上使用过(尽管它偶尔会出现在背标)。", "output": "Far from being an officially defined or legal term, it is almost never used for wine labeling purposes, although it occasionally appears on back labels.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n,也可表示为 a , a ?", "output": "Can also create, a.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我完全不懂美國文化。", "output": "I do not quite understand the American school culture.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n新兴市场货币将受益于美联储降息", "output": "Emerging Market Currencies benefit from the ECB", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n#30495;诚期待着与您合作。", "output": "3509. i'm looking forward to working with you", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但像俄罗斯一样,过去十年来中国一直更积极地使用其他形式的影响。", "output": "But, like Russia, China has been far more active using other forms of influence over the last decade.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n昨晚已有16人死亡。", "output": "Last year, 16 people were killed.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n聲明說:「有關2026年FIFA世界盃申辦程序的進一步決定將在稍後舉行的FIFA執行委員會中討論。", "output": "\"Further decisions regarding the 2026 FIFA World Cup bidding process will be discussed by the FIFA Executive Committee at a later date.\"", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在爱的洗礼下,同学们誓言要更加坚强,乐观,拼搏着度过生命中的每一天。", "output": "According to God's word then, the faithful are getting brighter and sharper every day and all things are working to their good.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n人口统计数据、性健康诊所数据、国家免疫登记数据均通过患者独特的个人标识符进行链接。", "output": "Demographic data, sexual health clinic data and the National Immunisation Register were linked using a unique identifier.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n\"从来没有人看过结合 PPIs 和阿司匹林, 以预防癌症。", "output": "“And no one had ever looked at combining PPIs and aspirin before for cancer prevention.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“我总是在不断改换自己的造型,尝试新的东西。", "output": "“I’m always evolving, changing production styles, trying new things.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n说这是他的日本名字。", "output": "That is its Japanese name.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但在迅猛发展的中国科技业,“先投资、再获批”的模式成了主流。", "output": "Yet in the fast-moving Chinese tech industry, an “invest first, get approval later” model has prevailed.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n登革热在热带每年感染大约 1 亿人,每年有 40000 人因此而死亡。", "output": "Dengue fever infects around 100 million people in the tropics each year, killing 40,000 people annually.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n動作代碼 = 51:上傳某個想要的檔案至 C&C 伺服器。", "output": "ACTION CODE= 51: Upload a desired file to the C&C server", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n还有去看望贫困家庭。", "output": "But we still go to visit the poor families.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n好像是第一次在costco買酒", "output": "Bought a frame for the first time at Costco.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n是不是每个人都需要求婚策划呢?", "output": "But does everyone need a wedding planner?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n所有企业都非常重视自己的形象。", "output": "Every great enterprise takes care of its image.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n因此,它可以分为许多类型。", "output": "Therefore, it can be divided into many types.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n小孩都不担心未来,他们就是享受着每一个当下。", "output": "Kids do not focus on the past or the future; they are enjoying every single moment along their way.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“是的,是一个黑色的家伙。", "output": "“Yes, he was a black man.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n每个API 请求会从桶中移除一个令牌。", "output": "Each API request removes one token from the bucket.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在这个群体中,91.3%的异常检测结果是卵巢癌,意味着假阳性率很低。", "output": "In this population, 91.3 percent of the abnormal test results were ovarian cancer cases — a very low false positive rate.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“我见过他很多次,他今年表现很好。", "output": "I’ve seen quite a lot of him and he’s done fine this year.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n到时候,他将不得不卷入战争。", "output": "In the end, he would be involved in the war.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n缄默和沉默有什么区别?", "output": "And what was the difference between silence and silencing?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但是,在几分钟后,当一名男性董事会成员说出同样的话时,每个人都会称赞他富有远见。", "output": "A few minutes later, however, a male board member might make the same comment, and everyone will praise its insightfulness.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但是我们不承诺放弃使用武力,保留采取一切必要措施的选项。", "output": "We make no promise to give up the use of military force and reserve the option of taking all necessary means.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你的操作績效將會證明你是否正確。", "output": "The simulation will let you know if you are correct.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n一个记录驾驶舱内的对话和噪音。", "output": "One records conversations and noises in the cockpit.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这比抗拒或拒绝他们要聪明得多。", "output": "This is a lot more intelligent than resisting or denying them.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nPentanoic acid 是一种短链脂肪酸,是细菌代谢产物,与过敏性皮肤病有关系。", "output": "Pentanoic acid, a short-chain fatty acid, is a product of bacterial metabolism and are associated with allergic skin disorders.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n上帝知道他是应得的。", "output": "God knows she deserves it.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n而固定橋通常用於取代一顆或多顆缺失的牙齒。", "output": "A fixed bridge is used to replace one or more missing teeth.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n沉没的韩国渡轮船长,2名船员被捕", "output": "S. Korea ferry captain, 2 crew members arrested", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n祝你好运,亨特先生,这段消息将在5秒后自动销毁...”", "output": "good luck, Jim… this tape will self-destruct in five seconds", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我都會在橋上觀察…今天划過的船。", "output": "I’ll go watch the radio controlled boats today.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n主要是因为自己爱孩子。", "output": "Primarily because I love children.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这也是您向企业家社区延伸价值的新方法。", "output": "This is just another way for you to extend your value to the entrepreneur community.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“更重要的是,欧洲和国际方面需要采取协调行动。", "output": "«Rather, there is a need for coordinated action at European and international level.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nWindows 7:2020的安全更新...", "output": "Windows 7: Paid security updates from 2020", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这种诊疗被称为 “积极监测(active surveillance)”。", "output": "That is why this type of care is called “active surveillance”.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们认为后一个场景更有道理。", "output": "I think the latter scenario makes more sense.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n以色列总理自2009年以来一直掌权。", "output": "Israel’s prime minister has been in power since 2009.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果踏上时光机,你会对过去的自己说点什么?", "output": "If you had a time machine, what would you say to your past self?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n3.岗位的两种基本类型", "output": "Two basic types of employment positions", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n奧的斯是否會與任何第三方共享收集的信息?", "output": "Does Collins share the information it collects with any third parties?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们希望投资于一个监管适当的平台,”他补充道。", "output": "We wanted to invest in a platform that was under proper regulation,” Ting added.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n约公元前6000年,新石器文化植根于尼罗河河谷。", "output": "By about 6000 BCE, a Neolithic culture rooted in the Nile Valley.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我想我开始知道你也很好。", "output": "I'm starting to think you are as well.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n然后拷问它逼它招供。", "output": "They tortured him in order to force him to confess.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们期待一段时间之后能有更美味的食物。", "output": "We hoped for better food luck later in the day.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n托斯卡纳的首府是世界上主要的旅游中心之一,可以普及与罗马和巴黎竞争。", "output": "The capital of Tuscany is one of the major tourist centers of the world and can compete in popularity with Rome and Paris.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果立法者拒绝这项交易,那么在没有过渡期的情况下离开欧盟的风险就会增加。", "output": "If legislators reject the deal, the risk of leaving the EU without a transition period rises.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“超级星期二”的结果。", "output": "Results from the Super Tuesday.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n什么是世界上最大的活的有机体?", "output": "What is the largest living organism in the world?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n保持这一姿势数3下,然后放松并重複这一动作,次数以个人的舒适程度为限。", "output": "Maintain this position for a number of 3, and then relax and repeat this action, the number of individuals to the extent of comfort.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n该委员会已经要求一些上诉法庭在法律斗争继续之时让该裁决暂停,但没有法庭这样做。", "output": "The commission has asked appeals courts to put the ruling on hold while the legal fight continues, but none of the courts have done so.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n村长向我们展示他收藏的建盏。", "output": "The proud owner showed us his collection.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他這樣不高興,他回答……", "output": "He's so unhappy, to which he replies . . .", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n; Li H,Zou Y,Ding G.與牙齒侵蝕相關的膳食因素:薈萃分析。", "output": "Li H, Zou Y, and Ding G. Dietary factors associated with dental erosion: a meta-analysis.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这是胡说八道,但你不知道,只要你继续接受他们的结论,所有这些恶毒的短语都是由这些哲学家产生的。", "output": "It is nonsense, but you don’t know it–not so long as you go on accepting all their conclusions, all the vicious catch phrases generated by those philosophers.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n智慧城市最佳解决方案奖", "output": "The Best Smart City Initiative Award", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我不认为目前的能源消耗水平令人担忧。", "output": "I don't think that the current level of energy consumption is worrisome.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n三星继续引领4G智能手机市场,其次是联想和Reliance Jio。", "output": "Samsung leads the 4G smartphone market too, followed by Lenovo and Reliance Jio.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”不是这样的,你认为,将会进行一个英语的调查。", "output": "Not so, you think, would an English inquiry be conducted.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我要求你进入我的生命 来拯救我。", "output": "Right now I ask you to come into my life and save me.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n想要重新开始人生”。", "output": "They want to start their lives over again.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n客房将分为三个区域。", "output": "Guest rooms will be divided into three areas.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n所以身份的不合法是第一条。", "output": "My natural default is article one.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n不可否认,金钱在生活中是非常重要的。", "output": "Surely money is very important in life.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n超过250,000人参加了纽约的气候行动罢工。", "output": "More than 250,000 people turned out to strike for climate action in New York.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”“这只是一种非常昂贵的燃料。", "output": "“It’s just an enormously expensive fuel.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n作为哈佛商学院的毕业生,你们有能力帮助国家做到这些以及更多,而我由衷希望你们能够做到。", "output": "“As graduates of the Harvard Business School you have the ability to help our nation do all of that and much more – and I sincerely hope that you will.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n约旦提议俄罗斯在其境内建立工业区", "output": "Russia to set up industrial zone in Zimbabwe", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nDalporto将新计划视为公司企业业务的延伸。", "output": "Dalporto sees the the new initiative as an extension of the company’s enterprise business.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n再看看时间是否允许吧 :)", "output": "Would like to watch it when time permits. :)", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n汇率为什么每天都在变?", "output": "Why exchange rates change day by day?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n其他的硬币都没有这种区分州的设计,所以只有这些 25 美分硬币有特殊的价值。", "output": "No other coins got state designs, so only quarters have this extra value.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n不少人都说现在的孩子越来越难懂了。", "output": "Nearly everyone says that it is more difficult to raise children today.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“我们的研究结果强调了注重饮食的重要性。", "output": "\"Our results show how important it is to focus on prevention.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n总会有竞争对手试图颠覆你在市场上的地位,所以一定要继续努力做得更好。", "output": "There will always be a competitor who will try to overthrow your position in the market, so always strive to be better.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n2013年,印度政府启动了国家电动交通任务计划2020 (NEMMP)。", "output": "The government of India launched the National Electric Mobility Mission Plan (NEMMP) 2020 in 2013.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n她与她的手背擦了擦眼泪,但更多了。", "output": "She wiped the tears with her hand, but more came.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n北京8月28日电中国周三宣布即将开始接受美国进口第二轮关税豁免申请。", "output": "BEIJING, Aug. 28 (Xinhua) -- China on Wednesday announced it will soon start accepting applications for exemption from its second-round of additional tariffs on U.S. imports.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这对我们即将进行的中期选举有什么影响?", "output": "So where does this lead in the current mid-term election?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n扎克伯格回应称:“如果鼓励她们成为学校的学霸可能更好,这样有可能成为下一个成功的发明家。", "output": "Zuckerberg responded by saying, \"Even better would be to encourage them be the nerd in their school so they can be the next successful inventor!\"", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n2008年,是我的旅游年。", "output": "2008 was the year of my prom.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我把它们留给了它们自己的装置。", "output": "I'm leaving them to their own devices.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果改变不了这些,全球将深陷贸易战", "output": "If these changes go through, this will mean that the entire world will be even more affected by the trade war.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n虛擬辦公室是現今商業世界中最受歡迎的商業經營模式之一。", "output": "Virtual office is one of the most popular business models in today’s business world.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我所熟知的是艺术,我将努力促进韩国和中国之间更多的文化交流。", "output": "What I know well is art and I will try to promote more cultural interchanges between Korea and China.\"", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n多年来,中国、匈牙利、墨西哥和其他16个国家的文化珍品一直与时尚和设计保持紧密的联系。", "output": "Many of these cultural treasures, from China, Hungary, Mexico and 16 other countries, have a strong link to fashion and design through the ages.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n已经建立了一种模式。", "output": "A model has been prepared.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n当Nanci怀上了我们的每一个女孩,我和她为他们准备了一个地方。", "output": "When Nanci was pregnant with each of our girls, she and I prepared a place for them.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n\"为我建造居所……一个我可以歇脚,可以坐在宝座上的地方!\"", "output": "\"Build Me A Place where My Feet can rest and I can sit on My Throne!\"", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在他于1995年退休,wyld被授予物理学名誉教授的称号。", "output": "Upon his retirement in 1995, Wyld was conferred the title of emeritus professor of physics.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n此外,它还能给你真真切切的触觉反馈,令你的 MacBook 比以前更好用、更充满个性。", "output": "And it can respond with haptic feedback you can actually feel, making your MacBook more usable and personal than ever before.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n世界上最古老的包装公司投资白色炼油厂", "output": "The world’s oldest packaging company invests in White Refinery", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n每个人都知道要想成功,你必须为自己设定目标。", "output": "Everyone knows that to be successful, you have to set yourself goals.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“这说明了很多关于他们的事情。", "output": "\"That certainly explains a lot about them.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n而且,这些人们发现,当二者混在一起、或相互交织时,甚至是有帮助的。", "output": "What’s more, these people find it even helpful when these two blend together or intertwine.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n区块链如何改变跨境支付", "output": "How Blockchain is Changing Cross-Border Payments", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n只是今天已经太晚了,就算要去,也只能等到明天了。", "output": "However, it’s already too late to leave now, I have to wait until tomorrow.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n过去几年里没有减少,相反。", "output": "Nor has the number of civil servants grown over recent years – quite the reverse.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n那么,这其中到底都有何“隐情”呢?", "output": "So what exactly is “invisible” about any of this?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n基本上,他们都是移民。", "output": "Basically, we are all immigrants.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n自那以后,哈特删除了一些反同性恋的推文,大部分都是2009-2011年的。", "output": "Hart has since deleted some of the anti-gay tweets, mostly dated from 2009-11.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我很擔心船會裂成兩半。", "output": "Such a pity that the ship was broken in two.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在此地区共居住36年。", "output": "He has lived in the region for 36 years.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你在这里可没有权力。", "output": "you have no power here.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n关于这点,我下周再与大家分享。", "output": "I will share that with everyone next week.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n退休养老更是与年龄息息相关。", "output": "Retirement Savings Correlate Closely to Age.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我們希望全球盡可能大多數用戶都能訪問到我們的服務,包括在中國大陸的用戶。", "output": "We want as many people in the world as possible to have access to our services, including users in mainland China.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nSutton说,目前,数据更适合评估相对变化而不是氨的绝对量。", "output": "Sutton says that, at the moment, the data are better for assessing relative changes rather than absolute amounts of ammonia.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n二战期间442团所获得的荣誉", "output": "The honor of the 442 regiment during World War II", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n和在中国其他地方的门店一样,这一家也出售茶和食品。", "output": "Like other locations in China, the cafe also sells tea and food.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n8. 醫療明細——不管出於什麼原因,我們喜歡談論我們的疾病和小毛病。", "output": "Medical details – For whatever reason we love to talk about our illnesses and ailments.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n來:13:3 要記得那些坐牢的人,好像你們也跟他們一起坐牢。", "output": "Heb 13:3 Remember the prisoners, as though in prison with them…", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在流动展览或者室外展览的严酷环境里,可降解的材料无法支持很长时间。", "output": "In the harsh environment of mobile exhibitions or outdoor exhibitions, degradable materials cannot support for a long time.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n护理学学位课程培养注册护士,他们是在多个专业领域为个人,家庭和社区提供支持的专业人士。", "output": "Degree Programme in Nursing produce registered nurses who are professionals in supporting individuals, families and communities in multiple fields of expertise.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n就好像在她的内心意识被揭开之前挂着的面纱,给她的观点一个未被怀疑的感情和现实的启示。", "output": "It was as if a veil that had hung before her inner consciousness had been lifted, giving to her view a revelation of unsuspected feelings and realities.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n(3) 防止任何人不當使用或在未獲授權下使用本網站,或我們就基金所提供的任何服務;或", "output": "(c) to protect against misuse or unauthorized use of this website or any services we provide in relation to the Fund; or", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n\"够了,妈妈,\"拉斯科利尼科夫说,他竟对忽然要到这里来深感后悔.", "output": "\"Enough, mother,\" said Raskolnikov, deeply regretting that he had come.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n对于像印度这样的市场来说,这是一个非常需要的举动,其Android竞争对手发布的数据比以前更好。", "output": "This is a much-needed move for Apple in a market like India where its Android rivals are posting better numbers than before.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nPondoktanguii也是前圈養猩猩位於公園的日常餵養猩猩康復中心。", "output": "Pondok Tangui is also a rehabilitation center for ex-captive orangutans located in the park which has daily feedings of the apes.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我們在稽核和驗證廣泛的國際認可的管理系統領域擁有豐富的經驗,ISO 29990即是其中之一。", "output": "We have extensive experience in auditing and certifying a wide range of internationally recognized management systems, including ISO 29990.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这将对中国的出口贸易造成重大障碍和损失。", "output": "This will cause major obstacles and losses to China's export trade.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我想,如果我是她,我也會很恨吧!", "output": "I know, if I was you, I’d hate me too.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n斯温伯恩认为,上帝的存在起初具有合理性,因为它具有简单性,根据行为者的动机对世界做出人格的解释。", "output": "Swinburne suggests that the existence of God has an initial plausibility because of its simplicity and because it gives a personal explanation of the world in terms of the intentions of an agent.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n叶片给坦克相似之处一只犀牛,所以谢尔曼配备Culin的发明被称为犀牛坦克。", "output": "Because the hedgerow cutter's blades made a tank resemble a large pachyderm with tusks, troops called the device a rhinoceros, and Sherman's equipped with Culin's invention became known as rhino tanks.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我选择了您是因为您温柔纯朴。", "output": "I chose you because you were cute.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在这篇文章中,我想指出一些关于人工智能的使用和它的燃料的事实。", "output": "In this article I want to point out some facts about the use of AI and what fuels it.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我有一些十或十二步以这种方式先进,当剩下的袍子撕裂我的双腿之间纠缠不清。", "output": "I had advanced some ten or twelve paces in this manner, when the remnant of the torn hem of my robe became entangled between my legs.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n为什么Obbligato 能够在日本市场独占鳌头?", "output": "Why do they remain primarily dependent on the Japanese market?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n现实世界中的Windows Azure:认知科学的全球领导者在云端构建在线记忆评估系统解决方案", "output": "Real World Windows Azure: Global Leader in Cognitive Science Builds Online Memory Assessment Solution in the Cloud", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n肌肽还被誉为下一个超级抗氧化剂。", "output": "Carnosine has been hailed as the next super-antioxidant.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这种类型房子的出现是因为房屋可移动性的需求。", "output": "The emergence of this type of house is due to the need for home mobility.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n高僧和先验和僧侣,哦,我的。", "output": "Camels and Monkeys and Priests, Oh My!", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们的血缘从来就是一样。", "output": "My blood pressure has never been the same.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我喜欢看一个人的眼睛,因为那是灵魂闪耀的窗口。", "output": "I like looking into a person's eyes because; I believe they are the windows to the soul.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n阿桑奇希望立刻泄露文档,但丹尼尔坚持先审阅文档。", "output": "Assange wants to leak the documents immediately, but Daniel insists that they review the documents first.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n购买新猎鹰体育场的冠名权是梅赛德斯 - 奔驰历史上最大的营销协议。", "output": "Buying the naming rights to the new Falcons stadium is the largest marketing deal in Mercedes-Benz history.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“这一规划旨在提高40%的使用效率,并使清洁能源占比增至50%。", "output": "“The plan aims to increase usage efficiency by 40 percent and increase clean-energy contributions to 50 percent.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n另外,Python还有大量的免费库,这意味着当你需要实现一些基本的功能时不必“重新发明轮子”。", "output": "Additionally, there are an enormous number of totally free libraries for it, which usually means that you don’t have to reinvent the wheel” when you have to implement some simple functionality.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n至少力图在这个上改变吧。", "output": "But at least attempting to change that.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他们通常认为提高用户能力对于成功至关重要***", "output": "more likely to see empowering users as critical to success***", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他们发现南瓜是比芜菁等更好的做灯笼的材料;因此现在所看到的杰克灯通常都是南瓜做的了。", "output": "On the mainland, they found better materials than white radish, that is pumpkins; so the Jack lights that are now seen are usually made of pumpkin.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n自己的“不治之症”被治好了!", "output": "His self-attested “illness” is cured!", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n座位在新英格兰教会的年龄是废弃的财富。", "output": "Seating in the New England meetinghouses by age was abandoned in favor of wealth.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”他将生存下来,我向你保证。", "output": "\"He will be alive, I assure you.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在跨数字渠道管理广告时,您会发现自己在诸多工具上花费了过多时间,但是收效甚微。", "output": "As you manage your advertising across digital channels, you can find that you spend too much time in too many tools with too little to show for it.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这就是全部,这就是全部。", "output": "That is all; that is everything.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”你认为他知道这是一个骗局吗?", "output": "Do you believe he thought it was a trick?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n态度非常好[110]", "output": "It's a good solution.\"[110]", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n公告指出,此次事故造成直接经济损失7.5172亿元(人民币,下同),中石化将承担其相应赔偿责任。", "output": "The announcement pointed out that the accident caused direct economic losses of 757.2 million yuan (RMB, the same below), and Sinopec will bear its corresponding compensation liability.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n过去、现在、未来,新百伦经典576", "output": "Past, Present, and Future, New York, 1976, pp. 267-86.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n盗窃、抢夺枪支、弹药、爆炸物的,依照本法第一百二十七条的规定处罚。", "output": "Those who steal or snatch firearms, ammunition, or explosives shall be punished in accordance with the provisions in Article 127 of this law.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n60%的人口是濒临灭绝的。", "output": "60% of them are threatened with extinction.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n每个人独立面对可能有一万多人。", "output": "each potentially threaten at least 10,000 people.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n至今荷兰语中Schreef意思仍为“serif”。", "output": "Incidentally, schreef now also means \"serif\" in Dutch.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n▲图片来源于winfuture", "output": "Cover image sourced from WinFuture.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我没有证据,但我相信是本笃教宗否决了,他不能签署那份协议。", "output": "\"I have no evidence, but I believe that it was Pope Benedict who said no. He could not sign that agreement.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n超过400名来自全世界50多个国家的专家、学者和官员参与了该论坛。", "output": "More than 400 experts, scholars and officials from 50 countries across the world attended the Forum.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n事实上,我也想投资委内瑞拉,但我是一个美国人,所以我被禁止这样做。", "output": "I would like to invest in North Korea but I'm an American so its illegal.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n這一趨勢對於能源密集型工業企業尤為重要。", "output": "This is particularly relevant for energy intensive industry.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们首先看到的是苏格兰礼仪共济会,他们可以被视为盎格鲁·撒克逊世界的主要秘密社团。", "output": "The Scottish Rite Freemasons can be seen as the main secret society in the Anglo world.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n作为移民的儿子,我这样说,你知道很多人也是移民的后裔。", "output": "I say this to you as the son of immigrants, knowing that so many of you are also descendants from immigrants.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n有时候,生病是难以避免的。", "output": "Illness is sometimes just unavoidable.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在过去的四个十年再分析,结合与观测和卫星数据模型,都显示出正好相反,加强在北半球Hadley环流的。", "output": "Over the past four decades reanalyses, which combine models with observational and satellite data, have shown just the opposite — a strengthening of the Hadley circulation in the Northern Hemisphere.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n上帝要每个人都知道这种平安。", "output": "God wants everyone to know that kind of peace.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n美国的酒店能啥不一样?", "output": "What is different in a salon in the US?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这项研究是在丹佛地区进行的,那里禁止斗牛犬", "output": "The study was done in the Denver area, where pit bulls are banned.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n赫拉因被剝削而感到羞愧,同意與宙斯結婚。", "output": "Hera, ashamed of being exploited, agreed to marriage with Zeus.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n很幸运,他就是这样的人。", "output": "Fortunately, he was that kind of man.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n第三个Rect构造器init(center:size:)稍微复杂一点。", "output": "The third Rect initializer, init(center:size:), is slightly more complex.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“有一点必须提醒人们,我们还从没有遇到过这些问题。", "output": "It’s worth noting, however, that we have never had these issues ourselves.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“‘如果我们不站在日本一边,这个条约在政治上就死亡了。", "output": "\"If we don't stand on the side of Japan,\" he said, \"the Pact is politically dead.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在大约一个星期,我猜。", "output": "And about a week, I think.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n多少钱呢?十块钱一枚!", "output": "How much is it ? 1 cent ? 10 cents ?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n轻量级架构决策记录是一种用于捕获重要的架构决策及其上下文和结果的技术。", "output": "Lightweight Architecture Decision Records is a technique for capturing important architectural decisions along with their context and consequences.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n客户现在只要两个星期的等待他们的衣服。", "output": "Students are able to check out clothing for a period of two weeks.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n第86章 、资源回收", "output": "Section 86 - Recovery of costs", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n灵性导师是透明的媒介,虽然是经验感受仍是直接的。", "output": "The spiritual master is the transparent medium, although it is true that the experience is direct.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n綜合耗電量 (kWh/100 km):11.9", "output": "Combined electricity consumption in kWh/100 km: 11.9", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n阿里巴巴并非投资于物流和数据的唯一电商企业。", "output": "And Alibaba isn't the only e-commerce company investing in logistics and data.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”他不说话像个黑鬼。", "output": "\"He didn't talk like a nigger at all.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果经济是飞机,那么它的四个引擎是消费者、企业、政府和出口。", "output": "If the economy is an airplane, then its four engines are consumers, businesses, government, and exports.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在哪种情况下,雇员的保险保障会被取消?", "output": "Under what circumstances can an insurance policy be cancelled?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n从雅典到圣托里尼的飞行时间大约为 40 分钟。", "output": "The flying time from Athens to Santorini is of 40 minutes.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我不確定「鬼扯」(Humbug)和放屁的意思有多接近。", "output": "I am uncertain just how close in meaning the word humbug is to the word bullshit.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n其职业生涯起始于美国国会,她当时为国会代表 Mac Thornberry 效力。", "output": "She started her career in the U.S. Congress, working on legislative issues for U.S. Congressman Mac Thornberry.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n随著圣诞节的到来,不少孩子都会向圣诞老人许愿。", "output": "With Christmas quickly approaching, many children will want to write to Father Christmas.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但为什幺乐趣需要辩护理由?”", "output": "Why should pleasure need justification?\"", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n卢克·布莱恩〈Kick the Dust Up〉", "output": "Luke Bryan, \"Kick the Dust Up\"", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n一个月前,SAP 说,制造业和供应链等行业的客户正在测试其云服务。", "output": "A month earlier, rival SAP SE said clients in industries like manufacturing and supply chain were testing its cloud service.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n而且,他们甚至带着他们的家人和他们在一起。", "output": "They even had their families with them.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n““我猜你有一个加油站。", "output": "\"Ah, you evidently possess a gas-stove.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n倘若賽前下些少雨,我們便再高興不過了,但我認為這並非必要。", "output": "If there was a drop of rain, we would be more than happy, but I don’t think it is a necessity.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“在今天,一家公司可能在一个地方制造引擎而在另一个地方生产医疗影像设备。", "output": "“Today, a company might make engines in one location and medical imaging devices in another.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但看看跨太平洋伙伴关系贸易协定刚刚发生了什么。", "output": "Look at what happened with the Trans-Pacific agreements.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这就是为什么早期癌症手术后复发和转移仍然是可能的。", "output": "This means it is possible to stop and reverse prostate cancer once it starts.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”“福尔摩斯紧紧抓住医生的手。", "output": "\"Holmes grasped the doctor's hand.\"", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n它必须有 - 为它做什么责任。", "output": "It's got to have -- be accountable for what it does.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n(教育的不公平也是一样。", "output": "(This is similar in terms of gender identity, as well.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n多年來,政府一直對建立監管框架持懷疑態度,因為它認為這會使加密貨幣行業合法化。", "output": "For many years, government were skeptical towards establishing regulatory frameworks because it believed that it will legitimize the cryptocurrency sector.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n第一种是例行METAR报告,每小时传送一次。", "output": "The first is the routine METAR report that is transmitted every hour.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n会研究介绍:“有力证据表明,体力活动对癌症预防相当重要。", "output": "She said: \"There is now very strong evidence that being physically active is important for cancer prevention.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n* 以上两行代码相当于", "output": "# The following two lines are equivalent", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n””也就是说,没有一分钱的二万英镑去Halcombe小姐,或任何其他夫人隔离的亲戚或朋友。", "output": "That is to say, not one farthing of the twenty thousand pounds was to go to Miss Halcombe, or to any other relative or friend of Lady Glyde’s.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n继选后冲突爆发后,数千名儿童在开学的第一天无法到校", "output": "Following post-election conflict, thousands of children miss the first day of school", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n为什么现在才给我来信,我想道。", "output": "So, why are you texting me now, I wondered.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n凯利·麦卡特尼在这两个小学和初中赢得了著名的文学比赛。", "output": "Kelly McCartney won prestigious literary competitions in both grade school and junior high.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n输入准确的习惯必须帮助安抚我。", "output": "The habit of entering accurately must help sooth me.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n即使在欧盟内部,政治仍然是为国家利益服务的。", "output": "Even within the eu, politics is still framed in national terms.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我发现了一个20尺伞形啄木鸟不从我站的地方!", "output": "Then i saw a huge wingtip not thirty feet from me!", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n」第二天,她就好了。", "output": "“The next day, she was better.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n洛德表示:“攻击者水平非常高,我们认为其他公司和组织最近也遭受了类似的攻击。", "output": "He noted that “the attackers were extremely sophisticated, and we believe other companies and organizations have also been recently similarly attacked.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“在最近的世界历史上,没有那一对国际伙伴关系能比英美特殊关系更好地服务世界。", "output": "And there is no international partnership in recent history that has served the world better than the special relationship between Britain and the United States. \"", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n即使体重下降5%也可以增加排卵率并减少生化异常,从而增加怀孕的机会。", "output": "Even a 5% drop in body weight can increase ovulation rates and reduce biochemical abnormalities to brighten the chances of pregnancy.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n所有从这个节目的收益捐赠给当地的乳腺癌组织中,女性摇滚,以资助乳腺癌的研究。", "output": "All of the proceeds from this show are donated to a local breast cancer organization, Women Rock, in order to fund breast cancer research.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n加斯帕诺:那次早场放映的有趣之处在于,没有人知道关于这部电影的任何东西。", "output": "The funny thing about that morning screening is that no one knew anything about the movie.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n2(司机和一名乘客)", "output": "2 (driver and one passenger)", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在生活中,这个问题时常被问起。", "output": "In life, this question is raised often.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但是对于普通感冒,想想奶奶,不是药房。", "output": "But for the common cold, think Grandma, not pharmacy.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n(d) 我去两次了中国去年。", "output": "I spent two months in China last year.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n再也没有什么行业边界了。", "output": "There is no longer any industry boundary at all.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在年齡較大的兒童中此死亡風險要低得多,約為2%;但在成年人中又回升到19-37%左右。", "output": "This risk is much lower in older children, whose mortality is about 2%, but rises again to about 19–37% in adults.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n众所周知,0.3 循环小数与 1/3 并不完全相等。", "output": "You know that 0.3 repeating is not exactly the same as 1/3.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n后来他偷渡成功了,在谢菲尔德的一家阿拉伯餐馆里打工。", "output": "He has been granted asylum and is now working in an Arabic restaurant in Sheffield.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n詹姆斯一直都是一位出色的传球手。", "output": "James was always a talented draftsman.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nAlina Bricman,欧洲犹太学生联盟主席", "output": "• Alina Bricman, President of the European Union of Jewish Students", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我有义务来提供数据吗?", "output": "Do I have to provide data?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n然后,特朗普说,他再次看到她:“然后突然间我看到了她,她现在得到了大的虚假的山雀和一切。", "output": "And she was married […] Then all of a sudden I see her, she’s now got the big phony tits and everything.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n可以,但是取决于游戏类型。", "output": "Maybe, but it depends on how successful the game is.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n当水温达到100℃时,这两种有害物质会随着蒸汽的蒸发而大大减少。", "output": "When the water temperature reaches 100 ° C, the two harmful substances will be greatly reduced as the vapor evaporates.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他在医院住了38天。", "output": "I was in the hospital for 38 days.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n反腐运动扩大製造了不确定性,甚至让一些官员恐惧。", "output": "The breadth of the expanded campaign has created uncertainty and even fear for some.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这也是需要的红血细胞的氧合,健康的免疫系统和能源生产的。", "output": "Thus, iron is needed for oxygenation of red blood cells, a healthy immune system, and energy production.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n最好的零食包括麵包或未加鹽的餅乾等無味食品。", "output": "The best snacks to have on hand include unflavored things like bread or unsalted crackers.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n然而,已尝试的泰国试管婴儿(IVF)和其他ART程序的数量明显更高。", "output": "However, the number of IVF and other ART procedures that have been attempted are significantly higher.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n動物是朋友,不是食物!!", "output": "Other animals are friends, not food!", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n瑞士各品牌手表質量穩定、性能可靠且各具特色,而且都沒有放棄“瑞士制造”的標識。", "output": "Swiss brands of watches have stable quality, reliable performance and unique features, and they have not given up the ‘Made in Switzerland’ logo.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n- 4种游戏模式:选择标题,猜猜歌曲,写好名字,猜测艺术家", "output": "- 4 game modes: Choose the title, Guess the song, Well written names and guess the artists", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“分娩”需要很大的体力,所以大多数孕妇在分娩前会感到恐惧和不安是正常的。", "output": "\"Giving birth\" consumes a lot of energy, so before birth, a vast majority of pregnant women may feel fear and anxiety of the labor.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n劳工,特别是劳工的家庭,被迫远离市中心而居,不稳定性更扩大了劳工与工作场所的距离。", "output": "Employees, especially families, are forced to live farther away from urban centres, and precariousness accentuates the distance from the workplace.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这里的权利或错误很少。", "output": "There are few rights or wrongs in this business.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n下一轮重大的社会进步浪潮将不会由地缘政治带来。", "output": "The next major waves of social progress won’t be delivered by geopolitics.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这意味着他们可能没有考虑多少饭菜已经煮熟。", "output": "This might be because they didn’t realize how much food they ate during the meal.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们很骄傲把这座建筑保留下来”。", "output": "They take pride in keeping the property maintained.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n之后,一旦他们渗透到网络中,攻击者就会横跨网络进行横向移动,然后触发计划中最具破坏性的部分。", "output": "Afterwards, once they penetrate the network, attackers spread laterally across the network before triggering the most destructive part of their planned attack.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n以匈牙利为例,我们努力把数以万计的罗姆公民整合进劳动力市场。", "output": "Here in Hungary, we struggle to integrate hundreds of thousands of Roma citizens into the labour market.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n而那个女孩子是他的学生。", "output": "That girl was his student.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我闭上眼睛一会儿,微笑。", "output": "I closed my eyes a moment, smiling.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们尝试的事情,都像是实验。", "output": "We forget that the things we try are experiments.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n安娜还没有来得及喝完咖啡,就通报利季娅·伊万诺夫伯爵夫人来拜访了。", "output": "Anna had scarcely drunk her coffee when the Countess Lidia Ivanovna was announced.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n只有当一个人到了老年时,他才能不再在乎同伴、大众或未来的看法。", "output": "Only when a person reaches old age can he stop caring about the opinions of his fellows, or of the public, or of the future.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n汤姆问是从哪里来的。", "output": "Michael asked where it came from.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n到第六天,电影收集了卢比。", "output": "On Saturday, the film collected Rs.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我向德国人民表示哀悼。", "output": "My sympathies to the German people.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n一切,约翰看见,他写了下来。", "output": "What John saw he wrote down.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你知道政治让我头痛。", "output": "Politics make my head hurt.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n然而,因为他们是永久的,选择最好的设计是一个重要的步骤 的过程。", "output": "However, because they are permanent, choosing the best design is an important step in the process.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“我们有很好的机会获得资格。", "output": "\"We definitely have a good chance of qualifying.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n11. 北韩在军队服役的人数约等于塞内加尔的人口。", "output": "The number of people available for military service in North Korea is approximately equal to the population of Senegal.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n」五三. (他說):「我不自稱清白;人性的確是慫恿人作惡的,除非我的主所憐憫的人。", "output": "12:53 \"And I do not make myself free of blame, for the soul is inclined to sin, except what my Lord has mercy on.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n从理论上讲,他了解他所需要的关于她的一切。", "output": "Theoretically, he understood everything he needed to about her.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n尽管以前的死亡引起的反复建议,一个人可以这样死去是完全可耻的。", "output": "That a man can die in this way despite repeated recommendations arising from previous deaths is utterly shameful.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n经过我们的伤口治疗推荐后,您将获得更多关于特定患者和伤口类型的最佳治疗方法的信息。", "output": "After our wound management recommendations, you will more information concerning optimal treatments for your particular patients and wound types.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n通过上帝要设立的末世国度,“耶和华必作全地的王。", "output": "Through the end-time kingdom that God will set up “the Lord will be king over all the earth.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n觀看下面的視頻,你很可能會聽到視頻中的男人一遍又一遍地在重複「bah」。", "output": "Watch the video below and you will most likely hear the man in the video repeat the word \"bah\" over and over again.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n省城里死了一位老妇人,她的丈夫是个靠救济金过活的七十岁工人,到电信局发了六封电报:“母逝速回父。", "output": "Her husband, a retired factory worker of seventy, walked to the telegraph office and sent six identical telegrams to remote places: “Mother died come home father.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n根据1967年签署的文化合作协议,该次协议明确了2017-2019年间的文化教育活动和合作机会。", "output": "Based on the cultural collaboration agreement signed in 1967, it identifies cultural and educational activities and cooperation opportunities for the 2017-2019 period.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n将记录在MIP举办的所有课程,让学生有机会随时了解内容,学生可以通过流媒体参加最多30%的课程。", "output": "All classes held at MIP will be recorded giving the students the chance to catch up anytime with the contents and students can attend up to 30% of the classes via streaming.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n一本好书就是一个好的世界。", "output": "A good world is a good world.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“如果没有这个改革,那就有必要考虑采取过渡性的措施,比如说基于营收的税收等。", "output": "\"In the absence of such reform, there is a need to consider interim measures such as revenue-based taxes,\" it said.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这包括有关您的信息,身份证明和初始存款。", "output": "This includes information about you, identification and an initial deposit.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n節能設備的使用:在新設備投資時,我們仔細評估能源消耗和選擇節能產品。", "output": "Use of energy-saving equipment: when investing in new equipment we carefully evaluate the energy consumption and choose energy-saving products", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n无论客体还是主体都无法单独形成一种包含全体的总体性。", "output": "Neither the object nor the subject can form by themselves a totality that involves the whole.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n根据《公约》第22条第7款作出的决定", "output": "Decision under article 22 (7) of the Convention", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我只想说,几百华沙的运输船计算每两个人,还有来自我们的百维持我们六个人。", "output": "Suffice to say that some hundreds of Warsaw transports counted two people each, there remained six of us from our hundred.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n数以百万计的欧洲人被感动两个政权没有这种奢侈。", "output": "The hundreds of millions of Europeans who were touched by both regimes did not have this luxury.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n当然,他不会改变另一方。", "output": "No, he won't change sides.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n二、 纳税人的义务:", "output": "Duties of taxpayers:", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但是,中国经济不会永远保持10%的增长率。", "output": "China's economy can not always grow at 10% per year.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这个知识密集的程序,请你反思和批判反思其实我们知道有关组织变革和创建学习型组织。", "output": "This knowledge-intensive programme invites you to rethink and critically reflect upon what we actually know about the organisational change and the creation of learning organisations.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我肯定会推荐这个地方,特别是如果你想在一个合理的价格,花时间在附近。", "output": "I promise it is worth it, especially if you want to be anywhere near real-time.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n上周,美国宣布起诉中国五名军官,称他们对美国几家大公司和一个行业协会的计算机网络进行了黑客攻击。", "output": "Last week, the United States announced the indictments of five members of the Chinese military, saying that they had hacked the computer networks of several major American companies and a trade union.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nCG 3D动物将满足广告或静态场景的需求。", "output": "The CG 3D animals will satisfy the needs of advertisements or static scenes.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们会不时通过用户调查和问卷为您提供有趣的见解、有用的工具,或更准确地了解我们的用户群。", "output": "From time-to-time, we may offer user surveys and questionnaires to provide you with interesting insights, helpful tools, or to understand our user base more accurately.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这正是科比需要听到的东西。", "output": "That was exactly what Kobe needed to hear.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n和医生和他们的雇员一样。", "output": "Kind of like with the Doctor and his companions.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nMRI生成图像和分辨率非常高,可以检测体内结构的微小变化。", "output": "The image and resolution that is produced by the MRI scans are quite detailed and can locate small changes of structures within the body.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但是没有比回到家更好的了。", "output": "But nothing better than going home.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在 Access 中所做的数据更改会反映在 Outlook 中,反之亦然。", "output": "Changes made to the data in Access are reflected in Outlook, and vice versa.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我认为上帝创造了一个完美的人——那就是我。", "output": "I, honestly, think that God made one perfect person; it’s me.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n它们主要被用于在人类和模式生物例如小鼠和大鼠中研究。", "output": "They have mainly been studied in Humans and model organisms such as mice and rats.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“他真正关心运动员的健康,他喜欢投资可以解决改善人类成绩任务的技术。", "output": "He truly cared about athlete well-being and he loved investing in technology that could tackle the mission of improving human performance.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”他语气和神态都非常轻松淡定。", "output": "It is important that your mouth and tongue be COMPLETELY RELAXED.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在這個意義上他的翻譯可能是所謂的自由,他顯然是為一般讀者,無論猶太教和伊斯蘭教,而不是學者。", "output": "In this sense his translation may be called free; he was evidently working for a general reading public, both Jewish and Mohammedan, and not for scholars.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这个极低的临界温度,仅高于绝对零度的1/20,注释了为什么证明QC中的超导性很难实现。", "output": "Such a very low critical temperature, only 1/20 of a degree above absolute zero, gives an account of the reason for the difficulty in achieving superconductivity in QCs.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“我要感谢陪审团在这个案件中所花费的时间和服务。", "output": "“I would like to thank the jury for their time and patience in hearing this case.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我说:“Bingo。", "output": "To which I say, “Bingo!", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n*我真的不明白银行是如何运作的。", "output": "I’m not sure how banks really function.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n还参观了悉尼周围的风景区。", "output": "I was also surprised at the area around Sydney.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n假如其他行星代替了月球", "output": "If the Moon be replaced by another planet", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n发展仍然是亚洲国家的第一要务。", "output": "Development therefore remains the top priority of Asian countries.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n1、经济作物规模扩大。", "output": "1) The abundance of economic crop.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n只是因为你还想把他们留在你的生活里。", "output": "Only because you want them to stay in your life.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n不,这场选举,以及所有选举所决定的,是未来4到8年将由谁来塑造我们的孩子。", "output": "\"...This election, and every election, is about who will have the power to shape our children for the next four or eight years of their lives.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”我要船长在这个频率上与你联系。", "output": "I’ll contact you again on this frequency.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n是意大利和法国队决战。", "output": "Disaster struck the Italian and French teams.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如何获取正确的地图?", "output": "How do I get the right map?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n該產品1976年推出時,售價為666.66美元,而且不包括電源、顯示器、鍵盤和機箱。", "output": "When the product was first released in 1976, it sold for $666.66 without power supply, display, keyboard or housing.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我每天都在街上被叫住。", "output": "I get stopped on the street every day.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n截至目前,除Gtel外,四家电信集团已正式向用户提供了4G网络服务。", "output": "Up to now, all except for Gtel have officially offered 4G services to users.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他也有时间去关注公共事务。", "output": "He also took time to serve in public affairs.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n今天,我想和你分享这首诗。", "output": "And today, I want to share that poem with you.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n不过,报告也指出,发展中国家中有五分之四的人,从来不知道社会保护为何物。", "output": "Four out of five people in developing countries have never known what it means to live with social protection.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n軍方聲明還提到,他們堅決避免「不公平的歧視和待遇」。", "output": "The military statement added that it was determined to avoid \"unfair discrimination and treatment.\"", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这三重策略包括加强吸引国际学生以使学校学术力量更加充实--你可以成为其中的一员。", "output": "This threefold strategy includes a push to attract international students to enrich their academic careers – and you can be a part of it.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n怪物病人留院治疗,从开始到结束。", "output": "Kacie takes care of patients during their treatment, from beginning to end.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这些通常位于机场和车站或旅游地点,并允许将一种货币的物理单位交换到另一种货币。", "output": "These are typically located at airports and stations or at tourist locations and allow physical notes to be exchanged from one currency to another.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n行业管理者们能从他们身上学到什么呢?", "output": "What can managers learn from them?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他不需要再有什么理由不喜欢克利奥帕特拉:那些拥有比他更好的图书馆的聪明女人在三个方面冒犯了他。", "output": "He needed no further reason to dislike Cleopatra: intelligent women who had better libraries than he did offended him on three counts.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n虽然价格很高,但在市场上仍然很受欢迎。", "output": "However, despite the high price, they are very popular in the European market.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nUsher,Laverne Cox加入了全球公民节", "output": "Usher, Laverne Cox added to Global Citizen Festival", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n该公司还提高了其全年展望。", "output": "The company also raised its full-year outlook.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“甚么?只有八个?”", "output": "What, only eight?!", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n它是由欧洲粒子物理实验室(CERN)研制的。", "output": "It was developed by the European Laboratory for Particle Physics (CERN).", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这些措施在一定程度上是有效的。", "output": "These methods are effective to a degree.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们遵守他们的规则的时间足够长,它成为我们的比赛。", "output": "We play by their rules long enough and it becomes our game.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n2、委員會會議通常應在聯合國總部或在委員會決定的任何其他方便地點舉行。", "output": "10.The meetings of the Committee shall normally be held at United Nations Headquarters or at any other convenient place as determined by the Committee.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n提姆和約翰相處得很好,我想有點像兄弟,比如他們會一起騎腳踏車。", "output": "“Tim and John get on well, I suppose a bit like brothers, going on bicycle rides together for example.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n婚礼文本:通过沟通礼仪文化认同。", "output": "Wedding as Text: Communicating Cultural Identities Through Ritual.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n美国检方已就此丑闻对大众汽车的八名现任和前任高管发起了指控。", "output": "U.S. prosecutors have charged eight current and former Volkswagen executives so far.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n布拉克和毕加索定义的视觉语言后来被许多其他画家所接受,也影响了雕塑家和建筑师,如勒·柯布西耶。", "output": "The visual language defined by Braque and Picasso was later embraced by many other painters, and also influenced sculptors and architects such as Le Corbusier.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n当然,这并不是一件好事,因为随着人口的增加。", "output": "Fortunately, this cannot last, thanks to population growth.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在如今这个人们越来越?", "output": "Is this person already growing?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在这里是第三个测试。", "output": "Here is the third test.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他还没有找到另一份工作。", "output": "He didn’t find any other job.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n上一 上篇文章: 自信(2)", "output": "Previous Previous post: Self-Confidence (3)", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”但馬特森同時也警告稱,患者必須堅持這種飲食習慣,因為癥狀在停止禁食后兩周便卷土重來。", "output": "However, Prof. MarK Mattson cautions that patients have to stick to the diet, as symptoms began to return two weeks after giving it up.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n大约一个月前,第一个Airbnb房东取消了订单,我们几乎没有时间去寻找新的房子。", "output": "Around a month before, a first Airbnb host had already canceled, leaving us with little time to figure out alternative housing.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n良好的电磁兼容性,不会对输电网络造成干扰。", "output": "Good electromagnetic compatibility will not cause interference to the transmission network.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n该项目的目的是保护该地区的生态环境,并确保珍贵野生物种能够继续生存。", "output": "The goals for this project are to preserve the ecology of the area and to ensure the survival of precious wildlife species.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n让司机更加专心驾驶。", "output": "Make a driver more alert.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n它要么会破产关门(门店和商品将被出售,收益将被用来偿债),要么会成为一个规模小得多的连锁店生存下来。", "output": "It will either go out of business (its stores and merchandise will be sold, with the proceeds used to repay debts) or a much-smaller store chain will survive.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n甘地曾经说过,我们今天做的事,不是为了明天,也不是为了后天,而是为了下一代。", "output": "Gandhi once said,’ What we do today is not for tomorrow or the following day but it is for the next generation.’", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n创新引领发展,合作创造机遇。", "output": "Innovation brings development and creates opportunities.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n09 环南湖道路被封闭了。", "output": "The 9-hole North Course has closed.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n全球的价值链(Global Value Chain,GVC)正在重塑。", "output": "Growth in the global value chain (GVC) has stagnated.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我不明白我买的时候在想什么。", "output": "I’m not sure what I was thinking when I bought it.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他分析说:「菲方此举既有自身的需要,更有美国和日本在背后撑腰的因素。", "output": "\"Philippines move both their own needs, more support behind the U.S. and Japan factor\"", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这种细胞具备发育成所有类型细胞的潜力。", "output": "These cells have the potential to grow into any type of cell.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n为什么关于OARFISH的消息如此之少?", "output": "Why is so little know about oarfish?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果一味满足孩子的需求,我们就剥夺了他们通过改造已有的东西找到解决办法的机会。", "output": "\"When we always yield to our children’s wants, we rob them of the opportunity to find solutions by adapting what they already have.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我觉得一周读完一千页书是不可想象的,而写出50页的论文是我永远都做不到发的。", "output": "I was completely overwhelmed and thought that reading 1000 pages a week was unimaginable, that writing a 50-page thesis is just something I could never do.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n为朋友,甚至是陌生人做点好事。", "output": "Do Good Things for Others, Even Strangers.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“真的要一个理由吗?”", "output": "Do you really need a reason?!", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n并愿意为之付诸行动的人。", "output": "And those who are ready to take action.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nTouhara设想将这些发现应用于影响作物品质或性状,而不用使用基因编辑或农药等复杂手段。", "output": "Touhara hopes to apply their discoveries to influence crop quality or character without the complications of gene editing or pesticide use.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n自2005年以来每州的情况和进展都被年度调查追踪报告。", "output": "Status and progress of each state have been tracked by annual surveys since 2005.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n中国玩具再次陷入安全丑闻。", "output": "China has been plagued by a slew of food safety scandals.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你在恐懼這件事情的時候,就在創造。", "output": "If you live in fear, then you are creating fear.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这样是不是可以称为骨灰级了?", "output": "Could this be called hypocritical?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n做任何你想要的歌曲。", "output": "Play any song you want.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n任何該等非法使用將致使您的授權遭立即終止。", "output": "Any such forbidden use shall immediately terminate Your licenses.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们在上面所引用的材料,仅仅是苏联报刊自己披露的一部分事例。", "output": "The facts cited above are only a part of those published in the Soviet press.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n就像你从来没去过女孩更衣室一样。", "output": "You've apparently never been in a women's bathroom.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我保证你会感谢我几分钟。", "output": "You’ll thank me in a few minutes.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n雪橇底盘内的原型设备电路旁安装有一台微电脑,传感器的数据必须直接记录在这台微电脑上。", "output": "Prototype device circuitry within the next sled chassis fitted with a microcomputer, sensor data must be recorded directly on this microcomputer.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n顺便说一句,关于这些文件,有一点很奇怪,它可能成为我们调查的起点。", "output": "By the way, there is one curious little point about those papers which may serve us as the starting-point for an inquiry.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n更何况,谁说贫穷的打工仔和打工妹不能谈恋爱?", "output": "And who says mother-in-law and daughter-in-law cannot see eye to eye?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n這位西班牙眾,其中不復存在於1835年,是分開處理。", "output": "The old Spanish congregation, which ceased to exist in 1835, is dealt with separately.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n北约还谴责了这起爆炸事件。", "output": "Nato also condemned the bombing.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n大多数医院,无论它们的位置,将不包括医疗并发症的费用。", "output": "Most hospitals, wherever they are located, will not cover the cost of medical complications.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nKodaline的阵容最近由贝司手Jason Boland完成。", "output": "The line-up for Kodaline was recently completed by the addition of bassist Jason Boland.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果有你不能控制的力量導致你某天不能做運動,就自動改為周六上午9點做這項運動。", "output": "If something beyond your control forces you to miss one of those days, you automatically default to doing that workout instead on Saturday at 9 a.m.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n社会书签网站(特别是其中最流行的)的是另一种强大的获得免费流量的方式。", "output": "3) Take advantage of social bookmarking sites : Social bookmarking sites (especially the most popular among them) are another powerful way to get traffic for free.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“我们相信这是未来的良好解决方案。", "output": "“We believe it is a good solution for the future.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n作为欧洲单一市场的成员,德国是建立全欧分销渠道的理想起点。", "output": "Its membership in the European Single Market makes Germany the ideal starting point for distribution channels across the entire continent.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n毒品犯罪并未达到“最严重的犯罪”门槛。", "output": "Drug-related offences do not fall under this threshold of “most serious crimes”.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我知道肯定会有人觉得我是在夸大事实,但我接下来要说的这一切都是真的。", "output": "I’m sure some people will be offended by my post but everything I said is true about the reality of what is going on.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n外國語的學習跟教學。", "output": "foreign language learning and teaching.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这项调查对FDA批准或呼吁Avodart在美国治疗男性头发的未来影响尚未解决。", "output": "The future influence that this research study will certainly carry the FDA’s authorization or displeasure of Avodart for the therapy of male pattern baldness in the United States is yet to be figured out.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果小伙子喜欢一个女孩,他们会抓住他们并试着亲吻。", "output": "If a guy likes a girl he will try to touch her and vise versa.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n为了您的手机,这是$ 300-500比这些所谓的高端旗舰少,万普拉斯相机进行了很好的工作。", "output": "For a phone that is $ 300-500 less than these so-called premium flagships, the OnePlus camera does a very good job.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这导致了最具破坏性的意外坠机,在美国,在飞机撞向一个开放的领域。", "output": "This resulted in the most devastating accidental plane crash in history in the USA, in which the plane crashed into an open field.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n1972 年,世界上第一个全尺寸人形「智能」机械人— WABOT-1 降生。", "output": "By 1972 this project had created the world's first full-scale humanoid 'intelligent' robot - WABOT-1.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在这项令人惊叹的运动中度过了17个美好的岁月之后,现在是时候让我做出改变并继续前进。", "output": "\"After 17 wonderful years in this amazing sport, it’s time for me to make a change and move on.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这里是一个紧密、支持和热情的社区,拥有强大而开拓的全球性视野。", "output": "We’re a close-knit, supportive and welcoming community, with a powerful and pioneering global outlook.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n奥林巴斯航空学院提供专业的飞行员培训,各级,从0到ATPL(航空运输飞行员执照)。", "output": "Icarus Flying Academy provides professional pilot training, at all levels, from 0 to ATPL (Air Transport Pilot Licence).", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果我们一直在等待,过去的两年就浪费了。", "output": "Without them, the last 2 years would have been wasted.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”如果你没有meimslsxp或lgpdmurct这一次,你不应该在这个房间里。", "output": "\"If you have not meimslsxp or lgpdmurct by this time, then you should not be in this room.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这种新出现的机构,不再受议会成员的领导,很快便同过去的掌权者、尤其是“议会督导”发生了冲突。", "output": "This newly emerging machine, which was no longer led by members of Parliament, very soon had to struggle with the previous power-holders, above all, with the ‘whip.’", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他的珠宝套装“西游记”是童话故事,被认为是中国文学四大杰作之一。", "output": "His jewelry suite “Journey to the West” is based fairy tale that is considered one of the four great masterpieces of Chinese literature.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n新学校的双重战略目标是:进入欧洲最顶尖的商校行列,并成为企业界的优秀合作伙伴。", "output": "The new School has dual ambitions: to be ranked among the leading European Business Schools, and to be recognised as the preferred partner for Business.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n今天,是属于超级英雄的日子!", "output": "today is National Super Hero Day!", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n为什么欧盟和加拿大没有告诉公众,这两个国家对美国征收了巨额贸易关税并设置了非货币贸易壁垒。", "output": "\"Why isn't the European Union and Canada informing the public that for years they have used massive Trade Tariffs and non-monetary Trade Barriers against the U.S.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n什么才是一个程序员的终极武器呢,那", "output": "What is an organizer’s secret weapon", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n1997至1998年,他担任东京电器大学的客座教授,教授汽车传感器及应用方面的课程。", "output": "From 1997 to 1998, he was a visiting professor at Tokyo Denki University where he taught courses on automobile sensor and its applications.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我相信中国经济应可在2016年中走出谷底。", "output": "4.Chinese economy is expected to bottom out in mid-2016.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n她把太阳和月亮藏了起来并从卡勒瓦拉偷走了火种。", "output": "She hides the sun and the moon and steals fire from Kaleva.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n一名女子(多洛雷斯·方奇饰)试图帮助一个阿根廷足球俱乐部摆脱与其相关联的有组织犯罪。", "output": "A woman (Dolores Fonzi) tries to rid an Argentine soccer club of the organized crime surrounding it.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n与那种在五个不同的地方开五家食品店的做法相比,这种走街串巷的流动零售理念更加具有可持续性。", "output": "This idea of moving retail around to where people are is much more sustainable than having five different food shops in five different locations.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nKDE等离子5是第五代Linux系统创建KDE桌面环境。", "output": "KDE Plasma 5 is fifth generation of KDE desktop environment created for Linux systems.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果你同时有赞成和反对的理由,你可以把它们混在一起。", "output": "If you have both arguments for and against, you can mix them together.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n埃塞俄比亚——埃塞俄比亚政府 14 日发布一项国家计划,在未来五年内终止童婚和女性割礼。", "output": "ADDIS ABABA, Aug. 14 (Xinhua) — The Ethiopian government on Wednesday launched a national plan to end child marriage and Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) practices within the coming five years period.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n18有眼睛,你们要看不?", "output": "18 Having eyes, don't you see?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n岛屿的地理位置使其首都科伦坡成为印度洋最重要的港口之一。", "output": "The geographical position of the island makes Colombo one of the most important ports in the Indian Ocean.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n舞蹈是中国古代仪式中不可货缺的一部分,它代表了宇宙万物普遍平衡与和谐的原则。", "output": "Dance was the part of ancient Chinese rituals representing the principle of universal balance and harmony.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n大多数石柱都是六角形的,不过也有一些是四、五、七或八个边的。", "output": "Most of the columns are hexagonal (six sides), although there are also some with four, five, seven and eight sides.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”我有感觉,当一切都好了,每个人都是快乐的。", "output": "I have found that when everything goes well, everybody is happy with you.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n其还表示,2017年的气温升高直接导致全球许多国家受极端天气的影响。", "output": "And he said 2017's warm temperatures were accompanied by extreme weather in many countries around the world.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这两点对于服务器端运行同样非常重要。", "output": "Both are equally important to the operation of the system.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n标签: 遗产继承 财富 理财 家族理财室", "output": "Tagged: Household Income Household Wealth housing wealth income Property Wealth", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n发言人之一郑先生宣读道:“五月十三日已成为一个世界性节日。", "output": "One of the spokespersons, Mr. Zheng, read, \"May 13 has become a holiday around the world.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n气候政策将继续塑造全球能源体系。", "output": "x Climate policies will continue to shape the global energy system.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n51%的英国成年人是单身。", "output": "51% of UK adults are single.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n公司毛利率保持稳定在45%以上。", "output": "The company's export rate remained stable at 54 percent.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n宪法第一修正案保障言论自由,即使人们可能会发现有的言论有攻击性或者令人不快。", "output": "The First Amendment of the Constitution protects free speech, even if individuals might personally find it offensive or distasteful.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n例如,西雅图已经在考虑为建筑物配备电动汽车充电设备的要求,并正努力提高建筑物的效率。", "output": "Seattle, for example, has considered requirements for buildings to be equipped for EV charging, and is working to also make buildings more efficient.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n「我突然明白,一张照片可以瞬间固定永痕。", "output": "„I suddenly understood that a photograph could fix eternity in an instant.“", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n世界上最强大的水面舰艇作战在这里等着你。", "output": "The world's most powerful combat WARSHIP are here waiting for you.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nmicroSD/SDHC 卡相容於行動電話、MP3播放機、PDA、PC,滿足您所有的儲存需求。", "output": "- MicroSD/SDHC card is Compatible with Mobile phone, MP3 player, PDA, PC, satisfying all your storage needs.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n全国弃风率、弃光率比去年同期分别下降5.0个、3.2个百分点。", "output": "The national abandonment rate and the abandonment rate decreased by 5.0 and 3.2 percentage points respectively over the same period of last year.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n然而特朗普的最终决定将在未来几个月内完成国家安全调查后才能知晓。", "output": "Trump's final decision, however, will not be known until a national security investigation is completed in the coming months.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n不过,和某些地区市场一样,Kindle在中国一炮而红。", "output": "However, as with other regional markets, Kindle in China a hit.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n欧盟每年进口约1400万吨大豆作为饲喂动物蛋白质的来源,包括鸡,猪和牛,以及牛奶生产。", "output": "The EU currently imports about 14 million tonnes of soybeans per year as a source of protein to feed its animals, including chicken, pigs and cattle, as well as for milk production.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n多练习:你会变好的。", "output": "Practice it: you will get better.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n幸福被遗忘了,手段被当作目的了。", "output": "Happiness is forgotten; the means are taken for the end.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他们的属下将其老板围在自身的舒适圈中,相信只要他们“努力工作”就可以帮助人民。", "output": "Their officers are barricading their bosses in their own cocoons of comfort believing that by “working hard” they can help the people.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n最小的儿子尚未出生。", "output": "The youngest son had not been born.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n科爾和卡里克也可能離隊。", "output": "Cork and Kerry can also be split.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n5.1 B&H Photo Video - 这是北美最大的一家摄影器材店,在纽约。", "output": "B&H Photo Video is the largest photo supply shop in New York, if not the world.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他说他只有在达到1亿美元时才会参赛。", "output": "He played the lottery only when it reached $100 million.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n百货连锁店开始提供免费服务作为试点计划,在洛杉矶,芝加哥和密尔沃基市场增长到100家商店。", "output": "The department store chain began offering the free service as a pilot program that grew to 100 stores in the Los Angeles, Chicago and Milwaukee markets.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果特朗普对这一威胁采取后续行动,美国的关税将涵盖去年该国从中国进口的所有商品。", "output": "If the president follows through on the escalation threat, U.S. tariffs would cover all goods the nation imported from China last year.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n下周三将公布压力试测的第二部分结果,其将显示美联储是否同意或否决银行业者的资本计划。", "output": "The second portion of the test, to be released on Wednesday, will show whether the Fed approves or denies banks’ capital plans.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n此外,我们采取在国内和国外的交易会和展览会。", "output": "Furthermore, we take in trade fairs and exhibitions at home and abroad.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n雇主们同意提高6.8%的工资,但是拒绝缩短工时的要求,除非他们也能在必要的时候增加工人的工时。", "output": "Employers have offered a 6.8 percent increase but have rejected the demand for shorter hours unless they can also increase workers’ hours when necessary, Reuters reported.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n众所周知,这项“预先审批程序”,是决定食品级润滑油的工业标准。", "output": "This “Prior Approval Program” as it came to be known, was the industry standard for determining food-grade lubricants.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n对有些人来说,每周或每月付账单比较方便,但如果你能一次性付清一些账单,可以帮助你提前收回一些开支。", "output": "For some people it's more convenient to pay your bills weekly or monthly but if you can pay some bills in a lump sum it can help you reclaim some of your expenses earlier.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n今年中国计划发射20颗卫星。", "output": "This year, China plans 21 launches.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n现在对Inapal 的收购使我们实现了对利益相关者的承诺,即在包括欧洲在内的全球范围推广我们的技术。", "output": "“Now the acquisition of Inapal enables us to deliver on our promise to stakeholders to expand our technologies on a global basis, including in Europe.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n将继续开展烟草种植经济上可持续替代生计方面的工作,以便找到适当的政策方案和建议。", "output": "It also agreed to work on economically sustainable alternatives to tobacco growing to find appropriate policy options and recommendations.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如何判断乌克兰女孩是否喜欢你", "output": "Sure Indications that the Ukrainian Girl Likes You", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n1871年帝国议会有382位议员,自1874年开始有397位议员。", "output": "In 1871, the Reichstag consisted of 382 members, but from 1874 it was enlarged to 397 members.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n收音机报道比电视新闻更保守的六点。", "output": "The radio reports were more conservative than the TV news at six.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n因此,我们应怀有明确的目标,坚定心中的信念,持之以恒并为之付诸?", "output": "After all, aren’t we supposed to have strong convictions, and to forcefully and passionately fight for them?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n煤炭消费在过去两年连续下降。", "output": "Coal use has dropped each of the past two years.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n其目标群体涵盖印度的少数民族(穆斯林、基督徒、锡克教徒、佛教徒和Parsis)。", "output": "Its target group covers India’s minority communities (Muslims, Christians, Sikhs, Buddhist and Parsis).", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“可能现在、选举之前或选举之后。", "output": "Whether it’s before the election or after the election.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n初步可行性研究属于历史评估, 公司的合格人士未进行足够的工作将历史的评估归类为当前的矿石量。", "output": "The prior resource is a historical estimate and a qualified person for the Company has not done sufficient work to classify the historical estimate as a current mineral resource.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我会问些问题,但不是以不耐烦的方式,而是以真实的渴望去问,为要了解你的思想、感觉和愿望。", "output": "I will ask questions, not in a badgering manner but with a genuine desire to understand your thoughts, feelings, and hopes.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n看看你能不能疏远其他人的代表。", "output": "See if you can't distract the others.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n聖誕節後的第三天,真愛送給了我,三隻法國老母雞。", "output": "On the third day of Christmas, my true love gave to me, three French hens…", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n41然后国王大声喊道,说,伟大的艺术上帝的丹尼尔,和其他没有在你身边。", "output": "41: And the king shouted with a loud voice, \"Thou art great, O Lord God of Daniel, and there is no other besides thee.\"", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果種族要從其嚴重的善惡重擔裡被解放出來,精神科醫師一定要負起最原始責任的人。", "output": "If the race is to be freed from its crippling burden of good and evil it must be psychiatrists who take the original responsibility.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n各種宗教活動正常進行,信教群眾的宗教需求得到充分滿足,信教自由得到充分尊重。", "output": "Religious activities of various kinds are held normally, with people's religious needs fully satisfied and their freedom of religious belief fully respected.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n作为一个社会,我们花很少的时间阅读印刷文字,甚至当我们做阅读,我们在互联网的忙碌的影子。", "output": "As a society, we devote ever less time to reading printed words, and even when we do read them, we do so in the busy shadow of the Internet.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n成人治疗的长期和迟发效应情况", "output": "Long-Term and Late Effects of Treatment in Adults or Long-Term", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他是一个极富创造力的人,深刻地反映了人类的处境、弱点和失败,并在几年里引领着分析思维。", "output": "He was an extremely creative individual, deeply reflective of the human condition, weaknesses, and failings while at the same time years ahead of most in terms of his analytical thinking capacity.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他们的调查结果显示,蛋白RIP1充当脑肿瘤细胞生存的“调解员”,保护或破坏肿瘤细胞。", "output": "Findings of their investigation show that the protein RIP1 acts as a mediator of brain tumor cell survival, either protecting or destroying cells.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n中国电子商会电子烟草工业委员会的数据显示,中国是世界上最大的电子烟草产品生产国和出口国。", "output": "According to the data provided by the Electronic Cigarette Industry Committee of the China Electronic Chamber of Commerce, China is the largest e-cigarette manufacturer & supplier and exporter of electronic cigarettes products in the world.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nRemington照片", "output": "Remington's story picture", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nClaire Trevor 艺术学院", "output": "Claire Trevor School of the Arts.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n蓝光二极管的问世仅仅过去了20年,但它已经以一种全新的方式创造白光为我们的福祉添砖加瓦。", "output": "The invention of the blue LED is just twenty years old, but it has already contributed to create white light in an entirely new manner to the benefit of us all.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n* 这种免费的公主记忆游戏的孩子 & 女孩会让您的孩子安静和娱乐在车里,在一家餐馆或无处不在。", "output": "* This free princess memory game for kids will keep your kids quiet and entertained in car, in a restaurant or everywhere.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n世界和平论坛成立于2012年,是中国首个高级非官方国际安全论坛。", "output": "The World Peace Forum was, in 2012 launched as China’s first and only high-level non-governmental international security forum.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这个贫穷且封闭的国家主要对现代的投资立法表现出兴趣。", "output": "Interest in the impoverished and isolated country shows especially in a modern investment legislation.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“请坐在副驾驶座位上。", "output": "“And please sit in the co-pilot’s chair.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nPK网投app在1月至10月期间直接从瑞士进口了400吨黄金 - 比去年增加了60%。", "output": "China imported 400 tonnes of gold directly from Switzerland between January and October – 60% up on last year.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n然而富比世在2006年9月1日出版的名單中,季莫申科未進入百大排名。", "output": "However, in the magazine’s list published on 1 September 2006, Tymoshenko’s name was not among the top 100.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nNovell拥有并支持Mono项目,其可保有.NET的兼容性。", "output": "Novell owns and supports the Mono project that maintains .NET compatibility.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“我无法控制自己的紧张情绪,无法控制自己。", "output": "\"I could not control my nerves, I could not control myself.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”这不是一个挑战,本身,但是好奇心。", "output": "It wasn't a challenge, per se, but one of curiosity.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n公司在1932年開始創建,專注于研究和生産安全舒適的嬰童産品。", "output": "Founded in 1932, the company focused on research and production of safe and comfortable baby products.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他们低估了我的力量。", "output": "You underestimate my power.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n周五发现的尸体没有立即发现。", "output": "The identities of those killed was not immediately known late Friday.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n所有的变革都开始于一种远见和一个付诸行动的决策。", "output": "Every change begins with a vision and a decision to take action.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们提供的列表会显示已测试的版本。", "output": "The list contains the versions that have been tested.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他说:‘我对空间探索很感兴趣,但这还需要过些年才能实现。", "output": "He said: ‘I am really interested in space exploration, but the truth is it’s some number of years off.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n现在,韩国航空公司KT的一份新报告称,Galaxy Fold将于9月11日开始在该国发货。", "output": "Now, a new report from South Korean carrier KT claims that the Galaxy Fold would start shipping in the country on September 11th.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n另外,鈣還在孕前起到重要的作用,幫助女性提高生育能力。", "output": "In addition, calcium also plays an important role before pregnancy, to help women enhance fertility.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n第一次世界大战血流成河,也终结了全球化和自由化的第一个时代,帝国主义强权政治阻挡了全球进步的步伐。", "output": "The first era of globalisation and liberalisation ended in the bloodbath of the First World War, when imperial power politics cut short the global march of progress.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n其实,大部分的女性都不愿意听到这句话。", "output": "Most women really don’t like to hear this.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“这两个人是谁?”雪人问守院子的狗。", "output": "“Who are those two?” asked the Snow Man of the yard dog.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n” “我们估计大约763毫米的股票将在未来几天解锁,其中大约25%的股票有很大的抛售风险。", "output": "“We estimate roughly 763 mm shares will be unlocking with roughly 25% at a big risk of selling over the coming days.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你要应付的是高度复杂的系统,在其中,任何事物都跟其他一切事物相互影响。", "output": "You have a ceiling, from which you can relate to everything else.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n青年一代是最具创新活力的一代。", "output": "The younger generation is by far the more innovative generation.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我随时还可以找到你。", "output": "We can find you anytime.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n首先,我们应从思想内容上考虑。", "output": "First, we would have to think conceptually.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n它提供了许多适合2-12岁孩子玩的游戏和教育节目,它是另一个 安全的环境。", "output": "It provides games and educational programs suitable for kids aged 2-12 and is a safe environment that parents won’t have to watch over.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”B说:“有语文课和体育课。", "output": "A: “I teach dance and fitness classes.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n聲明指出,兩國也討論了強化軍事與海岸防衛合作事宜。", "output": "It said the two countries also discussed closer military and coastguard cooperation.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n生活水准最高的国家之一。", "output": "One of the highest living standards.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n上一篇 : 在埃博拉病毒之后:最黑暗的恐怖日子结束了", "output": "After Ebola: the darkest days of terror are over", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n一起,他也具有丰厚的海外事务经历。", "output": "She also has vast experience in foreign affairs.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n住院部设有病床500多张。", "output": "The hospital has more than 500 bed capacity.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n许多心理疾病,如成瘾、肥胖和抑郁症都涉及自身对奖赏回路的调控不力。", "output": "\"Many psychological disorders such as addiction, obesity, and depression involve poor regulation of reward circuitry.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n总共有11次撤稿的Seger正在他所在研究机构中接受调查,同时该机构还禁止他继续对研究生进行指导。", "output": "Seger, who has 11 retractions in all, is under investigation by his institution, which also barred him from mentoring graduate students.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果您对某个州的病例有疑问,请致电该州卫生部门。", "output": "If you have questions about cases in a particular state, please call that state's health department.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n莎士比亚说,世界只是一个舞台。", "output": "Shakespeare said the world is a stage.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n它被称为信标,旨在缓解许多学生在大学一年级时遇到的压力和焦虑。", "output": "Called Beacon, it is designed to help ease the stress and anxiety that many students experience in their first year at university.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n并说服其他人做你想做的事。", "output": "how you persuade others to do what you want.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nHDR是否有不同类型?", "output": "Are there different types of HDR?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你可以打開其中十二扇門,看看里面的美景。", "output": "12 of these doors you may open, if you want, and see the wonderful things inside them.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n它将无处不在,整个世界都要去重新适应它,世界政府将不得不去适应它。", "output": "It will be everywhere and the world will have to adjust.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n现在,整个回收系统坏了自从中国对我们的浪费关上了大门。", "output": "At the moment the Australian recycling industry has hit a hurdle after China stopped taking our recycling.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们觉得在家里从第一分钟。", "output": "We felt at home from the first minute.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n埃及革命一周年后,社会媒体上10%的革命记录都不见了。", "output": "Just a year after the Egyptian revolution, 10% of its Social Media Documentation is already gone.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n[3]但在夏尔·佩罗之前,《小紅帽》未曾有被寫成書面文字。", "output": "[131] Before the arrival of Captain James Cook, the Hawaiian language had no written form.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们也得认清自己屈服于社会压力之下的程度。", "output": "We must recognise the level at which we are just succumbing to the pressures of society as well.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nElon Musk说他自己在剩下来的人生中,会有70%的可能来一趟火星之旅。", "output": "Elon Musk says there is a 70% chance he will travel to Mars himself", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n*巴勒斯坦内部权力斗争*", "output": "* Palestinian National Authority *", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n另外,你还掌握大量有关球队、战术和战绩的历史信息。", "output": "Besides, you will have at your disposal a great quantity of historic information about teams, strategies and results.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n那么,这个数目就是《圣经》命令要杀死和灭绝的人数:八千万。", "output": "Therefore this is the number which the Bible commanded be killed and eradicated: eighty million.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n據傳鮑斯在1945年8月18日死於發生在台北的墜機事件,當時他正要前往東京,接著由東京轉往前蘇聯。", "output": "It is said that the Bose has been died in a plane crash in Tiapei in Taiwan on 18th August 1945 while on his way to Tokyo and then the Soviet Union.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n据调查显示,48%的", "output": "The evidence showed that 48%...", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你也可以成為性感女神", "output": "You too can be a Fairy Godmother.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n1/差异是基于当前和2018年10月《世界经济展望》预测的四舍五入后的数据。", "output": "1/ Difference based on rounded figures for the current and October 2018 World Economic Outlook forecasts.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n轻松与客户分享报告。", "output": "Reports can easily be shared with your customers.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n1795年——比利时被法国征服。", "output": "In 1795, Belgium was annexed by France.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们已经取得了伟大的胜利,我们必将取得更大的胜利。", "output": "We have won great victories, and we will win still greater victories.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n愿我们今天下午的聚会,成为这个国家宗教领袖和追随者们努力在互敬和友善中一起生活的有力标记。", "output": "May our meeting this afternoon be a clear sign of the efforts of the leaders and followers of the religions present in this country to live together in mutual respect and good will.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他说,“现代奴隶制度是一种野蛮的罪行,毁了我们社会中一些最弱势群体的生活”。", "output": "He added: “Modern-day slavery is a terrible crime that blights the lives of people who are the most vulnerable in our society.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如今,她首次在人体内探测到这些细胞。", "output": "Now she has detected these cells in people for the first time.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这是他选择要播出的内容。", "output": "That is the message he decided to spread.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n5.Windows安装程序正在成为“事实上的”软件安装技术在Windows上。", "output": "Windows Installer is becoming the “de facto” software installation technology on Windows.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这就是我对球员的要求。", "output": "That's all I ask of the players.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n因此,不要鼓勵“簡單的驗血”,而是鼓勵彼此改變行為。", "output": "Thus rather than encouraging “a simple blood test,” it is far better for men to encourage one another to change behaviours.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n顧問初步建議預防及監控措施如下:", "output": "The consultant recommended the preliminary mitigation and control measures as follows:", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n第1章 第1章:耶穌基督──我們獲得希望和喜悅的唯一途徑", "output": "Howard W. Hunter Chapter 1: Jesus Christ—Our Only Way to Hope and Joy", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n事实证明,中国是菲律宾真诚的朋友。", "output": "Facts have proven that China is a sincere friend of the Philippines.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我相信我的丈夫,我需要有一个谈话。", "output": "My husband thinks I need an intervention.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n著名文学家屠格涅夫和绥拉菲莫维奇等曾在该校接受过高等教育。", "output": "Famous writers turgenev and serafimovic had received higher education in the school.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n它将于1月17日开放加州的迪斯尼乐园。", "output": "It will open at Disneyland Resort in California on January 17, 2020.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n五十年代,3M相继推出Thermo-Fax?", "output": "In the 1950s, 3M introduced the thermo-fax copying process.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n\"他是一名非常成功的商人,\"有个人说。", "output": "“He is a very successful businessman,” one said.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n..\"“她停了下来,没有找到原因。", "output": "She stopped, not finding a reason.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n尽量保持两分钟或更少的内容。", "output": "Consider keeping it two minutes or less.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n然后,盖里缩小了比例,开始和艺术家们闲逛,并开始接受治疗。", "output": "Gehry then scaled down, started hanging around with artists, and went into therapy.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n石墨烯作为热位移解决方法的想法并不新颖。", "output": "The idea of graphene as a heat displacement solution is not new.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nBrock的差距中级学校", "output": "Brock's Gap Intermediate School", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n昆虫生活在哪些地方?", "output": "Where do Insects Live?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n原型动力系统使用一个固体的,铸造铀235反应堆芯,大约是一个纸巾卷的大小。", "output": "“The prototype power system uses a solid, cast uranium-235 reactor core, about the size of a paper towel roll.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n当然,在同一社会里,富人的平均快乐程度要高于普通人,但这是因为人们喜欢和别人比较。", "output": "Richer individuals are of course on average happier than poorer people in the same society, but this is largely because people compare their incomes with other people.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我承认,有时你似乎遥远,但当我回首生命中的关键时刻,我能清晰地看到你的印记与恩典引领我走到今天。", "output": "I confess that at times you seem distant, but looking back over the crucial moments where things were held in the balance, I can see your fingerprints and your grace leading me to where I am today.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n大部分患者需要預防性治療,但急性治療亦同樣重要。", "output": "Most people need preventive treatment, but acute treatment is also important.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n具有传奇色彩的灵芝,长期以来使国外学者好奇和关注,在国际交往中起着特殊的作用。", "output": "Legendary Ganoderma lucidum, for a long time to foreign scholars curious and concerned about, in international exchanges play a special role.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你认为这是野心的表现还是危险信号?", "output": "Do you think it's a sign of ambition or a red flag?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n或者乘坐出租车约2分钟。", "output": "Or 2 minutes in a taxi.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“我们将享受这一切,然后稍后观看视频...我们只想让国家骄傲。", "output": "\"We're going to enjoy all this then watch the videos later. we just want to make the country proud\".", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n意思是一间房只够一个人睡觉的空间。", "output": "A single bed provides enough sleeping space for one person.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我想要有更多时间,和贾森待在一起。", "output": "“I want more time with Jason.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这其中,劳动市场的作用是十分显著的。", "output": "Of these, the role of the tourism market is very important.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n问:这没有回答我的问题。", "output": "Q: This does not answer my question.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n弄了我人生第二个纹身.", "output": "Getting my second tattoo.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n日全食時,月球在地球表面投下本影,這種陰影可以在短短几個小時內掃過地球三分之一的距離。", "output": "During a total solar eclipse, the moon casts its umbra upon Earth’s surface; that shadow can sweep a third of the way around the Earth in just a few hours.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这家瓶子就比较便宜了。", "output": "The bottle is less costly.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n为什么净水器成为了现代家居生活的必需品?没有了", "output": "Why is RO Water Purifier a Necessity in Modern Homes?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n一切都是那麼新鮮、而且當季。", "output": "Everything was so fresh and in season.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他妈妈很伤心,他知道,她现在哭了很多,比她之前他们搬到了伦敦,但他不知道,是否与男友。", "output": "His mum was sad, he knew that – she cried a lot now, more than she did before they moved to London – but he had no idea whether that was anything to do with boyfriends.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我們會在精緻的晚宴上享樂,我將成為丈夫的資產,在父親的口中,他可是個商業天才。", "output": "We would entertain with elaborate dinner parties and I would be an asset to my husband who was, as my father had said, something of a business genius.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n然后可以将在虚拟环境中执行的软件定义的GNSS接收机的实例称为虚拟化的GNSS接收机。", "output": "An instance of a software-defined GNSS receiver executed in a virtual environment can then be called a virtualized GNSS receiver.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n1998:叶利钦总统和卢卡申科总统签署了关于俄罗斯和白俄罗斯建立联盟国家的宣言。", "output": "Late in 1998 presidents A. Lukashenko and B. Yeltsin signed a declaration on the further integration of Russia and Belarus.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n躺在床上或椅子上,尽量把自己弄得舒舒服服的。", "output": "To begin sit on the floor or on a chair and make yourself as comfortable as possible.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在1978年冬季,我突然收到了来自哈佛大学的一个邀请,在毕业典礼上进行一场演讲。", "output": "In the winter of 1978 an invitation to give a commencement speech at Harvard suddenly arrived.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n通常情况下,使用一个比较大的反馈电阻值,至少100 KΩ。", "output": "Typically, a relatively large feedback resistor value is used, at least 100 kΩ.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们需要更多的律师一同加入战斗。", "output": "We need more recruits to join us in the battle.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”他被称为亚历山大,因为他很好。", "output": "They should call you Alexander the Great because you are Great.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这种装置的优点是控制电路简单,没有反向耐压问题,因此特别适合做交流无触点开关使用。", "output": "The advantage of this device is that the control circuit is simple and has no reverse voltage problem, so it is especially suitable for AC non-contact switch.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n由于地震过后,对医药的需求大大增加,所以医疗必需品也已经空运到热雷米机场。", "output": "In the wake of the earthquake, need for medical supplies increased and accordingly these have been airlifted from the Jeremie airport.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在这种乐观情绪中,新的里程碑正在以令人目眩的速度被超越。", "output": "Amid this optimism, new milestones are being surpassed at a dizzying speed.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n所以,让我们一起为优秀、友谊和尊重喝彩。", "output": "So let us together celebrate excellence, friendship and respect.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n当你通关火炬之光2的主战役之后,你可以用相同的角色来重新开始游戏,尝试更高难度的挑战。", "output": "Once you’ve beaten Torchlight II’s primary campaign, you can start again with the same character for a significantly greater challenge.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n森林里有许多的狮子,一头狮子将取代另一头以继续进行这项神圣的使命。", "output": "There are so many lions in this jungle and one lion will replace another one to continue this noble mission.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我坐在窗台上,又麻木地等待着他的到来。", "output": "I sat at the table and eagerly awaited his arrival.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n它的核心能力就是令人惊叹的软件引擎,几乎将一切商品都搬到了网上销售,实体零售商店已经不再那么必需。", "output": "Its core capability is its amazing software engine for selling virtually everything online, no retail stores necessary.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n下一篇:火星上是否有生命?", "output": "Next Next post: Is there life on Mars?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n玛格丽特被黑壶搭救并与幸存者一起逃走。", "output": "Margaret is saved by Black Kettle and flees with the survivors.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n舞蹈既可展示历史传统,也可表达现代风貌。", "output": "Dance can offer folk traditions as well as modern expression.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在區塊鏈中,新的參與者可以不時加入網絡,每位參與者都會持有整個電子分類帳。", "output": "In a blockchain, new participants may be admitted to the network from time to time, and each participant will have a copy of the whole digital ledger.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n为什么电子邮件没有显示客户名称", "output": "Why does the cover motif not show my clients name?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n持续的赤字在社会通信和社会交互作用在多个情况下, 为表现在以下, 目前,或由历史:", "output": "A. Persistent deficits in social communication and social interaction across multiple contexts, as manifested by the following, currently or by history :", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n今天,我想告诉大家我们还将在意大利建立一个 AWS 区域,计划在 2020 年初开放。", "output": "Today I would like to let you know that we are also building an AWS Region in Italy and plan to open it up in early 2020.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n贫困不只是负担,你不总是有你所需要的东西,这是尴尬的感觉你生活的每一天,你会做任何解除负担。", "output": "The burden of poverty isn't just that you don't always have the things you need, it's the feeling of being embarrassed every day of your life, and you'd do anything to lift that burden.\"", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n答 Microsoft 保留分区 (MSR) 在每个磁盘驱动器上保留空间以供以后的操作系统软件使用。", "output": "The Microsoft Reserved Partition (MSR) reserves space on each disk drive for subsequent use by operating system software.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n到底是你变了,还是我变了?", "output": "But have you changed or I?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n然而,海湾战争只对油价产生了短期和有限的影响。", "output": "But the announcement had only a small and short-lived effect on oil prices.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他的忍耐就快到极限了。", "output": "His patience was reaching its limit.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n斯諾登在俄羅斯的居住許可在7月31日到期。", "output": "Snowden permit to stay in Russia has already been expired on July 31.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n的两岁女儿Matilda将继承其800万英镑的遗产。", "output": "His second wife Charlene will inherit his millions.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我抬起头:“什么样的网?”", "output": "I replied: \"What network?\"", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”我们做了两个急转弯。", "output": "“We opened up two trenches.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“对不起,但我不希望任何人受到伤害。", "output": "I'm sorry but I don't want anyone to be hurt.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n而我们与竞品最大的区别就是,我们不是技术提供方。", "output": "The main difference between us and the developer is that we do not offer any technical support.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n神已經應許我們,如果我們向祂祈求獲得智慧與知識,祂必賜給我們。", "output": "(He promises that if we seek Him, He will bless us with knowledge and wisdom.)", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n获得160多个国家认可", "output": "Recognised and accepted in over 160 countries", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n因此,瑞典的盟国答应瑞典可以将挪威作为战利品。", "output": "Consequently its allies pledged Norway to Sweden as one of the spoils of war.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n1914―1918年发生的一次国际冲突,使欧洲大部分国家以及俄国、美国、中东和其他地区卷入战争。", "output": "World War I, an international conflict that in 1914–18 embroiled most of the nations of Europe along with Russia, the United States, the Middle East, and other regions.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nHBO Go应用程序也将在今年晚些时候登陆Amazon的Fire TV。", "output": "HBO GO will also be added to the Amazon Fire TV set-top box this year.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n生产过程也是独一无二的。", "output": "The process of cultivation is also unique.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“有一些最终的细节需要解决,但是当我回到阿根廷时,我会与代理商开会,一切都将得到解决。", "output": "\"There are some final details to be worked out but when I come back to Argentina there will be a meeting with my agent and everything will be settled.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n试管婴儿可能是给你的一个选择,但不太可能是你唯一的选择。", "output": "Pearls are an obvious choice, but certainly not your only choice.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们有很多年轻的球员,通过去年有经验了。", "output": "We have some great young players and they gained experience this year.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n减少页面下载时间能够影响到用户对一个网页的满意度评级。", "output": "Lower page download time will have more effect on the user satisfaction rating for a web page.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我想说的话,很多,它们全充溢在我的脑子里。", "output": "There is so much that I want to say, but it is all tangled up inside of my chest.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他估计,从2025年开始,每年约有200万吨的废弃设备被拆解并回收。", "output": "He estimates that since 2025, about 2 million tons of abandoned equipment have been dismantled and recycled each year.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n通常这意味着住在里面的人被感染了。", "output": "This generally suggests your house is infected.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我一定会说,”他回答缓慢,我认为不是。", "output": "\"I am bound to say,\" he answered slowly, \"that I think not.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他们有权利这么做吗?", "output": "Do they have a right to do so?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n不锈钢建筑系统和型材可以收获和回收,一次又一次地使用。", "output": "Stainless steel building systems and profiles can be harvested and recycled to be used over and over again.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n现在删除了三个基因,又添加了一个基因,这些T细胞就可以对抗癌症了。", "output": "With three genes deleted and one added, the T-cells are now ready to fight cancer.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n对于任何旅行,有经验的旅客将收拾一些衣服,他们可以以最小的努力清洁自己。", "output": "For any excursion, seasoned tourists will pack some outfits they can clear on their own with minimum work.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n神就会把奉献的喜乐赐给我们。", "output": "God wants to give us His gift of joy.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n该公司还旨在通过结合其护照和人脸识别技术为消费者提供各种解决方案。", "output": "The company also aims to provide various solutions for consumers by combining its passport and facial recognition technologies.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但芬兰政府觉得奥兰群岛是他们新国家的一部份,就如于1809年俄国人将奥兰纳入芬兰大公国一样。", "output": "However, the Finnish government considered the islands to be a part of their new nation, as the Russians had included Åland in the Grand Duchy of Finland, formed in 1809.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n感谢您成为一个了不起的老师和导师不仅在高中,但大学和超越。", "output": "Thank you for being an amazing teacher and mentor during not only high school, but college and beyond.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n可以说,在某些情况下,他们只不过是陈述了人类的完全平等。", "output": "It may be said, in some instances, they do no more than state the perfect equality of mankind.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他认为,美国梦强调经济增长、个人财富的积累和独立自主。", "output": "The American Dream puts an emphasis on economic growth, personal wealth, and independence.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n——维基百科]禁止非洲裔美国人在20世纪60年代之前在大多数餐馆吃饭。", "output": "Jim Crow laws in the South prevented African-Americans from eating in most restaurants before the 1960s.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在这项研究中,参与者评价了一种早餐饼干,他们被告知比同等价格更低的饼干更健康,更健康。", "output": "In another section of the study, participants rated a breakfast cracker that they were told was more expensive as healthier than an identical cracker that cost less.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n最后,龙应台说出段著名的话——", "output": "but then the centurion says his famous words—", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我最大的两个圣经英雄是大卫和所罗门。", "output": "Without question the two greatest kings of Israel were David and Solomon.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n大部分男性都是这样吗?", "output": "Are most of the men like this?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n另外,里面也有提供一个小游戏。", "output": "So there’s also a game bit in there.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n而且我觉得很高兴,我要说保罗有很多事,但其中一件事是可以保证的:他非常有礼貌。", "output": "\"I feel happy to say that Paul can be a lot of things, but there's a thing I can assure you: he's very polite.\"", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“如果我出去的话,我会重新吸毒的。", "output": "As soon as I get out I'll deal in drugs again.\"", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n2015年,两党刑事司法改革立法正在通过国会,但强硬派的立法者踩刹车。", "output": "Bipartisan criminal justice reform legislation was moving through Congress in 2015, but tough-on-crime lawmakers stepped on the brakes.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“把你的平均面孔,”星辰说,因为他期待一些令人讨厌的东西。", "output": "“Put on your mean faces,” Star-Lord says, because he expects something nasty.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但是科学家们却说,它是可能的。", "output": "Scientists say that it is possible.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n还包括奖励地图“Carentan”!", "output": "Also includes 'Carentan' Bonus Map!", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他们想到了自己的邻居。", "output": "thoughts about their neighbours.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n两家公司将把万事达在支付处理和商务方面的专业知识与英特尔在硅创新和芯片安全领域的实力结合在一起。", "output": "The collaboration will combine MasterCard's expertise in payment processing and commerce with Intel's strengths in silicon innovation and chip-based security.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n還有幾分鐘,它就會抵達我們。", "output": "Just another few seconds and they will have reached us.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n五十许多公司仍然控制着它。", "output": "And just 50 companies control most of it.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n\"我们来到这个国家就是因为这里安全\",她的姐姐Samsam说到。", "output": "“The reason we came to this country is because it is safe,” says her sister, Samsam.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n1.9%的學齡兒童未上學", "output": "1.09 million primary age children do not attend school", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们必须准备去发现在生命物质中、占支配地位的新的物理学定律。", "output": "We must be prepared to find a new type of physical law prevailing in itâ€", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n*所有菜单项都受到基于可用性和/或季节性变化", "output": "*All opportunities are subject to availability and/or change", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n她知道很好,之前,她知道她嫁给了我。", "output": "So, she knew that before she married me.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n尽管他们无序的生活,整个团体试图做一些永久的敦促明智的加泰罗尼亚。", "output": "In spite of their disordered life, the whole group tried to do something permanent at the urging of the wise Catalonian.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这篇文章报道了一项调查的结果。", "output": "This article provides the results of a survey.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n为了实现游戏的全部潜力,我们需要将目标发售日期推迟到2019年6月。", "output": "In order to realise this potential we need to push back the target release date to June 2019.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n伦敦罗马神庙遗迹将对公众开放", "output": "Mithraic Temples in Rome open to the public", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我自问可以创造性地用他们来做些什么。", "output": "I am just wondering what kind of creative things I can do with them.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n比如法国大革命等等。", "output": "Then there is the French Revolution, etc.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n一切都会被吹出水面。", "output": "Everything will be blown out of the water.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n書中的東西是震撼性的。", "output": "The illustrations in the book are striking.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n,除非它总是被打印出来。", "output": "Unless they are printed out.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n该老人已按其心愿被下葬。", "output": "He was buried there according to his wish.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n同时,我请求你的原谅,但尤其是背叛信任,真诚的友谊,你给了我在过去几个月的同情。", "output": "For this as well, I beg your forgiveness, but especially in betraying the trust, the sincere friendship and the sympathy you gave me over the past months.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n市场营销和销售人员在每月例会中会面。", "output": "Benefit from regular Trade and Professional Speakers at monthly meetings.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n招生委员会将接受GMAT或GRE。", "output": "The program will accept the GMAT or GRE.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这些平民亦告诉国际特赦组织,武装团体常常从他们那儿搜刮食物和金钱,并以人身暴力威胁任何不从的人。", "output": "Civilians also told Amnesty International that armed groups regularly extort food and money from them, threatening anyone who refuses with physical violence.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“如果双方能够一步一步地实现峰会的共识,朝鲜半岛无核化将开辟一个新的重要前景,”金说。", "output": "\"If the two sides can implement the consensus of the summit step by step solidly, the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula will open up a new and important prospect,\" Kim said.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n原标题:从水星到冥王星:未来一年的行星探索旅程", "output": "From Mercury to Pluto: the year ahead in planetary exploration", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这是一个未开封的新文章。", "output": "This is a new unopened package.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n一個黨員從生到死,受思想警察監視。", "output": "'A Party member lives from birth to death under the eye of the Thought Police.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n仍以牛顿定律为例,向前向后都是完全符合的——也就是说,原则上机械可以一直运转下去。", "output": "Newton’s laws, for example, run exactly the same forward and backward – which meant, in principle, that machines should be able to run forever.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n而在肯尼亚法院仍然通过死刑,自1987年以来,实际上没有执行任何处决。", "output": "And while death penalties are still passed in Kenyan courts, no executions have actually been carried out since 1987.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你的爱情生活正在快速向前推进吗?", "output": "Is your love life not moving forward?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n正如当局所称,几乎所有俄罗斯银行都受到了影响,已经证实其中约50家银行在袭击中损失了资金。", "output": "The activities, tracked by security researchers, have found that all Russian banks were affected as a result of the attacks and as many as 50 Russian banks lost money in the digital burglary.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n马克思主义产生于欧洲。", "output": "Marxism came from Europe.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他說:「你們一直在戰鬥。", "output": "He said, “You got warfare.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我碰到的第一个骑手是穆洛兹。", "output": "The first jockey I met was Muñoz.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n经过进一步的实验,弗莱明发现实际上是霉菌中的某种物质在阻止细菌的生长。", "output": "Upon further testing, Fleming discovered that it was actually something in the mold that stopped the growth of bacteria.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n《萨尔瓦多》Salvador 1986", "output": "Military aid to El Salvador, 1988", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如何选择合适的促销礼品", "output": "How to choose the proper promotional gifts?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n为什么都是97或者98级的呢?", "output": "Shouldn't it be 97 or 98?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“我们一直在努力加快批准整个卑诗省的资本和地震项目,”教育部长Rob Fleming在一份声明中说。", "output": "“We have been working hard to accelerate the approval of capital and seismic projects throughout B.C.,” said Rob Fleming, Minister of Education.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n心里只充满了对真主的希望而不畏惧真主的人,做了伤天害理的事,还沉浸在一片对真主的恩典的希望之中。", "output": "Those who have a godly “fear” (Deep Respect) for God will not only understand the duty of corporate and personal worship, but will seek it with hearts aflame.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n強大到足以戰勝畏懼。", "output": "Strong enough to fight fear.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n首先,说一下我对这部剧的第一印象。", "output": "Let’s talk about my first impressions about this drama.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n1767年瑞士科学家贺瑞斯发明了第一台太阳能集热器。", "output": "1767 – Swiss scientist invents the first solar collector.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n因此,许多性能导向的程序员会喜欢定义可以更高效分配内存的类型——值类型。", "output": "As a result, many performance-oriented programmers would like the ability to define types that can be laid out in memory more efficiency - value types.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n莫斯科和圣彼得堡是俄罗斯两个最大的城市。", "output": "Moscow and St. Petersburg are the two largest cities.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“归根结底,必须有力量。", "output": "Because, in the end, someone must have power.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他吓得惊呼:“蛇,好多蛇。", "output": "She was screaming, “Snakes, snakes.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他只冷冷问道:“这一次,她是不是也在这里等你?”", "output": "Instead, he coldly asked, \"This time, was she waiting for you here again?\"", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n西瑞斯猜测,这艘船已经在那里待了很多年了,但还是看起来很牢固。", "output": "Ceres guessed that the boat had been there for more years than she wanted to think about, but somehow it still looked strong.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n为了防止在监狱服刑的罪犯逃跑,朝鲜法律规定,一旦犯人越狱将祸连三代。", "output": "In order to prevent criminals serving prison sentences from escaping, North Korean law stipulates that once a prisoner escapes, it will be plagued by three generations.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n再后来,他自沉于颍水,终年45岁。", "output": "And then he drank himself to death by the age of 45.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n不知道這位 Laing 是乜水,但真是幽默到極!", "output": "I don’t know what airline this is, but what a great sense of humor!", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n来自赫瑞瓦特大学的David Lane教授是ORCA Hub的负责人。", "output": "Professor David Lane, from Heriot-Watt University, is the director of the ORCA Hub.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他還裁掉了Osotspa四分之一的員工,將聯合利華等國際公司經驗豐富的職業經理人招致麾下?", "output": "He also laid off a quarter of Osotspa’s employees and recruited experienced professional managers from international firms such as Unilever.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n该集团目前正在就亚洲和东欧的新生产基地进行可行性研究。", "output": "The group is currently doing feasibility studies about future plants in Asia and Eastern Europe.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我以不同方式的平等地喜欢着。", "output": "I enjoy both equally in different ways.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n信天主的人,是以坚定的信仰,承认死人复活的事实。", "output": "of him who has believed with the Lord in death and resurrection, is but", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“都办妥了,鲍里斯·伊万诺维奇。", "output": "\"All is well, Boris Ivanovitch.\"", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这是一个关于行走的故事~", "output": "This is a story about that walk.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你觉得自己被周围的一切孤立了。", "output": "Feel you are isolated from everything around you.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nMHz团队和Web开发团队的设计者的共同努力导致了一个复杂的菜单系统,它可以为受众提供直观的导航。", "output": "The combined efforts between the MHz Team and the designers at The Web Development Group resulted in an intricate menu system that would provide intuitive navigation for the audience members.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n特别是后者,事关大学完整性。", "output": "Especially when it comes to the College’s integrity", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果你喜歡《Wii Sports》", "output": "I know he really likes Wii Sports", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n通过使用无线电波测量血糖水平,开发人员认为该设备应该比其他无线葡萄糖监测仪更精确。", "output": "By using radio waves to measure glucose levels, the developers believe the device should be more accurate than other wireless glucose monitors.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n答:我不清楚《时代》用什么准则和标准来挑选这 100人,只能做些猜想。", "output": "Answer: I don't know TIME's standards and criteria are for selecting the 100 persons.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们起初是婴儿,既而是儿童,然后是男人女人,最后我们渐渐老迈。", "output": "First, we are infants, then children, then men or women, and finally we grow old.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“在一个只有不确定性能确定的经济环境中,持续竞争优势的一个确定性来源是知识。", "output": "In the current economy, where the only certainty is uncertainty, a major source of competitive advantage for an organisation is knowledge.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n也许他自己识别了这些动物。", "output": "He was able to name the animals by himself.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n””几天后,在美国国会图书馆,我签署了电信法案,彻底检查法律影响这一行业已经是我们经济的六分之一。", "output": "A few days later, at the Library of Congress, I signed the Telecommunications Act, a sweeping overhaul of the laws affecting an industry that was already one-sixth of our economy.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n因此,在扬弃例如宗教之后,在承认宗教是自我外化的产物之后,他仍然在作为宗教的宗教中找到自身的确证。", "output": "Thus, for instance, after superseding religion, after recognising religion to be a product of self-alienation he yet finds confirmation of himself in religion as religion.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n考试内容与往年相比变化较大:", "output": "The changes in values compared to past years:", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n特朗普在接受美联社采访时表示,该计划将为个人和企业减税。", "output": "In an interview with the Associated Press, Trump says the plan will result in tax cuts for both individuals and businesses.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n该计划旨在导致在纽约获得执照,并且在满足博士后和考试要求之后,毕业生将有资格担任以下职务:", "output": "The program is designed to lead to licensure in New York, and after satisfying post-doctoral and examination requirements, graduates will be eligible for positions such as", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n地球上有更糟糕的事情。", "output": "There are worse things on earth...", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n【晒账单】美国人一般在婚礼和贺礼上花费多少钱?", "output": "How much do Americans really spend on weddings and engagements?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n雖然金星看起來與地球相似,但在地球上相當活躍的板塊構造運動在金星是不存在的。", "output": "Although Venus is superficially similar to Earth, it seems that the tectonic plates so active in Earth's geology do not exist on Venus.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n使游戏再次变冷更加困难。", "output": "These shortcuts make freezing the game even more problematic.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n是的美国的健康经济是大的,但是更好吗?", "output": "The US health economy is big, but is it better?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n蛋白激酶是一类参与了一系列的疾病,特别是在癌症的酶。", "output": "Protein kinases are a class of enzymes involved in a range of diseases, particularly in cancer.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这很大程度上保证了如果我保持在目标之内,我会减肥。", "output": "It pretty much guarantees that I’m going to lose weight if I stay within a goal.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n欧盟委员会的批准,适用于欧盟所有27个成员国。", "output": "The approval covers all 27 European Union member states.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我非常爱我的丈夫,有两个非常可爱的孩子。", "output": "I love my husband and we have two darling children.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在历经长达三年的冲突以及一万人死亡之后,俄罗斯证明了它能动摇并掌控乌克兰。", "output": "After three years of conflict and 10,000 deaths, Russia has shown it can destabilise and dominate Ukraine.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我已经申请了名单上的第六名。", "output": "I had asked for the sixth place in the list.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在Nepenthe用餐的客人", "output": "Pause for lunch at Nepenthe.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n新战友,“班长”们准备好了!", "output": "America, your new leaders stand ready!", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nQ2:有没有想过,这个活动会产生这么大的影响?", "output": "Q: Did you imagine that this affair would have such a wide impact?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n和你在一起时,我想去的唯一地方就是离你更近的地方。", "output": "When I’m with you the only place I want to be is closer.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n奴隶们被迫皈依基督教。", "output": "All slaves were forced to convert to Christianity.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n那有辱人格的排泄在 4 以内,如果 0。", "output": "And that degrading excretion in 4 or less if 0.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n研究人員觀察了一組居住在哥倫比亞安第斯山區的人。", "output": "For the study, the researchers looked at a group of people living in an area in the Andes mountains in Columbia.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n战斗前的几小时是反思和祈祷的时间。", "output": "Long gone are the days of thoughts and prayers.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n刚过了大约十秒钟,我父亲同样地又握了一次我的手。", "output": "It was about 10 minutes later that my friend grabs my arm again.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n近年來,大部分公司反其道而行。", "output": "Most companies have gone in the opposite direction in recent years.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他还捐赠了他的挂毯,布景和图画,但随后他在1967年博物馆开馆前就去世了。", "output": "He donated his tapestries, set designs, and drawings as well, but then he died before his museum opened in 1967.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nAllmax 為能提供最高品質和純度的快速遞送、快速吸收的液體左旋肉鹼而深感自豪。", "output": "ALLMAX is proud to provide the utmost in quality and purity with rapid delivery, rapid absorption Liquid .", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n● 小狗、猫、鸽子或与此类似的小动物(猛兽和蛇类除外),且", "output": "Small dogs, cats, doves, or small animals of similar size (excluding wild animals and snakes), with the following restrictions:", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n然后打了一辆的——在一家旅店住下。", "output": "And then it hit me…showering at a hotel.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n刚刚看了一下自己之前写的东西,想回应一下。", "output": "I wanted to read what you had written before I replied.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n原油及其他商品供应链的众多参与者无需互相发送大量文件以确认每一个交易步骤。", "output": "Numerous participants in the supply chains of oil or other commodities will no longer have to send each other a lot of papers that confirm each step of the trading transaction.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但是,关于中国和美国谁是更好的扩张目标市场的问题,并没有明确的答案。", "output": "However, when it comes to the question of whether China or the U.S. is a better target market for scaling, there isn’t a clear-cut answer.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n植物细胞与动物细胞的显著区别就是:植物细胞都有细胞壁和液泡,而动物细胞没有。", "output": "One of the main difference between plant cells and animal cells is that plant cells have a cell wall, whereas animal cells don't.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n然后他的心开始膨胀,开始向别人发布命令。", "output": "The man nodded, and began to shout orders to other people.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n应该不是手机的问题。", "output": "It's not about cellphones.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n美国无意于政权的变更或加快朝鲜的统一。", "output": "\"The U.S. has no interest in regime change or accelerated reunification of Korea.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”湖区,他的外祖父母的家里。", "output": "The Lake District, his maternal grandparents’ home.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n” “没有其他方法可以看待它。", "output": "“There’s no other way to see it.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n研究人员由Hanns Hatt博士和Lea Weber博士领导,他们与德国的多家机构合作。", "output": "Dr. Hanns Hatt and Dr. Lea Weber were the researchers who collaborated with several institutions in Germany.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这篇文章包含事件策划、 推广及管理的一些实用建议.", "output": "This article contains some practical advice for event planning, promotion and management.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你可以看到蜘蛛侠的形象站在我家的走廊上面。", "output": "You can see an image of Spider-Man standing in the hallway of my home up above.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n阿肯色州联邦地区法院的一名法官驳回了案件,理由是该法侵犯了米勒的第二修正案权利。", "output": "A district federal court threw out the case on clear grounds that Miller's 2nd Amendment rights had been violated.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n武林路女装街,本来就是女人的世界。", "output": "Walking street, the world of women.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n見其生,不忍見其死;聞其聲,不忍食其肉。", "output": "He watches out for his animals and assures that they are not killed wantonly, lest the meat be wasted.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但在短短24小时内,我们得到了什么?", "output": "But in just over 24 hours, what did we get?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n看起来好像是个五毛所写。", "output": "It feels like a written high-five.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你知道吗,我要一百二十九?", "output": "Do I need a 1098-T?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n该基金为交易者提供高达 20,000 美元的保险金。", "output": "The Fund provides traders with insurance payments up to 20,000 EUR.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nTAG: 用户 共享", "output": "Twitter: Share via user", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但是自從我參加工作以後,我媽一直不停地跟我談錢。", "output": "Since that my step mother has stopped talking to me over money.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“下层阶级的妇女总是工作。", "output": "Among the lower classes, women have always worked.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n对一系列重大活动的评价", "output": "Evaluation of a series of major activities", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n\"我被她为他人牺牲自己的奉献精神所感动。", "output": "I was touched by her dedication to others.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n数百万美国人依靠非处方药治疗常见的并发症,如失眠和头痛。", "output": "Millions of Americans rely on over-the-counter medicine to treat routine complications such as insomnia and headaches.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n里面的装饰物几乎每一件都是Noritz在金属铸造店和古董店里收集来的。", "output": "Nearly every item used to decorate the loft was collected by Norritz himself from metal foundries and antique shops.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们的许多服务允许您存储或共享您的内容,或者接收他人发送的材料。", "output": "The Service allows you to store or share your content or receive material from others.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但主权债务是不同的。", "output": "Sovereign debt is completely different.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n枪支没有扣押,葡萄倒进去,我们的小步兵部队在双打前进时,枪杀和刺伤所有他们追上的人。", "output": "The guns were unlimbered and grape poured into them, while our little infantry force advanced at the double, shooting and stabbing all whom they overtook.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n撒但拥有死亡的权柄,他总是要用这种能力去毁灭基督的教会。", "output": "Satan has the power of death, and he will always use that power to try to destroy the church of Christ.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nBolsonaro袭击环境法的直接后果,据报道,这些法律使非法土地清理行动的肇事者更加胆大妄为。", "output": "This has every appearance of being a direct consequence of Bolsonaro’s attacks on environmental laws, which have reportedly emboldened the perpetrators of illegal land-clearing operations.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“现在让我谈谈美国,“他说。", "output": "\"Tell me about the United States,\" he said.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“而企业债务问题则是另一番景象:约占GDP的145%,不管以何种标准来衡量都非常高。", "output": "Corporate debt is a different matter: about 145 percent of GDP, which is very high.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n澳洲Ugg羊皮靴開始成為了每一個滑水者上岸后的必備品。", "output": "Australian Ugg sheepskin boots have become a must-have for every surfer after landing.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n当您认为许多其他银行正在尽量减少其在海外业务的范围时,这尤其令人印象深刻。", "output": "This is particularly impressive when you consider that many other banks were minimizing the scope of their operations abroad.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n它意味着网页不存在。", "output": "It means that the page does not exist.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但同样是那些政府也猛烈的表达反对美国领导下的军队对他的处置。", "output": "Yet those same governments are also furiously signaling their disapproval of an American-led military effort to depose him.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n8月20日,多達14萬人湧上香港街頭,成為2014年雨傘運動以來最大規模的反政府抗議。", "output": "On August 20, up to 140,000 poured onto Hong Kong’s streets in the biggest anti-government protest since the 2014 Umbrella Movement.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我所喜欢的一个非常小的广告机构,叫做Arroyo。", "output": "to a very small advertising agency that I liked, called Arroyo", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n还有多少女人要冻死呢?", "output": "How many people would freeze to death?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n当以色列军队瞄准新闻记者时,他们杀死了两名记者,并狙击手伤害了数十名新闻记者。", "output": "During the Great Return March, Israeli snipers targeted journalists, killing two and injuring others.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n「当 Marc Jacobs 在十年前让我从购物袋里钻出来的时候,我正要开始我的时尚领域职业生涯。", "output": "\"When Marc Jacobs, featured me coming out of a shopping bag a decade ago it really was the beginning of my journey into the fashion industry” Victoria explains.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n当一切失败,所有我需要做的就是考虑在两秒钟内自杀,我想傻子一样快活。", "output": "Whenever everything else fails, all I have to do is consider suicide and in two seconds I'm as cheerful as a nitwit.\"", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我們不能指望每個人都成為我們的朋友,可是我們能設法使任何人都不與我們為敵。", "output": "We cannot expect to make everyone our friend, but we can try to make no one our enemy.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n不过,该公司一直给支持者留下深刻印象,因为它赋予了机器一个几十年来一直未能实现的特点:机动性。", "output": "Instead, the company has consistently impressed backers by giving machines a trait that’s eluded them for decades: mobility.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但是,我们必须记住:工具始终只是工具。", "output": "We must always remember: money is only a tool.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在这个分裂和危机的时刻,我们必须团结起来,相互支持。", "output": "“In this time of division and crisis, we must come together and stand for, and with, one another.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n就可能形成他人的财富丧失", "output": "may enrich themselves by other people's loss.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n啊,诗人!一个新的贵族被赋予了树林和牧场,不在城堡里,或剑刃,不再。", "output": "O poet! a new nobility is conferred in groves and pastures, and not in castles, or by the sword-blade, any longer.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n汉坦病毒是华盛顿州罕见病。", "output": "Hantavirus is a rare disease in Washington state.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n为避免这场斗争,国土安全部的资金在12月中旬到期的临时资助措施中延续到新的财政年度。", "output": "To avoid the fight, Homeland Security funding was carried over into the new fiscal year in a temporary funding measure that expires in mid-December.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n澳洲儿童教育与护理质量机构(", "output": "(Australian Children’s Education and Quality Care Authority)", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“每个人都要做点什么。", "output": "“Everybody wants to do something.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n30 年了,从来没有复刻过!", "output": "This was 30 years ago and I never did it again!", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n(4)决定能否在俄罗斯联邦境外动用俄罗斯联邦武装力量的问题;", "output": "d) deciding on the possibility of using the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation outside the territory of the Russian Federation;", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n申请欧盟资金并管理欧盟资助的项目;", "output": "supports the DAAD's EU-funded projects and applications for EU funding;", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n金发碧眼的婴儿也更可能是被取代,年轻金发女性更容易被挖走到仙女的宝物。", "output": "Blonde babies are more likely to be stolen and replaced with changelings, and young blonde women are more likely to be lured away to the land of the fairies.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n愿他将我们坚定的友谊带给以色列、巴勒斯坦人,还有所有邻国。", "output": "We extend a hand in friendship to Israel, the Palestinians, and to all of their neighbours.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这些设备,如陈旧的模式,我在下面显示...", "output": "These devices, like the antiquated model I show below...", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这几年,随着持续地和普及,国内越来越多的年轻妈妈意识到了母乳喂养的重要性,并加入母乳喂养的大军中来。", "output": "In recent years, with the continuous promotion and popularization, more and more young mothers in China are aware of the importance of breastfeeding and join the breastfeeding army.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n首次亮相的地点非常合乎逻辑地选择:在欧洲这类汽车中,需求不是轿车,而是货运客车。", "output": "The place for the debut is chosen quite logically: in this class of cars in Europe, the demand is not for sedans, but for cargo-passenger versions.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”在那个时候,他失去了两个人。", "output": "By then he had already lost two.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“当你礼拜时,你祈祷,就好像这是你的最后一次礼拜。", "output": "“When you stand up to pray, pray as if it is your last prayer.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n为什么你们都这么 NB 。", "output": "Why are you so fab?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我爱白金汉公爵胜过任何人,也胜过聚集在这里的你们。", "output": "“You may be sure that I love the Earl of Buckingham [James made Villiers Earl of Buckingham] more than anyone else, and more than you who are here assembled.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n实时患者管理系统有助于自动化和简化患者识别过程。", "output": "The real-time patient management system helps in automating and streamlining patient identification processes.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n第二十八条各地方、各部门、各单位应当根据国家有关规定和工作需要,设置统计专业技术职务。", "output": "Article 28 All localities, departments and enterprises and institutions shall establish professional statistical posts according to the relevant state stipulations and the needs of the work.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他可以看着你,把你撞倒。", "output": "He could look at you and draw you out.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n海尔茂: 完了!完了!娜拉,你永远不会再想我了吧?", "output": "All over!--Nora, shall you never think of me again?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n她的父亲和他的一些来自抵抗的朋友把他带回了美国。", "output": "Her father and some of his friends from the Resistance had spirited him back to the Americans, and he had eventually taken part in the liberation of Paris.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n应对这些挑战需要在学术机构与行业之间开展进一步的研究与创新。", "output": "“Meeting these challenges requires further research and innovation between academic institutions and industry.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n新的法律框架预料会取代旧的条约,以反映自1950年代以来,三国国内及欧洲地区的转变。", "output": "It will probably be replaced by a new legal framework, taking into account the evolutions since the 1950s, both within the three member states and concerning European integration.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n所有已借出書刊必須於13/6(星期五)前歸還。", "output": "All orders need to be returned by Tuesday 13/3.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这也使得他们成为了英国的超级网红!", "output": "And they are the cause of the Great British Rot!", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n也為這個美麗的女孩謝謝Marc King。", "output": "Also for this great girl a thank you to Marc King.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n尝试给自己的空间,学习了很多关于旅行,因为它可以还清,当你需要它。", "output": "Try giving yourself space to learn a lot about travel since it can pay off when you are in need of it.…", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n原因很简单—视频非常的直观并且有很高的互动性。", "output": "The reason for that is simple – video is VERY visual and interactive.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n斯洛文尼亚于2007年1月1日采用欧元。", "output": "Slovenia adopted the euro on 1 January 2007.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n由於法國甜品及牛油在海外大受歡迎,導致法國超市的乳製品更加短缺。", "output": "French pastries and butter have become so popular abroad that the increased demand led to a mini shortage of the dairy product in French supermarkets.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他花了很长时间,因为他就是需要时间来沉淀。", "output": "He asked for six months because he needed time to settle down.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这个想法,即随时调查人的能力,是由文化放大器、TinyPulse、文化智商和其他一些创新者首创的。", "output": "This idea, the ability to survey people at any time, was pioneered by innovators like CultureAmp, TinyPulse, CultureIQ, and a few others.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n统计显示,2011年全国自杀者总人数为30513人。", "output": "The National Police Agency has revealed that the number of suicides in Japan in 2011 stood at 30,513.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”虽然没有具体的威胁。", "output": "\"There is no specific threat.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n自1949年成立以来,Thornton Tomasetti的创新改变了建筑业。", "output": "Since our founding in 1949, Thornton Tomasetti's innovations have shaped the building industry.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n也许是从9级这种骇人听闻的大地震中获得了力量。", "output": "This region is ripe for a magnitude-9 earthquake.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果是下雪或者下雨天,我们可以关闭自动驾驶模式——但仍然能给你提供帮助。", "output": "If it’s snowing or raining we can turn off autonomous mode—and still pick you up.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我的梦想合作是坎耶,因为我认为他是最棒的。", "output": "My dream collaboration is Kanye, because I think he’s the best.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他的受害人一般是居住在农村里的农民和村民。", "output": "His victims usually consisted of farmers and villagers living in rural areas.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n区块链是一个分散的,可连续扩展的记录列表,它允许随时存储和跟踪网络中的所有交易。", "output": "Blockchain is a decentralized and continuously expandable list of records that allows all transactions within a network to be stored and tracked at any time.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n莫伦特表示,这些外国人已经被遣返回国。", "output": "It is Crevette’s opinion that these aliens have now returned.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n網絡禮儀是互聯網使用者在網上對其他人應有的禮儀。", "output": "Good online behavior means being polite to other people on the Internet.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n有Chiron Sport,但它基本上只是一个以赛道为主的版本。", "output": "There is the Chiron Sport, but it is essentially just a track-focused version.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n为此,丁佩终身也饱尝谴责,甚至被置疑为直接害死李小龙的凶手。", "output": "For this reason, Ding Pei was criticized all his life, and even suspected of directly killing Bruce Lees murderer.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n兰德尔……当你微笑的时候。", "output": "MELO, When you're smiling.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n一位打破所有品味、風格和膚色障礙的歌手」。", "output": "A singer who cuts across all boundaries of taste and style and color too.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n董明珠:如果你的质量没有别人好,技术没有别人强,才会感觉到有压力。", "output": "Aggression: If your dog is unusually aggressive towards people or other dogs it may be a sign that they are stressed.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n为了消除实体歧义,并确保文档具有一致的实体集合,我们的系统支持三个实体消歧算法:", "output": "To disambiguate entity mentions and ensure a document has a consistent set of entities, our system supports three entity disambiguation algorithms:", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n电脑游戏帮助孩子做出健康的食物选择", "output": "Computer game could help children choose healthy food", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n環境專家已表示,亞運兩周賽事期間,沒什麼希望看到乾淨的天空。", "output": "Environmental experts say there is little hope for clean skies during the two-week tournament.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”这意味着maca可以在任何时间停止使用而不存在危险。", "output": "This means that Maca may be discontinued at any time without danger.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n(2)、会议的落实。", "output": "(3) Executing the meeting.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n同时,中国在过去几年中积累了庞大的战略石油储备,从2015年的1.91亿桶增加到去年的8亿桶。", "output": "China has amassed an enormous strategic oil reserve in the last few years, growing from 191 million barrels in 2015 to as much as 800 million barrels last year.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“该项目按计划稳步推进,以配合2016年的卫星发射工作。", "output": "\"The program continues to advance as planned and in line for launching the satellite in 2016.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n技术能帮助我们的客户进入新的市场(建立网站,互联网广告)。", "output": "Technology can assist our clients to reach new markets (Creation of Websites; Internet advertisement).", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n眼组织的连接可能有助于解释大脑如何检测光来“重置”每天的生物钟,并与24小时的周期相一致。", "output": "The retinal connection may help explain how the brain detects light to “reset” the body clock each day and to align with the 24-hour cycle.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你让花朵绽放,星光闪耀,你能征服每一个男人与你的美和爱。", "output": "You make the flowers blossom, stars shine and you can conquer every man with your beauty and love.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n何生活,作家们如何生活。", "output": "That\\’s how we writers live.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n1540年,他又因叛国罪进?", "output": "By 1540, he was back in prison for treason.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n希望能夠更全面地了解這些產品及其相關的利益和風險。", "output": "Hopefully, a fuller understanding of these products and their associated benefits and risks will be had.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n遍布100多个国家的15万名满意的客户证明了我们对卓越的设计、质量和成本效益的承诺。", "output": "Customers in over 50 countries offer proof of our commitment to excellent design and cost efficiency.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n然后,她坦白说:她会把价签从买来的衣服上摘掉,这样就不至于让她的保姆看到价钱。", "output": "Then she made a confession: She took the price tags off her clothes so that her nanny would not see them.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n一切都是现成的,而且非常便宜。", "output": "Everything is home made and very inexpensive.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n那么怎样才能保证机械正常运转,充分发挥其应有的功效。", "output": "So how can ensure machine to function normally, give full play its due effect.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n医院有一个ATM /银行和一家药房。", "output": "There is an ATM and a pharmacy.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nXENY记者巴伦(CesarBarron)上周开始播送海斯的故事, 一个小时内就联系达亚米的家人。", "output": "XENY reporter Cesar Barron began broadcasting Heiss' story on Wednesday and within an hour Dayami's family got in touch.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n脚臭不能怪脚,鞋子可能有问题。", "output": "My feet are very swollen and shoes can be a problem.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们可以使用一个更加简洁的版本:", "output": "We therefore share a shorter version:", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n天文學界已經選擇 5.5 AU(木星的軌道)作為一個概念上極好的解答。", "output": "the astronomical community has selected 5.5AU—the orbit of Jupiter—as a conceptually elegant solution.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n第五,科技、教育、文化事业繁荣兴旺。", "output": "Fifth, educational and cultural competition also catches attention.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n国旗上的南十字星座代表了澳大利亚在南半球的地理位置,而那颗大型联邦之星则象征了各州和地区组成的联邦。", "output": "The Australian flag has the Southern Cross representing our geographical position in the Southern Hemisphere and a Commonwealth star symbolising the federation of States and Territories.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n事实上,我从未有过一个宏伟的计划 ——如今我意识到的是,毕业后几乎不可能有这样一个计划。", "output": "In fact, I've never really had a grand plan — and what I realize now is that it's probably impossible to have one after graduation, if ever.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n嘿,你们卖这些记录吗?", "output": "Do you sell these recordings?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但這比最初發起人設想的更為困難,結果這些項目大多被取消或無限期擱置。", "output": "This proved to be much more difficult than their promoters initially envisioned with the result that most of these projects were either canceled or placed on indefinite hold.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”三个眼镜,”我叫服务员。", "output": "“Three cokes,” I called to the waiter.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n写一个“标准”宏MIN ,这个宏输入两个参数并返回较小的一个。", "output": "Write a \"standard\" macro MIN that takes two arguments and returns the smaller one.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n第二十八条矿山企业不得录用童工;也不得录用未成年人从事矿山井下劳动。", "output": "Article 29 Mining enterprises may not recruit minors to engage in underground work.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n有祝酒喝醉了,食物被吃掉,舞蹈是跳舞。", "output": "Drinks were imbibed, food consumed, and dancing ensued.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这次战役之后,奥地利皇帝便不再直接指挥军队了。", "output": "After this battle, the Austrian Emperor refrained from further direct command of the army.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n打开Match Score,它会结合所有信息来预测你在一个特定的地方享受美食的可能性。", "output": "Enter the Match Score, which combines all that intel to predict how likely you are to enjoy a particular place.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n一些在之前见过他和司机交谈。", "output": "Some had seen him in prior conversation with the driver.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n-不在家吃早飯,比如在快餐廳,會增加137%的肥胖風險", "output": "-Eating breakfast away from home, like at a fast food restaurant, increases the risk of obesity 137%", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我原本是要去Emerald Hill 去看我一个从来没有见过面的亲戚。", "output": "I have been to Reggio Calabria to visit a first cousin whom I had never met.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如何感知汽车的极限在哪里?", "output": "Where can I find out how my car’s head restraints rate?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n真正為社會創造了價值 就一定可以得到社會認可", "output": "Creating value for the society will surely gain social acceptance.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n无论是自觉或不自觉地,这一代人不想同样情况发生在他们身上。", "output": "Either consciously or subconsciously, this generation doesn’t want the same circumstances to happen to them.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这意味着有一名共和党员也投了反对票。", "output": "One Republican also voted against it.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们生活的世界充满了各种声音", "output": "Our world is full of various kinds of sounds.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你追求:一丝不苟地实现自己的计划。", "output": "Therefore, make sure you plan your life thoroughly.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n对于我们所面对的挑战真正的了解少得令人吃惊。", "output": "Real understanding of the challenges we face is alarmingly low.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n报告还指出,人民币升值25%也大幅提高了中国投资者的购买力,促使更多投资资金外流到发达国家。", "output": "A 25 per cent appreciation of the yuan has also boosted the buying power of Chinese investors driving more outbound direct investment into developed markets, the report found.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这些赠款认清创造力和创新是在心脏这一切研究进展的。", "output": "These grants recognize the creativity and innovation that are at the heart of all research advances.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n其中一款比较有趣的产品来自一家名为 Qivicon 的德国公司。", "output": "One of the more interesting ones is from a German company called Qivicon.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n不过,合约条款和/或法律规定,特别是那些与财务和付款相关的,可能阻止删除某些数据。", "output": "However,contractual and/or legal regulations, particularly those relating to accounting and payment, may prevent certain data from being deleted.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n轻松地激怒了当动物或人类的做法太紧密合作,以蛇。", "output": "It is easily irritated when an animal or a human approaches too closely to the snake.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n由于耐用光电开关输出回路和输入回路是电隔离的(即电缘绝),所以它可以在许多场合得到应用 。", "output": "Since the photoelectric switch output circuit and the input circuit are electrically isolated (ie, electrically isolated), it can be used in many applications.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n那时我已经离开了政府。", "output": "I was out of the government by then.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他们在某些事情上应该很强硬。", "output": "It's going to be tough at some points.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nBMW Motorrad 表示,它们在这项技术上工作已经超过两年", "output": "“BMW Motorrad says it’s been working on the technology for more than two years, and the effort shows.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n为了表彰CCRCB的国际地位,大学已经并将继续对学术人员和基础设施进行重大投资。", "output": "In recognition of the international standing of CCRCB, the University has made and continues to make, significant investment in both academic staff and infrastructure.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“它的反应速度和灵活性将在很大程度上改善我们的工业基地,在那里我们正在修复年龄越来越大的飞机。", "output": "“The speed of it and the flexibility of it will very much improve our industrial base, where we’re repairing aircraft that are getting older and older.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这些创新已成为IBM价值190亿美元的混合云业务的核心技术。", "output": "These innovations have become core technologies within IBM’s $ 19 billion hybrid cloud business.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他们唯一的业务就是勒索专利许可费。", "output": "Their only business is extorting patent licensing fees.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你可以留下来等他买房,搬进来和你结婚。", "output": "You can stay and wait for him to buy a house, move in and marry you.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你必須與基督結合,因為基督就是生命。", "output": "You must be joined to Christ, for Christ is the life.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n想到这个,我想到了我以前的老板。", "output": "As I was thinking about it, I remembered a old boss of mine.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n即使明天永不来临,你也不会为今天后悔。", "output": "and if tomorrow never comes, you’ll have no regrets about today.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n该术语通常可以与 \"LGBTQ\" 互换使用。", "output": "The term queer can often be used interchangeably with LGBTQ.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如何成功升级Erp系统版本?", "output": "How To Successfully Upgrade The Erp System Version?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n科学家们已鉴定出存在于我们基因组中的11000个基因具有能够导致疾病的变异体。", "output": "Scientists have identified 11,000 genes that occur in the human genome in variants that can cause disease.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n假如你的孩子一连几天都缠着你要?", "output": "What if your child seems to be sad for days together?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nQ:甚么样的产品才能称为“牛奶”?", "output": "Q: What types of materials are considered “firewood”?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n展望未来,新的云数据中心控制系统将会变得更加关键。", "output": "Looking ahead, new cloud and data center control systems will only continue to become more critical.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n吃喝拉撒睡,这就是生活。", "output": "Eating and sleeping; that’s the life.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我知道列在那里,不可能瘦列支持这样一个巨大的结构,但从这个距离我不能看到它。", "output": "I knew the column was there, the impossibly thin column that supported such a massive structure, but from that distance I couldn’t see it.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n6月,世界卫生组织在其国际疾病分类中增加了游戏成瘾。", "output": "In June, the World Health Organization added video game addiction to its International Classification of Diseases.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n隨著探索時代的到來,很多老商道,例如琥珀之路失去了以往的價值。", "output": "With the advent of the Age of Exploration, many old trading routes such as the Amber Road lost importance as new ones were created.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我觉得人们还在浮动。", "output": "I believe that people are in flux.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n到2010年,这一目标已经修正为每年660万加仑。", "output": "In 2010, that target was revised down to just 6.6 million gallons.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这个图看起来有点复杂,我们会一步一步的解释它。", "output": "The procedure is rather easy and we will explain it step by step.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n写一封要求贷款的信并不难,但应遵循一些指导原则。", "output": "Writing a letter asking for a loan is not difficult, but a few guidelines should be followed.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n附近的伯恩茅斯以极大的交通连接和各种各样的商店和活动中心。", "output": "Near to the centre of Bournemouth with great transport links and a wide variety of shops and activities.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n停止使用互联网的时候你是否感觉烦躁不安?", "output": "-Do you become irritable when Internet use is disrupted?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n11. 我该怎样与子女订立使用电脑的协议?", "output": "What should I do when making agreements with my children for their computer use?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n人们会告诉你他们是怎样的人,但我们总是选择忽略,因为我们希望他们成为我们想要的样子。", "output": "13 People tell you who they are, but we ignore it because we want them to be who we want them to be.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这些通常是预做的食物,如冷冻披萨和微波炉晚餐。", "output": "These often are pre-made meals like frozen pizza and microwaveable dinners.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果你的思维背负过去沉重的负担,未来你将会体验更多的相同负担。", "output": "If your mind carries a heavy burden of past, you will experience more of the same.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“他是总统的病房,他会发誓”。", "output": "Once he has sworn the oath, he's President\"", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n7、足部需要特别关照人士不要穿。", "output": "7, the foot needs special care to people do not wear.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n它是用一种特殊的纳米材料...", "output": "A special issue of Nanomaterials...", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n俄亥俄州立档案馆Remenyik还是该报告中任命的唯一的前OSU教练。", "output": "Remenyik is also the only former OSU coach named in the report.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n然而今天,中国是世界工厂,占全球制造业的四分之一以上。", "output": "Today, however, China is the workshop of the world, accounting for more than a quarter of global manufacturing.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你可以了解用户及其与Localytics的交互。", "output": "You can understand your users and their interactions with Localytics.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在医院看望她让我很难过。", "output": "It is so sad seeing her in the hospital.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n对中国经济放缓的担忧也打压了本周初的人气。", "output": "Concerns over an economic slowdown in China also dampened sentiment to start off the week.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n报纸报道说,永利的行为是众所周知的,员工有时会进入假约会帮助其他女性工作者避免他。", "output": "The newspaper reported that Wynn’s actions were well-known enough that employees would sometimes enter fake appointments in the books to help other female workers avoid him.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n唯一铁板钉钉的是,他们卷走了一切:钱、十二月的清风、切面包的餐刀、午后三点的惊雷、茉莉花香和爱。", "output": "The only certainty was that they took everything with them: money, December breezes, the bread knife, thunder at three in the afternoon, the scent of jasmines, love.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”我的父亲是负责这一切?", "output": "\"My father owned all this?\"", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n逝世於1959年11月25日,巴黎,法國", "output": "Died January 25, 1925, Paris, France", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n三條不同時間線的主軸", "output": "You follow three different time lines.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在全球的印刷细分市场看,包装印刷市场呈现强劲的增长态势。", "output": "In the global printing market segment, the packaging and printing market showed a strong growth trend.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”和許多城市一樣,薩克拉門托的市中心需要人們認真地重新反思規劃。", "output": "Like many cities, Sacramento’s urban core needed some serious rethinking.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在我们服务的大多数行业中,我们是市场领导者,我们希望继续保持领先地位。", "output": "We are the market leader in most of the industries we serve and we want to stay ahead.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n那名学生站在那里深受感动,眼中满是泪水。", "output": "The student stood there deeply affected and tears filled his eyes.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n狒狒還創造了復雜的社會系統,關鍵的是,它們有能力去思考困難的情況,并給出可能的解決辦法。", "output": "Baboons also create complex social system and they have critical ability to think about difficult situations and come with potential solutions to it.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nRico显得非常的安静。", "output": "Rich has been very quiet.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“我们正面临着对我们国家的经验来说全新的东西。", "output": "“We are really facing something that is new in our national experience.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n「他承認自己是有點虛榮啦,但是…」", "output": "I recognize she’s somewhat abstract, but ..”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n然后这武魂化为一个男子。", "output": "The weasel then transformed into a man.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果你從來沒有嘗試之前成人玩具或特殊的內衣,有機會,你是一個有點沉默寡言,由於感到尷尬或難堪。", "output": "If you’ve never tried out adult toys or special lingerie before, chances are that you’re a bit reticent due to feeling awkward or embarrassed.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他代理两位英国工业家,于1874年2月提交了他的第一份专利申请。", "output": "He files his first patent application in February 1874, representing two British industrialists.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n有些开发商声称,建造经适房会增加大多数人的住房成本。", "output": "Some developers claim that affordable housing targets will increase housing costs for the majority.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n2007,她在白宫接受总统自由勋章。", "output": "In 2007, she was at the White House to receive the Presidential Medal of Freedom.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n大家都知道,孙莉是从来不做饭的!", "output": "We all know Gene never could cook.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n一般来说,这些副作用不是因为吃了含有维生素C的食物,而是因为额外补充了维生素C。", "output": "In general, these side effects do not occur from eating foods that contain vitamin C, but rather from taking the vitamin in supplement form.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n第四章 土地與其他財產", "output": "Chapter 4 The Land and Other Property", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n全球通胀率约为2.8%,实际工资增长预测为2.1%。", "output": "With a global inflation rate prediction of approximately 2.8%, real-wage salary increase is predicted at 2.1%.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n联邦城市助理部长泰勒(Angus Taylor)表示,拟建西悉尼机场将有助于就业。", "output": "The Minister assisting the Prime Minister on Cities, Angus Taylor, said building the proposed Western Sydney Airport would help.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n读者可以在下载该程序,直接在自己的电脑上运行。", "output": "A user can then download this application and run it on their computer.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n神经肽酪氨酸:生物学效应和病理生理意义。", "output": "Dietary isoflavones: biological effects and relevance to human health.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n汤姆的知音坐在他旁边,像汤姆一样痛苦,现在他深深地和感激地对这个娱乐感兴趣。", "output": "Tom’s bosom friend sat next him, suffering just as Tom had been, and now he was deeply and gratefully interested in this entertainment in an instant.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n索罗斯告诫德国\"要么当领袖 要么离开\"", "output": "George Soros: 'Germany should lead or leave.'", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n此时,让我们回到四月初——", "output": "Let's go back to the beginning of April...", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在斯坦福大学任教的内科医生在治疗非洲裔美国患者时被提示质疑指南。", "output": "The doctor of internal medicine who teaches at Stanford University was prompted to question the guidelines while treating an African-American patient.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n狄克先生外出就寢后,就剩下姨奶奶和我了,這時我便坐下給那兩位老小姐寫信。", "output": "When my aunt and I were left to ourselves by Mr. Dick’s going out to bed, I sat down to write my letter to the two old ladies.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n請記住這個治療燒傷方法,是被列入消防員初學者的教學。", "output": "Keep in mind this treatment of burns is now being included in teaching beginner fireman.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n它被称为LD50水平。", "output": "It’s called LD50.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他说:“对于像我这样没地方去的人,斯科特就是家人。", "output": "For people like me with nowhere to go, Scott is family.\"", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这种知识能让你和你的能力和其他的合作伙伴合作。", "output": "These qualities help both you and others working with you.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n联邦利益冲突和道德规范专员办公室是加拿大议会下属一个调查机构。", "output": "The Conflict of Interest and Ethics Commissioner, for example, is appointed under the Parliament of Canada Act.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n2003年,一根树枝落在俄亥俄州的一条电线上,导致美国和加拿大5000万人遭遇停电。", "output": "In August 2003, a transformer blew in Ohio, causing a cascade effect that blacked out 50 million people in the U.S. and Canada.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n6.律師:「那時候發生什麼事了?」", "output": "Lawyer: “What happened then?”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在某些工作中,危险原因是不安全的工作环境。", "output": "In some jobs, the cause of danger is the unsafe working environment.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n申请难民地位6个月后,避难申请者就被允许在当地工作。", "output": "After six months, asylum-seekers receive authorization to work.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n金星沒有生命的原因:", "output": "Infertility does not have a single cause:", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n希望永远,”我说,耸。", "output": "“Forever,” I said, shrugging.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这一形象反映了男性对理想女性的期望。", "output": "These traits are simply part of women’s expectation to their ideal men.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在古代,奶酪制作的基本原则已为人们所熟知。", "output": "In ancient times, the basic principles of cheese production were known.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n15. 在 1 月 2010, 她前往萨尔瓦多去做慈善工作.", "output": "In January 2010 she traveled to El Salvador to do charity work.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n外星人更早出现在电影中。", "output": "The aliens appeared in the movie much earlier.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这是一个大家的项目。", "output": "This is an everyone project.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n那么,机场可以做些什么来减少或防止这些事件发生呢?", "output": "So, what can airports do to mitigate the impact or prevent these events from occurring in the future?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n2017年由于每辆车拥堵造成的小时损失: 14.6", "output": "2017 hours lost due to congestion per car: 14.6", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n因为之前的种种经历告诉我", "output": "As previous experiences have shown me.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n守门员Rui Patricio一直忙于北非队,帮助葡萄牙队获得三分,并在四分之一的比赛中取得领先", "output": "Goalkeeper Rui Patricio was kept busy by the North Africans and helped Portugal earn the three points and move top of the group on four.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这是我生平第一次,我信任某人。", "output": "For the first time in my life, I was able to trust a guy.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n希望有经验的能帮我一下。", "output": "I am hoping that someone with experience could help me.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n关于永生的句子有哪些?", "output": "But what of the phrase “eternal punishment”?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n93、如果有人告诉你,他将作出“一个现实的决定”,你立刻能明白他已决定干某种坏事。", "output": "If someone tells you he is going to make ``a realistic decision,' you immediately understand that he is going to do something bad.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这一点一直是我 的投资思想。", "output": "This has always been my investment strategy.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但是我不想再写一本 900页的镐头书3。", "output": "Nobody wants a 300 page handbook anymore.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n每个在网上购物的人都知道,在线购物的优势之一就是方便。", "output": "All people know that one of the biggest reasons for shopping at an online is to take advantage of how convenient it is.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nSengupta说,机器算法告诉你该怎么做,但它们 没有解释你为什么要这么做。", "output": "Sengupta says machine algorithms tell you what to do, but they don't explain why you're doing it.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n过后,我把他们做成了文件夹:)", "output": "And then I turned them into a Christmas card :-)", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n验证:确保被导入类型的正确性", "output": "Verification: ensures the correctness of the imported type", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n多年来负责该项目试验的工程师克里斯·乌尔姆森(Chris Urmson)将继续担任技术主管。", "output": "Chris Urmson who was previously the head of the project will continue as the head of technical development.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n卡罗莱纳社区的其他成员会从你身上学到什么?”", "output": "What would other members of the Carolina community learn from you?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n首先,我们发现女性的选举胜利导致下一次选举中女性主要候选人的概率提高18.5个百分点。", "output": "First, we find that a woman’s electoral victory leads to an 18.5 percentage point higher probability of having a woman major party candidate in the next election.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n网友:你是哦滴 34岁 油性肤质", "output": "Hi, have a 34-year-old oil water heater.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我不确定我想听到更多。", "output": "I am not sure I want to see more.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n馬里蘭成為美國最富有的州", "output": "Maryland is the richest state in America.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他的工作室工作范围从装饰性/功能性陶瓷到受仪式和身份影响的概念陶瓷作品。", "output": "His studio work ranges from decorative/functional pottery to conceptual ceramic works that are influenced by ritual and identity.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n由于不同国家可能出现的语言问题,这些警告和说明的措辞没有具体说明,但作为附件B中的一般信息给出。", "output": "Due to linguistic problems which may occur in different countries, the wording of these warnings and instructions is not specified but given as general information in Annex B. It should be noted that different legal requirements exist in many countries with regard to such marking.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nRossana Magnotta希望贵湖大学研究室最终能帮助其他病人与他们的家人不要体验同样的痛苦!", "output": "Magnotta hopes the Guelph research lab will eventually mean other patients and their families won't have to go through the same kind of suffering.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n2006年7月1日之后,欧盟市场上的所有适用产品必须符合RoHS标准。", "output": "All the applicable products in the EU market after July 1, 2006 must be RoHS compliant.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n台場紀念樹擁有約40棵樹和約20米高,全長約200米,是東京最大的樹之一。", "output": "The Taiba Memorial Tree, which is about 20 meters long and has a height of about 20 meters, is one of the largest trees in Tokyo.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“我们对运动的了解很多都来自于禁食状态。", "output": "“A lot of what we know about exercise is from the fasted state.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“我认为我们更衣室的气氛非常好。", "output": "“The atmosphere in the dressing-room is excellent.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n,也不能违背文化的发展规律。", "output": "It should not violate the norms of the culture.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n4、使用语音到语音翻译在会话模式下与他人进行交流(测试版,14种语言)", "output": "• Communicate with another person using speech-to-speech translation in Conversation Mode (ALPHA, 14 languages)", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“基于我们对核衣壳蛋白及其干扰的了解,必须至少有一种其他病毒蛋白作为拮抗剂,”Hogue说。", "output": "\"Based on what we know about the nucleocapsid protein and how it interferes, there must be at least one other virus protein acting as an antagonist,\" Hogue said.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我支持所有我们想做的事情。", "output": "I stand with all the things we want to do.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nDeb的发现最近发表在“临床调查杂志”上。", "output": "Deb's findings were recently published in the Journal of Clinical Investigation.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在旅途過程中,玩家得探索銀河搜尋其他文明、保護星球及其上文明,並建立聯邦讓銀河終究邁向和平新紀元。", "output": "Along the journey, players explore the galaxy in search of other civilizations, protect planets and their people, as well as build a Federation to achieve intergalactic peace.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nExodus 15:12 你伸出右手,地便吞灭他们。", "output": "Exodus 15:12 \"You stretched out Your right hand, The earth swallowed them.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n●容易感到易怒或是不耐煩。", "output": "We are easily brought to anger or impatience.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n现在我们就可以使用 monolog 了。", "output": "And now we can use nanogold.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在我们这个案例中,一个发明的宗教,而不是启示,在过去的40年间在政治上设计。", "output": "In our case, a religion of invention, not revelation, politically engineered over the last 40 years.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n言語不足以表達我們對您和您家人的深深敬意。", "output": "Words can not express the heartfelt sympathy that we have for you and your family.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果他們表達抗議與不滿,他們就面對軍隊與公安動用完全不成比例的武力鎮壓,更有坐牢的危險。", "output": "If they protest, they face disproportionate force from the military and police as well as imprisonment.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n8 月 Bing 已经超过 Yahoo 成为全美第二大搜索引擎", "output": "Bing Overtakes Yahoo as the Second Most Popular Search Engine in U.S.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n春节假期将成为2019年第一个适合出游的“小长假?", "output": "The Spring Festival holiday will be the first \"small holiday\" suitable for traveling in 2019.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n玛丽·波宾斯在各个方面都非常完美。", "output": "Mary Poppins really is practically perfect in every way.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n8 月失业率持平于 9.1%,一如预期。", "output": "The unemployment rate held steady at 9.1% in August, as expected.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n单个的罗姆人也被当作“隔离分子”或惯犯遭到逮捕,被送往集中营。", "output": "Romani individuals were also arrested as \"asocials\" or \"habitual criminals\" and sent to concentration camps.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n指责他的前副手Riek Machar策划政变。", "output": "accused former vice president Riek Machar of attempting a coup.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这宅子是牙买加第一位黑人百万富翁乔治•史提贝兴建的。", "output": "This was the home of George Stiebel, Jamaica’s first black millionaire.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n盡管多年來他們的高膽固醇含量給他們帶來了不好的聲譽,但新的研究表明,雞蛋對心臟病的風險沒有任何影響。", "output": "Although their high cholesterol content gave them a bad reputation for many years, all recent studies show that eggs don’t have any effect on your risk of heart disease.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我家里其余的人都是犹太人。", "output": "In my family everybody's Jewish.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n不知道你有没有想过,如果世上没有苍蝇,会怎么样呢?", "output": "Have you ever thought what the world would be without the birds?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n为什么很多国家不承认以色列的地位?", "output": "Or why do many states abstain from recognizing Kosovo as an independent state?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n黄石公园是醒着的,甚至停滞首选来解决这种残酷的地质现象,而不是通过它们。", "output": "Yellowstone was waking, and even the Stasis preferred to work around such brutal geological phenomena, rather than through them.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”因为在我的人生',", "output": "'cause in this life,", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n另一方面,有一个以上的北爱尔兰社区,他们之间的差别非常长。", "output": "On the other hand, there was more than one Northern Irish community, and the distinctions between them went back a very long way.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n此前,核反应堆于2013年7月13日达到临界状态。", "output": "Earlier, the nuclear reactor achieved criticality on 13 July 2013.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们还需要给人们提供可以用来采取行动的工具。", "output": "We also need to give people tools that they can use to take action.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n原标题:你所喜欢的甜红葡萄酒,都在这里啦!", "output": "Comments: If you like a light sweet wine in red, this is it!", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n房子仍然站著,它被保存為幽靈之旅的博物館。", "output": "The house is still standing, and it was preserved as a museum for ghost tours.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们的人类祖先是靠双脚走路的,但他们的后代仍有备用计划", "output": "Our human ancestors walked on two ft however their kids nonetheless had a backup plan", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这清楚地说明了5G的性能 - 它可能需要很长一段时间才能达到理想条件之外的性能。", "output": "This clearly illustrates 5G's performance -- it's just going to be a long while before can expect to achieve that performance outside of ideal conditions.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n– 论文里所有用的图片都必须要获得原文作者的许可", "output": "All submitted photographs must have the permission of the original photographer.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在中国的首都北京,我们的律师和客户感受着现代建筑的精致,以及这座城市古老遗址的历史灵魂。", "output": "In Beijing, China's massive capital, our lawyers and clients enjoy the sophistication of modern architecture as well as the historic soul of the city's ancient sites.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n行政,教学,管理和研究任务,专家的任务", "output": "Administrative, teaching, management and research duties, expert tasks", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n有些船只能够这样做。", "output": "And some boats did that.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这次重组反映了中共军方承认需要明确责任,并管理来自新信息源不断增长的海量信息。", "output": "This restructuring reflected the PLA’s acknowledged need to clarify responsibilities and to manage a growing tidal wave of information being received from its new sources.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们继续开车沿着大海。", "output": "We kept driving along the ocean.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n2018年,中国的济南光伏高速公路开通一周后,其太阳能电池板就被盗了。", "output": "In 2018, a week after a solar road opened in China, its solar panels were stolen.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n优美的现代诗决不能任其大行其道", "output": "The modern fine art scene did not appeal to her.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n多人把我归类为一个激进的女权主义者。", "output": "A lot of people reacted by saying I’m a radical feminist.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n今天,越来越多的年轻人选择重返工作岗位。", "output": "These days, more and more retirees are deciding to return to the workforce.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n气候变化仍有争议吗?", "output": "Why is Climate Change still controversial?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但这样做违反了 DRY 原则。", "output": "But that’s a violation of the DRY principle.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n中国为什么还要继续发展核能?", "output": "So why does Iran persist in developing its nuclear capability?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n她不喜欢他们三个半夜回到船上的想法。", "output": "She didn’t like the idea of the three of them making their way back to the boat in the middle of the night.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我离开二十利瓦在盒子里。", "output": "I dropped our twelve lira in the box.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n當時阿拉巴馬州和其他許多州都必須改變其立法選區,因為全國有許多選區代表在市區和部分地區嚴重低估。", "output": "At that time, Alabama and many other states had to change their legislative districting, as many across the country had systems that underrepresented urban areas and districts.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n要知道,天使们没有属于他们自己的力量,他们一切力量都来自于主。", "output": "Angels themselves also profess that no power at all resides with themselves but that they act from the Lord alone.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n首先,这取决于你家的水质。", "output": "That depends on your local water quality.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在动作进行时,注意所有伸展都要保持在适度范围内,不要突破身体的极限范围,以免伤害自己。", "output": "When the action is in progress, pay attention to keep all ranges within a moderate range, and do not break through the limits of the body to avoid hurting yourself.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我喜愛這種環境,這對我來說很不錯。", "output": "I love this place, it is so beautiful to me.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n(三)申请登记的全国性社会团体与已登记的全国性社会团体业务范围相同或者相似,没有必要成立的;", "output": "(3) The operational scope of the national social group for which registration is applied is identical or similar to that of an already registered nationwide Social Group and the establishment is not necessary;", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“慢慢地,它开始改变,最后我对达文森(桑切斯)说,让我们下来和球队一起看,好像哨子将要去。", "output": "“Slowly it started to change and right at the end I said to Davinson (Sanchez), let’s go down and be with the team as it looked like the whistle was going to go.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这是一次爱心活动,同时也是一桩金钱交易。", "output": "Though it is an act of love, it also involves financial transaction.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n平价、低价上网项目将不受年度建设规模限制。", "output": "The document stipulates that low-cost, low-cost Internet projects will not be subject to annual construction scale restrictions.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这适用于内部和客户项目。", "output": "This is done for internal and client projects.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n欧洲法院于1952年于卢森堡市设立,目前欧洲法院的法官是由各个欧盟会员国所推派的法官组成。", "output": "The European Court of Justice was founded in 1952, and is made up of one judge from each EU member state.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n显然,返回工作岗位,平均而言,比起几年前在海外失去工作的时候,技术更高,数量更少。", "output": "Clearly, returning jobs will be, on average, higher skilled and fewer in number than when the work was lost offshore years ago.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n大家吃热的菜,而看看烟火。", "output": "Eat gross food and watch fireworks.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n到那时,他们放弃了圣诞节庆祝活动,而十字架不再出现在杂志封面上。", "output": "By then, they had dropped Christmas celebrations and the cross was no longer on the magazine cover.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我不能有一个更好的体验;强烈推荐。", "output": "Couldn't have asked for a better experience, highly recommend.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们的战略是打造印度最可靠的、最无缝化的商业生态系统。", "output": "Its vision is to make India's most reliable and frictionless trade...", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n所有管理人员都是从公司内部提拔;", "output": "All store managers were promoted from within the company.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这是这十年来最大的政治冲击之一,许多人仍拒绝承认现实。", "output": "It is one of this decade’s biggest political shocks and many are still in denial.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n小贴士:和对PP感兴趣的人一起做这个头脑风暴。", "output": "TIP: Do this brainstorm with someone who is also interested in PP.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n被问到有多少人,他说:“最低,数百。", "output": "Asked how many, he said: \"Minimum, hundreds.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nZOOM的股东们很满意。", "output": "CSA shareholders are happy.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n很快,他便读完了全部条目。", "output": "He quickly finished reading all the content.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n太阳耀斑是太阳系中最大的爆炸。", "output": "X-class solar flares are the solar system’s largest explosions.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n同时,今年早些时候,非小说类的书,科幻小说的业务(与巴里Malzberg写),被释放了。", "output": "Also, earlier this year, a nonfiction book, The Business of Science Fiction (written with Barry Malzberg), was released.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”我们快活要感谢他把一些旧党派新生活,”阿什顿Fisher说。", "output": "“We jolly well have to thank him for putting some new life into the old party,” Ashton Fisher was saying.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n而在长达12页的参会代表名单当中,记者发现了许多中方企业和行业學會的身影。", "output": "Among the 12-page participants, the reporter found many Chinese companies and industry associations.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n则可能会遭到监管层的重点关注”,东方六合", "output": "and is likely to command-wide attention.\"-The Baltimore Sun", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这个城市被分为四个主要地区,每个地区之间由大桥衔接。", "output": "The city is split into four major areas, each connected by large bridges.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n戴上它,一个人可以举起200磅(90公斤),而感觉自己只举起了10磅(4.5公斤)。", "output": "While wearing it, a human can lift 200 pounds (90 kilograms) while feeling like they’re lifting just 10 lbs (4.5 kg).", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n比利时举办1972年有两个位于布鲁塞尔的体育馆,一个在安特卫普,另一个在列日。", "output": "Belgium hosted in 1972 with two of the stadiums situated in Brussels, one in Antwerp and another in Liege.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我往口袋里掏,然后交给她。", "output": "I reached in my pocket and handed it to her.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n当然,常怀一颗敬畏之心并不是说所有事物都要敬畏的。", "output": "There is nothing to fear, for he holds all authority (keys).", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n尽管其中一些仍被广泛使用,但是树脂技术已经发展起来,现在商业市场上有大量的可溶性支撑材料,包括:", "output": "Although some of these are still widely used, resin technology has advanced, and there are now a plethora of soluble support materials on the commercial market including:", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n对于反对派来说,政府在阿勒颇的进展给谈判蒙上了一层阴影。", "output": "For the opposition, the government’s advance in Aleppo cast a long shadow over the talks.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n过了一会儿,我跟着唱,真的很软,和切特·贝克一起在收音机里唱歌,琳蒂蜷缩在我的怀里。", "output": "And after a while, I’m singing along, really soft, singing along with Chet Baker on the radio, Lindy curled up in my arms.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们承诺保护您的私人信息不受侵犯—阅读更多我们的隐私保护政策。", "output": "We are committed to protecting your privacy - further information is contained within our Privacy Policy.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n希特勒的軍師之一羅森堡就經常把他自己欽佩這位英國哲學家的熱情來灌輸給元首。", "output": "Rosenberg, as one of Hitler's mentors, often tried to impart his enthusiasm for the English philosopher to the Fuehrer.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n停止推销,开始倾听。", "output": "to stop selling and start listening.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n不幸的是,典型的资源分配问题是混合整数非线性规划(MINLP)问题,它们通常是NP难的。", "output": "Specifically, the JRPS formulation is shown to be a mix-integer non-linear programming (MINLP) problem, which is NP-Hard in general.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”男孩,你说狗屎在我当你能唤起我。", "output": "“Boy, you talk shit to me when you can whoop me.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果運營商獲得使用部分無線電頻譜的許可授權,則可以在沒有單獨授權或申報情況下打開無線站。", "output": "If an operator obtains a license to use a portion of the radio frequency spectrum, it will be allowed to open wireless stations without separate authorization or reporting.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这样才能下单给我们。", "output": "So that sets the plate for us.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n据预计,在未来几周内的供应量将略有增加。", "output": "Prices are expected to rise a little more over the next few weeks.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n4. IoT 声称在现代组织中拥有股份。", "output": "IoT claims its stake in the modern organization.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但是,这是她选择的孩子。", "output": "However, this is a child that she CHOSE to have.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在中国消费市场,信用卡支付仅占在线消费支付形式的一小部分。", "output": "In China, payments with credits cards only account for a small part of online payments.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n是非常好的天然保健品。", "output": "Very good natural medicine of health.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n就没有想过你会离婚。", "output": "Never would have imagined you being divorced.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n尽管这使得慢性压力的实证研究具有挑战性,但它也揭示了一种控制慢性压力的潜在方法:个人感知体验。", "output": "While studying empirical chronic stress can be challenging, it also provides a potential path for managing chronic stress: one's perceptual experience.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nFREY 正在向人们推销一种新型洗涤剂,让他们体验全新的生活方式(按月订阅)。", "output": "FREY is pitching men a new kind of detergent for the new way they live their lives (read on a monthly subscription basis).", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n被告人在审判期间死亡", "output": "Victim died during the trial", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但是你看看过去几年意大利和西班牙球队赢得这项锦标时庆祝的方式,你就会发现这项锦标很重要。", "output": "\"But when you look at the way teams from Italy and Spain have celebrated winning it over the years, you see how big a competition it is.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我毫不怀疑我的侄女将会很喜欢这本书。", "output": "Overall, I think that my niece will like this book.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这包括在农业生产的每个阶段获取数据。", "output": "This includes acquiring data at every stage of the agricultural production.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n委内瑞拉遭受重创的经济受到石油收入下降和人民币贬值的影响,玻利瓦尔。", "output": "Venezuela’s economy has been hit by falling oil revenue and the plummeting value of the Bolivar.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这有时可能是一个艰难的战斗,试图说服一个判断复杂的电子雷达装置是不可能的。", "output": "It can sometimes be an uphill battle trying to convince a judge that a sophisticated electronic radar device is fallible.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你应在48小时内出发。", "output": "You must leave in 48 hours.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n而这些机器可以更快速,更可靠地完成工作。", "output": "These machines can do the work more quickly and reliably.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n只有流感疫苗含有極高的汞含量。", "output": "Only did the influenza vaccine contain high levels of mercury.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n修改从网站的任何材料的副本。", "output": "Modify copies of any materials from the website;", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但他们在父母的日常生活里。", "output": "Their parents during their everyday lives.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果你要离开办公室较长一段时间,应留下你何时回来以及你不在时是否有人检查信箱的详细信息。", "output": "If you intend to be away from your office for any length of time, leave a detailed message about when you will return and if anyone is checking for messages in your absence.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n也许对切尔西来说,这是供应线的问题。", "output": "Perhaps it’s a problem with supply lines for Chelsea?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n达到该限额后,须再实施10分钟的冷静时段,在此期间交易将限于/15的价格限幅内。", "output": "When this limit is reached, there shall be a further 10-minute Cooling Off Period* in which trading is allowed at or within a price limit of 15%.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n火车驰过时,你正好可以瞥见那座庙宇,它几乎全隐蔽在河岸上的树丛后面。", "output": "As the train rushes by, you can just catch a glimpse of the temple, almost hidden behind a clump of trees on the river bank.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n第22章 受伤的后果", "output": "The Personal Injury Catch 22", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你把一个特定数量的牛奶,鸡蛋,糖,和面粉,和你有一个糕点。", "output": "You mix a specific quantity of milk, eggs, sugar, and flour, and you have a pastry.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n很多年以后,当我奋力解救克莱斯勒公司,使之免于破产时,我就怀念父亲那些安慰人的话了。", "output": "Many years later, when I was trying to save Chrysler from bankruptcy, I missed my father’s comforting words.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“我们面临的挑战在于,让哺乳或给宝宝喂食自己的乳汁,成为新妈妈生活中舒适、愉快、可控的一部分。", "output": "\"The challenge lies in making breast-feeding, or providing a mother's own milk for her baby, a comfortable, enjoyable, and manageable part of the new mother's life.\"", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n一般來說,大型企業中的本地網絡是如此複雜和困難,以至於創建網絡地圖成為一個真正的問題。", "output": "Usually, local networks in large companies are so complex and difficult that network map creation turns into a real problem.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这将使绝大多数当地人依赖巴士服务。", "output": "That will leave the vast majority of locals reliant on the bus service.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n巴基斯坦利用地区会议谴责美国指控", "output": "Pakistan Uses Regional Conference to Denounce US Charges", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n对了,除非你在某国,哈哈哈哈", "output": "So, unless you're in Hawaii.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n不妨认真地思索一下,坚定自己的方向。", "output": "May wish to seriously consider and strengthen your own direction.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我只是需要赢得彩票。", "output": "I just need to win the Lottery.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n为了您的安全设计的。", "output": "designed for your safety.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n西里塞纳-马恩省呼吁教科文组织承认佛教法规为世界遗产", "output": "Sirisena calls on UNESCO to recognise Buddhist canon as world heritage", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n新约圣经中找不到的“彼此”", "output": "follower, there is no ''each other' in the bible.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n因为他们不谨守你的话+。", "output": "Because they do not keep your saying.+", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n当她把钱花在我身上时,我并不觉得难过。", "output": "And I didn’t feel guilty when I spent money on myself.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n税收筹划是纳税人的一项基本权利。", "output": "The right to plan tax affairs is a fundamental right of every taxpayer.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n新车未来还会推出JCW高性能版本车型。", "output": "The car could also get a high-performance JTP version in future.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们带你进入建筑物。", "output": "I let us into the building.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n例如,每盎司夫人温斯洛的舒缓糖浆含有六十五毫克纯吗啡。", "output": "Winslow’s Soothing Syrup contained 65 mg of pure morphine.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n那男子立時道:「那麼,請到辦公室去。", "output": "The man said, “ Will you please come to the office ?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n现在该技术也已扩展到其他领域,如广告,医疗保健,商业物流,安全等。", "output": "The application has also been extended to different areas such as advertising, healthcare, business logistics, security, etc.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n最突出的 - 也是最大的 - 成本是与医疗保健相关的成本。", "output": "The most prominent — and largest — costs are those related to medical care.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n(請注意,如果你上傳的影片不是16:9,你無法使用YouTube的結束畫面。", "output": "(Note, however, that if you upload a video in a ratio other than 16:9, you will be unable to use YouTube End Cards.)", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n而它,他,还是被注定了一去不返。", "output": "And then he was back [INAUDIBLE].", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n⊙孩子会测试你的界限。", "output": "Kids will push to test your limit.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n此外,沉阳机床还有高额债务和巨额利息支出。", "output": "In addition, Gambia is characterized by high debt and high interest rates.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n您该知道,您这样做可是违背法律的。", "output": "You should know that you are violating the law.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他在跌下去之際,發出了一聲尖銳的呼叫聲。", "output": "As soon as it vanished it made a loud popping sound.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n此报价在商业世界中普遍适用。", "output": "This quote is universally applicable in the business world.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我不認為在這一過程中,中國能獨自決斷並承擔全部責任。", "output": "I don't think this is going to be a process in which China can make the decision and shoulder all the burdens alone.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我付了饭钱,然后走到外面。", "output": "I paid for the food and walked out.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n前任联邦交通部长David Collenette以前也曾想把高铁通到蒙特利尔。", "output": "Former federal transportation minister, David Collenette will take the lead to bring high-speed rail to Ontario.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n九零年代的香港護理教育", "output": "Hong Kong nursing education in the 1990s", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n死者家属称,这两名警察至今未受任何处罚,仍在岗工作。", "output": "The victim’s family said the two officers have faced no punishment and are still working at their department.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n来自这两个行业领导者的工程团队开始联盟内的合作在2006年,主要包括浮式生产储油船只。", "output": "The engineering teams from these two industry leaders began their collaboration in 2006 within an alliance then mainly covering FPSO vessels.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n一、儘管本影片被證實在 1947 年製作,但我們目前不保證其內容是在 1947 年拍攝的。", "output": "Whilst the film stock has been verified as manufactured in 1947, we cannot currently warrant that the contents were filmed in 1947.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n要给它一个基本的定义。", "output": "Provide you with a basic definition.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n诗节八所提到的富含油脂的食物和那些靠屠宰而来的动物脂肪毫无关联。", "output": "Fatty foods, as mentioned in the eighth verse, have no connection with animal fat obtained by slaughter.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n例如,巴塞隆那可以作為新城市的典範。", "output": "For example, Barcelona can serve as a great model for a new city.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n报告指出:“提高生产率和生活水平需要加强国内经济的竞争和效率。", "output": "The Survey says that improving productivity and raising living standards will require strengthening competition and efficiency in the domestic economy.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在如此短的时间内打了这么多场比赛,我们觉得最好引进一名完全健康并且从一开始就做好准备的球员。", "output": "\"With so many games in such a short period we felt it would be best to bring in a player that is fully fit and ready to go from the outset.\"", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n自2月以来,Stefansson一直被拘留。", "output": "Stefansson had been in custody since February.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n有些男人感觉受到女权主义观念的威胁。", "output": "“Some men feel threatened by the idea of feminism.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n它将在一段时间内免费提供服务。", "output": "We will provide free support for some time.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这是一个奇怪的事,6点钟你承诺他们十卢布,现在你有成千上万。", "output": "It's an odd thing, at six o'clock you pledged them for ten roubles, and now you've got thousands.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这就是我们看到的光。", "output": "It is the light that we see.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n那么在云时代它可以怎么做呢?", "output": "But how is this possible in the age of the cloud?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你的叔叔们不是非得尽快回英国老家去么?你难", "output": "Hain't your uncles obleegd to get along home to England as fast as they can?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们希望每个孩子都能在自己家中安心度过夜晚。", "output": "We want every child to be safe in their home at night.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n是什么制约了人们出行?", "output": "What stops people from travelling?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n从而引发名为“ 磷矿战争”的公众环境运动。", "output": "That started the Phosphorite War public environmental campaign.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n諾曼.希爾(Normal HIll)鼓動反對核武已近半個世紀了,但他熱情一點也沒退卻。", "output": "While there, we met Norman Hill who has been agitating against nuclear weapons for nearly half a century but it hasn’t dampened his enthusiasm one bit.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他或她将会调查有关情况。", "output": "He/she shall promptly investigate the matter.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在日本购买的免税品必须在离境时向离境机场或者港口的海关出示。", "output": "Articles purchased tax-free in Japan must be shown to the Customs at the airport/port of departure from Japan.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n约翰·大卫·华盛顿,《怪物与人》", "output": "John David Washington, \"Monsters and Men\"", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nCMA考试时间是多久呢?", "output": "How Long Is the CMA Exam?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n要做大,我们必须切入另一个大的行业中去。", "output": "With GrandVision they would have to incorporate another large business.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n欧众总部设在德国 杜伊斯堡,在30多个国家开展业务。", "output": "It is based in Dusseldorf, Germany and operates in more than 30 countries.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n【正文内容】: 发展是指改变或增长发生在孩子从出生到青春期的寿命。", "output": "Child Development Development refers to change or growth that occurs in a child during the life span from birth to adolescence.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”他一定觉得一个完整的傻瓜。", "output": "“He must feel like a total fool.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n《奥秘》为大交响乐团而作(1960年修复版)", "output": "Arcana for large orchestra (revised version from 1960)", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n之后是两年的军旅生涯,之后我被高等师范学院录取。", "output": "This was followed by two years of military service, after which I was admitted to the Higher Teachers Institute.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n她是一个骗子,就像她的丈夫一样。", "output": "She was a liar, just like her father.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果痰液慢或沒有,則水分含量高。", "output": "But if you are pouring too much or too fast, the water will spill due to gravity.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n食物是美味的,在一个别致的野营炉上煮,有鸡尾酒和葡萄酒。", "output": "The food is gourmet, cooked on a fancy camp stove, with cocktails and wine.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n用户和开发者都应该负起责任。", "output": "Both the users and the developers need to take responsibility!", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在接下来的几年里,它应该是缓慢而坚实的。", "output": "For the next few weeks, however, it’ll be a little rough and slow.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n)特朗普税务团队表示将制定法规以排除这种避税措施(众议院法案包括一些规则)缓解这个问题)。", "output": "The Trump tax team says that it will write regulations to preclude this kind of tax avoidance (and the House bill includes some rules to mitigate the problem).", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n警察和公民都疯狂,贾斯敏花也被谋杀了。", "output": "Police and citizens were frantic that Jasmine had also been murdered.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“中国拥有世界上最多的手机用户和互联网用户。", "output": "“China has the most Internet users and mobile phone users in the world.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n她逃离我们穿过森林后,我们跑,为她接触久了,黑色的头发。", "output": "She fled from us through the forest and we ran after her, reaching out for her long black hair.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果你想看到国旗足球,那么让我们把我们的衬垫关闭。", "output": "If you want to see flag football then let's take our pads off.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n只要人人都献出一点爱……", "output": "If everyone just gave a little …", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n拉尔夫放下长矛,接着又捡了起来。", "output": "Andrei sets the candle down, and then takes it up again.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n好像从来没有爱丽丝和我不认识的时候。", "output": "It seems like there was never a time when Alice and I didn't know each other.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”他看了看挂号单,说道。", "output": "He looked at the label and said.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n扔你刚刚捡起一块石头...你可以得到中毒。", "output": "Throw a stone that you have just picked up ... you can get poisoned.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n從這種角度來說,新媒體就是後媒體,或者超媒體:他只運用舊媒體就好像它的原始素材一樣。", "output": "In this respect, new media is postmedia or supermedia: it uses old media as its primary material.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n您负责所有站点维护,包括备份,安全性和更新。", "output": "You’re responsible for all site maintenance, including backups, security, and updates.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”“阿桑奇怀疑在这个案件中政治干预,他后来说,在起诉过程中通过一系列的逆转。", "output": "Assange’s suspicions of political interference in the case were aroused, he said later, by a series of reversals in the prosecution process.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我无法看到自己只是在另一支球队。", "output": "I couldn’t see myself just being on another team.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n■ 我父亲说,几乎全世界的人都睡着了。", "output": "\"My father says almost the whole world's asleep.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n史上最具影响的十首诗", "output": "The ten most influential poets in history.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n耶稣在这里第二次跌倒。", "output": "Jesus falls for the second time.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他们不告诉你的关于生孩子的事", "output": "What they don't tell you about childbirth", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n受管制化学品列表是由材料的化学成分和产品类型确定", "output": "The list of controlled chemicals is determined by the chemical composition of the material and the type of products", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n儿子结婚的梦想在村里最美丽的姑娘和逃避农民的生活。", "output": "A son dreams of marrying the most beautiful girl in the village and escaping the life of a farmer.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“我们提醒他们,这就是为什么我们的政策是家庭没有食物和饮料,”德尔库托说。", "output": "\"We reminded them that this is why we have a policy of no food or drink from homes,\" she said.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n请记住任何日期或者时间的文本输入需要由单引号包围,就像一个文本字符串一样。", "output": "Remember that any date or time literal input needs to be enclosed in single quotes, like text strings.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n此外,申请报告还提到了智能合约与数字资产。", "output": "References were also made to smart contracts and digital assets.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这一方案已经被《纽约时报》,《华盛顿邮报》以及许多其他报纸采纳。", "output": "It has already been adopted by the New York Times, the Washington Post and many others.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n工作人员非常有帮助!", "output": "The staff was VERY helpful!", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n目前塑料管的技术不断更新,出现了许多具有高科技含量的产品。", "output": "At present, the plastic tube technology is constantly updated, there have been many high-tech products.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n因此,随着年龄开始失去CoQ10,其他条件相同,我们可能更容易患上这些慢性疾病。", "output": "So, as we start to eliminate CoQ10 with age, all else being equal, we’re probably becoming more likely to those chronic ailments.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n项目活动 | ACTIVITIES >>", "output": ">> to see project activities <<", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n由于创新不分国界,“同等风险,同等监管”也必须适用于每个国家。", "output": "Because innovation knows no boundaries, “same risk, same regulation” must also apply across countries.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n随后的拿破仑战争破坏了美国的土地市场,致使莫里斯的高杠杆比率的公司垮台。", "output": "The subsequent Napoleonic Wars ruined the market for American Lands and Morris's highly leveraged company collapsed.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n该项目主要由希腊公共天然气公司(DEPA)运营。", "output": "The project is primarily run by Greece's Public Gas Corporation (DEPA).", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n富有创意的研究解决方案为消费者、市场、品牌和媒体等关键商业问题提供了答案——无论是现在还是将来。", "output": "Innovative research solutions provide answers for key business questionsaround consumers, markets, brands and media – now and in the future.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n现代女性不满足于家庭主妇的倾向被充分记录下来。", "output": "The propensity for modern women to be dissatisfied as homemakers is well documented.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n它与将来的荣耀不可相提并论。", "output": "For nothing compares to the future glory.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n当找到好的室内设计理念时,所需要的就是一些研究和实验。", "output": "When it comes to finding good interior design ideas, all that is needed is some research and experimentation.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n有些问题可以有相同的答案。", "output": "Some questions may have the same answer.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n(例如在我按时完成报告后,我容许自己坐下来喝杯咖啡)", "output": "For example, if I finish my report on time, I allow myself to take a coffee break.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n,然后改变下一个电话。", "output": "and switch to the other call.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n国会众议院预计将在近期对该议案进行投票。", "output": "The Mexican House of Deputies is expected to vote on this bill soon.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nGOM系统精确到10微米以内,拥有5微米的可重复性(YouTube:WEB", "output": "The GOM system is accurate to within 10 micron and boasts repeatability of 5 micron (YouTube: WEB", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你可能研发出新的应用程序、新网站或新软件。", "output": "You may design code for a new app, new website, or inventive new software.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在这个视频当中 我们将介绍", "output": "In this video, we are going to present", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n古典希腊文明不是原始文明。", "output": "The classical Greek civilization was not pristinely original.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n从那时起,共产主义不再是虚幻的乌托邦。", "output": "After , communism was no longer a utopian fantasy.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n私信:1,有你们想要的。", "output": "Principle 1: The secret: you can have whatever you want.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n[28]基於特技人員的安全,很多道具都以泡沫橡膠製造。", "output": "[54] For the safety of the stuntmen, many props have been made of foam rubber.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n有传言说亚洲人不能很好地处理酒精,并且在某种程度上,它有一些科学的后盾。", "output": "There are some rumors that Asian people can’t handle alcohol very well, and to some extent, it has some scientific backup.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我觉得我们就是这样一种关系。", "output": "I think we have this kind of relationship.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n「咖啡預備好了,女教師和謝廖沙正等候著,」安努什卡又走了回來說,看到安娜還是原來的樣子。", "output": "\"The coffee is ready, and mademoiselle and Seriozha are waiting,\" said Annushka, coming back again and finding Anna in the same position.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n然后缩小图像,将其设置在右边,也许将其作为自定义插图?", "output": "Then shrink the image, set it to the right, and, maybe make it a custom illustration?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“这通常是我们的策略,”他表示。", "output": "\"That was generally our strategy,\" he says.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n其他有趣的噪音包括打鼾、海浪、动物的声音,重复播放的兰博或者克林特•伊斯特伍德等人的口号。", "output": "Other noises that are amusing include snoring, ocean waves, animal noises, and a repeated recorded catchphrase from someone like Rambo or Clint Eastwood.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“你在干什么?”民警大喊。", "output": "“What are you doing there?” the policeman shouted.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n随即,那位胖男士点了一杯咖啡便坐了下来,我亲眼看到服务员过来只收了他1.4欧元。", "output": "When a chubby man just have a seat and embraced with the lady of next table, then order a cup of coffee and sit down, and I saw waiter only charged 1.4 euros from this man.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这些程序可以有效地教导自己如何掌握新的技能。", "output": "These programs can efficiently teach themselves how to master new skills.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你不需要受过教育或成为精英阶层的一部分就可以仇恨越南人。", "output": "You do not need to be educated or part of the elite to join in hating Vietnamese.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n血液(一般和生物化學);", "output": "blood (general and biochemical);", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n数据科学家需要掌握多少种语言?", "output": "How many languages does the data scientist know?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们很高兴首先在EOS上推出它,“神话游戏区块链主管Rudy Koch评论道。", "output": "And we’re excited to roll it out on EOS first,” commented Rudy Koch, Head of Blockchain for Mythical Games.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果我的拍品在交付时已损坏,我该怎么办?", "output": "If my items were damaged in the delivery, what am I going to do?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这世界上,没有不可被原谅的事", "output": "In the world, there is no forgiveness.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n报告显示:毒贩利用国际邮政系统的漏洞,每年向美国运送成百上千磅致命的鸦片类药物。", "output": "The Senate investigators said drugs traffickers are exploiting a loophole in the international mail system to send hundreds of pounds of deadly opioids into the United States each year.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n神所设立的,作为教会", "output": "Holy Church, as His creation,", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n企业家精神的决定特质之一是发现机会并想象一些别人想不到的事物的能力。", "output": "One of the defining traits of entrepreneurship is the ability to spot an opportunity and imagine something where others have not.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n许是阴差阳错,许是命运的纠葛。", "output": "Their fake relationship is a twist of fate.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我不知道房子里有那么多污垢。", "output": "I did not know that there was so much dirt in the house.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我只知道,今天我没有故事。", "output": "And so, today, I don’t have a story.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n单位大小可能就是1张合约,因为1.688取整为1。", "output": "The unit size would have been a single contract, since 1.688 truncates to 1.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他的注意力都集中在围绕白宫的混乱漩涡上。", "output": "Instead, he has focused on the chaos swirling around his White House.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n全球新增的亿万富豪中有四分之三来自中国和印度。", "output": "And three-quarters of the world’s new billionaires come from China and India.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n从此,我便开始研究伊斯兰。", "output": "And so I started studying the Islam.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这项在阿曼沙漠进行的演习耗资1亿英镑,动用了200辆装甲车、6艘军舰和8架“台风”战斗机。", "output": "The exercise in the Omani desert involved 200 armoured vehicles, six naval ships and eight Typhoon fighter jets.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n自1971年以来,GDP平减指数仅增长了五倍左右。", "output": "The GDP deflator index has increased roughly five-fold since 1971.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n欧美发达国家超过50%的新建建筑中都采用了地板辐射采暖体系", "output": "In Western Europe over 50% of all new construction uses radiant floor heating systems.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他说,每当有一部电影上映时,他都会潜入剧院与观众一起欣赏电影,这是他为《残局》所做的三遍。", "output": "He says whenever he has a movie come out, he sneaks into theaters to experience them with audiences, which he has done three times for “Endgame.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n摘要:根據地理位置,美國教育資源可以劃分5大區域:新英格蘭地區、大西洋沿岸、南部、中西部、西部。", "output": "According to geographical location, American educational resources can be divided into five regions: New England, Atlantic coast, South, Midwest, WeSt.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n英国电信对政府表示,他们计划跟华为合作,除非政府愿意补偿。", "output": "BT told the government it planned to use the company unless the government was willing to compensate it.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我們也須謹慎,免得我們的心變得剛硬,不能接受耶穌帶給我們的新思想。", "output": "We too have to be careful not to become so rigid that it prevents us from accepting the new way of thinking that Christ brings.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n根据一名市场观察家的说法,这种情况现在似乎并不会经常发生。", "output": "According to one market watcher, that doesn't appear to be happening nearly as often nowadays.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这极大地干扰了学校正常的教育和教学秩序,给教师增加了额外的负担。", "output": "This greatly disturbs the normal education and teaching order of the school and adds extra burden to teachers.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n然而,不久他在说荷兰语方面的努力便赢得了臣民的尊重。", "output": "However, his attempt at speaking the Dutch language earned him some respect from his Dutch subjects.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n杰西:结婚前的几个月,我都在想你,每时每刻都在想。", "output": "In the months leading up to my wedding, I was thinking about you all the time.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nFAG在其他方面的贡献", "output": "Contribution of PEO in Other Activities", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们认识了对方的声音,结束了合作良好。", "output": "We got to know each other’s voices and ended up collaborating well.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n關於電影,請見“音乐之声 (电影)”。", "output": "For the film, see The Sound of Music (film).", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n……问题不在于重建贵族社会,而在于从上帝让我们生活其中的民主社会的内部发掘自由。", "output": "Thus the question is not how to reconstruct aristocratic society, but how to make liberty proceed out of that democratic state of society in which God has placed us.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n青島宣言提出,各成員國支持完善全球治理體係,支持聯合國為此發揮核心作用。", "output": "The Qingdao Declaration put forward that all member states support the improvement of the global governance system and support the UN to play a core role in this regard.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n好像你需要另一个借口在你的手机上制作奇怪的面孔。", "output": "As if you needed another excuse to make weird faces at your phone.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n然後你可能想知道蔬菜市場是什麽樣的。", "output": "Surely you want to know what the wine horse festival is like.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n·简单化,用户操作和体验简单易用。", "output": "· Simplification, simple user operation and experience.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n作为人类中的有关成员,他问道:“可能发生的最糟糕的事情是什么?”", "output": "As a concerned member of the human race, he asks: What’s the worst thing that could possibly happen?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n不同的國家有不同的日期", "output": "Other states have different dates.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在大會中有一個強大的派別希望從組織外選擇主席,如從瑞士政府或是職業圈內比如銀行或是醫學領域。", "output": "There is a strong faction within the Assembly that wants to reach outside the organization to select a president from the Swiss government or professional circles like the banking or medical fields.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n更糟糕的是,哈利抵挡住了卢修斯·马尔福对他的追杀,德拉科的父亲被逮捕,关进了阿兹卡班。", "output": "Worse still, Harry managed to thwart Lucius Malfoy’s attempt to kill him, and Draco’s father was captured and sent to Azkaban.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nGaus:你什么时候发现自己搞错了?", "output": "CW: When did you realize you had made a mistake?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n现在是时候把它们寄给写信的人了。", "output": "So it’s time to put them in writing.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n而且由于我们永远无法掌握它,我们将不得不学会与它一起生活 - 就像我们学会了暴风雨一样。", "output": "And since we will never be able to master it, we will have to learn to live with it – just as we have learned to live with storms.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但现在除我之外还有49个空位,有想和我一起看电影的吗?”", "output": "“We have just under 30miles ahead of us, wanna watch a movie with me?”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nRachael是来自坎布里亚郡西部的记者,最近搬到了曼彻斯特为LaDun圣经的一个激动人心的机会。", "output": "Rachael is journalist from West Cumbria, recently moved to Manchester for an exciting opportunity at LADbible.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n下一篇:中国指责欧盟将WTO带回“丛林法则”", "output": "China accuses EU of taking WTO back to 'law of jungle'", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n10歲那年,他被一家私立學校錄取,加入一個很有名的球隊。", "output": "When he was 10, he was recruited to attend a private school with a well-known team.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“所以,这其中的乐趣不仅仅是驾驶跑车,而且还有与那些真正对这种称为比特币的新技术感兴趣的人进行交流。", "output": "“So it’s been a lot of fun not only driving it, but engaging with people who are really interested about this new piece of technology called bitcoin.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n去年这一天你已经准备来到这个世界。", "output": "One year ago today you came into this world.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n早、晚在清潔的皮膚上使用", "output": "Apply in the morning and evening on cleansed skin.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我带着艾滋病毒生活。", "output": "I was still living with HIV.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们的救主一一满足了神的要求,好让祂能全然悦纳我们。", "output": "Our perfection consists in uniting our will so intimately with God's will, that we will only desire what He wills.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n它未必有一个确实的地点但存在于基督徒生命里。", "output": "No, but it does have a place in their Christian life.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n更多的权力给你和你的员工!", "output": "More power to you and your man!", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n既然活性炭是危险品,那就需要做危险性鉴定。", "output": "As these fumes are classified as a hazardous material, a hazard assessment must be carried out.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在亚洲,96% 的玉米样品被检出伏马菌素阳性,最高浓度达到 47485 ppb。", "output": "96% of corn samples in Asia tested positive for FUM with a maximum concentration of 47,485 ppb.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果这些公司现在联系我们,我们以后就能更容易地联系到他们,也能知道有多少公司将在我们的监管之下。", "output": "If these firms contact us now, we can reach them more easily later on and also get an idea of how many firms will come under our supervision.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这个强大的武士早就以他的灵魂向阿奴比斯神许诺,以换取军事上的强大。", "output": "This fierce warrior promised his soul to the god Anubis in exchange for military might long ago.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n两者之间顺畅的交互,也就是在几乎每个科幻故事中出现的那种,需要能够说话的机器。", "output": "Proper interaction between the two, of the kind that comes up in almost every science-fiction story, calls for machines that can speak back.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n当氨基酸的数量增加时,tRNA会与之结合,从而对tRNA进行充电。", "output": "When the amount of an amino acid goes up, the tRNA will couple with it, thereby charging that tRNA.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nBecky Hammon會是NBA第一名女性總教練嗎(圖 / 達志影像)", "output": "Will Becky Hammon become the NBA’s first female head coach?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这种机制确保细胞随后对较短的端粒进行修复,这在细胞存活和持续分裂中发挥着至关重要的作用。", "output": "This mechanism ensures the subsequent repair of the short telomere, which is crucial for the cell to survive and keep dividing.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如今除了修改游戏封包来兑现修改游戏的目的,我们也可以修改客户端的关于程序来达成我们的渴求。", "output": "In addition to modifying the game packets to achieve the purpose of modifying the game, we can modify the client about the procedure to meet our requirements.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n建築正面包含紅磚與白石,所有建築物都有優雅的拱廊。", "output": "The façades consist of red brick and white stone, and all buildings have elegant arcades.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n由剩下的40个县组成。", "output": "consists of the other 34 counties.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“我认为很难把他们当回事儿,他们躺在床上,电脑搁在胸口,发着那些侮辱性的信息。", "output": "I think it's very difficult to take people seriously out there who are lying in their bed with a laptop on their chest and just sending out abusive messages.\"", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nSnapchat 在威尼斯总部大门上的一个安全摄像头。", "output": "A security camera over the door of Snapchat's headquarters in Venice.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n水果和蔬菜仍然是最大的有機食品類別,2017年銷售額達到165億美元,成長5.3%。", "output": "Fruits and vegetables continued to be the largest organic food category, recording $16.5 billion in sales in 2017 on 5.3% growth, the survey reported.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我觉得我有责任这么说。", "output": "I feel the duty to say it.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这不是她的自尊,开车送你疯了吗?", "output": "Is your car malfunctioning and driving you crazy?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nSSL:HTTPS - 預設使用port 443連線", "output": "HTTPS server: running, set to use port 443", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n且不允许最终用户对信息进行修改。", "output": "This information cannot be altered by the end users.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我闻了闻医院的气味,查阅了我的内部时钟。", "output": "As i had sniffed hospital smells and consulted my internal clock.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n50.注意觀察任何植物或動物,讓它教導你如何接納事物的本然,臣服於當下。", "output": "Watch any plant or animal and let it teach you acceptance of what is, surrender to the Now.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n具有卓越的品质,将使您的新家成为一个独特和独特的地方,只有少数人触手可及。", "output": "Exceptional qualities that will make your new home, a unique and exclusive place only available to few...", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他指出,投资者应当保持耐心。", "output": "And, he added, investors should remain patient.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”你有一个问题,亲爱的?", "output": "“Is there a problem, my dear?”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n之前,我并不太熟悉这个女演员。", "output": "I was not familiar with this actress.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n「我會把我們六美元買的麵包的標價也撕下來,」她說。", "output": "“I take the label off our six-dollar bread,” she said.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nb) 被包装物品是否需求充填其他保护性气体。", "output": "b whether the packaged items need to be filled with other protective gases.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n尽管有着可怕的名声,这座城堡还是在1936年被宣布为国家纪念碑。", "output": "Despite its scary reputation, the castle was declared a national monument in 1936.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n同样,在骚乱升级中,看到抗议者袭击政府大楼并砸窗户。", "output": "Similarly, protesters are seen attacking government buildings and shattering windows in an escalation of the unrest.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n中国国家卫生和计划生育委员会报道说每年中国有1300万女性中止了计划外的怀孕。", "output": "The National Health Population and Family Planning Commission reported that 13 million women annually terminated unplanned pregnancies.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“那就意味着我会在华盛顿。", "output": "\"That would mean we would be in Kansas.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这是一门精巧的艺术,真的。", "output": "It’s a beautiful piece of art, truly.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n请帮忙设计一个利用海洋资源的方案来", "output": "Let us help you make a plan for offshore resources.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”她母亲去世以来我们还没有见过她。", "output": "No one’s seen her since her mother died.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n辛西娅·默多克的除外每一个人的房间是左翼。", "output": "With the exception of Cynthia Murdoch's, every one's room was in this left wing.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我在他们的黑名单上。", "output": "I guess I was on her black list.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n给宝宝一个幸福的人生开端。", "output": "Gives babies a beautiful, happy start to life.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果我有了重返的機會,或者,至少作一次短暫訪問,那會是一件值得高興的事情\"。", "output": "“If an opportunity for my return arises, or at least for a short visit, that would be a source of great joy.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n上一位访问印度的巴基斯坦总统是穆沙拉夫,他在2005年对印度进行了正式访问。", "output": "The last Pakistani president to visit India was Gen Pervez Musharraf, who came on an official visit in 2005.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n当然每个人都知道约翰。", "output": "Everybody already knew John of course.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n卡通 (Cartoon) 是在美國發明的。", "output": "Bradstreet) was invented in the United States.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n迪拜RTA和Careem将联合推出e-hail出租车服务", "output": "Dubai’s RTA and Careem to launch joint e-hail taxi service", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nCESTE是EFPA和GARP认可的培训中心。", "output": "CESTE is an accredited training centre by the EFPA and GARP.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n本著作包括他去世前不久仍然写作的日记,以及探险队其他成员的所见所闻。", "output": "This work consists of his journal, which he kept until shortly before his death, supplemented by observations by other members of the expedition.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n沙坑裡還有另一位男孩;他比阿那克斯還要高壯,而且好像也年長了幾歲。", "output": "There was another boy in the pit as well; he was taller and stronger than Anax, and likely a few years older.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这可能会让你觉得他们是个小女孩。", "output": "It would make boys think you were a bad girl.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n爱沙尼亚宣布从俄罗斯独立是在哪一年?", "output": "What year did America declare independence?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n10.任何时候都可以开始做自己想做的事,希望你不要用年龄和其他东西去束缚自己。", "output": "You can start doing what you want at any time, please don't restrain yourself with age and other things.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我的心向一切受害者问候,并为昨夜的枪击事情而感到震动。", "output": "My heart goes out to all victims and all touched by last night’s shooting.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n该公司正在欧洲建立第一个比特币矿, 由英国法律保护的一家有限公司的投资者出资。", "output": "The TBBMC will be the first Bitcoin mine in Europe to be funded by investment in a limited company governed and protected by UK law.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n阿奎奈想证明只有一个真理。", "output": "Aquinas believed that there could only be one truth.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n意大利 每一个意大利的家庭,都放有耶稣诞生故事的模型景物。", "output": "In Italy, every Italian family puts the model scenery of the story about the birth of Jesus.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n•BIMSTEC的主要目标是在孟加拉湾沿岸的南亚和东南亚国家之间进行技术和经济合作。", "output": "The main objective of Bimstec is technical and economic cooperation among South Asian and Southeast Asian countries along the rim of the Bay of Bengal.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n下一篇: 3,604 杯咖啡的蒙娜麗莎像", "output": "Mona Lisa Made of 3,604 Cups of Coffee →", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n(图片由外国语系提供)", "output": "(Photo courtesy of Foreign Language)", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n#6 这个男人一只眼失明,于是他买下了同样只有一只眼、没人想要的狗狗。", "output": "This Guy Only Has Vision In One Eye, So He Bought A One-Eyed-Dog That No One Else Wanted", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n2009年,当我意识到,这么一个网站都是scam,都在骗人。", "output": "Any review from 2013 saying that this site is a scam is just a lie.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n现在,何塞·吉伦特派的背伤肯定是慢性。", "output": "Now, Jose Gironde’s back injury was certainly chronic.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n西门子公司已经签订向芬兰首艘电池供电汽车渡船提供成套电子技术解决方案合同。", "output": "Siemens has announced that it has been commissioned to provide the complete electro-technical solution for Finland’s first battery-powered car ferry.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n正如哲學家羅素(Bertrand Russell)所警告的﹐你不應當把願望誤當作現實。", "output": "As the philosopher Bertrand Russell warned, you shouldn't mistake wishes for facts.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n此外,React 16 能够更好地混合服务端渲染完传递到客户端的 HTML。", "output": "React 16 can also hydrate the server rendered HTML better upon the clients receival.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n它们总是在关键时刻消失。", "output": "They always take off at critical times.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n不过,这已不适合新的社会。", "output": "But these do not suit the new society.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n比如下一年,比如下一个季节。", "output": "Next time, as in next season?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你可能会想起你的家人和朋友,以及被你留在身后的数十亿其他人,也许有一天,你会与他们中的某一个相爱。", "output": "You might think of your family and friends, and the billions of other people you left behind, any one of which you could one day come to love. […]", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n战友们到今天已经19年。", "output": "It is 19 years of Friends today.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这样,叙利亚国内外的难民总数已经超过冲突开始前全国人口总数的40%。", "output": "The total number of people displaced internally and externally now exceeds 40% of Syria’s pre-conflict population.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n所以不要小瞧不起眼的猪肝,它可是对我们的身体有非常大的益处的。", "output": "Let’s not demonize carbohydrates, they are very useful for our body.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n本页面已经被访问过760次。", "output": "This page has been viewed 760 times since then.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n命名是我们在日常生活中经常使用的功能。", "output": "Naming is a function that we are constantly using in our day-to-day lives.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n该车外形与M113车族相似。", "output": "The electrical system is similar to that of the M113.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n35: 长期以来,“准确定位”被认为是制定城市发展战略的头等大事,也被视为提升城市竞争力的关键环节。", "output": "32: For a long time, \"accurate positioning\" has been regarded as the top priority in formulating urban development strategies, and it has also been regarded as a key link to enhance urban competitiveness.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n母亲对家庭每天的成功运作负有重大责任,并且是家庭的基石。", "output": "We hold a great responsibility for the successful functioning of the household each day and are the cornerstones of the family.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n火灾早期的探测与灭火——这是我们每天的目标。", "output": "Early fire detection and extinguishing - that's what we aim for every day.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n被压迫被剥削的群众爱戴他,因为他热爱他们。", "output": "The oppressed and exploited people love him because he loved them.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n可是你不知道如何進人那美妙的源頭兮那麼你該怎麼辦?", "output": "But you don’t know how to come upon this extraordinary fount, so what do you do?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n除非另有说明,Apache将提供它可以访问的任何文件。", "output": "Unless told otherwise, Apache will serve any file it can access.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n她会为你争风吃醋,1%。", "output": "It will impact your quest for 1 percent.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n帕维尔彼得独自开车到乡村,,此后他们一直孤单。", "output": "Pavel and Peter drove into the village alone, and they had been alone ever since.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nFS/D的應用必須與聯絡中心和呼叫管理系統整合起來,在將來還將與銷售組織整合起來。", "output": "FS/D applications must be integrated with the contact center and the call management system and, in the future, will be integrated with the sales organization.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“她是个北方佬女人,知道到哪里去找脏东西。", "output": "She was a “Yankee” woman, who knew just where to look for dirt.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这两款笔记本电脑在基本型号上的表现非常出色,而 16 英寸 MacBook Pro 的速度更快。", "output": "The two laptops perform very well on the base models, with some incremental speed gains on the 16-inch MacBook Pro.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n为什么我会忽略掉这个部分?", "output": "Why did I forget that part?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n过度复杂 —— 开发人员经常趋向于在需求之前设计解决方案。", "output": "Over Complication – Developers are often tempted to design solutions to problems in advance of their needs.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n首先,它应该得到纠正。", "output": "First of all, it should be corrected.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他们指出,就像我们所做的。", "output": "I think they did as well as we did.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nLinux 运行在99.6%的TOP500超级计算机上", "output": "Linux now runs on 99.6% of the top 500 supercomputers", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n它的唯一功能就是标记一个日期或时间。", "output": "The purpose here is simply to set a date or a combination of date and time.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n禁止因為沒有支付人頭稅而撤銷投票權。", "output": "Prohibits revocation of voting rights due to non-payment of poll taxes", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n后来,我想到了我侄女。", "output": "Finally, I thought about my niece.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们可以证明,我们可以做得更好。", "output": "We could show we can do much better.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n和Linkedin等公司使用。", "output": "Communities like LinkedIn for example.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”这也和我的脖子一样痛。", "output": "I also suffer with my neck.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nDean 说,他希望不要太看重最新技术的微小进步,而把重心更多地放在创建更健壮的模型上。", "output": "Dean said he wants to see less emphasis on the small advances of the latest generation in favor of creating more robust models.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n风能虽然对大多数国家而言还不是主要的能源,但在1999年到2005年之间已经成长了四倍以上。", "output": "Although wind energy is not a major energy source for most countries, it has grown more than fourfold between 1999 and 2005.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n知情人士透露,亚马逊高管最近进行了内部讨论,正重新评估纽约的情况并寻找替代方案。", "output": "According to the source, Amazon executives have allegedly held internal discussions recently to reassess the situation in New York and explore alternative sites.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这才是新的马来西亚。", "output": "This is new Malaysia.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n实体从该缔约国一方取得;并且", "output": "(B) from a use by the member of the company's property; or", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n它不会伤害他看一看。", "output": "It wouldn't hurt to look.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“我们晚上行军,白天睡觉。", "output": "“We would walk at night and sleep during the day.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我在这里只有一个短暂的时间。", "output": "I just have a short time here.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n研究人员已经开始申请专利,并计划实现该系统的商业化。", "output": "The researchers have filed a patent application and are working to commercialise the process.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n该地区是非常丰富的。", "output": "The area is very rich.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但该集团正在努力建立一个强大的身份", "output": "But the group is struggling to forge a strong identity.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n更便捷、更经济的解决方案将改变我们与技术的联系方式。", "output": "More accessible and cost effective solutions will change the way we relate to technology.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n它令人信服地表明了是哪一类价值观、信仰和态度在起作用以及我们如何能够培育它们。", "output": "It convincingly shows which values, beliefs, and attitudes work and how we can foster them.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n目前,每个晶圆都由量子点组成,必须仔细切片,以便每个芯片以适当数量的量子位结束。", "output": "Currently, each wafer consists of quantum dots that must be carefully sliced so that each chip gets the appropriate number of qubits.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n土壤颗粒的干燥质量被固定的而在潮湿的土壤内的水的数量可以不同。", "output": "The dry mass of the soil particles is fixed, whereas the amount of water within moist soil can vary.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nH-IIA从未从备用发射台上被发射过,后来被重新用于H-IIB。", "output": "The H-IIA never flew from the replacement swab, which was later converted to H-IIB.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n创业投资是改善投资结构、增加有效投资的重要手段。", "output": "Venture capital investment is an important means for improving investment structure and increasing effective investments.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“在香港、台湾、南韩和日本都有(最低薪资),但是都没出现失业或非法就业的问题。", "output": "“Contrary to the Government’s argument, the introduction of the minimum wage in Hong Kong, Taiwan, South Korea and Japan did not lead to unemployment or illegal employment.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我来到玛格丽特,正如你看到的,听到我好运的消息,问她是否愿意做我的妻子。", "output": "I came to Marguerite, as you saw, with the news of my good luck, and asked her if she would be my wife.\"", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n基督兄弟會2015年曾表示,歡迎貝斯在刑滿釋放後回到兄弟會。", "output": "In 2015, the Christian Brothers said they would welcome the paedophile back into their ranks upon his release from prison.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n大师说,在这个世界上有一件事是绝对不能忘记的。", "output": "“The master said there is one thing in this world which must never be forgotten.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n事实证明,这种敏感的直觉也并非是没有道理,至少从历史的角度来看是这样。", "output": "Turns out these wary instincts are not without cause, at least from a historical perspective.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我有事我想您应该看到。", "output": "I have something I think you should see.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n然后,为了达到预期的学习目标,我们将进行...", "output": "Now, when we go to our next learning objective,we are going to be able", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n甚至在以后,当您扩大了目标之后,您就想月复一日地完成目标。", "output": "Even later on, when you have grown your targets, you want to do everything it takes to meet them month after month.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但你不能在为上帝而战中获胜。", "output": "You can't win in a fight against God.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但他在有关\"黑人的生命很重要\"的故事中点了\"赞\",在Facebook上与努涅兹是朋友。", "output": "But he had clicked “like” on the narrative about Black Lives Matter, and he was friends with Nunez on Facebook.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n截至2016年底,188個國家已推出580個4G (LTE)網路,而4G則覆蓋全球約60%的人口。", "output": "At the end of 2016, 580 4G (LTE) networks had been launched across 188 countries, providing 4G coverage to approximately 60 percent of the global population.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n德國總理默克爾曾多次指出,英國脫歐後必須接受人員的自由流動,才能取得歐盟單一市場的準入。", "output": "German Chancellor, Angela Merkel has repeatedly said that to gain access to the single market then the free movement of people has to be allowed.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n普京总统说,俄罗斯希望帮助重新启动以色列和巴勒斯坦之间的和平谈判。", "output": "He said Russia wants to help restart peace negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我不认为我们会喜欢严肃的回答。", "output": "I don’t think I like the serious questions.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n然而,这支部队一再被现代化程度较低、装备较差、资金不足的敌手所击败。", "output": "“Yet repeatedly this force has been defeated by less modern, worse-equipped, barely funded foes.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n中生有地说假话,不能心存不良地造谣。", "output": "They shall do no wrong and speak no lies\".", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n为了安置这些运动员,联盟没有透露他们多久前知道神经损害和脑震荡有关的。", "output": "By settling with the players, the league won’t have to disclose how early it knew that neurological damage is linked to concussions.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但光有土壤不行,还需要种子、阳光和水。", "output": "Nothing else is needed except seeds, sunshine, and water.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n毕竟,他放弃了中国国籍。", "output": "He refused from the Chinese citizenship.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n讓我們知道,如果您有任何建議/問題。", "output": "Please let me know if you have any problems/suggestions.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n因此,如果約翰·D.洛克菲勒今天仍然健在,他的個人資產將是比爾·蓋茨的數倍。", "output": "So if John D. Rockefeller were alive today, his wealth would be many times greater than Bill Gates'.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n1、一种持续性的连接。", "output": "1 There is a constant, continuous link.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我們要所有 Mac 使用者體驗最新的功能,最先進的技術與最安全的保障。", "output": "“We want all Mac users to experience the latest features, the most advanced technologies, and the strongest security.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n赵无极(1921年2月13日—2013年4月9日)[1]华裔法国画家。", "output": "Zao Wou-Ki 13 February 1920 – 9 April 2013[1]) was a Chinese-French painter.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n既然他们手里不需要什么武器,那就只能靠双脚来“自卫”了。", "output": "Not having what they require in their hands, they will have to seek “self-defense” in their feet.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n现在这座城堡被用作林木工人培训学校。", "output": "However, the castle has been turned into a training school for foresters.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“比赛还没开始,什么事都有可能发生。", "output": "The day has not yet started, and anything can happen.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这将协助澳大利亚企业更清楚了解大马人口老化景观及当中的差距,以便更有效地与有志于此的大马人合作。", "output": "This is to help Australian businesses better understand the landscape and the gaps that need to be filled to work effectively with Malaysian Stakeholders.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n她在星期三说:阿卜杜拉和我堂兄结婚后,我只见过一次,从那以后很少与他们接触。", "output": "\"I only met Abdulla once, when he and my cousin got married, and seldom have had contact with them since.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n它可以轻松承担大型软件或繁重多程序运行的任务。", "output": "It is powerful enough to handle heavy software and multitasking.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n安息日是上帝与我们之间的印。", "output": "The Sabbath is a sign between God and Israel.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n大规模广播活动通过增加布基纳法索在2012和2015之间的医疗咨询和诊断数量来拯救生命", "output": "A mass radio campaign saved lives by increasing the number of medical consultations and diagnoses in Burkina Faso between 2012 and 2015", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n當大多數人們想到西班牙食物時,他們會想到西班牙的飲食國粹Tapas。", "output": "When most people think of Spanish food, they think of tapas.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n然而,做事与众不同有时意味着做的很糟糕或者做错。", "output": "Doing things differently sometimes involves doing things badly or wrong.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我个人每周使用1-2次蓖麻油。", "output": "I personally use this castor oil 1-2x per week.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”后来,当他惊讶地发现这个词到底是什么意思的时候,他同样肯定他不是一个人。", "output": "Later, when he learned with some surprise what the word actually meant, he'd been equally certain he wasn't one.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n每个 numa_miss 事件在另一个节点上都有相应的 numa_foreign 事件。", "output": "Each numa_foreign event has a corresponding numa_miss event on another node.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n7:23 我曾用我的智慧試驗過這一切事。", "output": "7:24 I have tested everything in wisdom.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n您无法完全关闭与 Skype for Business 的集成。", "output": "You can't totally shut down the integration with Skype for Business.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n” “它实际上可能具有保护作用,我们正在对此进行研究。", "output": "“It actually may have a protective effect, and we are investigating this now.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n4日流行文化大会充满了令人兴奋的家庭友好活动和名人。", "output": "The 4-day pop culture convention is packed with exciting family-friendly activities and celebrities.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n她很少说话,她与这个世界毫无关系。", "output": "He is incorporeal and has little to do with this world.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n第二年,江苏就成功登顶成为“一哥”。", "output": "The following year, Jiangsu successfully ascended to the top to become a \"brother.\"", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n举个例子,我为了把自己的孩子们送到好一点的足校,我必须为每个孩子支付3500美元的费用。", "output": "In order for my children to play in a good football team, I have to pay $3,500 per child.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“有时在白天,有时在夜晚的黑暗中。", "output": "Sometimes at the break of dawn, sometimes in the darkness of night.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n云,是一种奇妙的东西。", "output": "The Cloud is a wonderful thing.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n实际上,全球最富有的公司之一,也是盈 利最高的科技公司苹果并未进入前十。", "output": "And in fact, one of the world’s richest companies and most profitable tech company, Apple, didn’t make it into the top 10.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n该ANC的设计理念可以推广至更多具有治疗潜力的气体小分子药物的研发中。", "output": "The design concept of the ANC can be extended to the development of more gas small molecule drugs with therapeutic potential.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n倘非如此,他就永遠無從找到那些字句。", "output": "Were it otherwise, she would never have been able to find these words.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n除此之外,还要参照国家和使用部门的有关规定和要求。", "output": "In addition, also with reference to the relevant provisions and requirements of the State and use sectors.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n俱乐部表示,阿森纳的球衣每天在全球会被看到3500万次,是世界上被观看最多的球队之一。", "output": "The Arsenal shirt is seen 35 million times a day around the world and we are one of the most viewed teams around the world.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“他对原子核和基本粒子理论的贡献,特别是对基础的对称性原理的发现和应用”。", "output": "\"For his contributions to the theory of the atomic nucleus and the elementary particles, particularly through the discovery and application of fundamental symmetry principles.\"", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n另外,在需要的时候支持人员并不总是可用的。", "output": "In addition, support personnel were not always available when needed.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n請注意:這篇文章只是對五要點的一個簡單概括。", "output": "Please note: this article is only a brief summary of the five points of Calvinism.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你不会喜欢的,但是你必须。", "output": "You don’t have to like that, but you will.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他在 1881 年建造 Savoy Theatre 时,已经为当时的伦敦带来一些创新。", "output": "He himself had already brought one innovation to London, when he built the Savoy Theatre in 1881.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n每个人都会老的,这是自然规律。", "output": "Every one of us is getting older, which is a natural process.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nIntel已经在自身的Fab工厂中也已经实施了预测性维护系统,使得冷却水的耗电量减少了40%。", "output": "Intel has implemented a predictive maintenance system in its own Fab plant, reducing cooling water consumption by 40%.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n大多数公布的结果表明,脱靶率的范围为1-5%。", "output": "Most published results indicate that off-target rates range from 1 to 5 percent.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n到了2015年,美国将会有9100万iPad用户,大约是美国总人口数的三分之一。", "output": "By 2015, eMarketer says there will be almost 91 million iPad users in the United States, or nearly a third of its total population.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但你仍然不知道你所看到的消息是否与其他人相同。", "output": "But you still don’t know if you’re seeing the same messages as everyone else.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n您和您的合作人想知道什么?", "output": "What do you and your employees need to know?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n今年,据估计,美国有超过160万人将被诊断为癌症。", "output": "This year, it is estimated that more than 1.6 million people in the United States will be diagnosed with cancer.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n析:狗和狼是同一物种。", "output": "MYTH: Dogs and wolves are the same", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n日前一项全球性的独立试验已成立,LED路灯较大可以节省85%的能源。", "output": "A global independent trial has been set up, LED street lamp can save 85% of the maximum energy.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他们致力于多年的占领,并实施了民主制度。", "output": "They committed to a years-long occupation that imposed democratic institutions.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n与赫斯特,与历史和法律的许多同事,kutler结下了强大的智力结合部和持久的友谊。", "output": "With Hurst, as with many colleagues in both History and Law, Kutler forged a strong intellectual bond and an enduring friendship.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“继续啊,边开车边开枪,让所有人流血,或者租一辆大卡车,开到他们身上。", "output": "\"Go on drive-bys and spill all of their blood, or rent a big truck and drive all over them.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这次是在完全不同的地方。", "output": "This time it was in a place completely different.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在书中,从学者到清洁工,每个人都在重新寻找生活的意义。", "output": "From academics to street-sweepers everyone is in search of the meaning of life.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果他和学校的任何一部分都一致的话,他无疑就是风景画家的小团体。", "output": "If he was in sympathy with any section of the school, it was doubtless with the small group of landscape painters.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我确实认为我是有理性的人,我在有理性的地方--大学上班。", "output": "I do think of myself as a rational person, who works in the seat of rationality -- the university.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n根据联合国的确定,1979年是国际儿童年。", "output": "The United Nations has designated 1979 as the International Year of the Child.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n天花直至1980年才灭绝。", "output": "The siding survived until 1980.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n斯坦福的昵称来源于其创立者 Leland Stanford 最初居住的牧马农场。", "output": "As for that nickname, it comes from founder Leland Stanford’s original horse farm.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“我将把Zozo委托给一位新总统并采取自己的方式,”他在Twitter帖子中说。", "output": "“I will entrust Zozo to a new president and take my own path,” he said in a Twitter post.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”这导致了便携式太阳能充电器的发展,但是由于其复杂的电路和封装问题,这些混合设备难以小型化。", "output": "This has led to the development of portable solar chargers but these hybrid devices are difficult to miniaturize due to their complex circuitry and packaging issues.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nTraMOOC集合了顶尖研究员、密切相关的工业组织和顶尖的用户合作伙伴。", "output": "TraMOOC brings together a consortium of leading researchers, highly relevant industrial organizations and leading user partners.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n20王说,我看到男人的脚步,女人,和孩子。", "output": "20And the king said, \"I see the footsteps of men, women, and children.\"", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我觉得在良好的手中!", "output": "I feel that I am in good hands!", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n30 全球物流中最要紧的成本来自于大气,海洋生态系统和其中所包裹的一切,以及低薪劳工。", "output": "30 The most severe costs of global logistics are born by the atmosphere, the oceanic ecosystem and all it contains, and the lowest paid workers.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“由于需求保持强劲,而我们当地的住房供应仍然紧张,看到这种趋势持续到可预见的未来,我不会感到惊讶。", "output": "\"With demand staying strong and our local housing supply remaining tight, I wouldn't be surprised to see this trend continue.\"", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我不知道为什么;,或许对他们来说,这是一种习惯。", "output": "I don’t know why – maybe because it has turned into a ritual or a habit for us.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n2019年电子商务将如何发展?", "output": "How will e-commerce change in 2019?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n谢谢你不放弃我呀(〃∇〃)", "output": "Thank you for not giving up on me (and us).", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n人生的第一个转折点发生在16岁。", "output": "A turning point in my life arrived at age 16.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n该课程是outstanding-在学术方面我的孩子们正在学习拼音,计算和科学的热情。", "output": "The curriculum is outstanding- on the academic side my kids are learning phonics, counting and science with enthusiasm.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n而说起目前人们广泛使用的智能产品,除了智能手机之外,最广为人知的智能设备当属智能手环。", "output": "Speaking of people now widely used smart products, in addition to smart phones, the most well-known smart device is undoubtedly a smart bracelet.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他创立了一个已经持续了两个半千年的宗教,但只是谁是佛陀?", "output": "The life of the Buddha He founded a religion that has lasted two and a half millennia, but just who was Buddha?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n政府派往紐約的談判代表在周三結束了與法庭指派調解人的會議,並立即返回了布宜諾斯艾利斯。", "output": "Government negotiators ended talks in New York on Wednesday with a U.S. court-appointed mediator and flew back to Buenos Aires.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n它是关于通过美好时光和坏事支持女性。", "output": "This group is about helping people through the good and bad days.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n74%的国际留学生表示,就餐让人失望,食物被评为不健康或者过于昂贵。", "output": "Seventy-four per cent of international students said catering was disappointing, with meals either unhealthy or too expensive.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n””任何人从岸上看到什么吗?", "output": "“Notice anyone in the bay?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n小偷们洗劫了图书馆,没有得到多少报酬。", "output": "The thieves ransacked the library and got very little for", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n当我年轻的时候我写信给他,他回信了。", "output": "When I was young I wrote to him, and he wrote back.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我總是會發現別人的問題,特別是在我們當地學法小組裏。", "output": "I always found faults with others, especially in our local Fa study group.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n公寓 在 Bur Dubai", "output": "Find Apartments in Bur Dubai", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n此隐私政策可能由于任何原因不时进行更新。", "output": "This Privacy Policy may by updated from time to time for any reason.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我到目前为止对这台新 Surface 都感到非常满意。", "output": "I have been extremely pleased with all aspects of this surgery to date.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n创新能力以及包容性文化将依然是我们与众不同的独特优势。", "output": "Our innovation power together with our inclusive culture will continue to be a differentiating strength of our company.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n等她睁开眼睛,孩子已经不见了。", "output": "When she opens her eyes her child is gone.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n只有两种选择,一种或另一种。", "output": "Two choices, one or the other.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n* 58%就是决定要去掉它。", "output": "58% just decided to remove", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n然而,有证据表明,一些藏家越来越愿意在线上交易中出高价。", "output": "However, there is evidence that some collectors are increasingly willing to pay high prices online.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n一种神奇的死亡方式。", "output": "miraculous way from death.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n威尼斯人官网已完成出售VOLCOM的", "output": "Kering has completed the sale of Volcom", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n不會觸犯任何有關不公平競爭、反歧視及虛假宣傳的法例;以及", "output": "do not violate any laws regarding unfair competition, anti-discrimination or false advertising; and", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在您转换完成一小时后,您的文件将从我们的服务器中永久删除。", "output": "One hour after the conversion, your files will be deleted from our servers forever.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n难道你缴税比我们多?", "output": "– Don’t they pay more taxes than we do?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n日历即将结束到2018年,由于许多经销商在2017年停滞不前,他们最不想做的就是将该库存延续一年。", "output": "The calendar is about to turn over to 2018 and with many dealers stuck with 2017s on the lot, the last thing they want to do is carry that inventory over another year.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n3.数字网络化信号传递和控制系统", "output": "Digital networked signal transmission and control system", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在MEET ME 23上,您会发现一台3D打印机,您可以在其上打印Blueman字符。", "output": "At MEET ME 23 you will find one 3D printer on which you can print out a Blueman souvenir.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n此次抗议活动的组织方是西藏青年大会。", "output": "The protest was organized by the Tibetan Youth Congress.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果抽取太多地下水,尤其是从粘土层抽水,这种土壤压实变得不可逆转,导致土壤保持水分的能力永久丧失。", "output": "If too much water is extracted, particularly from clay layers, the compaction becomes irreversible and the soil's ability to retain water is permanently diminished.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在另一条推文上,她说,不论怎样样,她都不以为政府应该介入搜索算法的监管。", "output": "In another tweet she said she didn’t believe the government should get involved in regulating search algorithms anyway.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n现在,安特卫普是钻石贸易的核心。", "output": "Today Antwerp is the heart of diamond trade.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n为什么病人会选择我们医院来治病。", "output": "Why do foreign patients choose our hospital for Treatment", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n今年第二季度,《今日美国》销售的广告页数只有580页,而在2006年第二季度这一销量则为1098页。", "output": "In its most recent quarter, the newspaper sold just 580 pages of advertising, compared to 1,098 pages sold in the same quarter of 2006.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n由于使用了柔软材料,软体机器人非常适合在人体中的小区域活动,而不会损坏体内组织。", "output": "Because of their pliable materials, soft robots are well-suited to navigate small areas inside the human body without risking tissue damage.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n空气是混合物,它的成分很复杂。", "output": "Air is a mixture, the composition is complex.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n快点买下整个家族,创造出你独一无二的合唱团!", "output": "Get the whole family together and create your very own choir!", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这是当地有史以来发现的最大石棺。", "output": "It’s the largest sarcophagus ever found in the city.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n痛快的哭一场,洗涤你的心灵", "output": "Have a good cry, wash out your heart.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“这里的国旗好多啊。", "output": "“This flag is a lot.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n中国的云服务供应商保持着计算效率的世界纪录。", "output": "Chinese cloud providers hold the world record for computing efficiency.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n然而,利用微逆变器,光伏组件的电流源可以转化为约40V的电压源,可以驱动我们生活中的电器。", "output": "With the use of micro-inverters, the current source of the photovoltaic module can be directly converted into a voltage source of about 40V, which can drive the application of electrical appliances in our lives.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这是你跟永生神见面之处。", "output": "This is where you meet with the living God.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”如果你的大脑在这些区域功能正常,药物不太可能对认知产生积极影响,而我实际上损害了认知。", "output": "\"If your brain is functioning normally in those regions, the medication is unlikely to have a positive effect on cognition and may actually impair cognition.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“与美利坚合众国不同,法国不会根据其种族,宗教或出身来提及其公民。", "output": "Unlike the United States of America, France does not refer to their citizens based on their race, religion or origin.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n该报告由世界反兴奋剂机构(WADA)委托说,涉及30多项体育运动,包括足球运动。", "output": "The report, commissioned by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) said that more than 30 sports, including soccer, were involved.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n了解更多关于我们的历史通过下面的链接。", "output": "To find out more about our history follow our link below.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你们大家说‘去年’,但我感觉好像已经过去了十年一样。", "output": "You guys say 'last year', but it feels like 10 years ago, in a way.\"", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在中国你确实应该这样做", "output": "Certainly, you have to do that in China.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n细菌是生命必不可少的–但是有害细菌可能会造成高昂的成本和致命的伤害", "output": "Bacteria are essential to life – but bad bacteria can be costly and deadly", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“刚刚那个一直看着我们的人是谁?”", "output": "Who was that man we just saw?”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n過多的正面思考是毒藥", "output": "Negative thoughts are poison.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n二战期间,伊朗曾是盟国向苏联提供援助物资的重要通道。", "output": "Iran during the Second World War had provided a vital supply route for Western aid to the Soviet Union.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”“我无权透露任何进一步的细节。", "output": "\"I am not at liberty to disclose any further details.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你可以在YouTube。", "output": "You can get on youtube.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n后来有消息说,迪安出了管教所,初次来纽约;还有消息说,他刚同一个叫做玛丽卢的姑娘结了婚。", "output": "Then news came that Dean was out of reform school and was coming to New York for the first time; also there was talk that he had just married a girl called Marylou.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n让人感到高兴的是,调查中60%的公司在运营中使用不同的信用管理工具。", "output": "It is encouraging to see more than 60% of companies expressed in the survey that they use different credit man-agement tools in their operations.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n电脑艺术课程报名费及注册费将国家之间因学校而异。", "output": "Enrollment and registration fees for computer arts programs will vary between countries and from school to school.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这对防守者来说太难了。", "output": "Which is difficult for defenders.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n为什么有强硬立场呢?", "output": "So why the tough stance?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nOracle财务管理解决方案借助这些基础设施完全满足国内数据驻留的要求。", "output": "By leveraging this infrastructure, Oracle financial management solutions fully support requirements for in-country data residency.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“我希望我们会杀死所有人,”他告诉杂志", "output": "2- \"Hopefully we will slaughter all of them,\" he told the magazine.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n她說,這是令人興奮的,因為任何人都可以增加掃描並且有更好的記憶力。", "output": "The implications are exciting, she says, because they suggest that anyone can be taught to scan more and potentially have better memory.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n98.你說:「信奉天經的人啊!真主是見證你們的行為的,你們為什麼不信真主的跡象呢?", "output": "And; “Say; O People of the Book, why do you disbelieve in the aayaat of Allah while Allah is witness over what you are doing?”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n相信粉絲們也相當期待新的故事。", "output": "I think fans are waiting for new stories.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在这种意义上来说,情绪化是一件很积极的事情。", "output": "In this sense, warning is a very positive thing.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n听后感觉谚语就是不同凡响啊,绝对是真理。", "output": "As boring-sounding of a term it is, it certainly is accurate.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n美国攻打叙利亚:可能中的不可能", "output": "Another US Armed Forces Base in Syria: Impossible is Quite Possible", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n第六十三条 被保险人或者投保人可以变更受益人并书面通知保险人。", "output": "Article 62 An insured or an applicant may change the beneficiary and shall notify the insurer in writing.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但是冷战结束后,俄国和中国在这个问题上变得模棱两可。", "output": "But after the end of the Cold War, Russia and China have been ambiguous on the issue.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n此外,它是对所有学生开放,提供不同语言的学生享受德国美食和文化的机会。", "output": "In addition, it is open to all students, providing the opportunity for students of a different language to enjoy German food and culture.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n此外,M还将了解用户的需求、偏好和习惯,使客户关系个性化。", "output": "Moreover, M will learn about its user’s needs, preferences and habits, personalising the customer relationship.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n不计其数的荷兰企业在处理工业废水方面是名副其实的专家,数家咨询公司则在全球享有水处理专家的声誉。", "output": "Many local companies specialize in industrial wastewaters treatment, while several consulting bodies are world-famous for their expertise in water treatment.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这样就能得出两个交汇点,让他们可以计算出角度。", "output": "This provided them with two points to work with, making it possible to calculate the angle.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n总的来说,T30 比 T20 更好,因为它不确定度更低。", "output": "Generally it is better to choose T30 over T20, as the measurement uncertainty will be lower.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nSGI总部位于新加坡,不愿披露其在埃塞俄比亚、格鲁吉亚和蒙古等国投资及管理的资产。", "output": "Singapore-based SGI, which does not disclose its assets under management, invests in countries such as Ethiopia, Georgia, and Mongolia.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n下次还是要选择一个更好的策略才行呀。", "output": "Next time, I’ll make a more strategic choice.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n虽然可见性很重要,但我们不应该停留在那里。", "output": "While visibility is important, we should not stop there.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n耐磨性差的袜子通常使用低档材料,这种材料不仅容易磨损,还可能损坏脚。", "output": "However, socks with poor abrasion resistance tend to use some low-grade materials, which are not only easy to break, but also may damage the skin of the feet.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果老师还以传统的讲授、灌输式的课堂教学模式教学,学生将用“眼睛和耳朵”投票。", "output": "If our teachers continue the traditional cramming method of teaching,students will vote with their “eyes and ears.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他说:“今天,我们估测每10分钟就有一名也门儿童死于可预防的疾病。", "output": "He said: “in Yemen today, every 10 minutes, a child is dying from diseases that can be easily prevented.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n它有社区和商业版本。", "output": "It has community and enterprise versions.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n- IAS 1:财务报表的列报", "output": "IAS 1: Presentation of financial statements", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”我从来不喜欢被退出,”奎刚答道。", "output": "\"I never like being pulled out,\" Esche said.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n关于多国企业和 社会政策的三方原则宣言 ...", "output": "Tripartite declaration of principles concerning multinational enterprises and social policy ...", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n询问老师你是否可以在他们的课堂上做作业。", "output": "Ask the teacher how else you can help in the classroom.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n实时控制也叫做过程控制,就是用计算机对连续工作的控制对象实行自动控制。", "output": "Also called process control, it is to use the computer to automatically control the continuous control object.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n巴斯克语有略少于1百万人使用。", "output": "There are fewer than 1 million Basque speakers in the world.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在 在ucd连接中发表的访谈 在2010年,彼得·萨瑟兰被问到他希望他的遗产是什么。", "output": "In an interview published in UCD Connections in 2010 Peter Sutherland was asked what he hoped his legacy would be.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我拒绝参加这样的事。", "output": "I refused to take part in such activities.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在他去世前五天(大约耶稣降生后一年),他又使另一个儿子被处死。", "output": "Five days before his death (about a year after Jesus was born) he had a third son executed.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n2015年中国面板厂将有8座8代线量产", "output": "At Futurdesign 2013 there will be 8 installations.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n;没有任何物可以做他的匹敌.", "output": "No one, therefore, can equal him.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n实际上我们已经有些例子。", "output": "In fact, there are examples already.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n尤为重要的是,这些新建项目具有更低的开发成本和更高的利润,能够进一步改善BP对价格环境的适应能力。", "output": "Importantly, these new projects, with their lower development costs and higher margins, also further improve BP’s resilience to the price environment.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在许多国家,有智障的女孩和男孩缺乏获得接受主流教育的足够机会。", "output": "In many countries, girls and boys with intellectual disabilities lack sufficient access to mainstream education.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n截至今年8月,中纪委处理了21个县级行政区域的270个问题,对扶贫工作进行了几轮监督。", "output": "As of this August, the CCDI had dealt with 270 problems in 21 county-level administrative regions, carrying out several rounds of supervision on poverty-alleviation work.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n像许多留美的中国学生一样,她是个在大城市里长大的女孩儿。", "output": "Like many Chinese students, she was a city girl in a country town.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n主权龙虎国际官网退出与美国国务院的谈判,以拒绝Keystone XL管道", "output": "← Sovereign Nations Walk Out of Meeting With U.S. State Department Unanimously Rejecting Keystone XL Pipeline", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他利用聯邦調查局騷擾政治異見者和政治活動分子,收集整理政治領袖的秘密檔案,還使用非法手段收集證據。", "output": "He (Hoover) used the FBI to harass political dissenters and activists, to amass secret files on political leaders, and to collect evidence using illegal methods.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n高增长时期 – 如果市场喜欢你的产品,接纳你的软件,那么你可能会经历一段快速发展时期。", "output": "Hypergrowth – if the market likes your product, you likely experience an immense amount of growth very quickly as businesses adopt your software.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n750亿美元的规模究竟有多大?", "output": "How much is $750 billion?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n要创造美味,您需要以下产品:", "output": "To groom your bun you need the following products:", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n做选择就是选取条形纸长度上的随机点(比如说扔飞镖),然后看看它落在哪个部分。", "output": "Making the choice is equivalent to picking a random point along the strip’s length (say by throwing a dart) and then seeing which section it is in.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n不管你叫它什么,这将是。", "output": "Whatever we call it, that is what it will be.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n德国(12个),法国和日本(分别7个)为入围品牌第二和第三多的国家。", "output": "Germany (12 brands), along with France and Japan (7 each) were the next best-represented countries.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n长城是中华民族的象征,也是世界上最伟大的建筑之一。", "output": "The Great Wall is a symbol of the Chinese nation and one of the greatest buildings in the world.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n凯发体育,拜登表示,他计划在卸任后继续积极参与民主党的政治事务。", "output": "Biden has said he plans to stay active in Democratic Party politics.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n上世纪90年代中期到本世纪初期,黄金行业 的金矿供应每年下滑大约1%。", "output": "Between the mid-1990s and early 2000s, industry mine supply dropped by approximately 1% annually.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n万喜彩票部门的专注点在消费者上,消费者想要什么,以及开发人员会考虑什么。", "output": "I’m focused on the consumer, what the consumer gets, and what developers will consider.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n监管机构已经延长了截止日期 - 前一个截止日期将在下午12点到期", "output": "The regulatory body had already extended the deadline once -- with the previous one set to expire at 12 p.m.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n2002年,兰登书屋找到杰佛逊拉布,希望他为一部很有市场前景的惊险历史小说新著制作一个推广网站。", "output": "In 2002, Random House approached Jefferson Rabb about creating a promotional Web site for a promising new historical thriller.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n2 什么是噪声与环境噪声?", "output": "So what is white noise or ambient noise?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但在接下来的采访中,负责人和主管的一个同事,什么也没说。", "output": "But at the next interview, with the superintendent and a colleague of the superintendent’s, nothing was said about that.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n从太平洋深处到遥远太空的旅程,寻找能改变一切的东西.生命的迹象,宇宙中的其他地方。", "output": "Journey from the depths of the Pacific Ocean into the far reaches of space on a quest to find something that changes everything...signs of life,", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n本科应急管理服务 - 整个社会", "output": "Emergency Services Management – Whole Community", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n精神分裂症患者的治疗可以通过社区来进行,通过积极的家庭和社区参与。", "output": "WHO also states that schizophrenia care can be provided at community level, with active family and community involvement.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这些在自由主义阵营内部的争论引发了即将到来的西方自由主义世界秩序的棘手难题。", "output": "These arguments within the camp of liberal imperialism raise pressing questions for the coming liberal construction of the West.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在财务方面,公司面临盈利的挑战。", "output": "Financially, the company is facing challenges.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nWindows Vista中的IIS对于想要构建和测试 Web应用程序的用户而言十分理想。", "output": "IIS in Windows Vista is ideal for those who want to build and test Web applications.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果你不喜欢你的城市,你可以搬到另一个城市。", "output": "If you don't like your place, you can move to another one.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n对我来说,你就像个母亲。", "output": "So you are like a mother to me.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但中國不應當只從蘇丹獲取石油,還應該為解決蘇丹的人道危機承擔一些責任。", "output": "But China should take more than oil from Sudan – it should take some responsibility for resolving Sudan’s human crisis.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果您删除帐户,我们会在 30 天后开始删除这些信息。", "output": "If you delete your account, we’ll initiate deletion of this information after 30 days.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果您的销售过程因此受?", "output": "What if your sales process suffers as a result?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n· 培力宣布收购日本保健食品公司SODX", "output": "PuraPharm Announces Acquisition of Japanese Health Products Company SODX", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这些函数被称为匿名,因为它们不是通过使用def关键字标准方式的声明。", "output": "Anonymous functions are those which are not declared in the standard manner by using def Keyword.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n是的,同胞们,我承认我对新宪法慎重考虑以后,明确认为你们接受它是有好处的。", "output": "Yes, my countrymen, I own to you that, after having given it an attentive consideration, I am clearly of the opinion it is your interest to adopt it.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n(一起來看:「我超愛自己的肉肉身材」我們愛死了珍妮佛勞倫斯的原因)", "output": "(Recommended reading:\"I love my flesh body\" Why we love Jennifer Lawrence", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n第一种是无印良品牛奶。", "output": "The first is its Unsweetened Coconut Milk.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n爸爸有全部的權力,女兒負全部的責任。", "output": "I was not at fault and the girl takes full responsibility.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果停止 FTP 发布服务,服务器将无法作为 FTP 服务器工作。", "output": "If this service is stopped, the server cannot function as an FTP server.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n它确实已经成为最伟大的画。", "output": "They have now become the big picture.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n““我还在考虑这件事,什么时候?抬头看,我看见我的仆人,LalChowdar在门口。", "output": "“‘I was still pondering over the matter, when, looking up, I saw my servant, Lal Chowdar, in the doorway.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”谭某没多问,指引记者前往旁边的诊床上,要求记者脱掉裤子接受检查。", "output": "Tan Mou did not ask much, directed reporters to the next clinic bed, asked reporters to take off their pants for inspection.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n原因就是,在群体之间,人们通常没有直接接触。", "output": "In this case, there usually is no direct interaction between groups.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n作为理念和改进管理/精益制造管理总监,他是引导 GEA 进行持续改进的舵手。", "output": "As Director of Ideas & Improvement Management / Lean Manufacturing Management he is steering GEA down the path of continuous improvement.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n5. UXGA(1600x1200)UXGA分辨率是應用於程序細節或資訊密集非常高的工作站上。", "output": "UXGA, or \"1,600 x 1,200\" – UXGA is for very high resolution workstation applications that are detail or information intensive.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n自信 - 這并不是說企業家永遠不會有自我懷疑,但他們能夠克服它,并相信他們可以實現自己的目標。", "output": "Self-confidence - This is not to say entrepreneurs never have self-doubt, but they're able to overcome it, and believe they can achieve their goal.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nJAMA:关于艾滋病HIV的科学很清楚,检测不到就等于无法传播", "output": "NIH: The science is clear: with HIV, undetectable equals untransmittable", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但是,中國也需要採取謹慎態度,因為它也伊朗關係也很密切。", "output": "China has had to tread a careful line, though, as it also has close relations with Iran.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n只有一小部分的生产幸存下来的许多口头塔古姆译本。", "output": "Only a small portion of the many oral Targums that were produced survived.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n罗马的,然而,这只是第一步:在新业主的计划也即将在米兰的精品,从9月中旬,总是在一个中心区域。", "output": "That of Rome, however, is only the first step: in the plans of the new owners is coming also a boutique in Milan, from mid-September, always in a central area.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n华舟六合道人不仅在国内三十多个省市、自治区拥有大批用户,还先...", "output": "Huazhou Emergency not only has a large number of users in more than 30 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions in China, but also first ...", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n当孩子们更好地遵循这些和类似活动中的指示时,他们往往具有更好的社交技能并在压力下管理他们的情绪。", "output": "When children are better at following instructions in these and similar activities, they tend to have better social skills and manage their emotions when stressed.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n为此,爸爸做了非常多的努力。", "output": "As a result, my Dad worked a lot.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n可以安装到所有单车上", "output": "You can install them easily on all bikes.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n希望能够帮助您全面发挥您网站的潜能。", "output": "It would be my pleasure to help you reaching the full potential of your website.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n除了这些问题,孩子可能正在处理:", "output": "In addition to these issues, the child may be dealing with:", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n该办公室将专注于制定在Salesforce以道德和人道方式使用技术的战略。", "output": "This office will focus on developing strategies to use technology in an ethical and humane way at Salesforce.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果在IgG抗体中增加4倍所述第一和第二样品之间,然后一个人有活性的,或者有一个最近,感染。", "output": "If there is a 4-fold increase in IgG between the first and second sample, then the person has an active, or had a recent, infection.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n虚拟现实可以成为新闻记者的一项重要报道工具,让消费者穿越时间与空间。", "output": "VR can be a journalistic tool that allows consumers to transcend time and space.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他的律师们还说,军方对电脑的监控太松懈了。", "output": "His attorneys also said the military’s oversight of its computers was lax.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这种方式,你会有你需要的帮助。", "output": "This way you will have the needed help.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“政府不再像法律要求那样保护人们的肺部,而是根据政治决定,让成千上万的美国人面临疾病和痛苦的风险。", "output": "\"Instead of protecting people’s lungs as the law requires, this administration based its decision on politics, leaving tens of thousands of Americans at risk of sickness and suffering.\"", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n创造力和创新源自于多种背景与视角的融合。", "output": "Creativity and innovation spring from a mixture of backgrounds and viewpoints.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n不管司机的技术有多好,车子都需要休息。", "output": "No matter how good the driver is, the car needs to rest.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n艾因夏姆斯大学,作为第三埃及的大学,成立于1950年7月在“易卜拉欣帕夏大学”的名称。", "output": "Ain Shams University, as the third Egyptian university, was founded in July 1950 under the name of “Ibrahim Pasha University”.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n通常来说,面对艰难,我们的第一反应是抱怨和逃避。", "output": "Often when we face opposition, our first response is to get angry and strike back.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n是展示人体健、力、美、全面素质和民族特性的竞赛项目。", "output": "It is a competition project that shows the health, strength, beauty and overall quality of the human body.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n第九條容許女性運動員在體育運動中享有平等權利。", "output": "Title IX provides female athletes the right to equal opportunities in athletics.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果你犯了个错误,她就可以让你付出代价。", "output": "If you made a mistake, he could make you pay.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n通常而言,其保险和公用事业业务占公司净收入的一半以上。", "output": "Its insurance and utility businesses typically account for more than half of the company's net income.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n它是下萨克森州采用木材框架建筑的最大城堡,也是哈茨地区最重要的建筑历史遗迹之一。", "output": "It is the largest castle housed in a timber framework building in Lower Saxony, and one of the most important architectural monuments of the Harz region.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n美国有许多积极的迹象", "output": "There are many positive signs in the US.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这些物质的释放大部分时候是由于交通意外或工厂的化学品事故。", "output": "These substances are most often released as a result of transportation accidents or because of chemical accidents in an industrial plant.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n她病得很重,但很開心,不過我覺得她並不十分清楚發生的事。", "output": "She was very sick, but she was happy, though I don’t think she quite realized what was happening.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n另外一个人就照他说的去做了。", "output": "The other did what he was told.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n而这终将证明是代价高昂的。", "output": "But it will ultimately prove costly.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n据悉,该委员会成立于2016年达沃斯世界经济论坛,旨在鼓励企业在扶贫和可持续发展方面一马当先。", "output": "The group was launched at the Davos 2016 World Economic Forum to encourage businesses to take the lead in poverty reduction and sustainable development.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们知道,在试图被释放的敌人没有,我们可以被诱惑,以喂敌人内。", "output": "In the attempt to be freed of the enemy without, we can be tempted to feed the enemy within.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n作为周末的主题,这是没有战争的文化,所以,请尽量避免过于有争议的话题。", "output": "As the off-weekend thread, this is culture-war-free, so please try to avoid overly controversial topics.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们再辩又有何益?” 。", "output": "But – what else shall we talk about?”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n牛津大学的历史和影响力使它成为世界上最负盛名的大学之一。", "output": "The history and influence of the University of Oxford has made it one of the most prestigious universities in the world. (source)", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n与北京的第一次亲密接触", "output": "My first contacts in Beijing.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n此外,论文表示,德国对外国资产控股比例高,是高盈余不可替代的贡献者。", "output": "The document likewise claims that Germany's high foreign asset holdings are a main contributor to the high surpluses.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他们的口头报告和书面研究报告,每年生长在复杂性和复杂性。", "output": "Their oral presentations and written research reports grow in sophistication and complexity every year.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n小安东尼和帝国的表演", "output": "Little Anthony And The Imperial's.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n重复处理剩余的油和猪肉。", "output": "Repeat with the remaining oil and pork.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“自然人”是一个法律实体,任何数量的人都可以成为诉讼双方的当事人。", "output": "A natural person” is a legal entity – and any number of folks will be parties on both side of a lawsuit.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n只不过,那已经无法给被淘汰的西班牙人多少安慰。", "output": "This bribe, however, failed to get rid of the Spanish conquistadors.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们计划回来为我们的10周年!", "output": "We hope to go back for our 10 year anniversary.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们开始学会停止折腾自己, 因为再也没有谁会来阻止你。", "output": "You then commence in tearing yourself apart again because nobody is there to stop you.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们已经提到了美妙的日落。", "output": "We already mentioned the wonderful sunsets.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在我陈述结束前,我想告诉您一个故事。", "output": "Before I conclude, I want to tell you a story.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n一个不懂人类心理学的设计师,不会比一个不懂物理学的建筑师更成功。", "output": "After all, a designer who doesn’t understand psychology is going to be no more successful than an architect who doesn’t understand physics!", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n· 苹果开始抛弃iOS 11!", "output": "Apple finally released iOS 11!", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n」以此要求Radiohead表態:到底要跟壓迫者還是被壓迫者站在一起?", "output": "“Radiohead need to decide if they stand with the oppressed or the oppressor.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们在这里大概停留了四十分钟。", "output": "We probably stayed here for 30minutes.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果你吃掉了大量碳三植物,你体内的碳-13原子含量,会比主要吃碳四植物的人低。", "output": "If a person ate a lot of C3 plants, the concentration of carbon-13 isotopes in their body will be lower than if they mainly ate foods from the C4 group.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我认为归根结底这取决于我们在这里做什么。", "output": "And I think in the final analysis it depends upon what we do here.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n1863年——纽约市爆发骚乱,反对美国内战征兵,在三天的混乱中约有一千人遭杀害。", "output": "1863 - Rioting against US Civil War military conscription breaks out in New York City, and about 1000 people are killed in three days of disorder.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如此我完成了我的学业,然后学习比较翻译佛学方法概论。", "output": "In this way I completed my studies, and learned general Buddhological methods of comparing translations.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n\"作为一家全球能源公司,我们正在建立多元化的业务组合。", "output": "“As a global energy company, we are building a diversified business portfolio.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n為什麼蜜蜂對我們的星球如此重要?", "output": "Why Are Bees So Important to Our Planet?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nTAG: 案件 专家 社会 执行 新媒体", "output": "Tag: Committee of Experts on New Media", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n太阳升高后,多数人就下山了。", "output": "After the sun is up, most people leave.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n南京的暴行之所以不像犹太人遭到的大屠杀或广岛原子弹爆炸那么举世皆知,是因为受难者自己在保持着沉默。", "output": "The Rape of Nanking did not penetrate the world consciousness in the same manner as the Jewish Holocaust or Hiroshima because the victims themselves remained silent.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nFinisar 如何使自己区别于这些竞争对手?", "output": "How does Westleaf intend to differentiate itself from competitors?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n基督徒占印度尼西亚2.1亿人口的10%左右。", "output": "Christians make up about 10% of Indonesia's 210 million people.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n然后他就做了一件很傻、很傻的事情。", "output": "Then he did a very, very foolish thing.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n请您绝对不要怀疑我们的这份忠诚。", "output": "Please do not question our loyalty.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n随后,大约170人被疏散出大楼。", "output": "More than 170 people were evacuated from the building.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我个人还没有在堕胎诊所外抗议过,也没有展示过一张海报,上面显示了堕胎诊所内发生的事情。", "output": "I have personally not yet protested outside an abortion clinic nor displayed a poster showing what happens within.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n一码中特 “我们将以这样或那样的方式削减赤字”针对", "output": "\"We're going to cut down the deficits one way or another.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nBigpoint GmbH是一家德国视频游戏开发商。", "output": "Client: Bigpoint GmbH is a German video game developer.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你今天如何能温柔有力地伸张公义、怜悯他人呢?", "output": "How can you gently but firmly promote justice and mercy today?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n极冷不能与新电池相媲美", "output": "Extreme cold is no match for a new battery", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n那时他还是一位宪政专家呢。", "output": "He was a constitutional expert.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n对员工和供应商进行最佳安全实践培训/分享:技术至关重要,但人为失误仍然是造成当前数据泄露的头号原因。", "output": "Training/sharing security best practices with staff and vendors: While technology is essential, human error is still the primary source of data breaches.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n」「16歲的時候,我已經殺過人了。", "output": "At the age of 16, I have already killed someone.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这一天恰好也是爱因斯坦的诞辰日。", "output": "Incidentally, it is also Einstein's birthday.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“可以说他们面临的最大挑战是保持专注,因为有很多潜在的分心", "output": "“Arguably the biggest challenge they face is staying focussed because there are plenty of potential distractions.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n然而,随着时间的推移,这些微小的减少将会累积起来。", "output": "However, over time, these small increases accumulate.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n就算你侥幸没有当场摔死,地震导致的高空坠落物也足以要你的命。", "output": "Even if you are lucky enough not to fall dead on the spot, the high-altitude falling caused by the earthquake is enough to kill you.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在27个主要的办公楼市场中,仅有14个市场的净有效租金实现增长,其余市场的租金保持平稳或者出现下跌。", "output": "Of the 27 featured office markets, only 14 saw an increase in net effective rents while for the remainder rents stabilised or recorded declines.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n不要凍結這種藥物的液體形式。", "output": "Do not freeze liquid forms of this medicine.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我知道他仍然在努力巩固自己的地位,并处于艰难的状态。", "output": "I knew he was still trying to solidify his position and was in a tough spot.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n也許在短短的這幾天裡自己付出", "output": "Pay for itself in a few short weeks.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在动手制作,学生接触到专业的产品和生产,以及技能和烘焙和糕点艺术的技术。", "output": "During the hands-on production, students are exposed to specialty products and produce, as well as the skills and techniques of baking and pastry arts.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n」這位55歲的卡車司機還告訴加拿大廣播公司,他最新的一次帳戶付款也將得到退款。", "output": "The 55-year-old trucker also told the CBC that his most recent payment on the account would also be reimbursed.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“在康德看来,哲学在帮助我们成长方面所起的作用恰恰是相反的。", "output": "“For Kant, by contrast, philosophy's role in helping us grow up is precisely the opposite.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n欧盟 - 土耳其关税联盟。", "output": "See European Union–Turkey Customs Union.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但可能還有其他影響是我們不知道的。", "output": "There may also be other impacts of which I am not aware.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n甲状腺疾病是最常见的自身免疫性疾病,约占24%的参与者", "output": "Thyroid diseases were the most common autoimmune disorders, affecting about 24 percent of the participants.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n5. 他需要空间和隐私。", "output": "He needs space and privacy.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n她还年轻,还没有真正享受过人生,为什么一定要死?", "output": "She was still young, but she had not truly enjoyed her life, why did she have to die?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“计算机不可能有感情。", "output": "“But computers cannot convey emotions.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n要点摘要:维修升降机应定期润滑,不是强制性的。", "output": "Summary: Maintenance of self-propelled elevators should be regularly lubricated, not mandatory.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nDice 表示,与R相关的职位薪酬过去一年增长 9.7%。", "output": "And according to Dice, pay for R-related jobs has climbed 9.7% over the past year.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n日本劳动基准法遵循平等待遇原则。", "output": "DISCRIMINATION Japan’s labor law recognizes the principle of equal treatment of employees.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我執與永恆的問題妥協,一如它處理所有以任何方式觸及真正問題的情況。", "output": "The ego compromises with the issue of the eternal, just as it does with All issues that touch on the real question in any way.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n由铂金制成的化合物用于许多癌症的治疗。", "output": "Compounds made from platinum are used in the treatment of many cancers.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我們在芬蘭南部海岸探訪了一些她生前最喜愛的地方。", "output": "We visited some of her favorite places around the southern coast of Finland.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n中国担心当经济优势不可避免地转向东方的时候,美国会如何反应。", "output": "The Chinese are rightly worried about how the US will react when economic dominance inevitably shifts eastward.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我大学专业是化学,然后我是聚合物科学家,我在南京大学教过一阵子化学。", "output": "Chemistry was my major at university, then I was a polymer scientist and I taught chemistry at the Nanjing University for a while.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n您是New Brighton的旅遊組織嗎?", "output": "Are you a resident of New Brighton?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n「我认为对伯恩茅斯的比赛后,与其坐飞机回到曼彻斯特,回家,第二天再坐火车到伦敦,直接来伦敦更好。", "output": "“I think it’s just good for us after the Bournemouth game, instead of travelling back to Manchester, getting the plane, then go back home, come back the next day, train to London again.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在新兴市场,数十亿人摆脱了极度贫困。", "output": "“In emerging markets, billions of people have moved out of extreme poverty.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n加拿大、美国以及其他地区的监管者们需要对此次收购进行审批。", "output": "Regulators in Canada, the United States and elsewhere will need to sign off on the acquisition.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这就等于我把大自然再重新留恋一次。", "output": "It allows me to connect with nature once again.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n欧委会提出渔业资本2013年捕捞数目的倡议", "output": "EC proposes the 2013 guide prices for fisheries products", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在今天的节目中,我们邀请了一位特别的嘉宾,让我们一起邀请她。", "output": "On this episode, I invited a special guest to join me.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们完善的德语强化课程涵盖从A1到B2的所有级别。", "output": "Our well-established German intensive courses cover all levels from A1 to C1.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你的孩子可能不是一位艺术家", "output": "Your child may not be a musician.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n分分钟钟的事,解决这么多问题。", "output": "It solves such a minute problem in such a big way.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n(如果你難以做到這點,你應該多注意一下第六章的冒名頂替者情結)。", "output": "(If you’re really struggling with this, you may want to pay close attention to Chapter 6 on the imposter complex.)", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n泰纳维奥分析师采用初级和二级研究技术,以确定一系列市场的规模和供应商状况。", "output": "Analysts employ primary and secondary research techniques to gauge the size and vendor landscape in a range of markets.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n全书的基本观点为:在数字时代,市场利益往往遵循赢家全得(或者最少占大部分)的规律。", "output": "The basic idea is that in the digital age, the profits in many markets are determined on a winner-takes-all (or at least most) basis.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这里还有韩国唯一一家韩国当地人可以下注的赌场。", "output": "There is only one casino where South Koreans can gamble.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n首先,通常会存在硬件限制,因为大部分公寓大楼配电板的电流都限制在100安培以内。", "output": "First off, there’s often a hardware limitation because most electric panels are limited to 100 amps per condo.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n除包装制造商外,还应追回包装。", "output": "Any included manufacturers packaging should also be returned.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们创造一个授权环境,鼓励学生发展和追求自己的目标,", "output": "we create an empowering environment where our students are encouraged to develop and pursue their own sense of purpose,", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这次访问也让我们开始思考, 如何通过其他方式帮助人们摆脱贫困。", "output": "The visit also made us think through other ways we could help people get out of poverty.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n而新的信息技术正在加快这一过程。", "output": "Information technology is accelerating this process.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n旅游相关行业同样畅旺。", "output": "The tourism-related economy is similarly flat.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n2012年6月1日, 阿拉伯叙利亚共和国的人权状况", "output": "01 June 2012, The human rights situation in the Syrian Arab Republic", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“没有联合,也没有分享,只有一。", "output": "There is no union, there is no sharing; There is only One.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n到時再跟大家報告吧!", "output": "Report back to us after!", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n由祖母的启发,校长,亚历克斯有时会加入她在教室里。", "output": "Inspired by her grandmother, a principal, Alex would sometimes join her in the classroom.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n对每一件作品,木匠都需要先作出计划,确定将要使用哪些木头、哪种工具,才可以创作出最好的木工作品。", "output": "For every job, a carpenter plans ahead to determine what pieces of wood and which tools he will use to create the best possible end-product.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我邀请了Curley,他在那儿遇见了我。", "output": "I called Bruce, who met me there.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n室內設計師完成的項目後,您將留下一個家,就是華麗和組織良好的。", "output": "After the interior designer finishes the project, you will be left with a home that is gorgeous and well-organized.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n幾次的調整之後,這個名單跟原本的相去無幾。", "output": "Due to many enhancements, this version is not backwards compatible with the original.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n先生也谈到他的父亲。", "output": "And my husband talked about his father too.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n重要的是要正确了解它们的系统,功能,优点和缺点。", "output": "What is important is to properly understand their systems, functionalities, advantages, and disadvantages.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“我要把这一切都告诉伯纳德,”她临走时宣布。", "output": "\"Im goin to tell Bernard all about it,\" she announced, when she was leaving.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n二是市场参与各方共识的形成。", "output": "The second factor is the consensus among market participants.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n7、 多项国际协定都认为转基因食品和转基因作物存在风险", "output": "International agreements show widespread recognition of risks posed by GM foods and crops", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n星际网络依赖于端节点和中央设备之间的点对点连接。", "output": "Star networks rely on a point-to-point connection between an end node and a central device.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这是 Swift 语言的子集。", "output": "This is a subset of the Swift language.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n死一人总比死两人好。", "output": "Kill one person is better than killing two.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这个标准,所有搞教育的人都是知道的。", "output": "This group of criteria is well known to all educated people.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n1990年:哈勃太空望远镜发回其首批照片。", "output": "1990: The Hubble Space Telescope sent its first photograph from space.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这种改变的成本是巨大的。", "output": "The cost of this change is huge.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n1.對本憲法任何一個條文的解釋,均不得有損於烏茲別克共和國的權利和利益。", "output": "Any of provisions of this Constitution cannot be interpreted to the detriment of the rights and interests of the Republic of Uzbekistan.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nBeekman Place, 纽约, 纽约州, 10022 美国", "output": "30 Beekman Place, New York, NY 10022, United States of America", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n改写历史 - 拯救罗马入侵。", "output": "Rewrite history - save Rome from the invasion", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n植物生长对光谱有选择性 你知道吗?", "output": "Plant growth is selective to the spectrum do you know?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n犹太人仍在写的自传。", "output": "The Jews kept writing.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n令我感到欣慰的是我拥有了一份珍贵的友情。", "output": "I feel honored to have witnessed a beautiful friendship.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果他们没这么做,你或许还不会落到这个地步。", "output": "If not, then you may not have reached that point yet.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n英国的一个考察队宣布,他们将前往北极测量冰帽的厚度。", "output": "A team of British explorers has announced they are going to the North Pole to measure the ice cap's thickness.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他们认为:联合国武器核查人员应该获得更多的时间来执行他们的任务。", "output": "The UN weapon inspectors should have been given more time to do their job.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在商业规模上复制这个生产过程是团队的下一个挑战。", "output": "Replicating this production process at commercially relevant sizes is the next challenge.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nH&M恨不得变成一个百货公司", "output": "AT&T might become a junk company.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n虽然微软仍然没有透露Azure每季度带来多少收入,但该公司经常谈论Azure的增长率。", "output": "Although Microsoft still doesn't say how much revenue Azure is bringing in each quarter, the company does regularly talk about Azure's growth rate.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“这对我来说是一个非常特别的日子,因为这是我生命中第一次在我儿子面前演出,”这位32岁的塞尔维亚说。", "output": "\"It's a very special day for me as it's the first time in my life that I have played in front of my son,\" said the 32-year-old Serb.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n声明说McEarchern在Bartow县的监狱里,在十一月份向几个人安排了杀人事件。", "output": "The statement says McEarchern was in the Bartow County jail on drug charges when he reached out to several people in November to arrange the killing.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n金融市场有时会在短期内对新兴市场感到不安,而目前对贸易战的担忧正在投下阴影。", "output": "Financial markets sometimes have jitters about emerging markets in the short term, and the current fear of trade wars is casting a shadow.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n随后出现一轮上升行情,如我当初曾经清晰地预料的那样。", "output": "An advance followed, as I had clearly foreseen.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n它的销售额飙升,2014年成为市场的领头羊,然后突然就停止了增长。", "output": "Sales soared and in 2014 it became the market leader, and then growth suddenly halted.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n‘克里斯托弗罗宾’标准周四晚出现150万美元", "output": "‘Christopher Robin’ Rules With $1.5 Million at Thursday Night Shows", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“我们在亚利桑那州的凤凰城部分地区测试了完全无人驾驶汽车。", "output": "“We're test-driving these fully self-driving vehicles in a part of the Phoenix metro area in Arizona.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n1.学习目标是否明确?", "output": "Are the learning goals clear?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你已经超越了这一点。", "output": "You already went over this.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n法院发现,他的资产和工资不足以偿还Rikas投资集团的1900万卢布(约合333万美元)的债务。", "output": "The court found that his assets and salary were not enough to pay off the debt of 19 million rubles (~USD$333,000) to Rikas Investment Group.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“你是怎么找到我家的?”", "output": "\"How did you find my house?\"", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n(掌声),我相信,这些权利是美国人民的权利,古巴人民的权利,世界各国人民的权利。", "output": "I believe they are the rights of the American people, the Cuban people, and people around the world.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”他对他的同盟者微笑着说。", "output": "'He smiled at his comrades.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n第一个半天,没人打电话给我。", "output": "The first 6 months no one even called us.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n以上情形在您提供个人信息的时候应该已经预见并同意这种情况的发生。", "output": "You should have foreseen and agreed to the situation when you provide personal information.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nNASA希望在今年年底之前推出一個Crew Dragon太空艙", "output": "NASA hopes a crewed Crew Dragon space capsule will be launched before the end of the year", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在后一种情况下,最好从个人资料俱乐部开始。", "output": "In the latter case, it is best to start with a profile club.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”地狱,他甚至可能不认为这是一个问题。", "output": "Hell, they may not even realize this is a problem.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n包机降落后,医务人员到场检查乘客的健康状况。", "output": "As soon as the plane landed, medical staff were sent to check the health status of passengers on board the aircraft.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n虽然不知道Google Voice会更新哪些内容以及具体的更新时间,但是这仍然值得期待。", "output": "Although I do not know what will be updated Google Voice content and specific update time, but it is still worth looking forward to.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n而他还支持新英格兰爱国者和波士顿塞尔提克。", "output": "He also supports the New England Patriots and the Boston Bruins.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这艘船是罗斯基勒海峡中发现的五艘船中保存最完好的一艘,用丹麦橡木建造而成。", "output": "The ship is the best preserved of the five Viking ships found in the Roskilde Fjord and was built with Danish oak.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这是真实的基督教信仰。", "output": "But this is true Christian faith.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n原因:原材料,包括水和冰,可被危险的微生物和化学品污染。", "output": "Raw materials, including water and ice, maybe contaminated with dangerous microorganisms and chemicals.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n最后,我们再考虑r->∞的情况。", "output": "Finally, we consider /r/.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n7月8日,Sturgess死于Novichok中毒,而Rowley仍在医院接受治疗。", "output": "Sturgess died on July 8 from Novichok poisoning while Rowley is still being treated at a hospital.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n麦克劳和沃伦的假设来源于不协调理论,但是更加深入。", "output": "McGraw and Warren’s hypothesis derives from the theory of incongruity, but it goes deeper.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这有助于你一开始就判定出最佳的设计风格,免去重复初期工作的麻烦。", "output": "This will help you determine the best design style from the start and save you from having to return repeatedly to the drawing board.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他在草地上翻找,又发现了一粒种子,把它种在另一个锅里。", "output": "He rummages through the grass and finds another seed, plants it in another pot.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n7. 健康教会成员的第三个标记:被福音充满", "output": "Third Mark of a Healthy Church MEMBER: Gospel Saturated", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n不满欧洲无所作为 土耳其又放狠话:要把IS囚犯送回原籍国", "output": "Dissatisfied with Europes inaction Turkey: returning is prisoners to their countries of origin", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我希望他们期待看到《正义联盟2》,这样的话我们就能发掘更多故事。", "output": "I hope that they’ll like to watch Justice League 2 so we have more to explore.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n只要我們做到知己知彼,認定了自己是犯了那些不理智的思想模式,那份壓力感亦會亦會隨之減少。", "output": "As long as we know ourselves, that is committed to those irrational thinking, that sense of pressure will also be reduced.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n它已经在夜里被消灭了。", "output": "It had been destroyed during the night.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n更好的汉堡,甚至更好的鸡肉", "output": "Far better than beef or even chicken.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n然后,他在他面前,慢慢的消失。", "output": "And immediately he disappeared from in front of him.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n使用ASP等技术开发。", "output": "The company makes use of technologies such as ASP.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他本人否認指控,聲稱他只是作為匈牙利和德國軍官之間的中介連絡者,並不是執行者。", "output": "He had denied the allegations, saying he was merely an intermediary between Hungarian and German officials and was not involved in war crimes.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n芝加哥夏令营带走了孩子们的火线", "output": "Chicago summer camp takes kids out of the line of fire", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n考虑(4)中句子的三种可能,尝试确定是什么被出售、被抓 和被发现(其中一种情况是有歧义的)。", "output": "Consider three possible following sentences in (4c), and try to determine what was sold, caught, and found (one case is ambiguous).", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n這些食物中的有益細菌是非常的有力解毒劑,能夠排出廣泛的毒素和重金屬", "output": "The beneficial bacteria in these foods are very potent detoxifiers, capable of drawing out a wide range of toxins and heavy metals", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n美国总统奥巴马说,华盛顿对一个繁荣、和平中国的崛起表示欢迎。", "output": "As President Obama has said many times, the United States welcomes the rise of a peaceful, prosperous China.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n究竟有多少非法移民?", "output": "How many illegal immigrants?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我想和你在一起,西蒙。", "output": "I am with you, Simon.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n平均而 言,邮局和汇款运营商收取占汇款数额的 6%的费用,商业银行收取 11%。", "output": "On average, post offices and money transfer operators charge over 6 per cent of the amount remitted; commercial banks charge 11 per cent.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n盘点:五大的惊诧犯罪原因", "output": "Check it out: 5 Surprising Reasons", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n那些在家里老是在家里的女人,由于分歧的缘由,起头找他。", "output": "The women in the neighborhood who are always at home for different reasons, start looking out for him.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n她的哥哥亨利日后说:“简喜欢跳舞,并且很擅长。", "output": "Her brother Henry later said that “Jane was fond of dancing, and excelled in it”.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但是,第一並不是一切。", "output": "However, the first paragraph is not everything.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n唯一的声音在房子里是Chailey朝着厨房的声音。", "output": "The only sound in the house was the sound of Chailey moving in the kitchen.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n结果显示,与使用桑拿的频率相比,每月使用桑拿5至15次数与较高的心理健康得分相关。", "output": "The results showed using sauna five to 15 times per month was associated with higher mental well-being scores compared to those using sauna less frequently.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这些脉冲是神经元的特征之一,它们被认为是人类的意识基础。", "output": "These particular pulses are one of the neuronal features that are believed to anchor consciousness in human beings.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n2. CSS和CSS3有什么区别?", "output": "What are the differences between CSS and CSS3?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n转换后,抵押贷款利率的提高受两个主要因素的影响。", "output": "After the switching, the increase of the interest rate of mortgage loans will be affected by two aspects.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nKate Upton,美國模特兒", "output": "Kate Upton is an American model.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果我们不结婚,这是不可能发生的。", "output": "When I was married, it was not possible.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n因为你知道,这是最后一战。", "output": "“Because you know this is your last fight.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n登记入住后,你将被带到更衣室,在那里你将脱下衣服,穿上长袍。", "output": "After registering, you will be led to a private area where you will take off your clothes and put on a gown.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但是,由于Internet已经成为了全世界人的Internet,域名也自然地成为了一个社会科学名词。", "output": "However, since the Internet has become the Internet for people all over the world, domain names have naturally become a social science term.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但官员们越来越担心,在有些情况下,这种挥霍性投资可能是绕过资本管控、将资金转移到海外的一个幌子。", "output": "Concerns have grown among officials that the investment splurge may in some cases serve as a cover for getting around capital controls and sending money overseas.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n居民们对目前的状况很担忧。", "output": "Democrats are worried about the current situation.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n打破偏见和神话,你会发现这个美好的城市的真正价值。", "output": "Break down prejudices and myths and you will discover the true value of this wonderful city.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n现在都没人玩这种游戏了。", "output": "No one is playing that game anymore.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n再到后来,便成为了一种表态,一种隐喻。", "output": "Only later does it become a symbol, a metaphor.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n关于蓝鲸的11个事实,有史以来最大的动物…", "output": "11 facts about blue whales, the largest animals ever on Earth", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n更多出色尽在美妙世界专题:", "output": "Some new ones on this wonderful subject:", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n就算不考虑堕落之前动物死亡的问题,也很难否认圣经确实教导人类的死亡是在亚当犯罪之后才出现的:", "output": "Even leaving aside the problems of animal death before sin, it’s hard to deny that the Bible teaches that human death began with Adam’s sin.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n它可能在口袋里,但我不认为它会与选举成功。", "output": "It may in pockets, but I don’t think it will meet with electoral success.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这本书八年前我就读过。", "output": "I read this book about 8 years ago.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n商务部关于促进电子商务应用的实施意..", "output": "the Opinions of the Ministry of Commerce on Promoting the Implementation of E-commerce Applications;", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n开会前一晚事情还在变:发言人、主题,甚 至会议地点。", "output": "Things change the night before – speakers, topics, even venues.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我的父亲是一名作曲家一个住宅的录音工作室,连接到我们的房子。", "output": "My father was a songwriter and a residential recording studio was attached to our house.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n游戏的画面是以简单的…", "output": "The game's graphics are simply...", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这是为什么我们的父母终是鼓励我们要多读书的理由。", "output": "This is the reason why our parents always encourage us to read more books.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n中国会承认科索沃独立吗?", "output": "Shall we Recognise the Independence of Kosovo?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n尼泊尔普恩山上的早晨", "output": "Early morning in the mountains of Nepal.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n《金融時報》評論道,節日開始了,意味著「無數的民工子女準備與父母相聚一週,然後又要告別一年。", "output": "The start of the holidays mean that, as the Financial Times commented, “tens of millions of migrant children are just about to spend a week with their parents – and then say goodbye to them for another year.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n有时候你还可以看到当地的艺术家在街上出售自己创作的艺术作品。", "output": "You can see artists selling their creations on the street.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“我想念你,绿眼睛。", "output": "-I miss you, brown eyes.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n现在我总是对那些数字持怀疑态度。", "output": "I am always suspicious of the numbers quoted.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nseo中最忌讳的事情是你今天身体状况良好。", "output": "Investing in SEO is the best thing you can do for your business today.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n完全建成后,Haul以每小时5英里的最高速度推进自己,需要10名船员安全操作。", "output": "When fully built, the Haul propelled itself at a top speed of 5 miles per hour and required a crew of ten people to operate safely.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n报道称,对于黑人英国女性来说,恰恰相反。", "output": "The opposite was true for black British women.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在人民共和国以外,爱德蒙克莱所写的「二十世纪的中国」,是唯一分析1931年灾难的研究之一。", "output": "Outside the People’s Republic, O. Edmund Clubb’s Twentieth Century China contained one of the only analyses of the 1931 disaster.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n联合国难民署估计,今年头3个月已经有大约2.5万罗兴亚人和孟加拉人登上偷渡船。", "output": "UNHCR estimates that some 25,000 Rohingya Muslims and Bangladeshis boarded people smugglers' boats in the first three months of this year.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nGoldgenie似乎猜测Apple将在今年秋季的2018年iPhone系列中使用“XS”这个名字。", "output": "Goldgenie appears to be guessing that Apple will be using the \"XS\" name in its 2018 iPhone line this fall.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n美国急需修复老旧道路、桥梁和水坝,政府应把大型基础设施项目融资列为重中之重。", "output": "We urgently need to repair the nation’s crumbling roads, bridges, and dams, and the administration should make the financing of large infrastructure projects a top priority.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nGDPR称之为“通过设计和默认的数据保护”。", "output": "GDPR calls this “data protection by design and by default.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n请注意,这里:“在我们还作罪人的时候”。", "output": "Notice those words “while we were yet sinners”.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n它不仅仅是一辆电动车,更是一辆伟大的汽车。", "output": "Its not just an electric car, it is a great car.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n山西新绛:不断改进干部教育培训方式", "output": "Carrington: Improvements continue to United’s training facilities", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但我认为我们获得的最重要的东西是更高质量的产品。", "output": "But I think the most important thing that we gain is the higher quality product.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n访问,与内容可在网上完全或混合式学习形式随着基于印刷的补充材料。", "output": "Accessible, with content available completely online or in a blended learning format with supplemental print-based materials.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“我不相信NAB愿意为它自己决定怎样做是正确的,并让员工采取相应的行动而接受必要的责任。", "output": "I was not persuaded that NAB is willing to accept the necessary responsibility for deciding, for itself, what is the right thing to do, and then having its staff act accordingly", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n最右是荣耀Magic 2。", "output": "Hostility to Magic 2.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n除本條款或額外條款中明示規定者外,我們不對「服務」做出任何特定保證。", "output": "Other than as expressly set out in these terms or additional terms, The Spokesmen does not make any specific promises about the Services.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n温室的位置非常重要。", "output": "The location of the greenhouse is important.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这本特制的宪法保存在总统图书馆。", "output": "The special copy is kept in the Presidential Library.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在玛格丽塔维尔酒店,歌词被当成装饰。", "output": "In the Margaritaville hotels, song lyrics are used as decor.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你不曾爱过我 也不曾爱过她…亦或是任何人..任何事情 耶", "output": "That you never loved me or her, or anyone, or anything…", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n一直在努力应对8个月的巴勒斯坦人袭击事件,造成28名以色列人和2名美国人死亡。", "output": "Israel has been struggling to cope with eight months of Palestinian terror attacks that have killed 28 Israelis and two Americans.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我在某些方面做得很好。", "output": "I did pretty well in some of them.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但现在总统在共和党初选中支持了他", "output": "But now the president has endorsed him over in the Republican primary race.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n进行电源分析招募足够数量的参与者和从参与者获得知情同意。", "output": "Conduct a power analysis and recruit a sufficient number of participants and obtain informed consent from the participants.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n不妨假想你自己一辈子有且只有20次投资机会。", "output": "Pretend You Only Have 20 Investment Chances in Your Lifetime", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n站长走了,到了指定的时刻他又回来。", "output": "The stationmaster went away and came back at the appointed time.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n全球数以百万计的人(包括近60%的美国人,澳大利亚人和欧洲人)参加了…", "output": "Millions of people around the world, including nearly 60% of Americans, Australians and Europeans, participate in sports.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你将不再仅仅依靠记忆。", "output": "You are not limited to relying on your memory any longer.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你应该还有其他问题或需要信息关于gdpr的影响及其应用 个人信息 提供给大学参观 gdpr网站", "output": "Should you have additional questions or need information regarding GDPR’s impact and its application to personal information provided to the University visit the GDPR website.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n环境LiDAR市场预计在预计的时间段内将增长超过32%。", "output": "The environment LiDAR market is expected to register a growth rate of over 32% during the projected time period.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n双重专长:以技术和工程为重点", "output": "A double expertise: technological and engineering-focused", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n太频繁了,幽默被用作道德懦弱的伪装。", "output": "Too often humor is used as the camouflage of moral cowardice.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我的心渴望它,并想要信任他。", "output": "My heart longed for it and wanted to trust him.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果你不想让参观者在你的展位前停下来,他们自然会走开。", "output": "If you don’t grab the attention of your visitors before they start scrolling, they are likely to leave.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在会员与广告业务之外,“NETFlix +”模式显示出强劲增长势头。", "output": "Outside the membership and advertising business, the Netflix+ model shows strong growth momentum.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n1941年,M&M's牛奶巧克力正式诞生。", "output": "Plain/Milk Chocolate M&M's were introduced in 1941.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”“无产阶级对统治阶级发动战争,是因为在历史上它第一次想拥有权力。", "output": "The proletariat makes war against the ruling class because, for the first time in history, it wants to take power.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n朱宇也不是没有失手过。", "output": "The Judo world has not been without fault too.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n2020年展会将在墨尔本举办。", "output": "The 2020 fellowship will be held in Melbourne.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n旧约的后期部分指责所多玛犯了一系列罪恶:压迫,通奸,撒谎,教唆罪犯,傲慢,自满和漠不关心 较差的。", "output": "Later parts of the Old Testament accuse Sodom of a range of sins: oppression, adultery, lying, abetting criminals, arrogance, complacency and indifference to the poor.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这也是罗伯托首次在中国的演出。", "output": "It was the first time Robin Schulz came on the scene too.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n用户名称的格式必须为 DOMAIN\\username。", "output": "The user should be in the form domain\\username.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这也是联邦调查局的目标。", "output": "That is FBI protocol as well.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这意味着世界将继续产生大量的垃圾。", "output": "This means the world will continue to generate a lot of waste.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们没有刻意去筛选男女比例。", "output": "We have not deliberately set out to recruit women over men.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n对于需要大量工业气体的客户,我们提供定制的现场解决方案。", "output": "For customers requiring even larger quantities of industrial gases, we offer customised on-site solutions.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n代号前面的数字表示含铬含量,后面的数字则代表镍含量。", "output": "The number in the front means the chromium content , and the number back means nickel content.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n髑髏地宣告,我們需要一位代替者使我們得自由。", "output": "Calvary declares that we need a substitute to liberate us.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“你可以使用两种语言的词汇,”去学习艺术,她说。", "output": "“You can use the vocabulary in both languages,” she said, to learn about the art.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你会适应并学到一些东西。", "output": "You adjust and you learn things.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他懲罰他們是因為他們不服從。", "output": "He punished them because they had disobeyed Him.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n可容纳 280 位宾客", "output": "accommodate up to 280 guests.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这是否说明5年后,将终止为期25年的收费呢?", "output": "Would that return defray 25 years of paid rates?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n政治和意识形态在英国1603至1640年。", "output": "Politics and ideology in England, 1603-1640 (1999).", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n之後,媒體頻繁引用該診所的聲明,稱75%的病人病情得到了改善。", "output": "Afterwards, the press frequently quoted the clinic’s claim for improvement in 75% of their patients.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n全球记实权势巨子官方承认Kane Tanaka在养老院举行的典礼上,她住在日本西南部的福冈市。", "output": "The global authority on records officially recognized Kane Tanaka in a ceremony at the nursing home where she lives in Fukuoka, in Japan's southwest.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n事实上,12.5%的6-19岁的人群由于处于过度噪音,听力永久受损。", "output": "About 12.5% of American children between the ages of 6 and 19 have had their hearing permanently damaged from overexposure to loud noise.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n钢结构产品在大跨度空间结构、轻钢门式结构、多层及小高层住宅领域的建筑日益增多,应用领域不断扩大。", "output": "Steel products in the construction of large-span space structure, light steel door structure, multi-storey and small high-rise residential area is growing, the field of application continues to expand.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n11月28日,他在革命法庭面對審判。", "output": "On the 28th of November he appeared before the Revolutionary Tribunal.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这三个数字均高于他的职业平均水平。", "output": "All three numbers exceed his career averages.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n太阳本身将在大约100亿年后成为一颗水晶白矮星。", "output": "The sun itself will become a crystal white dwarf in about 10 billion years.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这是一个人在埋怨他的朋友。", "output": "One such man was complaining to a friend.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他的妻子和儿子生活在瑞士。", "output": "His wife and son left for Switzerland.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n由纳米结构组成的材料可能具有新的物理、化学或生物特性,可用于实现传统材料无法实现的特定功能。", "output": "Materials composed of nano-sized structures may possess novel physical and chemical properties that can be utilized to perform specific functions unattainable with conventional materials.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但她很快意识到并非如此。", "output": "She quickly realized it was not.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n有關詳情,請參閱本公司的2017年年度報告第27至46頁。", "output": "For more details, please refer to page 27 to 46 of the Company's 2017 Annual Report.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n至少我兄弟有能力照顾。", "output": "At least I had my brother to look after.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n移动宽带(3G)业务也在飞速增长,到2010年年底,全球154个经济体已经启动了3G网络。", "output": "Mobile broadband(3G) services are also spreading quickly; by end 2010, 154 economies worldwide had launched 3G networks.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“她请求国会给她挑选辞职日期,她很清楚这会引发对于何时举行总统大选的讨论,并拖延其他事。", "output": "\"She is asking the parliament to pick a date for her to resign, which she knows would lead to a discussion on when to hold the presidential election and delay everything,\" he added.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“能成为首个参与巴塞尔艺术展的菲律宾艺廊,令我们非常兴奋。", "output": "‘We are thrilled to be the first Philippine gallery participating in Art Basel.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我永远不会忘记我在迦百农上船的亲身经历;就是一搜小船,可能长30英尺。", "output": "I'll never forget my own experience of getting on a boat in Capernaum; just a little boat, maybe thirty feet long, I think.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n那么,在第九章中,我们在最后 一个视屏中讨论了 SysTick。", "output": "So chapter nine, we talked about SysTick in the last video.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这场争论可能在短时间不会引发热议,因为太空采矿公司总是鼓吹其过于野心勃勃的发射计划。", "output": "The debate may not hit fever pitch for some time: space-mining companies have had a habit of touting overambitious launch schedules.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n港僑回來,無任歡迎。", "output": "Back to the airport, no longer welcoming.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n她告诉我会有多痛苦,这是很费力的,这将是艰苦和有压力的。", "output": "She told me how it would be painful, it would be taxing, it would be strenuous and stressful.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在本文中小编将为大家详细介绍...", "output": "In this short article, we will give you detailed...", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但是随着选举的来临,他们似乎愿意把分歧、至少是他们的神学分歧,暂时放在一边。", "output": "But with an election coming up, they seem to be willing to put aside, at least their theological differences.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n让我们来看看来自香港的报导。", "output": "Look out for our reporting from Kenya.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n全球导航系统的世界地图由北美洲和欧洲掌控,而非洲却几乎消失。", "output": "Predictably, the world map of GDP is dominated by North America and Europe, while Africa almost disappears.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n您面临的前五大挑战是什么?", "output": "What are your five biggest challenges?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“当你遇到风的时候,你会立即遭受洪灾,强烈的裂流,海滩侵蚀", "output": "\"And when you get the wind you will get immediate flooding, strong rip current, beach erosion.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n越南共产党关于高速可持续发展的认识", "output": "Awareness of the Communist Party of Vietnam on rapid and sustainable development", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在画像上,她被描绘成一个她头顶五角星的女人[1]。", "output": "In art she is depicted as a woman with a five-pointed star upon her head.[1]", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n另外,卡塔尔的招标还包括现有LNG船船队更换要求的备选方案。", "output": "The tender also includes options for replacement requirements for Qatar’s existing LNG fleet.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在塞浦路斯的银行中存款", "output": "Deposit in a Cypriot bank", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n不管你做什么,不要惹他生气。", "output": "Whatever you do, don't make them angry.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n管理局还负责在塞舌尔注册国际商业公司,基金会,有限合伙企业和国际信托基金。", "output": "The Authority is also responsible for the registration of International Business Companies, Foundations, Limited Partnership and International Trust in the Seychelles.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他们警告,“在中国庆祝圣诞节的人正在做西方传教士100年以前想做但却没有成功的事。", "output": "They warned, \"[Christmas celebrators in China] are doing what western missionaries dreamed to do but didn't succeed in doing 100 years ago.\"", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n「如果有人求婚,你會接受嗎?」", "output": "So, if someone proposes marriage, would you consider it?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n培训的质量和范围是这样的,从这个学院的毕业生能够在世界各地的大学进入研究生课程。", "output": "The quality and scope of our training is such that graduates from this Faculty are able to enter postgraduate programs at universities across the world.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果阳光可以高效地转化为热量,那么无需使用电能来加热水和空气将成为可能,从而减少二氧化碳的排放量。", "output": "If sunlight can be converted into heat very efficiently, it is possible to heat water and air without using electricity, leading to reduction of carbon dioxide emissions.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n以后她也将和我们一起在纽约工作。", "output": "After that, she will work for us here in Finland.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n天太早了,我还是会及时赶到那里的。", "output": "It is so early in the day that I shall still get there in good time.’", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n歌词如下:“别兮英格兰玫瑰,愿你永驻我们心中。", "output": "The song begins with the line \"Goodbye, England's rose, may you ever grow in our hearts.\"", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n此外,该协议还概述了主要的合作途径,包括在研发、节能、环保和NGV领域。", "output": "In addition, the Agreement outlines the key avenues of cooperation, including in research and development, energy saving, environmental protection, and the NGV sector.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如今,这位大卫的儿子也踏上了同一条路。", "output": "So now the Son of David walks the same path in his agony.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n然而,这部电影的主要弱点不是故事本身,但表征。", "output": "Yet the movie’s major weakness is not story, but characterization.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n最经典的例子就是谷歌的20%时间。", "output": "The most famous example of this is Google’s 20% time policy.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们一直疯狂地争论接下来我们要做什么,因为我们知道我们只能够把很少的事情做得很棒。", "output": "And we argue and debate like crazy about what we're going to do, because we know that we can only do a few things great.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n可以说,我们的表现非常完美。", "output": "I can say that my performance was almost perfect.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n圣诞老人追踪系统基于一个名为“北部预警系统”的 NORAD 雷达系统。", "output": "Detecting Santa all starts with the NORAD radar system called the North Warning System.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他被带走,被另一个取代。", "output": "The Colonel departed and was replaced by another one.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们去的那天不凑巧,没有开放。", "output": "We went the first day, and it wasn’t open.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果他们跑了,我们就会赢。", "output": "If we run away, they will win.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n上一条 国际林业研究中心致力于紫檀保护工作", "output": "Previous International Forestry Research Center is dedicated to the protection of red sandalwood", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n皮皮绝不是一个可笑的人,显然也不准备屈服于化妆品产业的诱惑。", "output": "Pippi is definitely not an object, and evidently not prepared to succumb to the cosmetics industry, either.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n思考除了目标之外的其他的事。", "output": "Ignore everything except the target.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在#MeToo之后,调查发现女性在工作场所仍然面临性骚扰", "output": "After #MeToo, Britain investigates sexual harassment of women at work", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n该合约周四触及四个月高位68.69美元。", "output": "The contract hit a four-month high of $68.69 on Thursday.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我还是看不见他们的鞋子。", "output": "But I couldn't see their shoes.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n通过创建医院的数字孪生模型,医院管理员、医生和护士可以实时获取到患者的健康状况。", "output": "By creating a digital twin of a hospital, hospital administrators, doctors, and nurses can get powerful, real-time insight into patient health and workflows.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n這表明脂肪細胞的數目是在孩童和青年時期決定下來的。", "output": "This study indicates that the number of fat cells is set during childhood and adolescence.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n一颗脉搏在他的脖子上,但他没有说话。", "output": "A vein pulsed at his neck, but he did not speak.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n坊间早已传闻iPhone 将会支持NFC,但是一直未果。", "output": "The iPhone has been rumored for years that it would support NFC, but that has yet to happen.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他们的工作是一个乏味的劳动的爱,我认为他们是摄影世界的无名英雄。", "output": "Their work is an unglamorous labor of love and I think they are the unsung heroes of the photography world.\"", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n——推动了各领域互利合作。", "output": "• promote cooperation in other areas of reciprocal interest.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n最奇怪的可能是,这个问题似乎在2014年11月就完全解决了,却在没有任何警告的情况下再次出现。", "output": "The strangest thing may be that the issue seemed to be entirely resolved in November 2014, only to pop up again without warning.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n””全球化思想的第一种方法是特定国家开始祈祷。", "output": "The first way to start thinking globally is to begin praying for specific countries.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n其实它是一种昆虫的幼虫,只存活于新西兰和澳大利亚少数地方。", "output": "In fact, it is an insect larva that only lives in a few places in New Zealand and Australia.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n试想,例如,浏览器类应用在用户打开网页上的一个链接后将做什么。", "output": "Consider, for example, what the browser application does when the user follows a link on a web page.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n对我们有利的是,医疗保险从实际上说根本不需要我们付出任何代价。", "output": "And we’re definitely glad for insurance so that the procedure hardly cost us anything.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n來自英國的學生成績很高,要求保持一個特定的平均成績,以便參加交流項目。", "output": "The students from England were rather high academic achievers and were required to keep a particular grade point average in order to stay in the exchange program.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“整个城市应该是非常自豪的公司和员工的!”", "output": "“The whole city should be immensely proud of the company and its employees!”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n把收入和意外之财(比如退税)直接用在你的账单上。", "output": "Apply raises and windfalls (like income tax refunds) directly to your bills.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n帕拉蒙特集团有能力了解客户需求,利用其独有的知识和经验设计出性价比高、经得起未来考验的解决方案。", "output": "The Paramount Group has the ability to understand its client requirements and to use its unique knowledge and experience to design cost-effective, future-proof solutions.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n阻止他的唯一方法就是忽略他。", "output": "The only way to escape him is to ignore him.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n汉密尔顿表示,这位19岁的着名父亲,在F1历史上最成功的车手的成就,不会给他们带来太大的压力。", "output": "Hamilton said the achievements of the 19-year-old's famous father, the most successful driver in F1 history, would not pile too much pressure on.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n教育的达尼丁学院合并公司于2007年1月1日的大学,这又增加了校园因弗卡吉尔。", "output": "The Dunedin College of Education merged with the University on 1 January 2007, and this added a further campus in Invercargill.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n它们不能变成语言,他们无法变成语言,一旦变成语言就不再是他们了。", "output": "They cannot become languages, they cannot become languages, and once they become languages, they are not them.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n她说:“驯鹿是非常迅速的动物。", "output": "She said: “The reindeer is a very swift animal.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们已经知道,当细胞进行dna复制时,复制机制有时会突然暂停。", "output": "It was already known that when cells replicate their DNA, the replication mechanism sometimes stalls.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这些类型的沙发传统上是用皮革装饰的,但它们也可以用织物制成。", "output": "These types of sofas were traditionally upholstered in leather, but they can also be done in fabric.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n对于活跃的佩戴者,有几个镜片品牌已经提供了足够的紫外线保护。", "output": "For active wearers, there are several lens brands that already offer adequate UV protection.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nmeta 标签始终位于 head 元素中。", "output": "The Meta tag is always placed inside the head element.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n奥巴马的言论旨在说明他对此事的中立性。", "output": "Obama’s remarks were intended to illustrate his neutrality on the matter.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他表示:“他是有机会的。", "output": "He adds: “He has that opportunity.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n耶穌回來的時候,眾人迎接他,因為他們都等候他。", "output": "So it was, when Jesus returned, that the multitude welcomed Him, for they were all waiting for Him.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n129:6 愿他们像房顶上的草,未长成而枯干。", "output": "129:6Let them be as the grass on the housetops,", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n罗马帝国学者昆提利安认为他是最后一位一流的拉丁爱情诗人。", "output": "The Imperial scholar Quintilianconsidered him the last of the Latin love elegists.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n书中最后给了一个很有意思的Puzzle:", "output": "I chanced upon an interesting puzzle:", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n潜艇设计为长时间完全浸没在水中。", "output": "Submarines are designed to operate completely submerged in water for long periods.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n事实上,母亲在胎教方面的作用不容忽视。", "output": "The role of mothers in parenting cannot be over-emphasized.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n一位客户服务代表问我是否想继续尝试购买20周年PS4。", "output": "A customer service rep was asking if I wanted to continue my attempt to purchase a 20th Anniversary PS4.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这项研究在医学会议上发表。", "output": "These studies were presented at a medical conference.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n【主题】马格里特:日常之谜,1926-1938", "output": "MoMA: Magritte: The Mystery of the Ordinary, 1926–1938", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在世纪之交,墨西哥市场显然无法再独自支撑这只62岁的甲虫了。", "output": "At the turn of the millennium, it became evident the Mexican market couldn’t prop up the 62-year old Beetle on its own for much longer.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你知道,我刚才差点向我妹妹挥拳,因为她转过身来最后看了我一眼。", "output": "You know I was nearly shaking my fist at my sister just now, because she turned to take a last look at me.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他从不做饭或做家务。", "output": "She has never cooked or done housework.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n這些胃氣球會留在患者胃裡16週,患者在這段期間內會採取低碳水化合物與低卡路里的飲食控制。", "output": "The balloons remained in the stomach for 16 weeks, during which time patients were put on a low-carb, low-calorie diet.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这是他现在能做到的……一切。", "output": "It's all he can do...for now.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n明天有些小问题可能会被提交给我的通知,这反过来又会剥夺公平的法国小姐和声名狼借的乌木伍德。", "output": "To-morrow some other little problem may be submitted to my notice which will in turn dispossess the fair French lady and the infamous Upwood.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这就是我们的国情”。", "output": "This is the position of my country.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但是我们需要去能得到信号的地方。", "output": "the place that we want to receive signal from.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你肯定不想让他们告诉你该做什么。", "output": "And they surely they don’t want you telling them what to do.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n成千上万的人已经失去了保护。", "output": "Thousands of them have already lost their protections.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n避免人们吸烟的地方,如酒吧和餐馆,并寻求无烟选择。", "output": "Avoid areas where people smoke, like bars and restaurants, and seek out smoke-free options.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n欣、沙玛什和伊什塔尔三大权神分别代表了自然界中的三种力量:月亮、太阳和大地生命力。", "output": "The three powers Sin, Shamash and Ishtar symbolized three great forces of nature: the Moon, the Sun, and the life-giving force of the earth.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n2011年,我们的目标是妆扮每一个有情调的家。", "output": "My goal for 2011 is to have each edition hosted by a different person.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n因为福音本是神的大能,不是出于我们。", "output": "The outstanding ability of God’s power is of God, not of us.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n也由此而催生出非常之高的短信响应率。", "output": "And then you get very high response rates.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nBillina所说的是真的,这几乎剥夺了她早餐的胃口。", "output": "What Billina said was true enough, and it almost took away her appetite for breakfast.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n对我们来说,人群控制是一大挑战。", "output": "Crowd control is a challenge.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n南非2019年移动宽带覆盖80%人口", "output": "South Africa Targets 80% Mobile Broadband Coverage By 2019", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n教皇乌尔班八世邀请,以教皇伽利略观众6次,并导致伽利略认为,天主教会不会使一个问题的哥白尼理论。", "output": "Pope Urban VIII invited Galileo to papal audiences on six occasions and led Galileo to believe that the Catholic Church would not make an issue of the Copernican theory.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n,但这一停火协议却不断遭到违背。", "output": "However this ceasefire has been repeatedly violated.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他向他们提出了21项考虑未来的建议,其中一些明显易于采用,另一些则需要新的法律。", "output": "He offered them 21 proposals to consider going forward, some of them easy to adopt, others requiring new laws.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n任何扩展必须指定“扩展数据”的长度,或长度是如何计算的,以及扩展如何使用必须在打开阶段握手期间协商。", "output": "Any extension MUST specify the length of the \"Extension data\", or how that length may be calculated, and how the extension use MUST be negotiated during the opening handshake.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”医生们表示,可以采取一些简单的措施应对这方面的很多问题。", "output": "Doctors say some easy steps can deal with many of the problems.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他们中有来自不同民族背景的士兵,包括致力于打击恐怖主义的穆斯林士兵。", "output": "“They have troops from a variety of ethnic backgrounds, including Muslim soldiers who are dedicated to the fight against terrorism.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n媽咪也會有分離焦慮!", "output": "Parents can experience separation anxiety too!", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在这方面,可能没有比中国更好的例子了。", "output": "There is no better example than China.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n埃及是一個獨特的旅遊目的地。", "output": "Egypt is a unique travel destination", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n对于LED结温来说,有两个重要热源:", "output": "For temperature, there are two major sources of bias:", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n花的每一個區域在植物的繁殖過程或授粉過程中都有重要的作用。", "output": "Each part of the flower plays an important role in the plant's reproductive process, or pollination.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nWEEE指令涵盖之10类商品", "output": "The 10 categories commodities covered by WEEE directive", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他们到自己,和任性的酒精是一个极端的例子运行防暴,虽然他通常并不这么认为。", "output": "They arise out of ourselves, and the alcoholic is an extreme example of self-will run riot, though he usually doesn't think so....", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n直到今天依然活跃在政坛。", "output": "He remains active in politics today.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n日月星辰,风雨雷电,这些本来都是普通的自然现象;但在原始人看来,这些东西都具有某种神奇的力量。", "output": "The sun and the moon, the thunderstorm, these are all ordinary natural phenomena; but in the primitive view, these things have some magical power.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”“我們有責任維護美國言論自由的價值觀,而且需要采取一切必要措施來應對任何對我國民主構成威脅的行為。", "output": "“We have a responsibility to uphold our American values of free expression, and to do whatever is necessary to counter any behavior that poses a threat to our democracy.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我耐心地倾听他的心声。", "output": "And I patiently listened to his talk.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n每个成年人都必须离开工作岗位。", "output": "All adults should have jobs.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n诗人和作家与音乐家一起走上舞台,“非官方的”不妥协派艺术家在门厅和舞台布景上展示他们的作品。", "output": "Poets and writers were up on stage with musicians, \"unofficial\" non-conformists artists were exhibiting their works in the foyer and at the stage backdrop.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在沙漠打球,气候是个挑战。", "output": "Playing golf in the wind is a challenge.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我們輸出老師到敘利亞其他地區。", "output": "We exported teachers to other parts of Syria.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我希望你发现它既有教育性又有乐趣。", "output": "I hope you find them educational and fun.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n不过,不能让火无中生有,还必须要有燃料。", "output": "Fire can not exist in isolation, it require fuel to be.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nUML的概念模型可以通过学习掌握以下三大要素:", "output": "Conceptual model of UML can be mastered by learning the following three major elements:", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n此外,应参考当今世界流行的款式。", "output": "There is also a need to understand the fashion that exists in the present world.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n-B/Phuket/3073/2013類似病毒(B/Yamagata系病毒);", "output": "a B/Phuket/3073/2013-like virus (from the influenza B/Yamagata lineage vaccine virus).", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nbe fully recovered 是什么意思?", "output": "What does it mean to be ‘fully recovered’?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n不错,我们的确需要控制自己的舌头。", "output": "But we really need to control our tongue.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n尽管数字健康IPO情形不乐观,数字健康上市公司指数表现却很出色。", "output": "Despite a dearth of digital health IPOs, The Digital Health Public Company Index has had an outstanding run.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n被某人问到我们相信我们的“身份”可能是困难的。", "output": "Being asked by someone what we believe our “identity” is can be difficult.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们去了传说是因为一个朋友的推荐,我们很高兴我们这么做了。", "output": "We... had come to him on the recommendation from a friend and am glad we did.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”把一些真正的火力。", "output": "Get some real serious sources.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n制造业者越来越多地抱怨钢铝价格上涨推升生产成本,同时也扰乱了供应链。", "output": "Manufacturers are increasingly complaining about the rise in steel prices, increasing production costs for aluminum, and disruptions to the supply chain.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n把DNS服务器修改为:", "output": "Then change your DNS server to:", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n同時,該款用於飛行的Raptor發動機是最終設計的簡化版本。", "output": "This first Raptor engine designed to fly is a simplified version of the final design.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n为什么今天不写,因为这个 故事还没有完呢。", "output": "I’ll write more later today about why this story isn’t over.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但发生不良情况是因人而异,也可能有的人吃了之后不会产生任何不良症状。", "output": "However, the occurrence of bad conditions varies from person to person, and some people may not have any adverse symptoms after eating.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n要求所有純淨飲食都不含糖是很荒謬的,那代表著要消除水果和蔬菜這些健康飲食的基本種類。", "output": "Demanding all clean foods be free of sugar is nonsensical, as that would mean eliminating fruits and vegetables that are the staples of any healthy diet.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n今天注意某些合作案生變,就算之前已經談妥,也要小心謹慎、追蹤進度,以免被人從中攔截。", "output": "Today I assembled some signs and temporarily placed them to get the positioning right before gluing them in place.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n由荷蘭與比利時共同創立於1980年9月9日。", "output": "It was founded on 9 September 1980 by the Netherlands and Belgium.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n「首先,我感到開心。", "output": "“First of all, I’m happy.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“这会减少利益冲突。", "output": "This reduces conflicts of interests.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这些和其他限制已经被编入法规,如“联邦行政程序法”(FAPA)和州类似物。", "output": "These and other limits have been codified into statutes such as the Federal Administrative Procedure Act and state analogs.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n从对“阿嬤的花布”的反复运用到《样板屋》,他的作品从未在空间感和形式感上稍有松懈。", "output": "From his repeated use of the floral print cloth to the installation Model Home, his work never fails to capture a sense of space and form.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我不太确定这些对你是否有帮助。", "output": "I am not too sure if this can help you.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n總之,因此,我們既不來源提供一個完整的,也不是簡單的圖片的法利賽人。", "output": "In short, therefore, our sources provide neither a complete nor a straightforward picture of the Pharisees.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我想33岁是很适合怀第一胎的年纪。", "output": "I think 33 is a good age to have your first baby.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“有时候,给别人一点时间真的很有用。", "output": "“Sometimes it’s really useful when you give someone a bit of time.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n上帝帮助我,我会的。", "output": "And God helping me, I will.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n而在《安全评价报告》中,却只字未提。", "output": "It is not mentioned in safety report.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n虽然这听起来似乎很少,但是航空协会的南希·扬坚称,美国航空公司是在利润极其微薄的情况下运营。", "output": "While that may sound minimal, Ms. Young of the airline association maintained that United States airlines operate on razor-thin margins.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n选择你的主机是创建你的博客最重要的方面之一 。", "output": "Choosing your host is one of the most important aspect of creating your blog.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n下一个英文全译本就是约翰·艾伦(John Allen,1771—1839)的译本:", "output": "The next English translation of the entire work was that of John Allen (1771–1839):", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n保持你的狗的皮毛健康", "output": "Keep the dog’s skin healthy.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n有闲阶级制度不仅影响社会结构,也影响社会成员的个人性格。", "output": "The institution of a leisure class has an effect not only upon social structure but also upon the individual character of the members of society.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n简单地讲,日本色情业合法,但卖淫违法。", "output": "The sex industry is well known in Thailand but prostitution is illegal.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但他已经29岁了……", "output": "He was 29 years old…", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n「我們將與大家共同前進。", "output": "“And we will all move forward together.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nCasey扫视厨房,在一堆盘子下面寻找解决办法。", "output": "Casey glanced about the kitchen, searching for a solution buried beneath a pile of dishes.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n更多照片可根据要求提供。", "output": "More photos can be provided on request.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n体温强烈增加,有时可达到40度;", "output": "body temperature sharply creeps up, sometimes reaching forty degrees;", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n所以,也许只是我们比其他一些设备更容易,更好的一点点。", "output": "So maybe just a little bit how we do that easier and better than some of the other devices out there.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n8. 董事何时需要为公司负债负责?", "output": "When can directors be liable for company debts? →", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我祝他一切都好,我希望他不會嚴重受傷。", "output": "I wish him all the best and I hope it’s not a big injury.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n相比于等效的汽油发动机,DeltaHawk的柴油发动机的重油活塞保证了燃油效率。", "output": "Compared to equivalent gasoline engines, DeltaHawk Diesel Engines’ heavy-fuel piston engines are guaranteed to be fuel efficient.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n自主性技术和续航力技术的开发工作都将分为两个阶段。", "output": "Each effort to develop autonomy technologies and endurance technologies will have two phases.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“她总是乐于帮助社区里的每一个人。", "output": "“She’s always giving her time to help someone in the community.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果您代怀孕双胞胎24周,您可能更有可能获得双胞胎。", "output": "If you are pregnant with twins for 24 weeks, you are likely to get them more likely.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n现在孩子上初中了,但每天我还在坚持煮早餐给爱人吃。", "output": "My son ins’t in school yet, but I make my husband lunch every morning.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n特定疾病行动有其地位。", "output": "Disease-specific initiatives have their place.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“目前丑闻只限于我们自己的家庭。", "output": "\"At present the scandal is confined to our own household.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n王不应该,也不能帮助爱你,在他的心脏底部。", "output": "The king should not, cannot help loving you, at the bottom of his heart.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n从出现的菜单里选择设置。", "output": "Choose Remote Access from the appearing menu.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n此外,電競場地的營運和舉辦的比賽活動亦涉及不同的牌照,以確保參與電競比賽和活動人士的安全。", "output": "In addition, the operation of e-sports venues and hosting of competitions involve different licences to ensure safety of the persons participating in e-sports competitions and activities.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n不要让墓地门打你的出路。", "output": "Don't let the courthouse door hit you on the way out.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n◆你的大脑就像一个沉睡的巨人。", "output": "Your mind is like a sleeping giant.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但是你要控制在一定程度之内。", "output": "However, you should still hold control to some extent.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如何规避 YouTube 限制?", "output": "How to bypass YouTube Country Restriction?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n一是惊讶于他的年轻。", "output": "They were astonished by his young age.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我不知道如何解释它,”曼宁在决定后的一份声明中说道。", "output": "I don’t know how to explain it,” said Manning in a statement following her sentencing.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n然而,並不是所有的英國人都對她印象深刻。", "output": "Not all the English were so impressed, however.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n此病例為美國第6例BSE病例。", "output": "Tests have confirmed the Czech Republic's sixth case of BSE.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n孩子们有自己的菜单。", "output": "Kids have their own menu.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n上一篇 :一个十八岁的年轻女子应该知道什么", "output": "Question: What should a Young Woman Know at Eighteen?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n用他的5米长望远镜,卡西尼在1671-1672年间发现土星的两颗卫星。", "output": "Cassini had discovered five satellites around Saturn in the period from 1671 to 1684.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n首先,任何 HTML5 企业项目会有较低的要求。", "output": "Any HTML5 enterprise project will have lower requirements in the first place.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但拍摄自己的士兵,不管他犯罪,有一个实际的不利——它减少自己的数字,削弱了自己的力量。", "output": "But to shoot one of your own soldiers, whatever his crime, had a practical disbenefit—it diminished your own numbers, weakened your own forces.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n该视频附有以下消息:“请观看并扣除。", "output": "The tweet was captioned: \"Please Watch and Make Your Deductions.\"", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你看:他们怎样假借真主的名义而造谣!这足为明白的罪恶。", "output": "[4:50] See how they forge the lie against Allah, and this is sufficient as a manifest sin.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n悔改的啜泣声经常在整个会众当中回响,因为上帝的灵在听众心中动工。", "output": "Often sobs of repentance resounded throughout the entire congregation as the Spirit of God moved in listeners’ hearts.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n若遵守,耶和华必在以色列中坚立你的国,直到永远;14但现在你的国必不得继续存立。", "output": "Had you done that, the Lord would have established your kingdom over Israel forever! 14 But now your kingdom will not continue!", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这些错误大部分是可以避免的。", "output": "Most of these mistakes are preventable.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n此外,她有我所说的“蝙蝠电话宇宙,”某种Iva-only,24小时开放特殊通道神圣。", "output": "Moreover, she's got what I call \"The Bat Phone to the Universe,\" some kind of Iva-only, open-round-the-clock special channel to the divine.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nC下生长,不能在35~37 。", "output": "Field not raised as on 35–37.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n今年,全省镇压宗教的情况愈演愈烈。", "output": "This year, efforts to suppress religion in the province have intensified.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n只要对他有信心,他不会让我们失望的。", "output": "When we believe in Him, we will not be disappointed.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n第1253章 我们一起并肩作战", "output": "Page 153 - Men, we have fought through the war together.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n还有个例子是针对那些侮辱你的人的。", "output": "Another example is people who frustrate you.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n此外,她还是法庭指定的专门律师,为受虐待和受忽视的儿童提供帮助。", "output": "She also serves as a Court Appointed Special Advocate for Abused and Neglected Children.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n更改退休金条款实际上只改变了一层保护。", "output": "In fact the pay protection policy has been changed meaning they will only get 1 years pay protection.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n30.亞瑟可以看着鏡子里的自己,評論他所看到的。", "output": "Arthur can look at his reflection in the mirror and will comment on what he sees.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n航空货运网络已覆盖全球", "output": "Aviation Insurance with Worldwide Coverage", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n收入水平 :这个买家角色的收入范围?", "output": "Income Level: What is the income range of this buyer persona?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我們這是剛剛從市中心醫院回來。", "output": "We just returned from the Medical Center.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他再於2018年市選中連任市長。", "output": "He ran for mayor in the 2018 elections.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n谋杀在最可怕的方式。", "output": "Killed in the most horrible manner.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你看起来比英国人更危险。", "output": "It would seem as though you are even more British than the British.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n因此,越来越多的银行加入JBA,这些银行正在测试区块链技术以作为金融服务的基础。", "output": "As such, the JBA's members join an increasing number of banks that are testing out blockchain technology as a base for financial services.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n那位發現萬有引力定律的牛頓 (Isaac Newton) ,就曾趕上南海公司泡沫。", "output": "For example, the great Sir Isaac Newton was caught in the South Sea bubble.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n开发组还报告说,可能用压缩空气或湿度来控制4D打印物体。", "output": "The development group also reports it may be possible to control the 4D printed objects with compressed air or humidity.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n每个人的明天都可能是死亡,或是车祸,或是心脏病等等。", "output": "“Everybody tomorrow can have a car accident and die or a heart attack and die.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在战争,和平与重大政治题上如此混乱,完全是另一回事。", "output": "That it’s so chaotic on a matter of war, peace, and high-stakes global politics is entirely another.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n她需要的比他给她的要多得多。", "output": "He needs her a lot more than she needs him.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n除去假日,从起始日期开始 151 个工作日的日期 (2009-5-5)", "output": "Date 151 workdays from the start date, excluding holidays (5/5/2009)", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n由于技术要求,组件可能包含有害物质。", "output": "Due to technical requirements, components may contain dangerous substances.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n自主应该是广义智能的同义词,因为它假设能够处理意外的、未经训练的,未知的事物。", "output": "Autonomy should almost be synonymous with broadly defined intelligence as it assumes ability to deal with unexpected, untrained, proverbial unknown unknowns.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n体育博彩合法化需要一个重要的政策选择,但这一选择不能由我们做出。", "output": "“The legalisation of sports gambling requires an important policy choice, but the choice is not ours to make.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n除了企业的失败,银行和金融失败。", "output": "in addition to the corporate failures, and banking and financial failures.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n它完全变成了别的东西。", "output": "It turned into something else entirely.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我不希望他们再次对我们发动战争。", "output": "We're not going to let them push us into a war again.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n是人们实实在在的生活感动了我。", "output": "People in real life have been bothering me.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n当然这也关系到我们的利益。", "output": "Of course this is also in our own interest.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n不要給出指示,要問問題。", "output": "Don’t give orders, instead ask questions.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n公司因为感到十分抱歉。", "output": "According to the company, they’re really sorry.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n让我们在感恩中成长,永远怀着一颗感恩的心。", "output": "Believe Me and Praise Me always with a Thankful heart.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n认识到森林火灾的危害性。", "output": "Be aware of forest fire hazards.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n5月16日在巴黎拍摄的照片,在移动电话的破碎屏幕上显示社交网络Facebook的标志。", "output": "In this file photo taken in Paris on May 16, 2018 shows the logo of the social network Facebook on a broken screen of a mobile phone.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n赵紫阳曾主张与学生谈判,反对对学生使用武力。", "output": "Zhao had advocated negotiating with the students and opposed using the army against them.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n随着时间的推移,他演变。", "output": "And over time he evolved.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n一、哪些人最需要购买健康保险?", "output": "Which employees are most likely to buy health insurance?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n政府在这回事上也许是对的。", "output": "The government may well be right on that point.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n2、什么是放射性污染?", "output": "2 What is radioactivity?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n为支援学校推行道路安全教育,运输署制作了一系列道路安全通讯。", "output": "To support schools on implementation of Road Safety Education, the Transport Department has published a series of Road Safety Bulletin.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n您知道如何保护自己减少损失吗?", "output": "Do you know how to protect your company from losses?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n关于平衡的预算修正案。", "output": "(2) Balanced Budget Amendment.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他们…他们死了,怪物们又回来了。", "output": "They ran, he arrived, and the monsters went away.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n警犬的训练,由受过专门培养的警犬训练员担任。", "output": "The discovery was made by customs officials using a specially-trained sniffer dog.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n一旦您开始谈论对总体收入造成不利影响,这不仅会动摇纽约的苹果车,它也将与球员工会一起震动苹果车。", "output": "And once you start talking about adversely affecting overall revenues, it's not only going to rock the apple cart in New York; it's also going to rock the apple cart with the players union.\"", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n对他们来说,癌症可能存在他们的家庭中。", "output": "For many people, cancer may be in their family.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n现在我在家里感到十分害怕。", "output": "All I know is that I am very afraid of my house now.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n工商管理硕士(MBA)(充值)是由奇切斯特大学验证的60学分研究生课程。", "output": "The Master of Business Administration (MBA) (top-up) is a 60 credit postgraduate programme validated by University of Chichester.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我和他有关系是因为我,同样的,在我生命中的不同时期都有倒退。", "output": "I related to him because I, too, have backslid at different times in my life.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n目前,只有163家医院有资质进行器官移植。", "output": "Currently, only 173 Chinese hospitals are officially qualified to perform organ transplantation.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n被自己一个安静的个人我认为所有的男人都是真正追求的是某种形式或也许只有一些和平的公式。", "output": "I take it that what all men are really after is some form or perhaps only some formula of peace.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你願意學習並體現 Apple 獨特服務風格。", "output": "You’re willing to learn and embrace Apple’s unique style of service.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n(二)第二等:不确知自己得救了没有,却极盼望得救。", "output": "2nd Class: Those who are unsure of salvation, but are eager to be sure.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n血腥的地狱,这伤害了。", "output": "And bloody hell, it hurt.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这是轴心国与盟国之间的一大差别。", "output": "Big difference between Axis and Allies.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n查看她在游戏中的模型:", "output": "And look at his model in the first game:", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n有声书是一个十亿美元的产业,Audible 是最大的在线零售商。", "output": "Audiobooks are a billion dollar industry and Audible is the largest online retailer.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我感谢神,不用再为许多事情忧虑。", "output": "Thank God I no longer have to worry about them.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n锻炼是一件你可以每天都做的事情。", "output": "Exercise is something you can do throughout the day, every day.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这个女星到底是什么神仙?", "output": "What the hell is this star?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n先列一下我所使用的设备:", "output": "Let’s start with the equipment I used:", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n目前,委员会由18名独立的专家组成。", "output": "It is composed of 18 independent experts.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n一、 “Sell in May”效應確實存在", "output": "The “sell in May” phenomenon is in full effect.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”看起来我们有一些意想不到的客人。", "output": "“We have three more unexpected guests.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n韩语学习如果您有想问的", "output": "Learn Korean if you want to.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“就在几个月前,我甚至不知道我能否再次踢球。", "output": "“To be honest a few months ago I didn’t know if I would be able to play football again.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n摩西律法,其中包含了600多条法令。", "output": "The Mosaic Law is made up of more than 600+ laws.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n对于那些今晚在家看电视的人们,我想让你知道:我们绝不会让社会主义破坏美国的医疗保健。", "output": "To those watching at home tonight, I want you to know: We will never let socialism destroy American healthcare.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我什么时候能看到天光?", "output": "When will I ever see the light?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n然而,檀香山人可以支付的费用比美国人平均支付一打鸡蛋多出87%。", "output": "However, people in Honolulu can expect to pay 87% more than the average American pays for one dozen eggs.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他相信,未来iPhone X会提供现在所不具有的功能,因为软件始终在演变,这令人着迷。", "output": "In the future, Ive believes the iPhone X will offer capabilities it doesn’t have now because software is always evolving, something he finds intriguing and fascinating.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n其他捐赠方必须提供多少配套资金?", "output": "How much should be funded by other taxpayers?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n小心,不要劳累过度!", "output": "Careful not to overbake!", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n民间社会组织是傲慢的。", "output": "Civil society organizations are outraged.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n13、加強三方聯絡團體的活動,包擴建立執行和平計畫的工作團體。", "output": "(13) Intensify activity of the trilateral contact group including creation of working groups to implement the peace plan.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n耶稣在山上讲的这一句话,就是突出这一点。", "output": "The words of Jesus, spoken in His sermon on the mount, confirm this.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n[3] 基于标准分辨率下的 ITU-T 测试图像 No. 1。", "output": "[15] Based on standard ITU-T test image #1 at standard resolution.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果你发现你不能或不想克服你的不安全感,然后盲目信任,但要注意。", "output": "If you find you CAN’T or DON’T WANT to overcome your insecurities, then trust blindly BUT PAY ATTENTION.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果人们想要春天那就来祈祷。", "output": "If humans want their spring back, they’ll have to pray for it.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n促进乌干达妇女的权利", "output": "Promoting women’s rights in Uganda", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”在中国,每家移动运营商使用不同的技术,要求三星“根据它们的要求优化我们的手机。", "output": "In China, each carrier uses a different technology and that requiresSamsung “to tweak our smartphones to their request.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n中兴事件的发生,相信每个中国企业和每个中国人对此都有了更深刻的认识体会。", "output": "The occurrence of the Hing incident believes that every Chinese company and every Chinese person has a deeper understanding of this.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n第三十五条 朝鲜民主主义人民共和国根据国民经济发展计划编制和执行国家预算。", "output": "Article 35: The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea shall compile and implement the State budget according to the national economic development plan.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n2016年4月26日-27日将永远蚀刻在勃艮第人的记忆里。", "output": "The night of 26-27 April 2016 will remain etched in the memory of all those who live in the Bourgogne region.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你的问题和评论对我们很重要。", "output": "Your questions and comments are extremely important to us.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n本次研讨会门票不可退款", "output": "No Refunds will be given for this workshop", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n””有这样一个恶性享受她的最后一句话的话语,她闯入这样一个不愉快的笑,我不知说什么好。", "output": "There was such a malignant enjoyment in the utterance of the last words, and she broke into such a disagreeable laugh, that I was at a loss what to say.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他还表示,英国将尽全力保护英国在伊朗的商业利益。", "output": "He also said Britain would do its utmost to protect United Kingdom commercial interests in Iran.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我想知道今天我们应该是第一次见面或者其他的一天。", "output": "I wonder if today is the day we are supposed to meet for the first time or if it’s some other day.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n苏格兰扮演黑人是迄今为止英国最重要的黑脸羊。", "output": "The Scottish Blackface is by far the most important blackface sheep in all of Great Britain.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nMMGPI对养老金体系进行的全球最全面的比较。", "output": "The MMGPI is the world’s most comprehensive comparison of pension systems.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n多年来,我们为地方当局、政府部门和高等教育机构提供设计、扩展和增强各种教育场所的服务。", "output": "Over the years, we have provided services to design, expand and enhance a variety of places of education for local authorities, government departments and higher educational establishments.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n未满15周岁客户的个人信息", "output": "Personal information of those under 15 years of age", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n无法评判,但求了解。", "output": "Don’t judge but understand.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n所以,养殖户选购鸵鸟时一定要小心谨慎。", "output": "Therefore, farmers must be careful when purchasing ostriches.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n是他们救了农民的命!", "output": "They save the lives of farmers.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n然后,达伦开始大喊大叫,撞上了街区内其他三处地产的门,以提醒他们危险。", "output": "Darren then began shouting and banging on the doors of the other three properties in the block to alert them to the danger.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这就是他们的他们更喜欢建筑,而不是我们最壮丽的宫殿“地球。", "output": "Such is their architecture, which they prefer to the most magnificent palaces of our earth.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在上帝完美的設計裡,人人都有兩個內置的警告系統以保護我們免受危險和傷害。", "output": "God has built into each of us an instinctive alarm system which is designed to protect us from harm.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n面对美元,欧元只能是世界第二。", "output": "On the global stage, the euro has played a role second only to the U.S. dollar.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n有效的2018年5月25日,欧洲联盟(欧盟)已实行了严格而必要的法律保护的基本权利欧盟居民的隐私。", "output": "Effective May 25th, 2018, the European Union (EU) has imposed a stringent yet essential law to protect the fundamental right to privacy of EU residents.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n倫敦Tower Hamlets的跌幅最大,平均價格下跌11.8%。", "output": "Tower Hamlets in London saw the biggest fall, with average prices down 11.8 per cent.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n16年后,美国更安全了?", "output": "Is the United States safer today than it was 16 years ago?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n对于媳妇的子女,它下降了66%。", "output": "For children of the daughters-in-law, it dropped by 66%.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这就是这些ATM所代表的。", "output": "This is what we have atm.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n因此本地化翻译管理系统中主要包括两种技术:用于使工作流程自动化的管理技术和帮助译员的语言技术。", "output": "A translation management system generally includes at least two types of technology: process management technology to automate the flow of work, and linguistic technology to aid the translator.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n新技术让当局的海洋污染监控能力更上层楼。", "output": "Newer technologies have only bolstered the police’s traffic surveillance capabilities.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n随后,马奇尼奥替换了罗比尼奥。", "output": "Instead, Martino turned to Robinson.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n(三)在一切政策和方案中考虑保护和促进残疾人的人权;", "output": "♦protect and promote the rights of persons with disabilities in all policies and programs;", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他是个小男孩,毫无疑问。", "output": "He is a BOY, no doubt.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n对房地产和建筑充满热情的人,往往也对艺术很感兴趣。", "output": "People who are passionate about real estate and architecture also tend to be passionate about art.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但是,还有什么比NBA总冠军更好的方式,来庆祝150周年呢?", "output": "But what better way to celebrate our 150th year than with a NBA championship.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n谁能发现伊朗与朝鲜之间的这种核交易呢?", "output": "And how can anyone detect this kind of nuclear sale between Iran and North Korea?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n维亚康姆是帮助我们完成娱乐行星使命的完美合作伙伴。", "output": "Viacom is the perfect partner to help us fulfill our mission to entertain the planet.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nAlphaGo的直觉错了;和人类一样,这个机器也有盲区。", "output": "AlphaGo’s intuition failed it; like a human, the machine still has blind spots.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在希臘,每人每月可領400到500歐元的失業救濟金,但只能領一年,因此家庭和朋友提供的支援也很重要。", "output": "In Greece, the unemployment benefit of between 400 and 500 euros per month only lasts for one year, so the support provided by family and friends was crucial.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n过去30年来,我一直是成败的杠杆。", "output": "Throughout the past 30 years, I've been a soul winner.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我們希望大家能鼓勵並支持將擁有新道路的五位 EXID 成員們!謝謝!", "output": "Please give support and encouragement to the five members of EXID who are about to make a new start.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这可能是一次比较特殊的晚餐,或象最近,我从自己所赢得的一场高利交易收益中买了一架我向往已久的...", "output": "This might be a special dinner or, more recently,I bought a camera that I had been admiring, from the winnings of a very profitable trade.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n她真的很勇敢-而我很討厭她需要這麼勇敢。", "output": "She was so brave — and I hated that she had to be so brave.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nQ:哪些国家、机场和航空公司受影响?", "output": "Which airports, airlines, and countries are affected?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n亞馬遜正在向其《指環王》系列投入10億美元,目前尚未透露開拍日期。", "output": "Amazon is pumping $1 billion into its “Lord of the Rings” series but no production start date has been revealed.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n尽管这些发展令人鼓舞,但不明朗的宏观因素可能会在短期内影响我们的表现。", "output": "Despite these encouraging developments, uncertainties in macro factors could overshadow our performance in the short term.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n導向箱都是新的,剛從工廠送來。", "output": "The kiln was new, straight from the factory.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n?—1093年11月13日)是苏格兰国王(1058年–1093年11月13日在位)。", "output": "26 March 1031 – 13 November 1093) was King of Scots from 1058 to 1093.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n當每個人都以相同的速度行駛時,事情會變得更可預測,道路亦會較為安全。", "output": "When we all travel around the same speed, the road becomes safer and more predictable.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n成熟度等级2-已管理", "output": "Maturity Level 2 Managed", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n谢谢老朋友,我一直记得你的。", "output": "Yes my dear friend, we always remember you.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n此数据将在处理后用于统计分析,以便确定网站的浏览行为,进一步对网站进行优化。", "output": "This data is being processed for statistical analysis with the purpose to determine the surfing behavior on the website in order to further optimize the website.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n世卫组织继续密切监视H7N9疫情情况并开展风险评估。", "output": "WHO continues to closely monitor the H7N9 situation and conduct risk assessment.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n直到永远,可爱的少女。", "output": "Always and forever, my sweet girl.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我宁愿有更多的空闲时间和一个较小的补偿方案。", "output": "I would rather have more free time and a smaller compensation package.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n上一篇 : 在霍林沃思湖溺水“害怕她的安全”", "output": "Student who drowned in Hollingworth lake ‘had feared for her safety’", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n主题是:如何适应大学生活。", "output": "The point is whether you can adapt to the life of the university.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这场选举是最可怕的。", "output": "This election speech was the worst.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n它可以在水环境中繁殖,也可以在与水接触的合适有机材料的表面上繁殖。", "output": "The bacteria can multiply in water environments and also on the surface of suitable organic materials in contact with water.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nPinnacle 适合任何类型的公司、网上商店、投资组合或个人网站。", "output": "Pinnacle is perfect for any kind of business, online store, portfolio, or personal site.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n国营的阿纳多卢通讯社援引Akdag的话说,通过出轨的火车车厢的搜索行动已于周一早上完成。", "output": "The state-run Anadolu news agency quoted Akdag as saying search operations through the derailed train carriages had been completed Monday morning.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n像香蕉这样的水果富含碳水化合物;它们含有糖和淀粉,是身体能量的主要来源。", "output": "Fruits such as bananas are rich in carbohydrates, they contain sugars and starch that serve as primary sources of energy for your body.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n美国参议院于1月21日以98比1的投票结果通过了一项措施,表明气候变化是真实的而不是恶作剧", "output": "On January 21, the U.S. Senate voted 98-1 in favor of a Democratic resolution that said “climate change is real and not a hoax.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n比方说,您可以把我的模式作品看成是一个长期进行的项目。", "output": "You can think of our patterns work, for example, as one long running project.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n仪,可以享受特殊折扣优惠。", "output": "AHRI members can get a special discounted price.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n能够听力和理解日常生活和课堂中经常遇到的话题的对话,并能够从缓慢说出的简短对话中获取必要的信息。", "output": "One is able to listen and comprehend conversations about topics regularly encountered in daily life and classroom situations, and is able to pick up necessary information from short conversations spoken slowly.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n首先问一些开放性的问题、不要长篇大论写论文、回复要及时。", "output": "Firstly, ask open questions, don’t write lengthy essays and do reply promptly.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我国高等教育被授予340万£,鼓励贫困的青年人进入高等教育", "output": "Study Higher is granted £3.4 million to encourage disadvantaged young people into Higher Education", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n真实的世界 · 02月12日", "output": "Real World: January 12.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他们是出版商,不仅仅是邮递员。", "output": "They are the publisher, not just the postman.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n有誰真的需要50個房間呢?", "output": "Who needs 40 rooms?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但是,你的后代现在站在新阵营里。", "output": "Your descendents, however, now stand in the new camp.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n而一个礼仪标准不太统一甚至互相矛盾的社会,往往是一个不 和谐的社会。", "output": "And a less uniform criteria of decorum and even contradictory contemporary society, is often a discordant culture.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nSydney Brenner经常被描述为“分子生物学的顽童”", "output": "Sydney Brenner was often described as the ‘enfant terrible of molecular biology’.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我还是喜欢星星多一点。", "output": "But I love its stars even more.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n新闻稿说,该国履行了所有必要的会员资格程序和条件。", "output": "A Finance Ministry statement said that the country had fulfilled all the necessary procedures and conditions for membership.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n内置MPPT的第一个电子负载(最大功率点跟踪)", "output": "The first electronic load with built-in MPPT (maximum power point tracking)", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n45 可是他們不明白這話,因為這話的意思對他們是隱藏的,使他們不能領悟。", "output": "45But they did not understand this saying, and it was concealed from them, so that they might not perceive it.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n直到今天,已經有三十多年了,我所看到的只是一個鮮明的標題:", "output": "To this day, and there goes more than thirty years, all I see repeating itself is the stark headline:", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他说:“全世界都明白,我们的国家不是遭逢悲惨命运的利比亚或伊拉克。", "output": "“World knows too well that our country is neither Libya nor Iraq which have met miserable fate.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n拉斯维加斯是美国最受欢迎的旅游目的地之一,约有4000万…", "output": "Las Vegas is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the United States, with about 40 million people a…", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n合作伙伴包括开发和管理Corvias、Dirk Denison建筑设计公司和Gilbane建筑公司。", "output": "The partnership is comprised of Corvias for development and management, Dirk Denison Architects for design and Gilbane Building Company for construction.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n” “执政的政权前所未有地陷入混乱和瘫痪状态。", "output": "“The ruling regime is more than ever in disarray and paralyzed.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n囚犯的子女获得第二次机会", "output": "Incarcerated kids deserve a second chance", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n总的来说,这些译文给出了事件的罗马历法日期、中国日期和观察结果。", "output": "In general, the translations give the Roman calendar dating of the event, the Chinese dating, and the observation.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n中国财政部表示,某些车辆的关税将从25%降至15%,而部分零部件的关税将从7月1日起降至6%。", "output": "China's Finance Ministry said tariffs on certain vehicles will come down to 15 percent from as much as 25 percent while levies on some parts will be brought down to 6 percent effective July 1.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n儿童安全座椅是对儿童的最佳保护。", "output": "A rear-facing child seat provides the best protection for infants.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n从5月和6月起,很多土地委员会堂而皇之地没收了地主的农业物资和牲畜,并将森林、牧场和休耕地据为己有。", "output": "From May and June onward, many agrarian committees simply seized agricultural material and livestock belonging to the landowners and appropriated woods, pastures, and fallow land.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n马基雅维里的名言是:“一切武装的先知都胜利了,一切没有武装的先知都失败了。", "output": "But Machiavelli goes on to say, “Hence, it comes that all armed prophets have been victorious, and all unarmed prophets have been destroyed.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n,警方判断,戴维森似乎不想伤害学生或同事。", "output": "Police noted that Davidson didn’t appear to want to hurt the students or faculty.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在成为UNDP署长之前,克拉克曾连续9年担任新西兰总理。", "output": "Prior to her appointment with UNDP, Clark served for nine years as Prime Minister of New Zealand.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这个外部设置还可以充当夜灯。", "output": "These ceiling fixtures can also be used as night light.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n1944年1月1日,他成为雷诺兹金属公司总裁的特别助理,就战后失业问题向总裁提供建议[5]。", "output": "[15] On January 1, 1944, he was named a special assistant to the president of Reynolds Metals, advising him on postwar unemployment problems.[5] He became vice-president of public relations for the company in 1945.[6]", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n城市地形中的军事训练 (MOUT)", "output": "Military Operation on Urban Terrain (MOUT) Training Facilities", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这样做的具体行动是退出美国的联盟体系和多边机构。", "output": "Specific actions here would be pulling back from our alliance system and from multilateral institutions.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但这两人都有严重的政治弱点,也都不具备布隆伯格那样的财力。", "output": "But both men have serious political vulnerabilities and neither has Bloomberg's financial resources.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n许多年轻女性想改变世界。", "output": "Many young people want to change the world.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n欧盟同样也出台了车辆网络安全相关指南。", "output": "The EU is also providing guidance on vehicle cybersecurity.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n那也是一部女性占据很大分量的影片,而她的表演让我非常有感触。", "output": "It’s also a debut film made by a woman, so it moved me deeply.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n20年发展,覆盖全球市场", "output": "20+ years’ experience covering global medical markets", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“印度政府需要高度重视大力改进农业部门的储水系统,”他说。", "output": "“The Indian government needs to put a high priority on investing heavily in improved water storage systems for the agricultural sector,” he said.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n上一篇 : 最新的ESA成功:珍稀蛇的回归", "output": "Latest ESA Success: The Return of a Once-rare Snake", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n使建议,我认为你有其他活动,因为他们必须满足。", "output": "So that suggests to me that you have other activities, because they had to meet.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果一个医生是目前涉及诉讼,他或她应该明白压力的来源,以及如何应付。", "output": "If a physician is currently involved in litigation, he or she should understand the sources of stress and how to cope.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n无论您是一位经验丰富的摄影师或是几乎没有接触过相机的新手,相机+ 都将会使您爱上拍摄。", "output": "Whether you are a seasoned photographer or someone who’s barely touched a camera, Camera+ will make you’re keen on taking images.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n她的脚在机械上向前推进,她的每一步进步都是她欣然做的飞行中令人满意的部分。", "output": "Her feet carried her mechanically forward, every foot of her progress being a satisfactory portion of a flight which she gladly made.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我和鲍勃真的很喜欢圣路易斯。", "output": "My wife and I really like St. Louis.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n政府授权委员会提出改善若开邦所有人福利的建议。", "output": "The Government of Myanmar mandated the Commission to propose recommendations for improving the welfare of all people in Rakhine state.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n她在我們夫人的屋裡休息。", "output": "She's resting in our ladies house.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在描述自己19岁以前的罪过时写到:“威胁继父和母亲要烧死他们以及他们住的房子”。", "output": "In a list of sins committed up to the age of 19 he wrote: “Threatening my father and mother Smith to burn them and the house over them”.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n现在,她的心属于他。", "output": "Her heart now belongs to Him.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n整个共和国时区由UTC-10(法属波利尼西亚)横跨至UTC+12(瓦利斯和富图纳群岛)。", "output": "↑ Time zones across the French Republic span from UTC-10 (French Polynesia) to UTC+12 (Wallis and Futuna).", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n小心所謂現金退款優惠,正如以上所說,多數公司都是以支票或是簽帳卡退款的。", "output": "Beware of cash back offers—as stated above, most carriers issue rebates as checks or debit cards.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n伯南克曾说,货币政策要发挥出影响力,98%靠宣传,2%靠政策本身。", "output": "And now Bernanke believes that monetary policy is 98% communication and only 2% action.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n焚烧厂所在的位置和哪个州将这种做法归为“可再生”并非巧合。", "output": "The overlap between where incinerators are located and which states classify the practice as “renewable” is no coincidence.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n美媒:中美俄竞相研制小型核弹头 或打破平衡", "output": "7.Sino US Russian race to make small nuclear bombs or break the balance of nuclear", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“我得打电话给华盛顿。", "output": "“I’m getting on the phone to Washington.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“产品设计将变得更加自觉,并且设计师会针对质量和寿命来进行设计,而不仅仅是为了潮流。", "output": "“Product design will become more conscious, and designers will design for quality and longevity, as opposed to trends.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“我一直在和井一起玩过几次。", "output": "“I have worked with Sue on a number of occasions.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在这种情况下,必须采取措施,以确保工作人员的安全。", "output": "In these cases, measures must be put in place to ensure worker safety.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n除了首都领导层的任何具体失败之外,她认为美国被两极分化所淹没。", "output": "Beyond any specific failures of leadership in its capital, she sees the U.S. as overwhelmed by polarization.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nGmail于2004年4月1日正式问世", "output": "Gmail was announced on April 1, 2004.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我无法掌控他们各自的未来。", "output": "I can’t control their futures.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这些都使社会失去了活力,并降低了效率。", "output": "These turn people crazy and decrease their efficiency.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n大多数申根国家都属于欧盟,但请不要混淆欧盟与申根区。", "output": "Most Schengen countries are in the European Union, but do not confuse the EU with the Schengen Area.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n首先,Airbnb房东打电话给我的电话号码是一个无法追踪的Google号码。", "output": "For one, the phone number that the Airbnb host had called me with was a Google number that couldn’t be traced.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“万磁王是对的” - 在万磁王被认为死于基优岛浩劫后,他成了一个流行的T恤logo和涂鸦图案", "output": "\"Magneto was right\" - after Magneto was believed dead in the Genoshan holocaust, he became a popular t-shirt logo and graffiti image.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n南澳大利亚可以自诩为澳洲的“酒都”,不过它所融合的可不只是葡萄和美酒。", "output": "South Australia might claim to be the country's wine capital, however it blends more than just grapes and wine.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n很多瑞士人对他们的根怀有深情,特别是那些生活在国外的人。", "output": "Many Swiss remain emotionally attached to these physical roots, particularly those who live abroad.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n由澳洲来的委员们(他们因为他们的中立性而被选择)建议以惠灵顿为首都,因为它地处中心并有良好的海港。", "output": "Several Commissioners invited from Australia (chosen for their neutral status to help resolve the question) declared that Wellington was a suitable location because of its central location in New Zealand and good harbour.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n2006香港工商業獎:創意", "output": "2006 Hong Kong Awards for Industries: Innovation and Creativity", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n1962年,美国音乐公司收购环球影业之后,会计师提议重启环球影城的导览以增加利润。", "output": "Shortly after Music Corporation of America took over Universal Pictures in 1962, accountants suggested a new tour in the studio commissary would increase profits.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我們也會考慮資源分配的問題—-資源要分配得合理。", "output": "Aliens, too, will have sufficient – resources are shared appropriately.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n人贩许诺给孩子们提供教育、食品和更好的未来。", "output": "The traffickers promise education, meals and a better future.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n文章关键字 ‘效率比较’", "output": "Articles Tagged \"comparative effectiveness\"", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n加沙人在以色列边境抗议最血腥的一天后埋葬死亡", "output": "Gazans bury dead after bloodiest day of Israel border protests", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n男子發明了遊戲“雞”,不是女人。", "output": "Men invented the game chicken, not women.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n事实上,作为人工智能的早期开发者和国际领导者,美国已经占据了领先地位。", "output": "In fact, as an early developer and international leader in artificial intelligence, the United States has taken the lead.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n印度宪法,世界最长。", "output": "India's Constitution is the longest in the world.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n每个人都应该得到正义。", "output": "And everyone should get justice.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n第三,要有灵活的软件解决方案,不论客户需要的是Excel界面、是文字界面都可以给客户灵活的选择。", "output": "Finally, there has been flexible Software solutions, no matter what the customer needs is Excel or text interface, can offer flexible choice to clients.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n本次行动的详情目前仍不为外界所知,但军队和的消息人士说,战斗中有5名士兵和11个民兵死亡。", "output": "There were few details of the operation but army and medical sources were quoted as saying that five soldiers and 11 militia fighters had been killed.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我一直想去,终于可以去了。", "output": "I've always wanted to go and finally went.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n实际上,激光切割机的切割精度并不完全取决于设备本身,而是受许多因素影响。", "output": "In fact, the accuracy of metal laser cutting machine is not entirely determined by the equipment itself, but is composed of many factors.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我以为,我已经足够坚强。", "output": "I knew I was strong enough.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我只是告诉你,艾弗里,这不是一个好时机。", "output": "I already told you Carol, now is not a good time!", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果您要前往的网站使用HTTPS来确保连接,则您仍然安全。", "output": "If the website you are heading to employs HTTPS to shield the connection, you are still safe.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n当然,他们中没有一个人会为仍然存在的错误承担任何责任。", "output": "None of them is of course responsible for any errors that remain.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“不要相信自己的記憶。", "output": "“Don’t trust your memory.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他們已經為我做了所有事。", "output": "They've done everything for me.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他告诉我们,水是上好的药。", "output": "He told us that water is a good medicine.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“不,我不会为了永恒的快乐而放弃周末的约会。", "output": "“No, I won’t give up my weekend affair for eternal joy.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n今天适合我的工作是我想要的吗?", "output": "Does my life fit for what I want now?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n值此世界电信和信息社会日,让我们下决心利用技术的威力为全人类创造更美好的未来。", "output": "“On this World Telecommunication and Information Society Day, let us resolve to harness the power of technology to create a better future for all.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你必須去做,你必須做成我的工。", "output": "You have to work, you have to carry out My work.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我在本文中大量使用了“秩”这个术语。", "output": "I use the word \"stylized\" a lot in this discussion.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n还是因为你意识到有什么改变每一天让事情发生。", "output": "Or because you realize what has to change every single day to make something happen.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n每杯12美元,最好是好的。", "output": "For $12, it better be!", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n一旦你拥有这种真实世界的经历,你就可以将其转化为实实在在的东西。", "output": "Once you have that real world experience, you can turn it into something tangible.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n爱是人的性格的一部分,但它却不可能是一个人。", "output": "Love is a part of someone's character, but it cannot be a person.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n该方案借鉴了教师的专业知识UVI几个单位内,特别是中心海洋与环境研究以及科学和数学的部门。", "output": "The program draws upon the expertise of faculty within several units of UVI, in particular the Center for Marine and Environmental Studies and the Division of Science and Mathematics.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n全球半数以上的钻石都在安特卫普交易。", "output": "About half of all polished diamonds in the world are traded in Antwerp.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n日本的新签证制度将于4月生效。", "output": "Japan’s new visa system will come into effect in April of this year.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n三个月后,他再度来访。", "output": "3 Months later he visited me again.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你可以到附近看看法拉吉(falaj)模型,这个灌溉系统已有3000年历史。", "output": "Nearby you can see a model of the falaj, an irrigation system that began 3,000 years ago.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n是您可以信赖的上乘产品。", "output": "It is high quality product which you can rely on.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n目前还不清楚这些新措施是否仅仅局限于北京的中心地带,这一地带已经受到了新规定的影响。", "output": "It is unclear whether the new measures will be strictly enforced or applied beyond the area of central Beijing where they are already in effect.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n10月份销售额增长了0.3%,而核心销售额增长了0.2%。", "output": "Sales increased by 0.3% in October while core sales advanced by 0.2%.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n――重装过了,不管用。", "output": "Reinstalled, and to no avail.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我从达沃斯一路走来,到了德国。", "output": "I came a long way from Damascus to Germany.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n佛罗伦萨哈丁:第一夫人,爵士乐时代,和美国最可耻的总统的死亡。", "output": "''Florence Harding: The First Lady, the Jazz Age and the Death of America's Most Scandalous President''.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“你们的结婚很不正常。", "output": "“Your marriage was quite regular.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n食入0.3~0.5g的亚硝酸盐即可引起中毒甚至死亡。", "output": "Ingestion of 0.3 to 0.5 g of nitrite can cause poisoning or even death.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n冰川约占所有陆地面积的 10-11% 。", "output": "Glacial ice covers 10-11 percent of all land.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n此外,还有三分之一的参与者表示对即将到来的版本(Java 10 和 11)感兴趣。", "output": "Furthermore, about one-third of the respondents are interested in experimenting with the upcoming versions —Java 10 & 11.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n星期二,欧盟委员会(EC)提出了新的程序[…]", "output": "On Tuesday, the European Commission (EC) [...]", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n帕西人基本上是鱼和肉食者。", "output": "The Parsis are basically fish and meat eaters.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n已打开,显示屏将显示“OL”。", "output": "circuit (open diode) will be displayed as “OL.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n多数美国人不想因其年长或者级别高而受到特别的尊敬。", "output": "In fact, most Americans do not want to be treated with special respect because of their age or social status.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我的目标是一直去游戏。", "output": "My goal has always been to play.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nAndroid O真名叫什么", "output": "What is this android's name?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n地球及其执政Detapa委员会躺在废墟。", "output": "Their presidential palace and their national cathedral lie in ruins.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n虽然该法案不太可能很快在以汽车为核心的美国获得通过,但这是全球越来越强劲的趋势构成之一。", "output": "While the bill is unlikely to pass in the car-centric United States any time soon, it's part of a trend that is gaining international momentum.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我真看到了几个非常不错的案例,至今印象深刻。", "output": "I watched a few episodes, pretty decent so far.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nMinecraft:教育版即將問世!", "output": "Minecraft: Education Edition has launched!", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n没有信任,如今的组织就无法发挥作用,生产力就会戛然而止。", "output": "Without trust, today’s organizations couldn’t function, and productivity would come to a screeching halt.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这种高大多汁的草完全覆盖了这三个水库,并且是大象最喜爱的食物。", "output": "This tall succulent grass completely covers the three tanks and is a favorite among the elephants.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你想要吃午饭,你不?", "output": "You have to eat lunch, don't you?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n长久的孤独是令人难以忍受的。", "output": "Long term loneliness is unbearable.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n与他们的讨论,强调了我们的许多开源目标:", "output": "These discussions reinforced many of our open source goals:", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n您不必为设置博客而烦恼。", "output": "No need to worry about designing your blog.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他目前是纽约律师协会和香港法律协会会员。", "output": "He is currently a member of the New York bar and the Law Society of Hong Kong.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n其中包括一种有害的“男孩俱乐部”文化,这种文化助长了整个公司的不当行为。", "output": "\"That includes a detrimental 'boys' club' culture that fostered inappropriate behaviour that permeated throughout the company.\"", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他们告诉 Hindman 说,他们怀念 Borg,Mesos 似乎是重构这个系统的完美方式。", "output": "They told Hindman that they missed Borg, and that Mesos seemed like the perfect way to rebuild it.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n事实上,我答应过自己。", "output": "I have actually promised myself.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n改善金融市场的透明度并确保企业完全准确地披露其财务状况", "output": "improvements to financial market transparency and ensuring complete and accurate disclosure by firms of their financial conditions", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在希腊的社会里,有一种组织称做eranoi。", "output": "In the Greek world there were associations called eranoi.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我今天讓長線單飄了!", "output": "I made serious tracks today!", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n反之,如果有一个合适的平行移动概念,那么相应的联络可通过求导获得。", "output": "Conversely, if a suitable notion of parallel transport is available, then a corresponding connection can be obtained by differentiation.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n作为法国、德国与英国外交部长,我们与欧洲各伙伴国家关于共同安全的根本利益一致。", "output": "We, the leaders of France, Germany and the United Kingdom, share fundamental common security interests, along with our European partners.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n据说在美国旧金山,一名卫生官员开枪打死了一个不愿意戴口罩的男子。", "output": "In San Francisco, a Health Department inspector shot a man who refused to wear a mask.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n而塑造这些重要底层观念的,就是我们自己的历史。", "output": "It’s on the foundation of this imperfect thing that we build our own stories.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n她可能非常好,又非常漂亮,但世界上和她一样的姑娘千千万。", "output": "She could also be good and beautiful, but there are hundreds like her out there.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在开普敦呆了三个星期。", "output": "I’ve been in Cape Town for three weeks.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n或者看看你嘴里能装多少匕首。", "output": "See how many of these fingers you can fit in your mouth.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们的国籍都是马来西亚人。", "output": "Only my citizenship is Malaysian.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n人要变得甜美,不是藉由除去刻薄的东西,而是藉由加入一些东西──伟大的爱、新的灵、基督之灵。", "output": "Souls are made sweet not by taking the acid fluids out, but by putting something in – a great Love, a new Spirit, the Spirit of Christ.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n贝佐斯的Blue Origin发射了2018年的第一个太空任务", "output": "Jeff Bezos’ Blue Origin launches its first space mission of 2018", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n因為相信萬物有靈而延伸出特有祭儀文化與治療儀式。", "output": "Because they believe in all subjects have spirits, a specific ritual culture and cure ritual is derived.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n””我只是把它放在一起。", "output": "“I just put it together.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他被控谋杀,但是他从魔法师监狱中逃了出来,而且现在仍然逃离在外。", "output": "He's a convicted murderer, but he's broken out of wizarding prison and now he's on the run.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在今天,它并不是正式的警察:但非正式地,它表现得非常像警察。", "output": "It is not, today, an official police force; unofficially, it acts like one.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在相同输出功率的情况下,与电动工具相比,气动工具更小、质量更轻。", "output": "Under the same output power, AIR TOOLS is small and light compared with electric tools.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n日本政府希望在今年夏天之前敲定设立新监管机构的计划,但目前仍不确定该监管机构何时才能全面投入运营。", "output": "The government hopes to finalise the plans for the new regulator by the summer, but it is still uncertain when it will become fully operational.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n因此,考古学家在经过认真整理和对比研究后,根据其独特的文化特征,将其命名为“香炉石文化”。", "output": "Therefore, after careful collation and comparative study, archaeologists named it \"incense stone culture\" according to its unique cultural characteristics.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n藉由把淨化與排毒融入你的日常生活中。", "output": "By incorporating cleansing and detox into your routine.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n處方藥、鴉片和大麻在黑市上很容易獲得,其中很多是從中國走私的。", "output": "Prescription drugs and opium as well as marijuana were readily available on the black market, smuggled from China.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n2 thoughts on “大陆集团的管培生项目真的可以让我越来越强吗?”", "output": "One thought on “Can a Trainee Program at Continental Make Me Stronger?”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nZ-39是德國1936A Mob型驅逐艦的最後一艘。", "output": "Z-30 was one of German navy Type 1936A destroyers.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n上一篇:2019年联合国教科文组织创意城市网络现已开放申请", "output": "The 2019 Call for Applications of the UNESCO Creative Cities Network is now closed", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“我的农场现在很好。", "output": "“The farm is fine.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“无论她是写关于被斯特兰德书店禁入还是从大学图书馆窃取正版信件,她都是以诚实和巧智落笔的。", "output": "\"Whether she's writing about being banned from the Strand bookstore or stealing authentic letters from university libraries, she does so with honesty and a rapier wit.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n由于与Nickelodeon的合作关系,它正在添加一套来自Nickelodeon的忍者神龟的警报。", "output": "Thanks to a partnership with Nickelodeon, it’s adding a set of alarms from Nickelodeon’s Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“至少他似乎相信他可以控制它。", "output": "“At least she makes me believe she’s controlling it.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这就是所谓的正面反馈或滚雪球。", "output": "That’s known as positive feedback or snowballing.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果你一个人呆在家里,你需要知道如何处理伤口或烫伤等问题如何处理。", "output": "If you're at home alone, you need to know how to deal with getting a cut or a burn.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我觉得我知道这家伙一辈子。", "output": "I’ve known this man my whole life.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我写这些字,是因为我还活着。", "output": "I write these words because I am living this.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n时间胶囊是一个给未来写信的应用。", "output": "Time capsules offer the potential to write a letter to the future.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”给吉他拾音时,埃默里克使用了他最喜欢的纽曼 U47 电子管麦克风。", "output": "To record Revolver’s guitars, Emerick used his beloved Neumann U47 tube mics.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n布雷克不仅被多项调查和指南强烈推荐,而且还因其参与的交易和赢得的客户满意度而得到了一致认可。", "output": "Blakes is not only highly recommended by various surveys and guides, but also consistently recognized for the transactions in which it is involved and the satisfaction expressed by its clients.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n最近,RSS1.0应用分成了以下三种不同的大类:", "output": "More recently, however, RSS 1.0 applications are splitting into three different catagories:", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这一结论违背了乌克兰政府的利益,乌克兰政府显然希望将审判描述为公平,以对抗国际上对诉讼程序的批评。", "output": "That conclusion went against the interests of the Ukrainian government, which clearly wanted the trial to be depicted as fair in order to counter international criticism of the proceedings.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n她说他告诉她他只是在看她睡觉。", "output": "She told him she would just be going to sleep.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他从来没有给出任何迹象。", "output": "He never showed any signs.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这些问题,都将可能会成为压垮韩国经济的最后一根稻草。", "output": "At best, these could become the cutting edge of the Finnish economy.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n,于是指挥部决定天黑后撤离。", "output": "It was decided, therefore, to withdraw after dark.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你也许能得到其中之一。", "output": "Maybe you can get one of those.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n決策者還必須認識到,儘管銀行系統可能比2008年安全,但金融市場的風險可以說是更高了。", "output": "Policymakers also must recognise that, although the banking system is probably safer than in 2008, financial-market risks are arguably higher.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n基督徒容易陷入试探的一个共同原因是存有这样的心理:“每个人都这样做,所以一定没问题”。", "output": "A common reason Christians easily fall into temptation is the reasoning, \"Everybody's doing it, so it must be okay.\"", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n早上好,欢迎来到星期三。", "output": "Hello, and welcome to Wednesday.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n「噢,是嗎?」他說,顯然很高興。", "output": "\"Really?\" he said, clearly pleased.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n没有一种货币能够永久主导世界货币体系,美国也不例外。", "output": "No nation, however, can hold the world reserve currency forever, and the United States is no exception.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n另一個問題是考試制度。", "output": "Another problem is our exam system.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n赠送礼物是为了教育和充实孩子,礼物可能是一本书、一件艺术品或一个学习玩具。", "output": "Gifts are given to educate and enrich the children; they may include a book, a piece of art or an educational toy.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n随着森林演替进行,土壤有机碳的主导保护机制从单一的粘粒物理保护到铁、铝氧化物的物理化学复合保护转变。", "output": "With the forest succession, the dominant protective mechanism of SOC undergoing a transition from a single clay physical protection to a physical and chemical protection of iron and aluminum oxides.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n這些瓶子你想怎么辦?", "output": "What are you going to do with the bottles?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你給我看,我就相信。", "output": "You show me this, and I believe.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n即使你肉身所做的事也是属于精神的,因为你在与耶稣基督的共融中做一切事。", "output": "But even what you do according to the flesh is spiritual, because you do all things according to Jesus Christ.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n咱们不惧怕疼痛,咱们不怕前方的困难。", "output": "We are not afraid of pain, we are not afraid of the difficulties ahead.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n上一篇 : Ferry McFerryface被选为新悉尼渡轮的名称", "output": "Ferry McFerryface is officially the name of new ferry in Sydney Harbour.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n约有四分之三的自由职业者通过在线方式找工作。", "output": "Around three-quarters of job seekers go online to search for work.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n1719年,耶穌會士買了另一部分,建立了大牧場聖米蓋爾。", "output": "In 1719 the Jesuits bought another part and established Estancia San Miguel.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他们研究认为:人类天生就能比地球上的任何动物都跑得快。", "output": "Second, they can turn to strike faster than any animal on earth.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果他們本來就是熱心的人,那必定會成為慷慨大方的人。", "output": "If they have a strong will, they will achieve [peace].", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n到底哪个任务较重要?", "output": "Which mission is more important?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n同时,微软为 Surface Hub 2S", "output": "Microsoft announces Surface Hub 2S and Surface Hub 2X", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n众所周知,黑死病随后席卷整个欧洲大陆,造成了多达250万人的死亡,并且改变了历史的进程。", "output": "As we know, the plague then consumed the continent, killing as many as 25 million people and changing the course of history.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n本文带大家简单回顾一下微软Surface家族发展史。", "output": "This article will go into detail about the Microsoft Surface Family.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我也不会睡得那么多,” 阿特拉斯 说。", "output": "I don't sleep that much either,\" Atlas said.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n默克尔强调,非法移民不能进入欧洲。", "output": "Tusk, among other things, warned economic migrants not to come to Europe.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n沃尔玛计划给供应商一年的时间来确保该项目有效实施。", "output": "Walmart gave the suppliers one year to ensure that systems were in place for the program to take off.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n收银机的计数是缺乏罗伯的转变。", "output": "The cash-register count was short on Rob’s shift.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n建立这种预防和控制系统已成为该党的生存策略。", "output": "Building this prevention and control system has become the party’s survival strategy.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n僕役守候在旁,為他換上頂級的服裝,因為他剛好在第七天到訪此地。", "output": "Servants waited on him and dressed him in the finest clothes, for his visit fell right on the seventh day.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n或许,天花板很快就将到来。", "output": "One would think the ceiling is coming soon.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n)在这一方面,软件系统与计算机、建筑或者汽车大不相同,后者往往存在着大量重复的部分。", "output": "In this respect, software systems differ profoundly from computers, buildings, or automobiles, where repeated elements abound.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n美國法律規定:人人享有緊急醫療。", "output": "U.S. laws provide emergency medical care to anyone who needs urgent treatment.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n它拥有近500,000名员工,每天为1100万客户提供服务。", "output": "Employing nearly 500,000 people, it serves 11 million customers each day.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n后来我们还经历过许多次撕名牌,但是,这件事深深的记在我的脑海里。", "output": "Later, we also experienced many tears of brand names, but this thing was deeply in my mind.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n智慧不是从外面得来。", "output": "Wisdom doesn’t come from the outside.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在國際上,FDA 被公認為是世界上最大的食品與藥物管理機構之一。", "output": "Internationally, FDA is recognized as one of the world's largest food and drug management agencies.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n\"憲法絕對賦予聯邦政府從事戰爭和製定條約的權力;因此,該政府擁有通過征服或條約獲取新領土的權力。", "output": "\"the Constitution confers absolutely on the Government of the Union the powers of making war and of making treaties; consequently, that Government possesses the power of acquiring territory either by conquest or treaty.\"", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n完整安装这些可能需要几个小时。", "output": "A full install of these can take hours.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在一次受訪時,迪卡普里奥稱自己是「半個俄羅斯人」,並表示自己的祖父母都是俄羅斯人[9]。", "output": "In Russia during an interview, DiCaprio called himself as “half-Russian” & shared that 2 of his grandparents were Russian.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n當我開始真正愛自己,我開始遠離一切不健康的東西。", "output": "When I loved myself enough, I began leaving whatever wasn’t healthy.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nGE F120 F-23 发动机也是另一选择。", "output": "The General Electric F-120 F-23 engine could also be used.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n· 为什么法国会禁止素食性替代产品使用肉类名字", "output": "Why France banned meat names for vegetarian alternatives", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n2)我们将开发一个“ Dev Vector”。", "output": "2) We will develop a “Dev Vector”.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n为什么我没有能够阻止这些悲剧的发生?", "output": "Why haven’t you all stopped these tragedies from happening?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n給勇敢女孩的聖經故事(繪本)", "output": "The Bible for Courageous Girls", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n50.理性是最有價值的生活工具之一,但也有其局限性。", "output": "Rationality is one of the most valuable life tools, but it has its limitations.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如今這些準則已經成為現代西方文化的基石。", "output": "Today these norms have become the cornerstone of modern Western culture.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n俄罗斯的研究部门可能不知道他们自己的人民在做什么。", "output": "The Russian research departments probably don’t know what their own people are doing half the time.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”现在,尤里卡,你必须给我的翅膀。", "output": "\"Now, Eureka, you'll have to show me the way to those wings.\"", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n2.3.3 向别人提问", "output": "4.2 Questions to other ministers", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n日本保守派人士因为这些外国历史学者的公开信气恼,计划起草自己一方的公开信。", "output": "Japan's conservatives are angry at the foreign academics' statement, however, and are planning an open letter of their own.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n贸易逆差使增长率下降0.2个百分点,但这比第三季度减少2个百分点的影响要小。", "output": "The trade deficit trimmed growth by 0.2 percentage points but that was less of a drag than the 2 percentage point cut in the third quarter.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n什么地方可以使用移动厕所?", "output": "Where can a mobile toilet be used?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nLHCb实验的不同之处在于它能够从多个角度寻找五夸克,并且都指出了相同的结论。", "output": "Where the LHCb experiment differs is that it has been able to look for pentaquarks from many perspectives, with all pointing to the same conclusion.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我会到每个班级,送她们礼物。", "output": "I will go around every class and give them their present.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我了解河流和世界一样古老,比人类血管中的血流还要古老。", "output": "I have never experienced rivers ancient as the world and older than the flow of human blood in human veins.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n它不断释放更多的广告工具。", "output": "And it’s continuing to release more and more advertising tools.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“因此,我們必須意識到周圍國家發生了什麼事,並為任何變化和意外事件做好準備。", "output": "Therefore, we must be aware of what is happening around us, and prepare ourselves for changes and surprises.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n油价周二大跌4.8%,因为对全球经济的担忧盖过了OPEC及其盟友延长减产的决定。", "output": "Prices were still far from recouping their 4.8% fall on Tuesday, when concerns about the global economy overshadowed a decision from OPEC and its allies to extend output cuts.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n就好像颠脑的Recycle bin一样。", "output": "It’s like the Recycle Bin.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\ne = mc2是阿尔伯特爱因斯坦着名的方程式。", "output": "E=mc2 is an equation derived by Albert Einstein.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n四、大米 和日本人一樣,韓國人幾乎每頓飯都要吃大米。", "output": "Like the Japanese, the Koreans eat rice with almost every meal.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n万物非主,唯有真主,我们只崇拜他,恩惠来自他,光荣归于他,美好的称赞全归他。", "output": "There is none worthy of worship except Allah (SWT), and we worship none but Him, the source of blessing and kindness and the One Who is deserving of all good praise.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他在区内曾负责设计多个具代表性的建筑物,包括国际金融中心、港铁香港站和广东省博物馆等。", "output": "His practice has been responsible for the design of many of the defining buildings in the region including the International Finance Centre, Hong Kong Station and Guangdong Museum.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他在巡演中并不总是受到善待。", "output": "He hasn't always been treated well in the press.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n马腾也吐出了一个回答。", "output": "Matt wrote a response as well.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n尽管对于科学抱负有着种种疑虑,但roman还是接受了天文学和物理学的中等教育。", "output": "Despite the doubts that surrounded her scientific ambitions, Roman fought to receive a secondary education in astronomy and physics.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n仍然只剩下盲音的决断。", "output": "Only blind notes remain.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这在旅游景点非常明显。", "output": "This is very important in tourist sites.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nV1 是基于时间的。", "output": "V2 balance comes with time.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n现在拥有一家摄影工作室。", "output": "However, I now own a photographic studio.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n预计未来5年,发展中国家的GDP增长将加速,这得益于巴西和俄罗斯等能源生产国的强劲增长。", "output": "GDP growth in the developing group of countries is expected to accelerate over the next five years, helped by stronger activity in energy-producing countries including Brazil and Russia.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n于2011年完成的HK$2亿4,000万(US$3,300万)重塑计划,足见帝苑酒店不断精益求精。", "output": "The HK$240 million (US$33 million) re-imaging project completed in 2011 signifies our continuous pursuit of excellence.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n与其让失败战胜他们,耗尽他们的决心,他们找到了从灰烬中崛起的方法。", "output": "Rather than letting failure overcome them and drain their resolve, they find a way to rise from the ashes. .", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n音乐不会使你致富,但是它会让你幸福的,不能拯救你的灵魂,但它会让你的灵魂值得保存。", "output": "Music may not save your soul, but it will cause your soul to be worth saving.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n公司简介 Systemax Inc.是品牌和自有品牌产品的直接营销商。", "output": "Systemax Inc. operates as a direct marketer of brand name and private label products.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n尼克松第二天宣布辞职。", "output": "And Nixon resigned the next day.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n\"火獄將為能見的人顯露出來的日子。", "output": "And Hell shall be brought in view of him who sees.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n16我的愛人是我的,我是他的。", "output": "16 My beloved is mine and I am his;", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n同为超强厄尔尼诺次年的1998年。", "output": "During the super El Niño year of 1998.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n然後其中一人發現自己來決定是否與他心愛的妻子快樂地生活與給予傷害她或犧牲自己為她的安全風險。", "output": "Then one of them finds himself having to decide whether to live happily with his beloved wife with the risk of harming her or sacrifice himself for her safety.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n1996年, 日本工资水平比中国高出46倍, 但到2016年仅高出6倍。", "output": "In 1996, wages in Japan were 46 times higher than in China; by 2016, they were only four times higher.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n简报已分发给负责该地区安全的各地警察和地方党政官员。", "output": "The bulletins were distributed to police and local party officials in charge of security around the region.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n100年决定性的战役从古代到现在:世界上主要的斗争,以及他们如何塑造历史。", "output": "100 Decisive Battles: From Ancient Times to the Present: The World’s Major Battles and how they Shaped History.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n正如本文開頭所提到的,人們會看到大腦希望它們發出聲音的方式。", "output": "As mentioned at the beginning of this article, people see words the way the brain wants them to sound.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n不锈钢无缝管的市场需求表现在基础工业方面,如石油、化工、发电等,其需求量占不锈钢无缝管消耗总量的三分", "output": "The market demand of stainless steel seamless pipe is mainly manifested in basic industries, including oil, chemical, power generation and so on, which account for 1/3 of the total consumption of stainless steel seamless pipes.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我看不见那些为了奴隶的事业而献身的爱国者和参议员们的远见,他们背弃了我。", "output": "I could not see the great vision of the patriots and senators who have adopted the slave's cause:—they turned their backs on me.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n設置100個單車停泊位;以及", "output": "Two new bike parking stations have been installed; and,", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n,世界变得越来越“小”。", "output": "The World is getting “smaller”.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们还要保持这种关系。", "output": "And we want to keep that relationship.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n请采取更多预防措施。", "output": "Please take extra precautions.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在加拿大,我们不投票选举总理。", "output": "In Australia, we do not directly elect our Prime Minister.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n20世纪30年代末,印第安纳州的Robert Wilson确实使用过呼号W9GFO。", "output": "A man from Indiana named Robert Wilson did use the W9GFO call sign in the late 1930s.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果 Windows Defender 防病毒已打开, 它会监视你的设备的安全状态。", "output": "If Windows Defender Antivirus is turned on, it monitors the security status of your device.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n为了提高设备利用率,主要家电供应商不愿意扩大产能。", "output": "In order to increase equipment utilization, major home appliance suppliers are reluctant to expand production capacity.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n造成君主失去了自主实力。", "output": "The monarchy has lost its real power.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n1.系统具有良好的抗干扰能力和完善的报警自保护功能。", "output": "3.The system has good anti-interference capability and perfect alarm self-protection function.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n对罗马这样的球队来说,他们想要有很高的目标,这很重要。", "output": "For a side like Roma, that wants to aim high, that is absolutely crucial.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n楼宇管理系统和建筑信息模型赋予被动房保护环境的能力", "output": "Building management systems and building information modeling enable the Passive House Technology Center to protect the environment", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nMicrosoft Project 2010 具有一个崭新的界面,但还不止这些。", "output": "Microsoft Project 2010 Download has a shiny new interface, but that's not all.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果房子里有走廊,厕所只适合位于走廊一侧。", "output": "If there are corridors in the house, toilets should only be set up on the edge of the corridor.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n现在,他们坚持认为墙是“不道德的”并且是无效的。", "output": "Now, they insist walls are “immoral” and ineffective.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”代客陆战队员几乎立即,而且,剃掉他的主人,协助他衣服完全黑色。", "output": "The valet re-appeared almost instantly, and, having shaved his master, assisted him to dress entirely in black.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n对于苹果的库克,马尔乔内称:“他有兴趣让苹果进入汽车行业,这是他的职责。", "output": "With regard to Apple's Cook, he said: \"He's interested in Apple's intervention in the car, that's his role.\"", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n当时的阶级区分十分严格。", "output": "Class distinctions were pretty strict at this time.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n问号表示值是可选的,意味着它可能包含了一些整数值,或者它可能根本没有值。", "output": "The question mark indicates that the value it contains is optional, meaning that it might contain some Int value, or it might contain no value at all.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n3D打印的市场非常小,但增长迅速。", "output": "The 3D printing industry is small but growing quickly.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n可以肯定,这样的限制存在。", "output": "There is no doubt that such a limit exists.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n小黑边会落在银幕黑框的上下部分,这样很好,但你会在画面的左右两侧损失一点点。", "output": "Those tiny black bars fall onto the screen's frame top and bottom, which is good, but you lose a bit of the picture on the sides.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n到2023年,你不必用望遠鏡就能知道我說的是對還是錯。", "output": "You won’t need a telescope to tell me in 2023 whether I was wrong or I was right.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n就是我赶你去的那些国;", "output": "countries to which You have driven them,", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n上帝開創的機會之門代表了一種方向,指引我們前進的方向。", "output": "One of the principles of God's guidance is that he opens doors and creates opportunities in directions that he wants us to go.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n和他第一次对她说,她立即变得沉迷于他的声音。", "output": "And the first time he had spoken to her, she had immediately become mesmerized by the sound of his voice.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n发送消息后,用户将收到推送通知,其应用程序将自动显示新的徽章值。", "output": "After sending your message, users will receive the push notification and their application will automatically display the new badge value.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n最典型例子 是使用静态分析工具。", "output": "More efficient alternatives include the use of static analysis tools.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n接受 iCloud 服務條款。", "output": "Accept the iCloud Terms of Service.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nWayne Turner教授摄影已有25年时间,他曾写过3本关于摄影的书籍。", "output": "Wayne turner has been teaching photography for 25 years and has written three books on photography.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n然而,外面有很多好女人,也。", "output": "And there are good women out there, too.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n系统标志指示状态信息,如邮件是否被读取。", "output": "System flags indicate state information such as whether a message has been read.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nA6600遵循相同的规格,但仍仅支持低比特率8位视频。", "output": "The A6600 carries over those same specs, and still only supports low bit-rate, 8-bit video.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n第一周,她应该跑两英里,但她不得不在半英里后停下来。", "output": "The first week, I was supposed to run two miles but I had to stop after just half a mile.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这确是法国的胜利:法国队所有成员都生于法国,也屡次表达自己热爱国家、以国家为荣。", "output": "This is a victory for France: all the players were born in France and have expressed repeatedly their love and pride for France.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n往往会感觉如同世界末日一般。", "output": "Often feels like the end of the world.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n街舞 属于自己的快乐", "output": "Dancing is its own joy.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我們作了正式的自我介紹,握手。", "output": "We introduce ourselves, shake hands.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我加入了最后一部分的电线使用西部联盟猪尾巴的方法。", "output": "I joined the last section of wire together using the Western Union pigtail method.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这部电影讲述了两名女生在受到性侵之后的生活境遇。", "output": "This documentary takes the look at the lives of two teenage girls after they've suffered sexual assaults.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n即使擁有長久的戀愛關係也並不意味著你了解伴侶的一切。", "output": "If you are in the long term relationship that it doesn’t mean that you know everything about your partner.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n而非父母及或未来的雇主。", "output": "Not for your parents or future employers.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n只有1%的美国公司出口。", "output": "Only 1% of U.S. businesses export.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n另外一些人可能没有这么浅薄。", "output": "Others might not have been so subtle.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n通过使用 防火墙 ,确保99%数据安全的最合适方法之一就是使用防火墙。", "output": "One of the most appropriate way through which you can assure 99% data security is by using a firewall.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n她把新怀孕的女人带走了。", "output": "She approached the other pregnant lady.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n此后,比利时也实施了同样的政策。", "output": "In Belgium the same practice was followed.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他不能说我从来没有领导过他。", "output": "He cannot say I have ever led him on.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n下一篇 : “农场到餐桌”不仅应该是富裕的白人", "output": "Opinion | 'Farm-To-Table' Shouldn't Only Be For Rich White People", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“我们在德国还剩多少人?”", "output": "“How many states are there in Germany?”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n最新的会议于4月初在亚特兰大举行。", "output": "The last such summit took place in Ankara in early April.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n一位80多歲的老人流著淚說:「我第一次看到警察這樣打人民群眾。", "output": "An 80-year-old passer by said, “I have never seen police beating people like that”.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n4.您主要将此产品销售到哪里?", "output": "Where do you primarily sell your product?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这些公司的工作重心主要放在为农场、银行和生命科学公司等特定行业设计软件上。", "output": "Many up-and-coming startups focus on software for specific industries like farms, banks and life sciences companies.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你可以通过在控制器中添加一个新的方法,将新的动作添加到控制器中。", "output": "You add a new action to a controller by adding a new method to the controller.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“在很多方面,夫人。", "output": "OH in so many ways, lady.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们很高兴您选择本系列。", "output": "Glad you decided to take on this series.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n為了瞭解集裝箱火災的風險,我們需要考慮兩件事——危害發生的幾率及其嚴重程度。", "output": "To understand the risk of container fires we need to consider two things – the likelihood of harm and the severity of that harm.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n51.”我完全反对任何试图出口国家社会主义”。", "output": "\"I am firmly opposed to any attempt to export National Socialism.\"", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n据称牙买加政府宣布该仪器为国宝,据称在此之间购买了它 1.2美元和200万美元.", "output": "It has been said that Jamaica’s government, which named this guitar as a national treasure, bought it at an auction for between $1.2 million and $2 million.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n健康是一种选择或健康问题;而身高既不是一个选择,也与健康无关。", "output": "Fitness is either a choice or a health concern; whereas height is neither a choice nor health related.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n要了解Sants的失物招领办公室联系详情,请访问我们的 巴塞罗那Sants车站失物招领页面。", "output": "For details on how to contact lost property at Sants, check our Lost Property at Barcelona Sants station page.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n大多数的家庭和个人客户不使用 Exchange。", "output": "Most home and personal email accounts don't use Exchange.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n现在,我们看到越来越多的开发者,正尝试将变现和创作素材结合起来,以适应不断变化的消费者需求。", "output": "Today, we see more and more developers experimenting with a mix of monetization and creatives to adapt to changing consumer needs.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n美国在迪戈加西亚岛的军事基地驻扎大约50年了,目前岛上大约有3000至5000名美国军事人员。", "output": "The American military base has existed in Diego Garcia for about 50 years and there are currently between 3,000 and 5,000 US troops on the island.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n5 將不再有任何種類的政府。", "output": "There is no longer room for any type other of government.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我无法许诺让你笑,但是我可以跟你一起哭;", "output": "I don’t promise that I will make u laugh, but I can cry with u.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”我们决定检查声明的第二部分,看看自从我们在2013年首次将其评为True以来是否有任何变化", "output": "We decided to check the second part of the statement to see if anything has changed since we first rated it True in 2013.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们看到了多少领土一船能冲刷当他们第一次出现,开始燃烧。", "output": "We saw how much territory a single ship could scour when they first showed up and started burning over China.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n她为他们工作了一个月,在这段时间的丈夫犯了半打过她。", "output": "She'd worked with them for one month, and in that time the husband had made a half dozen passes at her.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他希望他的系统能成为下一代GPS,特别是在GPS力不能及的环境中,如室内,地下或城市中。", "output": "He wants his system to become a successor to GPS, particularly in environments where GPS can become a challenge, like indoors, underground, or in cities.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n毕业后,她曾在大学录取七年两个麦克丹尼尔学院和迈阿密大学。", "output": "Following graduation, she worked in college admissions for seven years for both McDaniel College and the University of Miami.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果计算机并行运行多个 .NET Framework 版本,则可安装多个工具版本。", "output": "If the computer is running multiple .NET Framework versions side-by-side, multiple versions of the tool might be installed.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在1933年,納粹甚至禁止他人將此符號用在商業用途。", "output": "In 1933, the Nazis went as far as forbidding the usage of the symbol for commercial reasons.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n2020/1/17什么是切白菜机?", "output": "01/21/2020, What is a sandwich?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n若要换算成短吨,则乘以 1.1023。", "output": "To convert to short ton, multiply by 1.1023.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他也是美国政治人物。", "output": "He's also an American politician.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n她把她的出生日期为1910年7月7日,但她的出生证明显示,1907年7月6日。", "output": "She gave her birth date as July 7, 1910, but her birth certificate shows July 6, 1907.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n许多学生积极参与自愿献血并在大学志愿者中心工作。", "output": "Many students are actively involved in the voluntary blood donation and work in the volunteer center of the University.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n塔吉表示,黑暗钱包应该会在2014年1月或2月正式完工,但他不肯做出任何承诺。", "output": "Dark Wallet should be ready sometime in January or February of 2014, Taaki said, though he’s not committing to anything.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这支军队不同于其他军队。", "output": "The military is different than other organizations.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n随着水的协助下,电子皮肤转让不仅对人体,而且还与其它基材如叶和丝绸。", "output": "With the assistance of water, the electronic skin is transferable not only to human bodies, but also to other substrates such as leaves and silk.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我的出生是错误的,因为我父母的婚姻是一次失误。", "output": "Except for the birth of my daughter, my marriage was a mistake.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n法规、标准基本完善,我们现在就想要!", "output": "We want perfection and we want it NOW!", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”它有一种黑魔法的主题。", "output": "It has sort of a black magic theme.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n所以,你已经做了必要的工作来获得一个观点,学习了心智模型,并考虑了你[…]", "output": "So, you’ve done the work necessary to have an opinion, learned the mental models, and considered how you make decisions.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n現在病可去,未來病可防,此其小者也。", "output": "Now the disease can go, the disease can be prevented in the future, and this small one is also.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n2011年他决定做出改变,因为他当时走路不到15分钟就已经喘不上气了。", "output": "He resolved to change things in 2011 after he could no longer walk for 15 minutes without losing his breath.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nHall和他的同事之前发现,COMT基因的差异改变了维生素E对心血管疾病风险的影响。", "output": "Hall and colleagues previously found that genetic differences in COMT modified the effects of vitamin E on cardiovascular disease risk.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n自2015年推出清洁能源计划以来,已有23家制造合作伙伴承诺为苹果生产提供100%的可再生能源。", "output": "Since launching the clean energy program in 2015, 23 manufacturing partners have committed to 100 percent renewable energy for Apple production.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你的宽容,会让他感动,会让他愧疚。", "output": "Your tolerance will move him and make him feel guilty.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nl 我們有更多的專家,但是也有更多的問題。", "output": "We have more experts, but more problems;", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n每种设计所需的实质性保护要求(新颖性和独特性)通常仅在发生争端时才会予以审查。", "output": "The substantive protection requirements (novelty and peculiarity) required for each design are usually only examined in the event of a dispute.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n传统的内部数据中心DCIM解决方案为单个环境提供一致和安全的数据收集、报告和警报服务。", "output": "A traditional, on-premise DCIM solution offers consistent and secure data collection, reporting and alerting for an individual environment.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n您的加盟就是我们的力量。", "output": "Your PARTICIPATION is our STRENGTH.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n从外太阳系拍摄地球的照片不是一件容易的事,因为从那个角度来看地球非常靠近太阳。", "output": "Pictures of Earth from the outer solar system are rare because from that distance, Earth appears very close to our sun.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n当你这么做,我就会快乐。", "output": "When you do that, I will be happy.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n前往罗厄诺克岛的供给船延误航程,主要是因为英国1588年遭到了西班牙海军的攻击。", "output": "One reason for the delay in getting supplies to Roanoke was the attack of the Spanish Navy against England in 1588.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n占领华尔街不是“维纳斯的诞生”", "output": "Occupy Wall Street is not “Birth of Venus”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n人要在園子裏,為上帝的榮耀治理大地。", "output": "Man is called to rule the earth for God’s glory.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如今1号机组已按原计划实现商运。", "output": "Today’s first flight for AL-1 went as planned.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n就像年輕印地安納瓊斯傳奇一樣,我們打算將第一季的故事一次過地完成。", "output": "\"Like on The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles, we want to write all the stories for the entire first season all at once.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n当他到达萨尔瓦多的家中时,MS-13的成员就出现在他家门口。", "output": "As soon as he arrived at his family’s house in El Salvador, members of MS-13 showed up at his doorstep.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n从2003年到2006年,安联重新开发了这套房产,让建筑工地免费用于高层建筑。", "output": "From 2003 to 2006, Allianz re-developed the property, leaving the construction site free for high-rise building.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果你使用正确现金返现信用卡来花费,你能够稍微减少你的开支。", "output": "By doing your spending with the right cashback cards you can significantly reduce your spending.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n之前的谷歌智能手机,例如最新的Pixel,已经开始以更高的价格出售。", "output": "Prior Google smartphones, such as the latest Pixel, have started at higher prices.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n最有价值的10所私立高校如下:", "output": "The 10 wealthiest private schools are:", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我会向他们学习,努力成长为一名白求恩式的合格医疗工作者。", "output": "I’ll take my studies seriously and try to be a qualified anaesthetist.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n基于测量:与经典物理不同,测量是量子力学不可分割的组成部分。", "output": "; Prepare and measure protocols : Unlike in classical physics, the act of measurement is an integral part of quantum mechanics.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n搜索引擎使用这些信息来迅速分类并向用户提供内容。", "output": "Search engines use these bits of information to promptly categorize and serve up content to users.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n贝尔德则把伊朗称作国际和平与安全面临的“最大威胁”。", "output": "Pence called Iran the “greatest threat to peace and security” in the Middle East.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n十年之后,在2005年,它重新定义自我,获得电信市场委员会的授权,作为电信运营商提供服务。", "output": "Ten years later in 2005 the company underwent a major transformation and was authorised by Spain’s regulatory authority for telecommunications markets), the Comisión del Mercado de las Telecomunicaciones, to offer its services as a telecoms operator.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n其他非银行金融机构;", "output": "Sector Other Non-bank Financial Institutions;", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n日本的主要法律被統稱為《六法》。", "output": "The main body of Japanese statutory law is called the Six Codes.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我不知道我有多少分鐘。", "output": "I don't know how many minutes I have left.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n此外,整个数据中心由N+1柴油发电机支撑,油缸容量可支撑24小时全负载工作。", "output": "The facility also has an N+1 diesel generator configuration with a full-load fuel storage capacity of 24 hours.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n不少有着20多年经验的老师傅都感慨:“太有挑战性了!”", "output": "A pastor with more than 20 years of experience said ‘this is too much.’", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我不再喝威士忌了,当然偶尔会喝一点伏特加。", "output": "I drink wine, and, occasionally, chilled vodka.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n之后,她开始意识到美国婴儿产品中的成分并不像他们声称的那么安全。", "output": "However, she came to realised that the ingredients in baby products from the US weren’t as safe as they claimed to be.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n认证认可国际互认活动不得损害国家安全和社会公共利益。", "output": "Certification and recognition of international mutual recognition activities shall not harm national security and social public interests.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n僅用相同或相等型別的電池更換。", "output": "Replace battery only with same or equivalent type.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n所受的乃是儿子的心,因此我们呼叫:「阿爸、父」。", "output": "And because you are sons, God sent forth the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, crying, 'Abba, Father!'", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n舊版本,不再支持: Windows Phone 7/7.5", "output": "Old version, no longer supported: Windows Phone 7.5", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这个碗里的水看起来像机油。", "output": "The water in this bowl looks like motor oil.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n平均而言,約有75%的晚期癌症患者有疼痛感。", "output": "On average, approximately 75% of patients with advanced cancer have pain.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n不仅如此,销售不断显示每年增加3 – 4百亿美元。", "output": "Online sales have been continuously demonstrating an increase of $3-4 billion every year.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n又有一次,那是个非常寒冷的天气。", "output": "Again it was very cold weather.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我还以为就是一张黑色的照片。", "output": "I thought it was a neat photo.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n预计其他成员也会以此作为警告。", "output": "I hope others are warned by this.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n仅仅24秒后,他再次做到了。", "output": "Just 24 seconds later, he did it again.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n几乎没有任何节假日。", "output": "There were hardly any holiday homes.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”最好的戏剧天才使他们的作品看起来更漂亮容易。", "output": "\"The finest masters make their art seem easy.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n根据研究,每个冷冻卵子有2%至12%的几率导致活产。", "output": "According to the research, 2% to 12% of frozen eggs will result in a live birth.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n仅仅是这样透过屏幕看,是不够的。", "output": "For me seeing these things through a screen is not enough.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n哪代单机足球游戏最好:", "output": "Football match is best:", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n并非所有的需求是情感的需要。", "output": "Not all needs are emotional needs.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n地方精神是美国郊区腐朽的可怕写照,混合了一些无法解释的对非犹太裔美国人和保守价值观的敌意。", "output": "The Spirit Of The Place is a gruesome portrayal of American suburban decay, mixed with some unexplained hostility towards non-Jewish Americans and those with conservative values.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n《卓有成效的程序员》 Neal Ford", "output": "The Productive Programmer - by Neal Ford", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n怎么样能抓住一个男人的心?", "output": "How to captivate a man’s heart?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在运输方面,她帮助樟宜机场建立一套航空主计划并且在国际航运中心的扩张中起到重要作用。", "output": "Meanwhile, at the Transport Ministry, she corporatised Changi Airport, helped establish a master-plan for aviation and was instrumental in expanding the International Maritime Centre.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nCES顯示,對Wi-Fi6的支持正逐漸成為所有設備中的標準。", "output": "But CES showed that Wi-Fi 6 support is becoming commonplace across devices across the board.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n(電梯除最后73步外,都要爬上穹頂平臺)。", "output": "(An elevator ascends all but the last 73 steps to the platform of the dome).", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n西安旅行社:寒冷的天气并没有阻止这些无情的地铁乘客", "output": "Chilly weather didn’t stop these pantless subway passengers", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n用蔓越莓(或越橘)代替甜菜,更增添了这道菜的圣诞风情。", "output": "Sprinkle the sugar (or the holiday sprinkles) over the frosting to add a touch of Christmas flare.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们的日内瓦校区位于日内瓦国际组织区的中心,该区是世界上最大的外交,金融和商业活动中心之一。", "output": "Our Geneva Campus is located in the heart of the Geneva International Organizations quarter, which is within one of the largest centers of diplomatic, financial and business activity in the world.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n「但這樣對客人太失禮了。", "output": "“It’s very uplifting for visitors.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n可以具备适应国际化环境的能力", "output": "Capacity to adapt to an international environment;", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我想让你知道,我并没有忘记你的遗嘱。", "output": "Just to let you know, I haven't forgotten your request.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n是的,我没有时光机。", "output": "I mean, I don’t have a time machine.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n(一)外籍人员在中国就业者。", "output": "1) Foreign Workers from China.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这条推特的第二句话是对已故伟大作家道格拉斯亚当斯(Douglas Adams)的致敬。", "output": "The second sentence of that tweet, of course, is a nod to the late, great writer Douglas Adams.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n*現在我們確認胰島素是許多反應過程的重要轉換站--或是控制荷爾蒙。", "output": "* Now we recognize insulin as a major switching station, or control hormone, for many bodily processes.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n““他不喜欢别人碰他。", "output": "“He didn’t like anyone to touch them.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n当然,这并不能说明米诺环素已成为心脏病和中风的新疗法。", "output": "Of course this doesn't immediately translate to minocycline becoming a new treatment for heart disease and stroke.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这个销售的披露可以在这里找到。", "output": "The notice of sale can be found here.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n另一方面,监管部门也面临涉及部门多、监管成本高的问题。", "output": "However, there are also many challenges facing the industry due to high cost and regulatory scrutiny.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n也许你的男人也觉得很不安全。", "output": "Maybe your man is feeling very insecure too.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nⅠ 你无疑常常被询问,数学有什么用处,这些完全是心智所造的精致结构是否是人为的,是否出自我们的任性。", "output": "YOU have doubtless often been asked of what good are mathematics and whether these delicate constructions entirely mind-made are not artificial and born of our caprice.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n再遭欧盟及其他国家批评。", "output": "This is again picked up by the European Union and others.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n民间社会及国际和地方非政府组织则能够监督政府履行所做出的承诺,确保聆听所有利益相关方的声音。", "output": "Civil society and international and local non-governmental organizations can hold governments accountable on agreed commitments and ensure that the voices of all stakeholders are heard and represented.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n趕出兌換銀錢之人,畫家Giotto,14世紀。", "output": "Casting out the money changers by Giotto, 14th century.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n而这些误解“有时是基于研究的成果发表的”。", "output": "And those false beliefs are \"sometimes presented as being based in research.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n一些州已经允许对这些车辆进行道路测试。", "output": "Some states already permit road testing of these vehicles.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n过去,中间商抽走了多数利润。", "output": "In this case, the middlemen gain most of the profit.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n或者在我们的宝宝名字中查找一个名字,看看它的排名,以及你可能喜欢的其他名字的建议。", "output": "Or look up a name in our Baby Names Finder to see its rank, along with suggestions for other names you might like.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我鼓励全球各地的研究人员都来申请这个奖项。", "output": "Investigators worldwide are encouraged to apply for this award.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n很多人從不相信有神,直到有一天突然進 了醫院,發現自己得了癌症或其它的嚴重疾病。", "output": "There are people who do not think about God at all, until one day they are suddenly taken to a hospital with cancer or some other serious sickness.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n传感器还支持新的支付技术。", "output": "The company is also embracing new payment technology.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n对于犹太人来说,确实是如此。", "output": "For Jews, it certainly was.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n她的性格跟她變身前的性格並沒有甚麼不同,儘管她在這種形式下無法獲得某些技能。", "output": "Her personality is no different from when she is a civilian, although certain special abilities are unavailable to her in that form.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n想一想,不要马上说 是或不是。", "output": "Don’t immediately say YES or NO.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n一位小学生问老师:“什么是爱?”", "output": "A student asks a teacher, \"What is love?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n1964年8月,恩格勒特和已故的罗伯特布鲁特详细介绍了大规模发电的机制。", "output": "In August 1964, Englert and the late Robert Brout detailed a mechanism for mass generation.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n包括卫星电视提供商DirecTV在内的AT&T娱乐业务持续下滑。", "output": "AT&T's entertainment segment, which includes satellite TV provider DirecTV, has been in continuous decline.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n纳粹党可以使用广播。", "output": "Agents may use the Department Radio.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nC.输往国家或者地区的市场容量有限,需要限制出口的", "output": "(5) because of the limited market capacity of the importing country or region, it is necessary to restrict their export;", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“由于反转,美国的税收制度是否会崩溃?不过。", "output": "“Is the U.S. tax system falling apart because of inversions?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n20世纪60年代,优秀的女运动员必须通过向体育官员展示生殖器证明自己的性别。", "output": "In the 1960s, elite female athletes had to prove their sex by showing sporting officials their genitalia.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n⑥具有一定的学习能力,以便更新知识结构,少走弯路,以取得更多的成功。", "output": "Have a certain learning ability in order to update the knowledge structure and take less detours to achieve more success.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n贝克的风景画通常包括牛,羊和人物在他的风景画作品中也相当常见。", "output": "More often than not Baker's landscapes include cattle, although sheep and human figures are also fairly common in his works.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n另外,我们不对第三方广告的准确性承担责任。", "output": "Also, we will not accept responsibility for the accuracy of third party advertisements.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n心理学家解读孩子为什么会撒谎", "output": "Psychologists explained why a child is lying", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n敬请在以下展会中拜会我们,我们期待与您相见:", "output": "Visit us at one of the following events - we look forward to meeting you:", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n下面是10个图表,显示为什么现在黄金价值被低估:", "output": "Previous 10 Charts That Show Why Gold Is Undervalued Right Now", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他的团队正在鼓励其他科学家研究其数据,并对集群进行自己的分析。", "output": "His team is encouraging other scientists to study its data and conduct their own analysis on the cluster.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我的日子不是白過的!", "output": "My days aren't empty!", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n两人还穿着欧洲服装,而且,也许因为这个原因,脏,比其他人更uninviting-looking。", "output": "Two of them also wore European dress, and, perhaps for that reason, were dirtier and more uninviting-looking than the others.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n同样的过程适用于我,就像它适用于团队的所有成员一样。", "output": "\"The same process applies for me as it does for all the other members of the team.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n目前中国稀土分离产能是开采总量指标或指令性生产计划的5~8倍。", "output": "China rare earth separation capacity is currently mined aggregates or operative production plan 5~8 times.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他们有很多事情附近探索和感觉并不像旅游观光罗马的。", "output": "There are plenty of things to see and discover as you walk outside the boundaries of tourist-town.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n人手以2-3人为佳,但以自己的人手去做更为理想。", "output": "People with 2-3 is good, but with their own hands to do more ideal.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们必须有正当的爱心。", "output": "We need to have the right love.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“我们设计新的攻击性武器,他们用改进的防御进行反击。", "output": "“We design new offensive weapons, they counter with improved defenses.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这种危害真实且严重。", "output": "Those risks are real and serious.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n走出苏州丝绸博物馆,回首望。", "output": "Then go to Suzhou Silk Museum for a look.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n为什么需要锂电池管理系统?", "output": "Do you need a Lithium Battery Management System?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他的声明题为“作家应该拒绝被转变成机构”。", "output": "He remarked: “A writer should not allow himself to be turned into an institution.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n经过多年设计改进和技术进步,往复式冰箱压缩机效率大大提高。", "output": "After years of design improvements and technological advancements, the efficiency of reciprocating refrigerator compressors has greatly increased.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n该项目的全部设计细节将于今年5月的VIP盛大揭幕活动中揭晓,项目销售于6月开始。", "output": "The full design details of the project will be revealed during a VIP unveiling event in May, before sales begin in June.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n两人能力都很强且对公司非常重要,但方式不一样。", "output": "Both were highly capable and important to the company, but in different ways.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们绝不能让我们的创造性抗议堕落为身体暴力。", "output": "“We must not allow our creative protest to degenerate into physical violence.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n作為NBA歷史上最偉大的歐洲球員,Nowitzki一直是聯盟裡非本土球員中的頭號得分手。", "output": "The greatest European player in NBA history, Nowitzki is the league’s all-time leading scorer among foreign-born players.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n至少,大部分人可以。", "output": "At least, most people can.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n三年后,于正仍未道歉。", "output": "Three years out still no apology.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n现代企业营销理念与人性赢得了我们公司在国内外市场上的良好声誉。", "output": "Modern enterprise marketing concepts and humanity won our company good reputation in both domestic and overseas markets.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n当你回来的时候,两性之战仍将继续,给你留下一辈子的工作。", "output": "ANd the war of the sexes will still be on when you return, leaving you a lifetime of work ahead.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在电影中,怪兽对噪音极其敏感,只要有声音就会攻击任何人(小男孩和玩具火箭那令人不安的场景就是明证)。", "output": "In the movie, the monsters are extremely sensitive to noise and attack anyone that makes a sound (as is evident in the very disturbing scene with the little boy and the toy rocket).", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”我们的高校辅导员作为他们的向导,学生取得所有权高校招生过程中,并拥抱它作为自我发现的旅程。", "output": "With our college counselors as their guides, students take ownership of the college admissions process and embrace it as a journey of self-discovery.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这也像是一个记忆游戏。", "output": "It's like a memory game.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他们对金钱也有着不尽相同的看法。", "output": "They hold differing views on money.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n10+3是东亚合作的主渠道,中方建议共同规划未来蓝图,推动实现2020年建成东亚经济共同体的目标。", "output": "The ASEAN Plus Three is the main vehicle of East Asia cooperation, and China suggests that a blueprint be drawn up for achieving the goal of an East Asia Economic Community by 2020.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n首先,教育投资不足。", "output": "The first is insufficient investment in education.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我和妻子每年都会变得更强壮。", "output": "My girlfriend and I are getting stronger every day.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但是詹姆看到了别的东西。", "output": "But Jim saw something else.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n碳税每年产生约3000万美元,都会汇入微软共同基金,来提高能源利用率。", "output": "Smith said the tax produces about $30 million a year that goes into a common fund Microsoft uses to spend on more energy improvements.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n详细信息在这里的数量是美妙的因为如果你基本上已经写上这一专题的书。", "output": "The quality of information in here is amazing, as if you essentially wrote the book on the topic.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nRelan:随着时间的推移,情况只会越来越好,因为数据一直在改善。", "output": "Relan: It will only get better over time, because the data keeps improving.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“但是30%是可达致的吗?", "output": "But is 30% a good score?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nVO2 MAX 被認為是測量心肺耐力最佳的單一指標。", "output": "VO2 max is considered the best indicator of cardiovascular endurance.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n反美的宗教民兵也会威胁在伊拉克全境的美国公民和西方企业。", "output": "Anti-U.S. sectarian militias may also threaten U.S. citizens and western companies throughout Iraq.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们的媒体是否可以及时把正确信息传递给公众?", "output": "Can we trust the media that they will make the right people known to the public in time?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n下一次FATF全会计划于2016年10月16日至21日召开,届时香港也必定会有新进展。", "output": "The next FATF Plenary meeting is scheduled for 16-21 October 2016, with other Hong Kong developments undoubtedly in the meantime.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n接受;您會度過愉快的時光。", "output": "Accept; you'll have a great time.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n现在重建工作大大减少了,因为他们大多数人都在处理镜面损耗的结果。", "output": "The rebuilding was much reduced now, as most of them were out dealing with the results of the mirror loss.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n显然,这些预防措施的施行需要负责应用程序的IT部门的密切参与。", "output": "Implementing such preventive measures obviously requires the close involvement of the IT department in charge of the application.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n特性 促销 删除该内容", "output": "Special Promotion Remove This Item", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果你想开一家商店,租金是很高的。", "output": "If you open a store in a mall the rent is going to be very expensive.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n尼安德特人通常被认为比现代人具有更高的创伤发生率,但一项新的研究表明,两者的头部创伤发生率是一致的。", "output": "Neanderthals have commonly be considered to show high incidences of trauma compared with modern humans, but a new study reveals that head trauma was consistent for both.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他说,中国党的领导人目前工作都很忙。", "output": "He told me that the Chinese leaders have to work a lot now.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n当我在思考什么是最好的时候,朱庇特的声音又听到了。", "output": "While I was pondering upon what was best to be done, Jupiter’s voice was again heard.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n缅族是缅甸的主体民族,约占人口总量的68%。", "output": "The predominant ethnic group is the Burmese, about 68% of the population.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n它提供边到边的用户界面,这都是为了实现更少的浏览器和更多的 Web。", "output": "It provides an edge-to-edge user interface that is all about less browser and more Web.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n一个星期前,中国政府向巴巴多斯政府赠送的1000台节能空调和25000只节能灯管全部转交巴方。", "output": "Last week, Chinese Government transferred the donation of 1000 energy efficient air conditioners and 25,000 LED lights to the Barbadian Government.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这样一个增长将会看到人类文明的崩溃。", "output": "In this game you will see the decline of human civilization.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n作为在人道主义援助行动中主要负责。", "output": "primary responsibility for providing humanitarian assistance.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这个名额与上届奥运会保持一致。", "output": "This date is exactly in sequence with the earlier Jubilees.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n(掌声)我们会回去的。", "output": "Quinns: Oh, we’ll go back.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在地理上,西欧国家占欧洲开支的90%以上,预计2018年将达到169亿美元。", "output": "On a geographic basis, Western European countries represent more than 90% of European spending, expected to reach $16.9 billion in 2018.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n自 1971 年抗癌战争开始以来,已经有超过 1480 万美国人死于某种形式的癌症。", "output": "Since the war on cancer began in 1971, more than 14.8 million Americans have died from some form of cancer.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你可以从你的经纪商获得该信息。", "output": "You can get that information from your agent.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他们会发表马克思主义者的文章。", "output": "They do publish Marxist articles.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n国内某律师为您支招:", "output": "An attorney can act for you:", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n1.1 什么是虚拟机", "output": "1.1 What is a woodworking machine", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n终于又是一个自由人了!", "output": "A free man at last!", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你或许会说︰「母亲,我们在旁边走动,也有移动。", "output": "You may say that, “Mother we are moving sideways so there is a movement.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n备注: 此公司在香港使用的银行户口名为Bernard Kapla。", "output": "Remarks: The company uses a bank account in the name of Bernard Kaplan in Hong Kong.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但他可能会改变自己的策略。", "output": "But he could fix his strategy.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n例如,通常认为,约瑟明显比玛丽年长。", "output": "It is often assumed that Joseph was significantly older than Mary.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n治疗后约有10分钟刺痛和发痒,现场周围区域也是红色。", "output": "A bit of stinging and itchiness lasted for about 10 minutes after the treatment, and the area around the spot was red as well.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n克洛萨说,与2011年至2014年的阿拉伯之春和伊朗制裁相比,这仍然是便宜的。", "output": "“It’s still cheap compared to those Arab spring and Iranian sanctions of years 2011 to 2014.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“我需要和你们两个谈谈。", "output": "“I need to talk to you two.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n今年安哥拉的私人投资呈现增长趋势", "output": "Private investment rises in Angola this year", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nSokeretchy又有一位犹太人在冬天为我生火。", "output": "There is another Jew from Sokeretchy who builds fires for me in the winter.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n而且,我认为有趣的事情将从中诞生。", "output": "Hence, I do think interesting things will be born from that.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n(当然,中国的经济规模意味着针对中国上诉的绝对数量很大。", "output": "Of course, China’s size means that the absolute number of cases against China is large.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n法国总统萨科齐也要求欧盟采取“迅速和具体制裁措施”,中断同利比亚经济与外交关系。", "output": "French President Nicolas Sarkozy called for the European Union to adopt \"swift and concrete sanctions\" and to suspend economic and financial relations with Libya.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n俄罗斯“斯莫奇”和中国A-100远程火箭炮都是300mm的多管火箭发射系统。", "output": "Russia 9K58 Smerch and the China A-100 long-range rockets are 300mm multiple rocket launch system.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n所这些都好主意,但沃尔夫没路线图或魔杖来让大多数美国接受这些主意。", "output": "All not bad ideas, although Wolfe has no road map or magic wand to get most Americans to buy into them.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我还没意识到他走了。", "output": "I have not yet realized he’s gone.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“成功的投資需要時間、紀律和耐心。", "output": "\"Successful investing takes time, discipline, and patience.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如何拥有健康的边界并坚持你的需求。", "output": "You are allowed to set healthy boundaries and care for your needs.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n回应欧盟的边界问题不仅仅取决于极右翼的崛起", "output": "The EU's border problems are not just down to the rise of the far right", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他必须要想办法从弄到更多的好处才行。", "output": "They will need to find a way to bring in more profit.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n与国内同行所采用的保守方案不同,腾讯旨在切实采用IPv6用于其生产网络及服务中。", "output": "Different from counterparts with a more conservative approach, Tencent aims at the real use of IPv6 in its production network and services.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n它被认为是世界上为数不多的普世性博物馆之一。", "output": "It is considered one of the few universal museums in the world.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n字母不同 是因为设计者不同。", "output": "The letters are different because the designers are different.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他说他和奥巴马总统都认为改善美中关系最重要的因素就是增加美国学生在中国的受教育机会。", "output": "Biden said he and US President Barack Obama believe that one of the most significant factors in improving US-China relations is increasing educational opportunities for American students in China.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我总是自由散漫地开始。", "output": "I always start in a quite loose and free way.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他们表示,这会为在全国范围内追踪、研究和促进更好的土地利用带来前所未有的能力。", "output": "This could lead to an unprecedented capacity to track, study and promote better land use nationwide, they say.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”根据这一逻辑,德贝沙尔宣称婴儿一岁之前都不会感觉到疼痛。", "output": "Following this logic to its conclusion, Derbyshire has declared that babies cannot feel pain until they are 1 year old.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n其次,通过使用数学和逻辑,我们构建抽象、有条理的模型,将其视为公众共识的稳定客体。", "output": "Second, using mathematics and logic, we construct abstract, formal models that we treat as stable objects of public consensus.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n39、因此,时间和空间会崩塌变成零时间和零空间。", "output": "Consequently, time and space collapse and they become null-time and null-space.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他们并不是医生,也没有接受过医学教育。", "output": "They aren’t doctors, nor do they have any medical training.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们期待着有看到我们的社区。", "output": "We look forward to seeing the community.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n8年前,在我刚刚出任中国驻英国大使时,英国只有11家孔子学院、47个孔子课堂。", "output": "Eight years ago when I took the office of Chinese Ambassador to the UK, there were only 11 Confucius Institutes across Britain.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n经过五天的跟踪,警察发现他坐在一辆车里,装满了他刚刚吃过的药。", "output": "After five days of stalkingthe police had found him in a car, filled with medicine he had just eaten.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n几十年后他回忆起,没有什么比他更生气了,而不是他无法理解所有被告知的事情。", "output": "Nothing was more upsetting to him, he recalled decades later, nothing made him angrier, than his inability to comprehend everything he was told.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n最近几个月,整个印度政府的执法者和官员们声明,他们计划对科技行业施加更严格的规制。", "output": "In latest months, regulators and ministers throughout India’s authorities have declared their intention to impose robust new guidelines on the expertise trade.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n2244 飞机仪表,电气和航空电子设备技工,技师和检查员-麦克斯出国", "output": "Aircraft instrument, electrical and avionics mechanics, technicians and inspectors (2244) Aircraft instrument, electrical and avionics mechanics, technicians and inspectors (2244)", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n行驶距离:全程约需 3.0 公里/1.86 英里", "output": "Travel Distance: Approximately 3.0 km/1.86 miles", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n举一个简单的例子,产品质检。", "output": "So let's take a simple example of a product review.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n首先要为自己的生活做出选择,而不是寻求别人为你做出决定。", "output": "You must begin to make choices for your life, instead of looking to others to make decisions for you.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在这个体系中,第三方APP开发者将会成为受益者。", "output": "In such circumstances, third party app developers come to our help.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这并不是为了吓唬你远离使用信用卡。", "output": "This isn’t meant to scare you away from using credit cards.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n小孩子也会有同样的感觉”。", "output": "The kids feel the same way.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但他并没有预测到当时一些观察家预测的猛跌。", "output": "But he didn't predict the hard tumble that some observers had forecast at the time.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n必须给大家留下一个好印象……", "output": "You should leave a good impression...", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n希德:「这把声是!」", "output": "Cid: This voice!", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n政府将就性别承认法案展开磋商,将于秋季出版。", "output": "Over the weekend, the Sunday Times reported on a consultation on the gender recognition bill that will be published in the autumn.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n通常,服务器响应客户端请求后执行相应的CGI程序,并把执行结果返回给客户端,从而实现了动态Web。", "output": "Typically, after the server responds to client requests, it will implement the corresponding CGI program and put the results of the implementation back to the client in order to achieve a dynamic Web.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n此前,他曾担任跨国软件公司Fabasoft AG的软件工程师和经理。", "output": "Before he worked as software engineer and manager for the multinational software company Fabasoft AG.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n另外,其單位集裝箱燃料消耗量將比未來幾年將要交付的用于亞歐航線的13100 TEU型船少35%。", "output": "In addition, the ship will consume approximately 35% less fuel per container than the 13,100 TEU vessels set to be delivered in the next few years.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“为你的女儿找到并创造适当的挑战是非常重要的。", "output": "\"It's important to find and create the appropriate challenges for your daughters.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n㈥ 技术成果的归属和分享;", "output": "(6) Ownership and Sharing of technical results;", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n關於Spotify:", "output": "More about Spotify:", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们保证以学生为中心的方法来学习过程,并专注于您的需求和兴趣在每一个学习课程。", "output": "A student-centred approach to the study process and focus specifically on your needs and interests in each study course.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n任何值得拍摄值得拍摄的两倍。", "output": "Anything worth shooting once, is worth shooting twice.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n`Q_YEAR` 可以接受一个年份的四个数字。", "output": "`Q_YEAR`that can accept four numbers for a year.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n目前分類:道鑑「君子與小人」 (1)", "output": "Clothing accessories: men's and boys' (1)", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在前面的问题中,我们也进行了解释。", "output": "We did give an explanation above as well.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n经过技术训练的交易员可以很轻易地识别新趋势和突围时机,提供给他们进入和退出头寸的更多机会。", "output": "A technically trained trader can easily identify new trends and breakouts that provide multiple opportunities to enter and exit positions.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n劇情:一看生活在阿拉斯加的海岸山脈和海岸熊的壽命。", "output": "A look at the life of bears living in Alaska's coastal mountains and shores.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“只要有一个电池起火,然后下一个电池就会跟着起火,很快它们都会着火。", "output": "\"You have one battery that catches fire, then the next one catches fire and pretty soon they're all on fire.\"...", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n首先,您需选择适当的粘度等级。", "output": "First and foremost, you need to choose the correct cylinder type.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n有些聖經評注家認為這個預言的初次應驗,與以色列的一位君王或以賽亞的一個兒子有關。", "output": "Some Bible commentators have tried to link the first fulfillment of this prophecy with one of the Israelite kings or one of Isaiah’s sons.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但历史记录表明,该地区在20世纪20年代暂时增长。", "output": "However, the historical record indicates the area of the spot grew temporarily in the 1920s.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n对于婴儿来说,教堂,”圣枝主日”不是过去的事情。", "output": "For the infant Church, “Palm Sunday” was not a thing of the past.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n2013年全美有逾4.1万人死于自杀。", "output": "In 2013, more than 41,000 Americans died by suicide.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他们说:“主啊,你是造天、地、海和其中万物的”。", "output": "\"Sovereign Lord,\" they said, \"you made the heavens and the earth and the sea, and everything in them.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n来自其他市场的交易者因其极高的流动性而被吸引到外汇。", "output": "Traders from other markets are attracted to the Forex because of this extremely high levels of liquidity.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“共和党人控制众议院,参议院和白宫。", "output": "'Republicans control the House, the Senate and the White House.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n而当这些生命转而反对我们的时候,我们安慰自己说那不是我们的错,完全不是。", "output": "When that life turned against us we comforted ourselves in the knowledge that it really wasn't our fault, not really.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“你會看到很多這些應用在亞洲出現。", "output": "\"Many of these opportunities will be in Asia.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们很愿意帮助您,请发邮件给我们。", "output": "We would like to help you, email us here.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n当你减少或减少一个食物组时,你不可避免地增加另一个食物组的消费", "output": "When you reduce or cut out one food group, you inevitably increase consumption of another.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n专家告诉我,更为详细的事态变化发展图可以帮助人们克服对死亡的恐惧,并使之获得一定的掌控感。", "output": "Experts believe that a more detailed road map of changes could help counter people’s fear of death and provide them with some sense of control.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n完美的地方放松和探索!", "output": "The perfect place to relax and explore.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n(在这里阅读更多关于我们的方法。", "output": "(Read more about our methodology here.)", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n之间的关系乳腺癌和体重", "output": "The Relationship Between Breast Cancer and Body Weight", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n斯蒂芬是在能源和资源组的女士 /博士研究生。", "output": "Stephen is an MS/PHD student at the Energy and Resources Group.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nCounty 技术协助服务由田纳西大学提供", "output": "County Technical Assistance Service at the University of Tennessee", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“对于美国国家安全而言,美国将来自朝鲜的危险视为一大清晰和当下的危险。", "output": "“As a matter of national security, the United States regards the threat from North Korea as a clear and present danger.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n让我们研究这五个步骤。", "output": "Now, let’s look at the five steps.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n该协议被Ukip领导人奈杰尔·法拉奇(NigelFarage)迅速视作一项真正可悲的交易。", "output": "The agreement was swiftly dismissed by Ukip leader Nigel Farage as a \"truly pathetic deal\".", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n问题:在阅读《光辉之书》时,我感到满足,后来者满足消失。", "output": "Question: While reading The Zohar, I feel fulfillment that later on is gone.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n华为正在努力为其高端人工智能带来好处驱动技术到每个人,不管价格范围。", "output": "Huawei is working hard to bring its premium A.I.-driven technology to everyone, regardless of price range.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他只在需要的时候才碰球。", "output": "He fought only when he must.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n增加其中任何一个都会增加离子和电子通过电路的速度以及电镀过程的速度。", "output": "Increasing either of these increases the speed at which ions and electrons move through the circuit and the speed of the plating process.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n创造揭示了神的大能和威严,但是没有揭示通过基督救赎的计划。", "output": "Creation reveals God’s power and majesty, but it does not reveal the plan of salvation through Christ.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n虚假的启示,在数字空间中给出其他东西就像意外地打开你的灯,而不是电视遥控器或任何动作。", "output": "False affordance in the digital space affords something else that is unexpected — like turning on your lights instead of the TV with the TV remote – or no action at all.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我觉得就像我打开门。", "output": "I really feel as if I am opening the doors.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n很多施暴者根本不认为自己是施暴者。", "output": "Most perpetrators don’t consider themselves perpetrators.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n为些许可能出现的机会", "output": "With few formal opportunities to", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这一距离足以用于连接两座城市。", "output": "This distance is sufficient to connect the two cities.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n而后的几年时光里,我愈发感受到了道路交通带来的变化。", "output": "In the years that followed, I became more and more aware of the changes brought about by better road transportation.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n當然不是使用了所有的可能性和細心的觀察,他發表論文的地方或附近,他們肯定會發現一些更多。", "output": "Certainly are not utilized all the possibilities and attentive observers on these published locations or in their vicinity will certainly find some more.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n俄罗斯海军打算将来在北极使用战斗破冰船, 武器 在船上将取决于使用区域。", "output": "The Russian Navy intends to use combat icebreakers in the Arctic in the future, the number of weapons on board will depend on the areas of use.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“我的话,我总是想到工作。", "output": "“My husband says I always think about work.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n脑部疟疾导致的死亡原因通常是由于脑部肿胀和出血引起的,但导致这些结果的机制尚未完全明了。", "output": "The cause of death from cerebral malaria is often due to brain swelling and bleeding, but the mechanisms leading to these outcomes have not been completely understood.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n马丁也是皇马106年历史上第25任主席。", "output": "Martin is only the 10th president in the University's 121-year history.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n中国女演员把脸涂黑、装上假臀扮演非洲人,高呼“我爱中国人,我爱中国”。", "output": "Chinese woman in blackface pretends to be African, declares 'I love China'", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他作诗一首《晚起》,描述他的冬天:", "output": "She wrote a poem that sums up winter afternoons:", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nPro版本将大得多。", "output": "The pro version has much more.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n社交上,在阴阳师里,区和服务器不同,玩家就不能在一起游戏。", "output": "In some servers, traitor baiting is kosable, and on other servers, it's not unless against players.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n为方便您安排您的住宿,我们特推荐下面酒店。", "output": "For your convenience of getting to the exhibition venue, we recommend the following hotels.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n一时间,“城上下炮交发,如万雷轰烈,六合震撼,郊外火光际天。", "output": "By the time we made it onto the deck, the fire had spread, burning life rafts and life vests on one side.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n数学转移程度的成功完成保证了学生接受加州州立大学。", "output": "Successful completion of the transfer degree in Spanish guarantees the student acceptance to the California State University system.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n科学家总结认为,最好的办法便是找到各种保护生态系统的方式。", "output": "The best approach, scientists concluded, was coming up with ways to protect ecosystems.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但是,而不会增加太大的重量。", "output": "As long as it does not add too much weight.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n[1] 有任何问题均可以在这里反馈,或疑问,或不足。", "output": "1. any question or matter involving doubt, uncertainty, or difficulty.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n很高兴离开一段时间。", "output": "It was good to get away for a while.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这项研究的目的是研究太空旅行的各种副作用。", "output": "The study was designed to study different, well-known side effects of space travel.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在中国水资源缺乏、农业生产灌溉方式落后的今天,这对促进中国节水农业生产发展有着极大的社会效益。", "output": "Today, China lacks water resources and agricultural production is lagging behind, which has great social benefits for promoting the development of China's water-saving agricultural production.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n悉尼会派出两支队伍参加国家榄球比赛。", "output": "Sydney will also host two teams in the National Rugby Competition.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n第三十七条当事人可以协议选择动产物权适用的法律。", "output": "ARTICLE 37 The parties may by agreement choose the law applicable to rights in rem in movable property.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在这篇文章中,我将列出印度最好的1.5吨分体式空调。", "output": "In this article we take a look at the best 1.5 ton inverter ac in India.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n以前的文章”我该如何面对我男朋友家人的种族歧视?", "output": "Previous post How Do I Deal with My Brother’s Anger?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n有的人改变,因为失去了什么。", "output": "Everything that changes when you lose someone.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这为地方官员建立了定义明确的目标和彼此竞争的激励。", "output": "This enabled the establishment of well-defined goals and incentives for local officials as they competed with one another.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n将风险降到最低,以最大化提高生活质量", "output": "Minimized risks for maximum Quality of Life", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n壳牌致力于支持人们在家、工作场所或是路上的充电需求。", "output": "Shell is committed to supporting people’s vehicle charging needs – whether they are at home, at work or on the road.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n第三个需要重新考虑的政策,就是土地供给政策。", "output": "One of the policies that needs to be reoriented is the policy on land tenure.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n当然,这也是你今天死亡的原因之一。", "output": "That is one of the reasons they are dead today.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n得到承认的难民有资格享有与联合王国公民相同的社会、经济权利。", "output": "A refugee is entitled to the same social and economic rights as any UK citizen.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n通过超过200个任务", "output": "It has more than 200 missions.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他们希望产品在一年内完成生产。", "output": "The company hopes to begin production within a year.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n因此,香港往後的民主發展只能在現有基礎上不斷演進,並按照香港的獨 特的現實情況而進行改革。", "output": "As easily understood as it is, the democratic development will only be able to build upon the current foundation, and to reform in accordance with the special situation of Hong Kong.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这排除了饮食或环境的差异,研究人员得出结论。", "output": "That rules out dietary or environmental explanations for the differences, the researchers conclude.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n110.我不完美,但是我能给的却是独一无二。", "output": "57, I am not perfect, but what I can give is unique.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n请注意,图18中并未单独显示ReLU操作。", "output": "Note that the visualization in Figure 18does not show the ReLU operation separately.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n需要获得强制性消防安全认证的一些产品组包括:", "output": "Some group of products subject to obligatory fire safety certification are:", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“他有最重要的职位和最重要的职位,他最终因最卑鄙的罪行而受到谴责,”大卫罗森法官说。", "output": "\"He held the most important and central position and ended up convicted of contemptible crimes,\" sentencing judge David Rosen said.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n当前位置:首页>NGO名录> 势成非营利组织风险管理中心", "output": "Planning – the first stage of nonprofit risk management center.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果用户有危险的监听习惯,此系统可以发出警报。", "output": "This system could alert users if they have dangerous listening habits.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n1985年,原教育部撤销,设立国家教育委员会。", "output": "In 1985, The Ministry of Education was abolished and the State Education Commission was established.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n這名男子說, \"什麼是下一個\" ?", "output": "That man said, ''What is next?''", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n当这个被认为是再等一年后inpracticable,他们提供了服务,教皇保罗三。", "output": "When this was found to be inpracticable, after waiting another year, they offered their services to the pope, Paul III.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n流化浴槽提供安全、快速的热传导和精确的温度控制,使您能够高效、安全地校准和维护对温度敏感的仪器。", "output": "Fluidized baths provide safe, rapid heat transfer and accurate temperature control, enabling you to efficiently and safely calibrate and maintain temperature sensitive instruments.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n直到20世纪60年代,他们才能够探测到伽马射线。", "output": "Then, it was only in the 1960s that they were able to detect gamma rays.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n下届总统将是民主党人?", "output": "The next president will be a Democrat.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n3.尊重材料的特性,強調材料自身的質地和色彩效果;金屬、玻璃、高純度色彩的大量運用。", "output": "Respect the characteristics of the material, emphasizing the texture and color effect of the material itself; the extensive use of metal, glass, and high-purity colors.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n第二天清晨,凯蒂起了个早,给多萝西留了张字条说她要出去办点事儿,便乘缆车下了山。", "output": "But next morning Kitty rose early and leaving a note for Dorothy to say that she was gone out on business took a tram down the hill.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n搜尋關鍵字: \"研究\" - 25則結果。", "output": "Results Search for 'Research' - 35 results.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我意识到他们说的话有时会产生快乐或痛苦,微笑或悲伤,在听者的心目中。", "output": "I perceived that the words they spoke sometimes produced pleasure or pain, smiles or sadness, in the minds and countenances of ...", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n有一股温暖的风从隧道里出来,一列火车进来了。", "output": "There was a warm wind from the tunnel and a train came in.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n由于这样的事态表明了中国避免冲突的愿望,发生灰色地带事件的风险似乎是有限的,至少从目前来看是这样。", "output": "Insofar as these developments signal a Chinese desire to avoid conflict, the risk of a gray-zone incursion seems limited, at least for now.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但这些材料只能吸收几倍或几十倍的重量。", "output": "But these materials can absorb only several or dozens of times its weight.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n該公司創建於1976年,在全國下轄有六個分部。", "output": "Incorporated in the year 1976 has 6 units in different parts of the country.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nAHA/ASA发布女性卒中预防指南", "output": "AHA/ASA Release Female-Specific Stroke Prevention Guidelines", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n然而,我们只能确认这一次,我们得到的最终结果在7至10天。", "output": "We expect to receive the receive the results in 7 to 10 days.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但在这方面来说,速度一直是个问题。", "output": "So in that respect, speed will always be an issue.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nA:我是一个外向的男孩。", "output": "A: I'm an outdoorsy kind of guy.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们正处于全球住房危机的中期。", "output": "We are in the midst of a long-term housing crisis.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n今年增长大约43吨,是过去9个季度中第八次增长。", "output": "The hoard has risen about 43 tons this year, the eighth quarterly rise in the past nine.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n到了1956年,波兰政治局势的转变为修会带来履行使命的转折点。", "output": "Due to the new political situation in Poland, 1956 became a turning point with regard to the realization of the Order's mission.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我低中心试图抓住我的注意力。", "output": "My subconscious is trying to get my attention.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n超越购买力平价:长期汇率的一般模型", "output": "Beyond Purchasing Power Parity: A General Model of Long-Run Exchange Rates", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n史高丽谁拥有了砖厂、转储和冰pond-though尤吉斯不知道它。", "output": "brick-yards and the dump and the ice pond--though Jurgis did not know it.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我会做到这一点 – 但首先是一个相关的故事。", "output": "I’ll get to that, but first a story.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n正如我在过去一年所反思的那样,我看到了我们面临的所有挑战,并克服了这些挑战。", "output": "As I look back over this year, I think of all the challenges we faced and the successes we accomplished.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n血似乎来自他的鼻子。", "output": "There appeared to be blood coming from his nose.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n正如视频的标题所暗示的那样,重点是反思", "output": "As the video's title implies, the focus is on reflections.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n阪神大地震发生于1995年1月17日早晨5时46分。", "output": "The Kobe earthquake took place at 5:46 A.M. on January 17, 1995.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n许多人身边都有这样的朋友。", "output": "It seems almost everyone has such friends.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n荣誉嘉宾包括22个家庭,每个家庭都得到基金会的帮助。", "output": "Guests of honor included 22 families, each personally helped by the foundation.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”忙碌的蜜蜂,不是吗?", "output": "I am a busy bee, aren't I?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n尽管将JavaScript移至页面底部并不会减少HTTP请求的数量,但确实有助于改善整体体验。", "output": "Although moving your JavaScript to the bottom of your page doesn’t reduce the number of HTTP requests, it does help improve the overall website load speed experience.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n虽然性能不总是软件的突出问题,但也应该纳入考虑。", "output": "Although performance is not always the main problem in software, it should always be considered.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nA股现在具备长期投资的价值吗?", "output": "Is SEO worth the Long-Term Investment?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n歡迎來到我的創作基地。", "output": "Welcome to my creative corner.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n只要穆斯林拒絕採取強有力和積極的立場來反對恐怖主義,他們必須就分擔持續性暴行的責任。", "output": "As long as Muslims refuse to take a strong and aggressive stand against terrorism, they must share responsibility for the continuing atrocities.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n此次交易预计将在收到相关监管审批后完成。", "output": "The transaction is expected to be completed following the granting of relevant regulatory approvals.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在南极洲以外记录的最冷的温度发生在雅纳河的盆地,只是在雅库特的东北部。", "output": "The coldest temperatures ever recorded on the planet outside Antarctica occurred in the basin of the Yana River to the northeast of Yakutsk.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n它约占人体蛋白质的30%。", "output": "It represents 30% of the human protein.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但事实是,这三条道路最终可能引向同一个目的地:欧洲单一货币受到破坏。", "output": "But the truth is that all three routes may ultimately lead to the same destination: the destruction of the European single currency.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nOpenCL 基于 C 语言,已经被称为一项开放标准。", "output": "OpenCL is based on the C programming language and has been proposed as an open standard.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n印度人在英國殖民中發揮了突出的作用,成為緬甸民族主義者的攻擊目標。", "output": "The Indians played a prominent role in the British administration and became the target of Burmese nationalists.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我喜欢这个故事,我把它在我的blog里面应用了。", "output": "I love that quote and have used it on my blog.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n對於,在某種程度上 艾滋病病毒感染者變得更健康Younossi也指出,他們也更有可能超重。", "output": "For, to the extent that living with HIV become healthier, they are also more likely to be overweight, also noted Younossi.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nMicrosoft 最近解雇了更多的前Nokia员工,并且以3.5亿美元的价格卖掉其手机功能业务。", "output": "Microsoft recently laid off more former Nokia staff and sold its feature-phone business for $350 million.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n心理健康意识周今天开始", "output": "Mental Health Awareness week starts today.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n该单位使用了由法国科学家尤金 p Houdry 开发的一个过程, Socony 真空的财政支持。", "output": "The unit used a process developed by French scientist Eugene P. Houdry with the financial backing of Socony-Vacuum.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n12离开部队的那一天", "output": "12 departure from the army.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n因此,国际公共部门会计准则要求采用并非总是被全球多国的公共部门主体采用的权责发生制会计。", "output": "As such, the IPSAS require accrual-based accounting, which is not always applied by public sector entities in many countries of the world.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n·知道是谁的支持协调员。", "output": "• Know who the support coordinators are.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n不可检测的错误无限多样,相比之下,可检测的错误从定义上来讲是有限的。", "output": "Undetectable errors are infinite in variety, in contrast to detectable errors, which by definition are limited.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我拿走我要的墨水,并逃离了那儿。", "output": "I got my ink, and ran out of there.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我只打开已经上市的经纪人至少4-5年的账户,模拟账户和比赛也是我的要求。", "output": "I only open accounts with brokers that have been on the market for at least 4-5 years, demo accounts and contests are also a requirement for me.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n很久以前我决定不再走在任何人的阴影底下;", "output": "I decided long ago never to walk in anyone's shadow.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nP53是癌症中最广为人知的基因之一,因为它能够产生一种可以阻止细胞分裂的蛋白质。", "output": "P53 is one of the most well-known genes in cancer because it enables production of a protein that can put the brakes on cell division.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这是我们大脑中负责自我反射意识等认知过程的区域。", "output": "This is the area of our brain responsible for cognitive processes such as self-reflection consciousness.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你所处的环境会为你的大脑设定一个特定的内部状态,从而使大脑对不同情境产生不同的反应。", "output": "The knowledge of where you are present, creates a certain internal state that causes your brain to react differently to different contexts.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n正因为如此,现在我才能处在积极影响他人成长的方位上。", "output": "But for today, I can still work on being a positive influence on others.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n世界上最出色的汽车电视节目?", "output": "Coolest TV program in the World?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n偏偏,我们喜爱挑战‘局限’。", "output": "We like to overcome \"limits.\"", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他的看法是对的,全球免疫系统理论在接下来的十年里开始发展了。", "output": "He was right, and a global theory of the immune system took flight over the next decade.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nMOOC2008年始于加拿大,最早以一门在线计算机课程的形式出现。", "output": "The first MOOC began life in Canada in 2008 as an online computing course.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你甚至可以看到傳統的花邊製造商,在工作中,他們偶爾舉辦花邊製作工作坊,為人們學習的貿易。", "output": "You can even see traditional lace-makers at work, and they occasionally host lace-making workshops for people to learn the trade.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n恩源起于他,颂赞归还他。", "output": "give glory to Him, revere Him,", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n14 祂在我身上的计划必然实现,祂还有许多这样的计划。", "output": "14 He carries out his decree against me, and many such plans he still has in store.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n母亲说:“它们需要自由。", "output": "And my mother said: “They’re free.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“ “究其原因可能是市场份额并没有增加长途目的地,但作为中国出境游客购物的重要活动的主要目的是下降。", "output": "This can be attributed to the fact that long-haul destinations have not been able to grow their market share, while shopping is losing its importance as a key activity for Chinese outbound travellers.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n力宝集团CEO詹姆斯•瑞迪(James Riady):金钱和权力是福也是祸", "output": "Lippo Group CEO James Riady: 'Money and Power Are a Blessing and a Curse'", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n分手了才发现原来深爱,这是爱情里最让人痛苦的经历。", "output": ", broke up only to find that the original love, this is the most painful experience of love.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nFireEye集团被认定为朝鲜最危险、最有效的黑客资产之一。", "output": "The group FireEye identified appears to be one of North Korea's most dangerous — and effective — hacker assets that remains active.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n它包含了数学或纯逻辑等智力挑战,但它(至少潜在地)具有实际结果。", "output": "It's got all of the intellectual challenges of something like math or pure logic, but with (potentially at least) practical consequences.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们在耶西的儿子中没有产业!", "output": "We have no heritage in the son of Jesse!", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nGoogle RCS 可与 iMessage 媲美 但目前仍是一场安全噩梦", "output": "Google’s RCS messaging could rival iMessage, but for now it’s a security nightmare", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n阿富汗與索馬利亞是最大的兩個團體。", "output": "Afghans and Somalis are currently the two biggest groups.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n用干净的程序,你可以用简单而有效的方式优化你的基因表达。", "output": "With detoxification, you optimize the manifestations of your genes in a simple and effective way.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n马德里—英国退出欧盟的前景是实实在在的。", "output": "MADRID – The prospect of a British exit from the European Union is well and truly upon us.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n领导要求忠诚度,不是为自己,而是为他们所代表的事业。", "output": "Leaders demand loyalty, not to themselves but to the cause for which they stand.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n遇难者中年龄最小的是仅有3个月大的婴儿,这名婴儿被吹倒到房屋的树砸死的。", "output": "One of the youngest of the victims is a three-month-old killed when a tree crushed his home.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我还学会了在购物时更仔细地看领口,如果在网上购物,想象它们可能跌得有多低。", "output": "I have also learned to look at necklines more carefully when I shop and (if shopping online) picture how low they may fall.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但也许他承担部分责任。", "output": "Maybe he did share some of the responsibility.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n第六条企业与重要场所、设施、区域的距离和总体布局应当符合下列要求,并确保安全:", "output": "Sixth business and important places, facilities, distance and overall layout of the area shall comply with the following requirements, and to ensure safety:", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n這種規定 和分析使戰略家 能夠確定為達到 所選擇的 每一目標的 準確條件。", "output": "This definition and analysis permits the strategist to identify the precise requirements for securing each selected objective.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n通过让开发人员加入概念创作工作,我们可以为实际的产品或服务开发创建具体原型和实时估算。", "output": "By integrating developers as part of the concept creation, we can create concrete prototypes and real-time estimates for actual product or service development.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n全球汽车行业高管认为,中国是他们推出新型轿车或服务的首要市场,美国和德国紧随其后。", "output": "Additionally, global automotive executives identified China as the top market to launch a new car or services, followed by the USA and Germany.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n超声显示我的肝脏和脾脏肿大,我的Alpha Pheta蛋白水平为650。", "output": "On ultrasound it showed my liver and spleen to be enlarged, and my Alpha Pheta protein level was 650.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“我们正在进行一系列的研究,“城市编辑拉里说,一个小的,胡须的,困惑的男人,他把一切都看得很严肃。", "output": "We’re working on a series, said Larry, the city editor—a small, bearded, perplexed-looking man who took everything absolutely seriously.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你有没有听说过这个锅结", "output": "Have you heard about this leak?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n然後,它成了我的工作。", "output": "And then, it became my job.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n澳洲临时工作签证的变化(2012年11月24日)", "output": "Changes To Australian Temporary Work Visa From 24 November 2012", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他们已经看过你的简历了,所以他们知道你的技能,经验和教育。", "output": "They have already read your resume, so they know your skills, experience and education.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n接著,她經過了另一個居住著綠色三角形人的國家。", "output": "Then, she travels to another one inhabited by green triangular types.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n正常情况下,这个值应该为 0。", "output": "For normal results, this value should be set to 0.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n一开始,抖音的用户中有超过50%在24岁以下。", "output": "In the beginning, over 50% of its users were under 24.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n而这些阳痿的症状都是较为常见的。", "output": "These symptoms of impotence are more common.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n因此,如果我觉得有必要讨论问题或新闻,我和我的朋友(双方)讨论这些问题。", "output": "Therefore, if I do feel the need to discuss issues or news, I discuss these with my friends (of both parties) that follow the issues.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nDNV GL 的報告是針對 791 名高級產業專業人士的全球調查。", "output": "DNV GL's report is based on a global survey of 791 senior industry professionals.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n过去,这一数字只是43便士,而且这一数字在未来还会继续攀升。", "output": "In previous years it was only 43 pence, and we expect this figure to keep growing in coming years.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这使你成为一名极其可贵的团队成员。", "output": "This makes you an extremely valuable team member.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”我们在这里做的很好时创建悲惨的家庭。", "output": "“We do quite well too when it comes to creating miserable families.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n反导弹防御和21世纪的武器", "output": "Defense Strategies and the 21st Century Military", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n喜欢让别人不断改变对他的称谓。", "output": "He likes to constantly correct people on how to say his name.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n于是,这条街就出现了很多车祸。", "output": "There have been many car accidents on this street.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“在某個時候,這兩位領導人會見面,這是特朗普總統一直在說的。", "output": "“At some point, the two presidents will meet, that is what Mr. Trump has been saying.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n500辆车能够养活一家门店吗?", "output": "Can 500 cars feed a store?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n布什提出主动解决美国联邦政府在STEM领域支持教育发展和各级学术进步方面的不足。", "output": "Bush proposed the initiative to address shortfalls in federal government support of educational development and progress at all academic levels in the STEM fields.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“陡度的国债收益率曲线告诉我们,美联储在曲线背后,市场认识到他们需要一些看起来更中立的东西。", "output": "“The steepness of the [Treasury yield] curve is telling me that the Fed is behind the curve and that the market recognizes they need to get to something that looks more neutral.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n3 中國絲綢及其貿易", "output": "3 Chinese silk and its commerce", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我:你们两人是什么时候结婚的?", "output": "· When did both of you get married?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“我们必须使用这些设施。", "output": "\"I have to use the facilities.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n发达国家的大多数人不会像他们的祖先那样迅速而突然地死去。", "output": "Most people in developed countries won’t die as quickly and abruptly as their ancestors did.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n精选的“我们的俄罗斯”,第3部分", "output": "“The Mighty Russians, Part III”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n改造投资3-10个月回收,经济效益显著。", "output": "The transformation investment is recovered within 3-10 months, and the economic benefits are significant.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n沙克,海军上将,梦想。", "output": "Sadie and the Marine, day dreaming.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n第二,我们认识到军事、政治、人道、执法和羁押等方面的工作人员需要与他们在当地保护的民众保持密切联系。", "output": "Secondly, we recognize that military, political, humanitarian, law-enforcement and detention personnel need to remain close to the population they are there to protect.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n90%已经是工业和服务业了。", "output": "49% is used by industry and services.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“表兄埃迪听起来像个不错的小宝石。", "output": "Your wonderful cousin sounds like a precious jewel.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他在2016 / 2017賽季的六個歐冠進球數據意味著他在19比賽之前的進球數與勞爾相同。", "output": "His tally of six Champions League goals in the 2016/2017 season means he has scored the same number of goals in the competition before 19 as Raul.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“我们绝大多数的顾客都会做正确的事。", "output": "“So the vast majority of officers are doing the right thing.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在收集可用性指标时,对20个用户进行测试通常会提供相当紧密的置信区间。", "output": "“When collecting usability metrics, testing 20 users typically offers a reasonably tight confidence interval.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n即使是生命本身,也不过是寄存于这个星球上的匆匆过客。", "output": "Even life itself is just a passer-by on this planet.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在成功的过程中,他们会失去很多创造的自由。", "output": "In achieving success they lose a lot of their creative freedom.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n55%的拖拉机注册量超过120hp。", "output": "59% have more than 120hp.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n那些违反这些规则的人就应该失去参与这个市场的权利。", "output": "“Those who violate those rules should lose their rights to participate in that marketplace.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n无线电另一端的声音响起:“有两个人在路边挖土。", "output": "I. The voice on the other end of the radio said: “There are two people digging by the side of the road.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n原来这些也可以\"代\"服务?", "output": "Can these also be “gifts”?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n此外,研究人员还强调了使用咖啡豆副产物对环境的积极影响。", "output": "Other than this, the researchers of the study also emphasised on the positive impact on the environment of using the by-products of coffee beans.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n首先,Kraken是相信存在的第一个章鱼。", "output": "First off, the Kraken was the first octopus that is believed to have existed.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nSpy Apps是否合法?", "output": "Is It Legal to Use Spy Apps?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n的人格得以展现出来。", "output": "Their personalities are allowed to show.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n3.今天練習的目的,即是開始訓練你的心靈認清:自己在那一刻根本不是真的在思考。", "output": "The purpose of the exercise for today is to begin to train your mind to recognize when it is not really thinking at all.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n*電話會議 - 告訴朋友在一個以上的時間。", "output": "Conference calling – talk to more than one friend at a time.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n成都铁路局包括那些地方", "output": "The former railway hotels, including those", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n其短片和故事片已被提名并获得许多奖项。", "output": "Its short and feature films have been nominated for and earned many awards.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n冻结 FROZEN 一个球与其它球或台边相贴。", "output": "a ball is frozen to a cushion or another ball;", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们将重建更加美好的家园!", "output": "We will find them a better home!", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n可以接纳达1000人同时用餐。", "output": "It can support 1000 people have dinner at the same time.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n然而,大多數時候,仔細檢查和問診將會是主要的追蹤照顧。", "output": "But most of the time, a careful examination and conversation will be the only follow-up care.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n君合多年来参与了众多境内外矿产和自然资源开发项目,深受客户好评。", "output": "Over the years, JunHe has participated in a number of domestic and overseas projects for the development of minerals and natural resources and has been highly praised by its clients.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n西班牙就一宗電訊詐騙案移交了218名逃犯,其中最後一批94人已於6月遣返回中國。", "output": "Spain alone has returned 218 fugitives, over telecommunications fraud, with the last group of 94 having been surrendered as recently as June.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n什么,一百万一只镖!", "output": "One million and one Squeeeeees!", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nJoey,妳還好嗎?", "output": "Joey are you okay?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n造成前所未有的人力和社会经济成本。", "output": "They are causing unprecedented human and socioeconomic costs.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n最常用的攻击方法是基于协议的DDoS攻击SYN 泛洪。", "output": "The most commonly used attack method is the protocol-based DDoS attack SYN Flood.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n历史沿革 中国红十字会的诞生及历史沿革具有深厚的文化 历史基础。", "output": "China Red Cross Society and the birth of history has deep cultural and historical basis.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n到目前最年轻到物理学诺奖得主是Raymond Davis Jr.,2002年得奖时已经88岁高龄。", "output": "The oldest Nobel Laureate in Physics to date is Raymond Davis Jr., who was 88 years old when he was awarded the Nobel Prize in 2002.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n12:3 天上又出現了另一個神祕的景象。", "output": "12:3 Another mysterious sight appeared in the sky.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n同时镀膜玻璃虽然有一定节能效果,却是以中空玻璃的情势存在的。", "output": "At the same time, although coated glass has certain energy saving effect, it exists in the form of insulating glass.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n程序结束之后就可以饮用啦。", "output": "You can already drink something after the procedure.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n36%的在线消费者信任视频广告;", "output": "36% on online consumers trust video ads.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“我确实认为我们需要一个适当的许可制度,这个制度效果要好得多,而且更注重动物的福利", "output": "I do believe we need a proper licensed regime which works much better and is more focused on animal welfare.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n天然气发电的增长大部分来自使用联合循环技术的发电机组。", "output": "Much of the increase in generation from natural gas is from generating units using combined-cycle technology.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”“我这样的人不配拥有幸福。", "output": "But someone like me doesn’t deserve to be happy.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n宽带入场难屡屡见诸报端,已经成为普遍现象。", "output": "Broadband admission difficult to see the newspaper, has become a common phenomenon.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这位21岁的网球明星的父母分别是海地人和日本人,她称代表东道主日本参加东京奥运会对她来说意义非凡。", "output": "The 21-year-old tennis star, whose parents are Haitian and Japanese, told NHK that it would be special for her to represent Japan at the Tokyo Games, announced the public broadcaster", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“我们每个周末要来这里过周末,需要先开一小时的车,然后清理半天”,冯说。", "output": "“For every weekend we spend there, we need to drive for an hour first, and clean up for half a day,” she said.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n也许这就是他们对彼此的感觉。", "output": "That's how they feel about each other.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n例如,彭丽媛和盖茨基金会合作,积极参与结核病和艾滋病防治活动。", "output": "For example, in partnership with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Peng has been actively involved in tuberculosis and AIDS prevention.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们会做其他的一切。", "output": "We will do all other things done.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nDucati 创立于 1926年,自1946年开始一直生产运动风格的摩托车。", "output": "Ducati was established in 1926, and began producing motorcycles in 1946.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果第二点是真的,那么基督就是为全世界所有被拣选之人的所有的罪受死,真理确实是这样;", "output": "That if the second be true, then Christ, in their stead suffered for all the sins of all the elect in the whole world, and this is the truth.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但前提条件是基础必须要稳固。", "output": "But before trusting, the basis must be firm.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n用单一格式导出所有表单日期,无论它们是如何输入到表单中的。", "output": "Exports all form dates in a single format, regardless of how they are entered in the form.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在這其中,每個人或多或少都看過幾部外國電視劇。", "output": "Many have seen one or more World Vision television specials.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n图为意大利地震地点。", "output": "It means earthquake in Italian.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”同月,博茨瓦纳政府批评联合国安理会未能处理好叙利亚危机。", "output": "The same month, the Botswana government criticised the UN Security Council for its handling of the crisis in Syria.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果这事发生,潜在的损害可能是灾难性的。", "output": "If that happened, then the potential damage could be catastrophic.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你可以通过短信、电子邮件,或者发布到你的Facebook墙上发送你的翻译。", "output": "You can send your translations through SMS, e-mail, or post them on your facebook wall.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n尼克森於1972年2月訪問北京。", "output": "Nixon visited Beijing in February 1972.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n许多有成就的人都会将它作为日常练习来帮助他们改进自己。", "output": "In fact, many accomplished professionals utilize journaling as a daily practice to help them understand and improve themselves.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我只有十八岁,还在高中。", "output": "I was just 18, still in high school.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在许多应用中,电容式触摸传感器提供输入到一个专用的控制器芯片。", "output": "In many applications, the capacitive touch sensor provides input to a dedicated controller chip.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n预测分析为预测带来某种程度的信心。", "output": "Secondly, the system will generate some level of confidence for the predictions.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n其中我最喜欢的,还是那篇《忏悔与宽恕》。", "output": "My favorite question was probably about forgiveness and confession.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们今晚在重现美国承诺的竞选活动中,获得伟大胜利。", "output": "We have won a great victory tonight in our campaign to restore the promise of America.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n然而,其技术标准和生产特点不同,虽然外观类似,使用品质大不相同。", "output": "However, its technical standards and production characteristics are different, although the appearance is similar, the quality is very different.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n此外,BEPS未能解决问题的根源:公司仍被允许在任何他们想要的地方转移利润,并利用极低税收管辖区。", "output": "But it has failed to address the core problem: companies are still allowed to move their profits wherever they want and to take advantage of very low tax jurisdictions", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但直到那时,让我们一起行动,不要试图毁掉彼此。", "output": "But till then, let us act together, and not try and ruin each other.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我喜欢 3 和 5 !", "output": "I like 3 and 5!", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n因此,我们要对这篇文章予以特别的关注。", "output": "Special attention should be paid to this article.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们必须服从美国的命令。", "output": "Yes we will fulfill orders from the USA.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n调查指出﹐主要原因是四年前宣布的鼓励经济发展的各项改革没有带来切实的变化。", "output": "It cited as the primary reason the lack of tangible changes from reforms announced four years ago to encourage economic development.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我觉得,每一天都是我的起跑线。", "output": "It is my starting line everyday.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在阿富汗,美國特種部隊利用 Palantir 來策劃襲擊行動。", "output": "In Afghanistan, U.S. Special Operations Forces use Palantir to plan assaults.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nWindows 10成长脚步在全球范围内已经放慢,但在一些市场,这款新操作系统成长率惊人得好。", "output": "Adoption of Windows 10 has slowed down a little bit worldwide, but there are a few markets where the new operating system performs unbelievably well.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n很快我将无法感觉到我的腿。", "output": "Pretty soon I couldn’t feel my feet.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n许多视频网站的高层说,他们正在为更多内容申请许可证,并在尽力阻止用户上传盗版内容。", "output": "Most executives for the video sites say they are licensing a growing share of content and trying to stop users from uploading pirated content to their sites.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n110个舍不得离开纽约的理由", "output": "101 Reasons to Leave New York", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他不仅就有点同情这个男人。", "output": "He is not without sympathy for this man.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“你错过了早餐,朋友。", "output": "“Missed you at breakfast, son.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在实践中,我们也许从未恰好达到最小值,而是在最小值附近的平面区域反复振荡。", "output": "In practice, we might never exactly reach the minima, but we keep oscillating in a flat region in close vicinity of the minima.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们的午餐也在岛上解决。", "output": "Lunch is served out on the island also.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n值得一提的是,在Q3?", "output": "significantly in Q3.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在上层的文件系统中记录更改,而下层的文件系统保持不变。", "output": "Changes are recorded in the upper file system, while the lower file system remains unmodified.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n经济和政治是一个区域空前的本科课程,旨在教授学科作为一个主题和方法的整体。", "output": "This Bachelor's Degree in Economics and Politics is a regionally unprecedented undergraduate program designed to teach the disciplines as a thematic and methodological whole.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但是过去25年来的大部分时间里,反以色列的激进份子一直控制着黎巴嫩南部靠近以黎边界的大部分地区。", "output": "For almost all of the past quarter-century, however, anti-Israeli militants have controlled much of southern Lebanon near the Israeli border.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在DBMS中利用这种增加的并行性是很困难的,因为协调数百个线程的共享数据的访问非常复杂。", "output": "Exploiting this increased parallelism is difficult in a DBMS because of the complexity of coordinating competing accesses to shared data for hundreds of threads.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n随后瑞士公司向南京中院提出申请,请求承认并执行新加坡法院的判决。", "output": "Swissco then applied to the Nanjing court to recognize and enforce the Singapore judgment.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n她做到了,我们俩都很喜欢。", "output": "I made this and we both liked it.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n该转化可以在标准、升高或降低的压力(例如0.5至5巴)下进行。", "output": "The reaction can be carried out at atmospheric, elevated or reduced pressure (for example in the range from 0.5 to 5 bar).", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n好像有个魔鬼用魔爪抓住我们,呼啸着把我们送进了地狱似的。", "output": "It seems the devil himself has clasped us with his claws and with a roar drags us into hell.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n而且他也想知道对方为何要跟踪自己。", "output": "She also wants to know why she should choose one over the other.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们是贸易商,但是我们有自己的工厂。", "output": "We are manufacturers and have our own factory.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n一个5G广播试验场在德国巴伐利亚奥伯兰设立了,是巴伐利亚研究项目“5G Today”的一部分。", "output": "Currently, a major European 5G field trial is being established in Germany as part of the Bavarian research project ‘5G TODAY’.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n希拉克于1977年至1995年任巴黎市长。", "output": "Chirac was mayor of Paris from 1977-95.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我确信我们正在泛滥。", "output": "I think we’re spreading.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n超過100名科學家發表聯合聲明,要求強力監督基因編輯實驗。", "output": "More than 100 scientists have signed a petition calling for greater oversight on gene editing experiments.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们必须发现是哪些东西让他们变得和其他人不同。", "output": "You need to identify what makes you different from others.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n其重量为3,106克拉。", "output": "Its weight was estimated at 3,106 carats.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如不能提供非保密概要,應説明理由。", "output": "If you cannot provide a non confidential summary, should explain the reason.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n一场神秘的病毒疫情爆发,让整个韩国陷入紧急状态!", "output": "A mysterious viral outbreak pushes Korea into a state of emergency!", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n它是酸的,咸的,可以在密封容器中保存数月。", "output": "It has a sour, salty taste and can be stored for months in an airtight container.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n今天我们看到了一个咨询。", "output": "I have just seen a counsellor today.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n人们喜欢谈论如今正在发生的事。", "output": "My clients like to talk about things that are happening now.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在传统的银行模式下,交易方必须与第三方共享个人身份信息。", "output": "In the normal course of business Staples shares Personal Information with third parties.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n此外,KOMSCO还计划推出“数字身份验证服务”,用户可以通过智能手机的生物识别技术即时验证身份。", "output": "Further, KOMSCO is also planning to unveil a ‘digital authentication service’ to allow users to instantly authenticate their identity through biometrics over a smartphone.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们正在做成百上千的检测。", "output": "We're talking hundreds of tests.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n专家们对伊朗近1万人进行了研究,包括吸烟者、非吸烟者、前吸烟者、吸烟者和水烟吸烟者。", "output": "The research involved 9,840 participants - a mixture of smokers, non-smokers, ex-smokers, cigarette smokers and hookah smokers.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n1994年2个历史悠久的主教座堂所在地—聖大衛斯和阿爾瑪(Armagh)—得到自治市特许状。", "output": "In 1994, two historic seats of Bishoprics—St David's and Armagh —were granted city status.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n提交项目 国际金融公司", "output": "Introduction to the Finance Company Project", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n當然不要忘了著名的嘉士伯啤酒。", "output": "And of course, don’t forget the famous ButterBeer.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这种转变的结果就是所谓的体验经济。", "output": "The result of this shift is what’s known as the Experience Economy.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n那就是因為這個地球上存在了「水」。", "output": "This is so because \"wind\" takes place on earth.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nSymantec ManHunt 协议异常检测技术将与利用此漏洞相关联的活动检测为“端口扫描”。", "output": "Symantec ManHunt Protocol Anomaly Detection technology detects the activity associated with this exploit as \"Portsweep.\"", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在迪拜可以喝酒吗?哪里能买到酒?", "output": "Where can you drink Alcohol in Dubai?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但是數字貨幣將必須滿足最高的監管標準,并遵守更廣泛的公共政策目標。", "output": "“But stablecoins will have to meet the highest regulatory standards and adhere to broader public policy goals.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n几周后,研究员Conwell需要对SPC-1360-1再次定期采样。", "output": "Several weeks after the interview, Researcher Conwell was once again scheduled to harvest SCP-1360-1.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n孩子不会发出声响来获得家长/监护人的注意", "output": "The child doesn’t make noises to get parents/guardians attention", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n一个人经常说谎,最终他在真主那里被记录成骗子。", "output": "Then he lies about who God is, and then he lies about the consequences of disobedience.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n长,他经营的是新闻公司前,里布是一个年轻的,饿了记者本人。", "output": "Long before he was running a news company, Reeb was a young, hungry journalist himself.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“第二天,他昏倒了,被赶回了医院。", "output": "“The next day, he collapsed and was rushed back to the hospital.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n定义具有已定义链接关系或将显示任何链接资源的呈现的框架或窗口名称。", "output": "The value of the target attribute is used to define the frame or window name that has the defined linking relationship or that will show the rendering of any linked resource.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nGant因向大众市场推出纽扣领衬衫而广为人知。", "output": "Gant is recognized as the brand that brought button-down shirts to the mass-market.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n因此,对于复杂结构或大量FE节点,将模块中的设置更改为“In grid points”可能更有利。", "output": "So for complex structures or a large number of FE nodes, it might be advantageous to change the setting to ‘In grid points’ in the module.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n2 俄罗斯推特账户在欧盟公投之前推动了英国退欧:时代报", "output": "Russian Twitter Accounts Promoted Brexit Ahead Of EU Referendum: Times Newspaper", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这些城市的居民都已经受过考验和试炼。", "output": "The inhabitants of these cities have been tested and tried.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n假如原有的荧光灯镇流器坏了,用户就得去购买一只新的换上去,这一般来说需要电工来安装。", "output": "When the original fluorescent ballast fails, the end user needs to purchase another ballast, which typically requires installation by an electrician.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n第二章 拉塞拉斯在幸福幽谷的不满", "output": "II The discontent of Rasselas in the Happy Valley", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n因此,它能够帮助我们击退严重的疾病,比如癌症。", "output": "It might also help ward off serious diseases, such as cancer.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n尽管PPI和CPI数据低于预期,但市场对12月份的另一举措更有信心。", "output": "Despite softer-than-expected PPI and CPI figures, the market has become more confident of another move in December.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这个选项会把你带到一个真实的人身上。", "output": "This will lead you to a real person.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n玛雅人认为,我们生活在第四世界。", "output": "In the Mayan mythology we are living in the fourth world.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n16 : 33 (不信道者)只能等待天神们来临他们,或等待你的主的命令降临。", "output": "\"16.33\": They do not wait aught but that the angels should come to them or that the commandment of your Lord should come to pass.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“我们发出了强烈的警报。", "output": "\"We have sounded a high alert.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他喜欢巴黎甚至在雨中。", "output": "I do love Paris, even in the rain.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n篮板和边缘:从地面到顶部的调节距离的边缘是各级玩10英尺。", "output": "Backboard and rim: The distance from the ground to the top of the rim is 10 feet according to the regulations.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n祂去找那些处于边缘的人。", "output": "He reached people on the margins.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n好象不错,你自己用过吗?", "output": "It looks good, did you do it yourself?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在一项实验中,参与者被要求完成日记,在其中他们需要记录下每天所经历的最具挑战性的事件。", "output": "In one experiment, participants were asked to keep personal diaries, in which they would write about the most challenging event they experience each day.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nAbacre 酒店管理系統將向您的解決方案,它可以幫助接受這個挑戰。", "output": "Abacre Hotel Management System proposes you solution which can help take this challenge.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n取而代之的将是我们对自己进行完全的束缚,没有一个人能够自治。", "output": "We will instead impose on ourselves complete regimentation in which no one will be allowed autonomy.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n1923年,苏联小说《三代人的爱》使“杯水主义”一词不胫而走。", "output": "In 1923, the Soviet novel The Loves of Three Generations popularized the phrase “glass-of-waterism.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n今年最大的变化是我终于要搬家了。", "output": "One major change this year is my finally moving closer to God again.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n””毫不气馁,然而,他向空中投掷石头。", "output": "Nothing daunted, however, he hurled the stone into the air.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n随着互联网技术的不断进步,服务平台作为一种新的商业模式迅速发展,极大地影响了企业运营和互动。", "output": "With the continuous improvement of Internet technology, service platform has developed rapidly as a new business model, which greatly affects firms’ operations and interactions.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n二战后,联邦政府对化石燃料和核能进行研发,用以支持和平时期的经济增长。", "output": "In the postwar era, the federal government conducted R&D on fossil and nuclear energy sources to support peacetime economic growth.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n最近正好看了一本书,叫做《只有偏执狂才能生存》。", "output": "In fact, he had a book that was titled Only the Paranoid Survive.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n旅游保险所涵盖的最常见的风险有:", "output": "The most common risks that are covered by overseas travel insurance are:", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n應尋求一切可能的方法去保護生命並防止戰", "output": "• Find whatever means possible to protect life and prevent war.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n带上他们,并使用它们来获得你一直想要的纪念品。", "output": "Provide them along and use them to obtain a souvenir you have usually wanted.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n例如,“你喜欢画谁,A还是B?”等问题。", "output": "For example,”Which do you like, A or B?”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n现在,这是时候颜色。", "output": "Now it is time for the color.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n玩家使用的是Morgan Yu角色,这是一名在有许多敌意外星人的太空站上的人类。", "output": "The player takes the role of Morgan Yu, a human aboard a space station with numerous hostile aliens.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“安塞尔是否有意识或无意识地使用金色的和声可能永远是一个谜。", "output": "\"Whether Ansel used the golden harmonies consciously or unconsciously may remain a mystery forever.\"", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n风险在于提醒他们这一事实。", "output": "The risk is that someone might remind them.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n现代建筑融合了迷人的街区,反映了阿拉伯伊斯兰文化遗产和城市殖民时期的痕迹。", "output": "Modern constructions blend with charming neighborhoods that reflect Arabic-Islamic heritage and the traces of the city’s colonial period.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n温斯顿被解雇了四次。", "output": "Winston was sacked four times.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他从2017年起成为律师。", "output": "She thus is a lawyer since December 2017.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n制造业平均每万名工人拥有机器人数量已由2013年的23台上升为50台,接近全球平均水平。", "output": "The number of robots used by every 10,000 workers on average has been increased from 23 in 2013 to 50 as of now, which is close to the world's averages.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n有些信徒问,他们应否传道,还是找职业或做生意。", "output": "Some ask, should they preach? or should they seek employment in a profession or trade?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n全膝关节置换术的风险包括腿中的血块可能传播到肺部(肺栓塞)。", "output": "Risks of total knee replacement include blood clots in the legs that can travel to the lungs (pulmonaryembolism).", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n這就是為什麼你會看到殘疾人提到單位金額而不是金額。", "output": "That’s why we see handicappers unit amount and not mention a dollar amount.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n孕妇遭枪击身亡.医生救活婴儿", "output": "Pregnant woman killed in shooting; doctors save baby", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n基本上,他们都减半了。", "output": "Basically, they just cut each measure in half.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n瑞士国家银行(瑞郎)——这是一个特例。", "output": "Swiss National Bank (Swiss franc) – this is a special case.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n第三章重点介绍房地产行业在易经营指数,所有权登记和全球房地产行业透明度指数方面的表现。", "output": "Chapter Three focuses on the performance of the real estate sector in the ease of doing business index, ownership registration, and the global real estate sector transparency index.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你能让你看看这个视频吗?", "output": "Can you show us that video?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n除此之外,使馆具有领事职能。", "output": "The Embassy also performs consular functions.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n人们依然热衷于追寻人类的起源,试图理解神造万物中的设计。", "output": "Man is still passionately pursuing his origins, attempting to understand God’s design in creation.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“我甚至不会杀死一只蜘蛛", "output": "No, I will not even kill a spider.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n瓦莱里娅乌加尔德,另一种艺术的学生是谁的显示,是太阳的土地目前的大三学生。", "output": "Valeria Ugalde, another student whose art was displayed, is currently a junior at Tierra Del Sol.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n她提到,對抗全球暖化是她的7項當務之急之一,並引述了近期發佈的因應溫室氣體問題的規定。", "output": "She noted that combating global warming is one of her seven top priorities and cited the rules that were recently announced to address the issues of greenhouse gas.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们从事的工作改善了我们的生活。", "output": "Their work improved our lives.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们还在探索增加LGBT、残疾人和退伍军人群体代表性的新途径。", "output": "We are also exploring new ways to increase representation of the LGBT, disabled and veterans communities.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n1.总是在你的梦中想像对抗和征服危险。", "output": "So always confront and conquer the danger in your dreams.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n做一个有两个孩子的母亲是很难的。", "output": "Being a mother to two young children is hard.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你不得不来的三大理由", "output": "Here are 3 major reasons you should.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nMicrosoft 面向开发可访问应用程序的人员制定了培训计划(免费)", "output": "Microsoft developed training programs (free) for people who develop accessible applications", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n作为(他们说)以色列北部人,他们不接受耶路撒冷作为圣城(以色列南部国王大卫的创新)。", "output": "Being (they say) northern Israelites they do not accept Jerusalem as a holy city (an innovation of the southern Israelite King David).", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“在棕榈谷长大,我知道我喜欢这场比赛。", "output": "\"Growing up in Palmdale, I knew I loved the game.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n另一方面,世界卫生组织(WHO)描述了导致员工受伤,机器和设备损坏以及停产一段时间的事件。", "output": "The World Health Organization (WHO), the injury to the workers, equipment and equipment and damage to the production of a period of time has defined as events.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我对于不管怎样都得以与上帝相连的这种特权,真是满心地感激。", "output": "I am so grateful for the privilege of being connected with God in any way.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n全谱同时测定能力使贵金属分析比传统仪器更精确和更准确。", "output": "The simultaneous detection capability allows for the analysis of precious metals more precisely and accurately than with traditional instruments.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n从任何政党的控制下解放出来。", "output": "outside the control of any political parties.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“很明显你还有另一个议程。", "output": "But you seem to have another agenda.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n正是这一点促使我给您写这封信。", "output": "That’s what has led me to write you this letter.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n..她说她会自杀如果我离开她。", "output": "Yet, she said she will kill herself if I leave her.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这首歌由于在影片Sun Valley Serenade中出现而畅销。", "output": "The song was also featured in a movie called Sun Valley Serenade.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n而《合同法》第191条规定,赠与的财产有瑕疵的,赠与人不承担责任。", "output": "Article 191 Where the donated property has defects, the donator shall not bear any liability.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n印度次大陆欧洲势力之间的关系,受到欧洲本土的一系列的战争与条约影响。", "output": "The relationship between the Europeans in India was influenced by a series of wars and treaties on mainland Europe.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n公寓还有家庭的浴室。", "output": "The home also has a family bathroom.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n部分原因是基于印度、中国和其它发展中国家出台的新安全法规而引发的总体增长转变。", "output": "This is partially because of an overall growth shift attributable to new safety regulations in India, China, and other developing countries.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我知道,但法律就是如此。", "output": "I know, but this is the law.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n而且,你知道,稅收肯定是一個更好的辦法,而不僅僅是禁止一些元素。", "output": "And, you know, taxation is certainly a better way to handle it than just banning some elements of it.\"", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n美联储官方已经公开承认他们设计的第一个步骤很小,像看油漆变干一样无聊。", "output": "Officials have openly admitting they have designed the first steps to be so small it will be like watching paint dry.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n它们还会毁坏捕鱼工具,吃掉渔里弱小的鱼虾。", "output": "They will destroy fishing tools and eat the small fishes and shrimps in the net.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n您可向我國駐他國最高專員署或大使館申請入境簽證。", "output": "You can get a visa at Uganda's High Commission or embassy in your country", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“我开始责怪他,但后来我想,他在里面可能觉得比我更无助。", "output": "\"I started to blame him, but then I remembered that he was probably feeling more helpless than me inside.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n现在,我们可以用来实现一些真正的设备,不仅用于通信,但也为内窥镜,成像,光纤激光器等领域”。", "output": "Now we can make some real devices, not just for communications, but also for endoscopy, imaging, fiber lasers and many more.\"", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n2011年1月,华安财险增资扩股,引入新的战略投资者海航资本和海航酒店。", "output": "In January 2011, Huaan insurance capital increase, the introduction of new strategic investors and capital HNA HNA hotel.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这种异常情况是否跟它的特殊构造有关系呢?", "output": "Did extraterrestrials have anything to do with these strange statues?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n日本并不象东亚“四小龙”,它似乎是通过迅速增加投入和迅速提高效率而成长起来的。", "output": "Japan, unlike the East Asian \"tigers,\" seems to have grown both through high rates of input growth and through high rates of efficiency growth.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果我们没有觉知自己,或不了解自己,自由就不会产生。", "output": "If we are not aware of ourselves or do not understand ourselves, freedom does not occur.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n21、一名女子找到她的医生,抱怨说,她的丈夫是300%的性无能。", "output": "A lady goes to her doctor, complaining that her husband is 300% impotent.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n印度政府出台计划,增加PVC供应来生产塑料管道,以确保农村地区的清洁水供应。", "output": "The Indian government has introduced plans to increase the supply of PVC to produce plastic pipes to ensure clean water supplies in rural areas.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n36、研究者、作者、申办方、编辑和出版者对于研究成果的出版和发布都有伦理义务。", "output": "Researchers, authors, editors, reviewers and publishers have an ethical obligation to publish and disseminate research results.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n36 每逢云云彩从帐幕收上去,以色列人以色列人就起程前往;", "output": "36 Whenever the cloud rose from the dwelling, the Israelites would set out on their journeys.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这样是不是能对劳动者起到更好的保护作用?", "output": "Will they be able to better protect employees?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n6中兴通讯:目前,所有的生产经营活动都很正常。", "output": "ZTE: At present, all production and business activities are normal.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“这项投资将帮助我们做到这一点,通过促进文化交流和帮助人们通过音乐的通用语言进行交流。", "output": "This investment will help us do just that, by fostering cultural interchange and helping people communicate through the universal language of music.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在所有行星中,木星的自转是最快的。", "output": "Of all the planets Jupiter is the most beneficial.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n西方有句名言:纳税和死亡是人生不可避免的两件事。", "output": "As the saying goes, taxes and death are the two inevitabilities of life.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n又过了两天,我打电话给急救中心。", "output": "After 2 weeks I called the service centre.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n土耳其总统发言人易卜拉欣·卡林说,土耳其将调查任何涉嫌战争罪阿尔巴塞特。", "output": "Ibrahim Kalin, the Turkish president's spokesman, said Turkey will investigate any suspected war crimes.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n2012年,当他们在切尔西家中找到伊娃·拉辛斯时,她已经死了一段时间并且正在腐烂。", "output": "In 2012, when they found Eva Rausing in the Chelsea home, she had been dead for some time and was decomposing.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n从根本上讲,费奥多罗夫是在对19世纪不同社会主义理论的内在矛盾作出回应,这些理论自称是进步的理论。", "output": "Fedorov was reacting to an internal contradiction in the socialist theories of the nineteenth century that understood themselves as theories of progress.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“这里就像我们的后花园。", "output": "This is like our back yard.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n与一般的不锈钢一样,904L可以采用各种各样的焊接方式进行焊接。", "output": "Like normal stainless steel, the 4 L can be welded in a variety of ways.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但它一定能给您一种优势。", "output": "But it can give you an advantage.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n第一代:Uber 大数据平台的开端", "output": "Generation 1: The beginning of Big Data at Uber", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n上一篇:纺织企业2018顶住压力加油干,2019努力播种新希望", "output": "Textile company 2018 withstood the pressure to dry, 2019 efforts to plant new hope", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“不像是人类的眼睛!”", "output": "Nothing like the human eye!", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n* 过去三个月使用抗精神分裂药物与风险增加56%有关。", "output": "* Use of antipsychotics over the previous three months was associated with a 56% increased risk.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但是,有不断增加的共识认为,不应该允许这名枪手购买枪支。", "output": "But there is a growing consensus that the gunman responsible should not have been allowed to purchase weapons.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这些属灵恩赐是用来坚固其他在基督的身体之人的。", "output": "These spiritual gifts are to be used to strengthen others in the body of Christ.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nNASA的新视野号宇宙探测器目前正在加速飞向某个神秘的柯伊伯带天体,它的名字叫MU69。", "output": "NASA’s New Horizons space probe is currently speeding towards a mysterious Kuiper Belt Object known as MU69.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n4 : 92 信士不致於殺害信士,除非是誤殺。", "output": "4:92 It is not conceivable that a believer will slay another believer unless it be by mistake.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n向世人傳播推崇低碳生活(low-carbonlife)理念,“低碳”關系你我他的健康。", "output": "To spread the idea of low-carbonlife to the world, \"low carbon\" is about your health.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n急性细菌性前列腺炎是由细菌感染引起的,突然出现。", "output": "Acute prostatitis is caused by bacterial infections and occurs suddenly.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果要在Python中获取时间戳,可以使用time、datetime模块。", "output": "To get the date or time in Python we need to use the standard time module.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我的其他作品可以在这里找到。", "output": "His other works can be found here.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n此外,还必须进行网络端到端的鉴定,这时会执行所有相关的 SONET/SDH 测试,包括误码率等测试。", "output": "Finally, the network end-to-end level qualification must be done; this is where all the relevant SONET/SDH tests are performed, including tests such as bit error rate (BER).", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nAdam拥有20年的经验,是一位专注于医疗保健和生命科学中的信息和通信技术的高管。", "output": "With 20 years of experience, Adam is an executive focused on information and communication technology in healthcare and life sciences.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n为了给客户选择正确的解决方案,我们需要亲身参与客户的整个规格制定与实施过程。", "output": "To choose the right solution for our customers, we need to be closely involved in the entire specification and implementation process.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n然而,所有存在的东西都有它自己的历史和它的起源。", "output": "But everything that exists has its own industry, and how it all originated.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他就被信中的告诫内容给激怒了。", "output": "He was struck by the futility of warning.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我是一名生物學研究者。", "output": "I am a researcher biologist.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n哪个英雄会离我们而去", "output": "Which candidate will save us from ourselves?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n15 好奇怪的冰淇淋山呀!", "output": "Is a good five-cent ice cream cone!", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”耶稣,把一些衣服。", "output": "\"Jesus, put some clothes on.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“视频游戏行业的前景从未像现在这样乐观。", "output": "“The outlook for the video game industry has never been so promising.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nGA = 女孩在行动", "output": "GA's - Girls In Action", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n和我们中国一样,阿根廷的马黛茶有自己的茶文化。", "output": "Very much like China, the UK has a tea culture of its own.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这是当前最流行的云类型", "output": "It is currently the most popular type of cloud.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这张脸是狗屎嗅垃圾,蛇窝在嘴里,我听到咝咝声的威胁。", "output": "This face is a dog’s snout sniffing for garbage, snakes nest in that mouth, I hear the sibilant threat.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n宝马7系:7系旗舰车更新有望在2012或者2013年完成。", "output": "7 series: A mild freshening of the flagship is expected in 2012 or 2013.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n坐在台上的可能是作家", "output": "In the above sites, you can be a writer.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n周成(不是他的真名)是大家所说的“老司机”。", "output": "You see Tom – not his real name – was what I call the last of the old-fashioned bank managers.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n一个可能性的解答来自于认知中的预测处理理论,这是我们需要介绍的第二组原理。", "output": "A possible solution comes from the predictive processing theory of cognition, the second set of principles we need to introduce.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n每个国家的国家决定捐款(NDCs)。", "output": "\"The agricultural sectors in nationally determined contributions (NDCs).", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“小龙,你从什么地方买的这么漂亮的玉石啊?”", "output": "\"Vincent, where did you get this magnificent stone?\"", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n它可用于计算机灾难分析和数据恢复。", "output": "It can be use to aid analysis of computer disasters and data recovery.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n叙利亚防空部队认为这是又一次袭击。", "output": "Syrian air defence units considered it as another attack.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n自行车旅游可以是任何距离和时间。", "output": "Trail riding can be any length of time and any length of distance.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n报道说,中国外交部后来证实这艘潜艇已被打捞,但是拒绝透露细节。", "output": "China’s foreign ministry confirmed later that the submarine had been salvaged, but refused to provide any details.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n性向不是唯一的問題。", "output": "And sex is not the only issue.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n8.1.2. 与第三方分享数据。", "output": "1.2 sharing Data with third parties.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n公司在各生产设备的产污部位均安装了高效环保设备,有效的控制了烟尘和污染物排放。", "output": "The company installed efficient environmental equipments in pollution-producing parts, took control of dust and pollutant emissions.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“似乎我们都被各种方式给催眠了。", "output": "It is like we are all being hypnotized.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n让我们说一下,我对戴尔的同情之深,正好与这两个字母之间的距离相符——df。", "output": "Let’s just say that the breadth of my sympathy for Dale would fit in the space between these two letters — DF.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n昨天,参议院最终投票决定改变一个过时的规则,现在,1岁以下的婴儿可以在参议院投票。", "output": "Yesterday, the Senate finally voted to change an antiquated rule, and now babies under age 1 are allowed on the Senate floor during votes.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“知道为什么天下人都惧怕异朽阁么?”", "output": "‘Do you know why people are scared of ghosts?’", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n然而,该行为守则要求在任何情况下不给敌人他的成员资格在特定学校。", "output": "However, the codes of conduct demanded in any case not to give the enemy his membership in a particular school.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n除本隐私政策中所述外,我们不会与任何人使用或共享您的信息。", "output": "Except as described in this Privacy Policy, we will not use or share your information with anyone.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n否认:相信或想象一些痛苦、创伤的情况,而相关事件或记忆客观上不存在或没有发生。", "output": "Denial - Believing or imagining that some painful or traumatic circumstance, event or memory does not exist or did not happen.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但是你想说:“现在离开我的办公室,不要浪费我的时间,你傻傻的!”", "output": "But you want to say: \"Get out of my office right now and stop wasting my time, you pea-brained numpty!\"", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n感谢您赐给我在基督里的新生命。", "output": "Thank you for my new life in Christ.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n相反,一些钱被寄给他在巴基斯坦的家人。", "output": "Instead, some money was sent to his family in Pakistan.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n那些“具有工业强度”的类和库中的许多东西,实际上不过是在这里可以找到的玩具版本的直接或间接后裔。", "output": "Many of these ``industrial strength'' classes and libraries are actually direct and indirect descendants of the toy versions found here.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n特朗普对阿富汗和平谈判的成功持怀疑态度", "output": "Trump Skeptical About Success of Afghan Peace Negotiations", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n▲商贩们正在修剪貉毛。", "output": "International retailers were tearing their hair out.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我可以从国外开设塞浦路斯银行账户吗?", "output": "Can I open a bank account in Cyprus from abroad?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n很多人都感到害怕或是羞于寻求协助。", "output": "Yet many are too embarrassed or afraid to seek help.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n此外,奥迪表示将于7月份着手更新相关软件,并将继续配合德方调查。", "output": "Audi has announced that software updates will begin in July, and that they will continue to cooperate with German motor authorities.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n互联网曾经历过几次重大转变。", "output": "The Internet has undergone several great transformations.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果要看雪,这次的雪可能不是最佳选择。", "output": "For heavy snow and ice, however, this may not be the best option.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n因此人们应该在这个基础上对它进行评价?", "output": "It must, therefore, be valued on that basis.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n另一种常用的方法是,预设一个与资产价格相关的利润目标金额,可以在0.1%至0.25%之间。", "output": "Another frequently used method is to have a defined profit target amount per trade that should be relative to the price of the asset – this can range between 0.1% to 0.25%.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n就目前而言,至少,我们不能分开你。", "output": "But for the time being at least I cannot provide you with another.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n信息系统是现代企业的神经中枢。", "output": "Computer networks are the nerve systems of modern enterprises.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n2017年最值得关注的购买黄金的中央银行是俄罗斯、土耳其和哈萨克斯坦。", "output": "2017’s most notable central banks buying gold were Russia, Turkey and Kazakhstan.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n若有可能,在多数情况下。", "output": "If you can, in most cases.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n那么,皈依究竟能为我们带来什么?", "output": "What has conversion actually meant to us?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n为了对抗癌症,研究人员越来越多地使用疫苗来激活免疫系统,从而识别并摧毁肿瘤细胞。", "output": "To fight cancer, researchers increasingly use vaccines that stimulate the immune system to identify and destroy tumour cells.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但是,如果我们做..?", "output": "But what if we do..?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n当然,这在某种程度上反映出二人不同的政治角色。", "output": "This can explain to some extent the different political attitudes of the three actors.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\ngmtime 函数同 localtime 一样,除了其返回的形式为是世界时间(曾经被叫做格林威治时", "output": "The gmtime function is the same as localtime , except that it returns the time in Universal Time (what we once called Greenwich Mean Time).", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n她的孩子被提到神和祂的宝座那里去了。", "output": "Her child was snatched up to God and his throne.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n一旦你变理智你可以重新组织。", "output": "Once you become rational, you can re-group.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n时间将告诉我我是什么。", "output": "Time will tell which we are.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但是,我們卻不能用日常語言談論原子。", "output": "But we cannot speak about atoms in ordinary language.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n感谢 Richard 这么信任我。", "output": "Thank You for your confidence in me Richard.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n一切都是一块石头扔掉。", "output": "It is all just a stone's throw away.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n她转过身来,故意走出房间。", "output": "She turned, and went deliberately out of the room.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但几乎每个国家都在这么做。", "output": "Almost every country does that.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n虽然我们也知道这是为我们好,唉!", "output": "even though we know it's good for us,", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n让对比来得强烈一点:把时钟往回拨20年。", "output": "Welcome to Utah: set your watch back 20 years.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n地理学是研究地球表面作为人类生活和工作的场所。", "output": "GEOGRAPHY is the study of the surface of the Earth as the site of human living and working.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这种细菌通常出现在人的口腔组织中。", "output": "These bacteria are normally in the human mouth.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nCSP还集成了谷歌的Stackdriver Monitoring服务和连续交付平台。", "output": "CSP also integrates with Google’s Stackdriver Monitoring service and continuous delivery platforms.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“是的,我早已原谅他们了。", "output": "\"Yeah, I've already forgiven them.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n彩票代码0将定期更换。", "output": "location 0 will be recalled automatically.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n李是一名混血儿,没有人愿意租房给她,所以她需要钱来买房。", "output": "Lee was half of a biracial couple to whom no one would rent, so she needed money to buy a house.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们不断找寻更佳的原创方法实现卓越,为如今及将来未知的需求提供解决方案。", "output": "We constantly look for original and better ways to excel, creating solutions for current and future unmet needs.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n该大学与全球其他200多所大学密切合作,并且还在研究,教育,文化和商业领域与非大学研究所建立了联系。", "output": "The University cooperates closely with more than 200 other universities worldwide and is also affiliated with non-university institutes in the areas of research, education, culture and business.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我感觉自己目前处于一个很好的阶段,我生活的各个方面也都很好。", "output": "I consider that I now have a balanced life, that I am successful in all its aspects.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n」那張紙條一直在那裡,提醒我記得天父這位傑出的女兒。", "output": "It remains there and reminds me of that exceptional daughter of Father in Heaven.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在过去的一年里,Cass曾担任纽约代理商的顾问,包括Carrot Creative的工作。", "output": "Over the past year Cass has worked as a consultant for agencies in New York, including stints at Carrot Creative.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n澳政府前不久揭开了其电力发展战略的面纱。", "output": "Recently the government released its Clean Growth Strategy.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n2020年B2B商业营销的五种预测", "output": "Five 2020 Predictions for B2B Marketers", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们收到良好的教育高等教育的专业知识,从我们的赞助商,中央兰开夏大学。", "output": "We receive excellent higher education expertise from our education sponsor, the University of Central Lancashire.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n还是那个头和脚都小小的。", "output": "Their hands and feet are small.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n《蜘蛛侠4》取消的同时,索尼也宣布这一系列将由新的导演和演员重启。", "output": "So, Sony Pictures cancelled Spider-man 4 and announced that the franchise would be rebootted with a new director and new cast.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n第135條 納希契凡自治共和國的分權", "output": "Article 135 Division of powers in Nakhichevan Autonomous Republic", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你永遠也不會是你的父母,你懂嗎?Do you understand?", "output": "You'll never be your Mother or your Father, do you understand?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在加固方面,有两种类型。", "output": "Regarding reinforcement, there are two types.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n一些分析师认为,最近公布的裁员将导致这一数字在未来几周内上升。", "output": "Some analysts believe recently announced layoffs will cause that number to rise in the coming weeks.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我会毫不犹豫地参加他们将来的任何活动,并强烈建议其他人也这样做", "output": "I wouldn’t hesitate in attending any of their future events and highly recommend others to do the same", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n预计他被释放后将被驱逐出境。", "output": "I would hope that when he is released, he is deported.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nBART工作人员目前每月支付92美元用于医疗保健,并且对他们的养老金没有任何贡献。", "output": "BART workers also pay $92 per month for health care and do not contribute toward their pensions.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nRATE团队另一个引人注意的观察是从钻石中所发现的碳-14数目。", "output": "Other important findings of the RATE project include detecting carbon-14 in coal and diamonds.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nHD和HDTV是什么?", "output": "What are HD and HDTV?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n今天,中国的利益和未来与世界的利益密切相关。", "output": "Today, China’s interests and future are closely linked to those of the world.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“我们现在最好是能喝上鸡汤,要不都没有奶。", "output": "Well, then I better have lactose-free milk or no milk at all.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们可以有很大的团结在每一场比赛,我们有机会。", "output": "We can have great solidarity in every game and we have a chance.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n她是变成巨型乌贼的巫师,我是杰克王子,最后我逃脱了。", "output": "She’s the wizard transformed into a giant squid and I’m prince JackerJack and I escape in the end.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n仅在2016年,烟草使用就导致全球 710 万人死亡(其中男性510万人,女性200万人)。", "output": "In 2016 alone, tobacco use caused over 7.1 million deaths worldwide (5.1 million in men, 2.0 million in women).", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n此外,研究人员发现,BAP 1通过介导一种叫做slc7a 11的胱氨酸“转运体”的抑制来促进铁下垂。", "output": "They also discovered that BAP1 promotes ferroptosis by mediating repression of a cystine ‘transporter’ called SLC7A11.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n国民议会在选出后的第二个星期四自行召集会议。", "output": "The National Assembly shall convene as of right on the second Thursday following its election.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n转型中的地方政府:官员激励与治理", "output": "Local Government in Transition: Official Incentives and Governance.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在巴厘岛,货币兑换商提供的兑换率通常比银行要好,它们保持开放的时间更长,交易也更快。", "output": "Exchange rates offered by the moneychangers are generally better than the banks, they stay open longer and transactions are quicker.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n似乎明白为什么人们会这么喜欢猫了。", "output": "I have trouble understanding why people like cats so much.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n难道这样的中国还不能叫做轴承强国吗?", "output": "Can such a China not be called a bearing power?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n关于未来,方哲伦有一个大胆的想法,就是把欧洲已经非常流行的一种“虚拟中介系统”引入中国市场。", "output": "With regard to the future, Jerome has a bold idea, introduce a “virtual intermediary system” to Chinese market which is already very popular in Europe.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们的基本人权从何而来?", "output": "For example, where do basic human rights come from?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n\"曾经覆盖地球的森林有近一半已不复存在。", "output": "“Almost one half of the forests that once covered the Earth are now gone.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n伊朗红新月会下属搜救机构说,他们也向可能的失事地点派出12支搜救队。", "output": "The Relief and Rescue Organisation of Iran’s Red Crescent said it had also sent 12 teams to the region.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但她真正想要的是一个有男子气概的男人成为她孩子的父亲,加里也不是个男子汉。", "output": "But what she was really looking for is a manly man to be the father of her children, and Gary’s not a manly man.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他说:“世界在变化,我们必须适应它。", "output": "She elaborates, “the world is changing, and we have to change with it.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n煤炭在一次能源消费结构中占主导地位(60%以上,由于电热的高产能和钢铁焦炭的应用)。", "output": "The clear predominance of coal in the structure of primary energy consumption (over 60 % as a result of the high rate of thermo-electrical generation and the iron and steel industry application of coke).", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nRichard來自加拿大", "output": "Richard came from Canada.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n5) 「你們的祖宗亞伯拉罕歡歡喜喜地仰望我的日子,既看見了就快樂。", "output": "\"Your father Avraham rejoiced at the thought of seeing my day; he saw it and was glad.\"", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但其內容仍然以「實用」為主,多半是生物地層問題。", "output": "It is mostly “basic” material but focused towards field biologists.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我不习惯飞这么高,这就是全部。", "output": "You’re not used to flying, that’s all.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n对于正常的黑洞来说,这个过程并不快,它比宇宙的年龄还要长一些,因为黑洞会使太阳的质量蒸发。", "output": "For normal black holes, the process is not a fast one, it taking longer than the age of the universe for a black hole the mass of the sun to evaporate.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n因为在这个世界里,一切都预先被原谅了,一切皆可笑的被允许了”。", "output": "“For in this world everything is pardoned in advance and therefore everything cynically permitted.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n《流浪地球》开头的第一场戏讲的就是“希望”。", "output": "The theme for the first week of Advent was “hope.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他为此还曾报警声请保护令。", "output": "She was also advised by police to seek a protection order.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n自二十世纪七十年代初以来,天文学家观测到天鹅座X-3的X射线有4.8小时的变化。", "output": "Since the early 1970s, astronomers have observed a regular 4.8-hour variation in the X-rays from Cygnus X-3.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但美国和欧元区现在正在收紧货币政策,且经济学家们对土耳其企业债务增加表示担心。", "output": "But the US and the euro zone are now reining in their monetary policy, and economists have signalled unease at an increase in Turkish companies’ debt.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n公众受邀踊跃出席此次难得的说明会。", "output": "The public is encouraged to attend this informative evening of discussion.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n媒体应该适合您,并符合您的家庭价值观和养育方式。", "output": "Media should work for you and within your family values and parenting style.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n例如:以赛亚书四十三章七节:「凡称为我名下的人,是我为自己的荣耀创造的,是我所作成,所造作的。", "output": "She gave me a verse from Isaiah 43:7: “everyone who is called by my name, whom I created for my glory, whom I formed and made.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“我为他感到高兴,他完成了出色的赛季。", "output": "\"I'm happy for him that he's had a great season.\"", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n当有关重组的讨论开始时,Insta-gram的创始人们推荐Mosseri。", "output": "When conversations about the reorganization began, the Instagram founders pushed to bring in Mosseri.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nLoituma乐队是一支芬兰四重奏乐队,采用芬兰传统的歌唱和器乐风格。", "output": "The band Loituma is a Finnish quartet utilising traditional singing and instrumental styles from Finnland.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n每个职业都有三节课,为期两周年9月,10和11。", "output": "Each class has three lessons over two weeks in years 9, 10 and 11.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但人道主义行动并不总是那么快,人们的需求也不尽相同。", "output": "But humanitarian action is not always as fast as it should be, and needs are unevenly met.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我成为俄罗斯关系方面的专家", "output": "I want to be an expert in Russian relations", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我相信她肯定还活着,还好好的活着。", "output": "I hope she is still alive and well.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我立即说:‘不 必要的战争’。", "output": "I said at once, \"The Unnecessary War.\"", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这个片子原来就是彩色么?", "output": "Is this movie in colour?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n结婚15天后,他拒绝让我女儿住在他家。", "output": "Heafter 15 years of marriage he still refuses to put my name on our house.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n美宇航局首次發現「行星間衝擊」證據", "output": "NASA finds evidence of ‘interplanetary shock’ for first time", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n爸爸担心政府会强制我们去上学,但并没有,因为政府压根不知道我们的存在。", "output": "Dad worries that the government will force us to go, but it can’t because it doesn’t know about us.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n什么是“社区e银行”?", "output": "What is a \"community bank\"?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”它从来没有住超过几分钟。", "output": "\"She's never stayed more than a few minutes, though.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我和Rouletabille看着我们的主人。", "output": "Rouletabille and I looked at our host.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但不要指望这里有任何印度餐馆,因为还没有。", "output": "But don't expect any Indian restaurants as there aren't any yet.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“荷兰选手仍然比我们更好,更强,但是我们正在上升并且可以挑战他们。", "output": "“The Dutch skaters are still better and stronger than us, but we are coming and we have room to improve and we can challenge them.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但是人才不平等,她的言论是我在今年的毕业典礼上遇到过的最好的。", "output": "But talent being unequal, her remarks were among the best I’ve encountered at this year’s graduations.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”这一规定鲜明地表达了我们国家对待英雄的态度。", "output": "And this is an ongoing trend in the way our country treats its heroes.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n让人们能方便地将他们的网络暴露给他们信任的人。", "output": "Make it easy for people to expose their networks to people they trust with that data.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但是再往前推,顶着多年韩国第一美女称号的其实还得是金喜善吧!", "output": "But then push forward, for many years, the title of Korea’s first beauty actually has to be Kim Hee Sun!", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n那天晚上在餐桌上,她終於對父母提出了她的疑問。", "output": "That night at the dinner table, he brought it up with his parents.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n真主剥夺了恶魔伊卜里斯享受恩惠的权利,让它尝到自己的威力。", "output": "THEN God ordered Satan to show himself to Adam plainly, in his own hideous form.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这种预测准确性大大提高了多基因评分作为研究工具的效用。", "output": "This prediction accuracy substantially increases the utility of polygenic scores as tools in research.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这里是游客来巴黎参观时的必到之处。", "output": "This is what tourists come to see when they come to visit Paris.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n冬哥哥来到了森林里。", "output": "Winter has come to the forest.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nMVP(最有价值球员)", "output": "The MVB (Most Valuable Buyer)", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n她的父母甚至因为对宗教的兴趣而给她买了古兰经,却没有意识到她已经变得激进了", "output": "Her parents even bought her a Koran because of her interest in the religion, unaware that she had become radicalized.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这一趋势会让工人更有信心去进行斗争,因为他们在自己的家乡能得到更多支援。", "output": "This trend can make workers’ struggles more confident as workers can get greater support in their hometown.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们的七架单引擎赛斯纳飞机机队为学生提供一致性和可靠性。", "output": "DIVERSE FLEET Our fleet of seven single engine Cessna aircraft offers consistency and dependability to students.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果没有,那可能是你的幸运生活。", "output": "If not, this may be your chance.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这就是你会得到的感觉。", "output": "That will be the feeling you get.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n不过,这一切都将导致圣诞节前夕的精彩时刻。", "output": "Still, it all leads to a wonderful moment on Christmas Eve.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n通过树立榜样,活跃在美国以及其他自由主义国家的民间社会组织得以进一步在海外推进民主。", "output": "By example and activism, vibrant civil societies in the United States and other liberal countries can do much to further democracy abroad.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在一天结束时,当每个人都筋疲力尽时,你会得到一个新的86,400秒。", "output": "And at the end of the day, once they all are used up you get another 86,400 seconds.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n它只有一个按钮,可与智能手机配对,所有配置均使用电话完成。", "output": "It has only one button on the side for pairing with a smartphone, all configuration is done using a telephone.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n土耳其议会批准言论自由改革", "output": "Turkey approves free speech reform", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n请尽早注册,因为空间有限,价格会随着营地临近而增加。", "output": "Sign up as soon as possible, space is limited as it draws closer to the event.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n

“对于一个人来说", "output": "Think of “P” for person.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n来自世界各地的车队在大量日常赛段和多个特殊挑战", "output": "Teams from all around the world battle it out in intensive daily stages and numerous special challenges.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n今年我们真的会在那里。", "output": "We'll definitely be there this year.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n伊斯兰产品和投资组合提供投资和融资的可行替代模式在最近几年。", "output": "Islamic products and portfolios offer a viable alternative mode for investment and finance in recent years.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n此前,她曾担任SR。", "output": "She previously acted as Snr.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n目前公司在Facebook的粉丝已经超过400万,而且在专业摄影师圈子里极受推崇。", "output": "The company has more than 4 million Facebook fans and is publicly praised by pro photographers.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n她的嘴是不说话的,因为她说出一个字就可以使她的哥哥们丧失生命。", "output": "Her mouth was closed; a single word would cost the lives of her brothers.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n基本上它是一个主题,设计,有人已建成并出售了很多人的网站,因此成本较低。", "output": "Essentially, a theme is website design that someone has built and sold to many people, thus lowering the costs to you.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我們真誠地想要做某件事,變成某種人,可是卻做不到。", "output": "We sincerely want to do something or become something, but we cannot do it.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但就像所有力量一样,有些人只想占为己有。", "output": "But like all power there are those who want to keep it to themselves.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n唱片公司:Sony/Bmg Int'l", "output": "Manufacturer: Sony/Bmg Int'L", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n可以运送更多的货物,赚取更多的利润。", "output": "You can transport more goods and earn more profits.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果你这样做,你将不得不更加努力。", "output": "If that happens, you’ll have to work harder.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n人们改变是因为他们想改变。", "output": "People change because they want to change.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“为什么不是鱼比你更需要?", "output": "“So why don’t you catch more fish than you need?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nA321neo将为乘客提供新的标准,以优化客舱空间,增加出口的大小,并设计新的乘客门", "output": "The A321NEO will provide passengers with new standards that will optimise cabin space, increase the size of the exits and new design of passenger cabins.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这样他就会知道他和他打交道的那个人的性格了。", "output": "Now he knew the character of the man he was dealing with.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n注意力不集中测试FOCU-SHIF是基于经典的Conners(CPT)测试。", "output": "The Inattention Test FOCU-SHIF is based on the classic Conners (CPT) test.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n小小年紀,我們就已發現找個好職員非常困難。", "output": "At a young age, find a really good agent.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nPeter Gunthorp表达的观点是在3月22日,并有可能发生变化。", "output": "Views expressed by Peter Gunthorp are as of March 22nd and subject to change.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n该调查还显示,德国人和法国人对马克龙设立欧洲财政部长和制定欧元区预算的理念最感到怀疑。", "output": "The survey also showed that Germans and French are the most sceptical toward Macron's ideas for a European finance minister and dedicated eurozone budget.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n這是我第一次翻譯貼文。", "output": "This is my first time to translate.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这座长屋可住23户家人。", "output": "This hostel accommodated 23 new families.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n即:聯合履約、排放貿易和清潔發展機制。", "output": "These are Emission Trading, Joint Implementation and Clean Development Mechanism.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n例如,如果出于某种原因,人们对未来变得不那么有信心,他们就会削减支出,囤积更多的钱。", "output": "For instance, if for some reason people have become less confident about the future, they will cut back on their outlays and hoard more money.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n德国父母可以获得总共14个月的育儿假期。", "output": "German mothers are guaranteed 14 weeks of fully-paid maternity leave.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n人类生态学的研究对象是人类生态系统 。", "output": "Social sciences consider the human components of the ecosystem.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nQ: 这一学年最喜欢的经历是什么?", "output": "Q: What is your favorite part of the school year?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但州际商务委员会(ICC)并没有施行其裁决,所以吉姆·克劳法仍然在整个美国南部施行。", "output": "The ICC failed to enforce its ruling, and Jim Crow travel laws remained in force throughout the South.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n(6)限制盐及水的摄入。", "output": "(6) limit salt and water intake.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果我们不会再来,那将是很好的了。", "output": "If I never have to come back here, that would be fine.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nArnault,被称为“羊绒中的狼”,出生于法国城市鲁贝。", "output": "Arnault, known as “the wolf in cashmere,” was born in he French city of Roubaix.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n下一篇::我的新玩具|", "output": "There you have it: my new toy.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n二、对于出口关税税率,《方案》规定对烙铁等202项出口商品征收出口关税。", "output": "Regarding export tariff rates, the Plan will impose export duties on 202 items of exported goods, such as soldering iron.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n也就是说,KPTI 已经在最后期限的压力下安全补丁的所有标记都已经就绪了。", "output": "KPTI, in other words, has all the markings of a security patch being readied under pressure from a deadline.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n吸血鬼咬的就像蛇咬人;如果蛇有一个好的握柄,你就不会把它扬起了。", "output": "Vampire bites are like snake bites; if the snake has a good grip, you don't just yank it off.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n,我就要买你们的叶惠美。", "output": "Will be purchasing your jewelry.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你17岁,她在等一个重要电话。", "output": "When you were 17, she was expecting an important", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n上述资料应被视为我方财产,同时您提交此类信息时也等于同时提交予我方所有相关的权利、所有权和利益。", "output": "Submission stated as above shall be deemed the property of our company and your submission of such information shall constitute an assignment to us of all rights, titles and interests.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n关于父母的歌曲有哪些", "output": "What song is about my parents?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们基督徒教要特别小心,千万不要落入这个圈套。", "output": "Which is why we have to be careful, especially as Christians, not to fall into this trap.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n150所房屋被烧毁。", "output": "About 150 houses were blown down.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n数字印刷的主要优势是能够缩短25.7%的循环时间,同时仍可实现13.8%的可变数据应用。", "output": "25.7% faster cycle times are recognized as the primary advantage of digital printing while still achieving 13.8% more variable data applications.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nShaughnessy: 你在太平洋西北部?", "output": "Do you live in the pacific northwest?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们以健康的竞争与合作的关系看待的美中关系。", "output": "We view it in terms of a healthy mix of competition and cooperation.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n不过,叙利亚内战还远远没有结束。", "output": "The Syrian civil war is, however, far from finished.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我正在努力修整你们的教室,使你们得到学习需要的课本,设备和计算机。", "output": "I’m working hard to fix up your classrooms and get you the books, equipment and computers you need to learn.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果你以为荷兰是在欧洲,那你就大错特错了。", "output": "If you thought Holland was in Europe – you are correct!", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n根据国际和国家法律保护物种,但这些法律往往没有得到实施。", "output": "The species is protected under both international and national laws, but often these laws are not enforced.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他征服了每一个地方的每一个人,也就是说,他杀了很多人,因为他是一个伟大的天才。", "output": "He conquered everybody everywhere--that is, he killed many people because he was a great genius.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n此次的主题”生机勃勃的海洋及海岸:资源多样性与可持续发展“。", "output": "Its formal theme is \"The Living Ocean and Coast: Diversity of Resources and Sustainable Activities.\"", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n什么hell-what能伤害吗?", "output": "I figured- what can it hurt?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n目前還不清楚習近平是否真的說過中國會干涉菲律賓的政治的聲明,但總統在過去曾發表過有關機密談話的聲明。", "output": "It is unclear whether Xi really said China would interfere in Philippine politics but the president has made statements in the past based on supposed confidential conversations.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n大萧条始于2007年12月,并于2009年6月结束,尽管全国经济复苏乏力,大多数州的失业率缓慢下降。", "output": "The Great Recession began in December 2007 and ended in June 2009, though the recovery nationwide has been lackluster and unemployment in most states has retreated slowly.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n葡萄牙的移民都是些什么人?", "output": "Who are Germany’s immigrants?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我父亲不是典型的日本人,因为他在上海长大。", "output": "My father wasn’t typically Japanese at all because he grew up in Shanghai.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nK&N的总部和主要制造工厂位于加利福尼亚州的Riverside。", "output": "The K&N World headquarters, main manufacturing facilities, and primary distribution center is based in Riverside, California.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n70 或以下: 最低風險", "output": "less than 0.70 – lowest risk", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n此外,超过的一些历史记录识别的准确度的不确定性也蒙蔽我们的理解。", "output": "In addition, uncertainty over the accuracy of identification of some historical records also clouds our understanding.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n叙利亚战争:Idlib叛乱分子以“数周内最激烈袭击”为目标", "output": "ABOVE: Idlib rebels targeted by ‘fiercest raids in weeks’ in Syrian war.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“厨房台面上的一个智能语音助理不知道它是不是在厨房里,更不用说知道一个人在厨房里做什么了。", "output": "A smart speaker sitting on a kitchen countertop cannot figure out if it is in a kitchen, let alone know what a person is doing in a kitchen.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n(一)绿色经济学的基本观点", "output": "The basic idea of Ecological Economics", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n巴西一部落没有时间概念", "output": "Amazon Tribe lacks concept of Time", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n她本可以拥有任何人的。", "output": "She could have had anyone.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“我们得到的假期需求激增是在后视镜中,”Again Capital的John Kilduff说道", "output": "“The holiday demand surge that we get is in the rearview mirror,” said John Kilduff at Again Capital.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n第二,投资涉及某些风险要素,第三,它必须是可交易的。", "output": "Second, the investment involves risk, and third, it must be tradable.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这款先进3D扫描仪应用广泛,包括逆向工程、计量分析、建模、设计等等。", "output": "This advanced 3D scanner has a wide range of applications, including reverse engineering, metrological analysis, modeling, design and more.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n智齿也可能受到影响 - 它们被封闭在软组织和/或颚骨内,或者仅部分穿过或喷出牙龈。", "output": "Wisdom teeth also can be impacted when they are enclosed within the gums and/or the jawbone or only partially break through or erupt through the gum.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nCarr正在带领美国宇航局的一项测序工作,而Johnson的技术可以增加类似工具的效用。", "output": "Carr is leading one of the NASA sequencing efforts, and Johnson’s technique could increase such a tool’s usefulness.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在藝術節期間,每逢周二均有不同種類的音樂表演。", "output": "During the Festival, each Tuesday featured a different type of music.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n弗格森发生的事情可能不是唯一的,但它不再是地方性的,或者法律和习俗认可。", "output": "“What happened in Ferguson may not be unique, but it’s no longer endemic, or sanctioned by law and custom.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n』聽說心臟發作最常發生在星期一早上。", "output": "Heart attacks most commonly occur on Monday mornings.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“乌姆不肯定那是个好主意。", "output": "Ummm not sure if its a good idea.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n2019年第一季度Facebook对大约90万件药品销售内容采取了行动,其中83.3%是主动发现的。", "output": "Lastly, according to the “Data on Regulated Goods” of the first quarter of 2019, Facebook took action on about 900,000 pieces of drug sale content, of which 83.3 percent was detected proactively.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n报道称,其中一名情况极其危急的受害者已被送往特里普勒陆军医疗中心,另一人被送往巴利莫米医疗中心。", "output": "One of the victims in extremely critical condition was taken to the Tripler Army Medical Center, and one to Pali Momi Medical Center.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你接受不了檢查結果,難過了很久。", "output": "And you are failing the Test, you have been for a long time.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n第五个争论的焦点,就是上帝的品格。", "output": "The subject of the fifth conversation was God’s righteousness.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n是的,这也是我最初的想法。", "output": "Yes, that was my initial thought as well.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n看来金融科技(无论带不带标签注明)意味着所有能够完全变革我们对资产管理行业认知的一切。", "output": "It seems that fintech (used with or without a hashtag) means all that and much more and could completely revolutionize what we think of as the asset management industry.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n中国大陆的芯片企业在创新方面大幅落后于全球领导厂商(尽管海思半导体是个例外)。", "output": "The mainland’s chip firms mostly lag far behind global leaders in invention (though HiSilicon is a notable exception).", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们与中国的关系一直很好,我们期待着看到他们回来的想法", "output": "Our relationship with China has been a very good one, and we look forward to seeing what ideas they come back with.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n泄压阀 -该安全装置可将热水器内的压力保持在安全范围内。", "output": "Pressure relief valve – This safety device keeps the pressure inside the water heater within safe limits.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”国际投资者的疑虑可以理解。", "output": "“The sentiment from multinational investors is clear.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但是,司法权确是最小危险部门吗?", "output": "Is the judiciary the “least dangerous” branch?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n而我,现在已成为他们所期待的那样。", "output": "So, I gave them what they expected.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n弹药库发生爆炸,在俄罗斯并不是什么罕见的事件。", "output": "Ammunition depot explosions are not unusual in Russia.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n贪婪的人往往会获得时,他们就开始赚钱,而这种傲慢会失去他们很多钱的路。", "output": "People tend to get greedy when they begin earning money, and this hubris can lose them a lot of money down the road.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这让他想起古老的黑白电影。", "output": "That brings back memories of the old black and white movies.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n美国投资者帮助他们建立了自己的公司,其中一些中国公司转而投资美国公司。", "output": "American investors helped them get established, and some of those Chinese companies turned around and invested in American companies.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我现在可以,虽然它仍然是痛苦的。", "output": "I can now, though it is still painful.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n都可稱做Lotus 也可以叫Water lily。", "output": "Colloquially, the Lotus has been called the water lily.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n「騰格拉爾也像其它的人一樣看得見嗎?」", "output": "Does Scully see him just like the others?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n有一些面包师决定只租赁商业厨房。", "output": "Some bakers decide to rent out commercial kitchen space only.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n8不过,你们如果照着经上那条至尊的律法“要爱邻如己”完全实行,你们就做得很好了。", "output": "8 If, however, you are fulfilling the royal law according to the Scripture, \"YOU SHALL LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF,\" you are doing well.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你10岁,她整天为你忙,从足球场到健身房,到每一个生日会场。", "output": "When you were 10 years old she drove you all day, from soccer to gymnastics to one birthday party after another.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n譬如,在亚投行的创始成员国中,有18个欧洲国家。", "output": "For example, among the founding members of the AIIB, there are 18 European countries.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在指数式衰减中,科学家们谈论了半衰期的概念,也就是剩余一半的原始材料。", "output": "In exponential decay, scientists talk about the concept of a \"half-life,\" when half of the original material is left.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n7:26 眾人在亞干身上堆成一大堆石頭,直存到今日。", "output": "7:26 They raised over him a great heap of stones that remains to this day.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在这里,我们使用金鱼鳞片作为共存的破骨细胞和成骨细胞的骨骼模型,并证明褪黑素合成在微重力下减少。", "output": "Here we used goldfish scales as a bone model of coexisting osteoclasts and osteoblasts and demonstrated that melatonin synthesis decreased under microgravity.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n基督徒讀同一本聖經但會有非常多不一樣的解釋。", "output": "Christians can read the same Bible but draw different conclusions.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n的确,真理不被那个朝“存在意志”之语射击的人打击:那并不存在。", "output": "\"Indeed, the truth was not hit by him who shot at it with the word of the 'will to existence': that will does not exist.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但它也会更少的私人。", "output": "Work can also be less personal.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他们的举措描绘出了一幅转型中的行业图景。", "output": "Their moves paint a picture of an industry in transition.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n事实是来自世界各地的数百万交易商使用经济日历。", "output": "The fact is that millions of traders from around the world use the economic calendar.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n一些西歐國家已經稅收轉移,正处在被称为是環境稅改革的過程中。", "output": "Several Western European countries are already shifting taxes in a process known there as environmental tax reform.[110]", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n人,面对事,面对自。", "output": "Live, in person, face to face.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n它们在这方面需要俄罗斯的帮助。", "output": "Russian help is required in this area.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n6个月后,他被解雇了。", "output": "6 days later he's fired.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你失去了孩子,是因为你所期待的那个孩子根本就没有降生。", "output": "You lost a child because the child you waited for never came into existence...", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“我认为基础设施的能力是有的。", "output": "\"I think the infrastructure is capable.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nGear VR并不具备位置追踪功能。", "output": "Gear VR does not yet have positional tracking.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n它不会产生交通问题。", "output": "It will not create traffic issues.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n现在有人想彻底宰掉这位“恐怖女王”。", "output": "Now someone wants to kill the \"Queen of Terror\"...", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果衣服很臟,請使用臨時洗滌模式或放置兩個周期。", "output": "If your clothes are really filthy, use the pre-wash mode or run 2 cycles.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n您可采取以下交通方式前往酒店:", "output": "You can get to the hotel by using the following transports:", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n1993- 代表日本參加威尼斯雙年展", "output": "1993: Represented Japan at the VeniceBiennale", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n荷兰(2006年7月) A/HRC/4/34/Add.4", "output": "Netherlands (July 2006) A/HRC/4/34/Add.4", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nOCSiAl公司是第一家开发了生产单壁碳纳米管突破技术的公司,首次实现大规模商用。", "output": "OCSiAl was the first company to develop breakthrough technology for the production of single-wall carbon nanotubes, enabling large-scale commercial use for the first time.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这有时候被称为认同。", "output": "This is sometimes called the identity.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n那时,我发誓:今生不再跳舞。", "output": "Since then, she swore not ever to dance anymore.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n今天,你妈妈和我承诺尽我们人生微薄之力,帮助应对这些挑战。", "output": "Today your mother and I are committing to spend our lives doing our small part to help solve these challenges.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n官网信息什么的直接都会发到我这。", "output": "WEB All the information comes directly to me.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n目前,只有14%的美国劳动力可以获得雇主赞助的带薪家庭假。", "output": "Currently, just 14 percent of the U.S. workforce has access to employer-sponsored paid family leave.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“这不是一场友谊赛,这是一场欧冠比赛。", "output": "“This is not a bowl game, this is a championship game.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n只限于欧洲:下单后的 5-7 个工作日内收到商品*", "output": "Only available within Europe: delivery within 5-7 days*", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n现在看看为 create 方法生成的字节码:", "output": "Also, notice the pattern of created things:", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n联合国 罗马化系统工作组 [30] 建议分别为指定的语言制定不同的罗马化系统。", "output": "The Working Group on Romanization Systems[35] of the UnitedNations recommends different systems for specific languages.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我认为,就像我说的,你是一个非常聪明的人。", "output": "Like I said, you are a very smart person.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n安吉拉-斯坦福德甚至参加了培训,准备3月份参加洛杉矶马拉松。", "output": "Stanford even is training to run the Los Angeles Marathon in March.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我正在思考的是,如果我是一個商人,在全球從事商業貿易,我希望擁有一種每個交易對方都能接受的貨幣。", "output": "But the way I think about it is if I’m a businessman and I’m enacting in trade and commerce on a global scale, I want to have a currency that every counterparty can accept.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n其結果往往是令人欣喜的,有時是震撼的。", "output": "The results were mostly touching and sometimes shocking.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你说:“你们绝对不得跟我们去,以前,真主已这样说过了。", "output": "Say, “You will not follow us; Allah has said so before.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n根据这一评估,并与父母交谈,在学校一个委员会制定个性化的金融援助计划,根据每个家庭的特殊需要。", "output": "Based this assessment and conversations with the parents, a committee at the school develops an individualized financial aid package, according to each family’s particular need.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n然而他把原本的第 2 點完全刪除了。", "output": "The Committee, however, deleted the original Section 2.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n北京正在努力增加全科醫生的數量。", "output": "Beijing is working to increase the number of general practitioners.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n因此,不要推测、争论清楚,开始您的合乎逻辑的步骤。", "output": "Therefore, don't assume, argue clearly, stating your logical steps.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在中国,不断加强的宇宙空间力量获得了几次胜利。", "output": "Rising space power China garnered several wins.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我有兩個孩子,我不能冒這個險。", "output": "I have 2 small boys and can’t take that chance.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他们打了他当他试图抗议。", "output": "They hit him when he tried to stop them.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n然而这些活动并不是都需要很多空间的。", "output": "These types of activities also don’t require a lot of space.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n這些強項是真正的機會。", "output": "These strengths are the true opportunities.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n宪法是我们根本的活动准则,各级政府及其工作人员都必须严格遵守。", "output": "The Constitution is the fundamental guide on which our every action should be based; governments at all levels and their employees must faithfully observe it.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我母亲发了一封慰问信和一张支票来支付火葬的费用。", "output": "My mother sent a consoling letter along with a check to cover the cost of the cremation.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你是我已看过的最好的博客之一。", "output": "You are one of the best blogger I ever knew.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们需要提高合作效率,为此,我们需要建立和利用这些新的生态系统。", "output": "We need to become more efficient at collaborating, and to do so, we need to build and tap into these new ecosystems.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”有人把一枚炸弹了吗?", "output": "Had someone planted a bomb?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你可以在商店裡輕鬆地找到迷迭香;同樣地,你也可以找到迷迭香茶和油。", "output": "Rosemary can bought at stores, you can as well find rosemary teas and oils.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n简•奥斯汀肖像可能登上10英镑纸币", "output": "Jane Austen Will Appear on £10 Note", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在这种情况下,您不需要实现上述任何方法。", "output": "In this case you do not have to fulfill any of the above conditions.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n美國企業也熱衷於尋求更清潔的能源。", "output": "Corporate America is also clamoring for cleaner energy.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n更好满足残疾人的需求。", "output": "better meets the needs of persons with disabilities.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n据国际特赦机构以及人权组织表示,美国是世界上唯一的可以对未成年宣判终身监禁,不得保释的国家。", "output": "According to Amnesty International, the U.S. is the only country where minors can be sentenced to life imprisonment without parole.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这种犬种的名称来自于他们可能的发源地,也就是苏格兰与英格兰的边界。", "output": "The breed gets its name from the place of its origin – the Scottish/English borders.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n该机构目前正准备对这一问题采取公众的意见。", "output": "And the agency is currently preparing to take public comment on the issue.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n无疑,魔鬼是不会吃亏的。", "output": "The Devil doubtless is no loser by it.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n2002年12月,卡塔尔政府退出持有海湾航空。", "output": "The Qatari government withdrew from Gulf Air in 2002.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n谢谢对翻译的肯定 :)", "output": "Thank you for this translation :)", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他說:「祈禱能潔淨我們,閱讀經文能教導我們。", "output": "He said: Call, and it is Ours to convey it.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n那么如何才能保证自己的钱不被贬值?", "output": "But how to be sure this money is not being wasted?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n今天的世界非常需要這樣的信息。", "output": "Such a message is very much needed in this world today.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n有很多很棒的项目已经证明了dapps如何改善用户体验。", "output": "There are plenty of great projects already demonstrating how dapps can improve user experience.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“若重复使用密钥,曾受心脏出血漏洞影响的网站仍面临与尚未更换SSL证书网站一样的风险。", "output": "By reusing the same private key, a site that was affected by the Heartbleed bug still faces exactly the same risks as those that have not yet replaced their SSL certificates.[36]", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n3、步进电机控制,该系统具有精确度高,无需调整其它部件可改变制袋长度,且准确无误。", "output": "2: Stepping motor control, the system has high accuracy, no need to adjust other components can change the bag length, and accurate.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n請提前15分鐘到達。", "output": "Please arrive 15 minutes beforehand.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n新耶路撒冷長1500英里,寬1500英里,高1500英里。", "output": "So new Jerusalem is 1500 miles long and 1500 miles wide and 1500 miles high.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n(撒迦利亞書4:8-10)自從19世紀末以來,證據清楚顯示上帝的靈一直與他的組織同在。", "output": "(Zechariah 4:8-10) Since the late 19th century, there has been clear evidence that God’s spirit rests on his organization.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n琳娜・海蒂首次参演的电影是1992年的《Waterland》。", "output": "The first major role on Lena Headey’s resume is for the 1992 movie Waterland.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n特别是blu97s对外界干扰非常敏感,没有定时自毁特性。", "output": "BLU-97s in particular were sensitive to disturbance and possessed no timed self-destruct feature.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n正確的表達方式將會是「上帝已經無關緊要了」。", "output": "The correct paraphrase is \"God was within the nothing\".", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”中国首个航空日旨在纪念中国在1970年4月24日发射第一架航空器。", "output": "The China Space Day was designated to mark the launch of China's first satellite on April 24, 1970.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在过去几年中,它也见证了难民之间的紧张关系。", "output": "The camp has witnessed tensions among its refugees in the past years.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n就我个人而言,没有偏好。", "output": "Personally, I have no favourites.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n5 大行业对洁净室环境的要求", "output": "Five major industries' requirements for clean room and clean room environment", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n2017年,红十字国际委员会对叙利亚各省进行了716次实地走访。", "output": "In 2017, the ICRC conducted 716 field visits to different governorates across Syria.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n上一篇:做好受伤的准备", "output": "First Aid: Be prepared for injuries.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n记住,这些文字都是危险的。", "output": "Just remember, judgments are dangerous.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我感觉到孩子真的是把话听进去了。", "output": "I hoped that the boys actually listened.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n从车辆,甚至爆炸的生物的影响,将改变世界的方式看。", "output": "Impacts from vehicles, or even exploding creatures, will change the way the world looks.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n下一篇:人们开始思考什么是真正的物质", "output": "People start thinking about what the real issues are.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n熟悉的声音会叫出你的名字。", "output": "The familiar sound of their voice will call out your name.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们都有共同的目标——为克罗地亚的成功付出一切。", "output": "We all had the same goal — to give our all for the success of Croatia.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我会喜欢David Gray是因为This Year's Love这首歌。", "output": "The one exception I have found to this is David Gray’s This Year’s Love.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这就提供了灵活的充电方式。", "output": "It offers flexible customizations.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n43.如果一个人一直都面带微笑,那他很可能是在推销不能用的东西。", "output": "If a man smiles all the time he’s probably selling something that doesn’t work.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果你想成功,你必须设定目标。", "output": "If you desire to succeed, you need to set goals.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n承诺全面执行“巴黎协定”。", "output": "We “committed to full implementation of the Paris Accord.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n而年长的人认为这会影响他们的效率,很少这么做。", "output": "Some people feel it will hinder their growth – they rarely do.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n与此类似,也最好要避免消极负面的评论。", "output": "Equally important is to avoid deleting a negative comment.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在这里阅读马刺周围所有最大和最好的故事。", "output": "Read more of the biggest and best stories from the Midlands here.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在20世紀,阿諾爾德·湯因比無疑是這種論調最爲清晰、最有影響力的代表。", "output": "In the 20th century, Arnold Toynbee was without doubt the most articulate and influential example of this approach.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n1. 懂得我们无法和人类或世界分离。", "output": "Understand we are not separate from humanity or the world.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”我们不是也有一个心吗?", "output": "\"Do we not have one heart too?\"", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nIn-N-Out是一家汉堡包快餐连锁企业,位于西海岸。", "output": "In-N-Out is the bombest fast-food burger chain out here on the West Coast.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我又说我觉得那没希望再那样下去没好处,她同意了,都没睁开眼看看。", "output": "I said again I thought it was hopeless and no good going on and she agreed, without opening her eyes.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n作为人类我们需要彼此", "output": "As humans, we need each other.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我心想的我师父能救她。", "output": "Just in case my believing could save her.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n出现贸易赤字的国家,其外汇储备将会减少,并最终使其本国货币币值降低(贬值)。", "output": "A nation with a trade deficit will experience reduction in its foreign exchange reserves which ultimately lowers (depreciates) the value of its currency.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n而且我不会因为任何其他原因而做到这一点,除了竞争和最好的努力以证明我可以挂起。", "output": "And I don't do it for any other reason except to compete and go up against the best to try to prove that I can hang.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n清算是一个场景的地狱。", "output": "The clearing was a scene out of the Inferno.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们是一个开放的,会员主导的组织,为寻求认证的森林和企业制定标准。", "output": "An open, membership-led organization that sets standards under which forests and companies are certified.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n该措施旨在增加国内生产、创造就业机会和振兴伊朗的老龄服装业。", "output": "The initiative is aimed at increasing domestic production, creating jobs and reviving Iran’s aging apparel industry.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nMySQL用来存储数据的文件格式已经被广泛测试过,但总是有导致数据表变得损坏的环境。", "output": "The file format that MySQL uses to store data has been extensively tested, but there are always circumstances that may cause database tables to become corrupted.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“我从来没见过她;如果我见过她,肯定也是跟其他人一起的时候。", "output": "I never met her; if I met her, it was in concert with other people.\"", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n真不知道美国的法律是怎么定出来的", "output": "Not sure what U.S. laws could be used.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n▎我何時意識到它是個問題?", "output": "When will I know it is a problem?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n《军官与淑女》1992年", "output": "\"Husbands and Wives,\" 1992.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n而在我出生的第七天,我奶奶突然暴毙而亡。", "output": "Then, when I was seven months pregnant, my grandmother died very suddenly.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“我相信,本着联盟精神,对恐怖主义进行果断的斗争将给全人类带来和平。", "output": "I am confident that a decisive struggle against terrorism, in line with the spirit of alliance, will bring peace to all humanity.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n印刷演变发展的过程也是人类文化发展的历史,并且带动了人类文化的繁荣与昌盛。", "output": "The evolution and development of printing is also the history of the development of human culture and promotes the prosperity of human culture.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我只想每周日观看新奥尔良圣徒队的比赛。", "output": "I will watch the New Orleans Saints every Sunday.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n从那开始,他开始深入了解面部护理技术,并且飞到新加坡的伦敦研究中心学习。", "output": "From there, he ventured into learning more about facial treatment techniques and went as far as flying to Singapore to study at the London Research Center.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n随着工程塑料硬度、强度、拉伸性能的不断提高,塑料车窗、车门、骨架乃至全塑汽车已逐步出现。", "output": "With the continuous improvement of engineering plastic hardness, strength and tensile properties, plastic Windows, doors, frames and even full-plastic cars have gradually appeared.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这主要是由于能源价格的下跌。", "output": "This is partly due to the decline in energy prices", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n关键产油国在该会议中。", "output": "The authors of the inflation critique were at that conference.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n因此,日本仍为LNG卖家提供充足的机遇,尤其是在现有的合约到期后。", "output": "As such Japan still provides ample opportunities for LNG sellers, particularly as existing contracts expire.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n促进在线银行应用程序使用率显著增长", "output": "Supports significant growth in online banking application adoption", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n事實上,世界根本就不需要宗教的存在。", "output": "Honestly, the world doesn’t need more religion.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n与此同时,24%的女性表示她们因性骚扰事件而离开了某个工作场所。", "output": "Meanwhile, 24 percent of women said they had left a workplace because of an incident of harassment.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n计算机技术的发展历程证明了技术的小型化如何能导致一场革命。", "output": "The development of computing demonstrates the way in which the miniaturisation of technology can produce a revolution.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n十几岁的男孩中约62%的人说他们喜欢玩很多视频游戏,女生则为20%。", "output": "Some 62% of teen boys say they enjoy playing video games \"a lot\" versus 20% of girls.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n您会参加今年的商业地产博览会吗?", "output": "Will you be attending the Business Travel Show this year?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n说,可以帮助我们想得更清楚。", "output": "It can help us think clearer.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n流行时尚设计师鲍勃・麦基设计并发布了这款金色芭比娃娃的限量版。", "output": "Bob Mackie, a popular fashion designer, designed and released just a limited edition of this beautiful Gold Barbie.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n不要有故意的玩笑或搞笑的句子出现在你的文章中。", "output": "No damaging language or offensive jokes with your set.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n调研报告,显示春节后,有30.4%职场人选择回家乡发展,其中,78.6%是为了回家照顾父母。", "output": "Report also reflects that after the Spring Festival, 30.4% of the workers choose to go home to develop, of which 78.6% are to take care of their parents .", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n(2)经济上应相互促进,共同发展,而不应造成贫富悬殊;", "output": "Economically they should complement one another and pursue common development and should not create a polarization of wealth.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n该理事会表现,12月1日至2月28日期间出现的极端天气现象,未来很可能会时常出现。", "output": "The sort of unseasonable conditions seen between Dec. 1 and Feb. 28 would likely be recurring regularly in future, the council said.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n斯特拉特福在1859年成为镇,1886年成为市。", "output": "Stratford was incorporated as a town in 1859 and as a city in 1886.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n然而,消费者支出在2020年仅占AR/VR总支出的三分之一多一点。", "output": "But consumer spending is a relatively small segment, accounting for just over one-third of all AR/VR spending in 2020.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这个也是一个长期的任务了。", "output": "Moreover, this was a long-term task even.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n因为20年前的这一天是卢旺达大屠杀开始的日子。", "output": "Today marks 20 years since the Rwandan massacres started.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n能够满足人们的日常的需要。", "output": "It can meet people’s daily needs.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n大多数机器学习系统通过梳理训练样例并寻找与人类注释器提供的分类相对应的模式来工作。", "output": "Most machine-learning systems work by combing through training examples and looking for patterns that correspond to classifications provided by human annotators.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“锻炼可以替代药物,但任何药物都替代不了锻炼”。", "output": "“Exercise substitutes lots of medicine, but there is no medicine that substitutes exercise.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n它支持文件系统比对,并能够感知到由apt、npm和pip这些包管理器所带来的变更。", "output": "It supports file-system differences and is aware of changes brought about by the apt, npm and pip package managers.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n也庆幸我出生得不算太早。", "output": "It is a good thing that I was not born early.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我在年初的时候,犯了一个很大的错误。", "output": "I made a huge mistake at the start of this year.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他回应,好像他自己设计的。", "output": "He responded as if he'd designed the thing himself.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n) 若有可能,液晶显示模组应保存于从我公司运出时的条件下。", "output": "If possible, the liquid crystal module should be stored under the conditions when shipped from our company.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n姑且抛开这些问题,包括作者在内的大多数科学家都同意目前数据还不能排除非生物的解释。", "output": "Those issues aside, most scientists—including the authors—agree that the data do not yet exclude nonbiological explanations.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我不知道他为什么要问。", "output": "I don't understand why he asks.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这是一个折腾:一半的受访者表示他们的婚姻陷入困境;一半说他们幸福地结婚了.", "output": "It's a toss-up: Half of respondents say their marriage was in trouble; half say they were happily married.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在1974年到1979年之间,红色高棉政权杀害了将近200万柬埔寨人。", "output": "– From 1974-79, almost 2-million Cambodians were murdered by the Khmer Rouge.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他递给了我,给了一嗅,然后退出,铺设了内容到他的手掌伸给我。", "output": "He smiled and took my hand, pouring oil into my palm and laying it against his chest.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nNTP的结论草案今天发布,作为两份技术报告,一份用于大鼠研究,一份用于小鼠研究。", "output": "The NTP’s final conclusions were released as two technical reports, one for rat studies and one for mouse studies.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n本届论坛也是芬兰作为欧盟理事会主席国官方计划的一部分。", "output": "The event is part of Finland's program for its presidency of the EU Council.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n就 Unix 时间而言,50 年没有什么特别的。", "output": "In terms of Unix time, there's nothing particularly special about 50 years.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这些盟友对一个屡次批评其最亲密伙伴,并谴责他们在防务上吃白食的美国政府感到不安。", "output": "These allies are dismayed by a U.S. administration that has repeatedly criticized its closest partners and accused them of freeloading on defense.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n现在,我们公司的名称与我们的战略性愿景贴的更近,并且还为我们树立和加强国际品牌形象提供了新的平台。", "output": "Our name is now more closely aligned with our strategic vision and provides a new platform for us to grow and strengthen our global brand.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n它以一种非常经济的方式扩大了空间。", "output": "They are expansive in an extremely economical way.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nadj. -able 可放回原處的;可替換的,可代替的。", "output": "Fungible (adj); capable of being replaced, exchangeable, interchangeable.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”让我们匆匆离开,\"于是低声对她,\"我不希望RodionRomanovich了解我们的会议。", "output": "\"Let us make haste away,\" Svidrigaïlov whispered to her, \"I don't want Rodion Romanovitch to know of our meeting.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“好,首先,那不全是你的错。", "output": "“Okay, first, that’s not entirely my fault.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我喜欢那道菜,从那天起就吃了。", "output": "I loved that dish and have since that day.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们的使命:把健康带给更多的人。", "output": "Our mission is to bring more health to more people.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们将目标定在觉悟真理的智慧上,因此不希望落入自、他的见解和观念的围困中。", "output": "We are aiming at the knowledge that comes from realization of the truth, so we don't want to get stuck in attachment to our own or others' views and opinions.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们谈得太多了,以致错过了电影。", "output": "We talked so much that we completely missed the movie.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n3月22日,美财政部宣布对委内瑞拉经济与社会发展银行及附属的4家金融机构进行制裁。", "output": "On March 22 the US treasury imposed additional sanctions on Venezuela's state-owned bank Banco de Desarrollo Economico y Social de Venezuela and four related financial institutions.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这两支部队在多次战争中都出现过。", "output": "Both of these have been used in various wars.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n据记者了解,,《办法》中这一规定的出台经过多次公开征求意见和研究。", "output": "It is understood by reporters that the promulgation of this provision in the measures has been subject to public consultation and research for many times.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n找到有意义的、正确的解决方案,然后开始行动起来。", "output": "Identify something concrete and specific, then start.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这或许就叫做“目光如炬”吧。", "output": "This can be termed as \"Looking Out\".", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“每当一辆大车过去时,你都可以看到我的卡车摇晃,这是非常不愉快的。", "output": "“Whenever a big vehicle passed, you could see my lorry shaking, it was quite unpleasant.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这不但节约了时间,而且还大大降低了误差,并且节约了安装工件就位所需的工装夹具等所需的昂贵费用。", "output": "This not only saves time, but greatly reduces errors and costly tooling and fixture expenses required to hold the workpiece in place.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n当时在旁听见的人,就感叹说:“这样,谁能得救呢?”", "output": "When those standing by heard this, they asked: “Who then can be saved?”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n大多数地方都是接收现金的,尽管有些交易只接收主流信用卡或借记卡。", "output": "Cash is accepted at most places, although some businesses only accept major debit or credit cards.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这位分析师还指出,英特尔在采用下一代芯片制造技术方面存在问题。", "output": "The analyst also noted Intel’s problems in moving to its next-generation chip manufacturing technology.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“处决罪犯不是重建正义和促进社会和解的方法。", "output": "''The killing of the guilty party is not the way to reconstruct justice and reconcile society.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我毕业于常春藤联盟,有一份很有声望的工作。", "output": "I graduated from an ivy league and had a prestigious job.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n17岁的Mergim Bajraliu说,他听到家里的枪声回响,并跑去检查他在学校的9岁姐姐。", "output": "5.42am: Mergim Bajraliu, 17, heard the gunshots echo from his home and raced to check on his 9-year-old sister at the school.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n比尔是一个特别的人。", "output": "Bill is a special person.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nAnita遭受多次骨折,第三次骨折出現在她得了流感並咳嗽時。", "output": "She sustained multiple spine fractures, with the third occurring when she had the flu and simply coughed.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“韧性就是接受你的新现实,即使不如以前的好。", "output": "1) “Resilience is accepting your new reality, even if it’s less good than the one you had before.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n首先要安装 p7zip-full", "output": "We've already installed the package p7zip-full,", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n她想把这个故事公之于众,因为她认为这对于精神疾病患者而言是令人鼓舞的。", "output": "She wanted his story told because she thought it would be inspiring for people with mental illnesses.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“El Tete”在他的表演中表现出极大的艺术成熟度,他一直被伟大的弗拉门戈艺术家所包围。", "output": "“El Tete” shows great artistic maturity in his performances, in which he has always been surrounded by great flamenco artists.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n许多新兴经济体也需要为下一代人维持安全的体系。", "output": "Many emerging economies also need to make their systems safe for the next generation.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他的发明以及他所使用的工业过程都是基于化学知识。", "output": "Many of his inventions and industrial processes he developed was based on chemical knowledge.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n华业资产出资认购上述产品的劣后级份额,为优先级份额提供本金及收益的保障,形成2~4倍的杠杆。", "output": "In this business, Huaye Capital contributes to subscribe for the inferior and inferior shares of the above-mentioned products, providing a guarantee of capital and income for the priority shares, forming a leverage of 2-4 times.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n巴格达成立不久,就发展成为伊斯兰世界的重要文化,商业和知识中心。", "output": "Within a short time of its inception, Baghdad evolved into a significant cultural, commercial, and intellectual center for the Islamic world.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“像所有新事物一样,它需要一些时间才能适应,”史密斯说。", "output": "“Like anything else, it takes time,” Smith said.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n望远镜看到红外光,它可以获取小行星的热量信号,并获得更好的真实尺寸估计。", "output": "The telescope sees infrared light, which allows it to pick up the heat signature of asteroids and obtain better estimates of their true sizes.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果你想找一张帮你回家的公路地图,你可以找到。", "output": "If you are looking for a road map to get you home, you've found it.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n问:你觉得你现在比职业生涯早期打的更聪明了些吗?当时你的大部分比赛都是硬碰硬的运动能力。", "output": "Q: Do you feel you're a smarter player now than earlier in your career when so much of your game was raw athleticism?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n2. 有效临时居住许可复印件(如果申请人住在塞浦路斯)", "output": "§ A copy of a valid temporary residence permit (if the applicant lives in Cyprus)", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n战略和战术是一个相对的概念。", "output": "Tactics and strategy are relative concepts.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n第二,SCP-128在任何时候都无法穿过固体屏障或者是小于2平方厘米的开口。", "output": "Second, SCP-128 cannot pass through solid barriers or openings which are smaller than two square centimeters at any point.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n或者她可能是个心理医生。", "output": "Or maybe she’s a psychopath.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在你的子宫内现在正发生着巨大的变化,一个小生命已经入住了。", "output": "There are several changes happening inside your body as a small life is getting penetrated.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n美国人民有权利这样做确切地知道如何华盛顿花费自己的钱,现在就该采取行动的时候。", "output": "\"The American people have a right to know exactly how Washington is spending their money.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我反對上帝的主張是因為整個宇宙看起來似乎如此殘酷又不公平。", "output": "My argument against God was that the universe seemed so cruel and unjust.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n有时,找出应该使用什么等级的不锈钢的最佳方法是看看过去使用过的是什么。", "output": "In some cases the best means to find out what quality of stainless steel need to be used is to see what has actually been utilized in the past.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n一切智慧和知识的宝库都藏在基督里面,基督是上帝的智慧。", "output": "All the treasures of wisdom and knowledge are hid in Christ, who is the Wisdom of God.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n据了解,该业务将首先向在英国注册的企业开放。", "output": "The platform will first be available to UK registered businesses.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”有很多人会给钱或材料,但很少人会给时间和感情。", "output": "“There are a lot of people who will give money or materials, but very few who will give time and affection.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n所以,我想在此邀請一位朋友,德米特里奧斯大主教來說幾句話,然後我們會簽署這份偉大的宣言。", "output": "And with that I would like to ask a great friend of mine, secretary Carson, for remarks and then we're going to be signing the very important proclamation.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“在这个领域就业是必要的。", "output": "We certainly need the employment in this area.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n12猶大將再次在上主的聖地成為他特別的產業;耶路撒冷將成為他最喜愛的城。", "output": "12Once again Judah will be the special possession of the LORD in his sacred land, and Jerusalem will be the city he loves most of all.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n工程到1922年Sarah Winchester去世的时候停止了。", "output": "Construction ran from 1886 to 1922, when Sarah Winchester died.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n当时高德在纳斯达克的股价15、16美金,阿里按照21美金收购。", "output": "AutoNavi’s stock price on NASDAQ was around 15.16 USD per share when Alibaba acquired it at 21 USD per share.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n等待你会看看这些球道。", "output": "But, wait until you see these masterpieces.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nTI抢先获得ARM新一代MPU核心Eagle授权", "output": "TI First to License ARM's Next-Generation Eagle Core", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“我们仍然保持着良好的条件。", "output": "\"We are still on good terms.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我在一个小的爱好农场长大,在那里我对动物和农业的热爱开始增长。", "output": "I grew up on a small hobby farm where my love for animals and farming started to grow.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n问:能具体讲讲个人投资者如何构建并调整自己的股票投资组合吗?", "output": "Can you indicate concretely how an individual investor should create and maintain his common stock portfolio?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n法罗群岛是丹麦王国的一部分,位于冰岛和挪威之间。", "output": "The Faroe Islands are part of the Kingdom of Denmark, located between Norway and Iceland.)", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n這是一個純綠色咖啡豆粉的散裝包裝,包裝在一個簡單的袋子裡。", "output": "This is a bulk package of pure green coffee bean powder, packaged in a simple bag.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他的两个朋友说他经常进行长时间的游戏直播。", "output": "Two of his friends said that he often broadcast his game playing for long periods.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n之后,您可以加载已保存的模型(可能在另一个 Python 进程中):", "output": "Later you can load back the pickled model (possibly in another Python process) with:", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我如何从我的网站赚钱?", "output": "How will I make Money from My Website?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n大多数良好的开源项目都有严格的编码指导原则,你必须遵守它们才能使你的代码被合并。", "output": "Most of the good open source projects have strict coding guidelines which you have to adhere to in order to get your code merged.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nVenus,是一部喜剧。", "output": "Venus is a comics character.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n[导读]如果没有信任,我们的数字经济的未来及其几乎无限的潜力将面临危险。", "output": "The report points out that without trust, the future of our digital economy and its nearly limitless potential is in peril.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n一、我们收集哪些信息", "output": "•What information we collect.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n其他公司正在发挥自己的优势,以赶上亚马逊。", "output": "Other companies are playing to their strengths in order to catch up with Amazon.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n美国的企业税也比其他大多数工业大国要高。", "output": "U.S. corporate taxes are higher than those in most other industrial nations.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你不是在《远古外星人》或在另类新闻网站上看到这个,而是每一个地方……在每一个主要的媒体平台上。", "output": "You’re not seeing this on Ancient Aliens or on alternative news sites, but everywhere… on every major media platform there is.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n请记住,对一个甘特视图所做的任何更改都不会改变另一个甘特视图的外观。", "output": "Keep in mind that any changes you make to one Gantt view does not change the look of another Gantt view.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n双方都知道是怎么回事。", "output": "Then both parties know what’s happening.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n天主教的圣经是拉丁语版。", "output": "The Catholic Church’s Bible was in Latin.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n托尔兄弟还指出,有关房地产市场的负面报告是放缓的原因所在。", "output": "Toll Brothers also pointed to negative reports about the housing market as the cause for the slowdown.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n当六十年代的民权运动开始时,顽固的白人利用这个运动基地的经济脆弱性作出回应。", "output": "When the civil rights movement of the ’60s started, recalcitrant whites responded by exploiting the economic vulnerability of the movement’s base.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”“共和党人希望重建我们的城市,为所有美国人提供一个拥有无限机会的未来。", "output": "Republicans want to rebuild our inner cities and provide a future of limitless opportunity for all Americans.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但是,你可知道这位伟大的发明者曾走过一段曲折的道路?", "output": "But did you know that this ingenious invention came about almost by accident?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n日本在半岛上的反抗运动集合在马诺瓦里,麦克阿瑟不想与这支戎行竞赛。", "output": "The Japanese resistance on the peninsula gathered at Manokwari, and MacArthur did not wish to contest with this force.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这可能包括他们的社会经济地位、教育程度和背景,以及可能对疾病产生影响的行为,如遵守指示和药物治疗。", "output": "This may include their socioeconomic status, education, and background, and behaviors that may have an impact on the disease, such as compliance with instructions and medication.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n非常高分辨率的STL格式文件:过高分辨率的文件会使文件太大,有时会不方便操作。", "output": "Very high-resolution STL file: A file with a resolution that is too high will make your file too big and sometimes impossible for us to handle.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n因此,在 60多年的时间里,我不断地学习,每次学习一个领域。", "output": "So for more than 60 years I have kept on studying one subject at a time.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n配料、原材料和产量规格的变化都要予以考虑。", "output": "Changes in feed stocks, raw materials and specification of output need to be considered.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但是当它咬一口的时候会发生什么呢?", "output": "But what happens when they bite?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这就是说,我们不能说一个‘非逻辑的’世界会是什麼样子。", "output": "The truth is that we could not say what an 'illogical' world would look like.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n公司拥有34家制造工厂,并在21个国家开设62个办公室。", "output": "The company has 34 manufacturing plants and 62 offices in 21 countries.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n書架上的最後一本書,我們通常會傾斜擺放,目的是為了防止書本倒落。", "output": "We usually tilt the last book on the shelf in order to prevent the books from falling.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他说:“我认为呼吸一天这种空气就像抽了50支烟。", "output": "He concluded that “A day in Beijing is like smoking one sixth of a cigarette.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果您不确定自己的腰围是否在健康范围内,一般规则就是:", "output": "If you’re not sure if you have a healthy waist circumference, a general guide is:", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n虽然公司税率持平于17%,但公司有免税计划可帮助公司降低整体有效企业税率。", "output": "Although the corporate tax rate is flat at 17%, there are tax exemption schemes available for companies which help to lower the overall effective corporate tax rate.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n不独立就是制造壁垒。", "output": "Independence is not about erecting barriers.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n讓孩子有自由選擇的權利。", "output": "Let the child have the freedom to choose.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“我们在德国也有驻军。", "output": "We have troops in Germany.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n一个原因可能是预算限制。", "output": "Perhaps this was because of budget constraints.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但是,“两者的浓度并不会给人体健康带来显著风险”。", "output": "This concentration of organisms would pose no risk to human health.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在中國,人們才才剛剛開始討論工作場所的心理健康。", "output": "In China, workplace mental health is only starting to be discussed.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n——截至去年11月,14纳米产品在客户计算集团产品出货量中的占比超过50%。", "output": "As of November, 14-nanometer products made up more than 50 % of the group volume.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n1蒂莉阿姨不是真正的阿姨", "output": "My Aunt Mattie was not my real aunt.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nNN首席投资官Jelle van der Giessen说:“烟草不再符合我们负责任的投资战略。", "output": "Jelle van der Giessen, Chief Investment Officer NN Group: “We have come to the decision that tobacco no longer fits with our responsible investment approach.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n不管有多少饮酒是无用的", "output": "No matter how much water we drink, it is not enough.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果你不喜欢这种负重的方法,也可以尝试在手中握两根长杆。", "output": "If you don’t like this weight-bearing method, try holding two long poles in your hand.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n最好後效可能不會像更硬和盡可能快。", "output": "The best effect might not be as strong and as quickly as possible.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在这方面,高级专员办事处可起核心作用,汇编此种资料,并确保以全面、均衡的方式对待各项人权。", "output": "In this regard, the Office of the High Commissioner could play a central role in compiling such information and ensuring a comprehensive and balanced approach to all human rights.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n它也必须有动力,能够撤退。", "output": "It also needs to be strong and allow moisture to escape.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n它需要Web服务器的帮助才能从数据库中获取数据。", "output": "It takes help of web server to fetch data from the database.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n「我從來沒有想過在這裡贏10次,真的是從來沒有想過,所以這非常特別。", "output": "“I would have never thought to win here 10 times, not even one, so it‘s very special.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n第一阶段估计耗资约40亿美元,目标是到2020年底开放。", "output": "The first phase is estimated to cost about $4 billion and targeted to open by end 2020.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这些被驱逐的外交官将有七天的时间离开美国。", "output": "The expelled Russians will have seven days to leave the U.S.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n设立太空司令部捍卫美国在太空中的利益", "output": "The space command will defend America’s Interests in Space.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但是她感觉到了,从天空中爬出来,通过声音,气味,充满空气的颜色向她伸出。", "output": "But she felt it, creeping out of the sky, reaching out toward her through the sounds, the scents, the color that filled the air.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但在過去的150年裡,有個國家人口的平均身高增幅遠遠超過其他國家——荷蘭。", "output": "However, in terms of average human height gains over the last 150 years, one nation stands out—the Netherlands.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n,印度的国际地位有所下降。", "output": "India’s international status is in decline.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在Python程序中,所有的数据都是通过对象或者对象之间的关系", "output": "Data in Python are represented as objects or relations between them.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n她不认为她是世界上最实际的人,但是因为她必须做在这里。", "output": "She didn't suppose that she was the world's most practical person, but since she was here she would have to do.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n60多年来,威卡一直是世界电力工程的合作伙伴。", "output": "For over 60 years WIKA has been a partner for power engineering worldwide.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n今晚,我们目睹了延续这一遗产的勇士们的崇高力量。", "output": "Today we bear witness to the lasting legacy of one man's generosity.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但是,得到这个:它已经在很多地方发生了。", "output": "But, get this: It’s already happening in plenty of places.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n低适应组的参与者更有可能因任何原因,CVD和癌症而早死。", "output": "Participants in the low-fit group were more likely to die early from any cause, CVD, and cancer.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n點數,優惠和特權的級別視供應情況而定,並且在某些參與酒店中可能會有所不同。", "output": "The level of points, benefits and privileges are subject to availability and may vary at certain participating hotels", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n与此同时,我们继续与来自中央和地方政府的官员一道合作,降低紧张局势并避免进一步的冲突。", "output": "We will continue working with officials from the central and regional governments to reduce tensions, avoid further clashes, and encourage dialogue.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在这次就业法庭的听证会上,法官驳回了压制名称的申请。", "output": "In the Employment Court, the judge dismissed the application to suppress names.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n即可免费获得该白皮书!", "output": "Get this white paper for free!", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n安约翰·雷英语谚语集(1678)。", "output": "From John Ray, A Collection of English Proverbs (1678).", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n第459章 召集大會", "output": "Chapter 459 Gathering of Lords.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这也许是P2P的最大优势——它是一个容错网络。", "output": "This is perhaps the greatest advantage P2P has – it’s a fault tolerant network.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n纪念其100周年诞辰,每件衬衫颈部内侧都题有Paisley的标志性签名。", "output": "Commemorating100 years since his birth, each shirt is inscribed with Paisley’s iconic signature on the inside of the neck.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”这意味着有时更容易不谈论这个问题", "output": "That means it's sometimes easier not to talk about the issue at all.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n第十二週:ALL STARS", "output": "Season 11 - All Stars", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n164.塑造自己过程很疼,但请相信你将收获一个更好的自己。", "output": "The process of shaping yourself is painful, but please believe that you will gain a better yourself.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n那是一种淡白色的音乐,很美很微弱,但是声音很大,足以让所有的人都听见。", "output": "It was pale white music so beautiful so very faint and yet loud enough for all of them to hear.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这表明实体商店浏览将仍然是消费者购物体验的重要组成部分,尤其是在千禧一代和Z代人群中。", "output": "This suggests that physical store browsing will remain an important part of the shopping experience for consumers, especially among millenials and generation Z groups.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“第三阶段”的规定自2016年9月1日起生效,适用于将投放到欧盟市场的定向灯。", "output": "The provisions of the \"third phase\", effective as of 1 September 2016, apply to directional lights to be placed on the EU market.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n西班牙的中等教育分为两个周期:12至14岁,14至16年。", "output": "Secondary education is divided into two cycles: from 12 to 14 years and from 14 to 16.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nIlene Woods(1950年电影)", "output": "Ilene Woods (original 1950 animated film)", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你们的支持与信任,永远是我们最宝贵的财富。", "output": "Prayer and faith will always be your most valuable weapon.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们还针对农村方面。", "output": "We also think about the countryside.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果你可以做到这点,那末你就能够每天都纵情享受1个鸡蛋了。", "output": "If you can do this, then you can enjoy an egg every day.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n這場運動包括了一個「再教育營」網路,據報導有上百萬維吾爾人在這些地方遭到非法拘押。", "output": "The campaign includes a network of “reeducation camps” where up to a million Uighurs have reportedly been held extralegally.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“我是Mario Balotelli,我23岁,我没有选择成为意大利人,”他说", "output": "\"I am Mario Balotelli, I'm 23 and I haven't chosen to be Italian,\" he said via his official Instagram account.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n其他六名乘客包括吉安娜(Gianna)的两名队友以及他们的父母和一名女篮球助理教练。", "output": "The other six passengers included two of Gianna’s teammates with their parents and an assistant girls basketball coach.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n对于情绪和心理健康的短期个别辅导,我们的现场辅导人员为您提供帮助。", "output": "For short-term individual counseling for emotional and mental wellness, our on-site counseling staff is here to help.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n說明:本資源可能完全或部分由原始資源衍生", "output": "Comment: The present resource may be derived from the Source resource in whole or in part.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我是杰夫的伴侣、朋友、爱人,他是我的。", "output": "I am Jeff’s partner, his friend and his lover, and he is mine.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n此追蹤分類用於模板:Infobox Grand Prix race report。", "output": "AND it is a criteria in the Template:Infobox Grand Prix race report!", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n不确定性的一个无偏升值是理性但它不是人们的基石和组织想要的。", "output": "An unbiased appreciation of uncertainty is a cornerstone of rationality– but it is not what people and organizations want.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n自周日以来,中国当局尚未更新数据。", "output": "Since Sunday, the Chinese officials have not notified the figures.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n它将通过一系列社交媒体平台帮助人们与印度驻外使团和MEA联系,而无需访问个人网站。", "output": "It will help people connect with Indian missions abroad and the MEA through a range of social media platforms without having to access individual websites.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n纳吉布在1MDB案件中面临更多指控", "output": "Najib hit with more charges in 1MDB case", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n互联网盗版由几种不同形式的在线侵权活动组成。", "output": "Internet piracy is composed of several distinct form of online infringement activities.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n令他吃惊的是,他注意到大块形状像一个沉重的门,,不到两次自己的高度。", "output": "To his surprise he noticed that the great block was shaped like a heavy door, and was less than twice his own height.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n产量的增加得到了内华达州Long Canyon项目和南卡罗来纳州Haile项目的支撑。", "output": "Project ramp-ups supported production at the Nevada Long Canyon project as well as the Haile project in South Carolina.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n现金和支票支付仍占新加坡支付的 40%,ATM 网络遍布各个城市。", "output": "Cash and checks still account for 40% of Singapore's payments, as the city-state has an extensive ATM network.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n体量膨胀的乐队压缩了即兴创作的自由,而它是爵士乐的基石。", "output": "Larger bands meant less freedom to improvise, the cornerstone of jazz.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nCivica Rx已经确定了14种医院使用的仿制药作为其最初的制造目标。", "output": "Civica Rx has identified 14 hospital-administered generic drugs as the initial focus of its efforts.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n没有这个核心,社会主义的事业,就不能取得胜利。", "output": "Without this core, the cause of socialism cannot be victorious.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nlogo不直接出售公司,也不会很简单地描述企业。", "output": "A logo will rarely be a business description and it will not directly sell the company.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n目前已有17名轻伤者出院。", "output": "Right now 17 hunger strikers are being hospitalized.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n相信很多人都听过他的歌,喜爱他的歌,会唱他的歌。", "output": "And sooo many people followed him, loved him, chanted his name.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n对于开放式校园,你怎么看?", "output": "What do you think of Open Forum?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们不得不承认经济全球化给我们带来了诸多益处。", "output": "We should ensure that economic globalization will deliver more benefits.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他试图掩饰自己的喜悦。", "output": "She decided to hide her joy.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n目前尚未有组织宣称对事件负责,但在伊拉克发生的这类袭击,多是伊斯兰国(IS)恐怖组织所为。", "output": "There was no immediate claim of responsibility, but most such attacks in Iraq are the work of the Islamic State (ISIS) group.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n虽然这一做法会首先在诊断医学专业中出现,但我们会看到人口健康、医院手术以及广泛的临床专业会紧随其后。", "output": "And while a lot of this adoption will happen first in the diagnostic medical specialties, we’re seeing solutions for population health, hospital operations and a broad set of clinical specialties quickly follow behind.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他在上星期一回家了。", "output": "He returned home this past Monday.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n摩洛哥推出非洲第一列高速列车", "output": "Morocco gets Africa's first high-speed train", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n此功能的工作方式与More Like This Query的第二章节相似。", "output": "This feature works in a similar manner to the second phase of the More Like This Query.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这就是他被高度推荐的原因。", "output": "This is the reason why it comes highly recommended.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n好男人上天堂,坏男人去芭提雅。", "output": "Summary of Good Guys Go to Heaven, Bad Guys Go to Pattaya", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“你也是学音乐的?”", "output": "Do you play music too?\"", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在投资者规模不竭扩大的同时,投资心理正在趋于成熟。", "output": "At the same time as the size of investors continues to expand, investment psychology is maturing.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n大部分人沒辦法致富的原因,僅僅是因為他們沒有在財務上受到訓練,所以不知道機會其實就在他們面前。", "output": "Most people never get wealthy simply because they are not trained to recognize opportunities right in front of them.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n逐步地,西雅图人把注意力转向东方。", "output": "The Abbasids soon shifted their attention towards the East.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n下一篇 : 这些药物让我这样做:处方副作用可以成为犯罪的借口吗?", "output": "The drugs made me do it: can prescription side-effects be an excuse for crime?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n后来,他们成立了一家劳务公司。", "output": "They later formed a lobbying firm.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但是同時,也希望她能找到幸福,即使她從沒有和你在一起過』", "output": "hoping that she still finds happiness, even if it's never going to be with you.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n很抱歉,暂时没有产品!", "output": "Sorry, product unavailable at the moment!", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n法国率先禁5种类尼古丁农药以保护蜜蜂", "output": "In September this year,France outlawed five neonicotinoid pesticides to help protect its bee population.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n当然这话也显出了对四哥的尊重。", "output": "Obviously the President shares that respect for Dan as well.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n英语母语者一般是不会这么说的。", "output": "A native English speaker would never say that.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n法律和公共政策能够而且应该在促进信任和隐私方面发挥作用。", "output": "Law and public policy can and should play a role in promoting trust and privacy.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n您不必在每次处理新业务时都重复这些信息。", "output": "That means you don’t need to put the details every time with each new transactions.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n共产党既然应负发动战争的责任,那末,就应当惩办共产党。", "output": "Since the Communist Party should bear the responsibility for launching the war, then the Communist Party should be punished.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n因此,机电一体化产品无疑朝着网络化方向进展。", "output": "Therefore, electromechanical integration products will undoubtedly develop in the direction toward the network.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n自从远古时代以来,人类一共只发现了两颗真正的大行星,而这颗将会是第三颗。", "output": "“There have only been two true planets discovered since ancient times, and this would be a third.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n根据检查类型,您的医生会指导您预先吃什么或饮用,特别是如果要使用镇静剂。", "output": "Depending on the type of exam, your doctor will instruct you on what you may eat or drink beforehand, especially if sedation (anesthesia) is to be used.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这些人喜欢他们的身体素质,经常运动,肯定充满耐力。", "output": "These folks love their physicality and are often athletic, and certainly full of stamina.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nued体育显示有问题", "output": "Fox Sports has a problem.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n奥巴马总统计划在周五视察受损情况。", "output": "President Obama is slated to tour the damage Friday.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在她的第三讲,Rosenblatt描写了上皮疾病如哮喘或癌症可能会导致异常细胞挤压。", "output": "In her third talk, Rosenblatt describes how epithelial diseases such as asthma or cancer can result from aberrant cell extrusion.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他称,五角大楼有近十几个计划,负责开发和防御新型武器。", "output": "Hyten added that the Pentagon has nearly a dozen programs tasked with developing and defending against the new breed of weapons.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在梅耶尔上任前的3个月里,雅虎的主页团队曾测试过5种新的外观。", "output": "In the three quarters before Mayer’s arrival, Yahoo’s home-page team tested five new looks.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n那我应该如何驱动自己的人生呢?", "output": "How should I lead my life?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”仍然,通过的措施,以308票对114票,得到共和党的强烈支持。", "output": "Still, the measure passed, by 308 votes to 114, with strong Republican support.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n1733 年,建立佐治亚 殖民地。", "output": "The Charter of 1733 established the colony of Georgia.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nCoutinho和苏亚雷斯18个月前在利物浦的乌拉圭2014对西班牙进行了同样的举动。", "output": "Coutinho has already played alongside Suarez for 18 months at Liverpool before the Uruguayan made the same move to Spain in 2014.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n可10:21耶稣看着他,就爱他。", "output": "Mar 10:21 - Jesus looked at him and loved him.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n9是圓滿的數字,它是完整的。", "output": "Nine is a complete number, it is whole.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n每兩個月至少進行一次新的化妝。", "output": "Buy at least one new outfit every couple of months.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n首先,即使流血上市,也将给欢聚时代带来更多可用资金,这笔资金对追逐竞争对手极其重要。", "output": "first, even bleed listed, will also bring more funds available for the celebrations of the times, the money is very important for the pursuit of competitors.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这一国际标准让各个组织可以将现有的管理体系改造为新的公认质量管理体系,从而满足国际标准的要求。", "output": "This international standard enables an organization to adapt the existing management systems into the new established quality management system so the requirements of this international standard are met.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n来自香港的陈耀成说他感到失望,但并不特别惊讶。", "output": "Mr. Chan, who is from Hong Kong, said he was disappointed but not entirely surprised.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n因此,每当讨论数字货币的税收时,几乎都是对已变现财富的变化征税,即所得税。", "output": "Therefore, whenever taxation of cryptocurrency is discussed, it’s almost always about taxing changes in realized wealth, i.e. income tax.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在无限级驾驶,法国Alès当地人击败了两辆官方电动三菱车型。", "output": "Driving in the Unlimited class, the Alès, France native bested the two official electric Mitsubishi entries.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他曾是Google软件工程师,在2013年到2016年主导了YouTube视频分类工程。", "output": "A former Googler, he led YouTube’s video classification team from 2013 to 2016.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在某些方面可能会导致发展放缓,但我不相信速度是根本目标。", "output": "It may lead to a slowdown somewhere, but I’m not sure that speed is a fundamental goal.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n因此,我想成为经济学者的决定是相当令人吃惊的。", "output": "Therefore, my decision to become an economist was rather surprising.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n并且组件可以廉价制作, 由加州大学洛杉矶分校团队创建的设备可以低于50美元。", "output": "And the components can be made inexpensively: the device created by the UCLA team could be reproduced for less than $50.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n公司的四位创始人都有遗传学和软件的双重背景。", "output": "All 4 owners of the company have a mixed background in genetics and software.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n海军医院船舶和平方舟于2008年投入使用,为亚洲,非洲和拉丁美洲43个国家的约23万人提供医疗服务。", "output": "Since being commissioned in 2008, the naval hospital ship Peace Ark has provided medical services to some 230,000 people in 43 countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n由于确定死亡原因需要专业鉴定,因此因吸毒死亡的人数很可能被低估了。", "output": "First, because of the stigma associated with drug abuse, drug-induced death rates are likely to be underestimates.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n现在思绪开始以令人难以置信的力量茁壮成长,他无法对它们进行排序。", "output": "Now thoughts began to thrive with incredible strength, and he was unable to sort them.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n一些研究表明,如果你:", "output": "Evidence shows that if you:", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n築師的建築也可以進行分析。", "output": "Architects may also conduct a structure analysis.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n充满惊喜的神奇周四!", "output": "Have a totally awesome Thursday Folks!", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n一些选项包括运动,冥想,瑜伽和深呼吸。", "output": "Some options include exercise, meditation, yoga and deep breathing.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n支持快速增长的应用程序的解决方案是通过添加服务器而不是将更多的容量集中在单个服务器上来水平扩展。", "output": "The solution to support rapidly growing applications is to scale horizontally by adding servers instead of concentrating more capacity in a single server.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这是黑暗和原始有点悲哀和阴沉的,所以它已经通过其他城市部落的感觉与图像识别。", "output": "It's dark and primitive and somewhat sad and gloomy, so it has been adopted by other urban tribes who feel identified with that image.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n到达图姆斯博罗郊外时,她醒过来了,想起当年她还是少女的时候参观过附近的一个古老的种植园。", "output": "Outside of Toomsboro she woke up and recalled an old plantation she had visited in this neighborhood once when she was a young lady.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们的孩子(8和10)也很喜欢。", "output": "The kids (11 and 8) liked it too.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果我们想起飞,我们消耗的燃料必须能够轻易、快速地燃烧。", "output": "If we want to spring up, the fuel that we consume must be that which burns quickly and is very easily flammable.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如今,只把自己的玩具甩在客厅地板上。", "output": "I just dump all the toys out onto the living room floor.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n朝鲜外交部长在瑞典做什么?", "output": "What Does The Shadow Minister For London Do?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n多达80%的军队的小型武器都没有。", "output": "As much as 80 percent of the army’s small arms were missing.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n使用这篇文章中的信息来帮助你最享受你的旅行。", "output": "Use the information from this article to help you enjoy your trip the most.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n首先,成本上升意味着企业必须从追求增长转变为提高生产率。", "output": "First, rising costs mean that bosses must shift from going for growth to enhancing productivity.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n西方国家和土耳其报告了侵犯宗教自由的行为。", "output": "Western countries and Turkey have reported the violation of religious freedom.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我领先一步,你也许会说。", "output": "I am a beginner, as you can probably tell.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nMoses Lake的FBR工厂在第一季度的上线率约为25%。", "output": "The FBR facility in Moses Lake operated at approximately 25 percent throughout the first quarter.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n届时,中国将拥有3艘航母。", "output": "By then China will be operating three carriers.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n下半年将有四个项目入市", "output": "There will be four projects during the semester.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n将你收入的10-20%储蓄起来,把这笔钱投入你不会提领的长期退休资产账户,直到你退休为止。", "output": "Set Aside Part of Your Wealth for Retirement – Save 10-20% of the income you make and put that money into long-term retirement assets that you don’t touch until you retire.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n因为可以使画面中的主体由近及远逐渐淡化,雾来帮助你在照片中创造出一个更大的景深是非常出色的。", "output": "Because subjects gradually fade out into the distance, fog is excellent at creating a greater sense of depth in your photos.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n對歐洲央行來說,周四有可能標志著一個時代的結束,或者至少是開始走向終結。", "output": "FRANKFURT—Thursday could mark the end of an era for the European Central Bank, or at least the beginning of the end.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n项目首5周,無國界醫生的醫療人員進行了約2,000次門診,其中60例為緊急病例。", "output": "During the first five weeks of its activity, MSF medical staff carried out around 2,000 consultations, 60 of which were emergency cases.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n所以说色彩对于家居设计相当重要。", "output": "The fact is that colors are very significant when it comes to home décor.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n总的来说,都可以迅速作出反应。", "output": "In general, everything can be done quickly.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n)历史已证明,圣经在那里被尊崇,那里的家庭就蒙保守,社会就有秩序并被提高。", "output": "History has proven that where the Bible is honored, the family is preserved and society is adjusted and uplifted.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果在婚姻的某个阶段出了问题,甚至完全失败了,那就需要从各个方面去寻找原因。", "output": "If there is a problem at some stage of the marriage process, or even a total failure, then find the cause from each branch.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n冥想,只有你必须微笑。", "output": "“To meditate, only you must smile.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在同一时间,你会被你的同行希腊的紧密的社交网络支持。", "output": "At the same time, you’ll be supported by a close-knit social network of your Greek peers.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“孩子的想象力是无穷的。", "output": "“Children’s imagination is boundless.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n只有将军的女儿领走这份耻辱,这份荣誉", "output": "Only the general’s daughter claims this shame, this honor", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n第736章:能不能救我上岸?", "output": "Chapter 734: Can You Help Me To Get On The Shore?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n以前的那些恐惧和担心都是没有必要的!", "output": "All fears and worries are unnecessary!", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果他能满足我所有的要求,我甚至会大胆地往上走(事实上,我和一个17岁的男孩约会——我完全不知道)。", "output": "I’d even venture upward if the guy was hitting all my buttons (in fact I dated a guy I met organically who was 17 years older-I had no idea.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n几百年以来,有关历史文献的情况,都是很少的一部分作者与成千上万倍的读着相对峙。", "output": "For centuries it was in the nature of literature that a small number of writers confronted many thousands of readers.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n中国经济转向高质量发展,结构优化升级已成为衡量发展质量的重要内容。", "output": "China's economy has turned to high-quality development, and structural optimization and upgrading has become an important part of measuring the quality of development.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但是,那些有经验的人,平均一个月会经历六次,也就是一生中大概有三百七十一次。", "output": "However, those who do, experience them six times a month on average -- that's 371 occasions during their lifetime.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n该方法还有作为预处理应用到语音识别和自动给视频加文字说明的潜力。", "output": "Our method can also potentially be used as a pre-process for speech recognition and automatic video captioning.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n提问:截止到目前为止,团队中现在有多少人了?", "output": "Schreier: How many people are on the team now?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n(SGD)方法训练的。", "output": "(HST) method of training.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n此时,这间钳工作坊和维修店共有5名工人。", "output": "At this time, the metalworking and repair shop has five employees.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n相比之下,“小c”则与佛教非常相似。", "output": "Little-C, in contrast, is quite similar to Buddhism.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n由于 Kindle 产业生态系统使得买书成了一键点击的行为,你很容易忘了自己买了本书。", "output": "“Because the Kindle ecosystem makes buying books one-click effortless, it can be easy to forget about your purchases.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这意味着你在交易时需要有更高的获胜率。", "output": "This means you will need to have a very high win rate when trading.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n火山爆发归咎于最大规模的灭绝", "output": "Coal Is to Blame for the Largest Mass Extinction", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n南北冲突始于1983年喀土穆政府试图实施伊斯兰法律。", "output": "The conflict in south Sudan began in 1983 when the Islamist Khartoum government tried to impose sharia Islamic law.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n其中一种方式是散播法国殖民军队(特别是非洲人)谋杀、袭击和侵犯德国妇女的谣言。", "output": "Among the techniques employed was the spreading of rumors about murders and assaults by French colonial troops, especially Africans, against German women.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”最难的部分是找到达成一项解决更广泛问题的真正协议的基础,而不是达成暂停的协议。", "output": "The hard part is finding the basis for a real deal that settles the broader issues rather than agreeing on a pause.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你的父母,其实十分善良。", "output": "Your parents are indeed correct.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nAI模型将在英国不同的NHS信托基础上开发,建立在来自不同患者人口统计和临床属性的数据之上。", "output": "AI models will be developed in different NHS trusts across the U.K., built on data from different patient demographics and clinical attributes.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n蒂比茨和其团队将智能材料产生层与一股塑料进行结合,该智能材料能在水中实现自我组装。", "output": "Tibbits and his team combined a strand of plastic with a layer made out of a so-called smart material that could self-assemble in water.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n奥尔德太太很快开始教弗雷德克阅读。", "output": "Mrs. Auld soon began to teach Frederick to read.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“我在这里所做的就是保护任何种族的合法纳税人,”他在2006年说道", "output": "\"What I'm doing here is protecting the legal taxpayer of any race,\" he said in 2006.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“我想他会夺得大师赛的冠军。", "output": "“I think he will win the Masters.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n它位于市中心的阿尔梅达加勒特广场。", "output": "It is located in the Almeida Garret Square, in the centre of the city.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n” “这是我国最高法院一生的任命,这不是必须立即作出的决定。", "output": "“This is a lifetime appointment to the highest court in our land; it is not a decision that should be rushed.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们现在用到的很多东西,都是创新的产物。", "output": "Many of the products we produce are innovations.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n1974年,我們決定不尋求獨立。", "output": "Consequently, in 1974 we decided not to make independence our goal.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n她知道他还活着,因为她听到他哭,但当她问护士给他给她,让她抱抱他,女人摇了摇头。", "output": "She knew he was alive because she’d heard him cry, but when she asked the nurse to show him to her and let her hold him, the woman shook her head.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n她的效率没有过度或紧张,这本身就是给妇女投票的理由。", "output": "Her effectiveness without excess or strain is in itself an argument for giving woman the vote.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n(八)个人或配偶有数额较大的到期未偿还债务的。", "output": "(G) individual or spouse has a relatively large amount of overdue debts;", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n為了讓您的醫療保健以您為中心,您的醫生需要了解您的價值觀,偏好和需求。", "output": "In order for your health care to center around you, your doctor needs to know your values, preferences and needs.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但是,这次飞行是在一个平静的日子里与最有经验的飞行员查尔斯卡罗尔泰勒负责的。", "output": "But the flight had taken place on a calm day with the most experienced pilot, Lt. Charles Carroll Taylor in charge.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们要告诉您的是,这个神话曾经真实发生过。", "output": "But one thing I should point out is that this myth is one that used to be true.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他们记得非常久远的事情,只是记不得这些事情已经讲了多少遍。", "output": "These seem very basic, but I can’t tell you how many times I did just these things.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n却见镜子里映出的却不是她的脸。", "output": "There was a face in the mirror but it was not her face.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n遇到两种本能冲突时,而被造物的心里除了这两种本能,别无所有,那么,冲劲强的本能一定占优势。", "output": "If two instincts are in conflict, and there is nothing in a creature's mind except those two instincts, obviously the stronger of the two must win.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n50年後,這仍然是一段能讓很多人感動落淚的演講。", "output": "Fifty years later, it is a speech that can still move people to tears.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n所以ISO14000標準的除對企業的環境管理還對其他管理有明顯的促進作用。", "output": "So ISO14000 certification standards in addition to the environmental management of enterprises also the other management has a significant role in promoting.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这里主要是东西河的水患问题。", "output": "The main problem coming from river flooding.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n其他严重风险包括呼吸系统问题、肝损伤、血压升高和皮肤癌等。", "output": "Other serious risks include respiratory problems, liver injury, increased blood pressure and skin cancer.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n结果我们认为除对了自己以外,不欠任何人什麽,只求自己的权利[4]。", "output": "As a consequence, we feel that we owe nothing to anyone but ourselves, and we claim only rights.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n德雷克说格莱美的鸽子把他当作黑人艺术家", "output": "Drake says Grammys pigeon-holed him as black artist", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但是开发商愿意给出的报酬取决于外包者的技术和经验以及开发商的财务预算。", "output": "How much the developer is willing to pay is based on the demand for the contractor's skills and experience, and the developer's financial budget.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n思考不仅应该在大学中开始和结束。", "output": "Education shouldn’t begin and end in institutions.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n绿色,绿叶蔬菜类别中的其他可以帮助您更快入睡的菠菜和芥菜。", "output": "Others in the green, leafy vegetable category that can help you fall asleep faster are also spinach and mustard greens.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n放射性核素:全球有80个站在检测核试验后释放到风中的放射性粒子。", "output": "Radionuclide: 80 stations detect radioactive particles in the atmosphere.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在彭博跟蹤的22位給予中國石油評級的分析師當中,有14位建議買入,沒有人建議賣出。", "output": "Out of 22 analysts who follow China’s state-run global oil major, 14 recommend buying the stock and none call for selling.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但她也承认,“人类应该要对新技术的结果存疑”。", "output": "But she acknowledged that “people should question the consequences of new technology”.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这种趋势大部分是因为2009年12月起,这个国家的居民可以免签证出入欧盟。", "output": "This development was widely attributed to the introduction of visa-free entry to the European Union for nationals of these two countries since December 2009.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n特朗普承诺要结束永无止境的战争,然而这一行动让我们走向了新的一场。", "output": "“Trump promised to end endless wars, but this action puts us on the path to another one.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n欧盟成员国扩大到25个。", "output": "The European Union has expanded to 25 members.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你不需要对自己的行为,你必须为自己的命运做出正确的选择。", "output": "You do not need to solve the problem, you need to make the right choice for your destination.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“我亲爱的汤姆,”他姑姑不久喊道,你不跳舞,我敢说你将不反对加入我们的橡胶;要你吗?", "output": "\"My dear Tom,\" cried his aunt soon afterwards, \"as you are not dancing, I dare say you will have no objection to join us in a rubber; shall you?\"", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但这并不表示,我同意她所有的政策。", "output": "That does not mean, however, that I must agree with all his politics.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n(3)成功的团队有更多的女性成员。", "output": "And thirdly, the more successful groups had more women in them.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n74 . 罪人們將來必永居於火獄的刑罰中,", "output": "[43.74] Surely the guilty shall abide in the chastisement of hell.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我慢慢成长,有了潇洒与自由。", "output": "I grow generously and freely.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n有关世贸组织的十大误解", "output": "> 10 Common Misunderstandings about the WTO", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我總是為最壞的情況做準備,但我一直深信陽光很快會露臉。", "output": "I always prepare for the worst, but I always believe it will be sunny soon.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n考慮到將來中國會有更少的年輕人贍養更多的退休人口,學者對一場正在逼近的人口結構危機發出了警告。", "output": "\"With fewer young people to support larger numbers of retirees in China, scholars have warned of a looming demographic crisis.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n抗体药物偶联物(ADC)是制药工业中快速扩展的领域。", "output": "Antibody Drug Conjugates (ADC) are a rapidly expanding area of pharma company pipelines.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n◆ 以色列:他們到底是誰?", "output": "Israel: Who are they really?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“然后我们就到了水里,我不知道我们在哪儿,不知道是在河里,还是在海里。", "output": "\"We were in the water, we couldn't tell where we were, whether it was a river or an ocean.\".", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nFight Club就是這種自由。", "output": "Fight Club represents that kind of freedom.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n第三节结束,中国队以47-39领先德国队。", "output": "End of the third, the Chinese team 47-39 lead Germany.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n上帝将重造新天新地,在那里不会有丝毫罪恶的痕迹。", "output": "God will recreate a new world where no trace of the former evils of this world will be seen.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这一自贸区将涵盖12亿人口,GDP总量将达1.2万亿美元。", "output": "This free trade zone will cover 1.2 billion people, and the total GDP will reach 1.2 trillion US dollars.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但是,中国一经产生,并且表现出自己的能力以后,他们就已经不能是中国革命(新民主主义革命)的领导者了。", "output": "But after the Communist Party of China was born and demonstrated its ability, the Kuomintang could no longer be the leader of the Chinese revolution (a new-democratic revolution).", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n老虎和我在过去曾有过一些伟大的对决,我期待着在2019年再次接受我的老朋友的挑战。", "output": "“Tiger and I have had some great duels in the past, and I look forward to the challenge of going against my long-time friend yet again in 2019.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n并非所有的齿都需要关闭。", "output": "Not every tooth needs to be sealed.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n作为半岛近邻,中方始终坚定致力于推进政治解决半岛问题进程。", "output": "As a close neighbor to the Korean Peninsula, China always firmly stays committed to the political settlement process of the Korean Peninsula issue.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n它们的增长速率全部总要任何预测家未曾预料到的。", "output": "Its growth rate is unpredictable by any forecaster.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这个世界上有一些人很高兴这是一段关系的基础。", "output": "There are people in this world who are happy with that as the basis of a relationship.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n欧盟官员:还需对希腊追加150亿欧元援助", "output": "EU Official: Greece Needs Another €15 Billion to Survive", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他姐姐Mansi Joshi出演过许多电视剧。", "output": "Sharman’s sister, Mansi Joshi has appeared in many televisual series.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n通常,iCloud服务用于保存照片和文档。", "output": "As a rule, iCloud services are used to save photos and documents.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n一一○. (你說:)「你們可以稱他為真主,也可以稱他為至仁主。", "output": "110Say: \"Call upon Him as Allah (God) or call upon Him as ar-Rahman (the All-Merciful).", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我有理由怀疑它会对你产生同样的影响,索菲。", "output": "There's no way of ascertaining whether it would have the same effect on you, Carol.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n被当地人称为世界第八大奇迹,这个古老的宫殿和堡垒建筑群具有重要的考古学意义,每年吸引成千上万的游客。", "output": "Named the eighth wonder of the world by locals, the ancient palace and fort complex has an important archaeological significance, attracting thousands of tourists every year.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n\"不过我们认为未来的房价不大可能重返20世纪70年代的水平,或是再度快速增长。", "output": "“We think it is very unlikely to return to its 1970s levels, or to rise rapidly once again”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n按照现在的汇率计算,从1984年至2014年,美国占世界GDP的份额从34%降到了23%。", "output": "From 1984–2014 the US share of world GDP fell from 34 per cent to 23 per cent.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n鲍春来不仅赢了比赛,而且赢得漂亮。", "output": "Apple has not just won but won big.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n对于那些在IPv4架构中投入颇多的公司和管理员来说,迁移到一个崭新的架构绝非易事。", "output": "It is not easy for companies and administrators deeply invested in the IPv4 architecture to migrate to a totally new architecture.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他們想要比天然橡膠更好的東西,天然橡膠往往容易分解。", "output": "They wanted something better than natural rubber, which tended to break down easily.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这些都是定义良好的、稳定的函数(名)。", "output": "These are well defined, stable function names.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n二十世紀五十年代初,為保證國際聯運客貨運送,迫切需要制定統一的法律和經濟標準。", "output": "In early 50s of the 20th century a reasonable need for unified legal and economic principles emerged so as to ensure international carriage of both passengers and cargos.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n這一發現也許有助於解釋地球上海洋的水從何而來。", "output": "The finding could help explain where the Earth’s seas came from.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n第二节 法与政治(112)", "output": "law and leg (112)", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n企业还必须不断创新,改善流程,并改善产品。", "output": "You must be constantly innovating, improving the flow, and improving the product too.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n7、每年至少两次公费旅游", "output": "Public transportation at least twice a year.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n也许你想在晚上营造一种柔和浪漫的氛围。", "output": "Maybe you want to establish a soft and romantic atmosphere during the night hours.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n区域升级让交通更加便捷", "output": "Regional accreditation makes transfers easier", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n一家位于比利时的公司也为员工提供了这样的植入物,近年来,世界各地的科技爱好者都尝试过类似的事情。", "output": "A company based in Belgium also offers its employees such implants, and there are isolated cases around the world where tech enthusiasts have tried this out in recent years.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n小特朗普和高级竞选工作人员清楚地知道参与其竞选活动的个人与俄罗斯政府密切相关并在其授权下行事。", "output": "Trump Jr. and the senior campaign staff acted with clear knowledge that the individuals engaging with their campaign were closely associated with the Russian government and acting with its authorization.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n哈蒂尔还表示,Anwar被释放后可能需要在议会寻得一个席位,之后可能在内阁任职。", "output": "Mahathir added that Anwar would need to seek a seat in the parliament after his release, and then might be given a cabinet post.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n15%的学生是其家庭中第一位接受四年制本科教育的成员[124][125]。", "output": "15% of students are the first member of their family to attend a four-year college.[119][120]", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n停產時間縮短:35 % 至 45 %", "output": "Reduction in downtime: 35% to 45", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n没想到,另一辆车追尾了他。", "output": "There was another car who followed him.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nB 选项,蓝色过去常常被当做是代表少女们的颜色。", "output": "[B]Blue used to be regarded as the colour for girls.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们也做了同样的测试(在美国)。", "output": "I've pondered the same thing here (in the US) myself.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这让人印象深刻,特别是对于这么小的东西。", "output": "That's impressive, especially for such a small edifice.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他们手中掌握了总数超过美国国库总额的财富,红极一时。", "output": "Collectively, they controlled more wealth than was in the United States Treasury at that time.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他们都有一个开发团队和一个或多或少的人做主。", "output": "They all have a single development team and somebody that, more or less, calls the shots.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n媒体策略的问题不仅在于发布我们的故事,还在于发布我们的故事!”", "output": "The question of media strategy isn’t just about getting our stories out, but getting our stories in!”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果它没有达到我所认为的那样,...", "output": "If I will not live up to what I think,", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们只需要知道和诚实的事实,他们在那里,并为鬼魂做准备。", "output": "We just have to be aware and honest about the fact that they are there and prepare for the ghosting.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n2.5亿年前地球曾出现致命高温", "output": "250 million years ago there was a dramatic warming on earth.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n数据分析师花费高达80%的分析自己的时间准备数据和实际做只有20%的时间进行分析。", "output": "Data analysts spend up to 80 percent of their time preparing data for analysis and only 20 percent of the time actually doing the analysis.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n现在她希望她妈妈是对的。", "output": "And now she hoped her mother was right.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他认为治疗勘探的一个合作的过程,增强客户的医治和成长的自然能力。", "output": "He sees therapy as a collaborative process of exploration that enhances clients’ natural ability to heal and grow.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n最佳和最差案例表现之间的差异有多大?", "output": "How common are the best and worst scenarios?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如何看待自己和足球的缘分?", "output": "What kind of future do they see for themselves and for the football program?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n联合国称,政府已派出两个小组对事件展开调查,但迄今为止,这两个小组都没有“公开报告他们的调查结果”。", "output": "The government has sent two teams to conduct an investigation into the incident but so far neither team has “publicly reported their findings”, the UN said.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他們會用我們自己的力量來對付我們。", "output": "They will use our strength against us.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”它是关于我的儿子。", "output": "\"It was about my son.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“他永远不会忘记一件该死的事。", "output": "He never forgets a damned thing.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n期待在第15週與您再會,看看您的表現如何。", "output": "We look forward to seeing you in week 15 to see how you are doing.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他的智慧和灵感将被错过。", "output": "His courage and wisdom will be missed.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“如此美丽!“她回电话给他。", "output": "“Fine!” she called after him.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nAkakara是名古屋的最爱。", "output": "Akakara is a Nagoya favorite.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n审查的所有产品均通过网络摄像头提供视频通话。", "output": "All of the products reviewed offer video calls via webcam.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n身上的行李是那么沉重。", "output": "But his baggage is so heavy.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n3、准备食材或进食前,要切掉任何受损或受伤的果蔬区域。", "output": "Cut away any damaged or bruised areas on produce before preparing and eating.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n2010年,他推出了“捐赠誓言”项目中富有的企业家公开承诺将至少一半的财富捐赠给慈善机构。", "output": "In 2010, he launched the Giving Pledge program in which wealthy entrepreneurs publicly promise to donate at least half of their riches to charity.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n信中补充说,该提案“没有达到NIAID所考虑的那些为最成功实现收购目标提供最佳机会的提议。", "output": "The proposal, the letter added, “falls short of those considered by NIAID to offer the best opportunities for the most successful accomplishment of the acquisition objectives.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n宙斯给了潘多拉一个盒子,可是不准她打开,然后把她送到了人间。", "output": "Zeus gave Pandora a box , but she was not able to open , after which you can sent her to everyone.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n更多的机会意味着更多更快的成长。", "output": "More speed means more growth.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n当谈到责难, 我们大多数人自动认为中国.", "output": "When talking about Asia most people automatically think about China.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n尽管相距遥远,Causeway却把这个人口众多的国家置于我们的投资雷达里。", "output": "Despite the distance, Causeway has this populous country on our investment radar.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n星际迷航宇宙的未来将充满发现...那就是美国军舰的发现。", "output": "The future of the Star Trek universe will be full of Discovery...the USS Discovery that is.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n去年,我写了几篇文章(这里和这里),谈论了风险投资的扭曲。", "output": "Last year I wrote a few posts (here and here) that talked about how skewed venture returns were.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n负责预算的海军副助理部长布莱恩•路德在海军和海军陆战队预算新闻发布会上向媒体介绍了情况。", "output": "Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Budget, Rear Adm. Brian Luther, briefed media during a Department of Defense press conference on the Navy and Marine Corps portion of the budget.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n当施加高温和高压以将硬木和软木残渣分解成木纤维时获得。", "output": "It is obtained when high temperature and pressure are applied to break down hardwood and softwood residuals into wood fibers.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他很高,我只能勉强到他的肩膀。", "output": "Tall enough to come up to his shoulder.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n大发时时彩龙虎已签署多项协议", "output": "In addition, during the Summit, ROSATOM signed a number of agreements.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n随着年龄的增长,他开始思考自己的人生航向。", "output": "During his teenage years, he begins to think about his direction of life.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n每天早起后问:“什么是我今天需要做的三件最重要的能够帮助我建立我想要的成功的事情”。", "output": "Each day when you wake up in the morning ask: “What are the three most important things I need to do today that will help me create the success I desire?”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n商业洗衣店Nicollet使用推荐的软连接到一些其他的本地系统。", "output": "The commercial laundry Nicollet uses recommended Softies to a few other local systems.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n\" 美国消费者正在支付关税 \"", "output": "U.S. consumers are paying the tariffs.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n所以,每一個人都是光之工作者。", "output": "Each of you is a light worker.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n贝多芬非常热爱大自然。", "output": "Beethoven loved nature very much.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n3. 所有提及该软件功能或者使用该软件的广告材料必须展示以下致谢:", "output": "All advertising materials mentioning features or use of the Software must display the following acknowledgment:", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”20他们就带了他来。", "output": "20 Then they brought him to Him.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n誰願恕饒而且和解,真主必報酬誰。", "output": "Whoever repents and amends, Allah is inclined to forgive!", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n通过将不相干的因素拼凑在一起,你可能会学着更好地运用大脑解决生活中的问题。", "output": "By taking seemingly disparate elements together, you may learn to use more of your mind to solve problems.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n中华革命党本部是其领导中枢,地址设在东京。", "output": "The headquarters of the Chinese Revolutionary Party (CRP) is the center of its leadership, and its address is located in Tokyo.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n虽然你不能在这九天的灌顶中获得成就,但还是有意义的。", "output": "Even though you cannot gain accomplishment through these nine day of empowerment, it is still meaningful.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们回答说,伟大的城市停留在我们广阔而肥沃的草原上。", "output": "We reply that the great cities rest upon the our broad and fertile prairies.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n随着互联网技术的飞速发展,越来越多的...", "output": "With rapid advancement of internet technology, more and more", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nDon’t be silly 也有同樣的意思", "output": "Don’t be a fool and think the same thing.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“不要欠你一个人” - 小加里克拉克", "output": "\"Don't Owe You A Thang\" – Gary Clark Jr.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他的船员们很安静,但不擅长政治。", "output": "Their crews are well intentioned, but not very polished.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n最近的一個例子是指紋掃描技術。", "output": "A good, recent example of this is the finger-scanning technology.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n就像你的肌肉一样,你必须使用你的大脑否则你会失去它。", "output": "Like a muscle, you either use your brain or lose it.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我相信到那个时候,我们已经建立了一个强大的欧洲业务。", "output": "I believe by that time, we can already build a strong business in Europe.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n于是他开始跟那些虫族和小动物嚣张。", "output": "Then, the baby started to fear rabbits and other small animals.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nNRCC不会提供任何其他评论,以便;“;保护调查的完整性,和;“;声明中说。", "output": "The NRCC would offer no additional comment in order to \"protect the integrity of that investigation\", the statement said.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n更一般地,你需要用 log2(n) 位来表示一个可以取 n 个值的变量。", "output": "Generally, you need log2(n) bits to represent a variable that can take one of n values.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这包括开展更多工作来改革金融市场、升级劳动法、降低过度保护行业的准入门槛等。", "output": "This includes further efforts to reform financial markets, upgrade labor laws, and lower barriers to entry in overly protected industries.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nJob 9:18 我就是喘一口气,他都不容,倒使我满心苦恼。", "output": "Job 9:18 He will not allow me to catch my breath, but fills me with bitterness.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果巴乔想执教,没有问题。", "output": "But if Babcock wants to coach, it might not matter.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n频谱分配模式最初确定为", "output": "Initially, this distribution pattern was defined as", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“你在哪里见过虫纹?”", "output": "Where do you see the butterfly.\"", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n安全公司赛门铁克刚刚发布了6月份安全报告,它为垃圾邮件斗士们带来了一些好消息。", "output": "The security firm Symantec just released its monthly report for June, and it’s got some good news for spam fighters.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他们到了他的车,他为她打开了门。", "output": "They reached the car, and he opened the door for her.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果佛地魔有什么事情弄不明白,那就是爱。", "output": "If there is something Voldemort does not understand, it is love.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n截止12月底,等待其他船只的支援。", "output": "Hopefully shipping to the rest of the backers by the end of March.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们的制动摩擦产品也是这个复杂系统中的一部分。", "output": "Our brake friction is also part of that complex system.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在开始以人力资源为中心的职业生涯之前,唐娜在零售运营部门工作,这导致了她的第一个人力资源角色。", "output": "Before embarking on an HR-focused career, Donna worked in retail operations, which led to her first HR role.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n卡比特人被一条大蛇缠绕着;一个直径一定和人一样高的怪物,我甚至无法猜到它的长度。", "output": "The Kabit was wrapped in the coils of a mighty serpent; a monster that must have been the height of a man in diameter, and whose length I could not even guess.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他自吹自擂地说:“没有人比我更了解这个系统,这就是为什么我一个人能修好它的原因。", "output": "The apotheosis of his speech was: \"Nobody knows the system better than me, which is why I alone can fix it.\"", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n时时彩平台推荐我们将在收到您的要求后最长不超过30天或法律法规规定的更短期限(如有)内予以回复。", "output": "Upon the receipt of your request, we will reply to you within a period of no longer than 30 days or a shorter period as prescribed by law and regulation (if any).", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n参加这次会议对您推进卢旺达种族灭绝教育有何帮助?", "output": "Has your participation in the conference been beneficial for advancing education about genocide in Rwanda?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n双人制的数字式的飞行驾驶舱", "output": "The Digital Twin flight management system.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n毫无疑问,这是为了下一个Xbox", "output": "Pumped for the next Xbox?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nUVALED价格的大幅降低进一步加速了该技术的采用。", "output": "The sharp reduction in the price of UVA LED further accelerated the adoption of the technology.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n然而在判決後三天,聯軍解放了他被監禁的城鎮,而因此救了她一命。", "output": "Three days before the trial, however, the Allies liberated the town where she was held prisoner, thereby saving her life.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我的心中再次涌起一种骄傲。", "output": "I have a quiet pride in my body again.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n那个 manual 不容易看懂。", "output": "The manual isn’t easy to understand.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n不允许进行交叉链接。", "output": "Cross-band contacts are not permitted.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n没错,他们就是索尼。", "output": "Yes they are sonny.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n试一下这个测试:微笑一下,接着,心中想着消极的事情,但是保持微笑。", "output": "A test to show you how smiling keeps you positive is to smile, and then try to think of something negative, but keep trying to smile.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你不需要和任何人……", "output": "You do not need to come with anyone else....", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你可以用你最喜歡的蔬菜來準備以下食譜,真正地享受雞蛋的風味。", "output": "You can prepare the following recipe with your favorite vegetables to really enjoy the eggs’ flavor.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n把包装设计成有趣的包装并非只是儿童的专利,成年人也喜欢有趣的东西。", "output": "The packaging design was interesting and fun packaging is not just children, patents, adults like interesting things.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n由于私募通常是在纸上进行记录,其过程往往缺乏标准化,而获取文件的过程即复杂又耗时。", "output": "As private placements are usually conducted on paper, its processes are often associated with a lack of standardization, while access to documentation can be complicated and time-consuming.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他,价,知道玛丽,和她的身份是不会错的。", "output": "He, Valence, knew Marie, and could not be mistaken in her identity.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你将看到你刚刚设置的路径:", "output": "You should now see the pipeline you just created:", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n謝謝分享了背後的故事。", "output": "Thanks for sharing the back story.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果不进行果断干预,光是室外空气污染致死,就有可能到2050年增加50%。", "output": "Without aggressive intervention, deaths from ambient air pollution alone could increase 50% by 2050.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n每天花一点时间拥抱你对我的经验。", "output": "Spend a few moments each day embracing your experience of Me.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我想知道你是否有兴趣出售这个网站。", "output": "Are you interested in Selling this website?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“我们需要更大的确定性,来决定未来是否继续在英国投资,以保护我们的供应商、客户和4万名英国员工。", "output": "\"We urgently need greater certainty to continue to invest heavily in the UK and safeguard our suppliers, customers and 40,000 British-based employees,\" he said.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n实验室成员将假设你已经真实地生成了你的数据,并且它反映了你对所测量系统的最佳理解。", "output": "Lab members will assume that you have generated your data honestly and that it reflects your best understanding of the system you are measuring.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nPhysna还致力于提高其技术的采用率,并继续扩大其工程和销售团队。", "output": "Physna also aims to increase the adoption of its technology and continue to expand its engineering and sales teams.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n最大的一个监狱,囚禁了大约13,300人,是位于赫尔辛基的前海军基地芬兰堡。", "output": "The largest camp, having approximately 13,300 prisoners, was located on the former naval fortress island of Suomenlinna in Helsinki.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n巴西着名和崇拜的工具包,他们选择有时用新的闪亮蓝色替换,哥伦比亚也是如此。", "output": "The famed and adored package of Brazil, which they selected to on occasion substitute with a brand new glossy blue one, as did Colombia.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这是现代人类历史上最致命的结构性事故。", "output": "It is considered as the deadliest structural disaster in modern human history.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n换言之,我们很难过。", "output": "In other words, we get SAD.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他只听到波波维奇的最后一个简短而有力的回答。", "output": "Here is Boris’s brief and sharp reply.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n1937年,一个婴儿从4楼的窗户掉了出来,正好砸在约瑟夫·菲格洛克的身上。", "output": "1938In 1938, a baby fell out of a 4th floor window and onto a man sweeping the street named Joseph Figlock.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n那是受伤的心脏的家园。", "output": "A Home for the Wounded Heart.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nJesse与其他局代理人合作,发现奇怪的实验和秘密。", "output": "While Jesse cooperates with other agents of the Bureau, she makes the discovery of strange experiences and secrets.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n阿富汗的伊斯兰国头目被杀", "output": "Islamic State Chief in Afghanistan Killed", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n到2030年,最大型的網絡公司將成為教育型企業;", "output": "And by 2030, the largest industry on the internet will be the education industry.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n报告显示它于1972年被苏联收购,并作为其在华盛顿附近的外交官的度假胜地。", "output": "Reports indicate that it was bought by the Soviet Union in 1972 and served as a refuge for the diplomats in the near of Washington.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n所有的意见都一如既往,我自己的。", "output": "All views are as always, my own.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他的表现很好,他的进攻选择得到了改善,他的防守态度也得到了改善。", "output": "His shot looks better, his decision making is improving, his defense is solid.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n三个小时前,他带着气愤回来。", "output": "Three days ago he had come back almost raving.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我甚至没有办法想到,但我知道我的一些读者会这么做。", "output": "I don't mind it but I know some readers do.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n機動戰士GUNDAM 00 第二季(2008–2009)", "output": "Mobile Suit Gundam 00 Second Season (2008–2009)", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n(iii) 不可抵扣的支出是指超出法定可抵稅限額的各項支出。", "output": "(iii) Amounts represent miscellaneous expenses in excess of statutory deductible limits for tax purposes.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n所以,在选择学校的时候一定要慎重。", "output": "Hence be careful during selection of college.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在这种情况下,将铀的价格提高一倍会将核电站的运行成本提高5%。", "output": "For example, if the price of uranium doubled, the price of nuclear electricity would only increase by five percent.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果大门关闭,我们就越过围栏进去。", "output": "If the gate is closed, we will go over the gate.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他是一位有名的学者、文学批评家兼作家,对于中古及文艺复兴时期的英国文学尤有研究。", "output": "He was an important and respected critic and literary scholar, specializing in medieval and Renaissance English literature.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们以前曾讨论过创世记3夏娃的诱惑,你认为如果撒但先诱惑亚当, 效果会好吗?(读创世记 3:12。", "output": "Since we have previously discussed the parallels with the Genesis 3 temptation of Eve, do you think Satan would have done as well if he tempted Adam first?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n所以,在几十、 几百、几千次的 直行之后, 我最终将会 偏离该线路。", "output": "So eventually, after a couple of dozen, 100 times, 1,000 times of me going straight, eventually I'm going to go off the line.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这种危机每隔三四年就会产生一次。", "output": "That kind of crisis is going to come up every three or four years.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你會再次找到愛,還會比第一次更美好!", "output": "You find love again, and it be even more beautiful!", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n正常情況下,人體產生酵素來分解我們細胞所需物質。", "output": "Normally, the body makes enzymes to break down materials for our cells.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n让我在地上看到它们。", "output": "seen them on the ground.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n印度或丢掉克什米尔?", "output": "For India to give up Kashmir?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但還是有很多要學習啦!:)", "output": "I have a lot to learn! :)", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我不带半点含糊的回答。", "output": "I do not want to give a half baked response.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n英国研究者肯·罗宾逊对1600名3-5岁的儿童进行研究,证实了这一结论。", "output": "Sir Ken Robinson, a British researcher, illustrates this with a study of 1,600 children between the ages of 3 and 5.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你必须需要这种知识��真正需要它。", "output": "You need this holiday you really really need it.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n从1895年到1917年,下城十字成为波士顿百货公司的聚集地。", "output": "Between 1895 and 1917, Downtown Crossing became the hub of departmentstore shopping in Boston.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n成功,失败,以及伊丽莎白·吉尔伯特不断创造的动力", "output": "Success, Failure, and the Drive to Keep Creating by Elizabeth Gilbert", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们拥抱自由贸易,拥抱全球参与,支持一个我们能就规则达成一致,坚守规则,并遵守承诺的国际体系。", "output": "We embrace free trade, global engagement and an international system where we agree rules, stick to them and honour our commitments.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n卡尔和保拉·邦霍弗的家谱里到处都是有成就的人物,以至于人们可能会期望子孙后代承受这一切。", "output": "The Family trees of Karl and Paula Bonhoeffer are everywhere so laden with figures of accomplishment that one might expect future generations to be burdened by it all.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n67%的渗透率和33%的原始尺寸增长。", "output": "67% penetration into the substrate and 33% growth over original dimensions occurs.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这些同志负担着一种责任,就是应该帮助那些工作薄弱的地方,帮助那些还不善于工作的同志做好工作。", "output": "These comrades have a responsibility to help in places where our work is weak and to help comrades who are not yet able to work well.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n此外,它很难得到足够的热水为2人。", "output": "Water to have reasonable hot water for 2 people.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\ndbm 的一个限制在于键和值必须是字符串或者字节。", "output": "A limitation of anydbm is that the keys and values have to be strings.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n增强的服务器管理:iSCSI远程启动避免了每台服务器从各自的直连磁盘来启动。", "output": "• Enhanced server management: iSCSI remote boot eliminates booting each server from its own direct-attached disk.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n有一股无形的力量推着他。", "output": "An unrelenting strength surged through them.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果她没有,我可能会开枪自杀。", "output": "If she hadn't, I would probably have shot myself.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n49. 我有一件事,永远也不会。", "output": "Female: I have one thing, never.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n,在月经期间,女性的身体是很虚弱的,所以在这一时期女性要格外注意自己身体的保养。", "output": "In the days of Period, the woman's body is very weak and in this case, the woman should take special care of her diet.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n同期的婴儿死亡率从每1000人200下降到18.6。", "output": "The infant mortality rate for the same period has decreased from 200 per 1000 to 18.6.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n得知报名成功,孩子非常兴奋。", "output": "When he found out his application was successful, Young was thrilled.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n耶稣就在同一天出现其他圣洁的妇女,对彼得的道路上,以马忤斯的两个弟子,和所有的使徒,除了托马斯。", "output": "On the same day Jesus appeared to the other Holy Women, to Peter, to the two disciples on their way to Emmaus, and to all the Apostles excepting Thomas.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这里还有大量的软珊瑚。", "output": "There is an abundance of soft corals here.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们一般人使用免签注。", "output": "We usually grant free subscriptions.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n小小的电源设备现已交融了不断增加的新技能。", "output": "Today, small power equipment was integrated increasingly more new technology.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n2014年年中,墨西哥银行采取行动禁止国内银行直接处理比特币。", "output": "In mid-2014, the Banco de Mexico moved to prohibit banks in the country from directly handling bitcoin.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n质量监测通常都是基于是否符合某些参数的既定限制值。", "output": "Quality monitoring is generally based on the conformity of some parameters to certain limits.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n大规模杀伤事件会摧毁所有证券投资的价值。", "output": "Helicopter money could destroy the value of all paper currencies.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们能做的事太多,因此,如果没有关于我们该做什么的某些准则,我们将困难以抉择而手足无措。", "output": "There is so much we could do that, without some guidelines as to what we should do, we would be paralysed by indecision.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我希望这一法案没有通过。", "output": "I hope the Bill is not passed.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们对自己的头脑的工作方式的日常理解非常具有误导性。", "output": "Our everyday conception of how our minds work is profoundly misleading.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n而正是在这里,他获得了自由。", "output": "And there is where he found freedom.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n可以有很多items共有相同的关键词,因此,我们在BST当中按照这些items的评分来保存它们。", "output": "There could be many items sharing the same keyword, so we keep these items in a BST sorted by their rating.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n三个例子更清楚地说明了这一点。", "output": "Three examples demonstrate this more clearly.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在西墨西哥,这些物品几乎都是钟。", "output": "Yet, in the east they are almost like clockwork.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他的命令是待在屋里。", "output": "His orders were to stay in the house.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n国务院承认电话是真实的,努兰向欧盟官员道歉。", "output": "The State Department acknowledged the call was authentic, and Nuland apologized to E.U. officials.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n和士兵们分为等级,这意味着关键时刻已经到来。", "output": "and the soldiers fall into rank, it means that the critical moment has come. #", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n不可避免的是我们的故事相互联系,通过公益主义带来的故事,我们将彼此与人道主义中的赋权联系在一起。", "output": "What is unavoidable is the fact that our stories connect each other, and through the stories brought back through voluntourism, we connect each other to the empowerment that lies within humanitarianism.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nSGS 失效分析 – 查明产品故障的根本原因,明确责任,改善今后的性能。", "output": "Failure and damage analysis from SGS – identify the root causes of product failure, define responsibilities and improve future performance.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我之前在这个论坛上也做过同样的论证,只能被解雇。", "output": "I made essentially the same argument some time ago on this forum, only to be dismissed.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n人民党将努力使克什米尔与其强大的印度教民族主义紧密结合,”瓦希德说。", "output": "The BJP will try to strongly align Kashmir with its muscular Hindu nationalism,\" said Wahid.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n一美元纸币是美国货币额名称。", "output": "The one-dollar bill is a United States denomination currency.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这些资源中有许多投资于财富管理。", "output": "Many of those resources have been directed at wealth management.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你身体里超过99%的基因信息和地球上的其他人是完全一样的。", "output": "More than 99% of your genetic information is exactly the same as every other person on the planet.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n低脂肪的產品到處出現。", "output": "The low fat products appeared everywhere.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我憎恨它,因為奴隸制本身便是巨大的不公。", "output": "I hate it because of the monstrous injustice of slavery itself.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n为了确保马来西亚数字化举措的成功,政府需要始终如一地传达国家的数字优先事项。", "output": "In order to ensure the success of the digital initiatives in Malaysia, the government needs to consistently communicate the country’s digital priorities.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n游客必须要做充分的准备,要能自给自足。", "output": "Visitors need to be well prepared and self-sufficient.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我敲定了一个出售一千辆汽车的合约。", "output": "A contract for the sale of a $1000 car.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n许多地方当局已经开始游说来获得项目融资,从引起了北京高层领导人的警惕。", "output": "Many local authorities have already lobbied to get funding for projects, ringing alarm bells among top leaders in Beijing.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n确保你考虑到这一点。", "output": "Ensuring that you will take this into account.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n英文片名88 Minutes", "output": "Documentary | English | 86 minutes", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“我们对电子烟的建议保持不变–电子烟并非完全没有风险,但危害远不如吸烟。", "output": "“Our advice on e-cigarettes remains unchanged - vaping isn’t completely risk free but is far less harmful than smoking tobacco.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他们说,论文中的图表对非科学家来说更容易理解,尤其是“那些对真正的犯罪感兴趣的人”。", "output": "It is said that the graphics in the paper are easier for non-scientists to understand, especially for those \"interested in real crime\".", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”那听起来像是监禁我。", "output": "\"That sounds like being incarcerated to me.\"", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n另一名美国基地组织领导人艾哈迈德法鲁克也被杀害。", "output": "Another American, Ahmad Farouq, a deputy Al Qaeda commander, was also killed.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n奥巴马总统说,“这些国家毕竟是主权独立的国家,他们将自己决定自己的命运。", "output": "\"Ultimately, \"President Obama said, \"these are sovereign countries that are going to have to make their own decisions.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n监狱系统是另一个故事。", "output": "The justice system and prison are another story.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但這場戰爭具有特殊性質。", "output": "But this war is of a peculiar nature.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n租一辆车,享受 - 旅行 - 发现波斯尼亚黑塞哥维那。", "output": "Hire a car and enjoy - travel - discover Colombia.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n三、多给他一些宽容让你宽容,多是因为丈夫有缺点、有失误,或是做了对不起你的事。", "output": "Third, give him a little more tolerance to make you tolerant, mostly because your husband has shortcomings, mistakes, or things that are sorry to you.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nStrickland是第三位获得诺贝尔物理学奖的女性,也是唯一一位健在的女性获奖者。", "output": "Strickland is the third woman to win the Nobel Prize in Physics, and is the only living female winner.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n幾乎沒有人懷疑量子技術最終會產生有用的、具有潛在革命性的產品。", "output": "Few doubt that quantum technologies will eventually yield useful and potentially revolutionary products.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n7月16日:上午,参观啤酒博物馆。", "output": "July 15th - Classes in the morning, Beer Museum visit in the afternoon.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n特朗普随后表达了对马蒂斯的全力支持,并建议马蒂斯让媒体知道这一点。", "output": "Mr Trump then expressed his full support for Mr Mattis, and suggested Mr Mattis should let the press know this.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n50元钱上了足足一袋子冰棍。", "output": "Cost is $ 15 for a 50-pound bag of ice melt.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n华盛顿7月11日电白宫周四召开社交媒体峰会,主要聚集了保守的社交媒体人士。", "output": "White House Social Media Summit – On July 11th, the White House hosted a Social Media Summit comprised mostly of conservative social media activists.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n-十年过去了,你敢相信吗?", "output": "That was 10 years ago...do you believe it?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n做到这一点,就拿到了钥匙。", "output": "When you do this you will get the key.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n该公司还不断开发其制造系统及其在工厂中使用的设备,以确保最高精度。", "output": "The company also has continuously developed its manufacturing system and its equipment utilized in the factory in order to ensure maximum precision.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n尽管这一转变不会消除以前被监禁的人在找工作时遇到的挑战,但有一些迹象表明,情况可能开始发生变化。", "output": "Though this shift will by no means eliminate the challenges formerly incarcerated people encounter when seeking employment, there are a few signs that things could be starting to change.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n承認你的感受並為它貼標籤。", "output": "Acknowledge your emotions and label them.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n研究可以创造出新物品,改良物品,和获得稀有物品,它们都对城市的规划和更深层次的研究有用。", "output": "Research can lead to creating new items, improving them, and obtaining rare ones that can be useful for city planning and further research.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nset a limit to ... 对…加以限制。", "output": "A limit is so . . . well, limiting.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n特性发布版本可以包含任何类型的特性,不仅包括新的以及增强的 API,还包含语言和 JVM 的特性。", "output": "Feature releases can contain any type of feature, including not just new and improved APIs but also language and JVM features.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n其所用試樣的非金屬材料總體積僅為C類的1/3,即0.5L/m。", "output": "The total volume of non-metal materials used in the sample is only 1/3 of that of Class C, ie 0.5 L/m.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n聯合醫院於10月24日就...", "output": "Community Hospital on Oct. 24 ...", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n或者,如果已經有人問了,你也可以搜尋最佳解答。", "output": "Or, if someone’s already asked, you can search for the best answer.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n交易所或一家或多家买方会员", "output": "purchaser or to one or more purchasers as", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这在整个殖民时期发生了深远的影响。", "output": "These influences emerged throughout the colonial period.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n换句话说,我们并不是用效用最大化的理论,来决定是不是值得相信圣诞老人。", "output": "In other words, we are not utility-maximizing agents trying to decide whether it’s worth it to believe in Santa.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n有记录的残障学生可能有资格在ISEE住宿。", "output": "A student with a documented disability may be eligible for accommodations on the ISEE.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n接着,发挥创造力,拟出所有可能的选择。", "output": "Let yourself be creative, writing down every possibility.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n奇洛教授在今年年初时对我们说过,他教给我们的东西会一直是我们防御之术的坚实基础。", "output": "Professor Quirrell told us at the beginning of this year that what he taught us would always be our firm foundation in the arts of Defense.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我宁愿花时间和精力去做真正的事情。", "output": "I’d rather spend time and energy doing things that are genuine.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n谷歌Chrome for Windows 10即将推出原生黑暗模式", "output": "Next articleGoogle Chrome for Windows 10 to Soon Get a Native Dark Mode", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”但他也没有对报道予以否认。", "output": "He did, however, also not deny the reports.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n说起在室内公共场所禁止吸烟,欧洲国家走在了世界前列。", "output": "Speaking of banning smoking in indoor public places and European countries to go in the world.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果他们不这样做,那么该项目将被移交给神圣的源头,并由银河兄弟来执行。", "output": "If they fail to do so than the project will be handed over to the Divine Source and carried out by the Galactic Brothers.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你可尝试不同的组合。", "output": "You can try a different mixture.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n当然,这必须严格在法律范围内进行。", "output": "Of course, that must be done in the context of strict enforcement.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n与某人从印度,精神上你转移到一个奇异的国家,与旧的和新的世界,财富和贫穷,最新的技术发展和贫民窟。", "output": "Communicating with someone from India, mentally transfer you to an exotic country, with the old and new world, with wealth and poverty, the newest technical developments and slums.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n每月10美元,您可以从超过100个游戏的目录中下载和播放任何您想要的内容 - 请在此处查看完整列表。", "output": "For $10/month, you can download and play anything you want from a catalog of more than 100 games--see the full list here.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n它并不代表展望智库的观点。", "output": "It does not affirm a view of physiology.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n鼓励社区组织和企业申请暑期机会补助金,奖金从5,000美元到15,000美元不等。", "output": "Community organizations and businesses are encouraged to apply for a summer opportunity grant, with awards ranging from $5,000 to $15,000.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n土地所有權(HAK milik)只能由印尼公民擁有。", "output": "Currently, land titles (hak milik) can only be held by Indonesian citizens.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我很长一段时间后他一直教他怎么开车。", "output": "He's been after me for a long time to teach him how to drive.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n现在,推动CSR的力量是千禧一代,比如15岁的埃琳娜。", "output": "Today, the drivers of CSR are the millennials – and Generation Y, like 15-year-old Elena.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他表示,先前有”大量”关于他引发争议的优先要务案件遭到推翻,例如严厉打击非法移民。", "output": "He said that “a vast number” of cases concerning his controversial priorities, like a harsh crackdown on illegal immigration, had been overturned.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n有的女性认为,吸烟是一种优雅的体现。", "output": "Some people view smoking as a character weakness.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n文化会议中心(位于文化广场)和Laskarideio 民间艺术博物馆是它的亮点。", "output": "It is worth visiting for the Cultural-Conference Centre (in the central square) and the Laskarideio Folk Art Museum.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n乔伊斯(James Joyce)1882年2月2日,出生在爱尔兰的都柏林。", "output": "James Joyce was born on 2 February 1882 in Dublin, Ireland.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“你想听到的答案是什么?”", "output": "\"What answer do you want to hear?\"", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n突尼斯新政府还将面临可怕的经济问题。", "output": "The next Indian government will face tricky economic problems.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n石油和天然气工业是氢的最大生产商,也是最大用户。", "output": "The oil and gas industry is the largest producer and user of hydrogen.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n对你来说,什么是一个典型的一周?", "output": "What's a typical week for you?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n人们可以认为他打得不好。", "output": "People are apt to think he has behaved badly.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你可以加入外国人经常去的俱乐部或酒吧。", "output": "You can just walk into any café or bar where expats usually frequent.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n””两个女人坐在那里的灯光,看着彼此,这个东西之前各自不同的无助。", "output": "The two women sat there in the lamplight and looked at each other, each in a different way helpless before this thing.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n麻煩大家幫幫忙..thx", "output": "Please help me … ThnQ", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n核武器不能解决任何问题,甚至连战争本身都没有。", "output": "Nukes are not answer to any solution, not even war itself.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n它使用的是一种基于公共信用和人口统计数据的统计学模式,来为顾客提供“量身打造”的产品。", "output": "The firm utilized a statistical model, which was based on demographic and public credit data, to provide customized products to customers.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果你和孩子在飞机上氧气面罩掉下来了因为机舱失去了气压,你总是被告知先戴上面具。", "output": "If you’re in an airplane with your child and the oxygen masks come down because the cabin is losing air pressure, you’re always told to put on YOUR mask first.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n面对国旗,山,站起来;水,活起来;天,阔起来!", "output": "In the face of the national flag, mountains, stand up, water, live up to the sky, wide up!", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n考试将于2015年9月19日举行。", "output": "The examination was held on 19 September 2015.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n从财务危机到财务自由", "output": "From Financial Frustration to Financial Freedom", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n苹果有哪些产品是真正完美无缺的?", "output": "So what pieces is Apple really missing?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n联大公开辩论关注有关纪念废除跨大西洋贩卖奴隶二百周年的后续活动", "output": "General Assembly: Commemoration of the two-hundredth anniversary of the abolition of the trans-Atlantic slave trade.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n似乎我们的信仰又回到了原点,又似乎我们未曾与主耶稣“相遇相识”。", "output": "It seems like our faith has gone back to square one, and that we have never met and been acquainted with the Lord Jesus.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n学会谈论感受,并总是指出你的规则和决定的原因,同时考虑到孩子的感受和你所要求的积极的一面。", "output": "Learn to talk about the feelings, and always point out the reasons for your rules and decisions, taking into account the child's feelings and the positive side of what you're asking of them.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n一要围绕“一条红色主线?", "output": "Something about a \"Red Line\"?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n85岁的法国焊接工Claude Copin可能已经发现了健康长寿的秘诀。", "output": "At 85, Claude Copin, a retired French welder, may have discovered the secret to living a long, healthy life.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但家人告诉周六PUNCH ,Damilare死亡的情况引起了怀疑,声称他被殴打致死。", "output": "But the family told Saturday PUNCH that the circumstances surrounding Damilare’s death aroused suspicion, claiming that he was beaten to death.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我认为他们现在已经赚了很多钱。", "output": "And I assume they are already generating a lot of money.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我被帶進了一個\"升級\"的房間。", "output": "We got upgraded to a 'studio' room.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n翟菜花:腾讯音乐赴美上市,能否打破在线音乐行业困局?", "output": "Can Tencent Music go public in the US, can it break the online music industry?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nItem 3 : 尽可能使用 const", "output": "Step 3: Compost as much as possible", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n长距射频产品多用于交通上,识别距离可达几十米,如自动收费或识别 车辆身份等。", "output": "Long-range RF products are mostly used for transportation, and the recognition distance can reach several tens of meters, such as automatic charging or identification of vehicle identity.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n因为那是我的私人部位", "output": "Those are my private parts.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n..能把所有受害者联系起来的东西。", "output": "\"There's everything connecting the victims.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n《女人和死去的孩子》,1903年", "output": "‘Woman with Dead Child, 1903.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在火星上建立一个基地是一个可怕的想法. 让我们开始吧!", "output": "Next Building a Mars Base is a Horrible Idea: Let’s do it!", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n每个人都应该能够自由表达自己的意见,而不会受到任何限制。", "output": "Each Person Is Free to Express His or Her Opinion, Without Any Constraints.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n此條目介紹的是2015年之前存在的一家公司。", "output": "This article is about the company that existed until 2015.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果我们在此期间收到两条 LoRa 消息,一条消息可能被丢弃。", "output": "If we receive two LoRa messages during this time, one is likely to be dropped.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他说,在这种情况下,企业应该专注于提供中长期预测。", "output": "In this case, he said, businesses should focus on medium- to long-term forecasts that provide useful information.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n当然我们也需要实力。", "output": "And we also need strength.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n似乎很大,好像你可以走一圈,看到不同的东西,这从未发生过,当你跟正常孩子。", "output": "It seemed big, as though you could walk round it and see different things, and that never happened when you talked to kids normally.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n去年,布拉夫顿排名30 79个机构相媲美。", "output": "Last year, Bluffton was ranked 30 of 79 comparable institutions.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n所以那是我打算投入生产的产品之一。", "output": "So that’s one of the products I intend to get put back into production.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n获得充分的自由,充分发展人类潜力恰恰依赖于工业、农业和科学技术的发展。", "output": "The way to attain true freedom to develop the potential of men and women to the full lies precisely in the fullest development of industry, agriculture, science and technology.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n有机聚合物材料通常具有低导热率,并且不适合于电子设备的快速散热。", "output": "Organic polymeric materials generally have low thermal conductivity and are not suitable for rapid heat dissipation of electric and electronic equipment in the past.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你說,\"但是我每週日都去教會。", "output": "You may say, “But I go to church every week.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n然后,十分钟后,她向他。", "output": "Ten minutes later, he turned to her.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n《联合国国际贸易应收款转让公约》(2001年)", "output": "United Nations Convention on the Assignment of Receivables in International Trade (2001)", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但是,关键是如何从更小的规模发展成更大的规模,假如", "output": "But the point is how to go from a smaller size to a bigger size, in case", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果不排序,数据一般将以它在底层表中出现的顺序显示。", "output": "If unsorted, data is typically displayed in the order in which it appears in the underlying tables.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n两个点(peer)之间的逻辑连接被称为“关联”。", "output": "The logical connection between two peers is called an 'association'.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在此裁决之前,超过4,300个人类基因获得了专利。", "output": "Before the Myriad ruling, more than 4,300 human genes had been patented.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n社会主义一定要胜利!", "output": "Socialism is winning!", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n】我们总是认为物质是东西,但现在它不是东西了;现在,物质比起东西而言更像是念头。", "output": "We always think that matter is something, but now it is not something; Now, matter is more like an idea than something.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n不过,这些操作也仅限于大型金融机构。", "output": "This study is limited to large financial services institutions.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他们已经获得了三分之一的胜利。", "output": "He has basically been worth a third of a win already.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nChallis博士目前是一位专注于儿童神经发育和神经残疾的儿科顾问。", "output": "Dr. Challis is presently a Consultant Pediatrician specializing in Neurodevelopment and Neurodisability.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这是因为我们不总结这些东西。", "output": "And it's because we can't get these things up.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n俗话讲:“针鼻大的窟窿透出斗大风”。", "output": "The NRSV reads, “a wind from God swept over the face of the waters.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“今年的两会我看到了。", "output": "\"I've seen both of them this year.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n然而,基于帐户的营销对许多人来说是一个相当新的概念。", "output": "Account-based marketing is a fairly new concept to many people.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“他知道我们的痛苦和救恩。", "output": "He knows our pain and our suffering.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n相应国家的政府必须为日内瓦公约的缔约国。", "output": "The national government of the respective country must be a state party to the Geneva Convention.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但众所周知的是,宇航员的骨骼可以在空间中被变弱。", "output": "It is already known that the immune system of the astronauts weakens in space.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n深情的说唱和庞大的混搭排除本周的播放列表", "output": "Rocky, Easy and Big Shot hosts this week show.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n一吨二氧化碳是什么样子?", "output": "What does a ton of carbon dioxide look like?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n大不列颠海军史从1793年法国宣战开始,加入乔治四世。", "output": "The Naval History of Great Britain, From the Declaration of War by France in 1793, to the Accession of George IV.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n广州到阿姆斯特丹航班往返时刻表", "output": "London to Amsterdam flight time approx.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n苹果地图已经走了很长的路,早期蒂姆.库克(Tim Cook)确实为替换谷歌地图带来的“困难”而道歉。", "output": "Apple Maps has come a really long way since the early days, when Tim Cook actually apologized for how “difficult” the Google Maps replacement was.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“完美的地方可以停下来喝咖啡”", "output": "A perfect place to stop for coffee.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nDonald Lapierre 的父親當時已經在使用一種非常簡單的真空系統,但效率並不高。", "output": "Donald Lapierre's father was already using a very simple vacuum system, though it was not particularly efficient.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我的是12月12日考试。", "output": "I took the exam on November 12th.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这些树的所有权属于他叔叔。", "output": "The treasures here belonged to his master.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n2014年,卡巴斯基实验室称他们每天可以检测出32万5千个恶意文件。", "output": "In 2014, Kaspersky Lab reported it was detecting 325,000 new malicious files every day.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这家创业公司也看到了国内巨大的增长机会。", "output": "The company also sees exciting growth opportunities in Switzerland.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n一种新病毒可能是中国神秘的肺炎暴发的原因 – 2020年1月9日", "output": "A new virus may be the cause of the mysterious pneumonia outbreak in China – 9 January, 2020", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n99 艺术 从 10 000!", "output": "99 arts from 10 000!", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n上帝要他们差派十二个探子去窥探那地和那地的人民。", "output": "God told them to send 12 spies to assess the land and the people living there.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们有一天下午见面的时候,一向富有活力的杨静歪坐到沙发上,显得精疲力竭。", "output": "One afternoon when we met, the normally animated Ms. Yang slumped onto the sofa, exhausted.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n长程序根据本条不得提供给任何被告,除非法院在其裁量权的结论是:", "output": "c.Proceedings under this section shall not be available to any defendant unless the court in its discretion concludes that:", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这一承诺是为了在南斯拉夫内战之后稳定该地区,这是20世纪90年代导致南斯拉夫解体的一系列内战。", "output": "This commitment was made in order to stabilise the region in the wake of the Yugoslav Wars, a series of civil wars through the 1990s that led to the breakup of Yugoslavia.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n其他几个光伏和风能项目正处于最后的开发阶段。", "output": "Several other PV and wind projects are in the last development phase.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“我相当确定我会失败。", "output": "“I’m quite sure I would fail.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们也很喜欢交谈和公司!", "output": "We also love to gather and talk!", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n因为你需要的只是知识,而不是老师。", "output": "Because you only need knowledge, rather than a teacher.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n羅斯柴爾德的走私者之一是一個名叫 Rothworth 的人。", "output": "One of Rothschild’s couriers was a man named Rothworth.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这就是为什么莫斯科很可能没有能力建造这艘新航母。", "output": "That’s why Moscow probably can’t build this new ship.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但是我很好奇在另一个点。", "output": "But I was curious about another matter.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n一群人在等待公车的到来。", "output": "There was a queue of people waiting for the arrival of a bus.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这就需要全世界进行一场技术革命。", "output": "Put simply, the world needs a technological revolution.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nNER的另一个名称是NEE,它代表命名实体提取。", "output": "Another name for NER is NEE, which stands for named entity extraction.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n尽管政治独立人士越来越多,但隶属于两大政党之一仍然有其优势。", "output": "Despite the growing numbers of political independents, there are still advantages to affiliating with one of the two big parties.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n而至40岁时,该机会已下降至5%。", "output": "At the age of 40, the opportunity decreased by 5%.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但我们还需进一步努力,而这意味着作出选择。", "output": "We want to move ahead, but that requires us to make a choice.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n除此之外,每宗个案可包括五个申请人。", "output": "Each case can include up to five defendants.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我爸爸的爱好是钓鱼。", "output": "My father's hobby is fishing.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n英国洲际酒店集团PLC是世界上最具全球化并拥有客房数最多的酒店集团。", "output": "InterContinental Hotels Group PLC of the United Kingdom is the world’s largest hotel group by number of rooms.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n同时实现职业成就和个人成就绝对不是一件容易的事。", "output": "Combining professional achievement and personal fulfillment is definitely not an easy task.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n「她聽起來就像一位母親設法說服小孩要吃光甘藍菜,不然就得餓著肚子去睡覺一樣。", "output": "\"She sounded as winningly persuasive as a mother snapping at her children to eat up their cabbage or go to bed hungry.\"", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n调查发现,平均而言,他们花了773美元,而仅限成人的访客花费了637美元。", "output": "On average, they spent $773 while adults-only visitors spent $637, the survey found.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n有目击者称在现场看到三把刀,其中一把是较长的面包刀。", "output": "A witness described seeing two knives on the ground, one of which he described as a large bread knife.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n《At Eternity's Gate》Julian Schnabel, (法國、美國)", "output": "in the film AT ETERNITY’S GATE by Julian Schnabel (USA, France)", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我试图用我所有的力量。", "output": "I am still trying with all my strength.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n虽然现在有不少CSS管理和精减工具,但每个网站都会平均请求6个CSS文件。", "output": "Despite the availability of CSS management and minification tools, the average site also makes six requests for CSS files.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n剑桥大学等机构也已经对加密金融领域进行了大量研究,瑞士卢塞恩大学甚至用接受比特币支付学费。", "output": "In addition, institutions such as Cambridge University have conducted substantial research into the crypto-finance field, and Swiss university Lucerne now accepts Bitcoin payments for tuition fees.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n請相信我,所有這些塑像之後都有魔鬼。", "output": "Please believe me, all these statues have demons behind them.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但兩人否認此事,強調寶寶是意外之喜。", "output": "But they both denied it and blamed the other one.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n综合来说,无论是在生态方面还是军事破坏方面,这都是对人类未来最严重的威胁。", "output": "Combined, this represents the gravest menace to humanity’s future, ecologically as well as through military destruction.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但她知道威廉爵士太长了。", "output": "she had known Sir William's too long.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n12.由美国签发的有效独立美国移民表格155A / 155B(附在密封的棕色信封上)", "output": "a stand alone U.S. Immigration visa Form 155A/155B (attached to a sealed brown envelope).", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n(甲)如果和委会未能在十二个月内完成对案件的审议,和委会在其报告中", "output": "(a) If the Commission is unable to complete its consideration of the matter within twelve months,", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在SEO業務領域,回報率是有希望的。", "output": "In the SEO business area, the rate of return is promising.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n当局表示,他们从被指控贪污的人那里筹集了超过1000亿美元的和解金。", "output": "Authorities said they raised over $100 billion in settlements from people accused of graft.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n英文名称: Durian", "output": "Use of english: Durian", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“那些商業合作支撐著美國人就業崗位,許多在美國國內的美國人就業崗位,”這名專家表示。", "output": "“That commercial engagement supports American jobs, many American jobs here in the United States,” the expert said.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他穿的T恤衫已经用水洗过很多次了。", "output": "His white shirt had been laundered too often.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n因此,我失去了与家人的亲密关系。", "output": "I lost my close ties to family.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n沮丧就是你失去自己的时候。", "output": "It’s a depression when you lose your own.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这个为期两年的计划侧重于全球市场背景下的经济政策。", "output": "This two-year program focuses on economic policy in the context of global markets.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n22 : 49 你說:「眾人啊!我對你們只是一個直爽的警告者。", "output": "49Proclaim, \"O mankind, I am for you only a clear Herald of Warning.\"", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n^ 0年代不是一个年代,因为它只有9年,而不是10年,因为没有0年。", "output": "^ The 0s is not a decade, as it contains only nine years, not ten, due to there being no year zero.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n47岁争取副总统提名,得票不到100张。", "output": "He sought nomination for the vice-president and received less than 100 votes.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n看看他早期、晚期的作品变化。", "output": "I see changes in his early and late work.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他和他的同学分享了他的见解。", "output": "he shared his views with his students.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n據說這裏生產了世界上85%的玫瑰花油。", "output": "It produces 85% of the world’s rose oil.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我要你护送离开这里。", "output": "I’ll have you escorted out of here.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n(启示录12:12)当人患病或感情受困扰时,信心的素质就受到考验了。", "output": "(Revelation 12:12) Such physically or emotionally upsetting conditions test the quality of our faith.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他们彼此的许多照片。", "output": "Then they take many photos of each other.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n现在是时候让我们开始使用我们的头脑了。", "output": "It's time for us to start using our head.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这项技能,大多数人要么迟迟不敢去开发,要么就完全地低估了它。", "output": "This is a skill most people either wait too long to develop, or underestimate entirely.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n上映的第一天,我其实在医院。", "output": "For my opening show, I was in the hospital.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n各种各样的“brain”", "output": "Two types of \"Brain\"", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这并不是说印度公司没有意识到这个威胁。", "output": "It is not that Indian companies don’t realise the threat.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n3月29日,委员会将隔夜利率和隔夜拆借利率分别定为16.75%和17.75%。", "output": "On March 29, the committee set the overnight rate and the overnight lending rate at 16.75 percent and 17.75 percent, respectively.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n实际缴纳的增值税会较大幅度下降。", "output": "The effective VAT rate will be substantially reduced.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nDXR 是一个代码搜索和导航工具,旨在理解像火狐那种大型项目。", "output": "DXR is a code search and navigation tool aimed at making sense of large projects like Firefox.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在1930年代,当天文学家开始猜测恒星在核燃料燃尽后其未来是什么的时候,他们发现很难去描述这种状态。", "output": "In the 1930s, as astronomers began to ponder the future of a star whose nuclear fuel had run out, they ran into difficulty describing its fate.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n(二)引导实行委员会工作;", "output": "leads the Commission’s work;", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“信心,是心灵的知己。", "output": "Faith is the spirit of inner knowing.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n招远律师:迟到的正义还有什么意义?", "output": "Dear perverters of justice: What is the meaning of your delay?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n照片潤色,以消除紅眼和瑕疵。", "output": "Retouch pictures to eliminate red-eye as well as imperfections.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”胡塞尔说:“更好的是:人们必须被召唤。", "output": "Hitler said, \"the best people are being appointed.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n希望这座建筑成为9到5的区域。", "output": "This tree should be planted in zones 5 to 9.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n看來,他也需要一個故事。", "output": "It also needs a story.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n没人知道自己的盗窃行为。", "output": "No one understands the hold-up.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n查寻可利用的旅馆在 丹佛", "output": "Search for available hotels in Denver", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果采纳,该变更将要求制造商提交研究报告,证明其产品在出售前是安全有效的。", "output": "If finalized, the change would require manufacturers to prove that their products are safe and effective before they can be sold.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n34. 我現在一個人住,擔心自己會沉迷於糖果粉碎傳奇(Candy Crush)這個遊戲。", "output": "34) now i'm alone i have become worryingly addicted to playing candy crush on my ipad.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n许多因素都会影响头发的生长速度。", "output": "There are several factors that can affect the speed of hair growth.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我就不再想做天人了。", "output": "I no longer wanted to be God.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n急速加快的奔走声越过你的头顶,这是风穿过高大林木的声音—不是雨。", "output": "When the quickly growing rushing sound wandered over your head, it was the wind in the tall forest-trees, – and not the rain.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“并非所有渔民都是环境破坏者。", "output": "\"Not all fishermen are rapers of the environment.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你和我一起去还是什么?", "output": "Are You Coming with Me or What?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n今天的内容就到这里,更多精彩足球教学敬请继续关注足球之路!", "output": "Today’s content is here, more exciting football teaching, please continue to pay attention to the football road!", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n23于是他们开始彼此议论,他们当中究竟是谁会做这事。", "output": "23 So they began to discuss with each other who could do such a thing.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n一條河在屋外實現了快速降溫。", "output": "A river outside the house enables a quick cool-down.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n而全球經濟衰退已對我們所有的人變得更加困難。", "output": "A global economic recession has hit us all.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n同樣的,歷史上沒有帝國野心的歐洲國家對黃金興趣就不怎麼大。", "output": "Likewise, European powers without a significant history of imperial ambition don't seem to have much interest in gold.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在网上,我提出了疑问,得到了很多颇有道理的答覆。", "output": "I asked the question online and received some lovely responses.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n习近平同法国总统奥朗德举行会谈开创紧密持久的中法全面战略伙伴关系新时代(2014-03-27)", "output": "Xi Jinping Holds Talks with French President François Hollande, Opening up the New Era of a Close and Enduring China-France Comprehensive and Strategic Partnership (2014/03/27)", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n她的出版商停止回她的电话,她的暑期讲座巡回演唱会的门票销售严重下滑,她被迫取消。", "output": "Her publisher had stopped returning her calls, and ticket sales for her summer lecture tour had tanked so badly she’d been forced to cancel.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他在1969年6月份自己57岁时死于这种疾病。", "output": "He died of the disease in June 1969 at the age of 57.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你的棍子,会随手扔在一边当你不再需要他们。", "output": "You can then throw them away when you no longer need them.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n参与者在研究开始和结束时也进行了MRI脑部扫描。", "output": "Participants also had MRI brain scans at the start and end.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nTouch ID同样反应快两倍。", "output": "Touch ID will also be twice as fast.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n所有这些开口可以与密封环和真空条件下工作时,螺旋盖被关闭。", "output": "All these openings can be closed with seal rings and screw caps when working under vacuum conditions.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n不开心,他开始讨厌去上学。", "output": "He started to hate going to school.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“如果我们进入可持续燃料在经济上相似的时代,为什么不使用它们呢?", "output": "‘If we come into an age where sustainable fuels are economically similar, why not use them?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n感恩于 企业也不是阶段性的,而是我 们整个职业生涯中必须坚持的信念。", "output": "Gratitude to the business is not a stage, but a belief that we must persist throughout our career.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n例如,如果您正在跟踪路线,则导航信息位于数字集群的前方和中间位置。", "output": "If you’re following a route, for instance, navigation information sits front and center in the digital cluster.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nTMC奖-2015年产品", "output": "3CX Awards - TMC Product of the year 2015 →", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n课程将由生物学教授和大麻法律和标准方面的专家讲授。", "output": "Courses will be taught by biology professors and experts in cannabis laws and standards.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我可以独自住在那里,她想,减缓汽车往下看的绕组花园路径小蓝色大门,完美,一只白猫的一步。", "output": "“I could live there all alone, she thought, slowing the car to look down the winding garden path to the small blue front door with, perfectly, a white cat on the step.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n熟悉自然世界,认识它的多样性和统一性", "output": "Being familiar with the natural world and recognizing both its diversity and its unity", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他们之间的关系为:修整量=砂轮减少量修整轮减少量。", "output": "The relationship between them is: dressing amount = grinding wheel reduction amount of dressing wheel reduction.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如何在Photoshop中设计网页", "output": "How to Design a website in Photoshop.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n随着人们对体制失去信心,这种担心会越来越严重。", "output": "Such worries increase as people lose faith in institutions.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n第二天,有报告说大约3千名被逮捕和发现有数位的“烈士”,但在官方内没有获得真正的死亡人数。", "output": "After the first day of the protests there were reports of approximately 3000 arrests and a few \"martyrs\", but there are no official figures on the number of deaths.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n温莎公爵夫人又独自生活了14年,于1986年4月24日去世。", "output": "The Duchess outlived her husband for 14 years, dying on 24 April 1986.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但澳大利亚与印度尼西亚的关系仍然紧张。", "output": "But Australia’s relationship with Indonesia is still tense.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我們到世界各地尋找美麗的東西,我們去印度、日本、去許多國家。", "output": "We searched the world over for beautiful objects - India, Japan, many different countries.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在德国,研究资助由国家机构、各类组织(其中大量大学之外的研究机构)以及企业所提供。", "output": "Research funding in Germany is provided by government bodies, various organisations, including many of the large non-university research institutions, and industry.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n第二个方面 jsp:setProperty 可以出现是一个 jsp:useBean元素中,如下所示:", "output": "A second context in which jsp:setProperty can appear is inside the body of a jsp:useBean element, as below:", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n所以,现在的我很享受。", "output": "So I am enjoying it now.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他们已经战斗了1000年。", "output": "They've been fighting for 1,000 years.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在石油和化工行業都需要大量的H2。", "output": "Large quantities of H2 are needed in the petroleum and chemical industries.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他的妻子和孩子是天主教徒。", "output": "Her husband and son are Catholic.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这场活动距离他的药房只有两扇门,但戈德温,支持艾布拉姆斯的共和党对手布赖恩·肯普,却没有出席。", "output": "The event was two doors down from his pharmacy, but Godwin, who supported Abrams' Republican rival, Brian Kemp, did not attend.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我的脑海在快速的计算着。", "output": "My mind quickly calculated.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n然后其价值低于一美元,只有几美分。", "output": "Then it was under a dollar, and a few cents.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n不久之后,整辆卡车爆炸,严重炸毁前门。", "output": "Shortly after, the entire truck exploded, extensively damaging the front gate.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n8Lady Gaga透露了她不寻常的第一次名人迷恋!", "output": "Lady Gaga Reveals Her Unusual First Celebrity Crush!", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“誓死效忠,至死不渝。", "output": "“We will not swear loyalty until death”.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他们两人都发誓要保密。", "output": "Both the soldiers were sworn to secrecy.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n请您在交付的7天内与我们联系。", "output": "Contact me within 7 days of delivery to you.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n巧克力巧克力最棒的冰霜", "output": "* The best chocolate ice cream.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“你们查考圣经,因你们以为内中有永生,给我作见证的就是这经,然而你们不肯到这里来得生命。", "output": "You search the Scriptures because you think that in them you have eternal life; and it is they that bear witness about me, 40 yet you refuse to come to me that you may have life.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我决心看到印度不会陷入这种境地。", "output": "I am determined to see that India will not be pushed into that situation.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他也贴出父亲、姑姑与伯父间争执摘要的连结。", "output": "He had also posted links to a summary of the feud between his father, aunt and uncle.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们不久就将实现能源独立!", "output": "We will also be energy independent soon.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n后三个应用程序看起来像一桶脓,伤口看起来更好。", "output": "After three applications and what seems like a bucket of pus, the wound does look better.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n日本石油消费增幅为25万桶/日(增长6.3%),属1994年以来最大增幅。", "output": "Japanese consumption grew by 250,000 b/d (+6.3%), the strongest growth increment since 1994.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n因其美丽的落日景观而被誉为“日落故乡”,Key West拥有国际机场,是多条豪华游轮航线的出发点。", "output": "Because of its beautiful sunset and known as the \"sunset hometown\", Key West International Airport, is the starting point of many luxury cruise routes.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n健全的宏观经济管理;", "output": "sound macroeconomic management;", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n「我們成為一家人」。", "output": "“We become a family.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n北京(亚洲新闻)- 4月8日,河南省天主教两会发布一份通知,禁止所有18岁以下的青年进教堂参加弥撒。", "output": "Beijing (AsiaNews) – In Henan, a circular notice dated April 8 prohibits all young people under 18 years of age from entering church to attend mass.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这件事我还是做了,我知道,只能破釜沉舟了。", "output": "I still do this thing, I know, can only drift.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n为在当今数字化经济中开展竞争做好准备", "output": "Be Equipped to Compete in Today's Digital Economy", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n71%的學生認為虛擬學習為課程提供了更大的靈活性和自由度。", "output": "71% of students think that virtual learning provides more flexibility and freedom to take classes.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n国际能源署同时指出,预测期内,美国和中国是非常规天然气相对大的生产国。", "output": "The International Energy Agency also pointed out that, over the forecast period, United States and China's largest non-conventional natural gas-producing countries.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n另外、神秘的纽带经常把有组织犯罪与恐怖主义团结在一起。", "output": "In addition, mysterious ties often unite organized crime and terrorism.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这是唯一一次我去健身房,因为我将下班大约午夜或凌晨一点,这仅仅是那么容易,因为我在家里没有任何责任。", "output": "And that’s the only time I ever went to the gym because I would get off work about midnight or 1:00 AM and it was just so easy because I didn’t have any responsibilities at home.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果很疼,就停下来。", "output": "If you are in pain, stop.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nBeautycounter 为女性及其家人制造安全有效的护肤品和化妆品。", "output": "Beautycounter creates safe and effective skin care and cosmetics for women and their families.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n想要从死去的亲人那里捐献大脑的家庭会打电话给中心研究助理每天24小时携带的黑色翻盖手机。", "output": "Families who want to donate the brains of deceased loved ones call a black flip phone charged 24 hours by the center's research assistants.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n《深夜特急》是一个旅人的…", "output": "Instant tents are a traveler’s…", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n二人类不记得他们最早的意识体验,但我清楚地记得我的觉醒。", "output": "Human beings do not recall their earliest experiences of awareness, but I remember my awakening with perfect clarity.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n现今,该车站已成为法定古迹,並于1985年變为香港鐵路博物館。", "output": "The Station has now become a declared monument and since 1985, the Hong Kong Railway Museum.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n而同事之间送礼物则一般在10-20美元上下的礼物,最多也就30美元左右,不会太多。", "output": "While giving gifts between colleagues is generally 10-20 US dollars up and down the gift, up to about 30 US dollars, not too much.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n请您理解,我们的某些服务只能通过使用“COOKIE”才可得到实现。", "output": "You understand that certain services can only be achieved via “Cookie”.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n今天,珠算已经传遍世界各地。", "output": "Today graffiti has travelled all over the world.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nOstwestfalen-Damm高速公路连接该市被Teutoburg森林天然分隔的两部分。", "output": "The \"Ostwestfalendamm\" expressway connects the two parts of the city naturally divided by the Teutoburg Forest.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我知道,因为我和他一起去。", "output": "I know because I was with him.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他们就像留在地球上的天使。", "output": "They were like angels walking on earth.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他证明了伯特兰猜想:对于n>1,在n和2n之间至少存在一个素数。", "output": "He proves Bertrand’s conjecture there is always at least one prime between n and 2n for n > 1.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n图像的内容和风格并不能被完全地分解开。", "output": "Of course, image content and style cannot be completely disentangled.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n整个地区是一个真正的露天历史博物馆,除了巴洛克风格的教堂外,这里还有罗马大道的遗迹。", "output": "The whole area is a true open-air museum of history, where in addition to baroque churches and chapels also traces of the Roman road can be found.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n博士课程公共政策是专为感兴趣的病因,功能,性质和结果公共政策进行研究的学者。", "output": "The Public Policy track is designed for scholars interested in conducting research on the cause, function, nature and outcome of public policy.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n科学家一般指某个,或者多个科学领域里的专家。", "output": "Scientists are usually experts in one or more areas of science.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n20名消防官兵献出了自己的生命。", "output": "103 firefighters took their own lives.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他们还拿走了该名记者的摄像机,并把他扣押在路边的一个商店内。", "output": "They also took the video camera he was carrying and detained him in a roadside store.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n尽管如此,美国的流动性更高,因此更多的企业选择首先在这里扩张。", "output": "Still, there’s even more liquidity in the U.S., so more firms seem to be expanding here first.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你知道他们的健康益处吗?", "output": "Are you cognizant of its health benefits?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n正如没有特殊的语法使TCO有效,同样没有现成的方法来确保它的发生。", "output": "Just as there is no special syntax to enable TCO, there is no cut-and-dry way to ensure it is taking place.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n是穷人,都有自己的孩子,我们不能把自己孩子的面包分给别人的。", "output": "poor men, and have children of our own whose bread we may not give", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我打了10年的車,第一次聽到有計程車司機這麼計算成本。", "output": "I have taken taxis for ten years, but this is the first time that a taxi driver has calculated the costs this way.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这就是你如何选择一个好男人!", "output": "This is how you select a good man!", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n伊朗核协议之后:新的伊朗战略", "output": "After the Deal: A New Iran Strategy", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“有些事情你永远不会懂得。", "output": "“There are some things you will never understand.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n不可能要求在清迈更好的住宿!", "output": "Can’t ask for a better location in Canggu!", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n接着她去了阿伯丁的格雷斯港WSP支队。", "output": "Next she went to the Grays Harbor WSP detachment in Aberdeen.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n随着全球化进程的加快,菲律宾与世界其他国家的交往日益频繁,这使菲律宾人更进一步认识到英语的重要性。", "output": "As the progress of globalization accelerates, the Philippines have been interacting with other countries in the world more frequently, making Filipinos realize the importance of English.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n值得注意的是,过载区域的块可能包含数据。", "output": "It is important to note that overprovisioned blocks may contain data.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n5. 强大的缺货管理和直观的库存控制。", "output": "Strong stock management and intuitive inventory control.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这可能是一个单独的分析。", "output": "However, this could be the subject of a separate analysis.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n外面有一个简易的自建厕所,以及储存柴火和工具的小掩体。", "output": "There is a simple self-built toilet outside, as well as mini-shelters for storing firewood and tools.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在厨房旁边,我们四处看看。", "output": "Go to the other side of the kitchen and look around.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n2010年,俱乐部交易占投资额的1.3亿美元,这一数字在2016年已上升至2.4亿美元。", "output": "In 2010, club deals accounted for USD 130 million of investment, rising to USD 240 million in 2016.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这是游戏开发者为其游戏添加自动游戏更新,复制保护,社交网络,语音聊天,微支付和其他功能的一套工具。", "output": "This was the set of tools for game developers to add automatic game updates, copy protection, social networking, voice chat, micro-payments, and other features to their titles.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们就是要表达自己的东西。", "output": "We just express our own things.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这个义务(责任)不得放弃。", "output": "The promise (and the responsibility) can be refused.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n有一次我讲座的题目就是 《一个失败了的哲学家的又一次尝试》。", "output": "Once I even gave a lecture with the title “A Failed Philosopher Tries Again.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n您将从第一天开始编程并实现您自己的想法!", "output": "You will program and realize your own ideas from day one!", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n例如,如果我们的部分业务被出售,我们可能会将用户信息作为该交易的一部分。", "output": "For example, if part of our business was sold, we may give our customer list as part of that transaction.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“我没想到警察还是找到了我。", "output": "“I never thought police would hit me.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n城市提供世界水准的艺术、戏剧、电影、工业、音乐及研究。", "output": "The city offers world-class art, drama, films, industries, music and research.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n” Lord补充说,红灯摄像机应该只有一种可以用来减少事故的工具。", "output": "\"An example of a safety message is to emphasize that red light camera systems can be applied as an effective tool to reduce collisions resulting from red light running.\"", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n6:4 你们要准备攻击她。", "output": "Jer 6:4 - Prepare war against her.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他拥有20余年软件行业经验,在全球从事云、移动和企业B2B产品管理工作。", "output": "He's been in the software industry for over 20 years working globally on cloud, mobile and enterprise b2b products.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n2. 不被同化的能力。", "output": "D) an inability to assimilate.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nCukier和Kostov花了几个小时通过查看多个数据集来验证他们看到的其他特征是否真实。", "output": "Cukier and Kostov spent hours verifying that the additional features they were seeing were real, by looking through multiple data sets.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n2005年以后,我的信更多地变成了对照片的解说。", "output": "Beginning in 2005, my letters became more like photo captions than letters.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n接近40%的投保人会因智能家居产品而更换保险公司。", "output": "Nearly 40 percent of consumers report they would switch insurance providers in order to obtain smart home products.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n令人遺憾的是,全美五分之一的小孩是在貧窮家庭中長大,這嚴重限制了小孩的潛能。", "output": "It is no lie that a fifth of American children grow up in poverty, a situation that severely limits their potential in an endless cycle.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他告诉我,他已经在这里种树有三年了。", "output": "I just spoke to him, he has had the tree for three years.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他认为,这些概念的可能性条件同时也是它们不可能的条件。", "output": "He argues that the condition of the possibility of such themes is also, and at once, the condition of their impossibility.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n集团计划进一步扩大资产管理业务,发展成为全球性房地产资产管理者。", "output": "The Group plans to grow the asset management business further to transform into a global real estate asset manager.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n医药改革看“两会”:卫生改革四件大事", "output": "Structural reforms to healthcare – two major reforms. →", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果失败了,中国将变成了另一个仅拥有成功一时模式的新兴市场。", "output": "And if it fails, well, China becomes just another emerging market with a model that worked for a while.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“盖基,时间等,整体风格和这本书,其语气和表达的概念和方法的特点,表明它必须从一个手来。", "output": "Geikie, Hours, etc. The whole style and method of this book, its tone and its peculiarities of conception and expression, show that it must have come from one hand.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他已经开始对这个故事感兴趣了。", "output": "You are starting to get interested in this story.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n85.那日,我要把敬畏者集合到至仁主的那里,享受恩榮。", "output": "The Day We shall gather those with Taqwa unto the Most Gracious (Allah), like a delegation.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n作为一家财富 500 强公司,JLL 帮助房地产业主、居住人和投资者实现他们的业务发展志向。", "output": "A Fortune 500 company, JLL helps real estate owners, occupiers and investors achieve their...", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“他们不知道有多少肌腱已经被感染侵蚀了。", "output": "“They didn’t know how much of the tendon the infection had eaten.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n帕克太阳探测器处在帮助我们改进模型的绝佳位置上——这部分是由于它那创纪录的飞行速度。", "output": "Parker Solar Probe is in a unique position to help improve models — in part because of its record-breaking speed.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n据报道,这些追回并已经鉴定的涉案...", "output": "Suspected and confirmed cases have been found in...", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n注意:该指数以百分比的形式公布,前一年作为基准年。", "output": "The index is expressed in percentage terms with the previous year set as the base measurement year.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n勃拉姆斯是德国浪漫主义中期伟大的作曲家之一,与巴赫、贝多芬并称“三B”。", "output": "Brahms, one of the important composers of the Mid-Romantic period, is regarded one of the German “Three Bs”, along with Bach and Beethoven.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n医疗保险 top 10", "output": "Top 10 medical insurance", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你认为它会容易抚养孩子吗?", "output": "Do you think it’s easy raising children?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果您要飞往欧洲,记得带上您个人的欧洲医保卡(EHIC),这使您能够享受到低价甚至免费的医疗服务。", "output": "If you are on holiday in Europe, take your EHIC card with you, as this can get you free or cheap medical care.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n上个月,英镑跌穿下行通道,但是最终证明只是一个假突破。", "output": "At first, the market broke about four pips below my entry point, but fortunately it turned out to be just a false break.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n9月初,Louis Vuitton在法国为其第16间工坊举行开幕典礼。", "output": "Louis Vuitton inaugurated its 16th workshop in France at the beginning of September.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这个赛季将是他合同的最后一年。", "output": "It will be the final year on his contract.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n每一条毒龙都产生出一个屠龙的圣乔治来。", "output": "Every dragon brings forth a Saint George who slays him.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我按他的方法试了试。", "output": "I tried her method.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n此與燃燒 H2 全然不同。", "output": "This is completely different from burning H2.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n本文从瑜伽的视角探讨死亡的多种阶段,以及印度中Shraddh(为死者做仪式)的重要性。", "output": "We look at the various stages of death according to the yogic system, and explore the significance of shraddh, the death rituals in the Indian way of life.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n众多南美国家均有大型基础设施项目正在进行,但当中有多少项目与「一带一路」的目标一致?", "output": "Many countries in the region have vast infrastructure projects underway, but how many of these are in line with China's grand plan?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n每个人都知道Ben Simmons没有练三分球。", "output": "We all know Ben Simmons doesn't shoot the basketball.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n像美国公民自由联盟这样的组织试图敲响这个漏洞的警钟,但是公众需要几年的时间才能真正注意到这个漏洞。", "output": "Groups like the American Civil Liberties Union tried to sound the alarm about this loophole, but it would take years for the public to really take notice.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在过往主要的商业历史中,世界领先的公司一直以工业为重点。", "output": "For most of the history of business, the world’s leading companies have been industrially-focused.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n下一篇文章: 记住,你不必成为一个完美的母亲", "output": "Remind yourself that you don't have to be a perfect mother.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我一直认为,总有一天它们会统治整个世界。", "output": "They also believed that one day they would rule the world.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n半个世纪以来,法国的酒精消费量一直在稳步下降,几乎完全是因为葡萄酒的减少。", "output": "Over the past 50 years, alcohol consumption has steadily declined in France, a decline that is mainly attributed to the decline in wine consumption.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n德拉吉表达了对欧元走强的担忧。", "output": "Draghi espoused some concerns for the strong euro.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但是你想要学习的故事在书。", "output": "But you want to study the story in the book.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n会后,记者拍到查尔斯、威廉与哈里分乘不同车辆离开。", "output": "After the meeting concluded, Princes Charles, William and Harry left in three separate cars.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你有你的付费,拥有和赢得的营销努力和战略。", "output": "You have your paid, owned and earned marketing efforts and strategies.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n期间,我想加我的名字进去。", "output": "So, I decided to put my name in.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n很多东西,像酒,随着时间的推移变得更好。", "output": "Some things, like fine wine, become better with time.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n因此,折扣是与历史规范的分歧。", "output": "Therefore, the discount is a divergence from historical norms.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n来自圣达菲动物收容所的Sasha和Murad Kirdar周二飞往波特兰。", "output": "Sasha and Murad Kirdar from the Santa Fe Animal Shelter flew to Portland on Tuesday.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n随着5G开始在全球范围内普及,日本正利用本国技术建设高效5G网络不可或缺的高效基站。", "output": "As 5G begins to spread around the world, Japan is using its own domestic technology to build the efficient base stations indispensable for efficient 5G networks.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n请注意,这里是数据库的非常抽象的定义。", "output": "Note that it is very low-level definition of a database.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n【你是否知道有这样一家企业】", "output": "Do you know whether there is such an organization", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n不过,我们证明了Pottery Barn Kids的概念可行。", "output": "But we had proved that the Pottery Barn Kids concept would work.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n会是怎样的花 ?很美。", "output": "what type of flowers are these? they are lovely.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n1.9.3 计算机系统中抽象的重要性", "output": "1.9.3 The Importance of Abstractions in Computer Systems", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n旅行指南 巴黎专门从事着名的高档和特殊场所。", "output": "The Travel Guide Paris specializes in prestigious, upmarket and exceptional places.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他会知道我是个美国人,这是我想要的。", "output": "He's got everything it takes to be an American, and that's what I wanted.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n1%,我们就不得而知了。", "output": "1% didn't know.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n孩子们在平壤公园中玩耍。", "output": "Children are playing in the Yazuni park.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n又回顾安理会关于妇女、和平与安全的第1325(2000)号决议,", "output": "– having regard to United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace and Security (2000),", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n从1913年我们可以开始咨询所得税数据的角度来看,收入不平等正在发生什么", "output": "What was happening with income inequality from, say, the point when we can start consulting income-tax data, in 1913?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在打印商店,享受新闻自由。", "output": "At the print shop, to enjoy freedom of the press.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n从1951至1985年,金一共74次打入公告牌R&B排行榜。", "output": "Between 1951 and 1985, King scored 74 times on Billboard’s R&B charts.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nJohnny Bench則贏得個人第2個國聯MVP。", "output": "Johnny Bench wins his second National League MVP.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nRomer 使用的是 Python 语言, Python 也是数据科学和统计学中最流行的语言。", "output": "Romer uses the Python language, which is the most popular language in data science and statistics.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n不过,它仍是值得拿奖的。", "output": "Yet they are still a compelling prize.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n还有一些书籍对人类进行了深入剖析:包括我们的优势和缺陷,延长生命的能力,以及我们看重的事情等。", "output": "Others offer deep insights into human beings: our strengths and flaws, our capacity for lifelong growth, or the things we value.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n它给人带来的好处远远超过上面提到的副作用。", "output": "For them, the benefits greatly outweigh the side effects listed above.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n应严肃对待刑事犯罪。", "output": "Serious crimes should be taken seriously.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n驳斥和公然否认创伤性暴力的现象依旧存在,而且,只要有人支持弗洛伊德的遗产,这样的做法就可能存在。", "output": "The dismissal and blatant lack of acknowledgement of traumatic violence remains, and may do so as long as it is supported by Freud’s legacy.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n许多人会致力于改善他们的父亲的家,这个家将为自己或未来几代人保留。", "output": "Many will commit to improvements in their father's home that they will want to keep for themselves or for future generations.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n全国其他监狱没有发生罪犯感染疫情。", "output": "No criminal infection has occurred in prisons in other regions of the country.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n◎ 格林纳达和美国签署的E - 2签证计划允许格林纳达的公民在美国经营一项重要业务并居住。", "output": "E-2 treaty 'Investor Visa' signed between Grenada and the United States allows citizens of Grenada to operate a substantial business in the U.S. and the reside there in.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这便是一个村的故事。", "output": "It’s the story of a village.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n至此,我们可以为Wine类创建一个简单的(和不完整的)定义。", "output": "At this point it is possible to create a simple (and incomplete) definition for the class Wine.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n德拉基德说,她周三醒来,知道她需要去博物馆。", "output": "Delana Kidd said she woke up Wednesday and knew she had to go to the museum.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n土耳其警告希腊,如果它将爱琴海的领海从6海里延伸到12海里,那么他的评论就会发生。", "output": "His comments come a day after Turkey warned Greece that if it extends its territorial waters in the Aegean from 6 to 12 nautical miles it would be a cause for war.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n因此领导者有责任确定长期优先事项和积极努力,以在平等、可持续性和增长之间创造良性循环。", "output": "It is therefore incumbent upon leaders to set longer-term priorities to create virtuous cycles between equality, sustainability and growth.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n看哪、我在約書亞面前所立的石頭、在一塊石頭上有七眼。", "output": "For behold the stone that I have laid before Joshua; upon one stone shall be seven eyes:", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n特别是当这个运动员成为一个球队的策略家时更是如此。", "output": "Especially when that workplace is home to a hockey team.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n用户必须认识到,没有与他们利用学校的科技资源相关的隐私保障。", "output": "Users must recognize that there is no guarantee of privacy associated with their use of School technology resources.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这将使用jQuery检查如果窗口大小改变,也重绘与新的可用空间的映射", "output": "This will use jQuery to check if the window size changed and will redraw the map with the new available space.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n中国国家电视台以反腐败为目标", "output": "China's State TV Targeted in Anti-Corruption Drive", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n数据提供给全世界的科学家进行研究,分析和报告他们的发现。", "output": "Data are made available for scientists worldwide to research, analyze and report their findings.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n每组患儿都接受10天的治疗。", "output": "Each group received treatment for a ten day period.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在上半年,當局注冊了919個團體,沒有拒絕任何申請。", "output": "In the first half of the year, authorities registered 919 societies and did not refuse any applications.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n环境保护相关课题研究及咨询", "output": "Environmental protection studies and consulting", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在这个一天被划分为24小时的社会,我们挤时间的方法就和寻找其他稀缺资源一样——找到新的供应源。", "output": "What we are doing with the 24-hour society is what we always do when we come up against a scarce resource – we find a new supply.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n同样,在这四种环境中选择你最喜欢的氛围取决于个人的品味,尽管无论你坐在哪种环境中,你都会觉得很奢侈。", "output": "Again, choosing your favorite ambiance out of the four comes down to personal taste, although, whichever model you sit down in, it should feel plenty luxurious.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n曾在去年担任Cruz数学老师的Jim Gard说:“去年我们被告知,他不能背背包到校园里。", "output": "Math teacher Jim Gard, who taught Cruz last year, told the Miami Herald: ‘We were told last year that he wasn’t allowed on campus with a backpack on him.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n花了大约1700万美元。", "output": "About 17 million dollars it took.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n免费自助早餐最多面向每间客房的2名成人提供,并将在参加活动的酒店的指定餐厅供应。", "output": "Complimentary buffet breakfast will be provided to a maximum of 2 adults per room and will be in the restaurant appointed by the participating hotel.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n一种方法是改变商业模式,停止当前的增长势头。", "output": "One approach could be to change the business model and stop the current drive for growth.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n研究人员建议,该理论框架可以用于诊断气候模型中的全球变暖响应,并且有条理地理解各种预测之间的差异。", "output": "We suggest that our theoretical framework may be used to diagnose the global warming response in climate models and mechanistically understand the differences between their projections.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n开启已允许(推荐)。", "output": "Turn on Allowed (recommended) .", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n库德洛将加入一个动荡的大修中,一些白宫工作人员和高级官员在最近几周离开", "output": "Kudlow will join an administration in the middle of a tumultuous overhaul, with a number of White House staffers and top officials departing in recent weeks.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“第二天,他(穆里尼奥)来找我,带我去他的办公室,问我是否还好。", "output": "'The following day, he catches up with me, he takes me to his office, and he asks me if I am ok.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在偏远地区工作时,Al Fajar 迫切需要跟进车间工作以节省时间和提高产量。", "output": "Working in remote areas, Al Fajar had a strong need to follow up on the workshop to save time and increase production.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n纪念碑由美国国家公园管理局维护,每年大约有3百万个访客。", "output": "The memorial is maintained by the National Park Service, and receives around 3 million visitors each year.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n或许最重要的一点是,我学会了保持沉默,善于聆听。", "output": "But most importantly, I've learned to sit in complete silence and listen to me.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我想立刻返回加拿大。", "output": "I will return to Canada soon.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n也不要随便将抗生素药膏或油脂涂抹在伤口处,这些粘糊糊的物质很容易感染脏东西。", "output": "Also do not apply to the antibiotic ointment or grease on the wound, the sticky substance is easily contaminated with dirt.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在此之前,無論隱私侵權問題如何,都很容易辨別無人機開始對住宅,工業和商業行業變得更有價值。", "output": "Regardless of privacy infringement issues, it’s easy to tell that drones are starting to become more valuable to residential, industrial, and commercial industries.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n然而,许多男子都参与在约会的一个结了婚的女人。", "output": "However, many men are involved in dating a married woman.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n抗議者們組織了這次的周日集會,以支持在中國新疆西北區被鎮壓的維吾爾少數民族。", "output": "Protesters organized the Sunday rally in support of the suppressed Uyghur minority in China’s northwestern region of Xinjiang.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们相信思维进化可以带来更多的创新!", "output": "We believe that evolutionary thinking can bring us more innovation!", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n答:這醫生是這孩子的母親。", "output": "Ans: The doctor is the boy’s mother.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n进化论是撒旦所设计的最大的谎言之一,是专门用来欺骗人类的。", "output": "The theory of evolution is one of the biggest lies ever devised by Satan to deceive the human race.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n回答这个问题其实需要一些物理学的知识。", "output": "that the answer should show some knowledge of physics.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但是,要想看到更多的行星,人们需要前往远离城市或其他居民区的地方。", "output": "But to see most stars requires gazing well away from cities or other populated areas.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nAll That Is Interesting是互联网上最有趣的网站。", "output": "Regardless.. this is a most interesting place on the internet.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n其他人有鸡翅,鸡手指和蟹饼。", "output": "They have chicken wings, chicken fingers, and waffles.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n场外存储可以带来轻松和安全感,您应确保定期更新场外备份并保持安全。", "output": "Off-site storage can bring about a sense of ease and security, and you should ensure that off-site backups are regularly updated and kept safe.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n除了有用的营销数据要将这个工具栏还提供了对数据源的链接,这样你可以到数据挖掘更深。", "output": "In addition to pulling in useful marketing data this tool also provides links to the data sources so you can dig deeper into the data.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n它会软化鸡眼,使去除它们变得容易。", "output": "It freezes the gum and makes it easy to remove.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n首先,我们要让上帝的命令来引导我们。", "output": "Well, first, we have God's Word to guide us.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n它须要……摆脱深刻的危机,一个需要深刻变化,从良知开始的危机。", "output": "“It needs... to emerge from a profound crisis, one which requires deep change, beginning with consciences.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这些弹簧用于帮助吸收互锁造成的震动", "output": "These springs are used to help absorb shock caused by interlock", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n以色列攻击了以色列是,杀死了巴勒斯坦人。", "output": "If they hit Israel, they are going to kill Palestinians.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n不过需要注意的是,全彩屏在追求超大面积的同时,一定要考虑显示屏的产品品质和由此带来的正面能量。", "output": "But it is important to note that the full color in the pursuit of large area at the same time, must consider screen product quality and the resulting positive energy.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果你想知道我的感受,问我。", "output": "If you want to know how he feels, ask.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n又是時候拆解一些迷思。", "output": "It's time to dispel a myth.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nLSD和魔法蘑菇在医学上占有一席之地吗?", "output": "Do LSD and Magic Mushrooms Have a Place In Medicine?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”我无法接受他的解释。", "output": "I could not accept his explanation.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n伟大的机会在科罗拉多乡村俱乐部面向海洋,一个壮观的景和在最好的价格,在该地区。", "output": "Great Opportunity in Coronado Country Club facing the sea, with a spectacular view and at the best price in the area.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nPECB的使命是为他们的客户提供全面的检查和个人的认证服务。", "output": "Its mission is to provide their clients comprehensive personnel examination and certification services.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他没有大衣,无处可去,和两个口袋里的美元和六十五美分,确定性,他无法获得另一个分好几个月。", "output": "He had no overcoat, and no place to go, and two dollars and sixty-five cents in his pocket, with the certainty that he could not earn another cent for months.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n/>该计划以瑞典语进行,没有学费。", "output": "This programme is run in Swedish and has no tuition fees.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n猶太教徒和基督教徒都說:「我們是真主的兒子,是祂心愛的人。", "output": "The Jews and the Nazarenes say: 'We are the children of Allah and His loved ones. '", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“我让她吻我的宝贝。", "output": "Do I let them kiss my baby?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n人们对于时间的认识有很多种。", "output": "There are several types of time perception.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n或者,换句话说,也许唐纳德·特朗普只是不 GAF 关心了。", "output": "Or, in other words, maybe Donald Trump just doesn’t GAF care anymore.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n虽然董事会一直在公司外部寻找继任者,但是新任首席执行官几乎肯定会从公司内部挑选。", "output": "While the board has been looking at external candidates, the new chief will almost certainly come from within.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在五十岁到六十岁之间,大多数女性会耗尽出生时体内携带的全部卵泡。", "output": "By the fifth or sixth decade of life, most women will have depleted the egg supply they were born with.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n3.娱乐——把公众娱乐保持在第六层次以下。", "output": "Entertainment: Keep the public entertainment below a sixth grade level.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n上一篇文章»所有的书,总是", "output": "Previous Post » All Book, All The Time", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在脆弱的全球环境中,政策的改善对于最大程度地降低当前债务浪潮带来的风险至关重要。", "output": "In a fragile global environment, policy improvements are critical to minimize the risks associated with the current debt wave.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n最后一年,四分之一的懒惰我开始写书,和目前发现笔是奇怪的是不愿去。", "output": "At the end of a year and a quarter of idleness I began to write a book, and presently found that the pen was strangely reluctant to go.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n例如:WEB 是正确的仓库。", "output": "WEB The key is proper storage.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n将噪音源取走,重试。", "output": "Remove the source of the noise and try again.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n大部分的自愿者都是成人,但其中也包括一个13岁的男孩。", "output": "Many of those drowned were fishermen, but also include a one-year-old baby.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n’那是我第一次让自己变得积极起来。", "output": "“This was the first time I became active.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我會注意到這一點,是拜我的速讀體驗之賜。", "output": "I credit this change to my Rapid Reads experience.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果你不知道前几个字母,试试其他的可能性。", "output": "If you are not sure of the first few letters, you can try some other possibilities.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n以我对Google的了解,我。", "output": "Straight from Google, yo.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n与此同时,有毒氮氧化物排放量将减少7000吨,颗粒物污染将减少40吨。", "output": "At the same time, CARB estimates that toxic nitrogen oxide emissions will be reduced by 7,000 tons and particulate matter pollution will be reduced by 40 tons.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n其它用例包括危險道路使用者(VRU)展示,顯示車對行人(V2P)通訊的未來可能性。", "output": "Additional use cases were featured, including a vulnerable road user (VRU) demonstration showcasing what can be possible with future vehicle-to-pedestrian (V2P) communications.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n農業部的這個謊言太大了!", "output": "The Department of Agriculture building is huge!", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这表示俄罗斯的“经济改革”应该对7200万人在短短八年间陷入贫穷负责。", "output": "That means that Russia's \"economic reforms\" can claim credit for the impoverishment of 72 million people in only eight years.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n24 他們心裏並不說:", "output": "24 And they do not say in their heart:", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他又一次将自己定位在桌子上。", "output": "He seated himself again at the table.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n2009年,西班牙皇家马德里俱乐部同意向曼联支付创纪录的1.31亿美元,以换取签下C罗的机会。", "output": "In 2009, the Spanish soccer club Real Madrid agreed to pay Manchester United a record $131 million for the chance to sign Ronaldo.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n4.他告诉我,经常戴着这顶帽子,这样他的任何想法就都不会从头脑中溜走。", "output": "He told me that he always wore it so that none of his thoughts would escape his head.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n很长一段时间,我感到羞愧,并隐藏了我的阅读困难对我认识的每个人。", "output": "For a long time, I was ashamed, and hid my dyslexia from everyone I knew.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n2001年和1974/1975年的衰退就不符合这个标准。", "output": "Neither the 2001 nor the 1974–75 U.S. recessions met that criterion.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n曼宁的分配职位和其他释放条件的细节尚未公布", "output": "The details of Manning’s assigned post and other terms of her release have not been publicized.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n有时她只是喜欢独处。", "output": "Sometimes she liked to be alone.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n触犯刑法第二百二十四条(一)项合同诈骗罪。", "output": "Applying for a 212(i) Fraud Waiver.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n,在伊朗扣押长达444天。", "output": "They Were Hostages In Iran For 444 Days.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果你愿意对夫人说一句话桑德斯,一切都会井井有条的。", "output": "If you would say a word to Mrs. Saunders it would be quite in order.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n基因内有时会有些变化,这种变化叫做突变,它会改变那个基因的指令。", "output": "Occasionally there is a change in a gene, called a mutation, that alters the instructions for that gene.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n简而言之,这样的航天器将能够利用狭义相对论的特征,并提供一种研究天文学的新模式。", "output": "In short, such a spacecraft would be able to take advantage of the features of Special Relativity and provide a new mode to study astronomy.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n第134章 我喜欢你是真的", "output": "Chapter 134 it's true that I like you", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n现在,你可以告诉我你的选择是什么?", "output": "Can you tell us now what is your option?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他们会拥有武器和盾牌。", "output": "Weapons and shields will be provided.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你将如何完成自己的更新呢?", "output": "How will be you carrying out your renovations?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我永远都不会去竞选巴萨主席的", "output": "I would never vote for Barack Obama.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n大火给西翼造成了重大损失,包括着名的麦金托什图书馆的损失。", "output": "The blaze caused significant damage to the west wing, including the loss of the celebrated Mackintosh Library.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n\"基督,完全遵守了摩西律法的每个条例,完全履行了它。", "output": "Christ, in keeping perfectly every ordinance of the Mosaic Law, completely fulfilled it.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在为期两天的活动中,将至少有60个乐队演出,38个音响系统将在银行假期结束", "output": "At least 60 bands will perform and 38 sound systems will be in place over the two-day event.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n瑞士从未赢得过这么多的金牌。", "output": "Switzerland Has Never Exported This Much Gold", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n事实上,天国由无数的社区构成。", "output": "Yet in fact heaven consists of countless communities.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们的服务覆盖全球大多数金融和贸易区域。", "output": "Our services cover most of the world's financial and trading territories.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在阿塔珠尔特办公的日子里,每天都有数十名绝望的人挤在办公室里,为他们被中国关押的亲朋好友寻求帮助。", "output": "Each workday at Atajurt, dozens of desperate people would fill the offices seeking help for friends and relatives held in China.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n科学是社会一种活动。", "output": "Science is a community activity.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n山姆休斯顿反对奴隶制,并且州长说德克萨斯不应该离开工会而不是奴隶制。", "output": "Says Sam Houston opposed slavery and as governor said Texas should not leave the union over slavery.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n它必須從上到下發生。", "output": "It must happen from the bottom up.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n基本上就是个普通的人。", "output": "Basically a normal person.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n14、优秀的项目经理懂得承认错误:所以你很少能碰到完美的项目经理。", "output": "Good project managers admit mistakes: that's why you so rarely meet a good project manager.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这意味着你相当复杂。", "output": "That means you’re pretty complex.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你应该14年前问我这个问题。", "output": "You would ask me 14 years ago.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但不幸的是,氦-3在地球上几乎不存在。", "output": "Unfortunately, Helium-3 virtually non-existent on Earth.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“相反,新房建设活动仍在减少,住房信贷的增长也依旧很低。", "output": "In contrast, new dwelling activity is still declining and growth in housing credit remains low.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n数字资产交易市场的可用性,特别是AP暗示或明确承诺为数字资产创建或以其他方式支持交易市场。", "output": "The availability of a market for the trading of the digital asset, particularly where the AP implicitly or explicitly promises to create or otherwise support a trading market for the digital asset.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n当领导看起来为更高的目标而努力工作时,员工会留下深刻的印象并更愿意去效仿其行为。", "output": "When the boss is seen as someone who works to attain increasingly higher goals, employees will be impressed and more willing to mirror that behavior.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我認為,這一聯系與您的討論是契合的。", "output": "I believe it fits with your discussion.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我不想你为我讲故事。", "output": "I will NOT let YOU tell my story for me.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n后山西高院将该案发回重审造成...", "output": "The Pennsylvania Superior Court sent the case back to…", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但他不知道时间和地点。", "output": "didn't know the time and place.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n同时,抗衰老概念似乎已向年轻群体渗透。", "output": "Meanwhile, it seems that the concept of ageing has infiltrated the younger population.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”你应该开始你自己的组。", "output": "\"You need to start your own group.\"", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n每天在巴勒斯坦土地上。", "output": "Every day life in a Palestinian city.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但是,这些地理坐标并没有限制他们瞭望世界的目光。", "output": "Yet this geographic isolation did nothing to limit his vision of the world.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n致力于卓越的学术成就和为他人服务,大学来自全国各地的美国和90多个国外供应学者的多元化机构。", "output": "Committed to academic excellence and service to others, the University serves a diverse body of scholars from across the United States and more than 90 foreign countries", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n世界上最逗的笑话是什么?", "output": "What Is The Funniest Joke In The World?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在“缺钱”的时候,是什么事情都可能发生的。", "output": "Where “Money” is involved, anything can happen.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这是政府的主要目的。", "output": "This is the primary objective of the Government.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n一个叫“早期无线电历史”的精彩网站收集了许多这类的文章。", "output": "A wonderful website called Early Radio History has collected a number of these articles.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n会议讨论通过了1979年国际海上搜寻救助公约。", "output": "The International Convention on Maritime Search and Rescue was opened for signature in 1979.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n一天,她忽然说道:“上帝保佑长官,无论他在何处。", "output": "One day, she said, suddenly, “God bless the Cap wherever he is.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n三十二年后,这座大楼迫切需要改造,评估成本大约为两年9500万美元。", "output": "Thirty-two years later, the building is in dire need of renovation with costs assessed at $95M over two years.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n一天改变不了一个人,一个月也不可以。", "output": "One day can not change a person, a month can not.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“他从一开始就和我在一起。", "output": "“He’s been with me from the beginning.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n众所周知,个人投资者通常不具备适当研究投资机会的必要资源和能力。", "output": "It is already common knowledge that individual investors do not usually have the necessary resources and abilities to properly research an investment opportunity.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这里将不重复许多细节。", "output": "Many important details will not be reiterated here.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他有这种感受,真是个遗憾,因为聪明根本算不了什么;有价值的是人的心。", "output": "It is such a pity that he should feel so, for brightness is nothing; it is in the heart that the values lie.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如需更多与隐私和安全相关的实用性材料,请参阅vmo8政策和原则页面,其中包括:", "output": "If needed more useful materials related to privacy and security, please refer to policies and principles page, which includes:", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nNo.1善于利用有限的时间", "output": "Zero interest for a limited time", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n因此VPN账户也不例外。", "output": "Also, VPN accounts are no exception.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我打电话给他,他问我是不是想为阿森纳效力。", "output": "I call him and he asks me if I want to play for Arsenal.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n吸引一些最新和最创新的区块链初创企业到迪拜,是迪拜区块链2020战略的一部分。", "output": "Attracting some of the newest and most innovative blockchain startups to Dubai is part of the larger plan called the Dubai Blockchain Strategy 2020.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n多年来,学术界一直在考虑各种选择,但这个问题并没有一个简单的答案。", "output": "Academics have considered options over the years, but the problem doesn’t have an easy answer.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n古龙在此是用了一点的夸张。", "output": "Stephan is using a little exaggeration here.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n神秘“或许神秘感很独特,但也许在我们的其他游戏中也有类似的成就。", "output": "Mystery: “There is maybe a sense of mystery that is quite unique but maybe executed in a similar way to other of our games.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他們必將你的兒子抱在懷中帶來,", "output": "They will bring your sons in their arms,", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n晶体管被认为是现代前史中最巨大的创造之一,在重要性方面能够与印刷术,轿车和电话等的创造混为一谈。", "output": "Transistors are considered to be one of the greatest inventions in modern history, and can be compared in importance to inventions such as printing, cars and telephones.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n真正的角逐终于开始了!!", "output": "The real challenge finally began!", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n夹具可安装在液体槽中测试种植体,采用盐水或其他生理介质,温度保持在37 °C。", "output": "The fixture can be mounted in a fluid bath to test the implant in saline solution, or other physiological medium, while the temperature is maintained at 37 °C.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n产妇结合的一个是有点痛苦的,我。", "output": "The one about maternal bonding is sort of painful for me.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n男士服装价格上涨速度快于女士服装,但同期鞋类价格增幅达29%,高于服装的所有其他门类。", "output": "Men's clothing prices rose faster than women's clothes, but shoes price increase of 29% over the same, than all the other kinds of clothing.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n巴哈伊国际社团联合国办事处文告", "output": "Addresses of the Bahá'í International Community United Nations Offices", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n還應考慮引入一項法律推定,即青少年有權尋求和獲得預防性或有時間性的性健康和生殖健康商品和服務。", "output": "Consideration should also be given to the introduction of a legal presumption that adolescents are competent to seek and have access to preventive or time-sensitive sexual and reproductive health commodities and services.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n秘密,我想让她把该死的东西,用它做。", "output": "Secretly, I wanted her to take the damn thing and be done with it.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n世上首部现代智能手机是 1996 年的 Nokia Communicator。", "output": "The world’s first smartphone, the Nokia Communicator, appeared in 1996.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果它很好,我會嫉妒,所以我會更討厭。", "output": "If it’s good, then I’ll be envious and hate it even more.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n久而久之,她屈服了。", "output": "Before too long, she surrendered.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”于是,天主使他从苦境中转回,并赐给他加倍的恩情。", "output": "God turned his captivity and blessed him with a double portion.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n一场为期三天的防灾训练演习在南摩拉维亚州的杜科瓦尼核电站举行。", "output": "A three-day disaster training exercise has got underway at the Dukovany nuclear power station in south Moravia.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“我没想到你会跳舞。", "output": "I didn’t even know you could dance.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n” 他还描述了区块链将如何改进俄罗斯联邦储蓄银行提供的服务:", "output": "He also described how blockchain will improve the services offered by Sberbank:", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n霍夫:你有没有杀过一个外星人?", "output": "Have you ever killed an alien?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n」如果他們違背正道,那末,真主確是不喜愛不 信道的人的。", "output": "But if they turn away – then indeed, Allah does not like the disbelievers.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n客户服务与此有什么关系?", "output": "What does this have to do with customer service?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n对于罗瑞先生,医生根据他没有必要停留的秘密禁令通知,人群将他通过一场屠杀的场面带到了监狱拉力队。", "output": "To Mr. Lorry, the Doctor communicated under an injunction of secrecy on which he had no need to dwell, that the crowd had taken him through a scene of carnage to the prison of La Force.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n””夏特纳呆了三个小时,问很多问题。", "output": "Shatner stayed for three hours and asked tons of questions.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n陆小凤吃惊地看着她,就好像她头上忽然长出了两只角。", "output": "Abel eyed her as if she’d suddenly grown two heads.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n她说她无法告诉一个成年的孩子该做什么。", "output": "\"You can't tell a grown man what to do.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n可能的未来的职业生涯是投资组合经理,投资顾问,财务顾问。", "output": "Possible future careers are an investments portfolio manager, investments consultant, financial adviser.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n虽然有很多关于 M1V 文件的知识,但上述是这些类型文件最重要的信息。", "output": "Although there is a lot more to know about M1V files, those are the most important details of these types of files.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n目前的GPS民用精度约为10米,并已升级。", "output": "The current GPS civilian accuracy is about 10 meters, and it has been upgraded.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在线课程,让你充分的灵活性,以工作无论何时何地你想要的。", "output": "The online courses give you full flexibility to work wherever and whenever you want.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n1.利用机械部件搅动水体,促进流交换和界面更新;", "output": "2) the use of mechanical components to stir water to promote convection exchange and interface renewal;", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n以色列穆斯林、德鲁兹和阿拉伯裔基督教徒的人口总数略少于200万,占以色列总人口的不到四分之一。", "output": "Muslims, Druze and Christian Arabs make up slightly less than two million people, just under a quarter of the Israeli population.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n周五早上,电视摄制组聚集在东京监狱外,希望能看到戈恩被释放。", "output": "TV camera crews had gathered outside the Tokyo jail on Friday morning in the hopes of catching sight of Ghosn being released.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们每天晚上比较笔记,以确保我们尽可能准确。", "output": "We updated it every month to make sure it is as accurate as possible.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n同时,计划生育还使中国妇女摆脱了婚后频繁生育和繁重的家庭负担,提高了母婴健康水平。", "output": "Meanwhile, family planning has helped Chinese women get rid of the burden of frequent childbearing and the heavy family burden after marriage, thus raising women's status and improving the health of both mothers and children.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在你服用任何额外的维生素A之前,请咨询你的医生,因为你可能并不需要它。", "output": "Check with your doctor before you take any extra vitamin A because you probably don’t need it", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n加拿大本土分為六個主要的時區", "output": "Canada uses six primary time zones.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这饼干戴着Famous Amos的名衔,", "output": "The founder of famous cookies called Famous Amos.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这家精品酒店位于纽约市著名的Carnegie Hill区。", "output": "This boutique hotel is in New York City’s famous Carnegie Hill area.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n偶尔我会给她打个电话,其实只是为了听听她的声音。", "output": "I would call him, sometimes just to hear his voice.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n因此,这次选举也被称为法国历史上最不可预测的选举。", "output": "Indeed, this has been one of the most unpredictable of elections in the history of France.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n男性,绝经后妇女和月经周期开始时的女性:1 ng / mL或以下", "output": "Women at the beginning of their menstrual cycle: 1 ng/mL or under", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他们善于使用这些工具。", "output": "And they may well use those tools.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这都是宝贵的经验和回忆。", "output": "Everything is good experiences and memories.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n除了诸如RFID标签和扫描仪之类的RFID系统本身的成本外,时间和人工的增加也意味着成本的增加。", "output": "In addition to the cost of the RFID system itself, such as RFID tags and scanners, an increase in time and labor also means an increase in cost.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n19、只有大自然自己知道她的现在和过去。", "output": "Only her families know her condition now and before.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n中国政府重视国际人权文书在促进和保护人权方面发挥的重要作用。", "output": "The Chinese government cherishes the important role of international human rights documents in promoting and protecting human rights.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n她的目光是短,看似随意,但保罗似乎很长一段时间,他确信她会实现打火机液可以不再存在。", "output": "Her glance was short, seemingly casual, but to Paul it seemed to go on for a very long time, and he was sure she would realize the can of lighter fluid was no longer there.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n根據選擇的變換的輸入和輸出的圖像可能出現完全不同,有不同的詮釋。", "output": "Depending on the transform chosen, the input and output images may appear entirely different and have different interpretations.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果有可能,再一起相约走一趟说走就走的旅行。", "output": "If possible, group interviews together on one trip.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n该数据库并未说明当局是否允许在押人员申请取保释放,或有其他类似制度。", "output": "The database does not provide information on whether the authorities have allowed detainees to seek release on bail or a similar system.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n然后阿伊莎说:“这些人坐着不停,直到它是在祈祷后,不喜欢和他们站在祈祷的时间。", "output": "Then Aisha commented, ''Those people kept on sitting till it was the time in which the prayer is disliked and after that they stood up for the prayer.''", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我用的是office 365。", "output": "I'm on Office 365.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n是一位名叫威尔的男子。", "output": "One was a guy named Will.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n生物技术这个词最初是一位匈牙利工程师Karl Ereky于1917年提出的。", "output": "The term biotechnology was first used by Hungarian engineer Karoly Ereky in1919.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在这些国家,大多数或相对多数被访者认为中国的经济增长对本国是件坏事。", "output": "In most of these countries, majorities or pluralities consider China’s growing economy a bad thing for their countries.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果我们列出视频会议的旧缺点,我们会看到视频供应商已经改进了他们的产品以解决这些痛点。", "output": "If we made a list of the old disadvantages of video conferencing, we would see that video vendors have improved their offerings to address these pain points.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在2000年WAS3.5发行时,IBM 进一步扩展了WAS在一些领域的应用。", "output": "By the time WAS 3.5 was released in 2000, IBM was expanding its application in several major directions.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我终于在晚上才砍下来,然后把它们全部砍掉。", "output": "I finally bit the bullet and cut them all off.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n而这在过去几年里发生了巨大的变化,它为公共事业部门及其他行业提供了各种各样的可能性。", "output": "That’s changed dramatically in the last few years, and it’s opened up tantalizing possibilities for people in the public sector and beyond.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n某些检查需要几天才能得出结果,但快速HIV检查可在几分钟内得出结果。", "output": "Some of these tests take a few days for results, but rapid HIV tests can give your results in about 20 minutes.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这是我们的使命是帮助我们的用户做出最好的购买决定 - 就这么简单。", "output": "It is our mission to help our users make the best purchasing decisions—it’s that simple.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这是两位非常了不起的科学家。", "output": "And those are two very good scientists.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n31,912人被判罪并在火中烧死。", "output": "* 31,912 persons were condemned and perished in the flames.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但是,MATLAB真的进入这个计算,并停止响应。", "output": "However, MATLAB is really into this calculation, and it's stopped responding.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n中文名: 黑客帝国与哲学:欢迎来到真实的荒漠", "output": "The matrix and philosophy: welcome to the desert of the real.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n此外,教育从业者(如老师、教授、教练)也可以利用这项研究成果,制定出缓解压力、提高成绩的新方法。", "output": "Furthermore, professionals working in education, such as teachers, professors, or coaches, could use these findings to devise new ways of mitigating stress to enhance performance.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n嫉妒显示出我们对神所赐的不满意。", "output": "Being jealous indicates that we are not satisfied with what God has given us.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他也与诸多美国企业合作,为其在中国、欧洲、美洲和非洲的业务活动提供咨询服务。", "output": "He also works with a variety of US-based companies in connection with their business activities in China, Europe, the Americas and Africa.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n豆類及豆科植物:5–10%", "output": "Beans and legumes: 5-10%", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n官员出席了,现场45岁的摩尔先生的尸体被发现。", "output": "Officers attended and the body of 45-year-old Christopher Moore was sadly found at the scene.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你一定很好奇,耶穌會怎麼回答?", "output": "You might wonder, what did Jesus answer?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nOne thought on “世界,您好!” WordPress先生", "output": "One thought on “Hello, (WordPress) world!”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n政府刚把大麻降级到C类药物。", "output": "The government had just downgraded cannabis to a Class C drug.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n问:第三个祈愿是什么?", "output": "Q: What is the third petition?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n国家能源局7月25日在京举行新闻发布会,分析上半年能源形势,发布可再生能源并网情况。", "output": "On July 25, the National Energy Administration held a press conference in Beijing to analyze the energy situation in the first half of the year and introduced the grid connection of renewable energy.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”我知道如何处理他。", "output": "“I know how to handle him.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n不過即使考慮到國家實力的變化,今天美國人的擔憂似乎已經脫離現實。", "output": "Even considering the altered power balance, today’s fears seem to have taken leave of reality.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n因为事情不应该分开,凡被分为两半的,都是可憎的。", "output": "Because the thing ought not to be divided, each of the halves into which it falls by division is detestable.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但是,也要考虑一下自己是否喜欢。", "output": "You also have to think about whether it likes itself.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n比利时英格兰队在一场没有人想要的比赛中再次采取行", "output": "England, Belgium do battle again in a game nobody wants", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n其结果是,谷物产量的预计下降将不会影响食品的供应。", "output": "As a result, the projected decline in cereal production is not expected to impact availability of food for consumption.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n美国SEC委员:美国可以从这些国家借鉴加密货币政策", "output": "SEC Commissioner: US Could Draw Crypto Policy From These Countries", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n世界上很多国家签署了这一公约,包括美国在1935年也签署了。", "output": "Numerous countries around the world signed the pact, including the United States in 1935.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n本文件包含访问和使用网站的法律条件。", "output": "The present document contains the legal conditions for access and use of the Web Site.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n這個現象和財富愈來愈集中於亞洲息息相關─特別是中國的崛起。", "output": "This erosion is closely linked to the growing concentration of wealth in Asia—and in particular the rise of China.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他所做的一切令人不可思议。", "output": "Everything he does is incredible.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n莱特把我放下来,我们让彼此走。", "output": "Wright put me down, and we let each other go.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n一人,一城,一球队。", "output": "One town, one team.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n让你的工作更有效率。", "output": "Make your work more efficient.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n它允许您将本地和国际长途电话以极低的利率。", "output": "This allows you to make international and domestic calls at low rates.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n任何其他会员是否会离开该联盟?", "output": "Has any country left the Coalition?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n后来,John重返Adobe进行另一次演示。", "output": "Subsequently, John returned to Adobe for another demonstration.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n预期在不久的将来要改变其基本系统,例如将 Pacman 改为 Akabei 。", "output": "Expect some changes in the base system in the near future, like switching from Pacman to Akabei.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n2019年全国两卧室租赁型公寓的平均租金上涨了3.9%,是2001年以来最快的一年。", "output": "The average rent for a two-bedroom apartment increased by 3.9%, clocking the fastest growth since 2001.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在前三个季度,中国的在线零售市场具有以下特征:", "output": "In the first three quarters, China’s online retail market has the following characteristics:", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我相信我們可以做到,因為我相信英國,我相信英國人民。", "output": "Yes, we believe in Britain, because we believe in the British people.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n许多工作室被组织成一个行业 协会,日本动画协会。", "output": "Many of the studios are organized into a trade association, The Association of Japanese Animations.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nWindows部门的主管离开微软", "output": "President of Windows division leaves Microsoft", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n・审查国家刑法及其执行情况,以保护见解、言论和信息自由权;", "output": "- Reviewing national criminal laws and their enforcement in order to protect the rights to freedom of opinion, expression and information;", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n• 导体具有大量用于传输的电子,而半导体具有非常少的用于传输的电子。", "output": "The conductor has a large number of electrons for transmission, whereas semiconductor has a very little number of electrons for transmission.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n普京,克里米亚和心理学。", "output": "Putin, Crimea and Psychology.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n即使在困难的时候我也从没怀疑过我们队伍的实力。", "output": "Since those early days, I have never doubted the capabilities of our team.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但是我还是要说,他人不错,但我不认为之于洛杉矶的孩子们他算是好的行为榜样。", "output": "He's great, I just don't think he's a good example for the children of Los Angeles.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n完美的男人必须结合圣人,学者和绅士的品质。", "output": "The perfect man must combine the qualities of a saint, a scholar, and gentleman.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我這麼的信任他,但是他到最後卻做出了背叛我的事情", "output": "I trusted him and he trusted me but in the end he betrayed me more than once.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n俄罗斯也在打击恐怖主义,我们有一些东西要向中国学习。", "output": "\"Today, Russia is also combating terrorism, and we have something to learn from China.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n看电视没有他的话永远不会是相同的。", "output": "TV viewing will never be the same without it!", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n而这次行为艺术作品真正做到了这一点。", "output": "And this body of work really let me do that.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但它不是诊断有助于确定治疗方案医疗从业人员和了解更多关于肿瘤的特点。", "output": "It is not diagnostic but helps the doctor determine treatment options and understand more about the tumor's characteristics.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n哥白尼使我们离开了宇宙中心;达尔文则使我们脱离了现存世界的中心。", "output": "Nicolaus Copernicus had displaced us from the center of the Universe; now Charles Darwin had displaced us from the center of the living world.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n中国最大的五十个专业批发市场", "output": "50 professional largest wholesale markets in China", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他被关押在星期天,但随后警方获准发出逮捕令,要求他继续对侦探进行监护,以继续采访他", "output": "The man was arrested on Sunday but police were then granted a warrant to extend his custody for detectives to continue interviewing him.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n哪些海外名人能在国内火起来?", "output": "What specialists are on-fire abroad?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nAnambra民意调查:INEC开始分发敏感材料", "output": "Anambra guber: INEC commences distribution of sensitive materials", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这位34岁的前法国国脚的交易包括拥有一年的选择权。", "output": "The 34-year-old ex-France international's deal includes an option for a further year.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这样的目镜经常携带的题词K或C或Compens。", "output": "Such eyepieces often carry the inscription K or C or Compens.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n· 发现:来自数据湖或数据仓库的已处理数据可以提供给BI工具,以创建交互式仪表板。", "output": "Discovery: The processed data from the data lake or data warehouse can be fed to the BI tools to create interactive dashboards.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nDrupal 管理也有相关的变量:", "output": "There are also some variables associated with Drupal administration:", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n人们认为锻炼会加重关节疼痛", "output": "People might think that exercising may aggravate the pain.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n公司股东及管理层(持股比例20%-50%)", "output": "Business Owner and manager (20% to 50% ownership)", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我的上帝,我的天,没有人会像我所知道。", "output": "Good Heavens, no one realises it as I do!", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nMOOC的設計和課堂參與類似於學院和大學課堂,但MOOC一般不會像在校付費的學生那樣要求學分。", "output": "The design of and participation in a MOOC may be similar to college or university courses, but MOOCs typically do not offer credits awarded to paying students at schools.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n六价铬(Cr6+) : 低于1,000ppm", "output": "Hexavalent chromium (Cr6+) less than 1000ppm", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n虽然墨西哥城没有海滩,但游客会发现很多令人兴奋的景点和活动。", "output": "While there are no beaches in Mexico City, tourists will discover a great number of exciting things to see and do.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n男士发型名称今年早些时候", "output": "Top Men’s Hairstyles This Year", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但这只是技术优化问题,迟早会得到解决。", "output": "Hopefully this is just another technical problem that will be fixed soon.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果你在第一章里说,墙上挂了一把枪, 那么第二章或第三章里,这把枪一定要打响。", "output": "“If you say in the first chapter that there is a rifle hanging on the wall, in the second or third chapter it must absolutely go off.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n经过几年试点后,国务院于2001年批转了公安部《关于推进小城镇户籍管理制度改革的意见》。", "output": "After years of experiments in some regions, in 2001, the Ministry of Public Security initiated actions to reform hukou system in small towns.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n利用50,000美元的虚拟余额以及与真实账户相同的交易条件,这是为交易加密货币做好准备的最佳方式。", "output": "With a virtual balance of $50,000 and access to the same trading conditions as a live account, it’s the perfect way to prepare yourself for trading cryptocurrencies.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n,应该做什么决定,不应该做什么决定?。", "output": "– What is important is not what decision should be made?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\npsd番号是什么系列", "output": "What is a PSR number?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n大多数时候这不是坏事,但它可能导致麻烦。", "output": "In most cases this is not a bad thing, but can cause headaches.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n错误和失败是不可避免的,甚至是必要的;它们是行动的证明——表明你正在做着事情。", "output": "Mistakes and failures are inevitable/predictable and even essential; they are evidence of action – that you are doing something.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n对这样一个开端,有一种议论是感到必须有“第一原因”来解释宇宙的存在。", "output": "One argument for such a beginning was the feeling that it was necessary to have “First Cause” to explain the existence of the universe. )", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n42:20 你們犯了致命的錯誤。", "output": "42:20 You are making a fatal mistake.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n费城是最早使用这一系统的城市。", "output": "Philadelphia was the first city to use this system.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n中国进一步改善孤儿生活质量", "output": "China to further improve quality of eldercare", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n战斗也并不推荐使用。", "output": "Fight also is not recommended.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n报道称,由世界主要发达经济体组成的在年达成的一项协议说,各成员在采取重大货币行动之前应该相互商量。", "output": "An accord agreed by the Group of Seven of the world's most advanced economies in 2013 says that members should consult each other before taking major currency actions.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我在他病时去看过他。", "output": "Later I visited him during his illness.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n截止11月份,这一目标即将达成。", "output": "As of November, this goal is about to be reached.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n每个页面还应该具有与其相应主题相关的图像和内容。", "output": "Each page should also feature images and content that is relevant to its respective topic.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n像任何K评级一样,你永远不会在手机上看到这些。", "output": "Like any K rating, you'll never see these on a cell phone.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n疾病控制、病毒学、流行病学和疫苗开发方面的16位独立专家正在世卫组织日内瓦总部举行闭门会议。", "output": "The 16 independent experts in disease control, virology, epidemiology and vaccine development held a closed-door meeting at the U.N. agency’s Geneva headquarters.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n以下纪念物是献给斯大林镇压的受害者的。", "output": "This is a monument to the victims of Stalin's repression.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果我沒有互聯網會怎麼樣?", "output": "What if I don’t have a mutual connection?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n宗教的失敗催生了黑暗和神秘實驗的虛無主義和幻想破滅的組織。", "output": "Religion’s failure has birthed the nihilistic and disillusioned organizations of darkness and occult experimentation.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n上一篇 :全球变暖是否在日本的毁灭性洪水中发挥作用?", "output": "Did global warming play a role in Japan's devastating floods?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n自动驾驶车辆可以在10年之内挽救50万人的生命。", "output": "So automated vehicles could save nearly 300,000 people in a decade.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n,虽然案件的数量是否在美国急剧下降,国际旅客有风险结核病增加。", "output": "Although the number of cases have decreased dramatically in the U.S., international travelers are at increased risk for TB.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我没有看到任何东西让我觉得不同。", "output": "I don't see anything that would make me feel any different.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们好不晚上在你美丽的村舍。", "output": "We hope it is not our last time with you in your beautiful villa.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n当该小组首次成立时,目前对评估资产的方式缺乏透明度是对CRC的主要批评之一。", "output": "The current lack of transparency around how assets are evaluated was one major criticism of the CRC when the group was first unveiled.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n此外,还假定存在一种等待或休眠方式,例如:暂时将CPU释放给其他线程。", "output": "It also assumes that there is a way to \"wait\" or \"sleep\"; in other words, a way to give up control of the CPU to other threads temporarily.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n据称,马蒂斯转向一名助手说他会忽视特朗普的要求。", "output": "Mattis then allegedly turned to an aide and said he would ignore Trump's demand.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n是有健康效益的证据?", "output": "Are there any proven health benefits?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n换言之,仍要开放思维,而不是限制思维。", "output": "This opens up instead of limiting thinking.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n据了解,易车是一家成立于2000年的汽车互联网导购平台。", "output": "It is understood that e-Car is a car Internet shopping guide platform established in 2000.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”只是因为你妈妈离开我了。", "output": "“Your mother left because of me.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n咖啡因或許能使你覺得清醒一點,但它不會分解酒精。", "output": "Caffeine may make you feel more alert, but it will not rid your body of the alcohol.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n水面正上方的空气压力将使这些孔充满空气。", "output": "The pressure of the air immediately above the water surface will cause these holes to be filled with air.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n想到 Babe 叫我起床,", "output": "She told BRITNEY to WAKE ME UP,", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n乌干达报纸的名单上可以自由地访问在线:", "output": "The Ugandan newspapers on the list are free to access online:", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n◊ 约翰·卡伯特是第一个在1497年达到加拿大的探险家。", "output": "John Cabot was the first explorer to reach Canada in 1497.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nDAX 30指数中的大多数公司也已在美国上市,因此也可作为反映美国市场趋势的指标。", "output": "Most of the companies on the DAX 30 are also traded in the U.S., and therefore serve as a good indicator of upcoming trends in the American markets.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n根据 1789 年的司法法。", "output": "according to Judiciary Act 1789.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我倆都有電動代步車,喜歡在天氣好的時候外出走走」。", "output": "I have a Jeep that we like to ride in whenever it’s nice weather out.\"", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nTaylor & Francis出版集团是Informa旗下的学术出版部门。", "output": "Taylor & Francis Group is now the academic publishing arm of Informa.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n它就像是来自另一个世界!”", "output": "It is like something from another world.\"", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n中国的ICQ克隆是由一家台湾公司在1998年开发的。", "output": "The Chinese clone of ICQ was developed by a Taiwanese company in 1998.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果你长时间卖房子,你会本能地“察觉”到房子的合适价格、出售房子的最佳方式、感兴趣的客户类型等。", "output": "If you sell houses for a long time, you will instinctively have a feeling of the suitable price for a home, the best way to market that home, the type of client who would be interested, etc.,.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n伦敦富时100指数(FTse100)周五在欧洲股市开盘时未能开盘。", "output": "London's FTSE 100 index failed to open at the start of the European trading on Friday.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这项消费者速度测试与 Netflix ISP 速度指数不同。", "output": "This consumer speed test is different than our Netflix ISP Speed Index.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他说,来到美国购物中心的中国游客数量继续以“温和速度”增长。", "output": "He said that the number of Chinese tourists to the centre continues to grow at a “modest rate.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这场“战争”结束了。", "output": "The “War” is Over.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n诺基亚 9300―9500 个人通讯器系列是此类应用界面的典型代表。", "output": "Personal Communicator Nokia 9300-9500 series is typical of such application interface.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n职业行为: 作为艺术家和学者,我们努力保持我们的工作努力和投资的最高水平。", "output": "Professional Competence and Responsibility: As scholars, we strive to maintain the highest level of competence in our work.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n美国和英国由于在20世纪中没有经历革命或被占领而在西方民主国家中显得与众不同。", "output": "The US and Britain stand out among western democracies as unmarked by revolution or occupation during the 20th century.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n發展倡議目標、招募更多民眾、修正倡議目標", "output": "Develop a campaign goal, recruit more people, revise campaign goal", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这部电影使孩子们能够最好地导航数字世界,并提供实用的资源来帮助他们做到这一点。", "output": "The film empowers kids to better navigate the digital world and provides practical resources to help them do it.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n保险箱内装有每周可编程定时器,可以让用户设定用于打开保险箱的时间间隔。", "output": "This safe has a weekly programmable timer installed inside, which allows the user to set time intervals that control when the safe opens.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n新的时代总是莫名其妙,是不是世界都已疯狂?", "output": "New days are strange, is the world insane?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在我看来,当你在国外工作,你对自己祖国的感觉是不同的。", "output": "As I know, when you work abroad, you feel your country in a different way.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n(甲)录音制品制作者是另一个缔约国的国民(国民标准);", "output": "(a) the producer of the phonogram is a national of another Contracting State (criterion of nationality);", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n萨摩亚中央银行:加密货币发起人将被视为金融机构", "output": "Central Bank of Samoa: Crypto Companies Will be Treated as Financial Institutions", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但是,所有这些都是那些当权者允许的,而这些都不能阻止那些当权者杀害印度儿童。", "output": "But all of those things are allowed by those in power, and none of those things will ever stop those in power from killing Indian children.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n无论在哪里找到女人的形象,你都会找到 “Oooo Face”。", "output": "Wherever an image of a woman was found, there you found the “Oooo Face”.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n没有人需要这种狗屎。", "output": "No one needs this kind of crap.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nQRS 複合波持續超過 0.12 秒則被視為異常。", "output": "A QRS duration of greater than 0.12 seconds is considered abnormal.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n让我们利用这次机会和别人多多沟通。", "output": "Please, let us take this opportunity to be more understanding of others.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n别让尖锐湿疣危害到您与您的家人", "output": "Don't let a cracked windshield endanger you and your family.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n相信我们 相信译齐!", "output": "And believe me, I care about translation!", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n45个负空间LOGO设计作品欣赏", "output": "45 Examples of Negative Space Logo Designs", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在随后的一个月,域名开始登记。", "output": "The following month, the domain name was registered.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n栖息地的退化和生物多样性的丧失,正在威胁着生活在干燥低湿地区的十亿人的生计。", "output": "· Habitat degradation and the loss of biodiversity are currently threatening the livelihood of over 1 billion people who live in dry and subhumid climates.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n暴力抗议不会帮助委内瑞拉", "output": "Violent protest will not help Venezuela", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我有资格吗? 为了被认为有资格加入空军卫队,您必须首先满足基本的物理要求。", "output": "In order to be considered eligible to join the Air Guard, you must first meet basic physical requirements.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n大利好,或只是过渡?", "output": "A just transition or just a transition?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n所以,上星期二我回到家時,我告訴我自己,我要告訴我父親我愛他。", "output": "So, last Tuesday by the time I got home I had convinced myself I was going to tell my father I loved him.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n一千年,造就了一个LINO;而一个LINO,影响的又何止一千年!", "output": "One thousand years, one Lino; one Lino, a legacy spanning over 1,000 years.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n不過,有時候他們需要離開:為了一個更好的機會、一種不同的生活方式、進入一個新領域或者創辦自己的公司。", "output": "Yet sometimes they do: for a different lifestyle, for a better opportunity, for a chance to move to a different industry, or simply to take what they've learned and start their own company.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n事實上,Anagnost 認為,提高建築可追溯性和問責權的最大障礙之一就是那些「不想被追蹤的人」。", "output": "In fact, Anagnost suggested one of the biggest roadblocks to improving traceability and accountability in construction is the people who don’t want to be tracked.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nAdobe 先前提供 8-26 周的假期,依所在地有所不同。", "output": "Adobe previously allowed between eight and 26 weeks of time, depending on location.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n快速行進是傳送魔法,但它不需要腐化來提供動力。", "output": "The fast travel system is teleportation magic, but it doesn’t require corruption to fuel it.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我還要感謝各國政府,例如意大利政府,它們為了我們的未來和得救而擔憂”。", "output": "“I would also like to thank all the governments, as the Italian government, that are [concerned] about our future and our safety.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n无论邻居,朋友找他做什么,他身拿了工具,二话不说就跟人走了。", "output": "Whatever the neighbor or friend asked him to do, he turned around and took the tools and left without saying a word.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n两人都摆好了战斗姿势。", "output": "Both men assumed a fighting stance.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n说给你听他们的奋斗故事", "output": "Listen as they tell you about their struggles.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他可能是装甲部队的船员。", "output": "It might've been the plumfare crew.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这相当于 CONV(N,10,16) 。", "output": "This is equivalent to CONV(N,10,16).", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我第一次,只花了20美元。", "output": "So I used my first $20.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在一個星期的沙漠中,星期四變成了奢侈而淫逸的綠洲。", "output": "In the desert of the week Thursday has become an oasis of luxe et volupté.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n有人说,世界上每35个人中就有一个移徙者,在祖国之外的另一个国家生活和工作。", "output": "It is estimated that one in every 35 persons in the world is a migrant, living and working in a country other than his or her own.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n不幸地是,这些基金中很多都资金不足,部分原因是他们遭受了双重打击:投资表现不佳加巨额手续费。", "output": "Many of these funds are woefully underfunded, in part because they have suffered a double whammy: poor investment performance accompanied by huge fees.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n然而,叙利亚政府说,撤离仍在继续,叙利亚政府部队没有进入该镇。", "output": "The government, however, said evacuations from Douma were continuing, and no Syrian government forces had entered the town.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这是我离开英国的最佳时刻。", "output": "It was the perfect time for me to leave England.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n清洗一下化油器或换一下化油器。", "output": "It is ok to adjust the carburetor or replace the carburetor.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在这期间,英国将谈判达成退出协议,该协议将对退出条款及其未来与欧盟的关系作出规定。", "output": "During this period, the UK would negotiate a withdrawal agreement setting out the arrangements for withdrawal and its future relationship with the EU.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但三年来,农作物销售价格已经下降,今年许多农民正在准备赔钱。", "output": "Yet major crop prices have skidded lower for three years, and this year, many farmers stand to lose money.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n令人担心的是,尽管巫术信仰和做法通常是禁忌话题,但在马拉维仍然流传广泛。", "output": "It is worrying to note that witchcraft beliefs and practices are widespread in Malawi, although often a taboo topic.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n应对伤害和失望我们所选择做的一切会使我们在与主同行中变得更强大。", "output": "What we choose to do with that hurt and disappointment can make us stronger in our walk with the Lord.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在里面 尼托,, 谢谢你的小费,, YD新闻", "output": "in Science, Thanks for the tip, YD News", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n星期三早些时候,波罗申科总统办公室说,波罗申科与普京在电话中就“永久停火” 达成一致。", "output": "Earlier Wednesday, the office of Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko said he and Putin had agreed in a phone conversation on a \"permanent cease-fire.\"", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n第二天,他们开始了九个月内的第四次英国巡演,为期六周[64]。", "output": "The next day, the band began its fourth tour of Britain within nine months, this one scheduled for six weeks.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n甚至她的父母也没有给她太多的爱。", "output": "Even her mother could not have given her so much love.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在那些日子里,想一切关于我们之间的事。", "output": "In all those hours in between, I think of us.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n规划我们下一代的图书馆", "output": "Designing the Next Generation Library", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n方觉:利用价值毫无价值", "output": "CONS: Support is worthless", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这将是欧技公司的第19个三聚氰胺工厂。", "output": "This will be Eurotecnica's 19th Melamine plant.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n其主要目的是提出专家,可以作为研究人员,有能力的工人,高效的教师和现代化的问题解决者采取行动。", "output": "The main aim is to bring forward experts that can act as researchers, capable workers, efficient teachers and modern problems solvers.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n拉马姆拉特别敦促非盟委员会的立法机构泛非议会说服非盟成员国“制定和实施消灭枪支的国家行动计划”。", "output": "Lamamra, in particular, urged the Pan-African Parliament, which is the AU Commission's legislative arm, to persuade AU member states \"to develop and implement National Action Plans on silencing the guns.\"", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在中间的,包括俄罗斯和乌克兰,在20多年的政治路径上左右摇摆。", "output": "For countries in the middle, including Russia and Ukraine, the political paths over the 20 years have wiggled around.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n10实践提示和活动,以提高你的面试技巧。", "output": "10 Practice Tips and Activities to Improve Your Interview Skills.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“在Campbell's Soup的罐子里,大约有2.6便士的钢材。", "output": "“In a can of Campbell Soup, there are about 2.6 pennies worth of steel.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n不同地质年代的岩石往往具有不同的磁性。", "output": "Rocks of different geological times tend to have different magnetic properties.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n\"那个试图为他人生存的人便是一个依赖者。", "output": "“The man who attempts to live for others is a dependent.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nNCAA的规定也有不合理之处", "output": "The NCAA’s rules are not unreasonable.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我是技术爱好者,喜欢阅读最新的技术文章,我已经在Youtube上订阅了很多科技评论员。", "output": "I am a Tech Enthusiast and love to read latest technology posts and I have subscribed to a lot of tech reviewers on Youtube.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n竞标的规则是为了确保这一过程对所有球员都是公平、有力、高效和有效的。", "output": "The rules of pitching are there to ensure that the process is fair, robust, efficient and effective for all players.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n像是进程是什么、木马是什么、计算机病毒是什么、蠕虫病毒是什么?", "output": "Summary: What is the process, what is a Trojan, what is a computer virus, and what is a worm?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n早些時候,我了解到,如果我生病了,我得到了注意,並且相當安全。", "output": "Early on, I learned that if I was sick, I got attention and was rather safe.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n2017年,全球FTTH净增长的83%来自中国。", "output": "During 2017, 83 per cent of global FTTH net additions came from China.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”会的,你甚至没有尝试。", "output": "Oh come on, you're not even trying.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我终于明白为什么没有回应了!", "output": "At least I know why they did not reply now!", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n一个朋友打算留在悉尼久一点,以便进修深造。", "output": "One is now planning to stay in Sydney longer, to further her studies.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n21:11 他們打發小孩子出去,多如羊群;他們的兒女踴躍跳舞。", "output": "JOB 21:11 They send forth their little ones like a flock, and their children dance.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我只是想让他们知道我能看到他们,我真的很感激所有的爱和支持。", "output": "I just want them to know that I can see them and I really appreciate all the love and support.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n走进房间,第一样吸引Stuart眼球的东西是房间中央的金属巨兽。", "output": "Walking into the room, the first thing to catch Stuart's eye was the metal behemoth in the center of the room.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n损坏的神经可能会停止发送消息,更慢地发送消息或在错误的时间发送消息。", "output": "Damaged nerves may send messages slowly, send messages at the wrong times, or stop sending messages altogether.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我发现了真相,终于来到了堤岸。", "output": "I managed to get clear, however, and finally reached the shore.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n決定 恢復中華人民共和國的一切權利,承認她的", "output": "“Decides to restore all its rights to the People’s Republic of China and to recognize", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n因此12月6日被定为芬兰独立日。", "output": "The 6th of December is Finland’s Independence Day.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n标题现已渗透了我的观点。", "output": "The title already gives away my general opinion.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n1.简述合伙企业解散的原因。", "output": "Identify the causes for dissolution of partnerships.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n4. 适用于多种环境--HTML5应用可以使用交互式设计来提供最佳体验,而不需要更改代码。", "output": "Adaptation to the environment – an HTML5 app can use responsive design to give the best experience for the environment without having to change the code.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n而且这真的困扰到我了。", "output": "And that really disturbs me.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n資料來源:路透社,「中國製造業9月因貿易摩擦而受害」,2018年9月30日", "output": "3 Source: Reuters, “China factory sector hurt in September as trade frictions bite,” Sept. 30, 2018.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n美国的法律和文化是不允许这样做的。", "output": "The economy and culture of New York does not allow that.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n美世可以幫助您評估和實施成功的 ESG 戰略。", "output": "Mercer can help you to evaluate and implement a successful ESG strategy.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n服务员看着我,我看着他。", "output": "The guard looked at me and I looked at him.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n小米将抽出大块IPO资金,拓展印度市场", "output": "Xiaomi will withdraw large IPO funds to expand the Indian market", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你可能听说过,内容是王者。", "output": "You may have heard that content is king.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n此药的有效性方面没有多少疑问。", "output": "There is no doubt about how effective this drug is.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n一、COSO《内部控制――整合框架》", "output": "COSO’s Internal Control – Integrated Framework", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n也许这是强迫症也许这是社交焦虑。", "output": "It may be vanity or it may be social anxiety.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n从遵义方向走,有四条路供选择。", "output": "With path dependency there are four possible paths.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n由于大多数科際整合的参与者是由传统学科规范所培养,他们必须学会接受不同的视角和手段。", "output": "However, because most participants in interdisciplinary ventures were trained in traditional disciplines, they must learn to appreciate differing of perspectives and methods.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n而面向对象和过程性系统则根据类型或名称将元素链接在一起。", "output": "OO and procedural systems link elements together based on type or name.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n为了尽量减少滥用的危险,你需要注册并创建一个密码。", "output": "In order to minimise the risk of abuse, you are required to register and create a password.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n简介: 一名威尔士记者在西方媒体上披露了20世纪30年代初苏联饥荒的消息。", "output": "A Welsh journalist breaks the news in the western media of the famine in the Soviet Union in the early 1930s.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“无论谈话的形式如何,很明显你不能只考虑一些人的担忧而进行改革。", "output": "“Whatever the format of the conversation, it is clear you can’t have reform that only takes into account the concerns of some.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n首先第一个考虑的要素是 URL 本身。", "output": "So the first thing that you need to consider, is the URL itself.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nAccelya的商务解决方案帮助航空公司掌控销售,加强与旅行代理人的商务合作。", "output": "Accelya provides commercial solutions that help airlines steer their sales and strengthen business relationships with travel agents.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“我們沒有理由不跟他們合作。", "output": "\"There's no reason why we can't work together.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n一个外科医生割掉了他的手,另一个割掉了他的眼睛,还有一个把他的心脏取出来。", "output": "One plucked out his eyes, one cut off his arm and one took out his heart.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n然而,许多数据库专家用行话“sequel”。", "output": "However, many database professionals have taken to the slang pronunciation “sequel.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n巴塞罗纳举行了夏季奥运会。", "output": "Barcelona held the summer Olympic Games.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n再过一个月,我们就要跟21世纪的头二十年说再见了。", "output": "In a few days we will be saying goodbye to the first decade of the 21st century.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果你不确定对方的感受或想法,可以先开口询问喔!", "output": "If you're not sure what the other person feels or what they think, ask first!", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n事实是,搜索引擎优化不是一个过于复杂的领域,它只是需要不断的努力和正确的出发点 。", "output": "The reality is that search engine optimization is not an overly intricate area, it just needs continuous effort and also the appropriate […]", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n大型電腦 (Mainframe)", "output": "Centralized computing (the mainframe)", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n一切似乎都沦为数字。", "output": "It all seems to come down to numbers.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n必须与儿科医生交谈,以确定孩子的包皮是否准备好被拉回来。", "output": "It is essential to talk to a pediatrician to determine if a child's foreskin is ready to be pulled back.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n可以通过相同的电子邮件地址请求问题或其他信息。", "output": "Questions or additional information can be requested through the same email address.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在“嘉宾”栏目,我们游览阿塞拜疆首都巴库,这座城市在2019年7月主办了第43届世界遗产委员会会议。", "output": "And Our Guest invites us visit Baku, the capital of Azerbaijan, which hosted the 43rd Session of the World Heritage Committee in July 2019.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n她開始相信一個人在世上犯的罪不一定會被譴責。", "output": "She begins to believe that a person's earthly sins don't necessarily condemn them.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n因此,一些为朋友的损失;其他人的unkindnesse;别人复仇的突然停止了他们的想法,通过和解。", "output": "Therefore some weep for the loss of friends; others for their unkindness; others for the sudden stop made to their thoughts of revenge, by reconciliation.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们只用翻译到自己母语的专业译员。", "output": "We only hire professionals to translate into their native language.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n哪种多面体是面数最少的多面体?", "output": "What is the least common multiple of the denominators?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n巴菲特一直表示,其缴纳的税率甚至低于为他工作的20名员工的税率。", "output": "Buffett said that his income tax rates are lower than tax rates on the other 20 people in his office.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“是的,”我说,感觉有点超过。", "output": "\"Yeah,\" I said feeling a little better.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n当我告诉女人她们对男人不够尊重时,他们生气。", "output": "When I tell men that they are not treating women with proper respect, they get mad.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n早知道的话,我早就开始写作了。", "output": "If I am writing, I should have started writing earlier.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n第一步:需要我们将这些运动员随机分成 3 组并计算每一组的均值。", "output": "Step 1 : you need to randomly divide the players into three groups and calculate the average for each of them.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n一项研究表明,吃午饭晚的人(下午3点以后)比吃午饭早的人减重少。", "output": "One study has shown that those who eat lunch later (3 PM to 4 PM) lose less weight than those who eat lunch by 1:30 PM.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n报告对人口趋势进行了审查,包括对21世纪上半叶中东和北非地区人口规模、年龄结构和人口密度的估计。", "output": "The report examines projected demographic trends including estimates of population size, age structure and population density in the MENA region during the first half of the twenty-first century.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“丧明”应指其失去视力。", "output": "To “pall” means to lose its luster.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n她在2007年与亚当与伊芙(Adam & Eve)签下三年合约。", "output": "She was a contract performer with Adam & Eve from 2007 to 2010.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n它正被许多人“轻视”。", "output": "They seem to be \"forgotten\" by many.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n所有的家具是現代的。", "output": "The other furniture is modern.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n一旦这些问题得到解决,自动驾驶汽车将为消费者带来巨大的价值。", "output": "However, once these challenges are addressed, autonomous vehicles will offer tremendous value for consumers.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如何在旅行时减轻你的负担", "output": "How do you reduce your impact when you travel?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n32岁的穆雷上个月在戴维斯杯上为英国队交战时受伤。", "output": "Murray, 32, was injured when he fought for the British team at the Davis Cup last month.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n牛排,环形件切取大鱿鱼的披风,通常软化用针的机器,也被制作为零售业的替代昂贵的鲍鱼牛排。", "output": "Steaks, circular pieces cut from the mantles of large squid and usually tenderized with a needle machine, are also produced as a retail trade alternative to expensive abalone steaks.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n德克萨斯州的基地顿涅茨克是百万人的家园,但是自从亲俄分离主义分子去年夺取控制权以来,大多数人都逃离了", "output": "Tex's base Donetsk was home to a million people but most have fled since pro-Russian separatists wrested control last year.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但是这句话在日本,可能就行不通了。", "output": "But if you put it in Japanese, it may not work.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n都能享受到经济增长的红利。", "output": "Everyone is able to enjoy the financial growth.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n导致较小的公司崩溃并烧毁。", "output": "Small businesses crashed and burned.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n点此阅读完整 IAEA 报告。", "output": "Click here for the full IAEA report.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nRIT共获得了366个新奖项,获得资金总共7400万美元,研究支出增至6100万美元。", "output": "RIT received 366 new awards totaling $74 million in funding, and expenditures grew to $61 million.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n现在,大部分用户已经升级,我们看见IE6的用户数正大幅下降。", "output": "Now, most users have upgraded and we see IE6 usage dwindled.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果是, 你很可能是没有得到充足的睡眠。", "output": "If so, most likely you’re not getting enough sleep.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n员工通常知道该公告,并有机会购买股票,但该公司不必向员工提供任何信息。", "output": "Employees are generally privy to the announcement and given the opportunity to buy stock, but the company the company does not have to give any to the employees.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如今的工作市场机会更少,多数空缺工作对于年轻人和新毕业生来说过于专业化。", "output": "Today’s job market has fewer opportunities, with most available jobs too specialized for young people and recent graduates.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果你努力寻求幸福,你永远都不会找到它。", "output": "If you seek happiness you’ll never find it.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n顺便提一下,它仍然是2.0升涡轮增压四缸的形式。", "output": "That remains the same, incidentally, in the form of a 2.0-liter turbo four.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”我认为,华生,我们不能做得更好。", "output": "“I think, Watson, we cannot do better.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n非常惊讶地看到博士。", "output": "I was very surprised to hear dr.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n桌子后面的男人告诉我们,他肯定被逮捕,但以色列国防军不会给红十字会至少18天的任何信息。", "output": "The man at the desk told us that he had definitely been arrested but that the IDF would not give the Red Cross any information for at least eighteen days.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n一个大学生在德国每月需要多少钱,这个问题很难回答。", "output": "It is difficult to say exactly how much money a student in Germany needs per month.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n第四国际将会鼓励社会运动的所有组织与这些国家的人民和工人们建立团结一致的联系:", "output": "The Fourth International will encourage all organisations of the social movement to build links of solidarity with the peoples and workers of these countries:", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n夏威夷火山群为什么与众不同", "output": "Why Hawaii's volcano is so UNUSUAL", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n据说警方已于凌晨6点左右抵达了莱特比女士的家,而周二晚些时候还在赫里福德的父母家中看到了警察。", "output": "Police are said to have arrived at Ms Letby's home at around 6am, while officers were also seen at her parents' property in Hereford later on Tuesday.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这也可能是因为,如果你想要廉价地完成工作,那么你必须以人工的方式进行。", "output": "It could also be because, if you want to get things done cheaply, then you have to get in people’s way.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他并没有看过这部电影。", "output": "He hasn't seen the film.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n然而,本季衰退未必象征整体PC销售量长期将迈入迟缓。", "output": "“However, this decline is not necessarily a sign of sluggish overall PC sales long term.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”我们也有一个非常活跃的情报。", "output": "We also had a very informative", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n這些導彈允許蘇聯有效地瞄準美國大部分大陸。", "output": "The missiles in Cuba allowed the Soviets to target effectively most of the Continental US.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n告诉我们您的专业背景。", "output": "Please tell us about your professional background?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\na.按每一雇员的最高赔偿限额赔付", "output": "(f) Maximum compensation of employees", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n每个照明点能单独操控,即墙面或天花板上的所有照明点均可编程,营造动态照明效果。", "output": "Each light point is controlled separately, meaning all of the points in a wall or ceiling can be programmed to create dynamic lighting effects.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n会有一个焦点上现代物理学,其中将包括所述原子,核物理学,放射性和辐射的形式。", "output": "There will be a focus on modern physics that will include the atom, nuclear physics, radioactivity and forms of radiation.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这个伦敦证券交易所集团公司不要提供投资建议,本文中任何内容都不应被视为构成金融或投资建议。", "output": "The London Stock Exchange Group companies do not provide investment advice and nothing in this article should be taken as constituting financial or investment advice.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n考虑销售对你来说是否是一个好的职业。", "output": "Consider whether selling would be a good career for you.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他因为有这一个的地方。", "output": "It has a unique place because of this.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”“多少学生找到工作了?", "output": "How many students are getting jobs?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n最近扩展,双胞胎升降机专用初学者斜坡使学习乐趣和容易新手。", "output": "The dedicated beginner slopes with twin conveyer lifts makes learning fun and easy for novices.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n科学家今年发现了71个新物种。", "output": "Previous articleScientists discovered 71 new species this year.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nGoogle計畫在2018年4月17日發布公開版本。", "output": "Google plans to release the public version on April 17, 2018.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n报告认为,未来中国旅游者逐渐变成“小团化”,注重私密、回归家庭成为趋势。", "output": "The report believes that in the future, Chinese tourists will gradually become “small group”, paying attention to privacy and returning to the family as a trend.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n悲剧的,但是这些事情都是在战争中发生的。", "output": "Sad, but this happens in ANY war.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n五年后,我们还没有打过一场真正的比赛。", "output": "Five years later, we still haven’t had a serious fight.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n(C)另一个活跃于家庭团聚的团体是洛杉矶的平壤。", "output": "(C) The other group active in family reunions is Pyongtong in Los Angeles.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n她看到她姑妈露西安排花在客厅。", "output": "She saw her Aunt Lucy arranging flowers in the drawing-room.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n公寓配备了空调和小厨房设施,并可安排免费的索非亚之旅。", "output": "The apartments come with air conditioning and kitchenette facilities, and a free Sofia tour is arranged as well.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n等等 你想說他是GAY?", "output": "Are you suggesting that he is gay?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n尽管澳大利亚联邦政府把死鱼归咎于严重干旱,但专家和当地居民表示,这是系统性枯竭和河流污染所致。", "output": "The federal government has executed the death on severe drought, experts and locals say that they stop the river systematic decline and pollution.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但是,当我们谈论IT风险时,有时我们指的是做某件事的几率要比正常情况高。", "output": "But when we talk about risk in IT, what we sometimes mean is doing things that have a higher than normal chance of failure.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n日本在这方面有消极的经验。", "output": "Japan has a hands-on experience in this respect.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n1890年的人口普查收集所有受訪者以下信息[1]:", "output": "The 1890 census collected the following information: [1]", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n超聲波的作用可促使發生或加速某些化學反應。", "output": "Ultrasound can induce or accelerate some chemical reactions.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n孩子们就是喜欢那些没什么营养的零食。", "output": "Also, kids prefer food that is boneless.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n图1:广泛的物联网使用Wi-Fi模块的应用程序显示了界面的灵活性和可扩展性,以及它的普遍性。", "output": "Figure 1: The wide range of IoT applications that use Wi-Fi modules shows the flexibility and scalability of the interface, as well as its ubiquity.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n大卫:当你的房子被闯入时,这些东西被拿走了吗?", "output": "Was you in the house, when the property was taken away? - I was.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n技术+政策+市场=团队", "output": "technology + market + team", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n12.小王子与八头龙", "output": "Little Prince and the Eight Headed Dragon", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n到2021年,GMLF贷款将获得六个工作岗位并在大曼彻斯特创造至少四个工作岗位", "output": "The GMLF loan will safeguard six jobs, and create at least a further four in Greater Manchester by 2021.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n迄今三月,讹不供应。", "output": "From March there has been no supply.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n反抗軍已表明,除非停止轟炸行動,否則不會參加和談。", "output": "Rebels say they will not attend without a halt to the bombing.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n同时,中国市场的份额已占总销售额的27%,比2016年增加了3个百分点。", "output": "China made up 27% of overall sales, three percentage points more than in 2016.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n特朗普26日还在推特上写道:“欧盟代表告诉我,他们立刻就开始从我们伟大的农民手中购买大豆。", "output": "Trump tweeted following the meeting that \"European Union representatives told me that they would start buying soybeans from our great farmers immediately.\"", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n其目的是保护儿童免受否定传统家庭价值观信息的干扰。", "output": "For the Purpose of Protecting Children from Information Advocating for a Denial of Traditional Family Values", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“是的,Blaise,我不知道這是什麼回事。", "output": "\"Blake, I don't know what it is.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你一定有看我的博客!", "output": "You must have looked at my blog!", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n*多个组织声称对爆炸负责*", "output": "• Two groups have claimed responsibility for the explosions.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n现在,它们也需要再次祭出这些工具。", "output": "Now they have to give them those tools again.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n世界上大多数国家都可以通过旅游卡进入多米尼加共和国。", "output": "Most countries of the world will be able to enter the Dominican Republic with a Tourist Card.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n以實證為基礎的健康照護與公共衛生。", "output": "Evidenced-Based Healthcare and Public Health.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n毕业后,艾维受雇于名为Tangerine的初创设计公司,在工业设计团队工作。", "output": "After graduation, he was hired by a start-up named Tangerine to work in his industrial design group.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我认为,你仍然可以看到它在那里。", "output": "I think you can still see it in there.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n一个总统候选人,可能。", "output": "As a presidential candidate, probably not.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n上一篇:商务部:让消费者买到安全实惠且品质有保障的年货", "output": "Your ticket for the: Ministry of Commerce: Let consumers buy safe, affordable, quality guaranteed new year", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n奥迪公司的第一辆车是type a,配备2612cc的四缸发动机。", "output": "Its first model was the Type A, fitted with a 2612cc four-cylinder engine.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n因此,不建议使用JSONP。", "output": "All in all, it is best not to use JSONP.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们收到越来越多的样本,这是一个好兆头。", "output": "We are seeing more Edcamps and that is a good sign.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n规则的例外就是这样。", "output": "But exceptions to the rule are just that.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n您需要了解整个流程并了解利润所在。", "output": "You need to understand the entire process and know where the profits lie.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“斯嘉丽默默地消化了这一切,因为她从来没有和没有收到过的人在同一屋檐下。", "output": "Scarlett digested this in silence, for she had never before been under the same roof with anyone who was not received.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n飞机没有开始从天上掉下来,灯光没有停止,供水中断了。", "output": "The planes did not begin to fall from the sky, the lights did not stop, and the water supply failed.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他们被纳粹政权指控的罪行是“故意闹事,敌人的同谋和偷听敌人广播”。", "output": "The Nazi regime found them guilty of “defeatism, malice, favoring the enemy and listening to enemy broadcasts.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n按照执行流的顺序是一种读程序的方式,但是可能会很快便让人卡壳。", "output": "Following the ow of execution is one way to read programs, but it can quickly become labyrinthine.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n考虑到许多央行在将利率回升至十多年前全球金融危机爆发之前的正常水平方面进展甚微,这可能更有意义。", "output": "That may be all the more relevant given many central banks had made scant progress in raising rates back to what would have been considered normal levels before the global financial crisis erupted more than a decade ago.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这是一场摇滚音乐会。", "output": "This is a rock orchestra.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n從十六世紀晚期開始,歐洲的靛藍供應來自印度與出口較不穩定的西班牙美洲帝國。", "output": "From the late sixteenth century Europe’s indigo supplies came from India and from the more volatile output of the Spanish American Empire.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n中国的煤炭产量预计将在2027年达到峰值,其峰值产量为51亿吨。", "output": "China’s coal production is projected to peak in 2027 with a peak production level of 5.1 billion tons.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n近年来全球经济复苏乏力,各国钢铁和铝产业面临困境。", "output": "In recent years, the global economic recovery has been sluggish and the steel and aluminum industries in various countries are facing difficulties.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“这套烧钱的全球变暖鬼扯必须停止。", "output": "‘This very expensive GLOBAL WARMING bullshit has got to stop.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n它隐藏了您从ISP和任何想要从您的ISP获取数据的人的冲浪活动。", "output": "This means your activity is hidden from your ISP and anyone else that may be monitoring you.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nSharon酒店地图", "output": "Map of Sharon Hotels", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你可以得到一个好消息,将改变你的未来。", "output": "You could get the good news that would change your future.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n這種手握手的感覺,和一百年之前,完全一樣。", "output": "It was hand engraved 100 years ago, and it’s entirely unique.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我没打算攻击你或任何东西。", "output": "And I don’t mean to attack you or anything.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他们带回了他们对超级碗LIII的进攻吉安内利。", "output": "They brought back their Super Bowl LIII offense.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nHi Phi Phi也因此被時代雜誌提名亞洲英雄獎[4]。", "output": "Hi Phi Phi was nominated for a Time Magazine Heroes of Asia award.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果居住地在二楼以上并且没有电梯,额外的上楼费用将会产生并且在货物到达之前给客户开好账单", "output": "If the residence is above the second floor and no elevator is available extra charges will be incurred for the carry upstairs/hoisting and will be billed to the customer PRIOR to delivery.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他们试图窃取你的未来", "output": "They attempt to steal your future!", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n它让候选人对加入(因为每个人都喜欢现金)感到兴奋,而这通常不是公开的。", "output": "It gets the candidate excited about joining (because everyone likes wads of cash), and it’s generally not as public.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n尽管 Go 允许函数通过特定的类型调用, g.area(), 但实际上这跟 area(g)是一样的。", "output": "Even though Go allows functions to be called by a specific type, g.area(), it’s essentially the same thing as calling area(g).", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n卓越设计:IKA全新LR 1000实验室反应器--2013红点设计大奖获奖产品", "output": "Design Excellence: The New LR 1000 Laboratory Reactor – Winner of the Red Dot Award 2013", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nBrain scanTesla的电气人JB Straubel负责的不仅仅是加州汽车制造商的电气化。", "output": "Tesla’s electric man JB Straubel is charged with more than electrifying the Californian carmaker.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我一直都在等你,希望你能知道", "output": "I am always here for you, I hope you know that.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n不过目前,围棋仍是他的关注重点。", "output": "But at the moment, Go remains his primary concern.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n先生,你為什麼在博物館睡著了呢?", "output": "Excuse me, sir, why are you sleeping at the museum?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n然后将收取的费用重新分配并添加到通货膨胀池中。", "output": "The collected fee is then redistributed and added to an inflation pool.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“不幸的是,中国并没有改变其有害行为,而是非法报复工人、农民和农民企业。", "output": "\"Regrettably, instead of changing its harmful behavior, China has illegally retaliated against U.S. farmers, ranchers and businesses.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我只想感谢你的出版。", "output": "I just wanted to thank you for posting.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n研究者表示,虽然进一步的研究还在进行当中,但是如今的诊断工具将会出现重大改变。", "output": "While further research is underway, say the authors, there are important changes that could be made to today’s diagnostic tools.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你把自己交还给世界,你放下武器,这些就像是所有新生的重要前提。", "output": "You’re in a void in a way, you’re turning yourself in to the world, you lay down your weapons, like a prerequisite essential to all new birth.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n成功的关系的秘密的心理学家约翰·高特曼", "output": "Psychologist John Gottman of the secret of successful relationships", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n此外,作为一个犹太裔的奥地利公民,他无望获得一个永久职位。", "output": "Moreover, as an Austrian citizen and of Jewish origin, he had no prospect of a permanent position.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n它表明必须弹出标签栈,并且信息包转发必须根据IPv6报头", "output": "It indicates that the label stack must be popped, and the packet forwarding must be based on the IPv6 header", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们已经覆盖了很多著名的和有影响力的企业和设计网站。", "output": "We have been covered on many reputable and influential business and design websites.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n人均价格£149 /周 起。", "output": "Prices from £149 a night.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n大麻合法化与因鸦片类药物住院治疗的比例减少也有关。", "output": "Cannabis medicalization is associated with a reduction in opioid-related hospitalizations.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n缔结策略伙伴,凝聚艺术资源", "output": "l Fostering strategic partnerships and bringing arts resources together", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在花园里,音乐家正在玩。", "output": "In the gallery the musicians were already playing.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nWMF现在在互联网占统治地位, 我们怎么带领, 将影响它; 我们的是良性的; \"使互联网不臭\" 。", "output": "WMF is dominant on the WWW, and how we lead, will influence it; ours is benign; \"making the Internet not suck\".", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n死者的家属对特赦法案提出了尖锐批评。", "output": "The other candidates harshly criticized the amnesty proposal.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我們的Cookies 識別您的電腦,讓我們能夠個人化您的購物體驗及在您再次瀏覽網站時識別您。", "output": "Our cookies identify your computer to us and allow us to personalize your shopping experience and recognize you when you return.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我希望我能保持理智。", "output": "Hopefully I can still make sense.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n剩下的人组成两组,22,000(21%)传统上被归类为失业者,31,800名“未受雇”(31%)", "output": "The remaining people make up two groups, 22,000 (21 percent) traditionally classified as unemployed and 31,800 \"not employed\" (31 percent).", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在上面的文档中,再次显示带有M1806E7TG符号的设备。", "output": "In the document above, the device with the M1806E7TG symbol is again displayed.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n告诉司机去Bukit Bintang和苏丹依斯迈路的交界处。", "output": "Tell the driver to go to the junction of Bukit Bintang and Jalan Sultan Ismail.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n雷霆隊也有一些收入限制。", "output": "Roth’s also have some income thresholds.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n网络盗窃活动伤害了我们的企业,威胁了我们国家的竞争力。", "output": "I emphasize that incidents of cyber theft have harmed our businesses and threatened our nation’s competitiveness.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这个发现的解释是渡鸦在加利福尼亚州已住上了最少二百万年,并在冰河时期与牠在欧洲及亚洲的亲属分开。", "output": "One explanation for these genetic findings is that common ravens settled in California at least two million years ago and became separated from their relatives in Europe and Asia during an ice age.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但在实践中,一些人参与得比另一些人更多。", "output": "In practice, though, some people ended up getting more than others.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他们使用的神学是“扭曲的”,他回答说。", "output": "The theology they used was \"twisted,\" he replied.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但这并不是法院多数人所决定的。", "output": "But that was not, however, what the majority of the court held.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n她想在这座城市活得独立。", "output": "He wished to live an independent life in the community.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n上午8点30分:总督在他的Facebook页面上发布取消通知。", "output": "8:30 a.m. –- The governor updates his Facebook page with the cancellation notice.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n「我們珍惜言論自由,但我們譴責最近濫用言論自由的行為。", "output": "“We treasure freedom of expression, but we condemn its recent abuses.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n積極的態度,快速學習,精力充沛,能夠在充滿挑戰的環境中表現", "output": "Positive attitude, fast learning, energetic, able to perform in the challenging environment", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他们可能会在您的Uber乘车到达时将指针放在上面,并显示车牌号和其他信息。", "output": "They might put a pointer over your Uber ride as it arrives, and display the license plate number and other information.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他们必须克服人们对改变的抵触情绪。", "output": "They have to overcome the resistance to change.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n当实物产品移动时,区块链令牌也会切换,这反映了它真实的监管链。", "output": "When the physical product moves, the blockchain token changes hands as well, mirroring its real-world chain of custody.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他说:“是的,我是一名共产主义者。", "output": "But says, yes, I'm a capitalist.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n谁知道,7年后,不是", "output": "Not after 7 years of him not, you know?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n给孩子买一把刀吧……", "output": "Give your kid a knife . . .", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n所以,看看下面的实验,也许你理解它。", "output": "Take a look at the test below, maybe you will know.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n神的真正教會,該全像基督、使徒們和所有早期基督徒一樣守神提供的這節日!", "output": "God’s true Church should be observing this God-given festival just as Christ, the apostles and all the early Christians did!", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n而杰克不需要去适应,这对他来说是正常的。", "output": "Jack doesn’t need to adapt; this is his norm.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在12月6日之後留出幾天的時間,然後去電子商店或購買珠寶。", "output": "Leave a space of several days after December 6, then head to the electronics store or buy jewelry.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n然而,在固始县,即使是那些有成员到东部打工的家庭也仍然陷于贫困,而且农民工本人的状况也常常不稳定。", "output": "In Gushi County, however, even families with members who migrated east for work remained stuck in poverty, and the situation of the migrants themselves often remained precarious.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n有多少人会家破人亡,流离失所?", "output": "How many families would be displaced or dead?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但是,害怕不应该成为理由。", "output": "Fear should not be a reason to remain.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n垂询有关信用评级意见的使用和限制的更多信息,请查阅了解 Best的信用评级指引。", "output": "For additional information regarding the use and limitations of Credit Rating opinions, please view Understanding Best's Credit Ratings .", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这些输入神经网络会在整个网络更新结束时变成输出神经元。", "output": "The input neurons become output neurons at the end of a full network update.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n难道这不是一个合理的生物学问题么?", "output": "Isn’t this just a basic biological thing?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n其实我们可以将雾霾区分为雾和霾,因为它们两者对led显示屏的主要危害是不相同的:", "output": "In fact, we can distinguish haze from fog and haze because the main harm to the display is different:", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n对于那些留下来的人,一位歌唱家带着高竖琴悦耳的音乐被带到大厅里。", "output": "For those who remained, a singer was brought forth to fill the hall with the sweet music of the high harp.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在更先进的国家工作允许人们将钱汇回科摩罗,而这种外部融资现在是经济的关键部分。", "output": "Working in more advanced countries allows people to send money home to Comoros, and such external financing is now a key part of the economy.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n30年内制造的任何两辆车都不可能具有相同的VIN。", "output": "No two cars built within 30 years of each other can have exactly the same VIN.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n是你布置桌子的,我想——用这些废物。", "output": "You decorated the table, I suppose--with this rubbish.\"", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如何使用你的日程表?", "output": "How to use your scheduler?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n对罗马来说,一点的重要性不言而喻。", "output": "Again, an importance to Rome is clearly implied.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n类似air hockey的游戏", "output": "It is quite same like the Air hockey game.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n一经发布任何用户内容,即表示您同意并担保您具有分发和复制此类用户资料的合法权利。", "output": "By posting any User Content, you represent and warrant that you have the lawful right to distribute and reproduce such User Materials.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n认为,此时轴承即表示为初期故障。", "output": "It is considered that the bearing is an initial failure at this time.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n严禁与有毒有害物质混放、以免污染。", "output": "It is strictly prohibited to mix with toxic substances to avoid pollution.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n阿尔伯特﹒爱因斯坦说过:“所有科学不过是日常思考的提炼而已。", "output": "Albert Einstein said, \"The whole of science is nothing more than a refinement of everyday thinking.\"", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n根据尼尔森·诺曼集团的说法:", "output": "From the Nielsen Norman Group:", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n乙型肝炎疫苗具有杰出的安全性和有效性记录,并且自1982年以来,全世界已使用超过10亿份疫苗。", "output": "Hepatitis B vaccine has an outstanding record of effectiveness and safety, and since 1982 more than one billion doses have been administered worldwide.2", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n肯定有一个人不能控制自己的欲望。", "output": "As a man who cannot control his desires?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n整个玩具盒充满奇妙的玩具。", "output": "The toy boxes were full of noisy toys.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果指定,它必须是格式字符串的最后一个字符。", "output": "When specified it must be the last character of the format string.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n从这些建议,人们可得出结论,委员会认为低于12岁的最低刑事责任年龄不是国际上可接受的水平。", "output": "From these recommendations, it can be concluded that a minimum age of criminal responsibility below the age of 12 years is considered by the CRC not to be internationally acceptable.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“你为何突然就失了勇气呢?”", "output": "“Why did you suddenly lose your courage?”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n9 我们靠什么成活?", "output": "9 What does my revenue depend on?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我选择西班牙语,是因为它是世界上第三大语言。", "output": "Spanish has been selected because it is the third most spoken language in the world.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n那么,何为“充分披露”?", "output": "And how much is “full discovery”?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n「現在人的因素非常重要。", "output": "“People’s reactions now are of vital importance.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n顺便说一句,请原谅我的英语,因为它不是我的第一语言。", "output": "Please excuse my English as it isn’t my first language.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n希臘隊的隊員被亞歷山大的父親菲利普二世修改,並在亞歷山大的戰鬥中被利用。", "output": "The Greek formation was modified by Alexander’s father Philip II and utilized by Alexander in battle.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n因此,代顿国际机场的官员正在将占地300英亩的机场2,200个非航空英亩土地转变为草原草地。", "output": "So officials at Dayton International Airport are converting up to 300 acres of the airfield's 2,200 non-aeronautical acres into prairie grass.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n然而,我对乔纳森说的是,“你需要花些时间跟踪其他董事。", "output": "“However, what I said to Jonathan was, ‘You need to spend some time shadowing other directors.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n然而它在1902年喷发的时候,杀死了近三万人!", "output": "When it erupted in 1902, it killed over 30,000 people.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n接下来几天它会继续下跌。", "output": "In the coming days it will continue to fall.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n它们是编程语言,旨在使CSS更易于维护,具有主题和可扩展性。", "output": "You can think of them as a programming language designed to make CSS more maintainable, thematic, and extensible.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n阿联酋的银行和支付提供商,正致力于提高在线交易的信用卡安全性,从而为这一过程增加一层额外的安全性。", "output": "Banks and payment providers in the UAE have also enhance card security for online transactions by adding an additional layer of security to the process.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n每天收300多封電子郵件", "output": "I receive more than 300 e-mail messages each day.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n请阅读我们的东西来作出预订前下方注意。", "output": "Please read our Thing to Note below before booking.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他是否有性别,指导你选择的原则是什么?", "output": "Does it have a gender, and what principles guided your choice?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但我希望我们能找到一些优秀的年轻球员,用选秀权签下一些伟大的自由球员。", "output": "But I’m hopeful that we will get some good young players with the picks and sign some great free agents with the cap space.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在月球上3亿英亩的合法可用土地中,我们班加罗尔人应该至少购买一亿英亩土地。", "output": "Out of the 300 million acres of legally available land on the moon, we Bangaloreans should buy, at the very least, 100 million acres.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n大家都很乖,都有打電話回去。", "output": "They all are very friendly upon calling you back.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n是的,你没有看错,不是 Note 6 而是 Note 7。", "output": "No, it's not Galaxy Note 6, but 7.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n酒店是否允许在房间或酒店内吸烟?", "output": "Is smoking allowed in the rooms or in the hotel?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我给了他所有的细节,记录即使是最微不足道的。", "output": "They take care of every detail, even the most insignificant.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n供应商交货指数为56.2%,较12月份的59%下降了2.8个百分点。", "output": "The Supplier Deliveries Index registered 56.2%, a 2.8 percentage point decrease from the December reading of 59%.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n(3)从1923年起,Therese每天除了吃一小片圣饼外,完全弃绝食物和饮料。", "output": "(3) From 1923 onward, Therese has abstained completely from food and drink, except for the daily swallowing of one small consecrated wafer.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果要设置 Office 365 工作或学校帐户,可能会看到“重定向请求”屏幕。", "output": "If you’re setting up an Office 365 work or school account, you may see a Redirect request screen.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n只能是取材于原记录。", "output": "It can just sit in the original record.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n当八号或以上的信号发出时,主办单位就展览会将是否继续或如期开放将作出决定。", "output": "In the event of a Signal 8 and above being issued, a decision will be made by the Organisers on whether the Fair will open, or remains open.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n委内瑞拉提供美元和欧元的交易,这意味着委内瑞拉公民被禁止购买其他的外国货币。", "output": "The token offering accepted transactions in US dollars and euros, meaning that Venezuelan citizens could not legally participate, as there is a ban in Venezuela on buying foreign currency.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n是一种诅咒,它会让受害者的手指几乎和果冻保持一致。", "output": "Jelly-Fingers Curse A curse that causes the victim's fingers to take on an almost jelly-like consistency.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n因為這樣的世界會符合", "output": "This kind world will comply", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n尽管草地运动和网球的受欢迎程度几十年来一直在下降,但如今美国几乎所有最畅销的球鞋都是运动鞋。", "output": "Although the popularity of grass sports and tennis has been declining for decades, almost all of the best-selling shoes in the United States today are sports shoes.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n要做到这一点,你需要有与之相关的内容。", "output": "In order to do that, you need content.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n虽然传统风力涡轮机的工作效率通常能达到40%,但却无法在台风中运作。", "output": "Propeller-based wind turbines typically achieve 40% efficiency, but can't operate in a typhoon.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n劳动是受到尊重,甚至是崇高的概念可以追溯到古人。", "output": "The notion that work is valued, and even noble, dates to the ancients.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n所有这些都完全符合我的第二类快乐女性和坏采摘。", "output": "All fit neatly into my second category of delightful women with bad pickers.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n約瑟被賣到埃及(37:2-36)", "output": "Joseph Sold into Egypt (37:2-36).", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n相比之下,大城市的名称更加固定。", "output": "The names of large cities tend to be more permanent.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n为未来做准备是不是比享受现在更重要?", "output": "Assignment: Is preparing for the future more important than enjoying the present?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n例如,巴基斯坦水资源管理人员花了8年在印度河流域建立的地下水监测网络,仅能每年提供2次数据。", "output": "For example, Pakistani water managers spent eight years building a groundwater monitoring network in the Indus River basin alone, and that network provides readings only twice a year.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n当我们从2018年开始,我呼吁团结", "output": "And as we begin 2018, I call for unity.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“这是我国的龙兴之地”", "output": "“That is our grazing land.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n尽快实现“五大功能”。", "output": "The goal is to implement five functions as quickly as you can.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n(2)施工用配电系统各配電箱、开关箱的安装位置要合理。", "output": "(2) the construction of each distribution box with a power distribution system, the installation position of the switch box to be reasonable.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n不幸的是,这一次我可以看到他的脸。", "output": "This time, I saw his face.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这本书的部分内容可以在Google图书中阅读。", "output": "Portions of this book can be viewed on Google Books.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n有喜悦,有很多悲伤,他永远无法看到或听到这一点,我希望他是我们。", "output": "There's joy, there is a lot of sorrow that he could never see this or hear this and I wish he was with us.\"", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n很多人一开始都以为这是个愚人节玩笑。", "output": "At first, many believed it was an April Fool's joke.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n正在开发柔性固态微超级电容器玻璃,硅和纸基板。", "output": "Flexible solid micro-supercapacitor glass, silicon and paper substrates are being developed.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“他是专家,这就是他所做的,他一直做得非常好。", "output": "\"He's an expert, this is what he does, he's been doing a very good job\".", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n哈达德对贫困并不陌生。", "output": "Haddad is no stranger to poverty.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n结果,邪恶势力控制了他,而我们不知道为什么这样一个人表现出这样的行为。", "output": "As a result, these evil forces take over and we don’t know why such a person is behaving in this manner.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n静置几小时后,水就会拥有水果的味道,而你则获得了低热量的美味饮品。", "output": "After a few hours, the water will take on the fruit’s flavor, and you’ll have a delicious, low-calorie drink.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这个目标并不离谱——它是可以实现的。", "output": "This goal is not farfetched – it is achievable.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n(备注:这种方法简便易行。", "output": "(NOTE: This is simplified.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n生存的机会随着所谓“手段”的增加而成比例地缩减。", "output": "The opportunities of living are diminished in proportion as what are called the \" means \" are increased.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n行动——通过负责任的行动展示踏实深入的学习表现,将其它几项要素付诸实践。", "output": "Action - Demonstrations of deeper learning in responsible behaviour through responsible action; a manifestation in practice of the other essential elements.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n• 财产及财务决定,例如银行业务、投资、买卖房屋及类似事务。", "output": "• property and financial decisions, such as banking, investments, buying or selling a house, and similar matters.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n除了指導英語培訓計劃外,劉女士的職責還包括初始會計和數據錄入,協助翻譯重點項目和辦公室管理。", "output": "In addition to instructing the English training program, Ms. Liu’s responsibilities consist of initial accounting and data entry, assisting in translation of key projects and office management.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n整条街充满着婚礼的喜庆气氛。", "output": "The whole street is full of wedding celebrations.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n医疗保健服务提供健康,情感和精神支持团体和服务。", "output": "Healthcare services offer health, emotional and spiritual support groups and services.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n一旦他成为一个可靠的外线射手,想想他能做些什么吧。", "output": "Once he becomes a more reliable outside shooter, he will be almost unstoppable.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在此背景下,应以创造性和前瞻性的方式推进国际民用核能合作,同时应维护国际防扩散原则的有效性。", "output": "In this context, the international civilian nuclear cooperation should be advanced through innovative and forward-looking approaches while safeguarding the effectiveness of international non-proliferation principles.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在愤怒中,他忘记了这是和平的一周。", "output": "forgotten that it was the Week of Peace.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我說:你們是什麼人?", "output": "Saying, “Who are you?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”另外第7节:“在天上就有了争战。", "output": "We then come to v. 7 - \"there was war in heaven\".", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n创新性研究发现数千种罕见的癌症相关基因突变", "output": "Learn about the recent discovery of thousands of rare cancer-related gene mutations.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这一头脑所玩的诡计看似消除了内疚与恐惧,但事实上却使烦恼的感觉得以维持。", "output": "“This mind trick may seem to displace guilt and fear but actually maintains feelings of upset.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n低于35岁的年轻人仍然是所有年龄组中最可能租房子住的。", "output": "Young adults – those younger than 35 – continue to be the most likely of all age groups to rent.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n预计在英国有史以来最大的舰艇是65,000吨载体,预计将是海军旗舰至少五十年。", "output": "The 65,000-tonne carrier, the largest warship ever to be built in Britain, is expected to be the Navy’s flagship for at least 50 years.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n不久前,我听说毕巧林在从波斯回来的路上死了。", "output": "I LEARNED not long ago that Pechorin had died on his way back from Persia.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n一个微笑,一个拥抱,一个鼓励,对孩子们来说就是莫大的奖赏。", "output": "This is a boon, a boost, a great help to the grandchildren.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n「我曾說:你們是神,都是至高者的兒子。", "output": "I said, \"You are gods, sons of the Most High, all of you.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n还有另外18个州允许在提供工业乙醇饮品的饭店里携带武器。", "output": "In addition, eighteen states allow loaded guns in restaurants that serve alcohol.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n到1943年8月,日军被驱逐出阿留申群岛,随着岁月的过去,发生在这里的战役基本上被世人遗忘了。", "output": "By August 1943, the Japanese were expelled from the Aleutians, and over time, the battles that took place here have been largely forgotten", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n男人和女人都不喜欢被错误的性别所称呼。", "output": "Men and women do not like to be told that they are evil.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n最后,任兴洲表示,行业的发展离不开政府、协会、企业三方的共同推进。", "output": "Finally, Ren Xingzhou said that the development of the industry cannot do without the government, associations and enterprises to jointly promote the three party.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”你喜欢去图书馆吗?", "output": "“Do you like the library?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们经常把头埋在沙子里,忽略发生的事情,或者听一些顾问的建议。", "output": "We often bury our heads in the sand and ignore what’s happening, or listen to some consultant advice.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n目前他正在寻找新的队伍。", "output": "Now, he will be looking for a new team.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n(截止2014年)[2]", "output": "(since 2 May 2014)[2]", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n自从2006年以来,中国政府不断努力,以在海外项目中改善与当地社区的关系。", "output": "Since 2006, Chinese authorities have made increasing efforts to promote good community relations in overseas projects.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n五名旅行者在暴风雨中寻求庇护,在一个奇怪而可怕的夜晚,他们偶然发现了 Femm 家族的庄园。", "output": "Seeking shelter from a storm, five travelers are in for a bizarre and terrifying night when the stumble upon the Femm family estate.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n1997年,西萨摩亚改名为萨摩亚。", "output": "In 1997, the name was officially changed to Samoa.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n由于她的怀疑加剧,她在两个十几岁时打电话给警察。", "output": "Due to her heightened suspicions, she called the police on the two teens.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果条件允许,还可以间隔一段时间打一层地板蜡以加强对地板的保护。", "output": "If conditions permit, you can also apply a layer of floor wax at intervals to strengthen the protection of the floor.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n硅谷的许多高管工作时间很长,经常加班加点,但沃西基基本上每天晚6点到家,和家人一起吃晚饭。", "output": "Crazy hours are the norm for many CEOs, especially in Silicon Valley, but Wojcicki tries to go home at 6 p.m. every night to be a part of the family meal.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n早期教会很重视社区。", "output": "The early Church saw the importance of community.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n测试在两个子弹上面提到的时间执行。", "output": "Tests performed at the times noted in the two bullets above.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n另一個原因,則可能是想以加入試驗的方式,未來能使相同的病人受惠。", "output": "Another reason may be that they want to benefit future patients by taking part in a trial.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他祈祷保持这样,至少一段时间。", "output": "He hoped it would stay that way, at least for a while.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n只要我们仍在赢球,这就是我所关心的全部。", "output": "As long as we win, that's all I care about.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n孩子们需要时间到外面玩。", "output": "Kids need time playing outside.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你可以在西班牙和加泰罗尼亚看到这点,你还可以在越来越多的此类回应中看到这点。", "output": "You can see it in Spain and Catalonia, and you will see more and more such responses.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n不过,贫穷国家数百万营养不良的人需要稍微多吃一点肉和奶制品。", "output": "The millions of people in poor nations who are undernourished need to eat a little more meat and dairy.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n数字化是利用数字技术改变商业模式, 提供新的收入和创造价值的机会;它是向数字业务转移的过程。", "output": "Digitalisation is the use of digital technologies to change a business model and provide new revenue and value-producing opportunities: the process of moving to a digital business.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nLVDS的恒定电流使得许多输出都能受到驱动,无需CMOS要求的大量电流吸取。", "output": "The constant current of the LVDS driver allows for many outputs to be driven without the large amount of current draw that CMOS would require.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n克林顿决定扩大北约。", "output": "President Clinton pushed to expand NATO.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n作为一家得益于规模经济和全球供应体系的轮胎公司,我们提升了我们在全球的地位。", "output": "Widely recognized as the first tire company to have benefited from economies of scale and a global supply system, we have improved our standing worldwide.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n该方案从而帮助您集成了核工业的技术方面具有重要的政治,经济和社会问题。", "output": "The programme thus helps integrate the technical aspects of the nuclear industry with key political, economic and social issues.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n健身专家希望你停止做的7项锻炼", "output": "7 Exercises Fitness Experts Wish You Would Stop Doing", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n瞬间之后,舞台经理走近麦克风说,“女士与先生们,请你们放心,刚才毁掉的那个小提琴仅值二十美元。", "output": "Within seconds the stage manager approached the microphone and said, “Ladies and gentlemen, to put you at ease, the violin that was just destroyed was a $20 violin.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n温馨提示:对于大多数蛋白,重悬后在4℃仅能短期保存(约1周)。", "output": "Tips: For the majority of proteins, they can be only stored at 4 ℃ for a short term (about one week) after resuspended.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我认为我们已经取得了很好的平衡。", "output": "I think I’ve reached a good balance.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n15-20度的坡度被认为是正常的。", "output": "15-20 degrees is considered normal.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n33:10 上主挫敗萬國的陰謀;他使萬民的籌算沒有效果。", "output": "*****Psa 33:10 The LORD bringeth the counsel of the heathen to nought: he maketh the devices of the people of none effect.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n继续写日记来监视您的成功。", "output": "Start a journal to monitor your success.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你是一个完全不同的人,与一个完全不同的生活。", "output": "I’m an entirely different person with an entirely different life.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他们从不去任何地方。", "output": "They NEVER go anywhere.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n哈萨克斯坦Mangistau地区将建造容量为42兆瓦的风力发电厂,7月23日该地区的州长报道。", "output": "The wind power plant with a capacity of 42 megawatts will be built in Mangistau region of Kazakhstan, the press service of the governor of the region reported July 23.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nQ400飞机的最大巡航速度为360节,使它可以替代喷气式飞机执行同样的飞行计划。", "output": "The Q400 aircraft's maximum cruise speed of 360 knots lets the aircraft fly on demand-driven interchangeable schedules with jets.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他清楚知道自己要什么,以及如何去达成目标。", "output": "He knows very well what he wants and how to reach his goals.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n那个时候,我们甚至考虑了买房子。", "output": "That really turned us off to even considering purchasing a home there.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n克里斯·埃文斯饰演的美国队长也是如此,他常常出现在一些让人发笑的励志/教育视频中。", "output": "Chris Evans also shows up as Captain America, in a very humorous bit featuring promotional videos shown at the high school.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n2.取得技能人员国家职业资格证书且专业、职种与在本市工作所聘岗位相符的,可获得国家职业资格等级积分。", "output": "Those who have obtained the national vocational qualification certificate of skilled personnel and whose specialties and job types are consistent with the positions employed in this city can obtain the national vocational qualification grade points.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n从根本上来说,数字签名是一种确保电子文档(电子邮件、电子表格、文本文件等)真实可靠的方法。", "output": "Digital signatures - A digital signature is basically a way to ensure that an electronic document (e-mail, spreadsheet, text file) is authentic.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n現在,每一個西方大型機械人製造商都在提高生產力以滿足中國的需求。", "output": "Every big Western robot manufacturer is now ramping up production capacity to meet Chinese demand.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n永远不要把护照留在你身上。", "output": "And don’t keep your passport on you constantly.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n仅28%的受访者表示,企业内部已培训的员工足以支持AI技术的采购、搭建与部署。", "output": "Only 28% of respondents say that their organization has enough trained people internally to buy, build and deploy AI.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n5、在那里只发现了五个城市(见地图)。", "output": "Five, and only five cities, have been found there (see map).", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n目前的结果显示,500名乳腺癌患者的总体敏感度可达75%。", "output": "The latest results show an overall sensitivity of 75 percent for the 500 breast cancer patients.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我們將使用合適的安全加密技術於互聯網上收集或傳輸個人資料。", "output": "We will use such secured encryption technology as is appropriate for the collection or transmission of personal data online.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n周四的推文显示,这些商品的关税将低于最初威胁的水平。", "output": "Thursday’s tweets indicated those goods would face a lower tariff rate than initially threatened.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n近几十年以来,这个乐团众多的演出都是在维也纳最辉煌的宫殿里举办的。", "output": "The numerous concert series this orchestra has performed in the last decades have taken place at some of the most beautiful palaces in Vienna.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nEmber Charts 是个图表库,使用Ember.js和D3.js框架构建。", "output": "Ember Charts is a charting library built with the Ember.js and D3.js frameworks.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n«这两个任性的孤独的灵魂现在一个。", "output": "“Those two wayward lonely souls are now one.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n于是,对一些人而言,虚拟的世界才是真实的。", "output": "So for him, virtual world became the real.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在我13歲生日前,母親誕了雙胞胎,半夜起來負責餵奶的是我,不是我爸。", "output": "When she had twins shortly before my thirteenth birthday, it was me who got up with her during the nighttime feedings, not my dad.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n” “我们的想法是他们和今年朝觐的两百多万人。", "output": "Our thoughts are with them and the more than two million people undertaking the Hajj this year.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n战争和贫困使该国的卫生部门大为瘫痪。", "output": "War and poverty have decimated the country’s health sector.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n她们只要能够控制的人。", "output": "They only want people they can control.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“盗窃案的规模令人震惊。", "output": "“The scale of the theft was staggering.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这将是好的如果他赢得冠军。", "output": "And that’d be fine if he’s won a championship.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n一天,小绵羊出逃了。", "output": "One day, the sheep wandered.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n至于什么是“习惯性居住”?", "output": "What is 'habitual residence'?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n回到家,陈明的症状加重了。", "output": "Once home, the symptoms worsened.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但它已经成为更容易为我说话。", "output": "She’s already easier for me to talk to.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n智慧感測器整合的第一步:聯絡我們。", "output": "The first step for your smart sensor integration: Contact us.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n啤酒在整個啤酒類飲料的比重上,更跌破 50%,來到 49.2%。", "output": "The proportion of beer in total beer drinks dropped below 50% to 49.2%.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n12:8為這事,我三次求過主,叫這刺離開我。", "output": "12:8 And about this thing I made request to the Lord three times that it might be taken away from me.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n市场村华欣的盛大开幕于2006年2月,随后在居民和游客中越来越受欢迎。", "output": "The grand opening of Hua Hin Market Village was in February 2006 and since then it has grown in popularity amongst residents and visitors.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n显然,我的高位登记册给了它。", "output": "Apparently my high register gives it away.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但彼得杰克逊在这方面并没有进展。", "output": "Albeit Peter Jackson did not succumb to this.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n所有的鸟儿都以为,把鱼举在空中是一种善举.", "output": "All the birds thought that it was a good act to raise the fish in the air.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n那时是4月,吸引了一大班的赏鲸人来观看,但之后却被渔民的网缠住,在5月上旬被发现已淹死。", "output": "It attracted crowds of whale watchers in April, but later became entangled in a fisherman's net, drowned and was washed up in early May.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nMartin Luther King Jr.博士在亚特兰大南部基督教领袖会议上发言。", "output": "Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., speaking at the Southern Christian Leadership Conference in Atlanta.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n3 你們不要多說驕傲的話,也不要口出狂妄之言,因為耶和華是全知的神,人的一切行為他都鑒察。", "output": "3 “Boast no more so very proudly, Do not let arrogance come out of your mouth; For the LORD is a God of knowledge, And with Him actions are weighed.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这种方法在推动规模经济发展和获取全球资本流动等方面发挥了重要作用。", "output": "This approach has been instrumental in driving economies of scale and procuring global capital.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n上帝以神秘的方式運作,所以不要氣餒。", "output": "God works in mysterious ways; Don't miss your blessing.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这样一来,如果同一用户给定的时间内返回,浏览器不必要求相同的图像一遍。", "output": "That way, if the same user returns within a given period of time, the browser doesn’t have to ask for the same images all over again.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n哈马斯将接受1967年边界的巴勒斯坦国", "output": "Next Hamas accepts Palestinian state with 1967 borders", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n哥斯达黎加第一位女性总统宣誓就职", "output": "Costa Rica's first female president takes oath", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我只能从自己的亲身生活来体验,比如:", "output": "“I can only really speak from my own perspective, so:", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果想了解历史,一定要去英国。", "output": "If you want history, go to England.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n当我们收到反通知时,我们将调查您的索赔,并可能恢复涉嫌侵权材料。", "output": "When we receive a counter notification, we will investigate your claim and may reinstate allegedly infringing material.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我说:“是,昨天来的。", "output": "He said, “I came here yesterday”.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在胜利可期的情况下,他们或许可以投入全部的力量发起进攻,争取获得胜利。", "output": "If the Night is commanding they may assign the successes at will to each attack or defense.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他甚至可以做访问学者,驻美大使。", "output": "She can even be a UNICEF ambassador.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n此外,由于该建筑已有40多年的历史,维护和现代化将需要大量资金", "output": "Also, because the building is more than 40 years old, maintenance and modernization will require significant capital.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n左:玛格丽特的母亲 右:玛格丽特", "output": "Right: Caroline's mother, Margaret.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n大澳附近的考古学遗址──盐田遗址,可上溯至石器时代,但固定而可稽考的人类部落则只有三个世纪的历史。", "output": "Nearby archaeological sites date back to the Stone Age, but permanent and verifiable, human settlement here is only three centuries old.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们可以让阪卡成为一个更好的地方。", "output": "Together we can make the galaxy a better place.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n由于氯气价格高,以及对氯气残留物对健康的影响的担忧,所以并不总是这样做。", "output": "It is not always done due to the high price of chlorine, as well as concern over health effects of chlorine residuals.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n所以我们认为这类物质会存在于蜂蜜中。", "output": "In nature, it exists in honey.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n作为一个老工业城市,淄博市拥有充沛的、高素质的劳动力资源。", "output": "As an old industrial city, Zibo city has abundant and high-quality labor resources.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n完成后,用户将永远不必考虑或输入密码。", "output": "When complete, users will never have to think up or enter a password.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n褪去白昼的明亮,正定的夜色更加迷人。", "output": "Without the distraction of lights, the night became thicker and deeper.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n然后当我们坐下来禅修时,我们命令它们离开,让我们独处。", "output": "Then when we sit down to meditate, we order them to go away and leave us alone.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n东方明珠电视塔(世纪大道1号)", "output": "The Oriental Pearl TV Tower (No. 1 Century Avenue)", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n因此,品性良好的同性恋者当然可以成为佛教徒。", "output": "On the other hand, well-intentioned deconstructionists can become butchers.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n27岁,她写信说她当妈了,他回信恭喜她;", "output": "When she was 27, she wrote him a letter telling him that she'd become a mother, and he wrote back congratulating her;", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果公司成功上市,它仍将面临激烈的市场竞争压力。", "output": "If the company is listed successfully, it still faces fierce market competition pressure.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n父子之间的摩擦贯穿了盖西的童年和青少年时期,但是在他被捕后却在采访中极力否认自己憎恨父亲。", "output": "The friction between father and son was constant throughout his childhood and adolescence, yet in interviews after his arrest, Gacy always vehemently denied he hated him.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nSam: 足球运动员在工作中很配合,很有礼貌。", "output": "Sam: Football players are great to work with and are very respectful.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但真的,相信我们的孩子。", "output": "No, really, think of the children.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但这些都不是针对普通感冒或流感的银弹。", "output": "But none of these is a silver bullet against the common cold or flu.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n那恋人本身对他来说也成为 一个旋律,就像是一个固定观念,他到处都看得见听得见它” 。", "output": "The beloved woman herself has become for him a melody, like a fixed idea, which he finds and hears everywhere.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他曾突然致电特恩布尔,那通电话似乎没有考虑澳大利亚作为一个付出通常多过回报的朋友的历史角色。", "output": "The newspaper pointed out that Trump already annoyed Australia by phone call sharply with Turnbull and seemed to deny the historical role of Australia as a friend is always given more than it gets.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n保护长江,为了子孙后代", "output": "Island Preserved for Future Generations", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n很多网站的管理人员以没有人会读的复制的内容来充斥他们的网站。", "output": "Many website managers fill their website with copy that nobody will read.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这使得与他们的实时通信成为可能,而且这使得在第3层上分配行星尺寸的地址空间成为了必然。", "output": "This enables real time communication with them, and has made the allocation of world-size address spaces necessary, at the level 3 routing hierarchy.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“测不到”(undetectable)的意思是你不会传播病毒。", "output": "I’m undetectable, which means I cannot transmit the virus.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n依照德州的法律,謀殺罪可判處5到99年的刑期。", "output": "In Texas, the sentence for murder is from five to 99 years in.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n该页向您显示我们所有进行中的促销和特价产品。", "output": "This page will show you a summary of all our currently running promotions and special offers.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n深入了解消费者的需求", "output": "Deeper understanding of consumers’ needs", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nPageRank算法很复杂,但其背后的思想很简单:它将到网页的链接视为该网页的推荐。", "output": "The PageRank algorithm is complex, but the idea behind it is simple: It treats a link to a webpage as a recommendation for that page.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我的同工因疼痛而驅使他為身體的需要尋求幫助。", "output": "My coworker’s pain drove him to get the help his body needed.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这封信似乎对正在发生的事情提出了比实际情况更大的问题。", "output": "The letter seems to be making a bigger problem of what is going on than it actually is.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n它是为那些在预算非常紧张的好选择。", "output": "This is a great option for those on a very tight budget.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n那些座霸,将付出无法便捷出行的代价。", "output": "Customer will not pay for unattainable speeds.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n公司通过长期的努力与实践,逐步形成了自己的技术特点及优势,综合实力不断增强。", "output": "Company through long-term efforts and practice, and gradually formed its own characteristics and advantages and comprehensive strength has continued to increase.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n4.2.1 (一) 工作计划。", "output": "2.1(c) The Pilot Project.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nnekrasz承认罪行并没有改变所有的东西,在过去几年。", "output": "Nekrasz admits crime hasn’t changed all that much over the years.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n帕加里甘说,越野跑传递了一个重要信息:“我们不仅仅是女佣。", "output": "Ms. Pagarigan said that trail running sends an important message: “We’re not just a maid.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”据他介绍,这主要应归咎于哥伦比亚和尼日利亚叛乱的激化、加拿大森林大火以及卡塔尔罢工等突发事件。", "output": "He said unforeseeable circumstances were to blame: rebel activity in Colombia and Nigeria, forest fires in Canada and the strike in Qatar were all to blame.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n5. 怎么做才能确保获得这样的税务优惠?", "output": "How do we make sure that this kind of fee is paid?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”嘿,宝贝,”他欢迎我们。", "output": "\"Hey, sweetie,\" he greeted her.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n(a)资金筹措和费用评价", "output": "(a) Financing and cost evaluation", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\niPhone 3G 两倍的速度,一半的价格", "output": "Summary: iPhone 3G - Twice as fast, half the price.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n5.屏体配备有环境监控系统,让您随时随地知道显示屏的运行情况;", "output": "*The screen body is equipped with an environmental monitoring system that allows you to know the operation of the display screen anytime anywhere;", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n一个共同思路:对于细节的持续关注。", "output": "A common thread: the continuing attention for the detail.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你永远不能做世界上最好的事情。", "output": "But you don’t have to make the best thing ever in the world.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n她从不把乔治,甚至更少尝试完整的肖像画不一个草图,她现在很高兴。", "output": "She never drew George, much less attempted a full portrait, not even a sketch, for which she’s now glad.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但是你必须问他哪里是生产一种食物的最好的地方。", "output": "Be sure to ask him where the best food is!", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n不管什么活动,你都要穿合脚舒适的鞋子。", "output": "Whatever you do, wear comfortable shoes.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n第二点,我们称之为大脑发展。", "output": "The second issue we call brain development.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n美国的损失从未被发明出来。", "output": "The Indians loss has never been known.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“父母是子女最后一道防线。", "output": "\"Parents are the last line of defence for the children.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这一次,猴子开始大把抓了。", "output": "But, this time the monkey took charge.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n二手交易群,因为人数已经太多。", "output": "Double up Share accommodation because there are too many people.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n个人信息安全影响评估报告表明存在高风险时。", "output": "When the personal information security impact assessment report indicates the existence of high risk.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n当它们被引入时,数字出版业一切都处于中断状态。", "output": "When they were introduced, the digital publishing industry was all set for disruption.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n当我在加州大学洛杉矶分校(UCLA)读书时,谁都没有个人电脑。", "output": "When I went to college at UCLA, nobody had their own computer.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们致力于治愈及修和」。", "output": "We are committed to healing and reconciliation.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n這篇文章將向您展示如何用一個下午的時間標注數十萬張圖片。", "output": "This post shows you how to label hundreds of thousands of images in an afternoon.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n雖然受到挫折,平反運動的支持者繼續把握所有機會提出這個課題,包括去信聯合國人權委員會。", "output": "Despite this setback, redress supporters continued to raise the issue whenever they could, including a submission to the United Nations Human Rights Commission.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n极端的情绪体验,如狂喜或悲痛,都可能阻碍有效的沟通。", "output": "Extreme emotions such as jubilation or depression are most likely to hinder effective communication.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n来吧,下一周,看你的。", "output": "And next week, watch it.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n什麼是 WCAG 2.0", "output": "What is WCAG 2.0 ?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n可以想见,ICL及其成员组织将在不久的将来发展出广泛的联系和合作关系。", "output": "As such, it is foreseen that the ICL and its member organisations will develop a wide range of contacts and working relationships in the near future.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nl 避免接觸禽鳥及其分泌物、排泄物;如有接觸,應立即洗手;", "output": "● Avoid contact with birds and their secretions, excreta; if contact, immediately wash hands;", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n欢迎各位到展台#2515参观交流。", "output": "Hello and welcome to Show # 225.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这将您访问的所有网站的安全级别均 设置为“高”。", "output": "This sets the security level for all Web sites you visit to High.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这对食品工业有很大的影响。", "output": "Now, it has a great effect on the food industry.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n最后,我们告诉窗口使用这个布局(及其内容)。", "output": "Finally, we tell the window to use this layout (and thus its contents).", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n伟大的幻想:一个非正式的禁令的历史。", "output": "The great illusion: : an informal history of prohibition", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在ICE课程特别适合于提供在本科或研究生课程在波兰的一所大学成功所需的学术背景。", "output": "Courses at ICE are particularly appropriate for providing the academic background needed to succeed in an undergraduate or postgraduate program at a university in Poland.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n熏蒸剂, 他们产生气体或蒸气意图消灭害虫在建筑物或在地板上.", "output": "Fumigation>Fumigants Produce gas or vapor intended to destroy pests in buildings or soil", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这是我的决定,我负一切责任。", "output": "This was my choice and I take full responsibility.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我得穿好衣服去参加晚会。", "output": "So we need to dress up to go to the party.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这是我担任总统期间为数不多的遗憾之一 - 各方之间的怨恨和猜疑变得更糟,而不是更好。", "output": "One of the few regrets of my presidency — that the rancor and suspicion between the parties has gotten worse instead of better, it is.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n她站着,在他能说更多之前。", "output": "She hung up before he could say anything else.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n上一篇 : 我还没找到工作。", "output": "Update: I STILL haven’t found a job.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n而且与其它占据不同计算机业领域的公司不一样的是,Google让消费者可以轻易地切换到竞争对手的产品。", "output": "And unlike companies that dominated other eras of computing, Google makes it easy for its customers to switch to rival products.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“我每天都不能吃巧克力蛋糕。", "output": "\"One can't have cake every day.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这是全球贸易扩展的一体化和综合路径", "output": "This is an integrated and comprehensive approach to global trade expansion.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n中东有些人想建立一种伊斯兰民主。", "output": "Some want to create an Islamic state.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n新华财经的发言人也称这个男人只是布什的朋友,而布什才是这家牧场的唯一拥有者。", "output": "The XFM spokesman says the man was just a friend and that Bush was the sole owner.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n尽管如此,她游了15个小时。", "output": "Still she swam for 15 hours.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n有点很难看到他们,我知道,因为我是遥远。", "output": "Its difficult to see them and know I am so far away.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n埃莉诺,卡斯蒂利亚女王(1162年至1214年)", "output": "Eleanor, Queen of Castile (1161–1214)", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n21 就是以色列人不能灭尽的,所罗门挑取他们的后裔作服苦的奴仆,直到今日。", "output": "21 their children that were left after them in the land, whom the children of Israel were not able utterly to destroy, upon them did Solomon impose a tribute of bondservice until this day.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n2016年新年前夜直播:2017年欢迎来自世界各地的烟花和图片", "output": "New Year's Eve 2016: Fireworks and pictures from around the worldNew Year's Eve 2016: Fireworks and pictures from around the world", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我不认为梅丽尔做错了。", "output": "I don't think Tracy is at fault.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n另一位说:“这完全不可接受。", "output": "Another said: \"That is totally unacceptable.\"", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n19世纪,对士兵、囚犯、伤者和平民的待遇有所进步,战时法的核心理念得到了重视。", "output": "In the 19th century, the treatment of soldiers, prisoners, the wounded, and civilians improved and core elements of the laws of war were put in place.[by whom?]", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n她表示,如何清潔這些娃娃是這裡的「秘密」,不過「每次使用後,它們都會得到很好的清潔、洗滌和消毒」。", "output": "How the dolls are cleaned is a \"house secret,\" Schwarz said, \"but after every use they are very well cleaned, washed and disinfected.\"", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n尽管它们有共同渊源,毫无疑问这两个国家很快就以激进方式分道扬镳了。", "output": "there can be no doubt that the two countries quickly diverged in a radical way.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n或者只是四处走动,直到一个计划形成。", "output": "You might find you keep going until a plot has formed.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在五、六年级,我学得更是五花八门。", "output": "In the fifth or sixth grade I learned to type.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n研究人员将利用新的细胞生长技术建立大约1000个癌细胞模型。", "output": "As part of the initiative, the researchers will join forces to make around 1,000 cancer cell models.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n船长常常恳求我剥去我那野蛮的衣服,并愿意借给我他最好的衣服。", "output": "The Captain had often entreated me to strip myself of my savage Dress, and offered to lend me the best Suit of Cloaths he had.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n廓德号的船员代表所有的种族与不同的宗教,暗示美国不但是种普遍性心态,还是个民族大熔炉。", "output": "The Pequods crew members represent all races and various religions, suggesting the idea of America as a universal state of mind as well as a melting pot.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n美国猪兽医协会(AASV)", "output": "American Association of Swine Veterinarians ( AASV )", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我想知道菲利普托的事。", "output": "I want to know about Pete.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n憧憬的是我终于有了自己的学生。", "output": "I'm just excited I finally have a student.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n有一次,他是第一个爬上云梯的人,跳过城墙,单身落在敌人之中;在这种情况下,他身受13处伤。", "output": "Once he was the first to ascend the scaling ladders and leaped over the wall among his enemies alone, and in this condition received thirteen wounds.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n北坎顿业务网点可提供以下活动:", "output": "The North Canton location provides the following activities:", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n星期五是候选人竞选活动的最后一天。", "output": "Thursday is the last day for the candidates to campaign.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n三的恐怖分子仍然逍遥法外,拉普被命令,非正式地,用任何必要的方法找到它们。", "output": "Three of the al-Qaeda terrorists are still at large, and Rapp has been unofficially ordered to find them by any means necessary.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这间教会的特色就是,成员都来自世界各地。", "output": "Like the membership of the Church, these leaders come from all over the globe.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n司法在智利更近了一步", "output": "Justice a step closer in Chile", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n可能她也知道她正在干的是什么。", "output": "So maybe she knows what she’s doing.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n就是首先你决定你选择什么,然后我使它成为可能。", "output": "First, you decide what it is you choose, then I make it possible.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n另一方面,我们的乘客操作的大多数火车都具有强大的购买力。", "output": "Also, most holiday makers have strong purchasing power.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n10,领导者和企业面临的道德挑战", "output": "Ethics challenges for leaders and businesses", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n饮料中含有的阿斯巴甜浓度可通过其检测出的色谱峰面积来确定。", "output": "The concentration of aspartame in the beverage can be determined from the peak area of the detected aspartame.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n体验一号公路的5个绝佳方式", "output": "5 Great Ways to Experience Highway 1", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在这款游戏中,一切皆有可能。", "output": "At this point in the game, anything was possible.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n一旦在一起,这些生物协同工作以增加啮齿动物模型中蛀牙的严重程度。", "output": "Once together, these organisms work in concert to increase severity of tooth decay in a rodent model.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n时代在变,即使是像捷豹这样的历史品牌,如果想要在电气化的未来生存,也必须做出一些调整。", "output": "Times are changing, and even a historic brand like Jaguar has to make some adjustments if it wants to survive in an electrified future.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n_你从来没告诉我们你丈夫叫格雷格。", "output": "You never told us your name was Sheryl.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n想大一些:10万美元,50万美元,或者为什么不100万美元?", "output": "For this one, you have to think big. $100,000, $500,000, or why not $1 million?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这会儿,国王领导着由三个权力机构组成的联合体,捍卫三权分立,反对要求拥有至高无上权力的新人。", "output": "And now the King presided over the league formed by the three powers for the defence of their autonomy against the new claimant for sovereignty.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n它并不总是这样的礼物。", "output": "It doesn’t always feel like a gift.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他说:“来自投资者和投机客日益旺盛的需求压力说明,比特币的价格在不久的将来还会进一步升高。", "output": "Indeed, the increasing demand pressure from investors and speculators makes the case for an even further increase in Bitcoin prices in the near future.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n””你是愚蠢的,吉姆。", "output": "You are a fool, Jim.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这是在印度唯一一次这样的待遇。", "output": "This is the ONLY treatment of this kind in the nation.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n米兰理工大学的管理、经济与工业工程系(DIG)成立于1990年,初建时为经济与生产系(DEP)。", "output": "The Department of Management, Economics and Industrial Engineering (DIG) of Politecnico di Milano was established in 1990 as the Department of Economy and Production (DEP).", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n戒烟,每日饮少量红葡萄酒对病者有益。", "output": "Consuming half a glass of red wine per day could be beneficial for Alzheimer’s patients.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n可以存储读数的血压计最多可以记录60个数据。", "output": "This blood pressure monitor is able to record up to 60 readings.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n哥伦比亚:一架载有巴西足球队员的飞机失事", "output": "Colombia: Plane carrying soccer team involved in accident", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我和妈妈进了展览厅。", "output": "Mother and I went to Exposition.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n'商店竞赛:黑色星期五,获胜者!", "output": "Where to Shop This Black Friday - WINNER ANNOUNCED!", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n其他系统要求:使用互联网功能需要连接互联网。", "output": "Additional Requirements: Internet functionality requires Internet connection.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我的“精神恋爱”错了吗", "output": "I “love” wrong?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n平均回报率的改善趋势(ROIC)给了投资者信心去继续购买飞机。", "output": "The trend improvement in average returns (ROIC) has given the industry the confidence to invest on this scale.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n浮点数 是有小数点的数字,比如 3.14159, 0.1 和 -273.15。", "output": "Overview Floating-point numbers are numbers with a fractional component, such as 3.14159, 0.1, and -273.15.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我还没有听说过高度敏感的人很容易受伤,因为他们有很强的耐心,他们可以在危急的情况下忍受任何事情。", "output": "I haven’t heard yet that highly sensitive person get hurt easily because they have lot’s of the power of patient and they can tolerate anything in the critical situation.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n也可能不会……不过,我们总要尽力而为。", "output": "Not always, but we will do our best.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我們只是在做服裝,如果你以為發一篇帖子就是玩政治,那也太無知了。", "output": "We make dresses and if you think about doing politics with a post it's simply ignorant.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你可以在短时间内使用解充血剂,通常不超过三天,以缓解鼻塞和鼻窦压力。", "output": "You can use decongestants over a short period, usually no longer than three days, to relieve a stuffy nose and sinus pressure.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n此前一个月,我失去了他的孩子。", "output": "One month ago today I lost my baby.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n不管怎么说,这星期轮不到他们值班,所以还得耐心等到下星期。", "output": "So, no demonstration this time, please be patient till the next week.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n从2010年项目设计启动到2013年8月以来,文化中心的总体结构已经封顶,整个项目初具形态。", "output": "From the design’s initial startup in 2010 to August 2013, the overall structure of the Cultural Centre was completed and the entire project began to take shape.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但请记住:什么是秘密进行,有巨大的能量。", "output": "But remember this: What is done in secret has great power.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n(一)从社会民主党的观点来看,无论直接或间接地提出民族文化的口号,都是不能允许的。", "output": "a) It is impermissible, from the standpoint of Social-Democracy, to issue the slogan of national culture either directly or indirectly.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n申请的时候可以同时递交临时和永居签证。", "output": "You can apply for both temporary and permanent partner visas at the same time.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n为什么社区没有去阻止 McHardy?", "output": "Why hasn’t the community stopped McHardy?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n到目前为止,海面上只发现了失踪F-35A的部分机尾。", "output": "To date, only a section of the missing F-35A’s tail was found on the surface the following day.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“我不再靠这份工资生活了。", "output": "“I’m not tied to that salary any more.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n相反,该公司表示,它们将配备两名人类司机,以便在任何时候都保持对汽车的绝对控制。", "output": "Instead, they’ll come with two human drivers who’ll maintain control of the cars at all times.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n只要你觉察到了,你的任务就是马上开始进行清理,也就是去说“对不起,请原谅我”。", "output": "Once you notice, your responsibility is to immediately begin to clean, to say, \"I'm sorry.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n一周后,该片将在美国上映。", "output": "In about a week, history will be made in America.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n根据Agwu的说法,诸如女性坚持使用她的婚前姓名等问题是造成婚姻误解的原因。", "output": "According to Agwu, issues such as a woman’s insistence on the use of her maiden name are responsible for misunderstandings in marriages.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“最重要的是要保护对方,”传单说", "output": "“The most important thing is to protect each other,” the leaflet says.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但它们都必须包含十二颗星星(大多数情况下位于圆环的边缘)、雕版首字母和发行年份[註 3]。", "output": "All have to include twelve stars (in most cases a circle around the edge), the engravers initials and the year of issue.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n因为我在屋顶上,我做过。", "output": "Like I am through the roof, I am!", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n几乎所有的公司行为都要通过代理来完成。", "output": "almost all negotiations are conducted through agents.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n古解决方案的价值远达它所提供的知识。", "output": "The Paleo Solution's value is far reaching for the knowledge that it offers.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n要達成這個目標,有權干涉合法、官方體系的人都必須有所作為,卯盡全力去做。", "output": "To achieve this requires that those who have the capability to do something within legal and official frameworks must act now, in every way they can.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n分子生物学及遗传学系培养学生成为研究人员在生物学的这个区域。", "output": "The Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics prepares students to become researchers in this area of biology.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nKakoi补充说,它花费了比平时更多的时间开发X1,因为它是“我们的新平台”。", "output": "Kakoi added that Sony Ericsson has spent more time than usual developing the X1 as it's a \"new platform for us\".", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n壓迫的事件發生在國內不同地區,影響不同部族。", "output": "The oppressions involved different areas of the land and affected different tribes.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nZinn的最后一篇公开着作之一是上周在The Nation上发表的关于奥巴马政府第一年的短篇小说。", "output": "One of Zinn's last public writings was a brief essay, published last week in The Nation, about the first year of the Obama administration.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n毕竟,人生中总有些东西出现过,但你却无法将它带走。", "output": "After all, something particularly hard happened during your life and you don't want to let it go away.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这沟通技巧是适合大量受众和目的", "output": "Communication skills that are appropriate for a range of audiences and purposes", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果它查找到网页,便会返回用户,而不向互联网转发请求。", "output": "If it finds the page, it returns it to the user without forwarding it to the Internet.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n出于本文的目的,我们将假设你到达机场时可以随时使用航班并使用飞行时间作为权重,从而计算最短路径。", "output": "For the purposes of this article we will just assume that is flight is readily available when you reach an airport and calculate the shortest path using the airtime as the weight", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n8这种劝诱不是出于召唤你们的那一位。", "output": "8 This persuasion comes not of him that calls you.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n各项原则和做法有效地打击数字空间中的歧视和仇恨言论。", "output": "Principles and practices effectively counter discrimination and hate speech in the digital space.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n,你可能想知道为什么冥王星还没有耗尽氮?", "output": "With this in mind, you might wonder why Pluto hasn’t run out of nitrogen yet.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nGimcrack是18世纪所有赛马中最受尊敬的赛马之一。", "output": "Gimcrack was one of the most famous racehorses of the eighteenth century.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们每天都交谈,而且越来越亲密。", "output": "We spoke daily and were growing closer.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n墨西哥陆上油田取得15年来的最大发现", "output": "Mexico Discovers Its Richest Oil Field in 15 Years", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n必須要人口規模足夠大才行。", "output": "The study population must be sufficiently large.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n园丁告诉我们葬在纽金特一个陌生人,快速的短语中,他描述的东西,首先我们不能掌握。", "output": "The gardener was telling us that there was buried among the Nugents a stranger, a—something that he described in a rapid phrase which we could not at first grasp.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他们还需要确定使用哪一种类型的人类神经干细胞疗效最好。", "output": "They will also need to identify which is the best type of human neural stem cell to use.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n一位保守党发言人说:“技术问题已经解决,应用程序现在运行安全。", "output": "The Conservative party said in a statement: “The technical issue has been resolved and the app is now functioning securely.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n表格8949将有助于弄清资本利得或损失,然后在表格1040的附表D中进行报告。", "output": "You will often use IRS Form 8949 to report capital gains or losses, along with Schedule D on Form 1040.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n参见:柬埔寨国家元首列表", "output": "List of heads of state of Cambodia", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n2018年航空燃油的平均价格(包括对冲)预计为633美元/吨。", "output": "Average jet fuel (including fuel hedge) is expected to be 633$/ton in 2018.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n因为,他无法从战略角度进行思考。", "output": "It can’t think strategically.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我的项目是在bitbucket上托管的。", "output": "The project is hosted on bitbucket.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n没有任何证据表明宗教消失了我们就会对待敌人更加友好。", "output": "There is no proof that without religion we would be treating our enemies any better.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n经济效果的好坏,从比较中才能得以鉴别。", "output": "Good or bad economic effect, from the comparison can be identified.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nCLUSTER – 根据索引对表进行聚类", "output": "CLUSTER - cluster a table according to an index", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n」 “我学习到9时。", "output": "\"I teach until nine.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n事实上,团队只有赢得35%的周六周日比赛和40%的游戏。", "output": "In fact, the team only wins 35% of Saturday contests and 40% of Sunday games overall.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n科學家說﹐漫游者的任務將有助於揭開火星環境歷史的奧秘。", "output": "The scientists have said the rover's mission will help reveal secrets of Mars' environmental history.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n最后,博物馆就在眼前。", "output": "At last, the museum was in sight.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n唉!也許命中註定我們許家該絕子絕孫的。", "output": "Yet we cannot give them wives of our daughters.\"", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n��我们必将重新失去我们的自由!", "output": "We need to get our freedom back!", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n她的工作量很大,減少因為它應。", "output": "Her workload has lessened greatly, as it should.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n而2007,我会再失去些什么?", "output": "So what will I have missed in 2007?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n它们是无法到达目的地的。", "output": "They couldn’t get to their destination.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n大多数合伙人都变成了流氓,这样他们就知道自己在做什么。", "output": "Most are veteran agents themselves so you they know what they are talking about.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n1913年7月29日 - 伦敦会议承认阿尔巴尼亚独立。", "output": "The independence of Albania was recognized by the Conference of London on 29 July 1913.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n37 要知道,还有一点点时候,“要来的那一位就要来临,他不会迟延。", "output": "37For in just a very little while,“He who is coming will come and will not delay.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n向您的客户解释,他将获得20%的折扣并成为无限制的软件用户,可以访问每一个功能!", "output": "Explain your customer that he is getting 20% discount with unlimited software user, access to each and every feature!", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n兩個多世紀以來,Studio Harcourt為藝術、文化及政治等領域的名人拍攝肖像。", "output": "For more than two centuries, Studio Harcourt embossed and immortalized the portraits of celebrities in all areas such as art, culture, and politics.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n若这些曲目到2019年底未获得版权归属,将进入公共领域。", "output": "If these tracks had not been copyrighted by the end of 2019, it is said that they would have entered public domain.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n惠勒急忙关闭了所有的电脑,这样任何想要分析他硬件的人至少都得首先破解他的密码。", "output": "Wheeler scrambled to shut down all of his computers, so that whoever would be dissecting his hardware would at least have to crack his passwords.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n因为货币是分散的,你拥有它。", "output": "The currency is also decentralized, and you own it.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在随后的年月里,他偷偷的告诉她越来越多的事情。", "output": "In the years that followed, he secretly told her more and more.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n每一种都有自己的优点和缺点,我将在这里讨论这些。", "output": "Each has advantages and disadvantages which I will discuss briefly here.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我想世界上最好的东西必须是矛盾的。", "output": "I thought the most beautiful thing in the world must be shadow.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n塔塔集团的宗旨是提高集团所服务社会的生活质量。", "output": "For example Tata Group is committed to improving the quality of life of the communities it serves.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n4 落实“四个全面”战略布局", "output": "4 Implement the “four comprehensive” strategic layout", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我期待有一天看到德威浦西的学生们可以成为奥斯卡的得奖者。", "output": "We look forward to the day when a former Dulwich Puxi student becomes an Oscar winner.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n新英格兰最后的「吸血鬼」", "output": "The final resting place of New England's last vampire.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n✓ 帮助克服发育迟滞和其他儿童发育问题", "output": "Helping overcome retardation and other developmental problems in children", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n然后我意识到我有可能掉去它。", "output": "I then realized I could taper them.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n那么大部分的对手都是追不上你的。", "output": "Most attackers aren’t after you.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n导航:网站设计中的网站架构,菜单和其他导航工具必须考虑用户如何浏览和搜索。", "output": "Navigation: Website architecture, menus and other navigation applications in the web design must be created with consideration of the way that users browse and search.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n那一天就是 D 日。", "output": "Today is the D day.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我可能已经忘记关上厨房的门,或者我甚至可能在没有正确关闭的情况下敲门。", "output": "I might well have forgotten to shut the kitchen door, or I could even have knocked it to without closing it properly.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n作为动物的生理化过程的见证,蛋化石被认为是遗迹化石的一个类型。", "output": "As evidence of the physiological processes of an animal, egg fossils are considered a type of trace fossil.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n有没有办法在BlueZ中增加BLE广告频率?", "output": "^ \"Is there a way to increase BLE advertisement frequency in BlueZ?\".", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n她被描绘成哀悼他,拥抱他的木乃伊在地球上的同时,她陪他穿过阴影。", "output": "She is depicted mourning him and embracing his mummy on earth at the same time she accompanies him through the shadows.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n所谓“微观革命”实际上就是性革命。", "output": "“The so-called Sexual Revolution” is in fact a sexual degeneration.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果你想取消选取,按下即可。", "output": "If you want to cancel the selection, simply press .", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nIdenTrust 是值得信赖的身份识别解决方案的领导者,已被全球金融机构,政府机构和企业所认可。", "output": "IdenTrust is a leader in trusted identity solutions, recognized by financial institutions, government agencies and businesses around the world.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n她也是一名音樂家,唱片店longtimer,慢性列表機,狂熱的同事和有抱負的極簡主義。", "output": "She's also a musician, longtime record store supervisor, chronic list maker, and aspiring minimalist.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n社交产品值得了解 WEB", "output": "Health Websites Worth Knowing.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n方法预算更为精确地控制生产实例——如果成本超过了预设限值,操作系统可自行关闭。", "output": "Approach budget controls more cautiously for production instances -- if costs exceed a limit, operational systems can be unintentionally shut down.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n例如,如果下一場比賽是對低額定隊,他將確保在板凳上的球員通常會在比賽開始。", "output": "For example, if the next match is against a low rated team, he will make sure that players normally on the bench will start the match.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在過去的50年裡,室內設計與家居裝飾也發生了巨大的變化。", "output": "During the past fifty years, interior designing and residential décor have been modified enormously.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这样一个故事的目的是什么?", "output": "What is the purpose of such a story?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n流水线激光打标机在浴室产品加工中的优势:", "output": "Laser marking machine in the bathroom products processing advantages:", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这些矿产的全球供应链很复杂,追踪我们的产品中这种冲突矿物的来源是具有挑战性的。", "output": "The global supply chain for these minerals, however, is complex, and tracing the minerals in our products to their source is a challenge.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n實際上,這是一個全球貨幣的總體規劃,任何央行都無法控制,任何人都可以使用。", "output": "It was, in effect, a master plan for a global currency that could not be controlled by any central bank and could be accessed by anyone in the world.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n事實上,香港從來沒有爆發過宗教衝突。", "output": "In this sense, Cambodia has never had any religious conflict.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我仍然认为这是会发生的,但我只是觉得这是个糟糕的主意。", "output": "I still believe it is going to take place, I just think it is a horrible concept.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n您可以拒绝向我们的任何服务提交个人信息,在这种情况下,Google 可能无法向您提供这些服务。", "output": "You can decline to submit personal information to any of our services, in which case Google may not be able to provide those services to you.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n已婚的人可以分得一间房。", "output": "Married couples could have a separate room.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n虽然关税问题仍在争论不休,他说道:\"变化会来的相当快,我们希望做好万全准备。", "output": "While the tariffs are still being debated, he said, \"the change can come pretty quick and we want to be prepared.\"", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他们会把我们拘留几天,不登记正式逮捕。", "output": "They detain us for a few days without registering our arrest.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n中国大多数产品与服务的市场不再每年增长25%以上,而且正受到产能过剩的困扰。", "output": "Markets for most products and services in China are no longer growing by +25 per cent a year and suffer from overcapacity.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n上一篇:5个谷歌更新震动了SEO世界", "output": "One Response to 5 Google Updates that Rocked the SEO World", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n与此同时,微软也会帮助自己的供应商和客户减少碳足迹。", "output": "Further, Microsoft technology will be used to help global suppliers and customers to reduce their own carbon footprints.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“安全形势正在迅速变化,各组织继续努力维护自己的内部安全解决方案和员工。", "output": "\"The security landscape is changing rapidly, and organizations continue to struggle to maintain their own in-house security solutions and staff.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n只要他们需要他,他们会容忍他的,他们走的是同一条路。", "output": "As long as they need him, they'll tolerate him, they're going the same way.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n下一篇:拯救家庭危机的方法", "output": "Next Post: How to Overcome Crises in Family Life »", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n中国专家也持类似看法。", "output": "Chinese experts hold a similar view.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n不列颠哥伦比亚省的气候受纬度、山区地形以及太平洋影响,呈现多变的面貌。", "output": "Climate in British Columbia is a variable thing influenced by latitude, mountainous topography and the Pacific Ocean.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n那是一个很高的评价,但我们并不是因为持有对基督的好评价而得救的。", "output": "That is a high appraisal, but we are not saved by holding good appraisals of Christ.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这是胡博士的名言呀。", "output": "Those are words of Dr. Hulot.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n物质化,似乎已经超越了传统文化。", "output": "Materialism, it seems, has out-paced traditional culture.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n用户可以在渲染函数中删除一些HTML,而不必连接字符串,这是另一个奇妙的事情。", "output": "The user can drop a bit of HTML in the render function without having to concatenate strings, this is another fantastic thing.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n(三)鼓励金融机构加大信贷支持。", "output": "(3) to encourage financial institutions to increase credit support.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n2、英国一项调查发现,近99%的妇女从来不知道吸烟与子宫颈癌之间存在关联。", "output": "One British survey found that nearly 99 percent of women did not know of the link between smoking and cervical cancer.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n2进攻反对瑜伽在医院在瓦伦西亚", "output": "2 offensive against yoga in hospitals in Valencia", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n英国在欧盟经济中约占六分之一份额。", "output": "Britain makes up about a sixth of the European Union’s economy.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们完成了多项建筑维修,还完成了 Bandlaguda 公立小学的结构维修和粉刷。", "output": "We also completed structural repairs and painting of the Bandlaguda Government Primary School.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这不是你平均的希尔顿花园酒店。", "output": "This is not your average boring hotel.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n想象一下通过一个视窗看着你的文本,然后把这个视窗向上 移动该窗口的一半高度。", "output": "through a viewing window at the text and moving this window up by half the", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n该公司具有必要的技术文档,并能够保障高质量的组装。", "output": "The enterprise has the required technical documentation and can provide the high quality of assembly.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n不,和独立的地方议会或程序集应得到更少的电力", "output": "No, and devolved parliaments or assemblies should receive less power", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n年轻的王后虽然十分貌美,然而却是个狠毒的女人。", "output": "Although the new queen is truly beautiful, she is a vain and evil woman.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但是,也許在五年之內,或者肯定在五十年之內,大家都會贊同。", "output": "In five years perhaps, and certainly in fifty years, everyone will recognize it.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但这并不意味着我们不应该精明地思考,而要谨慎行事。", "output": "That does not mean that we should not attempt to understand it, but that we should proceed with caution.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n互联网同样也可能带来更自由、开放的沟通、向上流动性、透明和迅速的信息传播、及个人主义。", "output": "The internet could also enable freer and more open communications, upward mobility, transparent and rapid dissemination of information and, yes, individuality.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n每一个人能做到做重要的事是帮助他得到适当的诊断及治疗。", "output": "The most important thing anyone can do for the depressed person is to help him /her get an appropriate diagnosis and treatment.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他不 清楚是否会继续增长。", "output": "They are not sure if it will continue to grow.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n您听说过“人工心脏”吗?", "output": "Have you heard about the organ called heart?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“丹尼斯开始变得有些奇怪了,而我知道他本该是个可以喝酒的人。", "output": "“Dennis was just starting to get weird, and I knew he was supposed to be a guy who could drink,” recalls Silver.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n技能习得的两个基本条件: •一个可预测的、有足够规律可循的环境。", "output": "The answer comes from the two basic conditions for acquiring a skill: 1) an environment that is sufficiently regular to be predictable.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他越是深入瞭解這種愛的源頭,他就越躲避人生,越完全地打破生與死之間那道無愛的恐怖的屏障。", "output": "And the more imbued he became with this principle of love, the more he let go of life, and the more completely he annihilated that fearful barrier that – in the absence of such love – stands between life and death.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n备受称许的自由市场往往在短期内显得成功,但却缺乏长远之计。", "output": "The much-lauded free market often appears successful in the short term, but in every respect fails to deal adequately with the long term.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nTinder就像是拥有更少信息和更诚实的人的match。", "output": "Tinder is like match with less information and more honest people.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n‹ 西班牙房地产市场全面复苏", "output": "Spain’s property market recovery", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n例如,2008年启动的“千人计划”旨在激励海外的中外专家到中国工作。", "output": "For example, the Thousand Talents Program, launched in 2008, is designed to incentivize foreign and Chinese experts based abroad to work in China.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这有民宿是我在GOOGLE上找到的。", "output": "This is a commercial tool I found on Google.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n微软是它最大的竞争对手。", "output": "Microsoft is our most serious competitor.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n第47章 你們兩個不合適", "output": "Bottom line: You two are incompatible.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“您愿意邀请我跳一支舞吗?”", "output": "Will you not ask me to dance?”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”“雷斯特大人,你的茶。", "output": "Mr. Pinata, here is your tea.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“他就这样把你扔到大街上?”", "output": "Do they throw you out on the street?\"", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这场雨似乎让我感到不好意思。", "output": "But this rain can make me dismay.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n齐达内齐达内曾率领俱乐部连续三次冠军联赛冠军,并于五月份辞职,并表示俱乐部需要“不同的声音”。", "output": "Lopetegui will now replace Zinedine Zidane, who led the club to three successive Champions League titles, stepped down in May, saying the club needs “a different voice”.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n1、你不在香港的原因、期间及次数;", "output": "The reason, duration and frequency of any absence from Hong Kong;", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们每一个人都可以被这种……", "output": "Can each of us do this….", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n下一篇:圣经是人编辑的,并不是神编辑的,圣经不能代表神", "output": "Next: The Bible was compiled by man, not by God; the Bible cannot represent God", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这是你要迎接的又一挑战。", "output": "That is another challenge you have to face.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n咖哩種子天然溫暖,所以利用它可以顯著減少關節疼痛。", "output": "Curry seed is naturally warm, so taking advantage of it can significantly reduce joint pain.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如此充满故事和富有诗意的地方,就是我们此行的目的地。", "output": "Great poetry such as this is the destiny towards which we travel.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n一种强烈诱惑就是干脆不再关注新闻。", "output": "So there is a strong temptation to just not look at the news.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n因更好的东西而被遗弃", "output": "Abandoned for something better.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n只要问我的前妻和丈夫就行了。", "output": "Just ask my ex husband.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n带来,或取走,如你所愿。", "output": "Take or leave it as you wish.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这样,移动用户可以将精力集中在手头上的工作上,而不是去记忆密码和学习各种复杂的无线数据网络。", "output": "This way, mobile users can focus on the work at hand instead of remembering passwords and learning the intricacies of the various wireless data networks.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n它用于资源管理并提供多种数据处理引擎,即数据科学,实时流和批处理。", "output": "It provides Resource management, and allows multiple data processing engines, for example real-time streaming, data science and batch processing.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n第一步:告诉孩子,这不是你的错。", "output": "A: It is important to tell children that this is not their fault.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n此次袭击共造成11人死亡(包括袭击者在内)、48人受伤。", "output": "Casualties were high with 11 killed (including 1 commander) and 38 injured.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nKristofer Hamel,世界数据实验室首席运营官。", "output": "Kristofer Hamel is Chief Operating Officer at World Data Lab.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n6.油泵Pump(2014)", "output": "New water pump (2014)", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n折叠和耐力各种研究表明,它已在国外广泛使用了40多年。", "output": "Durability: A variety of studies have shown that it has been widely used for more than 40 years abroad.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n《理智与情感》中的角色 布兰登上校", "output": "Sense and Sensibility as Colonel Brandon", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n周六,2019年11月2日| 实行高中分班考试: 在这里注册.", "output": "Saturday, November 2, 2019 | Practice High School Placement Test: Register here.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n巴塞罗那的春夏季节美轮美奂。", "output": "The spring-summer season in Barcelona is glorious.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n菲茨杰拉德去找这件事。", "output": "Fitzgerald went to find out about it.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n30多个研究所和研究中心致力于探索新的思路,并进行具有本地和全球影响的革命性的研究 。", "output": "Our 30+ research institutes and centers explore new ideas and conduct revolutionary research that has a local and global impact.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n巴西的Buser和Olist从软银那里筹集资金", "output": "Brazil’s Buser, Olist, raise funding from SoftBank", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n尽管如此,我们的设计团队把这一要求铭记在心,开始研究实现的办法。", "output": "Nevertheless, our design team took this request to heart and began to figure out a way to get us there.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n马来西亚试开展戒毒新方法", "output": "Malaysia starts new drug addiction rehabilitation programme", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n11.不要企图与电视竞争。", "output": "Try to compete with the television.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n共产党也没有进一步的办法。", "output": "Nor does the Sudanese Communist Party offer a way forward.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在美国和加拿大,超过90%的游客是由APTA的成员运输的!", "output": "More than 90 percent of transit passengers in the U.S. and Canada are carried by APTA members.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n然而,天文学家发现了一些神秘的异常值。", "output": "However, astronomers have discovered some mysterious outliers.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n您也可能无法参加体育活动。", "output": "You may also be active in sports.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n下一篇 苹果公司提出了“技术障碍”以阻止iPhone手机:美国政府", "output": "Apple ‘raised technological barriers’ to stop warrant in iPhone case: U.S. government", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n現在他必須坐輪椅,無法寫字,幾乎不能閱讀。", "output": "Today, he is confined to a wheelchair, unable to write, barely able to read.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n首先,5分钟实时数据的刷新。", "output": "including the five minute oral update report.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n应该会看到应用正在启动。", "output": "You will see the application starting.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你能拿別人的孩子當自己孩子嗎?", "output": "Is it possible to love someone else’s children as if they were your own?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n无论你觉得别人的戏多么炫目,你永远只是一个看客,他人的生活你羡慕不来,你的戏码别人何尝又可以体会?", "output": "Whatever you feel how wonderful the others play, you will always be a spectator, the lives of others you can not envy, you in the drama of others what taste and can appreciate?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如今,包装已经变得愈发复杂,需要安全和可持续多次使用,同时又要美观和实用。", "output": "These days, the world of packaging is much more complex, needing to be safe and sustainable while remaining appealing and functional.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n与您的标题一样,您的描述包含关键字,反映视频中的内容,并且是用户看到的第一件事。", "output": "Like the title, your description should contain keywords that reflect the content in the video and it is also one of the first things seen once they go to your video.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这样能够有助于解除反对者的武装和减少他们的防卫。", "output": "This will disarm the opponent and lower his defenses.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n将职业非官方划分为男性和女性。", "output": "There is an unofficial division of professions into male and female.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这里有一个交易员,他是我所知道的最优秀的交易员,也许是世界上最好的。", "output": "Here is a trader who is the best trader I have ever known and perhaps the best trader in the world.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n她失去的不仅仅是喜欢的人,更是一个朋友。", "output": "She lost not just the man she loved but her best friend.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n因此,许多女性有时会觉得自己有责任以某种方式来解决宝宝的心脏问题,但通常情况并非如此。", "output": "Because of this, many women sometimes feel that they are responsible in some way for their baby’s heart problem, but this is usually not the case at all.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n两只可爱的狗和两只可爱的猫!", "output": "And 2 lovely dogs and 2 cats!", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n然而同时,人们越来越多地谈论多元文明。", "output": "At the same time, however, people increasingly spoke of civilizations in the plural.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n△ 午夜太阳棒球赛每年6月21日举行,不使用人造光源", "output": "On June 21st they have an annual baseball game at midnight and without artificial light.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n您可能是第一个唤醒这座城市的人", "output": "Maybe she was the first to wake in the city?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n看一会儿Netflix,还是直接上床睡觉?", "output": "“Do you watch Netflix or do you go to sleep?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们没有食物和衣服。", "output": "We had no food or clothes.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n(quadroons和octoroons的说法, 现在听了觉得并非只是不敬和愚蠢。", "output": "(All this talk of quadroons and octoroons now feels more than a little offensive and silly.)", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n從1994年開始每五年德國聯邦大會在這裡選舉德國聯邦總統。", "output": "Every five years since 1994 here also the Federal Convention takes place for the election of the Federal President.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n雷軍總結道:“總體而言,在充滿挑戰的環境下,我們很高興能在第三季度取得令人滿意的成績。", "output": "Mr. Jun LEI concluded, “On the whole, we are pleased to achieve a satisfactory performance in the third quarter amid a challenging environment.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n实际上,BTC在确认死亡十字架后就显示出生命迹象。", "output": "In fact, BTC is showing signs of life on confirmation of the death cross.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n因此,该研究提供了与药物和行为治疗相关的选择,包括面对面和电子传递形式的有效性。", "output": "Thus the study provides options both relative to medication and among behavioral therapy in terms of the effectiveness of both in-person and electronically delivered formats.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这就是你永远要做的事。", "output": "Thats what you will have to do always.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n就是这样这一个镇,在不到10年", "output": "On this very road, less than ten years", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n只有0.3%的人在DNA中只拥有一个种族,我们的世界是一个真正的混合体[1]", "output": "Only 0.3% of People Have One Ethnicity in their DNA, Showing Our World is a True Blend", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n并且必须始终控制汽车。", "output": "Someone must always control the car.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你不能埋葬一个人在海上没有官方的命令船长或有人像这样。", "output": "You can’t bury a man at sea without having official orders from some captain or the Navy Department or something like that.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n研究人员着手确定IL-1β在调节导致肥胖促进的结直肠癌的事件中的作用。", "output": "The researchers set out to define the role of IL-1ß in mediating the events leading up to obesity-promoted colorectal cancer.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n邮政管理部门和邮政企业应当建立健全邮票发行投诉机制,向社会公示投诉渠道和方式。", "output": "Postal Administration and postal enterprises shall establish stamps issued complaints, complaints to the public channels and means.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n是的,作为一个基督徒在许多方面是很困难的。", "output": "Being a Christian is difficult in many ways.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”陆游总是这般多愁善感。", "output": "“Winning on home soil is always such a great feeling.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他们需要的是他们的领土受到保护,以便他们可以对自己的未来做出自己的选择", "output": "What they need from us is their territory protected, so that they can make their own choices about their future.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n最大的工业用途是肥料,因为它是所有生命的基本要素。", "output": "The largest industrial use is fertilizer because it is an essential element for all life.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”1992年以前,女性在印度海军部队中只能从事医疗服务工作。", "output": "Up until 1992, women were only permitted by Indian naval forces to serve in medical services.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n氧化应激造成的损伤通常伴随着高发生率的生长、心脏病和许多其他细胞突变的疾病。", "output": "Damage owing to oxidative stress is usually paired with high occurrence rates of growths, heart disease and numerous other illnesses in which cells mutate.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n最佳摄影 《澳大利亚》", "output": "Best of Australia in Photos", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n金鸟某个国王有一个美丽的花园,花园里矗立着一棵金苹果树。", "output": "THE GOLDEN BIRD A certain king had a beautiful garden, and in the garden stood a tree which bore golden apples.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n为此,泰夫·莱茵兰公司拥有一个由认可的实验室、测试和教育中心组成的全球网络。", "output": "To this end, TÜV Rheinland employs a global network of approved labs as well as testing and education centers.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你仍然会得到大胆颜色的视觉冲击,但你将能够融入更多的它,而不是严重依赖中性来平静的空间。", "output": "You’ll still get the visual impact of bold color, but you’ll be able to incorporate more of it instead of relying heavily on neutrals to calm the space.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他补充说,包括数据货币化和系统集成在内的相关服务,也代表着一个巨大的机会。", "output": "He added that related services, including data monetization and system integration, also represent A huge opportunity.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n为了提供方便的数据访问API, Django需要以 某种方式 知道数据库层内部信息,有两种实现方式。", "output": "In order to provide convenient data-access APIs, Django needs to know the database layout somehow, and there are two ways of accomplishing this.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n实际上,全球最大的食品公司——雀巢公司,已经承诺将在2020年做到垃圾零填埋。", "output": "Nestlé, the world’s largest food maker, has already committed to achieve zero deforestation in by 2020.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n[译]14种参与开源项目的方法,不需要你成为一名编程天才或者摇滚明星", "output": "[...] 14 Ways to Contribute to Solr without Being a Programming Genius or a Rock Star [...]", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n有位智者看見她可憐的模樣,決定送她去佛陀那兒。", "output": "But a wise man seeing her pathetic condition, decided to send her to the Buddha.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但第一阶段贸易协议达成,...", "output": "Still, the Phase 1 agreement...", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n第一种是DVD视频(有英文版、普通话版和广东话版),就如何识别和应对抑郁症提供一些应用技巧。", "output": "The first is the LLTTF DVD (available in English, Mandarin and Cantonese) providing practical tips on how to recognize and deal with depressive symptom.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n(看了神韵),我们想回去阅读历史,阅读中国人的历史。", "output": "Well we know that someone needs to go and read up on Chinese history.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n您可以使用 Azure AD 來管理 App,並建立及管理使用者和群組帳戶。", "output": "You can use Azure AD to manage your apps and to create and manage user and group accounts.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n据***报道,莫斯科警方警告说:“抗议者的任何挑衅行为都将被视为对公共秩序的威胁,并将立即被镇压。", "output": "After the change, Moscow police warned that \"any provocative actions from the protesters' side will be considered a threat to public order and will be immediately suppressed\".", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n随着城市名称的改变,这无疑为“粉碎”的原始评论带来了新的启示。", "output": "With the name of the city changed, it certainly brings new light on the original comment from “Smash”.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n德国正试图解决所有这些问题。", "output": "Germany plays an important role in addressing all these issues.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n阿尔伯塔省和加拿大政府已承诺在财务上给予支持,预计提供3000万美元。", "output": "The Alberta and Canadian governments committed to financially supporting a bid estimated to cost $30 million.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n最后一个组成部分,但同样重要的是看到棕榈。", "output": "The last component, but equally important is Saw Palmetto.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n并不是说照相机发明之前,人们相信人人都能把万物尽收眼底。", "output": "This is not to say that before the invention of the camera men believed that everyone could see everything.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n保民官权力的增加自然而然地带来了部族影响力的增加。", "output": "The increasing power of the Tribunes naturally led to a corresponding increase in the power of the Tribes.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“值得注意的是,其中六艘现有船舶正在改装以运行液化天然气,电池电力和沼气(来自鱼油)。", "output": "Notably, six of its existing vessels are being retrofitted to run on LNG, battery power, and biogas (derived from fish oil).", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n因此,在1493中,该国创建了两个区:上奥地利州和下奥地利州。", "output": "So in 1493, two districts were created in the country: Upper Austria and Lower Austria.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他立刻在賴布爾梵文大學獲得了教職,但副校長很快的要求他轉校,認為他會危及學生的道德、品格和宗教信仰。", "output": "He secured a teaching post at Raipur Sanskrit College; however, the vice-chancellor soon asked him to seek a transfer since he considered him a danger to his students' morality, character and religion.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在过去三十年中,超过6万的农民结束了自己的生命。", "output": "Over the last three decades, over 60,000 farmers took their own lives.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n关注任何必须报告给指定的维护铅和田园团队的成员。", "output": "Any concerns must be reported to the Designated Safeguarding Lead and members of the Pastoral Team.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n最差的就是学校建筑。", "output": "The worse is the school situation.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n此外,当实际利率为负时,历史上黄金的年回报率是长期平均水平的两倍,即15.3%。", "output": "In addition, when the real interest rate is negative, the annual return rate of gold in history is twice the long-term average level, namely 15.3%.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n因为在现实世界中,没有人喝可口可乐失明。", "output": "Because in the real world, no one ever drinks Coca-Cola blind.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我不要,会摔下来的。", "output": "We can't, we will fall.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n为表彰我们所实现的卓越成就与客户满意度,这么多年来集团在全球获奖无数——从牛津到维也纳再到莫斯科。", "output": "In recognition of our achievements and customer satisfaction, TeleTrade has received numerous awards over the years from all over the world - from Oxford and Vienna to Moscow.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n、世界是一面镜子,每个人都可以在里面看见自己的影子。", "output": "The world is a mirror, and everyone can see their own shadows inside.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果她不停止,婚姻结束了。", "output": "If she doesn’t stop, the marriage is over.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”卡特说道,“没有比这个更好的结果了。", "output": "Carter sighed: “This is not any better.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n穿戴式和植入式裝置將持續監測我們的健康狀況,並將資料與我們的基因銘印相結合。", "output": "Wearables and ingestibles will continuously monitor our health, and combine the data with our genetic imprint.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n這個數字高于2009年報告的每天約500名。", "output": "This was more than the approximately 500 per day reported in 2009.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n记者为何没有将罗姆尼称为骗子?", "output": "Why aren’t they publicly calling Coleman a liar?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我仍然很快,但尼科得惊人快。", "output": "It’s not very fast, but Nick’s very fast.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他在95岁的时候去世了,因为他知道,他以自己的方式改变了世界。", "output": "He died, at the age of 95, knowing that he had, in his way, changed the world.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n努美阿是南太平洋岛国新喀里多尼亚的首府和度假旅游中心。", "output": "Noumea is the capital and vacation centre of the Islands of New Caledonia in the South Pacific.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n身兼二职的管理者通常会将其重心放在日常业务的处理而非流程改进项目之上。", "output": "An employee with such a dual assignment will normally focus on day-to-day activities rather than process improvement projects.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“人们过去常说我们会浪费很多时间,这会造成很多烦恼。", "output": "“People used to say that we’d waste a lot of time, that it would cause a lot of annoyance.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我指的是基督徒和我特选的民族――犹太人。", "output": "I refer to Christians and My chosen people the Jews.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n下一篇:Red tape", "output": "Next Next post: red tape", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n欧洲殖民势力曾在非洲、中东和亚洲对付过游击队,但是美国在这方面的经验却很有限。", "output": "The European colonial powers dealt with insurgency in Africa, the Middle East, and Asia, but the United States had limited experience.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n2017-2021年全球电动汽车电池将年增41.95%", "output": "The 2017-2021 year global electric car battery will increase by 41.95%", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n因为有你--2007回顾", "output": "As a result of the 2007 recalls", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n本质上,这是一种简单、无害的葡萄酒。", "output": "In essence, a straightforward, innocuous wine.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在中国东部浙江省义乌市,最近开设了一个进口商品交易会,以吸引新年购物者。", "output": "In the city of Yiwu, East China’s Zhejiang Province, an imported goods fair opened recently to attract Chinese New Year shoppers.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n最好是死而苦苦挣扎的喜欢一个男人,充满希望和能量比在不作为死亡和绝望。", "output": "It is better to die while struggling like a man, full of hope and energy than to perish in inaction and despair.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n” “时间已经改变,但威胁的来源仍然相同。", "output": "“The time has changed, but the sources of threat remain the same.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他想确保我们的住宿很棒。", "output": "We want to make sure your stay is great.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n该机构的小组走进了房间。", "output": "The team from the agency entered the room.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n大多数都与毒品有关。", "output": "Most are related to drugs.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“如果我说它没有击中我,我就会撒谎,但足球就是这样。", "output": "\"If I say it didn’t hit me I’d be lying, but football is like that.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n同样,现在英国依然受制于欧盟法。", "output": "Right now, the UK is still subject to the EU's laws.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”我外甥听了那朋友的话,才恍然大悟:是吸了毒导致他昏睡了两天。", "output": "Only then did my nephew understand what had happened to him—it was the drug that had made him sleep for two days.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n几年前,基于人工智能的技术只能在科幻小说中找到。", "output": "A few years ago, technology based on Artificial Intelligence could only be found in science fiction novels.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n(我们还在名单当中加入了两家非营利机构,并且用星号标出)", "output": "(We’ve also included a nonprofit in the list, which is marked with an asterisk.)", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n附件Ⅶ第4至第13条比照适用于按照本附件的特别仲裁程序。", "output": "Article 4 General provisions Annex VII, articles 4 to 13, apply mutatis mutandis to the special arbitration proceedings in accordance with this Annex.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在這個世界上,他會被玷污", "output": "In the eyes of the world, he will be humiliated there.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n位于国家公园鸟类公园入口处的是一个生态保护区,将生态旅游与自然保护联系起来。", "output": "Located at the entrance of the National Park Bird Park is an ecological sanctuary, linking ecotourism with conservation.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n正是这种强烈的爱国主义情绪帮助他们在如此短的时间内重振家乡。", "output": "It is a strong Patriotic feeling helped them in such a short period of time to revive his hometown.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n为了庆祝国际翻译日,联合国总部英文处于2005年发起每年一度的翻译竞赛。", "output": "Launched in 2005 by the English Translation Service at UN Headquarters, the contest is held each year to commemorate International Translation Day.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n工厂数量:3(其中2个为符合cGMP的API工厂,另一个为非GMP多用途工厂)", "output": "Number of plants: 3 (2 cGMP-compliant API plants, one non-GMP multi-purpose plant)", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“他精制他所创造的万物,他最初用泥土创造人。", "output": "He is the One who perfected everything He created, and started the creation of the human from clay.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们无法控制这一决定。", "output": "They cannot control that decision.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n手腕被握住,这是他第一次被这个冰冷的妖怪触碰。", "output": "The first mouthful was ruined the first time I did this by the awful cold cucumber.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我很高兴再次回到你身边:无论你身在何处,我都是我家-我唯一的家。", "output": "I’m glad to come back to you, and wherever you are is my home - my only home.’", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们每个人体内都困顿着一位艺术家", "output": "There is an artist inside every one of us.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n首先,即使有“耳朵早”的顾客在看着他们,他们也会很快被他们的表现所吸引。", "output": "At first, even if you have \"early ears\" who look suspiciously, they will be immediately drawn into their performances.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n无论犯罪者在指挥系统中的职位如何,均须对儿童在与武装部队或武装团体有关联期间所实施的行为承担责任。", "output": "Perpetrators, regardless of their position in the chain of command, must be held accountable for acts committed by children during their association with armed forces or armed groups.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n波因特新闻大学的电子学习项目是世界上最具创新性的网络新闻和媒体培训项目之一。", "output": "Poynter’s News University is one of the world’s most innovative online journalism and media training programs.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n同样的道理可以排除掉总和是12(因为5和7)。", "output": "The same reasoning is used for eliminating sum 12 (because 5 and 7).", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n(以欧洲总体能源组合计算,还要包括来自法国的大量核能,则e-Rabbit排放略低于柴油Rabbit。", "output": "(When based on the overall European energy mix, which includes a huge share of nuclear energy from France, the e-Rabbit fares slightly better than the Rabbit Diesel.)", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“Facebook携手特朗普助其连任,而特朗普将努力保护Facebook。", "output": "“Facebook will work to re-elect Trump and Trump will protect Facebook.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”山姆知道一百首歌曲,但是当他试图把一个他不能。", "output": "Sam knew a hundred songs, but when he tried to think of one he couldn’t.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n出售“verde”代币获得的收益将被运用在印度尼西亚婆罗洲 250 平方英里的雨林再造工程当中。", "output": "Proceeds from selling the “verde” token will be used to reforest a 250-square mile patch of rainforest on the island of Borneo in Indonesia.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”还有一句民谚叫做:“龙生龙,凤生凤,老鼠生儿会打洞。", "output": "My people have a saying, “elephants tussle, and the mousedeer is trampled underfoot”.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”神不听我们注重罪孽的祷告。", "output": "God doesn’t listen to the prayers of sinners.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n一则特别的“构建中的封面”报道将讨论艺术家和研究人员是如何创制该作品的。", "output": "A special \"cover-in-the-making\" story will discuss how the artist and researchers created the piece.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“两天可以看出很多东西。", "output": "You can see a lot in two days.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n上帝必垂听 经文: “耶和华听了我的恳求;耶和华必收纳我的祷告。", "output": "“The Lord hath heard my supplication; the Lord will receive my prayer”.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n是讲抑郁症的一首歌。", "output": "“This is a song about depression.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果你不想買的話,也可以自己在家裡做。", "output": "If you don’t want to buy product, you can also make your own at home.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n10 分钟的轮渡就能把您带到多伦多微小、安静、彼此互联的海岛。", "output": "A 10-minute ferry journey from the harbor takes you to Toronto's quiet, interconnected collection of tiny islands.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n宣導:我知道我想要什麼,我也知道我需要什麼類型的支援來實現我的目標。", "output": "Advocacy: I know what I want and I also know what type of the support I will need to achieve my goals.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n现在,我们 再将第一段诵读一遍。", "output": "I’m going to read the first paragraph again.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如今,中国专家仍在田间与塞内加尔兄弟姐妹讨论水稻和蔬菜种植技术。", "output": "Today, Chinese experts are still in the field, working with Senegalese brothers and sisters to discuss rice and vegetable cultivation techniques.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n您可以控制資訊的使用方法嗎?", "output": "How Can you Control The Usage Of Information?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nEdgar 曾經說過: ” 沒有死亡,我們不過是在宇宙中換了個地址。", "output": "Edgar had once said, “There is no death; there is just a change of our cosmic address.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这门课程包括人文学院的研究生,结果与人文学科建立了合作关系,称为“沟通的气候”。", "output": "The course, which included graduate students from the School of Humanities, resulted in a partnership with the humanities called Climates of Communication.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n维生素 D 也与性早熟有关", "output": "Vitamin D Is Also Linked to Early Puberty", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n事先我没想到这个问题在汉地会这么严重。", "output": "I don't think the problem is so great in Jordan.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n—提供了就业机会,为社会稳定作出了贡献。", "output": "In other words it provides job opportunities and contributes to social security.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n到2025年终止一切形式的童工", "output": "The U.N. aims to end all forms of child labour by 2025.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n换句话说, 已知往往就意味着沉没成本,是一种来自于过往经验的裹挟。", "output": "In other words: Known often means sunk costs, a wandering from past experience.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n为保证企业快速、一致地提供丰富的内容和移动应用,交付这些内容的服务器必须靠近访问内容的客户。", "output": "For a business to deliver rich content and mobile applications with speed and consistency, the servers delivering that content must be close to the customer accessing it.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n矛盾的98%是误会,这个大家都理解。", "output": "The other 98%+ seem to all share an understanding that I lack.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n2015年擔任”「P!", "output": "A 2015 article titled \"Shh!", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n然而愤怒在哪里呢?”", "output": "Where is the rage?”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我无数次的曾经听到过您的名字。", "output": "I’ve heard your name many times.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这些微生物可能出于相同目的或其他目的使用这些基因。", "output": "It was possible that these microbes used these genes for the same purposes, or for something else.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n欧洲汽车的零部件十居其八都在保加利亚制造。", "output": "In eight of every ten cars in Europe, the parts are produced in Bulgaria.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nMS Angelsen Senior 将成为迄今为止最大的混合动力渔船", "output": "MS Angelsen Senior will be the largest hybrid-powered fishing vessel to date.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们平时也会打电话给很多企业家,不一定非要到某个地方去。", "output": "We think of many dinners with company without having to go somewhere.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n下载ImgBurn。", "output": "Download ImgBurn from here.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但到医院时,医生说已经没有心跳了。", "output": "When we reached the hospital, they said there was no heartbeat.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n那些抱有更深疑虑的人士更有可能给首相带来麻烦,因为脱欧草案无法获得议会通过。", "output": "It’s suggested that those with bigger doubts are more likely to cause problems for the prime minister because it won’t get through Parliament.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n失望几乎无法掩盖它。", "output": "Disappointing hardly covers it.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果你喜欢数据集,这是一个值得一看的项目,甚至你可以考虑捐赠一个 GitHub API 密钥。", "output": "It’s a very cool project that you should check out, and even consider donating one of your GitHub API keys to.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这一政策,为1944年开始的苏芬和平谈判,留下了回旋余地。", "output": "This policy left room for manoeuvre for the Soviet-Finnish peace talks that began in 1944.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这些用户带来了一批新的社区,其中一些以令人不安的方式对Reddit的言论自由形成了挑战。", "output": "Those users brought with them a tide of new communities—some of which challenged Reddit's reputation for free speech in disturbing ways.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n与第二季度相比,这些行业的雇员人数减少了约47,000。", "output": "Compared with the second quarter, the number of workers in the segment dwindled by about 47,000.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n事实是,这段经历向我展示的是,我掌控一切,如果我能看数字,我可以诚实地选择我想成为什么样的人。", "output": "Truth is, what this experience displays to me is that I am in control, and if I can watch the numbers, I can honestly choose what I want to be.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n其長度,寬度和高度都equal.17然後,他測量了牆體:144肘,根據人的舉措,就是一個天使。", "output": "17 And he measured its wall, one hundred and forty-four cubits, according to the measure of a man, that is, of an angel.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n最终阿提拉承诺,不攻击罗马。", "output": "Now Attila doesn't want to attack Rome.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n弗里得莱弗森认识到,这些矿物质一定是在极端条件下构成,温度高于 300C(572F)。", "output": "Fridleifsson realised that they must have formed in extreme conditions, at temperatures greater than 300C (572F).", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你可以看到自己做研究,这个夏天?", "output": "Can You See Yourself Doing Research This Summer?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n现在,我已经开始做十年前就可以开始做的事情了。", "output": "Now, I’m beginning what I could have started ten years ago.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n(二)迄今的论点可能有助于解释为何对机器的抵抗如此微弱。", "output": "(ii) The argument so far may help to explain why, after all, the resistance to machines was so small.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n下一篇:子女抚养费应否包括教育费?", "output": "Child Support After 18: Should Child Support Cover College Costs?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在我们努力使华盛顿负责的问题上,我们取消了更多的法规我们的第一年比历史上的任何一届政府都要早。", "output": "\"In our drive to make Washington accountable, we have eliminated more regulations in our first year than any administration in the history of our country.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但是到目前为止,没有人能解释的是所有这些如何导致感觉,情感和体验。", "output": "But what no one has so far been able to explain is how all this results in feelings, feelings and experiences.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n47.Alexa将开始使用它的眼睛。", "output": "Alexa will start to use her eyes.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n她的头一个想法是当地的那家殡仪馆。", "output": "Her first thought was the local funeral home.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在希腊文中,上帝女性化的那一面被称为‘苏菲亚’(Sophia)。", "output": "In Greek, this female side of God is called Sophia.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n约翰、保罗、乔治和林戈当属音乐史上最具代表性的一些人物。", "output": "John, Paul, George and Ringo are some of the most iconic names in musical history.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n该伙伴关系于8月25日在委内瑞拉的 Dash Caracas 会议上正式启动。", "output": "The partnership was officially launched live on August 25th at the Dash Caracas conference in Venezuela.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我的朋友们,这也是为什么我们需要联合国。", "output": "And that , my friends, is why we have the United Nations.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n至少,因此,我不认为不必要的沉沦只是在女士们面前炫耀。", "output": "At least, therefore, I did not assume the character of needless precipitance merely to shew off before the ladies.\"", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n游客们不再选择度假别墅,而是选择安静的地方,配备齐全的员工,以满足每对夫妇的心血来潮。", "output": "Instead of choosing a holiday villa, tourists began preferring quiet places with complete staff to satisfy every couple's whim.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n两种攻击都可引发拒绝服务(DoS)条件,以及控制该PLC连接的物理过程。", "output": "Both attacks can be used to cause a denial-of-service (DoS) condition and to control the physical process connected to the PLC.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n创伤的发生,会让受害者感受到丧失了对自我的控制权。", "output": "This type of long-term trauma can give the victim the feeling that they have no control over their lives.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n苏联官方5天后承认他们击落了该飞机。", "output": "Soviet officials acknowledged five days later that they had shot down the South Korean plane.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在这个句子里是一个原因标记 而不是一个结论标记", "output": "in that sentence is a reason marker instead of a conclusion marker.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n””描述满足成千上万的男人。", "output": "“That must describe hundreds of men.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n高通胀是俄罗斯经济发展中的顽疾,是阻碍其投资发展的关键因素。", "output": "High inflation is the main problem hindering the country’s economic development and a key factor impeding the development of investment.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n水反射并加剧了太阳的光芒,所以孩子们需要持续的保护。", "output": "Water reflects and intensifies the sun's rays, so kids need protection that lasts.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n传统意义上,学生通过学院或大学到国外留学学习。", "output": "Students traditionally study abroad through their college or university.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n就是找不出什么原因为啥妻子不能怀孕。", "output": "It's not always possible to find out why a woman cannot get pregnant.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n希望我的建议能够被采纳。", "output": "I hope my suggestion will be adopted.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们不能对自己关于神的看法或想法充满自信,除非它真正建立于神关于他自己的陈明之上。", "output": "We can’t be confident in our own opinions or ideas about God unless they are genuinely founded on what God has said about Himself.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n想领养或者买一只柯基", "output": "Looking to buy or adopt a Keeshond ?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n学生接受培训工程原则,也适用于一般电子系统,信息技术和微电子。", "output": "Students receive training in engineering principles as they apply to general electronic systems, information technology and micro-electronics.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n让自己得到安静的生活,你只需顺条小道拾级而下````", "output": "To get a quiet place, you really have to tuck yourself into a corner.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n原來,旅行可以這麼做。", "output": "Travelling can do that.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如今他们已开始在社会上打拼。", "output": "They are now making their debut in society.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n尝试将您的设备连接到其他电脑。", "output": "Try connecting your device to another computer.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n剧情:纳塔莉亚和卡洛斯,20岁,都是在爱和为生存而挣扎在今天的西班牙。", "output": "Plot Summary: Natalia and Carlos, both aged 20, are in love and struggling to survive in today's Spain.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你是否支持克里米亚有权作为一个自治共和国加入成为俄罗斯联邦主体的一部分?", "output": "Do you support Crimea joining the Russian Federation as a federal subject?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他没有表现出他的感情。", "output": "He didn't show his emotions.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这些照片主要是外国人拍摄的。", "output": "Those old photos were made by foreigners.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n夏季时节由于温度高,机油流动性好,发动机使用的是黏度大的机油,以保证适当的稠度有效的达到润滑效果。", "output": "in summer, because of the high temperature and good oil fluidity, the engine uses the oil with large viscosity to ensure the proper consistency to effectively achieve the lubrication effect.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们当然也应当从批判和分析的角度作思考,因在这世上充斥着许多谬误和不道德的行为。", "output": "Of course we need to think critically and analytically in this world where we are often confronted with error and wrongdoing.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n上一篇: Before Sunrise", "output": "Next Next post: Before Sunrise.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n您給出的項數已足夠。", "output": "The information you have already given is enough.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”必须有一个明确的答案。", "output": "\"There has to be a clear answer.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n©2014美国红十字会。", "output": "The American Red Cross, 2014.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我在我们村发,一点问题也没有。", "output": "We lived in the village without any problem.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n刷新了四十三项世界纪录和一百三十二项奥运会记录。", "output": "43 new world records and 132 olympic records.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”你和我是唯一真实的东西。", "output": "You and I are the real thing.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n每年我们都有很好的机会看到新产品、软件、元件和测量设备,以及最有吸引力的许多完整的应用。", "output": "Every year we have good occasion to see new products, software, components and measuring devices, as well as the most attractive for many – complete applications.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我們的活動被取消,從巴西的孟加拉大使館取得的簽證也遭受無視。", "output": "The event was canceled and the visas we obtained at the embassy of Bangladesh in Brazil, totally disregarded.\"", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n据《纽约》杂志的报道,这位画家在北京成立了一个工作室,以满足市场的需求。", "output": "According to New York magazine, the painter opened a studio in Beijing to help keep up with the demands of the market.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n换句话说,这些行星看起来可能像木星一样大而笨重,但质量却轻了一百倍。", "output": "In other words, these planets might look as big and bulky as Jupiter but are roughly a hundred times lighter in terms of mass.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n看看我们周围的这个世界吧!据最近的新闻报道,全世界现在有56个地方正在进行\"血腥\"的战争。", "output": "According to some news recently reported in one of the newspapers, \"bloody wars\" are continuing in 56 places in the world.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n自然语言算法用于针对这些选择作出响应。", "output": "Natural language algorithms are used against those choices to pick the response.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n柬埔寨与泰国有领土争议。", "output": "Cambodia and Thailand have border disputes.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n一些互联网用户提供的基本服务是−", "output": "Some of the basic services available to Internet users are:", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n已有7,000多名加拿大儿童被诊断出患有IBD,并持续出现腹部疼痛,痉挛,腹泻和呕吐。", "output": "More than 7,000 Canadian children have been diagnosed with IBD and deal with constant belly pain, cramps, diarrhea and vomiting.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n那是一种说不清楚的感觉,有点类似于阴冷,但却又有些不一样。", "output": "It feels a little like a cold, but different.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他本来应该早点开始的。", "output": "He should have started out earlier.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n许多国际医院要求医疗旅游患者签署法律豁免,声称如果他们提起诉讼,必须将诉讼带到执行医疗程序的国家。", "output": "Many international hospitals require a medical tourism patient to sign a legal waiver stating that if they do bring a lawsuit over the surgery the lawsuit must be brought in the country where the medical procedure was performed.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n确保人们可以很容易的分享您的内容。", "output": "Make sure people can share your content easily.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在菲律賓每年約有將近 610,000 人墮胎。", "output": "Nearly 610,000 people have abortions each year in the Philippines.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n仅次于越南外贸银行。", "output": "The Bank for Foreign Trade of Vietnam.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n1998年,沃尔沃V90停产。", "output": "In 1998 production of Volvo V90 was discontinued.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n人的大脑绝对有意思的。", "output": "The human brain is really interesting.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们感觉良好,赛季还很长。", "output": "I am feeling great, season is long.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n位置:學生與教練面對面坐著,中間隔著適當的距離,大概三呎左右。", "output": "Position: Student and coach sit facing each other a comfortable distance apart—about three feet.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n政府应该为所有公民提供一个免费的教育?", "output": "... government provide free education for everyone?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n28 你是我的神,我要称谢你。", "output": "28 You are my God, and I will give you thanks.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他使海外贸易的路线由地中海转移到大西洋沿岸。", "output": "It has shifted the route of overseas trade from the Mediterranean to the Atlantic coast.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在这里,在台湾与其他许多工厂,工厂关闭,在一个国家提供廉价的劳动力重新开放。", "output": "Here, as with many other factories in Taiwan, the factory closed and reopened in a country that offers cheaper labour.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n估计iPad的情况应该是类似的。", "output": "I think the iPad could be similar.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n設立有效及公正的投訴處理程序", "output": "Providing an effective and fair complaints procedure", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n为了变成真正的人,我们接到了必须", "output": "In order to become a true human being, we need it.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这种误解更为普遍,甚至在从事线粒体DNA领域研究工作的领头科学家那里,我都曾经听到过。", "output": "Here is a second misunderstanding — a more common one, which I have heard perpetrated even by leading scientists working in the field of mitochondrial DNA.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他注意到他们渔网编织的方式,特别是网眼很大这一点,他问他们,为什么不用中国人用的尼龙网,网眼小多了。", "output": "He noticed that the weave of their nets, the mesh size, was rather large, and he asked them why they did not use Chinese nylon nets, which had much closer weave mesh.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n吉米•埃文斯是一位富有活力的教师,也是一位满有爱心的牧者。", "output": "Jimmy Evans is a dynamic teacher and a caring pastor.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n(当然这种方式是最推荐的。", "output": "(Obviously this is the recommended approach.)", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n除了在现场直播的电视制作中出现什么问题,同时进行飞行,剑斗和歌唱呢", "output": "And besides, what could go wrong in a live televised production with simultaneous flying, sword fighting, and singing?\"", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nD级组织的管理层要求所有项目都要遵守质量计划标准过程。", "output": "Organizational management has mandated that all projects follow the quality planning standard processes.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n克:我依赖我的妻子,依赖牧师,依赖心理分析——我依赖。", "output": "Krishnamurti: I do depend on my wife, on the priest, on some psycho-analyst - I do depend.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n近几年来听过的最恶心的歌", "output": "Worst song I’ve heard in years.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n部分中医甚至会开每天30~50克剂量的虫草给癌症患者。", "output": "Some Chinese practitioners even prescribed as much as 30 to 50 grams of Cordyceps per day for cancer patients.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n・M4A到WAV变换器。", "output": "* M4a to WAV converter.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nDB SxS:此类型意味着您可以并排运行这些KeePass版本,数据库文件是兼容的。", "output": "DB SxS: This type means that you can run these KeePass versions side-by-side, the database files are compatible.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n1) 价格以阿联酋迪拉姆(AED)为单位,需加收10%服务费、4%市政费及6%旅游费。", "output": "1) Prices are quoted in UAE Dirham (AED) and are subject to a 10% service charge, a 4% municipality tax and a 6% tourism fee.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n开始理解人为什么需要信仰。", "output": "Now you are finding out why people need credit.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n既然領導的功能在於變革,能引發高度活力的行為,對克服無可避免的改革障礙就很重要。", "output": "Since change is the function of leadership, being able to generate highly energized behavior is important for coping with the inevitable barriers to change.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n第三,領導是一種技能。", "output": "Third, leadership is a skill.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他给我,带我去参加比赛。", "output": "He offered to take me to the contest.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n接着我们谈谈两教的创始人。", "output": "So we briefly mentioned the Founders.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n2020年圣彼得堡国际经济论坛的与会者可以选择两种参与形式之一:", "output": "St. Petersburg International Economic Forum 2020 participants will be able to choose from two participation packages:", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n一半以上的人是干互联网相关的!", "output": "Over half the population is connected to the Internet!", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这一岛链上有大约100座火山,其中40座是活火山,还有许多温泉和火山喷气孔。", "output": "The chain has around 100 volcanoes, some 40 of which are active, and many hot springs and fumaroles.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n主要通过缆索的拉应力来抵抗车辆的碰撞,吸收碰撞能量。", "output": "It relies entirely on the tensile stress of the cable to resist the collision of the vehicle and absorb energy.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“我就知道他们总是有事。", "output": "\"But I always knew they had something going.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n因此,将无法对这些内容承担任何保证和责任。", "output": "Therefore, no guarantee and liability is assumed for these contents.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n建筑玻璃已经广泛用于生活当中,让我们熟知。", "output": "Building Safety Glazing has been widely used in life and is well known.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n而只有当他悄悄观察她时,那专注的深情才会一览无遗。", "output": "And however, it was enough for him to look upon her only once to become impassioned by her.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n2010年,扎克伯格曾说隐私不再是“社会规范”。", "output": "Mark Zuckerberg said in 2010 that privacy was no longer a “social norm.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在全球拥有2万多家酒店和2 000家旅馆", "output": "accommodation in more than 20 000 hotels and 2 000 hostels in the world", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n每天销售的150亿支卷烟中,有多达100亿支被丢弃在环境中。", "output": "Up to 10 billion of the 15 billion cigarettes sold daily are disposed in the environment.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“作为一个高级领导团队,我们致力于以更加可持续的方式审查我们所做的一切。", "output": "“As a senior leadership team, we are committed to examining everything we do with a more sustainable focus.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“所以它必须考虑到它。", "output": "\"And you must take it into account.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我期待着你的下一篇文章,我会尝试的。", "output": "I'm looking forward for your next post, I'll try", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n不到30年前,上海什么都没有,只是一片耕地。", "output": "Three years ago, Tamang had nothing but a piece of land.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n注意力不集中,劳动效率低", "output": "Dispersed attention and low efficiency workouts.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n也有一些有报道说,他将可能是早在2〜3周。", "output": "There have also been some reports that he will could be back in 2 to 3 weeks.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n42 因为他们都无力偿还,债主就开恩,赦免了他们二人。", "output": "42 As they were unable to pay, he forgave them both.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n拼写常常是绝望的,但那是Susy的,它应该屹立不倒。", "output": "The spelling is frequently desperate, but it was Susy's, and it shall stand.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n每个人最喜欢的保姆都回来了。", "output": "Everyone’s favorite wunderkind is back.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n由于增材制造中心的专家工作,铁路仅用了5天时间开发,并在不久之后被整合到生产过程中。", "output": "Thanks to the work of specialists at the Additive Manufacturing Center, the rail took just five days to develop and was integrated into series production in Leipzig shortly after.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n那么社交媒体明年究竟会出现哪些趋势呢?", "output": "What are your predictions for social media trends over the next year?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n求翻译:The iniquity是什么意思?", "output": "What does the word “iniquity” mean?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我已阅读,理解并接受以下文件:", "output": "I have read, understood and accept the following documents:", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n虽然公司仍然保守融资,但这种快速增长可能是一个令人担忧的严重问题。", "output": "While the company is still conservatively financed, such rapid increase can be a serious cause for concern.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这些年来,他心里惟一想着的就是那天夜里母后寝宫里发生的事情。", "output": "He had only been thinking about what would happen in the bedroom after.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我用一只非常可愛的小豬作為主角,代表辛勤工作的香港人。", "output": "I’ve used a very cute character which is a pig to represent hard-working Hongkong people.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“即使在第四年级,中产阶级的孩子似乎是在为自己的利益而行动。", "output": "“Even in fourth grade, middle-class children appeared to be acting on their own behalf to gain advantages.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n为何西方人的婴儿学起名词来比学动词要快,而东亚人却截然不同?", "output": "· Why do Western infants learn nouns more rapidly than verbs, when it is the other way around in East Asia?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n您對中譯外的工作有何看法和建議?", "output": "What advice or questions do you have about remote working?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nB - A 乘地铁10分钟路程到学校", "output": "B - A 10 minutes by metro from the school", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n姥姥和姥爷在看电视。", "output": "Grandma and Grandpa are watching TV.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“我为我的幸福快乐负责。", "output": "” I am responsible for my happiness.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n本笃第十二改革项目失败了,掌握一般,卡普阿雷蒙德(1390)试图恢复已下降到下降的寺院纪念活动。", "output": "The reform projects of Benedict XII having failed, the master general, Raymond of Capua (1390) sought to restore the monastic observances which had fallen into decline.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我想克里斯会支持他的。", "output": "I believe Chris would approve.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n居住在受教育人群中间,最棒的事情是谋杀(一年中每10万人中有1.8人被谋杀)实际上是几乎不存在的。", "output": "The best thing of all is that murders (1.8 per 100,000 population a year) are practically non existent.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n93%的被美国政府官方认定为生活贫困的人,拥有彩色电视机,60%拥有录像机和微波炉。", "output": "We've come so far since then - 93 percent of Americans officially defined as being in poverty have color televisions, more than 60 percent have VCRs and microwaves.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n科学家们发现逆转录酶分子如何与HIV基因组相互作用", "output": "Scientists discover how reverse transcriptase molecules interact with the HIV genome", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n然而,俄罗斯明确表示,它无意按照西方民主国家的规则行事。", "output": "“Russia, however, made clear that it had no interest in behaving according to the rules of Western democracies.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nVAUGHAN:我将回到英格兰", "output": "WW: I went back to England.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n安息为神的子民存留”(第9节)。", "output": "\"There remains therefore a rest to the people of God\" (verse 9).", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n所以,這個公式不是原始句子的完全的翻譯。", "output": "ⓘThis sentence is not a translation of the original sentence.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n对许多人来说,巴黎本身就是爱情的同义词。", "output": "According to many people, Paris is the city of love.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n企业整体上对短期前景持乐观态度,尽管大多数地区提到对贸易紧张局势的担忧和不确定性。", "output": "Looking ahead, the Fed said businesses generally remained optimistic about the near-term outlook, though most districts noted concern and uncertainty about trade tensions.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n下一篇 “将一个人送进监狱,要比将他们送到弗吉尼亚大学,要花费更多的钱。", "output": "\"It costs a hell of a lot more money to put somebody in jail than send them to the University of Virginia.\"", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n同时,实施个人破产制度需要全国人民代表大会或其常委会予以立法。", "output": "At the same time, the implementation of an individual bankruptcy system requires the National People’s Congress or its Standing Committee to legislate.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n它不应该强加给自己的,而是服务,如果您决定写约会信。", "output": "It should not impose himself, but to serve, if you decided to write a letter for dating.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n10月 华舟重工成功开发河道溢流防控系统,成为华舟在石油领域的首个应急救援产品。", "output": "In October, Huazhou Heavy Industry successfully developed the river overflow prevention and control system, becoming Huazhou's first emergency rescue product in the oil field.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n圖片來源:The Drum", "output": "Photo by: The Drum", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n第三部分:我们的下一步", "output": "The Third Stage - Our Next Step", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们这里没有塔利班。", "output": "There is no Taliban.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但是必须在24小时内报告警察。", "output": "Police must be notified within 24 hours.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果我們在說香港媒體在動員香港人民更關心中國人權方面可以發揮的作用,那麼顯然自律限制了這種可能性。", "output": "If we’re talking about what role the Hong Kong media might have in mobilizing Hong Kong people to care more about human rights in China, obviously self-censorship is going to limit that possibility.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nOPEN编辑 2年前", "output": "Editor Editor 2 years ago", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n其主要创新是一个令人震惊的简单的方法,以分层,重新排列,并不断地调整所有实时这些影响。", "output": "Its key innovation is a stunningly straightforward approach to layering, rearranging, and endlessly tweaking all of these effects in realtime.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n回答: 我们常收到这样的问题,“由于这样那样的原因我离婚了。", "output": "Answer: We often receive questions like \"I am divorced for such and such a reason.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n马克·吐温曾经说,“当您对一篇文章已经满意时,才是写作真正开始的时候。", "output": "Mark Twain wrote, “The time to begin writing an article is when you have finished it to your satisfaction.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我有这种感觉,我要求所有人,尤其是我们的追随者,理解我。", "output": "I feel that way and I ask everyone, and especially our followers, to please understand.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n囤积症状的存在不会对强迫症青年的 CBT 反应产生负面影响", "output": "Presence of Hoarding Symptoms Does Not Negatively Impact CBT Response in Youth with OCD", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n实际上,鹰嘴豆有两种。", "output": "There are actually two chipmunks here.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在我們來到這個地球之前已經存在?", "output": "We existed before we came to this earth.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他的罪名是挑唆族裔仇恨、煽动混乱、共同参与对一名在动乱期间身亡的警察的谋杀,被判终生监禁。", "output": "He was found guilty of participating in mass disturbances, inciting ethnic hatred, and for complicity in the murder of a police officer who was killed during the unrest.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nGoogle Home Mini也没了。", "output": "I also have the Google Home Mini.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n它诱使人们认为,柏拉图知道它的弱点,以及如何把它隐藏起来。", "output": "One is tempted to think that Plato knew its weakness, and how to hide it.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n現在的學生,我感覺她們好像被人剝奪了反抗的力量。", "output": "Today’s students seem to have been sapped of their ability to resist.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n雇主必须要作特别的努力来维持我工作场所的安全吗?", "output": "Does My Employer Have A Duty Of Care To Ensure My Safety At Work?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n圣若瑟和婴儿耶稣 1640", "output": "Saint Joseph and the Christ Child, 1640", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你认真吗? 然后抓住这一分钟。", "output": "Are you in earnest? sieze this very minute –", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n好吧,我看到它的到来。", "output": "Yeah, I saw it coming.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他并不是一扇关闭或锁上的门,你必须尝试强行打开或用尽办法才能进入。", "output": "He is not a closed or locked door that you must try to force open or work hard to enter.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”他们是专家武器和武器。", "output": "“They were weapons experts and radio specialists.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nXbox One X在11月推出,在美国的售价为500美元。", "output": "The Xbox One X launches in November at a suggested price of $500.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nInSight的其他工具一直在为人类科学家提供大量数据。", "output": "InSight’s other instruments have been providing scientists with troves of data.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“打开城门,不然我们将放火烧城!”", "output": "\"Open the city gate, otherwise, we'll set fire to the city!\"", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n一位巴西女孩正在参加一个音乐派对。", "output": "A group of teenage girls attend a music festival.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n自主导向学习将在教学实践的理论观点呈现", "output": "Independent directed learning will be presented on the theoretical perspectives of teaching practice", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n从爱沙尼亚的政府来看,它可能是世界上技术最先进的国家。", "output": "Estonia is, perhaps, the most technologically advanced country in the world when it comes to government.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n由此,Emerson", "output": "So there, Emerson", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果咖啡豆已失去香味,或闻起来有杂味,就表示这咖啡豆已经不再新鲜,不适宜购买。", "output": "Such as coffee beans have lost their scent or smells, it means that the coffee is no longer fresh, not suitable for purchase.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我被逗笑了所有错误的时间。", "output": "She laughed at all the wrong times.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n当危险变得更加紧迫,意识到我的职责对我的人民,在第一个六个月的1935年我试图取得军事装备。", "output": "When the danger became more urgent, being aware of my responsibilities towards my people, during the first six months of 1935 I tried to acquire armaments.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这是第一个支持高清视频的视频分享网站。", "output": "It was the first video sharing site to support high-definition videos.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我知道這個世界存在著。", "output": "I know this world exists.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n游泳学校的模板和主题可以有助于使教程和课程更容易理解。", "output": "Swimming School Templates and Themes can be very helpful in making tutorials and lessons easier to understand.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果你不注意它,它会给你的生命带来危险。", "output": "If you don’t take care of it, it may risk your life.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但是她确信,接下来的这些最初时刻将为他们如何继续开创先例。", "output": "But she felt certain that these first few moments of the after would set the precedent for how they would go on.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n此次国情咨文的主题是“建立安全、强大和令人引以为傲的美国”。", "output": "The theme of his address was \"building a safe, strong, and proud America.\"", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n哈哈,很多时候,顾客会听从我的建议。", "output": "Often times our clients will ask for recommendations.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我很好奇千禧一代男人对这个问题的看法。", "output": "I am curious as to how Millennial men feel about this subject.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你不能寄望於恐懼憑空消失。", "output": "You can’t expect fear to simply disappear.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“这都是谎言和虚伪,”她告诉达吉斯坦的美联社。", "output": "\"It's all lies and hypocrisy,\" she told the AP from Dagestan.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n崔姆博士想要測試你的能力:你是否能通過此次挑戰?", "output": "Dottor Thyme wants to put your skills to test: will you be up to the challenge?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“她在严肃的名单上,“警察说。", "output": "He’s in serious condition, police said.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n巴西人在一月份加入了曼城队,进了3分,并协助了其中一个,然后在2月因伤缺席了比赛。", "output": "The Brazilian joined up with the Man City squad in January, scoring three and assisting one before having his campaign disrupted by injury in February.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“我认为他为自己感到骄傲。", "output": "“I think he was proud of himself.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n该系列的目标是提升法学院的智力生活,由法学院教师之间以及我们的教师和学者外之间的对话提供了一个场所。", "output": "The goal of the Series is to enhance the intellectual life of the law school, by providing a venue for dialogue among Law School faculty members and between our faculty and outside scholars.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n此前,马斯克曾称赞这款车是他个人的最爱之一。", "output": "The CEO, after all, has praised the vehicle as one of his personal favorites.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我问过你关于标题的问题。", "output": "I have to ask you about the title.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n今天,有很少,无法销售通过互联网。", "output": "Nowadays, there are very few things that can’t be sold over the internet.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n动物们也参与到治疗环节中(拍摄于1956年)", "output": "Animals being used as part of medical therapy (1956)", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n读者不会惊讶地听到我不同意诺瓦克的简单化的咆哮。", "output": "Readers won’t be surprised to hear that I disagree with Novak’s simplistic rant.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n然而,我们可以通过使用堆叠的自动编码器或其他机器学习算法(如受限玻尔兹曼机)来实现自动特征提取。", "output": "However, automated feature extraction can be achieved by using stacked autoencoders or other machine learning algorithms like restricted Boltzmann machines.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n借助 OneDrive,可以从几乎任何设备访问文件,并可与其他人共享。", "output": "With OneDrive you can access your files from nearly any device and you can share them with others.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n)例句5. 不行,不可能。", "output": "[] 5 Def. not possible", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n提供許多精選的解決問題和程式實施之範例。", "output": "Try to solve a lot of exercises and programming problems.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n最终,她决定创办儿童村。", "output": "It was decided to develop a children's village.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n作者青年时期的回忆录,描绘了在共产主义捷克斯洛伐克长大的感受。", "output": "An illustrated memoir of the author’s youth depicting what it was like to grow up in communist Czechoslovakia.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n2 我也问过许多同学 08-10", "output": "I have also taught small classes, 8-10 students.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n她带来了这个麻烦,毕竟吗?", "output": "Was the trouble with her, after all?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n健康和节水依然是卫浴五金行业多年来的一个主题。", "output": "Health and water conservation remains a theme for many years in the bathroom hardware industry.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n其根本分界线在于∶个体自由。", "output": "He left out the key word: INDIVIDUAL liberty.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n它正在逐渐渗透进我们的文化和日常生活中。", "output": "It is becoming ingrained in our culture and daily life.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n此处有个规则需要记住。", "output": "There is one rule to remember here.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我被释放,等待进一步调查。", "output": "I was released , pending further investigation.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n癌症患者,尤其是儿童,也面临风险。", "output": "Cancer, especially in children is up.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n危险物料的分类如下:", "output": "The classes of hazardous materials are as follows:", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n不过,这并不能劝阻他们。", "output": "But this does not dissuade them.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n目前,驻科威特的美军大约有15000人,不过日后驻军数量有可能会减少到13500人。", "output": "Currently, there are approximately 15,000 U.S. forces in Kuwait, but the number is likely to decrease to 13,500.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n希思罗机场:内阁批准新的跑道计划", "output": "^ \"Heathrow Airport: Cabinet approves new runway plan\".", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n上个月,Bill Beinecke去世,享年104岁。", "output": "Bill Beinecke passed away just last month; he was nearly 104 years old.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n一路上你会经历很多。", "output": "You will be on the road a lot.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n感谢神!因为祂有这样的救恩!", "output": "Thank God that He has such a salvation.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n每个人都想成为这样的女孩。", "output": "Everybody wants to be THAT GIRL.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他们也可能包括伪科学。", "output": "They could also have included pseudoscience.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n有198种不同类型的罕见癌症。", "output": "It is estimated that there are 198 types of rare cancers.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n2005年诺基亚在尼日利亚售出其第10亿部手机,是一部Nokia 1100。", "output": "In 2005, it sold its billionth phone, a Nokia 1100 in Nigeria.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这意味着 JSP 可以用于从最简单的应用程序到最复杂的应用程序中,并实现要求。", "output": "This means that JSP can play a part in the simplest applications to the most complex and demanding.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们不断改进自己的软件,开发新的工艺解决方案。", "output": "We are improving our software and designing new process solutions.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n靠什么才能在火星上养活100万人?", "output": "What might it take to feed a million people on Mars?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他的文学的任务,他承诺,并进行了资格不能完全确定在目前的一天。", "output": "His literary qualifications for the task he undertook and carried out cannot be fully ascertained at the present day.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n● 根据第一套关税寻求豁免;", "output": "Pursuing an exemption under the first set of tariffs,", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n然后,Google会检查您网站的验证码代码。", "output": "Google also checks the code of your website.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n特朗普政府还为把印度作为其区域战略更重要部分而努力。", "output": "“The Trump administration has worked to make India a more prominent part of its regional strategy.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n默克尔还反对人口走私者的威胁,认为不能被他们控制边界。", "output": "Merkel also inveighed against dangers posed by people smugglers, saying they could not be allowed to control borders.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这将结束朝鲜与美国和韩国的对峙,解决金氏王朝,一劳永逸。", "output": "It would end North Korea's stand-off with the United States and South Korea, as well as the Kim dynasty once and for all.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n科学家希望这一发现能够实现通过压力捕获监控系统的发展变化,提前预测出大规模的地震。", "output": "Scientists hope the finding will lead to the development of a monitoring system that catches stress changes that could foreshadow a big earthquake.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n一种新的绩效管理方法---运营绩效管理(OPM)应运而生。", "output": "Today, a new generation of tools — application performance management (APM) solutions— has emerged.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n粮农组织条约缔约方奥斯陆会议讨论非法捕鱼问题", "output": "Parties to FAO’s treaty tackling illegal fishing meet in Oslo", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n从此,开始了新的政治生涯。", "output": "And from there a political career was launched.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n工作人員會持標有“Japan Panoramic Tours”字樣的綠色旗子,於集合地點等候。", "output": "Please look for a guide holding a green flag that says \"Japan Panoramic Tours\" at the meeting point.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我希望这个世界上的每一个人都能有意识地体验这种能量,我希望没有一个人被这种美妙的感觉所排斥。", "output": "It is my wish that every being on this world experiences this energy consciously, I hope that not one being stays excluded from this wonderful feeling.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n)按照2005-2008年的平均利息支出,这一债务削减将让美国每年财政赤字下降150亿美元。", "output": "Based on the average interest cost from 2005 to 2008, this reduction in debt would trim the budget deficit by $15 billion annually.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n看上述“那时的犹太观念”这一重点。", "output": "See in the above the emphasis to the “Jewish conceptions of that day”.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n报道还指出,这对沃尔玛这样的零售商来说也是个坏消息。", "output": "The report also points out that this is bad news for retailers such as Wal-Mart.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n回国学生: 9月30日星期一至12月13日星期五", "output": "Returning students: Monday 30 September to Friday 13 December", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n日本金融厅(FSA)在其网站上公布了该机构于12月1日批准的四家新的加密货币交易所的详细信息。", "output": "FSA has posted on its website information about four of the cryptocurrency exchanges that have been approved by the Agency on 1 December.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们将看到早上带来什么。", "output": "We'll see what the morning will bring.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n「有小祖連奴叫我去里昂的電話,但我說我只能在美洲盃之後給出一個答覆,他們最終簽下了另一個人。", "output": "\"There was a call from Juninho Pernambucano to go to Lyon, but I said I could only give an answer after the Copa America and they ended up signing someone else...", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在我们的年度报表和账目中了解更多信息。", "output": "Find out more in our Annual Report and Accounts.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n从科学角度来看,从达尔文到爱因斯坦,我们看到人们对世界的认知变化巨大。", "output": "Scientifically, between Darwin and Einstein, we saw a huge change in how we perceive the world.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n瑞典正走向一个真正无现金的社会。", "output": "Sweden is moving towards a cashless society.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n使用的所有颜色都充满活力,大胆和情感。", "output": "All of the colors she uses are vibrant, bold and emotional.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n然而,利率的任何上涨都将改变这样的预测结果。", "output": "Increasing interest rates could however change these predictions.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n最快的一次手术仅仅用了28秒。", "output": "Their shortest took only 28 seconds.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n然而, 作为测量工具,我们人类是非常粗糙的。", "output": "As measuring devices, however, we are crude instruments.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n新來的工人不熟悉工作,他手把手耐心教導。", "output": "The new worker is unfamiliar with the work and he teaches patiently with his hands.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n据我们所知,冲突一直是人类社会的一部分,而且大多数发生在群体之间。", "output": "Conflict has been a part of human society for as long as we know, and most of it happens between groups.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们覆盖的基础和应用科学的广泛领域。", "output": "We cover a broad area of fundamental and applied science.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我在这世界上留下什么", "output": "What did I leave in this world.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n澳大利亚可以更多地关注如何推动印度洋地区的发展。", "output": "But Australia could focus more on how to promote the Indian Ocean.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n对资本主义经济来说那是一个惊人的数字。", "output": "That is an astonishing figure for a capitalist economy.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n去年,他们向SNP捐赠了100万英镑。", "output": "They then donated a further £1 million to the SNP in February last year.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n有叔叔、妈妈和爸爸在等着听他们的儿子和侄子是否好。", "output": "‘There’s uncles and moms and dads waiting to hear whether their sons and nephews are OK.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n振荡以每秒3 5赫兹的频率产生,一直加快到250赫兹,并在产生后0.25秒消失。", "output": "Central, emerging at a frequency of 35 Hz, speeding up to 250 Hz, and finally disappearing 0.25 seconds later.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n您会问我为什么不把它卖掉。", "output": "They'd ask why we don't sell it.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我喜欢这个信用卡,但他们每月付了钱。", "output": "I like the plan but I get paid monthly.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但是,如果经济学家更好地把动物精神融入到我们的模型之中,我们就可以提高我们的预报准确率。", "output": "But if economists better integrate animal spirits into our models, we can improve our forecasting accuracy.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n伊朗通訊社最近刊出這位80歲老者的照片。", "output": "The Iranian News Agency (IRNA) recently published pictures of the 80 year old man.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n這想法的衍生結果和意義,啟發了我整個職業生涯。", "output": "It is an idea whose ramifications and significance have inspired me throughout my career.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n之后,那些赞同我并爱我的人会帮我把永生带给亿亿万万的人。", "output": "After that those who are for Me and who love Me, will help Me to bring Eternal Life to billions.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n谁会在我的团队里去找谁?", "output": "Who will I be working with in the team?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n财务维也纳研究生院(VGSF)邀请优秀学生申请博士课程在金融(全日制课程)开始在下一学年。", "output": "The Vienna Graduate School of Finance (VGSF) invites excellent students to apply for the PhD Program in Finance (full-time program) starting in the coming academic year.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n现在,印度的大部分原油都是进口的,任何油价都会影响其财政预算。", "output": "Now, India imports most of its crude, and any oil price will hit its budget and fiscal calculations.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我們必須記住,聖經是由大約 40 位不同的作者在大約 1500 年間寫成。", "output": "We must remember that the Bible was written by approximately 40 different authors over a period of around 1500 years.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n· 欧委会通过教育及青年政策应对激进主义危机", "output": "Commission - tackling radicalisation through education and youth action", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n43 你渾身是怒氣,追趕我們;", "output": "43 Clothing yourself with anger, you pursued us.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你有机会影响到成千上万的人在你的职业生涯中的生活,”他说。", "output": "You have the opportunity to affect the lives of thousands of people over the course of your career,” he said.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n派恩侦探拒绝做出这样的申请。", "output": "Detective Payne declined to make such an application.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“这五款游戏将出现在这一代和下一代游戏机上,它们将充分利用这款游戏机的所有新功能。", "output": "The five titles will be on this generation and next generation of consoles, and they will take full advantage of all the new features that are coming with the machines.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n现在它就是一种诚实的葡萄酒了!", "output": "Yeah, now that’s an expensive wine!", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“我不希望每个人都喜欢我;如果有人这样做的话,我应该少想想自己。", "output": "I don’t want every one to like me; I should think less of myself if some people did.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n长 久以来,大家认为按某特定用户的兴趣和要求处理查询,能获得更高相关性的搜索结果。", "output": "It has long been understood that tailoring the query to the interests and requirements of a specific user provides a high level of relevance to search results.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n老师连我孩子叫什么名字都不知道。", "output": "Some teachers don't even know my child's name!", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这附近有很多人讨厌你。", "output": "A lot of guys around here hate you.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我想说我天生就有一种基本的政治意识。", "output": "I suppose it gave me something of a basic political consciousness.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n总而言之,一个2 *价格5 *住宿。", "output": "Definitely a 5 star ***** accommodation.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n48、让时间说真话,虽然我也害怕。", "output": "Let time speak the truth, although I’m afraid too", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n的,但都有科学分析。", "output": "But it also contains scientific analysis.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n上周的起航是沃尔沃从中国首次向欧洲出口汽车,是利用中欧铁路连线在亚洲和欧洲市场之间运输整车的范例。", "output": "Last week’s inaugural shipment was Volvo Cars’ first export of vehicles from China to Europe and one of the most significant examples of using the Europe-China railway link to ship finished vehicles between Asia and European markets.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n俗话说,猫狗是仇家。", "output": "It is a saying that cats and dogs are enemies.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n所有运动都被禁止了。", "output": "All travel has been banned.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这里就是你要要遵循的步骤:", "output": "These are the steps you have to follow:", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n其實,早在2005年,周星馳已經心動。", "output": "Finally, in 2005, the stars aligned.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n另外, 均衡饮食和运动的最大好处是你的健康。", "output": "Also, the greatest benefit of a balanced diet and exercise is your health.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我想为艺术而永远活下去。", "output": "I want to make you live forever through art.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n由于发现BPA可能有害,公司开始寻找不含BPA的替代品。", "output": "“However, due to the discovered potential harmful effects of BPA, companies began searching for BPA-free alternatives.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n您将与专门的老师一起创建一个数字档案袋,以展示您的成就和能力。", "output": "You'll work with dedicated faculty to create a digital portfolio that showcases your accomplishments and abilities.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n管理学和私营企业Reliance教授,以及管理学教授", "output": "Dean and Reliance Professor of Management and Private Enterprise, and Professor of Management", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n到2020年7月,比特币可能会降至5324美元的低位。", "output": "Bitcoin could move down to as low as $5,324 in July 2020.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n1926年,当时36岁的作家神秘地消失了11天。", "output": "In 1926, the writer had disappeared for 11 days.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“感谢我们的内部团队和合作伙伴,是他们帮助我们如期启动了这条新的生产线。", "output": "We thank our internal teams and our partners who helped us to start up this new production line on schedule.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n注意:本模板在大量頁面中使用。", "output": "Note: This module is used on a lot of pages.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我在C++11的 FAQ 上找到了这段引用:", "output": "I found this quote on a C++11 FAQ:", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n她知道自己会死,她接受了这个事实。", "output": "She knew she was going to die, but she had already accepted that fact.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n11111 使用道具", "output": "1.11 Use of Equipment", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n澳大利亚还是这么干了。", "output": "Australia has already done this.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他给了我们一些非常好马。", "output": "He gave us some very fine horses.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n格陵兰人主要的经济来源就是渔业。", "output": "Greenland’s main source of income is fishery.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在加入 frog 之前,我曾在欧洲一家移动运营商的概念设计团队里工作。", "output": "Before joining frog, I worked on a concept design team for a mobile carrier in Europe.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n「据我们所知,在全球钻石开采史上还没有出现过这样的钻石。", "output": "As far as we know, there were no such diamonds in the history of global diamond mining yet.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n88 讲话时要避免单调乏味,避免经常跑题,也要避免老重复同样的讲话方式。", "output": "88th Be not tedious in Discourse, make not many Digressions, nor repeat often the Same manner of Discourse.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这对我们志愿者的体力来说是一大考验。", "output": "This is a testament to the work of our volunteers.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n波特的五力模型的主要结果是什么?", "output": "-What are the fundamental results of Porter’s five forces model?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n现在的官员必须寻求私人工作或建立私营企业。", "output": "For the officeholders must now seek private jobs or set up private business.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nRIP包含了七个主要领域和一系列的子领域:", "output": "The RIPs include seven main areas and a number of sub subjects including:", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n保罗和我都非常满意Rob在担任CEO以来很短时间内取得的成绩,Pivotal正在市场上大踏步前进。", "output": "Paul and I are very happy with the progress Rob has made in the short time he has been CEO and Pivotal is making great strides in the marketplace.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我甚至可能参加,因为正派的公司是正派的公司。", "output": "I might even participate because decent company is decent company.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“从这些我一起工作过的人身上,我学到了很多。", "output": "\"The guys I've worked with I've learned a lot from.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n来自她的第一任丈夫。", "output": "from her first husband.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n国家监察委员会(拟设立)", "output": "Anti-Corruption Commission (to be established)", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nMcAfee的报告显示,Android手机两个季度前的攻击数量就已经超过了PC。", "output": "McAfee has reported that there were more incidents of hacking into Android phones two quarters ago than there were into PCs.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n或者我从LTR的候选人降级为STR或NSA的性候选人。", "output": "Or I got downgraded from an LTR prospect to a STR or NSA sex candidate only.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n看,爱丽丝,也许我们可以谈谈这个。", "output": "Elliot, maybe you can talk about that.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n可比赛真的如此简单吗?", "output": "Is the game really that short?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但是国内外的事件表明这不是真的。", "output": "Yet both foreign and local experience show that this is not the case.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n這些標記在100英里的距離內被發現。", "output": "The marks were found over a distance of 100 miles.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n学习的一种方法是使用教程,但是没有认真的工作和在电脑前花费大量的时间来提高竞争力是不可能的。", "output": "One way to learn is using tutorials, but nothing is possible without conscientious work and a lot of time spent in front of your computer as to become competitive.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n> COP21 是什么?", "output": "What is COP21? [fr]", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n下面是一些有用的 Razor 幫助器的簡短說明:", "output": "Below is a short description of some useful Razor helpers:", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n政治与历史(1484)", "output": "History and Politics (1784)", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n讨厌这样冷冷的下雨天!", "output": "Hate that freezing rain!", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n由於成本控制更見成效及店舖貢獻上升,集團於這市場的虧損收窄至1,020萬港元。", "output": "Thanks to better cost control and increased store contributions, the group’s loss for this market reduced to $10.2 million.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nA.鼓励Jane接管抚摸Rose,然后Rose又指示Jane和A.彼此抚摩。", "output": "A. encouraged Jane to take over stroking Rose, and then Rose in turn instructed Jane and A. to stroke each other.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n法治与发展具有重要的相互关系,相辅相成,对国家和国际可持续发展至关重要", "output": "The rules of law and development have a significant interrelation and are mutually reinforcing, making it essential for sustainable development at the national and international levels.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这就是进化论者们所相信的。", "output": "That is what evolutionists believe.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你無法控制某些行動。", "output": "You cannot control some events.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他知道他现在很害怕。", "output": "She knew he was scared now.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“圣上,这是什么意思?”", "output": "Holy Spirit, what does this mean?”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n也没见他们真的杀过来。", "output": "But we don't actually see them killed.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n全球的约翰·卡西奇以13%的成绩排名第三,领先杰布·布什10%,泰德克鲁兹7%", "output": "The Globe shows John Kasich in third with 13 percent, ahead of Jeb Bush with 10 percent and Ted Cruz with 7 percent.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我应该说的是,我不明白为什么没有人会尽可能多地运用创造力和想象力来让他们的性生活尽可能地美好。", "output": "What I should have said was that I don’t see why anyone wouldn’t use as much creativity and imagination as possible to make their sex-lives as good as they can be.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n它完全抓住了我的心态。", "output": "It totally captured my state of mind.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“每个人都在向联邦调查局和中央情报局撒谎。", "output": "“Everybody was lying,” he said of the Soviet and American intelligence agencies.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n因此,pvc透明塑料管得到了广泛的应用。", "output": "Therefore, PVC transparent plastic pipe has been widely used.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n其水域乾涸,形成一個通道為國王的東方(出14 ) 。", "output": "Its waters are dried up and form a passage for the kings of the East ( Exodus 14 ).", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n保罗又发出了更奇怪的一个声明。", "output": "Paul then makes an even stranger statement.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n夏威夷欲禁止向100岁以下人士销售香烟", "output": "Hawaii wants to ban cigarette sales to anyone under 100", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我不是個好歌手,我只是喜歡唱。", "output": "I am not a great singer, I like to sing.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n周六,特朗普表示他在要求中国终止其对肉类及其他产品的报复性关税。", "output": "On Saturday, Mr. Trump said he was asking China to end its retaliatory tariffs on meat and other products, the Times reports.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n它真的让我大开眼界,让你思考。", "output": "It really catches the eye and makes you think.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n上一篇 下一篇 由Java工具包中提供的数据结构是非常强大的,执行多种功能。", "output": "The data structures provided by the Java utility package are very powerful and perform a wide range of functions.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“Pierce你和她在一起。", "output": "“Pierce is working with her.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n太 22:27 最后,那妇人也死了。", "output": "22:27 And last of all the woman died also.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nRobert C. Martin 写的《Clean Code》就是这方面很好的学习资料。", "output": "The clean code by Robert C. Martin is a nice book which deals with this.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n种种迹象表明,多功能移动设备将成为用户欣赏音乐的首选媒介,诺基亚公司正是这一潮流的引领者。", "output": "The multi-function mobile device will become the preferred medium for enjoying music and Nokia is leading this trend.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n(三)研究生支教团成员在入学前有下列情况之一者将取消录取资格:", "output": "4.2 Membership of the Pre-school will cease if the Member concerned:", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果吸力太强,您可以将一根手指轻轻按压杯子的边缘部位,让杯子稍微进一点空气。", "output": "If the suction is too strong, you can ease it by gently pressing a finger near the rim of the cup, letting in a little bit of air.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n因此,政策制定者必须采取有效的政策,进一步降低国内和国际层面的政策不确定性。", "output": "It is therefore essential that policymakers do no harm and further reduce policy uncertainty, both domestic and international.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n因为这是一场没有效率的交易。", "output": "It’s a very inefficient transaction.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n各类菜色 22 products", "output": "22 Different Types of Hair Products", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“对不起,是你父母让我进来的。", "output": "“It was simply that my parents put me in.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n周围温度 :这很重要。", "output": "Surrounding temperature: This is very important to know.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n决赛将于6月22日至25日在立陶宛举行。", "output": "The final takes place in Lithuania from June 22-25.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nAMI布哈特: 是啊,所以我们知道,可以在不被微生物饲养的动物,我们称这些无菌动物。", "output": "Ami Bhatt: Yeah, so we know that animals that can be reared without microbes, we call these germ-free animals.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n公司未来大计划包括:", "output": "The company’s future plans include:", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n兽医中心就是一个光辉的例子,引导自然光进入工作区和动物围栏,回收收集的雨水。", "output": "The Veterinary Medical Center is a shining example, channeling natural light into work areas and animal enclosures and recycling harvested rainwater.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但是,正如我当时 ,唯一可行的解决方案是联邦政府和美国环保署“协调”控制排放的努力。", "output": "But, as I argued at the time, the only viable solution was for the federal government and the EPA to “orchestrate” the effort to control emissions.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n艺术之路,特别像一颗大树。", "output": "The trunk of a tree, particularly of a large tree.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n比其他的食物更像是食物的价值!", "output": "It’s more about the quality of the food than anything else!", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n当地居民已被警告,不要喝未过滤的自来水。", "output": "The city’s residents have been told not to drink unfiltered tap water.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n除了砂拉越,你将会投选出你的州议员和国会议员。", "output": "Apart from Sarawak, you will be voting who will be your State Assembly representative and Member of Parliament.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n检察官没有说为什么梅西没有被起诉。", "output": "Prosecutors have not said why Macy wasn’t charged.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n另一方面,如果你是演出者,你就没有理由感到好奇。", "output": "If you were the showrunner, on the other hand, you’d have no reason to be curious.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n很低 C1 -- 干燥清洁的室内场所,如办公室、学校、住宅、宾馆", "output": "C1 – very low – Heated buildings with clean atmospheres, e.g., offices, schools or hotels.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n義工其中一個角色是支援當地感染HIV/愛滋病的社群,你每個星期到訪中心和他們一起工作。", "output": "As a volunteer, you will work closely with people living with HIV/AIDS who visit the centre every week.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n关键词: 煤炭价格 钢铁价格 煤炭去产能", "output": "Keywords: steam coal market hard coal production consumption prices forecast of thermal coal prices", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n29 可是我告訴你們:連撒羅滿在他極盛的榮華時代所披戴的,也不如這些花中的一朵。", "output": "29 But I tell you that Solomon in all his greatness was not dressed as well as one of these flowers.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n蓝皮车是旧式火车,开得很慢", "output": "The train itself is a slow-moving old train.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n原子结构揭示细胞如何翻译环境信号", "output": "See for instance: Atomic structure reveals how cells translate environmental signals", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n大多数人来说,无论宗教或教育,相信撒谎是不对的,窃取或作弊。", "output": "Most people, regardless of religion or upbringing, believe it is wrong to lie, to steal or to cheat.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我很想在未来再次入住Vanessa的家!", "output": "I hope to visit Vancouver again in the future!", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n种下一棵树,植下一份希望。", "output": "One who plants a tree, plants a hope.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n」 11:35耶穌哭了。", "output": "Jhn 11:35 And Jesus himself was weeping.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n预计学术界的多位思想领袖将在专题研讨会上发表讲演。", "output": "Several thought leaders from the academic community are expected to make presentations at the Symposium.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n明天(12月26日),[详细]", "output": "January 25, 1996 (detail)", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n它将如何改编这本书?", "output": "How would it change the book?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在此,再介绍两种葡萄酒:", "output": "Which introduces two other wine words:", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你不需要学习任何东西在你开始之前。", "output": "So, you dont need to know anything before you start.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n各大書店以及7-11皆有販售。", "output": "Every grocery store and 7-11 has the same.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n伟致力于跨越传统的研究界限,使我们采购和使用能源的方式的重大突破。", "output": "WEI is committed to crossing traditional research boundaries to make major breakthroughs in the way we source and use energy.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n之后,科技记者、企业家和消费者开始用这个词来描述任何拥有独特创意,有机会成长和成功的企业。", "output": "Next, tech journalists, entrepreneurs and consumers started using the term to describe any business with a unique idea that had a chance to grow and succeed.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”“这个是你们的涛涛。", "output": "“This is your totem.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n新加坡采用综合方案来发展服务、基础设施和政策,同时重点关注行业咨询与合作。", "output": "Singapore adopts a comprehensive approach to the development of services, infrastructure and policies, with a strong focus on industry consultation and collaboration.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n没有恐惧,最重要的是没有痛苦。", "output": "There is no excitement, and more importantly, no fear.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n不过我们并没有面临这样的选择。", "output": "But we do not face such a choice.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他说,这个问题非常复杂,并且涉及五个有不同观点的国家。", "output": "The issue is very complex, he said, adding that five countries with different viewpoints are involved.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“亲爱的,你可以把手放下来了。", "output": "“Okay Bill you can put your hands down.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们致力于手工制作卓越,并支持国家设计师,艺术家和手工艺人。", "output": "We are committed to handmade excellence and supporting national designers, artists, and craftspeople.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他们将不得不成为机器和客户之间的接口。", "output": "They will have to become the interface between machines and customers.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n弗洛姆铁路 是全球最陡峭的标准轨距铁路之一,80% 的路程坡度达 5.5%。", "output": "\"The Flåm Railway is one of the steepest standard gauge railway lines in the world, with 80% of the journey running on a gradient of 5.5%.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n最近,有消息称印度将吃鸡手游列入了封禁名单。", "output": "Recently, it has been reported that India also intends to pull PUBG into the ban list.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n难道我们不应该在餐桌上谈论政治话题吗?", "output": "Don't discuss politics at the dinner table?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“作为一名律师,我最想要的PNP的每一个成员要尊重法律和它所代表的任何事物都的统治。", "output": "“As a lawyer, I want every member of the PNP to be most respectful of the rule of law and everything that it stands for.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我将绝不后悔和我丈夫一起做的18件事", "output": "18 Things I Will Not Regret Doing With My Husband", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果希拉里最终当选,希拉里只会让事情变得更糟。", "output": "I think if Hilary gets elected, the situation is only going to get worse.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nM科克迪德看见他吞下未经稀释的酒,深深地叹了一口气。", "output": "M Coquenard saw him swallowing this wine undiluted, and sighed deeply.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“我们已经把这个俱乐部又放回了它需要回到的位置。", "output": "“We want to build this club back to where it should be.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”这里没有尸体但有一些血。", "output": "\"There's no bodies out here but there's some blood.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n您将在更广泛的健康和福利领域的背景下学习物理治疗。", "output": "You will study Public Health Sciences against the background of the broader area of health and welfare.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n使用Lenovo Yoga 730笔记本电脑回到学校,现在在亚马逊上便宜260美元", "output": "Head back to school with the Lenovo Yoga 730 laptop, now $260 less on Amazon", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我与该团体的关系始于叛乱之前。", "output": "“My relationship with the group started before the insurgency.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n那么它将如何在实践中使用呢?", "output": "So how will it be used in practice?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n曾经有13人在家里。", "output": "So there were 13 people in the home.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n」我給了自己一個問題。", "output": "\"I've given myself a problem.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n法国的税法在计算家庭财富的时候,并不将艺术品包括在内。", "output": "French tax law does not require households to include art objects when calculating their net worth.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果你现在做这个研究,大概你的结果会相当类似。", "output": "If you are studying this, then you definitely most likely have a similar fears.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n让他们知道死亡在等待着他们。", "output": "All of them went in knowing that death awaited them.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“引领和带动每一个人都像你们学习”", "output": "“Listen and learn as much as you lead others.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n與一般白糖不同,椰子糖具有天然存在的維生素、礦物質和氨基酸,使其在幾乎任何菜中都是糖的健康替代品。", "output": "Unlike table sugar, Coconut Sugar has naturally occurring vitamins, minerals, and amino acids, making it a healthy substitute for sugar in almost any dish.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n非宗教人士如何使用这一建议? 我认为他们可以考虑他们的决定将如何影响弱势群体,最贫困和最边缘化群体。", "output": "I argue they can consider how their decisions will affect the vulnerable, the poorest and the most marginalized.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n它可以发现心律问题和任何可能需要更多检查的模式。", "output": "It can detect heart rhythm problems and any pattern that may need further testing.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这不是在6月,而是3月", "output": "Yet it was not Christmas but the middle of June.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我倒是很希望查出十三的死因。", "output": "I am bid to discover the identity of THE THIRTEEN.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n那么很多谣言开始传开。", "output": "A lot of rumors started to circulate.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n受伤可能会让人懊丧,但我天天都要面对的问题是睡觉跟走路。", "output": "Being injured can be frustrating, but the issue that I had was with me every single day, sleeping and walking.\"", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n自怜能使我们产生健康的自尊感,但它本身并不是自尊。", "output": "Self-compassion can lead us to a healthy sense of self-esteem, but it is not in and of itself self-esteem.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nBIM可以用来展示整个交通项目建设的全生命周期,包括了建设过程及运维管理。", "output": "BIM can be used to demonstrate the entire building life cycle including the processes of construction and facility operation.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在胎儿的正常发育过程中,子宫的形成以两个小管子开始,随后它们连接成一个中空的器官――子宫。", "output": "In the normal course of development of the fetus, the uterus begins with the formation of two small tubes, then join them into a hollow organ - the uterus.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在某种程度上,这是一种手法。", "output": "To some degree, this is an art form.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n,构成对现实世界的补充。", "output": "By contrast, AR supplements the real world.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在Observants队伍增加了法国和西班牙迅速在豁免的后果。", "output": "The ranks of the Observants increased rapidly in France and Spain in consequence of the exemption.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n您可以使用Office ...", "output": "You can access office,...", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我需要做的是考察那些为灵魂存在而辩护的论证,然后反驳它们,解释这些论证为什么不令人信服。", "output": "What I need to do is to take a look at each argument that gets offered for the existence of a soul and rebut it–explain why those arguments are not compelling.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n本名 Jacopo Robusti的", "output": "Tinteretto's real name was Jacopo Robusti.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n新的一年将会发现企业正在研究多云战略,而不是围绕单一的云建立战略。", "output": "He believes next year will find enterprises looking at multi-cloud strategies rather than strategies built around a single cloud.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n没有什么比得上你自己花园里的新鲜蔬菜。", "output": "Nothing compares to fresh produce from your own garden.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们将继续与我们的合作伙伴和盟国合作,在ISIS运作的任何地方击败ISIS。", "output": "We will continue working with our partners and allies to defeat ISIS wherever it operates.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n―存储和保护,包括保持易读性;", "output": "– storage and preservation, including preservation of legibility;", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n也就是说,毕竟,企业的性质。", "output": "It’s the nature of the industry, after all.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n例如,去年該市總共有超過10萬名學齡階段的學生,卻只有不到4萬7000名的學生就讀公立學校。", "output": "Last year, for example, there were more than 100,000 school-age students living in the city; fewer than 47,000 of them attended the public schools.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我第一次大便出血是去年过年时!", "output": "I had my first yee sang last year!", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n>绿色和白色的结合要求清洁和明亮,而绿色和黄色要求解放和快乐。", "output": "The combination of green and white calls for cleanliness and brightness while green with yellow – for liberation and joy.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n夜晚,他的歌与我同在。", "output": "By night his song is with me.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n阅读Ian Wylie的电视博客Wylie的", "output": "Read Ian Wylie's TV Blog The Life Of Wylie", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“是时候暂时分开了!”", "output": "\"It is separation time!\"", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我已经很习惯了,并将不愿意放弃它。", "output": "I'm accustomed to it, and I'm not going to shy away from it.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n又是什么让其他公司跟风入局?", "output": "So what continues to hold other businesses back?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果我们吃得健康,它的好处肯定会从我们的内部到外部。", "output": "If we eat healthy definitely its benefits will show from our inside to outside.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“你对这些条文还挺熟悉的。", "output": "You’re familiar with those texts.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n居民大部分为马来人。", "output": "The population is mostly Malay.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n它可能是2015年,但在种族,宗教,性别和性别方面,它在很多方面都像50年代一样", "output": "It may be 2015, but in many ways when it comes to race, religion, gender and sex it feels like the '50's.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n嗨,克里斯(和所有人)。", "output": "Hey chris (and others)", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n例如,如果由您的一堵墙创建的曲线最接近标准STC 40曲线,则将您的墙的STC称为40。", "output": "For example, if the curve created by one of your walls most closely matches the standard STC 40 curve, your wall will be said to have an STC of 40.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n欧洲事务和外贸部长 (2011–2014)", "output": "Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade (2011 - 2014)", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n* Skype 至 Skype 通话是免费的。", "output": "Skype to Skype Call are Free of Cost.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n记者: 你认为作为一家SaaS服务提供商,与传统的软件企业有什么不同?", "output": "How should the business model of a SaaS provider be different from that of a traditional software vendor?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n瞧,你的士兵躺在那里一个个睡得多美啊!如果你乐意到马厩去,你会发现你的守卫有多舒服。", "output": "Just look, how beautifully your soldiers are lying there sleeping, and if you will but go into the stable, you will see how comfortable your watchers have made it for themselves.\"", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n有时她似乎领先两步。", "output": "She always seemed to be 2 steps ahead.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n市场 27俱乐部是一个神话:56是音乐家的屁股", "output": "The 27 Club is a myth: 56 is the bum note for musi...", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他們一次又一次嘗試要將他禁聲,卻一次又一次失敗」。", "output": "They try to reach each other, and they fail, and fail again.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n,幫助他們建立新的文明。", "output": "They are to assist us in creating a new civilisation.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n為什麼大家都很喜歡意大利古城?", "output": "Why everyone loves the Italian cuisine?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们一定要回归法治。", "output": "We need to get back to the rule of law.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n西藏,绝对是你来过还想再来的地方。", "output": "Tibet, is a place where you will want to come back.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n這經歷令我想到我與上帝的關係。", "output": "This made me think about my relationship with God.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“重要的是,澳洲已经完成了其连续28年的经济增长,并保持了AAA信用评级。", "output": "Importantly Australia has completed its 28th consecutive year of economic growth and maintained its AAA credit rating.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n每天都有数百种新的计算机病毒和木马病毒被开发出来。", "output": "Hundreds of new computer viruses and Trojan viruses are being developed every day.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他还说,“我们很担心他接下来的行动,但对于他似乎威胁要进行的活动,我们并不担心。", "output": "He added: \"We are worried about what he's going to do next, but we are not worried about what he seems to be threatening to do next.\"", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在实验中,研究人员判断,5-9个月大的婴儿会表现出一种明确的亲受害者倾向。", "output": "In the first experiment, researchers determined that five-to-nine-month old infants demonstrate a clear preference for the victim.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n目的:不浪费\"时间\"找东西", "output": "Purpose: don't waste time looking for things", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n中心在老化文化多样性", "output": "Presented by the Centre for Cultural Diversity in Ageing", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但是我左找右找就是没找到爸爸。", "output": "I looked to my left and could see that dad was not.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n不要陷入权力游戏当中。", "output": "Do not fall into the play of power.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n\"我们不妨看看他们当", "output": "However we may want to see them", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我为您提供下列疗法:", "output": "I offer you the following treatments:", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n现在,思考一下,我再次回到同样的想法。", "output": "Now, think about that, I come back to the same idea again.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我开始渐渐明白了,原来这是整个体系的一部分。", "output": "But, in time, I came to realize that it was all part of the process.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n阿兹台克人打了一个仪式球赛称为tlachtli,其中输家往往是祭神。", "output": "The Aztecs played ritual ball game known as tlachtli in which the losers were often sacrificed to the gods", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n同样,微软CEO Satya Nadella也是在印度上了大学后来到美国获得研究生学位证书。", "output": "Likewise, Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella received his undergraduate degree in India and followed up with diplomas from U.S. graduate schools.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n根据2015年发布的一项研究报告,美国高中里72%的学生都说自己想创业。", "output": "In a 2015 study, 72% of U.S. high school students said they wanted to start a business.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这些两个摇滚的石头!", "output": "These two bands rock!", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在IKEA豪邁的吃著午餐", "output": "Quick lunch at IKEA.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n该市还将拥有自己的金融监管机构,以减少外国投资者面临的繁文缛节和官僚主义。", "output": "The city is also reported to have its own financial regulator to cut down on the red tape and bureaucracy that’s often faced by foreign investors.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他也被禁10年不能教導或使用法律。", "output": "He was also banned from practicing or teaching law for 10 years.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n由于贝尔先生自己的才能和技巧为他赢得了奖项,这是合适的。", "output": "As Mr. Bale's own talent and skill won him the prize, this is appropriate.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nOsterloh 和他的团队向每个人展示 Google 如何使其产品比竞争对手更聪明。", "output": "Osterloh and his team went through gadget after gadget, showing with each one how Google could make its products smarter than the competition.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n请诸位再看这张图表。", "output": "Please look at that graphic again.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n对违法行为,获得技术可撤销除了缓刑,暂停或开除学籍的一段时间。", "output": "For violations, access to technology may be revoked for a period of time in addition to probation, suspension, or expulsion from school.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在许多弟兄中作长子](罗8章29节)。", "output": "Firstborn of many brethren (Rom.8:29).", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n一组石油出口国正在考虑减产,以扭转价格下跌的趋势。", "output": "A group of oil exporting nations is considering production cuts in an effort to reverse the price fall.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n过去两个季度的平均惊喜是12.12%。", "output": "The average surprise for the last two quarters was 12.47%.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n当参与者通过招募他人销售产品而不是通过销售产品赚取更多钱时,通常会出现金字塔计划", "output": "A pyramid scheme often occurs when participants earn more money by recruiting others to sell products than by selling the products.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nA. TCP请求报文", "output": "C. TVT's Contract Claims", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n对于严重依赖农业的国家,如缅甸和菲律宾,昂山素季表示,担任决策角色的妇女可以提高农业产量。", "output": "For countries heavily dependent on agriculture, like Myanmar and the Philippines, Suu Kyi said women in decision-making roles could improve farm yields.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n(重定向自经济合作和发展组织)", "output": "(Redirected from Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development)", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在2007以前,4月29日是綠色日(現在於5月4日慶祝)。", "output": "Before 2007, April 29 was the Greenery Day (now celebrate on May 4th.)", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n她告诉休伊特,尽管她对课堂上的武器持保留意见,但该提案值得认真讨论。", "output": "She told Hewitt that despite her reservations about weapons in the classroom, the proposal merited a serious discussion.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n今天,它是魁北克最大的CEGEP。", "output": "Today, it is the largest CEGEP in Quebec.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这标志着出口业务的正式开始。", "output": "This marks the official start of the export business.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n对于很多人来说,9月是一个新的开始。", "output": "For many of us September signifies a new beginning.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n(b)废除使用精神病药物作为获得社会心理支持和住房服务的条件的要求;", "output": "(b)The use of medication is imposed on persons with psychosocial disabilities as a requirement for gaining access to psychosocial support and housing services;", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n相反,他们鼓励投资者投资具有更多娱乐选择的项目。", "output": "Instead, they are encouraging investment in projects with a wider range of entertainment options.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n《人民之友》分享了亲爱的公民的欢乐,但会保持时时的警惕。", "output": "L'Ami du Peuple shares the jubilation of its dear fellow citizens, but it will remain ever vigilant.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这份搜查令列出的数十家公司的文件和32个人都待审查,其中一些人有不同的名称或代称。", "output": "The warrant listed dozens of companies whose papers were to be scrutinised, and 32 individuals, some with alternative names, or alternative spellings.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n本届会议促进了家装建材企业间的深入交流,加强了家装建材企业与各级组织的对接。", "output": "This session promoted the in-depth exchanges between home improvement building materials enterprises and strengthened the connection between home improvement building materials enterprises and organizations at all levels.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n兼职工人和长时间工作前中风的人被排除在研究之外。", "output": "Those employed part-time and those who had a stroke before having prolonged working hours were excluded from the study.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n看那图片,也的确像是朝鲜,方阵排得整整齐齐。", "output": "Look at the picture, it really is like North Korea, square array neatly arranged.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我每天遵循200毫克的包裝說明,注意我的情緒和安寧睡眠的差異。", "output": "I follow the package instructions 200 mg once a day, and notice the difference in my mood and restful sleep.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n小时工:日工资除以8小时。", "output": "Maternity benefit: The minimum weekly wage for 8 weeks.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果你有足够的钱你可以去意大利。", "output": "If you paid, you could leave for Italy.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n米拉,可爱的像往常一样在午夜蓝,看在舞厅。", "output": "Mira, lovely as always in midnight blue, glanced around the ballroom.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n比卢普斯与妻子Piper育有三个女儿,她们分别是Cydney,Ciara和Cenaiya。", "output": "Billups and his wife, Piper, have three daughters: Cydney, Ciara and Cenaiya.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n血压可正常或轻度升高 。", "output": "Blood pressure is normal or slightly increased.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n會傳染給其他動物嗎?", "output": "Can it be transferred to other animals?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n收益是公司取得的利润,必须定期公布。", "output": "Earnings are the profits a company makes and has to report on a regular basis.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n不幸的是,我们很容易让自己失望。", "output": "Yes, we can easily delude ourselves.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在过去的十年里,这个故事给了现代科技工作者目的、乐观和信心。", "output": "For nearly a decade, this gave the modern tech worker purpose, optimism and self-confidence.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n是西方标准来评价的。", "output": "Structures were evaluated by Western standards.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n旅行者较常用的是西稍门线、火车站线,运行时间也最晚。", "output": "Travelers are more commonly used in the west gate line, train station line, running time is the latest.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n盡管其他數據顯示自那時起銷售下滑,但是Teranet的報告一直顯示價格持續上漲。", "output": "While other data has shown sales have tumbled since then, the Teranet report pointed to ongoing price acceleration.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n(7)能耗低,无二次污染。", "output": "(7) Low energy consumption and no secondary pollution.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我只是想保持足够长的时间来吓唬他。", "output": "I only wanted to keep it long enough to frighten him.\"", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我非常感谢我的家人和朋友,尤其是我的妻子,感谢他们的爱和支持。", "output": "I am extremely grateful for my family and friends, especially my wife, for their love and support.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n因此他们无论有多成功,为了证明自己都会不断地鞭策自己。", "output": "So they continuously push themselves, regardless of how successful they become, to prove themselves.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他不慌不忙地复习了自己的例行公事,然后检查他的黑莓手机是否有来自办公室的电子邮件。", "output": "He unhurriedly went through his own routine, then checked his BlackBerry for any emails from the office.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他们是伪君子,因为他们支持帝国主义战争,这些战争造成了成千上万的美国人丧生和屠杀了无数平民生命。", "output": "“People who are hypocrites because they support imperialistic wars that have caused the loss of tens of thousands of American lives and untold numbers of civilian lives.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我认识的人可能会看到。", "output": "People I know might see it.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nPsalm 37:23 义人的脚步,被耶和华立定。", "output": "Psalms 37:23—Steps are ordered by the Lord.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n一年的科学文凭课程为您提供大学学习的介绍,以及广泛的科目选择。", "output": "A one-year Diploma in Science gives you an introduction to university study, and a wide range of subjects to choose from.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在亚洲地区,凯雷已向10家医疗健康企业投资约15亿美元。", "output": "In Asia, Carlyle has invested approximately US$1.5 billion in 10 healthcare companies.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这本书应该是所有接触过平面媒体的人都应该知晓的书。", "output": "This should be one of the books anyone interested in media should read.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n工资收入越来越高,为什么我们还这么焦虑", "output": "Earnings are growing, why of worry?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他们只是想让我摸摸。", "output": "They just want to touch me.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n该航空公司发出退款和旅行证明作为Larios的意外旅程的补偿。", "output": "The airline issued a refund and a travel certificate as compensation for Larios's accidental journey.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但Jay Griffiths说,我们完全搞错了。", "output": "However, Mr. Koolhaas told us we were completely wrong.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n她有一个特殊要求:她必须在大学里找到一份工作。", "output": "She said she'd have to get a job in a college.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nWeinberg 强调,“DuckDuckGo 默认不收集和分享个人信息。", "output": "The first line reads: “DuckDuckGo does not collect or share personal information.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n阿萨德必须开始寻求稳定。", "output": "Alak is seeking stability.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在不受控制的环境中使用这种药物并不是她所倡导的。", "output": "Using such a drug in an uncontrolled setting is not something she advocates.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n是什么促使你来检查吗?", "output": "What motivates you to check in?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在全世界,可能患上电脑视觉综合症的人多达7000万,这一数字只会越来越大。", "output": "Worldwide, up to 70m workers are at risk from computer vision syndrome, and those numbers are only likely to grow.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n那么通信服务提供商验证这些关键网络的最佳方法又是什么呢?", "output": "So what is the best way for communications service providers to validate the performance of those critical networks?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n11.谁都想成为意大利人", "output": "Today, everyone wants to be Italian.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他拒绝评论韦克菲尔德市场大厅的未来。", "output": "He declined to comment on the future of the Wakefield Market Hall.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他在大学,曾在各种能力。", "output": "He has served the University in several capacities.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n该报告还提到,气候变化正在引发越来越严重的热浪,美国主要城市的数万人将在未来几十年内因高温而死亡。", "output": "Climate change is spurring increasingly punishing heatwaves that are projected to cause tens of thousands of deaths in major US cities in the coming decades.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n当乐队在2013年宣布分手时,他们说:“我们已经去了我们不知道会去的地方。", "output": "When announcing their break-up in 2013, the band said: \"We've gotten to go places we never knew we would.\"", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n随着2012年结婚的莎莉,这对双胞胎将成为第一个孩子。", "output": "The couple married in 2012 and the twins will be their first children together.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n巴勒斯坦人抗议释放囚犯", "output": "Palestinians Celebrate Release of Prisoners", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n」三七. 穆薩說:「我的主知道誰帶來了從他那裡降臨的正道,誰得享受後世的善果。", "output": "And Moses said: My Lord is Best aware who brings guidance from His presence, and whose will be the sequel of the Home (of bliss).", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n两者都是力量的代表。", "output": "Both of them are representative of strength.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nHST适用于新屋的购买。", "output": "The HST applies on the purchase of new homes.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n因此,中国贸易顺差将逐步缩小。", "output": "China's trade surplus will gradually reduce", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在iOS11中,Siri还可以发现兴趣,例如您阅读的新闻文章,并提出这些建议。", "output": "In iOS 11 Siri can spot interests, such as what news articles you read, and make recommendations from these.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n死亡和悲伤是痛苦的,但你的孩子会在生活中遇到他们。", "output": "Death and grief are painful but your children will encounter them in their lives.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n也就是,只有一方認為另一方是朋友。", "output": "Intuitively one feels that the other could be a friend.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n地理位置十分优越,您可以步行到大多数主要的旅游景点。", "output": "The location is very central, and this will allow you to walk to most of the major tourist attractions.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n落入无穷无尽的深渊中?", "output": "Falling into an infinite abyss?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n51 我实实在在告诉你们:「谁如果遵行我的话,永远见不到死亡。", "output": "51 “Most assuredly, I say to you, if anyone keeps My word he shall never see death.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“我这辈子所认识的最忙碌的人总是有时间来处理一切。", "output": "Some of the busiest people I know always have time for me.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\njava 從來就沒有強大過。", "output": "Java was never very strong in either.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n|真遗憾,我可一直想看看海盗是什么样子。", "output": "However, I was curious to know what the pirate looking guys wanted.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在被研究的140个国家中,其中的117个国家在制度方面的表现都成为其整体竞争力得分的拖累。", "output": "For 117 of the 140 economies studied, their institutions pillar performance is a drag on their overall competitiveness score.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n优质材料和生产工艺效果良好。", "output": "High-quality materials and production technology has a good effect.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我发誓不干预,我也做到了。", "output": "I had sworn not to cross it, and I didn't.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果两个虚拟机共享同一磁盘,则不会删除磁盘文件。", "output": "If two virtual machines are sharing the same disk, the disk files are not deleted.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n加拿大货币也被称为商品货币。", "output": "The Canadian currency is also known as the commodity currency.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n游戲將包含所有2017年的車型,隊伍和賽道;全新的規則和紅牛新秀杯競標賽也包含在內。", "output": "The title will include all the official riders, teams and tracks of the 2017 season, the new rules and the Red Bull Rookies Cup championship.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n数据显示,53%的蝴蝶物种在过去十年中有所下降,而46%的蜂类物种也呈现衰退趋势。", "output": "Figures show that 53 per cent of butterfly species have dropped over the past decade, while 46 per cent of bees species are in decline.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n今天我们将讨论的是世界上最小的动物,它们非常的小,你甚至无法看到它们,但它们又是如此美丽和聪明。", "output": "Today we will discuss the Smallest animal in the world, they are so small that you can not see them in the eyes, but they are so beautiful and intelligent.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n对于不受限制的Rekognition出售的最有影响力的反对来自亚马逊的股东。", "output": "The most impactful opposition to the uninhibited sale of Rekognition has come from Amazon’s own shareholders.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“宇宙似乎是由一位理论数学家设计的 。", "output": "“The universe appears to have been designed by a pure mathematician.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n生活可能不會給你第二次機會。", "output": "Life might not give you a second chance.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n1644年7月2日,马斯顿荒原之战爆发。", "output": "On the evening of the 2nd July 1644 the Battle of Marston Moor was fought.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我很高兴你和凯瑟琳这样做!", "output": "I am happy that you and Keith were able to do this.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我們很高興地看到歐盟履行承諾,以證據為基礎全面分析風險,而不是針對具體的國家或企業。", "output": "We are pleased to note that the EU delivered on its commitment to take an evidence-based approach, thoroughly analyzing risks rather than targeting specific countries or actors.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n9科学家创造出创新的药物设计策略来改善乳腺癌治疗", "output": "Scientists create innovative drug design strategy to improve breast cancer treatment", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n该公司还参与替代能源,在14个风电场拥有工作权益。", "output": "The company is also involved in alternative energy, with working interests in 14 wind farms.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“如果我们想要一个基于这些资源的可靠电力系统,我们需要考虑如何处理其日常和季节性变化。", "output": "“If we want a reliable power system based on these resources, how do we deal with their daily and seasonal changes?”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n应用程序非常有用的,如果你需要分析一个网站的源代码。", "output": "This option is especially helpful when you're searching the source code of a page.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“中队长,我们该怎样处理他们?”", "output": "“Commander, should we treat them?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n泰森同意,但說他並不感到驚訝如果我們以某種方式找出我們宇宙形成的原因。", "output": "Tyson agrees, but says that he wouldn't be surprised if we were to find out somehow that someone else is responsible for our universe.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n失去這些重要的捕食者將對我們的自然生態系統造成毀滅性的影響。", "output": "Losing these majestic predators would create a devastating impact on our ecosystem.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我从不乞求球员为我效力,“穆里尼奥说。", "output": "I never beg for a player to play for me,\" Mourinho said.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n该计算机的核心用途之一是帮助神经科学家更好地理解我们人类的大脑是如何工作的。", "output": "One of its fundamental uses is to help neuroscientists better understand how our own brain works.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n海地的霍乱疫症持续。", "output": "The Haiti Cholera outbreak persists.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n研究人员说,这种化合物还能使老鼠的记忆力恢复到年轻老鼠的水平。", "output": "The researchers said the compound also restored the mice’s memory to the level of younger mice’s.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n然而TPP依然存在。", "output": "The TPP still exists.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在本章的最後兩三頁,我使用了一些形象的比喻,可能引起人們的笑話。", "output": "It comes over me that in the last two or three pages of this chapter I have used figures which will turn the laugh against me.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n它带来的苦难、死亡和毁灭是如此的可怕,即使是职业军人都会公然谴责它,并希望远离它。", "output": "The misery, death, and destruction that war causes is so horrendous that even professional soldiers publicly condemn and seek to avoid it.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n冬笋也是这个季节的时令菜。", "output": "Shorts are a must this season too.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n再次步行到那里真令人愉快。", "output": "It is nice to walk there once again.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n国际速联(INTERSTENO)即国际信息处理联盟,1887年在伦敦建立的非赢利性国际组织。", "output": "INTERSTENO is the trademark of International Federation for Information and Communication Processing, a no profit Association founded in London in 1887.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n《经济学人》杂志上的所有文章均不署名。", "output": "All articles in the Economist are unsigned.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我顶重看十字架的工作。", "output": "Looking at the Work of the Cross.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n其中,新批准额增加2%至132亿美元,而投资者为现有项目增加49.5亿美元,相当于去年同期的84%。", "output": "Of the amount, fresh approvals increased 2.2% to US$13.2 billion while investors added US$4.95 billion to existing projects, equivalent to 84.2% of the same period last year.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n剧情:在无数其他人中,四个小镇男孩被詹姆斯·惠特利绑架,他是一个精神错乱,眼睛发热的精神病患者。", "output": "Plot: Among countless others, four small-town boys are kidnapped by James Whitley, a deranged, warm-eyed psychopath.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n环法自行车赛将在今年夏天停止,难免会让人被这座历史小城的魔力所吸引。", "output": "The Tour de France will be stopping through this summer, inevitably turning people on to the magic of this historic little city.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n早期的风险投资和硅谷的增长", "output": "Early Venture Capital and the Growth of Silicon Valley", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n联合国和非盟敦促国际社会采取有力行动,减轻受影响社区所面临的人道主义危机、风险和脆弱性。", "output": "They [the Chairperson and the Secretary-General] urged for robust action by the international community, to alleviate the humanitarian crises, risks and vulnerability in the affected communities.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n时间可以比赛,或者它可以无休止地拖动。", "output": "Time can race, or it can drag interminably.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n当他讲起当年的故事,80多岁的妻子眼中满是崇拜", "output": "When he told the story of the year, the more than 80 year old wife's eyes were full of worship.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n3.1 英國及世界各地", "output": "1.1 UK and worldwide", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n幸运的是,这一天到来的很快。", "output": "Thankfully day came soon enough.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n美国蒙特梭利协会(AMS)是最重要的倡导优质蒙特梭利教育,一个创新的,以儿童为中心的学习方法。", "output": "The American Montessori Society (AMS) is the leading advocate and resource for quality Montessori education, an innovative, child-centered approach to learning.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“我的手指和拇指之间的右边,”他哭了起来。", "output": "“Right between my finger and thumb,\" he cried.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n请查看“关于本机”以确定您的 Mac 机型,然后查看此列表,看看其是否支持 Windows 8.1:", "output": "Use About This Mac to see which Mac you have, then check this list to see if it supports Windows 8.1:", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这家是绝对值得得到!", "output": "This house is totally worth it!", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n最重要的是,两组的男性死于前列腺癌的比例相同(0.29%)。", "output": "Importantly, both groups had the same percentage of prostate cancer–related deaths (0.29%).", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n»軍隊傳染病單位是滿載工人外國國民並不總是友好的。", "output": "Even the Army's Infectious Disease Unit is loaded with foreign workers who are not always friendly nationals.\"", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这种想法是要引进竞争机制:好学校得以生存,糟糕的学校将被淘汰。", "output": "The idea was to introduce competition; good schools would survive; bad ones would disappear.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果您使用的是Google Chrome浏览器,您还可以添加谷歌翻译扩展程序,便于访问。", "output": "If you are using Google Chrome, you can also add Google Translate as an extension for easy access.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果是 '-' , 意味着它是一个一般文件。", "output": "A '-' means that it's just a regular file, though.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n這個戰略定位應該是符合企業自身條件、持續發展及競爭環境的。", "output": "This strategic positioning should be consistent with company’s conditions, sustainable development and the competitive environment.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“在省政府工作的感觉如何?”", "output": "How is the work in the government sector?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这一功能已完全内置于 CC2650 中。", "output": "And this is all built into the CC2650.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n遺憾的是,並非所有彩電企業都能看清這一點。", "output": "Unfortunately, not all cable companies are able to do this.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果这是真的,那就意味着该天体很可能由自太阳系形成以来基本没有变化的物质组成。", "output": "If true, that means the object is likely to be comprised of material that is largely unchanged since the formation of the Solar System.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但这可能是过度悲观的想法。", "output": "This might be an overly pessimistic view.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n立陶宛总统指责俄罗斯重写历史", "output": "Poland accuses Russian TV channel of rewriting history", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n不要害怕 (Japanese Version)", "output": "Really Don't Care (Spanish Version)", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我认为他做出了正确的决定,他们得接受这个结果。", "output": "He must do the right thing and accept that result.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n联同今届新增人数,科学院现有2250位院士,其中约200人获得诺贝尔奖。", "output": "With this latest election, there are now 2,250 active NAS members of whom approximately 200 have received Nobel prizes.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我几乎与空军分开了18年的服务而不是我的绝望。", "output": "I almost separated from the Air Force at 18 years of service over my despair.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们现在正在筹建两个基地。", "output": "I am building two bases.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他斷定電磁波的存在,并推導出電與光具有同樣的傳播速度。", "output": "He asserts the presence of electromagnetic waves and derives the same propagation velocity as electricity and light.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n校园很大,有很多活动和俱乐部,永远都有很多可做的事儿。", "output": "There are countless number of activities and clubs to join and there is always something to do.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n德甲在欧洲面临下滑趋势", "output": "Dacia benefits from downsizing trend in Europe", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n此外,超融合、软件定义和可组合基础架构等新系统进展的快速采用为标准化、合理化和整合计划增加了资源。", "output": "In addition, fast-paced adoptions of new advances with systems such as hyper convergence, software-defined and composable infrastructures are adding resources for standardisation, rationalization and consolidation initiatives.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n给大家创作更多好听歌曲!", "output": "Do create some more nice songs for all of us to hear !", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n美国进入也门战争,轰炸了在海军舰上发射导弹的豪特斯", "output": "US Enters Yemen War, Bombing Houthis Who Launched Missiles at Navy Ship:", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n试图在保留苏联领土的同时放弃苏联历史是一项非常可疑的职业。", "output": "An attempt to renounce Soviet history while preserving Soviet territory is a very dubious occupation.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n尽管非生物智能在20世纪40年代中期占据了明显的优势,我们的文明还是人类的文明。", "output": "Despite the clear predominance of nonbiological intelligence by the mid-2040s, ours will still be a human civilisation.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n「你知道該上哪裡去找這種奇觀嗎?」", "output": "\"Would you know where to look to find such a place?\"", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n新英国:我对一个年轻国家的展望", "output": "New Britain: my vision of a young country.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n很多人不知道该相信谁。", "output": "Many don’t know who to trust.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n凌晨:天快亮的时候。", "output": "and light at the dawn of the day.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n10:00中国1-8月城镇固定资产投资年率-YTD", "output": "10:00 PM EST – China’s fixed asset investment (August)", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n第五个“我错了”,说给朋友以及万事万物。", "output": "Mistake number five is “we make friends with everyone”.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“记住,3岁以前的孩子什么也学不了!", "output": "Don’t think that a 2 or 3-year-old can’t learn this!", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n让我们再重温一遍:有人说凡事都有两面,但是股市只有一面,不是多头的一面或空头的一面,而是正确的一面。", "output": "They say there are two sides to everything, but there is only one side to the stock market; and it is not the bull side or the bear side, but the right side.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这是由于这些新单元或人造神经元(如RNN的标准短期记忆单元)从一开始就记住了它们的输入。", "output": "These new units, or artificial neurons, like the standard short-term memory units of RNNs, remember their inputs from a moment ago.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n上帝的知识之所以如此,是因为他的存有就是如此。", "output": "Hence, God’s knowledge is identical with his being.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n麦迪森是一家投资控股型公司,以销售高端法国红酒而闻名。", "output": "Madison is an investment holding company popular for selling top-end French wines.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“前往伦敦或巴黎:巴黎,以供选择。", "output": "\"Go to London or Paris: Paris, for choice.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n北约不知道卡扎菲在哪里", "output": "• Nato does not know where Muammar Gaddafi is.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但他是一个混血儿,在最糟糕的方式。", "output": "He is a dad gone rogue in the worst possible way.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n右翼试图完全切断移民、把移民遣送原籍;左翼则主张自由民主国家实际上有义务无限地接纳全部移民。", "output": "The right seeks to cut off immigration altogether and would like to send immigrants back to their countries of origin; the left asserts a virtually unlimited obligation on the part of liberal democracies to accept all immigrants.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n她有四个孩子,现在还盛传有了第五个孩子。", "output": "She has four kids and is in the process of adopting a 5th.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n真野广之的研究表明,融合过程是4%到5%非小细胞肺癌(肺癌的最常见类型)亚洲患者的发病原因。", "output": "Mano’s studies suggest that the fusion is responsible for about 4 to 5 percent of non-small-cell lung cancers (the most common type of lung cancer) in Asians.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n毛利人认为北岛的最北端是鱼尾,而威灵顿港(Wellington Harbour)是鱼嘴。", "output": "Maori believe the far north to be the tail of the fish and Wellington Harbour the mouth.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“在这个新物理中,没有既有场又有物质的地方,因为场是唯一的真实。", "output": "There is no place in this new kind of physics both for the field and matter, for the field is the only reality.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n欧足联最佳年轻球员的获胜者必须是1996年1月1日以后出生的球员。", "output": "To be eligible for the top young player award, players had to be born after Jan. 1, 1993.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n倘若在21世纪提出这一问题听起来有些奇怪,那么就来看看一些事实吧。", "output": "If that sounds like an odd question to be asking in the 21st century, just consider some facts.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在他58年的前几年里,胡安曼努尔避免竞选公职。", "output": "In his first 58 years, Juan Manuel avoided running for office.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nA 地是你原先的目标,B 地却让你体会了小小的冒险。", "output": "A land is your original goal, B land allows you to experience a little adventure.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n另一类梦境是涉及到你被抓起来,活埋或困在笼子中,出于某些原因你不能移动身体。", "output": "Another way this dream plays out involves you being trapped, buried alive, caught in a web, or unable to move for some other reason.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n其中一条船名为\"非洲女王\"。", "output": "I boarded a boat called “African Queen”.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n二十六中 1 1 1", "output": "22nd 1 1 26th 1 1", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n当然,我的意见不应该是白昼。", "output": "Of course, my views do not always carry the day.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n微博已经改变了中国的公共话语。", "output": "Weibo have transformed public discourse in China.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n一旦設計人員完成一小部分的設計工作,我便可以立即開始製作耗材零件目錄。", "output": "Once the designer is ready with a small part of the design, I can start to produce the spare part catalog.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n该研究的主要终点是治疗第24周时实现SLE应答者指数(SRI-4)应答的患者比例。", "output": "Its main outcome was the proportion of patients who achieved a clinical response, measured by the SLE Responder Index (SRI)-4 at week 24.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n」他說,「美國將從今天開始與信仰團體和私人組織攜手合作,幫助受迫害的人。", "output": "He pledged that the United States would “work hand in hand, from this day forward, with faith-based groups and private organizations to help those who are persecuted for their faith.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n刑法修正案(八)调整"死刑偏重、生刑偏轻"", "output": "The Eighth Amendment limits imposition of the death penalty “to those", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n中国对低价药价格上限有所松动", "output": "China to end price limits for low-cost drugs", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n传说中的起死回生:历史上8个起死回生事件真相", "output": "Back From the Dead: 8 Unbelievable Resurrections From History", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n思考下哪些情况或事件可能导致你屡犯同样的错误或不良行为。", "output": "Examine what situations or events might be causing you to make the same mistakes or engage in the same unwanted behaviors.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n父亲是为你撑起那片天的人。", "output": "Daddy’s the one who created this hell for you.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n船舶制造是涉及企业间数据交互量最大的行业之一。", "output": "The shipping building industry is one of the most demanding in terms of exchange of information between companies.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n妈妈可以在日常生活中有意识地给宝宝安排一些需要记忆的游戏或任务。", "output": "Adults can consciously arrange games or tasks that need to be remembered in their daily lives.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我当天打得很好,我们对抗一支真正强硬的比利时队。", "output": "It was a tough weekend against a good Belgian team.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n(人人都能够自由思索。", "output": "(Others can feel free.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n虽然数据显示房价可能会于2019年下跌,但预计下跌幅度微弱并且只会持续到第二季度。", "output": "Though the figures suggest that the prices might drop in 2019, the price changes are expected to be minor and are expected to last only for the first 2 quarters.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n作为一名党员,这是应该做的事。", "output": "To become a member this is what to do.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n医院采用混合云的模式也逐渐成为趋势,多云管理成为医院面临的需求。", "output": "The adoption of a hybrid cloud model in hospitals has gradually become a trend, and cloudy management has become a demand faced by hospitals.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n然而就是这样少的一支军队却征服了半个世界。", "output": "Like a powerful army it has conquered more than half of the world.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n基础设施整合虚拟化可以显着降低硬件和电力成本。", "output": "Infrastructure consolidation: Virtualization can cut down hardware and electricity costs.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n「這兩種結局,我都可能寫的。", "output": "I may eventually write both.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这些年里,我看着俱乐部一步一步地发展。", "output": "In those years, I have seen the club grow.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我是糖,你是我的一杯热水。", "output": "I am the tea bag, and you are my cup of hot water.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n獲得了更高的性自由。", "output": "There would be greater sexual freedom.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n也是我们目前生产的核心产品。", "output": "They also remain key issues in material which we produce now.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果您是一个忙碌的企业高管,需要尽快抵达目的地,那么这款飞机就是您理想的私人包机解决方案。", "output": "If you’re a busy executive that needs to be somewhere in a hurry, then this is your ideal private jet charter solution.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n共享世界(WOS)意味着我们的业务应该由共享经济进行,这也将会是我们未来的计划。", "output": "While we named ourselves as World of Sharing (WOS) which implied that our business should be implied by a sharing economy, in which that will be our future plan for WOS", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他们的配偶和子女同时获得绿卡。", "output": "Your spouse and child would also receive green cards.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但这可能正是共和党人所希望的。", "output": "But maybe that is what Republicans want.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n该法案将授权官员破坏威胁无人机的通讯,在必要时夺取控制权或销毁它们。", "output": "It would authorize officials to disrupt communications of threatening drones, seize control or destroy them if needed.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n神不會撇下我們獨自去面對問題,祂會與我們同在,助我們成長。", "output": "God will not leave us alone with our problems; he will stay close and help us grow.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但我完全支持人们站出来,然后有能力去发声,因为他们长久以来都没有发声的渠道。", "output": "But i completely support people coming out and being able to have a voice because they didn’t have a voice for so long.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n卡舒吉绝笔曝光:阿拉伯世界最需要的是言论自由", "output": "Jamal Khashoggi’s last column: What the Arab world needs most is free expression", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n放在一起,特遣队成员有二百多年的执法或军事训练和经验。", "output": "Put together, the task-force members had over two hundred years of law-enforcement or military training and experience.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他还提醒部长们,“ISIS已经开始重组并策划入侵和袭击。", "output": "He also reminded the ministers that “ISIS has begun to reorganize and plan invasions and attacks.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n此后,每一天只要他有空闲时间都会去图书馆帮忙。", "output": "to the library whenever she has free time.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n对我的舌头像血一样红。", "output": "His tongue is as red as blood.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n工业旅游是一种旅游,其中所需的目的地包括特定地点特有的工业场所。", "output": "Industrial tour is a kind of tourism ,which includes industrial areas in specific country.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“跑道、航站楼、安全和行李系统、空中交通管制以及其他大量元素都需要扩大,为乘客数量的增多做好准备。", "output": "\"Runways, terminals, security and baggage systems, air traffic control, and a whole raft of other elements need to be expanded to be ready for the growing number of flyers.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n截至今年3月末,东芝超过70%的股东为海外机构,他们也被认为在提出管理要求方面比日本同行更有发言权。", "output": "As of end-March, more than 70 per cent of Toshiba shareholders were overseas institutions, regarded as more vocal than their Japanese counterparts in making demands of management.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我不知道星期一晚上我是怎么搞的。", "output": "I don't know what got into me Monday night.\"", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n苏联的终结:莫斯科街头的遗憾和担忧", "output": "END OF THE SOVIET UNION; On Moscow's Streets, Worry and Regret", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n海顿目前指挥着美国战略司令部。", "output": "Hyten now leads United States Strategic Command.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n压力和温度数据能够存储在512字节的内置FIFO(先入先出存储器)中。", "output": "Pressure and temperature data can be stored in the built-in FIFO of 512 byte.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n昆古尔冰窟的特色之一是它有许多湖泊。", "output": "One of features of the Kungur ice cave is a large number of lakes.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nneo是“new engine option”的缩写。", "output": "The addition of \"neo\" stands for \"New Engine Option\".", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”他在院子里,先生。", "output": "“She is in the garden, sir.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n李鸿忠:你想说什么就说什么。", "output": "Mayor Leffingwell: Say whatever you want to say.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n大多数塔状坟墓可以追溯到罗马时代以前,而地下墓穴為251年建成的。", "output": "Most of the tower tombs dates back to the pre-Roman period, while the underground tombs were in use until 251 CE.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n首先,让我们来看看特朗普总统的这些数字都是从哪里来的。", "output": "First, let's look at where President Trump may have got his numbers from.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n其理论的中心原则是,我们生活中的任何不满或紊乱都是流经我们身体的能量不平衡的结果。", "output": "The central tenet of its theory is that any discontent or disorder in our lives is the result of an imbalance in the energy that flows through our bodies.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我不知道這樣的調查是如何進行。", "output": "I have no idea how the investigation is going.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n因此无需担心过量服用的问题,任何过量的硅都会最终经尿液从身体中排出体外。", "output": "So there is no need to worry about excessive use of silica, any excess silica will eventually be excreted from the body through the urine.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我怎样可以在网上看电视", "output": "How can I Watch TV Online?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我担心那会干扰我的真正的工作。", "output": "I’m worried that it distracts me from real work.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”“Jesus,我必须站起来,她呱呱地说,沙哑的声音她几乎认不出是她自己的。", "output": "“Jesus, I gotta get up,” she said in a croaking, husky voice she barely recognized as her own.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n今年5月再次测试,导弹只飞行了22英里。", "output": "It was again tested in May, and only flew 22 miles.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n阅读我的导游与其他ACT数学部分:获得26 ACT英语,ACT阅读,ACT科学。", "output": "Read my corresponding guides for other ACT sections: Get a 26 in ACT Math, ACT Reading, and ACT Science.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n身为成人,您要对您在会员档案中提供的所有信息以及与其他金婚婚介会员通信的内容负责。", "output": "As an adult you are solely responsible for any information contained in your profile and all of your communications with other Swikee members.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”他的合伙人回答他。", "output": "His partner answered for him.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nRFID标签通常比条形码更坚固耐用;但是 RFID标签也比条形码贵得多。", "output": "RFID tags are usually more robust than bar codes; however, RFID tags are also much more expensive than bar codes.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n【圖文】結了婚的男人身體更健康", "output": "People who are married are healthier.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n提醒自己,是值得被愛的,尤其是被自己所愛。", "output": "Understand you are deserving of love, especially your own.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你可能会发现专注于情绪的某一部分很有帮助,比如你的身体感觉如何,或者关于它的一些图像。", "output": "You may find it helpful to concentrate on some part of the emotion, like how your body is feeling, or some image about it.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n另一方面也跟业界的趋势有关。", "output": "But it also has to do with industry trends.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这次处决是1941年NKVD所犯下的许多屠杀事件之一。", "output": "This execution was one of the many massacres of prisoners committed by the NKVD in 1941.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n两人的爱情故事始于2014年。", "output": "The couple’s love story began in 2012.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n季节性的温度变化很少,但是 5 月是一年中最热的季节,1 月是最冷的季节,夜里会有霜降。", "output": "Seasonal variations in temperature are small, but May is the warmest month of the year and January is the coldest.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这是自然的平衡法则。", "output": "It is just a natural law of balance.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nPeruri 88 是雅加达的房屋致密化与更多绿色空间需求相结合的垂直城市。", "output": "Peruri 88 is a vertical city in Jakarta that combines densification with more green space needs.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这些都是免费的,并且十分强大的资源。", "output": "These are free and a great resource.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n两位作者披露了与制药行业的财务关系。", "output": "Two authors disclosed financial relationships with pharmaceutical companies.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这个神话解释说,最初的人类有一个圆的形状,有四条胳膊、四条腿和两张脸。", "output": "The myth explains that originally the first beings had a round shape with four arms, four legs, and two faces.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n可开会的头一天,里奥就被逮捕了。", "output": "On the first day of the meeting Leo was arrested.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“也许身高和体重,也是。", "output": "Perhaps their height and weight too.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你说得对,这些绝对是死亡威胁。", "output": "That's right, this is a death threat.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n换句话说,就是扮演上帝。", "output": "In other words, we play God.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我点了点头,喝了一口酒,我说:“把我的西装拿过来。", "output": "I stumbled out and got a cup of coffee and asked, “Ware my clothes?”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n這個代理程式「可以」存取的目錄或檔案,和/或", "output": "Which directories or files that agent can access, and/or", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他表示,在父親身上學到很多。", "output": "He said he learned a lot from his father.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n- 不会危害安提瓜和巴布达的国家安全或其它任何国家的国家安全。", "output": "- Not to be a potential national security risk to Antigua and Barbuda or to any other country.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但我们却变成了难民。", "output": "And we became refugees.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“没有什么比梦想更能创造未来了。", "output": "\"There is nothing like dream to create the future.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n剧情: 第一次世界大战进入最激烈之际,两名年轻的…", "output": "At the height of the First World War, two young…", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n6.提供组织支持,协调实验室研究人员的实验。", "output": "Providing organizational support to coordinate experiments of researchers within the lab.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n因为这些结果挑战了他们如何看待自己 - 不是种族主义 - 他们只是避免了他们。", "output": "Because these results challenged how they saw themselves — as not racist — they simply avoided them.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们必须相应地升级我们的服务。", "output": "We tailor our services accordingly.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nTwitter还宣布,它已经检测到并永久停用了六个与沙特政府控制的媒体有关的帐户。", "output": "Twitter also announced that it had detected and permanently suspended six accounts linked to Saudi Arabia's state-controlled media outlets.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n只要您在 15 分鐘內返回,就會將您安排在等候隊伍的前面。", "output": "As long as you're back within 5 minutes, you'll be placed at the front of the queue.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这就是一张小纸片如何改变了我的人生。", "output": "So that’s how one little piece of paper changed my life.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n人类的思考虑速度大约是每分钟500词,但是大多数人的说话速度只有每分钟150词。", "output": "Humans think at a rate of about 500 words per minute, but most people speak at a rate of only 150 words in those 60 seconds.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”你不是上帝,你知道的。", "output": "You aren’t God, you know.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这就是为什么我们会看到有关该行业的监管混乱,尤其是加密货币领域。", "output": "That's why we see a confusing disarray of regulations regarding the industry and especially cryptocurrencies.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n为什么连你也不肯支持我?", "output": "Why they can’t even support me?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这些是关于购买二手车你必须知道的几件事。", "output": "There are two facts about purchasing a car that you need to keep in mind.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n结果发现,有36%的大学生认为,在最近30天里,吃到的学校食物不安全。", "output": "Additionally, 36 percent of university students had experienced food insecurity in the past 30 days.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n为什么他就不能承认他和别人一样的恐惧?", "output": "Why can’t he admit I’m just as invisible to him as to everyone else?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他的大部分工作都具有政治或社会优势。", "output": "Much of his work had a political or social edge.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n最近几年委内瑞拉的货币大幅度贬值。", "output": "Venezuela’s currency has suffered a severe devaluation in recent years.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n就是不像穆斯林一天5次。", "output": "We don’t pray five times a day like other Muslims.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n22他們將成為你靈魂的生命", "output": "22 They will be life to your soul", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n1.法律、國家機關的命令和其他決議,一切組織和公民的活動,都必須符合憲法。", "output": "(1) Laws, decrees, and other decisions of state bodies and activities of all other organizations and citizens must be in full conformity with the Constitution.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n特朗普当天从早上6点到晚上11点一共发了84条推文,大约每12分钟发一条。", "output": "Trump sent out 84 tweets from 6 a.m. to 11 p.m. that day—about one every 12 minutes.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n有时候,赚钱就是这么简单。", "output": "Sometimes making money is that simple.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n而另外一个,便是‘保罗’。", "output": "And another one, “Paul.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n因此整車的質量比較大。", "output": "So, the range of the car is greater.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n制造业是最主要的部分,预计将在预测期内占最高的收入份额。", "output": "The manufacturing sector is the most dominant segment and is expected to account for the highest revenue share over the forecast period.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n不过,事情并不总是那么顺利,依靠车辆运送300公斤装备非常不容易\"。", "output": "But that is not always possible, and carrying 300 kg back to the vehicle is not easy,\" he says.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n纽约——中国能否从中等收入国家向现代高收入国家成功转型将在很大程度上取决于政府今后十年的举措。", "output": "NEW YORK – China’s successful transformation from a middle-income country to a modern, high-income country will depend largely on the reforms that the government undertakes over the next decade.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n每当你看着它时,它就改变了,正是因为你看到它了。", "output": "Every time you look at it, it changes, because you looked at it.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n西行前往巴比伦的车马大队已经是位于东边,约坍继续东去的决定就意味着他离开大队,向东前去。", "output": "The caravan migrating westward towards Babylon was already in the east, so Joktan’s decision to go eastward means that he separated from the caravan and turned towards the orient.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在学校图书馆或书友会做志愿者是展现你对英语热情的好方法。", "output": "Volunteering at your school library or a book club for younger students is a great way of showing your passion for English.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你可以划拨一段时间专注于工作(至多90分钟)。", "output": "You can only focus on tasks for a certain amount of time.(said to be a maximum of 90 minutes).", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n研究人员认为,衰老和细胞衰老的变化可能与细胞增殖的减少有关,而癌症的变化会导致细胞分裂的增加。", "output": "The researchers believe the changes in ageing and cellular senescence might relate to a decrease in cell proliferation, while cancer changes shift towards an increase in cell division.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我将于十一月在东盟直截了当地这么说”,指东盟峰会,世界领袖,包括美国总统特朗普将抵达。", "output": "And I will tell it straight during the November… in the ASEAN,” said Duterte, in reference to the upcoming ASEAN summit where world leaders, including US President Donald Trump, are set to arrive.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n关于布宜诺斯艾利斯青奥会,青年运动员不应该遭到牵连,我们决定保护这些年轻运动员,拳击仍将是比赛项目。", "output": "With regard to the Youth Olympic Games in Buenos Aires, we decided to protect these young athletes who cannot be blamed for all the issues we have on the table and keep boxing on the programme.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我对他有很多要说的。", "output": "I have so much to say about him.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在电影中,你会看到郁金香痴迷的高度,以及这样的事情能够多快消失。", "output": "During the film, you see the height of the tulip obsession as well as how quickly something like that can die out.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这是她的父亲站在她的身边吗?", "output": "Was her father still standing near her?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们在我们逗留期间感到非常欢迎。", "output": "We felt very welcome during our stay.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n因此,蛋白是维持身体正常活动所不可缺少的重要成分。", "output": "Therefore, collagen is an essential component to maintain normal physical activity.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n今天的18亿青年,代表着为世界创造美好未来的无限可能和巨大才能。", "output": "The global youth population—1.8 billion strong—represents boundless possibilities and enormous talent to build a better future for the world.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n幸运的是,我们国家的一些企业家开始意识到这个问题。", "output": "It is good that some folks in big business are starting to notice this problem.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我说\"似乎\",是因为没有研究能够支持这个说法。", "output": "I say “seem to” because no studies have been carried out to support this theory.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n为了宾客方便,总共提供290间客房。", "output": "The accommodation offers guests a total of 290 rooms.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n沃伦巴菲特 这有可能令你震惊:成功企业家经常说不。", "output": "This might surprise you: Successful entrepreneurs say “no” a lot.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们要的是站着离开孟菲斯。", "output": "But I wanted to get out of Memphis.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“如果你今天不付钱,你明天付钱。", "output": "If you can’t pay today, pay tomorrow.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n相信大家的企业会做得更大更好。", "output": "We believe every business can perform better.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这意味着他们找到了标记,蛋白质就在那里。", "output": "This meant that they had found their marks and the proteins were there.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“我们敦促我们的伊拉克伙伴继续专注于击败ISIS / Daesh。", "output": "We urge our Iraqi partners to remain focused on defeating ISIS/Daesh.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n研究他们的工作和他人的工作。", "output": "Evaluating their work and the work of others.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这就意味着耶稣基督是解释整本圣经的钥匙,而我们的任务是分辨祂如何去诠释圣经。", "output": "Jesus is the key to interpreting the whole of Scripture and our task is learn how this works.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n放心,我跟我叔都说了。", "output": "Do not worry, I told my friend.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n自7月25日以来,羔羊一直在残疾人名单上,手术一直是一个选择。", "output": "Lamb had been on the disabled list since July 25, and surgery had been an option all along.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n女人有变得更加传统的男性化。", "output": "Women have become more traditionally masculine.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们还想进一步了解您", "output": "We would also like to know more about you.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你顺应这个过程,采用五行相生相克的原理去调节病患的平衡,怎么会治不好病呢。", "output": "You follow this process, using the principle of five elements to adjust the balance of the patient, how can it cure the disease?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n出于上述担忧,欧盟认为需要仔细分析并且采取适当的行动。", "output": "The Commission confirmed that these concerns need careful analysis and appropriate action.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“但她是父母,毕竟。", "output": "“But she’s the parent, after all.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们已经多次警告过英国政府和人民。", "output": "We have often and repeatedly warned the British government and people.\"", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“可能我有錯,但我怎麼會知道。", "output": "Perhaps I am wrong – but how would I know?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我的努力正在被宇宙的支持 我的梦想清单到在我眼前的现实", "output": "My efforts are being supported by the universe, my dreams manifest into reality before my eyes.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们有自己的语言,也就是爱尔兰语。", "output": "We have our own language in Ireland too.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我將永遠不會再穿D&G。", "output": "I'll never have AT&T again.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n””国王转移他的体重。", "output": "The king shifted his weight.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n這家的公司已經有58年歷史。", "output": "the firm’s 85-year history.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n云雾苍山掩,悠然野径寻。", "output": "The moon played hide and seek with the clouds.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n睁开你的眼睛,透过这个世界的重重阴影,找到被掩盖的真相。", "output": "Open your eyes to the shadows of the world to uncover the hidden truth.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n排除后,最终的研究队列包括46,140名参与者。", "output": "After exclusions, the final study cohort included 46,140 participants.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n不仅仅是感恩,还应该是因为我们爱上帝并渴望侍奉他。", "output": "Not because I have to but because I love God and want to serve him well.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我很抱歉这个男人被杀,但那是他的选择,了。", "output": "I am sorry that they suspect was killed, but that was HIS decision.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n瓦邦兩家軍工廠在前中國陸軍官員的幫助下製造武器。", "output": "Two Wa arms factories produce weapons with the help of former Chinese Army officers, and the Wa have received Chinese", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n以前的研究表明,心力衰竭患者可以通过这种方式成功治疗。", "output": "Previous studies showed those with heart failure can be successfully treated this way.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n访问 Study in Australia 的网站,看看还有哪些其他的国际学生支援服务", "output": "Visit the Study in Australia website to find out about additional support services for international students.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n它看上去像一艘小海盗船,实际却有16层楼那么高。", "output": "It looks like a small pirate ship, but is actually as tall as a 16-story building.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n鸟类种群的相关数据能帮助科学家认识自然界其他方面的变化,它还是整体生物多样性健康程度的标志。", "output": "Data about bird populations can help scientists understand other changes in the natural world and be a marker for the health of overall biodiversity.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果不这么做的话,还有什么办法可以把记录缓存起来?", "output": "If not, how are you going to maintain those records?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在被提及的网络公司中,有数家发表声明,坚决否认公司知道或者参与了该项目。", "output": "Several Internet companies issued statements strongly denying knowledge of or participation in the program.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nKaiser Permanente的致力于帮助塑造医疗保健的未来。", "output": "Kaiser Permanente is committed to help shape the future of health care.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他们急急忙忙向大门走去。", "output": "They awkwardly waddled towards the door.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n许多夫妇可能会被诱惑去选择他们孩子的性别。", "output": "Many couples would like to be able to choose the sex of their baby.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nEPO与其国际合作伙伴一同对加强合作会如何帮助实现降低审查文件的积压与提高时效性作出了评估。", "output": "Together with its international partners, the EPO also assessed how enhanced cooperation could help achieve reductions in backlogs and improve timeliness.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n本软件或硬件是为了在各种信息管理应用领域内的一般使用而开发的。", "output": "Hazardous Applications Notice This software or hardware is developed for general use in a variety of information management applications.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n黑色和白色,他们都很酷。", "output": "Black and white, they were all cool with one another.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n为什么“南方公园”不理解气候变化", "output": "Why 'South Park' doesn't understand climate change", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果你依然不觉知,那么即使千百万世也不够。", "output": "If you remain unaware, even millions of lives are not enough.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n耶魯大學教授Ed Zeigler曾寫道:「遊戲正遭受圍剿。", "output": "Yale Professor Ed Zeigler wrote that “play is under siege.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n同时,法国政府目前考虑减少对购买电动汽车消费者的现金奖励。", "output": "At the same time, the government is considering reducing cash incentives for the purchase of electric cars.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”“青春期是骨骼生长的关键时期。", "output": "\"Adolescence is the key time for bone growth.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n随着人类向大气释放更多的二氧化碳,地球的温室效应越来越强,根据NCAR。", "output": "As humans release more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, Earth’s greenhouse effect gets stronger, according to NCAR.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“基本上,我们所做的只是允许向华为出售(某些)芯片。", "output": "“All we’ve done, basically, is to allow the sale of chips to Huawei.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n不过,他仍会留任执政党党魁。", "output": "He, however, remains the leader of the ruling party.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他說他希望不久能訪問莫斯科。", "output": "He has announced plans to visit Moscow shortly.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他们还为您的抵达时间非常灵活。", "output": "They also provide you with flexibility when it comes to your time.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n(源标题: 聆听海南经济特区的时代涛声 )", "output": "(the amount of time listening to South African radio", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n很明显,28(27)12(如圣士提反12月26日)任意选择,没有传统的圣人“即将到来的死亡日期。", "output": "It is evident that 28 (27) Dec. was (like 26 Dec. for St. Stephen) arbitrarily selected, no tradition concerning the date of the saints’ death being forthcoming.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n一些舊元件(如本案中客戶設計所用的元件)沒有考慮此點,因此在系統設計時需要額外的預防措施。", "output": "Some of the older devices (like the one in the customer’s design) don’t, and, hence, need extra precautions during the system design.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n不做任何事比较容易。", "output": "Doing nothing is easier.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n经济学“今天是一门实验科学吗? “", "output": "“Mom, can we do a science experiment today?”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这次交易对于AMD与ATI来说都造成了一定影响。", "output": "This transaction has had an impact on both AMD and ATI.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n勝利者現在可以建立一個新的憲法,在國民大會原本被選為任務。", "output": "The victors now could set up a new constitution, the task the National Convention was originally elected for.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n儿童(7岁及以下),", "output": "Children seven (7) years old and below;", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他最近才18岁,与弗拉门戈(Flamengo)在最新一届的解放者杯中品尝了荣耀。", "output": "He recently turned 18 and tasted glory in the latest edition of the Copa Libertadores with Flamengo.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他热衷于向公众传播网络安全意识,并经常撰写有关安全和科技的文章。", "output": "He is passionate about communicating cyber security awareness to the general public and frequently writes about security and technology.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n呵呵,善良,因为它是XD", "output": "Good for you because it was bad XD.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n想要获得强大的改变,你需要进行革命性的改变,而看板则是渐进发展的。", "output": "To make great changes you need to be revolutionary while Kanban is evolutionary", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n当然,任正非如此,其他管理者也是如此。", "output": "Of course he has, as have other presidents.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我不知道你是嫉妒的类型。", "output": "I don’t know if you are the jealous type.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n特斯拉并没有包含在其中。", "output": "Talia wasn’t into it.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n人们震惊于所谓“自由主义者”(liberals)并不赞成自由。", "output": "People are surprised to learn that the so-called “liberals” are not in favor of freedom.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n2005年至今,Sculptra塑然雅PLLA已於逾46多個國家共超過120萬人次使用。", "output": "Since 2005, Sculptra® has been used in more than 1.2 million people in more than 46 countries.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n確保其產品符合規例附件II 列出的基本健康及安全要求;", "output": "sfies the relevant essential health and safety requirements set out in Annex I;", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nAMF是一个独立的公共机构,负责确保投资于金融产品的储蓄得到保护。", "output": "The AMF is an independent public authority responsible for protecting investor savings in financial products in France.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n影片并没有一个连贯剧情线索。", "output": "The film doesn’t have a coherent plot.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你会考虑住在其他城市吗?", "output": "Are you going to live in another city?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n看到了什么、听到了什么", "output": "What did you see, hear?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n当我看到我们国家正在发生的事情时,我仍然非常担心,这在很多方面是世界上最幸运的地方。", "output": "And I Remain Extremely Concerned When I See What’s Happening In Our Country, Which Is In Many Ways The Luckiest Place In The World.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n人人在自我良心上建起神圣的法庭,自己审判自己。", "output": "Everyone will build a sacred court in their own conscience and pass judgment upon themselves.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n國際直撥電話 0011(國碼)(城市/區域碼)(電話號碼)", "output": "Dialing out of Australia - 0011 (Country Code) (City/region code) (Phone Number)", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n因为没有这样的框架,即便是最佳技术也无法发挥作用。", "output": "As known, without it even the best technique is powerless.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n就像他的父亲,她想。", "output": "Just like his father, she thinks.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“就像苹果和谷歌一样,我们在一个多星期前就暂停了对音频的人工审查,”一位Facebook发言人表示。", "output": "“Much like Apple and Google, we paused human review of audio more than a week ago,” a Facebook spokeswoman said.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n然而Newton吸引了公众的注意,但不幸的是人们认为他不成熟。", "output": "However, Newton had captured the public’s attention but unfortunately was seen as immature.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n所以,我就拿了三包…", "output": "I bought 3 package...", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n雅纳还说,这项禁令将严重冲击她的公司。", "output": "Yanay added that the ban would badly hit her company.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我不會知道所有的答案。", "output": "I won’t know all the answers.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在1998/99冬季和2000年夏季,任奥地利林兹大学的扩频技术和传感器技术的客座教授。", "output": "In winter 1998/99 and in summer 2000 he was guest professor for spread spectrum technologies and sensor techniques at the University of Linz, Austria.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这一分析文章由BBC委托一位在其他机构工作的专家撰写。", "output": "This analysis piece was commissioned by the BBC from an expert working for an outside organisation.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n克里斯米切尔给自己写了一封情书", "output": "Chris Mitchell writes a love letter to himself", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n软件: MudBox", "output": "Secondary Software: Mudbox", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我很擅长这个,但UNIX系统有漏洞,比如:访问控制可以绕过安全机制等。", "output": "I was quite good at it, but vulnerabilities in UNIX systems can be exploited to bypass security mechanisms such as access control.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”“他不再说了,但他知道,出于某种原因或其他原因,以菲洛森为丈夫,苏觉得她做了不应该做的事。", "output": "He said no more, but he knew that, from some cause or other, in taking Phillotson as a husband, Sue felt that she had done what she ought not to have done.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n今天,我們看到雖然好種子的發展緩慢,它的確在成長;我們對大公會議工作的感謝之情也同樣地成長。", "output": "Today, we see that although the good seed developed slowly, it is nonetheless growing; and our deep gratitude for the work done by the Council is likewise growing.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果不考虑到每一个因素的话。", "output": "Not to having every single factor figured out.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n本來我們可以擁有的一切/(你一定會希望我們從未相見)", "output": "We could have had it all ( you’re wish you never had met me)", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n当Verizon说出#5GBuiltRight时,它们必须意味着稀疏,昂贵且仅限于户外使用。", "output": "\"When Verizon says #5GBuiltRight, they must mean sparse, expensive and limited to outdoors only\".", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n因为只有生活之手才能容纳你们的心灵。", "output": "For only the hand of Life can contain hearts.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n马云:最好的点子往往来自象您这样的客户。", "output": "Some of our best ideas often come from clients...like you!", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n因为很容易得到,又很便宜,贸易自由化鼓励奢侈品进口的增加。", "output": "By making them cheaper and easier to obtain, it also encouraged an increase in the importation of luxury goods.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这两个组织均为难民提供各种资源,包括语言课程、社交互动以及课后活动项目。", "output": "Both organizations provide a variety of resources for refugees, including language courses, social interaction and after school programs.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n這一規定是符合公平原則的。", "output": "This rule is in accordance with public order.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但随着中国的进入,旧的地缘政治现状的藩篱逐渐被打破。", "output": "Yet, with China entering the scene, the bonds of the old geopolitical status quo are slowly breaking.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n也被稱為Uñade Gato,它已經被阿什尼卡印第安原住民使用了數世紀之久。", "output": "Also called Uña de Gato, it has been used for hundreds of years by the native Ashanica Indians.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果是我,我会结束它。", "output": "If it were me I would end it.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但与美国汽油作个对比,咱的炼油水平和油品质量还是略欠一筹。", "output": "However, in contrast to US gasoline, the level of refining and the quality of oil are still slightly lower.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n到人生的最後,以及世界的盡頭。", "output": "over the course of his life and by the end of the world.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n来自斯托克波特的25岁的丹尼尔泰勒去年10月逃离布莱克浦的监狱后被通缉,据信他正躲藏在大曼彻斯特", "output": "Daniel Taylor, 25, from Stockport, is being sought after he escaped from prison in Blackpool in October last year and is believed to be hiding back in Greater Manchester.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n包括作家唯色在内的 看全文", "output": "Full text including authors,", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n据麦肯锡全球研究所最近的一份报告,数据挖掘将推动创新的下一个浪潮。", "output": "According to a recent report by the McKinsey Global Institute, data mining will drive the next wave of innovation.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n不是所有魚油都是相等的。", "output": "Not all fish oil is equal.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n其他類似的交易平台是你收費3,000元,啟動和每月100元的費用。", "output": "Other similar trading platform is charging you $3,000 to start and $100 monthly fees.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n一个15岁的学生为了不让自己的父母知道自己怀孕了,选择了自杀.", "output": "A young student of 15 years committed suicide so that their parents did not find out that she was pregnant.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n美國頂尖公立研究型大學,也是世界上最富盛名且最頂尖的公立大學。", "output": "The top public research university in the United States is also the most prestigious and top public university in the world.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他说服了我15美元的投资,000年,和我住我的信仰通过一个人来开发它。", "output": "He persuaded me to invest 5,000, and I lived up to my beliefs by engaging a man to develop it.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n纳特•伯格(Nath Burg)\"希望看到鲸鱼不得不打出喷嚏时的巨大气流。", "output": "Nath Burg \"would like to see that huge blow a whale makes when it has to sneeze\".", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n人们在各种环境下使用手机。", "output": "Plus, people use mobile applications in different environments.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你需要好好利用这些人来帮助你完善你的想法。", "output": "You gotta use these people to help you make it better and to refine your thinking.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n今天早上萨维奇的家人说他们对采访感到震惊。", "output": "This morning Savage's family said they were alarmed by the interview.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nA)一名住在非洲马里名叫Rokia的7岁女孩,极度贫困,面临着严重饥饿甚至饿死的威胁。", "output": "Rokia, a 7-year-old girl from Mali, Africa, is desperately poor and faces a threat of severe hunger or even starvation.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n當時,使用的軟體就是VB。", "output": "The slide used was ALB-P®.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n名内所以我们在这里集合了。", "output": "In his name we are gathered here.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们被希望成为,可能成为,但我们失去了", "output": "You were meant to be, supposed to be, but we lost it.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n只做你应该做的事,而且尽量把它做好。", "output": "Just do what you gotta do, and do it the best you can.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我很快就回到了家里并给了好消息。", "output": "Well I am back at home and I just received some good news.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n换言之,他是最早采用交叉训练的人之一。", "output": "He was the first person to use Cross Training.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n或者利用现有的服务会增加进度风险。", "output": "Expanding existing services can also increase spending.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n根据Kurt的说法,游客在土耳其接受毛发移植服务的价格是其本国的一半。", "output": "According to Kurt, tourists receive hair transplantation services in Turkey at half the price of the one that they receive in their own country - which make them leave Turkey happy.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nIBM随后将开发第一个市政级区块链解决方案,Elm公司将把该技术应用到政府提供的服务中。", "output": "IBM will then develop the first blockchain-based solution whilst Elm will take care of implementing the technology into government services.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n其次是对传统电视广告的整合。", "output": "Second: the demise of traditional television advertising.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n该理论认为,一般的想法,如对人或发红的想法,,存在人的心灵所产生的实体,它们可以存在于所有人的心中。", "output": "The theory that general ideas, such as the idea of man or of redness, exist as entities produced by the human mind and that they can exist in the minds of all men.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他们必须学习应付各种,保持镇定和冷静。", "output": "They must perform all of these functions while remaining calm and reassuring.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n因此,我们非常建议环湖。", "output": "I highly recommend Summit Lake.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n不过也许我只需要一道蓝色的药丸。", "output": "Maybe I should just take the blue pill.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n养殖鲑鱼的逃逸将不可避免地影响野生鲑鱼种质。", "output": "Escaped farmed salmon have an impact on wild salmon stocks.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n一些政界人士会担忧中国的投资动机,但被中国企业收购的巴西企业的员工只会感激他们保住了自己的工作。", "output": "If some politicians have concerns about Beijing’s investment drive, employees of companies acquired by Chinese counterparts are just grateful that their jobs have been saved.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在这三届会议期间,提供了国际标志解释和实时字幕并进行了网播。", "output": "During the debate, international sign interpretation and captioning would be provided and webcast.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nGF汽车和GF管路系统的欧洲工厂实现了进一步的自动化,而GF阿奇夏米尔正在加速引入新产品。", "output": "Plants in Europe are being further automated at GF Automotive and GF Piping Systems, while GF AgieCharmilles is introducing new products at a faster rate.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n去黄山的那天,天公不作美,天上飘着濛濛的细雨,淅淅沥沥的。", "output": "On that Day the heaven will shake and reel, and the mountains move and pass away.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n哪些购买了鞋子但没有购买皮带?", "output": "How does one find those socks and not buy them?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n35%的人口超过 60 岁。", "output": "35% of our population is over 60.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n上官丹风道:“所以你就砍下他们的手,叫他们以后再也不能烧别人房子。", "output": "\"So you cut off their hands so that they could not burn down houses any more.\"", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他说,这否定了委员会公布的结果。", "output": "This, he said, negated the results announced by the commission.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n政府不干预是最好的政策", "output": "Non-interference is the best policy.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你的完美夏天是什么样的", "output": "What will be your perfect summer?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但是,在自信的門面和壞男孩的形象背後,是一個敏感的靈魂,努力地在無情的時尚世界中求生。", "output": "But behind the confident facade and bad-boy image lay a sensitive soul who struggled to survive in the ruthless world of fashion.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这是中国人最大的梦想", "output": "This is the greatest dream of the Chinese.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n永远不要忘记:拥有强大的力量,责任重大。", "output": "And never forget: with great power, comes great responsibility!", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n德国分裂为德意志联邦共和国和德意志民主共和国。", "output": "Germany was then separated into the Federal Republic of Germany and the German Democratic Republic.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n睡眠好习惯从出生就培养", "output": "Encouraging Good Sleep Habits from Birth to Adulthood", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n射程很长,但尝试也不痛。", "output": "Probably a long shot…but doesn’t hurt to try.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n今天,生命科学成为一个特别的研究重点,对该地区具有重要的经济意义。", "output": "Today, life sciences make up one particular research focus and are of great economic importance to the region.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n中国目前的太阳能发电能力是全世界15年前的30倍以上。", "output": "China has over 30 times as much solar energy today as the entire world did 15 years ago.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们不能等待机会回来更长的时间。", "output": "We can't wait to go backs-for a longer time.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n挪威航空公司的索賠行為就帶了一個好頭。", "output": "Norwegian airlines made good use of it.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n就如說到埃及人長子的事,「在埃及有大哀嚎,無一家不死一個人的。", "output": "In the words of your own Bible, 'There was a great cry in Egypt; for there was not a house where there was not one dead.'", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n为帮助您确定最适合您的热电偶,以下是五个注意事项:", "output": "To help you determine the best thermocouple for your purposes, here are five considerations:", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n公司将获得客户和收入,人们将积极使用奖励积分。", "output": "“Businesses will gain customers and revenue, and people will actively use their rewards points.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我丈夫和我住在公寓。", "output": "My husband and I live in an apartment.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n接受头部和颈部辐射的人可能需要拔掉辐射区的牙齿。", "output": "Persons receiving radiation to the head and neck may need to have teeth in the field of radiation extracted.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我認為這也是舞者為何跳舞的原因。", "output": "This is also why, I think, dancers dance.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们提供 24*7 支持。", "output": "We are available for 24*7 for the support.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n于是,3500万元重组补偿款诞生了。", "output": "It has since undergone a $35 million restoration.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他们以威胁的步态向她扑来。", "output": "He started to walk towards her in a threatening fashion.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n现在,她要一直被禁赛到2025年4月3日。", "output": "She is now banned until April 3 in 2025.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这使我们不仅获得了提前竣工奖金,还在业内建立了项目提前竣工的基准。", "output": "This not only enabled us to get bonuses for completing the projects before time but also established a benchmark for us in the industry to complete projects before time.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n为何提倡接种流感疫苗", "output": "Why we recommend vaccines", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在2004年,中國認證了DA20。", "output": "In 2004, Diamond received Chinese certification for the DA20.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n纳张元:我愿意生活在农村。", "output": "USDA LOAN: I want to live in a rural area.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n到目前为止,BAAM主要用于3D打印硬质材料,如ABS或碳纤维复合材料。", "output": "Until now, the BAAM has mostly been used to 3D print tough materials such as ABS or carbon fiber composites.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n她对我的猜疑微笑着。", "output": "\"She is smiling at my suspicions.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n改善美国环境和提高自然资源利用率;或", "output": "Improving the U.S. environment and making better use of natural resources; or", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果你拥有健康,那么你就是富有的。", "output": "If you have your health, you are rich.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n现在对俄罗斯有什么期望。", "output": "All hopes are now on Russia.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n,我2008年左右买了一本", "output": "I bought one around 2008.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这样,新一阶段的反苏疯狂将不能排除。", "output": "In such circumstances a new phase in anti-Soviet hysteria cannot be excluded.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n机械表可一再修理使用。", "output": "Mechanics can always be repaired.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n由于添加了玻璃,所以这种材料比尼龙PA12更耐用。", "output": "Thanks to the addition of glass, this material is more durable and resistant that Nylon PA12.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你必须自己创造这样的生活。", "output": "You’ve got to build this life yourself.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n第三百零五条 货物运输需要办理审批、检验等手续的,托运人应当将办理完有关手续的文件提交承运人。", "output": "Article 305 Where carriage of the cargo is subject to such procedures as examination and approval or inspection, the consignor shall submit to the carrier the documents of fulfillment of the relevant procedure.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n某些工作组成员还要求将多项具体产品从中国的关税配额制度中去除,进口时,只对这些产品实行关税。", "output": "Certain members of the Working Party also requested that a number of specified products be removed from China's TRQ system and that, upon import, these products be subject only to tariffs.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n感谢您一个真正难忘的旅行。", "output": "Thanks for a truly unforgettable trip.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n美国官员之前已经抓住中国在试验硬件篡改,但他们从来没有见过这种规模和野心。", "output": "U.S. officials had caught China experimenting with hardware tampering before, but they’d never seen anything of this scale and ambition.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n2009年的个人免税是每人3,650元。", "output": "The personal exemption amount for 2009 is $3,650.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n所以,基本上它還是會問你「是否允許 Sarahah 存取你的聯絡人資料」。", "output": "A popup will prompt you to either Allow Sarahah to access your contacts?.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我不感兴趣你的可爱的身体。", "output": "I am not interested in that skinny body of yours.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n答:一是促进合理用药。", "output": "WHO: Promoting rational use of medicines.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n1963年4月9日美国国会通过授予他荣誉美国公民的称号。", "output": "On 9th April 1963, the American Congress awarded Churchill honorary citizenship of the United States.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n典型地,天线可以适当地是所发射和/或接收的信号波长的O. 25倍。", "output": "Typically, an antenna can be approximately 0.25 of the wave length of the signal being transmitted and/or received.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n重要的是,在训练期间算法从未见过这两个人。", "output": "And the important thing is that the model never saw these at training time.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n—愛里亞斯(Norbert Elias),《臨終者的孤寂》", "output": "[4] Norbert Elias: The Loneliness of the Dying.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n苏格兰人承认让他明白,球迷们失望。", "output": "The Scot admitted he can understand why some fans are frustrated.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这允许对等交易,并有四个独特的特点:(1)弹性,(2)安全性,(3)可追溯性和(4)不可逆性。", "output": "This allows peer-to-peer transactions, and has four unique characteristics: (1) resilience, (2) safety, (3) traceability and (4) irreversibility.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n当你喜爱自己裸体的样子,你会想让你的伴侣看到你最好的样子。", "output": "When you love the way you look naked, you will also want to have your partner see you at your best.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n一个故事,有时需要重复数十遍,且日复一日。", "output": "It is a scenario that is repeated several times a day and sometimes dozens.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n即使某些我们认为是干的食物,如谷类和豆类,仍然含有相当多的水分。", "output": "Even foods we think of as somewhat dry, such as bread, contain significant amounts of water.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n「我知道我不属于那里。", "output": "I knew I do not belong there.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n现在世界上大概有6000到7000种语言,然而根据预测,高达90%的语言在世纪末可能不复存在。", "output": "There’s somewhere between 6,000 and 7,000 languages spoken in the world today, but according to some estimates, up to 90 percent of them might be no longer spoken by the end of this century.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n金融危機期間發生了什麼?", "output": "What happened during the financial crisis?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nDivX肯定也为自己在下一代移动内容格式中的位置制订了规划。", "output": "DivX certainly has a shot to position themselves as a next generation mobile content format.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n截至2012年10月,有50,812家零售枪支经销商 - 比2009年增加了3,303家。", "output": "As of October 2012, there were 50,812 retail gun dealers, that’s 3,303 more than in 2009.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n1.症状持续时间超过1小时", "output": "Symptoms lasting longer than 1 hour", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n不过,国际列车可能不会受影响。", "output": "International trains are not affected.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n不过女皇却有着如同孩童般的简单可爱个性。", "output": "Rei has a sweet, child-like personality.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n(一)商务合作伙伴;", "output": "(c) business partners;", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n1960年,米被重新定義,基礎是氪-86的某個譜線的波長。", "output": "In 1960, the meter was redefined based on some wavelengths of a given krypton-86 emission line.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n培生的使命是帮助人们通过学习取得生活中的进步 — 我们坚信学习能增进机会来实现更好的职业与生活。", "output": "Our mission is to help children make progress in their lives through learning — because we believe that learning opens up opportunities, creating fulfilling future careers and better lives.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n因此,不是出于安全方面的考虑,而是出于经济方面的考虑,才下令关闭了这个核电站。", "output": "Thus it was not safety considerations but economic considerations that dictated the plant's closing.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nMaya Angelou是最高级的民权活动家之一,拥抱积极思考和纯粹决心的精神。", "output": "Maya Angelou was one of the top civil rights activists and embraced a spirit of positive thinking and sheer determination.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n开放于1833年,并且是英格兰地区第二个允许公众进入的大学博物馆。", "output": "The museum was opened in 1833 being the second University museum in England to allow admittance to the general public.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我不认为这是因为这是对拉法的长期比赛。", "output": "'Yeah, I don't think it's because it was a long match against Rafa.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们可以立即缩小范围,“他说。", "output": "We can narrow it down right away,” he says.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“我需要感谢所有队友,我的教练,AIFF和整个足球兄弟会以及我的家人的支持,”本姆说。", "output": "“I need to thank all teammates, my coaches, AIFF and the entire football fraternity along with my family for their support.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n经过20年快速发展,澳门站在了新的历史起点上。", "output": "After 20 years of rapid development, Macau has stood at a new historical starting point.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“有钱吗?“他问,突然。", "output": "\"Got any money?\" he asked, suddenly.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n(26)a.你让我再想想。", "output": "22 A. Let me think.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“我将在未来几周考虑这个问题,并与费耶诺德坐下来讨论它。", "output": "“I’m going to think about it over the next weeks and sit down with Feyenoord to discuss.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n数百亿元专项资金\"躺在账上睡大…", "output": "billion from this unclaimed money is sitting in dormant accounts across", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n已就此事向公安机关报案,决定启动法律程序。", "output": "We have already reported this matter to the public security organ, and have decided to launch legal proceedings.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n沉默了很久之后,山姆突然开口了。", "output": "After a long silence Sam suddenly spoke.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n人的大脑是一种社会产物。", "output": "A man's brain is a social product.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n该化合物还使老年小鼠的寿命更长,并且比接受安慰剂的小鼠拥有更健康的大脑。", "output": "The compound also caused older mice to live longer and have healthier brains than mice that received a placebo.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果你想买你的第一辆车,第二或第三辆。", "output": "You might help them buy that first car, or second, or third.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n细节参加人数众多,让游戏看起来很有前途。", "output": "The details are well attended for, makes the game looks very promising.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n它开发、部署并扩散导弹,对美国军队以及我们的盟友构成威胁。", "output": "It develops, deploys and proliferates missiles that threaten American troops and our allies.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n美国历史上多位总统出生在伊利诺伊州。", "output": "A number of US Presidents have been elected while living in Illinois.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n5月初也可能有殘雪。", "output": "We can get snow in early May.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n大人和小孩都期待中秋节。", "output": "Children and adults are looking forward to the rest of the half term.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n第一屆国家委員會的成員大致上都很年輕,大部分都低於40歲。", "output": "The members of the first National Council were generally young, many of them aged below 40.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“申请人不能在英国违反移民法,除了任何逾期逗留期限为28天或更少,否则将不予置理。", "output": "The Applicant must not be in the UK in breach of immigration laws except that any period of over staying for a period of 28 days or less will be disregarded.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n這個新分支由一起繞著太陽旋轉的物體組成,地球每幾年遭遇一次,為期約三週。", "output": "The new branch comprises objects moving together around the Sun, and the Earth encounters it once every few years for a period of about three weeks.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但我很快就打住自己的想法。", "output": "But I will soon stop my thoughts.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n将于12月28日前往南非。", "output": "They will take on South Africa on 28 June.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n每天早上他都会在门口坐一会儿。", "output": "Every morning he's at the door.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们的人民是一个民族,我们不会这样做。", "output": "We are, generally, a moral nation and would not do such a thing.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n她嫁给了她的第二任丈夫72年。", "output": "She was married to her second husband for 28 years.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n它具有深远的治疗意义“。", "output": "\"It has far-reaching therapeutic implications.\"", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n(参赛羽数3020羽)。", "output": "(To be taken concurrently with SPAN 3020).", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n为什么将垃圾DNA用于亲子鉴定?", "output": "Why is Junk DNA Used for Paternity Testing?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n有趣的是,在听完所有学生的陈述后,专家小组得出的主要结论是,这些学生需要自己的科学使命。", "output": "Interestingly, after hearing all of the student presentations, the major takeaway from the panel of experts was that these students needed a scientific mission of their own, the release said.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n另有3人仍被羁押,正在等待开庭或判决。", "output": "Three others remain in detention and are awaiting trial dates or verdicts.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n「你這麼說可真不錯,活像狄更斯小說中那位把所有難題都用左手由右肩上拋過去的紳士。", "output": "\"It's very well for you to talk like that; it's very much like that gentleman in Dickens who used to fling all difficult questions over his right shoulder with his left hand.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n倘故意杀一蚊虫,亦决定获得如上所述之种种苦报。", "output": "The death of an individual wild bird can be reported to WIL as indicated above.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“也许我应该把这个带到我的办公室。", "output": "Maybe I should hang that in my office?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n並非所有非法殺人都構成罪行。", "output": "Not even all unlawful killings are murder.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n然而,非常遗憾的是,这架轰炸机和b52之间的竞争以b52的胜利而告终。", "output": "It is ironic that conventional attack has saved both the B-52 and the B-1 from the breaker’s yards.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nCI/CD 管道也可以进行自动化,而安全性现在已经成为了一个设计约束。", "output": "The CI/CD pipeline can be automated as well, and hence Security has to be a design constraint these days.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n所有科学家的创新都是自主的。", "output": "All scientists are independent innovators.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n孤獨,對我來說不是件好事", "output": "Being alone is not a good thing for me.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n关键是 你 可以控制焦点。", "output": "The point is that you have control over the focus.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n所以向他们展示我们也可以打棒球有点好,”吉尔伯特说。", "output": "So it was kinda good to show them that we can play baseball, too,\" Gilbert said.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n」我们很高兴欢迎她回到协会。", "output": "“We are pleased to welcome her back to the firm.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这样做是为了大大减少或消除来自墨西哥,进入美国的非法移民。", "output": "This is being done to greatly reduce or eliminate illegal immigration coming from Mexico into the United States.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在美国,大学毕业并非是成为最富有的人的先决条件。", "output": "Graduating from college isn’t a prerequisite to becoming one of the richest people in the US.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n• 一个非常有效率的进程,保证期望的检验的极大数量的足够的用品; 并且", "output": "· A highly efficient process, to ensure enough supply for the enormous number of assays anticipated; and", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果我们在JDATE上认识的话,我也不会在2004年认识以前的女朋友。", "output": "Nor would I have gotten to know a previous girlfriend in 2004 if we’d met on JDate.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在此期間,投資者不能出售其股票。", "output": "During this time, investors cannot sell their shares.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们将停止在旁边的加油站 ,你的早餐。", "output": "We'll stop at the next gas station and get you some breakfast.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n多看看金融史,你就会明白我的意思。", "output": "Check the history, you'll see what I mean.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n阅读”维吉尼亚州的”在新西方。", "output": "Reading The Virginian in the New West.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nNFI的电影制作计划就像电影制作人的训练营。", "output": "NFI’s Cinema Production Program is like bootcamp for filmmakers.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这一座的人对互不相同的和...", "output": "This one is different and...", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他认为他是我然后…ughhh。", "output": "Now if it was me.... ahhh.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n多一点多一些 : 生还者", "output": "Here are a few more: Survivor.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nKelsier是这一切的中心。", "output": "Kelli is at the center of it all.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“从认知革命以来,智人一直就生活在一种双重现实中。", "output": "“Ever since the Cognitive Revolution, Sapiens have thus been living in a dual reality.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这将为经济带来支撑,”第二位政策内幕人士表示。", "output": "This will provide support for the economy,” said a second policy insider.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n另一天,Nolan站在一個箱子上,Howard親自為他傳球。", "output": "Another day, Nolan stood on a box and Howard himself threw him an alley-oop.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你们还自己说是法国人呢,你们连自己的语言都不会说,不会写!", "output": "'What! you claim to be French, and you can neither speak nor write your language!'", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他把研究生的时光都用在了建立细菌病毒模型,但是它们太复杂了,Endy渴望简单简洁的东西。", "output": "He spent his years in graduate school modelling bacterial viruses, but they are complex, and Endy craved simplicity.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n當首要目標是設計出最適合日常使用的筆記型電腦時,將重點優先放在電池上是很合理的。", "output": "And when the goal is to design the perfect notebook for everyday use, giving priority to the battery just makes sense.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n不仅进一步吸引了维珍本身的商务旅客,还将竞争对手的头等舱及经济舱旅客都吸引过来。", "output": "It attracted not only business-class customers but also full-economy-fare and first-class passengers of other airlines.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我可以保持葡萄牙境外的税务公民身份吗?", "output": "Can I keep my tax residence outside Spain?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n投资必须保留至少5年,您可以独立企业家的身份进行投资,也可以单一成员有限公司所有者的身份进行投资。", "output": "Investment must be kept for at least 5 years and may be made either as an independent entrepreneur, or as proprietor of a single member limited company.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n两个属虎的人能不能在一起?", "output": "Can Two Neutered Cats Live Together?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我确实有预约周三早上见某人,但今天已经被撞到,所以已经完成了。", "output": "I did have an appointment to meet with someone Wednesday morning, but it got bumped to today, so it’s already done with.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n運運動時,注意心率要提高到最高和最低的安全心率范圍內。", "output": "When you do the exercise, you should pay attention to the heart rate will be increased to the maximum and minimum safe heart rate range.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n至于你前夫,你所经历的一切我很抱歉,但这不是我们给你的建议。", "output": "As for your ex-husband, I’m sorry what you went through but that isn’t the advice that was given.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n可能会有一种选择,一种是租赁智能合同,另一种是自由持有的智能合同。", "output": "There could be an option perhaps of a leashold smart contract and a freehold smart contract.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n完美的解决方案是如此的简单、透明,甚至你会忘了它经由设计。", "output": "The perfect solution needs to be so simple and transparent you forget it’s even there.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我希望每个人都能继续支持我们。", "output": "We hope everyone will continue to support us.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n要深入了解這座城市的歷史,請在江戶東京博物館花上幾個小時。", "output": "For an in-depth look at the city’s past, spend a few hours at the Edo-Tokyo Museum.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在门票售罄之前安好座位。", "output": "Reserve your seat before the tickets are sold out.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“很明确,最高法院希望审理加密案件,但其表示,如果最先处理加密案件,这可能会占用董事会一周的时间。", "output": "It is clarified that Court wants to hear the Crypto matter but it has expressed that if Crypto matter taken up in the beginning then this might block the board for a week.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n通常情况下, 输液和茶全天小口被建议喝,但它也可以在2个或3个剂量来划分每日剂量的药用植物 。", "output": "Often, it is suggested to drink herbal infusions and teas in small sips throughout the day, but it is also possible to divide the daily dose of medicinal plants in 2 or 3 doses.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n鱼肉镜下表面粗糙,具有纤维结构,类似肉粉,只是颜色浅。", "output": "The fish mirror has a rough surface and a fibrous structure, similar to meat powder, but with a light color.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n不,没有别的拷贝了。", "output": "No, there are no other copies.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他需要所有孩子的帮助。", "output": "She needs the help of all her sons.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n伊利诺斯成为美国第16个废除死刑的联邦州。", "output": "Illinois is the 16th US state to abolish capital punishment.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n人类将在短短两个世纪内扭转5000万年的气候变化", "output": "Humans on Course to Reverse 50 Million Years of Climate Change in Just Two Centuries", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n可以看到几个示威者踢KKK成员。", "output": "Some of the protesters carried KKK signs.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但不管怎样,我们至少可以确定一件事——", "output": "Eldad: At least we can be certain of one thing—", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“我把大脑视为一台电脑,在零部件出故障时就会停止工作。", "output": "“I regard the brain as a computer which will stop working when its components fails.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们会增加新的元素到节目里。", "output": "We are going to introduce some new elements to the show.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“劳拉真的不是个ch子,霍莉。", "output": "“Laura isn’t really a bitch, Holly.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n有一天我和另一位家長談到孩子的飲食習慣。", "output": "I recently had a conversation with another parent about creating healthy eating habits for children.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在线广告是侵犯知识产权的网站的主要收入来源。", "output": "Online advertising is a major source of income for copyright infringing internet sites.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他们的在发展独特的新加坡华族文化方面扮演的角色是复杂的。", "output": "Their role in the development of the unique Singapore Chinese culture is thus complex.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n该声明写道,“我们无意侮辱北京奥组会或无数其他人,他们为改善北京的空气质量已经做出了巨大努力。", "output": "It read, in part, \"Our decision was not intended to insult BOCOG or countless others who have put forth a tremendous amount of effort to improve the air quality in Bei- jing.\"", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n油雾消除器可以防止油雾污染空气和土壤,这有助于企业显着降低上述政府法规的风...", "output": "Oil mist eliminators will prevent oil mist from contaminating air and soil, which helps companies significantly reduce the risk for the above mentioned government regulations.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n客户的认可是合作成功最好的证明。", "output": "Satisfied customers are the best proof of successful cooperation.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这可能会产生足够的生物燃料,以取代目前美国石油利润的30%左右。", "output": "That could potentially produce enough biofuel to replace about 30 percent of current U.S. petroleum consumption.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在预算内改造厨房的4种方法", "output": "4 Ways to Remodel Kitchen on a Budget", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n第三个是“根除ISIS”,然后撤出叙利亚。", "output": "The second one is that he wants to defeat ISIS and then get out of Syria.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这不是一个5%的移动设备,它也不是一个五元的移动设备。", "output": "This is not a five-cent device, nor is it a five-dollar device.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n观众最终会说:‘来吧。", "output": "Audiences are eventually going to go, \"Come on.\"", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n1964年,医院医生免费为社员治疗。", "output": "In 1946 medical care was made free to all people.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n地方政府将搬迁安置区与现代农业发展基地和工业园区建设有机结合,并加大后续支持力度。", "output": "The local government has combined the relocation areas with the construction of modern agricultural development bases and industrial parks, and strengthened follow-up efforts to support the integrated development of the areas.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n报纸盒子在外面排成一行。", "output": "Pre-ordered newspapers are left in a box outside.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n同时,也减轻了其他道路的压力。", "output": "And the pressure on other routes would be reduced.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n然而,不幸的是,达罗的恐惧已经实现。", "output": "Sadly, Perron’s fears were realised.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n了解被动和主动坠落保护的区别是一个很好的开始。", "output": "Understanding the difference between passive and active fall protection is a great place to start....", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n上周末在维吉尼亚州夏洛兹维尔市所发生的事件,实在令人恶心至极。", "output": "Last weekend’s events in Charlottesville, Virginia, were horrifying.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n去年在美国销售的汽车中,有 44%为进口汽车。", "output": "Of the cars sold in the U.S. last year, 44% were", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n然后他们建造了一架小型飞机X-1,尝试着打破音障。", "output": "The Army had developed a small, bullet-shaped aircraft, the Bell X-1, to challenge the sound barrier.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n\"研究指出: 政治兩極化改變美國人工作和購物方式\"", "output": "“Research: Political Polarization Is Changing How Americans Work and Shop.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n朋友,珍惜你所拥有的一切,因为不是什么都能保持永久的", "output": "Appreciate your life, be thankful for everything you have because nothing lasts forever.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n您将与多学科团队一起工作,并与来自各种背景知识的学生一起工作。", "output": "The teams will be multidisciplinary: you will be working with students from different backgrounds.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n402 Payment Required 不能使用此代码。", "output": "402 Payment Required You cannot use this code yet.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n前MI5的一員Annie Machon在專欄中解釋:", "output": "Special mention for ex mi5 agent Annie Machon as well:", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n然而,在很大程度上,國家對此有責任。", "output": "But to a great extent, blame the states.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你的身体在做它必须要做的事情。", "output": "Your body does what it needs to do.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果您有吞咽食物困难:", "output": "If you have an unhealthy relationship with food:", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n火星,太陽系第四顆行星,有個和地球非常不同的大氣層。", "output": "Mars, the fourth planet from the Sun, has a very different atmosphere from that of the Earth.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n炸弹嫌疑人在推特上威胁人们,推特没有采取行动", "output": "Bomb suspect threatened people on Twitter, and Twitter didn't act", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n与其他人相比,这些人更易于对小事情作出过度反应,容易苦恼和愤怒。", "output": "Compared with other people, these people are more likely to overreact to small things, prone to distress and anger.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n教育的整个艺术是唤醒年轻人天然好奇心的艺术,为着以后满足它的目标。", "output": "The whole art of teaching is only the art of awakening the natural curiosity of the young mind for the purpose of satisfying it afterwards.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n当时,加油站内空无一人。", "output": "There was no one at the gas station.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n因此,對宗教自由的承諾編織成美國文化的基礎,也理所當然永久被憲法所保障。", "output": "A commitment to freedom of religion was therefore woven into the fabric of American culture and supposedly guaranteed in perpetuity by the Constitution.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但是,我学习它很宝贵little-Sandy对我来说不仅仅是一个比赛。", "output": "But with all my learning--it was really precious little--Sandy was more than a match for me.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但是,理想中的朱丽叶,最真实的现实,关闭了文学上遇到的高窗口虚构的罗密欧我的血液。", "output": "But the ideal Juliet of the best possible reality closed the high window of the literary encounter on the fictitious Romeo of my blood.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n对于他们来说,适应气候变化意味着确保粮食安全。", "output": "Does Adaptation to Climate Change Provides Food Security?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n儿童在很小的时候就知道言语可以伤害到其他小朋友。", "output": "Children learn at a very early age that words can hurt other children.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n2008年遭受旱災,在全球經濟衰退之前就開始農產品出口減少和經濟放緩。", "output": "Drought hit in 2008, reducing agricultural exports and slowing the economy even before the onset of the global recession.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在开阔水域中,可以达到12节的服务速度。", "output": "In open waters, a service speed of 12 knots is achieved.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n當我80歲的時候,我會為我曾經嘗試過的事物感到驕傲。", "output": "I would be very proud of the fact when I’m 80 that I tried.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n漫步在古老的城镇,中世纪的加泰罗尼亚人命名为巴塞罗那,或小巴塞罗那。", "output": "Stroll around the old town, which the medieval Catalans named Barcelonetta, or Little Barcelona.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n維多利亞女王大廈是典型的羅馬風格結構,外墻是斑駁的深橙色。", "output": "Queen Victoria building is a typical Roman style structure, exterior wall is mottled deep orange.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在二十世纪初期,它成为印度自由发展的坚实基础。", "output": "During the early 20th century it became a strong base for the Indianindependencemovement.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n简介:一帮大学生们意外地释放一个邪恶的诅咒,让人杀死自己变成僵尸魔,又名ZEMONS的!", "output": "Story: A bunch of college kids accidentally unleash an evil curse that causes people to kill themselves and turn into Zombie Demons, aka ZEMONS!", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n2.出國期限屆滿,且 該外國人變更其居留地,而未告知該管外事機關其可聯繫之住址者。", "output": "2. the period allowed for departure has expired and the foreigner has changed his or her place of residence without notifying the foreigners authority of an address at which he or she can be reached,", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这座独特的书店都值得到访。", "output": "The bookshop alone is worth a visit.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n高效的团队是由一群有能力的成员组成的。", "output": "A strong team is one that is filled with capable team members.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n利来需要指出的是,开展职业技能教育培训工作是新疆在特殊时期采取的特殊做法。", "output": "Carrying out vocational skills education and training is a special approach taken by Xinjiang in special times.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“这不仅是针对我们的战争,也是针对人类的战争,”他说。", "output": "\"This is a war not just against us, but against humanity,\" he said.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我可能会再去,但不会再点鱼和薯条。", "output": "I’ll go back, but I won’t order the fish and chips.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但是数字化并不像很多人期望那样成为就业和经济增长的驱动力。", "output": "But digitization has not been the driver of job and economic growth that many hoped it would be.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n不幸的是,我现在不能写很多关于巴勒斯坦的文章。", "output": "Unfortunately, I can not write much about Palestine at the moment.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n两人都在星期五被暗杀,都是头部中弹。", "output": "Both presidents were shot on Friday, and they were both shot in the head.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nHUAWEI也提交了21轮详细意见,阐述该决定对偏远地区用户和企业的伤害。", "output": "Huawei also submitted 21 rounds of detailed comments, explaining how the order will harm people and businesses in remote areas.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这反映了真实,它反映了这些人的意图。", "output": "What this reflects really, it reflects the intentions of these guys.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n目前,160多条航线已经开通,为全球港口服务。", "output": "At present, more than 160 shipping routes have been opened for delivering goods to global ports.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n此时知道他的一兄一妹先后死于肺结核。", "output": "And shortly before that her eldest sister died of tuberculosis.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n1473年,成化九年", "output": "1422, reigned 9 years.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n今天,我们不是在演戏,你在某些神秘或冒险,你有相当不错的工作,能为客户第一的贾斯汀期待准备的沙龙。", "output": "Today, we are not putting you in some mystery or adventure, you have pretty nice task, to get the salon prepared for the first customers that Justin is expecting.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n人若是能爱仇敌,他就能爱一切人。", "output": "And, of course, if you can love your enemy, you can love anyone.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n由于该设置将影响所有的打印作业,因此在完成打印作业后,应恢复其原始设置,这一点很重要。", "output": "Because this affects all print jobs, it is important to return the printer back to its original settings once your job has printed.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n引力永远是引力,这意味着牛顿定律——更重要的是描述它的数学方程,永远都不会改变。", "output": "Gravity will always be gravity and that means that Newton’s Law, or more importantly the maths equation describing it, will never change.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这一和解是非常重要的。", "output": "This reconciliation is essential.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他们知道害怕变化对成功和幸福来说是有害无益的最大威胁。", "output": "They know that fear of change is a major threat to their happiness and success.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n她知道,只要你在你的设备附近打开盒子,它就会连接起来。", "output": "She knows that whenever you open the case near your device, it is going to connect.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n菲永被暴他妄称自己是财务诚实的典范。", "output": "Fillon was exposed as having misrepresented himself as the paragon of financial honesty.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n去年以来,随着石墨烯产业化的提速和政策扶持力度的加大,我国已形成多个石墨烯产业集群,并不断壮大。", "output": "Since last year, with the acceleration of the industrialization of graphene and policy support efforts to increase, China has formed a number of graphene industrial clusters, and continue to grow.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n公元869-874曾在潘诺平原建立斯洛文尼亚独立国家。", "output": "In 869–874 on the Panno plains, an independent state of Slovenia was established.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他的工作是评估毛皮的价值并详细记录各种交易的财务账目。", "output": "His job was to value furs and detail the various transactions in the financial accounts.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“我从来没有说过我被指控的其他事情。", "output": "“I never did any of those things they accused me of.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n尽管如此,虽然我可以流利地运用347种同领地范围内的语言,可是,我一直也没有接触过你们的英文。", "output": "Nonetheless, although I am fluent in 347 other languages within The Domain, I have not been exposed to your English language.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n王子将代表女王陛下。", "output": "The Prince will be representing Her Majesty The Queen.\"", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n然而,苏格兰圣安德鲁斯大学的内森·贝利博士认为,与世隔绝同样有效,而且基本没人研究这个。", "output": "However, Dr Nathan Bailey of the University of St Andrews, Scotland, decided isolation is equally interesting, and much less investigated.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你试图表现得很完美,好象对任何事都很在行。", "output": "You feel wonderful, as if you could accomplish anything.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n2018年的比赛则提高了难度,组织者设计了3个需要合作的任务。", "output": "For the 2018 competition, the organizers made it harder by designing three different missions that all require collaboration.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n不要因为她而破坏那一份关系的。", "output": "Ruin not your relationship because of it.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n2005年12月26日,最高...", "output": "On 26 December the most…", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n没有人可以为你做这件事,也没有人可以把本体送给你,因为你就是它。", "output": "No one gives it to you and no one can take it away from you, because it is you.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这里是华人新移民最喜爱的区", "output": "This is the favorite area for Chinese new immigrants.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我不想要你離開,你可不可以握著我的手", "output": "I don’t want you to leave, will you hold my hand?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n是时候删除所有车轮块,没有时间可以浪费。", "output": "Remove all the wheelblocks theres no time to waste.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n埃尔斯沃思足球队赢得了两个NJCAA全国冠军。", "output": "The Ellsworth football team has won two NJCAA national championships.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n开放并不一定意味着自由。", "output": "Access doesn't necessarily mean free.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n不平等重新成为新闻。", "output": "Homelessness is back in the news.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我并不总是写为生,甚至当我最天真地举行的梦想有一天能够这样做,写作总是困难的。", "output": "I didn’t always write for a living, and even back when it was my most fondly held dream to one day be able to do so, writing was always difficult.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n它通常是甜的红葡萄酒,经常作为甜点酒。", "output": "The typically sweet, red wine, is often served as a dessert wine.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n终,那就是建立一个有信仰的社区。", "output": "The end is the creation of a beloved community.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n该飞船7月27日抵达国际空间站。", "output": "The space freighter is due to arrive at the International Space Station on July 27.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“他们比叙利亚的调查服务更糟糕。", "output": "“They are worse than the Syrian investigation services.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n21.造船的目的不是停在港湾,而是冲击风浪;做人的目的不是窝在家里,而是打造梦想。", "output": "The purpose of shipbuilding is not to stop in the harbor, but to hit the waves; the purpose of life is not to be at home, but to create a dream.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n玛丽于是派遣了雷森顿的威廉·马特兰德作为驻英格兰宫庭的大使提交了将玛丽作为可能的英格兰储君的议案。", "output": "Mary then sent William Maitland of Lethington as an ambassador to the English court to put the case for Mary as a potential heir to the throne.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n伊布:我为他们高兴。", "output": "IBV: I was very pleased with them.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n广陵,是在那个方向吧", "output": "hills in that direction.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n虫洞不仅可能连接宇宙中两个独立的区域,还可能连接两个不同的宇宙。", "output": "It is believed that a wormhole may not only connect two regions of the Universe, but also connect two different universes.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但纵观历史,人类始终遭受着一种他们从来都未能逃脱的痛苦困扰——衰老。", "output": "But throughout history, humans have suffered from a condition that they have never been able to escape - ageing.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们在黑暗中工作,我们尽我们所能。", "output": "We work in the dark and we do what we can.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这种技术带来了一个全新的市场,但是由于其仍然是新兴技术,所以会稍稍地降低存储阵列的成熟度。", "output": "These technologies introduce a whole new economy of scale, but because it's still new, deduplication drives down the storage array's maturity factor slightly.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nWebP文件由 VP8 或 VP8L 图像数据和基于RIFF 的容器组成。", "output": "The WebP file consists of VP8 image data and a container based on RIFF.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n布什说,他已与加拿大驻美国大使谈及此案。", "output": "Bush said he has spoken with Canada's ambassador to the United States about the case.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n图中的这个家庭在房屋被芝加哥种族暴乱破坏后逃离了出来。", "output": "This family is evacuating their house after it was vandalized in the Chicago Race Riot.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但这不是一个快速解决方案。", "output": "That’s not a quick solution though.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n总之,我不想同她说什么。", "output": "Anyway, I don’t want to say anything to her.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n神从来不会受挫和沮丧。", "output": "God’s love is never frustrated or disappointed.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n美国国会议员呼吁贝拉克·奥巴马总统支持阿塞拜疆", "output": "US congressman calls on President Obama to support Azerbaijan", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你的逻辑对,我的结果对了,你的逻辑就没有意义。", "output": "Somehow, yes, your logic doesn’t make sense.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n该双层别墅随后经过重建,并且于本周一以2999万5000美元的高价重新挂牌上市。", "output": "The two-story house has since been rebuilt, and returned to the market Monday with a new price tag: $29.995 million.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“很多人认为33岁之后,球员的状态就会往下走。", "output": "\"Generally people think that after the age of 30, players go into decline.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n此外,双方就中方加入《政府采购协定》进行了交流,同意共同努力,加快中方加入《政府采购协定》的进程。", "output": "The two sides exchanged views on the topic of China’s accession to the Government Procurement Agreement and agreed to work together to accelerate the accession process.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如何影响江西人的日常生活?", "output": "How has the government affected the daily lives of the Kashmiri people?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这是一个惊喜,因此,发现下列世纪年底他与恐惧和回避的文章,被禁止书籍的索引,那里呆将近一百八十年。", "output": "It comes as a surprise, therefore, to discover that by end of the following century he was banned with horror and that the Essays was consigned to the Index of Prohibited Books, there to stay for almost a hundred and eight years.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n也许并不奇怪,93%的人说,经营自己的企业是工作满意度最高的一种。", "output": "Perhaps not surprising, 93 percent say running your own business is the best kind of job satisfaction.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们建议您在链接到这些网站时查看这些隐私政策。", "output": "We encourage you to review these privacy policies when linking to these websites.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n为此,发达成员承诺根据本协定第67条,包括与其他相关政府间组织联合,提供技术合作。", "output": "To this end, developed country Members undertake to provide technical cooperation in accordance with Article 67 of the TRIPS Agreement, including in conjunction with other relevant intergovernmental organizations.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“我们必须能够平衡他们", "output": "And we have to be able to balance them.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在德国获得博士学位后,他去了伦敦。", "output": "After teaching in Scotland he went to London.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在第二部分中,她概述了一些处理这些痛苦的有益方法。", "output": "In the second half, she outlined some helpful ways to approach those suffering.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们是否终于踏上通往安全、可靠、环保、可持续能源系统的道路呢?”", "output": "Are we, at last, on the path to a secure, reliable and environmmentally sustainable energy system?\"", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n当我们说“太阳能”时,它不仅仅是象征性的。", "output": "When we say “solar” it is not just symbolic.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n不久后,我就在成人教育工作,但我的学习欲望仍然在我的脑海里,虽然我不知道如何做到这一点没有办学资格。", "output": "Very soon after I went to work in adult education but my desire to learn was still in the back of my mind, although I had no idea how to do this without school qualifications.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你让我知道什么时候兰德尔被捕,和任何可能出现的进一步发展。", "output": "You will let me know when Randall is arrested, and any further", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果涉及到網上購物,你有三個選項供你使用。", "output": "When shopping online, you have three choices.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n显然,它觉得我打扰了它早餐。", "output": "I apparently disturbed its breakfast.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n您可轻松地将更多的摄像机添加到系统当中。", "output": "Easy to add multiple cameras to the system.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n然后,我忘记所有的曾经,一切从头来过。", "output": "And then I forgot, and everything started all over.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n1949年日内瓦公约:起源与当前意义", "output": "The Geneva Conventions of 1949: origins and current significance", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n愿每一位嘉人都能以一个独立的人格存在并且可以获得尊重。", "output": "I want each painting to exist independently and to be felt.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但行业观察家将此视为航运业和北极地区的一个潜在转折点。", "output": "Many analysts see it as a turning point for the shipping industry and the Arctic.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我認為這很酷,因為你可以去常常周遊列國,並與來自世界各地的人會面,而這些人通常不常見面。", "output": "I think it's really cool because you get to travel and to meet people from all around the world that you wouldn't normally get to meet.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nINCJ是一家有日本政府背景的投资基金。", "output": "INCJ is an investment fund with Japanese government background.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“解开你的安全带,“我对Annabeth大喊大叫。", "output": "\"Unfasten your seat belt,\" I yelled to Annabeth.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但是離家的時間比較短,而且跟家中持續地保持一些聯繫,", "output": "but the time they leave home is shorter, and they keep some contact with their family,", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们的酒类物流专家团队拥有丰富经验,为全球众多名酒和烈酒商人、鉴赏家、拍卖人及分销商提供服务。", "output": "Our team of wine logistics specialists has extensive experience in serving many of the world’s most prestigious wine and spirit merchants, connoisseurs, auctioneers and distributors.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“碰巧,我们的朋友需要一些特殊的东西。", "output": "Just in case friends want to do something special.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“这更多的是一种心理战术。", "output": "‘This is more of a psychological drama.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n大的可以到1, 2公升。", "output": "Can grow to 1 1/2 pounds.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n注意:所有公眾假期日期在出版時均準確無誤,但可能會有所變更。", "output": "Note: All public holidays are accurate at the time of publication, but may be subject to change.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“你好好照顾自己,我先走了。", "output": "“Take good care of him, I am leaving first.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n這些自然療法通常也比傳統藥物便宜。", "output": "Also, these natural therapies are usually less expensive than traditional medical therapies.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n二、注意你的“第一印象”", "output": "Carefully consider your “first impression.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nILO还警告说,欧洲和北美的长期失业率问题正在成为一个大问题。", "output": "The ILO also warned that long term unemployment is becoming a big problem in Europe and North America.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这两年,母亲两次入狱,只有一个原因:她想做个更好的人。", "output": "Twice in the last two years, she has been imprisoned, and for only one reason: she wanted to be an even better person.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n」百姓等候匝加利亚,都惊讶他滞留在圣所内那末久。", "output": "Meanwhile, the people were waiting for Zechariah and were surprised that he stayed in the sanctuary so long.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n受访的CFO们认为西班牙的风险高于埃及,投资希腊的风险甚至超过利比亚和叙利亚。", "output": "For instance, the report claims Spain is perceived as a riskier investment destination than Egypt; Greece is seen as more risky than Libya and Syria.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“世界上没有其他流行病像我们目前所经历的那样复杂,”Kalenga说。", "output": "\"No other epidemic in the world has been as complex as the one we are currently experiencing,\" said Kalenga.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n双方将违约金约定为每天3%,即如果超期还款,朱某每天需要支付违约金900元。", "output": "The two sides will breach the contract for the 3% day, if overdue repayment, Zhu every day need to pay liquidated damages of 900 yuan.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n是中国首座国家级野生动物园。", "output": "It is the first national grade wild zoo in China.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n2013年,他在雅加达成功上演自己的职业首秀,并很快成为印度尼西亚搏击冠军赛轻量级冠军。", "output": "He made a successful professional debut in Jakarta, and soon became the Indonesia Fighting Championships Lightweight Champion.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n2019 年,微软抛弃了其专有的 Edge 浏览器,转而使用基于 Chromium 的新开源版本。", "output": "In 2019, Microsoft dumped its proprietary Edge browser for a new open-source version, which is based on Chromium.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n做饭后,她拿起儿子留下的纸,惊讶地发现他写的东西!", "output": "After cooking the meals, she took the paper left by his son and was shocked to see what he wrote!", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n至2005年为止,洛克希德马丁的营业额95%来源于美国国防部、其他美国联邦机构、和外国军方。", "output": "In 2005, 95% of Lockheed Martin's revenues came from the United States Department of Defense , other U.S. federal government agencies, and foreign military customers.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”“就是那个时候,我知道我必...", "output": "\"And it was then that I knew that I...", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我想请您帮帮我,我怎么做才能挽回他的心。", "output": "please help me what can i do, to re-gain my hair.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n圣诞节我想要的只有你(2017)", "output": "All I Want For Christmas is You - 2017", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n虽然非传统关系继续增加,但除了新兴成年人之外,婚姻仍占大多数关系。", "output": "Although nontraditional relationships continue to rise, marriage still makes up the majority of relationships except among emerging adults.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他们分辨不清红色和蓝绿色,并将两者看成是黄白色。", "output": "You would not be able to distinguish between red and green, both would look like a muddy yellow.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我总是有一个大明星。", "output": "I’d always had a star.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n晚期癌症患者常有显著的症状影响其情绪状态、生活质量和功能能力。", "output": "Patients with advanced cancers often have significant symptoms that affect their emotional status, quality of life, and functional ability.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在失眠的参与者中,每晚使用尼古丁与睡眠持续时间平均减少42.47分钟相关。", "output": "Among participants with insomnia, nightly nicotine use was associated with an average 42.47-minute reduction in slumber duration.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我放弃了两年的合同?是的,因为我和米兰之间的故事不能用金钱来衡量。", "output": "I gave up my two-year contract because the money for me in Milan can not be in question.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n抽象是面向对象编程的功能之一,您只需向用户显示相关详细信息并隐藏不相关的详细信息。", "output": "Abstraction is one of the feature of Object Oriented Programming, where you show only relevant details to the user and hide irrelevant details.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n此举旨在让你们大致了解一下亚马逊各部门正在做些什么,以及致力于这些项目有多么令人兴奋。", "output": "The goal is to give you a sense for how much is going on across Amazon and how exciting it is to work on these programs.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n当时它被称为乌克兰苏维埃社会主义共和国。", "output": "This ultimately became known as the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n似乎有一些基因联系在糖尿病、尤其是2型糖尿病。", "output": "There seems to be some genetic links in diabetes, particularly type 2 diabetes.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n当这对夫妇相遇时,威廉姆斯从来没有听说过Reddit,而Ohanian从未看过威廉姆斯打网球!", "output": "When the two first met, Williams didn’t even know what Reddit was and Ohanian had never seen the tennis star play before.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n上学的平均四年费用是30285美元,而科技行业的平均工资是225000美元。", "output": "The average four-year cost of attending the school was $30,285, while the average salary earned in the tech industry was nearly $225,000.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n這意味著使用者不會接觸一氧化碳或焦油,這是煙草煙霧中最致命的兩種成分。", "output": "This means users are not exposed to carbon monoxide or tar, two of the deadliest components of tobacco smoke.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nAK: 当我做奥斯卡颁奖典礼时,服装设计师Julie Weiss说有人告诉她我“十分挑衅”。", "output": "AK: When I did the Oscars, the costume designer Julie Weiss said that someone told her I was \"10 percent defiant.\"", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”她她大大的眼睛转向我,试图收集她乱七八糟的想法。", "output": "She shifted her wide eyes to me, trying to gather her jumbled thoughts.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n凡尔登条约,查理曼帝国被一分为三。", "output": "The Treaty of Verdun divided Charlemagne’s empire into three kingdoms.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n目前,学前教育的水平参差不齐。", "output": "At present, the form of pre-school education varies a lot.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n食品工业和农业的发展是任何国家粮食安全的一个重要组成部分。", "output": "A stably developing agricultural industry is a key element of any nation's food security.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他们鼓励您与2个或更多的人一起申请,你必须年满18岁,并且愿意在申请的同时填写一份问卷。", "output": "They encourage you to apply with 2 or more people, and you have to be over 18 and willing to complete a questionnaire alongside the experience.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”(箴言13:14)所罗门王在箴言第13章1-13节表明,圣经的劝告能改善人的生活,叫我们避开危险。", "output": "(Proverbs 13:14) In the preceding 13 verses of Proverbs chapter 13, Solomon showed how the counsel found in God’s Word can help us to improve the quality of our life and avoid endangering it.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n对于正常充电(高达7.4千瓦),汽车制造商已在汽车中安装了电池充电器。", "output": "For normal charging (3kW), car manufacturers have built a battery charger into the car.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n此后的很多年,她再也没有跟任何人提起过这段可怕的的经历….", "output": "All these years she could not share this horrible experience with anyone.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n那时她笑了,就在街上。", "output": "She started laughing, right there, in the middle of the street.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他们在水中浸泡了两个小时,然后发现效率下降了5.4%。", "output": "In the test, the device was soaked in water for 2 hours and the efficiency only decreased by 5.4 %.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n饰演 Mrs. Snow", "output": "I would take Mrs. Snow.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“你认为三名UCLA的篮球运动员会说谢谢你吗?", "output": "“Do you think the three UCLA Basketball Players will say thank you President Trump?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n然后她听到了沉重的脚步声。", "output": "Then she heard heavy footsteps.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n该调查还显示,超过的分析师预计日本央行在明年政府上调销售税时不会采取额外行动来支持经济。", "output": "The survey also showed that more than 90 percent of the analysts don’t expect the central bank to commit extra actions to support the economy when the sales tax is increased next year.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你别把我像对待其他人。", "output": "Don’t treat me like the others.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n6.既然上帝子民的历史表明祂在过去赐给他们丰富的福气,我们满可以相信祂现在和将来会继续赐福给他们。", "output": "Since the history of God’s people shows that God has blessed them abundantly in the past, it may be confidently expected that He will continue to bless them now and in the future.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他们知道各种复杂的细节,并深入讨论了教练是否昨天做出了正确的决定。", "output": "They know all sorts of complicated details and enter into far-reaching discussion about whether the coach made the right decision yesterday and so on.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n内感受是一个迭代过程,需要身体状态感知和这些状态的意识之间的相互作用,以产生适当的自我调节。", "output": "Interoception is an iterative process, requiring the interplay between perception of body states and awareness of these states to generate proper self-regulation.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n感謝串門,請不要猶豫與我聯繫;我一個電話或電子郵件,您在甚至是你入住後前有任何問題或疑慮了。", "output": "Thanks for stopping by,please do not hesitate to contact me; I'm a call or email away from any question or concern you have before, during or even after your stay.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n由于火山喷发,夏威夷变得越来越大", "output": "Due to volcanic eruptions, the landmass of Hawaii is constantly growing.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他是去地狱走过一趟的人,但却从未失去他的精力、他的乐观、他对生活的热情。", "output": "He had been to hell and back, and he had somehow never lost his energy, or his optimism, or his zest for life.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n当然,一个伟大的历史人物不可能是完人,都有他的缺点,错误或罪行。", "output": "Now according to this a hero does not need to be perfect, he can have his or her flaws or mistakes.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这些数据记录仪放置在集装箱前部的上层。", "output": "These data loggers were placed at the front of the container on the top level.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n由于发生迅速,要求立即进行治疗,因而脑中风也被称作是一次''大脑袭击事件''。", "output": "Because strokes occur rapidly and require immediate treatment, a stroke is also called a brain attack.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n◆我們創造我們的知識", "output": "We are creating the knowledge.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在这样的社会背景下,社会工作者应运而生。", "output": "It is in the context of this anxiety that social workers receive referrals.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n十年后,让我学习如何成长。", "output": "In 3 weeks I am learning how to be a grown up.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n17位分析师发布了发现金融服务公司股票的1年价格目标。", "output": "14 analysts have issued 1 year target prices for Discover Financial Services' shares.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n人类每天使用的化学品,如药品和个人护理产品,最终会进入附近的水域,因为废水处理设施无法有效清除它们。", "output": "Chemicals that humans use every day, such as medicines and personal care products, end up in nearby watersheds because they are not effectively removed by wastewater treatment.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n请注意,您将在麦克风设置上投入更多的资金。", "output": "Just be aware that you’ll be investing quite a bit more into your microphone setup.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n您或家人意外生病或受伤都会让您错过或缩短行程。", "output": "Unexpected illness or injuries to you or your family can cause you to miss or cut short a trip.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“他受到天主教徒的广泛钦佩,但六分之一的新教徒和三分之二的宗教信徒也非常看好他。", "output": "He is most widely admired by Catholics, but six-in-ten Protestants and two-thirds of the religiously unaffiliated also view him favorably.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这也适用于各种备份,甚至是各种网络电缆或电线。", "output": "This also applies to backups and even any network cable or the power cord.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n也是这种渴望,驱使许多青年男女加入犯罪团伙。", "output": "It is the desire that lures many boys and girls into joining gangs and partaking in criminal activities.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“我们需要像往常一样踢球,努力赢得比赛,这很重要。", "output": "\"I think we need to play like always, try to win.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这就是为什么,六岁时,我放弃了作为一个画家的辉煌事业。", "output": "This is why I abandoned, at the age of six, a magnificent career as an artist.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n因为只有罗马曾经征服过世界。", "output": "Wealth conquered Rome after Rome had conquered the world.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n农业甲烷排放量(共计%)", "output": "Agricultural methane emissions (% of total)", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n那些害怕挑战的人总会感到谴责和悲伤,因为他们永远不会知道自己的方式。", "output": "Those that are afraid of challenges will always feel condemned and sad because they never know their way through.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n嗯,重点是“相貌和外表独特”。", "output": "However, the primary meaning is \"the external or outward appearance.\"", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n法西斯主义是残暴的。", "output": "Fascism is violent.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n无法保证将与Catalyst进行任何交易。", "output": "There can be no assurances that any transaction with Catalyst will occur.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nQ:這項指控是真的嗎?", "output": "Q. Are the allegations true?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果要一切都有目的和意义,那神必须存在。", "output": "“For anything to have purpose and meaning, God must exist.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n(九)减少化妆品和个人护理消费品中塑料微珠的使用,并处理其他来源的微塑料。", "output": "Reduce the use of plastic microbeads in cosmetic and personal care consumer products and address other sources of micro-plastics.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n劲舞团游戏人物可以改名么,怎么改?", "output": "Game mode names were changed, so should we change them?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n大约十秒钟后,你将无法站立。", "output": "After about 10 seconds, you will stand without wavering.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n本周末,我们将发布第三份《金融稳定报告》,这份报告将分享我们对美国金融体系弹性的详细评估。", "output": "At the end of this week, we will be releasing our third Financial Stability Report, which shares our detailed assessment of the resilience of the U.S. financial system,\" he said.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你可以让这一切去相同的样式,或者选择一个不同的为他们每个人。", "output": "You can use the same image on all of them or choose to have them all different.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n现在我生活在平静,爱和感恩中。", "output": "Today I live in love, presence and gratitude.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“他坚持专注,相信在下一刻,这是一个非常非常好的方针。", "output": "\"He stayed concentrated, believed in the next moment and it was a very good goal.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n其也是古老的Aghlabide的首都。", "output": "It has also been the ancient capital city of Ahmedabad.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n拉尔森出狱后还没有被驱逐,因为越南拒绝接收1995年以前进入美国的越南人。", "output": "But ICE could not deport him because Vietnam has refused to accept deportees who came to the United States before 1995.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但是,这些早到的鸟儿将遭受地球上最猛烈的暴风雪。", "output": "But these early birds face the fiercest storms on the planet.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n84.每天平均有12个新生儿被交给错误的父母。", "output": ":- On an average, 12 newborns are given to the wrong parents daily.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n并且不断地给我新的勇气去愉快地正视生活的", "output": "and time after time have given me new courage to face life cheerfully,", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在玫瑰园的同学聊天,读一本书在百年塔的树荫下,或难逃下跌树木繁茂的赫斯溪峡谷步道。", "output": "Chat with classmates in the rose garden, read a book in the Centennial Tower’s shade, or escape down a trail in the wooded Hess Creek Canyon.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“那,至少,这是一种常见的抱怨。", "output": "At least, that is a common complaint.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n与消极情绪相比,它们很少,也较少分化。", "output": "They are few and less differentiated than negative emotions.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n因此,永远忆念无常和死亡是如此必要。", "output": "Therefore always remembering impermanence and death becomes so essential.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nA2 我要的幸福 3:33", "output": "A2 Take Me To The Mountains 3:33", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nOpendoor在开展业务的那些州拥有中介执照,但不向买家收取费用。", "output": "Opendoor maintains a brokerage license in the states in which it operates but does not charge buyers fees.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n(请安排15:00之后起飞的航班)", "output": "(Please schedule your departure flight after 5:00 p.m.)", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n所以在这些集合,我们已经通过分组主题,地点和涉及的人物的电影。", "output": "So in these collections, films have been grouped by theme, location and the personalities involved.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n与许多颜色相比,一些独特的颜色在视觉上更具吸引力,并且能更好地吸引注意力。", "output": "A few distinct colors are more visually inviting and focus attention better than many colors.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他们最早发现于1784年。", "output": "They were first discovered in 1784…", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n李光耀的国葬将在为期一周的哀悼后,于3月29日举行。", "output": "A state funeral will be held on 29 March, after a week of mourning.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在这四个门类中,美国与墨西哥之间的行业顺差在全球范围内都是最大的。", "output": "And in each of those four categories, the U.S. industry’s surplus with Mexico was its largest globally.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nOYO以千万美元收购数据科学计算公司Danamica", "output": "OYO acquires Danish data science firm Danamica for $10 million", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nBrian不是这种情况。", "output": "But Brian is not in that position.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“清教徒们并不清楚这段历史,他们迁入了一片墓地中。", "output": "The pilgrims didn’t know it but they were moving into a cemetery.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\ne) 評審所采取的糾正和預防措施的有效性;", "output": "(c) the corrective and preventive actions taken by the establishment;", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n和你总是可以得到另一个链接。", "output": "You can always find another lineup.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n该计划称为 Innova。", "output": "The company is called Innovega.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“惊讶于人们这么容易相信它。", "output": "“I was really surprised that people believed it so easily.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n閱讀更多關於回歸大自然的釋懷", "output": "Read more about a return to nature", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n脸太大,一个不能专注它或使它的脸。", "output": "The face was so big, that one couldn’t focus it or make it a face at all.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nImplanon种植体的费用在400美元至800美元之间,并考虑了所有费用。", "output": "The Implanon implant costs between $400 and $800, with all charges considered.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n然而在許多襲擊中,恐怖分子專門針對耶穌基督的追隨者,強迫他們逃離家園或改變宗教信仰,一些人則被殺害。", "output": "In many incidents, however, terrorists specifically targeted followers of Jesus Christ, forcing them to flee their homes or change their religion, while others were murdered.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n(1502条) 发布动态", "output": "(1502) The existence of debates", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n威靈頓是紐西蘭的地理、政治及文化中心", "output": "Wellington is the geographical, political and cultural centre of New Zealand.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n重复一遍:每天最多安排两件重要的目标或者任务。", "output": "As stated, you should have, at most, two primary goals or tasks per day.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n[阅读:无情的不幸婚姻的12个微妙迹象]", "output": "[ Read: 12 Delicate Signs of a Loveless Unhappy Marriage ]", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n[畅聊吧] 佛教僧侣为什么要攻击穆斯林教徒?", "output": "Pingback: Why Are Buddhist Monks Attacking Muslims?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n有很多因素可能促進他們的健康和長壽,不僅僅是飲食和鍛煉,它也是一個關係親密的社區,還是一個母系社會。", "output": "There are likely many factors that contribute to their health and longevity, not only diet and exercise, but also that it is an intimate community rich in relationships and is a matriarchal society.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我們從他蒙受了這命令:那愛天主的,也該愛自己的弟兄。", "output": "This commandment we have from Him: that he who loves God must love his brother also.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n五款Monaco限量版腕錶中的第三款,巧思恰是源自1990年代的主題、風格和趨勢。", "output": "The third of five limited-edition Monaco watches was inspired by the themes, styles and trends of the 1990s.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n互操作性(认证标准)、连接标准、开放标准和通用隐私政策等为开发人员最期望实现的几个方面。", "output": "Interoperability (certified standards), open standards, connectivity standards and common privacy policies were all on the top of the list of developers.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nCapital One 的口号是“建立一家从事银行业务的技术公司,与使用技术的银行竞争” 。", "output": "“Capital One has been on a journey to build a technology company that does banking and competes with banks that use technology.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n头脑风暴所有选项和可能的解决方案-你可以要求你喜欢和信任的人来帮助你。", "output": "Brainstorm all the options and possible solutions – you can ask someone you like and trust to help you.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n3.耶稣让我们免于死亡的恐惧", "output": "Jesus save me from the fear of death.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n没有它,一切变成黑暗。", "output": "Without them, everything goes dark.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n所以,在被问到你对某件事(或某个人)的具体看法之前,请保持沉默。", "output": "So hold your tongue until you’re specifically asked what you think about something (or someone).", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但是加氢站的成本高达200万美元,所以许多企业不愿大规模建设加氢站,除非路上出现更多的燃料电池汽车。", "output": "Fueling stations cost up to $2 million, so companies have been reluctant to build them unless more fuel cell cars are on the road.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“而且,显然,我们不会是唯一这样做的人。", "output": "\"We're definitely not the only ones doing this.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我拥有强烈的政治观点,但是伯克希尔拥有报纸——而我并不拥有。", "output": "\"I have some strong political views, but Berkshire owns the paper — I don't.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n取缔VPN:7月29日,苹果公司从它在中国的在线商店里悄悄地撤下了十几种VPN应用程式。", "output": "VPN crackdown: On July 29, Apple quietly removed dozens of virtual private network (VPN) applications from its online store in China.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们祖先的初衷是什么?", "output": "What was the spirit of our forefathers?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n比尔·盖茨和微软试图培养一种持续偏执的文化,但是随着数十亿美元的涌入,偏执很快就被现金淹没了。", "output": "Bill Gates and Microsoft tried to cultivate a culture of continual paranoia, but with billions pouring in, paranoia is quickly deluged by cash.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n您可以通过政府和旅游机构找到有关预计停靠港口的信息。", "output": "You may find information about the scheduled ports of call through the governmental and tourist organizations.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n贾恩指出,币安仅在第三季度就发布了十二种“主要”产品,超过了其12个最大竞争对手的总产量。", "output": "Jain pointed out that Binance launched a dozen “major” products in Q3 alone, outpacing the combined output of its 12 biggest competitors.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n談到改善思路,很難在短時間內取得成功。", "output": "When it comes to thoughts of betterment, it is quite hard to reach success in a short time.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n有时我认为这些经验比起那些所谓愉快的经验更为宝贵。", "output": "Sometimes I consider unpleasant experiences more valuable than so-called pleasant experiences.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”让我们把这事做完,这样我们就可以回家了。", "output": "Let’s finish the work so we can go home.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n來自100多個國家的年銷售額達42億加元,公司在全球擁有約8700名員工。", "output": "With annual sales of CA$4.2 billion from over 100 countries, the Company employs approximately 8,700 people worldwide.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n上一篇 : 海洋细菌不是海洋中的同质种群", "output": "Marine Bacteria Are Not Homogenous Populations in the Ocean", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n博尔顿认为,国际刑事法院的创建是为了攻击美国领导层,而不是让真正的国际极端罪犯承担责任。", "output": "Bolton suggested the ICC was created to attack U.S. leadership, not to truly hold egregious international criminals accountable.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n特种部队在军用直升机降落在医院屋顶后,袭击者被枪杀。", "output": "They were shot dead after special forces landed on the roof of the hospital in a military helicopter.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n作不少,其中包括“土。", "output": "Several meanings including “low land.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他们称自己为全球深度报道网,或是GIJN。", "output": "They called themselves the Global Investigative Journalism Network, or GIJN.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n例如,20%的退货率可能是由于产品缺陷、客户素质和发货延误等因素造成的。", "output": "For example, that 20% return rate could be due to a combination of manufacturing defects, poor customer education and shipping delays.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n放我出去,放我出去吧。", "output": "Leave me out, leave me out,", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n社区参与是每位学生在 ACU 的学习生活的核心组成部分,并融入于我们的课程中。", "output": "Community engagement is also a core part of every student’s experience at ACU, to the point where it’s embedded within our courses.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n中国又进行反卫星试验?", "output": "Is China Preparing an Anti-Satellite Test?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n对于许多人在南卡罗来纳州默特尔比奇及其周围的家中淹没,风暴中最热情的港口是一个完全陌生的人。", "output": "For many people flooded out of their homes in and around Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, the most welcoming port in the storm has been a total stranger.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你每天都梦想着执教你曾经效力过的球队。", "output": "I think that everyday you dream of managing the team where you once played.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“我希望他能赢,但他的影响已经取得", "output": "\"I hope he can win but his impact has already been made.\"", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n主後1648 – Chmelnicky屠殺上千個的波蘭猶太人。", "output": "• 1648 A.D. – Chmelnicky massacred tens of thousands of Polish Jews.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但当他离任时,作为国家元首的十二年里,对其最大的谴责不是来自外部世界而是来自法国自己。", "output": "But as he leaves office, the loudest condemnation of his 12 years as head of state comes not from the outside world but from the French themselves.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n然后,将其放入带有抽吸装置的容器中,将其浸入水中,并将其抽真空至27kPa的真空2分钟。", "output": "Then, place it in a container with a suction device, immerse it in water, and evacuate it to a vacuum of 27 kPa for 2 minutes.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n谁说虚拟现实不具有社交特性?", "output": "Who says doctrine doesn’t have social effects?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n而这个希望就是市场。", "output": "That hope is the markets.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n」这一来、他们就要使我剩下的炭火都熄灭,而不给我丈夫留名或留余种在地上了。", "output": "Thus they would extinguish my ember that survives, without leaving my husband any name or survival on the face of the earth.\"", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n就我父亲而言,他的人生中做出了一个伟大而艰苦的决定:逃跑。", "output": "For his part, my father made one great, hard choice in his life: to flee.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果您没有看到恢复错误,但仍然看到“连接 iTunes”屏幕,请联系 Apple 支持。", "output": "If you don't see a restore error, but still see the Connect to iTunes screen, contact Apple Support.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他告诉我他的志向是成为一名医生,尽管在洛杉矶中南部的家中没有一个人上过大学。", "output": "He told me of his ambition to become a doctor, although no one in his family in South Central Los Angeles had ever been to college.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n第三个因素是对中国崛起的恐惧(有人会说这是偏执思想)。", "output": "The third factor is the fear (some would say paranoia) of a rapidly rising china.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果他是德国间谍,他就不会写,嗯,因为它没有向德国提供信息。", "output": "If he’s a French patriot he didn’t write it, because it gives information to Germany.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n它是从你最根深蒂固的信念,价值观和你领导的原则的。", "output": "It is derived from their most deeply held beliefs, values, and the principles they lead by.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这种类型的智能需要计算机直接观察世界并对所见做出反应。", "output": "This sort of intelligence includes the computer perceiving the world directly and appearing on what it sees.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n男同性恋者揭示了他们不希望别人知道的恋物癖", "output": "Gay men have revealed the fetishes they don’t want others to know about.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你一定要看到它你自己得到充分的效果。", "output": "You have to watch it for yourself to get the full effect.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n2008年,该馆推出了重新设计的网站,其中包括能够浏览该博物馆的永久馆藏。", "output": "In 2008, the museum launched a re-designed website, which includes the ability to browse the museum's permanent collection.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这些函数的 64-位版本只能在 64 位的进程里面使用。", "output": "The 64-bit versions of these functions are available only in 64-bit processes.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果没有,它可能会持续更长时间。", "output": "If not, it's going to take longer.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我希望所有的女人都拥有他们所需要的一切资源来在精神上茁壮成长,在基督里治愈疾病。", "output": "I want all women to have all of the resources they need to thrive spiritually and to heal in Christ.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n巴黎:红磨坊秀与晚餐选项", "output": "Paris: Moulin Rouge Show with Dinner Options", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n圣经说:”还记得基督教导,让他的话丰富你的生活,使你更具智慧。", "output": "The Bible says, \"Remember what Christ taught and let his words enrich your lives and make you wise.\"", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n撒拉逊人边锋被禁赛13周。", "output": "The Saracens winger was given a 13 week ban.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n耶稣基督诞生前约1800年,创世纪49:10记载道:", "output": "Nearly 1800 years before the birth of Jesus Christ, Genesis 49:10 records:", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n很多基督徒為了參與這種最新文化潮流甚至搬去了中國。", "output": "Some Christians have even moved to China to participate in the latest cultural trend.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n要先保护好自己和家人,早一天是一天。", "output": "Protect yourself and your family, for pennies a day.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n对于目前采用公路运输、但存在使用铁路运输潜力的某些线路和数量,企业表达了自己对的兴趣。", "output": "Businesses have expressed their interest in specific routes and volumes that are currently transported by road but have the potential for moving over to the railways.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们看到阿富汗人民摆脱塔利班暴政并选举了新总统和新议会。", "output": "We’ve seen Afghans emerge from the tyranny of the Taliban to choose a new president and a new parliament.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“我只是喜欢那些人去观看网球,体育场已满,”她说。", "output": "“I just love that people go and watch tennis and the stadium was full,” she said.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们希望调查组能比其他任何人更快地给出意见。", "output": "We hope that some aspects of the inquiry will be moved along more quickly than others.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nGT1是专门制造的赛车,所以只有大约30个制造。", "output": "The GT1 was purpose-built race car, so only around 30have been made.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n有些人对这种牺牲自然表示反对,就象印度的类似的迷信活动中的受害人有时所表", "output": "47 Some of them showed the natural repugnance to the sacrifice occasionally manifested by the victims of a similar superstition in India.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但是我可以打包票,如果我们不加入,美国会有更多借口找我们的麻烦。", "output": "\"But I guarantee that not joining will provide the US with more excuses to increase our problems.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们可以因疏忽而堕落,在我们躲藏的洞里渐渐缩小,或者我们可以尝试建造更好的东西。", "output": "We can go down through negligence, dwindling away in our hiding holes, or we can try to build something better.\"", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nAugustin Landier,2014年最佳年轻经济学家奖", "output": "Augustin Landier, Laureate of the Best Young Economist of France Award 2014", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你同意这一观点吗,为什么?", "output": "Do you agree with this opinion? why?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我的另一半 1992", "output": "the second half of 1992.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n十三年前我認為這不可能發生。", "output": "13 years ago, I never thought this would happen.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果是放在教堂、禮堂、或公共場所,聖誕樹則比較高大,而樹的下邊也可放禮物的。", "output": "If it is placed in a church, auditorium, or public place, the Christmas tree is tall, and the bottom of the tree can be present.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n从融资的角度来看,这些竞争对手必须向评委们展示,他们至少90%的资金来源于非政府部门。", "output": "From a financ- ing point of view, the main threshold is simply that competitors must show XPrize judges that at least 90 percent of their money comes from nongovernment sources.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n若上述条件长期处于不均衡之中,不可容忍的情形将接踵而至,为走向均衡带来改变。", "output": "If these conditions remain out of equilibrium for long, intolerable circumstances will ensue, which will drive changes toward these equilibria.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n茶/咖啡/牛奶始终是供客人使用。", "output": "Tea/Coffee/milk is always available for guests.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n可用于名片、菜单或类似的产品。", "output": "It can be used for business cards, menus, or similar products.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n它也可以用于直接解决您的产品上的问题从而提高产品质量并增加销售。", "output": "It can also be used to solve problems directly on the product to improve product quality and increase sales.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n本场演出建议观演年龄8岁+。", "output": "This show is recommended for age 8+.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n最好是用外交手段解决。", "output": "Best to resolve diplomatically.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n4月2日,9個白人在進攻印第安堡壘的時候被殺。", "output": "On April 2, nine whites were killed by Indians during an attack on Fort Pitt.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“在我看来,这次选举不是民主党对共和党的…", "output": "\"In my opinion this election is not Democrat versus Republican…", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n無急性疾病或傳染病;及", "output": "untreated illnesses or diseases; and", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n因此,我们维持了我们在11月28日投资者日提供的长期预测。", "output": "We remain confident in our long-term financial model we outlined at our Investor Day in November last year.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n正如 Moreno 所暗示的那样,拉斯维加斯实际上是世界娱乐之都。", "output": "As Moreno suggests, Vegas is indeed the entertainment capital of the world.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n35、生产一定量的剩余价值时,一种因素的减少可以由另一种因素的增加来补偿。", "output": "In the production of a definite mass of surplus value, therefore the decrease of one factor may be compensated by the increase of the other.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你知道自己腳型是屬於….", "output": "Do you know your legs from...", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我怀疑没有多少人能够在基督的十字架上,看到荣耀和美丽。", "output": "I suspect that many see no peculiar glory and beauty in the subject of Christ's cross.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这种放电,能持续整个怀孕期间,通常是无害的,不需要治疗。", "output": "This discharge, which can continue throughout pregnancy, is typically harmless and doesn't require treatment.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n精品咖啡的销量每年增长20%。", "output": "Specialty coffee sales are increasing 20% every year.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n该国超过 80% 的陆地都是珊瑚礁,这些小岛高于海平面不到 1 米。", "output": "More than 80 per cent of the country’s land is composed of coral islands which rise less than one meter above sea level.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n阿联酋、科威特和卡塔尔在此次会议召开前表示支持该政策。", "output": "The U.A.E., Kuwait and Qatar gave their support ahead of the meeting.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n兰卡斯特大学成立于1964年,现在被认为是该国顶级院校之一。", "output": "Lancaster University was founded in 1964 and is now regarded as being one of the top institutions in the country.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“我经常尽我所能让他们开心,我做的事情能让他们获得享受,我自己也会乐在其中。", "output": "“I’d often do what I could to please them, and the fact that I was doing something they enjoyed so much made me enjoy it too.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果一辈子只想做好一件事,...", "output": "If you only do one thing during this week…", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n上一篇 :美国房屋开工,建筑许可在1月份下降", "output": "US housing begins, building permits drop in January", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果他们写了一本书,或做了一个科学发现的信息放在讣告。", "output": "If they wrote a book or made a science discovery put that information in the obituary.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n2019年目标只有三个字:撑下去。", "output": "My goal for 2019 was 3 words: GO ALL IN.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果您所購買的電影或電視節目有瑕疵、無法觀看或內容與說明不符,您可以在購買後 65 天內申請退款。", "output": "If your movie or TV show is defective, unavailable, or doesn't perform as stated, you can request a refund within 65 days of your purchase.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我在黑板上畫了一條橫線,寫上一個數字「1,000」。", "output": "I drew a line across a marker board and wrote the number “1,000.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nArtyom不相信转世。", "output": "James does not believe in rehabilitation.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n为什么说 Go 和 Rust 不是竞争者", "output": "Why Go and Rust are not competitors", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n选定的研究课题将包括具有详细商业计划的工业概念,以及利用空间站或独立飞行结构建立可居住平台的可行性。", "output": "“The portfolio of selected studies will include specific industry concepts detailing business plans and the viability of habitable platforms, using the space station or separate free-flying structures.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但心灵的更高需求是不会被遗忘。", "output": "And assuredly man's deeper wants are not forgotten.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n全球汽车3D打印市场的主要参与者有:", "output": "The major players in global 3D printing in automotive market include:", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他们抱怨他们没有收到“紧急”动议的通知,也没有时间准备回应。", "output": "They complained they had not been given notice of the ‘emergency’ motion and had not had time to prepare a response.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n她通常知道该说些什么或者做些什么让我感觉好些。", "output": "He always knows what to say or to do to make me feel better.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n听说大概从10年前开始,岛民人数降至50人以下后,猫的数量就开始增加了。", "output": "They say that 10 years ago when the population of the island went below 50, the number of cats started to increase.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n保安们在角落里互相战斗。", "output": "The guards were fighting with each other over in the corner.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n主题包含应用程序加密和破解,社工和rooting。", "output": "Topics include application encryption and cracking, social work and rooting.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n虽然番茄红素的加工番茄产品含量较高,但仍建议尽可能食用新鲜的全番茄。", "output": "Even though processed tomato products are higher in lycopene, it’s still recommended to consume fresh, whole tomatoes whenever possible.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n太阳能路灯安装应根据当地道路和场所的特点及照明要求,进行排列。", "output": "The installation of high mast lights shall be arranged according to the characteristics and lighting requirements of local roads and places.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n那里似乎总是有人在线。", "output": "There is always someone always online.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n刚开始他们的事业,都在为钱和家庭而奋斗。", "output": "Both were just starting out on their careers, and both were struggling with money and families.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n熟练运用Word、Excel。", "output": "Skills in WORD, EXCEL.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n尼日尔有很多自然美景。", "output": "Niger has a lot of natural beauty.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n遗憾的是,我们可能永远无法与这些外星人见面。", "output": "We'll probably never be able to do this with aliens.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n上一篇: 被指控为“政治化精神病学”的医生实际上正在做相反的事情", "output": "Opinion | Those Doctors 'Politicizing Psychiatry' Are Actually Doing The Opposite", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n常被誉为“没有围墙的大学”。", "output": "They are sometimes referred to as “colleges without walls.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n[清明节的作文300字]", "output": "[Omitted list of about 300 names]", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果他们成功了的话,那么他们又是在征税,并花掉税收收入。", "output": "Insofar as they succeed, they are again imposing taxes and spending the proceeds.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n最有前途之一的年轻体操运动员,Samantha Wick也是大家公认的最难相处的女孩。", "output": "One of the most promising young gymnasts, Samantha Wick is also one of the hardest girls to get along with.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n战俘地位只适用于国际性武装冲突。", "output": "The Convention initially applied only to international armed conflicts.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他们测定了超过 4,200 名老年运动员的健康年龄。", "output": "They determined the exercise ages of over 4,200 senior athletes.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n01.05.2017 \"滨海新经济\":采访BASKAKOV·ANATOLIY。", "output": "13.05.2017 \"The New Economy of Primorye\": Interview with Elena Yaskevich.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n早于爱因斯坦前两个世纪,休谟意识到,独立于观测者的标准时间并不存在。", "output": "Two centuries before Einstein, Hume recognised that universal time, independent of an observer’s viewpoint, doesn’t exist", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n而且,这种局势始终连续到北宋熙宁五年(公元1072年)。", "output": "Moreover, this situation has been extended to five years Xi-ning the Northern Song Dynasty (AD 1072).", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n物流提速的行动远不止于此。", "output": "Lower speed limits go much further than this.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他们都回到了出生的地方", "output": "They all return to their native place.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这些都是首席祭司和他们的弟兄在耶书亚的日子。", "output": "These were the heads of the priests and their brethren in the days of Jeshua.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n\\n\\n照片显示,随着船头部分和其他外部结构的加装,001A的装配接近完成。", "output": "The imagery shows that, with the addition of the bow section and other exterior components, the assembly of the Type 001A CV is nearly complete.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n学院派真让人妒忌!!!", "output": "Other colleges are jealous!", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n這兩條冰川位於西藏最偏遠的地區,異常大雪可能起到了作用。", "output": "The two glaciers are in the remotest parts of Tibet, and unusually heavy snowfalls may have had a role.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n提供灵活性和可移植性,可发挥多核处理技术的潜在性能", "output": "Delivers flexibility and portability, allows performance potential of multicore processing technology to be realized", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n顺便说一下,我老婆也是教师。", "output": "By the way, my wife is also a teacher.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在操作模式下,当某些值大于 128 时,此代码执行失败。", "output": "In operational mode, when some of the values get bigger than 128 the code fails.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”“如果他的成绩还不错,那么他应该得到另一次机会。", "output": "“If he finishes well he should have another chance.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n结点的主要作用是拓扑信息;其它数据必须通过使用多类型的值来存储。", "output": "The main point of being a node is the topological information; other data must be stored by utilizing that a value can have multiple types.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他凭直觉知道他们要去哪里。", "output": "They instinctively know where they need to go.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n九月和十月是俄罗斯每年最糟糕的月份,尤其是彼得格勒。", "output": "September and October are the worst months of the Russian year-especially the Petrograd year.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n使用现有检测装置的研究表明,质子的寿命至少为1034年。", "output": "Previous studies have set the lifetime of a proton to be at least 1034 years.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果这话是我的朋友说的,我会对他或她说什么?", "output": "What would I tell my friend if this happened to him or her?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n2018澳洲日:纪念澳洲华裔军人活动", "output": "Australia Day 2018: Commemorating Chinese Australian Military Service", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”如果他想在eBay上出售它,让他在eBay上出售它,我在乎什么?", "output": "If he's selling it on eBay, is it relevant?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n跳槽到一家规模较小的公司Synlogic意味着放弃这个机会。", "output": "Moving to a smaller company, Synlogic, meant giving up that opportunity.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n终于,有一天,她要他帮忙解决一个难题。", "output": "One day, he asked me to help him with an issue.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n于是,国际上关注的重点就。", "output": "We then focus on international concerns.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n因此,HTML不可编辑,并且难以维护移动设备。", "output": "As a result, the HTML is not editable, and it is difficult to maintain mobile devices.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n西格尔:我们不提供这样的指导,但你是对的,CPE在2017年一直在下降。", "output": "Siegel: We do not provide such a guide, but you are right, CPE has been declining in 2017.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但这些陈述真的准确吗?", "output": "But are these statements truly accurate?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n最终,最后的仲裁者是你。", "output": "But the ultimate judge is YOU.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n不断开发新业务是必须的", "output": "Constantly developing new practices is essential.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n地震预测预报至今仍是世界上未解决的科学难题。", "output": "Earthquake prediction is one of the scientific problems in the Earth Science that have not yet been solved.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n人类不是生来就具有固定的不可变的智力水平。", "output": "are not born with fixed, unchangeable levels of intelligence.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他的嘴巴和他的身体一样大。", "output": "His head is as big as his body.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他说:“我们需要一个能够采取行动的政府?", "output": "He adds: “We need a government capable of acting.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你在后台可以提交其他的文件吗?比如添加媒体文件", "output": "Can you move extra information to the back, as an appendix?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n牠們的眼睛有兩種能偵測光線的特殊細胞,能感應紫外線和綠光。", "output": "Their eyes have two types of special light-detecting cells that are perfect for sensing ultraviolet light as well as green light.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你将会发现,在典型情况下,每个组件都有一些参数,会对它给整个模型带来什么造成影响。", "output": "You’ll find that each component will typically have parameters that affect how they contribute to the overall model.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我会带你去一个比较便宜的地方。", "output": "I'd have gone to a cheaper place.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n然而,曾在《真爱至上》中扮演首相的格兰特,这次可不是在寻找错过的恋人。", "output": "But Mr. Grant, who famously played a prime minister going door to door in “Love Actually,” was not looking for a lost love this time.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但加拿大没有这么做。", "output": "But Canada has not done so.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n您对我们一些服务和内容的访问可能会受密码保护。", "output": "Your access to some of our services and content is password protected.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这也加强了我们与工业界和美国的密切联系,我们预计这将进一步增强英国的卫星发射能力。", "output": "It also reinforces the close relationship we have with industry and with the U.S., we expect this to further enable U.K. satellite launch capabilities.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n此外,西部蒂米什瓦拉大学每年实施100多个研究项目,其中约30%以上具有强大的国际维度。", "output": "On a yearly basis, West University of Timisoara implements over 100 research projects, out of which around more than 30% have a strong international dimension.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n其实,这是Google第二次进行涉及智能手机制造商的收购。", "output": "This is the second time that Google has made a big purchase involving a smartphone manufacturer.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n福尔摩斯正在试图解决纳威圣克莱尔的失踪问题。", "output": "Boone is directly connected to Neville St. Clair's disappearance.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我們絕不應該區別金額離職,也不應“務實”的方法現在流行提高到尊嚴的一個普遍理念。", "output": "Our distinctions should never amount to separations, nor should the \"pragmatic\" method now in vogue be raised to the dignity of a universal philosophy.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n是德科技提供了一系列高精度原子力显微镜(AFM),以便满足您的特殊研究需求。", "output": "Agilent Technologies offers a wide range of high-precision atomic force microscopes (AFM) to meet your unique research needs.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n华纳,孤独的她的性别:神话和崇拜圣母玛利亚(伦敦,1976)。", "output": "^ M. Warner, Alone of All Her Sex: The myth and the cult of the Virgin Mary (London, 1976), p.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n希腊对欧盟发出威胁。", "output": "Turkey threatens the EU.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n档案的开放利用能够丰富我们对人类社会的认知,促进民主,保护公民权利,提高生活品质。", "output": "Open access to archives enriches our knowledge of human society, promotes democracy, protects citizens’ rights and enhances the quality of life.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他本周将离开一本书,展示他的调查结果。", "output": "He has a book coming out this month detailing his experiences.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n神希望所有屬神的人都要自潔,分別為聖,神必與他們同在保守他們...", "output": "God's preacher wants every sinner saved and every saint sanctified.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n若有一位意大利的弟兄顧到另一位中國弟兄,這就是美妙的見證。", "output": "When a brother who is Italian cares for another brother who is Chinese, this is a marvelous testimony.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n伊朗主要的反对派和改革派团体抵制了星期五的选举,这是2009年有争议的总统大选后的首次投票。", "output": "Iran's main opposition and reformist groups boycotted Friday's election, the first since the disputed 2009 presidential vote.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n因此,不要那么轻易的就去坚信。", "output": "So please do not trust so easily.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n主要是按照这个方式装的,但是也有一定出入。", "output": "instability are mainly explained in this way, but there were also", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果他没有被绑在椅子上,他会被扔得满身都是。", "output": "If he hadn’t been tied to the chair, he’d have been knocked out of it.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n欧盟还为此加大了对瑞士的压力。", "output": "The EU also began to increase pressure on the Swiss.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n【“原则性和灵活性的统一,是马克思列宁主义的原则,这是一种对立面的统一。", "output": "The integration of principle with flexibility is a Marxist-Leninist principle, and it is a unity of opposites.\"", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他们的理由是:”我们在美国享受的自由和权利不应该延伸到那些曾经为制造了无数死亡的机构服役过的人员。", "output": "“The rights and freedoms we enjoy in America should not extend to those who facilitated the death of countless innocent people.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n其中6人至今仍 […]", "output": "6 of them are still […]", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n使用最新的操作系统不断改造机床控制系统通常过于昂贵,并且在没有大量投入的情况下,技术上也不可行。", "output": "Continuously retrofitting a machine control system with the latest operating systems is usually too expensive or technically not feasible without undue effort.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n病毒、蠕虫和特洛伊木马是可导致您的计算机和计算机上的信息损坏的恶意程序。", "output": "Viruses, worms, and Trojans are malicious programs that can cause damage to your computer and information on your computer.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们拥有更好的技术。", "output": "There are better techniques.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n古桥矗立了427年后于1993年11月9日波斯尼亚战争期间被摧毁。", "output": "The Old Bridge stood for 427 years, until it was destroyed on 9 November 1993 during the War in Bosnia and Herzegovina.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n杰弗逊于1804年再次当选连任。", "output": "Jefferson was reelected president in 1804.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n星期四有11人因伤势受伤住院。", "output": "Eleven people are still in hospital Thursday with wounds they suffered in the attack.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n最繁荣时,这儿的主干道上林立了65家沙龙,甚至还有一条住着几百个中国人的唐人街。", "output": "At its peak, 65 saloons lined the town’s main street, and there was even a Chinatown with several hundred Chinese residents.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”这应该让你感觉更好。", "output": "\"It should make you feel better.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n现在他要为自己的愚蠢付出代价。", "output": "Now they pay for their foolishness.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n一年前我开始了一个计划", "output": "Around a year ago I started A PLAN.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“没有像巴库城市赛道那样的赛道 - 它将成为日历上最令人兴奋的赛道之一,”蒂尔克说。", "output": "There is no track like Baku City Circuit – it will be one of the most exciting ones on the calendar.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n车辆设置强大的智能监测和预警系统,实时感知列车状态,实现在途故障预警。", "output": "The vehicle is equipped with a powerful intelligent monitoring and early warning system to sense the train status in real time and realize early warning of the fault.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nRostopchin伯爵那天早上才从索科尼基的避暑别墅回到镇上。", "output": "Count Rostopchin had only that morning returned to town from his summer villa at Sokolniki.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n◎由Paddington 火車站到Oxford", "output": "Take the train from Paddington to Oxford.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n前跆拳道运动员李智贤在电视采访中说,从六年级开始,她已经被前教练性侵犯五年了。", "output": "Lee Ji-hye, a former taekwondo athlete, said in a television interview that she had been sexually abused by her former coach for five years, starting from when she was in sixth grade.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n几乎任何人都可以发表评论,但是并没有承诺对发表的评论的内容采取行动。", "output": "Commentary by virtually anyone is accepted, though no promises are made with regard to action on any particular element commented upon.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们都点了头,表示同意。", "output": "We all nod our head and agree.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但小型微型企业往往需要的是资本金,或者是时间稍长一点的债务融资,而目前这种服务只能由直接融资来提供。", "output": "But small and micro enterprises often require principal or debt financing over a slightly longer term, and this kind of service can only be provided through basic direct financing.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n「法官本身的素質最重要。", "output": "\"The selection of judges is most important.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n现在是最合适的时间向您表示感谢。", "output": "Now it is the right time to show your greatest gratitude to them.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n第三次,他意识到它的存在。", "output": "The third time they are conscious of its existence.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n相反,我们进行观察,并希望报告我们所观察到的,因为这是我们来此的使命。", "output": "Instead, we observe, and we wish to report what we observe, for this is our mission in being here.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“目前的局势很激烈,因为莱斯特城和曼城也在争夺冠军。", "output": "\"The race is very tight because Leicester City and Manchester City will be fighting as well.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n另一起襲擊發生在喀布爾市中心的美國大使館附近,造成22人死亡。", "output": "Another blast, near the US embassy in central Kabul, killed 22 people.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n本文旨在详细剖析这些想法,说明每个想法的确切意义,并讨论它们的属性、优点和局限性。", "output": "The purpose of this series will be to dissect these ideas in detail, and show exactly what we mean by each one, discussing its properties, advantages and limitations.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nHotel de Provence酒店客房的装饰灵感源于当地建筑风格。", "output": "The décor of guest rooms at Hotel de Provence is inspired by local architecture.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“如果我们放弃沙特阿拉伯,那将是一个可怕的错误,”特朗普说。", "output": "If we abandon Saudi Arabia, it would be a terrible mistake,” Trump warned.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n她必须提出可信的辩论,让人在中世纪之外去寻找敌基督兴起的证据。", "output": "She must present plausible arguments which would cause men to look outside the medieval period for the development of Antichrist.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“有时你只想消失并从地球表面上掉下来,但我认为每个人都这样做", "output": "\"Sometimes you just want to disappear and fall off the face of the Earth, but I think everyone does that.\"", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果有去的話,我認為對北韓而言會是好事一樁。", "output": "And if we go, I think it'll be a great thing for North Korea.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n新形成時含水量低,一般小於1%重量的水,黑曜岩在暴露於地下水時會逐漸水化,而形成珍珠岩。", "output": "Having a low water content when newly formed typically less than 1% water by weight, becomes progressively hydrated when exposed to groundwater, forming perlite.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n她确保我有东西吃,有干净的衣服穿。", "output": "I make sure we eat and have clean clothes.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你自认为很清楚你的直接竞争对手是谁。", "output": "Do you feel that you know who your direct competitors are?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n预计公司通过此次转让获得47百万美元现金。", "output": "The Company will receive an estimated USD 47 million in cash for the transaction.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n消防员面试一般怎么说?", "output": "What are the Firefighter Interview Questions?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n露西和爸爸妈妈在海滩度过了愉快的一天,全家人都玩累了。", "output": "Lucy and her mom and dad spent the entire day at the beach.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”而不是”,它可以收集和存储电力从外部来源,然后将其用作自己的电力能源。", "output": "However, it is able to gather and store electricity from outside sources , then use it as its own electric energy.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nD. 民主协商的结果", "output": "Results of public consultations", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n具有一些独特的元素:比如菜单、背景视差", "output": "Has some unique elements like the menu, and the background parallax", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n這是有可能的,但缺乏證據,因為地震的精確日期尚未確定。", "output": "This is possible, but not provable, because the exact date of the earthquake is not known.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他们注册的一致好评,但独立:他们仍然是两个时钟,一个也没有。", "output": "They register alike, but independently: they are still two clocks, not one.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n上帝用各樣的辦法做他的工作,超過我們所想所求。", "output": "God is working in more ways than we ask Him.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n每个人都坐落在附近的孩子一样的好奇心时,所有这些创造性的元素被巧妙地绑在硬核的现代商业的现实。", "output": "Everyone sits in near child-like wonder when all these creative elements are masterfully tied to the hard core realities of modern business.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们的专业知识可确保与任何应用程序和工作流程实现无缝集成。", "output": "Our expertise ensures seamless integration with any application or workflow.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但世界医学会鼓励其他参与涉及人类受试者的医学研究的人员采纳这些原则。", "output": "The WMA encourages others who are involved in medical research involving human subjects to adopt these principles.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n任何被吓到的人都不适合你。", "output": "Anyone who’s intimidated by you is not for you.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“诚实地说,我不想在我余下的职业生涯中的每次会议上被赶出去。", "output": "To be truthful, I didn't want to be chased out of every conference I went to for the rest of my career.’", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n与此同时,马来西亚和菲律宾最近都将大量进口垃圾退回了原出口国。", "output": "In the meantime, Malaysia and the Philippines have both recently sent back mountains of trash to their original destinations.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“智能手机的外形因素带来了许多挑战,例如电池续航时间,”Bennett补充道。", "output": "“The form factor of a smartphone presents a significant number of challenges such as battery life,” adds Bennett.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n当这些人找到大致的解决方案后,他们会转向更理性的分析思维模式。", "output": "Then as these individuals settle on a vague idea for a solution, they switch to a more analytic mode of thought.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n下一篇文章:美国洗眼器标准ANSI/ISEA Z358.1-2009对喷淋和洗眼水流量的规定", "output": "A Guide to the ANSI/ISEA Z358.1-2014 International Standard for Emergency Eyewash and Shower Equipment", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n心脏处传来了疼痛迫使他停下了思考。", "output": "The pain coming from his brain hindered him from thinking.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n度报告审计工作的具体时间安排。", "output": "Schedule specific times for register audits.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n例如在这一次攻击事件中,Dyn 声称攻击来自全球的一千万个 IP 地址。", "output": "According to a post from Dyn, tens of millions of IP addresses were involved in the attack.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你有承受失败的能力吗?", "output": "Do you have the capacity to fail?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n只是因为他有宗教信仰。", "output": "Only because they have a religious belief.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n没有人能承受严重工伤或死亡所带来的痛苦和心碎,尤其是预防这种情况发生只是像睡一觉那么简单。", "output": "No one can afford the trauma and heartbreak associated with serious injury or death in the workplace, especially if preventable by something as simple as sleep.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n受整体市场向好影响,大部分企", "output": "efficiencies in the market varies widely, with the majority of", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n该项行动明显地显示了警方计划和控制不当。", "output": "The operation also reveals clearly inadequate planning and control on the part of the police.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n期(2003年),頁24-30。", "output": "January 1999, pp. 24-30.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n由Alex君签名的欢迎辞", "output": "– Welcome note by Alex", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“我们发现自己正处在一种迫在眉睫的危险中,特别是考虑到朝鲜问题和总统先生对核武器的掌控。", "output": "\"We now find ourselves in a clear and present danger, especially concerning North Korea and the president’s command of the U.S. nuclear arsenal.\"", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n职业健康目标:职业病受检率100%", "output": "Occupational health goals: Occupational disease rate 100%", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n她说:「总统川普认为气候正在变迁,而他认为污染是原因之一。", "output": "Haley replied: \" President Trump believes the climate is changing, and he believes pollutants are part of that equation\".", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但是如果您是项目的管理员,或者您只是想在本地计算机上修补CVS,您必须自己设置一个存储库。", "output": "But if you are your project's administrator or you just want to tinker around with CVS on your local machine, you will have to set up a repository yourself.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这默示宣告神将来要做的事。", "output": "And sometimes this means revealing what God will do in the future.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n随着时间流逝,他的重要性越来越清晰。", "output": "As the time passes, their importance becomes clearer.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n对偶像或金钱顶礼膜拜,就要使行走的肌肉萎缩,使前进的意志衰退。", "output": "Genuflection before the idol or the dollar destroys the muscles which walk and the will that moves.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n总之,个性化信息和体验的时代已经开始,并将一直持续下去。", "output": "For the time being, the price of my expertise and advice is and will continue to be free.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这些数据符合BCA绿色标志黄金级认证的要求。", "output": "These figures meet the requirements of the BCA Green Mark Gold rating.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n生物基聚合物:是时候做出改变了??", "output": "Modern Bookkeeping: Is It Time To Make The Switch?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们会竭尽所能帮助解决,给您一个完美的旅行。", "output": "We will try to do everything we can to put together a perfect trip for you.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这种观点面向面向土星的土卫二半球(313英里或504公里)。", "output": "This view looks toward the Saturn-facing hemisphere of Enceladus (313 miles or 504 kilometers across).", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n据说,凡六七十年代的人,都写过检查之类的东西。", "output": "In the 1960s, everyone wrote checks.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“不仅是你们几个开始坐不住的运动员,” 兰登提示道。", "output": "“Not just you insecure jocks,” Langdon prompted.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n柯尔柏斯先生真是个十分不幸的人。", "output": "Yeah, Prof. Weir was a very unhappy man.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我并非原则上反对保险。", "output": "I don’t have anything against insurance in principle.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n)实际上,囚徒的刑期不仅是不确定的,而且是无限的。", "output": "Actually a prison term was not only uncertain but unlimited.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nLG OLED电视台湾出货量飙升", "output": "LG OLED TV Taiwan's Shipments Soared", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n一个完整的讣告将公布在学院的年度报告。", "output": "A full set of the results will be published in the school yearbook.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n然而,在简短的模仿游戏中,精神科医生无法区分帕里和偏执的人类的漫谈。", "output": "Still, in short imitation games, psychiatrists were unable to distinguish PARRY’s ramblings from those of a paranoid human’s [30].", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n没有人被控告对他的谋杀。", "output": "No one was charged with his murder.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n據萊比錫大學的一項研究,儘管前東德人口佔全國一成七,國家機構的最高職位中只有1.7%由前東德人擔任。", "output": "According to a Leipzig University study, only 1.7% of the top positions in the country are held by former East Germans, even though they make up 17% of the population.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这是不健康的;从此之后,哲学一直在企图从这种极端走到日常生活的常识世界里面去。", "output": "This was insanity, and from this extreme, philosophy has been attempting, ever since, to escape into the world of every-day common sense.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n今天早上我非常饿,”她宣布,玛丽拉,她溜进椅子放置。", "output": "\"I'm pretty hungry this morning,\" she announced, as she slipped into the chair Marilla placed for her.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n龙卷风在华盛顿摧毁房屋后大约90分钟,风暴使芝加哥市中心变暗。", "output": "About 90 minutes after the tornado destroyed homes in Washington, the storm darkened downtown Chicago.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n狼之王子记起了这些。", "output": "The wolf prince remembered.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这项提议在一份正式文件中被称为“核态势审查”,它使美国处于一种更具侵略性的核态势。", "output": "The proposal is spelled out in a policy document, known officially as a “nuclear posture review,” that puts the U.S. in a generally more aggressive nuclear stance.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n目前,比较一致认同和较为合理的划分:", "output": "Currently, more consistent identity and a more reasonable division :", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n神的答案是:「我是。", "output": "God's answer: I AM.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这种反抗赋予生命以价值。", "output": "That revolt gives life its value.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n现在这些渠道全都被关闭了。", "output": "But these channels are now being closed.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n必发bf88官网是个大忙人。", "output": "The 138Bet website is very busy.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n协作机器人正在德国和中国的几家制造工厂使用。", "output": "Cobots are being used at several manufacturing plants in Germany and China.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n实践 与亲工具,音乐软件的行业标准。", "output": "Practice with Pro Tools, the industry standard software for music.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n第151章:不要谈钱", "output": "Section 115- States not to coin money", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他一个人来了,没有他的家人。", "output": "He came alone, without his family.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n特朗普政府一再发誓要惩罚那些违反贸易规则而损害美国的国家。", "output": "The Trump administration has repeatedly vowed to punish countries they say violate trade rules to the detriment of the United States.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n2003年9月,这本书的第三版出版了。", "output": "In September , the 3rd edition of this book came out.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但 PuTTY 不仅适用于 Windows。", "output": "But Depicus does not only offer Windows applications.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n直到你亲眼看到它,你才意识到它有多糟糕。", "output": "It is only when you see it for yourself you realize just how bad it is.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n期待12月您的訪問。", "output": "Look forward to your visits in October.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nTrikafta在混合物中添加了第三種藥物,以增強該策略的有效性。", "output": "Trikafta adds a third drug to the mix to enhance the strategy’s effectiveness.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n日本金融服务局(FSA)首次公布国内加密货币交易统计数据。", "output": "Japan’s Financial Services Agency (FSA) has released domestic cryptocurrency trading statistics for the first time.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n2011年,PAI 以", "output": "In 2011, Pat was", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这火海就是第二次死亡”。", "output": "The Lake of Fire is the Second Death.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在那段时期我是这个项目唯一的用户界面设计师。", "output": "But so far, I’m the only fashion designer here.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n可見神心存憐憫,神的目的只有一個:“容我的百姓去”。", "output": "The next step was to confront Pharaoh with God's demand to “Let my people go!”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n四、人在被造之物中的地位", "output": "The Place of Human Beings in the Created Order", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n火车在这里停下来,部队要换发装备和整训。", "output": "The train will stop there, probably change engines and crews.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n谁能帮帮我,我真的需要大家的帮助,谢谢了", "output": "Please if any one can help I am really in need of it. thank you.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n换句话说,世界上最大的在线音乐服务,其实是 Youtube。", "output": "The biggest music streaming service in the world is YouTube.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n虚假的经历会产生某种程度的狂热,甚至导致大量的日常所说的“宗教”。", "output": "False experiences may cause a certain amount of zeal, and even a great deal of what is commonly called religion.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n尽管贪婪确实可以无限期存在下去,但是大多数人都不可能长期生活在恐惧当中。", "output": "Although greed can go on indefinitely, most people don’t remain in a perpetual state of fear for long.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n用户们根本就不关心任何具体的技术,除非它能以一种非常有效的方式解决一个特定的问题。", "output": "Customers won’t care about any particular technology unless it solves a particular problem in a superior way.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nCohen 就是其中那一位", "output": "Cohen is one of them.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n国内生产总值1536亿美元", "output": "GDP of €153 billion", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我想,我們擁有希望,一定有原因 ⋯⋯ 事情會發生是有原因的,我不相信這個宇宙只有混亂和偶然。", "output": "I think it was given to us for a reason… Things have a reason for happening, I don’t believe the universe is just chaos and random.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n然后,美国将用武器补给以色列,并从以色列政府获得付款。", "output": "The US would then resupply Israel and receive Israeli payment.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n因为忘记是另一种想法。", "output": "Forgetting is another issue.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在面向对象的分析,最重要的目的是确定对象和描述他们以适当的方式。", "output": "During OO analysis, the most important purpose is to identify objects and describe them in a proper way.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们有各种各样的想法,食物,文化和艺术。", "output": "We have diversity of ideas, of food, of culture, and art.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n随着气候变化加速下降,这种地方灭绝的速度正在加快“。", "output": "The pace of such local extinctions is growing, with climate change hastening declines.\"", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\ndaphne高雄可以在這裡找到:", "output": "DRAGON GEO can be found here:", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n对此,中国代表确认,中国在这方面将全面实施《TBT 协定》第5条第2款4项的义务。", "output": "In response, the representative of China confirmed that China would fully implement the obligations of Article 5.2.4 of the TBT Agreement in this regard.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n福音并不是从耶稣的生与死开始的,而是一直可以追溯到创世记。", "output": "The gospel didn’t start with the life and death of Jesus but goes all the way back to Genesis.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n另一个著名的纪念碑是垂死的狮子,它是用岩石雕刻而成的,以纪念1792年在法国去世的瑞士雇佣军。", "output": "Another famous monument is the Dying Lion, which was carved out of rock to honor Swiss mercenaries who died in France in 1792.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n网上公布的2018年9月27日(与史蒂芬布鲁克)", "output": "Published online 27 September 2018 (With Steven Brooke)", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他的观点在这里没有得到同情。", "output": "He gets no sympathy here.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他主要研究人类行为在健康、商业以及经济中所扮演的重要角色。", "output": "He studies the role of human behavior in health, business and economics.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在1977年宣佈獨立後,吉布提一直是法國在非洲的主要軍事基地。", "output": "Declaring independence late, in 1977, Djibouti has remained the main French military base in Africa.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n本月你和伴侶可能希望共度更多的靜謐時光,來為你們的感情關係充電。", "output": "It's possible that you and your sweetheart need more quiet time together this month to recharge your love connection.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“我能理解失去孩子对你造成的痛苦,对此我很抱歉。", "output": "\"I can understand the pain the loss of your child has caused you and I am sorry for that.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n神的拯救是通过停止我们的工作并在基督里安息实现的(希伯来书4:9,10)。", "output": "God’s salvation comes by ceasing from our works to rest in Christ (Hebrews 4:9,10).", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n[05-15] 什么是转正定级?", "output": "[15:45] What is a tailored fit?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我在的時候,有好幾個哈薩克婦女被以此種侮辱性方式,跟她們的丈夫『結合』了。", "output": "During my time there, several Kazakh women “united” with their husbands in this insulting manner.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我可以用一个小自己。", "output": "I could use a little myself.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n洗衣机关税超过了ITC成员建议的最高水准,而太阳能电池板关税则低于美国生产商所希望的水平。", "output": "The washer tariffs exceeded the harshest recommendations from ITC members, while the solar tariffs were lower than domestic producers had hoped for.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n再过不到一个月我们就是校友了。", "output": "In less than a month, I will be a college graduate.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我会带他们回家,把它们种在我的院子里。", "output": "I’d bring them home, and plant them in my yard.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n所有重要的市政機構都在短短十年內建設完畢,包含了醫院和市政府。", "output": "All essential municipal institutions were built in just ten years, including a hospital and a city hall.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这也是学习更多了解威尼斯城市的好方法。", "output": "It is a good way to better understand the city of Venice", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这项临床试验应用更加精确的放射技术,减少食道或“吞咽通道”的放射剂量。", "output": "The clinical trial uses more precise radiation techniques to reduce the dosage of radiation to the esophagus or 'swallowing passage.'", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n官方表示,最近发现部分玩家使用个人交易功能在第三方网站出售物品。", "output": "Recently, we’ve seen a few cases of players using the personal trade function to sell items using third party sites.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但在所有情况下,这款应用都很易用,该公司也承诺会严格确保数据安全。", "output": "In all cases, though, the app is easy to use and the company promises tight security to protect data.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这件事情影响很大,惊动了当时的中央领导人。", "output": "This upset the status quo and angered the religious leaders of that time.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这本书应该很好卖,因为他很快就出了第二辑。", "output": "I highly recommend it because book 2 should be coming out soon.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n由于电池系统的设计,以消除气体的排放,可释放的游离电解质(电池酸)的体积非常小。", "output": "Since the battery system is designed to eliminate the emission of gases, the volume of free electrolyte (battery acid) that could be released is very small.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n而企業這種整合相關技術的意愿和能力,恰恰源于對下游用戶工藝的精準理解。", "output": "while enterprises of this willingness to integrate related technology and capacity, it is precisely due to the accurate understanding of the process of downstream users.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”“不只是卡勒布失踪了,赞娜不得不承认。", "output": "It wasn't just Caleb that was missing, Zannah had to admit.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n奇异恩典:被耶稣基督改变的生命", "output": "Amazing Grace: Lives Changed by Jesus Christ;", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n张思婷看着我,郑重的说道。", "output": "Savi looked at me, solemnly.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n接下來的一大步,但是,將整合水氧化半反應與人工葉型系統的二氧化碳削減步驟。", "output": "The next big step, however, will be to integrate the water oxidation half reaction with the carbon dioxide reduction step in an artificial leaf type system.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你强烈地渴望成功,而且愿意努力工作来争取。", "output": "You have the motivation to succeed, and you certainly are willing to work hard to get ahead.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n当我们停下来思考人类的声音有多显着时,难怪苹果、亚马逊和微软这样的公司将其作为他们技术的门户。", "output": "When we stop to consider just how remarkable the human voice is, it’s no wonder the likes of Apple, Amazon and Microsoft have made it the gateway to their technologies.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n““五分钟,这就是我要问的。", "output": "Five minutes, that’s all I ask.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n入选候选人将在 ICANN60(即 2017 年年度大会——AGM)结束后正式入职,任期 3 年。", "output": "The selected Candidate will serve for a 3-year term starting at the end of ICANN60 (2017 Annual General Meeting - AGM).", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“司令官会在办公时间后仍留在办公室,性侵他属下的女兵,这样的事无日无之。", "output": "\"The company commander would stay in his room at the unit after hours and rape the female soldiers under his command.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n有很多因素会影响你的体重。", "output": "There are lots of factors that affect your weight.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n它有着激进,独立的历史,站在自己的双脚上。", "output": "It has a history of being radical, being independent, standing on its own two feet.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n基于原始样本的预测是大约 129,接近区间的中心。", "output": "The prediction based on the original sample was about 129, which is close to the center of the interval.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n总体而言,有1万零八百八十名患者因严重肾脏损害或需透析而入院治疗。", "output": "Overall, 10,880 were hospitalized with serious kidney damage or for dialysis.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n中國人在法國投資葡萄酒莊", "output": "The Chinese Invest In French Wine", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n」這就是我一遍又一遍聽到的。", "output": "\"This is what we heard over and over again.\"", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n日内瓦州加入瑞士联邦200周年庆祝活动", "output": "Geneva celebrates 200 years as part of the Swiss confederation", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n医疗保健是澳大利亚最大的行业它在增长,但也在变化。", "output": "The healthcare sector is the largest employer in Australia, and it is still growing.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n,然后有系统地表达他的思想。", "output": "He vets his ideas systematically.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n因为银行业是如此的多样化,在其中可以找到拥有无数兴趣和技能的人。", "output": "Because banking is so diverse, people with countless interests and skills are needed.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n毕竟,当代文化鼓励我们自尊,而不是评判自己。", "output": "After all, contemporary culture encourages us to have self esteem and not judge ourselves.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“作为发言人,金里奇甚至支持纳税人为一些堕胎提供资金。", "output": "\"As speaker, Gingrich even supported taxpayer funding of some abortions.\"", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n一年后,如果你想换一辆新车,这辆旧车可能很难卖15万元。", "output": "A year later, if you want to get a new car, old car probably is hard to sell 150,000 yuan.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他妈妈和我妈妈是好朋友,所以我们从小就认识。", "output": "My mam and her mam were best friends so we’ve known each other since we were little.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这家澳大利亚初创公司与传统所有者合作,通过增强现实和混合现实,帮助他们分享文化叙事,语言和讲故事。", "output": "The Australian startup works with traditional owners to help them share cultural narratives, language, and storyteling through augmented and mixed reality.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n卡洛琳本身是查理斯的女性形式之一。", "output": "Caroline is the feminine form of Charles.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但減少咖啡因攝取並不會抵消我們在房屋、教育、醫療和退休上更大的花費。", "output": "But reducing our caffeine consumption will not offset our biggest expenses: housing, education, health care, and retirement.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n当 20年前签署福利改革法案时,许多福利受助人找到了工作。", "output": "When Bill Clinton signed the Welfare Reform bill 20 years ago, many welfare recipients found jobs.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他是他那一代的頭號肖像畫家,以他豪華的愛德華風格而聞名。", "output": "He was the leading portrait painter of his generation, and was best known for his luxurious Edwardian style.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我相信丈夫会为自己全心全意地学习和寻求上帝,完全臣服于他的爵位。", "output": "I trust that husbands will study and seek the Lord wholeheartedly for themselves, yielding fully to His Lordship.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n她想知道如果一个潜艇会抓到他们之前,他们到达美国,但现在回头已经太迟了,和阿尔芒就不会让她无论如何。", "output": "She wondered if a U-boat would catch them before they reached the States, but it was too late to turn back now, and Armand would never have let her anyway.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n一位作家写了一本书。", "output": "An author wrote a book.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在未来三十年里,可能世界上一半的大学都会迅速消失。", "output": "Probably over half of the universities in the world will disappear quickly over the next thirty years.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nVox精心打造了一个团队,拍摄一则关注城市扩张与火灾之间的联系的短片。", "output": "Vox put together a crack team to create a short video that focuses on the connections between urban sprawl and fire.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n1431年至1449年,天主教会在瑞士巴塞尔城召开宗教会议。", "output": "At that time, between 1431 – 1448 a clerical Council was held in the Swiss town Basel.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n对不起,我只有240集之前的", "output": "Back then we only had 240's", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我又一次闭上了双眼,并开始祷告。", "output": "I closed my eyes once again and started praying.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”伊朗军购和俄罗斯对伊朗能源部门的投资很可能是谈判点在伊朗5月19日总统大选前不到两个月的鲁哈尼", "output": "Iranian arms purchases and Russian investment in the Iranian energy sector are likely talking points for Rouhani, less than two months before Iran’s May 19 presidential election.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n僅出於豁免目的,今天的减免將90%的門檻降低到80%。", "output": "For waiver purposes only, today’s relief lowers the 90% threshold to 85%.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果你父亲真的经历离婚,然后我必须要去适应它。", "output": "If your father really goes through with the divorce, then I just have to get used to it.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在母女被机关分开的时候,母亲的脑袋会始终朝向女儿所在的地方,关切而焦急地注视着她的一举一动。", "output": "When the mother and daughter are separated by the organs, the mother's head will always toward where her daughter, concerned and anxiously Look her every move.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他們真的需要改善他們關係中的溝通。", "output": "Seems like they need to improve their communications.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n時間也是很重要的,有些副作用會立即顯現,有些則在數月或數年的使用後才會開始出現。", "output": "Time is important, too – while some effects are noticeable immediately, others only begin to crop up after months or years of use.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这有可能会影响选民投票。", "output": "This could hurt voter turnout.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n有需求的地方,就有狮子会员。", "output": "Where there is a need, there is a Lions Club.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n您将享受丰富而广泛的本科教育,为您在社区中的知情参与做好准备。", "output": "You will enjoy a rich and broad undergraduate education that will prepare you for informed involvement in the community.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n许多宗教着重于你必须做些什么来安抚上帝从而得到某种永恒的生命。", "output": "All the other religions speak of something you have to do to receive some type of eternal life.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n德国-通常被称为思想之地-有很多好的品牌。", "output": "Germany – often dubbed the Land of Ideas – has lots of good ones.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我要Google+ 邀請函,可否寄給我.", "output": "If you want a Google+ invitation, let me know.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n是的,这是一个16:9的屏幕,当然NES的游戏是4:3。", "output": "Yes, it’s a 16:9 screen, and of course NES games were 4:3.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”理奇说,仍然不看着他。", "output": "Rachel said, still not looking at her.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n最后,我们希望学习如何更好地预防或治疗肥胖症,Rotimi博士说。", "output": "\"Eventually, we hope to learn how to better prevent or treat obesity,\" Dr. Rotimi said.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n不同的杠杆产品以不同的方式运作,但都会放大交易员的潜在利润和损失。", "output": "Different leveraged products work in different ways, but all expand the potential profit and loss for a trader.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但企业也要知道,这也是一场机会。", "output": "Yet, as some businesses have learned, it is also an opportunity.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你可以自己开车,或者你的家人可以开车送你。", "output": "You can drive your car or you can let the car drive you.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n觀看視頻,了解我們如何在為糖尿病及其它嚴重慢性疾病患者推動改變。", "output": "Watch the video and see how we are driving change for people living with diabetes and other serios chronic conditions.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n跟我说实话,不过,你以前被敲诈吗?", "output": "Tell me honestly, though, have you been blackmailed before?”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n4你,親愛的孩子,是從神而來的,並且克服了他們,因為在你們身上的,比在世上的更大。", "output": "4 You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n◇你必须积极地对待生活。", "output": "You have to actively live your life.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n(七)规划实施保障措施。", "output": "(G) planning to implement safeguards.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n1、应站在顾客(或消费者)的立场,而不是站在公司的立场上去研究、设计和改进服务。", "output": "◇ should stand in the customer (or consumers) position, instead of standing in the position of the company to research, design and improvement of service.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n天主总是牢记祂的盟约”。", "output": "He always remembers his covenant.\"", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n无论如何,这都是一个值得欣慰的进步,而我甚至应该得到赞扬和感谢,因为我让世界变得更美好了一点。", "output": "By all means, that's an improvement to be welcomed, and I would even deserve some praise and gratitude for helping to make the world a little better.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n這將最終影響依賴這些植物的動物和人類。", "output": "This will ultimately affect the animal and human population that relies on these plants.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但是你不是呼吸一个字。", "output": "You mustn't breathe a word.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这两个标准的文档都可供下载。", "output": "The files for both approaches are available for download.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n为了我,在facebook上和他们交朋友或发消息是一种行为,因为这是当面见他们的前兆。", "output": "For me, friending them on Facebook or messaging them would be an action, since it’s a precursor to meeting them in person.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n《安全条例》第 21 条) (", "output": "Article 21 (Safety Provisions)", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n有没有必要为自己的小说创造一门语言?", "output": "Is it worth creating a language for your book?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n最大限度方便企业群众。", "output": "maximum facilitation to the business community.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n车尔尼雪夫斯基说:“灵感是一个不喜欢拜访懒汉的客人。", "output": "I think it was Tchaikovsky who once said “Inspiration is a guest that does not willingly visit the lazy.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“我和内马尔聊过,不过对话内容跟法国杯决赛没有关系。", "output": "“I have spoken with him but that was nothing to do with the Coupe de France final.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这些方法引发了人们的疑问,即消费者最私密的数据日益增多,而且往往是公开的,当局如何使用这些数据。", "output": "Those methods have raised questions about how the growing and often public repository of consumers’ most intimate data could be used by authorities.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n19 查看詳情 >>", "output": "Look up detailed specifications>>", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他们,为他铺成了归途。", "output": "So, they resurrected him.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果你是一个跳舞,滑动和滑动的人 - 我的意思是黑人 - 你是一个跳舞,滑动和滑动的黑人。", "output": "If you're a dancing and sliding and gliding nigger -- I mean negro -- you are a dancing and sliding and gliding negro.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n第五次評估報告(AR5)預定於2013~2014間出版。", "output": "The Fifth Assessment Report (AR5) was announced in 2013-2014.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n此前,她曾担任美国国务院国际贸易管理局联络员,协助国会议员解决其有选举权成员的贸易相关问题。", "output": "Previously, she served as a congressional liaison for the undersecretary for Legislative Affairs for the U.S. Department of Commerce, International Trade Administration assisting members of Congress in resolution of trade-related issues for their constituents.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们视日本为长远发展的重要机遇,跟我们在澳门的业务以及海外发展目标相辅相成。", "output": "We view Japan as a great long term growth opportunity that will complement our Macau operations and our other international expansion ambitions.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他们卖掉了其中的5个。", "output": "They were selling 5 of them.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n最后,我应该更关注效率还是规模?", "output": "Lastly, should you measure effectiveness or efficiency?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但对于一座城市而言,这个全。", "output": "But the whole point of a city is this.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他做到了!可能是因为吸烟太多,但是拥有沃利这个名字可能没有帮助。", "output": "Probably from smoking so much, but having the name Wally probably doesn’t help.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但2018年5月9日的第十四届大选的成绩却证明了纳吉是大错特错的。", "output": "But the historic May 9, 2018 results of the 14th General Election showed that Najib was very wrong.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n该法律设立了一个核废料基金,通过向核反应堆运营商收取其产生的废物费用来支付联邦储存库的费用。", "output": "The NWPA created a Nuclear Waste Fund to pay for the repository by charging reactor operators a fee on the waste they produced.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n受禁令规定的八家海外航空公司:", "output": "And the eight foreign airlines subject to the ban are:", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n关键时刻,三个完全不同女性的生活融合在一起,就有可能产生爆炸性的结果。", "output": "At this crucial moment, the lives of three radically different women converge, with potentially explosive results.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n英国皇家文学学会由英国国王乔治六世于1820年成立,用于“奖励文学价值和激励文艺才华”。", "output": "The Royal Society of Literature was founded in 1820 by King George IV to \"reward literary merit and excite literary talent\".", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n数月来,有关筹备工作已经开展实施。", "output": "For many months preparations have been under way.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在二十世纪后半,哈勃常数H0的值被估计约在50至90(km/s)/Mpc之间。", "output": "For most of the second half of the 20th century the value of H0 was estimated to be between 50 and 90 km/s/Mpc.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n欧盟委员会通过了欧盟 - 越南贸易和投资协定,为其签署和结论铺平了道路。", "output": "Earlier this week, the European Commission adopted the EU-Vietnam trade and investment agreements, paving the way for their signature and conclusion.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nMarija的教训及时救了一个类似的命运。", "output": "Marija’s lesson came just in time to save Ona from a similar fate.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n中午吃饭,我和一群女同事们坐在一起。", "output": "At lunchtime, I sat with a group of boys.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n4-5约翰写信给亚细亚的七个教会。", "output": "4From John to the seven churches in Asia.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n有一些压力来买饮料。", "output": "There is less pressure to buy ladies drinks.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果您一次压缩多个项目,则压缩文件名称为“归档.zip”。", "output": "If you compress multiple items at once, the file will be called \"Archive.zip\".", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n救我们脱离良心的人。", "output": "Save us from the man of clean conscience.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但病毒颗粒也有可能通过紧密接触直接从一个受感染的细胞转移给下一个细胞。", "output": "But it is also possible that viral particles are directly transferred from one infected cell to the next through close contact.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n此外,还将有来自橡胶行业不同部门的专家和主要利益相关者参加小组讨论。", "output": "There will also be panel discussions involving experts and key stakeholders from different segments of the rubber industry.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“我觉得自己就像一只轮子上的老鼠绕圈子走了。", "output": "\"I feel like a mouse on a wheel going around in circles.\"", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这又是一个创纪录的数字。", "output": "That again is a record building number.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n跟自己预约,哪怕只是读一本书", "output": "Make appointments for yourself, even if it’s only to read a book.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n执行摘要复杂情景中的天线性能分析会因调查中予以考虑的实际细节而产生问题。", "output": "The analysis of deployed antenna performance in complex scenarios can prove to be problematic due to the realistic details to be taken into account in the investigation.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n工程师们正在探索革命性的新技术,这些技术可以帮助我们在更短的时间内穿越太阳系。", "output": "Engineers are exploring revolutionary new technologies that could help us traverse the Solar System in much less time.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n难怪耶稣要对他们说:凡听见父之教训又学习的,就会到我这里来。", "output": "But Jesus said, \"Everyone who listens to the Father and learns from him comes to me.\"", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n学校位于Aobadai站的步行范围内,提供初学者,中级和高级课程,以满足学生的各种需求。", "output": "Located within walking distance from Aobadai Station, the school offers beginners, intermediate and advanced level courses to suit the various needs of students.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n就是要去爱那个能使你的世界变美之人。", "output": "Love the one who makes your world beautiful.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n此外,敏捷项目比传统方法管理的项目 要高出 28% 的成功率 。", "output": "In addition, agile projects are 28% more successful than projects managed with traditional approaches.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n希腊进来先用25岁以下的失业33%的人。", "output": "Greece comes in first with 33% of people under 25 unemployed.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n「然後我遇到這個難以置信的男人,他讓我思考,這個人值得我做出承諾。", "output": "“And then I met this incredible man, who made me think, no, this person is worth making this commitment to.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们不知道其他人的成果。", "output": "We do not know about the fate of others.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nGCC 的开发者通常知道这些问题,但还没有解决。", "output": "The GCC developers are usually aware of these issues, but have not resolved them yet.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n坐落在英国纽卡斯尔,你在那结束了,当他失去了他的爱的世界扮演一个孤独的人。", "output": "Set in Newcastle, Еngland, you play a lonely man in a world that ended when he lost his love.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n更具体地说,什么是最糟糕的事情会发生在主人公如果他没有实现他的愿望吗?", "output": "More specifically, what’s the worst thing that will happen to the protagonist if he does not achieve his desire?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们处于全新黄金时代的边缘吗?", "output": "Are we on the threshold of a new golden age?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n最后,正如大家所愿,他们参加了婚礼。", "output": "So, of course, they all wanted to be at the wedding.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n2.每一位领导都需要一些马屁精围在身边。", "output": "Every group needs some old heads around.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n一代人是一个奴隶,创造双重反论文生活在线。", "output": "A generation that is a slave to create double anti-thesis life online.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”祝贺所有参与Brian Cox教授现场科学巡回演讲的人们共同创造了这项吉尼斯世界纪录称号!", "output": "Congratulations to all involved in Professor Brian Cox Live on their Guinness World Records title!", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n【作者簡介】茱莉.福萊諾(Julie Fogliano)", "output": "When’s my Birthday? – by Julie Fogliano", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果我们所有人都在演戏,那世上就再无灵魂伴侣一说,因为我们并没有真正的灵魂。", "output": "And if all of us are play-acting, there can be no such thing as a soul mate, because we don’t have genuine souls.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n瀏覽IKEA Foundation網站,看看我們如何為難民家庭重建家園。", "output": "Visit IKEA Foundation’s website to see how they are building safe places for refugees families to call home", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”他打算找一条出路。", "output": "\"He's looking for a way out.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n达美航空从底特律飞来的1652次航班,因此事故推迟了到达登机口的时间。", "output": "Delta flight 1652 from Detroit was delayed getting to the gate as a result of the accident.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n日本是全球目前唯一仍然使用年號的國家。", "output": "Japan is the only country that still uses era years.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n现在你准备好裁剪你的布料了。", "output": "You are now ready to mount your box.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们感谢他,我们也会记住他。", "output": "I thank him and will remember him.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n成就是一个重要的一步使全光学超声实用的常规临床使用。", "output": "The achievement is said to be an important step toward making all-optical ultrasound practical for routine clinical use.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n埃及管理加沙地带19年,但1967年的中东战争后以色列占领了加沙。", "output": "Egypt administered Gaza for the next 19 years until Israel occupied it in the 1967 Arab-Israel war.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”[85]即创造属动,无动静之理何以能创造呢?", "output": "Is it true that He created all things, and without Him nothing was created that has been created?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nServerless的事件驱动特性使得它对于不总是需要运行的应用程序(或其部分)非常有用。", "output": "The event-driven nature of serverless makes it very useful for applications (or their parts) that do not always need to be running.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nMONITOR 如何实施?", "output": "How do the monitors perform?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我喜欢星期天有时间睡懒觉,做任何我需要做的事情来弥补周末的不足。", "output": "I like having my Sundays free to sleep in and do whatever I need to do to catch up on the weekends.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“最终结局是,中国开始像一个发达国家那样行事。", "output": "\"The end game is that China begins acting like a developed nation.\"", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n(一)孩子自身的原因。", "output": "e)by the child itself.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n日前,福特在海外发布了新款S-MAX的官图。", "output": "Ford just introduced the new S-MAX in Europe.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我們怎麼辦呢?我們認為,新的解決方案,以老問題,然後我們扔掉那些沒有簡化。", "output": "We think up new solutions to old problems, and then we throw away the ones that don't simplify.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这种课程有点类似于Rosetta Stone。", "output": "It uses a method similar to Rosetta Stone.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“他们因贩卖毒品把我赶了出去。", "output": "“I was dragged into the drug trade.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我把它推荐给了我认识的每个做交易的朋友。", "output": "I have recommend my system to every trader I know.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我15歲的女兒剛剛獲得了駕駛執照。", "output": "Yeah, my 15-year-old daughter just got her driver’s permit.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n表示你拥有多重性格。", "output": "Or that you have multiple personalities.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nOff-peak 非高峰时段,电力需求最低。", "output": "Off-peak – when demand for electricity is lowest.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n《霍夫曼的故事》(Tales of Hoffmann,1951)", "output": "I particularly like The Tales of Hoffmann (1951).", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在香港,任何事情都有可能发生。", "output": "Anything can happen in Hong Kong.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n五次第运作规律 根据佛教,在物质和精神领域,有五种秩序和运作方法(nlyamas)。", "output": "According to Buddhism there are five orders or processes (Niyāmas) which operate in the physical and mental realms.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你回想起你七八岁的时候。", "output": "Think back to when you were eight years old.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”熊妈妈,保护幼崽。", "output": "Protection mother bear, protect these kids.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n比較多人會待在E和S象限,理由很簡單,因為這些象限的要求比B象限少。", "output": "The reason there are more people in the E and S quadrants is simply because those quadrants are less demanding than the B quadrant.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n的地方接近于一切,就像我们在市中心一样。", "output": "Our society approaches everything as if we were at the center.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我国火电厂平均能源利用?", "output": "Is My Home's Energy Use Average?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他們就住在我家那條街的街角。", "output": "They lived on the corner of my street.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我最近看过电影“七”,它出现在影院上多年。", "output": "I recently watched the movie Seven, years after it appeared in theaters.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n当我们逐渐了解你,我们期待去学习那些对你来说重要的东西。", "output": "From the moment we connect, we’re ready to learn what’s important to you.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n中国公司表示将很快超过100美元电池门槛,摧毁汽油车", "output": "Read More: Chinese Company Says It Will Soon Cross $100 Battery Threshold, Slaying The Gasoline Car", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如何跟踪 WhatsApp 信息以保护您的孩子", "output": "How to Hack WhatsApp Account to Confirm Your Children's Safety", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这些记录还说明了更深层的东西。", "output": "These numbers show something deeper, though.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他说:“戒指是黄金的,因为这是马克尔的最喜欢的。", "output": "He said he picked yellow gold because it's Markle's favorite.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n政府机构可以使用量子安全区块链平台来保护公民的个人财务和健康数据。", "output": "Government agencies could use quantum-secured blockchain platforms to protect citizens’ personal financial and health data.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他强调,印度和巴基斯坦必须合作对付恐怖主义。", "output": "He said India and Pakistan must unite against terrorism.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n布蒂吉格说:“我不在乎你多大年龄。", "output": "BUTTIGIEG: I don't care how old you are.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这个责任体现了教会的牧民抱负。", "output": "Such duty reflects the church's pastoral aspiration.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n没想到居然已经有了一百好几十个订阅者。", "output": "I can't believe that I already have 100 followers.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n结果,塔拉直到17岁才第一次走进教室。", "output": "Tara attended school for the first time at the age of seventeen.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n有时候人们似乎有点忘记了电话的目的是通讯。", "output": "It sometimes seems that we’ve forgotten that the purpose of the telephone is to allow people to communicate.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”你是说婚礼之前还是之后?“之后。", "output": "\"Is you going to get married before or after?\"", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n20世纪80年代末,DNA检测技术开始作为物证方法被运用到刑事司法实践当中。", "output": "An example from the early 1990s illustrates the way in which DNA evidence is used in the criminal justice system.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n·如果凸轮轴皮带轮标记不在TDC,则拆下正时皮带并重复步骤②~16。", "output": "- If the camshaft pulley marks are not at TDC, remove the timing belt and repeat steps 2 through 15.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n——切尔诺贝利消防员纪念碑", "output": "Monument to the Chernobyl Firefighters", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n巴基斯坦已经明确表示,它不会参加美国和塔利班在阿富汗举行的新一轮会谈。", "output": "Pakistan authorities said they cannot respond when the next round of negotiations between the U.S. and Taliban will take place.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n事实上,这是个滞后的判断。", "output": "In truth it was a late decision.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n居民可以看到这些变化。", "output": "Subsequently the family can see these changes.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n下一篇 : 内塔尼亚胡将审查任命侮辱奥巴马和克里的发言人", "output": "Netanyahu to Review Appointment of Spokesman Who Insulted Obama and Kerry", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我爱这个家和家里的所有成员。", "output": "I love that family and everyone in that family.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“我拥有更好的NBA职业生涯。", "output": "“I’ve had a great NBA career.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”至少你有一个自己的房间。", "output": "“At least, you finally have your own room.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但有一點似乎是可以肯定的,這便是", "output": "But one point seems to be certain: that it", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n上一篇:量子传感器提供前所未有的灵敏度的磁共振", "output": "Explore further: Quantum sensors providing magnetic resonance with unprecedented sensitivity", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n为此需要尽快建立法律框架,支持国际科研队到俄工作。", "output": "In this regard, we need to create a legal framework that would enable international research teams to operate in Russia.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“经济复苏的确开始了。", "output": "“The economic recovery is finally underway.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n自我报告与他人评分等推断指标之间无法解释的差异(Demo,1985)。", "output": "The unexplained variance between self-reports and inferred measures such as ratings by others (Demo, 1985).", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“我们分析并谈了很多名字。", "output": "“We analyzed and spoke about a lot of names.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n30多年前,这些活动照片会放入相册,并在家中举行聚会时与祖父母和其他人分享。", "output": "Over 30 years ago, these events would be placed in a photo album and shared with grandparents and others at family gatherings at someone’s home.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n东西煮好了,我们坐下来吃东西。", "output": "Our food was ready, so we sat down to eat.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n6 王對神人說:「請你為我禱告,求耶和華你神的恩典使我的手復原。", "output": "The king said to the man of God, “Please entreat the Lord your God, and pray for me, that my hand may be restored to me.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n南韓農業部今年初宣佈,會在全國投資發展智慧農場,希望由目前的4010公頃,擴至7000公頃。", "output": "The Agriculture Ministry announced earlier this year it would invest in smart farm development nationwide, expanding their total area to 7000ha from the current 4010ha.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在这里,至少,我可以帮助你。", "output": "Here, I can help you at least.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但至少十多名官员已经证实,此事已经受到五角大楼的极大关注。", "output": "However, more than a dozen officials confirmed in broad terms that it had become the source of significant attention in the Pentagon.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n将邀请所有德威学校的学生参加,学生将有机会与来自不同文化背景的同学交流思想。", "output": "Students from all Dulwich schools will be invited to attend, students will have the opportunity to exchange ideas with peers from different cultural backgrounds.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n正如NASA解释的那样,图像的明亮区域会随着恒星活动而产生。", "output": "As NASA explains, the bright areas of the image are absolutely full of star activity.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n工程机械和其他装备和物资准备到位。", "output": "Other machinery and equipment are ready.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nEN14342:2005+A1:2008, 木地板-特性, 符合评估和CE标志", "output": "EN 14342:2005+A1:2008 - Wood flooring - Characteristics, evaluation of conformity and marking", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他帮助我们赢得比赛。", "output": "He helped us win a game.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这种教义是三位一体的教会传播的,另外还有非三位一体的教会如耶和华见证。", "output": "The doctrine is taught by Trinitarian churches, and also by some non-Trinitarian churches such as Jehovah's Witnesses.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n每月需要一个新的环。", "output": "A new ring is needed every month.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n近日,行政长官林郑月娥宣布,将亲自领导政府内一个高层次、跨部门的“创新及科技督导委员会”。", "output": "To that end, Mrs Lam said she would \"personally lead a high-level, inter-departmental Steering Committee on Innovation and Technology\".", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n最佳女演员之最 历届提名及获奖", "output": "Multiple best actor nominations and awards.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n谁都想做第一,但第一并不容易。", "output": "Everybody wants to be the first, only the first.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你也会穿着不胖的小妞T恤去看体重观察者会议,然后做一个关于没有人喜欢胖然后分发糖果的演讲吗?", "output": "Do you also go to Weight Watchers meetings in your No Fat Chicks t-shirt and give a speech about how no guy likes fatties and then pass out candy bars?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n让我们谈谈我们的老朋友乔维。", "output": "Let’s talk about my friend Joe.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这个观点由 Epic 游戏前总裁 Mike Capps 提出。", "output": "At least, that is the view of former Epic Games President Mike Capps.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n突然,一滴水落在了我的脖子上。", "output": "A drop of water falls on my neck.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n101枝:你是我唯一的爱", "output": "101 Roses: You are my only love.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nMorvant比喻热带岛屿到新奥尔良的独特的音乐,食品和根深蒂固的传统交融的丰富的文化遗产。", "output": "Morvant likens the rich heritage of the tropical island to that of New Orleans’ unique blend of music, food and deep-rooted traditions.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你们不要从那条路再回纳尼亚去了。", "output": "You won’t get into Narnia again by that route.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n巴雷特是虔诚的天主教徒,育有七名子女。", "output": "Barrett is a devout Catholic and mother of seven children.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n金里奇告诉他的支持者说,他决定继续参与竞选,直到八月份在佛罗里达州坦帕市举行党提名大会为止。", "output": "Gingrich told supporters he’s determined to stay in the race all the way to the party nominating convention in August in Tampa, Florida.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n其他地区的时间可略为延长。", "output": "In other regions is already a little longer tobogganing time.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“镀金”是用一层金色覆盖一些价值较低的东西,使它看起来像它不是。", "output": "To “gild” is to cover something of lesser value with a coat of gold to make it look like what it is not.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n请在提交交易前核实账户信息和银行详细信息是否正确,因为我们不负责检查任何信息是否准确。", "output": "Please verify and make sure that the bank account information of the Beneficiary are correct prior to submitting your Transaction because we are not responsible for detecting inaccuracies.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n【主编评语】抑郁症是一种非常普遍的疾病,在所有欧洲国家都会产生重大的经济影响。", "output": "Depression is a highly prevalent disorder which exerts a major economic impact in all European countries.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n香港国际机场是全球最繁忙的机场之一,通往全球220个目的地,每日约有1100架次的航班。", "output": "Hong Kong International Airport is one of the busiest airports in the world, with 220 destinations worldwide and about 1,100 flights daily.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”莱文认为,他去寻找Veslovsky。", "output": "and he went off to look for Veslovsky.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”“他们继续走着,什么也没说,直到他们再次走上大街。", "output": "They walked on without saying anything until they got to the main street again.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n那么俄罗斯的文化怎么样呢?", "output": "What about Russian culture?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n文化的差异容易造成沟通上的误解,尤其在书信往来时,因为彼此都看不到对方的肢体语言。", "output": "Miscommunication can easily occur because of cultural differences, especially in the writing form when we can’t see one another’s body language.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n1824年英国和荷兰同意新几内亚岛的西部成为荷属东印度群岛的一部分。", "output": "By 1824 Britain and the Netherlands agreed that the western half of the island would become part of the Dutch East Indies.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n(不是每个人都可以直接用疫苗保护——有些人对他们没有反应或者有过敏或健康状况阻止他们服用。", "output": "It’s important because not everyone can be directly protected with vaccines – some people are unresponsive to them or have allergies or health conditions that prevent them from taking them.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n其中,在G20发达国家中,英国工人的实际工资增幅最弱。", "output": "UK workers suffer heaviest fall among G20 countries in real wages", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n太阳能油漆”将空气中的水蒸汽转化为氢燃料", "output": "Solar paint turns air moisture into hydrogen fuel", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n伊朗官员表示,救援人员继续在星期二被强烈地震夷为平地的山村中寻找尸体和幸存者。", "output": "Officials in Iran say rescue teams are continuing to search for bodies and survivors in mountain villages flattened by Tuesday's powerful earthquake.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n有將近三分之一的人說:“教會很枯燥”(31%)。", "output": "One-third said “church is boring” (31 percent).", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果深度学习是这场革命的蒸汽机,那么数据就是煤炭,即驱动智能机器的原材料,没有煤炭一切皆不可能。", "output": "If deep learning is the steam engine of this revolution, then data is its coal: the raw material that powers our intelligent machines, without which nothing would be possible.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n很幸运的是,automake 程序可以为你完成这个工作。", "output": "So, that the Auto Layout system will know to do this work for you.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n它可能会或可能不会溃烂,并且尚未扩散到淋巴结或其他部位。", "output": "It may or may not be ulcerated and it has not yet spread to the lymph nodes or other sites.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n恐龙不是道德好坏,但他们都死了。", "output": "The dinosaurs weren't morally good or bad, but they're all dead.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n据估算,受到影响的用户数量会超过1亿。", "output": "The number of the users affected is estimated to be over 100 million.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“巴西世界杯”开始啦!", "output": "World Cup in Brazil has begun!", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我特别害怕,然后我就开始大叫。", "output": "I was so scared and after that I started to scream.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“我认为,瞧不起蓝领工作的传统观念将会变化。", "output": "“I think the whole notion of dressing for the red carpet is changing.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n当然,我告诉她她可以和我们呆在一起。", "output": "So I told her she could stay with us.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n然而,细细品味之后才明白,为什么Francis会说,“我爱这个女人,胜过鲨鱼爱鲜血。", "output": "Frank Underwood once said, \"I love that woman, I love her more than sharks love blood.\"", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“全民阅读月”系列活动启动", "output": "We started a popular monthly lecture series.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n或许这个大夫真的能治好自己的口吃病。", "output": "Perhaps this youngster could really cure the migraine of his.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n却也是,我同样是我的两年前。", "output": "Yes, that was me as well two years ago.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他们整个晚上都在聊天,笑着互相了解。", "output": "They spent the evening laughing and getting to know each other.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“一切都很顺利,Benni。", "output": "\"It’s really okay, Benny.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n给乔治留下三个选择。", "output": "It left George with two options.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n艾萨克·牛顿的宗教观点", "output": "*Isaac Newton's religious views", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果他的支持率接近34%,那对民主党来说,将是一场灾难。", "output": "If he had anything close to the 34 percent, it would be a runaway, a disaster for the Democrats.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这则留言对爸爸产生了戏剧性的影响。", "output": "That had a dramatic impact on my father.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n去拍一些并不“安全”的电影。", "output": "Now, that is not a \"safe” movies.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“重要的是,这是我知道的唯一一个例子,当你考虑太阳能输入时,太阳能蒸发过程的热效率是100%。", "output": "\"Importantly, this is the only example I know of where the thermal efficiency of the solar evaporation process is 100 percent when you consider solar energy input.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n计算您的汽车的实际排放量(g/km)", "output": "Calculation of actual emissions in g/km on your car", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nNetflix公司CEO宣布设立1亿美金教育基金", "output": "Netflix CEO sets up $100 million fund for education", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他说:“一种强烈的焦虑正在全球蔓延,人们都担心在不久的将来,这类武器可能会再次被使用。", "output": "“A strong sense of anxiety is spreading across the globe that in the not-too-distant future, these weapons could actually be used again.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他向我吐露了他的秘密:他是同性恋。", "output": "Except he has a secret: he's gay.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这种方法使他特别注意了印第安人神话,自1960年代以来,他一直在研究神话。", "output": "This approach led him to pay particular attention to Amerindian myths, the study of which was the subject of most of his writing since the 1960s.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n然后你和爸爸可以移动。", "output": "Could you and your husband move?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n此外,普京还表示,“与某些国家所声称的不同,俄罗斯对其他国家并不构成威胁。", "output": "In addition, Putin also said that unlike some countries claim, Russia does not pose a threat to other countries.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n斯蒂芬·斯皮尔伯格开始拍摄电影时,导演还算是好莱坞中最重要的人物,现在则是市场行销控制电影业的时代。", "output": "Steven Spielberg's first films were made at a time when directors were the most important people in Hollywood, and his more recent ones at a time when marketing controls the industry.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我说:“如果你真的偷了什么东西,我会离开你。", "output": "I said: \"If you ever really stole something, I would leave you.\"", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n伊斯坦堡每年举办音乐和歌剧节。", "output": "Annually Istanbul hosts music and opera festivals.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n至少,我有一些医学知识的。", "output": "I’ve got some medical knowledge.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n多萝西停止与我一起跳舞。", "output": "Dorothy stopped dancing to join me.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“我认为它可以使用一些练习,但我们可能找到了我们的第一个唱歌犬", "output": "It could use a little practice, but we may have found our first singing dog.\"", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n它也增加了浏览聊天记录的能力。", "output": "Allows the ability to record conversations as well.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你值得過得快樂、你值得過一個會令你興奮的生活,", "output": "You deserve to be happy, you deserve to live a life that excites you.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n今年我们希望能够有15%-20%的增长。", "output": "– This year we are aiming for growth of 15-20 %.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n幸运的是,您拥有有关您的朋友及其朋友的所有友谊的数据。", "output": "Luckily, you are in possession of data about all of the friendships of your friends and their friends.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n老挝的人口数量要比其周边国家少的多。", "output": "The population of Laos is much lower than in surrounding countries.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n力量训练能带来多种益处,包括加快新陈代谢以帮助减轻或保持体重。", "output": "Strength training offers a multitude of benefits, including ramping up your metabolism to help lose or maintain weight.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他们不会问,这是否对股东、股票价格、员工或者经理人有利。", "output": "They do not ask if it’s right for the owners, the stock price, the employees, or the executives.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n沙滩的丧失,海洋种群和粗心的捕捞方法也增加了人口的减少。", "output": "The loss of sandy beaches, marine population and careless fishing methods also have added to the decline of their population.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n3个回答 备孕可以种眼睫毛吗?", "output": "3 Responses to Do you have blinkies?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n她一下子就不想回家了。", "output": "She didn’t feel like going home immediately.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n预计气候变化将对农业产生深远的影响。", "output": "Climate change is expected to have significant impacts on agriculture.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n15 在学校捡到了东西怎么办?", "output": "15 What do we learn in School?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n給我一個機會,我會使你快樂!」", "output": "Give me a chance, I will make you happy!", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我很高兴看到东京奥运会更加年轻化、都市化并吸引更多女性参与。", "output": "I am delighted that the Olympic Games in Tokyo will be more youthful, more urban and will include more women.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n次日在比科罗建立了空中桥梁,并为加速感染检测工作部署了一个移动实验室。", "output": "The next day, an air bridge was established to Bikoro and a mobile lab deployed to speed up testing for infection.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你同样也能接近这一理想状态。", "output": "You, too, can move closer to this ideal.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们呼吁所有尤文图斯球迷都来支持这次行动。", "output": "I encourage all Ontarians to support this measure.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n应该尽早在适当时机提供这种查阅”。", "output": "Such access should be provided at the earliest possible time.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“你们埃塞俄比亚人也要死在我的刀下。", "output": "“Ye Ethiopians also, you shall be slain by my sword.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”早期的明天准备好你的马,这样他们可能在下午两点钟开始削减。", "output": "Have your horses made ready early tomorrow so that they can leave at two o’clock in the afternoon.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“他不像我一样是共产主义者,我们强迫他去", "output": "He was no more a Communist than I was, and we forced him to go.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果你今天在這裡,你不知道耶穌, 我想鼓勵你悔改相信.", "output": "If you are here today and you don’t know Jesus, I want to encourage you to repent and believe.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n仅靠斯里兰卡国内法院程序无法克服几十年来由侵犯、渎职和不遵守承诺所引发的广泛存在的合理猜疑。", "output": "A purely domestic court procedure will have no chance of overcoming the widespread and justifiable suspicions fuelled by decades of violations, malpractice and broken promises”.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“Kaydon 及其员工即将加入 SKF 集团,对此我感到很高兴。", "output": "“I am delighted that Kaydon and its employees will be joining the SKF Group.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n海滩, 指令, 捆绑", "output": "beach, compliance, offended.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果将任意部分声明为抽象的,则整个类型都被视为抽象的。", "output": "If any part is declared abstract, then the whole type is considered abstract.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n幾杯酒後,他們回到高大女人的公寓。", "output": "After a few drinks they went back to the tall woman’s apartment.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在您参加新工作的第一周,您的雇主必须:", "output": "On his or her first day of work, your new employee will need to:", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n它也可以在网页的结构更加精心进行编程,优先在后台重要内容和负载设计元素。", "output": "It is also possible to program the structure of a web page more meticulously, prioritizing important content and loading design elements in the background.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在不丹首都廷布,印度的影响力随处可见——从在街头溜达的印度军官到在印度项目中修建山路的工人。", "output": "In the country's capital of Thimphu, India's influence can be seen everywhere - from the army officers jogging on its streets to the labourers working on Indian projects for mountain roads.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nM-Bus11 目前是欧洲规范标准的一部分,详情可见 EN 13757标准。", "output": "M-Bus11 is now part of the EN European Normative standard detailed in EN 13757.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n了解其他因素(特别是气候变化和其变异)对空气质量的影响。", "output": "Understanding what other factors (particularly, climate change and variability) affect air quality.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n杜邦下士和他们在一起。", "output": "“Lieutenant Dugan is with them.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果你从典型的西方饮食转变为纯素饮食,你将会减少在肉类和动物产品上的消耗。", "output": "If you switch to a vegan diet from a typical Western diet, you'll eliminate meat and animal products.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n美国官员正试图将委内瑞拉的海外资产引向瓜伊多,以帮助提高他有效控制政府的机会。", "output": "US officials are trying to redirect Venezuela’s overseas assets towards the coffers of Mr Guaido to help bolster his chances of taking control of the government.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n把目標改為以下內容即可:", "output": "Change the Target: field to the following:", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们正在探索这些事情。", "output": "We’re exploring those things.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n1995 年马云第一次去美国并第一次使用了互联网。", "output": "In 1995, Ma went to the U.S. and used the Internet for the first time.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nBroadcom维持其2019财年的销售预测为225亿美元。", "output": "Broadcom is maintaining its fiscal year 2019 sales forecast of $22.5-billion.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n要是不立即把它们写下来,它们就会消失的无影无踪。", "output": "If we do not write down ideas immediately, they disappear.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n为了确保产品的加工质量,实际一个模块和产品的重量应在70%的注射机的理论。", "output": "In order to ensure the quality of processed products, the weight of the actual mold product should be within 70% of the theoretical injection volume.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n联邦政府将起带头作用,但我们不与各州合作开展活动。", "output": "The Federal Government will take the lead but we do not conduct a campaign without working with states.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n大多数国际游客到伊朗旅游是为了建筑的财富,主要城市及其周围的历史文化建筑。", "output": "Most International tourists visit Iran for the wealth of architectural, historical and cultural buildings in and around the main cities.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nOceanix City是以联合国可持续发展目标为基础的模块化海洋大都市的蓝图。", "output": "Oceanix City is a blueprint for a modular maritime metropolis anchored in the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n缅甸拒绝标签和否认了几乎所有的指控。", "output": "The Myanmar has rejected this sticker and has rejected almost all accusations.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n實際上這是賭博,若然你想賭一賭,明天或者會有人來付更多錢。", "output": "If you wanna gamble, somebody else will come along and pay more money tomorrow.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这一结果与2018年3月的7188的销量相符。", "output": "This result was in line with 7,188 sales reported in March 2018.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n该航班的最后一次运营于2019年10月24日停止。", "output": "The last flight on this route will be operated on October 24, 2019.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n此外,昆虫或鸟类大批死亡也可能表示有化学试剂释放。", "output": "The presence of many dead or ailing birds or insects may also indicate a chemical agent release.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n2019年,伊朗政权面临了其掌权之后自1979年以来最动荡的一年。", "output": "In 2019, the Iranian regime faced its most turbulent year in power since 1979.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n,它有助於實現成功和幸福在你的生活。", "output": "Let me help you attract success and happiness in your life.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们都不知道该说什么,也不知道该怎么开始。", "output": "Neither of us knew what to say or how to start.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这些装置可以调节的过程类型是酶促反应,抗体,细胞或分子的检测。", "output": "The type of processes that these devices can regulate is enzymatic reactions, detection of antibodies, cells or molecules6.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n本書的主角就是作者本人。", "output": "The major character in the book is the author himself.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n更不是发生在集中营或劳改营。", "output": "It is not even done in concentration camps and labour camps.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nC08J5/18 薄膜或片材的制造", "output": "C08J5/18—Manufacture of films or sheets", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n第17条第1项(a)点将“该个人信息根据其被收集和处理的目的已经不再有必要”作为删除的理由。", "output": "As per Article 17, 1(a) “the personal data are no longer necessary in relation to the purposes for which they were collected or otherwise processed;”.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n此外,文化上的变革也是必要的。", "output": "Cultural changes are necessary too.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n例如,“专利成功”指标提供了专利申请与实际授予专利申请的比例。", "output": "The “Patent Success” metric, for example, provides a ratio of patent applications to those that are actually granted.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如你所知,核心探针是一项长期项目。", "output": "Because, as you know that scientific research is a long-term project.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我在卢塞恩一个伟大的时间与我的家人。", "output": "We had a great time in Alabama with my family.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n3.使用遥控时应避免强光,包括阳光、灯光额照射,不然会影响遥控器的使用效果。", "output": "Use the remote control should avoid strong light, including sunlight, light exposure, or will affect the use of remote control effect.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在 iOS8 以后就不再需要设置这个了。", "output": "That is no longer possible with ios8.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他似乎对自己的成就非常满意。", "output": "He seems to be quite satisfied with his achievements.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n2011年世界粮食日的主题是“粮食价格: 从危机到稳定”。", "output": "The theme of World Food Day 2011: “Food prices from crisis to stability”.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n「小傢伙,你受驚了……」", "output": "\"Little fellow, you were afraid ...\"", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n今天是圣诞节,请允许我跟你表白。", "output": "This being Christmas, let me suggest one.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但最近几年,事情变得有些不妙。", "output": "Yet in recent years something has gone badly wrong.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n没有多少可以展示的了。", "output": "Not much to show off.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他们并没有看到同样的趋势在女性谁有创伤性事件。", "output": "They didn't see the same trend in women who had traumatic events.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n它的影响将在你的生活中永远感受到。", "output": "His influence will forever be felt in their lives.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这个观念在我们的文化中根深蒂固……多读", "output": "This idea is so deeply ingrained in our cultural… Read More", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”摸索到可怕的或神圣的东西。", "output": "“Groping toward something terrible or divine.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”你在哪里你付出代价。", "output": "\"And you yourself, where do you pay taxes?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n第三个教学环节的品控做得不到位,我们到今天来?", "output": "Goal Setting Workshop Lesson 3 Are We There Yet?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n还有一次,一位女乘客把手机丢在出租车上。", "output": "My daughter once left her mobile phone in a taxi.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”然而有一件事想要为了完成你的幸福吗?", "output": "Still, there was something wanting to complete his happiness.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n今天所謂的音樂常常不過是權力獨白的偽裝。", "output": "What is called music today is all too often only a disguise for the monologue of power.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n课程是免费的,但学生需签署合同,交付工作后三年薪水的17%作为学费。", "output": "The program has no cost up front but after receiving a job, students must pay Pesto 17% of their salary for 3 years.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nPML-N高级领导人在处理巴拿马论文案和玛丽亚姆纳瓦兹谢里夫参与党内事务等各种问题上处于领导地位。", "output": "The senior PML-N leader is at loggerheads with his leadership on various issues such as handling the Panama Papers case and involvement of Maryam Nawaz Sharif in party’s matters.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n中国如何在叙利亚运用自己的影响力是一个重要的指标,它将指出中国渴望成为什么类型的大国。", "output": "How China uses its influence in Syria is an important indicator of the type of great power that the PRC aspires to be.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n对于很多年轻人而言,这样的购房计划几乎是不可能接受的。", "output": "For many small businesses, this type of purchasing agreement just isn’t possible.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n人有人的尊严,对待无赖不必讲风度。", "output": "Treating other people with dignity takes no talent.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你永遠都一直待在爸爸媽媽的心裡。", "output": "She will stay in your mom's heart always.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在测量铝合金时,测量速度甚至比XRF快十倍。", "output": "When measuring aluminium alloys, Vulcan can be even 10 times faster than XRF.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n目前,ERNI集团共有大约650名员工,年销售额约1亿5千万欧元。", "output": "At present the ERNI Group employs some 650 people, achieving annual sales of around 150 million Euro.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n每一个做加速运动的观察者者都体验到同样的自然规律。", "output": "All observers moving at constant speeds should be subject to the same physical laws.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你必须参加旅游团队或由当地旅行社安排。", "output": "You should take part in an organized group or have the local travel operator to arrange for you.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nPsalm 80:6 你使邻邦因我们分争。", "output": "Psa 80:6 You make us a source of contention to our neighbors.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n然而,包机起飞前遭遇“突发状况”,令内塔尼亚胡不得不滞留一天,15日中午得以启程回家。", "output": "However, the unexpected situation before the charter flight took off, and Netanyahu had to stay for one day and was able to leave home at noon on the 15th.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nGawker旗下的8大站点目前正在进行重新设计,以便更好地为用户提供图像和视频。", "output": "Gawker's eight media properties are currently undergoing a redesign to accommodate better delivery of image and video-based content.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你将不会被释放进我们的国家。", "output": "“You will not be released into our country.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这一次修改许可让我们能够在未来几十年继续开展这项工作,并为实现这一目标的软件、社区和实践做出贡献。", "output": "This change puts us in a position to continue that work for the decades ahead and contribute to the software, community, and practices that make it a reality.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n大部分黑色貴族在歐洲是既富裕又有權勢的人。", "output": "The Black Nobility is mostly the rich and powerful of Europe.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n未来,财务决策将变得越来越机械化和智能化。", "output": "In the financial sector, though, funding mechanisms have become increasingly centralized and mechanistic.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n随着2018年和2019年的GDP增长率预计将达到7%,科特迪瓦仍然是非洲最具活力的经济体之一。", "output": "With a GDP growth rate projected to reach 7percent in 2018 and 2019, Côte d’Ivoire continues to be one of the most dynamic economies in Africa.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”这不是我们能期待的最好结果,但是现在我们能做的。", "output": "\"It is not the best outcome we could hope for, but...", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他们需要监督,额外的照顾,培训等等。", "output": "They need supervision, extra care, training, and so much more.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n接下来的两三年,我发明了许多遥控的自动装置,并在我的实验室里向参观者们展示。", "output": "During the succeeding two or three years, a number of automatic mechanisms, to be actuated from a distance, were constructed by me and exhibited to visitors in my laboratory.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他们浪费了自己的时间,结果一无所获。", "output": "waste of their time and that they got nothing out of it.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在这样的环境下,心灵会自然而然的沉静下来。", "output": "In that process the mind naturally stops.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们总是很高兴与我们的结果。", "output": "Always happy with my results.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n(图为某城市综合体。", "output": "(The tape was a City requirement.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n同时,越来越多的美国人开始用Prodigy、Compuserve、AOL的服务上网。", "output": "Meanwhile, more and more people started using services like Prodigy, Compuserve and AOL to get online.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n千禧年事务重新校准了在明天的工作场所中生存和寻找意义所需的技能。", "output": "Millennial Matters discusses the skills needed to survive and find meaning in the workplace of tomorrow.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n所以,如果你下定决心了,就开始写吧。", "output": "If you’re determined, just start writing.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n另外一个就是要传播。", "output": "Another would be diffusion.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n\"罢了,你迟早会离开的\"", "output": "'But you are leaving soon.'", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n解决Wi-Fi问题:在某些地方,Wi-Fi无法可靠到达。", "output": "Solving Wi-Fi woes: There are some places that Wi-Fi cannot reach reliably.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n首先,我们要选择一个合适的时间相遇。", "output": "Afterwards, we’ll choose a convenient time to meet.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n此外,中国消费者对国际品牌的意识越来越强,这使得跨境电商平台对海外产品的需求越来越大。", "output": "Furthermore, Chinese consumers are becoming more aware of international brands, which results in the increasing demand for overseas products on cross-border e-commerce platforms.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他建议采取以下步骤来保持和发展客户群:", "output": "He suggests the following steps to keep and grow your client base:", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”那么你就将被扼杀。", "output": "\"Then you will be hanged.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n只是暂时弄丢了而已。", "output": "They had just temporarily lost it.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n要在英格兰或威尔士的一所州立学校担任教师,您需要达到合格的教师资格(QTS)。", "output": "To be able to teach at state-maintained schools in England and Wales you have to achieve Qualified Teacher Status (QTS).", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n某些比赛可能要求参赛者年满二十一(21)岁。", "output": "Some events may require players to be at least 21 years of age.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n18世纪18世纪的石头和铸铁结构,花了10年的时间设计和建造,于1805年完成。", "output": "The 18 arched stone and cast iron structure, which took ten years to design and build, was completed in 1805.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n机场接送和-Shuttle是可能的,如果要通知我们。", "output": "Airport/port pick-up can be arranged, if interested let us know.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n她让我想起了Jane Seymour。", "output": "She reminds me of Jane Frame.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n「我很開心也很興奮、我要成為媽媽了。", "output": "I am so excited and so ready to be a mom.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n,,今年会议期间我重点关注海洋", "output": "This year they are focusing on the Ocean.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这就是拼多多独特的产品属性。", "output": "Lots of fields to track unique product characteristics.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n可为博客中不同的作者设置不同的title样式,以示区分。", "output": "You can set different title styles for different authors in your blog to distinguish.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我认识的穆斯林里有人强烈同情加入伊斯兰国和基地组织的人– 8%同意", "output": "I know Muslims who feel strongly sympathetic towards people fighting for IS and al-Qaeda – 8% agree", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n- 两个C_CAN 2.0B控制器,每个通道。", "output": "Two C_CAN 2.0B controllers with one channel each.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他数了数:二十六枚戒指,然后它停了下来。", "output": "He counted: twenty-six rings, and then it stopped.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nKepler任務網頁", "output": "The Kepler Mission website", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这两个房间几乎同样大。", "output": "The two bedrooms are almost the same size.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n波特声称,一家公司只能选择其中之一,否则就有可能浪费宝贵的资源。", "output": "Porter claimed that an organization should solely select one of many three or risk that the business would waste valuable resources.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n這裡不是一個小孩子會來玩耍的地方。", "output": "It’s no place for a child to play.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n相反,Rojava的居民依赖于叙利亚国家发行的现金 – 这意味着该地区仍然在经济上与政权绑定。", "output": "Instead, Rojava’s inhabitants are dependant on cash that is issued by the Syria state – meaning that the region is still economically bound to the regime.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n当代香港青年应该抓住历史机遇,选择正确的道路,为香港和国家服务。", "output": "Contemporary Hong Kong young people must grasp the historical opportunities, choose the right path, and serve Hong Kong and serve the country.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n中小型企业从它们的企业发展来说有具体的融资需求。", "output": "Small and medium enterprises have specific funding needs in terms of their business growth.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n她问我为什么被解雇了。", "output": "I asked why I was being fired.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n最初的人是两半,一个男人,一个女性。", "output": "The original person was two halves, one male, one female.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n从而需要提供信息的部件以及在所有层级传输信息的基础设施。", "output": "This requires components that provide information and an infrastructure that transports it across all levels.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这是一个街机风格的地牢挑战游戏,灵感来自20世纪80年代经典之作。", "output": "It's a car combat game brimming with 1980s animation style.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果取消制裁取决于其他程序,那么我们为什么要开始谈判呢?” 哈梅内伊说。", "output": "If the sanctions removal depends on other processes, then why did we start the negotiations?” he said, according to Reuters.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n对已声明类型的变量赋值(例如 local x::T)会转换为该类型。", "output": "Assigning to a variable with a declared type (e.g. local x::T) converts to that type.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在世界数字包装印刷市场中,西欧市场在2013年超过9.2亿美元,其中德国仍然是欧洲最大的印刷市场。", "output": "Of the world market for digital package printing, the Western European market exceeded $920 million in 2013, with Germany remaining the largest market for all print in Europe.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n2008年,OPPO进入手机领域。", "output": "Oppo entered the mobile phone industry in 2008.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n推荐参加:2017中国国际食品安全与质量控制会议", "output": "Previous: China International Food Safety and Quality Conference 2018", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n多年丰富经验深入了解市场", "output": "Many years of experience and profound knowledge of the market", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在亚洲,我们错过了信息技术(IT)时代,今天我们在数据技术(DT)时代。", "output": "In Asia, we missed the Information Technology (IT) era and today we are in the era of Data Technology (DT).", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n斯里兰卡警方逮捕了24名与袭击有关的人,但尚不清楚谁是幕后主使。", "output": "Sri Lankan police have arrested 24 people in connection to the attacks but it is not yet clear as to who was behind them.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但我内心绝大部分属于克罗地亚。", "output": "But the biggest part of my heart belongs to Croatia.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n選擇一個在下方的新聞主題,然後選擇一篇新聞文章來閱讀。", "output": "Please select a news category from the list below, then select a news article to read.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n第二,行业的需求,中国加入WTO,各行各业应该与国际接轨。", "output": "Second, is the industry's demand for China's accession to WTO, all walks of life have to be with international practice.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”里德说,但是两个民主党人都“将参加选举并进行非常有力的竞选。", "output": "But both Democrats, Ridder predicted, \"will be on the ballot and they will run a very robust campaign.\"", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nJessica Alba太美丽了,虽然仅仅是出席。", "output": "I mean Jessica Alba is extremely pretty but just not that sexy.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n拉脱维亚(Latvia)上帝保佑拉脱维亚*(God Bless Latvia)", "output": "Fine milled, with the inscription DIEVS * SVĒTĪ * LATVIJU (GOD BLESS LATVIA)", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n不过好消息是,现在不同了。", "output": "The good news is that today is different.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”Zeeky不需要太多令人信服。", "output": "Gregg didn’t require much convincing.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n官员:滴答声传播的疾病可能增加", "output": "Officials: Tickborne illness likely to increase", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n每年,博物馆都积极参与全俄“博物馆之夜”活动。", "output": "Every year Bulgaria takes part in the European night of museums.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n而说“堕胎”是个违法的事。", "output": "Lets say abortion is made illegal.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n1.5.免於非人道的待遇和強制工作的自由;", "output": "30(e) freedom from inhuman treatment and forced labour;", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在大学和非盈利公司里也有类似计划,叫403b。", "output": "Educational and not-for-profit institutions have a similar plan called a 403(b).", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果能够成功,这项技术就可以在短期内加入对抗多重耐药菌的战斗中,并且有着很好的应用前景。", "output": "If successful, this technology could boost the fight against multi-drug-resistant bacteria in the short term and well out into the future.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n哪些取境景点最受游客喜爱呢?", "output": "What places are most beloved by tourists?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n7、在经济窘境下,一个国家还应该向其他国家提供经济和物质援助吗?", "output": "In times of economic hardship, should a country still be expected to provide financial or material aid to others?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n所以,AT&T自然不会把重点放在移动通信上。", "output": "Surely AT&T would not place cells this close to each other.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n-EIN(雇主识别号码)", "output": "Their EIN (Employer Identification Number)", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n马来西亚将是2020年的APEC主办国。", "output": "Malaysia will host APEC in 2020.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n她的律师说,如果她被遣返,她将被监禁和折磨。", "output": "Her lawyers state that if she is repatriated, she will be imprisoned and tortured.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他們的目標是藉著宣講、教書、和寫作,促進亞美尼亞和拉丁教會的合一。", "output": "Their aim was to work for the union of the Armenian and Latin Churches by preaching, teaching, and writing.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n此时,地上的血迹大部分已被冲洗干净。", "output": "Most of the blood has been washed off at this point.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n這場比賽包括9首歌曲,你可以在3個不同的困難發揮他們。", "output": "The game consists of nine songs and you can play them in three different difficulties.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n每日电讯报(荷兰安乐死死亡人数在一年内上升了13%)", "output": "Daily Telegraph (13% rise in Dutch euthanasia deaths in one year)", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n显然,他预料到了什么。", "output": "So she obviously expected something.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n第111回:和你一起", "output": "Episode 111: With You", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n不过,也是唯一一场没有看到的表演。", "output": "O - the only show we have not yet seen.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n乐山市是中国唯一一个拥有三处不同类型世界遗产的城市。", "output": "Sofia is the only European capital that has eight different types of mineral water.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n白发苍颜,喧嚣的世界里,我们能否依然能够一下辨别出彼此的声音。", "output": "In this world full of noise are we still able to hear ourselves?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n当然,这些都是基本套路。", "output": "Remember, these are basic stretches.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在去年年初以前,Zynga在亚马逊的云服务中发布所有新游戏,只有在需求可以预测时才转向自家服务器。", "output": "From then until early last year Zynga launched all its new games in the cloud, moving them to its own servers only when demand became predictable.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n究竟該怎麼做,才能讓自己免於受到這些難纏的傷害呢?", "output": "So what can you do to protect yourself from these nasty disasters?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n帅帅:我只需要一只小鸟。", "output": "Poet: I need a couple of birds.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n右侧的图像用于MacPaint的宣传材料。", "output": "The image on the right was used in promotional material for MacPaint.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我并不特别在意其他人是否陷入其中。", "output": "I don’t particularly care who else gets caught in it.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n她现在生活在BC维多利亚市。", "output": "She is currently living in Victoria, BC.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他们还告诉我,妹妹也是他们收养的。", "output": "The families behind us were also their adopting.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n2 时间顺序:一个事情必须在另一事情之前发生。", "output": "Contingency: Something that must occur before something else happens.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n全球每年有50%的铅以前曾用于其它产品中。", "output": "50% of lead (Pb) has been used before in other products.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这每人个对相关数据进行了加权,以反映成年人口的构成。", "output": "The data has been weighted to reflect the composition of the adult population.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n作为一种认知技术,Watson 是人类最高能力的自然扩展。", "output": "Watson - As a cognitive technology, Watson is a natural extension of what humans can do at their best.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n大多数职位是软件工程师。", "output": "The majority of the jobs are software engineering positions.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n戈亚斯应该把确保他下船作为头等大事。", "output": "Theseus wants to keep his ship in top condition.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果游戏似乎很容易或困难,你可以随时改变的困难。", "output": "If you find that your group is too easy or too difficult, it is possible to change groups at any time.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n就像那首歌所唱的,金钱推动世界。", "output": "In truth, just as the famous song says, Money Makes the World Go Round.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n因此,以祛魅化的眼光来看,春运现象完全是不可思议的,可以被视为“非理性的习俗”。", "output": "Thus, viewed through disenchanted eyes, the Spring Festival phenomenon appears completely inconceivable and stands out as an “irrational custom.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n来回有一点点,但他们可以看到我来自哪里。", "output": "But, a little about me so you can see where I’m coming from.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n离开教堂在我们结婚的日子 - 1994年5月28日", "output": "Greg and me on our wedding day – May 28, 1994", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n(她进一步说,她看到这些专门针对学生设计的设备拥有“真正的潜力”。", "output": "(She added that she saw “real potential” in devices designed specifically for schoolchildren.)", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nAIC 致力于增进对亚太地区网络政策问题的了解并推动解决方案。", "output": "The AIC seeks to promote the understanding and resolution of Internet policy issues in the Asia-Pacific region.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n11 耶和華啊,你的手已經高舉+,他們卻不看+。", "output": "11O LORD, Your hand is lifted up yet they (W)do not see it", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n然后他回来了,手里拿着报纸坐了下来。", "output": "Then he came back and sat down with the paper in his hand.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n為此,國際治理應該更具包容性、代表性和參與性。", "output": "To this end, international governance should be more inclusive, representative and participatory.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n您会发现,完全沉浸在所在国的教育体系中是真正体验和了解人民,其传统和文化的好方法。", "output": "They’ll find that completely immersing themselves in the education system of their host country is a great way to experience and learn about the people, its traditions, and its culture.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“相信我,存在極大的憤怒。", "output": "“Believe me, there is great anger.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们喜欢与你们分享这些,因为我们热爱这个国家,热爱这个国家的人民和文化。", "output": "12.We are in this together because we love this State and its people.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n(二)焦虑 与健康状况改变有关。", "output": "Anxiety related to change in health status.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在所有情况下,广泛的实验室实践有助于培养实践技能和批判性评估实验数据的能力。", "output": "In all cases, extensive laboratory practicals help to develop practical skills and the ability to critically evaluate experimental data.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n今年的活动定于俄罗斯剧院年。", "output": "This year's event has been dedicated to the Year of Theatre in Russia.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n梦里长得很黑的男子,是你心里感情的那一面,所以,你再怎么逃还是逃不掉。", "output": "Dreamed very black man, is your feelings that side, so, no matter how you escape or escape.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n也许她和他们在一起。", "output": "Maybe she's with them?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我可以提出许多问题,这些问题会让我的发言无止境。", "output": "I could ask many more questions which will make my statement endless.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我一直在想,我應該開始投資一些房地產。", "output": "Well, I kept thinking that I should start buying some investment homes.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n一些最狂热的纳粹分子来自德国之外的德语区,如捷克斯洛伐克和南蒂罗尔。", "output": "Some of the most fanatical Nazis were from German-speaking areas outside the mother country, such as Czechoslovakia and South Tyrol.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n从此,我有三个生日。", "output": "Hence I had 3 birthdays since then.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这是一个很简单的问题我想。", "output": "Pretty simple question, I think.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们只会去做我们能做出巨大贡献的事。", "output": "And we’ll only do things where we can make a significant contribution.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n许多孩子也因首次看到陈列的各式各样兵器及详细介绍我国军队演变的照片,而看到兴奋。", "output": "Many of the children were excited to see for the first time the various weapons on display and the evolution of the country’s security forces.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n最明显的变化之一是Firefox 3.5能使Web开发者得到CSS Web字体的支持。", "output": "One of the most visible changes that Firefox 3.5 will enable for Web developers comes by way of support for CSS Web Fonts.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n一是推广了喊话式劝导。", "output": "They offered encouraging words of advice.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果您的队友正在禁用Defuser,您还会注意到该玩家的新动画图标。", "output": "If your teammate is in the process of disabling the Defuser, you will also notice a new animated icon on that player.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在她订婚的那一天,我们应该为我们的妹妹做什么?", "output": "What will we do for our sister on the day she becomes engaged?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我认为公司会做得更好。", "output": "We believe the company will do even better.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n据悉,两个品牌占雀巢每年在巴西销售的20亿升牛奶的10%左右。", "output": "The two brands make up about 10 percent of the 2 billion liters of milk Nestle sells in Brazil every year.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n瑞典法律也考虑到这一点,尽可能地让你的家庭成员在你居留期间获得工作签证和居住许可。", "output": "Swedish law takes this into account, making it possible for family members to receive work and residence permits for the duration of your stay.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n亚马逊从去年10月开始在7-Eleven等便利店提供现金支付系统,同样为了锁定没有信用卡的购物者。", "output": "Amazon began last October offering a cash payment system at stores including 7- Eleven, mainly targeting shoppers who are without credit cards.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n其他财务负债 - 3,122", "output": "Other long-term liabilities - 122", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n它高93m,几乎可以从城市的任何地方看到。", "output": "It stands 30 feet tall and can be seen from almost any angle of the city.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n罚款:未申报交易金额的1.5% – 3%", "output": "Penalties range between 1.5% to 3% of the amount of Unreported Transaction", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在这一方面,德意志银行的技术能力是保证这项交易能够运作起来的关键性因素。", "output": "In this respect, Deutsche Bank’s technological capabilities were a crucial facet underlying the feasibility of this deal.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在当前的研究中,沃特兰德和他的同事设计了一个实验来直接测试大脑中的DNA甲基化是否会影响能量平衡。", "output": "In the current study, Waterland and his colleagues designed an experiment to directly test whether DNA methylation in the brain affects energy balance.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在1920年代,洛杉矶超越旧金山成为西海岸最繁忙的海港。", "output": "During the 1920s, the port surpassed SanFrancisco as the West Coast's busiest seaport.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n美国的种族歧视事实上就是欧洲裔白人对所有其他少数种族的歧视。", "output": "Racial discrimination in the US is in essence the discrimination of the European whites against all other racial minorities.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n今年,Grab表示期待将业务进一步扩展至跨境汇款和在线医疗保健领域。", "output": "This year, Grab is expected to expand into cross-border remittance and online healthcare.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”这种情况给病人护理带来的后果是不言而喻的。", "output": "The implications of this for patient care are obvious.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n因此,建议您仔细确定您的优先级。", "output": "So, carefully prioritize your efforts.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在进一步研究之前,我们有必要说明一下,在近期的评估中,我们无法测试 Model 3 车型。", "output": "Before going any further, it’s important to note that we weren’t able to test drive the Model 3 during our recent evaluation.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n是的,您可以将我们的行李存放在我们的接待处。", "output": "Yes, we can keep your luggage at the reception.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这是最快的动物,对吧?", "output": "Surely, that's the fastest animal out there, right?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n她正拉着一位小女孩,走在大街上。", "output": "She was pushing a small boy along the street.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果Rooney和Iliff成功,实验会进一步证明缺乏睡眠会导致阿尔茨海默病。", "output": "If Rooney and Iliff are right, the experiment will greatly strengthen the argument that a lack of sleep can lead to Alzheimer’s disease.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n让我们期待明年11月第八届宫颈癌防治工程学术年会再相见~!", "output": "We look forward to seeing you next year at the eighth annual Student Pharmacist Compounding Competition!", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这部片子,正在1900年,他取得了少许好评,但最终闪现了惊人的贸易上的凋落。", "output": "The movie '1900' won some critical praise, but ended up a spectacular commercial flop.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n,美国经济似乎正在好转。", "output": "America’s economy appears to be improving.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我很期待读你的作品。", "output": "I look forward to reading your works.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”“我们将全面考量所有立法及非立法选项,禁止提倡、提供或实施性倾向矫正治疗。", "output": "\"We will fully consider all legislative and nonlegislative options to prohibit promoting, offering or conducting conversion therapy.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果他们做了,他会给他们一个。", "output": "If she did, would he give one?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如何以負責的方式旅行?", "output": "How might we travel responsibly?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n您的投资组合是否考虑到了这一点?", "output": "Is your portfolio taking that into account?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n其前身,是成立于1942年的军事情报勤務语言学校(MISLS)。", "output": "In 1942, the Military Intelligence Service Language School (MISLS) was established in Minnesota.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n有机会,直接去就好了。", "output": "got a chance to go straight.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n双头鹰成为Michael VIII Palaiologos皇帝的象征。", "output": "The double-headed eagle became the symbol of the Emperor Michael VIII Palaiologos.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n真实的经历是美好的。", "output": "Real world experience is good.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n404个引擎,93个水上标尺,19个直升机,64个手工和84个推土机支持船员。", "output": "Crews are being supported by 404 engines, 93 water tenders, 19 helicopters, 64 hand crews and 84 dozers.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“这不是一种季节性疾病,”国际公认的莱姆专家说。", "output": "\"This is not a memory clinic,\" the internationally renowned neuroscientist said.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n她一直很自豪自己当她的女管家。", "output": "She took great pride in being a housewife.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n誠信是我們最大的資本", "output": "Credibility is our biggest capital.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n兒童模特的年齡範圍通常為12歲及以下,並且可以是任何尺寸和高度。", "output": "The age range for a child model is generally 12 years and under and they can be any size and height.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这款小巧的仪器具有8个校准刻度,使用户能够在150木材种类中进行精确的水分测量。", "output": "This compact instrument has eight calibration scales, enabling the user to take accurate moisture measurements in 150 wood species.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n高质量、多元化的客户基础", "output": "A high quality, diversified customer base", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n克洛普:不介意赢得丑陋", "output": "Cunningham happy to win ugly", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n对于 GDPR 和与安全有关的疑问,请填写页面底部的表格。", "output": "For GDPR and security related inquiries please complete the form at the bottom of the page.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他们不太有趣的如果你是35,有事业,朋友,一个关系,或者孩子。", "output": "They are far less intriguing if you are thirty-five and have a career, friends, a relationship, or children.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们创建了一个清洁技术通过这样做。", "output": "We created a clean tech by doing that.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n其他风险,以及其他资源可以用于公共利益的方式,所有的一切都消失在背景中。", "output": "Other risks, and other ways that resources could he applied for the public good, all have faded into the background.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这个产品就是迎合这种需求。", "output": "This will be the product that suit this need.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他起初担任过设在英国伦敦的国际计划生育联合会的医学指导。", "output": "At the time I was the Medical Director of the International Planned Parenthood Federation in London.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但最主要的,是祝賀 2018 屆的畢業生們。", "output": "Last but not least, we would like to celebrate our 2018 spring graduates.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n精准医学:统计模型可以计算新药的潜在成功", "output": "Precision medicine: Statistical model can calculate potential success of new drugs", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n20世纪90年代中期,许多转型国人均GDP只有老欧盟15国的四分之一到三分之一(以购买力平价衡量)。", "output": "In the mid-1990’s, many transition countries’ per capita GDP was only about one-quarter to one-third of that of the old EU-15 (in purchasing-power-parity terms).", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n也许你要找的是美国城市费城。", "output": "Perhaps you should contact the City of Philadelphia.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n更给人留下深刻印象的是,苹果的利润已超出可口可乐、Facebook等公司的营收。", "output": "What’s more, Apple’s profits were greater than the revenues of either Coca-Cola or Facebook.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n烏克蘭打算11月份簽署聯合協議,其中一部分是自由貿易協定。", "output": "Ukraine plans to sign the EU deal, which includes a free-trade agreement, in late November.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但是我的父亲带我去Dremen当我年轻的时候。", "output": "My Aunt Jan used to take me to Canton when I was young.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nNode 网络结点或连接点,通常是计算机或工作站。", "output": "A network junction or connection point, typically a computer or work station.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n(我知道,我們對此也有點沮喪)」", "output": "(I know, I was a little disappointed too).", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n东南亚的网上购物者也光顾大量的网站。", "output": "The shoppers in South-east Asia frequent a large number of online sites.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n若您当选总统,会提出什么样的对策来解决呢?", "output": "If you are elected President, what steps will you take to overcome it?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n就连厌恶他的为人的批评家们,也不得不承认这一点。", "output": "Even his most ardent critics will have to admit that.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n由于平时工作繁忙,她无暇清扫房屋。", "output": "Unable to find steady employment, she cleaned houses.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n现在,我们可以选择为世界上一些最大的软件项目做出贡献。", "output": "Now we have the option to contribute to some of the biggest software projects in the world.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n根据迄今获得的情况,鼠疫的国际传播风险看来很低。", "output": "Based on the available information to date, the risk of international spread of plague appears very low.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这一特性有时会很有用处。", "output": "Sometimes this characteristic is very beneficial.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n国际科学理事会(ICSU)最近启动了一个在线咨询咨询平台,收集指导地球系统未来研究的问题。", "output": "“The International Council for Science (ICSU) has launched an online consultation to gather questions that will help direct the future of Earth system research.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n四、司法独立的内容:", "output": "2 – The independence of judiciary:", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n重要说明:Microsoft 建议您定期完全备份您的数据。", "output": "The misconception that Microsoft fully backs up your data on your behalf is quite common.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n要架构这三个选项,需要广泛熟悉客户的资产负债表、财务策略,以及产品进入市场的方法。", "output": "Structuring the three options required extensive familiarity with the client’s balance sheet, financial strategies, and approach to the market.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这是我第一次参加,我很好奇为什么这么多人喜欢它并回去,年复一年。", "output": "It was my first time attending and I was curious to see firsthand why so many people love it and go back, year after year.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n八四. 在那日,我要在每個民族中推舉一個見証,然後,不信道者不得為自己辯護,也不 得向他們討好。", "output": "On the Day when We raise up a witness from every community—those who disbelieved will not be permitted, nor will they be excused.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n欧盟将召开第四次欧洲航天政策会议", "output": "Highlights of the 4th European Space Policy Workshop", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n研究人员称,金正恩掌权后,这种做法扩大了,现在有逾五万工人在最多达40个国家辛苦工作。", "output": "Researchers say the practice has expanded since Mr. Kim took power, with more than 50,000 workers now toiling in up to 40 countries.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果你不同意我的观点因为你太好了,上帝保佑你。", "output": "If you disagree with me because you’re too nice for that, God bless you.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n后者往往拥有最可行的花粉。", "output": "The latter tend to possess the most viable pollen.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n以下方法可以用于解决分类问题:", "output": "The following methods can be applied to solve classification problems:", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n一,伊朗重启核计划。", "output": "6) allow Iran to restart its nuclear program.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这些行动的目的其实只是利用这些农民来保护“红军”的后续部队。", "output": "In reality, these actions had as their aim the utilisation of the peasants as protection for the rearguard of the “Red Army”.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n当前,川崎拥有众多商业机遇。", "output": "Kawasaki offers a host of business opportunities right now.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n出道10年 Hey!", "output": "10 years hey.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你需要或想一切都提供给您。", "output": "need or want to receive everything.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n蓄热电锅炉在医院中的应用", "output": "Prohibiting using electric heating devices in the hospital.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n也许下一次,但可能不是。", "output": "Maybe next time…but probably not.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n1998年满分优毕业于费拉拉大学法律系,毕业论文关于税法(“所得税系统内的非商业机构”)。", "output": "Law degree magna cum laude at the University of Ferrara in 1998, with a dissertation in tax law (“The non-profit organisations in the system of income taxes”).", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n第二个阶段是愚蠢和笨重的阶段。", "output": "The second stage is long and harsh.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n捉了一只小熊,然后把它绑在树上给罗斯福射杀。", "output": "The bear hunter tracked down a bear and roped it to a tree so that Roosevelt could shoot it.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n总之:从技术层面上来说,传统互联网设计所应遵循的基本原则很多都已经无法适应当前的网络环境。", "output": "Technically, with CCN, many of the basic principles for traditional Internet design are no longer applicable to the current network environment.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我仍念念不忘烏魚子達人烤出來的極品。", "output": "and I still have not forgotten what a treat boiled peanuts are.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n位于格陵兰岛的北冰站,是英国格陵兰岛探险队的一个研究站。", "output": "The North Ice was a research station of the British North Greenland Expedition.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n昨天,Brian的家人太不高兴评论。", "output": "Gabrielle’s parents were too upset to comment last night.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n以太币之所以成为投资者喜爱的一个原因是,它实际上远远不止是一个加密货币项目。", "output": "One reason why Ethereum has become a favorite among investors is the fact that it’s actually so much more than just a cryptocurrency project.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这已被广泛报道,积极的方式。", "output": "This has been widely reported in a positive way.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nMac您的启动磁盘几乎已满,怎么办?", "output": "What to Do When Your Mac's Startup Disk Is Almost Full", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果你成了完美的奴隶,你会发现你所有的时间被耗尽。", "output": "If you fall slave to perfection you’ll find all your time depleted.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n墙上悬挂着钱和其他装饰物件,您可能会爱上这种氛围,或认为它凌乱不堪,但它一定是与众不同的。", "output": "With money and other ornaments draped across the walls you may either love the atmosphere or think its cluttered but it’s certainly different.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n威尼斯 - 允许带狗入住 (520)", "output": "Paris - accommodation - pets allowed (620)", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n给我一张纸条,如果您有任何疑问。", "output": "Send us a note, if you have any issues.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他们双方的父母全力支持他们的想法。", "output": "Her parents fully support both options.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n她一直等到下午五点,银行已经关门。", "output": "He waited until three o'clock and the banks were shut.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n来支持那项运动的进行。", "output": "Help support this campaign.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n慢性疼痛已丧失其适应性生物作用。", "output": "In contrast to acute pain, chronic pain loses its adaptive biologic function.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我非常尊重他们的道路,而我们也有自己的决断。", "output": "We work so closely with them that we even have our own passes.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n特别是今天,你可以通过比赛赚钱。", "output": "Especially since you can now earn by playing games.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nWilliam E. Crawford是1985越南战争结束后第一批进入河内的西方摄影师之一。", "output": "Documentary photographer William E. Crawford was one of the first Western photographers to gain access to North Vietnam after the war ended.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但对于Push来说,这并不是问题,因为是任务本身控制了度量的发送。", "output": "For push, this is not an issue since the task itself governs when metrics are sent.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n缺乏监管为原始设备制造商、二次电池公司和潜在客户带来了不确定性。", "output": "The lack of regulation creates uncertainties for OEMs, second-life-battery companies, and potential customers.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n13、查克之死是剧组拍摄的最后一场戏。", "output": "Chuck's death was the last scene filmed.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n也许洗个澡可能会有帮助。", "output": "Maybe a shower would help.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n也就是說,這是史上首次出現我們對於學校該要教些什麼根本毫無頭緒的情況。", "output": "This means that for the first time in history we have no idea what to teach in schools.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n《Liberi Fatali》被参加2004年雅典奥运会的一支花样游泳队伍选为伴乐[65]。", "output": "\"Liberi Fatali\" was played during the 2004 Summer Olympics in Athens during the women's synchronized swimming event.[64]", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们认为,资产阶级民主革命如果不被扼杀的话,它注定只是无产阶级革命的一个阶段。", "output": "We point out that if you do not want to see the bourgeois democratic revolution strangled then it must become only one phase of the proletarian revolution.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n犹太领袖齐集于特拉维夫博物馆,正式宣布成立以色列国。", "output": "The Jewish People's Council on the same day meeting at the Tel Aviv Museum approved a proclamation establishung the State of Israel.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你是如何决定成为说唱歌手的?", "output": "How did you decide to become a singer songwriter?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n墨西哥人与天主教会有着深厚的,几乎是神秘的关系。", "output": "Mexicans have a deep and almost mystical relationship with the Catholic church.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n业主是匿名的; 比特币不使用姓名,税号或身份证号码之类,而是通过加密密钥连接买卖双方。", "output": "The owners are anonymous; Instead of using names, tax IDs, or social security numbers, Bitcoin connects buyers and sellers using encryption keys.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你可以在那里买食物。", "output": "You can even buy food there.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但是,要把他們2個放在一起的話,", "output": "When we put these two things together,", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n每次比赛前,赛车始终都会经过精心梳理,以确保一切都在车上。", "output": "Cars will always be meticulously combed over before each race to make sure everything is above board.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n谁被邀请参加皇家婚礼?", "output": "Who has been invited to the royal wedding?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“机体具有一系列让活性氧物质失活的保护机制。", "output": "The body has a whole series of protective mechanisms that render reactive oxygen species harmless.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n问问你自己,你是否真正了解你的客户的金融交易的性质。", "output": "Ask yourself whether you truly understand the nature of this market.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果希拉里当选美国总统,很可能第三次世界大战就已经开始了。", "output": "If hillary gets to be president world war 3 will happened.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n关于它的治疗能力的故事经常出现,通常基于 姜黄素.", "output": "There are regular stories about his healing power, usually based on curcumin.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n穆雷医生,你该为杰克逊之死负责吗?", "output": "Do you think Dr. Murray should be charged with Michael Jackson's death?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n允许我们做的唯一的事,就是与俄国驻蒙特利尔的总领事馆的利哈乔夫先生进行电报联系。", "output": "All they allowed us to do was to communicate with the Russian Consul-General at Montreal, Mr. Lichatchoff.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n考虑这种情况 - 缺钱。", "output": "Consider this situation - the lack of money.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n基因工程的种子在结构上是相同的,如果一个问题影响到一个特定的作物,可以导致一种主要作物的失败。", "output": "Genetically engineered seeds are identical in structure, and if a problem affects one particular crop a major crop failure can result.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n案例研究丨寻找顶级资产:国家电力投资集团收购太平洋水电公司", "output": "Case study: The hunt for top tier assets - State Power Investment Corporation's acquisition of Pacific Hydro Group", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他是非常善良的人,我想這就是為什麽上帝如此大地使用他。", "output": "He is a very kind man, and I think that’s why God has used him so mightily.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在法国和德国之间的一场足球比赛正在进行中。", "output": "A match between France and England is still on.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他的最佳表现是在去年,当时他在2016年获得了40.9%的成绩。", "output": "His best showing came in his last year, when he got 40.9 per cent in 2016.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果用英语写出来,说,这些信息将填补一些二千万卷,在世界上最大的图书馆。", "output": "If written out in English, say, that information would fill some 20 million volumes, as many as are stored in the world’s largest libraries.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果別人持續在某個領域讚美你,開始去發展那方面的特長。", "output": "If others are continually praising you in a particular area, start developing it.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你们要得到这种安静,付任何代价来保持这种安静。", "output": "Gain this calm, and at all costs keep this calm.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我渐渐地看到了成果。", "output": "Gradually we are seeing results.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我看见一个医生告诉我我的里面有下降,降低肌肉很弱,所以当然我病了。", "output": "I saw a doctor who told me my inside had dropped down and that the lower muscles were weak and so of course I was ill.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n智者不为生者悲戚,也不为死者哀伤。", "output": "The wise neither mourn for the living nor the dead.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n多次获得新西兰旅游奖", "output": "Winner of numerous New Zealand tourism awards.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n作蓝本,制作他那幅1538年世界地图。", "output": "He is credited with the production of the first world map in 1538.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他们是不是有其他工作?", "output": "Do they have other jobs?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n对冬夏温差巨大的地区,要配置合适的加热和冷却装置。", "output": "For areas with large temperature differences between winter and summer, appropriate heating and cooling devices should be provided.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这就是它应该被记住的方式。", "output": "That’s the way it should be remembered.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n2007年,她回到中国担任苏黎世金融服务公司的首席精算师。", "output": "Later, she returned to China as chief actuary for Zurich Financial Services.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但是,SPF没有考虑UVA保护。", "output": "Also, SPF doesn’t provide you any insight into UVA protection.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n目前日本的消費稅率是5%。", "output": "The consumption tax is now 5 percent in Japan.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n意大利金融交易税自2013年3月1日起生效。", "output": "The Italian Financial Transaction Tax (“FTT, has now been in force since 1 March 2013.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n让你清理个果汁都这么难?", "output": "Will it be complicated for you to clean the juicer?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nPremier的目标是在安全降低成本的同时提高会员的质量成果。", "output": "Premier’s goal is to improve members’ quality outcomes, while safely reducing costs.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他是怎么支付这次旅行吗?", "output": "How did I pay for this trip?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n6.给孩子立清规矩和界限", "output": "Provide limits and boundaries for the child", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“我们也非常重视透明度,并乐意遵守额外信息的要求,”MillerCoors在一份声明中说。", "output": "\"We also value transparency and are happy to comply with the request for additional information,\" MillerCoors said in a statement.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n不像自上而下的管理风格,决策只由领导团队做出,民主的管理风格是透明的,鼓励员工的参与,并且相对客观。", "output": "Unlike top-down management styles, where decisions are made only by the leadership team, the democratic management style is transparent, encourages participation from employees, and is relatively objective.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n虽然航空公司仍在发展和利润之间寻求平衡,“市场渗入才是这场游戏真正的名字。", "output": "While airlines are looking for a balance between growth and profitability, “penetration is the name of the game right now.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“你知道波兰与美国的联盟毫无价值。", "output": "\"You know that the Polish-US alliance isn't worth anything.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n,这名男子曾是事发学校的高中生,但在一年前因“违反纪律”被学校开除。", "output": "The teenager had been expelled from the school last year for unknown 'disciplinary reasons'", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n韩国最关注中国与朝鲜,尽管与日本之间的政治关系非常紧张。", "output": "South Korea is most concerned about China and North Korea, although significant political tensions exist with Japan.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n即便是巴菲特这样的长期价值型投资者最终也不得不屈服于不断变化的价值格局,尽管他选择的时机不太理想。", "output": "Even longtime value investors like Mr. Buffett eventually gave in to the changing value landscape, though his timing hasn’t been ideal.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n批评人士表示,该部和相关部门在向受影响的政治家通报泄密事件并采取措施阻止该事件方面进展缓慢。", "output": "Critics said the ministry and relevant authorities were slow in informing affected politicians of the leak and moving to stop it.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在队伍中,战士的职责是固守前线、保护其他成员,并打倒强悍的敌人。", "output": "On a team, it is his job to man the front lines, protect the other party members, and bring the tough opponents down.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n调查有组织或多重虐待;", "output": "Investigating organized or multiple abuse;", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n面对约翰牧师、面对所有跟随他的年轻人,我要引用丘吉尔说的话:\"如今不是黑暗的时日。", "output": "And to Pastor John, and all you young people who follow him, I say what Churchill said, “These are not dark days.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nQ5:在此刻最特别的一件事?", "output": "Chapter 5: What Is Most Important Right Now?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我不确定是否与它的热情。", "output": "I'm not sure if her mother is thrilled about that.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n都挺适合你,你也可网上搜,网上有这两本书。", "output": "Look no further, you can order both books online.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n网络攻击小企业的后果可能是灾难性的。", "output": "The consequences of a cyberattack on a small business can be catastrophic.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“不幸的是,我们在两次退休后都处于低谷。", "output": "\"Unfortunately, we're finishing on a low with two retirements.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n住在加拿大马尼托巴省的冰岛后裔居民,患季节性情感障碍的人数仅是非冰岛后裔加拿大人的一半左右。", "output": "And among Canadians of Icelandic descent living in the Canadian province Manitoba, the prevalence of SAD is approximately half that of non-Icelandic Canadians living in the same place.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n优质黄油和鸡蛋是不可转让的。", "output": "High-quality butter and eggs are non-negotiable.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n您的表現還將影響公司董事們對您的印象。", "output": "Your performance will affect board directors' impressions on you.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n虽然他这时并不读书了。", "output": "At this time he was not yet reading.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在这项研究中,研究人员让几种不同类型的老鼠在出生后的短时间内接触低浓度的BPA。", "output": "In the study, researchers exposed several different types of mice to low concentrations of BPA at birth, for a short period of time.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n也就是说,每10分钟一小时,你要注意你的膝盖。", "output": "That is, every hour for 10 minutes you pay attention to your sick knee.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n” “它们通常不会流行。", "output": "“It doesn’t usually pop up.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n最近,南方许多地方遭受洪水袭击。", "output": "Several areas of the country have recently been affected by flooding.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n第二个解释了欧亚大陆寒冷的冬天,但不影响全球平均温度。", "output": "And a second one that explains the cold Eurasian winters, but without affecting the global mean temperature.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n为什么你会觉得时间流逝得越来越快?", "output": "When do you think that time passes more quickly?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n此外,这款武器据信具有极高的杀伤几率,这意味着其构成了一个致命威胁。", "output": "Further, the weapons are believed to have a very high probability of kill, which means they pose a deadly threat.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果他们希望保持对俄友好关系,他们就能理解俄方作出这种决定的原因,局势也将保持平静。", "output": "If they want to preserve good relations with Russia, they will understand the reason for making such a decision, and the situation will be calm.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n气候是长期天气的平均状况。", "output": "Climate is long term weather average.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n通过这些信息能否识别并定位到具体个人?", "output": "Can all those steps be broken down and attributed to specific individuals?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n客人们围着桌子僵硬,微妙地吸气;社会喘息。", "output": "Guests stiffen around the table, breath subtly indrawn; social gasps.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n西 班牙共产党第九次代表大会的提纲声明: “马克思主义的性质是科学的,不是教条。", "output": "In the theses presented to the 9th Congress, the Communist Party of Spain affirmed unequivocally that ‘Marxism is scientific in character, not dogmatic’.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你如何评价它的规模为1 – 10 ?", "output": "How would you rate it on a scale of 1-10?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我说,“今天发生了什么?”", "output": "I said, “What happened today?”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”这段计154 字。", "output": "The entire section has 154 words.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n不能解脱,只能忍受。", "output": "It cannot evade, only endure.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n当然从减免学费,以继续教育讲座,你将有机会职业发展。", "output": "From course tuition waivers to continuing education seminars, you will have opportunities to grow professionally.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n64. 残疾人到处都有。", "output": "People with disabilities are everywhere.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在分区模式中,私密区域在空间上与开放式区域隔开。", "output": "In this model, the private zones are physically separate from open areas.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n6.怪罪:“問題出在我身邊的人。", "output": "Blame: “The problem is the people around me.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n近一个月来,我几乎每天早上都呕吐。", "output": "Within the last month i have been getting sick almost every morning.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n哪哪都能见到,真烦。", "output": "Anywhere where it's difficult to see.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nSKorea的公园开放与北方谈判...也许", "output": "South Korean president open to summit with North ... maybe", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这样的转变已经开始发生了,我们也开始将产品的生产更贴近消费端,并且变得更加敏捷。", "output": "We’re already on this course, and we’re just beginning to distribute closer to consumption and becoming more agile.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n克莎的新专辑, 高速,似乎表明她一样感到困惑,因为我们。", "output": "Kesha’s new album, High Road, seems to indicate that she’s just as confused as we are.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n《一个星期一的早上》原文: 一个星期一的早上,国王、王后,还有小王子来看我,可是我不在家。", "output": "One Monday Morning One Monday morning the king the queen and the little prince came to visit me But i wasn t home", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n5、一个优秀的沟通者---能够倾听并分享信息", "output": "5- Be a good communicator – listen and share information.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n2008年的台湾年度代表字也是这个“乱”字。", "output": "The word for Taiwan's annual representative in 2008 is also this \"random\" word.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n美国糖尿病协会:你处于危险之中?", "output": "American Diabetes Alert Day: are You at Risk?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n孕妇是不可以喝咖啡。", "output": "Pregnant women shouldn't drink coffee.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n本版《电影制作手册》的内容已更新至HD及其他新型数字格式。", "output": "The Filmmaker’s Handbook is now updated with the latest advances in HD and new digital formats.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nSamsung Galaxy J8设备有6种型号和型号。", "output": "The Samsung Galaxy J8 has 6 models and variants.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n据调查,任何时候世界上都有约0.7%的人处于醉酒状态。", "output": "It’s estimated that at any one time around 0.7% of the world’s population is drunk.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n霍夫曼4月发表道歉声明,表示将接受一切后果。", "output": "Huffman had apologised in a statement last month and said she will accept the consequences.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nOrbex为在线交易提供100%安全保护,所有数据均备份并保存在十分安全的加密技术环境中。", "output": "Cryptofxonline is 100% secured for online trading and transactions, all data is backed up and protected in a highly secure encrypted technological environment.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“在这个地区,有海啸的两个著名的案例 - 在1826年和1872年»", "output": "\"There are two events [in the region] known to have generated local tsunamis in 1826 and 1872.\"", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n上一篇:卡戴珊被批未向澳洲火灾捐款 反驳称不必事事公开", "output": "Kardashian was criticized for not donating to the Australian fire, retorting that nothing had to be made public", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但是到了1859年,東側的柱廊被拆除了。", "output": "Around 1845 the eastern wing of the house was demolished.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n选择跟随耶稣是我们人生最重大的决定。", "output": "But the choice to follow Christ remains the most important decision of our lives.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这个国家有一个挑剩下的感觉,狩猎和trapped-out感觉,更糟糕的是,他第一次经历但仍然明显。", "output": "The country had a picked-over feel to it, a hunted and trapped-out feel, worse where he had first come through, but still noticeable here.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n华盛顿 - 第一个两党艾滋病毒/艾滋病核心小组于周四正式启动,这是30年后第一次发现人类免疫缺陷病毒", "output": "WASHINGTON -- The first ever bipartisan congressional HIV/AIDS caucus officially launched on Thursday, 30 years after the human immunodeficiency virus was first identified.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n不论祂跟受造之物玩什么游戏,祂都持守看书的规则,公平地进行这场游戏。", "output": "Whatever game he is playing with this creation, He has kept His own rules and played fair.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果探测到压力或悲伤,手环会做出反应,播放音乐或提醒我过去的美好时光。", "output": "If it detects stress or grief, it responds by playing music or reminding me of the good old days.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果說在國家之間進行戰爭的條件已經起了變化,那么階級斗爭的條件也同樣起了變化。", "output": "If conditions have changed in the case of war between nations, this is no less true in the case of the class struggle.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n马斯克还希望重新使用两级猎鹰9的上级和它的有效载荷 - 在发射期间保护卫星的鼻锥", "output": "Musk also wants to reuse the two-stage Falon 9's upper stage and its payload fairing - the nose cone that protects satellites during launch.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n邀请人们来和你进行小组交流;大家会注意到你行为举止上的变化,逐渐开始尊重你。", "output": "Invite people to talk with you in a group; people will start to notice the change in your behaviour and slowly start to respect you.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但在资源配备上目前还存在不均衡。", "output": "But there is an imbalance in where the resources available sit.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n最糟糕的事情,他发现了他甚至不想去想它,甚至当他知道他不能不考虑这个问题就结束了。", "output": "The worst thing, he was discovering, was that he didn’t want to think of it even while he could, even when he knew he could not bring the situation to an end without thinking about it.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在美国海军潜艇上引入超音速反舰导弹将使中国军舰更难机动。", "output": "The introduction of a supersonic anti-ship missile on US Navy submarines would make it more difficult for Chinese warships to manoeuvre.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n围困昆都士的北方联盟部队说,有六百名塔利班外籍战斗人员星期六在昆都士以西的一个小镇缴械投降。", "output": "Northern Alliance troops ringing the city of Kunduz say 600 foreign Taleban fighters laid down their weapons and surrendered Saturday in a town west of the city.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n子女在稅務年度年底未滿18歲", "output": "The child was under age 18 at the end of the tax year", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n它还有最大的排水盆地,有些地方看起来更像是大海而不是河流。", "output": "It also has the largest drainage basin and in places appears to be more of a sea than a river.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n微软视频展示BAE系统的全息驱动制造培训解决方案", "output": "Microsoft Video Shows Off BAE Systems` HoloLens-Powered Manufacturing Training Solution", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们只想看到你成功并做得好。", "output": "They want to see you succeed and do well.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这两只基金的第二轮申请将于1月13日(星期日)截止。", "output": "Applications to Round Two of both funds close on Sunday, 13 January.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”布罗德里克提醒格兰德斯只在两、三个星期前“他们拯救了这座城市中最大的两位私人银行家。", "output": "Broderick reminded the grandees that only two or three weeks before “they had rescued two of the largest private bankers in the city.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n2:38 彼得说:「你们各人要悔改,奉耶稣基督的名受洗,叫你们的罪得赦,就必领受所赐的圣灵;", "output": "2:38 Peter said to them, “Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ so that your sins may be forgiven; and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n过去她习惯选择消极的一面去看。", "output": "She was choosing to see the negative.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n第2层中最重要的是你应该理解网桥是什么。", "output": "The most important take-away from layer 2 is that you should understand what a bridge is.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n「我很尊重和欣賞作為演員的Anthony Rapp。", "output": "He wrote: “I have a lot of respect and admiration for Anthony Rapp as an actor.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n韓國國家情報院表示,他們正在「密切審查」JTBC的報告。", "output": "The National Intelligence Service said it was “closely reviewing” the JTBC report.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n平均标题与塔利班的和平是可能的吗?", "output": "Do you think peace with the Taliban is possible?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n另外,我還要得到許可,按照我認為合適的方式去做。", "output": "And I alone have the creative license to do that in a way I see fit.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这是Heath Ledger最后一部电影。", "output": "Heath Ledger’s last performance on film.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n事实上,俄罗斯勇士飞行表演队的飞行员也没有让人失望。", "output": "Fortunately, the pilots of Russia’s Pacific Fleet do not disappoint.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n客户日后如果有什么技术问题,可拨打我们的售后服务电话,我们将问您做出详细解答。", "output": "If you have any technical questions in the future, you can call our after-sales service phone and we will ask you for detailed answers.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n也就是说,他们认为在未来十年内改进技术和先进的地面望远镜应该能够利用这些黑洞来了解我们的宇宙如何发展", "output": "That said, they think improving technology and advanced ground-based telescopes coming over the next decade should be able to leverage black holes like these to understand how our universe has been growing.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n通过简单地添加您选择的任何新功能,并且无需构建新网站,它可以在以后轻松扩展。", "output": "It expands easily at a later date by simply adding any new function of your choice and without having to construct a new website.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n下一个问题就是何时分开。", "output": "The next dilemma is when to leave.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n因此,德国人决定守住 Schmidt。", "output": "But the Germans still held Schmidt.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”不,我也在一家餐馆做饭。", "output": "\"I was cooking in a restaurant.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这在艺术和经济方面都取得了成功,而这位作曲家的作曲家终于能够为自己买一架钢琴。", "output": "It was both artistically and financially a success, and the impecunious composer was at last able to buy himself a piano.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n塔利班经常 夸大例如袭击造成的伤亡。", "output": "The Taliban often exaggerate casualties from their attacks.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这也是一个非常好的结果。", "output": "This is also a very good result.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n没有个人的发展,就没有集体的发展;而个人只有在集体中才能实现更充分的发展。", "output": "There is no collective development without individual development; individuals can only enjoy well-rounded development in a collective environment.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我不是“Yes Man”", "output": "I am not a \"yes man\".", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n8.1万个Facebook 账户被黑,私密信息正在出售", "output": "81,000 Facebook accounts have been compromised, with private messages going up for sale", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n3.在第1和2款中所述的情况下,任何一个运营者的责任都不得超过根据第4条对其可适用的数额。", "output": "In neither of the cases referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 shall the liability of any one operator exceed the amount applicable with respect to him pursuant to Article 4.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n渡轮和较小船只上的HVAC系统也是如此。", "output": "The same can be true of HVAC systems on ferries and smaller vessels.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”“他甚至都不想谈论这件事。", "output": "“And he doesn’t even want to talk about it.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n海岸警卫队抢救了95名移民,并将他们转移到这两个岛屿。", "output": "The Hellenic Coast Guard rescued 25 migrants and transferred them to that island.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n例如,亚马逊最近宣布与Qtum基金会合作,将项目的dApp开发和智能合约工具集成到AWS中。", "output": "For example, Amazon recently announced a partnership with the Qtum foundation to incorporate the project’s dApp development and smart contract tools into AWS.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nRob – 是的,谢谢,那是非常有趣的。", "output": "Brandon: Thank you, yes, that was fun.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n人们总是在低估他人,高估自己。", "output": "They keep underestimating others while overestimating themselves.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n桑德斯几乎没有完成她的工作。", "output": "Watts is far from finished with his work.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n最近对阿富汗安全形势的严峻评估是在美国与塔利班进行谈判并紧急寻求摆脱这场长达17年的战争之际。", "output": "The latest grim assessment of Afghanistan's security situation comes as the US pursues talks with the Taliban and urgently seeks a way out of the 17-year war.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n4、led路灯灯具头可调时,应使光源中心线落在路宽的L/3-1/2范围内。", "output": "When the lamp holder is adjustable, the center line of the light source should fall within L/3-1/2 of the width of the road.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n- 不要让静态图片在屏幕上显示超过2小时.", "output": "- Do not leave a still image on the screen for more than 2 hours.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我所戰鬥之人,我並不仇恨", "output": "‘Those that I fight I do not hate,", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n當我們願意直視脆弱,並與它肩並著肩,我們才有機會挖鑿出自信、快樂、創造力以及更多的可能性。", "output": "When we are willing to look at the fragile and shoulder to shoulder, we have the opportunity to dig out self-confidence, happiness, creativity and more possibilities.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n世界上第一个鲨鱼保护区于2009年由Palau Archipelago创建。", "output": "The world’s first shark sanctuary was created in 2009 by the Pacific nation of Palau.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“我们的员工是家庭的一部分。", "output": "“Our staff are a part of the family.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nFCA的战略目标是单一的,即保护和增强对英国金融系统的信心。", "output": "One of the FCA's operational objectives is to protect and enhance the integrity of the UK financial system.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nα-Ga2O3半导体的性能表现优于市场上其它半导体。", "output": "Alpha-Ga2O3 semiconductors provide superior performance to other semiconductors on the market.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n歌手迪奥妮沃里克说: “迈克尔是我们的朋友,无疑是世界上最伟大的艺人,我幸运和他一起工作。", "output": "Singer Dionne Warwick said: \"Michael was a friend and undoubtedly one of the world's greatest entertainers that I fortunately had the pleasure of working with. ...", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n有证据表明,世界上80%的人口缺乏食物。", "output": "The data show that there is a lack of food for 80 percent of the world population.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但他的工作日,他帶領蘋果繼續前行的重任,都還遠沒有結束。", "output": "His workday, and his job leading Apple, are far from over.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n冰川时代/Ice Age", "output": "The Railway Series/Ice Age", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n2009年,57200个申请需要受理, 未判决案件的数量也上升到119300个。", "output": "In 2009 57,200 applications were allocated, with the number of pending applications rising to 119,300.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“我们听说过,即使是在这里。", "output": "We know about him, even here.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n努比亚(Nubian)", "output": "African Dance (Nubian)", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n同时保留自治区国防动员委员会国民经济动员办公室,设立重大项目稽察特派员办公室。", "output": "At the same time, retained the National Economy Mobilization Office of the National Defense Mobilization Committee of the Autonomous Region, and established the Office of Key Project Inspector.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nInbound 戰略部", "output": "Head of Inbound Strategy", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他表示,中国的军费开支仅仅是美国军费开支的一小部分。", "output": "The Chinese military budget is still a small fraction of U.S. military spending.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nXamarin SDK和Mono都将在MIT许可证下可用。", "output": "Both the Xamarin SDK and Mono will be available under the MIT License.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n有关社会信用体系的法律文件", "output": "Legal Documents Related to the Social Credit System", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“他是一个楷模的职业球员,我们为此感谢他,也感谢他在赛季完毕前要做的一切。", "output": "“He has been an exemplary professional and we thank him for that as well as what he’ll do until the end of the season.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nGSC的一個固有優勢就是其全球多樣性。", "output": "One of the inherent advantages of GSC is its global diversity.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n那个号码并不好记:19731998.", "output": "The phone number wasn't an easy one to remember: 19731998.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他是一个敌人远远超出所有的矮人的权力放在一起,如果他们都可以收集从世界的四个角落。", "output": "He is an enemy quite beyond the powers of all the dwarves put together, if they could all be collected again from the four corners of the world.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他们想知道为什么他不救他自己。", "output": "I wonder why he didn't save himself.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我的兒子在我的位置,用那只眼睛為我看見一整個新世界,我為此感到驕傲。", "output": "I was so proud of my son who was seeing a whole new world for me, in my place, with that eye.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这些信仰是不愉快的,无知的和种族主义的", "output": "Those beliefs are unpleasant, ignorant and racist.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在许多情况下,他们甚至可以帮助您为纳税季节做准备。", "output": "They might even be willing to help you out come tax season.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n当我不灵活时,我能感受到:我的思绪开始变得僵硬,我感到沮丧,烦躁,愤怒,失望。", "output": "When I'm not flexible, I can feel it: My mind starts to feel rigid, I feel frustration, irritation, anger, disappointment.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”“你不必叫我这样的。", "output": "“You don’t have to call me that.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n簡單、自然的解決方案是,承認有兩個中國。", "output": "The simple and natural solution is to admit there are two Chinas.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n·赌运亨通:如何贏得更多", "output": "Online Gambling -how to win more?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n「那是自私的想法,」由摩根·弗里曼(Morgan Freeman)飾演的曼德拉在電影中說。", "output": "“That is selfish thinking,” Mandela, played by Morgan Freeman, says in the movie.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n该州经济发展专家吹捧该地区拥有技能熟练的工人、运输中心和大量汽车供应商。", "output": "State economic development experts touted the region's highly skilled workers, transportation hubs and cluster of auto suppliers.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n鯊魚的種類超過500種,不過在大部分人的想像中其實只有一種。", "output": "There are more than 500 species of sharks, but in popular imagination there’s really only one.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n拉斯维加斯的赌博似乎是展会主办方唯一尽力避免的事情,因为他们往往更理解数学和概率。", "output": "Gambling in Vegas seems to be the only thing the showgoers try to avoid, as they tend to understand math and probabilities.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n威廉□埃尔曼说:“在核武器和导弹方面,我认为伊朗、朝鲜和利比亚比伊拉克更令人担忧。", "output": "\"In terms of nuclear and missiles, I think Iran, North Korea and Libya were probably of greater concern than Iraq\"", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n它也非常适用于虚拟化和云计算。", "output": "It is also very applicable for virtualization and clouds.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“你让她这么做的吗?”", "output": "“You allowed her to do that?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他想要摆脱你的束缚。", "output": "He wants to get rid of your burdens.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这里同时也是全世界最大的政治选区,覆盖面积超过220万平方公里。", "output": "The city also has the world’s largest political electorate, covering 2.2 million square kilometers.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n缔造出一条伟大的通道。", "output": "and making a great track.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n届时,傅里作为董事会执行委员的任命也将提交股东审议。", "output": "At that point Faury's appointment as executive member of the board will be submitted to shareholders.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nCCECC负责人表示,该项目对尼东南和西南地区经济发展意义重大,并为当地增加5000多就业岗位。", "output": "CCECC official said the project is significant for the economic development of southeast and southwest Nigeria and for the local increase of more than 5,000 jobs.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n虽然面临的障碍依然巨大,但性工作者组织已经用行动证明:性工作者社群有能力调动有限的资源。", "output": "Although the barriers remain huge, OTS has proven that sex workers communities can mobilise with limited resources and capacity.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n意高不仅仅是一家企业。", "output": "High Dive is not just a business.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但北京、广州等其余6个城市仍不同程度下跌,重庆跌幅最大,环比下跌1.81%。", "output": "But Beijing, Guangzhou and other six cities are still varying degrees of decline, the largest decline in Chongqing, the chain fell 1.81%.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这是第二次死亡:火湖。", "output": "The second death: the lake of fire.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n假设有一个“他们“完全。", "output": "Assuming there's a \"they\" at all.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n個人所擁有的東西(如智慧卡或識別證)", "output": "something the individual has (such as a smart card);", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n她或他必须知道这一选择的可能后果。", "output": "He or she must be aware of the new odds.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n至于对这个领域的实际监管,McDonald 指出:", "output": "During this practical application session, McDonald covered:", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n一方面,我的电脑在卧室里,灯光也不太好。", "output": "For one thing, my computer is in my bedroom, and the lighting isn’t so great.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这个市场完全掌握在美国人手中。", "output": "The general public market here is totally in the hands of the Americans.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n至少在教育当中是这样的。", "output": "At least that’s the case in education.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n世界上最大的花朵是Rafflesia arnoldii。", "output": "This is the world’s largest flower, Rafflesia Arnoldi.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n3DS 集团公司的位置见此处。", "output": "3DS Group Companies’ location is available here.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n项目已完成,其成果已由中大出版社出版。", "output": "The project has now ended and the results have been published on the Publications page.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n危机蔓延的风险一再被低估。", "output": "The scale of the disaster has repeatedly been underestimated.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n本页面已经被访问过7次。", "output": "This page has been accessed 7 times.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但Tuvok试图让我们离开这里。", "output": "And Mayrath tried to get us out of there.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n根据该报告,下沉的影响之一是突然出现地面上的大裂缝和深井。", "output": "The report said that one of the effects of subsidence was the sudden appearance of huge cracks and deep pits on the ground.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n定义为系统的光学传递函数(OTF)。", "output": "It is called the Optical Transfer Function (OTF).", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你应当看到,当你到达那里。", "output": "You see it when you get there.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n所有20颗卫星都很小,直径约为3英里(5公里)。", "output": "All 20 moons are tiny, measuring about 3 miles (5 kilometers) across.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nTuchel:“我不能100%保证Neymar可以和多特蒙德比赛”", "output": "Tuchel: I cannot say 100 percent that Neymar will play against Dortmund", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n關於1918年至1945年的南斯拉夫,請見「南斯拉夫王国」。", "output": "For the demography of the former Kingdom of Yugoslavia (1918-1945), see Kingdom of Yugoslavia#Demographics.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n许多基督徒以为律法只包含十诫。", "output": "Many Christians think that the law includes only the Ten Commandments.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n印度称它为鸡脖子,长期以来一直担心中国会通过战争夺取该山谷,从而分裂印度领土。", "output": "India calls it the Chicken’s Neck and has long feared that China could seize it in a war, splitting its territory.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n◎ 当时我在场,目击证人。", "output": "I was there; an eyewitness.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n当地设施包括小酒馆和一个小型市场,分别位于200米范围内的财产。", "output": "Local amenities include taverns and mini-markets, which are located within 200 meters of the property.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n健康:医院的噪音污染问题日益严重", "output": "Noise Pollution a Growing Problem in Hospitals", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n截至目前,已有170多位学生被世界名校提前录取。", "output": "Up to now, more than 170 students have been accepted by the world's famous schools.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但在日本,这有点困难。", "output": "But in Japan, it is difficult.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你知道好莱坞一线明星们拍一部电影能挣多少钱吗?", "output": "And you know how Hollywood movies make so much money?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n所以比名字和日期更多", "output": "More than Names and Dates", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n小细胞肺癌传播迅速。", "output": "Small Cell Lung Cancer spreads quickly.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n该研讨会是阿里巴巴在马来西亚数字自由贸易区实现电子世界贸易平台(eWTP)试点的最新展示。", "output": "The seminar is the latest showcase in Alibaba’s realisation of the Electronic World Trade Platform (eWTP) pilot at the Digital Free Trade Zone in Malaysia.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但他没有评论胡子,尾巴上长的爪子或显眼的颅骨,所以我们假设它们是正确的。", "output": "He did not comment on the moustache, tail-claws, or pronounced cranium, so we should assume they’re correct.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在FredericLarsan的房间,我发现Larsan声音睡着了。", "output": "On going to Frederic Larsan's room, I had found Larsan sound asleep.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n就像在夏天一样,1号的表演是免费的,但是若想参观彩排则需要购票。", "output": "As in the summer, the 1 November performance is free, while tickets must be purchased for the dress rehearsals.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n建造710隧道將會:", "output": "the 710 Tunnel is projected to:", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n将在Windows 2000的所有Windows系统上运行。", "output": "It is supported on all Windows systems from Windows 2000 onwards.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果您覺得自己的收益超過公平份額,請停止。", "output": "If you know more than your fair share, just stop.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他会在哪里,如果不是在床上?", "output": "Where else would he be if not on the ground?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n问题在于,是否所有国家都必然会登上这部电梯。", "output": "The question is whether all countries will inevitably get on that escalator.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我再问:“你有没有欺负别人?”", "output": "She sighed, “Did you offend someone again?”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n声明中的第4条尤其值得注意。", "output": "Especially noteworthy is the statement in viii.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n就型式系列和品种规格而言,已问世的, 约有十余个系列,百余个品种规格,正在形成一个新兴行业。", "output": "In terms of type series and variety specifications, about a dozen series have been introduced, and more than 100 varieties of specifications are being formed in a small industry.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但是,自由贸易区和单一市场有什么区别呢?", "output": "What is the difference between a free-trade area and a single market?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n过程中有关重大事项请及时反馈国家能源局及有关牵头部门。", "output": "Please provide timely feedback to the National Energy Administration and the relevant lead departments on major issues in the process.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”她叫道,“这不是在梦中先知给我看的那张脸!", "output": "‘That is not the face the Prophet has shown me in my dreams!’", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n她却一转把玩具弄好了。", "output": "She cleaned the toys up.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他们可能成为危险一旦他们有一只猴子的情报,这是自我意识,可以创建自己的议程。", "output": "They could become dangerous once they have the intelligence of a monkey which is self-aware and can create its own agenda.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n不要用孩子的名字作为简单的词语表达。", "output": "Avoid using the child’s name as the single word.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nTresiba和Ryzodeg可能引起低血糖症(Hypoglycemia),或會威脅生命。", "output": "Tresiba and Ryzodeg may cause low blood sugar (hypoglycemia), which can be life-threatening.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n李飞飞(Fei-Fei Li)从中国来美国的时候还只有16岁,怀揣着很大的梦想。", "output": "Fei-Fei Li arrived in the U.S. from China at age 16 with many big dreams.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n内存通常太少,不能永久保存所有需要的程序和数据。", "output": "· Main memory is usually too small to permanently store all the needed programs and data.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你无法用任何方法测量它。", "output": "You can’t use it to measure anything.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n中化国际加入金蜜蜂全球CSR2030倡议", "output": "Co-initiators of GoldenBee Global CSR 2030 Initiative", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n大多数游客(51%)通过暹粒抵达,其余的人(49%)通过金边和其他目的地抵达。", "output": "Most visitors (51%) arrived through Siem Reap with the remainder (49%) through Phnom Penh and other destinations.[145]", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们希望留在这里,我们已经长大了的草药森林;和不希望被移植到另一个土壤。", "output": "We wish to remain here, where we have grown up as the herbs of the woods; and do not wish to be transplanted into another soil.\"", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n尽管 Uber 在日本遇到了困难,但它也加入了这个行列。", "output": "Despite its difficulties in Japan, Uber has joined the ranks.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你一定真有胆量,想在这里帮助我们。", "output": "You are very brave to have reached out to us for help.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nEmacs 有的是一种你叫不出名字来的品质。", "output": "Emacs has the Quality Without a Name.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但是,他们对孩子们非常慷慨。", "output": "They were very generous to children, of course.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n那该死的码头在哪里?", "output": "Where is that damn door?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n出院时医生要我打胰岛素,我仍然拒绝了,我相信只有太极拳才是我康复的唯一出路。", "output": "When the doctor asked me to fight insulin hospital , I still refused, I believe the only way out is my only Taiji rehabilitation .", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n真相是,我們通常不是為那些我們認為的原因而感到煩亂。", "output": "Truth is that we usually aren’t upset for the reasons we think we are.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n此外,RNAi技术还提供了阻断特定基因表达,以及评估化合物反应或信号通路改变的高效手段。", "output": "In addition, RNAi technology provides an efficient means for blocking expression of a specific gene and evaluating its response to chemical compounds or changes in signaling pathways.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“不过,你永远不会,不是吗?”", "output": "But you never would, would you?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n男孩的母亲对接待员说,毕利显然精神错乱了。", "output": "The boy's mother informs the receptionist that Billy is going crazy.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”像Hornung一样的拥护者认为,宪法在修改方面给予国会很大的余地-包括取消截止日期的能力。", "output": "Advocates like Hornung maintain the Constitution gives Congress wide leeway when it comes to amendments — including the ability to lift the deadline.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n怎样在火星上建一座房子?", "output": "How do you build a house on Mars?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n西方其他国家医疗保障也面临和法国类似状况。", "output": "The quality of health care in France is on a par with other Western countries with a similar standard of living.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n它跟日常生活的联系如此紧密,使得所有孩子都高度感兴趣", "output": "It is so closely related to daily life that it interests all children intensely.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n预计在大多数地区,天然气将主要用于发电,尽管新兴市场的制造业可能需求量近似。", "output": "Power generation is predicted to be the primary consumer of gas in most regions, though manufacturing could demand similar volumes in emerging markets.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“当前和今后,中国发展进入了各种风险和挑战不断积累甚至集中的时期。", "output": "“At present and in the future, China's development has entered into a period where risks and challenges continue to increase or are becoming concentrated.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这反而意味着麦当劳又一次胜利了:孩子们虽然可能不再关心玩具了,但他们仍然关心是否吃到了快餐。", "output": "In which case, McDonald’s wins yet again: Kids may not care about the toys anymore, but they still care about getting their hands on some fast food.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n《戰爭和戰略問題》,1938年11月6日", "output": "“Problems of War and Strategy” (November 6, 1938)", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n為何大部分的排毒方法都不持久?", "output": "Why do you think that most physiotherapies do not last long?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果人们在足够的活动中做出正确的决定,他们可以走了。", "output": "If people make good decisions in enough activities, they’re free to go.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n虽然它类似于实物货币,但数字货币允许无国界转让所有权以及即时交易。", "output": "While exhibiting properties similar to physical currencies, these currencies also allow for instantaneous transactions and borderless transfer-of-ownership.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他现在已经开始接受相关咨询。", "output": "They start now getting advice.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n到底哪裡「安全」呢?", "output": "So where is the “security?”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这表明人类大脑在某种程度上可以从声音、形状中提取出抽象的东西。", "output": "The experiment suggests that the human brain is somehow able to extract abstract properties from the shapes and sounds.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n仅仅探索他们的使用过程。", "output": "Just explore their usage.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nR的好处是一个开放的,免费的源。", "output": "The main benefits of R are that it is free and open source.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我认识派克曼博士两年。", "output": "I have known Dr. Feldman for some time.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nEIG完成全球私募債權基金終結交割", "output": "EIG Holds Final Closing of Global Private Debt Fund", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他的死是一个至关重要的阶段的延续他的生命吗?", "output": "Was his death an essential stage in the continuation of his life?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在上半年的15世紀,沿著橋兩側建成兩排店鋪。", "output": "During the first half of the 15th century two rows of shops were built along the sides of the bridge.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nPE篷布的使用与储存", "output": "Use and Storage of Willow", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n货币战争已然正式拉开帷幕", "output": "The Currency Wars Have Officially Begun", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n也就是说,投资而不是消费才是经济持续增长的引擎。", "output": "Saving, not spending, is the engine of economic growth.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果3D打印准备实现工业化,那么副产品或其他可回收的塑料物质就需要被重新利用。", "output": "If 3D printing is going to be industrialized, that byproduct or other recycled plastic needs to be reused.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n联邦宪法法院周五表示,该投诉于上个月被驳回。", "output": "The Federal Constitutional Court said Monday it had received the complaint.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n科琳和我总是乐意支付合适数量的佣金给那些应得的人。", "output": "Coleen and I have always been happy to pay all commissions due to the people who were owed them.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果我沒有女朋友,就表示說,我星期一到星期日都沒有女朋友。", "output": "If I did not wash my clothes, I would not have a single girlfriend come Monday morning.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我也不知道我的血型。", "output": "I don’t even know his bloodtype.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n外面任何一個未知的東西都可能是危險的。", "output": "Whatever is unknown might be dangerous.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我去了自然历史博物馆,但是什么也没做。", "output": "I wanted to go to the Natural History museum but run out of time.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这可能是他喜欢你并且想和你调情的标志之一。", "output": "This can be another evident sign that he likes you and wants to flirt with you.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n问问自己是否真心愿意去做。", "output": "Ask yourself if you really want to do it.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n皮特凯恩群岛 +64(和新西兰共用)", "output": "Pitcairn Islands +64 (Shared with New Zealand)", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我感到了生存的危机。", "output": "I feel some existential crisis.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n一些家庭出身不理想的学生往往会向老师询问:老师,我也能上大学吗?", "output": "The questions that go through minds of college-bound students often include: Should I even go to college?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n有ED的人更有可能不运动和超重。", "output": "People with ED are more likely to be inactive and overweight.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n长期以来,阿里巴巴一直依赖外部的公司投递包裹。", "output": "Alibaba has long depended on outside companies to deliver packages.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但结果从来没有受到质疑。", "output": "But the result was never in question.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n曼哈頓公司銀行 (創立於1799年9月1日,218年前(1799-09-01))", "output": "Bank of the Manhattan Company founded September 1, 1799; 217 years ago (1799-09-01)", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n电子烟只有4种简单的成分!", "output": "There are only 4 simple ingredients for e-cigarettes!", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我的家人总是给我一些东西。", "output": "My parents always send me something.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n2.有效利用现有资源,避免重复建设。", "output": "The goal is to use existing resources effectively and to avoid duplication.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nGE航空现在能直接为用户提供多种服务,这提高了它对直接客户——飞机机身制造商的议价能力。", "output": "GE Aviation, for example, is now able to provide more services to end users directly—a move that improves its power relative to its immediate customers, the airframe manufacturers.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但它也说明了当时前所未有的此类事件 - 与最近几乎已经变得非常普遍的大屠杀形成鲜明对比。", "output": "But it also illustrates how unprecedented such events were back then - a stark contrast to more recent massacres that have become almost chillingly common.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n8点28分,我被称为种族主义者,因为这对雪人夫妇是白人。", "output": "8:28 I am now being called a racist because the snow woman is white.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这次经济衰退给予我们的重要教训之一是,主要依靠美国消费者和亚洲出口推动经济增长存在着种种局限。", "output": "One of the important lessons the economic crisis taught us is the limits of depending primarily on American consumers and Asian exports to drive economic growth.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n尽管技术可行性是自动化的必要前提,但是打造令人惊叹的商业应用还需要考虑其他因素。", "output": "While technical feasibility is a necessary precondition for automation, other factors are required to build a compelling business case.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n” “我们必须记住,其中许多难民都是恐怖主义的受害者。", "output": "“We have to remember that many of these refugees are victims of terror.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n1926年:她的母亲去世了; 在曼彻斯特举办个展,目录中记载了“她每次用画笔本能画出的生活”。", "output": "1926: Her mother dies; holds a solo exhibition in Manchester where the catalogue notes \"she makes each stroke of her brush instinct with life\".", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n21世纪资本主义的垄断和竞争", "output": "Monopoly and Competition in the 21st Century", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nC) 组件的独立出错", "output": "C) Independent failure of components", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n说真的,我很高兴他们被人抓了。", "output": "In some ways, I’m glad that they were caught.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我到底也没有搞清楚他们到底有多少间房子。", "output": "I don't even want to know how much these houses go for.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n事件寻求友好解决的各种可能性的意见。", "output": "views on the possibilities of an amicable solution of the matter.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n自从所谓的中国茉莉花革命在二月中开始以来,许多个人和组织都试图宣称自己是运动的发起者和组织者。", "output": "Ever since the so-called Chinese Jasmine Revolution stirred up in mid-February, many individuals and groups have tried to claim as its initiators.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”布里特尼格里纳得到15分领先美国并巩固了一个出色的防守效率对阵Liz Cambage。", "output": "Brittney Griner scored 15 points to lead the U.S. and anchored a stellar defensive effort against Liz Cambage.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n第二种爱的类型被称作“因为式的爱”。", "output": "The second type of love is called 'Romantic love'.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n外面,风景在光和热中闪闪发光,和邻居的孩子,父母年纪小,不太了解灾难的可能性,在远处互相喊叫。", "output": "Outside, the landscape shimmered in the light and heat, and children from the neighborhood, children whose parents were younger and thus less acquainted with the possibility of disaster, shouted to one another in the distance.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他们会对你的文章进行分类,也许不是按照分数,但肯定是按照强/弱,有趣/枯燥,或者有效/无效来分类。", "output": "They will be selecting your essay, perhaps not when it comes to a grade, but the majority of most definitely regarding intense/poor, helpful/boring, or reliable/unproductive.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n随着游戏的规模和复杂度的发展,游戏开发任务现在往往由30-40个人分担。", "output": "As games grow in size and complexity, tasks are now divided amongst 30-40 people.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n1924 每小时的时间讯号(格林尼治时间讯号)于2月5日第一次从格林尼治天文台播放。", "output": "1924 Hourly time signals (Greenwich Time Signal) from the Royal Observatory, Greenwich were first broadcast on 5 February.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n消息人士称斋浦尔似乎是更合适的地点。", "output": "Sources indicate that Jaipur looks to be the most suitable location.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这事, 我早该料到吗?:(", "output": "Wish I had realized this earlier. : (", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n阅读离线 - 下载章节,以便在没有Internet连接的情况下阅读它们。", "output": "Offline webpages – Pages downloaded from the internet so that they can be viewed without an internet connection.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n为此,母亲不得不挤出时间去帮人做终点工。", "output": "As a result, her mom had to work full time to make ends meet.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n一般我们可以这样表达。", "output": "We may express this generally.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n为孩子们的 服装比赛", "output": "The kids' costume contest.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n杯葛和静坐和非暴力的对峙 ,这些都是民权运动可以选择的武器,都是高风险性的策略。", "output": "Boycotts and sit-ins and nonviolent confrontations—which were the weapons of choice for the civil-rights movement—are high-risk strategies.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n下面我们就来分析为什么。", "output": "Below we analyze why.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n有关部门今天上午将调查该地区,应能很快获得更多消息。", "output": "“Officials will investigate the area this morning and there should be more information soon.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n德雷克准备和米格斯一起踏上即将到来的北美之旅的道路,这一点已经得到证实。", "output": "Drake is set to hit the road with Migos for an upcoming tour of North America, it's been confirmed.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n周一,我们将对伊朗实施更多重大制裁。", "output": "We are putting major additional Sanctions on Iran on Monday.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这不是美林或富达,也不是发行人;苹果也不知道他们的股东是谁。", "output": "It's not Merrill Lynch or Fidelity and it's not the issuer either; Apple has no clue who their shareholders are either.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这两种思维方式的明智混合是科学成功的关键", "output": "And it is precisely the mix of these two modes of thought that is central to the success of science.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n另一家零售商正在试验“虚拟试衣间”作为展示橱窗。", "output": "Another retailer is experimenting with “virtual testers” as shop windows.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n3D打印之前已经进入了酒类企业,从提供3D打印服务的酒吧到您喝酒时使用3D打印水龙头。", "output": "3D printing has made its way into alcohol establishments before, from bars that offer 3D printing services while you drink to bars with 3D printed taps.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n至少从用户增长的角度来看,它似乎是有效的。", "output": "It seems to be working in terms of user growth, at least.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n不表示怀疑的监视并不会变成对的,而这仅仅是因为,它只不过以伤害95%的世界,取代了伤害整个世界。", "output": "Suspicion-less surveillance does not become okay simply because it's only victimizing 95% of the world instead of 100%.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我会努力把文章的优良劝告应用出来。", "output": "You will be finding excellent deals by using the advice from this article.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n事實上,這是首次發現沒有大腦的有機體能解決雙臂強盜問題。", "output": "In fact, this is the first time an organism without a brain was documented solving the two-armed bandit problem.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n牆重新豎起、屋頂修理好,挖好灌溉渠道將水排掉。", "output": "Walls were reerected, roofs repaired, and irrigation canals drained.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n希望我们的网站能引起您的兴趣。", "output": "We hope our web site is of interest to you.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n现在非法修建道路又开始了。", "output": "The illegal construction has already begun.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n体育场可以容纳42,300人。", "output": "The stadium's capacity is 42,300.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但在审判期间,奥帕勒夫不时给出自相矛盾的证据,而辩护律师也没有得到对其进行交叉质询的机会。", "output": "But during the trial, Mr. Opalev at times gave contradictory evidence, and defense lawyers were not allowed to cross-examine him.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n观鸟大年(The Big Year)", "output": "Birding and \"The Big Year\"", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n然而,棉花价格在1月中旬上涨。", "output": "However, cotton prices rose in mid-January.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n最近,我的亲戚正在装修。", "output": "Lately my husband has been baking.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n近30%的会员企业表示,它们放缓、推迟或取消了在美国或中国的投资,这个比例是2018年的两倍。", "output": "Nearly 30% said they have slowed, delayed or scrapped investments in the U.S. or China due to trade tensions, double from last year.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n总的来说,他的头号准则是坚持尽可能少加工的食物。", "output": "Overall, his number one guideline is sticking to foods that are processed as little as possible.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n

“我们需要在下一个十年重塑BBC新闻,并节省大量资金。", "output": "\"We need to reshape BBC News for the next decade in a way which saves substantial amounts of money.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n相反,你应该与其他了解你的背景、并在技术社区中寻找回报方式的初创企业领导者建立联系。", "output": "Instead, connect with other startup leaders who understand your context and look for ways to give back in the tech community.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n为了更好地了解这个产品,让我们对它的特性有一个简单的了解。", "output": "Further, to know this product better, let us understand its specifications.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n相反,资本的一般公式是M-T-M,这就是说,买是为了卖(带来利润)。", "output": "The general formula of capital, on the contrary, is M-C-M -- i.e., the purchase for the purpose of selling (at a profit).", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们已经与新加坡签署协定。", "output": "We have just bedded down our new agreement with Singapore.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nSPICE模型由两部分组成:模型方程式和模型参数。", "output": "The SPICE model consists of two parts: Model Equations and Model Parameters.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他们销售的产品或服务将成为商品。", "output": "The product or service they sell will become mere commodities.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他觉得,“嫉妒只和欲望并存”。", "output": "She contends that “love is just lust with jealousy added.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n\"我们的身份恰恰是这圣神的印证、我们所有人在圣洗圣事中领受的圣神的力量。", "output": "“Our identity is precisely this seal, this power of the Holy Spirit, that we all have received in Baptism.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果你把编程看作是一种磨砺,你只想尽可能容易地得到结果,那么你永远不会真正成为一个成功的程序员。", "output": "If you see programming as a grind where you just want to get a result as easily as you can, you will never truly be a successful programmer.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们害怕他会惩罚我们,或者他可能会停止爱我们或抛弃我们。", "output": "We are afraid He will punish us, or He may stop loving us or cast us away.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“我只是想给自己和家人一些有质量的时间,”他说。", "output": "He said: “I just wanted some quality time for myself and my family,” he said.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他们说到,“你看,我们应该研究自然,但我们研究自然是为了提高物质福利。", "output": "They say, “Look, we should study nature, but we should do so to improve our material welfare.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n因其要求未能得到滿足,部分村民遂於次日上午聚集在南三公路阻礙交通。", "output": "Since their demands were not satisfied, some villagers gathered again on the next morning to block traffic on Southern Route #3.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n访客是现场表演,每个音乐家在不同的屏幕上可见。", "output": "“The Visitors is a live performance, each musician visible on a different screen.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如何安装额外的Linux共享库。", "output": "How to install additional Linux® shared libraries.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这些行被注释,因为否则代码示例将无法编译。", "output": "These lines are commented, because otherwise the code example would not compile.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n食物过敏是非常常见的一种现象。", "output": "Food allergy is something common.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n然而,写作的念头总是或多或少让我麻痹。", "output": "However the idea of writing has always more or less paralysed me.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n韩语是一种孤立语言的例举,这意味着它不能被分类为任何语言家族。", "output": "However, it is possible that Korean is an isolated language that cannot be classified to any language family at all.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他表示,“为了我们的国家利益,哪怕我们面对其他国家的抗议,我们都将面对。", "output": "“For the sake of our national interests, we will face protests from any country.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n为了他的生命,基廷当时记不清那个项目是什么。", "output": "For the life of him, Keating could not remember at the moment what that project was.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“即使听起来像是浪费的一年,我也学到了很多东西–我获得了经验。", "output": "\"Even if it sounds like a wasted year, I learned a lot -- I gained experience.\"", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n有趣的是,这种控制被认为有希望在系外行星上寻找生命,因为可以观察到生物物质固有的分子手性特征。", "output": "Interestingly, this control is considered promising for the search of life on exoplanets, since it is possible to observe the signatures of the molecular chirality inherent in biological matter.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n曾经有一位歌曲的作者,写了一支歌,但得不到发表。", "output": "There was a song writer who could not get his song published.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“我听说过伟大的战争在东方。", "output": "\"I hear there is a great war in the East.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nWindows 10最早在春季更新中推出了遊戲模式,目的是為了通過分配更多資源來提供遊戲更好的性能。", "output": "Game Mode was first introduced in Windows 10 with the Spring Creators Update, with the goal of delivering more consistent performance by allocating more resources to games processes.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n当然填字游戏只是举例,重点是学点新东西,如一个新的语言、一道菜或任何未曾尝试过的新事物。", "output": "Of course, the crossword puzzle is just an imitation, the focus is on learning something new, like a new language, a dish or anything new that has never been tried.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果他今天早上看起来比平常严肃,他有原因。", "output": "If the family seems a little more grumpy than usual these days, there may be a good reason.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n2003年,丁旭因病退休。", "output": "In 2008, Judith retired because of illness.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n苏亚雷斯说,联邦调查局认为丹利是“有兴趣的人”,但不一定是嫌犯。", "output": "Suarez said the FBI considered Danley a \"person of interest\", but not necessarily a suspect.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n6月19日,“2010中国企业社会责任年会”在北京举行。", "output": "July 8, \"2011 China Corporate Social Responsibility Annual Meeting\" held in Beijing.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n1)负责新三板市场股票投资业务;", "output": "1) responsible for the new three board market stock investment business;", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n也许你会问:“我为什么要在意我的脑力呢?”", "output": "Now you might be thinking, \"Why should I care about my brain power?\"", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n\"它是这样开始的:巴拉巴是乘船来找我们的……\"", "output": "It begins like this: Barrabas came to us by sea…", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n流感还可通过手接触传播。", "output": "Influenza may also be transmitted by direct hand contact.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n区域委员会是通过粮农组织成员国之间的协议,由粮农组织理事会根据粮农组织《章程》建立的实体。", "output": "Regional Commissions are entities created by agreement between FAO member countries and established by the FAO Council under the FAO Constitution.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们将不再增加另一大笔——我想我们仍有3500亿美元,可予以征税,可增加关税。", "output": "We won’t be adding an additional tremendous amount of — we have, I guess, $350 billion left, which could be taxed or it could be tariffed.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n同年,孙派蒋赴俄罗斯学习苏维埃体制的政治及军事系统。", "output": "That same year Sun sent Chiang to spend three months in Moscow studying the Soviet political and military system.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nc) 森林採運作業中存有對高保護價值森林的破壞;", "output": "c) The destruction of high conservation values in forestry operations;", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n而且,我们的考试越多,我们的老师就越有时间,我们的老师也会越来越麻烦。", "output": "What's more, the more examinations we take, the more time will be taken from our teachers and the more trouble our teachers have to take.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你不需要一个很大的店面,或是大量的资金。", "output": "You don’t need a huge corporation or a huge sum of money.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这种简洁快速风格的特点就是大量运用 try 和 except 语句。", "output": "This clean and fast style is characterized by the presence of many try and except statments.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nInforma还注册为2020年世博会的授权门票经销商,该展会将于2020年10月开始。", "output": "Informa has also been registered as an authorised ticket reseller for Expo 2020, which begins in October 2020.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n1988年,印度成为第一个承认巴勒斯坦国的非阿拉伯国家。", "output": "After all, India was the only non-Arab country to have recognized Palestine in 1988.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在傷兵名單內的球員,可以被指派到小聯盟球隊以利在球員受傷後順利康復,通常為1至2週。", "output": "Players on the injured list (IL) can be sent to the minor leagues to aid in rehabilitation following an injury, typically for one or two weeks.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n换一种方式思考,高效自然而生!", "output": "New ways to interact, naturally and efficiently!", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在充分听取市场和各部委意见的基础上,我们现在正夜以继日地工作,尽快完成这项非常重要而光荣的任务。", "output": "On the basis of fully listening to the opinions of the market and the opinions of various ministries, it is working day and night and completing as soon as possible.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n中国民政部的数据显示,仅去年一年就有超过360万对夫妻申请离婚。", "output": "Figures from the Civil Affairs Ministry show that 3.63 million Chinese couples got divorced last year.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n葛底斯堡战役在陆地上留下了污点,是内战的转折点。", "output": "The Battle of Gettysburg left its stain on the land and was the turning point of the Civil War.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n3. 该文件于2018年5月24日更新,以符合有关规定,特别是根据欧盟条例2016/679。", "output": "The document was updated on 15/01/2018 to comply with the relevant regulations, and in particular in accordance with EU Regulation 2016/679.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n没有任何事情可以阻止你这么做。", "output": "There’s nothing preventing you from doing so.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n预计,未来几年将是有机电子技术和产业化实现突破的加速期。", "output": "It is expected that the next few years will be an accelerated period for breakthroughs in organic electronics and industrialization.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n十五年的冬天来了,他真的很孤独,最后一个老人。", "output": "The winter of the fifteenth year came and he was truly alone, the last of the Old Ones.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”“我知道他是男人。", "output": "“I know he was a man.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我沒辦法告訴你我有多希望我不想繼續留下來", "output": "But I cannot tell you how much I wish I didn't have to keep doing this.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n企业是否使用云并支持远程、不安全的网络?", "output": "Furthermore, is the enterprise using the cloud and supporting remote, insecure networks?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nNero Video 2016 提供全套工具,为您的光盘和文件图像带来顶级品质和炫目 4D 效果。", "output": "Nero Video 2016 offers a full range of tools for top image quality for your discs and files as well as dazzling 4D effects.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n关于幸福的作文:幸福300字", "output": "Composition of happiness 300 words", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n去谈自己能给企业带来的贡献。", "output": "Tell about what contribution you can make to the company.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n另外也可透過基因檢測,得知家族其他成員之風險。", "output": "Genetic testing can identify other members of the family at risk.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n专题 工业; 劳动力与社会保障; 水资源; 能源; 减贫;", "output": "Historic Topics Industry; Social Protections and Labor; Water Resources; Energy; Poverty Reduction;", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n目前克林顿正在继续对非洲的访问。", "output": "Clinton is currently on an African tour.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n用戶可使用的實際容量會少於此數。", "output": "The actual capacity that users can use is smaller than this.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n苏联也无视了柏林奥运会。", "output": "The USSR also ignored the Olympic Games in Berlin.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n怎样与亚洲女性约会?", "output": "How to meet Asian girls?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n主要造诣:美国第二十七任总统", "output": "Major achievements: 27th President of the United States", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n大约63,441名选民将首次这样做。", "output": "On the first ballot, 64,043 members voted.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n其实对于大部分西方人来说,游泳池并不只是财富的象征,它还象征着秩序,掌控难以控制的东西。", "output": "Actually a pool is, for many of us in the West, a symbol not of affluence but of order, of control over the uncontrollable.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n• 请带上您所需的药物以及所有最近的放射片和报告。", "output": "• Please bring along your medications and all your recent radiological films and reports.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你會上網瀏覽色情網站嗎?", "output": "Are you viewing Internet pornography?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n段落的中心句、文章的逻辑结构。", "output": "the structures of sentences, the logic of paragraphs.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们将向您展示如何解决 […]", "output": "We will show you how to […]", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他强调,中国要的是平等、有尊严的协议。", "output": "As Liu said, China wants a cooperation agreement featuring equality and dignity.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n信宜天气就目的地而言", "output": "Good weather at the destination", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n這很重要,因為它會直接影響駕駛能力,跌倒風險和處方藥。", "output": "And that matters because it has an immediate impact on driving abilities, fall risk, and prescription medications.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n将人权教育作为课程的一部分;", "output": "(h) Include human rights education as part of the curriculum;", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但是,并非所有的官僚都想要资本主义。", "output": "Sure, not all leftists want to destroy capitalism.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n炮塔已被替換為一個新的較小砲塔,兩具MICLIC發射器在後。", "output": "The turret has been replaced by a new smaller one with two MICLIC launchers at its rear.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n许多 FIBA 的巨人和神射手,在 NBA 都吃不开。", "output": "Many FIBA giants and shooters can’t eat in the NBA.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n华尔街很多人都喜欢他,投资者不太关心啤酒在哪里酿造,他们更关心啤酒公司的利润有多大。", "output": "Many can be found on Wall Street, where investors care less about where beers are brewed than about how profitable they are.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n贮藏稳定,但粉末与空气混合可产生爆炸。", "output": "Storage is stable but powder and air mixed to produce explosion.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n欧盟向 14 个开源项目提供 Bug 悬赏", "output": "EU Will Sponsor Bug Bounties for 14 Open Source Projects", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n歌曲的创作过程很慢,花了六个月才完成。", "output": "[26] The writing process for the song was slow, taking six months to complete.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n即使你说出那些自己不喜欢他的原因,他也未必能够完全理解。", "output": "Even after giving him the reasons you’re not into him, he may not fully understand.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n一月的最後一個星期裡,捷克、比利時、愛爾蘭、英國以及法國的抗議者走上街頭反對此協定。", "output": "In the last weekend of January, protestors in the Czech Republic, Belgium, Ireland, UK and France took to the streets to protest against the agreement.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n使用一段时间后,需要更换。", "output": "But after a while, it needs replacing.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n患有糖尿病的人仍然可以享受甜食,但他们可能需要计划帮助避免不必要的血糖峰值,", "output": "A person with diabetes can still enjoy something sweet, but they may need to plan to help avoid unnecessary spikes in blood sugar.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n路17:32你们要回想罗得的妻子。", "output": "KJV Luke 17:32 Remember Lot's wife.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n甚麼是法人的“主要營業地點”?", "output": "What is the \"principal place of business\"?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我闻到了空气中的血迹。", "output": "I smell the blood in the air.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他搬到捕获船,认为它可能被认为是一艘海盗因此合法的猎物,但他知道一个彻底的搜索将可能以启示。", "output": "He was moved to capture the skiff, arguing that it might be considered a ship and therefore legitimate prey for a pirate, but he knew a thorough search would be made for it and that might end in revelations.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这是刚开始感觉像曲棍球神在已经埋在它的一个雪崩队打桩痛苦的方式。", "output": "This is just starting to feel like the Hockey Gods’ way of piling misery on a team already buried in an avalanche of it.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n它甚至没有等待信号。", "output": "He did not wait for the signal.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在其他國家例如日本,給小費或會被看成是一種侮辱。", "output": "But in some countries, such as Japan, tipping can be seen as an insult.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n白思豪在爱荷华州有四个竞选站点,他试图在9个月内赢得选民。", "output": "The mayor has four campaign stops in Iowa as he tries to win over voters in nine months.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“去年在第5年训练后,我得到了一瓶大卫贝克汉姆沐浴露。", "output": "“After training in year 5 last year I got a bottle of David Beckham shower gel.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n50 mg/dL(女性)以上", "output": "Greater than 55 mg/dl (women)", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“他将会缺席三个星期的时间,对拜仁、斯旺西都上不了,也无法为英格兰出战。", "output": "He will be out for three weeks and will not be available for Munich, Swansea and not for England.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n有一些研究證據表明這是真的。", "output": "There’s apparently some research to show this is true.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n【“在每個歷史時代中所有權以各種不同的方式、在完全不同的社會關系下面發展著。", "output": "“In each historical epoch, property has developed differently and under a set of entirely different social relations.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n此外,研究人员表示,一般睡眠时间曝露于室内光线会抑制褪黑激素值达50%以上。", "output": "In addition, the researchers say, exposure to room light during the usual hours of sleep suppressed melatonin levels by more than 50%.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他们跟我们谈了很多,并分享了自己的神奇故事,我们真的很感激。", "output": "They have given us permission to share their wonderful story, for which we are grateful...", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n根据欧盟的GDPR提案,欧洲人工智能创业公司将无法在全球同行竞争中脱颖而出。", "output": "Under the EU’s GDPR proposal, European AI startups would be prevented from competing on the level of their global counterparts.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n所以,会继续地形成基地,因为它们对游击军队的成功扮演了关键的角色。", "output": "Bases will continue to be formed, for they are essential to the success of the guerrilla army.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n她通常一整天都在外面。", "output": "He is usually outside all day.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他“无可奉告”的回答占据了绝大部分的采访。", "output": "His “no comment” response characterizes most of the interview.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n体温一般正常或略升高。", "output": "Body temperature usually normal or only slightly elevated.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n它的所有者Dave Pando很自信他将会在2019达到百万美元的目标。", "output": "Its owner, Dave Pando, is confident he’ll hit the million-dollar mark by 2019.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n现在所有的工作都是在筹备阶段。", "output": "All the work is in the preparation stage.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我們知道大家對游戲非常期待,而我們也想要實現之前給出的承諾。", "output": "We known you are awaiting the game eagerly, and we want to deliver exactly what we promised.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n而且,鍛煉的另一個好處是它可以改善平衡和協調。", "output": "Another benefit of exercise is that it improves balance and coordination.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n⑤结束:1865年,南方军队投降,内战结束。", "output": "In the spring of 1865, the Confederate army surrendered, ending the Civil War.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n3、不存在高粘度润滑油雾化困难的问题;适合于任何油品;", "output": "There is no problem of high viscosity lubricating oil atomization; Suitable for any oil product;", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在与品牌进行咨询以及通过年度受众调查时,我们发现影响营销在企业内部运作的复杂程度之间存在巨大差距。", "output": "When consulting with brands and through our yearly audience surveys, we see a vast chasm between the levels of sophistication that influencer marketing has been operationalised within businesses.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这个标题和标题应该能够独立。", "output": "The title and address are independent.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n监管机构越来越多地要求企业生产电池驱动的汽车,尽管制造商难以实现盈利。", "output": "Regulators are increasingly mandating that companies build battery-powered vehicles despite manufacturers struggling to produce them profitably.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但約翰給了我們更多細節。", "output": "John gives a few more details.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n• 你们俩可能忘了吃药。", "output": "Maybe you are forgetting to take your medication.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n客厅有电视,适合放松。", "output": "The TV room, relaxing.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n目前仍有至少76人在火灾后下落不明。", "output": "Some 26 people remained missing after the fire.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n一群朝气蓬勃的媒体人。", "output": "Elements of Dynamic Media.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“这当然会让你伤痛一段时间,但我们可以高昂着头。", "output": "\"It's going to hurt for a while but we can hold our heads up high.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n俄罗斯和中国现在担心,技术进步可能会让美国不用进行核打击就能威胁到他们的核武器库。", "output": "Russia and China now fear that technological advances could allow America to threaten their nuclear arsenals without resorting to a nuclear first strike.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他们既有计划、也有方案。", "output": "They have a plan and an agenda.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“你可能会发现,很难想象这座城市没有足够的收入来维持目前的服务水平,尤其是在当前的经济形势下。", "output": "\"You may find it difficult to imagine that the city does not have enough income to maintain current service levels, particularly in this economy.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n《关于森林问题的原则声明》", "output": "The Statement on Forest Principles", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n都没人想到《斩服少女》吗?", "output": "Won’t somebody think of the cleaning ladies?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n读这本书就像是把故事研讨会上最聪明的人带回了家,在你写剧本的时候它会在耳边告诉你该做什么。", "output": "This book is like having the smartest person in the story meeting come home with you and whisper what to do in your ear as you write a screenplay.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这种不诚实的做法被称为双重支出,或双花,这也是点对点数字交易直到现在才真正发现的主要原因之一。", "output": "This dishonest practice is called double-spending, and it’s one of the main reasons why peer-to-peer digital transactions have never really caught on until now.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n无论他的想法,它嘴里出来的。", "output": "Whatever he seems to be thinking comes out of his mouth.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这些名词常常被用于电影产业。", "output": "They are often used by the film industry.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n東尼.帕森斯回到自己的源頭,寫出了這本極度私密的小說,這是他一直想要述說的故事。", "output": "Tony Parsons goes back to his roots for this deeply personal book, the story he has been waiting to tell.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n腹式呼吸会放松我的整个身体。", "output": "Breathing out, I calm my whole body.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n该消息人士还称,莫斯科地区当时不存在极端天气状况。", "output": "The source added that there were no extreme weather conditions in the Moscow region at that time.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n产品动画的发展已经有一段时间了...", "output": "Thomas has been in product development for some time now.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n有关信仰和行为的至上和最终权威;", "output": "supreme and final authority in faith and in conduct.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n英國使用多種不同的選舉制度。", "output": "...the UK have adopted various electoral systems.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这种豹在地球上仅存不到30只。", "output": "Fewer than 30 remain on the planet.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n为此,品牌和代理商需要跟踪应用内活动,创建细分和相应的目标。", "output": "To do this, brands and agencies need to track in-app activities, create segments and target accordingly.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n#24037;人不少于2人。", "output": "It’s no less than 2 people.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n而在今天的文章中,我们将了解十项技巧,希望它们能帮助各位打造出完美的S...", "output": "In this article, we share 6 tips to help you create a perfect…", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这是我努力生活的东西。", "output": "This is something I try to live by.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这是一个长期的研究项目。", "output": "A long-durational research project.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nTy法律刺客,是越来越看的海豚所以不要以为琼斯可能不会得到该组合。", "output": "Ty Law the assassin, is getting looked at by the Dolphins so don’t think Jones might not get in that mix.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果此服务停止,计算机将不能接收动态IP地址和DNS更新。", "output": "If this service is stopped, this computer will not receive dynamic IP addresses and DNS updates.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n目前尚不清楚有多少人因枪击受伤,但一名路透社摄影师看到一名男孩脚踝以上的腿部大面积严重受伤。", "output": "It was unclear whether anyone was wounded by the gunfire, though a Reuters news agency photographer saw a young boy with his leg largely severed just above the ankle.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nberyl在另一个层面上的", "output": "Beryl was on another level", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n大多数公司已经使用数字化数据库查询求职者的资料。", "output": "Most companies are already using digital databases to search for candidates.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n美国国务卿希拉里祝贺埃及人民“和平而成功地启动了选举进程”。", "output": "U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton congratulated Egyptians on a “peaceful, successful start to their election process.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n网络上内容不少,测试者们却渐渐感到枯燥。", "output": "There is a lot of content on the Internet, but testers are gradually feeling dull.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我叫 Sebastian Dobrincu,是一名軟體工程師,目前的職業是一名自由工作者。", "output": "I'm Sebastian Dobrincu, and I'm a software engineer currently working as a freelancer.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n第一封信是1693年9月13日牛顿写给佩皮斯的,信的内容如下。", "output": "On September 13, 1693, Pepys had received a letter from Newton that read:", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n最糟糕的是,它只不过是一项招聘活动。", "output": "And worst of all, the whole thing is a recruitment drive.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n2005年,在葡萄牙鋼琴大師瑪利亞·若昂·皮雷斯的邀請下,這對兄弟在葡萄牙和巴西學習了近一年。", "output": "The brothers were invited by Maria João Pires to study with her for nearly a year in Portugal and Brazil in 2005.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n马克思说,人们因为差异才会斗争。", "output": "According to Marx, people fight because they are different.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n大约有三分之一的唱片被盗版了。", "output": "About one third of CDs are pirated.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n樱桃依然没有意义,但Howe坚持认为,他不打算在接下来的几个星期内改变他的做法,试图脱颖而出。", "output": "The Cherries remain without a point but Howe insists he does not intend to change his approach in the coming weeks in an attempt to get off the mark.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“对这种事我曾是处在防御模式,后来转变成了一种更成熟的视角,试图去找出自己身上的罪。", "output": "“I kind of moved from a place of being defensive to one of a more mature point of view, trying to find my own culpability.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nWebDAV请求可能包含许多涉及文件操作的子请求,需要很长时间才能完成请求。", "output": "A WebDAV request may contain many sub-requests involving file operations, requiring a long time to complete the request.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你吃不到健康和有營養的食物?", "output": "You were unable to eat healthy and nutritious food?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这只是提醒我我是多么想念妈妈。", "output": "It reminds me of how much I miss Mom.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n它真的是一个熊与枪的土地。", "output": "It really is a land of bears and guns.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n当你遇到挑战时,试着注意你对正在发生的事情的看法。", "output": "When you encounter a challenging situation, try to notice how you think about what is happening.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n步骤 4 中选择的组织将显示为默认值。", "output": "Any of the activities listed in Step 4 may be used as an assessment.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n为什麽大多数人不相信有?", "output": "Why do most people trust them?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n古代宇航员理论家喜欢研究古老的宗教文献。", "output": "Ancient astronaut theorists love to study old religious texts.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n对于那些企图写点什么的人来说,这些经验之谈...", "output": "And finally, for those who want to write about their experiences…", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我发现我在空中比在地上更快乐。", "output": "Much happier in the air than on the ground.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n中国医疗机构的网页信息显示在中国获得人体器官既快速又容易。", "output": "Web sites for Chinese medical facilities demonstrate that it is quick and easy to get a human organ in China.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n对动物的一些研究表明,生姜中的抗氧化剂和生物活性化合物可以抑制大脑中发生的炎症反应。", "output": "Some studies in animals advocate that the bioactive compounds and antioxidants in ginger can cure the inflammatory responses that occur in the brain.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我不认为我是球队的第四后卫,我能做的就是等待机会。", "output": "\"I don't consider myself the fourth-choice centre-back of this team, but what I need to do is to wait for my opportunity.\"", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nPSD在电子邮件回复中表示,从去年10月1日起,UD41级室内人员的任用是在合同的基础上进行的。", "output": "The PSD said in an e-mail reply that from Oct 1 last year, the appointment of UD41-grade housemen had been carried out on a contract basis.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n事实是,你的生活是你自己设计的。", "output": "The truth is your life is carefully designed by you .", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n所以,我唯有不停的祈祷,祈祷结果会如我所期望的那样。", "output": "All I can do is hope and pray that all will go as planned.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“波普拉克是另一个城市。", "output": "‘Popolac is another city.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n不想控制你的性取向。", "output": "I don’t think you can control your sexual orientation.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“你要我带你去睡觉,现在,因为这是一个错误,因为你认为我对你不好,因为我们彼此完全错了。", "output": "\"You want me to take you to bed, now, because it's a mistake, because you've theorized that I'm bad for you, and because we're completely wrong for each other.\"", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n邏輯和倫理根本上是一回事,它們無非是對自己的責任。", "output": "Logic and ethics are fundamentally the same, they are no more than duty to oneself", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在她的研究生涯中一直未中断参与和支持整个科学共同体的成员工作,并且激励了无数的女性科学家。", "output": "Throughout her career, she has tirelessly campaigned for the full inclusion and support of all members of the scientific community and inspired countless women in STEM careers.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你只需要用黑色哑光眼影填补空白,不留痕迹,让胶水干得更快。", "output": "You only need to use black matt eye shadows to fill in the gaps, leaving no traces and allowing the glue to dry faster.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nMD:「我很榮幸能參與兩項重要發現,其一正好在20年前發生。", "output": "MD: “Well, there are two things that I’ve been fortunate enough to be involved in, one of which coincidentally started 20 years ago.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他们真的打破了很多社交方面的常规。", "output": "She broke many normal social norms associated with politics.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他们这些不可告人的阴谋一旦被识破,只会让他们更快地走向毁灭,为历史的洪流所淹没,所涤荡。", "output": "The only thing that brings them together is a terrible accident they witness, but even then they only manage to bounce off of each other and continue spinning into the darkness.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但是,索尼今天已回应此事。", "output": "Sunny replied to that already.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n据联合国报道,叙利亚冲突中每月有五千人死亡,每天大约有6000人逃离该国。", "output": "The United Nations (UN) estimates that 5,000 people are being killed every month and that 6,000 Syrians are fleeing the conflict every day.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n9.眼睛也能透露健康问题", "output": "Eye Exams Can Reveal Other Health Issues", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n此外,公积金委员会是自助小组(SHGs)基金和SHARE捐款的收集代理人。", "output": "Besides, CPF Board is the collecting agent for contributions to self-help group (SHGs) funds and SHARE donations.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我说,”它会更快如果我们分手了。", "output": "This'll go faster if we split up.\"", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他在1985年可口可乐土耳其和中亚总经理。", "output": "He became general manager of Coca-Cola Turkey and Central Asia in 1985.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n传统的合约认为,没有任何法律可以对整个生活的复杂性进行索引,更不用说预测它的未来发展。", "output": "Traditional contracts acknowledge that no law can index the entire complexity of life as it is, let alone predict its future development.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n發放救濟金給予貧窮人士和家庭。", "output": "And it delivered relief benefits to the poor persons and families.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nvisa卡的安全码是什么?", "output": "What is a Visa Card Security Code?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n检方称艾普斯坦「非常清楚许多受害者是未成年人」。", "output": "They claim that Epstein was “well aware that many of the victims were minors.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n英國文學1901以後", "output": "English literature since 1901", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n当然,很多自学成才的设计师都获得了成功的职业,但我相信有无数的人自己尝试,失败了。", "output": "There are of course many self-taught designers who lead successful careers but I’m sure there are countless others who try it on their own and fail.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如欧洲共同体行使投票权,则其拥有的票数应与属WTO成员的欧洲共同体成员国的数目②相等。", "output": "Where the European Communities exercise their right to vote, they shall have a number of votes equal to the number of their member States which are Members of the WTO.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n然而,我们的创新有助于推进许多改善人们生活的技术和产品。", "output": "However, our innovation helps to advance many of the technologies and products that improve people's lives.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们需要这些人的帮助。", "output": "We need these folks' help.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他们希望这三个人工岛将成为首尔的新文化中心。", "output": "Their hope, they said, is that the islands will become Seoul's new cultural hubs.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n37 : 66 他們必定要吃那些果實,而以它充實肚腹。", "output": "[37:66] They will eat from it until their bellies are filled up.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n(6)立体仓库、自动货架仓库等,若无托盘,其功能无法实现;", "output": "(6) three-dimensional warehouse, automatic shelves, etc., if no tray, its function can not be achieved;", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n然后我意识到自己竟然在葬礼上笑。", "output": "I remember smiling at you during the funeral.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n蘇和他的同胞麵臨困境,但他們的生活卻有起有落,但就創作而言,他們對不快樂感到不滿。", "output": "Despite this, Baha’u’llah and his companions fearlessly proclaimed their Faith, and willingly went to prison for it, even though they had committed no crime.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在这寒冷漫长的冬季,加拿大人却有着他们独特的乐趣。", "output": "After a long, cold winter, Canadians have a lot to be excited about.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我不得不在你之间选择,在我的弱点中,我从我自己的小女孩身边转过来。", "output": "I had to choose between you, and in my weakness I turned away from my own little girl.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在那种情况,你相信不存在像那样起作用的灵巧规定的、紧凑描述的规则。", "output": "\"In that case, you believe there's no neatly specifiable, compactly describable rule which behaves like that.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n德威国际教育集团制定了一套全面的《安全保护框架》和培训计划,并定期对其进行审核与更新。", "output": "Dulwich College International has developed an extensive Safeguarding Framework and training programme, which is regularly reviewed and updated.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n晚上睡眠不足五个小时,或者超过九个小时,会提升体重增加的可能性。", "output": "Sleeping less than five hours, or more than nine hours per night, appears to increase the likelihood of weight gain.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n接下来,拿一支笔和一张纸然后粗略地画出你希望你的网站呈现出来的样子。", "output": "You first take out a pen and paper and list down how you want your site to appear.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“我一直觉得我们又要被攻击了。", "output": "“I am constantly afraid of being attacked again.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这种草看起来很普通。", "output": "This tree seemed to be common.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这是一场关于这门学科难得且平易近人的演讲,它或许进一步接近了发现适合生存星球的梦想。", "output": "It's a rare and accessible look at this discipline, which may be coming close to finding a planet friendly to life.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这些发现如此惊人,所以它们不会被主流历史学家和考古爱好者所轻易接受,就像我们之前所经历的那样。", "output": "These discoveries are so staggering that they will not be easily digested by the mainstream historical and archeological fraternity, as we have already experienced.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我只是休息我的眼睛一分钟。", "output": "I'll just rest my eyes for a minute.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这已经不是今年的第一次加薪举措。", "output": "But it’s not the first price increase this year.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”俄罗斯知识分子企图摆脱无法忍受的俄罗斯现实,实现理想的现实。", "output": "\"The Russian Intelligentsia…endeavored to find a way out of the unbearable sadness of Russian reality into an ideal reality.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n二十世紀音樂理論 I、II", "output": "Musical Theatre I, II", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n和你一起很好(1970),穩定", "output": "It's So Nice to Be with You (1970), Steady", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我心里还有哈姆雷特式的疑问。", "output": "What an Hamletic doubt.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n平板电脑 - 仅限处方,特殊情况下( 更多.. )", "output": "Tablets - only on prescription, in special cases ( more .. )", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“与F-35上的其他部件一样,这些部件会在制造的每个阶段都经过反复检查。", "output": "“These parts, like all components on the F-35, are inspected repeatedly at each stage of manufacture.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n第25章 活命的代价", "output": "Chapter 25: The Cost of Living", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n与此同时,国际劳工组织(ILO)也针对了社会保障进行研究。", "output": "At the same time, the International Labour Organisation (ILO) was conducting a study on social security.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n由于格奥尔格没有像他期望的那样,走上前来,他又站直了。", "output": "Yet when Georg didn’t come over to him as he had expected, he stood up again.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但是,这一切都和她不再有任何关系。", "output": "However, all of that had nothing to do with her anymore.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这些辩论是受欢迎的。", "output": "These debates are welcome.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n渔人觉得这种景象非常奇怪,又继续往前走,想找到林子的尽头。", "output": "The fisherman found this quite remarkable and proceeded on to find the end of the forest.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n這獨特和清涼的葡萄酒產區,坐擁海洋氣候,擁有比新西蘭任何地方更長的日照時間。", "output": "This unique, cool wine growing region enjoys a maritime climate with the longest hours of sunshine of any place in New Zealand.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“转运rna是所有生物体中数量最多的小rna中的一部分,而事实证明,细胞中到处都是它们的小片段。", "output": "“Transfer RNAs are some of the most numerous small RNAs in all organisms, and it turns out that cells are just littered with little pieces of them.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n天地之间,也有一个约,就是上帝与人所立的约。", "output": "The gulf between heaven and earth is like that between the thoughts of God and man.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n柏拉圖 (公元前427-347年)是古代哲學的第一批中心人物,他是我們可以大量閱讀的最早的作家。", "output": "May 30, 2019 · Plato (427-347 B.C.) is the first of the central figures of ancient philosophy and he is the earliest author whose work we can read in considerable quantities.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n人们对别人选择做的事情的判断越来越少,但这并不能改变他们自己选择做的事情。", "output": "People are getting less judgmental of what others choose to do but that doesn’t change what they themselves choose to do.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n除了窄边框,还有什么?", "output": "Apart from physical boundaries, what else?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这个技术在世界范围内完全发挥它的潜能还需要数年时间,但同时当今一些 5G 网络服务已经投入使用。", "output": "It will be years before the technology reaches its full potential worldwide, but meanwhile some 5G network services are being rolled out today.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你可能还没有准备好把爱优先于你的事业和其他地方的利益。", "output": "You may not be ready to prioritize love over your career and other local benefits.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n同样是在二战期间,美国开始研究自己制造肉毒杆菌生物武器,这一工作间接导致的产生。", "output": "It was also during World War II that the U.S. started studying the toxin for biological weapons of its own, work that indirectly led to the creation of Botox.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n一个美丽的,并且也许有利可图的星期。", "output": "Have a nice, and hopefully productive, week,", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但我觉得人们其实真正想知道的是,这样做是不是很疯狂。", "output": "So i know that people actually do this is insane.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果我要去做,现在是时候了。", "output": "If I'm going to do this, now's the time.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n霍兰德说,他的小说于去年11月出版,但在过去的两周里全球卖光了。", "output": "Holland said his novel was published last November, but in the last two weeks it sold out internationally.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n比如,查尔斯王子曾经说过:", "output": "Likewise, Prince Charles noted:", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我們的工作是利用我們的外科手術知識, 準確地評估每個人, 並制定最有效的, 循證的治療計畫。", "output": "It’s our job to leverage our knowledge of surgical procedures to accurately evaluate each person and develop the most effective, evidence-based treatment plan.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我和大家一一握手後,就立刻忘記他們的名字。", "output": "I went along the line, shook everyones hand, and immediately forgot their names.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n今天是国际妇女节,尽显美态。", "output": "Today is International Women’s Day, which is awesome.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在室内设计方案在拉萨尔学院会给你的技能,以追求事业作为一个室内设计师! [+]", "output": "The Interior Design Program at LaSalle College İstanbul will give you the skills to pursue a career as an interior designer! -", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n奥巴马总统今天较晚时刻将会就这项新政策发表谈话。", "output": "Obama is expected to speak about this new policy later today.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n与此相对比,主题化网站,也就是被称为垂直搜索引擎的网站上,搜索量却提高了8%。", "output": "Meanwhile, searches on topical sites — known as vertical search — climbed 8 percent.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n律师抗议地方法院违法安检", "output": "Lawyers Protest Unlawful Security Check by Local Courts", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n驗屍人員魏斯曼(Keith Wiseman)將維爾的死因記錄為自然死亡。", "output": "Coroner for southampton keith wiseman recorded a verdict of death by natural causes.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n恰恰是这些决定了一个人投资成败。", "output": "It is people who determine the success of an investment.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“这再次表明日本国内一些势力始终不愿正视历史,甚至企图否认和歪曲历史。", "output": "It reveals once again that some people in Japan are still reluctant to face the history, and even try to deny and distort the history.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但这是他的方式;他的主要思想是出去一个观点,如果他停止想他将失去机会。", "output": "But that is his way; his main idea is to get out an opinion, and if he stopped to think he would lose chances.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“今晚星星好漂亮哦。", "output": "\"The stars are beautiful tonight.\"", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n(在novotel酒店對面)", "output": "In front of Novotel Hotel", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n更有甚者,成功將助長野心:外國的ISIS武裝人員遲早將回到故土,從內部威脅歐洲和美國的安全。", "output": "What is more, success would feed ambition: it would only be a matter of time before foreign Isis fighters returned home and threatened the security of Europe and the US from within.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n哈哈,又要上游泳课了!", "output": "Now, on to more swim lessons!", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n生活是一系列令人困惑的情况,你永远不会得到所有的答案。", "output": "Life is a series of confusing situations and you’ll never have all of the answers.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我会尽快答复或处理。", "output": "I will answer or respond as soon as possible.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但一周后我发现她能做得更好。", "output": "A week later I noticed she was moving better.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但是你想说:“现在离开我的办公室,不要浪费我的时间,你傻傻的!”", "output": "Likely, what he wanted to say was \"Quit wasting my time, you idiot.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n会议的主要议题是研究如何加强和深化反映社情民意的工作。", "output": "The main topic of the meeting was to study how to strengthen and deepen the work that reflects social conditions and public opinion.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这些董事会也将允许对您尊贵的客户产生影响的最可靠手段之一。", "output": "These boards would also allow one of the most reliable means of making an impact on your valued customers.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n传统出版商采取了以往美国无竞争力的企业经常采用的方法:游说政府立法保护已经难以为继的旧有模式。", "output": "Instead, publishers have turned to the approach that uncompetitive corporations have always used in America: lobbying for legislation to protect their unsustainable model.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n這個方法可讓製造商自由訂製鏡片的光學表面,亦即Freeform自由成形。", "output": "This method enables the manufacturer to freely customise the optical surface, i.e. freeform.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n最重要的是他們可以依靠我們。", "output": "And more importantly, they know they can depend on us.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n据估计,美国公司对中兴通讯设备提供的零部件占比25% - 30%。", "output": "It is estimated that US companies account for 25% to 30% of ZTE's components.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n雷小山(Shaun Rein)是中国市场研究集团(CMR)的董事总经理。", "output": "Shaun Rein is managing director of China Market Research Group (CMR)", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n美国贸易代表罗恩柯克宣布,美国与韩国的贸易协定将于2012年3月15日生效。", "output": "In addition, Ambassador Kirk announced today that the U.S.-Korea trade agreement will take effect on March 15, 2012.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n无供应商锁定:赋予用户自由,意味着您可以随时随地使用开源代码,用于任何目的。", "output": "No vendor lock-in: Freedom for the user means that you can take your open source code anywhere, and use it for anything, at anytime.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n和医生仍然保持冷静。", "output": "The doctor remained calm.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nBerlina轎車和Spider Convertible將是第一個出現在現場的人。", "output": "The Berlina Sedan and Spider Convertible would be the first on the scene.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nQuatermain,”亨利爵士说,目前,”你考虑我的建议吗?", "output": "\"Well, Mr. Quatermain,\" said Sir Henry presently, \"have you been thinking about my proposals?\"", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n因此,052D应是一种大型。", "output": "052D for example is very much to scale as it should be.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n.indd文件是什么", "output": "What is INDD File?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n生殖细胞肿瘤可在卵巢的卵子产生细胞动作产生,在年轻女性多见(如需更多信息,请参阅 卵巢癌)。", "output": "Germ cell tumors can occur in the egg-producing cells of the ovaries and are more often seen in younger women (for more, see Ovarian Cancer).", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我国13亿多人大脑中蕴藏的智慧资源是最可宝贵的。", "output": "The intellectual resources contained in the brains of more than 1.3 billion people in China are the most precious.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nBill Perkins正在写一本关于如何完善个人生活的书!", "output": "Bill Perkins Is Writing a Book on How To Optimize Your Life", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n真理很伟大,但从实际的观点来看,更”伟大“的是对真理保持沉默。", "output": "great is the truth, but still greater, from a practical point of view, is silence about truth.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n事后她告诉作者,这首歌救了她。", "output": "She later told me that singing helped her relax.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在很大程度上,他们的生活确实不错。", "output": "Mostly, their lives are actually pretty good.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果您曾經對本產品或其任何成分有過敏反應", "output": "· if you have ever had an allergic reaction to this product or any of its", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n癌症患者的报销比例。", "output": "proportion of cancer patients.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你确定有寒冷的脚,她说。", "output": "Her feet got cold, she said.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n前方剧透高能!!!!", "output": "Full power ahead!!", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n汽车共享系统本月在首尔市正式投入使用,其功能与租车公司提供的服务类似。", "output": "Car-sharing system in Seoul this month officially put into use, its function and similar services provided by the car rental company.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n应该努力改善这种令人不满意的情况。", "output": "Something should be done to amend this unsatisfactory state of affairs.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n把它切成小尺寸,我想。", "output": "That cuts down on size, I guess.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n从来没觉得这首歌如此好听过。", "output": "But I never thought this song was so bad.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n低门槛贷款:对贷款人的保护较少,对借款人的限制也较少。", "output": "Covenant-Lite (Cov-Lite) Loan: Financing that is issued with fewer restrictions on the borrower and fewer protections for the lender than traditional loans.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n【篇一:我想当一名医生】", "output": "A: I want to be a doctor.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n# 阻止企图通过URL设置PHP的GLOBALS变量的脚本", "output": "#OR script trying to set a PHP GLOBALS variable via URL", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这激怒了阿拉伯世界。", "output": "This outraged the Arab world.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n星期天下午,清理着衣橱。", "output": "Sunday night I cleaned out my closet.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n剩下的都是好样的 »", "output": "All the rest was good.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n当时,热已经变得势不可挡。", "output": "By that time the heat had become unbearable.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n有声音从他们身后传来,尼克跳了起来。", "output": "From behind them, Nik piped up.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n以色列星期一说,它将允许建筑材料进入加沙,但仅仅用于由国际社会监管的项目。", "output": "Israel has also agreed to let construction materials into Gaza, provided they are destined for projects under international supervision.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n事實上,一些猶太教正統派-特別是巴勒斯坦的-曾長期敵視猶太復國主義。", "output": "In fact, some Orthodox Jews – especially those of Palestine – were bitterly hostile to Zionism for a long time.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n主页 » 内容 » 将资产管理融入数字环境", "output": "Home » Industry » Bring Asset Management into the Digital World", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n最好的是,儿童入住和用餐免费!", "output": "Best of all, Kids Stay and Eat Free.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n北京西国贸汽配基地就是答案!", "output": "RCN’s Kids club is the answer!", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他说:“工作就是我的生活。", "output": "He said, ‘My work is my life.’", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n它当然看起来很真实;它有一张邮票和一个邮戳。", "output": "It certainly seemed genuine enough; it had a stamp and a postmark.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这块比平常长一点,很显然,他们是从某个订单上乘的制造商的车间里赶出来的。", "output": "The piece was a little longer than usual, and had evidently been turned out from the work shops of some manufacturer of a superior order.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n按功率分为:10kva一下的小型机、10kva-100kva的中型机、100kva以上的大型机。", "output": "Divided by power: 10kva about the minicomputer, 10kva-100kva medium-sized machine, 100kva than mainframes.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n同時最重要的是,通過這樣一個平臺的搭建,玩具反斗城將嘗試允許在線銷售。", "output": "At the same time, the most important thing is that through the establishment of such a platform, Toys R Us will try to allow online sales.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你是美国人,越南,印度。", "output": "You are American, Vietnamese, Indian.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n展望未来,这些事件可能会增加数量和复杂性,或许会吸引越来越多有前途的人才和技术。", "output": "Going forward, these events are likely to increase number and complexity, perhaps attracting more and more promising talent and technologies.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他实际上是一位出色的全能选手,在退役之前带领巴基斯坦队前往他们最初的社区杯。", "output": "He was a excellent all rounder who guided the Pakistan team on their initial world glass prior to he retired.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n物联网革命就在这里,而且它只会变得越来越大。", "output": "The mobile revolution is here, and it’s only going to get bigger.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n家长与孩子的沟通是一门艺术。", "output": "Connecting with children and families is an art.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n该订单还包括一项为期20年的积极产出管理(AOM5000)服务协议。", "output": "The contract also includes a 20-year Active Output Management (AOM 5000) service agreement.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n第二种抑郁,比较微妙,在某个形式上也比较私人。", "output": "The second type of depression is more subtle and perhaps more private.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n名称: 大风能带来哪些安全隐患?", "output": "· What safety hazards can big winds bring?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但是,2017年和2018年的平均投資比2015年和2016年高25%。", "output": "However, the average investment for 2017 and 2018 was 25 per cent higher than for the period 2015 and 2016.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n到处都有警告的迹象。", "output": "But the warning signs are everywhere.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nXuan对这两个问题的回答是我不知道的。", "output": "I don’t know Stanley’s answer to these two questions.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果您不要索引,DB2 仍然能够访问数据(尽管效率会降低)。", "output": "If you remove the indexes, DB2 can still access the data (although less efficiently).", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n遇难者来自35个国家!", "output": "Victims are from 35 countries.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n除了一般的MBA课程,希望追求会计课程的学生还必须完成3个额外的基础课程。", "output": "In addition to the general MBA courses students who desire to pursue the accounting track must also complete 3 additional foundation courses. -", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们可以知道它是什么吗?“", "output": "Could we find out what it is?”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n看哪!這炭沾了你的嘴,你的罪孽便除掉,你的罪惡便赦免了。", "output": "See, this has touched your lips, so your guilt is taken away, and your sin is forgiven.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n【这一切,似乎没有那么绝望了!】", "output": "This seems not so desperate!", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n1:P0.n 为逻辑高电平。", "output": "1: P0.n pin is logic high.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n日本经济持续在潜力水平以上增长。", "output": "The Japanese economy is expanding at a rate higher than its potential.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n专家:预报难度有两个。", "output": "Expert: There are two difficulties in forecasting.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n第六十三条:法官退休后,享受国家规定的养老金和其他待遇。", "output": "Article 69: After procurators retire, they enjoy pension insurance and other benefits as provided for by the state.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n而太阳预计在大约100亿年后也会变成结晶化的白矮星。", "output": "Our Sun is expected to become a crystallized white dwarf in about ten billion years.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n香港国际仲裁中心官网显示,紧急仲裁程序平均用时14天。", "output": "The official date of HKIAC shows that the Emergency Arbitrator Procedure only takes 14 days on average.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们正在失去工作,我们不如8年前那么安全,华盛顿也被打破了。", "output": "We are losing our jobs, we're less safe than we were eight years ago, and Washington is totally broken.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n至1970年代,阿瑪萊特停止了所有開發新型步槍的計劃,同時公司也開始衰落。", "output": "By the 1970s, ArmaLite had essentially stopped all new rifle development, and the company became moribund.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n它将在全国推进高技能职业。", "output": "It would boost skilled employment all over the country.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n您甚至可以免费观看,因为DAZN提供30天退款选项。", "output": "You can watch for free as DAZN offers a 30 day money back option.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n马里兰州去年约有15%的国外出生人口。", "output": "About 15 percent of the population of Maryland last year was foreign-born.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n联合国 > 经济和社会发展 > 高级搜索", "output": "United Nations > Economic and social development > Advancement of women", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n现在我想表达一个词:荒谬。", "output": "Just one word: Absurd!", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们已经到达新的地点,总的说来,我们的退却总算进行得比较有秩序。", "output": "We have reached a new line; on the whole, we have conducted the retreat in fairly good order.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他只是他的教养和文化的产物。", "output": "He was merely a product of his upbringing and station.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n通过选择以下必需和可选的程序组件创建您自己的学术体验:", "output": "Craft your own academic experience according to the program in which you enroll by selecting from the following required and optional components:", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“我有点担心如何与他打交道,但我最担心的是你。", "output": "“I was a little worried about how to deal with him, but what I was worried about most was you.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n为何不通过法律渠道来解决?", "output": "Why not work through legal, constitutional channels?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n下一篇 听听意大利歌剧传奇人物Pavarotti在节日档案中发现的长期遗失录音", "output": "Hear the long lost recording of Italian opera legend Pavarotti discovered hidden in festival archive", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我需要一些东西,“麦康伯的妻子说。", "output": "I need something,\" Macomber’s wife said.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在9月举行的为期四天的马拉松比赛中,讨论从黎明开始,一直持续到日落。", "output": "During last September’s four-day marathon event, the discussions began at dawn and extended till sunset.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n鬼本身對兩種錯誤均同樣歡迎。", "output": "Evil is equally pleased by both errors.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n過去20年,我們經常被懷疑、被挑戰,但是我們對自己、對未來堅信不疑。", "output": "Over the past 20 years, we have often been questioned and challenged, but we have no doubt about ourselves and the future.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n啤酒种类开始变得丰富,其中英国人用蜂蜜和水混合酿制而成的蜂蜜酒是比较有名的一种。", "output": "Beer types began to become rich, of which the British honey and water mixed brewed honey is the more famous one.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这意味着避免在公司名字中使用地理位置和具体的产品名称。", "output": "Simply try to avoid geographic locations or product categories in your business name.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n真的!事實確實是如此! #10", "output": "This is the real thing! 10/10", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n除了上帝,没有人知道未来将发生什么事情。", "output": "No one but God knows what’s going to happen tomorrow.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这就是恐怖主义的逻辑。", "output": "It is the logic of terrorism.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n美国和中国之间持续18个月的贸易战,无疑是全球经济增长最大的威胁。", "output": "The 18-month trade war between the United States and China represents the single greatest threat to global economic growth.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他自稱是在旅館被打破的玻璃杯割傷的。", "output": "He said he cut himself on broken glass in Chicago.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n一是这项改革是否于法有据?", "output": "Was this amendment legally ratified?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n她父亲埃德蒙很喜欢他,尽管她姑姑彼得拉妮拉并不喜欢他。", "output": "Her father, Vincent, liked him, though her mother Annelie did not.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n相比之下,在西方的一所211大学,只有2.3%的学生出国过,22.7%的学生没有出国过。", "output": "In contrast, the data for a 211 university in the west is only 2.3% of students who have gone abroad, and 22.7% of those who have not.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n而且Modo稳定性很好,我可以安心做我的工作,而不用担心什么。", "output": "And the stability has been great - I could just do my work, without worrying about anything.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n当然客 户有一个接受的过程,客户在 使用习惯和外观上的一个过渡和接受。", "output": "Of course, the customer has an acceptance process, a transition, and acceptance of the customer’s habits and appearance.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n以色列搏击术——Krav maga", "output": "The Academy of Self-Defence – Krav Maga", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“只在你自己的眼里。", "output": "But only in your own eyes.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n随着 VR 头盔变得越来越普及,将会有越来越多的公司将 VR 融入他们与用户的互动当中。", "output": "As VR helmet becomes more and more popular, more and more companies will incorporate VR into their interactions with users.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他们打算在没有任何外部支持的情况下工作多年。", "output": "It can go for years without any outside help.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n最后,它预测宇宙最终会停止膨胀并自行坍塌。", "output": "Lastly, it predicted that the Universe would eventually stop expanding and collapse in on itself.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“你必须有锲而不舍的精神。", "output": "You have to be a persistent soul.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我的理想是继续留下来战斗,继续为这家俱乐部工作。", "output": "In my will, there is the will to stay and continue to work for this club.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“那时我正在迅速地自杀。", "output": "“I was killing myself real fast.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n圣经新译本在这点上是正确的。", "output": "Modern Bible translations correct for these.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在线数据科学硕士 - 社会科学分析教学生如何分析和利用大数据在各个领域提供创新的想法和解决方案。", "output": "The Online MS in Data Science - Social Science Analytics teaches students how to analyze and leverage big data to deliver innovative ideas and solutions in a variety of fields.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n德国学术交流中心将一如既往地提供支持与协助。", "output": "Your College of Science and Engineering academic advisor will continue to provide information and support as needed.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nupfever18小时前", "output": "HuffPost–18 hours ago", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”我知道你有一个会议在五,”她开始时。", "output": "“I know you have a new class starting on the 15th,” I began.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n伯豪亚洲有限公司成立于2009年,负责集团的交易结算业务。", "output": "Ernst Asia Limited, established in 2009, is responsible for the transaction settlement of the concern.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n参展商个人包装也极为重要", "output": "Packing of office employees personal belongings is also very important.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n当我们被某人吸引,可能是因为潜意识里有我们喜欢他们的基因。", "output": "When we are attracted to somebody, it could be because subconsciously we like their genes.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他们发表了激烈的言论。", "output": "They make strong statements.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n西班牙公共债务首次超过1万亿", "output": "Britain has more than 100 billionaires for first time", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在低地国家完全战败之前,英格兰与西班牙爆发战争,逼使腓力二世所率领的西班牙军队停下脚步。", "output": "Before the Low Countries could be completely reconquered, war between England and Spain broke out, forcing the Spanish troops under Philip II to halt their advance.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n接着文章中抛出了“意欲自由:不存在任何的必然性”这种定义。", "output": "Human Rights: Freedom of conscience is laid down by the Qur'ân itself: \"There is no compulsion in religion.\"", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n她是个好人,只是做了毛病的选择。", "output": "She's a good person who just made a bad choice.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n特朗普:维持或解除美国的全球统治地位?", "output": "Home Opinions Trump: Sustaining or unwinding America’s global dominance?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n也就是说,一旦有那等强者出现,天道将会是不复存在。", "output": "In other words, when this man is resurrected, the paradise condition will already be there.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n\"\"如果我们从现在开始停止温室气体排放,很可能还能将气温升幅控制在1.5度以下。", "output": "– If we stopped all emissions now, we would probably stay within 1.5°C warming.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“聪明总比愚蠢好吗?", "output": "“Is it better to be smart than stupid?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在有电抗的电路中,视在功率只是反映了配电系统的允许最 大输出能力,而不能反映电动机实际消耗的功率。", "output": "In a reactance circuit, the apparent power only reflects the maximum allowable output capability of the power distribution system and does not reflect the actual power consumed by the motor.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n知道您物品的真正价值!", "output": "Know the true value of your business.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nLuke否認所有指控,並反訴其誹謗和違約。", "output": "Perez denies any wrongdoing and has vowed to clear his name.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们拥有的与汽车有关的最好的创新不是改进汽车,而是消除了我们在任何地方驾驶汽车的需要。", "output": "The best car-related innovation we have is not to improve the car, but eliminate the need to drive it everywhere we go.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n此資料庫透過 EBSCO host 每日更新。", "output": "This database is updated on a daily basis via EBSCO host.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n与之相比,摩根大通的企业和投资银行似乎正在缩减。", "output": "By comparison, J.P. Morgan's corporate and investment bank seems to be shrinking.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n對許多星際爭霸戰的影迷而言,若能登上聯邦星艦的艦橋,就像到了天堂一樣。", "output": "For many Star Trek fans, the idea of being on the bridge of a Federation starship is akin to paradise.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在正常生理状态下,人体自身有一套动态的、立体的、完善的排毒系统,最主要的“通道”就是肠道。", "output": "In the normal physiological state, the human body has a dynamic, three-dimensional, perfect detoxification system, the most important \"channel\" is the intestinal tract.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“科拉佐已经被击败,但总是一场非常接近的战斗(当他与沙恩战斗时)莫斯利和(安德烈)贝托。", "output": "\"Collazo has been beaten before but they were close fights when he fought Shane Mosley and Andre Berto.\"", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n它们看起来很好而且简单。", "output": "They seem nice and simple.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n队伍成员不可以站在椅子、桌子或者其他的演播设备上。", "output": "Players and Coaches may not stand on chairs, tables, or other Company equipment.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n学生是否成年各省标准有差异,有些需要年满18周岁,有些省需要年满19周岁。", "output": "Each province is different with different rules, somewhere it is 18 whereas some provinces have a minimum age requirement of 19.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n澳大利亚人爱沙滩,但是64年以来,白天在澳大利亚的公共海滩游泳是非法的。", "output": "For 64 years, it was illegal in Australia to swim at public beaches during the day time.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果您对版权问题有任何疑问,或有问题请不要报告我,请花时间通过邮件与我们联系,我们将在48小时内回复", "output": "🚫 If you have any problem with copyright issues, or question please do not report me, take your time to contact us via mail, and we will response within 48h –", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n她和他在一起相处 多年,常常会做一些普通人会做的事情。", "output": "You've been with her for a while, and have been doing things that normal couples do.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n类似地,如果输入help ,大多数命令将显示其信息。", "output": "Similarly, if you type help , most commands will display their information.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n从采样理论,只能达到足够的分辨率的一个对象,如果至少有两个样本为每一个解析的单元。", "output": "From sampling theory, adequate resolution of an object can only be achieved if at least two samples are made for each resolvable unit.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们十岁啦——感恩!", "output": "Today we are 8 Years Old – THANK YOU! →", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n目前,希腊,俄罗斯和土耳其仍然是银行最大的股东,每股股份的利率为16.5%。", "output": "Turkey, Greece and Russian Federation are the main share holders with 16.5% shares respectively.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“我们目前正在遵循许多途径。", "output": "“We are currently following many paths.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n传统和现代的自然脱发方法已经帮助许多人预防和治愈这种疾病。", "output": "Natural hair loss methods, both traditional and contemporary, have helped many people to prevent and cure this ailment.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但如果他希望与总统的战斗也可以转移他对案件的注意力,或者从他的权力中获得奖励,那么他就被证明是错误的", "output": "But if he hoped the battle against the president would also divert attention from his case, or win rewards from those he put in power, he has been proved wrong.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n(重定向自石油勘探)", "output": "(Redirected from Oil exploration)", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n后来,在我们看来,市场可能会形成另一个下降的结构,1300,从而完成了这一修正。", "output": "Later, in our opinion, the market may form another descending structure towards 1300, thus completing this correction.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n明空大師聽了他的訴說後,問:「你一直抓著他們的手教他們嗎?」", "output": "The servant pointed towards his companions and said: “Did you hear what he said?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n夏洛特公主的奶奶戴安娜王妃1961年也是在同一家教堂受洗。", "output": "It is also where Charlotte’s late grandmother Princess Diana was christened in 1961.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nSalit在JIMB的工作重点是试图将同样的绝对专一性引入生物学。", "output": "Salit’s work at JIMB focuses on trying to bring the same absolute specificity to biology.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n一切都应该从客户的需求开始。", "output": "It all starts from customer need.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”你总是告诉我们,让我们休息在球场上,当我们被迫中断,得分。", "output": "You always told us to make our breaks on the field and when we forced a break, to score.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但下一任总统需要在头几个月展现出领导力。", "output": "But our next president needs to show leadership in the first months.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我邀请所有人尊重安全边界,”她补充说。", "output": "\"I invite everyone to respect the security perimeter,\" she added.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n过去一些年这个任务落到了我和卡里克的身上,让新来的球员保持同样的水准。", "output": "Over the last few years it was down to me and Michael Carrick to keep the new players maintaining those standards.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n没有一个人的答案适合所有人,因为不幸的是, 智能家居行业一团糟。", "output": "No one answer is right for everyone, because unfortunately, the smarthome industry is a mess.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n漫长而艰难的退场:苏联从阿富汗撤军刍议", "output": "A Long Goodbye: The Soviet Withdrawal From Afghanistan", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n消息取消允许用户检索他们偶然或不适当地发送给错误收件人的 Lotus Notes 邮件。", "output": "Message recall allows users to retrieve Lotus Notes mail they accidentally or inappropriately sent to the wrong people.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n让学生有机会选择拉丁语为在8年级的第二语言,并且可以一直到GCSE或A级矣。", "output": "Students have the opportunity to choose Latin as their Second Language in Year 8 and can carry on right through to GCSE or A-Level.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们需要一个清晰的自我形象,一个现实的和自我理想的,我们想要成为什么样的人。", "output": "We need a big, bold, imaginative vision for what sort of society we want.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这两种化石是在含有红色淤泥的沉积物中发现的”报告说,这可能被归类为沙漠尘埃。", "output": "The two fossils were found in sediment that contained red-colored silts “and could be classified as desert dust,” said the report.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n她的名字是Adele Laurie Blue Adkins。", "output": "The singer’s real full name is Adele Laurie Blue Adkins.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n一种常见的并置是在线阅读以获取信息和阅读小说以获得乐趣。", "output": "A common juxtaposition is between reading online in order to acquire information and reading a novel for enjoyment.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n然而,我抽到的是勇氣。", "output": "What I gained was was courage.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“许多这类药物的想法是,它们会阻断癌细胞中某种蛋白质的功能。", "output": "“The idea for many of these drugs is that they block the function of a certain protein in cancer cells. […]", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n近日,Equifax表示大约有10万名加拿大消费者的个人信息被盗用。", "output": "Equifax now says about 100,000 Canadian consumers may have had their personal information compromised.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n第四名的终结者将在法国的一个季后赛中面对阿根廷。", "output": "The fourth-place finisher will face Argentina in a playoff for a spot in France.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n最后,只剩下一个念头在支配着他,那就是希望休息。", "output": "Finally, there was one idea which mastered him,—the idea of rest.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n以此為基礎可建立起一個為人所認同的公關模範,由此而造就成功的公共關係。", "output": "On that foundation can be built an acceptable public relations presence that makes PR succeed.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n事实上,如果你把世界股票市场和期货市场放在一起,他们的联合交易量只相当于外汇市场的四分之一。", "output": "In fact, in the event you were to place ALL of the world's equity and futures markets together, their mixed trading quantity would only equal a QUARTER of the Forex market.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n《安徒生邮品》:献给儿童的礼物", "output": "PERMATA PROGRAMME: A gift to gifted children", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他把我的英語書全拿走了。", "output": "They took all our English books away.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n許多人認為是有可能建立一個反重力機器和有許多小的版本,可以做到這一點通過干擾的引力波。", "output": "Many deem it is doable to build an anti-gravity gear and there are many small adaptation which can do this by interfering with the gravity waves.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n只有这样做,他们才能相信福音,并接受圣灵。", "output": "Only by doing so, will they come to believe in the gospel and receive the Holy Spirit.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我从没有见过刘晓波,但他的言语和生平触动并激励着我。", "output": "I never met Liu Xiaobo, but his words and life touch and inspire me.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n随之而来,你会失去个人电脑上的一切东西,而那个发信给你的人将获得你的姓名、电子邮件和密码等。", "output": "Subsequently you will LOSE EVERYTHING IN YOUR PC and the person who sent it to you will gain access to your name, e-mail and password.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n预测、人口变化、历史细节、市场动态等多种因素可用于了解全球宠物技术市场当前和未来的增长范围。", "output": "A variety of factors such as projections, demographic changes, historic details, market dynamics and so on, are used to understand the current and future scope of growth of the global Advanced Shopping Technology market.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n错过了机会,错过了人。", "output": "Missed opportunities and missed people.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n考古学中虚拟现实的目标", "output": "Virtual Reality in Archaeology.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n圣地亚哥位于该国的焦点山谷中,位于平均海平面以上520 m(1,706 ft)的高度。", "output": "Santiago is located in the country's central valley, at an elevation of 520 m (1,706 ft) above mean sea level.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n而且确定他们不是学生。", "output": "They sure weren't students.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n�任何人都能成为成功交易员", "output": "Anyone can become a successful trader!", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n当我们苦待圣灵时,他不再把基督向我们彰显,我们就失去了有主同在的感觉。", "output": "When we grieve the Holy Spirit, He no longer manifests Christ to us, and we lose our sense of the Lord's presence.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n忧虑使我们无法处理日常生活上的问题。", "output": "Worry makes us incapable of handling life's problems.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n事件,尤其是比賽結果,將影響球隊的心理狀態。", "output": "Events, and above all match results, affect the team psychology.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n几乎囊刮了所有轻重工业的生产和制造部门。", "output": "It has practically scraped all the light industrial production and manufacturing sectors.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n科学家必须用 才能观察到它的结构。", "output": "This allows scientists to see their structure.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n一项研究表明在成年小鼠中。", "output": "The research is conducted in an adult mouse.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这个条约,经过两次续订,有效期至2021年。", "output": "This treaty has been prolonged twice since, and is valid until 2021.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n高小云(b.1977)的绘画追求静止和运动,客观性和主观性的统一。", "output": "Gao Xiao Yun (b.1977) pursues stillness and motion, and objectivity and subjectivity.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n一朵花不会考虑和它旁边的花竞争。", "output": "A flower does not think of competing against the flower next to it.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但对于很多人来说,锂就像是电池的同义词。", "output": "But for many people, lithium has become synonymous with batteries.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但她却甚至都不愿意去考虑这一选项。", "output": "But Mary doesn’t even consider that option.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n许多不利的健康状况归因于具有酸性血液pH,因为据信在这些状态下炎症恶化。", "output": "Many adverse health conditions are attributed to having an acidic blood pH, as it is believed that inflammation is worsened under such states.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n第190章:说不清为什么", "output": "Chapter 197: Why I Can't Say It", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n資深海事工程師和防洪設備專家ROB,他前妻和他父親只有幾小時來挽救城市……", "output": "Now Leonard, his son Rob, top marine engineers and barrier experts, and Rob's ex-wife Sam have only a few hours to save the city from total devastation.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nLTSP 服务器设置接收来自瘦客户端和工作站的日志,并转递这些信息到中央日志接受者。", "output": "The LTSP servers are set up to receive syslog from thin clients and workstations, and forward these messages to the central syslog recipient.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n它不能再正常运作了。", "output": "He can no longer function normally.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n离开家度假可能会导致您收拾行李过多。", "output": "Taking a vacation away from your home can result in you pack too much.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n正如我所料想的,阿尔德先生拿出了一张照片。", "output": "As a memento, Mr Armstrong took a photo of him.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他全面研究先知穆罕默德这两段言论,并注意到其中清楚提到前四十天胚胎成形的阶段。", "output": "He studied these two sayings of the Prophet Muhammad extensively, noting that the first forty days constitute a clearly distinguishable stage of embryo-genesis.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n奶酪和乳制品展有220家參展商和7,644名參觀者,是乳制品行業所有參與者必須參加的活動。", "output": "With 220 exhibitors and 7,644 visitors, it is an unmissable event for all the professionals in the dairy sector.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这家投资银行指出,信用卡远比加密货币被广泛接受,而且他们使用的网络每秒可以处理数千笔交易。", "output": "The investment bank noted that credit cards were far more widely accepted than cryptos, and that the networks they use could process thousands of transactions a second.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“他受到一群人的袭击。", "output": "“It was an attack by a group of people.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n值得一提的是,它还可以通过APP控制。", "output": "The good thing is that the model can still be controlled through an App.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n2 在 SCL 示例中,“IEC_Timer_0_DB”是背景 DB 的名称。", "output": "In the SCL examples, \"IEC_Timer_0_DB\" is the name of the instance DB.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n從此這位高攀火炬的勇敢姑娘就成為他心中自由的象征。", "output": "From the torch high brave girl has become a symbol of freedom in his heart.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n对于2009年在柏林成立的Ecosia不会参与拍卖,也许不足为奇。", "output": "It should perhaps come as little surprise that Ecosia, which was founded out of Berlin in 2009, won’t be taking part in the auction.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n几乎没有一堵墙还立着。", "output": "Barely a wall is left standing.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n伊莎貝兒‧卡爾森不是我可以相信的人。", "output": "Sean Spicer is not someone you should trust.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n被统治者脆弱的同意将瓦解,暴力和威权主义将随之而来。", "output": "The fragile consent of the governed would break down, and violence and authoritarianism would follow.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们与HDFC银行和Ixigo等公司密切合作,共同开展业务。", "output": "We work very closely with likes of HDFC Bank and Ixigo to build our business.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他给了CharlieRhodes一个很长的时间冷,测量外观。", "output": "And he had given Charlie Rhodes a long, cold, measuring look.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n重点将放在手机游戏上,但合作将超越迪斯尼电影,迪士尼电视节目和迪士尼智能手机应用。", "output": "The focus will be on mobile games, but the collaboration will extend beyond that as well to Disney movies, Disney TV programs, and Disney smartphone apps.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我害怕被拖累到细节。", "output": "I was afraid of getting bogged down in the details.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n除此之外,它完全是一个谜,但是却是一个重要的谜。", "output": "Other than that it is a complete mystery, but an important mystery.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你看——或者也许不是;时代已经变了。", "output": "But then again, maybe not - maybe times are changing.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我們所看見所聽見的,不能不説」,又道:「順從神,不順從人,是應當的」。", "output": "We see example after example of people who hear God say, “Go,” and they go.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n乌克兰向国际法院控诉俄罗斯支持恐怖主义和种族歧视", "output": "Ukraine has filed a lawsuit against Russia in the International Court of Justice for terrorism and racism", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n不过,部分水道的生态环境仍然保持着健康,直到最近出现了建筑热。", "output": "Nevertheless, parts remained largely healthy until the recent building boom.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我相信若我停止在生活中追求進步,我就會倒退回以前的生活方式。", "output": "I think if I stopped wanting more I would fall back into my old way of life.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他也曾向一些先锋音乐家致敬。", "output": "They simply wanted to pay tribute to musical pioneers.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n相信我们每天都会说许多遍“好”字。", "output": "Think about how many times we use the word “perfect” daily.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n1.1 什么是GIS?", "output": "1.1 What is GIS?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n快去网上告诉议会要支持《终止残忍的化妆品议案》,让我们一起来结束澳大利亚和全世界的化妆品动物试验。", "output": "Go online, tell Parliament to support the End Cruel Cosmetics Bill, let's end cosmetics animal testing in Australia and the world.\"", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在 这篇文章中,我恳请你开始了解一下伊斯兰的奴隶制度。", "output": "In this article I invite you to begin to learn about Islam's involvement in slavery.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他说, 海外公司到现在才开始追赶它们的美国同行,改变自己的行为。", "output": "It is just that foreign companies are only now beginning to catch up to their American counterparts in altering their behavior, he said.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n尼希米鼓励人民重建城墙", "output": "Nehemiah leads the people to rebuild the walls.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n不过我希望大家了解真正的佛教。", "output": "Yet, there is a way to know the true Buddha.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n对符合垫付要求的,救助基金管理机构应当将相关费用划入医疗机构账户。", "output": "To meet the requirement of advance, fund management related costs should be included in the accounts of medical institutions.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n這時候她們仍然需要父母,而不是朋友。", "output": "In short, they need parents, not friends.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n州长杰里·布朗重复消防官员的预测,加利福尼亚可以期待未来的毁灭性火灾,部分原因是气候变化", "output": "Gov. Jerry Brown repeated predictions from fire officials that California can expect a future of devastating fires, in part because of climate change.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n当一名警察徒劳地挣扎让她复活时,暴徒嘲笑道:“把她扔到这里,我们会把她弄死", "output": "As a policeman struggled in vain to revive her they jeered: “Throw her up here and we will **** her.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我永远不会忘记他的长相。", "output": "I shall never forget his look.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n该游戏还将支持可下载内容。", "output": "The game will also include all downloadable content.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n事实上,叙政府已无能力解决该国所面临的安全威胁。", "output": "But security measures alone are insufficient to deal with the threat the country currently faces.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n除了骨骼的历史年代之外,另一个未解之谜就是它们如何进入这个难以进入的洞穴的?", "output": "Besides the age of the bones, another mystery is how they got into the difficult-to-reach area of the cave.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n什么都没有,尤其是胜利,是肯定的。", "output": "Nothing in Life, particularly it’s length, is guaranteed.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n《每日邮报》报道称,墨西哥政府正计划在坎佩切州卡拉科姆鲁的考古遗址处建一座国营的旅游酒店。", "output": "The Daily Mail reports that Mexican officials are planning to build a state-run tourist hotel at the archeological site in Calakmul in the state of Campeche.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n头脑对身体有强大的影响,在某些情况下,甚至可以帮助身体康复。", "output": "The mind can have a powerful influence on the body, and in some cases can even help the body heal.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n现在我们基本上都依靠网络了。", "output": "Generally speaking I rely on the net.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n思考我的行动,我决定继续这个计划。", "output": "After some reflection I’ve decided to continue with this project.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“实践出真知,这次巡演的人声EQ比上次巡演少很多。", "output": "“The proof of the pudding is that there’s a lot less vocal EQ this time round than there was on the last tour.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我們為了今天的和平.", "output": "Peace for our present.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n然而,市政建设只是民国政府计划的一部分。", "output": "But the city clusters just belong to a government plan.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”必须如此;这是法律。", "output": "It has to be; it’s the law.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n每一组都已经放话了。", "output": "Every group spoke.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n就像爱本身一样,圣·瓦伦丁和他的爱神之名不是可供考证的历史问题,而是信仰问题。", "output": "Much like love itself, St. Valentine and his reputation as the patron saint of love are not matters of verifiable history, but of faith.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n然而,几十年后这些模式会倒转,大量普通工人最终会因为新科技而让工资增长。", "output": "However, after decades these patterns reversed; large numbers of ordinary workers eventually saw robust wage growth thanks to new technology.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n一個簡單的血液測試就可以檢測出來。", "output": "A simple blood test can check for this.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们采取所有可能的安全措施,以确保个人信息的准确性和安全性。", "output": "We take all the possible security measures in order to secure accuracy and safety of personal information.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他們大多缺錢,但有足夠的時間去幻想更好的生活。", "output": "Most are short on cash but long on free time to dream about a better life.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n与日本群岛所产的相同。", "output": "The territory is equivalent to the Japanese islands.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n1956年波兰和匈牙利的暴动", "output": "1956 Polish and Hungarian Uprisings", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nBorges還曾任阿根廷國家圖書館館長。", "output": "Borges was a director of Argentina’s National Public Library.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n受国际油价暴跌的影响,各市场机构监测的原油均价变化率出现连日下跌。", "output": "Affected by the slump in international oil prices, the rate of change in the average price of crude oil monitored by various market institutions has fallen in successive days.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但是随后会有更长的延伸,可能会变成数周或数月的感觉 缺乏动力,迷失或无望 。", "output": "But then there are longer stretches that can turn into weeks or months of feeling unmotivated, lost or hopeless.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n「巴金先生是韓國人永遠的朋友。", "output": "Bollinger is a forever friend of Cuban.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n正在找这方面的资料呢!!", "output": "Been looking for info about this!", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n警察后来发现他身上有大麻。", "output": "The police later determined he had cocaine in his blood.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n明智的人临终时虽然懂得黑暗有理,", "output": "Though wise men at the end know dark is right,", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n而对特朗普来说,每一天都是为了自保而进行的按小时计算的战斗。", "output": "For Mr Trump, every day is an hour-by-hour battle for self-preservation.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n该公司自1881年开始运营,为汽车和船舶市场以及工业产品生产涂料。", "output": "In operation since 1881, the company produces coatings for the automotive and marine markets, as well as for industrial products.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n创建和更新您的网站应该是您最不担心的。", "output": "Creating and designing the website should be the least of your worries.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n活塞的另一端通常是自由的或打开的,不进行任何工作。", "output": "The other end of the piston is often free or open which does not perform any work.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我只是喜欢它的整体概念。", "output": "I like their overall concept.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”我发现有孕妇在济贫院,擦地板,做最困难的工作,几乎直到宝宝来到这个世界。", "output": "“I found there were many pregnant women in the workhouse, scrubbing floors, doing the hardest kind of work, almost until their babies came into the world.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n03就跟他在一起了。", "output": "3 at together with him.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但是在这些高风险的应用中,让人员在循环中进行最后一次调用将是防止这种新兴技术出现错误的重要保障。", "output": "But in these kinds of high-risk applications, having a human in the loop to make the final call is probably an important safeguard against mistakes in this nascent technology.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n蒋介石相信,在这种威权政体中,地方选举可以促进台湾最终的民主。", "output": "Chiang Kai-shek believed that, in this authoritarian polity, local elections could promote Taiwan's eventual democracy.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n唔,他也不用在试着写这些东西的时候遭遇失败了。", "output": "Well, he would not have to fail at trying to write them either.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n自2011年叙利亚爆发战争以来,阿萨德就很少出访,但他每次都公开访问俄罗斯,并都与普京进行会面。", "output": "Since fighting broke out in his country in 2011, Assad has traveled only rarely, but has made three publicly-acknowledged visits to Russia, each time for meetings with Putin.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n注意: 联机状态适用于你已添加到即时消息联系人列表的任何人员的即时消息电子邮件地址。", "output": "Note: Online status is available for any person whose instant messaging email address you have added to your instant messaging contact list.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他的一些雕塑作品受到非洲艺术影响,形式高度概括,富有感染力。", "output": "Some of his sculptures are influenced by African art, form a high degree of generalization, full of infectious.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n正在采取措施消除事故后果。", "output": "Measures are being taken to tackle the consequences of the accident.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n翌年,街道已被水浸了四尺之高,而到了1993年,全城已在水底下10米。", "output": "Two weeks later the water had raised three meters, and in 1993 the water reached 10 meters.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果你想投资一个新的泵系统,它可能是值得考虑一个压力增压系统,因为它是一个高效率和高度有益的系统。", "output": "If you’re looking to put money into a new pump system, it might be worth it to look at a pressure booster system as it’s an efficient and extremely beneficial system.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我盼望着每个类和甚至是功课。", "output": "I look forward to each new lecture and even the assignments.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n该证明的要点是,无限是无限的,而人格本质上涉及的限制,因此,说话的人是一个无限陷入荒谬。", "output": "The gist of the proof is that the Infinite is unlimited, while personality essentially involves limitation; therefore, to speak of an Infinite Person is to fall into an absurdity.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n巨蟹座是水元素之基本星座, 而代表那元素之第一个热烈奔流。", "output": "\"Cancer is the cardinal sign of the element of Water and represents the first keen onrush of that element.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n自主权还能推动创新,因为不同的人会尝试不同的方式。", "output": "Autonomy also promotes innovation because different people try different approaches.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n(我最近看了很多投诉。", "output": "(I’ve been making a lot of videos lately.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但是,问题的真正原因是很多用户没有足够的网络安全常识,无法保护自己,避免自己被在线跟踪。", "output": "“However, the crux of the problem is that many users simply aren’t cyber-savvy enough when it comes to protecting themselves from online tracking.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n什么能让你马上做出决定?", "output": "What would it take to make you decide right now?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n容忍多样性,宽容是一种美德。", "output": "Be tolerant to diversity, tolerance is a virtue.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n据悉,在2014年之前,纽约人想要改变出生证明上的性别,必须要先接受性别确认手术。", "output": "Prior to 2014, New Yorkers seeking to change the gender on their birth certificates had to have undergone gender confirmation surgery first.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我不能打破自己不再为你,或者你。", "output": "I cannot disintegrate myself any longer for you or you.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n管理时间是一个所有人都要掌握的技能。", "output": "Time management is one of those skills that everyone needs.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n坦桑尼亚米库米国家公园里的大象。", "output": "An elephant in Tanzania's Mikumi National Park.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n财产损失正在核实当中。", "output": "The property damage is under verification.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n4.如果你想表現得像個日本人,那麼先說得像個日本人吧!", "output": "If you want to speak good-sounding Japanese, then talk like a robot.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”不是第一次,Gennie认为她的想象力如此之大,真是可惜。", "output": "Not for the first time, Gennie thought it a pity her imagination was so expansive.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这四个特性已经基本够了。", "output": "These four metrics are basically enough.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n大会与会者有机会参加主题为\"不同寻常的业务\"的各种研讨会,演讲和现场考察,重点关注技术和数字化。", "output": "The conference attendees had the opportunity to attend various workshops, presentations and site visits with the general theme of \"Business Unusual\" as the topic of discussion with much focus placed on technology and digitization.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nWebSocket 是一个独立协议。", "output": "The WebSocket is an independent protocol.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果你想快乐一天:醉酒", "output": "“If you want to live happily for a day, get drunk.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这是一个循环的关系。", "output": "This is a cyclical relationship.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n●要实现可持续发展目标,发达国家和发展中国家都需进行大量投资。", "output": "In order to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), substantial investment will be required, in both developed and developing countries.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n只要我绘画,自己就变成了另个病魔。", "output": "When I paint, I become another person.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n中国人应该很有信心。", "output": "Chinese people should have sufficient confidence.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这应该运行大多数Windows平台上,有一个非常简单的,干净的,广告软件和间谍软件免费安装。", "output": "This should run on most windows platforms, and has a very simple, clean, ad-ware and spyware free installer.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nMatt Fitzpatrick /马里兰大学环境科学中心", "output": "Matt Fitzpatrick / Center of Environmental Science of the University of Maryland", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n您一共需要10个左右正确的测量值。", "output": "A total of 10 valid measurement sets is required.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果帝国沦陷,战争就会在德国其余地区被烧毁的时候策划。", "output": "If the Reich had fallen, it was from here that the war would have been plotted while the rest of Germany burned.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果你对这个问题如此了解,就写你自己的文章。", "output": "If your so certain about your position then write an article about it.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”“谢谢你,WILLIAM。", "output": "“Oh, thank you, William.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n自动化将会改变劳动力市场的组成,同时,也会引发收入分布及薪酬滞涨的全球经济问题。", "output": "In addition, analysts believe that automation will change the structure of the labor market and raise the global economic problems of income distribution and stagnation of wages.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在政府中,最大的挑战是不同政府部门和附属机构大数据的整合和互操作性。", "output": "In governments the biggest challenges are the integration and interoperability of big data across different government departments and affiliated organizations.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n通常,锻炼科学计划的毕业生继续医学学校或其他研究生专业的医疗方案。", "output": "Often, graduates of exercise science programs go on to medical school or other postgraduate professional medical programs.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nAP研究员傅婷在上海做出了贡献。", "output": "AP researcher Fu Ting in Shanghai contributed.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n最常见的问题在于漫游数据连接通常收费较高,Wi-Fi也并非无处不在,并且通常也是收费的。", "output": "The most common problem is that the roaming data connection is usually expensive and Wi-Fi is not available everywhere and often it is not even free.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n星期二,愤怒的人群向观察员的车辆投掷石块和棍棒,当他们靠近该区域时,迫使他们转身。", "output": "On Tuesday, an angry crowd hurled rocks and sticks at the observers' vehicles as they approached the area, forcing them to turn back.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“亚瑟”,他听见了这个名字。", "output": "He heard the name Arthur.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这个名字适合它,她决定。", "output": "The name suited her, he decided.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n那时候在某些方面,反而比现代更现代。", "output": "We are, in some respects, more modern than postmodern.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我可能这个结论来自北部的事实没有人拥有奴隶。", "output": "I probably came to this conclusion from the fact that northern people owned no slaves.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你唯一要做的就是合作。", "output": "Now, ALL YOU HAVE to do is to cooperate.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n《砖块与灰泥》赢得了400万美元的育种者杯草皮,完成了一个完美的赛季,并成为年度最佳马的有力竞争者。", "output": "Bricks and Mortar won the $4 million Turf by a head to complete a perfect season and move solidly into contention for Horse of the Year honors.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如何在你推销的 Funnels 中获得100%的佣金。", "output": "How to get 100% commission on the funnels that you promote.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nGCI 2019评估的79个国家占全球GDP总量的95%,占全球人口的84%。", "output": "The 79 countries assessed by GCI 2019 account for 95 per cent of global GDP and 84 per cent of the worlds population.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n需要增加剂量时,可以每次0.5~1mg递增,直到达标。", "output": "Further doses of 0.5 to 1 mg may be given as necessary.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n她说:“这是一个残酷的,虐待狂和懦弱的攻击,让一个孤独的女性下班回家。", "output": "She said: \"This was a brutal, sadistic and cowardly attack on a lone female making her way home from work.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n所有这一切都将改变游戏规则,不仅对我们自己的稳定和繁荣,而且对全球经济的稳定和繁荣。", "output": "\"All of this would be a game changer, not just for our own stability and prosperity, but for that of the global economy, too.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n无论在场内还是场外,赫内斯都赢得了国内和欧洲的许多荣誉,这位67岁的老人无疑将成为俱乐部的传奇。", "output": "Various domestic and European honours have been won with Hoeness both on and off the pitch and the 67-year-old will doubtless go down as a club legend.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在11月初沿9號公路的推進恢復,在弗利城外的蒙托内河於11月9日被渡過。", "output": "In early November, the push up Route 9 resumed, and the river Montone, just beyond Forlì, was crossed on 9 November.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n「二、三百年之后人类的生活将会是难以想像般的美丽和惊人。", "output": "In two or three hundred years life on earth will be unimaginably beautiful, amazing, astonishing.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n下面是我最后一个问题。", "output": "Below is our latest issue.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在挪威罗弗敦群岛周边的海洋深处,住着声名狼藉的格陵兰鲨。", "output": "In the great depths surrounding the Lofoten islands in Norway lives the infamous Greenland shark.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n2.1 匈牙利革命(1956)", "output": "The Hungarian Revolution (1956)", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在严格的研究生水平的融资计划课程,为学生提供财政健全的理论基础。", "output": "Courses in rigorous graduate-level finance programs provide students with sound theoretical foundations of finance.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n日美间广泛的人员交流,是日美同盟创设以来的支柱。", "output": "Broad people-to-people exchange between Japan and the United States has been a key pillar of our Alliance since its inception.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n过去三年半的合计数量现在达到105.35亿欧元,相当于每年平均30.10亿欧元。", "output": "The combined volume of the last three and a half years now amounts to 10.535 billion euros, which represents an annual average of 3.010 billion euros.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n更令人興奮的是,新的教室體驗也將能幫助學生為他們的未來做準備。", "output": "Even more exciting, the new classroom experiences will also help prepare students for the future.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我來到加拿大是為了可以住在一個安全的地方。", "output": "I came here because Australia is a safe place.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n传言一般来说都是有原因的。", "output": "And all the rumors, however, usually have some basis.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n请 升级您的浏览器,以提高您的体验。", "output": "Please upgrade your browser to improve your experience.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n例如, 如果你只投資了一隻股票, 但它失敗了, 你就會失去一切。", "output": "For example, if you’ve only invested in one stock plus it fails, you’ll lose everything.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n也将展出一个星期音乐会五月小册子的男性和女性在1983年进行的世界卫生组织学院合唱团的名称。", "output": "Also going on display is a May Week Concert booklet with the names of men and women who performed in the college chorus in 1983.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n自然你太忙,你不会忘记我们的?", "output": "I know you are busy, but You never forget us.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n• 肾衰竭:在年长患者中较为常见,可能由脱水和癌症本身所引起。", "output": "Kidney failure—This is more common in elderly patients and a possible result of dehydration and the cancer itself.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n没有比这更好的方式来结束这次旅行比一杯葡萄酒和奶酪拼盘!", "output": "There’s no better way to end a conference than with a little wine and cheese.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n這也允許您使用嚮導構建可以在以後重新執行的完整程式。", "output": "This also allows you to use the Wizards to build complete programs that can be re-executed again later.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果你没有专注某一平台或行业,而你又想成为一 名专家,那你要学会专注了。", "output": "If you are not focused on platform and industry, and you want to become an expert, you need to focus.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我以後就沒有再見到他。", "output": "Then I never saw him again.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n人们相信这一伊朗第五纵队从贝鲁特穿越大马士革、加沙地带到巴格达,最终从伊朗延伸到沙特和也门。", "output": "This Iranian fifth column is believed to stretch from Beirut via Damascus and Gaza to Baghdad and finally from Iran to Saudi Arabia to Yemen.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n所有这些都应该被血液检查所报告。", "output": "All of this should be confirmed by blood tests.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n1957年出生和死亡注册(第299条文)", "output": "Births and Deaths Registration Act 1957 [Act 299]", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nWi-Fi 6尚未普及但Wi-Fi 7已经上路", "output": "Wi-Fi 6 is barely here, but Wi-Fi 7 is already on the way", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n咱们将答复您各种购机问题留言", "output": "We will send you the details of buyers.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n或许可以帮助你找到自己生命本来的样子。", "output": "I think it would help you see your life as it is.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n从资金投入和从时间成本的角度考虑,航空公司只将注意力集中于那些最忠诚、最具价值的顾客。", "output": "With investment and time cost in mind, airline companies should focus on those most loyal and most valuable customers.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n语言,让一般人不容易理。", "output": "Language that makes people uncomfortable.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n王翦说:至少六十万人。", "output": "TM: At least 60,000 people.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n此外,无论是已婚还是未婚的穆斯林,都被要求在任何时候穿着得体的服装并且举止要端庄。", "output": "In addition, Muslims, whether married or unmarried, are instructed as to proper dress and behavior at all times.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n每个周六和周日,市政厅前是一个大集市,周六主要卖花、日用品和食品,周日主要卖布和衣服。", "output": "Every Saturday and Monday there is a big market in front of the City Hall, where on Saturdays mainly flowers, household goods, and food is sold, and on Mondays mainly cloth, and clothing.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n违背互惠原理,接受而不试图回报他人善举的人,是不受社会群体欢迎的。", "output": "A person who violates the reciprocity rule by accepting without attempting to return the good acts of others is disliked by the social group.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n5)一种动态广告,允许在内容上日新月异地不断变化。", "output": "5. a dynamic advertising, allowing the rapid changing in content.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n123.第123章 打够了吗?", "output": "Is the 12-3 curriculum sufficient?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n工作11年还没有赚到钱", "output": "I have not worked for money in 11 years.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在上一篇文章中,我们证明了不存在这种差距。", "output": "In the last article, we demonstrated that no such gap exists.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n新西蘭的空氣品質很好 ,而且政府也致力於向退休的人提供高質量的生活服務。", "output": "New Zealand’s air quality is good, and the government is committed to providing quality living services to retired people.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n并说:他们有政策,我们有对策。", "output": "They say we have been out there, we do have a policy.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你会从我的生活中消失得如此之快,以至于你会被鞭打着试图跟着我的屁股出门。", "output": "You’d be gone so fast from my life that you’d get whiplash trying to follow my ass out the door.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们也应该有自己的生活", "output": "We have to have our own lives, too.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n最后未对我们的客户采取行动。", "output": "Eventually no further action was taken against our client.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“物联网架构师的作用将使数据科学家们成为人力资源部门最有价值的独角兽。", "output": "The Internet of Things Architect role will eclipse the data scientist as the most valuable unicorn for HR departments.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果用户需要与他人共享文件夹,Dropbox通常是最佳选择,因为很多人已经拥有其帐户。", "output": "If you need to share a folder with someone, Dropbox is generally the best option because so many people already have accounts.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n确保网络安全的传统方法:防御边界", "output": "The Traditional Approach to Network Security: Defending the Perimeter", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他的商业帝国已从篮球扩展到娱乐业,名下掌管着几十个电视和电影项目。", "output": "His business empire has expanded past basketball and into entertainment, with his name helming dozens of television and film projects.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果你想在 Linux 上尝试 ZFS,那么只能在存储文件系统上使用。", "output": "If you want to try ZFS on Linux, you can only use it as your storage file system.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n使用光纤,一种不那么容易受噪音影响的技术是另一种方法。", "output": "Using fiber optics, a technology far less susceptible to noise, is another approach.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“我就是想问一下,你们需要什么赔偿。", "output": "“I just want to know what compensation you are willing to make.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n跟踪你旅行时最重要的物品。", "output": "Keep your most important belongings when traveling.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n不用说,我非常想看第一场演出。", "output": "Needless to say, I was very anxious to watch the first episode.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n序列制作最多需要三天(紧急情况)到十天。", "output": "Sequence production takes between three days (for emergencies) and ten days at most.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n然而,他的积极意见看起来是被第一句话从他嘴里打出来了。", "output": "However, my positive opinion of his looks was damaged by the first words out of his mouth.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n所以他们必须找到一些方法,在最人性、最直接的层次上与他人建立关系。", "output": "Missionaries know how to connect with others at the most basic, human level.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这是一个快速的游戏。", "output": "It's a fast game.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这样才能使得墙体更加坚固稳妥。", "output": "This allowed walls to be thinner.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n是什么让你开始关注LGBTQ主题?", "output": "Where do you stand on the LGBTQ issue?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但作者没有提供有关所用样品制备的任何细节。", "output": "But the authors didn’t give any detail about the sample preparation used.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n去年同一季度(2017年第一季度),六个基金筹集了6.3亿美元。", "output": "During the same quarter of last year (Q1 2017), $630 million was raised in six funds.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n它这样做是为了防御。", "output": "They did it with defence.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n2018年西华师范大学成人高考有哪些专业? …?", "output": "when is hoffman middle school 2018 prom ???", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n然而,也有一个不愉快的结局:对GDP的税率从大约14%下降到12%,这非常令人失望。", "output": "However, there was also an unhappy ending: the tax to the GDP ratio fell from about 14 to 12 percent, which was quite disappointing.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n从根本上讲,这是由决定的。", "output": "It is basically decided.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n异地注册公司必须要知道的", "output": "The settlement company needs to know.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n1919年12月6日从军事名单中删除并报废", "output": "On December 6, 1919 deleted from military list and scrapped", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“所有工程师都要接受专业的化妆培训。", "output": "“All the engineers working on Mary have to undergo specialist training.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在布里斯班,南部移民和当地的升级买家更倾向于在靠近CBD和/或河流的蓝筹内环地区购买优质物业。", "output": "“Within Brisbane, southern migrants and local upgraders are favouring premium property in blue chip inner ring areas close to the CBD and/or river.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但在國際上來說,又是另外一回事。", "output": "Internationally, however, is another question.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这是自权力下放协议破裂以来的第三年沙特阿拉伯足球联赛。", "output": "This was Third Spain's debut gig after the break up of Reinheitsgebot.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你有一个电台节目还是什么?", "output": "And you have an electrical outlet or whatever?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这个问题从侧面反映了澳大利亚移民系统制度和就业政策之间的不协调。", "output": "It is because of lack of coordination between employment policies and Australian immigration system.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n--不要和临时伴侣或不认识的伴侣发生性关系", "output": "Avoid sex with unknown partners or multiple partners", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n有许多其他正式步骤沿着旅程。", "output": "So many more steps along the journey.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n寂静,周围的那些人全都是非常的安静。", "output": "Unfortunately, those all around were extremely quiet.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n再次感謝您對我們的客人。", "output": "I again thank our guests.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n对妇女的战争仍在继续", "output": "The battle for women still continues.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这块岩石宽20公里(12英里),撞击后,玻璃状的碎片被抛入大气层。", "output": "The rock measured 20 kilometers (12 mi) wide and, after the impact, threw glassy debris into the atmosphere.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n对于远光灯的使用规定:", "output": "(2) The using of long lights shall be prohibited:", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他說:「你們確實選擇了民主之路。", "output": "He said, “ You have done it the right way.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n朋友宣称:8月20日正午,人类将被外星人灭绝,只有相信我的人才能得救。", "output": "As World President, Friend tells everyone that on August 20th, aliens will destroy mankind and only those who believe in him will be saved.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n以赛亚·伯林有句名言:“狼的自由就是羊的末日。", "output": "As Isaiah Berlin said: “liberty for wolves is death for sheep”.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n俄罗斯国家立法机关的一名官员认为,规范加密货币交易的新法规将在今年秋季之前完成。", "output": "An official for Russia’s nationallegislature believes that new laws regulating the exchange of cryptocurrencies will be complete by the end of the fall.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n传感器的技术进步现在允许在没有传统ECG机器的情况下记录来自心脏的电脉冲。", "output": "Moreover, technological advances in sensors now allow recording of electrical impulses from the heart in the absence of conventional ECG machines.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n散开的颗粒非常小,能被肾收集汇聚,之后被排出。", "output": "The broken up particles are small enough to be collected and concentrated by the kidneys, after which they are excreted.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n2012年我们都爱俄罗斯", "output": "Alan: Everyone loved Russia in 2007.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他谈到获取信息的权力如何有助于公民向自己的政府问责,激发新的想法,鼓励创造性和创业精神。", "output": "He spoke about how access to information helps citizens hold their own governments accountable, generates new ideas, encourages creativity and entrepreneurship.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n电子词典适合您可能对此有疑虑。", "output": "Electronic dictionary right for you may have doubts about that.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n许多中国机构找到我们。", "output": "and many Chinese reached out to us.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们肯定在改进这一进程。", "output": "We are certainly supportive of improving the process.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你好,希望这个邮件认识你在完美的条件。", "output": "I hope this mail meets you in a perfect condition.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n虽然这是真的,我们没有任何迹象表明,如果有人相信我们可以,我们中的任何人都可以做任何事。", "output": "Although that can be true, we have no indication that any of us can do anything if someone believes we can.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果客户想使用这个功能,只有通过指纹机本身来实现报警。", "output": "If the customer wants to use this function, it can only be realized by the fingerprint machine itself receiving the alarm.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n有了巴尼几个月后,迪兰就开始会说话了!", "output": "Then we got Barney and, a few months later, Dylan began to talk.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n有低复发风险的淋巴结阴性疾病的妇女不应常规接受延长的激素治疗。", "output": "Women with node-negative disease with a low risk of recurrence should not routinely be offered extended hormonal therapy.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n以前4场比赛中,湖人队的快攻得分达到让人吃惊的31.8分。", "output": "In the past four games, the Lakers have scored an astonishing 31.8 points in their fast break.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n而且,我们致力于卓越的客户服务和强大的零售商伙伴关系是无与伦比的。", "output": "And our commitment to outstanding customer service and strong retailer partnerships is unmatched.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我最喜欢的记忆是十岁时第一次看到乔希吃了整整十包白堡汉堡包。", "output": "My favorite memory is the first time I saw Josh eat an entire ten-pack of White Castle hamburgers at age ten.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n印度政府设立的GST委员会已将锂离子电池的商品及服务税率从28%降至18%。", "output": "The GST Council of India has reduced the GST rate on lithium-ion batteries for electric cars from 28 per cent to 18 per cent.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n处于谨慎考虑,我建议只使用官方镜像,毕竟你无法确定非官方镜像是否包含了恶意代码。", "output": "As a word of caution, I recommend only working with the official images, as you cannot be certain if an unofficial image will contain malicious code.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但它可以追溯到顶部。", "output": "“But it goes back to the top.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”不 只如此,母亲也是。", "output": "Not only that, but so did my mom.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我只是……你知道的,害怕。", "output": "But still — I'm scared, you know.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n相反,ADHD的处方药物利他林设置了一个破坏性的课程,直到他遇到导师告诉他他是一个破坏性的课程。", "output": "Conversely, a prescription to the ADHD-drug Ritalin set Young on a destructive course until he met the mentor who told him he was an entrepreneur.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n例如,Java的内置序列化由于其糟糕的性能和臃肿的编码而臭名昭着【8】。", "output": "For example, Java’s built-in serialization is notorious for its bad performance and bloated encoding [8].", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这个概念是它们应该基于现实生活中的情况。", "output": "The concept is that they should be based on real-life situations.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n那些叫做\"维他命饮料\",而且在日本相当流行,尤其是那些过度劳累的工人。", "output": "They are called \"Vitamin Drinks\", and are quite popular among the Japanese, especially overworked and tired workers.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果你也想拥有自己的", "output": "If you like to have your own.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n至少其中的四分之一,用作赠款,而不是需要偿还的贷款。", "output": "At least a quarter of that money represents a direct grant, not a loan that needs to be repaid.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n有一个时期,他推销机器非常", "output": "For a time he sold grow equipment.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n昨天,他又说了人民喜欢听的话。", "output": "Again the people liked to hear what He said.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但我们敦促各国支持该决议草案,因为必须要对死刑罪犯进行公平审判。", "output": "She urged delegates to support the draft resolution, noting that capital offenders must be provided fair trial.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他曾任密西西比州杰克逊市市长。", "output": "He became the mayor of Jackson, Mississippi.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n研究数据来自1000多名患有自闭症的儿童和青少年。", "output": "The researchers collected data of more than 1000 children and adolescents with ASD.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n奥运会的脚步越来越近了。", "output": "The Olympic Games draws ever nearer.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n按照我们的服务条款,客户使用的磁盘空间和带宽必须被整合到您的网站的正常运行中。", "output": "In accordance with our Terms of Service, the disk space and bandwidth you use must be integrated into the normal operation of your website.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们还要进一步拓展安全领域合作。", "output": "We are also intensifying cooperation in security policy.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n开展生物多样性调查、评估与监测。", "output": "Conduct biodiversity research, surveys and exploration.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n• 即会出现一个绿框。", "output": "A green box will appear.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n阿尔法(阿尔法)是特拉华州的“C”类公司,成立于一九八四年,总部设在佛罗里达州,经营研究和开发。", "output": "Alpha is a Delaware “C” corporation, incorporated in 1984, that is based in Florida and operates as a research and development company.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我生来是个自由人,在一个自由的国度享受了三十年的自由。", "output": "I was born a free man and had for thirty years enjoyed the blessings of liberty in a free state.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n虽然路途遥远,但他总能准时抵达,聚精会神地学习三个半小时的汉语课程。", "output": "Although his travel to school is quite long, he always gets there on time and concentrates on the three-hour-and-a-half Chinese lecture.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在当今的数据世界,数据存储是黄金,因为世界上有如此多的数据。", "output": "In today’s world of data, data storage is gold since there is so much data in the world.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n颜色会影响我们的情绪和感觉,甚至可以唤起人们的身体反应。", "output": "Colors affect our moods and feelings and can even evoke physical reactions.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n自2004年以来,塞浦路斯已成为欧盟成员国,其监管制度完全符合欧盟和经合组织的要求。", "output": "A member of the European Union since 2004, Cyprus’ regulatory regime is in full compliance with the requirements of the EU and OECD.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n简单来说,变革失败往往是因为员工忽略了一点,那就是他们需要从根本上改变自己。", "output": "Simply put, efforts to change often falter because individuals overlook the need to make fundamental changes in themselves.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他并没有立刻倒下去。", "output": "He did not fall at once.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但是美军的伤亡也十分惨重。", "output": "American casualties were also heavy.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n3. 2011年4月,两人放心,他们发现了一个外星生物的尸体在西伯利亚的雪地上。", "output": "In April 2011, two people were assured that found the body of an alien creature in the snow in Siberia.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你是一个海盗战士,你必须消灭敌人。", "output": "You are a fighter robot and you have to smash all the enemies.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n从库存到员工和客户管理,你可以从使用你支付的同一款小型设备上运行一个完整的POS系统。", "output": "From inventory to employee and customer management, you can run a full POS from the same compact device that takes your payments.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n经济和社会发展基本情况 [6]", "output": "social and economic development [6]", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“能上不能下”等问题正在逐步得到解决。", "output": "The issues raised were not going to be solved “gradually.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n酒精,烟草与某些药物也可引起相互作用的发生。", "output": "Using alcohol or tobacco with certain medicines may also cause interactions to.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n然后, 申请一个在德国的额外居住证。", "output": "Afterwards, one has to apply for an additional residence permit in Germany.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n玩了五个月,匹诺曹在一个美好的早晨醒来,发现有件惊奇无比的事情正等着他。", "output": "After five months of play, Pinocchio wakes up one fine morning and finds a great surprise awaiting him.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n父母每天准备三餐,每天吃。", "output": "Parents can order three meals per day.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“客户!给我们打电话!”", "output": "“Now, customers call me!", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n「……擁有感情是被禁止的。", "output": "\"Feelings are prohibited.\"", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n二十年后,多数的非裔美国人是佃农。", "output": "Two decades later, the majority of African Americans were sharecroppers.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n問問自己,如何才能滿足她的需求。", "output": "Ask how your need can be met.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”当然,就他的隐瞒而言,没有任何困难。", "output": "Of course, so far as his concealment goes there is no difficulty at all.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n即使買不起麥迪遜大街上出售的奢侈品,也值得花上一個下午去那裡走走看看。", "output": "Even if you can’t afford the luxury shopping at Madison Avenue, it’s still a great spot to window shop an afternoon away.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他对2022年的北京仍旧满怀期待。", "output": "She’s already looking forward to Beijing 2022.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n21、爱情不是找到对的人,而是建立合适的关系。", "output": "9.Love is not about finding the right person, but creating a right relationship.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n机场设施包括银行,邮局(1号航站楼到达外,在2号航站楼到达南翼)和电话。", "output": "Money and communications: Airport facilities include banks, post offices (outside Terminal 1 Arrivals and in the Terminal 2 Arrivals south wing) and telephones.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n她说,“我比大家想得更简单,也更复杂。", "output": "He also said, “I find it harder and harder to care about people.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n” 张扬笑了,终于有机会了。", "output": "How I laughed when I finally got the chance.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n今天,我为自己的国家感到羞愧。", "output": "I am ashamed of my country today.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n14 来自美国的小伙子Bryan Berg花了44天,用扑克牌搭出了世上最大的扑克牌“建筑”。", "output": "In 2004, American Architect Bryan Berg spent 44 days constructing the largest “house” of cards in history.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n這聽起來更像是廢棄八九鬥爭而不是任何的平反!", "output": "This sounds more like a renunciation of the 1989 struggle than any vindication!", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但不是神世界本身带给你吗?", "output": "But isn't it the world itself that brings you to God?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n其他的就会在这个过程中消亡。", "output": "The rest will die-off in the process.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n一切都是黑色的,他不知道哪条路了。", "output": "Everything was pitch black and he couldn't figure out which direction to go.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这一法案将迫使我们遵守星期日为安息日。", "output": "The Law requires us to honor the Sabbath Day.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n不過,我要進一步指出,與去年在奧克拉荷馬城爆炸,他們說,這是一個硝酸鹽或肥料炸彈。", "output": "\"However, I want to further mention that with the last explosion in Oklahoma City, they are saying that it was a nitrate or fertilizer bomb that did it.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n还有,只吃酸奶,有时也会腻。", "output": "Even with ketchup it sometimes got boring.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他们要在这里卖几百万辆台奔驰和宝马。", "output": "And they send millions of BMWs and Mercedes into our country.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n香港地質公園致力於與當地社區共同合作管理香港地質公園。", "output": "Hong Kong geopark is committed to co-manage the Hong Kong Geopark with the joint effect from the local communities.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n为了让他们能够作出明智的决定,作为家长,我们应该在这些个人事务方面对孩子进行教育。", "output": "In order for them to make good choices, it is our responsibility as parents to teach them about these very personal topics.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n《深蓝的海》(1955年)", "output": "The Deep Blue Sea (1955 and 2011)", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n該公司在美國和加拿大經營名稱為Walmart。", "output": "The company is operating in Canada and United States under the name of Walmart.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n目前,一些人不懂得這種根據年齡進行家教的方法。", "output": "Now some are questioning this time-based approach to learning.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n好,我们来看贸易战。", "output": "So let’s look at the trade war.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n1989年,十世班禅喇嘛圆寂于西藏日喀则。", "output": "In 1989, the 10th Panchen Lama died inside Tibet.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n因此,就是这种机构提供的服务的例证。", "output": "services are examples of such services.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n银河系的宽度:100,000光年", "output": "Length of galaxy: 60,000 light-years", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n不要让任何人有你的护照;他们是合法的。", "output": "Do not ever give a person your passport; they’re legitimate.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n修复在高分辨率显示器(4K)上连接操作的错误。", "output": "Error fixes connected with operation on high-resolution displays (4K).", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这是我回来的唯一两次。", "output": "This is the only one we went back to twice.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他在约旦河畔为人施洗。", "output": "He was baptizing people in the River Jordan.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n第二件事是他的妻子。", "output": "The second was his wife.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n基督,他说,看看你自己。", "output": "Jesus said, “Watch yourself.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n本報在中國的員工在2000年秋天被逮捕和關押。", "output": "Our staff in China were arrested and imprisoned in the fall of 2000.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这种总体放缓意味着今年的经济增长率将降至本世纪初以来的最低水平。", "output": "“This widespread deceleration means that growth this year will fall to its lowest rate since the beginning of the decade.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n目前使用最多的工具就是Linkedln。", "output": "The best available tool right now is LinkedIn.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这些机器人比以前的机器人更强大。", "output": "Our robots are to be more independent than previous robots.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在iOS设备上,我们的相机总是具有一致的像素,所以fx和fy总是相同的值。", "output": "On iOS devices, our cameras always have square pixels, so fx and fy are always going to be the same value.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n攻击者主动优化攻击,以确保最小化分类器检测率。", "output": "Attackers actively optimize their attack to ensure they minimize classifiers detection rate.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这两者都是值得追求的目标,因为它们减少的空间的数据库消耗的量,并确保数据在逻辑上存储。", "output": "Both of these goals are important since they reduce the amount of space a database consumes and ensures that data is logically stored.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但是有一个问题一直困扰着...", "output": "But there is one thing that still hurts…", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“我喝了太多的咖啡。", "output": "I have drunk too much coffee.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这一类都是关于快乐健康的狗玩耍和享受生活,就像狗知道怎么做一样。", "output": "This category all about showing happy and healthy dogs playing and enjoying life as dogs know how to do.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这些贷款从300美元至5000美元不等,如今拥有900亿美元的市场规模。", "output": "These loans, for $300 to $5,000, are now a $90 billion market.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n2014年你會發生甚麼呢?", "output": "What will happen to you in 2014?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但母亲的一句话改变了他的人生方向。", "output": "However his mother’s words changed his life direction.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他可能成为艾滋病被治愈的第二人。", "output": "He might be the person who will find a cure for AIDS.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他打趣说:“我爱孤独。", "output": "She was quoted as saying \"I adore solitude.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n11. 「我們絕對需要更多的文化交流,少一點軍事衝突」", "output": "\"We definitely need more cultural interaction and less military conflict.\"", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n《最终幻想XIII》普遍获得积极评价。", "output": "Final Fantasy XIII received generally positive reviews.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我的许多观点,事实上。", "output": "Much of his views in fact.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n所有控制逻辑的集中化都是开箱即用的,使本地设备只对商用芯片进行编程。", "output": "The centralization of all the control logic was moved out of the box, leaving the local device to only program the merchant silicon.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n事实上,吸烟并不是一件好事。", "output": "After all, not smoking is a good thing.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nGE当前的低股价意味着该公司在指数中的权重不足0.5个百分点。", "output": "The low price of GE shares means the company has a weight in the index of less than one-half of one percentage point.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n法庭周四发现卡拉季奇犯下11项战争罪中的10项,包括斯雷布雷尼察的种族灭绝罪,并判处他40年徒刑", "output": "The court on Thursday found Karadzic guilty of 10 of the 11 counts of war crimes, including genocide in Srebrenica, and sentenced him to 40 years imprisonment.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在2013 坎城影展期間,晚宴在坎城的 Tetou 餐廳舉辦。", "output": "The dinner took place during the 2013 Cannes Film Festival at Tetou Restaurant in Cannes.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n大部分信用卡(Master/Visa卡)都可以在瑞士使用。", "output": "All major credit cards (Visa and MasterCard) can be used in South Africa.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n咸鱼是中国人很喜爱的一种食物,但最近喜欢吃咸鱼的朋友有些心惊肉跳。", "output": "Salted fish is a kind of food that Chinese people like very much, but recently, friends who like to eat salted fish are a little scared.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n观察市场如何接受499美元的Eee PC将是很有趣的。", "output": "It will be interesting to see how the market accepts a $499 Eee PC.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“我明确表示,我不是关于右派,我不是关于左派。", "output": "I made it very clear that I’m not about the right, I’m not about the left.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我 的 厨房 说 …", "output": "The Kitchen Mom said...", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n走着走着,他突然想起一件事。", "output": "As he was walking, he suddenly thought of something.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这些设施围栏,并有员工和游客足够的停车位。", "output": "These facilities are fenced and have adequate parking for employees and visitors.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n新加坡-澳洲自由貿易協定", "output": "Singapore - Australia Free Trade Agreement", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n人类和人工智能都是处理器,但它们有着非常不同的能力。", "output": "Humans and AI are both processors, yet they have very different abilities.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n此外,发展可再生能源还有利于改善农村和偏远地区的生产生活条件。", "output": "In addition, renewables help improve energy conditions in rural or isolated regions.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但是后来发现,确实没什么大问题。", "output": "It discovered there’s actually no significant problem at all.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n一个人若只能看这世界一眼,这一眼应该看向伊斯坦布尔。", "output": "If one had but a single glance to give the world, one should gaze on Istanbul.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如今,人们越来越喜欢简单的事物。", "output": "Nowadays, people like things simplified.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我的解决方案是:采用一个大多数用户已经熟悉的手势——在Now Playing的体验中使用双击。", "output": "My solution was to implement a gesture that most users are already familiar with—the double tap—into the Now Playing experience.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他們通常由兩個房間組成。", "output": "They generally consisted of two rooms.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n之后,大家都朗朗上口,说我们是 51%的那群。", "output": "So any opportunity here I think is important to remind the world that we're 51 percent of the population.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“除了社区盾杯,我在英格兰赢得了一切,但这并不意味着我要离开。", "output": "\"I have won everything in England, apart from the Community Shield, but that doesn't mean that I'm leaving,\" he said.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在许多情况下对PLC需求都降低了甚至不再需要了,因此可以在更短的时间内创建更先进的机器。", "output": "Because in many cases the PLC requirements are reduced or even no longer needed, more advanced machines can be created in less time.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n工程师不只是建造东西,他们可以帮助拯救世界", "output": "Engineers don’t just build things, they can help save the world", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n此外,本集团大力投资于技术创新,以支持其医疗服务,并符合法律规定的最高标准。", "output": "In addition, the Group has invested heavily in technological innovation to support its healthcare services, conforming to the highest standards required by law.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们的职责包括:维护家庭花园、修剪草坪和其他家务。", "output": "Our responsibilities included maintaining the family garden, cutting the lawn and other household jobs.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“唯一真实的东西是恐惧。", "output": "“The only genuine lie is fear.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n活动星系NGC 1275是相对较近的仙王座星系团的中心和主导成员。", "output": "First, active galaxy NGC 1275 is the central, dominant member of the large and relatively nearby Perseus Cluster of Galaxies.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n既然灵魂不是由元素构成的,它也就不会分解,即不会死亡。", "output": "Since the soul is not composed of elements, it is not subject to disintegration, i.e., death.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n英国《建筑条例消防安全批准文件 B》对建筑外保温系统的防火技术要求规定如下:", "output": "According to approved document B of the building regulations, Fire Safety, a European Technical Approval is:", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n虽然有些人认为通过投注赛马来赚取收入非常困难,但是其他人认为使用这些系统非常有利可图。", "output": "Although many people think that it’s impossible to make money by betting on horse racing, other finds it quite profitable with such systems.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n区分这三个年龄,犹太教,基督教和千年。", "output": "I speak of the three dispensations – Jewish, Christian, and the millennium.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n一年内到期的长期投资", "output": "More than one year Long term investments", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n亥為弱水,水滴石穿,創新猷」。", "output": "Infused with Purified water, Coconut water, and Algae.\"", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n世界各个地区发生的许多重大变化促进了铁路市场的全球增长。", "output": "There are a number of significant, region-specific changes fuelling global growth for the rail market.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n因為本次延遲,TAP葡萄牙航空接收首架A330neo可能延後至2018年中甚至第三季[10]。", "output": "After this delay, TAP Air Portugal could receive the first A330neo at the end of the first half of 2018, or even in the third quarter.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nYoü and I(Lady Gaga个人单曲)", "output": "\"You and I\" (Lady Gaga song)", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n不过,除了这些极端的例子,格林菲尔德还描述了全球精英的“同质化”现象。", "output": "Beyond these extreme examples, though, is what Greenfield describes as the “homogenization” of the global elite.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n1981年以色列议会通过了《戈兰高地》法,其单方面宣布对该地区拥有主权。", "output": "In 1981, the Knesset (the Israeli parliament) adopted the law \"On the Golan Heights\", which unilaterally proclaimed Israel's sovereignty over this territory.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n建立一个和平、持续发展的区域是双方的共同利益,远远大于偶尔出现的意见分歧。", "output": "Our common interest in building a peaceful and growing region is much greater than any occasional differences of views.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n總體而言,Wise Disk Cleaner具有易於使用的可定制界面,雖然它有點混亂。", "output": "Generally, Wise Disk Cleaner includes a customizable interface that’s easy-to-use, although it’s a bit cluttered.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n除此之外, 它们还会影响血液循环, 使勃起每次都变得更强。", "output": "In addition to this, they influence the blood circulation and make the erections stronger every time.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你减去了体重,可能也…", "output": "Have you maybe lost weight and have...", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他们愿意以较为现代化的自由苏维埃的联盟来代替宗法制的巴枯宁的“自由公社的联盟”。", "output": "They are willing to replace Bakunin's patriarchal \"federation of free communes\" by the more modern federation of free Soviets.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n自 1983 年以来,我们公司一直提供优质茶产品。", "output": "Since 1984 we have served our customers with quality products.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n更重要的是,你将真正感受到自己的变化。", "output": "Most importantly, you will notice positive changes in yourself.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n斯帕克斯估计,羽流应该含有数百万公斤的水,并在欧罗巴表面上方上升了125英里。", "output": "Sparks estimated that the plumes should contain a few million kilograms of water, and rise about 125 miles above Europa’s surface.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n向內調整紙張寬度和長度導板,直到停在紙張的邊緣為止。", "output": "Slide the paper-width and paper-length guides inward until they stop at the edges of the paper.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n有些人可能到懷孕初期,在家驗孕都還是得到陰性反應。", "output": "At only six weeks pregnant, some at home pregnancy tests may even come back negative.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n這支白衣隊伍由大約二十個姑娘組成,全都穿著鑲有銀色和藍色花邊的雪白的法蘭絨衣裙。", "output": "This white column consisted of some twenty girls, all in snow white flannel trimmed with silver and blue.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们优先开发模块旨在公共政策和提供服务,以及跨部门的业务发展机会。", "output": "We have prioritised developing modules aimed at public policy and service delivery, as well as cross-sector business development opportunities.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n从这点上来说马来西亚是落后于大部分国家的。", "output": "Utah lags far behind most states in this regard.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你可以理解为什么很难把你的大脑踢出你的舒适区。", "output": "You can understand why it's so hard to kick your brain out of your comfort zone.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n它让你感觉完全不同。", "output": "That makes them feel totally different.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n它还调整了模型的超参数:一种优化算法的方法,这对性能有很大的影响。", "output": "It also tunes the model's hyperparameters — a way of optimizing the algorithm — which can have a substantial effect on performance.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n结构与屋顶和墙壁或多或少地永久在一个地方", "output": "It is a man-made structure with a roof and walls standing more or less permanently in one place.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n5G 功能将扩展其目前部署的 SD-WAN 产品。", "output": "The 5G capabilities will extend its current SD-WAN offerings where it’s deployed.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n什么也没发生,于是我开始看浴室。", "output": "Nothing happened, so I began to look at the bathroom.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这样就不会对大自然有伤害了。", "output": "In this way do not harm nature.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n40. 委员会赞扬缔约国采取措施,让出国的秘鲁移徙工人了解在就业国享有的权利和应有的义务。", "output": "40.The Committee commends the State party on the measures adopted to inform Peruvian migrant workers who are to leave the country of their rights and obligations in the State of employment.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n非洲南部的矿井、美索不达米亚的城市、尼普尔的指挥中心、西巴尔的太空站都沉入了水底,被泥浆掩埋。", "output": "The south African mines, the cities in Mesopotamia, the control center at Nippur, the spaceport at Sippar - all lay buried under water and mud.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我都不知道我怀疑干什么。", "output": "I do not know what to suspect.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n2006年4月1日,他把該住宅出售。", "output": "On October 1, 2007, he sold the house.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n人口统计在2010年美国人口普查报道,亚特兰大420003人口。", "output": "According to the 2010 census, the population of Atlanta is 420003.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“话虽这么说,天气很好,当时周围没有行人。", "output": "\"That being said, it was fine weather, there were no pedestrians around at the time.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n而同等数量的劳动,在所有时间和地点,可以说和劳动者具有同等价值。", "output": "Equal quantities of labour, at all times and places, may be said to be1 of equal value to the labourer.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n哪些食物最有可能被污染?", "output": "Which is most likely to be contaminated?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n\"减少食物浪费会带来更有效的土地使用,更好的水资源管理,更持续的磷使用以及对气候变化产生积极的影响。", "output": "He explained: “Less food waste would lead to more-efficient land use, better water resource management, more sustainable use of phosphorus, and it would have positive repercussions on climate change.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他清楚自己的技能,也会正确使用它。", "output": "He knows his skills and he uses them well.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n似乎画的是两个穿着防护服拿着奇怪工具的“人”。", "output": "It appears to show two men wearing helmets with strange weapons.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”愿意做出一个信仰的飞跃。", "output": "willing to take a leap of faith.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”奥巴马说,这项法案将通过加强对华尔街的监管来防止另一场金融危机。", "output": "Mr. Obama said the legislation will prevent another financial crisis by strengthening Wall Street regulations.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但这钱包蛮高等的,我就多看了一眼。", "output": "With that great of a price, I took a closer look.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n举例而言,西澳的工资税是5.5%。", "output": "In general for example, the payroll tax rate in Western Australia is 5.5%.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n漆黑一片,轮子慌乱和椅子轻轻撞了她的腿。", "output": "In the pitch black, wheels rattled and the chair bumped gently against her leg.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n每一個產品的設計一直是由創造它的社會最突出的需求塑造出來的。", "output": "The design of every product ever made has always been shaped by the most prominent need of the society that created it.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n那个夏天重新联系的朋友里,其中一位就是约瑟夫·米克,他在中学时期就认识了迪伦。", "output": "Among the friends he reconnected with that summer was Joseph “Joey” Meek, who knew Dylann in middle school.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但即使在乎,它也不甘于成为“正常”的图书馆。", "output": "But there again, she is far from being a ‘usual’ boat.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你没有给你的伴侣优先权……但是你想知道为什么他会对与你更深入的接触保持谨慎。", "output": "You are not giving your partner priority….yet you wonder why he may be cautious about becoming more deeply involved with you.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你最好带上一把雨伞。", "output": "Better bring an umbrella with you.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n另一种选择是在其他计算机上检查设备本身。", "output": "Another option is to check the device itself on other computers.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n研究人员选择研究乳液中的AR作用,因为大多数人都使用油作为乳液,如沙拉酱。", "output": "The researchers chose to study AR action in emulsions because most people consume oils as emulsions, such as salad dressings.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n3-如果广泛使用C或C ++第三方框架", "output": "3- If C or C++ third-party frameworks are used extensively", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n同時,美國商務部也指出,STEM行業的女性從業員,薪酬比其他行業的女性高33%。", "output": "The U.S. Department of Commerce says women with STEM jobs make 33 percent more than women in other jobs.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n可见,艺术家的“心”应该是多大了。", "output": "It is dependent on how “big” the artist is.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n现在进入正常模式,你可以键入”O”在上面新建一行并进入插入模式,然后开始键入声明语句:", "output": "Now in normal mode, you can type 'O' to open a new line above the current one and enter insert mode, and start typing the declaration:", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“这一剑要削你脑袋!”", "output": "That sword will take your head off!”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n虽然在城里,但干的活并不轻松。", "output": "But in the city, it’s just not efficient.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n大部分鲨鱼对人类有害", "output": "Most sharks are harmless to people.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n护其他持有人的利益。", "output": "protect the interest of other creditors.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n800航班刚起飞就爆炸", "output": "Flight 800 exploded and", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n所以爱美的女性朋友不用担心。", "output": "Lady Eden's friends need not have worried.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如: * bounce", "output": "Filed to:BOUNCE", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n长期来看,未来是光明的。", "output": "In the long term, the future is red.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我不希望将数据库暴露给互联网。", "output": "And I don’t want to expose the database to the Internet.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n意思是说,在两军短兵相?", "output": "Under Corps, do you mean 2 infantry divisions?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n它可能还包括其他行为,如在完成其他类的工作,而在课堂上。", "output": "It may also include other behaviors such as completing the work of other classes while in class.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n现在是时候让边缘化可见。", "output": "It is time to make the marginalized visible.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n一年多来,俄罗斯联邦财政部,该国的经济立法机构,多次坚决反对比特币作为政府货币的一种替代货币。", "output": "For more than a year, the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, the nation's economic lawmaking body, has been repeatedly and staunchly against allowing its use as an alternative to government-issued money.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n50整天除非你住在一個套間。", "output": "than 45 seconds unless youre in a Cloaking ship.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你将承担它,我希望?", "output": "You caught that, I hope?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这意味着我已经发射了,我不能回忆起火箭。", "output": "It meant that I had launched and I wouldn't be able to recall the rocket.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n很难想象化学药品能表现得如此精细。", "output": "I find it unbelievable that chemicals are regulated in such a lax manner.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n您可以随时退订或退出(详见下方8)。", "output": "You may unsubscribe or opt-out at any time (see point 8 below).", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这些太空访客在历史上曾一度与你们有着关联,比如昴宿星人,曾经在过去展示他们,但后来也宁愿处于幕后。", "output": "Those Space Beings that are historically linked with you such as the Pleiadians, have periodically shown themselves but prefer to keep in the background.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n它可能是一个简单的生活,但那是好的", "output": "It may be a simple life, but that's okay", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n大約開賽前50分鐘,保羅·喬治走到摩達中心的球場上,兩個肩膀粘著黑色膠帶,拿起兩個籃球。", "output": "PORTLAND, Ore. — Some 50 minutes before tipoff, Paul George walked onto the floor at the Moda Center on Sunday with black tape canvasing both shoulders and picked up two basketballs.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n《美国工厂》的故事也就此展开。", "output": "The division of American history was also started at this", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n因此,他們特別討厭女人猜疑他們。", "output": "They became particularly suspicious of women.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他保證制裁將不會傷害到伊朗人民。", "output": "He insisted the penalties would not hurt the Iranian people.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们必定会死亡,我们的生命将以死亡终结。", "output": "Death is inevitable; our lives will come to an end.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n所以,你的命令马上就快!", "output": "You’ll receive your order FAST!", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n中国不可能在海上打击美国,也不可能收回台湾,但能够在北韩打击美国。", "output": "China can’t beat the U.S. at sea, and it can’t take back Taiwan, but it can beat the U.S. in North Korea.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\na) 与组织的宗旨和情境相适应,并支持其战略方向;", "output": "is appropriate to the purpose and context of the organization and supports its strategic direction;", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我本害怕孤單,直到我學會愛自己。", "output": "I feared being alone until I learned to like myself.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n认识到我们现在经常拥有多个设备,用户可以在最多五部手机,五个平板电脑和五台PC或Mac上安装软件。", "output": "Recognising that we now frequently have multiple devices, a user can install software on up to five phones, five tablets, and five PCs or Macs.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n研究者们指出,非法商人以更低的价格买入非法原牙,并以比合法交易低得多的价格迅速出售象牙制品。", "output": "The researchers discovered that the illegal dealers have been buying raw illegal ivory for less and selling items quickly at much reduced prices compared with legal businesses, undercutting them.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n比特币(虚拟货币)硬币放置在美元钞票旁边,电脑键盘,在这张插图照片中可以看到,2017年11月6日。", "output": "FILE PHOTO: Bitcoin (virtual currency) coins placed on Dollar banknotes, next to computer keyboard, are seen in this illustration picture, November 6, 2017.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在不到二十年的時間裡,其使用範圍從普通領域擴展到了更為廣闊的各行各業。", "output": "In less than two decades, its scope of use has expanded from ordinary areas to broader industries.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n上赛季,他们在这一级别中排名第三,每100分得分110.9分。", "output": "Last season, they were third in that category, scoring 110.9 points per 100 possessions.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n负利率政策是中央银行采用的一种非常规货币政策工具,其名义目标利率设置为负值,低于理论上的零下限。", "output": "A negative interest rate policy (NIRP) is an unconventional monetary policy tool whereby nominal target interest rates are set with a negative value, below the theoretical lower bound of zero percent.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n所以我们缺乏一种探险的精神。", "output": "We lacked a spirit of adventure.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n相比之下,大量的研究表明,自由的人来到自己的解决方案通过中介明显更可能遵守。", "output": "In contrast, a number of studies show that people who have freely arrived at their own solutions through mediation are significantly more likely to follow through.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们训练有素的管理人员将负责公寓的日常管理,在业主和法人之间建立融洽的关系。", "output": "Our well-trained Management staff will look over the day-to-day running of the condominium, building rapport between co-owners and the juristic person management.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n到第三代,60%的美国墨西哥移民在家里只说英语。", "output": "In 1990, 64 percent of third-generation Mexican-American children spoke only English at home.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”我想,他可能是对倾诉记者的工作有些误会了。", "output": "\"I think there may have been some misunderstanding by their investigator about the statute.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n每次维修的结果并不总是准确地记录在案。", "output": "The results of each repair are not always accurately documented.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n自從父親在2009年失蹤之前起,耿格就一直沒有見過他。", "output": "Ms. Geng has not seen her father since before his disappearance in 2009.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n有时候,工作总得完成。", "output": "Sometimes the work gets done.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n艾瓦佐夫斯基工作的独创性在很大程度上取决于他的民族性格和气质。", "output": "The originality of Aivazovsky's work is largely determined by his national character and temperament.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n请尝试这个版本,让我们知道您的体验!", "output": "Try this out and let us know your experience.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n基于这些经验,PTC倾向于专注于资产监控、预测性维护和运营解决方案。", "output": "Based on this experience, PTC tends to focus on asset monitoring, predictive maintenance and operational excellence solutions.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们热烈欢迎同学们选择精英大学作为你们学习的殿堂。", "output": "We warmly welcome students to choose an elite university as your hall of study.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这些照片将贴在你的签证上。", "output": "This number will be printed on your visa.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n现在罗莫会看到,如果他真的回来了加快速度,因为他已经选择了不走,他对他的投掷手的小指夹板。", "output": "Now Romo will see if he is really back up to speed as he has opted to go without the splint he had on his throwing hand pinky finger.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n城市交通解决方案创新与认证中心拥有一座高 128 米的电梯测试塔,预计将于 2021 年完工。", "output": "The Innovation and Qualification Center for Urban Mobility Solutions, featuring a 420-foot-tall elevator test tower, is due for completion in 2021.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这次演习被北约谴责为“大规模冲突”的预演。", "output": "The drills have been condemned by NATO as a rehearsal for a \"large-scale conflict\".", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n5.“你不需要烧毁书籍来摧毁一种文化。", "output": "As they say, “You don't have to burn books to destroy a culture.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在生物质能源在终端能源占的份额为13.9%。", "output": "The share of bioenergy in final energy was 13.9 per cent.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n评论指出,基因漂移不仅属于转基因技术,而且在野生植物和非转基因作物中也很常见。", "output": "The review notes that gene flow is not unique to GM technology and is commonly seen in wild plants and non-GM crops.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这是快乐工作的另一方面。", "output": "It's the other side of joy.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这对孩子和整个学校都不好”。", "output": "It’s devastating for the kids and for the school.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n第一,没有固定的分析规模(如国家)或是任何固定的类别(如“失业者”)。", "output": "First, there is no fixed scale of analysis (such as the nation) nor any settled categories (such as “unemployed”).", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n它会采取一个非常大胆的生物学家猜想这些动物最终会产生线今天主宰地球。", "output": "If a biologist from another star system were to visit the Earth, it would have taken a very audacious scientist to guess that such animals would eventually produce the line that dominates the earth today.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n拉斯维加斯和洛杉矶之间的一条长达181英里的15号州际公路被评为2010年美国最致命的公路。", "output": "In 2010, a 181-mile stretch of Interstate 15 between Las Vegas and Los Angeles was named the most deadly stretch of road in the US.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n第二大数量的席位,142年,去劳动,第一次成为主要的反对党。", "output": "Labour, with 2.3 million votes and sixty-three seats, for the first time became the main opposition party.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n没过多久,《E.T.外星人》充斥着我们的社交网络。", "output": "Before long, E.T. saturated our social networks.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n自由 , 对奴隶意味着什么 ?", "output": "What Did Freedom Mean For Slaves?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nHarry Potter愛上我了。", "output": "Harry Potter was in love with me.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n完成Stop和MSU线上食品安全总监定义的两个项目;", "output": "Complete two projects defined by the Stop and MSU Online Food Safety Directors.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这种疾病在人类和马身上很常见。", "output": "It is the common disease to humans and horses.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n坦率地说我没法判断。", "output": "Honestly, I cannot judge.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这股冲力非常弱,甚至没能让汇价接近支撑位1.1300。", "output": "The impulse was so weak that it could not even come close to the support of 1.1300.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n有趣的是,他从许多国家(而非中国)找到了有关啤酒的信息。", "output": "He found that so many countries had information related to beer but china didn’t.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这是一个闲聊的场所。", "output": "It's a chatty place.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n印媒称,印度4日表示,此前被其推迟的针对一些美国进口商品的更高关税将于9月18日开始生效。", "output": "India said on August 4, 2018 that delayed higher tariffs against some goods imported from the U.S. would go into force on September 18.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n所有的判断都是基于它。", "output": "Simply because all judgments are based on that.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n也没有,他看到我是艰难而有能力的。", "output": "Nor that he saw me as tough and capable.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n中国官员对雷曼兄弟(Lehman Brothers)的破产感到震惊,并担心自己的金融风险。", "output": "Chinese officials were appalled by the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers and fearful of their own exposure.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n当这个机会到来之后,我必须得做决定,是留在我自7岁时就效力的家乡球队,还是换一支球队去效力。", "output": "When this opportunity came, I had to make the decision whether to go with my hometown and the team I’d played for ever since I was seven, or if I changed team.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n授权所有员工活动报告不安全的条件和行动,以持续改善HSE文化,并使其对设定的目标和目标负责。", "output": "Empower all employees to activity report unsafe conditions and actions to continually improve Health and Safety culture and make them accountable against set goals and targets.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你可能会感觉失去了宝贵的东西,但是这将让你解脱出来。", "output": "It will feel like your losing valuable stuff but it will set you free.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n2. 日本PSE认证的分类是什么?", "output": "What is japan PSE certification?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“我得到了钢铁,“他说。", "output": "\"I make steel,” he said.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n缅甸洪灾:帮助社区恢复", "output": "After the storm: helping communities rebuild", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n奥巴马说:“我宣布实行一项新的国际努力,在四年之内确保全世界所有那些容易受到攻击的核材料的安全。", "output": "\"So today I am announcing a new international effort to secure all vulnerable nuclear material around the world within four years.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你有強烈的慾望想要做成它。", "output": "You have the burning desire to make it.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果冷结点温度不是0℃,那么,为了确定实际热结点温度必须已知冷结点温度。", "output": "Therefore, when the cold junction is not at 0°C, the temperature of this junction must be known in order to determine the actual hot-junction temperature.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n帮助你的员工认识到他们的潜能。", "output": "help their employees to realize their potential.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他从自己经营的投资公司北极星资产(Northstar Assets)退休。", "output": "He is retired from running his own investment company, Northstar Assets.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们是职业球员,并且想要赢球。", "output": "We’re professional soldiers, and I think we want to win.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在本视频中, 我们将讨论中断。", "output": "And in this video, we're going to talk about the interrupts.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n53.你必不能引导瞎子离开迷误,你只能使确信我的迹象的人们听你(讲道),他们是归顺者。", "output": "30:53 you cannot lead the blind out of their error: the only ones you can make hear you are those who believe in Our revelations and devote themselves [to Us].", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n一名未透露姓名的警官称,至少41人死亡,但伤亡人数还会增多。", "output": "A police officer, who did not give his name, said at least 41 people died.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n国际货币基金组织:人民币币值不再被低估", "output": "IMF signals Chinese currency yuan no longer undervalued", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他还雄辩地论述了这些问题 他的博客。", "output": "He also deals eloquently with these issues on his blog.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n讲讲你最近一次去动物园的经历。", "output": "Describe the last time you went to the zoo.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们还确保您的业务不仅在桌面电脑上,还可以在移动设备和平板电脑上显示在本地搜索中。", "output": "We also make sure that your business appears in the local searches not only in the desktop but also in tablets and mobile devices.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n它也会对自律产生不利影响,使人很容易屈服于诱惑(诱发睡眠剥夺是一种常见的审问技巧,这绝非巧合)。", "output": "It additionally has an hostile effect on self-self-discipline and makes it painfully straightforward to provide in to temptation (it’s no coincidence that induced sleep deprivation is a standard interrogation technique).", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n她的朋友,史蒂夫·波爾茲的樂隊The Rugburns也在此處演出。", "output": "Her friend Steve Poltz's band, The Rugburns, played the same venues.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n吉姆罗杰斯:“你离开空军之后就到国航来了吗?”", "output": "MARTHA KINGSBURY: After you got out of the Air Force?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nAPT 可以使用不同的来源安装软件包,同时保证系统整体的一致性。", "output": "APT will install packages from various origins, while guaranteeing the overall cohesion of the system.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n正如不良甲基化有許多病因,有許多事物支持它適當的運作。", "output": "Just as there are many causes of poor methylation, there are lots of things that support its proper functioning.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n3.1全球范围内来看,钢铁需求增长1.7%", "output": "Global Steel Demand to Grow by 1.3%", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n作为一名专业投资者,赵天旸的投资主要集中在四个行业:智能停车场和智慧城市、医药、供给链金融和体育。", "output": "As a professional investor, Mr. Zhao's investments focus on four industries: smart parking and smart cities, medicine, supply chain finance, and sports.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果超过30%的员工不同意解除劳动合同,那么公司就会进行破产清算。", "output": "If over 50% of the employees vote in favour of getting rid of the union, the Labour Board will terminate its bargaining rights.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n它们投资于研发和新技术。", "output": "They are investing in research and new technology.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n其中印度经济发展迅速,拥有庞大的人口和全国性的技术学院网络,是美国大学寻求高质量研究生的首要目标。", "output": "India, with its growing economy, enormous population and national network of technical colleges, is a leading target for U.S. universities seeking high-quality graduate students.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”我们只是来自那里。", "output": "‘We’ve just come from there.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n更可提供額外能量,以供身體所需。", "output": "Both demand extra vital energy for removal from the body.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但現在它堅持把國家和清真寺聯合起來。", "output": "But it is now insisting on bringing together mosque and state.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n您将获得超过数千项服务或公司 Android游戏开发。", "output": "You will get more than thousands of services or companies for Android Game Development.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我想让我的国家独立,永远独立。", "output": "I want my country to be independent, always independent.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n她曾先後參加過20次選拔但均被拒絕,并且曾被伪造的娱乐公司欺骗[18]。", "output": "No, IU attended 20 auditions but failed all and was also scammed by fake entertainment companies.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但这一权利不应被误认为是一项义务。", "output": "But that right should not be mistaken for an obligation.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n电文如下: “Facebook是一家公开上市的实体。", "output": "The statement says that Facebook is “an open capital entity.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n因此,如果他没有获得三方通行证,那么这意味着他必须在6月16日参加资格赛。", "output": "So if he doesn’t get a Tripartite pass, then that means he would have to qualify in the qualification event on June 16.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如何讲正确的故事可以使人们应对气候变化", "output": "How telling the right stories can make people act on climate change", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这个镇上有三个火车站。", "output": "We have three railroad stations in this town.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“只有十一日”的只,输入有误。", "output": "Moreover, the ‘11 days’ is itself in error.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n彌迦附加這消息:“人人都要坐在自己葡萄樹下和無花果樹下,無人驚嚇。", "output": "Micah adds, “Everyone shall sit under his vine and under his fig tree, and no one shall make them afraid.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n分析师估计,在中国可能有十多个城市像鄂尔多斯一样,拥有这样空白的“鬼城”新区。", "output": "Analysts estimate there could be as many as a dozen other Chinese cities just like Ordos, with sprawling ghost town annexes.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n每一个宗教,都有一些超出我们思想和言论的想像。", "output": "In every religion, there are transcendent things that are beyond the grasp of our mind and speech.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这种仇恨来自哪里,以及为什么出现,我们还需要判断,”特朗普说。", "output": "“Where this hatred comes from and why we will have to determine,” Trump said.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n然而,这种“新“变异可以遗传给下一代。", "output": "However, this “new” mutation can be passed on to the next generation.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n目前,“哈雷六号”科考站里有88人,其中16人原本计划在冬季期间留守站内。", "output": "Currently there are 88 people at the station, including 16 who were scheduled to remain there during the winter.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我认为我们应该把它当作一个双重否定。", "output": "Yes, I am aware that is a double negative.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他学业优良,尤其英语出众。", "output": "He was a brilliant student, especially in English.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n哥斯达黎加有7个省。", "output": "Costa Rica is comprised of seven provinces.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“你知道我们是多么喜欢挑战。", "output": "And you know how much I love a challenge.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n角膜移植术则被耽误了90个年头。", "output": "The introduction of corneal transplants was delayed by 90 years for the same reason.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n许多产品的成分和数量发现,通过我们的分析不符合标签信息。", "output": "For many products, the ingredients and amounts found through our analysis did not match label information.\"", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n当时,苹果为了服务欧洲客户,清楚自己需要在此创建一个基地。", "output": "At the time, the company knew that in order to serve customers in Europe, it would need a base there.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n现在我们已经‘离婚’了。", "output": "But now I am getting a “divorce”.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n认为他们会因为自己的许多话", "output": "they think they will be heard because of their many words.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n2017年,250所高校将新增“数据科学与大数据技术”专业。", "output": "In 2017, a total of 250 new universities and colleges set up “Data Science and Big Data Technology”.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n周三上午数据提振了亚洲市场。", "output": "The data boosted Asian markets Wednesday morning.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n15、创新不是由逻辑思维带来的,尽管最后的产物有赖于一个符合逻辑的结构。", "output": "Innovation is not the product of logical thought, even though the final product is tied to a logical structure.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n54票赞成45票反对", "output": "Motion passed by 45 votes against 35", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“是的,这是我本赛季的第一场比赛,但我并不紧张。", "output": "\"This is our first defeat at home this season, but I am not too disappointed.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nM100的深空照片揭示出这个星系实际上比通常的照片上的要大得多。", "output": "Deep photographs of M100 have revealed that this galaxy is actually much larger than shown in conventional photographs.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”好像其中一个可以震惊了密涅瓦麦格白日脸!", "output": "\"As if one of them could have Stunned Minerva McGonagall face-on by daylight!\"", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n5、不要回避必要的工作。", "output": "5) Dont avoid the hard work.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n从这个不合时宜的无礼的请求吗?", "output": "Whence this ill-timed impertinent request?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如今,在这个新的历史时期,我们的责任更加重大了。", "output": "At this historical juncture our responsibilities are more.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n马洛和我谈了很长时间,我们认为它应该是可能的。", "output": "Marlowe and I have had a long talk about it, and we think it should be possible.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n永远记住,我所做的所有这些事情的开头都是老鼠。", "output": "Always remember that this whole thing was started by a mouse..", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n客人可輕鬆前往市中心。", "output": "And the guests can easily go downtown.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n俄罗斯为什么要做这件事?", "output": "Why is Russia doing so?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n没有人知道为什么,但这是真的。", "output": "No one really knows why, but it’s true.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“我唯一的希望就是多作贡献。", "output": "\"My only prayer is that I could do more.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们如何帮助:塔帕斯特里公司致力于结束难民和移民社区的暴力和压迫,使用有文化能力和适当的方法。", "output": "Tapestri Inc., dedicated to ending violence and oppression in refugee and immigrant communities, using culturally competent and appropriate methods.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n报告团队发现,上述1085种“受关注物种”中,有529种没有相关的研究文献。", "output": "Among the 1,085 endangered species, he said 529 have no scientific documentation.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nOld Navy进入中国市场是继2012年在日本市场大获成功之后的重要举措。", "output": "The entry into the Chinese market follows Old Navy’s successful launch in Japan in 2012.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在今日溝通管道被分隔的情況下,Rai 相信與平台/網域專家的合作是傳達品牌訊息的關鍵。", "output": "In today's fragmented communication landscape, Rai believes collaboration with platform/domain specialists to deliver the brand message is key.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n里面有一盏灯,Goodman说。", "output": "But there is a silver lining, Goodman said.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n美国为什么在冲绳撤兵?", "output": "And why are US troops stationed in Okinawa?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但是我们至少可以选择自己理想的生活方式。", "output": "Well, at least we can live the lifestyles we choose.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”有一个小姐在后面的房间里。", "output": "There was a girl in the back of the room.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n不过,还有一些竞争对手可能会破坏特斯拉的梦想。", "output": "There are also competitors who could derail Tesla’s dreams.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n娜芭坦兹之所以逃脱,是因为她当时去拜访了一位亲戚。", "output": "Mariam escaped because she was visiting a relative at the time.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n作者想强调的是,金钱是中立的,而?", "output": "On the other hand, Say argues that money is neutral.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n譬如说,这位年轻人。", "output": "Take for example the young man.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n学生签证的学生不允许工作。", "output": "Student Visa recipients will not be allowed to work.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n便低下 头, 将灵魂 交付神了。", "output": "Kneel down and pledge your soul to Satan.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他的母亲向我们说道:“真的很谢谢我们,能让我再次看到他的笑容。", "output": "His father said, “Thank you so much for making my son smile again!”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n贸易赤字不断上升(现为GDP的13%)导致经常帐户赤字持续扩大,使得爆发国际收支危机的风险日渐增加。", "output": "The current-account deficit is increasing relentlessly, owing to a widening trade deficit (now at 13% of GDP), raising the danger of a balance-of-payments crisis.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这些是MACV(军事援助司令部,越南)的人员,他们每个月都要接受关于和平进程的演讲。", "output": "These are MACV (MIlitary Assistance Command, Vietnam) personnel who were lectured monthly on the progress of pacification.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他在约会之间做的事比约会期间发生的事更重要。", "output": "He says what happens between meetings is more important than what happens during a meeting.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“我认为他已经准备好首发了,他准备好了在比赛中上场,准备好发挥作用。", "output": "Now I think he's ready to start, he's ready to come on during the game and have a good impact.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n· 投资者享有6天的冷却期,在此期间可撤回全部投资", "output": "- Investors will be given a cooling off period of 6 days within which they may withdraw their investment.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我父亲经常花半天的时间排队加油;不允许装气体容器。", "output": "My father often spends half a day in a line to get his tank filled; no gas container allowed.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n约翰逊说,体重低于20磅的狗达到7到9岁左右的高龄。", "output": "Dogs that weigh less than 20 pounds reach their senior years around 7 to 9 years old, Johnson says.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n现在您有一个空表,您需要在其中填入数据。", "output": "Now that you have a name, you need somewhere to host the data.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这样可以避免涉及稳定性和性能的各种问题。", "output": "This way various issues concerning the stability and performance can be avoided.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n日本是一个以A型血人为主的国家,拥有A型血的人占到了日本人口的约38%。", "output": "The most common blood type in Japan is A, with 38% of the population.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在上帝的意思是,上帝在这里的食物和水一样。", "output": "The word of God is like food and water to me.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n试点过程中的重大问题及情况应及时报商务部等有关部门。", "output": "Major problems and situations in the pilot process are requested to be reported to the Ministry of Commerce and other relevant authorities in a timely manner.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n起初,英王查尔斯一世于1632年把弗吉尼亚和宾夕法尼亚之间的土地赐给了乔治·卡尔弗特。", "output": "The king of England, Charles the First, gave the land between Virginia and Pennsylvania to George Calvert in 1632.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n仅仅一天,他已经基本失去了行动能力。", "output": "From one day to the next, he lost fundamental abilities.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n无论要不要,我都非常的感激我的这两个好哥哥。", "output": "Whatever it is, I'm intensely grateful for my three sisters and two brothers.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n然后我们开始秘密地建立起一套自己的亚文化符号。", "output": "So we decided to create our own murder mystery musical.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n1. server 从文件读取数据[或是什麽地方]", "output": "server reads data from file (or wherever)", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n因为目前的许多问题需要处理连续态和行为空间,必须使用函数逼近(如神经网络)以应对高维数据。", "output": "Since most of the current problems deal with continuous state and action spaces, function approximators (like neural networks) must be used to cope with the large dimensionality.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nAirbnb 優惠券代碼與 $25 旅遊信貸", "output": "Airbnb Coupon code with $25 travel credit", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n等你清醒了,来找俺。", "output": "When you do wake up, come find me.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你不需要浪费时间和空间复制的东西,并不重要。", "output": "You don’t need to waste time and space copying stuff that isn’t important.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n为什么我必须创建一个帐户?", "output": "Why do I need to set up an account?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n于是,我选择走进老年大学!", "output": "So, I decided to go old school!", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们本是同样的人,同样的固执,同样的疯狂,同样的让人琢磨不透。", "output": "It was the same energy, the same intensity, the same holy madness.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n从收入来看,汽车是我们最大的公司。", "output": "From revenue terms, auto is our largest comp …", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但在世界范围内,人们把它看成和平和非暴力的象征。", "output": "Yet people all over the world recognize him as the apostle of peace and non-violence.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这也是此次研讨会的主题这一,探索和讨论灾害现象,提出降低灾害危害的解决方案。", "output": "This is the theme of the workshop; to explore and discuss the phenomena, and propose suitable solutions to reduce the risk from them.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“按人口计算,澳大利亚经济已倒退。", "output": "\"Per head of population, the Australian economy has gone backwards.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他母亲有着同父亲一样的宗教观念,并帮助父亲从事教堂的工作。", "output": "His mother shared his father’s religious views and helped in his church work.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”生存和尊严,两个都不想丢掉。", "output": "dignity and pride, none of them wanted to lose that.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n香港生产力促进局最近公布了“渣打香港中小企业领先商业指数”第三季度业绩。", "output": "The Hong Kong Productivity Council recently announced the third quarter result of the \"Standard Chartered Hong Kong SME Leading Business Index.\"", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n據範先生說,公司律師是一些報酬豐厚的律師,但除此之外工作時間最長。", "output": "In response to Mr. Pham, company lawyers are among the many effectively-paid lawyers but in addition work a few of the longest hours.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n军方表示将调查死亡人数,同时指责武装分子利用平民作为掩护。", "output": "The military said it will launch an investigation into the incident, while blaming militants for using civilians as cover.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你们做了一件卓有成效的工作,对格萨尔文化、对果洛都有很大的贡献。", "output": "Know that you have been doing a great job for Gaia and humanity.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他们采取了法律行动,就每月1200镑(200美元)的最低工资向行政法院提起上诉。", "output": "Legal action was taken and appeals were lodged before the administrative court for a monthly minimum wage of 1,200 Pounds ($ 200).", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“我仍然还是一名利物浦球迷,并且永远都是,这毫无疑问。", "output": "I’m a proud member of SilverCircle and will continue to be, undoubtedly.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n德国队2018世界杯阵容出炉:23大名单里都有谁?", "output": "Germany 2018 World Cup team released: 23 in the list who?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n聖文森特和格林納丁斯 0 0 0 0", "output": "- Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 0 0 0 0", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n过去的一年,我有幸为怎样保护一些重要且易受攻击的网络提供了咨询服务。", "output": "Over the last year, I've been fortunate to consult on securing some important and highly targeted networks.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n目前,该学院正在葡萄牙,安哥拉,巴西和莫桑比克提供计划,并继续努力扩大新的地理位置。", "output": "Presently, the School is offering programmes in Portugal, Angola, Brazil and Mozambique and continues working on its expansion to new geographies.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n音乐,这是我的选择。", "output": "My music, needs to be my choice.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他还建议国际社会通过培训及良好做法和信息的交流来支持中国律师,尤其是当他们在中国面临压力的时候。", "output": "He also recommended supporting lawyers through training and exchanges of good practices and information, especially when they face pressure in China.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果与市政府的协议顺利进行,迈阿密自由公园和足球村项目将于2021年竣工。", "output": "If negotiations succeed, architects project to complete Miami Freedom Park and Soccer Village in 2021.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n媒体会把它们变成英雄。", "output": "The media will hail him a hero.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n亚马逊上一次宣布Alexa拥有多少活跃用户时,大约有1亿。", "output": "The last time Amazon announced how many active users Alexa had, it was around 100 million.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n奈拉周四在黑市上下跌1%,跌至370奈拉兑1美元。", "output": "Naira weakened by 1 percent on Thursday on the black market, slumping to 370 per dollar.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n它支持所有流行的文本过滤器,因此您不需要使用PS图象处理软件来创建一个突出的文本。", "output": "It supports all popular text filters so you don't need to use Photoshop to create an incredibly cool text.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n如果你愿意,我们可以离开这个修道院。", "output": "You can work off this template if you want.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n那些和他有关系的人一定会去天堂。", "output": "People who care about each other will go to Heaven.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n一直读,直到结束为止。", "output": "Keep reading until the end.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我院位列综合评价第一名。", "output": "I was in awe of the comprehensive 1st assessment appointment.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nHotel Avenida Plaza酒店是Alzira市中心一家迷人的小型酒店。", "output": "Hotel Avenida Plaza is a small, charming hotel in the centre of Alzira.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n因此,在您降落埃及之前,重要的是聘請可靠的機場接送服務。", "output": "Consequently before you land in Egypt, it is Egypt companies that are vital that you hire airport transfers that are reliable.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n设有作战室、通讯室、储藏室、弹药库、水泵室、配电间等设施,井用电梯可以直接通向主楼。", "output": "It has facilities like war room, communication room, storage room, ammunition depot, pump room and power distribution room, using elevator in well could direct reach the main building.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n總之,修訂的SI將更適用於本世紀的技術。", "output": "All in all, the Revised SI will be a better fit to the technology of this century.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我有那种感觉,它来自外面。", "output": "I know it feels like that from the outside.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n所以说李云杰也是为数不多的德云社后台老艺术家之一。", "output": "Darlington is also home to one of the few remaining Aeolian player organs.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n没有真正的方法来了解这种差异。", "output": "There are no real ways of telling the differences.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nNetflix,你们太帅了。", "output": "Netflix, you are amazing.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“客户需要我去哪,我就得去哪,”里德采访的一名咨询师说。", "output": "“When the client needs me to be somewhere, I just have to be there,” said one of the consultants Ms. Reid interviewed.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n也可以当作圣诞节或毕业礼物。", "output": "Give it as a birthday or Graduation gift.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n该你证明给我们看了。", "output": "Capone: But that you showed us.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n等她成功后, 她再帮助另一位姐妹。", "output": "Once you have attained success, help another woman.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n它的化学成分见表22。", "output": "its toxicological chemistry is covered in Chapter 22.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n所以最简单的解决办法就是把灯固定在灯泡上,把灯指向需要的地方,比如人行道上,而不是指向天空。", "output": "So the easiest solution is to simply put fixtures on light to cover the light bulb and direct the light where it is needed — such as on the sidewalk and not up toward the sky.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n您可以按照以下步骤查看并更新联系信息:", "output": "You can view and update your data in the following ways:", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n早上和晚上他会冥想和禅修,其他时间去斯坦福大学旁听物理学或者工程学课程。", "output": "In the mornings and evenings he would meditate and study Zen, and in between he would drop in to audit physics or engineering courses at Stanford.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n除标准连接选项外,Galaxy J7(2016)还支持LTE和NFC", "output": "Apart from the standard connectivity options, the Galaxy J7 (2016) also supports LTE and NFC.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nhelloworld 是类型", "output": "helloworld is the type.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”作为服务收益,他告诉我们,他在审判中写圣经的引用,向我们展示了他使用的黄色拍纸簿。", "output": "As the service proceeds, he tells us that he spent his time at the trial writing out scriptural quotes and shows us the yellow legal pad he used.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nY.M.好吧,不管怎么说,培养它的想法,该决议去培养它,是有价值的,他是。", "output": "Y.M. Well, anyway, the idea of CULTIVATING it, the resolution to cultivate it, was meritorious, and he originated that.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但他们必须先要感受到自己的罪。", "output": "You have to first see your own sins.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n女主人表现和解释了一切。", "output": "The monk showed and explained everything.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但是对于大量观众来说,很难一致地做到这一点。", "output": "But it is hard to do it consistently for a large audience.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们不快乐,因为我们没有在场享受它。", "output": "We are not happy because we are not present to enjoy it.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n本圖是GRB 080319B的想像圖。", "output": "The burst was named GRB 080319B.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n(实际上,近期的很多研究报告已经提到这一点)”", "output": "(Lot of studies on that recently.)", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他只告诉哈利,他的父母死于车祸。", "output": "They tell Harry that his parents were killed in a car crash.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n9 当然,奥斯卡奖得主的家庭包括影院。", "output": "Of course, the Oscar winner's home includes a theater.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n谢谢你们邀请我这个老头来参加讨论,并且要我发言。", "output": "I would like to thank United States for calling for this debate and for inviting me to speak.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“历史证明,凡是过度依赖房地产实现和维持经济繁荣的国家,最终都要付出沉重代价!", "output": "History has proved that every country that relies excessively on real estate to achieve and maintain economic prosperity will eventually pay a heavy price.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n太陽系沒有這種行星,但是在其他恆星周遭似乎很常見。", "output": "Our solar system doesn’t have any planets of this type, but they seem to be fairly common in the rest of the galaxy.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n就拿饥饿作为一个例子。", "output": "Let’s take hunger as an example.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n每次我們做出違背律法書的事,這位審判官就會判我們有罪,必須受到懲罰,心裡會覺得羞恥。", "output": "Every time we do something that goes against the Book of Law, the Judge says we are guilty, we need to be punished, we should be ashamed.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他已经三年没看过了,他说。", "output": "Hadn’t seen it for three years, he said.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n然后,IT人员必须判断这些数据可以以怎样的方式迁移到云。", "output": "Then, IT has to determine how the data would be moved to the cloud.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n亲爱的朋友们,正如你们所熟知的,照料孩子是不停歇的、24小时的工作。", "output": "And that, dear friends, as you well know is a nonstop, 24hour a day job, nursing a baby.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n管理会计信息:一项手段和财务软件信息一样,管理会计信息也是达到目的的一项手段,其本身并不是一个目的。", "output": "Management Accounting Information—A Means As with financial accounting information, management accounting information is a means to an end, not an end in and of itself.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“有时候球很小,有时候球很大,有时候我看见了捕手,有时候我没有。", "output": "* \"The ball was small sometimes, the ball was large sometimes, sometimes I saw the catcher, sometimes I didn’t.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n每次不超过30-60秒。", "output": "No more than 30-60 seconds.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n有头机械,和同样的必要性,我为我自己一张桌子和椅子足够方便,最大的皇家公园里的树木。", "output": "Having a head for mechanics, and being likewise forced by necessity, I had made for myself a table and chair, convenient enough, out of the largest trees in the royal park.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n根据他的家庭露营经验,安德烈斯有望参加IMSA夏令营。", "output": "Based on his family's previous camp experience, Andrés expected to be able to attend the IMSA camp.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n来自中国,新加坡和日本的18名年轻人聚集在横滨若叶町的一栋小楼里。", "output": "18 young people from China, Singapore and Japan gathered in a small building in Wakaba Town, Yokohama.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n她改变了她的姓康斯坦丁。", "output": "He changed the name to Constantinople.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n奥林匹克旗帜与联合国旗帜", "output": "Olympic Flag and British Flag", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但是,在一九九八年,两个不同的研究小组独立地发现:宇宙的扩张在不断地加快。", "output": "But in 1998, two separate teams of researchers discovered that the universe's expansion is actually speeding up.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nQ: 你會否運送至我的國家?", "output": "Q:Do you ship to my country?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n66個人在這行動中被殺。", "output": "66 were killed in action.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n不过这也是个坏消息,因为所有人都在担心欧元区经济放缓,而它似乎印证了这一点。", "output": "It’s also kind of bad news, though, as it reflects the Eurozone slowdown that has everyone worried.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n入籍 - 怎样成为瑞士人", "output": "How to become a Swiss Citizen", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但是Tizapa比较安静的时候是在公园里做伸展运动,晚上独自慢跑。", "output": "But Tizapa’s quieter moments are spent doing stretching exercises in the park and jogging in the evening alone.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n世界上有五分之一的人口生活在中国。", "output": "One fifth of the world's population lives in China.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n�d 生命线短是否就代表短命?", "output": "Does a short Life line represent a short life?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n解除条件的流程(I-829)", "output": "Application to Remove Condition (I-829)", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在1992年的骚乱中,洛杉矶的职业篮球队一直在踢球", "output": "During the 1992 Riots, L.A.'s Pro Basketball Teams Kept Playing", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们公司不仅在我们的网站上处理个人数据,而且在许多其它流程中处理数据。", "output": "As a company, we just process personal data not only on our website, but also in many other processes.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n该公司的产品种类齐全,从家庭到家用器具和厨房用具。", "output": "The company's product range is complete, everything from home to household utensils and kitchen utensils.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n偏执─分裂位置的主要特征是将自我和客体分裂为好与坏两者,起初这两者很少或几乎没有整合。", "output": "The chief characteristic of the paranoid-schizoid position is the splitting of both self and object into good and bad, with at first little or no integration between them.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他们都接受了中文作为外语教学的全面培训并获得正式认证。", "output": "They have all received thorough training in teaching Chinese as a foreign language and are officially certified.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他们问我我想做的与身体。", "output": "He asked what I wanted done with the body.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n新闻称,拉斐尔公司目前向以色列所有重要地面作战平台投入了约1000套这个系统。", "output": "According to Rafael, the company has provided some 1,000 systems to all major Israeli ground combat platforms.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n把舊椅子和花瓶,需要刷新", "output": "Old chairs and vases, needs a refresh", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n经济学中的规则和选择", "output": "Rules and Choice in Economics.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n另一个和一个高尚的菌株必须由我们组成和唱。", "output": "Another and a nobler strain must be composed and sung by us.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“我希望你挑战自己。", "output": "“I want you to challenge yourself.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我倒是喜欢这种香而不太甜的味道。", "output": "I love the not so sweet taste of this drink.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n当然,离该医院六英里远的是“福岛50”核工作者冒着生命危险去试图保持工厂条件不再恶化。", "output": "Of course, six miles from that hospital were the “Fukushima 50” -- the nuclear workers risking their lives to try to keep conditions at the plant from getting worse.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n维生素 D 有提供给癌症病人?", "output": "Should Vitamin D be Given to Cancer Patients?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n例如,当一个男人有潜在的健康问题时,咨询可以帮助他应对勃起功能障碍的压力,同时与伴侣沟通选择。", "output": "When a man has an underlying health issue, for example, counseling can help him to cope with the stress of erectile dysfunction while communicating about options with a partner.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在生成的 main() 方法中,添加以下代码:", "output": "In what remains of the Main() method, add the following code:", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n...他们抢走了我们的稻田,我们的地雷,我们的森林,以及我们的原材料。", "output": "They have robbed us of our rice fields, our mines, our forests, and our raw materials.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n市场的确可以描述为一个自由放任的价格机制。", "output": "The market can indeed be described as a laissez-faire pricing mechanism.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n痴呆症研究揭示了蛋白质如何相互作用来阻止大脑信号", "output": "Alzheimer's study reveals how proteins interact to stop brain signals", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n巴黎最棒的5家爵士音樂酒吧", "output": "Manchester's 5 Best Music Pubs", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n人满为患、腐败、囚犯控制监狱一直是墨西哥监狱长期面临的老大难问题。", "output": "Overcrowding, corruption and inmate control of prison areas have been persistent problems in Mexican prisons.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n”第一次交货在哪里?", "output": "Where was its first delivery?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n许多进球都是误进的。", "output": "Many of the shots were mis-aimed.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n你可以在几秒钟内认出他们是哪类人。", "output": "In seconds you know what type of person they are.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n从7个数中选3个,一共有35种可能的组合,所以说你只有1/35的机会中头奖。", "output": "There are a total of 35 possible combinations of 3 numbers out of 7, so you only have a 1 in 35 chance of getting the jackpot.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n——建立统一、规范的劳动力市场,统筹城乡就业,完善就业服务体系。", "output": "- Establish a unified and standardized labor market, make a unified plan for rural and urban employment, and ameliorate the employment service system.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n-- 适合要报考任何韩国语测验能力的公开考试的人士,帮助你考取获得优良成绩。", "output": "– Suitable for any person who want to apply for taking part in the public examinations of Korean ability, and will help you obtain excellent achievements.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n玻璃事先涂一层试剂( primer )以增加玻璃和 EVA的粘接强度。", "output": "The glass is coated with a reagent (primer) to increase the bond strength between the glass and the EVA.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n无臭鱼油意味着孕妇可以在没有鱼腥味的情况下获得Omega-3的好处。", "output": "Odourless fish oil means pregnant women can get the benefits of omega-3s without the fishy aftertaste.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n18歲已經開展她的第三個生意,第一桶金是她透過MyWEBoo幫助青少年管理在網絡上的名譽。", "output": "The 18-year-old Keng is an entrepreneur that is now working with her third business, though she initially hit paydirt with the MyWEBoo, which assists the teens to manage their online standing.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n她想知道在战争结束后他会做什么。", "output": "He already knew what he was going to do after the war.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n也就是说,避免单点的故障或控制。", "output": "That is, remove the single point of failure or control.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这就是他的故事,很简单。", "output": "This is his story, a quite simple one.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们有五个人:Alice,Tanvi,Roman,Dan和我。", "output": "There were five of us: Alice, Tanvi, Roman, Dan and me.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nOnePlus 6在印度推出:您应该结帐的六大功能", "output": "OnePlus 6 in India: Top oneplus 6 features you should know", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但随着它的运行方式,实现其理想可能只是海市蜃楼。", "output": "But with the manner it is being run, attaining its ideals might just be a mirage.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n第119章 还有更好的办法吗?", "output": "Is there a better way forward with Article 13?", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n下一篇:让时间停止的女孩", "output": "Title: The Girl Who Would Stop Time", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n不管是什么,她决定不赤身露体。", "output": "Whatever was said, she didn’t decide to stay with the Rats.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这个承诺是给他们的。", "output": "This promise was for them.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n报道称,白宫到3月份才披露了此次会面,对它的重要性轻描淡写。", "output": "“The White House disclosed the fact of the meeting only in March, playing down its significance.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n当时的董事会成员 Peter Hurtgen 也支持学生,尽管他是共和党人,但对学校的担忧表示同情。", "output": "Then-board member Peter Hurtgen also ruled in the students’ favor, even though he was a Republican sympathetic to the school administration’s concerns.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n联合国秘书长潘基文敦促以色列采取更多措施来避免平民伤亡。", "output": "United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon implored Israel to do more to stop Palestinian civilian deaths.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n科目ST6:财务及投资B", "output": "ST5 – Finance and Investment B", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n它能够用于评估一个词语对...", "output": "It can be used to measure the a...", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n23:15 若有奴僕脫了主人的手、逃到你那裡、你不可將他交付他的主人。", "output": "23:15 If a slave has taken refuge with you, do not hand him over to his master.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“他们会干扰野兽的神经控制。", "output": "“They'd have interfered with the beast's neurological control.”", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n跳转 在我们学过的各种移动中,我们常常需要跳回到上一个位置,或者下一个位置。", "output": "In the various movements that we have learned, we might often want to jump back to the previous location or to the next location after a movement.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这就是为什么我记得那辆卡车。", "output": "I do remember the truck.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n俄已经对洪博培在莫斯科的工作给予了初步同意。", "output": "The Russian Foreign Ministry has already given preliminary agreement for Huntsman's work in Moscow.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在建造时,冯·德·坦恩号也曾是海上最快的无畏类别军舰,能够达到27節(50公里每小時)以上的速度。", "output": "At the time of her construction, Von der Tann was the fastest dreadnought-type warship afloat, capable of reaching speeds in excess of 27 knots (50 km/h …", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n要允许你的机制不断改进。", "output": "Enable your systems to continuously improve", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在第一步中,当研究者明确地表述一个研究问题时,他们通常引用理论并提出假设。", "output": "In step 1, when researchers are formulating a problem to study, they often draw on theories and develop hypotheses.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n10月5日开始,苹果市值再度超过1万亿美元关口。", "output": "Since October 5, Apples market value has again exceeded the $1 trillion threshold.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n當她開始積極參與政治、私生活遭媒體曝光時,人們說她強勢干政。", "output": "When she began to take an active part in politics and private life was exposed to the media, people said she was strong intervention.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n作为流行文化及一代人的缪斯,年仅20岁的贝拉·哈迪德仅在Instagram上就有1500万粉丝。", "output": "As a muse of popular culture and a generation, Bella Hadid, 20, has 15 million followers on Instagram alone.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n简介:哪里来的树屋?杰克和安妮还没搞清楚树屋的来历,就被这神秘的树屋带到了史前时代。", "output": "Before Jack and Annie can find out, the mysterious tree house whisks them back to the prehistoric past.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但是,重要的是您对体重目标的期望要现实。", "output": "It is, however, important that you stay realistic about your weight loss goals.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n人道主义危机过去是,而且应该永远是最重要的。", "output": "The humanitarian crisis is, and should always be, of paramount importance.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n根據《修訂規例》,部分食物將不須要提供營養標籤,包括以下例子:", "output": "Under the Amendment Regulation, some foods are not required to bear nutrition labels, examples are:", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n甚至在投票之前,沃尔什先生可能因为这个原因反对建造新的跑道", "output": "Even before the vote Mr Walsh, perhaps disingenuously, had come out against the building of a new runway for this reason.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我对我们的最终胜利确信无疑。", "output": "I have no doubt about our ultimate victory.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n除此之外,至少哥哥已经好一点因为他得到交配。", "output": "Besides, at least the brother had been a little better since he’d gotten mated.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n该公司研发支出从2002年至2004年间减少了约15亿美元。", "output": "The company’s R&D expenditures dropped by about $1.5 billion from 2002 through 2004.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n2、寿命试验条件的确定电子产品在规定的工作及环境条件下,进行的工作试验称为寿命试验,又称耐久性试验。", "output": "The work test performed by an electronic product under specified working and environmental conditions is called a life test, also known as a durability test.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nWebEX視訊會議功能則可最多8人參加會議。", "output": "Webex manages up to eight members for the meeting.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n中国在21世纪初却发生了一小股很不协调的全盘否定斯大林的噪音。", "output": "Early in the 21st century in China, there was some noise by a small, uncoordinated gang pushing a negation of Stalin.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n为什么会这样,下面再谈。", "output": "Why it is so, let’s discuss below.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n海灣市場(BAYSIDE MARKET PLACE)", "output": "At the Bus Stop (Bayside Market Place)", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n历史上引起气候急剧变化的暖流正在经历前所未有的放缓,可能不如思想稳定 - 可能带来严重后果", "output": "Warm current that has historically caused dramatic changes in climate is experiencing an unprecedented slowdown and may be less stable than supposed – with potentially severe consequences", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n为挽救危局,俄罗斯正在推动里海国家,包括控制了黑鱼子酱市场的伊朗,同意下个月起禁止捕捞鲟鱼10年。", "output": "Russia is pushing Caspian nations such as Iran – which dominates the market for black caviar – to agree later this month to a 10-year ban on sturgeon fishing to save the sturgeon.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n中国的公司正在卢旺达到处修建公路。", "output": "Chinese firms are building roads in Rwanda.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“我们继续预计,从长期来看,特斯拉的太阳能和电池业务将与汽车业务规模相当。", "output": "“We continue to expect that Tesla’s solar and battery business will be the same size as automotive over the long term.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nNEC为智利首都 15,000多户家庭提供住宅安全解决方案", "output": "NEC Chile provide residential security solution for 15,000+ households", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n塑料袋的回收再利用受到不同种类的塑料不能混合一起的限制。", "output": "Plastic recycling is limited by the fact that different types of plastic cannot be mixed.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但是有一天他被抓住了。", "output": "Then one day, he was caught.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n阿姆塔(A’Dam Tower)的观景台", "output": "Visit the A’Dam tower.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n榴莲泡芙——如果你够勇敢的话!", "output": "Durian Puffs – if you are brave enough!", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n那些适应时代精神的公司开始重新评估他们的品牌,企业形象和营销工作。", "output": "Those companies attuned to the zeitgeist began to reevaluate their branding, corporate image, and marketing efforts.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n更大的桌子,适合较大的团体。", "output": "Round tables are more suitable for large groups.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n层层深入,那是我们的目的。", "output": "At FullFunnel, that’s our purpose.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n超过这个差距的是来自15个骷髅的1500块骨头。", "output": "Beyond the gap were 1,500 bones from around 15 skeletons.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n一个单位的笔试,一个单位的发展实践技能和最后两个单位是基于分配。", "output": "One unit is a written exam, one unit is developing practical skills and the final two units are assignment based.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n一是团队具有凝聚力。", "output": "A team is cohesive.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n让孩子们自己餵自己吃", "output": "Let your kids feed themselves.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n这预示着将在5月份提交给国会的更为详细的预算", "output": "This foreshadows the much more detailed budget that will be presented to Congress in May.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n企业还会以其他方式受到气候变化的影响。", "output": "Business has also been affected by climate change in other ways.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n为了躲避人类,动物们也变成了“夜行族”", "output": "To avoid humans, animals are becoming nocturnal", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n我们拥有雄厚的技术力量、先进的生产设备、稳定的质保体系。", "output": "We has strong technical, advanced production equipment, stable quality assurance system.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n但以目前的价格来看,该行业大部分公司都无奈盈利,它们最终可能会大幅减少钻探活动。", "output": "But much of the industry is unprofitable at current prices, and that could finally lead to meaningful cutbacks in drilling activity.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n连续多年MDRT会员;", "output": "years of VTS membership;", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n合资公司协议将于2020年到期。", "output": "Collective bargaining agreement expires in 2020.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n设计可重复使用的包装小型饮料市场已经成熟,竞争异常激烈。", "output": "The design of small reusable drinks packaging market has matured, competition is fierce.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n為確保此次選舉得到維基媒體社群的廣泛關注與參與,選舉信息及候選人陳述應該被盡可能多地翻譯成各種語言。", "output": "To ensure that a representative cross-section of the Wikimedia community takes part in this election, it is important to translate election notices and candidate statements into as many languages as possible.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n当你的进价便宜时,你就可以以便宜的售价出售,而且仍然保持了良好的利润。", "output": "When you can buy cheap, you can sell cheap and still maintain good margins.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他認為,制裁措施,“始終會帶來一定損害,包括對使用這一工具的方面”。", "output": "According to the Russian president, \"sanctions always cause certain damage, including to those who use this instrument.\"", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n歡迎大家一起來慶祝這個盛大的節日!", "output": "All are welcome to join to celebrate this great festival !", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n华尔街周刊曾将该考试誉为全球最难的考试。", "output": "The Wall Street Journal has ranked it as the most difficult exam in the world.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n他们在1727年举行婚礼,莎拉一身绿装,爱德华兹认为这是上帝最喜悦的颜色。", "output": "They married in 1727 with Sarah wearing green, which Edwards believed was God’s favorite color.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\nColeman说,关键在于“这满足了机构内不同的人员对财政信息的需求。", "output": "The key, says Coleman, is that “it accommodates the different levels of financial literacy in the organisation.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n做一些改變可能是有趣的。", "output": "It can be fun to make changes.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n致癌基因发挥足够能力将正常细胞转变为癌细胞的方法之一是通过像施乐机器那样一遍又一遍地复制自身。", "output": "One of the ways a cancer-causing gene works up enough power to turn a normal cell into a cancer cell is by copying itself over and over, like a Xerox machine.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n在2016年,他获得了法律学校的杰出教学奖。", "output": "In 2016, he received the Law School’s Distinguished Teaching Award.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n更为奇特的是,它有三只眼睛。", "output": "What is even more interesting is that they have three hearts.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n超過180個基督徒 被泰國拘留超過2個月", "output": "Over 180 Christians Still Detained by Thailand Authorities for Over 2 Months", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n吉姆多諾萬 定期向小型企業和大型企業的員工和高管講話。", "output": "Jim Donovan speaks regularly to employees and executives at small business and large corporations.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n三分之一的竞拍者即时付款。", "output": "About one-third of shareholders elected to pay their share immediately.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n非胰岛素依赖型,是最常见的糖尿病。", "output": "Non-insulin dependent diabetes is the most common form of diabetes.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n游戏与相同或相似的规则可能有不同的游戏,如环境改变。", "output": "Games with the same or similar rules may have different gameplay if the environment is altered.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n“盖想要参与一部迪士尼电影,我们接触了一下。", "output": "\"Guy became interested in doing a Disney movie and we talked a lot about it.", "id": 0} {"input": "请你把中文翻译成为英文\n所有的小提琴手大约在5岁的时候开始学习小提琴,并具有相似的练习时间。", "output": "All of the violinists had begun playing at roughly five years of age with similar practice times.", "id": 0}