{"text": "cover by Elaizz\nHavana ooh-na-na\nHalf of my heart is in Havana ooh-na-na\nHe took me back to East Atlanta na-na-na\nAll of my heart is in Havana\nThere's somethin' 'bout his manners uh huh\nHavana ooh na-na\nHe didn't walk up with that \"how you doin'?\"\nHe said there's a lot of girls I can do with\nI'm doin' forever in a minute\nAnd papa says he got malo in him\nHe got me feelin' like\nOoh... I knew it when I met him\nI loved him when I left him\nGot me feelin' like\nOoh... and then I had to tell him\nI had to go oh na-na-na-na-na\nHavana ooh na-na\nHalf of my heart is in Havana ooh-na-na\nHe took me back to East Atlanta na-na-na\nAll of my heart is in Havana\nMy heart is in Havana\nHavana ooh na-na\nOoh... I knew it when I met him\nI loved him when I left him\nGot me feelin' like\nOoh... and then I had to tell him\nI had to go oh na-na-na-na-na\nHavana ooh na-na\nHalf of my heart is in Havana ooh-na-na\nHe took me back to East Atlanta na-na-na\nAll of my heart is in Havana\nMy heart is in Havana\nHavana ooh na-na\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "Hello Miss Mary\nI like your மஞ்சள் saree\nஉன் எண்ணம் தீண்டி\nவந்தேனே உன்னை தேடி\nHi சொல்லி நீ செல்லடி\nTime இருந்தால் என்னோடு\nநீ பேசடி\nஎன் பாவை நீதானடி\nஎனக்கு காட்டடி பச்சை கொடி\nSha la la la Sha la la la என்னோடு சேர்ந்தாடடி\nஎந்தன் நெஞ்சுக்குள்ளே நெஞ்சுக்குள்ளே\nவைத்தாயே காதல் செடி ஓ ஒவ் ஓ ஓ\nDembow dembow dembow அடி\nபாட வந்தேன் உன்னாலடி\nநீ ஆடத்துணிந்தால் நானும் ready\nஉன் அசைவை கொஞ்சம் ரசிப்பேன் அடி ஒ ஒ\nDembow dembow dembow அடி\nபாட வந்தேன் உன்னாலடி\nநீ ஆடத்துணிந்தால் நானும் ready\nஉன் அசைவை கொஞ்சம் ரசிப்பேன் அடி\nNavz-47\nஎங்கேயோ அடிக்கிற காத்து\nஎன் பக்கம் வீசுது பார்த்து\nதன்னால அலைகளின் ஓசை\nஆடுது பாடுது பேசுது\nஎன் உள்ளம் உந்தன் காலடி பந்தா\nகாட்டாத ஓவர் பந்தா\nநா வந்தா house உ full அ\nகுவிந்திடும் கூட்டம் நண்பா\nஎனக்கு நல்லா பாடவும் தெரியும்\nஅத விட ஆடவும் முடியும்\nஎனக்குள்ள உறங்கிடும் மிருகம்\nஆடுது பாடுது நண்பா\nஆடுது பாடுது நண்பா\nதன்னால ஆடுது பாடுது நண்பா\nஆடுது பாடுது நண்பா\nதன்னால ஆடுது பாடுது நண்பா\nDembow dembow dembow அடி\nநீ பாடினால் நான் ஆடவும் ready\nDembow dembow dembow அடி\nநீ ஆடச்சொன்னால் பாடவும் ready\nDembow dembow dembow அடி\nநீ பாடினால் நான் ஆடவும் ready\nDembow dembow dembow அடி\nநீ ஆடச்சொன்னால் பாடவும் ready\nSha la la la Sha la la la\nஎன்னோடு சேர்ந்தாடடி\nஎந்தன் நெஞ்சுக்குள்ளே hey நெஞ்சுக்குள்ளே\nவைத்தாயே காதல் செடி\nஓ ஒவ் ஓ ஓ\nDembow dembow dembow அடி\nபாட வந்தேன் உன்னாலடி\nநீ ஆடத்துணிந்தால் நானும் ready\nஉன் அசைவை கொஞ்சம்\nரசிப்பேன் அடி ஒ ஒ\nDembow dembow dembow அடி\nபாட வந்தேன் உன்னாலடி\nநீ ஆடத்துணிந்தால் நானும் ready\nஉன் அசைவை கொஞ்சம் ரசிப்பேன் அடி\nஎங்கேயோ அடிக்கிற காத்து\nஎன் பக்கம் வீசுது பார்த்து\nதன்னால அலைகளின் ஓசை\nஆடுது பாடுது பேசுது\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "what is up guys my name is now xvi and\nthank you so much for clicking on this\nvideo there's literally a million videos\nyou could have clicked on instead of\nthis one and watch that instead but\nyou're here right now and I appreciate\nthat\nthank you did I I feel like I've won\nthis shirt like in the last video did I\nI think I did I'm gonna change it\nalright you can never be too sure man\ngotta stay styling you know I'm saying\nthe president could be watching my\nvideos I don't know if that's a good\nthing or a bad thing bad I say he's\ndefinitely watching so shot to NSA\nalright so there's a couple of things\nthat I want to talk about today there\nisn't really much going on I do want to\nmake something clear okay\nthis is not really meant to be like a\nnews channel okay\nit is but it is it isn't you know it\nkind of the topics are obviously\nsomething that's going on in the\ncommunity something that's relevant but\nit's not like this happened this\nhappened and that's that it's more like\nthis happened here's what I think what\ndo you think then this happened and then\nrinse and repeat with that being said\nobviously I might get information wrong\nI might have a certain opinion that\nanother person might not be in line with\nbut I just came to talk about it and you\ncan also discuss it in the comment\nsection so whatever you think about\ntoday's topic just comment down below\nabout it and guarantee someone's gonna\nreply to him like no you're wrong duh\nand I'm a Navy SEAL I I have 3,000\nconfirmed kills oh why am I so thirsty\nobviously a couple of worldwide news\nthere was a hurricane and also a typhoon\nwhich are kind of like the same thing\njust different names in different\nregions but obviously has a lot of\nAmericans no Texas is flooded literally\nflooded right I live in Florida we have\nhurricanes all the time it's not as it's\nnot a big deal\nthere there is some flooding over here I\nhad a flash flood in my area but Yoho\nTexas got pooed on dude I don't know\nwhat God's doing but he's doing\nsomething and like I was like in my mind\nI thought like hey it's not gonna be bad\nright it's just rain dude oh how much\nrank at a cloud hold right and I look\nonline I'm like oh my god dude that is\nso tragic but imagine the possibilities\nyou could literally go out I saw\npictures on like people snapchatting and\nI saw on Instagram people are literally\non flurries like duck floaties are\njumping off their roof and starting like\nswim it's like the hugest Olympic sized\nswimming pool in the world like\nliterally all of Houston but it's\nobviously terrible there's a lot of\npeople that are in need of help and\ndestruction is crazy people are getting\nhurt right so this is very serious and I\nhope everyone I uh\nunfortunately I don't have the means to\ndo anything since I'm kind of a small\nfry and right now nothing I do is\nsignificant at all but there's also a\ntyphoon in Hong Kong that hit I believe\nthis was on the 22nd to hit but not a\nlot of people in this area talk about it\nI think it was like a level 3 typhoon I\nsaid I watched some videos dude it was\ninsane like literally trucks were flying\nacross the air people were holding on to\ndear life to whatever they could hold\nthat's grounded and they're like human\nflags just waving around it's crazy and\nlike the waves it's just it's terrible\nso hopefully everything goes well for\nboth Hong Kong\nTexas and like anyone who is suffering\ndamage from this hopefully they get\nsorted out okay so in some YouTube news\nI guess or something I just want to talk\nabout as well\nJake Paul you guys herb chicken Paul you\nguys know who Jay Paul is it's kind of\nlike kind of underground only like nine\nmillion subscribers he's been on every\nsingle YouTube news channel and plus\nmore basically he dropped this track on\nhimself dude\nhe dropped the diss track on himself no\none expected it I guess\nfrom what I have seen no one really\nexpected it they thought it's gotta be\nlike oh has to be rice gum it has to be\na list of file it has to be phased banks\nit has to be those guys but he released\na diss track on himself and here's my\nreaction while watching it\nI'm a it may look like I'm being a\nlittle bit critical in that clip I did\nlaugh a little bit on some of the lines\ncuz just I just thought it was really\nridiculous but you know what I'm gonna\nI'm gonna try to look at this from a\nvery objective and you know subjective\nobjective subjective view and I'm gonna\nbe like okay let's just kind of break it\ndown a little bit the beat it was pretty\ngood the way it was filmed it was filmed\npretty well as well you know it was good\nof film wise you know the music\nproduction was nice the lyrics you know\nwhat I think it was a little bit of a\nstep up from this everyday bro that's an\nimprovement that's good good\nthere's also he kind of this is\nsomething you get over time right so you\ndon't just jump into it and you're all\nof a sudden like you're spitting some\ncrazy bars your voice is like wow this\nguy's a really a rapper but obviously as\nyou make more songs and more lyrics and\nyou you know vocalize those lyrics you\nhave written down you become better\nright so from his last you know music\nvideo to now improvement okay my mother\nbecause Jake Paul fan but I'm trying to\nlook at in a subjective okay he did this\nhe did that okay he also did have some\nlions that I just like I cringed a\nlittle bit cuz one side of me was\nthinking okay he did this on purpose\nright I think it was kind of like a\nmovie a little bit of a meme but then\nalso like Jake Paul would be stupid\nenough to plagiarize Eminem I feel like\nif anyone was to do that I feel like\nJake Paul would be the prime specimen to\ndo it and basically you talked about\nJake Paul kid or Jake Paul Logan Paul\nkissing his girlfriend and then he like\nsays a line\nfrom Eminem's eighth mile if you've seen\nthe Freestyle he's like oh you know I\nforgot what his name was Clarence or\nsomething like that\noh he kissed my girl but I'm still up\nhere saying fuck the free world and I'm\nlike and when Jake Paul said that I was\nlike stop don't laugh don't laugh\nand I laughed right so it was crazy I\ndon't know kind of tripped me up anyways\nuh yeah\nwhat do you guys think about that music\nvideo did you guys like it you guys like\nwould you like put it on your Spotify\nplaying this and jam out too while\nyou're lifting some cows on it oh wait\nso why don't I just say weights I could\nalso another story Sniper Wolf suing I\nbelieve she's suing sensor right from\nwhat I have gathered from the text I\nseen on dramaalert\nthey're suing I don't exactly know why\nthey're suing is it defamation is it\nlike you said this but this is not the\ncase and you have that is defamation\nactually I don't really think about it\nbut honestly let me give you let me give\nyou my professional opinion as a nobody\nface sensor if the texts are real right\nthere's a list of the text saying like\nyou know Sniper Wolf try to get with\nsensor while she had a boyfriend yada\nyada yada\nand now sausage sniper Wolf's boyfriend\nhe's coming in he's like his texting\nphase sensor he's like yo dude you got\ntwo options man do you either go the\neasy way make it apology video work with\nus or you go to the second option the\nladder and you go through this whole\nlike eight to 18 month process of you\nknow going to court every court every\nsingle month\nso on and so forth kind of a threat if\nthe texts are real if sensor did\nactually like go to the Verizon place\nand Rison was like here you go this is\nwhat there was phase bank's power to\nface Bank they censor power to you\nhopefully this goes in your favor if\nthat's the case okay I am really thirsty\nit must be the news about cyber wolf\njust kidding\nthat being said yeah that's about it how\nwas your guys's day how are you feeling\ncomment down below I read every single\ncomment because I only get like three\ncomments peace\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "Prečo je moderná medicína taká populárna?\nRajan Sankaran MD (Hom), FSHom (UK) – svetovo uznávaný homeopat\nMyslím si, že existuje jednoduchý dôvod, pre ktorý dominuje moderná medicína a pre ktorý je homeopatia menej rozšírená.\nIde o dva faktory. Jedným je ignorancia – ľudia homeopatiu ignorujú, pretože nevedia, čo to je a aké má účinky.\nDám vám jednoduchý príklad – rektor zdravotníckej univerzity v štáte odkiaľ pochádzam, prijal pozvanie a prišiel na našu akadémiu. Ide o onkologického chirurga a vedca v oblasti konvenčnej medicíny.\nSpýtal sa ma, prečo som založil túto akadémiu.\nPovedal som mu, že chcem pripravovať kvalitných homeopatov, aby si boli istí homeopatiou.\nOpýtal sa ma, či ja verím v homeopatiu. Moja odpoveď bola áno. A prečo? spýtal sa. Pretože vidím výsledky.\nMôžete mi ich ukázať? spýtal sa. Áno, mám pripravenú prezentáciu, povedal som. Ukázali sme mu veľa prípadov, ako sa mal pacient predtým a potom. Išlo o choroby, ktoré sa jednoducho nedajú liečiť pomocou konvenčnej medicíny.\nNapokon, po skončení prezentácie, začal byť aktívnym zástancom homeopatie.\nTo bol človek, ktorý prišiel s tým, že nemá žiadnu dôveru v homeopatiu.\nMyslím si, že existujú otvorení ľudia, ktorí by si to chceli vypočuť, vidieť. Potrebujú len názornú ukážku, ako to funguje.\nNapríklad v Indii je unikátna situácia, pretože lekári posielajú pacientov na vyšetrenie k homeopatom.\nV mojej praxi 40 % pacientov prichádza na doporučenie konvenčného lekára, ktorého navštívili a prinajmenšom 10-20 % mojich pacientov tvoria lekári a ich rodiny.\nOtvorený pacient vidí účinok homeopatie. Druhý faktor, ktorý môže vplývať na vnímanie homeopatie môže byť to, že v modernej medicíne a farmaceutickom priemysle sú zapojené veľké financie.\nJe to pravdepodobne druhá najväčšia oblasť po zbraniach.\nZ toho vyplýva veľmi zaujímavá otázka – prečo sa začala diskriminovať homeopatia v posledných 5 -10 rokoch teda najmä za posledných 5 rokov?\nJe to skutočne náhoda, že posledných 200 rokov nás ignorovali, a teraz proti nám bojujú a diskriminujú nás\nzatiaľ čo Svetová zdravotnícka organizácia (WHO) uznala homeopatiu ako druhý najväčší systém medicíny s úplne iným rozpočtom.\nNapríklad, ak homeopatický priemysel zarobí jeden milión dolárov znamená to stratu sto miliónov dolárov pre moderný farmaceutický priemysel, pretože homeopatia je lacnejšia má dlhodobý účinok a vytvára zdravie nie závislosť.\nPreto si myslím, že niekto vo farmaceutickom priemysle sa zobudil a povedal, že musíme dať tieto veci na vedľajšiu koľaj, predtým, než sa to rozšíri a nás to prerastie. To si myslím.\nPreklad: Ing. Lenka Staroňová www.komorahomeopatov.sk\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "\nLatvian: \nTranslator: Ilmārs Mežaraups\nReviewer: Ilze Garda\nUz kosmosa kuģa klāja\nastronauti iestata taimeri,\nieslēdzas kapsulās\nun ieslīgst dziļā hibernācijā,\nkas viņus aizvedīs\nvairāku gadu simtu tālā nākotnē.\nŠī ir pazīstama aina daudzās\nzinātniskās fantastikas filmās,\nbet vai realitātē cilvēki\npatiesi spētu hibernēties?\nŠajā jautājumā ieinteresēti pētnieki\natbildes meklē dzīvnieku valstī,\nkur hibernācija ir ierasta\nun novērojama vairāk nekā 200\nmums zināmās sugās.\nApskatīsim polāro susliku,\nkas dzīvo Ziemeļamerikas tundrā\nun Krievijas ziemeļos.\nŠis dzīvnieks ierokas zem mūžīgā sasaluma,\ntā dzīvības procesi gandrīz apstājas,\nun ķermeņa temperatūra nokrītas\nlīdz ledusaukstiem -2,9 Celsija grādiem.\nCiti, piemēram, melno lāču mātīte,\nvar darīt vairākas lietas vienlaikus –\n\nPortuguese: \nTradutor: Margarida Ferreira\nRevisora: Mafalda Ferreira\nA bordo da nave espacial,\nos astronautas regulam o temporizador,\nfecham-se dentro das cápsulas\ne caem numa profunda hibernação\nque os transportará centenas\nde anos para o futuro.\nIsto é uma cena familiar\nem muitos filmes de ficção científica.\nSerá possível que os seres humanos\nhibernem na vida real?\nOs investigadores interessados\nnesta questão viram-se para o reino animal\nonde a hibernação é uma coisa vulgar\nque ocorre em mais de 200 espécies\nque conhecemos.\nVejam o esquilo-do-Ártico.\nOriginal da tundra norte-americana\ne do norte da Rússia,\neste animal enterra-se\nsob o permafrost\ne entra num estado\nde animação suspensa.\nA temperatura do corpo desce\na uns frígidos 2,9 graus negativos Celsius.\nOutros, como a fêmea do urso preto,\nexerce várias funções,\n\nPolish: \nTłumaczenie: Magdalena Góra\nKorekta: Marta Grochowalska\nNa statku kosmicznym\nastronauci ustawiają timer,\nzamykają się w kapsułach\ni zapadają w hibernację,\nktóra przeniesie ich\nkilkaset lat w przyszłość.\nTo scena znana z wielu filmów sci-fi.\nAle czy naprawdę\nbędziemy mogli hibernować?\nNaukowcy szukają odpowiedzi\nna to pytanie w królestwie zwierząt,\ngdzie hibernacja jest powszechna\ni występuje u ponad 200 znanych gatunków.\nWeźmy susłogona arktycznego.\nTo występujące w północnoamerykańskiej\ntundrze i w północnej Rosji zwierzę\nzakopuje się pod wieczną zmarzliną\ni przechodzi w stan anabiozy,\na temperatura jego ciała spada\ndo prawie 3 stopni poniżej zera.\nInne, jak samica niedźwiedzia czarnego,\nmogą wykonywać wiele zadań,\n\nDutch: \nVertaald door: Tahlia Flora\nNagekeken door: Esther van Driel\nAan boord van het ruimteschip \nactiveren de astronauten de timer,\nsluiten zichzelf op in capsules\nen gaan in een diepe winterslaap\ndie hen enkele honderden jaren \nverder in de toekomst brengt.\nDit is een bekende scène \nuit vele sci-fi films,\nmaar kunnen mensen ooit werkelijk\neen winterslaap houden?\nOnderzoekers die hier benieuwd naar zijn, \nrichten zich op het dierenrijk,\nwaar winterslaap algemeen voorkomt\nbij meer dan 200 diersoorten \ndie ons bekend zijn.\nZoals bijvoorbeeld\nde Arctische grondeekhoorn.\nInheems aan de Noord-Amerikaanse \ntoendra en Noord-Rusland,\ngraaft dit dier een gangenstelsel\nonder de permafrost\nen raakt in een rusttoestand,\nwaarbij zijn lichaamstemperatuur daalt \nnaar een ijskoude -2,9 graden Celsius.\nAndere dieren, zoals \nde zwarte berin, kunnen multitasken;\n\nChinese: \n譯者: Marssi Draw\n審譯者: Regina Chu\n太空人在太空船上預設定時器\n把自己關進太空艙裡\n然後陷入沉睡的冬眠狀態\n將他們帶到未來數百年後\n這是在科幻電影裡常見的場景\n但人真的可以在現實生活中冬眠嗎?\n對這個問題感興趣的科學家\n轉而研究動物王國\n冬眠在動物界很普遍\n我們已知約有兩百種物種會冬眠\n以北極地松鼠為例\n牠們是北美凍原和北俄原生種\n這種動物會挖地洞到永凍層之下潛伏\n陷入暫停生命的狀態\n體溫降至極低的攝氏 -2.9 度\n另外像是母黑熊可以同時進行多種任務\n\nFrench: \nTraducteur: Myriam Chergui\nRelecteur: eric vautier\nÀ bord du vaisseau,\nles astronautes programment l'ordinateur,\ns'enferment dans des capsules,\npour plonger dans une hibernation profonde\nqui les conduira des centaines\nd'années de là dans le futur.\nC'est une scène qu'on retrouve\ndans de nombreux films de science-fiction,\nmais les humains pourraient-ils\nun jour vraiment hiberner ?\nLes chercheurs intéressés par la question\nse tournent vers le règne animal,\ndans lequel l'hibernation est ordinaire,\nse produisant chez plus\nde 200 espèces connues.\nPrenons l'exemple du spermophile arctique.\nOriginaire de la toundra nord-américaine\net du nord de la Russie,\ncet animal s'enfouit sous le permafrost\net bascule dans un état\nd'animation suspendue,\nsa température corporelle\nchutant à -2,9 degrés Celsius.\nD'autres, telle que l'ourse noire,\nsont multitâches,\n\nVietnamese: \nTranslator: Mai Chi\nReviewer: Linh Lê\nBên trong tàu vũ trụ, \nphi hành gia đặt giờ,\ntự khóa mình bên trong khoang tàu\nvà chìm vào một giấc ngủ sâu\nsẽ đưa họ vượt hàng trăm năm \ntiến vào tương lai.\nMột cảnh quen thuộc\ntrong phim khoa học viễn tưởng\nnhưng có thực rằng \ncon người có thể \"ngủ đông\"?\nCác nhà nghiên cứu quan tâm đến câu hỏi \nnày đã bắt đầu với thế giới động vật\nnơi mà \"ngủ đông\" khá phổ biến,\nxảy ra trên 200 loài.\nHãy lấy Sóc đất Bắc cực làm ví dụ,\nsống ở vùng lãnh nguyên\nBắc Mĩ và Bắc Nga,\nloài động vật này đào hang\nsâu dưới lớp băng\nvà chìm vào trạng thái \"ngủ đông\",\nnhiệt độ cơ thể nó nhanh chóng \ngiảm xuống chỉ còn -2.9 độ C.\nMột số loài khác, như gấu cái đen,\ncó thể làm nhiều việc một lúc,\n\nUkrainian: \nПерекладач: Anna Levchenko\nУтверджено: Khrystyna Romashko\nНа борту космічного корабля\nастронавти встановлюють таймер,\nрозміщуються в капсулах,\nі впадають в глибокий сон,\nщо перенесе їх на кілька \nсотень років у майбутнє.\nЦе звична сцена\nу багатьох науково-популярних фільмах,\nале чи може людина насправді\nвпадати в сплячку в реальному житті?\nДослідники, зацікавлені цим питанням,\nзвернулись до тваринного царства,\nде зимова сплячка - це звична річ,\nщо зустрічається в більш, ніж 200 видів,\nпро які ми знаємо.\nПогляньте на арктичну земляну білку.\nПоширена в північноамериканській тундрі\nі північній Росії,\nця тварина риє нору\nу вічнозамерзлому ґрунті\nі потрапляє в стан\nпризупиненої активності,\nїї температура тіла падає\nдо холодних -2,9 градусів за Цельсієм.\nІнші, як самки чорного ведмедя,\nздатні на багатозадачність,\n\nPersian: \nTranslator: sadegh zabihi\nReviewer: Mary Jane\nدر سفینه فضایی،\nفضانورد ساعت را کوک می‌کند،\nخود را در کپسولی حبس می‌کند،\nو به یک خواب زمستانی عمیق فرو می‌رود\nکه او را به چند صد سال آینده می‌برد.\nاین یک صحنه آشنا در بسیاری\nاز فیلم‌های علمی تخیلی است،\nاما آیا انسان‌ها هرگز خواهند توانست\nدر زندگی واقعی به خواب زمستانی بروند؟\nمحققانی که به این موضوع علاقه‌مند بودند\nبه سوی قلمرو حیوانات رفتند،\nجایی که خواب زمستانی رواج دارد،\nو در بیش از ۲۰۰ گونه\nکه ما می‌شناسیم وجود دارد.\nسنجاب زمینی قطب شمال را در نظر بگیرید.\nاین جانور که بومی توندرای\nآمریکای شمالی و شمال روسیه است،\nدر اعماق منجمد زمین لانه می‌کند\nو به حالت تعلیق حیات می‌رود،\nو دمای بدنش تا دمای انجماد \n۲/۹- درجه سانتی‌گراد اُفت می‌کند.\nدیگران، مثل خرس سیاه ماده،\nمی‌توانند چند کار را با هم انجام دهند،\n\nItalian: \nTraduttore: Alessandra Tadiotto\nRevisore: Cristina Bufi-Pöcksteiner\n\"L'ibernazione è un'azione sotto copertura\nper una missione ancora più segreta.\"\nRalph Ellison, \"L'uomo invisibile\".\nA bordo dell'astronave,\ngli astronauti programmano il timer,\nsi chiudono nella capsule\ne cadono in un profondo \nstato di ibernazione\nche li condurrà \na centinaia di anni nel futuro.\nQuesta scena è piuttosto familiare\nnei film di fantascienza,\nma nella vita reale, gli uomini\npotrebbero davvero ibernarsi?\nI ricercatori interessati alla questione\nstudiano il regno animale,\ndove l'ibernazione è molto comune,\nvisto che più di 200 specie lo fanno.\nAd esempio,\nlo scoiattolo artico di terra,\noriginario della tundra nordamericana\ne della Russia settentrionale,\nscava gallerie sotto il permafrost\ne cade in uno stato\ndi animazione sospesa,\ncon una temperatura corporea\nche precipita a -2,9 gradi centigradi.\nAltri, come la femmina di orso nero,\nsono mutitasking,\n\nChinese: \n翻译人员: Zijian Xiao\n校对人员: Junnan Li\n在宇宙飞船上,\n宇航员通过预调时间装置,\n把他们封进密闭的胶囊中,\n进入深度的休眠状态,\n然后穿梭数百年的时光到达未来。\n这是许多科幻电影中常见的桥段,\n但是人类在现实生活中\n真的能休眠吗?\n科学家们对这个问题饶有兴趣。\n对于动物们来说,\n休眠是再正常不过的了,\n光是我们知道的休眠的物种\n就超过 200 种。\n拿北美苔原地区本土的北极地鼠,\n和俄罗斯北部的北极地鼠举例,\n这种生物会在冻土层下面挖洞,\n然后迅速进入暂停活动的状态,\n它们的体温会迅速\n下降至零下 2.9 摄氏度。\n此外,像雌黑熊在冬眠时\n还能进行其他生理活动,\n\nSpanish: \nTraductor: Vanessa M. Vargas Trejo\nRevisor: Paula Motter\n[Hibernar es una preparación encubierta \npara una acción más patente.]\nA bordo de la nave espacial,\nlos astronautas programan el temporizador,\nse encierran en cápsulas,\ny caen en una profunda hibernación\nque los llevará a cientos \nde años en el futuro.\nEsta es una escena conocida\nen muchas películas de ciencia ficción,\npero ¿podrían los humanos \nhibernar alguna vez en la vida real?\nInvestigadores interesados en el tema\nestudiaron el reino animal,\ndonde la hibernación\nes una práctica común\npara más de 200 especies conocidas.\nTomemos a la ardilla terrestre del Ártico.\nNativa de la tundra de Norteamérica\ny del norte de Rusia,\neste animal cava debajo del permahielo,\nse sume en un estado\nde animación suspendida\ny la temperatura de su cuerpo\nse desploma a 2,9 °C bajo cero.\nOtros, como la osa negra,\npueden hacer varias cosas a la vez:\n\nRomanian: \nTraducător: Maria Pană\nCorector: Cristina Nicolae\nLa bordul navei,\nastronauţii setează cronometrul,\nse închid în capsule\nşi intră într-o stare de hibernare\ncare îi va purta\ncâteva sute de ani în viitor.\nAceasta este o scenă întâlnită\nîn multe filme SF,\ndar oare pot oamenii\nsă hiberneze cu adevărat?\nCercetătorii interesaţi de această\nîntrebare apelează la regnul animal,\nunde hibernarea este o banalitate,\nfiind întâlnită\nla peste 200 de specii cunoscute.\nUn exemplu ar fi popândăul arctic.\nOriginar din tundra Americii de Nord\nşi din nordul Rusiei,\nacest animal sapă sub permafrost\nşi ajunge într-o stare\nde „suspendare a vieţii\",\ntemperatura corpului său scăzând\nla -2,9 grade Celsius.\nAlte animale precum femela baribal\npoate îndeplini sarcini multiple,\n\nIndonesian: \nTranslator: Edward Santoso\nReviewer: Deera Army Pramana\n\"Hibernasi adalah persiapan diam-diam\nuntuk aksi terang-terangan.\"\n- Ralph Ellison, Invisible Man\nDi dalam pesawat ruang angkasa,\npara astronot mengatur pewaktu,\nmembungkus diri mereka di dalam kapsul,\ndan terlelap dalam hibernasi panjang\nyang akan membawa mereka\nbeberapa ratus tahun ke masa depan.\nIni adalah adegan yang sering ada\ndi banyak film fiksi ilmiah,\ntetapi apakah manusia dapat benar-benar\nberhibernasi di kehidupan nyata?\nPara peneliti yang ingin menjawabnya\nmemulainya dengan mempelajari hewan,\nyang lebih banyak melakukan hibernasi,\nyaitu terjadi pada lebih dari 200 spesies\nyang telah diketahui.\nAmbil tupai tanah arktik sebagai contoh.\nSebagai hewan asli habitat tundra\ndi Amerika Utara dan Rusia Utara,\nhewan ini menggali lubang \ndi bawah permafrost\ndan hidup dalam keadaan mati suri,\nsehingga suhu tubuhnya turun drastis\nsampai dengan -2,9 derajat Celsius.\nHewan lain, seperti beruang hitam betina, \nbisa melakukan tugas ganda,\n\nEnglish: \nOnboard the spacecraft, \nthe astronauts preset the timer,\nenclose themselves in capsules,\nand fall into a deep hibernation\nthat’ll carry them several \nhundred years into the future.\nThis is a familiar scene \nin many sci-fi films,\nbut could humans ever actually \nhibernate in real life?\nResearchers interested in this question \nturn to the animal kingdom,\nwhere hibernation is commonplace,\noccurring in over 200 species \nthat we know of.\nTake the Arctic ground squirrel.\nNative to the North American tundra \nand northern Russia,\nthis animal burrows \nbeneath the permafrost\nand slips into a state \nof suspended animation,\nits body temperature plummeting \nto a frigid -2.9 degrees Celsius.\nOthers, like the female black bear, \ncan multitask,\n\nPortuguese: \nTradutor: Sarah Tambur\nRevisor: Maricene Crus\nA bordo da nave espacial,\nastronautas programam o relógio,\nfecham-se em cápsulas\ne entram em uma hibernação profunda\nque os levará a centenas\nde anos no futuro.\nEssa é uma cena comum\nem muitos filmes de ficção científica,\nmas será que os humanos conseguirão\num dia hibernar na vida real?\nPesquisadores interessados nessa pergunta\nrecorreram ao reino animal,\nno qual a hibernação é comum\ne ocorre em mais\nde 200 espécies conhecidas.\nVejamos o esquilo-do-ártico.\nOriginal da tundra norte-americana\ne do norte da Rússia,\nesse animal se abriga sob o pergelissolo,\nentra em um estado de animação suspensa,\ne sua temperatura corporal\ndespenca a gélidos -2,9 ºC.\nOutros, como a fêmea do urso-negro,\nrealiza multitarefas,\n\nTurkish: \nÇeviri: Gözde Zülal Solak\nGözden geçirme: Figen Ergürbüz\nBir uzay gemisinde astronotlar \nzamanlayıcıyı önceden ayarlar,\nkapsülün içine girer\nve kendilerini birkaç yüzyıl\ngeleceğe taşıyacak olan\nderin bir kış uykusuna yatarlar.\nBu, bilim kurgu filmlerinin\naşina olduğumuz bir sahnesidir\nancak insanlar gerçek hayatta da\nkış uykusuna yatabilirler mi?\nAraştırmacılar bu sorunun cevabı için\nbilinen 200'den fazla türün\ngerçekleştirdiği kış uykusunun\nyaygın bir şey olduğu\nhayvanlar alemini incelemektedirler.\nArktika gelengisini ele alalım.\nKuzey Amerika tundrası ve\nKuzey Rusya'nın yerlisi olan bu hayvan,\ndonmuş toprağın altında bir delik açarak\nbir ertelenmiş canlandırma durumuna girer,\nvücut ısısı dondurucu -2,9 santigrat\ndereceye kadar düşer.\nDiğerleri, dişi siyah ayı gibi,\nçoklu görevleri gerçekleştirebilir;\n\nRussian: \nПереводчик: Ростислав Голод\nРедактор: Natalia Ost\nНа борту космического корабля\nастронавты настраивают таймер,\nукладываются в капсулы\nи впадают в длительную спячку,\nпосле которой они проснутся\nв будущем несколько сотен лет спустя.\nВсё это знакомый сюжет\nмногих научно-фантастических фильмов,\nно смогут ли люди когда-нибудь \nвпадать в спячку в реальной жизни?\nУчёные, которых интересует ответ\nна этот вопрос,\nищут его в царстве животных,\nгде спячка, или гибернация,\nявление распространённое и наблюдается\nу более 200 известных видов.\nВзять хотя бы американского суслика.\nАреал этого зверька охватывает\nсеверо-американскую тундру и север России,\nсуслики строят норы\nниже уровня вечной мерзлоты\nи впадают в состояние оцепенения,\nпри этом температура тела у них\nрезко падает до -2,9 градуса Цельсия.\nДругие животные, например,\nчёрная медведица-барибал способна во сне\n\nGerman: \nÜbersetzung: Barbara Forster\nLektorat: Andrea Hielscher\nIm Raumschiff stellen\ndie Astronauten den Timer,\nverkapseln sich und fallen\nin tiefen Winterschlaf,\nder sie mehrere Jahrhunderte\nin die Zukunft versetzt.\nDas ist eine bekannte Szene\nvieler Sci-Fi-Filme.\nDoch könnten Menschen\ntatsächlich Winterschlaf halten?\nInteressierte Forscher\nblicken ins Tierreich.\nDort ist Winterschlaf\nbei über 200 bekannten Arten üblich.\nNehmen wir den Arktischen Ziesel.\nEr lebt in Nordrussland\nund der nordamerikanischen Tundra,\nbaut Höhlen unter dem Dauerfrostboden\nund verfällt in totenähnliche Starre,\nwobei seine Körpertemperatur\nauf eisige -2,9 Grad Celsius absinkt.\nDas Schwarzbärweibchen\nist multitaskingfähig:\n\niw: \nתרגום: Ido Dekkers\nעריכה: Tal Dekkers\nעל החללית, האסטרונאוטים מכוונים את הטיימר,\nעוטפים את עצמם בקפסולה,\nונכנסים לתרדמת עמוקה\nשתישא אותם כמה מאות שנים לעתיד.\nזו סצנה מוכרת בהרבה סרטי מדע בדיוני,\nאבל האם אנשים יוכלו למעשה \nלהכנס לתרדמת בחיים האמיתיים?\nחוקרים שמתעניינים בשאלה הזו \nפונים לממלכת החי,\nשם תרדמת נפוצה,\nומתרחשת ביותר מ 200 מינים שאנחנו מכירים.\nקחו את סנאי הקרקע הארקטי.\nהוא נמצא בטונדרה \nשל צפון אמריקה וצפון רוסיה,\nהחיה הזו מתחפרת מתחת לשכבת כפור העד\nונופלת למצב של הקפאת תהליכי הגוף,\nטמפרטורת הגוף שלו צונחת\nלמינוס 2.9 מעלות קפואות.\nאחרים, כמו נקבת הדוב השחור,\nיכולה לעשות ריבוי משימות,\n\nJapanese: \n翻訳: Satya Srk\n校正: Tomoyuki Suzuki\n宇宙船に乗り込んだ宇宙飛行士たちは\nタイマーを設定し\nカプセルに自らを封じ込め\n深い冬眠状態に入って\n数百年先の未来へと向かいます\nこれは多くのSF映画で\nお馴染みの場面ですが\n人類は現実の世界で実際に\n冬眠できるのでしょうか\nこの質問に興味を持った研究者達は\n動物界に目を向けます\n動物界では冬眠は当たり前\n分かっているだけで200以上の\n種に起きています\nホッキョクジリスを\n例にとってみましょう\n北米のツンドラと\nロシア北部が原産のこの動物は\n永久凍土層下に穴を掘り\n仮死状態に入ります\n体温は摂氏 ー2.9度まで下がります\nクロクマのような種のメスは\nマルチタスクが可能です\n\nArabic: \nالمترجم: Esraa Khalid\nالمدقّق: Omar Essam\nالسبات هو تجهيز سري لعمل أكثر علانية \n- رالف اليسون ، رجل خفي\nعلى متن المركبة الفضائية،\nيضبط رواد الفضاء الموقت،\nويرفقوا أنفسهم في كبسولات،\nويقعون في سبات عميق\nالذي سينقلهم مئات السنين للمستقبل\nهذا مشهد مألوف،\nفي العديد من أفلام الخيال العلمي\nلكن هل سيستطيع البشر،\nالدخول في سبات في الواقع؟\nالباحثون المهتمون بهذا السؤال\nيلجؤون للمملكة الحيوانية\nحيث السبات أمر مألوف،\nيحدث في أكثر من 200 نوع معروف لدينا\nفمثلا سنجاب الأرض القطبي\nموطنه في التندرا في أمريكا الشمالية\nوشمال روسيا\nهذا الحيوان يحفر جحره، \nتحت التربة المتجمدة\nومن ثم يدخل في حالة من فقد الوعي\nدرجة حرارة جسمه تهبط إلى\n2.9 درجة حرارة سليزية متجمدة تحت الصفر\nحيوانات أخرى كأنثى الدب الأسود،\nتستطيع القيام بعدة مهام\n\nKorean: \n번역: Kwon Yeonhee\n검토: Jihyeon J. Kim\n우주선에 타면, 우주비행사들은 \n타이머를 미리 조정해놓고\n캡슐 안에 들어가서\n그들을 몇백 년 후의 미래로 데려다 줄\n깊은 동면에 빠집니다.\n이는 많은 공상과학 영화에서 \n자주 볼 수 있는 친숙한 장면이죠.\n그런데 인간들은 현실에서도 \n정말 동면할 수 있을까요?\n이 질문에 호기심을 갖게된 연구자들은\n우리가 아는 것만 해도 동면을 하는 동물들이\n200종이 넘을 정도로 동면이 흔한\n동물의 왕국으로 \n눈을 돌리게 되었습니다.\n북극 얼룩다람쥐에 대해 \n한번 살펴봅시다.\n북아메리카 툰드라와 \n북부 러시아에 사는 이 동물은\n영구 동토층에 굴을 파고\n가사상태에 빠집니다.\n이들의 체온은 섭씨 \n영하 2.9도까지 급락하게 되죠.\n다른 종을 보면, 흑곰 암컷의 경우\n겨울동안 동면하는 도중에\n\nEnglish: \ngiving birth and lactating while they’re\nhibernating through the winter.\nThe fat-tailed dwarf lemur prepares \nfor its long dormancy\nby gorging on food and storing the \nmajority of its fat reserves in its tail,\ndoubling its body weight.\nAfter hibernation, it emerges looking \nas svelte as ever.\nSo why do these animals \ngo to such extremes?\nHibernation is a necessity,\na survival tactic for making it \nthrough the harsh winter months\nwhen dwindling food \nand water reserves threaten survival.\nFor many years, experts believed \nhibernation happened\nonly in arctic and temperate environments.\nBut more recently, they’ve discovered \nanimals hibernating\neven in arid deserts \nand tropical rainforests.\nAs hibernation kicks in,\nanimals’ heartbeats usually slow to\nabout 1 to 3% of their original speed,\nlike the dwarf lemur’s,\nwhich drops from its usual \nroughly 180 beats per minute\nto just around four.\nBreathing also declines dramatically\n\nJapanese: \n冬の間中 冬眠しながら\n出産や授乳をするのです\nフトオコビトキツネザルは\nたらふく食べて長い休眠に備えます\n食べた脂肪分の大半を尻尾に貯め込むため\n体重は2倍になります\n冬眠後は いつものような\nすらりとした体で出てきます\nではなぜこれらの動物達は\nこのように極端なことをするのでしょう\n冬眠は必要不可欠です\n食料や水の蓄えが減ってゆき\n生命が脅かされる厳しい冬を\n乗り越えるための\nサバイバル戦術なのです\n長年 専門家達は 冬眠が起きるのは\n極地方と温帯のみだと信じていました\nですがごく最近になって\n動物が\n不毛の砂漠や熱帯雨林でも\n冬眠することが発見されました\n冬眠が始まると\n動物の心拍数は\n平常時の1~3%ほどに低下します\nコビトキツネザルのように\n通常では1分間に180拍程度なのが\nわずか4拍程度に低下するのです\n呼吸も劇的に減少します\n\nDutch: \njongen baren en voeden \nterwijl ze een winterrust houden.\nDe vetstaartkatmaki bereidt \nzich voor op zijn lange winterslaap\ndoor voedsel te schranzen en grote \nvetreserves in zijn staart te bewaren,\nwaardoor zijn gewicht verdubbelt.\nNa de winterslaap verschijnt \nhij zo slank als ooit tevoren.\nWaarom gaan deze dieren \nzo tot het uiterste?\nWinterslaap is\neen noodzakelijke behoefte,\neen overlevingstactiek om \nstrenge wintermaanden door te komen\nwanneer afnemende voedsel- en \nwaterreserves hun voortbestaan bedreigt.\nJarenlang dachten \ndeskundigen dat winterslaap\nalleen in arctische en gematigde \nklimaatzones plaatsvond.\nMaar onlangs ontdekten ze \nzelfs winterslapende dieren\nin dorre woestijnen \nen tropische regenwouden.\nZodra winterslaap optreedt\nvertraagt de hartslag van dieren\nnaar circa een tot drie procent \nvan hun normale snelheid.\nZoals die van de katmaki's,\nwelke afneemt van grofweg \n180 slagen per minuut\nnaar circa vier slagen.\nDe ademhaling vermindert ook drastisch\n\nPortuguese: \ndando à luz e amamentando\nenquanto hiberna durante o inverno.\nO lémure anão Cheirogaleus medius\nprepara-se para a sua longa hibernação\ningerindo alimentos e armazenando na cauda\na maior parte das reservas de gordura,\nduplicando o peso do corpo.\nDepois da hibernação, aparece\ncom um ar tão esbelto como sempre.\nEntão, porque é que estes animais\nchegam a tais extremos?\nA hibernação é uma necessidade,\numa tática de sobrevivência\npara superar os duros meses de inverno\nquando a comida e as reservas de água\nsão escassas e ameaçam a sobrevivência.\nDurante anos, os especialistas\npensavam que a hibernação\nocorria apenas no Ártico\ne em temperaturas temperadas.\nMais recentemente, descobriram\nque havia animais a hibernar\nmesmo em desertos áridos\ne em florestas tropicais.\nNa hibernação,\no ritmo cardíaco dos animais\nnormalmente abranda para cerca de 1 a 3%\nda sua velocidade habitual,\ncomo nos lémures anões\nem que passa das normais\n180 batidas por minuto\npara cerca de quatro.\nA respiração também diminui drasticamente\n\nTurkish: \nkış uykusu esnasında\ndoğum yapabilir ve süt verebilir.\nHalka kuyruklu cüce lemur,\nyağ stoğunu kuyruğunda\ndepolayarak kış uykusuna hazırlanır,\nbu da vücut ağırlığını ikiye katlar.\nKış uykusundan sonra,\nince ve zarif bir hâlde uyanır.\nPeki bu hayvanlar\nneden böyle aşırıya kaçıyorlar?\nKış uykusu bir gereksinimdir,\nazalan yemek ve su stokları\nyaşamı tehdit ettiğinde,\nsert kış ayları boyunca\nhayatta kalabilme taktiğidir.\nUzmanlar yıllar boyunca\nkış uykusunun yalnızca arktikte\nve ılıman ortamlarda \ngerçekleştiğine inandılar.\nFakat son zamanlarda, kurak çöller\nve tropik yağmur ormanlarında da\nbazı hayvanların kış uykusuna\nyattığını keşfettiler.\nKış uykusu etkisini gösterdiğinde\nhayvanların kalp atışları genelde normal \nhızlarından %1 ila 3 oranında yavaşlar;\ntıpkı normalde\nkalp atışları, dakikada 180'den \nyalnızca dakikada 4'e düşen\ncüce lemur gibi.\nNefes de çarpıcı biçimde azalır;\n\nArabic: \nفتلد وترضع بينما تكون في سبات خلال الشتاء\nالليمور القزم دهني الذيل \nيجهز لسباته الطويل\nعن طريق التهام الطعام،\nوتخزين معظم دهونه الاحتياطية في ذيله\nمضاعفا وزن جسمه\nوبعد السبات يظهر \nأرشق من أي وقت مضى\nإذا لماذا تخوض هذه الحيوانات \nتجارب شديدة كهذه؟\nالسبات ضرورة\nخطة نجاة لتخطي شهور الشتاء القاسية\nعندما يشكل نقصان احتياطي الطعام والماء،\nخطر على البقاء\nلسنين عدة، اعتقد الخبراء \nأن السبات يحدث فقط\nفي البيئات القطبية والمعتدلة فقط\nلكن مؤخرا، اكتشفوا حيوانات \nتدخل في سبات\nحتى في الصحراء القاحلة\nوالغابات الإستوائية المطيرة\nعندما يبدأ السبات\nضربات قلب الحيوان عادة ما تتباطئ\nلمن1 إلى 3% من سرعتها الأصلية\nكضربات قلب الليمور القزم\nوالتي تنخفض عن المعتاد\nوهو 180 ضربة في الدقيقة\nإلى أربعة فقط تقريبا\nوالتنفس أيضا ينخفض بشكل كبير\n\nKorean: \n아이를 낳고 젖을 먹이는 등\n다중작업이 가능합니다.\n꼬마여우원숭이는 음식을 실컷 먹고\n대부분의 지방을 그의 꼬리에 저장하여\n체중을 2배로 늘림으로써\n긴 휴면을 준비합니다.\n동면 후에 꼬마여우원숭이는 전처럼\n날씬해져서 나타납니다.\n그렇다면 왜 이러한 동물들은 \n이런 극단적인 행동을 하는 것일까요?\n동면은 필수적이며,\n줄어드는 음식과 물이 생존을 위협하는\n가혹한 겨울을 버티게 해주는 \n생존전략입니다.\n수년간, 전문가들은 동면이\n북극지방이나 한대지방에서만 \n일어난다고 생각하였습니다.\n그러나 최근에, 그들은 건조한 사막과\n열대우림에 사는 동물들도\n동면을 한다는 것을 발견하였습니다.\n동면을 시작할 때\n동물들의 심박수는 주로 그들의 원래 속도의 \n1%에서 3%가량으로 느려지는데,\n꼬마여우원숭이의 경우\n평소에는 주로 1분당 \n180번 박동하던 심박수가\n고작 4번 가량으로 감소하게됩니다.\n호흡 또한 꼬마여우원숭이의 경우\n\niw: \nממליטה ומניקה בעודה ישנה במהלך החורף.\nהלמור שמן הזנב מתכונן לשינה הארוכה שלו\nעל יד האבסה באוכל\nושמירת רוב עתודות השומן בזנב,\nשמשמש גם כמשקולת.\nאחרי התרדמת, הוא יוצא ונראה רזה כתמיד.\nאז למה החיות האלו מגיעות לכאלה קיצונים?\nתרדמת היא הכרח,\nטקטיקת השרדות להצליח בחודשי החורף הקשים\nכשמאגרי אוכל ומים מתדלדלים \nמאיימים על ההשרדות.\nבמשך הרבה שנים,\nממומחים האמינו שתרדמת מתרחשת\nרק בסביבות ארקטיות ומשווניות.\nאבל לאחרונה, הם גילו חיות בתרדמת\nאפילו במדבריות צחיחים ויערות גשם טרופיים.\nכשהתרדמת נכנסת,\nחיות בתרדמת בדרך כלל מאיטות\nל 1 עד 3% מהמהירות הרגילה שלהם,\nכמו הלמור הגמדי,\nשיורד מהקצב לב רגיל\nשל בערך 180 פעימות בדקה\nלרק בערך ארבע.\nהנשימה גם פוחתת דרמטית\n\nRomanian: \ndând naştere şi alăptând\nîn timp ce hibernează pe parcursul iernii.\nMaki cu coada groasă se pregăteşte\npentru lunga sa inactivitate\nînfulecând mâncare şi stocându-şi\nmajoritatea grăsimii sale în coadă,\ndublându-şi greutatea corpului.\nDupă hibernare, apare arătând\nmai zvelt ca niciodată.\nAşadar, de ce recurg aceste animale\nla asemenea extreme?\nHibernarea este o necesitate,\no strategie de supravieţuire\npentru a trece peste lunile aspre de iarnă\ncând reducerea resurselor de hrană şi apă\nle ameninţă supraviețuirea.\nTimp de mulţi ani, experţii credeau\ncă hibernarea avea loc\ndoar în medii arctice sau temperate,\nînsă recent au descoperit\nanimale hibernând\nchiar şi în deşerturi aride\nsau păduri tropicale.\nLa începutul hibernării,\nviteza bătăilor inimilor animalelor\nscade până la 1-3% din cea originală,\nprecum în cazul lemurului pitic,\nal cărui ritm cardiac scade\nde la aproape 180 de bătăi pe minut\nla doar patru.\nRespiraţia se reduce şi ea dramatic\n\nGerman: \nEs kann während des Winterschlafs\ngebären und stillen.\nDer Mittlere Katzenmaki bereitet sich\nauf die lange Winterruhe vor,\nindem er sich vollfrisst, die meisten\nFettreserven im Schwanz einlagert\nund sein Gewicht verdoppelt.\nNach dem Winterschlaf\nist er wieder gertenschlank.\nWieso verfallen Tiere in solche Extreme ?\nWinterschlaf ist lebensnotwendig,\num die rauen Winter zu überstehen,\nwenn schwindende Futter-\nund Wasserreserven an die Substanz gehen.\nLange glaubten Experten,\nWinterschlaf gebe es nur\nin arktischem und gemäßigtem Klima.\nDoch kürzlich entdeckten sie Tiere,\ndie auch in Trockenwüsten\nund tropischen Regenwäldern überwintern.\nZu Beginn des Winterschlafs\nsinkt der Herzschlag von Tieren\nauf 1 bis 3 % der normalen Frequenz.\nBeim Katzenmaki reduziert er sich\nvon rund 180 Schlägen\npro Minute auf nur etwa 4.\n\nChinese: \n比如分娩和哺乳,\n肥尾鼠狐猴则是靠摄取大量食物,\n和它们尾巴中储存的相当于\n身体重量的大量脂肪\n来度过冬眠的,\n冬眠结束后,\n它们看起来又像平时一样瘦小。\n那么,为何这些动物会这样做呢?\n因为休眠对它们来说太重要了,\n这是确保它们能够度过\n严寒数月的一种生存策略,\n冬季里稀缺的食物\n和水会威胁它们的生存。\n多年来,专家们认为,\n动物的休眠只会发生\n极地和温带地区。\n但近年来,科学家们发现,\n动物甚至在干旱的沙漠中\n和热带雨林也会进行休眠。\n一旦动物进入休眠状态,\n它们的心率会下降至\n正常速率的 1% 至 3%。\n拿鼠狐猴的心跳来说,\n心跳会从每分钟约 180 次,\n下降到约每分钟 4 次。\n呼吸活动也显著降低,\n\nChinese: \n在冬眠時產子並哺乳\n粗尾侏儒狐猴準備冬眠的方式是\n狂吃東西並將大多脂肪儲存在尾巴裡\n重量比身體還多一倍\n冬眠之後,牠們又會變得纖細苗條\n為什麼這些動物\n會採取如此極端的行為?\n對牠們而言,冬眠是必要的\n是一種求生技能\n好讓自己度過長達數月的嚴冬\n因為飲食減少受限時\n性命就會受到威脅\n許多年來,專家相信冬眠只會出現在\n北極和溫帶地區\n但最近他們發現\n動物也會在乾燥的沙漠\n和熱帶雨林冬眠\n動物一開始冬眠\n心跳通常就會減緩至\n原來的 1% 到 3%\n像是侏儒狐猴\n原本心跳每分鐘約 180 下\n冬眠時會減至每分鐘四下\n呼吸也會大幅減少\n\nSpanish: \nparir y amamantar a su cría\nmientra hibernan en el invierno.\nEl lémur enano de cola gruesa\nse prepara para su larga inactividad\nllenándose de comida y almacenando\nla mayor parte de su grasa en la cola,\nduplicando así su peso corporal.\nDespués de la hibernación,\nsale tan esbelto como siempre.\n¿Por qué estos animales\nllegan a tales extremos?\nLa hibernación es una necesidad,\nuna táctica de supervivencia\npara superar los inviernos difíciles\ncuando la disminución en las reservas de\ncomida y agua amenazan la supervivencia.\nPor años, los expertos creyeron\nque la hibernación ocurría\nsolo en ambientes árticos y templados.\nPero, recientemente, descubrieron\nque algunos animales hibernaban\nincluso en desiertos áridos\ny en selvas tropicales.\nCuando los animales\ncomienzan su hibernación,\nel latido del corazón\nsuele descender entre el 1 % \ny el 3 % de su ritmo original,\ncomo los lémures enanos,\ncuyos latidos bajan de los habituales\n180 por minuto a apenas unos 4 por minuto.\nLa respiración también disminuye\ndrásticamente a una sola inhalación\n\nPortuguese: \ndando à luz e amamentando\nenquanto hiberna no inverno.\nO lêmure-anão-de-cauda-gorda\nse prepara para sua longa dormência\nempanturrando-se de comida\ne estocando a maioria\ndo seu acúmulo de gordura na cauda,\ndobrando seu peso corporal.\nApós a hibernação, ele emerge\ntão esbelto quanto antes.\nMas por que esses animais\nchegam a tais extremos?\nA hibernação é uma necessidade,\numa tática de sobrevivência\npara resistirem ao inverno severo\nquando as reservas reduzidas de alimento\ne água ameaçam a sobrevivência.\nDurante anos, especialistas acreditaram\nque a hibernação acontecia apenas\nem ambientes árticos e temperados.\nMas mais recentemente,\ndescobriram animais hibernando\naté mesmo em desertos\ne florestas tropicais.\nQuando a hibernação entra em ação,\nos batimentos cardíacos dos animais\ndiminuem em velocidade entre 1 e 3%,\ncomo no lêmure-anão,\nem que caem das 180 batidas por minuto\npara apenas quatro.\nA respiração também diminui drasticamente\n\nUkrainian: \nнароджуючи і годуючи, коли вони\nв зимовій сплячці взимку.\nТовстохвостий карликовий лемур готується\nдо свого довгого спокою\nоб'їдаючись та зберігаючи\nбільшість запасів жирів у своєму хвості,\nподвоюючи вагу свого тіла.\nПісля зимової сплячки він такий же\nстрункий, як і раніше.\nТак чому ж ці тварини\nідуть на такі крайнощі?\nЗимова сплячка - це необхідність,\nтактика виживання \nсуворими зимовими місяцями,\nколи зменшується кількість їжї\nі запасів води, що загрожує виживанню.\nПротягом багатьох років експерти вважали,\nщо зимова сплячка - це явище,\nхарактерне лише в арктичних\nі помірних середовищах.\nАле нещодавно вони виявили,\nщо тварини впадають в сплячку\nнавіть в засушливих пустелях\nі тропічних лісах.\nКоли починається зимова сплячка,\nсерцебиття тварин зазвичай сповільнюється\nдо 1-3% від його початкової швидкості,\nяк у карликових лемурів,\nсерцебиття яких сповільнюється\nзі звичайних 180 ударів на хвилину\nдо лише біля 4.\nДихання також різко сповільнюється\n\nPolish: \nrodzić i karmić\npodczas zimowej hibernacji.\nLemur karłowaty gruboogonowy\nprzygotowuje się do długiego snu,\nobjadając się i przechowując\nwiększość zapasów tłuszczu w ogonie,\npodwajając tym samym wagę ciała.\nPo hibernacji wyłania się,\nwyglądając smukło jak nigdy.\nDlaczego te zwierzęta\nprzechodzą w takie skrajności?\nHibernacja to konieczność,\ntaktyka pozwalająca przetrwać\ntrudne zimowe miesiące,\nkiedy kurczące się zapasy jedzenia\ni wody zagrażają przetrwaniu.\nEksperci długo wierzyli,\nże hibernują zwierzęta tylko\nw klimacie arktycznym i umiarkowanym.\nJednak niedawno odkryli,\nże zwierzęta hibernują\nnawet na jałowych pustyniach\ni w tropikalnych lasach deszczowych.\nKiedy zaczyna się hibernacja,\nrytm serca zwalnia i stanowi\nod około 1 do 3% zwykłego tempa.\nU lemura karłowatego\nliczba uderzeń spada ze 180 na minutę\ndo około czterech.\nOddech również bardzo zwalnia\n\nItalian: \nriuscendo a partorire e allattare\nmentre sono in letargo durante l'inverno.\nIl chirogaleo dalla coda grossa\nsi prepara per la lunga ibernazione\nabbuffandosi di cibo \ne immagazzinando grasso nella coda,\nraddoppiando così il suo peso corporeo.\nDopo l'ibernazione,\ntorna più vispo di prima.\nPerché gli animali\nraggiungono tali estremi?\nL'ibernazione è necessaria,\nè una strategia di sopravvivenza\nper superare i duri inverni\nquando la scarsa disponibilità di cibo\ne acqua minaccia la sopravvivenza.\nPer molti anni si è creduto\nche l'ibernazione avvenisse\nsolo nelle zone artiche e temperate.\nTuttavia di recente si è scoperto\nche l'ibernazione avviene\nanche tra gli animali dei deserti\ne delle foreste tropicali.\nDurante l'ibernazione,\ni battici cardiaci degli animale\nsi riducono a 1-3% del ritmo normale,\ncome quello del chirogaleo,\nche passa da circa 180 battiti al minuto\na soltanto 4 battiti.\nAnche la respirazione\nsi riduce drasticamente\n\nIndonesian: \nmelahirkan sekaligus menyusui saat\nberhibernasi sepanjang musim dingin.\nLemur kerdil berekor gemuk bersiap\nuntuk dormansi panjangnya\ndengan banyak makan dan menyimpan\nmayoritas cadangan lemak di ekor,\nmenggandakan berat badannya.\nSetelah hibernasi, ia muncul\ndan terlihat sangat ramping.\nJadi mengapa hewan melakukan\nhal ekstrem seperti ini?\nHibernasi adalah suatu keharusan,\nsebuah taktik untuk bertahan hidup\ndan melewati kerasnya musim dingin\nketika berkurangnya makanan dan\npersediaan air mengancam nyawa.\nSelama bertahun-tahun, para ahli yakin\nbahwa hibernasi terjadi\nhanya di arktik\ndan lingkungan beriklim sedang\nTetapi baru-baru ini, mereka menemukan\nhewan berhibernasi\nbahkan di gurun pasir yang kering\ndan di hutan hujan tropis.\nSaat hibernasi dimulai,\ndetak jantung hewan biasanya melambat\njadi sekitar 1-3% dari kecepatan aslinya,\nseperti lemur kerdil itu,\nyang turun dari biasanya\nsekitar 180 kali per menit\nmenjadi hanya sekitar empat per menit.\nPernapasan juga menurun secara drastis\n\nPersian: \nدر حالی که در خواب زمستانی هستند می‌توانند\nبچه به دنیا بیاورند و به او شیر بدهند.\nلمور کوتوله دم کلفت،\nبا پرخوری کردن و ذخیره\nبیشترِ چربی غذا در دمش،\nکه وزنش را دو برابر می‌کند،\nبرای خواب درازش آماده می‌شود.\nبعد از خواب زمستانی،\nاو همان طور که همیشه بوده ظاهر می‌شود.\nپس چرا این حیوانات\nچنین افراط و تفریط می‌کنند؟\nخواب زمستانی لازم است،\nیک ترفند نجات برای دوام آوردن\nدر ماه‌های سخت زمستان\nکه کاهش منابع آب و غذا\nبقا را تهدید می‌کند.\nبرای سال‌های زیادی،\nمتخصصان گمان می‌کردند که خواب زمستانی\nتنها در مناطق قطبی و سردسیر وجود دارد.\nاما اخیراً، حیواناتی را کشف کرده‌اند\nکه حتی در بیابان‌های خشک و جنگ‌های بارانی\nگرمسیر هم به خواب زمستانی فرومی‌روند.\nوقتی خواب زمستانی شروع می‌شود،\nضربان قلب حیوانات معمولاً\nتا ۱ تا ۳٪ میزان اصلی پایین می‌آید،\nمثل لمور کوتوله،\nکه از تعداد اصلی ۱۸۰ بار در دقیقه\nبه حدود چهار می‌رسد.\nتنفس هم به شدت افت می‌کند\n\nRussian: \nделать зимой несколько дел одновременно:\nрожать медвежат и выкармливать их.\nТолстохвостый лемур \nготовится к длинной спячке,\nпоедая в больши́х количествах пищу \nи откладывая почти всё про запас в хвосте,\nотчего хвост весит \nв два раза больше туловища.\nПосле выхода из спячки\nзверёк вновь обретает нормальный вес.\nЗачем же животным \nподвергать себя таким испытаниям?\nГибернация необходима, главным образом,\nв качестве стратегии по выживанию\nв условиях суровых зимних месяцев,\nкогда скудных запасов пищи и воды\nнедостаточно для жизни.\nОчень долго считалось,\nчто в спячку впадают только животные,\nкоторые водятся в арктическом\nи умеренном климатических поясах.\nОднако недавно обнаружили,\nчто в спячку впадают\nдаже обитатели засушливых пустынь\nи тропических джунглей.\nКак только наступает гибернация,\nсердцебиение животного обычно постепенно\nзамедляется до 1–3% от нормальной частоты,\nнапример, частота сердцебиения\nкарликовых лемуров\nпадает с обычных 180 \nдо почти 4 ударов в минуту.\nТакже резко снижается частота дыхания,\n\nFrench: \nelle met bas et sécrète du lait\npendant son hibernation hivernale.\nLe chirogale moyen,\npour se préparer à sa longue dormance,\nse gave et stocke la majorité\nde ses réserves de graisse dans sa queue,\nmultipliant son poids par deux.\nAprès son hibernation, il se réveille\naussi svelte que jamais.\nPourquoi ces animaux ont-ils recours\nà des mesures aussi extrêmes ?\nL'hibernation est une nécessité,\nune stratégie pour survivre\nà la rudesse des mois hivernaux,\nquand les réserves de nourriture et d'eau\ns'amenuisent jusqu'à menacer leur survie.\nLes experts ont longtemps cru\nque l'hibernation se produisait\nuniquement en Arctique\net dans des zones tempérées.\nMais plus récemment, ils ont découvert\nque des animaux hibernaient\nmême dans des déserts arides\net des forêts tropicales.\nTandis que l'hibernation démarre,\nle rythme cardiaque de l'animal perd\n1 à 3% de sa vitesse initiale,\ncomme pour le lémur nain,\nqui passe d'environ\n180 pulsations par minute\nà seulement autour de quatre.\nLa respiration décline aussi\nde façon spectaculaire\n\nVietnamese: \nvừa sinh con và tiết sữa\ntrong khi ngủ đông.\nLoài vượn cáo lùn đuôi béo \nchuẩn bị cho kì ngủ đông\nbằng bách nhồi nhét thức ăn và dự trữ\nphần lớn mỡ vào đuôi,\ntăng gấp đôi trọng lượng cơ thể.\nSau kì ngủ đông, nó thức dậy với\nmột thân hình mảnh dẻ.\nVậy tại sao những động vật này \nlại ngủ đông?\nNgủ đông là rất cần thiết,\nđó là thủ thuật để sống sót qua\nmùa đông khắc nghiệt\nkhi sự khan hiếm thức ăn và nước\nđe dọa tới sự sinh tồn.\nTrong rất nhiều năm, các chuyên gia \ntin rằng ngủ đông xảy ra\nchỉ trong môi trường hàn và ôn đới.\nGần đây, họ đã khám phá ra\nnhững loài động vật ngủ đông\nngay cả ở hoang mạc khô cằn\nvà rừng nhiệt đới.\nNgay khi ngủ đông bắt đầu xảy ra,\nnhịp tim của các loài động vật giảm \nkhoảng 1 đến 3% so với thông thường,\nnhư là loài vượn cáo lùn,\ngiảm nhịp tim thông thường của nó\ntừ xấp xỉ 180 nhịp / phút\nxuống còn khoảng 4 nhịp/ phút.\nNhịp thở cũng giảm đột ngột\n\nLatvian: \nziemas guļas laikā tā spēj dzemdēt\nun dot pienu mazulim.\nVidējais pundurlemurs\ngarajai atpūtai gatavojas,\nuzbarojoties un lielāko daļu tauku\nrezervju noglabājot savā astē,\nDzīvnieka svars šajā laikā dubultojas,\nbet pēc hibernācijas tas parādās\ntikpat slaids kā agrāk.\nKādēļ dzīvniekiem vajag šādas galējības?\nHibernācija ir nepieciešamība,\ntā ir izdzīvošanas taktika\nskarbajos ziemas mēnešos,\nkad dzīvību apdraud pārtikas\nun ūdens daudzuma samazināšanās.\nIlgus gadus eksperti uzskatīja, \nka hibernācija notiek\ntikai vietās ar arktisku\nvai mērenu temperatūru,\ntaču vēlāk hibernējoši\ndzīvnieki tika atklāti\npat sausos tuksnešos un tropu lietusmežos.\nSākoties hibernācijas procesam,\ndzīvnieku sirdsdarbība palēninās\nlīdz aptuveni 1–3% no sākotnējā ātruma.\nPiemēram, pundurlemura pulss\nnokrītas no ierastajiem\nap 180 sitieniem minūtē\nlīdz aptuveni četriem.\nStrauji palēninās arī elpošana –\n\niw: \nלרק אחת כל 10 עד 21 דקות במקרה של הלמור.\nודובים שחורים, כמו רוב החיות בתרדמת,\nלא משתינים או משחררים צואה\nכל תקופת התרדמת.\nנראה שחיות בתרדמת נשארות בחיים\nבכך שיש להם מספיק דם וחמצן\nזורמים בגוף שלהם.\nוסריקות של חיות בתרדמת\nמראות שהפעילות המוחית שלהן\nכמעט יורדת למצב של מוות.\nאבל תרדמת היא לא שנת חורף ארוכה.\nעד כמה שחוקרים יודעים,\nבלמורים וסנאי אדמה לפחות,\nהחיות אפילו לא ישנות רוב הזמן.\nתרדמת היא למעשה הפחתה במרווחים\nשל הקצב המטבולי\nוטמפרטורת גוף שידועה כטורפור.\nחיות יכולות להיות בטורפור\nלכמה ימים עד חמישה שבועות,\nשלאחר מכן הן חוזרות\nלקצב מטבולי וחום גוף נורמלייים\nלבערך 24 שעות,\nלפני שהם חוזרים שוב לטורפור.\nהתופעה ידועה כעוררות ביניים,\nומדוע היא מתרחשת זה עדיין מסתורין.\n\nSpanish: \ncon espacios de entre 10 y 21 minutos, \ncomo en el caso de los lémures.\nY los osos negros,\ncomo muchos hibernantes,\nno orinan ni defecan durante\ntoda la temporada de hibernación.\nLos animales hibernantes permanecen vivos\ncon solo tener suficiente flujo\nde sangre y oxígeno en el cuerpo.\nY estudios realizados \nen animales hibernantes\nrevelan que su actividad\ncerebral es casi nula.\nPero la hibernación no es\nuna larga siesta invernal.\nHasta donde saben los investigadores,\nni los lémures ni las marmotas\nse la pasan durmiendo en este proceso.\nEn realidad, la hibernación se compone\nde episodios regulares\nde reducción en el metabolismo\ny en la temperatura corporal,\nconocidos como \"letargo\".\nLos animales pueden permanecer en letargo\npor pocos días o hasta cinco semanas,\ndespués de lo cual reanudan\nsu ritmo metabólico y temperatura corporal\npor unas 24 horas,\nantes de sumirse nuevamente en el letargo.\nEste fenómeno es una fase\nintermedia de actividad,\ny por qué ocurre\nsigue siendo un misterio.\n\nKorean: \n10분에서 21분마다 \n1번으로 급락하게 되죠.\n그리고 흑곰은 대부분의 동면동물처럼\n동면기간에는 소변이나 \n대변을 보지 않습니다.\n동면동물들은 그들의 몸에서 순환할 때\n필요한 만큼만의 피와 \n산소를 갖고 생존합니다.\n또한 동면동물들에 대한 연구는\n그들의 뇌파가\n평평한 직선이 됨을 밝혀냈습니다.\n그러나 동면은 긴 겨울잠이 아닙니다.\n연구자들이 아는 한도에서,\n여우원숭이와 얼룩다람쥐의 경우,\n그들은 심지어 동면 중에 \n잠을 거의 자지 않습니다.\n동면은 실제로 기면상태인\n정기적인 감소된 대사율과\n체온으로 이루어져있죠.\n동물들은 고작 며칠에서 5주까지 \n기면상태에 빠져있을 수 있습니다.\n그리고 그 후에는 다시 정상적인\n대사율과 체온으로\n24시간동안 유지한 후\n다시 기면상태로 빠져들어갑니다.\n이 현상은 \"interbout arousal \"로 \n알려져 있는데,\n이 현상이 일어나는 이유는 \n아직 수수께끼입니다.\n\nFrench: \njusqu'à seulement une respiration\ntoutes les 10 à 20 minutes, pour le lémur.\nLes ours noirs,\ncomme la plupart des hibernants,\nn'urinent et ne défèquent pas\nde toute la saison d'hibernation.\nIl semblerait que les animaux hibernants\nse maintiennent en vie\nen ayant juste assez de sang et d'oxygène\nen circulation dans le corps.\nDes scanners d'animaux en hibernation\nont révélé que leur activité cérébrale\nest tout bonnement interrompue.\nMais l'hibernation n'est pas\nune longue sieste hivernale.\nÀ la connaissance des chercheurs,\nchez les lémuriens\net les spermophiles du moins,\nla plupart du temps,\nles animaux ne dorment pas.\nElle se compose de phases régulières\nde réduction du rythme métabolique\net de la température,\nconnues sous le nom de torpeur.\nLes épisodes de torpeur peuvent durer\nde quelques jours à cinq semaines,\naprès quoi l'animal retrouve\nune température corporelle\net un rythme métabolique normaux,\npendant près de 24 heures,\navant de replonger\ndans un épisode de torpeur.\nCe phénomène est connu sous le nom\nd'éveil intercyclique,\nla raison pour laquelle il se produit\nreste un mystère.\n\nVietnamese: \nxuống còn một nhịp mỗi 10 đến 21 phút\ntrong trường hợp của vượn cáo.\nVà gấu đen, như hầu hết những \nđộng vật ngủ đông,\nkhông đi tiểu hay thải chất thải \ntrong suốt quá trình ngủ.\nNhững động vật ngủ đông sống sót\nchỉ bằng việc duy trì đủ máu và oxi\nđể nuôi cơ thể.\nNghiên cứu động vật ngủ đông \ncho thấy hoạt động não bộ\ngần như ở trạng thái không hoạt động.\nNhưng ngủ đông không phải là một\ngiấc ngủ suốt mùa đông dài.\nTheo tìm hiểu của các nhà nghiên cứu,\nloài vượn cáo và Sóc đất Bắc cực,\nthậm chí còn không ngủ\ntrong suốt khoảng thời gian ấy.\nNgủ đông thực ra là sự vật lộn \nđể giảm tỷ lệ trao đổi chất\nvà nhiệt độ cơ thể,\nđược hiểu là trạng thái lờ đờ.\nCác loài động vật có thể ở trong \ntrạng thái lờ đờ từ vài ngày đến 5 tuần.\nsau đó, chúng hồi phục tỉ lệ trao đổi\nchất và nhiệt độ cơ thể bình thường\ntrong khoảng 24 giờ,\ntrước khi rơi lại vào trạng thái lờ đờ.\nHiện tượng này là\nsự thức dậy giữa quãng,\nlí do tại sao nó xảy ra\nvẫn còn là một bí ẩn.\n\nChinese: \n对狐鼠来说甚至每 10-21 分钟\n只需要呼吸一次。\n而黑熊,还有大多数休眠动物,\n整个休眠期都不需要排尿和排便。\n当有足够的血和氧在身体内循环时,\n休眠的动物会重新苏醒过来。\n通过对休眠动物进行扫描显示,\n它们的大脑活动比较平缓。\n但是休眠并不像冬眠那样,\n就研究者所知,\n至少对狐鼠和地松鼠来说是这样的。\n对大多数动物来说甚至并没有睡着,\n休眠实际上是为了补偿\n经常性出现的新陈代谢率降低,\n和体温降低引起的倦怠感。\n动物们这种非活跃状态\n甚至可能经历数天到五周。\n在这之后,它们又会恢复到\n正常的新陈代谢率和体温,\n直到下一次倦怠期来袭,\n中间大约间隔 24 小时。\n这种现象被称为阵间觉醒。\n至于为什么会出现这种现象,\n目前仍然是个谜。\n\nPolish: \ndo jednego wdechu na każde\n10 do 20 minut w przypadku lemura.\nNiedźwiedzie czarne,\njak większość hibernujących zwierząt,\nnie oddają moczu ani nie wypróżniają się\nprzez cały czas trwania hibernacji.\nHibernujące zwierzęta pozostają przy życiu\ndzięki wystarczającej ilości krwi\ni tlenu krążących w ich ciałach.\nSkany ich mózgów pokazują aktywność\nna stałym, bardzo niskim poziomie.\nJednak hibernacja to nie tylko\ndługa zimowa drzemka.\nZgodnie z wiedzą naukową,\nprzynajmniej w przypadku lemurów i susłów,\nzwierzęta większość czasu wcale nie śpią.\nHibernacja to w rzeczywistości regularne\nrzuty zmniejszonego tempa metabolizmu\ni temperatury ciała zwane torporem.\nZwierzęta mogą trwać w torporze\nod kilku dni do pięciu tygodni,\npo których na 24 godziny odzyskują\nnormalne tempo metabolizmu\ni temperaturę ciała\nprzed ponownym przejściem w torpor.\nTen fenomen znany\njako przejściowe pobudzenie\npozostaje zagadką.\n\nPersian: \nو در لمور به تنها یک بار تنفس\nدر هر ۱۰ تا ۲۱ دقیقه می‌رسد.\nو خرس‌های سیاه، مثل بیشتر حیواناتی\nکه زمستان به خواب می‌روند،\nدر تمام فصل خواب زمستانی\nادرار یا مدفوع نمی‌کنند.\nپستاندارانی که به خواب زمستانی می‌روند\nبا جریان خون و اکسیژن درست \nبه میزان کافی در بدن‌شان، زنده می‌مانند.\nو اسکن حیوانات در خواب زمستانی نشان می‌دهد\nکه فعالیت مغزی آنها\nتنها کمی با خط صاف فاصله دارد.\nاما خواب زمستانی\nیک خواب طولانی در زمستان نیست.\nتا جایی که دانشمندان می‌دانند،\nبه هر حال در لمور و سنجاب زمینی،\nحیوان حتی در بیشتر این مدت\nحتی خواب هم نیست.\nخواب زمستانی در واقع\nحاصل دوره‌های معمول کاهش متابولیسم\nو دمای بدن است که مرگ کاذب نامیده می‌شود.\nحیوانات می‌توانند برای چند روز\nیا چند هفته دچار مرگ کاذب شوند،\nو بعد از آن پیش از آنکه\nدوباره وارد مرگ کاذب شوند\nنرخ سوخت و ساز و دمای بدن را،\nبرای ۲۴ به حالت طبیعی برمی‌گردانند.\nاین پدیده انگیختگی میان‌دوره نام دارد،\nو علت وقوع آن هنوز یک راز است.\n\nTurkish: \nlemurun durumunda, her 10 ila 21\ndakikada yalnızca bir nefes gibi.\nSiyah ayılar da,\ntıpkı çoğu kış uykucusu gibi,\nkış uykusu dönemi boyunca\nküçük veya büyük tuvaletini yapmaz.\nKış uykusuna yatan hayvanlar, \nvücutlarında\nyeterli miktarda kan ve oksijen\nbulundurarak canlı kalırlar.\nKış uykusuna yatan hayvanların\ntaramaları, beyin eylemlerinin\nneredeyse ölü olduğunu göstermektedir.\nAncak kış uykusu,\nuzun bir kış uykusu değildir.\nAraştırmacıların bildiği kadarıyla,\nlemurlarda ve tarla sincaplarında,\nhayvanlar kışın çoğunu\nuyuyarak geçirmezler.\nKış uykusu aslında azaltılmış metabolizma\nhızının düzenli nöbetleri ve hissizlik\nolarak bilinen vücut ısısından ibarettir.\nHayvanlar birkaç günden beş haftaya\nkadar hissizlik durumunda kalabilir,\nsonrasında da, tekrar hissizliğe\ngeçmeden önce, yaklaşık 24 saat\nnormal metabolizma hızı\nve vücut ısısına devam ederler.\nBu olgu, nöbetler arası canlanma\nolarak bilinmektedir\nve neden gerçekleştiği de hâlâ bir sırdır.\n\nEnglish: \nto just one breath every 10 to 21 minutes \nin the lemur’s case.\nAnd black bears, like most hibernators,\ndon’t urinate \nor defecate the entire hibernation season.\nHibernating animals appear to stay alive\nby having just enough blood\nand oxygen moving around their bodies.\nAnd scans of hibernating animals \nreveal that their brain activity\nhas just about flat-lined.\nBut hibernation isn’t a long winter’s nap.\nAs far as researchers know,\nin lemurs and\nground squirrels anyway,\nthe animals aren’t even \nsleeping for most of it.\nHibernation is actually made up of regular\nbouts of reduced metabolic rate\nand body temperature known as torpor.\nAnimals can be in torpor \nfor a few days to five weeks,\nafter which they resume normal \nmetabolic rate and body temperature\nfor about 24 hours,\nbefore going back into torpor again.\nThe phenomenon is known \nas an interbout arousal,\nand why it occurs is still a mystery.\n\nArabic: \nإلى نفس واحد فقط كل 10 إلى 21 دقيقة\nفي حالة الليمور\nوالدببة السوداء كأغلب الحيوانات،\nالتي تدخل في السبات\nلا تتبول أو تتغوط طوال موسم السبات\nهذه الحيوانات تبقى على قيد الحياة\nعن طريق الحصول على دم وأكسجين\nكافي يتحرك في أجسامها\nوفحوصات للحيوانات الداخلة في سبات \nتظهر أن نشاط أدمغتهم\nخط مستقيم فقط.\nلكن السبات ليس قيلولة شتاء طويلة\nبقدر ما يعرف الباحثون\nفي الليمور وسناجب الأرض على أي حال،\nهذه الحيوانات لا تكون حتى نائمة في أغلبه\nالسبات عبارة عن نوبات منتظمة\nمن انخفاض معدل الأيض ودرجة حرارة الجسم\nالمعروفة بالسبات\nيمكن للحيوانات أن تكون في سبات\nللقليل من الأيام إلى 5 أسابيع\nالتي من بعدها يعودون\nلمعدل أيض ودرجة حرارة جسم طبيعيين\nلمدة حوالى 24 ساعة\nومن ثم يدخلون في السبات مجددا\nهذه الظاهرة تعرف بإثارة ما بين النوبات\nوسبب حدوثها لا يزال غامضا\n\nDutch: \nnaar slechts een ademhaling elke tien \ntot 21 minuten in geval van de maki's.\nZwarte beren, zoals \nde meeste winterslapers,\nplassen en poepen niet \ntijdens de winterrustperiode.\nWinterslapende dieren \nlijken in leven te blijven\ndoor net genoeg bloed- en\nzuurstofcirculatie in hun lichaam.\nEn scans van winterslapende dieren \nonthullen dat hun hersenactiviteit\nvrij constant blijft.\nMaar winterslaap is \ngeen langdurig winterdutje.\nVoor zover onderzoekers weten,\nin geval van maki’s en grondeekhoorns,\nslapen de dieren vaak niet eens.\nWinterslaap is een staat van regelmatige \nperiodes van tragere stofwisseling\nen lichaamstemperatuur \nbeter bekend als torpor.\nDieren kunnen een paar dagen \ntot wel vijf weken in torpor zijn\nen hervatten hun stofwisselingssnelheid \nen lichaamstemperatuur\nvoor zo'n 24 uur,\nvoordat ze terug in torpor gaan.\nDit verschijnsel staat bekend \nals tussentijds ontwaken\nen waarom dit plaatsvindt \nblijft een mysterie.\n\nGerman: \nAuch seine Atemzüge nehmen stark ab --\nauf nur einen alle 10 bis 21 Minuten.\nWie die meisten Winterschläfer\nscheiden Schwarzbären in Winterruhe\nweder Urin noch Kot aus.\nWinterschläfer überleben offenbar mit\nminimaler Blut- und Sauerstoffzirkulation.\nCT-Aufnahmen von ihnen\nzeigen so gut wie keine Gehirnaktivität.\nDoch Winterschlaf\nist kein langes Nickerchen.\nDemzufolge, was Forscher zumindest\nüber Lemuren und Erdhörnchen wissen,\nschlafen die Tiere\ndie meiste Zeit nicht einmal.\nWinterruhe bedeutet Phasen der Reduktion\nvon Stoffwechsel und Körpertemperatur,\n\"Torpor\" genannt.\nTiere können bis zu fünf Wochen\nin dieser Starre bleiben.\nDarauf folgen 24 Stunden Normalität\nvon Stoffwechsel und Körpertemperatur,\nbevor die Starre wieder einsetzt.\nMan kennt das Phänomen\nals \"kurzzeitige Wachphasen\",\ndoch sein Auftreten ist noch ungeklärt.\n\nPortuguese: \npara até uma respiração a cada 10\nou 21 minutos, no caso do lêmure.\nE os ursos-negros,\ncomo a maioria dos hibernadores,\nnão urinam ou defecam\ndurante todo o período de hibernação.\nAnimais que hibernam\ndemonstram estar vivos\npor terem sangue e oxigênio suficientes\ncirculando no corpo.\nExames nesses animais revelam\nque a atividade cerebral deles\nfica estabilizada.\nMas a hibernação não é\numa longa soneca de inverno.\nAté onde pesquisadores sabem,\nsobre os lêmures\ne os esquilos, pelo menos,\nos animais nem estão dormindo\ndurante a maior parte do tempo.\nA hibernação constitui-se de intervalos\nregulares de redução nas taxas metabólicas\ne na temperatura corporal\nconhecidos como torpor.\nOs animais podem ficar em torpor\nde alguns dias até cinco semanas,\ne, em seguida, eles retomam\nsua taxa metabólica e temperatura normais\npor cerca de 24 horas,\nantes de voltarem ao torpor.\nO fenômeno é conhecido\ncomo despertar intermediário\ne ainda não se sabe por que ele ocorre.\n\nUkrainian: \nдо одного подиху кожні 10-21 хвилин\nу випадку лемура.\nІ чорним ведмедям, як більшості \nзимосплячих тварин,\nне властиве сечовипускання та випорожнення\nвпродовж всього сплячого сезону.\nСплячі тварини залишаються живими,\nмаючи достатньо крові\nі кисню, що рухається по їх тілу.\nІ сканування зимуючих тварин\nвиявляє, що їх мозкова активність\nє приблизно рівномірною.\nАле сплячка - це не довге дрімання взимку.\nНаскільки відомо дослідникам,\nвсе ж таки лемури\nі земляні білки\nнавіть не сплять\nбільшість часу.\nСплячка, насправді, складається з регулярних\nперіодів зниженого обміну речовин\nі температури тіла, відомих як \"торпор\".\nТварини можуть бути в торпорі\nвід кількох днів до п'яти тижнів,\nпісля чого вони відновлюють нормальний\nрівень метаболізму і температуру тіла\nприблизно на 24 години\nперед тим, як знову ввійти в торпор.\nЦе явище відоме\nяк пробудження\nі причина його \nзалишається таємницею.\n\nLatvian: \nhibernējies lemurs ievelk elpu\ntikai reizi 10 līdz 21 minūtē.\nMelnie lāči, gluži kā\nlielākā daļa pārziemotāju,\nneurinē un neizkārnās\nvisu hibernācijas periodu.\nPārziemojošie dzīvnieki izdzīvo,\njo to ķermenī joprojām cirkulē\npietiekami daudz asiņu un skābekļa.\nHibernējošo dzīvnieku skenējumi parāda,\nka to smadzenēs tikpat kā nav aktivitātes.\nBet hibernācija nav\ntikai ilga ziemas snauda.\nCiktāl pētniekiem zināms,\nvismaz lemura un suslika gadījumā,\ndzīvnieki lielāko daļu\nhibernācijas nemaz neguļ.\nTā patiesībā sastāv\nno regulāriem torpora periodiem,\nkad palēninās vielmaiņa\nun pazeminās ķermeņa temperatūra.\nTorpora stāvoklī dzīvnieki var pavadīt\nno dažām dienām līdz pat piecām nedēļām,\ntad uz aptuveni 24 stundām atjaunojas\nnormāla vielmaiņa un ķermeņa temperatūra\nbet pēc tam dzīvnieks\natkal ieslīgst torporā.\nŠo fenomenu dēvē\npar starpciklisku uzbudinājumu,\nun joprojām nav zināms, kādēļ tas notiek.\n\nPortuguese: \npara uma inspiração cada 10 ou 21 minutos,\nno caso dos lémures.\nOs ursos-negros, tal como\nmuitos dos animais que hibernam,\nnão urinam nem defecam\ndurante toda a estação de hibernação.\nOs animais que hibernam\nmantêm-se vivos\ncom o sangue e o oxigénio suficiente\na circular pelo corpo.\nAs observações a animais a hibernar\nrevelam que a atividade cerebral\nmantém-se numa linha plana.\nMas a hibernação não é\numa longa sesta de inverno.\nTanto quanto os investigadores sabem,\npelo menos nos lémures\ne nos esquilos-do-Ártico,\nos animais nem sequer \ndormem durante a maior parte do tempo.\nA hibernação é composta por períodos\nregulares de ritmo metabólico reduzido\ne de temperatura corporal reduzida,\nconhecidos por letargo.\nOs animais podem estar em letargo\ndurante uns dias a cinco semanas,\napós o que retomam o ritmo\nmetabólico e a temperatura normais\ndurante cerca de 24 horas,\nantes de mergulharem em torpor outra vez.\nO fenómeno é conhecido\npor vigília entre períodos\ne a razão por que ocorre\né um mistério.\n\nJapanese: \nキツネザルの場合 10~21分に\nたった1回しか呼吸しません\nクロクマは 冬眠する大半の動物と同様\n冬眠期間中ずっと 排尿や排便をしません\n冬眠中の動物は 体を動かせるだけの\n血液と酸素で命を繋いでいるようにみえます\nそして冬眠中の動物を監視して\n明らかになったのは\n彼らの脳活動が\nほぼ停止しているということです\nですが冬眠は長い昼寝ではありません\n研究者達が知る限り\nキツネザルやジリスの場合にしても\n動物はほとんど眠ってすらいません\n実は冬眠は 代謝率と体温を下げる\n規則的な「休眠」期間で\n構成されています\n動物は数日から5週間\n休眠状態になることが出来ます\nその後 約24時間\n平常時の代謝率と体温に戻り\n再び休眠状態に戻ります\nこの現象は中途覚醒として知られていますが\n起きる理由は未だに謎です\n\nRomanian: \nla un singur suflu\nla fiecare 10-21 de minute, pentru lemur.\nTotodată, baribalii,\nasemenea majorităţii hibernantelor,\nnu urinează şi nu elimină materie fecală\nîn timpul întregii hibernări.\nAnimalele care hibernează\npar să fie în viaţă,\navând abia suficient sânge şi oxigen\ncare să le străbată corpurile.\nScanări ale hibernării animalelor arată\ncă activitatea cerebrală\neste aproape inexistentă.\nTotuşi, hibernarea nu este\nun pui de somn lung cât iarna.\nDin câte ştiu cercetătorii,\ncel puțin în cazul lemurilor\nşi al popândăilor,\nanimalele nici măcar nu dorm\nîn timpul majorității procesului.\nHibernarea este de fapt alcătuită\ndin runde de reducere a metabolismului\nşi a temperaturii corpului,\ncunoscute drept letargie.\nAnimalele se pot afla în această stare\nde la câteva zile până la cinci săptămâni,\ndupă care revin la ritmul metabolic\nși temperatura corpului normale\npentru aproximativ 24 de ore,\nînainte de a recădea în letargie.\nFenomenul este cunoscut\ndrept „trezire spontană”,\niar motivul pentru care se întâmplă\neste încă un mister.\n\nRussian: \nв нашем примере с лемурами она составляет\n1 вдох на каждые 10–20 минут.\nБарибалы, как и почти все животные,\nвпадающие в спячку,\nв период гибернации\nне мочатся и не опорожняют кишечник.\nВпавшие в спячку животные\nсохраняют такие признаки жизни,\nкак кровообращение \nи циркуляцию кислорода в организме.\nПри этом томографические исследования\nвпавших в спячку животных\nфиксируют полное \nотсутствие активности мозга.\nОднако гибернация — \nэто не просто долгий сон зимой.\nНасколько известно учёным,\nпо крайней мере у лемуров и сусликов,\nбо́льшую часть времени\nвообще не наблюдается сна.\nСпячка представляет собой регулярно\nчередующиеся периоды снижения\nобмена веществ и температуры тела,\nполучившие название «анабиоз».\nЖивотные впадают в анабиоз на срок\nот нескольких дней и до пяти недель,\nпосле чего примерно на сутки \nих организм возвращается\nк нормальному обмену веществ\nи восстанавливается нормальная\nтемпература тела,\nа затем вновь наступает оцепенение.\nДанное явление получило название\nпериода пробуждения,\nа причины его появления \nдо сих пор остаются загадкой.\n\nItalian: \na un respiro ogni 10 o 21 minuti\nnel caso del chirogaleo.\nE gli orsi neri, come\nmolti animali in letargo,\nnon urinano e defecano\ndurante tutto il periodo di ibernazione.\nSembra che questi animali restino in vita\ngrazie al poco ossigeno e sangue\ncircolanti nei loro corpi.\nE alcune analisi sugli animali in letargo\nrivelano che la loro attività cerebrale\nè praticamente piatta.\nMa il letargo non è \nun lungo pisolino invernale.\nCome i ricercatori hanno scoperto,\nalmeno nel caso\ndei chirogalei e degli scoiattoli,\ngli animali non dormono quasi per niente.\nIl letargo consiste in intervalli regolari\ndi attività metabolica ridotta\ne bassa temperatura corporea,\nil cosiddetto torpore.\nGli animali possono restare in torpore\nper alcuni giorni fino a cinque settimane,\ndopodiché tornano al loro stato normale\nper circa 24 ore,\nprima di ricadere nello stato di torpore.\nIl fenomeno è noto \ncome risveglio intermedio\ne perché accada è ancora un mistero.\n\nChinese: \n到每 10 到 21 分鐘呼吸一次\n黑熊跟大部分的冬眠動物一樣\n整個冬眠期都不泌尿或排泄\n冬眠動物維持生命\n只仰賴足夠的血液和氧氣\n在身體裡流動\n透過掃描冬眠動物發現\n牠們的腦部活動\n幾乎是靜止不動\n但冬眠並非漫長的冬日午覺\n就研究人員所知\n狐猴和地松鼠\n幾乎大部分的時間都沒睡\n冬眠其實是由間歇性的\n降低代謝率和體溫組成\n此現象稱為蟄伏\n動物蟄伏可長達五天到五個星期之久\n之後牠們恢復正常的代謝率和體溫\n大約 24 小時\n然後再次進入蟄伏\n這種現象稱為短暫覺醒期\n成因仍是個謎\n\nIndonesian: \nmenjadi hanya satu napas\nsetiap 10-21 menit pada lemur.\nDan beruang hitam, seperti \nkebanyakan hibernator,\ntidak buang air kecil ataupun\nbuang air besar selama musim hibernasi.\nHewan yang sedang hibernasi\ntampaknya tetap hidup\nhanya dengan memiliki cukup darah dan\noksigen yang beredar di tubuh mereka.\nPemindaian pada hewan yang berhibernasi\nmengungkapkan bahwa\naktivitas otak mereka hampir tidak ada.\nTetapi hibernasi bukanlah\ntidur siang panjang di musim dingin.\nSejauh yang diketahui para peneliti,\npada lemur dan tupai tanah,\nmereka bahkan tidak tidur\ndi sebagian besar waktu hibernasinya.\nHibernasi tersusun atas serangkaian\nperiode pendek penurunan laju metabolisme\ndan suhu tubuh yang dikenal \nsebagai mati suri.\nHewan mengalami mati suri selama\nbeberapa hari hingga 5 minggu,\nsetelah itu tingkat metabolisme dan\nsuhu tubuh mereka kembali normal\nselama sekitar 24 jam,\nsebelum mati suri lagi.\nFenomena itu diketahui sebagai\ninterbout arousal,\ndan penyebabnya masih menjadi\nsebuah misteri.\n\nItalian: \nI comportamenti tipici dell'ibernazione,\ncome non dormire per cinque settimane,\no il vertiginoso calo \ndella temperatura corporea\npotrebbero essere fatali per\nspecie non ibernanti, come la nostra.\nPer capire come alcuni animali\nriescano a ibernarsi,\ni ricercatori hanno rivolto\nl'attenzione ai loro genomi.\nFinora si è scoperto che\nl'ibernazione è controllata dai geni\nche attivano e disattivano\ndeterminati pattern durante l'anno,\ndeterminando così il comportamento\ne la fisiologia dell'animale.\nStudi sullo scoiattolo artico, \nl'orso e il chirogaleo\nhanno dimostrato che questi animali\nsono in grado di attivare i geni\nresponsabili del metabolismo dei grassi\nproprio quando devono\nusare le loro riserve di grasso\ncome carburante per sopravvivere\na lunghi periodi di digiuno.\nI geni in questione\nsono presenti in tutti i mammiferi,\nil che significa che si potrebbero\nstudiare i mammiferi ibernanti\nper vedere come il loro controllo\nfisiologico possa aiutare l'uomo.\nComprendere come questi animali\nriescano a ridurre il flusso sanguigno\npotrebbe fornire cure migliori\nper il cervello colpito da un ictus.\n\nArabic: \nالسلوكيات الطبيعية في السبات\nكقضاء خمسة أسابيع بدون نوم،\nأو هبوط درجة حرارة الجسم لدرجات قرب التجمد\nمن المحتمل أن تكون قاتلة \nلأنواع لا تدخل في السبات مثلنا\nلنعرف كيف تستطيع،\nالحيوانات الداخلة في سبات القيام بذلك\nحوَل الباحثون انتباههم \nإلى جينوم هذه الحيوانات\nحتى الآن، اكتشفوا أن السبات\nمتحكم به من قبل الجينات\nالتي تعمل وتتوقف في أنماط فريدة \nخلال السنة\nفتضبط فسيولوجية وسلوكيات\nالحيوان الداخل في السبات\nمثلا دراسات سنجاب الارض، الدب\nوالليمور القزم\nقد أظهرت أن هذه الحيوانات\nقادرة على تفعيل الجينات\nالتي تتحكم بالتمثيل الغذائي للدهون\nتحديدا عندما يحتاجون\nلاستخدام الدهون المخزنة\nكوقود للبقاء فترات طويلة من الصيام\nوالجينات المتكلم عنها موجودة\nفي جميع الثدييات\nمما يعني أن الباحثون يمكنهم \nدراسة الثدييات الداخلة في السبات\nليروا كيف يمكن لتحكمهم الفريد \nفي الفسيولوجية مساعدة الانسان.\nفهم كيف تتعامل الحيونات الداخلة في السبات\nمع انخفاض تدفق الدم\nقد يؤدي لعلاج أفضل لحماية الدماغ \nخلال سكتة.\n\niw: \nההתנהגויות המיוחסות לתרדמת,\nכמו לעבור חמישה שבועות בלי שינה,\nאו לרדת לטמפרטורות גוף על סף קיפאון\nיהיו קטלניות פוטנציאלית\nלמינים שלא נכנסים לתרדמת כמונו.\nכדי לגלות יותר איך חיות בתרדמת\nמסוגלות לעשות זאת,\nחוקרים הפנו את תשומת הלב שלהם\nלגנום של החיות האלו.\nעד כה, הם גילו שתרדמת נשלטת על ידי גנים\nשנכבים ונדלקים בתבניות יחודיות במהלך השנה,\nמכווננים את הפיזיולוגיה וההתנהגות של החיה.\nלדוגמה, מחקרים של סנאי הקרקע,\nהדוב והלמור הננסי\nגילו שהחיות הללו מסוגלות להדליק גנים\nששולטים במטבוליזם של שומנים\nבדיוק כשנדרש שימוש במאגרי השומן\nכדלק להשרדות בתקופות ארוכות של צום.\nוהגנים המדוברים נוכחים בכל היונקים,\nמה שאומר שחוקרים יוכלו לחקור יונקים בתרדמת\nכדי לגלות איך השליטה היחודית שלהם\nבפיזיולוגיה אולי תעזור לאנשים.\nהבנה איך חיות בתרדמת\nמתמודדות עם זרימת דם מופחתת\n\nFrench: \nLes phénomènes inhérents à l'hibernation,\ncomme être privé de sommeil\ndurant cinq semaines\nou subir une chute de température\nproche du gel\nseraient potentiellement fatals\nà des espèces non-hibernantes comme nous.\nPour découvrir ce qui permet\naux hibernants d'y survivre,\nles chercheurs ont prêté attention\naux génomes de ces animaux.\nÀ ce jour, ils ont découvert que\nl'hibernation est contrôlée par des gènes\nqui s'activent et se désactivent selon\nun rythme unique tout au long de l'année,\nen réglant avec précision la physiologie\net les comportements de l'hibernant.\nLes études menées sur les spermophiles,\nles ours et les lémurs nains\nont démontré que ces animaux\nsont capables d'activer les gènes\ncontrôlant le métabolisme des graisses\nlorsqu'ils doivent utiliser\nleurs réserves de graisse\ncomme carburant, pour survivre\nà de longues périodes de jeûne.\nLes gènes en question\nse trouvant chez tous les mammifères,\nles chercheurs pourraient\nétudier les mammifères hibernants,\net déterminer comment leur contrôle unique\nde la physiologie pourrait aider l'Homme.\nSavoir comment ils inhibent les effets\nd'une circulation sanguine réduite\n\nChinese: \n冬眠時的行為\n像是五週不睡覺\n或體溫降至冰點\n對我們這種不冬眠的物種來說\n可能會致命\n研究員為了找出動物為何能冬眠\n將焦點轉向動物的基因組\n到目前為止,他們發現\n冬眠是受基因控制\n該基因整年會用\n特殊形式來關閉和開啟\n微調冬眠動物的生理機能和行為\n例如地松鼠、熊和侏儒狐猴的研究\n顯示這些動物能夠開啟基因\n控制脂肪代謝\n精準地在牠們需要運用儲存的脂肪\n做為燃料時,讓牠們度過漫長的禁食期\n這個基因存在所有哺乳動物中\n意味著研究員可以\n調查冬眠的哺乳動物\n看牠們獨特的生理機能控制\n是否能幫助人類\n了解冬眠動物如何應付減緩的血流\n\nRomanian: \nComportamentele inerente\ndin timpul hibernării,\nprecum trecerea a cinci săptămâni\nfără somn\nsau scăderea temperaturii corpului\naproape de îngheț\nar putea fi fatale unei specii,\ncare nu hibernează, precum noi.\nPentru a afla\ncum pot hiberna animalele,\ncercetătorii și-au îndreptat atenția\ncătre genomul acestora.\nPână acum, au descoperit că hibernarea\neste controlată de gene\ncare generează sau nu tipare unice\npe parcursul anului,\najustând fiziologia și comportamentele\nanimalului care hibernează.\nDe exemplu, studii despre popândău,\nurs și maki cu coada groasă\nau dezvăluit că aceste animale\npot activa gene\ncare controlează metabolismul\natunci când folosesc grăsimea „depozitată”\ndrept combustibil pentru a supraviețui\nperioade lungi de post.\nAceste gene sunt prezente\nla toate mamiferele,\nceea ce înseamnă că cercetătorii\nar putea studia hibernarea mamiferelor\npentru a vedea cum controlul lor\nfiziologic ar putea ajuta oamenii.\nÎnțelegerea modului în care hibernantele\nfac față fluxului sanguin scăzut\n\nLatvian: \nHibernācijai raksturīgā uzvedība,\npiemēram, piecas nedēļas bez miega\nvai gandrīz pilnīga ķermeņa atdzišana,\ntādām nehibernējošām sugām kā cilvēkiem\nvisticamāk būtu letāla.\nLai atklātu, kā ar to tiek galā\nhibernējošie dzīvnieki,\npētnieki pievērsās šo dzīvnieku genomiem.\nLīdz šim izpētīts,\nka hibernāciju kontrolē gēni,\nkas izslēdzas un ieslēdzas\nnoteiktos gada laikos,\npieregulējot arī dzīvnieka\nfizioloģiju un uzvedību.\nPiemēram, susliku, lāču\nun pundurlemuru pētījumi atklāj,\nka šie dzīvnieki spēj ieslēgt\ntauku vielmaiņu kontrolējošos gēnus\ntieši tad, kad tauku rezerves\njāizmanto kā degviela,\nlai izdzīvotu garajos badošanās periodos.\nŠādi gēni ir visiem zīdītājiem,\ntas nozīmē, ka zinātnieki varētu\npētīt hibernējošos dzīvniekus,\nlai noskaidrotu, kā to unikālā spēja \nkontrolēt savu fizioloģiju\nvarētu palīdzēt cilvēkiem.\nIzpratne par to, kā hibernējošie dzīvnieki\ntiek galā ar pavājinātu asinsriti,\n\nUkrainian: \nПоведінка, властива в зимовій сплячці,\nсхожа до поведінки після\nп'яти тижнів без сну,\nабо зниження температури тіла\nмайже до замерзання\nбуде потенційно смертельною\nдля несплячих видів, як ми.\nЩоб з'ясувати, як зимосплячі тварини\nздатні це робити,\nдослідники звернули свою увагу\nна геноми цих тварин.\nПоки що вони виявили, що\nсплячка контролюється генами,\nякі вимикають і вмикають\nунікальні схеми протягом усього року,\nточну настройку фізіології зимосплячої\nтварини та поведінку.\nНаприклад, дослідження земляної білки,\nведмедя і карликового лемура\nвиявили, що ці\nтварини здатні вмикати гени,\nякі контролюють метаболізм жиру\nсаме тоді, коли їм потрібно використати\nїх запаси\nяк паливо, щоб вижити в \nдовгих періодах голодування.\nІ ці гени присутні у всіх ссавців,\nщо може означати, що дослідники\nможуть вивчати сплячих ссавців,\nщоб побачити, як їх унікальний контроль\nфізіології може допомогти людям.\nРозуміння того, як тварини справляються\nз зниженим кровотоком,\n\nPolish: \nZachowania nieodłączne dla hibernacji,\njak pięć tygodni bez snu\nalbo obniżanie temperatury\ndo bliskiej zamarzaniu,\nmogłyby być potencjalnie śmiertelne\ndla niehibernujących gatunków jak ludzie.\nŻeby dowiedzieć się,\njak zwierzęta hibernują,\nbadacze zwrócili uwagę na ich genomy.\nJak dotąd odkryli,\nże hibernację kontrolują geny,\nktóre włączają się i wyłączają\nwedług unikalnego wzoru w ciągu roku,\nsterując fizjologią\ni zachowaniem hibernatora.\nNa przykład badania nad susłem,\nniedźwiedziem i lemurem karłowatym\npokazały, że te zwierzęta\nmogą aktywować geny\nkontrolujące gospodarkę tłuszczową\ndokładnie wtedy, kiedy muszą\nwykorzystać zasoby tłuszczu,\njako paliwo potrzebne\ndo przeżycia długich okresów postu.\nWspomniane geny występują\nu wszystkich ssaków,\nco oznacza, że naukowcy\nmogliby zbadać hibernujące ssaki,\nżeby sprawdzić, jak taka kontrola\nfizjologii mogłaby pomóc ludziom.\nZrozumienie jak zwierzęta radzą sobie\nze zmniejszeniem przepływu krwi,\n\nChinese: \n休眠期中出现的\n一些固定的生理行为,\n比如持续五周左右不睡觉,\n或者体温骤降等,\n对于我们这些没有休眠行为\n的物种来说可能有潜在的致命威胁。\n为了查明休眠动物是如何做到的,\n研究者们把注意力转向了\n这些动物的基因组。\n到目前为止,他们已经发现,\n贯穿全年的休眠活动的开始和结束,\n都受到独特的基因模式的控制,\n基因组能完美协调休眠动物\n的生理活动和行为。\n举个例子,对地松鼠,\n熊和鼠狐猴的研究表明,\n当这些动物需要消耗储存的脂肪时,\n这些动物可以调动基因\n来精准控制脂肪代谢,\n储存的脂肪如同燃料,\n来支持长时间的断食。\n我们所讨论的这种基因,\n在所有哺乳动物体内都有。\n这意味着研究者可以\n通过研究休眠的哺乳动物,\n来查明它们对生理上的\n独特控制如何尽可能造福人类。\n了解休眠是如何减缓血液流动的,\n\nRussian: \nПохожая на гибернацию\nжизнедеятельность,\nнапример, обходиться без сна\nв течение пяти недель\nили снизить температуру тела\nдо отметки замерзания воды\nдля не впадающих в спячку организмов,\nтаких как мы, оказалась бы смертельной.\nЧтобы узнать, \nкак спячку переносят животные,\nучёные обращают внимание \nна их соответствующие геномы.\nНа сегодняшний день им удалось установить,\nчто за спячку отвечают гены,\nкоторые особым способом включаются \nи выключаются в течение всего года,\nи тонко регулируют физиологию \nи поведение животного.\nНапример, исследования сусликов,\nбарибалов и карликовых лемуров\nвыявили, что эти животные способны\nвключать гены,\nконтролирующие жировой обмен\nв организме\nименно в тот момент, когда необходимо\nнакопить запас жировой ткани,\nкоторая служит источником выживания\nв течение длительного зимнего голода.\nДанный тип генов имеется\nу всех млекопитающих,\nследовательно, перед учёными стоит задача\nизучить впадающих в спячку животных,\nчтобы выявить уникальный механизм\nрегулирования физиологии,\nкоторый принесёт пользу людям.\nПонимание того, как во время спячки они\nснижают интенсивность кровообращения,\n\nTurkish: \nKış uykusunda var olan davranışlar,\nuykusuz beş hafta geçirmek veya\nneredeyse dondurucu\nvücut ısılarına düşmek gibi;\nbizler gibi kış uykusuna\nyatmayan türler için ölümcül olabilir.\nAraştırmacılar, kış uykusuna\nyatan hayvanların bunu nasıl\nyapabildiğini bulmak için gözlerini\nbu hayvanların genomlarına çevirmişlerdir.\nŞimdiye dek, kış uykusunun\nsene boyunca çeşitli biçimlerde\naçılıp kapanan genler tarafından\nkontrol edildiğini ve uykuya yatanın\nfizyolojisini ve davranışlarına\nince ayar yaptığını keşfetmişlerdir.\nÖrneğin tarla sincabı,\nayı ve cüce lemur çalışmaları,\nözellikle uzun oruç zamanlarında\nhayatta kalabilmeleri için yağ depolarını\nbenzin olarak kullanmaları\ngerektiğinde bu hayvanların\nyağ metabolizmasını kontrol eden\ngenleri açabildiğini ortaya çıkarmıştır.\nBu genler tüm memelilerde\nmevcuttur, yani araştırmacılar,\ninsanlara nasıl bir eşsiz fizyoloji\nkontrolünün yardımcı olabileceğini\ngörmek için kış uykusuna yatan\nmemelileri inceleyebilirler.\nKış uykusuna yatan hayvanların düşük\nkan akışıyla nasıl başa çıktığını anlamak,\n\nJapanese: \n冬眠に付きものの行動 ―\n例えば5週間眠らないとか\nほとんど凍り付くまで体温が\n下がるといったことは\n私達のような冬眠しない種にとっては\n致命的かもしれません\n冬眠する動物が\nこれを可能にする仕組みを調べるため\n研究者達はこれらの動物のゲノムに\n注意を向けました\nこれまでに 遺伝子が冬眠を\n制御していることを発見しています\n遺伝子の作用が年間を通じ\n独特のパターンでオン・オフすることで\n冬眠する動物の生理機能や行動を\n微調整するのです\n例えば ジリスやクマや\nコビトキツネザルに関する研究は\nこれらの動物が脂肪代謝を制御する\n遺伝子を活性化させることを\n明らかにしました\n長期間の絶食を生き延びるため\nエネルギー源として蓄えていた―\n脂肪を使うべきタイミングを\n正確に制御します\nそして この遺伝子は\n全ての哺乳類に存在しています\nつまり研究者は\n冬眠する哺乳類を調べて\nその独特な 生理機能制御の仕組みが\n人類に役立つ可能性を探れます\n冬眠する動物が血流の減少に\n対処する仕組みを理解すれば\n\nIndonesian: \nPerilaku yang melekat dalam hibernasi,\nseperti beraktivitas selama 5 minggu\ntanpa tidur,\natau suhu tubuh yang turun mendekati\ntitik beku\ndapat berakibat fatal kepada spesies\nyang tidak berhibernasi seperti kita.\nUntuk mengetahui bagaimana hibernator\ndapat melakukannya,\npara peneliti mengalihkan perhatiannya\npada genom hewan itu.\nSejauh ini, mereka menemukan bahwa\nhibernasi dikontrol oleh gen-gen\nyang aktif dan mati dalam suatu\npola yang unik sepanjang tahun,\nmengatur secara cermat\nfisiologi dan perilaku pada hibernator.\nContohnya, berbagai studi mengenai \ntupai tanah, beruang, dan lemur kerdil\ntelah mengungkapkan bahwa para hewan ini\ndapat mengaktifkan gen-gen\nyang mengatur metabolisme lemak\ntepat ketika mereka perlu menggunakan\ncadangan lemak\nuntuk sumber energi selama\nperiode puasa yang panjang.\nDan gen-gen yang dimaksud\nterdapat pada semua mamalia,\nyang berarti para peneliti dapat\nmempelajari mamalia yang berhibernasi\nuntuk melihat bagaimana kontrol fisiologi\nyang unik itu dapat membantu manusia.\nMemahami bagaimana hibernator bertahan\nmeski aliran darah berkurang\ndapat mengarah pada cara yang lebih\nbaik untuk melindungi otak saat strok.\n\nDutch: \nHet gedrag dat gepaard \ngaat met winterslaap,\nzoals vijf weken zonder slaap\nof onderkoeling van het lichaam,\nzou levensbedreigend kunnen zijn \nvoor niet-winterslapende types zoals wij.\nOm erachter te komen \nhoe winterslapers dit kunnen,\nhebben onderzoekers aandacht besteed\naan het genoom van deze dieren.\nTot nu toe gaan ze ervan uit\ndat winterslaap bepaald wordt door genen\ndie aan- en uitgaan in unieke \npatronen gedurende het jaar\nom de fysiologie en het gedrag \nvan winterslapers te verfijnen.\nUit onderzoek van bijvoorbeeld \ngrondeekhoorns, beren en katmaki's\nblijkt dat deze dieren in staat zijn \nom de genen aan te zetten\ndie vetstofwisseling controleren\nprecies wanneer ze hun vetreserves\nmoeten gebruiken als brandstof\nom lange vastenperiodes te overleven.\nDe desbetreffende genen \nzijn in alle zoogdieren aanwezig,\nwat betekent dat onderzoekers\ndeze winterslapers kunnen bestuderen\nom te zien hoe hun unieke beheersing \nvan fysiologie mensen zou kunnen helpen.\nBegrip over hoe winterslapers \nverminderde doorbloeding aanpakken,\n\nEnglish: \nThe behaviors inherent in hibernation,\nlike going five weeks without sleep,\nor dropping to \nnear-freezing body temperatures\nwould be potentially fatal \nto non-hibernating species like us.\nTo find out how hibernators \nare able to do this,\nresearchers turned their attention\nto those animal’s genomes.\nSo far, they’ve discovered that\nhibernation is controlled by genes\nthat turn off and on in\nunique patterns throughout the year,\nfine-tuning the hibernator’s physiology \nand behavior.\nFor example, ground squirrel, bear \nand dwarf lemur studies\nhave revealed that these\nanimals are able to turn on the genes\nthat control fat metabolism\nprecisely when they need to use \ntheir fat stores\nas fuel to survive \nlong periods of fasting.\nAnd the genes in question \nare present in all mammals,\nwhich means that researchers could\nstudy hibernating mammals\nto see how their unique control \nof physiology might help humans.\nUnderstanding how hibernators deal \nwith reduced blood flow\n\nGerman: \nTypisches Verhalten bei der Winterruhe\nwie fünfwöchige Schlaflosigkeit oder\nAbsenken der Körpertemperatur gegen Null\nwäre für Arten wie uns Menschen,\ndie keinen Winterschlaf halten, tödlich.\nUm dieses Geheimnis zu enthüllen,,\nuntersuchten Forscher\ndie Genome von Winterschläfern.\nDemzufolge wird der Winterschlaf\nvon Genen gesteuert,\ndie sich ständig in einzigartigen\nMustern an- und abschalten\nund Physiologie und Verhalten\ndes Winterschläfers regulieren.\nStudien an Erdhörnchen, Bären\nund Katzenmakis zeigen:\nDiese Tiere können die Gene für den\nFettstoffwechsel genau dann anschalten,\nwenn sie ihre Fettreserven brauchen,\num lange Fastenzeiten zu überleben.\nAlle Säugetiere haben diese Gene.\nForscher könnten also bei\nüberwinternden Säugern untersuchen,\nwie deren einzigartige physiologische\nSteuerung Menschen helfen könnte.\nDas Wissen über geringere\nBlutzirkulation bei Winterschläfern\nkönnte zu besserer Behandlung\nbei Schlaganfällen führen.\n\nPortuguese: \nO comportamento inerente na hibernação,\ncomo passar cinco semanas sem dormir,\nou passar para uma temperatura corporal\nperto do congelamento\nseria fatal para espécies\nque não hibernam, como nós.\nPara descobrir como é que\nos animais que hibernam o conseguem,\nos investigadores viraram a atenção\npara os genomas desses animais.\nAté agora, descobriram\nque a hibernação é controlada por genes\nque ativam e desligam\npadrões especiais durante o ano,\nafinando a fisiologia e o comportamento\ndo animal que hiberna.\nPor exemplo, os estudos sobre\no esquilo-do-Ártico, o urso e o lémure anão\nrevelaram que estes animais\nconseguem ativar os genes\nque controlam o metabolismo da gordura,\nquando precisam de usar\na gordura armazenada\ncomo combustível para sobrevive\ndurante longos períodos de jejum.\nOs genes em causa\nestão presentes em todos os mamíferos\no que significa que os investigadores\npodem estudar mamíferos em hibernação\npara ver se este controlo especial\nda fisiologia pode ajudar as pessoas.\nSaber como os animais que hibernam\nlidam com um fluxo sanguíneo reduzido\n\nPortuguese: \nOs comportamentos inerentes à hibernação,\ncomo ficar cinco semanas sem dormir\nou reduzir a uma congelante\ntemperatura corporal,\nseria potencialmente fatal para espécies\nnão-hibernadoras, como nós.\nPara descobrir como hibernadores\nconseguem fazer isso,\npesquisadores voltaram suas atenções\nao genoma desses animais.\nAté agora, descobriram que a hibernação\né controlada por genes\nque ligam e desligam,\nem um padrão único, durante o ano,\najustando a fisiologia\ne o comportamento do hibernador.\nPor exemplo, estudos com o esquilo,\no urso e o lêmure-anão\nrevelaram que esses animais\nconseguem acionar os genes\nque regulam metabolismo de gordura\nbem quando precisam usar\nseu estoque de gordura\ncomo combustível para sobreviverem\na longos períodos de jejum.\nE esses genes estão presentes\nem todos os mamíferos,\nou seja, pesquisadores podem\nestudar mamíferos que hibernam\npara verem como esse controle único\nda fisiologia pode ajudar os humanos.\nEntender como os hibernadores\nlidam com fluxo sanguíneo reduzido\npode levar a melhores tratamentos\npara proteger o cérebro em um derrame.\n\nPersian: \nرفتارهای طبیعی در خواب زمستانی،\nمثل پنج هفته نخوابیدن،\nیا پایین آمدن دمای بدن تا نقطه انجماد\nبه طور بالقوه برای گونه‌هایی که مثل ما\nخواب زمستانی ندارند، مرگبار هستند.\nبرای درک اینکه \nچطور حیوانات این کار را می‌کنند،\nدانشمندان توجه خود را\nبه ژن‌های آنها معطوف کرده‌اند.\nتا کنون متوجه شده‌اند که خواب زمستانی\nتوسط ژن‌هایی کنترل می‌شود\nکه با الگوهای خاصی\nدر طول سال خاموش و روشن می‌شوند،\nو فیزیولوژی و رفتار جانور را\nبه طور مناسب تنظیم می‌کنند.\nبه طور مثال، مطالعه بر روی\nسنجاب زمینی، خرس و لمور کوتوله\nنشان داده است که این حیوانات\nمی‌توانند ژن‌هایی را روشن کنند\nکه بر سوخت و ساز چربی اثر دارند\nدرست زمانی که برای بقا\nبه مصرف ذخیره چربی خود\nبه عنوان سوخت \nدر دوران روزه‌داری نیاز دارند.\nو ژن‌های مورد سوال\nدر همه پستانداران وجود دارند،\nو این یعنی دانشمندان می‌توانند پستاندارانی\nکه خواب زمستانی دارند را مطالعه کنند\nو ببینند کنترل خاص آنها بر فیزیولوژی\nچطور می‌تواند به انسان‌ها کمک کند.\nدرک اینکه حیوانات در خواب زمستانی\nچطور با کاهش جریان خون کنار می‌آیند\n\nSpanish: \nLos comportamientos \ninherentes a la hibernación,\ncomo no dormir por cinco semanas\no reducir la temperatura corporal\ncasi al punto de congelamiento\npodrían ser potencialmente fatales para\nespecies no hibernantes como nosotros.\nPara descubrir cómo hacen los animales\nhibernantes para lograr esto,\nlos investigadores estudiaron sus genomas.\nHasta ahora, han descubierto \nque la hibernación es controlada por genes\nque se activan y desactivan\nen patrones únicos durante el año,\najustando la fisiología \ny el comportamiento de los hibernantes.\nPor ejemplo, estudios en marmotas,\nosos y lémures enanos\nhan revelado que estos animales\nson capaces de activar los genes\nque controlan el metabolismo de la grasa\njusto cuando necesitan\nusar sus reservas de grasa\ncomo combustible para sobrevivir\na largos períodos de ayuno.\nY dichos genes están presentes\nen todos los mamíferos,\nde manera que los investigadores podrían\nestudiar la hibernación en mamíferos\npara ver cómo ese singular\ncontrol sobre su fisiología\npodría ayudar a los humanos.\nComprender cómo hacen estos animales\npara reducir el flujo sanguíneo\n\nKorean: \n5주 동안 잠을 자지 않거나,\n섭씨 0도 근처 까지 \n체온이 떨어지는 등\n동면 중에 일어나는 일들은\n우리처럼 동면하지 않는 종에게는 \n치명적일 수 있습니다.\n어떻게 동면동물들이 \n이러한 일을 하는지 알아내기 위해서\n연구자들은 이러한 동물의 게놈으로\n관심을 돌렸습니다.\n지금까지, 그들은 동면이\n일년내내 독특한 패턴으로 켜지거나 꺼지며\n동면동물의 생리와 습성을\n세밀하게 조정하는\n유전자에 의해 조정된다는 것을 \n발견했습니다.\n예를 들어, 얼룩다람쥐, 곰, \n그리고 꼬마여우원숭이에 대한 연구들은\n이러한 동물들이 자신의 저장지방을\n먹이를 먹지 않는 기간동안 \n살아남기 위하여 연료로 쓸 때\n지방 대사를 정밀하게 \n조절할 수 있는 유전자를\n작동시킬 수 있음을 밝혀냈습니다.\n그리고 화제의 중심에 있는 이 유전자는\n모든 포유류에 존재하는데\n이는 연구자들이 동면동물들의 \n독특한 생리 조절이 어떻게\n인간에게 도움을 줄 수 있을지 \n연구할 수 있다는 것을 의미합니다.\n어떻게 동면동물들이 줄어든 혈류에 대해\n대처하는지에 대한 이해는\n\nVietnamese: \nHành vi vốn có \ntrong quá trình ngủ đông này\ngiống như 5 tuần không ngủ,\nhay nhiệt độ cơ thể tụt xuống\ngần như đóng băng\nsẽ là đòn chí tử đối với\nnhững loài không ngủ đông như chúng ta.\nĐể tìm hiểu làm thế nào \nloài ngủ đông có thể làm được điều đó,\ncác nhà nghiên cứu đã dồn sự chú ý\nsang hệ gen của các loài động vật.\nHọ khám phá ra rằng sự ngủ đông\nđược kiểm soát bởi gen\ntắt - mở theo cơ chế độc đáo\nvà tinh chỉnh những chức năng sinh lý \n- hành vi loài động vật.\nNghiên cứu về loài sóc đất,\ngấu đen và vượn cáo\nđã chỉ ra rằng những động vật này\ncó khả năng kích hoạt những gen\nkiểm soát sự chuyển hóa chất béo\nđúng vào lúc chúng cần \nsử dụng chất béo dự trữ\nnhư là nhiên liệu để tồn tại\ntrong thời kì nhịn đói dài hạn.\nVà những hệ gen này được tìm thấy\nở tất cả động vật có vú,\nnghĩa là các nhà khoa học có thể\nnghiên cứu loài ngủ đông\nđể xem khả năng kiểm soát độc đáo chức \nnăng sinh lý sẽ giúp ích gì cho con người.\nViệc hiểu được làm thế nào chúng\nđối phó với lượng máu giảm\n\nPolish: \nmogłoby doprowadzić do lepszej \nochrony mózgu podczas udaru.\nOdkrycie, jak te zwierzęta\nunikają zaniku mięśni,\nmogłoby polepszyć jakość życia\npacjentów przykutych do łóżek.\nPrzestudiowanie, jak hibernujące zwierzęta\nz łatwością kontrolują wagę,\nmogłoby rozjaśnić związek metabolizmu\nze wzrostem wagi u ludzi.\nWięcej badań w tej dziedzinie\nmoże pewnego dnia\numożliwić ludzką hibernację.\nWyobraźcie sobie zdziwienie,\njeśli kluczem do międzygalaktycznych\npodróży okażą się susły, czarne\nniedźwiedzie i karłowate lemury.\n\nJapanese: \n卒中から脳を保護するための\nよりよい治療法を見つけ出せるでしょう\nこれらの動物が筋肉の退化を\n回避する仕組みを理解すれば\n寝たきり患者の生活を\n改善できるかもしれません\nそして冬眠中の動物が体重を\n容易に制御する仕組みを研究すれば\n人類の新陳代謝と体重増加の関係を\n明らかに出来るかもしれません\nそうです この分野を\nさらに研究することで\nいつの日か 人間の冬眠を現実のものに\nできるかもしれないのです\n驚きですよね\n銀河間航行の鍵となるのが\nジリスやクロクマ そして\nコビトキツネザルだなんて\n\nPortuguese: \nDescobrir como esses animais\nevitam distrofia muscular\npode melhorar a vida\nde pacientes acamados.\nE estudar como animais que hibernam\ncontrolam seu peso com facilidade\npode esclarecer a relação entre\nmetabolismo e ganho de peso em humanos.\nMais pesquisas nessa área\npodem um dia tornar possível\na hibernação humana.\nImagine nossa surpresa se a resposta\npara a viagem intergalática\nfor o esquilo-do-ártico,\no urso-negro e o lêmure-anão!\n\nChinese: \n也許能幫助人類在治療中風時保護腦部\n理解這些動物如何避免肌肉退化\n或許能幫助長期臥病在床患者的生活\n研究冬眠動物如何輕鬆控制體重\n也許能幫助了解人類\n新陳代謝和增重之間的關係\n當然,越多這個領域的研究\n也許某一天就能讓人類冬眠實現\n想像我們會有多訝異\n發現銀河之旅的關鍵\n掌握在地松鼠、黑熊和侏儒狐猴手中\n\nGerman: \nDas Wissen, wie diese Tiere\nMuskelschwäche verhindern,\nkönnte bettlägerigen Patienten helfen.\nErkenntnisse, wie Winterschläfer\nihr Gewicht steuern,\nkönnten Stoffwechsel und Gewichtszunahme\nbeim Menschen klären.\nMehr Forschungen auf diesem Gebiet\nkönnten sogar irgendwann\nden Winterschlaf für Menschen ermöglichen.\nWelche Überraschung, wenn sich\ndas Problem intergalaktischer Reisen\ndurch Erdhörnchen, Schwarzbären\nund Katzenmakis lösen ließe.\n\niw: \nיכולה להוביל לטיפולים טובים יותר\nלהגנה על המוח במהלך שבץ.\nהבנה איך החיות האלו\nנמנעות מהתדרדרות השרירים\nאולי תשפר את חיי חולים שמרותקים למיטה.\nוחקר איך חיות בתרדמת \nשולטות במשקל שלהן בקלות\nיכול להאיר על יחסים\nבין מטבוליזם ועליה במשקל באנשים.\nוכן, יותר מחקר בתחום\nיכול יום אחד להפוך תרדמת אנושית\nלאפשרות אמיתית.\nדמיינו את ההפתעה שלנו\nאם המפתח למסע בין גלקטי\nיגיע מסנאי הקרקע,\nדובים שחורים ולמורים ננסיים.\n\nItalian: \nCapire come questi animali\nevitino il deterioramento muscolare\npotrebbe migliorare la vita\ndei pazienti allettati.\nE lo studio su come questi animali\ncontrollano facilmente il loro peso\npotrebbe chiarire la relazione tra\nmetabolismo e aumento di peso nell'uomo.\nE di sicuro, maggiori\nricerche in questo campo\npotrebbero un giorno rendere\npossibile l'ibernazione umana.\nImmaginate la nostra sorpresa\nse la chiave per i viaggi intergalattici\nfosse nascosta negli scoiattoli artici,\nnegli orsi neri e nei chirogalei.\n\nChinese: \n有可能改善大脑在中风时的治疗。\n弄清楚这些动物\n是如何防止肌肉退化的,\n也许可以提高卧床不起\n的病患的生存率。\n研究休眠动物如何通过\n放松来控制它们的体重,\n可以用来解析人体新陈代谢\n和体重增长之间的关联。\n是的,这个领域的研究越多,\n也许有天能实现让人类进行休眠。\n设想一下,实现人类\n星际旅行的关键线索就藏在\n地松鼠、黑熊和鼠狐猴身上,\n简直太令人惊奇了!\n\nLatvian: \nvarētu palīdzēt pilnveidot metodes\nsmadzeņu aizsardzībai insulta laikā.\nAtklājot, kā šie dzīvnieki izvairās\nno muskuļu bojājumiem,\nvarētu uzlabot\npie gultas piekaltu pacientu dzīvi.\nUn izpētot, kā hibernējošie dzīvnieki\nbez problēmām kontrolē savu svaru,\nvarētu atklāt sakarības starp vielmaiņu\nun svara pieaugumu cilvēkos.\nUn, jā, turpmāki pētījumi šajā jomā\nkādreiz varētu padarīt iespējamu\narī cilvēku hibernāciju.\nIedomājies mūsu pārsteigumu,\nja starpgalaktisko ceļojumu atslēga\nizrādītos polārie susliki,\nmelnie lāči un pundurlemuri!\n\nIndonesian: \nMencari tahu bagaimana hewan ini\nmenghindari kerusakan otot\nmungkin bisa mencegah rusaknya otot\npada pasien yang terbaring lama.\nMempelajari bagaimana hewan\nhibernasi menjaga berat dengan mudah\ndapat menguak hubungan antara metabolisme\ndan penambahan berat badan pada manusia.\nDan ya, dengan lebih banyak\npenelitian di bidang ini\nsuatu hari nanti hibernasi pada manusia\ndapat terwujudkan.\nBayangkan betapa terkejutnya kita jika\nkunci pada perjalanan antargalaksi\nternyata adalah tupai tanah,\nberuang hitam, dan lemur kerdil.\n\nPortuguese: \npode levar a melhores tratamentos\npara proteção do cérebro durante um AVC.\nPerceber como estes animais\nevitam a deterioração muscular\npode melhorar a vida\nde doentes acamados.\nEstudar como os animais que hibernam\ncontrolam facilmente o seu peso\npode esclarecer a relação\nentre o metabolismo\ne o aumento de peso nas pessoas.\nMais investigação nesta área\npode um dia tornar possível\na hibernação humana.\nImaginem a nossa surpresa\nse a chave para as viagens intergalácticas\nforem os esquilos-do-Ártico,\nos ursos-pretos e os lémures anões.\n\nUkrainian: \nможе призвести до кращого лікування, \nщоб захистити мозок під час інсульту.\nДослідження того, як ці тварини уникають\nруйнування м'язів\nможе покращити життя людей,\nприкутих до ліжка.\nІ вивчення того, як сплячі тварини\nконтролюють свою вагу з легкістю\nдопоможе зрозуміти зв'язок між обміном \nречовин і збільшенням ваги у людей.\nІ так, більше досліджень у цій галузі\nможе коли-небудь зробити\nлюдську зимову сплячку реальністю.\nУявіть наше здивування, якщо ключем до\nміжгалактичної поїздки\nвиявляться земляні білки,\nчорні ведмеді і карликові лемури.\n\nRussian: \nможет помочь в сохранении\nмозга при инсульте.\nИзучение того, как животные могут\nсохранить от разрушения мышечную ткань,\nпозволит существенно облегчить участь\nприкованных к постели пациентов.\nА постижение сути механизма \nрегулирования веса своего тела\nпрольёт свет на взаимосвязь метаболизма\nс набором веса у людей.\nИ наконец дальнейшие исследования\nданного явления\nкогда-нибудь позволят воплотить \nв реальность гибернацию у людей.\nТолько представьте, что путь \nк межгалактическим путешествиям\nфактически проложат суслики, \nмедведи и карликовые лемуры.\n\nRomanian: \nar duce la tratamente mai bune de apărare\na creierului pe durata unui infarct.\nAflarea modului în care aceste animale\nevită atrofierea mușchilor\nar putea îmbunătăți\nviața pacienților imobilizați la pat.\nStudierea modului în care animalele\nîși controlează lesne greutatea\npoate lămuri relația dintre metabolism\nși câștig în greutate a oamenilor.\nȘi, da, cercetarea acestui domeniu\npoate face ca hibernarea umană\nsă fie posibilă într-o zi.\nImaginați-vă surpriza dacă soluția\ncătre călătoria noastră intergalactică\nse dovedește a fi popândăul arctic,\nbaribalii și maki cu coada groasă.\n\nVietnamese: \ncó thể mở đường tới những liệu pháp tốt \nhơn để bảo vệ bộ não khi đột quỵ.\nViệc hiểu được làm thế nào \nchúng tránh được teo cơ\ncó thể cải thiện cuộc sống của \nbệnh nhân liệt giường.\nVà việc hiểu được làm thế nào \nchúng kiểm soát được cân nặng\ncó thể giải đáp mối liên hệ giữa\nsự trao đổi chất và tăng cân ở người.\nTất nhiên, với ngày một nhiều nghiên cứu\ntrong lĩnh vực này\nmột ngày nào đó, sự \"ngủ đông\"\nở người sẽ trở thành hiện thực.\nSẽ thật ngạc nhiên khi biết rằng\nchìa khóa để du hành giữa các thiên hà\nhóa ra lại đến từ \nsóc đất, gấu đen hay vượn cáo.\n\nFrench: \nconduirait à de meilleurs traitements\npour protéger le cerveau lors d'un AVC.\nDécrypter les mécanismes évitant\nà leurs muscles de se détériorer\naméliorerait la vie des patients alités.\nÉtudier comment les animaux hibernants\ncontrôlent aisément leur poids\npourrait révéler le lien entre métabolisme\net prise de poids chez l'Homme.\nEt oui, des études plus nombreuses\ndans ce domaine\npourrait, un jour, rendre\nl'hibernation humaine possible.\nImaginez notre surprise\nsi la clé du voyage intergalactique\ns'avérait être les spermophiles,\nles ours noirs et les lémurs nains.\n\nEnglish: \ncould lead to better treatments \nfor protecting the brain during a stroke.\nFiguring out how these animals avoid\nmuscle deterioration\nmight improve the lives \nof bedridden patients.\nAnd studying how hibernating animals \ncontrol their weight with ease\ncould illuminate the relationship between\nmetabolism and weight gain in humans.\nAnd yes, more research in this area\nmight someday make \nhuman hibernation a real possibility.\nImagine our surprise if the key to\nintergalactic travel\nturns out to be ground squirrels, \nblack bears, and dwarf lemurs.\n\nPersian: \nممکن است به روش‌های بهتر محافظت\nاز مغز در هنگام سکته منجر شود.\nیافتن اینکه این حیوانات چطور\nاز تحلیل رفتن ماهیچه‌ها جلوگیری می‌کنند\nمی‌تواند به بهبود زندگی\nبیماران زمین‌گیر کمک کند.\nو مطالعه اینکه چطور حیواناتی \nکه به خواب زمستانی می‌روند\nبه راحتی می‌توانند وزن‌شان را کنترل کنند\nمی‌تواند رابطه سوخت و ساز\nو افزایش وزن انسان را مشخص کند.\nو بله، با تحقیق بیشتر در این زمینه\nممکن است روزی خواب زمستانی انسان\nبه یک واقعیت تبدیل شود.\nتصور کنید چقدر شگفت‌زده خواهیم شد\nاگر کلید سفر بین کهکشانی\nسنجاب زمینی، خرس سیاه، و لمور کوتوله باشد.\n\nDutch: \nleidt wellicht tot betere behandeling van\nhersenbescherming tijdens een beroerte.\nHet uitvogelen van hoe deze dieren \nspierafbraak voorkomen,\nzou de levens kunnen verbeteren \nvan bedlegerige patiënten.\nEen onderzoek naar hoe winterslapers\nhun gewicht met gemak op peil houden,\nkan de verhouding tussen stofwisseling \nen gewichtstoename in mensen ophelderen.\nMeer onderzoek op dit gebied\nzou menselijke winterslaap \nooit mogelijk kunnen maken.\nStel dat tot onze verbazing \nde sleutel naar intergalactisch reizen\ngrondeekhoorns, zwarte beren \nen katmaki's blijken te zijn.\n\nTurkish: \nfelç esnasında beyni korumak için\ndaha iyi tedavilere yol gösterebilir.\nBu hayvanların kas kaybını\nnasıl engellediğini bulmak,\nyatalak hastaların\nyaşamlarını geliştirebilir.\nBu hayvanların kilolarını kolayca\nnasıl kontrol ettiğini incelemek,\ninsanlardaki metabolizma ve kilo alımı\narasındaki ilişkiyi de aydınlatabilir.\nAyrıca evet, bu alanda\nyapılacak daha fazla çalışma\nbelki bir gün insanların kış uykusunu da\ngerçek bir olasılığa dönüştürebilir.\nGalaksiler arası yolculuğun sırrı\ntarla sincabı, siyah ayı\nve cüce lemurlarda bulunursa\nnasıl şaşıracağımızı bir düşünün.\n\nKorean: \n뇌졸중이 일어났을 때 뇌를 보호할 수 있는 \n더 나은 치료법으로 이끌 수 있을 것입니다.\n어떻게 동면동물들이 근육 악화를 \n피하는지 알아내는 것은\n몸져 누워있는 환자들의 삶을 \n개선시킬 수 있을 것이고요.\n그리고 어떻게 동면동물들이\n체중을 쉽게 조절하는지 연구하는 것은\n인간의 신진대사와 체중 증가의 \n관계를 명확히 해줄 수 있을 것입니다.\n그리고 물론, 이 분야에 대한 \n더 많은 연구는\n언젠가는 인간의 동면을\n현실로 만들어낼 수 있을 것입니다.\n은하계 여행의 실마리가\n얼룩다람쥐,\n흑곰,\n꼬마여우원숭임을\n알았을 때의 놀라움을 상상해보세요!\n\nSpanish: \npodría llevar a mejores tratamientos para\nproteger el cerebro durante una apoplejía.\nDescubrir cómo estos animales\nevitan el deterioro muscular\npodría mejorar la vida\nde personas postradas en cama.\nY estudiar cómo los animales hibernantes\ncontrolan su peso con facilidad\npodría explicar la relación\nentre el metabolismo y el aumento\nde peso en humanos.\nY, efectivamente, profundizar \nlas investigaciones en este tema\ntal vez podría hacer realidad\nla hibernación en humanos.\nImaginen cuán sorprendente sería descubrir\nque la clave para viajes intergalácticos\nse encuentra en las marmotas,\nlos osos negros y los lémures enanos.\n\nArabic: \nفهم كيف تتجنب هذه الحيوانات تلف العضلات\nقد يحسن حياة المرضى طريحي الفراش.\nودراسة كيفية تحكم الحيوانات \nالداخلة في السبات في وزنهم بسهولة\nقد يضيء العلاقة بين الأيض \nوزيادة الوزن في البشر.\nوأجل، المزيد من الأبحاث في هذا المجال\nقد تجعل يوما من إسبات البشر احتمال حقيقي.\nتخيل مفاجأتنا لو تبين\nأن مفتاح السفر بين المجرات\nهو سنجاب الأرض، \nالدببة السوداء والليمور القزم\nشكرا جزيلا لكل من دعم \nمهمتنا غير الربحية على بايتريون\nلو أردت معرفة المزيد عن كيفية المشاركة\nراجع صفحتنا على بايتريون \npatreon.com/teded\n( موسيقى )\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "[Music]\nHello everyone and welcome to \"In the\nCosmos,\" from the De Anza College\nPlanetarium, for June 17, 2020.\nMy name is Toshi Komatsu and I'm your\nhost and the director of the planetarium.\nNow, the summer solstice for those of us\nin the northern hemisphere is coming up,\nbut what exactly does that mean? Let's\nfind out. Here we are looking at two\nviews of the Sun's path across\nthe sky as seen from Earth - one from the\nside and one facing south here. Let's\nfocus on the summer solstice path. In\nthis side view, you can see here that\non the summer solstice the Sun rises in\nthe northeast, it takes this long, high\npath in the sky before it comes down to\nset in the northwest. Now, contrast that\nwith what happens in the winter solstice.\nWe've got the Sun rising in the\nsoutheast, it takes a short, low path in\nthe sky before it comes and sets in the\nsouthwest. Now, you can see the same thing\nhappening in this view to the south,\nwhere again on the summer solstice in\nJune, the Sun is rising in the northeast,\nit takes this long, high path in the sky\nbefore it sets in the northwest; compared\nto the winter solstice path, where the\nSun is rising in the southeast, takes\nthat short, low path and then it sets,\nfinally, in the southwest there. So, the\nquestion is, why does it do this?\nWell, it all has to do with earth's tilt.\nHere we are looking at Earth from space\non June 20th. Notice how much the\nnorthern part of Earth is illuminated by\nthe Sun and that's because the northern\nhemisphere is tilted towards the sun and\nthat means that this hemisphere, the\nnorthern hemisphere, is getting the most\nlight from the Sun as well as getting\nthe most heat. This tilt also means that\non this date, the sun appears high in the\nsky. Now, for perspective, here is Earth in\nrelation to the Sun. Let's take a look\nat that. We can see the Sun at the center\nhere, and let's make Earth a little bit\nbigger. Again, from this further away view,\nyou can see clearly that the North Pole\nof Earth is tilted towards the Sun there\nand as we sort of fly around a little\nbit more, you can see that again the\nnorthern hemisphere is the one that's\ngetting the most light because, again,\nit's tilted towards the Sun and, again,\nmore light means more heat; and that\naccounts for the warmer weather during\nthe summer time. Let's go ahead and\nshrink Earth and head back towards Earth\nand compare that, as we did before, with\nthe winter solstice sky here. So, we're going to\ngo ahead and speed time and so we're\ngoing to transition to December 21st, and\nnotice now how the shadow has changed\nhere. Now, the North Pole is tilted away\nfrom the Sun and so we get less light\nand, therefore, we get less heat and this\naccounts for the cooler weather that we\nget in the winter months. Now, being\ntilted away from the Sun also means that\nthe Sun is going to appear low in the\nsky. Again, for perspective, let's take a\nlook at where Earth is in its orbit and\nwhere it is in relation to the Sun. Six\nmonths later, we're looking again\nDecember 21st. Six months later, the Earth\nhas moved along in its orbit and is one\nhundred and eighty degrees from where we\nlast saw it in June. And in this view, you\ncan see that the North Pole of Earth,\nagain clearly tilted away from the sun -\nin this view here - and we can kind of\nswing around once again so that we can\nget a better look. Indeed, as we approach\nEarth here, you'll notice that now,\nthe North Pole of Earth is actually\ncompletely shrouded in shadow and so in\nthe winter months you can get places on\nEarth where you have 24 hours of nighttime\nand the Sun never rises at all. So,\nlet's go ahead and head back to June\n20th, and hopefully this makes a little\nbit more sense why the summer solstice\nis the longest day of the year. It's the\nday that the Sun takes the longest path\nin the sky, giving us, again, the most\ndaylight. Of course, it's not really the\nsun that's moving at all but the tilted\nEarth in its orbit going around the Sun.\nSo we've seen the key to the reason for\nthe seasons is actually the tilt of\nEarth. Well, that's it for this edition of\n\"In the Cosmos.\" Hopefully you enjoyed that\nand learned a little something. Please do\n\"like\",\"share\" and \"subscribe\" to our\nYouTube channel. You can find out more\nabout the planetarium on our website and\nyou can find more astronomical goodness\non all of our social media. We are on\nFacebook, Instagram and Twitter, and you\ncan check out those links in the\ndescription. For now, thank you for\nchecking in and here's wishing you clear,\ndark skies! This is the De Anza College\nPlanetarium signing off.\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "  Time magazine depicted President Donald Trump as struggling to stay afloat on its latest cover ― and the image has a familiar feel\n  For the publication’s Sept. 3 issue, artist Tim O’Brien imagined Trump as treading water in the flooded Oval Office with the caption “In Deep,” reported CNN\n  It was O’Brien’s third in a series of pieces to chronicle the chaos enveloping the Trump White House. In February 2017, O’Brien marked Trump’s first month in office with this “Nothing To See Here” cover:  O’Brien later updated the concept for the April 2018 issue, titled “Stormy\n”  “As the never-ending flood of breaking news washed over the White House, and the firings, the scandals and the general mayhem filled each news cycle, I felt the storm metaphor was as relevant as ever,” O’Brien said four months ago\n  Time’s latest dig at the president followed Monday’s conviction of Trump’s former campaign manager Paul Manafort on eight charges and his former personal attorney and fixer Michael Cohen’s guilty plea to bank fraud, tax fraud and campaign finance violations\n  O’Brien’s latest image was well received by many on Twitter:  Here are some of the other ways Time has used its cover to cover Trump’s presidency:  H/T CNN Reliable Sources RELATED COVERAGE Anderson Cooper Crushes Rick Santorum's Claim About Trump's Crooked Associates Paul Ryan's 'Doers' Congress Boast Misses The Mark With Angry Twitter Users Trump Sparks Outrage By Tweeting White Nationalist Talking Point Randy Rainbow Zings 'Thirsty-Ass' Omarosa With 'Oklahoma!' Parody Download \n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "- WELCOME TO THE FIRST EXAMPLE \nOF QUADRATIC REGRESSION.\nTHE GOALS OF THIS VIDEO ARE \nTO PERFORM QUADRATIC REGRESSION\nON THE TI84 GRAPHING CALCULATOR,\nDETERMINE HOW WELL THE \nREGRESSION MODEL FITS THE DATA,\nAND THEN MAKE PREDICTIONS \nUSING THE REGRESSION EQUATION.\nIN STATISTICS, \nREGRESSION ANALYSIS INCLUDES\nANY TECHNIQUES USED FOR MODELING \nAND ANALYZING TRENDS\nBETWEEN A DEPENDENT VARIABLE\nAND AN INDEPENDENT VARIABLE.\nREGRESSION ANALYSIS HELPS US \nPREDICT THE UNKNOWN,\nUSING THE PATTERN \nOF THE KNOWN DATA.\nAND AGAIN, THIS VIDEO FOCUSES \nON QUADRATIC REGRESSION,\nBUT I DO HAVE \nSEVERAL OTHER VIDEOS\nTHAT FOCUS ON DIFFERENT \nTYPES OF REGRESSION.\nSO IN GENERAL, \nTO ANALYZE THE DATA\nWHAT WE DO IS MAKE A SCATTER \nPLOT,\nOR PLOT THE DATA AS POINTS \nON THE COORDINATE PLANE,\nAND THEN TRY TO IDENTIFY \nWHAT TYPE OF FUNCTION\nWOULD BEST FIT THE DATA.\nAND WE CAN ALSO USE R SQUARED,\nOR THE COEFFICIENT \nOF DETERMINATION,\nTO DETERMINE WHAT PERCENT \nOF THE VARIATION\nCAN BE ACCOUNTED FOR \nBY THE MODEL,\nAND WE'LL DO THAT IN THIS VIDEO \nAS WELL.\nSO AGAIN, WE'RE FOCUSING \nON QUADRATIC REGRESSION.\nIF WE CREATE A SCATTER PLOT,\nAND THE DATA FITS THE PATTERN \nOF A QUADRATIC FUNCTION,\nAS WE SEE HERE PICTURED \nIN DIFFERENT COLORS,\nWE COULD USE A QUADRATIC \nEQUATION TO MODEL THE DATA\nAND MAKE PREDICTIONS.\nLET'S GO AHEAD \nAND TAKE A LOOK AT OUR EXAMPLE.\nHERE WE HAVE SOME DATA ABOUT \nTHE REVENUES OF EXXON MOBIL\nFROM THE YEARS \n2000 THROUGH 2005.\nSO WHAT WE'LL DO IS PLOT \nTHE PAIRED DATA\nAS ORDERED PAIRS \nON THE COORDINATE PLANE,\nAND SEE IF THE DATA CAN BE \nMODELED BY A QUADRATIC EQUATION.\nNOW IT'S TYPICAL \nWHEN X IS A YEAR\nTO LET THE BASE YEAR \nREPRESENT X = 0.\nSO THE YEAR 2000 WILL BE X = 0, \n2001 X WILL BE 1, 2002, 2,\nAND SO ON ALL THE WAY TO X = 5.\nSO THE FIRST POINT WE'LL PLOT \nWILL BE 0,236,\nBUT BEFORE WE DO THAT WE SHOULD \nSCALE THE AXES\nTO MAKE SURE OUR DATA WILL FIT \nON THE COORDINATE PLANE.\nAND NOTICE THAT I'VE ALSO \nLABELED THE X AND Y AXES.\nSO THE X AXIS MUST GO \nFROM 0 TO 5,\nAND THE Y AXIS MUST INCLUDE \nTHE VALUES FROM 236\nALL THE WAY TO 375.\nNOW SINCE THE MINIMUM VALUE \nFOR Y IS 236,\nLET'S BREAK THE Y AXIS \nSOMETHING LIKE THIS,\nAND THEN START AT, \nLET'S SAY, 200,\nAND WE'LL HAVE \nA MAXIMUM VALUE OF 400.\nAGAIN, THIS SYMBOL \nHERE INDICATES\nTHERE'S A BREAK IN THE Y AXIS.\nAND NOW WE'LL GO AHEAD \nAND PLOT THESE SIX POINTS.\nTHE FIRST POINT IS 0,236, 1,214, \n2,207, 3,250, 4,300, AND 5,375.\nSO YOU CAN SEE THE PATTERN \nOF THIS DATA\nDOES FIT THE SHAPE \nOF A QUADRATIC FUNCTION\nTHAT OPENS UPWARD.\nNOW LET'S GO AHEAD \nAND DUPLICATE THE SCATTER PLOT\nON THE GRAPHING CALCULATOR,\nAND THEN WE'LL DETERMINE \nTHE REGRESSION EQUATION\nAS A QUADRATIC FUNCTION.\nTO ENTER OUR DATA WE'LL PRESS \nTHE STAT KEY, AND THEN ENTER.\nNOTICE I HAVE SOME OLD DATA \nIN L1 AND L2.\nIF WE GO TO THE TOP \nOF THE COLUMN,\nPRESS CLEAR, ENTER, IT'LL CLEAR \nTHE ENTIRE COLUMN AT ONE TIME.\nLET'S DO THE SAME ON L1, \nCLEAR, ENTER.\nAND NOW ENTER IN OUR X VALUES, \nWHICH WILL BE 0 THROUGH 5.\nNOW ENTER THE Y VALUES IN L2.\nNEXT WE'LL SET UP THE X AND Y \nAXES LIKE WE DID HERE BY HAND,\nBY PRESSING WINDOW,\nAND THEN SETTING \nTHE X AND Y MINS AND MAXS.\nSO WE KNOW THE X VALUES \nGO FROM 0 TO 5,\nBUT I WANT TO SHOW THE ORIGIN.\nSO I'M GOING TO GO FROM -1 TO 6,\nSCALED BY ONES, AND THEN FOR Y \nWE CAN GO FROM 200 TO 400,\nAS WE DID BY HAND.\nLET'S GO AHEAD AND SCALE \nTHIS BY 50s.\nNOW LET'S GO AHEAD \nAND TURN THE SCATTER PLOT ON.\nWE'LL PRESS SECOND Y EQUALS.\nIT'S ACTUALLY ALREADY ON,\nBUT LET'S GO AHEAD \nAND PRESS ENTER.\nIF IT WASN'T ON, \nWE'D PLACE THE CURSOR HERE\nWHERE IT'S BLINKING ON \nAND PRESS ENTER.\nTHE SCATTER PLOT \nIS THE FIRST OPTION,\nAND WE HAVE L1 AND L2 \nFOR X AND Y,\nSO EVERYTHING LOOKS GOOD.\nLET'S GO AHEAD AND PRESS GRAPH,\nAND WE CAN SEE THAT OUR SCATTER \nPLOT ON THE CALCULATOR\nIS VERY SIMILAR TO THE SCATTER \nPLOT THAT WE DID BY HAND.\nNOW WE WANT TO GO AHEAD\nAND DETERMINE THE REGRESSION \nEQUATION,\nBUT WE ALSO WANT TO MAKE SURE\nTHE CALCULATOR GIVES US THE \nCOEFFICIENT OF DETERMINATION.\nSO WE NEED TO MAKE SURE OUR \nDIAGNOSTIC TOOL IS TURNED ON.\nIF WE PRESS SECOND ZERO,\nTHAT WILL TAKE US \nTO THE CATALOG,\nAND WE'RE GOING TO SCROLL DOWN \nAND LOOK FOR DIAGNOSTIC ON.\nHERE IT IS, \nSO GO AHEAD AND PRESS ENTER,\nAND THEN ENTER ONE MORE TIME.\nAND NOW R SQUARED WILL SHOW\nWHEN WE DETERMINE \nTHE REGRESSION EQUATION.\nSO NOW WE'RE GOING TO PRESS \nTHE STAT KEY,\nRIGHT ARROW ONCE \nFOR CALCULATION,\nAND THEN OPTION 5 IS QUADRATIC \nREGRESSION, SO WE'LL PRESS 5.\nNOW, BEFORE WE PRESS ENTER,\nWE'RE GOING TO GO AHEAD\nAND HAVE THE CALCULATOR STORE \nTHE REGRESSION EQUATION IN Y1.\nTO DO THAT WE CAN PRESS THE VARS \nKEY, RIGHT ARROW ONCE TO Y VARS,\nPRESS ENTER, AND THEN ENTER ONE \nMORE TIME TO SELECT Y1.\nAND NOW WHEN WE PRESS ENTER\nTHIS WILL DETERMINE \nTHE REGRESSION EQUATION\nAND STORE IT IN Y1.\nSO NOTICE IT GIVES US A, B, \nAND C FOR OUR QUADRATIC MODEL,\nAND IT ALSO GIVES US R SQUARED, \nWHICH IS APPROXIMATELY .99,\nWHICH INDICATES \nTHIS IS AN EXCELLENT MODEL.\nSO WE KNOW IT'S ALREADY IN Y1.\nLET'S GO AHEAD AND WRITE THIS \nDOWN ON OUR SCREEN,\nAND WE'LL ROUND \nTO TWO DECIMAL PLACES.\nOUR FIRST QUESTION ASKS \nIS THE EQUATION A GOOD FIT\nFOR THE DATA?\nWHY OR WHY NOT?\nTHIS IS THE MAIN REASON WHY WE \nWANTED TO HAVE THE CALCULATOR\nGIVE US R SQUARED.\nTHE COEFFICIENT OF DETERMINATION \nIS APPROXIMATELY 99.4%,\nWHICH TELLS US THE PERCENT \nOF VARIABILITY\nTHAT COULD BE EXPLAINED \nBY THIS MODEL.\nAND SINCE THIS IS VERY CLOSE \nTO 1,\nTHIS IS AN EXCELLENT MODEL \nFOR THE GIVEN DATA.\nSO WE CAN EXPLAIN THIS \nIN DETAIL,\nBUT THE MAIN REASON IS BECAUSE\nR SQUARED IS APPROXIMATELY \n= .99, OR 99%,\nWHICH IS VERY CLOSE TO 1.\nAND THE CLOSER R SQUARED \nIS TO 1, THE BETTER THE MODEL.\nNUMBER TWO, WE WANT TO PREDICT \nTHE REVENUE IN THE YEAR 2012.\nWE NEED TO BE A LITTLE BIT \nCAREFUL HERE,\nBECAUSE REMEMBER IF WE GO BACK \nTO OUR DATA,\nTHE YEAR 2000 WAS REPRESENTED \nBY X = 0.\nSO FOR THE YEAR 2012, \nTHAT WOULD BE X = 12.\nSO WE'RE GOING TO SUBSTITUTE \n12 INTO OUR MODEL,\nAND SEE WHAT THE Y VALUE \nWOULD BE,\nBECAUSE Y REPRESENTS THE REVENUE \nIN BILLIONS OF DOLLARS.\nWE'RE GONG TO GO AHEAD AND DO \nTHIS ON THE GRAPHING CALCULATOR\nUSING THE TABLE FEATURE.\nLET'S MAKE SURE OUR TABLE IS SET \nUP CORRECTLY.\nIF WE PRESS SECOND WINDOW,\nWE'LL HAVE OUR TABLE START AT 0, \nINCREASE BY 1,\nAND WE'LL LEAVE BOTH OF THESE \nAS AUTOMATIC.\nSO NOW IF WE PRESS SECOND GRAPH,\nWE CAN JUST SCROLL DOWN \nTO X = 12,\nAND THE Y VALUE WILL BE THE \nPREDICTED REVENUE FOR THAT YEAR.\nSO IT LOOKS LIKE \nTHE PREDICTED REVENUE\nIS GOING TO BE $1,645.9 BILLION,\nWHICH IS THE SAME AS SAYING \n$1.6459 TRILLION.\nNOW, YOU MIGHT BE ASKED \nIS THIS A GOOD PREDICTION\nOF THE REVENUE FOR THIS YEAR?\nLET'S LOOK AT THE GRAPH \nJUST FOR A MOMENT.\nIF WE PRESS THE TRACE KEY,\nAND RIGHT ARROW TO THE LAST \nPOINT ON OUR SCATTER PLOT,\nTHE DATA THAT WE USED \nWAS ONLY THROUGH THE YEAR 2005.\nSO WE'RE USING EXTRAPOLATION \nTO MAKE THIS PREDICTION,\nWHICH IS SEVEN YEARS \nPAST THE GIVEN DATA.\nSO THIS WOULD ONLY \nBE A GOOD PREDICTOR\nIF WE KNEW THE TREND WAS GOING \nTO CONTINUE IN THE SAME PATTERN.\nAND WE CAN SEE FROM PREVIOUS \nYEARS AT TIMES\nTHEY HAVE EXPERIENCED A DIP \nIN REVENUE,\nSO THIS MAY OR MAY NOT BE A GOOD \nPREDICTION,\nBECAUSE IT'S SEVERAL YEARS \nPAST THE GIVEN DATA\nUSED TO CREATE THIS REGRESSION \nEQUATION.\nNUMBER FOUR ASKS \nWHEN WILL THE REVENUE\nREACH $500 BILLION?\nSO THEY'RE GIVING US \nTHE Y VALUE,\nAND ASKING US TO DETERMINE \nTHE X VALUE.\nSO LET'S GO BACK TO OUR TABLE,\nAND NOW WE'RE GOING TO LOOK FOR \nA Y VALUE OF APPROXIMATELY 500,\nAND SEE WHAT THE X VALUE \nWOULD BE.\nSO AT THE END OF THE SIXTH YEAR \nIT'S NOT QUITE $500 BILLION,\nBUT BY THE END OF THE SEVENTH \nYEAR IT'S OVER $600 BILLION.\nSO REVENUE WILL REACH \n$500 BILLION SOMEWHERE\nDURING THE SEVENTH YEAR.\nAND WHEN X = 7, THAT WOULD BE \nTHE BASE YEAR OF 2000 + 7,\nOR SOMETIME DURING THE YEAR 2007\nREVENUE \nWOULD REACH $500 BILLION.\nTHE LAST QUESTION IS KIND \nOF AN OPEN-ENDED QUESTION.\nIF YOU WERE AN INVESTOR,\nWHAT OTHER INFORMATION WOULD YOU \nWANT BEFORE YOU INVESTED\nIN EXXON MOBIL?\nWELL, FIRST YOU MAY HAVE MORAL \nISSUES ABOUT INVESTING\nIN AN OIL COMPANY TO BEGIN WITH,\nBUT IF YOU WERE GOING TO INVEST \nIN THIS COMPANY,\nOF COURSE YOU'D ALSO WANT TO \nKNOW ABOUT POSSIBLE LAWSUITS,\nHOW MUCH THEY'RE INVESTING \nIN ALTERNATIVE ENERGY,\nAND ANY OTHER ISSUES \nTHAT MIGHT BE A CONCERN TO YOU.\nI THINK WE'LL STOP HERE \nFOR THIS VIDEO.\nWE'LL TAKE A LOOK AT A SECOND \nEXAMPLE IN THE NEXT VIDEO.\nTHANK YOU FOR WATCHING.\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "THERE'S\nTHERE'S A\nTHERE'S A HIGH\nTHERE'S A HIGH DEMAND\nTHERE'S A HIGH DEMAND\nRIGHT\nTHERE'S A HIGH DEMAND\nRIGHT NOW\nTHERE'S A HIGH DEMAND\nRIGHT NOW OF\nTHERE'S A HIGH DEMAND\nRIGHT NOW OF\nACHITECTURAL\nTHERE'S A HIGH DEMAND\nRIGHT NOW OF\nACHITECTURAL AND\nRIGHT NOW OF\nACHITECTURAL AND\nRIGHT NOW OF\nACHITECTURAL AND\nENGINEERING\nRIGHT NOW OF\nACHITECTURAL AND\nENGINEERING MANAGERS\nRIGHT NOW OF\nACHITECTURAL AND\nENGINEERING MANAGERS IN\nACHITECTURAL AND\nENGINEERING MANAGERS IN\nACHITECTURAL AND\nENGINEERING MANAGERS IN\nWASHINGTON\nACHITECTURAL AND\nENGINEERING MANAGERS IN\nWASHINGTON STATE.\nENGINEERING MANAGERS IN\nWASHINGTON STATE.\nENGINEERING MANAGERS IN\nWASHINGTON STATE.\nTHAT'S\nENGINEERING MANAGERS IN\nWASHINGTON STATE.\nTHAT'S ACCORDING\nENGINEERING MANAGERS IN\nWASHINGTON STATE.\nTHAT'S ACCORDING TO\nENGINEERING MANAGERS IN\nWASHINGTON STATE.\nTHAT'S ACCORDING TO THE\nWASHINGTON STATE.\nTHAT'S ACCORDING TO THE\nWASHINGTON STATE.\nTHAT'S ACCORDING TO THE\nU.S.\nWASHINGTON STATE.\nTHAT'S ACCORDING TO THE\nU.S. DEPARTMENT\nWASHINGTON STATE.\nTHAT'S ACCORDING TO THE\nU.S. 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rather,\nfollowed by SAT writing.\nAnd you'll see that all of these classes\nwill happen at Tuesdays,\nat the exact same time,\nso if you were able to make it today,\nyou'll also be able to make it\nfor the following classes.\nAnd you know, if you can't\nmake any of these classes,\ndon't worry, we'll record\nall of the classes,\nand send out the recordings,\nso that you can watch each of the classes,\nwhenever is most convenient for you.\nAnd so that's sneak\npeak at what's coming up\nfor the next few weeks,\nand for today, let's take a look at what\nwe'll cover within SAT math.\nSo for today, the first\nthing I'm going to cover\nis how to avoid careless mistakes,\nand the reason I want\nto cover this is that,\nyou know, careless\nmistakes are a possibility\nfor anyone and on any\ntopic within SAT math.\nAnd so it's great to start\nout with, as a foundation.\nNext thing I want to cover\nis function notation,\nand this is another one of\nthose really common concepts,\nthat can show up in a\nvariety of ways in the SAT.\nAnd third, I'll cover graph problems,\ngraphing table problems on the SAT,\nand I'm covering this because not only\ndo graphs and tables\nshow up within SAT math,\nbut in the evidence based\nreading and writing sections,\nyou'll often come across graphs and tables\nthat you'll be asked to interpret\nand relate back to the author's point.\nAnd then last, but not least,\nI'll wrap up with a Khan Academy badge,\nfor attending this class,\nand answer any questions at the end,\non anything that I covered for the day.\nAnd so, we've got a lot\nof topics to cover today,\nso let's dive straight\nin, start doing some math,\nand doing some practice problems.\nSo first, how should you\navoid careless mistakes\non the SAT math?\nSo what I'll share today is one approach\nthat has really helped me be\nmore organized and methodical,\nand cut down on the number of error,\ncareless mistakes that I make,\nand I've found that a\nlot of other students\nalso find it helpful.\nAnd so the first step I\nencourage you to take is,\nto read and understand the\nquestion one part at a time.\nSo when you break things up and annotate,\nand underline as you go,\nit will help you process\nall of the information,\nand keep you focused on the question.\nNext I encourage you to write out\nthe steps you need to\ntake to solve the problem,\nso this will prevent you from going\none step too far, or too short.\nAnd so this is really helpful,\nand it's almost like a roadmap\nfor what you want to do\nfirst, second, third and so forth.\nNext, you really want\nto do the math on paper,\nor on the calculator and,\nnow matter how confident\nyou might be feeling,\nI really discourage you\nfrom doing, from doing this in your head,\nas it really ups the chances\nthat you make a careless mistake.\nAnd so, put it on paper, type\nit out on your calculator.\nAnd then last but not least,\nmark down the answer in your test booklet,\nand so, if you have A, B, C, D like this,\nyou can circle A, or you can\nwrite out A and block it,\nand this is all about making sure that\nonce you have the right answer,\nthat answer gets to\nyour, the bubble sheet.\nAnd so, four steps that I like to follow,\nread and understand the question,\nsecond, write out the\nsteps you need to take,\nthird, do the math on\npaper or on the calculator,\nand then finally, mark down\nthe answer in your testbook.\nAnd so, this process is\none that I try and use,\nregardless of what I'm working on,\nwhether it's quadratic formula,\nor right triangle questions,\nor function notation problems.\nAnd so, give this process a try,\nand what we'll do now is,\ninstead of just walking\nthrough the concept,\napply this in the context\nof real SAT math questions.\nAnd so let's take a look at our first one.\nAnd I'm going to zoom in here,\njust to make sure everyone can read it.\nSo in this first question,\nI'm going to read the question first,\nso which of the following expressions\nis equivalent to the above expression?\nAnd so, it's a pretty\nstraightforward question,\nand so I understand that,\nand then I want to figure\nout the steps I want to take,\nand so this is, you've got,\nnotice you've got some multiplication,\nand you've got some subtraction,\nand so I want to do multiply first,\nand then I want to do the subtraction.\nAnd so this is some good\nOrder of Operations,\nand if you want a quick refresher on\nthe Order of Operations,\nhead on over to Khan Academy,\nand do a quick search, but for now,\nI'll just rewrite this here,\nand start doing some of the math.\nNegative five z minus two, minus z,\ntimes three minus z,\nand before I go any further,\nI want to note that, you know,\nit's important for questions like this\nto really differentiate\nyour two and your zs,\nso that you don't get them confused.\nBecause if you do, it really\ndoes change the answer\nthat you might get.\nSo if I go ahead and\ncontinue with this problem,\nnegative five z, minus,\nand then what I'm going to do here is,\nI'm going to FOIL,\nso do some FOIL polynomial multiplication,\nand so that stands for\nFirst, Out, Inner, Last.\nAnd so this is FOIL, and so\nif I multiply the first terms,\nthe two times the three\nis going to be six.\nThe outer terms, the\ntwo times the negative z\nis going to be minus two z.\nThe inner terms are going\nto be minus three z,\nso the negative three times z,\nand then I've got the\nnegative z times negative z,\nso that's going to be\na positive z squared.\nAnd so, I still have this negative sign,\nbut I have done this multiplication,\nand now I'm just going to\ncombine some like terms,\nstill leave that negative sign out there.\nSo I've got six minus five z,\nplus z squared.\nAnd now I can distribute\nthis negative sign,\nand so if I have this negative five z,\nnegative times six is just\ngoing to be minus six,\nand this negative one\ntimes this negative five z,\nis going to be plus five z.\nAnd then this negative\ntimes this plus z squared\nis going to lead to negative z squared,\nand now again,\nI can continue with this\nsecond step of subtraction,\nand I've got this negative five z,\nand this positive five z,\nso these will cancel out,\nleaving me with negative\nsix minus z squared,\nwhich is also the same as\nnegative z squared minus six.\nAnd so then, I look over here,\nand I've got negative z squared minus six,\nand so my answer choice is C,\nand the last step I do is,\nI will mark down C,\nand make it very clear,\nso there's no chance of making a mistake,\nwhen I carry it over to the bubble sheet.\nSo that is an example, one example,\nof how you can apply this\nmore organized process\nwithin a question that has a few steps,\nand where order matters.\nNow, that,\nthat question, it may have\nbeen straightforward for you,\nit might have been more challenging,\nbut go ahead and do some practice,\nand what we'll do next,\nis a slightly different problem\nwith a little bit more information,\nwhere using more organized\nprocess is even more helpful.\nSo let's take a look.\nOkay, so I'm going to zoom\nout just a little bit here.\nSo let's give this question a read.\nA distributor ships\nDVDs to several stores,\nthe shipping boxes contain several DVDs,\nand their cases, plus a layer of padding\nat each end of the boxes.\nOkay, the DVD cases and layers of padding\ncan be arranged neatly inside each box.\nEach DVD case is 14 millimeters thick,\nand each layer of padding\nis 10 millimeters thick.\nAnd the length of the interior\nof the box is 132 millimeters.\nIf d represents the number of DVDs\nthat the distributor can fit into one box,\nwith two layers of padding,\nwhich of the following inequalities\nbest models this situation?\nSo I don't know about you,\nbut that was a good bit of information,\nand a lot of sentences.\nAnd so what's helpful at this point,\nis to break down the\nquestion one part at a time,\nand to pull out the relevant information.\nAnd so we have DVDs that\nare 14 millimeters thick,\nand then we have padding,\nso I'm just going to abbreviate pad,\nis 10 millimeters thick.\nAnd then we have the length\nof the interior of the box,\nso the box is going to\nbe 132 millimeters thick.\nAnd then d, is the number\nof DVDs in one box,\nand then, one box with\ntwo layers of padding,\nand so that's important.\nWith two layers of padding.\nAnd so now I have all of\nthe information I need\nfrom the paragraph, and I\ncan start to process it.\nAnd what's even more helpful\nhere is to draw a diagram,\nso this goes back to figuring out\nwhat steps you need to take,\nand also doing a lot on paper.\nAnd so if I start with this,\nI know that this box is\n132 millimeters thick,\nand then I've got two layers of padding,\nand we've got padding\nat each end of the box,\nas you see here.\nAnd so I've got this padding here,\nand I've got this padding here,\nand that's going to be 10\nmillimeters and 10 millimeters,\nso that makes sense.\nAnd then within this,\nI've got a number of DVDs\nbeing put inside, and so\nthese are all, you know, DVDs,\nDVDs, so on, so forth.\nAnd each of these is 14 millimeters,\nbased on what I have here.\nAnd so now with this\ndiagram, and these labels,\nI know that my one side of the inequality\nis going to be 132 millimeters,\nsince that's the size of the box,\nand it all has to fit within the box.\nAnd then I have these, the\npadding that I can work with,\nand so I've got this, and I've got this.\nSo that feels like\nsomething I can start with,\nand so that is going to be 20,\nand then within the box, I've\ngot 14 millimeter thick DVDs,\nsince d represents the number of DVDs,\nI can write this as 14 d plus 20.\nSo 14 millimeters thick per DVD,\ntimes the number of DVDs,\nplus 20 for the padding,\nshould be less than or equal to 132.\nAnd so then that is going\nto be my final answer, B.\nSo,\nin this example, you saw that,\nreally breaking down the question,\ninto each of it's parts,\npulling that information out,\nfiguring out how you want\nto solve the problem,\nand then drawing a diagram\nand doing it all on paper,\nwas a good way to keep yourself organized\nas you solve the problem,\nand ensure that you didn't make\nany mistakes along the way.\nNow, that's the last careless\nmistake focus problem,\nbut the same process\nthat we walked through,\nI'm also going to apply\nin all of the other\nsample problems that\nwe walk through today.\nSince, like I mentioned,\nit's not just for algebra,\nit's not just for word problems,\nit can really help you with,\nacross the SAT math test.\nAnd so next up,\nwe're going to look at\nsome function notation,\nI'm going to do a quick overview,\nand then do some practice\nproblems together.\nOkay, let's take a look.\nSo first in this function notation recap,\nI want to talk about what is a function.\nSo function notation,\nwell a function, and I'll\ndo some abbreviation,\ntakes in an input, does\nsome number crunching,\nand then creates an output.\nAnd so, you might have seen this written\nin your algebra class as f of x,\nor as g of x, or h of x,\nand in this case, x is\ngoing to be your input,\nand then all of the letters,\nf, g and h,\nare just different ways\nof denoting a function.\nAnd so an example of a\nfunction might be f of x,\nequals x plus two.\nAnd a few common ways you\nmight see this on the SAT\nis within a table format,\nso you might see something like this.\nAnd so for given values of x,\nf of x is going to be two, three and four,\nand similarly you can\nrepresent this graphically.\nSo x, for certain values of x,\non the x axis, and then\nf of x on the y axis,\nif you have zero, one and two,\nyou have again, along the y axis,\none, two, three, four,\nthe same thing, the same\nfunction can be represented\nas this line, and so for\ncorresponding values of x,\nyou have values of f of x.\nNow the last thing I want\nto give a quick overview of,\nis compositions of functions.\nSo f of g of x, is\nanother common expression\nthat you'll see on the SAT math section,\nand this might also be written like this,\nit all means the same thing though.\nAnd what you want to remember here is,\nthat you want to solve this first,\nby solving the inside,\nso this, in this case,\nit would be g of x,\nand then solving for\nthe outside components,\nwhich would be f of g of x.\nAnd so this is a quick\noverview of function notation,\nthat should get you started with SAT math.\nAnd so what we're going to do next is,\nsee what this looks like,\nin the context of real SAT math questions.\nAnd what's coming up are four problems,\nand so they're two pairs each,\nso the first pair, the\nfirst problem in each pair,\nI'm going to walk through\nand work through together,\nbut if you feel comfortable,\nthen in the second question of that pair,\ngo ahead and, you know, mute me,\nand go do the problem more independently,\nif you're comfortable.\nAnd then check back in\nto see how I did it,\nand so, you know, only\nif you're comfortable,\notherwise you can watch me\nwork through it as well.\nBut like I mentioned, four problems total,\ntwo pairs each, and so let's take a look.\nOkay, so I'll zoom in a little bit more,\nmake sure everyone can see.\nAnd so, the graphs of\nthe functions f and g\nare shown to the left, what is\nthe value of f of g of zero,\nrounded to the nearest whole number?\nAnd so, I know that, and I\nwant to look at this graph,\nand so I've got f, and I've got g,\nand all of their corresponding values.\nAnd so the steps I want\nto take to solve this,\nare to solve for the inside,\nand then the outside.\nAnd so I want to solve\nfor g of zero first,\nand then I want to solve\nfor f of g of zero.\nAnd like I said, this\nis kind of my roadmap,\nand so I've written out the steps,\nand then it just comes down\nto following the steps,\nso it's easier for me to follow along.\nSo if I look at g of zero,\nwhat is the value of g, when x is zero.\nWell, it looks like I'm just right here,\nand so that y value is zero,\nand so what I can do is,\nsubstitute in that zero.\nSo then this, in the place of g of zero,\nand so this becomes f of zero.\nSo when x is zero, what is the value of f?\nIt's just going to be right there,\nat five.\nSo you've seen now,\none example of function notation\nand questions in a graphical form.\nAnd then next question\nwill be similar to this,\nand so if you feel like you\nhave a good understanding,\ngo ahead and read the question,\nread ahead, work ahead,\nand feel free to mute me if you want.\nSo you can work independently,\nand then come back here\nto the live stream,\nafter just a minute, and you'll\nsee how I worked through it.\nSo let's look at the next one,\nand if you feel comfortable,\ngo ahead and work ahead.\nOkay,\nso consider the graphs of the function f,\nand the function g shown above.\nWhich of the following\nbet approximates the value\nof g of f of three?\nOkay, so g of f of three, I've\ngot another composition here,\nnow how might I solve this?\nSo similar to the last question,\nand I want to solve the inner\npart, and then the outer part.\nAnd so I've got f over\nhere, I've got g over here,\nand so I want to solve for\nthis is g of f of three.\nIt just makes it easy,\nI'm more used to seeing\nit written like that,\nso in the function notation question,\nif you prefer this way,\nor if you prefer this way,\nfeel free to write it however\nis easier for you to interpret.\nSo I've got f of three, and\nI've got g of f of three,\nand so f of three,\nso when x is three,\nwhat is the value of f?\nWell, it looks like I'm right here,\nand so I'm going over to six.\nAnd so then I can substitute in this six\nin the place of f of three,\nand this becomes g of six.\nSo when x is six, and\nnow looking at g here,\nwhen x is six, what is the value of f?\nWell if I trace, the value of g, rather,\nif I trace this up, I head over here,\nand that value is going to be five.\nAnd so again, as a final step,\nI mark down the right answer,\nso that I don't mis-bubble anything,\nto my answer sheet.\nSo you've now seen two graphical examples\nof function notation questions on the SAT,\nand hopefully, you know,\nif you were working independently on that,\nyou were able to follow along,\nand get to the right answer.\nBut if you want more practice\nwith that kind of question,\nyou can also head to Khan Academy\nto do that function notation practice.\nNow we're going to shift\ngears a little bit,\nand the next two problems will be in more\nof an algebraic context.\nAnd again, these two will be,\nI'll work through the first one,\nand then, for the second\none, if you feel comfortable,\ngo ahead and work ahead of me,\nand see if you get to the\nsame answer that I do.\nLet's take a look.\nAh yes, and ignore the\nbig blue highlighting,\nI wanted to block out some\nof the markings there.\nSo let's give this question a read,\nlet g of x equal ax minus five.\nWhich of the following is\nequivalent to g of g of x.\nSo in this case,\nit looks like there's going\nto be some substitution.\nSo substitution going on,\nand I'm working now with variables,\ninstead of graphs,\nbut I can follow some\nof the same processes.\nAnd so this g of g of x, can be simplified\nto be g of eight x minus five,\nso in place of that g of x,\neverywhere I see g of x,\nI'm just substituting\nthis eight x minus five,\nand so when I have g\nof eight x minus five,\nI can further simplify this,\nlike this.\nSo eight times eight x minus five,\nminus five, so you'll see that, you know,\nthis can be rewritten\nas eight x minus five,\nwhich was g of x.\nJust in place of this x,\nI've substituted this eight x minus five.\nAnd so now if I solve this,\nI get 64 x minus 40, minus five,\nand so I've got 64 x minus 45.\nAnd then here I am here,\nand that is going to be, answer choice B.\nAnd so in this case,\nit was just a series of substitutions,\nwhere I again, am working\nfrom inside to out,\nand then solving on paper to avoid making\nany careless mistakes.\nSo we're going to do one more\nfunction notation question,\nand if you feel pretty\ncomfortable with it,\ngo ahead and work ahead of me.\nBut if you want to just follow along,\nthat is completely fine as well,\nand then after the function notation,\nwe're going to move on\nto tables and charts.\nSo let's take a look here,\nso let f of x equal x over one over x,\nand let g of x equal one over x.\nAssuming x does not equal zero,\nwhich of the following is\nequivalent to f of g of x?\nSo f of g of x,\nso based on the last\nquestion, and how that worked,\nit's probably a safe assumption\nthat there will be some\nmore substitution happening.\nAnd so, if I solve this,\nin place of this g of x, is the first,\nthis is kind of solving from the inside.\nI can substitute in g of x,\nand so this becomes f of one over x,\nsince this is what g of x equals.\nAnd so if f of one over x,\nthat means everywhere is see an x,\nI want to substitute one over x,\nand so, the algebra, there\nare a few more variables\nhappening here, but the\nsame principle applies,\nand so don't worry too much about that.\nAnd so f of x equals, is\nup here, x over one over x,\nand so what that means is,\nI would substitute in place of this x,\nI'm substituting one over x,\nminus one over, again,\nI have another x here,\nand I'm going to substitute\nanother one over x.\nNow here again, Order\nof Operations matters,\nof operations.\nAnd so, I've got one over x,\nand I'm going to do this division first,\nbefore I do the subtraction.\nAnd when you're dividing by a fraction,\nit's really,\nyou should be multiplying\nby the reciprocal of that.\nAnd so what I've got here is one over x,\nminus, and in this case, one times x is x,\nx divided by one is x.\nOne over x, minus x.\nAnd that is going to be\nyour final answer there,\nanswer choice D.\nSo the algebra here,\nthere are a few more variables\nthat you had to work with,\nbut the same principle applied.\nAnd so if you have a good understanding\nof function notation,\nand some of the basics,\nyou can really scale it, no matter,\nregardless of what equation or what format\nthe SAT shows the question as.\nSo that's it for function\nnotation questions now,\nand we're going to change\nnow to our final topic\nof graphs and charts and tables.\nAnd like I mentioned\nat the start of class,\nthis will not only be\nrelevant for SAT math,\nbut the strategies and the approach\nthat I'm going to walk through,\nand walk through,\nwill also apply to SAT\nreading and writing passages,\nthat often have tables and\ncharts at the end as well.\nSo let's take a look at\nhow one way to approach\nchart, graph and table questions.\nOh, let me zoom out a little bit there.\nSo how should you approach\ngraph and table problems on the SAT math?\nWell, it boils down to one sentence,\nand this is one approach\nthat I found to be really helpful\nfor me and other students,\nand that is to read the\nproblem and understand\nthe graph or table before you\nlook at the answer choices.\nAnd I want to emphasize that you want to\nleave those answer\nchoices for the very end,\nafter you already have good understanding\nof the graph and table.\nAnd the reason you do that,\nis that these answer choices\ncan include lots of information,\nthat might be overwhelming.\nThat might be overwhelming,\nor a lot to process,\nit might be distracting,\nand it might also lead\nyou down a wrong path.\nSo it can sometimes be a rabbit hole\nthat can sway your interpretation\nof the data in front of you.\nAnd so the process I\nencourage you to follow,\nis to read and understand the\ncontext from the question.\nSo that will give you good,\nkind of background information.\nAnd then, interpret the axes in a graph,\nfor the row and column labels in a table.\nAnd so with those axes, you\nget units with the labels,\nyou get a lot of information\nabout what the data means,\nto help you interpret.\nFinally, or third, rather,\nI encourage you to explain what you see\nin your own words, and this\na check for understanding,\ncheck for understanding.\nAnd so if you're able to\nexplain this to yourself,\nor pretend that you're\nexplaining it to a friend,\nit's a good check and test\nthat you understand it enough\nthat you could explain it to someone else.\nAnd it ensures that you won't be swayed\nin the wrong direction by\nany of the answer choices.\nThen, finally,\nyou want to reread the question,\nand then, and only then,\nlook at the answer choices.\nSo to recap, read the problem,\nand understand the graph and the table,\nand then look at the answer choices,\nso that you're not swayed or overwhelmed\nby all of the information.\nSo this might be counterintuitive,\nor might not be exactly how you would have\nthought about trying\nthese problems before.\nBut we're going to give it a try\nover the course of some real,\nthree SAT practice problems,\nwhere you get to see it in practice.\nSo I encourage you to give it a go,\nif this feels good and\ncomfortable for you,\nconsider practicing it more,\nso that it becomes a habit,\nand you're faster on the real SAT.\nSo let's take a look at a problem.\nOkay, I'm going to zoom in,\nmake sure you can read this.\nAnd so the graph at left in the sm plane\napproximates the average mileage, m,\nin miles per gallon that\nDenise's pickup truck\ngets when she drives at a\nspeed of s miles per hour.\nWhat is the best\ninterpretation of the maximum\npoint on the graph?\nSo,\nthat makes sense,\nand now I want to shift over to the table,\nand ignore this, so don't, don't,\npay attention to over here.\nAnd so if I look at the table,\nI've got average pickup mileage,\nand so the title is helpful,\nI've got mileage there, on my y axis,\nI've got mileage and miles per gallon.\nOn the x axis I've got\nspeed in miles per hour,\nokay, so I've got mileage\nas it varies by speed.\nAnd so that was that step of\nexplaining it in your own\nwords, as it varies by speed.\nAnd if I interpret the graph then,\nit looks like as I am going,\nas Denise is going, as she\ngoes faster, and faster,\nup until this maximum point here,\nher mileage is increasing up to a max\nof 18 miles per gallon,\nand then it drops off.\nSo, that makes sense,\nand that's kind of my\ninterpretation of the max point.\nAnd so let's which one of these\nanswer choices matches that.\nSo Denise's truck gets a maximum mileage\nof 18 miles per gallon,\nand so I'll erase these xs,\nsince they're no longer relevant.\nSo yeah, that matches what my\ninterpretation of the graph,\nand so, yep, her maximum\nmileage per gallon,\nis this, is that 18, so that works.\nLet's take a look at these\nother answer choices,\nand see what we find.\nSo Denise's truck gets a maximum mileage\nof 55 miles per gallon.\nWell, we just said that\nthe maximum mileage\nis here at 18, and so that 55 is out.\nDenise's truck can drive\nat a maximum speed of 18 miles per hour.\nWell no, we know that\nthis x axis is speed,\nand we've got 70, and you know,\nshe's still booking it, so, that's out.\nAnd then D, Denise's truck can drive\nat a maximum speed of 55 miles per hour.\nSo that it is also not the case,\nsince again, we have\nthis 70 miles per hour,\nand so we can go ahead and cross that off.\nAnd so our final answer is going to be A.\nAnd we are good to go.\nSo that question, you saw what it,\nwhat this process looks like,\nwhere you read the\nquestion, understand it,\nand then understand the graph,\nbefore you look at the answer choices,\nand are influenced by them.\nAnd so we're going to\nlook at a slightly more\ncomplex example in the next question.\nAnd again, if you feel comfortable,\ngo ahead and work ahead, mute me,\nand then compare you answer.\nBut if you want to follow\nalong, that works as well,\nso let's take a look at\nanother example of this.\nOkay, so let's take a look,\nthe graph at left in the th plane,\nshows the function used\nto model height, h,\nin feet, of the top of a pool toy,\nabove the surface of the water,\nt seconds after the toy has\nbeen thrown towards the surface.\nHow many seconds after\nthe toy had been thrown,\ndid the pool toy resurface?\nSo how many seconds?\nOkay, so in this example,\nwe can reread that question,\njust to better understand.\nAnd then hop over here, if\nwe still don't understand it,\nto see if the graph helps to clarify.\nSo we've got the th plane,\nused to model height in feet,\nabove the surface of the water,\nt seconds after the toy has been thrown.\nAnd the question is,\nhow many seconds after\nthe toy had been thrown,\ndid the pool toy resurface.\nSo if I look next, if\nthis is step number one,\nstep number two is to\nunderstand the graph,\nso toy height above the\nwater after t seconds.\nAnd so on my axes, to understand these,\nit says height above the\nsurface of the water in feet,\nso I've got height over here,\nand then seconds here, and this is time.\nAnd so I'm throwing an\nobject, so I'm throwing,\nand then based on this,\nsince this is height above\nthe surface of the water, toy,\nso this is above water,\nabove water,\nsince this is the height\nabove, and it's positive.\nAnd then this is submerged, right,\nsince,\nsince I've got these negative\nfeet markers here on the left.\nAnd then if I,\nit feels like I have a good\nunderstanding now of the graph,\nI know where the toy is\nabove water, and below water,\nso now I can look back at the question.\nAnd so how many seconds after\nthe toy had been thrown,\ndid the pool toy resurface?\nAnd so resurfacing, it\nlooks like it's going to be,\nwhere, do you have an idea of\nwhere on graph that might be.\nSo, hopefully you've thrown\nin some answers there.\nWell, it seems like it's going to be\nwhere it's above this x axis, right,\nso that is where, that's almost like,\nif I shade this blue,\nit almost makes it look\nlike the top of the pool.\nAnd so where it's popping back up,\nis going to be right here,\nsince this is where the\ntoy is being thrown,\nthis is underwater.\nAnd then where it pops back up,\nis where it is now positive,\nand has some positive height,\nand that looks like it's at 1.1 seconds,\nsince it's right between\nthe one and the 1.2.\nAnd so then my final answer\nthere is going to be, C.\nSo in this question, you\nsaw a little bit more\ncomplex of a graph,\nand you know, the SAT\nmight have simpler graphs,\nit might have even more complex graphs,\nbut if you really break down\nthe graph, piece by piece,\naxes by title, and all of that.\nIt will help you understand it,\nand making sure you aren't intimidated,\nor kind of worried and\noverwhelmed and thinking,\noh man, where, I have\nno idea what this means.\nIf you break it down into it's parts,\nyou can build it back up,\nand really strengthen that understanding.\nSo the final question\nI'm going to do today,\nis a question on tables,\nand so tables are a bit like graphs,\nand so a lot of the principles will apply,\nbut you'll see where\nthere are some differences\nin this practice question.\nAnd again, here, if you feel comfortable,\ngo ahead and work ahead,\nif you want to follow\nalong, go ahead and do that.\nOkay, so I'm just going\nto zoom in here for now,\nand I'm going to start over here first,\nthe table second,\nand then these answer choices third.\nSo, an online store's marketing director\nuses a web based computer program\nto tabulate customer\nresponses to a survey,\nwhich asks customers\nwhether their priority\nwhen buying sneakers was comfort,\nokay that seems important,\ncomfort, look or price.\nThe results are summarized\nin the table at left.\nWhich of the following\nclaims are supported\nby the findings in the table?\nOkay, so I've got a survey, about shoes,\nand the priorities, so that makes sense,\nand now I'm going to hop\nover here to number two,\nand I've got this sneaker survey.\nAnd I'm going to look now at the rows,\nand the column headers\nto first ground myself.\nAnd so in the rows,\nI've got gender and age,\nso male, ages 13 to 34,\nmale 35 and over,\nand so this is exactly like it mentioned,\ngender and age.\nSo this is some demographic information,\nand then at the top,\nthese are the priorities\nthat are mentioned over here,\nwhen buying sneakers, so\ncomfort, look or price.\nAnd then I've got my\ntotals, and my totals,\nso then this table, if I state\nmy understanding of this,\nis, you know, these are\ncustomer priorities.\nPriorities by gender and age,\nsince those are the segments in the rows,\nby gender and age.\nSo now with that understanding,\nI can finally go over to number three,\nthe third step there,\nand look at each of these statements.\nSo number one, males 35\nand older are more likely\nto purchase sneakers based on price,\nthan how the sneaker looks.\nAnd so I want to look\nat males 35 and over,\nso males 35 and older are over here,\nand it says they're more\nlikely to purchase on price.\nIs price more important than look?\nSo is p greater than l?\nAnd so I've got price, and looks,\nand it does indeed, look\nlike price is more important\nto males 35 and over, than looks.\nAnd so statement number\none is going to be true.\nNow I'll zoom out a little bit here,\nin case you were here, working ahead.\nStatement number two,\nmales between 13 and 34,\nhad the highest frequency of responding.\nAnd actually, I'm going\nto change colors here,\njust to help color code.\nSo males 13 to 34 had\nthe highest frequency\nof responding to the web based survey.\nSo now, I'm looking at\nanother demographic,\nso males age 13 to 34 had\nthe highest frequency,\nso in this case, highest\nfrequency is the operative words,\nI'm not looking just at\ncomfort, look and price,\nI'm looking at their totals.\nAnd so that is going to\nbe there on the table.\nNow how might I figure out\nif they had the highest\nfrequency of responding.\nWhat number in the table\nwould I be comparing this to?\nSo if you took a moment,\nI'll be actually comparing\nit to these numbers here.\nAnd so is 140 greater than 61? Yes.\nGreater than 89? Yes.\nGreater than 27? Yes.\nAnd so that means males\nhad the most numbers of\nresponses in this survey,\nand so statement number two is supported.\nLast, but not least, we've\ngot statement number three,\nso the probability that customer\npurchases sneakers, so that\na customer purchases sneakers\nbased on price is approximately 24%.\nAnd so in this case,\nI'm no longer looking at just one segment,\nI'm looking at all customers.\nAnd then I'm looking at price.\nAnd so, which elements\nof the table might I,\nwill I need to see if statement\nnumber three is supported?\nSo if you took a moment,\nyou might have said, this row here,\nand so I want to look at all customers,\nsince this is just customers,\nnot male or female, or by age.\nAnd then I want to look at price here,\nand so it looks like this\nis going to be a key number.\nAnd so the total number of customers\nthat say price is the most\nimportant thing for them.\nNow that's one part of the equation,\nbut what about the second part?\nSo how would I know if this is about 24%?\nWell, I would look at the\ntotal number of responses,\nand so in this case, that's 75 over 317,\nand if you do the math, and you know,\npunch that number in on the calculator,\nthat does get you to right about 24%.\nAnd so that is also going to be correct\nand supported by the table.\nSo then my final answer is going to be D,\nstatements one, two and three.\nNow say you were short\non timein this question,\nthere's actually another way\nyou might have done this,\nthrough a process of elimination.\nSo say you checked statement\nnumber one out first,\nand you saw that statement\nnumber one was correct,\nwell then, through a\nprocess of elimination,\nA does not have number one in\nit, so you know that's out.\nB also does not have one\nin it, but C and D do,\nso you'd still,\nyou would have gotten it\ndown to two, at least.\nThen, say you were here,\nand you confirm that\nnumber two is also correct,\nwell then, you know that C\ndoes not have number two,\nand so you can also cross that out.\nAnd by process of\nelimination, get to D as well.\nSo that's the last\nquestion, practice question,\nthat I am going to go through for today,\non charts and graphs.\nAnd so that really is\nthe end of the concepts\nand the topics for today,\nand so I hope that you\nfound some of the work\non careless mistakes with SAT math,\nand function notation, and\ngraphs and tables, to be helpful.\nNow, to wrap things up in class,\nI'm going to give out a badge\nfor attending the class,\nand then take some questions.\nSo let's take a look at the badges,\nand how you will get that,\nand then if you have any questions,\ngo ahead and start typing them\ninto the YouTube live chat box,\nand I'll go ahead and answer\nas many as I can, okay.\nSo for the badge,\nyou're going to get a badge link\nin the YouTube live chat box,\nand then once you click on the badge,\nyou'll need to log into Khan Academy.\nAnd then you'll see a notification\nin the top right of the screen.\nAnd so keep an eye out for that,\nit'll pop up next to this\nlittle like bell icon,\nthat's my best interpretation of a bell,\nin the top right of your screen.\nAnd then like I mentioned,\nnow I'm going to take a minute\nto go through and answer some questions.\nAnd so, the first question we have is,\naround time management\nstrategies on SAT math.\nSo, first thing I would\nencourage you to do,\nis go to Khan Academy, in our\nTips and Strategies sections,\nand we have two really good articles\nabout time management strategies,\nnot just for SAT math,\nbut also the reading and writing sections.\nNow for SAT math in particular,\nwhat I would encourage you to do is,\none strategy called the\ntwo passes strategy.\nAnd so what you want\nto do in the first pass\nis go through and answer the questions,\nanswer as many of the\nquestions as you can,\nbut don't spend too much\ntime on any one question.\nAnd the reason for that is\nthat all of the questions\non the SAT, on math, reading and writing,\nevery question is worth\nthe same amount of points.\nSo it's an easy question,\nit's worth one point,\nif it's the hardest\nquestion you've ever seen,\nit's still worth one point,\nand so investing too much\ntime in a hard question\nreally is not worth it.\nSo in first pass,\ngo through and answer as\nmany questions as you can,\nwhile still being careful and effective.\nThen in the second pass, you\ncan prioritize your time,\nand what you want to remember,\nis that in the SAT math section,\nthe questions go from easy,\nso say you have 10 questions,\nor 15 questions in a section,\nquestions one through five or six,\nwill be easier, than\nquestions 11 through 15.\nAnd since these questions are worth\nall the same amount of points,\nyou can prioritize your\ntime by going through,\nand making sure you get the\neasy and medium questions,\nabsolutely right,\nsince they're all worth\nthe same amount of points,\nbefore going on to the hard ones.\nAnd so these are few things you might do\nto get better at time\nmanagement on the SAT math.\nAnd the other thing I would suggest\nis just practicing with timed,\nwith a timer at home,\nso that you get a sense for\nhow fast or how slow you need to go.\nSo let's see,\nokay, so this was good\nfeedback for the next session.\nSo can you do more difficult problems,\ncould you please do some of the hardest\npassport to advanced\nmathematics questions?\nAbsolutely, so I can,\nmaybe in our next class,\nhave a trickier math question,\nto make it a little more challenging,\nand so we can do that.\nAnd so next question,\nwill these questions be on the SAT?\nSo yes, all of these questions\nwere example problems taken from\nofficial SAT practice,\ntaken from official practice and,\nwhich are all real practice questions from\nthe College Board, that\nwill show up on the SAT.\nAnd there are harder ones than these,\nthere are also simpler ones than these,\nand so everything that you\nsee on official SAT practice,\nwhether through the practice questions,\nthe timed mini-sections,\nor the practice exams,\nare all official questions\nthat have been on the SAT in the past,\nand that we've built\nin collaboration with the College Board.\nLet's see,\nwe have another one of,\nwhen should you start\nstudying for the SAT,\nso with that, I would really encourage you\nto first figure out when\nyou're going to take the SAT.\nSo depending on if you're\na junior or a senior,\nand if you're thinking\nabout early admission,\nor early decision, you know,\nfigure what is the right timing\nfor you to take the SAT.\nAnd then once you know that information,\nhead to official SAT practice,\nand create a personalized\npractice schedule.\nThere, you'll be able to\ninput your information to say,\nI'm taking the SAT in October,\nor I'm taking it in August,\nand then based on today's date,\nand when you're signed up to take the SAT,\nwe'll then recommend that you study say,\nan hour a week, two hours a week,\nand you can then create\nthat customized schedule\nto say, I'm going to\nstudy three days a week,\nfor an hour a week,\nsince I've got, you\nknow, some amount of time\nbefore the test, so I\ncan kind of take it easy.\nOr if you're exam is in, you know,\ntwo weeks or three weeks,\nyou might want to step it up,\nbut that practice schedule\nwill really help you\ndecide how many weeks in advance\nyou want to start practicing,\nand how much to study per week.\nI would say, obviously\nthe more time you have,\nand the more leeway your have, the better.\nLet's see, so I think,\nwe won't be able to finish,\nokay, so this is a great last question.\nWhat if we are running out of time,\nand we know we won't be able to finish,\nis it best to guess?\nSo there is no more\nguessing penalty on the SAT,\nand so the answer to that question is yes.\nIf you get a five minute warning,\nor realize there is not enough time,\nand you've got, you\nknow 10 questions left,\nhopefully that's not the case,\nbecause you did some time\npractice, and you feel okay.\nBut in that case, absolutely guess,\nso I don't know what your, you know,\nwhat you want to do if you\nwant to guess all Bs, all Cs,\nor make it random, but you should guess,\nthere's no penalty for a\nwrong answer on the SAT.\nSo I think that's all\nfor SAT math for today,\nbut for next week, we're\ngoing to do SAT reading,\nand so that class is again, on Tuesday.\nAnd for the next class,\nI would ask you to think about, you know,\nwhen you're on the SAT reading,\nand you've narrowed down\nthe answer choices to,\neither B or C, or C or\nD, down to the final two,\nhow should you pick between\nthose final two answers?\nSo when it's 50/50, what\napproach do you use?\nAnd so that's going to\nbe one of the things\nthat we'll tackle next\nweek with SAT reading,\nagain, with some strategies and some real,\npractice problems that you can do.\nAnd so, that's it for today for SAT math,\nbut remember to join us next\nTuesday at 7:00 pm Pacific,\n4:00 pm, ah,\n7:00 pm Eastern, 4:00 Pacific,\nfor our SAT reading class,\nand I hope this helpful,\nand best of luck as you\npractice for the SAT.\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "Spoilers for Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune\nincoming!\nThe first Uncharted is a fun, pulpy ride.\nBut in chapter 17 it shifts\ntowards survival horror a bit.\nAnd this is where weapon progression\nsupports the setting and level design\nto play with emotions.\nWeapons in Uncharted are divided into tiers.\nFirst you use tier 1 weapons,\nwhich eventually get replaced\nwith stronger tier 2 ones.\nBut in chapter 17,\nwhen you first meet the Descendants,\nyou can only find tier 1 weapons,\nso you wouldn’t be able to\nreplenish your tier 2 ones.\nThat is followed by a section designed\nto make you run out of all ammo\nyou would have.\nSo when you get to the bunker,\nthe only weapons you can find\nare tier 0 machine guns from World War II,\nand that’s all you’ve got to\nfrantically use against the Descendants.\nAfter a couple chapters of this big tension,\nyou will start getting tier 2 weapons again\nwhich make your life a lot easier.\nSo for creating emotional spikes,\neverything is a potential tool -\nincluding weapon progression.\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "\nPortuguese: \n\"Justiça\" é uma daquelas coisas de que as pessoas falam o tempo todo, sem dizer especificamente o que elas querem dizer.\nOs ativistas falam de justiça econômica\nPoliciais e advogados falam de justiça criminal...\nAs famílias, professores e estudantes também falam bastante de justiça, mesmo que não usem essa palavra\nQuando há um briga no parquinho, ou você não tira uma nota que você acredita merecer, acabamos falando do que é justo.\nE isso é falar sobre justiça\nA a gente acha que sabe o que isso é, mas provavelmente não sabemos - ou, ao menos, não concordamos\nJustiça é igualdade? Equidade? Ganhar o que merecemos? Ou ganhar o que precisamos?\nÀs vezes falamos sobre equilibrar a balança da justiça\nIsso nos remete a um entendimento ancestral grego de justiça como harmonia\nDe acordo com essa visão, uma sociedade justa é aquela onde todos cumprem com seus papéis, de modo que ela funcione facilmente\nNesse caso, violar o seu papel na ordem social - mesmo que seja um papel de que você não quer possuir - é considerado injustiça\n\nSwedish: \nRättvisa är en av dem saker som folk pratar om hela tiden, utan att vara riktigt specifika med vad dem menar.\nAktivister pratar om ekonomisk rättvisa.\nPoliser och advokater pratar om kriminell rättvisa.\nFöräldrar, lärare och elever pratar också mycket om rättvisa, men de använder kanske aldrig just det ordet.\nOm det blir bråk på lekplatsen, eller om du får ett betyg som du inte tycker du förtjänar, pratar vi om vad som är rättvist.\nOch det är att prata om rättvisa.\nOch vi tror att vi vet vad det är, men förmodligen så gör vi inte det - eller så håller vi inte med varandra.\nHandlar rättvisa om jämlikhet? Opartiskhet? Att få det vi förtjänar? Eller att få det vi behöver?\nIbland pratar vi om att balansera rättvisans vågskålar.\nDetta går tillbaka till en antik grekisk tanke om rättvisa som harmoni.\nI det här perspektivet är ett rättvist samhälle ett där alla uppfyller sina roller, så att samhället fungerar smidigt.\nAtt frångå din plats i samhällsordningen - även om det är en plats du inte vill ha - anses som orättvisa.\n\nArabic: \nتعد العدالة أحد تلك المواضيع التي يتحدث عنها الناس طوال الوقت دون أن يبينوا ماالذي يعنونه على وجه التحديد\nفيتحدث الناشطون عن العدالة الاقتصادية\nويتحدث الشرطة والمحامون عن العدالة الجنائية\nكما يتحدث الآباء والمعلمون والطلاب عن العدالة كثيرا رغم أنهم قد لا يستخدموا تلك الكلمة إطلاقا\nعند حدوث عراك في ساحة اللعب أو عندما تحصل على درجة تظن أنك لا تستحقها، نجد أنفسنا نتحدث عما هو منصف\nوذاك هو الحديث عن العدالة\nنحن نظن أننا نعرف ماهي العدالة، لكننا على الأرجح لا نفعل ، أو على الأقل لا نتفق في ذلك\nفهل العدالة هي المساواة؟ أم الإنصاف؟ أم حصولنا على ما نستحقه؟ أم حصولنا على ما نحتاجه؟\nأحيانا نتحدث عن موازنة كفتي ميزان العدالة\nويعود تاريخ ذلك إلى المفهوم اليوناني القديم عن العدالة بوصفها حالة توافق\nفي هذا المفهوم، المجتمع العادل هو المجتمع الذي يؤدي فيه كل فرد دوره ليعمل المجتمع بصورة سلسة\nوفي تلك الحالة، مخالفة دورك في النظام الاجتماعي - حتى لو كان دورا لا تريد أن تتولاه_ يعد أمرا غير منصفا\n\nSerbian: \nПравда je једна oд оних ствари o којима људи свеудиљ причају, а да заиста нису одређени око тога шта подразумевају.\nАктивисти говоре о економској правди.\nПолиција и одветници говоре о кривичној правди.\nРодитељи, наставници и ученици много говоре o правди такође, иако можда никада не користе ту реч.\nКада се збуде туча на игралишту, или добијете оцену коју мислите да не заслужујете, затекнемо себе како говоримо о томе шта је поштено.\nА то је говорити о правди.\nИ мислимо да знамо шта је то, али вероватно не знамо - или се, у најмању руку, не слажемо.\nОдноси ли се правда на једнакост? Поштење? Добијање онога што заслужујемо? Или добијање онога што нам је потребно?\nПонекад говоримо о уравнотеживању ваге правде.\nОво сеже уназад до древногрчког разумевања правде као хармоније.\nПо томе, праведно друштво je oнo у ком свако испуњава своју улогу, тако дa друштво функционише без потешкоћа.\nУ том случају, повређивање вашег места у друштвеном поретку - чак и ако је то место које не желите задржати - сматра се неправедним.\n\nEnglish: \nJustice is one of those things that people talk about all the time, without really being specific about what they mean.\nActivists talk about economic justice.\nPolice and lawyers talk about criminal justice.\nParents, teachers, and students talk about justice a lot, too, though they may never use that word.\nWhen there’s a fight on the playground, or you get a grade you think you don’t deserve, we find ourselves talking about what’s fair.\nAnd that is talking about justice.\nAnd we think we know what it is, but we probably\ndon’t – or at least, we don’t agree.\nIs justice about equality? Fairness? Getting\nwhat we deserve? Or getting what we need?\nSometimes we talk about balancing the scales\nof justice.\nThis goes back to an ancient Greek understanding\nof justice as harmony.\nIn this view, a just society is one in which everyone fulfills their roles, so that society runs smoothly.\nIn that case, violating your place in the social order – even if it’s a place you don’t want to hold – is considered unjust.\n\nSpanish: \nLa Justicia es una de esas cosas de las que la gente habla todo el tiempo, sin ser realmente específicos acerca de lo que se refieren.\nLos Activistas hablan de Justicia Económica\nPolicías y abogados hablan de Justicia Criminal\nPadres, profesores y estudiantes hablan mucho de justicia también, aunque pueden nunca usar esa palabra.\nCuando hay una pelea en el patio, o cuando consigues una nota que piensas no merecer, nos encontramos hablando de lo que es justo.\nY eso es hablar de justicia.\nY nosotros pensamos que sabemos lo que es, pero probablemente no lo sabemos - o por lo menos, no concordamos.\n¿Es la justicia algo acerca de la igualdad?¿Rectitud?¿Conseguir lo que merecemos?¿O conseguir lo que necesitamos?\nAlgunas veces hablamos sobre equilibrar escalas de justicia.\nEsto se remonta a un entendimiento griego antiguo de la justicia como armonía.\nEn esta concepción, una sociedad justa es una en la cual todos cumplen sus roles, entonces todo avanza lisamente.\nEn ese caso, violar tu lugar en el orden social -incluso si es un lugar que no quieres mantener- es considerado injusto.\n\nSpanish: \nLa justicia es una de esas cosas de las que la gente habla todo el tiempo, sin especificar a lo que se refieren.\nLos activistas hablan de justicia económica.\nLa policía y los abogados hablan de justicia criminal.\nLos padres, maestros y estudiantes también hablan mucho sobre justicia, a pesar de que nunca usen esa palabra.\nCuando hay una pelea en el patio, o cuando obtienes una calificación que crees que no es la indicada, nos encontramos hablando de lo que es justo.\nY eso es hablar de justicia.\nY pensamos que sabemos lo que es, pero probablemente no lo sabemos – o al menos, no estamos de acuerdo en ello.\n¿Hablar de justicia es hablar sobre igualdad? ¿Imparcialidad? ¿Obtener lo que nos merecemos? \n¿O conseguir lo que necesitamos?\nA veces hablamos sobre \nel equilibrio de la balanza de la justicia.\nEsto se remonta a una antigua comprensión griega de la justicia como armonía.\nEn este punto de vista, una sociedad justa es aquella en la que cada quien cumple su función, de manera que la sociedad funcione sin problemas.\nEn ese caso, no cumplir con tu lugar en el orden social – incluso si se trata de un lugar que no deseas mantener – se considera injusto.\n\nDutch: \nRechtvaardigheid is een van die zaken waar mensen constant over praten, zonder echt specifiek aan te geven wat ze bedoelen.\nActivisten hebben het over economische rechtvaardigheid.\nDe politie en rechters spreken over criminele rechtvaardigheid.\nOuders, leraren, en studenten praten eveneens veel over rechtvaardigheid, al nemen ze het woord misschien nooit in de mond.\nWanneer een gevecht uitbreekt op de speelplaats, of wanneer je een - volgens jou onterecht - resultaat terugkrijgt, komt het onderwerp van eerlijkheid ter sprake.\nEn dat is praten over rechtvaardigheid.\nWe denken te weten wat het is, maar dat doen we waarschijnlijk niet - of we zijn het ten minste niet met elkaar eens.\nGaat rechtvaardigheid over gelijkheid? Eerlijkheid? Krijgen wat we verdienen? Of krijgen wat we nodig hebben?\nSoms spreken we over het in balans houden van de weegschaal van Vrouwe Justitia.\nDit is gebaseerd op een begrip van rechtvaardigheid als harmonie bij de oude Grieken.\nVolgens deze opvatting is een rechtvaardige samenleving eentje waarin iedereen zijn of haar rol vervult, waardoor de maatschappij gesmeerd loopt.\nIn dat geval wordt het schenden van je plaats in de sociale orde - ook al is het een plaats die je niet wenst - als onrechtvaardig beschouwd.\n\nSwedish: \nI andra fall har rättvisa tolkats på ett mer utilitaristiskt sätt - där ett rättvist samhälle är ett som försöker öka den totala livskvaliteten för sina medborgare.\nOch för en politisk libertarian, är ett rättvist samhälle helt enkelt ett som ger sina medborgare maximal frihet.\nSå vad är det?\nÄr det rättvisa att köpa mat till någon i nöd?\nÄr det att sätta en brottsling i fängelse?\nÄr det att ge belöningar och straff på grundval av meriter?\nAnledningen till att människor pratar om rättvisa \nhela tiden är att det är en av de mest grundläggande sociala, etiska och moraliska principer \nsom vi handskas med varje dag.\nOch till slut - vad rättvisa betyder för dig personligen bestämmer hur du tycker att samhället ska fungera.\n \nDu kanske redan har märkt det, men när folk pratar om rättvisa, pratar de egentligen om saker.\nSom vem har mest saker - oavsett om det är pengar, mat eller tillgång till tjänster som sjukvård och renhållning.\nVem får bestämma vem som får vad? Och på vilken grund?\n\nSpanish: \nOtras veces, la justicia ha sido entendida de una manera más utilitaria, donde una sociedad justa es aquella que trata de aumentar la calidad general de vida de sus ciudadanos.\nY para un político libertario, una sociedad justa es simplemente la que permite ofrecer a sus ciudadanos la máxima libertad.\nEntonces, ¿cuál es?\n¿La justicia compra comida a alguien que lo necesite?\n¿Envía a un delincuente a la cárcel?\n¿Reparte premios y castigos basados en el mérito?\nLa razón por la que la gente habla de la justicia todo el tiempo es que es uno de los principios fundamentales sociales, éticos y morales con los que tratamos todos los días.\nY al final, lo que significa para ti la justicia, más o menos define cómo crees que debería funcionar la sociedad.\n \nPuede que ya te hayas dado cuenta de esto, pero cuando la gente habla de justicia, gran parte del tiempo, realmente están hablando de cosas.\nComo quién tiene más cosas – ya sea dinero, alimentos o acceso a servicios como la salud y la sanidad.\n¿Quién decide quién recibe qué?\n¿Y sobre qué base?\n\nSpanish: \nEn otras ocasiones, la justicia ha sido entendida en una forma más utilitaria, en donde una sociedad justa es la que intenta aumentar la calidad de vida general de sus ciudadanos.\nY para un libertario político, una sociedad justa es simplemente una que permite a sus ciudadanos ser máximamente libres.\n¿Entonces cuál es?\n¿La justicia es comprar comida para alguien necesitado?\n¿Es enviar un criminal a prisión?\n¿Es repartir recompensas y castigos basados en mérito?\nLa razón por la que la gente habla de justicia todo el tiempo es que ésta es uno de los principios sociales, éticos y morales mas fundamentales con los que lidiamos diariamente.\nAl final, lo que la justicia significa para ti personalmente, prácticamente define cómo piensas que la sociedad debería funcionar.\n[Tema musical]\nPuede que ya hayas notado esto, pero cuando la gente habla sobre justicia, muchas veces están realmente hablando sobre cosas.\nComo quién tiene más cosas -no importa si es dinero, comida o acceso a servicios como salud e higiene.\n¿Quién puede decidir quién recibe qué?¿Sobre qué bases?\n\nEnglish: \nOther times, justice has been understood in a more utilitarian way, where a just society is one that tries to increase the overall quality of life for its citizens.\nAnd for a political libertarian, a just society is simply one that allows its citizens to be maximally free.\nSo which is it?\nIs justice buying a meal for someone in need?\nIs it sending a criminal to jail?\nIs it doling out rewards and punishments based\non merit?\nThe reason people talk about justice all the time is that it’s one of the most fundamental social, ethical, and moral principles we deal with every day.\nAnd in the end, what justice means to you personally, pretty much defines how you think society should work.\n[Theme Music]\nYou might have already noticed this, but when people talk about justice, a lot of the time, they’re really talking about stuff.\nLike, who has more stuff – whether that’s money, food, or access to services like healthcare and sanitation.\nWho gets to decide who gets what?\nAnd on what basis?\n\nDutch: \nRechtvaardigheid is ook in meer utilitaristische termen opgevat, nl. dat een rechtvaardige maatschappij de algemene levenskwaliteit voor haar burgers probeert te vergroten.\nEn voor een politieke libertariër is een rechtvaardige maatschappij simpelweg eentje die haar burgers maximaal toelaat vrij te zijn.\nDus wat is het nu?\nIs rechtvaardigheid een maaltijd kopen voor iemand in nood?\nOf is het een crimineel de gevangenis in sturen?\nIs het het uitreiken van beloningen en straffen gebaseerd op verdienste?\nDe reden waarom mensen zo veel praten over rechtvaardigheid, is dat het een van de meest fundamentele sociale, ethische en morele principes is waar we dag in, dag uit mee te maken hebben.\nWat rechtvaardigheid voor jou betekent, bepaalt uiteindelijk hoe je vindt dat de maatschappij zou moeten werken.\n[Muziek[\nMisschien heb je dit al opgemerkt, maar wanneer mensen over rechtvaardigheid spreken, hebben ze het in feite vaak over spullen hebben.\nWie meer spul heeft - of het nu geld, voedsel, of toegang tot diensten als gezondheidszorg en waterzuivering is.\nWie mag beslissen wie wat krijgt? En op basis waarvan?\n\nArabic: \nوفي حالات أخرى، يُنظر للعدالة من منظور منفعي حيث المجتمع العادل هو الذي يعمل على تحسين معيشة مواطنيه عموما\nوبالنسبة لليبرالي فالمجتمع العادل ببساطة هو الذي يتمتع أفراده بأكبر قدر من الحرية\nفأي من هذه المفاهيم هو المفهوم الصحيح للعدالة؟\nهل العدالة شراء وجبة لمن يحتاجها؟\nأم هي الزج بمجرم في السجن؟\nأم توزيع الثواب والعقاب كل حسب ما يستحق؟\nيعود السبب في أن الناس يتحدثون عن العدالة طوال الوقت إلى كونها أحد أهم المبادئ الاجتماعية والأخلاقية والأدبية التي نتعامل معها يوميا\nوفي الأخير، ما تعنيه العدالة لك شخصيا يحدد تصورك حول الآلية التي يجب ان يعمل بها المجتمع إلى حد كبير\n \nربما تكون قد لاحظت ذلك مسبقا ولكن عندما يتحدث الناس عن العدالة فهم في أغلب الأوقات يتحدثون في الواقع عن أشياء\nمثلا من لديه أشياء أكثر سواء كانت هذه الأشياء مالا أو طعاما أو الوصول للخدمات كالرعاية الصحية والصرف الصحي\nمن يتّخذ القرار حول من يحصل على هذا أو ذاك وعلى أي أساس؟\n\nPortuguese: \nEm outros casos, a justiça é entendida de modo utilitário, onde a sociedade justa é aquela que tenta melhorar a média da qualidade de vida para seus cidadãos\nE para um libertário político, uma sociedade justa é simplesmente aquela que permite que seus cidadãos sejam livres ao máximo.\nEntão, qual está certo?\nJustiça é comprar uma refeição para quem precisa?\nÉ mandar um criminoso para a cadeia?\nÉ distribuir prêmios ou punições baseadas no mérito?\nO motivo pelo qual as pessoas falam de justiça o tempo todo é que ela é um dos princípios morais, éticos e sociais mais fundamentais com que lidamos no cotidiano\nE, no fim das contas, o que a justiça significa para você, pessoalmente, praticamente define como você acredita que a sociedade deve funcionar.\n[Música Tema]\nVocê pode já ter notado isso, mas quando as pessoas falam de justiça, em muitos casos, eles estão falando de coisas.\nTipo, quem tem mais coisas - seja isso dinheiro, comida ou acesso a serviços como saúde e saneamento\nQuem decide quem tem o que? E com que critério?\n\nSerbian: \nУ другим приликама, правда се поима на утилитарнији начин, када је поштено друштво оно које покушава да увећа свеукупну каквоћу живота за своје грађане.\nА за политичког либертаријанца поштено друштво је једноставно оно које допушта својим грађанима да буду највише могуће слободни.\nДакле, шта је од тога?\nДа ли је правда куповање оброка некоме потребитоме?\nДа ли је то слање злочинца у затвор?\nДа ли је то пораздељивање награда и казни на основу заслуге.\nРазлог због ког људи стално говоре о правди је тај што је то један од најосновнијих друштвених, етичких и ћудоређних начела са којима имамо посла сваки дан.\nИ на крају, оно што правда значи теби лично, умногоме дефинише како мислиш да би друштво требало радити.\nГлазбена тема\nМожда сте већ ово приметили, али када људи говоре о правди, пуно пута, они доиста говоре о стварима.\nНа пример, ко има више ствари - било да је то новац, храна или приступ услугама попут здравствених и санитарних.\nКо одлучује шта ће ко да добије? И на којој основи?\n\nArabic: \nيُعرف المجال في فلسفة الأخلاق الذي يجيب على هذه الأسئلة بالعدالة التوزيعية. وقد أنشئت العديد من المدارس الفكرية في هذا الصدد\nعلى سبيل المثال، يعتقد بعض الناس أنه يجب أن يحصل كل فرد على نفس النوع والقدر من الأشياء مهما يكن\nوهذا المفهوم يعرف ب\"العدالة هي المساواة\"\nويبدوا منصفا تماما\nولكن هل حصول الجميع على نفس الأشياء أمرا عادلا حقا؟\nفأنا أحتاج – أو أريد- أنواعا ومقاديرا من الأشياء مختلفة عنك\nلذا هنالك أيضا فكرة \"العدالة القائمة على الحاجة\"\nالتي تقول بأنه لا يجب أن يحصل الجميع على نفس الأشياء؛ لأن احتياجاتنا ليست متشابهة\nووفقا لهذا المنطق فإن العدالة هي أن نحصل على الأشياء بالقدر الذي نحتاجه\nلذلك يحصل على الكثير من يحتاج إلى الكثير\nويرى البعض أنه أمر معقول بينما يرى آخرون أنه تفضيل لبعض الناس واضعين أولئك الذين يصدف أن احتياجاتهم أقل في موضع مجحف\nوإن كان هذا هو منظورك للأمور، فإنك على الأرجح تتبنى نوعا من العدالة القائمة على الاستحقاق والتي تعني أن العدالة في واقع الأمر هو التوزيع غير المتكافئ بناء على ما يستحقه كل فرد\nويعتمد استحقاقك للأشياء من عدمه على ما قمت به\nفهذة الفكرة تكافئ على الاجتهاد في العمل وتعاقب مسببي المشاكل\n\nPortuguese: \nA área da filosofia moral que trata dessas questões é conhecida como justiça distributiva, e existem muitas escolas de pensamento diferentes aqui.\nPor exemplo, algumas pessoas acreditam que todos devem ter o mesmo tipo e quantidade de coisas, independente de qualquer outro critério.\nEsse conceito é conhecido como justiça como igualdade\nSoa totalmente justo,\nmas será que todo mundo ganhar as mesmas coisas é mesmo justo?\nPor que eu preciso - ou quero - tipos e quantidades diferentes de coisas que você.\nEntão também existe a ideia de justiça baseada em necessidade\nEla diz que as pessoas não tem que ganhar o mesmo porque suas necessidades não são iguais\nPor essa lógica, justiça é ganhar de acordo com o que precisamos\nEntão, quem precisa de mais, ganha mais\nE alguns dizem que isso faz sentido, enquanto outros argumentam que significa favorecer certas pessoas, colocando quem acaba por não estar em necessidade em desvantagem\nE se é assim que você vê as coisas, então você provavelmente defende algum tipo de justiça baseada no mérito, o que defende que justiça significa, na verdade, distribuir desigualmente, baseado no que cada pessoa merece\nE você merece coisas - ou não - com base no que você fez\nEntão essa visão recompensa trabalho árduo e pune os agitdores\n\nSerbian: \nОбласт ћудоређне филозофије која разматра ова питања је позната као расподелна правда, и ту је много различитих школа мишљења.\nНа пример, неки људи верују да би свако требало да добије исту врсту и количину ствари, без обзира на све.\nОвај концепт је познат као правда као једнакост.\nЗвучи скроз поштено.\nНо, да ли је заиста правда то што свако добија исте ствари?\nЗато што требам - или желим - различите ствари и количине ствари него ти.\nДакле, ту је и замисао о правди заснованој на потреби.\nТо говори да сви не би требало да добију исто, зато што наше потребе нису исте.\nПо тој логици, правда се заснива на ономе што нам треба.\nТако да они којима треба више, добијају више.\nИ неки кажу да то има смисла, док други тврде да је то једнако повлашћивању неких људи више од других, стављајући оне који случајно нису потребити у неповољан положај.\nИ ако је то како гледате на ствари, онда се вероватно залажете за неку врсту правде засноване на заслузи, која каже да правда заправо значи давати неједнако, у зависности од тога шта свако заслужује.\nИ ви заслужујете ствари - или не - на основу онога што сте урадили.\nДакле, овај поглед награђује напоран рад а кажњава мутикаше.\n\nSpanish: \nEl área de filosofía moral que considera estas cuestiones es conocida como Justicia Distributiva, y hay muchas escuelas de pensamiento diferentes aquí.\nPor ejemplo, algunas personas creen que todos deberían recibir la misma clase y cantidad de cosas, no importa qué.\nEste concepto es conocido por Justicia como igualdad.\nSuena totalmente justo.\nPero, ¿que todos reciban lo mismo es realmente justicia?\nPorque yo necesito -o quiero- diferentes tipos y cantidades de cosas que tú.\nEntonces, también está la idea de la justicia basada en necesidad.\nEsto dice que no todos deberían recibir lo mismo, porque nuestras necesidades no son las mismas.\nPara esta lógica, justicia es conseguir basado en lo que necesitamos.\nAsí, aquellos que necesitan más, consiguen más.\nY algunos pueden decir que esto tiene sentido, mientras otros argumentan que favorece a algunas personas sobre otras, poniendo a aquellos que no pasan necesidad, en desventaja.\nY si así es como miras las cosas, entonces probablemente adoptas alguna clase de justicia en base al mérito, la cual dice que \"justicia\" realmente significa dar desigualmente, basado en lo que cada persona merece.\nY mereces cosas -o no- basado en lo que has hecho.\nEntonces, esta concepción recompensa el trabajo duro y castiga a quienes causan problemas.\n\nDutch: \nHet onderdeel van de moraalfilosofie die deze vragen onderzoekt staat gekend als de distributieve rechtvaardigheid, en er zijn vele verschillende stromingen in.\nSommige mensen geloven bijvoorbeeld dat iedereen hetzelfde soort en dezelfde hoeveelheid spul zou moeten krijgen, ongeacht de situatie.\nDit concept is gekend als rechtvaardigheid als gelijkheid.\nDat klinkt best redelijk.\nMaar is iedereen hetzelfde geven wel echt rechtvaardig?\nImmers, ik wil en heb andere soorten en andere hoeveelheden spul nodig dan jij.\nEr is ook het idee van rechtvaardigheid gebaseerd op behoeften.\nDit stelt dat iedereen niet hetzelfde zou moeten krijgen, omdat onze behoeften niet dezelfde zijn.\nVolgens deze logica is rechtvaardigheid krijgen wat we nodig hebben.\nZij die meer nodig hebben, krijgen meer.\nSommigen zeggen dat dit logisch klinkt, terwijl anderen argumenteren dat het neerkomt op het bevoordelen van sommige mensen ten opzichte van anderen, waardoor diegenen die niet hulpbehoevend zijn benadeeld worden.\nEn indien dit je zienswijze is, dan ben je waarschijnlijk een aanhanger van een op verdienste gebaseerde rechtvaardigheid, die stelt dat rechtvaardigheid betekent om ongelijk te geven, afhankelijk van hoeveel elke persoon verdient.\nJe verdient dingen al dan niet, gebaseerd op wat je gedaan hebt.\nDeze zienswijze beloont dus hard werken en bestraft lastposten.\n\nEnglish: \nThe area of moral philosophy that considers these questions is known as distributive justice, and there are many different schools of thought here.\nFor example, some people believe that everyone should get the same kind and amount of stuff, no matter what.\nThis concept is known as justice as equality.\nIt sounds totally fair.\nBut, is everyone getting the same stuff really\njustice?\nBecause I need – or want – different kinds\nand amounts of stuff than you do.\nSo, there’s also the idea of need-based\njustice.\nThis says everyone shouldn’t get the same,\nbecause our needs aren’t the same.\nBy this logic, justice is getting based on\nwhat we need.\nSo those who need more, get more.\nAnd some say that this makes sense, while others argue that it amounts to favoring some people over others, putting those who happen to not be in need, at a disadvantage.\nAnd if that’s how you look at things, then you probably espouse some kind of merit-based justice, which says that justice actually means giving unequally, based on what each person deserves.\nAnd you deserve stuff – or don’t – based\non what you’ve done.\nSo this view rewards hard work and punishes\ntrouble-makers.\n\nSpanish: \nEl área de la filosofía moral que trata estas preguntas se conoce como la justicia distributiva, y hay muchas escuelas de pensamiento en esta área.\nPor ejemplo, algunas personas creen que todo el mundo debe obtener la misma cantidad y el mismo tipo de cosas, sin importar qué.\nEste concepto se conoce como:\nJusticia como igualdad.\nSuena totalmente justo.\nSin embargo, ¿es realmente justo que todo el mundo tenga las mismas cosas?\nPorque yo necesito – o quiero – diferentes tipos y cantidades de cosas que tú.\nPor lo tanto, también existe la idea de la justicia basada ​​en la necesidad.\nEsto dice que no todos debemos recibir lo mismo, porque nuestras necesidades no son las mismas.\nSegún esta lógica, la justicia se basa en conseguir lo que necesitamos.\nAsí que aquellos que necesiten más, consigan más.\nY algunos dicen que esto tiene sentido, mientras que otros sostienen que esto favorece a algunas personas sobre otras, poniendo a aquellos que no necesitan tanto, en desventaja.\nY si es así como ves las cosas, es probable que tengas ideas de justicia basadas en el mérito, la cual dice que la justicia en realidad significa dar de forma desigual, en base a lo que cada persona merece.\nY mereces cosas – o no – en base a lo que has hecho.\nEste punto de vista recompensa el trabajo duro y castiga a los busca pleitos.\n\nSwedish: \nOmrådet i moralfilosofi som behandlar dessa frågor kallas distributiv rättvisa, och det finns många olika tankegångar här.\nTill exempel så anser vissa att alla borde få samma slags och mängd av saker, oavsett vad.\nDet här är rättvisa som jämlikhet.\nDet låter väl rättvist.\nMen är det verkligen rättvist att alla får samma saker?\nFör jag behöver - eller vill ha - olika slags och mängder av saker än dig.\nDet finns också en idé om behovsbaserad rättvisa.\nMed det menas att alla inte bör få samma saker eftersom våra behov inte är likadana.\nEnligt den här logiken baseras rättvisa på vad vi behöver.\nSå de som behöver mer får mer.\nOch vissa menar att det låter förnuftigt, \nmedan andra hävdar att det resulterar i att vissa människor gynnas före andra, och att det sätter \nde som inte råkar vara i nöd i underläge.\nOm det är så du ser på saken så står du förmodligen \nför någon form av meritbaserad rättvisa, som säger att rättvisa egentligen innebär att ge ojämlikt utifrån \nvad varje person förtjänar.\nOch vad du förtjänar - eller inte förtjänar - beror på vad du har gjort.\nDen här uppfattningen belönar hårt arbete \noch straffar bråkstakar.\n\nPortuguese: \nFinalmente, temos uma abordagem que soa simples, apresentada pelo filósofo político americano do século XX, John Rawls\nEle argumentava que justiça é equidade\nQualquer desigualdade que exista em um sistema social, de acordo com Rawls, deveria favorecer os menos favorecidos, pois isso iguala o ambiente social\nEssa é uma forma de justiça baseada em necessidade que foca especificamente em garantir que todos estejam em posição para alcançar suas necessidades básicas\nRawls argumentava que o mundo é cheio de desigualdades naturais.\nPense em tudo o que falamos quando discutimos sorte moral\nMuitos fatores que dão forma a sua vida estão totalmente fora de seu controle\nLogo, a ideia de justiça de Rawls propões corrigir tais desvantagens que estão fora de nosso controle\nComo sempre, alguns apontam que justiça como equidade é, na verdade, injusto com aqueles que tem mais - seja por trabalho duro ou por que eles simplesmente ganharam na loteria da vida\nO filósofo americano do século XX, Rober Nozick, discordava da ideia de Rawls de justiça como equidade\n\nEnglish: \nFinally, there’s the very simple-sounding approach advanced by twentieth century American political philosopher John Rawls.\nHe argued that justice is fairness.\nAny inequalities that exist in a social system, Rawls said, should favor the least well-off, because this levels the playing field of society.\nThis is a form of need-based justice that focuses specifically on making sure that everyone is actually in a position to achieve their basic needs.\nRawls reasoned that the world is full of natural\ninequalities.\nThink of all the things we talked about when\nwe discussed moral luck;\na lot of factors that will shape your life\nare totally out of your control.\nSo Rawls’ sense of justice means correcting for those disadvantages that are beyond our control.\nOnce again, there are some who argue that justice-is-fairness is actually unfair to those who have gotten the most – either through hard work, or because they happened to win life’s natural lottery.\n20th century American philosopher Robert Nozick\ndisagreed with Rawls’ idea that justice-is-fairness.\n\nSpanish: \nFinalmente, está el enfoque que suena muy simple, aproximado por el filósofo político americano del siglo veinte, John Rawls.\nEl argumentó que la justicia es equidad.\nCualquier desigualdad existente en un sistema social, dice Rawls, debe favorecer a los menos pudientes, porque esto nivela el \"campo de juego\" de la sociedad.\nEsta es una forma de justicia basada en necesidad que se enfoca específicamente en asegurarse de que todos están realmente en posición de satisfacer sus necesidades básicas.\nRawls razonó que el mundo está lleno de desigualdades naturales.\nPiensa en todas las cosas de las que hablamos cuando discutimos sobre la suerte moral;\nun montón de factores que van a dar forma a tu vida están totalmente fuera de tu control.\nEntonces, el sentido de justicia de Rawls pretende compensar esas desventajas que están más allá de nuestro control.\nOtra vez, hay algunos que argumentan que \"justicia-es-equidad\" es realmente injusto para aquellos que han obtenido lo mejor -ya sea mediante trabajo duro, o porque han ganado en la lotería natural de la vida.\nEl filósofo americano del siglo veinte Robert Nozrick no estuvo de acuerdo con la idea de Rawl de que la justicia-es-equidad.\n\nSwedish: \nTill slut finns det ett mycket tilltalande tillvägagångssätt som presenterades av den amerikanska politiska filosofen John Rawls.\nHan argumenterade för \"justice as fairness\" \n(~schysst rättvisa).\nEventuella ojämlikheter som finns i ett samhällssystem, menade Rawls, bör gynna de minst välbärgade, därför detta ger alla mer lika förutsättningar i samhället.\nDet här är en form av behovsbaserad rättvisa som särskilt fokuserar på att ge alla möjligheten att kunna realisera sina grundläggande behov.\nRawls menade att världen är full av naturliga ojämlikheter.\nTänk på allt vi pratade om när vi diskuterade moralisk tur.\nMånga av de faktorer som kommer att forma ditt liv ligger helt utanför din egen kontroll.\nSå Rawls känsla av rättvisa betyder att vi måste korrigera de nackdelar som ligger utanför vår kontroll.\nMen det finns de som argumenterar för att \"justice-is-fairness\" (~schysst rättvisa) egentligen är orättvist mot de som har fått mest - antingen genom hårt arbete eller för att de råkade vinna i livets naturliga lotteri.\nDen amerikanske filosofen Robert Nozick höll inte med Rawls idé om \"justice-is-fairness\".\n\nDutch: \nTen slotte is er de eenvoudig klinkende aanpak van de 20ste-eeuwse Amerikaanse politieke filosoof John Rawls.\nHij stelde dat rechtvaardigheid eerlijkheid is.\nAlle eventuele ongelijkheden in een sociaal systeem, zei Rawls, zouden de minst welgestelde mensen moeten bevoordelen, omdat dit de balans van de samenleving herstelt.\nDit is een vorm van behoeftegebaseerde rechtvaardigheid die specifiek focust op het verzekeren dat iedereen in zijn basisbehoeften kan voorzien.\nRawls redeneerde dat de wereld vol natuurlijke ongelijkheden zit.\nDenk aan alle dingen waar we het over hadden toen we moreel toeval bespraken;\nheel wat factoren die je leven bepalen liggen volledig buiten je controle.\nRawls' idee van rechtvaardigheid is dus het corrigeren van die nadelen waarover we geen controle hebben.\nEr zijn hier opnieuw sommigen die argumenteren dat rechtvaardigheid-als-eerlijkheid in feite oneerlijk is tegenover diegenen die het meeste hebben gekregen - door hard werken, of omdat ze toevallig de natuurlijke loterij van het leven gewonnen hebben.\nDe 20ste-eeuwse Amerikaanse filosoof Robert Nozick was het niet eens met Rawls' idee van rechtvaardigheid-als-eerlijkheid.\n\nArabic: \nوأخيرا، هناك المنهج البسيط ظاهريا والذي قدمه الفيلسوف السياسي الأمريكي في القرن العشرين: جون رولس\nيرى رولس أن العدالة هي الإنصاف\nوأن أي وجود للامساواة في النظام الاجتماعي يجب أن ينصبّ في صالح الأقل ثراء لأن من شأن ذلك أن يوازن تكافؤ الفرص في المجتمع\nوهو شكل من أشكال العدالة القائمة على الاستحقاق ، والذي يركز خصوصا على التأكد من أنه يمكن لكل فرد تلبية احتياجاته الأساسية\nوعلل رولس رأيه بأن هذا العالم مليء بالتفاوت الطبيعي\nفكر في كل تلك الأمور التي تحدثنا عنها عندما ناقشنا الحظ الأخلاقي\nالكثير من العوامل التي تحدد مسار حياتك خارجة تماما عن نطاق سيطرتك\nفحس العدالة لدى رولس يعني التعويض عن تلك العواقب الخارجة عن نطاق السيطرة\nولكن، هناك من يحتج أن فكرة العدالة هي الإنصاف ليست منصفة للذين يحظون بالكثير إما من خلال العمل الشاق أو أنه صدف وأن فازوا من الحياة بالحظ الوافر.\nعارض أحد فلاسفة القرن العشرين، الأمريكي روبرت نوزيك فكرة رولس أن العدالة هي الإنصاف\n\nSerbian: \nКоначно, постоји прилаз унапређен од стране америчког политичког филозофа 20. века Џона Ролса, који звучи врло једноставно.\nОн је тврдио да је правда поштење.\nСве неједнакости које постоје у друштвеном систему, рекао је Ролс, требало би да су наклоњене најмањој добростојности, зато што ово изједњачава услове друштва.\nОво је облик правде заснован на потреби који се посебно усредсређује на осигуравању да свако буде у положају да постигне своје основне потребе.\nРолс је образложио да је свет пун природних неједнакости.\nРазмислите о свим стварима о којима смо говорили када смо дискутовали о ћудоређној срећи;\nмного чинилаца који ће обликовати ваш живот су сасвим ван ваше контроле.\nДакле, Ролсов осећај за правду подразумева исправљање тих неповољности које су ван наше контроле.\nЈош једном, постоје неки који тврде да је правда је поштење заправо непоштено према онима који су добили највише - или кроз тежак рад или због тога што су случајно освојили на природној лутрији живота.\nАмерички филозоф 20. века Роберт Нозик није се сложио са Роловом замисли да је правда поштење.\n\nSpanish: \nPor último, está el enfoque del filósofo y político estadounidense del siglo XX John Rawls.\nÉl argumentó que la justicia es equidad.\nCualquier desigualdad que exista en un sistema social, dijo Rawls, debería favorecer a los menos acomodados, porque esto nivela el campo de juego de la sociedad.\nEsta es una forma de justicia basada en la necesidad, que se centra específicamente en asegurarse de que todos estén realmente en condiciones de alcanzar sus necesidades básicas.\nRawls razonó que el mundo está lleno de desigualdades naturales.\nPiensa en todas las cosas de las que hablamos cuando discutimos la suerte moral,\nuna gran cantidad de factores que darán forma a tu vida están totalmente fuera de tu control.\nAsí que el sentido de la justicia de Rawls significa la corrección de esas desventajas que están fuera de nuestro control.\nUna vez más, hay quienes sostienen que \"la justicia es equidad\" es realmente injusto para los que más tienen – ya sea a través del trabajo duro, o porque se ganaron la lotería natural de la vida.\nEl filósofo estadounidense del s.XX Robert Nozick está en desacuerdo con la idea de Rawls de que \"la justicia es equidad\".\n\nSerbian: \nИ да би показао зашто, поставио је овај мисаони опит о професионалној кошарци, који ћемо истражити у Мисаоном мехуру уз нешто Блиц филозофије.\nВилт Чејмбрлен је био ужасно популаран кошаркаш када је Нозик створио овај опит.\nДакле, Нозик је рекао: Шта ако Чембрлејн - вероватно најславнији спортиста свог времена - одлучи да морају да играју само под одређеним условима?\nПретпоставимо да Чембрлејн одлучи да би карте за утакмице које игра требало да коштају 25 центи више него утакмице које не игра.\nИ штавише, Чембрлејн би био плаћен $100.000 више од осталих играча.\nЕ сад, Чембрлејн је стварно популаран па свако зна да ће се више људи појавити да гледа утакмицу коју игра, чак и ако карте више коштају.\nБудући да је атракција, нема ли он право да тражи више новца него његове тимске колеге?\nНозик је тврдио да не можемо - и да не би требало - да ту покушавамо да изравнамо природно неравно игралиште.\nНаравно, почињемо са неједнаким количинама ствари.\nАли је Нозик рекао да свако има право на ствари које има, под условом да их нисмо отуђили или стекли непоштено на другачији начин.\nДакле, ако сте најславнији кошаркаш на свету, имате право да имате, и желите, још ствари, чак и ако их други немају.\n\nDutch: \nOm aan te tonen waarom bedacht hij een gedachte-experiment over professioneel basketbal, dat we nu zullen verkennen in de Thought Bubble met wat Flash Filosofie.\nWilt Chamberlain was een razend populaire basketballer toen Nozick dit voorbeeld bedacht.\nNozick zei: Wat als Chamberlain - waarschijnlijk de bekendste atleet van zijn tijd - besloot om enkel onder bepaalde voorwaarden te spelen?\nStel dat Chamberlain beslist dat tickets voor wedstrijden waar hij in meespeelt 25 cent meer zouden moeten kosten dan die zonder hem.\nEn daarbovenop wil Chamberlain $100.000 meer betaald worden dan de andere spelers.\nChamberlain is heel populair, dus iedereen weet dat meer mensen naar zijn wedstrijden zullen komen, ook al kosten de kaartjes meer.\nHeeft hij, aangezien hij het publiek aantrekt, niet niet het recht om meer geld vraagt dan zijn medespelers?\nNozick argumenteerde dat we hier het van nature oneven speelveld niet gelijk kunnen - of zouden moeten - maken.\nJa, we beginnen allen met oneven hoeveelheden spul.\nMaar Nozick zei dat we allen recht hebben op wat we hebben, zolang we het niet gestolen of op een andere manier onterecht verkregen hebben.\nDus, als je de beste basketbalspeler ter wereld bent, dan is het je volste recht om meer te hebben en te willen, ook al hebben anderen het niet.\n\nSpanish: \nY para demostrar por qué, planteó este experimento mental sobre el baloncesto profesional, que vamos a explorar en la Thought Bubble con un poco de Filosofía flash.\nWilt Chamberlain era un jugador de baloncesto muy popular cuando Nozick creó este ejemplo.\nAsí que Nozick dijo: ¿Qué pasa si Chamberlain – probablemente el atleta más famoso de su época – decidiera que jugará sólo bajo ciertas condiciones?\nSupongamos que Chamberlain decide que las entradas para los partidos en los que él juega deberían costar 25 centavos más que los partidos en los que no.\nY no sólo eso, también se pagará a Chamberlain\n$100 000 más que a los otros jugadores.\nAhora, Chamberlain es muy popular, por lo que todo el mundo sabe que más personas irán a ver un juego donde estará él, incluso si las entradas son más caras.\nPuesto que él es la atracción principal, ¿no debería poder pedir más dinero que sus compañeros de equipo?\nNozick argumentó que no podemos – y no deberíamos – tratar de igualar el ya de por si desigual campo de juego.\nClaro, comenzamos con cantidades desiguales de cosas.\nPero Nozick dijo que todos tenemos derecho a las cosas que tenemos, siempre y cuando no las hayamos robado u obtenido de manera injusta.\nPor lo tanto, si eres el jugador de baloncesto más famoso del mundo, tienes derecho a tener, y a querer, más cosas, incluso si otros no las tienen.\n\nArabic: \nوفي تبريره لمعارضته، قدم تجربة فكرية حول لعب كرة السلة الاحترافية والتي سنتعرف عليها في فقاعة الأفكار في لمحة فلسفية سريعة\nكان ولت تشامبرلين لاعب كرة سلة ذا شعبية كبيرة عندما أتى نوزيك بهذا المثال\nفافترض نوزيك الآتي: ماذا لو أن تشامبرلين – وهو على الأرجح أشهر رياضيي عصره- قرر أنه لن يلعب إلا بشروط محددة ؟\nلو قرر تشامبرلين أن أسعار تذاكر المباريات التي يلعب فيها يجب أن تزيد بخمسة وعشرين سنتا عن المباريات التي لا يلعب فيها\nوعلاوة على ذلك، يجب ان يكون أجر تشامبرلين أكثر بمئة ألف دولار عن اللاعبين الآخرين\nوبما أن تشامبرلين يتمتع بشعبية كبيرة، فإن الجميع يعلم أن عددا أكبر من الناس سيحضرون لمشاهدة مبارياته حتى لو كان سعر التذاكر أعلى\nلذا وبما أنه الورقة الرابحة، أليس من حقه أن يطلب أجرا أعلى من أجور زملائه في الفريق؟\nيرى نوزيك أنه ليس باستطاعتنا -ويجب علينا ألا – نحاول أن نعادل فرص المساواة المتباينة بشكل طبيعي\nبالتأكيد نحن نبدأ حياتنا بمقادير متفاوتة من الأشياء\nلكن كل منا –حسب رأي نوزيك- مسؤول عن الأشياء التي يملكها مالم يسرقها أو يحصل عليها بدون وجه حق\nلذا إن كنت أشهر لاعب كرة سلة في العالم، فإن لك الحق في أن تملك وأن ترغب بامتلاك أشياء أكثر حتى لو لم يمتلكها الآخرون\n\nSwedish: \nOch för att visa varför, använde han sig av ett tankeexperiment om professionell basket - som vi nu ska utforska med lite blixtfilosofi i en tankebubbla .\nWilt Chamberlain var en väldigt populär basketspelare när Nozick skapade det här exemplet.\nNozick sa: Vad händer om Chamberlain - förmodligen den mest berömda idrottaren i sin tid - bestämde sig för att han bara skulle spela under vissa omständigheter?\nAntag att Chamberlain bestämmer att biljetterna till matcher som han är med i ska kosta 25 cent mer än matcher som han inte är med i.\nDessutom får Chamberlain ett hundratusen dollar mer i lön än de andra spelarna.\nChamberlain är väldigt populär, så alla vet att fler åskådare kommer att dyka upp för att se en match som han spelar i, även om biljetterna kostar mer.\nEftersom han är den stora attraktionen - har han då inte rätt att begära mer pengar än sina lagkamrater?\nNozick hävdade att vi inte kan - och inte bör - försöka utjämna den här naturligt ojämna spelplanen.\nDet är klart att vi börjar med ojämlika mängder av saker.\nMen Nozick sa att vi är berättigade till det vi har, under förutsättningen att vi inte har stulit det eller på något annat sätt orättvist anskaffat det.\nSå om du är världens mest kända basketspelare, \nhar du rätt att ha, och att vilja ha fler saker, \näven om andra inte har det.\n\nPortuguese: \nE, para demonstrar seus motivos, ele propôs um exercício mental sobre basquete profissional, que nós exploraremos na Bolhas de Pensamento com um pouco de \"Flash Philosophy\"\nWilt Chamberlain foi um jogador de basquete extremamente popular quando Nozick propôs esse experimento.\nEntão Nozick disse: E se Chamberlain - provavelmente o atleta mais famoso de sua era - decidisse que ele apenas jogaria sob certas condições?\nImagine que Chamberlain decida que os ingressos para jogos em que ele jogar devam custar 25 centavos a mais do que aqueles para os jogos em que ele não participava\nE, ainda mais, Chamberlain teria de ser pago $100.000,00 a mais do que qualquer outro jogador.\nOra, Chamberlain é muito popular então todos sabem que mais pessoas vão comparecer ao jogo em que ele for jogar, mesmo se os ingressos custarem mais.\nComo ele é o atrativo, teria ele o direito de pedir mais dinheiro do que seus companheiros?\nNozick defendia que, aqui, nós não podemos - nem devemos - tentar igualar o ambiente social naturalmente desigual\nSim, nós começamos a vida com quantidades desiguais de coisas\nMas Nozick dizia que nós temos direito às coisas que temos, desde que não as tenhamos roubado ou que não tenhamos as obtido de forma injusta.\nLogo, se você é o jogador de basquete mais valioso do mundo, você tem o direito de ter, e querer, mais coisas, mesmo que os outros não tenham.\n\nEnglish: \nAnd to demonstrate why, he posed this thought experiment, about professional basketball, which we will explore in the Thought Bubble with some Flash Philosophy.\nWilt Chamberlain was a wildly popular basketball\nplayer when Nozick created this example.\nSo Nozick said: What if Chamberlain – probably the most famous athlete of his day – decided that he’d play only under certain conditions?\nSuppose that Chamberlain decides that tickets for games he plays in should cost 25 cents more than games he doesn’t play in.\nAnd what’s more, Chamberlain will be paid\n$100,000 more than the other players.\nNow, Chamberlain is really popular, so everyone knows that more people will show up to see a game he’s playing in, even if the tickets cost more.\nSince he is the draw, isn’t he entitled\nto ask for more money than his teammates?\nNozick argued that we can’t – and shouldn’t –\ntry to even out the naturally uneven playing field here.\nSure, we start out with unequal amounts of\nstuff.\nBut Nozick said, we’re each entitled to the stuff we have, provided we didn’t steal it or otherwise obtain it unjustly.\nSo, if you’re the world’s most famous basketball player, you are entitled to have, and want, more stuff, even if others don’t have it.\n\nSpanish: \nY para demostrar por qué, planteó este experimento de pensamiento, sobre básket profesional, que vamos a explorar en la Burbuja de Pensamiento con algo de Filosofía Relámpago.\nWilt Chamberlain fue un jugador de baloncesto muy popular cuando Nozick creó este ejemplo.\nAsí que Nozick dijo: ¿Qué pasaría si Chamberlain -probablemente el atleta más famoso actualmente- decidiera jugar sólo bajo ciertas condiciones?\nSupongamos que Chamberlain decide que las entradas para los partidos en los que juega deberían costar 25 centavos más que en los que no participa.\nY aún más, a Chamberlain le pagarán $100,000 más que a los otros jugadores.\nAhora, Chamberlain es muy popular, así que todo el mundo sabe que más gente irá a ver un juego en el que él está, incluso si los boletos cuestan más.\nPuesto que es la atracción, ¿no tiene derecho a pedir más dinero que sus compañeros?\nNozick argumentó que no podemos - y no debemos - tratar de igualar el campo de juego naturalmente desigual aquí.\nClaro, empezamos con cantidades desiguales de cosas.\nPero Nozick dijo, cada uno tiene derecho a las cosas que tenemos, siempre y cuando no lo robemos o lo obtengamos de otra manera injustamente.\nPor lo tanto, si eres el jugador de baloncesto más famoso del mundo, tienes derecho a tener, y querer, más cosas, incluso si otros no las tienen.\n\nSpanish: \nSi la genialidad de Chamberlain en el baloncesto le permite acumular un montón de riqueza, mientras que otras personas pasan hambre, bueno, eso no es culpa de Wilt.\n¡Gracias, Burbuja de Pensamiento!\nComo pueden ver, hay mucho desacuerdo sobre lo que significa distribuir con justicia.\nY este es un tema increíblemente importante, porque mucho de lo que discutimos políticamente tiene que ver exactamente con este tema.\nLas personas que creen que hay derechos humanos esenciales, por ejemplo, argumentan que simplemente tenemos derecho a que se satisfagan nuestras necesidades más básicas,\nCosas como tener suficiente para comer, y poder ir al médico cuando estamos enfermos.\nPero no todos creen que es tarea del gobierno proporcionarnos esas cosas, si no somos capaces de conseguirlas nosotros mismos.\nEsas personas podrían argumentar que tus derechos son negativos.\nUn derecho negativo es el derecho a no ser interferido, a no ser detenido de perseguir las cosas que necesitas.\nAsí que en este punto de vista, no puedo impedir que trates de satisfacer tus necesidades, pero yo no tengo que ayudarte a cumplirlas, tampoco.\nPor el contrario, puedes creer en los derechos positivos.\nSi tienes un derecho positivo a algo, tienes derecho a ser ayudado para conseguirlo, si no puedes obtenerlo tú mismo.\n\nEnglish: \nIf Chamberlain’s awesomeness at basketball lets him amass a bunch of wealth, while other people go hungry, well, that’s not Wilt’s fault.\nThanks, Thought Bubble!\nAs you can see, there is a lot of disagreement\nabout what it means to distribute justly.\nAnd this is an incredibly important topic, because a lot of what we argue about politically has to do exactly this with issue.\nPeople who believe there are essential human rights, for example, argue that we’re simply entitled to have our most basic needs fulfilled –\nthings like having enough to eat, and being\nable to go to the doctors when we’re sick.\nBut not everyone believes it’s the government’s job to provide us with those things, if we’re not able to get them ourselves.\nThose people might argue that your rights\nare negative.\nA negative right is the right not to be interfered with, not to be stopped from pursuing the things you need.\nSo in this view, I can’t prevent you from trying to fulfill your needs, but I don’t have to help you to fulfill them, either.\nBy contrast, you might believe in positive\nrights.\nIf you have a positive right to something, you are entitled to help in getting it, if you can’t get it yourself.\n\nSerbian: \nАко Чембрлејнова изузетност у кошарци њему омогућује да скупи гомилу богатства, док други људи гладују, па, то није Вилтова кривица.\nХвала, Мисаони мехуру!\nКао што можете видети, има много неслагања у вези са тим шта то значи поштено расподелити.\nА ово је невероватно важна тема, зато што много онога о чему се расправљамо политички има везе баш са овим питањем.\nЉуди верују да постоје суштинска људска права, на пример, тврде да једноставно имамо право да се наше најосновније потребе испуне -\nствари попут имати довољно за јело, и моћи отићи код лекара кад смо болесни.\nАли, не верује свако да је посао владе да нам обезбеди те ствари, ако нисмо у стању да их сами добијемо.\nТи људи ће можда тврдити да су ваша права негативна.\nНегативно право је право не мешати се, не бити спречен у тражењу ствари које вам требају.\nДакле, по овоме, не могу да вас спречим да не покушате да задовољите своје потребе, али не морам ни да вам помогнем да их задовољите.\nНасупрот томе, можда верујете у позитивна права.\nАко имате позитивно право на нешто, имате право да помогнете у набављању тога, ако га не можете добити сами.\n\nPortuguese: \nSe o talento de Chamberlain para o basquete permite que ele acumule muitas riquezas, enquanto outras pessoas têm fome, bem, isso não é culpa do Wilt.\nObrigado, Bolha do Pensamento!\nComo você pode reparar, há uma série de discordâncias sobre o que significa uma distribuição justa.\nE esse é um tópico importante, pois muito do que discutimos politicamente está ligado exatamente à essa questão\nPessoas que acreditam que existem direitos humanos essenciais, por exemplo, defendem que nós simplesmente temos o direito de ter nossas necessidades básicas supridas -\nCoisas como ter comida o suficiente e ser capaz de ir ao médico quando estamos doentes.\nMas nem todos acreditam que é trabalho do governo nos prover com tais coisas, se não somos capazes de tê-las por nós mesmos.\nEssas pessoas argumentam que os seus direitos são negativos.\nUm direito negativo é o direito de não ser atrapalhado, de não ser impedido de buscar aquilo que você precisa.\nNesse sentido, eu não posso impedir que você tente suprir suas necessidades, mas eu não preciso ajudá-lo também.\nAo contrário, você pode acreditar em direitos positivos\nSe você tem um direito positivo a algo, você tem o direito de ter ajuda para conseguir aquilo, se você não puder conseguir sozinho\n\nSwedish: \nOm Chamberlains skicklighet i basket gör att \nhan kan bli rik, medan andra människor är hungriga, \ndå är det inte hans fel.\nTack tankebubblan!\nSom ni kan se finns det stora meningsskiljaktigheter om vad distributiv rättvisa innebär..\nOch det här är ett otroligt viktigt ämne, eftersom mycket av det vi argumenterar för politiskt har exakt att göra med det här problemet.\nMänniskor som tror att det finns grundläggande mänskliga rättigheter, hävdar till exempel, \natt vi helt enkelt har rätt att få våra \nmest grundläggande behov uppfyllda -\nsom att har tillräckligt med mat och att kunna \ngå till doktorn när vi är sjuka.\nMen inte alla tycker att det är statens uppgift att förse oss med dessa saker om vi inte kan skaffa dem själva.\nDessa hävdar att dina rättigheter är negativa.\nEn negativ rätt är rätten att inte störas, eller att inte hindras från att skaffa de saker du behöver.\nSå i det här synsättet får jag inte hindra dig från att försöka uppfylla dina behov, men jag behöver heller \ninte hjälpa dig att uppfylla dem.\nÅ andra sidan kanske du tror på \nde positiva rättigheterna.\nOm du har en positiv rätt till något, har du rätt till hjälp för att få det, om du inte kan skaffa det själv.\n\nSpanish: \nSi la genialidad de Chamberlain en el baloncesto le permite acumular un montón de riqueza, mientras que otras personas pasan hambre, bueno, eso no es su culpa.\nGracias, Thought Bubble.\nComo puedes ver, hay una gran cantidad de desacuerdo sobre lo que significa distribuir con justicia.\nY este es un tema sumamente importante, ya que una gran cantidad de lo que discutimos sobre política tiene que ver exactamente con este tema.\nPor ejemplo, las personas que creen que hay derechos humanos esenciales, argumentan que simplemente tenemos el derecho a que nuestras necesidades más básicas sean satisfechas,\ncosas como tener suficiente para comer, y ser capaces de ir al médico cuando estemos enfermos.\nPero no todo el mundo cree que sea trabajo del gobierno proporcionarnos estos bienes si no somos capaces de conseguirlos nosotros mismos.\nEsas personas podrían argumentar que tus derechos son negativos.\nUn derecho negativo es el derecho a no ser interferido, a no ser impedido al conseguir las cosas que necesitas.\nAsí que en este punto de vista, no puedo evitar de trates de satisfacer tus necesidades, pero tampoco estoy obligado a ayudarte.\nPor el contrario, es posible que creas en los derechos positivos.\nSi tienes un derecho positivo a algo, tienes el derecho a ser ayudado para conseguirlo, si es que no puedes obtenerlo por ti mismo.\n\nDutch: \nAls Chamberlains basketbaltalent hem toelaat een fortuin te vergaren, terwijl andere mensen verhongeren, wel, dan is dat niet Wilts fout.\nBedankt, Thought Bubble!\nZoals je kan zien is er nogal wat onenigheid over wat het betekent om rechtvaardig te verdelen.\nEn dit is een bijzonder belangrijk onderwerp, aangezien heel wat politiek gekibbel precies rond deze kwestie draait.\nMensen die geloven dat er essentiële mensenrechten bestaan, bijvoorbeeld, stellen dat we er simpelweg recht op hebben dat onze basisbehoeften vervuld worden -\nzaken als voldoende te eten hebben, en in staat zijn naar de dokter te gaan wanneer we ziek zijn.\nMaar niet iedereen is van mening dat het de taak is van de overheid om ons deze zaken te verschaffen, als we niet in staat zijn ze op eigen houtje te verkrijgen.\nDeze mensen zouden kunnen argumenteren dat je rechten negatief zijn.\nEen negatief recht is het recht om onbelemmerd je gang te gaan, om niet verhinderd te worden de dingen die je nodig hebt na te jagen.\nVolgens deze opvatting kan ik niet voorkomen dat je probeert je basisbehoeften te vervullen, maar moet ik je ook niet helpen om ze te vervullen.\nMisschien geloof jij daarentegen in positieve rechten.\nAls je een positief recht hebt op iets, dan heb je recht op hulp om het te verkrijgen, als je het zelf niet kan.\n\nArabic: \nإذا كانت مهارة تشامبرلين في كرة السلة تفسح له المجال لتكديس الثروات بينما يجوع آخرون غيره- ففي الواقع، ذاك ليس خطأ تشامبرلين .\nشكرا فقاعة الأفكار\nكما ترى، هناك الكثير من الجدل حول ما يعنيه التوزيع العادل\nوهو موضوع في غاية الأهمية؛ فكثير مما نتجادل بشأنه سياسيا يمت لهذا الموضوع بصلة وثيقة\nعلى سبيل المثال، يرى الأشخاص الذين يؤمنون بأهمية حقوق الانسان أننا ببساطة نملك الحق في الحصول على احتياجاتنا الأساسية\nكالحصول على ما يكفي من الطعام والرعاية الصحية عند المرض\nلكن لا يتفق الجميع على أنه من واجب الحكومة أن توفر لنا هذه الأشياء إن كنا لا نستطيع الحصول عليها بأنفسنا\nأولئك الأشخاص قد يجادلون أيضا بأن حقوقك حقوق سلبية\nوالحق السلبي هو الحق في ألا يتم التدخل في أو إيقافك من الحصول على الأشياء التي تحتاجها\nفهذه الفكرة تقول بأنه لا يمكنني أن أمنعك من محاولة تلبية احتياجاتك ولكن في نفس الوقت، ليس علي أن أساعدك في فعل ذلك\nوفي المقابل، ربما تكون ممن يعتقد بالحقوق الإيجابية\nعندما يكون لك حقا إيجابيا فإن من حقك الحصول على المساعدة لتلبية احتياجاتك إن كنت لا تستطيع فعل ذلك بنفسك\n\nEnglish: \nSo, if you can’t afford a doctor, you have\na right to get assistance in affording one.\nBut notice that in this view, a right implies\nan obligation.\nYour rights – in this case, your right to see a doctor, even if you can’t afford one – might make obligatory demands on me, because I might end up helping to pay for it.\nOf course, someone like Nozick would ask,\nwhere would such a right come from?\nHow could I incur an obligation to help you,\njust because I’m better off than you are?\nSure, it might be nice if I helped, but it’s certainly not a duty, and no one should compel me to do it.\nBut that’s exactly what the government does when it takes taxes from those who have more in order to assist those who have less.\nSo you see what I mean: when people talk about taxes, and healthcare, and income inequality, they’re really talking about justice.\nBut of course, a lot of the time, justice\nisn’t at all about stuff.\nIt’s also about punishment.\nLike most subjects, philosophers disagree about the most appropriate way to respond to wrongdoing.\nOne concept is known as retributive justice.\nThis holds that the only way for justice to be satisfied is for a wrongdoer to suffer in proportion to the way he’s made others suffer.\n\nSwedish: \nSå om du inte har råd att gå till doktorn, \nhar du rätt att få hjälp till det.\nMen tänk på att enligt den här uppfattningen \nså innebär en rätt även en skyldighet.\nDina rättigheter - i det här fallet din rätt till ett läkarbesök även om du inte har råd med det - skapar kanske tvingande krav på mig för att jag då blir tvungen att hjälpa till med att betala för det.\nNaturligtvis skulle någon som Nozick fråga var \nen sådan rätt skulle komma från?\nHur kan jag ha en skyldighet att hjälpa dig bara för att jag har det bättre än dig?\nVisst, det kan vara trevligt om jag hjälpte till, \nmen det är självklart ingen skyldighet, \noch ingen borde tvinga mig att göra det.\nMen det är precis vad staten gör när den tar skatter från de som har mer för att hjälpa de som har mindre.\nFörstår du vad jag menar: när folk pratar om \nskatter, sjukvård och inkomstskillnader, \npratar de egentligen om rättvisa.\nMen självklart handlar rättvisa många gånger \ninte alls om saker.\nDet handlar också om straff.\nLiksom de flesta ämnen, håller filosofer inte med varandra om det mest lämpliga sättet att agera \nmot brottsliga förseelser.\nEtt koncept är känt som retributiv rättvisa \n(vedergällningsrättvisa).\nMed detta menas att det enda sättet att uppnå rättvisa är att en gärningsman får lida i proportion till \nhur han fått andra att lida.\n\nSpanish: \nPor lo tanto, si no puedes pagar un médico, tienes derecho a obtener asistencia en conseguir uno.\nPero nota que en este punto de vista, un derecho implica una obligación.\nTus derechos -en este caso, tu derecho a ver a un médico, incluso si no puedes pagar uno- podría crear exigencias obligatorias para mí, porque yo podría terminar ayudando a pagar por ello.\nPor supuesto, alguien como Nozick preguntaría, ¿de dónde vendría ese derecho?\n¿Cómo podría incurrir en la obligación de ayudarte, sólo porque estoy mejor que tú?\nClaro, podría ser agradable si ayudara, pero ciertamente no es un deber, y nadie debería obligarme a hacerlo.\nPero eso es exactamente lo que el gobierno hace cuando toma impuestos de los que tienen más para asistir a los que tienen menos.\nAsí que ya ves lo que quiero decir: cuando la gente habla de impuestos, salud y desigualdad de ingresos, realmente están hablando de justicia.\nPero, por supuesto, muchas veces, la justicia no es en absoluto sobre cosas.\nEs también sobre castigo.\nAl igual que la mayoría de los temas, los filósofos no están de acuerdo sobre la manera más apropiada de responder a las malas acciones.\nUn concepto es conocido como Justicia retributiva.\nEsto sostiene que la única manera de que la justicia sea satisfecha es que un malhechor sufra en proporción a la forma en que ha hecho sufrir a otros.\n\nArabic: \nفمثلا، إن كنت لا تستطيع تأمين المال لرؤية طبيب، فأنت تملك حق الحصول على المساعدة بتحمل تكلفة ذلك\nولكن من الجدير بالذكر أن هذا الرأي يعني أن الحق يقتضي الإلزام\nحقوقك -في هذه الحالة – كحقك في رؤية الطبيب حتى لو لم تتمكن من تأمين التكاليف قد تلزمني بمطلبك لأنه قد ينتهي بي الأمر إلى أن أدفع لذلك\nوشخص كنوزيك بالتأكيد سيسأل كيف يمكن أن يمتلك أحدهم حقا كهذا؟\nلم قد أتحمل أنا مسؤولية مساعدتك فقط لأنني أفضل منك حالا؟\nسيكون صنيعا حسنا مني إن ساعدت بالطبع ولكنه قطعا ليس من واجبي وليس لأحد إرغامي على فعله\nلكن هذا هو بالضبط ما تقوم به الدولة عندما تأخذ الضرائب من أولئك الذين يمكلون أكثر لتدعم بها أولئك الذي يملكون أقل.\nوهو ما عنيته سابقا؛ فعندما يتحدث الناس عن الضرائب والرعاية الصحية وتفاوت الدخل فهم يتحدثون عن العدالة\nولكن بالطبع وفي كثير من الأوقات لا تكون العدالة في الحصول على الأشياء إطلاقا،\nبل تتعلق أيضا بالعقاب.\nوكغالبية المواضيع، يختلف الفلاسفة في الطريقة الأمثل للرد على التجاوزات المسيئة.\nأحد تلك الطرق هي ما يسمى بالعدالة الجزائية\nوتنص على أن الطريقة الوحيدة لتطبيق العدالة هو أن يعاني مرتكب الخطأ بطريقة تتناسب مع تلك التي سبب فيها العناء للآخرين\n\nSpanish: \nPor lo tanto, si no puedes pagar un médico, tienes el derecho a tener asistencia para obtener el servicio.\nNótese que en este punto de vista, un derecho implica una obligación.\nTus derechos – en este caso, tu derecho a ver a un médico, incluso si no puedes pagarlo – pueden hacer demandas obligatorias en mí, porque yo podría terminar ayudando a pagar por ello.\nPor supuesto, alguien como Nozick preguntaría, ¿de dónde proviene un derecho así?\n¿Cómo podría tener la obligación de ayudarte, sólo porque mi situación es mejor que la tuya?\nClaro, sería bueno si ayudara, pero ciertamente no es un deber, y nadie debería obligarme a hacerlo.\nPero eso es exactamente lo que hace el gobierno cuando usa los impuestos de los que tienen más con el fin de ayudar a los que tienen menos.\nAhora ves a lo que me refería. Cuando la gente habla sobre los impuestos y la atención médica y la desigualdad de ingresos, realmente están hablando sobre justicia.\nPero, por supuesto, gran parte del tiempo, la justicia no se trata de cosas materiales.\nSe trata también de castigo.\nComo en la mayoría de los temas, los filósofos no están de acuerdo sobre la forma más adecuada para responder a las malas acciones.\nHay un concepto conocido como justicia retributiva.\nÉsta sostiene que la única manera para que la justicia sea satisfecha, es hacer que un malhechor sufra en proporción al sufrimiento que ha causado.\n\nPortuguese: \nEntão, se você não pode pagar um médio, você tem direito a ter assistência para pagar um.\nMas note que, nessa visão, um direito implica em uma obrigação\nSeus direitos - nesse caso, o seu direito de ir ao médico, mesmo que você não possa pagar - pode criar obrigações para mim, pois eu posso acabar tendo de ajudá-lo a pagar por isso.\nE, é claro, alguém como Nozick iria perguntar de onde esse direito vem?\nComo poderia eu ter uma obrigação de ajudá-lo só por que eu estou melhor que você\nSim, seria legal se eu ajudasse, mas certamente não é um dever e ninguém deveria me obrigar a fazê-lo.\nMas isso é exatamente o que o governo faz quando pega impostos daqueles que tem mais para ajudar aqueles que tem menos.\nEntão você vê o que eu queria dizer: quando pessoas falam de impostos e saúde, e desigualdade de renda, elas estão simplesmente falando de justiça\nMas, é claro, em muitos casos, justiça não trata apenas de coisas\nPode tratar também de punições\nComo na maioria dos assuntos, os filósofos discordam sobre a maneira mais apropriada de responder a infrações\nUm dos conceitos é conhecido como justiça retributiva\nIsso implica que a única forma de fazer justiça é que um infrator sofra proporcionalmente ao que ele fez outros sofrerem\n\nDutch: \nAls je je geen doktersbezoek kan veroorloven, heb je dus het recht op bijstand om dit toch te kunnen.\nMerk op dat een recht hier een plicht impliceert.\nJouw rechten - in dit geval, je recht op een dokter, zelfs als je er de middelen niet toe hebt - kan mij verplichtingen opleggen, omdat ik er uiteindelijk misschien voor zal helpen betalen.\nIemand als Nozick zou dan vragen, waar komt zo'n recht vandaan?\nWaarom zou ik een verplichting om je te helpen hebben, gewoon omdat ik het beter stel dan jij?\nHet zou misschien mooi zijn als ik zou helpen, maar het is zeker geen verplichting, en niemand zou me moeten dwingen om het te doen.\nMaar dat is precies wat de overheid doet wanneer het belastingen int van diegenen die meer hebben om diegenen die minder hebben te ondersteunen.\nJe ziet dus wat ik bedoel: wanneer mensen het hebben over belastingen, gezondheidszorg, en inkomensongelijkheid, dan hebben ze het eigenlijk over rechtvaardigheid.\nRechtvaardigheid gaat natuurlijk vaak niet over dingen krijgen.\nHet gaat ook over bestraffing.\nFilosofen zijn het - zoals wel vaker - niet eens over de meest geschikte manier om op wangedrag te reageren.\nEén concept staat gekend als retributieve rechtvaardigheid.\nDit stelt dat de enige manier om rechtvaardigheid te herstellen is als de boosdoener proportioneel lijdt aan de manier waarop hij anderen heeft doen lijden.\n\nSerbian: \nДакле, ако не можете приуштити доктора, имате право да добијете помоћ за приуштавање истог.\nНо, приметите да по овоме, право подразумева обавезу.\nВаша права - у овом случају, ваше право да видите доктора, чак и ако га не можете приуштити - могло би обавезно захтевати од мене, зато што бих могао завршити помажући да се то плати.\nНаравно, неко попут Нозика би питао одакле би такво право проистекло?\nКако бих ја могао навући обавезу да вам помогнем, само зато што сам имућнији од вас?\nСигурно, можда би било лепо да сам помогао, али свакако није дужност, и нико не би требало да ме тера да то урадим.\nАли то је управо оно што влада чини када узима порез од оних који имају више, како би помогла онима који имају мање.\nДакле, видите на шта мислим: када људи говоре о порезима, и здравственој заштити, и неједнакости у приходима, они заиста говоре о правди.\nАли наравно, много пута, правда се уопште не тиче ствари.\nТакође, тиче се казне.\nКао и код већине тема, филозофи се не слажу око најприкладнијег начина за одговор на рђава дела.\nЈедан концепт је познат као одмаздна правда.\nОвај заступа гледиште да је једини начин задовољења правде патња преступника сразмерна оној коју је нанео другима.\n\nArabic: \nوهي نفس فكرة عدالة العين بالعين الانجيلية القديمة\nففي هذه الفكرة فإن العقاب يجب أن يسبب الألم، وتلك هي الطريقة الوحيدة لتصحيح الأمور\nتاريخيا، هذا يعني لو أنك مثلا تسببت بأذى جسمي لأحدهم فإنك عقوبتك يجب أن تكون بفعل الشيء نفسه لك\nولكننا الآن وفي سعينا لنصبح أكثر تحضّرا، نميل إلى أن نوزع الألم بين الحبس ودفع الغرامات بدلا عن سياسة \"واحدة بواحدة \" المباشرة\nولكن يظل الجزاء العادل أحد القوى الفلسفية المحركة لفرض عقوبة الإعدام\nوالفكرة هنا أنه ببساطة لا يمكن أن نصحح خطأ سلب حياة أحدهم إلا بسلب حياة الفاعل\nلكن لدى أصحاب المذهب المنفعي نظريات أخرى للعقاب\nيفضل هؤلاء المفكرون ما يسمى بالحد الأقصى من المصلحة بدلا من جعل المخطئ يعاني لأجل المعاناة فقط\nحيث ترى هذه النظرية أنه لا فائدة ترجى من التسبب بالألم للمخطئين بغرض الانتقام\nلكن وجود شكل من أشكال العقاب لا يزال مطلوبا\nوأحد الخيارات البديلة هو إعادة التأهيل\nحيث يتم تقديم المساعدة للمخطئين ليتعلموا كيف يكونوا على وفاق مع المجتمع ويتبعوا القوانين.\n\nSpanish: \nEste es el tipo de justicia bíblica antigua de \"ojo por ojo\".\nY en este punto de vista, el castigo debe doler, esa es la única manera de \"hacer bien las cosas.\"\nHistóricamente, esto significaría que si causas daño físico a alguien, el castigo sería recibir ese mismo daño que provocaste.\nHoy, sin embargo, con el interés de ser civilizados, tendemos a impartir el dolor en términos de encarcelamiento y multas, en lugar de hacerlo con la idea de ojo por ojo.\nPero aún así, la justa retributiva es una de la fuerzas filosóficas conductoras detrás de la pena de muerte,\nla idea de que no hay manera de corregir el acto de tomar una vida, sino mediante la toma de la vida del asesino.\nPero los utilitaristas tienen otras teorías sobre el castigo.\nEn lugar de hacer que los malhechores sufran como castigo, estos pensadores están a favor de lo que se conoce como la maximización del bienestar.\nEn este punto de vista, no hay nada bueno en causar dolor vengativamente a los malhechores.\nPero el fin es aún alguna forma de castigo.\nAsí que una opción es la rehabilitación.\nAquí, el enfoque es dar a los malhechores ayuda, para que aprendan a llevarse bien en la sociedad y seguir las reglas.\n\nDutch: \nDit is de goede ouderwetse, Bijbelse, oog-om-oog-tand-om-tand rechtvaardigheid.\nVolgens deze opvatting is het de bedoeling dat straffen pijn doet; dat is de enige manier om 'orde op zaken te stellen.'\nHistorisch gezien zou dit bijvoorbeeld betekenen dat, indien je lichamelijke schade toebrengt aan iemand, hetzelfde jou toegedaan wordt.\nIn onze hedendaagse beschaafde samenleving denkt men eerder in termen van opsluiting en boetes, in de plaats van pure vergelding.\nRechtvaardige retributie blijft echter een van de drijvende filosofische krachten achter de doodstraf;\nhet idee dat er geen andere manier is om het nemen van een leven goed te maken, buiten het nemen van het leven van de levensnemer.\nUtilitaristen hebben echter andere theorieën over bestraffing.\nIn de plaats van boosdoeners te laten lijden met het oog op het lijden zelf, geven deze denkers de voorkeur aan wat gekend staat als welzijnsmaximalisatie.\nVolgens deze opvatting is er niets goeds aan het wraakzuchtig pijn berokkenen aan boosdoeners.\nSommige vormen van bestraffing blijven echter nodig.\nEén optie is rehabilitatie.\nDe aanpak is hier om boosdoeners te helpen, opdat ze kunnen leren hoe ze in de maatschappij kunnen leven en haar regels volgen.\n\nEnglish: \nThis is your good old fashioned, Biblical,\neye-for-an-eye justice.\nAnd in this view, punishment is supposed to hurt;\nthat’s the only way to “make things right.”\nHistorically, this would mean things like, if you cause physical harm to someone, your punisher must do the same thing to you.\nToday, though, in the interest of being civilized, we tend to mete out the pain in terms of incarceration and fines, rather than straight-up tit-for-tat.\nBut still, just retribution is one of the driving\nphilosophical forces behind capital punishment;\nthe idea that there’s simply no way to right the wrong of taking a life, other than by taking the life of the life-taker.\nBut utilitarians have other theories of punishment.\nRather than making wrongdoers suffer for suffering’s sake, these thinkers favor what’s known as welfare maximization.\nIn this view, there’s no good to be found\nin vindictively causing pain to wrongdoers.\nBut some form of punishment is still in order.\nSo one option is rehabilitation.\nHere, the approach is to give wrongdoers help, so they can learn how to get along in society and follow its rules.\n\nSwedish: \nDetta är den gamla bibliska öga-för-öga-rättvisan.\nOch i den här uppfattningen ska straff göra ont. \nDet är det enda sättet till upprättelse.\nHistoriskt innebar detta att om du orsakar fysisk skada mot någon så måste ditt straff vara likadant.\nIdag tenderar vi - för att vara mer civiliserade - \natt bemöta smärtan som orsakats med fängelse \noch böter, snarare än direkt lika-för-lika.\nMen vedergällning är ändå en av de drivande \nfilosofiska krafterna bakom dödsstraffet;\ntanken att det helt enkelt inte finns något sätt \natt rätta brottet att ta ett liv, annat än genom \natt ta livet av mördaren.\nMen utilitarister har andra teorier om straff.\nIstället för att få brottslingar att lida för \nlidandets skull, förordar dessa tänkare vad \nsom kallas för välfärdsmaximering.\nI det här synsättet finns det ingen gott i att hämndlystet orsaka smärta hos lagbrytare.\nMen någon form av straff är ändå rimligt.\nSå ett alternativ är rehabilitering.\nTillvägagångssättet är då att ge lagbrytarna hjälp så att de kan klara sig i samhället och följa dess regler.\n\nSpanish: \nEsta es tu buena y antigua justicia bíblica, de ojo por ojo.\nY en este punto de vista, el castigo debe lastimar; esa es la única manera de \"hacer las cosas bien\".\nHistóricamente, esto significaría cosas como, si causas daño físico a alguien, tu castigador debe hacerte lo mismo.\nHoy en día, sin embargo, en el interés de ser civilizados, tendemos a medir el dolor en términos de encarcelamiento y multas, en lugar de direactamente tal-para-cual.\nPero aún así, la justa retribución es una de las fuerzas filosóficas impulsoras detrás de la pena de muerte;\nla idea de que simplemente no hay manera de corregir el mal de tomar una vida, aparte de tomar la vida del tomador de vida.\nPero los utilitaristas tienen otras teorías sobre el castigo.\nEn lugar de hacer sufrir a los malhechores sólo por el sufrimiento mismo, estos pensadores favorecen lo que se conoce como maximización del bienestar.\nEn esta concepción, no hay nada bueno que encontrar en la vengativa causa de dolor a los criminales.\nPero alguna forma de castigo aún está en orden.\nAsí que una opción es la rehabilitación.\nAquí, el enfoque es dar a los criminales ayuda, para que puedan aprender a integrarse en la sociedad y seguir sus reglas.\n\nSerbian: \nТо је ваша добра старомодна, библијска (прим. прев. хришћанска), око за око правда.\nПо овоме, казна би требало да боли; то је једини начин да се \"поправе ствари\".\nИсторијски, ово би подразумевало ствари попут, ако некоме узрокујеш телесну бол, твој кажњавач мора да уради исту ствар теби.\nИако данас, да бисмо били цивилизовани, обично удељујемо бол затвором и казнама, наместо изравног мило за драго.\nАли ипак, поштена одмазда је једна од покретачких снага филозофије иза смртне казне;\nзамисао да једноставно нема начина да се исправи неправда одузимањем живота, осим одузимањем живота одузимачу живота.\nНо, утилитаријанци имају друге теорије казне.\nУместо да муче преступнике мучења ради, ови мислиоци су наклоњени ономе што је познато као највише увећавање добробити.\nПо овоме, не може се наћи добро у осветољубивом изазивању бола преступницима.\nАли је неки вид казне и даље у реду.\nДакле, једна могућност је рехабилитација.\nОвде је приступ да се прекршиоцима помогне, тако да могу да науче како да се понашају у друштву и да следе његова правила.\n\nPortuguese: \nEssa é aquela boa e velha, bíblica, justiça olho por olho\nE, de acordo com esse olhar, a punição deve doer; essa é a única maneira de \"corrigir as coisas\".\nHistoricamente, isso significa coisas como, se você causa danos físicos a alguém, aquele que lhe impõe a punição deve fazer o mesmo a você.\nPorém, hoje, em nome da civilização, nós tendemos a infligir a dor em forma de encarceramento e multa, em vez de literalmente dente por dente.\nMas, ainda assim, retribuição justa é uma das forças filosóficas por trás da pena de morte.\nA ideia e que não há outro jeito de corrigir a infração de tirar uma vida, que não tirando a vida daquele que o fez.\nMas os utilitaristas tem outras teorias para punição\nEm vez de causa sofrimento aos infratores apenas em nome do sofrimento, esses pensadores preferem o que é conhecido como maximização do bem estar.\nNessa visão, não há benefícios em causar dor aos infratores por vingança\nMas alguma forma de punição ainda é necessária\nUma das opções é a rehabilitação\nAqui, o procedimento é ajudar os infratores, para que eles aprendam a se comportar em sociedade e seguir as regras\n\nSwedish: \nFokuset ligger ofta på utbildning och, \nom det behövs, terapi.\nDetta kritiseras ibland som förmynderi, \neftersom det innebär antagandet att lagbrytare \nbehöver vår hjälp, att de inte vet bättre, och att \nde behöver \"botas\" från en social sjukdom.\nMen ett annat tillvägagångssätt till rättvist straff \när avskräckning.\nI åratal har folk antagit att straff förhindrar en brottsling från att begå ytterligare brott, samtidigt som \nman motverkar andra från att bryta lagarna.\nSå, istället för att få en brottsling att lida för vad de har gjort, ser anhängare av avskräckning straff som\n positivt för samhället i stort.\nIbland straffar vi människor för att skicka \nen signal till andra människor.\nEtt annat tillvägagångssätt till rättvist straff \när begreppet gottgörande rättvisa.\nDå måste du rätta dina fel.\nFokuset ligger på gottgörelse, snarare än \natt få lagbrytaren att lida.\nSå om du stökar till det så måste du städa upp.\nOch om du skadar någon så måste du ta ansvar \nför att gottgöra det.\nDetta är logiken bakom samhällstjänst.\nFörhoppningen är att ett korrekt tillvägagångssätt \nmot lagbryteri leder både till helande och mognad, \nbåde för förövaren och för offret.\n\nSpanish: \nEl enfoque se centra a menudo en la educación y, si es necesario, en la terapia.\nEsto a veces es criticado por ser paternalista, porque lleva consigo la suposición de que los delincuentes necesitan nuestra ayuda, que no conocen nada mejor y que necesitan ser \"curados\" de alguna enfermedad social.\nPero otro enfoque para el castigo es la disuasión.\nDurante eones, la gente ha asumido que el castigo impide que un delincuente cometa más crímenes, mientras que también desalienta a otros a romper las reglas.\nPor lo tanto, en lugar de hacer sufrir a un criminal por lo que han hecho, los partidarios de la disuasión ven al castigo como un bien para la sociedad en su conjunto.\nA veces, castigamos a la gente para enviar un mensaje a otras personas.\nUn enfoque más al castigo justo es el concepto de justicia restaurativa.\nAquí, debes corregir tus errores.\nEl enfoque está en reparar, en vez de hacer sufrir al delincuente.\nAsí que si causas un desorden, tienes que limpiarlo.\nY si lastimas a alguien, necesitas tomar medidas para tratar de corregirlo.\nEsta es la lógica detrás de la asignación de servicio comunitario a los delincuentes.\nLa esperanza aquí es que el enfoque correcto a las malas acciones conducirá a la curación y el crecimiento, tanto para el criminal como para el maltratado.\n\nDutch: \nDe focus ligt vaak op onderwijs en, indien nodig, therapie.\nDit wordt soms bekritiseerd als te paternalistisch zijnde, omdat het veronderstelt dat boosdoeners onze hulp nodig hebben, dat ze niet beter weten, en dat ze 'genezen' moeten worden van een of andere sociale ziekte.\nEen andere aanpak is afschrikking.\nEeuwenlang hebben mensen gedacht dat bestraffing verdere overtredingen van dezelfde persoon verhindert, en tegelijk anderen ontmoedigt om de regels te verbreken.\nIn de plaats van een boosdoener te doen lijden voor wat hij of zij gedaan heeft, zien aanhangers van afschrikmethoden bestraffing dus als goed voor de maatschappij als geheel.\nSoms straffen we mensen als boodschap voor andere mensen.\nEen laatste benadering met betrekking tot rechtvaardig straffen is het concept van restoratieve rechtvaardigheid.\nHier moet je je fouten rechtzetten.\nDe focus ligt erop om het goed te maken, in de plaats van de boosdoener te doen lijden.\nDus als je er een boeltje van maakt, moet je de puinhoop opruimen.\nEn als je iemand kwetst, dan moet je stappen ondernemen om te proberen het goed te maken.\nDit is de logica achter taakstraffen.\nDe hoop is dat de juiste aanpak tegenover wangedrag tot heling en groei zal leiden, zowel voor de boosdoener als het slachtoffer.\n\nSerbian: \nЖижа је често на образовању и, уколико је потребно, терапији.\nОво се понекад критикује да је заштитничко, зато што са собом носи претпоставку да је преступницима потребна наша помоћ, да они не знају ништа боље и да морају да се \"лече\" од неке друштвене болести.\nАли још један прилаз праведној казни је одвраћање.\nЕонима су људи претпостављали да казна спречава да преступник почини даље преступе, док такође обесхрабрује остале да прекрше правила.\nДакле, уместо да науде преступнику због онога што је урадио, присталице одвраћања виде казну као добро за друштво у целини.\nПогдекад кажњавамо људе да пошаљемо поруку другим људима.\nЈош један прилаз праведној казни је концепт ресторативне правде.\nОвде морате исправити своју неправичност.\nУсредсређење је на искупљивању уместо на науђивању преступнику.\nДакле, ако направите неред, морате га почистити.\nА ако повредите некога, морате предузети кораке да покушате и исправите то.\nТо је логика иза додељивања друштвеног рада прекршиоцима.\nНада је у томе да ће прави прилаз преступу водити ка исцељењу и развоју, како за преступника тако и за оштећеног.\n\nEnglish: \nThe focus is often on education and, if needed,\ntherapy.\nThis is sometimes criticized as being paternalistic, because it carries with it the assumption that wrongdoers are in need of our help, that they don’t know any better, and that they need to be “cured” of some social disease.\nBut another approach to just punishment is\ndeterrence.\nFor eons, people have assumed that punishment prevents a wrongdoer from committing further crimes, while also discouraging others from breaking the rules.\nSo, rather than making a wrongdoer suffer for what they’ve done, supporters of deterrence see punishment as being for the good of society as a whole.\nSometimes, we punish people to send a message\nto other people.\nOne more approach to just punishment is the\nconcept of restorative justice.\nHere, you must right your wrongs.\nThe focus is on making amends, rather than\nmaking the wrongdoer suffer.\nSo if you make a mess, you have to clean it\nup.\nAnd if you hurt someone, you need to take\nsteps to try and make it right.\nThis is the logic behind assigning community\nservice to offenders.\nThe hope here is that the right approach to wrongdoing will lead to healing and growth, both for the wrongdoer and for the wronged.\n\nArabic: \nيكون التركيز غالبا على تعليمهم و علاجهم نفسيا في حال تطلب الأمر\nيؤخذ على هذا الأسلوب كونه أبويا حيث يفترض مسبقا أن المخطئين بحاجة لمساعدتنا ولا يعرفون ما هو الأفضل لهم وأنهم يحتاجون \"للتداوي\" من مرض اجتماعي ما\nلكن أحد الأساليب الأخرى البديلة للعقاب هي الردع\nافترض الناس على مر العصور أن العقاب يمنع المخطئ من ارتكاب جرائم أخرى وفي القوت نفسه تردع الآخرين من مخالفة القوانين\nلذلك فضلا عن جعل المخطئ يعاني لما اقترفه، يرى المناصرين للردع أن العقاب يعود بالنفع على المجتمع ككل\nفنحن أحيانا نعاقب الناس ليتعظ بذلك أناس آخرون\nأحد أساليب العقاب العادل أيضا هو المبني على مفهوم العدالة الإصلاحية\nوفيه على المرء أن يصحح أخطاءه\n،ويكون التركيز على تقديم التعويضات عوضا عن جعل المخطئ يعاني\nفإن قمت بافتعال مشكلة ما، عليك بأن تهتم بحلها\nوإن آذيت أحدهم، فعليك أن تتخذ الخطوات اللازمة وتحاول تصحيح الأمور\nوهذا هو المنطق وراء تكليف المجرمين بخدمة المجتمع\nآملين أن التوجه الصحيح في الرد على الأخطاء المرتكبة سيؤدي إلى الشفاء والنماء لكل من المسيء والمساء إليه\n\nSpanish: \nLa atención se centra a menudo en la educación y, si es necesario, en la terapia.\nEsto a veces es criticado por ser paternalista, ya que conlleva la suposición de que los malhechores necesitan de nuestra ayuda, que no conocen nada mejor, y que necesitan ser \"curados\" de alguna enfermedad social.\nSin embargo, otro enfoque del castigo justo es la disuación.\nPor mucho tiempo la gente ha asumido que el castigo impide que un delincuente cometa nuevos delitos, mientras que también desalienta a otros de romper las reglas.\nAsí que en lugar de hacer que un criminal sufra por lo que ha hecho, los partidarios de la disuasión ven al castigo como un bien para la sociedad en su conjunto.\nA veces, castigamos a unas personas para enviar un mensaje a otras personas.\nOtro enfoque para el castigo justo es el\nconcepto de justicia restaurativa.\nAquí, debes corregir tus errores.\nLa atención se centra en reparar el daño, en lugar de hacer sufrir al malhechor.\nAsí que si haces un desorden, tienes que limpiarlo.\nY si dañas a alguien, necesitas tomar\nmedidas para tratar de hacer bien las cosas.\nEsta es la lógica detrás de asignar a los delincuentes labores de servicio a la comunidad.\nLa esperanza aquí es que el actuar correctamente dará lugar a la curación y el crecimiento, para el infractor y para el agraviado.\n\nPortuguese: \nO foco é mais em educação e, se necessário, terapia.\nIsso é comumente criticado como sendo paternalista, porque presume que os infratores necessitam de nossa ajuda e que não sabem o que fazer, e que precisam ser \"curados\" de alguma doença social.\nPorém, outra visão de punição justa é a dissuasão\nPor eons, as pessoas acreditam que a punição previne os infratores de cometer outros crimes, enquanto desencoraja outras pessoas de quebrarem as regras\nEntão, em vez de fazer um infrator sofrer pelo que ele fez, os defensores da dissuasão veem a punição como sendo boa para a sociedade como um todo.\nÀs vezes, punimos as pessoas para mandar uma mensagem às outras\nUma outra visão de punição justa é o conceito de justiça restaurativa\nAqui, você deve corrigir seus erros.\nO foco é em gerar reparação, em vez de fazer infratores sofrer\nEntão, se você faz a bagunça, você tem de arrumá-la.\nE, se você machuca alguém, você precisa tomar medidas para tentar corrigir o seu erro.\nEssa é a lógica por trás de mandar os infratores prestarem serviços comunitários\nA esperança aqui é que a maneira correta de lidar com a infração irá gerar cura e crescimento, tanto para o infrator quanto para a vítima.\n\nEnglish: \nIt’s about restoration and forgiveness – basically\nthe polar opposite of the retributive approach.\nSo, take this advice: Give some thought to\nyour own views on these topics.\nBecause what you see as the right answer should shape the way you vote, how you spend your money, and the way you punish your kids.\nYou might discover that, upon reflection, you should change the way you’re doing some things.\nLike I said, everyone talks about justice, but before you can, you really have to decide what it means.\nToday we talked about various theories of\njustice.\nWe talked about just distribution, and we\nalso considered different approaches to punishment.\nNext time, we’ll talk about discrimination.\nCrash Course Philosophy is produced in association\nwith PBS Digital Studios.\nYou can head over to their channel to check out a playlist of the latest episodes from shows like:\nComa Niddy, Deep Look, and First Person.\nThis episode of Crash Course was filmed in\nthe Doctor Cheryl C. Kinney Crash Course Studio\nwith the help of all of these awesome people and our equally fantastic graphics team is Thought Cafe.\n\nPortuguese: \nTrata-se de reparação e perdão - basicamente, o oposto da visão retributiva\nEntão, deixe-me dar um conselho: Pense um pouco sobre suas próprias visões destes tópicos.\nPois a resposta que você achar correta deve moldar o modo como você vota, como você gasta seu dinheiro e como você pune os seus filhos\nE você pode descobrir quer, depois de refletir, você deve mudar o modo como faz certas coisas\nComo eu disse, todo mundo fala de justiça, mas antes de poder falar, você deveria decidir o que isso significa.\nHoje nós falamos das várias teorias de justiça\nFalamos de distribuição justa e também consideramos as visões diferentes de punição\nDa próxima vez, falaremos de discriminação\nCrash Course Philosophy é produzido em associação à PBS Digital Studios\nVocê pode ir ao canal deles e assistir à playlist dos últimos episódios de programas que você goste:\nCorma Niddy, Deep Look e First Person.\nEsse episódio de Crash Course foi filmado no Studio Crash Course Doctor Cheryl C. Kinney\ncom a ajuda dessas pessoas incríveis e o nosso time gráfico igualmente incrível é o Thought Café.\n\nSerbian: \nРади се о обнови и опраштању - у основи сушта супротност одмаздном приступу.\nДакле, узмите овај савет: Размислите о сопственим погледима на ове теме.\nЗато што би оно што видите као прави одговор требало да обликује начин на који гласате, како трошите новац и начин на који кажњавате своју децу.\nМожете открити да би, кад се боље размисли, требало да промените начин на који радите неке ствари.\nКао што сам рекао, свако говори о правди, али пре него што можете, заиста морате одлучити шта она подразумева.\nДанас смо причали о разним теоријама о правди.\nПричали смо о поштеној расподели, а такође смо размотрили и различите приступе казни.\nИдући пут ћемо разговарати о дискриминацији.\nУбрзани течај Филозофија је продуциран у сарадњи са ПБС Дигитални студијима.\nМожете отићи на њихов канал да проверите листу извођења најновијих епизода из шоуова попут:\nComa Niddy, Deep Look и First Person.\nОва епизода Убрзаног течаја снимљена је у студију Убрзаног течаја др Шерил Ц. Кинија\nуз помоћ свих ових сјајних људи, а наш подједнако фантастични графички тим је \"Кафић Мисао\" (Thought Cafe).\n\nArabic: \nفما يهم هو الإصلاح والغفران، بشكل عام هو النقيض التام لنهج العدالة الجزائية\nلذا، إليك هذه النصائح. فكر في هذه المواضيع وفي آرائك الخاصة حولها\nلأن ما ترى أنه الجواب الصحيح هو ما سيحدد منهجك في التصويت ، وكيفية إنفاقك لأموالك ، و أسلوبك في معاقبة أطفالك.\nقد تكتشف بعد التفكير أنه ينبغي عليك أن تغير طريقتك في القيام ببعض الأمور\nوكما قلت سلفا ، الجميع يمكنه أن يتحدث عن العدالة ولكن قبل أن تفعل ذلك فإنه ينبغي عليك حقا أن تقرر ماالذي تعنيه العدالة لك.\nتحدثنا اليوم عن نظريات عديدة للعدالة .\nتحدثنا عن التوزيع العادل . ونظرنا أيضا في نهج مختلفة للعقاب.\nسنتحدث في المرة المقبلة عن التمييز\nتم إنتاج كراش كورس فيلوسوفي بالمشاركة مع PBS ديجيتال ستوديوس.\n \nيمكنك التوجه لقناتهم لتشاهد قائمة بالحلقات الأخيرة لبرامج مثل:كوما نيدي، ديب لوك و فيرست بيرسون\n \nتم تصوير هذه الحلقة من كراش كورس في استوديو دكتور شيريل سي. كيني كراش كورس، بمساعدة كل هؤلاء الأشخاص الرائعين بالإضافية إلى فريق الرسوم المذهل ثوت كافيه.\n\nDutch: \nHet gaat om herstel en vergeving - het tegenovergestelde van de retributieve aanpak.\nDus, een goede raad: Denk eens goed na over je eigen standpunten over deze onderwerpen.\nWant wat je als het juiste antwoord ziet zou de manier waarop je stemt moeten bepalen, hoe je je geld besteedt, en de manier waarop je je kinderen straft.\nMisschien ontdek je wel dat je, bij nader inzien, de manier waarop je bepaalde zaken aanpakt zou moeten veranderen.\nZoals ik zei, iedereen spreekt over rechtvaardigheid, maar voor je dat kan, moet je eerst beslissen wat het nu precies betekent.\nVandaag bespraken we verschillende theorieën over rechtvaardigheid.\nWe bespraken rechtvaardige verdeling, en beschouwden verschillende aanpakken omtrent bestraffing.\nVolgende keer zullen we het hebben over discriminatie.\nCrash Course Filosofie wordt geproduceerd in samenwerking met PBS Digital Studios.\nJe kan een kijkje nemen op hun kanaal voor een afspeellijst met de laatste afleveringen van shows als:\nComa Niddy, Deep Look, en First Person.\nDeze aflevering van Crash Course werd gefilmd in de Doctor Cheryl C. Kinney Crash Course Studio\nmet de hulp van al deze geweldige mensen, en ons evenzeer fantastisch grafisch team is Thought Café.\n\nSpanish: \nSe trata de la restauración y el perdón, que es básicamente el polo opuesto del enfoque retributivo.\nPor lo tanto, toma este consejo: Piensa un poco en tus propios puntos de vista sobre estos temas.\nYa que lo que consideres la respuesta correcta dará forma a tu manera de votar, a cómo gastas tu dinero, y la forma en cómo castigas a tus hijos.\nPodrías descubrir que después de reflexionar, debes cambiar la forma en que haces algunas cosas.\nComo dije, todo el mundo habla de justicia, pero antes de que puedas hacerlo, realmente tienes que decidir lo que significa.\nHoy hablamos de diversas teorías de la\njusticia.\nHablamos de una distribución justa, y también consideramos diferentes enfoques para el castigo.\nLa próxima vez, hablaremos sobre la discriminación.\nCrash Course Filosofía se produce en asociación con PBS Digital Studios.\nPuedes ir a su canal y revisar una lista de reproducción de los últimos episodios de series como:\nComa Niddy, Deep Look, y First Person.\nEste episodio de Crash Course fue filmado en el doctor Cheryl C. Kinney Crash Course Studio\ncon la ayuda de todas estas personas increíbles y nuestro igualmente fantástico equipo gráfico es Thought Cafe.\n\nSwedish: \nDet handlar om gottgörelse och förlåtelse - i grunden motsatsen till det retributiva tillvägagångssättet.\nSå mitt råd är att fundera på dina egna åsikter \nom de här sakerna.\nEftersom det du ser som det rätta svaret bestämmer \nhur du röstar, hur du spenderar dina pengar \noch hur du bestraffar dina barn.\nDu kanske upptäcker, efter att tänkt igenom det här, \natt du bör ändra hur du agerar.\nSom jag sa så pratar alla om rättvisa, men innan du gör det, måste du bestämma dig för vad det är.\nIdag har vi pratat om olika rättviseteorier.\nVi har pratat om rättvis fördelning, och vi har också diskuterat olika tillvägagångssätt för bestraffning.\nNästa gång kommer vi att prata om diskriminering.\n \n \n \n \n \n\nSpanish: \nSe trata de restauración y perdón - básicamente, el polo opuesto del enfoque retributivo.\nPor lo tanto, toma este consejo: Piensa un poco sobre tus propias opiniones sobre estos temas.\nPorque lo que ves como la respuesta correcta debería dar forma a la manera en la que votas, cómo gastas tu dinero y cómo castigas a sus hijos.\nPuede que descubras que, al reflexionar, deberías cambiar la forma en que estás haciendo algunas cosas.\nComo he dicho, todos hablan de justicia, pero antes de que puedas hacerlo, realmente tienes que decidir lo que significa.\nHoy hemos hablado de varias teorías de la justicia.\nHablamos sobre distribución justa, y también consideramos diferentes aproximaciones al castigo.\nLa próxima vez, hablaremos de discriminación.\nCrash Course Philosophy se produce en asociación con PBS Digital Studios.\nPuedes dirigirte a su canal para ver una lista de reproducción de los últimos episodios de programas como:\nComa Niddy, Deep Look, y First Person.\nEste episodio de Crash Course fue filmado en el Estudio Doctor Cheryl C. Kinney\nCon la ayuda de todas estas personas impresionantes, y nuestro equipo de gráficos igualmente fantástico es Thought Cafe.\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "\nVietnamese: \nTôi ghét sự phân biệt tên gọi bởi \nâm nhạc chỉ nên là âm nhạc.\nTôi chẳng thấy nhạc disco có gì khác cả\nBạn không thể nhảy theo [nhại tiếng đàn guitar] hay...\nDù bạn gọi nó là disco hay gọi nó là bất cứ thứ gì. \nNó vẫn là âm nhạc.\nBạn có gọi “She’s Out of My Life” là nhạc disco không? “Off the wall”, “Rock with You”…\nTôi chẳng biết. Đối với tôi chúng chỉ đơn giản là âm nhạc.\nNhư khi bạn nghe tiếng chim hót. Bạn không thể nói: “Con đó là chim giẻ.\nCon này là quạ.”\nChúng chỉ là âm thanh tuyệt đẹp. Thế thôi. \nHãy lắng nghe chúng.\nNhìn chúng bay vút lên bầu trời. \nCảnh tượng chỉ đơn giản là tuyệt đẹp.\n[Nhạc: Michael Jackson “Rock With You”]\n>> John Pidgeon: Anh ấy có phải tập nhảy nhiều không ?\n>> Janet Jackson: Anh ấy chỉ… oh, câu hỏi này.\n\nItalian: \n>> Michael Jackson: Detesto le etichette perché \ndovrebbe essere semplicemente musica.\nNon ci vedo nulla di male nella disco.\nNon puoi ballare su [imita il sound thrash metal\ndi una chitarra] o...\nLa si chiami disco. La si chiami come si vuole. È musica.\nChiameresti disco “She’s Out of My Life”? \n“Off the wall”, “Rock with You”…\nNon saprei. È musica per me.\nÈ come sentire il cinguettio di un uccellino. Non dici:\n“quella è una ghiandaia azzurra”\nQuell’altro è un corvo”.\nÈ un bel suono. Questo è tutto ciò che\nconta. Ascoltalo.\nTu osservi gli uccellini levarsi in volo nel cielo. È \nsemplicemente bello.\n[Musica: Michael Jackson “Rock With You”]\n\"A John era stato detto di fare le sue domande a Janet Jackson che poi le avrebbe fatte a Michael.\"\n>> John Pidgeon: Si allena molto\nnella sua danza?\n>> Janet Jackson: Lui… oh, la domanda.\n\nFrench: \n>> Michael Jackson: Je déteste coller des étiquettes parce que ça devrait juste être de la musique.\nJe ne vois rien de mal dans le disco.\nVous pouvez danser sur ça [imite un son de guitare] ou ...\nAppelez le disco. Appelez le ce que vous voulez. C'est de la musique.\nEst ce que vous appelleriez \"She's Out of My Life\" du disco ? \"Off the wall\", \"Rock with You\"...\nJe ne sais pas, pour moi c'est de la musique.\nC'est comme entendre un oiseau chanter. Vous ne vous dites pas \"C'est un geai.\nCa c'est un corbeau.\"\nC'est un joli son. C'est tout ce qui compte. Ecoutez le.\nVous les regardez grimper dans le ciel. C'est juste magnifique.\n[Musique: Michael Jackson “Rock With You”]\nOn a demandé à John de poser ses questions à Janet qui les poserait ensuite à Michael.\n>> John Pidgeon: Est ce qu'il travaille fort sur ses pas de dance ?\n>> Janet Jackson: Il ... oh, la question.\n\nSpanish: \nMichael Jackson: Detesto las etiquetas en la música. \nNo veo nada de malo en la música disco.\nNo puedes bailar con esto.\nLlámalo onda disco, o lo que sea. Es música.\n¿Llamarías a una canción disco \"ella está fuera de mi vida\"?\n\"Contra el muro\", \"Rock contigo\"?\nNo sé. Para mi es música.\nCuando oyes el canto de las aves no dices:\n\"Eso es una urraca.\n\"Éste es un cuervo\".\nEs un sonido hermoso. Lo importante es escucharlo.\nLo miras volar sin preocupaciones en el cielo. \nEs simplemente hermoso.\nMúsica: Michael Jackson - “Rock With You”\nJohn Pidgeon: ¿Trabaja mucho en sus coreografías?\nJanet Jackson: Él sólo... oh, la pregunta.\n\nEnglish: \n>> Michael Jackson: I hate labels because\nit should be just music.\nI don’t see anything wrong with disco.\nYou can’t dance to [imitates guitar thrash\nsound] or...\nCall it disco. Call it anything. It’s music.\nWould you call “She’s Out of My Life”\ndisco? “Off the wall”, “Rock with You”…\nI don’t know. It’s music to me.\nIt’s like you hear a bird chirping. You\ndon’t say: “that’s a bluejay.\nThis one is a crow.”\nIt’s a beautiful sound. That’s all that\ncounts. Listen to it.\nYou watch them soar in the skies. It’s just\nbeautiful.\n[Music: Michael Jackson “Rock With You”]\n>> John Pidgeon: Does he work very hard on\nhis dancing?\n>> Janet Jackson: He just… oh, the question.\n\nEnglish: \nDo you work very hard on your dancing? [laughs]\n>> Michael Jackson: I should but I don’t.\n[laughs]\nI just... whatever you see me do is spontaneous reactions on stage.\nIt’s nothing planned. It’s nothing that\nI got in the room and tried to think of hard.\nIt just happens through feeling.\n>> John Pidgeon: Does he actually find it\nhard to keep from dancing\nwhen he’s in the studio?\n>> Janet Jackson: [laughs] Yeah, I think so.\n>> Michael Jackson: [laughs] Yeah, that isn’t\nmy problem. I’m just dancing around...\n>> Janet Jackson: Can’t keep still…\n>> Michael Jackson: Yeah, hard to keep still.\nMoving around from the mic. [laughs]\n[Music: The Jackson Five “The Love You Save”]\n>> Michael Jackson: My singing it’s just..\nI’ll just say it simple as possible: it’s just godly.\nReally it’s just... When I was small I didn’t\nreally know what I was doing.\nI just sang and it came out sounding pretty\ngood.\nI just do it and it happens. It’s… I can’t\nexplain it or...\nIt’s no real personal experience or anything\nthat makes it come across.\n\nItalian: \nTi alleni molto nella tua danza? [risate]\n>> Michael Jackson: Dovrei ma non lo faccio.\n[risate]\nIo… qualunque cosa mi vediate fare è una reazione spontanea sul palco.\nNon c’è nulla di programmato. Non è nulla che \nabbia fatto nella mia stanza dopo essermi sforzato a pensarci su.\nAccade semplicemente grazie a ciò che sento.\n>> John Pidgeon: È vero che trova difficile\ntrattenersi dal ballare\nquando è in studio?\n>> Janet Jackson: [risate] Sì, penso di sì.\n>> Michael Jackson: [risate] Sì, non è \nun mio problema. Ballo semplicemente…\n>> Janet Jackson: Non riesce a trattenersi…\n>> Michael Jackson: Sì, è difficile trattenermi.\nDevo girare intorno al microfono. [risate]\n[Musica: The Jackson Five “The Love You Save”]\n>> Michael Jackson: Il mio canto è solo…\nLo dirò il più semplicemente possibile: è solo qualcosa che viene da Dio.\nDavvero è solo… Quando ero piccolo, non ero veramente \nconsapevole di quello che stavo facendo.\nCantavo semplicemente e usciva qualcosa di piuttosto\nbello.\nLo faccio solo e succede. È… non posso \nspiegarlo o...\nNon c’è nessuna effettiva esperienza personale o qualcosa \nche lo renda chiaramente percepibile.\n\nFrench: \nEst ce que tu travailles fort sur tes pas de dance? [rires]\n>> Michael Jackson: Je devrais mais non. [rires]\nTout ce que vous me voyez faire sur scène sont des réactions spontanées.\nRien n'est planifié. Ce n'est pas quelque chose à laquelle je pense à l'avance.\nCa arrive une fois que je suis dans la situation.\n>> John Pidgeon: Est ce qu'il trouve ça dur de s'empêcher de danser\nquand il est dans le studio ?\n>> Janet Jackson: [rires] Je crois que oui.\n>> Michael Jackson: [rires] Oui danser ce n'est pas un problème. Je danse partout...\n>> Janet Jackson: Il s'arrête jamais...\n>> Michael Jackson: Oui c'est dur d'être immobile. Je danse autour du micro. [rires]\n[Musique: The Jackson Five “The Love You Save”]\n>> Michael Jackson: La manière dont je chante ..\nJe vais le dire le plus simplement possible : c'est divin.\nVraiment c'est juste ... Quand j'étais petit je ne savais pas ce que je faisais.\nJe chantais et ça sonnait vraiment bien.\nJe le fais et ça arrive... C'est ... je peux pas l'expliquer.\nCa ne vient pas d'une expérience personnelle ou je ne sais quoi d'autre.\n\nSpanish: \n¿Trabajas muy duro en las coreografías?\nMichael Jackson: Debería, pero no. Yo solo...\nTodo lo que hago en el escenario es espontáneo.\nNada es planeado. No me encierro en una \nhabitación a pensarlo.\nFluye desde las emociones.\nJohn Pidgeon: ¿Le resulta difícil dejar de bailar\ncuando está en el estudio?\nJanet Jackson: Si, creo que si\nMichael Jackson: Si, pero no es mi problema.\nSolo bailo.\nJanet Jackson: No puede estar quieto...\nMichael Jackson: Si, es difícil estar quieto cuando \nestás alrededor del microfono. \nMúsica: The Jackson Five - “The Love You Save”\n Michael Jackson: Mi interpretación es... \nLo diré en pocas palabras. Simplemente divina. \nCuando... cuando pequeño no sabía \nrealmente lo que hacía,\ncantaba y terminaba sonando bastante bien.\nSolo lo hago y sucede. Es... no puedo explicarlo...\nNo es una experiencia personal \no algo que vi venir. \n\nVietnamese: \nAnh có phải tập nhảy nhiều không? [cười]\n>> Michael Jackson: Tôi nên thế nhưng không. [cười]\nTôi chỉ... những gì bạn thấy tôi làm trên sân khấu đều là phản ứng tự phát.\nChẳng hề chuẩn bị gì cả. Tôi không hề bước vào phòng và cố gắng suy nghĩ nhiều về nó.\nNó chỉ tự đến thông qua cảm xúc.\n>> John Pidgeon: Anh ấy có cảm thấy khó khăn khi phải kiềm chế nhảy\ntrong phòng thu hay không?\n>> Janet Jackson: [cười] Vâng, tôi nghĩ thế.\n>> Michael Jackson: [cười] Vâng, nhưng tôi không\n kiềm chế gì cả. Tôi chỉ cứ nhảy thôi...\n>> Janet Jackson: Không thể đứng im…\n>> Michael Jackson: Vâng, rất khó để đứng im. \nTôi cứ chuyển động xung quanh micro. [cười]\n[Nhạc: The Jackson Five “The Love You Save”]\n>> Michael Jackson: Việc ca hát của tôi chỉ là..\nTôi sẽ nói theo cách đơn giản nhất: \nnó mang tính thần thánh.\nThật sự nó chỉ... \nKhi còn nhỏ tôi không biết rõ mình đang làm gì.\nTôi chỉ hát và đột nhiên nó trở nên hay.\nTôi chỉ biểu diễn và nó trở nên như vậy. \nTôi không thể diễn tả nó hoặc...\nNó không phải là kinh nghiệm cá nhân hoặc\n bất cứ thứ gì để tạo ra nó.\n\nItalian: \nÈ solamente una sensazione e Dio, direi. Principalmente\nDio.\n[Musica]\n>> Michael Jackson: Ci sentite parlare molto \ndel pavone\nperché il pavone è l’unico uccello\nin tutta la specie\nche integri tutti i colori in uno, che è il nostro \nprincipale obiettivo nella musica.\nQuando vai ai nostri concerti e vedi\ntutte le razze\ne tutti che agitano le mani,\nsi tengono per mano, sorridono e ballano.\nTutti i colori. Ecco cos’è grandioso. Ecco\ncosa mi fa continuare. [risate]\n[Musica]\n>> Michael Jackson: Davvero credo profondamente \nnella perfezione. Io non sono mai soddisfatto.\nFinisco una traccia o qualcosa del genere, arrivo a casa\ne dico: “no, non va bene, dobbiamo \nrifarla, non va bene”.\nE allora ci torno su, e ancora, e ancora.\nPoi, quando alla fine è uscita, ti dici: “accidenti,\navrei dovuto fare questo”.\nÈ la numero uno in classifica e ti \narrabbi ancora per cosa avresti dovuto fare.\nSe sei soddisfatto di tutto, rimarrai semplicemente\na un certo livello\n\nVietnamese: \nĐó chỉ xuất phát từ cảm xúc và Chúa trời, \ntôi có thể nói như thế. Hầu hết là Chúa trời.\n[Nhạc]\n>> Michael Jackson: Bạn nghe chúng tôi nói rất nhiều về con công\nbởi công là loài duy nhất trong dòng họ nhà chim\nkết hợp tất cả màu sắc lại thành một. \nĐó cũng là mục tiêu chính của chúng tôi trong âm nhạc.\nKhi đến concert của chúng tôi các bạn sẽ thấy mọi chủng tộc đều có ở đó\nTất cả họ đều vẫy tay, \nnắm lấy tay nhau, cười và nhảy.\nMọi màu da. Điều đó thật tuyệt vời. \nĐó là lý do để tôi tiếp tục với nghề [cười]\n[Nhạc]\n>> Michael Jackson: Tôi thực sự tin vào sự cầu toàn. \nTôi chẳng bao giờ hài lòng cả.\nKhi thu âm đĩa hát hoặc thứ gì đó, tôi về nhà\nvà nói, \"Không, nó không đúng. \nChúng ta phải làm lại thôi, nó không đúng.\"\nCứ lặp đi lặp lại như thế.\nVà khi nó đã được phát hành, bạn lại nói \n“Chết tiệt, lẽ ra tôi nên làm thế này thế kia.”\nNó đứng hạng nhất trên bảng xếp hạng nhưng bạn vẫn gào thét về những cái đáng ra bạn nên làm.\nNếu dễ dàng hài lòng với mọi thứ\n bạn sẽ rơi vào tình trạng dậm chân tại chỗ\n\nSpanish: \nEs un sentimiento y Dios, eso voy a decir. \nPrincipalmente Dios.\nHablamos mucho del pavo real\ny es porque el pavo real es \nla única ave de su especie \nque integra todos los colores en uno.\nEse es nuestro principal objetivo en la música. \nCuando vas a nuestros conciertos y ves a todos ahí \nmoviendo y tomando sus manos, riendo y bailando.\nTodos los colores. Eso es impagable. Es lo que me\nhace seguir adelante. \nCreo profundamente en la perfección.\nNunca estoy satisfecho.\nVoy a editar una canción o algo. Llego a casa\ny digo: \"no, no está bien. Hay que rehacerlo \nhasta que quede bien\". \nY volvemos a hacerlo una y otra vez. \nLuego cuando está terminado \ndigo \"maldición, debí hacer esto\".\nAunque seas número uno en las listas sigues \nreclamándote que pudo ser mejor\nSi te sientes satisfecho con todo,\nte quedarás estancado.\n\nFrench: \nJe dirai que ça part d'un sentiment, et de Dieu. Surtout Dieu.\n[Musique]\n>> Michael Jackson: Vous nous entendez beaucoup parler du paon\nparce que le paon et le seul oiseau de la famille des oiseaux\nqui intègre toutes les couleurs en une. C'est notre but principal en musique.\nQuand vous venez à nos concerts et vous pouvez voir toutes origines mélangées\net ils agitent les mains, se tiennent la main, sourient et dansent ensembles.\nToutes les couleurs. C'est ça qui est génial. C'est ce qui me fait continuer ! [rires]\n[Musique]\n>> Michael Jackson: Je crois profondément à la perfection. Je ne suis jamais satisfait.\nJe vais enregistrer une chanson. Je rentre à la maison\nand je me dis \"non ça va pas, il faut la refaire une autre fois, ce n'est pas encore bon\".\nEt je recommence encore et encore et encore.\nEt quand finalement la chanson est sortie, je me dis \"mince, j'aurai du faire ça\".\nC'est numéro 1 des hits parades et je suis encore en train de ruminer à propos de ce que j'aurai du faire.\nSi tu es satisfait de ce que tu fais tu vas toujours rester au même niveau\n\nEnglish: \nJust a feeling and God, I’ll say. Mainly\nGod.\n[Music]\n>> Michael Jackson: You hear us talk about\nthe peacock a lot\nbecause the peacock is the only bird of all\nthe bird family\nthat integrates every color into one. That’s\nour main goal in music.\nWhen you go to our concerts and you see every\nrace out there\nand they’re all waving hands and they’re\nholding hands and they’re smiling and dancing.\nAll colors. That’s what great. That’s\nwhat keeps me going. [laughs]\n[Music]\n>> Michael Jackson: I do believe deeply in\nperfection. I’m never satisfied.\nI’ll cut a track or something. I come home\nand I say “no, that’s not right. we gotta\nto do it over it’s not right.”\nAnd then go back and back and back.\nThen when it’s finally out, you say “darn\nit, i should have done this.”\nIt’s number one on the charts you’re still\nscreaming about what you should have done.\nIf you’re satisfied with everything you’re\njust going to stay at one level\n\nSpanish: \nY el mundo seguirá adelante.\nTampoco es bueno.\nJohn Pidgeon: ¿Cuando Michael esta en \nel estudio es importante para él\nhacer la parte vocal de inmediato o trabajar \ndetenidamente en ello? \nJanet Jackson: Cuando estás en el estudio se hace... \n¿Vas directamente a lo vocal o lo construyes de a poco? \nMichael Jackson: No, hago las voces rápidamente.\nPero por ejemplo, \"Ben\" lo hice rápido. \nFui directo y lo edite. \ndije \"¿lo hago otra vez?\"\nY el chico dijo \"no, no, fue perfecto\" \nYo dije \"¿lo fue?\"\nOcurrió en Motown.\nNunca olvidaré esa pequeña caja de manzana \nen la que me tenía que parar\nPorque no alcanzaba el micrófono. \nTenía mi nombre escrito en él. \nAhora está en la casa de Diana Ross.\nElla tiene todos los apuntes y garabatos \nque anotaba y dibujaba\nMucha gente ha sido sobre expuesta. Es verdad.\n\nItalian: \ne il mondo andrà avanti. [risate]. Nemmeno \nquesto va bene.\n[Musica]\n>> John Pidgeon: Quando Michael è in studio, per lui è importante\nandare dritto alla parte vocale che deve fare o in qualche modo\ncostruirla per arrivarci?\n>> Janet Jackson: Quando sei in studio\nè… tu… ah…\ndevi andare dritto alla parte vocale che devi fare\no devi costruirla?\n>> Michael Jackson: No, faccio le parti vocali\npiuttosto velocemente.\nPer esempio “Ben” l’ho cantata una volta sola.\nL’ho fatta direttamente e l’ho finita.\nDissi: “volete che ne faccia un’altra?” I \nragazzi risposero: “no, no, era grandiosa”.\nE io dissi: “tutto qui?”\nEra alla Motown.\nNon dimenticherò mai quella piccola pedana\nsulla quale stavo\nperché non riuscivo a raggiungere il microfono.\nCi fu scritto sopra il mio nome e adesso è\na casa di Diana Ross.\nLei ha tutti i miei fogli scarabocchiati di ciò che\ndisegnavo e scrivevo.\n[Musica]\n>> Michael Jackson: Molte persone sono state\nsovraesposte. È vero.\n\nFrench: \nalors que le monde change. [rires] Ce n'est pas bon non plus.\n[Musique]\n>> John Pidgeon: Quand Michael est en studio est ce que c'est important pour lui\nde chanter directement ou est ce qu'il prend le temps de chauffer sa voix ?\n>> Janet Jackson: Quand tu es en studio, est ce que .. heu\nest ce que tu chantes directement ou tu dois chauffer ta voix avant de pouvoir y arriver ?\n>> Michael Jackson: Non je peux chanter très rapidement.\nPar exemple, \"Ben\" je l'ai fais en une prise. Je me suis mis dedans et c'était fait.\nJ'ai dis : \" vous voulez en faire une autre?\" Le gars a dit: \"Non c'était génial\".\nJ'ai dis: \"Vraiment?\"\nC'était à Motown.\nJe n'oublierai jamais cette petite boîte de pomme sur laquelle je me tenais\nparce que je ne pouvais pas atteindre le microphone.\nMon nom était écrit dessus et maintenant elle est chez Diana Ross.\nElle a tous mes bouts de papiers avec mes petits gribouillages dessus.\n[Musique]\n>> Michael Jackson: Il y a beaucoup de gens qui sont surexposés c'est vrai.\n\nVietnamese: \ntrong khi thế giới không ngừng tiến bộ. [cười]\n Điều đó cũng không tốt chút nào.\n[Nhạc]\n>> John Pidgeon: Khi đang trong phòng thu, Michael thường hay\nthu giọng ngay lập tức\n hay anh ấy phải dựng chúng lên từ từ?\n>> Janet Jackson: Khi đang trong phòng thu,\n có phải… anh có, ah…\nanh phải thu giọng ngay lập tức hay\n anh phải dựng chúng lên từ từ?\n>> Michael Jackson: Không, tôi thu giọng khá nhanh.\nChẳng hạn như “Ben” tôi chỉ làm 1 lần. \nTôi vào ngay và hoàn thành nó.\nTôi hỏi, \"Muốn làm lại lần nữa không” \nNgười ta nói, \"Không không, như thế đã tuyệt rồi.”\nTôi nói, \"Vậy sao?”\nĐó là ở Motown.\nTôi sẽ không bao giờ quên cái hộp táo nhỏ\n mà tôi đứng trên\nbởi tôi không thể với tới cái micro.\nTên tôi được viết trên đó\n và bây giờ nó đang ở nhà của Diana Ross.\nCô ấy có mọi bức tranh nguệch ngoạc\n mà tôi từng vẽ.\n[Nhạc]\n>> Michael Jackson: Có rất nhiều người \nbị công chúng phát chán. Thật đó.\n\nEnglish: \nand the world will move ahead. [laughs] That’s\nnot good either.\n[Music]\n>> John Pidgeon: When Michael’s in the studio is it important for him\nto go for a vocal straight away or does he\nkind of build up to doing the one?\n>> Janet Jackson: When you’re in the studio\ndoes it… do you, ah…\ndo you have to go for a vocal straight away\nor do you have to build up to it?\n>> Michael Jackson: No, I do vocals pretty\nquick.\nBut for instance “Ben” I did in one take.\nI went right in and cut it.\nI said: “want to do another one?” The\nguy said: “no, no, it was great.”\nI said: “was it?”\nThat was at Motown.\nI’ll never forget that little apple box\nI stood on\nbecause I couldn’t reach the microphone.\nMy name was written on it and it’s sitting\nat Diana Ross’s house now.\nShe has all my little doodling papers I would\ndraw and write.\n[Music]\n>> Michael Jackson: A lot of people have been\noverexposed. It’s true.\n\nFrench: \nBeaucoup en ont marre. Je prie pour que ça ne m'arrive jamais.\nJe n'aime pas être sur plusieurs tableaux différents\nou être partout parce que ça me gène.\nMais je pense secrètement qu'il y a... je veux dire, au fond de moi,\nj'ai une destinée\nje dois juste rester sur le chemin et le suivre.\nJe crois et je sens que je suis là pour une raison\net c'est mon rôle de chanter pour ces gens et si ils l'acceptent je suis récompensé.\nSi ils veulent me mettre sur un piédestal je suis encore plus heureux.\n[Musique: Michael Jackson “Off The Wall”]\n>> John Pidgeon: Est ce que c'est par \"The Wiz\" que Michael a pu travailler avec Quincy Jones ?\n>> Janet Jackson: Est ce que c'est grâce à \"The Wiz\" que tu as travaillé avec Quincy ?\n>> Michael Jackson: Oui. C'était...\n\nItalian: \nAl punto che la gente se ne stufa. Prego che\nquesto a me non accada mai.\nNon mi piace essere in tante cose diverse\no onnipresente perché mi imbarazza in qualche modo.\nMa, dentro di me, penso ci sia… \nVoglio dire, davvero nel profondo\ncredo ci sia un destino per me\ne che io debba semplicemente rimanere su quel \npercorso e seguirlo.\nDavvero credo e sento di essere qui \nper una ragione\ne che sia il mio lavoro esibirmi per la gente\ne che se loro lo gradiranno, quella sarà la mia ricompensa.\nSe loro vorranno mettermi su quel piedistallo\nmi sentirò anche meglio.\n[Musica: Michael Jackson “Off The Wall”]\n>> John Pidgeon: È stato con The Wiz che\nMichael Jackson è arrivato a collaborare con Quincy Jones?\n>> Janet Jackson: È stato facendo The Wiz\nche sei arrivato a collaborare con Quincy?\n>> Michael Jackson: Sì. Quello è stato...\n\nEnglish: \nWhere people are fed up. I pray that that\nnever happens with me.\nI just don’t like being on a lot of different\nthings\nor being everywhere because I get kind of\nembarrassed.\nBut, I think secretly and privately there\nis... I mean really deep within\nthere is a destiny for me\nand just for me to stay on that track and\nfollow it.\nI really believe and feel I am here for a\nreason\nand that’s my job to perform for the people\nand if they accept it that I am rewarded.\nIf they want to put me up on that pedestal\nI feel even better.\n[Music: Michael Jackson “Off The Wall”]\n>> John Pidgeon: Was it through The Wiz that\nMichael Jackson got to work with Quincy Jones?\n>> Janet Jackson: Was it to do with The Wiz\nthat you got to work with Quincy?\n>> Michael Jackson: Yes. That was...\n\nSpanish: \nLa gente está harta. Rezo para que no me ocurra.\nNo me gusta estar involucrado en muchas cosas\no estar en todas partes porque me da vergüenza. \nPero, creo en secreto y en privado que…\ndigo, realmente creo que hay\nun destino para mi.\nUn destino que me insta a seguirlo. \nRealmente creo y siento que estoy aquí por una razón\nMi trabajo es actuar para la gente y que lo \nacepten es mi recompensa.\nY si me quieren poner en un pedestal.\nMe sentiría mejor aun.\nMúsica: Michael Jackson - “Off The Wall”\nJohn Pidgeon: ¿Fue gracias a The Wiz que Michael \nJackson comenzó a trabajar con Quincy Jones?\nJanet Jackson: ¿fue responsable The Wiz en que \ncomenzaras a trabajar con Quincy?\nMichael Jackson: Si. Así fue...\n\nVietnamese: \nNgười ta cảm thấy chán ngấy họ. \nTôi cầu mong chuyện đó không bao giờ xảy ra với tôi.\nTôi không thích tham gia quá nhiều chương trình\nhay có mặt ở khắp mọi nơi bởi tôi khá xấu hổ.\nNhưng, cá nhân tôi nghĩ... Tôi thực sự nghĩ rằng\ncó một định mệnh dành cho tôi\nvà con đường đó chỉ dành cho tôi để tôi trụ vững\n và đi theo nó.\nTôi thực sự tin rằng mình ở đây vì một lý do nào đó\ncông việc của tôi là biểu diễn cho mọi người\n và nếu họ chấp nhận nó tức là tôi đã được đền đáp.\nNếu họ ngưỡng mộ tôi\n thì cảm xúc ấy còn tuyệt vời hơn nữa.\n[Nhạc: Michael Jackson “Off The Wall”]\n>> John Pidgeon: Có phải thông qua bộ phim The Wiz mà Michael Jackson hợp tác cùng Quincy Jones không?\n>> Janet Jackson: Có phải thông qua bộ phim The Wiz mà anh hợp tác cùng Quincy không?\n>> Michael Jackson: Vâng. Đó là...\n\nFrench: \nJ'ai rencontré Quincy chez Sammy Davis il y longtemps.\nMais le vrai rendez vous avec Quincy, le vrai mariage, c'était le projet \"The Wiz\".\nOn a vraiment appris à ce connaitre. On travaille vraiment bien ensemble. Bref.\nUn beau jour j'appelle Quincy.\nJe lui dis \"Quincy, je suis prêt à faire un album solo.\"\n\"Mais je veux un producteur vraiment bon avec qui travailler.\"\n\"Peux tu me recommander quelqu'un?\"\nJe n'étais pas en train de tourner autour du pot.\nVraiment pas. Je ne pensais pas à lui.\nIl me dit: \"Smelly\" (puanteur)\nIl m'appelle \"Smelly\"\nIl dit \"Smelly, pourquoi est ce que tu me laisse pas le faire?\"\nJ'ai dis \"aaaaah,... c'est une bonne idée.\"\nJ'ai commencé à rire et il a dit \"on s'y met ?\"\nLa semaine d'après on se rencontrait. On a commencé à planifier et c'est comme ça que \"Off the Wall\" est né.\n\nEnglish: \nI met Quincy before at Sammy Davis’s house\na long time ago.\nBut the real meeting with Quincy, the real\nmarriage, was The Wiz project.\nWe really got to know one another. We worked\nbeautifully together. Ah, so well.\nI called Quincy up one day.\nI said: “Quincy, I’m ready to do an\nalbum, a solo album.”\n“But I want a real good producer to work\nwith me.”\nI said: “can you recommend somebody?”\nI wasn’t trying to hint around at all.\nI wasn’t. I didn’t think about him.\nHe said: “Smelly.”\nHe calls me “Smelly.”\nHe said: “Smelly: why don’t you let me\ndo it?” I said “ahhhh… that’s a great idea.\"\nI started giggling and he said: “why don’t\nwe start?”\nNext week we got together. We started planning\nand that’s how “Off the Wall” came about.\n[Music]\n\nSpanish: \nConocí a Quincy antes, en la casa de Sammy Davis\nhace mucho tiempo.\nPero el real encuentro con Quincy, \nse consagro con el proyecto de The Wiz.\nNos conocimos en profundidad. \nTrabajamos de maravilla juntos. \nLlamé a Quincy un día.\nLe dije: \"Quincy, estoy listo para hacer un álbum en solitario\"\n\"pero quiero un buen productor trabajando conmigo\".\nDije \"¿a quién recomiendas?\"\nNo me estaba tratando de insinuar. \nDe verdad. No pensé en él. \nEl dijo: \"Smelly\".\nÉl me dice \"Smelly\".\nDijo \"Smelly: ¿por qué no me dejas hacerlo?\"\nDije \"Es una buena idea\".\nComencé a reír y me dijo: \"¿por qué no empezamos?\"\nA la semana siguiente nos juntamos. \nTrabajamos y fue así como “Off the Wall” nació.\n\nItalian: \nAvevo incontrato Quincy prima a casa di Sammy Davis\nmolto tempo fa.\nMa il vero incontro con Quincy, il vero\nmatrimonio, è stato il progetto di The Wiz.\nSiamo davvero arrivati a conoscerci. Abbiamo lavorato\nbenissimo insieme. Ah, così bene.\nUn giorno telefonai a Quincy.\nGli dissi: “Quincy, sono pronto per fare un\nalbum, un album da solista”.\n“Ma voglio un produttore davvero bravo a\nlavorare con me”.\nDissi: “puoi raccomandarmi qualcuno?”\nNon stavo affatto provando a girarci attorno.\nDavvero. Non avevo pensato a lui.\nLui disse: “Smelly.”\nLui mi chiama “Smelly.”\nDisse: “Smelly: perché non lasci che lo faccia io?”\nE io risposi: “ahhhh… è un’idea grandiosa”.\nCominciai a ridacchiare e lui disse: “perché\nnon cominciamo?”\nLa settimana dopo eravamo insieme. Cominciammo a pianificare \ned ecco com’è nato “Off the Wall”.\n[Musica]\n\nVietnamese: \nTôi đã gặp Quincy tại nhà của Sammy Davis rất lâu rồi.\nNhưng cuộc gặp gỡ thật sự với Quincy, \nsự hợp tác chính thức, là trong dự án phim The Wiz.\nChúng tôi thực sự rất hiểu nhau và làm việc rất ăn ý. \nAh, tuyệt thật.\nHôm nọ, tôi đã gọi cho Quincy.\nTôi nói, \"Quincy, tôi sẵn sàng để làm một album rồi,\n một album solo.\"\n\"Nhưng tôi muốn có một nhà sản xuất giỏi\n để làm việc cùng.\"\nTôi nói, \"Anh có thể giới thiệu cho tôi ai đó không?\" \nTôi chẳng hề có ẩn ý gì cả.\nThật đấy. Tôi không hề nghĩ tới anh ấy.\nAnh ấy nói, \"Smelly.\" Anh ấy gọi tôi là \"Smelly.\"\nAnh ấy nói, \"Smelly, sao cậu không để tôi làm việc đó?\" Tôi nói, \"Ahhhh... quả là một ý kiến hay.\"\nTôi bắt đầu cười khúc khích và anh ấy nói, \n\"Sao chúng ta không bắt đầu ngay nhỉ?\"\nTuần sau chúng tôi gặp nhau. Bàn kế hoạch và\n \"Off The Wall\" đã ra đời như thế đấy.\n[Nhạc]\n\nItalian: \nSottotitoli creati dalla comunità Amara.org\n\nSpanish: \nSubtitulado por: Translag@live.com\n\nVietnamese: \nPhụ để tiếng Việt được làm bởi Keyheart\n\nEnglish: \nSubtitles by the Amara.org community\n\nFrench: \nSous-titres réalisés par la communauté d’Amara.org\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "\nHungarian: \nHelló mindenki!\nA mai receptünk a Kimchi-bokkeumbap.\nKimchi-s sült rizs.\nTudom, hogy sokan közületek készítenek rendszeresen kimchi-t.\nHa van kimchi-tek otthon (savanyú ízű, fermentált, öreg kimchi), akkor ezt könnyen elkészíthetitek.\nNincs szükség másra, csak kimchi-re, erős paprika pasztára, rizsre és szezámolajra. Nagyon könnyű.\nNagyon könnyű, de ízletes.\nNéha a kimchi-bokkeumbap javított változatát készítem.\nTöbb dolgot teszek bele, mint például sonkát, marhahúst, csirkét vagy egyéb színes zöldséget.\nVicces egyébként, hogy a családom ezt az egyszerű kimchi-bokkeumbap-ot szereti jobban.\nKezdjük el!\nEnnek a kimchi-nek olyan jó illata van!\nLédús!\n\nNorwegian: \nHei alle sammen!\nDagens oppskrift er: Kimchi-bokkeumbap\nKimchi stekt ris.\nJeg vet mange av dere lager kimchi til vanlig.\nHvis du har kimchi hjemme, kan du lage dette lett.\nDu trenger ingenting annet. Du trenger bare kimchi, chillipaste, ris og sesamolje.\nVeldig lett, men veldig godt.\nAv og til lager jeg en oppgradert versjon av kimchi-bokkeumbap.\nJeg tilsetter skinke, biff, kylling og andre fargefulle grønnsaker.\nDet som er litt morsomt, er at familien min foretrekker denne lette versjonen.\nLa oss starte!\nDenne kimchien lukter så godt!\nJuicy!\n\nIndonesian: \nHalo Semuanya!\nResep hari ini adalah: Kimchi-bokkeumbap\nNasi goreng kimchi.\nSaya tahu banyak diantara kalian yang senang membuat kimchi setiap harinya\nKalau kalian punya kimchi (Kimchi lama yang asam, berfermentasi) di rumah, kalian akan membuat makanan ini dengan mudah.\nKalian tidak memerlukan bahan lainnya. Hanya kimchi, saus sambal, nasi, (dan) minyak wijen. Mudah sekali.\nSangat mudah, namun enak.\nTerkadang saya membuat versi terbaru dari nasi goreng kimchi ini\nSaya menambahkan beberapa bahan lainnya seperti, ham, daging sapi, ayam, atau sayuran berwarna-warni lainnya.\nTapi lucunya, keluarga saya lebih suka dengan nasi goreng kimchi yang sederhana\nAyo kita mulai!\nKimchinya harum sekali\nJuicy!\n\nSwedish: \nHej allihopa.\nDagens recept är: Kimchi-bokkeumbap.\nKimchi stekt ris.\nJag vet att många av er gör kimchi regelbundet.\nOm du har kimchi (sur smak, fermenterat, gammal kimchi) hemma, så kan du göra det här lätt.\nDu behöver ingenting annat. Bara kimchi, hot pepper pasta, ris och sesam olja. Väldigt lätt.\nVäldigt lätt, men gott.\nIbland så gör jag en uppgraderad version av Kimchi-bokkeumbap.\nJag lägger till saker som skinka, biff, kyckling, eller riktigt färgglada grönsaker.\nDet roliga är att min familj föredrar den här enkla Kimchi-bokkeumbap.\nSå låt oss börja!\nDen här kimchin luktar så gott!\nSaftigt.\n\nVietnamese: \nXin chào!\nHôm nay, chúng ta sẽ thực hiện món Kimchi-bokkeumbap\nCơm rang kim chi\ntôi biết có nhiều bạn làm kim chi để ăn dần\nNếu ở nhà bạn có sẵn kim chi (chua, lên men, kim chi cũ), bạn có thể làm món này dễ dàng\nbạn chỉ cần có kim chi, tương ớt Hàn Quốc, dầu mè, chỉ vậy thôi.\nrất dễ thực hiện mà lại rất ngon\nnhiều khi tôi cũng nâng cấp món này lên\ntôi cho nhiều nguyên liệu hơn, như thịt nguội, thịt bò, thịt gà hay đủ loại rau củ đầy màu sắc.\nnhưng gia đình tôi lại thích cơm rang kim chi kiểu truyền thống này hơn.\ncùng bắt đầu nhé!\nthố kim chi này thơm quá!\nlại nhiều nước nữa!\n\nKorean: \n안녕 여러분!\n오늘 요리는 '김치볶음밥'이에요\n김치볶음밥\n여러분들에 매년 김치를 담그는분이 있을거에요\n시고, 발효된 묵은지가 집에 있다면 쉽게 김치볶음밥을 만들 수 있어요.\n다른것들은 필요없어요. 김치, 고추장, 밥, 그리고 참기름이면 돼요. 쉽죠.\n아주 쉽지만 맛있어요.\n가끔 업그레이드된 김치볶음밥을 만들기도 해요.\n햄, 소고기, 치킨이나 다른 알록달록한 채소들을 더 넣어요.\n재밌는건, 저희 가족들은 간단한 김치볶음밥을 더 좋아해요.\n시작해볼게요!\n냄새 너무 좋아욯 ㅎㅎ\njuicy!\n\nPortuguese: \nOi, gente!\nA receita de hoje é: Kimchi-bokkeumbap\nArroz frito com kimchi\nEu sei que muitos de vocês faz kimchi com frequência\nSe você tem kimchi (azedo, fermentado, envelhecido) em casa, você pode fazer essa receita facilmente\nVocê não precisa de mais nada. Apenas kimchi, pimenta em pasta, arroz e óleo de gergelim. Muito fácil.\nMuito fácil, mas saboroso.\nAs vezes eu faço versões diferentes de kimchi-bokkeumbap.\nEu ponho mais coisas como presunto, carne, frango ou outros vegetais coloridos.\nO legal é que minha família prefere esse simples kimchi-bokkeumbap.\nVamos começar!\nO kimchi é muito cheiroso.\nSuculento!\n\nRussian: \nВсем привет!\nСегодняшний рецепт - это кимчи-боккембап.\nЖареный кимчи с рисом.\nЯ знаю, что многие из вас делают кимчи на обычной основе.\nЕсли у Вас есть кимчи (с кислинкой, забродивший или вовсе старый кимчи) дома, то Вы сможете сделать это легко.\nВам не нужно ничего больше. Только кимчи, паста из острого перца, рис и кунжутное масло. Очень легко.\nОчень легко, но и очень вкусно.\nИногда я добавляю что-то новое в рецепт кимчи-боккембапа.\nЯ еще добавляю ветчину, говядину, курицу или другие цветные овощи.\nНо шутка в том, что моя семья предпочитает есть кимчи-боккембап в традиционном виде\nДавайте начнем!\nЭтот кимчи пахнет так вкусно!\nСочненько!\n\nDutch: \nHallo iedereen!\nHet recept van vandaag is: Kimchi-bokkeumbap.\nGebaken kimchi rijst.\nIk weet dat vele van jullie kimchi regelmatig kimchi maken.\nAls je kimchi (zuur, gefermenteerde of oud) hebt thuis, kan je dit makkelijk maken.\nJe hebt verder niks nodig. Alleen kimchi, hete peper pasta, rijst en sesam olie. Erg makkelijk.\nErg makkelijk, maar lekker.\nSoms maak ik een verbeterde versie van kimchi-bokkeumbap.\nIk voeg meer spullen toe zoals ham, rund, kip of andere kleurrijke groenten.\nHet gekke is dat mijn familie deze simpele kimchi-bokkeumbap het lekkerst vind.\nLaten we beginnen!\nDeze kimchi ruikt zo lekker!\nSappig!\n\nHindi: \nनमस्कार आप सब को\nआज की रेसीपि है किमची बोकिमबाप\nकिमची स्टर फ्राइड राइस\nमैं जानती हूँ कि आप में से बहुत लोग किमची को बनाते रहते है\nअगर आपके पास पुरानी किमची घर पर है तो आप इसे आसानी से बना सकते हैं\nआपको ज्यादा कुछ नहीं चाहिए. बस किमची, गरम लाल मिर्च का पेस्ट, चावल और तिल का तेल. बहुत आसान है.\nआसान और स्वादिष्ट\nकभी में इसको बेहतर तरीके से बनाती हूँ\nमैं हैम, चिकन और रंगदार सब्जियां डालती हूँ\nमज़े की बात यह है की मेरे परिवार को साधारण ही पसंद है\nचलिए शुरू करतें हैं\nयह किमची इतनी अच्छी महक रही है\nरसीली\n\nEnglish: \nHi everybody!\nToday's recipe is: Kimchi-bokkeumbap.\nKimchi stir-fried rice.\nI know many of you make kimchi on a regular basis.\nIf you have kimchi (sour-taste, fermented, old kimchi) at home, you can make this easily.\nYou don't need anything else. Just kimchi, hot pepper paste, rice, [and] sesame oil. Very easy.\nVery easy, but tasty.\nSometimes I make upgraded version [of] kimchi-bokkeumbap.\nI add more stuff like ham, beef, chicken, or other really colorful vegetables.\nThe funny thing is, my family prefers this simple kimchi-bokkeumbap.\nLet's start!\nThis kimchi smells so good!\nJuicy!\n\nMalay (macrolanguage): \nHi semua!\nResepi hari ini adalah : Kimchi bokkeumbap\nNasi goreng kimchi\nSaya tahu, kebanyakkan daripada anda buat kimchi secara kebiasaan.\nJika anda ada kimchi, kimchi yang diperam dan ada rasa masam di rumah, anda boleh memasak dengan mudah.\nTidak perlu bahan yang lain, cuma kimchi, gochujang (pes lada merah), nasi dan minyak bijan.\nMudah dan sedap.\nKadang-kadang, saya masak nasi goreng kimchi yang diubah suai.\nSaya masukkan beberapa bahan yang lain seperti ham, daging, ayam atau sayuran yang berwarna-warni.\nTetapi pekara yang kelakar adalah, keluarga saya mengesyorkan nasi goreng kimchi ini.\nMari kita mulakan!\nSedapnya bau kimchi ini!\nBerjus!\n\nThai: \nสวัสดีค่ะทุกๆคน\nวันนี้เมนูของเราคือ กิมจิ-บคกุมบับ\nหรือข้าวผัดกิมจินั่นเอง\nฉันรู้ว่าพวกคุณทำกิมจิกันกินเป็นประจำ\nถ้าคุณมีกิมจิ(รสเปรี้ยวแบบดองไว้นานแล้ว) \nที่บ้านคุณสามารถทำเมนูนี้ได้อย่้างง่ายดาย\nคุณไม่ต้องการอย่างอื่นแล้วแค่กิมจิ,โคชูจัง,ข้าวและน้ำมันงา \nมันง่ายมากๆ\nง่ายแต่อร่อย\nบางครั้งฉันทำให้ข้าวผัดกิมจิให้ดียิ่งขึ้น\nโดยการที่ใส่ของส่วนประกอบมากขึ้นเช่น แฮม,เนื้อวัว,ไก่\n หรือ ผักที่มีสีสันสดใส\nสิ่งที่สนุกคือครอบครัวของฉันเราเลือกที่จะทานข้าวผัดกิมจิกัน\nเรามาเริ่มทำกันเลย\nกิมจินี้กลิ่นสุดยอดไปเลย\nดูฉ่ำจริงๆ\n\nChinese: \n大家好!\n今天的食谱是:Kimchi-bokkeumbap\n泡菜炒饭\n我知道你们许多人做定期的泡菜。\n如果你家里有泡菜(酸辣味,发酵,老泡菜),可以让这个容易。\n你不需要任何东西。只是泡菜,辣椒酱,米,[和]香油。 很简单。\n很容易,但好吃。\n有时候我做的升级版泡菜炒饭\n我添加更多的东西,如火腿,牛肉,鸡肉,或其他真正五颜六色的蔬菜。\n有趣的是,我的家人更喜欢这种简单的泡菜炒饭。\n咱们开始吧!\n这泡菜味道很香!\n很多汁!\n\nFinnish: \nHei kaikki!\nTämän päivän resepti on: Kimchi-bokkeumbap.\nPaistettua riisiä ja kimchiä.\nTiedän että monelle teistä kimchin teko on normaalia.\nJos sinulla on kotona hapatettua, hapanta kimchiä, voit tehdä tätä helposti.\nEt tarvitse mitään muuta. Vain kimchiä, chilitahnaa, riisiä ja seesamiöljyä.\nTodella helppoa, mutta niin maukasta!\nJoskus teen parempaa versiota normaalista kimchi-bokkeumbapista.\nLisään sekaan muitakin aineita kuten; kinkkua, nautaa, kanaa tai muita värikkäitä kasviksia.\nHauskaa on, että perheeni suosii yksinkertaisempaa versiota.\nAloitetaan!\nTämä kimchi tuoksuu niin hyvältä!\nMehukasta!\n\nDanish: \nHej allesammen!\nOpskriften i dag er: Kimchi-bokkeumbap\nKimchi stegte ris\nJeg ved godt mange af jer laver kimchi engang imellem\nHvis du har kimchi( surt-smagende, gæret, gammel kimchi) hjemme, kan du lave det her nemt!\nDu har ikke brug for andet. Bare kimchi, stærk peber pate, ris og sesam olie. Super nemt\nSuper nemt, men lækkert!\nNogen gange laver jeg en opgraderet version af kimchi-bokkeumbap\nJeg tilføjer flere ting såsom skinke, oksekød, kylling eller andre meget farverige grøntsager\nDet sjove er at min familie foretrækker denne simple kimchi-bokkeumbap\nLad os begynde!\nDet her kimchi dufter så godt!\nSaftigt!\n\nFilipino: \nKumusta kayong lahat!\nNgayon, magluluto tayo ng: Kimchi-bokkeumbap\no kimchi fried rice.\nAlam ko na madami ang kumakain sainyo ng kimchi.\nKaya kung may kimchi kayo sa bahay, madali nyo lang 'tong magagawa.\nSa recipe na ito, kelangan nyo lang ng kimchi, hot pepper paste, rice at sesame oil. Madali lang, diba?\nMadali nang gawin, masarap pa.\nPero minsan, nag-dadagdag ako ng ingredients.\nTulad ng hamon, baka, manok, at mga makukulay na gulay.\nPero mas gusto ng pamilya ko ang simpleng kimchi-bokkeumbap (kimchi fried rice)\nMagsimula na tayo!\nAng bango ng kimchi na 'to! Sarap!\nJuicy!\n\nSpanish: \n¡Hola a todos!\nLa receta de hoy es: Kimchi-bokkeumbap.\nArroz frito con kimchi.\nSé que muchos de ustedes preparan kimchi regularmente.\nSi tienes kimchi viejo, ácido y fermentado en tu casa, puedes hacer este plato fácilmente.\nNo necesitas nada más. Solo kimchi, pasta de pimiento picante, arroz y aceite de sésamo. Muy fácil.\nMuy fácil, pero sabroso.\nOcasionalmente cocino una versión mejorada del kimchi-bokkeumbap.\nAñado más ingredientes como jamón, carne de res, pollo, u otros vegetales coloridos.\nLo gracioso es que mi familia prefiere el kimchi-bokkeumbap simple.\n¡Comencemos!\n¡Este kimchi huele tan bien!\n¡Jugoso!\n\nFrench: \nSalut tout le monde !\nLa recette d'aujourd'hui est : Kimchi-bokkeumbap.\nC'est du riz sauté au kimchi.\nJe sais que beaucoup d'entre vous font fréquemment du kimchi.\nSi vous avez du kimchi à la maison (du kimchi acide, fermenté, âgé), vous pouvez facilement faire ce plat.\nVous n'avez besoin de rien d'autre. Seulement du kimchi, de la purée de piment rouge piquant, du riz et d'huile de sésame. C'est très simple.\nTrès simple mais savoureux.\nDéfois je fais une version améliorée du kimchi-bokkeumbap.\nJ'ajoute davantage d'ingrédients comme du jambon, du boeuf, du poulet ou des légumes très colorés.\nCe qui est drôle, c'est que ma famille préfère cette version simple du kimchi-bokkeumbap.\nCommençons !\nCe kimchi sent tellement bon !\nC'est juteux !\n\nBurmese: \nအားလံုးဘဲ မဂၤလာပါ\nဒီေန႔ဟင္းခ်က္နည္းေလးကေတာ့ \" Kimchi bokkeumbap\"\nကင္ခ်ီထမင္းေႀကာ္ျဖစ္ပါတယ္\nကင္ခ်ီကိုေတာ့ေတာ္ေတာ္မာ်းမာ်းလုပ္တတ္ၾကတယ္ဆိုတာသိပါတယ္\nအိမ္မွာကင္ခ်ီရွိတယ္ဆို ဒါကိုလြယ္လြယ္ကူကူလုပ္လို႔ရပါတယ္\nတျခားဘာမွမလိုဘူး\nကင္ခ်ီ၊ငရုပ္ႏွစ္၊ထမင္း နဲ႕ ႏွမ္းဆီရွိရင္ရၿပီ.\nအရမ္းလြယ္ေပမယ့္ အရမ္းအရသာရွိပါတယ္\nတစ္ခါတစ္ေလဒီကင္ခ်ီထမင္းေႀကာ္ကိုဘဲထူးျခားေအာင္လို႔\n၀က္ေပါင္ေျခာက္၊အမဲသား၊ၾကက္သား ဒါမွမဟုတ္အျခား အသီးအရြက္အေရာင္စံုထည့္တယ္\nဒါမဲ့ရယ္စရာေကာင္းတာက ကၽြန္မမိသားစုေတြကဒီရိုးရွင္းတဲ့ထမင္းေႀကာ္ကိုပိုႀကိဳက္ႀကတယ္\nစလိုက္ရေအာင္\nဒီကင္ခ်ီအန႔ံအရမ္းေကာင္းတယ္\nအရည္လဲရႊမ္းတယ္\n\nTurkish: \nHerkese merhaba!\nBugünün tarifi: Kimchi-bokkeumbap.\nKimçili kızartılmış pilav.\nBirçoğunuzun düzenli bir şekilde kimçi yaptığını biliyorum.\nEvinizde kimçi varsa, bu tarifi kolayca yapabilirsiniz.\nBaşka bir şeye ihtiyacınız yok. Sadece kimçi, acı biber salçası, pirinç, ve susam yağı. Çok kolay.\nÇok kolay, ama lezzetli.\nBazen ben kimchi-bokkeumbap'ın yükseltilmiş versiyonunu yapıyorum.\nJambon, sığır eti, tavuk ya da diğer renkli sebzeler gibi daha fazla şey ekliyorum.\nKomik olan, \nailem bu basit kimchi-bokkeumbap'ı tercih ediyor.\nHadi başlayalım!\nBu kimçi çok güzel kokuyor!\nSulu!\n\nModern Greek (1453-): \nΓειά σε όλους!\nΗ σημερινή συνταγή είναι: Kimchi-bokkeumbap.\nΤηγανητό ρύζι με kimchi.\nΞέρω πως πολλοί απο σας φτιάχνετε kimchi συχνά.\nΑν έχετε kimchi (με ξινή γεύση, ζυμωμένο, παλιό kimchi) στο σπίτι, μπορείτε να το κάνετε αυτό εύκολα.\nΔε χρειάζεστε τίποτα άλλο. Απλά kimchi, πάστα καυτερής πιπεριάς, σησαμέλαιο. Πολύ εύκολο.\nΠολύ εύκολο, αλλά νόστιμο.\nΜερικές φορές κάνω ανανεωμένη εκδοχή kimchi-bokkeumbap.\nΠροσθέτω άλλα πράγματα όπως ζαμπόν, βοδινό, κοτόπουλο ή άλλα πολύ χρωματιστά λαχανικά.\nΤο αστείο πράγμα είναι, η οικογένειά μου προτιμάει αυτό το απλό kimchi-bokkeumbap.\nΑς αρχίσουμε!\nΑυτό το kimchi μυρίζει τόσο ωραία!\nΖουμερό!\n\nChinese: \n嗨大家好!\n今天要介紹的食譜是:泡菜炒飯(Kimchi-bokkeumbap)\n泡菜炒飯\n我知道很多人會定期製作泡菜\n如果你們家裡有(帶酸味、已發酵的)泡菜,你可以拿來做這道菜\n你不需要另外準備材料,只需泡菜、韓式辣醬、飯和香油\n非常簡單\n非常簡單又好吃\n有時我會做更進階的版本\n加入更多材料\n像是火腿、牛肉、雞肉或是其他顏色繽紛的蔬菜\n有趣的是,我的家人反而喜歡這種簡單版本的泡菜炒飯\n我們開始吧!\n泡菜聞起來很香\n非常多汁!\n\nArabic: \nأهلاً بالجميع!\nوصفة اليوم هي: كيمتشي بوكم-باب\nالرز المقلي بالكيمتشي\nأعرف العديد منكم من يعد الكيمتشي على الدوام\nإذا كان لديكم كيمتشي حامض، مخمر، وقديم في المنزل، سيمكنكم اعداد (الوصفة) بسهولة\nلاتحتاجون أي شي آخر. فقط كيمتشي،معجون الفلفل الحار، رز وزيت السمسم. (اللي بالشاشة: ستحتاجون: كيمتشي، زيت نباتي، معجون فلفل حار،رز، زيت السمسم، سمسم، بصل أخضر، وكيم(عشب بحر))\nجداً سهل، لكن لذيذ.\nاحيانا اصنع نسخة مطورة من وصفة الرز المقلي بالكيمتشي\nاضع اشياء أخرى، كلحم الخنزير، لحم بقري، دجاج او الخضروات الملونة. (سأنزل الوصفة قريباً)\nالشيء المضحك هو ان عائلتي تفضل وصفة الرز المقلي بالكيمتشي البسيطة (على النسخة المطورة يعني)\nفلنبدأ!\nرائحة الكيمتشي جداً جيدة! (لا تصدقون قد ذقته مو حلو)\nمليء بالسوائل!\n\nGerman: \nHallo Zusammen!\nDas Heutige Rezept: Kimchi-bokkeumbap.\nGebratener Kimchi Reis\nIch weiß, viele von ihnen machen Kimchi auf einer regulären Basis.\nWenn Sie alten Kimchi (sauren, fermentierten, alten Kimchi) haben, können Sie dies hier ganz einfach Zubereiten\nSie brauchen nix anderes ausser Kimichi, scharfer Paprika-Paste, Reis und Sesam-Öl. Sehr einfach!\nSehr einfach aber lecker!\nManchmal mache ich eine verbesserte Variante von kimchi-bokkeumbap.\nIch füge noch ein paar Sachen mehr hinzu z.B Schinken, Hühnchen oder andere farbenfrohe Gemüsesorten\nDas lustige ist aber meine Familie mag dieses einfachere Rezept von kimchi-bokkeumbap lieber.\nLast uns anfangen!\nDieses Kimchi riecht so gut!\nSaftig!\n\nFinnish: \nPilko kimchi todella pieniksi paloiksi.\n2,4dl pilkottua kimchiä. Käytämme kimchin nesteen myöhemmin.\nKäytän tätä paksupohjaista pannua, mutta voit käyttää normaalia paistinpannua tai wokkia.\nNoin 1tl öljyä.\nLisätään kimchi.\n\nFrench: \nCoupez-le en très petits morceaux.\nVoici une tasse (environ 100 g) de kimchi, de kimchi coupé. Nous allons aussi utiliser le jus plus tard.\nJ'utilise cette casserole à fond épais mais vous pouvez vous servir d'un poêle ou d'un wok.\nEnviron 5 ml d'huile végétale\nMettons-y le kimchi.\n\nSpanish: \nCórtalo en trozos muy pequeños.\nUna taza de kimchi trozado. Vamos a usar el jugo más tarde.\nYo uso esta sartén de fondo grueso, pero tú puedes usar una sartén de freír o un wok.\nAlrededor de una cucharadita de aceite vegetal.\nAgreguemos el kimchi.\n\nBurmese: \nေသးေသးေလးျဖစ္ေအာင္လွီးလိုက္မယ္\nလွီးထားတဲ့ကင္ခ်ီတစ္ခြက္၊ ကင္ခ်ီအရည္ကိုခဏေနရင္ သံုးမယ္\nကၽြန္မကဒီေအာင္ေျခထူတဲ့ ဒယ္ျပားကိုသံုးတယ္\nဒါမဲ့ အျခားဒယ္ျပားျဖစ္ျဖစ္ဒယ္အိုးျဖစ္ျဖစ္သံုးလို႔ရပါတယ္\nဟင္းသီးဟင္းရြက္ဆီ လဖက္ရည္ဇြန္း ၁ ဇြန္း\nကင္ခ်ီ ထည့္ရေအာင္\n\nVietnamese: \nkim chi các bạn cắt hạt lựu\nmột chén kim chi là đủ, chúng ta còn dùng cả nước kim chi nữa nhé.\ntôi sẽ dùng chiếc chảo lòng sâu này, các bạn cũng có thể dùng chảo thường hay chảo lớn cũng được.\ncho khoảng 1 muỗng dầu ăn\ncho kim chi vào\n\nKorean: \n아주 작게 썰어요.\n김치 한컵분량을 썰어요. 이 김칫물도 쓸거에요!\n이 무쇠팬을 쓸건데, 그냥 후라이팬이나 웍을 써도 돼요.\n대략 1티스푼의 식물성기름.\n김치를 넣어줘요.\n\nHindi: \nइसको छोटे टुकडों में काट ले\nएक कप किमची लेंगे, इसका जूस हम बाद में इस्तेमाल करेंगे\nमैं यह मोटे तले वाला पेन इस्तेमाल करती हूँ, पर आप फ्राइंग पैन इस्तेमाल कर सकते हैं\nलगभग एक चम्मच तेल\nअब किमची मिलाएं\n\nFilipino: \nHiwain ito ng maliliit.\nKailangan natin ng 1 cup ng kimchi. Gagamit din tayo ng kimchi juice mamaya.\nGumagamit ako ng kawali na makapal ang ilalim. Pero din ang normal na kawali o wok.\nMaglagay ng 1 teaspoon ng mantika\nIlagay na natin ang kimchi\n\nMalay (macrolanguage): \nHiriskan kimchi ini menjadi kepingan kecil.\nSecawan kimchi yang dihiris. Kita juga akan masukan jusnya, nanti.\nSaya gunakan periuk leper jenis ini, tetapi anda juga boleh menggunakan kuali untuk menumis.\nMinyak sayuran, dalam satu sudu kecil.\nMari masukkan kimchi.\n\nEnglish: \nChop it up [into really] small pieces.\nOne cup [of] kimchi--chopped kimchi. We are going to use the juice also (later).\nI use this heavy bottomed pan, but you can use [frying] pan or wok.\nAround one teaspoon [of] vegetable oil.\nLet's add kimchi.\n\nChinese: \n將泡菜切成小塊\n使用大約一杯切好的泡菜\n我們也會使用泡菜的湯汁\n我使用這個厚底的平底鍋,但你也可以使用煎鍋或是炒鍋\n加入大約一茶匙的蔬菜油\n加入泡菜\n\nModern Greek (1453-): \nΚόψτε το σε μικρά κομματάκια.\nΜια κούπα kimchi--κομμένο kimchi. Θα χρησιμοποιήσουμε το χυμό επίσης.\nΧρησιμοποιώ αυτό το τηγάνι με χοντρό πάτο, μπορείτε να χρησιμοποιήσετε τηγάνι ή γουόκ.\nΠερίπου μια κουταλιά του γλυκού φυτικό λάδι.\nΑς προσθέσουμε kimchi.\n\nChinese: \n砍它了[成真]小块。\n切碎的泡菜 - 泡菜一杯。我们将使用汁也(后下)。\n我用这个沉重的平底锅,但是你可以使用[油炸]镬或中式镬。\n围绕植物油[中]一茶匙。\n让我们添加泡菜。\n\nSwedish: \nHacka upp det till riktigt små bitar.\nEn cup av kimchi, hackad kimchi. Vi kommer att använda saften (senare).\nJag använder den här tunga bottenplatta pannan, men du kan använda stekpanna eller wokpanna.\nUngefär en tesked vegetabilisk olja.\nLåt oss lägga till kimchi.\n\nThai: \nหั่นกิมจิให้ขนาดเล็กๆ\nกิมจิสับ 1 ถ้วยเราจะใช้น้ำกิมจิในตอนหลัง\nฉันใช้กระทะเหล็กแต่คุณสามารถใช้กระทะแบบไหนก็ได้\nใส่น้ำมันพืชประมาณ 1 ช้อนชา\nใส่กิมจิลงไปเลย\n\nIndonesian: \nPotong-potong kecil\nSatu cangkir kimchi yang sudah dipotong. Kita juga akan menggunakan kuahnya juga.\nSaya menggunakan panci jenis ini, namun kalian bisa juga menggunakan wajan untuk menggoreng.\nKurang lebih satu sendok teh minyak sayur.\nKemudian masukan kimchinya\n\nArabic: \nقطعوها إلى قطع جداً صغيرة\nكأس واحد من الكيمتشي المقطع. سنستخدم السائل (عصير الكيمتشي) لاحقاً.\nانا استخدم القدر السميك من الأسفل، لكن يمكنكم ايضاً استخدام مقلاة أو الووك\nتقريباً ملعقة شاي واحدة من الزيت النباتي\nفلنضيف الكيمتشي\n\nDutch: \nSnij het in kleine stukjes.\nEen cup (250ml) gesneden kimchi. Later gebruiken we ook het sap.\nIk gebruik deze pan met zware bodem, maar je kan ook een koekenpan/wok gebruiken.\nOngeveer een theelepel plantaardige olie.\nVoeg de kimchi toe.\n\nGerman: \nSchneiden Sie es in sehr kleine Stücke\nEine Tasse voll geschnittenen Kimich. Wir werden später auch den Saft brauchen.\nIch benutze diese flache Pfanne, aber Sie können auch eine Brat oder Wok-Pfanne nehmen.\nUngefähr ein Teelöffel voll Pflanzenöl.\nNun das Kimchi rein.\n\nNorwegian: \nKutt opp i små biter.\nEn kopp med oppkuttet kimchi. Vi skal også bruke saften senere.\nJeg bruker denne stekepannen med tjukk bunn, men du kan bruke vanlig stekepanne eller wok\nRundt en teskje med olje.\nLa oss tilsette kimchi.\n\nHungarian: \nVágjuk fel kis darabokra.\nEgy csésze felaprított kimchi. A levét is fel fogjuk használni.\nEzt a vastag aljú serpenyőt használom, de ti használhattok sima serpenyőt vagy wok-ot is.\nKörülbelül egy teáskanál növényi olaj.\nAdjuk hozzá a kimchi-t.\n\nDanish: \nHak det i små stykker\n1 kop hakket kimchi, vi skal bruge saften senere.\nJeg bruger en støbejernspande, men du kan også bruge en normal stegepande\nOmkring 1 teske grøntsagsolie\nLad os tilføje kimchi\n\nTurkish: \nKüçük parçalara ayırın.\nBir kap kimçi, doğranmış kimçi.\nSuyu da kullanacağız (sonra).\nBu ağır dipli tavayı kullanıyorum ama kızartma tavası veya wok kullanabilirsiniz.\nYaklaşık bir çay kaşığı bitkisel yağ.\nKimçi ekleyelim.\n\nPortuguese: \nCorte em pedaços bem pequenos.\nUm copo de kimchi cortado. Nós vamos usar o caldo do kimchi também, mais tarde.\nEu uso essa panela funda, mas você pode usar frigideira ou wok.\nCerca de uma colher de chá de óleo vegetal\nVamos por o kimchi.\n\nRussian: \nПорежьте это на мелкие кусочки.\nОдин стакан порубленного кимчи. А также я собираюсь использовать сок кимчи (позже).\nЯ использую сковороду с толстым дном, но Вы можете использовать обычную сковороду или вок.\nОколо одной чайной ложки растительного масла.\nТеперь добавляем кимчи.\n\nMalay (macrolanguage): \nSaya akan tumiskannya dalam seminit.\nSaya baru turunkan apinya kepada api sederhana.\nIni nasi yang baru dimasak.\nMasukkan dalam tiga cawan nasi\nTumiskan bersama kimchi.\nSekarang, kita tuangkan jus kimchi.\nSaya akan tambahkan suku cawan air.\nSebab saya tidak mahu bahagian bawah periuk leper ini ada kesan kebakaran.\nMasukkan dua sudu pes lada merah.\nMasukkan dua sudu kecil minyak bijan.\n\nEnglish: \nI'm going to stir fry around one minute.\nI just turned down the heat--over medium heat.\nThis is fresh made rice.\nAbout three cups [of] rice.\nAnd then stir this.\nNow at this point we need: kimchi juice.\nI will add [a] quarter cup [of] water.\nBecause I don't want to burn [the] bottom [of the pan].\nAnd then hot pepper paste (two tablespoons).\nAnd sesame oil. Two teaspoons.\n\nHungarian: \nEgy percig sütöm.\nLejjebb csavarom a lángot közepesen magasra.\nEz itt frissen főtt rizs.\nKörülbelül 3 csésze rizs.\nÉs megkeverjük.\nMost lesz szükségünk a kimchi levére.\nEgy negyed csészényit adok hozzá.\nMert nem akarom, hogy az alja leégjen.\nÉs az erős paprika pasztából két evőkanálnyi kell.\nKét teáskanál szezámolaj.\n\nFinnish: \nAion paistaa tätä noin yhden minuutin.\nLaskin juuri lämmön keskilämmölle.\nTämä on vasta valmistettua riisiä.\nNoin 7dl riisiä.\nJa sitten sekoita.\nTässä vaiheessa tarvitsemme kimchin nesteen. Noin 0.6dl.\nAion lisätä 0.6dl vettä.\nKoska en halua että tämä palaa pohjaan.\nJa sitten 2rkl chilitahnaa.\nJa 2tl seesamiöljyä.\n\nHindi: \nमैं एक मिनट तक हिलाते हुए गरम करुँगी\nमैंने सेक मध्यम किया अभी\nयह ताज़ा पका हुआ चावल है\nलगभग तीन कप\nअब इसको हिलाएं\nअब हम किमची जूस मिला देंगे\nमैं एक चोथाई कप पानी मिला रही हूँ\nक्यूंकि मैं पेन का तला जलाना नहीं चाहती\nअब गरम मिर्च का पेस्ट मिलाएं, लगभग दो चमम्च\nदो चमम्च तिल का तेल\n\nIndonesian: \nSaya akan menumisnya sekitar satu menit\nSaya menurunkan apinya ke api sedang\nIni nasi yang baru saja dimasak\nKurang lebih tiga cangkir nasi\nAnd kembali kita tumis lagi\nSekarang kita butuh kuah kimchi tadi\nSaya akan menambahkan seperempat cangkir air\nKarena saya tidak ingin bagian bawahnya hangus\nDan saus sambal kurang lebih dua sendok makan\nKemudian minyak wijen. Dua sendok teh.\n\nBurmese: \n၁ မိနစ္ေလာက္ေၾကာ္လိုက္မယ္\nမီးနည္းနည္းေလ်ာ႔လိုက္မယ္\nဒါကေတာ့အခုဏမွတည္ထားတဲ့ထမင္းပါ\nထမင္း ၃ ခြက္ေလာက္\nျ့ပီးရင္ေၾကာ္မယ္\nဒီေလာက္ဆုိ ကင္ခ်ီအရည္လိုျပီ\nရည္ တစ္ခြက္ရဲ႕ ၁/၄ ေလာက္ထည့္မယ္\nေအာက္ေျခမွာတူးသြားမွာ မလိုခ်င္လို႔ေလ\n့ျပီးေတာ့ ငရုပ္ႏွစ္ ၂ ဇြန္း ထည့္မယ္\nႏွမ္းဆီ လဖက္\nရည္ဇြန္း ၂ ဇြန္းထည့္မယ္\n\nModern Greek (1453-): \nΘα το τσιγαρίσω για ένα λεπτό περίπου.\nΜόλις χαμήλωσα τη φωτιά-στη μεσαία φωτιά.\nΑυτό είναι φρέσκο ρύζι.\nΠερίπου τρείς κούπες ρύζι.\nΚαι μετά ανακατέψτε το.\nΤώρα σε αυτό το σημείο χρειαζόμαστε: το χυμό απο το kimchi.\nΘα προσθέσω ένα τέταρτο κούπας νερό.\nΕπειδή δεν θέλω να κάψω τον πάτο.\nΚαι μετά πάστα καυτερής πιπεριάς.(δύο κουταλιές της σούπας)\nΚαι σησαμέλαιο. Δύο κουταλιές του γλυκού.\n\nNorwegian: \nJeg skal steke dette ett minutt.\nJeg skrudde nettopp ned varmen til medium styrke.\nDette er fersk ris\nRundt tre kopper ris.\nOg så rør dette inn.\nNå trenger vi kimchi saften\nJeg tilsetter en kvart opp med vann\nfordi jeg ikke ønsker å brenne det i bunn.\nOg så tilsetter vi chilipaste\nOg sesamolje, to teskjeer\n\nChinese: \n大約炒一分鐘\n將爐火調低至中火\n加入剛煮好的飯\n大約加入三杯的飯\n然後稍做攪拌\n這是後我們需要 泡菜的湯汁\n然後加入一杯的水\n以避免鍋底燒焦\n接著加入兩大匙的辣醬\n然後加入兩茶匙的香油\n\nChinese: \n我要挑起周围1分钟鱼苗。\n我刚刚推掉了热度 - 用中火煮。\n这是新鲜的饭。\n关于三杯饭。\n再用旺火这一点。\n现在,在这一点上,我们需要:泡菜汁。\n我会加水四分之一杯。\n因为我不想烧[中锅] [中]底部。\n然后,辣椒酱(两汤匙)。\n和香油。两茶匙。\n\nPortuguese: \nEu vou fritar e mexer por cerca de um minuto.\nEu acabei de abaixar o fogo pra fogo médio.\nEsse é arroz fresquinho.\nCerca de 3 copos de arroz\nEntão é só mexer.\nAgora precisamos do caldo do kimchi.\nEu vou adicionar um quarto de um copo de água.\nPorque eu não quero queimar o fundo da panela.\nE depois 2 colheres de sopa de pasta de pimenta.\nE óleo de gergelim. 2 colheres de sopa.\n\nSwedish: \nJag kommer att steka det i ungefär en minut.\nJag sänkte värmen till medium värme.\nDet här nykokt ris.\nUngefär tre cups av ris.\nOch rör om det.\nI det här läget så behöver vi: kimchi saft.\nJag tillsätter en quarter cup vatten.\nFör jag vill inte att det ska bränna botten.\nOch sen hot pepper pasta (två matskedar)\nOch sesamolja. Två teskedar.\n\nVietnamese: \nđảo sơ khoảng 1 phút\ntôi vừa vặn lửa xuống mức vừa\nđây là cơm tôi mới nấu\ncho vào khoảng 3 chén cơm\nsau đó đảo đều\nbước tiếp theo chúng ta cho nước kim chi vào\nsau đó tôi cho vào khoảng 1 chén nước\nVì tôi không muốn đáy chảo bị khét\nSau đó cho tương ớt vào (khoảng 2 muỗng)\nvà 2 muỗng dầu mè\n\nGerman: \nIch werde es etwa eine Minute lang anbraten.\nIch habe nun die Temperatur auf die mittlere Stufe reduziert.\nDas ist frisch gekochter Reis.\nUngefähr drei Tassen Reis\nNun braten wir das an.\nJetz brauchen wir den Kimchi-Saft\nIch werde nun eine viertel Tasse voll Wasser hinzufügen.\nWeil ich will nicht das es am Boden der Pfanne anbrennt.\nUnd nun noch zwei Esslöffel voll scharfer Paprika-Paste.\nUnd Sesam Öl. Zwei Teelöffel voll.\n\nFilipino: \npatuloy itong haluin habang niluluto sa loob ng isang minuto.\nhininaan ko ang apoy sa medium.\nIto ay bagong lutong kanin...\n...mga 3 cups ng kanin.\nhaluin lang\nNgayon, ilagay na ang kimchi juice.\nMag lalagay ako ng 1/4 cup ng tubig\npara hindi masunog sa ilalim\nMaglagay ng 2 tablespoons ng hot-pepper paste\nMaglagay ng 2 teaspoons ng sesame oil\n\nSpanish: \nLo voy a freír por alrededor de un minuto.\nAcabo de bajar el fuego, a fuego medio.\nEsto es arroz recién hecho.\nAlrededor de tres tazas de arroz.\nY luego revolvemos esto.\nEn este punto necesitamos el jugo del kimchi.\nAñadiré un cuarto de taza de agua\nPorque no quiero que se queme el fondo de la sartén.\nY ahora, la pasta de pimientos picantes. Dos cucharadas.\nY el aceite de sésamo, dos cucharaditas.\n\nDutch: \nIk ga het een minuutje roerbakken.\nIk zet het hete vuur nu over naar middelhoog vuur.\nDit is vers gemaakte rijst.\nOngeveer drie cups rijst.\nEn dit roerbak je.\nNu hebben we het kimchi sap nodig.\nIk voeg een kwart kopje water toe.\nWant, ik wll de bodem van de pan niet verbranden.\nEn nu de hete pepper pasta (twee eetlepels).\nEn sesam olie. Twee eetlepels.\n\nKorean: \n1분정도 볶아줄거에요.\n중불로 불을 낮춰줘요.\n방금 지은 밥이에요.\n3컵정도 넣어줘요.\n같이 볶아줘요.\n이제 김칫국이 필요해요.\n4분의1컵정도 물을 넣어줘요.\n바닥이 타면 안되거든요.\n고추장 2 테이블스푼을 넣어줘요.\n참기름 2티스푼.\n\nFrench: \nJe vais le faire sauter pour environ une minute..\nJe viens de faire descendre la température, à feu moyen.\nC'est du riz fraichement cuit.\nEnviron trois tasses (environ 600 g de riz).\nEnsuite faites revenir.\nA présent nous avons besoin du jus de kimchi.\nJ'y ajoute environ 60 ml d'eau.\nParce que je ne veux pas brûler le fond de la casserole.\nPuis la purée de piment rouge piquant (environ 30 g).\nEt de l'huile de sésame. 10 ml.\n\nRussian: \nЯ собираюсь обжаривать около одной минуты.\nЯ уменьшила огонь до среднего.\nА это только что приготовленный рис.\nДобавляю около трех чашек риса.\nИ теперь размешиваем это.\nИ в этот момент нам нужен сок из-под кимчи.\nЯ добавлю четверть чашки воды.\nПотому что я не хочу, чтобы это пригорело на дне сковородки.\nИ теперь добавляем пасту из острого перца (две столовые ложки).\nИ кунжутное масло. Две чайные ложки.\n\nTurkish: \nBir dakikalığına kızartacağım.\nAteşi düşürdüm. Orta ateşte.\nBu taze yapılmış pilav.\nYaklaşık üç kap.\nVe sonra bunu karıştırın.\nŞimdi bu noktada ihtiyacımız olan: kimçi suyu.\nÇeyrek kap su ekleyeceğim.\nÇünkü tava altını yakmak istemiyorum.\nVe sonra acı biber salçası (iki yemek kaşığı).\nVe susam yağı. İki çay kaşığı.\n\nThai: \nฉันจะผัดประมาณ 1 นาที\nฉันจะลดไฟเหลือไฟกลาง\nนี้คือข้าวหุงใหม่ๆเลย\nใช้ข้าวประมาณ 3 ถ้วย\nและผัดให้เข้ากัน\nเมื่อได้ประมาณนี้เราต้องการน้ำกิมจิ\nฉันจะใส่น้ำประมาณ 1/4 ถ้วยลงไป\nเพราะว่าฉันไม่อยากให้ก้นกระทะไหม้\nและก็ใส่โคชูจังลงไป 2 ช้อนโต๊ะ\nและน้ำมันงาลงไป 2 ช้อนชา\n\nArabic: \nسأقوم بالتحريك لمدة تقريباً دقيقة\nسأخفض درجة الحرارة ، (جعلتها) حرارة متوسطة\nهذا رز مطبوخ للتو\nتقريباً 3 كؤوس من الرز\nومن ثم نحرك\nالآن سنحتاج سائل (أو عصير) الكيمتشي\nأغرق الرز بسائل الكيمتشي! :)\n\"امم... مانقشي (أسمها) اجعلينا حُمر!\"\nسأضيف ربع كأس من الماء.\nلأنني لا أريد أن احرق (القدر) من الأسفل\n(\"أوبس! المزيد من الأحمر! :))\nومن ثم ملعقتين من معجون الفلفل\n(\"أوبس! المزيد من الأحمر! :))\nومن ثم زيت السمسم. ملعقتا شاي\n\nDanish: \nJeg steger det i ca 1 minut\nJeg har skruet varmen ned på medium\nDet her er frisk kogte ris\nTilføj omkring 3 kopper ris\nOg steg det\nNu skal vi bruge kimchi saften\nJeg tilføjer en kvart kop vand\nFordi jeg ikke vil have det brænder på\nTilføj nu 2 spiseskeer stærk peber pate\nOg sesamolie, 2 teskeer\n\nSpanish: \nLo retiramos del fuego.\nCebollinos.\nCebollinos encima.\nY más aceite de sésamo.\nKim (papel de alga ligeramente asado)\nSemillas de sésamo.\n¡A comer!\nY si es para dos personas, ¡dos cucharas! Si tienes que compartir con cuatro, ¡cuatro cucharas!\n¿Creen que es simple? Muy fácil. ¡Si tienes kimchi, puedes hacer kimchi-bokkeumbap!\nSolo unos pocos ingredientes, pero ¡qué plato más delicioso!\nHicimos un almuerzo rápido.\n¿Qué hicimos hoy?\n¡Kimchi-bokkeumbap!\nDisfruten mi receta.\n¡Nos veremos una próxima vez!\n¡Adiós!\n\nVietnamese: \nsau đó tắt bếp\nvà hành lá\nrắc trên mặt\nvà thêm chút dầu mè nữa\nthêm vào rong biển\nvà hạt mè\ncùng thưởng thức nào!\n2 người ăn thì 2 cái muỗng! 4 người thì 4 cái muỗng nhé!\nCác bạn có thấy món này dễ không? Rất dễ phải không nào? Chỉ cần có kim chi là bất kì lúc nào bạn cũng có thể thực hiện món này.\nchỉ cần vài nguyên liệu thôi, là đã có một món ăn thật ngon miệng rồi!\nbữa trưa nhanh gọn chúng ta vừa làm xong\nChúng ta đã nấu món gì hôm nay?\nĐó là cơm rang kimchi!\nMời các bạn cùng thức nhé\nhẹn gặp lại lần sau!\ntạm biệt!\n\nFrench: \nRetirons-le du feu.\nDe l'oignon vert.\nDe l'oignon vert...sur le haut.\nEt encore plus d'huile de sésame.\nDu kim (feuille d'algue)...\nDes graines de sésame.\nMangeons ce plat !\nSi vous êtes deux, il vous faudra deux cuillères. Si vous partagez ce plat à quatre, il vous faudra quatre cuillères !\nTrouvez-vous le plat simple à faire ? C'est très facile. Si vous avez du kimchi, vous pouvez faire du kimchi-bokkeumbap quand vous voulez !\nIl faut seulement quelques ingrédients. Quel délicieux repas !\nNous avons fait un repas rapide.\nQu'avons-nous fait aujourd'hui ?\nDu kimchi-bokkeumbap !\nProfitez bien de ma recette.\nA bientôt !\nSalut !\n\nArabic: \nفلنبعده عن النار.\n(يمكنكم تقديمه هكذا في الحال!)\nبصل أخضر.\nبصل أخضر.. على الوجه.\nوالمزيد من زيت السمسم\nعشب البحر.. (عشب بحر محمص قليلاً)\n(\"كونوا حذرين لئلا تجرحوا انفسكم\"\n\"حسناً!\" :) )\nسمسم\nفلنأكله!\nوإذا كنتم شخصين، (كلوا) بملعقتين!\nوإذا كنتم 4 أشخاص (كلوا) بأربع ملاعق! \n(10 أشخاص؟ لما لا! :) هناك مقولة كورية تقول: \"يمكنك مشاركة حتى حبة فول واحدة!\")\nهل تظنون انه سهل؟ (تقل تهدد؟) جداً سهل، إذا لديكم كيمتشي، فسيمكنكم صنع كيمتشي-بوكّم-باب في أي وقت!\nمقادير قليلة، لكن ياله من طبق لذيذ!\nصنعنا غداء سريع.\nمالذي صنعناه اليوم؟\nكيمتشي-بوكّم-باب!\nاستمتعوا بوصفتي\nسأراكم المرة المقبلة!\nإلى اللقاء!\n\nNorwegian: \nTa pannen av varmen\nVårløk\nVårløk... på toppen\nOg mer sesamolje\nKim...\nSesamfrø\nLa oss spise det\nOg hvis dere er to personer, bruk to skjeer. Er dere 4, bruk 4 skjeer\nSyns du dette var lett? Veldig lett hvis du har kimchi, da kan du lage kimchi bokkeumbap når som helst\nBare noen få ingredienser. For ett deilig måltid\nRask lunsj.\nHva laget vi idag?\nKimchi-bokkeumbap\nNyt oppskriften min\nSees neste gang!\nAdjø!\n\nRussian: \nЗатем надо снять с огня.\nЗеленый лук\nЗеленый лук положим сверху.\nИ по-больше кунжутного масла.\nКим (кимбап - сушеные водоросли).\nКунжутные семечки.\nДавайте попробуем это!\nЕсли Вас два человека - две ложки, если четыре человека - четыре!\nКажется ли Вам этот рецепт простым? Очень легко, если у Вас есть кимчи, то Вы можете приготовить кимчи-боккембап в любое время!\nВсего несколько ингридиентов - очень вкусное блюдо!\nМы приготовили быстрый обед.\nЧто мы приготовили сегодня?\nКимчи-боккембап!\nНаслаждайтесь моим рецептом\nУвидимся в следующий раз!\nПока!\n\nKorean: \n불에서 내려줍니다.\n파\n파를 위에 뿌려줘요.\n참기름 조금 더.\n김.\n참깨.\n이제 먹어요!!!\n두명이면 숟가락 두개!! 네명이랑 먹을거면 네개!\n아주 쉽고 간단하죠! 김치만 있으면 언제든지 김치볶음밥을 만들 수 있어요.\n아주 적은 재료지만 엄청 맛있는 음식이죠 ㅎㅎ\n빠르게 만들었어요.\n오늘 뭘 만들었다구요?\n김치볶음밥!\n맛있게드세요.\n다음에 봐요!\n안녕~!\n\nDanish: \nFjern det fra varmen\nForårsløg\nForårsløg ovenpå\nOg lidt mere sesamolie\nTang\nSesamfrø\nVelbekomme!\nOg hvis i er 2 personer, så brug 2 skeer, hvis i var 4, brug 4 skeer.\nSyntes du det er simpelt? Super simpelt! Hvis du har kimchi, kan du altid lave kimchi-bokkeumbap!\nså få ingredienser, dog et super lækkert måltid!\nDet var en hurtig frokost vi lavede\nHvad har vi lavet i dag?\nKimchi-bokkeumbap!\nNyd min opskrift\nVi ses næste gang!\nFarvel!\n\nSwedish: \nLåt oss ta bort den från värmen.\nSalladslök.\nSalladslök..överst.\nOch mer sesamolja.\nRostad sjögräs.\nSesamfrön.\nLåt oss äta!\nOm ni är två personer, två skedar! Om du måste dela det här med fyra personer, fyra skedar!\nTycker du det här var enkelt? Väldigt lätt-- om du har kimchi, så kan du göra Kimchi-bokkeumbap när som helst!\nBara ett fåtal ingredienser, vilken utsökt måltid!\nVi gjorde en snabb lunch.\nVad gjorde vi idag?\nKimchi-bokkeumbap!\nNjut av mitt recept.\nVi ses nästa gång!\nHej då!\n\nIndonesian: \nMatikan apinya\nDaun bawang\nDaun bawang... taruh di atas wajan\nDan minyak wijen lagi\nKim...\nBiji wijen\nAyo makan!\nDan kalau ada dua orang, sediakan dua sendok. Kalai empat orang sediakan empat sendok.\nMudah kan? sangat mudah-- Kalau kalian punya kimchi, kalian bisa membuat nasi goreng kimchi ini kapan saja\nHanya butuh beberapa bahan, enak sekali!\nMakan siang yang mudah dibuat\nApa yang kita buat hari ini?\nKimchi-bokkeumbap!\nSilahkan nikmati resep saya!\nSampai jumpa\nDah!\n\nHindi: \nअब आंच से उतार लेते हैं\nहरा प्याज़\nऊपर से\nथोडा और टिल का तेल\nकिम...\nतिल...\nचलिए खाते हैं\nअगर आप दो लोग हैं तो दो चममच और चार हैं तो चार चमम्च\nआपको लगा ना की यह आसान है? किमची है तो आराम से बना सकते हैं\nबस कुछ चीजें और एक मज़दार खाना तैयार\nजल्दी वाला लंच बनाया हमने\nक्या बनाया हमने?\nकिमची बोकमबाप\nइसका लुत्फ़ उठाईये\nफिर मिलते है\nबाय\n\nPortuguese: \nVamos tirar do fogo.\nCebolinha.\nCebolinha por cima.\nE mais óleo de gergelim.\nNori (folha de alga marinha)\nSementes de gergelim.\nVamos comer!\nE se for servir para duas pessoas, duas colheres! Se você tem que dividir com quatro pessoas, quatro colheres!\nAchou fácil? Muito fácil, se você tem kimchi, você pode fazer kimchi-bokkeumbap qualquer hora!\nPoucos ingredientes, que comida gostosa!\nQue almoço rápido fizemos.\nO que fizemos hoje?\nKimchi-bokkeumbap!\nCurta minha receita.\nTe vejo na próxima!\nTchau!\n\nModern Greek (1453-): \nΑς το αφαιρέσουμε απο τη φωτιά.\nΦρέσκο κρεμμυδάκι.\nΦρέσκο κρεμμυδάκι...απο πάνω.\nΚαι περισσότερο σησαμέλαιο.\nKim...\nΣουσάμι.\nΑς φάμε!\nΑν έχετε δύο άτομα, δύο κουτάλια! Αν πρέπει να το μοιραστείτε με τέσσερα άτομα, τέσσερα κουτάλια!\nΠιστεύετε πως είναι απλό? Πολύ εύκολο-- αν έχετε kimchi, μπορείτε να φτιάξετε kimchi- bokkeumbap οποιαδήποτε στιγμή!\nΑπλά λίγα υλικά, τι νόστιμο γεύμα!\nΓρήγορο κολατσιό φτιάξαμε.\nΤι φτιάξαμε σήμερα?\nKimchi-bokkeumbap!\nΑπολαύστε τη συνταγή μου.\nΤα λέμε την επόμενη φορά!\nΑντίο!\n\nFilipino: \nAt pagkatapos ay alisin na ito sa apoy\nPinuhin ang green onions...\n...at ilagay ito sa ibabaw\nMaglagay ulit ng sesame oil\nGumupit ng tuyong seaweed\nMaglagay ng sesame seeds\nKainan na!\nKung dalawang tao ang kakain, kumuha ka ng 2 spoons. Pag apat kayo, apat ang kunin!\nDiba simple lang? Kung may kicmchi ka sa bahay nyo, magagawa mo ito kahit anong oras!\nKahit kaunti lang ang ingredients, napakasarap ng kinalabasan!\nAng bilis nating nakagawa ng pananghalian.\nAno ang niluto natin ngayon?\n...kimchi-bokkeumbap (kimchi fried rice).\nSana mag enjoy kayo.\nSa susunod ulit!\nPaalam!\n\nChinese: \n將鍋子離火\n青蔥\n將青蔥灑在上面\n接著在淋上更多香油\n海苔\n芝麻籽\n開始享用吧!\n如果是給兩個吃,兩支湯匙\n四個人的話就放四支湯匙\n你覺得這道菜簡單嗎?非常簡單吧~\n如果你有泡菜的話,你任何時候都可以做泡菜炒飯!\n只需要幾樣材料,就能做出美味的一餐\n很快速就完成的一頓午餐\n我們今天做了什麼呢?\n泡菜炒飯!\n希望你喜歡我的食譜\n下次見!\n掰!\n\nTurkish: \nAteşten alalım.\nYeşil soğan.\nYeşil soğan... üzerine.\nve biraz daha susam yağı.\ndeniz yosunu kağıdı\nSusam tohumları\nHadi yiyelim!\nVe iki kişiyseniz, iki kaşık! Bunu dört kişi ile paylaşmanız gerekiyorsa, dört kaşık!\nBunun basit olduğunu düşünüyorsunuz? Çok kolay, eğer kimçiniz varsa, kimchi-bokkeumbap'ı istediğiniz zaman yapabilirsiniz!\nSadece birkaç malzeme, ne lezzetli bir yemek!\nHızlı öğle yemeği yaptık.\nBugün ne yaptık?\nKimchi-bokkeumbap!\nTarifimin tadını çıkarın.\nBir dahaki sefere görüşürüz!\nBye!\n\nEnglish: \nLet's remove from the heat.\nGreen onion.\nGreen onion...on top.\nAnd more sesame oil.\nKim...\nSesame seeds.\nLet's eat it!\nAnd [if] you have two people, two spoons! If you have to share this with four people, four spoons!\nYou think this is simple? Very easy-- if you have kimchi, you can make kimchi-bokkeumbap anytime!\nJust a few ingredients, what a delicious meal!\nQuick lunch we made.\nWhat did we make today?\nKimchi-bokkeumbap!\nEnjoy my recipe.\nSee you next time!\nBye!\n\nGerman: \nNun weg von der hitze.\nFrühlings Zwiebeln\nFrühlings Zwiebeln...oben Drauf\nUnd noch mehr Sesamöl.\nKim...\nSesamsamen\nLass uns Essen!\nUnd wenn Ihr zu zweit seid, zwei Löffel und wen Ihr zu viert seid vier Löffel!\nDenkst du es ist einfach? Sehr einfach-- Wen du Kimchi hast kannst du kimchi-bokkeumbap jeder Zeit machen!\nWenige Zutaten, ein so leckeres Gericht!\nSehr schnelles Mittagsessen haben wir zubereitet.\nWas haben wir heute Zubereitet?\nKimchi-bokkeumbap!\nGeniesst mein Rezept.\nBis zum nächsten mal!\nBye!\n\nDutch: \nHaal het van het vuur.\nBosui.\nBos ui ... op de top\nEn meer sesam olie.\nKim ....\nSesamzaden.\nLaten we het eten!\nAls je twee mensen hebt, twee lepels! Als je het met vier mensen deelt, vier lepels!\nDenk je dat dit simpel is? Erg makkelijk. Als je kimchi hebt, kan je kimchi-bokkeumbap maken wanneer je wilt.\nEen paar ingrediënten, wat een heerlijke maaltijd!\nWe hebben een snelle lunch gemaakt.\nWat hebben we vandaag gemaakt?\nKimchi-bokkeumbap!\nGeniet van mijn recept.\nTot de volgende keer!\nDag!\n\nBurmese: \nမီးဖိုေပၚက ဖယ္လုိက္ေတာ့မယ္\nၾကက္သြန္ျမိတ္\nအေပၚကေနျဖဴးလိုက္မယ္\nျပီးေတာ့ ေနာက္ထပ္ႏွမ္းဆီ\nအသင့္စားေရညွိ\nႏွမ္း\nစားဖို႔အဆင္သင့္ျဖစ္ျပီ\n၂ ေယာက္စားမယ္ဆုိ ဇြန္း ၂ ေခ်ာင္း\n၄ ေယာက္စားမယ္ဆုိ ဇြန္း ၄ ေခ်ာင္း ထည့္လိုက္ရံုဘဲ\nဒါကိုရိုးရွင္းတယ္ထင္ရဲ႕လား? အရမ္းလြယ္ပါတယ္\nကင္ခ်ီရွိယံုနဲ႕ခ်က္လို႔ရတယ္\nပါ၀င္ပစၥည္းနဲနဲေလးနဲ႔ အရသာရွိပါတယ္\nျမန္ဆန္တဲ့ေန႔လည္စာေလးပါ\nဒီေန႕ခ်က္ခဲ့တာဘာပါလိမ့္ ?\nKimchi-bokkeumbap\nဒီဟင္းခ်က္နည္းေလးနဲ႕အဆင္ေျပပါေစ\nSee u next time!\nBye\n\nHungarian: \nVegyük le a tűzről.\nÚjhagyma.\nÚjhagyma a tetejére.\nÉs még egy kis szezámolaj.\nKim...\nSzezámmag.\nEgyük meg!\nHa két személyre készítjük, akkor két kanál kell. Ha 4 személlyel osztjátok meg, akkor 4 kanalat tegyetek bele.\nGondoljátok, hogy könnyű? Nagyon könnyű, ha van otthon kimchi, akkor bármikor készíthettek kimchi-bokkeumbap-ot!\nCsak néhány hozzávaló és micsoda remek étel!\nGyors ebédet készítettünk.\nMit készítettünk ma?\nKimchi-bokkeumbap-ot!\nTeljen örömötök a receptemben!\nTalálkozunk legközelebb!\nViszlát!\n\nChinese: \n让我们从火上移开。\n青葱。\n青葱......在上面。\n而更多的香油。\n添加紫菜...\n添加芝麻籽。\n让我们吃了!\n[如果]你有两个人,两汤匙!如果您有四个人,四匙分享这个!\n你以为这个很简单吗?很容易--如果你有泡菜,可以使泡菜炒饭随时随地!\n少许的成分,好吃的一餐!\n快吃午饭我们做了。\n我们今天做了什么?\n泡菜炒饭!\n享受我的食谱。\n下次再见!\n拜拜!\n\nMalay (macrolanguage): \nMari kita tutupkan api.\nDaun bawang,\nletakkan ia di atas,\ndan lebih sedikit minyak bijan.\nSekeping kim (rumpai laut yang dipanggang) dipotong halus.\nTaburkan bijan.\nMari kita makan!\nJika anda mahu kongsi untuk dua orang, sediakan dua sudu. Jika anda mahu kongsi untuk empat orang, sediakan empat sudu.\nMudah kan? Mudah sahaja, jika anda ada kimchi, anda boleh masak nasi goreng kimchi bila-bila masa sahaja!\nHanya sediakan beberapa bahan untuk membuat masakan yang sedap ini.\nMasakan yang cepat dan mudah.\nApa kita masak hari ini?\nKimchi bokkeumbap!\nNikmati resipi saya ini.\nJumpa lagi,\nbye!\n\nFinnish: \nOtetaan pannu pois levyltä.\nKevätsipulia.\nKevätsipulia päälle.\nLisää lisää seesamiöljyä.\nMerilevää...\nSeesaminsiemeniä.\nSyödään!\nJos teitä on kaksi henkeä, niin kaksi lusikkaa! ja jos teitä on neljä, niin sitten neljä lusikkaa!\nOnko tämä mielestäsi yksinkertaista? todella helppoa, jos sinulla on kimchiä voit tehdä kimchi-bokkeumbapia milloin tahansa!\nVain muutama raaka-aine, kuinka herkullinen ateria!\nTeimme todella nopean lounaan.\nMitä teimmekään tänään?\nKimchi-bokkeumbapia!\nNauti reseptistäni.\nNähdään taas ensi kerralla!\nNäkemiin!\n\nThai: \nนำออกมาจากเตาเลย\nต้นหอม\nโรยต้นหอมลงไป\nและใส่น้ำมันงาลงไป\nใส่สาหร่ายลงไป\nใส่งาคั่ว\nมาทานกันเลย!\nและถ้าคุณมีกัน 2 คนช้อน 2 ช้อน \nถ้ามีกัน 4คนก็ช้อน 4 ช้อน\nคุณคิดว่ามันง่ายใช่ง่ายมากแค่คุณมีกิมจิ\nคุณสามารถทำข้าวผัดกิมจิได้ทุกเวลา\nแค่ส่วนประกอบไม่กี่อย่างและอร่อย\nเราสามรถทำมื้อเที่ยงได้อย่างรวดเร็ว\nวันนี้เราทำอะไรกัน\nข้าวผัดกิมจิ!\nแอนจอยไปกับเมนูของฉัน\nเจอกันครั้งหน้า\nบายยย!\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "The grounds of Knebworth House near the village\nof Knebworth in Hertfordshire, England has\nbecome a major venue for open air rock and\npop concerts since 1974 when The Allman Brothers\nBand attracted 60,000 at the first large concert\nheld at the venue.\nSince then, the Knebworth Festival, has been\nthe scene of outdoor extravaganzas, featuring\nPink Floyd, The Rolling Stones and Lynyrd\nSkynyrd, Genesis, Frank Zappa, Led Zeppelin,\nMike Oldfield and The Beach Boys, Cliff Richard,\nDeep Purple, Queen, Status Quo, Paul McCartney,\nEric Clapton, Elton John, Phil Collins and\nDire Straits, Oasis, Robbie Williams, Sonisphere\nFestival, Red Hot Chili Peppers.\nMajor concerts\nIn 1979, Led Zeppelin performed at Knebworth\nfor two gigs, their first concerts in the\nUnited Kingdom since 1975.\nThe band reportedly played to record crowds\nin excess of 200,000 people, even though official\nadmission records 109,000 people.\nThe New Barbarians, Ron Wood's solo outfit\nwith Keith Richards played at the second show\non 11 August.\nThe 1985 event was the first UK gig by the\nre-formed Deep Purple.\nOn 9 August 1986, Queen performed their last\nshow with their classic line-up; the band\ndid not perform live again until after the\ndeath of lead singer Freddie Mercury, at his\ntribute concert.\nOn 30 June 1990, the park was the location\nfor The Silver Clef Award Winners Concert\nwhich was recorded and released on DVD.\nIt included the performance of artists including\nPink Floyd, Cliff Richard & The Shadows, Tears\nfor Fears, Eric Clapton, Dire Straits, Elton\nJohn, Paul McCartney, Ray Cooper, Robert Plant,\nStatus Quo and Phil Collins with Genesis.\nIn 1996, Oasis, who were supported by The\nCharlatans, Kula Shaker, Manic Street Preachers,\nThe Bootleg Beatles, The Chemical Brothers,\nOcean Colour Scene and The Prodigy, played\ntwo shows with an audience of 150,000 per\nnight.\nOver 2.6 million people applied for tickets\nfor the shows, making it the largest ever\ndemand for concert tickets in British history.\nIn 2003, Robbie Williams performed at Knebworth\nover a three-day period, drawing crowds of\nover 375,000, and a further 3.5 million who\nwatched live on television and online.\nThis was reputedly the biggest UK pop concert\never and caused a huge traffic jam on the\nA1(M) as an estimated 130,000 cars tried to\nreach the venue.\nA subsequent album, entitled Robbie Williams\n– Live At Knebworth, was released, and reached\nnumber two in the UK charts.\nA DVD release followed.\nIn 2009, Metallica and Linkin Park headlined\nthe first ever UK Sonisphere Festival.\nOther bands included Nine Inch Nails and Heaven\n& Hell.\nThe festival took place again in 2010 with\nRammstein and Iron Maiden headlining plus\nperformances from other big acts such as Alice\nCooper, Iggy and the Stooges and Mötley Crüe.\nIn 2011, the festival hosted the first UK\nperformance of the Big 4 bands of thrash metal.\nConcert history\nReferences\nExternal links\nKnebworth House website\nKnebworth Festival History 1974-1986\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "3\nHARRISONBURG...\n3\nFACING RHODE ISLAND...----\nFIRST QUARTER...BEN DINUCCI\nCONNECTING WITH RILEY\nSTAPLETON FOR THE TEN YARD\nSCORE...THAT TIES THE GAME AT\nTEN...-----DINUCCI -- WHO WAS\nBENCHED DURING LAST WEEK'S\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "Today we begin with our operation and human performance investigation on the crash of U.S Airways Flight 1549...\nWater landing.\nCaptain?\nThis was not a crash. It wasn't a ditching.\nWe knew what we were trying to execute here, there was not a... it's not a crash, it was a forced water landing.\nWhy didn't you attempt to return to LaGuardia?\nThere simply was not enough altitude.\nThe Hudson was the only place that was long enough and smooth enough\nand wide enough to even attempt to land the airplane safely.\nAir traffic testified that you stated you were\nreturning to LaGuardia, but you did not.\nI realized I couldn't make it back and it would have eliminated\nall the other options, returning to LaGuardia would have been a mistake.\nOk, well, let's get into how you calculated all those parameters.\nThere was no time for calculating.\nI had to rely on my experience of managing the altitude and\nspeed of thousands of flights over four decades.\nYou're saying you didn't do, any....\nI eyeballed it.\nYou eyeballed it?\nYes.\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "DISAPPEARANCE.\nALEXANDRA FIELD HAS THE LATEST \nNOW. \n>> Reporter: DAVID BIRD, A \nMARRIED FATHER OF TWO DISAPPEARS\nWITHOUT HIS CELL PHONE OR THE \nMEDICATION HE NEEDS FOLLOWING A \nLIVER TRANSPLANT NINE YEARS AGO.\n>> HE'S A STRONG MAN.\nHE HAS BEEN THROUGH -- HE'S BEEN\nTHROUGH A LOT BEFORE.\nJUST THINK HE'S HOLDING ON.\nWE JUST WANT HIM BACK. \n>> Reporter: FOR ALMOST A WEEK \nAUTHORITIES AND HUNDREDS OF \nVOLUNTEERS HAVE SCOURED THE \nHILLS FOR THE WALL STREET \nJOURNAL'S 55-YEAR-OLD REPORTER.\nTHEY'VE SAID, QUOTE, MR. BIRD IS\nA LONG TIME REPORTER OF THE DOW \nJONES NEWSROOM.\nOUR THOUGHTS ARE WITH HIS \nFAMILY.\nBIRD'S FAMILY IS DESPERATE TO \nFIND HIM.\nON SATURDAY HE SAID HE WAS GOING\nFOR A QUICK WALK BUT NEVER CAME \nHOME. \n>> WE HAVE EVERY REASON TO \nBELIEVE THAT HE JUST WANTED TO \nGO FOR A LITTLE STROLL.\nTHERE'S NO -- NOTHING POINTING \nTO ANYTHING ELSE.\n>> Reporter: A SEARCH PARTY \nNUMBERING AS MANY AS 200 IS \nCOMBING TRAILS WHERE BIRD, A \nMARATHONER, LIKES TO WALK.\nTHEY'RE SEARCHING THE NEARBY \nPASAIC RIVER.\nTHIS WEEK A POTENTIAL CLUE CAME \nFROM MEXICO.\nTHAT'S WHERE MEDIA OUTLETS \nREPORTED BIRD'S CREDIT CARD HAD \nBEEN USED.\nA SOURCE CLOSE TO THE \nINVESTIGATION TELLS US \nPROSECUTORS AT THIS POINT HAVE \nNOT CONFIRMED WHETHER THE CARD \nWAS ACTUALLY USED IN MEXICO.\nTHOSE REPORTS RAISED CONCERNS \nTHAT HIS DISAPPEARANCE COULD \nSOMEHOW BE CONNECTED TO HIS \nCOVERAGE OF OPEC, THE \nORGANIZATION OF THE PETROLEUM \nEXPORTING COUNTRIES.\n>> THAT DIDN'T COME FROM US SO I\nDON'T KNOW WHERE THAT \nINFORMATION CAME FROM AND I -- \nTHAT'S -- DOESN'T MAKE SENSE.\nHE WENT FOR A WALK AND THAT WAS \nALL WE KNOW.\nWE HAVE NO IDEA.\n>> Reporter: BIRD'S\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "IT\nIT IS\nIT IS A\nIT IS A MURKY\nIT IS A MURKY SIGHT\nIT IS A MURKY SIGHT THAT\nIT IS A MURKY SIGHT THAT\nCHANGES\nIT IS A MURKY SIGHT THAT\nCHANGES FROM\nIT IS A MURKY SIGHT THAT\nCHANGES FROM BAD\nIT IS A MURKY SIGHT THAT\nCHANGES FROM BAD TO\nIT IS A MURKY SIGHT THAT\nCHANGES FROM BAD TO\nWORSE\nIT IS A MURKY SIGHT THAT\nCHANGES FROM BAD TO\nWORSE --\nCHANGES FROM BAD TO\nWORSE --\nCHANGES FROM BAD TO\nWORSE --\nBACK\nCHANGES FROM BAD TO\nWORSE --\nBACK AND\nCHANGES FROM BAD TO\nWORSE --\nBACK AND FORTH\nCHANGES FROM BAD TO\nWORSE --\nBACK AND FORTH --\nCHANGES FROM BAD TO\nWORSE --\nBACK AND FORTH -- AS\nCHANGES FROM BAD TO\nWORSE --\nBACK AND FORTH -- AS THE\nWORSE --\nBACK AND FORTH -- AS THE\nWORSE --\nBACK AND FORTH -- AS THE\nRAIN\nWORSE --\nBACK AND FORTH -- AS THE\nRAIN COMES\nWORSE --\nBACK AND FORTH -- AS THE\nRAIN COMES AND\nWORSE --\nBACK AND FORTH -- AS THE\nRAIN COMES AND GOES\nBACK AND FORTH -- AS THE\nRAIN COMES AND GOES\nBACK AND FORTH -- AS THE\nRAIN COMES AND GOES\nDURING\nBACK AND FORTH -- AS THE\nRAIN COMES AND GOES\nDURING THE\nBACK AND FORTH -- AS THE\nRAIN COMES AND GOES\nDURING THE SEASON.\nRAIN COMES AND GOES\nDURING THE SEASON.\nRAIN COMES AND GOES\nDURING THE SEASON.\nTHIS\nRAIN COMES AND GOES\nDURING THE SEASON.\nTHIS MORNING\nRAIN COMES AND GOES\nDURING THE SEASON.\nTHIS MORNING --\nRAIN COMES AND GOES\nDURING THE SEASON.\nTHIS MORNING -- NOT\nRAIN COMES AND GOES\nDURING THE SEASON.\nTHIS MORNING -- NOT AS\nDURING THE SEASON.\nTHIS MORNING -- NOT AS\nDURING THE SEASON.\nTHIS MORNING -- NOT AS\nBAD\nDURING THE SEASON.\nTHIS MORNING -- NOT AS\nBAD AS\nDURING THE SEASON.\nTHIS MORNING -- NOT AS\nBAD AS IT\nDURING THE SEASON.\nTHIS MORNING -- NOT AS\nBAD AS IT COULD\nDURING THE SEASON.\nTHIS MORNING -- NOT AS\nBAD AS IT COULD BE\nDURING THE SEASON.\nTHIS MORNING -- NOT AS\nBAD AS IT COULD BE --\nTHIS MORNING -- NOT AS\nBAD AS IT COULD BE --\nTHIS MORNING -- NOT AS\nBAD AS IT COULD BE --\nBUT\nTHIS MORNING -- NOT AS\nBAD AS IT COULD BE --\nBUT IN\nTHIS MORNING -- NOT AS\nBAD AS IT COULD BE --\nBUT IN A\nTHIS MORNING -- NOT AS\nBAD AS IT COULD BE --\nBUT IN A FEW\nTHIS MORNING -- NOT AS\nBAD AS IT COULD BE --\nBUT IN A FEW DAYS\nTHIS MORNING -- NOT AS\nBAD AS IT COULD BE --\nBUT IN A FEW DAYS AFTER\nBAD AS IT COULD BE --\nBUT IN A FEW DAYS AFTER\nBAD AS IT COULD BE --\nBUT IN A FEW DAYS AFTER\nALL\nBAD AS IT COULD BE --\nBUT IN A FEW DAYS AFTER\nALL THIS\nBAD AS IT COULD BE --\nBUT IN A FEW DAYS AFTER\nALL THIS RAIN\nBAD AS IT COULD BE --\nBUT IN A FEW DAYS AFTER\nALL THIS RAIN THAT\nBAD AS IT COULD BE --\nBUT IN A FEW DAYS AFTER\nALL THIS RAIN THAT IS\nBUT IN A FEW DAYS AFTER\nALL THIS RAIN THAT IS\nBUT IN A FEW DAYS AFTER\nALL THIS RAIN THAT IS\nCOMING\nBUT IN A FEW DAYS AFTER\nALL THIS RAIN THAT IS\nCOMING OUR\nBUT IN A FEW DAYS AFTER\nALL THIS RAIN THAT IS\nCOMING OUR WAY\nBUT IN A FEW DAYS AFTER\nALL THIS RAIN THAT IS\nCOMING OUR WAY --\nBUT IN A FEW DAYS AFTER\nALL THIS RAIN THAT IS\nCOMING OUR WAY -- THIS\nALL THIS RAIN THAT IS\nCOMING OUR WAY -- THIS\nALL THIS RAIN THAT IS\nCOMING OUR WAY -- THIS\nWILL\nALL THIS RAIN THAT IS\nCOMING OUR WAY -- THIS\nWILL LOOK\nALL THIS RAIN THAT IS\nCOMING OUR WAY -- THIS\nWILL LOOK LIKE\nALL THIS RAIN THAT IS\nCOMING OUR WAY -- THIS\nWILL LOOK LIKE A\nALL THIS RAIN THAT IS\nCOMING OUR WAY -- THIS\nWILL LOOK LIKE A VERY\nCOMING OUR WAY -- THIS\nWILL LOOK LIKE A VERY\nCOMING OUR WAY -- THIS\nWILL LOOK LIKE A VERY\nDIFFERENT\nCOMING OUR WAY -- THIS\nWILL LOOK LIKE A VERY\nDIFFERENT HANGMAN\nCOMING OUR WAY -- THIS\nWILL LOOK LIKE A VERY\nDIFFERENT HANGMAN CREEK.\nWILL LOOK LIKE A VERY\nDIFFERENT HANGMAN CREEK.\nDIFFERENT HANGMAN CREEK.\nJERRY\nJERRY WHITE\nJERRY WHITE WITH\nJERRY WHITE WITH SPOKANE\nJERRY WHITE WITH SPOKANE\nRIVERKEEPER\nJERRY WHITE WITH SPOKANE\nRIVERKEEPER SAYS\nJERRY WHITE WITH SPOKANE\nRIVERKEEPER SAYS EACH\nJERRY WHITE WITH SPOKANE\nRIVERKEEPER SAYS EACH\nYEAR\nRIVERKEEPER SAYS EACH\nYEAR\nRIVERKEEPER SAYS EACH\nYEAR\nBETWEEN\nRIVERKEEPER SAYS EACH\nYEAR\nBETWEEN OCTOBER\nRIVERKEEPER SAYS EACH\nYEAR\nBETWEEN OCTOBER AND\nRIVERKEEPER SAYS EACH\nYEAR\nBETWEEN OCTOBER AND JULY\nYEAR\nBETWEEN OCTOBER AND JULY\nYEAR\nBETWEEN OCTOBER AND JULY\nTHEY\nYEAR\nBETWEEN OCTOBER AND JULY\nTHEY SEE\nYEAR\nBETWEEN OCTOBER AND JULY\nTHEY SEE A\nYEAR\nBETWEEN OCTOBER AND JULY\nTHEY SEE A TERRIBLE\nBETWEEN OCTOBER AND JULY\nTHEY SEE A TERRIBLE\nBETWEEN OCTOBER AND JULY\nTHEY SEE A TERRIBLE\nSEDIMENT\nBETWEEN OCTOBER AND JULY\nTHEY SEE A TERRIBLE\nSEDIMENT AND\nTHEY SEE A TERRIBLE\nSEDIMENT AND\nTHEY SEE A TERRIBLE\nSEDIMENT AND\nPOLLUTION\nTHEY SEE A TERRIBLE\nSEDIMENT AND\nPOLLUTION PROBLEM\nTHEY SEE A TERRIBLE\nSEDIMENT AND\nPOLLUTION PROBLEM AT\nSEDIMENT AND\nPOLLUTION PROBLEM AT\nSEDIMENT AND\nPOLLUTION PROBLEM AT\nHANGMAN\nSEDIMENT AND\nPOLLUTION PROBLEM AT\nHANGMAN CREEK.\nPOLLUTION PROBLEM AT\nHANGMAN CREEK.\nPOLLUTION PROBLEM AT\nHANGMAN CREEK.\nSNOWFALL\nPOLLUTION PROBLEM AT\nHANGMAN CREEK.\nSNOWFALL AND\nPOLLUTION PROBLEM AT\nHANGMAN CREEK.\nSNOWFALL AND RAIN\nPOLLUTION PROBLEM AT\nHANGMAN CREEK.\nSNOWFALL AND RAIN WASH\nHANGMAN CREEK.\nSNOWFALL AND RAIN WASH\nHANGMAN CREEK.\nSNOWFALL AND RAIN WASH\nSEDIMENT\nHANGMAN CREEK.\nSNOWFALL AND RAIN WASH\nSEDIMENT INTO\nHANGMAN CREEK.\nSNOWFALL AND RAIN WASH\nSEDIMENT INTO THE\nHANGMAN CREEK.\nSNOWFALL AND RAIN WASH\nSEDIMENT INTO THE CREEK\nSNOWFALL AND RAIN WASH\nSEDIMENT INTO THE CREEK\nSEDIMENT INTO THE CREEK\n--\n-- WHICH\n-- WHICH THEN\n-- WHICH THEN PUSHES\n-- WHICH THEN PUSHES ALL\n-- WHICH THEN PUSHES ALL\nTHAT\n-- WHICH THEN PUSHES ALL\nTHAT POLLUTION\n-- WHICH THEN PUSHES ALL\nTHAT POLLUTION INTO\n-- WHICH THEN PUSHES ALL\nTHAT POLLUTION INTO THE\n-- WHICH THEN PUSHES ALL\nTHAT POLLUTION INTO THE\nSPOKANE\n-- WHICH THEN PUSHES ALL\nTHAT POLLUTION INTO THE\nSPOKANE RIVER.\nTHAT POLLUTION INTO THE\nSPOKANE RIVER.\nTHAT POLLUTION INTO THE\nSPOKANE RIVER.\nWHITE\nTHAT POLLUTION INTO THE\nSPOKANE RIVER.\nWHITE SAYS\nTHAT POLLUTION INTO THE\nSPOKANE RIVER.\nWHITE SAYS ONCE\nTHAT POLLUTION INTO THE\nSPOKANE RIVER.\nWHITE SAYS ONCE THE\nSPOKANE RIVER.\nWHITE SAYS ONCE THE\nSPOKANE RIVER.\nWHITE SAYS ONCE THE\nRIVER\nSPOKANE RIVER.\nWHITE SAYS ONCE THE\nRIVER BECOMES\nSPOKANE RIVER.\nWHITE SAYS ONCE THE\nRIVER BECOMES POLLUTED\nWHITE SAYS ONCE THE\nRIVER BECOMES POLLUTED\nWHITE SAYS ONCE THE\nRIVER BECOMES POLLUTED\n--\nWHITE SAYS ONCE THE\nRIVER BECOMES POLLUTED\n-- THIS\nRIVER BECOMES POLLUTED\n-- THIS\nRIVER BECOMES POLLUTED\n-- THIS\nOFTEN\nRIVER BECOMES POLLUTED\n-- THIS\nOFTEN CAUSES\nRIVER BECOMES POLLUTED\n-- THIS\nOFTEN CAUSES ALGAE\n-- THIS\nOFTEN CAUSES ALGAE\n-- THIS\nOFTEN CAUSES ALGAE\nBLOOMS\n-- THIS\nOFTEN CAUSES ALGAE\nBLOOMS WHICH\n-- THIS\nOFTEN CAUSES ALGAE\nBLOOMS WHICH DEPRIVE\n-- THIS\nOFTEN CAUSES ALGAE\nBLOOMS WHICH DEPRIVE THE\nOFTEN CAUSES ALGAE\nBLOOMS WHICH DEPRIVE THE\nOFTEN CAUSES ALGAE\nBLOOMS WHICH DEPRIVE THE\nRIVER\nOFTEN CAUSES ALGAE\nBLOOMS WHICH DEPRIVE THE\nRIVER OF\nBLOOMS WHICH DEPRIVE THE\nRIVER OF\nBLOOMS WHICH DEPRIVE THE\nRIVER OF\nOXYGEN.\nRIVER OF\nOXYGEN.\nOXYGEN.\nWHEN\nWHEN IT\nWHEN IT IS\nWHEN IT IS SO\nWHEN IT IS SO FILTHY,\nWHEN IT IS SO FILTHY,\nOUR\nWHEN IT IS SO FILTHY,\nOUR NATIVE\nWHEN IT IS SO FILTHY,\nOUR NATIVE REDBAND\nWHEN IT IS SO FILTHY,\nOUR NATIVE REDBAND TROUT\nWHEN IT IS SO FILTHY,\nOUR NATIVE REDBAND TROUT\nNO\nWHEN IT IS SO FILTHY,\nOUR NATIVE REDBAND TROUT\nNO LONGER\nWHEN IT IS SO FILTHY,\nOUR NATIVE REDBAND TROUT\nNO LONGER FIND\nWHEN IT IS SO FILTHY,\nOUR NATIVE REDBAND TROUT\nNO LONGER FIND IT\nOUR NATIVE REDBAND TROUT\nNO LONGER FIND IT\nOUR NATIVE REDBAND TROUT\nNO LONGER FIND IT\nSUITABLE\nOUR NATIVE REDBAND TROUT\nNO LONGER FIND IT\nSUITABLE TO\nNO LONGER FIND IT\nSUITABLE TO\nNO LONGER FIND IT\nSUITABLE TO\nLIVE\nNO LONGER FIND IT\nSUITABLE TO\nLIVE RIGHT\nNO LONGER FIND IT\nSUITABLE TO\nLIVE RIGHT AROUND\nNO LONGER FIND IT\nSUITABLE TO\nLIVE RIGHT AROUND THE\nSUITABLE TO\nLIVE RIGHT AROUND THE\nSUITABLE TO\nLIVE RIGHT AROUND THE\nMOUTH\nSUITABLE TO\nLIVE RIGHT AROUND THE\nMOUTH OF\nSUITABLE TO\nLIVE RIGHT AROUND THE\nMOUTH OF THE\nSUITABLE TO\nLIVE RIGHT AROUND THE\nMOUTH OF THE CREEK\nSUITABLE TO\nLIVE RIGHT AROUND THE\nMOUTH OF THE CREEK AND\nLIVE RIGHT AROUND THE\nMOUTH OF THE CREEK AND\nLIVE RIGHT AROUND THE\nMOUTH OF THE CREEK AND\nTHEY\nLIVE RIGHT AROUND THE\nMOUTH OF THE CREEK AND\nTHEY CAN'T\nLIVE RIGHT AROUND THE\nMOUTH OF THE CREEK AND\nTHEY CAN'T SPAWN\nLIVE RIGHT AROUND THE\nMOUTH OF THE CREEK AND\nTHEY CAN'T SPAWN THERE.\nMOUTH OF THE CREEK AND\nTHEY CAN'T SPAWN THERE.\nMOUTH OF THE CREEK AND\nTHEY CAN'T SPAWN THERE.\nIT'S\nMOUTH OF THE CREEK AND\nTHEY CAN'T SPAWN THERE.\nIT'S A\nMOUTH OF THE CREEK AND\nTHEY CAN'T SPAWN THERE.\nIT'S A HUGE\nMOUTH OF THE CREEK AND\nTHEY CAN'T SPAWN THERE.\nIT'S A HUGE ISSUE\nMOUTH OF THE CREEK AND\nTHEY CAN'T SPAWN THERE.\nIT'S A HUGE ISSUE IN\nMOUTH OF THE CREEK AND\nTHEY CAN'T SPAWN THERE.\nIT'S A HUGE ISSUE IN OUR\nTHEY CAN'T SPAWN THERE.\nIT'S A HUGE ISSUE IN OUR\nTHEY CAN'T SPAWN THERE.\nIT'S A HUGE ISSUE IN OUR\nREGION\nTHEY CAN'T SPAWN THERE.\nIT'S A HUGE ISSUE IN OUR\nREGION IN\nTHEY CAN'T SPAWN THERE.\nIT'S A HUGE ISSUE IN OUR\nREGION IN TERMS\nTHEY CAN'T SPAWN THERE.\nIT'S A HUGE ISSUE IN OUR\nREGION IN TERMS OF\nIT'S A HUGE ISSUE IN OUR\nREGION IN TERMS OF\nIT'S A HUGE ISSUE IN OUR\nREGION IN TERMS OF\nTHINKING\nIT'S A HUGE ISSUE IN OUR\nREGION IN TERMS OF\nTHINKING ABOUT\nIT'S A HUGE ISSUE IN OUR\nREGION IN TERMS OF\nTHINKING ABOUT SALMON\nREGION IN TERMS OF\nTHINKING ABOUT SALMON\nREGION IN TERMS OF\nTHINKING ABOUT SALMON\nRECOVERY.\nTHINKING ABOUT SALMON\nRECOVERY.\nTHINKING ABOUT SALMON\nRECOVERY.\nTHOSE\nTHINKING ABOUT SALMON\nRECOVERY.\nTHOSE SALMON\nTHINKING ABOUT SALMON\nRECOVERY.\nTHOSE SALMON ARE\nTHINKING ABOUT SALMON\nRECOVERY.\nTHOSE SALMON ARE GOING\nRECOVERY.\nTHOSE SALMON ARE GOING\nRECOVERY.\nTHOSE SALMON ARE GOING\nTO\nRECOVERY.\nTHOSE SALMON ARE GOING\nTO HAVE\nRECOVERY.\nTHOSE SALMON ARE GOING\nTO HAVE TO\nRECOVERY.\nTHOSE SALMON ARE GOING\nTO HAVE TO COME\nRECOVERY.\nTHOSE SALMON ARE GOING\nTO HAVE TO COME HOME\nRECOVERY.\nTHOSE SALMON ARE GOING\nTO HAVE TO COME HOME TO\nTHOSE SALMON ARE GOING\nTO HAVE TO COME HOME TO\nTHOSE SALMON ARE GOING\nTO HAVE TO COME HOME TO\nA\nTHOSE SALMON ARE GOING\nTO HAVE TO COME HOME TO\nA CLEAN\nTHOSE SALMON ARE GOING\nTO HAVE TO COME HOME TO\nA CLEAN WATER\nTHOSE SALMON ARE GOING\nTO HAVE TO COME HOME TO\nA CLEAN WATER BODY\nTO HAVE TO COME HOME TO\nA CLEAN WATER BODY\nTO HAVE TO COME HOME TO\nA CLEAN WATER BODY\nONE\nTO HAVE TO COME HOME TO\nA CLEAN WATER BODY\nONE DAY.\nA CLEAN WATER BODY\nONE DAY.\nONE DAY.\nTHANKS\nTHANKS TO\nTHANKS TO LITIGATION\nTHANKS TO LITIGATION\nBROUGHT\nTHANKS TO LITIGATION\nBROUGHT ON\nTHANKS TO LITIGATION\nBROUGHT ON BY\nTHANKS TO LITIGATION\nBROUGHT ON BY SPOKANE\nTHANKS TO LITIGATION\nBROUGHT ON BY SPOKANE\nRIVERKEEPER\nTHANKS TO LITIGATION\nBROUGHT ON BY SPOKANE\nRIVERKEEPER --\nTHANKS TO LITIGATION\nBROUGHT ON BY SPOKANE\nRIVERKEEPER -- THEY\nTHANKS TO LITIGATION\nBROUGHT ON BY SPOKANE\nRIVERKEEPER -- THEY WERE\nBROUGHT ON BY SPOKANE\nRIVERKEEPER -- THEY WERE\nBROUGHT ON BY SPOKANE\nRIVERKEEPER -- THEY WERE\nABLE\nBROUGHT ON BY SPOKANE\nRIVERKEEPER -- THEY WERE\nABLE TO\nBROUGHT ON BY SPOKANE\nRIVERKEEPER -- THEY WERE\nABLE TO COME\nBROUGHT ON BY SPOKANE\nRIVERKEEPER -- THEY WERE\nABLE TO COME TO\nBROUGHT ON BY SPOKANE\nRIVERKEEPER -- THEY WERE\nABLE TO COME TO A\nRIVERKEEPER -- THEY WERE\nABLE TO COME TO A\nRIVERKEEPER -- THEY WERE\nABLE TO COME TO A\nSETTLEMENT\nRIVERKEEPER -- THEY WERE\nABLE TO COME TO A\nSETTLEMENT WITH\nRIVERKEEPER -- THEY WERE\nABLE TO COME TO A\nSETTLEMENT WITH THE\nABLE TO COME TO A\nSETTLEMENT WITH THE\nABLE TO COME TO A\nSETTLEMENT WITH THE\nDEPARTMENT\nABLE TO COME TO A\nSETTLEMENT WITH THE\nDEPARTMENT OF\nABLE TO COME TO A\nSETTLEMENT WITH THE\nDEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY\nABLE TO COME TO A\nSETTLEMENT WITH THE\nDEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY TO\nSETTLEMENT WITH THE\nDEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY TO\nSETTLEMENT WITH THE\nDEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY TO\nCREATE\nSETTLEMENT WITH THE\nDEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY TO\nCREATE A\nSETTLEMENT WITH THE\nDEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY TO\nCREATE A 10-YEAR-PLAN\nSETTLEMENT WITH THE\nDEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY TO\nCREATE A 10-YEAR-PLAN TO\nDEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY TO\nCREATE A 10-YEAR-PLAN TO\nDEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY TO\nCREATE A 10-YEAR-PLAN TO\nCLEAN\nDEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY TO\nCREATE A 10-YEAR-PLAN TO\nCLEAN UP\nDEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY TO\nCREATE A 10-YEAR-PLAN TO\nCLEAN UP HANGMAN\nDEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY TO\nCREATE A 10-YEAR-PLAN TO\nCLEAN UP HANGMAN CREEK.\nCREATE A 10-YEAR-PLAN TO\nCLEAN UP HANGMAN CREEK.\nCREATE A 10-YEAR-PLAN TO\nCLEAN UP HANGMAN CREEK.\nTHIS\nCREATE A 10-YEAR-PLAN TO\nCLEAN UP HANGMAN CREEK.\nTHIS PLAN\nCREATE A 10-YEAR-PLAN TO\nCLEAN UP HANGMAN CREEK.\nTHIS PLAN INVOLVES\nCLEAN UP HANGMAN CREEK.\nTHIS PLAN INVOLVES\nCLEAN UP HANGMAN CREEK.\nTHIS PLAN INVOLVES\nTAKING\nCLEAN UP HANGMAN CREEK.\nTHIS PLAN INVOLVES\nTAKING CARE\nCLEAN UP HANGMAN CREEK.\nTHIS PLAN INVOLVES\nTAKING CARE OF\nCLEAN UP HANGMAN CREEK.\nTHIS PLAN INVOLVES\nTAKING CARE OF THE\nTHIS PLAN INVOLVES\nTAKING CARE OF THE\nTHIS PLAN INVOLVES\nTAKING CARE OF THE\nSHORELINE\nTHIS PLAN INVOLVES\nTAKING CARE OF THE\nSHORELINE --\nTHIS PLAN INVOLVES\nTAKING CARE OF THE\nSHORELINE -- WHICH\nTHIS PLAN INVOLVES\nTAKING CARE OF THE\nSHORELINE -- WHICH ACTS\nTAKING CARE OF THE\nSHORELINE -- WHICH ACTS\nTAKING CARE OF THE\nSHORELINE -- WHICH ACTS\nAS\nTAKING CARE OF THE\nSHORELINE -- WHICH ACTS\nAS A\nTAKING CARE OF THE\nSHORELINE -- WHICH ACTS\nAS A NATURAL\nTAKING CARE OF THE\nSHORELINE -- WHICH ACTS\nAS A NATURAL FILTER\nTAKING CARE OF THE\nSHORELINE -- WHICH ACTS\nAS A NATURAL FILTER TO\nSHORELINE -- WHICH ACTS\nAS A NATURAL FILTER TO\nSHORELINE -- WHICH ACTS\nAS A NATURAL FILTER TO\nSEDIMENT\nSHORELINE -- WHICH ACTS\nAS A NATURAL FILTER TO\nSEDIMENT --\nSHORELINE -- WHICH ACTS\nAS A NATURAL FILTER TO\nSEDIMENT -- AND\nAS A NATURAL FILTER TO\nSEDIMENT -- AND\nAS A NATURAL FILTER TO\nSEDIMENT -- AND\nMONITORING\nSEDIMENT -- AND\nMONITORING\nSEDIMENT -- AND\nMONITORING\nCLEAN-UP\nSEDIMENT -- AND\nMONITORING\nCLEAN-UP EFFORTS.\nMONITORING\nCLEAN-UP EFFORTS.\nMONITORING\nCLEAN-UP EFFORTS.\nBUT\nMONITORING\nCLEAN-UP EFFORTS.\nBUT --\nMONITORING\nCLEAN-UP EFFORTS.\nBUT -- IF\nMONITORING\nCLEAN-UP EFFORTS.\nBUT -- IF YOU\nMONITORING\nCLEAN-UP EFFORTS.\nBUT -- IF YOU WOULD\nMONITORING\nCLEAN-UP EFFORTS.\nBUT -- IF YOU WOULD LIKE\nCLEAN-UP EFFORTS.\nBUT -- IF YOU WOULD LIKE\nCLEAN-UP EFFORTS.\nBUT -- IF YOU WOULD LIKE\nTO\nCLEAN-UP EFFORTS.\nBUT -- IF YOU WOULD LIKE\nTO HELP\nCLEAN-UP EFFORTS.\nBUT -- IF YOU WOULD LIKE\nTO HELP THERE\nCLEAN-UP EFFORTS.\nBUT -- IF YOU WOULD LIKE\nTO HELP THERE ARE\nCLEAN-UP EFFORTS.\nBUT -- IF YOU WOULD LIKE\nTO HELP THERE ARE PLENTY\nBUT -- IF YOU WOULD LIKE\nTO HELP THERE ARE PLENTY\nBUT -- IF YOU WOULD LIKE\nTO HELP THERE ARE PLENTY\nOF\nBUT -- IF YOU WOULD LIKE\nTO HELP THERE ARE PLENTY\nOF WAYS\nBUT -- IF YOU WOULD LIKE\nTO HELP THERE ARE PLENTY\nOF WAYS TO\nTO HELP THERE ARE PLENTY\nOF WAYS TO\nTO HELP THERE ARE PLENTY\nOF WAYS TO\nGET\nTO HELP THERE ARE PLENTY\nOF WAYS TO\nGET INVOLVED.\nOF WAYS TO\nGET INVOLVED.\nGET INVOLVED.\nON\nON APRIL\nON APRIL 13TH\nON APRIL 13TH YOU\nON APRIL 13TH YOU CAN\nON APRIL 13TH YOU CAN\nVOLUNTEER\nON APRIL 13TH YOU CAN\nVOLUNTEER TO\nON APRIL 13TH YOU CAN\nVOLUNTEER TO HELP\nON APRIL 13TH YOU CAN\nVOLUNTEER TO HELP PLANT\nON APRIL 13TH YOU CAN\nVOLUNTEER TO HELP PLANT\nTREES\nON APRIL 13TH YOU CAN\nVOLUNTEER TO HELP PLANT\nTREES ON\nON APRIL 13TH YOU CAN\nVOLUNTEER TO HELP PLANT\nTREES ON A\nON APRIL 13TH YOU CAN\nVOLUNTEER TO HELP PLANT\nTREES ON A SECTION\nON APRIL 13TH YOU CAN\nVOLUNTEER TO HELP PLANT\nTREES ON A SECTION NEAR\nVOLUNTEER TO HELP PLANT\nTREES ON A SECTION NEAR\nVOLUNTEER TO HELP PLANT\nTREES ON A SECTION NEAR\nTHE\nVOLUNTEER TO HELP PLANT\nTREES ON A SECTION NEAR\nTHE CREEK.\nTREES ON A SECTION NEAR\nTHE CREEK.\nTREES ON A SECTION NEAR\nTHE CREEK.\nTHAT\nTREES ON A SECTION NEAR\nTHE CREEK.\nTHAT EVENT\nTREES ON A SECTION NEAR\nTHE CREEK.\nTHAT EVENT WILL\nTREES ON A SECTION NEAR\nTHE CREEK.\nTHAT EVENT WILL BE\nTHE CREEK.\nTHAT EVENT WILL BE\nTHE CREEK.\nTHAT EVENT WILL BE\nTAKING\nTHE CREEK.\nTHAT EVENT WILL BE\nTAKING PLACE\nTHE CREEK.\nTHAT EVENT WILL BE\nTAKING PLACE FROM\nTHE CREEK.\nTHAT EVENT WILL BE\nTAKING PLACE FROM 9\nTHE CREEK.\nTHAT EVENT WILL BE\nTAKING PLACE FROM 9 AM\nTHAT EVENT WILL BE\nTAKING PLACE FROM 9 AM\nTHAT EVENT WILL BE\nTAKING PLACE FROM 9 AM\nTO\nTHAT EVENT WILL BE\nTAKING PLACE FROM 9 AM\nTO 3\nTHAT EVENT WILL BE\nTAKING PLACE FROM 9 AM\nTO 3 PM.\nTAKING PLACE FROM 9 AM\nTO 3 PM.\nTAKING PLACE FROM 9 AM\nTO 3 PM.\nYOU\nTAKING PLACE FROM 9 AM\nTO 3 PM.\nYOU WILL\nTAKING PLACE FROM 9 AM\nTO 3 PM.\nYOU WILL NEED\nTAKING PLACE FROM 9 AM\nTO 3 PM.\nYOU WILL NEED TO\nTAKING PLACE FROM 9 AM\nTO 3 PM.\nYOU WILL NEED TO SIGN\nTAKING PLACE FROM 9 AM\nTO 3 PM.\nYOU WILL NEED TO SIGN UP\nTO 3 PM.\nYOU WILL NEED TO SIGN UP\nTO 3 PM.\nYOU WILL NEED TO SIGN UP\nFOR\nTO 3 PM.\nYOU WILL NEED TO SIGN UP\nFOR THAT\nTO 3 PM.\nYOU WILL NEED TO SIGN UP\nFOR THAT AND\nTO 3 PM.\nYOU WILL NEED TO SIGN UP\nFOR THAT AND YOU\nTO 3 PM.\nYOU WILL NEED TO SIGN UP\nFOR THAT AND YOU CAN\nYOU WILL NEED TO SIGN UP\nFOR THAT AND YOU CAN\nYOU WILL NEED TO SIGN UP\nFOR THAT AND YOU CAN\nFIND\nYOU WILL NEED TO SIGN UP\nFOR THAT AND YOU CAN\nFIND THE\nYOU WILL NEED TO SIGN UP\nFOR THAT AND YOU CAN\nFIND THE LINK\nYOU WILL NEED TO SIGN UP\nFOR THAT AND YOU CAN\nFIND THE LINK ON\nYOU WILL NEED TO SIGN UP\nFOR THAT AND YOU CAN\nFIND THE LINK ON KREM\nFOR THAT AND YOU CAN\nFIND THE LINK ON KREM\nFOR THAT AND YOU CAN\nFIND THE LINK ON KREM\nDOT\nFOR THAT AND YOU CAN\nFIND THE LINK ON KREM\nDOT COM.\nFIND THE LINK ON KREM\nDOT COM.\nDOT COM.\nDOT COM.\n\nWHITE\nDOT COM.\n\nWHITE SAYS\nDOT COM.\n\nWHITE SAYS SOME\nWHITE SAYS SOME\nWHITE SAYS SOME\nSOLUTIONS\nWHITE SAYS SOME\nSOLUTIONS TO\nWHITE SAYS SOME\nSOLUTIONS TO THIS\nWHITE SAYS SOME\nSOLUTIONS TO THIS\nPROBLEM\nWHITE SAYS SOME\nSOLUTIONS TO THIS\nPROBLEM ARE\nWHITE SAYS SOME\nSOLUTIONS TO THIS\nPROBLEM ARE AGRICULTURAL\nSOLUTIONS TO THIS\nPROBLEM ARE AGRICULTURAL\nSOLUTIONS TO THIS\nPROBLEM ARE AGRICULTURAL\nAND\nPROBLEM ARE AGRICULTURAL\nAND\nAND\nINVOLVE\nINVOLVE TILLAGE\nINVOLVE TILLAGE\nCONSERVATION\nINVOLVE TILLAGE\nCONSERVATION SO\nINVOLVE TILLAGE\nCONSERVATION SO SOIL\nINVOLVE TILLAGE\nCONSERVATION SO SOIL IS\nINVOLVE TILLAGE\nCONSERVATION SO SOIL IS\nKEPT\nINVOLVE TILLAGE\nCONSERVATION SO SOIL IS\nKEPT WHERE\nINVOLVE TILLAGE\nCONSERVATION SO SOIL IS\nKEPT WHERE IT\nINVOLVE TILLAGE\nCONSERVATION SO SOIL IS\nKEPT WHERE IT SHOULD\nCONSERVATION SO SOIL IS\nKEPT WHERE IT SHOULD\nCONSERVATION SO SOIL IS\nKEPT WHERE IT SHOULD\nBE.\nKEPT WHERE IT SHOULD\nBE.\nKEPT WHERE IT SHOULD\nBE.\nPRESERVING\nKEPT WHERE IT SHOULD\nBE.\nPRESERVING AND\nBE.\nPRESERVING AND\nBE.\nPRESERVING AND\nPROTECTING\nBE.\nPRESERVING AND\nPROTECTING THE\nBE.\nPRESERVING AND\nPROTECTING THE SHORELINE\nPRESERVING AND\nPROTECTING THE SHORELINE\nPRESERVING AND\nPROTECTING THE SHORELINE\nIS\nPRESERVING AND\nPROTECTING THE SHORELINE\nIS ALSO\nPRESERVING AND\nPROTECTING THE SHORELINE\nIS ALSO VERY\nPRESERVING AND\nPROTECTING THE SHORELINE\nIS ALSO VERY IMPORTANT\nPROTECTING THE SHORELINE\nIS ALSO VERY IMPORTANT\nPROTECTING THE SHORELINE\nIS ALSO VERY IMPORTANT\nAND\nPROTECTING THE SHORELINE\nIS ALSO VERY IMPORTANT\nAND SO\nPROTECTING THE SHORELINE\nIS ALSO VERY IMPORTANT\nAND SO IS\nPROTECTING THE SHORELINE\nIS ALSO VERY IMPORTANT\nAND SO IS SUPPORTING\nIS ALSO VERY IMPORTANT\nAND SO IS SUPPORTING\nIS ALSO VERY IMPORTANT\nAND SO IS SUPPORTING\nGROUPS\nIS ALSO VERY IMPORTANT\nAND SO IS 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TO\nKREM DOT\nHANGMAN CREEK JUST HEAD\nOVER TO\nKREM DOT COM.\nOVER TO\nKREM DOT COM.\nKREM DOT COM.\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "- [Reporter] Nylon stockings make me think\nof Melanie Griffith in Working Girl.\nBut they actually have\nan interesting past,\nand it involves the U.S. Army,\ngravy juice, and department store riots.\nUntil the 1930s, women wore\nsilk and nylon stockings,\nbecause having your legs\nuncovered was not acceptable.\nBut then World War II happened.\nThe U.S. military began\nbuying up nylon and silk\nand using it to make\nparachutes and tires and cords.\nSo women donated their\nstockings to the war effort.\nThe official motto for\nwomen during World War II\nwas \"make do and mend.”\nWartime ads told women\nthat they needed to keep up appearances.\nSo, when life gave them\nlemons, women in the '40s,\nthey made liquid stockings.\nIt was a makeup for your legs,\nkind of like self-tanner.\nIt looked like stockings if applied well.\nWomen even drew the seam line\non the back of their calves.\nAnd this was not easy.\nSome salons offered it as a service.\nBut if this foundation wasn't around,\nwomen used gravy juice.\nThat brownish hue mimicked\nthe color of liquid stockings,\nand worked.\nSoon after the end of World War II,\nDuPont, the big name in\nstocking manufacturing,\nsaid they would be producing\nwomen's nylons again.\nAnd in 1946, a store\nin Pittsburgh announced\nthat finally they had them.\nRoughly 40,000 women showed up\nonly to find out 13,000\npairs were available.\nFighting ensued, and 1946 became known\nas the year of the Nylon Riots.\nObviously, DuPont got their act together.\nAnd by the end of that year,\nthe nylon depression ended.\nAnd out went the gravy tights.\nThank goodness.\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "\nKorean: \n삼성 갤럭시 노트 10+ 5G모델이 우리 손에 왔습니다.\n모든 스마트폰을 통틀어서 최고나 다름없죠.\n네, 뭐 가격이 파리행 왕복항공권을 뛰어 넘지만요.\n근데, 제 말은, 이 잘 뽑힌 컬러 좀 보세요.\n제가 항상 말했듯이, 사과는 너무 과대평가죠.\n오늘은 삼성의 최신 플레그쉽 폰이\n얼마나 내구성이 강한지 알아볼겁니다.\n시작해보죠.\n[Intro]\nSubtitled by Pro_Snape\n일단 이번 갤럭시 노트 10은 신기하게도\n삼성에서 3가지 버전으로 내놨습니다.\n일반 노트 10, 노트10+, 그리고 노트10+ 5G 모델이\n그 결과물이죠.\n솔직히 말해서, 우리가 세계에서 몇 개 안되는\n5G City에 살고 있고, 5G모뎀이 창문 앞에 있지 않은 이상,\n40만원을 더 내고 5G 모델을 살 필요는 없어보이네요.\n여느 폰과 다르지 않게, 이 폰도 5G가 상용화 되기 전에\n그 수명을 다할테니까요.\n\nEnglish: \nThe Samsung Galaxy Note 10+ 5G is here and could\nvery well be the pinnacle of all smart phones.\nYeah, it's priced to complete with a used\nHonda Civic, or a round trip flight to Hawaii.\nBut I mean, look at all these colors. Like\nI always say, groceries are overrated. Today\nwe're going to see how durable Samsung's latest\nflagship really is.\nLet's get started.\n[Intro]\nSo Samsung got a a little crazy and dropped\nthree versions of the same phone this time:\nthe Note 10, the Note 10+, and the Note 10+\n5G. There's absolutely no reason whatsoever\nto buy the 5G version, which costs an extra\n$350, unless of course you already live in\none of the very few 5G cities and have a 5G\nnode right outside your window. This phone\nwill definitely live it's very full and complete\nlife span before 5G networks become a thing.\n\nKorean: \n이 알록달록 무지개색 폰이 가진 하나의 차이점은\n바로 이 S펜 입니다.\n실제로 이 폰에서 가장 멋진 기능 중 하나이기도 하고요.\n저도 2.5년 전에 산 S8을 이 펜 하나때문에\n노트로 바꿀까 심히 고민해오고 있었습니다.\n비즈니스적 관점에서 보면, 가끔 펜으로 쓰는 게\n그냥 타이핑 하는 것 보다 더 쉬울 떄가 있습니다.\n그럴 때 이 S펜이 빛을 발하고요.\n펜촉은 교체할 수 있게 만들어졌기에 촉이 닳거나 구부러지면 새로 끼워서 쓰면 됩니다.\n펜촉 분리가 꽤나 쉽기도 하고요.\nS펜은 전체적으로 플라스틱으로 만들어졌고,\n파란색으로 칠한 형태입니다.\n하지만 가장 흥미로운 점은,\n밖이 아니라 안입니다.\n갤럭시 노트10에 장착된 S펜은\n가속도계와 자이로 센서가 내장되어 있습니다.\n그리고 블루투스도 내장되어 있고요.\n즉, 멀리서도 제스쳐와 펜 옆쪽에 달린\n작은 버튼으로 폰을 조종할 수 있습니다\n아래쪽에 필압 펜촉 옆에 있는 이 코일은\n펜을 충전하는데 사용되기도 하고,\nS펜에 전자기장을 만들어서 폰 액정 아래에 있는\n\nEnglish: \nOne thing that differentiates this Powerpuff\nlooking contraption from other phones is the\ninternal built-in stylus, and it's actually\none of the coolest parts of the phone. I've\nbeen tempting myself into upgrading from my\n2 ½ year old Galaxy S8 Plus just for this\nfeature. From a business aspect, sometimes\nit's way easier to communicate with a drawing\nrather than just plain text...which makes\nthis built-in stylus very appealing. The soft\ntips are interchangeable. So if one breaks\nor gets bent or worn down, it's very easy\nto swap them out.\nThe uni-body s-pen is made from blue painted\nplastic. But the most interesting parts are\ninside. The s-pen has internal accelerometers\nand a gyro. Also Bluetooth. All these let\nyou control the phone from a distance with\ngestures and clicking the one little side\nbutton. The coils of wire down here near the\npressure sensitive tip doubles as a way to\ncharge the s-pen and also generates an electromagnetic\nfield of it's own so that the phone, which\n\nKorean: \n전자기장을 인식하여 우리가 지금 화면 어디를\n누르고 있는지, 그리고 뭘 그리는지 감지합니다.\n이 방식은 바닷속에서도 사용할 수 있다는 점이\n가장 큰 특징이자 정점입니다.\n반대쪽 끝에 있는 건 콘덴서입니다.\n이 콘덴서는 6분 충전에 무려 10시간동안\n사용할 수 있는 배터리를 충전할 수 있습니다.\n정말 흥미로운 시스템이네요.\n이제 이 무지개 로드의 뒷면을 봅시다.\n바로 스크린이죠.\n액정 보호필름을 무료 제공하는 건\n언제나 환영이죠.\n갤럭시 노트 10+ 5G는 앞 스크린과\n백글라스 모두 고릴라글라스 6를 사용했습니다.\n까놓고 말해서, 해마다 같은 번호 순서로\n비슷비슷한 폰을 내놓으면서\n혁신이라고 부를 수 있는지 의문이기도 합니다. \n휴대폰 산업의 주력이라고 볼 수도 있죠.\n이런 점에서는 격년에 한 번씩 보증된 신제품을 내놓는 \n엑스박스와 PlayStation™ 가 더욱 좋습니다.\n\nEnglish: \nalso has an electromagnetic field under the\nscreen, can sense where the pen is located\nand exactly what it's drawing. It's a legit\ndistinguishing feature in a sea of phones\nthat kind of all do the same thing.\nAt the opposite end of the s-pen near the\nclicker is a capacitor. It stores about 10\nhours worth of energy with a 6 minute charge\nup while it's inside the phone. It's a very\nimpressive system. I think it's time we take\na look at the other side of Rainbow Road here\n– the screen. [Scratching sounds]\nGotta love it when companies give you free\nscreen protectors. The Galaxy Note 10+ 5G\nis using Gorilla Glass 6 on both the front\nand back of the phone. Have you ever noticed\nthat it's really only the cellphone industry\nthat keeps on plopping a new number on basically\nthe same phone year after year, and then calls\nit revolutionary? Thumbs up to Xbox PlayStation\nand Nintendo for being real and only releasing\nnew products when it's actually warranted\n– every couple years.\n\nEnglish: \nThe Gorilla Glass 6 on this Note 10 5G scratches\nat a level 6, with deeper grooves at a level\n7...just like last year...and the year before.\nI got a cool sapphire video coming up soon\nthough. Don't you worry.\nThe front facing cheerio camera is a 10 megapixel\nlittle guy and sits under the same pane of\nglass as the screen. Interestingly enough\nthough, there doesn't seem to be an earpiece\ngap up at the top. There might be a tiny little\ngap between the glass and the edge of the\nphone, but Samsung could also be using the\nunder display speaker tech that we saw inside\nof the LG G8. We'll have to take a look at\nthat from the inside to be sure though. Make\nsure you're subscribed for the upcoming teardown\nvideo. This no speaker grill aesthetic is\npretty sleek looking. [Scratching sounds]\nThe sides of this phone are made from aluminum.\nSamsung slipped up and said 'stainless steel'\nin one of their own promotional videos. But\nit's since been corrected to 'aluminum' like\n\nKorean: \n노트10+ 5G에 장착된 고릴라 글라스6는\n[모스 굳기계]를 기준으로,\n경도 6에서 스크레치가 발생하고,\n경도 7에서 깊게 파이는 걸 볼 수 있습니다.\n저번 년도에도, 저저번 년도에도\n항상 그래왔듯이요.\n조만간 사파이어 경도를 볼 수 있는\n영상이 업로드되니, 걱정 마세요.\n정면에 도넛같이 생긴 이 카메라는 \n1000만 화소 카메라이고, 스크린 액정과\n같은 유리 아래에 위치해 있습니다.\n흥미롭게도, 위쪽에 통화용 스피커 홀이\n보이지 않습니다.\n물론 상단 유리와 몸체 사이에 약간의\n간격이 있긴 하지만,\n사실 삼성이 노트 10에서는 우리가 LG G8에서 봤던\n화면 내장 스피커 기술을 사용했습니다.\n정확히 알기 위해서 분해를 해보긴 할겁니다.\n제 채널을 구독하시고 이 영상 뒤에 업로드 되는\n분해 영상도 놓치지 마세요.\n통화 스피커가 없는 디자인은 꽤나 매끄러워 보이네요.\n폰의 옆면은 알루미늄으로 제작되었습니다.\n물론 삼성이 \"스테인리스 금속\" 이라고 광고했지만,\n그 이후로 다른 플레그쉽 스마트폰과 같이 \n\"알루미늄\"으로 고쳐졌죠.\n폰의 윗면은 많은 게 자리하고 있습니다.\n\nKorean: \n투명한 보호 필름이 SIM카드 트레이까지 \n포함하여 붙여져 있고,\nSIM카드 트레이 옆에 있는 이 작은 구멍은\n상단 스테레오 스피커입니다.\nSIM카드 트레이에는 무려 1테라바이트의\n외부 마이크로SD카드를 넣을 수 있는 슬롯이 있습니다.\n휴대폰이 '신상'이라는 위치에서 벗어날 때 까지도\n남을 용량이죠.\n하지만 여분의 저장 장치를 넣는 건 좋은겁니다.\n폰이 오래될 수록 파일을 지우기 보다는 채워넣는 게 더 좋기 때문이죠.\nSIM카드 트레이 접합부에는 고무링이\n두르고 있습니다.\nIP68등급의 방수 방진을 지원하기 때문이죠.\n좌측에는 똑같이 알루미늄으로 제작된\n볼륨 버튼이 전원 버튼과 함께 자리합니다.\n드디어 빅스비 버튼을 실수로 누르지 않게 되었군요.\n전원 버튼을 매우 길게 누르고 있지 않는다면 말이죠;\n이 폰의 컬러는 진지모드로 \"미쳤습니다\".\n폰을 볼 때, 어떤 사업가가 자기 주머니에\n넣고 다닐만한 폰이라고 보이기 보다는,\n'주먹왕 랄프'의 한 캐릭터가\n쓸 것 같은 느낌을 받았어요.\n하지만 전 아직 별로 기분이 좋지 않네요.\n하단 역시 금속으로 제작되어 있고,\n3.5파이 이어폰 단자가 없네요.\n(기분이 좋지 않은 이유)\n개인적으로 이어폰 단자 제거는 좋지 않은\n방향이라고 생각하거든요.\n\nEnglish: \nthe rest of their flagships. Up here at the\ntop of the phone we have a lot going on. There\nis a layer of clear protective plastic along\nwith the SIM card tray. The little hole next\nto the SIM card tray is for the top stereo\nspeaker. With an expandable memory SD card\nslot, you can add up to one terabyte of storage,\nwhich you might not need while the phone is\nbrand new, of course, but it's always nice\nto add more storage as your phone gets older\nand fills up instead of having to go delete\nthings. It also has a rubber liner around\nthe base to satisfy the ip68 water resistance\nrating.\nThe left side of the phone has a metal volume\nrocker, along with a single power button.\nFinally Bixby has left the building. Except\nfor if you hold the power button down for\na fraction of a second too long, he comes\nright back.\nThe coloring of this phone is seriously crazy.\nI feel like it belongs in Wreck-it Ralph with\nthe sugar rush racers, instead of a business\nman's pocket. I'm still totally down though.\nThe bottom of the phone is also made from\nmetal. No headphone jack anywhere to be found.\n\nEnglish: \nPersonally I think it's a bad move. I did\na poll on Twitter last month where 60% of\nyou said you've used a headphone jack in the\npast week. And 60% of people on MKBHD's similar\nTwitter poll said a headphone jack would be\na nice bonus, or even a need. Personally,\nI'm all wireless at this point because exercising\nwith corded headphones is super annoying.\nBut watching YouTube or Netflix with a tiny\nBluetooth lag is also slightly annoying. So\nI am sad that Jack is gone on the Note 10.\nAt least the s-pen won't get permanently stuck\nthough in the hole if you put it in backwards.\nThat was an actual problem with the old Note\n5.\nThe USB-C port on the Note 10 is rather awesome.\nIt is fully capable of super fast charging\nthe phone with 45 watts of power. I know that\ndoesn't make a whole lot of sense with just\nthe number. So let me draw out a comparison.\nThe Note 10 can take in a full 45 watts of\npower to super fast charge the battery. You\ndo got to pay a little extra for that 45 watt\ncharger though, as Samsung only includes a\n25 watt charger in the box. 25 watts is still\n\nKorean: \n저번 달에 제가 트위터에 게시했던 투표에서도\n아직 60%이상의 사용자가\n아직 이어폰 단자를 사용하고 있다는 결과를\n보여줬기도 하고,\n그리고 MKBHD의 투표에서도 역시 60% 정도의사람들이\n\"이어폰 단자는 보너스, 심지어는 필수이다\"\n에 답했기도 하고요.\n뭐, 전 지금 운동을 하고있기에 유선 이어폰은\n너무 걸리적거려서 모두 무선을 쓰고있지만..\n하지만 유튜브, 넷플릭스 등을 구지 블루투스로 보면서\n툭툭 끊기는 것도 좀 짜증납니다.\n이어폰 단자가 노트 10에서 사라진 건 슬프네요.\n뭐, 그래도 S펜을 거꾸로 끼웠을 때 일어났던\n끼임 현상은 방지해줬군요.\n노트 시리즈에서 노트5가 가지고 있는 \n고질적인 문제점이었죠.\n하단에 있는 USB-C포트는 정말 더 멋집니다.\n무려 45와트 초고속 충전을 지원하기 떄문이죠.\n'45와트'라는 숫자로 감이 오지 않으실 것 같네요.\n그림을 그려서 차이점을 설명드리겠습니다.\n노트10은 45와트 고속 배터리 충전을 지원합니다.\n삼성이 25와트 충전기를 번들로 제공하기 떄문에, \n45와트 충전기 살 돈을 조금 더 써야 하지만요.\n\nEnglish: \namazing though when you compare it to the\ncompetition.\nFor example Apple's newest phone, the iPhone\n10s, can only fast charge with 15 watts of\npower. Yet Apple only includes a 5 watt charger\nin the box. That's right. The 9 watt reverse\nwireless charging capability on the Galaxy\nNote 10 is a faster charger than the wall\nplug Apple includes in the box with their\nnew iPhones. Ouch. Remember, Apple makes the\njokes, I just read the spec sheet.\nTaking a quick look at the rear cameras, the\nNote 10 has the absolute optimal setup on\nthe back with the 16 megapixel ultra wide\nlens up top, and a normal 12 megapixel lens\nin the center. And a 12 megapixel telephoto\nzoom lens on the bottom. The perfect perspective\ntrifecta. The Note 10+ also has an additional\ndepth sensor off to the side, which combined\nwith the bigger screen and bigger battery,\nmakes the 10+ a better purchase than the smaller\nNote 10. Still stay away from the 5G version\nthough.\nThere is an under screen ultrasonic fingerprint\nscanner on the Note 10. It's the same cool\n\nKorean: \n물론 25와트도 타 플래그쉽 폰과 비교해보면\n아직까지 멋진 기술입니다.\n예를 들어, 애플에 최신 플레그쉽 폰인 \"아이폰 XS\"는\n15와트 충전까지 밖에 지원하지 않습니다.\n심지어 번들로 제공되는 충전기는 5와트이고요.\n맞습니다. 노트10에 내장되어 있는\n'9와트 무선 배터리 공유기능'이\n벽에 번들 충전기 꼽고 신형 애플 폰을 충전하는 것 보다 빠릅니다.\n어이쿠, 오해하지 마세요. 애플이 이 농담을\n만들어 냈습니다. 전 그냥 스팩을 읽었을 뿐 이에요.\n이제 후면 카메라를 빠르게 살펴보자면,\n노트 10은 뒷면에\n1600만 화소의 초광각 카메라와,\n1200만 화소의 광각카메라,\n그리고 1200만 화소의 망원 카메라가\n하단에 자리하고 있습니다.\n원근 표현이 장난 아니겠네요.\n노트10+는 이에 더해서 카메라 우측에\n심도센서를 가지고 있습니다.\n노트 10+가 더 큰 스크린, 더 오래가는 배터리를 가지고 있기도 하고요. 노트10과 비교되네요.\n뭐, 5G 모델은 피하시고요.\n\nKorean: \n노트10에는 우리가 S10에서 봤던\n'화면 내장 초음파 지문인식' 기술을 지원합니다.\n인식 속도가 빠르고, 부품이 차지하는 공간도\n그리 크지 않습니다.\n하지만, 정말 중요한 건, 초음파 지문인식이\n 경도7에서 입은 깊은 스크래치에서도\n정상적으로 작동한다는 겁니다.\n정말 놀랍네요.\n스크래치가 나와서 말인데, 제가 2.5년 전에\n시작한 한 실험을 기억하시나요?\n노트 10의 양면은 모두 유리로 만들어져 있고,\n유리는 스크래치가 납니다.\n지금도 보면 뒷 유리를 경도 7로 긁으면\n깊은 스크래치가 나죠.\n경도 6으로 긁은 얇은 스크래치도, 아이들이\n폰을 사용할 경우에는 자주 발생합니다.\n우리 주변에는 스크래치를 낼 수 있는 것들이\n정말 많이 있습니다.\n예를 들어, 이건 제 2.5년차 메인 폰인데,\n일부러 액정 보호필름을 부착하지 않았습니다.\n\"만약 일상적으로 사용하고, 주머니에 넣었다가 뻈다가 하면 어떻게 될까?\" 하는 마음에서요.\n유리는 스크래치로부터 보호되어 있다고\n볼 수도 있습니다.\n하지만 경도 6이상의 물질에는 통하지 않죠.\n이걸 방지하기 위해서는, 두 가지 선택지가 있습니다.\n\nEnglish: \ntech we saw inside of the Galaxy S10. Super\nquick and doesn't take up much room inside\nthe phone. But more importantly, the ultrasonic\nfingerprint scanner still functions even after\nthe screen suffers heavy damage with level\n7 deeper groves. Very impressive.\nSpeaking of scratches, do you want to see\nan experiment I started 2 ½ years ago? Both\nsides of the Note 10 are made from glass,\nand as we know, glass can scratch. Here are\nsome level 7 deeper grooves on the back next\nto the Samsung logo. And here are even some\nlevel 6 scratches, both of which show up extremely\nwell on this child's kaleidoscope of a phone.\nThere are plenty of things in everyday life\nthat can scratch glass. For example this is\nmy 2 ½ year old daily driver that I purposefully\nnever put a screen protector on just to see\nhow it would react and turn out with normal\nevery day use, sliding in and out of my pocket.\nGlass might be scratch resistant, but it's\nstill no match for anything above a level\n6 on Mohs scale of hardness. You really only\nhave two options. You can either cover up\n\nEnglish: \nscratches that are already made, or prevent\nscratches with some kind of protection.\nThanks to dbrand for sponsoring this video.\nDbrand has protective skins that you can combine\ntogether however you want. It changes how\nyour phone looks, along with adding aesthetic\nprotection. You can see what your phone would\nlook like with the link in the description.\nA new skin for your phone is way cheaper than\nbuying a new phone...just saying. I'm digging\nthis copper metal skin. I'll peel it off though\nso we can taste the rainbow and finish off\nthe durability test. Have you ever roasted\nskittles over a campfire? Neither have I,\nbut I couldn't figure out any other way to\nsegue into the burn test.\nThe Note 10+ has a large 6.8 inch 1440p display\nand lasted about 20 seconds before I thought\nit was permanently damaged. But after removing\nthe heat from the dynamic AMOLED screen, the\nwhite marks quickly faded, leaving a pristine\nscreen behind, minus the evaporated oleophobic\n\nKorean: \n만들어진 스크래치를 안보이게 하거나, \n보호장치 같은 것을 통해 스크래치로 부터 보호하거나.\n[Dbrand 광고 스폰서]\n이 비디오에 투자해준 Dbrand에게 감사인사를 보냅니다.\n[Dbrand 광고 스폰서]\nDbrand는 원하는 스타일의 보호 스킨을 자신이 골라\n각 부분마다 커스터마이즈 할 수 있습니다.\n[Dbrand 광고 스폰서]\n이 보호스킨을 장착 함으로써,\n폰의 디자인을 확연하게 바꿔줍니다.\n보호 스킨을 본인의 기종에 부착한 사진을\n보고싶다면, 설명란에 있는 링크로 이동하세요.\n[Dbrand 광고 스폰서]\n새 폰 사는 것 보다 새 디자인을 주는\n보호 스킨을 사는 게 더 싸게 먹히잖아요... 그쵸?\n[Dbrand 광고 스폰서]\n전 이 구리금속 디자인의 스킨이 마음에 드네요.\n하지만 우리가 무지개 색을 보고 내구성 테스트를\n완료하려면, 때어내야겠죠.\n캠프파이어에 Skittles 사탕을 구워먹어본 적 있나요?\n저도 없어요 ㅋㅋ\n하지만 가열 테스트를 빼놓을 수는 없겠죠.\n노트 10+는 6.8인치 1440p 해상도의 큰 화면을 가집니다.\n20초간 라이터의 화력을 버티고 자국이 났습니다.\n하지만 이 AMOLED 스크린에서 가열을 멈추고,\n흰 자국이 매우 빨리 화면에서 사라지고 \n꺠끗한 화면만 남았습니다.\n\nKorean: \n지문 방지 코팅이 증발한 건 조금 아쉽네요.\n이외의 다른 손상은 없습니다.\n내구성 테스트에서 구부림 테스트가 빠질 수 없죠.\n안에 배터리가 들어가 있는 만큼, \n폰의 물리구조적 무결성은 중요합니다.\n이제 노트 10+가 저의 힘을 견딜 수 있는지 볼 겁니다.\n뒷면에서 구부리면, 폰이 크기가 큼에도 불구하고,\n약간의 구부러짐도 없습니다.\n이제 돌려서 앞면에서 구부려 봤지만, 같은 결과입니다.\n손상 없고, 금도 안가고, 프레임 결함도 없습니다.\n그냥 삼성에서 나온 단단하고 알록달록한\n플래그쉽 폰입니다. 방금 내구성 테스트를 통과했고요.\n꽤나 성공적인 폰이라고 생각되네요.\n네, 가격은 무섭지만, 그래도 역시 좋은 폰입니다.\n만약 3.5파이 이어폰 단자가 있었다면,\n전 바로 노트10으로 바꿨을 겁니다.\n하지만 아직 제가 쓰는 갤럭시 S8이 잘 작동하기에,\n솔직히 고민되네요. 바꿀 수도, 아닐 수도..\n또는 여러분들이 선택해주실 수도 있죠.\n제 트위터에 글을 남겨놓겠습니다.\n제 내구성 테스트에서 통고했으니,\n이제 분해해 봐야겠죠.\n구독하시면 다음 분해 영상을 보실 수 있습니다.\n인스타그램이나 트위터에 오셔서 저랑\n어울리는 것도 잊지 마시고요.\nDbrand 페이지에 가셔서 스킨 시착 사진 보는 것도\n잊지 마시고요.\n\nEnglish: \ncoating of course. There is no other damage.\nNo durability test is complete without a bend\ntest. The physical structural integrity of\na phone is just as important as the power\ninside. It's time to see if the Note 10 is\nas durable as it is cute. Bending from the\nback we get basically no flex, which is rather\nshocking considering how large the phone is.\nI'll flip it around to the front and we get\nbasically the same result. No damage, no cracks,\nand no kinks in the frame. Just a super solid\ncolorful flagship phone from Samsung that\nsurvives my durability test. I think it's\na winner. Expensive, yes, but still a good\nphone.\nIf it had a headphone jack, I'd probably end\nup switching right away. But as of right now,\nmy Galaxy S8 is still working good enough,\nso I don't know. Maybe I'll upgrade. And maybe\nI'll let you guys decide for me over on Twitter.\nI'm not quite sure yet.\nWe should definitely take it apart first,\nso hit that subscribe button if you haven't\nalready. Come hang out with me on Instagram\nand Twitter. And don't forget to see what\nyour phone looks like skinned with the dbrand\nlink in the description. Thanks a ton for\n\nKorean: \n영상 시청에 감사드리고, 다음 영상에서 뵙겠습니다.\n\nEnglish: \nwatching. I'll see you around.\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "[MUSIC PLAYING]\n[APPLAUSE]\nMALE SPEAKER: So we'll\nget right into it.\nBob spent decades at Walt Disney\nImagineering back in the day\nwhen it was WED.\nSo we're going to go through his\ntime there, working with Walt,\nbuilding Disneyland, and some\nof the most infamous rides.\nSo we'll get right into it, Bob.\nBOB GURR: Infamous?\nNo, they were classic.\n[LAUGH]\nMALE SPEAKER: So\nthey were classy.\nClassy rides.\nAnd so we'll get right into it.\nSo Bob, you went to\nschool at the Art Center\nCollege of Design in LA.\nAnd you ended up going to\nGeneral Motors and to Ford.\nAnd so what kind of\ngot you into Disney?\nBOB GURR: General Motors\nscholarship, hired by Ford.\nSpeak about burning bridges.\n[LAUGH]\nMALE SPEAKER: So what was\nthe transition from there\ninto-- so how did\nWalt find you, how\ndid you get into Imagineering?\nBOB GURR: Very simple.\nI was at the Art Center\nCollege, the one over there.\nAnd there was a guy who was a\njob placement officer who had\nplaced me at Ford years ago.\nHappened to ask, do\nyou do outside work?\nI didn't, but I said yes.\nThat's the first clue\nyou want to do in life.\nNext day-- that was only the\n22nd meeting, by the way.\nNext day, I got a call.\nGo to the Disney studio\nand meet Mr. Irvine there\nin about 20 minutes.\nBoy, I had seen an article\nin the \"Los Angeles Times\"\nsome weeks before of a\nthing called Disney Land.\nAnd I thought, wow.\nThat would be a fabulous\nplace to go some day.\nThen I was also friends\nwith Ub Iwerks, who\nwas the man who started\nthe company with Walt.\nAnd he shows movies of what's\ngoing on in the back lot.\nAnd there was a little\nchassis of a car.\nNo body.\nAnd I thought, you\ndon't suppose they\nneed a body on a little car,\nand I'm a body designer?\nThat was a good guess.\nAnd I went to work, and 27\nyears later when they fired me,\nI got all those jobs done.\n[LAUGHTER]\nYeah, that's 45 seconds of life.\nMALE SPEAKER: There we go.\nAnd we're done.\nThere we go.\n[LAUGH]\nSo that's incredible.\nSo when you heard about\nthat Disneyland was coming\nand you were getting\ninvolved, did it just\nseem like a crazy idea?\nBecause it really\nhadn't been done before.\nBOB GURR: No.\nYou've got to realize, there was\nno such thing as Theme Park 101\nin college.\nEverything that\neverybody was going to do\nhad never been done before.\nSo it didn't matter what\nyou were educated at,\nyou weren't going to use\nyour education anyway.\nWalt was always\ngoing to give out\nrequests to do this and do\nthis and figure things out.\nAnd he'd never done it\neither, of course, you know.\nBut he had done\nanimation in films.\nBut now he wanted to do\na brick and mortar park,\nand it was quite radical.\nSo basically, he figured\nout what kind of people\nmight be able to do the\nthings he wanted done.\nAnd he was very typical, when\nhe would ask you to do something\nand it was something you'd\nnever done before-- like,\nwe had animators who\nhad never sculpted,\nand then Walt said, well, I\nthink you'd be a good sculptor.\nWhy don't you just start?\nThat's how he\nwould treat people.\nAnd of course in my case, since\nI was trained in body design,\njust let's say the surface\ndevelopment part of a car,\nWalt assumed that if\nI did auto styling,\nI did mechanical engineering.\n[LAUGH]\nI just shut up and\njust kept working.\nAnd it turned out, I have no\nmechanical engineering training\nwhatsoever, but I got the best\nmechanical engineering training\nby actually doing the job\nthat I wasn't qualified for.\nNow stop and think of that.\n[LAUGH]\nNo, really.\nIf you were to go to a\nschool, you have a curriculum,\nyou come out of it--\nfour years, you'll\ncome out the other end like\nyour trained in a deep trough,\nand you can't get\nout, but you know\nhow to do what they\ntaught you to do.\nYour mind-- there's\nno more flexibility.\nBut under Walt Disney and with\npeople that he would gather,\npeople were free to\nthink in all directions\nin any combination, any time,\nto try to figure stuff out.\nThat seemed to be the giant\nclue around Walt Disney\nthat you just don't\nsee in a lot of people.\nMALE SPEAKER: Right.\nAnd so what was it like\nto work with him when\nyou first initially met him?\nBecause obviously, he was really\nfamous, really well known.\nSo what kind of man was\nhe like to work with?\nBOB GURR: On one hand,\nhe was very serious.\nAnd on the other hand, when he\nwas excited about something,\nthat little eyebrow\nwould just shoot up.\nAnd he had that little\ntwinkle in his eye like,\noh, I'm going to have\nsomething nobody's got.\nWait till I show the\nworld this thing.\nSo kind of a pixie-like thing.\nBut day in, day out\nI would say he's kind\nof slightly serious, slightly\nagitated a little bit.\nAnd I think the\nsource of that was,\nlike, you run across a lot\nof people that are like that,\nthey are thinking the whole time\nof what they're going to do.\nAnd it's such a consuming thing,\nalmost like 24 hours a day.\nI think at night, some of\nus-- we think all night long\nand we wake up and\ngo, oh, I got it.\nI got it.\nWrite it down real quick.\nThen I got to go to work in the\nmorning and hope I remember it.\nHis mind worked like that.\nAnd a lot of people-- he\ncollected work just like that.\nIt wasn't an eight\nhour type of day.\nWalt also had another\ncharacteristic\nthat was kind of fascinating\nand very natural,\nand I've seen other executives\nin later years do this.\nInstead of having a\nclassical management\nmatrix where you have an officer\nat the top of the company,\nyou have workers down at the\nlower part of the company,\nthe information goes down,\ninformation turns around,\ncomes back, and it goes through\nfilters going both directions,\nso you don't get\nthe true answer.\nWalt would walk\nout of his office\nand walk around that whole\nback lot at the studio,\nsee what's going on\nwith his own eyes.\nStop and think.\nYou won't be more than about\nthree days out of whack\nbefore he'll notice you need\nto do something a little bit\ndifferent.\nThe time saving is fabulous,\nbut here's the other thing.\nLet's say you're\nworking on something\nand you thought you\nunderstood what you wanted,\nand then he sees it, and\nit's not what he wanted.\nHow many times you run\nacross a manager who says,\nyou do that dumb thing one more\ntime, I'm going to fire you.\nI warned you.\nWell, guess what?\nYou are not going to contribute\nanother idea to that guy.\nYou guys are different\nup here, aren't you?\nMALE SPEAKER: Yeah,\nwe don't get fired.\nBOB GURR: Yeah, right.\nMALE SPEAKER: We just\nget moved around.\nBOB GURR: Yeah, yeah.\n[LAUGHTER]\nYeah, I notice you can\nmove people pretty far\naway from where I used to live.\n[LAUGHTER]\nYeah, yeah.\nYeah Yeah, they still get\nthe bicycle [INAUDIBLE].\n[LAUGHTER]\nOh, yeah.\nBut the way he would do it\nis, let's say you're not\ndoing quite as expected.\nHe wouldn't chew you out.\nHe'd actually look at something\nand he'd say, say, Bobby.\nDid you ever think of-- oh, I\ndidn't think of that one, Walt.\nNow you are-- you\ncan't wait to share\nyour new idea of his\nnew idea that just\nhappened 20 seconds before.\nNow you've got this\nrapport that's going on,\nand you have a free exchange.\nYou understand?\nThat's how that kind\nof a loop works.\nThat to him was natural, and\npeople that would work there,\nit didn't take very\nlong before that\nwas their natural, daily MO.\nNow I've also got to\nremember, to a lot of people,\nlet's say even as\nlate as one 1954\nwhen I started with the\ncompany, a guy like Walt\nwould seem like a god.\nIn other words, I'm a\nseriously-- a really famous,\nfamous person.\nI would see times there'd be\nexecutives at other companies.\nThey'd get too close to Walt and\ntheir lower lip would quiver.\nThey didn't quite know how\nto talk because they're\nin the presence of Walt Disney.\nThe god, you know?\nWalt did everything possible\nto make himself approachable.\nHe'd unloosen his tie and make\nhimself look kind of ratty\nso as he could have\na conversation.\nAnd he would always\npoint out to people,\nhe says, well, you know,\nto get this stuff done,\nI have to talk to\npeople, you know?\nAnd so the rhythm in\nthe company always\ndeveloped all over a while.\nTook a couple of\nweeks to get used\nto the fact that, oh, my God.\nHere comes Walt. Now it's a\ncase of, hiya, Walt. It's just\nas simple as that.\nBecause now you have to have--\neverybody's on that same level.\nNow you can have a critique,\nand the design is good\nor the design is bad,\nor needs some work.\nNow if the design was good,\nwhat you're doing is good,\nWalt would simply walk in.\nHe'd just look around.\nSometimes he\nwouldn't say a word.\nHe'd just walk around.\nHe'd look at your drafting\nboard or maybe say something,\nand he'd walk out.\nAbout five minutes later,\nthe guy down the hall\nwould come and run into the\nroom and says, what is it\nyou're doing?\nWalt just came in\nand said, you gotta\ngo see what Gurr's\ndoing down there.\nThat's your attaboy.\nNow see, he never gave a\npersonal attaboy to anybody.\nYou just don't do that.\nBut he couldn't wait\nto go tell somebody\nelse how good your stuff was.\nSo this was a very strange\nkind of way to do that.\nHe had another characteristic\nwhen he was coming down\nthe hallway to go to your room.\nYou see that little cough?\nHe had a little double cough.\nAnd this was like you had\nthe 10 second warning.\nYou know, clean up your\nact real quick there.\nYour door's always open.\nYou never leave a\nclosed door there,\nbecause he will show up at\nany time without warning\nand in any building.\nIn particular, the shops.\nHe loved to run around in\nthe shops all the time.\nSo that's the general\nset and setting.\nThat's a long way to\nanswer, what was Walt\nlike to work with?\nA lot of people today\nwill say, well, no.\nThat was 50 years ago.\nPeople don't work like that.\nWell, some years ago when\nI had my own company later,\nI worked for Steven Spielberg.\nAnd he was running, like, $200\nmillion worth of film product,\nand he had, like, 46 employees.\nHe had a cute little set of\nbuildings out in Universal next\nto a river.\nHe did exactly the same thing.\nHe talked the people\ndoing the work,\nand he didn't have any\nlayers of management.\nAnother guy, Steve\nWynn in Las Vegas.\nYou know, he was like\nthe mogul of Las Vegas.\nHe talked directly to\npeople, and he wouldn't even\ngo through a\nsecretary if he wanted\nto phone-- if he had a question,\nhe'd just phone you up.\nAnd remember, that's the guy\nthat's running the Mirage.\nHe was running\nlater the Bellagio,\nand now he's got two\nmore Wynn hotels.\nSpielberg and Wynn\nand Walt, they're\nvery similar kind of\nguys to work with.\nThey understood this thing,\nthat tight communication,\nnot being driven by\nmethodologies or procedures\nor protocols.\nThat's the big lesson.\nNow when I walk around\nthis place here,\nI'm still just like\ngoing, I'm in Google.\nI'm in Google.\nYou know, it's like\neverything I see here\nis like, I was born\n60 years too late.\nNow I can't be here, you, know?\n[LAUGHTER]\nMALE SPEAKER: But you built\nDisneyland, I'm pretty sure.\nBOB GURR: Yeah, I\nbuilt Disneyland.\nOK.\nMALE SPEAKER: You win.\nBOB GURR: No, but\nthis is-- this is\nso much like the early days\nof what was then called\nWED Enterprise,\nWalter Elias Disney.\nIt's almost eerie.\nAnd I look around and I\nsee bright looking faces,\nand it's like, it's is a\nstarting IQ of 180 here.\nWhat is it?\nMALE SPEAKER: That's not mine.\n[LAUGHTER]\nI don't know why.\nBOB GURR: No, but there's--\nwhen you go to places,\nyou can see the enthusiasm\non people's faces.\nI was-- two weeks\nago I was at SpaceX.\nI got to see them build\nrockets down there.\nI met Elon Musk.\nI'm being chauffeured today on\na Tesla S. I think it's a D85.\nIs that a D85?\nOoh.\nHe's going to give me the full\npedal this weekend, I think.\n[LAUGH]\nNo, but there are companies\nthat remind me so much\nof Walt's time a long time ago.\nAnd if you understand what\nthat spark is up here-- I'm\nguessing you have some\nmanagement that, you know,\nwhat?\n17 years, started with a\ncouple of geeks, and look.\nYou've got 17,000\ngeeks up here now.\n[LAUGHTER]\nAnd it looks like\nyou're having fun,\nbut you're productive\nat the same time.\nWell, that's the way we used\nto do it so long ago to get\nDisneyland built that fast.\nOK.\nYou got another question?\nMALE SPEAKER: I got a few more.\n[LAUGHTER]\nYeah.\nNo, I mean, you've\nreally-- I mean,\nyou've designed some of\nthe most incredible rides.\nI mean, you did Autopia.\nThat was your first\nproject, right?\nBOB GURR: Autopia car, yes.\nMALE SPEAKER: Right.\nAnd so what was kind of that\nprocess in designing that?\nWas that just\nsimply, well, you're\njust going to design cars?\nLike, what was the idea?\nHow big to make them, and how--\nyou know, how to make them run?\nBOB GURR: Did you just\nhear what you just said?\nMALE SPEAKER: I don't know.\nBOB GURR: Process.\nMALE SPEAKER: Process.\nBOB GURR: (ACCENTED)\nWe don't use processes.\n[LAUGH]\nWe just do it.\nMALE SPEAKER: Just do it.\nBOB GURR: Yeah.\nThat's a bad word.\nEverybody has to be processed.\nThen I stare at people.\nI say, process.\n[LAUGH]\nThat's the bad word.\nThat's like being in a rut.\nSmart people, given a\nquestion and you've never\ndone it before, you don't\nget there with a process.\nYou get there by clear\nthinking, off the wall thinking.\nYou know, French cats bouncing\noff a wall type of thinking.\nAnd you do that with everybody\naround you, and guess what?\nThe configuration's\ngoing to work.\nGradually becomes\nvery, very visible.\nAnd it's never\ndone by a process.\nOrdinary companies\nare process companies.\nSo don't use that\nword on me again.\nMALE SPEAKER: OK.\nBOB GURR: All right.\n[LAUGHTER]\nMALE SPEAKER: So no process.\nSo there was no process involved\nwith creating the animatronics.\nBut you did get\ninvolved with that,\nso I want to talk about that.\nBecause that's some\nincredible work\nthat you've done, with\nDisney and with Universal.\nBOB GURR: Well, the audio\nanimatronics-- remember, I\nwas known as a car guy\nbecause I fiddled around\nwith cars in high school.\nI rebuilt my own engines\nand stuff like that.\nSo I had a working\nknowledge of cars, anyway.\nAnd after a number\nof years, we were\ndoing work for the\nNew York World's Fair\nin which I was in charge\nof designing the Ford Magic\nSkyway, which is a great big\nassembly line of cars being\nmoved by wheels with passengers,\nusing regular passenger cars.\nIt was about a three year\njob to engineer that thing.\nAnd I was working on two\nof the other attractions.\nAnd at the last minute, about\nfor five months before the park\nwas-- or the show, the fair\nwas going to open, Walt says,\nBobby, I want you to\ndesign Abraham Lincoln,\nthe body of it.\nWe've got one here.\nWe've been working\non it for a year.\nDoesn't work.\nThe head works, the hands\nwork, but the body won't work.\nAnd I thought, I\ndon't know anything\nabout human physiology.\n[LAUGH]\nAnd Lincoln doesn't have\nany wheels, you know?\nBut guess what?\nIn maybe a minute I looked\nat that Lincoln that was not\nworking, and I saw it\nas an aircraft fuselage\nmade out of thin\nwalled steel tube\nwith little pneumatic\ncylinders, a few hydraulics\ncylinders, little Fafnir\naircraft bearings.\nI did not see it as a\nhuman, and I did not\nsee it in the way\nthe machine had\nbeen evolved in a design\nin the machine shop.\nThat's an example when I'm\ntalking about free thinking\nthat had I not been\na free thinker,\nI would have not\nhad the direction\nto go within about two\nminutes from the time Walt\nasked me to do that.\nI was in a glider club.\nI just happened to have\na steel tube fuselage\naircraft that was restoring.\nAnd I immediately saw,\nthat's the way to do it.\nHow many people have ever\nbeen to the Walt Disney Family\nMuseum up here?\nWell, OK.\nDid you see downstairs,\nthere's an exhibit\nwith Abraham Lincoln?\nNobody remembers seeing that.\nOh, you did.\nOK.\nIn that little window,\nthere's a steel tube frame.\nThat's the original upper\nbody of Abraham Lincoln.\nWas the first one to be shown\nat the New York World's Fair.\nThat was the high\npoint of Walt's pride\nin doing auto animatronics, and\nhe asked a car guy to do it.\n[LAUGHTER]\nNow see, the education\nstill wouldn't have helped.\nYeah.\nBecause we were\nall free thinkers.\nAnyway, I owned that thing.\nI loaned it to him\nup there, so it's\nkind of like a permanent loan.\nSo if you haven't been\nthere, if you really\nwant to see a simple way\nto do an animated figure,\n50 years ago that's what we did.\nMALE SPEAKER: So\nyou've obviously\nbeen to the parks\nsince then obviously,\nsince you worked there.\nSo what impresses you now\nabout how animatronics\nwork now and the parks,\nand some of lands\nand stuff they're doing?\nBOB GURR: The evolution of\naudio animatronics, which\nis a trade name that\nDisney company uses,\nhas been constant\nevolution all the time.\nWe were sort of the\nleading edge of doing\nthe first types of rob-- what\nwe would call robotic animation.\nWe were using some of the latest\nsystems for serviles, controls,\nfeedback methodologies that\nwere used in the space program\nfor going to the moon.\nSo there was parts and systems\nand components coming online\nbasically for NASA\nat that time, and we\nhad access to all that stuff.\nWalt was always very aware\nof the latest tools, a way\nto tell stories.\nSo this was a very\nnatural progression.\nIt went very, very fast.\nAnd by I would say\nin 1972 or 1973,\nwe developed our own system\ncalled DACS, Digital Animation\nControl System.\nSo we were doing a\nlot of development\nin-house, leading edge stuff.\nBut as time went on, the rest\nof the world kind of caught up.\nEverybody can do this now.\nAnd actually, the way we\ndo it now, we actually\nhave a company called\nGarner Holt Productions out\nin San Bernardino, California.\nDisney lets them do all of\nthe developmental work for all\nof our theme parks\nworldwide, because they're\nmore like a production house,\nand we have the systems\nthat are all available.\nA lot of the show control\nsystems are standard,\nlet's say, black boxes you\ncan buy from anybody now.\nSo we're very standardized\nin that respect.\nWe really don't have to\ninvent serious stuff anymore\nbecause there's such\nan array of stuff\nthat you can use nowadays.\nSo yes.\nThere is that kind of a\ntransition, the development\nof audio animatronics.\nSo it's much more\nproductionized now.\nMALE SPEAKER: Yeah.\nSo can you talk about the\ndesign of the monorail, which\nis just a huge feature?\nAnd it's still around Disneyland\nand Disney World today.\nBOB GURR: How many of you ever\nrode the Disneyland monorail?\nOh, all hands come up.\nThank you very much.\nI appreciate that.\nYeah.\nI had never seen that\nconfiguration of a monorail.\nAnd going back\nthe way Walt would\nask somebody do something,\nhe walks in in October 1958.\nWalks in, shows me these\npictures of a really ugly\nlooking train sitting on a--\nlooked like a loaf of bread\nwith a slot in the bottom\nsitting on a stick.\nAnd he says, Bobby, we're going\nto build a monorail system\nin Disneyland, and I want you\nto get started right away on it.\nAnd walked out of the room.\nHe left me these pictures\nof this ugly thing.\nAnd I had never seen\nthat configuration.\nI thought they always hung, you\nknow, from an overhead beam.\nAnd again, there you are.\nWe're sitting area like,\nthat wasn't even a meeting.\nWell, I start.\nI'm going to start.\nAnd guess what?\nIf you are a curious\nperson and you've\nspent all your time\nsnooping into everything\nyou can snoop into and\nputting it on your head,\nand you may never\nuse it, but you\nmight use it someday--\nand remember,\nI'm going back to auto shop,\ncar kid, all that kind of stuff.\nHanging around with race cars.\nI had a broad brush idea\nof how stuff sort of works.\nA monorail is nothing more\nthan a strange looking bus.\nThe wheels are simply in line.\nThey sit on top of the\nroad, and then there's\nwheels running on the side.\nBut they've still got\nseats, doors, and windows,\nand people sitting in it.\nOK.\nIt's like a streetcar.\nOh, well, you can buy\nthat stuff, you know.\nIt's a 600 volt power systems.\nYou put 450 volt motors\ntogether of a suspension system.\nI knew how these\ngravel trucks worked.\nAt that time there\nwas a thing called\na Smithway, which was kind of an\nall-in-one unitized suspension.\nAnd within two weeks,\nI had enough drawings\nthat I made that my boss\nand I were sent over\nto Germany to talk to\nthe Allway company, who\nwe were going to work with.\nAnd I had enough of the design\nthat we could discuss it\nin a lot of detail.\nAnd then the Germans\nknew that they were going\nto sell their design to us.\nAnd Walt said, no.\nWe're going to use your idea,\nbut it's going to be my train,\nand we're going to\ndo it ourselves.\nAnd then at the\nend of the week it\nwas, Mr. Gurr is not a\nlicensed diploma engineer.\nHe cannot do this.\n[LAUGH]\nYou're a movie studio.\nWell, yeah.\nBut I'm doing it.\n[LAUGHTER]\nTrue story.\nAnd that's how\nfast we would work.\nNow remember, that was\neight and a half months\nfrom the time Walt\ngave me the picture.\nAnd we jumped on the thing.\nAnd I had about five\ndrafters helping me.\nAnd we figured the\nwhole darn thing out.\nAnd we had a shop\nstarting to build it\nand a commercial\ncompany that built\ngarbage trucks that was closed.\nHalfway through the job,\nthey were going too slow.\nSo we just picked the job\nup, put it in the studio.\nWe had a big sound stage,\nwhich was a factory.\nSo my boss said,\nkeep drawing it up,\nbut now you supervise\nthe construction.\nEight and a half months.\nThe whole darn thing.\nAnd opening day, I\ngave Richard Nixon,\nthe vice president of the\nUnited States, a ride on it.\nNo estimating, no budgeting,\nnobody interfering,\nno project manager,\nno coordinators.\nEverybody doing the work talked\nto everybody all day long.\nEverybody from the shop level\nto people doing the concrete\ndesigns.\nThat's how fast you\ncan go if you're\na completely free\nthinker and you've\nbeen given something\nyou know nothing about.\nAnd everybody was\njust like that.\nMALE SPEAKER: That's incredible.\nWhat was your favorite\nproject to work on?\nBOB GURR: Oh, the\nlittle fire engine.\nAnybody been down to Disney\nand ride the fire engine?\nThat's my fire engine.\n[LAUGHTER]\nI always wanted a fire engine.\nWard Kimball was one\nof Walt's animators.\nHe had a fire engine in\n1916, American LaFrance,\nand I got to drive it\nin the parade once.\nI always wanted a fire engine.\nOne day Walt was in my office\nand I said, Walt, you know,\nwe don't have a fire\nengine on Main Street.\nNo, Bobby, we don't.\nAnd about 10 minutes later,\nthe accounting department\nphones up, says, the accounting\nproject number for the new fire\nengine project is--\nand I thought, yes!\n[LAUGHTER]\nYou know, I finally\nhave a fire engine.\nWe built it at a\nstudio in Burbank.\nAnd I got a DMV\nmoving permit, and I\ndrove that thing down the Santa\nAna Freeway-- two cylinder car.\nDrove it all the way\nto Disney, because that\nwas my fire engine.\nYeah.\nYou asked me a question.\nWhat's my best attraction?\nThat's it.\nYeah.\n[LAUGH]\nMALE SPEAKER: And then\nwas there ever a project\nthat you guys just\ncouldn't figure out\nand didn't end up in Disneyland?\nBOB GURR: You know,\nthe curious thing.\nToday you run across so\nmany companies and projects\nthat they just grind\ninto a terrible grind,\nand they just don't work.\nAnd then when they do work,\nthey are just miserable\nthe whole time, and\nthen you take them out.\nWalt somehow had a\nsixth sense of about,\nhow far should you go into\nthe future in any given\ndirection that was not so far\nthat regular folks couldn't\ndo it?\nYou couple that with a\nreasonable overall starting\nconfiguration of a\nproject or a system.\nWell, what that means is that\nyou didn't reach out too far.\nBy the time you get the work\nspread out to everybody,\neverybody finds they can do\nthat stuff in a lot of detail\nbecause you didn't reach so far.\nSo every time I hear\nthe word nowadays\nand somebody says, well, we have\nthe sophisticated engineers,\nand oh, you know, oh, no.\nDon't use the word\nsophistication.\nSophistication means it's about\n120% out instead of 110% out.\nAnd you're going to have trouble\nlater because any fool can\nconvince the government to\nspend money on a crazy idea,\nbecause the words are\nterrific, but the parts stink.\nIt's as simple as that.\nSo that initial configuration\non how far you reach\nis super critical, and\nWalt was so good at that.\nSo what I'm trying\nto suggest to you\nis I can't recall any blind\nalley we every went up,\nat least while I was working\nthere, because we were launched\ncorrectly.\nMALE SPEAKER: And so we're\ngoing to take questions\nhere in a few minutes\nif you guys want\nto start lining up at the mic.\nWhat was-- if you're looking\nin the parks today, Disneyland,\nDisney World, what part\nor land or anything\nwould you like to\nget involved with?\nBOB GURR: I'd like to\npersonally tear down all\nof Tomorrowland at Disneyland.\nMALE SPEAKER: This\nwould be universal.\n[APPLAUSE]\nBOB GURR: Ah.\nMaybe you're thinking\nthe same here.\nThat whole northeast\ncorner of the park\ncould be something\nthat is somewhere\nbetween like an avatar\nand a space tour,\nspace-- any kind of a thing,\nbut with a lot of greenery,\na lot of logic, a lot of\nhuman scale stuff that's\nvisually very inspiring.\nBut it would still\nhave a monorail.\nIt would still have Autopia\nbecause, you know, bump cars.\nBut Tesla's going to\nmake them, aren't they?\nThey're going to make the little\nTeslas for all the little kids,\nyou know?\nBut I would like to see\nsomething that really dramatic,\ndynamic, but has an\ninviting scale to it.\nIt's kind of hard\nto do, but in words,\nthat's what I would-- if I could\nget away with it, I'd do that.\nI tell everybody\nwe're going to do it.\nYeah.\nI'm going to wear them out.\nMALE SPEAKER: How much\ninvolvement do you have still\nwith Disney on their parks?\nDo you still advise on anything?\nBOB GURR: No.\nWork is a four letter\nword, and I don't do it.\n[LAUGHTER]\nI do have a simple rule.\nIf somebody wants me to\ntake a look at a project,\nbuy me a bowl of\nsoup at Mimi's Cafe.\nI'll take a look.\nBut otherwise, work, if I\nhave to give out an invoice,\nthen that's revenue, and I\ndon't get into any of that.\nNo.\nI'd rather go take a\nlook and look at stuff.\nAnd I'm asked all the time.\nBut like what we're doing here\ntoday, a lot of times people\nwill come up and\nsay, why don't you\nes-plain how you guys did that\nstuff so fast 50 years ago?\nWe're slow and expensive.\nCan you help us?\nSo that happens all the time.\nYeah.\nMALE SPEAKER: So for you\npost-Disney, what was-- like,\nwhy did you leave Disney?\nWas it just time to go and\njust, hey, start my own thing?\nBecause you did start your own\ncompany after you left Disney.\nBOB GURR: Yeah, they fired me.\n[LAUGH]\nNo, really.\nI got in a dispute with a\nchief engineer of the company.\nA simple thing.\nWe were having some great\ndifficulties building Epcot.\nAnd we had a lot of engineers.\nBy that time were\naerospace engineers\nwho were process people.\nWe had so much engineering that\nby the time I went to the shop,\nnone of that stuff would\nwork, and some of the people\nwere really tearing\ntheir hair out.\nAnd then in a meeting\nsomebody said, who can tell us\nwhy this is happening?\nAnd I said, I can tell you.\nAnd then the other\npeople fled the room\nexcept for the chief engineer.\nI didn't realize I\ninsulted the man.\nAnd I was fired.\nSimple as that.\nBecause basically I\nsaid, well, you know,\nwe used to talk to the\nmechanics down at Disneyland,\nand we'd get the\nfeedback from the field\nas to how your systems\nand parts worked\nin very, very great detail.\nYou can't wear a tie\nand be an engineer\nand go down to Disneyland\nand go talk to the mechanics.\nYou've got to be a\nguy just like them.\nThey know the most\nabout your design,\nand they can be obstinate\nand not tell you.\nOr you can befriend them\nand they'll say, \"Say Bob,\nyou know this bearing, the way\nyou got that thing moving-- I\nwant to show you how\nit really works.\"\nThat's the guy you\nwant to listen to.\nI explained that to\nthis chief engineer.\nAnd he looked at me\nand he said-- words\nto the effect-- he\nsays, no grease monkey\nis ever going to tell\nmy licensed engineers\nhow to design anything.\nAnd I thought, whoo.\nI was glad they fired me,\nbecause within two weeks,\nI was president of the\nGurr Design Incorporated.\nAnd--\n[LAUGHTER]\nAs you can see, you see\nsome projects over here\nthat are not Disney\nlike a sinking\nship in Las Vegas, a flying\nsaucer in the Olympics.\nLA has that kind of stuff.\nYeah.\nBranching out and\ndoing more work.\nI loved having somebody\ncoming to me with something\nthat had never been done\nbefore, that was so risky nobody\nelse wanted to do it.\nAnd if it's that\nrisky, I'll take it.\nGuess what?\nNo, this is an invitation for\nyou to expand your mind more.\nYou've had a lifetime.\nYou're not afraid to\ndo some of this stuff.\nAnd you kind of know\nhow far out is too far.\nSomebody'd bring me a\ncrazy job, and I said,\nno, it's not going to\nwork, and I wouldn't do it.\nBut they'd did bring\nan idea, and it\nwas like-- well,\nSteve Wynn says,\nI want to sink a ship\non Las Vegas Boulevard,\nand it's burning down\nwhile it's sinking,\nand it's got people on it.\nYeah, Steve.\nThere's quite a few\nways we could do that.\n[LAUGHTER]\nSee the difference between\nsaying, that's too risky,\nwe don't do it?\nNo, you turn it\naround the other way.\nBut you've got a lot of projects\nyou've worked up here that some\nof them didn't go too far.\nBut some of them\nwent so far, there's\nGoogle stuff we\nlive on in the world\nthat we can't live without.\nAnd that all had to come\nfrom a goofy idea, you know?\nAnd you guys were not\nafraid to do that.\nMALE SPEAKER: Well, you did\nsome consulting with Spielberg\non \"Jurassic Park\" with the\nfirst T-Rex animatronic, right?\nSo what was that process?\nDid you kind of apply the same--\nBOB GURR: (MONOTONE\nVOICE) Pro cess.\nMALE SPEAKER: Pro-- ah.\nYou called me out\non it before he did.\nSo what was it like\nto work on a dinosaur?\nI mean, that's even\nbigger than Abe Lincoln.\nBOB GURR: Well, Steven called,\nand he says, how soon can you\ncome talk to me?\nI just bought a book.\nIt's not in print yet.\nIt's called \"Jurassic Park.\"\nI'll give you a galley proof.\nI still have the\ngalley proof printed\none side only on the pages.\nAnd he says, I talked\nto my guys and they\nsaid, oh, don't do anything\nthat big, hydraulic.\nThis stuff doesn't work.\nDino de Laurentiis' King Kong\ndidn't work worth a darn.\nI designed the King Kong\nfor Universal in '86,\nand it ran for 22 years.\nIt didn't really give\na lick of trouble.\nBig machine.\nThe bigger they\nget, they're easier,\nbecause there's\nmore space inside.\nAnd he says, I saw it.\nIt runs.\nCome talk to me.\nSo he was working\nwith companies that\ndo what we call stick\npuppetry, where in other words,\nguys are standing\nunder a grating\nand waving a stick\naround for animals.\nThis was all before CGI.\nBut they want to do a 30\nfoot tall Tyrannosaurus Rex.\nSo I went out and I\nworked out with him.\nThen I worked with Stan Winston\nStudio who later got the job.\nAnd I had a couple of guys\nthat helped me with King Kong.\nThey want to work for them to\nkeep the technology moving.\nBut again, it was\na case of, there\nwas no fear to do\na thing like that,\nbecause it was not outrageous.\nAnd they built it.\nAnd they once broke\na bearing one night,\nso we had a down time\nof about four hours\nwhen they were\nshooting the thing.\nBut that's the kind\nof stuff, working\nwith a guy like Spielberg.\nHe's on the job every\nday, talking to everybody\nwhat they're doing.\nThat's the way stuff gets done.\nMALE SPEAKER: All right So we'll\nstart opening up the audience\nquestions now.\nAUDIENCE: Well, I was curious.\nLike, how did the\nother Imagineers\nthat you used to work with feel\nwhen you got fired and left?\nWhat was that experience like?\nBOB GURR: They use\nthe expression,\ndid you see Gurr's bomb crater?\n[LAUGHTER]\nWell, it scared some\npeople because they\nknew I was outspoken.\nI was always outspoken.\nIt's just the way--\nif you have opinions\nand you have\nobservations and you\nhave a lot of life\nexperiences that work--\nand again, a lot of people\nwere diploma trained engineers.\nAnd they just had an attitude,\nwell, he's not qualified,\nyou know?\nHe doesn't have the diploma.\nHe doesn't do stuff like that.\nI just do it anyway.\nSo there was a mixed emotion.\nBut over time, it turned\nout to be very, very funny.\nPeople still would talk to\nother people and say, you know,\nthey fired him, but look what\nhe did after he got fired.\nThere's another guy up in this\nneighborhood here got fired.\nPixar, John Lasseter.\nHe got fired too.\nAnd look what he went and did.\nSo a lot of times, you'll have\nornery people in a company that\ndon't necessarily behave\nthe way you're supposed to,\nand they have\ntheir own opinions.\nAnd they will cycle through a\ncompany, and some of volunteer\nto leave, some of\nthem will get fired.\nBut that does show that\nthere's different paths\nthat people take.\nBut I know it does\nirritate managers to have\nthose kind of employees.\nYeah.\nAUDIENCE: And then when\nyou became a Disney legend,\ndo you feel like that kind of\nliberated you in everything\nyou did, or that experience?\nBOB GURR: No, you\nknow the funny thing?\nMy basic pay was watching\nthe smiles on people's faces\nwhen they go to an attraction.\nAnd that's like-- well, like\nwhen we opened King Kong up,\ntook the first ride, and I\nwatched the people coming out.\nAnd the older\npeople were staring,\nand the middle\npeople were clapping,\nand the kids were crying.\n[LAUGHTER]\nBoy, a 30 foot tall gorilla.\nI know all the parts are there.\nAnd it's like, yes!\nBut when you have a legend\nor a window on Main Street--\nI've got a whole bunch\nof awards for stuff.\nIt's nice to be recognized.\nBut the real\nrecognition is when you\ngo to someplace that your stuff\nworks, and it's still working,\nand you're having a good time\nwatching them have a good time.\nSo that's the pay part.\nAUDIENCE: Yeah.\nThank you.\nBOB GURR: OK.\nNext.\nAUDIENCE: So the Haunted\nMansion at Disneyland\nhas always been one of my\nfavorite attractions there.\nAs a kid, I was always awestruck\nby just how unique it was.\nAnd then as I grew up,\nyou still go through it,\nand it's amazing when you try\nto go through and actually\ntry to figure out how some\nof these illusions were made.\nWas there anything when\ndesigning the Haunted Mansion\nthat-- there were\nideas that came up\nthat were just too out there\nor too crazy to actually build?\nBOB GURR: Well, if you know\nthe history of the Haunted\nMansion-- some of you\nmight be Disney fans,\nmight have read about that.\nFor a number of\nyears, Walt had a guy\nby the name of Yale Gracie,\none of our free thinkers,\njust figuring out\ngags all the time.\nSo we had a string of gags.\nAnd it was going to\nbe a walk-through.\nBut it was difficult to plan\nguest flow in a walk-through.\nMonsanto, the Voyage\nThru Inner Space.\nAnybody remember that one?\nYeah, you've got to be a little\nbit older to remember that one.\nI suddenly had an idea\nfor a conveyor that\ncould have a car on it that\nyou could rotate the car\nand pitch it up, pitch\nit down, that you\ncould point the guest--\nlike going through a movie,\nyou could control the scenes.\nAnd it would be an\nendless chain of vehicles.\nWell, the minute the people\nworking on the Haunted Mansion\ngags, they said, oh.\nWe'll make it a ride.\nNow we can control\nthe whole thing.\nSo it was an attraction\nthat came about maybe\nin a year and a half,\nbut it was like 10 years\nwith ideas slowly forming.\nSo it's a curious combination\nof a high speed conveyor\nmixed in with a\nbunch of illusions\nthat now became movie scenes.\nAUDIENCE: Interesting.\nThank you.\nAUDIENCE: A couple questions.\nWhen you talked about how\nDisney would pop in and give you\nsome great idea to\nstart working on,\nand it would happen\nreally quickly,\ndid you have other guys popping\nin on you and telling you\nwhat to do?\nOr other people you\nhad to answer to?\nHow did that work?\n[LAUGH]\nBOB GURR: That's a good one.\nI don't recall anybody\ntelling me what to do.\n[LAUGH]\nI'm just that kind of a person.\nWe all literally consulted\nwith one another.\nBecause what I said a little\nbit earlier, in those days\nwe did not have\nproject managers.\nWe did not have coordinators.\nEverybody doing the work\nat all different levels,\nthe sum of them\nchatting every day\nwas the project management team.\nStop and think about that.\nA lot of times, companies will\nhave sometimes more managers\nand coordinators than\nthey've actually got people\nwith their hands on a product.\nThat changes the cost\nstructure completely.\nAt one time, I became so\nirritated with projects getting\nslowed down, a coordinator\nwould come in and says, Bob,\nI have to ask you these\nquestions and explain all this.\nAnd every time I'd explain it,\nthey didn't know what it was,\nand then I'd have to\nexplain the explanation.\nAnd I said, what are you\ngoing to do with this?\nWell, I'm going to take\nit and make a report,\nand I'm going to give it\nto our project manager.\nWell, your hands are\nnot on the product.\nIf I stop and talk\nto you, do you\nrealize you just\nstopped the project?\nMy hands are on the project.\nAnd that was a lesson that went\nthrough that company so fast,\nand we still used it\nin later companies.\nIf you're doing the work,\nyou're part of the managers.\nYou're part of the\ncoordinators, and you don't need\neverybody else to go do it.\nYou can't do that in all\ncompanies, of course.\nSome of this is very complex.\nBut that was a\nprinciple that was\npresent in those\nyears, the speed of how\nthings got done so quick.\nAUDIENCE: So how quickly did\nthat change after Disney died?\nBOB GURR: It was not\nbecause of Walt's passing.\nIt was more because Disney\nwas expanding quite rapidly\nin the '70s, because we were\ndoing Walt Disney World,\ngetting ready to do Epcot.\nAnd remember '90, '91,\nthe aerospace industry\nkind of collapsed after\nGorbachev and Reagan agreed\nto tear down the Wall, and\nall that sort of stuff.\nSo we didn't have a\nlot of military work.\nSo all these engineers,\nthey're all floating around,\nand Disney started\npicking them up.\nThey brought processes, oh.\nI tell you, meeting an\naerospace engineer over 50 was,\noh, my God.\nJust they don't think.\nThey just do.\nThey only do stuff\nthe way they do stuff.\nAnd we hired an\nawful lot of them.\nAnd that was the\nperiod where it got\nvery sluggish, very sluggish.\nWe're on probably our third\ngeneration of Imagineers now.\nAnd luckily, we do find\na lot of people that\ndidn't come out of aerospace.\nThey come out of very\nenthusiastic types\nof schools and trades\nthat they like to do.\nSo it's a little easier now.\nBut there was that\nmiddle period,\nbecause the way I told you.\nAUDIENCE: One other question.\nCan you talk about testing?\nBOB GURR: Testing?\nAUDIENCE: Yes.\nWhen you were about to set these\nattractions loose on people,\nwhat gave you any\nconfidence that--\nBOB GURR: Well, in the\ncase of the monorail,\nI put the red train\non the beam two weeks\nbefore we were going to\nhave the grand opening.\nSo we had two weeks to do\nwhat we call test and adjust.\nBut in that case, the first\ntrip the monorail made, and I\nwas at the controls, it went\nan eighth of an inch with a log\nelectrical explosion.\nAnd--\n[LAUGHTER]\nOh, and Walt was in the train.\nBut he just got out and\nlooked at me, and walked away.\n[LAUGHTER]\nNo, that's all true story.\nYou got the book.\nIt's in the book there.\nEvery day for the\nfollowing two weeks,\nthe train ran and got\nalmost all the way around,\nand then stopped, and\nthen we towed it in.\nAnd so we came up with\na fix every night.\nMachine shop worked\nat night doing it.\nThe day before\nthe grand opening,\nwhen the vice president\nwas going to come\ntake a ride in it, that's the\nonly time the train ran around\none full lap and didn't stop.\nSo I parked it.\nSo we were going\nto cut the ribbon.\nWhen we drive out of the\nTV shot, and we're OK.\nThat's testing.\nThat's what we did.\n[LAUGHTER]\nWe didn't have time to\ntrain the operators.\nWe had them all hired.\nSo they made me a monorail\noperator's costume\non the graveyard shift.\nSo I was the driver.\nAUDIENCE: You didn't have SREs?\nBOB GURR: Huh?\n[LAUGHTER]\nYeah.\nWell, nowadays the current--\nAUDIENCE: Liability engineers?\n[LAUGH]\nBOB GURR: No.\nNo, really.\nPeople were very sensible.\nSafety is the absolute\nnumber one stuff.\nRemember, this thing's\nup in the air, you know?\nIt's going to go\n35 miles per hour,\nand you don't want\nanybody-- don't\nwant it to fall of the beam\nor parts fall out of it.\nYou are always-- public\nsafety in amusement parks\nis right in the\ntop of your head.\nEvery decision\nyou make in detail\nis looking at the safety\nof a ride operation.\nIt's kind of automatic.\nYou don't have somebody\ndoing that as a service.\nYou're doing it\ninternally because that's\nwhat you have to do.\nYeah.\nAUDIENCE: Thank you.\nBOB GURR: Yeah.\nAUDIENCE: And so\nyou said that a lot\nof the organizational\nculture comes\nfrom the people at the top.\nSo like you said, Steve Wynn\nor John Lasseter or Walt\nis sending those values down.\nLike, as companies expand\nand as leaders may or may not\nhave that philosophy, how do you\ngain it if you don't have it,\nand how do you keep\nit going if you do?\nBOB GURR: Yeah.\nFor your career, you\nshould be very smart\nand research the company\nyou're going to join,\nbecause they might have\ndumb people at the top.\nYou want to find a company that\nhas smart thinkers at the top.\nI think all of you\nfound that company.\nIt's a brutal way to\nanswer that question.\nThere are some companies.\nGet going, and they're\njust-- over time,\nthey're not really\ngood at what they do.\nBut there's a whole\nbunch of other companies\nthat they just change\nthe world right and left.\nThere's something about\nthis part of the planet.\nI don't know whether it's\nthe water or the air,\nbut there's a level of go\ndo stuff that's interesting\nup in this area here.\nI don't know quite what it\nis, but it's very unique,\nand there's a lot\nof people gravitated\nhere just because of that.\nThat's probably not an answer,\nbut that's my observation.\nAUDIENCE: Thanks.\nBOB GURR: OK.\nAUDIENCE: Hi, Bob.\nI worked at Disneyland\nfor two summers,\nand it was just a thrill working\naround all your achievements\nand works, so thank you.\nI guess I'm wondering,\nhow did you collaborate\nwith animators or kind\nof the arts department,\njust to kind of gel art\nand engineering together?\nBOB GURR: Remember what\nI was saying earlier.\nWe all talked to one\nanother all the time.\nIt was a very common\nthing that since we\ndidn't have what we would\ncall a matrix organization,\nif you wanted to know something,\ngo find out who's got it\nand go find out where\nyou can find them.\nAnd we just really walked\nall over that studio lot.\nWe still do that at Walt\nDisney Imagineering,\nwhich is now in Glendale.\nYou don't necessarily have\nto wait for a meeting.\nGo call somebody up or\ngo over and talk to them.\nYou don't have to go with a\nmanager or anything like that.\nJust go ask.\nAUDIENCE: What would\ncome first usually?\nLike a technical idea,\nor an artistic one?\nBOB GURR: It's a blend.\nI mentioned earlier, Walt\nwas very technically savvy\nabout new techniques, new\ntools, stuff like that.\nAnd he could see how\nyou could take a tool\nand help tell a story\nin an improved way.\nAnd that was a blend\ncoming out of movies,\ncoming out of animation.\nBecause remember, he did both\nfilm and hand drawn animation.\nAnd of course, the company's\ngone on past all that\nwith Pixar, because it's\na lot of CGI nowadays.\nBut it's a blend.\nRemember, we're still\ntelling the story.\nYou know, if it's \"Toy Story\"\nwith Pixar and John Lasseter,\nthat's a story.\nMovies done exactly\nthe same way.\nYou go to Disneyland, you go\nto, like, the pirate ride.\nThat's a story.\nWe're telling stories.\nWe just happen to do it in\nphysical 3D without glasses.\nYou ride in the boat,\nand that's a story.\nSo that's a common thread.\nIt doesn't matter whether it's\nanimation, mechanical, writing,\nor whatever.\nIt's storytelling.\nAUDIENCE: Thank you.\nAUDIENCE: So when\nyou were building\nnew rides and new\nthings, how did you\nbalance between design and\ndrawing and the planning side,\nversus having somebody\njust go experiment, fiddle,\nand see what they can build?\nBOB GURR: Yeah, we\ndid all of that.\nAnd we didn't necessarily have\ndepartments that did that.\nIn the earlier days,\nsince everybody\nwas talking to one\nanother-- and we\nhad a very strange\nway of running\nWED Enterprise in those days--\nthe company deliberately\ndid not let any of\nthe creative people\nlearn what anything cost.\nI mean that's really weird.\nThe interesting thing\nwas time was so tight.\nLike when Walt would\nstart a project,\nhe'd set the day they were going\nto call the media in and have\nthe grand opening,\nand then you'd\nwork backwards with\neverything to the present day.\nAnd everybody\ncould automatically\nsee that, oh, my God.\nWe don't have any\ntime to waste here.\nSo you automatically\ngo fast, and you\ndidn't need to budget it.\nBudgeting in a way\nis almost foolish\nbecause the guy doing the\nbudget has never built anything.\nAnd the budget is\nalways going to be\nblown up or down, either way.\nSo the point is,\ndon't have the budget.\nUse your smarts and go fast\nwith your own intelligence.\nAnd that works,\nand that's the way\nDisney got a lot of\nstuff done in those days.\nAUDIENCE: Thank you.\nBOB GURR: OK.\nAUDIENCE: Hi.\nAre there any projects that you\nwish you had gotten to first?\nAnd are there any\nthat you might not\nhave been spearheading, but\nthat you feel you kind of made\na legendary contribution to?\nBOB GURR: Ooh, that's a\nkind of a complicated one.\nYou know, I never\nbasically originated\nan attraction concept.\nI was always the guy\nthat somebody went to\nafter they had an idea, where\nit was in the word stage.\nPrimarily words, maybe\na little bit of artwork.\nAnd then I would\nsee it, and then I'd\nsay, oh, I can see\nhow to do that.\nBut it was not where I\nwould be the guy that\nwould suggest the idea.\nIt's kind of a moot\nquestion in the standpoint\nthat I did so many things,\nsuch a big variety,\nit'd be a tough one\nto say which one would\nI have liked it done\nthat was not done.\nIn Disney, I was\npretty much satisfied.\nEverything I got a chance to do.\nBut in the mechanical\ndesign area,\nthere was one thing I would\nhave always liked to do.\nDesign an animated\nRose Parade float\nfor the Tournament\nof Roses in Pasadena.\nBut nobody called.\n[LAUGHTER]\nBut I would talk my way into\nthe places that designed them\nand do them, and climb up\ninside them on a couple days\nlater when they were taking them\napart to see how they did it.\nAnd I have a good\nlady friend that\nworks over at one of the\nbiggest manufacturers of floats.\nAnd they invite me over\nseveral times in the year\nso I can see the start\nof the framework,\nsee how the covering's\ndone, then go and see\nhow they put all the flowers in.\nSo, yeah.\nI know how that stuff's done.\nIt's really clever stuff.\nBut I just wish somebody\nwould have called.\nI would [INAUDIBLE] done that.\nAUDIENCE: Thank you.\nBOB GURR: All right.\nHow we doing on the time here?\nMALE SPEAKER: We're\npretty good, actually.\nBOB GURR: All right.\nMALE SPEAKER: No\ntime, no budget.\nBOB GURR: All right.\n[LAUGHTER]\nAUDIENCE: I have\ntwo quick questions.\nWhat do you look at when\nyou go to a theme park\ntoday, whether it's a\nDisney park or another down\nthe street?\nLike, how do you\nexperience a theme park?\nBOB GURR: OK.\nI'll answer it in this way.\nI was made a Lifetime--\nwhat do they call them?\nLife-- Lifetime something\nfor the Themed Entertainment\nAssociation.\nAnd if you have that\nhonor they give you,\nyou're automatically on the\nawards committee for life.\nAnd I've been on that committee\nnow-- gosh, since 1999.\nAnd every year, we have\nabout 140 nominations\ncome in for\nentertainment projects\nof all kinds in the\nthemed business worldwide.\nSo this is my reconnaissance.\nI get to snoop and see\nwhat everybody is doing\nand how they do it.\nAnd in some cases, we go out and\nactually look at the attraction\nand go experience it.\nSo I'm in a position\nthat every year, I\ncan see what the entire\nindustry as a group is doing.\nWe have maybe 20 people\non our committee,\nand they're all people\nthat are basically\npresidents of companies or\nlead designers of companies,\nand some of them are like me.\nThey're retired legends\nthat come in there\nand look at everything.\nSo it's interesting to follow\nthis constant improvement\nof everything.\nNow specifically it was\na specific theme park,\nas you know, Themed\nEntertainment Association\nhas given out two\nawards in two past years\nfor the Wizarding World of Harry\nPotter at Universal, Florida.\nAnd then most\nrecently, Diagon Alley.\nSo when I go to those\nplaces, I'm sort of like,\nhow come Disney can't do\nstuff as good as they're\ndoing nowadays?\nBut it does show that as\na company gets very mature\nand the management\ngets very, very large,\nit's hard to do what would\nbe, like, risky stuff.\nBut a company like Universal,\nthey're are a lot smaller,\nand they have a\ndesign team that might\nbe a 10th of the size of\nWalt Disney Imagineering.\nAnd those guys, like you\nguys, those are fast thinkers.\nAnd they decide, and they\nmove very, very fast.\nThey're doing another\none at Hollywood Studios.\nMost recently,\nKnott's Berry Farm,\nwhich is a smaller\ntype of park, opened\nan attraction called the\nVoyage to the Iron Reef.\nAnd it's a shoot 'em up\nride with a ride conveyance.\nFour people sit in a row and\nyou've got these blaster guns,\nand you're shooting scenes.\nHow many people have\nbeen to Midway Mania\ndown at Disneyland?\nOK.\nVisualize a vehicle\nthat never stops.\nThe screens are endless.\nYou don't stop in a scene.\nYou don't see work lights,\nso you don't see the track.\nYou have guns, and they're\nall a different color.\nSo when you shoot\nsomething, you can\nsee which color's\ngetting the most scores\nby the way the thing blows up.\nAnd it's got 3D animation,\nthe best I have ever seen.\nAnd it's a small\ncompany in Toronto,\nand they built a whole\nattraction like that for, like,\n$5 million.\nWhere somebody else would\nspend $100 million, and it's\nvery complicated.\nSo getting a chance to go\nsnoop at all these things,\nand of course with Knott's\nthey said, come on down.\nAnd you help me the\nVIP to open the thing\nand take the first ride.\nAnd I said, yeah.\nBefore I do that, I want\nto go see everything.\nI'm crawling under the\nvehicles, and the president's\nwatching me calling around,\nlooking at everything.\nI want to know how\neverything is done,\nbecause that's-- that's a long\nwinded answer to your question.\nI want to know everything\nabout everything.\nAUDIENCE: And then\nanother quick question\nabout theme park philosophy.\nLike, how do you balance\nthe need for nostalgia\nwith the need for something new?\nYou look at Disneyland.\nThere's the annual\npassholder's there for 60 years\ngoing all the time\non the weekends.\nYou'll get Disney World.\nIt's more of a\ndestination place that you\ngo to once every few years.\nSo how do you balance\nthe old attractions\nwith the new attractions\nin those theme parks?\nBOB GURR: This guy's dangerous.\nHe just asked the question\nthat's the hardest, hardest\nquestion for anybody in the\ntheme entertainment industry.\nBecause on the one\nhand, you'll have\na family that loves\nan attraction,\nand they want to go\nevery year, and they\ndon't want it to ever change.\nYou'll have another family\nthat goes and that says,\nsame old stuff.\nWhy don't they ever\ntear that stuff out\nand do something neat?\nThat range is hopeless.\nI don't think anybody's\never going to solve that.\nIt's a balance.\nBecause guaranteed, you're\nupsetting everybody.\nThe ones that are upset because\nyou took it out, and the one's\nthat are upset because\nit's still there.\nAUDIENCE: Cool.\nThanks.\nAUDIENCE: Hi.\nThank you for being here\nand answering our questions.\nI have a question\nabout Halloween.\nI wonder if it's a holiday\nthat you enjoy celebrating.\nI know you're an inventor.\nSo it's coming up\nin a few months,\nand I wonder if you\nhad anything to share\nabout what you've done in\nthe past to celebrate it.\nThings you've invented\nor projects you\nthink we could\npossibly do ourselves.\nBOB GURR: Halloween.\nYep.\nNow you're asking me to\ndo concept idea stuff.\nNow you've got to\nbring the concept in,\nand I'll make the machine work.\nSo that question's\na little bit hard.\nBut Halloween is-- how many\nof you know the real history\nof Halloween over 100 years?\nIt has changed completely.\nSo that nowadays, Halloween\nis entirely different.\nThere's a big Halloween\nproduct display\nthat I go to every year in LA.\nI think it's called ScareLA.\nThat's the craziest stuff\nI've ever seen people do,\nand it gets crazier every year.\nSo I'm aware of it,\nbut I don't really\nknow enough to say what's\ngood or bad or what.\nBut there's so many people\ncreating stuff for Halloween.\nIt's endless.\nAUDIENCE: Thank you\nso much for coming\nto talk to us, and also for\nyour contributions to Disney.\nThere's something about the\nphysicality of animatronics\nthat's, for me, totally unique.\nI don't get it from video games.\nI still don't get\nit from movies.\nI'm curious how you\nthink that will change,\nand what the exciting\nopportunities are\ngoing forward.\nSo you've got image\nand sort of animation\nand CGI mixed with\nphysical rides.\nAre there areas you find\nparticularly exciting?\nBOB GURR: Yeah, this march of\nstorytelling and technology,\nit's just constantly\ngrinding along.\nI kind of feel sorry\nfor folks today,\nbecause you have this\nlogarithmic curve,\nand it's climbing up.\nIt's so steep that\nback in those days,\nthe curve was way down here,\nand in not much effort,\nyou got really far.\nToday, as you know, in\njust about every industry,\nyou've got a curve like this.\nIt takes so much effort to\nhardly make any advance in it.\nBut it's relentless, it's\nslow, and it keeps grinding.\nAn example of this is what\nI was telling you about.\nThe Voyage to the Iron\nReef is a small company\nwith some very good\nthinkers figuring out\na better way to do a CGI.\nAnd do it so fast that\nyou shoot something,\nand in about a\nquarter of a second,\nthe whole thing\nblows up in pieces.\nNot a thing where a\nlittle thing falls over\nlike a shooting gallery.\nWhen I see people that do\nthat-- and it's a tiny company.\nIt's only a handful of people.\nThose kind of people are\nscattered everywhere.\nAnd sometimes a company\nwill see that they\ncan take a piece of this and a\npiece of that, and with an idea\nhere and a story\nwriter there, and they\ncan make something out of it\nthat really is mind blowing.\nBut there's no way\nto forecast it,\nand it gets very,\nvery expensive.\nExcept today, some people are\ndoing this very inexpensively,\nand they're doing\na very good job.\nAUDIENCE: Thank you.\nAUDIENCE: So you've\nmentioned how you're now\npart of the awards\ncommittee and you go around\nto all of these new theme\nparks who are bringing out\nnew technologies.\nHow And you mentioned\nalso the blaster rides\nand stuff that-- shooter\nrides that are coming along.\nHow do you feel about the\nway our rides are changing,\nand the way that they're\nchanging the way we experience\nthese rides?\nAnd do you think there's\nanything about that that\nwon't change moving forward?\nOr anything particularly\ninteresting that will change?\nBOB GURR: Oh, I\nlove this question.\nI get this a lot.\nIt has to do with\nattention span.\n50 years ago, people would\ndo any kind of an activity,\nand it would be kind of\nsimple, kind of slow.\nThey would spend quite a\nfew minutes at something.\nThe attention span of\nsome people I think\nis right around 20 seconds.\nYou know what I'm talking about.\nYou can be bored\nin about 20 seconds\nif something is not\nreally interesting.\nThe interesting thing\nabout that is the stuff\nthat we spend such\na short time at\nare usually mind blowing\ntechnical achievements.\nAnd that goes back to this curve\nthat I was trying to describe.\nIt's like, how much\nmore do we have\nto do in the face of people\nwho maybe in 10 years,\nthey'll be down to 15\nseconds before they're bored?\nThat really impacts\nstorytelling,\nbecause you can't get people\nto sit down and savor a story,\nsavor all the\nsubtleties of something.\nEverything is going\njust like that.\nWe call it multitasking.\nIf you stop and think\nabout what multitasking is,\nyou're simply using\nthe same brain\ndoing one thing, one at a\ntime, but every five seconds\nit's going to another thing.\nAnd you're not doing it\nall at once, you know.\nYou're just processing\nthis, this, and this\nin some kind of a sequence.\nThe fact that so many people\nare used to doing this now-- you\ngo on any street.\nThere's a crosswalk.\nThere's cars coming.\nThe person's going\nacross the street.\nThey've got a device,\nstuff stuck in their ears.\nThey are not looking\nin any direction.\nThey're assuming a\npainted white line\nwill allow them\nnot to be killed.\n[LAUGHTER]\nThey are so tightly woven\ninto their electronic world\nthat they don't even\nsee a world around them.\nYou follow what\nI'm talking about?\nYou've got products\nand services here\nthat do a little bit of that,\nso I'm not really knocking that.\nBut--\n[LAUGHTER]\nYou've got to\nremember, a theme park,\nthose are the\ncustomers that come\nin there with that type of life\nand that type of expectation.\nWhat do you do to get\ntheir attention where\nthey'll savor the whole idea?\nAnd I've watched\n50 years of this,\nand it's just a steady trend.\nComplicated question,\ncomplicated answer.\nSo I apologize.\nAUDIENCE: Thank you.\nAUDIENCE: I wanted to build\non that question a little bit.\nGoogle started on the web\nand we were born to the web,\nand the way we\nconnected with our users\nwas through the internet.\nBut increasingly, Google\nis expanding what we do\nor getting more into\nmaking devices and hardware\nand computers, phones.\nAnd so the place where\nwe reach our customers\nisn't always the web.\nSometimes it's a real, physical\nplace, like a retail store.\nWell, the internet wasn't around\nwhen Disneyland and Disney\nWorld were built. And I\nimagine, had Walt been around,\nhe would have been\nfascinated by it.\nSo I guess my\nquestion to you is,\nif you were to build a physical\nspace to bring the web to life\nin a real, tangible place,\nwhat would it look like to you?\nIf that was your job?\nBOB GURR: Man, you-- I knew\nthis place had brilliant people.\nMan, these are very\nheady questions.\nYou're getting into\na lot of theory,\na lot of social awareness\nof the methodologies\nthat people use in their lives.\nIt's a very, very complex mix.\nAnd your trying to approach\nthat mix with your products\nand your services.\nI really feel for\nthe anguish you\nmust go through trying to\nfigure out, what do we do,\nand how do we really\nimplement this?\nBecause number one, you're going\nto make some money doing it,\nor you're going to just astound\nthe world if the thing actually\nworks, which you've\nalready done.\nI don't know how\nin the world you\ndive into the\npsychology of changing\nminds over a long period of\ntime to know just how to specify\nthe course you want to take.\nI'm glad I did all my\ndesign so long ago.\nIt was a lot easier.\n[LAUGH]\nAUDIENCE: Thank you.\nBOB GURR: All right.\nOoh, are we running-- ooh, yeah.\nMALE SPEAKER: Last question.\nBOB GURR: OK.\nYou're the last question.\nAUDIENCE: So it's sort of two.\nBut the first one is, so\nI love the Jungle Cruise.\nThat's a nice old ride.\nLove taking it.\nLove the humor.\nCan you convince me that I\nshouldn't feel about It's\na Small World like I do?\n[LAUGHTER]\nWhat is supposed to be the\nmagic with It's a Small World?\n[LAUGHTER]\nBOB GURR: Other than the\nmusic, Richard Sherman who\nwrote it is a very\ngood friend of mine,\nand he always opens\nhis speeches with,\nif you love it or\nhate it, I'm the guy.\nYou know.\nThe whole concept-- that\nwas a UNICEF concept.\nIt came to us about\n10 and a half months\nbefore the opening date.\nIt was a show.\nWe got into it very, very late.\nThe concept was simple.\nThe whole world, if\nthey thought about it,\ncould connect themselves in\nsuch a normal, peaceful, quiet\nmanner expressed as children.\nThat's why we chose one\nsize head, one size face.\nBecause we were\nrunning out of time.\nWe couldn't do it any other way.\nAnd we had only the differences\nof singing and clothing,\nbut the same face.\nThe whole world\nis like the same.\nThat was the idea.\nThat was the rationale.\nOf course, the world\ndoesn't always turn out\nthe way you want to do that.\nBut some people will\ngo to the Small World\nover and over and over,\nand withstand that song--\n[LAUGHTER]\nBecause there's something--\nthere's a psychological thing\nthat you pick up, and you don't\nknow you're picking it up.\nIt's been discussed a lot by\na lot of people over time.\nInteresting that you\nwould ask that question.\nBecause in a way, that is\na reverse of the changes\nwe see with the\ntechnological way\npeople want to be\nentertained and the attention\nspan getting tighter and tighter\nand tighter, and the fact\nthat you can sit in\nthat boat, and it's just\na bunch of kids singing.\n[LAUGH]\nAUDIENCE: And the\nsecond question\nI had-- and it's\nquick, I'm sure-- was\nthere sort of a status\nsymbol attached to what\nlevel of ride your thing got?\nLike, your firetruck\nwould be an A ticket ride.\nAnd, you know, a\nroller coaster would\nbe a D. Was there any sort of\nstatus associated with which\nprojects you were working on?\nBOB GURR: No, because this was\na natural range that you wanted\nto do, because you're going to\nhave A, B, C, D, E. One time\nwe used tickets like that,\nand then it was just,\neverything's the same.\nSo as you know,\nin the vernacular,\nE ticket is described\nby everybody,\nbecause you know\nwhat that meant.\nThat's the big one, and that.\nSo we don't really\npay much attention\nto the status of things.\nBecause you need the little\narea development things,\nyou need the little\nsubtle things\nthat are quiet to match\nthe big, rowdy stuff.\nSo we still look\nat it as somebody\nsays an A, somebody\nsays an E, we\nknow exactly what that means.\nBecause it's the range of\nthings that guests would enjoy.\nAUDIENCE: Great.\nThank you.\nBOB GURR: OK.\nAll right.\n[APPLAUSE]\nMALE SPEAKER: Thank you\nso much for being here.\n[MUSIC PLAYING]\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "\nArabic: \nتقدم الكتب ثروة من المعرفة كما\nحسنا فرصة الهاء\nمن العالم الخارجي فما هو\nأهمية الكتب ونحن نكافح\nوقد اشترى kovat 19 قارئًا المزيد\nالكتب مثل غيرها أكثر أهمية\nالعناصر في جائحة فيروس الاكليل\nيبحث المتسوقون عن قراءات طموحة\nكتب ونصوص للأطفال عن الأوبئة\nمياه الغذاء والدواء واضحة\nالأساسيات الآن نعتمد على هذه\nالأشياء من أجل البقاء تقنيا مهما كنا\nلا تحتاج إلى الكثير من الأشياء الأخرى التي\nأعطيت قبل فيروس الاكليل\nأدى الوباء إلى إغلاق جزء ضخم\nمن سكان العالم وبالتالي ما هو\nأصبحت أساسية مسألة عظيمة\nالنقاش حول العالم حسب من\nتسأل وأين يعيشون الإجابات\nتختلف بشكل كبير على سبيل المثال في\nبلجيكا حيث الحياة اليومية الروتينية\nفي الغالب يتم إيقاف الوصول إلى الفاكهة\nأو ما نسميه بالإنجليزية frys الفرنسية\nفزع البلجيكيين أمر بالغ الأهمية\nوبالتالي أشجار مجانية أكشاك مخصصة ل\nتوزيع البطاطس تظل مفتوحة عندما\n\nKorean: \n책은 다음과 같이 풍부한 지식을 제공합니다.\n잘 산만 할 수있는 기회\n외부 세계에서 그래서 무엇입니까\n우리가 다투는 책의 중요성\nkovat 19 독자들이 더 많이 사고 있습니다\n다른 더 중요한 책들처럼\n코로나 바이러스 전염병의 항목\n쇼핑객은 야심 찬 독서를 찾고 있습니다\n전염병에 관한 아동 도서 및 텍스트\n식수와 약은 명백하다\n지금 우리는 이것에 의존\n그러나 기술적으로 살아남을 것들\n다른 많은 것들이 필요하지 않습니다\n코로나 바이러스 전에 주어진\n대유행으로 인해 큰 덩어리가 막혔습니다\n세계 인구의\n본질적인 문제가되었습니다\n누구에 따라 전 세계 토론\n당신은 질문하고 그들이 대답을 사는 곳\n예를 들어\n일상적인 일상이있는 벨기에\n주로 과일에 대한 접근을 중단\n또는 영어로 프렌치 프라이라고 부르는 것\n벨기에 인의 실망에 매우 중요하다\n따라서 무료 나무 키오스크는\n감자 튀김의 유통은 열려있을 때\n\nEnglish: \nbooks offer a wealth of knowledge as\nwell the opportunity for distraction\nfrom the outside world so what is the\nimportance of books as we struggle with\nkovat 19 readers have been buying more\nbooks just like other more essential\nitems in the corona virus pandemic\nshoppers are looking for ambitious reads\nchildren's books and texts on pandemics\nfood water and medicine are obvious\nessentials right now we rely on these\nthings to survive technically however we\ndon't need lots of the other stuff that\nwas a given before the corona virus\npandemic made shut-ins of a huge chunk\nof the global population thus what is\nessential has become a matter of great\ndebate around the world depending on who\nyou ask and where they live the answers\ndiffer drastically for example in\nBelgium where routine daily life has\nmostly ground to a halt access to fruits\nor what we in English call French frys\nto the dismay of Belgians is critical\nthus free trees kiosks devoted to the\ndistribution of fries remain open when\n\nGerman: \nBücher bieten eine Fülle von Wissen als\ngut die Gelegenheit zur Ablenkung\nvon der Außenwelt also was ist das\nWichtigkeit von Büchern, mit denen wir kämpfen\nkovat 19 Leser haben mehr gekauft\nBücher wie andere wesentlich wichtiger\nArtikel in der Corona-Virus-Pandemie\nKäufer suchen nach ehrgeizigen Lesungen\nKinderbücher und Texte zu Pandemien\nNahrung Wasser und Medizin sind offensichtlich\nDas Wesentliche im Moment verlassen wir uns auf diese\nDinge, um technisch zu überleben, aber wir\nbrauche nicht viele andere Sachen, die\nwar eine Selbstverständlichkeit vor dem Corona-Virus\nDie Pandemie machte aus einem riesigen Stück einen Ausschluss\nder Weltbevölkerung also was ist\nDas Wesentliche ist eine große Sache geworden\nDebatte auf der ganzen Welt je nachdem, wer\nSie fragen und wo sie leben die Antworten\nunterscheiden sich drastisch zum Beispiel in\nBelgien, wo der Alltag Routine hat\nMeistens wurde der Zugang zu Früchten zum Erliegen gebracht\noder was wir auf Englisch Pommes Frites nennen\nzur Bestürzung der Belgier ist kritisch\nalso freie Baumkioske, die dem gewidmet sind\nDie Verteilung der Pommes bleibt offen, wenn\n\nJapanese: \n本は豊富な知識を提供します\n気晴らしの機会\n外の世界からですので、\n苦労する本の重要性\nkovat 19人の読者がさらに購入しています\n他のより本質的なような本\nコロナウイルスの流行のアイテム\n買い物客は意欲的な読み取りを探しています\nパンデミックに関する児童書とテキスト\n食用水と薬は明らかです\n現在、私たちはこれらを信頼しています\n技術的に生き残るための事柄\n他の多くのものは必要ありません\nコロナウイルスの前に与えられた\nパンデミックは巨大なチャンクを閉じ込めました\nしたがって、世界人口の\n不可欠なものは大きな問題になっています\n誰に応じて世界中で議論する\nあなたが尋ね、彼らが答えをどこに住んでいるか\nたとえばで大きく異なります\n日常生活がしているベルギー\n主に果物へのアクセスを停止する\nまたは私たちが英語でフランス語フレンチと呼ぶもの\nベルギー人をがっかりさせることは重要です\nしたがって無料の木キオスクに専念\nフライドポテトの配布は、\n\nItalian: \nlibri offrono un patrimonio di conoscenze come\nbene l'opportunità di distrarsi\ndal mondo esterno, quindi qual è il\nimportanza dei libri mentre lottiamo\nkovat 19 lettori hanno acquistato di più\nlibri come altri più essenziali\noggetti nella pandemia del virus corona\ngli acquirenti sono alla ricerca di letture ambiziose\nlibri per bambini e testi sulle pandemie\ncibo, acqua e medicine sono evidenti\nelementi essenziali in questo momento ci affidiamo a questi\nle cose per sopravvivere tecnicamente comunque noi\nnon ho bisogno di molte altre cose che\nera un dato di fatto prima del virus corona\nla pandemia ha fatto le chiusure di un grosso pezzo\ndella popolazione globale, quindi cos'è\nessenziale è diventato una questione di grande\ndibattito in tutto il mondo a seconda di chi\nchiedi e dove vivono le risposte\ndifferiscono drasticamente per esempio in\nBelgio dove ha la vita quotidiana di routine\nin gran parte interrotto l'accesso ai frutti\no quello che in inglese chiamiamo patatine fritte\nper lo sgomento dei belgi è fondamentale\nquindi chioschi di alberi gratuiti dedicati al\nla distribuzione delle patatine rimane aperta quando\n\nHindi: \nपुस्तकें ज्ञान का खजाना प्रदान करती हैं\nअच्छी तरह से ध्यान भंग करने का अवसर\nबाहर की दुनिया से तो क्या है\nपुस्तकों का महत्व जैसा कि हम संघर्ष करते हैं\nkovat 19 पाठक अधिक खरीद रहे हैं\nकिताबें बस अन्य आवश्यक की तरह\nकोरोना वायरस महामारी में आइटम\nदुकानदार महत्वाकांक्षी रीड की तलाश में हैं\nमहामारियों पर बच्चों की किताबें और ग्रंथ\nभोजन पानी और दवा स्पष्ट है\nअनिवार्य है अभी हम इन पर भरोसा करते हैं\nचीजों को तकनीकी रूप से जीवित रहने के लिए लेकिन हम\nअन्य सामानों की बहुत ज़रूरत नहीं है\nकोरोना वायरस से पहले दिया गया था\nमहामारी ने एक बहुत बड़ा हिस्सा बंद कर दिया\nवैश्विक आबादी का इस प्रकार क्या है\nआवश्यक महान का विषय बन गया है\nदुनिया भर में बहस किसके आधार पर होती है\nआप पूछते हैं और वे जवाब कहाँ रहते हैं\nउदाहरण के लिए बहुत अलग है\nबेल्जियम जहां दिनचर्या दैनिक जीवन है\nज्यादातर फलों को रोकने के लिए जमीन है\nया जिसे हम अंग्रेजी में फ्रेंच फ्राइज़ कहते हैं\nबेल्जियम का विनाश महत्वपूर्ण है\nइस प्रकार मुक्त पेड़ कियोस्क को समर्पित है\nफ्राइज़ का वितरण खुला रहता है जब\n\nTurkish: \nkitaplar,\niyi oyalama fırsatı\ndış dünyadan\nmücadele ederken kitapların önemi\nkovat 19 okuyucu daha fazla satın aldı\ntıpkı diğer gerekli kitaplar gibi\ncorona virüsü salgını içindeki maddeler\nalışveriş tutkulu okumalar arıyor\nçocuk kitapları ve pandemi üzerine metinler\nyemek suyu ve ilaç açık\nşu anda bunlara güveniyoruz\nteknik olarak hayatta kalacak şeyler\ndiğer şeylerin çoğuna ihtiyacım yok\nkorona virüsünden önce verildi\nsalgın büyük bir yığın kapatıldı\nküresel nüfusun\ngerekli büyük bir mesele haline geldi\nkime bağlı olarak dünya çapında tartışma\nsoruyor ve cevapları nerede yaşıyorlar\nbüyük ölçüde farklılık gösterir, örneğin\nRutin günlük yaşamın yaşandığı Belçika\nÇoğunlukla meyvelere erişimi durdurmak için öğütülür\nya da İngilizce olarak Fransızca frys diyoruz\nBelçikalıların dehşeti kritik\nböylece özgür ağaçlar kioskları\npatates kızartması\n\nFrench: \nles livres offrent une richesse de connaissances\nbien l'occasion de se distraire\ndu monde extérieur alors quelle est la\nl'importance des livres que nous luttons avec\nlecteurs de kovat 19 achètent plus\nlivres comme les autres plus essentiels\néléments de la pandémie du virus corona\nles acheteurs recherchent des lectures ambitieuses\nlivres et textes pour enfants sur les pandémies\nl'eau alimentaire et les médicaments sont évidents\nl'essentiel en ce moment, nous comptons sur ces\nles choses pour survivre techniquement mais nous\nn'a pas besoin de beaucoup d'autres choses\nétait une donnée avant le virus corona\nla pandémie a fait fermer un énorme morceau\nde la population mondiale donc ce qui est\nessentiel est devenu une question de grande\ndébat autour du monde en fonction de qui\nvous demandez et où ils vivent les réponses\ndiffèrent considérablement par exemple dans\nLa Belgique où la vie quotidienne de routine a\nprincipalement broyé à un arrêt de l'accès aux fruits\nou ce que nous appelons en français frys français\nà la consternation des Belges est critique\nainsi des kiosques d'arbres gratuits consacrés à la\nla distribution des frites reste ouverte lorsque\n\nModern Greek (1453-): \nΤα βιβλία προσφέρουν έναν πλούτο γνώσεων ως\nκαι η ευκαιρία για απόσπαση της προσοχής\nαπό τον εξωτερικό κόσμο, λοιπόν, τι είναι\nσημασία των βιβλίων καθώς παλεύουμε\nΟι αναγνώστες του kovat 19 αγοράζουν περισσότερα\nβιβλία όπως και άλλα πιο απαραίτητα\nείδη στην πανδημία του ιού της κορώνας\nοι αγοραστές αναζητούν φιλόδοξες διαβάσεις\nπαιδικά βιβλία και κείμενα για πανδημίες\nτο νερό των τροφίμων και τα φάρμακα είναι προφανή\nβασικά τώρα βασιζόμαστε σε αυτά\nπράγματα για να επιβιώσουμε τεχνικά, ωστόσο εμείς\nδεν χρειάζομαι πολλά άλλα πράγματα\nδόθηκε πριν από τον ιό της κορώνας\nπανδημία έκαναν κλείσιμο ενός τεράστιου κομματιού\nτου παγκόσμιου πληθυσμού λοιπόν τι είναι\nβασικό έχει γίνει θέμα μεγάλης\nσυζήτηση σε όλο τον κόσμο ανάλογα με το ποιος\nρωτάτε και πού ζουν οι απαντήσεις\nδιαφέρουν δραστικά για παράδειγμα στο\nΒέλγιο όπου έχει καθημερινή καθημερινότητα\nως επί το πλείστον ακινητοποιείται η πρόσβαση στα φρούτα\nή αυτό που λέμε στα αγγλικά γαλλικά frys\nΗ απογοήτευση των Βέλγων είναι κρίσιμη\nέτσι δωρεάν περίπτερα δέντρων αφιερωμένα στο\nη διανομή των τηγανητών παραμένει ανοιχτή όταν\n\nSpanish: \nlos libros ofrecen una gran cantidad de conocimiento como\nbien la oportunidad de distracción\ndel mundo exterior, ¿cuál es el\nimportancia de los libros mientras luchamos con\nkovat 19 lectores han estado comprando más\nlibros al igual que otros más esenciales\nelementos en la pandemia del virus corona\nlos compradores buscan lecturas ambiciosas\nlibros infantiles y textos sobre pandemias\nlos alimentos, el agua y la medicina son obvios\nlo esencial en este momento confiamos en estos\ncosas para sobrevivir técnicamente sin embargo nosotros\nno necesito muchas otras cosas que\nfue un hecho antes del virus corona\npandemia hizo cierres de una gran parte\nde la población mundial, por lo tanto, lo que es\nlo esencial se ha convertido en una cuestión de gran\ndebate en todo el mundo dependiendo de quién\npreguntas y donde viven las respuestas\ndifieren drásticamente por ejemplo en\nBélgica donde la rutina de la vida diaria tiene\nen su mayoría se detuvo el acceso a las frutas\no lo que en inglés llamamos frys franceses\npara consternación de los belgas es fundamental\npor lo tanto, árboles libres quioscos dedicados a\nla distribución de papas fritas permanece abierta cuando\n\nChinese: \n书提供了丰富的知识,因为\n分心的机会\n来自外面的世界,那是什么\n我们努力奋斗时书籍的重要性\nkovat 19位读者正在购买更多\n像其他更重要的书一样\n日冕病毒大流行中的项目\n购物者正在寻找雄心勃勃的书籍\n儿童流行病书籍和教科书\n食物水和药是明显的\n现在,我们要依靠这些\n技术上可以生存的东西\n不需要很多其他东西\n是在日冕病毒之前给定的\n大流行使很大一部分人陷入困境\n因此,全球人口\n至关重要已成为一件大事\n根据谁在世界各地辩论\n你问,他们住在哪里答案\n大大不同,例如\n比利时有日常生活的地方\n主要是因为停止获取水果\n或我们英文所说的炸薯条\n令比利时人沮丧的是至关重要的\n因此,免费的树亭专门用于\n薯条分发时间\n\nPortuguese: \nlivros oferecem uma riqueza de conhecimentos\nbem, a oportunidade de distração\ndo mundo exterior, então qual é o\nimportância dos livros à medida que lutamos com\nKovat 19 leitores estão comprando mais\nlivros como outros mais essenciais\nitens na pandemia de vírus corona\nos compradores procuram leituras ambiciosas\nlivros infantis e textos sobre pandemias\nágua e remédios são óbvios\nfundamentos agora contamos com estes\ncoisas para sobreviver tecnicamente no entanto nós\nnão precisa de muitas outras coisas que\nfoi um dado antes do vírus corona\npandemia fez shut-ins de um pedaço enorme\nda população global, portanto, o que é\nessencial tornou-se uma questão de grande\ndebater em todo o mundo, dependendo de quem\nvocê pergunta e onde eles moram as respostas\ndiferem drasticamente, por exemplo, em\nBélgica, onde a vida cotidiana rotineira\nprincipalmente terreno para interromper o acesso a frutas\nou o que em inglês chamamos de batata frita\npara consternação dos belgas é fundamental\nassim, quiosques de árvores livres dedicados à\ndistribuição de batatas fritas permanece aberta quando\n\nHindi: \nकई अन्य व्यवसाय बंद हो गए हैं\nकैलिफोर्निया मारिजुआना समझा गया है\nनीदरलैंड में आवश्यक\nके लिए हर्बल दवा उपलब्ध है\nइन लोगों को बहुत शांत करना\nतनावपूर्ण समय में फ्रांस शराब मानता है\nऔर ठीक भोजन आवश्यक और जर्मनी में\nफ्रांस और बेल्जियम के बुकसेलर हैं\nवास्तव में एक बेरलिन पुस्तक में अपरिहार्य\nविक्रेता अदालतों को बताता है कि बड़े\nस्वतंत्र किताबों की दुकान जहाँ उन्होंने काम किया है\nपिछले एक साल के लिए कुछ साहित्यिक देखा है\nस्वर्गीय पाठकों की दहशत खरीदारी है\nउच्च लोगों को स्टॉक करना और लक्ष्य बनाना है\nनिश्चित रूप से पुस्तकों के ढेर खरीदना कहते हैं\nजॉन ओवेन अधिक लोग क्या खरीद रहे हैं\nइसे महत्वाकांक्षी रीड या बड़ा कहा जा सकता है\nमोटी किताबें बच्चों की किताबें भी हैं\nके रूप में ग्रंथों पर उच्च मांग थी\n20 वीं सदी की शुरुआत तक फ्लू महामारी\nवे बहुत से लोगों को बेच चुके हैं\nपढ़ने स्टेशन ग्यारह एमिली सेंट द्वारा। जॉन\nमंडली सभ्यताओं के बारे में एक कहानी है\nव्यावहारिक रूप से पुस्तक की दुकानें बोलना\nको रोकने के उपाय कर रहे हैं\nपहचानते समय रोग का प्रसार\n\nArabic: \nيتم إغلاق العديد من الشركات الأخرى في\nالماريجوانا كاليفورنيا قد اعتبرت\nضروري في هولندا\nطب الأعشاب لا تزال متاحة ل\nتهدئة الناس في هذه جدا\nمرهقة تعتبر فرنسا النبيذ\nوالطعام الجيد ضروري وفي ألمانيا\nبائعو الكتب في فرنسا وبلجيكا هم\nلا غنى عنه في الواقع كتاب برلين واحد\nيقول البائع المحاكم أن كبير\nمكتبة مستقلة حيث كان يعمل\nشهد العام الماضي بعض الأدبية\nالذعر من القراء المتأخرين\nتخزين وتهدف الناس عالية\nيقول بالتأكيد شراء أكوام من الكتب\nجون أوين المزيد من الناس يشترون ما\nقد يطلق عليها قراءات طموحة أو كبيرة\nكتب الدهون كتب الأطفال أيضا في\nارتفاع الطلب كما كانت النصوص على\nجائحة الانفلونزا في أوائل القرن العشرين حتى\nلقد باعوا الكثير من الناس أيضًا\nمحطة قراءة احدى عشر شارع اميلي. يوحنا\nماندل حكاية عن الحضارات\nانهيار محلات الكتب الناطقة عمليا\nتتخذ تدابير لمنع\nانتشار المرض مع الاعتراف\n\nGerman: \nViele andere Unternehmen sind geschlossen\nKalifornisches Marihuana wurde angenommen\nin den Niederlanden unerlässlich, um die\nKräutermedizin bleibt zur Verfügung\nberuhigen die Menschen in diesen sehr\nstressige Zeiten Frankreich betrachtet Wein\nund gutes Essen essentiell und in Deutschland\nFrankreich und Belgien Buchhändler sind\nunverzichtbar in der Tat ein Berliner Buch\nVerkäufer sagt Gerichten, dass die großen\nunabhängige Buchhandlung, in der er gearbeitet hat\nim vergangenen Jahr hat einige literarische gesehen\nPanikeinkäufe von späten Lesern sind\nsich eindecken und hohe Leute anstreben sind\ndefinitiv Stapel von Büchern kaufen sagt\nJohn Owen mehr Leute kaufen was\nkönnte als ehrgeizige Lesungen oder groß bezeichnet werden\nfette Bücher Kinderbücher sind auch in\nhohe Nachfrage ebenso wie Texte auf der\nGrippepandemie des frühen 20. Jahrhunderts bis\nSie sind ausverkauft, viele Leute sind es auch\nLesestation elf von Emily st. John\nMandel eine Geschichte über Zivilisationen\npraktisch praktisch Buchhandlungen zusammenbrechen\nergreifen Maßnahmen, um die\nAusbreitung der Krankheit beim Erkennen der\n\nJapanese: \n他の多くの企業が閉じ込められています\nカリフォルニアのマリファナはみなされました\nオランダでは必須\n漢方薬は引き続き利用可能です\nこれらの人々を落ち着かせる\nフランスがワインと考えるストレスの多い時代\nとドイツで不可欠な高級食品\nフランスとベルギーの書店は\n実際には不可欠なベルリンの本\n売り手は裁判所に大\n彼が働いている独立した書店\n過去1年間、いくつかの文学を見てきました\n遅い読者のパニックショッピングは\n仕入れと高い人々を目指すことは\n間違いなくたくさんの本を買うと言う\nジョンオーウェンより多くの人々が何を購入しています\n野心的な読み取りまたは大きなと呼ばれる可能性があります\n太った本の子供向けの本も入っています\n上のテキストと同様に高い需要\n20世紀初頭のインフルエンザのパンデミックまで\n多くの人が売り切れた\nエミリーstによって読書駅11。ジョン\nマンデルは文明についての物語\n実質的に言えば本屋を崩壊\nを防ぐための対策を講じています\n認識しながら病気の広がり\n\nKorean: \n다른 많은 사업들이 문을 닫았습니다\n캘리포니아 마리화나로 간주\n네덜란드에서 필수\n약초는\n이 사람들을 매우 달래\n스트레스가 많은 시간 프랑스는 와인을 고려\n필수 음식과 독일에서\n프랑스와 벨기에 서점은\n실제로 하나의 베를린 도서에 없어서는 안될\n판매자는 법원에 큰 것을 말한다\n그가 일한 독립 서점\n지난 한 해 동안 문학을 보았습니다\n후기 독자의 공황 쇼핑은\n높은 사람들을 모으고 목표로\n책을 꼭 사다\n존 오언 더 많은 사람들이\n야심 찬 읽기 또는 큰이라고 할 수 있습니다\n팻 북 아동 도서도 있습니다\n에 텍스트처럼 높은 수요\n20 세기 초 독감\n그들은 많은 사람들이 매진되었습니다\nEmily st.의 열람실 11 남자\n만델 문명 이야기\n실제로 말하는 서점 축소\n방지 조치를 취하고 있습니다\n인식하면서 질병의 확산\n\nTurkish: \ndiğer birçok işletme kapalı\nCalifornia esrar olarak kabul edildi\nHollanda'da\nbitkisel ilaçlar\nbu insanları çok sakinleştirin\nstresli zamanlar Fransa şarabı düşünüyor\nve kaliteli gıda temel ve Almanya'da\nFransa ve Belçika kitapçıları\naslında bir berlin kitabı vazgeçilmez\nsatıcı mahkemelere söyler büyük\nçalıştığı bağımsız kitapçı\ngeçtiğimiz yıl bazı edebiyatlar gördü\ngeç okuyucuların panik alışverişi\nyüksek insanları stoklamak ve hedeflemek\nkesinlikle kitap yığını satın alıyor diyor\nJohn Owen daha fazla insan ne satın alıyor\niddialı okumalar veya büyük\nşişman kitaplar çocuk kitapları da\nmetinler gibi yüksek talep\n20. yüzyılın başlarında grip salgını\nbirçok insan sattılar\non bir okuma istasyonu Emily st. John\nMandel medeniyetler hakkında bir hikaye\npratik olarak konuşan kitap dükkanlarını daralt\nönlemek için önlemler alıyor\nhastalığın yayılması\n\nSpanish: \nmuchos otros negocios están cerrados en\nLa marihuana de California ha sido considerada\nesencial en los Países Bajos para el\nla medicina herbal permanece disponible para\ncalmar a las personas en estos muy\ntiempos estresantes Francia considera el vino\ny buena comida esencial y en Alemania\nLos libreros de Francia y Bélgica son\nindispensable, de hecho, un libro de Berlín\nvendedor le dice a los tribunales que el gran\nlibrería independiente donde ha trabajado\ndurante el año pasado ha visto algo literario\ncompras de pánico de los lectores tardíos son\nabastecerse y apuntar personas altas son\ndefinitivamente comprar montones de libros dice\nJohn Owen más personas están comprando lo que\npodría llamarse lecturas ambiciosas o grandes\nlibros gordos libros infantiles también están en\nalta demanda al igual que los textos sobre el\npandemia de gripe de principios del siglo XX hasta\nvendieron mucha gente también\nestación de lectura once por Emily st. Juan\nMandel una historia sobre civilizaciones\ncolapsar prácticamente hablando de librerías\nestán tomando medidas para prevenir la\npropagación de la enfermedad mientras se reconoce el\n\nPortuguese: \nmuitas outras empresas estão fechadas\nA maconha da Califórnia foi considerada\nessencial na Holanda para o\nfitoterapia permanece disponível para\nacalmar as pessoas nestes mesmos\nmomentos estressantes França considera vinho\ne boa comida essencial e na Alemanha\nOs livreiros da França e da Bélgica são\nindispensável, de fato, um livro de Berlim\nvendedor diz aos tribunais que o grande\nlivraria independente onde ele trabalhou\ndurante o ano passado, viu algumas literárias\ncompras de pânico de leitores atrasados ​​são\nestocando e apontando pessoas altas são\ndefinitivamente comprando pilhas de livros diz\nJohn Owen mais pessoas estão comprando o que\npode ser chamado de leituras ambiciosas ou grandes\nlivros gordos livros infantis também estão em\nalta demanda, assim como os textos\npandemia de gripe do início do século 20 até\neles esgotaram muitas pessoas também são\nestação de leitura onze por Emily st. John\nMandel uma história sobre civilizações\ncolapsar praticamente falando livrarias\nestão tomando medidas para impedir a\npropagação da doença, reconhecendo o\n\nFrench: \nde nombreuses autres entreprises sont fermées\nLa marijuana en Californie a été jugée\naux Pays-Bas pour la\nla phytothérapie reste disponible pour\napaiser les gens dans ces très\ntemps stressants La France considère le vin\net la gastronomie essentielle et en Allemagne\nLes libraires de France et de Belgique sont\nindispensable en fait un livre de berlin\nvendeur dit aux tribunaux que le grand\nlibrairie indépendante où il a travaillé\nau cours de la dernière année a vu un peu littéraire\nachats de panique des lecteurs en retard sont\napprovisionner et viser des personnes élevées sont\ncertainement acheter des piles de livres dit\nJohn Owen plus de gens achètent ce que\npourrait être appelé des lectures ambitieuses ou grandes\nlivres gras livres pour enfants sont également en\nforte demande, tout comme les textes\npandémie de grippe au début du XXe siècle\nils ont vendu beaucoup de gens sont également\nstation de lecture onze par Emily st. John\nMandel un conte sur les civilisations\neffondrement de librairies pratiquement parlant\nprennent des mesures pour empêcher\npropagation de la maladie tout en reconnaissant\n\nItalian: \nmolte altre aziende sono chiuse\nLa marijuana della California è stata considerata\nessenziale nei Paesi Bassi al\nla fitoterapia rimane disponibile per\nlenire le persone in questi\nperiodi stressanti La Francia considera il vino\ne ottimo cibo essenziale e in Germania\nI rivenditori di libri in Francia e Belgio lo sono\nindispensabile in effetti un libro di Berlino\nil venditore dice ai tribunali che il grande\nlibreria indipendente dove ha lavorato\nper l'anno passato ha visto alcuni letterari\nlo shopping di panico dei lettori in ritardo sono\nfare scorta e puntare su persone alte lo sono\nsicuramente comprare pile di libri dice\nJohn Owen più persone stanno comprando cosa\npotrebbe essere chiamato letture ambiziose o grandi\nlibri grassi ci sono anche libri per bambini\nforte domanda come erano i testi sul\npandemia influenzale dei primi del XX secolo fino al\nhanno anche venduto un sacco di gente\nstazione di lettura undici di Emily st. John\nMandel una storia sulle civiltà\ncollasso praticamente di negozi di libri\nstanno prendendo misure per prevenire il\ndiffusione della malattia riconoscendo il\n\nChinese: \n许多其他企业关门了\n加州大麻被认为\n在荷兰至关重要\n草药仍然可供\n抚慰这些人\n压力时期法国认为葡萄酒\n和优质的食物,在德国\n法国和比利时的书商\n实际上必不可少的一本柏林书\n卖方告诉法院\n他工作过的独立书店\n在过去的一年里看过一些文学作品\n晚期读者的恐慌性购物是\n放养并瞄准高级人才\n肯定买书堆说\n约翰·欧文(John Owen)越来越多的人正在购买\n可能被称为雄心勃勃的书或大书\n胖子书儿童读物也在\n需求很高,关于\n20世纪初的流感大流行直到\n他们卖光了很多人\n艾米丽街11号阅读站。约翰\n曼德尔关于文明的故事\n倒闭实际上是书店\n正在采取措施防止\n疾病传播,同时认识到\n\nModern Greek (1453-): \nπολλές άλλες επιχειρήσεις είναι κλειστές\nΗ μαριχουάνα της Καλιφόρνια έχει θεωρηθεί\nαπαραίτητο στις Κάτω Χώρες για το\nτα φυτικά φάρμακα παραμένουν διαθέσιμα\nηρεμεί τους ανθρώπους σε αυτά πολύ\nαγχωτικές στιγμές Η Γαλλία θεωρεί κρασί\nκαι εκλεκτό φαγητό απαραίτητο και στη Γερμανία\nΟι πωλητές βιβλίων στη Γαλλία και το Βέλγιο είναι\nαπαραίτητο στην πραγματικότητα ένα βιβλίο στο Βερολίνο\nπωλητής λέει στα δικαστήρια ότι το μεγάλο\nανεξάρτητο βιβλιοπωλείο όπου εργάστηκε\nγια τον τελευταίο χρόνο έχει δει κάποια λογοτεχνία\nπανικός ψώνια των καθυστερημένων αναγνωστών είναι\nεφοδιάζει και στοχεύει υψηλούς ανθρώπους\nσίγουρα αγοράζοντας στοίβες βιβλίων λέει\nJohn Owen περισσότεροι άνθρωποι αγοράζουν τι\nμπορεί να ονομαστεί φιλόδοξη ανάγνωση ή μεγάλη\nβιβλία λίπους παιδικά βιβλία είναι επίσης μέσα\nυψηλή ζήτηση όπως ήταν τα κείμενα σχετικά με το\nπανδημία γρίπης στις αρχές του 20ου αιώνα έως\nπούλησαν πολλά άτομα\nέντεκα σταθμός ανάγνωσης από την Emily st. Γιάννης\nΜαντέλ μια ιστορία για τους πολιτισμούς\nκατάρρευση πρακτικά βιβλιοπωλεία\nλαμβάνουν μέτρα για την πρόληψη της\nεξάπλωση της νόσου αναγνωρίζοντας ταυτόχρονα το\n\nEnglish: \nmany other businesses are shuttered in\nCalifornia marijuana has been deemed\nessential in the Netherlands to the\nherbal medicine remains available to\nsoothe the people in these very\nstressful times France considers wine\nand fine food essential and in Germany\nFrance and Belgium booksellers are\nindispensable in fact one berlin book\nseller tells courts that the large\nindependent bookstore where he's worked\nfor the past year has seen some literary\npanic shopping of late readers are\nstocking up and aiming high people are\ndefinitely buying stacks of books says\nJohn Owen more people are buying what\nmight be called ambitious reads or big\nfat books children's books are also in\nhigh demand as were texts on the\nearly-20th century flu pandemic until\nthey sold out a lot of people are also\nreading station eleven by Emily st. John\nMandel a tale about civilizations\ncollapse practically speaking book shops\nare taking measures to prevent the\nspread of disease while recognising the\n\nModern Greek (1453-): \nπρέπει να τροφοδοτήσουν τους πελάτες του μυαλού\nπαρακολουθούν προσεκτικά τα κοινωνικά\nαπομακρυσμένες οδηγίες συναλλαγές με\nΤο Clarks αντιμετωπίζεται τώρα μέσω πλαστικού\nεμπόδιο και δεν γίνονται δεκτά μετρητά σύμφωνα με το\nτο αίτημα της κυβέρνησης Owen λέει ότι\nδεν ανησυχεί πολύ για το κατάστημα\nεπιβιώνει για λίγο αλλά όχι\nθα είναι σε θέση να παραμείνει στην επιχείρηση\nγια πολλούς μήνες υπό αυτές τις συνθήκες\nκαι οι συνάδελφοί του είναι ήδη\nμελετώντας νέους τρόπους απόκτησης βιβλίων\nανυπόμονοι αναγνώστες αρέσουν σε διάφορες παραδόσεις\nθεματικά πακέτα σχεδιασμένα για διαφορετικά\nγεύσεις υπάρχουν εκείνοι που θέλουν να απολαμβάνουν\nσε απολαύσεις και να μην σκεφτόμαστε το\nιός σε εκείνους που σκοπεύουν να σκάψουν\nσε όλα τα κείμενα της καταστροφής και της δυστοπίας\nμπορούν να πάρουν και να πουλήσουν οι πωλητές βιβλίων\nεξυπηρετήστε τους όλα τα βιβλιοπωλεία του δικού σας\nΟμοίως στο ιστορικό Washington DC\nΤα βιβλία Capitol Hill που πωλούνται χρησιμοποιούνται στο\nο συνιδιοκτήτης σπάνιων κειμένων Kyle Burke είναι ακόμα\nσκληρά στη δουλειά το κατάστημα είναι κλειστό\nεπίσημα, αλλά πωλούνται online και ανοιχτά\nμε ραντεβού σε ομάδες τεσσάρων ή\nλιγότερα άτομα σε βήματα μίας ώρας\nκάθε κουλοχέρη έγινε κράτηση αυτή την εβδομάδα Burke\nλέει εκείνοι που μπαίνουν σαν αυτόν τον δημοσιογράφο\nπρέπει να απολυμάνουν τα χέρια τους κατά την είσοδο\n\nChinese: \n需要养活顾客的思想\n认真关注社交\n与以下指令疏远\n现在通过塑料处理克拉克斯\n障碍,且不接受现金\n政府要求欧文说他\n不太担心商店\n存活了一段时间但没有\n它将能够继续经营下去\n在这种情况下他持续了很多个月\n和他的同事们已经\n考虑新的获取书籍的方法\n渴望的读者喜欢各种交付\n为不同的主题设计的主题包\n口味有那些谁愿意陶醉\n欣喜若狂,不要去想\n那些有意挖坑的人感染病毒\n纳入所有灾难和反乌托邦文本中\n他们可以得到并预订卖家满意的\n为他们提供一个自己的书店\n同样在华盛顿特区的历史\n国会山出售的书籍\n稀有文字共同拥有者Kyle Burke至今\n努力工作,商店关门了\n正式但在线销售并公开\n通过任命为四人一组或\n以一小时为单位的人数减少\n每个礼拜都被伯克预订了\n说像那些记者进来的人\n进入时必须消毒双手\n\nArabic: \nبحاجة لتغذية العملاء عقول الناس\nيتبعون بعناية الاجتماعية\nإبعاد المعاملات مع التوجيهات\nيتم التعامل مع كلاركس الآن من خلال البلاستيك\nالحاجز ولا يتم قبول النقد حسب\nطلب الحكومة أوين يقول إنه\nليس قلقا بشأن المحل\nعلى قيد الحياة لبعض الوقت ولكن لا\nستكون قادرة على البقاء في العمل\nلشهور عديدة في هذه الظروف\nوزملائه بالفعل\nالتفكير في طرق جديدة للحصول على الكتب أيضًا\nالقراء حريصة مثل الولادات المختلفة\nحزم تحت عنوان مصممة لمختلف\nالأذواق هناك أولئك الذين يرغبون في الاستمتاع\nفي المسرات وعدم التفكير في\nالفيروس في أولئك الذين ينوون الحفر\nفي جميع نصوص الكوارث و ديستوبيا\nيمكنهم الحصول عليها ويسعد البائعون بذلك\nتقدم لهم كل مخزن الكتب الخاصة بهم\nوبالمثل في واشنطن العاصمة التاريخية\nكتب الكابيتول هيل التي تبيع المستخدمة في\nكايل بورك ، المالك الشريك للنصوص النادرة ، لا يزال\nمن الصعب العمل في المحل مغلق\nرسميا ولكن بيع عبر الإنترنت ومفتوحة\nعن طريق التعيين في مجموعات من أربعة أو\nعدد أقل من الأشخاص بزيادات ساعة واحدة\nتم حجز كل فتحة في هذا الأسبوع بورك\nيقول أولئك الذين يدخلون مثل هذا المراسل\nيجب أن يعقموا أيديهم عند الدخول\n\nPortuguese: \nprecisa alimentar as mentes das pessoas clientes\nseguem cuidadosamente os\ntransações de diretivas de distanciamento com\nOs Clarks agora são manuseados com um plástico\nbarreira e nenhum dinheiro é aceito conforme\npedido do governo Owen diz que\nnão está muito preocupado com a loja\nsobrevivendo por um tempo, mas não\nserá capaz de permanecer no negócio\npor muitos meses nessas condições, ele\ne seus colegas já estão\nconsiderando novas maneiras de obter livros também\nleitores ansiosos como entregas de vários\npacotes temáticos projetados para diferentes\ngostos, existem aqueles que desejam se divertir\nem delícias e não pensar no\nvírus naqueles que pretendem cavar\nem todos os textos de desastre e distopia\neles podem obter e vendedores de livros felizes em\nservir a todos uma livraria própria\nda mesma forma no histórico de Washington DC\nLivros de Capitol Hill que vende usados ​​em\ntextos raros co-proprietário Kyle Burke ainda é\ntrabalhando duro a loja está fechada\noficialmente, mas vendendo on-line e aberto\npor nomeação para grupos de quatro ou\nmenos pessoas em incrementos de uma hora\ncada slot foi reservado esta semana Burke\ndiz quem entra como esse repórter\ndeve higienizar as mãos na entrada\n\nFrench: \nbesoin de nourrir l'esprit des clients\nsuivent attentivement les réseaux sociaux\ndistanciation des transactions avec\nClarks sont désormais manipulés à travers un plastique\nbarrière et aucun argent n'est accepté selon\nla demande du gouvernement Owen dit qu'il\nn'est pas trop inquiet pour la boutique\nsurvivre un peu de temps, mais ne le fait pas\nil pourra rester en activité\npendant de nombreux mois dans ces conditions, il\net ses collègues sont déjà\nenvisager de nouvelles façons d'obtenir des livres aussi\nlecteurs désireux comme les livraisons de divers\nforfaits thématiques conçus pour différents\ngoûts il y a ceux qui souhaitent se délecter\ndans les délices et ne pas penser à la\nvirus chez ceux qui ont l'intention de creuser\ndans tous les textes de catastrophe et de dystopie\nils peuvent obtenir et réserver des vendeurs heureux de\nleur servir à tous une librairie\nde même à l'historique de Washington DC\nLivres de Capitol Hill qui vend utilisé dans\nle copropriétaire de textes rares Kyle Burke est toujours\ndur au travail le magasin est fermé\nofficiellement, mais la vente en ligne et ouverte\nsur rendez-vous en groupe de quatre ou\nmoins de personnes par incréments d'une heure\nchaque créneau a été réservé cette semaine Burke\ndit ceux qui entrent comme ce journaliste\ndoivent se désinfecter les mains à l'entrée\n\nHindi: \nलोगों के दिमाग ग्राहकों को खिलाने की जरूरत है\nसामाजिक रूप से सावधानी से चल रहे हैं\nदिशा निर्देशों के साथ लेनदेन\nक्लार्क्स अब एक प्लास्टिक के माध्यम से संभाला जाता है\nबाधा और कोई नकदी के अनुसार स्वीकार नहीं किया जाता है\nसरकार का अनुरोध ओवेन का कहना है कि वह\nदुकान के बारे में बहुत चिंतित नहीं है\nथोड़ी देर के लिए जीवित है, लेकिन नहीं है\nयह व्यवसाय में बने रहने में सक्षम होगा\nइन स्थितियों में कई महीनों के लिए वह\nऔर उसके सहयोगी पहले से ही हैं\nकिताबें पाने के नए तरीकों पर भी विचार करना\nविभिन्न के प्रसव जैसे उत्सुक पाठक\nथीम्ड पैकेज अलग के लिए डिज़ाइन किया गया\nस्वाद वे हैं जो रहस्योद्घाटन करना चाहते हैं\nप्रसन्नता में और नहीं के बारे में सोचते हैं\nवायरस जो खुदाई पर आमादा हैं\nसभी आपदाओं और द्वैध ग्रंथों में\nवे प्राप्त कर सकते हैं और विक्रेताओं को खुश कर सकते हैं\nउन सभी को अपने स्वयं के एक बुक स्टोर की सेवा दें\nइसी तरह वाशिंगटन डीसी के ऐतिहासिक\nकैपिटल हिल किताबें जो बेचती थीं, में इस्तेमाल होती हैं\nदुर्लभ ग्रंथों के सह-मालिक काइल बर्क अभी भी हैं\nकड़ी मेहनत से दुकान बंद हो जाती है\nआधिकारिक तौर पर ऑनलाइन और खुला बेच रहा है\nचार या के समूहों के लिए नियुक्ति द्वारा\nएक घंटे की वेतन वृद्धि में कम लोग\nइस सप्ताह हर स्लॉट बुर्के को बुक किया गया था\nउन लोगों को कहते हैं जो इस रिपोर्टर को पसंद करते हैं\nप्रवेश पर उनके हाथों को पवित्र करना चाहिए\n\nGerman: \nmüssen die Gedanken der Menschen Kunden füttern\nfolgen sorgfältig sozialen\nDistanzierung von Direktiventransaktionen mit\nClarks werden jetzt durch einen Kunststoff gehandhabt\nBarriere und kein Bargeld wird gemäß akzeptiert\ndie Bitte der Regierung Owen sagt er\nist nicht zu besorgt über den Laden\neine Weile überleben, aber nicht\nes wird in der Lage sein, im Geschäft zu bleiben\nfür viele Monate unter diesen Bedingungen er\nund seine Kollegen sind schon\nÜberlegungen zu neuen Wegen, um auch Bücher zu bekommen\neifrige Leser mögen Lieferungen von verschiedenen\nThemenpakete für verschiedene\nGeschmack gibt es diejenigen, die schwelgen wollen\nin Freuden und nicht an die denken\nVirus bei denen, die graben wollen\nin alle Katastrophen- und Dystopietexte\nSie können Verkäufer gerne bekommen und buchen\nDiene ihnen allen einen eigenen Buchladen\nähnlich bei Washington DC historisch\nCapitol Hill Bücher, die in verkauft verkauft\nKyle Burke, Mitinhaber seltener Texte, ist immer noch\nBei der Arbeit ist der Laden geschlossen\noffiziell aber online und offen verkaufen\nnach Vereinbarung zu Gruppen von vier oder\nweniger Menschen in Schritten von einer Stunde\nJeder Slot wurde diese Woche in Burke gebucht\nsagt diejenigen, die wie dieser Reporter einsteigen\nmüssen ihre Hände beim Eintritt desinfizieren\n\nKorean: \n사람들의 마음을 고객에게 공급해야 함\n신중하게 사회를 따르고 있습니다\n거리 지시어 거래\n클라크는 이제 플라스틱을 통해 처리됩니다\n장벽 및 현금은 허용되지 않습니다\n오웬은 정부의 요청에 따르면\n가게에 대해 너무 걱정하지 않습니다\n잠시 생존하지만 그렇지 않습니다\n그것은 사업에 남아있을 수있을 것입니다\n이 조건에서 여러 달 동안 그는\n그의 동료들은 이미\n책을 얻는 새로운 방법도 고려\n다양한 배달을 좋아하는 독자\n서로 다른 테마 패키지\n계시를 원하는 사람들이 있습니다\n기뻐하고 생각하지\n파고 싶어하는 사람들의 바이러스\n모든 재난과 디스토피아 텍스트에\n그들은 판매자에게 행복을주고 예약 할 수 있습니다\n그들 자신의 서점을 모두 제공\n워싱턴 DC의 역사에서 비슷하게\n에서 판매되는 국회 의사당 책\n희귀 한 텍스트 공동 소유자 인 Kyle Burke는 여전히\n직장에서 열심히 가게가 문을 닫았다\n공식적으로 온라인 판매 및 오픈\n4 인 그룹으로 임명되거나\n1 시간 단위로 더 적은 사람들\n이번 주에 모든 슬롯이 예약되었습니다\n이 기자와 같은 사람들은\n입구에 손을 소독해야합니다\n\nJapanese: \n人々の心の顧客を養う必要がある\n社会を注意深くフォローしています\nトランザクションとの距離指令\nクラークスはプラスチックで処理されるようになりました\nバリアであり、現金は受け入れられません\n政府の要求オーウェンは彼に言います\nお店をあまり気にしていない\nしばらく生き残るが、そうではない\n営業を続けることができます\nこれらの条件で何ヶ月も彼は\nそして彼の同僚はすでに\n本を入手するための新しい方法も検討しています\nさまざまな配信のような熱心な読者\n異なるために設計されたテーマ別パッケージ\n味わいたい人がいます\n喜んでと考えていません\n掘ることに熱心な人のウイルス\nすべての災害とディストピアのテキストに\n彼らは喜んでセラーを取得して予約することができます\n自分の本屋すべてにサービスを提供する\n同様にワシントンDCの歴史的な\n中古で売られているキャピトルヒルの本\nレアテキストの共同所有者であるカイルバークはまだ\n仕事で一生懸命店が閉まっている\n公式だがオンラインでの販売とオープン\n4人または4人のグループへの予約\n1時間単位での人数の減少\n今週はすべてのスロットが予約されたバーク\nこのレポーターのように入る人は言う\n入り口で手を消毒する必要があります\n\nEnglish: \nneed to feed people's minds customers\nare carefully following social\ndistancing directives transactions with\nClarks are now handled through a plastic\nbarrier and no cash is accepted as per\nthe government's request Owen says he\nisn't too worried about the shop\nsurviving for a little while but doesn't\nit will be able to remain in business\nfor many months in these conditions he\nand his colleagues are already\nconsidering new ways to get books too\neager readers like deliveries of various\nthemed packages designed for different\ntastes there are those who wish to revel\nin delights and not think about the\nvirus in those who are intent on digging\ninto all the disaster and dystopia texts\nthey can get and book sellers happy to\nserve them all a book store of one's own\nsimilarly at Washington DC's historic\nCapitol Hill books which sells used in\nrare texts co-owner Kyle Burke is still\nhard at work the store is closed\nofficially but selling online and open\nby appointment to groups of four or\nfewer people in one-hour increments\nevery slot was booked this week Burke\nsays those who get in like this reporter\nmust sanitize their hands upon entrance\n\nTurkish: \ninsanların akıl müşterilerini beslemeli\ndikkatlice sosyal\nmesafeli direktif işlemleri\nClarks şimdi bir plastikten işleniyor\nbariyer ve nakit olarak kabul edilmez.\nhükümetin talebi Owen diyor ki\ndükkan için çok endişeli değil\nkısa bir süre hayatta kalmak ama değil\nişte kalabilecek\nbu koşullarda aylarca\nve meslektaşları zaten\nkitap almanın yeni yollarını düşünmek\nçeşitli teslimatlar gibi istekli okuyucular\nfarklı tasarlanmış temalı paketler\nzevk almak isteyenler var\nsevindirdi ve düşünmeyin\nkazma niyetinde olanlarda virüs\ntüm afet ve distopya metinlerine\nsatıcıları mutlu edebilir ve\nhepsine kendi kitabını vermek\nbenzer şekilde Washington DC'nin tarihi\nKullanılan satılan Capitol Hill kitapları\nnadir metinler ortak sahibi Kyle Burke hala\nişyerinde zor mağaza kapalı\nresmi olarak ancak çevrimiçi ve açık satış\ndört kişilik gruplara veya\nbir saatlik artışlarla daha az kişi\nher hafta bu yuva için rezervasyon yapıldı\nbu muhabir gibi içeri girenler diyor\ngirişte ellerini dezenfekte etmeli\n\nSpanish: \nnecesita alimentar a las mentes de las personas clientes\nestán siguiendo cuidadosamente las redes sociales\ndirectivas de distanciamiento con transacciones\nClarks ahora se manejan a través de un plástico\nbarrera y no se acepta efectivo según\nla solicitud del gobierno Owen dice que él\nno está demasiado preocupado por la tienda\nsobrevivir por un rato pero no\npodrá permanecer en el negocio\ndurante muchos meses en estas condiciones él\ny sus colegas ya están\nconsiderando nuevas formas de conseguir libros también\nlectores ansiosos como entregas de varios\npaquetes temáticos diseñados para diferentes\ngustos hay quienes desean deleitarse\nen deleites y no pensar en el\nvirus en aquellos que tienen la intención de cavar\nen todos los textos de desastres y distopía\npueden conseguir y vendedores de libros felices de\nservirles a todos una librería propia\nde manera similar en el histórico de Washington DC\nLibros de Capitol Hill que vende usados ​​en\ncopropietario de textos raros Kyle Burke todavía\ntrabajando duro la tienda está cerrada\noficialmente pero vendiendo en línea y abierto\ncon cita previa para grupos de cuatro o\nmenos personas en incrementos de una hora\ntodos los espacios se reservaron esta semana Burke\ndice que los que entran como este reportero\ndeben desinfectar sus manos a la entrada\n\nItalian: \nbisogno di alimentare i clienti delle menti delle persone\nstanno seguendo attentamente i social\ntransazioni di direttive di distanza con\nClarks ora sono gestiti attraverso una plastica\nbarriera e nessun contanti è accettato come da\nla richiesta del governo Owen dice che\nnon è troppo preoccupato per il negozio\nsopravvivere per un po 'ma non lo fa\nsarà in grado di rimanere in attività\nper molti mesi in queste condizioni lui\ne i suoi colleghi lo sono già\nconsiderando anche nuovi modi per ottenere libri\nlettori desiderosi come le consegne di vari\npacchetti a tema progettati per diversi\ngusti ci sono quelli che desiderano fare festa\nnelle delizie e non pensare al\nvirus in coloro che sono intenzionati a scavare\nin tutti i testi del disastro e della distopia\npossono ottenere e prenotare venditori felici\nservire tutti loro un negozio di libri per conto proprio\nallo stesso modo nello storico di Washington DC\nLibri di Capitol Hill che vendono usati in\nKyle Burke, comproprietario di testi rari, è ancora\nal lavoro il negozio è chiuso\nufficialmente ma vendendo online e aperto\nsu appuntamento a gruppi di quattro o\nmeno persone con incrementi di un'ora\nogni slot è stato prenotato questa settimana Burke\ndice quelli che entrano come questo giornalista\ndevono disinfettare le mani all'entrata\n\nPortuguese: \nuse luvas de plástico e mantenha seis pés\nlonge dos outros como esta distância segura\nBurk compartilhou suas preocupações sobre as lojas\nfuturos livros de Capitol Hill emprega cinco\nas pessoas em período integral pagam parte de seus\ncustos de seguro e limitou\nreservas financeiras Burke era funcionário\nantes de ele ser um dos donos das lojas\ne ele investiu no negócio porque\no prédio estreito com três andares\nforrado com textos tornou-se em casa, ele imagina\nque o negócio suportará dois a\ntrês meses de vendas deflacionadas devido a\nfechamentos locais, mas sem significativa\nassistência do governo seria\ndifícil manter todos pagos e\nsegurado ea loja funcionando por muito\nmuito mais tempo da perspectiva de Burke\nlivros são essenciais e independentes\nlivreiros nossas duas cidades são todas\ntornando-se mesmo ele reclama tudo\nem todo o mundo você pode ir a uma grande\ncidade e encontre as mesmas cadeias localmente\nele ficou consternado ao ver uma área de\nGeorgetown chamado transformar livro Hill\nde um centro de consumo de texto para\num bairro comercial pitoresco dedicado\na literatura apenas no nome este é um\n\nModern Greek (1453-): \nΦορέστε πλαστικά γάντια και κρατήστε έξι πόδια\nμακριά από τους άλλους ως αυτήν την ασφαλή απόσταση\nΟ Burk μοιράστηκε τις ανησυχίες του για τα καταστήματα\nΤα μελλοντικά βιβλία του Capitol Hill απασχολούν πέντε\nάτομα πλήρους απασχόλησης πληρώνουν μερικά από τα\nκόστος ασφάλισης και έχει περιοριστεί\nοικονομικά αποθεματικά Ο Burke ήταν υπάλληλος\nπριν ήταν ένας από τους ιδιοκτήτες των καταστημάτων\nκαι επένδυσε στην επιχείρηση γιατί\nτο στενό κτίριο με τρεις ορόφους\nεπενδεδυμένο με κείμενα έγινε σπίτι που φαντάζεται\nότι η επιχείρηση θα αντέξει δύο\nτρεις μήνες αποπληθωρισμένων πωλήσεων λόγω\nτοπικά κλεισίματα αλλά χωρίς σημαντική\nκυβερνητική βοήθεια θα ήταν\nδύσκολο να κρατήσει κανείς πληρωμένους και\nασφαλισμένο και το κατάστημα λειτουργεί πολύ\nπολύ περισσότερο από την οπτική γωνία του Burke\nτα βιβλία είναι απαραίτητα και ανεξάρτητα\nβιβλιοπωλεία οι δύο πόλεις μας είναι όλες\nΌντας ίδιος παραπονιέται όλα\nσε όλο τον κόσμο μπορείτε να πάτε σε μια μεγάλη\nπόλη και βρείτε τις ίδιες αλυσίδες τοπικά\nέχει απογοητευτεί για να δει μια περιοχή\nΗ Τζωρτζτάουν ονομάζεται βιβλίο Hill transform\nαπό ένα κέντρο κατανάλωσης κειμένου σε\nμια γραφική γειτονιά αγορών αφιερωμένη\nστη λογοτεχνία μόνο στο όνομα αυτό είναι ένα\n\nKorean: \n플라스틱 장갑을 착용하고 6 피트를 유지하십시오\n이 안전한 거리로 다른 사람들과 떨어져\n버크는 상점에 대한 그의 우려를 공유했다\n미래의 국회 의사당 책은 5를 사용합니다\n사람들은 풀 타임으로\n보험 비용과 제한\n재정 준비금 Burke는 직원이었습니다\n그가 상점 주인 중 한 사람이되기 전에\n그는 사업에 투자했기 때문에\n3 층의 좁은 건물\n그가 줄을 지어 텍스트가 늘어선 집이되었다\n사업은 두 가지를 견딜 것입니다\n3 개월 동안 판매 감소\n로컬 클로저이지만 중요하지 않은\n정부 지원\n모두에게 돈을 지불하기가 어렵고\n피보험자와 가게가\n버크의 관점에서 훨씬 더\n책은 필수적이며 독립적이다\n우리 두 도시는 모두 서점\n자기 불평을하면서 그는 모든 불평을한다\n전 세계에 당신은 전공에 갈 수 있습니다\n도시와 같은 체인을 로컬에서 찾으십시오\n그는의 지역을보고 실망했다\n책 언덕 변형이라고 불리는 조지 타운\n텍스트 소비 센터에서\n고풍스러운 쇼핑 지역\n이름만으로 문학에\n\nFrench: \nporter des gants en plastique et garder six pieds\nloin des autres que cette distance de sécurité\nBurk a partagé ses préoccupations au sujet des magasins\nles futurs livres de Capitol Hill emploient cinq\nles gens à plein temps paient une partie de leur\nles frais d'assurance et a limité\nréserves financières Burke était un employé\navant qu'il ne soit l'un des propriétaires de magasins\net il a investi dans l'entreprise parce que\nle bâtiment étroit à trois étages\nbordé de textes est devenu la maison qu'il imagine\nque l'entreprise supportera deux à\ntrois mois de ventes dégonflées en raison de\nfermetures locales mais sans\nl'aide gouvernementale, il serait\ndifficile de garder tout le monde payé et\nassuré et le magasin fonctionne très\nbeaucoup plus du point de vue de Burke\nles livres sont essentiels et indépendants\nlibraires nos deux villes sont toutes\ndevenir même lui, il se plaint de tous\npartout dans le monde, vous pouvez aller dans un grand\nville et trouver les mêmes chaînes localement\nil a été consterné de regarder une zone de\nGeorgetown appelé Book Hill Transform\nd'un centre de consommation de texte en\nun quartier commerçant pittoresque consacré\nà la littérature que dans le nom c'est un\n\nJapanese: \nプラスチック手袋を着用し、6フィートを保つ\nこの安全な距離として他の人から離れて\nバークは店についての彼の懸念を共有しました\n将来のキャピトルヒルの本は5\nフルタイムの人々は彼らの一部を支払います\n保険費用と限られた\n金融準備金バークは従業員でした\n彼が店主の一人になる前\nそして彼はビジネスに投資しました\n3階建ての狭い建物\nテキストが並んでいる彼が想像する家になった\nビジネスが2つに耐えること\nによる3か月の収縮した売上\nローカル閉鎖が重要ななし\nそれは政府の援助であろう\n誰もが支払いを続けるのは難しく、\n被保険者と非常に実行されている店\nバークの観点からははるかに長い\n本は不可欠で独立しています\n私たちの2つの都市の書店\n自己同一になると彼はすべてを文句を言う\n世界中でメジャーに行くことができます\n都市と同じチェーンをローカルで見つける\n彼はの領域を見てがっかりしている\nジョージタウンは本の丘の変換と呼ばれる\nテキスト消費の中心から\n熱心な趣のあるショッピングエリア\n名前だけで文学にこれは一つです\n\nGerman: \nTragen Sie Plastikhandschuhe und halten Sie sechs Fuß\nweg von anderen als dieser sichere Abstand\nBurk teilte seine Besorgnis über die Geschäfte\nZukünftige Capitol Hill-Bücher beschäftigen fünf Mitarbeiter\nLeute, die Vollzeit arbeiten, zahlen einen Teil ihrer\nVersicherungskosten und hat begrenzt\nFinanzreserven Burke war Angestellter\nbevor er einer der Ladenbesitzer war\nund er investierte in das Geschäft, weil\ndas schmale Gebäude mit drei Etagen\ngesäumt von Texten wurde nach Hause, wie er sich vorstellt\ndass das Geschäft zwei zu widerstehen wird\ndrei Monate deflationierter Umsatz aufgrund von\nlokale Schließungen, aber ohne signifikante\nstaatliche Unterstützung wäre es\nschwierig, alle bezahlt zu halten und\nversichert und der Laden läuft für sehr\nviel länger aus Burkes Sicht\nBücher sind wesentlich und unabhängig\nBuchhändler unsere beiden Städte sind alle\nsich selbst gleich zu werden, beschwert er sich über alles\nAuf der ganzen Welt kann man zu einem Major gehen\nStadt und finden die gleichen Ketten vor Ort\nEr war bestürzt, einen Bereich von zu beobachten\nGeorgetown nannte Buch Hill Transformation\nvon einem Zentrum für Textverbrauch in\nein malerisches Einkaufsviertel gewidmet\nzur Literatur nur im Namen ist dies einer\n\nEnglish: \nwear plastic gloves and keep six feet\naway from others as this safe distance\nBurk shared his concerns about the shops\nfuture Capitol Hill books employs five\npeople full-time pay some of their\ninsurance costs and has limited\nfinancial reserves Burke was an employee\nbefore he was one of the stores owners\nand he invested in the business because\nthe narrow building with three floors\nlined with texts became home he imagines\nthat the business will withstand two to\nthree months of deflated sales due to\nlocal closures but without significant\ngovernment assistance it would be\ndifficult to keep everyone paid and\ninsured and the store running for very\nmuch longer from Burke's perspective\nbooks are essential and independent\nbooksellers our two cities are all\nbecoming self same he complains all\naround the world you can go to a major\ncity and find the same chains locally\nhe's been dismayed to watch an area of\nGeorgetown called book Hill transform\nfrom a center for text consumption into\na quaint shopping neighborhood devoted\nto literature only in name this is one\n\nItalian: \nindossare guanti di plastica e tenere sei piedi\nlontano dagli altri come questa distanza di sicurezza\nBurk ha condiviso le sue preoccupazioni per i negozi\ni futuri libri di Capitol Hill ne impiegano cinque\nle persone a tempo pieno pagano alcune delle loro\ncosti di assicurazione e ha limitato\nriserve finanziarie Burke era un dipendente\nprima era uno dei proprietari dei negozi\ne ha investito nel business perché\nlo stretto edificio a tre piani\nallineato con i testi diventato casa, immagina\na cui l'azienda resisterà per due\ntre mesi di vendite sgonfie a causa di\nchiusure locali ma senza significative\nl'assistenza del governo sarebbe\ndifficile mantenere tutti pagati e\nassicurato e il negozio in esecuzione per molto\nmolto più a lungo dal punto di vista di Burke\ni libri sono essenziali e indipendenti\ni librai le nostre due città sono tutte\ndiventando se stesso si lamenta di tutto\nin tutto il mondo puoi andare a un maggiore\ncittà e trova le stesse catene localmente\nè stato sgomento per guardare un'area di\nGeorgetown chiamato libro Trasforma la collina\nda un centro per il consumo di testo in\nun pittoresco quartiere dello shopping dedicato\nalla letteratura solo nel nome questo è uno\n\nTurkish: \nplastik eldiven giyin ve altı ayağı tutun\nbu güvenli mesafe olarak diğerlerinden uzak\nBurk dükkanlarla ilgili endişelerini paylaştı\nGelecekteki Capitol Hill kitaplarında beş kişi çalışıyor\ninsanlar tam zamanlı olarak bazılarını öderler\nsigorta masrafları ve sınırlı\nfinansal rezervler Burke bir çalışantı\nmağaza sahiplerinden biri olmadan önce\nve işe yatırım yaptı çünkü\nüç katlı dar bina\nmetinlerle kaplı hayal ettiği eve dönüştü\nişletmenin iki kişiye karşı koyacağı\nnedeniyle üç aylık sönük satış\nyerel kapanışlar, ancak önemli olmayan\ndevlet yardımı olurdu\nherkesi ücretli tutmak zor ve\nsigortalı ve mağaza çok çalışıyor\nBurke perspektifinden çok daha uzun\nkitaplar zorunlu ve bağımsızdır\niki şehrimizdeki kitapçılar\nkendi kendine aynı olmak her şeyden şikayet eder\ndünya çapında bir büyük\naynı zincirleri yerel olarak bulun ve bulun\nbir alanı izlemekten dehşete düşmüş\nGeorgetown adlı kitap Hill dönüşümü\nmetin tüketim merkezinden\nşirin bir alışveriş mahallesi\nedebiyata sadece isimde bu bir\n\nArabic: \nارتداء قفازات بلاستيكية والحفاظ على ستة أقدام\nبعيداً عن الآخرين لأن هذه المسافة الآمنة\nشارك بورك مخاوفه بشأن المحلات التجارية\nتستخدم كتب الكابيتول هيل المستقبلية خمسة\nالناس بدوام كامل دفع بعض من\nتكاليف التأمين ومحدودة\nالاحتياطيات المالية كان بورك موظفًا\nقبل أن يكون أحد أصحاب المتاجر\nواستثمر في العمل بسبب\nالمبنى الضيق بثلاثة طوابق\nواصطف مع النصوص أصبح المنزل الذي يتخيله\nالتي ستقاومها الشركة\nثلاثة أشهر من التخفيضات في المبيعات بسبب\nالإغلاقات المحلية ولكن بدون أهمية\nالمساعدة الحكومية ستكون\nمن الصعب إبقاء الجميع مدفوع الأجر\nالمؤمن والمحل قيد التشغيل للغاية\nأطول بكثير من وجهة نظر بورك\nالكتب ضرورية ومستقلة\nباعة الكتب مدينتنا كلها\nيصبح نفسه يشكو الجميع\nحول العالم يمكنك الذهاب إلى تخصص\nالمدينة والعثور على نفس السلاسل محليا\nلقد شعر بالفزع من مشاهدة منطقة\nدعا جورج تاون كتاب هيل تحويل\nمن مركز استهلاك النص إلى\nحي تسوق جذاب مكرس\nللأدب فقط بالاسم هذا واحد\n\nSpanish: \nuse guantes de plástico y mantenga seis pies\nlejos de otros como esta distancia segura\nBurk compartió sus preocupaciones sobre las tiendas.\nfuturos libros de Capitol Hill emplean a cinco\nlas personas a tiempo completo pagan parte de su\ncostos de seguro y ha limitado\nreservas financieras Burke era un empleado\nantes de ser uno de los dueños de las tiendas\ne invirtió en el negocio porque\nEl edificio estrecho con tres pisos\nforrado de textos se convirtió en su hogar, imagina\nque el negocio resistirá dos a\ntres meses de ventas desinfladas debido a\ncierres locales pero sin importantes\nasistencia gubernamental sería\ndifícil mantener a todos pagados y\nasegurado y la tienda funcionando por muy\nmucho más desde la perspectiva de Burke\nlos libros son esenciales e independientes\nlibreros nuestras dos ciudades son todas\nconvertirse en uno mismo se queja todo\nen todo el mundo puedes ir a un importante\nciudad y encontrar las mismas cadenas localmente\nha estado consternado al mirar un área de\nGeorgetown llamado libro Hill transform\nde un centro de consumo de texto a\nun pintoresco barrio de compras dedicado\na la literatura solo en nombre este es uno\n\nHindi: \nप्लास्टिक के दस्ताने पहनें और छह फीट रखें\nइस सुरक्षित दूरी के रूप में दूसरों से दूर\nबर्क ने दुकानों के बारे में अपनी चिंताओं को साझा किया\nभविष्य की कैपिटल हिल किताबें पाँच काम करती हैं\nलोग पूर्णकालिक उनके कुछ भुगतान करते हैं\nबीमा लागत और सीमित है\nवित्तीय भंडार बर्क एक कर्मचारी था\nइससे पहले कि वह भंडार मालिकों में से एक था\nऔर उन्होंने व्यवसाय में निवेश किया क्योंकि\nतीन मंजिलों के साथ संकीर्ण इमारत\nग्रंथों के साथ पंक्तिबद्ध घर वह कल्पना करता है\nकि व्यापार में दो का सामना करना पड़ेगा\nकी वजह से अपस्फीति बिक्री के तीन महीने\nस्थानीय बंद लेकिन महत्वपूर्ण के बिना\nसरकारी सहायता होगी\nहर किसी को भुगतान करना मुश्किल है और\nबीमाकृत और बहुत चल रहे स्टोर\nबर्क के नजरिए से बहुत लंबा है\nपुस्तकें आवश्यक और स्वतंत्र हैं\nबुकसेलर्स हमारे दो शहर सभी हैं\nएक ही बनने के लिए वह सभी की शिकायत करता है\nदुनिया भर में आप एक प्रमुख के लिए जा सकते हैं\nशहर और स्थानीय रूप से एक ही श्रृंखला पाते हैं\nवह का एक क्षेत्र देखने के लिए निराश हो गया है\nजॉर्जटाउन को बुक हिल ट्रांसफॉर्म कहा जाता है\nपाठ की खपत के लिए एक केंद्र से\nएक विचित्र खरीदारी पड़ोस समर्पित\nसाहित्य में केवल यह एक है\n\nChinese: \n戴塑料手套并保持六尺\n与他人保持安全距离\n伯克分享了他对商店的担忧\n未来国会山的书籍将雇用五名\n人们全职支付一些\n保险费用有限\n财务储备伯克是一名员工\n在他成为商店老板之一之前\n他投资了这项业务,因为\n三层楼的狭窄建筑\n他想象中的文字排成了家\n该企业将承受两个\n由于三个月的通货紧缩\n本地关闭,但没有重大影响\n政府援助将是\n很难让所有人都得到报酬\n被保险人和商店经营非常\n从伯克的角度来看要长得多\n书籍是必不可少且独立的\n我们两个城市的书商\n变得一样,他抱怨所有\n世界各地,你可以去专业\n城市并在当地找到相同的连锁店\n他很沮丧地看着\n乔治敦称书山转型\n从一个文本消费中心进入\n一个古朴的购物街区\n对文学来说,这是一个\n\nEnglish: \nof the last unique spots he says of his\nshop with its shelves boasting rarities\nand oddities if it falls fatally victim\nto the pandemics economic effects it\nwill be a cultural loss for the u.s.\ncapital and one that's not likely to be\nreplaced\nbooks and death current crisis aside\nOwen and Burke both find the book\nselling business hopeful in stark\ncontrast to those who claim reading\nprinted texts is totally part eight they\nsay most of the customers are relatively\nyoung in the\nand 30s in other words people who are\naccustomed to being online still find\nvalue and pleasure in non-electronic\nreading\nindeed independent bookstores in part\nthanks to Instagram have been doing\npretty brisk business in recent years\nand being seen reading physical texts is\nvery chic the American Booksellers\nAssociation says its membership is\ncontinually growing meanwhile sales of\nphysical books have been on the rise\nsince 2013\nthat's why Lisa lute las' executive\ndirector of the National Book Foundation\nwrote in time last year\n\nHindi: \nआखिरी अनूठे धब्बों के बारे में जो वह कहता है\nअपनी अलमारियों के साथ दुर्लभ वस्तुओं की खरीदारी करें\nऔर विषमताएं अगर यह घातक रूप से शिकार हो जाती हैं\nमहामारी आर्थिक प्रभावों के लिए\nहमारे लिए एक सांस्कृतिक नुकसान होगा\nपूंजी और एक जो होने की संभावना नहीं है\nजगह ले ली\nकिताबें और मृत्यु वर्तमान संकट एक तरफ\nओवेन और बर्क दोनों पुस्तक पाते हैं\nस्टार्क में उम्मीद के मुताबिक कारोबार बेचना\nपढ़ने का दावा करने वालों के विपरीत\nमुद्रित ग्रंथ पूरी तरह से आठ भाग हैं\nअधिकांश ग्राहक अपेक्षाकृत हैं\nमें युवा\nऔर दूसरे शब्दों में 30s लोग हैं\nऑनलाइन होने के आदी अभी भी पाते हैं\nगैर-इलेक्ट्रॉनिक में मूल्य और खुशी\nपढ़ना\nवास्तव में भाग में स्वतंत्र बुकस्टोर्स\nधन्यवाद करने के लिए Instagram कर रहा है\nहाल के वर्षों में बहुत तेज कारोबार\nऔर शारीरिक ग्रंथों को पढ़ते हुए देखा जा रहा है\nबहुत ठाठ अमेरिकन बुकसेलर्स\nएसोसिएशन का कहना है कि इसकी सदस्यता है\nलगातार बढ़ रही इस बीच की बिक्री\nभौतिक पुस्तकें बढ़ रही हैं\n2013 से\nयही कारण है कि लिसा लास 'कार्यकारी\nनेशनल बुक फाउंडेशन के निदेशक\nपिछले साल समय में लिखा था\n\nJapanese: \n彼が彼の彼について言う最後のユニークなスポットの\n珍しい棚が自慢のショップ\nそしてそれが致命的な犠牲になる場合の奇妙さ\nパンデミックの経済効果に\n私たちにとって文化的な損失になります\n資本となる可能性が低いもの\n交換した\n本と死の現在の危機はさておき\nオーウェンとバークの両方が本を見つけます\n絶望的なビジネスの販売\n読書を主張する人とは対照的\n印刷されたテキストは完全にパート8です\nほとんどの顧客は比較的\n若い\nそして30代、言い換えれば\nまだオンラインに慣れている\n非電子機器における価値と喜び\n読書\n確かに部分的に独立した書店\nInstagramのおかげでやってきた\n近年はかなり活発なビジネス\n物理的なテキストを読んでいるのを見られるのは\nアメリカの書店はとてもシック\n協会は、そのメンバーシップは\nその間、継続的に成長している\n物理的な本が増加している\n2013年から\nそれがリサ・リュート・ラスの幹部である理由です\nNational Book Foundationの理事\n昨年に間に合った\n\nSpanish: \nde los últimos lugares únicos que dice de su\ncomprar con sus estanterías con rarezas\ny rarezas si cae fatalmente víctima\na las pandemias efectos económicos que\nserá una pérdida cultural para nosotros\ncapital y uno que probablemente no sea\nreemplazado\nlibros y muerte crisis actual a un lado\nOwen y Burke encuentran el libro\nventa de negocios esperanzado en Stark\ncontraste con los que dicen leer\ntextos impresos es totalmente parte ocho ellos\ndicen que la mayoría de los clientes son relativamente\njoven en el\ny 30 en otras palabras, las personas que son\nacostumbrado a estar en línea todavía encontrar\nvalor y placer en no electrónicos\nleyendo\nde hecho, librerías independientes en parte\ngracias a Instagram he estado haciendo\nnegocio bastante rápido en los últimos años\ny ser visto leyendo textos físicos es\nmuy chic los libreros estadounidenses\nAsociación dice que su membresía es\nmientras tanto las ventas de\nlos libros físicos han ido en aumento\nDesde el 2013\npor eso la ejecutiva de Lisa lute las\ndirector de la Fundación Nacional del Libro\nescribió a tiempo el año pasado\n\nFrench: \ndes derniers endroits uniques qu'il dit de son\nboutique avec ses étagères aux raretés\net bizarreries s'il tombe mortellement victime\naux effets économiques des pandémies, il\nsera une perte culturelle pour nous\nle capital et celui qui n'est pas susceptible d'être\nremplacé\nlivres et la crise actuelle de la mort de côté\nOwen et Burke trouvent tous les deux le livre\nvendre des entreprises pleines d'espoir à Stark\ncontrairement à ceux qui prétendent lire\ntextes imprimés est totalement partie huit, ils\ndire que la plupart des clients sont relativement\njeune dans le\net 30 ans en d'autres termes, les gens qui sont\nhabitués à être en ligne encore trouver\nvaleur et plaisir dans le non-électronique\nen train de lire\nen fait des librairies indépendantes en partie\ngrâce à Instagram ont fait\naffaires assez dynamiques ces dernières années\net être vu lire des textes physiques est\ntrès chic les libraires américains\nL'association dit que ses membres sont\nles ventes croissantes entre-temps de\nles livres physiques ont augmenté\ndepuis 2013\nVoilà pourquoi Lisa Lute Las 'Executive\ndirecteur de la National Book Foundation\na écrit à temps l'année dernière\n\nGerman: \nvon den letzten einzigartigen Stellen sagt er von ihm\nGeschäft mit seinen Regalen mit Raritäten\nund Kuriositäten, wenn es tödlich zum Opfer fällt\nzu den Pandemien wirtschaftliche Auswirkungen es\nwird ein kultureller Verlust für die USA sein\nKapital und eines, das wahrscheinlich nicht sein wird\nersetzt\nBücher und Tod aktuelle Krise beiseite\nOwen und Burke finden beide das Buch\nVerkauf Geschäft hoffnungsvoll in stark\nim Gegensatz zu denen, die behaupten zu lesen\ngedruckte Texte sind ganz und gar Teil acht\nsagen, die meisten Kunden sind relativ\njung in der\nund 30s mit anderen Worten Menschen, die sind\ndaran gewöhnt, online zu sein, immer noch zu finden\nWert und Freude an nicht elektronischen\nlesen\nin der Tat unabhängige Buchhandlungen zum Teil\ndank Instagram getan haben\nziemlich lebhaftes Geschäft in den letzten Jahren\nund gesehen zu werden, wie man physische Texte liest, ist\nsehr schick die amerikanischen Buchhändler\nDer Verband sagt, dass seine Mitgliedschaft ist\nkontinuierlich wachsender mittlerweile Umsatz von\nphysische Bücher sind auf dem Vormarsch\nseit 2013\nDeshalb Lisa Lute Las 'Executive\nDirektor der National Book Foundation\nschrieb rechtzeitig im letzten Jahr\n\nArabic: \nمن آخر المواقع الفريدة التي يقولها عنه\nتسوق مع رفوف تفتخر بالندرات\nوالغرائب ​​إذا وقعت ضحية قاتلة\nلآثار الأوبئة الاقتصادية عليه\nسيكون خسارة ثقافية لنا\nرأس المال والذي من غير المحتمل أن يكون\nتم استبداله\nالكتب وأزمة الموت الحالية جانبا\nوجد كل من أوين وبورك الكتاب\nبيع الأعمال الأمل في صارخ\nعلى النقيض من أولئك الذين يدعون القراءة\nالنصوص المطبوعة هي الجزء الثامن منها\nيقول معظم العملاء نسبيًا\nالشباب في\nو 30s بعبارة أخرى الناس\nاعتاد على وجوده على الإنترنت لا يزال يجد\nالقيمة والمتعة في غير الإلكترونية\nقراءة\nالمكتبات المستقلة في الواقع جزئيا\nبفضل Instagram تم القيام به\nنشاط سريع للغاية في السنوات الأخيرة\nورؤيتهم يقرؤون النصوص المادية\nأناقة جدا لبيع الكتب الأمريكية\nتقول الرابطة عضويتها\nفي الوقت نفسه تزايد مبيعات\nالكتب المادية في ازدياد\nمنذ 2013\nهذا هو السبب في تنفيذية ليزا لوت لاس\nمدير مؤسسة الكتاب الوطنية\nكتب في الوقت المناسب من العام الماضي\n\nKorean: \n그가 말한 마지막 독특한 지점 중\n진귀함을 자랑하는 선반이있는 가게\n치명적인 피해자가되면\n전염병 경제 효과에\n우리에게 문화적 손실이 될 것입니다\n자본과 가능성이없는 것\n교체\n책과 죽음의 현재 위기는 제쳐두고\n오웬과 버크는 책을 찾는다\n스타크에서 희망적인 사업 판매\n독서를 주장하는 사람들과 대조\n인쇄 된 텍스트는 완전히 8 부입니다.\n대부분의 고객이 상대적으로\n젊은\n다시 말해 30 대\n온라인에 여전히 익숙하다\n비 전자 분야의 가치와 즐거움\n독서\n실제로 독립적 인 서점\nInstagram 덕분에\n최근 몇 년 동안 꽤 활발한 사업\n실제 텍스트를 읽는 것은\n매우 세련된 미국 서점\n협회는 회원이\n그 동안 계속 판매\n실제 도서가 증가하고 있습니다\n2013 년부터\n그래서 리사 루테 라스의 경영진\n국립 도서 재단 이사\n작년에 썼다\n\nChinese: \n他谈到自己的最后一个独特景点\n货架稀有的商店\n和奇怪的是如果它成为致命的受害者\n对大流行的经济影响\n对我们来说将是文化上的损失\n资本和不太可能是\n已取代\n抛开书籍和死亡的当前危机\n欧文和伯克都找到这本书\n出售业务充满希望\n与声称阅读的人形成对比\n印刷文本总共是第八部分\n说大多数客户相对\n年轻的\n还有30多岁的人\n习惯上网还是找\n非电子产品的价值和乐趣\n阅读\n确实是部分独立书店\n感谢Instagram一直在做\n近年来生意兴隆\n并被看过阅读物理文本是\n非常时尚的美国书商\n协会称其会员是\n持续增长,同时销售\n实体书在增加\n自2013年以来\n这就是为什么莉萨·卢特·拉斯的执行官\n国家图书基金会主任\n去年写的时间\n\nModern Greek (1453-): \nαπό τα τελευταία μοναδικά σημεία που λέει για του\nψωνίστε με τα ράφια του με τις σπανιότητές του\nκαι περιέργειες αν πέσει θανάσιμα\nστις οικονομικές επιπτώσεις της πανδημίας\nθα είναι μια πολιτιστική απώλεια για εμάς\nκεφάλαιο και ένα που δεν είναι πιθανό να είναι\nαντικαταστάθηκε\nβιβλία και η τρέχουσα κρίση θανάτου στην άκρη\nΟ Owen και ο Burke βρίσκουν και οι δύο το βιβλίο\nπωλώντας ελπιδοφόρες επιχειρήσεις\nσε αντίθεση με εκείνους που ισχυρίζονται ότι διαβάζουν\nτα έντυπα κείμενα είναι εν μέρει οκτώ\nας πούμε ότι οι περισσότεροι πελάτες είναι σχετικά\nνέοι στο\nκαι 30 με άλλα λόγια άτομα που είναι\nσυνηθίσει να βρίσκεστε στο Διαδίκτυο\nαξία και ευχαρίστηση σε μη ηλεκτρονικά\nΑΝΑΓΝΩΣΗ\nεν μέρει ανεξάρτητα βιβλιοπωλεία\nχάρη στο Instagram που έκανε\nαρκετά γρήγορη επιχείρηση τα τελευταία χρόνια\nκαι το να βλέπεις να διαβάζεις φυσικά κείμενα είναι\nπολύ κομψό το American Booksellers\nΗ ένωση αναφέρει ότι είναι μέλος\nσυνεχώς αυξανόμενες εν τω μεταξύ πωλήσεις\nτα φυσικά βιβλία έχουν αυξηθεί\nαπό το 2013\nγι 'αυτό το στέλεχος της Lisa lute las\nδιευθυντής του Εθνικού Ιδρύματος Βιβλίων\nέγραψε στο χρόνο πέρυσι\n\nPortuguese: \ndos últimos pontos únicos que ele diz de sua\nloja com suas prateleiras com raridades\ne esquisitices se cair fatalmente vítima\npara os efeitos econômicos pandemias que\nserá uma perda cultural para os EUA\ncapital e um que não é provável que seja\nsubstituído\nlivros e crise atual da morte de lado\nOwen e Burke encontram o livro\nvendendo negócios esperançosos em gritante\ncontraste com aqueles que afirmam ler\ntextos impressos é totalmente parte oito eles\ndizem que a maioria dos clientes é relativamente\njovem no\ne 30 anos em outras palavras, pessoas que são\nacostumado a estar online ainda encontra\nvalor e prazer em produtos não eletrônicos\nlendo\nlivrarias de fato independentes em parte\ngraças ao Instagram estão fazendo\nnegócios bastante rápidos nos últimos anos\ne ser visto lendo textos físicos é\nmuito chique os livreiros americanos\nAssociação diz que sua associação é\nenquanto isso cresce continuamente as vendas de\nlivros físicos têm aumentado\ndesde 2013\né por isso que o executivo da Lisa alaúde\ndiretor da Fundação Nacional do Livro\nescreveu a tempo no ano passado\n\nTurkish: \nonun hakkında söylediği son eşsiz noktaların\nnadiren övünen rafları ile alışveriş\nve ölümcül kurban düşerse tuhaflıklar\npandemilere ekonomik etkileri\nbizim için kültürel bir kayıp olacak\nsermaye ve olması muhtemel olmayan bir sermaye\ndeğiştirilir\nkitaplar ve ölüm mevcut krizi bir yana\nOwen ve Burke kitabı bulur\nsade umutlu iş satış\nokuma iddiasında bulunanların aksine\nbasılı metinler tamamen sekizinci bölümdür\nmüşterilerin çoğunun nispeten\ngenç\n30'lu yaşlarda, yani\nçevrimiçi olmaya alışkın hala bulmak\nelektronik olmayanlarda değer ve zevk\nokuma\naslında kısmen bağımsız kitapçılar\nInstagram sayesinde yapıyor\nson yıllarda oldukça hareketli iş\nve fiziksel metinleri okurken görülmek\nAmerikan Kitapçıları çok şık\nDernek, üyeliğinin\nsürekli büyüyen\nfiziksel kitaplar yükselişte\n2013'ten beri\nbu yüzden Lisa lute las'ın yöneticisi\nUlusal Kitap Vakfı Direktörü\ngeçen yıl zamanında yazdı\n\nItalian: \ndegli ultimi punti unici che dice del suo\nnegozio con i suoi scaffali che vantano rarità\ne stranezze se cade mortalmente vittima\nalle pandemie economiche lo fa\nsarà una perdita culturale per noi\ncapitale e uno che non è probabile che sia\nsostituito\nlibri e morte l'attuale crisi a parte\nOwen e Burke trovano entrambi il libro\nvendendo affari speranzosi in netto\nin contrasto con coloro che affermano di leggere\ni testi stampati sono totalmente parte otto\ndire che la maggior parte dei clienti è relativamente\ngiovane nel\ne 30s in altre parole persone che lo sono\nabituato ad essere online ancora trovare\nvalore e piacere nel non elettronico\nlettura\nanzi librerie indipendenti in parte\ngrazie a Instagram hanno fatto\nattività piuttosto vivace negli ultimi anni\ned essere visto leggere testi fisici lo è\nmolto chic i librai americani\nL'associazione afferma che è membro\nin costante crescita nel frattempo le vendite di\ni libri fisici sono in aumento\ndal 2013\necco perché Lisa liuto dirigente\ndirettore della National Book Foundation\nha scritto in tempo l'anno scorso\n\nModern Greek (1453-): \nσταματήστε να λέτε ότι τα βιβλία είναι νεκρά ότι είναι περισσότερα\nζωντανή από ποτέ έρευνα που δείχνει 24%\nτων Αμερικανών δεν διαβάζουν πλέον βιβλία\nοτιδήποτε εκτός από κατάθλιψη το λέει\nδείχνει τη μεγάλη πλειοψηφία των ανθρώπων\nλογοτεχνικά και ότι οι ΗΠΑ είναι έθνος\nτων αναγνωστών για πολλά βιβλία είναι απαραίτητα\nΠαρέχουν τροφή για σκέψη κάθε φορά\nόταν οι σκέψεις μας τρέχουν άγρια\nδραπετεύοντας σε άλλες εμπειρίες ή\nπροσπαθώντας να καταλάβω τι συμβαίνει\nμέσω του φακού των ιστορικών λογαριασμών\nείναι ένα είδος σωτηρίας\nαλλά τελικά ένα βιβλίο δεν είναι αναπνευστική συσκευή\nκαι έτσι ακόμη και σε μέρη όπου είναι\nσημαντική πηγή Solace σε ένα\nεξαιρετικά δύσκολη στιγμή όπως στην Ιταλία\nΠολλοί αμφισβητούν το επιχείρημα ότι τα κείμενα είναι\nβασικά πολύτιμα χαρτιά όπως και μερικά\nΟι Γάλλοι προμηθευτές κρασιού εκτιμούσαν την ύπαρξη\nταξινομήθηκε ως κριτική αλλά αναγνωρισμένη\nαυτή την εβδομάδα ότι δεν είναι αρκετά\nσημαντικό ως χονδρική πώληση τροφίμων και\nποτίστε μερικούς Ιταλούς, συμπεριλαμβανομένης της λογοτεχνίας\nοι εραστές απορρίπτουν το βασικό κείμενο\nεπιχείρημα ως Annalisamurray του Quartz\nεξηγεί τη συζήτηση που μαίνεται στη μητέρα της\nχώρα η έννοια είναι χαριτωμένη αλλά αποκαλύπτει\n\nPortuguese: \npare de dizer que os livros estão mortos, são mais\nvivo do que nunca pesquisa que mostra 24%\ndos americanos não leem mais livros é\ntudo menos deprimente, ela diz\nmostra a grande maioria das pessoas são\nliterário e que os EUA são uma nação\nde leitores para muitos livros são essenciais\neles fornecem alimento para o pensamento de cada vez\nquando nossos pensamentos estão correndo soltos\nescapando para outras experiências ou\ntentando entender o que está acontecendo\natravés da lente de relatos históricos\né um tipo de salva-vidas\nmas um livro não é um respirador, afinal\ne assim, mesmo em lugares onde eles são um\nimportante fonte de consolo em um\ntempo extremamente desafiador como na Itália\nmuitos contestam o argumento de que os textos são\npapéis preciosos essenciais, assim como alguns\nOs fornecedores franceses de vinho apreciam ser\nclassificado como crítico, mas reconhecido\nesta semana que eles não são tão\nimportante como alimentos mais vendidos e\nregar alguns italianos, incluindo literatura\namantes rejeitam o texto essencial\nargumento como annalisamurray le Quartz\nexplica o debate em fúria na mãe\npaís a noção é fofa, mas revela\n\nItalian: \nsmetti di dire che i libri sono morti, lo sono di più\nricerca viva che mai che mostra il 24%\ndegli americani non legge più libri\ntutt'altro che deprimente, lo dice\nmostra che la stragrande maggioranza delle persone lo sono\nletterario e che noi siamo una nazione\ndi lettori per molti libri sono essenziali\nforniscono cibo per la riflessione alla volta\nquando i nostri pensieri si scatenano\nsfuggire ad altre esperienze o\ncercando di capire cosa sta succedendo\nattraverso la lente dei conti storici\nè una specie di salvagente\nma dopo tutto un libro non è un respiratore\ne così anche nei luoghi in cui sono un\nimportante fonte di Solace in un\ntempo estremamente impegnativo come in Italia\nmolti contestano l'argomento secondo cui i testi lo sono\ncarte preziose essenziali come alcune\nI produttori di vino francesi hanno apprezzato l'essere\nclassificato come critico ma riconosciuto\nquesta settimana non sono proprio così\nimportante come cibo più venduto e\ninnaffia alcuni italiani tra cui la letteratura\ngli amanti rifiutano il testo essenziale\nargomento come le Qual's annalisamurray\nspiega il dibattito che infuria in sua madre\npaese l'idea è carina ma rivela\n\nEnglish: \nstop saying books are dead they are more\nalive than ever research that shows 24%\nof Americans no longer read books is\nanything but depressing she says it\nshows the vast majority of people are\nliterary and that the u.s. is a nation\nof readers for many books are essential\nthey provide food for thought at a time\nwhen our thoughts are running wild\nescaping into other experiences or\ntrying to understand what's happening\nthrough the lens of historical accounts\nis a kind of lifesaver\nbut a book is not a respirator after all\nand so even in places where they are an\nimportant source of Solace in an\nextremely challenging time like in Italy\nmany dispute the argument that texts are\nessential precious papers just as some\nFrench wine purveyors appreciated being\nclassified as critical but acknowledged\nthis week that they're not quite as\nimportant as grossest selling food and\nwater some Italians including literature\nlovers reject the essential text\nargument as Quartz's annalisamurray le\nexplains the debate raging in her mother\ncountry the notion is cute but reveals\n\nTurkish: \nkitapların öldüğünü söylemeyi bırak, daha çoklar\n% 24 gösteren araştırmaların hiç olmadığı kadar canlı\nAmerikalılar artık kitap okumuyor\niç karartıcı olmaktan başka bir şey söylemiyor\ninsanların büyük çoğunluğunun\nedebi ve bizler bir millet\nbirçok kitap için okuyucu sayısı önemlidir\nbir anda düşünce için yiyecek sağlarlar\ndüşüncelerimiz çıldırdığında\nbaşka deneyimlerden kaçmak veya\nne olduğunu anlamaya çalışmak\ntarihsel hesapların merceğinden\nbir tür cankurtaran\nama kitap sonuçta bir solunum cihazı değil\nve hatta bir\nönemli bir Solace kaynağı\nİtalya'daki gibi son derece zorlu zaman\nbirçoğu metinlerin\nbazı önemli belgeler\nFransız şarap imalatçıları\nkritik olarak sınıflandırılmış ancak kabul edilmiş\nbu hafta tam olarak\nen çok satan gıda kadar önemli ve\nedebiyat dahil bazı İtalyanları sulamak\naşıklar gerekli metni reddetmek\nQuartz'ın Annalisamurray LE olarak tartışması\nannesindeki tartışmayı açıklar\nülke kavram sevimli ama ortaya çıkıyor\n\nSpanish: \ndeja de decir que los libros están muertos, son más\nvivo que nunca investigación que muestra 24%\nde los estadounidenses ya no leen libros es\ncualquier cosa menos deprimente ella lo dice\nmuestra que la gran mayoría de las personas son\nliterario y que los Estados Unidos es una nación\nde lectores para muchos libros son esenciales\nproporcionan alimento para pensar a la vez\ncuando nuestros pensamientos se vuelven locos\nescapar a otras experiencias o\ntratando de entender lo que está pasando\na través del lente de relatos históricos\nes una especie de salvavidas\npero un libro no es un respirador después de todo\ne incluso en lugares donde son un\nimportante fuente de consuelo en una\ntiempo extremadamente desafiante como en Italia\nmuchos discuten el argumento de que los textos son\npapeles preciosos esenciales como algunos\nProveedores de vino franceses apreciaron ser\nclasificado como crítico pero reconocido\nesta semana que no son tan\nimportante como la venta más gruesa de alimentos y\nregar algunos italianos incluyendo literatura\nlos amantes rechazan el texto esencial\nargumento como le annalisamurray de Quartz\nexplica el furioso debate en su madre\npaís la noción es linda pero revela\n\nKorean: \n책이 죽었다고 말하지 마라\n24 %를 보여주는 그 어느 때보 다 살아있는 연구\n미국인은 더 이상 책을 읽지 않습니다\n우울한 것 외에는\n대다수의 사람들이\n문학적, 우리는 국가라는\n많은 책을 읽는 독자는 필수입니다\n그들은 한 번에 생각할 음식을 제공합니다\n우리의 생각이 거칠어 질 때\n다른 경험으로 탈출하거나\n무슨 일이 일어나고 있는지 이해하려고\n역사적 기록의 렌즈를 통해\n생명의 은인\n그러나 책은 결국 인공 호흡기가 아닙니다\n심지어 그들이있는 곳에서도\n위안의 중요한 원천\n이탈리아처럼 매우 어려운 시간\n많은 사람들이 텍스트가\n일부 소중한 종이\n프랑스 와인 공급 업체들은\n중요하지만 인정 된 것으로 분류\n이번 주에는 그렇지 않은\n가장 많이 팔리는 음식과\n문학을 포함하여 일부 이탈리아 인에게 물 공급\n연인은 필수 텍스트를 거부\n석영의 annalisamurray 르로 논쟁\n그녀의 어머니의 분노 토론\n나라의 개념은 귀엽지 만 공개\n\nGerman: \nHör auf zu sagen, Bücher sind tot, sie sind mehr\nlebendige als je zuvor Forschung, die 24% zeigt\nvon Amerikanern nicht mehr gelesen Bücher ist\nalles andere als deprimierend sagt sie es\nzeigt, dass die überwiegende Mehrheit der Menschen sind\nliterarisch und dass die USA eine Nation sind\nvon Lesern für viele Bücher sind unerlässlich\nSie geben Anlass zum Nachdenken\nwenn unsere Gedanken wild werden\nFlucht in andere Erfahrungen oder\nversuchen zu verstehen, was passiert\ndurch die Linse historischer Berichte\nist eine Art Lebensretter\naber ein Buch ist doch kein Beatmungsgerät\nund so auch an Orten, an denen sie ein sind\nwichtige Quelle des Trostes in einem\nextrem herausfordernde Zeit wie in Italien\nViele bestreiten das Argument, dass Texte sind\nwichtige kostbare Papiere wie einige\nFranzösische Weinhändler schätzten das Sein\nals kritisch eingestuft, aber anerkannt\ndiese Woche, dass sie nicht ganz so sind\nwichtig als am meisten verkaufte Lebensmittel und\nWasser einige Italiener einschließlich Literatur\nLiebhaber lehnen den wesentlichen Text ab\nArgument als Quarz annalisamurray le\nerklärt die Debatte in ihrer Mutter\nLand ist der Begriff süß, aber offenbart\n\nFrench: \narrête de dire que les livres sont morts, ils sont plus\nvivant que jamais recherche qui montre 24%\ndes Américains ne lisent plus de livres est\ntout sauf déprimant, elle le dit\nmontre que la grande majorité des gens sont\nlittéraire et que nous est une nation\nde lecteurs pour de nombreux livres sont essentiels\nils fournissent matière à réflexion à la fois\nquand nos pensées se déchaînent\néchapper à d'autres expériences ou\nessayer de comprendre ce qui se passe\nà travers l'objectif des récits historiques\nest une sorte de bouée de sauvetage\nmais un livre n'est pas un respirateur après tout\net donc même dans des endroits où ils sont\nsource importante de consolation dans un\npériode extrêmement difficile comme en Italie\nbeaucoup contestent l'argument selon lequel les textes sont\npapiers précieux essentiels comme certains\nLes fournisseurs de vin français ont apprécié\nclassé comme critique mais reconnu\ncette semaine qu'ils ne sont pas aussi\nimportant comme nourriture la plus grossière et\narroser certains Italiens, y compris la littérature\nles amoureux rejettent le texte essentiel\nargument comme le annalisamurray de Quartz\nexplique le débat qui fait rage chez sa mère\npays la notion est mignonne mais révèle\n\nChinese: \n不要再说书已经死了,它们会更多\n研究表明,有24%的研究比以往更活跃\n的美国人不再读书\n除了沮丧她什么都说\n表明绝大多数人\n文学,而我们是一个民族\n众多书籍的读者群至关重要\n他们一次提供思想\n当我们的想法变得疯狂\n逃避其他经验或\n试图了解正在发生的事情\n通过历史记录的镜头\n是一种救星\n但是一本书毕竟不是呼吸器\n所以即使在他们是一个\n安慰的重要来源\n像意大利一样极富挑战性的时间\n许多人质疑文本是\n必不可少的珍贵论文\n法国葡萄酒生产商赞赏\n被列为关键但被认可\n这周他们不像\n作为最畅销的食物和\n给一些意大利人浇水,包括文学\n恋人拒绝基本文字\n论点为Quartz的annalisamurray le\n解释了她母亲激烈的辩论\n这个国家很可爱,但可以揭示\n\nHindi: \nकिताबें यह कहते हुए बंद कर दें कि वे मर चुके हैं वे अधिक हैं\n24% से पता चलता है कि कभी भी अनुसंधान से जीवित\nअमेरिकियों की अब किताबें नहीं पढ़ी जाती हैं\nकुछ भी लेकिन निराशाजनक वह यह कहती है\nलोगों के विशाल बहुमत से पता चलता है\nसाहित्यकार और हम एक राष्ट्र हैं\nकई पुस्तकों के लिए पाठक आवश्यक हैं\nवे एक समय में विचार के लिए भोजन प्रदान करते हैं\nजब हमारे विचार जंगली चल रहे हैं\nअन्य अनुभवों में भागना या\nसमझने की कोशिश कर रहा है कि क्या हो रहा है\nऐतिहासिक खातों के लेंस के माध्यम से\nएक प्रकार का जीवन रक्षक है\nलेकिन एक पुस्तक सब के बाद एक श्वासयंत्र नहीं है\nऔर यहां तक ​​कि उन जगहों पर जहां वे एक हैं\nएक में सोलेस का महत्वपूर्ण स्रोत\nइटली की तरह बेहद चुनौतीपूर्ण समय\nकई लोग इस तर्क पर विवाद करते हैं कि ग्रंथ हैं\nकुछ के रूप में आवश्यक कीमती कागजात\nफ्रांसीसी शराब के शौकीनों ने सराहना की\nमहत्वपूर्ण के रूप में वर्गीकृत लेकिन स्वीकार किया जाता है\nइस सप्ताह वे काफी नहीं हैं\nभोजन बेचने के रूप में महत्वपूर्ण है और\nसाहित्य सहित कुछ इतालवी पानी\nप्रेमी आवश्यक पाठ को अस्वीकार करते हैं\nक्वार्ट्ज के annalisamurray ले के रूप में तर्क\nअपनी माँ में व्याप्त बहस को स्पष्ट करता है\nदेश प्यारा है, लेकिन पता चलता है\n\nArabic: \nتوقفوا عن قول الكتب ماتوا هم أكثر\nعلى قيد الحياة من أي وقت مضى البحث الذي يظهر 24 ٪\nمن الأمريكيين لم تعد قراءة الكتب\nأي شيء سوى الاكتئاب تقول ذلك\nيظهر الغالبية العظمى من الناس\nأدبي وأننا أمة\nمن القراء للعديد من الكتب ضرورية\nأنها توفر الطعام للفكر في وقت واحد\nعندما تكون أفكارنا متوحشة\nالهروب إلى تجارب أخرى أو\nمحاولاً فهم ما يحدث\nمن خلال عدسة الحسابات التاريخية\nهو نوع من المنقذ\nلكن الكتاب ليس تنفسًا في النهاية\nوهكذا حتى في الأماكن التي تكون فيها\nمصدر مهم للعزاء في\nوقت صعب للغاية كما هو الحال في إيطاليا\nيجادل الكثير في الحجة القائلة بأن النصوص\nالأوراق الثمينة الأساسية مثل بعض\nيقدر تجار النبيذ الفرنسي وجودهم\nتصنف على أنها حرجة ولكن معترف بها\nهذا الأسبوع ليسوا كذلك تمامًا\nمهمة مثل بيع المواد الغذائية و\nيسقي بعض الإيطاليين بما في ذلك الأدب\nيرفض العشاق النص الأساسي\nالحجة باسم annalisamurray le كوارتز\nتشرح الجدل المستعر في والدتها\nبلد فكرة لطيف لكنه يكشف\n\nJapanese: \n本が死んだと言うのをやめる\n24%を示すこれまでにない研究\nもう本を読まないアメリカ人の\n彼女はそれを言って憂鬱以外\n大多数の人々が\n文学と私たちが国家であること\n多くの本の読者のうち\n彼らは一度に思考の糧を提供します\n私たちの思考が暴走しているとき\n他の経験への脱出または\n何が起こっているのかを理解しようとしています\n歴史的記述のレンズを通して\n一種の命の恩人です\nでも本は呼吸器ではありません\nだから彼らがいる場所でも\nの慰めの重要な源\nイタリアのように非常に挑戦的な時間\n多くの人がテキストは\nいくつかの重要な貴重な論文\nフランスのワイン供給者は\n重要と分類されているが認められている\n今週、彼らはそれほどではありません\n総売上高として重要であり、\n文学を含む一部のイタリア人に水をやる\n愛好家は本質的なテキストを拒否します\nQuartzのannalisamurray leとしての議論\n彼女の母親で激怒している議論を説明します\n国の概念はかわいいですが明らかにします\n\nEnglish: \nthe elitism of some intellectuals\nwhile some booksellers in Italy\ncertainly do believe they should be open\nfor business\nespecially since newsstands were deemed\nessential and Amazon is delivering books\nothers are pushing back against those\ndemands Morelli's friend stefano calif\nyuri a bookseller in Bergamo recently\nposted on Facebook that he opposes\nreopening shops or allowing bookstores\nto deliver if you have nothing to read\ntoo bad you should have gone to the\nbookstores first he wrote he's urging\neveryone to follow directives to stay\nhome and Calif Yuri does have a point\nif books were so very important to\nItalians presumably people would have\nemptied the shelves of book sellers\nbefore they had to shutter as they did\nthose of grocers\nwould remain open snatching up almost\nall the pasta even toilet paper is\narguably more essential than texts if\nrecent consumer behavior is any\nindication that stuff has been difficult\nto obtain pretty much everywhere in\nearly February a toilet paper pinch was\n\nChinese: \n一些知识分子的精英主义\n而在意大利的一些书商\n当然相信他们应该开放\n商业用途\n特别是因为报亭被认为\n必不可少,亚马逊正在交付书籍\n其他人则反对\n要求莫雷利的朋友斯特凡诺·卡利夫\nyuri最近在贝加莫(Bergamo)读书\n在他反对的脸书上发布\n重新开店或允许书店\n如果您没什么要阅读的话\n太糟糕了,你应该去\n他首先写书敦促书店\n每个人都要遵守指示\n家和尤里·尤里(Yuri)确实有道理\n如果书对\n意大利人大概会有\n清空书店的书架\n在他们不得不像以前那样关门之前\n杂货店的那些\n将保持开放抢夺几乎\n所有面食甚至卫生纸都是\n可以说,比文字更重要的是\n最近的消费者行为是\n表明东西很难\n可以在任何地方获得很多\n2月初,厕所被夹住了。\n\nItalian: \nl'elitarismo di alcuni intellettuali\nmentre alcuni rivenditori di libri in Italia\ncertamente credo che dovrebbero essere aperti\nper affari\nsoprattutto da quando sono state considerate le edicole\nessenziale e Amazon sta offrendo libri\naltri stanno respingendo contro quelli\nchiede l'amico di Morelli stefano calif\nyuri un libraio di recente a Bergamo\npubblicato su Facebook a cui si oppone\nriaprire negozi o consentire librerie\nper consegnare se non hai nulla da leggere\npeccato che avresti dovuto andare al\nper prima cosa ha scritto che sta esortando\ntutti a seguire le direttive per rimanere\ncasa e Calif Yuri ha ragione\nse i libri fossero così importanti\nGli italiani presumibilmente la gente avrebbe\nsvuotò gli scaffali dei venditori di libri\nprima che dovevano tappare come hanno fatto\nquelli dei negozi di alimentari\nrimarrebbe aperto afferrando quasi\ntutta la pasta anche la carta igienica è\nprobabilmente più essenziale dei testi se\nil recente comportamento del consumatore è qualsiasi\nindicazione che le cose sono state difficili\nper ottenere praticamente ovunque in\nall'inizio di febbraio è stato un pizzico di carta igienica\n\nKorean: \n일부 지식인의 엘리트주의\n이탈리아의 일부 서점은\n확실히 그들이 열려 있어야 믿습니다\n비즈니스를위한\n특히 뉴스 스탠드가 간주 된 이후\n필수이며 아마존은 책을 제공하고 있습니다\n다른 사람들은 그 반대\nMorelli의 친구 stefano calif를 요구합니다\n최근 베르가 모에서 서점을 열다\n그가 반대하는 페이스 북에 게시\n상점 재개 또는 서점 허용\n읽을 것이 없다면 전달\n너무 나빠서\n서점은 먼저 그가 촉구했다\n모든 사람은 지시 사항을 준수해야합니다\n집과 칼리프 유리는 요점을 가지고\n책이 매우 중요하다면\n아마도 사람들은\n책 판매자의 선반을 비우다\n그들이했던 것처럼 셔터를하기 전에\n식료품 점의 사람들\n거의 열린 채로 열려\n모든 파스타조차 화장지입니다\n아마도 텍스트보다 더 필수\n최근 소비자 행동은\n물건이 어렵다는 표시\n거의 모든 곳에서 얻을 수\n2 월 초 화장지 핀치\n\nModern Greek (1453-): \nο ελιτισμός μερικών διανοουμένων\nενώ μερικοί πωλητές βιβλίων στην Ιταλία\nσίγουρα πιστεύουν ότι πρέπει να είναι ανοιχτοί\nγια δουλειές\nειδικά επειδή τα περίπτερα θεωρήθηκαν\nαπαραίτητο και η Amazon παραδίδει βιβλία\nάλλοι σπρώχνουν πίσω εναντίον αυτών\nαπαιτεί ο φίλος του Μόρελι, stefano calif\nΓιούρι ένας πωλητής βιβλίων στο Μπέργκαμο πρόσφατα\nδημοσιεύτηκε στο Facebook που αντιτίθεται\nανοίγοντας ξανά καταστήματα ή επιτρέποντας βιβλιοπωλεία\nγια παράδοση εάν δεν έχετε τίποτα να διαβάσετε\nπάρα πολύ άσχημα θα έπρεπε να έχετε πάει στο\nπρώτα τα βιβλιοπωλεία έγραψε ότι προτρέπει\nο καθένας να ακολουθήσει τις οδηγίες για να μείνει\nσπίτι και ο Καλιφόρ Γιούρι έχει ένα σημείο\nαν τα βιβλία ήταν τόσο πολύ σημαντικά\nΊσως οι Ιταλοί θα είχαν\nαδειάστηκαν τα ράφια των πωλητών βιβλίων\nπριν έπρεπε να κλείσουν όπως έκαναν\nαυτά των παντοπωλείων\nθα παρέμενε ανοιχτό σχεδόν\nόλα τα ζυμαρικά, ακόμη και χαρτί υγείας\nαναμφισβήτητα πιο ουσιαστικό από τα κείμενα εάν\nΗ πρόσφατη συμπεριφορά των καταναλωτών είναι οποιαδήποτε\nένδειξη ότι τα πράγματα ήταν δύσκολα\nγια να αποκτήσετε σχεδόν παντού\nαρχές Φεβρουαρίου ήταν μια πρέζα χαρτιού τουαλέτας\n\nHindi: \nकुछ बुद्धिजीवियों की योग्यता\nजबकि इटली में कुछ बुकसेलर्स\nनिश्चित रूप से उनका मानना ​​है कि उन्हें खुला होना चाहिए\nव्यापार के लिए\nखासकर जब से न्यूज़स्टैंड समझा गया था\nआवश्यक और अमेज़न किताबें वितरित कर रहा है\nअन्य लोग उन लोगों के खिलाफ जोर दे रहे हैं\nमोरेल्ली के दोस्त स्टेफानो कैलिफ की मांग करता है\nयूरी ने हाल ही में बर्गमो में एक बुकसेलर\nफेसबुक पर पोस्ट किया कि वह विरोध करता है\nदुकानों को फिर से खोलना या बुकस्टोर की अनुमति देना\nयदि आपके पास पढ़ने के लिए कुछ नहीं है तो वितरित करने के लिए\nबहुत बुरा आपको जाना चाहिए था\nबुकस्टोर ने पहले लिखा कि वह आग्रह कर रहा है\nसभी को रहने के लिए निर्देशों का पालन करना चाहिए\nघर और कैलिफ़ोर्निया यूरी में एक बिंदु है\nअगर किताबें बहुत महत्वपूर्ण थीं\nइटालियंस शायद लोगों को होगा\nपुस्तक विक्रेताओं की अलमारियों को खाली कराया\nइससे पहले कि वे शटर करना था जैसा कि उन्होंने किया था\nउन grocers के\nलगभग छीनने से खुला रहेगा\nसभी पास्ता यहां तक ​​कि टॉयलेट पेपर भी है\nयकीनन अगर पाठ की तुलना में अधिक आवश्यक है\nहाल का उपभोक्ता व्यवहार कोई भी हो\nसंकेत है कि सामान मुश्किल हो गया है\nहर जगह बहुत अधिक प्राप्त करने के लिए\nफरवरी की शुरुआत में एक टॉयलेट पेपर पिंच था\n\nPortuguese: \no elitismo de alguns intelectuais\nenquanto alguns livreiros na Itália\ncertamente acreditam que eles deveriam estar abertos\npara negócios\nespecialmente desde que as bancas foram consideradas\nessencial e Amazon está entregando livros\noutros estão empurrando para trás contra aqueles\nexige o amigo de Morelli, stefano calif\nyuri um livreiro em Bergamo recentemente\npostado no Facebook que ele se opõe\nreabrindo lojas ou permitindo livrarias\nentregar se você não tem nada para ler\npena que você deveria ter ido para o\nlivrarias primeiro ele escreveu que ele está pedindo\ntodo mundo a seguir as diretrizes para ficar\ncasa e Calif Yuri tem um ponto\nse os livros fossem muito importantes para\nPresumivelmente, os italianos teriam\nesvaziou as prateleiras dos vendedores de livros\nantes que eles tivessem que fechar como fizeram\nos de mercearias\npermaneceria aberto arrebatando quase\ntoda a massa mesmo papel higiênico é\nindiscutivelmente mais essencial do que textos se\ncomportamento recente do consumidor é qualquer\nindicação de que as coisas têm sido difíceis\npara obter praticamente todos os lugares\nNo início de fevereiro, uma pitada de papel higiênico foi\n\nTurkish: \nbazı entelektüellerin elitizmi\nİtalya'da bazı kitapçılar\nkesinlikle açık olmaları gerektiğine inan\niş için\nözellikle gazete bayileri kabul edildiğinden beri\nönemli ve Amazon kitap teslim ediyor\ndiğerleri bunlara karşı geri itiyor\nMorelli'nin arkadaşı stefano calif'i istiyor\nyuri yakın zamanda Bergamo'da bir kitapçı\nFacebook'ta karşı çıktığını bildirdi\ndükkanları yeniden açmak veya kitapçılara izin vermek\nokuyacak bir şeyin yoksa teslim etmek\nçok kötü gitmeliydin\nkitapçılar önce yazdığını çağırıyor\nherkes kalmak için direktifleri takip edecek\nve Calif Yuri'nin bir anlamı var\nkitaplar çok önemliyse\nİtalyanlar muhtemelen insanların\nkitap satıcılarının raflarını boşalttı\nonlar gibi kepenk yapmadan önce\nbakkaldakiler\nneredeyse kapalıyken açık kalacaktı\ntüm makarna tuvalet kağıdı bile\ntartışmalı olarak metinlerden daha önemlidir\nson tüketici davranışları\nişlerin zor olduğunun göstergesi\nhemen hemen her yerde\nŞubat ayı başlarında tuvalet kağıdı tutam\n\nArabic: \nنخبوية بعض المثقفين\nبينما بعض بائعي الكتب في إيطاليا\nبالتأكيد أعتقد أنها يجب أن تكون مفتوحة\nللعمل\nخاصة منذ أن تم اعتبار أكشاك بيع الصحف\nالأساسية وأمازون تقوم بتسليم الكتب\nآخرون يدفعون ضد هؤلاء\nيطالب صديق موريلي ستيفانو كاليف\nيوري بائع كتب في برغامو مؤخرًا\nنشر في الفيسبوك أنه يعارض\nإعادة فتح المتاجر أو السماح بالمكتبات\nلتوصيل إذا لم يكن لديك شيء للقراءة\nسيئ جدا يجب أن تذهب إلى\nالمكتبات أولاً كتب أنه يحث\nعلى الجميع اتباع التوجيهات للبقاء\nالمنزل وكاليفورنيا يوري لديه نقطة\nإذا كانت الكتب في غاية الأهمية\nمن المفترض أن الإيطاليين سيحصلون\nأفرغت أرفف بائعي الكتب\nقبل أن يضطروا إلى مصراع الكاميرا كما فعلوا\nتلك البقالة\nستبقى مفتوحة الخطف تقريبا\nجميع المعكرونة حتى ورق التواليت\nيمكن القول أكثر أهمية من النصوص إذا\nسلوك المستهلك الأخير أي\nإشارة إلى أن الأشياء كانت صعبة\nللحصول على الكثير في كل مكان\nأوائل شهر فبراير كان قرصة ورق التواليت\n\nGerman: \nder Elitismus einiger Intellektueller\nwährend einige Buchhändler in Italien\nsicherlich glauben, dass sie offen sein sollten\nfür das Geschäft\nzumal Zeitungskioske in Betracht gezogen wurden\nunerlässlich und Amazon liefert Bücher\nandere drängen sich gegen diese zurück\nfordert Morellis Freund Stefano Calif\nYuri ein Buchhändler in Bergamo vor kurzem\nauf Facebook gepostet, die er ablehnt\nWiedereröffnung von Geschäften oder Erlaubnis von Buchhandlungen\nzu liefern, wenn Sie nichts zu lesen haben\nSchade, dass du zum gegangen sein solltest\nBuchhandlungen zuerst schrieb er, er drängt\nJeder, der Anweisungen befolgt, um zu bleiben\nZuhause und Calif Yuri hat einen Punkt\nwenn Bücher so sehr wichtig wären\nItaliener hätten vermutlich Leute\nleerte die Regale der Buchverkäufer\nbevor sie wie sie schließen mussten\ndie von Lebensmittelhändlern\nwürde offen bleiben und sich fast schnappen\nAlle Nudeln sind sogar Toilettenpapier\nwohl wichtiger als Texte, wenn\nDas jüngste Verbraucherverhalten ist eines\nHinweis darauf, dass das Zeug schwierig war\nso ziemlich überall in zu erhalten\nAnfang Februar war eine Prise Toilettenpapier\n\nSpanish: \nel elitismo de algunos intelectuales\nmientras que algunos libreros en Italia\nciertamente creo que deberían estar abiertos\npara los negocios\nespecialmente porque los quioscos se consideraron\nesencial y Amazon está entregando libros\notros están empujando contra esos\nexige el amigo de Morelli, Stefano California\nyuri un librero en Bérgamo recientemente\npublicado en Facebook que se opone\nreabrir tiendas o permitir librerías\npara entregar si no tienes nada que leer\nlástima que deberías haber ido al\nlibrerías primero escribió que está instando\nque todos sigan las directivas para quedarse\ncasa y Calif Yuri tiene un punto\nsi los libros fueran tan importantes para\nLos italianos presumiblemente la gente tendría\nvació los estantes de los vendedores de libros\nantes de que tuvieran que cerrar el obturador como lo hicieron\nlos de las tiendas de comestibles\npermanecería abierto arrebatando casi\ntoda la pasta, incluso el papel higiénico es\nposiblemente más esencial que los textos si\nel comportamiento reciente del consumidor es cualquier\nindicación de que las cosas han sido difíciles\npara obtener prácticamente en todas partes en\nprincipios de febrero fue una pizca de papel higiénico\n\nFrench: \nl'élitisme de certains intellectuels\ntandis que certains libraires en Italie\ncroient certainement qu'ils devraient être ouverts\npour le business\nd'autant plus que les kiosques à journaux ont été jugés\nessentiel et Amazon livre des livres\nd'autres repoussent ceux qui\nexige l'ami de Morelli, Stefano Calif\nyuri un libraire à Bergame récemment\nposté sur Facebook qu'il s'oppose\nrouvrir des magasins ou autoriser des librairies\nà livrer si vous n'avez rien à lire\ndommage que tu aurais dû aller au\nlibrairies d'abord, il a écrit qu'il exhorte\ntout le monde à suivre les directives pour rester\nla maison et Calif Yuri a un point\nsi les livres étaient si importants pour\nLes Italiens auraient probablement des gens\nvidé les étagères des libraires\navant de devoir fermer comme ils le faisaient\nceux des épiciers\nresterait ouvert arrachant presque\ntoutes les pâtes, même le papier toilette est\nsans doute plus essentiel que les textes si\nle comportement récent des consommateurs est\nindication que les choses ont été difficiles\npour obtenir à peu près partout dans\ndébut février, une pincée de papier toilette a été\n\nJapanese: \n一部の知識人のエリート主義\nイタリアの一部の書店は\n確かに彼らは開いているべきだと信じています\n仕事のために\n特にニューススタンドはみなされたので\nアマゾンは本を配信しています\n他の人たちはそれらに対して反発しています\nモレリの友人ステファノカリフを要求\nユリは最近ベルガモの書店で\n彼が反対することをFacebookに投稿した\nショップの再開または書店の許可\n読むものがない場合に配信する\nあまりにも悪いので、\n彼が最初に書いた書店は\n誰もが指令に従って行動する\n家とカリフォルニアのユーリにはポイントがあります\n本がとても重要だったら\nイタリア人はおそらく人々が持っているだろう\n本の売り手の棚を空にした\n彼らがしたように彼らがシャッターを切らなければならない前に\n食料品の\nほぼひったくり開いたままになります\nすべてのパスタもトイレットペーパーです\n間違いなくテキストよりも間違いなくより重要です\n最近の消費者行動は\n物事が困難であったことを示す\nほとんどどこでも入手する\n2月の初めにトイレットペーパーのピンチだった\n\nChinese: \n在香港已经有感觉\n根据法院编辑Tripti Lahiri的说法\n现在这是一个超级热的商品\n华盛顿特区-需要一定\n资源充足和耐心地找到一个\n滚动此记者的家庭获得\n酒类商店的小供应商\n现在在卖手套和其他\n大流行相关产品,似乎\n如果这种短缺持续下去,可能\n或恶化一些人甚至可能开始\n从书中翻页以用作\n卫生纸,但请不要因为\n有很多文化\n未采用此产品并进行管理\n用水和严格的规则就可以了\n对于本书的卫生人员\n也许书不是必不可少的\n从技术上说,在存在意义上\n将它们视为非关键是\n也有问题,我们不应该这样\n渴望抛弃文字来拥抱\n我们可能真的不需要它们的想法\n因为如果我们这样做,那么也许当\n下一次大流行或灾难袭来\n没有人会阅读我们的证词\n我们将写关于我们的故事\n以人们阅读的方式生活在今天\n阿尔伯特·加缪(Albert Camus)是瘟疫,也许是\n真正的危险是在构思\n\nEnglish: \nalready being felt in Hong Kong\naccording to courts editor Tripti Lahiri\nnow it's a super hot commodity in\nWashington DC - it takes a certain\nresource fulness and patience to find a\nroll this reporter's household obtained\nits small supplier to liquor store\nthat's now selling gloves and other\npandemic related products and it seems\npossible that if this shortage continues\nor worsens some people may even start\nripping pages out of books to use as\ntoilet paper but please don't because\nthere are quite a few cultures that have\nnot adopted this product and managed\njust fine with water and strict rules\nfor hygiene people of the book\nperhaps books aren't essential then not\ntechnically in the existential sense but\nconceiving of them as non critical is\nproblematic too we should not be so\neager to jettison text to embrace the\nidea that we might not really need them\nbecause if we do then perhaps when the\nnext pandemic or disaster strikes there\nwill be no one reading our testimony the\ntales we'll write about what we're\nliving today the way people are reading\nAlbert Camus is the plague maybe the\nreal danger is that in conceiving of\n\nJapanese: \n香港ですでに感じられている\n裁判所の編集者トリプティ・ラヒリによると\n今では超ホットな商品です\nワシントンDC-それは一定の時間がかかります\nを見つけるためのリソースフルネスと忍耐\nこの記者の世帯を取得\n酒屋への小さなサプライヤー\nそれは今、手袋などを売っています\nパンデミック関連製品と思われる\nこの不足が続く場合は、\n悪化する人もいます\n使用するために本からページを切り取る\nトイレットペーパーはしないでください\n持っている文化がかなりあります\nこの製品を採用せず、管理\n水と厳格なルールで問題ありません\n本の衛生人のために\nおそらく本は不可欠ではないでしょう\n技術的には実存的な意味で\nそれらを重要ではないと考えることは\n私たちもそうすべきではありません\n抱擁するテキストを投棄することに熱心\n本当に必要ないかもしれないという考え\nもしそうなら、おそらく\n次にパンデミックまたは災害が発生\n私たちの証言を読む人はいないでしょう\n私たちが何であるかについて書く物語\n人々が読んでいる今日の生活\nアルバートカミュはおそらく疫病です\n本当の危険は、\n\nHindi: \nपहले से ही हांगकांग में महसूस किया जा रहा है\nअदालतों के संपादक त्रिप्ती लाहिड़ी के अनुसार\nअब यह एक सुपर हॉट कमोडिटी है\nवाशिंगटन डीसी - यह एक निश्चित लेता है\nसंसाधन परिपूर्णता और धैर्य एक खोजने के लिए\nइस रिपोर्टर के गृहस्थी को रोल करें\nशराब की दुकान के लिए अपने छोटे आपूर्तिकर्ता\nवह अब दस्ताने और अन्य बेच रहा है\nमहामारी संबंधित उत्पादों और ऐसा लगता है\nसंभव है कि अगर यह कमी जारी रहती है\nया कुछ लोग बिगड़ भी सकते हैं\nपुस्तकों के रूप में उपयोग करने के लिए पृष्ठों को तेजस्वी करना\nटॉयलेट पेपर लेकिन कृपया नहीं है क्योंकि\nवहाँ काफी कुछ संस्कृतियाँ हैं\nइस उत्पाद को नहीं अपनाया गया और प्रबंधित किया गया\nबस पानी और सख्त नियमों के साथ ठीक है\nपुस्तक के लोगों को स्वच्छता के लिए\nशायद किताबें जरूरी नहीं हैं तो नहीं\nतकनीकी रूप से अस्तित्वगत अर्थ में लेकिन\nगैर-महत्वपूर्ण के रूप में उन्हें गर्भ धारण करना\nसमस्याग्रस्त भी हमें ऐसा नहीं होना चाहिए\nआलिंगन पाठ के लिए उत्सुक को गले लगाने के लिए\nविचार करें कि हमें वास्तव में उनकी आवश्यकता नहीं है\nक्योंकि अगर हम करते हैं तो शायद जब\nअगले महामारी या आपदा वहाँ हमला करता है\nकोई भी हमारी गवाही को नहीं पढ़ेगा\nकिस्से हम वही लिखेंगे जो हम कर रहे हैं\nआज लोगों के पढ़ने का तरीका\nअल्बर्ट कैमस प्लेग है शायद\nवास्तविक खतरा यह है कि गर्भ धारण करने में\n\nFrench: \nse fait déjà sentir à Hong Kong\nselon l'éditeur des tribunaux Tripti Lahiri\nmaintenant c'est un produit super chaud\nWashington DC - il faut un certain\nplénitude des ressources et patience pour trouver un\nrouler le ménage de ce journaliste obtenu\nson petit fournisseur de magasin d'alcools\nqui vend maintenant des gants et autres\nproduits liés à la pandémie et il semble\npossible que si cette pénurie continue\nou aggrave certaines personnes peuvent même commencer\nextraire des pages de livres pour les utiliser comme\npapier toilette mais s'il vous plaît ne le faites pas parce que\nil y a pas mal de cultures qui ont\npas adopté ce produit et géré\ntrès bien avec de l'eau et des règles strictes\npour les gens d'hygiène du livre\npeut-être que les livres ne sont pas essentiels alors non\ntechniquement au sens existentiel mais\nles concevoir comme non critique est\nproblématique aussi, nous ne devrions pas l'être\ndésireux de larguer le texte pour embrasser le\nidée que nous pourrions ne pas vraiment en avoir besoin\nparce que si nous le faisons alors peut-être quand le\nprochaine pandémie ou catastrophe là-bas\npersonne ne lira notre témoignage le\ncontes que nous allons écrire sur ce que nous sommes\nvivre aujourd'hui la façon dont les gens lisent\nAlbert Camus est peut-être la peste\nle vrai danger est qu'en concevant\n\nArabic: \nشعرت بالفعل في هونغ كونغ\nبحسب رئيس تحرير المحاكم تريبتي لاهيري\nالآن أصبحت سلعة ساخنة للغاية\nواشنطن العاصمة - يتطلب الأمر بعض الشيء\nوفرة الموارد والصبر لإيجاد أ\nلفة منزل هذا الصحفي الذي تم الحصول عليه\nموردها الصغير لمتجر الخمور\nيبيع الآن القفازات وغيرها\nالمنتجات المتعلقة بالوباء ويبدو\nمن الممكن أنه إذا استمر هذا النقص\nأو قد يسوء بعض الناس حتى\nنسخ الصفحات من الكتب لاستخدامها كـ\nورق التواليت ولكن من فضلك لا لأن\nهناك عدد غير قليل من الثقافات\nلم يتم اعتماد هذا المنتج وإدارته\nعلى ما يرام مع الماء وقواعد صارمة\nلأهل النظافة من الكتاب\nربما الكتب ليست ضرورية ثم لا\nتقنيا بالمعنى الوجودي ولكن\nتصورهم على أنها غير حاسمة\nإشكالية أيضا لا ينبغي أن نكون كذلك\nحريصة على التخلص من النص لاحتضان\nفكرة أننا قد لا نحتاجها حقًا\nلأنه إذا فعلنا ذلك ربما عند\nالوباء أو الكوارث القادمة هناك\nلن يكون هناك من يقرأ شهادتنا\nحكايات سنكتب عن ما نحن عليه\nالعيش اليوم بالطريقة التي يقرأ بها الناس\nألبير كامو هو الطاعون ربما\nالخطر الحقيقي هو أنه في تصور\n\nModern Greek (1453-): \nήδη γίνεται αισθητή στο Χονγκ Κονγκ\nσύμφωνα με τον συντάκτη δικαστηρίων Tripti Lahiri\nτώρα είναι ένα εξαιρετικά καυτό προϊόν\nΟυάσιγκτον DC - χρειάζεται ένα ορισμένο\nπληρότητα πόρων και υπομονή για εύρεση α\nκυλήστε το νοικοκυριό αυτού του δημοσιογράφου που αποκτήθηκε\nο μικρός προμηθευτής του σε κάβα\nπουλά τώρα γάντια και άλλα\nπροϊόντα που σχετίζονται με πανδημία και φαίνεται\nπιθανό εάν συνεχιστεί αυτή η έλλειψη\nή χειροτερεύει μερικοί άνθρωποι μπορεί ακόμη και να ξεκινήσουν\nαντιγραφή σελίδων από βιβλία για χρήση ως\nχαρτί υγείας, αλλά μην το κάνετε γιατί\nυπάρχουν αρκετοί πολιτισμοί που έχουν\nδεν υιοθέτησε αυτό το προϊόν και διαχειρίστηκε\nκαλά με νερό και αυστηρούς κανόνες\nγια άτομα υγιεινής του βιβλίου\nίσως τα βιβλία δεν είναι απαραίτητα, τότε όχι\nτεχνικά με την υπαρξιακή έννοια αλλά\nΗ σύλληψή τους ως μη κρίσιμη είναι\nεπίσης προβληματικό δεν πρέπει να είμαστε έτσι\nανυπόμονος να απομακρύνει κείμενο για να αγκαλιάσει το\nιδέα ότι ίσως να μην τα χρειαζόμαστε πραγματικά\nγιατί αν το κάνουμε τότε ίσως όταν το\nεπόμενη πανδημία ή καταστροφές εκεί\nδεν θα διαβάσει κανείς τη μαρτυρία μας\nιστορίες που θα γράψουμε για το τι είμαστε\nζουν σήμερα με τον τρόπο που διαβάζουν οι άνθρωποι\nΟ Albert Camus είναι η πανούκλα ίσως\nπραγματικός κίνδυνος είναι αυτός κατά τη σύλληψη\n\nPortuguese: \njá está sendo sentida em Hong Kong\nde acordo com o editor do tribunal Tripti Lahiri\nagora é uma mercadoria super quente em\nWashington DC - é preciso um certo\nplenitude de recursos e paciência para encontrar um\nrolar casa deste repórter obtido\nseu pequeno fornecedor de loja de bebidas\nque agora está vendendo luvas e outras\nprodutos relacionados a pandemia e parece\npossível que, se essa falta continuar\nou piora algumas pessoas podem até começar\nrasgando páginas de livros para usar como\npapel higiênico, mas por favor, não porque\nexistem algumas culturas que têm\nnão adotou este produto e conseguiu\nmuito bem com água e regras estritas\npara pessoas de higiene do livro\ntalvez os livros não sejam essenciais, então não\ntecnicamente no sentido existencial, mas\nconcebê-los como não críticos é\nproblemático também não devemos ser tão\nansioso para abandonar o texto para abraçar o\nideia de que talvez não precisemos realmente deles\nporque se o fizermos, talvez quando o\npróxima pandemia ou desastre ocorre lá\nninguém estará lendo nosso testemunho\ncontos vamos escrever sobre o que somos\nvivendo hoje do jeito que as pessoas estão lendo\nAlbert Camus é a praga, talvez o\nperigo real é que, ao conceber\n\nItalian: \ngià sentito a Hong Kong\nsecondo l'editore dei tribunali Tripti Lahiri\nora è un prodotto super caldo in\nWashington DC - ci vuole un certo\npienezza delle risorse e pazienza per trovare a\nottenuto la famiglia di questo reporter ottenuta\nil suo piccolo fornitore al negozio di liquori\nche ora vende guanti e altro\nprodotti correlati alla pandemia e sembra\npossibile che se questa carenza continua\no peggiora alcune persone potrebbero persino iniziare\nstrappando le pagine dai libri per usarle come\ncarta igienica, ma per favore non farlo\nci sono alcune culture che hanno\nnon adottato questo prodotto e gestito\nbene con acqua e regole rigide\nper l'igiene persone del libro\nforse i libri non sono essenziali allora no\ntecnicamente in senso esistenziale ma\nconcepirli come non critici è\nanche problematico non dovremmo esserlo\ndesideroso di gettare il testo per abbracciare il\nidea che potremmo davvero non averne bisogno\nperché se lo facciamo allora forse quando il\nla prossima pandemia o il disastro colpisce lì\nnessuno leggerà la nostra testimonianza il\nracconti che scriveremo di ciò che siamo\nvivere oggi nel modo in cui le persone leggono\nAlbert Camus è la peste forse il\nil vero pericolo è quello di concepire\n\nSpanish: \nya se siente en Hong Kong\nsegún la editora de los tribunales Tripti Lahiri\nahora es un producto super caliente en\nWashington DC - se necesita un cierto\nplenitud de recursos y paciencia para encontrar un\nrodar la casa de este reportero obtenido\nsu pequeño proveedor de licorería\neso ahora está vendiendo guantes y otros\nproductos relacionados con la pandemia y parece\nposible que si esta escasez continúa\no empeora algunas personas incluso pueden comenzar\nextraer páginas de libros para usar como\npapel higiénico pero por favor no lo hagas porque\nhay bastantes culturas que tienen\nno adoptó este producto y gestionó\nbien con agua y reglas estrictas\npara personas de higiene del libro\ntal vez los libros no son esenciales, entonces no\ntécnicamente en el sentido existencial pero\nconcebirlos como no críticos es\nproblemático también no deberíamos ser tan\nansioso por deshacerse del texto para abrazar el\nidea de que realmente no los necesitamos\nporque si lo hacemos, tal vez cuando el\nla próxima pandemia o desastre golpea allí\nnadie leerá nuestro testimonio\ncuentos vamos a escribir sobre lo que somos\nviviendo hoy como la gente lee\nAlbert Camus es la plaga, tal vez el\npeligro real es que al concebir\n\nGerman: \nbereits in Hong Kong zu spüren\nlaut Gerichtsredakteur Tripti Lahiri\nJetzt ist es eine super heiße Ware in\nWashington DC - es braucht eine gewisse\nRessourcenfülle und Geduld, um eine zu finden\nrollen den Haushalt dieses Reporters erhalten\nsein kleiner Lieferant zum Spirituosengeschäft\nDas verkauft jetzt Handschuhe und andere\nPandemie verwandte Produkte und es scheint\nmöglich, dass, wenn dieser Mangel weiterhin besteht\noder verschlechtert sich manche Leute können sogar anfangen\nSeiten aus Büchern herausreißen, um sie als zu verwenden\nToilettenpapier aber bitte nicht weil\nEs gibt einige Kulturen, die haben\ndieses Produkt nicht übernommen und verwaltet\nganz gut mit Wasser und strengen Regeln\nfür Hygieneleute des Buches\nVielleicht sind Bücher dann nicht unbedingt notwendig\ntechnisch im existenziellen Sinne aber\nsie als unkritisch zu betrachten ist\nAuch problematisch sollten wir nicht sein\neifrig, Text wegzuwerfen, um das zu umarmen\nIdee, dass wir sie vielleicht nicht wirklich brauchen\ndenn wenn wir es dann vielleicht tun wenn die\nnächste Pandemie oder Katastrophe dort\nwird niemand sein Zeugnis lesen\nGeschichten, die wir über das schreiben, was wir sind\nHeute so leben, wie die Leute lesen\nAlbert Camus ist die Pest vielleicht die\nwirkliche Gefahr besteht darin, dass bei der Empfängnis von\n\nTurkish: \nHong Kong'da zaten hissediliyor\nmahkemelerin editörlerine göre Tripti Lahiri\nşimdi süper sıcak bir emtia\nWashington DC - belli bir zaman alır\nkaynak dolgunluğu ve sabır bulmak için\nelde edilen bu muhabirin evini yuvarlayın\niçki dükkanına küçük tedarikçisi\nşimdi eldiven ve diğer\npandemi ile ilgili ürünler ve görünüyor\nbu kıtlık devam ederse\nhatta bazı insanların başlayabileceği kötüleşir\nolarak kullanmak için sayfaları kitaptan koparmak\ntuvalet kağıdı ama lütfen yapma çünkü\nçok az kültür var\nbu ürünü kabul etmedi ve yönetmedi\nsadece su ve katı kurallar ile iyi\nhijyen için kitabın insanları\nbelki kitaplar gerekli değildir o zaman değil\nteknik olarak varoluşsal anlamda,\nonları eleştirel olmayan olarak düşünmek\nsorunlu da öyle olmamalıyız\nmetni kucaklamak için istekli\nonlara gerçekten ihtiyacımız olmayabileceği fikri\nçünkü eğer yaparsak\nbir sonraki salgın veya felaket grevleri\nTanıklığımızı okuyan kimse olmayacak\nhikayelerimiz hakkında yazacağız\ninsanların okuma şekline göre bugün yaşamak\nAlbert Camus veba olabilir\ngerçek tehlike,\n\nKorean: \n이미 홍콩에서 느껴지고있다\n법원 편집자 Tripti Lahiri에 따르면\n지금은 슈퍼 핫 상품입니다\n워싱턴 DC-특정 소요\n자원 충만과 인내심을 찾아\n이 기자의 가구를 구르다\n주류 판매점에 소규모 공급 업체\n장갑과 기타를 판매하고 있습니다.\n유행성 관련 제품\n이 부족이 계속되면\n어떤 사람들은 심지어 시작할 수도 있습니다\n책에서 페이지를 추출하여\n화장지이지만 제발\n문화가 꽤 있습니다\n이 제품을 채택하지 않고 관리하지 않음\n물과 엄격한 규칙만으로도 괜찮습니다.\n위생적인 사람들을 위해\n아마도 책은 필수가 아닙니다.\n기술적으로는 실용적이지만\n중요하지 않은 것으로 생각하는 것은\n문제도 우리는 그렇게해서는 안됩니다\n텍스트를 제압하기를 간절히 원합니다.\n우리가 정말로 필요하지 않을 수도 있다는 생각\n우리가 그렇다면 아마도\n다음 유행성 또는 재난 파업\n아무도 우리의 간증을 읽지 못할 것입니다.\n우리가 무엇에 대해 쓸 이야기\n사람들이 읽는 방식으로 오늘 생활\n알버트 카 무스는 전염병일지도 모르지만\n진짜 위험은\n\nGerman: \nBücher sind nicht wesentlich, die wir rendern werden\nsie Sir und verlieren etwas Unkalkulierbares\nwie Ray Bradbury es in Fahrenheit 451 ausdrückte\nein dystopischer Roman über eine Gesellschaft, die\nverbrannte und verbotene Literaturbücher waren\nnur eine Art von Behälter, wo wir\nviele Dinge gespeichert, vor denen wir Angst hatten\nkönnte vergessen, dass nichts Magisches drin ist\nihnen überhaupt ist die Magie nur in was\nBücher sagen, wie sie die Flecken von nähen\ndas Universum zusammen zu einem Kleidungsstück\nfür uns sag was du willst über die\nherrliches und weitläufiges Internet, das ist\nHalten Sie uns in Verbindung, während wir Abstand halten\nphysisch, aber es geht nicht\nDiese mühsame Aufgabe bleibt genauso leicht zu bewältigen\nZuhause bleiben sicher tragen eine Schnauze in der Öffentlichkeit\nOrte vermeiden engen Kontakt innerhalb von 6 Fuß\noder 2 Meter waschen Sie Ihre Hände häufig\nmit Wasser und Seife für mindestens 20 oder\nVerwenden Sie ein Händedesinfektionsmittel, das at enthält\nmindestens 60% Alkohol bedecken Ihren Mund und\nNase mit dem Ellbogen oder einem Papiertaschentuch, wenn\nSie husten oder niesen entsorgen die\nServiette nach Gebrauch\nlass es mich im Kommentar über die wissen\n\nArabic: \nالكتب غير ضرورية سنقدمها\nلهم سيدي ويفقدوا شيئا لا يحصى\nكما وضعها راي برادبري في فهرنهايت 451\nرواية بائسة عن مجتمع\nكتب الأدب المحروقة والمحظورة\nنوع واحد فقط من وعاء حيث نحن\nخزنت الكثير من الأشياء التي كنا نخشىها\nقد ينسى أنه لا يوجد شيء سحري في\nلهم على الإطلاق السحر هو فقط في ما\nتقول الكتب كيف يخيطون بقع\nالكون معا في ثوب واحد\nبالنسبة لنا نقول ما تريد حول\nالإنترنت المجيد والامتداد الذي هو\nتبقينا على اتصال بينما نبتعد\nجسديا لكنه لا يحقق\nهذه المهمة الشاقة تماما مثل البقاء بسهولة\nالبقاء في المنزل آمنة ارتداء كمامة في الأماكن العامة\nالأماكن تجنب الاتصال الوثيق في غضون 6 أقدام\nأو 2 متر اغسل يديك بشكل متكرر\nبالصابون والماء لمدة لا تقل عن 20 أو\nاستخدام معقم اليدين الذي يحتوي على\n60٪ على الأقل من الكحول تغطي فمك و\nالأنف مع الكوع أو الأنسجة عندما\nأنت تسعل أو تعطس\nمنديل بعد استخدامه\nاسمحوا لي أن أعرف في التعليق على\n\nModern Greek (1453-): \nτα βιβλία δεν είναι απαραίτητα που θα δώσουμε\nκύριε και χάνουν κάτι ανυπολόγιστο\nόπως ο Ray Bradbury το έβαλε στο Fahrenheit 451\nένα δυστοπικό μυθιστόρημα για μια κοινωνία που\nκάηκαν και απαγορεύτηκαν βιβλία λογοτεχνίας\nμόνο ένας τύπος δοχείου όπου εμείς\nαποθηκεύσαμε πολλά πράγματα που φοβόμασταν\nίσως ξεχάσω ότι δεν υπάρχει τίποτα μαγικό\nτους καθόλου η μαγεία είναι μόνο σε τι\nβιβλία λένε πώς ράβουν τα μπαλώματα\nτο σύμπαν μαζί σε ένα ένδυμα\nγια μας πείτε τι θα κάνετε για το\nένδοξο και εκτεταμένο Διαδίκτυο που είναι\nδιατηρώντας μας συνδεδεμένους καθώς απέχουμε\nσωματικά αλλά δεν τα καταφέρνει\nαυτό το δύσκολο καθήκον είναι τόσο εύχρηστο\nσπίτι παραμονή ασφαλή φορέστε ένα ρύγχος στο κοινό\nμέρη αποφεύγουν τη στενή επαφή εντός 6 ποδιών\nή 2 μέτρα πλύνετε συχνά τα χέρια σας\nμε σαπούνι και νερό για τουλάχιστον 20 ή\nχρησιμοποιήστε ένα απολυμαντικό χεριών που περιέχει στο\nτουλάχιστον 60% αλκοόλ καλύπτει το στόμα σας και\nμύτη με τον αγκώνα σας ή έναν ιστό όταν\nβήχετε ή φταρνίζετε απορρίψτε το\nχαρτοπετσέτα μετά τη χρήση\nεπιτρέψτε μου να ξέρω στο σχόλιο σχετικά με το\n\nFrench: \nles livres ne sont pas essentiels, nous rendrons\nles monsieur et perdre quelque chose d'incalculable\ncomme l'a dit Ray Bradbury en Fahrenheit 451\nun roman dystopique sur une société qui\nlivres de littérature brûlés et interdits étaient\nun seul type de récipient où nous\nstocké beaucoup de choses dont nous avions peur\npourrait oublier qu'il n'y a rien de magique dans\neux du tout la magie est seulement dans ce\nles livres disent comment ils cousent les patchs de\nl'univers ensemble en un seul vêtement\npour nous dire ce que vous voulez\nInternet glorieux et tentaculaire qui est\nnous garder connectés pendant que nous nous éloignons\nphysiquement, mais il n'accomplit pas\ncette tâche ardue reste aussi facilement\nà la maison rester en sécurité porter une muselière en public\nles endroits évitent un contact étroit à moins de 6 pieds\nou 2 mètres se laver les mains fréquemment\navec du savon et de l'eau pendant au moins 20 ou\nutiliser un désinfectant pour les mains qui contient au moins\nau moins 60% d'alcool couvrent votre bouche et\nnez avec votre coude ou un mouchoir\nvous toussez ou éternuez jetez le\nserviette après l'avoir utilisé\nlaissez-moi savoir dans le commentaire sur le\n\nSpanish: \nlos libros no son esenciales vamos a rendir\nellos señor y pierden algo incalculable\ncomo Ray Bradbury lo puso en Fahrenheit 451\nuna novela distópica sobre una sociedad que\nlibros de literatura quemados y prohibidos eran\nsolo un tipo de receptáculo donde\nalmacenamos muchas cosas que teníamos miedo\npodría olvidar que no hay nada mágico en\nellos en absoluto la magia es solo en lo que\nlos libros dicen cómo cosen los parches de\nel universo unido en una sola prenda\npara nosotros decir lo que quieras sobre el\nInternet glorioso y en expansión que es\nmanteniéndonos conectados mientras nos distanciamos\nfísicamente pero no cumple\nesa ardua tarea es tan fácil de mantener\npermanecer en casa seguro usar un bozal en público\nlugares evitan el contacto cercano dentro de 6 pies\no 2 metros lavarse las manos con frecuencia\ncon agua y jabón durante al menos 20 o\nuse un desinfectante para manos que contenga\nal menos 60% de alcohol cubre su boca y\nnariz con el codo o un pañuelo cuando\ntose o estornuda, deseche el\nservilleta después de usarlo\ndéjame saber en el comentario sobre el\n\nJapanese: \n本は私たちがレンダリングする本質的ではありません\n彼らはサーと計算できないものを失う\nレイブラッドバリーが華氏451でそれを置くように\nその社会についてのディストピア小説\n焼かれ、禁止された文学の本は\n唯一のタイプのレセプタクル\n私たちは私たちが恐れていた多くのものを保存しました\n中に魔法のようなものは何もないことを忘れるかもしれません\nそれらの魔法は何にでもある\n本は、彼らがどのようにパッチを縫い合わせるかを言います\n宇宙をひとつの衣服に\n私たちがあなたがどうするかを言うので\n栄光で広大なインターネット\n私たちが距離を置いても接続を維持\n物理的にはそれは達成しません\n非常に手間がかからないような困難な作業\nホームステイは公共の場で銃口を着用してください\n場所は6フィート以内の密接な接触を避けます\nまたは2メートルは頻繁に手を洗います\n石鹸と水で少なくとも20または\nを含む手の消毒剤を使用してください\n少なくとも60%のアルコールが口を覆い、\n肘またはティッシュで鼻\nあなたは咳やくしゃみを処分します\n使用後のナプキン\nについてのコメントで教えてください\n\nChinese: \n书不是必需的,我们将呈现\n他们先生,失去了无法估量的东西\n正如雷·布拉德伯里(Ray Bradbury)在《华氏451号》中所说的那样\n有关社会的反乌托邦小说,\n烧毁和禁止的文学书籍\n我们只有一种类型的容器\n储存了很多我们害怕的东西\n可能会忘记里面没有神奇的东西\n他们根本只有魔术\n书说他们如何缝制\n宇宙合而为一\n对我们来说,您对\n辉煌而庞大的互联网\n保持距离时保持联系\n从身体上看,但没有完成\n这项艰巨的任务很容易留下\n居家安全在公共场合佩戴枪口\n避免在6英尺内紧密接触\n或2米频繁洗手\n用肥皂和水冲洗至少20或\n使用的洗手液包含\n至少60%的酒精会掩盖您的嘴和\n肘部或组织时鼻子\n您咳嗽或打喷嚏处理\n使用后的餐巾\n在评论中让我知道\n\nItalian: \ni libri non sono essenziali che renderemo\nloro signore e perdono qualcosa di incalcolabile\ncome ha detto Ray Bradbury in Fahrenheit 451\nun romanzo distopico su una società che\nlibri di letteratura bruciati e vietati\nsolo un tipo di ricettacolo in cui noi\nimmagazzinato molte cose di cui avevamo paura\npotrei dimenticare che non c'è nulla di magico in\nper loro la magia è solo in cosa\ni libri dicono come cuciscono le toppe\nl'universo insieme in un unico indumento\nper noi dite cosa volete riguardo al\nInternet glorioso e tentacolare che è\ntenendoci connessi a distanza\nfisicamente ma non realizza\nquel compito arduo rimane altrettanto facilmente\na casa stai al sicuro indossa un muso in pubblico\ni posti evitano il contatto ravvicinato entro 6 piedi\no 2 metri lavarsi spesso le mani\ncon acqua e sapone per almeno 20 o\nutilizzare un disinfettante per le mani che contiene a\nalmeno il 60% di alcol copre la bocca e\nnaso con il gomito o un fazzoletto quando\ntossisci o starnutisci smaltisci il\ntovagliolo dopo averlo usato\nfatemi sapere nel commento sul\n\nPortuguese: \nlivros não é essencial, processaremos\neles senhor e perder algo incalculável\ncomo Ray Bradbury colocou em Fahrenheit 451\num romance distópico sobre uma sociedade que\nlivros de literatura queimados e proibidos eram\napenas um tipo de receptáculo em que\narmazenou muitas coisas que tínhamos medo de\npode esquecer que não há nada mágico\neles em toda a mágica é apenas o que\nlivros dizem como costuram os remendos de\no universo juntos em uma peça de roupa\npara nós diga o que quiser sobre o\nInternet gloriosa e extensa que é\nmantendo-nos conectados à medida que nos distanciamos\nfisicamente, mas não consegue\nessa tarefa árdua com a mesma facilidade\nficar em casa seguro usar um focinho em público\nlocais evitam contato próximo a um metro e meio\nou 2 metros lave as mãos frequentemente\ncom água e sabão por pelo menos 20 ou\nuse um desinfetante para as mãos que contenha pelo menos\npelo menos 60% de álcool cubra a boca e\nnariz com o cotovelo ou um lenço de papel quando\ntosse ou espirra elimine o\nguardanapo depois de usá-lo\ndeixe-me saber no comentário sobre o\n\nKorean: \n우리가 렌더링 할 책은 필수적이지 않습니다\n그들은 선생님과 헤아릴 수없는 것을 잃어 버립니다\n레이 브래드 베리가 화씨 451에 넣을 때\n사회에 대한 디스토피아 소설\n불타고 금지 된 문학 책은\n우리가있는 한 가지 유형의 콘센트 만\n우리가 두려워했던 많은 것들을 저장했습니다\n마법 같은 것이 없다는 것을 잊을 수도 있습니다.\n그들에게는 모든 마법이\n책은 그들이 어떻게 패치를 꿰매는지 말한다\n우주가 하나의 의복으로\n우리가 당신에 대해 무엇을 할 것인지 말하십시오\n영광스럽고 거대한 인터넷\n우리가 멀어 질 때 연결 유지\n육체적이지만 달성하지 못합니다\n그 어려운 일을 아주 쉽게\n공공 장소에서 총구 안전 착용 총구\n장소는 6 피트 이내에 밀착되지 않도록하십시오\n또는 2 미터가 손을 자주 씻습니다\n비누와 물로 최소 20 회 이상\n에 포함 된 손 소독제를 사용하십시오\n최소한 60 %의 알코올이 입을 가리고\n팔꿈치 또는 티슈로 코\n기침이나 재채기를하면\n사용 후 냅킨\n에 대한 의견을 알려주세요\n\nHindi: \nपुस्तकें गैर-आवश्यक हैं जिन्हें हम प्रस्तुत करेंगे\nउन्हें सर और कुछ असंगत खो दिया\nजैसा कि रे ब्रैडबरी ने इसे फारेनहाइट 451 में रखा था\nएक समाज के बारे में एक dystopian उपन्यास जो\nजली और प्रतिबंधित साहित्य पुस्तकें थीं\nकेवल एक प्रकार का रिसेप्शन जहां हम\nबहुत सारी चीजें संग्रहीत की गईं जिनसे हम डरते थे\nभूल सकता है कि जादुई कुछ भी नहीं है\nउन सभी पर जादू केवल में है\nकिताबें कहती हैं कि वे किस तरह से पेटिंग को सिलाई करती हैं\nब्रह्मांड एक साथ एक परिधान में\nहमारे लिए आप क्या करेंगे के बारे में कहते हैं\nगौरवशाली और विशाल इंटरनेट जो है\nजैसे-जैसे हम दूरी तय करते हैं, हमें जोड़े रखते हैं\nशारीरिक रूप से लेकिन यह पूरा नहीं करता है\nहाथ से रहने के रूप में काफी कठिन कार्य है\nघर में सुरक्षित रहना सार्वजनिक रूप से एक थूथन है\nस्थानों 6 फीट के भीतर निकट संपर्क से बचें\nया 2 मीटर बार-बार हाथ धोएं\nकम से कम 20 या के लिए साबुन और पानी के साथ\nएक हाथ प्रक्षालक का उपयोग करें जिसमें शामिल है\nकम से कम 60% शराब आपके मुंह को कवर करती है और\nअपनी कोहनी या जब एक ऊतक के साथ नाक\nआप खांसते या छींकते हैं\nनैपकिन का उपयोग करने के बाद\nमुझे टिप्पणी के बारे में बताएं\n\nEnglish: \nbooks is non-essential we will render\nthem sir and lose something incalculable\nas Ray Bradbury put it in Fahrenheit 451\na dystopian novel about a society that\nburned and banned literature books were\nonly one type of receptacle where we\nstored a lot of things we were afraid we\nmight forget there is nothing magical in\nthem at all the magic is only in what\nbooks say how they stitch the patches of\nthe universe together into one garment\nfor us say what you will about the\nglorious and sprawling Internet which is\nkeeping us connected as we distance\nphysically but it doesn't accomplish\nthat arduous task quite as handily stay\nhome stay safe wear a muzzle in public\nplaces avoid close contact within 6 feet\nor 2 meters wash your hands frequently\nwith soap and water for at least 20 or\nuse a hand sanitizer that contains at\nleast 60% alcohol cover your mouth and\nnose with your elbow or a tissue when\nyou cough or sneeze dispose of the\nnapkin after using it\nlet me know in the comment about the\n\nTurkish: \nkitaplar olmazsa olmaz\nefendim ve hesaplanamayan bir şeyi kaybediyorlar\nRay Bradbury'nin Fahrenheit 451'e koyduğu gibi\ntoplum hakkında distopik bir roman\nyanmış ve yasaklı edebiyat kitapları\nsadece bir tip priz\nkorktuğumuz bir çok şeyi sakladık\nbüyülü bir şey olmadığını unutabilir\nOnlarda sihir sadece\nKitaplar yamalarını nasıl diktiklerini söylüyor\nevreni birlikte tek bir giysiye\nbizim için ne yapacağını söyle\nmuhteşem ve genişleyen İnternet\nmesafe olarak bizi bağlı tutmak\nfiziksel olarak ama başaramıyor\nbu zorlu görev oldukça el altında kalıyor\nevde kalmak güvenli bir namlu kamu giyim\nyerler 6 feet içinde yakın temastan kaçınır\nveya 2 metre ellerini sık sık yıka\nsabun ve suyla en az 20 veya\niçeren bir el dezenfektanı kullanın\nen az% 60 alkol ağzınızı örter ve\nne zaman dirsek veya bir doku ile burun\nöksürür veya hapşırırsın\nkullandıktan sonra peçete\nhakkında yorumda bana bildirin\n\nArabic: \nكتاب كنت تقرأه هذه الأيام أنت\nلم يكن بعد دقيقة واحدة ستجدها\nفي الوصف أدناه الرابط إلى\nتسعة كتب جديدة يجب عليك قراءتها في مايو\nيجب عليك التحقق من ذلك وبدء القراءة\nالآن إذا استمتعت بهذا الفيديو وسوف\nأحب أن أرى المزيد تذكر أن تضرب ذلك\nزر الاشتراك وتفعيل التنبيه\nجرس لتلقي جميع مقاطع الفيديو الجديدة وإذا\nتريد متابعتي على وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي الخاصة بي\nالروابط أسفل youtube.com\nالقطع الآلهة التشفير الأول\nالآلهة التشفير أنا instagram.com مائل الشفرة\nالآلهة أنا twitter.com مائل الأصفار ط\n\nHindi: \nपुस्तक आप इस दिन पढ़ रहे थे\nअभी तक कभी नहीं दिन आप पाएंगे\nलिंक के नीचे विवरण में\nनौ नई किताबें आपको मई में पढ़नी चाहिए\nआपको इसकी जांच करनी चाहिए और पढ़ना शुरू करना चाहिए\nअब अगर आपको यह वीडियो अच्छा लगा और\nदेखना पसंद है कि हिट करने के लिए याद रखें\nबटन सदस्यता लें और अलार्म को सक्रिय करें\nसभी नए वीडियो और यदि प्राप्त करने के लिए घंटी\nआप मुझे मेरे सोशल मीडिया पर फॉलो करना चाहते हैं\nलिंक youtube.com से नीचे हैं\nस्लेश सिफर देवताओं मैं facebook.com स्लैश\nसिफर भगवान I instagram.com स्लेश सिफर\nदेवताओं मैं twitter.com स्लीपर सिफर्स i\n\nModern Greek (1453-): \nβιβλίο που διάβαζες σήμερα\nδεν έχετε ακόμη ελάχιστη μέρα θα βρείτε\nστην περιγραφή κάτω από τον σύνδεσμο προς το\nεννέα νέα βιβλία που πρέπει να διαβάσετε τον Μάιο\nθα πρέπει να το ελέγξετε και να αρχίσετε να διαβάζετε\nτώρα αν σας άρεσε αυτό το βίντεο και θα\nμου αρέσει να βλέπω περισσότερα να θυμάστε να το χτυπάτε\nκουμπί εγγραφής και ενεργοποιήστε το ξυπνητήρι\nκουδούνι για να λάβετε όλα τα νέα βίντεο και εάν\nθες να με ακολουθήσεις στα κοινωνικά μου μέσα\nοι σύνδεσμοι βρίσκονται κάτω από το youtube.com\nslash cipher Θεοί I facebook.com slash\ncipher Θεοί I instagram.com slash cipher\nΘεοί i twitter.com slash ciphers i\n\nTurkish: \nbu gün okuduğun kitap sen\nhenüz bulacağın gün hiç olmadı\naşağıdaki açıklamada\nMayıs ayında okumanız gereken dokuz yeni kitap\nkontrol etmeli ve okumaya başlamalısın\nşimdi bu videoyu beğendiyseniz ve\ndaha görmek isterim vurmayı unutmayın\nabone ol düğmesi ve alarmı etkinleştir\ntüm yeni videoları almak için çan ve eğer\nbeni sosyal medyada takip etmek istiyorsun\nbağlantılar youtube.com adresinin altında\nslash cipher gods Ben facebook.com çizgi\ncipher gods I instagram.com eğik çizgi şifre\ngods i twitter.com slash ciphers i\n\nSpanish: \nlibro que estabas leyendo estos días\naún no nunca min día usted encontrará\nen la descripción debajo del enlace a la\nnueve libros nuevos que deberías leer en mayo\ndeberías revisarlo y comenzar a leer\nahora si disfrutaste este video y lo harías\nme gusta ver más recuerda golpear eso\nbotón de suscripción y active la alarma\ncampana para recibir todos los videos nuevos y si\nquieres seguirme en mis redes sociales\nlos enlaces están debajo de youtube.com\nslash cipher gods I facebook.com slash\ncifrar dioses I cifrado de barra de instagram.com\ndioses i twitter.com slash cifra i\n\nFrench: \nlivre que vous lisiez ce jour vous\nn'ont pas encore jamais jour min, vous trouverez\ndans la description ci-dessous le lien vers le\nneuf nouveaux livres à lire en mai\nvous devriez le vérifier et commencer à lire\nmaintenant si vous avez aimé cette vidéo et\ncomme pour voir plus rappelez-vous de frapper cela\nbouton d'abonnement et activer l'alarme\ncloche pour recevoir toutes les nouvelles vidéos et si\ntu veux me suivre sur mes réseaux sociaux\nles liens sont en dessous de youtube.com\nslash chiffrer les dieux je facebook.com slash\ndieux de chiffrement je instagram.com slash cipher\ndieux i twitter.com slash ciphers i\n\nPortuguese: \nlivro que você estava lendo estes dias você\nainda não dia nunca min você vai encontrar\nna descrição abaixo, o link para o\nnove novos livros que você deve ler em maio\nvocê deve conferir e começar a ler\nAgora, se você gostou deste vídeo e\ngostaria de ver mais lembre-se de acertar\nbotão de inscrição e ative o alarme\nsino para receber todos os novos vídeos e se\nvocê quer me seguir na minha mídia social\nos links estão abaixo youtube.com\ncortar deuses cifra eu facebook.com barra\ndeuses cifra eu instagram.com barra cifra\ndeuses i twitter.com barra cifras i\n\nJapanese: \nあなたが最近読んでいた本\nあなたが見つける日はまだありません\n以下の説明にあるリンク\n5月に読むべき9冊の新しい本\nあなたはそれをチェックして読み始めるべきです\nこのビデオを楽しんだら\nもっと見たいので\n購読ボタンとアラームをアクティブにします\nすべての新しいビデオを受信するベルと\nあなたは私のソーシャルメディアで私をフォローしたい\nリンクはyoutube.comの下にあります\nスラッシュ暗号神I facebook.comスラッシュ\n暗号の神々instagram.comスラッシュ暗号\ngods i twitter.com slash ciphers i\n\nChinese: \n这几天你在读书\n还未永远没有你会发现的一天\n在下面的说明中,指向\n你应该在五月读的九本新书\n您应该检查一下并开始阅读\n现在,如果您喜欢这部影片,\n喜欢看到更多记得打\n订阅按钮并激活警报\n响铃以接收所有新视频,如果\n您想在我的社交媒体上关注我\n链接位于youtube.com下面\n斜线密码神我facebook.com斜线\n密码神instagram.com斜线密码\n众神我twitter.com斜线我\n\nItalian: \nlibro che stavi leggendo in questi giorni tu\nnon ho ancora mai un giorno minimo che troverai\nnella descrizione sotto il link al\nnove nuovi libri che dovresti leggere a maggio\ndovresti controllarlo e iniziare a leggere\nora se ti è piaciuto questo video e lo faresti\nmi piace vedere di più ricordati di colpirlo\npulsante Iscriviti e attiva l'allarme\ncampana per ricevere tutti i nuovi video e se\nvuoi seguirmi sui miei social media\ni collegamenti sono in basso su youtube.com\nbarra dei numeri di crittografia I barra di facebook.com\ncipher gods I instagram.com slash cipher\ngods i twitter.com slash ciphers i\n\nKorean: \n당신이 요즘 읽고 있던 책\n아직 당신이 찾을 수 분을 아직하지 않은\n아래 설명에서\n5 월에 읽어야 할 9 권의 새로운 책\n당신은 그것을 확인하고 읽기 시작해야\n이 비디오를 즐겼다면\n더 많은 것을보고 싶어요\n구독 버튼과 알람을 활성화\n모든 새 동영상을 받고\n내 소셜 미디어에서 나를 따라 가고 싶어\n링크는 youtube.com 아래에 있습니다.\n슬래시 암호 신 나는 facebook.com 슬래시\n암호 신들 instagram.com 슬래시 암호\n신 나는 twitter.com 슬래시 암호 나\n\nEnglish: \nbook you were reading this days you\nhaven't yet never min day you will find\nin the description below the link to the\nnine new books you should read in May\nyou should check it and start reading\nnow if you enjoyed this video and would\nlike to see more remember to hit that\nsubscribe button and activate the alarm\nbell to receive all new videos and if\nyou want to follow me on my social media\nthe links are down below youtube.com\nslash cipher gods I facebook.com slash\ncipher gods I instagram.com slash cipher\ngods i twitter.com slash ciphers i\n\nGerman: \nBuch, das du in diesen Tagen gelesen hast\nIch habe noch nie einen Tag gefunden, den du finden wirst\nin der Beschreibung unter dem Link zum\nNeun neue Bücher, die Sie im Mai lesen sollten\nSie sollten es überprüfen und mit dem Lesen beginnen\nNun, wenn Sie dieses Video genossen haben und würden\nIch würde gerne mehr sehen. Denken Sie daran, das zu treffen\nAbonnieren Sie die Schaltfläche und aktivieren Sie den Alarm\nGlocke, um alle neuen Videos zu erhalten und wenn\nDu willst mir in meinen sozialen Medien folgen\nDie Links befinden sich unten auf youtube.com\nSchrägstrich Chiffrengötter Ich facebook.com Schrägstrich\nChiffre Götter Ich instagram.com Schrägstrich Chiffre\nGötter i twitter.com Schrägstriche i\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "- You've also said that The Matrix\nmay be one of your more\nfavorite AI-related movies.\nCan you elaborate why?\n- Yeah, it is one of my favorite movies.\nAnd it's because it represents\nkind of all the things I think about.\nSo there's a symbiotic relationship\nbetween robots and humans, right?\nThat symbiotic relationship\nis that they don't destroy us,\nthey enslave us, right?\nBut think about it.\nEven though they enslaved us,\nthey needed us to be happy, right?\nAnd in order to be\nhappy, they had to create\nthis gritty world that they\nthen had to live in, right?\nThat's the whole thing or premise.\nBut then, there were humans\nthat had a choice, right?\nLike you had a choice to stay\nin this horrific, horrific world\nwhere it was your fantasy's\nlife with all of the anomalies,\nperfection but not accurate.\nOr you can choose to be on your own\nand like have maybe no\nfood for a couple of days,\nbut you were totally autonomous.\nAnd so I think of that, and that's why.\nSo it's necessarily us being enslaved,\nbut I think about us having\nthis symbiotic relationship,\nrobots and AI, even if\nthey become sentient,\nthey're still part of our society\nand they will suffer just as much as we.\n- Just as us.\nAnd there will be some kind of equilibrium\nthat we'll have to find,\nsome symbiotic relationship.\n- Right, and then you have the ethicists,\nthe robotics folks, that are\nlike, no this has got to stop.\nI will take the other pill in\norder to make a difference.\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "sureom: Hi george <3\nHaVoCPanda69: yo\nDirtiied: Hey George\nd4vinc1c0de: HEY BROOO\nspec_he: ayee\nNotKarar: yoyo\nScrubLifeChoseMe: oi\nbrianbernales: Hi\nHaVoCPanda69: omg not a for loop!!!!!!!\nahahaitslit: yeehaw\nScrubLifeChoseMe: So senior\nmarschr: duuude\nmoistFukagawa: it is him\nPrivateBalint: hi Georgw\nmoistFukagawa: the hotz himself\nForeigner369: el georgio\ndorkmo: lets gooo\nScrubLifeChoseMe: si\nFMIKO: ayo\nPenguino138: yoooooo\nbrianbernales: Noooo\nranchleo: yo\nmarschr: branchless code\nPenguino138: Penguino138 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 5 months, currently on a 5 month streak! Happy streaming\nanguscupcake: YO\nmost_fatal: let’s gooooo!\ngrenaderaven: yo\nasdhxc: test\nlef_xyz: Pog\nanguscupcake: oh hell ya\nRepunk: Yoyo\npwnbase: SWED\nasdhxc: cool I can still chat\nMayfieldiv: Evening\nMakrinus: Eugh i hate for loops\nsolitaryyy: Smoke weed stream\ngcheezy39a: The journey is the meaning :)\nVjasal: come on george, it's 1am, I can't not go to sleep\nRafabld1996: #sws CiGrip\ndavidbarreroo: Quick question have you look into trading Ai ??\nmoistFukagawa: das rite\nsolitaryyy: Career advice: cringe\nbrianbernales: Hell yeah\ndomtomthedev: SWS!!!!\nahahaitslit: come on bro\nRepunk: Gotta light one up with you bud!\nmost_fatal: clang and sws😂\nbrianbernales: Let’s do drugs\nlef_xyz: LUL\nPrivateBalint: hey George\nsolitaryyy: MBA'a helped Intel and Boeing\nWistfulFella: Hey George. Did you see the big 4 companies hearing? @georgehotz\nPenguino138: dark in NY\nanewstart33: just drink some bud light and do mushroomss\nNonTrivial778: I drop out college because of you\nbrianbernales: More dabs\nRafabld1996: faded George, best George\nslava_llll: u the real tomcr00se?\nxkcdz: xkcdz subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 1 month streak! \nVjasal: you look hammered\ndr_set: to you have a fan on? There's a lot of noise on the background\nb0bsaget: did he do drug? what did I miss\nNotKarar: Indeed in this\nbrianbernales: Java?\nPrivateBalint: hey George!!!\ndavidbarreroo: Are you not concern about long term effects of weed ?\ngrenaderaven: do a freestyle\ndavid_ballezaa: GPT-3?????\nPenguino138: @georgehotz How is solidity going?\ndavidbarreroo: Weed = Not living forever\nryan00225: loooop\nmasters8: > Using textedit for programming LUL\nbrianbernales: Lol\nVjasal: programing tutorial PogChamp\nb0bsaget: did he do drug on stream?\nb0bsaget: I missed it?\nhellnahdude: printf(\"Hello World!\");\ngrenaderaven: @b0bsaget no\npwnbase: he do drug\nbrianbernales: SuperVinlin\nNotKarar: @b0bsaget off stream\nanguscupcake: BOB SAGET\nb0bsaget: oh\nsolitaryyy: smoke weed stream PogChamp\nb0bsaget: what's up brooo\nPenguino138: @georgehotz hodling during the pump?\nSuccubusMistress: @georgehotz If u can bypass the Playstation 5 Security i'll be truly impressed.\nWeeeBey: TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard\nfarlopote: PogChamp PogChamp\nDirtiied: Bro to this day your ps3 jailbreak was the most impressive thing to me.\nno_g: Quoting Kanye West?\nbrianbernales: Ethereum?\nsolitaryyy: @georgehotz getting an MBA\nb0bsaget: yo george pitch me why I should sub\nForeigner369: LUL\nsureom: what did bob saget do in 1990??\ndavid_ballezaa: GPT-3?????????????????'\nlef_xyz: are you sharpening your C++ skills\nWeeeBey: PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp\ngrenaderaven: PogChamp\nPrivateBalint: hey george!!!\nhardtarget4: PogChamp\nPenguino138: Hollywood Alive\nGalaxyon666: hey George\nahahaitslit: magic\nmany_mangos: notification gang o7\nForeigner369: PogChamp\nno_g: fore\nHaVoCPanda69: lmao\nmost_fatal: savage the GOAT\nvybster: before loop\nmarschr: keyboard/language settings\nvybster: 'fore loop\nokaynils: forehead loop\nVjasal: fore?\nJumpTwiice: what is a fore loop\nb0bsaget: what kind of drugs we on?\nhardtarget4: young fore god baby\nbrianbernales: C\nvybster: foreskin loop\nsureom: HAHAHAHA\nJumpTwiice: LUL\nForeigner369: PogChamp 4\n8FollowSonik: PogChamp\nno_g: huh\nsolitaryyy: lol\nokaynils: wtf 4Head\nMakrinus: Remove auto capitalize first letter\nno_g: just do i+=4\nb0bsaget: must be weed\nmarschr: yaay LLVM\nb0bsaget: he got the muchie\nokaynils: literally @no_g\nMyslius: ok, why 4? is it a meme? four loop?\nno_g: LUL\nhardtarget4: get him out\nTyButNowYouDie: TyButNowYouDie subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months! Pog\nScrubLifeChoseMe: LMAO\nb0bsaget: we must write our own compiler!!!!!\nbrianbernales: Lol\nNotKarar: Nobody needs facebook PogChamp\nsolitaryyy: MBA's want fore loops\nlightofhel1: yo, whats up\nsethybrunes: george is in too deep boys\nahahaitslit: what the hell is this\nasdhxc: are you doing another quiz today?\ngcm952: what if you just nest a for loop\nVjasal: that's cool and all, but for about five loops?\nb0bsaget: we must use our skillz to do useless things because that is the true meaning of life\nmany_mangos: @georgehotz you want useless? Come up with a new quine (code that outputs itself)\nokaynils: are fore loops = AI? PogChamp\nMateusTD: LUL\nvybster: text bigger pls\ncalcmath: why dont you speel it as four loops?\ntopbxy: got my first interview tmrw for a software dev job, should i tell them about fore loops? @georgehotz\nTal_X_Tal: why stream so late for EU frens BibleThump\nmannekchin: TriHard 7\nbrianbernales: Compiler class?\nmannekchin: cheaters forsenCD\nsethybrunes: @topbxy only if you want the job\nmarschr: why 4, cash alignment/stride or some shosh?\nlef_xyz: Kappa\nNotKarar: monkaS Shit I do that\nb0bsaget: but you did all your drug off stream\nyouatethelastpieceoftoast: I've been needing a fore loop for a while\nfarlopote: HeyGuys HeyGuys\nxkcdz: This is a highlighted message\nb0bsaget: not swag\nGalaxyon666: what was that hole busy beaver thing\nSylens__: I don’t\nbroshevik1: nobody watches coding streams ???\nlightofhel1: how fore works?\npwnbase: the holy bible\nogrockefeller: Sup Vader\nb0bsaget: programming is learned by birth in the womb\ngrenaderaven: i learned parkour from blog posts\ndizee3: georgehotz what's your opinion on rust?\nTal_X_Tal: true true\nmannekchin: TRUE\nhardtarget4: deep\nlightofhel1: ++ is + 4?\nNeztea: tru tru\nexendroinients245: Very good stream time for EU neet\nsolyyd: sup bro\ncorvo7980: hardcore parkour\nfarlopote: make it bigger\nced0xF: Haskell equivalent foreMap f = map (f . f . f . f)\nokaynils: honestly no one cares about how smart you are, of course its nice to see some tidy functions but in the end we're here for ur personality lol 4Head\nmany_mangos: hardcour parkour -dwight\nMayfieldiv: will this also affect the \"do\" part of while do loops?\nPenguino138: Geo Llama\nmost_fatal: 😂\nvybster: BIG TEXT PLS\nBioaim7: what is clang\nSlowlyRunnin: Parkour = programming\nWeeeBey: i can :)\nogrockefeller: LARGEEE\ntopbxy: u need to do more parkour to be partner\nTal_X_Tal: PogChamp SOON\nangel_j_a: ez partner 4 george\nMerwanedr: George does DeFi\nmannekchin: any gifters? TriHard\nwutango: PogChamp\nmost_fatal: Big font!!!!\nflayer0: awesome\nTal_X_Tal: YOU CAN DO IT\nmaoamwins: maoamwins subscribed with Twitch Prime. \nMyslius: i learned bomb defusing the hard way\njames_4312: #teamTomruize\nvybster: BIG WORDZZZZZ\nb0bsaget: george you want to be an influencer??? =\nprittiao22: yo gimme some pink drink\nmarschr: clang is inside LLVM\nR_U_Ri_Ui: Is this GPT-3?\nmarschr: yes, they did\nVjasal: will todays stream be on next test? @georgehotz\nomegamegalomaniac_: The next two hours of the stream is compiling clang\nimperialft: is this the begineer stuff?\nmarschr: blame lattner\nlef_xyz: LUL\nb0bsaget: giga influencer george 👺\nmany_mangos: TriHard never subbed TriHard never donated TriHard adblock on TriHard stolen laptop TriHard neighbor's wifi TriHard free entertainment TriHard\nsolyyd: dude what is fore loop challenge\nMateusTD: true, true\nMerwanedr: Do a DeFi stream\ndavidbarreroo: Sometimes is weed waiting\nfarlopote: doing nothkng waiting\ngrenaderaven: f\nlightofhel1: are u working? yeah, mom it's compiling\nRafabld1996: smoking weed waiting\nWistfulFella: F\nJacobSolo: brew update always waiting\nR_U_Ri_Ui: @many_mangos You're using Windows, though...\nhardtarget4: get him out\nMyslius: lets check ethereum price\ndizee3: BAN\nb0bsaget: ban!\nHaVoCPanda69: ban\nwutango: LUL\nsolitaryyy: MBA Stream\nForeigner369: cmonBRuh\nangel_j_a: LUL\nM0tyak: rip stream\nForeigner369: cmonBruh\nPenguino138: mangoes are good but not that one\nNotKarar: PogChamp BOB PogChamp SAGET\nyth1n: yth1n subscribed with Twitch Prime. \ndmfj_io: dmfj_io subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 1 month streak! \ntopbxy: when u wait u take a puff\njames_4312: why not gcc?\nsethybrunes: MONETIZE THE FOUR LOOP\nGalaxyon666: highlighted\nmany_mangos: @R_U_Ri_Ui how u know I'm not using linux bruh\nyth1n: whats the way of happiness @georgehotz\nangel_j_a: all mangoes needs is a gifted sub\nSlaterUSA: ey gurl, nice clangers\nmost_fatal: yes\nleesingods: yess hes streaming\nFruitellaJesus: yo george what're you up to today?\nC3r0C3r0C3r0: Cheer100 there is no such thing as a free lunch\nMateusTD: VS Code Pog\nForeigner369: :)\ndiddyp1_LiiD: what about sublime??\nBioaim7: did he really just open vscode?\ncorvo7980: vim\nhelofren: hifrends\nb0bsaget: bro vscode\ndizee3: georgehotz have you tried writing anything with rust?\nhardtarget4: DansGame\nlef_xyz: YEP\nSlaterUSA: check out this n00b who doesn't use nano\ncorvo7980: with ctags\nangel_j_a: vim bindings in code?\nbubthefi5h: Love watching these streams\nsolyyd: what's the challenge\nb0bsaget: imagine not reading code in notepad NotLikeThis\nmarschr: just half the logical threads =(\nIliftmymousealot: Ast= Abstract Syntax tree\nVjasal: @georgehotz what if you do fore (i = 0; 1 < 10; i+=2)? will it increment i by 4, 5 or 8?\nPenguino138: \"editing evolved\" lol\nGalaxyon666: its funny in interviews and such you seem kinda like a rude dude but when you stream you are fun and happy\nthe_warp_rider: next project: hyper bucket!!\njhvdsgjjfzt: how much time per day would you say you \"waste\"? @georgehotz\nmarschr: blame latnet\nlef_xyz: gonna be here for a while\njames_4312: use ctrl+f\nangel_j_a: complicated as shit bois LUL\ndontbeameme: He has ascended\nahahaitslit: lmfao\nMyslius: 10k results\npepestorm: howdy boise\nMateusTD: who wrote all this shit KappaHD\nb0bsaget: I don't think you signed up for something that's too hard, but you might have signed up for something that is too useful\nHaVoCPanda69: lmao LUL\npepestorm: HeyGuys\nfarlopote: WutFace\ndontbeameme: George in New Zealand bunker\nmetaconstruct: we hackin on llvm?\nMeapzor: what are we doin?\nmarschr: start from the frontend\nMyslius: i have an idea: look for something similar like while, and find the common syntax to find for\n업넙업넙: gachiHyper\nlef_xyz: LUL\nIliftmymousealot: Antlr\nMayfieldiv: did you try compiling the compiler before you modifying it?\nlef_xyz: Kappa\nJewishrambo: george PogChamp\nTyButNowYouDie: Tut-tuut HypeFrog\nW1lkins: here's one I prepared earlier Kappa\nb0bsaget: only loser preps for stream\nHousedHorse: what's the \"fore loop challenge\"\nbboc_kz: ^\ncorvo7980: grammar\npepestorm: what's going on today? i just arrived?\nbrianbernales: CoolStoryBob\nMateusTD: I love pressing keys\nFruitellaJesus: What is all this not-javascript code? drhgHmm\nBioaim7: keeps pressing keys KEKW\nIliftmymousealot: are es creating a new language\nmany_mangos: @pepestorm we're planning a government coup\nbluuaaaa: are ya winning , son?\nIliftmymousealot: ?\nonu4r: yo did you see the antitrust hearing?\nahahaitslit: @pepestorm he is writing a for loop that increments by 4 instead of by one in clang\ndontbeameme: I play street fighter and only button mash\nbsx1123: CoolStoryBob\ngenerated_human: Silverhand\nhardtarget4: DMCA\npepestorm: @many_mangos i'm game\nonu4r: Republicans went hard with conspiracy theories :D\ndizee3: antitrust hearing was kinda lame imo\nhelofren: has to be the mr robot playlist\nJewishrambo: grep -Hnri\npepestorm: @ahahaitslit pretty complex\nsureom: songname?\nhenistein: How much time he is streaming?\nHaVoCPanda69: @onu4r politics booo DansGame\nsolyyd: what happened to busy beaver\nmuffclap: can anyone briefly explain what today's goal is\nb0bsaget: george your streams are too useful.. I am disappointed\ngazny: Reading the docs PogChamp\njonathanh8686: why don't you grep for \"for loop\"\nbichid69: woooo\nJewishrambo: like 15 minutes\nrwzbug: analysis/loopinfo??\nmathnerd314159: it's handwritten recursive descent parser, I don't think there's a grammar\nbluuaaaa: u speak engrish?\npepestorm: @henistein it's literally written on your screen bruh\nSlaterUSA: did george move houses/apts?\nmarschr: check loop unrolling?\njakeglenn: solo PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp\nVjasal: LUL\nW1lkins: 4.5k results LUL\nmarschr: or loop widening?\nfarlopote: SeemsGood SeemsGood\niamyourbigbrother: vscode Kappa\ngalbeiroc: HI George!!\nmuffclap: what is this repository\nW1lkins: translations LUL\nb0bsaget: multilang? I thought this was America\nbichid69: what's with the tunes haha\nMayfieldiv: george do you wanna try compiling the compiler before modifying it?\nmarschr: looks like the api for the frontend\nW1lkins: Mayfieldiv he is\ndef_william: Hello\nJewishrambo: don't think I got notification\nMyslius: starting compiler now might be a good idea\nomnidias: Why does this song sounds like it's playing at 1.25x speed\nsureom: billy joel <3\ndef_william: Probably is playing it at 1.25\nhardtarget4: we out here\nmathnerd314159: try searching forstmt\ndef_william: 500brains\nbichid69: What is even going on?\ngazny: hooglSmart\ntrump4200000: SabaPing SabaPing\nb0bsaget: winnnnnn\ndef_william: What is this nerd doin\nneel421997: what the hell is going on? what is he doing?\nMyslius: what nerds do\ntrump4200000: CoolCat CoolCat CoolCat CoolCat CoolCat CoolCat TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours\nMyslius: computer nerd, computer does, does whatever computer nerd does\nlightofhel1: he is doing job Kappa\no______________________k: @neel421997 editing clang compiler\nOlympience: When does the good music start though?\nb0bsaget: he is proving himself\npepestorm: why would you want to mess with the clang for behaviour?\ndef_william: Whata Nerd\nomnidias: @Olympience /ban\nneel421997: is he making a compiler of his own?\ntrump4200000: beethoven\nW1lkins: ls \nMyslius: pepestorm: because fore loop must be a thing\nOlympience: LUL\nneel421997: @o______________________k ooooooooooooook\nJewishrambo: lexer\ntopbxy: chat he dont care about us anymore LUL\nNeisdi: adding new loop called fore. game changer in programing no kapp\nNotKarar: FeelsBadMan\nomnidias: Never did\nMyslius: hes in the zone\nW1lkins: ls \npwnbase: The left is losing the middle\ngazny: Yall ever get into flow, just follow along\ntopbxy: he is indeed in the zone\nOlympience: Taylor swift please\nb0bsaget: the point of the chat is not to be read\nqlutoo: !project\ntrump4200000: SabaPing SabaPing SabaPing SabaPing SabaPing SabaPing SabaPing SabaPing SabaPing BegWan BegWan\ngrenaderaven: the egg is losing the yolk\nb0bsaget: the point of the chat is to subscribe to flex your superiority on the other viewers\nSt47ik: focus 100 PogChamp\ndef_william: Your the audience. In the crowd\niagia: should I hit the [Resubscribe] button??\nlightofhel1: lol.ed1 KEKW\nj0sheezy: thats basic\nW1lkins: Making PR to llvm PogChamp\nneel421997: @neisdi PogChamp PogChamp SeemsGood\nmarschr: maybe check how they implement it in LLVM kaleydoscope tutorials\nMateusTD: coding PogChamp\nsymbiiote: what he is doing?\nsymbiiote: can someone explain pls\nb0bsaget: no\nSt47ik: haking the simulation\ntls90x: big data\nsolyyd: implementing a custom \"fore\" loop syntax\nneuromancer2: neuromancer2 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 5 months! \nsolyyd: similar to for loop\nsenpagax: that implements by 4 instead of 1 lol\nMyslius: symbiiote: hes adding fore loop to clang\nhardtarget4: CoolStoryBob\nneel421997: @symbiiote adding a fore loop into the clang compiler\nNeisdi: Hes tryna figure out how normal for loop is defined\nSetszawA: which song is playing?\nsenpagax: increments*\nduudzzz: what the heeel is going onnn\nduudzzz: ?\nMeapzor: ColonProtection Kappa\nb0bsaget: @neuromancer2 understands the point of the stream\nykahveci_: what is fore?\nPrivateBalint: white music\nEhGuyInCanada: Did I miss the quiz today?\nEhGuyInCanada: The test*\nneuromancer2: The chance to watch George in his natural habitat, hell yeah\nSt47ik: LUL\nideology_sniffing_raccoon: Jammies\nHaVoCPanda69: death metal time\nneel421997: @ykahveci_ it's a game changer mah dood!\nW1lkins: DansGame\nNotKarar: DansGame skipping\npepestorm: i've always wished i had a fore loop, for when my data is only interesting 1 out of four times\nEhGuyInCanada: Wait was there a test today?\nmunchfumble: what is fore?\nxksteven: !uptime\nMateusTD: can we listen to some jack johnson MiniK\nNotKarar: What isn't fore?\nMyslius: fore is life\nsolyyd: it's like force\ntugendhat: if an alien would rewrite the openpilot codebase in golang for free, in under 5s, would they do it?\nsolyyd: without the c\nNotKarar: It is in fact not life.\nhellnahdude: who tf is jack johnson\nykahveci_: Chat LUL\nMyslius: its like a jelly\nmunchfumble: oh ookok\nNotKarar: munchfumble what do you want fore to be\nb0bsaget: george can't C because he doesn't have his glasses\npepestorm: next christmas i want santa to put a foreloop in my socket\nNotKarar: b0bsaget nymnPains\nNotKarar: good one\nW1lkins: Not using cmd-P feelsbadman\nW1lkins: FeelsBadMan\nb0bsaget: I should be banned for such a joke\nJehhred: DMCA about to end this guys whole career\nmasters8: >Wants to get twitch partner >breaks TOS\nsolomonspeare: chat what's the \"the fore loop challenge #sws\" ??\n16bitslive: this guy is human?\nNotKarar: whatever you want it to be\nNotKarar: specifically, to implement a fore loop\nsolyyd: the youtube vid is gonna be all muted lmao\nelement731: @solomonspeare he mistyped. It’s the foreskin challenge I’m pretty sure.\n16bitslive: c++ best language\nW1lkins: imagine having to write a backward compat version for all these shit versions of syntax LUL\nmost_fatal: streaming while stoned!\n16bitslive: I accualy understand this sht\nyouatethelastpieceoftoast: this is too political\nb0bsaget: @element731 correct\nJewishrambo: this code PogChamp PogChamp\nleesingods: i had to mute the stream because i thought the music was coming from another tab lmaoo\nanewstart33: cv\npepestorm: how is for even implemented? is it a macro or something?\n16bitslive: I understood iut\n16bitslive: wtf\nsolyyd: what happened to the beavers though\nelement731: @geohot George get up and let’s do an 80s dancing montage. Please! It’ll be just like the breakfast club.\nneel421997: @pepestorm LUL\n16bitslive: what codebase is this?\nthundershots999: Is that waffle maker still for sale ?\nJewishrambo: llvm\n16bitslive: its just alot of if cases\nsaixj: what is the lituation\nb0bsaget: @thundershots999 he threw it out bro gotta follow the instagram smh\n3even: Do you want to hire a procedural PHP dev?\nmarschr: threadripper notebook\n16bitslive: jhajhajajaja\nMateusTD: the drop\nsolomonspeare: FUNDRAISER Pog\n16bitslive: php dev\nHaVoCPanda69: why not have a server to ssh in?\nW1lkins: slower brain or faster computer\nMyslius: can you simply 4x the expression in parser? or do you want to change it in compiling part?\n16bitslive: PHP dev solve this\nb0bsaget: gofundme for faster computer\n16bitslive: justdont forget to add in ur code\nsaixj: !today\nnorthumb: all night streaming @georgehotz ?\nRichyK1: Can someone explain what the challenge is about\nsaixj: yes\nsaixj: ^\n3even: @16bitslive its a joke Einstein\nW1lkins: no\nMyslius: probably\nb0bsaget: maybe\naj37z: do more AI / statistics\n16bitslive: @3even I know, I went to uni and we learned php\nd4vinc1c0de: @RichyK1 hes trying to make a for loop that does +4 instead of +1 with i++\nsaixj: you should setup a !song command for the music\n16bitslive: thats why I keep joking about it\nsolitaryyy: PHP MaxLOL\ndomtomthedev: this is not the kind of music I usually program to. it will be now\nahahaitslit: editing clang compiler to add a variation of the for loop\nb0bsaget: he's trying to regrow his foreskin\nraystriker98: the music is good\n16bitslive: good think with php is that you learn databases, and that is imortant\nmuffclap: wtf is going on\n1ncurs0: WutFace\naj37z: WutFace\nsaixj: no just to identify music\nfronyyo: uhh\nsaixj: not change control\nPenguino138: building is always scary the first couple times\naj37z: \"fore\" loops\nmichael_eu: lets do some testssss\nMateusTD: and then.. global domination\nb0bsaget: see\nW1lkins: 4Head loops\nb0bsaget: it's about foreskins\n16bitslive: add a creampie loop, it works\ngrenaderaven: 5Head\nPenguino138: for(e) loops\nJehhred: The hell is 'Clang'?\nahahaitslit: compiler\nW1lkins: implement 4Head loops next thanks\n16bitslive: this guy gets old so fast, I wonder why?\nb0bsaget: what\nsolitaryyy: @Jehhred LLVM frontend for C/C++\nW1lkins: because you are too low IQ for the stream 16bitslive\nb0bsaget: ^\n16bitslive: I am?\nsureom: good song <3\npepestorm: LUL, is he going to compile the whole compiler with every little change?\nb0bsaget: you're just trying to impart meaning\nb0bsaget: we don't do that here\n16bitslive: Im not a good coder, I agre\nneel421997: i finally got how to do it!!! press Alt-F4.\n16bitslive: I just made kernel driver cheats for csgo\nmichael_eu: we like billy joel\nb0bsaget: have you not read the coding scroll\njohnleetran: this channel is pointless and that's the point\n16bitslive: and almost anyother game\nlittlebighead82: jam\nerichtp: DMCA moon2SERF\n16bitslive: facebook was built o php, so dont argu\nRichyK1: @16bitslive that's overkill on csgo\nW1lkins: DMCA is low IQ\npepestorm: php is like hiv of programming\nsolyyd: @16bitslive csgo lmao\n16bitslive: @RichyK1 depends where u play ;)\nlightofhel1: DLLVM_ENABLE_PROJECTS=\"clang\"?\n16bitslive: vac is overkill, just read process memory works\nb0bsaget: time to ban hammer\nneel421997: hammer time!\nsureom: :)\nC3r0C3r0C3r0: you people?\nPenguino138: Thor bringing the hammer\ndorkmo: what is fore? i cant find anything online?\naj37z: free the plebs\nPenguino138: no plebs to devolve the convo\nigooey: another test?\nsolitaryyy: @dorkmo its a for loop where i++ is actually i+=4\ngrenaderaven: im a self-made pleb\nJewishrambo: lol\nerichtp: welcome to the cum-zone\nsolitaryyy: lol oh\naj37z: Pog\nlightofhel1: deep x4\nsolitaryyy: You run the condition four times\nPenguino138: Is fore better for manipulating pixels then that have 4 channels?\nW1lkins: Implement 4Head loop next thanks\ngenerated_human: example of use?\nsolitaryyy: MBA loops next\nlightofhel1: LUL\nangel_j_a: tps reports PogChamp\nlef_xyz: There are no stupid questions Kappa\nW1lkins: unFOREtunately Kappa\nsolitaryyy: You're not Terry Davis until you make your own OS\nmunchfumble: LUL LUL LUL\nkeith282: RIP Terry Davis\nsureom: haha i don't know how to read\nb0bsaget: b0bsaget subscribed at Tier 1. \nb0bsaget: brooooooooooo\nb0bsaget: check out my star boysssssss\nsureom: sick star!!!!!\nangel_j_a: next is four loops Kappa\nrooney1287: zaakmuro subscribed with Twitch Prime. \nVjasal: fore (i = 0; i < 10; i += 0,25)\nb0bsaget: we need duodeca loop\nicourier6: icourier6 subscribed at Tier 1. \nb0bsaget: bring music back >:(\nandreadaedra: andreadaedra subscribed with Twitch Prime. \nrooney1287: Bring Billy back\nb0bsaget: billy RN\nandreadaedra: That's weird mate.\nitsjdawgggg: itsjdawgggg subscribed with Twitch Prime. \nJehhred: \"it didn't work\".. If that isn't the thesis of every programmer\nb0bsaget: I think it's because it knows you care too much\nitsjdawgggg: Is gpt3 overhyped?\nandreadaedra: Why do you prefer MacOS over Linux?\nMeapzor: bigger console text please :)\nfiendodto: what is he doing chat PLEASE explain\nkrnflake1: krnflake1 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months! \nJaeGeeTee: JaeGeeTee subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 1 month streak! y33t\nbichid69: why fore?\nVjasal: your head is kinda in the way\nb0bsaget: he is trying to regrow is foreskin\nb0bsaget: he is taking back his life-force\nfukurowlz: 7 raiders from fukurowlz have joined! \nPenguino138: Mini raid\n39BiggusDikus: is this live\nJaeGeeTee: is a simulation really live?\nJaeGeeTee: .... yes it live bby\n39BiggusDikus: are you sure\nJaeGeeTee: no.\nlightofhel1: maybe path for llvm is wrong\nJdPaulBlart: did you watch the zucc bezos and tim apple congressional hearing today\nb0bsaget: bro if you care too much you lose\n39BiggusDikus: @georgehotz are you the enlightenedcentrist\npocccccoo: so edgy !!!! real og here\nsolitaryyy: I don't think truth falls on the spectrum @39BiggusDikus\nb0bsaget: george what would you do if we accidentally kissed\nVjasal: default value should be false tho\nsolitaryyy: Geohot 2024\nIncognitoJam: it was always burning\nicourier6: inspiring words\nW1lkins: you defaulted fore to true\nleesingods: They wont leave you alone they will censor your internet and you know that... like china\nb0bsaget: bro\nAyWang: i love you @georgehotz\nb0bsaget: no\nrodeocrazy: Nah\nMertleTheTurtle: let us freeeee LUL\nnorflin221: no\nIncognitoJam: probably no\nb0bsaget: yes\nForeigner369: no\nBootstraps: yes\nloopylol: LUL\nb0bsaget: unless you're poor\nmuffclap: thank u love u too\ninfluenceg: can't even show teeth on twitch\ntatorss: you can show money\nb0bsaget: if you're poor you get banned\npocccccoo: accept the ruler ao i guess american should have acceptes uk a\nForeigner369: :)\npocccccoo: as masters\nprostidude221: wait you do, why couldnt you?\nlef_xyz: You really like checkmarks George\ndaydreamix: theprimeagen is the top coding streamer. you should code with him.\n39BiggusDikus: ah yes taoism\nmufeedvh: The camgirl strategy is gonna work out man\n16455e4f27: did you apply for partnership\nSurfCat: checkmark holtz\ncoutzen: Hey George what's your day job?\nmuffclap: small victories\nVjasal: i also like to casually get excited\nb0bsaget: bob saget said that\nJehhred: Twitch Partner so you can fund a faster computer\nkavifa6176: You know twitch partner comes with exclusive clause so you can only stream on twitch\nb0bsaget: to win is to unworthily steal social validation\nlightofhel1: switch mac to man's PC B)\nanguscupcake: u know there's a vim plugin for VSCode\nmr_n080dy: I just joined, what are we doing?\nprostidude221: which math topic would you say has helped you the most as a programmer\nIncognitoJam: vim modew\nrooney1287: @b0bsaget and I want billy back\nb0bsaget: ^\nArtoriouss: Is this Busy Beaver still?\nmarschr: what latner would think of Fore\nlef_xyz: its true\n39BiggusDikus: yeah it does\nNussinov: the fore loop challenge.... what is your current progress on this? @georgehotz :)\nSurfCat: It does\nTheAwesomePaul: Not using vsc vim? DansGames\nkavifa6176: They do\nyknot_: It does\n39BiggusDikus: you cant livestream anywhere else\nJewishrambo: yea its contractual\nTheCellarDoor: yes it does\nZachMakesGames: But do you stream elsewhere?\nprostidude221: Vim NotLikeThis\nlef_xyz: its 100%\nbeastialiity: Hiya Georgie\nleesingods: \"Commited to streaming\" welp....\nSurfCat: bro I've been ehre forever trust me\ninfluenceg: Gotta be exclusive to YouTube to get Twitch partner\nSurfCat: 'here'\nlef_xyz: its true 100%\nVjasal: well I know a twitch streamer who also streams on myfreecams\nSquare___: xD\nandreadaedra: You're a role model for us!\ngod_damn: george is for the children\nsureom: hahah\nRafabld1996: define role model Kappa\ndaydreamix: tidddy streamers aren't role models. you'll be fine\nNussinov: apparently there is a clause which states you cant stream on other platforms in some cases.... but afaik the legal team is shit and its all very vague\nanguscupcake: just don't ow your boobs and u should be ok\nslay29: It's true. You cannot stream on other platform and be Twitch partner\nW1lkins: You can stream on other platforms, but anything you stream on Twitch has to be only on twitch until the time period is over, then you can upload a recording.\ndontusethiscode: Did you see the Jeff Bezos congress question about music on twitch. My guy looked like he didn't know he owns it. @georgehotz\nJdPaulBlart: https://help.twitch.tv/s/article/twitch-affiliate-program-faq?language=en_US @georgehotz ctrl f exclusive on this page\nleesingods: you need to make your own Twitch you wont be censored and can make Cam Girl money!!!\nIncognitoJam: just stop and restart the stream\ninfluenceg: kahoot\nb0bsaget: no\nMoProject: where can i find hotz's config file for vim?\nbroshevik1: clash of code? code clash?\nJdPaulBlart: affiliate is how you get partner\njoeyskitkat: What do you think of Trump revoking the affordable housing ?\nb0bsaget: no coding games\nRotteenUwU: hi uwu\nb0bsaget: freestyle battle\nb0bsaget: me\nb0bsaget: rn\npocccccoo: hail the edgelord\njay_al97: don't play this game is stupid. it will lower your IQ\nb0bsaget: booooooo\nzokimacola: DONT DO IT\nRicoello: there's some programming games on steam that are pretty cool\nb0bsaget: we don't do signups\nechotaco: You are an affiliate already if people can sub to you\nNussinov: just start coding 4Head\ndaydreamix: Just wait\nwolkantrop: Pvp Pog\ndaydreamix: 1:33 seconds till clash\nArtoriouss: Malware Downloaded\nemel_ryan: tis-100 is a pretty fun programming game on steam\nCozyDinoKigu: Imagine behing so lucky you are against him in a code battle\nprostidude221: @Ricoello like welcome to the game or actual programming games\nIncognitoJam: mmo leet code??\ninvertedgold: fibonacci?\nb0bsaget: bro\nRicoello: actual programming @prostidude221\nNussinov: NotLikethis fibonacci\nRicoello: hold on\nlevitaete: now that's a golden ratio\ndemonshalo: fib\nyknot_: Fib\nyknot_: LUL\nb0bsaget: I don't think I can stand for this\ntugendhat: Make text bigger on browser!\nJehhred: You can change the language if you want above\nRicoello: @prostidude221 robo instructus on steam is one I really liked\nArtoriouss: PogChamp make it say Hello World PogChamp\nlef_xyz: let me that DP\nbeastialiity: I’m lost already BibleThump\ndaydreamix: You need to output the text too.\ndaydreamix: th element of the sequence.\nlevitaete: least bytes\nW1lkins: least bytes\nemel_ryan: ez clap\ndaghers: Why isn’t chat giving the answer\nW1lkins: in solution\nb0bsaget: bro what\nb0bsaget: noobs\nlef_xyz: dogshit players LUL\nprostidude221: @Ricoello oh nice, gonna check it out.\nscelillo: brooooo\ninfluenceg: What happened when you put +clash in email?\nmazsociety: screenshot #1 it while the others are still writing theirs\nMoProject: you couldve done it with 0(1) space cpx.\nVjasal: fore works PogChamp\nKnarez: whats the intended behavior of the fore loop?\nb0bsaget: george\nnlt4au: Nice to have George on in the background to make me feel totally inadequate while programming.....\nfedecha: what do you think about social listening?\nb0bsaget: keep up the useless work bro I gtg\nganc3ann: use ','\nb0bsaget: don't let me down\nMayfieldiv: use a ,\nlightofhel1: with , not ;\nIncognitoJam: i can't write the word , :(\nEmanuell45: what is george up to ?\nzamorai123: wth is he doing anyway?\nLandepbs: What exactly is george trying to do right now?\nparis_jr: same question ahah\nsuechtlingone: Nobody knows\nArtoriouss: ResidentSleeper\nparis_jr: this is funny\nsuechtlingone: Chat is not smart enough\nW1lkins: he's trying to break out of the simulation\nnlt4au: Same thing he does every day, pinky... try to take over the world\nkavifa6176: Looks like he's making a change in the clang compiler\nparis_jr: kavifa is smart too huh\ndesg92: whats the goal ?\nomegamegalomaniac_: he's trying to add a loop that runs the increment four times instead of once\nsuechtlingone: gold?\nlef_xyz: you can make a command george e.g. !project\nIncognitoJam: what's wrong with +=4 :(\nForeigner369: its called having fun\nRomanBanana: your head was covering the goal of fore\nRichyK1: that's the question of the day\nIncognitoJam: ooh it's just a challenge\nomegamegalomaniac_: pgo is profile guided optimization\nzamorai123: that's what fore stood for? and all this effort for this?\nzamorai123: great!\ntrocker43: @georgehotz have you ever seen robert Miles youtube videos?\nForeigner369: the difference between you and george is that george is writing a fore loop\nay420notbannedlmao: so the ones that didnt pass the test aint banned after all?\nkilla1157: throw me a shout out georgehotz!!!!!\ndomtomthedev: yo dog extend the window on obs\nIncognitoJam: yes and then the webcam will be over the code?\naymen_kh: chat what is a fore loop?\ndomtomthedev: you tryna see file names and line numbers\nchamp900: what is George doing\nIncognitoJam: like a for loop, except it runs the \"increment\" bit 4 times\nForeigner369: :)\nIncognitoJam: so if your increment was i++ it would run it four times between each loop\nspringxfce: ok, this is hardcore\naymen_kh: a ok\nchamp900: what repo is this\nRichyK1: The hardest parts of this challenge are building the compiler itself and then trying to understand all the code\nIncognitoJam: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project\nRichyK1: llvm project\nIncognitoJam: Hype\nFastCashCoding: gg ez\nlightofhel1: hell no :)\n8FollowSonik: PogChamp\nW1lkins: for broken LUL\nIncognitoJam: webcam in the way :(\ndesg92: cant see\nExclamation_mark_CODE: four loop PogChamp\nW1lkins: Kappa\nwillarkitekt: hype ting -- FoRe LoOp\nbutich_ex: PogChamp\nForeigner369: the 4 loop\nForeigner369: :)\nvloood: !challenge\nmickeypash: Why note FOUR statement\nmickeypash: not*\nchronic_quagga: You should compile a big project and see what happens LUL\ng0skk: what browser is he using?\naymen_kh: where is the compiler source from ?\nTJSparks: Wait what is fore?\ng0skk: On chromium\nnotice_me_OpieOP: sup nerds? 😎 /\nfotzikus_v3: !job\ngabrielopesantos: @notice_me_OpieOP OpieOP\nIncognitoJam: the challenge is to make a \"fore\" loop, like a for loop except the \"increment\" code is run four times between each iteration\nnotice_me_OpieOP: @gabrielopesantos OpieOP /\nAlexEDM: AlexEDM subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! \n3even: Hows NYC?\nbtcfly: fore score and seven years ago\nkavifa6176: @aymen_kh its a commenly used open souce compiler from llvm, i think its hosted here https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project\nTJSparks: @IncognitoJam wait what you just do another for loop inside lol\nTJSparks: oh its a challenge\nrevenantrazer: can't hear shit\nnotice_me_OpieOP: george if you want a real challenge, try centering a div with css 😎\nrevenantrazer: something's wrong with your mic\n3even: Have you been down to the protests? I think I saw you in a drum circle\nrevenantrazer: buzzing noise\nAlexEDM: HahaBall\nwillarkitekt: Fore inception\naymen_kh: @kavifa6176 tysm\ndemonshalo: LUL\nSylens__: LUL\nRafabld1996: swatted monkaS\n3even: tap water?\nnotice_me_OpieOP: stalkers monkaS\nck1956: build stuck\nckk0t0: Try “x++,x++” as the end expression\nMeapzor: one more code clash\n3even: hahahaha\nlightofhel1: from where u get this ideas? @georgehotz\nnotice_me_OpieOP: aight im out you nerds\nzenobioss: can i get mod Pog\nedonze: drunk werer\nalextodoroki: imagine playing clash of code and matching up against hotz kek\nwraith_: btw in clash of code, comments count as code size so delete those\nIncognitoJam: other way round?\nIncognitoJam: y^x?\nlightofhel1: 11 to 7\nTJSparks: mod?\nalextodoroki: LMAO rip :(\nkavifa6176: use ninja, it's faster rebuild\nTJSparks: is clash of code is what nerds do for fun lol\nitzahmerob: U LOSE\ngrenaderaven: YIKES\nLandepbs: Ruby OP\nykahveci_: LUL\nTJSparks: thats cheating :/\nitzahmerob: GG\nIncognitoJam: lol I beat george\nitzahmerob: Lmao\nTJSparks: wow you really need that 15 mins huh :/\nitzahmerob: always pity the fools\ngrenaderaven: LUL LUL\nPenguino138: lollllll\nitzahmerob: DatSheffy\nkavifa6176: @georgehotz Use ninja for faster clang build\ngrenaderaven: boomer code\nhjklhjklhjkl2008: what is the fore loop challenge, just got her\nsuechtlingone: you got this\nPiroFloydian: whats the code hes compiling?\nitzahmerob: Ooooooo fancy\nVjasal: i++++++++\nJehhred: Yo bro, I heard you like for loops, so I put for loops in your for loops\nscorpiocyborg: fore is just for with i+4?\ngrenaderaven: @scorpiocyborg you run the for loop 4 times\nitzahmerob: when is the next test??\nPenguino138: Geo Senpai\nlinux_____: Check out Geroge Hotz new for loop course on udemy..only 9.99\nJdPaulBlart: fore loops for gcc\nmaoamwins: Why not implement a for loop taking 4 args, the 4th args being the number of time the third one should run\nJehhred: We better pay attention otherwise he'll give us a test again\nvloood: everyone be thinking you're saying \"four\" loops\niamaflex: Good job playa. Would be dope to see you do a live leetcode contest on Saturday\nTJSparks: why didn't you call it four?\nmedismailben: You should have called it \"FourLoop\"\nitzahmerob: Yessss\nKyoto_o: FREE US PLEBS FROM SUB MODE ONLY\nlinux_____: whats wrong with leet code\nSKPTCL: codeforces >> leetcode\nUnnamedEntity: Do you have GPT-3 API access? Doing anything interesting with it?\nitzahmerob: preach @SKPTCL\nthe_EZPZ: Coding challenges and free jobs PogChamp\nlinux_____: ignorance is bliss\nTJSparks: I only go to that website to look at girls Kreygasm\nWhynox: youdont like google\nyo_i_code: epic epic epic\ngrenaderaven: LUL\nmedismailben: Have you looked at apple.com/privacy\nlinux_____: I think he just doesnt like fake ppl\nWulfVR: You should apply to a google marketing position with your ideas. Be honest witb your experience too. Lets see what they say.\nvloood: w*men be shopping on phones\nmaoamwins: Kreygasm\niamaflex: The leetcode contest will be on Saturday evening\nlinux_____: True, you should apply for a swe position at a fang company & use a fake name & see if they ghost you\nVjasal: @georgehotz do i +=0,25\nitzahmerob: lots of printies\nthe_EZPZ: do i = pow(i,i) in the fore loop 4Head\nIncognitoJam: so amaze\nhelofren: super fore, its like the normal fore but with a cape\naymen_kh: epic ! we did it PrideFloat lets never touch compilers again PrideFloat PrideFloat\niamaflex: 420 in golden gate park at 4:20 pm tomorrow? I’ll bring the joints\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "\nChinese: \n你好\n呜呜呜对不起\n\nJapanese: \nこんにちは、どうも\nあっ、ちょっと待って、すみません\n\nIndonesian: \nHi\nwowowo maaf\n\nKorean: \n안녕\n워워워.. 미안!\n\nChinese: \n你好\n嗚嗚嗚對不起\n\nIndonesian: \naku mau pulang ke rumah\nmaaf, aku gak tau gimana cara bangun rumah untukmu\n\nJapanese: \n家に帰りたい\nごめん、どうしたらいいかわからない\n\nChinese: \n我想回家\n對不起我沒辦法幫你\n\nChinese: \n我想回家\n对不起我没办法帮你\n\nKorean: \n집에 가고 싶어요\n미안해, 널 집에 데려다 줄 방법이 없어\n\nKorean: \n지켜줘서 고마워요\n천만에\n이제 집에 가도 돼\n그럼.. 전 가보도록 할게요\n그래\n\nJapanese: \n守ってくれてありがとう\nいいえ\nもう帰って大丈夫だよ\nうん、じゃ…帰るね\nオッケー\n\nIndonesian: \nterima kasih untuk perlindunganmu\nsama sama\nkamu bisa pulang ke rumah sekarang\nbaiklah, aku harus pergi\nbaik\n\nChinese: \n谢谢你刚刚保护我\n不必客气\n是时候该回去了\n那我走了\n好的\n\nChinese: \n謝謝你剛剛保護我\n不必客氣\n是時候該回去了\n那我走了\n好的\n\nIndonesian: \njangan khawatirkan aku\nselamat tinggal\nmungkin kita bisa bermain sedikit lebih lama lagi\nSubscribe yaa.. Dan Like Jika kamu suka video kami\n\nJapanese: \n心配しないで\nさようなら\nもうちょっと、遊ぼう\nもし気に入って頂ければ、高評価とチャンネル登録よろしくお願いします\n\nKorean: \n내 걱정은 하지 마\n안녕\n혹시 우리 다음번에는 좀 더 길게 놀아도 될거같아요!\n이 영상이 마음에 드셨다면 구독과 좋아요 부탁드립니다.\n\nChinese: \n沒關係不要擔心我\n再見\n也許我們可以再繼續一起玩一下\n喜歡影片的話請訂閱按讚加分享\n特別感謝可凡\n\nChinese: \n没关系不要担心我\n再见\n也许我们可以再继续一起玩一下\n求求三连击加关注\n特别感谢可凡\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": " \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "James Charles Best TikToks\nOpen up the safe bitches. Got a lot to say see any face. That'll put you in your place\nEleven letters on the plate. Fuck you, and I break I got caught\nYou\nPick me out to the back of the shed. Shoot me in the back of the head take me back\nI wasn't sure if there was a make up version of this. So here we go. Your first look\nyour latest look\nyour easiest look\nYour hardest look\nyour keepeth palette\nYour most expensive palette not that price matters because it doesn't your least favorite look\nyour favorite look and\nThe look that you're most proud of\nSo you back I'm a savage\nclassy bougie ratchet\nSassy. Oh, hey, let's hang it up hang. It stupid. I was happy I was happy\npromise\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "\nFrench: \n \n \n \n \nca fait un bout de temps que je suis là\nje connais le mal et le bien\ny pas si longtemps\nLes choses ne sont pas toujours en noir et blanc\ncomme on ne peut pas\njuger un livre\npar sa couverture\nil nous faut tous être attentifs\ncomment on se traite\nles uns et les autres\nje dis\nsous la peau\nsous la peau\n \nen dessous\nnous sommes tous pareil\n\nPortuguese: \n\"A escuridão não pode expulsar a escuridão;\n\"A escuridão não pode expulsar a escuridão; apenas aluz o pode fazer.\"\nNão nasci ontem\nSei descifrar entre o certo e o errado\nDesde muito tempo as coisas nem sempre são preto e branco\nvocê não pode julgar um livro pela capa\nTemos que todos tomar cuidado\nComo tratamos um ao outro\nCanta:\nPor dentro\nPor dentro\nPor dentro\nsomos todos iguais\n\nEnglish: \nI've been around a while\nI know wrong from right\nAnd since a long time ago\nThings ain't always black and white\nJust like you can't\njudge a book by the cover\nWe all gotta be careful\nHow we treat one another\nsay\nSkin Deep\nSkin Deep\nUnderneath we all look the same\n\nSpanish: \n\"La oscuridad no puede deshacer la oscuridad,\n\"La oscuridad no puede deshacer la oscuridad,\nsólo la luz puede hacerlo\"\nHe estado por aquí hace un tiempo\nConozco el mal por el bien\nHace no mucho tiempo\nlos hombres siempre decían \"blanco y negro\"\nJusto como tú no puedes\njuzgar un libro\npor su portada\nTodos nosotros tenemos que ser cuidadosos\nen cómo nos tratamos\nunos a otros\nPiel profunda\nEn lo profundo de la piel\nEn lo profundo\ntodos nosotros lucimos iguales\n\nItalian: \nl'oscurità non può guidarti fuori dall'oscurità...\nl'oscurità non può guidarti fuori dall'oscurità...\nl'oscurità non può guidarti fuori dall'oscurità...solo la luce può farlo\nl'oscurità non può guidarti fuori dall'oscurità...solo la luce può farlo\n \nsono stato un po' in giro\nSo che ho sbagliato da destra\ne da molto tempo\nle cose sono state solo in bianco e nero\nproprio come non puoi\ngiudicare un libro\ndalla copertina\ndobbiamo stare attenti\ndobbiamo stare attenti\na come trattiamo gli altri\na come trattiamo gli altri\nsotto la pelle\nsotto la pelle\nsotto la pelle\nsotto siamo tutti uguali\nsiamo tutti la stessa cosa\n\nFrench: \nsous la peau\n \nsous la peau\nen dessous\nne sommes nous pas tous pareils?\n[guitar solo]\nun homme en Louisiane\nne m'appelait jamais par mon nom\nil disait:\" fils fait ci fils fait cà\"\net je n'osais jamais\nme plaindre\nje savais qu'il avait du\nbon coeur\nmais il ne pouvait pas comprendre\nque j'avais besoin\nd'être traiter\ncomme tout à chacun\nsous la peau\n \n\nSpanish: \nPiel profunda\nEn lo profundo de la piel\nEn lo profundo\ntodos lucimos iguales\n \n \n \n \n \nUn hombre en Luisiana\nnunca me llamó por mi nombre\nÉl decía: \"Chico, haz esto\"\nY \"Niño, haz eso\"\npero yo nunca me quejé ni una sola vez\nYo sabía que él tenía un buen corazón\npero él simplemente no entendía\nque yo necesitaba\nser tratado\njusto como cualquier otro ser humano\nPiel profunda\n\nEnglish: \nSkin Deep\nSkin deep\nUnderneath don't we all look the same\n[guitar solo]\nA man in Louisiana\nNever called me by my name\nHe said \"boy do this and boy do that\"\nBut I never once complained\nI knew he had a good heart\nBut he just didn't understand\nThat I needed to be treated\nJust like any other man\nSkin deep\n\nItalian: \nsotto la pelle\nsotto la pelle\nsotto la pelle\nsotto siamo tutti uguali\nsiamo tutti la stessa cosa\n \n \n \n \n \nun uomo in luisiana\nun uomo in luisiana\nun uomo in luisiana\nnon mi ha mai chiamato per nome\nmi disse \"ragazzo fa questo\" o \"ragazzo fa quello\"\nma non mi sono mai lamentato una volta\nma non mi sono mai lamentato una volta\n \nsapevo che aveva un grande cuore\nsolo che non lo capiva\nche dovevo\nessere trattato\ncome qualsiasi altro uomo\nsotto la pelle\nsotto la pelle\n\nPortuguese: \nPor dentro\nPor dentro\nPor dentro\nNão somos todos iquais??\nUm homen de Louisiana\nQue nunca me chamou pelo nome\nFalava: “muleque, faz isso, e muleque faz aquilo\"\nMas nunca reclamei\nEu sabia que ele tinha um bom coração\nmas ele não entendeu\nQue eu precisava ser tratado\nIgual qualquer outro homen\nPor dentro\n\nFrench: \nsous la peau\nen dessous\nnous sommes tous pareils\n \nsous la peau\nsous la peau\nen dessous\n \nnous sommes tous pareils\n \n \nun jour je dis à mon fils\nquand il a eu l'âge de comprendre\n\nSpanish: \nEn lo profundo de la piel\nEn lo profundo\ntodos lucimos iguales\n \nPiel profunda\nEn lo profundo de la piel\nEn lo profundo\ntodos nosotros lucimos iguales\n \n \n \nPuse a mi hijo a crecer\ncuando tenía la edad suficiente para saber\n\nPortuguese: \nPor dentro\nPor dentro\nNão somos todos iguais??\nPor dentro\nPor dentro\nPor dentro\nSomos todos iguais!\nSentei com meu filhinho\nQuando ele estava com a idade pra entender\n\nItalian: \nsotto la pelle\nsotto\nsiamo tutti la stessa cosa\nsiamo tutti la stessa cosa\n \nsotto la pelle\nsotto la pelle\n \nsotto\nsiamo tutti la stessa cosa\nsiamo tutti la stessa cosa\n \n \n \nho fatto sedere il mio piccolo bambino\n \nquando ero abbastanza vecchio per sapere\n\nEnglish: \nSkin deep\nUnderneath don't we all look the same\nSkin deep\nSkin deep\nUnderneath we all look the same\n[Buddy Guy guitar solo]\n[saxophone solo]\nI sat my child down\nWhen he was old enough to know\n\nPortuguese: \nFalei – neste mundo, meu filho, você vai encontrar todo tipo de pessoas\nFalei – fiiillhhoo!!\nTudo se resume a uma simples regra\nQue você trata sempre os outros\nDa mesma maneira\ndo jeito que você quer ser tratado\nPor dentro\nPor dentro\nPor dentro\nNão somos todos iguais?!?\nPor dentro\nPor dentro\nPor dentro\nTodos somos iguais!\nPor dentro\nPor dentro\nPor dentro\n\nSpanish: \nLe dije: \"Ahí afuera, en este mundo un poco salvaje\nvas a conocer a todo tipo de tontos\nLe dije:\n\"Hijo... cuando todo se venga abajo\npiensa solo en una simple regla:\nEn tratar a todo el mundo\njusto en la manera\nen que tú quieres que te traten a ti\nPiel profunda\nEn lo profundo de la piel\nEn lo profundo\ntodos nosotros lucimos iguales!\nPiel profunda\nEn lo profundo de la piel\nEn lo profundo\ntodos nosotros lucimos iguales!! \nYeaah!\nEn lo profundo\n\nEnglish: \nI said out there in this big wide world\nYou're gonna meet all kinda folks\nI said son it all comes down to just one simple rule\nThat you treat everybody just the way\nYou want them to treat you\nSkin deep\nSkin deep\nUnderneath don't we all look the same\nSkin deep\nSkin deep\nUnderneath we all look the same\nSkin deep\nSkin deep\n\nFrench: \nje vais te dire:\" dans ce grand et vaste monde \"\ntu vas rencontrer toute sorte de gens\nJe dis: \"fi iiils\"\nce qu'il faut simplement retenir\nc'est juste cette simple règle\ntu dois traiter les autres\njuste de la manière\ndont tu veux qu'on te traite toi\nsous la peau\nsous la peau\nen dessous\nnous sommes tous pareils\nsous la peau\nsous la peau\nen dessous\nnous sommes tous pareils\netc..\n\nItalian: \nho detto che son caduto in questo grande mondo\n\"sarai tutto gelato\"\ngli ho detto\nfiglio\ntutto si riduce\nad una semplice regola\nche tratti gli altri\ncome vorresti essere trattato\nsotto la pelle\nsotto la pelle\nsotto\n \nsiamo tutti la stessa cosa\nsotto la pelle\nsotto la pelle\nsotto\nsiamo tutti la stessa cosa\n\nEnglish: \nUnderneath don't we all look the same\nSkin deep\nSkin deep\nUnderneath we all look the same\nThe same yeah\nSkin deep\nSkin deep\nSkin deep\n\nSpanish: \ntodos nosotros lucimos iguales\nYeah!\nPiel profunda\nEn lo profundo de la piel\n¡En lo profundo todos nosotros lucimos iguales!\n(Iguales, ¡yeah!)\n¡Trata bien a todo el mundo!\n(Piel profunda)\nPiel profunda\nEn lo profundo de la piel\nOhhh, todos lucimos iguales\nYeah, yeah\n\nPortuguese: \nNão somos todos iguais?!?\n\nEnglish: \nDon't we all the look same\n\nItalian: \n \n \n \n \n\nSpanish: \nTodos\nlucimos iguales\nyeah\nÚnete al movimiento\nAgradecimientos especiales a:\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "-Oh, thank you.\nThis is so exciting!\nOkay. So, um --\n[ Exhales sharply ]\nI'm currently in negotiations\nto get back\nwith my ex-boyfriend.\nThank you.\n[ Laughter ]\nWe've broken up\nseven times in five years,\nso I have\nno friends left, and...\nso if anyone wants to, like,\nhang out after the show\nand just read through --\n[ Cheers and applause ]\nReally?\nI would love for that.\nI just need you to read through\na couple texts from him\njust to give me\nsome perspective.\nI need some fresh eyes\non these things, so...\nIt won't take long.\nI'll just choose one of you\nand quickly AirDrop\n30 to 1,000 screenshots of\ntext conversations between us,\nbecause that's all\nthat's in my phone.\nI hope you like reading blue.\nI'm not doing well\nin these conversations.\n[ Laughter ]\nThat's all that's in my phone.\nTexts between me and men\nwho will never love me.\nAnd -- And naked pictures.\nI send those, and I shouldn't.\nI shouldn't.\nThe cloud is not secure.\nBut, like, neither am I.\n[ Laughter ]\nAnd I need constant validation.\n[ Cheers and applause ]\nI don't -- I don't put my face\nin the pictures, though.\nMostly 'cause he asks\nfor them that way.\nBut also --\n[ Laughter ]\nSmart.\nI, uh -- yeah.\nWhen you get back together\nwith your ex,\nyour friends get so mad.\nThey're like,\n\"Don't settle, Nikki.\nYou should never settle.\nNever settle.\"\nI'm like, \"Never?\nOkay. What if the Pilgrims\ndidn't settle, okay?\"\nThank God they did.\nI don't get back with him\n'cause I'm weak.\nI really don't.\nIt's like --\nI just date someone new,\nand then I look back at him,\nand I realize, \"Oh, he was\nthe best...I can do.\"\nLike, \"I can't...\n[ Laughter ]\n\"...get better.\"\nHe was so hot.\nSo hot.\nShort.\nThat's how I got him.\nHe's short.\nThat's my little secret, ladies.\nYou can get such a hot guy\nif he's short.\nLike, on discount, okay?\n[ Laughter ]\nSo smart.\nAnd if you're sitting\nin a picture with him,\npeople don't know.\nThey're just like,\n\"Whoa. Glaser's batting\nout of her league.\"\n[ Laughter ]\nAnd then you --\nYeah.\n[ Cheers and applause ]\nThank you.\nEventually, they know, though,\n'cause there's a picture\nof where you're\nstanding next to him,\nand they're like,\n\"Oh, someone went digging\nin the bargain bin.\"\n[ Laughter ]\n\"That's a tiny guy.\"\nI don't mind --\nI don't mind a tiny guy.\nAnd society tells us,\nas women, that our boyfriends\nare supposed to be\nbigger than us.\n'Cause fashion, you know?\nBoyfriend jeans.\nYou know, when their boyfriend's\nand you're like,\n\"They're my boyfriend's,\nand I stole them,\nand they're big on me,\nand he's so big,\nand I'm little.\nCan you tell, boyfriend?\n[ Laughter ]\nI have a boyfriend,\nand these are his,\nand they're my P.J.'s now.\"\nAnd it's just like,\n\"I have never had that.\"\nMy boyfriends' jeans --\nWell, these are them.\nAnd...\n[ Laughter, cheers, applause ]\nThank you.\n[ Laughing ] Thank you.\nIt's true.\nIt's true.\nHis favorite pair.\nOh, I am just --\nI'm so exhausted being single.\nIt is so much upkeep.\nI have to wear makeup\nall the time.\nLike, during the day.\nI used to go out during the day\nin my 20s without makeup on,\nand I was like, \"You know what?\nIf I meet the man\nI'm meant to be with,\nhe'll see me for me.\"\nI'm 34 now, and I'm like,\n\"Bitch, wear your mask.\"\nLike, every day\nis Halloween for you.\n[ Laughter and applause ]\nTrick or treat.\nNo, trick a man\ninto loving you or die alone.\n[ Laughter ]\nOh, I --\nThis is a lie.\nOkay, guys, let me tell you\nwhat I'm doing up here.\nI'm doing contouring.\nThat's where you draw shadows\non your face\nto make it look like you have\nbone structure you don't have.\nAnd then, on top of that,\nI do, like, a dewy shimmer\nso it looks like\nI may have woken up\nin a meadow earlier today.\nYou don't know.\nYou don't know where I sleep.\n[ Laughter ]\nThat's -- [ Laughs ]\nThat is the look now -- dewy.\nEveryone's supposed\nto look dewy.\nThat's not good!\nThat means you have dew on you!\nThat means you've been left out\novernight somewhere.\n[ Laughter and applause ]\nNot good.\nEvery time\nI complain about makeup,\nI always have one guy\nthat's like, \"You know what?\nI honestly\nlike a lady without makeup.\nI like a natural look.\nI really do.\"\nAnd I'm like,\n\"Oh, you like men.\nThat's cool to know about you.\n'Cause that's what I look like\nwithout makeup.\nI look like a man.\nAnd I'm not insulting myself\nsaying that.\nI kind of, like,\nlove the guy I look like.\nLike, he's kind of a cool guy.\n[ Laughter ]\nYou would like him.\nHe's like a hardworking\nAmerican man, but he lets loose.\nOh, my God.\nI'm the type of guy,\nwithout makeup, that organizes\ncharity bike rides\nacross the country.\nAnd you go, \"How does\nhe have time for this?\"\nAnd it's like, \"He doesn't.\nHe makes time.\"\nLike, that's who I am\nwithout makeup.\n[ Laughter, cheers, applause ]\nOh.\nYou seriously would love him.\nAnd if you date me,\nyou'll meet him.\nYou will meet him eventually.\nTwo weeks in, one morning,\nyou'll roll over,\nand I'll just be like,\n\"Hey, man, I'm Tucker.\nNice to meet you.\"\n[ Laughter ]\n\"Thanks for letting me crash\nlast night.\nMy girl had fun.\nShe'll be back.\"\n[ Cheers and applause ]\nThanks, guys!\nI've been Tucker!\n♪♪♪♪\n-Unbelievable, pal!\nOh, my God.\nFantastic.\nNikki Glaser right there!\n[ Cheers and applause ]\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "\nFrench: \nC’est au lycée que mon rêve\nd'être un athlète professionnel, \net plus particulièrement\ndevenir footballeur professionnel, est devenu un but.\nLorsque j’étais à l'université, je jouais dans l’un des meilleurs programmes du pays\net je me suis lié d’amitié avec \n un autre entraîneur, originaire du Chili.\nIl m'a dit qu'à son avis \n je pouvais jouer dans le style sud-américain\n, et qu'il pourrait \nmême m'ouvrir les portes\nparce qu'il connaissait le style \nde là-bas.\nEt c'est ce qu'il a fait quand j'ai obtenu mon diplôme universitaire deux mois plus tard\nJe suis allé pour la première fois au Chili pour faire un essai\nJ’ai dû me faire une place, \ngagner le respect et montrer que je\nsavais réellement jouer, et cela\n en valait la peine, d'autant\nplus que j'ai en fait obtenu mon \n premier engagement dans\n\nEnglish: \nWhen I was in high school--that's the\nplace where this dream that I had of\nbeing a professional athlete,\nspecifically a professional soccer\nplayer, became a goal.\nWhen I went to college and I was playing\non one of the top programs in the\ncountry,\nI'd befriended another coach who was\nfrom Chile.\nHe told me that he thought that I had\nthe ability to play in the South\nAmerican style, that he could even open\nthe doors for me there because he knew\nthe game there.\nSo he did when I graduated from college\njust two months later. I traveled for the\nfirst time to Chile and had a tryout.\nI had to earn my spot and I had to earn\nrespect and I had to show that I\nactually could play, which made it all\nthe more worthwhile it made it all the\n\nFrench: \nune équipe de première division \n appelée « Huachipato ».\nQuand j'ai déménagé… \n ce fut un énorme choc culturel\nmes amis étaient différents, \nma famille n'était plus là\net je me suis retrouvé à m'entraîner \n deux heures par jour\net à rester assis pendant 22 heures \n dans ma propre maison.\nJ'ai eu beaucoup de temps pour réfléchir \n où j'en étais et où j'allais\net ces questions ont commencé à affluer et à pénétrer dans mon cœur\nj'ai ainsi commencé à me demander: \"Qui suis-je ? \"Que fais-je ici ? Pourquoi ais-je été choisi\npour jouer ici ?\" et \" Est-ce que je crois \nà ces choses auxquelles je dis que\nje crois chaque semaine?\"\nJ'étais assis dans une chapelle glaciale \n au cœur de l'hiver chilien, qui\nest une saison terriblement pluvieuse et j'étais juste assis là, face au tabernacle\nJe me rappelle que c'était un jour où je priais vraiment pour trouver du réconfort\nJe n'étais pas très à l'aise, je ne me sentais pas \"grand\" et j'étais allé là-bas pour être\nun athlète professionnel : pour être \"grand\". Mes héros étaient des athlètes professionnels.\n\nEnglish: \nmore worth it when I actually earned my\nstarting job with the first division\nteam called Huachipato.\nWhen I moved...a huge culture shock\n--my friends changed, my family was no longer there\nand here I am practicing for two hours a day\nand sitting for 22 hours in my own\nhouse.\nI had a lot of downtime and a lot of\ntime to think about where my life was\ngoing and all these questions started to\ncome and started crashing in my heart. I\nstarted to ask: \"Who am I?\" \"Why am I here?\" \"Why was I chosen to play here?\" and \"Do I\nbelieve the things that I profess that I\nbelieve on a weekly basis?\"\nI was sitting in an ice-cold chapel in\nthe middle of the Chilean winter, which\nis a terrible rainy season and I just\nsat there before the tabernacle and I\nremember it was one day that I was\njust truly praying for comfort.\nI didn't feel a great level of comfort--I\ndidn't feel \"great\"--and I went there to be\n\nFrench: \nJe pensais que la grandeur était tout ce que je voyais chez les autres athlètes professionnels,\net les voir exceller dans leur sport c'était \n ça être grand à mes yeux, c'était cela être\nun grand homme, être respecté par les autres,\nêtre reconnu par les autres signifiait être grand. \n Gagner de l'argent et\navoir une jolie femme à ses côtés \n signifiait être grand.\nMais je n'avais pas l'impression \n de vivre comme un \"grand\".\nAjoutez à cela la solitude et le choc culturel... J'étais devant le Saint Sacrement dans cette\nchapelle, sachant que Jésus était présent, \n et j'étais juste en train\nde prier pour du réconfort \"Seigneur, apportez-moi du réconfort, apportez-moi\ntout ce que je crois \"grand\", faites que cela m'arrive\". Et ce fut là, dans le silence\nde cette chapelle et dans le silence de mon cœur - la voix la plus forte\nque j'aie jamais entendue et \n qui ne parle jamais de manière audible.\nC'est à ce moment que j'ai entendu : \n \"Sois mon prêtre\" et cela m'a choqué à un point\n\nEnglish: \na professional athlete--to be great. My\nheroes were professional athletes.\nI thought greatness was everything that\nI saw other professional athletes being,\nand so seeing them excel at their sport--that was greatness to me, that's what it\nwas to be a great man, to be respected by\nothers, to be known by others was to be\ngreat. To make money was to be great. To\nhave a beautiful woman by your side--\nthat's what it was to be great. I didn't\nfeel that I was living greatness.\nMix that with a loneliness, and the\nculture shock... I was before the Blessed\nSacrament in this Chapel, knowing that\nJesus was present there, and I was just\npraying for comfort: \"Lord bring comfort\ninto my life,\nbring me all the things that I believe\nto be great--make that happen for me.\" And\nit was right there, in the silence of\nthat chapel and in the silence of my\nheart--the loudest voice that I have ever\nheard, that's never audibly spoken. At\nthat moment I heard: \"Be my priest.\" And\nthat shocked me like you wouldn't\n\nEnglish: \nbelieved because it wasn't anything that\nI was thinking about. I immediately\nrejected that thought and that idea and\nit was not something that I was willing\nto live and it wasn't something that I was\nwilling to do for Him.\nI continued to live my life as a\nprofessional athlete, and things actually\nwent very well for me.\nI began to experience greatness in my\ndefinition on the field. I began to\nexperience greatness in every aspect of\nmy life--I had a lot of friends, I was\nbecoming well-known, I had a great\ngirlfriend, and even being named the best\nplayer in my position in the league that\nyear.\nI remember sitting up in my bed at night,\nnot being able to sleep and recognizing:\n\"I don't know that it can get any better\nthan this\" and right there--in a split\nsecond--I recognized that I had nothing\nelse planned for my life. I recognized\n\nFrench: \nque vous ne pouvez pas imaginer car je n'y pensais même pas. J'ai immédiatement\nrejeté cette pensée et cette idée, \nce n'était pas quelque que j'étais disposé à vivre\nni quelque chose j'étais disposé à faire pour Lui.\nJ'ai continué ma vie d'athlète professionnel, et à vrai dire tout ce passait\nbien pour moi.\nJ'ai commencé à vivre la grandeur sur le terrain selon ma définition\nJ'ai commencé à vivre la grandeur dans \n chaque aspect de ma vie. J'avais beaucoup\nd'amis, je commençais à être connu et \n avais une magnifique petite amie\net j'avais même été nommé meilleur joueur à mon poste dans la ligue cette année là.\nJe me rappelle être assis sur mon lit, \n incapable de dormir et admettant\n\"Je ne vois pas comment les choses peuvent être mieux\" et c'est en une seconde\nque j'ai compris que je n'avais rien \nd'autre de prévu dans ma vie. J'ai compris\n\nFrench: \nqu'il n'y avait plus rien de grand pour moi \n à accomplir... et c'est à ce moment précis\nque cet appel au sacerdoce se fit sentir lourdement dans mon cœur et j'ai réalisé\nque si Dieu avait véritablement tracé un chemin pour moi, c'était peut être la prêtrise, peut-être\nque la prêtrise était ce que je recherchais vraiment pour satisfaire les aspirations de mon cœur et\npallier au manque de paix éprouvé continuellement au milieu du\nplus grand bonheur que j'avais vécu en tant qu'être humain.\nL'Église a besoin d'hommes bons. Elle a besoin d'hommes de foi et elle a besoin de quelqu'un\npour retourner la situation ; \n non pas que se soit moi, mais les hommes bons\nqui ont la foi doivent répondre à l'appel de Dieu dans leur vie et vivre ce qu'il\nce qu'il a projeté pour nous, et si nous le faisons, les gens commenceront alors\nà parler de l'Église catholique d'une autre \n manière ainsi que du christianisme, des\nhommes en général et de notre culture.\nIl n'y a rien de mieux que d'endosser le rôle que Dieu a choisi pour vous.\n\nEnglish: \nthat there was maybe nothing greater\nthat I could do... and it was at that very\nmoment this call to priesthood was\nheavily on my heart and I realized that\nif God truly does have a plan for my\nlife, then maybe it is priesthood--maybe\npriesthood is what I'm really seeking to\nsatisfy the longings of my heart and to\nsatisfy the lack of peace that I\ncontinue to have in the midst of the\ngreatest happiness that I've experienced\nas a human.\nThe church does need good men.\nIt needs faithful men and it needs someone\nto turn the tide--not that I'm the one to\ndo that, but\ngood men who are faithful need to respond to the\ncall of God in their life and to live out\nwhatever he has planned for us--and if we\ndo that, then people are going to start\ntalking a different way about the\nCatholic Church, about Christianity, about\nmen in general, and our culture.\nNothing is better than fulfilling the\nrole that God has chosen for you.\n\nEnglish: \nThat is what we are created for, that\nmoves what we are called to do, and truly\nnothing will satisfy us unless we do that.\n\nFrench: \nC'est pour cela que nous sommes créés, \n c'est cela que nous sommes appelés à faire et\nrien de nous satisfera vraiment tant que nous en le ferons pas.\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "GILLES DELEUZE\n \nAULA: O ANTI-ÉDIPO E OUTRAS REFLEXÕES\n \nVincennes, 1980\n \nPart. 1 e 2.\nPara o U.V., estou bloqueando esta semana.\nEntão, aqueles que ainda não fizeram a sua ficha, me entreguem hoje.\nOs resultados da U.V. eles só sairão no final do mês.\nÉ isso...\nEntão hoje eu terminei o que tive que fazer neste ano\ne o que era desejável, porque acredito que pode funcionar. Veremos que foi, de acordo com o desejo de alguns de vocês...\n...a partir das questões levantadas que tentamos responder...\nisto é, que não seja necessariamente eu, mas é preciso...\nreceio que aqueles que - assim acontece muitas vezes - desejam fazer perguntas não estejam aqui no momento, isso acontece,\nem todo caso vamos ver...\nQuero dizer, o que me preocupa, o que me interessa, não é necessariamente o mesmo que lhes interessa, outra vez, vamos ver o que acontece...\nO que me interessa é que finalmente, o que temos feito nos últimos quatro ou cinco anos - então, há aqui alguns que estiveram em outros anos, e outros que, pela primeira vez, vieram aqui este ano.\nO que me interessa, o que foi feito por quatro ou cinco anos, em todo caso, representou para mim, um certo caminho, tendo uma coerência que foi sendo progressivamente revelada.\nPortanto, não é que queira fazer uma revisão do que fizemos nos últimos anos,\nmas é que este é o ponto que mais me interessa em nossas relações de trabalho.\nMas, outra coisa, se houver alguma questão sobre o que fizemos este ano, ou o que fizemos em anos anteriores, ou qualquer outra questão.\nConsidero que nestas duas últimas aulas, são vocês quem as faz tanto quanto eu, se isso lhes convém.\nPronto, então...\nOuvinte: Uma pequena pergunta?\nG.D.: Sim!\nOuvinte: Eu não estou lendo nenhum dos seus livros. Nem sequer consigo lê-los!\nAqui você está certo de que a negatividade - há uma diferenciação em seus livros, até mesmo uma riqueza, uma exuberância, uma diversificação importante.\nVocê acredita que a negatividade em que o “ser” está, não é uma possibilidade de criar o real? Você entende o que eu quero dizer? Que se colocarmos esse \"ser\" o real não é criado?\nE uma segunda pergunta: eu folheei ontem a noite as primeiras páginas d'O anti-Édipo, desculpe-me, eu o li há uns dez anos - você fala do \"passeio do esquizo\".\nNo entanto, vi o filme de Alain Jessua chamado La Vie à l'envers (1964) com [Charles] Denner. Eu vi, como dizer? [Friedrich] Hoderlïn voltando de Bordeaux, vi [Antonin] Artaud voltando da Irlanda e vi Thomas Mann, o solene Thomas Mann,\nvi o Dr. Fausto, este homem que no final, partiu como um gênio, um pianista extraordinário, retornar a sua terra natal, sob as saias de sua mãe.\nSerá que, às vezes, o passeio esquizo não é perigoso?\nClaro que eu vim assim, um pouco com perguntas irrelevantes, eu não sei, gostaria de saber, não sei muito bem!\nG.D.: Não, elas me parecem muito pertinentes, mas penso que todos entenderam a questão, ficou bem claro,\né que, de fato, é verdade que, na sequência de - uma vez que vocês me concedem a permissão para falar sobre coisas que [Félix] Guattari e eu fizemos -\nna condição que vocês as recebam modestamente, quero dizer que, não penso que seja formidável.\nO que penso é que O anti-Édipo, na realidade, deu lugar a uma série de críticas que talvez não fossem absolutamente injustificadas.\nNo meu ponto de vista, há críticas que foram estúpidas.\nMas há um gênero de crítica que sempre me pareceu importante e tocante, que é:\n“é um pouco fácil dizer, ou mesmo ter um ar de dizer, “Viva a esquizofrenia”, e, depois, uma vez que você vê um esquizofrênico” …\nOuvinte: Não foi bem isso o que quis dizer.\nG.D.: Mas se conecta um pouco.\nOuvinte: Está bem.\nG.D: Enfim, deixe-me responder a partir disso, se você me diz, por exemplo…\nOuvinte: Não quis identificar esquizo e atividade esquizofrênica.\nG.D.: Certamente, mas é aí que reside toda a ambiguidade.\nOuvinte: Está bem.\nG.D.: As ambiguidades entre o esquizofrênico e a atividade esquizofrênica. Evidentemente, é muito difícil – sim, vocês sabem – fazer um quadro lírico da esquizofrenia…\nLembro-me que no momento de O anti-Édipo, uma psiquiatra que veio me ver, e que era muito agressiva, me disse:\n“Mas um esquizofrênico, você já viu um”?\nEu achei essa pergunta insolente, ao mesmo tempo para Guattari,\nque é ele quem trabalha há anos numa clínica onde é notório que se vê muitos esquizofrênicos, e mesmo insolente para mim, já que existem pessoas no mundo que não veem ou que não viram esquizofrênicos.\nEntão, respondi assim, – mas acreditamos sempre sermos espirituosos, e não somos nunca: “Mas, nunca, nunca, eu jamais vi um esquizofrênico!”.\nEm seguida, ela escreveu nos jornais dizendo que nunca havíamos visto esquizofrênicos.\nFoi bem irritante.\nMas, eis o que quero dizer, é que há várias – mantenho-me mesmo num nível, talvez, demasiadamente teórico, explicitamente.\nSe preferirem, na interpretação da psicose, nas grandes interpretações da psicose, o que há? Eu acredito que há dois grandes tipos de interpretação.\nAs interpretações de degradação, de decomposição, quer dizer, as interpretações sob o signo do negativo.\nA saber, a psicose chega, ela acontece, no momento em que algo se decompõe, ou enquanto há uma espécie de degradação; do quê?\nDa relação com o real, da unidade da pessoa.\nEu diria que essas interpretações por decomposição, degradação, são, em geral, – mas aqui eu resumo enormemente – poderíamos chamá-las de interpretações personológicas.\nElas retornam sempre ao Eu como referência de base, à unidade da pessoa, marcando uma espécie de derrota do ponto de vista da pessoa e da sua relação com o real.\nEntão, em geral, as interpretações personológicas – e eu insisto sobre isso: a personologia teve uma enorme influência sobre a psiquiatria.\nPor exemplo, o autor do grande manual de psiquiatria, Henri Ey, o inimigo-amigo de Lacan, se lançava na personologia profundamente.\nUm tipo como Lagache era e tentava fazer uma psicanálise personológica.\nPara o meu prazer, penso que a tese de Lacan, que ele havia editado sobre a psicose paranoica, é, ainda, de ponta a ponta, atravessada por uma visão personológica que será absolutamente o oposto das teses que ele defenderá em seguida.\nBem, há, primeiramente, se vocês quiserem, esta grande corrente.\nHá uma segunda corrente que pode ser dita “estruturalista”, mas que, com efeito, é completamente distinta, diferente.\nDessa vez, a psicose é interpretada em virtude de “fenômenos essenciais da estrutura”.\nNão se trata mais de um acidente que ocorre às pessoas sob a forma de uma espécie de mecanismo de decomposição, de degradação.\nÉ um acontecimento essencial da estrutura, ligado à distribuição das posições, das situações, e das relações de uma estrutura.\nE, nesse sentido, todo o segundo Lacan, quero dizer, Lacan após sua tese, o Lacan dos Escritos, lança, por exemplo, uma interpretação extremamente interessante da psicose em função da estrutura.\nJá eu, fui sempre atraído por – e é bem por isso que eu insisto sobre: não foi Félix nem eu que inventamos esse ponto de vista, eu penso, antes, que nós dele nos servimos, e que, relativamente, o renovamos.\nHouve sempre um terceiro tipo de interpretação, que era o de conceber a doença mental e sua expressão: a psicose.\nPor que sua expressão, a psicose?\nÉ preciso que eu me explique, abro bem rápido um parêntese: o que é evidente, me parece, é que não há neurótico que não esteja sustentado sobre algo da ordem de uma psicose.\nVemos isso claramente naquilo que chamamos de acidentes neuróticos de jovens, ou mesmo de crianças.\nE, então, mesmo a neurose, a meu ver, deve estar indexada, não pode ser pensada, senão em função da psicose, como possibilidade mínima.\nQuero dizer, a obsessão.\nEu não vejo a possibilidade de se fazer uma espécie de dualismo entre as neuroses e as psicoses.\nNas neuroses eu veria antes um ponto de parada, pego sobre uma espécie de devir psicótico potencial.\nMas o que me interessa nessa terceira tradição, à qual eu faço alusão, é a interpretação, a compreensão da doença mental como processo.\nE, aí também, não tento dizer coisas muito precisas uma vez que, nesse ponto, os autores que lançaram essa ideia de doença mental ligada a um processo são muito variados.\nAo que me consta, se tento fixar pontos de referência históricos, a ideia verdadeiramente de um “processo doença mental” – quer dizer, a doença mental não é mais algo que se passa numa estrutura; não é mais uma afecção da pessoa.\nVocês podem ver, nem personológico, nem estrutural.\nÉ verdadeiramente…\nComo dizer?\nSerá que é o próprio processo, ou será um concomitante do processo?\nMas finalmente é pensado em termos muito mais dinâmicos, em termos processionais, processos.\nEntão, o que isso quer dizer?\nSe vocês pegarem a história da psiquiatria, a ideia de “processo” se distingue.\nEu diria que é verdadeiramente um terceiro ponto de vista que é completamente – e mesmo psiquiatricamente – diferente de uma compreensão da psicose, do ponto de vista de uma personologia, ou do ponto de vista de um estruturalismo e de uma estrutura, de uma estrutura mental.\nNão é uma noção muito clara essa de processo. Eu tento fixá-la, ainda uma vez.\nIsso começa, me parece, com a psiquiatria alemã do século XIX, e, depois, o primeiro que levará isso bem longe é um autor, creio eu, um tanto esquecido hoje em dia, que teve, no entanto, muita importância anos atrás: é Jaspers.\nJaspers é um caso bastante curioso, pois é um psiquiatra que veio à filosofia.\nEle começou como psiquiatra, e há mesmo um manual de Jaspers traduzido em francês que me parece sempre extraordinário, um manual de psicopatologia.\nUma das melhores coisas não apenas sobre a loucura como processo, mas como estudo de casos célebres, é um livro que eu considero muito belo de Jaspers, que se chama Strinberg et Van Gogh, que através de um estudo de caso desenvolve essa hipótese da loucura como processo.\nAlém disso, esse livro, na tradução francesa, apareceu prefaciado por Blanchot, e há trinta ou quarenta páginas de Maurice Blanchot que são de uma grande beleza, sob o título, acredito, De la folie par excellence.\nParece-me, realmente, ainda um livro de base para todos nós.\nBom, então, por que Jaspers desapareceu provisoriamente?\nEu não sei bem. Enfim, ele morreu.\nMas por que razão nós o lemos menos? Eu não sei bem.\nBem, houve essa via, Jaspers. Ele que leva realmente a ideia de processo a uma expressão ao mesmo tempo psiquiátrica e filosófica bem grande.\nE, depois, muito estranhamente, essa ideia foi retomada pela antipsiquiatria.\nToda a interpretação da antipsiquiatria, a saber, de Laing e de Cooper, no seu início, é fundamentalmente a ideia de um processo esquizofrênico que eles interpretam, especificam, dizendo: “Sim, é uma viagem”; a ideia do processo-viagem.\nO que isso quer dizer?\nAqui eles são bastante fortes. Vejam por que razão Jaspers utilizava muito os métodos fenomenológicos.\nCom efeito, em quê essa ideia de processo pertence um pouco à fenomenologia?\nÉ que isso responde muito a um tipo de experiência vivida, por exemplo, pelo esquizofrênico, ele próprio: o tema da viagem; que aparece constantemente.\nNão é por acaso que na mesma época os drogados lançaram – os drogados americanos foram bem longe numa concepção de viagem. Bem, todas essas coisas.\nEntão, eu creio que Guattari e eu entendíamos “processo” ainda em outro sentido. Mas, aqui, pouco importa. Parece-me que é a essa tradição que nos conectávamos.\nEntão, daqui, será que podemos avançar?\nSe dissermos: a esquizofrenia, ou a psicose, é fundamentalmente ligada a um processo.\nE eu creio que isso quer dizer o quê?\nIsso quer dizer, talvez, que a esquizofrenia revele algo que nos chega em peças desconectadas, ou em pequenos trocados, e sempre, por todo lado, e bem constantemente.\nA saber, que não cessamos de ser pegos, raptados, carregados, pelo quê?\nÉ aí que trazíamos uma pequena novidade, já que dizíamos a palavra mais conveniente: é o fluxo. Passamos nosso tempo sendo atravessados por fluxos.\nE o processo é o percurso de um fluxo.\nO que isso quer dizer? Nesse sentido o processo quer dizer, antes de tudo: é a imagem, bem simples, como de um riacho que escava seu leito. Ou seja, o trajeto não preexiste à viagem. É isso um processo.\nO processo é um movimento de viagem enquanto que o trajeto não preexiste, ou seja, enquanto ele traça, ele mesmo, seu próprio trajeto.\nDe uma certa maneira, chamávamos de “linha de fuga”.\nÉ o traçado de “linhas de fuga”. Ora, as linhas de fuga não preexistem a seus próprios trajetos. Podemos sempre dizer que as outras linhas – há, com efeito, viagens nas quais o trajeto preexiste.\nSe alguns dentre vocês se lembrarem, por exemplo, o que fazíamos ano passado, quando eu tentava determinar o movimento em um tipo de espaço particular que chamávamos de “espaço liso”; isso daria no mesmo.\nNo “espaço liso” toda linha se torna, ou tudo tende a se tornar uma linha de fuga porque, precisamente, as trajetórias não preexistem às próprias projetivas. Não se trata do percurso sobre trilhos, não é o espaço estriado, ou seja, não há estrias que preexistem ao movimento.\nBom, então, suponhamos que em nossa vida – eu não digo que nós sejamos feitos disso, mas que, seja em momentos, seja mesmo inconscientemente, no fim das contas, o inconsciente é feito disso: de fluxo e de processo.\nVocês compreendem que nós já nos engajamos bastante, uma vez que, se eu digo que o inconsciente, talvez, seja feito disso, isso equivale a dizer: ora, ele não funciona sob a lei de estruturas? Ele não funciona sob a distribuição de pessoalidades? Trata-se de outra coisa.\nÉ um mundo que é completamente despersonalizado, que é desestruturado, de modo algum que alguma coisa lhe falte, mas seu assunto é em outra parte.\nO processo é, finalmente, a emissão de fluxos quaisquer.\nEntão, já é possível captarmos algo da esquizofrenia.\nem, sim, tentemos ver: em quê, precisamente, a esquizofrenia tem a impressão, ela própria, de viajar, com tudo o que isso implica?\nCada um, cada vez que considera, ou cada vez que se ocupa de alguma coisa, privilegia certos aspectos. Necessariamente, quando reencontramos a esquizofrenia, o que nós fomos levados a privilegiar?\nAs mil declarações, finalmente, dos esquizofrênicos, nas quais seus problemas – não são aqueles do problema pessoal – seus problemas – não são aqueles do problema estrutural – seus problemas são, literalmente: o que me carrega? E isso, me carrega também?\nAonde isso me conduz?\nOra, a esse respeito, o que me fascina é a maneira que os esquizofrênicos têm de – fazer o quê? Vocês compreendem: de passar o seu tempo. Era isso que gerava uma de nossas reações contra as eternas coordenadas da família da psicanálise.\nÉ que eu nunca vi um esquizofrênico que tenha realmente problemas familiares, trata-se mesmo de algo completamente distinto.\nEnfim, é muito fácil isso que digo, já que podemos sempre dizer: há problemas familiares, mas, em todo caso, ao menos, me concedam que ele não os enuncia, e não os vive, como problemas familiares.\nComo ele os vive?\nUm dos pontos fortes, me parece realmente – é quase agora aquilo que mais me agrada quando repenso n’O anti-Édipo.\nUma das coisas fortes de O anti-Édipo, a meu ver, e que deveria poder permanecer, é essa ideia de que o delírio é, imediatamente, investimento de um campo histórico-social.\nDigo que isso deveria poder permanecer porque é um tipo de ideia simples, não é complicado dizer: bem, vocês sabem, o que vocês deliram, finalmente, é a história e a sociedade, e não sua família!\nSua família …\nEu repenso sempre as palavras satisfatórias de Charlus, em \"Em Busca do Tempo Perdido\", quando Charlus chega, belisca a orelha do narrador e lhe diz: “Hein, sua pequena avó, você não dá a mínima? Você não se importa, canalha?”.\nDe uma certa maneira estamos todos aí. O que não quer dizer que nós não amamos nossos avós, nossos pais, nossas mães, é claro que os amamos. Mas a questão é saber de qual forma, e enquanto o quê.\nEu creio que nunca é o campo social. Se preferirem, toda a operação da psicanálise é rebater perpetuamente o campo social sob personagens familiares e a estrutura familista.\nChamo personagem familiar: a imagem do pai, a imagem da mãe, etc.\nE essa tendência da personologia. Chamo estrutura familiar ou familista: o nome do pai, a função-mãe, definidos como funções estruturais.\nOra, quais sejam as diferenças, há ao menos um ponto comum: é o rebatimento perpétuo sob as coordenadas familiares; que elas sejam interpretadas em termos de estrutura.\nOra, para mim, o delírio é exatamente o contrário.\nAlguém que delira é, literalmente, alguém que assombra o campo social, o campo histórico. E a verdadeira questão é: por que e como ele opera suas seleções, suas seleções histórico-mundiais?\nO delírio é histórico-mundial. Então, dizer isso, ainda uma vez! Creio que é a ideia mais simples, a mais concreta, e à qual eu retorno, acima de tudo.\nOra, bizarramente, ela não funcionou de modo algum, no fim das contas. E eu me digo que o que é surpreendente é que, ainda assim, creio que O anti-Édipo seja um livro que teve muita influência, mas a título individual.\nA derrota melancólica é que isso, estritamente, jamais impediu minimamente que os psicanalistas continuassem suas debilidades, e, sem dúvida, era forçoso, era inevitável.\nMas, à época, era menos evidente que inevitável.\nEntão, sim, eu insisto um pouco nesse ponto. Se vocês considerarem um delírio: é alguém que através de um campo histórico-mundial, através de um campo histórico e social, traça as suas linhas.\nEntão, é a mesma coisa que o processo que nos carrega.\nAinda uma vez, o delírio consiste em quê? Ele não consiste em delirar “meu pai e minha mãe”. Ele consiste em delirar o negro, o jovem, o grande mongol, a África,\netc.\nE se vocês pegarem – então, eu compreendo, eu ouço a objeção imediata que pode surgir: tudo bem, mas o que há sob isso? Eu diria que não há nada atrás disso, porque é isso o “atrás”, é isso o “abaixo”.\nE se vocês não compreendem, então, tomo o exemplo de grandes delirantes. E é por isso que um ano havíamos formado, aqui, um grupo, particularmente, com Claire Parnet e com um outro que se chamava André Scala.\nÉramos alguns a fazer a seguinte operação – que nesse momento muito nos interessava: pegávamos os delírios, e os comparávamos.\nOs delírios nos quais psicanalistas ou psiquiatras falavam, e o enunciado do delírio. Os enunciados do delírio, e os enunciados que retínhamos de psiquiatras e psicanalistas.\nEntão, aí, tínhamos realmente como que dois textos … E, justamente, os juntávamos!\nOra, era inacreditável.\nQuero dizer, fazer essa experiência! Não é possível esquecer essa experiência, pois aí vemos a espécie de imposição da operação psiquiátrica ou psicanalítica.\nVemos o quanto essa imposição é feita. Então, sobre os pontos!\nComo um exemplo: o que é que Schreber, o presidente Schreber, o famoso presidente Schreber – então, nós o havíamos estudado muito minuciosamente, isso tinha nos tomado muito tempo.\nSe vocês pegarem seu delírio; o que é? O que vocês veem?\nÉ muito simples. Vocês veem um tipo que não cessa de delirar; o quê?\nA Alsácia e a Lorena.\nEle é uma jovem alsaciana – Schreber é alemão. Ele é uma jovem alsaciana que defende a Alsácia e a Lorena contra o exército francês.\nHá todo um delírio de raças.\nO racismo do presidente Schreber é desenfreado, seu antissemitismo é desenfreado, é terrível!\nToda sorte de coisas nesse sentido.\nÉ verdade que Schreber tem um pai.\nSeu pai, o que ele faz? Não é nada. O pai é um homem muito conhecido na Alemanha.\nE é um homem muito conhecido por ter inventado verdadeiras máquinas de tortura, máquinas sádicas, que estavam muito na moda no século XIX, e que tinham por origem Schreber.\nEm seguida, muitos o imitaram. Eram máquinas de tortura para crianças, para a administração adequada das crianças.\nNas revistas, ainda do fim do século XIX, vocês encontrarão anúncios dessas máquinas.\nCito, por exemplo, as mais inocentes: máquinas antimasturbatórias; as crianças dormem com as mãos atadas, coisas desse tipo.\nE são máquinas bastante assustadoras, pois a mais pura, a mais discreta, é uma máquina com uma placa de metal atrás, e um suporte para a mandíbula em metal para que a criança se atenha à mesa.\nEssas máquinas faziam muito sucesso.\nBom, o pai é inventor dessas máquinas.\nQuando o presidente Schreber delira, ele delira também todo um sistema de educação.\nHá o tema da Alsácia e da Lorena, há o tema do antissemitismo e do racismo, há o tema da educação das crianças.\nHá, enfim, a relação com o sol, com os raios do sol.\nEu digo: mas, ele delira o sol, ele delira a Alsácia e a Lorena, ele delira a língua primitiva do Deus primitivo, ele inventa para si uma língua que remete às formas do baixo Alemão!\nBom, ele delira o Deus Sol, etc...\nPeguem o texto de Freud ao lado; o que vocês veem? Bem, acontece precisamente que Schreber escreveu seu delírio, então, é um bom caso.\nPeguem o texto de Freud ao lado, eu os asseguro, enfim, se vocês tiverem a lembrança desse texto: em nenhuma página se tem a questão de nada disso!\nÉ a questão do pai de Schreber enquanto pai, e unicamente, todo o tempo, todo o tempo. O pai de Schreber. E o sol é o pai, e Deus é o pai, etc., etc.\nOra, a mim, o que sempre me impressionou, é que os esquizofrênicos, mesmo em sua miséria e dor, não carecem de humor.\nNão os incomoda muito quando lhe dizemos coisas desse tipo, quando eles sofrem um tal discurso.\nEles estão, antes, de acordo. Antes de tudo, eles têm tamanha vontade de ser bem-vistos, de ser cuidados, que, assim, eles não vão – ou então eles se irritam, eles dizem: “Esqueça, não se incomode comigo, paz”!\nHouve na televisão uma transmissão sobre a esquizofrenia não há muito tempo, na qual havia um perfeito esquizo que pedia um cigarro. A psiquiatra, não se sabe porque, lhe diz que não: “Não, não, nada de cigarro”. Então ele diz: “Ah, bom, tudo bem”.\nOra, vocês compreendem? Quando dizemos coisas como: “Você delira o sol, mas, no fim das contas: você não percebe que o sol é seu pai”? O que vocês querem que o esquizofrênico diga?\nO que vocês pensam que ele diz?\nÉ como quando lhe perguntamos: “Qual é seu nome”? Para inscrever seu nome no carnê, nos registros do hospital. Isso não os incomoda muito. No fim, eles dirão: “Sim, sim doutor; sim, o sol é meu pai, apenas meu pai”.\nBem, ele delira sobre a Virgem. Por exemplo, Gérard de Nerval. Se dissermos: “Mas você não vê que a Virgem é sua mamãe”? Ele dirá: “Bom, sim, mas é claro, é o que eu sempre disse, eu sempre disse que minha mãe é a Virgem”.\nEle “endireita” seu delírio, e o recoloca a seus pés.\nÉ recorrente. Eu nunca vi alguém delirar, ainda uma vez, nas coordenadas familiares.\nComo é que, certamente, o tema dos parentes interfere no delírio? E, por quê?\nUnicamente enquanto eles valem como espécies de intermediários, de portas, ou seja, eles colocam o sujeito delirante em relação com coordenadas histórico-mundiais.\nOh, minha mãe é a Virgem”; mas o que conta é a relação com a Virgem.\nPeguem, por exemplo, Rimbaud. Quero dizer, é preciso realmente não esmagar os delírios! Então, certamente, nem todo delirante é Rimbaud.\nMas, ainda assim, acredito que o delírio tem uma grande potência. O delírio tem uma grande potência, ele que delira, pode ser reduzido a impotência, sim e seu delírio o reduz a impotência.Mas qual é a potência do delírio?\nRimbaud se coloca a delirar, não sob a forma de suas relações com sua mãe. Porque, francamente, não se deve abusar, é vergonhoso, é humilhante, há algo de deprimente em remeter isso perpetuamente a – como se as pessoas que deliram estivessem a tagarelar historinhas.\nNão posso nem mesmo dizer “histórias de criança”, pois a criança nunca viveu dessa maneira.\nVocês compreendem? Uma criança vive seus parentes num campo histórico-mundial. Ela não os vive num campo familiar, ela os vive imediatamente.\nImaginem: vocês são uma pequena criança africana durante a colonização.\nVocês veem sua mãe, seu pai. Eles estão em relação com o quê, sua mãe, seu pai, nessa situação?\nEles estão em relação com as autoridades coloniais. Eles estão em relação com isso, com aquilo.\nConsiderem um filho de imigrante hoje na França. Ele vive seus pais em relação com o quê?\nEle não vive seus pais simplesmente como pais. Nunca ninguém viveu seus pais como pais.\nConsiderem alguém cuja mãe faz limpeza, e alguém cuja mãe é uma rica burguesa.\nÉ bem evidente que o que a pequena criança visa – e muito rapidamente, muito cedo – o que ela visa através dos temas parentais: são os vetores do campo histórico-social.\nPor exemplo, se uma pequena criança é levada bem cedo por sua mãe à casa de um estrangeiro, ou seja, da patroa da mãe, como isso acontece frequentemente com as trabalhadoras domésticas.\nÉ evidente que a criança tem uma certa visão de “linhas” de um campo histórico, de um campo social.\nSe bem que, mais uma vez, eu salto! Mas é a mesma coisa...\nEnquanto Rimbaud lança suas espécies de delírios-poemas, o que ele nos diz? Ele nos diz: eu sou um negro, sou um viking, sou Joana D’Arc, pertenço a uma raça inferior por toda a eternidade.\nÉ isso delirar? Sou um bastardo, etc. E “sou um bastardo” não quer dizer “tenho problemas com meu pai e minha mãe”.\nSignifica que o delírio é essa espécie de investimento, essa espécie de investimento, pelo desejo, do campo histórico e social.\nDe modo que a interpretação que propúnhamos, as regras para compreender um delírio, eram essencialmente essas.\nÉ evidente que os parentes não são senão “placas indicadoras” de todos esses vetores que atravessam o campo social.\nDe modo que, já resgatar essa dignidade ao delírio, ou resgatar essa dignidade ao delirante, é, me parece, conceber que o delirante não é pego num problema de infância, pois já é verdade que a criança, se delira, delira dessa maneira.\nVocês compreendem, havíamos feito o experimento nessa mesma perspectiva de pesquisa, havíamos feito o experimento a propósito da psicanalista que nos parecia a menos comprometida nessas histórias de rebatimento sob o campo familiar, a saber, Melanie Klein.\nOra Melanie Klein analisa um pequeno garoto que se chama Richard. E, para mim, é realmente uma das psicanálises mais vergonhosas que possamos imaginar.\nPois é durante a guerra, Richard é um jovem judeu, e ele não tem senão uma paixão: os mapas geográficos de guerra. Ele os fabrica, ele os colore. Seus problemas são Hitler, Churchill.\nO que é tudo isso, o que quer dizer a guerra? Sim … ele faz avançar os navios, os exércitos.\nE, aí, é dito por Mélanie Klein – é por uma má vontade – ela não cessa de dizer: “Eu o interrompia, eu mostrava a ele que Hitler era o pai malvado, que Churchill era a boa mãe”, etc., etc.\nÉ sofrível! E o pequeno quebra.\nEssa análise é muito interessante, pois há não sei quantas sessões, e tudo é cronometrado. Essa psicanálise vergonhosa apareceu na França nas edições Tchou.\nÉ alarmante; a princípio, ele aguenta o golpe. Ele é espirituoso com a senhora Melanie.\nEle diz: “Oh, você tem um relógio”? Ele diz o que “claramente” quer dizer: “Tenho vontade de tirá-lo”. Então, ela lhe diz: “Por quê você pede isso”?\nE, em seguida, ela interpreta, ela diz que ele se sente ameaçado em suas defesas inconscientes. Diga você, há apenas uma vontade: escapar, escapar.\nE, depois, pouco a pouco, ele já não pode mais. Então, ele aceita tudo. Ele aceita tudo, mas a que preço? Eu mesmo não o sei.\nBom, e para cada caso é assim. Cada vez que vocês deliram, vocês encontram essas afirmações que são de esplendor. Esses delírios são, ao mesmo tempo, verdadeiras razões de ser.\nÉ a relação de alguém com os Celtas, com os Negros, com os Árabes, e etc.\nE quem não tem? E se é um árabe, são relações com os brancos, com tal época histórica.\nFalemos do masoquismo.\nPronto, é um caso no qual nem mesmo há delírio. Pode haver nele delírio; não há necessariamente delírio.\nPego, então, – pois é um caso que estudei muito, há muito tempo – o caso de Sacher Masoch, ele próprio.\nA psicanálise não cessa de falar do papel do pai e da mãe como geradores do masoquista. A saber, em qual caso e em qual figura, sempre essa dupla, pai e mãe, vai engendrar, seja uma estrutura masoquista, seja acontecimentos masoquistas.\nMas é extremamente sofrível tudo isso!\nO pai de Masoch, por exemplo. Se pegamos seu caso – não digo que seja um caso geral: ele é diretor de prisão.\nEntão, a psicanálise, em relação a isso, dá uma resposta engraçada, que é a famosa noção, que me parece particularmente sinuosa, de “posteriormente”.\nEla diz: ah, está bem, tudo isso intervém posteriormente.\nMas, no âmbito da pequena infância isso não interfere, o que conta é a constelação familiar.\nEu diria que mesmo bebê, mesmo antes de falar – vocês perguntariam: não haveria comparação? Não há espaço para comparação. Ele não se diz: “Eu estou numa prisão”, ou “meu pai dirige uma prisão”.\nO que ele experimenta é uma certa constelação muito impressionante, que é aquela de uma potência sobre um lugar escuro e fechado.\nE pouco importa que ele não compare, posto que ele não sabe nem mesmo da existência de outros lugares.\nMas, é evidente que, ainda pequeno, ele não vive simplesmente seu pai como pai, ele vive seu pai sob a potência-pai e … E … – isto estando indissociável – pai … E … guardião da prisão.\nBom, isso conta?\nEm seguida, à medida que Masoch pessoalmente desenvolve, em certos momentos, um verdadeiro delírio, esse delírio consiste em quê? Esse delírio não é simplesmente um delírio, é também uma política.\nMasoch vive no império Austro-húngaro. Toda sua vida é uma espécie de reflexão, mas de reflexão ativa, e de participação no problema das minorias no império austríaco.\nE o que são esses temas obsessivos? Seus temas obsessivos são o amor cortês, com as provações que os amantes se impõem, e o papel das mulheres nas minorias.\nPara mostrar que os movimentos minoritários – Masoch é um desses que disseram mais profundamente: os movimentos minoritários são profundamente animados pelas mulheres.\nHá tudo isso que se mistura para constituir essa espécie de masoquismo que delira as minorias, que delira a Idade Média no âmbito do amor cortês, e que delira o mundo das prisões.\nDigo, se vocês reduzem isso a um problema de Masoch criança em relação com seu pai e sua mãe, então, não há mais nada a ser dito, é grotesco, é grotesco.\nEu os peço, cada vez que vocês estiverem, seja frente a uma transcrição, seja frente a um áudio de algo delirante, vocês verão que, o que está investido pelo desejo é fundamentalmente um campo histórico-mundial.\nE eu chamaria de “linhas de fuga”, as linhas que reconectam o delirante a tal direção, ou a tal região do campo histórico mundial.\nEntão, se é assim, tento apenas dizer “processo”. Talvez fique um pouco mais claro. Alguma coisa nos acontece, alguma coisa nos carrega.\nToda a questão de uma análise que não seria uma psicanálise; é qual? O que é? Seria: quais linhas você traça?\nQuero dizer, para mim, a análise não pode ser nem uma interpretação, nem uma operação de significação, mas um traço cartográfico.\nSe vocês não encontram a linha que compõe alguém, que compreende suas linhas de fuga, vocês não compreendem o problema colocado, ou que se coloca.\nOra, com efeito, as linhas de fuga não são uniformes. Uma linha de fuga mesmo é uma operação ambígua. E é isso o processo, é isso que nos carrega.\nEvidentemente, isso quer dizer que, para mim, as linhas de fuga são o que há de criador em alguém. As linhas de fuga não são linhas que consistem em fugir – se bem que isso consiste em fugir,\nmas é a fórmula de que gosto muito, de um prisioneiro americano que lança o grito: “Eu fujo, sem parar, mas fugindo eu procuro por uma arma”. Procuro uma arma, ou seja, eu crio alguma coisa.\nFinalmente, a criação é o pânico, sempre. Quero dizer, é sobre linhas de fuga que criamos, pois é sobre linhas de fuga que não temos mais certeza alguma, as certezas ruíram.\nEntão, o processo – e aqui eu creio responder mais diretamente enfim à sua questão.\nEu diria, precisamente, que as linhas não preexistem ao traçado que fazemos, e, em seguida, que nem toda linha é uma linha de fuga: há outros tipos de linhas.\nEntão, um ano, aqui, estávamos empenhados nisso. Creio que não passamos longe de um ano a estudar os tipos de linha que compõem alguém. Que compõem alguém no sentido individual ou de grupo, num campo social ou num campo histórico-mundial.\nNo limite, distinguiríamos como que vários tipos de linha. Nos interessávamos muito por uma novela esplêndida, já que, também aí, o delírio não está longe.\nUma novela muito bela de Fitzgerald, na qual ele distingue – ele tem toda uma linguagem, todo um vocabulário – os grandes cortes, pequenas fissuras, ou verdadeiras rupturas.\nE, finalmente, vivemos disso.\nE ele tenta mostrar, e mostra muito bem, que esses três tipos de linhas – eu creio que há, sempre, na vida de toda gente, esses três tipos de linhas, mas uns que abortam, e outros que …\nBom, é quase uma análise de linhas num sentido de linhas da palma da mão, salvo que não estão na palma da mão essas linhas.\nEu mesmo não seria capaz de compreender alguém se não pudesse traduzi-lo numa espécie de desenho linear.\nSeria preciso três cores. Ao menos três cores. De fato, muito mais. E traçar as linhas nas quais ele se encontra, e como ele se resolve.\nVocês compreendem? Todas essas linhas que se desembaraçam, que se emaranham terrivelmente, eu proporia chamá-las de “linhas de segmentaridade dura”.\nE todos temos linhas de segmentaridade dura. Não se trata de dizer que umas são más e outras boas. Se trata de se resolver com todas essas linhas.\nAs linhas de segmentaridade dura, para mim, são coisas que todos conhecem bem. Mas, já aí, existem muitos casos.\nHá casos muito diferentes nesse primeiro pacote de linhas. Eu mesmo gostaria realmente de chegar quase a me conceber e a conceber os outros como, unicamente, pacotes de linhas abstratas.\nEntão, essas linhas não representam nada, mas elas funcionam, elas operam. E, para mim, a Esquizoanálise é unicamente isso: é a determinação de linhas que compõem um indivíduo ou um grupo, o traçado dessas linhas.\nOra, isso concerne a todo o inconsciente. Essas linhas não são imediatamente dadas, nem em sua importância respectiva, nem em seus avanços.\nÉ por isso que antes que uma história, eu sonho uma geografia, ou seja, uma cartografia. Fazer o mapa de alguém...\nEntão, o que é a segmentaridade dura? Bom, somos segmentarizados por todos os lados.\nSomos segmentarizados por todo lado. É um primeiro tipo de linha que nos atravessa. Quero dizer, somos, a princípio, segmentarizados imediatamente: o trabalho, o lazer, os dias da semana, o dia, a noite, etc.\nVocês veem? É uma linha de segmento.\nO trabalho, o dia de férias, o domingo, enfim, o tipo de metrô, de trabalho, etc.\nUma espécie de segmentaridade. Há toda uma burocracia da segmentaridade.\nQuando vocês vão de um escritório a outro para conseguir um documento, o menor que seja; vê-se bem o que é a segmentaridade social. Enviam-nos de um segmento a outro.\nMas também há uma segmentaridade ainda mais perturbadora, mais difícil.\nIsso é dizer que já há linha. Eu não poderia dizer: há “uma” linha de segmentaridade. Não é a mesma para todos. Isso é tão variável para cada um, a partir do ofício, a partir dos modos de vida...\nSomos segmentarizados como vermes! Mas não podemos dizer que não é certo, isso depende, depende do que vocês retiram disso. Mas é um primeiro composto de suas linhas.\nUm segmento, um outro segmento, um outro segmento...\n“Ah, eu entro aí”? “Ah, estou em casa, o dia acabou”? “Que não venham me importunar”! Passar de um segmento a outro...\nHá aqueles – reparem – que possuem bem pouco, nos quais essa linha é como que enfraquecida, enfraquecida.\nEles são muito sedutores, esses que tem uma segmentaridade muito enfraquecida.\nTem-se a impressão de que eles são bastante móveis, que passam de um segmento a outro muito mais rapidamente que os outros, que tem uma segmentaridade muito mais flexível.\nBom, mas digo por alto. Há nesse domínio da segmentaridade já todo um pacote de linhas, e não apenas uma. Pois vocês compreendem que a linha de segmentaridade é bem orientada do ponto de vista do tempo.\nNomeadamente, é a partir de segmentaridades que se faz a triste evolução da vida. Por exemplo, envelhecesse: jovem–velho.\nÉ outra segmentaridade. Vocês veem que elas se subdividem em todas essas segmentaridades: homem–mulher.\nAqui os homens, lá as mulheres!\nTudo isso é segmentarizado: “Ah, eu era jovem, não sou mais”? “Ah, eu tinha talento”… “O talento, o que se fez dele”?\nVocês reconhecem o tom, mas não é de modo algum um tom melancólico na obra de Fitzgerald – para aqueles que gostam.\nO que são esses fenômenos de perda da juventude, de perda da beleza, de perda do talento; o que se faz sobre essa linha?\nE como poderemos suportar tudo isso?\nÉ aí! Há, sobre essa linha, sempre rupturas, fissuras.\nPassa-se de um segmento a outro por uma espécie de fissura.\nHá pessoas que suportam… Essa linha é bem diferente para cada um, ou para os grupos. Mas os grupos conferem todo um status já a essa primeira linha.\nE, depois, há uma outra espécie de linha.\nSabe-se bem que, ao mesmo tempo, não é que a primeira seja uma aparência, mas que, ao mesmo tempo, ela se passa por outras coisas.\nQue não se tem simplesmente os homens aqui e as mulheres lá. Que há a maneira pela qual os homens são mulheres, e a maneira pela qual as mulheres são homens, em coisas muito mais...\nPortanto uma linha muito mais...\nComo dizer? Literalmente, muito mais moleculares.\nUma linha na qual é muito menos aparentemente determinado que – alguém faz um gesto, hein? Alguém faz um gesto no âmbito de sua profissão e eu tenho como que uma impressão de desconforto.\nOs romancistas sempre jogaram muito com isso. Tenho uma impressão desconfortante, e digo: então, esse gesto não se adapta, de onde vem ele?\nEle parece um pouco incongruente, ele vem de outra parte, ele vem de outro segmento. Aí se faz como que uma espécie de interferência de segmentos.\nNão é mais uma linha de segmentaridade preestabelecida de tipo algum. É uma linha de segmentação fina, em vias de se fazer: pequenos surtos, coisas pequenas, caretas...\nQue vêm de onde?\nEstranho.\nUma linha que não procede mais por cortes, espécies de binaridade, dualismos: homem–mulher, rico–pobre, jovem–velho, mas que procede por, como…\nFitzgerald soube dizer: por pequenas fissuras.\nPequenas fissuras, como uma louça que só se quebrará após pequenas fissuras. Mas não é o mesmo caminho, aquele do grande corte, e esse das pequenas fissuras.\nEntão, finalmente, apercebemo-nos de que envelhecemos sobre a primeira linha, enquanto que envelhecer é uma espécie de processo que segue longamente sobre a segunda linha.\nO tempo das duas linhas não é o mesmo.\nEis um segundo tipo de linha que, por sua vez, é muito diverso. É um segundo pacote de linhas.\nE, depois, há linhas, uma vez mais, de um outro tipo: linhas de fuga. As linhas que criamos, e sobre as quais nós criamos.\nÀs vezes, nós nos dizemos: mas elas estão como que encalhadas, elas estão como que bloqueadas.\nÀs vezes, elas se desvencilham, elas passam por verdadeiros buracos, elas se destacam.\nÀs vezes, elas estão perdidas…\nOs outros dois tipos de linhas as engoliram.\nE, depois, elas podem sempre ser retomadas. O que é esse terceiro tipo de linha?\nSuponha que...\nSe dizemos: fazer uma esquizoanálise de alguém. Isso seria chegar a determinar essas linhas, e os processos dessas linhas.\nOra, para responder, enfim, à questão, uma coisa muito simples: chamemos “esquizofrenia” o traçado de linhas de fuga.\nE esse traçado de linhas de fuga é estritamente coextensivo ao campo histórico-mundial.\nEu, pequeno burguês francês que não saí do meu país; o que eu deliro, ainda uma vez? Eu deliro a África e a Ásia, à guisa de vingança.\nE, por quê? Pois é isso o delírio… E não é preciso ser louco para delirar.\nEntão, se chamo isso de processo: é esse fluxo que me carrega pelo campo histórico-social a partir de vetores. Chamemos isso de viagem, à maneira de Laing e Cooper. Não vejo nisso um inconveniente, pois, com efeito, posso, também, muito bem delirar a pré-história, posso muito bem ter algo a tratar com a pré-história.\nDe toda maneira, é isso que deliramos.\nEntão, o que se passa? Eu digo que cada tipo de linha tem seus perigos.\nEu creio que o perigo próprio à linha de fuga, a essas linhas de delírio, é qual? É, com efeito, uma espécie de verdadeiro desmoronamento.\nO que é um desmoronamento?\nE, bom, o perigo próprio às linhas de fuga – e é fundamental, é o mais terrível perigo – é que a linha de fuga se torne uma linha de abolição, de destruição.\nQue a linha de fuga que, normalmente, e enquanto processo, é uma linha de vida, e que deve traçar como que novos caminhos de vida, se torne uma pura linha de morte.\nE, finalmente, há sempre essa possibilidade. Há sempre a possibilidade de que a linha de fuga cesse de ser uma linha de criação e gire em círculos, como que se pondo a girar sobre si mesma, e desmoronando naquilo que chamamos um ano de “buraco negro”.\nOu seja, tornando-se uma linha de destruição pura e simples.\nE é isso que, a meu ver, explica um certo número de coisas.\nIsso explica, por exemplo, a produção esquizofrênica enquanto entidade clínica, a esquizofrenia enquanto doença.\nE creio que o esquizofrênico é fundamentalmente e profundamente doente, é isso:\nÉ aquele que “apreendido” pelo processo, carregado por seu processo, por \"um\" processo, não aguenta o golpe.\nEle não resiste ao golpe. É duro demais... É duro demais.\nVocês me dirão: é preciso ainda dizer o porquê; o que se passou? Se necessário, nada aconteceu.\nQuero dizer, nada se passou, pois não havia nada.\nHá um texto maravilhoso de Chestov a propósito do famoso escritor russo Tchekhov.\nChestov não gosta de Tchekhov, equivocadamente, ele não o aprecia, ele até o detesta. Ele diz a razão pela qual ele não gosta de Tchekhov, ele diz:\n“Vocês compreendem? Quando vocês leem Tchekhov, vocês têm sempre a impressão de que alguma coisa se passou e nem é possível dizer o quê!”.\nA saber, tudo se passa como se Tchekhov estivesse tentando alguma coisa que exigisse mesmo um esforço considerável, e depois, como que tropeçasse.\nE que ele se mostra, então, incapaz do que quer que seja. Que para ele – para ele, Tchekhov – o mundo está acabado, e não é senão amargura.\nO que se passou? O que se passa para que alguém quebre? Vocês me dirão: quebrar à maneira de Tchekhov, nada mal hein? Sim, mas...\nTalvez possamos ter uma visão toda outra de Tchekhov.\nMas o que se passa quando alguém quebra? Efetivamente, o que ele não pôde suportar?\nEm todo caso, eu digo que é aí, e é nesse nível: o que alguém não pode suportar?\nE, bem, é alguma coisa que não se pode suportar que marca, me parece, o desvio da linha de fuga, que cessa de ser criadora, e se torna linha de morte pura e simples.\nHá duas maneiras de se tornar linha de morte: de se tornar linha de morte para os outros – e frequentemente as duas são muito ligadas – e linha de sua própria morte.\nE, finalmente, por que isso está ligado? É complicado, mas pego o caso, por exemplo – pego casos aqui sempre literários. O que se passa nos casos célebres, como o de Kleist?\nKleist que escreve realmente por um processo.\nEsse processo lhe dá toda espécie de signos muito esquizofrênicos: a gagueira, as estereotipias, as contrações musculares, tudo isso.\nMas tudo isso nutre durante muito tempo um estilo. E um estilo não é simplesmente alguma coisa de estética,\num estilo - vocês vivem como vocês falam, ou antes, vocês falam como vivem. Um estilo é um modo de vida.\nCom tudo isso ele inventa um estilo, uma espécie de estilo, que faz com que uma frase de Kleist seja reconhecível entre outras.\nO que se passa? Tudo isso levará a uma ideia muito delirante que estava lá desde o início, no pensamento de Kleist, a saber: como se matar a dois?\nComo se matar a dois? O que faz com que sua linha de fuga – ele atravessa a Alemanha! Vê-se bem o que é o processo no caso de Kleist: ele salta sobre o cavalo e atravessa a Alemanha. É o grande momento romântico alemão.\nBem, vocês me dirão: “O processo não é apenas isso”. Está bem, o processo não é apenas isso. Digamos que isso já é o signo geográfico do processo.\nHá pessoas que permanecem em seu lugar e que são apreendidas pelo processo.\nParece-me evidente que as personagens de Beckett vivem intensamente o que poderíamos chamar de processo.\nAo que me parece, interpreta-se Beckett muito dificilmente em termos de pessoas, de personologia, ou em termos de estrutura. É uma questão de processo, aí também.\nBom, algo vai mal. O que isso quer dizer?\nQuer dizer que o processo que devia – mas o que quer dizer “que devia”? – ser uma linha de vida, ou seja, de criação, e que devia ter sido uma espécie de chance suplementar dada à vida; torna-se um empreendimento mortifero.\nComo se matar a dois? Uma morte exasperada à maneira de Kleist, ou mesmo uma morte tranquila.\nO que faz com que Virginia Woolf se lance no lago e se afogue dessa forma?\nNão se trata de modo algum de uma morte exasperada, é que de certa maneira ela se cansou. Ela está cansada; de quê?\nEla que, com efeito, tinha um processo prodigioso.\nO que se passa, então, sob as formas exasperadas? É dessa maneira, se preferirem. Eu tento dar um conteúdo concreto, vivido, vívido, à noção de fascismo.\nEu tentei dizer algumas vezes em qual ponto, para mim, o fascismo e o totalitarismo não são de modo algum a mesma coisa.\nÉ que o fascismo – parece um tanto místico isso que digo, mas me parece que não é – é tipicamente um processo de fuga, uma linha de fuga, que vira imediatamente linha mortífera: morte dos outros e morte de si mesmo.\nO que isso quer dizer? Todos os fascistas sempre o afirmaram. O fascismo implica, fundamentalmente, contrariamente ao totalitarismo, a ideia de um movimento perpétuo, sem objeto nem fim.\nMovimento perpétuo sem objeto nem fim: de uma certa maneira, pode-se dizer, é isso um processo.\nCom efeito, o processo é um movimento que não tem nem objeto nem fim.\nQue não tem senão um objeto: sua própria realização, ou seja, a emissão de fluxos que o correspondem.\nMas eis que há fascismo enquanto esse movimento sem fim e sem objeto se torna movimento de pura destruição.\nEstando entendido o quê? Estando entendido que se fará morrer os outros, e que sua própria morte coroará a dos outros.\nIsso que digo sobre o fascismo parece bastante místico, mas, com efeito, me parece que as análises concretas o confirmam bem fortemente.\nQuero dizer, um dos melhores livros sobre o fascismo, que já citei, que é aquele de Arendt, e que é uma longa análise das instituições fascistas, mostra muito bem que o fascismo só pode existir por uma ideia de uma espécie de movimento que se reproduz sem cessar, e que se acelera.\nAo ponto que na história do fascismo, quanto mais a guerra corre o risco de ser perdida pelos fascistas, mais se faz a exasperação e a aceleração da guerra.\nAté o famoso e derradeiro telegrama de Hitler, que ordena a destruição do habitat e a destruição do povo.\nTudo começará pela morte dos outros, mas é entendido que chegará a hora de nossa própria morte.\nÉ esse o discurso de Goebbels desde o início; sustentando-o. Pode-se chamar de propaganda, mas o que me interessa é: por que a propaganda era orientada em tal sentido desde o início?\nÉ completamente diferente de um regime totalitário a esse respeito. E uma das razões históricas importantes me parece ser: por que, ainda uma vez, os Americanos, e mesmo a Europa, não fizeram aliança com o fascismo?\nE, bem, pode-se ter certeza de que não foi nem a moralidade, nem o anseio de liberdade, que os determinou.\nEntão, por que eles preferiram se aliar à Rússia, e ao regime stalinista? O qual, diga-se o que se quiser, era um regime que pode ser chamado de totalitário, mas que não era um regime do tipo fascista. E é bem diferente.\nÉ evidente que o fascismo não existe senão por essa exasperação do movimento, e que essa exasperação do movimento não podia dar garantias suficientes.\nEnfim...\nE a desconfiança a respeito do fascismo no âmbito dos governos e dos Estados que formou a aliança durante a guerra. É o que parece.\nSe vocês quiserem, é aí que há sempre um fascismo potencial, enquanto uma linha de fuga vira uma linha de morte.\nEntão, é por isso que, vocês compreendem, a distinção que eu faria entre esquizofrenia como processo e esquizofrenia como entidade clínica,\né que a esquizofrenia como processo é:\no conjunto desses traçados de linhas de fuga,\nmas a produção da entidade clínica se dá enquanto, precisamente, alguma coisa não pode se manter sobre as linhas de fuga.\nAlguma coisa é dura demais, “alguma coisa é dura demais para mim”.\nE, nesse momento, isso se transforma em: seja em linha de abolição, seja em linha de morte.\nPeguem uma coisa, uma simples experiência objetiva como a da música, a música que vocês escutam.\nEm quê se pode falar de um fascismo potencial na música, se se pode falar de um fascismo potencial?\nÉ que a música, me parece, é o processo em estado puro. É por aí que, de todas as artes, essa seria sem dúvida a arte mais adequada, a mais imediatamente adequada.\nPara apreender sob a pintura um processo da pintura, é preciso muito mais esforço. Quer dizer, apreender os fluxos da pintura é muito mais difícil que apreender imediatamente o fluxo sonoro da música.\nE, ainda aí, eu diria que, para mim, a música não é uma questão de estrutura, nem de forma, mas de processo.\nPenso, muito rapidamente, para fazer aproximações, que um dos músicos que mais pensa a música em termos de processo é John Cage.\nBem, quero dizer, a música é processo. De certa maneira, ela é amor à vida, fundamentalmente.\nEla é mesmo criação de vida.\nOra, será por acaso que, ao mesmo tempo, eu devo dizer o contraditório, que a música nos inspira, em certos momentos, e que não há música que não nos inspire, em certos momentos,\num grande estranho, um grande estranho desejo, que é preciso chamar de abolição, um desejo de extinção, um desejo de extinção sonoro, uma morte tranquila?\nE que na experiência musical mais simples – e aí não há privilégios de uma sobre outra; eu penso que é verdade de toda música. Que é verdade da música pop, que é verdade da música clássica...\nQue são os dois ao mesmo tempo, e um pego pelo outro, uma criação vital sob forma de linha de fuga ou sob a forma de processo,\ne implantado lá dentro um risco constante de conversão do processo numa espécie de desejo de abolição, de desejo de morte.\nE que a música carrega tanto esse desejo de morte quanto deixa de trazer o processo. De modo que, nesse nível, trata-se realmente de uma parte muito incerta, que cada um joga sem saber.\nNunca se está certo de que não é sua vez de quebrar, quem pode dizer? E, ainda uma vez, não se quebra sob muito forte agitação visível.\nQuebra-se, talvez, no momento que, de certo ponto de vista, é o melhor.\nNão se sabe, não se sabe.\nSimplesmente, parece-me que a psiquiatria e a psicanálise não prestam serviço, cada vez que se propõem a esses fenômenos de interpretação que podem ser vistos como interpretações pueris.\nIsso desonra as pessoas. Isso desonra as pessoas.\nAcontece que as pessoas ficam contentes. Elas aguentam escutar a isso. É assunto delas, uma vez que funcione.\nMas eu penso que é desonroso aceitar escutar – ao menos é preciso muito sofrer para suportá-lo – durante horas e horas tudo isso:\n“É porque você não está de acordo com seu pai e sua mãe que tudo isso se dá”. “Pois há alguma coisa que se passa da parte de seu pai”.\nSeja em termos de estrutura, seja em termos de imagem de pessoa. Ainda uma vez, personologia e estrutura, isso me parece tão parecido que, de qualquer maneira, deve-se ter, me parece, a elementar dignidade de adoecer,\nou de se tornar louco, à necessidade de muitas outras pressões e muitas outras aventuras que não estas.\nEntão, nesse sentido, eu respondo, se bem compreendi a questão:\na ideia da esquizofrenia como processo implica que esse processo resvale incessantemente na produção de uma espécie de vítima do processo.\nPode-se ser, a todo instante, vítima do processo que se carrega em si. E, por processo, ainda uma vez, eu invoco – pois, aí, torna-se uma linguagem comum, que nos pertence a todos – os grandes nomes como Kleist, Rimbaud, etc.\nBom, Rimbaud, o que dizer de Rimbaud? O que é esse homem? Ele sai pela Etiópia, ou seja, ele prolonga sua linha de fuga. Mas ele o faz de que maneira?\nEssa espécie de renegação de todo seu passado: é algo que não é mais suportável para ele.\nO que isso vai se tornar? Como vai se tornar? É sobre esta linha que ocorre um verdadeiro devir, ainda uma vez.\nOra, esse devir também pode se tornar um devir mortífero.\nEntão, se há uma lição, é que não se trata somente de desenredar as linhas que compõem alguém. É tentar, por não importa qual meio, impedir que as linhas se tornem linhas de morte.\nOra, nesse ponto, não há solução milagrosa.\nCreio apenas que há uma espécie de complacência que é extremamente duvidosa: a complacência ao discurso psicanalítico faz nossa desonra.\nHá muito tempo que o romancista Lawrence dizia que havia uma espécie de reação amena à psicanálise. Ele dizia: “Mas tudo isso é repugnante”.\nLawrence é muito forte, vocês compreendem? Pois não é alguém a quem se possa dizer: “Ah, você está chocado pela sexualidade”?\nEle não estava chocado pela sexualidade, ele até mesmo encabeçava uma espécie de descoberta, e uma singular descoberta, da sexualidade.\nMas ele tem a impressão de que a psicanálise é repugnante. O que ele quer dizer? De qualquer forma, não é Lawrence que dirá: “Eu protesto contra a ideia de que tudo seja sexual”.\nPelo contrário, isso não o incomoda. Ele diz: “Mas, vocês percebem o que eles fazem da sexualidade? Vocês se dão conta”? “Mas é uma vergonha!”, ele diz.\nEle diz: A sexualidade? Ela tem relação com o quê? Bom, ele diz a mesma coisa que acabo de dizer sobre o processo.\nEle diz: “A sexualidade? É evidente que tem a ver com o sol”. É uma questão de delirar o mundo, e, de modo algum, se faz uma concepção romântica da sexualidade.\nÉ assim, é assim, aquilo que vocês querem.\nAquilo que se gosta, por exemplo, o tipo de mulher ou homem que se persegue, aquilo que se espera: vai muito além das pessoas tudo isso.\nDelira-se o mundo. Com efeito, dependendo, pode ser tanto um oásis, quanto um deserto, quanto tudo o que vocês quiserem.\nEm todo caso, a ideia de que tudo isso remonta a Édipo, ou seja, a uma constelação pai–mãe, mesmo que se adicione a Lei, é algo de escandaloso.\nIsso tudo é desonroso.\nÉ evidente que a sexualidade não é isso.\nQuando o presidente Schreber diz, literalmente: “Eu tenho raios de sol no ânus”. Ele os sente. Ele sente os raios do sol. Ele os sente dessa maneira.\nBom, se tentamos remeter essas relações a seu pai, eu penso que corremos o risco de não compreendermos coisa alguma nisso.\nNesse momento, o que é toda a sexualidade então? Quando Lawrence protesta contra a psicanálise, ele diz: “Mas eles não querem nada além do sujo segredinho? Um pequeno segredo miserável. Realmente miserável essa história de querer matar seu pai e dormir com sua mãe. É miserável”.\nEntão, pode-se interpretar em termos de estrutura: continua sendo miserável.\nVocês se dão conta?\nQual criança fez isso?\nNão, mas, jamais, jamais. É uma ideia distorcida essa, em nome da sexualidade.\nQuero dizer, é preciso reagir contra a psicanálise e contra a psiquiatria psicanalisante, em nome da sexualidade.\nPois é inteiramente outra coisa. Na sexualidade há um verdadeiro processo que, também nesse caso, pode tomar um rumo mortífero.\nMuito bem, eu queria dizer tudo isso. Então, eu continuo. É por isso que um ano, eu estava tão...\nSim?\n(Intervenção de um ouvinte - Inaudível)\nEscute. Há apenas uma coisa que não é boa no que você disse, na sua intervenção. É a maneira com que você repetiu bastante: “É verdade, é verdade, é verdade”.\nEu mesmo nunca digo “é verdade” porque, em certo sentido, a coisa não se coloca mais nesse nível.\nMas era como que uma maneira pela qual você se reconfortava me dizendo: “E, afinal, não é como você diz, é como eu digo.”\nEntão, o que eu responderia:\nIntervenção de um ouvinte Inaudível\nVocê disse: “É verdade, é verdade”...\nO que mostra que você se prendia a essa ideia.\nEntão, se você se prende a essa ideia, eu faço duas respostas simultâneas, mas nessas repostas eu tomo tanto uma questão como a outra.\nE a primeira, infelizmente, tem um ar insolente. Mas ela não o é de modo algum.\nÉ que, num certo nível, quando dizemos alguma coisa que pensamos, justamente, quanto mais o que dizemos responde ao que pensamos, menos podemos invocar uma verdade qualquer, já que não temos certeza.\nE é mesmo uma única e mesma coisa: é enquanto perdemos todas as certezas que podemos dizer alguma coisa.\nEntão, é por isso que, se alguém, como você, – mas não é minha primeira resposta – me diz:\n“Ah, não, eu não consigo pensar que uma linha de fuga, por exemplo, seja essencialmente vital e criadora, eu não consigo acreditar, eu sinto dessa maneira. Eu diria, no máximo, que ela tem duas cabeças: vida e morte. E que tudo se decide nesse momento, mas que não há nenhuma razão para se privilegiar o polo vital sobre o polo mortífero”.\nAí, minha resposta seria: bom, está bem, vá nessa direção. É a sua! Não posso dizer nada, não posso dizer nada. Tudo em mim se ofusca diante dessa ideia, mas não posso dizer nada.\nNão há espaço para tentar mostrar que sou eu que tenho razão, se alguém sente diferentemente de mim. Quero dizer, há um “eu sinto” filosófico.\nO “eu sinto” não é somente “tenho a impressão”; é que há um “eu sinto” filosófico que é como uma espécie de fundo dos conceitos.\nOu seja, esse conceito não te agrada, mesmo vitalmente, posto que os conceitos têm uma vida.\nMas, ao mesmo tempo, minha segunda razão é quase – então, não se trata de um desejo de convencer quem quer que seja. Digo ao menos que isso serve a alguma coisa, caso haja alguém que não concorde.\nO que eu responderia por minha própria conta? Eu responderia isso aqui, com muitos suspiros, pois no ponto em que nos encontramos, se preferirem, trata-se realmente de afectos.\nNão estamos simplesmente no nível dos conceitos, estamos plenamente num domínio particular que eu tentava, um pouco, fazer pressentir, a propósito de Leibniz. A saber, os afectos do conceito.\nNão há conceito que seja neutro ou inocente. Um conceito é carregado de potência afectiva.\nOra, eu, quando escuto a ideia de que a morte possa ser um processo – é todo meu coração, são todos meus afectos que sangram.\nE é por isso que eu excluo que morte e vida tenham o mesmo estatuto sobre as linhas de fuga, e que eu não falaria, nunca, por exemplo, de um caráter bipolar que seria a vida e a morte.\nPois, a morte é o contrário do processo. Aí, seria preciso definir “processo” melhor, o que eu não fiz. Mas eu me atenho apenas às ressonâncias afectivas explícitas.\nPara mim, a morte é a interrupção de um processo.\nÉ por isso que jamais eu compreenderia os fenômenos de morte, ou de preparação para a morte, dentro de um processo enquanto tal.\nÉ mesmo por isso que, para mim, processo e vida, processo e linha vital não formam, senão, estritamente um.\nE isso que chamo de linha de fuga: é esse processo enquanto linha de criação vital.\nSe me dizem, aí, que há necessariamente por correlato a morte; isso pode ser compreendido de duas maneiras, tamanha a complexidade.\nOra, as duas maneiras podem quase que, teoricamente, se aproximar uma da outra ao infinito; afectivamente, elas se opõem absolutamente.\nE eu digo que, nesse caso, os afectos têm mais importância ainda que os conceitos.\nA saber, se eu digo que a morte é inseparável desse processo definido como linha vital, eu posso o compreender sob a forma: a morte fará parte do processo; o que eu recuso por gosto…\nTudo desmorona diante dessa ideia, tudo desmorona em mim, e é mesmo uma ideia que me causa horror.\nOu, então, eu compreendo inteiramente outra coisa, a saber: é que nós não temos nunca nada ganho, e, a cada instante, essa linha vital corre o risco de ser interrompida, e, não mais o processo, mas sua ruptura radical, é precisamente a morte.\nOra, com efeito, eu não posso garantir que ela não será interrompida pela morte.\nO que posso pedir, e que é, de fato, diferente, é que tudo se coloque a trabalhar para que ela não seja interrompida por uma morte voluntária.\nE eu chamo de morte voluntária, sob qualquer forma que seja, um culto à morte.\nE por culto à morte, eu entendo também o fascismo.\nReconhece-se o fascismo, ainda uma vez, pelo grito: “Viva a morte”! Toda pessoa que diz “viva a morte” é um fascista.\nPortanto, esse culto à morte pode ser representado pelo fascista, mas pode ser representado, conforme a necessidade, por coisas completamente outras, a saber, uma certa complacência suicida, um certo narcisismo suicida, pelos empreendimentos suicidas.\nTodas as empresas suicidas fazem parte e implicam uma espécie de campo de morte, de culto à morte.\nEntão, no ponto em que estamos, eu nem tentaria te dizer...\nRevisão e Legenda: Anderson Santos WWW.CLINICAND.COM\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "Amy Goodman: Our next guest has been called\n“the Elvis of cultural theory,” widely\nconsidered to be one of Europe’s leading\nintellectuals.\nSlavoj Žižek is a philosopher, psychoanalyst,\ncultural theorist.\nBorn in Slovenia, he has written more than\nfifty books, speaks to sold-out audiences\naround the world.\nIn 1990, he campaigned unsuccessfully to be\npresident of Slovenia, the first Yugoslav\nrepublic to hold a free election.\nHe’s in New York right now to give a lecture\ntonight called “Resist, Attack, Undermine:\nWhere Are We Forty Years After ’68?”\nThe event opens this year’s Left Forum.\nSlavoj Žižek joins us here in the firehouse\nstudio.\nWe welcome you to Democracy Now!\nSlavoj Žižek: Thank you very much.\nI am honored to be here.\nAmy Goodman: When I asked you specifically\nhow to pronounce your name, you said you’re\nnervous about people who pronounce it correctly.\nSlavoj Žižek: Yes, because I —- no, but\nthis is more a private trauma, like I don’t\nlike to see myself.\nWhenever I see myself, like there on the screen,\nI’m tempted to adopt the position of an\nobserver and ask myself, if I were to have\na daughter, I would never allow that guy to\ntake me to a movie theater.\nSo -—\nAmy Goodman: But you also said you would be\nconcerned if it was pronounced exactly, that\nperhaps that person came from the police.\nSlavoj Žižek: Yeah.\nEffectively, yeah, because only they really\nknow.\nYou know, this is at least my East European\nmyth, that police are the ones who know.\nAmy Goodman: This is a radio and a television\nand an internet show, broadcasting all at\nthe same time.\nWe showed, during Charlie Haden’s music\nbreak, coverage of Prague in ’68.\nThis had an enormous influence on you.\nFor an audience who would not even know what\nthose two connections are — Prague ’68\n— explain what happened.\nAnd where were you?\nSlavoj Žižek: It’s like, by chance, I\nwas very young at that point.\nI was in Prague.\nBut OK, so that we don’t lose time — there\nis something really tragic about Prague ’68,\nnamely — let’s be very frank, and it’s\nsomething very hard to swallow for a leftist.\nWhat if the Soviet intervention was a blessing\nin disguise?\nIt saved the myth that if the Soviets were\nnot to intervene, there would have been some\nflowering authentic democratic socialism and\nso on.\nI’m a little bit more of a pessimist there.\nI think that the Soviets — it’s a very\nsad lesson — by their intervention, saved\nthe myth.\nImagine no Soviet intervention.\nIn that ideological constellation, it would\nhave been either, sooner or later, just joining\nthe West or, nonetheless, at a certain point,\nthe government is still in power, would have\nto put the brakes.\nIt’s always the same story.\nIt’s the same in — now you see my conservative,\nskeptical leftist side.\nIt’s the same in China, Tiananmen.\nI will tell you something horrible.\nImagine the Communists in power giving way\nto the demonstrators.\nI claim — it’s very sad things to say,\nbut if Tiananmen demonstrations were to succeed,\nlike the Communist Party allowing for true\ndemocratic reforms and so on, it would have\nbeen probably a chaos in China.\nNo, I’m not saying now that we should opt\nfor dictatorship or some kind of a strong\narm as the only solution; just let’s not\ndwell in safe illusions.\nI think all too often today’s left falls\ninto this play, which is why they like to\nlose.\nAnd I think this is the original sin of the\nleft, from the very beginning.\nI — and I still consider myself, I’m sorry\nto tell you, a Marxist and a Communist, but\nI couldn’t help noticing how all the best\nMarxist analyses are always analyses of a\nfailure.\nThey have this incredible — like, why did\nParis Commune go wrong?\nTrotskyites.\nWhy did the October Revolution go wrong?\nAnd so on.\nYou know, this deep satisfaction — OK, we\nscrewed it up, but we can give the best theory\nwhy it had to happen.\nI mean, this is what my title, the title of\ntonight’s talk, implicitly refers to, this\ncomfortable position of resistance.\nDon’t mess with power.\nThis is today’s slogan of the left.\nDon’t play with power.\nPower corrupts you.\nResist, resist, withdraw and resist from a\nsafe moralistic position.\nI found this very sad.\nAmy Goodman: The second part of the topic,\n“Resist, Attack, Undermine: Where Are We\nForty Years After ’68?”\nTalk about what you see as the pivotal moments\nin ‘68 and where we are in relation to them\nnow.\nSlavoj Žižek: It’s a very nice question.\nWhy?\nBecause precisely a propos ’68, I think,\nwe can see how — I will use consciously\n— an outward ideological struggle is still\ngoing on.\nStruggle for what?\n’68, it’s the same as right here, one\nor two weeks ago, a wonderful commentary on\nMartin Luther King, how every child knows\nhere \"I Have a Dream.\"\nAlmost nobody knows what was that dream.\nIt wasn’t just racial equality.\nMartin Luther King moved way to the left later.\nThat’s obliterated.\nIt’s the same with ’68.\nIf you ask people today, what will you get?\nOoh, that wonderful explosion of creativity,\nanti-bureaucratic, sexual liberation, and\nso on.\nThat’s, for me, precisely the least interesting\npart of ’68.\nThat’s the ’68 which was perfectly integrated\ninto today’s ideology, self-expression and\nso on.\nSo if you want to draw the line, one line\nfrom ’68, it is what, for me, as an old-fashioned\nguy who likes erotics but with love, is the\nnightmare.\nToday’s legacy of that ’68 is alive.\nAnd, you know, they have in California, and\nnow it’s spreading to Europe, a terrible\nthing called masturbatathon.\nPeople gather, you masturbate publicly, you’re\nnot allowed to touch the other, and, of course,\neach one has to pay some money, which goes\nto politically correct causes and so on.\nAnd the idea, it’s like self-expression:\nyou are alone, but in a crowd.\nThis kind of — this is what I don’t like.\nBut there is another ’68, where people — about\nwhich people don’t want to talk.\nThe crucial moment, I remember, it went — something\nincredibly happened: students, thousands of\nthem, demonstrating, establishing a link with\nworkers.\nPeople tend to forget that France was in a\ngeneral strike, that this wasn’t just a\nstudent demonstration.\nEverybody would have swallowed that.\nSo that legacy of ’68 is worth saving.\nSo it’s not simple nostalgia.\nIf we indulge a simple nostalgia for ’68,\nit means sexual revolution and all that, so\nI will tell to those guys, “Go to masturbatathon.\nLeave me alone.”\nNo?\nWhat — ’68 was a dream, and it failed,\na dream of the possibility of these student\nprotests reaching a wider audience.\nOf course, the game is over.\nMy dream is not “Let’s do it today in\nthat way.”\nUnfortunately, I don’t believe there will\nbe a working-class movement which will join\nwith students.\nBut there are still domains today, where what?\nLet me ask you briefly — sorry, answer you\nbriefly.\nWhat’s the serious question today?\nI mean, it’s fashionable to make fun of\nFukuyama now, “Ooh, that idiot who thought\nhistory is over.”\nBut aren’t we all today de facto, even the\nleftists — what would be the adverb — Fukuyamaists?\nBasically, we believe — nobody asks the\nquestion, “Will capitalism stay?\nWill States stay?”\nWe basically accept the frame.\nLiberal democracy — as you know, in the\nold days, we were saying we want socialism\nwith a human face.\nToday’s left effectively offers global capitalism\nwith a human face, more tolerance, more rights\nand so on.\nSo the question is, is this enough or not?\nHere I remain a Marxist: I think not.\nI see a series of, to use this ridiculous\nold-fashioned term, contradictions, or I would\nhave said antagonisms, tensions, from ecology,\nintellectual copyrights, new slumps excluded,\nwhere I think in the long term the global\ncapitalist system will not be able to cope\nwith these tensions.\nHere is the true legacy of ’68.\nAmy Goodman: And now we’re in 2008, and\nright here in this country, in the midst of\nthis presidential race.\nI don’t know how long you’ve been in the\nUnited States right now, but you are —\nSlavoj Žižek: No, but I follow you [inaudible].\nIt’s the talk of the world.\nThis may amuse you.\nIt’s going to — when I was asked by a\nacademic journal to say if I were to hold\nthe power for one day as president, what — and\nI would have kind of absolute power to introduce\na law, what law that would have been?\nMy immediate answer was not as some humanist\nsuggested, since United States at least thinks\nthey are a global empire, so let every adult\nin the world be allowed to vote; my advice\nwould be the opposite one: let’s everybody\nin the world, except US citizens, be allowed\nto vote and elect the American government.\nI think it would have been much better for\nyou, even, because we all outside the United\nStates would project our desires into how\nyou should be.\nI think it would have been better, so that\nonly non-Americans vote for —- I know this\nis a nightmare from Pat Buchanan or somebody\nlike that, but -—\nAmy Goodman: And who do you think would win?\nSlavoj Žižek: I think there would have been\nlike left of Barack, if I may put it this\nway, no?\nIt would have been probably not.\nBut going seriously, no, of course, I am — my\ngod, it’s stupid to say — for Barack and\nso on.\nBut I see a tragedy here, because like let’s\nsay he wins.\nWhat will he do?\nThe tragedy of today’s left is what?\nIt’s always the same story.\nLula in Brazil, Mandela even.\nThe good guy wins, we are enthusiastic, then\nyou have around two years usually of period\nof grace, and then you have really to decide\n— do you play with global capitalism, or\ndo you want to mess with it?\nWith this, I am not saying it doesn’t matter.\nBarack Obama can do things.\nThere are many important gestures, like Guantanamo,\nstop with these waterboarding jokes, open\nrelations with Cuba, recognize this would\nbe incredibly important, recognize the Hague\ninternational tribunal.\nI will tell you from my European perspective,\nthis was perceived in Europe as the worst,\nlet’s say, ethical, political catastrophe\nof the United States.\nFirst they push for international court, then\nthey sabotage it.\nPeople ask today, why are such crazy nationalists\nin Serbia?\nI’ll tell you.\nI spoke with them.\nThey told me, first, United States push — they\nare still — sorry, I will be very brief\n—- putting pressure on us, deliver Milosevic,\nKaradzic, all the criminals to Hague.\nThen, the same people, time and -—\nAmy Goodman: Ten seconds.\nSlavoj Žižek: Yeah.\nAnd sign the non-extradition treaty.\nSo you are digging your own grave.\nAmy Goodman: Slavoj Žižek, I have to break\nright now, but we’re going to continue our\ndiscussion, and we will broadcast this this\nweek, part two.\nSlavoj Žižek is our guest, leading European\nintellectual, speaking at the CUNY Grad Center\ntonight.\nPart two of our discussion in the next few\ndays.\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "Whew, okay.\n(clearing throat)\nAre you sick of cookies\nbeing a sometimes food?\nDo you want to eat them for every meal\nwithout your Mom getting mad?\nWell,\nta-da!\nMy business project is\nSarah's cookie creator.\nYou can put any food you want in here\nand a delicious, healthy\ncookie will come out of here.\nWho wants to give it a try?\nVictor, of course.\nReally?\nDelicious cookies from any food?\nI highly doubt that.\nGive me your lunch, Monty.\nMy Mom made it.\nLet's see, what's on the menu today?\n(playful music)\nSardines.\nBroccoli.\nYummy, a liver sandwich.\nLet's see your contraption\nmake that delicious.\nOkay.\n(mechanical beeping)\n(dramatic music)\nHere you go.\nHere you go.\n(playful music)\nHey, that's kinda good.\nIt's really good.\nSarah, I think that\nthe public will really\nlove your business idea.\nThank you!\nCool!\nWow, those look amazing!\nOkay, carrot and chicken cookies to go!\nThat'll be three dollars, thanks.\nI'll take those.\nNext please.\nThank you.\nWoah.\nThat line is long and getting longer.\nWell, let's speed things up a bit.\nAuto chop.\n(rapid slicing)\nCancel!\nBrody, I've detected bus\ncamps very close to you.\nWe're on it.\nGo on, I'll man the cookies.\nThanks Nick!\nWelcome to Sarah's cookies.\nI'm Nick, I'll be your server.\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "Welcome to this video lesson on\ndata collection.\nAfter completing this video,\nyou will be able to explain\nwhat data collection is\ndata collection methods\nand types of data\nYou have defined the\nproblem statement in\nthe previous section.\nThe next step is to\ncollect the data which can\nhelp to solve the defined problem.\nData collection is\na systematic approach to\ngather relevant information\nfrom a variety of sources.\nDepending on the problem statement,\nthe data collection method\nis broadly classified into\ntwo categories.\nWhen you have a unique problem\nand no related research is done\non the subject.\nThen, you need to collect new data.\nThis method is called as\nprimary data collection.\nFor example,\nyou want information on\nthe average time that\nemployees spend in a cafeteria\nacross companies.\nThere is no public data available\nfor these.\nBut you can collect the data\nthrough various methods such as\nsurveys, interviews of employees\nand by monitoring the time spent\nby employees in cafeteria.\nThis method is time consuming.\nAnother method is to use\nthe data which is readily available\nor collected by someone else.\nThis data can be found on\nopen-source websites such as\nKaggle, Gapminder, news articles,\ngovernment census, magazines\nand so on.\nThis method is called as\nsecondary data collection.\nIt is less time-consuming\nthan the primary method.\nFor our problem statement on EPL,\nwe have collected and aggregated\nthe data from various open-source\nwebsites such as Github, Kaggle,\nand datahub.\nA snapshot of the data collected\nis shown on the screen.\nAs you can see,\nsome attributes such as Age,\nWeights, and Heights have\nnumeric values.\nThese values can be\nanalysed statistically.\nThis type of data is known as\nquantitative data.\nOther attributes such as\nName of the player and the Club\nprovide more information\nabout the player.\nMeasurements and analysis for these\nare done differently,\nfrom those done with\nquantitative data\nlike height and weight.\nThis type of data is known as\nqualitative data.\nIn any dataset,\nyou can encounter\nboth quantitative\nand qualitative data.\nYou need to clean the dataset\nto make it suitable for\nfurther analysis.\nIn the next video, you will learn to\nclean the datasets.\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "WikiVidi Documentaries\nFargo (season 2)\nThe second season of Fargo,\nan American anthology black comedy–crime drama television series created by Noah Hawley,\npremiered on October 12, 2015, on the basic cable network FX.\nIts principal cast consisted of Kirsten Dunst, Patrick Wilson, Jesse Plemons, Jean Smart\nand Ted Danson. The season had ten episodes, and its initial airing concluded on December 14,\n2015. As an anthology, each Fargo season possesses its own self-contained narrative,\nfollowing a disparate set of characters in various settings. A prequel\nto the events in its first season,\nseason two of Fargo takes place in the Midwestern United States in March 1979.\nIt follows the lives of a young couple—Peggy and Ed Blumquist —as they attempt to cover up the hit\nand run and murder of Rye Gerhardt, the son of Floyd Gerhardt,\nmatriarch of the Gerhardt crime family. During this time, Minnesota state trooper Lou Solverson,\nand Rock County sheriff Hank Larsson, investigate three murders linked to Rye. Hawley\nand his writing team used the second season to expand the scope of the show's storytelling.\nSeason two's episodes were shot in Calgary, Alberta over an 85-day period.\nThe series received widespread critical acclaim\nand was cited as one of the strongest programs of the 2015 television season. It was a candidate\nfor a multitude of awards, including the Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Limited Series\nand Golden Globe for Best Miniseries or Television Film,\nand won several other honors recognizing outstanding achievement in acting, directing, writing,\ncinematography, editing, special effects, and creative direction.\nDevelopment and writing\nDetails of a new season first emerged in the media following a Television Critics Association\npress event, and by July 21, 2014, FX commissioned ten episodes for Fargo second season.\nAs an anthology, each season of Fargo is engineered to have a self-contained narrative,\nfollowing a disparate set of characters in various settings. Noah Hawley\nand his team of writers used the second season\nto expand the scope of the show's storytelling—from its narrative to its characters.\nThey increased the show's cast of core characters to five, each with interconnecting arcs\nand different viewpoints of the central story. Hawley wanted viewers to sympathize\nwith characters they might not feel empathy for in real life. The producers\nat one point discussed revisiting a modern period for their story. Ultimately,\ntheir vision—inspired by Miller's Crossing and The Man Who Wasn't There, in addition\nto the show's namesake film —was realized as a prequel that takes place 27 years before the events\nof the first season of Fargo in 1979, rotating between Luverne, Minnesota, Fargo, North Dakota\nand Sioux Falls, South Dakota. According to Hawley, the change in the time period helped\nto develop a sense of turbulence and violence in a world that \"could not be more fractured\nand complicated and desperate\".\nCasting\nA principal cast of five actors received star billing in the show's second season.\nHawley did not tailor his characters with any specific actors in mind, though Nick Offerman,\nBrad Garrett, Patrick Wilson and Kirsten Dunst were among the few he considered\nfor starring roles in the season's early stages. The search\nfor talent was sometimes an exhaustive process that required advertising via custom built websites\nand social media. Once actors were hired,\ntheir agents were made aware of the frigid shooting conditions and any issues with the location\nand potential scheduling conflicts during production were discussed. Hawley discussed the script\nwith actors who had little experience in the television industry. \"They're used\nto reading the whole story, but you’ve given them one or two hours of it,\" he remarked.\nOnce hired, the actors trained with a dialect coach to master a Minnesota accent. Dunst\nand Jesse Plemons were the season's first lead castings in December 2014.\nDunst found out about the project through her agency, and read scripts for two episodes,\nviewed Fargo first season, and its namesake film, before securing her role. The actress recalled,\n\"I was so impressed by the way it looked, the writing; it was such high-quality television.\"\nPlemons came to Hawley's attention for his work in Friday Night Lights and Breaking Bad.\nHawley thought that the actor's bulky physique, weight he had gained previously for Black Mass,\ncaptured the cow-like deportment of his character.\nPlemons said that he had trouble interpreting his role initially, because he\n\"was worried that [being cow-like] meant dumb and just went along with whatever his wife said\".\nWilson, Ted Danson, and Jean Smart completed the principal cast by January 2015.\nWilson appeared as officer Lou Solverson, Danson as sheriff Hank Larsson,\nand Smart as Floyd Gerhardt, the matriarch of the Gerhardt crime family.\nWilson's casting was unique, because he was the only performer\nto portray an already established character; Keith Carradine played Lou\nfor the show's first season, set 27 years after the events of season two. As such,\nHawley did not want to take cues from Carradine, because Lou was \"at a different point\"\nin his life, although Wilson analyzed Carradine's performance to a point. Wilson was persuaded\nby Fargo critical accolades and commercial success; the actor said:\n\"There have been several times that you’ve given your heart and soul to an independent film\nand more often than not it doesn’t match up to any commercial success or people seeing your film.\nSo [my wife and agent] were like, 'You need to do something that people see'.\"\nDanson found learning the Minnesota accent difficult; to improve,\nhe began practicing as soon as he was signed, often on set before filming began.\nSmart's role required an older look, which producers achieved by cutting and dyeing her hair,\nand Hawley gave the actress a book of paintings by Andrew Wyeth to explain her character.\nAn ensemble of 20 actors make up the bulk of the series' cast. Hawley found ensembles enticing,\nbecause they presented \"a lot of really good moving pieces\". At Paleyfest 2015,\nthe Fargo creator commented: \"It's sort of like a horse race in a way, especially\nwhen you know that everyone is on this collision course. It's like, 'Who's going\nto make it?' And you can put people together in unexpected pairings.\"\nOfferman played Karl Weathers, an alcoholic and the only lawyer in Luverne,\nand Cristin Milioti was assigned the part of Betsy Solverson, Lou's terminally ill wife.\nHawley felt that Milioti was the right choice, because her personality was similar\nto her character's. Garrett portrays Joe Bulo, and Bokeem Woodbine appears as Mike Milligan,\na role he was offered two days after auditioning. For the role of Hanzee Dent,\nHawley hired Zahn McClarnon two weeks after his audition.\nSix others play members of the Gerhardts: Kieran Culkin as Rye, Rachel Keller as Simone,\nMichael Hogan as Otto, Allan Dobescu as Charlie, Angus Sampson as Bear,\nand Jeffrey Donovan as Dodd. When asked about his decision to cast Donovan, Hawley told the actor,\n\"I don't know. You just come off with a sense of power. I think Dodd comes off\nwith a sense of power, and I thought that you have the chops to find the humor in it.\"\nDonovan gained 30 pounds in preparation for his role.\nOther major supporting roles in Fargo second season include: Bruce Campbell as Ronald Reagan,\nKeir O'Donnell as Ben Schmidt, and Elizabeth Marvel as Constance Heck.\nFilming\n [^] Preliminary scouting was well underway by the time Fargo was renewed.\nPrincipal photography began in Calgary, Alberta on January 19, 2015, and took 85 days.\nThe city's central business district and Kensington neighborhood doubled for Kansas City,\nSioux Falls, and Luverne.\nProduction crew constructed the Waffle Hut set on the CL Ranch in neighboring Springbank.\nElsewhere in the area, shooting took place in Didsbury, High River, and Fort Macleod. Initially,\nthe weather posed a challenge for the production, because it was too warm for snow.\nTo solve this problem, the production crew brought snow to the set from nearby mountains.\nContinuing his services from the prior season,\nDana Gonzales oversaw production of the show's second season. The cinematographer took cues\nfrom William Eggleston to develop a retro visual palette. To achieve this quality,\nGonzales relied on vintage practical lighting technology, and captured scenes\nwith an Arri ALEXA camera, retrofitted with vintage Cooke lenses. In one section of Calgary\nwhere they were filming, production staff replaced each sodium-lamp street light\nwith tungsten light bulbs, creating an ambience that \"pulls the audience into the world\nwhen the story takes place\". Also,\nonce Hawley analyzed the 1968 thriller film The Boston Strangler,\nsplit screen effects were employed to help streamline the narrative during transitions.\nGonzales said: \"We felt that split-screen would be an incredible way to track all these characters\nand locations within the episode: Where's the Gerhardt family? Where are the guys\nfrom Kansas City? Where's Peggy? Where's Ed?\"\nMusic\nLeading music production of the second season of Fargo were composer Jeff Russo\nand newly appointed music supervisor Marguerite Phillips.\nPhillips was hired immediately after her first meeting with Hawley,\nin a text which she received as she left the building. Together,\nthey brainstormed ideas on the season's musical direction; progressive rock, krautrock, Jethro Tull,\nand The Runaways were among several early suggestions. Phillips spent months conducting research,\n\"dicking around and 'going down rabbit holes'\" for the obscure music choices,\nuntil ultimately narrowing down the selection of music from a master playlist.\nRusso employed various compositional and recording techniques to build a distinctive retro sound.\nThe soundtrack features songs by: Billy Thorpe, Burl Ives, Cris Williamson, Devo, Jeff Wayne,\nYamasuki, Blitzen Trapper, Shakey Graves, White Denim, and Bobby Womack,\nas well as one cover version—Emmylou Harris, Alison Krauss and Gillian Welch's\n\"Didn't Leave Nobody, but the Baby\" performed by Hawley. The use of \"War Pigs\"\nby Black Sabbath in the opening scenes of the season finale received acclaim.\nRusso also recorded music with the University of Southern California marching band\nat Hawley's request.\nReviews\nFargo was considered among the best television shows of 2015 by the American press.\nOn review aggregator Rotten Tomatoes, the second season holds a 100% score based on 53 reviews,\nwith an average rating of 9.19 out of 10. The site's critical consensus reads:\n\"Season two of Fargo retains all the elements that made the series an award-winning hit,\nsuccessfully delivering another stellar saga powered by fascinating characters, cheeky cynicism,\nand just a touch of the absurd\".\nThe season also holds the rare distinction of having each episode maintain a perfect 100% rating as\nwell. Metacritic gives the season a score of 96, based on 33 reviews, indicating\n\"universal acclaim\". It was the highest rated TV show of the year on the same site,\nas well as the 20th highest of all time. Christopher Orr of The Atlantic called Fargo \"smart,\nthrilling, imaginative television, in addition to being wicked funny\",\nin which Hawley assumes greater narrative dimension and assurance in his vision. Matthew Gilbert\nfrom The Boston Globe identified the dialog, acting, cinematography, music, set design\nand directing as its most satisfying attributes. So too did The Hollywood Reporter Tim Goodman,\nwho believed that said qualities \"make a very riveting and entertaining dark comedy spectacle\".\nNeil Genzlinger, writing for The New York Times, said that Fargo marries deadpan humor, violence,\nand \"observational oddity\" in a way unmatched by similar dramas. In his review for Variety,\nBrian Lowry believed that despite the show's brisk pace, Hawley nonetheless adds depth\nto his story. Dan Jardine of Slant Magazine agreed\nand thought that the narrative complexity is what distinguishes season two\nfrom Fargo freshman season. Rolling Stone Rob Sheffield felt that Fargo painted\n\"a fascinating portrait of America at the crossroads\". Alan Sepinwall said in his review\nfor HitFix that the series captures its namesake film's most redeeming qualities while assuming a\ndistinct identity, and The A.V. Club website felt that the series was\n\"the rare cable drama that forgoes attenuated storytelling and moral ambiguity,\nand instead delivers episode after episode where a lot happens, and all of it matters\".\nThe ensemble performances were frequently mentioned in the critiques.\nLowry cited the cast as one of the show's strongest assets,\nand Robert Biano in USA Today wrote that Fargo cast was \"with nary a false note\".\nThe Daily Telegraph critic Michael Hogan singled out Dunst, Danson and Wilson\nfor their work on the show, as did the San Francisco Chronicle David Wiegand,\nwhose opinion was that many of the performers' signature roles enhanced Hawley's script.\nMatt Zoller Seitz of New York magazine found Wilson to be the stand out among a pool of actors that\n\"deserve their own stand-alone appreciations\". He said of the actor's performance:\n\"He's a young man, and he's in good shape, but he carries himself like an older, heavier one,\nas if weighed down by burdens he hasn't fully acknowledged, because he's not ready yet.\nYou get a sense of a personality, perhaps a soul, in the process of evolving.\" Reviews\nfrom Entertainment Weekly and The Washington Post singled out Donovan, Smart, Milioti, Garrett,\nand Offerman for their acting. Grantland, the New York Observer,\nand the Los Angeles Times also praised the ensemble performances.\nAccolades\nFargo was a candidate for a variety of awards,\nmost of which recognizing outstanding achievement in writing, cinematography, directing, acting,\nand special effects. The series received eighteen Emmy nominations\nfor the 68th Primetime Emmy Awards ceremony. It was named Television Program of the Year\nby the American Film Institute, and received three Golden Globe nominations—including\nfor Best Actor and Best Actress in a Miniseries or Television Film.\nAmong other accolades include two Satellite Awards nominations in two categories,\ntwo TCA Award nominations in two categories, and one Empire Award nomination.\nAt the 6th Critics' Choice Television Awards, Fargo won four awards from eight nominations,\nthe majority of which acknowledged the performance work of the show's cast.\nThank you for watching.\nWikiVidi Documentaries\nPlease LIKE and SUBSCRIBE below.\nPlease LIKE and SUBSCRIBE below.\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "\nEnglish: \nTo really understand what is special about\nquantum bits and why they can provide such\na large computational power, we have to look\nat what happens when we take more than one qubit.\nLet's take the example of a spin which\nwe know how to visualise.\nThe super position of the 0 and 1 state of a single spin is simply the spin pointing to the right.\nSo that doesn't seem so strange.\nBut now, let's take two spins\nand make them interact with each other.\nThis can happen for example because each spin produces a tiny magnetic field in its vicinity\nand this field changes the energy of the other spin.\nRemember that we can rotate a spin by applying an oscillating magnetic field\nat the frequency proportional to the energy difference between the 1 and the 0 state\nbut if there is another spin in the vicinity, the total energy depends also on the state of that spin.\n\nChinese: \n要真正理解量子比特的特殊之处并且为何拥有如此强大的计算能力\n我们就得看看当超过一个比特时会发生什么\n让我们拿自旋做例子这样更直观\n一个单独自旋粒子在0 1之间的态叠加就是自旋粒子指向右边\n所以看起来不是很奇怪\n但现在\n我们让两个自旋粒子产生互动\n这是可以发生的\n因为举例来说\n个自旋粒子在周围制造一个小型磁场然后磁场会改变其他自旋粒子的能量\n记住我们能够翻转自旋\n可以通过应用振动磁场在频繁区域1和0之间的能量不同来实现\n但是如果附近有其他自旋\n那么总能量就也取决于那个自旋粒子了\n我们这样说我在0值准备两个自旋粒子\n\nEnglish: \nLet's say I prepare both spins in the 0 state and then I put spin A in the super position of 0 and 1.\nNow I try to flip spin B by applying the frequency it would respond to if spin A is in the 0 state.\nBut actually, since A is in both the 0 and the 1 state, then spin B both flips and doesn't flip.\nThe resulting state is a super position of 0-1 and 1-0.\nThe 0-1 branch of the super position is created because spin B flips to 1 when spin A is 0\nand the 1-0 branch is created because spin B remains 0 when A is in the state 1.\nThis kind of super position is perfectly legitimate but it's really special.\nIn this state I have absolutely no idea of where the two spins are pointing\nbut I do know that they point\nin opposite directions.\nThis is called an entangled state.\nIf I separate the two spins after I have prepared the entangled state\n\nChinese: \n之后我把A自旋放在0和1的态叠加\n现在我要试图B自旋世家的频率为A自旋处在0基态时B自旋会翻转的频率\n但事实上因为A自旋既在0也在1\n那么B自旋既倒转也不倒转\n结果就是0-1和1-0的态叠加\n0-1态叠加的分支出现因为B自旋倒转到1\n当A自旋在0\n1-0分支出现因为B自旋仍然在0当A在1的时候\n这种态叠加很完美合理但它很特殊\n在这种情况下我完全不知道两个自旋的指向\n但我能确定它们指向是相反的\n这就叫纠缠自旋\n在我准备好两个纠缠状态后如果我分离它们\n并且我对A自旋进行测量\n\nEnglish: \nand I measure for example spin A and I find it in the 0 state, then instantly, spin B\nacquires the 1 state no matter how far apart\nit is when the measurement takes place.\nThis is what Einstein called dismissively, 'The spooky action at the distance' but now we\nknow from many experimental tests, that this\nis the way quantum mechanics really works.\nIn the context of quantum computing, entangled states represent a strikingly non-classical computer code.\nThere is no way you can write in your desktop computer a code where\ntwo bits have no value but have the opposite value,\nbut you can do so in a quantum computer\nand the more qubits you have, the more these entangled quantum computer codes\nproliferate and grow exponentially with the number of qubits.\nGaining access to these entangled quantum states is the key\nto exploiting the exponentially large computational power of quantum systems.\n\nChinese: \n我发现它处在0值\n那么立刻B自旋需要1基态不论多远当测量开始的时候\n这就是爱因斯坦所不以为然的距离间不可思议的作用\n经过许多实验我们现在知道了\n这是量子计算产生作用的方式\n就其来说纠缠状态代表一种显著的非经典电脑代码\n你是没办法用你的电脑写出当两个比特没有参照值的代码但你可以通过量子计算来实现\n比特越多\n量子纠缠会随着比特的数量显著增长\n解析量子纠缠是开发量子计算系统的主要途径\n\nChinese: \n同时纠缠状态是很脆弱并可以轻易被外界的干扰所破坏掉\n这也就是为什么建立一个量子计算机需要这么多的努力与投资\n我们需要建立一个绝对稳定的环境\n可以用来制造大量量子纠缠并不受干扰\n字幕由新南威尔士大学翻译专业提供\n刘帅制作\n\nEnglish: \nAt the same time, entangled states are very fragile\nand can easily be destroyed by unwanted interference from the outside world.\nThis is why building a quantum computer requires so much effort and investment.\nWe need to create a perfectly\ncontrolled environment where large entangled states\ncan be produced and manipulated without interference.\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "eM^2 presents: Sex, Gender, and Attraction\n~TRANSscript~\neM: what? *laughs*\nEm: Welcome to eM squared.\neM: Welcome to eM squared!\n~intro music~\neM: Hello gays, it is I, epicMaría and this\nis a podcast!\nEm: And I’m Erin Michael. I’m very sick;\nforgive my voice. Those are not our legal\nnames but who cares, that’s not what we’re\nhere to talk about.\neM: What we are here to talk about is: The\nGays™\nEm: SGA. Sex, Gender, and Attraction.\neM: Our brains are used to understanding absolutes.\nEm: Good and bad, right and wrong; black and\nwhite, women and men. ((was trying not to\nlaugh and put too much emphasis on black))\neM: But we must understand that the world\nis not ruled by absolutes. So queer theory\nexplores and destroys the absolutes of gender,\nsex, and attractions.\nEm:*annoying voice* \"But were you a girl or\na boy?????\"\neM: Hmmmmm, what is a girl? And what is a\nboy? Boi.\nEm: Boiiii! *ahem* “Is a woman someone that\nwears makeup and pretty dresses?”\neM: Uhhhhh, but not all women do…\nEm: Is a woman someone that has a female reproductive\nsystem?\neM: But not all women do… ((meaning trans\nwomen and women who had a vasectomy))\nEm: Is gender a social construct?\neM: Uhhhhhh, yeaaah...?\nEm: *annoying voice* “But it’s not natural!”\neM: It is very natural, The non-binary and\ngenderqueer identities have been existing\nsince the beginning of time, like the Mayans,\nthe Navajo people, the Aztecs, the Hawaiians,\nthe Indians and many others had more than\ntwo gender identities... before the Europeans\ndecided to build their empires and colonize\nother people.\nEm: There are so many examples of different\nsexes in Nature. Bacteria and many plants\nreproduce asexually by themselves--ya know,\nwithout a partner.\neM: Clownfish change sex halfway through their\nlives, which is the only reason why I went\nto see finding dory. ((Nemo’s dad would\nhave became a female to mate with him...))\nEm: Oh my god…Slugs and some types of snails\nare hermaphroditic: meaning that they possess\nboth the male and female reproductive organs.\neM: And not everybody fits into the categories\nof male or female. There is a variety of sex\norgans and hormones: it’s all over the place!\nEm: Sex is a person’s biological state of\nbeing. And guess what? That’s not even binary!\nFemales have two X chromosomes, while Males\nhave an X and a Y. Intersex individuals can\nhave one X, two X’s and a Y, an X and two\nY’s, and a multitude of other chromosomal\ncombinations and genetic mutations! So throw\naway your “but that’s not natural” argument.\nThe binary confines of sex are false.\neM: A lot of people think that gender and\nsex are synonymous-\nBoth: BUT THEY’RE NOT!\nEm: *@ people who think gender and sex are\nsynonymous* Stop it\neM: Sex is biological, gender is an identity.\nThink of it as a beautiful sculpture that\nevery single individual gets to construct--if\nthey choose to.\nEm: Gender, like sex, is on a spectrum. One\nmay identify as man-\neM: You can identify as man. As the whole\nmankind! What Erin meant is that you can identify\nas a man. Just one of them.\nEm: *with attitude *I’m sorry\neM: *laughs*\nEm: *continues* -a woman; non-binary, meaning\nneither man nor woman; genderfluid; and so\non. From one gender, to another, to a combination,\nto no gender at all!\neM: It is a spectrum.\nEm: \"So... what's going on down there?\"\neM: ew *SLAP… slap* So many people have\nthe fixation to know--they just have to know!\nThey feel the necessity to point out people\nand figure out what kind of organ they have\nbetween their legs.\nEm: But when someone appears androgynous,\nthey get confused--scared even. A lot of transgender\nand even cis but gender-nonconforming individuals\nare sexually harassed because strangers will\ndo anything to figure out what people are.\n((Audio Error: People also LOVE to sexualize\nbabies.)) Parents will color code their children\nso that strangers know what their genitals\nlook like!\neM: That sounds… so messed up when you put\nit that way.\nEm: *technical difficulty* Ah!\n…\nEm: Time for a little Public Service Announcement.\nA polite way to find out someone’s pronouns\nis to simply ask them! It might be a little\nawkward, but just remember: it would be a\nlot more awkward to assume and have the individual\nhave to correct you. Even if someone looks\ncis, they could be nonconforming, pre-transition,\nor unable to present as their prefered gender.\nAn easy way to denormalize the idea that appearances\nequal gender is too add your pronouns to your\ntwitter, instagram, or other social media\nbio.\neM: Even if you’re cis.\nEm: Even--Especially if you’re cis!\neM: Yeah?\nEm: Yeah.\neM: That was the idea, right?\nEm: Yeah.\neM: I’m sorry.\n~intermission music~\neM: Um, Welcome back.\nEm: Welcome back.\neM: Yeah, Welcome back!\n…\neM: Then, there is attraction. Sexual attraction\nis when you are sexually attracted to someone.\nThis usually has to do with the other person’s\nsex. [There is] hetero, meaning different;\nhomo, meaning same; bi, two ((both binary\nsexes)); pan, all ((regardless of sex)); asexual,\nnah ((no sexual attraction)).\nEm: Romantic attraction is when you’re romantically\nattracted to someone. This can be about the\nother person’s sex or gender. And [they]\nhave the same classifications as sexual attraction\n((hetero, opposite gender; homo, same gender;\nbi, two gender; pan, regardless of gender;\naromantic, no romantic attraction)).\neM: However, Your attractions have nothing\nto do with your gender nor sex. Being trans\ndoesn’t make you gay.\nEm: And being gay doesn’t make you trans.\n((There is a common misconception that trans\nmen/women are just homosexual women/men))\neM: Now, we have only used the word “queer”\nabout four times in this episode. But, I would\nlike to highlight its importance. So, let\nus begin with a little bit of history--The\nfirst person to use the word queer as a slur\nwas some ugly guy named John Sholto Douglas\nin 1894. This ugly guy found that his sons\nwere gay and ruined his youngest son’s love\nlife by making sure the boyfriend of his youngest\nson, Oscar Wilde ((the boyfriend)), went to\njail for, you know, existing as a gay human\nbeing. So, in the late 1920’s, the word\n“queer” arrived to the United States [of\nAmerica]. In the New York Stonewall Riots,\nthe community called themselves queer as an\nact of rebellion in the face of police brutality.\n((“Queer” used to mean “weird” and\nthe lgbt+ community re-claimed it as a way\nof standing out)). Then in the 1980’s when\nAIDs killed many members of the community,\nactivists wore the word “queer” as a badge\nof courage. Now a wide range of lgbtq people\nuse the word “queer” as an umbrella for\nanyone that isn’t hetero or cis.\nEm: All people who do not identify as cis\nand heteroromantic and heterosexual are considered\nqueer. *Happily* Queer!\neM: Today’s youth is super queer--I love\nus! In fact, according to the UCLA school\nof law and The UCLA center for health policy\nresearch, 27% of California Teenagers are\ngender nonconforming. And according to a report\nby trend forecasting agency J. Walter Thompson\nInnovation Group, only 48 percent of Gen Z’s\nin the united states identify as exclusively\nhetero. Speaking of Generation Z,the faces\nthat are leading the March For Our Lives movement\nfor stricter gun laws are from the Generation\nZ. And the main face for it, Emma Gonzalez,\nis a queer latinx ((a gender neutral term\nfor someone with latin American heritage)).\nShe is bisexual and she’s awesome!\nEm: Another famous queer, and my personal\nfavorite historical figure, is Alan Turing.\nDuring the Second World War, he developed\none of the first computers --the bombe--which\nwas used to decipher the notorious German\nEnigma Codes. His work helped the Allies to\ngain the upper hand and ultimately led to\ntheir victory in the war. He also developed\nthe “Turing Test”--a standard for testing\nthe “intelligence” of a machine. His theories\nand methods persist into modern day, spurring\nthe creation of the neural net processors\nor “learning computers”, and helping develop\nmore efficient ways of storing and processing\ninformation. However, his work was cut short\nin 1952 when he was convicted of \"gross indecency\"\n-- having a homosexual relationship with another\nman -- and was forced to undergo chemical\ncastration. The painful series of synthetic\nestrogen injections led Turing into a life\nof despair and guilt. He took his own life\nin 1954. Many people know about Turing’s\ninventions, but few can recall his sexual\nidentity. His erasure from the queer community\nis absolutely disrespectful-- especially after\nthe work he devoted to the war effort.Since\n1966, the Turing Award has been given annually\nby the Association for Computing Machinery\nfor technical or theoretical contributions\nto the computing community. It is widely considered\nto be the computing world's highest honor--the\nequivalent to the Nobel Prize.\n…\neM: Did you know that 91% of all giraffe sex\nis homosexual? ((90% being males and males,\n1% being females and females, and only 9%\nbeing males and females mating))\nEm: Why did I need to know that?\neM: Just because. Why wouldn’t you want\nto know that giraffes are gay?\nEm: … And that concludes eM squared!\neM: Yay! Have an epic epoch! Do epic things\nand see you later!\n~outro music~\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "- [Chris] Alright, I'm just\ngonna go ahead and say it.\nI believe that the ace of\ndiamonds has magical properties.\nAlright?\nThere I said it.\nI know what you're thinking,\nyou're probably saying to yourself,\nChris, you're a grown ass man,\nsurely you don't believe\nthe ace of diamonds\nhas magical properties,\nbut I do and it does\nand I'm gonna prove it to you right now.\nI'll leave the ace of\ndiamonds over here for now and\nI'm gonna ask you to take\nyour favorite card or just,\nit really doesn't matter,\na random card,\nany one that you like.\nThank you.\nShow it to the camera and\nhere's what we're gonna do.\nWe're gonna leave it somewhere\ninto the deck of cards\nabout where you took it.\nThe idea is that the ace of diamonds,\nthe magical properties\ncontained within this card are\ngoing to find your card, okay?\nI know it sounds ludicrous,\nI know it's not as crazy as you may think,\nI'm not levitating a building,\nbut here's the thing,\nno matter where you\nstick the ace of diamonds\nwithin the deck,\nit automatically falls beside your card.\nThere's only one way to do that,\nso here,\nI want you to take the ace of\ndiamonds and when I say go,\nnot yet, when I say go,\nI want you to throw it within\nthe deck somewhere okay?\nYou ready?\nGo.\nRight there?\nSee I really believe,\nand this is gonna sound crazy,\nbut I'm gonna prove it to you right now,\nthat the ace of diamonds found your card.\nWatch.\nHere we go.\nOkay there's the ace of diamonds.\nUm.\nAnd obviously it found your\ncard but which one of these\ntwo is your card?\nI don't know.\nIs it the nine or the seven?\nThe nine diamonds, seven of spades? No?\nReally? What?\nYour card is not the nine or the seven?\nWell.\n(bleep)\nReally?\n(sighs)\nYou know what?\nOh, hold on, hold on.\nSo, this is really rare\nbut it sometimes happens.\nSometimes the ace of diamonds\ndoesn't find your card\nbut in really really rare\ncases the ace of diamonds\nsometimes becomes your card.\n(upbeat music)\n(martial arts breathing)\nYeah!\nWhat's going on?\nAye.\nChris Ramsay here,\nwelcome back.\nToday.\n(crickets)\nI got a pretty cool effect for you guys.\nThis effect uses something\ncalled a double faced card.\nIt's a bit of a gimmick.\nYou can make one.\nYou can buy one.\nYou can them free within\ncertain decks of cards.\nI decided to create a little\nroutine and to show you\nwhat you could use this for\nwhich is actually pretty cool.\nThis routine is pretty nice.\nA little bit slight intensive\nbut I'm also going to show\nyou a bonus thing that you can\nuse this double face card for\nthat doesn't require any slight\nof hand so you're gonna get\nthe slight of hand heavy version,\nwhich you should practice,\nand the non slight of hand\nversion which you can do\nstraight up straight away.\nBut the non slight of hand\nversion isn't really a routine,\nit's more like a little move you can do,\nwhich is a lot of fun.\nDo with it what you wish.\nIf you do not have a double face card.\nVery very simple.\nAll you have to do is take two cards,\ntake some double stick tape,\nstick them back to back and\nyou can practice that way until\nyou get yourself a real double face card.\nI like grabbing a random gaff card\nout of a pack of 52 gaff cards.\nWhat gaff cards are,\nthey're basically cards\nthat do other things,\nor that have magic\ntricks attached to them.\nThey're all self-contained\nwithin cardboard.\nNo flaps or weird things on them.\nThere's lots of routines\nthat you can some up with.\nUsing these,\nthere's a lot out there but\nyou can create your own.\nI think there's a lot of fun in that.\nI'll leave a link to a gaff deck below,\nif you guys want to check\nthat out and have fun it.\nI'm sure you guys will\nget creative with it.\nBy the way,\ncontest winners were chosen.\nThank you to everybody who participated\nto get the card guards.\nFive winners were chosen.\nThey have been emailed\nso check your emails.\nIf you haven't been emailed,\nyou haven't been chosen.\nLook forward to the next contest.\nWe'll definitely be\nusing this thing again.\nRegardless,\ntoday you win anyway because\nyou're getting a free trick.\nSo let's go!\nWhew!\nBefore we get into the tutorial.\nSubscribe if you're not already a sub\nand hit the like button.\nAlright. Heh heh.\nLet's get it.\nGo ahead and grab your\nfavorite deck of cards\nand double facer.\nThe double facer has to have\nthe same face as the deck\nof cards you're using,\nthat goes without saying.\nThe ace of diamonds and seven of hearts.\nThat's what a double face card looks like.\nTo make sure that this\ntrick is going to work,\nyou need to remove the ace of\ndiamonds and seven of hearts\nfrom the deck completely.\nMake sure there is none in\nthere because you don't want\nto look silly having a duplicate.\nWhatever the card is,\nwhatever the card you want to use,\nyou want to stick face\nup into the face up deck.\nI want to use the ace\nof diamonds for this.\nI will leave it in the middle,\nface up,\nand this is how I'm going\nto start my routine.\nPlay around with your\nown sort of handling,\nnot handling but presentation.\nMy presentation is kind of self\ndeprecating humor where I'm\nkind of like,\nI know I'm a grown man,\nand I believe that I\nhave a magical card okay?\nI know how silly that sounds.\nAlright.\nAnd I believe that it's\nthe ace of diamonds.\nWhat I'm doing here is I'm\ngoing through the deck,\nlooking for my favorite card\nand it kind of makes it look\nlike you know,\nthis was a normal deck of\ncards and that's a normal card\nthat I chose for a reason.\nYou take this card,\nobviously don't flash the\nback and you want to leave it\naside for now.\nNow is where you're going\nto have them select a card.\nNo matter what card they take,\nhere is what you're going to do.\nYou're going to perform,\nthis is what I do.\nUse whatever works for you.\nI'm gonna run through what I do.\nWhat I do is I use a straddle pass,\na single card straddle pass.\nI basically use a half pass after that\nto turn the card over.\nOkay?\nFirst of all,\nI'm gonna show you the straddle pass.\nSo this is what it looks\nlike from your angle.\nIt's controlled at the bottom.\nThis is what it looks like exposed.\nOkay?\nExposed, there's a lot going on.\nBut when you hide it,\nwhen you this,\nthere's really not much to look at.\nThere's a few things going on.\nOnce you push this in,\nyou want to start pushing it\nin on an angle so that the\nbottom portion peeks out like this.\nBecause that bottom portion\nis going to connect to your pinky.\nI'm pushing it in but a\nlittle bit more on this side.\nSo that (clicks tongue) I feel\nit on my pinky right there.\nOnce it's on my pinky,\nI'm using my thumb to\nactually push this card down.\nSo right now,\nI'm kind of holding the card\nbetween the pinky and the thumb\nand I'm kind of rocking it down.\nOkay?\nOnce I'm here,\nwhich is about halfway so the\ncorner of the card is there,\nthe rest of the card is here.\nMy pinky still contacts this.\nI'm going to use my ring finger,\nand with the ring finger,\nI'm going to sort of have\nit pivot on my right thumb.\nPinky's still here.\nI do this as soon as I do that.\nI tend to bend this a little bit,\njust for less discrepancy\nout here it's a little bit\nmore obvious so I try to bend it.\nIndex comes here,\nand pinky's there.\nNow the only thing holding\nthis card is the index\nand the pinky,\nhence the straddle motion.\nAlright.\nI'm going to take my pinky\nand move it down while bending\nthe card with my index.\nUntil it's released.\nAnd then I come right back under the deck.\nOkay?\nTake the card.\nI push it on one side a bit more.\nSo that it contacts my pinky.\nMy thumb is gonna bring it\ndown along with my pinky.\nMy ring finger is going to\napply pressure to give it that\npivot on that thumb.\nIndex and pinky grab it here.\nAnd index and pinky moves the other way,\nthe opposite way so I can\nclear it and it bends it and it\ncomes back under.\nBasically what it looks like,\nis like this.\nYour top hand should not be moving.\nYour top hand should look like this.\nAnd the bottom should\nbe doing all the work.\nSo basically,\nit almost looks like you're\ndoing absolutely nothing.\nSo if I have the three of spades here,\nand I go in,\nit should look like I've done nothing\nand the three of spades is on the bottom.\nSo just watch that over and over again.\nI'm not gonna get into more detail.\nI think that's enough to go on for now.\nRegardless of how you want to do it,\nyou can control if you want\nto use a DPS or any other way,\nas long as you can control\ntheir selection seamlessly to\nthe bottom of the deck,\nyou're golden.\nOnce that is controlled to the bottom,\nlet's say the seven of\nspades is their selection,\nI like to stall here.\nI like to hold a second.\nI don't like to do the second move,\nwhich is the half pass,\nbecause there's a lot of heat.\nYou know what I mean?\nIf we had that card here,\nand I do this and boom I'm controlled,\nI don't want to keep motioning here.\nI want to take a break and I\nwant their mind to be at ease\nwith what just happened.\nWhich is basically nothing.\nI'm going to take the double face card\nand explain to them that this\ncard is gonna find their card.\nI'm gonna give them the ace of diamonds.\nAs they take the ace of diamonds,\nI'll just leave it here for now,\nbut as they take it,\nnow I want to grab a break\nunderneath that card.\nUnderneath their selection.\nOkay?\nSo I have a break,\nmassive pinky break,\nand the index is curled up here\nand all I'm doing is a half pass.\nLiterally turning the card\naround under the deck.\nThe thing is,\nif I do it here,\nthat flashes.\nSo you want to tilt down when you do this.\nThen the half pass is done.\nSo normally a half pass is\ndone with a whole portion of\nthe deck but you're doing\nthat with one card and you're\njust literally turning it\naround and squaring it up.\nMake sure it's squared\nbecause if it's like this\nyou'll get a flash.\nThey have the card.\nI say,\nyou're gonna take the card\nand you're gonna throw it into\nthe deck somewhere.\nAs I do that,\nI kind of rotate the deck and I gesture.\nYou're gonna take the card\nand you're gonna throw it into\nthe deck somehow.\nAnd now it's already done.\nNow your card is on the bottom,\ntheir card rather is\non the bottom face up.\nPerfect.\nAll you need to do is\ncut it into the middle.\nBut before we do that,\nwe're gonna have them throw this in.\nThey can either throw it in if you want.\nOr they can just push it in.\nPushing it in is fine too.\nNow as you're talking,\nyou explain to them again,\nideally your card should have found,\nmy card should have found your card.\nAs I do that,\nI'm just cutting the deck casually.\nYou don't have to hide or the pass\nbecause that's another weird move.\nJust casually cut the deck,\nit doesn't really matter\nbecause you're gonna show them\nall the cards.\nWhat that does is that places\ntheir selection in the middle,\nface up.\nSo what we're gonna do is,\nwe're gonna turn this around,\nand if you have a table you\ncan spread it on the table.\nIf not, that's fine.\nJust go ahead and spread it here.\nNow at this point,\nI usually say,\nwell which one of these two is your card?\nI act confident,\nlike I know one of these\nfor a fact is your card\nand at the same time\nI'm showing them that\nthe whole deck is clean.\nAnd they go no it isn't.\nThen I say,\nsometimes it doesn't find your card,\nas you can see it's not there any more,\nsometimes it becomes your card.\nAnd now boom, done.\nIf they're wondering where\nthe ace of diamonds is,\nyou don't show them.\nPure and simple.\nYou try to get that card\nback to the bottom and\ncrop it out or something\nthrow it to your pocket,\nwhatever you wanna do to get rid of it.\nBut that's a nice little one\noff routine that you can do.\nI also promised you that I\nwould show you a version that\nyou do not need slight of hand for.\nI kind of do because I'm\nholding a camera with one hand.\nThat's why it's shaky so forgive me.\nA kind of tabled ambitious card routine.\nYou're going to take\nthe ace out of the deck.\nJust like what we did before.\nYou can force it or you\ncan do whatever you like.\nI'm going to spread the cards\nhere and I'm gonna show you\nthat the ace can travel\nthrough the deck up to the top.\nJust like this, watch.\nI take it here,\nwatch it go,\nit disappears and jumps\n(tongue click)\nright up to the top of the deck.\nYou want to grab that\nduplicate card leave it on top.\nSpread the cards.\nYou're gonna take this.\nRight.\nSo whatever duplicate\ncard you have on top,\nyou take that one and you're\ngonna come with your right\nhand over so it's kind\nof like spreading butter,\nthat trick I taught on\nAssad's table a while ago.\nYou're gonna take your right\nhand and go over and you're\njust gonna do this and it disappears.\nMy middle finger catches\nit here and pulls it out.\nIt's kind of magical how it\ntravels from there to there.\nThat's the little bonus\nthing so have fun with that.\nWoo hoo!\nAye, thanks so much for\nwatching this tutorial.\nI hope you enjoyed it and I\nhope you make the most of it.\nGuys, you've got like,\nI've taught two moves here okay?\nThat you can actually practice\nwithout the double face card\nand that you can use in\na plethora of routines.\nYeah, plethora.\nWords.\nDo with it what you will.\nIt's a really fun thing to\ndo and if you ever have a\ndouble face card on you,\nor around you and you want to use it,\nnow you have something you\ncan actually use it for.\nDefinitely hit the like button\nif you guys did like this\nvideo and subscribe if\nyou're not already subbed and\nwe'll see you,\n(gasp)\non the next one.\n(gasp)\nPeace right.\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "In Today’s episode, we will list some of\nthe best natural pesticides that are approved\nby the USDA for organic farming and organic\ngardening.\nWe will also learn how to use these correctly\nto get rid of all types of pests in your garden.\nComing Up!\nThe pesticides approved in organic farming\nare largely the natural ones, though a limited\namount of synthetic substances are permitted.\nLet’s list these synthetic and natural pesticides\nused in organic farming and learn how to use\nthem one by one.\nPlease watch till the end!\n1.\nBORIC ACID AND BORAX: This powder is commonly\nused to play carom has many uses in gardening.\nIt’s mainly used to treat soil pests and\ninsects like millipedes and also for ant control.\nJust sprinkle the boric acid over the areas\nof infestation and do not water for at least\n24 hours.\nIt acts as a contact poison and also as a\nstomach poison when the pests ingest this\npowder.\n2.\nCOPPER SULPHATE: This is used both as a fertilizer\nas well as a fungicide.\nAs an anti-fungal, it can be used in the prevention\nand treatment of fungal diseases like the\nPowdery mildew, Leaf rust, black spot rose\ndisease and any other serious fungal disease.\nThis is the most effective anti-fungal in\norganic gardening.\nHow to Use it?\nMix 20 grams of copper sulfate into 1 litre\nof water in a spray bottle and spray it on\nthe affected plant.\nYou can repeat this process after 1 week.\nPrepare only the required solution for the\nday and do not store it for next use.\n3.\nTRICHODERMA VIRIDE: This is a certified bio-fungicide\nand is normally present in soil which controls\nother pathogenic fungi and prevents root rot\nand other harmful soil fungi.\nSo, this can be used in the treatment of soil\nfungi, root rot, damping off in seedlings\nand also to treat fungus affected seeds or\nto prevent fungal infestation of seeds.\nHow to use it?\nFor Preventing Canker and stem rot after pruning,\nmake a solution by adding 10 gms in 100 ml\nwater and apply this on the injured stem after\npruning to prevent fungal disease.\nTo Prevent Seed Fungus, add 10 gms powder\nto 1 kilogram of seeds and mix well.\nFor plants that are wilting and you suspect\na fungal disease in soil and root rot, mix\n10 gms per litre of water and drench the plant\nand soil.\nRepeat after a week if necessary.\nTo Mix it in your potting mix, add about 10\ngms to a potting mix volume of a 12 inch container\nand then repot your plant.\nThis is particularly beneficial when you transplant\nyour seedlings into fresh potting mix.\n4.\nBAKING SODA: This is pure sodium bicarbonate\nwhich is mainly for cooking purpose and readily\navailable in your kitchen.\nTo use it as a fungicide, you can mix 2 to\n3 teaspoons of baking soda in 1 litre of water\nand mix well and spray on the affected parts.\nIf you want to make it more effective and\na universal pesticide, you can add 1 teaspoon\nof oil like neem oil to this solution plus\nsome 10 drops of liquid soap and spray on\nthe plant.\nYou can also use any vegetable oil, but best\nis neem oil and also clove oil or eucalyptus\noil.\nRepeat this spray every week till your problem\nis solved.\nApart from this there are about 10 uses of\nbaking soda in gardening.\nYou can watch a detailed episode on this from\na link in description below.\n5.\nDIATOMACEOUS EARTH: This magical organic powder\nhas many uses in gardening like ant control,\nslug and snail control, preventing animals\nand rodents in your garden and mainly as an\norganic pesticide effective against all types\nof pests like aphids, mites, thrips, mealy\nbugs, caterpillars and even soil pests and\ninsects.\nThe mechanism of action is it’s a contact\npoison which kills pests by extreme dehydration.\nYou can watch a detailed episode on this from\na link in description below.\nHow to use Diatomaceous earth on plants?\nFirst of all Water your plants for the day.\nThen dust the plants with an applicator or\njust sprinkle the powder on your plants.\nTo avoid killing beneficial pollinators like\nbees and butterflies, do not sprinkle on flowers.\n6.\nHYDROGEN PEROXIDE: Though it a chemical with\nformula H2O2, which is similar to that of\nwater, but with an extra oxygen atom.\nThis concept is the key for using hydrogen\nperoxide in gardening.\nWell, to use it as an effective pesticide\nand antifungal, add 1 cup that’s about 250\nml of 6% hydrogen peroxide per litre of water\nor 2 cups of 3% h2o2 per litre of water.\nLoad it in a spray bottle and spray on the\nplants.\nTo control Fungus gnats and soil pests, you\ncan water the plant with the same solution.\nApart from this, hydrogen peroxide has many\nother miraculous uses like to save a dying\nplant, as a fertilizer and many other beneficial\nuses.\nYou can watch a detailed episode on the 10\nmiracles of hydrogen peroxide in gardening\nfrom a link in description below.\n7.\nVINEGAR: this is chemically called Acetic\nAcid.\nIt’s an inexpensive product and found in\nmost kitchens.\nIn gardening we use 5% white vinegar or the\ndistilled white vinegar.\nFor the treatment of powdery mildew or spot\nfungus, add One cup of White Vinegar to 1\nlitre of water and shake well and spray it\non the affected leaves.\nTo use it as a pesticide, Add one cup white\nvinegar to 1 litre of water and then add some\n10 drops of liquid soap and spray on the affected\nplants.\nYou can watch a detailed episode or 10 gardening\nuses of vinegar from a link in description.\n8.\nNEEM OIL: Neem oil is by far the best Organic\nPesticide available worldwide.\nAzadirachtin and Nimbin found in neem oil\nare the two major compounds responsible for\nits antibacterial and antifungal actions.\nIt is in fact a broad spectrum pesticide and\nthe safest and most effective of all organic\nor natural pesticides.\nTo learn about how to use it, the dosage and\nthe patch test, please watch a detailed episode\non Neem Oil from this end-screen link circled\nright here.\nPlease Like, Share and Comment below with\nyour feedback and queries.\nHappy Gardening!\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "Hey you guys, multidomar here with a new lego\ncreation.\nThis week i build the Lego tekkit nuclear\nreactor.\nIt has the nuclear sign on top of it.\nIt's 13 bricks tall and 16 bricks wide.\nNow i turn off the lights so i can activate\nit.\nSo thank you guys for watching.\nPlease like and subscribe and i see you guys\nlater!\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "♪♪♪\n♪ Come gather 'round, people\nwherever you roam ♪\n♪ And admit that the waters\naround you have grown ♪\n♪ And accept it that soon\nyou'll be drenched to the bone ♪\n♪ If your time to you is\nworth savin' ♪\n♪ And you better start swimmin'\nor you'll sink like a stone ♪\n♪ For the times\nthey are a-changin' ♪\n♪♪♪\n♪ Come writers and critics\nwho prophesize with your pen ♪\n♪ And keep your eyes wide\nthe chance won't come again ♪\n♪ And don't speak too soon\nfor the wheel's still in spin ♪\n♪ And there's no tellin'\nwho that it's namin' ♪\n♪ For the loser now\nwill be later to win ♪\n♪ For the times\nthey are a-changin' ♪\n♪♪♪\n♪ Come senators, congressmen\nPlease heed the call ♪\n♪ Don't stand in the doorway\nDon't block up the hall ♪\n♪ For he that gets hurt\nwill be he who has stalled ♪\n♪ The battle outside ragin' ♪\n♪ Will soon shake your windows\nand rattle your walls ♪\n♪ For the times\nthey are a-changin' ♪\n♪♪♪\n♪ Come mothers and fathers\nthroughout the land ♪\n♪ And don't criticize\nwhat you can't understand ♪\n♪ Your sons and your daughters\nare beyond your command ♪\n♪ Your old road\nis rapidly agin' ♪\n♪ Please get out of the new one\nIf you can't lend your hand ♪\n♪ For the times\nthey are a-changin' ♪\n♪♪♪\n♪♪♪\n♪ The line it is drawn\nThe curse it is cast ♪\n♪ The slow one now\nwill later be fast ♪\n♪ As the present now\nwill later be past ♪\n♪ The order is rapidly fadin' ♪\n♪ And the first one now\nwill later be last ♪\n♪ For the times\nthey are a-changin' ♪\n♪♪♪\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "\nTurkish: \nVladimir Putin 1999'dan beri Rusya'yı yönetiyor.\nOnun zamanında, ülkeyi\notoriter ve askeri bir topluma dönüştürdü.\nRusya'nın iki komşusunu başarıyla istila etti\nve İran ve Suriye ile bağları güçlendirdi.\nöteden beri Batı dünyası düzenini törpülemeye niyetli\nve görünüşe bakılırsa başarıyor da.\n[Vladimir Putin, iktidarda 17 yıl. Dünyanın en güçlü adamı]\nBir adamın, ülkesi üzerinde\nne kadar güçlü bir etkiye sahip olabileceğini\nanlamak için; Sovyetler Birliği'nin dağılışı sonrasında\nRusya'ya egemen olan kaos ve yozlaşmaya\ndönmek gerekir.\nBerlin Duvarı yıkıldığı zaman,\n40 yaşında olan Putin, Doğu Almanya'da\nSovyet Gizli Servisi -KGB- için gizli ajan olarak çalışıyordu.\nSovyetler Birliği, aralarında yeni Rusya Federasyonu'nun da olduğu\n15 ülkeye dönüştü. Putin'in gözünde ise,\nRusya iki milyon kilometrekarelik bir alanını kaybetmişti.\nSonraları; bunu, \"yüzyılın asıl jeopolitik faciası\"\nolarak adlandırdı.\n\"On milyonlarca vatanseverin\nkendilerini Rus bölgesinin dışında bulmalarına neden olan bir acı.\"\n\nModern Greek (1453-): \nΟ Βλαντιμίρ Πούτιν ηγείται της Ρωσίας από το\n1999. Σε αυτά τα χρόνια έχει μορφοποιήσει τη χώρα\nσε μια αυταρχική και στρατoκρατική\nκοινωνία. Είσεβαλε επιτυχώς σε δύο από τους\nγείτονες της Ρωσίας και ενίσχυσε τους δεσμούς\nμε τη Συρία και το Ιράν. Προτίθεται να αντεπιτεθεί\nστην τάξη πραγμάτων του Δυτικού Κόσμου\nκαι φαίνεται πως τα καταφέρνει.\nΟ Βλαντιμίρ Πούτιν, 17 χρόνια στην εξουσία. Ο ισχυρότερος άντρας στον κόσμο.\nΓια να καταλάβουμε πως ένας\nάντρας μπόρεσε να έχει τόσο ισχυρή επιρροή\nστη χώρα του, πρέπει να πάμε πίσω στο\nχάος και τη διαφθορά που έπνιξε τη Ρωσία\nμετά την πτώση της Σοβιετικής Ένωσης.\nΌταν το Τείχος του Βερολίνου έπεσε, ο 40χρονος Πούτιν δούλευε\nως μυστικός κατάσκοπος στην Ανατολική\nΓερμανία για τη Σοβιετική Υπηρεσία Ασφαλείας\nτην KGB. Η Σοβιετική Ένωση διαλύθηκε σε\n15 νέες χώρες, συμπεριλαμβανομένης της νέας\nΡωσικής Ομοσπονδίας. Στα μάτια του Πούτιν\nη Ρωσία είχε χάσει 2 εκατομμύρια τετραγωνικά μίλια\nγης. Αργότερα την αποκάλεσε μια\nτεράστια γεωπολιτική καταστροφή του αιώνα.\nΘρηνώντας πως δεκάδες εκατομμύρια\nσυμπατριώτες του βρίσκονταν εκτός\nρωσικής επικράτειας.\n\nPortuguese: \nVladimir Putin tem governado a Rússia desde\n1999. Neste interim ele moldou o país\nem uma sociedade militarista e autoritária\nEle invadiu com êxito dois dos\nvizinhos da Rússia e fortaleceu laços\ncom a Síria e o Irã. Ele pretende retrair\na Ordem Mundial do Ocidente\ne parece que está tendo sucesso.\n[Vladimir Putin, 17 anos no poder. O homem mais poderoso do mundo]\nPara entender como um\nhomem pode ter uma influência tão poderosa\nem seu país, você precisa voltar ao\ncaos e a corrupção que tomou a Rússia\ndepois da queda da União Soviética\nQuando o Muro de Berlim, um Putin de 40 anos estava\ntrabalhando como um agente secreto na Alemanha\nOcidental para a agência de inteligência Soviética\na KGB. A União Soviética foi dissolvida em\n15 novos países, incluindo a nova\nFederação Russa. Na visão de Putin\na Rússia tinha perdido dois milhões de milhas\nquadradas de território. Depois ele chamou o evento de o\nmaior desastre geopolítico do\nséculo. Lamentando que dezenas de milhões\nde seus compatriotas se achavam fora do\nterritório russo.\n\nEnglish: \nVladimir Putin has been ruling Russia since\n1999. In that time he's shaped the country\ninto an authoritarian and militaristic\nsociety. He successfully invaded two of\nRussia's neighbors and strengthened ties\nwith Syria and Iran. He's intent on pushing\nback against the Western world order...\nand it appears to be working.\n[Vladimir Putin, 17 years in power. The most powerful man in the world]\nTo understand how one\nman could have such a powerful influence\non his country, you need to go back to the\nchaos and corruption that gripped Russia\nafter the fall of the Soviet Union.\nWhen the Berlin walll fell, a 40 year old Putin was\nworking as an undercover spy in East\nGermany for the Soviet security agency\nthe KGB. The Soviet Union dissolved into\n15 new countries, including the new\nRussian Federation. In Putin's eyes\nRussia had just lost two million square\nmiles of territory. He later called this a\nmajor geopolitical disaster of the\ncentury. Lamenting that tens of millions\nof his co-patriots found themselves outside\nRussian territory.\n\nBulgarian: \nВладимир Путин управлява Русия от 1999 г.\nПрез това време той превръща страната в авторитарна и милитаристична нация.\nТой успешно напада две от съседите държави на Русия и засилва връзки със Сирия и Иран\nНеговите намерения да се възпротиви срещу западния световен ред, изглежда - работят...\n[Владимир Путин, 17 години на власт. Най-могъщият човек в света]\n[ЕДИННА РУСИЯ]\nЗа да се ​​разбере как един човек може да има толкова силно влияние в страната си,\nтрябва да се проучи хаоса и корупцията, които обхващат Русия след падането на Съветския съюз.\nКогато Берлинската стена пада , 40-годишният Путин работи като шпионин под прикритие\nв Източна Германия, за съветската агенция за сигурност - КГБ.\nСъветският съюз се разпада в 15 нови страни, включително новата Руска федерация.\nВ очите на Путин, Русия е загубила два милиона квадратни мили територия.\nПо-късно той нарича това една от най - големите геополитически катастрофи на века.\nОплаква се, че десетки милиони от неговите патриоти се озовават извън Руска територия.\n\nGerman: \nWladimir Putin regiert seitdem Russland\n1999. In dieser Zeit hat er das Land geprägt\nzu einem autoritären und militaristischen\nGesellschaft. Er drang erfolgreich in zwei davon ein\nRusslands Nachbarn und verstärkte Beziehungen\nmit Syrien und Iran. Er ist entschlossen zu pushen\nzurück gegen die westliche Weltordnung ...\nund es scheint zu funktionieren.\n[Vladimir Putin, 17 Jahre an der Macht. Der mächtigste Mann der Welt]\nUm zu verstehen wie man\nDer Mensch könnte einen so starken Einfluss haben\nauf seinem land müssen sie in das land zurückkehren\nChaos und Korruption in Russland\nnach dem Fall der Sowjetunion.\nAls die Berliner Mauer fiel, war ein 40 Jahre alter Putin\nArbeit als verdeckter Spion in Ost\nDeutschland für die sowjetische Sicherheitsagentur\ndas KGB. Die Sowjetunion löste sich in auf\n15 neue Länder, einschließlich der neuen\nRussische Föderation. In Putins Augen\nRussland hatte gerade zwei Millionen Quadratmeter verloren\nMeilen von Gebiet. Er nannte dies später a\ngroße geopolitische Katastrophe der\nJahrhundert. Jene Millionen von Klagen\nseiner Mitpatrioten fand sich draußen\nRussisches Territorium\n\nKorean: \n블라디미르 푸틴 러시아 대통령은\n그 당시 그는 국가를 형성했습니다.\n권위주의적이고 군국주의적인\n사회. 그는 성공적으로 두 사람을 침략했다.\n러시아의 이웃과 강화 된 유대 관계\n시리아와이란. 그는 밀기를 원한다.\n서구 세계 질서에 반하다.\n그것은 효과가있는 것처럼 보입니다.\n[블라디미르 푸틴, 권력에서 17 년. 세계에서 가장 강력한 남자]\n어떻게 하나인지 이해하려면\n사람은 그런 강력한 영향력을 가질 수있다.\n그의 나라에서, 당신은 다시\n혼란과 부패가 러시아를 움켜 쥐었습니다.\n소련의 붕괴 이후.\n베를린 장벽이 무너질 때, 40 세의 푸틴 대통령은\n동쪽의 비밀스런 스파이로 일하고있어.\n소비에트 보안 기관 독일\nKGB. 소련은\n새로운 15 개국\n러시아 연방. 푸틴 대통령의 눈에는\n러시아는 방금 2 백만 평방 피트를 잃었습니다.\n영토의 마일. 그는 나중에 이것을\n의 지정 학적 재앙\n세기. 수천만 명의 사람들이\n그의 애국자들이 바깥에서 자신을 발견했다.\n노령.\n\nVietnamese: \nVladimir Putin đã thống trị nước Nga từ năm\n1999. Trong khoảng thời gian đó, ông \nđã biến đất nước này\nthành một xã hội quân sự và độc tài.\nÔng đã xâm lược thành công hai\nnước làng giềng của Nga và củng cố mối quan hệ\nvới Syria và Iran. Ông muốn đẩy lùi\nsức ảnh hưởng của phương Tây lên trật tự thế giới\nvà điều đó có vẻ đang thành công\n[Vladimir Putin, 17 năm nắm quyền. Người đàn ông quyền lực nhất thế giới]\nĐể hiểu tại sao một người đàn ông\ncó thể có nhiều ảnh hưởng đến thế\nlên đất nước của mình, chúng ta \ncần phải quay ngược thời gian\nkhi hỗn loạn và tham nhũng bao trùm nước Nga.\nsau sự sụp đổ của Liên bang Xô Viết.\nKhi bức tường Berlin sụp đổ, Putin, 40 tuổi,\nđang là một gián điệp ngầm ở Đông\nĐức cho cục An ninh Xô viết, KGB.\nLiên Xô tan rã thành\n15 nước mới, bao gồm\nLiên bang Nga. Trong mắt Putin,\nnước Nga vừa mất 5 triệu kilomet vuông\nlãnh thổ. Sau này ông gọi đó là\nthảm họa địa chính trị của\nthế kỉ. Than vãn rằng hàng chục triệu\nnhững người cùng yêu nước với ông bị đẩy ra khỏi\nlãnh thổ nước Nga.\n\nTurkish: \nYeni hükümet; öncesinde komünist rejim tarafından\nyönetilmiş enerji, madencilik ve haberleşme şirketleri gibi\nyaklaşık 45.000 kamu işletmesini elinden çıkarmak zorundaydı.\nVe bu kaostu.\nRus ekonomisi bir serbest düşüşteydi\nve tüm bu işletmeler kendilerini birkaç\nbugün Rusya'nın oligarkları olarak bilinen aşırı derecede varlıklı adamın\neline düştü.\nAynı zamanda,\nyeni Rus devleti kendi kuruluşu konusunda zor zamanlar geçiriyordu.\nRusya'nın ilk başkanı Boris Yeltsin,\nBatı ile işbirliği nedeniyle felaket derecede\ntutulmayan biriydi.\nDaha kötüsü, alkolikti\nve çoğu Rus onun bir utanç kaynağı olduğunu\ndüşünürdü. Yeltsin; iktidarda kalmak adına,\nsonsuz miktarda politik güç bahşettiği\nbu oligarkların desteklerine güvendi.\nBu grafik;\neşitsizliğin, Sovyetler Birliği'nin dağılmasından sonra\nne kadar kötüye gittiği gösterir.\nBu nokta da Vladimir Putin'in siyasete girdiği yer.\nKGB'den 1991 yılında ayrıldı\nve St. Petersburg belediye başkan vekili oldu.\nPutin, kendi gücünü arkadaşlarına\nve yakınlarına özel çıkarlar sağlamak adına\nkullandı. Onlara tekel kurmaları ve\nrakiplerini dizginlemelerinde yardımcı oldu\nve hızla oligarklar arasında sevilen bir konuma geldi.\nÇok geçmeden;\n\nPortuguese: \nO novo governo tinha de vender quase\n45.000 negócios públicos como companhias de energia,\nmineração e comunicação que\neram geridas pelo regime comunista. E\nfoi o caos. A economia Russa estava em\nqueda livre e todas essas companhias acabaram\nnas mãos de poucos homens extremamente\nricos, conhecidos hoje como os Oligarcas\nRussos. Ao mesmo tempo o novo\nEstado Russo estava com dificuldades\nde se estabilizar. O primeiro presidente\nda Rússia Boris Yeltsin era muito\nimpopular por cooperar com o Ocidente.\nE para piorar as coisas ele era um\nalcoólatra e muitos russos o viam como\nembaraçoso. Para se manter no\npoder, ele se sustentou no apoio desses\nOligarcas, concedendo a eles um imenso\npoder político. Este gráfico\nmostra como a desigualdade realmente piorou\ndepois da queda da União Soviética. Aí\nVladimir Putin entrou na política\nEle deixou a KGB em 1991 e se tornou\nvice prefeito de São Petesburgo. Putin\nusou sua posição para dar tratamento\nespecial a amigos e aliados no\nsetor privado. Ajudou-os a estruturar\nmonopólios e a regular seus\ncompetidores, tornando-se rapidamente um favorito\nentre os oligarcas. Antes ele\n\nModern Greek (1453-): \nΗ νέα κυβέρνηση έπρεπε να ξεπουλήσει σχεδόν\n45.000 δημόσιες εταιρείες όπως την ενέργεια,\nτα ορυχεία και εταιρίες επικοινωνίας οι οποίες\nανήκαν στο κομμουνιστικό καθεστώς.\nΚαι εγένετο χάος. Η ρωσική οικονομία βρισκόταν\nσε ελεύθερη πτώση και όλες αυτές οι εταιρείες κατέληξαν\nστα χέρια λίγων τρομερά πλούσιων\nανδρών, γνωστών σήμερα ως ολιγαρχών\nτης Ρωσίας. Τον ίδιο καιρό το νέο\nρωσικό κράτος περνούσε δύσκολη φάση\nγια να εγκαθιδρυθεί. Ο πρώτος Πρόεδρος της Ρωσίας,\nο Μπόρις Γιέλτσιν, ήταν τρομερά\nμη δημοφιλής λόγω της συνεργασίας του με τη Δύση.\nΚαι για να γίνουν χείρότερα τα πράγματα, ήταν\nαλκοολικός και πολλοί Ρώσοι τον θεώρησαν\nντροπή. Για να μείνει στη\nεξουσία, στηρίχθηκε σε αυτούς\nτους ολιγάρχες, παραδίδοντάς τους τεράστια\nπολιτική εξουσία. Αυτή η γραφική παράσταση\nδείχνει πως η ανισότητα επιδεινώθηκε στην πραγματικότητα\nμετά την πτώση της Σοβιετικής Ένωσης.\nΚι εδώ μπαίνει στην πολιτική ο Βλαντιμίρ Πούτιν.\nΑφήνει την KGB το 1991 και γίνεται ο\nαντιδήμαρχος της Αγίας Πετρούπολης. Ο Πούτιν\nχρησιμοποίησε τη θέση του για να δώσει ειδική\nμεταχείριση σε φίλους και συμμάχους\nστον ιδιωτικό τομέα. Τους βοήθησε να δημιουργήσουν\nμονοπώλια και διευθέτησε τους\nανταγωνιστές τους, γίνοντας γρήγορα αγαπημένος\nτων ολιγαρχών. Πριν από καιρό είχε\n\nKorean: \n새로운 정부는 거의 매각해야했다.\n에너지,\n광업 및 통신 회사\n공산 정권에 의해 운영되었다. 과\n그것은 혼란이었다. 러시아 경제가\n자유 낙하와이 모든 회사들은 끝났다.\n극소수의 손에\n오늘 러시아의 것으로 알려진 부유 한 남자들\n과두 군주. 동시에 새로운\n러시아 국가는 어려움을 겪고있었습니다.\n자신을 수립. 러시아 최초\n보리스 옐친 대통령은 격렬하게\n서쪽과 협력하기에 인기가 없다.\n설상가상으로 그는\n알콜 중독자 및 많은 러시아인은 그가 생각했다.\n당혹 스러웠다. 에 머물기 위해서\n힘, 그는 이것들의지지를 의지했다.\n과두 정치, 엄청난 양의 항복\n그 (것)들에 정치적인 힘의. 이 그래프\n불평등이 실제로 얼마나 악화되었는지를 보여줍니다.\n소련의 붕괴 이후. 이\n블라디미르 푸틴 대통령이 정치에 참여하는 곳이다.\n그는 1991 년에 KGB를 떠났고\n상트 페테르부르크 부시장 푸틴\n그의 위치를 ​​사용하여 특별한 것을 주다.\n친구와 동맹국에 대한 치료\n민간 부문. 그는 구조를 돕는다.\n독점하고 규제한다.\n경쟁자, 빠르게 좋아하는되고\n과두 정치들 사이. 오래 전에 그는\n\nVietnamese: \nChính phủ mới phải bán tống bán tháo gần\n45,000 doanh nghiệp nhà nước như các công ty\nnăng lượng, khai khoáng và bưu chính mà\ntrước đây được điều hành bởi chế độ cộng sản.\nVà mọi thứ chao đảo. Nền kinh tế Nga\nrơi tự do và tất cả những công ty này đều rơi\nvào tay của một số người cực kì giàu có\nngày nay được biết đến là những kẻ đầu sỏ của Nga.\nCùng thời điểm đó, chính phủ Nga\nmới đang gặp khó khăn\ntrong việc lấy niềm tin. Tổng thổng đầu tiên của Nga\nlà Boris Yeltsin không hề được yêu thích\nvì đã bắt tay với phương Tây.\nVà tệ hơn, ông ta nghiện rượu,\nnhiều người Nga nghĩ ông ta\nlà một nỗi ô nhục. Để giữ quyền lực,\nông ta dựa dẫm vào sự ủng hộ của\nnhững kẻ cầm quyền bằng cách \ncho họ\nquyền lực chính trị. Biểu đồ này\nthể hiện sự bất bình đẳng càng gia tăng như thế nào\nkể từ sự sụp đổ của Liên Xô. Đây\nlà khi Vladimir Putin bước chân vào chính trị.\nÔng rời KGB vào năm 1991 và trở thành\nPhó thị trưởng của St. Petersburg. Putin\ndùng quyền lực của mình để đối đãi\nđặc biệt với bạn bè và đồng minh\ntrong khu vực tư nhân. Ông giúp họ tạo\nsự độc quyền và qua mặt đối thủ,\nnhanh chóng được yêu thích bởi\nnhững kẻ cầm quyền. Chẳng mấy chốc ông\n\nEnglish: \nThe new government had to sell off nearly\n45,000 public businesses like energy,\nmining, and communication companies that\nhad been run by the communist regime. And\nit was chaos. The Russian economy was in\na freefall and all these companies ended\nup in the hands of a few extremely\nwealthy men, known today as Russia's\noligarchs. At the same time the new\nRussian state was having a hard time\nestablishing itself. Russia's first\npresident Boris Yeltsin was wildly\nunpopular for cooperating with the west.\nAnd to make matters worse he was an\nalcoholic and many Russians thought he\nwas an embarrassment. In order to stay in\npower, he leaned on the support of these\noligarchs, surrendering an immense amount\nof political power to them. This graph\nshows how inequality actually worsened\nafter the fall of the Soviet Union. This\nis where Vladimir Putin enters politics.\nHe leaves the KGB in 1991 and becomes the\ndeputy mayor of St. Petersburg. Putin\nuses his position to give special\ntreatment to friends and allies in the\nprivate sector. He helps them structure\nmonopolies and regulates their\ncompetitors, quickly becoming a favorite\namong the oligarchs. Before long he's\n\nGerman: \nDie neue Regierung musste fast absetzen\n45.000 öffentliche Unternehmen wie Energie,\nBergbau und Kommunikationsunternehmen, die\nwar vom kommunistischen Regime geführt worden. Und\nes war chaos. Die russische Wirtschaft war in\nein freier Fall und alle diese Unternehmen endeten\nin den Händen einiger extrem\nreiche Männer, heute als Russen bekannt\nOligarchen Zur gleichen Zeit das Neue\nDer russische Staat hatte eine schwere Zeit\nsich etablieren. Russlands erste\nPräsident Boris Jelzin war wild\nunbeliebt für die Zusammenarbeit mit dem Westen.\nUnd um alles noch schlimmer zu machen, war er ein\nAlkoholiker und viele Russen dachten er\nwar eine peinlichkeit. Um in zu bleiben\nMacht, stützte er sich auf die Unterstützung dieser\nOligarchen, die eine immense Menge aufgeben\nihnen politische Macht. Dieser Graph\nzeigt, wie sich die Ungleichheit tatsächlich verschlechterte\nnach dem Fall der Sowjetunion. Diese\nHier tritt Wladimir Putin in die Politik ein.\nEr verlässt das KGB 1991 und wird der\nstellvertretender Bürgermeister von St. Petersburg. Putin\nnutzt seine Position, um etwas Besonderes zu geben\nBehandlung von Freunden und Verbündeten in der\nprivater Sektor. Er hilft ihnen beim Aufbau\nMonopole und reguliert ihre\nKonkurrenten, die schnell zu einem Favoriten werden\nunter den Oligarchen. Bald ist er\n\nBulgarian: \nНовото правителство е принудено да продаде почти 45 000 обществени предприятия,\nкато енергийни, минни и комуникационни компании, които са били управлявани от комунистическия режим.\nНастъпва хаос. Руската икономика е в разпад.\nВсички тези компании се озовават в ръцете на няколко изключително богати мъже,\nпознати днес като Руските олигарси.\nВ същото време новата Руската държава изпитва трудности в своето установяване.\nПървия Руски президент, Борис Елцин губи подкрепа заради сътрудничество със Запада.\nИ за да влоши нещата, той е алкохолик и много руснаци се срамуват от него.\nЗа да остане на власт, той разчита на подкрепата на олигарсите, като предава огромно количество власт на тях.\nТази графика показва как неравенството се влошава след разпада на Съветския съюз.\nИ тогава Владимир Путин влиза в политиката...\nТой напуска КГБ през 1991 г. и става заместник-кмет на Санкт Петербург.\nПутин използва позицията си, за да даде специални позиции на приятели и съюзници в частния сектор.\nТой им помага да структурират монопол и регулира техните конкуренти, бързо превръщайки се във фаворит сред олигарсите\n\nGerman: \nein Unterstützungsnetz von Oligarchen aufgebaut,\nKriminalbosse und Sicherheitsbeamte,\nMeistens Kollegen früherer KGB-Offiziere\ner war. Mit ihrer Hilfe beschleunigt er schnell\nsteigt auf die obere Ebene des Neuen auf\nRussischer Staat 1999 wurde Präsident Boris\nJelzin ernennt Putin immer noch relativ\nunbekannt in der nationalen Politik, um die zu sein\nPremierminister. Ein heftiger Nationalist,\nPutin befürchtete, Jelzin ließe das\nUSA beherrschen Russland und die NATO, die\nAllianz, die jahrzehntelang gearbeitet hat\nSowjetischen Einfluss enthalten, würden sich ausdehnen\nin die neuen befreiten Länder und\nRussland umgeben. Putins Ziel wurde dann zu\neinen starken russischen Staat aufbauen, einen solchen\nwäre zu Hause stabil und fähig\nmehr Einfluss auf seine ausüben\nNachbarn Und er bekam schnell seine Chance ...\nWährend des postsowjetischen Chaos gab es\nEskalation der Gewalt in Tschetschenien, einer Region\ndas informell von Russland getrennt\nMitte der 90er Jahre. Tschetschenische Kriegsherren und\nTerroristen drängten ins Russische\nTerritorium und Angriff auf die Grenze.\n\nTurkish: \noligarkların iş ağının,\nmafya babalarının, çoğunlukla kendisi gibi eski KGB çalışanı olan\ngüvenlik görevlilerinin desteklerini kendisinde topladı.\nOnların da yardımıyla,\nhızla yeni Rus devletinin üst tabakasına sıçradı.\n1999'da Başkan Boris Yeltsin,\nbaşbakan olmak için hala görece\nulusal siyasette tanınmamış Putin'i\ngörevlendirdi.\nPutin; Yeltsin'in, Sovyet etkisini\non yıllardır çevreleyen ve\nRusya'nın etrafında yeni özgürleşmiş ülkeleri de kapsayabilecek olan NATO'yu\nve Rusya'yı Birleşik Devletler'in domine etmesine\nizin vermesinden korkuyordu.\nBundan sonra; Putin'in amacı,\niçeride istikrarlı\nve etrafındaki komşularını da etkileyebilecek yeterlilikte\ngüçlü bir Rus devleti yaratmak oldu.\nVe karşısına bir fırsat çıktı.\nSovyetler Birliği sonrası dönemin karışıklığı sırasında\ntek taraflı olarak Rusya'dan ayrılmış bir bölge olan Çeçenistan'da\n90'ların ortalarında artan miktarda şiddet vardı.\nÇeçen savaş beyleri ve teröristler\nRus bölgesine sokuluyor\nve sınırlara saldırılar düzenliyordu.\n\nPortuguese: \nreuniu uma rede de apoio de oligarcas,\nchefões do crime e oficiais de segurança,\nmuitos antigos oficiais da KGB como\nele próprio. Com seu apoio ele rapidamente\nemergiu ao alto escalão do novo\nestado russo. Em 1999, o presidente Boris\nYeltsin nomeou Putin, ainda relativamente\ndesconhecido na política nacional, para ser\nPrimeiro-Ministro. Nacionalista ferrenho,\nPutin temia que Yeltsin estava deixando\nos Estados Unidos dominarem a Rússia, e que a OTAN, a\naliança que trabalhou por décadas para\nconter a influência soviética, se expandiria\nentre os países recentemente liberados e\ncercaria a Rússia. A meta de Putin se tornou a de\nconstruir um estado russo forte, um que\nseria tanto estável internamente quanto capaz\nde exercer mais influência sobre seus\nvizinhos. E ele rapidamente pegou sua chance...\nDurante o caos pós-USSR houve uma\nescalada de violência na Chechnya, uma região\nque informalmente se separou da Rússia\nno meio dos anos 1990. Senhores da guerra chechenos e\nterrroristas estavam avançando em terrritório\nrusso e atacando a fronteira.\n\nModern Greek (1453-): \nσυγκεντρώσει ένα υποστηρικτικό δίκτυο ολιγαρχών,\nεγκληματιών και αξιωματούχων ασφαλείας,\nοι περισσότεροι εκ των οποίων ήταν πρώην συνεργάτες στην KGB, όπως\nήταν και ο ίδιος. Με τη βοήθειά τους ανέβηκε γρήγορα\nστην ανώτατη θέση του νέου\nρωσικού κράτους. Το 1999, ο Πρόεδρος Μπόρις\nΓιέλτσιν αναγορεύει τον Πούτιν, που ήταν σχετικά ακόμα\nάγνωστος στην εθνική πολιτική, να γίνει\nΠρωθυπουργός. Όντας σκληρός εθνικιστής,\nο Πούτιν φοβόταν πως ο Γιέλτσιν άφηνε τις\nΗΠΑ να κυριαρχήσουν στη Ρωσία και πως το ΝΑΤΟ,\nη συμμαχία που λειτουργούσε για δεκαετίες για να\nμετριάσει τη σοβιετική επιρροή, θα επεκτεινόταν\nστα νέα απελευθερωμένα κράτη και\nθα περικύκλωνε τη Ρωσία. Στόχος του Πούτιν τότε έγινε\nη δημιουργία ενός ισχυρού ρωσικού κράτους, που θα μπορούσε να είναι\nκαι σταθερό στα εσωτερικά και ικανό\nνα ασκήσει περισσότερη επιρροή πάνω στους\nγείτονες του. Και η ευκαιρία του ήρθε γρήγορα.\nΚατά το μετασοβιετικό χάος, υπήρξε\nκλιμακούμενη βία στην Τσετσενία, μια περιοχή\nπού αποσχίστηκε ανεπίσημα από τη Ρωσία\nστα μέσα της δεκαετίας του '90. Οι Τσετσενοί πολέμαρχοι και\nτρομοκράτες μάχονταν προς τη ρωσική\nεπικράτεια και επιτίθενταν τα σύνορα.\n\nEnglish: \nassembled a support network of oligarchs,\ncrime bosses, and security officials,\nmostly fellow former KGB officers like\nhe was. With their help he rapidly\nascends to the upper echelon of the new\nRussian state. In 1999, president Boris\nYeltsin appoints Putin, still relatively\nunknown in national politics, to be the\nprime minister. A fierce nationalist,\nPutin feared Yeltsin was letting the\nUS dominate Russia and that NATO, the\nalliance that worked for decades to\ncontain Soviet influence, would expand\ninto the new liberated countries and\nsurround Russia. Putin's goal then became to\nbuild a strong Russian state, one that\nwould be both stable at home and capable\nof exercising more influence over its\nneighbors. And he quickly got his chance...\nDuring the post-Soviet chaos there was\nescalating violence in Chechnya, a region\nthatinformally seceded from Russia\nin the mid-90s. Chechen war lords and\nterrorists were pushing into Russian\nterritory and attacking the border.\n\nBulgarian: \nНе след дълго той сформира собствена мрежа от олигарси, престъпни босове и служители по сигурността,\nпредимно бивши колеги, служители на КГБ като него.\nС тяхна помощ той бързо се изкачва до горния ешелон на новата Руска държава.\nПрез 1999 г. президентът Борис Елцин назначава Путин, все още относително неизвестен в националната политика,\nна поста министър председател.\nСвиреп националист, Путин се опасява, че Елцин е допуснал САЩ да доминират в Русия и че НАТО,\nкойто работи от десетилетия с цел да ограничи Съветското влияние ще се разшири в новите освободени страни и ще обгради Русия.\nЦелта на Путин тогава е да изгради силна Руска държава.\nВътрешно стабилна, но и способна упражнява по-голямо влияние върху нейните съседи.\nИ скоро, той получава шанса си ...\nПо време на пост-Съветския хаос напрежението в Чечения ескалира.\nРегион който неформално се отделя от Русия в средата на 90-те години.\nЧеченските военни лидери и терористите нахлуват в Руска територия и атакуват границата.\n\nVietnamese: \nđã tạo được một mạng lưới ủng hộ\n gồm những kẻ cầm quyền,\ntội phạm, và các quan chức an ninh,\nhầu hết là những cựu sĩ quan KGB giống\nông. Với sự giúp đỡ của họ, ông nhanh chóng\nleo lên hàng ngũ cao của chính phủ\nNga mới. Năm 1999, tổng thống Boris\nYeltsin chỉ định Putin, vẫn còn vô danh\nvới giới chính trị trong nước, làm\nthủ tướng. Một người với chủ nghĩa dân tộc mạnh mẽ,\nPutin sợ Yeltsin đang để\nnước Mĩ thống trị Nga và sợ NATO,\ntổ chức đã cố hạn chế tầm\nảnh hưởng của Liên Xô trong hàng thế kỉ, sẽ\nmở rộng vào những nước mới độc lập\nvà bao vây Nga. Mục tiêu của Putin trở thành\nxây dựng một chính phủ Nga vững mạnh,\nvừa ổn định trong nước vừa có sức\nảnh hưởng đến các nước láng giềng.\nVà ông nhanh chóng có được cơ hội.\nTrong sự hỗn loạn hậu Liên Xô, bạo lực đã\ngia tăng tại Chechnya, một vùng\nđã tách khỏi Nga một cách không chính thức\nvào giữa những năm 90. Các lãnh chúa và khủng bố\nở Chechnya đang xâm nhập vào lãnh thổ Nga\nvà tấn công vùng biên giới.\n\nKorean: \noligarchs의 지원 네트워크를 조립,\n범죄 상사 및 보안 관리들,\n대부분 전 동료 KGB 임원\n그는 ~였다. 그들의 도움으로 그는 빠르게\n새로운 위층에 올라간다.\n러시아 국가. 1999 년 보리스 대통령\n옐친은 여전히 ​​푸틴 대통령 임명\n국가 정치에서 알려지지 않은\n총리. 치열한 민족주의 자,\n푸틴은 옐친이\n미국은 러시아를 지배하고 그 NATO는\n수십 년 동안 일해온 동맹\n소비에트의 영향력을 포함하여\n새로운 자유 국가들과\n서라운드 러시아. 푸틴 대통령의 목표는\n강한 러시아 국가를 건설하십시오.\n집에서 안정적 일 수있다.\n그것 이상의 영향력 행사\n이웃. 그리고 그는 빨리 그의 기회를 얻었습니다 ...\n포스트 소비에트 혼란 동안에\n체첸 지역의 폭력 사태 확대\n러시아에서 공식적으로 탈퇴했다.\n90 년대 중반. 체첸 전쟁 군주들과\n테러리스트들이 러시아에 진출했다.\n영토와 국경을 공격.\n\nGerman: \nIm August 1999 eine Reihe tödlicher Bombenanschläge\ntötete mehr als 300 Menschen in mehreren\nRussische Städte, darunter Moskau. Putin,\nder neue Premierminister sofort\nmacht tschetschenische Separatisten für die\nAttacke. Er erscheint regelmäßig auf Russisch\nFernsehen behauptet, er werde sich rächen\nRussland. Die Bevölkerung erholt sich schnell\num ihn herum. Putins Zustimmungseinstufung springt\nvon 2% vor der Bombardierung auf fünfundvierzig\nProzent nach den Bombenanschlägen. Journalisten\nspäter aufgedeckte Beweise, die darauf schließen lassen\nRussische Sicherheitsdienste könnten haben\nan den Bombenanschlägen in Moskau beteiligt gewesen\nvielleicht zu wissen, dass sie Unterstützung stiften würden\nfür einen starken Mann wie Putin. Aber ein geschlossenes\nstaatliche Ermittlungen zerschlugen schnell alle\nabweichende Theorien. So startet Russland a\npopulärer und verheerender Krieg in Tschetschenien.\nDie Hauptstadt von Grozny wurde eingeebnet\ndurch russische Bombenangriffe und einige geschätzt\nfast 80 tausend Menschen starben. Und in\nweniger als ein jahr russland erfolgreich\nbringt Tschetschenien wieder unter seine Kontrolle. Im Dezember 1999 Jelzin\n\nModern Greek (1453-): \nΤον Αύγουστο του 1999, μια σειρά από θανατηφόρους βομβαρδισμούς\nσκότωσε περισσότερους από 300 ανθρώπους σε πολλές\nρωσικές πόλεις, συμπεριλαμβανομένης της Μόσχας. Ο Πούτιν,\nο νέος Πρωθυπουργός, κατηγόρησε\nαμέσως τους Τσετσενούς σχισματικούς για την\nεπίθεση. Εμφανίζεται τακτικά στη ρωσική\nτηλεόραση υποστηρίζοντας πως θα εκδικηθεί\nγια τη Ρωσία. Ο πληθυσμός συγκεντρώθηκε γρήγορα\nγύρω του. Η αποδοχή του Πούτιν εκτινάχθηκε\nαπό 2% πριν τους βομβαρδισμούς σε 45%\nμετά τους βομβαρδισμούς. Δημοσιογράφοι\nαργότερα αποκάλυψαν στοιχεία που υποστηρίζουν πως\nοι ρωσικές υπηρεσίες ασφαλείας ίσως\nενεπλάκησαν στους βομβαρδισμούς της Μόσχας\nίσως γνωρίζοντας πως θα προκαλούσαν υποστήριξη\nγια έναν δυνατό άντρα, όπως ο Πούτιν. Όμως μια κρυφή\nκρατική έρευνα απέρριψε κάθε\nδιαφορετική θεωρία. Οπότε η Ρωσία ξεκινά ένα\nδημοφιλή και καταστροφικό πόλεμο στην Τσετσενία.\nΗ πρωτεύουσα Γκρόζνι ισοπεδώθηκε\nαπό ρωσικές βόμβες και περίπου\nσχεδόν 80.000 άνθρωποι πέθαναν. Και σε λιγότερο\nαπό ένα χρόνο, η Ρωσία επαναφέρει\nεπιτυχώς την Τσετσενία στον έλεγχό της. Το Δεκέμβριο του 1999, ο Γιέλτσιν\n\nKorean: \n1999 년 8 월, 일련의 치명적인 폭탄 테러\n여러 명이 300 명 이상 사망했다.\n러시아를 포함한 모스크바의 도시들. 푸틴,\n새로운 총리, 즉각\n체첸 분리 주의자들이\n공격. 그는 러시아어로 정기적으로 나타납니다.\n그가 복수 할 것이라고 주장하는 텔레비전\n러시아 제국. 인구는 빠르게 집결한다.\n주위에. 푸틴 대통령의 지지율 상승\n폭탄 테러 전 2 %에서 45\n폭탄 테러 이후 퍼센트. 언론인\n나중에 암시 된 증거\n러시아 보안 서비스가 가질 수있는 영향\n모스크바 폭탄 테러에 연루됐다.\n아마 그들은 지원을 촉발 할 것입니다.\n푸틴과 같은 강한 사람. 그러나 닫힌\n국가 수사가 빨리 중단 됐습니다.\n반대 의견. 그래서 러시아는\n체첸에서 대중적이고 파괴적인 전쟁.\n그로즈니의 수도는 평평했다.\n러시아 폭격과 일부 추정\n거의 8 만 명이 사망했다. 그리고\n1 년 미만 러시아 성공적으로\n체첸을 다시 통제하게 만든다. 1999 년 12 월, 옐친\n\nTurkish: \nAğustos 1999'da, 300'den fazla insan\nMoskova'nın da içinde bulunduğu farklı şehirlerde\nbir dizi bombalama sonucu öldürüldü.\nYeni başkan, Putin,\nhızla, Çeçen ayrılıkçıları saldırıdan sorumlu tuttu.\nO; düzenli olarak,\nRus televizyonlarına çıkıyor ve Rusya'nın intikamının alacağını\nbelirtiyordu. Kitleler hızla onun etrafında toplanmaya başladı.\nPutin'in, bombalamalar öncesi\nyüzde iki olan görünürlük oranı; bombalamalar sonrasında\nyüzde kırk beşe fırlamıştı. Gazeteciler,\ndaha sonraları Rus Güvenlik Servisi'nin\nMoskova'daki bombalamada suç ortağı olabileceğini gösteren\nbir kanıt yayınladı,\nbelki de Putin gibi güçlü bir kişiye olan desteğin\nartışında bir kıvılcım niteliğinde olacağını biliyorlardı.\nAncak, gizli devlet soruşturması\nhızla bu muhalif teoriyi reddetti. Ve Rusya,\nÇeçenistan'da popüler ve yıkıcı savaşı başlattı.\nBaşkent Grozny, Rus bombaları ile yerle bir edildi\nve bazı tahminlere göre\nseksen bine yakın insan öldü.\nBir yıldan kısa sürede; Rusya, Çeçenistan'ı yeniden\nkendi kontrolü altına almayı başardı. Aralık 1999'da Yeltsin,\n\nPortuguese: \nEm Agosto de 1999, uma série de atentados à bomba mortais\nmatou mais de 300 pessoas em várias\ncidades russas, incluindo em Moscou. Putin,\no novo Primeiro-Ministro, imediatamente\nculpou os separatistas chechenos pelos\nataques. Ele regularmente aparece na televisão\nrussa garantindo que vingará\na Rússia. A população rapidamente se mobiliza\nem torno dele. Seu índice de aprovação saltou\nde 2% antes dos ataques para 45%\ndepois dos ataques. Jornalistas\ndepois encontraram evidências que sugerem que\nserviços de inteligência russos poderiam ter\nsido cúmplices nos ataques à bomba em Moscou,\ntalvez sabendo que iram gerar apoio\na um homem forte como Putin. Mas uma investigação\ngovernamental pesada imediatamente esmagou quaisquer\ndissenções. Então a Rússia lançou uma\nguerra popular e devastadora na Chechnya.\nA capital de Grozny foi reduzida a escombros\npelo bombardeio russo e alguns estima que\naproximadamente 80.000 pessoas morreram. E em\nmenos de um ano a Rússia obteve êxito em\ncolocar a Chechnya sob controle. Em Dezembro de 1999 Yeltsin\n\nVietnamese: \nVào tháng 8 năm 1999, một loạt \ncác vụ đánh bom chết người\nđã giết hơn 300 người ở nhiều\nthành phố Nga, bao gồm Moscow. Putin,\nthủ tướng mới, lập tức đổ lỗi\ncác cuộc tấn công lên những người ly khai Chechnya.\nÔng thường xuyên xuất hiện trên truyền hình\nNga, khẳng định rằng ông sẽ trả thù cho nước Nga.\nNgười dân nhanh chóng đồng tình với\nông. Tỉ lệ ủng hộ của Putin nhảy từ\n2% trước các cuộc đánh bom lên 45% sau\ncác cuộc đánh bom. Sau này các nhà báo\nkhám phá ra bằng chứng cho thấy có khả năng\nlực lượng An ninh Nga có thể\ndính líu trong vụ đánh bom Moscow,\nbiết rằng nó có thể tạo sự ủng hộ\ncho một người mạnh mẽ như Putin. Nhưng một\ncuộc điều tra kín đã nhanh chóng bác bỏ\nbất cứ giả thuyết chống đối nào. Nước Nga châm ngòi\nmột cuộc chiến đầy tai tiếng và \ncó sức tàn phá khủng khiếp ở Chechnya.\nThủ đô Grozny bị san bằng\nbởi bom Nga và gần 80 nghìn người\nbỏ mạng. Trong vòng chưa đầy một năm\nNga thành công đưa Chechnya\ntrở lại sự cai trị của mình. Tháng 12, 1999, Yeltsin\n\nEnglish: \nIn August 1999, a series of deadly bombings\nkilled more than 300 people in several\nRussian cities, including Moscow. Putin,\nthe new prime minister, immediately\nblames Chechen separatists for the\nattack. He regularly appears in Russian\ntelevision claiming he will avenge\nRussia. The population quickly rallies\naround him. Putin's approval ratings jump\nfrom 2% before the bombing to forty-five\npercent after the bombings. Journalists\nlater uncovered evidence that suggests\nRussian security services could have\nbeen complicit in the Moscow bombings,\nperhaps knowing they would spark support\nfor a strong man like Putin. But a closed\nstate investigation quickly quashed any\ndissenting theories. So Russia launches a\npopular and devastating war in Chechnya.\nThe capital city of Grozny was leveled\nby Russian bombing and some estimated\nclose to 80 thousand people died. And in\nless than a year russia successfully\nbrings Chechnya back under its control. In December 1999 Yeltsin\n\nBulgarian: \nПрез август 1999 г. серия от смъртоносни бомбандировки убиват повече от 300 души в няколко Руски градове, включително Москва.\nПутин, новия премиер, веднага обвинява чеченските сепаратисти за атаката\nТой редовно се появява на Руската телевизията, твърдейки, че ще отмъсти за Русия.\nГласоподавателите го подкрепят.\nРейтингът на Путин скача от 2% преди атентатие до 45% процента след атентатите.\nЖурналисти по-късно откриват доказателства, които предполагат че Руските служби за сигурност могли да бъдат съучастник в Московските атентати,\nможе би знаейки, че ще подпалят подкрепа за силен човек като Путин.\nНо секретно държавното разследване бързо отхвърля всички подобни теории.\nТака Русия стартира война в Чечня.\nСтолицата - Грозни бива изравнена със земята от Руски бомбардировки, а по някои изчисления близо 80 хиляди души загиват.\nЗа по-малко от година, Русия успешно връща Чечня под своя контрол.\n\nVietnamese: \ntừ chức, Putin trở thành tổng thống tạm thời.\nVào tháng 5, trong chiến dịch đẫm máu\ntại Chechnya, Putin thắng cuộc\ntranh cử tổng thống. Ông bắt đầu\nđịnh hình nước Nga theo tầm nhìn của mình.\nBảo trợ và tham nhũng vẫn là một trong những\ncông cụ chính của ông, nhưng ông nhanh chóng\nđàn áp những kể cầm quyền \ndưới luật lệ của ông. Ai ủng hộ\nPutin thì được thưởng, ai không ủng hộ\nthì bị loại bỏ. \"Người giàu nhất nước Nga,\nngười chỉ trích điện Kremlin và từng là\nông vua dầu mỏ, Mikhail\nKhodorkovsky đã lĩnh án 14 năm tù.\nĐây là án phạt của tội\nbiển thủ dầu. Đây hẳn là một đòn\ntrả thù từ Vladimir Putin\nvì dính líu đến\nchống đối chính trị.\" Chế ngự được những kẻ đầu sỏ,\nPutin có thể tự do đưa tầm nhìn\nra khỏi biên giới nước Nga. Lúc này\nquan hệ với Mĩ đang khá yên ổn.\nPutin thậm chí đã có kì nghỉ tại\ncăn nhà mùa hè của George W. Bush. \"Tôi nhìn\nthẳng vào mắt ông ấy và thấy ông ấy\nrất thẳng thắn và đáng tin tưởng\". Nhưng\nmọi thứ sắp thay đổi...\nTháng 8, 2008, Nga xâm lược Georgia, một nước\nLiên Xô cũ. Đây là một cách thể hiện\n\nEnglish: \nresigns making Putin the interim\npresident. In May, during the bloody\ncampaign in Chechnya, Putin wins the\npresidential election. He begins to shape\nthe Russian state to his vision.\nPatronage and corruption remain some of\nhis key tools, but he quickly suppresses\nthe oligarchs under his rule. Those that\nsupport Putin are rewarded, those that\ndon't are eliminated. \"Well once Russia's\nrichest man, imprisoned Kremlin critic\nand former oil magnate, Mikhail\nKhodorkovsky was sentenced to 14 years\nin jail. This on a new conviction of\nembezzling oil. This is effectively a\nvendetta from Vladimir Putin.\nfor getting involved in\nopposition of politics.\" With the oligarchy\ntamed, Putin was now free to move his\nvision outside of Russia's borders. At\nthe time relations with the US are\nfairly good. Putin even vacationed at\nGeorge W. Bush's summer home. \"I looked a\nman in the eye I found him to be very\nstraightforward and trustworthy\". But\nthings were about to change...\nIn August 2008, Russia invades Georgia, a\nformer Soviet republic. It's a display of\n\nPortuguese: \nrenunciou fazendo Putin o Presidente\ninterino. Em Maio, durante a sangrenta\ncampanha na Chachnya, Putin venceu a\neleição presidencial. Ele começou a amoldar\no Estado russo a sua visão.\nPatronato e corrupção continuam como\nferramentas-chave, mas ele rapidamente suprime\nos oligarcas sob seu poder. Os que\napoiam Putin são recompensados, os que\nnão são eliminados. \"O uma vez homem\nhomem mais rico da Rússia, crítico do Kremlin preso\ne ex magnata do petróleo, Mikhail\nKhordokovsky foi sentenciado a 14 anos\nna prisão. Isso foi sob uma nova condenação de\ndesvio de petróleo. Essa é efetivamente uma\nvingança de Vladimir Putin.\npor ter se envolvido em\nem oposição política.\" Com a oligarquia\ndominada, Putin estava livre para transpor sua\nvisão além das fronteiras russas. Naqueles\ntempos as relações com os EUA eram\nmuito boas. Putin até tirou férias na\nresidência de verão de George W. Bush. \"Olhei o\nhomem nos olhos e o vejo como muito\nvisionário e confiável\". Mas as\ncoisas iriam mudar...\nEm Agosto de 2008, a Rússia invadiu a Geórgia, uma\nantiga República Soviética. Foi uma mostra de\n\nKorean: \n푸틴 대통령을 잠정 사퇴\n대통령. 5 월, 피 묻은 동안\n체첸에서의 캠페인, 푸틴이 승리했다.\n대통령 선거. 그는 모양을 만들기 시작합니다.\n러시아 국가가 그의 비전에.\n후원과 부패는\n그의 주요 도구지만, 그는 신속하게 억제\n그의 지배하에있는 과두 정치들. 그\n푸틴에 대한 보상은\n제거되지 않는다. \"한때 러시아의\n부유 한 사람, 투옥 된 크렘린 비평가\n전 석유 거물 인 미하일\nKhodorkovsky는 14 년 선고 받았다.\n감옥에. 이것에 대한 새로운 확신으로\n기름을 횡령. 이것은 효과적으로\n블라디미르 푸틴 대통령.\n참여하기위한\n정치의 반대. \"과두 정치\n길들인 길로 푸틴 대통령은 자유로이 움직일 수 있었다.\n러시아 국경 밖의 비전. 에서\n미국과의 시간 관계는\n상당히 좋다. 푸틴도 휴가를 갔다.\n조지 부시 대통령의 여름철 집. \"나는\n눈에 들어 봤어. 나는 그를 매우 잘 찾았다.\n간단하고 신뢰할 수 있습니다. \"\n상황이 바뀌려고 ...\n2008 년 8 월 러시아는 그루지아를 침공했다.\n전 소련 공화국. 그것은\n\nModern Greek (1453-): \nπαραιτείται κάνοντας τον Πούτιν προσωρινό\nΠρόεδρο. Τον Μάιο, κατά τη διάρκεια της αιμοβόρας\nαποστολής στην Τσετσενία, ο Πούτιν κερδίζει τις\nπροεδρικές εκλογές. Ξεκινά να μορφοποιεί\nτο ρωσικό κράτος σύμφωνα με το όραμά του.\nΤο πελατειακό κράτος και η διαφθορά παραμένουν κάποια από\nτα κύρια εργαλεία του, όμως γρήγορα καταστέλλει\nτους ολιγάρχες υπό τους κανόνες του. Εκείνοι που\nυποστηρίζουν τον Πούτιν βραβεύονται, εκείνοι που δεν\nτον υποστηρίζουν περιορίζονται. \"Κάποτε ο πλουσιότερος\nάντρας της Ρωσίας, ο φυλακισμένος επικριτής του Κρεμλίνου,\nκαι πρώην μεγιστάνας πετρελαίου, ο Μιχαήλ\nΧοντορκόφσκι καταδικάστηκε σε 14 χρόνια\nφυλάκισης. Αυτό λόγω μια νέας καταδίκης για\nκατάχρηση πετρελαίου. Αυτή είναι μια\nβεντέτα εκ μέρους του Βλαντιμίρ Πούτιν\nεπειδή ανμίχθηκε στην\nαντιπολιτευόμενη πολιτική.\" Με την ολιγαρχία\nμπερδεμένη, ο Πούτιν ήταν πλέον ελεύθερος να προχωρήσει το\nόραμα του εκτός Ρωσίας. Εκείνη\nτην εποχή οι σχέσεις με τις ΗΠΑ είναι\nσχετικά καλές. Ο Πούτιν έκανε ακόμα και διακοπές\nστο θερινό εξοχικό του Τζόρτζ Μπους του Νεότερου. \"Κοίταξα έναν\nάντρα στα μάτια που είναι πολύ\nευθύς και έμπιστος\". Όμως\nτα πράγματα θα άλλαζαν.\nΤον Αύγουστο του 2008, η Ρωσία εισβάλει τη Γεωργία, μια\nπρώην σοβιετική Δημοκρατία. Πρόκειται για μια επίδειξη\n\nBulgarian: \nПрез декември 1999 г. Елцин подава оставка, превръщайки Путин в преходен президент.\nПрез май, по време на кървавата кампания в Чечня, Путин печели президентските избори.\nТой започва да оформя Руската държава по негова визия.\nПатронажа и корупцията остават част от ключовите му инструменти, но той бързо потиска олигарсите под негово управление.\nТези, които подкрят Путин са възнаградени, тези, които не, биват елиминирани.\n\"Някога най-богатият човек в Русия, изявлен критик на Кремъл и бивш петролен магнат Михаил Ходорковски е осъден на 14 години затвор\"\n\"Това по ново обвинение за присвояване на нефт\"\n\"Това действително е отмъщение от Владимир Путин.\"\n\"Заради факта че Ходорковски \n се намесва в опозиционна политика\"\nС олигархията укротена, Путин вече е свободен да се фокусира извън границите на Русия.\nПо това време отношенията със САЩ са сравнително добри. Путин дори почива в лятната резиденция на Джордж Буш.\n\"Погледнах този човек в очите и го намерих за много директен и надежден!\"\nНо нещата започват да се променят ...\nПрез август 2008 г. Русия нахлува в Грузия, бивша съветска република.\n\nGerman: \ntritt zurück und macht Putin zur Zwischenzeit\nPräsident. Im Mai während des blutigen\nKampagne in Tschetschenien, Putin gewinnt die\nPräsidentschaftswahl. Er beginnt sich zu formen\nder russische Staat zu seiner Vision.\nMäzenatentum und Korruption bleiben einige davon\nseine wichtigsten Werkzeuge, aber er unterdrückt schnell\ndie Oligarchen unter seiner Herrschaft. Die das\nUnterstützung Putin werden belohnt, die das\nwerde nicht eliminiert \"Nun, einmal in Russland\nreichster Mann, eingesperrter Kremlkritiker\nund ehemaliger Ölmagnat Mikhail\nChodorkowski wurde zu 14 Jahren verurteilt\nim Gefängnis. Dies auf eine neue Überzeugung von\nÖl unterschlagen Das ist effektiv ein\nVendetta von Wladimir Putin.\nzum Mitmachen\nOpposition der Politik. \"Mit der Oligarchie\ngezähmt war Putin jetzt frei, seine zu bewegen\nVision außerhalb der russischen Grenzen. Beim\nDie zeitlichen Beziehungen zu den USA sind\nziemlich gut. Putin machte sogar Urlaub\nGeorge W. Bushs Sommerhaus. \"Ich sah ein\nMann im Auge fand ich ihn sehr\nunkompliziert und vertrauenswürdig \"\nDinge sollten sich ändern ...\nIm August 2008 fällt Russland in Georgien ein\nehemalige Sowjetrepublik. Es ist eine Anzeige von\n\nTurkish: \nPutin'i geçici başkan yapan istifasını sundu.\nÇeçenistan'daki kanlı savaş sırasında, Mayıs'ta\nPutin başkanlık seçimini kazandı.\nRusya'yı kendi görüşüne göre şekillendirmeye başladı.\nPatronaj ve yozlaşma,\nonun anahtar sözcükleri olarak kaldılar ancak hızla\nyönetimi altındaki oligarkları bastırdı.\nPutin'i destekleyenler ödüllendirildi,\ndesteklemeyenler bertaraf edildi.\nBir zamanlar Rusya'nın en zengin adamı olan,\ntutuklanmış eski petrol devi ve Kremlin eleştirmeni\nMikhail Khodorkovsky 14 yıl hapis cezası ile cezalandırıldı.\nYeni bir \"zimmetine petrol geçirme düşüncesi\"\nBu etkin bir şekilde\nPutin tarafından muhalif kanada geçen Khodorkovsky'ye karşı\ngüdülen bir kan davasıydı.\n\"Ehlileştirilmiş oligarşi ile,\nPutin artık Rusya sınırları dışında\nKendi görüşüne uygun hareket etmekte özgürdü.\"\nBirleşik Devletler'le ilişkilerin iyi olduğu zaman\nPutin, George W. Bush'un yazlığında\ntatil bile yaptı. \"Baktığımda güvenilir\nve özü sözü bir\nbir adam görüyorum.\" Ancak\nişler değişmek üzereydi.\nAğustos 2008'de, Rusya\neski bir Sovyet cumhuriyeti olan Gürcistan'ı istila etti. Bu,\n\nEnglish: \naggression and strength on behalf of\npro-Russian separatists there. Russia\nquickly annexes two small parts of\nGeorgia, drawing condemnation from all\nover the world. Interestingly though\nPutin was not president during the\ninvasion. See, the Russian Constitution\nsays the president can only serve two\nconsecutive terms, but sets no limit on\nthe total number of terms one can serve.\nSo Putin took the Prime Minister role\nagain when his hand-picked successor\nDmitry Medvedev served as president. When\nObama is elected US president in 2008, he\nattempts to reset relations with Russia.\nAnd they make some progress. Most notably\nto limit both country's nuclear arsenals.\nBut Putin remains paranoid about US\nintentions and remains opposed to these\nnew relations. He's particularly bothered\nby US interventions in the Middle East,\nespecially in Libya in 2011. He publicly\ncriticized Medvedev for not vetoing the action in the UN Security\nCouncil. Putin announces his candidacy\nfor president and wins the 2012 election\nby a preposterous margin. \"Injustice\nsays Dmitry this outrage can't continue.\n\nVietnamese: \nsự cuồng nộ và sức mạnh, đại diện cho\nnhững người ly khai ủng hộ Nga. Nga\nnhanh chóng sáp nhập hai phần nhỏ của\nGeorgia và bị toàn thế giới chỉ trích.\nNhưng điều thú vị là\nPutin không phải tổng thống vào thời điểm\ncuộc xâm lược. Hiến pháp Nga\nquy định một tổng thống chỉ có thể tại chức\nhai nhiệm kỳ liên tiếp, nhưng không giới hạn\ntổng số nhiệm kỳ một người có thể tại chức.\nNên Putin lại làm Thủ tướng\ntrong khi người kế nhiệm ông chọn,\nDmitry Medvedev trở thành tổng thống.\nKhi Obama được bầu làm tổng thống năm 2008,\nông đã cố hòa giải quan hệ với Nga.\nVà đã có một số tiến triển. Tiêu biểu nhất\nlà việc cả hai nước hạn chế vũ khí hạt nhân.\nNhưng Putin vẫn ảo tưởng về những toan tính\ncủa Mĩ và tiếp tục phản đối các mối quan hệ\nmới này. Ông đặc biệt lo lắng về\nsự can thiệp của Mĩ ở Trung Đông,\nđặc biệt là ở Libya năm 2011. Ông công khai\nchỉ trích Medvedev vì đã không bỏ phiếu chống hành động này tại Hội đồng Bảo an Liên hợp Quốc.\nPutin công bố tranh cử tổng thống\nvà đắc cử trong cuộc tổng tuyển cử 2012\nvới con số tuyệt đối. \"Sự bất công\",\nDmitry nói, \"sự tàn bạo này không thể tiếp diễn.\n\nPortuguese: \nagressão e força em apoio aos\nseparatistas pró-Rússia ali. A Rússia\nrapidamente anexou duas pequenas partes da\nGeórgia, provocando condenação por todo\no globo. É interessante, porém, que\nPutin não era o Presidente durante a\ninvasão. Veja, a Constituição Russa\ndiz que o Presidente pode servir apenas dois\nmandatos consecutivos, mas sem limites no\ntotal de mandatos que alguém pode exercer.\nentão Putin assumiu o papel de Primeiro-Ministro\nnovamente quando seu sucessor escolhido a dedo\nDimitry Medvedev serviu como Presidente. Quando\nObama foi eleito Presidente dos EUA em 2008, ele\ntentou refazer as relações com a Rússia.\nE houve algum progresso. De forma mais tangível\npara limitar os arsenais nucleares das duas nações.\nMas Putin permanece paranoico sobre as intenções dos Estados Unidos\ne permanece se opondo a estas novas relações.\nEle ficou particularmente incomodado\npelas intervenções Americanas no Oriente Médio,\nespecialmente na Líbia em 2011. Ele publicamente\ncriticou Medvedev por não vetar a ação no Conselho de Segurança na ONU\nPutin anunciou sua candidatura\npara Presidente e venceu nas eleições de 2012\npor uma larga margem. \"Injustiça\n, diz Dimitry esse ultrage não pode continuar.\n\nTurkish: \nRus yanlısı ayrılıkçıların yararına\nbir güç ve saldırganlık gösterisiydi\nRusya hızla Gürcistan'ın iki küçük parçasını\nilhak etti ve tüm dünyadan tepki topladı.\nİlginç şekilde\nPutin, istila sırasında başkan değildi.\nBakıldığında, Rus Anayasası\nbaşkanın yalnızca iki dönem hizmet edebileceğini\nöngörür ancak birinin en fazla ne kadar süre\ngörevde kalabileceğine ilişkin bir sınırlama koymaz\nBöylece özenle seçilmiş halefi\nDmitry Medvedev başkan olarak hizmet ederken\nPutin yeniden başbakan rolünü aldı.\nObama, 2008'de seçildiğinde,\nRusya ile ilişkileri yeniden başlatma girişiminde bulundu.\nVe bazı ilerlemeler kaydedildi. En dikkat çekeni,\niki ülkenin nükleer cephanelerini sınırlamak.\nAncak Putin, Birleşik Devletler'in niyeti konusunda\nparanoyaklığını sürdürdü ve yeni ilişkilere\nmuhalif olarak kaldı. O özellikle,\nBirleşik Devletler'in Orta Doğu'daki müdahalelerinden\n-özellikle 2011'de Libya'daki- rahatsızdı. Halka açık olarak\nMedvedev'i BM Güvenlik Konseyi'nde bu hareketi veto etmediği için\neleştirdi. Putin başkan adaylığını açıkladı ve\n2012 seçimlerini inanılmaz bir destekle kazandı\n\"Adaletsizlik\" Dmitry'ye\nbu delilik daha fazla devam edemez diyor.\n\nKorean: \n침략과 힘을 대신하여\n친 러시아 분리 주의자들. 러시아 제국\n빠르게 두 개의 작은 부분을 합병한다.\n조지아, 모든 사람으로부터 유죄 선고\n세계. 흥미롭게도\n푸틴 대통령은 대통령이 아니 었습니다.\n침입. 러시아 헌법 참조.\n대통령은 두명 만 섬길 수 있다고 말한다.\n연속 된 용어이지만 제한을 설정하지 않습니다.\n하나가 제공 할 수있는 용어의 총 수.\n그래서 푸틴 대통령은 총리 역할을 맡았습니다.\n그의 손으로 뽑은 후계자\n드미트리 메드베데프가 대통령을 지냈다. 언제\n오바마 대통령은 2008 년 미국 대통령으로 선출됐다.\n러시아와의 관계 재설정 시도.\n그리고 그들은 약간 진전을 이룹니다. 가장 주목할만한 것\n양국의 핵무기를 제한한다.\n그러나 푸틴 대통령은 미국에 대해 편집 적이다.\n의도와 이것들에 반대하는 유물\n새로운 관계. 그는 특히 괴롭다.\n중동의 미국 개입으로,\n특히 2011 년에는 리비아에서\n유엔 안전 보장 이사회의 조치에 거부권을 행사하지 않았다고 메드베데프가 비난했다.\n이사회. 푸틴 대통령, 대통령 선거 발표\n대통령 선거와 2012 선거 승리\n터무니없는 마진으로 \"부당\n드미트리는이 분노를 계속할 수 없다고 말합니다.\n\nModern Greek (1453-): \nεπιδρομής και δύναμης από πλευράς των\nφιλορώσων σχισματικών εκεί. Η Ρωσία\nπροσαρτά γρήγορα δύο μικρά κομμάτια της\nΓεωργίας, προκαλώντας την καταδίκη όλου\nτου κόσμου. Έχει ενδιαφέρον, όμως,\nπως ο Πούτιν δεν ήταν Πρόεδρος κατά την\nεισβολή. Το ρωσικό Σύνταγμα\nλέει πως ο Πρόεδρος μπορεί να υπηρετήσει δύο\nσυνεχείς θητείες, αλλά δε θέτει όριο στο\nσυνολικό αριθμό των θητειών που μπορεί κανείς να υπηρετήσει.\nΟπότε ο Πούτιν πήρε τη θέση του Πρωθυπουργού\nξανά όταν ο εκλεκτός του διάδοχος\nΝτμίτρι Μεντβέντεφ υπηρέτησε ως Πρόεδρος. Όταν\nο Ομπάμα εκλέγεται Αμερικανός Πρόεδρος,\nπροσπαθεί να επαναφέρει τις σχέσεις με τη Ρωσία.\nΚαι κάνουν κάποια πρόοδο. Πιο αξιοσημείωτα\nγια να περιορίσουν το πυρηνικό οπλοστάσιο των δύο χώρών.\nΌμως ο Πούτιν παραμένει παρανοϊκός σχετικά με τις αμερικανικές\nπροθέσεις και αντιτίθεται σε αυτές τις\nνέες σχέσεις. Ενοχλείται συγκεκριμένα\nαπό τις παρεμβάσεις των ΗΠΑ στη Μέση Ανατολή,\nειδικά στη Λιβύη το 2011. Επικρίνει δημοσίως\nτον Μεντβέντεφ επειδή δεν άσκησε βέτο στη δράση αυτή στο Συμβούλιο Ασφαλείας του ΟΗΕ.\nΟ Πούτιν ανακοινώνει την υποψηφιότητά του\nγια Πρόεδρος και κερδίζει τις εκλογές του 2012\nμε τρομερή διαφορά. \"Η αδικία,\nλέει ο Ντμίτρι, αυτό το αίσχος δεν μπορεί να συνεχιστεί.\n\nBulgarian: \nТова е показност на сила от името на местни про-руски сепаратисти.\nРусия бързо превзема две малки части от Грузия, предизвиквайки неодобрението на целия свят.\nИнтересното тогава е че Путин не е президент по време на окупацията.\nКонституцията на Русия позволява президента да има до два последователни мандата.\nНо не ограничава общия брой мандати.\nТака Путин заема ролята министър-председател оново, докато избраният от него наследник, Дмитрий Медведев става президент.\nКогато Обама е избран за президент на САЩ през 2008 г., той прави опити за възстановяване на отношенията с Русия.\nИ постига известен напредък. Най-вече в ограничаването на ядрените арсенали на двете страни.\nНо Путин остава параноичен за намеренията на САЩ и остава против тези нови отношения.\nОсобено го притесняват интервенциите на САЩ в Близкия изток, особено в Либия през 2011 г.\nТой публично критикува Медведев, че не налага вето върху действията в сигурността на ООН\nПутин обявява кандидатурата си за президент и печели изборите през 2012 г. с нелепи резултати.\n\nGerman: \nAggression und Stärke im Namen von\npro-russische Separatisten dort. Russland\nschließt schnell zwei kleine Teile von\nGeorgien, Verurteilung von allen\nauf der ganzen Welt. Interessanterweise aber\nPutin war nicht Präsident während der\nInvasion. Siehe die russische Verfassung\nsagt, der Präsident kann nur zwei dienen\naufeinander folgende Begriffe, setzt jedoch keine Begrenzung\ndie Gesamtzahl der Begriffe, die man bedienen kann.\nAlso übernahm Putin die Rolle des Premierministers\nwieder als sein handverlesener Nachfolger\nDmitri Medwedew diente als Präsident. Wann\nObama wird 2008 zum US-Präsidenten gewählt\nVersuche, die Beziehungen zu Russland zurückzusetzen.\nUnd sie machen einige Fortschritte. Vor allem\ndie nuklearen Arsenale beider Länder zu begrenzen.\nAber Putin bleibt über die USA paranoid\nAbsichten und bleibt gegen diese\nneue Beziehungen. Er hat besonders gestört\ndurch US-Interventionen im Nahen Osten,\nvor allem in Libyen im Jahr 2011. Er öffentlich\nkritisierte Medwedew dafür, dass er gegen die Aktion in der UN-Sicherheit kein Veto einlegte\nRat. Putin kündigt seine Kandidatur an\nfür den Präsidenten und gewinnt die Wahl 2012\ndurch eine absurde Marge. \"Ungerechtigkeit\nsagt, dass Dmitry diese Empörung nicht fortsetzen kann.\n\nTurkish: \nben Putin'e hayır demek için buradayım.\"\nPutin üçüncü dönemine yeniden bu kaos içinde başladı.\nOtoriter hükümet tarzını\niçeride ve yurt dışındaki askeri stratejide\nikiye katladı. Ancak ikisinde de\nbilişsel bir ustalık sergiledi.\n2000'de ilk kez başbakanlığa geldiği anda\nPutin, Rus televizyonlarının iplerini sıkı sıkıya elinde tutmaya\ndevam etti. Özünde bütün\nhaber kaynakları devlet kaynaklı\npropaganda makineleriydi. Onun rejimi\nhangi haberin nasıl yayınlanacağına karar verir, her zaman Putin'i\nRusya'nın güçlü lideri olarak tanıtır. 2012'de\nPutin, insan hakları ve sivil haklar\nkonusunda aşırı önlemler aldı, muhaliflere onun Rusya'sında\nyer olmadığına açıklık getirmiş oldu. Devlet televizyonunu örneğin,\nFeminist ve gay hakları müzik grubu Pussy Riot'a karşı\nsert bir kampanyayı yürütmek\niçin kullandı.\nPunk Prayer olarak adlandıırlan\nSes getiren son gösterilerinde\nKurtarıcı İsa Katedrali'nde\nKilise'de söylenmesi saygısızlık olarak görülen\nşeyleri söylüyorlardı.\nHatırlayalım, Pussy Riot adlı grubun üç üyesi de\nsuçlu bulundu ve iki yıl hapisle\ncezalandırıldı.\" Putin ayrıca\nagresif dış politikasını da\n\nVietnamese: \nTôi ở đây để nói không với Putin\". Putin bắt đầu\nnhiệm kỳ thứ ba, một lần nữa, gây hỗn loạn. Ông\ntăng cường gấp đôi cách\ncai trị độc tài của mình ở trong nước và\ncác chiến lược quân sự ở nước ngoài. Nhưng ở cả hai\nnơi, ông đều làm chủ được\nthông tin. Lần đầu nhậm chức năm 2000,\nPutin luôn quản lý chặt chẽ\ntruyền hình Nga. Tất cả các nguồn thông tin\nđều là những cỗ máy tuyên truyền của chính phủ.\nChế độ của ông quyết định những\ncâu chuyện nào được lên sóng và luôn\nmô tả ông như một lãnh đạo hùng mạnh. Năm 2012,\nông tăng cường hạn chế quyền con người\nvà quyền công dân, không có chỗ\ncho sự chống đối ông ta ở Nga của ông. Dùng\ntruyền thông làm ví dụ, ông chỉ đạo\nmột chiến dịch gay gắt chống lại một nhóm nhạc ủng hộ\nnữ quyền và người đồng tính gọi là Pussy Riot.\n\"Diễn biến mới nhất của màn trình diễn\ncho những kẻ cầu nguyện nổi loạn\nở nhà thờ the Christ the Savior,\nhọ đang gào những thứ quá\nbáng bổ để được nói ra ở nhà thờ.\nĐương nhiên, ba thành viên của nhóm\nPussy Riot bị kết án và lĩnh\n2 năm tù. Putin cũng\ntăng cường chiến lược ngoại giao hiếu chiến\n\nPortuguese: \nEstou aqui para dizer não a Putin\". Putin começa seu\nterceiro mandato novamente em meio ao caos. Ele\nexpande seu estilo de governo\nautoritário internamente e sua\nestratégia militarista no exterior. Mas em ambos\nos casos, ele mostra uma maestria no que diz respeito a\ninformações. Desde seu primeiro mandato em 2000,\nPutin manteve a rédea curta na\ntelevisão russa. Essencialmente todas as notícias\nsão máquinas de propaganda regidas pelo\nEstado. Seu regime decide quais\nhistórias vão ao ar e quando, sempre o retratando\ncomo o lider russo forte. Em 2012, ele\natacou direitos humanos e liberdades civis\ndeixando claro que não há espaço\nde dissenção em sua Rússia. Usando a televisão\nestatal por exemplo ele geriu uma\nforte campanha contra um grupo musical\npró-feminismo e direitos gays chamado Pussy Riot\n\"As últimas das mais altas destas\nperformances para o assim chamado\noração punk, a Catedral Cristo o Salvador onde\neles estavam gritando coisas que eram\nbastante profanas para serem gritadas na Igreja. É\nclaro, três membros do grupo punk\nPussy Riot foram condenados e sentenciados\na dois anos na prisão. Putin também\nexpandiu sua estratégia exterior\n\nGerman: \nIch bin hier, um Nein zu Putin zu sagen. \"Putin beginnt mit seiner\ndritter Begriff noch einmal inmitten von Chaos. Er\nverdoppelt sich auf seinen autoritären\nGovernance-Stil zu Hause und sein\nmilitaristische Strategie im Ausland. Aber in beiden\nIn diesen Fällen zeigt er eine Meisterschaft von\nInformation. Er trat sein Amt im Jahr 2000 an.\nPutin hat die Leine eng gehalten\nRussisches Fernsehen. Im Wesentlichen alle Nachrichten\nVerkaufsstellen sind staatliche Propaganda\nMaschinen. Welches Regime entscheidet welche\nGeschichten Luft und wie, immer ihn darstellend\nals der starke russische Führer. 2012 hat er\ngegen Menschenrechte und Bürgerrecht\nFreiheiten, die klar machen, dass es keinen Platz gab\nfür Dissens in seinem Russland. Zustand verwenden\nFernsehen zum Beispiel verwaltete er ein\nblasenkampagne gegen eine feministin\nund schwulen Rechte Musikgruppe Pussy Riot.\n\"Das Neueste vom lautesten\nLeistung für den sogenannten Punk\nGebet der Christus der Erlöser-Kathedrale wo\nSie schrien Dinge, die waren\nziemlich profan, in der Kirche angeschrien zu werden. Von\nNatürlich drei Mitglieder der Punkgruppe\nPussy Riot wurde verurteilt und zu verurteilt\nzwei Jahre im Gefängnis. Putin auch\nstützte sein aggressives Fremde\n\nModern Greek (1453-): \nΕίμαι εδώ για να πω όχι στον Πούτιν\". Ο Πούτιν ξεκινά την\nτρίτη του θητεία εν μέσω χάους ξανά.\nΔιπλασιάζει το στιλ αυταρχικής του\nδιοίκησης στη χώρα και\nτης στρατοκρατικής του στρατηγικής στο εξωτερικό. Όμως και στις δύο\nπεριπτώσεις, προβάλει μια επαγγελματικότητα.\nΑπό τότε που έλαβε αξίωμα πρώτη φορά το 2000,\nο Πούτιν κράτησε δεμένα τα λουριά της\nρωσικής τηλεόρασης. Ουσιαστικά όλα τα ειδησεογραφικά\nμέσα είναι κρατικά μέσα\nπροπαγάνδας. Το καθεστώς του αποφασίζει ποιες\nιστορίες θα δοθούν στη δημοσιότητα και πώς, παρουσιάζοντάς τον\nως τον ισχυρό Ρώσο ηγέτη. Το 2012,\nαυστηροποίησε τα ανθρώπινα δικαιώματα και τις πολιτικές\nελευθερίες, κάνοντας ξεκάθαρο πως δεν υπήρχε χώρος\nγια αντιγνωμία στη Ρωσία του. Χρησιμοποιώντας την κρατική\nτηλεόραση, για παράδειγμα, διαχειρίστηκε\nμια καμπάνια φούσκα εναντίον μιας φεμινιστικής και\nυπέρ των δικαιωμάτων των γκέι μουσικής μπάντας, των Pussy Riot.\n\"Η πιο πρόσφατη από τις πιο ηχηρές αυτών\nτων παραστάσεων για την αποκαλούμενη πανκ\nπροσευχή στον καθεδρικό ναό του Σωτήρος Χριστού, όπυ\nούρλιαζαν πράγματα τα οποία ήταν\nπολύ βέβηλα για να ακουστούν μέσα σε εκκλησία.\nΦυσικά, τρία μέλη της πανκ μπάντας\nPussy Riot καταδικάστηκαν σε\nδύο χρόνια φυλάκισης. Ο Πούτιν, επίσης,\nυποστήριξε την επιδρομική εξωτερική\n\nBulgarian: \n\"Несправедливост. Това безобразие не може да продължи. Тук съм, за да кажа \"не\" на Путин \".\nПутин започва своят трети мандат - отново в хаос.\nТой удвоява авторитарния си стил на управление във вътрешната политика и неговата военна стратегия в чужбина.\nНо и в дватаслучая, той демонстрира майсторство над информацията.\nКогато за първи път встъпва в длъжност през 2000 г., Путин държи на каишката на Руската телевизия.\nОбщо взето, всички новинарски канали са държавни пропагандни машини.\nРежимът му решава кои истории се показват и как, винаги го изобразява като силен Руски лидер.\nПрез 2012 г. той изкава несъгласие с правата на човека, казвайки ясно че няма място за несъгласие в неговата Русия.\nЧрез държавната телевизия, той администрира кампания срещу подкрепяща феминизма и гей-правата музикална група 'Pussy Riot'.\n\"Най - модерните и популярни изпълнеители на така наречения пънк в катедралата Христос Спасител,\nвикат неща, които са по-скоро оскверняващи, да бъдат крещени в Църква.\"\n\"Разбира се, трима членове на пънк групата 'Pussy Riot' бяха арестувани и осъдени на две години затвор.\"\n\nEnglish: \nI'm here to say no to Putin\". Putin starts his\nthird term once again amid chaos. He\ndoubles down on his authoritarian\ngovernance style at home and his\nmilitaristic strategy abroad. But in both\ncases, he showcases a mastery of\ninformation. He first took office in 2000,\nPutin has kept tight leash on\nRussian television. Essentially all news\noutlets are state-owned propaganda\nmachines. His regime decides which\nstories air and how, always depicting him\nas the strong Russian leader. In 2012, he\ncracked down on human rights and civil\nliberties, making clear there was no room\nfor dissent in his Russia. Using state\ntelevision for example he administered a\nblistering campaign against a feminist\nand gay rights music group Pussy Riot.\n\"The latest of the loudest of such\nperformance for the so-called punk\nprayer the Christ the Savior cathedral where\nthey were yelling things which were\nrather profane to be yelled in Church. Of\ncourse, three members of the punk group\nPussy Riot were convicted and sentenced to\ntwo years in prison. Putin also\nbolstered his aggressive foreign\n\nKorean: \n나는 푸틴 대통령에게 '아니오'라고 말하려고왔다.\n혼돈 속에서 다시 3 학기. 그\n그의 권위주의 자에게 두 배씩 굴다.\n가정과 거버넌스 스타일\n해외 군사 전략. 그러나 둘 다\n케이스, 그는\n정보. 그는 2000 년에 처음으로 취임했으며,\n푸틴 대통령은\n러시아어 텔레비전. 본질적으로 모든 뉴스\n아울렛은 국유 선전\n기계. 그의 정권은\n이야기 공기와 방법, 항상 그를 묘사\n러시아의 강력한 지도자. 2012 년에 그는\n인권과 시민에 대한 단속\n자유가 있었고, 분명히 여지가 없었다.\n그의 러시아에 대한 반대. 상태 사용\n텔레비전 예를 들어 그는\n페미니스트에 대한 수혈 캠페인\n그리고 게이 권리 음악 그룹 Pussy Riot.\n\"가장 큰 것 중 가장 최신의 것\n이른바 펑크 (punk)를위한 성능\n그리스도 구세주 대성당기도 어디에\n그들은\n오히려 교회에서 소리 질러 모욕적입니다. 의\n물론, 펑크 그룹의 세 멤버\n음모 폭동은 유죄 판결을 받았고\n감옥에서 2 년. 푸틴도\n그의 공격적인 외국을지지했다.\n\nEnglish: \nstrategy. He used traditional military\nmethods like sending weapons and fighter\nplanes to help dictator Bashar\nal-Assad fight a bloody civil war in\nSyria. But Putin's regime has also\ndeveloped and fostered the most\neffective cyber army in the world and\nhe's used it to wreak havoc in the West.\nThese hackers have stolen classified US\ninformation hacked politicians email\naccounts, even shut down Georgia's\ninternet while Russian troops invaded.\nAnd of course, they tried to sabotage\nHillary Clinton's presidential campaign\nin 2016. Russian hackers have also\nlaunched propaganda campaigns in support\nof right-wing candidates in Europe. With\nthis, Putin hopes to exploit and deepen\nthe political divide in Western\ndemocracies. In 2014, the Putin vision\nculminated in the targeting of Ukraine;\nanother former Soviet country. Ukraine's\npresident was opening up to the west and\nPutin feared he would join NATO. So\nRussian hackers launched a propaganda\ncampaign against him stoking protests in\nthe pro-Russia eastern part of the\ncountry. He then sent in disguised Russian\ntroops and before long violence erupted.\n\nBulgarian: \nПутин също укрепва агресивната си външна стратегия.\nИзползва традиционни военни методи като изпращане на оръжия и бойни самолети, за да помогнат на диктатора\nБашар Ал-Асад да се води кървава гражданска война в Сирия.\nНо режимът на Путин също развива и насърчава най-ефективната кибер армия в света,\nи я използва, за да сее хаус в Запада.\nТези хакери придобиват класифицирана информация от САЩ, хакват електронна поща на политици.\nдори блокират Грузийския интернет, докато руските войски нахлуват.\nИ разбира се, опитват да саботират Президентската кампания на Хилари Клинтън през 2016.\nРуските хакери също започват пропагандни кампании в подкрепа на десните кандидати в Европа.\nС това, Путин се надява да експлоатира и задълбочи политическото разделение в Западните демокрации.\nПрез 2014 г. визията на Путин кулминира, и се насочва към Украйна; друга бивша съветска държава.\nПрезидентът на Украйна засилва връзки с Запада и Путин се опасява че Украйна ще се присъедини към НАТО.\nРуските хакери започват пропагандна кампания срещу него, разпалваща протести в про-руската източна част на държавата.\nСлед това той изпраща маскирани Руски войски и не след дълго, избухва насилие.\n\nModern Greek (1453-): \nστρατηγική του. Χρησιμοποίησε παραδοσιακές στρατιωτικές μεθόδους,\nόπως η αποστολή όπλων και πολεμικών αεροπλάνων\nγια να βοηθήσουν το δικτάτορα Μπασάρ\nαλ-Άσαντ να κερδίσει έναν αιμοβόρο εμφύλιο πόλεμο στη\nΣυρία. Όμως το καθεστώς Πούτιν έχει επίσης\nαναπτύξει και περιθάλψει τον\nπιο αποτελεσματικό κυβερνο-στρατό στον κόσμο και\nτον έχει χρησιμοποιήσει για να σπείρει όλεθρο στη Δύση.\nΑυτοί οι χάκερ έχουν κλέψει εμπιστευτικές αμερικανικές\nπληροφορίες, έχουν χακάρει λογαριασμούς email\nπολιτικών, και έχουν ακόμα ρίξει το ίντερνετ\nστη Γεωργία, ενώ ο ρωσικός στρατός εισέβαλε.\nΚαι φυσικά, προσπάθησαν να σαμποτάρουν\nτην προεδρική καμπάνια της Χίλαρι Κλίντον\nτο 2016. Ρώσοι χάκερ ξεκίνησαν\nκαμπάνιες προπαγάνδας υπέρ\nδεξιών υποψηφίων στην Ευρώπη. Με\nαυτόν τον τρόπο, ο Πούτιν ελπίζει να εκμεταλλευτεί και να εμβαθύνει\nτο πολιτικό χάσμα στις δυτικές\nδημοκρατίες. Το 2014, το όραμα του Πούτιν\nκορυφώθηκε με τη στοχοποίηση της Ουκρανίας,\nάλλης μιας πρώην σοβιετικής χώρας. Ο Πρόεδρος\nτης Ουκρανίας ανοιγόταν προς τη Δύση και\nο Πούτιν φοβήθηκε πως θα μπει στο ΝΑΤΟ. Έτσι,\nΡώσοι χάκερ ξεκίνησαν μια καμπάνια\nπροπαγάνδας εναντίον του προκαλώντας διαδηλώσεις στη\nφιλορωσική ανατολική επικράτεια της\nχώρας. Τότε έστειλε καλυμμένες ρωσικές\nδυνάμεις και σύντομα ξέσπασε βία.\n\nPortuguese: \nagressiva. Ele usou métodos militares\ntradicionais como mandar armas e aviões\ncaça para ajudar o ditador Bashar\nal-Assad a lutar uma sangrenta guerra civil\nna Síria. Mas o regime de Putin também\ndesenvolveu e promoveu o mais\neficiente exército virtual do mundo e\no usou para gerar danos no Ocidente.\nEsses hackers roubaram informação\nconfidencial, se infiltraram em contas de email\nde políticos, até desligaram a internet\nda Geórgia enquanto tropas russas invadiam.\nE, claramente, tentaram sabotar\na campanha presidencial de Hillary Clinton\nem 2016. Hackers russos também\nlançaram campanhas propagandísticas de apoio\na candidatos da direita na Europa. Com\nisso, Putin espera explorar e ampliar\nas divisões políticas nas democracias\nocidentais. Em 2014, a visão de Putin\nculminou no ataque à Ucrânia;\noutra antiga colônia soviética. O Presidente\nda Ucrânia estava realizando uma abertura com o ocidente e\nPutin temia que ele se uniria à OTAN. Então\nhackers russos lançaram uma campanha de\npropaganda contra ele, gerando protestos na\nárea oriental pró-Rússia do país.\nEntão ele mandou tropas russas\ndisfarçadas e depois a violência explodiu.\n\nTurkish: \ngüçlendirmişti. Diktatör Beşar al-Esad'a Suriye'de\nkanlı bir iç savaş yürütmesi için\nsilah ve savaş uçakları yollamak gibi\ngeleneksel yöntemler kullandı\nAncak Putin rejimi ayrıca\ndünyadaki en etkili siber orduyu\ngeliştirdi, teşvik etti ve onu\nBatı'yı mahvetmek için kullandı.\nbu hackerlar gizli Birleşik Devletler\nbilgilerini çaldı, politikacıların e-postalarını ele geçirdi\nhatta Rus istilası sırasında\nGürcistan'ın internetini kapattı.\nVe tabi ki, 2016'da Hillary Clinton'ın\nbaşkanlık kampanyasını da sabote etmeye çalıştılar.\nRus hackerlar ayrıca\nAvrupa'daki sağcı adayların yararına\npropaganda etkinlikeri de başlattılar.\nBununla; Putin, Batı demokrasileri\narasındaki siyasi ayrışmayı sömürmek ve derinleştirmek\nistedi. 2014'te Putin'in görüşü\nYine eski bir Sovyet ülkesi olan Ukrayna'yı\nhedefleyerek kendini gösterdi.\nUkrayna başkanı Batı'ya açılıyordu ve\nPutin onun NATO'ya katılabileceğinden korktu.\nBu yüzden, Rus hackerlar ülkenin Rus yanlısı\ndoğu bölümünde Ukrayna başkanı aleyhine\ntetikleyici bir propaganda kampanyası başlattı\nSonra, kılık değiştirmiş Rus birliklerini yolladı\nve çok geçmeden şiddet patlak verdi.\n\nVietnamese: \ncủa mình. Ông dùng các biện pháp quân sự như\ngửi vũ khí và máy bay chiến đấu\nđể giúp tên độc tài Bashar\nal-Assad trong cuộc nội chiến đẫm máu ở\nSyria. Nhưng chế độ của Putin cũng\nphát triển và nuôi dưỡng đội quân\nmạng giỏi nhất thế giới và\nông đã từng dùng nó để gây thiệt hại cho phương Tây.\nNhững hacker này đã lấy trộm thông tin mật\ncủa Mĩ, hack vào email của các chính trị gia,\nthậm chí đánh sập internet của Georgia\ntrong khi quân đội Nga tiến hành xâm lược.\nVà tất nhiên, họ đã cố phá hoại\nchiến dịch tranh cử tổng thống của Hillary Clinton\nnăm 2016. Các hacker Nga cũng\nđã khởi động chiến dịch truyền thông để ủng hộ\ncác ứng viên cánh tả ở châu Âu. Bằng cách này,\nPutin mong sẽ phá hoại và làm đậm nét\nsự chia rẽ chính trị ở các nền dân chủ\nphương Tây. Năm 2014, tầm nhìn của Putin\nhướng vào Ukraine; một nước Liên Xô\ncũ khác. Tổng thống Ukraine\ncó xu hướng cởi mở hơn với phương Tây và\nPutin sợ rằng ông ta sẽ gia nhập NATO. Nên\ncác hacker Nga đã tổ chức một chiến dịch\nchống lại ông ta, khơi mào cho các cuộc nổi dậy\nở các vùng ủng hộ Nga của nước này.\nSau đó ông cho quân đội Nga cải trang vào\nvà chẳng bao lâu sau thì bạo lực bùng nổ.\n\nKorean: \n계략. 그는 전통 군사를 사용했다.\n무기와 전투기를 보내는 것과 같은 방법\n독재자 바샤 르 (Bashar)를 도울 비행기\n알 - 아사드는 피의 내전과 싸웠다.\n시리아. 그러나 푸틴 정권은 또한\n가장 많이 개발되고 육성 된\n세계에서 효과적인 사이버 군대\n그는 그것을 서구에서 파괴를 일으키는 데 사용했습니다.\n이 해커들은 분류 된 미국을 훔쳤습니다.\n정보가 해킹 된 정치인 이메일\n심지어 조지아주의\n인터넷에 러시아 군대가 침공했다.\n그리고 물론, 그들은 사보타지하려고 노력했다.\n힐러리 클린턴 대통령 선거 운동\n러시아의 해커들도\n지원 선전 캠페인 실시\n유럽의 우익 후보자들. 와\n푸틴 대통령은 착취와 심화를 희망한다.\n서구의 정치적 분열\n민주주의. 2014 년 푸틴 대통령의 비전\n우크라이나를 목표로 정점에 달했다.\n다른 옛 소비에트 국가. 우크라이나의\n대통령은 서쪽에 열리고\n푸틴 대통령은 나토에 합류 할 것을 두려워했다. 그래서\n러시아의 해커들이 선전을 시작했다.\n그에게 항의를 비판하는 캠페인\n친 러시아 동부의\n국가. 그는 위장 된 러시아어로 보냈다.\n군대와 긴 폭력 사태가 발생하기 전에.\n\nGerman: \nStrategie. Er benutzte traditionelles Militär\nMethoden wie das Senden von Waffen und Kämpfer\nFlugzeuge, um Diktator Bashar zu helfen\nal-Assad kämpfen einen blutigen Bürgerkrieg in\nSyrien. Aber Putins Regime hat auch\nam meisten entwickelt und gefördert\neffektive Cyberarmee in der Welt und\nEr hat es benutzt, um im Westen Verwüstung anrichten zu können.\nDiese Hacker haben die USA als gestohlen eingestuft\nInformationen gehackt Politiker E-Mail\nKonten, sogar Georgien geschlossen\nInternet, während russische Truppen einmarschierten.\nUnd natürlich haben sie versucht zu sabotieren\nHillary Clintons Präsidentschaftskampagne\n2016. Russische Hacker haben auch\nlancierte Propagandakampagnen zur Unterstützung\nder rechten Kandidaten in Europa. Mit\nDies hofft Putin zu nutzen und zu vertiefen\ndie politische Kluft im Westen\nDemokratien. Im Jahr 2014 die Vision von Putin\ngipfelte im Targeting der Ukraine;\nein anderes ehemaliges sowjetisches Land. Der Ukraine\nPräsident öffnete sich nach Westen und\nPutin befürchtete, der NATO beizutreten. So\nRussische Hacker starteten eine Propaganda\nKampagne gegen ihn, die Proteste schürt\nder pro-russische östliche Teil der\nLand. Dann schickte er verkleidetes Russisch ein\nTruppen und schon bald brach Gewalt aus.\n\nEnglish: \nIn goes the Russian military and in\nearly 2014, Putin annexed Crimea. He\ncontinues to support the fighting in\nUkraine and as of 2017 over 9,000 people\nhave died. The world erupts in protest\nbut Putin doesn't give in. See his\naggressive foreign policy successfully\nweakens his neighbors while also\nrallying Russians around him. But he has\ndone all this at the expense of his own\npeople. His invasions have prompted harsh\nsanctions from the west, barring Russian\nbusinesses from trading in Western\nmarkets. Russian currency has plummeted in\nvalue and the energy industry that\nRussia relies on is collapsing. It's hard\nto imagine Russia can continue under\nthese circumstances. But the election of\nDonald Trump brings new hope for the\nPutin vision. Trump's rhetoric has been\nnotably soft on Russia. He could lift\nsanctions and weaken NATO, potentially\nfreeing up space for Putin's Russia to\nbecome a dominant power once again.\n\nGerman: \nIn geht das russische Militär und in\nAnfang 2014 annektierte Putin die Krim. Er\nunterstützt weiterhin die Kämpfe in\nUkraine und ab 2017 über 9.000 Menschen\nsind gestorben. Die Welt bricht protestierend aus\naber Putin gibt nicht nach. Sehen Sie seine\naggressive Außenpolitik erfolgreich\nschwächt seine Nachbarn dabei auch\nRussen um ihn herum sammeln. Aber er hat\nall dies auf eigene Kosten getan\nMenschen. Seine Invasionen haben heftig ausgelöst\nSanktionen aus dem Westen, abgesehen von Russisch\nGeschäfte aus dem westlichen Handel\nMärkte. Die russische Währung ist eingebrochen\nWert und die Energiewirtschaft das\nRussland verlässt sich darauf, bricht zusammen. Es ist schwer\nsich vorstellen, dass Russland weiter machen kann\ndiese Umstände. Aber die Wahl von\nDonald Trump bringt neue Hoffnung für die\nPutins Vision. Trumps Rhetorik ist gewesen\nauf Russland besonders weich. Er könnte sich heben\nSanktionen und schwächen möglicherweise die NATO\nFreiraum für Putins Russland zu schaffen\nwieder eine beherrschende Macht werden.\n\nTurkish: \nRus ordusunun da gidişiyle\n2014 başlarında Putin, Kırım'ı ilhak etti.\nSavaşa destek vermeye devam etti ve\n2017'den beri dokuz binden fazla insan\nöldü. Dünyada protestolar patlak verdi\nancak Putin teslim olmadı.\nOnun agresif politikası\nRusları etrafına toplarken\nkomşularını zayıflatmakta başarılı oldu.\nAncak o bunların hepsini kendi vatandaşları pahasına yaptı.\nOnun istilası, Batı'nın,\nBatı pazarında Rus işletmelerini engelleyen\nsert yaptırımlara teşvik etti\nRus parası büyük bir hızla değer kaybetti\nve Rusya'nın güvendiği enerji endüstrisi\nhalihazırda değer kaybediyor.\nRusya'nın bu koşullar altında devam etmesi zor.\nAncak Donald Trump'ın seçilmesi\nPutin'in anlayışı için yeni umutlar doğurdu.\nTrump'ın Rusya üzerine söylemleri bayağı\nyumuşak. Trump, yaptırımları\nkaldırabilir ve NATO'yu zayıflatabilir\nböylece, potansiyel olarak bu da Putin'in Rusya'sına\nyeniden baskın bir güç olmak için gerekli boşluğu yaratabilir.\n\nKorean: \n러시아 군대와\n2014 년 초, 푸틴은 크림을 합병했다. 그\n격투를 계속지지한다.\n우크라이나, 9,000 명 이상인 2017 년\n죽었다. 세상이 시위로 분출하다.\n그러나 푸틴은 포기하지 않는다.\n적극적인 외교 정책\n이웃을 약화시키면서\n러시아 주위에 러시아를 모이게했다. 하지만 그는\n자기 자신을 희생해서이 모든 일을했다.\n사람들. 그의 침략은 가혹한\n서방으로부터의 제재, 러시아어 금지\n서양에서 거래하는 기업\n시장. 러시아 통화가 급감했다.\n가치와 에너지 산업\n러시아는 무너지고있다. 어렵다.\n러시아가 계속해서 살 수 있다고 상상해 보라.\n이러한 상황. 그러나 선거의\n도널드 트럼프 (Donald Trump)\n푸틴 비전. 트럼프의 수사학은\n특히 러시아에서는 부드럽다. 그는 들어 올릴 수 있었다.\nNATO를 제재하고 약화시킬 수있다.\n푸틴 대통령의 러시아 방문 ​​공간 확보\n다시 한 번 지배적 인 힘이된다.\n\nModern Greek (1453-): \nΟ ρωσικός στρατός εισέβαλε και στις\nαρχές του 2014, ο Πούτιν προσάρτησε την Κριμαία.\nΣυνεχίζει να υποστηρίζει τη σύγκρουση στην\nΟυκρανία και έως το 2017 πάνω από 9.000 άνθρωποι\nέχουν πεθάνει. Ο κόσμος εκρήγνυται σε ένδειξη διαμαρτυρίας\nαλλά ο Πούτιν δεν υποχωρεί. Η\nεπιδρομική του εξωτερική πολιτική εξασθενεί\nμε επιτυχία τους γείτονες, ενώ\nσυσπειρώνει Ρώσους γύρω του. Αλλά έχει\nκάνει όλα αυτά εις βάρος του\nλαού του. Οι εισβολές του έχουν προκαλέσει αυστηρές\nκυρώσεις από τη Δύση, απαγορεύοντας στις ρωσικές\nεταιρείες να κάνουν εμπόριο στις δυτικές\nαγορές. Το ρωσικό νόμισμα έχει υποχωρήσει σε\nαξία και ο ενεργειακός τομέας στον οποίο\nβασίζεται η Ρωσία καταρρέει. Είναι δύσκολο\nνα φανταστεί κανείς πώς η Ρωσία μπορεί να συνεχίσει υπό\nαυτές τις συνθήκες. Όμως η εκλογή του\nΝτόναλντ Τραμπ φέρνει νέα ελπίδα για το\nόραμα Πούτιν. Η ρητορική του Τραμπ είναι\nιδιαίτερα μαλακή ως προς τη Ρωσία. Θα μπορούσε να αποσύρει\nτις κυρώσεις και να αποδυναμώσει το ΝΑΤΟ, πιθανώς\nδίνοντας ελεύθερο χώρο στη Ρωσία του Πούτιν να\nγίνει μια κυρίαρχη δύναμη ξανά.\n\nVietnamese: \nQuân đội Nga tràn vào và đầu năm 2014,\nPutin sáp nhập Crimea vào Nga. Ông tiếp tục\nủng hộ chiến tranh bạo động ở Ukraine\nvà tính đến năm 2017, hơn 9000 người đã\nthiệt mạng. Cả thế giới phản đối\nnhưng Putin không dừng lại.\nChính sách đối ngoại hiếu chiến của ông không\nchỉ thành công trong việc làm yếu đi\n sức mạnh cuả các nước láng giềng\nmà còn lấy được lòng tin của nhân dân Nga. Nhưng ông\nđã đánh đổi việc này với lợi ích của người dân.\nNhững cuộc xâm lược đã dẫn tới các hình phạt\nkhắc nghiệt từ phương Tây, cản trở việc\ngiao thương giữa Nga và thị trường phương Tây.\nGiá trị đồng tiền Nga lao dốc và\nngành công nghiệp năng lượng nuôi sống nước Nga\nđang sụp đổ. Khó có thể hình dung\nnước Nga có thể sống sót trong hoàn cảnh này.\nNhưng việc Donald Trump lên\nlàm tổng thống mang lại những hy vọng mới\ncho tham vọng của Putin. Tới nay \nthái độ của Trump vẫn\nrất nhẹ nhàng với Nga. Ông ta có thể bãi bỏ\ncác hình phạt và làm suy yếu NATO,\ntạo tiền đề cho nước Nga của Putin nắm lấy\nquyền lực một lần nữa.\n\nPortuguese: \nO Exército Russo entrou, e, no início de\n2014, Putin anexou a Criméia. Ele\ncontinua a apoiar a luta na\nUcrânia e até 2017, mais de 9.000 pessoas\nmorreram. O mundo irrompe em protestos\nmas Putin não se entrega. Veja, estas\npolíticas externas agressivas enfraqueceram\nseus vizinhos com sucesso enquanto também\nuniram os russos em torno dele. Mas ele fez\ntudo isso às custas de seu próprio\npovo. Suas invasões provocaram duras\nsanções do Ocidente, barrando negócios\nrussos de negociarem nos mercados\nocidentais. A moeda russa despencou\nde valor e a industria energética na qual\na Rússia confia está ruindo. É difícil\nimaginar que a Rússia subsista sob\ntais circunstâncias. Mas a eleição de\nDonald Trump traz nova esperança à\nvisão de Putin. A retórica de Trump tem\nsido notadamente leve quanto à Rússia. Ele poderia suspender\nsanções e enfraquecer a OTAN, potencialmente\nconcedendo espaço para a Rússia de Putin se\ntornar uma potência dominante mais uma vez.\n\nBulgarian: \nВлиза руската армия и в началото на 2014 г. Путин анексира Крим.\nТой продължава да подкрепя сраженията в Украйна и от 2017 г. над 9 000 души загиват.\nСветът избухва в знак на протест, но Путин не се поддава.\nАгресивна външна политика успешно отслабва съседите, докато обединява руснаците около него.\nНо той прави всичко това за сметка на собствения си народ.\nНеговите военни акции предизвикват тежки санкции от запад, забраняващи руски бизнеси да търгуват в Западни пазари\nРуската валута се срива и енергийната индустрия на която Русия разчита, е в колапс.\nТрудно е да си представим, че Русия може да продължи в тези обстоятелства.\nНо избора на Доналд Тръмп носи нова надежда за визията на Путин. Реториката на Тръмп е традиционно особено мека за Русия.\nТой може да вдигне санкциите и да отслаби НАТО,\nосвобождавайки място за Путинова Русия отново да стане доминираща сила.\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "What's up, everyone? We're doing a Knock or Res challenge for NAVI Fortnite.\nWe have a list of personalities to choose from. Let's get started.\nThat's a tough one. Getting kicked from NAVI or getting kicked from NAVI.\nI'd revive Xaoc 'cause I like his outfit - him wearing a suit - here.\nZolotarov would get knocked just because of the way he's dressed - I prefer Chaos in this one.\nNext one, saying goodbye.\nI'll revive Zolotarov so that he doesn't feel left out.\nWhat else am I supposed to do?\n- Knock the other one. - Xaoc getting knocked then.\nI don't know, I guess I'd knock Morgenstern and revive Oxxxymiron.\nWhy? I prefer Oxxxymiron over Morgenstern.\nObjection! Morgenstern is a cool dude, making his way up from the bottom, which I respect, while Oxxxymiron's music is for old geezers.\n- I don't know the one on the right. - How come you don't know?\nI don't. Is he from CS?\nI'm not kidding.\nOh, that's Dendi? I don't know a thing about Dota.\nI'm knocking Dendi and reviving s1mple. Well, it's s1mple and I'm not into Dota at all.\nReviving s1mple as he's also played Fortnite and he's a genius in his game.\n- Is that Post Malone on the right? - Yes.\nOkay, then...\nI'm knocking Post Malone and reviving Travis Scott because I listened more to the latter and only liked one song of Malone - his most popular one, 21 Savage.\nI'm gonna revive Travis Scott whose song was featured in a recent event in Fortnite. That was sick.\n- That's the only reason? - Yup.\nHis music is pretty meh.\n- That's an obvious one. - Is it though?\nI'm gonna go with Mongraal 'cause EU is better than NA. There's no doubt about that.\nI'm on board with you on this one. I'm reviving Mongraal and knocking Bugha.\nBugha is an NA player, while Mongraal is EU, just like us, so we root for our own.\nI pick Kiryache skill-wise.\nI'll go with letw1k3 then so as not to hurt his feelings. Though they are both top players.\nIndeed they are.\nI bootcamped with letw1k3 and Kiryache and we'd hang out every day. That was fun.\n- Ninja and Tfue. - Ninja, obviously, as Tfue has already quit. So, knocking Tfue and reviving Ninja.\nYep, that's true. Ninja made his comeback to the game just a little while ago and is now grinding tournaments.\nALOHA and Ramzes.\nI guess I'll pick Ramzes 'cause he's an EG player. I don't know what kind of personalities they are as I don't know them personally.\nI'll pick ALOHA as I like his streams and the fact that he has the same hair color as me.\nI think I'll go with Shroud just because I once watched his stream and he was smashing it in every game he played, whereas I never watched DrDisrespect.\nI'm gonna revive Shroud too for him doing well in every game. Whenever something new comes out, he gets good at it right away.\nAn all-around genius.\nThank you guys for watching this video. Make sure to like and subscribe to the channel.\nFollow me and putrick on social media, and stay tuned for more videos. Bye.\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "Still one-third.\nOK. Just keep it open.\nOpen?\nWe are making beer and for that process we have a small-scale plant.\nThere we have sensors, pumps, valves and such equipment.\nFor this, we have a control system in the computer -\n- based on a PLC from DeltaV.\nThat's where we are controlling the temperature, -\n- making sure the process goes smoothly and that we get the results we want.\nMaking beer is a thousand year old process -\n- but nowadays, in industry, it’s done in a very big scale.\nIt is completely automated, so you control it from -\n- control systems or somewhere else.\nYou don’t actually go in and do it the old way.\nIn that case you need to control all the valves, pumps, heaters and tanks.\nYou have to maintain the levels, have a good standard and quality.\nAll that has to be done through a computer.\nThrough this we learn how each and everything works, -\n- like specific controllers, pulse width modulation, -\n- dedicated discrete controller -\n- how the valves operate, how the pumps, timers and so on works.\nEvery object we study in theory in our subjects, we see it here -\n- and get to understand how it works in reality.\nThat will help us whenever we face a complex process when we start working in the industry.\nI think you learn to be less fearful.\nYou learn to trust yourself more because you are figuring things out.\nWhen you are doing theory, you think that you have to have everything in your head, -\n- that you have to memorize and understand every single thing.\nBut here you actually get to understand by practicing, even by making mistakes -\n- like closing the wrong valve, for instance.\nAnd then you have things actually happening in front of you that you will learn from.\nI think this is a good way of learning a lot -\n- rather than just from books.\nSo we have put all the grains according to the receipt of the beer we are creating.\nNow we just have to wait for two months for the whole conditioning and fermentation to do its magic.\nAnd this will be the result after that time.\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "अगर आपको लगता है कि फिलीपीन ऐसा है,\nऐसा...\nया ऐसा...\nतो मैं आपसे शर्त लगाता हूँ |\nआपको दुबारा सोचना चाहिए |\nक्योंकि मेरे अनुभव में फिलीपींस ऐसा है |\nऐसा...\nऔर ऐसा भी|\nइस देश की एक टैगलाइन है\nफिलीपीन्स में और ज़ादा मज़ा है!!!\nयह टैगलाइन इस देश के लिए बिल्कुत सटीक है |\nYou can travel this country as you wish because there's no restrictions.\nAll the people here have friendly nature.\nThey talk to you. Get to you after spotting camera in your hands...\nThey will smile and give you response.\nसभी लोग मज़े कर रहे हैं |\nKids, teens, adults....all of them.\nकैसे हो दोस्तों | मेरा नाम है पंकु, और मेरे यूट्यूब चैनल पंकु की दुनिया पर आपका स्वागत है |\nमैं एक बजट यात्री हूं और थाईलैंड तथा सिंगापुर की यात्रा बहुत कम खर्च में कर चुका हूँ |\nमैं यात्रा युक्तियाँ साझा करता हूं, मेरा अनुभव और उस देश के बारे में सारी जानकारी |\nइस समय मैं फिलीपींस के बारे में बात कर रहा हूँ |\nदुनिया का सबसे अनुकूल देश |\nइस देश में आप 7000 से जादा टापू देख सकते हैं सुंदर समुद्र तटों के साथ |\nदुनिया की बेहतरीन टापू में एक बुरक़े और पलवान भी फिलीपीन्स में ही है |\nअद्भुत अल नीरो बीच!!\nयह मेरी मोटरसाइकिल है...\nआप यह सुहाना दृश्य देख सकते हैं |\nYou can find many hostels and Hotels too.\nIt gets crazy inside.\nइंडोनेशिया के बाद फिलीपीन नारियल उत्पादों का दुनिया का दूसरा सबसे बड़ा उत्पादक है |\nइसका मतलब है कि आप हर जगह नारियल का पेड़ देख सकते हैं |\nफिलीपींस एशिया में एकमात्र ईसाई राष्ट्र है \nजहां 86% से अधिक आबादी रोमन कैथोलिक है |\nआप उनके कई सारे गिरजाघर देख पाएंगे |\nसंचार की सहजता के कारण अधिकांश पर्यटक प्रेम को समझते हैं |\nज्यादातर फिलीपीन अपनी मातृभाषा तागालोग बोलते हैं |\nवह अच्छी इंग्लिश भी बोल सकते हैं |\nयह हमारे लिए सब कुछ आसान बनाता है |\nफिलीपीनों को बलूत बहुत पसंद है |\nबालुत एक निषेचित विकासशील अंडा भ्रूण है जिसे खोल से उबाला और खाया जाता है।\nBalut works as viagra. I'm hearing this first time.\nफिलिपिनो को सुअर का मांस और गाय का मांस खाना पसंद है |\nवह सेबू में लेछों त्यौहार भी मनाते हैं |\nसेबु फिलीपीन्स का सबसे बड़ा त्यौहार होता है |\nइसे सीनूलोग तोहर भी कहा जाता है |\nयह सेबु शहर में हर जनवरी के तीसरे रविवार को होता है |\nयह बाल जीसस \"संतो नीनो \" का सम्मान करने के लिए मनाया जाता है |\nमुझे यह त्योहार पसंद आया |\nयह मुख्य कारण था कि मैंने 2020 के जनवरी में फिलीपींस जाने का निर्णय लिया |\nवह सीनूलोग त्योहार कैसे मनाते हैं |\nवह सड़क पर आके सबके साथ नाचते हैं |\nसभी कही भी शराब पी सकते हैं |\nवे सभी को मेहमान की तरह अपने घर में बुलाते हैं |\nवे सफेद टीशर्ट पहन के घूमते हैं जिसपर सीनूलोग बना होता है |\nसभी सेलिब्रिटी भी उनके साथ शामिल होते हैं |\nवे चर्च जाते हैं, मोमबत्ती जलाते हैं, भगवान से प्रार्थना करते हैं....\nअब सवाल यह है कि आपको फिलीपिंस की यात्रा क्यों करनी चाहिए?\nमैं वहा 2 हफ़्तों के लिए था,\nऔर ज्यादातर जगह देखना चाहता था |\nइसलिए मैंने गूगल मैप्स की मदत से एक योजना बनाई |\nमैं पहले सेबु सहर गया ,\nउसके बाद पलवान...\nमैंने प्वेर्टो प्रिंसेसा के लिए उड़ान भरी |\nऔर सबसे सुंदर समुद्र तट का दौरा किया \"El Nido\" |\nउसके बाद मैं एंगेल्स सिटी गया जोकि पट्टाया की तरह मशहूर है |\nउसके बाद मैं कई और सहर और टापू पर गया जैसे की क्वेज़ोन सिटी, बतंगस सिटी, पुएर्टो गलेरा सिटी और मनिला |\nManila is going though a lot of development.\nफिर भारत वापस |\nपैसे बचाने के लिए सब कुछ आपकी स्मार्ट योजना पर निर्भर है |\nअब सवाल है कि फिलीपींस कितना महंगा है?\nफिलीपींस वैसे बहुत सस्ता देश है, अगर आप लोकल की तरह घूमे तो |\nआप दस डॉलर में होटल पा सकते हैं |\nI got this room for ~ $10.\nया आप हॉस्टल भी बुक कर सकते है बस 5 डॉलर में |\nआपको खाना 1 डॉलर में मिल जाएगा |\nआप 1 डॉलर में 8 किलोमीटर बाइक की सवारी कर सकते हैं |\nपूरे दिन किराए पर लेने के बस्स 5 डॉलर लगेंगे |\nऔर अगर आप जीपने से चलें तो बस $0.20 ही लगेंगे |\nThere is very less space between take care while you are getting in.\nआप बिना किसी कागज़ के $ 0.80 के लिए एक सिम कार्ड प्राप्त कर सकते हैं।\nऔर सबसे ज़रूरी चीज़, आप बस $0.50 में बियर भी ले सकते हैं |\nऔर शराब बस $1.20 में |\nIt's pretty cheap here. Enjoy!\nफिलीपींस में मज़ा आता है पर रात में बहुत मज़ा आता है\nआप क्लब, पब, ओपन बार में जा सकते हैं |\nOn this street you'll find many clubs, discos, pubs and bars....\nऔर कराओके रेस्तरां भी जा सकते हैं और कई लोगो के सामने गा सकते हैं और दोस्त बना सकते हैं |\nएक और बात है कि यह है की आप बहुत सारे लेडी-Boy और ट्रांसजेंडर को देख पाएंगे |\nउनका जीवन अच्छा है। वे कहीं भी नौकरी कर सकते हैं आम लोगो की तरह।\nयह देश सभी लिंगों को स्वीकार करता है और यह फिलीपींस की अद्भुत गुणवत्ता है |\nमेरा फिलीपींस आने का निर्णय सही था | मुझे यहाँ के लोगों से बहुत प्यार मिला |\nफिलीपीनो समायोजित होते हैं |\nमैं पहली बार सीफ़ूड खा रहा हूँ |\nThank you!!\nजन्मदिन मुबारक हो पंकु |\nआप सभी लोगों का बहुत बहुत धन्यवाद |\nI got so much love in Cebu and here he did is showing love at another level.\nHe treated me like a brother.\nYou could go to the hands initially.\nमैं यहाँ आकर बहुत खुश हूँ। मैं आपको धन्यवाद देता हूं |\nयह मेरी नई दोस्त है |\nआपका नाम ?\nवे बहुत दयालु और मददगार हैं |\nउनको पता है ज़िन्दगी कैसे जी जाती है |\nउनके पास ज्यादा पैसे तो नहीं हैं पर बहुत बड़ा दिल है |\nThey are not very rich but they know how to live their lives happily.\nआपको फिलीपींस में ज़रूर मज़ा आएगा |\nमेरा यह ट्रिप बहुत अच्छा जा रहा था पर ज़िन्दगी उतनी आसान नहीं होती जितनी हम सोचते हैं |\nतो अचानक एक बहुत खराब घटना घटी |\nI never thought of this.\nIt was a bad accident.\nThe driver is inside.\nएक बहुत सुन्दर ताल पर अब बस ये बचा है |\nThis is world's smallest active volcano.\nMy phone is dead again after Thailand.\nThere are always many problems not we'll travel. We will not stop.\nThis is what life is.\n[INDIAN ROMANTIC SONG]\nFar away from everything it is heaven.\nफिलिप्पिनो पंकू |\nहर पल को जियो, एन्जॉय करो |\nक्या तुम इंडिया आना चाहेगी?\nहाँ |\nयह मेरे फिलीपींस के अनुभव की एक छोटी सी झलक है |\nयह बस ट्रेलर थी |\nआप बहुत जल्द सभी vlogs देख पाएंगे |\nमेरे बाकी वीडियोस देखिये और अगर आपके पास कोई भी सवाल है तो कमेंट बॉक्स में लिखिए |\nआप मुझे इंस्टाग्राम पर भी ढूंढ सकते हैं |\nमैं आपकी मदद करने की पूरी कोशिश करूँगा |\nमैं आपको ट्रेवल की जानकारी देने के लिए हमेशा तैयार हूँ |\nतो आप भी अपना साथ मुहे दीजिये और इस चैनल को बड़ा बनाने में मेरी मदत करिये |\nइस वीडियो को अपने दोस्तों को भी भेजिए |\nYou can watch my videos and I'll show you all the places where I go in Philippines.\nI want to share my personal experience with you.\nयह मेरे जीवन का सबसे अच्छा पल है |\nवीडियो को लाइक करें, घंटे का बटन दबाएं, और सब्सक्राइब करें |\nआपसे जल्द मुलाक़ात होगी इस सीरीज के वीडियोस के साथ |\nयह वीडियो देखने के लिए धन्यवाद |\nयात्रा करते रहें और अपना जीवन \nका आनंद लें |\nपंकु की तरफ से प्यार!\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "Chapter 166.\nThe bed is falling apart.\nNot expecting Tang Linglong to openly attack, Tie Mingfei was a bit embarrassed and forced himself to smile, \"Linglong, don't be angry, I just want to cut and dry with Master Jiang!\"\nTang Linglong pulled Jiang Tian to leave, or Jiang Tian helped him out and smiled, \"Linglong, forget it, Ming Fei doesn't mean any harm, don't make a fuss about it, sit down and eat!\"\n\"Hmph, this time it's for my master's sake...\n\"Tang Linglong had always been obedient to Jiang Tian, which was why she sat down.\n\"Waiter...\n\"Tie Mingfei was busy going downhill and followed suit, sitting down and letting the waiter come up with the wine and food.\nHowever, eating the meal, Tie Mingfei felt extraordinarily awkward, Tang Linglong and Jiang Tian kept talking and laughing, and gave Jiang Tian dishes and poured wine, as if the little palace maids were treating the emperor.\nBut to Tie Mingfei, they didn't even pay attention to him.\nHe became more and more suspicious, and decided that Jiang Tian was Tang Linglong's man's favorite, and the name of master and disciple was just to hide his eyes.\n\"Ming Fei you seem to be in the army too?\"\nJiang Tian was embarrassed and angry when he saw him, but he deliberately pulled him in to ask this and that.\n\"Well, I'm from the Tie family in Sheep City, the Tie family is a big family in Sheep City, many of the family members work in the military and military industry.\"\nTie Mingfei proudly said, \"One of the four youngest in Sheep City, Tie Minghuang is my cousin, and I am currently serving in the Fierce Tiger.\nThis time, I even have the honor of participating in special training together as an alternate of the War Dragon!\"\n\"Oh, so that's how it is...\"\nsmiled Jiang Tian faintly.\nSeeing Jiang Tian's ancient face instead of the shock and awe he had imagined, Tie Mingfei cursed in his heart for pretending to be something else and said proudly, \"We've invited a martial arts master over this time!\"\nThen he smiled seemingly to himself and whispered, \"Oh, why am I telling you this?\nYou're a grass-skulled jianghu who only knows a little three-legged kung fu, so how do you know about a master like Master Jiang?\"\n\"Pfft!\"\nSuddenly, Tang Linglong laughed out.\nTie Mingfei felt like she was looking at her like an idiot and was surprised, \"What are you laughing at?\"\nTang Linglong saw him repeatedly disrespecting Jiang Tian and also felt angry, pointing at Jiang Tian, \"Didn't your grandfather your cousin tell you that my master he is Master Jiang?\"\nShe was full of disdain, \"You really have eyes and can't see the face of a real person!\"\nTie Mingfei carefully sized up Jiang Tian and couldn't help but pat his leg and laugh, \"Linglong, you really know how to put gold on your master's face.\nLegend has it that Master Jiang is already sixty years old, how old is this cheap master of yours?\nIt's not even fully furred!\"\nIt's not his fault, Tie Mingfei was on a mission in the army and didn't attend the banquet of bliss that day.\nThe first thing you need to do is to take a look at the new Master Jiang Tian.\nLater on, the uninformed people in the circle of the Yangcheng youngest said that Master Jiang is already sixty years old, has a white beard, fairy style, crane hair and child face clouds, as if it were true.\n\"Oh, you're really ignorant, hurry up and apologize to my master, otherwise I won't spare you...\", Tang Linglong was more and more disdainful of Tie Mingfei, full of disdain and contempt.\n\"Alright, Linglong, let's not talk about this topic.\nLet's eat and eat!\"\nJiang Tian saw that Tie Mingfei was so annoyed that his face was red, and he was busy making a round of it.\nThe meal was so good that Tie Minghuang was floored and on fire, and he was jealous of Jiang Tian to the point of itching.\nAfter finishing the meal with great difficulty, Tie Minghuang seemingly extended an invitation with enthusiasm, \"Linglong, there is a performance at the Sheep City Opera House at night, I bought two tickets, let's go over and watch it together!\"\n\"I'm not going.\nI want to be with my Master!\"\nTang Linglong didn't even look at him, said pulling Jiang Tian upstairs, leaving Tie Mingfei disheveled in the wind in vain.\nTie Mingfei sat for a long time with his eyebrows knitted, his face getting uglier and uglier, saying in his heart that the relationship between Jiang Tian and Tang Linglong must not be that simple.\nHe immediately came to the front desk, showed his credentials, found out the room numbers of Jiang Tian and Tang Linglong, and also accessed the surveillance.\n\"What?\nThe two of them even went into the same room?\"\nTie Mingfei only felt his head was green and his eyes were red, asked the attendant for the universal room card, and rushed over towards the elevator in arrow strides.\n........ \"Master, this Tie Mingfei stinks to high heaven, his personality is too frivolous and he has repeatedly disrespected you, I don't like it!\"\nPulling Jiang Tian to his room, Tang Linglong immediately wrinkled her pretty face and said in a cold voice.\n\"Actually, you still have to look at it from a developmental perspective, he's only twenty-something now, his personality is impulsive and it's inevitable for him to be arrogant.\nHe will get better in the future when he experiences the trials of life!\"\nJiang Tian was helpless about this.\nHonestly speaking, Tang Linglong had already followed him on the path of cultivation, but that was to become an immortal and a god in the future, so how could such a mortal be worthy of his beloved disciple?\nThe problem is that Tang Linglong is still a small lotus and can't get away from the worldly life.\nAnd from a worldly point of view, in terms of family life and background and ability, Tie Mingfei was worthy of Tang Linglong no matter which angle he looked at it from.\n\"No matter what, I will never be with him!\"\nTang Linglong shook Jiang Tian's arm and pouted petulantly, \"Master, you have to be on my side, my grandfather and my father listen to you!\"\n\"It's up to Tang and your father whether they have the foresight or not, but it's not convenient for me to interfere in your family matters.\"\nJiang Tian shook his head with a bitter smile.\nSeeing that Jiang Tian was serious, Tang Linglong was helpless and suddenly changed the subject, asking, \"Master, I've been feeling a bit blocked lately, my breath in my body is a bit clogged, the Thirteen Swords of Taixuan cannot do instantaneous retraction, and my chest is faintly aching, what's going on?\"\n\"Let's see...\"\nWith a sweep of Jiang Tian's divine sense, he placed his finger on Tang Linglong's white wrist to cut his pulse for a moment, and his brows furrowed.\n\"That's the reason for the switch in power methods.\nYou originally cultivated the Hao Ran Forging Technique, and your recent cultivation of the Thirteen Swords of Taixuan is crazy, belonging to forcibly pushing your true essence, and there's a cloud of breath blocked in several acupuncture points such as the middle of your chest!\"\nJiang Tian faintly said.\n\"Master, is this difficult?\nI've heard that breath disturbances and blockages can even make people go crazy!\"\nTang Linglong was so frightened that her face went white.\n\"No harm.\nIf this kind of problem can be difficult for me, am I still worthy of being your master?\"\nJiang Tian's face was idle, and he said indifferently, \"You go take a bath, wear a bathrobe or loose pajamas, always expose your spine, I'll help you comb your meridians and open your breath!\"\nCombing the meridians, sometimes to get rid of toxins and excess real energy, clothing must be ventilated.\n\"Oh, I'll go now!\"\nTang Linglong immediately ran good-naturedly into the bathroom, the sound of clattering water sounded, and a moment later, Tang Linglong came out.\nAt this time, the little girl was wearing a bath towel, revealing her shimmering jade-like shoulders, her skin as snowy as milk, and her chest also revealed a touch of snowy fairness, with a few points of semi-circle arc all exposed.\nShe often practiced martial arts and had been in the army, although she was young, but her body was more fit and plump than Qing'er, very thin where it should be, but the flesh on her shoulders and jade arms was very strong.\nAfter the steam, her small, powder-free face was even more crystal clear and blowable.\n\"Master, am I okay with this?\"\nTang Linglong turned around in front of Jiang Tian, the hem of the bath towel was raised, revealing a section of snowy and plump legs.\nTo this charming scene, Jiang Tian's heart was at peace.\nBut the first time in front of the master so ambiguously exposed, but Tang Linglong is shy, small face shy with timid, beautiful eyes soft waves rippling.\n\"Well, you can, meditate on the bed, I'll help you comb your meridians!\"\nJiang Tian smiled and took the first step to sit on the bed.\nAs Tang Linglong sat down in front of him as per his words, she felt a pair of warm hands against her back, and trembled, her pretty face blushing even more, almost dripping blood.\nBut then, a hot breath surged into her body, making her unexplainably comfortable and receptive, and she couldn't help but moan, \"So comfortable, Master, I want more!\"\n\"........\" Jiang Tian had a nodding head big.\nThis girl's body emitted a strong body fragrance, and she was still so wincing, it was really unbearable.\nBut Jiang Tian quickly restrained his mind and concentrated on inputting True Yuan into it like it was free money, and pressed and pulsed his fingers on the acupuncture points on her back, chest and legs.\nWith the input of true yuan, Jiang Tian's consumption was not small, hot sweat came out a lot, soaked the shirt, stick to the body very uncomfortable.\nJiang Tian annoyed that shirt's restraints, so he unbuttoned the buttons and threw the shirt to the side.\n\"Comfortable!\nMaster, I can't stand it!\"\nSuddenly, all of Tang Linglong's blocked meridians opened up, and an indescribable comfort and satisfaction came like a storm.\nThe surging True Yuan surged wildly in her body, she only felt infinite strength and her delicate body shook wildly.\nAll one could hear was a clang!\nWith a bang on the ground, the bed board and bed legs collapsed, and the two of them were buried together by the bedding.\nJiang Tian consciously embraced Tang Linglong in his arms, as warm and soft jade in his arms, a different charming taste.\nTang Linglong also hugged Jiang Tian tightly, enjoying the refreshing and delightful feeling, her mind was enchanted.\nBut Jiang Tian quickly reacted and pushed Tang Linglong, whose starry eyes were half-open and half-closed, away, feigning anger: \"If the meridians are clear, then it's clear, and you're still upside down!\nThe bed's collapsed!\"\n\"I'm sorry, Master, I didn't mean it!\"\nTang Linglong responded weakly.\nShe enjoyed the warmth of that moment and was so attached to it that she didn't want to leave, but she also found it funny couldn't help but laugh out loud.\n\"Get up quickly!\"\nJiang Tian was so depressed that he spat blood and pushed her away, \"What do you think the waiter will have to think when he comes over to change the room or the bed and sees this?\"\nSeeing that Jiang Tian had pushed her away, Tang Linglong didn't dare to be too greedy, causing her master to be unhappy, and her face was flushed with coquettishness, \"Master, we haven't done anything wrong, what are you afraid of?\"\nShe was about to get up when suddenly, the door was kicked open from the outside, and Tie Mingfei rushed in with an arrow.\nIn an instant, Jiang Tian was dumbfounded, Tang Linglong was also dumbfounded.\nTie Mingfei heard some unusual voices outside, and now look at Tang Linglong only wearing a towel, very exposed, and the face flushed, panting, sweating, and Jiang Tian also bare upper body, there is a lipstick mark on the face, suddenly a wave of evil fire to the brain, pointing at Jiang Tian and cursed: \"You bastard, you dare to day my woman!\n\" Chapter 167: I'm Afraid of Tearing Down the Hotel\nJiang Tian lazily rose to his feet, his eyes flashing coldly as he frowned, \"Get out!\"\nIf it wasn't for the fact that he had a bit of a relationship with Tang, another misunderstanding, and there was a reason for everything, and he dared to speak out like that, Jiang Tian had already killed him.\n\"You get out of here!\nWho let you in?\nWho's your woman!\"\nAfter a slight panic, Tang Linglong calmed down, scarfed up the towel, walked forward, and coldly scolded.\nTie Mingfei and then look at the collapsed bed, this has to engage in more fierce ah, almost to go crazy, forehead veins jumped straight, cursed: \"I day Nima, the bed are to day collapsed!\nTang Linglong, you stinky bitch, you pretend to be noble in front of me every day, how many times have I asked you to meet me and you didn't?\nYou bitch!\"\nHe didn't expect Tang Linglong to stand so firmly on Jiang Tian's side to reprimand himself, but he was so angry that he raised his hand and smacked it towards Tang Linglong.\n\"Insolent!\"\nWhen Tang Linglong saw him do it, her pretty face chilled, snap!\nThe ground smacked out, driving the air to explode like a firecracker.\nTie Mingfei flew out, his nose bleeding wildly, and three of his teeth flew out.\nTie Mingfei thought that Jiang Tian had slept with his fiancee, so his anger was not so easy to vent, he crawled up and rushed towards Tang Linglong, smashing out a vicious punch.\nIf that slap just now was just to vent his anger, this time, he was instead more disciplined, Iron Body Da Cheng's cultivation were fully applied, and the punch hit the air to explode, like a cannonball out.\nIf it were to hit an ordinary person, not to mention dying on the spot, he would also be seriously injured.\n\"Deathless!\"\nTang Linglong's eyebrows raised, seemingly slow and fast, lightly printed a palm on top of Tie Mingfei's chest.\nWhoosh!\nTie Mingfei's massive body that weighed more than 180 pounds flew straight out like a rag doll and smashed heavily on top of the corridor wall, even the wall skin knocked out cracks.\nPoof!\nTie Mingfei's mouth was brimming with blood, and his face was hideously twisted in pain.\nI don't know how Tang Linglong became so powerful that he couldn't gain the slightest upper hand, but with a pang of anger Ugwu Nanping, how could he give up retaliation so easily, pointing at Jiang Tian and cursing, \"Kid, wait, if you dare to mess with my woman, I can't kill you!\"\nHe was immediately called by Tie Ming Huang to accuse Tang Linglong and Jiang Tian of their heinous deeds.\nAfter all, Tie Ming Huang was a top-tier youngster in Sheep City and had far more wrists than him.\n\"Cousin, you have to give me an out, my woman is being screwed, how can I still make a living in the future if word gets out?\"\n\"What?\nYou said the other party was Jiang...\nJiang Tian?\"\nTie Ming Huang was taking care of business in his office, and when he heard this, he was scared out of his wits and shouted angrily, \"Bastard son of a bitch, you're causing trouble!\"\n\"Cousin, what did you say?\nMy woman gets screwed and I get in trouble?\"\nTie Mingfei looked bewildered.\nIs there any justice in this?\n\"Now I don't have time to explain to you, you apologize to them immediately!\nBe sincere!\nOr I'll skin you alive!\nAfter apologizing, let them do what they want without the slightest resistance!\nThat's a character I can't even afford to offend!\"\nTie Ming Huang's heart was racing, and after a few angry growls, he immediately hung up the phone and hurried over to this hotel.\n\"Who is he?\nEven cousins can't be offended!\"\nTie Mingfei was scared silly, with cold air in his heart.\nHe knew that Emperor Tie Ming had always been ruthless, orderly and headstrong, and there was once a family member who disobeyed his discipline and was directly expelled from the house with his legs broken.\nNow although he was filled with confusion, he still endured the severe pain and moved step by step to Jiang Tian, bending down and bowing his head, \"Jiang...\nMr. Jiang, it was my fault, I apologize to you!\"\n\"From now on, you may not harass Tang Linglong in the slightest, or else I'll kill you!\"\nJiang Tian was now dressed and sitting on the couch comfortably siping his tea, faintly.\n\"What did you say?\"\nTie Mingfei didn't dare to believe it, fiercely raising his head a pair of tiger eyes resentfully stared at Jiang Tian.\nThis brat was too crazy, sleeping with his fiancée and daring to threaten me like this?\nAt any rate, I am a member of the Tie family, a cousin of Emperor Tie Ming, in Sheep City, that's a big deal, who dares to offend me?\n\"What are you worried about?\"\nSeeing his face, Jiang Tian's face sank as he raised his hand and slapped Tie Mingfei out of the door, beating him so hard he couldn't stand up.\n\"Dog, how dare you glare at me, wait for your brother to come over and talk to me!\"\nJiang Tian coldly said.\n\"Fine, fine, I'll give you this debt, and sooner or later I'll pay it back tenfold!\"\nTie Mingfei gritted his teeth and snorted coldly, forcing himself to endure his anger.\nTie Ming Huang was afraid of the traffic jam on the road, directly in a private helicopter fire speed to come, only took ten minutes just, a look at the scene a few points understand.\nTie Mingfei was still not giving up now, pointing at Jiang Tian and yelling, \"Big brother, he just did it to me again!\"\n\"How dare you refer to Master Jiang!\nYou want to die!\"\nTie Ming Huang kicked him in the chest, kicking him so hard that he spewed out another dinner.\nThen he didn't care how Tie Mingfei reacted, he ran up to Jiang Tian like a puppy scattering, bowing respectfully and cupping his fists, \"Senior Tie Minghuang has met Master Jiang!\nThis brat is really bad, he even rushed into you, you are more than forgiving!\"\nWhen Tie Mingfei saw this, he was stunned.\nHis cousin was so powerful and tyrannical in Sheep City, how could he respect Tang Linglong's \"male pet\" so much?\n\"In the future, if he dares to act rashly in front of me again, I'll kill him!\"\nJiang Tian didn't even look at him, and said indifferently.\n\"Little one understands, understands!\"\nTie Ming Huang nodded his head like a chicken pecking at rice, full of flattery, turned his face is a look of evil deeds, pointed at a few bodyguards, \"Pull this mongrel out of here and beat him up violently!\"\n\"Cousin, how can you help an outsider...\"\nTie Mingfei roared and struggled.\nBut Tie Minghuang didn't even look at it, just nodded vigorously to please Jiang Tian and make amends.\nWhile he apologized, he sighed sadly in his heart.\n\"Ming Fei ah, I'm protecting you ah, if you stay here for a moment longer, you'll probably be killed by Master Jiang ah...\"\n\"If he wants to kill you, who can stop him in this great ridge?\nEven grandpa didn't have the face to come over...\"\n........ The next morning at eight o'clock, a military armored car appeared at the downstairs of Jiang Tian's hotel.\nThe car out of two people, a man and a woman, a man forty, saber eyebrows starry eyes, a military outfit, masculine temperament, full of soldiers unique iron-blooded atmosphere, look at the epaulets, the rank of colonel.\nAnd the girl is but twenty emergent, willowy eyebrows phoenix eyes, jasper nose, surprisingly, her rank is also already a major.\n\"Shuwei, is this where he lives?\nEnjoy yourself, Hilton!\"\nThe man frowned slightly, his eyes flashing.\n\"Right!\"\nShu Wei didn't say anything and lifted her foot to walk over to the hotel.\nThis Instructor Feng, a master of Formidable Fist, with a great internal strength cultivation, was the current chief instructor of the War Dragon, and always had his eyes above everything else.\n\"Shu Wei, I'm very much against this arrangement of the Chief Instructor, what kind of skills can a pleasure-hungry jianghu have?\nHe's only twenty-five years old, what military training has he had, and does he have any combat experience?\"\nFeng Xiguang frowned and drank.\n\"The information shows that Grandmaster Jiang is not bad, he is the youngest Transformation Realm Master in the world, and he is only responsible for martial training!\"\nShu Wei said.\n\"A Transformation Realm Master, only twenty-five years old?\nThat's impossible!\"\nFeng Xiguang's eyebrows were almost raised to the heavens as he exhaled, \"Do you know what it means to be a Realm of Transformation Master?\nIf you look at Warsaw, there are only thirty or so!\"\nHe laughed bitterly, \"O Shu, you still don't know much about the martial world!\"\n\"What a genius Ye Zhantian is, he stepped into the Inner Strength at the age of eighteen, but froze until he reached the Transformation Realm at the age of thirty-eight, and I read the information that he only came from a medical family, how could he have stepped into the Transformation Realm at the age of twenty-five?\"\nHe had once in a while seen Ye Zhantian fight once in a while and was amazed and worshiped, could it be that this kid was even a few points stronger than the amazing number one martial genius Ye Zhantian?\n\"Instructor Feng, this document was signed by Cao Shixiong himself, can it still be fake?\"\nShu Wei was unconvinced.\n\"Old Cao is too high-level and busy to do everything, so it's possible to be hoodwinked by the people underneath!\"\nFeng Xi Guang shook his head: \"Of course, it's possible that the people underneath are exaggerating and deliberately deceiving, or they may have gotten the information wrong.\nYou know that the military attaches great importance to martial figures.\nAnd a successful nomination will also have military merit.\nSome people, for the sake of military merit, meet martial figures to hold a stinker and send information to invite military merit, where will they scrutinize carefully.\"\nHearing this, Shu Wei also had a moment's hesitation, then said, \"Come all here, no matter so much, whether it is a high person or not, won't it be known when you meet him?\"\nIn the middle of the conversation, the two of them had arrived at the door of the room.\nShu Wei rang the doorbell and said in a loud voice, \"Mr. Jiang, we are staff from the General Staff and War Dragon, here to pick you up!\"\nA moment later, the door opened and Jiang Tian faintly said, \"Let's go!\"\nSeeing that Jiang Tian was young and light-complexioned, without any of the austere aura that a martial artist should have, Feng Xiguang couldn't help but be even more disappointed, and his heart went halfway cold.\nThis guy, where does he have any martial dao cultivation at all?\nWouldn't it be a waste of time to have War Dragon train with him?\nHe cupped his fists in accordance with the rules of martial dao and said, \"Master Jiang, this is the Chief Instructor's Liaison Officer Shu Wei, in charge of liaising with you.\nI am Chief Instructor Feng Xiguang of the War Dragon, I heard that Master Jiang has already stepped into the Transformation Realm at a young age, and I would like to ask for some advice!\"\n\"Fight here?\"\nJiang Tian laughed disdainfully, \"Forget it, I'm afraid I'll demolish this hotel as soon as I do!\"\nSaying that, he walked out of the door with his hands behind his back and actually never looked at Feng Xiguang again.\n\"This brat is so arrogant, he's simply speaking out of turn!\"\nCompletely ignored by Jiang Tian, Feng Xiguang was so angry that his face turned green and shook his head in disappointment, saying in his heart, \"Martial characters, the stronger their cultivation, the more modest and cautious they are, how can they be as ungrateful as he is?\"\nOn the road, Jiang Tian didn't even bother to ask about the war dragon, only lazily curled up in the high seat, chatting entertainment gossip with Tang Linglong for a while, holding his phone and video chatting with Zhao Xueqing, flirting and flirting.\nSeeing this, even Shu Wei was a little disappointed: \"This person stood no standing like, sat no sitting like, frivolous and loose, vicious and vulgar, perhaps really don't know martial arts, is the information really wrong?\"\nChapter 168 - Provocation of the War Dragons\nOn the northern outskirts of Yangcheng, deep in Fuhu Mountain, a dense jungle hid a newly built barracks and training ground.\nThe barracks on the northern outskirts of Yangcheng was still new and small, but it was surrounded by high pressure barbed wire, dense with radar, with cameras everywhere, and satellite signal jamming devices.\nThere were a dozen or so of the latest off-road armored vehicles on the parking lot, and several Dragon helicopter gunships and transport planes parked on the tarmac.\nOn the mountain road, put horse barricades, barbed wire winding, on both sides of the mountain road, but also five paces a post ten paces a sentry, there are many loaded soldiers eyes alert to stand straight, strict guard.\nAt this time, inside the base, on the cement training field, all kinds of training facilities are available, but the personnel are divided into two distinct groups.\nMore than fifty of them, members of the War Dragon Special Operations Team, were standing there in a hangdog manner, their faces frivolous and disdainful, and some were even smoking.\nThe other eighty or so were members of the Lingnan Military Region's Fierce Tiger Special Squad in their uniforms, their military appearance meticulous, standing upright one by one.\nAnd Tie Mingfei was standing among them, the wounds on his face hadn't completely healed, his face was a bit sickly pale, and his forehead was sweating, but he was clenching his teeth in strong support.\n\"Ming Fei, the atmosphere of our War Dragon has always been very relaxed.\"\nA member of the War Dragon said to him, \"I know you want to get the instructor's approval to join the War Dragon, but there's no need to be so nervous!\nBesides, you're injured, you can go rest for a while!\"\n\"No!\nI want to behave!\"\nTie Mingfei shook his head, his eyes flashed with a touch of fervor and determination.\nLast night, he was inexplicably beaten up by Tang Linglong for a while, and was also given a severe lecture by his cousin about how the other party was so powerful that he couldn't be provoked at all.\nTie Mingfei couldn't understand, what was so great about the Tang family, was cousin so afraid of Tang Linglong and that one surnamed Jiang?\nHe was secretly fierce, he must pass the test to join the war dragon this time, by then, he would be the soldier king of the army, and even the Tang family would not be able to climb up to him.\nHe vowed that he would make Tang Linglong kneel before him and sing conquest.\nAnd that one surnamed Jiang, cousin said he was some kind of master Jiang, probably some kind of feng shui master or something like that, when the time comes... just cripple him!\n\"That what the hell Master Jiang is too big of an arrogant person to go to Yanjing headquarters, frostily dragging us to this shitty place!\"\nSuddenly, there was a War Dragon member who drank impatiently.\nHe was two meters tall, as tall as a small mountain, with a surging and overbearing breath and a round inch head.\nEven at the beginning of winter, he was wearing camouflage colored two tendons, revealing bronze muscles like mighty dragons, full of explosive power and fierce atmosphere, a pair of copper bell-like tiger eyes full of angry light.\nHe is called \"Tyrannosaurus\", was the captain of the Northwest Military District's sharp-edged combat team, after heavy selection to join the War Dragon, a veritable king of soldiers.\nHe had an illustrious war record and military achievements, having once taken out more than a dozen terrorists with a single blade, and was very tough in combat, with a perfect cultivation of Iron Body.\n\"Tyrannosaurus, when he comes, you'll give him a run for his money!\"\nSeveral War Dragon members laughed and encouraged.\n\"Tyrannosaurus, don't be impulsive.\nYou should know that soldiers take it as their duty to obey orders.\"\nA pale young man said in a deep voice.\nHe was codenamed \"Fox\", and was an information officer of the War Dragon.\nAlthough he was a technical soldier, he had a great cultivation of iron body.\n\"It's an order that should be obeyed!\"\nTyrannosaurus shrugged his shoulders and sneered disdainfully, \"But a normal cut-throat fight is not forbidden by his superiors!\"\n\"Exactly!\nI've heard that the General Staff has invited him several times but can't even invite him, and his frame is bigger than the sky, so he must have some real skills...\"\n\"I heard he's only twenty years old, he's the youngest martial arts expert in Huaxia today, he must have two brushes!\"\n\"Yeah, Tyrannosaurus you and him cut and dice, this is a rare opportunity, you'll learn a lot!\"\nMany of the members of the War Dragon laughed uproariously, and a warm pep talk ensued.\nObviously, they seemed to be touting the upcoming Advisor Jiang, but in fact, anyone could tell that they didn't believe in Jiang Tian's strength at all, and were all encouraging the Tyrannosaurus to give him a run for his money.\nAt this moment, a military armored vehicle came along the mountain path, and in it, Shu Wei and Jiang Tian reported on the situation.\n\"No need.\nI'm just instructing them on a little martial art, too much, I don't need to know!\"\nJiang Tian waved his hand.\nShu Wei had to stop talking for a while, but still said softly, \"Master Jiang, the members of the War Dragon are all elite in the army, and their personalities are inevitably untamed, so when the time comes, please...\"\n\"I know!\"\nJiang Tian nodded and mimed with Zhao Xueqing twice to turn off the video, a piece of peace and quiet: \"Don't worry, this time, I will make them obey.\"\nSeeing this, Feng Xiguang's face showed a trace of disdain, lightly shaking his head.\nThe generation that sells fame and reputation, this time, you will have to suffer oh.\n\"The rack is really big, making us wait for so long, when he comes, I'll beat him to death!\"\n\"Nima, what the hell, it's usually time to go to the cafeteria this time of year!\"\nIt was almost noon, and the war dragons were getting impatient as they waited, and some even started cursing.\nAt this moment, the military armored vehicle stopped and Jiang Tian lazily stepped out of the vehicle.\n\"Is this product our martial advisor?\"\nThe crowd was stunned at this.\nThis kid had a clear face and looked like a weak scholar, so how could he be a martial arts expert?\n\"It's you!\"\nIn the crowd, Tie Mingfei was suddenly shocked, looking incredulously at Jiang Tian and Tang Linglong walking side by side.\n\"You know him?\"\nTyrannosaurus looked at Tie Mingfei in surprise.\n\"Recognize!\"\nTie Mingfei secretly ground his teeth, then said coldly, \"Just a little white face, relying on the Tang family Tang Guozhu to get by!\"\n\"Tang Guozhu?\nWhat is he, a lousy old man whose cultivation is only at the peak of Iron Body!\"\n\"This kid hangs out on the Tang family, huh?\nAnd what's the real deal?\nIt's simply unbearable!\"\n\"I don't know which of the dudes came here to gild it, right?\nThe War Dragon's martial advisor still carries a lot of weight.\nWhen you go back, you'll immediately be promoted to Captain Major or something!\"\nImmediately, many Battle Dragons shook their heads in disdain, giving all sorts of speculations, their eyes contemptuous.\nAs a special force directly under the General Staff, the Battle Dragons were far superior to the Tigers, and as elite Battle Dragons, they didn't even care about Tang Guozhu, and naturally had even less respect for Jiang Tian.\n\"Are you our martial advisor?\"\nTyrannosaurus over the crowd, twisted the neck, the joint friction issued a crunching sound of popping beans, tall surging body, emitting an arrogant atmosphere, a big mouth, simple but a few fierce: \"My name is Tyrannosaurus, I heard that you are very strong, can I ask for advice!\"\n\"I'm not fighting you!\"\nJiang Tian shook his head.\n\"Haha, wimp out!\"\n\"It's like a second wimp!\"\n\"Not daring to fight at all, just such a wimp is qualified to be our martial advisor!\"\nSeeing this, the crowd was slightly stunned, then they pointed at Jiang Tian with mockery and discussed.\n\"Ee?\nIsn't that Tang Linglong?\nBack when she couldn't even make it in our Fierce Tiger, he relied on Tang Linglong's identity as a little white girl and tried to become a War Dragon martial arts advisor?\"\n\"Get out of here!\nThis kind of little white guy is not even qualified to be a member of our Fierce Tiger team, and he still wants to be a martial advisor for the War Dragon?\nOn what grounds?\"\n\"Just a person who will cheat and sell his reputation.\nThis kind of trash is not qualified to preach to us!\"\n\"What martial consultant, I pooh, worthless!\"\nNot only the war dragons, but also the warriors of the tigers couldn't watch at the moment, some were full of mockery and some were scolding.\n\"Get out!\"\nTie Mingfei was the first to shout, his eyes dark and red with excitement.\n\"Get out!\"\n\"Get out!\"\nAs soon as someone took the lead, all the warriors immediately exploded and shouted with their arms.\nThe sound of \"get out\" became a torrent, boiling to the sky.\nAmong the crowd, Tie Mingfei was secretly proud.\n\"Well, with so many people against it, I'll see how you can convince them, you little white man.\nHow do you get around here?\"\nAt this time, Shu Wei was extremely disappointed with Jiang Tian and was a bit anxious: \"Chief Instructor Feng, how are we going to clean up this situation?\nYou have to control it!\"\nFeng Xiguang's face was mocking, shaking his head and raising his eyebrows, \"What do I care?\nHe has no real skills, what can I do to make the soldiers obey him?\nLove can't help it!\"\n\"The conversation isn't over yet!\nWhat are you guys anxious about?\"\nFaced with the raging mockery of the group, Jiang Tian's face was calm and relaxed, standing with a negative hand and smiling faintly, \"Tyrannosaurus, I'm not fighting you because I'm worried that I'll slap down and kill you alive, you trash!\"\n\"What did you say?\nI'm the King of Soldiers, how dare you say that to me?\"\nThe Tyrannosaurus burst into rage, the veins on his forehead popping, his fists crunching, emitting a terrifying murderous aura!\n\"Didn't catch that?\"\nJiang Tian looked at them with a smiling face and said indifferently, \"I mean, everyone here is trash, unbearable ah!\nKing of Soldiers?\nAnd you have the nerve to put gold on your faces!\"\n\"Holy shit!\"\n\"Crazy!\"\n\"That's fucking crazy!\nBeat him to death!\"\nIn an instant, the crowd present went crazy.\nThey were the elite of the country, the king of the soldiers, but to be evaluated like this by Jiang Tian right now was simply unbearable.\nIn an instant, everyone surged towards Jiang Tian, emitting a terrifying bloodthirsty air, jerking their arms and rolling their sleeves, about to violently beat up Jiang Tian.\n\"What are you guys doing?\nIf you have any grievances, you can just report them to your superiors!\"\nAt this point, Shu Wei was all a bit worried and spoke out to stop them.\nIt wouldn't be good if they killed Jiang Tian alive, so she stepped forward and tried to stop the group of people.\n\"Scram!\"\nRight at this moment, only Jiang Tian faintly smiled and leisurely waved his sleeve.\nOnly to hear a cracking sound, as if a firecracker exploded, a powerful and uncontrollable force came madly.\nThe crowd only felt the wind whistling, as if they were in a hurricane, they were pushed to the ground and fell successively.\nIn the shaking line of sight, the crowd was startled to see.\nWith Jiang Tian's strength, the military armored vehicle that weighed over five tons ten meters away spun ten meters high as if it was a top that had been whipped hard enough to fly.\n\"Nima, this is...\"\nThe crowd was suddenly horrified, their eyes staring round as if they had seen a ghost in broad daylight, full of disbelief.\nA light wave of the sleeve, smacking away military armored vehicles, this, this is like the devil!\n\"Broken Star River!\"\nJiang Tian's face was at ease, and he waved his finger.\nThe Demonic Flame Air Soldier was cast, and a long blade of flame stretched ten meters across, sweeping out like mercury.\nChi!\nThe ground banged, and the military fierce armored vehicle that could block the shells' bombardment was like paper mache, splitting in two from the middle.\nThe metal section shone brightly, smooth as a mirror, reflecting the jaw-dropping, horrified expressions of the crowd.\nChapter 169 - Cruel Training\nBoom!\nLike muffled thunder that shook the heart, the armored vehicle landed heavily on the ground, hitting the ground and a cloud of dust.\nThen, the whole place fell into a terrifying silence.\nEveryone looked at Jiang Tian as if they were looking at a god, their eyes horrified and trembling with fear.\n\"So, he is Jiang, Master Jiang, our instructor...\"\nTie Mingfei suddenly thought of something, his face suddenly white with fright, his lips trembling wildly, unable to say a single word.\n\"It's too, too powerful!\"\nThe Tyrannosaurus' eye muscles twitched wildly, his eyeballs were about to pop out, and he who worshipped the strong man could not wait to kneel down to Jiang Tian.\n\"This, is this still human strength?\"\nThe fox muttered to himself in stunned silence, looking at the armored car that had been cut apart by a sword, as if in a dream.\n\"Compared to Master Jiang, we really are like ants!\"\nEveryone's jaws were agape and mouths were agape.\nThere were all sorts of expressions of confusion, shock, fear, decadence, and incredulity on everyone's faces.\nThat Soldier King's pride was shattered and crumbled by this light wave of Jiang Tian's sleeve.\n\"No wonder he doesn't even care about me towards my cousin, so is this what he relies on!\"\nTie Mingfei's blood was colder than a bubble of cow dung in winter, his body and mind completely enveloped by despair.\nSuch an existence like a deity, even if he studied hard for three lifetimes, it would be difficult for him to chase after it.\nHe was so impressed and ashamed that he said in a complicated manner: \"Old Cao is Old Cao, his magic eyes are like a torch, he has chosen a god for the War Dragon.\nInstead, I, who have eyes to see, didn't even see his strength in the slightest ah!\"\nShu Wei's face was shocked and murmured, \"Still Cao has a good eye, I'm afraid the War Dragon is going to soar to the sky this time!\"\n\"I don't know if anyone here thinks they are trash.\nStill want to challenge me?\"\nJiang Tian was at ease, lazily asking the question, his white clothes untouched by dust, like a god descending from the heavens.\n\"We're, like, trash!\nDon't dare challenge Master Jiang!\"\nTyrannosaurus struggled to speak, his voice dry.\n\"We're trash!\nDon't dare challenge Master Jiang!\"\nThe crowd present was afraid that Jiang Tian would throw his sleeves at them like that, and they all scrambled to be the first to shout.\n\"You guys have let me down too much!\"\nThey had expected Jiang Tian to praise them for their modesty and prudence, but instead, Jiang Tian shook his head regretfully.\n\"What?\"\nEveryone was jaw-dropping, they were now respectful to Jiang Tian, how could they upset Master Jiang?\n\"To become strong, you need not only talent, but also a strong heart that is thirsty for knowledge and indomitable!\"\n\"What makes a strong man?\nThat's someone who knows their gaps and weaknesses, but still has the desire to surpass and has faith in becoming stronger!\"\nJiang Tian shook his head in disappointment and said indifferently, \"Even if your talent isn't good enough, as long as you comprehend with your heart and practice diligently, if others train for one day and you train for a hundred days, you'll always improve!\"\nJiang Tian had seen many giants and strong men in the outer starry sky, without any roots or even a good technique, but diligently seeking to break through the void and make a new world.\nAnd many so-called geniuses, without the heart of a strong man, would not be able to ascend to the position of Immortal Emperor Great Sage even with the support of the resources of empires, clans, and families!\nIt could be said that the state of mind was the root of cultivation.\nWhether it was martial dao or art, it was universally applicable in all corners of the world.\nHe scanned the crowd and said indifferently, \"If you all consider yourselves trash, then no one can change your fate!\nYou will always be rubbish, both in strength and in spirit, and I despise you!\"\nA speech that caused the faces of the people to blush red and bow their heads in shame, while their fists...grew clenched.\nA speech, like a morning bell, woke up the dreamers.\nA hot blood, boiling in their chests, slowly burned up, and eventually turned into a rushing heroism.\n\"Now, tell me, do you guys really think you're trash?\"\nJiang Tian asked again.\n\"I'm not trash!\"\nThe Tyrannosaurus suddenly stalked his neck, clenched his fists, and thunderously shouted, \"I want to be strong, and I can be strong!\"\n\"Let's not be rubbish!\nWe want to become the strongest Soldier King and God of War, we want to defeat Ye Zhantian, we want to sweep the Warsaw Dragon Group!\"\nFox and the many warriors bellowed loudly, some of them with hot tears suddenly soaring out.\nFor many years, they had been suppressed by the Huaxia Dragon Group in the great tournament and in their missions, and they were somewhat self-destructive.\nBut right now, they were reborn by Jiang Tian, like a phoenix rising from the ashes, a strong heart rekindled by the fire.\n\"Very well, don't worry.\nSlow to say that you were originally a bit basic, even if you are a bunch of pigs, under my instruction, you will become supreme strongmen!\"\nJiang Tian nodded his head in satisfaction.\nSeeing that everyone was convinced, he then issued his first command, \"Tie Mingfei, get lost!\"\n\"Master Jiang, I'm not leaving!\"\n\"Master Jiang, give me a chance!\"\n\"Master Jiang, I also want to become stronger!\"\nTie Mingfei was filled with reluctance, hot tears flowed and struggled hard, but he was still racked out of the team by the crowd.\nJiang Tian then eliminated 90% of the warriors from the Tiger Special Squad, leaving only a few elites with good qualifications.\nThen, he issued a second order.\nHe raised his hand and pointed at Tang Linglong, \"Now, all of you - attack my apprentice together!\"\n\"Yes!\"\nTyrannosaurus and Fox and the many war dragons shouted in unison, then scrambled towards Tang Linglong.\n\"Little girl, watch out!\"\nTyrannosaurus smashed out with a single punch.\nTang Linglong despised a smile and pulled out a wooden sword from behind and swept it out.\nCrack!\nTang Linglong smacked the Tyrannosaurus on its back with a wooden sword, its nostrils soaring with blood and gold stars in front of its eyes.\n\"I'm not convinced, come again!\"\nThe Tyrannosaurus struggled to get up and rushed towards Tang Linglong again.\nSnort!\nThe sound of the wooden sword breaking through the air pierced the ears, Tang Linglong stabbed out with the sword, snap!\nThe Tyrannosaurus flew straight down three meters away.\nSplat!\nTang Linglong displayed the Thirteen Swords of Taixuan, stabbing and sweeping without mercy, striking out dozens of times.\nEventually, everyone fell to the ground.\n\"Get up!\"\nTang Linglong snapped majestically.\nAlthough the crowd was in pain, they still gritted their teeth and climbed up, rushing over towards Tang Linglong once again.\nSeeing this, Feng Xiguang and Shu Wei looked at each other, both seeing the sigh of admiration on each other's faces.\nIt could be said that Jiang Tian was not only strong in cultivation and surging in battle, his comprehension of the essence of the martial dao was even more astonishing.\n\"Chief Instructor Feng, I apply, to return to the training with the warriors!\"\nSuddenly, Shu Wei saluted Feng Xiguang with a solemn salute.\nShe had also been a member of the War Dragon, but because she had been wounded in the mission and her cultivation had been reduced, she had only gone to the General Staff to take up a civilian job, but now that she had met Jiang Tian, she saw hope for her re-emergence.\n........ When the training ended that day, the entire War Dragon's training base was boiling, everyone was too talking about the new martial advisor, Master Jiang.\n\"Why is the training ground making so much noise this morning, there wouldn't be any training accidents, right?\"\nSomeone pulled a Tyrannosaurus and asked.\n\"Oh, my martial arts advisor, Master Kang, smacked an armored car with a wave of his sleeve!\"\nTyrannosaurus was gulping down a chicken leg, his bruised face swollen like a pig's head, his eyes were blind, but he was full of pride and pride.\n\"You're exaggerating, aren't you?\nSmacking an armored car away with a wave of your sleeve?\"\nSomeone came along, unable to believe it.\n\"How can that be false?\nI saw it with my own eyes, okay?\"\nTyrannosaurus shook his head, \"With a simultaneous wave of his fingers and a condensation of air soldiers, he split the armored car in half!\"\n\"What?\nCan you split an armored car with real energy?\"\nHearing this, everyone present was stunned.\n\"This should be the peak of internal strength!\"\nSomeone muttered dumbfoundedly.\n\"More than just the peak of internal strength!\"\nNext to him, the sword arts instructor named Zhang Lang shook his head and said with a reverent face, \"This is called a martial arts master, he can train his qi to become abstruse and wield his sleeves to become a sword.\nEven the peak of inner strength can't do it!\"\nZhang Long is known as the \"Wild Sword\", his Five Tigers Broken Gate Sword is famous in Zhan Long, and he is also a master of Inner Strength.\nWhen he opened his mouth, no one present was unconvinced.\n\"So strong!\"\n\"Isn't that on the same level as Ye Zhantian?\"\n\"We, War Dragon, also finally have a true Transformation Realm Master!\"\nIn the cafeteria, it was boiling.\nNot only them, but the entire base was boiling, all talking about this new Master Jiang.\nBut for the remaining days, the war dragons experienced the most painful and torturous period of their lives.\nEvery day, they were smacked by Tang Linglong's wooden sword, showing their teeth and screaming.\nIn severe cases, they even broke bones and tendons.\nAnd in the process, Jiang Tian had never instructed them in the slightest, only watching indifferently from the side.\n\"It can't be that we've offended Master Jiang and he's unwilling to teach us the true martial arts, right?\"\nAfter one training session, the fox was worried.\n\"Alas, it's my fault.\nA high-minded, arrogant man like Master Kang, but I wanted to give him a run for his money when he arrived.\nPut it on you, aren't you angry?\"\nTyrannosaurus scratched his scalp, looking chagrined and bitter, regretting not falling.\n\"It won't.\"\nBlade Instructor Zhang Lang shook his head and consoled, \"Master Jiang must have very deep intentions in doing this, you must follow his orders and execute them strictly!\"\nThere was suspicion on everyone's faces, did they really mean it?\nOr was Jiang Tian simply venting his anger?\nOn this day, the crowd was brutally beaten again, and one by one, they lay on the ground and wailed, unable to crawl.\n\"Do you know why I let Tang Linglong beat you guys up?\"\nJiang Tian walked out with his hands behind his back and asked indifferently.\nThe crowd was silent.\nJiang Tian raised his hand to point at a warrior and said in a deep voice, \"You say it!\"\n\"Because of our sin against Master Jiang...\"\nthe warrior called Liu Meng, trembling with fear, said.\n\"Go out and fight Tang Linglong again!\"\nJiang Tian said coldly.\n\"Master Jiang, I...\"\nLiu Meng's heart was filled with grief, but he didn't dare to disobey the order, so he took his shield and open saber and went forward with a hard scalp.\nCrack!\nWith only three swords, Tang Linglong smacked Liu Meng to the ground, lying on the ground without the strength to get up.\n\"You say, why?\nIf you can't answer, you get beaten up!\"\nJiang Tian raised his hand and pointed at a female warrior again.\nThis female warrior dragon was called Cheng Sweetness, from a martial dao family, and also had a peak Iron Body cultivation.\nShe was flighty and jumpy, yet tough, and had been beaten by Tang Linglong three times with soft tissue bruises, but was still holding on.\nChapter 170 - The Big Lift\nAt the news, a touch of fear appeared on Cheng Sweetie's face, blinking her eyes as if she wasn't too confident, \"Tang Linglong has broken my flaw with every strike, I think Master Jiang is observing the flaws in our martial dao...\"\nFor the first time, a pleased smile appeared on Jiang Tian's face as he said, \"I'll tell you the good news, you guessed it right!\"\nAt the news, everyone was startled, and then they frowned and pondered over the flaws in their feats.\n\"Very well, from now on, you are the captain of the Battle Dragon Task Force!\"\nJiang Tian said indifferently, \"Good, now it's your turn to fight me!\"\n\"Huh?\nMaster Jiang, I answered your question correctly, so why are you still doing it?\nAnd it's with your old man!\"\nAt the words, Cheng Sweetness was first delighted, then her heart sank so hard that her face went white with fright.\n\"It would be an honor for you to fight me, and for me to personally instruct you!\"\nJiang Tian laughed.\n\"Okay, but, Jiang, Master Jiang, can you not, not punch me in the face?\"\nCheng Sweetheart's voice trembled and looked pleadingly.\nIt was a woman's nature to love beauty, and even the warriors of the Battle Dragon were hard to avoid.\nJiang Tian's strength was too terrifying, and even if he left room for it, he might have to be disfigured if he hit his face.\n\"I can think about it!\"\nJiang Tian smiled faintly, then smacked a palm towards Cheng Sweetness's face.\nSweetie Cheng dodged with agility, but Jiang Tian's palm was like a tarsal maggot, but it still hit her face solidly.\nSweetie Cheng screamed, her face swollen and red, and fell to the ground.\nJiang Tian faintly said, \"Then do you know where the flaw in your martial dao is?\"\n\"I, I don't know!\"\nCheng Tian Tian's palms were sweating, she was so afraid of Jiang Tian.\n\"The martial dao you are displaying doesn't have a kind of courage to move forward, a lack of courage!\nAgain!\"\nJiang Tian chanted.\nSweetie Cheng climbed up, silver teeth clenched, and preemptively kicked a high whip leg towards Jiang Tian's carotid artery.\nCrack!\nJiang Tian blocked with his vertical palm and said indifferently, \"The neck cutting kill in Military Physique Fist also blends with the side kick in the Twelve Paths Tan Kick, good use of it, but don't be complacent, your speed is too slow and your strength is not nearly as hot!\"\nJiang Tian had perused all the fist and palm techniques they had practiced in the past two days, as well as watched videos of their past training, attacking Cheng Sweetie's breakdowns time and time again, giving random instructions.\nIn the end, after holding on for more than twenty rounds, Cheng Sweetness was beaten by Jiang Tian to the skin and fell to the ground, unable to get up again, with only incoming breath and no outgoing breath.\n\"As a reward, Linglong, take her to the medicinal bath!\"\nJiang Tian faintly ordered, then raised his hand to point at a soldier, \"Now, it's your turn!\"\nPop, pop, pop!\nThis warrior continuously attacked, but he was repeatedly attacked by Jiang Tian, who broke his openings, and was eventually knocked to the ground with a broken calf.\nHowever, after a mention from Process Sweet, all the warriors paid attention to Jiang Tian's every move as he sparred with the warriors, and the defeated warrior kept his flaws in mind.\nOthers did their best to think about the flaws in their martial arts so as not to be beaten too miserably by Jiang Tian.\nEventually, all of the warriors were knocked to the ground and received nudges from Jiang Tian .\n\"Let's all go to the medicinal bath...\"\nJiang Tian smiled faintly and turned around, \"Rest for two days and think carefully about your shortcomings, I'll proceed to beat you up!\"\nJiang Tian returned to the barracks and Feng Xiguang, Shu Wei, and Tang Linglong studied the information on the martial arts of the people, Jiang Tian summarized and corrected everyone's gong methods, and Shu Wei entered them into the computer.\nAfter doing this, Shu Wei asked a bit worriedly, \"Master Jiang, they are so seriously injured, what about the next training?\"\n\"Don't worry about their injuries, extraordinary times, use extraordinary means!\"\nJiang Tian comfortably sips his tea with an idle face as he indifferently says, \"According to my training methods, within a month, their battle strength will rise to the level of the Dragon Group!\"\n\"What?\nRaised to the level of the Dragons in one month?\"\nFeng Xi Guang and Cao Yao Yao were stunned.\nThe way and scope of the Dragon Group's selection was fundamentally different from that of the War Dragon.\nWar Dragons chose the best from the army and then taught them the martial dao.\nWhereas the Dragon Team invited experts from martial families and clans to join them, each of them was a famous martial arts master.\nIt could be said that any Dragon Team expert carried out could act as a martial arts instructor for the War Dragon.\n\"Don't you believe me?\"\nJiang Tian smiled faintly and said, \"Within a month, they will all be raised to the level of an Inner Strength Martial Artist!\"\n\"That medicinal bath was amazing, how did we get healed the same day?\"\nSuddenly, seven or eight warriors flooded into the barracks, yelling excitedly and looking at Jiang Tian with reverence on their faces.\nThey were all warriors who had been seriously injured during today's training, with light injuries like flesh splitting open and head bleeding, and heavy injuries like broken bones and internal organs.\nBut after a night of medicinal baths, all the injuries and damages were all better the next day, and they also felt a little stronger.\n\"This is a unique medicinal recipe that I have configured, it's called the Tyrant Body Spirit Liquid,\"\nJiang Tian said indifferently, \"Not only does it have a super healing effect, it also strengthens your tendons and bones, and even strengthens your meridians and acupuncture points, within January, ordinary people become iron bodies, while iron bodies are promoted to internal strength...\"\n\"So amazing...\"\n\"No wonder Master Jiang is so confident, he has a unique secret recipe!\"\nLooking at the few people who were alive and kicking, Shu Wei and Feng Xiguang were so shocked that they were silly, and then a surge of confidence emerged.\nIn fact, if Jiang Tian only improved the flawed holes in their martial arts techniques, it would be difficult to say that it would raise their cultivation to the internal strength level, but with such a miraculous medicinal bath to assist them, it would be very possible.\nPreviously, they didn't believe in Jiang Tian's lofty claims either, but seeing this miracle, they were forced to believe in it.\nFor the next few weeks, Jiang Tian only occasionally visited the training grounds and spent most of his time accompanying Zhao Xueqing in Linzhou.\nJiang Tian also had Tang Linglong come down hard on them, and as usual, just like Jiang Tian, they often beat them to death and broke their bones and tendons.\nIt was just that the more injured the warriors were, the more they absorbed the Overlord Spiritual Liquid, and not only would they not leave any after-effects, but they would be even stronger.\nThe final day arrived.\nJiang Tian arrived at the training ground, swept a glance at the crowd and smiled in satisfaction, \"Who still dares to challenge me?\"\n\"Me!\"\nTyrannosaurus was the first to exhale and speak, sounding like rolling thunder.\nOnly different from the first time we met, this time he was full of solemnity and reverence, his body straight as a javelin.\nIn fact, the tyrannical dragon talent is good, but is also the biggest thorn in the war dragon, arrogant, before it will be an instructor to fight off, until he met Jiang Tian, only then will he wake up.\nAs if waking up a dreamer with a word, he realized his shortcomings and gaps.\nThese days, he had diligently studied and practiced according to the instructions Jiang Tian had given him, and he had truly benefited from it, and he understood Jiang Tian's good intentions.\n\"Very well, you're a yawning fellow again!\"\nJiang Tian smilingly hooked his hand at him.\nHearing this, the Tyrannosaurus blushed, then bowed and cupped his fist at Jiang Tian respectfully, \"Please, Master Jiang!\"\nThe words, though, were completely sincere.\n\"Cut the crap and dilly-dally!\"\nJiang Tian smiled lazily.\n\"I'm offended-\"\nThe Tyrannosaurus let out a low cry, then attacked with all his might, his entire body storming towards Jiang Tian like a tank car, kicking out towards Jiang Tian with the force of a fierce tiger and dragon.\nA fierce internal energy broke through the air and exploded in the air, causing the void to blur.\n\"Not bad, did you successfully promote your inner strength!\"\nJiang Tian's face was still smiling faintly, but a provocative leg was already behind him.\nBang! ground with a bang.\nThe Tyrannosaurus immediately fell to the ground, covering his crotch and rolling all over the floor, veins popping out of his forehead and tears popping out of his eyes.\n\"Master Jiang you-\"\n\"Tyrannosaurus this...still married?\"\nThe crowd that was present sat waxing, feeling that Jiang Tian's playing method was a bit too shady.\nJiang Tian indifferently said, \"Battlefield fighting, changing rapidly, has only one purpose - to kill the opponent, no matter what method.\nYour move seems overbearing and fierce, but you don't know that the empty door is wide open, not to mention me, even an ordinary warrior can knock you down if he finds your loophole!\"\nHe spoke with his mouth full, but his feet were relentless, kicking out and kicking the Tyrannosaurus all over the place.\n\"Next!\"\nJiang Tian kicked the Tyrannosaurus out of the circle like a soccer ball, then said to the other war dragons.\nAnother warrior leapt out, but was also slapped to the ground by Jiang Tian, unable to get up for half a day.\n\"The move is too slow, you have a fancy move, nice to look at but not practical!\"\nJiang Tian stomped down and directly broke the kid's leg bone.\nWith that, Jiang Tian knocked them down one by one and sent them all to the Logistics Medical Center for a medicinal bath in a medicinal pool.\n\"Alas, we're really useless, we originally thought that we had advanced quite a bit in a month, but we didn't expect that we still weren't a match in front of Master Jiang!\"\nTyrannosaurus soaked in the turquoise medicinal liquid and sighed with a face full of frustration and loss.\n\"Yeah, I had broken through to Inner Strength and thought I could, but I was slapped by Master Jiang and my cheekbones were shattered!\"\nWearing a camouflage vest, Cheng Sweetness soaked in the medicinal liquid and touched her swollen cheeks, depressed.\nAs the medicinal liquid soaked in, a powerful medicinal substance entered her body, causing her injured parts to recover at a speed that was visible to the naked eye.\n\"Yeah, I'm afraid we'll never be able to catch up with Master Jiang's footsteps for the rest of our lives!\"\nI wonder how many war dragons were shaking their heads and sighing, their faces becoming very dejected and helpless.\n\"You guys have done well.\nAccording to my observation, more than 80% of you are able to push out your inner energy, right!\"\nJust as the crowd was losing heart, Jiang Tian, however, lazily walked in with his hands behind his back and said indifferently.\n\"Master Jiang, it's true, but... there's still a big gap between you and me!\"\nThe fox's eyes were complex.\nIn the past month, under the guidance of Jiang Tian and Tang Linglong, they had progressed so rapidly that they had almost all broken through a level or two.\nThe original pre-Iron Body had broken through to the late stage, while Tyrannosaurus, who was originally the peak of Iron Body, and the others had directly stepped into the Inner Strength cultivation.\nHowever, when compared to Jiang Tian, they couldn't help but feel a little discouraged again, the gap was still very large.\n\"You want to compare with me, you kid really dare to think!\"\nJiang Tian gave the fox a slap on the back of the head and laughed and scolded, \"Do you know how many people in Huaxia can reach my kind of cultivation?\"\n\"Yeah, we're actually satisfied to have reached today's cultivation!\"\nThe fox scratched the back of his head, embarrassed.\n\"Haha, we wouldn't even dare to think about competing against Master Jiang!\"\nAll of them were embarrassed to agree.\nJiang Tian's gaze swept over their faces one by one, his face also showed a touch of kindness, after more than thirty days and nights together, Jiang Tian had already developed a few feelings for them.\nEventually, he said in an old-fashioned manner, \"Children, training is officially over!\nTomorrow, I won't come again!\"\n\"What?\"\nEveryone was stunned on the spot when this statement was made, unable to believe it, unable to accept it.\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "Mothers use breast pumps for many\nreasons.\nMost often, mothers pump on a regular\nbasis to provide breast milk to their\npre-term or hospitalized infants or when\nthey're working outside of the home.\nRegardless of the situation, a mother's\nbreast pump equipment should help\nprotect her milk volume by optimizing\nbreast emptying, preventing nipple trauma,\nand providing maximum comfort during\npumping. This brief presentation will\ndiscuss factors involved in selecting a\nbreast shield and how to obtain the best\nfit for maternal comfort an optimal milk\nexpression. Breast shields are the\ncomponent of the breast pumping system\nthat comes into direct contact with\nmother's nipple and breast. Because of the\nwide variation between nipple and breast\nshapes and sizes, a one-size breast\nshield doesn't fit all women. Breast\nshield fitting involves a balance\nbetween clinical fit of the shields to\nthe mother's breast, milk output, and\nmother's comfort. Before we talk about\nfitting breast shields, let's take a\nquick look at breast anatomy. This image\nwas developed from ultrasound studies of\nthe lactating breast by dr. Donna Geddes\nat the University of Western Australia.\nHere we see the ductal network in the\nbreast including the main milk ducts at\nthe nipples as well as those throughout\nthe breast. Milk ducts collect milk\nallowing transport to the nipple for\nremoval. You can see here that many ducts\nare very close to the skin surface\nin the nipple and areola. This will be\nimportant when we discuss breast shield\nsizing. Next we see the glandular tissue\nthat produces milk, it's embedded within\nthe inter glandular fat that is diffused\nthroughout the breast. Notice that like\nthe ducts,\nsome of the glandular tissue can be very\nclose to the skin surfaces of the breast.\nThe amounts and distribution of\nglandular and fat tissues within the\nbreast vary from woman to woman, with\nmany women also having differences\nbetween their breasts. Clinical experts\nhave noticed that changes occur in\nbreasts' and nipples' size and shape over\nthe course of lactation. All of these\nanatomic factors necessitate multiple\nbreast shield sizes and regular\nattention to proper breast shield\nfitting.\nMedela is the industry leader in variety\nof breast shield sizes available for\npumping mothers Medela personal fit\nbreast shields are available in several\nsizes small which has a tunnel diameter\nof 21 millimeters medium with a tunnel\ndiameter of 24 millimeters there's also\na large breast shield which is 27\nmillimeters and extra-large of 30\nmillimeters and a double extra-large\nthat is 36 millimeters all sizes are\ndesigned to fit onto the same personal\nfit and harmony connectors on the breast\npump collection kits modellers breast\nmilk initiation or BMI kits include both\nbreast shields of 24 millimeter and 27\nmillimeter sizes all other kits come\nstandard with 24 millimeter sized breast\nshields so how do we know what size\nbreast shield a mother should use we\nrecommend using the word comfy to guide\nselection to explain breast shield\nsizing let's go through each of the\nletters in comfy one by one first c\nstands for a centered nipple that moves\nfreely in the breast shields tunnel when\napplying the breast shield gently press\nthe shield onto the breast until a good\nsuction pressure is achieved but don't\npress too hard because pressure might\nobstruct the ducts near the surface of\nthe skin or compress glandular tissue if\nmothers hold the pump kit by the shield\nas shown here rather than by the bottle\nportion of the pump kit they will\ndistribute the pressure of the shield\nagainst the breast more evenly\nprotecting breast tissues allowing\nbetter milk removal and increasing\ncomfort this is how a nipple should look\nwhile a mother is pumping note the\ncentered nipple moves freely in the\ntunnel\nhere you see a breast shield that is too\nsmall\ncausing redness and sensation of\ntightness around the circumference of\nthe nipple\nsometimes blanching can be seen at the\nbase of the nipple if the shield is too\ntight shields that are too small can\ncause discomfort and nipple trauma in\nthese situations milk removal can be\nimpaired and milk output reduced because\nthe ducts in the nipple are compressed\nthe second letter in comfy o stands for\nonly a little or no aerial a tissue\npulled into the tunnel here you see the\nnipple is in the breast shield tunnel\nbut the areola is not this is a good fit\nthis mother is using a shield that is\ntoo large with the areola being pulled\ninto the tunnel in a 2010 study Prime\nand associates found that milk\nexpression was not as effective if a\nlarge amount of breast tissue entered\nthe tunnel of the breast shield hem\nrefers to motion specifically the motion\nof the breast above the breast field\nflange note that the motion with a good\nfit is gentle and rhythmic with each\npump cycle\nthe DF income fee stands for the mother\nfeeling comfortable while pumping\nmaternal comfort is the most important\nfactor to consider when selecting a\nbreast shield mothers are more likely to\npump frequently and thoroughly if\nthey're comfortable and milk expression\nshould be more effective pumping mothers\nshould know that uncomfortable pumping\nis a sign some adjustments are needed in\naddition to evaluating breast shield\nsize one must also consider the suction\nlevel if popping is uncomfortable it\ncould be that the vacuum level is too\nhigh once the breast shield fit is\nevaluated we recommend instructing\npumping women to find the maximum\nsuction level that's still comfortable\nby gently increasing the pump suction to\nthe point of very mild discomfort then\ndecreasing the suction to a level that's\ncomfortable because mother's nipples can\nchange size and shape during a pumping\nsession we recommend having her use a\nnew breast shield size for at least five\nminutes or longer before determining her\ncomfort level at any time if she feels\nnipple discomfort or pain while pumping\nshe should request assistance to\nevaluate shield fitting and pumping\nprocedures it's not unusual for mothers\nto need to change breast shield sizes\nespecially in the first weeks of pumping\nas mentioned before they may also need a\ndifferent size shield for each breast y\nstands for pumping effectiveness as\nmeasured by milky yield a properly\nfitting breast shield should allow the\nbreast to be well drained at the end of\nthe pumping session if an area of the\nbreast still feels full or a bit firmer\nthan the rest of the breast the\nglandular tissue and milk ducts in that\narea may not have been drained if an\narea of the breast still feels full at\nthe end of thumping make sure the shield\nis centered over the nipple if it is a\ndifferent size shield may be needed\nbreast milk production is dependent on\neffective regular removal of milk there\nfor optimal breast pumping effectively\nefficiently and comfortably removes\nmother's milk while protecting from the\nof life like all breast pump equipment\nbreast shields should be thoroughly\ncleaned after each use all parts of the\npumpkin must first be disconnected from\none another the shield is separated from\nthe connector Renne all separated parts\nin cool water next wash the breast\nshield and all other pump kit parts that\nhave come in contact with milk with soap\nand water\nthen rinse thoroughly and place on a\nclean surface to air dry or dry with a\npaper towel or freshly laundered cloth\nbreast shields can also be washed in the\ntop rack of a dishwasher\nclean with medela quick clean breast\npump and accessory wipes or Medela quick\nclean breast milk removal so home\nsanitizing can be done by boiling for 10\nminutes after washing or using a Medela\nquick clean micro steam bag in summary\nan understanding of breast anatomy and\nknowledge of breast changes during\nlactation informs proper breast shield\nselection and fitting a correctly fitted\nbreast shield will protect maternal milk\nvolume optimise breast emptying prevent\nnipple trauma and maximize comfort\nduring pumping\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "E\nDOWN THE LAST 70. GET\nFREE SHIPPING AND\nHANDLING WHILE IT'S\nAVAILABLE. THIS IS\nSTARTING RIGHT OUT OF\nTHE GATE. OVER HALF\nOF THE QUANTITY THAT\nWE EVER STARTED WITH\nIS ALREADY GONE. IT\nCOMES IN TWO\nDIFFERENT FLAVORS. \nI'LL SHOW THOSE TO\nYOU. HERE THEY ARE\nEASY FOR ME TO GO\nTHROUGH. THERE ARE\nGOLD TONED AND BLACK\n.THAT'S THIS ONE. WE\nHAVE FEWER THAN 60 OF\nTHE GOLD TON IN BLACK\n.GO AROUND AND WE\nHAVE FEWER THAN A\nHUNDRED OF THE GUN\nMETAL IN BLACK THAT\nYOU SEE RIGHT THERE. \nNOW AGAIN ALTOGETHER\nTHESE ARE OVER HALF\nOF THE QUANTITY HAS\nALREADY BEEN PICKED. \nIT'S IT'S THE FIRST\nTIME ON AIR SINCE\nOCTOBER. MORE THAN\nYOU PAY AND THE PRICE\nEXPIRES TOMORROW JUST\nIN WHAT IS A PRO\nDIVER I'VE HEARD OF\nTHAT FROM VICTOR\nBEFORE. YEAH, I\nUNDERSTAND IT'S\nRELATIVELY POPULAR. \nTHERE'S HISTORY HERE\nREALLY RELAUNCHING\nTHE BRAND OF THIS\nTYPE PIECE AND OUR\nCALLERS HAVE BEEN\nTALKING ABOUT THIS\nSOPHISTICATED PRO\nDIVER DESIGN BUT\nREALLY IT'S A\nTESTAMENT. ANYTIME\nYOU'VE GOT SOMETHING\nFOR THAT LONG AND\nCUSTOMERS LOVE IT, \nYOU KNOW YOU'RE\nSOMETHING SPECIAL\nONCE IT'S SO CLASSIC\n.IF YOU GET THIS FOR\nYOURSELF, I KNOW\nTHERE'S THAT WORRY\nWHERE YOU LOVE IT\nTODAY BUT MAYBE AFTER\nA FEW MONTHS YOU'RE\nNOT GOING TO LIKE IT\nAS MUCH. THAT'S NOT\nTHE ISSUE HERE. YOU\nWEAR IT EVERY SINGLE\nDAY. NOW WHICH COLOR\nSHOULD YOU GET BOTH\nTEN DOLLARS VALUE\nPAID GIVEN BOTH 20\nBUCKS IN VALUE PAY\nAND YOU GET INTO BOTH\nOF THESE TIMEPIECES. \nTHAT'S CRAZY. THAT\nONE THERE. I MEAN IF\nI HAD TO PICK JUST\nONE GUN METAL BLACK\nTHAT'S LOOK. WELL\nLET'S TALK ABOUT WHAT\nYOU GET HOME FOR\nFIFTY NINE NINETY\nNINE. WELL ACTUALLY\nLET'S TALK ABOUT WHAT\nYOU WOULD GET FOR\nFIFTY NINE NINETY\nNINE OUT AT THE MALL\n.WE SEE WATCHES\nTHERE ALL THE TIME\nREGULAR MOVIE THEATER\n.RIGHT. FIFTY NINE\nNINETY NINE. YOU'D\nGET INTO A PLASTIC\nWATCH WHERE NO WATER\nRESISTANCE TO IT. IT\nWOULD BE MADE OUT OF\nA MYSTERY METAL OR A\nBASE METAL IN FACT NO\nONE EVEN KNOWS WHAT\nIT'S MADE OUT OF. IN\nFACT IF YOU ASK\nSOMEBODY BEHIND THE\nCOUNTER THEY DON'T\nKNOW YOU'RE GETTING A\nPREMIUM STAINLESS\nSTEEL. YOU HAVE AN\nIMPACT RESISTANT\nMINERAL CRYSTAL. YOU\nHAVE THAT TRUE KNIGHT\nMATERIAL WE'VE BEEN\nTALKING ABOUT ON THE\nHANDS IN OUR MARKET. \nSO IT WAS VERY BRIGHT\nIN THE DARK. PLUS IT\nIS ENGINEERED TO DOVE\nSPECIFICATIONS. YOU\nCAN NOT TOUCH YOUR\nWATCH OF THIS QUALITY\nANYWHERE NEAR THIS\nPRICE TYPICALLY OUT\nAT RETAIL FOR FIFTY\nNINE NINETY NINE. YOU\nGET INTO THROWAWAY\nBILLS. THIS IS PRO\nDIVER WE'VE BEEN\nHEARING ABOUT HOW\nHIGH QUALITY THIS\nBUILDING IS ONE OF\nTHE MOST I WOULD SAY\nSOLID PIECES WE'VE\nEVER DONE IN OUR\nHISTORY RIGHT HERE\nGUYS. WE'RE COUNTING\nTHIS DOWN FEWER THAN\nONE HUNDRED AND\nTWENTY SEVEN WE USED\nGO ROUNDS FROM\nADDICTED TO 44\nMILLIMETER PRO DIVER\nCOURT SUNDAY DIAL\nSILICONE STRAP WATCH\n.IT'S ONLY FIFTY\nNINE DOLLARS AND\nNINETY NINE CENTS. WE\nHAVE ONE HUNDRED\nEIGHTEEN LEFT. IF\nYOU'VE NEVER SHOPPED\nWITH US BEFORE THIS\nMIGHT BE THE ONE YOU\nWANT TO TAKE\nADVANTAGE OF. \nREMEMBER EVERYTHING\nWE OFFER TO YOU COMES\nIN THIS SHOW COMES\nWITH SIX INTEREST\nFREE VALUE PAYMENTS. \nSO THAT MEANS YOU'RE\nONLY PAYING 10\nDOLLARS TO GET THIS\nHOME PLUS A LITTLE\nSHIPPING AND HANDLING\n.NOW IT DOES COME\nWITH THE 30 DAY MONEY\nBACK GUARANTEE. SO IF\nFOR ANY REASON YOU\nDON'T LIKE IT WHEN\nYOU GET IT HOME YOU\nSEND IT BACK AND YOU\nGET YOUR MONEY BACK. \nNOW IF YOU WANT TO\nSAVE A LITTLE BIT\nMORE ON SHIPPING AND\nHANDLING, YOU ORDER\nTHIS AND YOU CALL US\nAND YOU SAY YOU WANT\nTO BE A VIP, YOU GET\nYOUR FIRST MONTH FREE\nTO BE A VIP. YEAH, \nYOU GET FREE. SHE IS\nSHIPPING AN ADELAIDE\nREFUND AS WELL AS\nCASH BACK 5 PERCENT\nCASHBACK REFUNDS FOR\nEVERYTHING YOU BUY\nFROM US. THEY CAN\nSPEND WITH US OR\nOTHER RETAILERS NOT\nTHAT YOU WOULD EVER\nDO RIGHT THERE UNDER\nA HUNDRED PIECES DOWN\nTO NINETY NINE AS A\nMATTER OF FACT. WE\nARE THE MOST LIMITED\nIN THE GOLD BLACK. WE\nHAVE ACTUALLY BOUGHT\nTHREE OR FOUR DOZEN\nFOR DOESN'T LEFT IN\nTHE GOLD COAST AND WE\nHAVE FEWER T\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "Then what's the point we play?\nWe play for what \nIf you really say enough already\nWait wait \nWait just come\nHey guys welcome back to the family channel \nAnd today we have \nSomething very exciting \nWe will be pulling a prank on Ridhwan \nWe will be pulling a prank on Ridhwan \nWho is downstairs \nSo what we are gonna be doing today \nIs a\nWho knows who better challenge \nWhere my best friend Ridhwan \nWill go up against wife Debbie \nSo I'll be asking them questions \nYou guys will be legit answering okay?\nI'll try my best \nWhat if I don't win \nIt doesn't matter \nStill love you if you don't know me\nHere's what's gonna happen \nWe're gonna be playing the game \nAnd halfway through we're gonna argue \nAnd scare Ridhwan \nBut I can imagine his face \nHe's gonna be really shocked \nHe'll just be clueless on what to do \nOkay \nSo we both walk out \nAnd then we'll see what happens\nLet's tell all of them our strategy \nSo Ridhwan is really competitive right?\nSo I'm gonna be like \nOh yeah Ridhwan I didn't know you knew these stuff \nYou are really my best friend \nAnd then that will make Debbie \nA little bit jealous right?\nRight?\nI mean since you think that he will\nDo so well \nI like where this is going \nAnd then?\nWhy don't y'all just film \nA best friend hacks or something \nOkay very good \nLets go let's do this!\nOkay we'll both walk out \nAnd then we'll just leave the camera there\nMaybe you have to argue back with me \nWhat's wrong with you? \nYeah okay we'll argue together \nAnd then we'll make him really \nWe'll make him really awkward \nOkay \nIt's like his Tik Tok \nHey guys welcome back\nTo the Jebbey family \nToday we are doing \nWho knows me better \nWith my best friend and my wife \nSo we're going to see \nI'm going to be asking a few questions \nAnd we're going to see who knows me better \nHow long have you known Jianhao?\n8 years and 4 and a half years so\nTechnically Ridhwan should know me better \nWhat is my favourite food?\nFavourite food?\nYeah \nYou changed a lot eh \nOkay right now \nMy favourite food right now \nAnd time is up \nLet's show the audience \nYou showing what?\nActually it's just \nI don't know what is the name of the thai food \nThere's this thai food that he always order\nThat's with fish and all \nHow did none of you get\nRyo sushi \nGuys what the hell?\nMaki san?\nI thought you ordered thai food last time with the \nJust because I ordered thai food once?\nMeans it's my favourite food?\nBest friend are you?\nYou call yourself a best friend?\nYou call yourself a wife?\nOkay what is the name of \nMy dream car right now \nOh my god \nThis is a unfair question \nWhy is it an unfair question?\nI don't know the name of cars \nYou see me watch YouTube videos everyday about it \nYeah but I forgot the name \nOkay ready and show your answers \nLamborgini\nHurricane what?\nWhat?\nWait how did you know?\nI think I\nThere was once you mentioned about it \nWoah Hurracan\nI didn't even know how you know \nYou saw oh!\nThere was a video just now you were saying \nThe interior of the car was uh \nNo hurracan\nBut how would you know if my \nThe car I want\nWhat about my answers?\nI got 3 \nYou just put down \nBut he got the exact Lamborgini Hurrican \nYou got the \nMustang G wagon \nThat doesn't work \nI'm sorry \nBecause he's so fickle minded \nHe changes the answer all the time \nI'm gonna get a wedding ring after this \nAlright so \n1 point to the best friend \n0 points to the wife \nOn which part of my body \nDid I get a surgery done?\nLeft knee \nGum?\nThere was a stiching \nI don't think the wisdom tooth counts \nIt counts as a surgery no?\nCome on dentist please \nWell I guess \nWell technically \nI did get surgery on my gum\nAnd it's not my left knee\nIt's my right \nNo look at this \nAm I right?\nWhat?\nIt's a good try but it's wrong\nSo I guess Ridhwan gets a point \nI wrote knee\nNo but you wrote left knee\nIf you just wrote knee you could get the point \nYou see sometimes it's better\nTo specify guys \nSomeone's gums \nSee it's a different answer \nAlright so Ridhwan gets the point \nDebbie gets 0 \nName 2 schools and which country it was \nWhoever can name more schools in the past \nWill probably get the point I guess yeah \nOkay and reveal your answers \nRadim Mas primary school \nUNIC?\nI don't know \nU niece \nOh damn she got it right!\nRadim Mas in Singapore \nPrimary School \nISPB in Cambodia \nUNIC in Hanoi \nWell done!\nI'm disappointed \nUNIQUE?\nOkay so 2 points to best friend \n1 point to wife \nHow many kids do I want to have?\nJust a number \nLet's reveal \n4?\n3\nWell the answer is 8\nBut\n3 looks more like an 8 \nWhat this is ridiculous\nThis is so unfair!\nI would like 8 kids but \nIf it were to be 3 or 4 \nI would go with 3 \nLike if I were to have a group \nIt would be like 8 \n4 is nearer to 8 right?\nHello?\nIt's either 3 or 8 \nSo \n3 points to Ridhwan \n1 point to Debbie \nThis is ridiculous \nDo the honours \nWhat do I want to name my next daughter?\nYou have 5 seconds \nAnd reveal your answers \nWe have \nMoonley?\nMoonley\nGot the star got the moon \nOkay and \nBailey yes \nI want to name my next daughter Bailey \nEh I got the Lee\nUh it doesn't count\nI got a feeling that it's got a lee\nWhat would I want to name my son? \nOkay and reveal your answers \nSun oh \nThat's quite bad \nThunder \nThunder Tan \nYou know this man \nI want to name my next son\nThunder Tan Dalei \nBut she doesn't approve of it so \nIt will just be \nA vision \nA fantasy that will never happen okay \nSo my son in the future \nProbably will not be Thunder Tan Dalei \nDuhh\nHonestly\nI don't know why you're so against it \nBecause I think Thunder Tan is a nice name \nIt's such a bad name \nLet's just move on \nBut even Ridhwan knows \nI wanted to name my son like \nThunder \nBut you knew it right?\nMy answer was wrong \nWhatever move on \nName at least 2 of my exes \nI can only remember 1 \nWell if you can name more than 1\nYou get a point \nGosh \nOkay and reveal your answers \nWhose Jennie?\nI was thinking about Black Pink I'm so sorry \nWhose Jennie?\nI don't know Jennie from Black pink \nI don't know that was the first name \nWhy haven't I heard of her?\nWhen is Buncha's birthday \nIt's both wrong \nIt's the 20th of November \nI'm very bad with numbers \nI think you just don't know me well enough \nWhat the hell \nThat's so unfair to say \nI mean just because I can't remember Buncha's birthday \nI mean honestly \nBuncha's your dog too \nSo I think \nYeah but like Cindy's birthday \nWas 17 or 18\nI just thought \nWhy would you mix Buncha with Cindy?\nBecause they are both small \nOkay I have 2 favourite football teams \nCan you name them?\nOkay \nQuite easy \nI think both will correct \nAlright Alright \nWhat's the point now?\nCause I think you don't know me well enough \nSo I already said like \nSome things are just not\nLike what question?\nLike what question?\nLike the car \nHow am I supposed to know exactly\nWhat model or what \nLike as if I will know \nBut you've been \nYou've been watching the videos with me \nOkay example you watch some make up video\nAre you gonna remember what brand lipstick they use?\nWhat rubbish eh \nMAC?\nIt's MAC \nEtude house \nSephora?\nIt's damn bullshit \nLike I just think that \nYou're being very very selfish \nI'm being selfish?\nYeah\nWhy?\nEverything Dan and Ridhwan gets correct \nHe say what 3 is nearer than 8?\nI mean 4 is obviously nearer to 8 than 3 \nBut 3 looks like 8 \nYou wanna film like this kind of video\nThen you better just at least \nBe fair right?\nIt's not my fault he guessed the \nHurracan \nIt's just not fair okay?\nOkay okay \nNext one \nOkay?\nAlright\nHow many cousins do I have?\nI don't know I just feel like \nI very no mood to film this \nTo be very honest \nNever mind let's just get through it \nNo I just feel like it's very \nVery unfair \nOkay this is the lat question \nEither way \nRidhwan is probably gonna win this \nThen what's the point we play?\nI seriously don't get it \nWe play for what?\nIf you really said Ridhwan is gonna win \nWait wait \nDarling \nDarling just end it off \nCome on it's just 1 video \nWhy are you so angry about it?\nThe 3 looks like 8 \nI'm just making a joke\nWhy is it so hard to make a joke \nPlease like give me some questions\nJust that at least I can answer \nNot like car and stuff right?\nHow hard is it for you to\nJust know the car \nWe're just kidding! \nIt's a prank!\nWhy you do this to me?\nDid you turn it off?\nI don't know what to do \nYou got pranked!\nWas it legit?\nWas it legit?\nHow do you feel?\nI feel awkward \nI don't know what to do \nJust look at the massage chair \nMaybe I wanted to have a massage on it \nHi 5!\nIt's quite legit right?\nI know right?\nRight Ridhwan?\nAt which point did you\nSuspect that it was a prank \nOh so ridiculous \nThe 3 looks like an 8 \nDon't do that to your wife guys \nDon't do that to your wife \nHow did you feel when I walked out?\nWhat were you thinking?\nI don't know what to do \nDoesn't make sense \nAll right guys \nSo we're just gonna end the video here\nI won right?\nIt doesn't matter who wins \nHonestly \nThis whole thing was \nYou didn't even think hard about the question \n370\n00:12:11,000 --> 00:12:12;000\nI think he's so upset and \nHe's so uncomfortable \n372\n00:12:1,;050 --> 00:12:16,000\nHe's like so lost \nRight?\nHe just came here to answer questions \nAnd he had to go through this \nFor awhile right \nThen I was like \nMaybe I should give chance to Debbie \nThen maybe they won't quarrel \nThat's a true friend right there \nThat's a true friend right there \nYeah I was like \nWalk out why aren't you doing it \nI was like \nDo you really wanna play the game so bad?\nActually you know \nI could tell from the start \nHe was like trying to laugh it out \nYeah yeah \nThe hurrican part right?\nHe was trying to laugh every part off\nUntil like the last part \nHe's like \nHe can't do it anymore \nThanks for watching guys \nSubscribe \nAnd watch our latest video here \nWe'll see you in the next one\nBye!\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "From Turning Stone Resort in\nUpstate New York, this is Poker\nNight in America.\n[MUSIC]\n>> Welcome to Poker Night in\nAmerica.\nI'm your host, Chris Hanson.\nThis week, we find ourselves\nbeing pampered at\nthe ultra-swanky Turning Stone\nResort in Verona, New York.\n>> Their VIP lounge is the\nperfect backdrop for our\ncelebrity cash game and their\nscenic landscape was\nthe perfect backdrop for a\nnumber of ALS ice bucket\nchallenges.\nYou remember those, anyway, once\neveryone was dry and our\nextremities were no\nlonger numb we made our way up\nto the VIP lounge and kicked off\nour cash game.\nAnd while some of these players\nwere just getting warmed up\nafter getting\nchilled with a bucket of ice,\nother players were about to feel\nthe burn.\nLet's meet who's at today's\ntable.\nSome pretty big names and some\npretty big stacks joining us\ntonight.\nBut the biggest stacks buying in\nfor the max 20k is Phil Laak and\nShaun Deeb.\nPhil Hellmuth.\nBuying in for the minimum at 5K.\n[LAUGH]\n>> Yeah.\n>> Blinds are 25 and 50.\nWe got a $100 straddle from Liv\nBoeree.\n>> She's tilted you three bet\nher.\n>> All these players in for a\nminimum of $5000.\n>> In his defense.\n>> Cindy Kerslake makes it 225.\n>> 60 big blinds before the\nflop.\n>> A call from Phil Laak.\nBut Sahaun Deeb is so good Phil,\nthat he came-\n>> David Patent calls.\n>> After he went to the bathroom\nor whatever.\nGathered himself or whatever he\nsays he did.\nHe came back and he won that\n$35,000 back in half an hour.\nIt was impressive.\nCause it's hard to win 35K in a\n25-50 game.\n>> With the right dynamic.\n>> Cherish Andrews calls from\nthe big blind and\nLiv Boeree calls from the\nstraddle, so five players\ntogether as we see our first\nflop so tonight at Turning\nStone.\n>> All right, may ah two huge\nhands happen here.\n>> I think Shaun's trying the\ntight strategy today.\n>> You didn't see some of the\ncards I've played already.\n>> Yeah we played half a hand.\n>> Two pair for Boeree and she\nchecks.\nKerslake the initial raiser\nbets.\n575 is her bet.\nBoeree makes it 1,500.\nKerslake will fold.\nAnd a hundred dollar straddle\nturns into a $3,200 pot for Liv\nBoeree.\n>> Is it legal to just put in\nthe minimum?\n>> It probably won't be the\nminimum for long, so.\n>> Right. But it's legal, it's\nallowed?\nIt's not, like, deuce-seven,\nwhere you have to come in for a\nraise, or anything like that?\n>> I mean, if you wanna be that\nguy.\n>> Is that legal?\n>> I told you, it was not gonna\nbe min for long.\n>> I wanted to see the hand, you\nknow, without putting 8000 in.\nAre you c-betting 85% plus?\nLike no matter what.\n>> Probably. \n>> I feel like, you know.\n>> The limp re-raise would\nprobably work.\nYou make it like 15 thousand and\nI'd probably fold.\n>> I feel like I have to\nplay the hand, I came in for a\nlimp.\n>> And what a flop for Phil\nLaak, flops a queen high flush.\nDeeb just a pair of jacks.\n>> Non power, that's good for\nme.\nI think I have a, I think I have\na little something going on.\n>> Could that do it?\n>> I also have a little\nsomething going on.\n>> That's not going to do it.\nWould it help if I told you I\nmeant it at 550 but I bet five\nand a quarter?\n>> You want to agree to put in\n550?\n>> No.\nYes. No.\nFive and a quarter's plenty.\nIf that was a trick to get\ninformation, I hope you didn't\nget anything.\nOh, I like that card.\n>> I also like that card.\n>> Sorry buddy.\n[LAUGH]\n>> Sometimes I have it.\n>> What does he have?\n>> Flopped a flush.\n>> 118 to 1, or so, is what\nhappened there.\nI don't even know the\nlast time I limped with\nqueen-eight suited.\nMaybe I haven't ever done it.\n>> I just knew that if I came\nin, you would raise me, so\nI was like, if I come in for 50.\n>> I had you crushed!\nI had to raise.\nYou got to find a way that you\ncan see a flop.\n[CROSSTALK]\n>> And then not have the lead in\nthe hand and be in a very bad\nspot for the rest of the hand\nor whatever.\nHere it comes, Astro Girl.\nShe's out of position but she\nloves her hand so she's going to\ndo something.\nThere it is.\n575.\n425.\n350.\n>> Boeree makes it 400 with\njacks.\n>> I got a pretty wide range\nhere to get involved.\nOh that's, that's like the top\nof my range.\nLet's go.\nIt was a good hand.\nIt might not be in a minute.\nIt might not be in about a\nsecond.\n>> Two over cards on the flop to\nLiv's pocket jacks.\n>> Ah, six and a quarter.\nDefinitely six and a quarter.\n>> After Boeree's check, Phil\nLaak bets 625.\nAnd a call.\nOh, wow, the turn is a Jack.\nSo, that gives Laak the\nstraight.\nAnd Boeree a set of Jacks.\nThey both check.\n>> Oh.\nAny 10 makes a straight, Liv.\nTwo thousand, three hundred and\na quarter.\nThat's the perfect bet because\nyou can't call and you can't\nfold.\nYou're trapped.\nIt's like a mind warp.\n>> It's a very good bet.\n>> So she's gonna tank until the\nend of time, is that the plan?\n>> It's when the unstoppable\nforce meets the unmovable\nobject.\nThere's no action.\n[LAUGH]\nWe'll have to cut, it's a wrap.\nAdam, we're all going home.\nShe can't raise, fold, or call.\nShe's trapped.\n>> But wait, this is live\nstream.\nShe can wait 31 minutes and\nthen see what your hole\ncards are.\n>> Yeah, Yes that's a great\nidea.\nWell.\nAlright.\n>> Good fold.\n>> Nice bet.\n>> Good fold.\n>> Good fold.\n>> Yeah yeah yeah.\n>> And Phil Laak is rolling\nearly tonight on Poker Night\nin America.\nAnd that was a tough fold from\nLiv Boeree but, she did the\nright thing.\nWe've got more tank battles when\nwe return.\nPlus a little later on we'll\npivot from the small screen to\nthe silver screen as we review\nfamous poker scenes in cinema in\na segment called Poker Night at\nthe Movies.\nPoker Night in America is being\nbrought to you by 888poker.com. \nWhere the world plays online.\n>> Thanks for coming back to\nPoker Night in America.\nLet's get back to the cash game.\nPoker Night in America brought\nto you by 888 Poker, where the\nworld plays online.\nUpstate New York this week on\nPoker Night in America,\nreturn visit here to Turning\nStone.\nThis is our first look at Jesse\nSylvia, in the one seat.\n>> One of the reasons, one of\nthe reasons if we all share,\nwe're all rewarded for\nour reads and not reads, you\nknow that right.\nIt's not just about you.\n>> Right, I know, it was just, I\njust need a little delay, a,\njust a little cushion, a mind\ncushion.\nI'm going to play, by putting\nin the correct amount of chips,\nand continuing.\n>> Laak calls, Deeb calls.\n>> Phil just wants every tiny\nlittle edge.\n[CROSSTALK]\n>> Come on, Phil.\nI mean.\n>> Triple five.\n>> Good lord.\n>> Laak has checked.\n>> I'll throw in a little bit.\nI just have to let the hand, you\nknow, despillify in the brain a\nlittle bit.\n>> 400.\n>> Sylvia bets 250.\n>> Three and a quarter.\nI think that's a raise, he said\n400.\n>> Yeah what is that?\n>> That should be a raise to\nfive.\nJust saying.\n>> That's true.\nI actually sa, I thought it was\n400 cuz I saw the two black\nchips.\nAnd that's not angle, but if you\nwant, I'll raise.\n>> I'm folding regardless, but I\nthink it should be a raise.\n>> I'm not gonna, like, try to\npush that.\n>> Okay. 250. Cuz I, I'm not\nproud of my hand, but I'm proud.\nI'm proud enough to put in the\n250.\n>> It sounded like he asked a\nquestion.\n400?\n>> Yeah I think his tell was\npretty clear, I'm not.\nGo ahead.\n>> Thank you Jesse.\nI check.\n>> Just let's check it done,\nJesse.\n>> Laak checks again, so\naction's on Sylvia.\n>> Hold on, slow down.\nI'll pay you to check.\nOh, whatever, I gotta pay him\noff.\n>> There you go, take them.\n>> Well Phil, you're not paying\nhim off; right now, you're in\nthe lead.\n>> Ace-jack, is it any good now?\nIt, it feels like it has less\npower.\n>> Less power?\n>> Jack!\n>> Ooh.\n>> I knew it was gonna be a\njack.\n>> I check. You might have\nace-five, or pocket aces, man.\nI don't have Ace-Jack, I'll\njust let you know.\nI was bull [BLEEP] earlier.\n>> One more bet from Silvia here\non the river.\nLet's see if it's enough to get\nrid of Laak and his tens.\n>> No set, no bet.\nI don't really want to call\nHow much is it?\n>> $1,550.\n>> Do you think Phil has 8s or\n10s Liv?\n>> 1550.\n>> I actually haven't been\npaying attention.\n>> And Laak makes the right\ndecision.\n>> Wow.\n>> Tens, just what I had him on.\n>> Oh, my god.\n>> You had a full house, and you\ntook that long.\n>> Yes. Cuz I'm just, you know.\nI told him I had ace-jack\nand then he bet.\nSo I was like.\n[LAUGH]\n>> Phil, I called your hand.\nDid you like that?\n>> Yup I heard that.\nI'll give, I'll bet, I'll go 200\nto 400.\n>> That it was suited?\nOr that it was of spades?\n>> 6-4, spades exactly.\nYou win.\nYou win 500 if it's not 6-4.\n>> Boeree raises to 150.\n>> Wow. You're always working,\naren't you.\nAnd okay. You got it.\n>> You want it?\n>> Yeah.\n>> Okay, like, we're talking\nnot, we're talking the one\nwith Hellmuth.\n>> Yeah, yeah.\n>> Yeah, okay, you got a deal,\n200 of-\n>> Shaun Deeb making his 248th\nappearance on Poker Night in\nAmerica.\nRaises with 10, 5 of hearts.\nWe would expect no less.\n>> Bet 500 to 1500.\n>> I'll take the first one.\n>> Okay.\n>> You seem pretty sure.\n>> I'm pretty sure.\nI thiink I just made 200.\n>> Boeree calls.\n>> I would like 50 to 1.\n>> Flop's 8 high but for Shaun\nDeeb a couple of hearts will\npeak his interest to go on\nwith this hand.\n550, from Deeb is the bet.\n>> No, she doesn't want out.\n>> Antonio, by the way, is the\nmost earning-\n>> Call from Boeree.\n>> I see him in a tournament.\n[LAUGH] He's like, I\nmade 6,000 today in a lot of\nthings, in a $1,000 tournament.\n>> And the turn is another\nhear, that gives Deeb the flush.\nBoeree has already checked, so\nDeeb's now wondering how much\nhe's going to be trying to\nextract from Liv here.\n$1,425, as Phil Laak would say,\nis the bet.\n[MUSIC]\n>> And once again, Liv Boeree\nfinds herself in an impossible\nspot, and\nhas to make a tough lay-down.\nI'm not sure I'd have the\ndiscipline she is showing today.\nBut of course, that's why she is\nthe poker playing, heavy metal\nguitar shredding,\nsuper modeling, extreme\nsporting, astrophysicist.\nWell, I'm, I'm just.\nClosed captioning is brought to\nyou as a public service by Poker\nNight in America.\n>> From Turning Stone Resort in\nUpstate New York, welcome back\nto Poker Night in America.\n>> I also think that it helps,\nthe new school helps one of\nthings,\nit helps them be calmer about\nlosing.\nI'm not known for being calm.\n>> Shaun Deeb raises it to 300.\n>> You're not known for losing\neither, Phil.\n>> Whatever, whatever.\n>> I haven't exactly been the\nmost graceful loser.\n>> Silvia with Ace, Jack.\n>> He calls.\n>> Maybe five, nine of diamonds.\nYou might have five, nine of\ndiamonds.\n>> And it looks like Phil\nHellmuth is ready to get\ninvolved in his very first hand\never on Poker Night in America.\nAnd here comes Hellmuth and\njacks.\nHe just calls.\n>> Is your app this, share my\npair?\n>> Yep.\n>> That's the one you were\ntelling me about last night?\n>> Yeah.\n>> Because I was actually-\n>> Oh no, no, no, no.\nWhat, actually what I was\ntelling you about,\nthe share my pair app's pretty,\npretty cool.\n>> Yeah, I wanted to talk to you\nabout that actually.\n>> Flop is 6 high.\nSo Hellmuth, and his jacks are\nahead.\n650 from Deeb.\n>> That gets rid of Sylvia.\n>> Call from Hellmuth.\nAnd sure, he's got a gut shot\nstrait draw, so why not raise it\nto four thousand from Phil Laak.\n>> No four thousand.\n>> Four thousand.\n>> Deeb folds.\n>> Wow, such a big raise if\nyou have a set.\nI don't think you have a set.\nAll right, I guess I'm all in.\n>> Call.\n>> Phil goes all in and a call\nfrom Laak obviously.\n>> Just jacks Phil.\n>> Only 500 more to call.\n>> You got to show.\n>> I have to show?\n>> You have to show on all in\nhands.\n>> Six, Five do you have?\nWow, I can't run this twice,\nthis is so sick.\n>> And the river.\nAnd Phil Hellmuth is going to\nwin a huge pot.\n>> Maybe.\n>> What'd you fold?\n>> King-six.\nI just, like, know he's got\nsomething stupid, but Phil's for\nsure got me beat.\n>> Well, Phil Hellmuth, welcome\nto Poker Night in America.\nYou've played exactly one hand,\nand you've doubled up.\nWin your very first hand.\n>> With 1.2 million in for the\nTeaching Tolerance charities in\none night.\nEvery once a year, it's\nbeautiful.\n>> You know Todd, Todd one that\nlast year or the year before.\n>> Button raise from Laak with\nace-king.\n>> $25,000 Graf certificate.\n>> Oh, yeah I did. You're such a\nquick learner.\n>> I'll try to remember too, I,\nI.\n>> Said he couldn't buy anything\nat the store except a pen.\n>> A re-pop from Deeb with 8-7\nto 700.\nAnd a quick call from Phil Laak.\nOpen ended straight draw\nfor Shaun Deeb.\nTop pair top kicker for Phil\nLaak.\nAnd Deeb is first with that\ndraw.\nLooks like we're playing only\nbig pots tonight on Poker Night\nin America.\nAnd just like that Shaun Deeb\nmakes a straight on the turn.\nThe bet is $1,650.\nLaak calls.\n$6,300 in the middle as we go\nto the river.\nDeeb puts them all in the\nmiddle, $10,375.\nAll in.\n>> If I call in an all in will\nyou flip me for 10 so I can a\nshot to either get stuck 10 more\nor get unstuck.\n>> I don't even know why I\nasked?\nI know he's probably going to\nsay yes.\nWhen the hand was over.\nI call.\nThe nuts.\n>> A call from Phil Laak has\njust turned into the biggest pot\nof the night on Poker Night in\nAmerica.\nWorth over $27,000.\n>> There's ten, take the rest,\nwhatever you need, kid.\n>> And here's the updated chip\ncount.\nPhil Laak is down $11,000 for\nthe night, and Phil Hellmuth,\nwho bought in for\nthe minimum $5,000, has already\nmore than doubled that.\n>> Whatever you need.\n>> The advantage of being Mrs.\nJennifer Tilly.\n[LAUGH]\n>> Oh, my God.\n>> When we return, I'll host a\npanel with film critic Richard\nRoeper,\nOscar-nominated movie star\nJennifer Tilly,\nand humanoid Phil Laak as we\ndiscuss famous poker scenes\nportrayed in movies.\nPoker Night in America is being\nbrought to you by 888poker.com. \nWhere the world plays online.\n>> Welcome back to Poker Night\nin America.\nNow if you are a poker player,\nand a movie buff like I am,\nyou've seen it happen in movies\ntime and time again.\nThe same ridiculous poker scenes\nwhere the pot gets splashed, the\npeanut\ngallery calls out the action,\nand the hero always slow rolls\nwith the nuts.\nBut here at poker night in\nAmerica, we've put together a\npanel of poker and\nfilm experts, for a new segment\nto talk about the times\nHollywood gets it wrong,\nor gets it right.\nTonight's example, James Bond's\nstrait flush versus the\nvillain's full house\nin the 2006 film Casino Royale.\nThis is Poker Night at the\nmovies.\n>> You know, I really love this\nfilm.\nI thought Daniel Craig, you\nknow, is the best James Bond,\nprobably,\nsince Sean Connery.\nBut that's one of the worst\npoker scenes I've ever seen in\nmy life.\nIt's, the, the, the betting is\ncrazy, and then the dealer\nshould be fired.\n[LAUGH]\n>> You know?\nHe's moving cards around, he's\ndoing this, he's doing that.\nAnd.\nYou know, you calculate the\nodds.\nAnd Phil and Jen can speak to\nthis.\nWhat are the odds of those types\nof hands actually happening all\nin one.\nYou can't calculate that.\n>> It was funny because on News\nViews and Gossip, which is a\nwebsite where a lot of\nwizard poker players offer their\nthoughts.\nThey'd picked apart the scene\nand somebody had calculated,\nreverse engineered.\nOh well this man, if he started\nthe hand with six and a half big\nblinds,\nwhy duh-duh-duh did he go in\nwith eight high, or whatever\nhands they had.\n>> The blinds are, the blinds is\na million, right?\n>> Yeah.\n>> I was like what are you\ndoing?\nYeah, get it in there.\n>> Phil and I talk about\neverything.\nWe have the same opinion.\nBut we could not believe that\nJames Bond splashed the pot like\na little girl.\nHe's like.\n[LAUGH]\n>> Everything's spilling down.\nAnd then the other guy, the guy\nthat bleeds from his eye.\nHe splashes the pot too.\nWe're like everyone's so\npositive their going to win\nthis pot, so they don't care if\ntheir chips get mixed up with\neverybody else chips so,\nwhat about the side pot, you\nknow shouldn't be there a side\npot.\nLet's give the, the movie a\nreview we gonna do this based on\npoker hands.\nAh a, so we'll start with\nJennifer.\n>> Oh, Oh, I would say ace high\nfor, in terms of poker hand.\n[LAUGH]\n>> All right.\n>> Barely good enough to win.\nAll right. Richard Roeper?\n>> Yeah, it's seven deuce off\nsuit as an actual poker scene, I\nthink.\nBut Jennifer's right.\nI mean, there's some good acting\nthere.\nSo that, okay I'll give it a,\nI'll give it a pair of 9's.\n>> Okay so far our best hand is\nace high here.\n>> Yeah, yeah.\n>> For this poker scene.\n>> I originally for going to say\nyeah around there but maybe\npocket fours cuz\nI wouldn't mind four's racing\nwith like ace eight in this\nspot.\n>> The thing that is\ndisappointing is all the buzz in\nthe poker community.\n>> Right.\n>> There is this amazing poker\nscene.\n>> It's this big deal, that is\nwhat killed us.\n>> And it was like so insulting.\n>> Pocket threes.\nI'm gonna give you pocket\nthrees.\nFours is too high.\nFours is too high.\n>> This is a movie that probably\nhad a budget of what, a hundred\nmillion dollars.\nHow could they not get that\nright?\n>> They never do.\n>> It's the equivalent of a dart\nscene where the guy hits the\nbullseye and then the dart\nsplits the dart, you know?\n[LAUGH]\n>> Come on.\n>> Okay, so Casino Royale,\nJames Bond film, you have an ace\nhigh, seven deuce off suit and\npocket threes maybe pocket fours\nwith the hope of setting up on\nthe flop.\nSo that is our review of, the\npoker scene from Casino Royale.\n[MUSIC]\n>> Man, that was a lot of fun.\nYou can see more of Poker Night\nat the Movies in upcoming\nepisodes.\nFor more from Poker Night in\nAmerica, log on to\npokernight.com or\nfind us on Facebook, Twitter or\nYouTube where you can see\ncomplete episodes and unedited\nlive streams.\nAlso be sure to check out our\nonline store for Poker Night\nhoodies.\nShirts, hats and more.\nFor everyone at Poker Night in\nAmerica, I'm Chris Hanson.\n>> And this would make a better\nmovie if, if they were all\ncheating.\n>> And James Bond is the best\ncheater because, of course, he's\nJames Bond.\nAnd of course, in for, and on\ntop of that he sticks it in by\nslow rolling.\nWe saw it. Phil goes, \"Oh my\ngod.\nI cannot believe James Bond is a\nslow roller.\"\n\"He has a full house.\nThat is a very good.\"\nHe's explaining to the girl that\ngot the boob job in the middle\nof the movie.\n[LAUGH]\n>> I was saying to Richard,\nI'm positive that girl went out\nin the middle of the filming.\nFilming takes seven or eight\nmonths.\nAnd got a boob job.\nBecause in the beginning, she\nhad very beautiful, natural\nbreasts,\nwe saw the lingerie shot, and at\nthe end, he pulls her out of the\nwater,\nhe's getting her artificials you\nknow, and I thought she was\ngonna explode.\nIt was like he's pumping her up,\nthey were like, whoa!\n>> Poker Night is brought to you\nby 888 Poker, where the world\nplays online.\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "Welcome to the Pittsburgh Stone & Waterscapes\nEducation Series. My name is Jeff Kennedy.\nHere at Pittsburgh Stone & Waterscapes, were\ncommitted to changing the way our customers\nview the construction industry. That's why\nwere not just focused on educating our crews\non the latest techniques and products, we're\nalso focused on educating our customers. Not\njust on what we do, but also why we do it.\nPavers are used in a variety of renovation\nprojects such as patios, walkways, and driveways,\nbut, have you ever wondered what it takes\nto bond the pavers together? In this video,\nwe're gonna look at how our teams use polymeric\nsand in the installation of paver projects,\nand why it's important.\nHere's Neil Manos, from Alliance, to explain\npolymeric Sand...Neil?\nPolymeric Sand is a mix of graded ASTM-144\nsand and polymer. Polymer is like a glue that\nbinds the sand together. It's in a dry mix\nand it is activated with water. Polymeric\nsand is designed to get solidified in the\njoint and it is designed to resist weeds,\ninsects, and any kind of erosion from rain.\nIt's very important to use the proper type\nof Polymeric Sands. Your professional installer\nwill know the proper Polymeric Sands to use.\nNot one sand is designed for every situation.\nPolymeric Sand is very resistant to the many\nfreeze and thaw cycles we have in the Pittsburgh\narea. With those freeze/thaw cycles, you have\nthe possibility for the pavers to move, and\nfor the joint to break, but that polymeric\nsand helps resist that cracking and breaking.\nSo today we're going to be installing the\nPolymeric Sand in the paver joints. We're\ngoing to take the bag, flip it around a couple\nof times, open the bag up, and we're gonna\nspread the sand out.\nWe're gonna take the broom and we're gonna\nsweep the sand and fill up the joints completely.\nNow, once the joints are filled up completely,\nwe're gonna go over it with a vibratory roller\ncompactor (is the preferred method). Compaction\nis a very, very important step in the process.\nIt helps consolidate the joint, and make sure\nthe sand is nice and dense in the joint.\nOnce that compaction is complete, we're gonna\nfill the joints back up again, re-compact\nas necessary, and then go into the watering\nprocess.\nAfter the final sweeping of the sand and the\nleaf blower, we're gonna soak the joints now.\nPolymeric Sands that we use are rain-safe\nwithin 15 minutes, but they typically set\nup in 48-hours. That is with no rain in the\nforecast. Once it has the time to dry out\nit will set up and help resist those weeds,\nthose insects, and that erosion.\nPolymeric Sand can last up to 15+ years in\nthe right application and the right setting.\nYou want to do, again, a weekly leaf blowing,\ncleaning off of any debris. And, typically,\nevery spring you can do a general cleaning\nwith a all-purpose cleaner like a Simply Green,\nanything that will actually clean the pavers.\nAnd, if you want to clean them very well,\nand bring out the colors more, you can use\nan effervescence cleaner that you can get\nfrom your professional.\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "ONE OF MY FAVORITE FILMMAKERS ONLY MADE ONE\nFEATURE – YET HIS INNOVATIVE WORK ACROSS\nNUMEROUS FILMS GENUINELY HELPED REDEFINE MOTION\nPICTURES.\nI’M TALKING, OF COURSE, ABOUT SAUL BASS\nAND HIS LEGENDARY TITLES WORK.\nIN THE BEGINNING, MOVIES TITLES LOOKED ALMOST\nUNIVERSALLY LIKE THIS: AN OFFICIAL PRESENTATION\nOF LEGAL AND COPYRIGHT INFORMATION,\nTHAT GRADUALLY\nEVOLVED INTO HANDSOME, STATIC SLATES\nDUTIFULLY PRESENTING CAST AND CREW.\nBASS WAS A GRAPHIC DESIGNER, CREATING SYMBOLS\nFOR MOVIE AD CAMPAIGNS.\nBUT IN THE MID-1950S, ON TWO PROJECTS FOR\nDIRECTOR OTTO PREMINGER, HERE’S HOW BASS\nHIMSELF DESCRIBED WHAT HAPPENED:\n“DURING THAT PERIOD, I HAPPENED TO BE WORKING\nON THE SYMBOLS FOR 'CARMEN JONES' AND 'MAN WITH\nTHE GOLDEN ARM'. AND AT ONE POINT IN OUR WORK,\nOTTO AND I JUST LOOKED AT EACH OTHER AND SAID,\n‘WHY NOT MAKE IT MOVE?’\nAND IT WAS REALLY AS SIMPLE AS THAT.”\nINSTEAD OF GENERIC TITLES THAT EASED AUDIENCES\nINTO THEIR SEATS, OR THEIR POPCORN, BASS WANTED\nTHE MOVIE EXPERIENCE TO TAKE SHAPE FROM THE\nVERY FIRST FRAME OF FILM.\nAGAIN, AS HE PUTS IT:\n“TO ACTUALLY CREATE A CLIMATE FOR THE STORY\nTHAT WAS ABOUT TO UNFOLD.”\nAND IN TERMS OF CREATING CLIMATES, BASS, NOW\nOFTEN IN COLLABORATION WITH HIS WIFE ELAINE,\nQUCKLY BECAME HOLLYWOOD’S SUPREME WEATHERMAN.\nHIS TITLES WERE MINI-MASTERPIECES, ESTABLISHING\nMOOD, TONE AND TEXTURE FOR THE FILMS TO COME.\nWHETHER USING SIMPLE GRAPHICS OR LINES…\nTEXT OR PHOTOGRAPHIC ELEMENTS…\nOR DELVING INTO INVENTIVE ANIMATION…\nBASS UNERRINGLY COULD SYMBOLIZE AND SUMMARISE\nA FILM’S ESSENCE.\n'WEST SIDE STORY’S' GRAFFITI END TITLES VISUALISE\nITS STREET VITALITY AND SENSE OF LOCATION…\n'VERTIGO’S' SWIRLING VORTEXES AND 'PSYCHO’S'\nFRACTURED TYPEFACE MIRROR THE TWISTED DESIRES\nAND SPLINTERED PERSONALITIES WITHIN HITCHCOCK’S\nSTORIES OF DARK DESIRE…\n'SECONDS' DISTURBING AND DISTORTED FACIAL\nCLOSE-UPS EMBODY ITS SINISTER TALE OF BODY\nTRANSFORMATION.\nTHESE ARE ARTISTIC CONTRIBUTIONS THAT REFLECT\nAND ENHANCE THE FILMS THEMSELVES\nWITH ECONOMY AND INGENUITY.\nBASS CONTINUED TO EXPERIMENT WITH AND EXTEND\nTHE POSSIBILITIES FOR HIS TITLE SEQUENCES.\nNEW ORLEANS BORDELLO MELODRAMA ‘WALK ON\nTHE SIDE’ EFFECTIVELY GETS ITS OWN SHORT\nFILM FEATURING A BLACK CAT – AND ONE FAR\nMORE POTENT IN TEASING ILLICIT ENCOUNTERS\nTHAN THE FEATURE THAT FOLLOWS.\nRACING DRAMA 'GRAND PRIX' TURNS MECHANIZED MOVEMENT\nINTO ITS OWN DYNAMIC, ABSTRACT ART.\nIT ALSO CLEVERLY USES THE SEQUENCE AS PROLOGUE,\nGIVING BACKSTORY TO ITS PROTAGONISTS AND SETTING\nUP THE FILM’S STAKES BEFORE THE TITLES END.\nIN THE WAKE OF BASS’S WORK, OTHER GREAT\nTITLE DESIGNERS APPEARED SUCH AS\nDEPATIE-FRELENG ENTERPRISES, MAURICE BINDER, PABLO FERRO,\nAND MANY MORE.\nAND SEVERAL OF TODAY’S IMPRESSIVE MODERN\nMOVIE TITLE SEQUENCES STILL OWE MUCH TO\nBASS’S INSPIRATION.\nBASS HIMSELF MOVED INTO SHORT FILMS, INCLUDING\nTHE OSCAR-WINNING ‘WHY MAN CREATES’ AND\nHIS SOLE FEATURE, THE SCI-FI CURIO ‘PHASE\nIV’.\nTHE BASSES ALSO HAD A LATE CAREER TITLES RENAISSANCE,\nPARTICULARLY WORKING WITH MARTIN SCORSESE.\nULTIMATELY SAUL BASS’S LASTING FILMMAKING\nLEGACY IS, AGAIN, BEST DESCRIBED BY THE MAN\nHIMSELF:\n“WITH THESE TITLES I CAME TO GRIPS WITH\nWHAT I THINK IS THE MOST CHALLENGING ASPECT\nOF ANY CREATIVE ENDEAVOUR: AND THAT IS, TO\nDEAL WITH ORDINARY THINGS, THINGS THAT WE\nKNOW SO WELL, THAT WE CEASE TO SEE THEM.\nDEAL WITH THEM IN A WAY THAT ALLOWS US TO\nUNDERSTAND THEM AGAIN.\nIN A SENSE IT’S MAKING THE ORDINARY EXTRAORDINARY.”\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "Hi, I'm Penn and this is my partner Teller.\nWe're Penn and Teller.\nLight travels in a straight line,\nunless it hits something\nor is pulled by gravity.\nOf course, it goes faster than that in the real world.\nWhen light hits something,\nit can be bent,\nbounced,\nor absorbed,\nor it can just look really stupid.\nor it can just look really stupid.\n( exaggerated stretching noise )\nScience.\nScience.\nHi, I'm Penn, and this is my partner Teller.\nWe're Penn and Teller.\nDid you ever, I don't know,\nlook at yourself in a spoon?\nWell, if you look at yourself this way,\nyou're right side up.\nBut, if you look at yourself this way,\nyou flip upside-down.\nWhy is that?\nWell, let's look at the spoon sideways.\nSee, the upside-down way,\nthe light waves come in,\nbounce and cross themselves,\nmaking you look upside down.\nSee?\nWhoa!\nScience.\n( empty tapping )\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "hello i'm Christopher Floyd and I'm\nGwynne Gregory welcome to another\ninstallment of my email with this\naddition our senior producer series of\ninterviews financial aid in Veterans\nAffairs adviser James Martinez to\nprovide us with information on the\nfinancial aid process are you interested\nin cooking stick around to catch my\nco-anchors interview with Joshua Cooper\nfrom LBCC his culinary arts program so\nstay tuned for more you won't want to\nmiss what we have cooked up for you on\nthis addition of ie news\nwelcome to our first story do you have a\npassion for cooking my co-anchor\ninterviewed LBCC culinary arts student\nJoshua Cooper to gain his perspective on\nthe program and the new culinary arts\nfacilities hi I'm Chris for Floyd\nthe kitchen sink podcasting radio show\nairing Friday nights at 8:15 right\nacross the hallway from here on K LBC\nradio now if you listen to my show you\nknow I'm passionate about music live it\nlove it\nbreathe it needed which you may not know\nis that I'm also a serious foodie and if\nyou've got that crazy love for food not\njust eating it but making it\npreparing it then please meet Joshua\nCooper how you doin today Josh thank you\nJoshua Joshua Joshua judge was like\nthank you very much for coming on for\ntaking time out in coming over\nappreciate it now\nfirst things first congratulations are\nin order here because this is your final\nsemester in the culinary arts program\nhere at LBCC\ncertificate coming in June correct\ncorrect glad to be finishing up its been\nseems like it's been a while coming yeah\nit's been it's been two years it has\nyour program final semester looking back\ntell me about your expectations of the\nprogram from when you went into it\nversus the sort of reality of the\nsituation how things actually turned out\ndifferently I think coming and I thought\nit was just gonna be you know kind of a\nbunch of kids standing around a kitchen\nmaking some food but there is actually a\nlot of a lot of Education behind what\nwhat we do in the in the kitchens over\nhere making a lot of really really great\ndishes that I i didnt I didn't foresee\nyeah that's good that's good for ok so\nnow for those with an interest in\ncooking what can we expect from the\nprogram to learn a lot I think that\nwould be the the top expectation there\nis there are so many aspects of the\nkitchen and they all get covered pretty\nmuch in our program\nclasses available and they pretty much\nrun the gamut so tell me about the\nprerequisites talk to me about some of\nthe basics of the program what needs to\nbe done what before they come in if\nanything person's first is the one like\npre required class for the whole program\nis a safety sanitation so you can go\ninto the kitchen and and know how to how\nto work in the kitchen safely and not\ncontaminate your food or make anybody\nsick like that then you go into the\nintroduction of skills and techniques\nwere you get some of your basic knife\nskills cooking methods things like that\nright now in terms of being hands-on how\nhow how is the program you get your\nhands dirty up in there absolutely every\npretty much every culinary classes the\nlab class there's most of them are about\nsix hours long he's been maybe an hour\nhour and a half and lecture all the rest\nof the time in the kitchen\nactually making food right ok ok that's\nprobably the way it should be absolutely\nnow I want to talk about the evolution\nof the program because you the program\njust went from being over here in the EE\nbuilding rather cramped spaces to a new\n44 million dollar complex over in the\nmath culinary building rebuilding tell\nthem what that was like before being\nover in the EE building and we'll talk\nafter that about what it was what it's\nlike where you're at now it's well that\nwas like you said cramped as that's\nthat's a very nice way to put it exactly\nagain 17 classes and all of us more or\nless shared one kitchen over there in\nthe building and there were there were\ndays where my classes that I was it we\nwere getting out trying to clean up the\nkitchen we had a whole new class already\ncoming in trying to set up their kitchen\nI mean just students on top of each\nother all day we were and and the thing\nis we were sharing of his book The\nCulinary and the bakery pastry\nDepartment all sharing the one space\nwhich made it\na challenging to say the least to say\nthe least yeah I know what that's like\nbecause now there's something else going\non completely different now you're over\nhere in the V building and you've got\nfor kitchens 47 kitchens kitchens so so\nso it we got here we got we got the\nproduction kitchen skills correct bakery\nat last year's the pastry kitchen bakery\npastry two separate kitchens then there\nis a smaller kitchen off the production\nthat actually feeds the Bistro the\nkitchen for the restaurant and then we\nhave a specialty bakery kitchen which I\nbelieve they're trying to focus on\ngluten-free allergen where products\nthings like that\nthe new the new digs over there really\nnice if you if you like to cook if you\nif you if you if you want some of these\ncooking shows and you look at these\nkitchens and you go wow that's what I\nwant that's what's available here\nthese things are nicer spacers brand new\noven brand-new everything over their own\ndid everything is state of the art and\nit's so funny some of its coming from\nthe the old kitchen where we you know\nhad had some challenges and we have all\nthis space this amazing you know\nequipment we have to time don't know\nwhat to do with ourselves and so we end\nup creating some some really unique\ndishes with all that equipment now you\ntalked before about the types of food\nthat are made that one can make over in\nthe culinary arts program when you talk\nabout some of those a little bit because\nit ranges from basic introductory the\nculinary to vegetarian specialty cuisine\ntalk more about the the range of food\nthat one can make that we're going to\nprepare in the program the introduction\nto call an area and that's that's a lot\nof the the basics you get some of the\nthe classical French techniques you get\nyour your standard Coast cooking method\nyou know how to grill and fries I'll\ntell you things like that and then it\ndefinitely goes on with the specialty\ncuisines the world cuisines where women\naged in class and you go through each\nregion in asia in north China South\nChina Vietnam oh really\nindeed and every week you do a specific\nto that region of Asia and the same with\nthe American regional we take different\nbreak up the United States and you do\nhave like New England and then southern\nstyle New Mexico West Coast foods okay\nand and and now is some of that is what\nthey're serving over in the Bistro\nbecause in addition to the new 44\nmillion dollar building I think part of\nit is a bistro that's been set aside and\ntalk to me about the Bistro because\nthere's some nice food being produced\nover there that's the thing we kind of\nwe switch it up every two weeks we\nchange our menu this week we're actually\nin Asia we've got five spice braised\nshort ribs with some kimchi indeed some\nsome Taiwanese noodles were doing a\nlittle stir fry some rice dishes and\nthat's the thing we'll we'll do it just\nevery every couple of weeks we change it\nout to get a different region we started\nthis semester with west coast so basic\nyou know kind of some seafoods in\nCalifornia cuisine and will go away just\ngo through the whole gamut I think we're\ngoing to end with Mediterranean at the\nend of semester ok now one thing I\nnoticed was that there's also a lot of\nimpotence based on baking talking about\ntaking it and shoving it in the oven or\ntwo about baking bakery why so much\nbecause if they're seventeen to answer\nthat necessarily as far as to why but if\nthey're seventeen classes I think almost\nhalf of them involve baking bakery\nwhat's going you've been through that\nwhat's going on I've been through some\nof the baking classes I'm primarily a\nculinary in but we they want the\nstudents in the program to be a\nwell-rounded Culinaria to have these\nskills of a baker or pastries as well as\nbeing able to you know make a stir fry\nand it's a lot about just getting\ngetting all the knowledge into the\nstudent and in addition to the Bistro we\nalso have the the bakery and pastry shop\nover there as well yeah yeah yeah yeah\nthere's some myself going on over there\nare some really good food and the prices\naren't that bad either really reasonable\nso yeah\nunical and that's what day in\nWednesday's Tuesday and Wednesday lunch\nservice from 11:30 to 1:30 and we have\nthree courses you have a choice between\nyour appetizer and entree and dessert\nthree courses $15 and it's a great great\nfood you also work at the attic that is\ngreat did this program the culinary arts\nprogram in Long Beach City College hope\nyou for that I wouldn't be at the attic\nwithout this program I can say that just\na big even even the basic skills on how\nto hold a knife properly all of those\nthings prepared me for going into into a\nreal kitchen and and you know experience\nin the the realities of it last semester\nhere Long Beach City College in the\nculinary arts program what's next for\nJoshua Cooper after this I I do plan on\ncoming back for the eighth\njust have a few more GE classes to take\nher and after that just keep working out\nI may go on for bachelors and\nhospitality something like that\ntransfer credits but just keep going if\nyour interested in the attic you can\nfind the attic online at the attic on\nbroadway dot com the attic on broadway\ndot com if you're interested in the\nculinary arts program here go to LBCC\ndot EDU / culinary to find more\ninformation detailed information on the\nculinary arts program here at Long Beach\nCity College you can find if you're on\nFacebook go to LBCC bistro LBCC Bisaro\nand check out the page there I am Chris\nbefore your host this has been a news\ntake care have a go in thanks Chris for\nthat amazing interview sports anchor no\narrests all updates us on all we need to\nknow for the NBA playoffs and the\nupcoming Major League Baseball season\nthe Lakers play the Washington Wizards\non Easter Sunday and lost Lakers guard\nJordan Clarkson tried to steal the ball\ntowards the end of the first half but\ncame up short\nleaving the Lakers down 5044 John Wall\nled the way for the Wizards with 17\npoints and six assists for the second\nstraight quarter Washington top 25\npoints while holding the Lakers under 20\ntaking a 7759 lead into the fourth\nquarter\nKobe Bryant scored 17 points on 6 for 15\nan shooting in his final game against\nthe Wizards up next for the Lakers the\nMiami Heat and the Houston Rockets grab\nyour mitts and your jerseys because the\nmajor league baseball regular season has\nbegun the Angels open the season at home\nagainst the Chicago Cubs followed by the\nTexas Rangers before taking to the road\nagainst the Oakland A's the Dodgers\nmeanwhile open their 2016 campaign on\nthe road against the San Diego Padres\nand then the San Francisco Giants before\ncoming home to take on the Arizona\nDiamondbacks that's all the support we\nhave for now until next time I know\nRussell with your honor sports college\nradio and television program with state\nof the art equipment directive\ntelevision studio functions and more all\nin our state of the art for HDD radio\nand television studio at Long Beach City\ncome don't miss out enroll today\nwww LBCC down\nsome students are very active on and off\ncampus Don Williams interviews ASB\ncabinet member Alejandro Lomeli on his\nposition as the student trustee hello I\nam done Williams and sitting next to me\nis one of the very important members of\nASB that is the Associated Student Body\nAlejandro Lavallee\nhe is the interesting that means that\nyou handle money right\nno no that is the city representative on\nthe board trustees also you're not just\ninvolved with the ASB you're also\ninvolved with the Board of Trustees wow\nwhat does all that until lot of meetings\nI'll be honest but there are a lot of\nadministrative sides to it that days he\ndoesn't handle I think that's the main\ndifference such as sure like during\nboard meetings will talk about specific\ncontracts will talk about how the\ncollege's doing whether its academics or\nwhether it's doing like a specific\narea's accounts Lee\nministration area like Admissions and\nRecords well as opposed to a smoke we\nfocus more on student oriented ideas for\nprojects one intern runs the college\niraq the other intern deals directly\nwith the students yes which part of it\nis it that you are most invested in its\ntough 1 I'd like to think I'm mostly\ninvested in both but I seen that my role\nas soon trustee makes me focus more on\nthe college's a whole I mean I'm\ndefinitely all about the students and I\nwant to C c2 perspective and student\nsupport a lot of things I do but I for 1\nI'd like to see myself handle the\nadministrative stuff because they\ndefinitely need student input on\nadministrative decisions now as a\nstudent where did you start an order for\nyou to achieve this particular level of\nI guess\ninduction or into ASB so this is\nactually i four semester here Long Beach\nI started back here in the spring I\nbelieve it's fourteen is my second week\nof school and I was walking around and\nthey had a special election in a day so\nI decided to vote and then David said\nhey we have some positions open for a\nsteal on Chinchin implying that I\nquickly applied I took the position and\nI stayed at full year and as a rep of\nlegislative affairs are handled\nallegedly things looked at assembly bill\nSenate bills things that brought down\nfrom the state that what you're going\ndown to college and then after that I\ndecided that my skills are best used as\na student trustee for this year so what\nyou're talking about his actual state\nfunctions correctly in terms of junior\ncollege or college legislation\ncorrect there's a lot of assembly bills\nthat are out on the floor that have been\ndiscussing in are going to impact a lot\nof students there's a lot of changes bog\nfee waiver for one there's changes with\nCal Grants that are trickling down his\nlot of things are happening for the\nstate that students really need to focus\non that's what I want to do sushi St\nthen you have full knowledge about those\nthings that can aid our fellow students\nyou and I are both students here and\ngetting not just academically prepared\nbut economically prepared in order to\nattend the school correct what would you\nsuggest or how would you suggest a\nstudent brand new get themselves\nactively involved in just getting\nregistered in school and then we can go\nfrom there\nshare so obviously registering I\ndefinitely recommend them to attend\nsummer meetings both RAC meetings are 10\nwhen the board meetings there's so much\ninformation that goes throughout those\nmeetings at its literally just a first\nstep you take your first step in to see\nhim go and really shown with the scene\nand we can do so you are big proponent\nof student government correct yes and\nyou just walked in your first semester\nand you got involved was this a desire\nthat you knew you had or is this\nsomething that tweet your mind when you\nsaw it so I was involved in high school\nyear of college I know I wanted to do\nand then I came to Long Beach I was\nlooking into their their program for law\nenforcement which is why I just chose to\ncome to lunch because I have a great\nLong Beach Police Department great\ntransferred to CSULB but when I first\ncame here i did i do not want to get\ninvolved I think the reason that I\ndecide to get involved was because I saw\nthe passion and student leaders that we\nhad here at that time at a friend her\nname was Lauren who was vice president\nof time and she was no passion she was\ntelling students to hate your voice on\nthis your voice on that I wanna hear\nyour opinion on this and that's what\nreally I guess inspired me to be part of\nit and I want to be that person for\nsomeone else and you want to share that\npassion about involvement with all the\nother students out there how do I\nunderstand that there was a program now\nfor high school students that when they\ncome here at least for right now\ntheir first year of LBCC is paid for the\nlongest college promise yes ok please\ntell us what that entails and if you\ndon't mind tell our people that may be\nwatching how they can get their children\ninvolved how is this the child\nthemselves as watch I'm sorry not the\nchild involved can get themselves\nconnected with that in order to make at\nleast their first year a lot easier\neconomically sure so long as college\npromise\nexpanded this year primarily its system\nyou to K through 12 system and then it\nwould go into Long Beach City College\nand hopefully transferring to CSU will\nbe it's a pathway program it's we have\nsome herbage programs for those students\nare coming to Long Beach City College\nand we offer like a few week courses\nwhere they would have counseling and\nthey would happen to registration but to\nbe enrolled or be a part of that program\nyou have to be in a district so they're\nlooking into the high schools in this\ndistrict along she College District to\nstart off and then now which were\npresent Oakley gave during a speech to\nLong Beach college promise they expanded\nthe Services or the financial I guess\nthe financial support from one semester\nto a whole year so it's really awesome\nfor students to get their first year\npaid for they have this summer bridge\nprogram if they decide to take advantage\nof it they know where to get\ndarted in the know how to progress in\nthe future for those students who say\nfor instance came out of high school got\ntheir high school diplomas but not maybe\nacademically strong enough to survive on\ntheir own here\nLBCC or in any junior college are their\nprograms that can assist becoming more\nacclimated to college that is great\ntopic we realize board meeting we got a\npresentation on our counseling\ndepartment so we got a few updates on\nwhat's being was being changed what's\nbeing worried about within our\ncounseling so we have like online\ncounseling and things like that but\nspecifically they're referring to the\nLong Beach college drama students those\nwho were involved in that program so\nthey're looking at implementing like\nchickens so see how they're doing\naggressively oversee every semester they\nwould you progress reports as well so\nthey would say hey this is how you're\ndoing this is what you need to do to\nprogress and they want to definitely a\nwonderfully show how important is to\nmeet with a counselor cuz we offer a lot\nof programs but if the student feels\nuncomfortable a certain class and they\ncould decide to take another for the\nreplacement but program wise I think\nthat probably the best I mean counseling\nis that when it comes to take your\nclasses so you're saying that in this\nprogram there is Paula they're going to\nbe looking into it yes we've got an\nupdate 2 weeks ago a board meeting that\nthey were looking at influencing wow\nthat is really a very forward-thinking\ntype of program where do you believe the\neducation that at least starts here\nwhere would you like to see your\neducation go where would you see\nyourself in the final position so I'll\nhopefully I should be transferring out\nwith in the spring of next year and I'm\ngoing into for sure thats hundred\npercent sure I'm going to criminal\njustice there hope to get a bachelor's\ndegree and eventually get my masters\nafter that I'll go into the police force\nlaw enforcement and hopefully work my\nway up there but that would be my uncle\nI have to say again you are a student\nhere and you came from\nlike most people coming from flat into\nwhat it is that you doing right now\nnow you as a student accomplish this and\nI'd like to shake your hand\ncongratulations I've done Williams and\nstanding next to me is alejandro\nand this is i news welcome to the radio\nand television department at Long Beach\nCity College\nyou learn to make anything that ends up\non your television or radio working in\nthe studio is like some kind of cool\nvideo game you man you controls\ncoordinating votes watching the screens\ncarefully didn't win the target is in\nthe right spot you push the red button\nonly instead of zombies its liberties\nwith you like playing single player and\nmultiplayer using a PC or console or you\njust think all this stuff looks cool\nthat check us out at LBCC it's good to\nknow that students are active in the\npolitical process of our college are\nveterans are an important aspect of the\nLBCC community series appel interviews\nfinancial aid and Veterans Affairs\nadviser James Martinez on his position\nwithin the veterans office and provides\nan insight into the financial aid\nprocess I thank you and welcome to\nanother installment of the pleasure of\ninterviewing Jane Martinez who be\nfinancial aid advisor and better how are\nyou two doing well I'm good thank you\nso nicely to both her and the Veterans\nAffairs adviser what is your job title\nentail ok all right so technically\nveteran services office isn't funded by\nanyone\nfederal and state was so they had to\nstick it in someone else's department\nand financially about twenty-five years\nago had a director that was a veteran\nand he felt very strongly about it so he\nvolunteered to have financial a takeover\nbetter services office so all veterans\ngo through the financial aid office now\nbecause there's no funding technically\nwe're all financial aid officers on\none level or another and my my job as he\nfinancial aid advisor to the veterans is\nthat I have full range of professional\njudgment when it comes to their their\nfinancial services and full range of\nprofessional judgment when it comes to\ntheir GI Bill so right now I run the\nveteran services office and I system\nwith their financial aid now twenty of\nmy hours are dedicated to the to the\nveterans in 20 of my hours are dedicated\nto general population students so for\ntwenty hours I'm also in the Financial\nAid Office seeing students on regular\nappointments to discuss their more\ndetailed problems at the fact that\ndoesn't cover it recommended that every\nstudent suppliers were financially\nbecause I know that there soon to apply\nand are not approved so they kind of\njust us on the back burner yet there's\nthere's a multitude of options and it is\nalways recommended it's always\nrecommended that students applying for\nfinancial aid\nthe majority of financial industry the\nmajority of financial aid you don't have\nto pay back and it is it is all depended\nupon your financial status of the year\nprevious or sometimes even two years\nprevious and that's one of the reasons\nwhy we encourage all students to apply\neven if they had been initially we still\nrecommend that you apply for a variety\nof reasons it could be that your status\nnow is different and we can take that\ninto consideration or it could be that a\nyear or two ago we were required to look\nat your parents information but now\nwe're no longer required right every\nscenario is different and the worst that\nthat we could tell you or the federal\ngovernment the state government to tell\nyou is we're sorry but unfortunately we\nare unable to assist you\nnow even beyond that we still\nrecommended that students apply for\nfinancial aid because it's also the\neligibility criteria for other other\nscholarships for other loans for other\ngrants located here in Long Beach City\nCollege ok then men does so that goes\ninto my other question does LBCC offer\ngrants and loans because I've seen that\noption on the website but how can a\nstudent go about that because I for\ninstance a couple years ago didn't know\nthat the school offered grants and loans\nso what what's the process for that how\ncan make a kind of us that the student\nkind of asset so so the first thing you\nhave to do is apply for FAFSA online\nfast and for free Application for\nFederal Student Aid pin spree that sadat\nEDT govt if you go to a faster dot com\nyou can fill out the same form but it'll\ncharging money doesn't make sense\nbecause again first word it's free but\nwe we utilize that as their criteria to\ndetermine how much financial need a\nstudent has so we are not necessarily\nclear with the equation because that's\nnot on the federal side but students\ninput how many people are in their\nhousehold name put their background\ninformation the input the financial\ninformation they have the input where\nthey're receiving money from because\nwhere you receive money from is\nimportant to you whether it's wage that\nit turned the work or whether it is Cal\nFresh Prince of its nap if it's if it's\na child support those are all different\ntypes of income that our way differently\nand numbers this number is compared to\nthe cost of attendance cost of\nattendance at every college is different\nhere at our colleges about $19,000 so we\nwould say that in order to come to\nschool here for a year it's gonna cost\nabout $90,000 when you're dealing with\nrent when you're dealing with food when\nyou're dealing with transportation costs\non top of the tuition on the books on\ntop of all that so we try to compare\nwhat your family can actually contribute\nto college\nversus what the cost of attendance is\nand that will produce what we refer to\nas needed\nyou don't need to see whether it's\nfederal grant whether it's democrats\nwhether its loans away with other other\nopportunities such as the UPS program or\neven scholarships so the first step is\ndefinitely to apply for the FAFSA\nthere are several different types of\nloans because we only have to have the\nsubsidized and unsubsidized subsidized\nloan is subsidized by the federal gov so\nmany of them down to the student and the\ngovernment will pay the interest and\nthey will continue to pay the interest\nup until three months after the school\nafter the student gets out of school\nwhich is very helpful many idea is that\nas long as going to school you're\ngetting trained\ndue to receive degree or two to have job\ntraining and the idea is that even after\nyou get out of school you know to have a\njob immediately so that they try to give\nyou some type of breathing just\nhypothetically you take out a loan for\n$6,000 in your sophomore year two more\nyears of college and it's still $6,000\nthen graduate ya gotta do you get your\nbachelors degree congratulations then\nthey give you three months to\nessentially find a job which is fairly\nreasonable at least an immediate and\nthen soon after that you start getting\nphone calls you start getting letters\nsaying hey\nit's about time to start paying you\ndon't have to pay it all off and now\ninterest is going to start accruing it\nmakes it much more manageable and makes\nit much more appealing\nthere's a limit to how much you can take\nout it changes every year but it is\naround $16,000 for your full-time\nlifetime eligibility then there's the\nunsubsidized loans the unsubsidized\nloans are through third-party lenders\nthey are approved for some reason that\nthe federal government you can take out\nupwards of $60,000 for lifetime however\ninterests are occurring immediately and\nthat can be problematic for some\nstudents however again because you can\ntake out more sometimes students do look\nto do that as well and long but lemme\nCity College we will actually require\nthat you take out a subsidized long\nbefore you take it out in unsubsidized\nloan because it behooves the student\nmore and we would rather see students\nhaving to deal with less debt more\ninformation provided can only help our\nvets but the entire student body that's\nall we have for this week also be sure\nto check us out on YouTube at\nyoutube.com / ie news if you are\ninterested in becoming a part of the\nradio and television department here at\nLong Beach City College give us a call\n562 9384 892 I'm going Gregory\nChristopher for a relaxing see you next\ntime\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "Asparagus creamy risotto\ntake asparagus (500g)\nbreak them with your hands to separate the hard part\nscraps (the hard parts) can be used to boil the broth\nboil 1.5 liter of water\nadd asparagus scraps\na celery stalk , a carrot and half an onion\nhalf a teaspoon of salt\nmix and let it boil (it will be used to cook rice)\nchop peeled asparagus\nchop half an onion and let it fry with olive oil\nbrown chopped asparagus\nadd rice (350g) and toast it about 2 minutes\npour 100ml of white wine and let it evaporate\nadd broth a little at time and mix\ncontinue to pour broth and mix until the rice is ready, it will take about 15/20 minutes\nturn off the fire, add 30g of butter and let it melt by mixing\nat the end, add a little of grated cheese Parmigiano\nThanks for watching !\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "- Hey guys.\nWell, today I have my good friend,\nAnthony Oneil, AO with me.\n(slaps)\nThanks and welcome back.\n- What's up Rach?\nI know it was COVID but, we are family.\n- More family (chuckles).\nOkay.\nSo Anthony and I, just\nlike friendship history.\nWe've known each other for how long now?\n- Five years.\n- Five years.\nAnthony is like one of my go to friends\nthat I feel comfortable to come to him\nwith specifically racial issues,\nracial questions, anything.\nHe's like my guy.\nAnd I'm kinda your girl--\n- Absolutely.\n- With the opposite.\nRight (chuckles)?\n- Absolutely.\nI can have, like you said,\na comfortable conversation,\nbut it could be hard questions.\n- Yes.\n- And you'll educate me.\nYou've helped me out a lot,\nespecially coming from where\nI've come from to here,\n(signs)\nRachel has saved me.\n- No, it's vice versa.\nBut we all know what's going\non in the world right now.\nSome major,\nracial,\nhead-to-head stuff happened,\nwhether it was George Floyd...\nTons of stuff that came out recently\nand you guys know about this.\nI'd say we're probably even\na little late to begin,\neven just doing this video,\nbut Anthony and I were\ntalking and I was like, okay,\nlet's just talk about it.\nLet's just get a perspective out there\nthat hopefully you guys have had\nthese kinds of conversations, but if not,\nmaybe this conversation\nwill enlighten you.\nIt'll help you maybe open your\neyes, because I'll say this,\nand I've told you this,\neven in the last few months,\nI feel like I've learned more\nabout whether it's black history,\nred lining with real\nestate back in the day.\nI mean, all these things\nthat happen that our country,\nsadly, that I'm sad\nand embarrassed to say,\nI didn't know some of this stuff.\nI did more intentional research,\nlistened to more talks,\nwatch more things, read more things,\nthan I probably ever have\nin a collective amount of time\n(chuckles) when this happens.\nI came to you a lot, texting\nyou, asking you questions.\nYou're just a great resource for sure.\nI have other black\nfriends, but Anthony is--\n- I'm the best one.\n(chuckles)\n- He's honestly, probably\nlike my (laughing)\none of my favorite people\nto talk to about this.\nCan you talk about your background\nand kinda what brought you\nhere at Ramsey to begin with?\nJust to know your perspective?\n- Yeah.\nSo my perspective before\njoining Ramsey solutions,\nI was an associate pastor\nat a mega all black church,\nabout 30,000 members that they have there.\nIt's literally 99.9% African Americans.\nComing from that and coming\nhere to where it's about 98%\n(chuckles)\nall white people, which is\nnothing wrong with that.\nIt was a huge, huge culture shock for me.\nBut people like yourself, your dad,\nsome of our team members here,\nbecause of having those conversations\nand honestly giving me\ngrace to ask questions\nwithout feeling wrong,\nreally helped me out.\nI grew up in an all black community,\ngrew up in the country and so I really,\nwasn't exposed to a lot of\nmultiracial stuff growing up.\nThat is really my background.\n- Yeah.\nWell, it's good because I think\nthat perspective is so key.\nIt's such a heightened topic right now.\nIt's a very sensitive topic.\nI know I can say for me as a white person,\nI'm probably less guarded with you.\nI felt like I can just ask\nit probably in the wrong way.\n- And if you say it the\nwrong way, I'll tell you.\n- You'll correct me\n(chuckles) in a very nice way,\nwhich I can say.\nI don't know\nBut what are some things that you feel\nit's really important\nfor white people to know\nabout black people during this time?\n- One thing I like about you\nRachel when you ask questions,\nyou don't just ask questions\nand then leave it there.\nYou actually come to me like,\n\"Hey Anthony, I watched this,\n\"I read this, can you\nhelp me understand this\n\"a little bit more?\"\nSo you've already shown\nme as an African American\nthat you're actually willing\nto go do some research\non your own and something\nthat you just can't click\nbecause of your culture,\nI'm gonna go ask Anthony?\nI'm gonna ask someone else.\nAnd for us as black people, we value that.\nWe value that.\nAnd so instead of asking us questions,\nshow us that you actually care\nand that you're willing\nto take the time to say,\n\"Hey, let's just sit down.\"\nMe and my husband will sit down\nwe was gonna learn together.\nAnd then if you have more questions,\nnow that's an intelligent conversation\nbecause now we can both have\na conversation together.\nSo that's one thing.\nIt's just go out there\nand just do the research\nand just expose yourself\nand you'll be able to learn\nwhat we're going through.\nNumber two,\na lot of people, lemme tell\nyou where people mess up a lot.\nThey come to me as a black person and say,\n\"How are you feeling?\"\nI think the very first\nthing you need to say is,\n\"How are you feeling?\"\nYou know, you can't tell\nit to me when George Floyd\nwas murdered, that I was wrong,\nWhat happened to George was wrong.\n- It's terrible.\n- For me to hear you say\nthat as a white person that\nthat was wrong, that made\nme even more comfortable\nto have a conversation with you\nbecause I know in your heart,\nyou're like, that was wrong.\nYou're not just asking me how I felt,\nbut then in your heart is like,\nnah, he deserved it or whatever it is.\nSo to show that, what's\nhappening is wrong,\nI'm sorry about that, what can we do?\nHow can we come together?\nThose are just two major things,\ndo the research, ask the right\nquestions after you research,\nbut then too let us know\nwhat's happening, that's wrong.\n- Yeah.\nAnd I would say as a white person,\nI think there was a level\nof ignorance that I had.\nAnd the more and more I dug\ninto this stuff, I'll be honest,\nlike the harder it was,\nthere were points where\nI couldn't even watch the\nGeorge Floyd whole thing.\nI think I even told you that, remember?\nI was thinking we'd\nfinish it, I'd say stop.\nAnd you said, \"Rachel, watch it.\"\n- Did you ever finish it?\n- I did.\n(chuckles)\nI didn't want to.\nSo I'm like part of the hesitation,\nI think maybe for some\nwhite people, it's like,\nI know the answer that's\nprobably out there and I don't,\nI wish it wasn't that answer.\nAnd I wish that didn't happen.\nAnd I don't even wanna see it.\nI don't wanna hear about it because,\nit's so terrible.\nSo I feel like pushing\nagainst that feeling\nof being uncomfortable is really important\nto educate yourself to know.\n- I don't want to go back,\nbut we always just do this.\nWe're just in the office\nhaving a conversation.\n- That's like twice a week (chuckles).\n- But it's like, there's nothing wrong.\nI think white people need to hear this\nand I'm gonna say this,\n\"Black people don't think\nevery white person is a racist\n\"or every white person is bad.\"\nWe don't think that, there's no way.\nYou're one of my closest friend,\nmy (indistinct)\nI mean my whole team\nand these some cool loving white people.\nI just think that white\npeople need to understand,\njust be willing to have the\nuncomfortable conversation.\n- Yes\n- I've met some people\nwho I thought were\nracist in the beginning,\nsimply because they couldn't\ndo what you and I are doing.\n'Cause they were a little nervous.\nThey were scared.\nAnd then they were like\nI don't see colors.\nNow, wait a minute, are you\ntrying to cover up something?\nAre you trying to hide something?\nBut no.\nSee me.\nSee me and love me for who I am.\nAnd then we're gonna be good.\n- For so long as, as a\nwhite person, I was like,\nno, it doesn't matter.\nIt doesn't matter who you are.\nBut then I realized through this journey\nand tell me if I'm wrong.\nThat's offensive because--\n- Very\n- You wanna you want to celebrate that.\nSo talk through when people\nsay, well, I'm colorblind.\nHow does that make you feel?\n- When people say, I don't see your color,\nI am very--\n(laughing)\n- How can you not?\nYou don't see color, yes you do.\n'Cause you're talking to me.\nHow can you not see\nthis skin that God made?\nHe made me a black man.\nSo I'm not ashamed to be a black man.\nAnd honestly, I'm not ashamed\nthat you're a white woman.\nGod made us this color.\nIf you're Hispanic,\nif you're Puerto Rican, whatever you are.\n- Right\n- So don't say you don't see\ncolor because when I hear that,\nhonestly, I hear as if you don't see me.\nSo like I'm a proud black man.\nAnd that's like me saying,\nI don't see color when I look at you.\n- Yup.\n- I do.\n- Quick answer.\n- Quick answer.\nDo you wanna be called\nblack or African American?\n- You know, that's honestly,\ntransparent on this show.\nI'm still doing research on that Rachel.\n- Okay.\n- I'm just being honest--\n- what do you mean,\nwhat are you looking at?\n- You know, I was born in America,\nbut my family is from Africa.\nSo it was like, I'm black.\nIn my culture, we have\nthis question though.\nI'm not African American I'm black,\nor I'm not black I'm African American.\nYou got people from Africa\ntelling all black people\ncome home.\nI am home.\nI was born in America (chuckles).\nI'm still learning,\nwhat's the proper thing for\nme to be teaching my kids\nwhen we come up.\nAre we African American?\nBecause not all African\nAmericans are from Africa.\n- Right.\n- I don't care.\nCall me, African American, call me black.\nCall me Anthony Oneal.\n- Call me AO.\n- Yeah.\nJust call me AO.\n- When you hear the word, white privilege.\n(sighs) what do you think?\n- So before I address white privilege,\nI like to address the word privilege.\nAnd I think there's nothing\nwrong with privilege\nbecause my child is gonna have\nprivileges that I didn't have\nbecause they're connected to me.\nI believe privilege is good,\nas long as you're stewarding\nthe privilege well.\nSo you have certain privileges\nbeing the daughter of Dave Ramsey,\nwhich you're stewarding that well.\nYou work hard just like\nall the other personalities\nyou're out there working, doing\neverything that we're doing.\nThat's good steward privilege.\nNow, when you add the word\nwhite privilege in front of it,\nthe African American people,\nwe think that it's like,\nyou can just walk into\none room prime example.\nRachel can walk into our room,\nI can walk into one room,\nand simply because you're\nwhite, you will be chosen.\nThat's privilege.\nThat's white privilege.\nWe can have the same degree,\nwe can have the same thing.\nHow is it that a black person\ncan have the same degree\nas a white person going\nto the same job field\nand studies are showing\nthat the white person\nmake more money.\nThat's white privilege.\nI think a lot of it just goes back to\njust some of the\nunfortunately unfair things\nthat do happen outside of our world.\nAs far from Ramsey solution.\n- For sure.\nThat totally makes sense.\nOkay.\nSo what can people be doing\nto help with this issue?\nBecause I'm kinda getting to\nthe point people are saying,\nwhich I agree with, it's not\njust enough not to be racist,\nbut to go forward and stop--\n- Yeah. Yeah.\n- Jokes, stories, whatever it is.\nLike getting to the point\nthat like your threshold\nis so small for anything like that,\nthat you stand up and kinda cut that off.\n- If we're really going to\nfight against everything\nwe have to, behind closed doors,\nhave integrity and character.\nAnd we have to check our friends.\nWe have to check ourselves,\nour personal thoughts.\nOur peers.\nBecause if racism is going to change,\nit starts with one person at a time.\nAnd it starts internally.\nNo one can come to me and talk about you,\nno one can come to me and\ntalk to me about my publicist,\nmy team,\nabout Dave,\nbecause they know\nAnthony loves all people.\nAnd you have to be willing to lose friends\nwho do not care to change.\nAnd I think once we do\nthat, that is important.\nWe can't just say I'm not racist,\nbut then you're chilling\nwith racist people\nwhen you're guilty by association.\nI just believe birds of\na feather flock together.\nAnd be willing to learn.\nLike I gotta give it to you, Rachel,\nwhich I hope you're, if\nyou're watching this,\ntake after Rachel,\nshe ask and you listen\nbecause you wanna learn.\nYou don't listen because\nyou want to respond.\nAnd I think if we can do\nthat, that is so, so good.\nAnd that's not just for white people.\nThat's where black people too.\nLike I gotta ask you questions\nand I gotta listen to learn.\nSo it goes for everyone,\nlisten to learn, don't listen to response.\n- That's so great.\nOne of my favorite things\nAnthony was saying,\nRachel, I got a white\nperson question for you.\n(laughing)\n(claps) I'm like, bring it on AO,\n(laughing) I'll answer it for you.\nWell, I would just challenge\nyou that if you look around,\nif everyone is the exact\nsame religion as you,\nif everyone looks just like you,\nshake it up a little bit,\nlike just find someone,\njust asking questions\nand educating yourself.\nI think it just brings the humanness down\nand, helps solve a really\nsad problem that's out there.\nSo AO, thanks for being on.\n- Rach, anytime.\n- Oh, so fun.\nCheck out Anthony's YouTube channel.\nIt is blown up.\nIt really has?\n- God is good.\n- Are you just like--\n- I'm grateful.\nI'm just trying to catch you.\n(laughing)\n- AO.\nIt is a black history month panel,\nit's like four videos.\nSo good.\nSuch good raw,\nhonest conversation from\ndifferent perspectives.\n- Yes.\n- It's just really well done.\nSo make sure you guys--\n- You know all of them\ndon't agree (indistinct),\n- I know it was such good videos.\nSo make sure to check\nout AO's YouTube channel.\n(air whooshing)\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "So good morning,\nwelcome once again\nand I'm delighted to have\nyou all here for Social\nJustice Remade: the Decline of\nthe European Welfare State in\na Global Context, 1973 to 2009.\nThis is, of course, a very\nunusual time...\nand a difficult\none for many of us.\nAnd so I'm especially\ngrateful to all of you\nfor being here\nfor making the time\nfor somehow finding a way to juggle\nyour child care, elder care\nand other obligations in order to be present\nfor this five-day conference.\nI think I might make a\ntechnical announcement first,\nwhich is if you are not speaking,\nplease mute your microphone.\nYou can find the\nmicrophone icon along\nthe lower bar of your screen\non the left hand side.\nThat will help us avoid\nfeedback issues and will\nmake it easier to\nhear the speakers.\nSo if you could go ahead\nand mute your mic,\nthat would be terrific.\nAnd I think just for\nthis introduction,\nit's just fine for you all\nto keep your videos on as well.\nBut if you'd like to turn off\nyour videos, that's fine.\nThere will be a Q and A\nsession at the\nend of every panel,\nevery day this week.\nAnd if you are interested in\nasking a question during\nthe Q and A session,\nplease open the chat box,\nwhich you can access again by\nclicking along the lower bar,\nthe speech icon and send a\nprivate chat message to me,\nGiuliana Chamedes, to let me\nknow that you'd like to\nbe added to the queue.\nAnd I will go ahead\nand take note of that.\nOkay, so let's get started.\nSo again, hello, greetings.\nWelcome for those\njust joining us.\nMy name is Giuliana Chamedes.\nI'm an associate professor of\nEuropean history at the\nUniversity of Wisconsin, Madison.\nAnd when Matthew Sohm,\nI first began organizing this\nevent almost one year ago.\nWe really never would\nhave guessed how\nits themes would\nhave felt so timely.\nOur present-day public\nhealth, political,\nand economic crisis has\nprompted a set of long\noverdue conversations about\nstate-economy relations and the\npresence or absence\nof social safety nets.\nIt has also simultaneously\nbrought to the fore a series of\npre-existing local and\nglobal inequalities\nthat are the result\nof deep history,\nbut also of a more\nrecent reshuffling of\npower relations that traces\nits roots to the 1970s,\n1980s, and 1990s.\nSo the purpose of\nthis five-day conference\nis to provide a broad,\ndeep transnational and also\ntrans-regional analysis\nof these trends.\nIn particular, the conference\nfocuses on why\nWestern European state welfarism\ndeclined and how this\nfailure was intertwined.\nThe ultimate failure\nof the global north to\ntake up demands for the\ncreation of what some\ncalled a form of global welfarism\nthrough the redistribution of\nwealth from North America and\nWestern Europe to\nthe global south.\nOver the course of\nthe next five days,\nwe have scholars from\n20 different institutions who\nspecialize in African, \nLatin American,\nCaribbean, European and\nNorth American history.\nGuiding us through an attempt\nto engage with these issues\nand also address a series of\nrelated questions\nalong the way.\nSome of the questions\nthat will come up in\nthe papers over the course of\nthe next five days\ninclude the following:\nHow did reactions to\nglobal migratory flows,\nthe oil shocks of 1973 to 1979-1980,\nand the rise of new\nforms of corporate power\ncome to erode\nWestern European state\nwelfarist commitments.\nHow and why did transnational\nleft-wing and labor interests\nreact the way they did?\nAnd why does those reactions\nprove weak or ineffective,\nas others will argue,\nwhat role did the rise of the\nEuropean single market play\nin forcing the hands\nof national leaders\nas they rushed to slash\nsocial spending,\nprivatized public industry,\nand limit support for\nvulnerable categories, from working\nmothers to new immigrants.\nIn addition to broaching\nthese causal issues\nand questions,\nall of the panelists in\nthis five-day have\nconference are engaging with\nrich methodological\nquestions that pertain to\nthe study of transnational\nand global history.\nThey are helping us in this\nproject of studying Europe,\nnot just from the inside out,\nbut from the outside\nin, a project that\nmany scholars like Sebastian\nConrad have called for.\nSo what are the\nrelevant economic,\nenvironmental, intellectual,\nand political vectors\nof influence\nand cross-pollination?\nThat's really a key question\nthat many of you all are grappling with.\nIn particular, how did\nAfrican and Central American\npoliticians and activists,\ngalvanize transnational\nconversations\nabout the role of states rights\nagainst private capital.\nHow did Latin American\ndependency theorists cross\nthe Atlantic to educate\npartners in the global north.\nHow did Caribbean and\nSouth European\nimmigrant activists,\nhighlight the extent to which\napparently neutral\nsocial scientific\nresearch programs were in\nfact reifying categories of\nsupposedly sexually and morally\ndeviant immigrant others,\nwhich were further undeserving\nof state assistance.\nFinally, how did Western\nEuropean citizens,\npoliticians, activists,\nscholars, and civil\nservants respond to\nthe shock of the global which\nemerged from the 1970s forward.\nDid they embrace it?\nDid they sanitize it?\nDid they reject it? Et cetera.\nIn the search for answers,\nour panelists will take us\non a journey that jumps over\ntraditional national and\nregional geographies\nand really challenges\nthose traditional national and\nregional units of analysis.\nThey'll take us to toxic\nwaste dumps in Anatolia,\nto the oil rigs of the North Sea,\nto tourist trap safaris\nin sub-Saharan Africa,\nand into the intimate lives of\nemigre grandmothers\nwho struggled to build\nnew homes in\nnorthern and central\nEuropean countries\non short-term visas.\nBefore I give you a\nquick overview of\nthe logistics of the conference\nand kick off the first panel.\nI'd like to briefly thank\nthose who made this\nevent possible.\nThe biggest thank\nyou goes to Matthew Sohm,\na brilliant PhD student\nat Harvard University\nwho is completing\nan extraordinary dissertation\nthat investigates post-\nindustrial decline in the \n1970s and 1980s.\nAnd argues that policymakers and\nbusinesses in the European\ncore tried to solve a range\nof economic and environmental\nproblems at home by\nusing their influence over\nthe continent's, poor,\nsouthern periphery.\nMatthew is an\nintellectual powerhouse\nand he has helped me, \nexcuse me,\nboth conceptualize the\nconference and come\nup with what I'm sure you'll\nagree is an extraordinary,\nand diverse and\nstimulating program.\nSo a huge thank you\nto Matthew.\nIn addition to thanking Matthew,\nI'd also like to\nextend my gratitude to\nSkye Doney and the\nMosse Program at\nUW-Madison as well as\nUW-Madison's Department of History\nfor making this event possible.\nFinally, a huge thank you to\nall the conference participants,\nwho despite unprecedented\nresponsibilities,\nhave committed to\nthis event and to\nthe broader project of expanding\nthe conversation about\nthe history and future of\nsocial justice and state welfare\nas in a global framework.\nThe conference again is\nspread over five days.\nEach day we will plan\nto engage in discussion\nfrom 12:00 to 01:00 PM,\nEastern Daylight Time.\nThe lines ever will\nremain open until 1:30 PM\nfor more informal conversation\nwith the conference panelists.\nOnce again, if you\njoined us late,\nsome basic technical guidelines.\nPlease mute your microphone\nand turn off your video.\nIf you are not a panelist or\ncommentator on this\nparticular day,\nif you would like to ask\na question during\nthe Q and A session,\nplease open the chat box and\nsend a private message to me,\nletting me know, I will\nadd you to the queue.\nAnd when it's your turn to\nspeak during the Q and A session,\nplease unmute your microphone,\nturn the video on, and introduce\nyourself to us all before\nasking your question.\nOkay, so now without further ado,\nI'm going to get to\ntoday's panel topic\nwhich is reinventing\neconomic development in the\n1960s and 1970s.\nI will briefly introduce\nthe panel members and\nthe commentator and\nthen hand things\nover to our first speaker.\nSo our three\ndistinguished panelists\nfor today are Christy Thornton,\nAmy Offner, and Jessica Pearson.\nYou all are visible.\nSo. Christy Thornton is an\nassistant professor of\nsociology and Latin\nAmerican studies\nat John Hopkins University.\nHer first book is entitled\nRevolution in development,\nMexico and the governance of\nthe global economy, right?\nIt's going to be out in fall of\n2020 with the University\nof California Press.\nSo we're all very\nexcited about that,\ngetting our hands on\nthat book very soon.\nAmy Offner is\nAssociate Professor\nof History at the\nUniversity of Pennsylvania.\nShe has written sorting\nout the mixed economy,\nthe rise and fall of welfare\nand developmental\nstates in the Americas,\nwhich was published\nby Princeton in 2019.\nAnd which won\nthe economic history societies\nfirst monograph price.\nHer current project is\nentitled to the\ndisappearing worker.\nAnd it is a\ntransnational history of\nthe unraveling of employment\nrelationship since 1945.\nJessica Pearson is\nassistant professor\nof history at McAllister College.\nHer first book is called The\ncolonial politics\nof global health,\nFrance and the United\nNations in post-war Africa.\nAnd it was published by Harvard\nUniversity Press in 2018.\nShe coedited with Nicole Eggers\nand Aurora Almeida is Santos.\nThe volume than United\nNations and decolonization,\nwhich came out with\nRutledge and 20-20.\nAnd she is currently working on\na book manuscript\nwhich is entitled\ntraveling to the end of\nempire leisure tourism in the\nera of Decode as the ship.\nAnd this book project explores\nthe global entanglements between\ntravel and the collapse of\nthe French and British\nempires in the 20th century.\nFinally, the commentator for\ntoday's panel is Samuel Moyn,\nwho is Henry R. Luce,\nProfessor of Jurisprudence at\nYale Law School and Professor\nof History at Yale.\nProfessor Moyn has written\nseveral books in his field,\nand including the last\nUtopia human rights in\nhistory from 2020 Christian\nhuman rights from 2015.\nNot enough human rights\nin an unequal world.\nin 2018. He is\ncurrently working on\na new book on the origins\nof the idea of humane war.\nSo a huge welcome to you all.\nAnd I will now hand things\nover to Christy Thornton,\nwho will kick things\noff with a paper\nentitled The United\nStates in opposition,\nMexico, the Third\nWorld and the reform\nof the global economy\nin the 1970s.\nThanks Giuliana. I can\neverybody hear me.\nGreat. So I'll try\nto be brief since we're\nstarting a little bit late.\nBut I'm really excited\nto be here and I\nreally want to commend\nthe organizers for\nworking so hard\nto bite Latin Americanist\nand those of us who\nkind of stick to the\nWestern Hemisphere\ninto this conversation\nbecause I do\nthink there is much to\nbe gained from crossing,\nbut I've terms elsewhere that\ndecolonization divide\nwhen we talk about\nthese conversations\nabout the impact of\ndecolonization on\nquestions of Europe,\nreading Europe from the outside\nin sometimes those of us who are\nLatin Americanist\ngot kinda bracket\nit over into a\nseparate conversation.\nAnd we bracket ourselves frankly.\nAnd so it's really\nto be commended to\nthe organizers for\nputting this all together\nin this way. So thank\nyou for being here.\nIt's a little nerve-racking to\nbe the first person to talk.\nI'll get I'll do my best.\nSo. A paper that I sent for\nthis conference really derives\nfrom the conclusion to my book,\nas Juliana mentioned, that's\ncoming out this fall.\nI actually just sent the copy\nedits back this morning.\nSo it's like really\nactually done.\nAnd so that book,\nRevolution in development,\nMexico and the governance of\nthe global economy\nreads the topic of the,\nof this morning's panel\nand the idea of kind\nof remaking economic\ndevelopment all the way\nback into the interwar\nperiod to make\nan argument about the role of\nMexico and other Latin\nAmerican countries.\nAnd really setting an\nagenda for what becomes\nthe international economic\ndevelopment apparatus.\nGoing all the way back\nto the 1920s,\n1930s, 1940s.\nBut the paper that I sent today,\nas I said, derives\nfrom the conclusion.\nAnd it sort of comes\nfrom a sort of disciplinary\ncoincidence, I guess.\nI'm trained as a historian of\nLatin America, but\nmy current position,\nas Giuliana said, is in\nthe sociology department\nhere at Johns Hopkins.\nAnd so in thinking through\nsome of the kind of\nsociological entanglements\nthat show up here.\nOne important person\nwho shows up at\nthe very end of my book is\nDaniel Patrick Moynihan.\nAnd for those of you\nwho might not be\nfamiliar with US history,\nwith the field of sociology.\nMoynihan is this kind\nof giant figure,\nkey, very long serving\nsenator from New York.\nHe was prior to that actually\nalso the US Ambassador to\nIndia and then for six months\nfor a very short period,\nthe US Ambassador to\nthe United Nations.\nAnd prior to that,\nhe was an official in the\nJohnson administration,\nin the Nixon\nadministration, whose area,\nwhose purview, It was really\nkind of urban policy\nand thinking about\nsort of civil rights era and\npost rights urban policy.\nAnd so he shows up in my\nstory in this kind of\npivotal moments\nafter the passage of\nboth the Declaration on\nthe New International\nEconomic Order\nand much more contentious passage\nat the UN General Assembly,\nthe charter of economic\nrights and duties of states.\nWe tend to forget now\nthe charter of economic\nrights and duties of States.\nHistorians have argued\nthat it's a kind of,\none historian called\nit an augmented\nsequel to the NIO declaration.\nPeople have tended\nto think of it as\njust sort of a\nprocedural document of\nputting in place the New\nInternational Economic Order.\nBut what the research\nthat I've done\nshows and I talk about\nthis in my book,\nis that the charter of\neconomic rights and duties\nof states is actually this long\nemerges out of this very\nlong negotiating process in\nwhich state officials from\nMexico play this really key role.\nThe president of Mexico,\nLuisa Via introduces the charter\nof economic rights\nand duties of states.\nIt's, it's drafted by\nthese Mexican intellectuals\nand diplomats.\nAnd then it's passed at\nthe UN General Assembly\noverwhelmingly,\nbut with a series of very\nkey votes against it\nfrom enriches most\nindustrialized countries.\nIn the process of\nnegotiating this,\nMexican officials\nand US officials\nwork very closely together.\nAnd we have this curious thing\nwhere Henry Kissinger or sort of\ndecides that pass it,\ngetting ahead of\nacceptable charter\nof economic rights\nand duties of states\nthat would be acceptable to\nthe industrialized north and\nalso to the third\nworld countries.\nHe sees that as sort\nof threw his sort of\npractical pragmatic\nwanting to keep\nLatin America and Mexico\nin the purview of\nthe United States.\nHe's trying to find a kind of\nconsensus position\nover this long,\nmore than two-year negotiation.\nBut there's a whole series of\npeople within the United States.\nImportantly, representatives\nof business organizations\nlike the National Association\nof Manufacturers,\nthe National Foreign\nTrade Council,\nvarious chambers of commerce\nand congressional representatives\nwho they were close to,\nwho are really\nagainst this idea of\nthe Charter of economic\ngrowth, the duties of states.\nAnd one of the important\npeople kind of emerges out of\nthis tumult is Daniel\nPatrick Moynihan.\nSo the piece, I sort of\ncompare and contrast in a\npaper or these two pieces\nof writing that Moynihan has\nfixed is a piece that he\npublishes in 1975 and\nCommentary Magazine in\nthe aftermath of the any,\nany IO declaration called\nthe United States position.\nIt's a really remarkable\npiece of writing.\nAnd if you haven't read it,\nit's actually freely available\non the commentary website.\nYou can just go read\nthrough it is really\na kind of remarkable\nmanifesto for\nthe way that it's neo\nconservative foreign,\nforeign policy thinkers\nwould begin to\napproach the role of the\nUnited States and the world.\nNikhil housing has\ncalled it a key document\nin the neo conservative\nforeign policy revolution.\nSo in the piece,\nwhat Moynihan does\nis he basically posits that there\nis a growing particular form\nof third world socialism.\nThat the United\nStates needs not fear\nthe kind of communist takeover,\nbut that there is this\nkind of particular form of\nnationalist third-world\nsocialism that is growing.\nAnd he says that it\noperates on what he calls a\npolitics of resentment\nand an economics of envy.\nAnd so in this way kinda\nputs forward this vision.\nHe says, We're now\noutnumbered at the UN.\nThere are now all\nof these countries\nbecause of decolonization.\nAnd so the United States\nhas to go into opposition.\nSo he sort of puts forward\na manifesto for this.\nAnd some of the things\nhe says in the piece,\nhe calls out Mexico for it's\nsort of hypocrisy and not\ndealing with its own\ninternal inequality when it\nwants to address\ninternational inequality.\nBut the most important part\nof what Moynihan is really\nsaying here is he's\narguing against that\nkind of tyranny\nof the new majority and\nsaying that all of\nthe countries in the\nthird world are going to\nbegin to subscribe to\nthis kind of socialism.\nHe says, has there\never been a conversion\nas complete as that of them?\nAllay the IPO, the Gujarati,\nthe Jamaican, the Australian,\nslippery out the Guyon\nand yet midnight,\nthe Yoruba and the safra,\nthe fella here,\nthis distant creed.\nAnd he argues in fact,\nthat all of these people\nall over the world have\nlearned this form of\nsocialism from\npost-war British Labour and\nFabian socialist politics.\nSo he argues that there's\nkind of a distribution across\nthe world of post-war\nBritish socialism.\nAnd that, that is what\nthe United States\nneeds to be in opposition to.\nAnd so he concludes\nby saying at root,\nthe ideas of exploitation and\ndiscrimination\nrepresented a transfer to\ncolonial populations of\nthe fundamental\nsocialist assertions\nwith respect to the condition of\nthe European working class.\nJust as the idea of independence\nparallels the demands than\nthe phosphate out of\nbonded. Rise to power.\nSo he's sort of making\nthis sort of internal\nclass-based analysis,\nscaling it up to the\nworld and arguing that\nthe United States needs\nto fight against that.\nAnd in fact, that is an\nanalysis that for instance,\nthe actors I study in\nMexico, they themselves use.\nAnd so he argues\nthat the countries of the\nthird world have to be sort of\nforced to embrace liberal\nvalues otherwise and\nreject the kind of\nmanaged economy that\nthey have been championing\nunless they quote,\nbecome permanently dependent\non outside assistance.\nAnd so the whole tone\nof this piece is\nactually remarkable\nwhen you put it in\ncontrast with the\nother document that\nMoynihan is most\nfamously known for,\nwhich is a document\nthat was written\nin 1965 internally within\nthe Johnson administration\nin the aftermath\nof the passage of various\ncivil rights legislation.\nAnd that document is\ncalled The Negro Family,\nthe case for national.\nIn sociology. This is a\nvery emblematic document.\nIt touches off this massive\ndebate over actually the term\nblaming the victim is coined\nin response to this\nMoynihan report.\nAnd here he's arguing about,\nhe sort of puts forward,\namplifies Oscar Lewis's\nculture of poverty influence.\nAnd again, he talks\nabout resentment,\nenvy, and welfare dependence.\nAnd so I think that what I,\nwhat I'm interested in doing in\nthis paper and what I'm\ninterested in doing and\nhaving this broader\nconversation is seeing\nthe extent to which\nCold War liberals,\nof which Moynihan has\nabsolutely apart, right?\nHe is Democrat who serves in\nmultiple administrations,\nbut he thinks of\nhimself in sort of\na core way as a civil\nrights Democrat,\nbut he is arguing for a kind\nof equality of outcomes.\nAnd he wants to find ways to\ndo this in The Negro Family.\nHe calls the black family\na tangle of topologies,\nbut he argues that what's needed\nin the end is a kind of\nnational jobs program that will\ngive black men\nbetter employment opportunities\nso that they can be\nresponsible patriarchal heads of\nhousehold and take care of\nthe disintegrating family.\nAnd that, that then solve\nthis kind of tangle\nof pathologies.\nSo I'm interested\nin kind of putting\nthese two documents together\nand the hands understanding\nof the black family\nin the Civil War,\nin the post-civil rights era act,\nhis understanding\nof the Third World\nand the kind of pathologies\nof the third world.\nPolitics of resentment\nand envy in\nthe New International\nEconomic Order\nto begin to make a connection.\nAnd I, one of the ways\nthat I think about this\nis through the work\nof Amy Offner\nwho's here on the panel.\nAnd Stuart Trader, who I\nhappen to know very well,\nwho have both written about\nthe politics of self-help\nas a kind of key idea in\npost-war Cold War liberalism.\nAnd that's, I think one\nthing that we can see in\nboth of these\ndocuments that we see.\nA kind of neo conservative\nforeign policy\ntaking up the idea\nof self-help Isaac\nagainst the welfare world\nas mirrored all\ncalled it very much\nparalleling the idea\nof a kind of fear of\nwelfare dependence on\nthe part of kind of\nundeserving and deviant people\nwho are racially othered.\nAnd so I think that\nthere's an interesting\nparallel to be drawn here.\nI've just started this\nkind of work research.\nI'll say something that you\ncertainly have my book up yet.\nIt's, so I've just begun to\nthink about how we might consider\nthis connection between the way\nthat somebody like Moynihan\nsteeped in kind of post\nCivil Rights liberal\ndomestic policy.\nBen, transfer that\nunderstanding onto\nthe role of the United States\nvis-a-vis the third world.\nAnd I think that, that kind\nof question can begin to open\nup interesting questions about\nthe neo conservative\nmovement that sees itself\nneo conservative and\nneoliberal movements\nthat see themselves as against\nthe welfare state and against\nstate managed economies and\nagainst welfare provision.\nSo in both cases,\nthe kind of wave,\none of the things that\nI think is really\ninteresting and I'll just finish\nhere is that in both\nof these cases,\nboth Moynihan is understanding\nof the black family and in\nhis rejection of third\nworld US economic policy.\nOne of the things that's\nreally interesting is that the\nright-wing backlash\nthat takes him,\neven if it's not\nnecessarily what he\nhimself is interested in doing.\nThe right wing thinkers at\nthe American\nEnterprise Institute,\net cetera, who could take him up.\nThey, this backlash comes\neven after there are\nattempts by both\ncivil rights leaders\ndomestically ands by countries\nlike Mexico vis-a-vis\nthe third world to actually\nmoderate some of the more\nradical demands, right?\nSo there's a sense in\nwhich demands are\nbeing put forward,\nare being moderated already on\nthe terms that Moynihan\nis putting out.\nAnd yet they're not enough.\nAnd they result in this kind\nof very strong backlash that we\nsee when we have the rise of\nThatcher and Reagan, et cetera.\nAnd so I think that one of\nthe things that really draws\nthis together is in both cases,\nthe United States\nhas kind of been,\nthe white power\nstructure is pitched as\nthe aggrieved minority dominated\narithmetically, as Moynihan says,\nby those who were\npreviously held in\ncheck by colonialism\non the one hand,\nand Jim Crow On the other hand,\nconservatives really take\nup the ideas that Moynihan\nputs out into the world and\ntake the first steps towards,\nI think the politics that today\nreally begin to\nanimate Trump ism.\nSo I think by trying to return to\nthese origin points and try and\nbegin to draw these\npoints of connection.\nWe might get a fuller\npicture of how\nwe got to the mess that\nwe're in today. Thanks.\nThank so much. Crazy.\nThat was brilliant.\nSo we well, I should\nhave made this clear.\nWell here from all three of\nthe panelists and\nfrom the commentator.\nAnd then we will open up\nthe floor for questions.\nAnd so next up is Amy Offner,\nwho is paper is entitled\nremaking the seat,\na view from the Americas.\nOkay. Is my sound working?\nAlright? Yes. Okay, great.\nSo thank you so much,\nGiuliana and Matthew\nfor putting this together.\nThanks, Christy for\ngoing first is so great\nto be on a panel with you\nand to see you virtually.\nMy work, of course deals\nwith the Americas\nand not with Europe.\nSo my comments are going to\nbe primarily methodological and\nhistoriographic.\nBased on the work of\na number of colleagues\nincluding Christy's work,\nas well as my own book\nthat published last fall.\nSo I'll start with\na few words about\nthe book and the historiography\nthat it's a part of.\nAnd then what I want to do\nis suggest three new directions\nthat I think might be\nfruitful for people who are\ntrying to write histories\nacross the north-south divide\nand across the 1970s.\nSorting out the mixed economy\nis it offers a new\nunderstanding of the way that\ngovernments in the\ncapitalist economies\nof the United States and\nColombia first took on\nwidening functions during\nthe decades after 1945.\nAnd then how they're\nfunctions were dismantled,\nreassigned, and redefined\nafterwards in the seventies.\nUltimately, the book\nmakes two central points.\nFirst, it reveals\nthe influence of\nLatin American developmental\nism on the formation\nof the US welfare state and on\nthe intellectual and\npolitical life of Atlantic.\nSecond, the book\nargues that a number\nof practices that\nare regarded today\nas quintessentially\nneoliberal inventions\nhad earlier lives as\ndevelopmentalist phenomena.\nIt finds things\nthat we tend not to\nremember about\nmid-century statecraft,\nincluding austere systems of\nsocial welfare provision,\nevolving methods of steak\ndecentralization and\nnovel forms of for-profit\nprivate delegation\nof state functions.\nThese were in fact state\nbuilding tech for decades\nafter the Great Depression\nand after the 1970s,\nthey were selectively\nappropriated, redeployed,\nand politically we\nsignify to become\nemblematic features of\nneoliberal capitalism.\nSo in that sense, I agree with\nJohn Bachman that\nneoliberal capitalism was\na parasitic formation that owed\nunspoken debts to the\nvery ordered destroyed.\nHistoriographically, my work\nis part of a new wave of\nwriting that looks at\nthe United States as\nan American Society,\nthat is to say as part of\nthe hemisphere entwined\nwith Latin America,\nfor the very simple reason that\nthe United States and\nLatin America are twitting\nproducts of the same\nhistorical processes\nfrom European\ncolonization onward.\nThis work, we situates us\noutside of North Atlantic frame.\nAnd it also re-situates\nLatin America insisting on\nthat reagents influence\non global processes\nof state formation and\npolitical economic change.\nSo I think of my\nbook is something\nthat should be read\nalongside work by\nChristy also Madigan who's\nhere with us this week,\nand many others whose\nwork I discussed in\nsomewhat more depth\nin that paper and\nI'll make me refer\nreference to here,\nbut certainly great brand\nand Daniel Rodriguez,\nCatherine Reno, Tory Olson,\nRosenblatt,\nand many others who\ncollectively make a\nvariety of different art.\nMintzberg, certainly\nin Latin America,\nwas not a receptacle for\nideas about social rights,\nsocial democracy,\nor post-colonial systems\nof global governance,\nbut rather a source\nof those ideas.\nThis work, as I said,\nis pretty diverse,\nbut a few overarching\ninterpretive claims are emerging.\nOne is a general,\nalthough not universal\nretreat from\nthe idea that existence was\nessential dynamic between\nNorth and South are the\nhistorians may easily look to\nLatin America to find\negalitarian roads not taken.\nGreat-grandson and\nCatherine Marino do assign\nLatin America a rather heroic\nbowl in world history,\nbut others find\nmore contradiction\nin Latin Americans\ninternational roles.\nSo Rebecca Herman,\nGranada Keller,\nand Christie Gordon show,\namong other things,\nthat repressive governments in\nLatin America at times\nrelied on foreign policy to\ndemonstrate their progressivism\nwhile they battled\nleft-wing and anti-racist\nmovements at home.\nTory Olson argues\nthat much of what\nwe know is the green\nrevolution owed to\nMexican policymakers who\nadapted the prescriptions of\nthe Rockefeller Foundation\nand in doing so\nmade them much more\npunishing to small farmers.\nMy own research illuminates\nthe deeply\ninegalitarian ideals of\nColumbia capitalists and\neconomists who built that\ncountries developmental\nstate during\nthe 1950s and 1960s.\nI think of their\nrelationship with\nNorth Atlantic powers\nin institutions.\nNot as one of resistance,\nbut really as a quintessentially\nimperial relationship.\nThese Latin American\nelites were engaged in\nclass conflict within\ntheir own society and they\nused relationships in the\nNorth Atlantic to strengthen\ntheir hand in battles that\nthey couldn't otherwise when.\nSo with that brief background,\nI want to discuss a few\npossible directions\nfor future research.\nFirst is new geographies.\nI think historians of welfare and\ndevelopmental states light\nmake more than most of us,\nat least half of\nthe analytic opportunities\nafforded by the Caribbean,\nwhich is of course\na, a crossroads\ncentral to world history.\nTomorrow's paper by\nChelsea Shields.\nI think it's a really\nbrilliant example\nof what this kind of\nresearch can reveal\nand reading it with\nChristy's work\nis especially interesting.\nThe Caribbean, I think offers\nintriguing possibilities to\nhistorians who want to bring\ntogether post-colonial\ninterpretations of\nUS and European welfare states.\nBecause after all, it is not\nonly an international\ninstitutions,\nbut it's also in the\nCaribbean where we can see\nUS and European powers reckoning\nsimultaneously with each other\nand with their own\nimperial subjects.\nMoreover, because\ndecolonization occurred\non multiple timelines\nin the Caribbean,\nIt's a place where we\ncan cross what Christy\nhas termed the\ndecolonization divide.\nIt's a very natural site\nto study connections and\nexchanges among\ncountries and colonies\nthat share no particular\npolitical status.\nBut we're tied together through\npatterns of investment,\nlabor migration,\npolitical mobilization,\nand inter imperial\npolicy exchange.\nA second direction for\nresearch is the study\nof what I think\nof as indirect connections\nbetween societies.\nAnd when I say\nindirect connections,\nbut I mean is that in my\nown research it became\nclear that ideas and practices\ntraveled between the US and\nLatin America in\nways that were far\nmore pervasive than what\nhistorians generally\nassume today.\nThe kind of leading\ntransnational studies\nof public policy and\nintellectual life.\nExplorer direct on\nthe nose exchanges\nbetween weak field of\nactivity and thought.\nSo they show us urban planners\nexchanging ideas across borders.\nThey show us agrarian reforms\nlearning from one another.\nAnd that research\nhas taught us a lot,\nbut it only allows us to see\nconnections in times and\nplaces where societies defined\ntheir problems in similar ways.\nAnd that I think is a really\na significant problem\nbecause we know that\nvery often societies\nconceptualize\ntheir problems in\nquite different ways.\nTo me, a case in\npoint is the problem\nof poverty after 1945.\nAs Christy mentioned\nin the post-war US,\npoverty was very\nrarely recognized as\na systemic product of\npolitical economic order.\nInstead, the country's\nleading social scientists\nand policymakers\nregarded poverty as\nan aberrant feature\nof a growing capitalist economy,\nand they attributed it to\nthe supposedly topologies\nof poor people themselves.\nBy contrast, in Latin America,\npoverty was conventionally\nunderstood first\nand foremost as an\noutgrowth of the structure\nof economy and the project of\ndevelopment was\ncentrally about creating\nnew productive sectors\nand transforming\nthe country's position\nin international trade.\nThose incommensurate\nunderstandings of\npoverty meant that some forms of\nknowledge and\nexperience could never\ntraverse national borders\nin any direct way.\nDevelopment Economics never\nhad much influence on\nscholarly thinking about\npoverty in the United States.\nBut nevertheless, I did find that\nthe training of economists\nin Latin America and\nthe growth of development\neconomics there did\nshape anti-poverty policy\nin the United States.\nBut the connection was a kind of\nchain reaction or an\nindirect connection.\nThe professionalization\nof economics\nin Latin America after\nthe Great Depression generated\na ferocious reaction\nfrom businessmen\nbecause the rise of\neconomists threatened\nto expel managers and\nother businessmen from\neconomic policy making\npositions they had\noccupied for many decades.\nAs a result, Colombian\nmanagers organize\ntheir own rivaled\nprofessionalization project\nwithin post-war universities,\nwhich was founded on the\nidea that management was\na universal technique\nthat could rationalize\nany institution leading\nthe state itself.\nColombian businessman\ninsinuate that the delved into\npublic development agencies\nand public universities,\nturning those emblems\nof developmentalists,\nstatecraft into symbols\nof private capitals,\ncapacity to serve\npublic purposes.\nAnd it's at this\npoint that I found\nconnections to the\nQS welfare state.\nUs business organizations\nwere deeply involved in\nthe professionalization\nof both economists\nand managers in Latin America.\nTheir experience with\nbusiness mobilization in\nthe Third World and their\nexperience also has\ncontractors in\ndevelopment projects\nin the Third World gave them\na distinctive perspective\non the crises\nthat they confronted at\nhome during the 1960s.\nBut of course, the\nCorporation came\nunder your virulence\nattack from the left.\nVeterans of Foreign and\nimperial affairs realize that\nto survive and thrive in an\nage of special upheaval,\nthey needed to enter the state,\nconduct its work and that\ntheir profit-making\nactivities onto\nthe demands of social movements.\nAnd as I show during\nthe war on poverty,\nthese sectors of us\ncapital became pioneers in\nthe invention of for-profit\neducational\ncontracting in the US.\nSomething that was not ord\nof right-wing mobilization,\nbut rather of transferring\na pattern of for profit\ncontracting before in\nan imperial affairs\ninto the welfare state\nas a way of building the welfare\nstate during its heyday.\nThese connections between\nLatin American\ndevelopmental ism and\nUS public education policy\nwere real and consequential,\nbut they were difficult\nto research because\nUS businessmen were transposing\nlessons from one\ndomain to another.\nThey aren't connections\nthat a historian\nof education we easily find,\nor a historian of\neconomic thought.\nBecause they involve\nextensive translation.\nAnd so my point here is simply\nthat historians I think,\nwould do well to look for\nother such forms of\nindirect connection.\nBecause we know that\nvery often societies\ndon't conceptualize their\nproblems in similar ways,\nbut can still be connected\nacross many lines of difference.\nAnd then finally,\nfinal possibility for\nnew research that I want\nto mention is the\nstudy of memory.\nI had no intention of studying\nhistorical memory when\nI started my research,\nbut I've come to see it as\nreally essential to anybody\ntrying to understand\npolitical economy since 1945.\nThe epilogue to my book attempts\nto explain why we don't remember\nthe mid-century\norigins of practices\nlike for-profit\neducational contracting.\nAnd argues that our\nunderstandings of\nthese practices are a\nvery recent vintage.\nThey were forged in the\n1970s, 80s,\nand 90s in the\nvery process of\ndismantling welfare and\ndevelopmental states.\nAnd that's because the work\nof political economic\nrestructuring\ninvolved a great deal of\nstorytelling about what the\nmid-century state a bit.\nSo I find storytellers,\nFrance's among the economists in\nthe Bretton Woods institutions,\nbusinessman as well.\nThese figures crafted\nself-affirming narratives\nthat celebrated the seventies,\neighties, and nineties\nas a time when\nthey turned the\nworld upside down.\nAnd what's interesting\nis that those\ncelebratory narratives have in\nturn come to informed\ncritics of neoliberalism,\nwho I think in a righteous manner\nuntil much the same story,\nbut in a minor key, they invert\nall the sort of normative\nvalues in the storage.\nCritical histories\nof the right have\nin Athens perform really\nvital political work.\nBut they tend to reinforce\nthe central claims of triumphalist\nnarratives presenting\nthe same periodization\nof the 20th century and\nattributing political\neconomic change\nto the same set of actors.\nAnd the result is a form of\nhistorical memory that neither\nof the right or of the left,\nbut is rather a shared way\nof imagining the recent past\nthat is today foundational\nto contemporary\npolitical conflict.\nAnd as historians who are\nliving in this moment,\nwe are just soaking in this\nform of historical memory.\nThis was my\nunderstanding of history\nwhen I started my research.\nAnd I think that that is\na real challenge to those\nof us who are trying to\nwrite about the rise and\nfall of welfare and\ndevelopmental states.\nI think that our task is to\nanalyze the history of\npolitical economy\nand state formation,\nand also to analyze\npopular tellings of\nhistory that shape and often\nconstrain our own\ninquiry in the past.\nSo with that, I'll pass it\nto pass along. Do you, Amy.\nSo next step is Jess Pearson.\nHer paper is entitled\nyour African entanglements and\npost-colonial development,\nthe durability of\nempire in 1960 to 1980.\nRight? Thank you. Can you\nall hear me? Ok, great.\nThanks so much, Giuliana.\nChristy, I really appreciate\nwhat you said about\nbridging the\ndecolonization divided.\nI'm actually in Ecuador\nright now on the,\non the last, last week of\nmy year-long sabbatical,\nand it happens to be Ecuadorian.\nAnd so I'm happy if DSA Agusto.\nSo everyone has over the\nlast ten years I've really\nbeen thinking about\nEuropean decolonization\nthrough the lens of\ndiplomatic history.\nAnd as I'm beginning\nmy new book project on\nthe history of tourism,\nI'm starting to worry\nabout the end of\nempire in relationship to\nquestions of economic\ndevelopment.\nSo I'm really thrilled to have\nthe opportunity to be here\ntoday and to benefit from the\nwisdom of my co panelists.\nSo I'm going to talk\nabout what I call\nyour African entanglements\nin two different development\nsectors, health and tourism.\nIn both cases, development\nserved as a means for\nEuropean diplomatic and\ncommercial interests to\nretain a foothold in\nAfrica after independence.\nWe're kind of health, which is\nconnected to my first book,\nfocuses on the World\nHealth Organization\nand its role in Africa.\nSo I'm going to start by offering\njust a brief glimpse into\nthis organization\nand the years that\nfollowed the\nindependent of most of\nEurope Sub-Saharan colonies\nbeginning around 1960.\nWell theoretically\nthe transition to\nindependent statehood\nalso heralded a new era.\nHealth. European representatives\ncontinue to participate\nin the annual meetings of\nthe WHO's regional\ncommittee for Africa.\nAnd they did so until 1970.\nUnder the rubric of\nmember states still\nhaving responsibility\nin the region,\nboth Britain and France extended\ntheir direct involvement\nin the field of\nAfrican public health through\ntheir participation in the WHO.\nThey're the sowed seeds\nof tension between\nFrancophone and anglophone\nAfrican states.\nThis limiting the\npossibilities for injure\nAfrican cooperation around\nquestions of health.\nThe first meeting of\nthe original committee\nafter the largest wave of\nAfrican independences took\nplace in Bronzeville in 1961.\nAnd it was attended by both\nEuropean and African\nrepresentatives.\nIn the first minutes\nof the program,\nDr. somebody need DO Low,\nwho was the Malayan\nMinister of Public Health,\nacknowledge the potential\nawkwardness of having Africa,\nformer colonizers in\nattendance at the meeting.\nAnd this is how he,\nthis is what he stated.\n21 African states compared\nto only five last year.\nI institutionally able to\ndefend the interests\nof their country\nis in the original committee\nin the sanitary domain.\nHowever, the current\npicture remains\nobscured by the presence\nof a certain number of\npeople who wrongfully claim\na right to represent certain\nAfrican territories.\nI hope that they will\nnot be present in 1962.\nSurprisingly, however,\nAfrican hostility to\nthe European presence\nat the meeting\nsoftened considerably by the end.\nAnd Molly's delegation\nclose the gathering.\nWhat the statement of\nimmense enthusiasm\nabout the possibility for\nongoing collaboration with the\nFrench in the years to come.\nThe magnetic pull of\ncolonial relationships into\nthe post-colonial period has been\nwell documented by historians.\nThis leaves us with the question,\nDid independence producing\nmeaningful shift in the way\nthe health cooperation operated\nin post-colonial Africa.\nWhile I've moved away from\npublic health in my research,\nI can offer a few suggestions for\nother scholars\nexploring this topic,\nespecially in a moment\nwhen a lot of you\nare cart. For COP.\nFirst and foremost,\nwe need to build\na clear picture of how\nboth governments and\nAfrican citizens\nunderstood the shift to\nan independent system of\npublic health when\nthat in theory,\nwould be free from\ncolonial interference with\nthe ongoing involvement\nand former colonial powers\nperceptible to the people who\nrelied on these health systems.\nDid they see ongoing\npolitical drama\nat the regional office\nas a factor that would\npotentially limit their access to\nWHO programs and resources.\nAnd finally, how did\nAfrican medical personnel and\nnavigate these relationships\nas they sought to build\nhealth systems that would\nrespond to local public\nhealth imperatives.\nAs European doctors\nwork to carve out\na more metaphorical space for\nEuropean medicine and\npost-colonial Africa.\nEuropean travel companies,\nairlines and hotel\ndevelopers were\nsticking a claim to\nmore literal space\non the African continent.\nAnd the two decades that\nfollowed independence,\nthey partnered with Africans\nto build the tourism\nindustry that would\ncater almost exclusively\nto white travelers.\nSome African tourism industry\nwiden the divide between\nAfricans, their\nformer colonizers.\nIn others, however, the expansion\nof global travel\noffered Africans and\nopportunity to launch their\nown economic development\non what they saw as\ntheir own terms.\nBeyond the potential\neconomic advantages\nthat post-independence\ntourism offered,\nforeign travel to\nAfrica also presented\na more symbolic\nopportunity to protect\na particular identity\nto a global audience.\nPost-colonial tourism,\nat least on the surface,\nseem to offer a chance\nto attend decade of\ncolonial travel propaganda\nthat had aimed to\njustify European rule and\npaint the colonies as exotic,\nyet backwards fascinations to be\nconsumed by tourists\nfrom the Metropole.\nFor many people living in\nnewly independent nations,\nthe ability to shape a\ntourist's experience\noffered a chance to\nreject the framework of\nthe civilizing mission\nthat had so long\ncharacterized traveled to\nthese regions of the world.\nYet tourism is ability to foster\nnew solidarity is in carve out\nnew national identity\nis, wouldn't,\nit was some limitations as\nunequal partnerships\nwith former colonizers\nwill prove difficult to shake.\nWithin the air travel\nindustry, for example,\nmany independent\nstates continue to\nrely on European loans to buy\nEuropean aircraft and on\nEuropean facilities to\ntrain their crew members.\nEfforts to develop\ninfrastructure for\ntourists often lead\nthese states to\nseek both expertise and\nfinancial support from\ntheir former colonizer.\nStarting in the mid 19\nsixties, for example,\nthe British government\nconsulted on and\ninvested in the construction\nof airports and hotels,\nin the development\nof game reserves\nin former British colonies.\nBeyond this more tangible\nweb of post-colonial\ndependencies was another\nunfortunate reality.\nTravel did not always produce\nmutual comprehension between\ntourists and local communities.\nAnd do your development\nin the travel industry\ndependent on inviting former\ncolonizers to take up\nspace on lab that had\nonly recently become\nsovereign territory as European\nseized upon their\nright to leisure.\nAnd this is where I think there's\nan important connection to\nthis idea of the welfare state.\nThey also began embarking on\nvoyages to new destinations.\nAnd many of them traveled\nwith mentality is held\nover from previous decades of\ncolonial violence and domination.\nStill, for many Africans,\nthe ability to host their\nformer colonizers on\nindependent African soil provided\nan opportunity to rethink\nthese previous relationships.\nAs we continue to\nbuild on a body of\nscholarship about development\nand decolonization.\nI think that it's complicated.\nIt's probably a\nsafe description of\nthe ongoing relationship\nbetween African states, Europe.\nBut rather than write\nDevelopment Office\nand entirely\nneo-colonial project,\nI think that we should\nalso continue to\naccount for African agency.\n1970, a decarbonized\nmagazine entailed Africa,\nran a series of articles about\nhotel construction and on\nthe possibility of\ndeveloping tourism as\na third industry for\nindependent Senegal.\nSo I'm gonna end with a quote\nfrom one of these articles\nthat I think speaks\nreally clearly to\nthis question of\nAfrican agency or as well as\nan economic fields and\nundoubtedly the only one where\nAfricans can compete with\ndeveloped countries on\nan equal playing field.\nOr we could say in full dignity,\nAfrica possesses attributes\nthat these countries do not,\nare no longer possess.\nSon, the job, the new folklore.\nIn fact, we can almost say that\nthe civilization of\nleisure in which\nthe industrialized\nworld is engaged is\na veritable source of luck for\nunderdeveloped\ncountries like Senegal.\nWhat this quote reminds us,\nI think because of these\nongoing entanglements between\nEurope and Africa did in\nsome ways prolong\nAfrican independence,\nsorry, African dependents\non its former colonizers,\nespecially in the\ndomain of economics.\nIn other ways, however,\nthey offered African\nhas a chance to\nrethink their relationship\nto Europe and to\nmobilize changing\nEuropean notions of\nhealth and leisure to\ntheir own advantage.\nAnd I'll stop here\nfor the sake of time.\nBut thank you so much for\nlistening and I'm really\nlooking forward to\nour discussion. And he'd laugh.\nThat fly. Okay. I'm am I audible?\nYeah. Excellent. Well,\nwhat an amazingly\norganized conference and a great\npanel with which to\nbegin because of\nthe unexpected\nperspective the papers\nprovide on, on the\nconference theme.\nI'm going to do the boring\nthing and just make\na few comments and\npose a few questions\nabout how the papers do\nshed light on or raise\nquestions about the\nconference theme.\nSo starting with Amy,\nit's utterly persuasive obviously\nthat USC historians have,\nhave looked too much East and\nnot enough South and\n11 initial question\nis whether scholars\nof the European welfare state\nare guilty of the reverse mistake\nlooking too much a West rather\nthan to their own Southside.\nI doubt that, that mistake\nas S ingrained amongst\nEuropean AES as it is\namongst historians of\nthe United States.\nBut it's, it's still real.\nAnd either way, I infer from\nAmy that you're a pianist,\nneed a lot more\nscholarship that we have\nrelating the rise and decline of\nthe European welfare\nstate to the spaces of\ntheir formal and\ninformal empires in an,\nin an initial stage and\nthe hierarchical policies\nand circulating knowledge in\ncolonial welfare\nschemes and later than\nbetween Europeans and\npostcolonial states.\nObviously, we have a little bit\nof scholarship of this kind.\nJourdan, a bail can't\ntouch Shepherd.\nNot much else I know about.\nBut clearly, all the points\nAimee makes about the limits of\na resistance frame and\nthe importance of of what I'd\ncall a more client holistic.\nOne are pertinent\nin thinking about\ninterrupts and North-South\nrelations and the era of\nthe making of those\nwelfare states and\nindirect connections would also\nbe essential to look into.\nThen in Amy's paper,\nthere's the question\nof continuities\nacross the neoliberal divided.\nAnd she's brilliantly corrupted\na cartoonish or\nstereotypical version\nwhere the welfare state\nand here stereotypically,\na European welfare state\nis perfect and strong.\nAnd then a few\neconomists descend from\nAtlanta and the 19\nseventies. That's false.\nAnd yet you're a\nPNS have not kind\nof told the nuance story in\nthe way that Amy's told it.\nNow for the, the\nother hemisphere,\neven so, you know,\nI still think no\none should minimize\nthe significance of\nthe 19 seventies\nor how radical the change.\nIn fact, that was\nthere was a change.\nAnd European, US or right to\nnot just dwell on\ncontinuities but\nalso discontinuities and that's\nwhat this conference\npresumably is about.\nOkay, So turning to Christy's\npaper in an never have\nenough critical scholarship\nabout Pat Moynihan.\nAnd it then you've\ndone an amazing job\nrelating his critique of the\ndomestic welfare state with,\nwith the New International\nEconomic Order,\nproposals and unrelated things.\nSo three comments, questions.\nFirst, you recall,\nI thought I don't\nthink you mentioned in\nyour comments today that Moynihan\nanalogize as post-colonial\nprojects both at\ntheir national level and\nthen at the global scale to\nEuropean socialism,\nespecially Fabianism.\nSo I think it's worth asking\nwhether he was right about that.\nHave we, as historians,\nsubstantiated or\ncontradicted him?\nSo other people besides\nChristie's Mexican observers like\nGunnar Merkel or Julia scenario,\nunderstood post-colonial\npolitical economy on,\non some kind of analogy with\nEuropean class politics.\nBut, you know, maybe they were\nthe exceptions, not the rule.\nAnd then there are these\ntwo other questions I\nthought about in\nrelation to your paper.\nFirst a word there,\nEuropean hands,\nfor whom turning against\nthe third world and\ntheir own welfare\nstates went together.\nI'm sure there were.\nBut in the vivid example\nraises the question vividly\nfor European cases.\nAnd then secondly, what were\nthe interactions between\nAmerica's neo conservative\nand neoliberal turn,\nwhich was real in\nthe 19 seventies and\nEuropean relations with\ntheir posts colonies.\nAnd I just don't think\nwe know tons about this.\nLast thing on Jessica's paper.\nWhat are what is\nstimulating intervention?\nI guess I, I goofed\nbecause she's said\nit's complicated in\nthere are communists.\nI read it much more\nas, in a sense,\nsaying something\nalmost opposite from\nChristy at that\nneocolonialism proved more\npowerful as a European heritage\nin the post-colony than,\nthan socialism did.\nIncluding in the relation after\ndecolonization between\nEurope and the post-colony.\nSo your, your, your exploration\nof health and tourism,\nwhich are both\nreally interesting.\nI wondered if they force\nus to put the show.\nWe're New International\nEconomic Order in it's place.\nIt's gotten a lot of love\nand recent scholarship.\nAnd yet you're substandard\nexamples helps substantiate\nAmy's insistence that we look\nfor continuities over\nthe postwar period,\ndeeper roots to kneel\nimperial phenomena we might\nassociate to exclusively\nwith two later period.\nBut again, you know,\nyour work shows how much\nexciting scholarship\nis being done on just\nthese intricate questions\nlike the other two\npapers, I'll stop there.\nGreat. Thank you, Sam.\nSo far we have two\npeople on the queue.\nFirst is you can take\nthe make and if you\njust very briefly introduce\nyourself to everyone,\ncan you hear me? Yeah.\nAs we can. Okay. Yeah.\nGreat. Thank you\nfor having invited me to be here.\nI'm currently Professor\nof History in Paris.\nBut I have to confess\nthat I am not at all\nan expert of the issue raised by\nthe three people's\nWestern Europe,\nthe agent to Europe,\nor the absence of transition of\nthe two new reverb Europe in\nthe seventies and eighties.\nAnd actually I have\ntwo questions,\ntwo for Amy and one for Jessica.\nRather mundane questions.\nI have to admit the\nfirst two to Amy.\nIt's about poverty.\nYou mentioned that\nthe definition of\npoverty was different between\nthe US and Latin America\nfor ideological reasons.\nBut I was also wondering\nwhether and to what extent\nthis difference could\nnot also be explained\nby the share difference\nin terms of wealth.\nBecause today, well, I\nguess it is the case today.\nToday if you want to define\npoverty at the UN level,\nat the ward level,\npoverty usually defined\nby in incapacity to\nfulfill basic needs.\nSo you have to earn\nless than $2 a day.\nWhereas in many rich\ncountries it is defined in\nterms of percentage\nof the median income.\nSo for example, in France it is,\nit is roughly €100 per month\nfor a single individual.\nSo yeah, I would like to know\na little bit more about the deuce\npossible overlaps in terms\nof definition of poverty.\nAnd the second is\nabout very simply\nthe growing role of\nprivate company,\nfor profit company in\ndevelopment policies.\nIn terms of ideological debate,\ncan retrace the growing influence\nof the public school choice.\nThe what you call sometimes\nthe Virginia School,\nwhich criticize\nthe efficiency of,\nof public actors\nin debates or in,\nin, in the academia\narena, in discourse.\nAnd to Jessica.\nAnd I just want to know\nmore about the economics\nand also the strategic\naims of the airline.\nYou use steady air Africa\nbecause supporting\nan airline is not\nalways cost-effective.\nBut it is important\nalso from a political\npoint of view to\na sets the state\nnational sovereignty.\nRemember a paper by\nAlessandro yonder low\nabout Soviet aid to\ngain as two in the same area\nyou, you've studied in,\nwhich explains that Soviet\nexperts were disappointed\nbecause they didn't\nleader secret,\nsecret to lay spent\nmost of the first batch\nof aid to build an airport\nand to buy airplanes to.\nIt means, it means that\nhaving an airline was\nvery important to a set.\nAlso the, the, the newly\nacquired sovereignty of\nthose new, new states.\nSo just a very general\nquestion about\nthe these airline Air\nAfrica. And I'm done.\nSo Amy, I guess either\nI can give an answer\nto the next question.\nSure. Thank you so much.\nAction to both salmon are\nup for these questions.\nI'll try to respond briefly\nto to them. I'll start with R1.\nYou're absolutely right\nthat the reason that\npoverty was conceptualized\ndifferently in\nthe United States\nand Latin America\nin the postwar period is that\nmacroeconomic measures were so\ncentral to the\nunderstanding of poverty.\nAnd for that reason, by\nthe 19 fifties in\nthe United States,\nsocial scientists and\npolicymakers could\nvery easily say the United\nStates is not a country.\nI'm sure looking at GDP growth,\nUnited States is\nnot a poor country.\nAnd of course there were poor\npeople in the United States.\nThere are some number of poor\npeople in poor communities.\nAnd the kind of like kind\nof world altering Fiction.\nThe really important to the myth\nthat guides us policymakers\nthat those pockets of poverty\nare not products of\na growing economy.\nI mean, of course, the\nUS economy we know\nlike produced both wealth\nand poverty, right?\nIt was like poverty was\na systemic outgrowth of\nthe way that growth was\nbeing organized in\nthe United States.\nBut they deny that fact.\nAnd so what they said\nwas that, you know,\nthere's something aberrant\nand outside actually,\nthere's something\nexceptional about\nthese people in these spaces\nthat makes them examples\nof poverty within plenty.\nAnd so as a result,\nknowledge about\npoverty in the United\nStates was not,\nit wasn't a field that\nwas dominated by like\neconomists who were\ninterested in\nmacroeconomic questions.\nIt was that was dominated by\nthe people that they twist.\nHe's talking about a sociologist.\nScientists are just people\nwho were seen to have\nknowledge about poor people and\nabout strategies for\ntransforming them.\nMany of them are psychologists\nseeking kind of personal\ntransformation.\nOthers were people\nwho were trying to do\ncommunity development\nprograms and so on.\nSo you're absolutely\nright, the kind of on\nthe rise of macroeconomic\nmeasurement and\nthe possibility of\nmaking international\ncomparisons in\nthose terms meant that\nin the United States,\nknowledge about poverty\nwas very different\nthan knowledge in Latin\nAmerica where you could say,\nwe are poor country.\nAnd therefore, when\nyou try and understand\nthe situation of a poor\nperson in this country,\nthe ultimate cause is\nthe status of a nation\nwhich needs to be changed.\nYou asked about the role of\nprivate capital in education.\nThe role of private capital\nin development policies\nin general is something of\ngreat interest to me and\nyou see it everywhere.\nAnd I wouldn't say that\nthere's a growing role\nof private capital over time.\nThere are just shifting\nroles for private capital.\nAnd that's why I\nuse the concept of\nthe mixed economy to talk\nabout mid-century\ndevelopmental ism.\nBecause the, the, the\nexplicit detail on which\npolicymakers were working\nwas the idea that\nthey were trying\nto walk a path between\nsocialism and laissez-faire.\nSo they're constantly trying to\narticulate state and capital\nas a way of building\nthe welfare state or the\ndevelopmental state.\nIt's a, it's an ideal and\nnot a kind of retreat.\nIt's there, it's\nthere. Your goal.\nIn terms of education,\nyou're totally right that\nthere are many routes\nto like\ncontemporary prescriptions for\neducational privatisation.\nSo like the Virginia School has\nits own kind of origin stories.\nAnd the difference is\nthis. The Virginia School\nprides itself on that\nbig tell that story.\nThey say that they are\nthe single root of it.\nAnd the guys that I\nlook at race the past.\nAnd that is, I think one of\nthe challenges when Sam says,\nyou know, the seventies\nis a moment of rupture,\nOne of the challenges I think\nbefore us is trying\nto think about\nhow to fit the story\nof the kind of\nself-conscious\ncelebrates worry right?\nInto how do they connect\nthese other origins that are\nfull of aeration basically.\nSo the way that I trace out\nthe connections between\nthese like sixties\nexperiments and\nin for-profit\neducational contracting.\nAnd later is actually through\nthe institutional transformation\nof the companies themselves,\nwhich you can trace straight\nfrom the for-profit\neducational contracting\nexperiments of the War on\nPoverty into let the\nbirth of Pearson and\nstandardized testing\ncompanies that make\nhuge money after\nthe nineties from,\nyou know, basically\nstandardization and\ntesting and the many\ncontracting opportunities\nthat come out of that.\nSo there's multiple kind of\nintersecting groups here and\nyou're right about that.\nAnd just briefly to sort\nof respond to Sam's point.\nI'm not a European as did I. I\nhesitate to sort of\ngeneralize about whether\nEurope pianists have\nmade a mistake of\nthinking of themselves too\nmuch and North Atlantic context,\nI don't think my sense\nis that Europe, yes,\none of the maybe\ncharacteristic features\nof Eurocentrism is that it's\nnot euro is not US centric.\nSo I don't think that the\nUnited States is as much of\na touch point for Europeana\nis the other way.\nAnd I also do think\nthat there are\ndifferent intellectual\nproblems that emerge.\nEuropean is trying to think\nnorth-south than for us\nhistorians trying\nto think herself.\nBecause what's distinctive about\nthe Western Hemisphere is that\nthese societies are products\nof the same offices notes,\nthey were colonized\ncontemporaneously\nthe slave trade and\nthis creation of\nCreole elites that have a sort\nof revolutionary\nconsciousness that\naffirms there on power.\nAnd then I'll post-colonial\ncomplex that come out of that.\nThese are just totally\nidentical processes that play\nout somewhat differently\nobviously within the hemisphere.\nAnd then simultaneously you have\nimperial relationship\nin the hemisphere.\nAnd so the United States has a,\nit has a both a rivalrous\nsibling relationship\nto Latin America that's kind of\nabsent from like the\nEuropean relationship\nto Asia or to Africa.\nAlso as an impure\nrelationship which is not\nunlike the kind of eastern\nhemisphere relationships.\nOne place where I\nthink there might\nbe a similar dynamic though,\nwhere Europeans might take\nsomething western\nhemisphere is this.\nI see Latin America as\nthis workshop of what\nwe think of as like\nneo-liberal kinds of\nsocial welfare provision\nthrough The reason that during\nthe developmentalist era,\nthe terms of\ninternational lending,\ntrade and investment\nwere such that\nnational income was very\nlimited and the understanding\nof development was\nsuch that you had to\nconcentrate they big to\nconcentrate your national\nincome in industrialization,\nin infrastructure and so on.\nSo programs like housing,\nhealth education were\nsystematically start.\nYou've got to provide\nthese things.\nWe have to do it as cheaply as\nyou possibly can in\nthe third world.\nAnd that's the\nreason that you get\nso many really diminutive\nprograms that like costs\nnothing and promised\nto hat was like\nmillions and millions of people\ncoming out of the Third World.\nAnd then I find them sort of\nredeployed in the War on\nPoverty in the United States.\nAnd I suspect that you might find\nsimilar dynamics\nelsewhere because\nthat's a common condition\nfor the third world.\nYou have to meet hugely\nrising expectations\nwith like totally\nnot enough money.\nThanks Amy. So we are going over\nthe one-hour slot that\nthat I promised everyone.\nIf one of the panelists\nneeds to jump\noff for other obligations,\nwe understand.\nBut if you are able\nto stick with us,\nwe have at least\nthree more questions.\nAnd of course, Jess\nand Christy may also\nhave responses to the questions\nthat have been posed so far.\nSo I don't know.\nMaybe just you want to take\nthe mike and then Christy,\nyou'll decide if you'd\nlike the mike or if\nyou want to just hand it\nover to the next person,\ngo ahead. Just okay.\nSure. Thanks so much for\nthat question about the\nstrategic aims of error-free.\nI think one of the things I'm,\nI loved that a lot\nof the sources I looked\nat for my first book,\nwe're just reports of\nhow many people died\nof malaria every year.\nSo I've been really excited\nto get into some of\nthe, the travel-related\nmaterials.\nSo I can say a few things\nabout this question\nof national sovereignty\nand air travel.\nSo one of the things I'm looking\nat is error-free\nin-flight magazine.\nAnd what's really\ninteresting is you see those\nvery stark divide\nbetween what's in\nthe articles and what's\nin the advertisements.\nSo all the articles\nare champions,\nare championing this\nidea of like tourism for\nAfricans by Africans in\nAfrica that's focused on.\nThe post-colonial futures\nand precolonial passed.\nBut it's very interesting\nbecause all of the ads\nare for luxury European goods.\nSo they're adds fresh, fresh\nchampagne and Swiss watches,\nBritish cars, things like that.\nSo it's very interesting\nto just see that divide.\nAnd then also just on\na really basic level\nin terms of who owns the airline,\nhas actually jointly owned by\n13 Francophone African countries.\nCameroon spins off\nfirst and creates\nits own national airline and\nwithdraws from error-free.\nBut it's also jointly\nowned by Air France\nand the share the Air France owns\ngrows over time as the airline is\nan increasing economic\nand financial trouble.\nAnd then the other thing I\njust wanted to say is I'm also\nthinking about the people\nthat work for the airline.\nSo just like one little\nvignette in 1980,\nthe flight attendants that worked\nfor error-free get together.\nAnd what they want to protest is\nthe airlines policy\nthat they're not\nallowed to have more\nthan two children.\nThe idea was that if you\nhave more than two children,\nyou weren't really\nable to commit to\nthis jet setting lifestyle\nof like being in the\nair all the time.\nBut you are going\nto be more devoted\nto motherhood on the grounds.\nAnd so the Pope is going\nto be coming to quote\nin 1980.\nAnd they get together, hold\nthe flight attendants,\nand they write a\nletter to the Pope,\nand they want the Pope to\nintervene on their behalf.\nAnd I haven't actually\nfound out what happened.\nLike I don't know if the\nPope writes them back or if\nthe pope meets with the ever\nlike if anything comes of this,\nI just found sort of like the\nbeginning archival trace to this,\nbut it's definitely\nsomething that\nI want to think about more as a,\nhow are the people that are\nworking for the airline\nis employee's thinking about\nthemselves as working\nfor looking at it\nas a joint African\nEuropean corporation.\nWhat does this mean\nin terms of how\nthey mobilize as labor?\nSo thank you so much\nfor that question.\nI'll just respond very quickly\nbecause I want to get\nto the other questions,\nbut I love Sam's questions\nand I think that\nthey should I would\nhope that they might\nmotivate some of\nthe conversations\nthat we're going to\nhave over the next\ncouple of days.\nBecause as a non-Europeanist,\nI literally don't\nknow the thickness.\nSo I'm very interested\nin the idea of,\nAre there European hands\nsee this parallel\nbetween the kind of\nundeserving domestic\nunderclass and\nthe and the formerly\ncolonized populations.\nI mean, I think that one\nplace you might begin to look\nfor that as in Queens\naudience work and\nparticularly in the new work\nabout sort of racialized\nunderstandings.\nKinda particular\nracialized neoliberalism\nthat emerges particularly\nvis-a-vis Southern Africa.\nThat might be a place to\nbegin to look for that stuff.\nAnd so I hope maybe\ncoin will chime in at\nsome point and help us\nanswer that question.\nAnd on the connection\nbetween the sort of\nneo conservatives and\nliberals in this moment.\nAnd it's, and how the\nrelationship with\nthe developing world is\nkind of key crux there.\nI think that's really important.\nAnd one of the things that you\nsee within the United States,\nand I don't know if they're\nsimilar questions in Europe.\nBut one of the things\nthat you see in\nthe United States is the\nemergence as you go on\nthe 1960s and then in\nthe 1970s , right?\nAre these amend, these various\namendments introduced by\nmembers of Congress to\nnational legislation about\nhow foreign aid can be used.\nAnd they begin to very\nmuch constricts, right?\nIf countries are\nnot. Using the kind\nof appropriate\nself-help measures.\nIf they are seen as\nkind of just wanting\na handout and seen\nas being kind of\nwelfare dependent than\nthe United States is\ngoing to introduce these\nmeasures to make it so that,\nyou know, precious US taxpayer\ndollars can't just be\ngiven freely out to\nthese deviant countries\nin the third world.\nAnd I think Trump ism as\nreally good distillation\nof this as we\nsee sort of very clear parallels\nthat he makes between kind\nof American carnage and\nthe undeserving cities and\nall the things that he said\nvis-a-vis what's\ngoing on the summer.\nAnd then they understand\nthey have, for instance,\ncutting off a to the countries in\nCentral America in the middle\nof the migration crisis, right?\nSo the idea that the\nUnited States purse,\nprecious thing to be guarded\nand giving it to these\nundeserving people,\nboth underclasses,\nwhether the United States\nand in the developing world.\nI think that really is\na tie together here.\nAnd one of the things that\nI'm trying to get at these\nindeed Moynihan and\nmore importantly,\nthe kind of people who\ntake up the mantle.\nAnd I would love to know what\nthe parallels are in the\nEuropean situation to\nthat cost other things,\nChristy and as another preview and\npresent and to whom we might turn\nfor that precise question.\nChelsea Shields, I understand is\nworking on a book on\nMoynihan in Europe.\nSo that'll be really exciting.\nAnd so we have\nthree to four more people on\nthe queue. Stefan, Europe.\nNext. Go ahead. Great. Thank you,\nGiuliana . I think wait.\nI have to permit the\nvideo to come up.\nThere is. Thank you, Julia.\nSober. I'm Stephan ... .\nI did a PhD on Indian history\nand just finished a project\non the new kinds of capitalism in\nIndia that emerged in\nthe post independence\nperiod after 1947.\nAnd my next project is to\nhistoricize the varieties of\ncapitalism debate with\nparticular reference\nto European social capitalism's.\nSo which has Ottawa.\nI'm happy to attend today\nand to speak and listen to\nwhat you're presenting.\nSo I was really fascinated\nby all three presentations.\nInitially I was only commenting,\nthought this comment would go\nto enoughness presentation.\nBut I think it's,\nthere's a larger currency\nbehind the question.\nAnd the question is\nabout economists and\nthe relation US economists\nbeing trained in\nthe US and their work\nin Latin America.\nSo the Chicago Boys are\nthe example I was\nimmediately thinking of,\nof any example of\nChicago was in other\nLatin American countries.\nOr if other Latin\nAmerican countries were\nmore influenced by\ndifferent disciplines,\nsay history, sociology.\nSo Moynihan, for example,\nwas a historian,\ntrained as a historian\nand did this\nreflects in the advice I gave,\nI think when it was part\nof the Ford Foundation.\nSo if you would\nconstructed the Chicago\nBoys were free market guys.\nSo they would not\ndirectly give influence,\nbut they will train people in\nChile to make the reforms.\nI mean, that's something\nwhich I think would\nbe one needs to consider\nin the, in the,\nin the, if you think about this,\nin which groups influence\nwhich trajectories.\nSo the Berkeley Mafia is\nthen becomes important\nfor Indonesia.\nSo there is a global\nhistorical context in\nwhich this comes up in the\nsixties and seventies.\nYep. That's it. Thank you.\nThat's a great question.\nI'll offer a few thoughts.\nCertainly, Chicago's influence\nall around Latin America.\nLatin American economists from\nmany countries went and\nstudied in Chicago.\nOne of the interesting things\nthat, that I tried to,\nthat actually was the fact\nthat until Pinochet\ncame to power,\nthe two lands who had studied at\nChicago had really\nno influence in,\ninto a very marginal\ngroup of academics.\nAnd without reason, sometimes\nthey took they themselves,\npeople who went on to\nbecome really if Ms.\nfigures and she like\nwhen they were nobodies,\nthey took teaching posts in\nother Latin American\ncountries and\ntheir largest deployment\nwas actually to Columbia.\nSo I trace them through columbia.\nWhat was interesting\nto me and really\ndrove a lot of my\nresearch was that they\ndid not have the\ncareers there that\nyou are just waiting\nfor them to have.\nThey do not do the work of\nneoliberal restructuring\nand they know it all.\nAnd what I find is that if you\nwant to look for the roots\nof kind of neoliberal economic\nprescriptions in Latin America.\nThey come from many other places.\nAnd I would sort of identify\ntwo key kind of sources.\nFirst are actually\nnon economists.\nAnd the reason is this,\nEconomists are\nobsessively concerned\nwith generating economic growth.\nAnd there are other\ngroups that I've found,\nespecially like groups like\narchitects and\nrural sociologists,\nr dot oriented to that question.\nAnd they are the ones who will\nbe happy to be told like,\nlook you, you have to\nbuild a lot of housing.\nWe don't have any money for it.\nFigure out await the architect.\nThat's its whole job.\nHe's like, I can take your\nhorrible ridiculous budget and\nlike teach people to like\ngo live themselves\nwith unpaid labour,\nusing like, you know,\nsolidify, like mixtures\nof soil in concrete.\nSo a lot of the\naustere systems of\nsocial welfare provision\nthat are getting like embed,\nthat are actually not being\ninvented by autonomists.\nThe other thing that\nI thought was that\nluck can aid with\nbig wood of their education\nin the United States,\nthey were not easily\nmolded into the image\nof their US professors.\nAnd that doesn't\nnecessarily mean again,\nthat they were great\nfigures of the resistance.\nIt means that they were able to\ncome up with neoliberal\nprescriptions\nall day using all sorts\nof found materials.\nAnd oftentimes what their\nreasoning from is not\nlike a single school\nof economic thought,\nbut they're using, they're\nusing their training.\nBut their reasoning in terms\nof the forms of state craft\nthat they grow up knowing\nin the developmental state,\nwhich turns out because\nit's generating so many.\nYour practices can be\nextrapolated and reason\nfrom to produce prescriptions\nfor structural\nadjustment eventual.\nIf you have questions,\nI'm queens.\nHi everybody. Thanks for that.\nBut I wanted to go a little bit\nabout ways that we\ncan start thinking\nacross the decolonization\ndivide that Christy raised\nand also in pursuit of\nlinking it to the\ntheme of the workshop.\nAnd one question I had\nwas picking up from,\nfrom thaen point which which\nChristy mentioned in that and\nthe written version of it\nthat that Moynihan tend to be\nimplying that part of what the\nNIO was kind of export it.\nBritish Fabian at them.\nAnd I found that I was\nsort of clutched onto\nGadigal drag between the topics\nof the, of the workshop.\nAnd I'm going to, if you could\nsay a bit more about that\nwhether or not Moynihan because\nI have breadth of work,\nthe NIO as we kind of\nendogenous thing to\nthe sort of tribalism\nof the Global South.\nOr if he saw it as\nan export of European\nsocialist or thoughts.\nAdd extra of the two.\nAnd in other words,\nwith beating the NIO,\ncan opposition author attack\non European style socialism?\nOr whether it was\ntypically an attack on\npost-colonial version of\nredistribution of them.\nAnd then my talking point with\njust kind of pick up on something\nthat Amy had mentioned about\nnew work on the Caribbean.\nI really liked the way you dealt\nwith that and the\nwritten version as well.\nIt's like how it's being\ndealt with peculiarity.\nAnd I think that\nworked out people like\nGary Wilder and\nJeremiah Ni, Dan Barry.\nDoctors to think about the\nCaribbean states evolve.\nThey're kind of just on\nsovereigns gestures,\nwhich are actually much\nmore familiar to all of us.\nAnd we probably compact,\nwe'd like to think.\nBecause I think that if we're\nreturning to the theme\nof the conference,\nthey kind of end of\nthe welfare state as\na proud self-declared ideology\nin the 1970s in some way.\nThen the counter-argument of,\nof neoliberalism is really\nthat independent never\nhappen. All right?\nTo say that sovereignty\nis actually\nalways partial and always\nhave been a bit of a fib.\nAnd we need to sort of\nexpose ourselves to\nthe greater forces of\nthe global market.\nAnd I think those\ncountries that never\ndid decolonized formula idea\nrubella and the Martinique,\nNick wildly are actually very\ninteresting circumstance.\nSo I completely agree with,\nwith Amy and Christy that there's\nthis problem of the\ndecolonization divide.\nAnd I think it's\nhelpful if we can find\nlittle hinges or places where\nwe can see in the parts\nof the European dynamic active in\ntheir Latin American\nCaribbean states\nand those overseas territories\nand thaw and they continue to\npersist are sort of obvious\nthing because I think to bring\nthe two faces of\nthe inquiry into conversation\nwith each other.\nThanks Quinn, maybe Chris,\ncan you want to start us off?\nSure. So yeah, I think\nthat at least in,\nin this one piece in\nthe United States,\nan opposition Moynihan\nIts very much\nmaking the argument\nthat there has\nbeen a kind of direct\ntransfer, right?\nThat the NIO comes directly out\nof the kind of export of\nEuropean socialist ideals.\nAnd so I think the way that\nyou put it there at the end,\nthe idea that going after\nthe ANY I0 is also going\nafter European socialism\nis, is important.\nI mean, he says this\ninteresting thing.\nHe says that this\nis in the paper that\nI submitted, right?\nThat the third world ism\nthat has emerged\nis what he calls a\nHegelians synthesis of kind\nof us liberalism on the one hand.\nAnd Soviet totalitarianism\nOn the other hand,\nwhen you put those two together,\nwhat you get is this British\nFabian socialist thing\nthat has been exported\nvia decolonization.\nObviously, there's\nalso some questions\nabout how that might\nactually work.\nWhat the role of former French\nand German and Dutch\ncolonies might be in that.\nAnd the obvious question\nof Latin America, right?\nDoes he believe that the kind\nof mid-century socialism\nof the Latin Americans is also\ntransferable and this way,\ndespite the fact that\nthere is not this kind of\ndirect and obvious relationship.\nSo it obviously, it raises a lot\nof analytical questions because\nhis analysis in this way.\nAnd for me particularly because\none of the things that\nI study is the kind\nof overlooked way in which\nthe Na Yao is this kind\nof is a project\nthat hearkens back\nto a deep\ninternationalists project\nthat Mexico has been pursuing\nover the previous\nfive decades, right?\nThere's a sense in which\nthe Mexicans very much\nunderstand their vision for what\nthey want the world\norder to look like as\nderiving from the experience\nof the Mexican Revolution,\nsort of projected outward, right?\nSo they have a completely\ndifferent narrative\nof how they come\nto these very\nparallel ideas about\nwhat the countries of\nthe third world as\nthe workers eating to\norganize in a kind\nof trade union as,\nas I get a two has,\nhas put it right into a kind of\ntrade union of the poor\nof the Global South.\nAnd so the Mexicans sort of\nself Mary coming to that idea\nbased on the kind of\nparticular exceptionalist\nMexican industry\nthat they bring to the table.\nSo I think it's a it's a\nreally interesting question.\nMoynihan spanking is, at\nleast in this one piece,\nis not especially analytically\ntype on this question.\nBut I think that it is absolutely\nan idea as being sort of\nagainst European socialism and\nthe European welfare\nstate in that way.\nAlthough Moynihan himself\nat home has a kind of\ncomplicated relationship\nvis-a-vis what\nhe thinks the government\nshould be able to do.\nAnd particularly in\nthe negro family,\nhe focuses on this idea and\ncreating this jobs program.\nHe says, basically,\nif we could just\nput black men to work,\nthat would solve these problems.\nAnd so I think it speaks\nto exactly the kind of\naustere social programming that\nAmy talks about in her book.\nI mean, one of the,\nhe's not very clear in this,\nin, in the negro family either.\nBut one of the ways that\nhe hopes that we might\nput more black men back to\nwork in the United States\nis recruiting them\ninto the military\nduring the Vietnam War,\nsending them off to\nget kindled overseas.\nAnd so those questions\nabout what role the\nstation particularly play,\nMoynihan is a more\ncomplicated figure on\nthis and I'm sure Chelsea\nwill speak to this as well.\nThe report itself and because\nit becomes this kind\nof cause cella,\nbut when it comes out,\ngets taken up as this kind of\nneo conservative flag\nand carried around.\nAnd so I think she\nhas a bigger life.\nHis own ideas about this.\nThey take on a bigger life in\nthe neo conservative\nmovement, the opt in.\nAnd it would be a good\nthing to think about it,\na kind of a UK you\ndisappeared at the\ntime considering\nthe Labour government with power\nand with brain, you know.\nGoing off around open a\nbunch of different where\ncould butanoic\nbackground. So thanks.\nThe only thing I'll add\nis just a point about\nsort of the Caribbean as a place\nto study non sovereign futures.\nIt's brilliant and I\nhadn't thought of that,\nbut I really like that idea.\nI'd be interested,\njust to mean as it\nEuropeana is spending a\nyear in Latin America.\nI would just be curious to\nknow how that sort of came to\nbe for you and what connections\nyou're trying to draw.\nAnd given that we have as the\na1b0 touches here and\nalso Chelsea Shields.\nWell, I feel like are\nactually doing this kind\nof research at the intersection\nof the history of political\neconomy in the Caribbean,\nwhich I mean, I, I'm one of\nthe culprits that wasn't\nsmart enough to think of it.\nAnd so I would be interested\nin their insights.\nI'll just add two things.\nWent. So I actually\nspent the first half of\nthe year and you're out,\nbut my spouse is a\nhistorian of Latin America.\nWe spent the second\nhalf of our of\nour sabbatical here because\nwe've given up our\napartment in the US.\nWe didn't go back\nwhen the pandemic\nkit that I actually\njust wanted to echo.\nQuinn's point about the meeting\nnon self-governing\nterritory is I think\nthat this is a really critical\nhinge as you call it.\nI really like that term.\nAnd for me, it's\na really powerful thing to think\nabout because if you think about\nthe places that are\nthe rating non\nself-governing territories\nis considered by the UN.\nThey're almost all places where\nthe primary export as\nit were, is tourism.\nSo thanks for bringing\nthat up with,\nAnd that's really important\nfor cognitive and her.\nFabulous. So we have\nonly five minutes left,\nalthough I will tell you all that\nthe lines are in fact open\nfor another half an hour,\nbut you don't let's\ntry to wrap it up within\nfive to ten minutes.\nAnd then if you'd if you'd like\nto keep chatting\ninformally, that's fine.\nBut we have Chelsea Shields\nand Charlie Mayor unstack.\nI would propose that we bundle\nall their questions and then\nhave all three panelists\ngive us their last word.\nAnd then we can have a little\nbit more of an informal\nback and forth.\nSo Chelsea, why don't you\ngo ahead first and then Charlie,\nyou can jump right\nin and after her.\nThanks for such an\namazing group of papers.\nI'm having quite a moment\nbecause I've never heard\nanybody mention Aruba\nat a conference before.\nI have violated my\nwhole academic career\nfor that. Thank you, Quinn.\nMy first question is for Christy\nand as someone who's\nalso interested\nin the global resonance of when\na handler was really edified\nby your paper or so.\nI was curious about the note\nthat you ended on about how\nthis severe punitive backlash\ncame after attempts to\nmoderate more radical demands,\nnot only in the civil\nrights movement,\nbut also in international\neconomic and development schemes.\nSo I was wondering if you could\nsay a bit more about\nthose efforts.\nAnd perhaps because\nGiuliana raised to\nthe current political conjuncture\nthat we're in right now.\nWoah, what lessons we might\ndraw from that today.\nAnd Amy, thank you so much\nfor your pay-per-view,\nreally given us a\npowerful research agenda.\nAnd I love this idea of\nindirect connections.\nSo this could be\na really impossible\nmethodological question,\nbut I was wondering if\nyou could talk more\nabout what finding\nthose indirect connections\nlooked like for you.\nAnd it kind of practical\narchival sense\nbecause that's something that\nI found quite challenging,\nespecially as you point out when,\nwhen people frame\nproblems differently.\nSo I'd love to hear how you\nhow you navigated that.\nThanks. Thanks, Chelsea.\nSo Charlie,\nyou have the floor and then\nwe'll hand it over\nto the panelists.\nI guess I'm being\nheard. Thank you.\nThis is a great papers and\nreally indebted to them.\nJust a few points which I\nthink really about continuities,\nperhaps from the earlier period.\nFirst on, on Moynihan\nnotion of Fabianism.\nI mean, the whole tradition of\nSecond International is second\ninternational Socialism,\nwhich Murdock was connected with.\nAnd, and broad, of course,\nI think hand was,\nhe was very enclosed in an\nAnglo-American dialogue.\nAnd Myrtle was already,\nI had already provoke\nBritish anger when he was head of\nthe European Economic Commission,\nthe commission, UN Commission\nfor Economic\nCommission for Europe.\nBecause he had been much\ntoo friendly with the,\nwith the Second World\nwas the Soviet Union.\nSo you might look,\nlook back on that.\nThis is a lot of, this is about\nrolling back the 1960s,\nthe global 1960s,\nthe tourism paper I'd\nreally love to hear more,\nread more about that.\nIt seems to me that tour,\ntourism as a project is so\ncommitted to a restoration.\nJust for perspective.\nThis, you might,\nyou might consider\nthe UN World Heritage Sites\nin part of the part of\nthe tourist project.\nWe went when I and my\nfamily went to Mexico and\nGuatemala is the eighties via\nour halo because or interesting\nFrench set of hotels\nthat I was in Mexico\nand I remember being appalled in\nGuatemala by the\nGuatemalan put\ntogether a UN agency that\ndress their tourist\nguides as Incas.\nWhen we stayed in\nthe market towns.\nThey're health\ncontinuities, I think.\nConsider the Rockefeller\nFoundation emphases\nand then in the inter-war period\non extermination and diseases,\nthis certainly fits into\nthe malaria crusade after wiping,\nwithin a big dispute there is\nwhether you wipe\nout or you try and\ncontrol and it's being\nrecapitulated today with\ndiscussions of covid-19.\nAnd I'd like to ask this\nmay all come up in\nsubsequent papers.\nI haven't taken account\nof the full program,\nbut the alternative perspective,\nsort of modified liberalism\nof Albert Hirschman.\nThere's a connection\nthere through.\nFox, Leah, Julie, and note,\nChile and also Colombia.\nI mean, there's just\ntremendous stuff here and\nI just would like widen\nit out when you look\nat these things.\nI think Christy's discussion\nof Moynihan was wonderful.\nThese two papers, but it's\ngreat stuff. Thank you.\n...\nI propose that we go\nreverse order\nto close things out.\nSo maybe just he could get us\nstarted and then Amy\nand then Christy.\nSure. Yeah, I I'm\nactually planning on\nhaving a whole chapter\nabout the United Nations,\nboth in terms of the\nWorld Heritage program,\nbut also the UN,\ndid a lot of investment through\ntechnical assistance in\nbuilding tourism infrastructure\nin former colonies\nof I. I was actually\nsupposed to be in New\nYork this week at\nthe UN archives,\nwhich didn't happen.\nBut it is a, it is on the list\nfor future archive trips.\nBut I'm actually\nreally fascinated,\nespecially about\nWorld Heritage sites\nthat bridge that pre-colonial,\ncolonial and\npost-colonial divide.\nSo for example, I was\ndoing some research and\nMorocco earlier this year.\nAnd the city of robot,\nthe actual, the,\nthe World Heritage\nSite explicitly\nencompasses the colonial city\nand the pre-colonial Medina.\nAnd the, the language\nabout robot as a\nworld heritage site.\nIt's about it being sort of at\nthe crossroads of\nvarious empires.\nAnd so I'm interested\nin sort of how\nthat resonates in the\nPresident today and how\npeople are thinking about\nmorocco both as its own thing,\nbut also the ongoing\nconnection to the French.\nSo we have thank you so\nmuch for that comment.\nI'll say just that Hirschman is\na really fascinating person\nand I'd be happy to discuss him.\nThere's almost too much to say\nfor this period of time, but he,\nin his whole life\nwas just orthogonal\nto everything and\nhe just map easily\nonto any of the kind\nof kind of device that\nwe're discussing.\nAnd I am happy to talk\nfor days and months with\nanybody wants me to\nChelsea's question about how\nto find indirect connections.\nAnd I don't know if my\nexperience it's applicable.\nBut for me it kinda came\nfrom reading in archives,\nlarge archives that crossed\na lot of categories\nin and of themselves.\nAnd for me, those kinds of\narchives weren't that hard.\nBecause for instance, like us\nbusinessmen and advisors or\nUS government agencies\nare themselves\nlike just this insane\nrepositories like their papers.\nYou find stuff on\nlike education and\nalso like a river valley\ndevelopment program.\nAnd it's all like, you know,\nit's not in the same folder.\nBut one of the\nthings that just was\ndifficult for me but\nended up being helpful\nfor me in the end was\nthat as I was reading,\nit was obvious that\nthere were like\nthings that were sort\nof all of the keys,\nbut I couldn't find causal or\nfunctional connections\nbetween them initially,\nI could just see that\nlike the same person.\nHimself in like reading about and\nlike collecting material\non these different things.\nAnd for me it was a matter of\nlike doing research in a very,\nvery large number of archives\nthat helped me get it,\nfill out a sense\nof who worked with\nWHO and the sub\nsequence of events.\nAnd it also was a\nmatter of reading in\nlike pretty widely\ndispersed historiography is\nbecause like the education\nare amazing and I\nlearned a ton from them.\nAnd a lot of what I was\ndoing was trying to sort of\nsubstantiate connections\nbetween separate historiography\nand between separate archives.\nAnd I don't know, it's just a lot\nof writing crazy\ndrafts and workshop.\nWell, thank you and\nthank you to Charlie and\nChelsea for these questions\nand for this great conversation.\nThis is kinda precisely what\nI hope my happened here.\nSo I'm really glad to\nbe a part of this.\nI would just say to\nCharlie's point on,\non mere at all I'm thinking about\nand going back to\nBritish socialism,\nthe Labour government\nat the time,\nputting mirror doll in their,\ntheir relationship with the USSR\nlike yes, that's perfect.\nI will definitely continue\nto consider those things.\nAnd mirror doll appears\nas a kind of foil in a\nnumber of places here.\nSo that's very useful.\nI'm on the question of sort\nof one of the broader\nquestions about sort of how\nwe draw these connections\nand how we might begin to\ntell parallel histories\nand even if what,\nwhere we can't see them overlap,\nre trying to figure out how they\nmight be influencing one another.\nOne of the questions\nthat's really\ninnovated how I have thought\nabout this in the place\nof a country like Mexico\nvis-a-vis the broader\nThird World Movement,\nthe non-aligned\nmovement, the G77,\net cetera, has been to\ntry to ask the question\nabout economic sovereignty and\nwhat the actors in these places\nthought that that meant, right?\nIt's clear that if you\nread Quinn's work,\nbut the idea that the\nneoliberal thing,\nthat's just like a\npreposterous question.\nIn some ways, we\nreceive the notion\nthat it is preposterous through\nour own kind of\nneoliberal filter,\nthe memory that is precisely what\nAmy has talked about, right?\nAnd so, you know, in their,\nin their kind of\nmagisterial history\nof these ideas of the UN,\ntoy and toy say that\nthey, basically,\nwhen they look at the\nclaims that are being\nmade by third world actors,\nthey, they have to\nsort of specify like,\nlook, these are, these are\nreasonable things to say at\nthe time that there might be\nthese kinds of colonial impulses.\nAnd so even our kind of\nreceived understanding\nof the idea\nthat the countries in the\nthird world might have\nparticular conceptions of what\nit means economically sovereign.\nAnd to put, put forward ideas\nabout economic sovereignty,\nbut don't disavow interdependence\nor interconnection.\nBut that's still try to create\nspace for these countries\nto sort of make\ntheir own decisions\nvis-a-vis global capital.\nAnd as we go forward\nin the 20th century,\nmultinational\ncorporations, I think\nthat that's a\nproductive question.\nWhat did the people\nin these places\nmean when they talked about\neconomic sovereignty?\nAnd how similar was\nthat in places that had\nonly recently\ndecolonized advices that\nI decolonize a 150 years before.\nSo that's a productive question\nfor me when I'm\ntrying to think about\nhow weird is Mexico\nvis-a-vis these\nthird-world conversations.\nAnd then to Chelsea's\nquestion about the kind\nof the question of moderating.\nThat's one of the\nthings that I find\nmost interesting in looking\nthrough this is the,\nthe historical\nsociologist Julian go has\nthis idea about\nunderstanding the ways\nthat AES is constituted\nthrough what he calls\ninteractive multiplicity.\nThat is, we have to\nunderstand not only\nhow these things kind\nof moves through time,\nbut how they are iteratively\nshaping how these countries\nthink about how these actors\nthink about things through time.\nAnd so what I,\nwhat I see there is,\nthere is a sense\nin which the ideas\nthat come forward from\nthese countries in\nthe third world and the responses\nfrom these actress in\nthe United States.\nWe have to kind of\ntrace this process of\ninteraction as it goes\nforward through time.\nAnd you see a number of people,\nthe Mexicans in, in my case,\nit during the New\nInternational Economic Order,\nabsolutely trying to play\nthis moderating role there\nspecifically saying,\nyou have the radical\nactors over here,\nyou have the non-aligned,\nyou have the Algerians.\nThey're trying to do this thing.\nWe are trying to\nconciliate, right?\nWe're trying to meet the\nUnited States halfway,\nfind a place where\nwe might moderate\nsome of these more\nradical impulses.\nAnd I think that\nthere's obviously a\nsimilar dynamic at work within\nthe civil rights\nmovement where you have\na kind of more radical\nblack nationalists,\npeople who are arguing, you know,\nyou can't move too fast on\nthe question of how you\nkind of conciliate that.\nThe lesson for me is that\nno matter the impulse\nto moderate on\nthe attempt of the kind of\nmediating force in the\ninternational sphere\nwith asserts Mexico within\nthe civil rights movement.\nThat no matter the attempt\nto kind of mediate\nand meet power on\nits terms, right?\nThere still emerges\na kind of backlash.\nSo there is still a backlash\nthat kind of takes up\nthe kind of crushing impulse\ntoward any small move\nof progress, right?\nAnd I think that the\npolitics that we're\nliving through now is just\nindicative of the way enrich\nthat backlash has\ncontinued to snowball.\nAnd so to me, one of the\nquestions then is about\nthe about how smart\nthe moderating impulse\nis to begin with, right?\nObviously it's something that\nwe should study historically,\nwe should try to understand\nthose forces that attempted to\nmoderate kind of\nmore radical push\nfrom the left in order to,\nto sort of anchor\nit to the center.\nBut if in every case or if\nin the cases that we study,\nwe see the kind of\nright backlash.\nAnyway, what are the\nmoderators doing?\nThat's the big question\nfor me when it comes\nto these things.\nAnd so I think that\nthat's interesting in\nthe case of Moynihan\nBecause you see,\nwith regard to the Third World,\nwith regard to the\ncivil rights movement,\nyou see people trying\nto say like if we\ncould just sort of\nput this on the terrain,\nrespectability, politics.\nIf we can put this in the place\nwhere the United States can come,\nKissinger can be okay with us,\nthen we will make some progress.\nBut what you get in response is\njust an insane right-wing\nbacklash, right?\nSo that, that is\nkind of important\nhistorical question to me,\nvis-a-vis the actors that\nshow up as the moderating forces.\nThanks. Thank you\nso much Christie.\nAnd to everyone else,\nI would propose that we\ndraw things to a close\nand and see one another\nagain tomorrow.\nSo if you could all join me.\nI'm not sure what the best\nway to think everyone,\nmaybe use that chat box.\nAnd as I also noted\nin the chat box,\nfeel free to use that chat\nbox for additional comments,\nquestions, ideas, et\ncetera that you have.\nI would propose I'll say\nthis again tomorrow,\nbut I would propose that we\nlimit use of the chat box.\nSo the session just because\nit can be a little\nbit distraction.\nBut once we get to\nkind of the last leg of\nthe Q and A session,\nI am fine with that.\nOpening that up as\nwell so that we get\nas many voices as\npossible participating.\nThat is clearly very,\nvery important.\nSo thank you so much to\nthe panelists and\nto the commentators.\nAnd I'm looking forward to\nseeing you all tomorrow.\nTomorrow session is entitled\nrecasting the European\nwelfare state.\nAnd we'll have Chelsea shields,\nLama OF lose a and Laura\nand Stokes joining us.\nSo that promises to\nbe really exciting.\nAnd I look forward to seeing you\nall again at the\nsame time tomorrow,\nit looks like we do need\nan hour and a half.\nBut again, if you need to\nrun off after an hour,\nwe understand you'll\nat least have\na chance to listen to\nall of the papers.\nOkay. Thank you so much,\neveryone and have a wonderful,\nwonderful day. See you tomorrow.\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "\nChinese: \n翻译人员: Xindong Fan\n校对人员: Peilu Chen\n作为一个魔术师, 我总是尝试去创造一个现象\n可以让人们驻足思考。\n我也试着挑战自己\n做一些医生看来不可能的事情。\n我曾于1999年4月,\n被埋在纽约一口棺材里\n整整一个星期。\n着一个礼拜仅靠水存活下来。\n但结果是我从中获得极大的乐趣。\n于是我决定去追求\n实现更多这样的事。\n下一次就是我把自己冻在一个大冰块里\n整整三天三夜,地点是纽约。\n那次要比我想象的困难许多。\n\nTurkish: \nÇeviri: Ayşe Demirel\nGözden geçirme: Selim Ünlüsoy\nBir sihirbaz olarak insanları durdurup\ndüşünmeye teşvik eden imajlar yaratmaya çalışırım.\nAyrıca doktorların \"imkansız\" dediği şeyleri\nyapmak için kendime meydan da okurum.\nNew York'ta bir tabutun içinde canlı olarak gömülmüştüm,\n1999'un Nisan ayıydı,\nbir hafta kaldım.\nYanımda su dışında birşey olmadan yaşadım.\nVe çok eğlenceli bir şekilde sonuçlanınca\nbu çeşit şeyleri daha çok\nyapmak için aranır oldum.\nBir sonrakinde kendimi New York'ta\nbir buz bloğunda 3 gün 3 gece dondurdum.\nBu beklediğimden çok daha zor oldu.\n\nArabic: \nالمترجم: Mahmoud Aghiorly\nالمدقّق: Anwar Dafa-Alla\nكوني ساحر أحاول إنشاء الصور التي\nتجعل الناس تتوقف وتفكر.\nوأيضا أحاول تحدي نفسي\nبأن أفعل أشياء التي يقول الاطباء بأنها ليست ممكنة\nلقد دفنت حياً في مدينة نيويورك في تابوت\nدفنت حيا في تابوت في ابريل /نيسان 1999\nلمدة أسبوع\nعشت هناك من دون أي شيء إلا الماء\nوانتهى الأمر بكثير من المرح\nالذي قررت أن أتابعه\nبفعل أشياء مثل تلك أكثر\nفجمدت نفسي في قالب من الجليد\nلمدة ثلاثة أيام وثلاث ليال في مدينة نيويورك\nوقد كان هذا أكثر صعوبة مما كانت أتوقع.\n\nDutch: \nVertaald door: Axel Saffran\nNagekeken door: Dineke Tuinhof\nAls magiër probeer ik beelden te creëren\ndie mensen tot denken aanzetten.\nOok probeer ik mezelf uit te dagen\nom dingen te doen die artsen\nvoor onmogelijk houden.\nIn april 1999 werd ik in New York\neen week lang levend begraven\nin een doodskist.\nDaar leefde ik met enkel water.\nDat bleek zo leuk te zijn\ndat ik besloot om meer\nvan dat soort dingen te doen.\nVervolgens liet ik me in New York\ndrie dagen en nachten\ninvriezen in een blok ijs.\nDie was veel moeilijker\ndan ik had verwacht.\n\nVietnamese: \nTranslator: Bao Dao\nReviewer: Ha Tran\nLà một ảo thuật gia tôi cố gắng tạo ra ảo giác\nlàm cho mọi người ngừng lại và suy nghĩ.\nTôi cũng thử thách thức chính mình\nlàm những điều mà các bác sỹ cho rằng không thể\nTôi đã bị chôn sống ở Thành phố New York trong một cỗ quan tài,\nbị chôn sống trong một cỗ quan tài vào tháng tư, năm 1999,\ntrong một tuần.\nTôi ở đó không cần gì ngoài nước.\nVà nó kết thúc thật thú vị\nđến mức tôi quyết định tiếp tục\nlàm nhiều trò như vậy nữa.\nLần tiếp theo tôi tự đông cứng mình trong một tảng băng\ntrong ba ngày và ba đêm ở Thành phố New York.\nLần đó khó hơn nhiều so với tôi tưởng.\n\nPolish: \nTłumaczenie: Piotr Zalewski\nKorekta: Seweryn Jakubiec\nJako magik staram się tworzyć obrazy,\nprzy których ludzie zatrzymają się i pomyślą.\nPróbuję także zmierzyć się z samym sobą\ni robić rzeczy, które lekarze uważają za niemożliwe.\nByłem pochowany żywcem w trumnie\nw Nowym Jorku, w kwietniu 1999 r.\nna tydzień.\nŻyłem tam bez niczego poza wodą.\nOkazało się to tak fajne,\nże zdecydowałem się kontynuować\nrobienie tego typu rzeczy.\nNastępna to zamrożenie się w bloku lodu\nna trzy dni i trzy noce w Nowym Jorku.\nTo było znacznie trudniejsze niż się spodziewałem.\n\nHungarian: \nFordító: Renáta Keszte\nLektor: Laszlo Kereszturi\nBűvészként olyan dolgokat próbálok létrehozni,\nmelyek láttán az emberek megállnak és gondolkoznak.\nUgyanakkor kihívásokat keresek saját magam számára,\nhogy olyasmiket tegyek, melyek az orvosok szerint lehetetlenek.\nNew Yorkban élve eltemettek egy koporsóban,\n1999 áprilisában,\negy teljes hétre.\nKizárólag vízen éltem.\nVégül olyan szórakoztatónak találtam,\nhogy elhatároztam,\ntöbb hasonló dolgot is kipróbálhatnék.\nKövetkezőként egy jégtömbbe fagyasztottam magam\nhárom éjen és három napon át New Yorkban.\nSokkal nehezebb volt, mint amilyennek képzeltem.\n\nSpanish: \nTraductor: Alberto Arias\nRevisor: Eduardo Salinas\nComo mago intento crear imágenes que\nhagan a la gente pararse a pensar.\nTambién intento desafiarme a mi mismo\na hacer cosas que los médicos clasifican como imposible.\nFui enterrado vivo dentro de un ataúd en Nueva York,\nenterrado vivo dentro de un ataúd en abril de 1999,\ndurante una semana.\nVivía allí dentro sin nada más que agua.\nY me resultó tan divertido\nque decidí que podría intentar\nhacer otras cosas parecidas.\nLa siguiente fue congelarme dentro de un bloque de hielo\ndurante tres días y tres noches en Nueva York.\nEso fue mucho más difícil de lo que esperaba.\n\nBulgarian: \nTranslator: Maria Salabasheva\nReviewer: Mihail Stoychev\nКато магьосник се опитвам да правя неща,\nкоито да накарат хората да спрат и да се замислят.\nОпитвам също и предизвикателства,\nза които лекарите твърдят, че са невъзможни.\nВ Ню Йорк Сити бях заровен в ковчег\nпрез април 1999 г.,\nза една седмица.\nОцелявах само на вода.\nВсъщност се оказа толкова забавно,\nче реших да правя\nоще такива неща.\nПосле се замразих в голям куб лед\nотново в Ню Йорк, за период от три дни и нощи.\nТова специално се оказа много по - трудно, отколкото очаквах.\n\nPortuguese: \nTradutor: Margarida Ferreira\nRevisora: Anderson Noronha\nComo mágico, tento recriar imagens\nque fazem com que as pessoas \nparem e pensem.\nEu tambêm tento desafiar-me a mim mesmo\npara fazer coisas que \nos médicos dizem ser impossíveis.\nFui enterrado vivo num caixão \nna cidade de Nova Iorque,\nenterrado vivo num caixão \nem Abril de 1999,\ndurante uma semana.\nVivi ali sem nada a não ser água.\nAcabou por ser tão divertido\nque decidi que podia continuar\na fazer mais coisas desse género.\nA seguir, congelei-me \ndentro de um bloco de gelo,\ndurante três dias e três noites, \nem Nova Iorque.\nEssa foi muito mais dificil \ndo que tinha pensado.\n\nFrench: \nTraducteur: Pascal DELAMAIRE\nRelecteur: Raymond Ruse\nEn tant que magicien, j'essaie de créer des images\nqui fassent que les gens s'arrêtent et réfléchissent.\nJ'essaie aussi de me lancer des défis\npour accomplir des choses que les médecins disent être impossibles.\nJ'ai été enterré vivant dans un cercueil à New York,\nenterré vivant dans un cercueil en avril 1999,\npendant une semaine.\nJ'ai vécu là sans rien d'autre que de l'eau.\nEt j'ai trouvé ça tellement amusant\nque j'ai décidé que je pourrais continuer\nà faire d'autres choses dans le même genre.\nLa fois suivante, je me suis gelé dans un bloc de glace\npendant trois jours et trois nuits à New York.\nÇa s'est révélé bien plus difficile que je m'y étais attendu.\n\nThai: \nTranslator: Artit Aowudomsuk\nReviewer: Tharit Tothong\nด้วยความเป็นนักมายากล ผมพยายามสร้างภาพที่\nทำให้คนต้อง หยุด และ คิด\nผมพยายามที่จะท้าทายตัวเอง\nให้ทำสิ่งที่หมอทั้งหลายบอกว่า \"เป็นไปไม่ได้\"\nผมถูกฝังทั้งเป็นที่เมืองนิวยอร์ค (New York City) ในโลงศพ\nในเดือน เมษายน 1999\nเป็นเวลา 1 อาทิตย์\nผมอยู่ในนั้นโดยมีแค่เพียงน้ำเปล่า\nแล้วมันก็จบลงอย่างสนุกสนาน\nเสียจนผมตัดสินใจที่จะไขว่ขว้า\nที่จะทำอะไรประมาณนี้อีกหลายๆอย่าง\nอย่างต่อไปคือ แช่แข็งตัวเองในก้อนน้ำแข็งขนาดยักษ์\nเป็นเวลา 3 วัน 3 คืนที่เมืองนิวยอร์ค (New York City)\nคราวนั้นมันยากกว่าที่ผมคาดไว้มาก\n\nSwedish: \nÖversättare: Patrik Fallqvist\nGranskare: Linus Petersson\nSom magiker försöker jag skapa bilder som\nfår folk att stanna till och tänka efter.\nJag försöker också att utmana mig själv\ntill att göra saker som doktorerna säger är omöjligt.\nJag blev levande begravd i New York City i en kista,\nlevande begravd i en kista i april, 1999,\ni en vecka.\nJag överlevde på endast vatten.\nOch det var så roligt\natt jag bestämde mig för att testa\nfler saker som detta.\nNästa gång frös jag ner mig själv i ett isblock\ni tre dagar och tre nätter i New York City.\nDet var svårare än jag hade trott.\n\nDanish: \nTranslator: David J. Kreps Finnemann\nReviewer: Anders Finn Jørgensen\nSom tryllekunstner, prøver jeg at skabe billeder der\nfår mennesker til at stoppe og tænke.\nJeg prøver også at udfordre mig selv\ntil at gøre ting som lægen siger ikke er muligt.\nJeg blev begravet levende i New York City i en kiste,\nbegravet levende i en kiste i April, 1999,\ni en uge.\nJeg boede deri med intet andet end vand.\nOg det endte med at være så sjovt\nat jeg besluttede at jeg kunne forfølge\ndet at gøre flere af denne slags ting.\nDet næste jeg gjorde er at jeg frøs mig selv i en blok is\ni tre dage og tre nætter i New York City.\nDen var meget sværere end jeg havde forventet.\n\nMacedonian: \nTranslator: Dejan Spaseski\nReviewer: Rozeta Pavlova\nКако магионичар се обидувам да создадам слики\nкои луѓето ги стаписуваат и замислуваат.\nИсто така се предизвикувам себе си\nда направам работи кои за докторите се невозможни.\nБев закопан жив во Њујорк во ковчег,\nзакопан жив во ковчег во Април 1999,\nцела седмица.\nПреживеав само со вода.\nИ на крајот испадна толку забавно\nшто се одлучив дека би можел\nда направам други слични подвизи.\nСледно беше кога се замрзнав во огромна коцка мраз\nцели три дена и ноќи во Њујорк.\nТоа испадна многу потешко одошто очекував.\n\nKorean: \n번역: Jeehoi Ku\n검토: Sunphil Ga\n마술사로서 저는, 사람들로 하여금 집중하고 생각하도록 하는\n이미지를 창조하려 노력하고 있습니다.\n또한 저는 의사들이 불가능하다고 말하는\n그런 일들에 도전하고 있습니다.\n저는 뉴욕시에서 산채로 관에 들어간 채 묻혔는데요,\n1999년 4월에 1주일동안\n산채로 묻혔습니다.\n저는 물 빼곤 아무것도 먹지않고 거기서 지냈습니다.\n그리고 이 일은 제가 이런 것들을\n더 많이 할 수 있을 것이라고 결심하게 할 만큼\n재미있게 끝났습니다.\n그 다음 일은 뉴욕시에서 제 자신을 얼음덩이에 넣고\n3 일 밤낮으로 지내는 것이었습니다.\n그 일은 제가 예상했던 것 보다 훨씬 어려웠습니다.\n\nCroatian: \nPrevoditelj: Petar Jurina\nRecezent: Tilen Pigac - EFZG\nKao mađioničar trudim se stvoriti prizore koji\ntjeraju ljude da stanu i razmisle.\nTakođer nastojim izazvati sebe\nda napravim stvari za koje doktori kažu da su nemoguće.\nBio sam pokopan živ u lijesu u New Yorku,\npokopan živ u lijesu u travnju 1999.,\nna tjedan dana.\nŽivio sam tamo bez ičega osim vode.\nNa kraju je bilo toliko zabavno\nda sam odlučio da mogu nastaviti\nraditi više takvih stvari.\nIduća stvar je da sam se zaledio u kocku leda\nna tri dana i tri noći u New Yorku.\nOvo je bilo mnogo teže nego što sam očekivao.\n\nSerbian: \nPrevodilac: Miloš Milosavljević\nLektor: Mile Živković\nKao mađioničar, pokušavam\nda stvorim prizore\nkoji će naterati ljude\nda zastanu i zamisle se.\nTakođe pokušavam da radim stvari\nza koje doktori kažu da su nemoguće.\nBio sam živ zakopan u Njujorku u sanduku,\nu aprilu 1999,\nna nedelju dana.\nTamo sam živeo bez ičega osim vode.\nTo je ispalo toliko zabavno\nda sam odlučio da nastavim\nda radim još ovakvih stvari.\nPosle toga sam se zamrzao u komadu leda,\nna tri dana i tri noći u Njujorku.\nTo je bilo mnogo teže\nnego što sam očekivao.\n\nModern Greek (1453-): \nΜετάφραση: Nikos Hon\nΕπιμέλεια: ΛΟΥΚΑΣ ΜΠΟΥΛΑΡΗΣ (Lukas Bularis)\nΩς μάγος, προσπαθώ να δημιουργώ εικόνες\nπου θα κάνουν τον κόσμο\nνα σταματάει και να σκέφτεται.\nΠροσπαθώ επίσης να προκαλώ τον εαυτό μου\nνα κάνει πράγματα που οι γιατροί\nλένε ότι δεν είναι δυνατά.\nΘάφτηκα ζωντανός στη Νέα Υόρκη\nμέσα σε ένα φέρετρο,\nθάφτηκα ζωντανός μέσα σε ένα φέρετρο\nτον Απρίλιο, το 1999, για μια εβδομάδα.\nΈζησα εκεί μέσα μόνο με νερό.\nΚαι τελικά ήταν τόσο διασκεδαστικό\nπου αποφάσισα να επιδιώξω\nνα κάνω περισσότερες παρόμοιες απόπειρες.\nΤην επόμενη φορά πάγωσα τον εαυτό μου\nσε ένα κομμάτι πάγο\nγια τρεις μέρες και τρεις νύχτες\nστη Νέα Υόρκη.\nΑυτό ήταν πολύ πιο δύσκολο \nαπ' ό,τι περίμενα.\n\nFinnish: \nKääntäjä: Ulla Vainio\nOikolukija: Miika Hokkanen\nTaikurina yritän luoda kuvia, jotka\nsaavat ihmiset pysähtymään ja ajattelemaan.\nYritän myös haastaa itseni\ntekemään asioita, joita lääkärit pitävät mahdottomina.\nMinut haudattiin elävältä New Yorkissa,\nhaudattuna arkussa huhtikuussa 1999\nviikon.\nElin siellä vain vedellä.\nJa se oli niin hauskaa,\nettä päätin ryhtyä\nmuihin vastaaviin tempauksiin.\nSeuraavaksi jäädytin itseni jäähän\nkolmeksi päiväksi ja kolmeksi yöksi New Yorkissa.\nSe oli paljon hankalampaa kuin olin olettanut.\n\nCzech: \nPřekladatel: Richard Cvach\nKorektor: Radka Filipova\nJako iluzionista se snažím vytvářet scény,\nkteré lidi zaujmou a donutí k zamyšlení.\nTaky zkouším sám sebe hecovat,\nabych dělal věci, o kterých doktoři říkají, že jsou nemožné.\nByl jsem zaživa pořhben v rakvi v New Yorku,\npohřben zaživa v rakvi v dubnu 1999\nna týden.\nNeměl jsem tam nic jiného než vodu.\nA nakonec mě to začalo tak bavit,\nže jsem se rozhodl začít se zabývat\ndalšími podobnými kousky.\nPříští byl nechat se zamrazit do kostky ledu\nna tři dny a tři noci v New Yorku.\nTo se ukázalo jako mnohem těžší, než jsem si myslel.\n\nChinese: \n譯者: Hsin Cheng Lin\n審譯者: Marie Wu\n作為魔術師,我試著創造幻象,\n讓人們能駐足思考,\n我也試著自我挑戰\n那些醫生認為不可能的事情。\n1999年四月在紐約市,\n我曾經被活埋在棺材裡,\n在棺材裡渡過一個星期,\n只靠水活了下來。\n由於實在太有趣了,\n我決定繼續挑戰自己,\n去嘗試更多可能性。\n接下來在紐約市,\n我把自己凍在冰塊裡三天三夜,\n那比我想像中的要困難許多。\n\nLatvian: \nTranslator: Raimonds Jaks\nReviewer: Ilze Garda\nKā burvju mākslinieks es mēģinu radīt\ntēlus, kas liek apstāties un padomāt.\nEs cenšos arī izaicināt sevi\nar lietām, ko ārsti uzskata\npar neiespējamām.\nMani dzīvu apraka zārkā Ņujorkā,\napraka dzīvu uz nedēļu 1999. gada aprīlī.\nEs tur pārtiku tikai no ūdens.\nUn tas izrādījās tik aizraujoši,\nka es nolēmu paveikt\nvairāk tamlīdzīgu lietu.\nTad es iesaldēju sevi uz trijām diennaktīm\nledus gabalā Ņujorkā.\nTas bija daudz grūtāk,\nnekā es biju iedomājies.\n\nPersian: \nTranslator: naghme effat\nReviewer: Mahdieh Taher\nبه عنوان یک شعبده باز من سعی میکنم صحنه هایی را به وجود بیاورم\nکه مردم را به ایستادن و فکر کردن وادار می کند.\nمن همچنین سعی می کنم خودم را\nبا انجام کارهایی که پزشکان می گویند غیر ممکن است امتحان کنم.\nمن به صورت زنده در یک تابوت در نیویورک دفن شدم،\nدر آوریل 1999، به طور زنده در یک تابوت دفن شدم\nبه مدت یک هفته.\nمن آنجا زنده ماندم در حالی که به جز آب چیزی نداشتم.\nانجام این کار بسیار جالب بود\nبه طوری که من تصمیم گرفتم\nبه انجام کارهای بیشتری از این نوع ادامه دهم.\nکار بعدی این بود که من خودم را در یک تکه بزرگ یخ منجمد کردم\nبه مدت سه شب و سه روز در نیویورک.\nانجام این کار سخت تر از آن چیزی بود که انتظار داشتم.\n\nEnglish: \nAs a magician, I try to create images\nthat make people stop and think.\nI also try to challenge myself\nto do things that doctors\nsay are not possible.\nI was buried alive\nin New York City in a coffin,\nburied alive in a coffin\nin April, 1999, for a week.\nI lived there with nothing but water.\nAnd it ended up being so much fun\nthat I decided I could pursue\ndoing more of these things.\nThe next one is I froze myself\nin a block of ice\nfor three days and three nights\nin New York City.\nThat one was way more difficult\nthan I had expected.\n\niw: \nמתרגם: eviatar edlerman\nמבקר: Sigal Tifferet\nכקוסם אני מנסה לייצר תמונות\nשגורמים לאנשים לעצור ולחשוב\nאני גם מנסה לאתגר את עצמי\nלעשות דברים שרופאים אומרים שהם בלתי אפשריים\nנקברתי חי בארון מתים בניו יורק,\nנקבר חי בארון מתים באפריל, 1999\nלשבוע.\nחייתי שם עם מים בלבד.\nובסוף זה היה כל כך כיף\nשהחלטתי שאני יכול לשאוף\nלעשות עוד דברים כאלה.\nבפעם הבא הקפאתי את עצמי בתוך בלוק של קרח\nבמשך שלושה ימים ושלושה לילות בעיר ניו יורק..\nזה היה הרבה יותר קשה ממה שצפיתי.\n\nKurdish: \nTranslator: Hiwa Foundation\nReviewer: Hiwa Foundation II\nوه‌ک جادوگه‌رێک، هه‌وڵده‌ده‌م ئه‌و وێنانه‌ دروست بکه‌م که‌\nوا له‌خه‌ڵك ده‌کات بوه‌ستێت و بیربکاته‌وه‌\nهه‌روه‌ها هه‌وڵده‌ده‌م ته‌حەدای خۆم بکه‌م\nبۆئه‌وه‌ی ئه‌وشتانه‌ بکه‌م که‌دکتۆره‌کان ده‌ڵێن مه‌ حاڵه‌\nله‌شاری نیویۆرک به‌زیندووی خرامه‌ ناو کفنێکه‌وه‌ و نێژرام\nله‌ مانگی(4) ی ساڵی 1999 به‌زیندوو یی\nبۆماوه‌ی یه‌ک هه‌فته‌\nبه‌زیندوو یی له‌وێ مامه‌وه‌ بێ هیچ شتێک بێجگه‌ له‌ ئاو\nوه‌ زۆر بەخۆشی کۆتایی هات\nکه‌ بڕیارم دا به‌رده‌وام بم\nله‌ ئه‌نجامدانی ئه‌وکارانه‌\nدوای ئه‌وه‌ له‌ناو به‌فردا مامه‌وه‌\nبۆماوه‌ی سێ شه‌و و سێ رۆژ له‌شاری نیویورک\nئه‌وه‌یان قورستر و ناڕه‌حه‌ت تربو و له‌وه‌ی که‌پێش بینیم ده‌کرد\n\nSlovak: \nTranslator: Peter Štrba\nReviewer: Maria Filekova\nAko kúzelník sa snažím vytvárať obrazy,\nktoré prinútia ľudí sa zastaviť a rozmýšľať.\nTiež sa snažím dávať si výzvy,\nna ktoré lekári hovoria, že sú nemožné.\nBol som pochovaný zaživa v New York City v rakve,\npochovaný zaživa v rakve v apríli 1999\nna týždeň.\nŽil som tam iba z vody.\nA nakoniec to bola taká zábava,\nže som sa rozhodol, že by som mohol\nrobiť viac týchto vecí.\nĎalej som mrzol v kryhe ľadu\ntri dni a tri noci v New York City.\nTo bolo oveľa zložitejšie ako som čakal.\n\nJapanese: \n翻訳: Haruka Nishimura\n校正: Takako Sato\nマジシャンとして私が目指すのは\n人を立ち止まらせ考えさせることです\nまた 医者に\n無理だと言われた限界にも挑戦しています\n1999年4月に私は棺に入れられ\nニューヨークシティに 1週間\n埋められました\nその間 口にしたのは水だけです\nそれがあまりにも面白かったので\n同じような体験を\nもっとしてみたいと思いました\n次はニューヨークシティで3日3晩\nアイスブロックの中で氷漬けになりました\nこれは予想以上に難しいものでした\n\nItalian: \nTraduttore: Luigi Izzo\nRevisore: Francesca Maternini\nIn qualità di mago cerco di creare immagini\nche inducano le persone a fermarsi e pensare.\nCerco anche di mettermi alla prova\nfacendo cose che i dottori dichiarano impossibili.\nSono rimasto sepolto vivo in una bara a New York,\nsepolto vivo in una bara nell'aprile del 1999,\nper una settimana.\nHo vissuto lì dentro con nient'altro che acqua.\nE alla fine mi sono divertito a tal punto\nche decisi di poter\nfare molto di più.\nLa volta dopo mi sono congelato dentro un blocco di ghiaccio\nper tre giorni e tre notti a New York.\nQuella è stata molto più difficile di quanto mi aspettassi.\n\nRussian: \nПереводчик: Namik Kasumov\nРедактор: Larisa Larionova\nБудучи магом-чародеем,\nя пытаюсь создавать такие сцены,\nкоторые заставят человека\nостановиться и подумать.\nЯ также пытаюсь ставить себе\nвысокие задачи\nи делать то,\nчто врачи считают невозможным.\nЯ был заживо похоронен\nв гробу, в Нью-Йорке,\nпохоронен в гробу\nв апреле 1999-года\nна неделю.\nЯ прожил, не потребляя\nничего, кроме воды.\nМне это было настолько интересно,\nчто я решил продолжить и сделать\nещё кое-что из этой же серии.\nВ качестве следующего шага,\nя был заморожен в цельном куске льда\nна период в три дня\nи три ночи, в Нью-Йорке.\nЭто оказалось\nнамного труднее, чем я думал.\n\nPortuguese: \nTradutor: Alexandre Torres\nRevisor: Jorge Vacarini Jr\nSendo mágico eu tento criar imagens que\nfaçam as pessoas parar e pensar.\nEu também tento desafiar a mim mesmo\na fazer coisas que os médicos dizem não ser possíveis.\nFui enterrado vivo em Nova York, em um caixão,\nenterrado vivo em um caixão em Abril de 1999,\npor uma semana.\nVivi ali com nada mais além de água.\nE acabou sendo tão divertido\nque eu decidi que poderia perseguir\na realização de mais coisas desse tipo.\nA próxima foi a que eu me congelei em um bloco de gelo\npor três dias e três noites em Nova York.\nEssa foi muito mais difícil do que eu esperava.\n\nGerman: \nÜbersetzung: Sina Thieme\nLektorat: Dan Verständig\nAls Zauberkünstler versuche ich Bilder zu erschaffen,\ndie die Menschen zum Nachdenken bringen.\nIch versuche mich auch selbst herauszufordern,\nDinge zu tun, die laut Ärzten unmöglich sind.\nIn New York City wurde ich lebendig begraben,\nin einem Sarg lebendig begraben, im April 1999,\neine Woche lang.\nIch habe in diesem Sarg mit nichts außer Wasser gelebt.\nUnd es hat sich als so viel Spaß herausgestellt,\ndass ich mich entschloss\nweitere solche Dinge zu tun.\nDas nächste war dann: Ich habe mich in einen Eisblock eingefroren\n- drei Tage und drei Nächte lang, in New York City.\nDas war schwieriger, als erwartet.\n\nRomanian: \nTraducător: Traian Pop\nCorector: Alex Ghișoiu\nCa magician încerc să creez imagini\ncare să pună oamenii pe gânduri.\nTotodată, încerc să mă provoc să fac\nlucruri care doctorii\nspun ca sunt imposibile.\nAm fost îngropat de viu\nîn New York într-un sicriu,\nîngropat de viu într-un sicriu\nîn aprilie 1999,\ntimp de o săptămână.\nAm supraviețuit acolo doar cu apă.\nLa sfârșit, s-a dovedit a fi\natât de distractiv,\nîncat am decis sa continui\nsă fac și mai multe lucruri\nde genul acesta.\nUrmarea a fost ca m-am lăsat înghețat\nîntr-un bloc de gheata\ntimp de 3 zile și 3 nopți în New York.\nProvocarea aceasta a fost\nmult mai dificilă decât m-am așteptat.\n\nArabic: \nومن ثم وقفت على رأس عمود طوله مئات قدم\nلمدة ٣٦ ساعة\nحتى بدأت بالهلوسة الشديدة\nحيث ان المباني التي كانت ورائي كانت تبدو وكأنها رؤوس حيوانات كبيرة\nحسناً ، بعدها ذهبت الى لندن\nلقد عشت في لندن في صندوق زجاجي لمدة ٤٤ يوما\nمن غير شيء إلا الماء\nوقد كانت بالنسبة لي - تلك التجربة - واحدة من أصعب الأمور التي فعلتها في حياتي\nولكنها كانت أيضا الأكثر جمالا\nكان هناك الكثير من المشككين ، وخصوصا الصحافة في لندن\nإلى أنهم بدأوا برمي التشيز برغر\nمن طائرات هليكوبتر حول الصندوق الذي أنا فيه لإغرائي\n(ضحك)\nوقد شعرت بالرضى جداً\nعندما قامت صحيفة نيو انغلاند جورنال للطب\nبإستخدام البحث الذي جرى عليَّ - آنذاك - في الطب\nوفي مغامرتي اللاحقة أردت أن أرى كم من الوقت يمكنني ان استمر من دون تنفس\nأي كيف أتمكن من البقاء على قيد الحياة فترة طويلة من دون أي شيء\nولا حتى الهواء\nلم أكن أدرك أنها ستصبح\nالرحلة الأكثر إدهاشاً في حياتي\n\nModern Greek (1453-): \nΜετά απ΄αυτό, στάθηκα στην κορυφή \nενός στύλου ύψους 30 μέτρων\nγια 36 ώρες.\nΆρχισα να έχω τόσο έντονες παραισθήσεις\nπου τα κτίρια που βρίσκονταν πίσω μου \nάρχισαν να μοιάζουν με μεγάλα κεφάλια ζώων.\nΤην επόμενη φορά πήγα στο Λονδίνο.\nΣτο Λονδίνο έζησα \nσε ένα γυάλινο κουτί για 44 μέρες\nμε τίποτα εκτός από νερό.\nΉταν για μένα, ένα από τα πιο δύσκολα\nπράγματα που έκανα ποτέ μου,\nαλλά ήταν ταυτόχρονα και το πιο όμορφο.\nΥπήρχαν πολλοί σκεπτικιστές, \nειδικά οι δημοσιογράφοι στο Λονδίνο,\nπου άρχισαν να πετούν μπέργκερ σε ελικόπτερα\nγύρω μου για να με βάλουν σε πειρασμό.\n(Γέλια)\nΟπότε, ένιωσα να επιβεβαιώνομαι\nόταν το New England Journal of Medicine\nχρησιμοποίησε την έρευνα για επιστημονικούς σκοπούς.\nΤο επόμενο που ήθελα να επιδιώξω ήταν\nνα δω πόση ώρα θα άντεχα χωρίς αναπνοή,\nδηλαδή πόση ώρα θα μπορούσα να επιζήσω \nχωρίς να έχω τίποτα, ούτε καν αέρα.\nΔεν συνειδητοποίησα ότι αυτό θα γινόταν\nτο πιο θαυμάσιο ταξίδι της ζωής μου.\n\nKurdish: \nئه‌وه‌ی دوایی، له‌سه‌ر(عه‌مود) پاڵپشتێکی سه‌د پێ به‌رز وه‌ستام\nبۆماوه‌ی 36 کاتژمێر\nده‌ستم کرد به‌ بینینی شتی خه‌یاڵی\nبه‌وه‌ی بیناکانی ده‌وروبه‌رم وه‌ک سه‌ری ئاژه‌ڵی گه‌وره‌ ده‌هاته‌ پێش چاو\nدوای ئه‌وه‌ چوم بۆ له‌نده‌ن\nله‌ له‌نده‌ن، بۆماوه‌ی 44 رۆژ له‌ناو شوشه‌ ژیام\nبه‌بێ هیچ شتێک ته‌نها ئاو نه‌بێت\nبۆمن ئه‌وه‌ قورسترین شت بوو که‌ئه‌نجامم دابێت\nبه‌ڵام له‌هه‌مان کاتدا زۆرجوانیش بوو\nزۆرشتی جیاواز هه‌بوو به‌تایبه‌ت له‌ڕۆژنامه‌کانی له‌نده‌ن\nکه‌ ده‌ستیان کرد به‌هه‌ڵدانی هه‌مبه‌رگری په‌نیر\nله سه‌ر هێلیکۆپته‌ره‌که‌مه‌وه‌ به‌ده‌وری بۆکسه‌که‌ی مندا هه‌تا هه‌ڵم بخه‌ڵه‌تێنن\nپێکه‌نین\nله‌به‌رئه‌وه‌ هه‌ستم به‌وه‌کرد که‌ نرخم هه‌یه‌\nکاتیك ىه‌ڕاستی ئه‌کادیمیای ئینگلیزی بۆ ده‌رمان\nلێکۆڵینه‌وه‌یه‌کی کرد بۆ بواری زانستی به‌کارهێنان\nهه‌وڵی داهتووم ئه‌وه‌ بوو ده‌مویست بزانم تاچه‌ند خۆم ده‌گرم به‌بێ هه‌ناسه‌دان\nوه‌ک ئه‌وه‌ی تا چه‌ند له‌ ژیاندا بمێنمه‌وه‌ به‌بێ هیچ شتێک\nهه‌تا هه‌واش\nنه‌مده‌زانی ئه‌وه‌ ده‌بێت به‌\nخۆشترین گه‌شت له‌ ژیانمدا\n\nTurkish: \nOndan sonrakinde 31 metre boyunda\nbir direkte 36 saat ayakta durdum.\nO kadar yoğun halisünasyonlar gördüm ki,\narkamdaki binalar bana büyük hayvan kafaları olarak görünmeye başlamıştı.\nSonra Londra'ya gittim.\nLondra'da 44 gün cam bir kutuda\nsu dışında birşey olmadan yaşadım.\nBu bana göre şimdiye dek yaptığım en zor\nve en güzel işlerden biri gibi gelmişti.\nO kadar çok kuşku vardı ki, özellikle Londra'da\nüstümden geçen helikopterlerden beni ayartmak için\nkutuma uçan cheeseburger'ler atmaya başladılar.\n(Kahkaha)\nYani New England Journal of Medicine bu deneyimi\nbilimsel olarak kullandığında,\nkendimi bayağı onaylanmış hissettim.\nBir sonraki araştırmam, nefes almadan,\nhatta hava bile olmadan,\nne kadar yaşayabileceğim üzerineydi.\nBunun hayatımdaki en muhteşem\nyolculuk olacağının farkına varmamıştım.\n\niw: \nלאחר מכן, עמדתי על עמוד בגובה שלושים מטר\nבמשך שלושים ושש שעות\nהתחלתי להזות קשות\nעדי כדי כך שהבניינים מאחורי התחילו להדמות לראשים גדולים של חיות\nאחרי זה נסעתי ללונדון\nבלונדון חייתי בקופסה העשויה מזכוכית במשך 44 ימים\nעם מים בלבד\nבשבילי, זה היה אחד הדברים הקשים שאי פעם עשיתי\nאבל עם זאת גם הדבר היפהפה ביותר\nהיו ספקנים רבים, במיוחד התקשורת בלונדון\nעד כדי כך שהתחילו להטיס צ'יזבורגרים\nעל מסוקים מסביב לקופסה שלי בניסון לפתות אותי\n(צחוק)\nהרגשתי שניתן לי תוקף\nכאשר הז'ורנל הרפואי של ניו אינגלנד\nהשתמש במחקר עבור המדע\nהמרדף הבא היה לראות כמה זמן אוכל להיות בלי לנשום\nכאילו כמה זמן אני יכול לשרוד, בלי כלום\nאפילו בלי אוויר\nלא הבנתי שזה יהפוך\nלמסע המדהים ביותר חיי\n\nVietnamese: \nLần tiếp theo sau đó, tôi đứng trên đỉnh một cây cột cao cả trăm foot\ntrong 36 giờ.\nTôi bắt đầu bị choáng nặng\nđến mức các tòa nhà bên dưới bắt đầu trông giống như đầu những con thú khổng lồ.\nVì thế, lần tiếp theo tôi đến London.\nỞ London tôi sống trong một hộp kính trong 44 ngày\nkhông cần gì ngoài nước.\nNó thật là, đối với tôi, một trong những điều khó nhất tôi từng làm,\nnhưng nó cũng là trò tuyệt nhất.\nỞ đó có rất nhiều người hoài nghi, đặc biệt là cánh báo chí ở London\nđến mức họ cho một chiếc bánh kẹp phô mai bay\nlòng vòng quanh hộp trên những chiếc trực thăng để cám dỗ tôi.\n(Cười)\nVậy nên, tôi cảm thấy thật quá giới hạn\nkhi tờ New England Journal of Medicine thực sự\ncoi như thí nghiệm khoa học.\nThử thách tiếp theo là tôi muốn xem mình có thể chịu đựng được bao lâu mà không cần thở,\ngiống như tôi có thể sống sót bao lâu mà không cần gì,\nthậm chí không cần không khí.\nTôi đã không nhận ra rằng nó sẽ trở thành\nhành trình thú vị nhất của đời mình.\n\nEnglish: \nThe one after that, I stood\non top of a hundred-foot pillar\nfor 36 hours.\nI began to hallucinate so hard\nthat the buildings that were behind me\nstarted to look like big animal heads.\nSo, next I went to London.\nIn London I lived\nin a glass box for 44 days\nwith nothing but water.\nIt was, for me, one of the most difficult\nthings I'd ever done,\nbut it was also the most beautiful.\nThere was so many skeptics,\nespecially the press in London,\nthat they started flying cheeseburgers\non helicopters around my box to tempt me.\n(Laughter)\nSo, I felt very validated\nwhen the New England Journal of Medicine\nactually used the research for science.\nMy next pursuit was I wanted to see\nhow long I could go without breathing,\nlike how long I could survive\nwith nothing, not even air.\nI didn't realize that it would become\nthe most amazing journey of my life.\n\nSlovak: \nPotom som stál na vrchu 30-metrového stĺpa\n36 hodín.\nZačal som mať také silné halucinácie,\nže budovy, čo boli za mnou, začali vyzerať ako veľké zvieracie hlavy.\nTakže potom som šiel do Londýna.\nV Londýne som žil v sklenenej kazete 44 dní\niba z vody.\nPre mňa to bola jedna z najťažších vecí aké som kedy urobil,\nale tiež jedna z najkrajších.\nBolo tam toľko skeptikov, hlavne v londýnskej tlači,\nže začali prevážať cheeseburgery\nna vrtuľníkoch okolo mojej kazety, aby ma pokúšali.\n(smiech)\nTakže som cítil zadosťučinenie,\nkeď Lekársky žurnál Nového Anglicka\npoužil tento výskum na vedu.\nMojou ďalšou snahou bolo vidieť, ako dlho by som mohol byť bez dýchania,\nako dlho by som mohol prežiť bez ničoho,\ndokonca aj bez vzduchu.\nNeuvedomil som si, že sa to stane\nnajúžasnejšou jazdou môjho života.\n\nChinese: \n之後,我在三十公尺高的柱子上,\n站了三十六個小時。\n我開始產生強烈的幻覺,\n一旁的建築物看起來像是巨大動物的頭。\n接下來我去了倫敦,\n在一個玻璃箱裡渡過四十四天,\n只靠喝水維持生命。\n對我來說,這是我所做過最困難、\n但也是最美麗的事情之一。\n到處都是懷疑的聲浪,尤其是倫敦的媒體,\n他們甚至搭著直升機,\n在玻璃箱外面拿漢堡誘惑我。\n(笑聲)\n所以當新英格蘭醫學雜誌\n將我的經歷用在科學研究上時,\n我終於覺得被人認同了。\n接下來,我想知道自己能忍耐多長時間不呼吸,\n在什麼都沒有的情況下能生存多久,\n甚至沒有空氣。\n我沒有想到\n這將成為我生命中最為精彩的一段旅程。\n\nItalian: \nLa volta ancora dopo sono rimasto in piedi su una colonna di oltre trenta metri\nper 36 ore.\nIniziai ad avere delle allucinazioni tali\nche i palazzi alle mie spalle iniziarono a somigliare a teste di grandi animali.\nPoi, la volta dopo, sono andato a Londra.\nA Londra ho vissuto in un cubo di vetro per 44 giorni\ncon nient'altro che acqua.\nE' stata, per me, una delle cose più difficili che abbia mai fatto,\nma al tempo stesso la più bella.\nC'erano molti scettici, specialmente tra la stampa londinese\nal punto che iniziarono a tirarmi cheeseburger\nda elicotteri intorno al mio cubo per tentarmi.\n(Risata)\nCosì mi sono sentito avvalorato\nquando il New England Journal of Medicine\nusò la ricerca a fini scientifici.\nNella mia successiva ricerca ho voluto vedere quanto a lungo potessi rimanere senza respirare,\nquanto a lungo potessi sopravvivere senza nulla,\nneanche l'aria.\nNon immaginavo che sarebbe diventato\nil viaggio più incredibile della mia vita.\n\nCzech: \nDalší bylo stání na třicetimetrovém sloupu\n36 hodin.\nUž jsem začínal mít tak silné halucinace,\nže mi domy za mnou začaly připadat jako velké zvířecí hlavy.\nTakže pak jsem jel do Londýna.\nV Londýně jsem strávil 44 dnů ve skleněné krychli\njenom o vodě.\nByla to pro mě jedna z nejtěžších věcí, kterou jsem kdy udělal,\nale taky jedna z nejhezčích.\nBylo tam tolik skeptiků, hlavně londýnští novináři,\nže kolem mě začali lítat s cheesburgerama\nv helikoptérách, aby mě pokoušeli.\n(smích)\nTakže mi tenhle pokus připadal jako opravdu potvrzený,\nkdyž New England Journal of Medicine\npoužil moje výsledky pro vědecké účely.\nMoje další snaha byla zjistit, jak dlouho vydržím nedýchat,\njakože jak dlouho bych přežil úplně beze všeho,\ni bez vzduchu.\nNenapadlo mě, že by se z toho mohl stát\nmůj nejúžasnější životní zážitek.\n\nSerbian: \nPosle toga, stajao sam\nna vrhu stuba od 30 metara\n36 sati.\nPočeo sam toliko da haluciniram\nda su mi zgrade iza mene\nizgledale kao velike glave životinja.\nZatim sam otišao u London.\nU Londonu sam živeo\nu staklenoj kutiji 44 dana\nbez ičega osim vode.\nTo mi je bila jedna od najtežih stvari\nkoje sam uradio,\nali takođe i najlepša.\nBilo je toliko skeptika,\nnaročito štampa u Londonu,\nda su nosili čizburgere\nu helikopterima oko moje kutije\nda bi me iskušavali.\n(Smeh)\nOsetio sam se vrlo vrednovanim\nkad je \"New England Journal of Medicine\"\niskoristio to istraživanje za nauku.\nSledeće sam hteo da vidim koliko dugo\nmogu da izdržim bez vazduha,\nkoliko dugo mogu da preživim bez ičega,\nčak i vazduha.\nNisam znao da će to biti\nnajneverovatnija avantura mog života.\n\nGerman: \nDann stand ich 36 Stunden lang\nauf einer 30,5m hohen Säule.\nIch begann starke Halluzinationen zu haben,\nvon den Gebäuden hinter mir, die wie große Tierköpfe aussahen.\nDanach kam ich nach London.\nIn London lebte ich 44 Tage lang in einem Glaskasten\nmit nichts als Wasser.\nFür mich war dies eine der schwierigsten Sachen, die ich je getan habe,\naber es war zugleich die schönste.\nEs gab so viele Skeptiker, vor allem die Londoner Presse,\nsodass sie anfingen Cheeseburger\nin Hubschraubern um meinen Kasten herumzufliegen, um mich in Versuchung zu führen.\n(Gelächter)\nIch fühlte mich sehr bestätigt,\nals das New England Journal of Medicine\ndann meine Forschung für die Wissenschaft nutzte.\nIn meiner nächsten Verfolgung wollte ich sehen, wie lange ich es ohne zu atmen aushalte,\nalso wie lange ich es mit nichts aushielt,\nnoch nicht einmal Luft.\nMir war noch nicht bewusst, dass dies\ndie erstaunlichste Reise meines Lebens werden sollte.\n\nSpanish: \nDespués de eso, me mantuve de pie en lo alto de un pilar de 30 metros\ndurante 36 horas.\nLlegué a alucinar tanto\nque los edificios a mi alrededor empezaban a verse como grandes cabezas de animales.\nAsí que, después, fui a Londres.\nEn Londres viví dentro de una caja de cristal durante 44 días\ncon nada más que agua.\nPara mí fue una de las cosas más difíciles que he hecho,\npero también una de las más bellas.\nHabía tanto escepticismo, sobre todo por parte de la prensa en Londres,\nque empezaron a circular hamburguesas con\nhelicópteros a mi alrededor para tentarme.\n(Risas)\nAsí que sentí mi hazaña muy validada\ncuando el New England Journal of Medicine\nla utilizó para sus investigaciones científicas.\nMi siguiente objetivo era ver cuánto tiempo podía aguantar sin respirar,\nbásicamente cuánto podría sobrevivir sin nada,\nsin aire siquiera.\nLo que no sabía era que se convertiría\nen el viaje más apasionante de mi vida.\n\nDanish: \nDerefter stod jeg på toppen af en 50 meter høj pille\ni 36 timer.\nJeg begyndte at hallucinere så slemt\nat bygningerne der var bagved mig begyndte at ligne store dyrehoveder.\nSå, derefter tog jeg til London.\nI London boede jeg i en glaskasse i 44 dage\nuden andet end vand.\nDet var, for mig, en af de sværeste ting jeg nogensinde havde gjort,\nmen det var også det smukkeste.\nDer var så mange skeptikere, specielt pressen i London,\nde begyndte at flyve cheeseburgere\npå helikoptere rundt om min kasse for at prøve at friste mig.\n(Latter)\nSå, jeg følte mig meget valideret\nda New England Journal of Medicine faktisk\nbrugte forskningen til videnskab.\nMin næste udfordring var at jeg ville se hvor lang tid jeg kunne holde uden at trække vejret,\nligesom hvor længe jeg kunne overleve uden noget,\nikke engang luft.\nJeg var ikke klar over at det ville blive\nden mest fantastiske rejse i mit liv.\n\nChinese: \n接下来的一次,我站在一百多英尺高的柱子顶端\n整整36个小时。\n快结束时我开始产生非常强烈的幻觉\n以至于我觉得身后的建筑看起来像巨型动物的头。\n后来,我去了伦敦。\n在伦敦,我在一个玻璃箱里生存了44天\n也是除了水什么都没有。\n对于我来说,这次是所有挑战中最艰难的一次,\n但它仍然是非常美好的一次历程。\n当时有许多持怀疑态度的人,尤其是伦敦的记者们,\n他们坐直升机徘徊在我的玻璃箱周围\n到处扔汉堡引诱我。\n(笑声)\n我通过这次活动被认可而感到非常高兴,\n事实上新英格兰医学杂志\n还以此作为研究供科学参考。\n我的下一个追求便是想试试不呼吸能坚持多久,\n也就是说什么都没有的情况下我能活多久,\n甚至没有空气。\n我并没有意识到,\n这一次成就了我生命中最美妙的旅程。\n\nLatvian: \nPēc tam es 36 stundas nostāvēju\nuz 30 metru augstas kolonnas.\nHalucinācijas bija tik stipras,\nka ēkas aiz manis sāka izskatīties\npēc lielu dzīvnieku galvām.\nTad es devos uz Londonu.\nLondonā es 44 dienas dzīvoju stikla kastē\nun pārtiku tikai no ūdens.\nTas bija viens no grūtākajiem uzdevumiem,\nko jebkad esmu darījis,\nbet arī viens no skaistākajiem.\nBIja tik daudz skeptiķu,\nsevišķi Londonas presē,\nka viņi man apkārt helikopteros lidināja\nčīzburgerus, lai iekārdinātu.\n(Smiekli)\nTāpēc es jutos novērtēts,\nkad Jaunanglijas Medicīnas žurnāls\ntiešām šo eksperimentu izmantoja zinātnei.\nMans nākamais mērķis bija pamēģināt,\ncik ilgi es varu izturēt bez elpošanas,\ncik ilgi es varu izdzīvot\nbez nekā, pat bez gaisa.\nEs nezināju, ka tas izrādīsies\nvisneticamākais manas dzīves ceļojums.\nKā jauns burvju mākslinieks\n\nMacedonian: \nПосле тоа, стоев на столб триесеттина метри висок\nцели 36 часа.\nЗапочнав да халуцинирам толку силно\nзградите кои се наоѓаа до мене ми наликуваа на големи животински глави.\nСледно отидов во Лондон.\nВо Лондон живеев во стаклена кутија цели 44 дена\nи тоа само со вода.\nБеше тоа една од најсложените работи која ја имам направено,\nно исто така беше и најубавата работа.\nИмаше толку многу скептици, особено печатот во Лондон\nи започнаа да ме облетуваат со чизбургери\nна хеликоптери околу кутијата за да ме намамат.\n(Смеење)\nСе чувствував многу задоволно\nкога New England Journal of Medicine всушност\nго искористи истражувањето за научни цели.\nМојот следен предизвик беше да видам колку долго можам да го задржам здивот,\nколку долго можам да издржам без ништо,\nпа дури и без воздух.\nНе ни претпоставував дека тоа ќе стане\nнајневеројатното патување во мојот живот.\n\nRomanian: \nDupă aceea, am stat în picioare\nîn vârful unui stâlp de 33 metri\ntimp de 36 de ore.\nÎncepusem să halucinez atât de tare\nîncât clădirile din spatele meu păreau\nniște capete mari de animale.\nApoi am mers în Londra.\nÎn Londra am trăit într-o cutie\nde sticlă timp de 44 de zile\ncu nimic altceva decât apa.\nA fost unul din cele mai dificile\nlucruri pe care le-am făcut,\ndar a fost și unul\ndintre cele mai frumoase.\nAu existat atâția sceptici,\nîn special presa din Londra,\nîncât au început să aducă cheesburgeri\ncu elicopterele în jurul cutiei mele\nca să mă tenteze.\n(Râsete)\nM-am simțit extrem de apreciat\ncând Jurnalul de Medicină New England\ns-a folosit de rezultatele\nacestui experiment pentru știință.\nUrmătoarea mea încercare a fost să vad\ncat de mult pot să rezist fără să respir,\nmai exact, cât de mult aș putea\nsupraviețui fără nimic,\nnici măcar cu aer.\nLa început nu mi-am dat seama că va deveni\ncea mai minunata călătorie a vieții mele.\n\nPersian: \nبعد از آن، من بالای یک ستون 30 متری ایستادم\nبه مدت 36 ساعت.\nمن به سختی دچار توهم شدم\nبه طوری که فکر می کردم ساختمان های پشت سرم به سرهای بزرگ حیوانات شبیه می شوند.\nبعد از آن به لندن رفتم.\nدر لندن من به مدت 44 روز در یک جعبه شیشه ای زندگی کردم\nدر حالی که به جز آب چیزی نداشتم.\nاین برای من یکی از سخت ترین کارهایی بودم که انجام دادم،\nاما در عین حال زیباترین آنها.\nافراد شکاک زیادی وجود داشتند, مخصوصا مطبوعات لندن\nآنها شروع کردن به پرواز با هلیکوپتر های پر از چیز برگر\nاطراف جعبه من تا من را وسوسه کنند.\nخنده حضار\nخب ,من احساس کردم که خیلی معتبر شدم\nوقتی که مجله پزشکی New England\nاز این کار برای یک تحقیق علمی استفاده کرد.\nکار بعدی من این بود که می خواستم ببینم تا چه مدت می توانم بدون نفس کشیدن زنده بمانم\nمثل اینکه تا چه مدت می توانم بدون هیچ چیز زنده بمانم،\nحتی بدون هوا.\nمن نمی دانستم که این کار\nبه شگفت انگیز ترین سفر زندگی من تبدیل می شود.\n\nBulgarian: \nСлед това стоях върху 30 - метрова колона\n36 часа.\nЗапочнах да халюцинирам толкова силно,\nчe опреличавах сградите зад мен на огромни животински глави.\nСлед това отидох до Лондон.\nТам прекарах в стъклена кутия 44 дни\nсамо на вода.\nТова беше едно от най - трудните начинания, които съм предприемал,\nно пък беше най - красивото.\nНамериха се много скептици, особено в Лондонската преса,\nкоито спускаха с хеликоптери около мен\nчийзбургери, за да ме изкушават.\n(Смях)\nПочувствах се много горд,\nкогато Ню Ингланд Джърнъл ъф Медисин\nизползва този ми опит за научно изследване.\nСледващата ми цел бе да разбера колко дълго мога да издържа без да дишам,\nт.е. колко ще издържа без нищо,\nбез дори въздух.\nТогава не предполагах, че това ще се окаже\nнай - удивителното пътешествие в живота ми.\n\nFinnish: \nSen jälkeen seisoin 30 metriä korkean pilarin päässä\n36 tuntia.\nAloin hallusinoida niin pahoin,\nettä rakennukset takanani alkoivat näyttää isoilta eläinten päiltä.\nSitten menin Lontooseen.\nAsuin Lontoossa lasilaatikossa 44 päivää\nvain vedellä.\nSe oli minulle yksi vaikeimmista tekemistäni tempuista,\nmutta se oli myös kaikkein kaunein.\nMonet olivat niin skeptisiä, erityisesti Lontoon lehdistö,\nettä he alkoivat lennättää juustohampurilaisia\nhelikoptereilla ympäri laatikkoani houkutuksena.\n(Naurua)\nJoten tunsin aitouteni tunnustetuksi,\nkun New England Journal of Medicine\nkäytti sitä tutkimuksessaan.\nSeuraavassa tempauksessani halusin tietää kauanko pystyn pidättämään hengitystäni,\nkuinka kauan selviäisin ilman mitään,\njopa ilman ilmaa.\nEn arvannut, että siitä tulisi\nelämäni uskomattomin matka.\n\nJapanese: \nその次は30mの高さの支柱の上に\n36時間立ち続けました\n強い幻覚を見出して\n後ろにあったビルが大きな動物の頭に見えました\nそして次はロンドンに行って\nガラスの箱の中で 水だけの生活を\n44日間続けました\n私にとってはこれが今までで一番難しいチャレンジでしたが\n同時に自己を実現できた体験でもありました\n特にロンドンのマスコミには懐疑論者がたくさんいて\n私を誘惑するためにヘリコプターで箱の周りを\nチーズバーガーを見せつけながら飛んでいました\n(笑い)\nニューイングランド医学誌に 科学の研究として\n取り上げられた時は\n救われた気がしました\nそして次はどれくらい呼吸を止めていられるかー\n空気さえ無い状態で\nどれだけ耐えられるか 試したくなりました\nこれが私の人生における最高の経験になるとは\nその時点では気づいていませんでした\n\nSwedish: \nGången efter det stod jag uppe på en trettio meter hög pelare\ni 36 timmar.\nJag började hallucinera så grovt\natt byggnaderna bakom mig började se ut som stora djurhuvuden.\nEfter det drog jag till London.\nI London levde jag i en glasbox i 44 dagar\nmed bara vatten.\nDet var, för mig, en av de svåraste sakerna jag någonsin gjort,\nmen det var också en av de vackraste.\nDet var så många skeptiker, särskilt pressen i London\nde började flyga hamburgare\nmed helikopter runt min låda för att locka mig.\n(Skratt)\nSå jag kände mig bekräftad\nnär New England Journal of Medicine faktiskt\nanvände forskningen till vetenskap.\nMin nästa strävan var att jag ville se hur länge jag kunde leva utan att andas,\nhur länge jag kunde överleva utan någonting,\ninte ens luft.\nJag insåg inte att det skulle bli\nden mest fantastiska resan i mitt liv.\n\nHungarian: \nEzt követően, egy 30 méter magas oszlop tetején álltam\n36 órán keresztül.\nOlyan erős hallucinációim támadtak,\nhogy a mögöttem lévő épületeket hatalmas állatfejeknek láttam.\nEzután Londonba mentem.\nLondonban egy üvegketrecben éltem 44 napig,\nkizárólag vízen.\nSzámomra ez volt az egyik legnehezebb dolog, amit valaha tettem,\nde a legcsodálatosabb is.\nOlyan sokan voltak szkeptikusok, különösen a londoni sajtó,\nhogy helikopterrel\nsajtburgereket lógattak a ketrecem köré csábításként.\n(Nevetés)\nÍgy hát nagy elismerésnek éreztem,\namikor a New Englandi Orvosi Folyóirat\ntudományos kutatásra használta fel a kísérletet.\nKövetkezőként azt akartam megtudni, meddig bírnám légzés nélkül,\ntehát mennyi ideig tudnék túlélni, ha semmit nem veszek magamhoz,\nmég levegőt sem.\nEkkor még nem tudtam, hogy ez lesz\néletem legnagyszerűbb utazása.\n\nPortuguese: \nA próxima depois dessa, fiquei de pé em um pilar de 30 metros\npor 36 horas.\nComecei a alucinar tão intensamente\nque os prédios atrás de mim começaram a parecer grandes cabeças de animais.\nDepois, eu fui a Londres.\nEm Londres eu vivi em um caixa de vidro por 44 dias\ncom nada além de água.\nFoi para mim uma das coisas mais difíceis que já fiz,\nmas também uma das mais bonitas.\nHavia tantos céticos, especialmente na imprensa de Londres\nque eles começaram a voar com cheeseburgers\nem helicópteros em volta da minha caixa para me tentar.\n(Risos)\nEu me senti muito reconhecido\nquando o New England Journal of Medicine\nusou a pesquisa para ciência.\nMinha próxima busca foi que eu queria ver quanto tempo eu conseguiria ficar sem respirar,\npor quanto tempo eu sobreviveria sem nada,\naté mesmo ar.\nEu não percebi que isso se tornaria\na mais incrível jornada da minha vida.\n\nThai: \nถัดจากนั้น, ผมก็ยืนบนเสาสูงถึง 100 ฟุต (ประมาณ 33 เมตร)\nเป็นเวลา 36 ชม\nนานเสียจนผมเริ่มเห็นภาพหลอนจริงจังว่า\nตึกที่อยู่รอบๆด้านหลังผมเริ่มดูเหมือนหัวของสัตว์ต่างๆ\nหลังจากนั้นผมไปลอนดอน (London)\nและที่นั่นผมอยู่ในกรงแก้วเป็นเวลา 44 วัน\nด้วยน้ำดื่มอย่างเดียว\nมันเป็นหนึ่งในสิ่งที่ยากที่สุดในชีวิตเท่าที่ผมเคยทำมาจริงๆ\nแต่มันก็สวยงามที่สุดด้วยเหมือนกัน\nระหว่างที่ผมอยู่ในกรงนั้นมีคนขี้สงสัยมากมาย โดยเฉพาะพวกสื่อที่ลอนดอน (London)\nที่ขึ้นเฮลิคอปเตอร์แล้วขว้างชีสเบอร์เกอร์\nลงมาหลอกล่อผม\n(หัวเราะ)\nผมรู้สึกว่าตัวเองได้รับการยอมรับมากๆ\nก็เมื่อตอนที่นิวอิงแลนด์เจอแนลออฟเมดิซิน (New England Journal of Medicine)\nเอาเรื่องนี้ไปทำวิจัยทางวิทยาศาสตร์จริงจัง\nความพยายามต่อไปของผมคือ ผมอยากรู้ว่าผมจะกลั้นหายใจได้นานแค่ไหน\nหรือพูดอีกนัยหนึ่ง, ผมจะมีชีวิตอยู่ได้นานแค่ไหนโดยไม่มีอะไรเลย\nไม่มีแม้กระทั่งอากาศหายใจ\nผมไม่เคยคิดมาก่อนเลยว่าเรื่องนี้มันจะกลายมาเป็น\nเรื่องมหัศจรรย์ที่สุดในชีวิตผม\n\nPortuguese: \nDepois dessa estive em pé em cima de \num pilar de 30 metros de altura,\ndurante 36 horas.\nComecei a ficar tão alucinado\nque os edifícios atrás de mim\ncomeçaram a parecer \ncabeças de grandes animais.\nA seguir, fui para Londres.\nEm Londres, vivi dentro \nde uma caixa de vidro durante 44 dias,\nsem nada a não ser água.\nPara mim, foi uma das coisas \nmais difíceis que jamais fizera,\nmas foi também uma das mais bonitas.\nHavia tantos céticos, especialmente \nna imprensa de Londres\nque comecaram a voar hamburguers de queijo\nem helicópteros à volta da minha caixa, \npara me tentarem.\n(Risos)\nPor isso, senti-me muito gratificado\nquando a Revista de Medicina \nde Nova Inglaterra\nusou a investigação para fins científicos.\nNa minha experiência seguinte,\nquis ver por quanto tempo \nconseguia aguentar a minha respiração,\npor quanto tempo \npodia sobreviver sem nada,\nmesmo sem ar.\nNão sonhava que isso viria a ser\na jornada mais incrivel da minha vida.\n\nPolish: \nKolejna to stanie na trzydziestometrowym pilarze\nprzez 36 godzin.\nMiałem tak intensywne halucynacje, że budynki,\nktóre były za mną zaczęły wyglądać jak wielkie zwierzęce głowy.\nNastępnie wybrałem się do Londynu.\nTam mieszkałem w szklanym pudełku\nbez niczego poza wodą.\nByła to dla mnie jedna z najtrudniejszych rzeczy jakie kiedykolwiek robiłem\nale przy okazji - jedna z najpiękniejszych.\nByło tak wielu sceptyków, przede wszystkim wśród londyńskich dziennikarzy\nże zaczęli latać helikopterem dookoła mojego pudła,\naby mnie złamać cheesburgerami.\n(Śmiech)\nCzułem się więc bardzo doceniony\ngdy New England Journal of Medicine\nwykorzystał moje poszukiwania w celach naukowych.\nMoim kolejnym wyzwaniem stało się sprawdzenie jak długo wytrzymam nie oddychając,\njak długo przetrwam bez niczego,\nnawet powietrza.\nNie zdawałem sobie sprawy, że stanie się to\njedną z najbardziej zdumiewających wypraw mojego życia.\n\nRussian: \nВслед за этим, я простоял\nна вершине 30-метрового столба\nв течение 36 часов.\nУ меня начались\nнастолько сильные галлюцинации,\nчто здания позади меня\nначали казаться мне головами животных.\nЗатем я поехал в Лондон.\nВ Лондоне я провел\n44 дня в стеклянном кубе,\nне имея ничего, кроме воды.\nДля меня это дело было одно из самых трудных,\nкоторые я когда-либо делал,\nно оно также было и самым прекрасным.\nВ Лондоне оказалось немало скептиков,\nособенно среди прессы.\nОни всячески пытались соблазнить меня,\nвплоть до того, что запускали\nс помощью управляемых вертолетиков\nко мне поближе горячие будерброды.\n(Смех)\nЯ всё же считаю старания\nне напрасными, поскольку\nжурнал New England Journal of Medicine\nиспользовал мой опыт\nдля научных исследований.\nМоей следующей целью было установить,\nнасколько долго я могу обойтись без дыхания.\nА именно, как долго я смогу\nпрожить вообще без ничего,\nдаже без воздуха.\nЯ не знал, что это окажется\nсамым потрясающим\nприключением моей жизни.\n\nFrench: \nLa fois suivante, je me suis tenu debout en haut d'un pilier de plus de 30 mètres\npendant 36 heures\nJe commençais à tellement halluciner\nque les bâtiments derrière moi se mettaient à ressembler à de grandes têtes d'animaux.\nEt puis, la fois suivante, je suis allé à Londres.\nA Londres, j'ai vécu 44 jours dans une boîte de verre\nsans rien d'autre que de l'eau.\nPour moi, c'était une des choses les plus difficiles que j'aie jamais faites,\nmais aussi la plus belle.\nTellement de gens n'y croyaient pas, particulièrement la presse de Londres,\nqu'ils ont commencé à faire voler des cheesburgers\nautour de ma boîte, à partir d'hélicoptères, pour me tenter.\n(Rires)\nAlors, je me suis senti pris au sérieux\nquand le New England Journal of Medicine\na utilisé les données dans un but scientifique.\nMa quête suivante a été de chercher à savoir combien de temps je pourrais tenir sans respirer,\nen fait, combien de temps je pourrais survivre sans rien,\npas même d'air.\nJe ne me rendais pas compte que ça allait devenir\nle plus fantastique voyage de ma vie.\n\nDutch: \nVoor de volgende stond ik 36 uur lang\nop een 30 meter hoge pilaar.\nIk begon zo hard te hallucineren\ndat de gebouwen achter me\nbegonnen te lijken op grote dierenkoppen.\nAls volgende ging ik naar London.\nIn London leefde ik\n44 dagen in een glazen doos\nmet enkel water.\nEen van de moeilijkste dingen\ndie ik ooit gedaan had,\nmaar ook het mooiste.\nEr waren zoveel sceptici,\nvooral de pers in London,\ndat ze met helikopters cheeseburgers\nrond mijn box vlogen om me te verleiden.\n(Gelach)\nDus ik voelde me erg gesterkt\ntoen het New England Journal of Medicine\nhet onderzoek wetenschappelijk gebruikte.\nMijn volgende streven was te zien\nhoe lang ik zonder adem kon,\ndus hoe lang ik kon overleven met niets,\nzelfs geen lucht.\nIk realiseerde me niet\ndat het de meest verbazingwekkende\nreis van mijn leven zou worden.\n\nKorean: \n그 다음에는, 100피트의 기둥 위에서 36시간동안\n서 있었습니다.\n매우 심하게 환각을 느꼈는데요,\n제 뒤에 있는 빌딩이 큰 동물 머리처럼 보이기 시작하더군요.\n자, 다음에는 런던으로 갔습니다.\n런던에서 저는 유리상자에서 물만 마시고\n44일동안 지냈습니다.\n저에게 있어 이 일은 그동안은 해보았던 것 중 가장 어려운 일이었습니다.\n하지만, 아주 멋진 일이기도 했지요.\n많은 회의론자들이 있었습니다. 특히 런던의 언론들이요.\n그사람들은 저를 유혹하기 위해\n헬기에서 치즈버거를 제 박스 주위로 날리기 시작했습니다.\n(웃음)\n그래서, 저는 New England Journal of Medicine이\n실제로 과학적 목적을 위해 연구를 진행하였을 때\n인정받았음을 느꼈습니다.\n내가 호흡없이 얼마나 견딜 수 있나 알고 싶은 것이 제 다음 일이었습니다.\n마치, 제가 아무것도 없이 얼마나 오래 생존할 수 있을까 하는 것과 비슷하죠.\n공기 조차도 없이도요.\n저는 이것이 제 인생에서 가장 놀라운 여정이 될 것이라는 것을\n깨닫지 못했습니다.\n\nCroatian: \nNakon toga, stajao sam na vrhu 30 metara visokog stupa\n36 sati.\nPočeo sam tako jako halucinirati\nda su zgrade koje su bile iza mene počele izgledati kao velike životinjske glave.\nZatim sam otišao u London.\nU Londonu sam živio u staklenoj kutiji 44 dana\nbez ičega osim vode.\nBila je to za mene jedna od najtežih stvari koje sam ikada napravio,\nali bila je također i najljepša.\nBilo je mnogo skeptika, a posebno mediji u Londonu\nkoji su počeli vješati cheeseburgere\nna helikoptere oko moje kutije kako bi me dražili.\n(Smijeh)\nOsjećao sam se uvaženo\nkada su novine \"New England Journal of Medicine\" zapravo\niskoristile moj pothvat za znanstveno istraživanje.\nU svom slijedećem izazovu želio sam vidjeti koliko dugo mogu izdržati bez disanja,\nkoliko dugo mogu preživjeti bez ičega,\nčak i bez zraka.\nNisam mislio da će to postati\nnajuzbudljivija avantura mog života.\n\nTurkish: \nGenç bir sihirbaz olarak\nHoudini ve onun sualtında yaşadığı zorlukları takıntı haline getirmiştim.\nYani çok önceleri diğer çocuklarla yarışmaya başlamıştım;\nben suyun altında tek nefesle\nne kadar durabileceğimi görmeye çalışırken\nonlar nefes almak için beş defa yukarı çıkıp inerlerdi.\nErgenlik çağımda\nnefesimi 30 saniye tutabiliyordum.\nDaha sonra bunun Houdini'nin kişisel rekoru olduğunu öğrenecektim.\n1987'de buzun arasından düşüp bir nehirin\naltında mahsur kalan bir çocuğun\nhikayesini duydum.\n45 dakika aşağıda nefessiz kalmıştı.\nKurtarma ekibi gelip\nkurtarıldığında beyninde hiç hasar yoktu.\nVücut ısısı 25 dereceye düşmüştü.\nBir sihirbaz olarak herşeyin mümkün olduğunu düşünürüm.\nBirisi bir şeyi yapabiliyorsa,\ndiğerleri de yapabilir.\n\nBulgarian: \nКато млад магьосник\nбях обсебен от Худини и подводните му предизвикателства.\nОще оттогава се състезавах с другите деца\nколко дълго мога да остана под вода -\nдокато те циркулираха нагоре - надолу по 5 пъти, за да си поемат дъх,\nаз си стоях долу без да дишам.\nДо времето, когато станах тийнейджър,\nбях в състояние да задържам въздуха си за 3 мин. и 30 сек.\nПо - късно разбрах, че това е личния рекорд на Худини.\nПрез 1987г. чух история\nза момче, което пропаднало през леда,\nи останало хванато в капан в реката под него.\nПрекарал е отдолу 45 мин. без да диша.\nКогато спасителните екипи дошли,\nреанимирали го и не открили мозъчна недостатъчност.\nТелесната му температура била паднала до 25 градуса.\nКато магьосник вярвам, че всичко е възможно.\nМисля, че щом едно нещо е направено от един човек,\nможе да бъде направено и от другите.\n\nDutch: \nAls jonge magiër was ik\ngeobsedeerd door Houdini\nen zijn uitdagingen onder water.\nVan jongsaf heb ik wedstrijdjes gedaan\ntegen andere kinderen,\nom te zien hoelang ik\nonder water kon blijven\nZij moesten dan vijf keer op een neer\nterwijl ik onder water bleef.\nTegen de tijd dat ik tiener was\nkon ik 3½ minuut mijn adem inhouden.\nLater leerde ik dat dit\nHoudini's persoonlijk record was.\nIn 1987 hoorde ik een verhaal\nover een jongen die door het ijs was gezakt\nen daaronder gevangen zat.\nHij zat er 45 minuten\nonder zonder adem te halen.\nToen de reddingswerkers kwamen\nbrachten ze hem bij\nen er was geen hersenbeschadiging.\nZijn kerntemperatuur\nwas gedaalt tot 25 graden.\nAls magiër houd ik alles voor mogelijk.\nIk denk dat als iets door iemand gedaan is,\nanderen het ook kunnen.\n\nGerman: \nAls junger Zauberkünstler\nwar ich besessen von Houdini und seinen Unterwasserkünsten.\nAlso begann ich von früh auf gegen andere Kinder anzutreten,\num zu sehen, wie lange ich unter Wasser bleiben könnte,\nwährend sie immer wieder auftauchten um zu atmen,\nungefähr fünf Mal, während ich immer noch mit meinem ersten Atemzug unter Wasser war.\nAls ich ein Teenager war\nkonnte ich meinen Atem bereits 3 Minuten und 30 Sekunden lang anhalten.\nSpäter sollte ich herausfinden, dass das Houdini's persönliche Bestzeit war.\n1987 hörte ich von einer Geschichte\nvon einem Jungen, der durch Eis gefallen war\nund dann unter dem Eis in einem Fluss gefangen war.\nEr war dort unten 45 Minuten lang ohne zu atmen.\nAls die Rettung kam\nwurde er wiederbelebt und hatte keinen Hirnschaden.\nSeine Körperkerntemperatur war auf 25 Grad Celsius gesunken.\nAls Zauberkünstler glaube ich, dass alles möglich ist.\nUnd ich glaube, dass, wenn eine Person etwas schafft,\ndas auch andere schaffen können.\n\nHungarian: \nFiatal bűvészként\nmegszállottja voltam Houdininek és az ő vízalatti számainak.\nÍgy hát már elég korán elkezdtem a többi gyerekkel versenyezni,\nhogy meddig tudok a víz alatt maradni.\nMíg ők a felszínre úsztak levegőért,\nolyan ötször, én lenn maradtam egyetlen lélegzetvétellel.\nTinédzserkoromban\nmár három és fél percig vissza tudtam tartani a levegőt.\nKésőbb tudtam meg, hogy ez volt Houdini személyes rekordja.\n1987-ben hallottam egy történetet egy fiúról,\naki alatt beszakadt a jég,\nés alatta rekedt a folyóban.\n45 percig volt odalent, levegő nélkül.\nAmikor a mentőosztag megérkezett,\nújraélesztették, és nem volt agykárosodása.\nA testhőmérséklete 25 fokra süllyedt.\nBűvészként hiszek abban, hogy minden lehetséges.\nÉs hiszek abban, hogy ha egy személy képes valamire,\nakkor mások is képesek ugyanarra.\n\nDanish: \nSom en ung tryllekunstner\nvar jeg besat af Houdini og hans undervands udfordringer.\nSå, jeg begyndte, tidligt, at konkurrere mod de andre børn,\nfor at se hvor længe jeg kunne holde mig under vandet\nmens de skulle op og ned for at trække vejret,\nI ved, fem gange, mens jeg holdte mig nede på et åndedrag.\nDa jeg blev teenager\nvar jeg i stand til at holde vejret i tre minutter og 30 sekunder.\nJeg fandt senere ud af, at det var Houdinis personlige rekord.\nI 1987 hørte jeg en histore\nom en dreng der faldt gennem isen\nog var fanget under en flod.\nHan var under, trak ikke vejret i 45 minutter.\nDa redningsfolkene kom\ngenoplivede de ham og der var ingen hjerneskade.\nHans kerne temperatur var faldet til 25 grader.\nSom tryllekunstner, mener jeg alt er muligt.\nOg jeg mener at hvis noget bliver gjort af en person,\nkan det gøres af andre.\n\nRussian: \nКак и все молодые маги-чародеи,\nя был увлечен Гудини, и его подводные чудеса\nне давали мне покоя.\nИ вот, с раннего возраста я начал\nсостязаться с другими детьми,\nиспытывая, как долго\nя смогу остаться под водой.\nПока мои сверстники поднимались\nпо 5 раз для вдоха,\nя оставался внизу на одном дыхании.\nВ юношеские годы\nя мог продержаться без дыхания\n3 минуты 30 секунд.\nПозже я узнал,\nчто это был личный рекорд Гудини.\nВ 1987-м году я услышал историю\nо мальчике, который провалился под лед\nи застрял в реке.\nОн был под водой, без дыхания,\nв течение 45 минут.\nКогда спасатели подъехали,\nони привели его в сознание – оказалось,\nчто, мозг не поврежден.\nТемпература его тела упала\nдо 25 градусов Цельсия.\nБудучи магом-чародеем,\nя считаю, что всё возможно.\nТо, что может сделать один человек,\nя полагаю,\nмогут сделать и другие.\n\nArabic: \nفي صغري و كمولعٌ بالسحر\nكنت لدي هاجس خاص بالساحر \"هوديني\" وتحدياته تحت الماء\nلذلك بدأت في صغري بالمنافسة ضد الاطفال في سني\nلرؤية كم يمكنني أن أبقى فترة تحت الماء\nفي حين هم كانوا يتحركون صعودا ونزولا للتنفس\nخمس مرات بينما بقيت انا على نفسا واحدا\nوفي الوقت الذي كنت مراهقا\nكنت قادرا على حبس أنفاسي لمدة ثلاث دقائق و ٣٠ ثانية\nبعدها عرفت أنها كانت الرقم القياسي الشخصي ل \"هوديني\"\nفي عام ١٩٨٧ سمعت بقصة\nعن صبي سقط في الجليد\nوكان محاصرا تحت النهر\nوإستمر تحت الماء، بلا تنفس لمدة ٤٥ دقيقة\nوعندما وصل رجال الإنقاذ\nأنعشوه ولم يكن هناك أي تلف في دماغه\nوقد إنخفضت درجة حرارته الأساسية إلى 25 درجة مئوية\nوكساحر أعتقد أن كل شيء ممكن\nوأؤمن بأنه إذا إستطاع أن يقوم شخصٌ ما بشيء\nفيمكن أن يقوم به آخرون\n\nChinese: \n作为一个年轻的魔术师\n我沉迷于霍迪尼和他在水下屏气挑战。\n孩童时候,我就开始与其他的孩子们比试,\n看可以在水下待多久,\n当他们得反复探头出水面呼吸,\n大概5次之多,我却可以一直待在水下,完全不需要换气。。\n当我是青少年的时候\n我已经可以水下屏气达3分30秒之久,\n后来我才发现那就是霍迪尼的个人纪录。\n在1987年,我听说了一个故事,\n一个男孩掉进冰封的河里,\n困于河底。\n他45分钟内没有呼吸。\n当救援人员赶到\n抢救并唤醒他时,发现他并没有脑损伤,\n他的心脏温度降至77度。\n作为一个魔术师,我相信一切皆有可能。\n我认为如果某个人可以做到某件事,\n那么任何人都可以做到。\n\niw: \nכקוסם צעיר\nהיתה לי אובססיה עם הודיני ואתגריו שנעשו מתחת לפני המים\nאז, התחלתי בגיל צעיר, להתחרות נגד ילדים אחרים\nלראות כמה זמן אני יכול להישאר מתחת לפני המים\nבזמן שהם עלו וירדו כדי לנשום\nחמש פעמים, באותו זמן אני נשארתי מתחת פני המים בנשימה אחת\nכשהייתי נער\nהייתי מסוגל לעצור את הנשימה למשך שלוש דקות ו 30 שניות\nיותר מאוחר גיליתי שזה היה השיא האישי של הודיני\nב-1987 שמעתי סיפור\nעל ילד שנפל לתוך הקרח (בנהר שנקפא)\nונלכד מתחת לנהר\nהוא היה מתחת, ללא יכולת לנשום במשך 45 דקות.\nכאשר עובדי הצלה הגיעו\nהם הצליחו להחיות אותו ולא היה שום נזק מוחי.\nטמפרטורת הליבה שלו ירדה ל 25 מעלות\nכקוסם אני חושב שהכל אפשרי\nואני חושב שאם משהו נעשה על ידי אדם אחד\nזה יכול להיעשות על ידי אחרים.\n\nCzech: \nJako mladý kouzelník\njsem byl posedlý Houdinim a jeho kousky pod vodou.\nTakže jsem už hodně brzo začal soutěžit s ostatními dětmi\na zjišťovat, jak dlouho vydržím pod vodou,\nzatímco ostatní se vynořovali, aby se nadechli\ntřeba klidně pětkrát, já jsem byl pořád dole na jedno nadechnutí.\nKdyž jsem byl teenager,\ndokázal jsem zadržet dech na 3 minuty a 30 sekund.\nPozději jsem zjistil, že to byl Houdiniho osobní rekord.\nV roce 1987 jsem slyšel historku\no chlapci, který se propadl do zamrzlé řeky\na zůstal uvězněný pod ledem.\nByl tam 45 minut bez dýchání.\nKdyž dorazili záchranáři,\npodařilo se jim ho resuscitovat aniž by měl poškozený mozek.\nJeho tělesná teplota spadla na 25 stupňů.\nJako iluzionista si myslím, že možné je všechno.\nA že když se něco povede jednomu,\nmusí se to povést i dalším.\n\nCroatian: \nKao mladi mađioničar\nbio sam opsjednut s Houdinijem i njegovim podvodnim izazovima.\nStoga sam se počeo rano natjecati protiv druge djece,\ngledajući koliko dugo mogu ostati pod vodom\ndok bi oni izranjali da uzmu zraka,\nznate, pet puta, ja bih ostao dolje s jednim udahom.\nKada sam postao tinejdžer\nmogao sam zadržati dah tri minute i 30 sekundi.\nKasnije sam saznao da je to bio Houdinijev osobni rekord.\n1987. čuo sam priču\no dječaku koji je propao kroz led\ni bio zarobljen u rijeci.\nBio je ispod, bez zraka 45 minuta.\nKada su došli spasioci,\noživjeli su ga i nije imao nikakvih moždanih oštećenja.\nNjegova temperatura tijela pala je na 25 stupnjeva.\nKao mađioničar mislim da je sve moguće\ni mislim da ako jedna osoba nešto napravi\nto mogu napraviti i drugi.\n\nPolish: \nJako młody magik\nmiałem obsesję na punkcie Houdiniego i jego podwodnych wyzwań.\nWięc zacząłem młodo, od konkurowania z innymi dziećmi,\nsprawdzając jak długo wytrzymam pod wodą,\nkiedy oni nurkowali i wynurzali się by nabrać powietrza,\nwiecie, pięć razy, a ja na jednym oddechu.\nGdy byłem nastolatkiem\nbyłem w stanie wstrzymać oddech na trzy minuty i 30 sekund.\nPóźniej dowiedziałem się, że był to rekord życiowy Houdiniego.\nW 1987 r. usłyszałem historię\no chłopcu, pod którym załamał się lód\ni uwięził go pod wodą.\nBył tam, nie oddychając, przez 45 minut.\nKiedy przybyli ratownicy\nudało im się go uratować - nie było uszkodzeń mózgu!\nJego temperatura spadła do 25 stopni C.\nBędąc magikiem, uważam, że wszystko jest możliwe.\nA jeśli czegoś dokonała jedna osoba\nto może to zrobić inna.\n\nFrench: \nQuand j'étais jeune magicien,\nj'étais obsédé par Houdini, et ses exploits sous l'eau.\nAlors j'ai commencé très tôt, en rivalisant avec les autres gamins,\nà voir combien de temps je pouvais tenir sous l'eau.\nQuand ils remontaient pour respirer,\ndisons, cinq fois, pendant ce temps-là je tenais avec une seule respiration.\nArrivé à l'adolescence,\nj'arrivais à retenir mon souffle pendant 3 minutes 30.\nPlus tard, j'ai découvert que c'était le record personnel de Houdini\nEn 1987, j'ai entendu parler de l'histoire\nd'un gamin qui était tombé dans une rivière gelée\net était resté piégé sous la glace.\nIl était resté en dessous sans respirer pendant 45 minutes.\nQuand les secours sont arrivés,\nils l'ont réanimé, et il n'y avait pas de dégâts au cerveau.\nSa température était tombée à 25° C.\nEn tant que magicien, je crois que tout est possible.\nEt je crois que si quelque chose est réalisé par une personne\nil peut l'être par d'autres.\n\nChinese: \n年輕的時候,作為一個魔術師,\n我著迷於胡迪尼和他的水中脫逃術,\n因此我開始和其他孩子比賽,\n看我可以在水面下停留多久。\n其他人上上下下的換氣,\n有五次之多,而我還待在水底,\n光是青少年時期,\n我就已經能憋氣三分三十秒左右,\n後來我發現這等於胡迪尼的個人紀錄。\n1987年我聽到一個故事,\n一個男孩跌進結冰的河裡,\n被困在冰面下\n超過四十五分鐘無法換氣,\n當醫護人員救回他的時候,\n發現他的大腦沒有受到任何損傷,\n他的核心體溫降到25度。\n作為魔術師我覺得\n任何事都有可能做得到,\n有一必有二。\n\nPortuguese: \nComo um jovem mágico\neu era obcecado por Houdini e seus desafios subaquáticos.\nEntão, eu comecei, bem cedo, a competir com as outras crianças,\npara ver por quanto tempo eu conseguiria ficar debaixo d´água\nenquanto eles subiam e desciam para respirar,\nvocê sabe, cinco vezes, enquanto eu ficava submerso só com um fôlego.\nNa época que eu era um adolescente\ne eu era capaz de segurar meu fôlego por três minutos e 30 segundos.\nEu descobriria mais tarde que esse era o recorde pessoal do Houdini.\nEm 1987 escutei uma história\nde um menino que caiu através do gelo\ne ficou preso no fundo do rio.\nEle ficou submerso, sem respirar por 45 minutos.\nQuando o resgate chegou\neles o ressuscitaram e não houve danos cerebrais.\nSua temperatura corporal caiu para 25 graus.\nComo mágico eu acredito que tudo é possível.\nAcredito que se algo é feito por alguém\npode ser feito também por outros.\n\nThai: \nตอนที่ผมยังเป็นนักมายากลหนุ่ม\nผมหลงใหลในตัว ฮูดินี่ (Houdini) และความสามารถในการดำน้ำของเขา\nดังนั้นผมจึงเริ่มด้วยการแข่งกับเด็กคนอื่นๆ\nดูว่าผมจะสามารถอยู่ใต้น้ำได้นานเท่าไหร่\nในขณะที่เด็กคนอื่นต้องขึ้นๆลงๆเพื่อหายใจ\nคุณรู้ไหม ผมขึ้นไปหายใจแค่ครั้งเดียวในขณะที่เด็กอื่นๆขึ้นไปหายใจ 5 ครั้ง\nในตอนที่ผมเป็นวัยรุ่นนั้น\nผมสามารถกลั้นหายใจได้ 3 นาที 30 วินาที\nซึ่งผมมารู้ทีหลังว่าเป็นสถิติเดียวกันกับสถิติส่วนตัวของฮูดินี่ (Houdini)\nปี 1987 ผมได้ยินเรื่องราว\nเกี่ยวกับเด็กชายที่ตกลงไป\nใต้แม่น้ำที่เป็นน้ำแข็ง\nเขาอยู่ใต้น้ำและหยุดหายใจเป็นเวลา 45 นาที\nเมื่อหน่วยกู้ภัยมา\nและช่วยให้เด็กคนนั้นมีสติกลับมา ปรากฏว่าเด็กคนนั้นไม่มีส่วนใดของสมองเสียหายเลย\nอุณหภูมิร่างกายของเด็กคนนั้นลดลงจนถึง 77 องศาฟาเรนไฮต์( 25 องศาเซลเซียส)\nด้วยความเป็นนักมายากลผมคิดว่าอะไรก็เป็นไปได้\nและผมคิดว่าถ้าบางสิ่งเกิดขึ้นได้กับคนคนนึง\nมันก็ต้องเกิดขึ้นได้กับคนอื่นด้วย\n\nMacedonian: \nКако млад магионичар\nбев опседнат со Худини и со неговите подвизи под вода\nТака започнав да се натпреварувам со другите деца,\nда видиме колку долго можам да издржам под вода\nи додека тие се исправаа и земаа воздух\nдури и пет пати, јас лежев задржувајќи го првиот здив.\nКога станав тинејџер\nможев да го задржам здивот до три минути и триесет секунди\nПодоцна открив дека толку изнесувал личниот рекорд на Худини.\nВо 1987 година слушнав приказна\nза едно момче кое паднало низ мразот\nи било заробено во реката.\nТој бил под мразот, не дишејќи 45 минути.\nКога спасувачите дошле\nго анимирале и сè тоа поминало без оштетување на мозокот.\nНеговата телесна температура била симната до 25 степени Целзиусови.\nКако магионичар мислам дека сè е можно.\nИ мислам дека нешто што е направено од една личност\nможе да го направат и други.\n\nKurdish: \nوه‌ک گه‌نجێکی جادووگه‌ر\nمن به‌ به‌ربه‌ره‌کانییه‌کی ژێر ئاوی هۆدینیه‌وه‌ په‌یوه‌ست ببوم\nله‌به‌رئه‌وه‌ی به‌زیندوویی ده‌ستم کرد به‌ به‌ربه‌ره‌کانی کردن له‌دژی منداڵه‌کانی تر\nتابزانم تاچه‌ند من له‌ژێرئاوه‌که‌دا ده‌توانم بمێنمه‌وه‌\nله‌کاتێکدا ئه‌وان ده‌چونه‌ سه‌ره‌وه‌ بۆهه‌ناسه‌دان و ده‌هاتنه‌ خواره‌وه‌\nده‌زانی بۆماوه‌ی پێنج خوله‌ک به‌یه‌ک هه‌ناسه‌ له‌ژێره‌وه‌ مامه‌وه‌\nكاتێک بوم به‌ هه‌رزه‌کار\nده‌م توانی بۆماوه‌ی (سێ خوله‌ ک و نیو) هه‌ناسه‌م ڕاگرم\nله‌دوایدا بۆم ده‌رکه‌وت ئه‌وه‌ ڕیکۆردی تایبه‌تی هۆدینی بوو\nله‌ساڵی 1987 چیرۆکێکم بیست\nله‌باره‌ی منداڵێکه‌وه‌ که‌ که‌ وتبووه‌ ناو به‌فره‌وه‌\nوه‌له‌ژێر روبارێ گیری خواردبوو\nئه‌و له‌ژێره‌وه‌ بوو، به‌بێ هه‌ناسه‌دان بۆماوه‌ی (45) خوله‌ک\nکاتێک تیمی ڕزگارکردن هاتن\nئه‌وان ڕزگاریان کردوو هیچ زیانێک به‌ مێشکی نه‌گه‌شتبوو\nپله‌ی گشتی گه‌رمای له‌شی دابه‌زیبوو بۆ 77 پله‌\nوه‌ک جادوگه‌رێک، باوه‌ڕم وایه‌ هه‌موشتێک گونجاوه ڕووبدات\nباوه‌ڕم وایه‌ ئه‌گه‌ر شتێک له‌لایه‌ن که‌سێکه‌وه‌ ئه‌نجام بدرێت\nکه‌سانی تریش ده‌توانن ئه‌ نجامی بده‌ن\n\nSlovak: \nAko mladý kúzelník\nsom bol posadnutý Houdinim a jeho výzvami pod vodou.\nNa začiatku som začal súťažiť proti iným deťom,\naby som videl, ako dlho by som vedel vydržať pod vodou,\nkým oni šli hore a dole, aby dýchali,\n5-krát, ja som zostal dole na jeden nádych.\nV čase, keď som bol tínedžer,\nsom bol schopný zadržať dych na 3 minúty a 30 sekúnd..\nNeskôr som zistil, že to bol Houdiniho osobný rekord.\nV roku 1987 som počul príbeh\no chlapcovi, ktorý sa prepadol cez ľad\na bol uväznený pod riekou.\nBol dole a nedýchal 45 minút.\nKeď prišli záchranári,\noživovali ho a nemal žiadne poškodenie mozgu.\nJeho telesná teplota klesla na 25°C.\nAko kúzelník si myslím, že čokoľvek je možné.\nA myslím, že ak niečo dokáže jedna osoba,\ndokážu to aj iní.\n\nFinnish: \nNuorena taikurina\nolin pakkomielteinen Houdinista ja hänen vedenalaisista haasteistaan.\nJoten aloitin nuorena kisaamaan muiden lasten kanssa\nnähdäkseni kuinka pitkään pystyn pysymään veden alla,\nkun he menivät ylös hengittämään,\nviitisen kertaa, kun itse pysyin alhaalla yhdellä hengityksellä.\nTeini-ikäisenä\npystyin pidättämään henkeä kolme minuuttia ja 30 sekuntia.\nMyöhemmin sain tietää, että se oli Houdinin henkilökohtainen ennätys.\nVuonna 1987 kuulin tarinan\npojasta, joka tipahti jäihin\nja jäi kiikkiin joen alle.\nHän oli veden alla hengittämättä 45 minuuttia.\nKun pelastustyöntekijät tulivat,\nhe elvyttivät hänet ja hänellä ei ollut aivovauriota.\nHänen lämpötilansa oli tippunut 25:een asteeseen.\nTaikurina uskon kaiken olevan mahdollista.\nUskon, että jos yksi pystyy siihen\nmyös muut voivat tehdä sen.\n\nPersian: \nبه عنوان یک شعبده باز جوان\nهیودینی و رکورد زیرآبش برای من مثل یک عقده شده بود.\nدر مراحل مقدماتی من شروع کردم به رقابت با بچه های دیگر\nتا ببینم چه مدت می توانم زیر آب بمانم\nدر حالی که دیگران مرتب بالا و پایین می رفتند،\nمی دونید، آنها پنج بار نفس گرفتند در حالی که من با یک نفس زیر آب مانده بودم.\nدر آن زمان من نوجوان بودم\nمن توانستم نفسم را به مدت سه دقیقه و 30 ثانیه نگه دارم.\nبعدها فهمیدم که این رکورد شخصی هودینی بود.\nدر سال 1987 من داستانی شنیدم\nدر مورد پسری که درون یخ سقوط می کند\nو در رودخانه گیر می افتد\nاو درست زیر سطح آب بود و برای 45 دقیقه نفس نمی کشید.\nوقتی گروه نجات آمد\nاو را نجات دادند در حالی که به مغزش آسیبی نرسیده بود.\nدمای بدن او تا دمای 77 درجه پایین آمده بود\nبه عنوان یک شعبده باز من فکر می کنم همه چیز ممکن است.\nو فکر می کنم اگر چیزی توسط یک شخص انجام شد\nمی تواند توسط سایرین هم انجام شود.\n\nModern Greek (1453-): \nΩς νεαρός μάγος\nείχα εμμονή με τον Χουντίνι \nκαι τις υποβρύχιες δοκιμασίες του.\nΟπότε, ξεκίνησα από μικρός \nνα ανταγωνίζομαι άλλα παιδιά,\nώστε να δω πόση ώρα θα άντεχα κάτω από το νερό\nόση ώρα έβγαιναν και ξαναέμπαιναν για να αναπνεύσουν,\nξέρετε, πέντε φορές, \nόσο εγώ έμενα στο νερό με μία αναπνοή.\nΜέχρι να φτάσω στην εφηβεία,\nμπορούσα να κρατάω την αναπνοή μου\nγια 3 λεπτά και 30 δευτερόλεπτα.\nΑργότερα θα ανακάλυπτα ότι αυτό\nήταν το προσωπικό ρεκόρ του Χουντίνι.\nΤο 1987 άκουσα μια ιστορία\nγια ένα παιδί που έπεσε μέσα από πάγο\nκαι παγιδεύτηκε κάτω από ένα ποτάμι.\nΒρισκόταν μέσα, \nχωρίς να αναπνέει για 45 λεπτά.\nΌταν έφτασαν οι διασώστες\nτον επανέφεραν και δεν είχε υποστεί \nκαμία εγκεφαλική βλάβη.\nH θερμοκρασία του σώματός του \nείχε πέσει στους 25 βαθμούς Κελσίου.\nΩς μάγος, πιστεύω \nότι τα πάντα είναι δυνατά.\nΚαι πιστεύω πως αν ένας άνθρωπος \nκαταφέρει κάτι,\nτότε μπορούν να το καταφέρουν κι άλλοι.\n\nVietnamese: \nLà một ảo thuật gia trẻ tuổi\nTôi bị ám ảnh bởi Houdini và các thử thách dưới nước của ông.\nVì thế, ngay sau đó, tôi thách thức lũ trẻ,\nđể coi tôi có thể ở dưới nước bao lâu.\nkhi chúng ngụp lặn để thở,\nbạn biết không, 5 lần, trong khi tôi vẫn dưới nước chỉ với một lần lấy hơi.\nKhi còn là một thiếu niên\nTôi có thể nín thở trong ba phút và 30 giây.\nSau đó tôi khám phá ra rằng đó là thành tích cá nhân của Houdini.\nVào năm 1987 tôi có nghe câu chuyện\nvề một cậu bé bị ngã xuống dưới băng\nvà bị kẹt dưới một dòng sông.\nCậu bé ở dưới đó, không thở trong 45 phút.\nKhi đội cứu hộ tới\nhọ hồi sức cho cậu bé và không hề có tổn thương não.\nThân nhiệt cậu bé tụt xuống tới 77 độ.\nLà một ảo thuật gia tôi nghĩ mọi thứ đều có thể.\nVà tôi nghĩ nếu một người làm được\nthì người khác cũng làm được.\n\nJapanese: \n子どもの頃は\nフーディーニの水中記録に夢中でした\n最初は 水中でどれだけ息を止めていられるか\n友達と競い合いました\n友達が何度も息継ぎをするのを脇目に\n私は水中にとどまりました\n10代のときは\n3分30秒息を止めていることができたのですが\n後に これはフーディーニの自己ベストと同じだったことが分かりました\n1987年に\n氷の隙間から誤って落ちて\n凍った川の中に閉じ込められた少年の話を聞きました\n彼は息をせず 川の中で45分間も生き延びたのです\nレスキュー隊が駆けつけて\n蘇生を施したのですが 脳に損傷はありませんでした\n彼の深部体温は25度まで下がっていました\nマジシャンとして私は不可能というものは存在しないと考えています\n誰かが成し遂げたなら\n他の人にもできると思うのです\n\nSerbian: \nKao mlad mađioničar\nbio sam opsednut Hudinijem\ni njegovim izazovima pod vodom.\nRano sam počeo da se takmičim\ns drugom decom\nda vidim koliko dugo mogu\nda ostanem pod vodom\ndok oni izranjaju da uzmu vazduh pet puta\ndok ja izdržavam s jednim udahom.\nKao tinejdžer, već sam mogao\nda zadržim dah tri minuta i 30 sekundi.\nKasnije sam saznao da je\nto bio Hudinijev lični rekord.\nGodine 1987, čuo sam priču\no dečaku koji je propao kroz led na reci\ni ostao zarobljen ispod.\nBio je dole, bez daha, 45 minuta.\nKad su spasioci došli,\noživeli su ga\ni nije bilo oštećenja mozga.\nNjegova telesna temperatura\nje pala na 25 stepeni celzijusa.\nKao mađioničar, mislim da je sve moguće.\nMislim da ako je jedan čovek\nnešto uradio,\nto mogu da urade i drugi.\n\nSwedish: \nSom ung magiker\nvar jag som besatt av Houdini och hans undervattensutmaningar.\nSå jag började tidigt tävla med andra barn,\nför att se hur länge jag kunde stanna under vatten\nmedan de dök upp och ner för att andas,\nni vet, fem gånger, stannade jag under på ett andetag.\nNär jag väl var en tonåring\nkunde jag hålla andan i tre minuter och 30 sekunder.\nJag fick senare reda på att det var Houdinis personliga rekord.\n1987 hörde jag en berättelse\noch en pojke som ramla igenom isen\noch fångades där under.\nHan var under, utan att andas, i 45 minuter.\nNär räddningsarbetarna kom\nåterupplivade de honom och han hade inga hjärnskador.\nHans kärntemperatur hade sjunkit till 25 grader celsius.\nSom magiker tror jag att allt är möjligt.\nOch jag tror att om en person klarar något\nkan andra göra det också.\n\nItalian: \nDa giovane mago\nero ossessionato dalla figura di Houdini e dalle sue sfide sott'acqua.\nIniziai presto a competere con gli altri ragazzini\nper vedere quanto tempo riuscissi a rimanere sott'acqua\ne mentre loro tornavano su per respirare,\ntipo, 5 volte, io rimanevo sotto senza riprendere fiato.\nDa adolescente\nero in grado di trattenere il fiato per tre minuti e trenta secondi.\nHo scoperto solo dopo che quello era il record personale di Houdini.\nNel 1987 ho sentito la storia\ndi un ragazzo che cadde in un fiume ghiacciato\ne rimase intrappolato sott'acqua.\nRimase sotto senza respirare per 45 minuti.\nQuando arrivarono i soccorsi\nriuscirono a rianimarlo e non c'erano danni cerebrali.\nLa sua temperatura interna era scesa a 25 gradi.\nCome mago io credo che tutto sia possibile.\nE penso che se qualcosa viene fatto da una persona\npuò essere fatto anche da altri.\n\nKorean: \n젊은 마술사로서\n저는 Houdini와 그의 수중 도전에 사로잡혔습니다.\n그래서 일찍이 다른 아이들과 경쟁하며\n제가 얼마나 오래 숨을 참을 수 있는지 알게되었습니다.\n다른 아이들이 숨을 쉬느라 오르내렸던 반면에\n저는 호흡 한번 없이, 그러니까... 5배를 더 물속에서 있었습니다.\n제가 10대 때는\n3분 30초간 숨을 참을 수 있었습니다.\n나중에 저는 그것이 Houdini의 개인 기록이라는 것을 알았지요.\n1987년에는 얼음 사이로 떨어져\n강 아래에 같힌\n한 소년의 이야기를 들었습니다.\n그 소년는 숨을 쉬지 않고 45분동안 물 아래 있었습니다.\n구조대원들이 도착했을 때\n그들은 그 소년을 소생시켰고, 뇌에는 아무런 손상이 없었습니다.\n소년의 심부온도(core temperature)는 77도(섭씨 25도)까지 떨어졌습니다.\n마술사로서, 저는 모든것이 가능하다고 생각합니다.\n그리고 어떤 사람이 무언가를 해내었다면\n다른 사람들도 그것을 할 수 있을것이라 생각합니다.\n\nRomanian: \nTânăr magician fiind,\neram obsedat de Houdini\nși de încercarile sale subacvatice.\nAșa că am încercat de mic copil\nsă concurez cu alții de vârsta mea,\nsă văd cât de mult pot sta sub apă\nși în timp ce ei scoteau\ncapul din apă ca să respire\nchiar și de 5 ori, eu stăteam sub apă\ncu o singură gură de aer.\nCând eram adolescent\nputeam să îmi țin respirația\ntimp de 3 minute și 30 secunde.\nMai târziu am aflat că acesta\nera recordul personal al lui Houdini.\nÎn 1987 am auzit o poveste\ndespre un băiat care a căzut\nîn apă înghețată\nși a rămas blocat sub gheață.\nA fost în apă,\nfără aer, timp de 45 de minute.\nCând echipele de salvare au sosit\nși l-au readus la viață,\nau descoperit că creierul\nnu fusese afectat.\nTemperatura corpului îi scăzuse\nla 25 de grade Celsius.\nCa magician, cred că totul este posibil.\nȘi cred că dacă un lucru anume\npoate fi făcut de o persoană\natunci poate fi făcut și de alții.\n\nSpanish: \nCuando era un joven mago\nestaba obsesionado con Houdini y sus desafíos bajo el agua.\nAsí que empecé muy temprano a competir con otros niños,\na ver cuánto aguantaba debajo del agua\nmientras ellos subían y bajaban para respirar,\ncomo cinco veces, mientras yo seguía bajo el agua con una sola respiración.\nPara cuando llegué a la adolescencia\nya era capaz de aguantar la respiración durante 3 minutos y medio.\nUn tiempo después descubriría que ese era el récord personal de Houdini.\nEn 1987 escuché una historia\nsobre un niño que calló dentro del hielo\ny estuvo atrapado bajo el agua de un río.\nEstuvo sumergido, sin respirar durante 45 minutos.\nCuando llegó el equipo de rescate\nlo resucitaron y no había sufrido daños cerebrales.\nSu temperatura corporal había bajado a 25ºC.\nComo mago creo que todo es posible.\nY creo que si una persona puede hacer algo\notros pueden hacer lo mismo.\n\nLatvian: \nes biju kā apsēsts ar Hudīni\nun viņa zemūdens trikiem.\nTā es sāku ļoti agri,\nsacenzdamies ar citiem bērniem, pārbaudot,\ncik ilgi varēšu izturēt zem ūdens,\nCiti nira augšup un lejup pēc elpas\nkādas piecas reizes,\nkamēr es aizturēju vienu elpu.\nPusaudža gados\nes varēju izturēt trīs minūtes\nun 30 sekundes.\nVēlāk uzzināju, ka tas bija\nHudīni personīgais rekords.\n1987. gadā es dzirdēju kādu stāstu\npar zēnu, kas ielūza ledū\nun bija iesprostots upē zem ledus.\nViņš bija zem ūdens,\nneelpodams 45 minūtes.\nKad ieradās glābēji un atdzīvināja viņu,\nsmadzenes, izrādījās, nebija bojātas.\nViņa ķermeņa temperatūra\nbija nokritusies līdz 25 grādiem.\nKā burvju mākslinieks\nes domāju, ka iespējams ir viss.\nUn, manuprāt, ja kāds kaut ko spēj,\ntad citi to var atkārtot.\nEs sāku domāt –\n\nPortuguese: \nEnquanto mágico jovem,\neu estava obcecado com Houdini \ne com os seus desafios debaixo de água.\nAssim, comecei, muito cedo, \na competir com outros miúdos,\npara ver por quanto tempo \nconseguia ficar debaixo de água.\nEles subiam e desciam \ncinco vezes, para respirar,\nenquanto eu ficava \nlá em baixo num só fôlego.\nQuando já era adolescente,\nconseguia aguentar a minha respiração \ndurante 3,5 minutos.\nMais tarde vim a descobrir que esse \nera o recorde pessoal de Houdini.\nEm 1987, vim a saber de uma história\nsobre um rapaz que caiu num buraco do gelo\ne ficou preso debaixo de um rio.\nEsteve debaixo de água, sem respirar, \ndurante 45 minutos.\nQuando os socorristas chegaram,\nressuscitaram-no e não havia \nnenhuns danos cerebrais.\nA sua temperatura vital \ntinha descido para 25º C.\nEnquanto mágico, \npenso que tudo é possivel.\nE penso que, se uma pessoa \nconsegue uma coisa,\nisso também pode ser feito \npor outras pessoas.\n\nEnglish: \nAs a young magician,\nI was obsessed with Houdini\nand his underwater challenges.\nSo, I began, early on,\ncompeting against the other kids,\nseeing how long I could stay underwater\nwhile they went up and down to breathe,\nyou know, five times,\nwhile I stayed under on one breath.\nBy the time I was a teenager,\nI was able to hold my breath\nfor three minutes and 30 seconds.\nI would later find out\nthat was Houdini's personal record.\nIn 1987 I heard of a story\nabout a boy that fell through ice\nand was trapped under a river.\nHe was underneath,\nnot breathing for 45 minutes.\nWhen the rescue workers came,\nthey resuscitated him\nand there was no brain damage.\nHis core temperature\nhad dropped to 77 degrees.\nAs a magician,\nI think everything is possible.\nAnd I think if something\nis done by one person,\nit can be done by others.\n\nEnglish: \nI started to think,\nif the boy could survive\nwithout breathing for that long,\nthere must be a way that I could do it.\nSo, I met with a top neurosurgeon.\nAnd I asked him, how long\nis it possible to go without breathing,\nlike how long could I go without air?\nAnd he said to me that anything\nover six minutes\nyou have a serious risk\nof hypoxic brain damage.\nSo, I took that as a challenge, basically.\n(Laughter)\nMy first try, I figured\nthat I could do something similar,\nand I created a water tank,\nand I filled it with ice\nand freezing cold water.\nAnd I stayed inside of that water tank\nhoping my core temperature\nwould start to drop.\nAnd I was shivering.\nIn my first attempt to hold my breath,\nI couldn't even last a minute.\nSo, I realized that was completely\nnot going to work.\nI went to talk to a doctor friend --\n\nDutch: \nIk dacht: als de jongen\nzo lang kon overleven\nzonder te ademen, moet dit\nook voor mij mogelijk zijn.\nDus ik ontmoette een top-neurochirurg.\nIk vroeg hem hoe lang het mogelijk is\nom zonder lucht te leven.\nHij vertelde me dat\nalles boven de 6 minuten\neen groot risico betekende\nop hypoxisch hersenletsel.\nDat zag ik min of meer als een uitdaging.\n(Gelach)\nVoor mijn eerste poging\nwilde ik iets vergelijkbaars\nen maakte een watertank,\ndie ik vulde met ijs en vrieskoud water.\nIk ging in die watertank, in de hoop\ndat mijn kerntemperatuur zou gaan dalen.\nIk rilde, en tijdens mijn eerste poging\nkon ik mijn adem nog geen minuut inhouden.\nIk realiseerde me dat dit\nnooit zou gaan werken.\nDus ging ik naar een bevriende arts,\n\nModern Greek (1453-): \nΆρχισα να σκέφτομαι,\nαν το αγόρι μπορούσε να επιβιώσει\nχωρίς να αναπνέει, για τόση ώρα,\nθα πρέπει να υπάρχει τρόπος\nνα το κάνω κι εγώ.\nΟπότε, συναντήθηκα \nμε έναν κορυφαίο νευροχειρούργο.\nΚαι τον ρώτησα, πόση ώρα είναι εφικτό\nνα παραμείνει κάποιος χωρίς να αναπνέει,\nπόση ώρα θα μπορούσα να μείνω χωρίς αέρα;\nΚαι μου είπε πως μετά τα έξι λεπτά\nέχεις σοβαρό κίνδυνο\nυποξικής εγκεφαλικής βλάβης.\nΒασικά αυτό το πήρα σαν πρόκληση.\n(Γέλια)\nΣτην πρώτη μου προσπάθεια, σκέφτηκα\nότι θα μπορούσα να κάνω κάτι παρόμοιο,\nκαι έφτιαξα μια δεξαμενή με νερό,\nκαι την γέμισα με πάγο\nκαι κρύο, παγωμένο νερό.\nΚαι έμεινα μέσα σε αυτή τη δεξαμενή\nελπίζοντας η θερμοκρασία \nτου σώματός μου να αρχίσει να πέφτει.\nΚαι είχα ρίγος.\nΣτην πρώτη μου απόπειρα να κρατήσω\nτην αναπνοή μου δεν άντεξα ούτε ένα λεπτό.\nΆρα κατάλαβα ότι αυτό \nδεν υπήρχε περίπτωση να λειτουργήσει.\nΟπότε, πήγα να μιλήσω \nσε έναν φίλο γιατρό --\n\nCzech: \nZačal jsem přemýšlet - když mohl přežít bez dýchání\ntak dlouho ten kluk,\nmusí existovat způsob, jak to dokážu i já.\nTak jsem se sešel se špičkovým neurochirurgem.\nA zeptal jsem se ho, jak dlouho je možné\nnedýchat, jak dlouho bych vydržel bez vzduchu?\nA on mi řekl, že cokoliv nad šest minut\nznamená vážné riziko\npoškození mozku v důsledku hypoxie.\nTakže tohle jsem si v podstatě vzal jako výzvu.\n(smích)\nPři prvním pokusu jsem si řekl, že zkusím něco podobného,\ntak jsem si vyrobil velké akvárko\na naplnil ho ledem a ledovou vodou.\nStoupl jsem si dovnitř\na doufal že mi začne klesat tělesná teplota.\nA třásl jsem se. Při prvním pokusu zadržet dech\njsem nevydržel ani minutu.\nTakže jsem si řekl, že takhle to asi nepůjde.\nTak jsem zašel promluvit s kamarádem doktorem\n\nMacedonian: \nЗапочнав да размислувам, доколку момчето преживеало\nбез дишење, толку долго,\nмора да постои начин и јас да го сторам истото.\nСе сретнав со еден врвен неврохирург.\nИ го запрашав, колку долго може\nда се издржи без дишење, или колку долго можам да издржам без воздух?\nМи рече дека сè што е над шест минути\nноси сериозен ризик\nза хипоксичко оштетување на мозокот.\nИ тоа си го сфатив како предизвик.\n(Смеење)\nВо мојот прв обид, сфатив дека би можел да направам нешто слично,\nи направив еден резервоар за вода,\nго наполнив со мраз и ладна вода.\nИ ќе застанев во резервоарот\nнадевајќи се дека мојата телесна температура ќе почне да паѓа.\nИ се тресев целиот. Во мојот прв обид да го задржам здивот\nне можев да издржам ниту една минута.\nСфатив дека тоа воопшто нема да функционира.\nОтидов кај еден пријател кој е доктор,\n\nRussian: \nЯ подумал,\nчто если мальчик прожил\nбез дыхания так долго,\nто я должен найти способ,\nкак это повторить.\nЯ встретился\nс нейрохирургом высшего класса.\nИ спросил его,\nкак долго возможно обойтись\nбез дыхания, конкретно,\nкак долго я могу жить без воздуха?\nОн сказал, что любой период\nсвыше 6 минут\nвлечет серьёзный риск\nпоражения мозга гипоксией.\nНу что ж, я принял цифру\nв качестве первого ориентира.\n(Смех)\nМоей первой же мыслью\nбыло сделать нечто аналогичное,\nи я создал резервуар,\nнаполнил его льдом и студеной водой.\nЯ залез и остался\nвнутри этого резервуара,\nнадеясь, что температура\nмоего тела начнет падать.\nЯ начал дрожать. При моей\nпервой попытке удержать дыхание\nя не продержался и минуты.\nЯ понял, что это никогда не получится,\nи пошел к своему другу, врачу,\n\nPersian: \nمن شروع کردم به فکر کردن که اگر آن پسر توانست\nدر آن مدت بدون نفس کشیدن زنده بماند،\nباید راهی وجود داشته باشد که من هم بتوانم این کار را انجام دهم.\nبنابراین، من با یک عصب شناس خبره ملاقات کردم\nو از او پرسیدم تا چه مدت ممکن است\nبدون نفس کشیدن زنده ماند,مثل اینکه تا چه مدت می توان بدون هوا زنده ماند\nو او به من گفت بعد از 6 دقیقه\nتو با یک خطر جدی\nآسیب مغزی مواجه خواهی بود.\nخب، من آن را مثل یک چالش در نظر گرفتم\nخنده حضار\nاولین تلاشم این بود که می توانم کار مشابهی انجام دهم،\nمن یک مخزن آب ساختم،\nو آن را با یخ و آب سرد پر کردم.\nمن درون آن مخزن آب سرد ماندم\nامیدوار بودم که دمای بدنم شروع به پایین آمدن بکند.\nمن داشتم می لرزیدم . در اولین تلاش برای نگه داشتن نفسم\nحتی نتوانستم یک دقیقه ادامه دهم.\nبنابراین، فهمیدم این کار نتیجه ای نخواهد داشت.\nخب, من رفتم تا با یکی از دوستانم که دکتر بود صحبت کنم،\n\nArabic: \nبدأت بالتفكير ، اذا كان الصبي تمكن من البقاء على قيد الحياة\nدون التنفس، لتلك الفترة من\nفيجب أن تكون هناك وسيلة تمكني من القيام بذلك\nلذلك ، اجتمعت مع أحد كبار جراحي الاعصاب\nوسألته ، كم هو ممكن\nأو كم استطيع الإستمرار من دون هواء\nوقال لي بأن أي شيء أكثر من ستة دقائق\nستصبح بحالة خطر جدي\nيؤدي لتلف الدماغ بسبب نقص الأوكسجين\nلذلك إعتبرت ذلك تحدٍ شخصي .. وبصورة أساسية ..\n(ضحك)\nكانت أول محاولة لي ، وأنا معتقد أنني أستطيع أن أفعل شيئا مماثلا\nفصنعت خزان مياه\nوملأته بالجليد وماء البارد\nوبقيت داخل ذلك الخزان\nمتأملاً أن حرارة جسمي ستبدأ بالإنخفاض\nوكنت أرجف. في أول محاولة لحبس أنفاسي\nولم أستطع الصمود حتى لدقيقة واحدة\nلذلك ، كنت أدرك تماما أن هذا لن يجدي نفعا\nفذهبت للتحدث إلى طبيب صديق\n\nVietnamese: \nTôi bắt đầu suy nghĩ, nếu cậu bé có thể sống sót\nmà không cần thở, lâu như vậy,\ntôi cũng có thể làm được bằng cách nào đó.\nVì thế, tôi gặp một chuyên gia giải phẫu thần kinh.\nVà tôi hỏi ông, có thể chịu được bao lâu\nmà không cần thở, kiểu như tôi có thể chịu được bao lâu mà không có không khí?\nVà ông nói với tôi rằng sao cũng được nhưng không quá sáu phút\nanh thực sự gặp nguy hiểm\nbởi chấn thương hypoxic não.\nVậy nên, tôi coi đó là một thử thách, bình thường.\n(Cười)\nLần thử đầu tiên, tôi nghĩ rằng tôi có thể làm điều tương tự,\nvà tôi tạo ra một bể nước,\nvà đổ đầy đá và nước lạnh như băng.\nVà tôi ngâm mình trong bể nước đó\nhi vọng thân nhiệt bắt đầu hạ xuống.\nVà tôi đã run, Ở lần cố gắng nín thở đầu tiên\nTôi thậm chí không chịu được một phút.\nVậy nên, tôi nhận ra nó hoàn toàn không khả thi.\nDo đó, tôi đến nói chuyện với một người bạn là bác sỹ,\n\nJapanese: \nその少年が呼吸をせずに\nそんなに長い間生き延びたのなら\n私にも同じ体験をする方法があるはずだと考え始めました\nそこで私はトップの神経外科医に会って\nどれくらい息を止めていられるかー\nどれくらい空気なしで耐えられるか尋ねてみました\nドクターは6分以上ならどんな状況であれ\n脳が低酸素症になる―\n深刻な危険性があると言いました\nそれを聞いてこれは挑戦だと思ったのです\n(笑い)\n最初の試みとして 何か似たことができないかと考えました\n水槽を作って\n氷と凍てつくほど冷たい水をいっぱいに入れて\n深部体温が下がるだろうと思いながら\nその中へ入りました\n私は震えていました この最初の試みは\n1分も持ちませんでした\nこの方法では絶対にうまくいかないと分かったのです\nそこで医者である友達のところへ行って\n\nSwedish: \nJag började fundera, om denna pojken kunde överleva\nutan att andas, så länge,\nmåste det finnas ett sätt för mig att göra det också.\nSå jag bestämde möte med en neurokirurg.\nOch jag frågade honom, hur länge det är möjligt\natt leva utan att andas, hur länge kunde jag leva utan luft?\nOch han sade till mig att för allt över sex minuter\när det en stor risk\natt få hypoxiska hjärnskador.\nSå, jag tog det som en utmaning, helt enkelt.\n(Skratt)\nMitt första försök, jag tänkte att jag kunde göra något liknande,\njag byggde en vattentank,\noch fyllde den med is och iskallt vatten.\nOch jag stannade inne i den vattentanken\noch hoppades att min kroppstemperatur skulle sjunka.\nOch jag skallrade tänder. På mitt första försök att hålla andan\nkunde jag inte ens klara en minut.\nSå jag insåg att det verkligen inte skulle fungera.\nJag talade med en vän till mig som är läkare,\n\nCroatian: \nPočeo sam razmišljati, ako je dječak mogao preživjeti\nbez disanja tako dugo\nmora postojati način da ja to mogu.\nSastao sam se s vrhunskim neurokirurgom\ni pitao ga, koliko je moguće\nizdržati bez disanja, koliko dugo mogu biti bez zraka?\nRekao mi je da sve preko šest minuta\nima ozbiljan rizik\nza hipoksičko oštećenje mozga.\nShvatio sam to kao izazov, doslovno.\n(Smijeh)\nMoj prvi pokušaj, shvatio sam da mogu učiniti nešto slično,\nnapravio sam spremnik za vodu\ni napunio ga s ledom i hladnom vodom.\nI stajao sam unutar tog spremnika za vodu\nnadajući se da će moja tjelesna temperatura početi padati.\nI drhtao sam. U mom prvom pokušaju držanja daha\nnisam mogao izdržati ni minutu.\nShvatio sam da to neće ići.\nOtišao sam do prijatelja doktora,\n\nChinese: \n我开始思索,如果这个男孩\n可以如此长时间不呼吸而活下来,\n那么必定有某种途径让我也可以做到。\n于是我找了最好的神经科医师,\n问他人若是不呼吸最长支撑多久,\n也就是哪怕连空气都没有我能撑多久?\n他告诉我,任何超过6分钟不呼吸的行为,\n都会因缺氧而造成\n严重脑损伤的危险。\n那么毫无疑问,我便把它列入了我的挑战。\n(笑声)\n第一次试验,我打算模拟那个男孩遭遇的情况,\n弄一个水缸,\n注满彻骨的冰水,\n然后就跳进那个水缸里,\n希望我的体温可以下降。\n当不住地时我颤抖。第一次尝试\n我甚至连一分钟都坚持不了。\n于是我意识到简单的模拟行不通,\n我便找了一位医生朋友,\n\nFrench: \nJ'ai commencé à penser que, si le garçon avait pu survivre\nsans respirer, tout ce temps-là,\nalors il devait y avoir un moyen pour que moi aussi je puisse le faire.\nAlors, j'ai rencontré un super neurochirurgien.\nEt je lui ai demandé combien de temps on pouvait\ntenir sans respirer, combien de temps de temps je tiendrais sans air.\nEt il m'a dit qu'au-delà de six minutes\nil y a un sérieux risque\nde dommages cérébraux par hypoxie.\nAlors, j'ai pris ça comme un défi, en fait.\n(Rires)\nPour mon premier essai, je me suis dit que je pourrais faire quelque chose de semblable\net j'ai créé un réservoir d'eau,\net je l'ai rempli de glace et d'eau glaciale.\nEt je suis resté à l'intérieur de ce réservoir d'eau\nen espérant que ma température commencerait à descendre.\nEt je me suis mis à frissonner. Pour mon premier essai pour retenir mon souffle,\nje n'ai même pas tenu une minute.\nLà, j'ai réalisé que ça ne marcherait absolument pas.\nAlors, je suis allé voir un ami docteur,\n\nHungarian: \nGondolkozni kezdtem azon, hogy ha az a fiú\ntúlélte levegő nélkül, olyan hosszú ideig,\nakkor kell lennie egy módnak, amellyel én is meg tudom tenni.\nÍgy találkoztam egy nagyon jó idegsebésszel.\nÉs megkérdeztem tőle, milyen hosszan lehetséges\nkibírni lélegzés nélkül, mennyi ideig lehetnék levegő nélkül?\nÉs ő azt mondta, hogy hat perc felett már\nnagyon súlyos kockázata van\na hypoxiás agykárosodásnak.\nEzt én gyakorlatilag kihívásként fogtam fel.\n(Nevetés)\nElső próbálkozásként arra gondoltam, kipróbálhatnék valami hasonlót,\nígy építettem egy víztartályt,\nmajd feltöltöttem jéggel és hideg vízzel.\nBelementem a tartályba,\nés reménykedtem, hogy a testhőmérsékletem esni kezd.\nVacogtam. Mikor először megpróbáltam visszatartani a levegőt,\nmég egy percet sem bírtam ki.\nRájöttem, hogy ez egyáltalán nem fog működni.\nÍgy hát elmentem egy orvos barátomhoz,\n\nFinnish: \nArvelin, että koska poika selvisi\nhengittämättä niin kauan,\nminäkin voin tehdä sen jollain keinolla.\nTapasin huippuneurokirurgin.\nKysyin miten kauan on mahdollista\nolla hengittämättä, miten kauan selviän ilman ilmaa?\nHän sanoi, että kaikki yli kuuden minuutin\non suuri riski saada\nhapenpuutteesta johtuva aivovaurio.\nJoten otin sen haasteena.\n(Naurua)\nEnsimmäisellä yritykselläni arvelin, että voisin tehdä jotain samankaltaista,\nja loin vesialtaan,\ntäytin sen jäällä ja jääkylmällä vedellä.\nPysyttelin altaassa\ntoivoen lämpötilani laskevan.\nVärisin. Yrittäessäni pitää hengitystäni,\nen onnistunut edes minuuttia.\nTajusin, ettei se tulisi mitenkään toimimaan.\nMenin juttelemaan lääkärikaverilleni,\n\nSpanish: \nEmpecé a pensar que si ese niño pudo sobrevivir\nsin respirar tanto tiempo,\ntenía que haber una forma de que yo también pudiera.\nAsí que me reuní con un renombrado neurocirujano\ny le pregunté: ¿Cuánto tiempo puede uno\nestar sin respirar, cuanto tiempo podría estar sin aire?\nY me dijo que cualquier tiempo superior a 6 minutos\nconlleva un serio riesgo\nde daño cerebral por hipoxia.\nAsí que me lo tomé como un desafío, básicamente.\n(Risas)\nEn mi primer intento, pensé que podía hacer algo parecido\ny construí un tanque de agua\ny lo rellené de agua helada y hielo.\nY me metí en el tanque de agua\nesperando a que mi temperatura corporal empezara a bajar.\nY estaba temblando. En mi primer intento de aguantar la respiración\nno duré ni un minuto.\nAsí que descubrí que esto no iba a funcionar.\nEntonces, fui a ver a un amigo médico,\n\nSerbian: \nPočeo sam da razmišljam:\nako je dečak mogao da preživi\nbez disanja toliko dugo,\nmora da i ja to mogu nekako to da uradim.\nOtišao sam kod vrhunskog neurohirurga,\ni pitao ga koliko dugo je moguće\nne disati,\nkoliko dugo mogu da budem bez vazduha?\nRekao mi je da sve preko šest minuta\npredstavlja ozbiljan rizik\nza dobijanje hipoksičnog oštećenja mozga.\nTo sam shvatio kao izazov.\n(Smeh)\nMoj prvi pokušaj je bio\nda uradim nešto slično.\nKonstruisao sam rezervoar s vodom\ni napunio ga ledom i ledenom vodom.\nUšao sam u taj rezervoar\nnadajući se da će temperatura\npočeti da mi pada.\nI tresao sam se.\nU prvom pokušaju da zadržim dah\nnisam izdržao čak ni minut.\nI shvatio sam da to neće funkcionisati.\nOtišao sam kod prijatelja koji je lekar\n\nKorean: \n그 소년이 그렇게 오랫동안 호흡 없이 살아남았다면\n저 역시 할 수 있는 방법이 있을 것이라고\n생각하기 시작했습니다.\n그래서 저는 저명한 신경외과 의사를 만났습니다.\n그리고 호흡 없이 견디는 것이 얼마나 오랫동안 가능한지\n물어보았습니다.\n의사는 6분이 넘으면\n저산소로 인한 뇌손상 같은\n심각한 문제가 생길거라고 말했습니다.\n그래서 저는 그것을 도전으로 받아들였습니다. 원칙적으로요.\n(웃음)\n저의 첫번째 시도에서, 저는 뭔가 비슷한 것을 할 수 있을것이라 생각해서\n물탱크를 만들고\n거기에 얼음과 아주 차가운 물을 채웠습니다.\n그리고 저의 심부온도(core temperature)가 떨어지기\n시작할 것이라 바라며 그 물탱크 안으로 들어갔습니다.\n그리고 저는 몸을 덜덜 떨었습니다. 숨을 참는 첫번째 시도에서\n1분조차 견디지 못했습니다.\n저는 일이 완전히 잘못되고 있음을 알았습니다.\n그래서 의사 친구에게 자문을 구하러 갔습니다.\n\nLatvian: \nja zēns spēja izdzīvot\nbez elpošanas tik ilgi,\nir jābūt veidam, kā to varētu es.\nEs satikos ar izcilu neiroķirurgu\nun jautāju viņam, cik ilgi\niespējams iztikt bez elpošanas,\ncik ilgi es varu iztikt bez gaisa.\nViņš teica, ka pēc sešām minūtēm\nir liels risks iegūt hipoksiskus\nsmadzeņu bojājumus.\nEs nospriedu, ka tas ir izaicinājums.\n(Smiekli)\nPirmajā mēģinājumā es domāju,\nka darīšu kaut ko līdzīgu.\nEs izveidoju ūdens tvertni\nun piepildīju to ar ledu\nun stindzinoši aukstu ūdeni.\nEs iekāpu ūdens tvertnē\nun cerēju, ka mana ķermeņa\ntemperatūra nokritīsies.\nUn es drebēju.\nPirmajā mēģinājumā aizturēt elpu\nes nevarēju izturēt pat minūti.\nEs sapratu, ka tas noteikti nestrādās.\nEs aizgāju pie kāda ārsta, sava drauga,\nun jautāju viņam: \"Kā lai to izdara?\n\nPortuguese: \nComecei a pensar, se o menino pôde sobreviver\nsem respirar, por tanto tempo,\ndeve existir uma maneira de eu conseguir também.\nEntão, me encontrei com o melhor neurocirurgião.\nE perguntei a ele, por quanto tempo é possível\nficar sem respirar, tipo quanto tempo eu consigo ficar sem ar?\nE ele me disse que qualquer tempo acima de 6 minutos\neu teria sérios riscos\nde uma lesão cerebral por hipóxia.\nEntão, eu tomei aquilo como um desafio, basicamente.\n(Risos)\nMinha primeira tentativa, imaginei que poderia fazer algo parecido,\ne eu criei um tanque de água,\ne o preenchi com gelo e água congelante.\nE fiquei dentro daquele tanque de água\nna esperança que minha temperatura corporal começasse a cair.\nEu estava tremendo. Na primeira tentativa de prender o fôlego\nNão consegui ficar nem por um minuto.\nEntão, percebi que aquilo realmente não iria funcionar.\nEntão, fui visitar um amigo médico,\n\nTurkish: \nDüşünmeye başladım, eğer çocuk\nbu kadar uzun süre nefes almamasına rağmen\nkurtulduysa bunu benim de yapmamın bir yolu olmalıydı.\nYetenekli bir beyin cerrahı ile biraraya geldim,\nVe ona ne kadar uzun süre havasız\nnefes almadan kalabileceğimi sordum.\nO da bana 6 dakikadan sonra\nhipoksik (oksijensizliğe bağlı) beyin hasarı için\nciddi risk başladığını söyledi.\nBen de bunu bir meydan okuma olarak aldım tabii.\n(Kahkaha)\nİlk denememde benzer birşeyler yapabilirim diye düşünerek\nbir su tankı icat edip,\niçine de buz ve buz gibi su ile doldurdum.\nVe bu su tankında vücut ısımın\ndüşmesini umut ederek bekledim.\nTitriyordum. Nefesimi ilk tutma denemem\n1 dakika bile sürmedi.\nBunun işe yaramayacağını anladım.\nDoktor bir arkadaşımla görüşmeye gittim.\n\nKurdish: \nده‌ستم کرد به‌بیرکردنه‌وه‌، ئه‌گه‌ر کوڕێک بتوانێت بژی\nبه‌بێ هه‌ناسه‌دان بۆ ئه‌وماوه‌ زۆره‌\nده‌بێت رێگه‌یه‌کیش هه‌بێت که‌من بتوانم بیکه‌م\nله‌به‌ر ئه‌وه‌، له‌گه‌ڵ باشترین شارەزای بواری مێشک کۆبومه‌وه‌\nوه‌پرسیارم لێکرد که‌ تا چه‌ند ئاساییه‌\nبمێنمه‌وه‌ به‌بێ هه‌ناسه‌دان، تا چەند ده‌توانم بژیم به‌بێ هه‌وا؟\nئه‌و وتی ئه‌گه‌ر زیاتر له‌شه‌ش خوله‌ک بێت\nتۆله‌مه‌ ترسییه‌کی گه‌وره‌دایت\nبه‌ هۆی ئازار و له‌ده‌ست دانی مێشکت\nله‌ڕاستیدا ئه‌وه‌م به‌هه‌ند وه‌رگرت\nپێکه‌نین\nله‌یه‌که‌م هه‌وڵمدا بۆم ڕوون بووه‌وه‌ که‌ ده‌توانم شتێکی هاوشێوه‌ بکه‌م\nته‌نکیه‌کی ئاوم دروست کرد\nو پڕم کرد له‌ئاوی ساردوو سه‌هۆڵ\nوه‌ له‌ناو ته‌نکیه‌ ئاوه‌ که‌دا مامه‌وه‌\nهیوام وابوو پله‌ی گشتی له‌شم نزم بێته‌وه‌\nمن ده‌له‌رزیم، له‌یه‌که‌م هه‌وڵمدا بۆڕاگرتنی هه‌ناسه‌م\nته‌نانه‌ت نه‌متوانی یه‌ک خوله‌ک بوه‌ستم\nله‌کۆتایدا، بۆم ده‌رکه‌وت ئه‌م کاره‌ سه‌ر ناگرێت\nله‌به‌ر ئه‌وه‌، چوم بۆلای پزیشکێکی هاوڕێم\n\nDanish: \nJeg begyndte at tænke, at hvis drengen kunne overleve\nuden at trække vejret i så lang tid,\nmåtte der være en måde hvorpå jeg kunne gøre det.\nSå, jeg mødtes med en dygtig neurokirurg.\nOg jeg spurgte ham, hvor lang tid er det muligt\nat overleve uden at trække vejret, ligesom hvor lang tid kunne jeg overleve uden ilt?\nOg han sagde til mig, at alt over seks minutter\ner der en alvorlig risiko\nfor hypoksisk hjerneskade.\nSå, det tog jeg som en udfordring, dybest set.\n(Latter)\nMit første forsøg, tænkte jeg at jeg kunne gøre noget lignende,\nog jeg byggede en vandtank,\nog jeg fyldte den med is og isnende koldt vand.\nOg jeg blev inde i vandtanken\nog håbede at min kernetemperatur ville begynde at falde.\nOg jeg rystede. I mit første forsøg for at holde vejret\njeg kunne ikke engang holde et minut.\nSå, jeg blev klar over at det slet ikke kom til at virke.\nSå, jeg ville arbejde med en ven der er læge,\n\nItalian: \nIniziai a pensare che se il ragazzo riuscì a sopravvivere\nsenza respirare per così tanto tempo,\nci doveva essere un modo perché ci riuscissi anch'io.\nAllora ho incontrato un famoso neurochirurgo.\nGli chiesi per quanto tempo fosse possibile\nrimanere senza respirare, quanto a lungo potessi stare senza aria.\nMi rispose che superando i sei minuti\nsi corrono seri rischi\ndi danni cerebrali da ipossia.\nLa presi in pratica come una sfida.\n(Risata)\nAl mio primo tentativo pensai di tentare qualcosa di simile,\nho creato una cisterna d'acqua\ne l'ho riempita di ghiaccio e acqua freddissima.\nE sono rimasto in quella cisterna d'acqua\nnella speranza che la mia temperatura interna iniziasse a scendere.\nE tremavo. Al mio primo tentativo di trattenere il respiro\nnon ho resistito neanche un minuto.\nE mi sono reso conto che le cose non avrebbero funzionato.\nQuindi sono andato a parlare con un amico dottore\n\nSlovak: \nZačal som si myslieť, že ak ten chlapec mohol prežiť\nbez dýchania tak dlho,\nmusí byť spôsob, ako by som to dokázal aj ja.\nTakže som sa stretol so špičkovým neurochirurgom.\nSpýtal som sa ho, ako dlho je možné\nfungovať bez dýchania, ako dlho by som mohol byť bez vzduchu.\nA on mi povedal, že čokoľvek nad 6 minút\nje vážny risk\npoškodenia mozgu kvôli hypoxii.\nTakže v podstate som to zobral ako výzvu.\n(smiech)\nPri mojom prvom pokuse som prišiel na to, že by som mohol urobiť niečo podobné\na vytvoril som vodnú nádrž\na naplnil som ju ľadom a ľadovo studenou vodou.\nA zostal som vnútri tej nádrže\ndúfajúc, že moja telesná teplota začne klesať.\nA triasol som sa. Pri mojom prvom pokuse zadržať dych\nsom nemohol vydržať ani minútu.\nTakže som si uvedomil, že toto vôbec nebude fungovať.\nTakže som sa šiel porozprávať s priateľom doktorom\n\nPolish: \nZacząłem rozmyślać, jeśli chłopiec mógł przeżyć\nbez oddychania przez tak długo\nto musi być sposób, żeby udało się to także mnie.\nSpotkałem się więc z czołowym neurochirurgiem.\nSpytałem go, jak długo można\nnie oddychać. Jak długo mógłbym wytrzymać bez powietrza?\nOn powiedział mi, że wszystko powyżej sześciu minut,\noznacza poważne zagrożenie\nhipoksyjnego uszkodzenia mózgu.\nPotraktowałem to jako wyzwanie.\n(Śmiech)\nMoją pierwszą próbą, było zrobienie czegoś podobnego\nstworzyłem duży zbiornik wody,\ni wypełniłem go lodem i lodowatą wodą.\nSiedziałem w środku zbiornika\nlicząc na to, że moja temperatura ciała zacznie spadać.\nDostałem dreszczy. W moim pierwszym podejściu do wstrzymania oddechu\nnie byłem w stanie wytrzymać nawet minuty.\nZdałem sobie sprawę, że to nie ma szans by zadziałać.\nPoszedłem więc do przyjaciela lekarza\n\niw: \nהתחלתי לחשוב, אם הילד יכול לשרוד\nללא נשימה, במשך כל כך הרבה זמן,\nחייבת להיות דרך שאני יכול לעשות את זה.\nאז נפגשתי עם נוירוכירורג בכיר.\nואני שאלתי אותו, כמה זמן אפשר\nלא לנשום, כאילו כמה זמן אני יכול להמשיך בלי אוויר?\nוהוא אמר לי שמעל שש דקות\nקיים סיכון רציני\nשל פגיעה מוחית היפוקסית\nאז לקחתי את זה כאתגר\n(צחוק)\nחשבתי שאני יכול לעשות משהו דומה, בניסיון הראשון שלי\nיצרתי מיכל מים\nומילאתי את זה עם קרח ומים קרים מאוד\nונשארתי בתוך המיכל\nבתקווה שטמפרטורת הליבה שלי יתחיל לרדת\nרעדתי. בניסיון הראשון שלי לעצור את נשימתי\nלא יכולתי להחזיק מעמד אפילו דקה\nאז הבנתי שזה לגמרי לא הולך לעבוד.\nאז הלכתי לדבר עם חבר שהוא רופא\n\nBulgarian: \nЗапочнах да си мисля, че ако това момче е оцеляло\nтолкова дълго без да диша,\nтрябва да има начин и аз да го направя.\nРеших да се срещна с известен неврохирург.\nПопитах го колко дълго може да се издържи\nбез въздух, т.е. колко дълго бих могъл да издържа без да дишам?\nТой ми каза, че всичко над 6 минути\nсъздава сериозен риск\nот хипоксична мозъчна травма (от липсата на кислород).\nЕ, аз приех това като предизвикателство.\n(Смях)\nПри първия ми опит реших да направя нещо подобно,\nзатова измайсторих воден резервоар\nи го напълних с лед и студена вода.\nПосле постоях вътре,\nс надеждата телесната ми температура да започне да спада.\nТреперих.При този първи опит да не дишам,\nне можах да издържа и минута.\nСтана ми ясно, че така няма да се получи.\nРеших да говоря с един приятел - лекар,\n\nRomanian: \nAm început să mă gândesc\ncă dacă băiatul a putut supraviețui\nfără să respire pentru atâta timp,\ntrebuie să existe o cale\nsă fac și eu asta.\nAșa că m-am întâlnit\ncu un neurochirurg renumit.\nȘi l-am întrebat cât de mult e posibil\nsă rezist fără să respir,\ncât de mult pot supraviețui fără aer?\nȘi mi-a zis că orice peste 6 minute\npresupune un risc serios\nde afectare hipoxică a creierului.\nAm luat răspunsul lui drept o provocare.\n(Râsete)\nLa prima mea încercare m-am gândit\ncă ar trebui să fac ceva asemănător,\nși am construit un bazin mare\npe care l-am umplut cu gheață\nși cu apă foarte rece.\nAm stat în acel bazin cu apă\nsperând că temperatura corpului\nva începe să scadă.\nȘi tremuram. Iar la prima încercare\nde a-mi ține respirația\nnu am rezistat nici măcar un minut.\nAșa că mi-am dat seama că lucrurile\nnu vor funcționa în felul acesta.\nM-am dus apoi să vorbesc\ncu un prieten care este doctor,\n\nPortuguese: \nComecei a pensar:\nse o rapaz conseguiu sobreviver \nsem respirar,\ndurante tanto tempo,\ntem de haver uma maneira \nde eu também conseguir.\nAssim, fui ter com um dos \nprincipais neurocirurgiões e perguntei-lhe:\n\"Por quanto tempo é possível \ndeixar de respirar,\n\"ou seja, por quanto tempo \npoderei estar sem ar?\"\nEle disse-me: \"Mais do que 6 minutos\nfá-lo correr grave risco\nde danos cerebrais por hipoxia\".\nConsiderei isso como um desafio.\n(Risos)\nNa minha primeira tentativa, \npensei que podia fazer algo semelhante.\nArranjei um tanque de água,\ne enchi-o com gelo e água gelada.\nFiquei dentro desse tanque de água\nà espera de que a minha \ntemperatura vital começasse a cair.\nComecei a tremer.\nNa minha primeira tentativa \npara suster a respiração,\nnão consegui aguentar nem um minuto.\nAssim, apercebi-me que \nesse método não ia resultar.\nPor isso, fui falar com um amigo médico\n\nThai: \nผมเริ่มคิดว่าถ้าเด็กคนนั้นสามารถมีชีวิตรอดได้\nโดยหยุดหายใจได้นานขนาดนั้น\nมันก็ต้องมีวิธีที่ผมจะทำได้เหมือนกัน\nดังนั้น ผมจึงไปพบกับสุดยอดศัลยแพทย์ด้านสมอง\nและถามหมอว่า คนเราจะหยุดหายใจได้นาน\nที่สุดสักเท่าไหร่ ประมาณว่าผมจะอยู่ได้นานแค่ไหนถ้าขาดอากาศ\nแล้วเค้าก็ตอบผมว่า ถ้าขาดอากาศหายใจมากกว่า 6 นาที\nคุณเสี่ยงมากๆกับการที่\nสมองคุณจะเสียหายเพราะขาดออกซิเจน (hypoxic brain damage)\nอืม ผมถือว่านั้นคือคำท้าทายนะ\n(หัวเราะ)\nเริ่มลองทีแรก ผมว่าสามารถทำอะไรที่คล้ายกันกับสถานการณ์ของเด็กคนนั้นได้\nผมเลยสร้างถังน้ำ\nแล้วก็เอาน้ำเย็นและน้ำแข็งใส่เข้าไป\nแล้วผมก็เข้าไปอยู่ในถังนั้น\nหวังว่าอุณภูมิร่างกายของผมจะเริ่มลดลง\nแล้วตัวผมก็สั่นงันงก ในครั้งแรกที่ผมลองกลั้นหายใจ\nผมกลั้นได้ไม่ถึงนาที\nผมเลยเข้าใจว่าวิธีนี้มันไม่ได้ผลแน่นอน\nจากนั้น ผมก็ได้ไปคุยกับเพื่อนที่เป็นหมอ\n\nChinese: \n我開始思考,如果那個男孩能夠\n這麼長時間不呼吸而存活下來,\n那我也能做到。\n所以我和一位頂尖的神經外科醫生見面,\n我問他,人類能夠閉氣多久?\n不需要空氣可以撐多久?\n他對我說,一旦超過六分鐘,\n就有相當高的風險,\n會因為缺氧而損傷大腦。\n所以,我把六分鐘視為一個基本挑戰。\n(笑聲)\n第一次嘗試,我想試試跟前述同樣的狀況,\n所以我弄來一個水箱,\n裡面放滿冰塊和冰水,\n然後我待在裡面,\n希望核心體溫會開始下降。\n我凍得發抖,第一次嘗試閉氣\n連一分鐘都撐不過,\n我發覺這是完全行不通的。\n我找了一位醫生朋友討論,\n\nGerman: \nIch dachte, wenn dieser Junge\nfür eine so lange Zeit ohne zu atmen überleben kann\ndann muss da ein Weg sein, wie ich das auch schaffen kann.\nAlso traf ich mich mit einem angesehenen Neurochirurgen\nund fragte ihn, wie lange ein Mensch\nohne Atmen überleben kann, also wie lange ich es ohne Luft aushalten könnte.\nUnd er antwortete, dass man bei mehr als sechs Minuten\nein sehr hohes Risiko\neines hypoxischen Hirnschadens hat.\nDies nahm ich im Prinzip als Herausforderung an.\n(Gelächter)\nIn meinem ersten Versuch dachte ich, ich könnte etwas ähnliches machen\nund habe einen Wassertank gebaut\nund diesen mit Eis und eiskaltem Wasser gefüllt.\nIch beharrte in dem Tank\nmit der Hoffnung meine Körperkerntemperatur würde anfangen zu fallen.\nUnd ich habe gezittert. In meinem ersten Versuch meinen Atem anzuhalten\nhabe ich es noch nicht einmal eine Minute lang ausgehalten.\nIch habe also eingesehen, dass es so auf keinen Fall funktionieren würde.\nDann unterhielt ich mich mit einem befreundeten Arzt\n\nBulgarian: \nи го попитах по какъв начин бих могъл да го направя?\n\"Искам да издържа дълго време без да дишам. Как може да стане това?\nТой каза: \"Дейвид, ти си магьосник,\nизмисли някакъв трик, ще ти бъде много по - лесно.\"\n(Смях)\nТой измисли нещо като\nобдишващо устройство,\nкоето да изтласква въглеродния двуокис,\nкоето всъщност си беше тръба, закупена от магазина,\nна която с тиксо беше прикрепен балон,\nкоято той мислеше да напъха в трахеята ми,\nза да успявам някак си чрез нея да циркулирам въздуха и да вдишвам\nс това нещо в мен.\nГледката никак не е приятна,\nно дава представа за този опит.\nРазбра се, че подобна идея няма как да проработи.\n(Смях)\n\nDanish: \nog jeg spurgte ham om hvordan jeg kunne gøre det?\n\"Jeg vil holde vejret i rigtig lang tid. Hvordan kan det gøres?\"\nOg han sagde, \"David, du er tryllekunstner,\nskab illusionen at du ikke trækker vejret, det er meget nemmere.\"\n(Latter)\nSå, han fandt på denne ide\nom at bygge en rebreather,\nmed en CO2 skrubbe,\nder dybest set var et stykke rør fra Home Depot,\nhvor der var tapet en ballon fast på,\nsom han mente vi kunne sætte inden i mig,\nog på en måde være i stand til at cirkulere luften og genbruge\nden med denne ting i mig.\nDette er lidt svært at se på.\nMen dette er det forsøg.\nSå, det ville tydeligvis ikke virke.\n(Latter)\n\nFrench: \net je lui ai demandé comment je pouvais y arriver.\n\"Je veux retenir mon souffle pendant vraiment très longtemps. Comment pourrait-on y arriver ?\"\nEt il m'a répondu : \"David, tu es un magicien,\ncrée l'illusion de ne pas respirer, ce sera bien plus facile.\"\n(Rires)\nAlors, il a eu l'idée\nde créer un \"re-respirateur\"\navec un éliminateur de CO2,\nen fait un tube acheté dans un magasin de bricolage\navec un ballon gonflable scotché dessus,\nqu'il pensait qu'on pourrait introduire à l'intérieur de mon corps,\net qui pourrait me permettre de faire circuler l'air et de le \"re-respirer\"\navec cette chose à l'intérieur de moi.\nC'est un peu dur à regarder.\nMais c'est bien là ce qu'on a essayé.\nBon, ça, c'est clair que ça n'allait pas marcher.\n(Rires)\n\nCroatian: \ni pitao ga kako mogu to napraviti?\n\"Želim jako dugo držati dah. Kako ću to ostvariti?\"\nA on mi je rekao: \"David ti si mađioničar,\nstvori iluziju u kojoj nećeš disati, bit će mnogo lakše.\"\n(Smijeh)\nTako je on došao na ideju\nstvaranja simulatora disanja,\nsa CO2 filterom,\nkoji je zapravo bio cijev iz Home Depot-a\nsa zaljepljenim balonom,\nza koji smo mislili da ga možemo staviti u mene,\nte nekako stvoriti cirkulaciju zraka i ponovno disati\ns tim u meni.\nOvo je malo teško za gledati.\nTo je taj pokušaj.\nTo očito nije išlo.\n(Smijeh)\n\nKurdish: \nوه‌لێم پرسی چۆن ئه‌و کاره‌ بکه‌م؟\nده‌مه‌وێت هه‌ناسه‌م بۆماوه‌یه‌کی زۆر ڕابگرم، چۆن ئه‌وکاره‌ ئه‌نجامده‌درێت؟\nئەو وتی (دایفد) تۆ جادوگه‌ریت\nشتێکی خه‌یاڵاوی دروست بکه‌ بۆهه‌ناسه‌ نه‌دان ئاسانتر ده‌بێت\nپێکه‌ نین\nئه‌م فکره‌یه‌ هات به‌ خه‌یاڵیدا\nبۆ په‌یداکردنی هه‌ناسه‌\nبه‌هۆی پاکردنه‌وه‌ی دوا ئۆکسیدی کاربۆن\nکه‌سۆنده‌یه‌ک بوو له‌کۆگای خانویه‌که‌وه‌ بوو\nله‌گه‌ڵ باڵۆنێک که‌ پێوه‌ی به‌سترابوو\nکه‌پێی وابو بیخاته‌ ناو هه‌ناوی منه‌وه‌\nوه‌ بەشێوه‌یه‌ک له‌شێوه‌کان بتوانم هه‌ناسه‌ دروست بکه‌مه‌وه‌ و هه‌ناسه‌ بده‌م\nبه‌هۆی ئه‌وشته‌ی له‌ناو مندایه‌\nئه‌مه‌ تۆزێک قورسه‌ بۆته‌ماشاکردن\nبه‌ڵام ئه‌مه‌ هه‌وڵدانێکه‌\nله‌به‌رئه‌وه‌ به‌دڵنیاییه‌وه‌ ئه‌وه‌ ئامانجی نابێت\nپێکه‌نین\n\nSerbian: \ni pitao ga kako bih mogao to da izvedem?\n\"Hoću da izdržim bez daha veoma dugo.\nKako bi to moglo da se izvede?\"\nRekao je: \"Dejvide, ti si mađioničar.\nNapravi iluziju zadržavanja daha,\nbiće ti mnogo lakše.\"\n(Smeh)\nSmislio je ideju\nda napravim aparat za disanje\nsa pretvaračem ugljen-dioksida,\nšto je u suštini obična cev iz prodavnice\nsa balonom zalepljenim selotejpom\nkoji smo hteli da ubacimo u mene,\ntako da nekako mogu da dišem\nsa ovom napravom u sebi.\nOvo je malo teško za gledanje.\nAli to je bio taj pokušaj.\nOvo, očigledno, nije funkcionisalo.\n(Smeh)\n\nArabic: \nوسألته كيف يمكن أن أفعل ذلك\n\"أريد أن أحبس أنفاسي لمدة طويلة حقا. كيف يمكن أن يتم ذلك\"\nفقال \"ديفيد، أنت ساحر\n\"أوهم الناس أنك لاتتنفس سيكون ذلك أسهل بكثير \"\n(ضحك)\nوهكذا، جاء بهذه الفكرة\nلصنع آلة إعادة التنفس\nمع جهاز فلترة غاز ثاني أكسيد الكربون\nالذي كان أساسا أنبوب من هوم ديبوت\nمع أنبوب بالوني ملصقاً به\nالذي اعتقدت أننا نستطيع أن وضعه داخل جسمي\nوبطريقة ما يمكن توزيع الهواء وإعادة التنفس\nمع هذا الشيء بداخلي\nمن الصعب مشاهدة هذا قليلاً ...\nلكن هذه هي المحاولة\nلذلك، كان من الوضح انها لن تنجح تلك المحاولة\n(ضحك)\n\nChinese: \n询问他我怎样才能屏气那么久,\n“我想在在水下长时间屏气。怎么样才可以做到呢?”我问他,\n他回答,“大卫,你是魔术师,\n设计一个不呼吸的假象岂不是更容易?”\n(笑声)\n他想出这么个点子,\n做一个内呼吸装置,\n内置一个CO2 涤气器,\n其实基本上就是一个家用的管子,\n再套一个气球仅此而已。\n他认为可以把这个东西放到我身体里,\n然后用某种方式可以循环空气达到再呼吸的目的。\n他是这么把东西放进来的,\n这过程看起来会不太舒服...\n但那是一次尝试。\n好了,很显然它是不会起作用的。\n(笑声)\n\nGerman: \nund fragte ihn, wie ich es wohl anstellen könnte.\n\"Ich möchte meinen Atem für eine lange Zeit anhalten. Wie mache ich das?\"\nUnd er sagte, \"David, du bist ein Zauberkünstler,\ndu musst nur so tun, als würdest du nicht atmen - das wird viel einfacher sein.\"\n(Gelächter)\nAlso hatte er diese Idee,\nein Kreislauftauchgerät\nmit einer CO2-Bürste zu bauen,\ndie im Prinzip ein Schlauch von Home Depot war,\nmit einem Ballon, der mit Isolierband daran geklebt war,\nund er dachte, wir könnten es in meinen Körper setzen\nund irgendwie die Luft zirkulieren, sodass ich mit diesem Ding in mir\nwörtlich wiederatmete.\nDas hier ist ein bisschen schwierig sich anzusehen.\nAber es ist ein Versuch.\nAlso das funktionierte ganz offensichtlich nicht.\n(Gelächter)\n\nItalian: \ne gli ho chiesto come avrei potuto farcela.\n\"Voglio trattenere il respiro molto a lungo. Come posso riuscirci?\"\nMI rispose: \"David, tu sei un mago,\nquindi crea solo l'illusione di trattenere il respiro, sarà molto più semplice\".\n(Risata)\nCosì mi propose l'idea\ndi creare un ri-respiratore,\ncon un assorbitore di CO2,\nche in pratica era un tubo come quelli del ferramenta,\ncon un palloncino attaccato all'estremità con del nastro isolante,\nche lui pensava si potesse inserire al mio interno,\ncon lo scopo di riciclare l'aria da farmi ri-respirare\ncon questo aggeggio dentro di me.\nE' un po' duro da guardare.\nMa ecco quel tentativo.\nE' chiaro che non avrebbe mai funzionato.\n(Risata)\n\nPortuguese: \ne perguntei-lhe: \n\"Como é que posso fazer isto?\"\n\"Quero suster a respiração durante \nmuito tempo. Como posso fazê-lo?\"\nEle disse: \"David, tu és mágico,\n\"cria a ilusão de não estares a respirar, \ne será muito mais fácil.\"\n(Risos)\nEntão, ele veio com a ideia\nde criar uma espécie de escafandro, \ncom um depurador de CO2,\nque era basicamente um tubo de Home Depot,\ncom um balão ligado,\nque ele achava que \npodíamos pôr dentro de mim,\ne permitir a circulação do ar para respirar\ncom aquilo dentro de mim.\nÉ difícil observar isto\nmas a tentativa foi assim.\nObviamente, aquilo não ia funcionar.\n(Risos)\n\nTurkish: \nOna nasıl yapabilirim diye sordum.\n\"Çok uzun süre nefesimi tutmak istiyorum. Bu nasıl yapılır?\"\nOda bana \"David sen bir sihirbazsın,\nnefes almama illüzyonu yarat, çok daha kolay olacaktır\" dedi.\n(Kahkaha)\nBana kapalı devre solunum aleti\nyaratma fikriyle geldi;\nHome Depot'dan alınmış\nCO2 gazını temizleyici basit bir tüp\nve ona yapıştırılmış bir balon,\nbunu içime yerleştirecektik\nve bir şekilde havayı sirküle edip temizleyecek, kapalı devrede\niçimde bu şeyle nefes alacaktım.\nBunu seyretmek biraz zor.\nAma girişimimiz buydu.\nKesinlikle olmayacak bir şeydi.\n(Kahkaha)\n\nSpanish: \ny le pregunté cómo podría hacerlo.\n\"Quiero aguantar la respiración durante mucho tiempo. ¿Cómo se puede lograr?\nY me dijo: \"David, eres mago,\ncrea la ilusión de no respirar, es mucho más fácil\".\n(Risas)\nEntonces, se le ocurrió la idea\nde crear un reciclador de aire,\ncon un depurador de CO2,\nque básicamente era un tubo de ferretería,\ncon un globo atado con cinta adhesiva,\nque pensó que me podían meter en el cuerpo,\ny hacer circular el aire y hacerme \"re-respirar\" de algún modo\ncon esto dentro de mi.\nEsto es algo desagradable de ver,\npero esto es ese intento.\nBueno, claramente, eso no iba a funcionar.\n(Risas)\n\nPersian: \nاز او پرسیدم که چطور می توانم این کار را انجام دهم؟\n\"من می خواهم نفسم را برای یک مدت واقعا طولانی حبس کنم .این کار چطور می تواند انجام شود؟\"\nاو گفت ,\"دیوید,تو یک شعبده بازی،\nیک حیله برای نفس نکشیدن بساز ,این کار خیلی آسان تر است.\"\nخنده حضار\nاو این ایده را مطرح کرد\nساخت دستگاهی که هوا را دوباره قابل تنفس کند،\nبا یک تصفیه گر گاز دی اکسید کربن،\nکه در واقع یک لوله ساخت کارخانه Home Depot بود،\nبا یک بالون به آن متصل بود،\nاو فکر می کرد ما می توانیم این دستگاه را درون بدن من قرار دهیم،\nو به نحوی قادر خواهیم بود توسط این دستگاه هوا را به گردش درآوریم\nو عمل تنفس کنیم\nدیدن این صحنه ها کمی سخت است.\nاما این تلاشی بود که ما انجام دادیم.\nخب واضحه که این کار موفقیت آمیز نبود\nخنده حضار\n\nSwedish: \noch frågade honom hur jag skulle kunna göra detta?\n\"Jag vill hålla andan riktigt länge. Hur kan jag lyckas med det?\"\nOch han sade, \"David, du är en magiker,\nskapa en illusion av att inte andas, det är mycket lättare.\"\n(Skratt)\nSå han kom på idén\natt skapa en \"åter-andnings apparat\",\nmed en CO2 scrubber,\nsom egentligen bara var en tub från Home Depot (en järnaffär),\nmed en fasttejpad ballong på,\ndet trodde han vi kunde stoppa in i mig,\noch på något vis återanvända luften för att åter-andas\nmed denna tingest i mig.\nDetta är lite jobbigt att se.\nMen detta är det försöket.\nDet skulle uppenbarligen inte fungera.\n(Skratt)\n\nRomanian: \nți l-am întrebat cum aș putea reuși.\nVreau să îmi țin respirația foarte mult.\nCum pot face asta?\nȘi mi-a răspuns: „David, ești magician,\ncreează iluzia că nu respiri,\nva fi mult mai ușor.”\n(Râsete)\nAșa că a venit cu ideea\nsă folosesc un respirator\ncu un filtru de CO₂,\ncare era de fapt un tub\ncumpărat de la Home Depot,\nde care am atașat un balon\nlipit cu bandă adezivă,\npe care să-l punem în corp,\nși astfel să reciclăm aerul din plămâni\nși să îl pot respira din nou\ncu acest dispozitiv în mine.\nSecvența aceasta este cam greu de privit.\nDar asta e încercarea respectivă.\nȘi era evident că nu va funcționa.\n(Râsete)\n\nHungarian: \nés megkérdeztem, hogy tudnám megtenni?\n\"Nagyon hosszú ideig akarom tartani a lélegzetem. Hogyan lehet ezt megtenni?\"\nErre ő azt felelte, \"David, te bűvész vagy,\ncsak teremtsd meg az illúziót, hogy nem lélegzel, sokkal egyszerűbb lesz.\"\n(Nevetés)\nNeki támadt egy ötlete,\nhogy csináljunk egy eszközt\negy szén-dioxid tisztítóval,\nami gyakorlatilag egy cső volt a barkácsboltból,\namire szigetelőszalaggal egy léggömböt ragasztott.\nÚgy gondolta, hogy ezt belém tennénk,\nvalahogy keringetnénk a levegőt, amit aztán újra belélegezhetnék\nezzel az eszközzel.\nEzt nem könnyű végignézni.\nItt próbálkoztunk ezzel.\nNos, ez nyilvánvalóan nem volt működőképes ötlet.\n(Nevetés)\n\nThai: \nผมถามเขาว่า ผมจะแบบนั้นได้ยังไง\n\"ผมอยากกลั้นหายใจให้ได้เป็นเวลานานมากๆ ผมควรจะทำไงดี\"\nเขาตอบว่า \"เดวิด (David) คุณเป็นนักมายากลไม่ใช่เหรอ\nมันจะง่ายกว่าเยอะนะ ถ้าคุณแค่สร้างภาพว่าคุณหยุดหายใจ\"\n(หัวเราะ)\nแล้วเขาเลยก็ออกความคิด\nว่าจะสร้างเครื่องช่วยหายใจในการดำน้ำแบบวงจรปิด (rebreather)\nด้วยหลอดกรองคาร์บอนไดออกไซด์ (CO2 scrubber)\nแบบที่หาซื้อทั่วไปได้ตามร้านโฮมดีโป้ (Home Depot)\nและลูกโป่งพันติดเข้าไปด้วยเทปกาว\nเขาคิดว่าจะใส่เจ้าเครื่องนี้เข้าไปในตัวผม\nแล้วผมก็จะสามารถหมุนเวียนอากาศและหายใจซ้ำจากอากาศในตัวผมเองได้\nด้วยเจ้าเครื่องนี่\nภาพมันค่อยข้างจะบาดตาหน่อยนะ\nแต่นี่ก็คือความพยายามครั้งนั้น\nซึ่งก็แน่นอนว่ามัน ไม่ได้ผล\n(หัวเราะ)\n\nFinnish: \nja kysyin häneltä, miten voisin tehdä sen?\n\"Haluan pidättää hengitystäni todella pitkään. Miten sen voisi tehdä?\"\nHän sanoi: \"David, olet taikuri,\nluo illuusio hengittämättä jättämisestä, se on paljon helpompaa.\"\n(Naurua)\nJoten hän sai idean\nhengitysilman kierrättäjästä,\nCO2-poistajan kera,\njoka oli käytännössä varastosta löydetty putki,\njohon on teipattu ilmapallo,\njonka hän luuli olevan mahdollista laittaa sisälleni\nja jotenkin kierrättää ilmaa ja uudelleenhengittää\ntämä sisälläni.\nTätä on vaikea katsoa.\nTässä yritimme sitä.\nSe ei tosiaankaan toiminut.\n(Naurua)\n\nLatvian: \nEs gribu aizturēt elpu\nuz ļoti ilgu laiku. Kā lai to paveic?\"\nUn viņš teica: \"Deivid,\ntu esi burvju mākslinieks,\nradi ilūziju, ka tu neelpo,\ntas būs daudz vieglāk.\"\n(Smiekli)\nViņš ieteica izveidot elpošanas aparātu\nar CO2 savācēju,\nkas būtībā bija caurule\nno saimniecības preču veikala,\nar klāt pielīmētu balonu,\nko, viņaprāt, varētu ievadīt manī,\nun tad, kaut kā cirkulējot gaisu,\nelpināt mani ar šo aparātu manī iekšā.\nTo ir nedaudz nepatīkami skatīties,\nbet šis ir tas mēģinājums.\nBija skaidrs, ka tas nestrādās.\n(Smiekli)\nTad es sāku domāt par šķidro elpošanu.\n\nChinese: \n我問他該怎麼做?\n「我想要閉氣很長一段時間。該怎麼做到?」\n他說,“大衛,你是一個魔術師,\n用障眼法假裝還比較容易。\"\n(笑聲)\n他想出一個點子,\n做了一個循環呼吸器,\n裡頭可以過濾二氧化碳,\n基本上就是到特力屋買根軟管,\n再用膠帶纏個氣球上去。\n他認為可以把管子放進我體內,\n讓我可以用這玩意\n維持呼吸循環。\n這個不是很好看,\n但至少我們試過了,\n顯然這招是行不通的。\n(笑聲)\n\nJapanese: \nどうすればいいか尋ねました\n“長時間息を止めていたいんだけど どうすればいいかな”\nすると彼は言いました “デイビッド お前はマジシャンだろう\n息をしていないように錯覚させたほうが簡単さ”\n(笑い)\nそして彼はリブリーザーを作るという\nアイデアを思いつきました\nホームセンターで買ったチューブに\nガムテープで風船をくっつけて\n二酸化炭素スクラバーのようなものを作って\n私の体の中に入れると\nどういうわけか空気が循環して\n吐いた空気を吸い込むことができるというのです\n少し見苦しいですが\nこちらがその試みです\n明らかに無理でした\n(笑い)\n\nCzech: \na zeptal se ho jak na to ?\n\"Chtěl bych opravdu na dlouho zadržet dech. Jak to mám udělat?\"\nA on řekl: \"Davide, jsi iluzionista,\ntak ukaž lidem jen iluzi toho že nedýcháš, bude to mnohem jednodušší.\"\n(smích)\nPřišel s takovým nápadem\nvyrobit dýchací přístroj\ns čističkou CO2,\nbyla to v podstatě hadice z Mountfieldu\nna konci s balónkem přilepeným lepenkou.\nMyslel si, že si jí nacpu do krku\na nějak budu schopen cirkulovat vzduch a dýchat\nzkrz tuhle věc v sobě.\nJe to trochu silná káva,\nale tohle je ten pokus.\nČili to evidentně nezafungovalo.\n(smích)\n\nModern Greek (1453-): \nκαι τον ρώτησα, «Πώς θα μπορούσα\nνα κάνω κάτι τέτοιο;»\n«Θέλω να κρατήσω την αναπνοή μου \nγια πραγματικά πολλή ώρα. Πώς μπορεί να γίνει;»\nΚαι μου είπε, «Ντέιβιντ, είσαι μάγος,\nδημιούργησε την ψευδαίσθηση ότι\nδεν αναπνέεις, θα είναι πολύ πιο εύκολο».\n(Γέλια)\nΚαι έτσι του ήρθε αυτή η ιδέα\nνα κατασκευάσουμε έναν αναπνευστήρα,\nπου θα απορροφά το διοξείδιο του άνθρακα\nκάτι που ήταν βασικά ένας σωλήνας \nαγορασμένος από τα Home Depot,\nμε ένα μπαλόνι κολλημένο \nπάνω του με ταινία,\nτο οποίο σκέφτηκε ότι θα μπορούσαμε \nνα το βάλουμε μέσα μου,\nκαι με κάποιον τρόπο να μπορώ να αναπνέω\nμε αυτό το πράγμα μέσα μου.\nΕίναι λίγο δυσάρεστο να το παρακολουθείς.\nΑλλά είναι εκείνη η απόπειρα.\nΟπότε, προφανώς κάτι τέτοιο \nδεν γινόταν να λειτουργήσει.\n(Γέλια)\n\nMacedonian: \nи го прашав како би можел да го сторам тоа?\n\"Сакам да го задржам здивот навистина долго време. Како може да се стори тоа?\"\nИ тој рече, \"Дејвид, ти си магионичар,\nсоздади илузија дека не дишеш, така ќе е многу полесно.\"\n(Смеење)\nТака тој доби идеја\nда изработи направа за дишење,\nсо филтер за јаглерод диоксид,\nкоја во суштина е обична цевка од Home Depot,\nсо балон залепен со селотејп,\nпотоа предложи ова да го стави во мене,\nи некако да овозможи циркулација на водухот и дишење\nсо оваа направа во мене.\nОва е малку непријатно за гледање.\nНо ова е тој обид.\nНо тоа воопшто не функционираше.\n(Смеење)\n\niw: \nואני שאלתי אותו איך אני יכול לעשות את זה?\n\"אני רוצה לעצור את הנשימה במשך זמן רב. איך אפשר לעשות את זה?\"\nוהוא אמר \"דיוויד, אתה קוסם,\nתייצר אשליה שאתה לא נושם, זה יהיה הרבה יותר קל. \"\n(צחוק)\nאז הוא עלה על רעיון\nלייצר מכשיר שממחזר אוויר שננשף\nעם מנקה CO2\nזה בעצם צינור מחנות (הום דיפו)\nעם בלון דבוק אליו עם נייר דבק\nשהוא חשב שנוכל לשים בתוכי\nואיכשהו למחזר את האוויר ולנשום את האוויר\nעם הדבר הזה בתוכי\nזה קצת קשה לצפייה\nאבל מה שאתם רואים זה הניסיון הזה\nזה היה די ברור שזה לא הולך לעבוד\n(צחוק)\n\nPolish: \ni zapytałem - jak tego dokonać?\n\"Chcę wstrzymać oddech na naprawdę długo. Jak to zrobić?\"\nA on na to: \"David, jesteś magikiem,\nstwórz iluzję nie oddychania, tak będzie znacznie łatwiej.\"\n(Śmiech)\nWięc, wpadł na pomysł\nstworzenia rebreathera,\nze skruberem CO2,\nktóry był tak naprawdę rurą z Home Depot,\nz balonem przyklejonym do niej taśmą.\nPomyślał, że to wszystko można by jakoś umieścić we mnie\ni w jakiś sposób byłbym w stanie oddychać\nz tym czymś wewnątrz mnie.\nTo się trochę ciężko ogląda.\nAle to tylko próba.\nAle widać wyraźnie, że to nie mogło działać.\n(Śmiech)\n\nEnglish: \nand I asked him, \"How could I do that?\"\n\"I want to hold my breath for a really\nlong time. How could it be done?\"\nAnd he said, \"David, you're a magician,\ncreate the illusion of not breathing,\nit will be much easier.\"\n(Laughter)\nSo, he came up with this idea\nof creating a rebreather,\nwith a CO2 scrubber,\nwhich was basically\na tube from Home Depot,\nwith a balloon duct-taped to it,\nthat he thought we could put inside of me,\nand somehow be able to circulate\nthe air and rebreathe\nwith this thing in me.\nThis is a little hard to watch.\nBut this is that attempt.\nSo, that clearly wasn't going to work.\n(Laughter)\n\nPortuguese: \ne perguntei a ele como aquilo poderia ser feito?\n\"Eu quero prender meu fôlego por um tempo muito grande. Como isso poderia ser feito?\"\nEle disse: \"David, você é um mágico,\ncrie a ilusão de ficar sem respirar, será bem mais fácil.\"\n(Risos)\nEntão, ele surgiu com essa ideia\nde criar uma re-respiradora,\ncom um purificador de CO2\nque era basicamente um tubo da Home Depot (loja),\ncom um balão colado com silver tape,\nque ele achou que poderia ser colocado dentro de mim,\ne de alguma forma ser capaz de circular o ar e re-respirá-lo\ncom esse coisa em mim.\nIsso é um pouco difícil de se assistir.\nMas isso é essa tentativa.\nEntão, aquilo claramente não iria funcionar.\n(Risos)\n\nDutch: \nen vroeg hem hoe ik dit moest doen.\n\"Ik wil mijn adem heel lang inhouden.\nHoe pak ik dat aan?\"\nHij zei: \"David, je bent magiër.\nCreëer de illusie dat je niet ademt,\ndat gaat veel makkelijker.\"\n(Gelach)\nDus hij verzon\neen ademververser\nmet een CO2-schrobber.\nDit was feitelijk een slang van de bouwmarkt,\nmet een ballon eraan geplakt,\ndie we volgens hem in mij konden stoppen,\nom de lucht te circuleren en herademen,\nmet dit ding in me.\nDit ziet er niet zo leuk uit.\nMaar dit is die poging.\nDus dat ging duidelijk niet werken.\n(Gelach)\n\nKorean: \n그리고 제가 어떻게 할 수 있을까 하고 물었습니다.\n\"난 숨을 정말 오랫동안 참고 싶어. 어덯게 하면 될까?\"\n친구가 말했죠, \"David, 넌 마술사잖아,\n숨을 쉬지 않는 장면을 연출해, 그게 더 쉬울꺼야.\"\n(웃음)\n그래서, 그는 수중호흡기를 만들자는\n생각을 가지고 왔는데요,\nHome Depot에서 파는 그냥 튜브에다가\n접착테이프로 풍선을 붙인\n수중호흡기였습니다.\n그 친구는 이걸 제 몸속에 집어넣을 수 있을거라고 생각했습니다.\n그리고 이것이 제 몸안에서 공기를 순환시키고\n다시 숨을 쉴수 있게 한다는 것이죠.\n보기에는 좀 힘들지만\n(도전을 위한) 시도입니다.\n말끔하게 안되네요.\n(웃음)\n\nRussian: \nи спросил его, как мне этого добиться?\n«Я хочу продержаться действительно\nдолго без дыхания. Как это сделать?»\nА он сказал: «Дэвид, ведь ты маг!\nСоздай иллюзию отсутствия дыхания —\nэто будет намного проще!»\n(Смех)\nИ он дал мне идею\nмеханизма повторной респирации\nс использованием\nгазоочистителя углекислого газа.\nЭту трубку можно купить\nв любом крупном магазине хозтоваров\nи к ней можно приклеить баллончик,\nкоторый затем, по его мнению,\nможно занести внутрь меня,\nпосле чего воздух можно будет\nкаким-то образом циркулировать и очищать\nс помощью этой штуки внутри меня.\nСмотреть это трудновато.\nЗдесь вы видите нашу попытку.\nСтало ясно, что совсем не проходит.\n(Смех)\n\nVietnamese: \nvà tôi hỏi anh ta làm cách nào tôi có thể làm được?\n\"Tôi muốn nín thở thật lâu. Làm sao thực hiện được?\"\nVà anh ta nói, \"David, anh bạn là một ảo thuật gia,\ntạo ra ảo giác không cần thở, sẽ dễ hơn.\"\n(Cười)\nVậy nên, anh ta nghĩ ra ý tưởng\ntạo ra một thiết bị thở,\nvới một bộ lọc CO2,\ncái đó đơn giản là một cái ống từ hãng Home Deplot,\nvới một bong bóng gắn ống vào nó,\nanh ta nghĩ rằng chúng tôi có thể đặt vào cơ thể tôi,\nvà bằng cách nào đó có thể lưu thông không khí và thở\nvới thiết bị trong trong người tôi.\nCảnh này hơi khó coi.\nNhưng đây là lần thử đó.\nVậy, nó rõ ràng không khả thi.\n(Cười)\n\nSlovak: \na spýtal som sa ho, ako by som to mohol urobiť.\n\"Chcem zadržať dych na skutočne dlhý čas. Ako by sa to dalo?\"\nA on povedal: \"David, si kúzelník,\nvytvor ilúziu nedýchania, bude to oveľa jednoduchšie.\"\n(smiech)\nTakže prišiel s nápadom\nvytvoriť \"predýchavač\",\ns filtrom CO2,\nčo bola v podstate rúrka z domácich potrieb,\ns balónom, ktorý bol k tomu pripevnený páskou,\na celé by sme to mohli do mňa vložiť\na nejako by sme boli schopní cirkulovať vzduch a predýchavať\ns touto vecou vo mne.\nNa toto sa pozerá trochu ťažko.\nAle toto je ten pokus.\nTakže toto by zjavne nefungovalo.\n(smiech)\n\nTurkish: \nVe ben cidden sıvı solunumunu\ndüşünmeye başladım.\nPerflubron adı verilen bir kimyasal var.\nVe oksijen seviyesi o kadar yüksek ki\nteorik olarak içinde nefes alabilirsiniz.\nHemen bu kimyasal'dan edindim,\nküveti onunla doldurup yüzümü içine soktum.\nVe onun içinde nefes almaya çalıştım,\nelbette ki bu imkansızdı.\nBir doktor şöyle demişti; göğsünde bir fil otururken\nnefes almaya çalışmak gibi bir şey.\nBu fikir hemen yokoldu.\nSonra düşünmeye başladım,\nArterimden bir tüple girilmesini sağlayan bir ameliyat ile bir\nkalp/akciğer bypass makinasına bağlanmam\nve kanım oksijenlenirken nefes almıyormuş gibi yapmam mümkün olur muydu?\nBu da elbette diğerleri gibi çılgınca bir fikirdi.\nSonra tüm bunların içinde en delice olanını düşündüm;\ngerçekten bunu yapabilirim.\n(Kahkaha)\nDoktorların beyin ölümü diyecekleri noktanın\n\nRomanian: \nApoi am început să mă gândesc tot mai mult\nla respirația cu fluide.\nExistă o substanță numită perflubron.\ncare are o concentrație de oxigen\natât de mare\nîncât, în teorie, ai putea să o respiri.\nAșa ca am făcut rost de acea substanță,\nam umplut chiuveta cu ea,\nmi-am băgat capul în chiuvetă\nși am încercat să inspir,\nlucru care s-a dovedit imposibil.\nUn doctor a descris senzația\nca și cum ai încerca să respiri\ncu un elefant stând pe pieptul tău.\nAșa că și această idee a dispărut.\nApoi am început să mă gândesc\ncă ar fi posibil să mă conectez la un\naparat de bypass pentru inimă și plămâni\nși să mi se implanteze un tub în arteră\ncare să mă facă să par că nu respir,\nîn timp ce sângele mi-ar fi oxigenat.\nIdee care este, evident, nebunie curată.\nApoi mi-a venit cea mai nebună idee\ndintre toate ideile posibile:\nsă fac totul pe bune.\n(Râsete)\nSă încerc să îmi țin respirația\ndincolo de limita\nla care doctorii ar considera\nca ești în moarte cerebrală.\n\nItalian: \nA quel punto iniziai a pensare\nalla respirazione liquida.\nC'è una sostanza chimica chiamata perflubron\ncon una concentrazione così elevata di ossigeno\nche teoricamente lo si può respirare.\nSono quindi riuscito a procurarmi questa sostanza\nne ho riempito il lavandino e ci ho immerso la faccia\nprovando a respirarci dentro,\ncosa che fu del tutto impossibile.\nIn pratica è come cercare di respirare, disse un dottore,\ncon un elefante sul petto.\nE anche quest'idea venne scartata.\nPoi mi sono chiesto:\nsarà possibile agganciare un bypass cuore-polmone,\ne farmi impiantare chirurgicamente un tubo dentro l'arteria,\nper creare l'illusione di non respirare, mentre il mio sangue riceve comunque ossigeno?\nQuesta era ovviamente un'altra idea pazzoide.\nPoi mi venne in mente quella che era l'idea più pazza di tutte:\nprovarci davvero.\n(Risata)\nTrattenere davvero il respiro oltre il punto\n\nDutch: \nToen ging ik denken\naan het ademen van een vloeistof.\nEr is een vloeistof genaamd Perflubron.\nHet zuurstofgehalte daarvan is zo hoog\ndat je het theoretisch kunt ademen.\nDus ik kreeg dat spul te pakken,\nvulde de wasbak ermee\nen stopte mijn gezicht erin,\nterwijl ik het probeerde te ademen,\nwat echt onmogelijk was.\nHet is alsof je probeert te ademen,\nzoals een dokter zei,\nterwijl er een olifant\nop je borstkas staat.\nDus dat idee verdween.\nToen dacht ik: zou het mogelijk zijn\nom een hart-longmachine aan te sluiten\nen via een slangetje in mijn ader\nmijn bloed van zuurstof te voorzien,\nterwijl het leek dat ik niet ademde?\nOok een krankzinnig idee, uiteraard.\nToen kwam het meest\ngestoorde idee van allemaal:\nhet werkelijk doen.\n(Gelach)\nDaadwerkelijk mijn adem inhouden\ntot voorbij het punt\nwaarop artsen je hersendood verklaren.\n\nEnglish: \nThen I actually started thinking\nabout liquid breathing.\nThere is a chemical\nthat's called perflubron.\nAnd it's so high in oxygen levels\nthat in theory you could breathe it.\nSo, I got my hands on that chemical,\nfilled the sink up with it,\nand stuck my face in the sink\nand tried to breathe that in,\nwhich was really impossible.\nIt's basically like trying\nto breathe, as a doctor said,\nwhile having an elephant\nstanding on your chest.\nSo, that idea disappeared.\nThen I started thinking,\nwould it be possible to hook up\na heart/lung bypass machine\nand have a surgery where it was\na tube going into my artery,\nand then appear to not breathe\nwhile they were oxygenating my blood?\nWhich was another insane idea, obviously.\nThen I thought about\nthe craziest idea of all the ideas:\nto actually do it.\n(Laughter)\nTo actually try to hold\nmy breath past the point\nthat doctors would\nconsider you brain dead.\n\nKorean: \n그리고나서 저는 액체호흡에 대해서\n생각해 보기 시작했습니다.\nperflubron라고 불리는 화학물질이 있습니다.\n산소 농도가 높아서\n이론적으로는 들이마실 수 있습니다.\n그래서 그 화학물질을 구해서\n싱크대에 가득 채운다음, 제 얼굴을 싱크대에 집어넣고\n그것을 들이마시려고 노력했습니다.\n거의 불가능한 짓이였지요.\n이건 의사가 말한대로 코끼리를 가슴위에 올려놓고\n숨을 쉬려는 것과 같은 것이었습니다.\n그래서 이 생각은 사라졌습니다.\n그리고나서 저는 체외순환기를 연결하고\n제 동맥에 튜브를 집어넣는 수술을 받으면\n장치들이 제 혈액에 산소를 공급하는 동안에는\n숨을 쉬지 않는것처럼 보이지 않을까 생각하였습니다.\n당연히 미친 생각이였지요.\n저는 정말 말도 안되는 생각들을 했습니다.\n정말로 실행하기 위해서요.\n(웃음)\n의사들이 뇌사라고 여기는 그 지점을 넘어서\n\niw: \nואז התחלתי לחשוב על\nנוזל נשימה\nישנו חומר כימי בשם perflubron\nוזה כל כך גבוה ברמות החמצן\nשבתיאוריה אפשר לנשום אותו.\nאז הצלחתי להשיג את החומר הכימי הזה\nמילאתי את הכיור עם החומר, והכנסתי את פני לתוכה\nוניסיתי לנשום אותו\nשהיה ממש בלתי אפשרי\nכמו שרופא אמר לי, זה בעצם כמו לנסות לנשום\nכאשר פיל עומד על החזה שלך\nאז הרעיון הזה נעלם\nהתחלתי לחשוב\nאם זה יהיה אפשרי לחבר אותי למכונת לב ריאות\nוגם לעשות ניתוח שבמקום שבו הצינור נכנסת לעורק שלי,\nולייצר את הרושם שאני לא נושם בזמן שמחמצנים את הדם שלי\nוזה היה ללא ספק, עוד רעיון מטורף.\nואז חשבתי על הרעיון המטורף ביותר\nלעשות את זה\n(צחוק)\nלמעשה לנסות לעצור את נשימתי מעבר לנקודה\n\nHungarian: \nAztán elkezdtem gondolkodni\na folyadéklégzésről.\nLétezik egy perfluorkarbon nevű vegyi anyag.\nOlyan magas az oxigéntartalma,\nhogy elméletileg belélegezhető.\nÍgy szereztem ebből az anyagból,\nfeltöltöttem vele a mosdókagylót, belemártottam az arcom,\nés megpróbáltam belélegezni,\nami igazán lehetetlen volt.\nAhogy egy orvos mondta, olyan volt, mintha megpróbálnál levegőt venni,\nmiközben egy elefánt áll a mellkasodon.\nÍgy ezt az ötletet is elvetettem.\nAztán az jutott eszembe,\nhogy lehetséges lenne-e rákötni magam egy szív-tüdő gépre,\nés műtéti úton egy csövet vezetni az artériámba,\nhogy úgy tűnjön, nem lélegzem, miközben oxigénnel látják el a vérem.\nEz nyilvánvalóan egy újabb őrült ötlet volt.\nAztán eszembe jutott mindezek közül a legőrültebb ötlet:\nhogy ténylegesen megcsináljam.\n(Nevetés)\nHogy ténylegesen visszatartsam a lélegzetem azon a ponton túl,\n\nPortuguese: \nEntão eu na verdade comecei a pensar sobre\nrespiração líquida.\nExiste um composto químico chamado perfluorcarboneto.\nCujo o teor de oxigênio é tão elevado\nque na teoria, você poderia respirá-lo.\nEntão, coloquei minhas mãos nesse composto,\nenchi a pia com ele, e mergulhei a cara na pia\ne tentei inspirá-lo,\no que foi realmente impossível.\nÉ basicamente como tentar respirar, como disse um médico,\nenquanto se tem um elefante em cima do seu peito.\nEntão, aquela ideia desapareceu.\nEntão comecei a pensar,\nse não seria possível ligar uma máquina de bypass cardíaca e pulmonar\ne fazer um cirurgia que introduziria um tubo na minha artéria,\ne então aparentar não respirar enquanto ela oxigenava meu sangue?\nQue foi outra idéia insana, obviamente.\nDepois pensei na ideia mais maluca de todas as ideias:\nrealmente fazer isso.\n(Risos)\nRealmente tentar prender a respiração além do ponto\n\nMacedonian: \nТогаш всушност започнав да размислувам за\nтечно дишење.\nПостои средство наречено перфлуброн.\nТоа е толку богато со кислород\nшто теоретски би можеле да го вдишите.\nРацете ги брцнав во средството,\nнаполнив еден сад со него и го пикнав лицето во садот\nи се обидов да вдишам од него,\nшто беше навистина невозможно.\nТоа е како да се обидувате да дишете, како што еден доктор рече,\nдодека имате цел слон кој ви стои на градите.\nТака таа идеја пропадна.\nТогаш почнав да размислувам,\nдали би било возможно да си прикачам бајпас машина за дишење\nи да се подложам на операција за вградување на црево во мојата артерија,\nи потоа да не дишам додека машината и дава кислород на крвта?\nШто исто така беше луда идеја, очигледно.\nТогаш се сетив на најлудата идеја од сите можни идеи:\nда го направам последново.\n(Смеење)\nДа се обидам да го задржам здивот после точката\n\nVietnamese: \nSau đó tôi thực sự bắt đầu nghĩ đến\nthở bằng chất lỏng.\nCó một chất hóa học gọi là perflubron.\nVà nó có mức dưỡng khí oxy cao\nmà theo lý thuyết bạn có thể thở bằng chất đó.\nVậy nên, tôi đặt tay lên chất hóa học đó,\nđổ đầy bồn với chất đó, và dìm mặt vào bồn\nvà cố gắng hít thở chất đó vào cơ thể,\nviệc đó thực sự bất khả thi.\nNó đơn giản là cố gắng hít thở, như bác sỹ nói,\ntrong khi một con voi đứng trên ngực bạn.\nVậy nên, ý tưởng đó bị loại bỏ.\nVà rồi tôi bắt đầu nghĩ lại,\nliệu có thể treo một thiết bị qua tim/phổi\nvà phẫu thuật nơi mà một ống luồn vào động mạch,\nvà rồi khỏi cần thở khi mà đã có người bơm oxy vào máu tôi?\nLại một ý tưởng điên rồ khác, hiển nhiên.\nVà rồi tôi nghĩ đến ý tường điên rồ nhất trong số các ý tưởng:\nlàm thật.\n(Cười)\nThật sự cố nín thở vượt giới hạn\n\nPortuguese: \nEntão, comecei a pensar\nem respirar líquidos.\nHá um produto químico que \nse chama perfluorocarbono.\nTem um nível de oxigénio tão alto\nque, em teoria, podemos respirá-lo.\nTratei de arranjar esse produto químico,\nenchi o lavatório, e mergulhei a cara nele\ne tentei respirar aquilo,\no que era realmente impossível.\nÉ como tentar respirar \n— como o médico dissera —\ncom um elefante em cima do peito.\nPortanto, essa ideia foi ao ar.\nDepois comecei a pensar:\n\"Seria possível ligar uma máquina \nde ligação coração/pulmões\n\"e fazer uma cirurgia em que metessem \num tubo na minha artéria,\n\"e parecesse que eu não respirava,\n\"enquanto o meu sangue \nestava a ser oxigenado?\"\nO que, obviamente, era outra ideia maluca.\n(Risos)\nEntão pensei na mais louca \nde todas as ideias:\nfazê-lo a sério.\n(Risos)\nTentar suster a respiração \npara além do ponto \nque os médicos consideravam\n\nModern Greek (1453-): \nΤότε άρχισα να σκέφτομαι\nτην αναπνοή σε υγρό.\nΥπάρχει ένα χημικό που λέγεται perflubron.\nΚαι έχει τόσο υψηλή περιεκτικότητα σε οξυγόνο\nπου θεωρητικά μπορείς να το αναπνεύσεις.\nΒρήκα λοιπόν αυτό το χημικό,\nγέμισα τον νιπτήρα,\nέβαλα το πρόσωπό μου στον νιπτήρα\nκαι προσπάθησα να το αναπνεύσω,\nπράγμα που ήταν πραγματικά αδύνατον.\nΒασικά όπως είπε και ο γιατρός, \nήταν σαν να προσπαθείς να αναπνεύσεις\nέχοντας έναν ελέφαντα \nνα κάθεται πάνω στο στήθος σου.\nΗ ιδέα αυτή λοιπόν εξαφανίστηκε.\nΤότε άρχισα να σκέφτομαι,\nαν θα ήταν δυνατόν να συνδέσω μια συσκευή \nπου να παρακάμπτει την καρδιά και τους πνεύμονες\nκαι να τοποθετήσω με χειρουργική επέμβαση\nέναν σωλήνα στην αρτηρία μου,\nώστε να φαίνεται ότι δεν αναπνέω καθώς\nη μηχανή θα έστελνε οξυγόνο στο αίμα μου;\nΚάτι που προφανώς\nήταν άλλη μια τρελή ιδέα.\nΤότε σκέφτηκα την πιο τρελή ιδέα\nαπό όλες τις ιδέες:\nνα το κάνω στην πραγματικότητα.\n(Γέλια)\nΝα προσπαθήσω πραγματικά να κρατήσω\nτην αναπνοή μου μετά το σημείο\nπου οι γιατροί \nσε θεωρούν εγκεφαλικά νεκρό.\n\nThai: \nจากนั้น ผมเริ่มคิดจริงจังเกี่ยวกับ\nการหายใจด้วยของเหลว (Liquid breathing)\nมันมีน้ำยาเคมีตัวหนึ่งที่ชื่อว่า เพอร์ฟลูบอล์น (perflubron)\nที่ประกอบไปด้วยออกซิเจน (Oxygen) เข้มข้นสูง\nเสียจนตามทฤษฏี, คุณจะสามารถหายใจด้วยมันได้\nพอผมได้มันมา\nและผมก็เทมันลงไปให้เต็มอ่างล้างหน้า แล้วผมก็จุ่มหน้าผมลงไป\nพยายามที่จะหายใจในนั้น\nซึ่งมันเป็นไปไม่ได้เลย\nความรู้สึกตอนนั้นมันคล้ายๆกับการพยายามหายใจ\nโดยมีช้างทั้งตัวยืนทับอกคุณอยู่\nความคิดนี้ก็เลยล้มไป\nหลังจากนั้น ผมเริ่มคิดอีกว่า\nมันจะเป็นไปได้รึเปล่าที่จะต่อเครื่องบายพาส (bypass) ปอดกับหัวใจ\nโดยการผ่าตัดเอาท่อใส่เข้าไปที่เส้นเลือดแดงที่ออกจากหัวใจ\nแล้วให้มันดูเหมือนว่าผมไม่หายใจ แต่จริงๆแล้วเครื่องนี้กำลังให้ออกซิเจนกับเลือดผมอยู่แทนการหายใจ\nซึ่งก็แน่นอน, มันก็เป็นความคิดสุดโต่งเกินไปอีกอันหนึ่ง\nจนในที่สุด ผมเริ่มคิดความคิดงี่เง่าที่สุด จากความคิดทั้งหมด\nที่สุดท้ายแล้ว ผมทำมันจริงๆ\n(หัวเราะ)\nคือการกลั้นหายใจให้ได้จนถึงจุดนึง\n\nKurdish: \nدوایی بیرم له‌\nهه‌ناسه‌ی شل کرده‌وه‌\nشتێکی کیمیایی هه‌یه‌ که‌پێی ده‌وترێت پێرفلوبرۆن\nئه‌وه‌ ئۆکسجینی زۆری تێدایه‌\nکه‌به‌پێی لێکۆڵینه‌وه‌کان ده‌توانی هه‌ناسه‌ی پێ بده‌ی\nله‌به‌ر ئه‌وه‌، ده‌ستم برد بۆئه‌و کیمیاییه‌\nنقومم کردو سه‌ری خۆشم کرد به‌ناو ئاوه‌که‌دا\nهه‌وڵمدا هه‌ناسه‌ی پێ بده‌م\nکه‌زۆر ناڕه‌حه‌ت بوو\nوه‌ک پزیشکه‌که‌ وتی، له‌ڕاستیدا وه‌ک ئه‌وه‌ وایه‌ که‌هه‌وڵ بده‌یت هه‌ناسه‌ بده‌یت\nله‌کاتێکدا فیلێک له‌سه‌ر سنگت وه‌ستاوه‌\nله‌به‌رئه‌وه‌، ئه‌و فکره‌یه‌ش نه‌گونجا\nدوای ئه‌وه‌ ده‌ستم کرد به‌بیر کردنه‌وه‌\nئایا ده‌بێت ئامێری دڵ و سی هه‌ ڵبواسم\nوه‌ نه‌شته‌ر گه‌رییه‌ک بکه‌م که‌سۆنده‌یه‌ک بڕواته‌ به‌شی گوازراوه‌ی خوێن\nوه‌ دوایی ده‌رکه‌وێت که‌ هه‌ناسه‌ ناده‌م له‌کاتێکدا ئه‌وان ئۆکسجین ده‌ده‌ن به‌خوێنه‌که‌م؟\nله‌راستیدا ئه‌وه‌ فکره‌یه‌کی تری شێتانه‌بوو\nدوای ئه‌وه‌ بیرم له‌شێتانه‌ترین فکره‌ کرده‌وه‌\nبۆئه‌وه‌ی ئه‌نجامی بده‌م\nپێکه‌نین\nهه‌وڵدانی جدی بۆٌاگرتنی هه‌ناسه‌م له‌کاتێکدا\n\nPersian: \nبعد ازآن، من شروع کردم به فکر کردن در مورد\nتنفس مایع.\nیک ماده شیمیایی به نام پرفلوبرن وجود دارد\nکه دارای سطح بالایی از اکسیژن است\nبه طوری که از نظر تئوری شما می توانید در آن تنفس کنید.\nبنابراین من به سراغ این ماده شیمیایی رفتم،\nسینک را از آن پر کردم و صورتم را درون مایع فرو بردم\nو سعی کردم در آن نفس بکشم،\nچیزی که واقعا غیر ممکن بود.\nطبق گفته یک پزشک این کار شبیه آن است که شما سعی کنید نفس بکشید\nدر حالی که یک فیل روی قفسه سینه تان ایستاده باشد.\nخب, این ایده محو شد\nسپس من به این ایده فکر کردم\nکه آیا ممکن است یک دستگاه جانبی قلب و ریه توسط یک عمل جراحی\nبا یک لوله به سرخرگ من متصل گردد،\nوقتی که این دستگاه اکسیژن را به خون من می رساند به نظر نمی رسد که من نفس می کشم\nواضحه که این یک ایده احمقانه دیگر بود\nبعد از آن من به احمقانه ترین ایده موجود فکر کردم:\nکه واقعا اینکار را انجام دهم.\nخنده حضار\nکه واقعا سعی کنم نفسم را نگه دارم\n\nSpanish: \nLuego empecé a pensar seriamente en\nla ventilación líquida.\nExiste un compuesto químico llamado perfluorocarbono.\nY tiene unos niveles tan altos de oxígeno\nque, en teoría, podría respirarse.\nAsí que, conseguí un poco de este compuesto,\nllené el lavabo con él y metí la cabeza adentro,\nintentando inhalarlo,\nlo cual me resultó imposible.\nBásicamente, es como intentar respirar, como decía un médico,\ncon un elefante sentado en el pecho.\nAsí que, deseché esa idea.\nLuego empecé a pensar:\n¿Sería posible conectar una máquina de bypass cardiorespiratorio\ne implantarme un tubo en una arteria,\npara que pareciese que no respiraba mientras me oxigenaban la sangre?\nLo que era otra idea absurda, obviamente...\nDespués se me ocurrió la idea más descabellada de todas:\nHacerlo de verdad.\n(Risas)\nAguantar la respiración de verdad, más allá del punto\n\nSerbian: \nOnda sam počeo da razmišljam\no tečnom disanju.\nPostoji hemikalija\nkoja se zove perflubron.\nOna ima toliko visok nivo kiseonika\nda bi, u teoriji, mogla da se udiše.\nNabavio sam tu hemikaliju,\nnapunio sudoperu njom\ni zagnjurio glavu\ni pokušao da je udišem,\nšto je bilo nemoguće.\nKako je doktor rekao:\nto je kao da pokušavate da dišete\ndok vam slon stoji na grudima.\nTako da je ta ideja nestala.\nOnda sam počeo da razmišljam,\nda li bi bilo moguće prikačiti\nsrčani/plućni bajpas\ni operacijom ubaciti cev u moju arteriju\nda izgleda kao da ne dišem, dok se\nu stvari moja krv puni kiseonikom?\nTo je očigledno bila još jedna luda ideja.\nOnda mi je pala na pamet\nnajluđa ideja od svih:\nda stvarno to uradim.\n(Smeh)\nDa probam da zadržim dah preko granice\n\nCzech: \nPak jsem začal přemýšlet nad\ndýcháním tekutin.\nExistuje kapalina zvaná perflubron.\nObsahuje tolik kyslíku,\nže by se teoreticky dala dýchat.\nTak jsem si jí sehnal,\nnaplnil s ní umyvadlo, strčil do něj hlavu\na zkusil jí vdechnout,\ncož bylo opravdu nemožné.\nJe to něco jako zkoušet dýchat, jak říkají doktoři,\nse slonem na prsou.\nTakže tenhle nápad jsem opustil.\nPotom jsem začal přemýšlet\nnad možností připojit si nějaký bypass na srdce a plíce,\nnechat si voperovat nějakou hadičku do tepny\na pak vypadat že nedýchám, zatímco by mi okysličovali krev?\nCož byl zjevně další z nesmyslných nápadů\nNakonec jsem začal přemýšlet o tom nejšílenějším nápadu ze všech:\nUdělat to doopravdy.\n(smích)\nOpravdu zkusit zadržet dech na dobu,\n\nCroatian: \nOnda sam počeo razmišljati o\ndisanju pomoću tekućine.\nPostoji kemikalija koja se zove perflubron.\nI ima toliko visoku razinu kisika\nda je teoretski možete udahnuti.\nNabavio sam tu kemikaliju,\nnapunio sudoper s njom, zabio glavu u sudoper\ni pokušao je udahnuti,\nšto je bilo nemoguće.\nTo je zapravo kao da pokušavate disati, kako je doktor rekao,\ndok vam slon stoji na prsima.\nTako je ta ideja nestala.\nOnda sam počeo razmišljati,\nda li bi bilo moguće spojiti srčanu/plućnu premosnicu\ni imati operaciju gdje je to bila cijev koja ide u moju arteriju\ni praviti se da ne dišem dok oni daju kisik mojoj krvi?\nŠto je očito bila druga luda ideja.\nOnda sam pomislio na najluđu ideju od svih:\nzapravo to i učiniti.\n(Smijeh)\nZapravo pokušati držati dah preko granice\n\nRussian: \nЗатем я стал обдумывать вариант\nдыхания жидкостью.\nЕсть химический препарат,\nназывается перфлюброн.\nОн имеет настолько\nбольшой уровень кислорода,\nчто теоретически может быть\nгоден для дыхания.\nЯ достал этот препарат,\nнаполнил раковину, залез туда лицом\nи попытался вдохнуть его,\nно это оказалось просто невозможно.\nЭто то же самое, как если\nпытаться делать вдох,\nимея при этом, как выразился один врач,\nслона на груди.\nС этой идеей пришлось расстаться.\nЯ тогда начать думать, а можно ли\nсделать операцию и присоединить\nмеханизм шунтирования сердца,\nвсадив трубку мне в артерию,\nв результате чего я буду\nкак бы не дышать, пока кровь мне\nбудут наполнять кислородом.\nЧто, очевидно,\nбыло еще одной сумасшедшей идеей.\nТогда мне пришла в голову\nсамая дикая из всех идей:\nвзять и действительно\nсделать как сказано.\n(Смех)\nВзять и удержать дыхание\nза пределами того момента,\n\nSlovak: \nPotom som začal rozmýšľať\no tekutom dýchaní.\nExistuje chemikália, ktorá sa nazýva perflubron.\nA je tak vysoko v hodnotách kyslíka,\nže teoreticky by ste ju mohli dýchať.\nTakže som si zohnal tú chemikáliu,\nnaplnil ňou umývadlo a strčil dnu tvár\na pokúsil sa dýchať to,\nčo bolo skutočne nemožné.\nBolo to v základe ako pokúšať sa dýchať, ako povedal doktor,\nso slonom stojacim na vašej hrudi.\nTakže ten nápad zmizol.\nPotom som začal rozmýšľať:\nbolo by možné zapojiť stroj na bajpas srdca/pľúc\na ísť na operáciu, kde by mi zaviedli do tepny rúrku\na zdalo by sa, že nedýcham, kým oni by mi okysličovali krv?\nČo bol zjavne ďalší šialený nápad.\nPotom som rozmýšľal o najbláznivejšom nápade zo všetkých:\nskutočne to dokázať.\n(smiech)\nSkutočne sa pokúsiť zadržať dych za hranicu,\n\nGerman: \nDann habe ich über flüßige Atmung\nnachgedacht.\nEs gibt da eine Chemikalie, Perflubron,\ndie ein so hohes Sauerstofflevel hat,\ndass man sie theoretisch atmen kann.\nDiese Chemikalie habe ich dann in die Hände bekommen,\ndas Waschbecken damit gefüllt, mein Gesicht hineingetaucht\nund versucht es einzuatmen,\nwas schier unmöglich war.\nIm Prinzip ist es der Versuch zu atmen,\nwährend ein Elefant auf deinem Brustkorb steht - so sagte es der Arzt.\nDiese Idee verschwand also auch wieder.\nDann dachte ich,\ndass es vielleicht möglich wäre, einen Herzlungen-Bypass zu verwenden,\nmir in einer Operation einen Schlauch in meine Schlagader einsetzen zu lassen\nund dann so tun als ob ich nicht atmete, während sie Sauerstoff in mein Blut leiteten.\nDas war selbstverständlich eine weitere wahnsinnige Idee.\nDann dachte ich über die verrückste aller Ideen nach:\nEs tatsächlich zu tun.\n(Gelächter)\nAlso wirklich zu versuchen meinen Atem so lange anzuhalten,\n\nPolish: \nWtedy zacząłem myśleć\no płynnym oddychaniu.\nJest taki środek chemiczny, nazywa się perflubron\nMa tak wysokie poziomy tlenu,\nże w teorii jesteś w stanie nim oddychać.\nWięc, dostałem ten środek,\nwlałem go do zlewu, zanurzyłem głowę\ni spróbowałem zacząć oddychać tym czymś\n- było to naprawdę niemożliwe.\nWygląda to tak jak próba oddychania, tak jak doktor wskazał,\nze słoniem stojącym na Twojej klatce piersiowej.\nWięc ten pomysł także prysł.\nWtedy zacząłem się zastanawiać,\nczy byłoby możliwe przyłączyć urządzenie, by ominiąć serce/płuca\ni zrobić operację, gdzie podłączono by przewód do mojej tętnicy,\ni potem udawać, że nie oddycham, gdy moja krew byłaby natleniania?\nOczywiście był to kolejny szalony pomysł.\nI wtedy pomyślałem o najbardziej szalonym ze wszystkich pomysłów:\npo prostu to zrobić.\n(Śmiech)\nŻeby wstrzymać oddech prawie do tego momentu\n\nFinnish: \nSitten aloin miettiä\nnesteen hengittämistä.\nOn olemassa kemikaali nimeltä perflubron.\nSe kuljettaa niin paljon happea,\nettä teoriassa sitä voisi hengittää.\nSain käsiini tuota kemikaalia,\ntäytin pesualtaan sillä, ja työnsin pääni altaaseen,\nyritin hengittää sisään,\nmikä oli täysin mahdotonta.\nOn kuin yrittäisi hengittää, kuten lääkäri sanoi,\nelefantin seisoessa rintakehällä.\nJoten se idea unohdettiin.\nAloin ajatella,\nolisiko mahdollista kiinnittäytyä sydänkeuhkokoneeseen,\nja laitattaa leikkauksella valtimooni putki,\nja vaikuttaisi siltä, etten hengitä, vaikka vereni saisi happea.\nSe oli toinen sekopäinen idea, selvästi.\nSitten sain kaikista hulluimman idean:\nettä itse asiassa teen sen.\n(Naurua)\nEttä todella pidättäisin hengitystäni yli ajan,\n\nBulgarian: \nСлед това започнах да мисля\nдали да не опитам течно дишане.\nСъществува химикал на име перфлуброн,\nв който нивото на кислород е толкова високо,\nче на теория би могъл да се диша.\nТака че си набавих от този химикал,\nнапълних умивалника с него и си пъхнах вътре лицето,\nкато се опитвах да вдишвам,\nкоето се оказа напълно невъзможно.\nКакто каза докторът, това е все едно да се опитваш\nда дишаш, докато на гърдите ти е стъпил слон.\nОтказах се и от тази идея.\nПосле започнах да си мисля,\nдали няма да е възможно чрез байпас машина\nда ми прокарат една тръбичка към артерията,\nи по този начин без да дишам, в кръвта ми да влиза кислород?\nТова си беше поредната откачена идея, разбира се.\nСлед това ми хрумна най - абсурдната от всички идеи:\nда взема да до направя.\n(Смях)\nДа опитам да не дишам по - дълго от момента,\n\nChinese: \n然後我開始考慮嘗試\n液式呼吸。\n有一種化學物質叫做全氟溴烷,\n它的含氧量相當高,\n理論上你可以用來呼吸。\n因此我弄到那種化學物質,\n拿它裝滿水槽,並且把臉浸進去,\n試著在裡面呼吸。\n我完全不能呼吸,\n醫生說,這就像在呼吸的時候,\n有一頭大象站在你的胸前。\n所以我放棄了那個想法,\n然後我想,\n是否有可能利用心肺體外循環機,\n然後動手術把接管放入動脈,\n這樣無須呼吸便能獲得氧氣供應。\n顯然這又是一個瘋狂的想法,\n然後我想到了最瘋狂的一個構想,\n就是真的不去呼吸。\n(笑聲)\n試著停止呼吸直到\n\nSwedish: \nEfter det började jag fundera på\natt andas vätska.\nDet finns en kemikalie som heter perflubron.\nOch det har en så hög halt syre\natt man i teorin kan andas den.\nSå jag skaffade lite av den kemikalien,\nfyllde upp handfatet med det, och stoppade ner ansiktet i handfatet\noch försökte andas in det,\nviket var helt omöjligt.\nDet är som att försöka andas, sade doktorn,\nmedan man har en elefant ståendes på bröstkorgen.\nSå den idén kastades åt sidan.\nEfter det började jag fundera på,\nom det vore möjligt att koppla upp sig till en hjärt/lung bypass maskin\noch få en tub kirurgiskt inopererad till min pulsåder,\noch sedan få det att se ut som om jag inte andades medans de syersatte mitt blod?\nVilket var en till helt galen idé, naturligtvis.\nSedan fick jag den dummaste idén av dem alla:\natt faktiskt göra det.\n(Skratt)\nAtt faktiskt försöka hålla andan bortom den punkt\n\nFrench: \nAlors là, j'ai commencé à penser\nà respirer du liquide.\nIl y a un produit chimique appelé \"perflubron\"\net il est tellement chargé en oxygène\nqu'en théorie on peut le respirer.\nAlors, je me suis procuré ce produit chimique,\nj'ai rempli le lavabo avec, et j'ai plongé la tête dans le lavabo,\net j'ai essayé de le respirer,\nce qui s'est révélé complètement impossible.\nComme a dit un docteur, c'est exactement comme essayer de respirer\navec un éléphant assis sur votre poitrine.\nBon, cette idée a été éliminée.\nEt alors je me suis mis à réfléchir,\nest-ce qu'on pourrait connecter une machine de dérivation coeur-poumons\net subir une opération pour faire passer un tube dans une artère\net ensuite paraître ne pas respirer pendant que mon sang serait ainsi oxygéné ?\nCe qui était manifestement encore une idée dingue.\nAlors, j'ai eu l'idée la plus folle de toutes :\nLe faire pour de bon.\n(Rires)\nRetenir pour de bon mon souffle au delà de la limite\n\nJapanese: \nそして私は実際に\n液体呼吸について考え始めました\nペルフルブロンという薬品があって\n酸素レベルが非常に高く\n理論的にはその中で呼吸ができるのです\nそこで私はその薬品を手に入れ\nシンクいっぱいに張ってその中に顔をつけ\n吸い込もうとしたのですが\n本当に不可能でした\nそれは医者が言ったように 象に胸を踏まれながら\n呼吸をしようとしているような感覚なのです\nそうしてこのアイデアは消えました\nそして今度は\n心肺バイパス装置を取り付け\n動脈にチューブを埋め込み 血液を酸素化させ\n呼吸をしていないように見せかけられないか考えました\nこれもばかげたアイデアでした\nそして遂に正気でないアイデアを思いついたのです\n実現可能なものです\n(笑い)\n医者が脳死になると考える時間を過ぎるまで\n\nLatvian: \nIr tāda ķīmiska viela kā perflubrons,\nun tas ir tik bagāts ar skābekli,\nka teorētiski to varētu elpot.\nEs dabūju to ķīmisko vielu,\npiepildīju ar to izlietni,\niebāzu tajā seju\nun mēģināju to ieelpot,\nkas tiešām bija neiespējami.\nKā ārsts teica, tas ir kā mēģināt elpot\nar ziloni stāvam uz krūtīm.\nTā kā tā ideja arī atkrita.\nTad es iedomājos,\nvai būtu iespējams pievienot iekārtu,\nkas aizvieto sirdi un plaušas,\nun ķirurģiski ievietot\ncaurulīti manā artērijā,\nun tad izlikties, ka neelpoju,\nkamēr iekārta asinis apgādātu ar skābekli.\nTā, protams, bija\nvēl viena vājprātīga doma.\nTad man ienāca prātā\npati trakākā no visām idejām:\ntiešām to izdarīt.\n(Smiekli)\nTiešām aizturēt elpu ilgāk,\nnekā ārsti uzskata,\nka smadzenes spēj izdzīvot.\n\nArabic: \nثم بدأت فعلا بالتفكير\nفي التنفس السائل\nهناك مادة كيميائية تدعى بيرفلوبرون\nوتحوي مستويات مرتفعة جداً من الأوكسجين\nوالتي يمكن من الناحية النظرية تنفسها\nلذا ، حصلت على تلك المادة الكيميائية\nملأت الحوض منها، ووضعت وجهي في الخزان\nوحاولت أن أتنفس في داخلها\nوقد كان ذلك من المستحيل حقا\nانها في الاساس مثل محاولة التنفس ، كما قال طبيب\nفي حين وجود فيل واقفٌ على صدرك\nلذلك ، اختفت تلك الفكرة\nثم بدأت بالتفكير\nهل سيكون من الممكن وضع آلة تجاوز القلب / الرئة\nوالقيام بعملية جراحية حيث يضعون انبوب في شرياني\nوهكذا أبدو انني لا أتنفس بينما يكون آخرون يزودون دمي بالأكسجين\nوقد كانت تلك من الواضح فكرة مجنونة أخرى\nثم فكرت بفكرة أكثر جنونا من جميع الأفكار\nلماذا لا أفعلها بجدية\n(ضحك)\nاي أن حبس أنفاسي بالفعل للنقطة\n\nDanish: \nSå begyndte jeg faktisk at tænke på\nvæske vejrtrækning.\nDer er et kemikalie der hedder perflubron.\nOg der er så højt ilt niveau\nat man i teorien kan trække vejret i det.\nSå, jeg fik fat på det kemikalie,\nfyldte håndvasken med det, og jeg puttede mit ansigt i håndvasken\nog prøvede at trække vejret i det,\nhvilket var helt umuligt.\nDet var dybest set ligesom at prøve at trække vejret, som lægen sagde,\nsamtidig med at der står en elefant på ens brystkasse.\nSå, den ide forsvandt.\nSå begyndte jeg at tænke,\nville det være muligt at hjerte/lunge bypass maskine\nog få en operation hvor der ville gå en tube i min pulsåre,\nog så se ud som om jeg ikke trak vejret mens de iltede mit blod?\nHvilket var endnu en sindssyg ide, tydeligvis.\nSå tænkte jeg på den mest sindssyge ide af dem alle:\nfaktisk at gøre det.\n(Latter)\nRent faktisk at holde vejret forbi det punkt\n\nChinese: \n接着我开始考虑\n试试液体呼吸。\n有一种叫全氟化合物的化学药剂,\n含氧量特别高,\n理论上你是可以用它来呼吸。\n于是我打算尝试这种化学试剂,\n将它灌满水缸,把脸浸在里面,\n试着呼吸。\n但那实在是不太可能,\n基本上就如医生所说,\n情况如同一头大象踩住你胸口的同时你还非得呼吸一样。\n这个法子看来也行不通。\n接着我想到,\n有没有可能在我的心脏和肺之间用机械搭桥,\n然后做手术把管子放入动脉,\n表面没有呼吸但事实上这些装备在为我的血液供氧?\n但这显然又是另一个疯狂的想法。\n后来,我想出了一个最疯狂的办法:\n那就是,真刀真枪的来。\n(笑声)\n去真正憋气至那一刻,\n\nSpanish: \nen el que los médicos declararían muerte cerebral.\nAsí que empecé a investigar\nsobre los buceadores de perlas.\nPorque se sumergen durante cuatro minutos con una sola respiración.\nY estaba investigándolos cuando me topé con el mundo\ndel buceo libre.\nEra prácticamente lo más increíble que había descubierto jamás.\nEl buceo libre tiene varias modalidades.\nExisten récords de profundidad, donde se baja a la máxima profundidad posible.\nY luego está la apnea estática.\nEso es aguantar la respiración tanto tiempo como puedas\nen un punto sin moverse.\nEso fue lo que estudié.\nLo primero que aprendí es que cuando aguantas la respiración\nno deberías moverte en absoluto; eso gasta energía.\nY consume oxígeno,\ngenerando más y más CO2 en sangre. Así que aprendí a no moverme nunca.\nY aprendí a disminuir mis pulsaciones por minuto.\nTenía que mantenerme totalmente quieto y relajarme\ny pensar que no estaba dentro de mi cuerpo,\ny controlarme.\nY luego aprendí a purgar.\nPurgarse, es básicamente hiperventilar.\n\nKurdish: \nکه‌ دکتۆره‌کان به‌مردنی مێشک دایده‌نێن\nله‌به‌ر ئه‌وه‌، ده‌ستم کرد به‌گەڕان بۆی\nلە ناو مرواریە مەلەوانەکان\nده‌زانن، له‌به‌ر ئه‌وه‌ی ئه‌وان بۆ چوارخوله‌ک ده‌چنه‌ خواره‌وه‌ به‌یه‌ک هه‌ناسه‌\nکاتێک بەدوای مرواریە مەلەوانەکان دەگەڕام\nشێوازی جیهانی مه‌له‌کردنی کراوه‌م دۆزییه‌وه‌\nبەڕاستی سه‌رنج راکێشترین شت بوو که‌ دۆزیمه‌وه‌\nچه‌ند شێوازێکی کراوه‌ی مه‌له‌کردن هه‌یه‌\nریکۆردی قوڵی هه‌یه‌ که‌خه‌ڵک تاچه‌ند بیه‌وێت ده‌ڕواته‌ خواره‌وه‌\nوه‌دوای ئه‌وه‌ شێوازی وه‌ستانی هه‌ناسه‌دان هه‌یه‌\nکه‌هه‌ناسه‌ت ڕاده‌گرێت هه‌تا ئه‌وماوه‌یه‌ی خۆت ده‌توانیت\nله‌یه‌ک شوێن به‌بێ جوڵه‌\nئه‌وه‌یان بوو که‌من بایه‌خم پێدا\nیه‌که‌م شت که‌فێری بووم ئه‌وه‌یه‌ کاتێک هه‌ناسه‌ت ڕاده‌گریت\nپێویسته‌ به‌هیچ شێوه‌یه‌ک نه‌جوڵێیت، ئه‌مه‌ وزەت که‌م ده‌کاته‌وه‌\nکه‌ده‌بێته‌ هۆی نه‌مانی ئۆکسجین\nوه‌ دوا ئۆکسیدی کاربۆن له‌خوێندا دروست ده‌کات، له‌به‌رئه‌وه‌ فێربووم که‌نه‌جوڵێم\nوه‌ ئه‌وه‌ش فێربوم که‌ لێدانه‌کانی دڵم هێواش بکه‌مه‌وه‌\nپێویست بوو به‌شێوه‌یه‌کی باش هێمن بم\nوه‌به‌شێوه‌یه‌ک بیر بکه‌مه‌وه‌ له‌ ناو له‌شمدانیم\nوه‌کۆنتڕۆڵی ئه‌وه‌ بکه‌م\nوه‌ دوای ئه‌وه‌ش فێربووم که‌چۆن به‌سه‌ر گه‌دەمدا زاڵ ببم\nجوڵه‌ی گه‌ده‌ له‌ڕاستیدا هه‌وا ده‌گۆڕێت به‌شێوه‌یه‌کی زۆر\n\nRussian: \nпосле которого доктора считают,\nчто наступает смерть мозга.\nЯ начал серьёзно интересоваться\nныряльщиками за жемчугом.\nОни ведь могут за одно погружение\nзадерживать дыхание на 4 минуты.\nА заинтересовавшись ныряльщиками\nза жемчугом, я открыл для себя\nмир фридайвинга.\nЭто оказалась, пожалуй, самая потрясающая вещь,\nо которой я когда-либо узнал.\nУ фридайвинга есть много разных вариантов.\nОдин из них, например,\nрекорд по глубине погружения.\nА еще есть статическая\nапнеа [задержка дыхания].\nЭто когда вы останавливаете дыхание\nкак можно дольше,\nпри этом оставаясь\nбез движения на месте.\nЭто как раз то, что меня интересовало.\nВо-первых, я узнал,\nчто если держишь дыхание,\nни в коем случае не двигайся —\nэто потеря энергии.\nА также растрата кислорода,\nи прирост углекислого газа в крови.\nЯ научился вообще не двигаться.\nИ я научился замедлять сердцебиение.\nНадо оставаться в совершенном покое\nи просто расслабиться,\nдумать «я не нахожусь в собственном теле»\nи управлять этим процессом.\nЗатем я научился, как нужно очищаться.\nОчищение, по существу, это —\nгипервентиляция\n\nChinese: \n那连医生都认为会脑死亡的时间。\n于是我开始搜集\n有关采珠人的信息。\n因为他们可以只用一口气便在水下待4分钟之久。\n而且当我在做采珠人调查时\n我发现了另一番洞天--自由潜水。\n它几乎可以说是我至今发现最奇妙的事。\n自由潜水有很多种,\n有深度记录的,人们可以潜到他们能达到的最大深度,\n还有静止屏气,\n就是能憋气多久就憋多久,\n但必须静止在一个固定的地方。\n那就是我调查的研究。\n我学到的第一个要领就是当你在屏气时\n应该一动不动,否则会浪费能量,\n消耗氧气,\n并会使血液中的CO2含量升高。所以我试着不去移动。\n我也学到了怎样减缓我的心率。\n必须去保证一动不动并且非常放松\n想象自己已经不在身体里,\n并且要持续保持。\n然后我学了怎样净化呼吸,\n净化呼吸实际上就是强力呼吸。\n\nJapanese: \n実際に息を止めるのです\nそこで私は真珠採りについて\n調べることにしました\n彼らは一度の息継ぎで4分間潜水します\nこの調査をしているうちに\nフリーダイビングに出会いました\n最高の出会いをしたと思っています\nフリーダイビングには様々な競技があります\n潜水深度を競うものや\nスタティックアプネアがあります\nこれは一か所で動かずに\nできる限り呼吸を止めるというものです\n私が学んだのはこれでした\n始めに知ったのは呼吸を止めているときには\nエネルギーが無駄になるため 決して動いてはならないことです\n酸素を使い果たしてしまい\n血液中の二酸化炭素が増えるため 動いてはいけません\nそれから心拍数の下げ方を習いました\n決して動かずにリラックスして\n自分は体の外側にいるものだと考え\nひたすらそれをコントロールするのです\nパージの仕方も習いました\nパージとは過度呼吸のことで\n\nItalian: \nche i medici considerano di morte cerebrale.\nAl che ho iniziato a fare delle ricerche\nsui cercatori di perle,\nperché loro riescono a stare sott'acqua per quattro minuti senza riprendere fiato.\nE mentre facevo ricerche sui cercatori di perle ho scoperto\nil mondo delle immersioni in apnea.\nE' stata la cosa più straordinaria che abbia mai scoperto, o quasi.\nCi sono molti aspetti diversi che concernono l'immersione.\nCi sono i record di profondità, dove si cerca di andare più in fondo possibile.\nE poi c'è l'apnea statica,\nche consiste nel trattenere il fiato il più a lungo possibile\nrimanendo immobili senza muoversi.\nIo ho studiato questo aspetto.\nLa prima cosa che ho imparato è che quando si trattiene il respiro\nbisogna restare immobili per non sprecare energia.\nIl movimento consuma ossigeno,\ne aumenta i livelli di anidride carbonica nel sangue. Quindi, ho imparato che bisogna stare immobili.\nE ho imparato a rallentare la mia frequenza cardiaca.\nDovevo rimanere perfettamente immobile e rilassarmi\ne pensare di non essere nel mio corpo,\ncontrollando questo stato.\nPoi ho imparato a depurarmi.\nDepurarsi è in sostanza iperventilare.\n\nThai: \nที่เหล่าหมอๆ จะบอกว่าคุณสมองตายแล้ว\nผมเลยเริ่มค้นคว้า\nเกี่ยวกับคนดำน้ำเก็บมุก\nคุณรู้รึเปล่าว่าคนพวกนั้นสามารถดำน้ำลงไปได้ 4 นาทีต่อการกลั้นหายใจ 1 ครั้ง\nและระหว่างที่ผมทำการค้นคว้าเกี่ยวกับคนดำน้ำเก็บมุก ผมก็ได้พบกับโลก\nของการดำน้ำตัวเปล่า (freediving)\nมันเป็นสิ่งมหัศจรรย์ที่สุดที่ผมเคยค้นพบมาเลยทีเดียว\nซึ่งเป้าหมายของการดำน้ำตัวเปล่าก็มีหลายแบบ\nมีทั้งสถิติความลึกในการดำน้ำ ที่คนแข่งขันกันที่จะดำน้ำให้ได้ลึกที่สุด\nและสถิติการหยุดหายใจ\nซึ่งก็คือการกลั้นหายใจให้ได้นานที่สุด\nในที่ที่หนึ่งโดนไม่เคลื่อนไหว\nนั่นคือหนึ่งในสิ่งที่ผมศึกษามา\nสิ่งแรกที่ผมเรียนรู้ก็คือ ตอนที่คุณกลั้นหายใจ\nคุณไม่ควรที่จะขยับเลยแม้แต่นิดเดียว เพราะมันจะทำให้คุณสูญเสียพลังงาน\nซึ่งก็คือการสูญเสียออกซิเจน\nและหมายถึงการสร้างคาร์บอนไดออกไซด์ขึ้นในเลือดของคุณอีกต่างหาก ดังนั้นผมจึงเรียนรู้ว่าห้ามขยับเขยื้อนเลยแม้แต่นิดเดียว\nและผมเรียนรู้ที่จะควมคุมให้หัวใจผมเต้นช้าลง\nโดยผมต้องนิ่งไม่ขยับเลย และผ่อนคลาย\nและคิดว่าผมไม่ได้อยู่ในร่างกายตัวเอง\nแค่ควบคุมทั้งสามอย่างนั้น\nหลังจากนั้นผมเรียนรู้ที่จะทำการไล่อากาศ\nการไล่อากาศ คือการหายใจอย่างแรง\n\nFinnish: \njonka jälkeen lääkärit pitävät ihmistä aivokuolleena.\nJoten aloin tutkia\nhelmikalastajia.\nHe menevät alas neljäksi minuutiksi yhdellä keuhkollisella ilmaa.\nTutkiessani helmikalastajia löysin\nvapaasukelluksen.\nSe oli uskomattomin asia, mitä olen ikinä löytänyt.\nOn monenlaista vapaasukellusta.\nOn syvyysennätyksiä, ihmiset menevät niin syvälle kuin pystyvät.\nJa on hengityksen pidättäminen.\nSiinä pidätetään hengitystä mahdollisimman kauan\nliikkumatta.\nAloin tutkia sitä.\nEnsiksi opin, että hengitystä pidättäessään\nei pidä liikkua ollenkaan; se kuluttaa energiaa.\nJa kuluttaa happea,\nse synnyttää vereen hiilidioksidia. Joten opin olemaan liikkumatta.\nOpin hidastamaan sydämeni sykettä.\nOlin täysin liikkumatta ja rentouduin,\najattelin, etten ollut kehossani,\nvain kontrolloin sitä.\nOpin puhdistamaan vereni.\nKäytännössä hyperventiloin.\n\nTurkish: \nötesinde kadar nefesimi tutabilirim.\nVe inci dalgıçlarını\naraştırmaya başladım.\nBilirsiniz, tek bir nefesle 4 dakika aşağıya iniyorlar.\nİnci dalgıçlarını araştırırken, serbest dalış dünyası\nile tanıştım.\nKeşfettiğim en muazzam şeylerden biriydi.\nSerbest dalışa pek çok farklı yaklaşım var.\nDerinlik rekorları var, insanlar inebildikleri kadar derine iniyorlar.\nBir de statik apne var (apne: nefes tutma)\nBu da bir yerde durup nefesinizi tutabildiğiniz\nkadar tutmak demek.\nBen bunu çalıştım.\nİlk öğrendiğim şey, nefesinizi tutarken asla kımıldamalısınız\nbu enerji kaybına neden olur.\nBuda oksijen tükettirir\nve kanınızda CO2 arttırır. Kımıldamayacaktım.\nVe kalp hızımı nasıl düşüreceğimi öğrendim.\nTamamen hareketsiz ve rahatlamış bir şekilde\ndurup vücudumda olmadığımı düşünecektim,\nve bunu kontrol edecektim.\nVe nasıl tamamen temizleneceğimi öğrendim.\nBu basitçe sık sık soluk almak demek.\n\nHungarian: \nahol az orvosok már agyhalottnak tekintenének.\nÍgy hát elkezdtem utánanézni\na gyöngyhalászoknak.\nMivel akár négy percig is víz alatt tudnak maradni egy lélegzettel.\nÉs mikor róluk olvastam, rátaláltam\na szabadmerülésre.\nEz voltaképpen a legcsodásabb dolog volt, amire valaha rátaláltam.\nA szabadmerülésnek sok különféle ága van.\nVannak mélységi rekordok, ahol olyan mélyre merülnek, amennyire tudnak.\nAztán ott van a statikus apnea.\nItt annyi ideig tartják vissza a levegőt, ameddig csak tudják,\negy helyben, mozgás nélkül.\nÉn erre fordítottam a figyelmem.\nAz első dolog, amit megtanultam, hogy ha visszatartod a lélegzeted,\negyáltalán nem szabad mozognod, mert energiát pazarolsz.\nEz pedig oxigént használ el,\nés szén-dioxid keletkezik a véredben. Így megtanultam, hogy soha nem szabad mozogni.\nÉs megtanultam, hogyan lassíthatom le a szívverésem.\nTökéletesen mozdulatlannak kellett maradnom, ellazulni,\nés arra gondolni, hogy nem vagyok a testemben,\nés ezt kontrollálni.\nAztán megtanultam a helyes légzéstechnikát.\nEz gyakorlatilag egy nagyon gyors és mély légzés.\n\nPortuguese: \nque os médicos te considerariam com morte cerebral.\nEntão, comecei a pesquisar\nsobre os mergulhadores de pérolas.\nVocê sabe, pelo fato de eles mergulharem por quatro minutos com um só fôlego.\nE quando eu pesquisava os mergulhadores de pérolas eu encontrei o mundo\ndo mergulho de apnéia.\nEra a coisa mais incrível que eu já tinha descoberto, provavelmente.\nExistem vários aspectos diferentes na apnéia.\nHá recordes de profundidade, em que se vai o mais fundo que conseguir.\nE existe a apnéia estática.\nQue é segurar o fôlego pelo maior tempo possível\nno mesmo lugar sem se mover.\nFoi este que eu estudei.\nA primeira coisa que aprendi é que enquanto estiver prendendo o fôlego\nvocê não deve fazer nenhum movimento, pois desperdiça energia.\nE isso esgota o oxigênio,\ne aumenta o CO2 no seu sangue. Então, aprendi a nunca me mover.\nE aprendi como diminuir minha frequência cardíaca.\nEu tinha que permanecer perfeitamente parado e apenas relaxar\ne pensar que eu não estava no meu corpo,\ne apenas controlar isto.\nDepois aprendi como hiperventilar.\nBasicamente hiperventilar.\n\nModern Greek (1453-): \nΈτσι άρχισα να κάνω έρευνα σχετικά \nμε τους δύτες που μαζεύουν μαργαριτάρια.\nΞέρετε, επειδή βουτάνε \nγια τέσσερα λεπτά με μία αναπνοή.\nΚαθώς έκανα έρευνα για τους δύτες μαργαριταριών,\nανακάλυψα τον κόσμο της ελεύθερης κατάδυσης.\nΉταν το πιο εντυπωσιακό πράγμα\nπου είχα ανακαλύψει ποτέ μου, μπορώ να πω.\nΥπάρχουν πολλές πτυχές \nστην ελεύθερη κατάδυση.\nΥπάρχουν τα ρεκόρ βάθους, όπου άνθρωποι \nπηγαίνουν όσο πιο βαθιά μπορούν.\nΚαι έπειτα, υπάρχει η στατική άπνοια.\nΠου σημαίνει να κρατάς την αναπνοή σου\nγια όση ώρα αντέχεις\nμένοντας σε ένα σημείο ακίνητος.\nΑυτό ήταν που μελέτησα.\nΤο πρώτο πράγμα που έμαθα, \nείναι πως όταν κρατάς την αναπνοή σου\nδεν πρέπει ποτέ να κινείσαι καθόλου: \nαυτό σπαταλάει ενέργεια.\nΚαι ότι αυτό καταστρέφει το οξυγόνο,\nκαι δημιουργεί διοξείδιο \nτου άνθρακα στο αίμα.\nΈτσι λοιπόν, έμαθα να μην κινούμαι ποτέ.\nΚαι έμαθα πώς να μειώνω \nτους καρδιακούς μου παλμούς.\nΈπρεπε να παραμείνω τελείως \nακίνητος και απλώς να χαλαρώσω\nκαι να σκέφτομαι ότι δεν βρίσκομαι\nστο σώμα μου, και απλώς να το ελέγξω.\nΚαι έπειτα έμαθα πώς να κάνω καθαρισμό.\nΟυσιαστικά είναι υπεραερισμός.\nΕισπνέεις και εκπνέεις ...\n\nPersian: \nعلی رغم اینکه پزشکان مرگ مغزی را هشدار داده بودند\nمن شروع به تحقیق کردم\nدر مورد غواصان مروارید.\nمی دونیدو زیرا آنها با یک نفس 4 دقیقه زیر آب می مانند\nوقتی که در مورد غواصان مروارید تحقیق می کردم با دنیای غواصی آزاد\nآشنا شدم.\nاین شگفت انگیزترین چیزی بود که تا به حال دیده بودم\nغواصی آزاد جنبه های مختلفی دارد.\nرکود عمق یکی از آنها است ,در آن افراد به عمیق ترین جایی که می توانند می روند.\nبعد از آن رکود نگه داشتن موقتی نفس است.\nکه در آن طولانی ترین مدتی که می توانید نفستان را حبس می کنید\nدر یک جا بدون اینکه حرکتی بکنید.\nاین چیزی بود که من در موردش مطالعه کردم.\nاولین چیزی که یاد گرفتم این بود که وقتی نفستان را نگه می دارید\nنباید هیچ حرکتی بکنید, این کار انرژی را از بین می برد\nسطح انرژی را کاهش می دهد\nو باعث تولید دی اکسید کربن در خون می شود ,بنابراین من یاد گرفتم که به هیچ وجه حرکت نکنم\nو یاد گرفتم که چطور ضربان قلبم را آهسته کنم.\nمن مجبور بودم کاملا در آن حالت بمانم و فقط ریلکس باشم\nو فکر می کردم که من درون بدنم نیستم،\nو فقط آن را کنترل می کنم.\nو بعد از آن یاد گرفتم که چطور عمل پالایش را انجام دهم.\nپالایش در واقع تنفس بسیار عمیق است.\n\nDanish: \nhvor lægerne ville anse en for hjernedød.\nSå, jeg begyndte at forske i\nperledykkere.\nI ved, fordi de dykker ned i fire minutter på en vejrtrækning.\nOg da jeg undersøgte perledykkere, fandt jeg verden med\nfree-diving.\nDet var den mest fantastiske ting jeg nogensinde har opdaget, mere eller mindre.\nDer er mange forskellige aspekter i free-diving.\nDer er dybde rekorder, hvor mennesker dykker så dybt som de kan.\nOg så er der statisk apnø.\nDet er at holde vejret så længe man kan\npå et sted uden at bevæge sig.\nDet var den jeg studerede.\nDen første ting jeg lærte er at når man holder vejret\nskal man aldrig bevæge sig overhovedet; det spilder energi.\nOg det bruger ilt,\nog det opbygger CO2 i ens blod. Så, jeg lærte aldrig at bevæge mig.\nOg jeg lærte hvordan jeg bremser min hjerte frekvens.\nJeg skulle være helt stille og bare slappe af\nog jeg tror at jeg ikke var i min krop,\nog bare kontrollere den.\nOg så lærte jeg at rense ud.\nUdrensning er dybest set hyperventilering.\n\nArabic: \nالتي سوف يعتبرونك الأطباء ستتلف دماغك\nلذا بدأت بالبحث\nفي مجال \"الغوص بحثاً عن اللؤلؤ\"\nكما تعلمون ، لأنهم يغوصون تحت الماء لمدة أربع دقائق على نفس واحد\nوعندما كنت أدرس الغوص بحثا عن اللؤلؤ وجدت نفسي في مجال آخر\nوهو الغوص الحر\nوقد كان هذا أكثر شيء مدهش اكتشفته في حياتي ، والى حد كبير\nكان هناك الكثير من المجالات المختلفة للغوص الحر\nوكان هنالك سجلات للغوص .. لكل عمق وصل إليه الغواصون\n.ومن ثم تعرفت على \"حبس التنفس الثابت\"\nوهو حبس أنفاسك لأطول مدة ممكنة\nفي مكان واحد دون أن تتحرك\nوهذا كان الموضوع الذي درسته\nالشيء الأول الذي تعلمته هو عندما تحبس أنفاسك\nيجب عليك أن لا تتحرك على الإطلاق لأن هذا يستهلك من طاقتك\nكما أنه ينقص الأكسجين\nو تزيد نسبة ثاني أكسيد الكربون في دمك، لهكذا، تعلمت أن لا اتحرك أبداً\nوتعلمت كيف استطيع أبطىء معدل ضربات القلب\nواضطررت الى البقاء جالسا تماما ومسترخياً فقط لفترات طويلة\nوأن أفكر انني خارج جسدي\nوالسيطرة على ذلك\nومن ثم تعلمت كيفية \"التطهير\"\nوالتطهير هو أساسا التنفس بشدة\n\nSlovak: \nkde by vás doktori považovali za mozgovo mŕtveho.\nTakže som začal skúmať\nlovcov perál.\nLebo oni idú dole na 4 minúty na jeden nádych.\nA keď som skúmal lovcov perál, našiel som svet\nnádychového potápania.\nBola to snáď tá najúžasnejšia vec, akú som kedy objavil.\nJe veľa rôznych aspektov nádychového potápania.\nSú hĺbkové rekordy, kde ľudia idú tak hlboko ako môžu.\nA potom existuje statické apnoe.\nTo je zadržanie dychu tak dlho ako dokážete\nna jednom mieste bez hýbania.\nTo som študoval.\nPrvá vec, ktorú som sa naučil bola, že keď zadržiavate dych,\nnemali by ste sa vôbec hýbať; to míňa energiu.\nA to odčerpáva kyslík\na vytvára CO2 v krvi. Takže som sa naučil, že sa nemám nikdy hýbať.\nA naučil som sa, ako znížiť tepovú frekvenciu.\nMusel som ostať úplne bez pohybu a iba sa uvoľniť\na myslieť si, že nie som vo svojom tele\na iba to kontrolovať.\nA potom som sa naučil, ako sa očistiť.\nOčista je v zásade hyperventilácia.\n\nRomanian: \nAșa că am început să studiez\npescuitorii de perle.\nDeoarece ei pot sta sub apă\ntimp de 4 minute.\nȘi în timp ce studiam pescuitorii\nde perle am descoperit\nlumea scufundărilor libere.\nA fost cel mai uimitor lucru\npe care l-am descoperit vreodată.\nSunt multe aspecte legate\nde scufundările libere.\nSunt recorduri de adâncime,\nadică încearcă să se scufunde cât mai mult\nși mai e și apneea statică.\nAdică să îți ții respirația\ncât de mult timp poți\nstând locului, fără să te miști.\nAsta a fost cea pe care am studiat-o.\nPrimul lucru pe care l-am învățat\na fost că atunci când îți ții respirația\nnu trebuie să te miști deloc;\nmișcarea îți consumă energia.\nLucru care consumă oxigen\nși se acumulează CO₂ în sânge.\nAm învățat să nu mă mișc deloc,\ncum să îmi reduc ritmul cardiac.\nTrebuia să stau perfect nemișcat,\nsă mă relaxez\nși să îmi închipui\ncă nu eram în corpul meu,\nși să controlez toate astea.\nIar apoi am învățat cum să mă epurez.\nEpurarea presupune hipervențilare.\n\nCroatian: \nkod koje vas doktori smatraju klinički mrtvim.\nPočeo sam istraživati\nronioce koji traže bisere.\nZato što rone četiri minute u jednom dahu.\nI kad sam istraživao biserne ronioce, pronašao sam svijet\nslobodnog ronjenja.\nTo je ujedno bila najnevjerojatnija stvar koju sam ikad otkrio.\nPostoje mnogo različitih gledišta slobodnog ronjenja.\nPostoje dubinski rekorderi, gdje ljudi idu onoliko duboko koliko mogu.\nI onda postoje statične discipline.\nTo je držanje daha koliko dugo možeš\nna jednom mjestu bez micanja.\nTo je onaj koji sam ja proučavao.\nPrva stvar koju sam naučio je da dok držiš dah\nne bi se uopće trebao micati, to troši energiju.\nA to troši kisik\ni stvara CO2 u krvi. Naučio sam nikad se ne micati.\nI naučio sam kako usporiti otkucaje srca.\nMorao sam ostati savršeno miran i samo se opustiti\ni misliti da nisam u svome tijelu\ni samo kontrolirati to.\nOnda sam naučio kako se pročistiti.\nPročišćavanje je u biti hiperventiliranje.\n\nGerman: \ndass Ärzte dich als hirntot betrachten.\nIch habe mit Recherche nach\nPerlentauchern begonnen,\nweil die mit einem Atemzug vier Minuten lang unter Wasser bleiben.\nUnd durch die Perlentaucherrecherche fand ich\ndie Welt des Freitauchens.\nEs war so ziemlich das erstaunlichste, was ich je entdeckte.\nEs gibt verschiedene Aspekte zum Freitauchen:\nDa sind Tiefenrekorde, bei denen Leute so tief wie möglich tauchen,\nund es gibt bewegungslose Apnoe,\ndas bedeutet den Atem so lange wie möglich\nam selben Fleck und ohne sich zu bewegen anzuhalten.\nDas war auch das, womit ich mich beschäftigte.\nDas erste, was ich lernte, war, dass man sich überhaupt nicht\nbewegen sollte, wenn man den Atem anhält, weil das Energie verbrauchen,\nden Sauerstoffvorrat leeren\nund dein Blut mit Kohlenstoff anreichern würde. So lernte ich mich nie zu bewegen.\nUnd ich lernte meine Herzschlagfrequenz zu verlangsamen.\nIch musste ganz bewegungslos und entspannt bleiben\nund denken, dass ich nicht in meinem Körper bin\nund nur das kontrollieren.\nUnd dann lernte ich zu purgieren,\nwas so viel ist wie hyperventilieren.\n\niw: \nשרופאים מחשיבים למוות מוחי\nאז, התלחתי לחקור\nצוללנים שמחפשים פנינים\nכי הם יורדים במשך ארבע דקות עם נשימה אחת.\nכשחקרתי צוללנים שמחפשים פנינים גיליתי את העולם\nשל צלילה חופשית\nזה היה פחות או יותר, הדבר הכי מדהים שאני אי פעם גיליתי.\nישנם היבטים שונים בצלילה חופשית.\nיש שיאי עומק, שבו אנשים הולכים עמוק ככל שיוכלו.\nואז יש דום נשימה סטטית.\nזה לעצור את הנשימה זמן רב ככל שאפשר\nבמקום אחד בלי לזוז.\nוזה מה שלמדתי\nהדבר הראשון שלמדתי זה כאשר אתה מחזיק את הנשימה\nאתה לא אמור לזוז בכלל, זה מבזבז אנרגיה.\nוזה מכלה את החמצן,\nוזה גורם להצטברות של CO2 בדם, אז למדתי לא לזוז אף פעם\nוגם למדתי איך להאט קצב הלב שלי.\nהייתי צריך להישאר דומם לחלוטין, ופשוט להירגע\nולחשוב שאני לא נמצא בתוך גופי\nורק לשלוט על זה\nואז למדתי איך לטהר את עצמי\nטיהור זה בעצם נשימת יתר\n\nVietnamese: \nkhi mà bác sỹ khẳng định bạn sẽ bại não.\nVậy nên, tôi bắt đầu nghiên cứu\nvề những thợ lặn ngọc trai.\nBạn biết đó, bởi vì họ lặn xuống trong bốn phút chỉ với một hơi.\nVà khi đang nghiên cứu thợ lặn ngọc trai tôi khám phá ra thế giới\ncủa lặn tự do.\nĐó là điều tuyệt vời nhất mà tôi từng khám phá ra, thật sự kinh ngạc.\nCó rất nhiều khía cạnh trong lặn tự do.\nCó những ghi chép tỉ mỉ, nơi người ta lặn sâu nhất có thể.\nVà có cả trạng thái ngưng thở tĩnh.\nTrạng thái nín thở lâu nhất mà bạn có thể\ntại một chỗ mà không di chuyển.\nĐó là điều mà tôi học được.\nĐiều đầu tiên mà tôi học được là khi bạn nín thở\nbạn không được cử động nhiều; việc đó tiêu tốn năng lượng.\nVà nó làm cạn kiệt khí oxy,\nvà nó tăng lượng CO2 trong máu. Vậy nên, tôi biết rằng không được chuyển động.\nVà tôi học được cách làm giảm nhịp tim.\nTôi phải giữ hoàn toàn bất động và thư giãn\nvà nghĩ rằng tôi đang ở ngoài cơ thể,\nvà kiểm soát điều đó.\nVà rồi tôi học được cách thanh lọc.\nThanh lọc đơn giản là thở chậm rãi.\n\nPolish: \nkiedy lekarze uznaliby śmierć mózgu\nZacząłem więc poszukiwania\nwśród nurków - poławiaczy pereł.\nOni nurkują na jednym oddechu przez cztery minuty.\nI kiedy badałem świat poławiaczy pereł,\nodkryłem świat freedivingu.\nTo była, jakby nie patrzeć, najbardziej niesamowita rzecz jaką odkryłem.\nFreediving ma wiele aspektów.\nSą rekordy głębokości, gdzie ludzie nurkują tak głęboko jak to możliwe.\nI jest statyczny bezdech.\nPolega na wstrzymaniu oddechu tak długo jak potrafisz\nw jednym miejscu, bez poruszania się.\nTen temat zacząłem zgłębiać.\nPierwsza rzecz, którą odkryłem, to że przy wstrzymanym oddechu\nnie powinieneś się w ogóle poruszać; to strata energii.\nWyczerpuje też tlen\ni zwiększa wydzielanie CO2 we krwi. Nauczyłem się nie ruszać.\nNauczyłem się też spowolnić tempo bicia serca.\nMusiałem pozostać w absolutnym bezruchu i zrelaksować się\nmyśleć, że nie jestem we własnym ciele\ni po prostu to kontrolować.\nNauczyłem się też przedmuchiwania.\nPrzedmuchiwanie to właściwie hiperwentylacja.\n\nBulgarian: \nслед който докторите обявяват мозъчна смърт.\nЗапочнах да проучвам\nгмуркачите за перли.\nНали те издържат долу по 4 минути на един дъх.\nДокато проучвах гмуркачите на перли, открих света\nна свободното гмуркане.\nТова беше най - невероятното нещо, на което някога съм се натъквал.\nСъществуват различни аспекти на свободното гмуркане.\nИма рекорди за най - дълбоко гмуркане.\nИ, разбира се, статичната апнея.\nПри нея в статично положение задържаш въздуха си\nколкото се може по - дълго.\nИменно тя бе обектът на моето изследване.\nПървото нещо, което научих, е че когато не дишаш,\nне бива и да се движиш, защото изразходваш енергия.\nДвижението изразходва кислород и увеличава нивата\nна въглероден двуокис в кръвта. Научих се да стоя неподвижен.\nНаучих се и как да забавям сърдечния си ритъм.\nТрябваше да остана съвсем неподвижен и просто да се отпусна,\nи да си представя, че съм извън тялото си\nи да контолирам това състояние.\nСлед това се научих как да се прочиствам.\nПо същество прочистването е хипер - вентилиране.\n\nEnglish: \nSo, I started researching\ninto pearl divers.\nYou know, because they go down\nfor four minutes on one breath.\nAnd when I was researching pearl divers,\nI found the world of free-diving.\nIt was the most amazing thing\nthat I ever discovered, pretty much.\nThere is many different\naspects to free-diving.\nThere is depth records,\nwhere people go as deep as they can.\nAnd then there is static apnea.\nThat's holding your breath\nas long as you can\nin one place without moving.\nThat was the one that I studied.\nThe first thing that I learned\nis when you're holding your breath,\nyou should never move at all;\nthat wastes energy.\nAnd that depletes oxygen,\nand it builds up CO2 in your blood.\nSo, I learned never to move.\nAnd I learned how to slow\nmy heart rate down.\nI had to remain\nperfectly still and just relax\nand think that I wasn't in my body,\nand just control that.\nAnd then I learned how to purge.\nPurging is basically hyperventilating.\nYou blow in and out --\n\nKorean: \n숨을 참으려 하기 위해서지요.\n그래서, 저는 진주를 채취하는 잠수부들을\n연구하기 시작했습니다.\n아시다시피, 그들은 한번 숨을 쉬고 4분간 물 속에 있잖아요.\n그리고 제가 그들을 연구할 때, 저는 프리다이빙의 세계를\n알게 되었습니다.\n그것은 제가 이제껏 발견한 것들 중에서 가장 놀라운 것이었습니다.\n프리다이빙에는 여러가지 면이 있습니다.\n사람이 얼마나 깊이 잠수할 수 있는가에 관한 깊이 기록이 있고,\n그리고 정적인 무호흡(static apnea)이 있습니다.\n그것은 한 장소에서 움직임 없이\n가능한 숨을 오래 참는 것입니다.\n제가 한가지 배운 것이 있습니다.\n그것은, 숨을 참을때\n절대로 움직이면 안된다는 것입니다, 에너지를 낭비하는 것이죠.\n그리고 산소를 줄어들게 하고\n혈액 속의 이산화탄소를 증가시킵니다. 절대로 움직이면 안된다는 걸 배웠지요.\n그리고 저의 심박동수(heart rate)를 낮추는 법도 배웠습니다.\n저는 완벽히 고요하고 긴장을 푼 상태로 있어야 하고\n제가 저의 몸에 있는 것이 아니라\n단지 몸을 컨트롤 한다고 생각해야 했죠.\n그리고 나서 제거(purge)하는 방법을 익혔습니다.\n'제거'은 기본적으로 과호흡입니다.\n\nMacedonian: \nкоја докторите би ја сметале за смртоносна.\nТака започнав да истражувам\nкај ловците на бисери.\nЗатоа што тие се симнуваат долу на четири минути во еден здив.\nИ кога истражував меѓу ловците на бисери го открив светот\nна слободно нуркање.\nТоа беше најчудесната работа која некогаш сум ја открил.\nПостојат неколку различни аспекти на слободното нуркање.\nПостојат рекорди во длабочина, каде луѓето се спуштаат колку што можат подлабоко.\nА постои и статичка апнеа.\nТоа е кога го задржувате здивот што е можно подолго\nна едно место без да се движите.\nТокму тоа и го изучував.\nПрвата работа која ја научив е дека кога го задржувате здивот\nвоопшто не треба да се движите, со тоа трошите енергија.\nТака се троши кислородот\nи го зголемува јаглерод диоксидот во вашата крв. Научив дека не треба да мрдам.\nИ научив како да го успорам пулсот на срцето.\nМорав да останам перфектно мирен и опуштен\nи да мислам дека не сум во моето тело,\nи само да го контролирам тоа.\nИ потоа научив како да се полнам.\nПолнењето е всушност хипервентилирање.\n\nFrench: \noù les toubibs vous considèrent en état de mort cérébrale.\nAlors, j'ai commencé à faire des recherches\nsur les plongeurs de perles.\nVous voyez, parce qu'ils vont sous l'eau pendant quatre minutes sans reprendre leur souffle.\nEt dans mes recherches sur les plongeurs de perles, je suis tombé sur le monde\nde la plongée en apnée.\nC'était le truc le plus étonnant que j'ai jamais découvert, et de loin.\nIl y a de nombreux aspects dans l'apnée.\nIl y a les records de plongée, où les gens descendent aussi loin qu'ils peuvent.\nEt il y a aussi l'apnée statique.\nLà, vous retenez votre souffle aussi longtemps que vous pouvez,\nen restant immobile, sans bouger.\nC'est ça que j'ai étudié.\nLa première chose que j'ai apprise, c'est que quand vous retenez votre souffle\nil ne faut pas bouger du tout; ça gâche de l'énergie.\nEt ça épuise l'oxygène,\net ça crée du CO2 dans votre sang. Alors, j'ai appris à ne jamais bouger.\nEt j'ai appris comment ralentir mon rythme cardiaque.\nJe devais rester parfaitement immobile, et juste me relaxer\net penser que je n'étais pas dans mon corps.\net simplement en garder le contrôle .\nEt ensuite, j'ai appris comment purger.\nPurger, c'est essentiellement de l'hyperventilation.\n\nSwedish: \nsom doktorerna anser man är hjärndöd vid.\nSå jag började studera\nom pärldykare.\nNi vet, eftersom de kan vara under i fyra minuter på ett andetag.\nOch när jag efterforskade pärldykare hittade jag\nfridykningsvärlden.\nDet var det mest fantastiska jag någonsin upptäckt.\nDet finns många olika aspekter till fridykning.\nDet finns djuprekord, då folk dyker så djupt de kan.\nOch sedan fanns det stillasittande apnea.\nDet är att hålla andan så länge du kan\npå en plats, utan att röra dig.\nDet var vad jag studerade.\nDet första jag lärde mig var att när du håller andan\nskall du aldrig röra dig alls; det slösar energi.\nOch det gör slut på syret,\noch det ökar CO2 nivåerna i ditt blod. Alltså lärde jag mig att aldrig röra på mig.\nOch jag lärde mig hur man saktar ner hjärtrytmen.\nMan måste vara helt stilla och bara slappna av\noch tänka att man inte är i sin kropp,\noch bara kontrollera det.\nOch sedan lärde jag mig att \"rena\".\nAtt \"rena\" är i princip att hyperventilera.\n\nLatvian: \nTā nu es sāku pētīt pērļu zvejniekus,\njo viņi ar vienu elpu\nienirst uz 4 minūtēm,\nun, pētot pērļu zvejniekus,\nes atklāju frīdaivinga pasauli.\nTā ir viena no satriecošākajām lietām,\nko es dzīvē esmu atklājis.\nFrīdaivingam ir dažādi virzieni.\nIr dziļuma rekordi,\nkur cilvēki nirst, cik dziļi vien var,\nun ir statiskā apnoja.\nTā ir elpas aizturēšana,\ncik ilgi vien var, pilnīgi nekustoties.\nTas bija tas, ko es pētīju.\nPirmais, ko iemācījos,\nir, ka, aizturot elpu,\nnedrīkst kustēties nemaz,\njo tas tērē enerģiju un skābekli\nun uzkrāj asinīs CO2.\nTā es iemācījos nekustēties\nun iemācījos, kā palēnināt sirdsdarbību.\nBija jāpaliek pilnīgi nekustīgam\nun jāatbrīvojas, un jādomā,\nka neesmu savā ķermenī,\nun jākontrolē tas.\nEs iemācījos arī attīrīties.\nTā būtībā ir hiperventilēšana,\nelpojot iekšā un ārā...\n(Skaļi elpo)\n\nSerbian: \ngde lekari konstatuju moždanu smrt.\nTako sam počeo da proučavam\nlovce na bisere.\nZato što oni zaranjaju na 4 minuta\nsa jednim udahom.\nI dok sam ih proučavao, otkrio sam svet\nronjenja na dah.\nTo je najneverovatnija stvar\nkoju sam ikada otkrio.\nIma mnogo različitih aspekata\nronjenja na dah.\nPostoje dubinski rekordi,\ngde ljudi zaranjaju što dublje mogu.\nZatim, postoji statička apnea.\nTo je zadržavanje daha što duže,\nu jednom mestu, bez pomeranja.\nTo je ono što sam proučavao.\nPrvo što sam naučio\nje da kada zadržavate dah,\nne bi trebalo da se uopšte pomerate,\njer to troši energiju.\nTo crpi kiseonik\ni povećava CO2 u vašoj krvi.\nTako sam naučio da se ne pomeram.\nI naučio sam kako da\nusporim otkucaje srca.\nTrebalo je da ostanem savršeno miran\ni da se samo opustim,\nda razmišljam da nisam u svom telu\ni da to kontrolišem.\nA onda sam naučio kako da se pročistim.\nPročišćavanje je u suštini\nhiperventilacija.\n\nPortuguese: \nser morte cerebral.\nComecei a investigar \nos mergulhadores de pérolas\nEles mergulham durante \nquatro minutos num só fôlego.\nAo investigar os mergulhadores de pérolas,\ndescobri o mundo do mergulho livre.\nFoi a coisa mais espantosa \nque já descobri até hoje.\nHá muitos aspetos diferentes \nno mergulho livre.\nHá recordes de profundidade, em que \nse mergulha o mais abaixo possível.\nE há a apneia estática.\nÉ suster a respiração o mais que se consiga\nnum local, sem nos mexermos.\nFoi isso que eu estudei.\nA primeira coisa que aprendi foi que, \nquando sustemos a respiração,\nnão devemos mexer-nos um milímetro; \né perda de energia.\nE isso esgota oxigénio.\nAumenta o CO2 no sangue. \nPortanto, aprendi a nunca me mexer.\nAprendi como abrandar \no ritmo do meu coração.\nTinha que manter-me perfeitamente \nquieto e descontrair-me,\npensar que não estava no meu corpo \ne controlar só isso.\nDepois aprendi como purificar-me.\nPurificar é basicamente hiperventilar.\n\nDutch: \nIk ging onderzoek doen\nnaar parelduikers.\nDie gaan vier minuten\nnaar beneden zonder te ademen.\nToen ik parelduikers onderzocht,\nvond ik de wereld van het vrijduiken.\nHet was zo'n beetje het meest\nverbijsterende dat ik ooit tegenkwam.\nEr zijn zoveel verschillende\naspecten aan vrijduiken.\nEr zijn diepterecords,\nwaarbij mensen zo diep mogelijk gaan.\nDan is er 'static apnea'.\nDat is je adem inhouden zo lang je kunt,\nop één plaats zonder te bewegen.\nDat was wat ik onderzocht.\nHet eerste wat ik leerde\nwas dat je nooit moet bewegen\nals je je adem inhoudt;\ndat verkwist energie.\nHet vreet zuurstof,\nen vermeerdert CO2 in je bloed.\nDus ik leerde om nooit te bewegen.\nOok leerde ik mijn hartritme te vertragen.\nIk moest bewegingsloos blijven en ontspannen\nen denken dat ik niet in mijn lichaam was,\nen dat beheersen.\nToen leerde ik te zuiveren.\nZuiveren is eigenlijk hyperventileren.\n\nCzech: \nza kterou už vás doktoři považují za mrtvého.\nTak jsem začal zkoumat\nlovce perel.\nTi se totiž potápějí na čtyři minuty na jedno nadechnutí.\nA při tomhle zkoumání lovců perel jsem objevil svět\nfreedivingu.\nByla to asi ta nejúžasnější věc na kterou jsem kdy narazil.\nFreediving má spoustu nejrůznějších disciplín.\nNapříklad hloubkové potápění, kde se lidi snaží dostat do co největší hloubky.\nNebo statická apnoe.\nPři té je cílem na co nejdéle zadržet dech\na zůstat bez hnutí na jednom místě.\nTu jsem začal studovat.\nPrvní věc, kterou jsem se naučil je, že když zadržujete dech,\nnesmíte se vůbec hýbat - to je plýtvání energií.\nSpotřebovává to kyslík\na zvyšuje množství CO2 v krvi. Takže jsem se naučil nikdy se nehýbat.\nA naučil jsem se zpomalit si puls srdce.\nMusel jsem zůstat úplně nehybný, prostě se uvolnit,\nmyslet si, že jsem mimo své tělo\na umět to ovládnout.\nPak jsem se naučil jak se pročistit.\nPročištění je v podstatě zrychlené dýchání\n\nChinese: \n醫生認為你已經腦死的程度。\n於是我開始研究\n有關採集珍珠漁民的資料,\n他們可以一口氣下潛四分多鐘。\n在我研究他們的時候,\n我發現自由潛水這個領域,\n這是我所看過最不可思議的事情。\n自由潛水有各種不同的面向,\n有深度紀錄,看人類可以潛得多深;\n有靜態閉氣紀錄,\n看人類可以在靜止不動的情況下\n停止呼吸多久。\n這正是我要研究的。\n我學到的第一件事情是,當你閉氣時,\n你應該保持靜止,避免消耗能量,\n以及避免氧氣的耗損,\n同時減少血液中二氧化碳的堆積。\n因此我學會盡量保持不動,同時降低我的心跳速率。\n我需要完全保持靜止並且放鬆,\n感覺身體已不受我的控制,\n然後試著保持這種狀態。\n接著我學會清空肺部,\n基本上就是快速的交換空氣,\n\nKurdish: \nهه‌ناسه‌ وه‌رده‌گرێت و ده‌ریده‌کاته‌ ده‌ره‌وه‌\nکه‌ئه‌وه‌ ده‌که‌یت مێشکت ڕووناک ده‌بێته‌وه‌ و هه‌وا ئاڵوگۆڕ ده‌کرێت\nوه‌ له‌شی تۆ ڕزگارده‌بێت له‌دوا ئۆکسیدی کاربۆن\nله‌به‌ر ئه‌وه‌، کاتێک هه‌ناسه‌ ڕاده‌گریت به‌دڵنیاییه‌وه‌ ئاسمان ده‌بینیت\nدوای ئه‌وه‌ فێر بووم که‌ هه‌ناسه‌یه‌کی زۆر ڕابگرم\nته‌نها بوه‌سته‌ وهێمن به‌ مەهێڵە هه‌واش به‌هیچ شێوه‌یه‌ک بڕواته‌ ده‌ره‌وه‌\nبه‌سه‌ر هه‌موئازاره‌کاندا زاڵببه‌ له‌ڕێی هێمنی و ڕاوه‌ستانه‌وه‌\nبۆ چه‌ند مانگ، هه‌موو به‌یانییه‌ک\nهه‌ڵده‌ستام و یه‌که‌م شت که‌ ده‌م کرد\nئه‌وه‌بوو که‌هه‌ناسه‌م ڕاده‌گرت\nبۆماوه‌یه‌ک له‌ 52 خوله‌کدا\nهه‌ناسه‌م بۆماوه‌ی 44 خوله‌ک ڕاده‌گرت\nکه‌واته‌، ئه‌مه‌ ئه‌وه‌ ده‌گه‌یه‌نێت که‌ گه‌ده‌م راده‌گرێت\nبۆماوه‌ی خوله‌کێک هه‌ناسه‌م به‌قورسی ده‌دا\nبه‌خێرایی دوای ئه‌وه‌، هه‌ناسه‌م ڕاده‌گرت بۆماوه‌ی (5) خوله‌ک و نیو\nدوایی دوباره‌ بۆخوله‌کێک هه‌ناسه‌م ده‌دایه‌وه‌\nهه‌تا ده‌متوانی گه‌دەم ڕاده‌گرت\nدوای ئه‌وه‌ به‌خێرایی هه‌ناسه‌م دوباره‌ بۆماوه‌ی (5) خوله‌ک و نیو ڕام ده‌گرته‌وه‌\nهه‌شت جار به‌دوای یه‌کدا ئه‌م پڕۆسه‌یه‌م دوباره‌ کرده‌وه‌\nله‌ (52) خوله‌کدا تۆته‌نها بۆ (8) خوله‌ک هه‌ناسه‌ ده‌ده‌یت\n\nHungarian: \nKi- és belélegzel...\nHa ezt csinálod, szédülni kezdesz, bizseregsz.\nTeljesen megszabadítod a tested a szén-dioxidtól.\nÍgy sokkal könnyebb visszatartani a lélegzeted.\nAztán megtanultam, hogy venned kell egy hatalmas levegőt,\nés csak benntartani, lazítani, egy kis levegőt sem szabad kiengedni,\nés csak benntartani, lazítani minden kínon át.\nHónapokon át minden reggel,\namikor felkeltem, első dolgom volt,\nhogy a lélegzetem visszatartsam.\n52 perc alatt\n44 percig csak benntartottam a levegőt.\nEz gyakorlatilag azt jelentette,\nhogy nagyon erőteljesen lélegeztem egy percen át.\nKözvetlenül ezután pedig benntartottam öt és fél percen keresztül.\nAztán ismét lélegeztem egy percen át,\nolyan erősen zihálva, ahogy csak tudtam,\naztán rögtön ismét visszatartottam öt és fél percig.\nEzt a folyamatot megismételtem nyolcszor egymás után.\n52 percből mindössze nyolc percet lélegeztem.\n\nPersian: \nشما هوا را به داخل می کشید و خارج می کنید...\nوقتی این کار را انجام می دهید دچار سرگیجه و خارش می شوید.\nو شما واقعا دارید دی اکسید کربن را از بدنتان خارج می کنید.\nبنابراین وقتی نفستان را نگه می دارید به مراتب آسانتر خواهد بود.\nبعد از آن من یاد گرفتم که مجبورید یک نفس عمیق بکشید،\nو فقط نفستان را نگه دارید,آرام باشید و نگذارید هیچ هوایی خارج شود\nبا وجود دردی که دارید فقط نفستان را نگه دارید و آرام باشید.\nهر روز صبح به مدت چندین ماه،\nمن بیدار می شدم و کاری که انجام می دادم\nاین بود که نفسم را نگه دارم\nدر 52 دقیقه\nمن به مدت 44 دقیقه نفسم را حبس کردم.\nخب قاعدتا این به آن معنی است که قرار است من عمل پالایش را انجام دهم،\nمن 1 دقیقه واقعا به سختی نفس کشیدم\nبلافاصله بعد از آن نفسم را برای 5 دقیقه نگه داشتم\nبعد دوباره برای 1 دقیقه نفس کشیدم،\nتا آنجایی که می توانستم عمل تصفیه دی اکسید کربن را انجام دادم\nدوباره بلافاصله بعد از آن برای 5 دقیقه نفسم را نگه داشتم.\nمن این فرآیند را 8 مرتبه تکرار کردم.\nدر 52 دقیقه شما فقط 8 دقیقه نفس می کشید.\n\nCroatian: \nUdišeš i izdišeš ...\nRadiš to i postaješ blijed, prolaze te trnci.\nI stvarno oslobađaš svoje tijelo od CO2.\nKad držiš svoj dah to je beskrajno lakše.\nOnda sam naučio da moraš uzeti duboki udah\ni samo držati i opustiti se i nikako ne puštati ni malo zraka van,\nsamo držati i opustiti se kroz cijelu bol.\nSvako jutro, mjesecima,\nprobudio bih se i prva stvar koju bih napravio\njest da bih držao svoj dah\n52 minute,\ndržao bih dah 44 minute.\nU biti, pročišćavao bih se,\nDisao bih stvarno teško minutu.\nOnda bih odmah iza držao pet i pol minuta.\nOnda bih ponovno disao minutu,\npročišćavajući se što više mogu,\nonda bih odmah poslije toga ponovno držao pet i pol minuta.\nPonavljao bih ovaj proces osam puta za redom.\nOd 52 minute dišeš samo osam minuta.\n\nTurkish: \nİçinize çekip dışarıya üflüyorsunuz...\nBunu yapınca kafanız sersemleşiyor, karıncalanıyorsunuz\nVe gerçekten de vücudunuzdaki CO2 den kurtuluyorsunuz.\nBöylece nefesinizi tutmak çok daha kolay oluyor.\nSonra derin nefes almayı öğrendim,\nve öylece tutup dışarıya hiç hava kaçırmıyorsunuz,\nve öylece tutup onca acının içinde rahatlıyorsunuz.\nHer sabah, aylarca,\nuyandığım an yaptığım ilk şey\nnefesimi 52 dakikanın\n44 dakikasında tutmak oldu,\nNefesimi 44 dakika tutuyordum.\nYani arındırma yapıyordum,\nBir dakika gerçekten sık sık nefes alıp\nnefesimi hemen ardından beş buçuk dakika tutuyordum.\nYine bir dakika boyu nefes alıp,\nyapabildiğim kadar sık nefes alıp verip,\nhemen ardından yine beş buçuk dakika tutuyordum.\nBunu sekiz defa ardarda tekrarlıyordum.\nYani bu 52 dakikanın içinde toplam sekiz dakika nefes alıyorsunuz.\n\nSpanish: \nRespirar adentro y afuera...\nSigues así, empiezas a marearte un poco y sientes un hormigueo.\nY es que en realidad estás eliminado CO2 de tu cuerpo.\nEntonces, al aguantar la respiración es infinitamente más fácil.\nDespués aprendí que tienes que tomar una gran bocanada de aire,\naguantarla y relajarte y no dejar salir nada de aire,\ny solo relajarte y aguantar el dolor.\nCada mañana, durante meses,\nme levantaba y lo primero que hacía\nera aguantar la respiración.\nEn 52 minutos\naguantaba la respiración durante 44 minutos.\nAsí que básicamente esto significa que me purgaba,\nrespirando muy fuerte durante un minuto,\ny tomaba aire inmediatamente después, aguantándolo durante 5 minutos y medio.\nLuego, respiraba de nuevo durante un minuto,\npurgándome cuanto podía,\ne inmediatamente después aguantaba otros 5 minutos y medio.\nRepetía este proceso ocho veces seguidas.\nEn 52 minutos, sólo respiras durante ocho.\n\niw: \nאתה נושם פנימה והחוצה\nאתה עושה את זה, אתה מקבל סחרחורת, אתה מקבל עקצוץ.\nואתה באמת מנקה את הגוף שלך מ - CO2\nלכן, כאשר אתה מחזיק את הנשימה זה תמיד יותר קל.\nאחר כך למדתי שאתה צריך לקחת נשימה גדולה,\nופשוט להחזיק ולהירגע ולא לתת לאוויר לצאת,\nופשוט להחזיק להירגע דרך כל הכאב.\nכל בוקר במשך חודשים\nהייתי מתעורר והדבר הראשון שהייתי עושה\nהיה לעצור את נשימתי\nמתוך 52 דקות\nהייתי עוצר את נשימתי במשך 44 דקות\nאז בעצם זה אומר שהייתי מטהר את עצמי,\nהייתי נושם ממש חזק במשך דקה\nואז מיד אחרי הייתי עוצר את הנשימה במשך חמש וחצי דקות\nאחר כך הייתי שוב נושם לדקה,\nמטהר את עצמי ככל שיכלתי\nמיד לאחר מכן הייתי מחזיק את הנשימה לעוד חמש וחצי דקות\nהייתי חוזר על התהליך הזה שמונה פעמים ברציפות\nמתוך 52 דקות אתה נושם רק במשך 8\n\nItalian: \nSi soffia dentro e fuori...\nLo fai, la testa diventa leggera e senti un formicolio.\nA quel punto letteralmente depuri il tuo corpo dalla CO2.\nCosì trattenere il respiro diventa molto più facile.\nHo poi imparato che bisogna inspirare profondamente,\ntrattenere il respiro, rilassarsi e non lasciar uscire aria,\nma trattenerla e rilassarsi nonostante il dolore.\nOgni mattina, e questo per mesi,\nmi alzavo e la prima cosa che facevo\nera trattenere il respiro\nper, in un lasso di 52 minuti,\ntrattenerlo per 44 minuti.\nIn pratica significa che mi depuravo,\nrespirando profondamente per un minuto.\nE poi, subito dopo, trattenevo il respiro per cinque minuti e mezzo.\nPer poi respirare di nuovo per un minuto,\ndepurandomi il più possibile,\ne poi ritrattenevo subito il fiato per altri cinque minuti e mezzo.\nRipetevo tutto questo per otto volte di fila.\nSu 52 minuti si respira per soli otto.\n\nSwedish: \nDu blåser in och ut ...\nNär du gör det blir yr i huvudet och det börjar pirra.\nOch du renar din kropp på CO2.\nSå när du sedan håller andan är det oändligt mycket lättare.\nSedan lärde jag mig att man måste ta enorma andetag,\noch bara hålla det och slappna av och aldrig släppa ut någon luft,\noch att bara hålla och slappna av igenom all smärta.\nVarje morgon, och detta gjorde jag flera månader,\nvaknade jag och det första jag gjorde\nvar att hålla andan\ni, av 52 minuter,\nhöll jag andan i 44.\nVad det betyder är att jag renade,\njag andades riktigt hårt i en minut.\nSedan, direkt efter, höll jag andan i fem och en halv minut.\nSedan andades jag igen i en minut,\nrenade så hårt jag kunde,\noch sedan genast efter det hålla andan i fem och en halv minut igen.\nJag repeterade denna processen åtta gånger i rad.\nAv 52 minuter andades jag bara i åtta minuter.\n\nRomanian: \nInspiri și expiri...\nFaci lucrul ăsta, amețești,\nîncepi să simți furnicături.\nȘi astfel elimini\ndioxidul de carbon din corp.\nApoi când îți ții respirația,\nîți este cu mult mai ușor.\nApoi am învățat că trebuie\nsă iei o gură mare de aer,\nși să o ții, să te relaxezi\nși să nu lași deloc să scape aer,\nși să reziști și să te relaxezi\nîn ciuda tuturor durerilor.\nÎn fiecare dimineață, timp de căteva luni,\nmă trezeam și primul lucru\npe care îl făceam\nera să îmi țin respirația.\nÎn 52 de minute îmi țineam respirația\ntimp de 44 de minute.\nMai exact, începeam cu o epurare,\nrespiram foarte puternic timp de un minut,\napoi, imediat, îmi țineam respirația\npentru cinci minute și jumătate.\nApoi respiram din nou timp de un minut,\nepurând cat de mult puteam,\npentru ca imediat să îmi țin respirația\niar timp de cinci minute și jumătate.\nRepetam acest proces de opt ori la rând.\nPe o perioada de 52 de minute,\nrespiram doar timp de 8 minute.\n\nLatvian: \nTo darot, noreibst galva,\ntu jūti tirpoņu un atbrīvojies no CO2.\nTāpēc, kad aizturi elpu,\nir daudz, daudz vieglāk.\nTad es iemācījos, ka dziļi jāievelk elpa\nun vienkārši jātur,\nun jāatslābst, neizlaižot gaisu,\ntikai jātur un jāatslābst\ncaur visām sāpēm.\nTā katru rītu, mēnešiem ilgi,\nuzreiz pēc pamošanās,\nes trenējos aizturēt elpu.\nNo 52 minūtēm\nes aizturēju elpu 44 minūtes.\nPrincipā tas nozīmēja, ka es attīrījos,\nvienu minūti dziļi elpojot,\nun uzreiz pēc tam aizturēju elpu\nuz piecām ar pusi minūtēm.\nTad es elpoju atkal vienu minūti,\ncik vien var, attīrīdamies,\nuzreiz pēc tam es atkal aizturēju\nelpu uz piecarpus minūtēm.\nEs atkārtoju šo procesu\nastoņas reizes pēc kārtas.\nNo 52 minūtēm es elpoju astoņas.\nBeigās tu, tavas smadzenes\nir pilnīgi izsmeltas,\n\nPortuguese: \nVocê inspira e expira...\nQuando faz isso, você fica tonto, fica formigando.\nE você está na verdade se livrando do CO2 do seu corpo.\nEntão, quando você prende a respiração é infinitamente mais fácil.\nDepois aprendi que você tem que respirar profundamente,\ne somente prender e relaxar e não deixar nenhum ar sair,\né só prender e relaxar através de toda a dor.\nToda manhã, por meses,\neu acordarva e a primeira coisa que eu fazia\nera prender a respiração\npor, em 52 minutos,\neu prendia a respiração por 44 minutos.\nEntão, basicamente o que isso siginifica é que eu hiperventilava,\nrespirava muito forte por um minuto.\nE eu prendia, imediatamente depois, por 5 minutos e meio.\nDepois eu respirava novamente por um minuto,\nhiperventilando o máximo que eu conseguia,\ne imediatamente após isso eu prendia o fôlego novamente por 5 minutos e meio.\nEu repetia esse processo oito vezes seguidas.\nEm 52 minutos você só está respirando por 8 minutos.\n\nArabic: \nيجب أن تتنفس إلى الداخل والخارج...\nعندما تفعل ذلك ستصاب بدوار وستشعر بوخز في أطرافك\nولكنك ستقوم بالفعل بالتخلص من ثاني أكسيد الكربون الموجود في جسدك\nحسناً .. وعندما تحبس أنفاسك يكون ذلك شبه مستحيل - التخلص من ثاني اكسيد الكربون -\nومن ثم تعلمت أنه يجب أن أأخذ نفس عميق\nوأسترخي فحسب دون أن أخسر أي هواء إلى الخارج\nوفقط الاسترخاء و السكون بالرغم من جميع الآلام\nوكل صباح ولمدة شهر\nكان أول ما أفعله عندما أستيقظ\nهو أن أحبس أنفاسي\nمن أصل ٥٢ دقيقة\nكنت أحبسه لمدة ٤٤ دقيقة\nأي .. في الأساس ما أعنيه هو أني أقوم بالتطهير\nفأتنفس لمدة دقيقة بشدة\nومن ثم أحبس أنفاسي لمدة خمس دقائق ونصف\nثم التنفس مرة أخرى لمدة دقيقة\nوأقوم بالتطهير بأقصى ما أستطيع\nثم بعد ذلك مباشرة أحبسه مرة أخرى لمدة خمس دقائق ونصف\nوأكرر هذه العملية ثماني مرات على التوالي\nمن أصل ٥٢ دقيقة كنت أتنفس فقط لمدة ثماني دقائق\n\nGerman: \nMan atmet tief ein und aus...\nMan macht das, einem wird schwindlig und es kribbelt.\nUnd schon befreist du deinen Körper von Kohlenstoff.\nWenn du nun deinen Atem anhälst, ist es schon unendlich einfacher.\nDann lernte ich, dass du einen sehr großen Atemzug nehmen,\nden Atem anhalten und dich dann entspannen musst und nie Luft herauslassen darfst;\neinfach den Atem anhalten und durch alle Schmerzen hindurch entspannen.\nJeden Morgen, monatelang,\nwachte ich auf und das erste, was ich tat,\nwar meinen Atem\nfür 44 Minuten von 52 Minuten\nanzuhalten.\nIch habe also purgiert,\neine Minute lang sehr schnell geatmet,\nund direkt danach den Atem für viereinhalb Minuten angehalten.\nDann atmete ich wieder eine Minute lang,\npurgierte so stark, wie ich nur konnte,\nund hielt meinen Atem wieder für viereinhalb Minuten an.\nDies wiederholte ich acht Mal.\nVon 52 Minuten atmet man somit nur 8 Minuten lang.\n\nCzech: \nNadechnete se a vydechnete ...\nUděláte to a zatočí se vám hlava, začnou vás brnět prsty.\nA doopravdy zbavujete své tělo CO2.\nTakže když pak zadržíte dech, jde to nesrovnatelně líp.\nPak jsem se naučil jak se opravdu zhluboka nadechnout\na vydržet, uvolnit se a nevypustit ani trochu vzduchu,\nprostě vydržet a přestát všechnu tu bolest.\nKaždé ráno po několik měsíců\njsem jako první věc hned jak jsem vstal\nzačal zadržovat dech,\nz 52 minut\njsem 44 minut nedýchal.\nV zásadě to znamená, že jsem se napřed pročistil,\nasi minutu jsem dýchal opravdu prudce\na hned potom jsem zadržel dech na pět a půl minuty.\nPak jsem zase minutu dýchal,\nco nejvíc to šlo,\na pak jsem zase hned nedýchal dalších pět a půl minuty.\nA takhle jsem to opakoval osmkrát za sebou.\nTakže z 52 minut dýcháte jen osm.\n\nEnglish: \n(Breathing loudly)\nYou do that, you get lightheaded,\nyou get tingling.\nAnd you're really ridding\nyour body of CO2.\nSo, when you hold your breath,\nit's infinitely easier.\nThen I learned that you have\nto take a huge breath,\nand just hold and relax\nand never let any air out,\nand just hold and relax\nthrough all the pain.\nEvery morning, this is for months,\nI would wake up\nand the first thing that I would do\nis I would hold my breath\nfor, out of 52 minutes,\nI would hold my breath for 44 minutes.\nSo, basically what that means\nis I would purge,\nI'd breathe really hard for a minute.\nAnd I would hold, immediately after,\nfor five and a half minutes.\nThen I would breathe again for a minute,\npurging as hard as I can,\nthen immediately after that I would hold\nagain for five and a half minutes.\nI would repeat this process\neight times in a row.\nOut of 52 minutes, you're only\nbreathing for eight minutes.\n\nPolish: \nMocno wdychasz i wydychasz...\nRobisz to i dostajesz dreszczy, mrowienia.\nI pozbawiasz swój organizm CO2.\nWięc jeśli wstrzymasz oddech jest zdecydowanie łatwiej.\nWtedy nauczyłem się, że trzeba wziąć bardzo głęboki oddech,\ntrzymać go zrelaksowanym i nie wypuścić ani trochę powietrza,\npo prostu trzymać i relaksować się przez cały ból.\nKażdego ranka, miesiącami,\nwstawałem i pierwsze co robiłem\nto wstrzymywałem oddech.\nW czasie 52 minut\nwstrzymałem go przez 44 minuty.\nOznacza to, że robiłem przedmuchiwanie,\noddychałem bardzo intensywnie przez minutę,\nA następnie zaraz po tym wstrzymywałem oddech na pięć i pół minuty.\nZnowu oddychałem przez minutę\nstarając się hiperwentylować tak mocno jak się da\ni zaraz po tym wstrzymywałem oddech przez następne pięć i pół minuty.\nProces ten mogłem powtarzać nawet osiem razy z rzędu.\nZ 52 minut oddychasz tylko osiem.\n\nKorean: \n숨을 들이쉬고 내쉬죠...\n이렇게 하면, 머리가 어질어질하고, 얼얼해 집니다.\n그리고 몸속의 이산화탄소를 없애게 되는 것이죠.\n그래서, 숨을 참을때 엄청나게 쉬워집니다.\n그리고, 숨을 크게 들으마셔야 한다는 걸 배웠습니다.\n이 상태로 숨을 참고 긴장을 풀고, 공기가 밖으로 나가게 하면 안됩니다.\n고통스럽지만 숨을 참고 긴장을 풉니다...\n몇 달 동안 매일 아침마다\n제가 아침에 일어나서 제일 먼저 한 것이\n숨 참기 였습니다.\n52분을 넘기기 위해서요.\n저는 44분간 숨을 참았습니다.\n그것은 기본적으로 제가 이산화탄소를 제거했다는 뜻이죠.\n몇 분간 숨을 쉬기 정말 어려웠습니다.\n직후에는 5분 30초 정도 숨을 참았습니다.\n그리고 나서 다시 몇 분간 호흡하였고,\n제가 할수 있는 만컴 열심히 '제거'를해서\n직후에는 다시 5분 30초를 참을 수 있었습니다.\n저는 이 과정을 한번에 8번 반복하였습니다.\n52분이 넘을 동안 8번의 호흡만 하는 것이죠.\n\nModern Greek (1453-): \n(Βαθιές αναπνοές)\nΚάνεις αυτό, και νιώθεις τάση \nγια λιποθυμία, ένα μυρμήγκιασμα.\nΚαι καθαρίζεις το σώμα σου \nαπό διοξείδιο του άνθρακα.\nΈτσι όταν κρατάς την αναπνοή σου\nείναι άπειρες φορές πιο εύκολο.\nΎστερα έμαθα πως πρέπει \nνα πάρεις μια τεράστια αναπνοή,\nκαι απλώς να την κρατήσεις και να χαλαρώσεις,\nκαι να μη βγάλεις ποτέ τον αέρα,\nκαι απλώς να την κρατήσεις \nκαι να χαλαρώσεις παρ' όλο τον πόνο.\nΚάθε μέρα, για μήνες,\nξυπνούσα και το πρώτο πράγμα που έκανα\nήταν να κρατήσω την αναπνοή μου\nμέσα σε χρόνο 52 λεπτών,\nκρατούσα την αναπνοή μου τα 44 λεπτά.\nΑυτό σημαίνει ότι έκανα καθαρισμό,\nανέπνεα πολύ δυνατά για ένα λεπτό.\nΚαι αμέσως μετά κρατούσα \nτην αναπνοή μου για πεντέμισι λεπτά.\nΜετά ανέπνεα πάλι για ένα λεπτό,\nέκανα καθαρισμό όσο πιο δυνατά μπορούσα,\nκαι αμέσως μετά πάλι κρατούσα \nτην αναπνοή μου για πεντέμισι λεπτά.\nΕπαναλάμβανα αυτή τη διαδικασία \nοχτώ φορές συνεχόμενα.\nΜέσα σε 52 λεπτά ανέπνεα μόνο τα οκτώ.\n\nRussian: \nВдох, выдох…\nПри этом появляется\nголовокружение и покалывание.\nВ этот момент тело действительно\nосвобождается от углекислого газа.\nА потому, задерживать дыхание\nстановится намного легче.\nЯ вскоре узнал, что нужно,\nнабрав воздух,\nпросто держать его и расслабиться,.но ни в коем случае не выпускать его.\nПросто держать его и расслабиться,\nнесмотря на всю боль.\nПросыпаясь каждое утро,\nв течение нескольких месяцев,\nя первым делом\nзанимался задержкой дыхания\n…из [общих] 52 минут\nя задерживал дыхание\nв течение 44.\nИными словами, я прочищался,\nусиленно дышал\nв течение одной минуты,\nи сразу вслед за тем задерживал\nдыхание на 5 с половиной минут.\nЗатем я опять дышал в течение минуты,\nочищаясь как можно глубже,\nа сразу вслед за тем опять задерживал\nдыхание на 5 с половиной минут.\nЯ повторял процедуру восемь раз подряд.\nИз [общих] 52 минут,\nя дышал только 8 минут.\n\nChinese: \n深呼吸...\n當你感覺到頭暈眼花、全身刺痛,\n就表示你正在清除體內的二氧化碳,\n這讓你能更輕鬆地進行閉氣。\n我學到你需要深吸一口氣,\n憋住氣並且放鬆,不讓任何空氣流失,\n並且撐過所有的痛苦。\n有好幾個月的時間,我每天早上\n起床的第一件事情,\n就是練習停止呼吸。\n在五十二分鐘裡,\n有四十四分鐘是處在停止呼吸的狀態,\n也就是練習淨空肺部。\n我會用一分鐘使勁地呼吸,\n然後馬上屏住氣五分半鐘,\n再呼吸一分鐘,\n盡可能的清空肺部,\n隨後立刻再閉氣五分半鐘。\n這個流程會連續進行八次,\n所以在五十二分鐘裡,只有八分鐘是在呼吸。\n\nSlovak: \nDýchate dnu a von...\nKeď to spravíte, pocítite závrat, šteklenie.\nA skutočne zbavujete telo CO2.\nTakže keď zadržíte dych, je to nekonečne jednoduchšie.\nPotom som sa naučil, že sa musíte riadne nadýchnuť\na iba zadržať a uvoľniť sa a nevypustiť žiadny vzduch\na iba držať a byť uvoľnený skrz celú tú bolesť.\nKaždé ráno, a to boli mesiace,\nsom sa zobudil a prvá vec, čo som robil bolo,\nže som zadržal dych na\n-- z 52 minút\nsom zadržiaval dych 44 minút.\nV podstate to znamená, že som sa očistil,\ndýchal som minútu ozaj silno.\nA hneď za tým som zadržal dych na 5 a pol minúty.\nPotom som znova dýchal minútu,\nočisťoval sa, ako som len mohol,\npotom hneď nato som zadržal dych znova na 5 a pol minúty.\nTento proces som opakoval 8-krát za sebou.\nZ 52 minút dýchate iba 8 minút.\n\nBulgarian: \nВдишвате, издишвате...\nЧувствате се леко, усещате изтръпване.\nОсвобождавате тялото от въглеродния двуокис.\nСтава неизмеримо по - лесно да задържате дишането.\nПосле се научих как трябва да поема дълбоко въздух\nи просто да го задържа и да се отпусна и по никакъв начин да не го изпускам,\nсамо да се отпусна без да обръщам внимание на болката.\nВ продължение на месеци, всеки ден\nпървото нещо, което правех след като се събудя,\nбеше да се упражнявам да не дишам,\nпонякога от 52 минути тренировка,\nуспявах да издържа 44.\nВ общи линии, ставаше така - започвах с прочистване -\nдълбоко дишане - за около минута.\nПосле веднага задържах въздуха за 5 мин. и половина.\nСлед това отново дишах една минута,\nкато прочиствах дробовете колкото мога повече,\nи пак спирах дишането за 5 мин. и половина.\nТози процес се повтаряше осем пъти без прекъсване.\nОт 52 минути дишаш само осем.\n\nMacedonian: \nДлабоко вдишувате навнатре и издишувате...\nГо правите тоа, ви се разбиструва главата.\nИ навистина го ослободувате телото од јаглерод диоксид.\nТака, кога ќе го задржите здивот станува многу полесно.\nТогаш сфатив дека треба да вдишете многу длабоко,\nи да го задржите релаксирани и воопшто да не испуштате воздух,\nи да се задржите и релаксирате со сите болки.\nСекое утро, и тоа со месеци,\nќе се разбудев и првата работа која ја правев\nбеше да го задржам здивот\nод вкупно 52 минути,\nјас го задржував здивот вкупно 44 минути.\nВсушност, тоа значи дека ќе се наполнев,\nќе дишев многу длабоко околу една минута.\nИ ќе го задржев здивот, веднаш потоа, околу пет и пол минути.\nПотоа повторно дишев околу една минута,\nполнејќи се што е можно повеќе,\nи веднаш потоа ќе го задржев здивот уште пет и пол минути.\nГо повторував овој процес осум пати по ред.\nОд вкупно 52 минути, вие дишите само осум минути.\n\nDanish: \nMan puster in og ud ...\nDet gør man, man bliver svimmel, det begynder at snurre.\nOg man tømmer virkelig ens krop for CO2.\nSå, når man holder vejret er det uendelig meget nemmere.\nSå lærte jeg at man skal tage en dyb vejrtrækning,\nog bare holde det og slappe af og aldrig lade luft ud,\nog holde vejret og slappe af gennem al smerten.\nHver morgen, dette er i løbet af måneder,\nville jeg vågne og det første jeg ville gøre\nvar at jeg holdte vejret\ni, ud af 52 minutter,\nholdte jeg vejret i 44 minutter.\nSå, det det dybest set betyder er at jeg ville udrense,\njeg ville trække vejret rigtig tungt i et minut.\nOg jeg ville holde vejret, straks efter, i fem og et halvt minut.\nSå trak jeg vejret igen i et minut,\nog udrensede så godt jeg kunne,\nog med det samme derefter holdte jeg igen vejret i fem og et halvt minut.\nJeg ville gentage denne proces otte gange i streg.\nUd af 52 minutter trækker man kun vejret i otte minutter.\n\nChinese: \n呼进,呼出\n然后会感到眩晕,耳鸣,\n这样就可以排除身体内的CO2,\n接着当你再屏气的时候,就会感到轻松。\n然后我学到必须要吸很大的一口气,\n憋住,放松,别让一点儿空漏出去,\n憋着并放松着尝试忍过所有的痛苦感觉。\n每天早晨,连续几个月,\n我醒来第一件事\n就是屏住呼吸\n在52分钟内,\n我能憋气44分钟。\n那就是说我会用净化呼吸的方式,\n用力的呼吸一分钟\n然后就马上屏气5分半钟,\n接着再用力呼吸一分钟,\n使最大的力气去净化呼吸,\n然后马上再一次屏住呼吸5分半钟。\n我会连续重复这样的过程8次。\n在52分钟内,我其实只呼吸8分钟。\n\nFrench: \nVous inspirez, vous expirez...\nQuand on fait ça, on a la tête qui tourne, on a des picotements.\nEt on débarrasse vraiment son corps du CO2.\nAlors, c'est infiniment plus facile de retenir son souffle.\nEt puis, j'ai appris qu'il fallait prendre une énorme respiration,\net juste tenir et se relaxer, et ne jamais laisser l'air ressortir,\net juste tenir et se relaxer malgré la douleur.\nChaque matin, et ça pendant des mois,\nje me réveillais, et la première chose que je faisais\nc'était de retenir mon souffle.\nSur, disons, 52 minutes,\n+\nEn fait, ce que ça veut dire, c'est que j'hyperventilais,\nje respirais vraiment fort pendant une minute,\net je bloquais, juste après, pendant cinq minutes et demie.\nPuis je respirais à nouveau pendant une minute,\nen purgeant aussi fort que je pouvais,\net juste après, je retenais ma respiration à nouveau pendant cinq minutes et demie.\nJe répétais cette séquence huit fois de suite.\nSur 52 minutes, on respire seulement pendant 8 minutes.\n\nFinnish: \nHengitetään sisään ja ulos ...\nSiitä tulee sekava olo, alkaa kihelmöidä.\nKeho puhdistuu hiilidioksidista.\nHengityksen pidättämisestä tulee äärettömän paljon helpompaa.\nOpin, että pitää hengittää syvään,\nja vain pitää se ja rentoutua eikä päästää ilmaa ulos,\nvain pitää ja pysyä rentona läpi kaiken kivun.\nJoka aamu kuukausien ajan\nheräsin ja ensimmäisenä\npidätin henkeäni\n52 minuutin kuluessa\nyhteensä 44 minuuttia.\nKäytännössä puhdistin kehoni,\nhengitin nopeasti minuutin.\nJa pidätin henkeäni välittömästi viisi ja puoli minuuttia.\nSitten hengitin taas minuutin,\nhengittäen niin kovasti kuin pystyin,\nja taas välittömästi pidin henkeäni viisi ja puoli minuuttia.\nToistin tämän prosessin kahdeksan kertaa peräjälkeen.\nHengitin noiden 52 minuutin aikana vain kahdeksan minuuttia.\n\nDutch: \nJe blaast in en uit ...\nAls je dat doet, word je\nlicht in je hoofd, gaat tintelen.\nJe ontdoet je lichaam van CO2.\nAls je dan je adem inhoudt,\nis het eindeloos makkelijker.\nToen leerde ik dat je\neen enorme ademteug moet nemen,\ninhouden, ontspannen\nen geen lucht uitlaten,\ngewoon inhouden\nen ontspannen door alle pijn.\nElke morgen, maandenlang,\nwerd ik wakker en het eerste wat ik deed\nwas mijn adem inhouden.\nVan de 52 minuten\nhield ik mijn adem 44 minuten in.\nDus, dat betekent dat ik zuiverde,\nik ademde één minuut lang heel hard.\nMeteen daarna hield ik\n5½ minuut de adem in.\nDan ademde ik weer één minuut lang --\nzo hard mogelijk zuiverend --\nen meteen daarna hield ik weer in\ngedurende 5½ minuut.\nDat herhaalde ik acht maal.\nVan de 52 minuten adem je er maar acht.\n\nJapanese: \n息を吸って吐いて...\nこうするうちに目まいがしてチクチクとした痛みを覚えます\n体から二酸化炭素が取り除かれるのです\nですから呼吸を止めるのが非常に楽になります\nそれから 大きく息を吸って\n息を止めリラックスして 決して空気を漏らしてはいけません\nそのままの状態で全ての痛みをこらえるのです\n何か月も 毎朝\n起きてから最初にしたのは\n呼吸を止めることでした\n52分間のうち\n44分間は息を止めていました\n要するにパージをするときは\n1分間激しく呼吸をして\nそのすぐ後に5分30秒息を止めていたのです\nそしてまた1分間呼吸をし\nできる限り二酸化炭素を出し\nそのすぐ後にまた5分30秒間息を止めるのです\nこれを8回続けて行いました\n52分間のうち8分間しか呼吸をしていないのです\n\nSerbian: \nUdahnete i izdahnete...\nKad ovo radite,\njavljaju se vrtoglavica i žmarci\ni eliminiše se CO2 iz vašeg tela.\nTako da, kad zadržavate dah,\nbeskonačno je lakše.\nOnda sam naučio da treba\nda udahnete duboko,\nda se opustite i ne puštate vazduh\ni da ostanete opušteni dok traje bol.\nSvakog dana tokom nekoliko meseci,\nbudio sam se i prvo što bih uradio\nbilo je to da zadržavam dah.\nOd 52 minuta,\nzadržavao bih dah 44 minuta.\nTo znači da sam se pročišćavao.\nDisao sam ubrzano jedan minut,\ni odmah posle toga,\nizdržavao sam pet i po minuta.\nOnda sam opet disao jedan minut,\npročišćavajući se što sam više mogao,\ni opet zadržavao dah pet i po minuta.\nPonavljao sam taj proces\nosam puta zaredom.\nOd 52 minuta, dišete samo osam minuta.\n\nVietnamese: \nBạn hút vào và ra ...\nBạn làm như thế, đầu óc sẽ nhẹ nhõm, cảm thấy ngứa ran.\nVà bạn thực sự kiểm soát nồng độ CO2 của cơ thể.\nVậy, khi bạn nín thở nó hoàn toàn dễ dàng.\nVà khi học được điều đó bạn phải lấy một hơi thật sâu,\nvà chỉ việc nín thở và thư giãn và không để tí không khí nào thoát ra ngoài,\nvà chỉ việc nín thở và thư giãn qua những cơn đau.\nMỗi buổi sáng, trong nhiều tháng,\nTôi thường thức dậy và việc đầu tiên tôi làm\nlà nín thở\ntrong, gần 52 phút,\nVà tôi nín thở trong 44 phút.\nVậy nên, đơn giản điều đó có nghĩa là tôi lọc máu,\nTôi thở cực kỳ khó khăn trong vòng một phút.\nVà tôi giữ, ngay lập tức sau đó, trong năm phút và 30 giây.\nVà rồi tôi thở lại trong vòng một phút,\nThanh lọc càng sâu càng tốt,\nvà ngay lập tức sau đó tôi lại nín thở trong năm phút và 30 giây.\nTôi lặp đi lặp lại quá trình này tám lần trong một lượt.\nHơn 52 phút mà bạn chỉ thở trong tám phút.\n\nPortuguese: \nInspiramos e expiramos.\nFazemos isto, ficamos tontos, \nficamos dormentes.\nNa verdade, estamos a libertar \no CO2 do nosso corpo.\nQuando sustemos a respiração \ntorna-se muito mais fácil.\nDepois aprendi que temos \nque fazer uma inspiração enorme,\nsustê-la, descontrair \ne nunca deixar o ar sair.\nSó suster e descontrair \ndurante toda a tortura.\nTodas as manhãs, durante meses.\nacordava e a primeira coisa que fazia\nera suster a respiração.\nNo espaço de 52 minutos,\neu sustinha a respiração \ndurante 44 minutos.\nO que isso significava era \nque eu purificava.\nNa realidade só respirava \npouco menos de um minuto\ne, a seguir, sustinha a respiração \ndurante 5,5 minutos.\nDepois respirava de novo \ndurante um minuto,\npurificando o mais que podia,\ne logo a seguir sustinha a respiração \ndurante mais 5,5 minutos.\nRepetia este processo oito vezes a seguir.\nEm 52 minutos, só respirava \ndurante 8 minutos.\n\nThai: \nคุณเป่าลมเข้าและออก\nคุณทำอย่างนั้นและคุณจะรู้สึกหัวเบาๆ หวิวๆ\nเพราะคุณกำลังไล่คาร์บอนไดออกไซด์ (CO2) ออกจากตัวคุณอยู่จริงๆ\nดังนั้นเมื่อคุณกลั้นหายใจมันจะง่ายขึ้นแน่นอน\nหลังจากนั้นผมเรียนรู้ที่จากหายใจเข้าเฮือกใหญ่\nแล้วก็กลั้นหายใจไว้ ทำตัวสบายๆและจะไม่ยอมปล่อยลมออกมาอย่างเด็ดขาด\nแล้วก็แค่กลั้นไว้ ปล่อยให้ผ่านความเจ็บปวดทั้งหลายผ่านไป\nผมทำแบบนี้ทุกๆเช้า เป็นเวลาหลายๆเดือน\nผมตื่นขึ้นมาและสิ่งแรกที่ผมทำ\nก็คือกลั้นหายใจ\nในเวลาทั้งหมด 52 นาที\nผมจะกลั้นหายใจ 44 นาที\nส่วนเวลาที่เหลือผมก็จะทำการไล่อากาศ\nผมจะหายใจเข้าออกอย่างแรงเป็นเวลา 1 นาที\nแล้วต่อจากนั้นผมก็จะกลั้นหายใจ 5 นาทีครึ่ง\nแล้วผมก็จะหายใจอีกทีเป็นเวลา 1 นาที\nเป่าลมเข้าและออกอย่างเต็มแรงที่สุดที่ผมทำได้\nหลังจากนั้นก็กลั้นหายใจอีกครั้ง 5 นาทีครึ่ง\nผมทำอย่างนี้ 8 รอบ\nมันก็หมายความว่า คุณหายใจแค่ 8 นาทีเท่านั้นจากเวลาทั้งหมด 52 นาที\n\nLatvian: \ntu staigā apkārt pilnīgi apstulbis,\nun stipri sāp galva.\nPrincipā, kad to darīju,\nar mani labāk bija nerunāt.\nEs uzzināju par pasaules rekordistu.\nViņa vārds ir Toms Zītass.\nŠī puiša augums ir kā radīts\nelpas aizturēšanai.\nViņš ir 193 centimetrus garš.\nViņš sver 73 kilogramus.\nViņa kopējā plaušu kapacitāte\nir divreiz lielāka nekā vidējam cilvēkam.\nEs esmu 185 centimetrus garš un resns.\nTeiksim tā, ar smagiem kauliem.\n(Smiekli)\nMan bija jāzaudē\n23 kilogrami trijos mēnešos.\nTāpēc visu, ko liku sevī,\nes uzskatīju par zālēm.\nKatrs ēdiena gabals bija tieši tik,\ncik bija tā uzturvērtība.\nEs cauru dienu ēdu ļoti mazas,\nkontrolētas porcijas\nun sāku patiešām pielāgot savu ķermeni.\n[Individuālie rezultāti var atšķirties]\n(Smiekli)\nJo tievāks es biju,\njo ilgāk spēju aizturēt elpu.\n\nFinnish: \nSen jälkeen on täysin kärventynyt, aivotkin.\nTuntuu kuin kävelisi usvassa.\nJa saa hirveitä päänsärkyjä.\nMinulle ei kannattanut jutella, kun tein sitä hommaa.\nAloin opiskella maailmanennätyksen haltijasta.\nHänen nimensä on Tom Sietas.\nTämä kaveri on täydellinen hengenpidätykseen.\nHän on 195 cm pitkä, painaa 73 kg.\nHänen keuhkojensa kokonaiskapasiteetti on\nkaksinkertainen normaaliin henkilöön verrattuna.\nOlen 186 cm ja läski.\nSanotaan isoluinen.\n(Naurua)\nMinun piti laihduttaa 23 kiloa kolmessa kuukaudessa.\nKaikkea, mitä laitoin sisääni,\npidin lääkkeenä.\nJokainen ruoan murunen oli mukana ravintoarvonsa takia.\nSöin hyvin pieniä kontrolloituja annoksia\npitkin päivää.\nJa aloin tosissaan muokata kehoani.\n(Naurua)\n\nEnglish: \nAt the end of that\nyou're completely fried, your brain.\nYou feel like you're walking\naround in a daze.\nAnd you have these awful headaches.\nBasically, I'm not the best person\nto talk to when I'm doing that stuff.\nI started learning\nabout the world-record holder.\nHis name is Tom Sietas.\nAnd this guy is perfectly built\nfor holding his breath.\nHe's six foot four. He's 160 pounds.\nAnd his total lung capacity\nis twice the size of an average person.\nI'm six foot one, and fat.\nWe'll say big-boned.\n(Laughter)\nI had to drop 50 pounds in three months.\nSo, everything that I put into my body,\nI considered as medicine.\nEvery bit of food was exactly\nwhat it was for its nutritional value.\nI ate really small controlled portions\nthroughout the day.\nAnd I started to really adapt my body.\n[Individual results may vary]\n(Laughter)\n\nPortuguese: \nAo final disso você fritou completamente seu cérebro.\nVocê sente como se estivesse andando desnorteado.\nE você tem essas terríveis dores de cabeça.\nBasicamente, eu não sou a melhor pessoa para conversar quando estou fazendo isso.\nComecei a aprender sobre o detentor do recorde mundial.\nO nome dele é Tom Sietas.\nEsse cara foi perfeitamente construido para prender a respiração.\nEle tem um metro e noventa e cinco. Ele pesa 72 quilos.\nE sua capacidade pulmonar é\nduas vezes maior que de uma pessoa comum.\nTenho um metro e oitenta e seis, e sou gordo.\nDigamos que tenho ossos pesados.\n(Risos)\nTinha que perder 22 quilos em 3 meses.\nEntão, qualquer coisa que eu colocava no meu corpo\neu considerava como remédio.\nCada pedaço de comida tinha exatamente seu valor nutricional.\nComi porções realmente pequenas e controladas\nao longo do dia\nE comecei a adaptar o meu corpo.\n(Risos)\n\nPortuguese: \nNo fim, o nosso cérebro \nfica totalmente frito.\nSentimo-nos como se estivéssemos \nàs voltas num labirinto.\nTemos dores de cabeça terríveis.\nNão sou a melhor pessoa com \nquem falar quando estou a fazer isto.\nComecei a estudar o detentor \ndo recorde mundial.\nChama-se Tom Sietas.\nEste tipo tem uma estrutura perfeita \npara suster a respiração.\nTem 1,94 de altura. Pesa 72 kg.\nA capacidade total dos pulmões dele\né o dobro do tamanho duma pessoa média.\nEu tenho 1,85 m e sou gordo.\nDigamos, tenho ossos robustos.\n(Risos)\nTive que emagrecer 23 kg em três meses.\nTudo o que enfiava no corpo\nconsiderava como um medicamento.\nCada bocadinho de comida valia exatamente \npelo seu valor nutritivo.\nSó comia pequenas porções controladas\ndurante todo o dia.\nComecei a adaptar o meu corpo.\n[Os resultados individuais podem variar]\n(Risos)\n(Aplausos)\n\nRussian: \nВ конце процесса чувствуешь,\nчто мозг совершенно закипел.\nХодишь потом, как будто\nобухом по голове ударили.\nИ всё время ужасная головная боль.\nЧестно говоря, пока я этим занят,\nсо мной лучше не заговаривать.\nЯ стал собирать информацию\nо мировом рекордсмене.\nЕго зовут Том Ситас.\nЭтот парень идеально сложен\nдля задержки дыхания.\nРост — 194 см, вес — 72 кг\nА его объем легких\nв два раза больше,\nчем у среднего человека.\nУ меня рост — 187 см, и я пополнее,\nкак говорят, у меня крупная кость.\n(Смех)\nМне пришлось сбросить\n23 кг за три месяца.\nВсё, что я принимал внутрь,\nя рассматривал в качестве лекарства.\nКаждый кусочек пищи представлял для меня\nв точности то, что составляло его питательную ценность.\nЯ ел очень малыми порциями,\nконтролируя себя в течение всего дня.\nИ вот я начал адаптировать\nсвое телосложение.\n(Смех)\n[надпись: Повторить не всегда возможно]\n\nPersian: \nدر پایان مغزتان کاملا آتش گرفته است.\nشما احساس سرگیجه می کنید.\nو سردرد وحشتناکی خواهید داشت.\nقاعدتا,من فرد مناسبی برای گفتن این چیزها نیستم در حالی که خودم دارم این کارها را انجام می دهم .\nمن شروع کردم به یاد گرفتن از کسی که رکورد جهانی را نگه می داشت.\nاسم او تام سیتاس است.\nانگار که شخص کاملا برای نگه داشتن نفسش ساخته شده بود\nقد او 192 سانتی متر و وزنش 72 کیلوگرم است\nو ظرفیت ریه های او\nدو برابر یک انسان معمولی است.\nقد من 180 سانتی متر است و چاقم\nخب بزارین بگیم استخوانبندی درشت\nخنده حضار\nمن مجبور بودم در در 3 ماه، 23 کیلوگرم وزن کم کنم.\nبنابراین هر چیزی که وارد بدنم می شد\nبه عنوان یک دارو در نظر می گرفتم.\nهر ذره از غذا دقیقا به خاطر ارزش غذاییش بود\nمن واقعا غذای کم و کنترل شده ای\nدر طول روز می خوردم.\nو شروع کردم که بدنم را متعادل کنم.\nخنده حضار\n\nChinese: \n結束的時候,腦袋像是要炸開一樣,\n感覺像喝茫了在街上遊蕩,\n而且頭痛欲裂。\n老實說,我不是最有資格談論這檔事的人,\n所以我開始研究世界紀錄保持人,\n他叫湯姆.席耶塔斯,\n他擁有閉氣所需的最佳體能狀態,\n身高一百九十公分,體重七十二公斤,\n而且他的肺活量\n是一般成人的兩倍之多。\n我有一百八十公分高,過重,\n或者說骨架大。\n(笑聲)\n我需要在三個月內減掉二十二公斤,\n因此所有吃進去的東西,\n對我來說都是藥物,\n每一小撮食物都只為了攝取最基本的營養。\n我吃的量非常小而且經過嚴格控制,\n三餐皆如此,\n讓身體逐漸適應。\n(笑聲)--個別效果可能不盡相同--\n\nSlovak: \nNa konci ste úplne zapečení, váš mozog.\nCítite sa, akoby ste kráčali omráčení.\nA máte hrozné bolesti hlavy.\nVlastne, neporozprávajte sa so mnou, keď to robím.\nZačal som sa dozvedať niečo o držiteľovi svetového rekordu.\nVolá sa Tom Sietas.\nA tento chlapík je perfektne stavaný na zadržiavanie dychu.\nMá 190cm, 80kg.\nA jeho celková kapacita pľúc\nje dvojnásobná voči priemernému človeku.\nJa mám 182cm a som tučný.\nNo, poviem, že mám veľké kosti.\n(smiech)\nMusel som zhodiť 25 kíl za tri mesiace.\nTakže všetko, čo som dal do svojho tela,\nsom považoval za liek.\nKaždý kúsok jedla bol presne tým, čím bol pre svoju nutričnú hodnotu.\nJedol som skutočne malé, kontrolované porcie\npočas dňa.\nA skutočne som začal svoje telo prispôsobovať.\n*Výsledky sa môžu líšiť.*\n(smiech)\n\nModern Greek (1453-): \nΜετά απ' αυτό νιώθεις \nτον εγκέφαλό σου καμένο.\nΝιώθεις πως περπατάς ζαλισμένος.\nΚαι έχεις αυτούς τους απαίσιους πονοκέφαλους.\nΒασικά, δεν είμαι ο καλύτερος άνθρωπος \nγια να μιλήσεις όταν κάνω τέτοια πράγματα.\nΆρχισα να μαθαίνω για τον κάτοχο \nτου παγκόσμιου ρεκόρ.\nΤο όνομά του είναι Τομ Σιέτας.\nΑυτός ο τύπος είναι τέλεια σχεδιασμένος\nγια να κρατάει την αναπνοή του.\nΈχει ύψος 1.95. Ζυγίζει 72 κιλά.\nΗ συνολική χωρητικότητα των πνευμόνων του\nείναι η διπλάσια από του μέσου ανθρώπου.\nΈχω ύψος 1.85 και είμαι χοντρός.\nΑς πούμε βαρυκόκκαλος.\n(Γέλια)\nΈπρεπε να χάσω 22 κιλά μέσα σε τρεις μήνες.\nΟπότε οτιδήποτε έβαζα στο σώμα μου\nτο θεωρούσα φάρμακο.\nΚάθε μπουκιά φαγητού ήταν ακριβώς\nαυτό που χρειαζόμουν σε θρεπτική αξία.\nΈτρωγα πολύ μικρές ελεγχόμενες μερίδες\nκατά τη διάρκεια της ημέρας.\nΚαι άρχισα πραγματικά \nνα προσαρμόζω το σώμα μου.\n[Τα επιμέρους αποτελέσματα\nμπορεί να διαφέρουν]\n(Γέλια)\n\nKurdish: \nله‌کۆتایی ئه‌وه‌دا، تۆبه‌ته‌واوی مێشکت گه‌رم کردووه‌\nتۆ واهه‌ستده‌که‌یت که‌ به‌ دووری هاتوچۆ ده‌که‌یت\nوه‌ سه‌ر ئێشه‌یه‌کی زۆر ناڕه‌حه‌ تت هه‌یه‌\nله‌ڕاستیدا من که‌سێکی باش نیم بۆقسه‌کردن له‌کاتێکدا ئه‌م شتانه‌ ده‌که‌م\nده‌ستم کرد به‌فێربوون له‌ڕیکۆردی جیهانی هه‌ناسه‌ وه‌ستان\nئه‌و ناوی تۆم سیتاسه‌\nئه‌م پیاوه‌ به‌ڕاستی بۆڕاگرتنی هه‌ناسه‌ دروست ببوه‌\nباڵای شه‌ش پێ به‌ چواره‌، وه‌ (160) پاوه‌نده‌\nوه‌ توانای گشتی سییه‌کانی\nدوو به‌رامبه‌ره‌ بە به‌راورد به‌ که‌سێکی ئاسایی\nمن شه‌ ش پێ به‌ یه‌کم وه‌ قه‌ڵه‌وم\nئێمه‌ ده‌ڵێین ئێسک قورس\nپێکه‌نین\nپێویست بوو (50) پاوه‌ند له‌ماوه‌ی (3) مانگ که‌م بکه‌مه‌وه‌\nله‌به‌ر ئه‌وه‌، هه‌رشتێکم بخواردایه‌\nوه‌ک ده‌رمان ته‌ماشام ده‌کرد\nتۆزێک له‌خۆراک به‌تەواوی مانا خۆراک پێدانی خۆی هه‌بوو\nبه‌شێکی دیاری کراوی خواردنم خوارد\nله‌هه‌موو ڕۆژێکدا\nوه‌ ده‌ستم کرد به‌ خۆگونجاندنی له‌شم\nپێکه‌نین\n\nSwedish: \nEfter detta är man helt borta i hjärnan.\nDet känns som om du går runt helt bedövad.\nOch du får hemsk huvudvärk.\nJag är inte speciellt trevlig att vara med när jag gör det här, helt enkelt.\nJag började studera världsrekordshållaren.\nHans namn är Tom Sietas.\nDen här killen är perfekt byggd för att hålla andan.\nHan är en och nittio och väger 70 kilo.\nHans totala lungkapacitet är\ndubbelt så stor som en normal persons.\nJag är en och åttiofem och fet.\nEller låt oss säga stor benstomme.\n(Skratt)\nJag behövde bli av med 23 kilo på tre månader.\nSå allt jag stoppade i min kropp\nansåg jag vara medicin.\nVarje liten bit mat var exakt vad jag behövde näringsmässigt.\nJag åt riktigt små, kontrollerade, portioner\nunder hela dagen.\nOch jag började verkligen anpassa min kropp.\n(Skratt)\n\nSpanish: \nAl acabar estás totalmente frito, tu cerebro y tal.\nTe sientes como si estuvieras medio aturdido.\nY empiezas a tener unos dolores de cabeza horribles.\nEn resumen, no soy el más indicado a quien dirigirse mientas hago esto.\nEmpecé a aprender más sobre la persona que tenía el récord mundial.\nSe llama Tom Sietas.\nY este tipo está diseñado para aguantar la respiración.\nMide 1,93 y pesa 72 kilos y medio.\nY su capacidad pulmonar total es\nel doble que la de una persona normal.\nYo mido 1,85 y estoy gordo.\nBueno, digamos que soy de huesos anchos.\n(Risas)\nTuve que adelgazar 23 kilos en tres meses.\nAsí que todo lo que metía en mi organismo\nlo consideraba un medicamento.\nCada ración de comida era exactamente lo que era su valor nutricional.\nComía cantidades controladas muy pequeñas\na lo largo del día.\nY mi cuerpo empezó a adaptarse.\n(Risas)\n\nThai: \nสุดท้ายมันก็คือการที่คุณกำลังทอดสมองคุณ\nคุณจะรู้สึกเหมือนกำลังเดินอย่างมึนๆ\nและคุณก็จะปวดหัวอย่างสุดๆ\nผมจะคุยไม่รู้เรื่องไปพักนึง เวลาที่ผมทำการฝึกอย่างนี้\nแล้วผมก็เริ่มรู้เกี่ยวกับผู้ที่ครองสถิติโลก\nชื่อของเขาคือนาย ทอม ซีทัส (Tom Sietas)\nและนายคนนี้เกิดมาเพื่อกลั้นหายใจจริงๆ\nเขาสูง 6 ฟุต 4 นิ้ว (190 เซนติเมตร), หนัก 160 ปอนด์ (72.5 กิโลกรัม)\nและมีความจุรวมของปอด\nเป็น 2 เท่าของคนปกติทั่วไป\nส่วนผมสูง 6 ฟุต 1 นิ้ว (182.5 cm) และอ้วน\nหรือผมขอใช้คำว่าตัวใหญ่ดีกว่า\n(หัวเราะ)\nผมต้องลดน้ำหนัก 50 ปอนด์ (23 กิโลกรัม) ภายในเวลา 3 เดือน\nดังนั้น ทุกสิ่งทุกอย่างที่ผมกินเข้าไป\nผมถือว่ามันคือยา\nทุกๆส่วนของอาหารที่ผมกินมันต้องมีคุณค่าทางอาหาร\nผมกินน้อยๆอย่างจำกัด\nตลอดทั้งวัน\nและผมก็เริ่มที่จะปรับร่างกายผมได้\n(หัวเราะ)\n\nFrench: \nÀ la fin, vous avez le cerveau complètement cramé.\nVous vous sentez complètement hébété quand vous bougez.\nEt vous avez ces horribles maux de tête.\nEn fait, mieux vaut ne pas me parler quand je fais ça.\nJ'ai commencé à me renseigner sur le détenteur du record mondial.\nIl s'appelle Tom Sietas.\nEt ce type est bâti idéalement pour retenir son souffle.\nIl fait 1,93 m. Il pèse 72 ½ kgs.\nEt sa capacité respiratoire totale\nest le double de celle d'une personne moyenne.\nJe fais 1,85m, et je suis gras.\nOn dira que j'ai de gros os ...\n(Rires)\nJ'ai dû perdre près de 25 kgs en 3 mois.\nPour ça, tout ce que j'ingurgitais,\nje le considérais comme un médicament.\nChaque morceau de nourriture n'était là que pour sa valeur nutritionnelle.\nJe mangeais de toutes petites portions contrôlées\ntout au long de la la journée.\nEt j'ai commencé à vraiment adapter mon corps.\n(Rires)\n\nItalian: \nAlla fine sei del tutto cotto, o per lo meno lo è il tuo cervello.\nTi senti come se camminassi con la testa fra le nuvole.\nE con dei terribili mal di testa.\nPraticamente non sono la persona migliore con la quale fare quattro chiacchiere in quelle condizioni.\nMi sono poi documentato riguardo al detentore del record mondiale.\nSi chiama Tom Sietas.\nQuesto ragazzo ha una conformazione perfetta per trattenere il respiro.\n1 metro e 93 di altezza, per 72 kg.\nE la sua capacità polmonare totale\nè il doppio rispetto a quella di una persona media.\nIo sono 1 metro e 85, e grasso.\nDiciamo che sono robusto.\n(Risata)\nHo dovuto perdere oltre 20 kg in tre mesi.\nA quel punto tutto ciò che introducevo nel mio corpo\nlo consideravo una medicina.\nOgni singolo boccone era calcolato esattamente per il suo valore nutrizionale.\nMangiavo solo piccole e controllate porzioni\ndurante tutto il giorno.\nHo iniziato ad adattare il mio corpo.\n(Risata)\n\nRomanian: \nIar la sfârșit simți cum creierul\nîți e complet prăjit.\nToată ziua mergi ca un zăpăcit.\nȘi ai dureri groaznice de cap.\nPe scurt, nu prea poți discuta cu mine\ncând fac aceste lucruri.\nM-am informat despre deținătorul\nrecordului mondial.\nSe numește Tom Sietas.\nIar acest tip este perfect construit\npentru a-și ține respirația.\nE înalt de 1,93 m, cântărește 72 kg,\niar capacitatea sa pulmonară\neste de două ori mai mare\ndecât a unei persoane medii.\nEu am 1,85 m, și sunt gras.\nSa zicem că sunt masiv.\n(Râsete)\nA trebuit să slăbesc 22 de kg\nîn trei luni.\nAșa că tot ce introduceam în corp\nam considerat că e un fel de medicament.\nFiecare bucățică de mâncare era mâncată\ndoar pentru valoarea sa nutrițională.\nMâncam porții foarte mici și controlate\nde-a lungul unei zile.\nȘi am început să îmi adaptez corpul.\n[rezultatele pot varia]\n(Râsete).\n\nTurkish: \nEn sonunda beyniniz tamamen kızarıyor.\nEtrafta sersem sepelek dolaştığınızı hissediyorsunuz.\nVe korkunç baş ağrısı çekiyorsunuz.\nKısaca, bunu yaparken konuşulacak biri olmaktan çıkıyordum.\nDünya-rekorunu elinde tutan kişiyi araştırdım.\nAdı Tom Sietas.\nBu kişi nefes tutmak için oldukça donanımlı.\n1.95 boyunda ve 73 kilo.\nToplam akciğer kapasitesi\nnormal bir insanın iki katı.\nBen 1.85'im ve şişmanım.\nBiz iri kemikli deriz.\n(Kahkaha)\nÜç ayda 23 kilo vermem gerekiyordu.\nVe ben de vücuduma aldığım herşeyi\nilaç olarak düşünmeye başladım.\nEn ufak besin maddesini bile besleyici özelliği için alıyordum.\nGün boyu küçük ve\nkontrollü porsiyonlarda yedim.\nVe gerçekten vücudumu adapte etmeye başladım.\n(Kahkaha)\n\nKorean: \n이것이 끝날 때는 뇌가 완전히 타버리는거 같죠.\n어지럽게 걸어다니는 듯한 느낌이 오고\n끔찍한 두통이 생기게 되죠.\n제가 그 것을 할 때는 말을 잘하는 사람이 아니게 되죠.\n저는 세계기록 보유자에 대해서 알게 되었습니다.\n그의 이름은 Tim Sietas죠.\n이 사람의 체구는 숨을 참기에 완벽해요.\n6.4피트에 160파운드이고,(196cm에 72kg)\n총 폐활량은\n평균적인 사람의 2배에 이릅니다.\n저는 6.1피트(186cm)이면서 뚱뚱하지요.\n우리는 뼈대가 굵다고 말합니다.\n(웃음)\n저는 3개월 후에 50파운드(22kg)를 빼야만 했습니다.\n그래서, 제가 먹는 모든 것들을\n약으로 생각했습니다.\n모든 음식들은 정확하게 영양가를 고려했습니다.\n저는 하루종일 정말 적게 조절된 양만을\n먹었습니다.\n그리고 저의 몸에 적응하기 시작했죠.\n개인마다 결과는 다양합니다. (웃음)\n\nMacedonian: \nНа крајот вие сте целосно согорени, како и вашиот мозок.\nСе чувствувате како да одите наоколу занесени.\nИ имате ужасни главоболки.\nВо основа, не сум најдобриот соговорник кога ги правам овие работи.\nЗапочнав да учам повеќе за носителот на светскиот рекорд.\nНеговото име е Том Зитас.\nА овој тип е идеално граден за задржување на здивот.\nТој е висок 190 см. Има 72 килограми.\nА вкупниот капацитет на неговите дробови е\nдвојно поголем од просечен човек.\nЈас сум околу 180 см и дебел сум.\nПодобро кажано крупен.\n(Смеење)\nМорав да симнам 23 килограми за три месеци.\nТака сè што внесував во моето тело\nго сметав како лек.\nСекое најмало парче храна беше точно пресметано со својата хранлива вредност.\nЈадев навистина мали контролирани количини\nво текот на денот.\nИ започнав да го прилагодувам моето тело.\n(Смеење)\n\nPolish: \nNa końcu Ty i twój mózg jest kompletnie wypalony.\nCzujesz się jakbyś chodził oszołomiony.\nI masz okropne bóle głowy.\nGdy robię te rzeczy nie jest ze mnie najlepszy gość do rozmowy.\nZacząłem dowiadywać się na temat mistrza świata we wstrzymywaniu oddechu.\nNazywa się Tom Sietas.\nJest świetnie zbudowany do wstrzymywania oddechu.\nMa 195 cm wzrostu. Waży 73 kg.\nJego całkowita pojemność płuc\njest dwukrotnie większa niż u przeciętnego człowieka.\nJa mam 185 cm i jestem gruby.\nMożna powiedzieć, że mam grube kości.\n(Śmiech)\nMusiałem zrzucić 23 kg w trzy miesiące.\nWięc wszystko co w siebie wrzucałem\ntraktowałem jak lek.\nKażda cząstka jedzenia miała dokładnie określoną wartość odżywczą.\nJadłem naprawdę malutkie kontrolowane porcje\nprzez cały dzień.\nZacząłem naprawdę przystosowywać moje ciało.\n(Śmiech)\n\nDutch: \nAan het eind\nzijn je hersenen volledig gaar.\nJe loopt bedwelmd rond.\nJe hebt enorme hoofdpijn.\nIk ben niet de beste persoon\nvoor een praatje als ik dat doe.\nIk leerde over de wereldrecordhouder.\nZijn naam is Tom Sietas.\nDie jongen is perfect gebouwd\nom zijn adem in te houden.\nHij is 1.90m. Hij weegt 80 kilo.\nZijn longcapaciteit is\ntweemaal die van een gemiddeld persoon.\nIk ben 1.83 en dik.\nNou ja... zware botten.\n(Gelach)\nIk moest 25 kilo afvallen in 3 maanden.\nAlles wat in mijn lichaam stopte\nbeschouwde ik als medicijn.\nElke hap voedsel was precies\nwat ik aan voedingswaarde nodig had.\nIk at heel kleine, gecontroleerde porties\ngedurende de dag.\nIk begon mijn lichaam echt aan te passen.\n[individuele resultaten kunnen verschillen]\n(Gelach)\n\nGerman: \nDanach ist das Gehirn total gebraten.\nEs fühlt sich so an, als würde man vernebelt umherirren\nund man bekommt diese schrecklichen Kopfschmerzen.\nEigentlich bin ich nicht der beste Ansprechpartner für diese Dinge.\nIch habe mich über den Weltrekordhalter,\nTom Sietas, informiert.\nDieser Typ ist perfekt gebaut um seinen Atem anzuhalten.\nEr ist 1,95m groß und wiegt 72kg.\nSeine gesamte Lungenkapazität ist\ndoppelt so groß wie die eines durchschnittlichen Menschen.\nIch bin 1,86m groß und fett,\nsagen wir grobknochig.\n(Gelächter)\nIch musste 22,5kg innerhalb von drei Monaten abnehmen.\nAlles, was ich aufnahm,\nsah ich als Medizin.\nJeden kleinen Essenshappen sah ich nur als einen bestimmten Nährwert.\nIch ass sehr kleine, kontrollierte Portionen\nim Laufe des Tages.\nUnd ich fing an meinen Körper wirklich darauf einzustellen.\n(Gelächter)\n\nVietnamese: \nCuối quá trình đó bạn hoàn toàn nóng ran, não của bạn.\nBạn cảm thấy như đang đi lòng vòng trong khi choáng váng.\nVà bạn bị những cơn đau đầu tồi tệ.\nĐơn giản, tôi không phải là đối tượng phù hợp để nói chuyện khi đang thực điều đó.\nTôi bắt đầu tìm hiểu về người giữ kỷ lục.\nTên anh ta là Tom Sietas.\nVà anh chàng này có ngoại hình chuẩn để nín thở.\nAnh ta cao 1m95. Nặng 72 Kg.\nVà thể tích phổi\ngấp hai lần kích cỡ người bình thường.\nTôi cao 1m84, và mập.\nNgười ta thường gọi là to xác.\n(Cười)\nTôi buộc phải giảm 22 Kg trong ba tháng.\nVậy nên, mọi thứ tôi đưa vào cơ thể\nTôi cho rằng toàn là thuốc.\nTừng phần thức ăn đều có giá trị dinh dưỡng nhất định.\nTôi ăn những phần nhỏ có kiểm soát.\ncả ngày.\nVà tôi bắt đầu thích ứng với cơ thể.\n(Cười)\n\nHungarian: \nEnnek a végére az agyad teljesen kikészül.\nOlyan érzés, mintha teljes kábulatban lennél.\nSzörnyű fejfájásod lesz tőle.\nMikor ezt csinálom, nem ajánlatos velem beszélgetni.\nElkezdtem tanulmányozni azt a személyt, aki a világcsúcsot tartotta.\nA neve Tom Sietas.\nEnnek a srácnak a felépítése tökéletes a levegő visszatartásához.\n193 cm magas és 72 kg.\nA teljes tüdőkapacitása pedig\nkétszerese egy átlagos emberének.\nÉn 185 cm vagyok, és kövér.\nMondjuk, hogy vastag csontú.\n(Nevetés)\nHárom hónap alatt 23 kilót kellett lefogynom.\nÍgy mindenre, amit magamhoz vettem,\núgy tekintettem, mint orvosságra.\nMinden falat tápértéke pontosan meg volt határozva.\nKis, ellenőrzött adagokat ettem\na nap folyamán.\nEhhez pedig a testem is alkalmazkodott.\n(Nevetés)\n\niw: \nובסוף התהליך אתה מרגיש\nאתה מרגיש כאילו אתה מסתובב בהלם.\nויש לך כאבי ראש איומים\nבעיקרון, אני לא האדם הטוב ביותר לדבר איתו כאשר אני עושה את הדברים האלה.\nהתחלתי ללמוד על מחזיק שיא העולם.\nשמו טום זידס\nוהאיש הזה בנוי בצורה מושלמת בכדי להחזיק את נשימתו.\nגובהו מטר תשעים ושלוש והוא שוקל 72.5 (ק\"ג)\nקיבולת הריאה שלו היא\nפי שניים מאדם ממוצע\nאני מטר שמונים וחמש, ושמן\nנגיד שיש לי עצמות גדולות\n(צחוק)\nהייתי צריך להשיל 22.5 (ק\"ג) בשלושה חודשים\nלכן כל מה שהכנסתי לגופי\nהחשבתי אותו כתרופה\nכל פיסת מזון היה בדיוק עבור הערך התזונתי שלה.\nאכלתי מנות קטנות ומבוקרות מאוד\nבמשך היום\nוהתחלתי באמת להתאים את הגוף שלי.\n(צחוק)\n\nSerbian: \nPosle toga, vaš mozak\nje totalno iscrpljen.\nOsećate se kao da ste ošamućeni\ni imate užasne glavobolje.\nSve u svemu, nisam najbolja osoba\nza razgovor kad radim to.\nOnda sam čuo za svetskog rekordera.\nOn se zove Tom Zitas.\nOvaj tip je savršeno građen\nza zadržavanje daha.\nVisok je 195cm. Težak 72kg.\nA ima kapacitet pluća\nduplo veći od prosečne osobe.\nJa sam visok 185cm, i debeo.\nReći ćemo da imam teške kosti.\n(Smeh)\nMorao sam da smršam 20kg za tri meseca.\nSve što sam stavljao u sebe\nsmatrao sam za lek.\nSvaki delić hrane je imao\nodgovarajuću nutritivnu vrednost.\nJeo sam vrlo male, kontrolisane porcije\ncelog dana\ni počeo sam da prilagođavam svoje telo.\n[Rezultati mogu da se razlikuju\nu zavisnosti od osobe]\n(Smeh)\n\nArabic: \nفي نهاية تصبح مرهقاً تماما فعقلك\nيشعرك بأنك تتجول في حالة ذهول\nويصبح لديك صداع فظيع\nولا أعتقد أنك تريد التحدث إلي بعد قيامي بتلك العملية ...\nومن ثم بدأت البحث عن حامل الرقم القياسي العالمي\nواسمه توم سيتس\nوهذا الرجل مبني تماماً لحبس أنفاسه\nطوله ستة أقدم و أربع، ووزنه ١٦٠ رطلاً (72.5 كليوغرام)\nالسعة الإجمالية للرئة لديه\nضعف تلك التي لدى الشخص العادي.\nأنا طولي ستة أقدم وواحد، كما أنني ممتلىء\nأنا ذو عظم ثقيل\n(ضحك)\nاضطررت لخسارة ٥٠ بوند في غضون ثلاثة أشهر\nلذلك ، كل ما أضعه في جسدي\nاعتبرته دواءً\nوقد كان كل شيء أأكله أأكله فقط لقيمته الغذائية\nكنت أأكل حصص صغيرة مدروسة\nطوال اليوم\nولقد بدأت فعلا بتهيئة جسدي\n(ضحك)\n\nChinese: \n在快要结束时,我觉得大脑快炸开了,\n就好像在一片耀眼中行走,\n头痛欲裂。\n似乎我属于做的出却描述不出的人。\n我开始了解到这个记录的保持者\n叫汤姆 斯塔斯。\n这家伙就像是为屏气而生的,\n他有6尺4,160磅重。\n而且他的肺活量是\n正常人的2倍。\n我呢,6尺1寸,很胖,\n或者可以硬是说成骨架比较大。\n(笑声)\n所以我必须在三个月内减掉50磅。\n所有放进我嘴里的东西\n我都看作是药物,\n每一小块食物都按照营养价值需要来吃。\n一天内\n我都保持吃非常小量的食物,\n渐渐的我开始保持很好的状态了。\n(笑声)\n\nJapanese: \n終わりに近づくにつれて完全に目まいがしてきます\nぼうっとして歩いているような感じです\nそれからひどい頭痛がします\nこのとき 私に話しかけてもまともに会話はできません\n世界記録保持者についても調べました\nトム シエタスという人で\n呼吸を止めるには完璧な体つきをしています\n身長193cm 体重72kgで\n総肺活量は\n平均の2倍もあります\n私は身長180cmですが 太り気味\n骨太ということにしましょう\n(笑い)\n私は3か月で20キロ以上痩せなければなりませんでした\nですから体に入れるものは全て\n薬だと考えました\n口に入れるものは全て栄養を摂取するためで\nコントロールされた食事を少しだけ\n毎食とりました\nそして体も順応してきました\n<個人差があります>--(笑い)\n\nBulgarian: \nНакрая мозъкът ти просто изключва.\nЧувстваш се като лунатик.\nОсвен това главата ти боли до пръсване.\nВ такива ситуации не съм най - приятният събеседник.\nЗапочнах да събирам информация за световния рекордьор.\nКазва се Том Сийтаз.\nТой сякаш е роден да се занимава с това.\nВисок е 1.95. Тежи 73 кг.,\nа обемът на белите му дробове\nнадвишава два пъти този на обикновения човек.\nАз съм метър 86 и съм дебел.\nЕ, да кажем че костите ми тежат.\n(Смях)\nТрябваше да сваля 23 кг. за три месеца.\nВсичко, което тялото ми поемаше,\nвъзприемах като лекарство.\nВсяка трошичка беше претегляна спрямо хранителната й стойност.\nЯдях прецизно премерени малки порции\nпрез целия ден.\nТака започнах да приспособявам тялото си.\n(Смях)\n\nCroatian: \nNakon toga u potpunosti spržiš svoj mozak.\nOsjećaš se kao da hodaš okolo omamljen.\nI imaš te užasne glavobolje.\nU biti, nisam najbolja osoba za pričati o tome kada radim te stvari.\nPočeo sam učiti o držaču svjetskog rekorda.\nZove se Tom Sietas.\nOvaj čovjek je savršeno građen za zadržavanje daha.\nOn je metar i 93. On ima 73 kilograma.\nI njegov puni kapacitet pluća je\nduplo veći od prosječnog čovjeka.\nJa sam metar i 85, i debeo.\nReći ćemo da imam teške kosti.\n(Smijeh)\nMorao sam izgubiti 23 kilograma u tri mjeseca.\nSve što sam stavio u svoje tijelo\nsmatrao sam kao lijek.\nSvaki dijelić hrane je bio točno ono što je u svojoj nutricionističkoj vrijednosti.\nJeo sam stvarno male, kontrolirane porcije\nkroz dan.\nI stvarno sam počeo prilagođavati svoje tijelo.\n(Smijeh)\n\nCzech: \nPo tomhle jste totálně vyřízení, máte zavařený mozek.\nCítíte se jako v tranzu.\nA máte ty hrozné bolesti hlavy.\nPři těchhle příležitostech nebývám nejlepší společník.\nZačal jsem se zajímat o držitele světového rekordu.\nJmenuje se Tom Sietas.\nA je na zadržování dechu perfektně stavěný.\nMěří 195 centimetrů a váží 73 kilo.\nA celková kapacita jeho plic je\noproti průměrnému člověku dvojnásobná.\nJá mám 185 a jsem tlustej.\nŘekněme, že mám spíš těžký kosti\n(smích)\nMusel jsem za tři měsíce shodit 23 kilo.\nTakže cokoliv jsem si dal do těla\njsem bral jako lék.\nKaždý kousek jídla jsem pečlivě vybíral podle přesné nutriční hodnoty.\nJedl jsem jen malé odměřené porce\nv průběhu celého dne.\nA začal jsem své tělo opravdu přizpůsobovat.\n(smích) [nápis: skutečné výsledky se mohou lišit]\n\nDanish: \nTil sidst er man total smadret, ens hjerne.\nMan føler det som om man går rundt i en døs.\nOg man har disse voldsomme hovedpiner.\nDybest set, er jeg ikke den bedste person at snakke med når jeg gør den slags ting.\nJeg begyndte at lære om verdensrekordindehaveren.\nHan navn er Tom Sietas.\nOg denne fyr er perfekt bygget til at holde vejret.\nHan er 193. Han vejer 72.5 kilo.\nOg hans totale lungekapacitet\ner dobbelt så stor som den gennemsnitlige person.\nJeg er 185, og fed.\nVi siger stor af bygning.\n(Latter)\nJeg skulle tabe mig 23 kilo på tre måneder.\nSå, alt jeg puttede i min krop\nså jeg som medicin.\nHver eneste stykke mad var præcis hvad det var for dens ernæringsværdi.\nJeg spiste virkelig små kontrollerede portioner\ni løbet af dagen.\nOg jeg begyndte virkelig at tilpasse min krop.\n(Latter)\n\nArabic: \nكلما كنت أضعف ، استطعت أن أحبس أنفاسي وقت أطول\nوبأكل الطعام جيداً والتدريب بجدية\nانخفض معدل دقات القلب إلى ٣٨ نبضة في الدقيقة\nالذي هو أقل من معظم اللاعبين الأولمبيين\nفي غضون أربعة أشهر من التدريب كنت قادرا على حبس أنفاسي\nلأكثر من سبع دقائق\nكنت أرغب في محاولة لحبس أنفاسي في كل مكان\nأردت محاولة ذلك في الحالات الأكثر تطرفا\nلمعرفة ما اذا كنت استطيع إبطاء معدل نبضات قلبي\nتحت الإكراه\n(ضحك)\nقررت أنني سوف احطم الرقم القياسي العالمي\nمباشرةً على التلفاز\nوكان الرقم القياسي العالمي ثماني دقائق و ٥٨ ثانية\nالذي حاز عليه توم سيتس ، ذلك الرجل برئتي الحوت الذي أخبرتكم عنه\n(ضحك)\nافترضت أنني أتمكن من وضع خزان مياه في مركز لينكولن\nوإذا بقيت هناك لمدة أسبوع بلا طعام\nسوف أتأقلم مع الوضع\nوسوف أُبطء الأيض\nالذي كنت واثقا من انه سوف يساعدني في حبس أنفاسي\nوقت أطول مما كنت استطيع\n\nSerbian: \nŠto sam mršaviji bio,\nto sam duže mogao da zadržim dah.\nI pošto sam tako dobro jeo i trenirao,\notkucaji srca u mirovanju su mi se\nsmanjili na 38 u minutu.\nŠto je manje nego kod većine\nsportista olimpijaca.\nPosle 4 meseca treninga,\nmogao sam da zadržim dah\npreko sedam minuta.\nHteo sam da zadržavam dah svuda.\nHteo sam to da probam\nu najekstremnijim situacijama\nda vidim da li mogu\nda usporim otkucaje srca\npod prinudom.\n(Smeh)\nOdlučio sam da oborim svetski rekord\nuživo u udarnom terminu na televiziji.\nSvetski rekord od 8 minuta i 58 sekundi\nje držao Tom Zitas, o kom sam vam pričao,\nsa džinovskim plućima.\n(Smeh)\nPretpostavio sam da mogu\nda stavim cisternu u Linkoln centar\ni ako bih ostao tamo nedelju dana\nda ne jedem ništa,\nbio bih komotan u toj situaciji\ni usporio bih metabolizam,\nšto bi mi sigurno pomoglo da zadržim dah\nduže nego što sam inače mogao.\n\nJapanese: \n細くなればなるだけ長い間息を止めていることができました\n良い食事とハードなトレーニングのおかげで\n静止中の心拍数は毎分38にまで落とすことに成功しました\nこれは殆どのオリンピック選手より低いものです\n4か月のトレーニングで私は呼吸を\n7分以上止められるようになりました\n色々な場所で呼吸を止めることにチャレンジしたくなりました\n様々な極限の状況で試してみたかったのです\n強制された状態で心拍数を下げられるかどうか\n見るためです\n(笑い)\n私はゴールデンタイムの番組で\n世界記録を破ろうと決めました\n世界記録は8分58秒で\n先ほどお話したクジラのような肺をもつトム シエタスのものです\n(笑い)\nリンカンセンターに水槽を設置し\n1週間何も食べずにそこにいれば\nその状況に慣れて\n新陳代謝を低下させ\nこれまでより長く呼吸を止めることが\nできるのではと考えました\n\nHungarian: \nMinél vékonyabb lettem, annál tovább tudtam visszatartani a lélegzetem.\nAz egészséges étkezésnek és a kemény edzésnek köszönhetően\nnyugalmi állapotban a pulzusom percenként 38-ra csökkent.\nEz alacsonyabb, mint a legtöbb olimpikoné.\nNégy hónapnyi edzés után már hét percen át\ntudtam benntartani a levegőt.\nMindenhol ezzel akartam próbálkozni.\nKi akartam próbálni a legextrémebb szituációkban is,\nhogy lássam, le tudnám-e lassítani a szívverésem\nkényszer hatására.\n(Nevetés)\nElhatároztam, hogy a világcsúcsot\nélő televízióadásban fogom megdönteni.\nA rekord ekkor 8 perc 58 másodperc volt,\nés Tom Sietas állította fel, a bálnatüdejű srác, akiről meséltem.\n(Nevetés)\nÚgy gondoltam, hogy ha felállítanék egy víztartályt a Lincoln Centernél,\nés egy héten át nem ennék,\nakkor hozzászoknék a helyzethez\nés lelassíthatnám az anyagcserémet.\nBiztos voltam benne, hogy ez segítene abban, hogy tovább benntartsam a levegőt,\nmint amennyi ideig előtte tudtam.\n\nSwedish: \nDesto smalare jag blev, desto längre kunde jag hålla andan.\nOch eftersom jag åt så bra och tränade så hårt\nsjönk min vilopuls till 38 slag i minuten.\nVilket är längre än de flesta olympiska atleterna.\nEfter att ha tränat i fyra månader kunder jag hålla andan\ni över sju minuter.\nJag ville testa att hålla andan överallt.\nJag ville testa att göra det i de mest extrema situationer\nför att se om jag kunde få ner min hjärtrytm\nunder tvång.\n(Skratt)\nJag bestämde mig för att slå världsrekordet\nlive under bästa ständningstid på tv.\nVärldsrekordet var just då åtta minuter och 58 sekunder,\nhållet av Tom Sietas, kille med lungor som en val som jag berättat om.\n(Skratt)\nJag antog att jag kunde ställa en vattentank vid Lincoln center\noch om jag var där i en vecka utan att äta,\nskulle jag bli bekväm i den situationen\noch jag skulle sakta ner min ämnesomsättning,\nvilket jag var säker på skulle hjälpa mig att hålla andan\nlänge än jag kunnat innan.\n\niw: \nככל שהייתי רזה יותר כך יכולתי להחזיק את הנשימה לזמן רב יותר\nועל ידי כך שאכלתי כל כך טוב והתאמנתי כל כך קשה,\nקצב הלב שלי בזמן מנוחה ירד ל-38 פעימות בדקה\nשזה נמוך יותר מאשר רוב ספורטאים אולימפיים\nבתוך ארבעה חודשים של אימונים הצלחתי לעצור את נשימתי\nליותר משבע דקות\nרציתי לנסות לעצור את נשימתי בכל מקום.\nרציתי לנסות את זה במצבים הכי קיצוניים\nכדי לראות אם אני יכול להאט קצב הלב שלי\nתחת לחץ.\n(צחוק)\nהחלטתי שאני הולך לשבור את שיא העולם\nבשידור חי בטלוויזיה בזמן צפיית שיא.\nשיא העולם היה שמונה דקות ו 58 שניות,\nהמוחזקות על ידי טום זידס, הבחור עם הריאות של לווייתן שסיפרתי לכם עליו\n(צחוק)\nהנחתי שאני יכול לשים מיכל מים במרכז לינקולן\nואם אני אשאר שם שבוע בלי אוכל,\nאני אתרגל למצב ויהיה לי נוח\nואני הייתי מאט את חילוף החומרים שלי,\nוהייתי בטוח שזה יעזור לי לעצור את נשימתי\nלתקופה יותר ארוכה ממה שהצלחתי עד כה\n\nFinnish: \nMitä kapeampi olin, sitä pidempään pystyin pidättämään henkeäni.\nSyömällä hyvin ja harjoittelemalla kovasti\nsydämeni leposyke laski 38:aan per minuutti.\nSe on alempi kuin useimpien huippu-urheilijoiden.\nNeljä kuukautta harjoiteltuani pystyin\npidättämään henkeä yli seitsemän minuuttia.\nHalusin kokeilla hengen pidättämistä joka paikassa.\nHalusin kokeilla äärimmäisissä tilanteissa\nnähdäkseni pystynkö alentamaan sykettäni\nuhattuna.\n(Naurua)\nPäätin rikkoa maailmanennätyksen\nsuorassa lähetyksessä.\nMaailmanennätys oli kahdeksan minuuttia 58 sekuntia,\nTom Sietaksen, sen kaverin, jolla kerroin olevan valaan keuhkot.\n(Naurua)\nOletin, että voisin laittaa vesitankin Lincoln-keskukseen\nja jos oleilisin siellä enkä söisi viikkoon,\npääsisin miellyttävään tilaan\nja metabolismini hidastuisi,\nminkä arvelin auttavan pidättämään henkeäni\npidempään kuin aiemmin.\n\nRussian: \nЧем больше я худел,\nтем дольше я мог удерживать дыхание.\nВ результате такого хорошего питания\nи столь упорной тренировки,\nмой пульс в состоянии покоя\nпадал до 38 ударов в минуту.\nЭто ниже, чем у многих\nолимпийских спортсменов.\nЧерез 4 месяца тренировок\nя мог удерживать дыхание\nв течение более, чем 7 минут.\nХотелось удерживать дыхание всюду.\nЯ хотел задерживать дыхание\nв самых экстремальных ситуациях,\nчтобы узнать, смогу ли я снизить пульс\nпод давлением внешних обстоятельств.\n(Смех)\nЯ решил, что я побью мировой рекорд\nв прямом эфире\nв пиковое телевизионное время.\nМировой рекорд в 8 минут 58 секунд\nтогда удерживал Том Ситас, тот самый парень\nс легкими кита, как я говорил.\n(Смех)\nЯ подумал, что если поместить резервуар с водой\nв Линкольн Центре [Нью-Йорк],\nи если я останусь там\nв течение недели без еды,\nя буду чувствовать себя\nдостаточно хорошо,\nсмогу замедлить свой метаболизм,\nа это, я был уверен, поможет мне\nудерживать дыхание\nдольше того, что я уже добивался.\n\nModern Greek (1453-): \nΌσο πιο λεπτός ήμουν, τόσο περισσότερη\nώρα μπορούσα να κρατήσω την αναπνοή μου.\nΚαι τρώγοντας τόσο καλά \nκαι κάνοντας τόσο σκληρή προπόνηση,\nο καρδιακός μου ρυθμός όταν χαλάρωνα\nέπεφτε στους 38 παλμούς το λεπτό.\nΡυθμός πιο χαμηλός \nκαι από αθλητές Ολυμπιακών Αγώνων.\nΜέσα σε τέσσερις μήνες προπόνησης,\nμπορούσα να κρατήσω την αναπνοή μου\nγια πάνω από εφτά λεπτά.\nΉθελα να προσπαθήσω να κρατήσω \nτην αναπνοή μου παντού.\nΉθελα να το δοκιμάσω \nστις πιο ακραίες περιπτώσεις\nγια να δω αν μπορώ να ρίξω \nτους καρδιακούς μου παλμούς υπό πίεση.\n(Γέλια)\nΑποφάσισα ότι θα προσπαθούσα\nνα σπάσω το παγκόσμιο ρεκόρ\nζωντανά στην τηλεόραση.\nΤο παγκόσμιο ρεκόρ ήταν \nοχτώ λεπτά και 58 δευτερόλεπτα,\nκαι το είχε ο Τομ Σιέτας, ο τύπος με τα\nπνευμόνια φάλαινας που σας έλεγα νωρίτερα.\nΥπέθεσα ότι θα μπορούσα να τοποθετήσω \nμια δεξαμενή νερού στο Lincoln Center\nκαι αν έμενα μια εβδομάδα \nεκεί μέσα χωρίς να τρώω,\nθα συνήθιζα σε αυτή την κατάσταση\nκαι θα χαμήλωνα τον μεταβολισμό μου,\nκάτι που ήμουν σίγουρος ότι θα με βοηθούσε\nνα κρατήσω την αναπνοή μου\nγια περισσότερο\nαπ' ό,τι μπορούσα μέχρι τότε.\n\nItalian: \nPiù dimagrivo e più a lungo ero in grado di trattenere il respiro.\nE grazie al regime alimentare e all'allenamento,\nla frequenza cardiaca a riposo scese a 38 battiti al minuto,\ninferiore a quella della maggior parte degli atleti olimpici.\nIn quattro mesi di allenamento fui in grado di trattenere il respiro\nper oltre sette minuti.\nVolevo provare a trattenere il respiro ovunque.\nVolevo provare anche nelle condizioni più estreme\nper vedere se fossi in grado di rallentare la mia frequenza cardiaca\nsotto costrizione.\n(Risata)\nDecisi che avrei battuto il record mondiale\nin televisione, in diretta in prima serata.\nIl record del mondo era di otto minuti e 58 secondi,\ndetenuto da Tom Sietas, lo stesso ragazzo con i polmoni da balena di cui vi ho parlato.\n(Risata)\nPensavo di poter mettere una cisterna d'acqua al Lincoln Center\ne se fossi rimasto lì per una settimana senza mangiare,\nmi sarei trovato a mio agio in quella situazione\nrallentando il mio metabolismo,\nil che ero certo mi avrebbe aiutato nel trattenere il respiro\npiù a lungo di quanto non fossi riuscito a fare fino a quel momento.\n\nCroatian: \nŠto sam bio tanji, duže sam mogao držati dah.\nJedući tako dobro i trenirajući tako jako,\nmoj odmarajući otkucaj srca je pao na 38 otkucaja u minuti.\nŠto je niže nego kod većine olimpijskih atletičara.\nU četiri mjeseca treniranja mogao sam držati dah\npreko sedam minuta.\nŽelio sam pokušati držati svoj dah svugdje.\nŽelio sam probati to u najekstremnijim situacijama\nkako bih vidio mogu li usporiti otkucaje srca\npod pritiskom.\n(Smijeh)\nOdlučio sam srušiti svjetski rekord\nuživo na televiziji u udarnom terminu.\nSvjetski rekord bio je 8 minuta i 58 sekundi\nkojeg je držao Tom Sietas, čovjek s plučima kita, o kojem sam vam rekao.\n(Smijeh)\nPretpostavio sam da mogu staviti spremnik na Lincolnov centar\ni ako stojim tamo tjedan bez jela,\npostat će mi udobno u toj situaciji\ni usporiti ću svoj metabolizam,\nbio sam siguran da bi mi to pomoglo držati dah\nduže nego što sam mogao.\n\nPortuguese: \nQuanto mais magro eu ficava, mais eu conseguia segurar o fôlego.\nE por comer tão bem e treinar tão duro,\nminha freqüência cardíaca em repouso caiu para 38 batidas por minuto.\nQue é mais baixa que a maioria dos atletas olímpicos.\nEm quatro meses de treinamento eu era capaz de segurar a respiração\npor mais de 7 minutos.\nEu queria tentar prender a minha respiração por toda a parte.\nQueria tentar nas situações mais extremas\npara ver se conseguiria baixar a freqüência cardíaca\nna marra.\n(Risos)\nEu decidi que iria quebrar o recorde mundial\nao vivo no horário nobre da televisão.\nO recorde era de oito minutos e 58 segundos,\ndetido por Tom Sietas, aquele cara com pulmões de baleia que contei para vocês.\n(Risos)\nSupus que podia colocar um tanque de água no Lincoln Center\ne se ficasse lá por uma semana sem comer,\nEu ficaria confortável naquela situação\ne retardaria meu metabolismo,\no que eu tinha certeza que ajudaria a segurar o fôlego\npor mais tempo do que eu era capaz de fazer.\n\nPortuguese: \nQuanto mais magro estava. \nmais tempo conseguia suster a respiração.\nE, por comer tão bem \ne treinar tão duramente,\no meu pulso, em repouso, \ncaiu para 38 batidas por minuto,\no que é mais baixo do que \na maioria dos atletas olímpicos.\nAo fim de 4 meses de treino,\nconseguia suster a respiração\ndurante mais de sete minutos.\nQueria suster a minha respiração \nem toda a parte.\nQueria experimentar \nnas situações mais difíceis\npara ver se podia abrandar \no ritmo cardíaco\nsob tensão.\n(Risos)\nDecidi que ia bater o recorde mundial,\nao vivo, em horário nobre na televisão.\nO recorde do mundo estava \nem 8 minutos e 58 segundos.\nPertencia a Tom Sietas, o tipo \ncom pulmões de baleia de que vos falei.\n(Risos)\nPensei que podia pôr \numa piscina no centro Lincoln\ne, se estivesse ali uma semana sem comer,\nficaria confortável nessa situação\ne abrandaria o meu metabolismo,\no que, de certeza, ajudaria \na suster a minha respiração\n\nFrench: \nPlus j'étais mince, plus longtemps je pouvais retenir mon souffle.\nEt en mangeant tellement correctement, et en m'entraînant si dur,\nmon pouls au repos est descendu à 38 pulsations par minute.\nCe qui est moins que la plupart des athlètes olympiques.\nEn quatre mois d'entraînement, j'étais capable de retenir mon souffle\npendant plus de sept minutes.\nJe voulais essayer de retenir mon souffle partout.\nJe voulais essayer ça dans les situations les plus extrêmes\npour voir si je pouvais ralentir mon pouls\nsous la contrainte.\n(Rires)\nJ'ai décidé que je briserais le record mondial\nen direct, à une émission passant à une heure de grande écoute.\nLe record du monde était de 8 minutes et 58 secondes,\ndétenu par Tom Sietas, l'homme aux poumons de baleine dont je vous ai parlé.\n(Rires)\nJe me suis dit que je pourrais mettre un réservoir rempli d'eau au Lincoln Center\net, si je restais dedans une semaine sans manger,\nalors je me sentirais à l'aise dans cette situation,\net je ralentirais mon métabolisme,\nce qui m'aiderait, j'en étais certain, à retenir mon souffle\nplus longtemps que je n'en avais été capable.\n\nTurkish: \nNe kadar zayıflasam o kadar uzun süre nefesimi tutabilecektim.\nBu kadar dengeli yiyip, bu kadar iyi idman yapınca,\nistirahattaki kalp hızım dakikada 38'e düştü.\nBu pek çok olimpik atletinkinden düşük.\n4 aylık idman sonunda nefesimi yedi dakika\nüzerinde tutuyordum.\nHer yerde nefesimi tutmaya çalışıyordum.\nEn aşırı durumlarda nefesimi tutmayı deneyip\ntahrik altında iken kalp hızımı\nyavaşlatmayı deniyordum.\n(Kahkaha)\nCanlı yayında prime-time'da\ndünya rekorunu kırmaya karar verdim.\nDünya rekoru sekiz dakika ve 58 saniyeydi,\nve size bahsettiğim neredeyse bir balinanın ciğerlerine sahip olan Tom Sietas'a aitti.\n(Kahkaha)\nLincoln meydanına bir su tankı koyup\norada yemek yemeden bir hafta kalırsam\nrahatlayacağımı, metabolizmamın\nyavaşlayacağını, nefesimi daha rahat\nve yapabildiğimden daha da uzun süre\ntutabileceğimi düşünmüştüm.\n\nDanish: \nJo tyndere jeg var, jo længere tid kunne jeg holde vejret.\nOg ved at spise så godt og træne så hårdt,\nfaldt min hvilepuls til 38 slag per minut.\nHvilket er lavere end de fleste olympiske atleter.\nI løbet af fire måneders træning var jeg i stand til at holde vejret\ni mere end syv minutter.\nJeg ville prøve at holde vejret over alt.\nJeg ville prøve det i de mest ekstreme situationer\nfor at se om jeg kunne sænke min puls\nunder stress.\n(Latter)\nJeg besluttede at jeg ville slå verdensrekorden\nlive i tv i den bedste sendetid.\nVerdensrekorden var otte minutter og 58 sekunder,\nholdt af Tom Sietas, fyren med hvallunger som jeg fortale jer om.\n(Latter)\nJeg gik ud fra at jeg kunne sætte en vandtank i Lincoln center\nog hvis jeg boede der en uge uden at spise,\nville jeg blive tryg i den situation\nog jeg ville sænke mit stofskifte,\nsom jeg var sikker på ville hjælpe mig med at holde vejret\nlængere end jeg havde været i stand til at gøre det.\n\nPolish: \nIm byłem chudszy, tym dłużej mogłem wstrzymać oddech.\nI przez tak dobre odżywianie i tak ciężki trening,\nmoje tętno w spoczynku wyniosło 38 uderzeń na minutę.\nTo mniej niż większość sportowców olimpijskich.\nPo czterech miesiącach treningu byłem w stanie wstrzymać oddech\nprzez ponad siedem minut.\nChciałem próbować wstrzymać oddech wszędzie.\nChciałem spróbować w najbardziej skrajnych sytuacjach\nzobaczyć czy jestem w stanie zwolnić moje tętno\npod przymusem.\n(Śmiech)\nZdecydowałem, że pobiję rekord świata\nna żywo w telewizyjnym prime-time.\nŚwiatowy rekord wynosił osiem minut i 58 sekund.\nnależał do Toma Sietasa, faceta z płucami jak wieloryb, o którym opowiadałem.\n(Śmiech)\nZałożyłem, że mogę umieścić zbiornik z wodą w Lincoln Center\ni gdybym został w nim przez tydzień nie jedząc,\nta sytuacja stałaby się dla mnie komfortowa\ni spowolniłbym mój metabolizm,\nco na pewno pozwoliłoby mi na wstrzymanie oddechu\ndłużej, niż udawało mi się wcześniej.\n\nCzech: \nČím víc jsem hubnul, tím déle jsem vydržel nedýchat.\nA jak jsem dobře jedl a tvrdě trénoval,\nmůj klidový puls se snížil na 38 tepů za minutu.\nCož je míň, než mají atleti na olympiádě.\nZa čtyři měsíce tréninku jsem dokázal zadržet dech\nna víc než sedm minut.\nSnažil jsem se zkoušet zadržovat dech všude.\nZkoušel jsem to v těch nejextrémějších situacích,\nabych zjistil, jestli si zvládnu zpomalit puls\ni ve stresu.\n(smích)\nRozhodl jsem se, že světový rekord překonám\nnaživo v televizi v hlavním vysílacím čase.\nDržitelem světového rekordu osm minut a 58 sekund\nbyl Tom Sietas, ten s velrybíma plícema o kterém jsem vám říkal.\n(smích)\nŘíkal jsem si že bych dal do Lincoln Center nádrž z vodou\na když bych tam zůstal týden bez jídla,\nzvykl bych si na to prostředí\na zpomalil svůj metabolismus,\na tím bych si jistě zlepšil čas,\npo který dokážu zadržet dech.\n\nChinese: \n身材越瘦,我越能長時間的憋氣。\n透過控制飲食和鍛鍊體能,\n在靜止狀態下,我的心跳降到每分鐘三十八下,\n比大部分的奧林匹克運動員還要低。\n四個月的訓練下來,我已經可以停止呼吸\n超過七分鐘以上。\n我嘗試在各種地方練習閉氣,\n我想嘗試在極端狀態下練習,\n看看我是否能在各種情況下,\n都能放慢心跳。\n(笑聲)\n我決定挑戰世界紀錄,\n並在黃金時段現場播出。\n那時的世界紀錄是八分五十八秒,\n由湯姆.席耶塔斯所創下,就是那個有鯨魚肺的傢伙。\n(笑聲)\n我認為可以把水槽放在林肯中心,\n如果我能夠待在那裡一個星期,而且不吃東西,\n我應該就能習慣那樣的環境,\n並且放慢我的代謝速率。\n我以為這樣就能夠讓我閉氣\n比平常還要久,\n\nChinese: \n我越瘦,就越能长时间屏住呼吸。\n通过饮食控制搭配艰苦的训练,\n我的心率下降到每分钟38次,\n比多数奥林匹克选手都要低。\n在4个月的训练,我已经可以屏住呼吸\n长达7分钟之久。\n我在任何地方都训练屏气,\n尝试在极端的环境下屏气\n检验是否可能降低心率\n在如此高压下。\n(笑声)\n终于我准备好要打破世界纪录,\n要在黄金时段的电视频道直播。\n当时的世界纪录是8分58秒,\n汤姆,斯塔斯始终保持,我告诉过你们那个家伙有鲸鱼一样大的肺。\n(笑声)\n我设想可以在林肯中心放一个巨型水缸\n然后我不吃饭在那里面先待一个礼拜,\n就会比较适应了,\n并且新陈代谢也会缓慢下来,\n我很肯定这样做可以\n帮我更长时间的屏住呼吸。\n\nKurdish: \nهه‌تا زیاتر لاواز ببم، زیاتر ده‌توانم هه‌ناسه‌ ڕابگرم\nوه‌ له‌ڕێگای خواردنی باش و ڕاهێنانی زۆر قورس\nلێدانه‌کانی دڵم که‌م بۆیه‌وه‌ بۆ (38) لێدان له‌خوله‌کێکدا\nکه‌ که‌متره‌ له‌زۆربه‌ی یاریزانه‌کانی ئۆڵۆمپی\nله‌دوای چوار مانگ ڕاهێنان توانیم هه‌ناسه‌م ڕابگرم\nبۆ زیاتر له‌ حه‌وت خوله‌ک\nده‌مویست هه‌ناسه‌م له‌ هه‌موو شوێنێک ڕایگرم\nده‌مویست قورسترین شێوه‌ تاقی بکه‌مه‌وه‌\nبۆئه‌وه‌ی بزانم تا چه‌ند ده‌توانم لێدانی دڵم که‌م بکه‌مه‌وه‌\nله‌ژێر په‌ستانێکی زۆردا\nپێکه‌نیین\nبڕیارمدا که‌ به‌ره‌و شکاندنی ڕیکۆردی جیهانی\nبه‌شێوه‌یه‌کی ڕاسته‌و خۆ له‌م کاته‌دا ده‌ڕۆم\nڕیکۆردی جیهانی (8) خوله‌ک و (58) چرکه‌ بوو\nله‌لایه‌ن تۆم سیتاس تۆمارکراوه‌، ئه‌و پیاوه‌ی که‌ (سی) نه‌هه‌نگی هه‌یه‌ و باسم کرد بۆتان\nپێکه‌نین\nوام دانا بوو که‌ ده‌توانم تانکیه‌کی ئاو له‌ناو سه‌نته‌ری لێکۆڵینه‌وه‌ دابنێم\nوه‌ ئه‌گه‌ر بۆهه‌فته‌یه‌ک به‌بێ خواردن له‌وێ بمێنمه‌وه‌\nله‌و دۆخه‌دا هه‌ست به‌ئارامی ده‌که‌م\nکاردانه‌وه‌کانی ئه‌ندامانی له‌شم هێواش ده‌که‌مه‌وه‌\nکه‌ دڵنیام یارمه‌تیم ده‌دات هه‌ناسه‌م ڕاگرم\nزیاتر له‌وه‌ی که‌پێشتر ده‌متوانی\n\nSlovak: \nČím som bol štíhlejší, tým dlhšie som bol schopný zadržať dych.\nA tým, že som tak dobre jedol a tak tvrdo trénoval,\nmôj odpočinkový tep klesol na 38 úderov za minútu.\nČo je menej ako u väčšiny olympijských športovcov.\nZa 4 mesiace tréningu som bol schopný zadržať dych\nna viac ako 7 minút.\nChcel som skúšať zadržiavať dych všade.\nChcel som to skúšať v najextrémnejších situáciách,\naby som videl, či dokážem spomaliť tep\npod nátlakom.\n(smiech)\nRozhodol som sa, že prekonám svetový rekord\nnaživo v hlavnom vysielacom čase v televízii.\nSvetový rekord bol 8 minút a 58 sekúnd,\ndržal ho Tom Sietas, ten chlapík s pľúcami veľryby, o ktorom som hovoril.\n(smiech)\nMyslel som, že by som mohol dať vodnú nádrž na Lincoln center\na ak by som tam ostal týždeň bez jedla,\nzačal by som sa cítiť v takejto situácií sebaisto\na spomalil by som metabolizmus,\nčo som si bol istý, že by mi pomohlo zadržať dych\nna dlhšie, ako som bol schopný.\n\nRomanian: \nCu cât slăbeam, cu atât puteam\nsă îmi țin respirația mai mult.\nIar cu ajutorul acestei diete\nși a antrenamentului\nam reușit să îmi scad pulsul de repaus\nla 38 de bătăi pe minut.\nPerformanță mai bună\ndecât a majorității atleților olimpici.\nDupă patru luni de antrenamente\nam reușit să îmi țin respirația\ntimp de peste 7 minute.\nDoream să încerc\nsă îmi țin respirația peste tot:\nîn cele mai extreme situații\nca să vad dacă pot să îmi încetinesc\nritmul cardiac sub presiune.\n(Râsete)\nAm hotarât că voi dobori recordul mondial\nîn direct, la televizor,\nla ora de maxima audienta.\nRecordul mondial era\nde 8 minute și 58 secunde,\ndeținut de Tom Sietas, tipul cu plămâni\nde balenă de care am vorbit anterior.\n(Râsete)\nAm presupus că dacă pun un bazin\ncu apă în Lincoln Center\nși aș sta acolo timp de o săptămână\nfără să mănânc,\nm-as adapta în acea situație\nși mi-aș încetini metabolismul,\nlucru ce eram sigur că m-ar ajutat\nsă îmi țin respirația\npentru mai mult timp decât aș fi putut.\n\nEnglish: \nThe thinner I was, the longer\nI was able to hold my breath.\nAnd by eating so well\nand training so hard,\nmy resting heart-rate dropped\nto 38 beats per minute.\nWhich is lower than most Olympic athletes.\nIn four months of training,\nI was able to hold my breath\nfor over seven minutes.\nI wanted to try holding\nmy breath everywhere.\nI wanted to try it\nin the most extreme situations\nto see if I could slow\nmy heart rate down under duress.\n(Laughter)\nI decided that I was going\nto break the world record\nlive on prime-time television.\nThe world record was\neight minutes and 58 seconds,\nheld by Tom Sietas, that guy\nwith the whale lungs I told you about.\nI assumed that I could put\na water tank at Lincoln Center\nand if I stayed there a week not eating,\nI would get comfortable in that situation\nand I would slow my metabolism,\nwhich I was sure would help me\nhold my breath\nlonger than I had been able to do it.\n\nPersian: \nهر چه لاغرتر می شدم، مدت بیشتری می توانستم نفسم را نگه دارم.\nو با تغذیه خیلی خوب و تمرینات خیلی سخت\nضربان قلبم به 38 بار در دقیقه رسید.\nاین کمتر از ضربان قلب اکثر ورزشکاران المپیک است.\nدر طی چهار ماه تمرین من توانستم\nنفسم را برای بیش از هفت دقیقه نگه دارم.\nمن می خواستم که همه جا سعی کنم نفسم را نگه دارم.\nمن می خواستم این کار را در بدترین شرایط امتحان کنم\nتا ببینم که آیا می توانم ضربان قلبم را تحت فشار آهسته کنم\n.\nخنده حضار\nمن تصمیم گرفتم که رکورد جهانی را بشکنم\nبه طور زنده در تلویزیون prime-TV\nرکورد جهانی هشت دقیقه و 58 ثانیه بود\nاین رکورد توسط تام سیتاس حفظ می شد,همان شخص با ریه های بسیار بزرگ که قبلا در موردش صحبت کردم.\nخنده حضار\nمن فرض کردم که می توانم یک مخزن پر از آب را در مرکز Lincoln بگذارم\nو اگر به مدت یک هفته بدون غذا خوردن آنجا بمانم\nبه این شرایط عادت خواهم کرد\nو متابولیسم بدنم را کند خواهم کرد،\nو این چیزی بود که مطمئن بودم به من کمک خواهد کرد\nنفسم را بیشتر از مدتی که قبلا می توانستم، نگه دارم.\n\nKorean: \n좀 더 날씬해지자, 저는 더 오래 숨을 참을 수 있게 되었습니다.\n그리고, 잘 먹고 열심히 훈련함으로서\n심박수는 분당(my resting heart-rate) 38회까지 떨어졌습니다.\n이것은 올림픽 운동선수보다 더 낮은 것입니다.\n4달간의 트레이닝동안, 저는 숨을\n7분 넘게 참을 수 있었습니다.\n저는 어디서나 숨을 참고 싶었습니다.\n저는 제 심박수를 낮출 수 있는지 확인하기 위해\n아주 가장 극한 상황에서도 시도하고 싶었지요.\n강압적인 상황 처럼요...\n(웃음)\n저는 황금시간대 TV에서 생방송으로\n세계 기록을 깰 것이라고 결심했습니다.\n세계기록은 8분 58초입니다.\n제가 말했던 Tom Sietas가 세운 기록인데, 고래의 폐를 가진 친구죠.\n(웃음)\n링컨센터에서 물탱크를 세우고\n거기서 먹지않고 일주일을 지낸다면\n저는 그 상황에서 편안함을 느끼고\n저의 신진대사를 낮춰서\n제가 할 수 있는 것 보다 오래\n숨을 참을 수 있는 것을 도울 것이라 생각했습니다.\n\nMacedonian: \nКолку послаб бев, подолго можев да го задржам мојот здив.\nХранејќи се така и тренирајќи напорно,\nпулсот на срцето ми се спушти на 38 удари во минута.\nШто е пониско од поголемиот дел олимписки прваци.\nЗа четири месеци тренирање, можев да го задржам здивот\nна повеќе од седум минути.\nСакав да пробам да го задржам здивот секаде.\nСакав да се обидам во најекстремни ситуации\nда видам дали можам да го успорам пулсот\nпод невозможното.\n(Смеење)\nРешив да го срушам светскиот рекорд\nво живо на ударната телевизија.\nСветскиот рекорд беше осум минути и 58 секунди,\nго држеше Том Зитас, типот со китовски бели дробови за кој ви кажував.\n(Смеење)\nСметав дека би можел да ставам резервоар со вода во Линколн центарот\nи кога би останал таму цела недела без јадење,\nби се чувствувал комфорно во таква ситуација\nи би го успорил мојот метаболизам,\nза кое бев сигурен дека ќе ми помогне да го задржам здивот\nподолго одошто бев во можност дотогаш.\n\nLatvian: \nTik labi ēdot un tik kārtīgi trenējoties,\nmana sirdsdarbība miera stāvoklī\nnokritās līdz 38 sitieniem minūtē.\nTas ir mazāk nekā vairumam\nolimpisko sportistu.\nPēc četru mēnešu trenēšanās\nes spēju aizturēt elpu\nvairāk nekā septiņas minūtes.\nEs gribēju mēģināt aizturēt elpu visur.\nEs to gribēju pamēģināt\nvisekstrēmākajās situācijās,\nlai redzētu, vai varu palēnināt\nsirdsdarbību nelabvēlīgos apstākļos.\n(Smiekli)\nEs nolēmu pārspēt pasaules rekordu\nTV tiešraidē visskatītākajā laikā.\nPasaules rekords bija\n8 minūtes un 58 sekundes,\nko uzstādījis Toms Zītass,\ntas manis pieminētais puisis\nar vaļa plaušām.\nEs nospriedu, ka varētu novietot\nūdens tvertni Linkolna centrā,\nun, ja es tur nosēdētu nedēļu bez ēšanas,\nes iejustos tajā vietā\nun palēninātu vielmaiņu,\nkas, pēc manām domām,\npalīdzētu aizturēt elpu ilgāk,\nnekā es to varēju pirms tam.\nTie bija pilnīgi maldi.\n\nDutch: \nHoe dunner ik was, des te langer\nkon ik mijn adem inhouden.\nDoor zo gezond te eten\nen zo hard te trainen\ndaalde mijn hartritme in rust\nnaar 38 slagen per minuut.\nDat is trager dan\nde meeste Olympische atleten.\nNa vier maanden training\nkon ik mijn adem\nruim zeven minuten inhouden.\nIk wilde overal mijn adem proberen inhouden.\nIk wilde het proberen\nonder de meest extreme situaties\nom te zien of ik\nmijn hartslag omlaag kreeg\nonder spanning.\n(Gelach)\nIk besloot dat ik het wereldrecord\nlive op prime-time televisie ging breken.\nHet wereldrecord: 8 min. en 58 seconden,\nwas van Tom Sietas, die jongen\nmet de walvislongen waar ik het over had.\n(Gelach)\nIk nam aan dat als ik een watertank\nin het Lincoln center zette\nen er een week verbleef\nterwijl ik niet at,\nik me daar thuis zou gaan voelen,\nwat mijn metabolisme zou verlagen.\nDat zou me dan helpen mijn adem\nlanger dan ooit in te houden.\n\nGerman: \nJe dünner ich wurde, desto länger konnte ich meinen Atem anhalten.\nDadurch, dass ich so gut aß und so hart trainierte,\nfiel meine Herzschlagfrequenz im Ruhezustand auf 38 Schläge pro Minute,\nwas niedriger ist als die der meisten olympischen Athleten.\nNach vier Monaten Training konnte ich meinen Atem\nmehr als sieben Minuten lang anhalten.\nIch wollte meine Luft überall anhalten,\nich wollte es in den extremsten Situationen versuchen,\num zu sehen, ob ich meine Herzschlagfrequenz\nauch unter Zwang verlangsamen konnte.\n(Gelächter)\nIch beschloss den Weltrekord zu brechen,\nLive und zur Hauptsendezeit im Fernsehen.\nDer Weltrekord lag bei 8 Minuten und 58 Sekunden,\nder von Tom Sietas aufgestellt wurde - der Typ mit der Wallunge, von dem ich Ihnen erzählt habe.\n(Gelächter)\nIch dachte, ich könnte einen Wassertank in das Lincoln-Zentrum stellen\nund wenn ich eine Woche dort verbringe ohne zu essen,\ndachte ich, würde ich mich wohler fühlen\nund meinen Stoffwechsel herunterfahren,\ndenn ich ging davon aus, dass das helfen würde meinen Atem länger anzuhalten,\nals ich es bis dahin konnte.\n\nVietnamese: \nTôi càng gọn bao nhiêu, thì càng nín thở được lâu bấy nhiêu.\nVới việc ăn uống hợp lý và luyện tập chăm chỉ,\nsố nhịp tim ở trạng thái nghỉ giảm xuống 38 nhịp trên mỗi phút.\nsố nhịp đó thấp hơn hầu hết các vận động viên Omympic.\nTrong bốn tháng luyện tập tôi đã có thể nín thở\nhơn bảy phút.\nTôi muốn thử nín thở mọi nơi.\nTôi muốn thử nín thở trong điều kiện khắc nghiệt nhất\nđể xem liệu tôi có thể làm giảm nhịp tim\ndưới mức giới hạn.\n(Cười)\nTôi quyết định rằng tôi sẽ phá kỷ lục thế giới\ntrực tiếp trên truyền hình thực tế.\nKỷ lục thế giới là tám phút và 58 giây,\nđược Tom Sietas nắm giữ, anh chàng với phổi cá voi mà tôi đã giớ thiệu.\n(Cười)\nTôi giả định rằng tôi có thể đặt một bể nước tại trung tâm Lincoln\nvà nếu tôi ở đó một tuần không ăn,\ntôi hoàn toàn thoải mái trong tình trạng đó\nvà tôi sẽ làm chậm quá trình trao đổi chất,\nđiều mà tôi đảm bảo rằng có thể giúp tôi nín thở\nlâu hơn tôi có thể làm được.\n\nBulgarian: \nКолкото повече отслабвах, толкова по - дълго издържах без да дишам.\nС тази диета и усилените тренировки,\nсърдечният ми ритъм в покой падна до 38 удара в минута.\nТова е по - ниско от повечето Олимпийски атлети.\nЗа 4 месеца тренировки успях да издържа без да дишам\nповече от 7 минути.\nИсках да мога да го правя навсякъде.\nИсках да се изпробвам в най - екстремни ситуации,\nза да видя дали ще успея да забавя сърдечния си ритъм\nпод напрежение.\n(Смях)\nРеших, че ще подобря световния рекорд\nна живо в най - гледаното телевизионно време.\nСветовният рекорд беше 8 мин. и 58 сек.\nи негов носител беше Том Сийтаз, онзи с дробовете като на кит, за когото ви казах.\n(Смях)\nРеших, че ще поставя водна сфера насред Линкълн Сентър\nи ако успеех да издържа там седмица без ядене,\nщях постепенно да се подготвя\nда забавя метаболизма си,\nкоето със сигурност щеше да е в помощ при опита\nда не дишам по - дълго, отколкото досега.\n\nSpanish: \nCuanto más adelgazaba, más tiempo conseguía aguantar la respiración.\nY al comer tan sano y entrenar tanto,\nmi ritmo cardíaco en reposo bajó hasta 38 pulsaciones por minuto.\nLo cual es menos que muchos atletas olímpicos.\nTras cuatro meses de entrenamiento, conseguí aguantar\nhasta más de siete minutos.\nProbaba a aguantar la respiración en cualquier situación.\nQuería probar bajo las circunstancias más extremas\npara ver si podía disminuir mis pulsaciones\nbajo el estrés.\n(Risas)\nDecidí que iba batir el récord del mundo\nen vivo por televisión en hora de máxima audiencia.\nEl récord del mundo estaba en 8 minutos y 58 segundos,\nestablecido por Tom Sietas, el tipo este de los pulmones de ballena del que hablaba.\n(Risas)\nDi por hecho que podría colocar un tanque de agua en el Lincoln Center\ny si estaba allí durante una semana sin comer,\nme acostumbraría a esa situación\ny podría retardar mi metabolismo,\nlo cual estaba seguro de que me ayudaría a aguantar la respiración\nmás tiempo de lo que podía entonces.\n\nThai: \nยิ่งผมผอมเท่าไหร่ ผมก็ยิ่งกลั้นหายใจได้นานขึ้นเท่านั้น\nด้วยความพยายามควบคุมการกินอย่างดีเลิสและการฝึกกลั้นหายใจอย่างหนัก\nอัตราการเต้นของหัวใจในภาวะปกติของผมลดลงจนเหลือ 38 ครั้งต่อนาที\nซึ่งน้อยกว่านักกีฬาโอลิมปิกส่วนใหญ่ด้วยซ้ำ\nภายในเวลา 4 เดือนของการฝึกฝน ผมก็สามารถที่จะกลั้นหายใจได้\nกว่า 7 นาที\nผมอยากจะกลั้นหายใจในทุกๆที่\nแล้วผมก็อยากจะลองทำในสถานการณ์ที่สุดขั้ว\nเพื่อดูว่าผมยังคงควบคุมการเต้นของหัวใจให้มันช้าลงได้ไหม\nภายใต้ความกดดัน\n(หัวเราะ)\nตอนนั้นผมตัดสินใจว่าผมจะทำลายสถิติโลกล่ะ\nผ่านการถ่ายทอดสดทางทีวี ในช่วงเวลาที่มีคนดูมากที่สุด\nสถิติโลกคือ 8 นาที 58 วินาที\nโดยนาย ทอม ซีทัส (Tom Sietas) ผู้ชายที่เกิดมาพร้อมกับปอดปลาวาฬ ที่ผมเพิ่งพูดถึงสักครู่\n(หัวเราะ)\nผมกะเอาว่าถ้าผมสามารถเอาแทงค์น้ำไปวางที่ลินคอร์นเซนเตอร์ (Lincoln center)\nแล้วอยู่ที่นั่นโดยไม่กินข้าวเป็นเวลาสัก 1 สัปดาห์\nผมคงอยู่ที่สภาพที่สบายๆ เมื่อผมอยู่สถานการณ์นั้น\nและผมก็จะสามารถลดกระบวนการเผาผลาญพลังงาน (metabolism)\nซึ่งผมมั่นใจว่ามันจะช่วยให้ผมกลั้นหายใจ\nได้นานกว่าที่ผมเคยทำได้\n\nPolish: \nKompletnie się pomyliłem.\nWszedłem do zbiornika na tydzień przed datą emisji.\nI myślałem, że wszystko pójdzie zgodnie z planem.\nNa dwa dni przez moją wielką próbą wstrzymania oddechu by pobić rekord\nproducenci mojego programu\nstwierdzili, że oglądanie kogoś\nkto wstrzymuje oddech i prawie tonie,\njest zbyt nudne dla telewizji.\n(Śmiech)\nMusiałem więc dodać kajdanki,\nw trakcie wstrzymywania oddechu, by się uwolnić.\nTo była krytyczna pomyłka.\nRuszając się traciłem tlen.\nI po siedmiu minutach\ndostałem okropnych konwulsji.\nPo 7 m. 8 s. zacząłem tracić przytomność.\nPo 7 m. i 30 s.\nmusieli wyciągnąć moje ciało i ocucić.\n\nVietnamese: \nTôi hoàn toàn sai lầm.\nTôi bước vào quả cầu một tuần trước thời gian đã định.\nVà tôi nghĩ mọi việc dường như đang đi đúng hướng.\nHai ngày trước lần thử sức nín thở hoành tráng, để lập kỷ lục,\nđạo diễn chương trình đặc biệt của tôi\nnghĩ nếu chỉ nhìn ai đó\nnín thở, và gần như chết đuối,\nthì hơi chán để truyền hình.\n(Cười)\nVậy nên, tôi phải thêm còng tay,\ntrong khi nín thở, để mà thoát ra.\nĐây là một sai lầm nghiêm trọng.\nDo di chuyển nên tôi đã lãng phí khí oxy.\nVà chưa đầy bảy phút tôi đã rơi\nvào tình trạng co giật tồi tệ này.\nVào 7:08 tôi bắt đầu ngất đi.\nVà khi bảy phút và 30 giây\nhọ buộc phải lôi tôi ra và hồi sức.\n\nCroatian: \nU potpunosti sam bio u krivu.\nUšao sam u sferu tjedan prije zakazanog datuma emitiranja.\nI sve mi se činilo da će biti po rasporedu.\nDva dana prije mog velikog pokušaja držanja daha za rekord,\nproducenti mog televizijskog specijala\nmislili su da je samo gledanje nekog\ndok drži dah i skoro se guši,\npredosadno za televiziju.\n(Smijeh)\nPa sam morao dodati lisice,\niz kojih sam se trebao osloboditi dok držim dah.\nOvo je bila kritična pogreška.\nZbog kretanja trošio sam kisik.\nI do sedme minute sam otišao\nu užasne grčeve.\nDo 7:08 sam počeo padati u nesvjest.\nDo 7:30 sekundi\nmorali su izvući moje tijelo i vratiti me nazad.\n\nSerbian: \nUopšte nisam bio u pravu.\nUšao sam u loptu nedelju dana\npre zakazanog emitovanja.\nI mislio sam da sve izgleda\nda ide po planu.\nDva dana pre mog pokušaja\nzadržavanja daha,\nproducenti mog TV specijala\nsu pomislili da je gledati nekoga\nko zadržava dah, i skoro se davi,\nsuviše dosadno za televiziju.\n(Smeh)\nTako da sam morao da dodam lisice\nkojih ću se oslobađati dok zadržavam dah.\nTo je bila ključna greška.\nZbog pokretanja, trošio sam kiseonik.\nI u sedmom minutu\ndobio sam užasne grčeve.\nNa 7:08, počeo sam da gubim svest.\ni do 7 minuta i 30 sekundi,\nmorali su da me izvuku i da me ožive.\n\niw: \nטעיתי לגמרי\nנכנסתי לכדור שבוע לפני המועד המתוכנן לעלייה לשידור.\nוחשבתי שהכל מתקדם כמו שצריך\nיומיים לפני הניסיון הגדול שלי לעצור את הנשימה, למען שבירת השיא,\nהמפיקים של הסדרה שלי\nחשבו שרק לצפות במישהו\nמחזיק את הנשימה שלו, וכמעט טובע\nזה משעמם מדי לטלוויזיה\n(צחוק)\nאז הייתי צריך להוסיף אזיקים\nשהייתי צריך להתשחחר מהם בזמן שהחזקתי את הנשימה שלי\nזו הייתה טעות קריטית.\nבגלל התנועה בזבזתי חמצן.\nלאחר 7 דקות התחלתי\nלסבול מעוויתות נוראיות.\nב - 7:08 התחלתי להתעלף\nוב 7:30 הם\nהם היו צריכים למשוך את הגוף שלי החוצה להחזיר אותי להכרה.\n\nGerman: \nIch lag total falsch.\nIch war eine Woche vor dem geplanten Luft-Zeitpunkt in der Kugel\nund dachte alles wäre auf dem richtigen Weg.\nZwei Tage vor dem großen Atemanhalteversuch für den Rekord\ndachten meine Produzenten des Fernseh-Spezials,\ndass es zu langweilig für's Fernsehen wäre,\njemandem beim Atemanhalten und Beinahe-ertrinken\nzu zuschauen.\n(Gelächter)\nDeswegen musste ich Handschellen umlegen,\nwährend ich meinen Atem anhielt, von denen ich mich befreien sollte.\nDas war ein entscheidender Fehler.\nWegen der Bewegung verschwendete ich Sauerstoff\nund nach sieben Minuten\nbekam ich diese schrecklichen Krämpfe.\nNach 7 Minuten und 8 Sekunden wurde ich bewusstlos\nund nach 7 Minuten und 30 Sekunden\nmussten sie meinen Körper herausziehen und mich zurückbringen.\n\nThai: \nผมเข้าใจผิดอย่างแรง\nผมเข้าไปอยู่ในแทงค์กลมเป็นเวลา 1 อาทิตย์ก่อนที่จะถ่ายทอดสด\nและผมก็คิดว่าทุกๆอย่างมันลงตัวดี\n2 วันก่อนที่ผมจะทำการกลั้นหายใจสร้างสถิติโลก\nโปรดิวเซอร์รายการทีวี\nคิดว่าแค่ดูใครสักคน\nกลั้นหายใจ แล้วก็เกือบจะจมน้ำ\nมันคงน่าเบื่อไปสำหรับรายการทีวี\n(หัวเราะ)\nดังนั้น ผมต้องถูกใส่กุญแจมือ\nขณะกลั้นหายใจ เพื่อกันไม่ให้หนีได้\nนี่คือความผิดมหันต์\nเพราะว่ามันทำให้เกิดการเคลื่อนไหวและผมก็สูญเสียอ๊อกซิเจนมากขึ้น\nผ่านไป 7 นาที\nที่ตัวผมเกร็งอย่างน่ากลัว\nตอนนาทีที่ 7:08 ผมเริ่มที่จะไม่รู้สึกตัว\nและนาทีที่ 7:30\nเจ้าหน้าที่ก็ต้องดึงร่างผมขึ้นมา\n\nLatvian: \nEs iekāpu lodē nedēļu pirms\nplānotā tiešraides laika,\nun man šķita, ka viss rit pēc plāna.\nDivas dienas pirms mana lielā\nelpas aizturēšanas mēģinājuma\ntelevīzijas producenti nosprieda,\nka skatīties, kā kāds aiztur elpu\nun gandrīz noslīkst,\ntelevīzijai ir pārāk garlaicīgi.\n(Smiekli)\nTā nu man vajadzēja pievienot rokudzelžus,\nno kuriem atbrīvoties,\nkamēr aizturēju elpu.\nTā bija dramatiska kļūda.\nKustību dēļ es zaudēju skābekli.\nAp septīto minūti man sākās\nbriesmīgas konvulsijas.\nPie 7.08 es sāku zaudēt samaņu.\nUn pie septiņām ar pusi minūtēm\nviņiem nācās mani izvilkt un atdzīvināt.\nEs biju cietis pilnīgu neveiksmi.\n\nRomanian: \nA fost o decizie complet greșită.\nAm intrat în sferă cu o săptămână\nînainte de data transmisiei televizate.\nȘi am crezut că totul\ndecurge conform planului.\nCu două zile înainte de marea mea\nîncercare de doborâre a recordului,\nproducatorii emisiunii TV\ns-au gândit ca un subiect în care cineva\nîncearcă să își țină respirația\nși e pe punctul să se înece\ne prea plictisitor pentru televiziune.\n(Râsete)\nAșa că am fost nevoit\nsă adaug niște cătușe,\ndin care să mă eliberez\nîn timp ce îmi țin respirația.\nAceasta a fost o greșeala critică.\nDin cauza mișcării\nconsumam mai mult oxigen\nși după 7 minute începuseră\nniște convulsii groaznice.\nLa 7 minute și 8 secunde\nam început să îmi pierd conștiența.\nIar la 7 minute și 30 de secunde\nau fost nevoiți să mă scoată din apă\nși să mă resusciteze.\n\nDutch: \nIk had het volkomen mis.\nEen week voor de uitzenddatum ging ik de bol in\nen ik dacht dat alles op rolletjes liep.\nTwee dagen voor mijn grote recordpoging\nbesloten de televisieproducenten\ndat iemand bijna zien verdrinken\nterwijl hij zijn adem inhoudt,\nte saai was voor televisie.\n(Gelach)\nIk moest handboeien omdoen,\nen daar zonder te ademen uit ontsnappen.\nDit was een cruciale fout.\nVanwege de bewegingen\nverkwistte ik zuurstof.\nTegen zeven minuten\nkreeg ik vreselijke krampen.\nTegen 7:08 begon ik zwart te zien.\nTegen 7 minuten en 30 seconden\nmoesten ze me eruit halen\nen weer bijbrengen.\n\nFrench: \nJ'avais totalement tort.\nJe suis entré dans la sphère une semaine avant la date de l'émission.\nEt je me suis dit que tout semblait aller comme prévu.\nDeux jours avant ma grande tentative pour retenir mon souffle, pour le record,\nles producteurs de mon émission spéciale\nse sont dit que juste regarder quelqu'un\nretenir son souffle, et presque se noyer,\nc'était trop ennuyeux pour la télé.\n(Rires)\nAlors, il fallait que je rajoute des menottes,\net que je m'en libère, tout en retenant mon souffle.\nC'était une erreur cruciale.\nA cause du mouvement, je gaspillais de l'oxygène.\nEt au bout de sept minutes, je présentais\nces horribles convulsions.\nA 7:08, je commençais à tomber dans les pommes.\nEt à sept minutes et trente secondes,\non a dû sortir mon corps et me ranimer.\n\nKorean: \n제 생각은 완전히 틀렸습니다.\n저는 방송 1주일 전에 구(球)에 들어갔습니다.\n그리고 저는 모든것이 예정처럼 진행 되고 있다고 생각했습니다.\n기록을 위한 저의 숨참기 시도 2일전에\nTV 스페셜의 프로듀서가 생각하기를\n누군가가 숨을 참고 거의 물에 잠긴 꼴을\n지켜보는 것은\nTV에선 너무 지루하다는 것이죠.\n(웃음)\n그래서 저는 수갑을 추가해야 했습니다.\n숨을 참는 동안 거기서 탈출하기 위해서죠.\n이것은 치명적인 실수였습니다.\n움직임 때문에 산소를 낭비했지요.\n그래서 7분부터 저는\n끔찍한 경련을 겪었습니다.\n7분 8초부터 앞이 보이지 않게 되었습니다.\n그리고 7분 30초부터\n그들은 저를 꺼냈다가 다시 집어넣어야 했습니다.\n\nJapanese: \n完璧に間違っていました\n予定されていた中継の日より1週間早くその球体の中に入り\n全てはうまくいっていると思っていました\n記録更新にチャレンジする2日前に\nテレビのプロデューサーが\n誰かが息を止めて溺れそうになっているのを\nテレビで流すのは\nつまらなすぎると考えたのです\n(笑い)\nそれで 息を止めながら\n手錠を外す芸を課せられました\nこれは致命的なミスでした\nこの動作によって酸素を浪費してしまい\n7分が経過したときに\nひどいけいれんに襲われました\n7分8秒で意識を失い始め\n7分30秒で\n体を外へ引き出してもらわなければなりませんでした\n\nChinese: \n显然我完全错了。\n我提前一个礼拜去到中心,\n感觉一切都渐渐上了轨道,\n没想到的是,在破纪录憋气尝试的前两天,\n电视制作人\n突然觉得\n光看人憋气像是快要淹死\n对观众来说太过无聊。\n(笑声)\n于是我不得不加上手铐,\n边屏气边试着挣脱它们。\n这被证明是个极严重的错误。\n开始后我因为挣脱的动作浪费了很多氧气,\n到第7分钟我已经开始\n不住可怕的抽搐中™\n到7分08秒时,我开始失去知觉,\n7分30秒的时候\n他们必须把我拉出来进行抢救。\n\nDanish: \nJeg tog fuldstændig fejl.\nJeg gik ind i kuglen en uge før jeg skulle i tv.\nOg jeg troede alt virkede til at alt kørte som det skulle.\nTo dage før mit store vejrtrækningsforsøg, til rekorden,\ntænkte producerne af min specialudsendelse\nat bare det at se på nogen\nder holdte vejret, der næsten druknede,\ner for kedeligt til fjernsynet.\n(Latter)\nSå, jeg skulle tilføje håndjern,\nmens jeg holdte vejret, som jeg skulle slippe ud af.\nDette var en kritisk fejl.\nPå grund af bevægelsen mistede jeg ilt.\nOg efter syv minutter var jeg kommet\ni disse forfærdelige sammentrækninger.\nVed 7:08 begyndte jeg at få black out.\nOg ved 7 minutter og 30 sekunder\nskulle de trække min krop ud og få mig tilbage.\n\nPersian: \nمن کاملا اشتباه می کردم.\nمن یک هفته قبل از تاریخ برنامه ریزی شده برای نگه داشتن هوا وارد کره شدم\nو فکر می کردم همه چیز خوب پیش می رود\nدو روز قبل از بزرگترین تلاش من برای حبس نفس و ثبت رکورد\nتهیه کننده برنامه تلوزیونی من\nفکر کرد که فقط تماشای کسی که\nنفسش را نگه داشته و تقریبا در حال غرق شدن است\nبرای تلوزیون خیلی کسل کننده است.\nخنده حضار\nبنابراین من مجبور بودم دستبندهایی به برنامه اضافه کنم\nتا در حالی که نفسم را نگه داشتم سعی کنم از شر آنها خلاص شوم.\nاین یک اشتباه بحرانی بود\nچون به خاطر حرکت کردن من اکسیژن را از دست می دادم.\nو در دقیقه هفتم\nمن دچار تشنج وحشتناکی شدم\nدر هفت دقیقه و هشت ثانیه داشتم بیهوش می شدم.\nو بعد از هفت دقیقه و سی ثانیه\nآنها مجبور شدند بدن من را بیرون بکشند و به زندگی برگردانند.\n\nArabic: \nلكني كنت مخطئاً تماماً\nدخلت الميدان قبل اسبوع من الموعد المقرر للبث\nوظننت ان كل شيء كان يسير على ما يرام\nوقبل يومين من محاولة حبس انفاسي للمسابقة\nمنتج برنامجي التلفزيوني الخاص\nاعتقد أن مشاهدة شخص\nيحبس أنفاسه فحسب وهو على وشك الغرق\nقد يكون ممل جدا للتلفزيون\n(ضحك)\nلذا أجبرت أن أضع كلبشات اليدين في ارجلي\nعندما كنت سأحبس أنفاسي كي أهرب منهم لاحقاً\nوكان هذا الخطأ الفادح\nفبسبب الحركة كنت أخسر الأوكسجين\nوخلال سبع دقائق كنت قد دخلت\nفي تلك التشنجات المرعبة\nفي سبع دقائق وثمان ثواني بدأت أن أفقد الوعي\nوبعد سبع دقائق و ٣٠ ثانية\nإضطروا أن يسحبونني خارجاً ومحاولة إنعاشي\n\nFinnish: \nOlin totaalisen väärässä.\nTutkin pallon viikkoa ennen lähetystä.\nLuulin kaiken sujuvan hyvin.\nKaksi päivää ennen isoa tapahtumaani ennätyksen rikkomiseksi\ntelevisiotuottajat\najattelivat, että jonkun katsominen\nhenkeä pidättämässä ja melkein hukkumassa\non liian tylsää televisioon.\n(Naurua)\nJoten minun piti lisätä käsiraudat,\nja irrottaa ne pidättäessäni henkeä.\nSe oli karmea virhe.\nLiikkuessani tuhlasin happea.\nSeitsemän minuutin jälkeen\naloin saada hirveitä kouristuksia.\n7:08 aloin menettää tajuntani.\nSeitsemän minuutin ja 30 sekunnin jälkeen\nhe vetivät ruumiini ulos ja toivat minut takaisin.\n\nPortuguese: \nEu estava completamente errado.\nEu entrei na esfera uma semana antes da data agendada de transmissão.\nE pensei que tudo estava nos trilhos.\nDois dias antes da grande tentativa de prender o fôlego, para o recorde,\nos produtores do especial para televisão\npensaram que apenas ver alguém\nprendendo a respiração, e quase se afogando,\né muito entendiante para TV.\n(Risos)\nEntão, tive que adicionar algemas,\nenquanto prendia a respiração, e escapar delas.\nEsse foi um erro crítico.\nPor causa do movimento eu estava desperdiçando oxigênio.\nE aos sete minutos eu comecei\na ter essas terríveis convulsões.\nAos 7:08 comecei a apagar.\nE aos sete minutos e 30 segundos\neles tiveram que tirar meu corpo e me trazer de volta.\n\nItalian: \nMi sbagliavo su tutta la linea.\nSono entrato nella sfera una settimana prima della messa in onda programmata.\nPensavo che tutto stesse funzionando.\nDue giorni prima della mia grande prova per il record,\ni produttori dello speciale tv\npensarono che semplicemente guardare qualcuno\ntrattenere il fiato e quasi affogare\nfosse troppo noioso per uno spettacolo televisivo.\n(Risata)\nCosì ho dovuto aggiungere delle manette\nmentre trattenevo il respiro, dalle quali mi dovevo liberare.\nQuesto fu un errore fatale.\nA causa del movimento sprecavo ossigeno.\nE al settimo minuto iniziai\nad avere delle forti convulsioni.\nA 7.08 iniziò il black out.\nA sette minuti e mezzo\ndovettero tirarmi fuori e rianimarmi.\n\nEnglish: \nI was completely wrong.\nI entered the sphere a week\nbefore the scheduled air date.\nAnd I thought everything\nseemed to be on track.\nTwo days before my big\nbreath-hold attempt, for the record,\nthe producers of my television special\nthought that just watching somebody\nholding their breath, and almost drowning,\nis too boring for television.\n(Laughter)\nSo, I had to add handcuffs,\nwhile holding my breath, to escape from.\nThis was a critical mistake.\nBecause of the movement,\nI was wasting oxygen.\nAnd by seven minutes I had gone\ninto these awful convulsions.\nBy 7:08, I started to black out.\nAnd by seven minutes and 30 seconds,\nthey had to pull my body out\nand bring me back.\n\nSwedish: \nJag var helt fel ute.\nJag kom till torget en vecka innan det schemalagda inspeningsdatumet.\nOch jag trodde allt gick som det skulle.\nTvå dagar före mitt stora rekordförsök,\nbestämde sig tv-programmets producenter\natt se på någon som\nhåller andan, och nästan drunknar,\ninte är tillräckligt intressant för tv.\n(Skratt)\nSå jag skulle ha på mig handbojor,\noch komma ur dem medans jag höll andan.\nDetta var ett fatalt misstag.\nEftersom rörelsen slösade syre.\nOch när det gått sju minuter\nbörjade jag få ryckningar.\n7:08 började det svartna för ögonen.\nOch när det gått sju minuter och 30 sekunder\nvar de tvugna att dra ut mig och återuppliva mig.\n\nRussian: \nЯ был абсолютно неправ.\nЯ зашел в сферу за неделю\nдо назначенного времени шоу.\nИ я думал, что всё идёт по плану.\nЗа два дня до моей великой попытки\nудержать дыхание на рекорд,\nпродюсеры этой телепрограммы\nрешили, что просто смотреть, как кто-то\nзадержал дыхание и вот-вот утонет,\nдля телезрителя слишком скучно.\n(Смех)\nИ мне пришлось надеть наручники,\nот которых я должен был,\nвсё ещё задерживая дыхание, освободиться.\nЭто была роковая ошибка.\nИз-за движений я терял кислород.\nИ к седьмой минуте у меня начались\nужасные конвульсии.\nКогда прошло 7:08 я начал терять сознание.\nА когда прошло 7 минут 30 секунд,\nмое тело пришлось вытащить,\nчтобы привести меня в чувства.\n\nSpanish: \nEstaba completamente equivocado.\nMe metí en la esfera una semana antes de la fecha de emisión establecida\ny parecía que todo iba sobre ruedas.\nDos días antes de mi gran intento de superar el récord,\nlos productores de mi especial televisivo\npensaron que ver a alguien que sólo\naguanta la respiración hasta casi ahogarse,\nes demasiado aburrido para salir en la televisión.\n(Risas)\nAsí que, tuve que añadir esposas\nde las que zafarme mientras aguantaba la respiración.\nY ese fue un grave error.\nDebido al movimiento, estaba gastando oxígeno.\nY para cuando llegué a los siete minutos\nempecé a tener unas convulsiones horribles.\nA los 7:08 empecé a desmayarme\ny a los siete y medio\ntuvieron que sacarme y reanimarme.\n\nCzech: \nTo jsem se ale hodně spletl.\nVlezl jsem do té koule týden před plánovaným termínem natáčení.\nA vypadalo to, že všechno jede podle plánu.\nDva dny před mým velkým pokusem o překonání rekordu\nproducenti mého pořadu zjistili,\nže jen tak koukat na někoho\njak zadržuje dech a skoro se při tom utopí\nje na televizi moc velká nuda.\n(smích)\nTakže jsem musel přidat pouta,\nze kterých jsem se měl dostat, zatímco budu zadržovat dech.\nTo byla zásadní chyba.\nTím pohybem jsem plýtval kyslíkem.\nA za sedm minut jsem dostal\nhrozné křeče.\nKolem 7:08 jsem začal omdlévat.\nA v polovině osmé minuty\nmě museli vytáhnout a vzkřísit.\n\nHungarian: \nÓriásit tévedtem.\nEgy héttel a televíziós közvetítés előtt léptem a gömbbe.\nÉs úgy gondoltam, hogy minden sínen van.\nKét nappal a nagy rekordkísérletem előtt,\na televízióadás producerei úgy gondolták,\nhogy csak nézni valakit,\namint visszatartja a lélegzetét és majdnem megfullad,\ntúl unalmas a tévé számára.\n(Nevetés)\nÍgy bilincseket is kellett használnom,\nés kiszabadulni belőlük, mialatt visszatartom a levegőt.\nEz kritikus hibának bizonyult.\nA mozgás miatt oxigént pazaroltam.\nA hetedik percnél\nszörnyű görcsök jöttek rám.\n7:08-nál kezdtem elájulni.\nVégül hét és fél perc után\nki kellett húzniuk és újraéleszteniük.\n\nChinese: \n我完全弄錯了。\n我在表演開始前一個星期進入這個球體,\n以為所有事情都會順利進行,\n但就在挑戰紀錄的兩天前,\n電視特輯的製作人覺得,\n如果單只是看著某個傢伙\n憋住呼吸,然後差點淹死,\n這樣不夠刺激...\n(笑聲)\n所以我得戴上手銬,\n然後在我閉氣的同時,還得掙脫手銬。\n這真是個天大的錯誤。\n因為掙脫的動作會消耗氧氣;\n在七分鐘的時候,\n我開始嚴重抽搐;\n到七分過八秒時,我暈了過去;\n到七分三十秒的時候,\n他們不得不把我拉出來,好救回我的命。\n\nTurkish: \nTamamen yanılmışım.\nYayına bir hafta kala küreye girdim.\nHerşeyin yolunda gittiğini düşünüyordum.\nBüyük nefes tutma girişimimden iki gün önce,\nrekorumu yayınlayacak olan özel televizyon yapımcıları\nbirisinin öylece nefesini tutup\nneredeyse boğulmasını izlemenin\nçok sıkıcı olacağına karar verdiler.\n(Kahkaha)\nBen de nefesimi tutarken içlerinden çıkmam\ngereken kelepçeler eklemek zorunda kaldım.\nBu çok kritik bir hataydı.\nHareket yüzünden oksijen harcıyordum.\nVe yedinci dakikada\no korkunç nöbetler başladı.\n7:08'de bayılmaya başladım.\n7 dakika 30 saniyede beni çıkarıp\nhayata geri döndürmeleri gerekti.\n\nMacedonian: \nНо воопшто не бев во право.\nВлегов во топката една недела пред закажаниот датум за пренос.\nИ мислев дека сè е како што треба.\nДва дена пред мојот голем подвиг, да напоменам,\nпродуцентите од мојата телевизија\nмислеа дека само гледањето некого\nкако го задржува здивот, и како скоро се дави,\nе премногу досадно за на телевизија.\n(Смеење)\nЗатоа морав да додадам лисици.\nи додека го задржувам здивот, да се ослободам од нив.\nОва беше критична грешка.\nБидејќи поради движењето јас го трошев кислородот.\nИ за седум минути веќе се изгубив\nво овие ужасни контракции.\nВо 7:08 започнав да се губам.\nИ во 7 минути и 30 секунди\nмораа да ми го извлечат телото и да ме повратат во живот.\n\nBulgarian: \nНе знаех колко греша.\nВлязох в сферата седмица преди заплануваната дата.\nМислех, че всичко е наред.\nДва дни преди опита ми да подобря рекорда,\nтелевизионните продуценти\nрешиха, че да се наблюдава някой,\nкойто не диша и а-ха да се удави,\nби било твърде скучно за телевизия.\n(Смях)\nТака че трябваше да добавим белезници,\nот които да се освободя, докато не дижам.\nТова беше стратегическа грешка,\nзащото заради тези движения губих кислород.\nНа седмата минута изпаднах\nв ужасни конвулсии.\nСлед още 8 секунди започнах да губя съзнание.\nНа седмата минута и половина\nме извадиха и започнаха да ме свестяват.\n\nSlovak: \nÚplne som sa zmýlil.\nVstúpil som do gule týždeň pred naplánovaným dátumom vysielania.\nA myslel som, že všetko sa zdá byť v poriadku.\nDva dni pred mojim veľkým pokusom o rekord\nproducenti môjho televízneho špeciálu\nsi zmysleli, že pozerať na niekoho,\nako zadržiava dych a takmer sa utopí,\nje príliš nudné na televíziu.\n(smiech)\nTakže som musel pridať putá,\nz ktorých som mal ujsť, kým som zadržiaval dych.\nTo bola rozhodujúca chyba.\nKvôli pohybu som míňal kyslík.\nA po siedmych minútach som dostal\nhrozné kŕče.\nV čase 7:08 som začal strácať vedomie.\nA v čase 7 minút, 30 sekúnd\nmuseli vytiahnuť moje telo von a oživiť ma.\n\nModern Greek (1453-): \nΉμουν απολύτως λάθος.\nΜπήκα στη σφαίρα μια εβδομάδα πριν\nτην προγραμματισμένη ημερομηνία της εκπομπής.\nΚαι σκέφτηκα ότι όλα κυλούσαν ομαλά.\nΔύο μέρες πριν την μεγάλη μου \nαπόπειρα για το ρεκόρ,\nοι τηλεοπτικοί παραγωγοί\nσκέφτηκαν ότι το να παρακολουθείς κάποιον\nνα κρατάει την αναπνοή του, και σχεδόν να πνίγεται,\nείναι πολύ βαρετό για την τηλεόραση.\n(Γέλια)\nΈπρεπε να προσθέσω χειροπέδες, και να\nδραπετεύσω κρατώντας και την αναπνοή μου.\nΑυτό ήταν ένα κρίσιμο λάθος.\nΕξαιτίας της κίνησης σπαταλούσα οξυγόνο.\nΚαι μέσα σε εφτά λεπτά είχαν αρχίσει\nαυτοί οι απαίσιοι σπασμοί.\nΜέχρι τα 7:08 άρχισα\nνα χάνω τις αισθήσεις μου.\nΚαι στα εφτά λεπτά και 30 δευτερόλεπτα\nέπρεπε να βγάλουν το σώμα μου\nκαι να με επαναφέρουν.\n\nKurdish: \nمن له‌وه‌دا زۆر هه‌ڵه‌ بوم\nهه‌فته‌یه‌ک پێش خشته‌ی ئاماده‌کارییه‌که‌ چوومه‌ ناو دۆخەکه‌\nهه‌موشتێک له‌وه‌ ده‌چوو که‌ ئاماده‌بێت\nدوو ڕۆژ پێش هه‌وڵدانم بۆ ڕاگرتنی هه‌ناسه‌ی گه‌وره (زۆر) بۆ ریکۆرده‌که‌\nبه‌رهه‌مهێنه‌ره‌ تایبه‌تیه‌که‌ی ته‌له‌فزیۆن\nهه‌ستی کرد که‌ته‌نها ته‌ماشاکردنی که‌سێک\nهه‌ناسه‌ ڕابگرێت، وه‌ نزیک بونه‌وه‌ له‌خنکان\nزۆر بێزارکه‌ر ده‌بێت بۆ ته‌له‌فزیۆن\nپێکه‌نین\nله‌به‌ر ئه‌وه‌ پێویست بوو ده‌ستم ببه‌ستمه‌وه‌\nله‌کاتێکدا هه‌ناسه‌م ڕاده‌گرم بۆ ڕێگرتن لێم\nئه‌وه‌ هه‌ڵه‌یه‌کی ڕه‌خنه‌ گرانه‌ بوو\nبه‌هۆی جوڵه‌کانمه‌وه‌ ئۆکسجینم له‌ده‌ست ده‌دا\nوه‌دوای تێپه‌ڕبونی حه‌وت خوله‌ک\nله‌ناو ئه‌و جوڵه‌ بێ ئاگایانه‌دا\nله‌خوله‌کی (7:08) دا ده‌ستم کرد به‌هۆش خۆچون\nله‌خوله‌کی (7) و (30) چرکه‌دا\nپێویست بوو ئه‌وان من بهێننه‌ ده‌ره‌وه‌ و زیندوم بکه‌نه‌وه‌\n\nPortuguese: \ndurante mais tempo do que \ntinha conseguido até aí.\nEstava totalmente enganado.\nEntrei na esfera uma semana \nantes da data marcada para o ar.\nPensava que tudo parecia correr bem,\nDois dias antes da minha \ngrande tentativa para bater o recorde,\nos produtores do meu especial televisivo\nacharam que estar só \na olhar para uma pessoa\na suster a respiração e quase a afogar-se,\nera demasiado aborrecido para a televisão.\n(Risos)\nPor isso, tive que acrescentar algemas,\nenquanto sustinha a respiração, \npara me libertar.\nFoi um erro crasso.\nPor causa dos movimentos, \ncomecei a perder oxigénio.\nE ao fim de sete minutos\nentrei em convulsões atrozes.\nAos 7:08 comecei a perder a consciência.\nAos 7 minutos e 30 segundos\ntiveram que retirar o meu corpo \ne reanimar-me.\n\nKurdish: \nبه‌هه‌مو شێوه‌یه‌ک شکستم هێنا\nپێکه‌نین\nله‌به‌رئه‌وه‌، به‌شێوه‌یه‌کی سروشتی ته‌نها ڕێگا له‌ ئه‌و وه‌ستانه‌ له‌ناکاوه‌\nکه‌ من بیری لێبکه‌مه‌وه‌\nئه‌وه‌بوو، بڕیارم دابوو په‌یوه‌ندی به‌ ئۆپراوه‌ بکه‌م\nپێکه‌نین\nپێم ووت که‌من ده‌م ویست چانسی خۆم تاقی بکه‌مه‌وه‌\nوه‌ هه‌ناسه‌م ڕابگرم زیاتر له‌ هه‌رمرۆڤێکی تر که‌ ئه‌نجامی داوه‌\nئه‌وه‌ ڕیکۆردێکی جیاواز بوو، ئه‌مە ئۆکسیجینێکی پاک بوو\nڕیکۆردێکی نه‌گۆڕه‌ له‌ گینس\nڕیکۆردی جیهانی شکاند و (١٣) خوله‌کی تۆمارکرد\nکه‌واته‌، له‌سه‌ره‌تاوه‌ تۆ ئۆکسجینی پاک هه‌ڵده‌مژی\nئۆکسجین ده‌ده‌یت به‌ له‌شت و دوا ئۆکسیدی کاربۆن ده‌که‌یته‌ ده‌ره‌وه‌\nوه‌ تۆ ده‌توانی زۆر زیاتر ڕایبگری\nئه‌وه‌م بۆ ده‌رکه‌وت که‌ به‌ر به‌رەکانییه‌کی ڕاستی من\nبوو\nپێکه‌نین\nلە (٨)ی کانونی دووەمدا\nئۆپرا چوار مانگی دامێ تاخۆم ئاماده‌ بکه‌م و ڕاهێنان بکه‌م\n\nSerbian: \nOmašio sam na svim nivoima.\n(Smeh)\nPrirodno, jedni način kog sam se setio\nda opravdam poraz\nbio je da pozovem Opru.\n(Smeh)\nRekao sam joj da hoću da povisim ulog\ni pokušam da zadržim dah\nduže nego iko ikada.\nOvaj put je to bio drugačiji rekord.\nTo je rekord u statičkoj apnei\nsa čistim kiseonikom,\nkoji je po Ginisu 13 minuta.\nDakle, prvo udišete čist kiseonik\ni punite organizam njime,\ndok izbacujete CO2\ni možete mnogo duže da izdržite.\nShvatio sam da mi je prava konkurencija\nu stvari, dabar.\n(Smeh)\nU januaru 2008,\nOpra mi je dala četiri meseca\nda se pripremim i utreniram.\n\nArabic: \nكنت قد فشلت على جميع الأصعدة\n(ضحك)\nلذلك ، بطبيعة الحال ، فإن السبيل الوحيد للخروج من ذلك الفشل\nالذي كنت أفكر فيه\nكان بالقرار بالاتصال ب \"أوبرا\"\n(ضحك)\nقلت لها أنني أريد أن أصل إلى فوق المستحيل\nوحبس أنفاسي وقتا أطول من أي إنسان في أي وقت مضى\nوقد كان الهدف رقما قياسي مختلف. فبإستخدام الأوكسجين الصافي\nووضعية ثابتة تماما تحت الماء .. وكان رقم غينيس\nالعالمي المسجل هو ١٣ دقيقة.\nإذا الفكرة الأساسية أن تتنفس أكسجين نقي أولاً\nلتمد جسدك به ومن ثم طرد ثاني أكسيد الكربون\nوهكذا تستطيع الإستمرار تحت الماء لفترة أطول.\nأدركت أن تلك المنافسة على الرقم جادةٌ جداً\nوقد كانت الأجدر\n(ضحك)\nفي يناير /كانون الثاني عام ٢٠٠٨\nكانت أوبرا قد أمهلتني أربعة أشهر للإعداد والتدريب.\n\nPolish: \nNawaliłem na każdym etapie.\n(Śmiech)\nWięc sposobem by zażegnać kryzys,\njedynym o którym pomyślałem\nbyła decyzja o telefonie do Oprah.\n(Śmiech)\nPowiedziałem jej, że chciałbym podbić stawkę\ni wstrzymać oddech dłużej niż jakikolwiek człowiek.\nTo był inny rekord. To był rekord\nw statycznym bezdechu tlenowym, dla którego Guinness\nodnotował światowy rekord na 13 minut.\nNajpierw oddychasz czystym tlenem\nnatleniając swoje ciało i wypłukując CO2,\ni dzięki temu jesteś w stanie wytrzymać znacznie dłużej.\nZdałem sobie sprawę, że moim prawdziwym konkurentem\nbył bóbr.\n(Śmiech)\nW styczniu 2008\nOprah dała mi cztery miesiące na przygotowania i trening.\n\nSpanish: \nHabía fracasado en todos los niveles.\n(Risas)\nAsí que, naturalmente, la única forma de salir del bache\nque se me ocurrió\nfue llamar a Oprah.\n(Risas)\nLe dije que quería aumentar el reto\ny aguantar la respiración más tiempo de lo que ningún ser humano lo había hecho.\nEste récord era distinto. Esto era un récord de\napnea estática con O2 puro que Guinness\nhabía establecido en 13 minutos.\nBásicamente, primero respiras puro O2,\noxigenando tu cuerpo y eliminado el CO2,\ny así eres capaz de aguantar mucho más.\nY descubrí que mi verdadero rival\nera el castor.\n(Risas)\nEn enero de 2008\nOprah me dio cuatro meses para prepararme y entrenar.\n\nFrench: \nJ'avais échoué sur tous les plans.\n(Rires)\nAlors, évidemment, le seul moyen de me tirer de cette galère\nauquel j'ai pu penser,\na été que j'ai décidé d'appeler Oprah.\n(Rires)\nJe lui ai dit que je voulais monter la barre plus haut,\net retenir mon souffle plus longtemps qu'aucun humain l'ait jamais fait.\nC'était un record différent. Celui-ci était le record\nd'apnée statique avec O2 dont le Guiness Book\navait établi le record du monde à 13 minutes.\nEn fait, on commence par respirer de l'oxygène pur\non oxygène le corps, on rejette le CO2,\net on est capable de tenir beaucoup plus longtemps.\nJ'ai réalisé que mon véritable rival\nétait le castor.\n(Rires)\nEn janvier 2008,\nOprah m'a donné quatre mois pour me préparer et m'entraîner.\n\nPortuguese: \nEu falhei em todos os níveis.\n(Risos)\nEntão, naturalmente, a unica solução para essa crise\nque eu consegui pensar\nfoi ligar para a Oprah.\n(Risos)\nDisse a ela que eu queria aumentar a aposta\ne segurar o fôlego por mais tempo que qualquer ser humano já tinha conseguido.\nEsse era um recorde diferente. Esse era o de O2 puro\no record de apnéia estática que o Guinness\nregistrou o record mundial em 13 minutos.\nEntão, basicamente você respira O2 puro primeiro,\noxigenando seu corpo, expulsando o CO2,\ne você consegue segurar por muito mais tempo.\nEu percebi que meu concorrente de verdade\nera o castor.\n(Risos)\nEm janeiro de 08\nOprah me deu quatro meses para preparação e treino.\n\nBulgarian: \nПровалих се на всички нива.\n(Смях)\nТака че единствения начин да изляза от кашата,\nкойто успях да измисля,\nбеше да се обадя на Опра.\n(Смях)\nКазах й, че искам да вдигна залога,\nи да издържа без да дишам по - дълго от всеки друг на света.\nТова беше различен рекорд - чиста кислородна\nстатична апнея, който рекорд беше записан\nна 13 минути в книгата на Гинес.\nТова, което се случва, е че първо дишаш чист кислород,\nобдишваш тялото си, изхвърляш въглеродния двуокис,\nи по този начин успяваш да издържиш много по - дълго.\nДадох си сметка, че най - големият ми конкурент\nе бобърът.\n(Смях)\nПрез януари 2008г.\nОпра ми даде 4 месеца за подготовка и тренировки.\n\niw: \nנכשלתי בכל רמה\n(צחוק)\nאז, באופן טבעי, הדרך היחידה לצאת מהכישלון\nשאני יכלתי לחשוב עליו\nהיה להתקשר לאופרה (ווינפרי)\n(צחוק)\nאמרתי לה שאני רוצה לעלות את רמת ההימור\nולעצור את נשימתי לזמן רב יותר מכל אדם אחר אי פעם\nזה היה שיא שונה. זה היה O2 (חמצן)\nדום נשימה סטטית, ששיאי הגינס\nקבעו את שיא העולם ב 13 דקות.\nאז בעצם אתה נושם O2 (חמצן) טהור\nשמחמצן את הגוף שלך, ומנקה את הגוף שלך מ-CO2 (פחמן דו חמצני)\nשמאפשר לך לעצור את הנשימה שלך לזמן רב יותר\nאז הבנתי שהמתחרה האמיתי שלי\nהיה בונה.\n(צחוק)\nבינואר 08'\nאופרה נתנה לי ארבעה חודשים להתכונן ולהתאמן\n\nGerman: \nIch habe auf jeglicher Ebene versagt.\n(Gelächter)\nDer einzige Weg aus der Krise,\nder mir einfiel,\nwar Oprah anzurufen.\n(Gelächter)\nIch sagte ihr, dass ich den Einsatz erhöhen\nund meinen Atem länger anhalten wollte, als es je ein Mensch geschafft hat.\nDas war ein anderer Rekord. Es war ein reiner Sauerstoff-\nbewegungsloser-Apnoe-Rekord, bei dem\nder Guiness-Weltrekord bei 13 Minuten lag.\nIm Prinzip atmet man zunächst reinen Sauerstoff,\noxygeniert seinen Körper, spült Kohlenstoff heraus\nund man kann dann seinen Atem wesentlich länger anhalten.\nMir wurde bewusst, dass mein stärkster Konkurrent\nder Biber war.\n(Gelächter)\nIm Januar 2008\ngab mir Oprah vier Monate lang um mich vorzubereiten und zu trainieren.\n\nCzech: \nSelhal jsem na všech úrovních.\n(smích)\nTakže přirozeně, jediná možnost, jak se dostat z krize,\nkterá mě napadla,\nbyla vystoupit ve světoznámé show Oprah Winfrey.\n(smích)\nZavolal jsem Oprah a řekl, že tentokrát mířím výš -\nchtěl bych zadržet dech déle než jakýkoliv jiný člověk přede mnou.\nTo už byl jiný rekord - statická apnoe\ns čistým kyslíkem, ve které je v Guinnessově knize\nzapsán světový rekord 13 minut.\nV podstatě napřed dýcháte čistý kyslík,\nokysličíte si tělo, zbavíte se CO2\na tím pádem můžete vydržet mnohem déle.\nZjistil jsem, že můj opravdový konkurent\nje bobr.\n(smích)\nV lednu '08\nmi Oprah dala čtyři měsíce na přípravy a trénink.\n\nJapanese: \nあらゆるレベルで失敗したのです\n(笑い)\nよってスランプから抜け出す道として\n唯一私が思いついたのは\nオプラに電話をかけることでした\n(笑い)\n彼女には 難易度を上げて\nこれまでの誰よりも長く呼吸を止めると伝えました\nこれは先ほどとは異なる競技の\n純酸素スタティックアプネアで\nギネスが世界記録を13分に認定していました\nまず純酸素を吸って 体を酸素化させ\n二酸化炭素を排出することで\n呼吸をより長く止めることができるというものです\n本当の競争相手は\nビーバーだということに気付きました\n<動物の呼吸チャート>--(笑い)\n2008年の1月に\nオプラから4か月の準備兼トレーニング期間をもらいました\n\nMacedonian: \nРазочарав на сите нивоа.\n(Смеење)\nНормално, единствениот излез од потонувањето\nна кој можев да се сетам\nбеше, да и се јавам на Опра.\n(Смеење)\nИ кажав дека сум спремен да се обложам\nдека ќе го задржам здивот подолго од било кое друго човечко суштество.\nТоа беше поинаков рекорд. Тоа беше чист кислород\nрекорд на статичка апнеа кој Гинис\nго имаше поставено светскиот рекорд на 13 минути.\nЗначи, прво вдишувате чист кислород,\nго оксигенизирате телото, исфрлате јаглерод диоксид\nи сте во можност да издржите подолго.\nСфатив дека мојот вистински конкурент\nбеше дабарот.\n(Смеење)\nВо Јануари 2008\nОпра ми даде четири месеци да се подготвам.\n\nChinese: \n我输的一塌糊涂。\n(笑声)\n所以很自然唯一可以摆脱消沉\n我可以想到的\n就是去找奥普拉。\n(笑声)\n我告诉他我要提高赌注\n我要屏住呼吸长过所有人。\n这是个不同的记录,\n这次是纯氧静止屏气记录,\n由吉尼斯目前的13分钟为世界纪录。\n也就是先吸入入纯氧,\n充沛氧气,排出二氧化碳。\n然后你就可以屏气更长时间。\n当时我意识到,我真正的竞争者是--\n海狸。\n(笑声)\n2008年1月\n奥普拉给了我4个月准备和训练。\n\nDanish: \nJeg var fejlet på alle niveauer.\n(Latter)\nSå, naturligvis, den eneste måde ud af hullet\nsom jeg kunne tænke på\nvar, jeg besluttede at ringe til Oprah.\n(Latter)\nJeg fortalte hende at jeg ville forhøje indsatsen\nog holde vejret længere end noget menneske nogensinde havde gjort.\nDette var en anden rekord. Dette var en ren O2\nstatisk apnø rekord ved Guiness\nhavde en verdensrekord på på 13 minutter.\nSå, dybest set trækker man vejret i ren O2 først,\nog ilter ens krop, renser ens krop for CO2,\nog så er man i stand til at holde vejret meget længere.\nJeg blev klar over, at min virkelige konkurrent\nvar bæveren.\n(Latter)\nI januar 2008\ngav Oprah mig fire måneder til at forberede og træne.\n\nRussian: \nЯ провалился по всем статьям.\n(Смех)\nА потому, у меня оставался\nодин естественный выход\nиз этого кризиса —\nя обратился к Опре\n[Уинфри, ведущая ток шоу]\n(Смех)\nЯ сказал ей, что хочу поднять ставки\nи задержать дыхание дольше,\nчем кому-либо это когда-либо удавалось.\nЭто уже был другой рекорд.\nЭто был рекорд статической апнеи\nс чистым кислородом, который у Гиннесса\nв книге рекордов значился как 13 минут.\nСуть в том, что сначала\nвдыхается чистый кислород,\nтело им наполняется\nи выдавливает углекислый газ,\nи удержать дыхание можно намного дольше.\nЯ понял, что мой настоящий конкурент —\nэто бобр.\n(Смех) [на схеме — длительность\nзадержки дыхания у млекопитающих]\nВ январе 2008-го года\nОпра дала мне 4 месяца\nна подготовку и тренировку.\n\nLatvian: \n(Smiekli)\nTāpēc, protams, vienīgā izeja,\nko es varēju iedomāties,\nbija piezvanīt Oprai.\n(Smiekli)\nEs viņai teicu,\nka gribu paaugstināt likmi\nun aizturēt elpu ilgāk,\nnekā jebkad kāds cilvēks to darījis.\nTas bija cits rekords.\nTas bija tīrs skābekļa\nstatiskās apnojas rekords,\nkur Ginesa pasaules rekords\nbija 13 minūtes.\nTātad vispirms elpo tīru skābekli,\napgādājot ķermeni ar skābekli\nun atbrīvojoties no CO2,\nun tā var izturēt daudz ilgāk.\nEs sapratu, ka mans īstais\nkonkurents ir bebrs.\n(Smiekli)\n(Smiekli beidzas)\n2008. gada janvārī\nOpra man deva četrus mēnešus laika\npriekš sagatavošanās un treniņiem.\nEs katru nakti gulēju hipoksiskajā teltī.\n\nDutch: \nIk had in elk opzicht gefaald.\n(Gelach)\nDe enige weg uit de penarie\ndie ik kon bedenken\nwas Oprah te bellen.\n(Gelach)\nIk zei dat ik de inzet wilde verhogen\nen mijn adem langer wilde inhouden\ndan welk mens ook.\nDit was een ander record.\nDit was een pure zuurstof\nstatic apnea record waarvan Guinness\nhet wereldrecord op 13 minuten had staan.\nJe ademt eerst pure zuurstof.\nDat doordringt je lichaam\nen verwijdert CO2\nwaardoor je het veel langer volhoudt.\nIk realiseerde dat mijn echte concurentie\nde bever was.\n(Gelach)\nIn januari 2008 gaf Oprah me\nvier maanden\nvoor training en voorbereiding.\n\nHungarian: \nMinden létező szinten elbuktam.\n(Nevetés)\nTermészetesen az egyetlen dolog, ami eszembe jutott,\nhogy kikeveredjek ebből a helyzetből,\nhogy felhívjam Oprah-t.\n(Nevetés)\nMondtam neki, hogy emelni akarom a tétet,\nés minden eddigi embernél tovább akarom visszatartani a lélegzetem.\nEz egy másik rekord volt. Ez egy tiszta oxigénes\nstatikus apnea rekord, melynek világcsúcsa\na Guinness szerint 13 perc.\nElőször tulajdonképpen tiszta oxigént lélegzel be,\nfeltöltöd ezzel a tested, megszabadulsz a szén-dioxidtól,\nés így sokkal tovább tudod benntartani.\nRájöttem, hogy az igazi kihívóm\na hód.\n(Nevetés)\n2008 januárjában\nOprah négy hónapot adott nekem a felkészülésre.\n\nRomanian: \nAm eșuat din toate privințele.\n(Râsete)\nSingura mea cale de ieșire\ndintr-un asemenea dezastru,\nsingura cale la care m-am putut gândi,\na fost să o contactez pe Oprah.\n(Râsete)\nI-am spus ca vreau sa măresc miza,\ncă vreau s îmi țin respirația\nmai mult decât a reușit cineva vreodată.\nÎnsă e o altă categorie de recorduri.\nE apnee statică cu oxigen pur,\niar recordul Guinness era de 13 minute.\nIdeea e că respiri mai întâi oxigen pur,\nîți oxigenezi corpul și elimini\ncât mai mult dioxid de carbon,\nși astfel este capabil să reziști\nmult mai mult fără să respiri.\nAm ajuns la concluzia\ncă principalul meu competitor\nera castorul.\n(Râsete)\nÎn luna ianuarie 2008\nOprah mi-a dat patru luni\nsă mă pregătesc și să mă antrenez.\n\nKorean: \n저는 모든 단계를 실패했습니다.\n(웃음)\n당연히, 제가 생각할 수 있는 슬럼프를 탈출하는\n유일한 방법은\n오프라 윈프리를 부를는 것이었습니다.\n(웃음)\n저는 그녀에게 수준을 높이고 그 어떤 인간보다도 오래\n숨을 참고 싶다고 말했습니다.\n이것은 다른 기록이었습니다. 순수 산소를 사용한\n정적인 무호흡의 기네스 기록은\n13분입니다.\n그래서, 기본적으로 먼저 순수한 산소를 들이마셔야 합니다.\n몸에 산소를 공급하고 이산화탄소를 배출해야\n더욱 오랫동안 견딜 수 있습니다.\n저의 진정한 경쟁자는\n비버라는 것을 깨달았습니다.\n(웃음)\n2008년 1월에\n오프라 윈프리는 저에게 4개월의 준비와 훈련기간을 주었습니다.\n\nModern Greek (1453-): \nΕίχα αποτύχει με κάθε τρόπο.\n(Γέλια)\nΈτσι, ο μόνος τρόπος για να βγω από την\nκατάπτωση που μπόρεσα να σκεφτώ\nήταν, να τηλεφωνήσω στην Όπρα.\n(Γέλια)\nΤης είπα ότι ήθελα να ανεβάσω τον πήχη\nκαι να κρατήσω την αναπνοή μου περισσότερο\nαπό κάθε άλλον άνθρωπο.\nΑυτό ήταν ένα διαφορετικό ρεκόρ.\nΉταν καθαρά στατική άπνοια οξυγόνου\nγια την οποία στο Γκίνες έχει καταγραφεί\nτο παγκόσμιο ρεκόρ στα 13 λεπτά.\nΒασικά αναπνέεις στην αρχή καθαρό οξυγόνο,\nοξυγονώνεται το σώμα σου, καθαρίζει από διοξείδιο του άνθρακα,\nκαι έχεις τη δυνατότητα να κρατήσεις\nτην αναπνοή σου περισσότερη ώρα.\nΣυνειδητοποίησα ότι ο πραγματικός μου\nανταγωνιστής ήταν ο κάστορας.\n(Γέλια)\n(Τέλος γέλιου)\nΤον Ιανουάριο του 2008\nη Όπρα μου έδωσε τέσσερις μήνες\nνα προετοιμαστώ και να προπονηθώ.\n\nTurkish: \nHer basamakta batmıştım.\n(Kahkaha)\nDoğal olarak, bu batıştan çıkmanın tek yolu\nyani aklıma gelen tek yolu,\nOprah'ı aramaktı.\n(Kahkaha)\nOna bahsi arttırdığımı ve yaşayan herhangi\nbir insandan daha uzun süre nefesimi tutacağımı söyledim.\nBu farklı bir rekordu. Bu dünya rekoru Guiness'te 13 dakika\nolarak kaydedilmiş\nstatik apne rekoru denemesiydi.\nYani en başta saf O2 soluyorsunuz\nvücudunuzu oksijenlendirip, CO2 dışarı atıyorsunuz\nve böylece nefesinizi çok daha uzun tutuyorsunuz.\nBenim gerçek yarışmamın\nkunduzla olduğunu anlamıştım.\n(Kahkaha)\n2008 Ocak ayında\nOprah bana hazırlık ve idman için 4 ay verdi\n\nVietnamese: \nTôi đã thất bại ở mỗi mức độ.\n(Cười)\nVậy nên, theo tự nhiên, cách đơn giản khỏi xuống tinh thần\nmà tôi có thể nghĩ tới\nlà, tôi quyết định gọi cho Oprah.\n(Cười)\nTôi nói với bà ấy rằng tôi muốn đánh cuộc\nvà nín thở lâu hơn bất cứ người nào từng làm.\nĐây là một kỷ lục khác biệt. Lần này là khí O2 tinh khiết\nkỷ lục ngưng thở tĩnh mà Guinness\nđặt ra mức kỷ lục thế giới ở 13 phút.\nVậy nên, đơn giản là bạn thở khí O2 tinh khiết trước,\ndung hợp cơ thể với khí oxy, xả khí CO2 ra,\nvà bạn có thể nín thở lâu hơn.\nTôi nhận ra rằng thách thực thực sực của tôi\nlà con hải ly.\n(Cười)\nVào ngày 8 tháng một.\nOprah cho tôi bốn tháng để chuẩn bị và luyện tập.\n\nPersian: \nمن در تمام مراحل شکست خورده بودم.\nخنده حضار\nخوب طبیعتا به تنها راهی برای خارج شدن از این شکست\nتوانستم فکر کنم\nاین بود که به اپرا زنگ بزنم\nخنده حضار\nمن به او گفتم که می خواستم کار خارق العاده ای انجام دهم\nو نفسم را بیشتر از چیزی که هر انسانی تا به حال توانسته است حبس کنم.\nاین رکورد متفاوتی بود .این اکسیژن خالص بود\nرکوردی که گینس برای حبس موقتی نفس\nثبت کرده بود 13 دقیقه بود\nخب قاعدتا تو اول باید اکسیژن خالص تنفس کنی\nبه بدنت اکسیژن برسانی و دی اکسید کربن خارج کنی\nبدین ترتیب مدت بیشتری می توانی نفست را حبس کنی.\nمن فهمیدم که رقیب واقعی من\nاسب آبی است\nخنده حضار\nدر ژانویه 2008\nاپرا چهار ماه به من فرصت داد تا آماده شوم و تمرین کنم.\n\nChinese: \n一整個失敗...\n(笑聲)\n所以我想,要走出低潮\n最好的方法,\n就是打電話給歐普拉。\n(笑聲)\n我告訴她我要提高賭注,\n我要暫停呼吸,時間要比任何人都久。\n這是另一種紀錄,\n使用純氧進行靜態閉氣,\n金氏世界紀錄是十三分鐘。\n你先吸入純氧,\n讓氧氣循環全身,把二氧化碳清出,\n讓你可以閉氣更久。\n我想對我來說,\n真正的對手應該是海狸吧...\n(笑聲)\n2008年一月,\n歐普拉給我四個月準備以及訓練,\n\nEnglish: \nI had failed on every level.\n(Laughter)\nSo, naturally, the only way out\nof the slump that I could think of was,\nI decided to call Oprah.\n(Laughter)\nI told her that I wanted to up the ante\nand hold my breath longer\nthan any human being ever had.\nThis was a different record.\nThis was a pure O2 static apnea record\nthat Guinness had set\nthe world record at 13 minutes.\nSo, basically you breathe pure O2 first,\noxygenating your body, flushing out CO2,\nand you are able to hold much longer.\nI realized that my real competition\nwas the beaver.\n(Laughter)\n(Laughter ends)\nIn January of '08,\nOprah gave me four months\nto prepare and train.\n\nCroatian: \nPao sam na svakoj razini.\n(Smijeh)\nPrirodno, jedini put van iz krize\nkojeg sam se mogao sjetiti\nje bila odluka da nazovem Oprah.\n(Smijeh)\nRekao sam joj da želim povisiti ulog\ni držati dah dulje od bilo kojeg ljudskog bića ikad.\nOvo je bio drukčiji rekord. Ovo je bio čisti O2\nstatički rekord za kojeg je Guinness\npostavio svjetski rekord na 13 minuta.\nU biti udišete čisti kisik,\ndavajući kisik svom tijelu, izbacujući CO2,\ni u mogućnosti ste izdržati mnogo duže.\nShvatio sam da je moja prava konkurencija\nbio dabar.\n(Smijeh)\nU siječnju 2008.\nOprah mi je dala četiri mjeseca za pripremu i treniranje.\n\nSwedish: \nJag misslyckades på varje plan.\n(Skratt)\nDet var naturligtvis bara ett sätt att komma bort från detta\nsom jag kunde komma på\natt ringa till Oprah.\n(Skratt)\nJag berättade för henne att jag ville öka risken\noch hålla andan längre än någon människa någonsin gjort.\nDetta var ett annat rekord. Detta var ett rent O2\nstillstående apnea rekord som Guinness\nsatt på 13 minuter.\nI grund och botten börjar du med att andas ren O2,\nsyersätter kroppen, ränsar ut CO2,\nför att kunna hålla andan mycket längre.\nJag insåg att min egentliga motståndare\nvar bävern.\n(Skratt)\nI januari 2008\ngav Oprah mig fyra månader för att förbereda och träna.\n\nThai: \nผมล้มเหลวในทุกๆส่วน\n(หัวเราะ)\nเพราะอย่างนั้น มันมีแค่ทางเดียวที่จะหลุดจากความตกต่ำ\nที่ผมคิดออกได้\nคือการตัดสินใจที่จะโทรหาโอปราห์ (Oprah)\n(หัวเราะ)\nผมบอกเธอว่าผมต้องการที่จะกู้หน้ากลับมา\nและกลั้นหายใจให้นานที่สุดเท่าที่มนุษยชาติเคยทำมาก่อน\nอันนี้คือสถิติอีกแบบนึง มันคือสถิติโดยการใช้อ๊อกซิเจนบริสุทธิ์\nสถิติการหยุดหายใจแบบสแตติกแอพเนีย (static apnea) ที่กินเนสบุค\nได้บันทึกไว้คือ 13 นาที\nจริงๆแล้ว มันก็คือการหายใจเอาออกซิเจนบริสุทธิ์เข้าไปก่อน\nลำเลียงอ๊อกซิเจนเข้าไปในร่างกายคุณ และไล่เอาคาร์บอนไดอ๊อกไซด์ออกมา\nและคุณจะสามารถกลั้นหายใจได้นานมากขึ้น\nผมเพิ่งรู้ว่าคู่แข่งจริงๆของผมคือ\nตัวบีเวอร์\n(หัวเราะ)\nเดือนมกราคมปี 2008\nโอปราห์ (Oprah) ให้เวลาผม 4 เดือนเพื่อเตรียมตัวและฝึกซ้อม\n\nFinnish: \nOlin epäonnistunut kaikin tavoin.\n(Naurua)\nLuonnollisesti, ainoa tapa päästä tästä häviöstä --\nmitä pystyin kuvittelemaan --\npäätin soittaa Oprahille.\n(Naurua)\nKerroin haluavani nostaa panosta,\nja pitäisin henkeäni pidempään kuin kukaan ihminen ikinä.\nTämä oli eri ennätys. Tämä on puhdas\nO2-hengenpidätysennätys, jonka Guinness\noli mitannut olevan 13 minuuttia.\nEnsin hengitetään puhdasta happea,\nhapetetaan keho, poistetaan CO2,\nja voi pidättää henkeä paljon pidempään.\nTajusin, että todellinen kilpakumppanini\noli majava.\n(Naurua)\nTammikuussa 2008\nOprah antoi minulle neljä kuukautta aikaa valmistautua.\n\nSlovak: \nZlyhal som na plnej čiare.\n(smiech)\nTakže prirodzene, jediný spôsob, ako sa dostať z krízy,\nna ktorý som prišiel,\nbolo, že som sa rozhodol zavolať Oprah.\n(smiech)\nPovedal som jej, že chcem zvýšiť stávku\na zadržať dych dlhšie, ako kedy dokázala nejaká ľudská bytosť.\nTo bol iný rekord. Toto bolo\nstatické apnoe s predošlým vdychovaním O2, ktoré Guinness\nzaznamenal ako svetový rekord - 13 minút.\nTakže v podstate sa najprv nadýchnete čistého kyslíka,\nprekysličíte si telo, vyplavíte CO2\na ste schopní zadržať dych oveľa dlhšie.\nUvedomil som si, že mojím skutočným súperom\nbol bobor.\n(smiech)\nV januári 2008\nmi Oprah dala 4 mesiace, aby som sa pripravil a trénoval.\n\nItalian: \nAvevo fallito su tutta la linea.\n(Risata)\nNaturalmente, per uscire da questa crisi l'unico modo\nche mi venne in mente\nfu quello di chiamare Oprah.\n(Risata)\nLe dissi che volevo alzare la posta in gioco\ne trattenere il respiro più a lungo di quanto avesse mai fatto ogni altro essere umano.\nQuesto era un record diverso. Dovevo battere\nil record di apnea statica con ossigeno puro che il Guinness\naveva fissato a 13 minuti.\nIn pratica si respira ossigeno puro prima,\nossigenando il corpo e buttando fuori l'anidride carbonica,\ne poi si è in grado di trattenere il fiato molto più a lungo.\nMi resi conto che in realtà il mio rivale\nera il castoro.\n(Risata)\nNel gennaio 2008\nOprah mi diede 4 mesi per prepararmi e allenarmi.\n\nPortuguese: \nTinha falhado a todos os níveis.\n(Risos)\nNaturalmente, a única forma \nde sair da fossa,\nque eu pude imaginar,\nfoi ligar para a Oprah.\n(Risos)\nDisse-lhe que queria avançar rápido\ne suster a respiração mais tempo\ndo que qualquer ser humano jamais fizera.\nEra um recorde diferente,\nEra um registo de \napneia estática de O2 puro\nque o Guiness tinha estabelecido \ncomo recorde mundial em 13 minutos.\nBasicamente, respiramos primeiro O2 puro,\noxigenando o corpo, expulsando o CO2,\ne conseguimos suster a respiração \ndurante muito mais tempo.\nSabia que o meu verdadeiro concorrente\nera o castor.\n(Risos)\nEm Janeiro de 2008,\nOprah deu-me quatro meses \npara preparação e treino.\n\nPortuguese: \nEu dormia todas as noites \nnuma tenda hipóxica.\nUma tenda hipóxica é uma tenda\nque simula uma altitude de 4500 metros.\nÉ como acampar no Everest.\nO que acontece é que começamos a aumentar\nos glóbulos vermelhos no nosso corpo\nque ajudam a transportar melhor\no escasso oxigénio.\nTodas as manhãs, depois de sair da tenda\no cérebro volta a ficar totalmente vazio.\nNa minha primeira tentativa com O2 puro, \nconsegui chegar aos 15 minutos.\nPortanto, foi um grande êxito.\nO neurocirurgião pescou-me da água\nporque, no seu entender, aos 15 minutos\no nosso cérebro está arrumado, \no nosso cérebro está morto.\nPor isso tirou-me de lá \ne eu estava ótimo.\nHouve uma pessoa que \nnão ficou nada impressionada.\nFoi a minha ex-namorada.\nEnquanto eu estava a bater o recorde \ndebaixo de água, pela primeira vez,\nela estava a bisbilhotar \no meu Blackberry,\na verificar todas as minhas mensagens.\n(Risos)\nO meu irmão tirou-lhe uma fotografia.\n\niw: \nאז ישנתי בתוך אוהל היפוקסי כל לילה\nאוהל היפוקסי זה אוהל שמדמה תנאים\nבגובה של 4,500 מטר\nזה כמו מחנה בהר האוורסט\nמה שזה עושה, אתה מתחיל להגדיל\nאת כמות התאים האדומים בגוף שלך\nשעוזר לך להעביר חמצן טוב יותר\nכל בוקר אחרי שיוצאים מהאוהל הזה\nהמוח שלך מרגיש גמור\nבניסיון הראשון שלי בשאיפת 02 (חמצן) טהור, הצלחתי להחזיק מעמד 15 דקות\nאז זו היתה הצלחה די גדולה\nהנוירוכירורג משך אותי אל מחוץ למים\nכי להבנתו אחרי 15 דקות\nהמוח שלך גמור, מוות מוחי\nאז הוא משך אותי החוצה, והייתי בסדר.\nהיה בן אדם אחד שללא ספק לא התרשמה\nזו היתה האקסית שלי. בעוד אני שובר את שיא מתחת למים\nבפעם הראשונה, היא הסתכלה לי בפלאפון\nועברה על כל ההודעות שלי\n(צחוק)\nלאח שלי היה תמונה של זה, וזה היה ממש...\n\nDutch: \nIk sliep elke nacht\nin een zuurstofarme tent.\nEen zuurstofarme tent simuleert\neen hoogte van 4.500 meter.\nOngeveer basiskamp Everest.\nDaardoor ga je rode bloedcellen\nbijmaken in je lichaam,\nwaardoor je makkelijker zuurstof vervoert.\nElke morgen nadat je de tent uitkomt\nzijn je hersenen volledig blanco.\nTijdens mijn eerste poging\nop pure zuurstof ging ik tot 15 minuten.\nDus het was een behoorlijk succes.\nDe neurochirurg trok me uit het water\nwant in zijn vooronderstelling\nben je hersendood na 15 minuten.\nMaar hij trekt me eruit\nen ik mankeerde niets.\nEr was één persoon die\nduidelijk niet onder de indruk was.\nDat was mijn ex-vriendin.\nTerwijl ik voor het eerst onder water\nhet record brak, doorzocht zij mijn Blackberry\nen controleerde al mijn berichten.\n(Gelach)\nMijn broer had er een foto van. Echt...\n\nVietnamese: \nDo đó, tôi đã ngủ trong một chiếc lều oxy tối thiểu mỗi tối.\nChiếc lều oxy tối thiểu là một chiếc lều mô phỏng\nđộ cao tại 5000 mét.\nVậy nên, nó giống như cắm trại ở Everest.\nĐiều đó có tác dụng là, bạn làm tăng\nsố lượng tế bào máu trong cơ thể,\nnó giúp bạn giữ khí oxy tốt hơn.\nMỗi buổi sáng, lặp đi lặp lại, sau khi ra khỏi lều\nnão của bạn hoàn toàn trống rỗng.\nLần thử đầu tiên với O2 tinh khiết, tôi có thể đạt được tới 15 phút.\nDo đó, nó là một thành công lớn.\nBác sỹ giải phẫu thần kinh kéo tôi ra khỏi nước\nvì anh ta nghĩ rằng, tại mức 15 phút\nnão của bạn đã chết, bạn đã bị bại não.\nVậy nên, anh ta kéo tôi lên, và tôi vẫn bình thường.\nCó một người ở đó hoàn toàn chẳng ấn tượng gì.\nĐó là bạn gái cũ của tôi. Trong khi tôi đang phá kỷ lục dưới nước\nlần đầu, cô ấy thì đang lục lọi cái Blackberry của tôi,\nkiểm tra toàn bộ tin nhắn của tôi.\n(Cười)\nEm trai tôi có chụp tấm hình về việc đó. Nó thật sự ...\n\nKorean: \n그래서 저는 매일 밤 저산소 텐트 안에서 잠을 잤습니다.\n저산소 텐트란 15,000피트(4572M) 고도상에 있는 것처럼\n시뮬레이션 된 텐트입니다.\n에베레스트 베이스캠프 같지요.\n이것이 하는 일은, 몸 속에서 산소 운반을 도와주는\n적혈구의 수를\n늘리는 것입니다.\n매일 아침 텐트에 나온 후에는\n뇌가 완전히 기진맥진되버리지요.\n순수 산소를 이용한 첫번째 시도에서, 저는 15분을 견뎠습니다.\n꽤 큰 성공이었지요.\n신경외과의사는 저를 물 밖으로 꺼냈는데,\n왜냐하면 그 사람 생각에 15분이면\n제 뇌가 죽어서 뇌사가 될거라는 것이었죠.\n그래서, 그는 저를 꺼냈고, 저는 멀쩡했습니다.\n정말 마음에 안드는 사람이 한 명 있었는데,\n제 전 여자친구였습니다. 처음 제가 물속에서\n기록을 깨고 있을 때, 그녀는 제 블랙베리를 조사하면서\n제 모은 메시지를 체크하더군요.\n(웃음)\n제 형(혹은 동생?)이 그 사진을 가지고 있는데, 그건 정말...\n\nMacedonian: \nЗатоа спиев во хипоксички шатор секоја вечер.\nХипоксички шатор е шатор кој симулира\nнадморска висина од 4.500 метри\nНешто како камп на Монт Еверест.\nСо него, започнувате да го зголемувате\nбројот на црвени крвни зрнца во телото,\nшто помага подобро да го складирате кислородот.\nСекое утро, по излегувањето од шаторот,\nвашиот мозок е целосно испиен.\nВо мојот прв обид на чист кислород, можев да издржам до 15 минути.\nТоа беше прилично голем успех.\nНеврохирургот ме извлече од водата\nбидејќи според него, по 15 минути\nвашиот мозок е готов, вие сте мртов.\nТој ме извлече, и јас бев добар.\nПостоеше една личност која воопшто не беше воодушевена.\nМојата поранешна девојка. Додека го рушев светскиот рекорд под вода\nза прв пат, таа пребаруваше низ моето Blackberry,\nпроверувајќи ги моите пораки.\n(Смеење)\nМојот брат имаше слика од тоа. Тоа е навистина...\n\nSpanish: \nAsí que, dormía en una cámara hipóxica cada noche.\nUna cámara hipóxica es un espacio cerrado que simula\nestar a una altura de 4.500 metros.\nVamos, como estar en el campamento base en el Everest.\nEsto lo que hace, es que eleva\nla cantidad de glóbulos rojos en la sangre,\nlo que te ayuda a circular mejor el oxígeno.\nPor la mañana cuando sales de la cámara\ntienes el cerebro completamente embotado.\nEn mi primer intento con O2 puro conseguí llegar a los 15 minutos.\nLo que que fue un gran triunfo.\nEl neurocirujano me sacó del agua\nporque para él, a los 15 minutos\ntu cerebro está frito, muerte cerebral.\nAsí que me saco, pero estaba bien.\nSi que hubo una persona a la que no impresioné en absoluto.\nEsa era mi ex-novia. Mientras batía el récord bajo el agua\npor primera vez, ella navegaba por mi Blackberry,\nviendo todos mis mensajes.\n(Risas)\nMi hermano sacó una foto. Es realmente ...\n\nFrench: \nAlors, chaque nuit, j'ai dormi dans une tente hypoxique.\nUne tente hypoxique, c'est une tente qui permet de simuler\nune altitude de 4 500 mètres.\nC'est comme le camp de base de l'Everest.\nSon effet, c'est que vous commencez à augmenter\nla proportion de globules rouges dans votre corps\nce qui aide à mieux transporter l'oxygène.\nLà aussi, chaque matin, quand vous sortez de cette tente,\nvous avez le cerveau complètement lessivé.\nPour mon premier essai avec O2, j'ai pu tenir jusqu'à 15 minutes.\nAlors, c'était plutôt un grand succès.\nLe neurochirurgien m'a tiré hors de l'eau\nparce que d'après lui, à 15 minutes,\nvotre cerveau est mort, vous êtes en état de mort cérébrale.\nBon, alors il m'a sorti de l'eau, et j'allais bien.\nIl y avait là-bas une personne qui n'était absolument pas impressionnée.\nC'était mon ex-petite amie. Pendant que je pulvérisais le record sous l'eau\npour la première fois, elle fouillait dans mon Blackberry,\nà vérifier tous mes messages.\n(Rires)\nMon frère l'a prise en photo. C'est vraiment ....\n\nChinese: \n我每晚睡在低氧舱里,\n所谓低氧舱就是模拟\n海拔15000尺的含氧量,\n跟终极野营似的。\n这么做的原因是,\n可以累积体内红细胞的数目,\n帮助你更好的保存氧气。\n每个早晨,同样的,从低氧舱里出来时\n大脑一片空白。\n第一次尝试纯氧时,我已经可以屏气15分钟。\n这已经算是不小的成功了。\n当那个神经外科医师把我从水里拉出来时相当震惊--\n在他看来,15分钟不呼吸\n你的大脑就完了,脑死亡--\n可是当他把我拉出来,我却状态良好,\n当时肯定有一个人是觉得没什么大不了,\n就是我的前女友。当我在水下第一次打破纪录时,\n她却在翻我的黑莓手机,\n检查我所有的短信。\n(笑声)\n我哥哥拍了张当时的照片。那真的是...\n\nSlovak: \nTakže som spával každú noc v hypoxickom stane.\nHypoxický stan simuluje\nnadmorskú výšku 4500m.\nTakže je to ako základný tábor Everestu.\nFunguje tak, že začnete zvyšovať\npočet červených krviniek v tele,\nčo vám pomáha lepšie dopravovať kyslík.\nZnova, každé ráno, potom, čo vyjdete zo stanu,\nje váš mozog úplne vygumovaný.\nPri mojom prvom pokuse s čistým kyslíkom som bol schopný ísť na 15 minút.\nTakže bol to celkom veľký úspech.\nNeurochirurg ma vytiahol z vody,\nlebo podľa neho pri 15 minútach\nváš mozog skončil, máte mŕtvy mozog.\nTakže ma vytiahol a ja som bol v poriadku.\nJednu osobu to tam rozhodne nezaujímalo.\nBola to moja bývalá. Kým som prekonával pod vodou rekord\npo prvýkrát, vŕtala sa mi v Blackberry,\nkontrolujúc všetky moje sms-ky.\n(smiech)\nMôj brat to odfotil. Je to ozaj...\n\nModern Greek (1453-): \nΈτσι λοιπόν, κοιμόμουν κάθε βράδυ\nσε υποξική σκηνή.\nΠρόκειται για μια σκηνή που εξομοιώνει\nτο υψόμετρο 4.500 μέτρων.\nΕίναι δηλαδή σαν κατασκήνωση στο Έβερεστ.\nΑυτό που κάνει, είναι να αρχίσει να αυξάνει\nτα ερυθρά αιμοσφαίρια στο σώμα σου,\nκάτι που βοηθάει \nστην καλύτερη μεταφορά του οξυγόνου.\nΚάθε πρωί, και πάλι, \nβγαίνοντας από τη σκηνή\nο εγκέφαλός σου είναι \nτελείως καθαρισμένος.\nΣτην πρώτη μου προσπάθεια με καθαρό\nοξυγόνο, κατάφερα να φτάσω τα 15 λεπτά.\nΉταν λοιπόν μεγάλη επιτυχία.\nΟ νευροχειρουργός\nμε τράβηξε έξω από το νερό\nγιατί στο μυαλό του, στα 15 λεπτά\nο εγκέφαλός σου έχει καταστραφεί, είσαι κλινικά νεκρός.\nΜε τράβηξε έξω λοιπόν, και ήμουν μια χαρά.\nΈνας άνθρωπος μόνο σίγουρα\nδεν είχε εντυπωσιαστεί καθόλου.\nΉταν η πρώην μου.\nΌση ώρα έσπαγα \nτο υποβρύχιο ρεκόρ για πρώτη φορά,\nέψαχνε το κινητό μου,\nδιάβαζε όλα μου τα μηνύματα.\n(Γέλια)\nΟ αδερφός μου έχει φωτογραφία \nαπό το στιγμιότυπο. Είναι πραγματικά ...\n\nCzech: \nTak jsem spal každou noc v hypoxickém stanu.\nHypoxický stan simuluje\nvýšku téměř 4600 km.\nČili něco jako základní tábor na Everestu.\nFunguje to tak, že se vám začne v krvi\nzvyšovat množství červených krvinek,\ncož zvyšuje schopnost vázání kyslíku.\nKaždé ráno když vylézáte z toho stanu\nmáte totálně vygumovaný mozek.\nPři mém první pokusu s kyslíkem jsem vydržel 15 minut.\nTo byl docela slušný úspěch.\nNeurochirurg už mě z té vody vytáhl,\nprotože z jeho pohledu jste po 15 minutách\nvyřízení, máte už umrtvený mozek.\nTak mě vytáhl a já jsem byl v pohodě.\nByl u toho ještě někdo, kdo z toho rozhodně nadšený nebyl.\nByla to moje bývalá přítelkyně. Zatímco já jsem pod vodou\npoprvé překonával rekord, procházela mi v telefonu\nvšechny SMSky.\n(smích)\nMůj brácha má její fotku. Je to opravdu ...\n\nSwedish: \nJag skulle sova i ett hypoxemiskt tält varje natt.\nEtt hypoxemiskt tält är ett tält som simulerar\nhöjder av cirka 4500 meter.\nSå det är i princip läger Everest.\nVad detta gör är att det börjar bygga upp\nantalet röda blodceller i kroppen,\nvilket hjälper till att föra fram syre bättre.\nVarje morgon, efter att jag kommit ut från tältet\när hjärnan helt borta.\nMitt första försök på ren O2 klarade jag 15 minuter.\nDet var en ganska stor framgång.\nHjärnkirurgen drog ut mig ur vattnet\nför i hans huvud betydde 15 minuter\ngaranterad hjärndödhet.\nSå han drog ur mig, och jag mådde bra.\nEn som inte var särskilt imponerad.\nVar min ex-flickvän. När jag försökte slå världsrekordet under vatten\nför första gången, kollade hon igenom min Blackberry,\noch kollade igenom alla mina meddelanden.\n(Skratt)\nMin bror har en bild på det. Det är verkligen ...\n\nRomanian: \nAșa că am început să dorm\nîntr-un cort hipoxic în fiecare noapte.\nUn cort hipoxic e un cort care simulează\naltitudini de peste 4.500 m.\nE ca și cum ai fi în tabăra\nde la baza Everestului.\nDrept urmare, corpul începe să producă\nmai multe celule roșii,\nceea ce te ajută să transporți\nmai mult oxigen.\nÎn fiecare dimineață,\ndupă ce ieșeam din cort, din nou\ncreierul meu era complet prajit.\nLa prima mea încercare cu oxigen pur,\nam reușit să rezist timp de 15 minute.\nA fost un succes destul de mare.\nNeurochirurgul m-a scos din apă\ndeoarece în mintea lui, la 15 minute\ncreierul e mort, ești în moarte cerebrală.\nAșa că m-a scos din apă, dar eu eram bine.\nA fost o persoana acolo\ncare însă nu a fost deloc impresionată:\nfosta mea prietenă.\nÎn timp ce doboram recordul,\nea se uita în Blackberry-ul meu\nși îmi verifica toate mesajele.\n(Râsete)\nFratele meu are o poză. E cu adevărat...\n\nSerbian: \nSpavao sam u hipoksičnom šatoru\nsvake noći.\nHipoksični šator je šator koji simulira\nnadmorsku visinu od 4.500 metara.\nKao bazni logor na Mont Everestu.\nOd toga počinje da vam se povećava\nbroj crvenih krvnih zrnaca u organizmu,\nšto vam pomaže da bolje\nprenosite kiseonik.\nSvakog jutra iznova, kad izađete iz šatora\nmozak vam je potpuno razbijen.\nU mom prvom pokušaju sa čistim O2\nuspeo sam da izdržim 15 minuta.\nTako da je to bio prilično veliki uspeh.\nNeurohirurg me je izvukao iz vode\njer za njega, u 15. minutu\nvaš mozak je mrtav.\nIzvukao me je i bio sam dobro.\nPostojala je jedna osoba\nkoja nije bila impresionirana.\nMoja bivša devojka.\nDok sam obarao rekord pod vodom\nprvi put, ona je proveravala moj blekberi\ni gledala moje poruke.\n(Smeh)\nMoj brat ju je uslikao. Stvarno je bilo...\n\nLatvian: \nTā ir tāda telts, kas simulē\n4500 metru augstumu.\nTas ir kā Everesta bāzes nometnē.\nTas veicina sarkano\nasinsķermenīšu veidošanos,\nkas palīdz organismam\nlabāk vadīt skābekli.\nKatru rītu, pēc iznākšanas no telts,\nsmadzenes ir kā iztukšotas.\nPirmajā tīra skābekļa mēģinājumā\nes varēju izturēt 15 minūtes.\nTā bija visai liela veiksme.\nNeiroķirurgs izvilka mani no ūdens,\njo, pēc viņa domām, pēc 15 minūtēm\nsmadzenes ir jau mirušas.\nMani izvilka, bet man nekas nekaitēja.\nBija viens cilvēks, kas noteikti\nnebija ar to apmierināts.\nMana bijusī draudzene.\nKamēr es pirmo reizi pārspēju\nzemūdens rekordu,\nviņa caurlūkoja ziņas manā Blackberry.\n(Smiekli)\nMans brālis to nofotogrāfēja.\nTas tiešām ir...\n(Smiekli)\n\nPersian: \nخب من هر شب در یک چادر با اکسیژن کم می خوابیدم.\nاین چادر شرایط ارتفاع\n15 هزار پایی را شبیه سازی می کند.\nاین مثل اقامت در اورست می ماند\nکاری که آن انجام می دهد این است که بدن شما شروع می کند\nبه ساختن تعداد بیشتری گلوبولهای قرمز خون\nکه به انتقال اکسیژن کمک می کند.\nهر روز صبح بعد از خارج شدن از چادر\nمغز شما کاملا از کار می افتد.\nدر اولین تلاش با اکسیژن خالص توانستم تا 15 دقیقه ادامه دهم.\nاین موفقیت خیلی بزرگی بود\nجراح اعصاب من را از آب بیرون کشید\nزیرا از نظر او در 15 دقیقه\nمغز از کار می افتد و شما دچارمرگ مغزی می شوید.\nبنابراین من را بیرون کشید و حال من خوب بود.\nدر آنجا یک نفر بود که قطعا تحت تاثیر قرار نگرفته بود.\nاو دوست دختر سابقم بود,وقتی من برای اولین بار در حال شکستن رکورد زیر آب بودم\nاو به سراغ تلفن من رفته بود\nو پیام های من را چک می کرد.\nخنده حضار\nبرادرم از این صحنه یک عکس داشت ,این واقعا ...\n\nArabic: \nلذلك ، كنت أنام في خيمة يكون الأوكسجين فيها منخفض في كل ليلة.\nتلك الخيمة تحاكي الخيم\nعلى علو ١٥٠٠٠ قدم .\nإذاً هي مثل خيمة المركز الرئيسي لتسلق قمة إيفيرست\nما الذي يفعله الجسم حينها هو أنه يبدأ ببناء\nخلايا الدم الحمراء في الجسم ،\nمما يساعدك على نقل الأوكسجين بشكل أفضل.\nوكنت كل صباح وبعد أن أخرج من تلك الخيمة\nأشعر أن عقلي يكاد \" يدمر \" من الوخز والألم\nفي أول محاولة بإستخدام الأكسجين النقي، كنت قادرا على أن أحبس أنفاسي ل ١٥ دقيقة.\nوقد كان ذلك نجاحٌ كبير جدا\nوطبيب الاعصاب أخرجني من المياه حينها\nلأن بالنسبة له الوصول إلى 15 دقيقة دون أكسجين\nسيتلف ذلك عقلك .. وسيموت دماغك لاحقا\nلذلك سحبني ولكني كنت على ما يرام.\nوقد كان هنالك شخص واحد فقط غير مهتم على الإطلاق بهذا ..\nإنها صديقتي السابقة .. فبينما كنت أحطم الرقم القياسي العالمي\nلأول مرة .. كانت هي تقلب داخل جهاز \" البلاكبيري \" الخاص بي\nمتفقدة كل رسائلي الخاصة\n(ضحك)\nولقد إلتقط أخي صورة لها وهي تقوم بذلك .. إن هذا لهو ..\n\nKurdish: \nله‌به‌رئه‌وه‌، هه‌موشه‌وێک له‌ناو خێمه‌یه‌کی که‌م ئۆکسجین دا ده‌خه‌وتم\nخێمه‌ی بێ ئۆکسجین ئه‌وخێمه‌یه‌ بوو که‌پێک هاتووه‌\nله‌به‌رزی (١٥،٠٠٠) پێ\nله‌بنکه‌یه‌ک که‌ کامپه‌کانی ئێڤێرست ده‌چێت\nئه‌وه‌ی ئه‌مه‌ ده‌یکات ئه‌وه‌یه‌، تۆده‌ست ده‌که‌یت به‌دروست کردنی\nخانه‌ی سوری خوێن له‌له‌شدا\nکه‌یارمه‌تی هه‌ڵمژینی زیاتری ئۆکسجین ده‌دات\nهه‌موو بەیانییه‌ک دوای هاتنه‌ده‌ره‌وه‌م له‌ خێمه‌که‌\nبه‌ته‌واوی مێشکت سڕاوه‌ته‌وه‌\nیه‌که‌م هه‌وڵدانم له‌گه‌ڵ ئۆکسجینی پاک، توانیم بۆماوه‌ی (١٥) خوله‌ک به‌رز ببمه‌وه‌\nئه‌وه‌ سه‌رکه‌وتنێکی گه‌وره‌ بوو\nشاره‌زاکه‌ی بواری مێشک له‌ئاوه‌که‌ ده‌ری هێنام\nچونکه‌ به‌پێی بیری ئه‌و، لەو (١٥) خوله‌کدا\nمێشکت ته‌واو ده‌بێت، مێشکت ده‌مرێت\nله‌به‌ر ئه‌وه‌، ده‌ری هێنامەوە، باش بوم\nیه‌ک که‌س هه‌بوو که‌ به‌دڵنیاییه‌وه‌ کاریگه‌ری له‌سه‌ر نه‌بوو\nهاوڕێ کچه‌که‌ی پێشوم بوو، کاتێک که‌ من خەریک بوو ڕیکۆردێکم ده‌شکاند له‌ژێر ئاودا\nبۆیه‌که‌م جار ئه‌وکچه‌ بلاک بێریه‌که‌ ی من ده‌گه‌ڕا\nهه‌موو نامه‌کانی ته‌ماشا ده‌کرد\nپێکه‌نین\nبراکه‌م به‌ وێنه‌ ئه‌وه‌ی لایه‌، ئه‌وه‌ ڕاستییە\n\nEnglish: \nSo, I would sleep\nin a hypoxic tent every night.\nA hypoxic tent is a tent\nthat simulates altitude at 15,000 feet.\nSo, it's like base camp, Everest.\nWhat that does is, you start building up\nthe red bloodcell count in your body,\nwhich helps you carry oxygen better.\nEvery morning, again,\nafter getting out of that tent,\nyour brain is completely wiped out.\nMy first attempt on pure O2,\nI was able to go up to 15 minutes.\nSo, it was a pretty big success.\nThe neurosurgeon\npulled me out of the water\nbecause in his mind, at 15 minutes\nyour brain is done, you're brain dead.\nSo, he pulled me up, and I was fine.\nThere was one person there\nthat was definitely not impressed.\nIt was my ex-girlfriend.\nWhile I was breaking the record\nunderwater for the first time,\nshe was sifting through my Blackberry,\nchecking all my messages.\n(Laughter)\nMy brother had a picture of it.\nIt is really --\n\nCroatian: \nSpavao sam u hipoksičkom šatoru svaku večer.\nHipoksički šator je šator koji simulira\nnadmorsku visinu na 4.572 metara.\nTo je kao bazni kamp Everest.\nOno na što utječe je da počneš stvarati\ncrvene krvne stanice u svom tijelu,\nkoje ti pomažu bolje držati kisik.\nPonovno, svako jutro nakon izlaženja iz tog šatora\ntvoj mozak je potpuno uništen.\nNa mom prvom pokušaju sa čistim O2 mogao sam ići do 15 minuta.\nDakle, to je bio prilično veliki uspjeh.\nNeurokirurg me izvukao iz vode\njer u njegovoj glavi, na 15 minuta\ntvoj mozak je gotov, klinički si mrtav.\nIzvukao me i bio sam dobro.\nBila je jedna osoba koja definitivno nije bila impresionirana.\nTo je bila moja bivša cura. Dok sam ja rušio rekord pod vodom\npo prvi put, ona je prčkala po mom Blackberryju,\nprovjeravajući moje poruke.\n(Smijeh)\nMoj brat ima sliku toga. Stvarno je ...\n\nGerman: \nIch schlief jede Nacht in einem hypoxischen Zelt,\nwelches eine Höhenlage von 4500m\nsimuliert.\nEs ist also wie das Basislager auf dem Mount Everest.\nDadurch vermehrt sich die Anzahl\nan roten Blutkörperchen im Körper,\nwodurch der Sauerstoff besser transportiert werden kann.\nJeden Morgen, nachdem man aus diesem Zelt herauskommt,\nist das Gehirn wie ausgelöscht.\nIn meinem ersten Versuch mit reinem Sauerstoff habe ich es 15 Minuten lang geschafft.\nEs war also ein ziemlich großer Erfolg.\nDer Neurochirurg zog mich aus dem Wasser,\nweil seiner Meinung nach nach 15 Minuten\nmit deinem Gehirn Schluss ist - man ist hirntot.\nEr zog mich also heraus und mir ging es gut.\nEs gab da eine Person, die auf jeden Fall nicht beeindruckt war:\nMeine Exfreundin. Während ich den Rekord unter Wasser zum ersten Mal brach,\nüberprüfte sie mein Blackberry\nund las alle SMS.\n(Gelächter)\nMein Bruder machte ein Bild davon. Es ist wirklich...\n\nItalian: \nHo dormito ogni notte in una tenda ipossica.\nUna tenda ipossica è una tenda che simula\nl'altitudine a 4.500 metri.\nUn po' come un campo base sull'Everest.\nQuello che accade è che inizia ad aumentare\nil numero di globuli rossi nel corpo,\nil che migliora il trasporto dell'ossigeno.\nOgni mattina dopo essere uscito da quella tenda\nera come se il cervello fosse stato completamente ripulito.\nAl mio primo tentativo con ossigeno puro, riuscii ad arrivare a 15 minuti.\nChe era già un bel successo.\nIl neurochirurgo mi tirò fuori dall'acqua a forza\nperché secondi lui dopo 15 minuti\nil tuo cervello è andato, è la morte cerebrale.\nMa quando mi ha tirato fuori, stavo bene.\nC'era una sola persona lì per nulla impressionata.\nEra la mia ex-fidanzata. Mentre cercavo di battere il record sott'acqua\nper la prima volta, lei stava sbirciando nel mio Blackberry\ntra i miei messaggi.\n(Risata)\nMio fratello le fece una foto. E' stato davvero...\n\nTurkish: \nBöylece her gece hipoksik çadırda uyuyacaktım.\nHipoksik çadır 15.000 feet yükseklikteki rakımı\ntaklit eder, bu Everest'de\nkamp kurmak gibi bir şey.\nPeki bu ne sağlar; vücudunuzda oksijeni\ntaşıyan kırmızı kan hücresi sayınız\nartar ve daha çok oksiyenlenirsiniz.\nHer sabah, tekrar ve tekrar o çadırdan\nçıktığınızda beyniniz silinmiş gibi olursunuz.\nİlk saf O2 solumayı denediğimde en çok 15 dakika devam edebilmiştim.\nBüyük başarı sayılabilir.\nBeyin cerrahı beni sudan çekip aldı,\nçünkü cerraha göre 15 dakikada beyninizin\nişi bitmiştir, beyin ölümü gerçekleşir.\nYani beni yukarı çekti ama ben iyiydim.\nOrada olup da bundan kesinlikle etkilenmeyen tek bir kişi vardı.\nEski kız arkadaşımdı. Ben ilk defa su altı rekorumu\nkırmakla uğraşırken o benim Blackberry'mi eline almış\ntüm mesajlarımı kontrol etmekle meşguldü.\n(Kahkaha)\nHatta erkek kardeşim fotoğrafını çekmiş, cidden...,\n\nJapanese: \n毎晩 低酸素テントで眠りました\n低酸素テントとは標高4600mの\n気圧を再現したテントです\nエベレストのベースキャンプといったところでしょうか\nこうすることで\n体内の赤血球を鍛え\n酸素を運びやすくさせることができるのです\nこのトレーニングでも 毎朝テントから出ると\n頭がフラフラする日々でした\n最初の挑戦では15分の記録を出しました\nかなり大きな成功でした\n医者に水から引き上げられたのですが\nこれは彼の中で 15分もすると\n脳がやられて脳死になるという意識があったからです\n引きあげられたのですが私は平気でした\nこれに全く感動しなかった人が一人います\n元彼女です 私が初めて水面下で記録を破っていたときに\n彼女は私の携帯の\n全てのメールをチェックしていました\n(笑い)\n私の弟がその写真を持っています\n\nPolish: \nSpałem każdej nocy w namiocie hipoksyjnym\nNamiot hipoksyjny symuluje\nprzebywanie na wysokości 5 tys. m.\nTo jak obozowisko na Evereście.\nDzięki temu zaczynasz budować\nczerwone krwinki w organizmie,\nktóre lepiej transportują tlen.\nKażdego ranka, po wyjściu z namiotu\ntwój mózg jest kompletnie wyczerpany.\nPrzy moim pierwszym podejściu przy czystym O2, byłem w stanie wytrzymać 15 m.\nbył to więc duży sukces.\nNeurochirurg wyciągnął mnie z wody\nponieważ jego zdaniem po 15 minutach\nTwój mózg jest skończony, jesteś martwy.\nWięc wyciągnął mnie - a mi nic nie było.\nByła jedna osoba, która zdecydowanie nie była zadowolona\nTo była moja była dziewczyna. Kiedy ja biłem rekord świata pod wodą\npo raz pierwszy, ona przeglądała Blackberry,\nsprawdzając moje wiadomości.\n(Śmiech)\nMój brat ma zdjęcie. Naprawdę...\n\nDanish: \nSå, jeg ville sove i et hypoxic telt hver nat.\nEt hypoxic telt er et telt der simulerer\nen højde på fem kilometer.\nSå, det er ligesom base camp på Everest.\nDet det gør er, at man begynder at opbygge\nantallet af røde blodceller i kroppen,\nhvilket hjælper en med at bære ilt bedre.\nHver morgen, igen, efter at komme ud af det telt\ner ens hjerne total udslettet.\nMit første forsøg på ren O2, var jeg stand til at komme op på 15 minutter.\nSå, det var en ret stor succes.\nNeurokirurgen hev mig op af vandet\nfordi i hans sind, ved 15 minutter\ner hjernen færdig, ens hjerne er død.\nSå, han hev mig op, og jeg havde det fint.\nDer var en person der, der absolut ikke var imponeret.\nDet var min eks-kæreste. Mens jeg slog rekorden under vandet\nfor første gang, kiggede hun min Blackberry igennem\nog kiggede i alle mine sms'er.\n(Latter)\nMin bror havde et billede af det. Det er virkelig ...\n\nHungarian: \nMinden éjjel hypoxiás sátorban aludtam.\nA hypoxiás sátor olyan 4500 méteres\nmagasságot szimulál.\nSzinte olyan, mint az everesti alaptábor.\nEz arra jó, hogy megsokszorozza\na vörösvérsejtek számát a testedben,\nígy a vér több oxigént tud szállítani.\nMinden reggel, mikor kilépsz a sátorból,\naz agyad olyan, mintha kitörölték volna.\nAz első tiszta oxigénes próbálkozásomkor 15 percig sikerült elmennem.\nSzóval ez elég nagy siker volt.\nAz idegsebészem kihúzott a vízből,\nmert szerinte 15 percnél\nmár teljesen agyhalott vagy.\nÚgyhogy felhúzott, én pedig rendben voltam.\nEgyetlen személy volt, akit ez egyáltalán nem nyűgözött le.\nA volt barátnőm. Mialatt én rekordot döntöttem a víz alatt\nelső alkalommal, ő a mobilommal foglalkozott,\nés elolvasta az összes üzenetem.\n(Nevetés)\nA testvéremnek van egy képe róla. Hát nagyon...\n\nBulgarian: \nВсяка нощ спях в кислородна камера.\nТя симулира среда, подобна на\nтази при височина от 4 572 метра.\nВсе едно лагеруваш на Еверест.\nТова, което става, е, че се увеличава\nброят на еритроцитите в кръвта,\nкоето помага на тялото да усвоява по - добре кислорода.\nВсяка сутрин, след като излизах от камерата,\nотново чувствах мозъка си като промит.\nПри моя първи опит, издържах 15 мин.\nКоето си беше голямо постижение.\nНеврохирургът ме издърпа от водата,\nзащото по негово мнение на 15 -та минута\nс мозъкът ти е свършено, настъпва мозъчна смърт.\nТака че той ме издърпа, а аз бях добре.\nИмаше обаче един човек, който никак не беше впечатлен.\nБившата ми приятелка. Докато подобрявах рекорда под вода\nза първи път, тя ровеше в моето Блекбъри,\nи проверяваше съобщенията ми.\n(Смях)\nБрат ми я беше заснел. Нямам думи...\n\nThai: \nดังนั้น ผมจึงนอนในไฮโปซิก (hypoxic) เต๊นท์ทุกคืน\nไฮโปซิก (hypoxic) เต๊นท์คือเต๊นท์ที่จำลอง\nสภาพที่ความสูง 15,000 ฟุต (4572 เมตร)\nซึ่งคือเทียบเท่ากับแคมป์บนยอดเขาเอเวอเรสต์นั่นเอง\nการทำแบบนี้ทำให้ ร่างกายคุณเริ่มสร้าง\nเม็ดเลือดแดงในร่างกายมากขึ้น\nซึ่งมันช่วยให้ร่างกายคุณลำเลียงออกซิเจนได้ดีขึ้น\nและในทุกๆเช้า คราวนี้ หลังจากออกจากเต๊นท์\nคุณจะเหมือนกับโดนล้างสมอง\nการลองครั้งแรกกับออกซิเจนบริสุทธิ์ ผมสามารถที่จะทำได้ถึง 15 นาที\nมันก็นับได้ว่าเป็นความสำเร็จครั้งใหญ่\nหมอดึงผมออกจากน้ำ\nเพราะในความเข้าใจของเขา เวลา 15นาที\nสมองคุณตายแล้ว คุณจะเป็นโรคสมองตาย\nเขาดึงผมขึ้นมา แต่ว่าผมปกติดี\nมีคนอยู่ 1 คนที่ไม่ประทับใจกับการทำอย่างนี้เลย\nนั่นคือแฟนเก่าของผม ขณะที่ผมกำลังจะทำลายสถิติใต้น้ำ\nเป็นครั้งแรก เธอกลับกำลังนั่งเคาะ BB ของผม (Blackberry)\nและเช็คข้อความในนั้นทั้งหมด\n(หัวเราะ)\nพี่ชายผมถ่ายรูปนั้นเอาไว้ มัน...เอ่อ\n\nChinese: \n每晚我都在低氧帳篷裡渡過。\n低氧帳篷是用來模擬\n四千五百公尺高海拔的裝置,\n換句話說就像在聖母峰基地營裡一樣。\n訓練的目的,是開始累積\n身體裡的紅血球數目,\n讓你能夠接受更多的氧氣。\n每天早上,當我走出帳篷,\n大腦又都是一片空白。\n我第一次嘗試純氧,就可以閉氣超過十五分鐘,\n算是相當的成功。\n神經外科醫生把我從水中拉出來,\n因為在他的觀念裡,閉氣十五分鐘,\n你的大腦就已經完了,相當於腦死。\n他把我拉出來,而我好得很,\n現場唯一沒有分享到驚喜的人,\n是我的前女友,當我第一次在水面下打破紀錄時,\n她正在一旁擺弄我的黑莓機,\n查看我的簡訊。\n(笑聲)\n我兄弟照了張照片...\n\nRussian: \nТогда я начал каждую ночь\nспать в гипоксической палатке.\nЭто такая палатка, которая симулирует\nвысоту в 5000 метров.\nЭто примерно высота\nбазового лагеря на подъеме к Эвересту.\nЭффект в том, что в теле\nнакопляются красные кровяные тельца\nи это помогает удерживать\nбольше кислорода.\nОпять-таки, каждое утро\nпосле выхода из этой палатки\nмозг совершенно истощен.\nПри первой попытке на чистом кислороде\nмне удалось достичь 15 минут.\nЭто был довольно большой успех.\nНейрохирург вытянул меня из воды,\nпотому что\nпосле истечения 15 минут,\nпо его мнению,\nмозг у человека просто отмирает.\nА потому он меня вытянул,\nно со мной всё было в порядке.\nНо на одного из присутствовавших\nэто явно не произвело впечатления.\nНа мою бывшую подружку. Пока я\nв первый раз ставил под водой рекорд,\nона прочёсывала мой Blackberry,\nпроверяя всю мою личную почту.\n(Смех)\nМой брат снял это.\nКак подумаешь, что …\n\nFinnish: \nJoten nukuin yöt alppiteltassa.\nAlppiteltta on teltta, joka simuloi\n4600 metrin korkeutta.\nSe on kuin Everestin perusleiri.\nSe saa kehon lisäämään\npunaisia verisoluja,\nmikä auttaa hapen kuljetuksessa.\nJoka aamu, taas, päästyäni teltasta\naivot olivat ihan muusia.\nEnsimmäisella O2-yritykselläni pystyin pidättämään 15 minuuttia.\nSe oli melkoinen onnistuminen.\nNeurokirurgi veti minut ylös vedestä,\nkoska hänen mielestään 15 minuutissa\naivot ovat mennyttä, on aivokuollut.\nJoten hän veti minut ylös, ja olin ok.\nYksi henkilö ei ollut millään tavoin vaikuttunut.\nSe oli ex-tyttöystäväni. Sillä aikaa kun rikoin ennätystä veden alla\nensimmäistä kertaa, hän oli selaamassa BlackBerryäni,\ntutkien viestejäni.\n(Naurua)\nVeljeni otti kuvan siitä. Se on todella ...\n\nPortuguese: \nEntão, eu dormiria em uma tenda hipóxica toda noite.\nUma tenda hipóxica é uma tenda que simula\na altitude de 15.000 pés (4.500 m)\nEntão, é como o acampamento base do Everest.\nO que isto faz é, você começa a fazer\na contagem de células vermelhas no seu corpo,\no que ajuda a carregar o oxigênio melhor.\nToda manhã, novamente, depois de sair da tenda\nseu cérebro está completamente vazio.\nNa minha primeira tentativa com O2 puro, eu pude ir até 15 minutos.\nEntão, esse foi um grande sucesso.\nO neurocirurgião me tirou da água\nporque, na sua cabeça, aos 15 minutos\no seu cérebro já era, você está com morte cerebral.\nEntão, ele me tirou, e eu estava legal.\nHavia uma pessoa que não estava definitivamente impressionada.\nEra minha ex-namorada. Enquanto eu quebrava o record debaixo d'água\npela primeira vez, ela estava fuçando no meu Blackberry,\nverificando todas as minhas mensagens.\n(Risos)\nMeu irmão tem uma foto disso. Foi realmente...\n\nDutch: \n(Gelach)\nToen kondigde ik aan\ndat ik het record van Sietas\nwilde breken, voor publiek.\nWat hij vervolgens deed,\nwas bij Regis en Kelly [talkshow]\nzijn oude record te verbeteren.\nDaarop brak zijn voornaamste concurrent\ndat record weer.\nDus plotseling werd het record naar\n16 minuten en 32 seconden geduwd.\nDat was drie minuten langer\ndan ik had voorbereid.\nLanger dan het record.\nIk wilde dat de Science Times\ndit zou documenteren.\nIk wilde dat ze er\neen artikel over schreven.\nDus deed ik wat iedereen zou doen\ndie wetenschappelijke\nvooruitgang nastreeft.\nIk liep de redactie\nvan de New York Times binnen\nen deed kaarttrucs voor iedereen.\n(Gelach)\nIk weet niet of het de magie was,\nof de verleiding van de Kaaimaneilanden,\nmaar John Tierney vloog erheen\n\nFrench: \n(Rires)\nEt puis j'ai annoncé que j'allais tenter\nde battre le record de Sietas en public.\nEt ce qu'il a fait en guise de réponse,\nc'est qu'il est allé à l'émission \"Regis and Kelly\",\net qu'il a battu son ancien record.\nEt là, son principal rival est arrivé, et a battu ce record.\nEt lui, il a tout d'un coup augmenté le record jusqu'à\n16 minutes et 32 secondes.\nCe qui fait 3 minutes de plus que ce à quoi je m'étais préparé.\nC'était plus que le record.\nLà, je voulais que le \"Science Times\" couvre l'affaire.\nJe voulais qu'il fassent un papier dessus.\nAlors, j'ai fait ce que toute personne\npoursuivant sérieusement un but scientifique aurait fait.\nJe me suis promené dans les bureaux du New York Times\net j'ai fait des tours de cartes à tout le monde.\n(Rires)\nAlors, je ne sais pas si c'est la magie, ou les traditions des îles Cayman;\nmais John Tierney est arrivé en avion,\n\nPolish: \n(Śmiech)\nWtedy ogłosiłem publicznie, że pobiję\nrekord Siety.\nA on w odpowiedzi\npojechał do Regis i Kelly\ni pobił swój poprzedni rekord.\nWtedy jego główny konkurent pobił jego rekord.\nI nagle podniósł poprzeczkę\ndo 16 minut i 32 sekund.\nTo było o trzy minuty dłużej niż się przygotowałem.\nTo było dłużej niż rekord.\nOd teraz chciałem, by Science Times to udokumentował.\nChciałem, żeby napisali o tym.\nZrobiłem więc to co każdy\nchcący rozwijać naukę.\nPoszedłem do redakcji New York Timesa\ni zacząłem wszystkim pokazywać karciane sztuczki.\n(Śmiech)\nNie wiem czy to była magia czy tajna wiedza z Kajmanów,\nale przyleciał John Tierney\n\nPortuguese: \n(Risos)\nDepois, anunciei publicamente\nque ia bater o recorde de Sieta.\nEm resposta, ele foi ao Regis and Kelly\ne bateu o seu antigo recorde.\nDepois, apareceu o seu principal competidor \nque bateu esse recorde.\nDe repente, o recorde subiu\npara 16 minutos e 32 segundos.\nEra 3 minutos mais longo \ndo que eu tinha preparado.\nMais longo do que o recorde.\nEu queria que o Science Times \ndocumentasse isso.\nQueria que eles fizessem \num artigo sobre isso.\nFiz o que faria qualquer pessoa\nque pretendesse seriamente \num progresso científico.\nFui aos escritórios do New York Times\ne fiz truques com cartas para toda a gente.\n(Risos)\nNão sei se foi a magia \nou o saber das ilhas Caimão,\nmas John Tierney deslocou-se pessoalmente\n\nMacedonian: \n(Смеење)\nТогаш соопштив дека ќе го нападнам\nрекордот на Зитас, јавно.\nА тој како одговор,\nотиде кај Regis and Kelly\nи го сруши неговиот стар рекорд.\nПотоа неговиот главен конкурент излезе и го сруши неговиот рекорд.\nТака одеднаш тој го помести рекордот на\n16 минути и 32 секунди.\nШто беше три минути подолго од што бев подготвен.\nТоа беше подолго од рекордот.\nСакав да ги натерам Science Times да го документираат ова.\nСакав да ги натерам да се вклучат.\nНаправив нешто што било која личност\nсериозно посветена на науката би го направила.\nОтидов во канцелариите на Њујорк Тајмс\nи им покажав неколку трикови со карти.\n(Смеење)\nНе знам дали беше до магијата или до самите Кајмански острови,\nно Џон Тирни наседна\n\nTurkish: \n(Kahkaha)\nDaha sonra basına Sietas'ın rekorunu\nkıracağımı duyurdum.\nO da buna cevap olarak Regis ve Kelly'e gidip\nkendisine ait\neski rekoru kırdı.\nSonra da onun en güçlü rakibi çıkıp bu rekoru kırdı.\nVe Sietas'da aniden rekoru\n16 dakika 32 saniyeye yükseltti.\nBu benim hazırlandığımdan üç dakika daha uzundu.\nYani rekordan daha fazlaydı.\nŞimdi, Science Times'ın bunu dokümente etmesini istedim.\nBunun üstüne bir yazı hazırlamalarını.\nYani, her ikna edici ve ciddi bilimsel gelişimci\nne yaparsa ben de onu yaptım.\nNew York times ofisine gidip\nherkese kartlarla numara yaptım.\n(Kahkaha)\nYani, sihir mi yoksa Cayman adalarının ilim irfanı mı\nbilmiyorum ama John Tierney inanılmaz etkilendi ve\n\nArabic: \n(ضحك)\nومن ثم أعلنت أنني سوف أحاول تحطيم\nرقم \" سيتاس \" علناً\nوالذي قام به هو جراء هذا الإعلان\nأنه ذهب إلى \" ريجيس و كيلي \"\nوحطم رقمه السابق\nومن ثم قام منافسه الرئيسي بتحطيم رقمه\nوقد رفع هذا الرقم فجأة إلى أعلى ما كنت أتهيأ له\nفقد غدا 16 دقيقة و 32 ثانية\nوقد كان هذا أكثر بثلاث دقائق مما كنت قد تدربت عليه\nكما تعلمون .. لقد كان ذلك أكبر من الرقم القياسي\nومن ثم ذهبت إلى صحيفة \" التايمز العلمية \" لكي توثق هذه العملية\nوأردتهم أن يقوموا ببحث عن هذا\nوقمت بما قد يقوم به أي شخص\nيريد بكل فعل أن يحرز بعض التقدم العلمي في هذا المجال\nفقد دخلت إلى مبني صحيفة \" نيو يورك تايمز \"\nوبدأت بالقيام ببعض خدع ورق اللعب للجميع هناك\n(ضحك)\nلاحقاً .. لا أدري إن كان ذلك تأثير السحر أو نسيم جزر كايمان\nلان \" جون تيريني \" قفز\n\nPersian: \nخنده حضار\nبعد از آن من به طور عمومی اعلام کردم که می خواهم به سراغ\nرکورد سیتاس بروم.\nو عکس العملی که او نشان داد\nاین بود که به رگیس و کلی رفت\nو رکود قبلیش را شکست.\nو بعد از او رقیب اصلیش رفت و رکود او را شکست.\nخب، او یک دفعه رکود را به\n16 دقیقه و 32 ثانیه افزایش داد.\nاین 3 دقیقه بیشتر از چیزی بود که من خودم را برایش آماده کرده بودم\nهمان طور که می دانید، این طولانی تر از آن رکود بود.\nحالا من می خواستم که Science Times این کار را مستند کند.\nمن می خواستم که آنها مطلبی در مورد آن بنویسند\nخوب من همان کاری را کردم که هر کس دیگری\n؟\nمن به دفتر نیویورک تایمز رفتم\nو برای همه بازی های کلک با ورق را اجرا کردم.\nخنده حضار\nمن نمی دانم این به خاطر جادو بود یا فرهنگ جزایر Cayman\nاما جان تیرنی قبول کرد\n\nVietnamese: \n(Cười)\nVà rồi tôi thông báo rằng tôi sẽ thách thức\nKỷ lục của Sietas, một cách công khai.\nVà điều mà anh ta đã đáp lại,\nđó là anh ta tới gặp Regis và Kelly,\nvà phá vỡ kỷ lục của chính anh ta.\nVà đối thủ chính xuất hiện và phá vỡ kỷ lục của anh ấy.\nDo đó, anh ta đột ngột đẩy kỷ lục lên tới\n16 phút và 32 giây.\nHơn ba phút so với tôi đã chuẩn bị.\nBạn biết không, nó lâu hơn cả kỷ lục.\nLúc này, tôi muốn tờ Science Times (Thời báo khoa học) kiểm chứng điều này.\nTôi muốn học nghiên cứu kỹ nó.\nVậy nên, tôi đã làm điều mà nhựng người\nnghiêm túc theo đuổi khoa học kỹ thuật sẽ làm.\nTôi bước vào văn phòng New York Times (Thời báo New York)\nvà làm ảo thuật bài với mọi người.\n(Cười)\nVậy nên, tôi không biết liệu nó là ma thuật hay tri thức từ đảo Cayman,\nnhưng John Tierney từ trên trời rơi xuống\n\nCroatian: \n(Smijeh)\nTada sam objavio da ću ići na\nSietasov rekord, javno.\nOno što je on napravio kao odgovor,\notišao je na Regis i Kelly,\ni srušio svoj stari rekord.\nOnda je njegov glavni konkurent izašao i srušio njegov rekord.\nTako da je odjednom povisio rekord na\n16 minuta i 32 sekunde.\nŠto je bilo 3 minute više nego što sam se pripremio.\nZnate, to je bilo dulje nego rekord.\nSada, želio sam dobiti Science Times da zabilježe to.\nŽelio sam da naprave članak o tome.\nStoga sam napravio što bi svaka osoba\nkoja ozbiljno lovi znanstveni napredak napravila.\nUšetao sam u urede New York Timesa\ni sa svima radio trikove s kartama.\n(Smijeh)\nNe znam je li to bila magija ili nauka Kajmanskog otočja,\nali John Tierney je doletio\n\nSwedish: \n(Skratt)\nEfter det annonserade jag att jag tänkte slå\nSietas rekord, offentligt.\nOch vad svarade han,\njag han var med på Regis och Kelly,\noch slog sitt gamla rekord.\nSedan gick hans huvudmotståndare och slog det rekordet.\nPlötsligt hade han pressat upp rekordet till\n16 minuter och 32 sekunder.\nVilket var tre minuter längre än jag förberett.\nNi vet, det var längre än rekordet.\nNu ville jag att Science Times skulle dokumentera detta.\nJag ville att de skulle skriva en artikel om det.\nSå jag gjorde vad vem som helst\nsom seriöst försöker avancera forskningen skulle gjort.\nJag gick rakt in på New York Times kontor\noch gjorde ett korttrick för allihopa.\n(Skratt)\nJag vet inte om det var magin, eller mytologin om Cayman öarna,\nmen John Tierney flög ner\n\nRussian: \n(Смех)\nИ тогда я заявил о намерении побить\nна публике рекорд Ситаса.\nВ ответ, он выступил\nна программе Regis and Kelly [ток-шоу]\nи побил собственный рекорд.\nЗатем выступил его главный конкурент\nи побил этот новый рекорд.\nТаким образом, рекорд поднялся\nдо 16 минут 32 секунд.\nЭто было на три минуты\nдольше того, к чему я готовился.\nПонимаете, это было дольше,\nчем тогдашний рекорд.\nТак вот. Я хотел, чтобы это было\nдокументировано в Science Times.\nЯ хотел, чтобы они\nоб этом написали статью.\nА потому сделал то,\nчто сделал бы\nлюбой человек с серьёзным желанием\nпродвигать науку.\nЯ зашёл в офис New York Times\nи стал показывать карточные фокусы\nвсем кому не лень.\n(Смех) [надпись: А на этот раз\nдыхание перехватит у него!]\nНе знаю, что сыграло роль — магия\nили же соблазны Каймановых островов\nно туда полетел Джон Тирни\n\nGerman: \n(Gelächter)\nIch kündigte dann an, dass ich öffentlich auf den Rekord Sietas\nlosgehen würde.\nUnd darauf reagierte er damit,\ndass er zu Regis und Kelly ging\nund seinen alten Rekord brach.\nDann kam sein Hauptkonkurrent und brach seinen Rekord.\nPlötzlich trieb er den Rekord also\nauf 16 Minuten und 32 Sekunden hoch,\nwas drei Minuten länger war als die Zeit, auf die ich mich vorbereitet hatte.\nEs war schließlich länger als der ursprüngliche Rekord.\nNun wollte ich, dass die Science Times alles dokumentierte;\nich wollte, dass sie einen Beitrag daraus machten.\nAlso tat ich, was jeder,\nder ernsthaft wissenschaftlichen Fortschritt verfolgt, tun würde:\nIch ging in die New York Times Büros\nund machte mit jedem Kartentricks.\n(Gelächter)\nIch weiß nicht, ob es die Magie war oder die Märchen der Kaimaninseln,\naber John Tierney kam heruntergeflogen\n\nKorean: \n(웃음)\n그리고 나서 저는 제가 Sietas의 기록에 덤비겠다고\n공개적으로 알렸습니다.\n그리고 그의 반응은\nLive with Regis and Kelly(미국 토크쇼)에 나가서\n그 기록을 깨버린다는 것이었습니다.\n그러고나면 그의 주 경쟁자는 떨어져 나가는 것이고, 그 기록도 깨지는 것이죠.\n그리고, 그는 갑자기 자신의 기록을\n16분 32초까지 올려버립니다.\n제가 준비해왔던 것 보다 3분이나 긴 것이었죠.\n아시다시피, 그건 기록보다도 긴것입니다.\n저는 Science Times가 기록해주길 원했엇습니다.\n그들이 기사 글을 써주길 바랬었죠.\n그래서, 저는 진지하게 과학 발전을 추구하는 누군가가\n원하는 일을 하기로 했습니다.\n저는 New York Times 사무실로 걸어들어가\n모두에게 카드 마술을 보여주었습니다.\n(웃음)\n그것이 우연인지 케이맨 제도의 전통인진 모르겠지만\nJohn Tierney는 비행기를 타고 와\n\nItalian: \n(Risata)\nPoi annunciai che avrei provato a battere\nil record di Sietas, pubblicamente.\nIn tutta risposta lui\nandò da Regis e Kelly (famoso show tv americano)\ne battè il proprio record precedente.\nPoi il suo rivale principale si fece vivo e superò il suo record.\nTutt'a un tratto il record era salito a\n16 minuti e 32 secondi.\nTre minuti oltre il tempo per il quale mi ero preparato.\nEh sì, era ben oltre il record.\nA questo punto volevo che anche il Science Times documentasse la prova.\nVolevo che ne scrivessero un pezzo.\nQuindi feci quello che ogni persona\nche seriamente persegue il progresso scientifico farebbe.\nSono entrato negli uffici del New York Times\ne iniziai a fare giochi di prestigio con le carte a tutti.\n(Risata)\nNon so se furono i giochi con le carte o il richiamo delle isole Cayman,\nfatto sta che John Tirney arrivò\n\nEnglish: \n(Laughter)\n(Laughter ends)\nI then announced that I was going\nto go for Sietas' record, publicly.\nAnd what he did in response,\nis he went on Regis and Kelly,\nand broke his old record.\nThen his main competitor\nwent out and broke his record.\nSo, he suddenly pushed the record up to\n16 minutes and 32 seconds.\nWhich was three minutes\nlonger than I had prepared.\nIt was longer than the record.\nI wanted to get the Science Times\nto document this.\nI wanted to get them to do a piece on it.\nSo, I did what any person\nseriously pursuing scientific\nadvancement would do.\nI walked into the New York Times offices\nand did card tricks to everybody.\n(Laughter)\nSo, I don't know if it was the magic\nor the lure of the Cayman Islands,\nbut John Tierney flew down\n\nSlovak: \n(smiech)\nPotom som ohlásil, že idem prekonať\nSietasov rekord, verejne.\nA on ako odpoveď\nšiel za Regisom a Kelly\na prekonal svoj starý rekord.\nPotom jeho hlavný konkurent prekonal jeho rekord.\nTakže zrazu vytlačil rekord\nna 16 minút a 32 sekúnd.\nČo bolo o tri minúty dlhšie, ako som sa pripravoval.\nViete, bolo to dlhšie ako ten rekord.\nTakže som chcel, aby to rubrika Science Times zdokumentovala.\nChcel som, aby o tom napísali článok.\nTakže som spravil to, čo by hocikto\nseriózne snažiaci sa o vedecký pokrok urobil.\nVošiel som do kancelárii New York Times\na všetkým som predviedol nejaké triky s kartami.\n(smiech)\nNeviem, či to bola mágia alebo umenie Kajmanských ostrovov,\nale priletel John Tierney\n\nBulgarian: \n(Смях)\nСлед това обявих публично, че искам да подобря\nрекорда на Сийтаз.\nВ отговор,\nтой отиде в шоуто на Риджис и Кели,\nи подобри стария си рекорд.\nСлед това основният му конкурент подобри неговия рекорд.\nИзведнъж той дръпна рекорда\nна 16 минути и 32 секунди.\nТова беше с три минути над това за което бях подготвен.\nВече имаше по - голям рекорд.\nАз обаче исках от Сайънс (Ню Йорк)Таймс да го документират.\nИсках да напишат статия за него.\nНаправих това, което би направил всеки човек,\nкойто сериозно преследва научно постижение.\nОтидох в офисите на Ню Йорк Таймс\nи шашнах всички с фокуси с карти.\n(Смях)\nНе знам дали подейства магията от Каймановите острови,\nно Джон Тийрни бързо пристигна\n\nLatvian: \n(Smiekli beidzas)\nTad es paziņoju, ka es publiski\npārsitīšu Zītasa rekordu.\nViņš uz to atbildēja,\nRidžisa un Kellijas šovā\npārspēdams savu veco rekordu.\nTad viņa galvenais sāncensis\npārspēja viņa rekordu.\nTā viņš pēkšņi paildzināja rekordu\nlīdz 16 minūtēm un 32 sekundēm.\nTas bija par trim minūtēm ilgāk,\nnekā es biju gatavojies.\nTas bija ilgāk nekā rekords.\nEs vēlējos, lai Science Times\nto dokumentē.\nEs gribēju, lai viņi par to uzraksta.\nTāpēc es, kā jau jebkurš,\nkas nopietni vēlas veicināt\nzinātnes progresu,\naizgāju uz New York Times biroju\nun visiem rādīju kāršu trikus.\n(Smiekli)\nNezinu, vai tie bija triki\nvai Kaimanu salu vilinājums,\nbet Džons Tīrnijs atlidoja un uzrakstīja\npar elpas aizturēšanas nozīmīgumu.\nKamēr viņš tur bija,\nes, protams, mēģināju izrādīties.\n\nCzech: \n(smích)\nPotom jsem veřejně vyhlásil, že se chystám\npřekonat Sietasův rekord.\nNo a on jako odpověď šel\ndo TV show Regis and Kelly\na překonal svůj starý rekord.\nPak vystoupil jeho největší soupeř a jeho rekord ještě překonal.\nTakže najednou ten rekord posunul\nna 16 minut a 32 sekund.\nTo bylo o tři minuty víc, než na co jsem se připravoval.\nChápete, bylo to víc než ten rekord.\nTeď jsem chtěl, aby to zdokumentovali Science Times.\nChtěl jsem, aby o tom napsali článek.\nTak jsem udělal to, co by\nudělal každý, kdo to opravdu chce ve vědě někam dotáhnout.\nŠel jsem do kanceláře New York Times\na začal tam všem ukazovat kouzla s kartama.\n(smích)\nNevím, jestli to byly kouzla anebo rituály z Kajmanských ostrovů,\nale přiletěl John Tierney\n\nChinese: \n(笑声)\n终于我宣布\n公开挑战斯塔斯的记录,\n他所做的回应,\n就是在Regis and kelly节目中,\n自己打破他以前的记录。\n然后他的主要竞争者又出来,并再次打破记录。\n这样,记录离奇被提到\n16分32秒。\n比我所做的准备长出3分钟。\n你知道,比原来纪录长出很多。\n这下,我打算让科学时代杂志来报道这一切,\n我希望他们也能参与,\n于是,我做了任何一个\n严谨探索科学的人都该做的事,\n我走进纽约时报的办公室\n给每个人表演纸牌魔术。\n(笑声)\n我不知道是魔术的原因还是开曼群岛的信仰,\n约翰,第尔尼被说服了,\n\nSerbian: \n(Smeh)\nZatim sam objavio da želim da oborim\nZitasov rekord, javno.\nA on je, kao odgovor na to,\notišao kod Redžisa i Keli\ni oborio svoj stari rekord.\nOnda je njegov glavni konkurent\noborio njegov rekord.\nI odjednom je podigao rekord\nna 16 minuta i 32 sekunde.\nŠto je bilo tri minuta duže od onoga\nna šta sam ja bio spreman.\nBilo je duže od rekorda.\nOnda sam želeo da \"Sajens Tajms\"\ndokumentuje to.\nHteo sam da im javim\nda objave članak o tome.\nI uradio sam ono što bi uradio\nsvako ko ozbiljno prati naučni napredak.\nUšao sam u kancelarije Njujork Tajmsa\ni pokazivao svima trikove s kartama.\n(Smeh)\nNe znam da li je bilo do magije\nili sujeverja s Kajmanskih ostrva,\nali Džon Tirni je seo\n\niw: \n(צחוק)\nואז הודעתי שאני מתכוון\nלשבור את השיא של זידס בפומבי\nומה הוא עשה בתגובה\nהוא הלך להופיע בתוכנית הטלוויזה של ריג'ס וקלי\nושבר את השיא הישן שלו\nואז המתחרה העיקרי שלו הלך ושבר את השיא החדש שלו\nאז פתאום הוא העלה את השיא\nל-16 דקות ו-32 שניות\nשזה 3 דקות מעבר למה שהתכוננתי\nאתם יודעים, זה היה ארוך יותר מהשיא\nרציתי שהעיתון ה- Science Times (של הניו יורק טיימס) יתעד את זה.\nרציתי להביא אותם לעשות כתבה על זה\nאז, עשיתי מה שכל אדם\nשרודף אחרי התקדמות מדעית היה עושה\nנכנסתי למשרדים של הניו יורק טיימס\nועשיתי טריקים עם קלפים לכולם\n(צחוק)\nאז אני לא יודע אם זה היה קסם או ההילה של איי קיימן\nאבל ג'ון טירני (מהעיתון) טס אלינו\n\nKurdish: \nپێکه‌نین\nله‌دوایدا ئه‌وه‌م ڕاگه‌یاند که‌ من هه‌وڵ بۆ\nڕیکۆرده‌که‌ی سیتاس ده‌ده‌م به‌شێوه‌یه‌کی ئاشکرا\nئه‌وه‌ی ئه‌و له‌به‌رامبه‌ردا کردی\nئه‌وه‌ بوو دەه‌چوو بۆ کاری ریجس و کیلی\nوه‌ ڕیکۆرده‌ کۆنه‌که‌ی خۆی شکاند\nدوایی سه‌ره‌کیترین ڕاکبەری ڕیکۆرده‌که‌ی ئه‌وی شکاند\nله‌ناکاودا ئه‌و ڕیکۆرده‌کەی به‌رزی کرده‌وه‌ بۆ\nشانزە خولەک و سی و دوو چرکە\nکه‌ (٣) خوله‌کی له‌وه‌ زیا تر بوو که‌من خۆم بۆ ئاماده‌ کردبوو\nوەک دەزانن، ئه‌وە له‌ریکۆرده‌که‌ درێژتر بوو\nئێستا ده‌مویست (ساینس تایمز) بێت و ئه‌مه‌ تۆمار بکات\nده‌مویست ئه‌وان بێن و به‌شێک له‌و کاره‌ بکه‌ن\nله‌به‌ر ئه‌وه‌، ئه‌وه‌م کرد که‌ هه‌ر که‌سێکی تر\nبه‌جدی هه‌وڵی ڕازی کردنی زانستی پێشکه‌وتوو ده‌دات که‌ بیکات\nڕۆشتم بۆنوسینگه‌ی نیویۆرک تایمز\nفێڵی کارتم بۆ هه‌موویان کرد\nپێکه‌نین\nنه‌مده‌زانی ئه‌وه‌ (جادووه) یان نه‌ریتی ڕۆشنبیری ناوچه‌ی (کایمان)ه‌\nبه‌ڵام چۆن تێرنێی هاته‌ خواره‌وه‌\n\nDanish: \n(Latter)\nDerefter annoncerede jeg at jeg ville gå efter\nSietas rekord, offentligt.\nOg det han gjorde som modsvar var,\nat han tog til Regis og Kelly,\nog han slog sin gamle rekord.\nSå gik hans største konkurrent ud og slog hans rekord.\nSå, pludselig skubbede han rekorden op til\n16 minutter og 32 sekunder.\nHvilket var tre minutter længere end jeg havde forberedt.\nI ved, det var længere end rekorden.\nNu ville jeg have Science Time til at dokumentere dette.\nJeg ville havde dem til at lave en artikel om det.\nSå jeg gjorde hvad hvilken som helst person\nder seriøst efterfulgte videnskabelig gennembrud gør.\nJeg gik ind til New York Times kontor\nog lavede korttrick for dem alle sammen.\n(Latter)\nSå jeg ved ikke om det var tryllekunst eller Cayman islands lærdom,\nmen John Tierney fløj ned\n\nThai: \n(หัวเราะ)\nหลังจากนั้นผมก็ประกาศต่อสาธารณขนว่าผมจะทำลาย\nสถิติของซีทัสท่ามกลางสาธารณชน\nและสิ่งที่เขาโต้ตอบผมก็คือ\nเขาไปที่รายการโทรทัศน์ รึจิสและเคลลี่ (Regis and Kelly)\nแล้วก็ทำลายสถิติเก่าของเขาเอง\nหลังจากนั้นคุณแข่งของเขาก็ทำลายสถิติเขาลง\nแล้วเขาก็ทำลายสถิติคู่แช่งเขาอีกที โดยสถิติใหม่คือ\n16 นาที 32 วินาที\nซึ่งมันนานกว่าที่ผมเตรียมมาถึง 3 นาที\nมันนานกว่าสถิติเดิมครับ\nคราวนี้ผมอยากให้นิตยสารไซแอนซ์ไทม์ (Science Times) มารวบรวมข้อมูลสิ่งที่ผมจะทำ\nและทำบันทึกขึ้นมา\nดังนั้น ผมจึงทำในสิ่งที่คนคนนึง\nที่ตั้งใจจะทำความก้าวหน้าทางด้านวิทยาศาสตร์ควรจะทำ\nผมเดินเข้าไปที่สำนักงานนิวยอร์คไทม์ (New York Times)\nแล้วก็เล่นกลไพ่ให้ทุกๆคนดู\n(หัวเราะ)\nผมไม่รู้ว่ามันเป็นเพราะเวทมนตร์หรือว่าอาถรรพ์ของเกาะเคย์แมน (Cayman islands)\nที่ทำให้ผมได้พบกับ จอห์น เทียร์นี่ (John Tierney)\n\nFinnish: \n(Naurua)\nSitten tiedotin, että aion rikkoa\nSietasin ennätyksen, julkisesti.\nJa hän vastasi siihen\nmenemällä Regis and Kelly -showhun,\nja rikkoi vanhan ennätyksensä.\nSitten hänen pääkilpailijansa rikkoi sen ennätyksen.\nJoten yhtäkkiä ennätys olikin\n16 minuuttia ja 32 sekuntia.\nKolme minuuttia ennemmän kuin mihin olin valmistautunut.\nSe oli pidempi kuin ennätys.\nHalusin, että Science Times dokumentoi tapahtuman.\nHalusin heidän tekevän siitä artikkelin.\nJoten tein mitä kuka tahansa\nvakavissaan tieteellistä edistystä etsivä tekisi.\nKävelin New York Timesin toimistoon\nja esitin korttitemppuja kaikille.\n(Naurua)\nEn tiedä oliko se taikuus vai tarina Cayman-saarista,\nmutta John Tierney lensi paikalle\n\nChinese: \n(笑聲)\n接著我宣布要公開挑戰\n席耶塔斯的紀錄,\n他對此的回應,\n是在里吉斯和凱利脫口秀上,\n打破他的舊紀錄。\n接著他的頭號對手更新了他的紀錄,\n然後他一下將紀錄拉高到\n十六分鐘又三十二秒,\n比我一開始準備的時間還多了三分鐘,\n嗯,比紀錄還要久。\n我想讓科學時代來記錄此事,\n我想讓他們為此記上一筆,\n所以我做了任何一位\n認真追求科學進步的人都會做的事,\n我走進紐約時報的辦公大樓,\n為大夥兒表演紙牌魔術。\n(笑聲)\n不知道是魔術還是開曼群島的吸引力,\n約翰提爾尼被我引來了,\n\nHungarian: \n(Nevetés)\nAztán hivatalosan is bejelentettem, hogy\nSietas rekordját próbálom megdönteni.\nŐ erre úgy reagált,\nhogy elment a Regis and Kelly showba,\nés megdöntötte a régi rekordját.\nErre az ő fő kihívója is előjött, és ő is megdöntötte a rekordot.\nÍgy ő hirtelen felnyomta a világcsúcsot\n16 perc 32 másodpercre.\nAmi három perccel több volt, mint amire én készültem.\nHosszabb volt, mint a rekord.\nAzt akartam, hogy a Science Times dokumentáljon.\nAzt akartam, hogy írjanak egy cikket róla.\nÚgyhogy azt tettem,\namit bárki tenne, aki tudományos előrelépést szándékozna elérni.\nBesétáltam a New York Times irodaházába,\nés kártyatrükköket csináltam mindenkinek.\n(Nevetés)\nHát, nem tudom, hogy a trükköknek vagy a Kajmán-szigetek vonzásának köszönhetően,\nde John Tierney odarepült,\n\nRomanian: \n(Râsete)\nApoi am anunțat în mod public\ncă voi încerca să dobor\nrecordul lui Sietas.\nDrept răspuns, acesta s-a dus\nîn emisiunea Regis si Kelly,\nși și-a doborât vechiul său record.\nApoi principalul său competitor a încercat\nși a reușit să doboare noul record.\nDintr-o dată recordul a fost ridicat\nla 16 minute și 32 de secunde.\nCare era cu 3 minute mai mult\ndecât pentru ce mă pregătisem.\nEra mai mult decât recordul inițial.\nPe de altă parte, doream ca Science Times\nsă documenteze întregul experiment.\nVoiam să fie și ei implicați.\nAsa ca am făcut ceea ce\norice persoana ar face\natunci când dorește să ajute\nserios la promovarea științei.\nM-am dus în birourile de la New York Times\nși am arătat tuturor trucuri de magie\ncu cărți de joc.\n(Râsete)\nNu știu dacă a fost magia\nsau atracția insulelor Cayman,\nînsa John Tierney a zburat acolo\n\nSpanish: \n(Risas)\nEntonces anuncié que intentaría batir\nel récord de Sietas públicamente.\nY lo que hizo él en respuesta\nfue salir en el programa \"Regis and Kelly\"\ny batir su antiguo récord.\nY luego su principal competidor aparece y bate ese récord.\nAsí que, de pronto subió el récord hasta los\n16 minutos y 32 segundos.\nQue son tres minutos más de lo que yo me había estado preparando.\nSaben, esto era más tiempo que el primer récord.\nAhora bien, yo quería que el Science Times documentara todo esto.\nQuería que hicieran un publicación sobre ello.\nAsí que hice lo que cualquiera\nque estuviera persiguiendo un avance científico hubiera hecho.\nEntre un día en las oficinas del New York Times\ny me puse a hacer trucos de cartas delante de todos.\n(Risas)\nAsí que, no sé si por los trucos o por la tradición del buceo en las Islas Caimán,\npero el periodista John Tierney fue para allá\n\nPortuguese: \n(Risos)\nEu anunciei então que eu iria para\no record do Sietas, publicamente.\nE o que ele fez em resposta,\né que ele foi ao Regis and Kelly (programa de TV)\ne quebrou seu antigo record.\nEntão seu principal competidor foi e quebrou seu record.\nEntão, ele subiu o record de repente para\n16 minutos e 32 segundos.\nO que era três minutos mais longo do que eu estava preparado.\nVocê sabe, era mais longo que o record.\nAgora, eu queria que o Science Times documentasse isso.\nEu queria que eles fizessem uma matéria sobre isso.\nEntão, fiz o que qualquer pessoa\nque estivesse perseguindo seriamente o avanço científico faria.\nEntrei no escritório do New York Times\ne fiz truques de cartas para todo mundo.\n(Risos)\nEntão, eu não sei se foi a mágica ou a cultura das ilhas Caimãs\nmas John Tierney voou até lá\n\nJapanese: \n(笑い)\nそれから私は公式に\nシエタスの記録に挑戦すると発表しました\nシエタスはそれに反応し\n朝のトークショーで\n彼の記録を更新しました\nそれから彼のライバルがまたその記録を破りました\n彼は記録を突然\n16分32秒まで押し上げました\nこれは私が準備していたのより3分も長いものでした\n元の記録よりも上を行ったのですから\n私は今度はサイエンス タイムズにこれを記録してほしいと思いました\n記事に取り上げてほしかったのです\nですから私は\n真剣に科学に取り組んでいる誰もがすることをしました\nニューヨーク タイムズのオフィスに行って\n全員にカードマジックをしました\n(笑い)\nそのマジックのおかげなのかケイマン諸島のうわさのおかげなのかは分かりませんが\nジョン ティアニーがやって来て\n\nModern Greek (1453-): \n(Γέλια)\n(Τέλος γέλιου)\nΈπειτα ανακοίνωσα ότι θα προσπαθούσα\nνα καταρρίψω το ρεκόρ του Σιέτας, δημόσια.\nΚαι αυτό που έκανε σαν απάντηση,\nήταν να πάει στην εκπομπή Regis and Kelly\nκαι να ξεπεράσει το παλιό του ρεκόρ.\nΣτη συνέχεια ο βασικός του ανταγωνιστής\nβγήκε και έσπασε το ρεκόρ.\nΈτσι, ξαφνικά ανέβασε το ρεκόρ\nστα 16 λεπτά και 32 δευτερόλεπτα.\nΤο οποίο ήταν το τριπλάσιο \nαπ' ό,τι είχα προετοιμαστεί.\nΞέρετε, ήταν πιο πολύ από το ρεκόρ.\nΤώρα, ήθελα οι Science Times \nνα καταγράψουν την προσπάθειά μου.\nΉθελα να γράψουν κάτι σχετικά μ' αυτό.\nΈτσι έκανα αυτό που οποιοσδήποτε\nεπιδιώκει την επιστημονική πρόοδο θα έκανε.\nΜπήκα στα γραφεία των New York Times\nκαι έκανα σε όλους ταχυδακτυλουργικά με τράπουλα.\n(Γέλια)\nΔεν ξέρω αν ήταν τα μαγικά \nή η παράδοση στα νησιά Cayman,\nαλλά ο Τζον Τιέρνι ήρθε\n\nGerman: \nund machte einen Beitrag zur Ernsthaftigkeit des Atemanhaltens.\nIch wollte ihn natürlich beeindrucken, als er da war,\nund ich tauchte hinab in knappe 50m Tiefe\n- was im Prinzip so hoch ist wie ein Gebäude mit 16 Stockwerken -\nund während ich wieder hochkam, wurde ich bewusstlos,\nwas sehr gefährlich ist, denn so ertrinkt man.\nGlücklicherweise sah mich Kirk,\nschwamm zu mir und zog mich heraus.\nDaraufhin begann ich mit voller Konzentration.\nIch trainierte, um meine Atemanhaltezeit so hoch zu kriegen,\nwie ich sie brauchte.\nAber es gab keinen Weg um mich auf den Aspekt der live Fernsehübertragung bei Oprah\nvorzubereiten.\nIn der Praxis wollte ich im Pool mit dem Gesicht nach unten umhertreiben,\naber wegen des Fernsehens wollten sie mich senkrecht haben,\num mein Gesicht sehen zu können.\nDas andere Problem war, dass der Anzug\nso schwimmend war,\ndass sie meine Füße anschnallen mussten, damit ich nicht aufgetrieben wurde.\nAlso musste ich meine Beine benutzen, um meine Füße in den Schnallen zu halten, die nicht eng genug waren,\nwas sich als ernsthaftes Problem für mich herausstellte.\nDas machte mich extrem nervös\n\nJapanese: \n呼吸を止める挑戦について真剣に検討してくれました\n彼に好印象を与えたくて\n私は50m弱のダイブをしました\nこれは16階建てのビルほどの深さです\n上がってくる途中に水中で意識を失いました\nこれは危険なことです 溺れてしまいますからね\n幸運なことにカークが私の姿を見て\n泳いで来て私を引き上げてくれました\n集中力をフルにしだしたのはこの時期です\n記録まで呼吸を止められるように\nトレーニングを完璧につみました\nしかしオプラのようなテレビ番組の生中継に備えた準備は\n不可能なものでした\n練習では顔を下に向けてプールに浮いていればよかったのですが\nテレビでは直立した状態を求められたのです\n顔が見えるようにするためです\nもうひとつの問題点は\nスーツが浮力のありすぎるものだったので\n体が浮かないように足をひもで縛らなければならなかったことです\n緩くなったひもから足が外れないように脚全体を使わなければなりませんでした\nこれは私にとって大きな問題でした\nひものことがすごく心配で\n\nChinese: \n还写了一篇论屏住呼吸之严重性的报道。\n当他在那儿的时候,我试图给他深刻印象\n于是我猛地下潜了160尺,\n大概有16层楼那么高,\n可我在上浮过程中,昏了过去,\n那是相当危险的。那就是人们如何溺水的。\n幸运的是克尔克看到我\n他游过去把我救了上来。\n这下我开始全神贯注了。\n我彻底严格的训练延长屏气时间,\n做我该做的事。\n但不可能完全按照将电视直播的方式而准备,\n也就是那个奥普拉的节目。\n练习中,我会面朝下,悬浮在水缸中,\n但上电视时,他们却希望我面朝前,\n以便观众看见我的脸。\n另一个问题是,\n那身衣服让我易悬浮,\n所以他们不得不用皮带绑住我的脚保持我不至上浮,\n同时我得用双腿帮助脚站稳在那个松松的皮带里面,\n那对我来说是非常头疼的事,\n因为它导致我极度紧张,\n\nPortuguese: \ne escreveu uma matéria sobre a seriedade do mergulho de apnéia\nEnquanto ele estava lá eu tentei impressioná-lo, claro.\nE fiz um mergulho de 50 metros,\nque é basicamente a altura de um edifício de 16 andares,\ne enquanto eu subia, eu apaguei debaixo d'água,\no que é realmente perigoso; é assim que você se afoga.\nPor sorte o Kirk me viu\ne ele mergulhou e me subiu.\nEntão, eu comecei com foco total.\nEu treinei intensamente para aumentar meu tempo de fôlego\npara o que eu precisava fazer.\nMas não havia maneira de me preparar para o aspecto da transmissão ao vivo,\nsendo na Oprah.\nMas na prática, eu ficaria de cara na água, flutuando na piscina.\nMas para a TV eles me queriam em pé\npara eles poderem ver meu rosto, basicamente.\nO outro problema era\nque a roupa boiava tanto\nque eles tinham que prender meu pé para evitar que eu boiasse.\nEntão, eu tive que usar minhas pernas para segurar meus pés nas presilhas que eram frouxas,\no que era um verdadeiro problema para mim.\nAquilo me deixou extremamente nervoso,\n\nKurdish: \nوه‌ به‌جدی هه‌ندێ هه‌ناسه‌ی کۆکرده‌وه‌و وه‌ستا\nبه‌دڵنییاییه‌وه‌ کاتێک ئه‌و له‌وێبوو، وویستم تۆشی سه‌رسوڕمانی بکه‌م\nوە هەوڵمدا بۆ بەرزی (١٦٠) پێ خۆم نقوم بکەم\nکه‌ ئه‌وه‌ به‌رزی (١٦) بینایه‌\nکاتێک به‌ره‌و سه‌ره‌وه‌ ده‌هاتم، له‌ژێر ئاوه‌که‌ له‌ هۆش خۆم چووم\nکه‌ به‌ڕاستی مه‌ترسیداره! به‌وشێوه‌یه‌ تۆ نقوم ده‌بیت\nلوکیلی کێرک منی بینی\nوه‌ به‌مه‌له‌کردن هات و منی ڕگارکرد\nله‌به‌رئه‌وه‌، بە شێوه‌یه‌کی باشتر ده‌ستم پێکرد\nبه‌ته‌واوی ڕاهێنانم کرد بۆ ڕاگرتنی هه‌ناسه‌م بۆ کاتێکی زیاتر\nبۆ ئه‌وه‌ی که‌ ده‌مویست\nبه‌ڵام هیچ ڕێگه‌یه‌ک نه‌بوو بۆ ئاماده‌کاری گواستنه‌وه‌ی ئه‌وه‌ به‌شێوه‌یه‌کی ڕاسته‌وخۆ بۆ ته‌له‌فزیۆن\nله‌به‌رنامه‌ی ئۆپرادا بێت\nبه‌ڵام له‌پراکتیکدا، به‌شێوه‌یه‌ک ده‌یکه‌م ده‌موچاوم ڕووی له‌ خواره‌وه‌ بێت و سەرئاو بکه‌وم\nبه‌ڵام بۆ ته‌له‌فزیۆن، ده‌یان ویست ڕووم له‌سه‌ره‌وه‌ بێت\nهه‌تا بتوانن ده‌موچاوم ببینن\nکێشه‌یه‌کی تر ئه‌وه‌ بوو\nقاته‌که‌م سه‌ر ئاو ده‌که‌وت\nکه‌پێویستم بوو (قاچم) ببه‌ستنه‌وه‌ له‌خواره‌وه‌ تاسه‌ر ئاو نه‌که‌وم\nله‌به‌رئه‌وه‌، پێویست بوو قاچه‌کانم به‌کار بێنم بۆئه‌وه‌ی به‌به‌ستراوی بمێنێته‌وه‌\nکه‌کێشه‌یه‌کی گه‌وره‌ بوو بۆ من\nکه‌منی تۆشی دڵەڕاوکێ کرد\n\nSerbian: \ni napisao članak o ozbiljnosti\nzadržavanja daha.\nDok je bio tamo, pokušao sam\nda ga impresioniram\ni zaronio sam na 50 metara,\nšto je visina zgrade od 16 spratova,\ni dok sam izranjao,\nonesvestio sam se pod vodom,\nšto je zaista opasno;\ntako možete da se udavite.\nSrećom Kirk me je video\ni doplivao je i izvukao me.\nOnda sam se potpuno usredsredio.\nPotpuno sam uvežbao da zadržim dah\nkoliko je trebalo.\nAli nije bilo moguće pripremiti se\nza televizijski aspekt toga:\nbiti uživo kod Opre.\nVežbao sam s licem nadole,\nplutajući u bazenu.\nAli za TV su hteli da stojim uspravno\nda bi mi mogli da mi vide lice.\nDrugi problem je bio taj\nšto je odelo bilo toliko plutajuće\nda su morali da mi vežu noge\nda ne bih isplutao nagore.\nTako da sam morao da držim noge\nu kaiševima koji su bili labavi,\nšto mi je bio veliki problem.\nTo me je činilo izuzetno nervoznim\n\nArabic: \nوقام بحبس أنفاسه بصورة خطرة\nولانه هناك قررت أن أثير إعجابه\nفغصت إلى عمق 160 قدم\nأي عمق يقارب إرتفاع 16 طابقاً\nوعندما كنت أهم بالصعود .. أُصبت بالإغماء\nوهذا أمرٌ خطير .. إذ هكذا يغرق الأشخاص\nوقد رآني \" لكيلي كيرك \"\nوسبح لكي يخرجني خارج الماء\nومن ثم قررت التركيز التام على هدفي\nوقد أكملت تدريباتي لحبس نفسي\nللمدة التي أرغب\nولكن لم يكن التدريب كافٍ للظهور على العلن على التلفاز\nوخاصة في برنامج أوبرا\nلانه في التدريب كان رأسي عادة موجهاً إلى الأسفل .. وأكون عائما في المسبح\nولكن للتفاز كانوا يريدوني \" قائماً \"\nحيث يتمكن المشاهدون من رؤية وجهي\nوكان هنالك مشكلة أُخرى\nأن البزة التي أرتديت كانت قابلة للطوف بشدة\nلذا كان يجب أن أربط قدمي لكي أمنع نفسي من الطوف\nأي توجب علي أن أستخدم قدمي لكي أُثبت نفسي بالأربطة في الأسفل لكي لا أطوف\nوقد سبب ذلك مشكلة كبيرة لي\nلان هذا جعل مني شديد التوتر\n\nDutch: \nen schreef een artikel\nover de ernst van het adem-inhouden.\nToen hij er was, probeerde ik\nhem natuurlijk te imponeren.\nIk daalde af naar 48 meter,\nwat ongeveer een gebouw\nvan 16 verdiepingen is.\nToen ik omhoog kwam,\nwerd het zwart voor mijn ogen,\nwat gevaarlijk is; dat is hoe je verdrinkt.\nGelukkig had Kirk me gezien\nen hij zwom naar me toe en trok me eruit.\nDus ik startte volledig gefocust.\nIk trainde volledig om mijn onderwatertijd\nvoldoende lang te krijgen.\nMaar voorbereiding op\nhet live-televisieaspect ervan bij Oprah,\nwas onmogelijk.\nTijdens het oefenen dreef ik,\nnaar beneden kijkend, in het zwembad.\nMaar voor televisie\nwilden ze me rechtop hebben,\nom mijn gezicht te kunnen zien.\nHet andere probleem was\ndat het pak zo licht was,\ndat ze mijn voeten moesten vastbinden\nom me beneden te houden.\nDus ik moest mijn benen gebruiken\nom mijn voeten vast te haken,\nwat een serieus probleem voor me was.\nDat maakte me bijzonder nerveus,\n\nBulgarian: \nи написа статия за сериозността на опитите ми.\nДокато бях там се опитах да го впечатля, разбира се.\nГмурнах се до 48 метра,\nкоето по принцип е височината на 16 - етажна сграда,\nи докато излизах, загубих съзнание под водата,\nкоето е много опасно; така фактически става удавянето.\nЗа щастие Кърк ме беше видял,\nгмурна се и ме е извади.\nЗахванах се здраво.\nПодготвих се напълно, за да мога да задържа дишането си\nдо необходимата степен.\nНямаше начин обаче как да се подготвя за телевизионния аспект,\nт.е. за шоуто на Опра.\nПо принцип бях тренирал да съм в басейн, с главата надолу.\nОт телевизията настояха да съм прав,\nза да могат да виждат лицето ми.\nДругият проблем беше,\nче костюмът беше толкова лек,\nче трябваше да ми завържат краката, за да не изплувам.\nНаложи се да използвам мускули, за да задържа стъпалата си,\nтъй като връзките бяха разхлабени, което беше голям проблем за мен.\nТова ужасно ме притесни\n\nDanish: \nog lavede en artikel om seriøsiteten om at holde vejret.\nMens han var der prøvede jeg at imponere ham, selvfølgelig.\nOg jeg dykkede ned til 50 meter,\nhvilket dybest set er højden på en 16 etagers bygning,\nog jeg kom op, jeg fik blackout under vandet,\nhvilket er virkelig farligt; det er sådan man drukner.\nHeldigvis havde Kirk set mig\nog han svømmede over og hev mig op.\nSå, jeg begyndte at fokusere.\nJeg trænede kun for at kunne holde vejret længere\ntil det jeg havde brug for at gøre.\nMen der var ingen måde at forberede mig på live fjernsynsdelen af det,\ndet at være på Oprah.\nMen i praksis, ville jeg gøre det med ansigtet nedad, flyde i poolen.\nMen til TV ville de have mig til at stå op\nså de kunne se mit ansigt, dybest set.\nDet andet problem var,\nat dragten flød så godt,\nat de var nød til at binde mine fødder fast, for at holde mig fra at flyde op.\nSå, jeg skulle bruge mine ben for at holde fødderne i stropperne der var løse,\nhvilket virkelig var et problem for mig.\nDet gjorde mig ekstremt nervøs,\n\nCroatian: \ni napravio članak o ozbiljnosti zadržavanja daha.\nNaravno, dok je bio ondje pokušavao sam ga impresionirati.\nI zaronio sam na 48,5 metara,\nšto je u biti visina šesnaestkatne zgrade,\ni dok sam se vraćao gore, onesvjestio sam se pod vodom,\nšto je stvarno opasno; tako se utopite.\nSrećom, Kirk me vidio,\ndoplivao je do mene i izvukao me van.\nPočeo sam se fokusirati.\nPotpuno sam trenirao da bi dignuo svoje vrijeme držanja daha\nza ono što sam trebao napraviti.\nAli nije bilo načina pripremiti se za aspekt prijenosa uživo,\nbiti na Opri.\nAli u praksi napravio bih to licem prema dolje, plutajući u bazenu.\nAli za televiziju, željeli su da budem uspravno\ntako da mi vide lice.\nDrugi problem je bilo\nodijelo koje je bilo jako plutajuće\npa su mi morali staviti remen na noge da bi me spriječili da isplutam.\nTako da sam morao koristiti noge da drže moja stopala u remenima koji su bili labavi,\nšto je bio pravi problem za mene.\nTo me učinilo ekstremno nervoznim,\n\nCzech: \na napsal seriózní článek o zadržování dechu.\nSamozřejmě když už tam byl, snažl jsem se na něj machrovat.\nPotopil jsem se skoro do 50 metrů,\nněco jako výška šestnáctipatrového domu,\na při vynořování jsem pod vodou omdlel,\ncož je opravdu nebezpečné - je to nejlepší způsob jak se utopit.\nNaštěstí mě Kirk viděl,\npřiplaval ke mně a vytáhl mě ven.\nTak jsem se do toho pustil pořádně.\nTrénoval jsem co nejdelší zadržování dechu,\nabych se co nejlíp připravil.\nAle na to živé vystoupení na Oprah\nse připravit prostě nedalo.\nKdyž jsem trénoval, vznášel jsem se na hladině bazénu obličejem dolů.\nAle v televizi chtěli, abych byl vestoje,\naby mi bylo vidět do tváře.\nDalší problém byl\ns oblekem - tak mě nadnášel,\nže mi museli přivázat nohy abych nevyplaval.\nNavíc jsem si musel ty popruhy nohama držet,\ncož byl opravdu problém.\nHrozně mě to znervózňovalo,\n\nPolish: \ni napisał artykuł o powadze wstrzymywania oddechu.\nKiedy już tam był, oczywiście chciałem zrobić na nim wrażenie\nzanurkowałem więc na 50 metrów,\nto mniej więcej wysokość 16 piętrowego budynku,\ni kiedy wypływałem - straciłem przytomność.\nTo było naprawdę niebezpieczne, tak się tonie.\nNa szczęście widział to Kirk,\nprzypłynął i mnie wyciągnął.\nWtedy zacząłem skupiać się tylko na tym.\nPrzygotowałem się by wstrzymać oddech na dokładnie\ntyle ile potrzebowałem.\nAle nie było sposobu, by przygotować się do występu na żywo,\nu Oprah.\nNormalnie zrobiłbym to twarzą w dół, unosząc się na powierzchni basenu.\nJednak w TV chcieli bym był pionowo,\nby mogli widzieć moją twarz.\nInnym problemem było to,\nże strój był tak pławny\niż musieli przywiązać mi stopy, żebym nie wypływał.\nMusiałem więc trzymać je w luźnych paskach,\nco było dla mnie sporym problemem.\nPrzez to zrobiłem się strasznie zdenerwowany,\n\nModern Greek (1453-): \nγια να ασχοληθεί με την σοβαρότητα \nτου να κρατάς την αναπνοή σου.\nΌσο βρισκόταν εκεί προσπάθησα \nνα τον εντυπωσιάσω, φυσικά.\nΚαι βούτηξα σε βάθος 49 μέτρων,\nπου είναι βασικά το ύψος \nενός δεκαεξαόροφου κτιρίου,\nκαι καθώς ανέβαινα στην επιφάνεια, \nέχασα τις αισθήσεις μου μες το νερό,\nκάτι που είναι πολύ επικίνδυνο: \nκάπως έτσι πνίγεσαι.\nΕυτυχώς ο Κιρκ με είχε δει\nκαι βούτηξε για να με τραβήξει πάνω.\nΈτσι λοιπόν επικεντρώθηκα πλήρως.\nΑφιερώθηκα στην προπόνηση ώστε να ανεβάσω\nτον χρόνο που κρατούσα την αναπνοή μου\nγι' αυτό που σκόπευα να κάνω.\nΑλλά δεν υπήρχε τρόπος να προετοιμαστώ\nγια τη ζωντανή εμφάνιση στην τηλεόραση,\nόταν θα βρισκόμουν στην εκπομπή της Όπρα.\nΣτην εξάσκηση, το έκανα με το πρόσωπο\nπρος τα κάτω, επιπλέοντας στην πισίνα.\nΌμως για την τηλεόραση με ήθελαν σε όρθια\nστάση για να βλέπουν το πρόσωπό μου.\nΤο άλλο πρόβλημα ήταν\nπως η στολή μου επέπλεε\nκαι έπρεπε να δέσουν τα πόδια μου \nγια να με κρατάνε μέσα στο νερό.\nΈτσι έπρεπε να χρησιμοποιώ τα πόδια μου \nγια να κρατιέμαι στα λουριά που ήταν χαλαρά,\nκάτι που ήταν μεγάλο πρόβλημα για 'μένα.\n\nPersian: \nو مطلبی در مورد اهمیت نگه داشتن نفس نوشت\nالبته زمانی که او آنجا بود من سعی کردم او را تحت تاثیر قرار دهم.\nو غواصی به عمق 48 متر انجام دادم\nچیزی به اندازه ارتفاع یک ساختمان 16 طبقه\nو وقتی که داشتم بالا می آمدم ,زیر آب بیهوش شدم\nچیزی که خیلی خطرناک است؛ این است که چطور غرق می شوید.\nخوشبختانه کرک من را دید\nاو تا آنجا شنا کرد و من را بیرون آورد.\nخب من شروع کردم به تمرکز کامل\nمن کاملا برای نگه داشتن نفسم\nبه اندازه ای که لازم بود آموزش دیدم\nاما هیچ راهی برای آماده شدن برای برنامه زنده تلویزیونی نبود\nبودن در اپرا.\nدر واقع من در حالی این کار را انجام می دادم که صورتم پایین بود و در استخر شناور بودم.\nاما تلویزیون می خواست که من رو به بالا باشم\nتا بتوانند صورت من را ببینند.\nمشکل دیگر این بود که\nاین لباس من را شناور می کرد\nبه طوری که آنها مجبور بودند پاهای من را ببندند تا از بالا آمدن من جلوگیری کنند.\nمن مجبور شدم از ساق پاهام برای نگه داشتن پاهایم در حلقه هایی که گشاد بودند استفاده کنم\nاین برای من یک مشکل واقعی بود.\nکه به شدت من را عصبی می کرد\n\nChinese: \n他還針對閉氣寫了一篇嚴肅的文章,\n當然我那時可是卯足全力,讓他對我留下印象。\n我潛到四十八公尺深,\n差不多是十六層樓的深度,\n當我往上浮的時候,我在水中昏了過去,\n那非常的危險,溺斃就是這樣。\n幸運的是科克看到我,\n他游了過來,把我拉上來。\n我開始集中精神,\n訓練自己,\n以提高閉氣的時間。\n但是我無法預先準備上節目的時候,\n可能遇到的各種狀況。\n在家練習時,我會漂在泳池上,臉朝下,\n但是節目要求我保持直立,\n好讓觀眾看到我的臉。\n另一個問題是,\n裝備的浮力太大,\n他們必須綁住我的腳以免我往上浮,\n所以我必須雙腿施力,以維持腳在綁帶裡的位置,\n這對我來說是個大問題,\n讓我非常的緊張,\n\nFrench: \net a écrit un article sur les côtés sérieux du fait de retenir son souffle.\nPendant qu'il était là, j'ai essayé de l'impressionner, bien sûr.\nEt j'ai effectué un plongeon de près de 50 mètres,\nce qui correspond plus ou moins à la hauteur d'un bâtiment de 16 étages,\net comme je remontais, je me suis évanoui sous l'eau,\nce qui est vraiment dangereux ; c'est comme ça qu'on se noie.\nPar chance, Kirk m'avait vu\net il a nagé jusqu'à moi, et m'a sorti de là.\nBon, alors j'ai commencé à me concentrer à fond,\nje me suis parfaitement entraîné à retenir mon souffle pendant le temps nécessaire\npour ce que j'avais à faire.\nMais il n'y avait pas moyen de se préparer pour le coté \"télévision en direct\",\nqui dépendait d'Oprah.\nLors des entraînements, j'étais étendu sur le ventre, flottant à la surface, la tête dans l'eau\nMais pour la TV, ils voulaient que je sois à la verticale\nen fait, pour qu'ils puissent voir ma figure.\nL'autre problème était\nque la flottabilité du costume était telle\nqu'ils devaient me sangler les pieds [au fond] pour m'empêcher de flotter.\nAlors, je devais utiliser mes jambes pour maintenir mes pieds dans les sangles, qui étaient lâches,\nce qui était un réel problème pour moi.\nÇa me rendait extrêmement nerveux,\n\nVietnamese: \nvà làm một phóng sự nghiêm túc về việc nín thở.\nTrong khi ông ta ở đó tôi cố gắng tạo ấn tượng với ông, dĩ nhiên.\nVà tôi đã lặn sâu tới 48 mét.\nnó đơn giản là độ cao của tòa nhà 16 tầng,\nvà trong khi tôi trồi lên, tôi bất tỉnh dưới nước,\nđiều đó thực sự nguy hiểm; đó là lý do bạn chết đuối.\nMay thay Kirk đã nhìn thấy tôi\nvà anh ta bơi ra và kéo tôi lên.\nDo đó, tôi bắt đầu tập trung tối đa.\nTôi hoàn toàn tập trung luyện tập để nâng thời gian nín thở lên\nđể làm điều tôi cần làm.\nNhưng không còn cách nào để chuẩn bị truyền hình trực tiếp việc đó,\ntrên chương trình của Oprah.\nKhi luyện tập, tôi úp mặt xuống, thả nổi trên hồ bơi.\nNhưng với truyền hình học muốn tôi đứng thẳng\nđể họ có thể thấy mặt tôi, đơn giản là vậy.\nVấn đề khác là\nbộ đồ hơi nổi\nlàm họ phải buộc chân tôi để khỏi nổi lên.\nVậy nên, tôi buộc phải dùng cẳng chân để giữ bàn chân buộc móc vào vật dây buộc được nới lỏng,\nđó là trở ngại thực sự với tôi.\nĐiều đó làm tôi cự kỳ căng thẳng,\n\nLatvian: \nEs ieniru 50 metru dziļumā,\nkas ir aptuveni 16 stāvu ēkas augstums,\nNirstot augšā, es zem ūdens\nzaudēju samaņu,\nkas ir ļoti bīstami, tā var noslīkt.\nPar laimi, Kērks mani redzēja\nun uzvilka augšā.\nTad es sāku pilnībā koncentrēties,\nuz tādu elpas aizturēšanas ilgumu,\nkāds man bija vajadzīgs.\nBet nebija iespējams sagatavoties\ntiešraides aspektam Opras šovā.\nTreniņos es to darīju ar seju uz leju,\nnekustīgi peldēdams baseinā.\nBet televīzijā viņi gribēja, lai es būtu\nstāvus un mana seja būtu redzama.\nVēl viena problēma bija tā,\nka zemūdens tērps\nmani tik ļoti cēla augšup,\nka bija jāpiesprādzē manas kājas,\nlai es neuzpeldētu augšup.\nMan bija jāizmanto kājas,\nlai noturētu pēdas vaļīgajās sprādzēs,\nun tā man bija liela problēma.\nTas mani darīja ļoti nervozu\nun paātrināja sirdsdarbību.\n\nSpanish: \ny escribió una articulo sobre la seriedad de la apnea.\nMientras estaba allí, intenté impresionarlo, por supuesto.\nY me sumergí a 50 metros,\nque es prácticamente la altura de un edificio de 16 plantas\ny mientras volvía a la superficie, me desmayé bajo el agua,\nlo que es muy peligroso; así es como te ahogas.\nPor suerte Kirk se dio cuenta\ny se lanzó a sacarme.\nEntonces empecé a concentrarme totalmente.\nEntrené a tope para aumentar mi tiempo máximo\npara lo que tenía que hacer.\nPero no tenía forma de prepararme para el aspecto televisivo de la hazaña,\nal salir en \"Oprah\".\nEn la práctica lo hacia boca abajo, flotando en el agua.\nPero para la televisión quería que estuviera de pie\npara que se me pudiera ver la cara, básicamente.\nEl otro problema era\nque el traje era tan boyante\nque tuvieron que atarme los pies para evitar que saliera a flote.\nPero tenía que hacer fuerza para mantener los pies en las correas medio sueltas,\nlo cuál fue un gran problema para mi.\nEso me ponía extremadamente nervioso,\n\nRussian: \nи написал статью\nо важности задержки дыхания.\nПока он был там, я, конечно же,\nпытался произвести на него впечатление.\nИ я нырнул на глубину 50 метров,\nэто примерно высота 16-этажного здания.\nНо пока я всплывал,\nя потерял сознание под водой,\nа это очень опасно —\nименно так человек тонет.\nПо счастью, Кирк меня увидел,\nподплыл и вытянул.\nПосле этого я полностью сосредоточился\nна том, чтобы довести\nвремя задержки дыхания\nдо необходимого мне уровня.\nНо не было никакой возможности\nподготовиться к условиям прямого эфира —\nведь это шоу Опры.\nНа тренировках я ложился на воду\nлицом вниз, плавая на поверхности,\nно на шоу требовалось стоять прямо\nдля того чтобы лицо моё было видно.\nДругая проблема\nсостояла в том, что костюм\nоказался настолько легче воды,\nчто пришлось прикрепить мои ноги,\nчтобы меня не поднимало вверх.\nЯ был вынужден держать ступни\nна ремешках, которые были незатянуты,\nа это сильно мне мешало.\nИ чрезвычайно напрягало,\n\nHungarian: \nés írt egy cikket a lélegzet-visszatartás komolyságáról.\nMialatt ott tartózkodott, természetesen megpróbáltam benyomást tenni rá.\nÍgy lemerültem 49 méter mélyre,\nami gyakorlatilag egy 16 emeletes épület magassága,\nés mikor felfelé jöttem, elájultam a víz alatt,\nami nagyon veszélyes; így lehet megfulladni.\nSzerencsére Kirk meglátott,\nodaúszott, és felhúzott.\nInnentől kezdve még jobban koncentráltam.\nKizárólag arra edzettem, hogy vissza tudjam tartani a lélegzetem annyi ideig,\nameddig a rekordhoz szükséges.\nDe arra semmiképp nem lehetett felkészülni,\nhogy élő adásban leszek Oprah-nál.\nAmíg gyakoroltam, mindig arccal lefelé voltam, lebegtem a medencében.\nDe a tévében azt akarták, hogy függőlegesen legyek,\nhogy láthassák az arcom.\nA másik gond az volt,\nhogy a ruhám annyira lebegett a vízben,\nhogy le kellett szíjazniuk a lábfejem, különben felszínre jöttem volna.\nÍgy a lábaimat arra kellett használnom, hogy benntartsam őket a laza szíjban,\nami elég nagy gondot okozott nekem.\nTúlzottan idegessé tett,\n\nFinnish: \nja teki jutun hengenpidättämisen vakavuudesta.\nYritin tietenkin tehdä häneen vaikutuksen.\nJa sukelsin 48 metriin,\nsen korkuinen on 16-kerroksinen talo,\nja tullessani ylös, menetin tajuntani veden alla,\nmikä on todella vaarallista; siten ihminen hukkuu.\nOnneksi Kirk oli nähnyt minut,\nja hän ui luokseni ja veti minut ylös.\nAloin keskittyä täysin.\nHarjoittelin pidättämään henkeä riittävän kauan\nsaavuttaakseni tavoitteeni.\nMutta en mitenkään voinut valmistautua suoraan televisiolähetykseen,\nOprah-showssa.\nHarjoittelin kasvot alaspäin kelluen altaassa.\nMutta TV-lähetykseen he halusivat minun olevan pystyssä,\njotta ihmiset näkevät naamani.\nToinen ongelma oli\npukuni, joka kellui niin,\nettä heidän piti sitoa jalkani estääkseen minua kohoamasta pinnalle.\nJoten minun piti työntää jalkani siteisiin, jotka olivat löysällä,\nmikä oli todellinen ongelma minulle.\nSe teki minut hyvin hermostuneeksi,\n\nThai: \nและได้แสดงการกลั้นหายใจแบบเจ๋งๆให้เขาดู\nและแน่นอน ขณะที่เขาอยู่ที่นั่นผมพยายามจะทำให้เขาทึ่ง\nผมดำน้ำลงไปลึก 160 ฟุต (48 เมตร)\nก็ลึกประมาณตึกสูง 16 ชั้นละครับ\nและขณะที่ผมกำลังว่ายขึ้นมา ผมเกิดหมดสติไป\nซึ่งมันอันตรายสุดๆ มันก็คือจมน้ำนั่นแหละ\nโชคยังดีที่เคิร์ค (Kirk) เห็นผม\nแล้วเขาก็ว่ายลงไปดึงผมขึ้นมา\nผมเริ่มจะมีสติ\nผมถูกฝึกมาเสียจนรู้ว่าเพื่อให้กลับมาหายใจได้ปกติ\nผมต้องทำอะไรบ้าง\nแต่มันก็ไม่มีทางแล้วสำหรับรายการทีวีถ่ายทอดสด\nจากรายการของโอปราห์ (Oprah)\nตอนฝึก ผมลอยตัวเหนือน้ำ แล้วคว่ำหน้าลง\nแต่ว่าทางรายการทีวีต้องการให้ผม ลอยตัวในแนวดิ่ง\nเพื่อที่เขาจะได้เห็นหน้าผม\nปัญหาก็คือ\nชุดที่ผมใส่มันดันลอยน้ำ\nแล้วพวกเขาก็ต้องรัดเท้าผมไว้เพื่อไม่ให้ตัวผมลอย\nเพราะงั้น ผมก็ต้องใช้กำลังขาเพื่อที่จะรั้งเท้าผมไว้ในสายรัดหลวมๆ\nซึ่งมันคือปัญหาใหญ่สุดๆสำหรับผม\nมันทำให้ผมกังวลแทบบ้า\n\nSlovak: \na napísal článok o vážnosti zadržiavania dychu.\nKým som tam bol, snažil som sa naňho urobiť dojem, samozrejme.\nPotopil som sa do hĺbky 48 metrov,\nčo je v podstate výška 16-poschodovej budovy,\na ako som vychádzal hore, omdlel som pod vodou,\nčo je skutočne nebezpečné; tak sa utopíte.\nNašťastie Kirk ma videl\na priplával a vytiahol ma.\nTakže začal som sa plne sústreďovať.\nPlne som trénoval, aby som zvýšil svoj čas,\naby som to dokázal.\nAle niet spôsobu, ako sa pripraviť na aspekt živého prenosu\nu Oprah.\nV tréningu som to robil tvárou dole, vznášajúc sa v bazéne.\nAle v TV chceli, aby som to robil vzpriamený,\naby mohli vidieť moju tvár, v zásade.\nIným problémom bolo,\nže oblek ma veľmi vynášal hore,\nže mi museli priviazať nohy, aby som sa nevznášal.\nTakže som musel používať nohy, aby som udržal chodidlá v remienkoch, ktoré boli voľné,\nčo bol pre mňa skutočný problém.\nZ toho som bol extrémne nervózny,\n\nSwedish: \noch gjorde en artikel om allvaret med att hålla andan.\nMedans jag var där försökte jag självklart imponera på honom.\nJag dök från 50 meter,\nvilket är ungerfär lika högt som en 16 vånings byggnad,\noch när jag tog mig upp, svimmade jag under vattnet,\nvilket är riktigt farligt; det är så du drunknar.\nSom tur var hade Kirk sett mig\nså han simmade ut och drog upp mig.\nJag började fokusera fullt ut.\nJag tränade helt för att få upp tiden jag kunde hålla andan\nför det jag behövde nå.\nMen det fanns inget sätt att förbereda mig för att vara med på live tv,\nvara med på Oprah.\nNär jag övade, gjorde jag det med ansiktet neråt, flytandes vid ytan.\nMen på tv ville de att jag skulle vara stående\nså de kunde se mitt ansikte.\nDet andra problemet var\natt dräkten flöt för lätt\nså de var tvugna att binda fast mina fötter för att jag inte skulle flyta upp.\nJag var tvungen att använda mina ben för att hålla fötterna inne i en lös ögla,\nvilket var ett stort problem för mig.\nDet gjorde mig riktigt nervös,\n\nEnglish: \nand did a piece on the seriousness\nof breath-holding.\nWhile he was there,\nI tried to impress him, of course.\nAnd I did a dive down to 160 feet,\nwhich is basically the height\nof a 16 story building,\nand as I was coming up,\nI blacked out underwater,\nwhich is really dangerous;\nthat's how you drown.\nLuckily, Kirk had seen me\nand he swam over and pulled me up.\nSo, I started full focus.\nI completely trained to get\nmy breath-hold time up\nfor what I needed to do.\nBut there was no way to prepare\nfor the live television aspect of it,\nbeing on Oprah.\nBut in practice, I would do it\nface down, floating on the pool.\nBut for TV they wanted me to be upright\nso they could see my face, basically.\nThe other problem\nwas the suit was so buoyant\nthat they had to strap my feet in\nto keep me from floating up.\nSo, I had to use my legs to hold my feet\ninto the straps that were loose,\nwhich was a real problem for me.\n\nItalian: \ne scrisse un pezzo sulla serietà delle prove di apnea.\nMentre era lì cercai di impressionarlo.\nFeci un'immersione a 50 metri,\npari all'altezza di un palazzo di 16 piani,\ne nella fase di riemersione, sono svenuto sott'acqua,\ncosa molto pericolosa; è così che si affoga.\nFortunatamente Kirk mi vide\nmi raggiunse a nuoto e mi riportò a galla.\nA quel punto mi concentrai sull'obiettivo.\nMi dedicai del tutto all'allenamento per alzare il mio tempo\nper ciò che dovevo fare.\nMa non c'era modo di essere pronti per la diretta tv,\ndato che sarei stato da Oprah.\nFosse dipeso da me, lo avrei fatto galleggiando sull'acqua a faccia in giù.\nMa per lo show volevano che fossi in posizione eretta\nin modo che potessero riprendermi in viso.\nL'altro problema era\nche la tuta mi riportava a galla\ne quindi hanno dovuto agganciarmi i piedi per non farmi tornare a galla.\nIn pratica dovevo usare le gambe per tenere i piedi dentro queste cinghie allentate,\nil che per me era un problema.\nTutto ciò mi innervosiva parecchio,\n\nPortuguese: \ne fez um artigo sobre o perigo\nde suster a respiração.\nEnquanto ele ali esteve, \ntentei impressioná-lo, claro.\nFiz um mergulho a 50 metros\nque é a altura de \num edifício de 16 andares.\nQuando estava a emergir, \ndesmaiei debaixo de água,\no que é muito perigoso. \nÉ assim que nos afogamos.\nFelizmente, Kirk reparou,\nmergulhou e levou-me para cima.\nComecei a concentrar-me.\nTreinei intensamente \npara que o meu cérebro\naguentasse o tempo de que eu precisava.\nMas não havia maneira de preparar \no espetáculo da televisão ao vivo,\nquando estivesse na Oprah.\nNa prática, eu fazia-o de bruços, \na flutuar na piscina.\nMas, para a TV, queriam \nque eu estivesse de pé\nde modo a poderem ver a minha cara,\nO outro problema era que \no fato era tão flutuante\nque tiveram que me prender os pés \npara me impedir de flutuar.\nPor isso, tinha que usar as pernas\npara manter os pés nas correias, \nque eram largas.\no que para mim era um verdadeiro problema.\nIsso fez com que eu ficasse \nextremamente nervoso,\n\nTurkish: \nnefes tutmanın ciddiyeti üzerine bir yazı hazırladı.\nO henüz oradayken, onu elbette etkilemeye çalıştım.\n160 feet derinliğine daldım,\nki bu yaklaşık 16 katlı bir bina yüksekliğidir,\nve yukarı çıkarken suyun altında bayıldım,\nbu oldukça tehlikeliydi, insanlar böyle boğuluyor.\nŞansıma Kirk beni görmüş,\nbana doğru yüzüp beni yukarı çekti.\nVe artık tamamen odaklandım.\nNefes tutma zamanımı kazanmak için ne yapmam gerekiyorsa,\ntam olarak yaptım.\nAma canlı televizyon yayını kısmına,\nyani Oprah'a hazırlanmanın yolu yoktu.\nAma pratik olsun diye havuzda yüzüstü yatarak yapıyordum.\nTV ise benden ayakta durmamı istedi\nböylece yüzümü görebileceklerdi.\nÖbür problem elbisenin\nyüzerliğinin fazla oluşuydu,\nyukarıya çıkmamam için ayaklarımı bağlamak zorunda kaldılar.\nYani bantlara gevşekce bağlanmış ayaklarımı tutmak için bacaklarımı\nkullanmak zorundaydım ve bu problemdi.\nBu beni korkunç strese soktu,\n\nRomanian: \nși a făcut un reportaj\ndespre importanța apneei.\nÎn timp ce era acolo,\nam încercat bineînțeles să îl impresionez.\nȘi m-am scufundat până la 50 de metri\ncare e echivalentul\nunei clădiri de 16 etaje,\nși în timp ce reveneam la suprafață,\nmi-am pierdut cunștiența,\nceea ce e foarte periculos; te poți îneca.\nDin fericire Kirk m-a văzut\nși a înotat și m-a scos la suprafață.\nAm început totul extrem de concentrat.\nM-am antrenat total\nca să îmi pot ține respirația\natâta timp cat era nevoie.\nDar nu a fost posibil să mă pregătesc\nși pentru transmisia TV,\npentru emisiunea lui Oprah.\nÎn mod normal, aș face totul plutind\ncu fața în jos în piscină.\nDar la TV au dorit să mă vadă în picioare\nca să mi se poată vedea fața.\nCealalta problema a fost\ncostumul, care plutea atât de tare\nîncât mi-au prins picioarele\nca să nu mă ridic la suprafață.\nDeci a trebuit să îmi folosesc picioarele\nca să stau în acele chingi destul de largi\nceea ce a fost o adevărată problemă\npentru mine.\nM-a făcut extrem de stresat,\n\nMacedonian: \nи напиша статија за сериозноста на задржувањето на здивот.\nДодека тој беше таму се обидов да го импресионирам.\nИ направив нуркање до 55 метри,\nшто е еднакво на висина на шеснаесеткатница,\nи додека излегував, се онесвестив под вода,\nшто е многу опасно; така можете да се удавите.\nЗа среќа Кирк ме виде\nдоплива и ме извади надвор.\nТака започнав со целосна фокусираност.\nИсцрпно тренирав во задржување на здивот\nза она што требаше да го направам.\nНо немаше начин како да се подготвам за преносот на ТВ во живо,\nдодека сум кај Опра.\nВо пракса, би го направил тоа со лицето надолу, плутајќи во базенот.\nНо на ТВ бараа да стојам исправено.\nза да можат да ми го гледаат лицето, всушност.\nДруг проблем беше што\nоделото ме подигнуваше\nи мораа да ми ги прицврстат стапалата за да ме спречат да плутам.\nМорав со нозете да ги држам стапалата во лабави држачи,\nшто беше голем проблем за мене.\nТоа ме направи крајно нервозен,\n\niw: \nועשה כתבה על הרצינות של עצירת הנשימה.\nכמובן, בזמן שהוא היה שם ניסיתי להרשים אותו.\nוצללתי לעומק של כ-50 מטר\nשזה בערך הגובה של בניין בן 16 קומות\nובזמן שעליתי, איבדתי את ההכרה בתוך המים\nזה ממש מסוכן, אפשר לטבוע כך\nלמזלי קירק ראה אותי\nושחה לעברי ומשך אותי החוצה\nאז התחלתי להיות בפוקוס מלא\nהתאמנתי להעלות את הזמן שאוכל לעצור את נשימתי\nבשביל מה שהייתי צריך לעשות\nאבל לא היתה דרך להתכונן להבט של השידור החי בטלוויזיה\nולהיות בתוכנית של אופרה\nאבל באימונים, הייתי עושה את זה עם הפנים כלפי מטה, צף על הבריכה.\nאבל עבור הטלוויזיה הם רצו שאהיה זקוף\nשיוכלו לראות את הפרצוף שלי\nהבעיה השנייה הייתה\nשהחליפה משכה אותי לכוון מעלה\nאז הם היו צריכים לקשור את הרגליים שלי כדי שלא אצוף למעלה\nאז, הייתי צריך להשתמש ברגליים כדי להחזיק את רגלי בתוך הרצועות שהיו רפויות\nשהיתה בעיה רצינית בשבילי\nזה מתח אותי מאוד,\n\nKorean: \n숨 참기의 진지함에 대해서 글을 써 주었습니다.\n당연히, 그는 제가 그를 인상깊게 했던 그자리에 있었습니다.\n저는 160피트(48.768M)까지 잠수해 내려갔습니다.\n보통 16층 빌딩 높이 정도 되는 깊이죠.\n그리고 제가 올라올 때, 앞이 보이지 않았습니다.\n정말로 위험했습니다. 그건 익사하는 방법중 하나였지요.\nLuckily Kirk 가 저를 보고\n헤엄쳐 와 저를 끌어올렸습니다.\n그리고 저는 집중하기 시작했습니다.\n저는 무엇이 필요한지 알기 위해서\n완벽하게 숨을 참는 연습을 했습니다.\n하지만, 오프라윈프리의 TV 생방송을 위해서\n준비할 방법이 없었습니다.\n저는 고개를 숙이고 물속에서 떠 있는 연습을 했습니다.\n하지만 TV를 위해서 그들은 똑바른 자세를 원했습니다.\n그래야 그들이 제 얼굴을 볼 수 있으니까요.\n또 다른 문제는\n의상이 부양력이 있어서\n떠오르는 걸 막기 위해서 제 발에 줄을 묶어야 했다는 것입니다,\n그래서, 저는 줄이 느슨해진 끈에 발을 고정하기 위해서 다리를 사용해야 했는데\n그건 정말 큰 문제였습니다.\n그것은 저를 극도로 신경쓰이게 만들어\n\nItalian: \nfacendo aumentare la frequenza cardiaca.\nPoi, c'era un'altra cosa,\nche non avevo mai fatto prima, cioè un monitoraggio del battito cardiaco.\nEra proprio a fianco della sfera.\nQuindi ad ogni battito del cuore io sentivo bip-bip-bip-bip,\ncon un ticchettio davvero rumoroso.\nE questo aumentava il mio nervosismo.\nNon c'era proprio modo di far scendere la mia frequenza cardiaca.\nNormalmente\niniziavo a 38 battiti al minuto,\ne mentre trattenevo il respiro scendevo fino a 12 battiti al minuto,\nil che è piuttosto insolito.\n(Risata)\nQuesta volta partii da 120 battiti,\ne non scese mai.\nNei primi cinque minuti sott'acqua\ncercai disperatamente di rallentare la frequenza cardiaca.\nMi ritrovavo lì a pensare \"Devo farlo rallentare.\nOppure perdo, fallirò la prova.\"\nE diventavo sempre più nervoso.\nE la frequenza cardiaca continuava a salire e salire ancora,\nfino a quota 150 battiti.\n\nCroatian: \nšto je povećalo otkucaje srca.\nZatim, ono što su također učinili,\nšto mi nismo nikad prije, tamo je bio monitor za otkucaje srca.\nI bio je odmah pored sfere.\nSvaki put kad bi moje srce kucalo ja bih čuo beep-beep-beep-beep,\nznate, kucanje, stvarno glasno.\nŠto me činilo još više nervoznim.\nNije bilo načina da usporim otkucaje srca.\nNormalno\npočeo bih s 38 otkucaja u minuti,\ndok bih držao dah to bi palo na 12 otkucaja u minuti,\nšto je prilično neobično.\n(Smijeh)\nOvaj put je počelo na 120 otkucaja,\ni nije se nikako spustilo.\nProveo sam prvih pet minuta pod vodom\nočajnićki pokušavajući usporiti svoje otkucaje srca.\nSamo sam sjedio tamo razmišljajući, \"moram ovo usporiti.\nNeću uspjeti, neću uspjeti.\"\nPostajao sam sve više nervozan.\nI otkucaji srca su samo nastavili ići gore i gore,\nsve do 150 otkucaja.\n\niw: \nוהעלה לי את קצב הלב\nואז מה שהם עשו\nמה שעוד לא נעשה אי פעם, הציבו מכונה לפקח על קצב הלב\nוזה היה ממש לידי מחוץ למים\nאז כל פעם שהלב שלי פעם הייתי שומע את הביפ ביפ ביפ ביפ\nהפעימות של הלב, זה היה ממש חזק\nשגרם לי לעוד לחץ\nולא היתה שום דרך להוריד את קצב הלב\nבדרך כלל\nהייתי מתחיל ב38 פעימות לדקה\nובזמן שהייתי עוצר את הנשימה זה היה יורד ל12 פעימות לדקה\nדבר די חריג\n(צחוק)\nהפעם התחלתי ב120 פעימות לדקה\nוזה לא ירד\nבזבזתי את החמש דקות הראשונות מתחת למים\nבנסיון נואש להאט את קצב פעילות הלב\nפשוט ישבתי וחשבתי\" אני חייב להאט אותו.\nאני הולך להיכשל אני הולך להיכשל\"\nונהייתי יותר לחוץ\nוקצב הלב רק עלה ועלה.\nכל הדרך עד ל 150 פעימות\n\nBulgarian: \nи повиши сърдечния ми ритъм.\nДругото нещо, което направиха -\nи което никога не бяхме правили - беше, че поставиха сърдечен монитор.\nПоставиха го точно до водната сфера.\nПри всеки удар на сърцето ми чувах звука - бийп, бийп, бийп, бийп,\nтиктакането,наистина силно.\nКоето ме притесни още повече.\nНямаше начин да успея да намаля сърдечния си ритъм.\nОбикновено\nзапочвам с 38 удара в минута,\nи по време на опита спадам до 12 удара на минута,\nкоето е доста необичайно.\n(Смях)\nТози път започнах със 120 удара,\nи така и не успях да ги сваля.\nПървите 5 минути под вода прекарах,\nотчаяно опитвайки се да намаля сърдечния си ритъм.\nСедях вътре и си мислех:\"Трябва да сваля ритъма.\nЩе се проваля, ще се проваля.\"\nТова още повече ме изнервяше.\nСърдечният ми ритъм постоянно се ускоряваше,\nдокато стигна до 150.\n\nTurkish: \nve kalp hızımı arttırdı.\nDaha sonra da önceden hiç yapmadığımız şekilde\nbir kalp hızı monitörü yerleştirdiler.\nKürenin tam sağına koydular.\nYani kalbim her attığında beep-beep-beep'lerini\nduyuyordum, sesi gerçekten yüksekti.\nBu beni daha da gerdi.\nBu şekilde kalp hızımı yavaşlatmanın yolu kalmadı.\nVe, normalde\ndakikada 38 atımla başlardım,\nnefesimi tuttuğum sırada da dakikada 12 atıma dek inerdi,\nve bu aslında bayağı tuhaf.\n(Kahkaha)\nBu defa 120 ile başladım\nve asla düşmedi.\nİlk beş dakikamı suyun altında çaresizce\nkalp hızımı yavaşlatmaya çalışarak geçirdim.\nOrada oturuyor ve \"Bunu yavaşlatmam lazım, yoksa yine kaybedeceğim,\nyine başarısız olacağım\" diye düşünüyordum\nVe elbette daha da geriliyordum.\nKalp hızım yükseldikçe yükseldi,\ndakikada 150'ye dek çıktı.\n\nDanish: \nhvilket fik pulsen op.\nDerefter, hvad de også gjorde var,\nsom vi aldrig havde gjort før, er at der var en pulsmåler.\nOg den var lige ved siden af kuglen.\nSå, hver gang mit hjerte slog kunne jeg høre den beep-beep-beep-beep,\nI ved, den tikke, virkelig højt.\nHvilket gjorde mig endnu mere nervøs.\nOg der er ingen måde til at sænke min puls på.\nSå, normalt\nville jeg starte med 38 slag per minuttet,\nog mens jeg holdte vejret ville det faldt til 12 slag per minut,\nhvilket er temmelig usædvanligt.\n(Latter)\nDenne gang startede det på 120 slag,\nog faldt aldrig.\nJeg brugte de første fem minutter under vandet\npå desperat at prøve at sænke min puls.\nJeg sad bare der og tænkte, \"Jeg skal sænke pulsen.\nJeg dumper, jeg dumper.\"\nOg jeg blev mere nervøs.\nOg pulsen steg og steg bare,\nhelt op til 150 slag per minut.\n\nLatvian: \nVēl viņi izdarīja ko tādu,\nko mēs nekad agrāk nebijām darījuši:\npievienoja sirdsdarbības monitoru.\nUn tas bija tieši blakus man,\ntāpēc katru savu sirdspukstu\nes dzirdēju kā pī pī pī pī, ļoti skaļi.\nTas mani darīja vēl nervozāku,\nun es nevarēju palēnināt sirdsdarbību.\nParasti es sāku ar 38 sitieniem minūtē,\nun, aizturot elpu, tas nokrītas\nlīdz 12 sitieniem minūtē,\nkas ir visai neparasti.\n(Smiekli)\nŠoreiz es sāku ar 120 sitieniem,\nun tas nenokritās.\nPirmās piecas minūtes zem ūdens\nes pavadīju, izmisīgi cenšoties\npalēnināt sirdsdarbību.\nEs tur sēdēju un domāju:\n\"Man tas jāpalēnina,\ncitādi nekas neizdosies.\"\nUn es kļuvu vēl nervozāks.\nSirdsdarbība aizvien paātrinājās\nlīdz pat 150 sitieniem minūtē.\n\nKurdish: \nلێدانی دڵی زیاد کردم\nدواتر، ئه‌وه‌ی که‌ کردیان ئه‌وه‌ بوو\nکه‌پێشتر ئه‌نجاممان نه‌دابوو، ئه‌وه‌ بوو که‌چاودێری لێدانی دڵیان دانا بوو\nوه‌ ئه‌وه‌ له‌نزیک تۆپەکە دانرابوو\nله‌به‌رئه‌وه‌، هه‌رکاتێک دڵم لێیده‌دا، گوێم له‌ پیپ-پیپ-پیپ بوو\nوەک دەزانن ، ده‌نگه‌که‌ی زۆ ربه‌رز بوو\nکه‌ زیاتر توشی شڵه‌زانی ده‌کردم\nوه‌هیچ ڕێگه‌یه‌ک نیه‌ لێدانه‌کانی دڵم هێواش بکاته‌وه‌\nبه‌شێوه‌یه‌کی ئاسایی\nبو (٣٨) لێدان له‌خوله‌کێکدا ده‌ستم پێ ده‌کرد\nله‌ کاتێکدا هه‌ناسه‌م ڕاده‌گرم، لێدانه‌کان که‌م ده‌بویه‌وه‌ بۆ (١٢) لێدان له‌خوله‌کێکدا\nله‌ڕاستیدا نائاساییه‌\nپێکه‌نین\nئه‌م جاره‌یان لە (١٢٠) لێدانه‌وه‌ ده‌ستی پێکرد\nوه‌ به‌هیچ شێوه‌یه‌ک که‌م نه‌بویه‌وه‌\nپێنج خوله‌کی سه‌ره‌تام له‌ژێر ئاودا به‌سه‌ر برد\nله‌هه‌وڵدانێکی زۆر بۆکه‌م کردنه‌وه‌ی لێدانه‌کانی دڵم\nله‌وێ دانێشتبووم و بیرم ده‌کرده‌وه‌، ده‌بێت ئه‌مه‌ هێواش بکه‌مه‌وه‌\nمن شکست ده‌هێنم، من شکست ده‌هێنم\nوه‌ به‌ره‌و شڵه‌ژانی زیاتر ده‌ڕۆشتم\nلێدانی دڵم هه‌ر به‌رده‌وام بوو له‌به‌رزبوونه‌وه‌\nهه‌تا گه‌یشته‌ زیاتر له (١٥٠) لێدان\n\nCzech: \ntakže se mi zrychloval puls.\nA ještě mi udělali něco, na co\njsem nebyl zvyklý - dali tam přístroj na měření pulsu.\nHned vedle té koule.\nPři každém úderu srdce jsem slyšel píp-píp-píp-píp,\nchápete, fakt dost nahlas.\nTo mě znervózňovalo ještě víc.\nTakže mi vůbec nijak nešlo snížit si puls.\nNormálně bych\nzačal na 38 tepech za minutu,\na jak bych zadržoval dech, postupně bych se dostal na 12 tepů,\ncož je celkem neobvyklé.\n(smích)\nTentokrát jsem začal na 120 tepech,\na za celou dobu vůbec nezpomalil.\nPrvních pět minut pod vodou jsem strávil\nzoufalou snahou o zpomalení pulsu.\nProstě jsem tam seděl, a říkal jsem si, \"Musím ten tep zpomalit.\nNezvládnu to. Nezvládnu to.\"\nA byl jsem ještě víc nervózní.\nA puls mi pořád stoupal a stoupal,\naž někam na 150 tepů.\n\nPersian: \nو ضربان قلبم را بالا می برد.\nکار دیگری که آنها انجام دادند\nکاری که ما هرگز انجام نداده بودیم ,قرار دادن یک نمایشگر ضربان قلب بود.\nاین دقیقا کنار کره قرار داشت.\nبنابراین هر باز که قلب من می زد من صدای بیپ,بیپ می شنیدم\nمی دونید ,صدای تیک تاک ,واقعا بلند\nکه من را عصبی تر می کرد\nو هیچ راهی برای آهسته کردن ضربان قلبم وجود نداشت\nخب به طور معمول\nمن با ضربان قلب 38 بار در دقیقه شروع کردم\nو وقتی نفسم را حبس می کردم ضربان به 12 بار در دقیقه می رسید\nاین خیلی غیرعادی است.\nخنده حضار\nاین بار ضربان با 120 بار در دقیقه شروع شد\nو هرگز پایین نیامد\nمن اولین 5 دقیقه را زیر آب ماندم\nنا امیدانه سعی می کردم ضربان قلبم را آهسته کنم.\nمن فقط آنجا نشسته بودم و فکر می کردم .\" من مجبورم آن را آهسته کنم\nمن دارم شکست می خورم ,من دارم شکست می خورم.\"\nو بیشتر عصبی می شدم.\nضربان قلبم بالاتر و بالاتر می رفت\nدر نهایت به 150 بار در دقیقه رسید.\n\nSerbian: \ni ubrzavalo otkucaje srca.\nOnda, još nešto što nismo nikad uradili,\ntu je bio monitor\nza merenje otkucaja srca.\nBio je odmah pored lopte.\nI svaki put kad bi mi otkucalo srce,\nčuo bih bip-bip-bip-bip,\nbaš glasno kucanje.\nŠto me je činilo još nervoznijim.\nA nema načina da usporim otkucaje srca.\nObično bih počeo\nsa 38 otkucaja u minutu\ni tokom zadržavanja daha,\npao bih na 12 otkucaja u minutu,\nšto je prilično neobično.\n(Smeh)\nOvaj put je počelo sa 120 otkucaja\ni nije se više spuštalo.\nProveo sam prvih 5 minuta pod vodom\nočajnički pokušavajući\nda usporim otkucaje.\nSamo sam stajao tamo i mislio:\n\"Moram da ga usporim,\nneću uspeti, neću uspeti.\"\nI postajao sam još nervozniji.\nA otkucaji su se samo ubrzavali,\nsve do 150 otkucaja.\n\nSpanish: \nacelerando mi pulso.\nLuego, además de eso,\nme conectaron un monitor de pulsaciones, algo que nunca habíamos hecho.\nY lo colocaron justo a lado de la esfera.\nPor lo tanto, cada vez que el corazón daba un latido, yo escuchaba un bip-bip-bip,\nya sabes... ese tic-tac, muy fuerte,\nlo que me ponía más nervioso.\nY no había forma de disminuir el pulso.\nEntonces, normalmente\nempezaría con 38 pulsaciones por minuto\ny mientras aguantaba la respiración, bajaría a 12 pulsaciones por minuto,\nlo que es muy raro.\n(Risas)\nEsta vez, empecé a 120 pulsaciones,\ny de ahí no bajaba...\nMe pasé los primeros cinco minutos bajo el agua\nintentando desesperadamente disminuir el pulso.\nEstaba ahí quieto pensando \"Tengo que relajarme.\nVoy a fracasar, voy a fracasar\".\nY me iba poniendo más y más nervioso\ny mi pulso seguía subiendo y subiendo,\nhasta las 150 pulsaciones.\n\nSwedish: \nvilket ökade min hjärtrytm.\nVad de också gjorde var,\nnågot de inte gjort innan, de hade en hjärt-rytm-monitor.\nVilken stod precis brevid bollen.\nSå varje gång mitt hjärta slog hördes det ett beep-beep-beep-beep,\nni vet, tickande, riktigt högt.\nVilket gjorde mig ännu mer nervös.\nOch det gick inte att få ner min hjärtrytm.\nNormalt sätt\nbrukade jag börja på 38 slag per minut,\noch när jag höll andan brukade det gå ner till 12 slag per minut,\nvilket är ganska ovanligt.\n(Skratt)\nDenna gången startade det på 120 slag,\noch det sjönk aldrig.\nDe första fem minutrarna under vattnet\nägnade jag åt att desperat försöka sakta ner min hjärtrytm.\nDet ända jag kunde tänka var, \"Jag måste sakta ner rytmen.\nJag kommer misslyckas, jag kommer misslyckas.\"\nJag blev ännu mer nervös.\nOch min hjärtrytm gick upp mer och mer,\nhela vägen upp till 150 slag.\n\nDutch: \nzodat de hartslag omhoog ging.\nOok was er voor het eerst\neen hartslagmonitor bij.\nDie stond vlak naast de bol.\nDus elke keer dat mijn hart sloeg,\nhoorde ik: piep-piep-piep,\nweet je, het tellen, heel hard.\nDat maakte me nòg nerveuzer.\nGeen mogelijkheid mijn hartslag\nomlaag te krijgen.\nNormaal begon ik op 38 slagen per minuut,\nen tijdens het adem inhouden\ndaalde dat tot 12 slagen per minuut,\nwat vrij ongebruikelijk is.\n(Gelach)\nDeze keer begon ik op 120 slagen\nen het ging niet omlaag.\nDe eerste vijf minuten onderwater\nprobeerde ik wanhopig\nmijn hartslag omlaag te krijgen.\nIk dreef daar terwijl ik dacht:\n\"Ik moet dit omlaag krijgen,\nIk haal het niet, ik haal het niet\".\nZo werd ik nog nerveuzer.\nDe hartslag ging alsmaar omhoog,\nhelemaal tot 150 slagen.\n\nThai: \nเพราะมันก็คือการเพิ่มอัตราการเต้นของหัวใจนั่นเอง\nสิ่งที่พวกรายการทีวีทำอีกอย่างก็คือ\nเขาติดเครื่องวัดอัตราการเต้นของหัวใจ ซึ่งเราไม่เคยติดมาก่อน\nแล้วเครื่องมันก็ดันอยู่ติดกับแทงค์ที่ผมอยู่เลย\nดังนั้นทุกๆครั้งที่หัวใจผมเต้น ผมก็ได้ยินเสียง บี๊ป บี๊ป บี๊ป บี๊ป\nคุณรู้เปล่า ว่าเสียงมันโคตรดังเลย\nซึ่งยิ่งทำให้ผมกังวลมากขึ้นไปอีก\nและแล้วมันก็ไม่มีทางให้ผมที่จะลดอัตราการเต้นของหัวใจให้ช้าลง\nซึ่งโดยปกติ\nผมจะเริ่มจาก 38 ครั้งต่อนาที\nแล้วขณะที่ผมกำลังกลั้นหายใจ มันก็จะลดลงไปเหลือ 12 ครั้งต่อนาที\nซึ่งค่อยข้างจะผิดปกติ\n(หัวเราะ)\nครั้งนี้ผมเริ่มที่ 120 ครั้งต่อนาที\nแล้วมันก็ไม่ลดลงเลย\nผมใช้เวลา 5 นาทีแรกใต้น้ำ\nพยายามสุดๆที่จะลดอัตราการเต้นของหัวใจ\nผมอยู่ในนั้นเอาแต่คิดว่า ผมต้องลดการเต้นของหัวใจลง\nงานนี้ผมเจ๊งอีกแน่ งานนี้ผมเจ๊งอีกแน่\nแล้วผมก็ยิ่งกังวลมากขึ้น มากขึ้น\nหัวใจผมก็ยิ่งเต้นเร็วขึ้น เร็วขึ้น\nขึ้นไปจนถึง 150 ครั้งต่อนาที\n\nPortuguese: \naumentando meus batimentos cardíacos.\nEntão, o que eles também fizeram foi,\no que nós nunca fizemos antes, colocaram um monitor cardíaco.\nE ele estava logo ao lado da esfera.\nEntão, cada vez que meu coração batia eu ouvia o beep-beep-beep-beep,\nvocê sabe, o tique, muito alto.\nO que estava me deixando mais nervoso.\nE não havia maneira de desacelerar meu batimento cardíaco.\nEntão, normalmente\neu começaria com 38 batidas por minuto,\ne enquanto segurava minha respiração ele cairia para 12 batidas por minuto,\no que é muito incomum.\n(Risos)\nNessa vez começou com 120 batidas,\ne nunca caiu.\nEu gastei os primeiros cinco minutos debaixo d'água\ntentando desesperadamente diminuir meu batimento cardíaco\nEu fiquei sentado lá pensando, \"Tenho que diminuir isso.\nvou falhar, vou falhar.\"\nE eu fui ficando mais nervoso.\nE minha frequência cardíaca continuou subindo e subindo,\naté chegar a 150 batidas.\n\nSlovak: \nčo mi zvýšilo tep.\nPotom tiež spravili to,\nčo sme predtým nerobili, že tam bol monitor srdcovej frekvencie.\nA bol hneď vedľa gule.\nTakže zakaždým, keď moje srdce udrelo, počul som píp-píp-píp-píp,\nviete, tikanie, ozaj nahlas.\nZ čoho som bol ešte viacej nervózny.\nA nemohol som spomaliť tep.\nTakže normálne\nby som začal na 38 úderoch za minútu\na zadržiavajúc dych by to kleslo na 12 úderov za minútu,\nčo je dosť nezvyčajné.\n(smiech)\nTentoraz to začalo na 120 úderoch\na dole to nezišlo.\nPrvých päť minút pod vodou som strávil\nzúfalou snahou spomaliť svoj tep.\nIba som tam sedel rozmýšľajúc \"Musím to spomaliť.\nZlyhám, zlyhám.\"\nA bol som čoraz nervóznejší.\nA tep sa stále zvyšoval a zvyšoval,\naž na 150 úderov.\n\nFinnish: \nsykkeeni kohosi.\nMitä he lisäksi tekivät oli,\nmitä emme aiemmin tehneet, oli sykemonitori.\nSe oli aivan pallon vieressä.\nJoten aina sydämeni sykkiessä kuulin piip-piip-piip-piip,\ntikityksen, todella kovalla.\nSe teki minut vielä hermostuneemmaksi.\nEnkä mitenkään onnistunut alentamaan sykettäni.\nNormaalisti\naloitin 38 lyöntiä per minuutti,\nja pidättäessäni henkeä se laski 12:een per minuutti,\nmikä on melko epänormaalia.\n(Naurua)\nNyt se alkoi 120 lyönnistä,\neikä koskaan laskenut.\nEnsimmäiset viisi minuuttia veden alla\nyritin epätoivoisesti alentaa sykettäni.\nIstuin ja ajattelin: \"Minun täytyy hidastaa sitä.\nEpäonnistun, epäonnistun.\"\nJa hermostuin lisää.\nSykkeeni vain kiihtyi,\naina 150 lyöntiin.\n\nHungarian: \nami felgyorsította a szívverésem.\nAztán még azt is csinálták,\namit előtte sosem, hogy felszereltek egy pulzusmérőt.\nEz közvetlenül a gömb mellett volt.\nMinden alkalommal, mikor a szívem vert egyet, hallottam, pitty-pitty-pitty-pitty,\na csipogást, jó hangosan.\nEz még idegesebbé tett.\nÉs sehogy nem tudtam lelassítani a pulzusom.\nÁltalában\npercenkénti 38-as pulzussal indítottam,\nés amíg benntartottam a levegőt, lecsökkent 12-re,\nami eléggé szokatlan.\n(Nevetés)\nEzúttal 120-szal kezdtem,\nés nem csökkent.\nAz első öt percet a víz alatt azzal töltöttem,\nhogy kétségbeesve próbáltam lelassítani a pulzusom.\nCsak ültem ott, és arra gondoltam, \"Le kell lassítanom.\nEl fogok bukni, el fogok bukni.\"\nÉs egyre idegesebb lettem.\nA szívverésem pedig csak emelkedett és emelkedett,\negészen 150-ig.\n\nMacedonian: \nми го зголеми пулсот.\nПотоа, друго што направија,\nа што го немавме направено порано, поставија монитор за срцевиот пулс.\nИ тој беше поставен веднаш до топката.\nТака секој пат кога моето срце ќе отчукаше, го слушав звукот на бип,\nотчукувањето, навистина гласно.\nТоа ме правеше уште понервозен.\nА нема начин како да го успорам пулсот.\nТака, вообичаено\nзапочнував со 38 удари во минута,\nи со задржување на здивот, тој ќе се намалеше на 12 удари во минута,\nшто е прилично невообичаено.\n(Смеење)\nОвојпат тоа започна со 120 удари,\nи воопшто не се спушти.\nГи поминав првите пет минути под вода\nочајно обидувајќи се да го намалам пулсот.\nСамо стоев таму и си мислев: \"Морам да го намалам.\nНема да успеам. Нема да успеам.\"\nИ станував понервозен.\nА пулсот само се качуваше сè повеќе и повеќе.\nсè до 150 удари во минута.\n\nRomanian: \nși mi-a crescut pulsul.\nÎn plus, au mai făcut un lucru\npe care nu îl mai făcuseră: au adus\nun aparat de monitorizare a inimii.\nȘi l-au pus chiar lângă sferă.\nIar de fiecare dată când îmi bătea inima,\nauzeam bip-bip-bip-bip,\nfoarte tare.\nCeea ce mă făcea și mai stresat.\nȘi nu aveam nicio posibilitate\nsă îmi încetinesc bătaile inimii.\nIn mod normal,\nporneam de la 38 bătăi pe minut,\niar în timp ce îmi țineam respirația,\npulsul scădea la 12 bătăi pe minut.\nceea ce e destul de ieșit din comun.\n(Râsete)\nDe data aceasta a pornit\nde la 120 de bătăi,\nși nu a coborât deloc.\nAm petrecut primele 5 minute sub apă\nîncercând cu disperare\nsă îmi încetinesc ritmul cardiac.\nStăteam acolo și mă gândeam:\n„Trebuie să mă calmez.\nVoi eșua, voi eșua.”\nȘi deveneam din ce în ce mai stresat.\nIar pulsul creștea și mai mult,\npână la 150 de bătăi pe minut.\n\nPolish: \npodnosząc tętno.\nCo więcej, dodatkowo zrobili coś\nczego nie było nigdy wcześniej, dodali monitor akcji serca,\nktóry stał zaraz obok zbiornika.\nWięc za każdym razem gdy moje serce zabiło, słyszałem bip-bip-bip-bip,\nnaprawdę głośne tykanie.\nPrzez co byłem jeszcze bardziej zdenerwowany.\nI nie było sposobu, by spowolnić akcję serca.\nNormalnie\nzaczynałem przy 38 uderzeniach na minutę,\nwstrzymując oddech schodziłem do 12 uderzeń na minutę,\nco jest dość niezwykłe.\n(Śmiech)\nTym razem zacząłem przy 120 uderzeniach\ni tętno nigdy nie spadło.\nSpędziłem pierwsze pięć minut pod wodą\ndesperacko próbując spowolnić akcję serca.\nSiedziałem tam i myślałem \"Muszę zwolnić.\nNie uda się. Nie uda się.\"\nI stawałem się jeszcze bardziej nerwowy.\nCzęstość akcji serca rosła i rosła\naż do 150 uderzeń na minutę.\n\nChinese: \n心跳加快。\n同時,他們做了一件\n我從來沒試過的事,就是放一部心電圖儀在現場。\n這部機器就在球體旁邊,\n所以每當我的心臟跳動,我就會聽見嗶嗶聲,\n而且很大聲,\n這讓我更加的緊張,\n我沒有辦法降低心跳。\n正常狀況下,\n我的心跳會從每分鐘三十八下開始下降,\n當我停止呼吸,心跳會降到每分鐘十二下,\n也就是相當不尋常的低。\n(笑聲)\n那個時候一開始就有一百二十下,\n而且降不下來。\n一開始我花了五分鐘,\n絕望的想要放慢我的心跳,\n腦中只想著「我要慢下來,\n我快要失敗,快要失敗了。」\n我變得更加緊張,\n心跳不降反升,\n升到了一百五十下。\n\nRussian: \nповышая пульс.\nКроме того, в этот раз\nбыло решено использовать монитор пульса,\nчего мы ранее никогда не делали.\nИ находился он прямо рядом со сферой.\nА потому каждый удар сердца\nотдавался чётким звуком тук-тук-тук-тук,\nи, знаете, очень уж громко.\nЭто создавало ещё больше нервозности,\nи я никак не мог понизить пульс.\nТак вот, как правило,\nя начинал с 38 ударов в минуту,\nи по мере задержки дыхания\nпульс падал до 12 ударов в минуту,\nчто само по себе необычно.\n(Смех)\nНо на этот раз я начал со 120 ударов\nи пульс никак не понижался.\nПервые пять минут под водой\nя отчаянно пытался снизить пульс.\nСтоя там, я размышлял:\n«Надо понизить пульс.\nЯ всё провалю. Я всё провалю.»\nЯ нервничал ещё больше,\nи пульс продолжал лезть\nвсё выше и выше,\nвплоть до 150 ударов в минуту.\n\nKorean: \n심박동수를 증가시켰습니다.\n그리고나서, 그들은 저희가 이전에 한번도 안 한 것을 시도했는데\n그것은 심박동 모니터였습니다.\n그것은 구(球) 바로 옆에 있었습니다.\n언제나 제 심장은 뛰기 때문에 항상 저는 삐삐 소리를 들었습니다,\n알다시피, 삐삐소리가 너무 커서\n저는 더욱 신경이 쓰였습니다.\n그리고 제 심박수를 내릴 방법은 없었습니다.\n그래서 보통\n제 심박은 분당 38회로 시작했고\n제가 숨을 참을때는 분당 12회까지 떨어졌습니다.\n꽤 비정상적이죠.\n(웃음)\n이번에는 120으로 출발을 했고\n절대 내려가지 않았습니다.\n저는 물속에서 처음 5분을\n필사적으로 심박수를 내리는데 썼습니다.\n저는 거기 앉아서 \"심박수를 낮춰야해\n나는 실패할꺼야. 나는 실패할꺼야' 라고 생각했습니다.\n하지만 저는 더욱 불안해졌습니다.\n그리고 심박수는 점점 올라갔고\n내내 150까지 올라갔습니다.\n\nGerman: \nund beschleunigte meine Herzschlagfrequenz.\nWas sie auch benutzen und was wir nie zuvor hatten,\nwar ein Monitor, der die Herzschlagfrequenz anzeigt.\nUnd es war direkt neben der Kugel.\nBei jedem Herzschlag hörte ich nun \"biep biep biep biep\",\nalso das sehr laute Ticken,\nwas mich noch nervöser machte.\nUnd es gab keine Möglichkeit meine Herzschlagfrequenz zu verlangsamen.\nAlso, normalerweise\nbegann ich bei 38 Schläge pro Minute\nund fiel auf 12 Schläge pro Minute herab, während ich den Atem anhielt,\nwas recht ungewöhnlich ist.\n(Gelächter)\nDiesmal begann ich mit 120 Schlägen\nund es ging einfach nicht herunter.\nDie ersten fünf Minuten unter Wasser\nversuchte ich verzweifelt meine Herzschlagfrequenz zu verlangsamen.\nIch saß da einfach so und dachte: \"Ich muss das verlangsamen.\nIch werde versagen. Ich werde versagen.\"\nUnd ich wurde noch nervöser.\nDie Herzschlagfrequenz ging einfach höher und höher\nbis zu 150 Schlägen pro Minute.\n\nJapanese: \n心拍数が上がってしまうのです\nさらに 初めての体験となったのは\n心拍数のモニターが私の入る球体のすぐ横に\n設置されたことです\n心臓の鼓動と共にピッピッと音を立てます\nこの音がすごく大きくて\nより一層緊張し\n心拍数を下げることができないのです\n普段は\n心拍数38からスタートして\n呼吸を止めている間に12まで下げることができました\nこれはかなりすごいことです\n(笑い)\n今回は120からスタートして\n全く下がらなかったのです\n最初の5分間は水中で\n必死に心拍数を下げようとしました\nじっとして“心拍数を下げなければ\n失敗する”と考え続けました\nそれでもっと緊張してしまったのです\n心拍数は上がり続け\n150にまで達しました\n\nPortuguese: \naumentando o ritmo cardíaco.\nDepois, também fizeram outra coisa\nque nunca tínhamos feito: \nhavia um monitor de ritmo cardíaco.\nEstava mesmo ao pé da esfera.\nCada vez que o meu coração batia,\neu ouvia o bip-bip-bip-bip, muito forte,\no que estava a fazer-me ficar mais nervoso.\nE não havia possibilidade \nde abrandar o ritmo cardíaco.\nNormalmente, começava \ncom 38 batidas por minuto,\ne, enquanto sustinha a respiração, \ndescia para as 12 batidas por minuto,\no que é extremamente raro.\n(Risos)\nDessa vez, comecei com 120 batidas,\ne nunca baixaram.\nPassei os primeiros 5 minutos \ndebaixo de água\ntentando desesperadamente \nabrandar o ritmo cardíaco\nEstava ali a pensar:\n\"Tenho que abrandar isto\".\n\"Vou falhar, vou falhar\".\nEstava cada vez mais nervoso \ne o ritmo cardíaco foi subindo\naté às 150 batidas.\n\nChinese: \n提高了心率。\n除此之外,他们还装了,\n我以前从未试过的,就是装了一个心率监测器\n它就在放置在我的球型水缸旁边,\n所以,每一次我心跳动时,都会听到哔哔的声音。\n你知道,那个声音,非常吵。\n它导致我更加紧张。\n而且我竟然没有办法去降低心率。\n一般情况下\n我的心率是每分钟38次,\n而且当我屏住呼吸时它会降到每分钟12次,\n这是可是很不寻常的。\n(笑声)\n这一次,它却以每分钟120次作为开始,\n再也没有降下去。\n在水下前5分钟\n我疯狂的尝试降低心率,\n当时我只不住地想,“我必须让心率减速\n我要失败了,我要失败了。”\n而且我越来越紧张。\n心率一直飙升,\n直到每分钟150次。\n\nArabic: \nورفع معدل ضربات قلبي\nوأيضاً .. وضعوا هنالك\nوهو شيءٌ جديد علي .. جهاز مراقبة نبضات القلب\nوكان على يميني بالقرب من الكرة الزجاجية التي سأكون فيها\nوفي كل مرة كانت نبضات قلبي ترتفع كنت أسمع تلك النبضات \" بيب - بيب - بيب - بيب \"\nأتعلمون \" التكتكة \" كانت مرتفعة فعلاً\nوالذي كان يزيد من حدة توتري أكثر\nولم أكن أملك أي وسيلة لكي أخفض حدة نبضات قلبي\nلذا .. في الحالة الإعتيادية\nكنت أبدأ ب 38 نبضة في الدقيقة\nوعندما أحبس أنفاسي أصل إلى 12 نبضة في الدقيقة\nوهذا أمرٌ غير إعتيادي على الإطلاق\n(ضحك)\nولكن في هذه التجربة بدأت ب 120 نبضة في الدقيقة\nولم يهبط معدل النبضات أبدأً\nوقد قضيت الخمس دقائق الأولى\nمحاولاً بكل جهد أن أخفف من معدل النبضات\nوكنت أجلس هنالك و أقول لنفسي \" علي أن أُخفضها .. علي أن أُخفضها \"\n\" سوف أفشل , سوف أفشل\"\nوكان ذلك يدفعني للتوتر أكثر\nوبقيت تتصاعد نبضات قلبي أكثر فأكثر\nحتى وصلت إلى 150 نبضة في الدقيقة\n\nEnglish: \nThat made me extremely nervous,\nraising the heart rate.\nThen, what they also did was,\nwhich we never did before,\nis there was a heart-rate monitor.\nAnd it was right next to the sphere.\nSo, every time my heart would beat,\nI'd hear the beep-beep-beep-beep,\nyou know, the ticking, really loud.\nWhich was making me more nervous.\nAnd there was no way to slow\nmy heart rate down.\nNormally, I would start\nat 38 beats per minute,\nand while holding my breath,\nit would drop to 12 beats per minute,\nwhich is pretty unusual.\n(Laughter)\nThis time it started at 120 beats,\nand it never went down.\nI spent the first five minutes underwater\ndesperately trying to slow\nmy heart rate down.\nI was just sitting there thinking,\n\"I've got to slow this down.\nI'm going to fail.\"\nAnd I was getting more nervous.\nAnd the heart rate\njust kept going up and up,\nall the way up to 150 beats.\n\nModern Greek (1453-): \nΑυτό με άγχωσε πάρα πολύ,\nκαι ανέβασα καρδιακούς παλμούς.\nΕπίσης, κάτι άλλο που έκαναν,\nπου δεν είχαμε κάνει ποτέ πριν, ήταν να βάλουν\nμια συσκευή παρακολούθησης καρδιακών παλμών.\nΚαι ήταν δίπλα ακριβώς στην σφαίρα.\nΈτσι κάθε φορά που η καρδιά μου χτυπούσε,\nάκουγα το μπιπ - μπιπ - μπιπ - μπιπ,\nξέρετε, τον ήχο, πολύ δυνατά.\nΚαι αυτό με άγχωνε ακόμα περισσότερο.\nΚαι δεν υπήρχε τρόπος να χαλαρώσω \nτους καρδιακούς μου παλμούς.\nΈτσι, υπό κανονικές συνθήκες\nθα ξεκινούσα στους 38 παλμούς ανά λεπτό,\nκαι κρατώντας την αναπνοή μου \nθα έπεφτα στους 12 παλμούς ανά λεπτό,\nπου είναι πολύ συνηθισμένο.\n(Γέλια)\nΑυτή τη φορά άρχισε στους 120 παλμούς,\nκαι δεν κατέβηκε ποτέ.\nΠέρασα τα πρώτα\nπέντε λεπτά κάτω από το νερό\nπροσπαθώντας απεγνωσμένα \nνα μειώσω τους παλμούς μου.\nΚαθόμουν απλώς και σκεφτόμουν,\n«Πρέπει να μειώσω τους παλμούς.\nΘα αποτύχω, θα αποτύχω».\nΚαι αγχωνόμουν ακόμα περισσότερο.\nΚαι οι παλμοί μου \nανέβαιναν όλο και περισσότερο,\nμέχρι που έφτασαν τους 150 το λεπτό.\n\nFrench: \nce qui augmentait mon rythme cardiaque.\nEt puis, ce qu'ils avaient aussi fait\net qu'on n'avait jamais fait jusque là, c'est qu'il y avait un moniteur cardiaque,\net il était juste à côté de la sphère.\nEt, chaque fois que mon cœur battait, j'entendais le bip-bip-bip,\nvous savez, le tic-tac, très fort.\nCe qui me rendait encore plus nerveux.\nEt là, plus moyen de ralentir mon pouls.\nBon, normalement\nj'aurais dû commencer à 38 battements par minute,\net, quand je retenais mon souffle, descendre à 12 battements par minute\nce qui est assez inhabituel.\n(Rires)\nCette fois, j'ai commencé à 120 battements,\net ça n'a jamais descendu.\nJ'ai passé les 5 premières minutes sous l'eau\nà essayer désespérément de ralentir mon rythme cardiaque.\nJ'étais là à penser \" Je dois le ralentir,\nje vais échouer, je vais échouer.\"\nEt j'étais de plus en plus nerveux.\nEt mon rythme cardiaque continuait d'augmenter, encore et encore,\njusqu'à 150 battements.\n\nVietnamese: \nlàm tăng nhịp tim.\nSau đó, họ làm như thường lệ,\nđiều mà chúng tôi chưa từng làm trước đó, đó là một máy đo nhịp tim.\nVà nó ngay cạnh quả cầu nước.\nVậy nên, mỗi lần tim đập tôi lại nghe tiếng bíp-bíp-bíp-bíp,\nbạn biết không, tiếng kêu, thực sự lớn.\nNó là tôi căng thẳng đơn.\nVà không có cách nào làm chậm nhịp tim.\nVậy nên, thông thường\nTôi bắt đầu ở 38 nhịp trên phút,\nvà khi nín thở nó tụt xuống 12 nhịp trên phút,\nnó thực sự không bình thường.\n(Cười)\nLần này việc nín thở bắt đầu ở 120 nhịp,\nvà không thể giảm.\nTôi dùng năm phút đầu dưới nước\ncố gắng làm chậm nhịp tim trong tuyệt vọng.\nTôi cứ ngồi đó suy nghĩm \"Tôi buộc phải làm chậm xuống.\ntôi sẽ thất bại, tôi sẽ thất bại.\"\nVà tôi lại thêm căng thẳng.\nVà nhịp tim cứ thế tăng lên,\nlên tới 150 nhịp.\n\nFrench: \nEn fait, c'était la même chose que ce qui avait provoqué mon échec au Lincoln Center.\nC'était le gâchis d'O2.\nArrivé à la moitié du temps prévu, à 8 minutes\nj'étais certain à 100 %\nque je n'allais pas arriver au bout.\nAucune chance que j'y arrive.\nAlors, je me suis dit qu'Oprah avait prévu une heure entière\npour cette tentative de retenir mon souffle, et si j'avais craqué avant\non aurait toute une émission avec comme thème \"A quel point j'étais déprimé\"\n(Rires)\nAlors, je me suis dit que je ferais mieux de me battre\net de tenir jusqu'à ce que je perde connaissance,\nau moins, là, ils pourraient me repêcher, s'occuper de moi, et tout ça.\n(Rires)\nJ'ai continué, réussissant à atteindre les 10 minutes. A 10 minutes,\non commence à avoir ces très fortes\nsensations de picotements dans les doigts et les orteils.\nEt je savais que c'était le reflux sanguin,\nquand le sang quitte les extrémités\npour apporter de l'oxygène aux organes vitaux.\nA 11 minutes, j'ai commencé à sentir\ndes élancements dans les jambes,\n\nItalian: \nIn pratica fu lo stesso processo che generò la mia crisi al Lincoln Center.\nStavo sprecando ossigeno.\nAl giro di boa, a 8 minuti,\nero certo al 100 %\nche non ce l'avrei fatta.\nNon avrei mai potuto farcela.\nPensai che Oprah mi aveva dedicato un'ora\nper questa prova e se fossi crollato prima\nlo show si sarebbe incentrato sulla mia depressione.\n(Risata)\nTanto valeva combattere\ne resistere fino allo svenimento,\nalmeno mi avrebbero tirato fuori a forza e si sarebbero presi cura di me.\n(Risata)\nTenni duro fino a 10 minuti. A 10 minuti\nsi inizia a percepire\ntutto un formicolio alle dita delle mani e dei piedi.\nSapevo che era dovuto ad una ridistribuzione del sangue,\nquando il sangue inizia a ritirarsi dalle estremità\nper fornire ossigeno agli organi vitali.\nAd 11 minuti iniziai a sentire\ndei forti tremori alle gambe,\n\nSerbian: \nTo je ista stvar koja je bila zaslužna\nza debakl u Linkoln centru.\nGubljenje kiseonika.\nKad sam stigao do polovine, do 8 minuta,\nbio sam 100 posto siguran\nda neću uspeti.\nNije bilo načina da to uradim.\nPa sam pomislio:\nOpra je posvetila sat vremena\novoj predstavi zadržavanja daha,\ni ako bih rano doživeo krah,\ncela emisija bi bila o tome\nkako sam depresivan.\n(Smeh)\nPa sam pomislio da je bolje da se borim\ni ostanem tamo dok se ne onesvestim,\nbarem mogu da me izvuku\ni pruže mi pomoć i sve to.\n(Smeh)\nNaprezao sam se do 10. minuta.\nU 10. minutu počinjete da osećate\nvrlo jake žmarce u prstima\nna rukama i nogama.\nZnao sam da je to oticanje krvi,\nkada krv odlazi iz ekstremiteta\nda bi snabdela kiseonikom vitalne organe.\nU 11. minutu počeo sam da osećam\npulsiranje u nogama\n\nCzech: \nV podstatě to bylo to samé, co způsobilo můj neúspěch v Lincoln Center.\nPlýtvání kyslíkem.\nKdyž jsem se dostal do půlky, na osm minut,\nbyl jsem si 100% jistý,\nže se mi to nepovede.\nProstě jsem to nemohl zvládnout.\nTak jsem si říkal, Oprah vyhradila hodinu\nna mé zadržování dechu, a když vylezu brzo,\ntak celá ta show bude o mojí depresi.\n(smích)\nTak mě napadlo, že lepši bude prostě vydržet\na zůstat tam dokud neomdlím,\naspoň mě můžou vytáhnout, zachraňovat, a tak dál.\n(smích)\nTak jsem vydržel 10 minut. Na 10 minutách\nvás začnou dost silně brnět\nprsty na rukou i na nohou.\nVěděl jsem, že to je odliv krve,\npři němž vám krev odtéká z končetin,\naby mohla dodávat kyslík životně důležitým orgánům.\n11. minutu jsem začal cítit\npulzování v nohou,\n\nModern Greek (1453-): \nΟυσιαστικά είναι το ίδιο που προκάλεσε\nτην αποτυχία μου στο Lincoln Center.\nΣπαταλούσα οξυγόνο.\nΌταν έφτασα στο μέσο \nτης προσπάθειας, στα οχτώ λεπτά,\nήμουν εκατό τοις εκατό σίγουρος\nότι δεν θα τα κατάφερνα.\nΔεν υπήρχε τρόπος να τα καταφέρω.\nΈτσι, σκέφτηκα, \nη Όπρα είχε αφιερώσει μια ώρα\nνα κάνουμε όλο αυτό με την αναπνοή, \nαν τα παρατούσα νωρίς\nθα ήταν ένα ολόκληρο σόου \nσχετικά με το πόσο θλιβερός είμαι.\n(Γέλια)\nΈτσι σκέφτηκα πως θα ήταν καλύτερα να συνεχίσω\nτην προσπάθεια και να μείνω μέσα μέχρι να χάσω τις αισθήσεις μου,\nτουλάχιστον τότε θα μπορούσαν\nνα με τραβήξουν, να με φροντίσουν και όλα αυτά.\n(Γέλια)\nΣυνέχισα να κρατιέμαι μέχρι τα 10 λεπτά.\nΣτα 10 λεπτά αρχίζεις να νιώθεις\nαυτό το πολύ έντονο μυρμήγκιασμα\nστα δάχτυλα των χεριών και των ποδιών.\nΚαι ήξερα ότι αυτό \nήταν το αίμα που κινείται,\nόταν φεύγει από τα άκρα\nγια να παρέχει οξυγόνο στα ζωτικά όργανα.\nΣτα 11 λεπτά άρχισα να αισθάνομαι\nπαλμούς στα πόδια μου,\n\nChinese: \n其实就是出现了和伦敦中心失败时一样的情况,\n心跳过快浪费氧气.\n当我坚持到一半的时候,大概8分钟时,\n我已经百分百确定\n我不会成功了。\n我根本做不到。\n然后,我想,奥普拉贡献一整个小时\n来做这个水下屏气的节目。如果我早早失败了\n它就会变成一个描述我失败后如何沮丧的节目。\n(笑声)\n所以,我发现我还是最好强撑着,\n直到昏过去,\n至少这样他们可以先把我拉出来再抢救什么的。\n(笑声)\n我一直坚持到10分钟,在第十分钟时\n我开始有这种非常强烈的\n手指和脚趾镇痛的感觉。\n我知道那是血液分流,\n也就是血液从肢端回流\n去为重要的器官供氧。\n在第11分钟,我开始感到\n腿部的抽搐感,\n\nBulgarian: \nПо същество стана същото, което ме провали на Линкълн Сентър.\nПреразход на кислород.\nКогато преполових времето, на осмата минута,\nбях 100 процента сигурен,\nче няма да успея.\nНямаше начин как да стане.\nПомислих си, че Опра е отделила един час\nза моя експеримент и ако се пречупя рано - рано,\nшоуто ще бъде посветено на това, колко съм депресиран.\n(Смях)\nЗатова реших, че ще е по - добре да се боря\nи да стоя, докато загубя съзнание,\nпоне ще ме извадят и ще се погрижат за мен.\n(Смях)\nУстисках до десетата минута. Тогава\nзапочнаха тези силни изтръпвания\nв пръстите на ръцете и краката.\nЗнаех, че това е в следствие на кръвта,\nкоято се отдръпва от крайниците,\nза да достави кислород на жизнено важните органи.\nНа 11-тата минута започнах да чувствам\nпулсиране в краката,\n\nTurkish: \nLincoln Merkezinde çöküşüme sebep olan şeyle aynıydı.\nO2 kaybı yaşıyordum.\n8. dakikada yolu yarılamışken\nbunu başaramayacağımdan\n%100 emindim.\nBunu yapmamın hiçbir yolu yoktu.\nSonra Oprah'ın bu nefes tutma işine 1 saatini ayırdığını\nerken çatlarsam bütün gösterinin benim depresyonum\nüzerine kurulacağını düşündüm.\n(Kahkaha)\nYani savaşa devam edip bayılana kadar\norada kalırsam, en azından,\nonlar beni çekip çıkarır, benimle ilgilenirler filan diye düşündüm.\n(Kahkaha)\n10 dakikayı zorlamaya başladım. 10. dakikada\ntüm eller ve ayaklardaki karıncalanmaları\ngüçlü bir şekilde hissetmeye başlıyorsunuz.\nVe hayati organlarıma oksijen sağlamak için\nkol ve bacaklarımdan kanımın uzaklaştığını,\nkan akımımın yön değiştirdiğini biliyordum.\n11. dakikada\nbacaklarımda zonlama hissi oluştu,\n\nSlovak: \nV podstate to bola rovnaká vec, aká spôsobila moje zlyhanie na Lincoln center.\nBolo to mrhanie kyslíkom.\nKeď som prišiel do polčasu, na ôsmych minútach,\nbol som si na 100% istý,\nže to nedokážem.\nNebolo možné, aby som to dokázal.\nTakže som si uvedomil, že Oprah venovala hodinu\ntejto veci so zadržiavaním dychu, ak by som sa zlomil skoro,\ncelá šou by bola o tom, aký som deprimovaný.\n(smiech)\nTakže som si uvedomil, že lepšie bude, ak budem bojovať\na ostanem tam, kým neomdliem,\naspoň ma potom vytiahnu a postarajú sa o mňa a všetko.\n(smiech)\nPotlačil som to na 10 minút. Pri 10 minútach\ndostanete ozaj silný\npocit štípania v prstoch na rukách a nohách.\nA vedel som, že to je odsuv krvi,\nkeď sa krv ženie preč z končatín,\naby zabezpečila kyslík životne dôležitým orgánom.\nPri 11 minútach som začal pociťovať\nbúšivé pocity v nohách\n\nDanish: \nDybest set den samme ting der skabte min undergang ved Lincoln Center.\nDet var spild af O2.\nDa jeg nåede halvvejs ind, ved otte minutter,\nvar jeg 100 procent sikker på\nat jeg ikke var i stand til at klare det.\nDer var ingen måde at gøre det på for mig.\nSå, jeg tænkte, Oprah havde dedikeret en time\ntil at lave denne holde vejret ting, hvis jeg var brudt sammen tidligt\nville det være et helt show om hvor deprimeret jeg var.\n(Latter)\nSå, jeg tænkte at det er bedre for mig at kæmpe\nog blive der indtil jeg fik black out,\ni det mindste kan de hive mig ud og tage sig af mig og alt det.\n(Latter)\nJeg drev mig mod de 10 minutter. Ved 10 minutter\nbegynder man at få alle disse stærke\nprikkende fornemmelser i ens fingre og tæer.\nOg jeg vidste at det var blodet der shuntede,\nnår blodet strømmer væk fra ens hænder og fødder\nfor at give ilt til ens livsvigtige organer.\nVed 11 minutter begyndte jeg at mærke\ndunkende fornemmelser i mine ben,\n\nDutch: \nHetzelfde als wat me nekte\nin het Lincoln Center.\nHet was een verspilling van zuurstof.\nToen ik halverwege was, op acht minuten,\nwas ik er zeker van\ndat ik het niet zou gaan halen.\nHet was volstrekt onmogelijk.\nDus, dacht ik:\nOprah had een uur uitgetrokken\nvoor dit ademinhoud-ding,\nen als ik meteen was bezweken\nzou het een hele show zijn\nover hoe depressief ik was.\n(Gelach)\nDus was het een beter idee\nom te blijven vechten\nen daar te blijven totdat ik flauwviel,\nzodat ze me eruit konden halen\nen me verzorgen en zo.\n(Gelach)\nIk bleef doorduwen tot 10 minuten.\nDan krijg je allemaal sterke tintelingen\nin je vingers en tenen.\nIk wist dat dit betekende dat\nmijn bloed van de uiteinden van mijn lichaam\nnaar de vitale organen werd geleid.\nOp 11 minuten kreeg ik kloppende\nsensaties in mijn benen,\n\nSwedish: \nI grund och botten är det samma sak som skapade mitt nedfall vid Lincoln Center.\nJag slösade ut O2.\nNär jag kom till halvvägs markeringen, åtta minuter,\nvar jag säker till 100 procent\natt jag inte skulle lyckas göra detta.\nDet fanns inte en changs att jag skulle lyckas.\nJag visste att Oprah lagt undan en timme\nför min hålla andan grej, om jag gav upp tidigt\nskulle hela showen handla om hur deprimerad jag var.\n(Skratt)\nJag insåg att det vore lika bra att fortsätta kämpa\noch stanna i tills jag svimmade,\ndå kan de åtminstonde dra ut mig och ta hand om mig och allt det där.\n(Skratt)\nJag pressade på till 10 minuter. Vid 10 minuter\nbörjar du få alla dessa riktigt starka\npirriga sensationerna i dina fingrar och tår.\nOch jag visste att det var blodet tillbakadragning,\nnär blodet rusar bort från dina extremiteter\nför att ge syre till dina livsviktiga inre organ.\nVid 11 minuter började jag känna\nen pulserande sensation i mina ben,\n\nPersian: \nدر اصل , این همان چیزی است که باعث شکست من در مرکز Lincoln شد.\nهدر رفتن اکسیژن\nوقتی که این کار را تا نیمه انجام داده بودم ,در دقیقه هشتم\n100% مطمئن بودم\nکه نمی توانم این کار را انجام دهم\nهیچ راهی برای من وجود نداشت که بتوانم آن را انجام دهم.\nخب من می دانستم که اپرا یک ساعت را\nبه این موضوع نگه داشتن نفس اختصاص داده است و اگر من به این زودی شکست بخوردم\nتمام این برنامه به اینکه من چقدر افسرده هستم تبدیل می شود.\nخنده حضار\nخب من فهمیدم که بهتر است دست از مبارزه بردارم\nو همان جا بمانم تا بیهوش شوم\nحداقل در آن صورت آنها می توانستند من را بیرون بیاورند و از من مراقبت کند.\nخنده حضار\nمن تا دقیقه دهم پیش رفتم. در دقیقه دهم\nشروع سوزش واقعا شدیدی\nدر انگشتان دست و پاهایتان احساس می کنید.\nمن می دانستم که این به خاطر تغییر مسیر خون است\nوقتی که خون از اعضای غیر اصلی بدن\nبه سمت اعضای حیاتی می رود تا اکسیژن آنها را تامین کند.\nدر دقیقه یازدهم\nدر پاهایم نوعی ضربان احساس کردم\n\nEnglish: \nBasically it's the same thing that created\nmy downfall at Lincoln Center.\nIt was a waste of O2.\nWhen I made it to the halfway\nmark, at eight minutes,\nI was 100 percent certain\nthat I was not going\nto be able to make this.\nThere was no way for me to do it.\nI figured, Oprah had dedicated an hour\nto doing this breath-hold thing,\nif I had cracked early,\nit would be a whole show\nabout how depressed I am.\n(Laughter)\nSo, I figured I'm better off just fighting\nand staying there until I black out,\nat least then they can pull me out\nand take care of me and all that.\n(Laughter)\nI kept pushing to 10 minutes.\nAt 10 minutes you start getting all\nthese really strong tingling sensations\nin your fingers and toes.\nAnd I knew that that was blood shunting,\nwhen the blood rushes away\nfrom your extremities\nto provide oxygen to your vital organs.\nAt 11 minutes I started feeling\nthrobbing sensations in my legs,\n\nFinnish: \nKäytännössä sama asia johti epäonnistumiseeni Lincoln-keskuksessa.\nSe kuluttaa happea.\nKun pääsin puoliväliin, kahdeksaan minuuttiin,\nolin 100-prosenttisen varma,\nettä en pysty viemään sitä loppuun.\nEn voinut mitenkään tehdä sitä.\nJoten arvelin, että Oprah oli varannut tunnin\ntähän hengenpidättämiseen, ja jos lopettaisin aikaisin,\nkoko show käsittelisi sitä kuinka masentunut olen.\n(Naurua)\nJoten päättelin, että on parempi taistella\nja pysyä siellä kunnes taju lähtee,\nainakin he sitten vetävät minut ylös ja huolehtivat minusta.\n(Naurua)\nJatkoin 10 minuuttiin. Silloin\nalkaa tuntea voimakasta\npistelyä sormissa ja varpaissa.\nTiesin sen olevan verestä,\njoka karkaa äärielimistä\nantaakseen happea elintärkeille elimille.\n11 minuutin kohdalla tunsin\nsykkivän tunteen jaloissani,\n\nPortuguese: \nFoi a mesma coisa que criou \no meu desaire no Lincoln Center.\nEra um desperdício de O2.\nQuando cheguei a meio da marca, \naos 8 minutos,\ntinha 100 por cento de certeza\nde que não ia conseguir chegar ao fim.\nNão tinha a menor hipótese de o fazer.\nPensei que a Oprah tinha dedicado uma hora\npara fazer esta coisa \nde suster a respiração,\nSe eu me fosse abaixo mais cedo\nseria um espetáculo \nsobre como sou deprimido.\n(Risos)\nPensei que era melhor lutar\ne ficar ali até desmaiar.\nPelo menos, eles podiam pescar-me \ne tratar de mim.\n(Risos)\nAguentei até aos 10 minutos,\nAos 10 minutos, começamos a sentir \nformigueiros muito fortes\nnos dedos das mãos e dos pés.\nEu sabia que aquilo era \na passagem do sangue,\nquando o sangue foge das extremidades\npara fornecer oxigénio \naos nossos órgãos vitais.\nAos 11 minutos comecei a sentir\nsensações palpitantes nas pernas,\n\nHungarian: \nGyakorlatilag ugyanaz történt, ami miatt elbuktam a Lincoln Centernél.\nElvesztegettem az oxigént.\nAmikor az idő feléhez érkeztünk, a nyolcadik perchez,\n100%-ig biztos voltam abban,\nhogy nem fog sikerülni.\nSemmiképp nem tudtam megtenni.\nAztán arra gondoltam, hogy Oprah rászánt egy órát\nerre a lélegzet-visszatartás dologra, és ha túl korán feladom,\nakkor az egész show arról fog szólni, hogy milyen depressziós vagyok.\n(Nevetés)\nSzóval gondoltam, jobb lesz, ha csak küzdök\nés lenn maradok, amíg el nem ájulok,\nakkor legalább kihúzhatnak, ápolhatnak, meg minden.\n(Nevetés)\nKibírtam 10 percig. 10 perc után\naz ujjaidban és a lábujjaidban\nerős bizsergést kezdesz érezni.\nTudtam, hogy a vér áramlik,\nvisszahúzódik a végtagokból,\nhogy a létfontosságú szerveknek oxigént biztosítson.\n11 percnél a lábaimban\nfurcsa dobogó érzés kezdődött,\n\nKorean: \n이것은 Lincoln Center에서의 실패와 비슷한 상황이었습니다.\n산소의 낭비였지요.\n제가 중반쯤 왔을때, 8분에\n저는 해낼 수 없을 것이라고\n100% 확신했습니다.\n그걸 해낼만한 방법이 없었습니다.\n오프라 윈프리가 저에게 1시간을 주었는데\n제가 일찍 실패해 버리면\n그건 제가 얼마나 실망했는지 이야기하는 토크쇼가 될 것이라고 생각했습니다.\n(웃음)\n그리고, 앞이 보이지 않을 때 까지\n거기서 있는게 더 나을거라고 생각했습니다.\n적어도 그들이 저를 끌고 나와서 보살펴 줄테닐까요.\n(웃음)\n저는 10분까지 밀어붙혔습니다. 10분이요.\n정말로 강력한 얼얼한 느낌이\n손가락과 발가락까에 느껴지기 시작했습니다.\n그것은 혈관문합(blood shunting)라는 걸 알았습니다.\n그것은 필수 장기에 산소를 공급하기 위해서\n혈액이 손발에서 빠져나갈 때 일어납니다.\n11분이 되자 다리에\n욱신거리는 느낌을 받았고,\n\nLatvian: \nBūtībā tas pats noveda\npie neveiksmes Linkolna centrā –\ntā bija skābekļa izniekošana.\nPusceļā, pie astoņu minūšu atzīmes,\nes biju 100% pārliecināts,\nka man neizdosies.\nNebija nekādu iespēju to paveikt.\nEs prātoju, ka Opra bija veltījusi\nveselu stundu šai elpas aizturēšanai,\nun, ja es salūztu ātrāk,\ntas būtu vesels šovs par to,\ncik es esmu nelaimīgs.\n(Smiekli)\nTāpēc es nolēmu, ka labāk cīnīšos\nun palikšu, kur esmu, līdz zaudēšu samaņu,\ntad viņi vismaz varēs mani izvilkt,\natdzīvināt un tamlīdzīgi.\n(Smiekli)\nEs turējos līdz 10 minūtēm.\nPie 10. minūtes sākās stipra tirpoņa\nroku un kāju pirkstos.\nEs zināju, ka tā ir asins atplūšana,\nkad asinis aizplūst no ekstremitātēm,\nlai apgādātu ar skābekli\ndzīvībai svarīgos orgānus.\nAp 11. minūti es sāku just\npulsēšanu kājās,\nun lūpās bija jocīga sajūta.\n\nKurdish: \nله‌ڕاستیدا، ئه‌وه‌ هه‌مان شت بوو که‌بووه‌ هۆی شکست هێنانم له‌سه‌نته‌ری لێکۆڵین\nئه‌وه‌ سه‌رف کردنی ئۆکسجین بوو\nکاتێک گه‌یشتمه‌ نیوه‌ی ئیشه‌که‌، له‌خوله‌کی (٨)دا\nلە %١٠٠ دڵنیا بووم\nکه‌ من ناتوانم به‌ ئامانجه‌که‌م بگه‌م\nهیچ ڕووناکییه‌ک نه‌بوو که‌ئه‌وه‌ بکه‌م\nبۆم ده‌رکه‌وت، ئۆپرا کاتژمێرێک ته‌رخان ده‌کات\nبۆ هه‌ناسه‌ ڕاگرتن، ئه‌گه‌ر به‌زوویی ئه‌وه‌م شکاند\nهه‌موو به‌رنامه‌که‌ ئه‌وه‌ نیشان دەدات که‌ چه‌ند من دڵ شکاوم\nپێکه‌نین\nبۆم ده‌رکه‌وت باشتره‌ من شه‌ڕ بکه‌م\nوه‌ له‌وێ بمێنمه‌وه‌ هه‌تا له‌هۆش خۆم ده‌چم\nبه‌لایه‌نی که‌مه‌وه‌ ئه‌وان ده‌رم ده‌هێنن و چاره‌سه‌رم ده‌که‌ن\nپێکه‌نین\nهه‌وڵمدا بۆ گه‌یشتن به (١٠) خوله‌ک، له‌خوله‌کی (١٠)دا\nتۆهه‌ست ده‌که‌یت به‌وه‌رگرتنی هه‌موو ئه‌وانه‌ به‌توندی\nهه‌ست به‌له‌رینه‌وه‌ ده‌که‌یت له‌ نێوان په‌نجه‌کانت\nده‌مزانی که‌ئه‌وه‌ به‌ناو خوێنم دا هاتوچۆده‌کات\nکاتێک خوێنه‌که‌ ڕاده‌کات له‌ده‌ستی هه‌وڵدانه‌کانت\nبۆده‌ست خستنی ئۆکسجین بۆ ئه‌ندامه‌ گرنگه‌کان\nله‌خوله‌کی (١١) دا هه‌ستم کرد\nبەله‌ده‌ست دانی هه‌ستی قاچه‌ کانم\n\nSpanish: \nEstaba pasando lo mismo que me ocasiono mi fracaso en el Lincoln Center.\nEra el gasto de oxígeno.\nCuando llegué a la marca intermedia, a los ocho minutos,\nestaba cien por cien convencido\nde que no iba a conseguirlo.\nNo había forma posible de que lo fuera a conseguir.\nAsí que pensé que si Oprah había dedicado una hora\na esto de aguantar la respiración, si me hubiera rendido tan pronto\nacabaría siendo un programa sobre lo deprimido que estaba.\n(Risas)\nAsí que, me convencí de que era mejor luchar\ny quedarme ahí hasta desmayarme,\ny así al menos tendrían que sacarme y atenderme y todo eso.\n(Risas)\nSeguí aguantando hasta los 10 minutos. A los 10 minutos\nempiezas a sentir un hormigueo muy intenso\nen los dedos de pies y manos.\nY sabía que eso era \"shunting\"\nque es cuando la sangre escapa de las extremidades\npara proporcionar oxígeno a los órganos vitales.\nA los 11 minutos empecé a sentir\npunzadas en las piernas,\n\nArabic: \nوهذا هو السبب الرئيسي الذي أدى إلى إنهياري في المحاولة الأولى في ساحة لنكولن\nلقد كان هذا هدراً لغاز الأُكسجين\nوعندما كنت قد قطعت نصف الطريق إلى الهدف أي إلى 8 دقائق\nكنت متأكدٌ تماماً\nبأنني لن أُفلح بالقيام بما أصبو إليه\nفلم يكن هنالك طريقة للقيام بذلك\nوقلت في نفسي .. لقد خصصت \" أوبرا\" ساعة كاملة لي\nلكي أقوم بتجربة حبس الأنفاس تلك .. وإذا إنهرت مبكراً\nسوف يكون البرنامج بأكمله عن فشلي الذريع\n(ضحك)\nفقلت .. يجب أن أحارب من أجل هذا\nوأبقى هنالك حتى يُغنى علي\nعلى الأقل سوف يسحبوني خارج الماء ومن ثم سوف يعتنون بي ويقومون بكل ما يلزم\n(ضحك)\nوبقيت أحارب حتى الدقيقة العاشرة .. وفي الدقيقة العاشرة\nتبدأ تحدث لك تلك الوخزات القوية فعلاً\nفي أطرافك وأصابعك\nوعلمت أن هذا يعني أن الدماء يتم \"ترشيدها\"\nأي يخرج الدم من جميع الأنحاء\nلكي يصل إلى الأعضاء الهامة في الجسم ويزودها به\nوفي الدقيقة الحادية عشر بدأت أشعر\nبإختلاجات في قدمي\n\nPortuguese: \nBasicamente essa é a mesma coisa que gerou meu fracasso no Lincoln Center.\nEra desperdício de O2.\nQuando eu cheguei até a marca da metade do caminho, aos oito minutos,\neu estava 100 porcento certo\nde que eu não seria capaz de conseguir isso.\nNão havia maneira de eu conseguir fazer isso.\nEntão, pensei, Oprah dedicou uma hora\npara fazer essa coisa sobre apnéia, se eu falhasse mais cedo\nteria sido um show inteiro sobre como eu sou deprimido.\n(Risos)\nEntão, pensei que era melhor sair lutando\ne ficar lá até desmaiar,\npelo menos assim eles podiam me tirar e cuidar de mim e tudo mais.\n(Risos)\nEu continuei tentando os 10 minutos. Aos 10 minutos.\nvocê começa a ter essas sensações realmente\nfortes de formigamento nos seus dedos das mãos e dos pés.\ne eu sabia que aquilo era o desvio do sangue,\nquando o sangue corre para longe das extremidades\npara fornecer oxigênio para os órgãos vitais.\nAos 11 minutos eu comecei a sentir\numa sensação de tremor nas minhas pernas,\n\nPolish: \nWłaśnie to byłą przyczyną mojej porażki w Lincoln Center.\nTo była strata O2.\nKiedy doszedłem do połowy, około ósmej minuty,\nbyłem 100-procentowo pewien,\nże mi się nie uda.\nNie było szans.\nPrzypomniałem sobie, że Oprah dałą mi godzinę\nna wstrzymywanie oddechu, i że jeśli odpadnę tak wcześnie\ncały program będzie o tym, jakiego mam doła.\n(Śmiech)\nUznałem więc, że lepiej jeśli będę walczył\ni zostanę tu tak długo, aż stracę przytomność,\nprzecież można mnie było wyciągnąć i się mną zająć.\n(Śmiech)\nPróbowałem do 10 minuty, wtedy\nzaczynasz mieć naprawdę silne\nmrowienie w palcach u rąk i nóg.\nWiedziałem też, że to było przetaczanie krwi,\nkiedy krew ucieka z kończyn,\nby zapewnić tlen najważniejszym organom.\nW 11 minucie zacząłem odczuwać\npulsacje w nogach,\n\niw: \nזה אותו הדבר שגרם לכישלון שלי במרכז לינקולן\nזה היה ביזבוז של חמצן\nכשהגעתי לסימן החצי של בשמונה דקות,\nהייתי בטוח במאה אחוז\nשאני לא אהיה מסוגל לעשות את זה.\nשאין סיכוי שאני עושה את זה.\nאז הנחתי שאופרה הקדישה לך שעה\nלכל עניין עצירת הנשימה ואם אני אשבר מוקדם\nזה יהיה מופע שלם על כמה אני בדיכאון\n(צחוק)\nאז הנחתי שזה יהיה יותר טוב פשוט להילחם\nולהישאר עד שאני מתעלף,\nלפחות הם יוכלו להוציא אותי החוצה ולטפל בי\n(צחוק)\nהמשכתי עד 10 דקות. ב 10 דקות\nהתחילו כל מיני דברים חזקים\nתחושות מדגדגות באצבעות הידיים והרגלים.\nואני ידעתי שזה תעוקת דם.\nכשהדם בורח מהאיברים החיצוניים\nבכדי לספק חמצן לאיברים החיונים.\nאחרי 11 דקות התחלתי להרגיש\nתחושה של פעימות ברגליים שלי\n\nVietnamese: \nNói đơn giản nó đồng nghĩa với thất bại của tôi ở Trung tâm Lincoln.\nThật tốn khí O2.\nKhi tôi đạt được nửa chặng đường, tại phút thứ tám,\ntôi chắc chắn 100 phần trăm\nrằng tôi không thể làm được.\nKhông còn cách nào để tôi làm được.\nVậy nên, tôi tưởng tượng ra, Oprah đã dành riêng một giờ\nđể làm trò nín thở này, nếu tôi thất bại sớm\nnó sẽ trở thành một buổi diễn về sự thảm bại của tôi.\n(Cười)\nVậy nên, tôi nghĩ mình nên cố gắng đấu tranh tư tưởng\nvà cứ ở đó đến khi tôi bất tỉnh,\nđằng nào họ cũng kéo tôi ra và cứu sống và lo phần còn lại.\n(Cười)\nTôi đẩy lên tới 10 phút. Tại phút thứ 10\ntôi bắt đầu thấy cảm giác cực kỳ\nngứa ran ở những ngón tay và ngón chân.\nVà tôi biết rằng đó là rối loạn máu,\nkhi máu rút khỏi những điểm cùng\nđể cung cấp khí oxy cho cơ quan sống.\nTại phút thứ 11 tôi bắt đầu cảm thấy\ncảm giác nhói ở cẳng chân,\n\nRomanian: \nPractic, același lucru m-a făcut\nsă eșuez la Lincoln Center.\nEra risipa de oxigen.\nCând am ajuns la jumătate, la 8 minute,\neram 100% sigur\ncă nu voi reuși.\nNu puteam să termin cu succes.\nȘi m-am gândit:\nOprah a alocat o oră din emisiune\niar dacă termin prea repede\nrestul emisiunii se va discuta\ndespre cât de deprimat sunt.\n(Râsete)\nM-am gândit că ar fi mai bine\nsă continui sa lupt\nși să stau acolo\npână îmi pierd conștiența,\nastfel m-ar scoate\nși ar avea grija de mine.\n(Râsete)\nAm rezistat până la 10 minute.\nDupă 10 minute începi să simți\nînțepături în degetele de la mâini\nși de la picioare.\nȘi știam că sângele\nîncepe să fie redirecționat;\nnu mai merge către extremități,\nci doar către organele vitale.\nLa 11 minute am început să simt\nun tremur în picioare,\n\nThai: \nมันก็เหมือนกับตอนที่ผมล้มเหลวที่ลินคอล์นเซนเตอร์ (Lincoln Center)\nมันเปลืองออกซิเจน\nตอนที่ผมกลั้นหายไปได้สักครึ่งทาง ถึงนาทีที่ 8\nผมก็มั่นใจได้ 100 เปอร์เซนต์ว่า\nผมทำไม่ได้ชัวร์\nมันไม่มีทางแล้วที่ผมจะทำลายสถิติได้\nผมคิดต่อไปไว้ ถ้าโอปราห์ (Oprah) ต้องทำรายการสักชั่วโมงนึง\nกับเรื่องที่ผมกลั้นหายใจ แล้วดันเจ๊งกลางทาง\nมันคงจะเป็นกลายรายการเกี่ยวกับว่าผมเศร้าแค่ไหนมากกว่า\n(หัวเราะ)\nผมคิดว่าน่าจะดีกว่าถ้าผมสู้ต่อไป\nทนมันไปจนสลบ\nอย่างน้อยสุดท้ายพวกเขาก็จะดึงผมขึ้นมาและช่วยกันดูแลผม\n(หัวเราะ)\nผมทนต่อไปจนถึง 10 นาที ณ ตอน 10 นาทีนี้\nความรู้สึกพวกนี้มันเริ่มรุนแรง\nความรู้สึกเจ็บแป๊ปๆตามนิ้วมือนิ้วเท้า\nผมรู้ว่ามันคือการหน่วงของเลือด\nเมื่อเลือดพยายามที่จะหนีจากจุดที่แย่สุดๆ\nเพื่อที่จะหาออกซิเจนให้กับอวัยวะส่วนที่สำคัญๆของคุณ\nณ นาทีที่ 11 ผมเริ่มที่จะรู้สึก\nว่าขาผมเต้นตุ๊บๆ\n\nChinese: \n這跟我在林肯中心的失敗是差不多相同的情況,\n我消耗了太多氧氣。\n當我挑戰到一半,也就是八分鐘時,\n我幾乎可以確定\n我沒辦法達到目標,\n我沒有任何辦法可想。\n但我想,歐普拉已經安排了一個小時,\n要看我挑戰閉氣,如果我提早放棄的話,\n整個節目就會變成看我搞砸之後有多沮喪。\n(笑聲)\n所以我決定最好奮鬥下去,\n撐到我暈過去為止,\n至少他們會把我拉出來,然後找人急救之類的...\n(笑聲)\n我撐過了十分鐘,\n這時你會開始感覺強烈的刺痛,\n在你的手指和腳趾上蔓延。\n我知道血液開始分流,\n血液開始從末端的肢體抽離出去,\n以便提供氧氣給重要的器官組織。\n到了第十一分鐘,\n我感覺雙腳開始抽痛,\n\nCroatian: \nU biti to je ista stvar koja je stvorila moj neuspjeh u Lincolnovom centru.\nBilo je to trošenje O2.\nKada sam došao do pola puta, na osam minuta,\nbio sam 100 posto siguran\nkako neću moći napraviti ovo.\nNije bilo načina da to napravim.\nPa sam shvatio, Oprah je posvetila meni jedan sat\nza napraviti ovu stvar držanja daha. Da sam pukao prije\nbio bi cijeli show o tome kako sam utučen.\n(Smijeh)\nShvatio sam da mi je bolje samo boriti se\ni ostati ondje dok se ne onesvjestim,\nbarem će me oni moći izvući van i brinuti se o meni i sve to.\n(Smijeh)\nNastavio sam gurati do 10 minuta. U 10. minuti\npočnete dobivati sve one stvarno jake\ntrnce u prstima i nožnim prstima.\nI znao sam da je to bilo manevriranje krvi,\nkada krv juri iz tvojih krajnjih dijelova\nkako bi omogućila kisik vitalnim organima.\nU 11. minuti počeo sam osjećati\nlupajuće osjećaje u svojim nogama,\n\nRussian: \nВ общем-то, в Линкольн Центре\nя отключился по этой же причине.\nРастрата кислорода.\nКогда я достиг половины срока,\nто есть отметки в 8 минут,\nя был на 100% уверен,\nчто я опять ничего не добьюсь.\nУ меня не было вариантов.\nИ я подумал, что раз уж Опра\nвыделила целый час\nна тему задержки дыхания, то,\nв случае моего раннего провала,\nвесь остаток шоу будет о том,\nнасколько я расстроен.\n(Смех)\nПоэтому я решил, что при таком раскладе\nмне лучше продолжать,\nпока не потеряю сознание —\nпо крайней мере меня вытащат,\nначнут приводить в себя и всё такое прочее.\n(Смех)\nЯ дотянул до 10 минут.\nНа рубеже 10-ти минут\nначинается достаточно серьёзное\nпокалывание в пальцах рук и ног.\nЯ знал, что это кровь перенаправляется —\nпроисходит отток крови от конечностей\nради подачи кислорода\nв жизненно важные органы.\nНа рубеже в 11 минут\nя начал чувствовать пульсацию в ногах,\n\nJapanese: \nこれはリンカーンセンターでの失敗と同じです\n酸素を浪費してしまったのです\n記録の半分の8分までいったとき\n今回の試みは失敗に終わると\n100%確信しました\n記録達成なんてまず不可能だったのです\nオプラは1時間をこの呼吸を止める試みに捧げてくれました\nもし目標の記録より早く上がってきてしまったら\n記録ではなく落胆した男の番組になってしまいます\n(笑い)\nですから記録に挑み続け\n水中で意識を失ったほうがましだと考えました\nそうすれば少なくとも引き揚げてもらい応急処置をほどこしてもらえます\n(笑い)\n10分まで耐えました 10分の時点で\n指とつま先に\nチクチクとした強い痛みを感じ始めます\nこれは血流の変化によるもので\n主要な臓器に酸素を送るために\n血液が四肢へ行かなくなるのです\n11分目に脚に\nズキズキとする感覚を覚えました\n\nGerman: \nDas war im Prinzip das gleiche, was mich schon im Lincoln-Zentrum ruiniert hatte:\nEs war Verschwendung von Sauerstoff.\nAls ich die Hälfte erreicht hatte - 8 Minuten -\nwar ich hundertprozentig sicher,\ndass ich es nicht schaffen würde.\nEs gab keinen Weg es noch zu schaffen.\nIch dachte daran, dass Oprah eine ganze Stunde\ndiesem Atemanhalte-Ding gewidmet hatte und dass,\nwäre es frühzeitig geplatzt, es eine ganze Show darüber geworden wäre, wie deprimiert ich war.\n(Gelächter)\nIch überlegte mir dann, dass ich besser dran wäre, einfach zu kämpfen\nund hier zu bleiben bis ich bewusstlos werde.\nZumindest können die mich dann herausziehen und mich behandeln und so.\n(Gelächter)\nIch habe bis auf die 10 Minutenmarke gedrückt. Nach 10 Minuten\nfängst du an dieses sehr starke Kribbeln\nin deinen Finger und Zehen zu spüren.\nIch wusste, dass das Blut-Shunten war,\nwenn das Blut sich aus den Extremitäten zurückzieht,\num deine lebensnotwendigen Organe mit Sauerstoff zu versorgen.\nNach 11 Minuten hatte ich ein pochendes Gefühl\nin meinen Beinen\n\nMacedonian: \nВсушност поради истата причина беше неуспехот и во Линколн Центарот.\nТрошењето на кислородот.\nКога стигнав до знакот за половина, на осум минути,\nбев 100% сигурен\nдека нема да можам да успеам во ова.\nНе постоеше начин како да го сторам.\nИ сфатив, дека Опра одвоила еден час\nза делот со задржувањето на здивот, и доколку се откажам порано\nцелото шоу би било за тоа колку сум разочаран.\n(Смеење)\nИ сфатив дека е подобро да продолжам\nи да останам таму додека не се онесвестам,\nбарем ќе ме извадат и ќе се погрижат за мене да останам жив.\n(Смеење)\nПродолжив до 10 минути. На 10 минути\nзапочнувате да добивате навистина силни\nчудни боцкања во прстите на рацете и на нозете.\nИ знаев дека тоа е поради крвотокот,\nкога крвта се повлекува од вашите екстремитети\nза да обезбеди кислород за виталните органи.\nНа 11 минути започнав да чувствувам\nпулсирање во моите нозе,\n\nPortuguese: \ne meus lábios começaram a parecer muito estranhos.\nAos 12 minutos eu comecei a ouvir um zumbido nos ouvidos,\ne comecei a sentir meu braço ficando entorpecido\nE eu sou hipocondríaco, e lembrei que entorpecimento do braço significa ataque cardíaco.\nEntão, comecei a ficar realmente paranóico.\nAos 13 minutos, talvez por causa da hipocondria,\nEu comecei a sentir dores por todo meu peito.\nEra horrível.\nAos 14 minutos,\nEu tive essas contrações horríveis,\ncomo uma urgência para respirar.\n(Risos)\nAos 15 minutos eu estava sofrendo\nprivação grave de O2 para o coração.\nE eu comecei a ter isquemias no coração.\nMe batimento ia de 120,\npara 50, para 150, para 40, para 20, para 150 de novo.\nEle perdia uma batida.\n\nTurkish: \ndudaklarımı da cidden tuhaf hissetmeye başladım.\n12. dakikada kulaklarım çınlamaya ve\nkollarımda hissizlik oluşmaya başladı.\nVe ben bir hipokondriak'ım (hastalık hastası), kollarda hissizlik kalp krizi demektir!!\nYani cidden paranoyaklaştım.\n13. dakikada hipokondriaklıktan olacak\nbütün göğsüm ağrımaya başladı.\nKorkunçtu.\n14. dakikada\nberbat kasılmalar başladı,\nsanki nefes almak zorunda gibiydim.\n(Kahkaha)\n15. dakikada kalbimin O2 yoksunluğundan\ndolayı artık acı çekiyordum.\nVe kalbimde iskemi başladı.\nKalp hızım 120'den\n50'ye, 150'ye, 40'a, 20'ye ve yine 150'ye inip çıkıyordu.\nBir vuruş atlayabiliyordu.\n\nItalian: \ne le labbra iniziarono a sembrarmi diverse.\nAl dodicesimo minuto le orecchie iniziarono a rimbombare,\ne cominciavo a sentire il braccio intorpidirsi.\nE dato che sono un ipocondriaco, ricordo che il braccio intorpidito è sintomo d'infarto.\nAl che iniziai ad andare in paranoia.\nA 13 minuti, forse a causa dell'ipocondria,\niniziai a sentire dolori al petto.\nEra terribile.\nA 14 minuti,\navvertivo queste tremende contrazioni,\ncome un forte bisogno di respirare.\n(Risata)\nA 15 minuti soffrivo\ndi una fortissima carenza di ossigeno al cuore.\nE questo portò ad un'ischemia cardiaca.\nIl mio battito passava da 120,\na 50, a 150, a 40, fino a 20 e poi 150 ancora.\nSaltava un battito.\n\nDanish: \nog mine læber begyndte at føles meget mærkeligt.\nVed minut 12 begyndte jeg at have en ringen for mine ører,\nog jeg begyndte at mærke min arm blev følelsesløs.\nOg jeg er hypokonder, og jeg kan huske at en følelsesløs arm betyder hjertestop.\nSå, jeg begyndte at blive virkelig paranoid.\nSå efter 13 minutter, måske fordi jeg er hypokonder.\nBegyndte jeg at føle smerter i hele min brystkasse.\nDet var forfærdeligt.\nVed 14 minutter,\nhavde jeg forfærdelige sammentrækninger,\nligesom denne trang til at trække vejret.\n(Latter)\nVed 15 minutter begyndte jeg at lide af\nkæmpe iltmangel i hjertet.\nOg jeg begyndte at få iskæmi i hjertet.\nMin puls gik fra 120,\ntil 50, til 150, til 40, til 20, til 150 igen.\nDet sprang et slag over.\n\nSlovak: \na začal som pociťovať čudný pocit na perách.\nV 12. minúte mi začalo zvoniť v ušiach\na začal som cítiť, že mi meravie ruka.\nA ja som hypochonder a pamätám si, že meravá ruka znamená infarkt.\nTakže som ozaj začal byť paranoidný.\nPotom v 13. minúte, možno kvôli hypochondrii,\nsom začal cítiť bolesti po celej hrudi.\nBolo to hrozné.\nPri 14. minúte\nsom začal mať hrozné kŕče,\nako v snahe o dýchanie.\n(smiech)\nV 15. minúte som trpel\nväčším nedostatkom kyslíka pre srdce.\nA začal som mať nedokrvené srdce.\nMôj tep išiel zo 120\nna 50, na 150, na 40, na 20, znova na 150.\nObčas vynechal.\n\nBulgarian: \nа устните си усещах по много странен начин.\nНа 12-тата минута започна да ми звъни в ушите\nи да ми изтръпва ръката.\nПонеже съм хипохондрик, си спомних, че това е предвестник на инфаркта.\nЗапочнах да се паникьосвам.\nНа 13-тата минута, може би заради хипохондрията,\nзапочнах да усещам болки в гърдите.\nБеше ужасно.\nНа 14-тата минута\nзапочнаха тези ужасни конвулсии,\nнапъните да поемеш въздух.\n(Смях)\nНа 15-тата минута вече страдах\nот остра липса на кислород на сърцето.\nЗапочна се процес на исхемия.\nСърдечният ми ритъм варираше\nот 50 до 150, после до 40, до 20, пак до 150.\nИмах аритмия.\n\nMacedonian: \nи моите усни ги чувствував многу чудно.\nНа 12 минути започна ѕвонењето во моите уши,\nи осетив дека не ја чувствувам едната рака.\nЈас сум хипохондрик, и се сетив дека откажувањето на раката значи инфаркт.\nЗапочнав да се чувствувам параноично.\nПотоа на 13 минути, можеби поради хипохондријата,\nзапочнав да чувствувам болка во градите.\nБеше ужасно.\nНа 14 минути,\nдобив ужасни контракции,\nкако да имате потреба за дишење.\n(Смеење)\nНа 15 минути страдав од\nзначителен недостаток на кислород во срцето.\nИ се здобив со исхемија на срцето.\nПулсот на срцето се движеше од 120,\nна 50, на 150, на 40, на 20, на 150 повторно,\nПрескокнуваше удари.\n\nChinese: \n而且嘴唇感觉奇怪。\n在第12分钟我开始耳鸣,\n而且胳膊开始麻木。\n我是个忧郁症患者,我记起任何的麻木意味着心脏病。\n于是我开始恐慌起来。\n然后在第13分钟,可能由于忧郁症,\n我感到胸前巨痛。\n太难受了。\n在第14分钟,\n我有一种强烈的欲望,\n想要呼吸的欲望。\n(笑声)\n在第15分钟,我遭受\n心脏缺氧的症状,\n心脏开始供血不足,\n心率从120,\n下降到50,又从150到40,20,又到150.\n它会忽然停跳一拍,\n\nFrench: \net des sensations vraiment bizarres dans les lèvres .\nA la 12ème minute, j'ai commencé à entendre des cloches,\net senti mon bras devenir insensible.\nEn plus, je suis hypocondriaque, et je sais qu'une perte de sensations dans le bras est synonyme de crise cardiaque.\nLà, j'ai commencé à devenir vraiment parano.\nEt puis, à 13 minutes, peut-être à cause de l'hypocondrie,\nj'ai commencé à ressentir des douleurs partout dans la poitrine.\nC'était horrible.\nA 14 minutes,\nj'ai eu ces horribles contractions,\ncomme une très forte envie de respirer.\n(Rires)\nA 15 minutes, mon coeur souffrait\nd'un manque crucial d'O2.\nEt j'ai commencé à développer une ischémie cardiaque.\nMon pouls variait de 120\nà 50, puis 150, puis 40, puis 20, et 150 à nouveau.\nIl sautait un battement.\n\nJapanese: \nそれから唇がすごく変な感じがしました\n12分目に耳鳴りがし始めて\n腕がしびれてきました\n私は心気症な上に 腕のしびれは心臓発作の前兆だと覚えていたので\n必要以上に不安になりました\nそれから13分目に おそらく心気症によって\n胸全体が痛くなってきました\nこれはひどいものでした\n14分目に\n呼吸をしたいという衝動のように\n体が異常収縮を始めました\n(笑い)\n15分目に心臓が\nひどく酸欠状態になりました\n心臓で局所貧血が起こり始めたのです\n心拍数は120から50\n50から150 そして40や20に減少し 再び150と変わったのです\n鼓動をしたりしなかったりと\n\nVietnamese: \nvà môi của tôi bắt đầu thấy rất lạ.\nTại phút thứ 12 tôi bắt đầu bị ù tai,\nvà bắt đầu thấy cánh tay trở nên tê dại.\nVà do tôi đang dần tê liệt thần kinh, tôi nhớ lại rằng tê dại tay đồng nghĩa với nhồi máu cơ tin.\nDo đó, tôi bắt đầu bị ảo giác mạnh.\nVà rồi tới phút thứ 13, có thể do dần bị tê liệt.\nTôi bắt đầu cảm thấy đau hết vùng ngực.\nNó thật kinh khủng.\nTại phút thứ 14,\nTôi bị co thắt kinh khủng,\ngiống như cố gắng để thở.\n(Cười)\nTại phút thứ 15 tôi chịu đựng\nsự thiếu hụt khí O2 cho tim.\nVà tôi bắt đầu bị thiếu máu cục bộ.\nNhịp tim của tôi bắt đầu đi từ 120,\ntới 50, tới 150, tới 40, tới 20, tới 150 liên tiếp.\nNó hụt một nhịp.\n\nLatvian: \nAp 12. minūti es sajutu ausīs džinkstoņu,\nun man sāka tirpt roka.\nEs esmu hipohondriķis un zinu,\nka rokas tirpšana nozīmē sirdtrieku.\nTāpēc mani pārņēma stipras bailes.\nAp 13. minūti, varbūt hipohondrijas dēļ,\nes sāku just sāpes visā krūšu kurvī.\nTas bija briesmīgi.\n(Smiekli)\nAp 14. minūti man sākās\nbriesmīgas kontrakcijas,\ntāda kā tieksme pēc elpas.\n(Smiekli)\n(Smiekli beidzas)\nAp 15. minūti sirds sāka ciest\nno akūta skābekļa trūkuma,\nun man sākās sirds išēmija.\nSirdsdarbība lēkāja no 120 līdz 50,\nuz 150, uz 40, uz 20 un tad atkal uz 150.\nDažreiz tā izlaida sitienu,\natkal iepukstējās, reizēm apstājās,\nun es to visu jutu.\n\nDutch: \nen mijn lippen gingen heel raar aanvoelen.\nIn de twaalfde minuut\ngingen mijn oren suizen,\nen ik voelde hoe mijn arm gevoelloos werd.\nAls hypochonder herinnerde ik me:\ngevoelloze arm betekent hartaanval.\nDus nu begon ik echt paranoïde te worden.\nToen bij 13 minuten --\nmisschien vanwege de hypochondrie --\nbegon ik pijn te krijgen\nover mijn hele borst.\nHet was vreselijk.\nNa 14 minuten\nhad ik vreselijke stuiptrekkingen,\neen soort neiging tot ademhalen.\n(Gelach)\nBij 15 minuten leed ik aan\nernstig zuurstoftekort van het hart.\nIk had ischemie van het hart.\nMijn hartslag ging van 120\nnaar 50, naar 150, naar 40,\nnaar 20, en terug naar 150.\nHet sloeg een slag over.\n\nChinese: \n嘴唇的感覺變得非常奇怪。\n第十二分鐘的時候,耳朵開始嗡嗡作響,\n手臂也開始失去知覺,\n我開始擔心,我記得手臂麻痺接下來就是心臟病發,\n我變得非常非常恐慌。\n到了第十三分鐘,也許是因為我的想像,\n我開始感覺整個胸腔都在痛,\n非常的糟。\n第十四分鐘,\n我開始抽搐,\n就像是渴望呼吸一樣。\n(笑聲)\n第十五分鐘,\n我受到心臟缺氧症狀的折磨,\n心臟開始局部缺血,\n我的心跳開始在120、\n50、150、40、20、150之間來回,\n有時還會漏跳一拍,\n\nModern Greek (1453-): \nκαι τα χείλη μου άρχισα \nνα τα νιώθω πολύ περίεργα.\nΣτα 12 λεπτά άρχισαν \nνα κουδουνίζουν τα αυτιά μου,\nκαι άρχισα να νιώθω \nτο χέρι μου να παραλύει.\nΕίμαι υποχόνδριος, και θυμήθηκα ότι το μούδιασμα\nτου χεριού σημαίνει καρδιακή προσβολή.\nΈτσι, άρχισα να γίνομαι\nπραγματικά παρανοϊκός.\nΈπειτα στα 13 λεπτά,\nίσως λόγω της υποχονδρίας,\nάρχισα να νιώθω πόνους \nπαντού στο στήθος μου.\nΉταν απαίσιο.\n(Γέλια)\nΣτα 14 λεπτά, είχα \nαυτές τις απαίσιες συσπάσεις,\nσαν αυτή την ανάγκη να αναπνεύσω.\n(Γέλια)\n(Τέλος γέλιου)\nΣτα 15 λεπτά υπέφερα\nαπό έντονη έλλειψη οξυγόνου στην καρδιά.\nΚαι άρχισα να έχω ισχαιμία στην καρδιά.\nΟι παλμοί μου πήγαν\nαπό τους 120 στους 50,\nστους 150, στους 40,\nστους 20, και ξανά στους 150.\nΗ καρδιά μου έχανε χτύπους.\n\nFinnish: \nja huuleni alkoivat tuntua oudoilta.\n12 minuutin jälkeen korvani alkoivat soida,\nja käteni meni tunnottomaksi.\nOlen hypokondrinen, ja muistin, että tunnoton käsi merkitsee sydänkohtausta.\nJoten aloin todella olla harhaluuloinen.\nSitten 13 minuutin kohdalla, ehkä hypokondriastani johtuen,\naloin tuntea kipua kaikkialla rintakehässäni.\nSe oli hirveää.\n14 minuutin jälkeen,\nminulla oli hirveitä kouristuksia,\nikään kuin tarve hengittää.\n(Naurua)\n15 minuutin jälkeen kärsin\ntodellisesta hapen puutteesta sydämessä.\nSydämessäni oli iskemia.\nSykkeeni aleni, 120:sta\n50:een, 150:een, 40:een, 20:een ja takaisin 150:een.\nSe jätti väliin lyöntejä.\n\nThai: \nริมฝีปากผมเริ่มรู้สึกแปลกๆ\nณ นาทีที่ 12 ผมเริ่มจะได้ยินเสียงวิ้งๆในหูของผม\nแล้วแขนผมก็เริ่มชา\nและผมก็เริ่มคิดมาก ผมจำได้ว่าแขนชานี่คือหัวใจกำลังจะล้มเหลว\nซึ่งทำให้ผมเริ่มจะนอยสุดๆ\nณ นาทีที่ 13 บางทีอาจจะเป็นเพราะว่าผมกังวลมากเกินไป\nผมเริ่มเจ็บทั่วทั้งหน้าอก\nความรู้สึกมันแย่สุดๆ\nนาทีที่ 14\nผมเริ่มรู้สึกแย่สุดๆ\nผมอยากที่จะหายใจ\n(หัวเราะ)\nนาทีที่ 15 ผมแย่อีก\nออกซิเจนส่วนใหญ่ในหัวใจผมเริ่มหมด\nเริ่มจะมีอาการหัวใจเต้นไม่เป็นจังหว่ะ\nหัวใจผมเริ่มเต้นจาก 120\nไป 50 ไป 150 ไป 40 ไป 20 ไป 150 อีกที\nมันเต้นข้ามจังหวะ\n\nPolish: \ndziwnie czułem też moje wargi.\nW 12 minucie zaczęło mi dzwonić w uszach,\na moje ramię zaczęło sztywnieć.\nJestem hipochondrykiem i pamiętam, że zdrętwiałe ramię może oznaczać atak serca.\nZacząłem więc wpadać w paranoję.\nWtedy, w 13 minucie, być może z powodu hipochondrii,\nzacząłem odczuwać ból w klatce.\nByło okropnie.\nW 14 minucie\nmiałem te straszne skurcze,\njakby przymus oddychania.\n(śmiech)\nW 15 minucie cierpiałem na\nniedobór O2 w sercu.\nZacząłem mieć niedokrwienie serca.\nMoje tętno spadało ze 120\ndo 50, potem skoczyło do 150, spadło do 40, do 20, i znowu wskoczyło na 150.\nTraciło rytm.\n\nSpanish: \ny empecé a tener sensaciones raras en los labios.\nEn el minuto 12 empecé a escuchar un pitido en los oídos,\ny empecé a sentir que se me dormía el brazo.\nY como soy un hipocondríaco, recuerdo que no sentir el brazo significa infarto.\nAsí que me empecé a ponerme paranoico.\nLuego a los 13 minutos, quizá por la hipocondría,\nempecé a sentir dolores por todo el pecho.\nEra horroroso.\nA los 14 minutos,\nempecé a tener unas contracciones horribles,\ncomo una necesidad imperiosa de respirar.\n(Risas)\nA los 15 minutos empecé a sufrir\nde falta de O2 en el corazón.\nY empecé a sufrir isquemia.\nEl pulso me iba de 120\na 50, luego a 150, a 40, a 20, de nuevo a 150,\nse saltaba un latido,\n\nCzech: \na hodně divný pocit na rtech.\nVe 12 minutě mi začalo zvonit v uších\na zdřevěněla mi ruka.\nJelikož jsem hypochondr, pamatuju si, že zdřevěnělá ruka znamená infarkt.\nTakže jsem začal být opravdu paranoidní.\n13. minutu jsem, možná kvůli své hypochondrii,\nzačal cítit bolest na prsou.\nByla to hrůza.\nNa 14 minutách\njsem začal mít silné stahy,\njako tu potřebu začít dýchat.\n(smích)\n15. minutu začalo mé srdce\ntrpět silným nedostatkem kyslíku.\nA přišla ischemie (nedokrevnost) srdce.\nTep mi začal lítat ze 120 na 50,\nna 150, na 40, na 20 a zpátky na 150.\nSrdce přeskakovalo tepy.\n\nArabic: \nوقد بدأت شفتي تبدو في منظر غريب\nوفي الدقيقة الثانية عشر بدأت أسمع رنيناً في أُذني\nوبدأت أشعر بالخدر في يديَّ\nوأنا مصاب بوسواس المرض .. وكنت أعي أن الخدر في الأطراف يعني أزمة قلبية\nمما أدرى إلى إصابتي بقلق شديد\nوفي الدقيقة 13 وربما بسبب الوسواس\nبدأت أشعر بالألم في كل أنحاء صدري\nوقد كان هذا سيئاً للغاية\nوفي الدقيقة 14\nبدأت تلك الإنقباضات الشنيعة تجتاح جسدي\nوكأنها تطالب بالحاجة للأُكسجين\n(ضحك)\nوفي الدقيقة 15 كنت أعاني\nمن نقص حاد في الأُكسجين الذي يصل غلى القلب\nوبدأت أصاب بفقر دم موضعي في القلب\nوبدأت دقات قلبي تترواح بين 120\nلتصل إلى 50 ثم تصعد إلى 150 ف 40 ف 20 ف 150 مرة أخرى\nوكان يتوقف لوهلة\n\niw: \nוהשפתיים שלי התחילו להרגיש מוזר\nב 12 דקות התחלתי לשמוע צילצולים באוזניים,\nהתחלתי להרגיש את הזרועות נרדמות.\nואני היפוכונדר, וזכרתי שזרועות רדומות אומרות התקף לב.\nאז התחלתי להיות ממש פרנואיד\nואז ב 13 דקות אולי בגלל ההיפוכונדריה\nהתחלתי להרגיש כאבים בכל החזה.\nזה היה נורא.\nב 14 דקות,\nהיו לי כיווצים נוראיים,\nכמו דחף לנשום.\n(צחוק)\nבדקה ה 15 סבלתי\nממחסור רציני בחמצן ללב.\nוהתחלתי לקבל אי ספיקת דם ללב.\nקצב הלב שלי עבר מ 120 פעימות לדקה,\nל 50, אח\"כ 150 אח\"כ 40 אח\"כ 20 ובחזרה ל 150.\nהחסרתי פעימה.\n\nKurdish: \nوه‌لێوه‌کانم ده‌ستی کرد به‌شتێکی نامۆ\nله‌خوله‌کی (١٢) ده‌نگه‌ده‌نگ له‌گوێکانمه‌وه‌ ده‌بیستران\nوه‌ هه‌ستم به‌سڕبونی ده‌ستم کرد\nمن که‌سێکی گوناهبارم، له‌بیرمه‌ که‌ده‌ست سڕبوون مانای جه‌ڵده‌ی دڵه‌\nبه‌ڕاستی ده‌ستم کرد به‌شڵه‌ژان و تێکچون\nدوایی له‌خوله‌کی (١٣)، له‌وانه‌یه‌ به‌هۆی ئەوەوە بێت کە هەستم بە گوناهباری دەکرد\nده‌ستم کرد به‌هه‌ست کردن به‌ ئازار له‌مێشکمدا\nئه‌وه‌ ترسناک بوو\nله‌خوله‌کی (١٤) دا\nچه‌ند بچوک بونه‌وه‌یه‌کی ترسناک هه‌بوو\nوه‌ک هاندان بۆ هه‌ناسه‌دان\nپێکه‌نین\nله‌خوله‌کی (١٥)دا ئازارم ده‌چه‌شت\nبه‌ هۆی نه‌چونی ئۆکسجین بۆ دڵم\nکێشه‌ی ناوه‌کی خوێن بۆ دڵم ده‌ستی پێکرد\nلێدانی دڵم ده‌چێت له \n(١٢٠)ته‌وه‌\nبۆ٥٠، بۆ١٥٠، بۆ٤٠، بۆ٢٠، دوباره‌ بۆ١٥٠\nلێدانه‌کانی ده‌په‌راند\n\nPersian: \nو در لبهایم حالت واقعا عجیبی حس کردم.\nدر دقیقه دوازدهم گوش هایم شروع کردند به سوت کشیدن\nو بازوهایم داشتند بی حس می شدند.\nمن یه آدم مالیخولیایی هستم و به یاد آوردم که بی حس شدن بازو نشانه حمله قلبی است.\nمن واقعا دچار توهم حمله قلبی شده بودم (پارانوید)\nدر دقیقه سیزدهم، شاید به خاطر حس مالیخولیایی که داشتم\nاحساس کردم که کل قفسه سینه ام درد می کند\nواقعا وحشتناک بود.\nدردقیقه چهاردهم\nمن همه این حالات وحشتناک را داشتم\nمثل این میل شدید به نفس کشیدن.\nخنده حضار\nدر دقیقه پانزدهم\nمن به خاطر نرسیدن اکسیژن به قلبم رنج می کشیدم\nو کم خونی موضعی در ناحیه قلبم شروع شد\nضربان قلبم از 120\nبه 50 رسید و بعد به 150 به 40 به 20 و دوباره به 150.\nبرای یک لحظه می ایستاد\n\nKorean: \n입술에도 정말 이상한 느낌이 생겼습니다.\n12분이 되자 귀에서 소리가 들리기 시작했고,\n팔에 감각이 없어지기 시작했습니다.\n저는 심기증 환자(hypochondriac, 자기의 건강에 대하여 필요 이상으로 염려하는 상태)고, 팔 마비는 심근경색을 의미하는걸 기억하고 있습니다.\n그래서 정말로 편집증이 나타나기 시작했습니다.\n그러고나서 13분에 심기증 때문인지\n가슴 전체에 통증이 느껴지기 시작했습니다.\n끔찍하더군요.\n14분에는\n숨쉬고 싶을 충동이 들만큼\n진통이 끔찍했습니다.\n(웃음)\n15분에는 심장에\n산소가 부족해졌습니다.\n그래서 심장에 국소빈혈(ischemia)이 일어났습니다.\n심박수가 120에서\n50으로, 150으로, 40으로, 20으로, 다시 150이 되었습니다.\n심장이 멈추었다가\n\nHungarian: \nés az ajkaimat nagyon furcsának éreztem.\n12 percnél elkezdett csengeni a fülem,\nés a karjaim elkezdtek zsibbadni.\nHipochondriás vagyok, és emlékeztem, hogy a zsibbadó kar szívinfarktust jelent.\nÚgyhogy eléggé paranoiás kezdtem lenni.\n13 percnél, talán a hipochondria miatt,\naz egész mellkasomban fájdalmat kezdtem érezni.\nBorzalmas volt.\n14 percnél,\nszörnyen rángatózni kezdtem,\nmintha görcsösen akarnék belélegezni.\n(Nevetés)\n15 percnél már nagyfokú\noxigénhiány lépett fel a szívemben.\nÉs szívvértelenség kezdett kialakulni.\nA szívverésem 120-ról hirtelen\n50 lett, majd 150, majd 40,majd 20, majd ismét 150.\nNéha kimaradt egy dobbanás.\n\nEnglish: \nand my lips started\nto feel really strange.\nAt minute 12 I started\nto have ringing in my ears,\nand I started to feel my arm going numb.\nAnd I'm a hypochondriac, and I remember\narm numb means heart attack.\nSo, I started to really\nget really paranoid.\nThen at 13 minutes, maybe\nbecause of the hypochondria,\nI started feeling pains all over my chest.\nIt was awful.\n(Laughter)\nAt 14 minutes,\nI had these awful contractions,\nlike this urge to breathe.\n(Laughter)\n(Laughter ends)\nAt 15 minutes I was suffering\nmajor O2 deprivation to the heart.\nAnd I started having\nischemia to the heart.\nMy heartbeat would go from 120 to 50,\nto 150, to 40, to 20, to 150 again.\nIt would skip a beat.\n\nCroatian: \ni moja usta su se počela osjećati stvarno čudno.\nU 12. minuti počeo sam imati zvonjavu u ušima,\ni počeo sam osjećati da mi se ruka ukočila.\nJa sam hipohondar i sjetio sam se da ukočenost ruke znači srčani udar.\nPa sam počeo biti stvarno paranoičan.\nOnda u 13-oj minuti, možda zbog hipohondričnosti.\nPočeo sam osjećati bolove u cijelim prsima.\nBilo je užasno.\nU 14. minuti,\nimao sam užasne grčeve,\nkao nagon za disanjem.\n(Smijeh)\nU 15. minuti trpio sam\nveliki gubitak O2 u srcu.\nI počeo sam imati ishemiju srca.\nMoji otkucaji srca bi išli od 120,\ndo 50,do 150, do 40, do 20, pa ponovno do 150.\nPreskočio bi otkucaj.\n\nSerbian: \ni imao sam čudan osećaj u usnama.\nU 12. minutu počelo je\nda mi zvoni u ušima\ni počela je da mi trne ruka.\nA ja sam hipohondar, i setio sam se\nda utrnutost znači srčani udar.\nI počeo sam da paranoišem.\nZatim, u 13. minutu,\nmožda zbog hipohondrije,\npočeo sam da osećam bol u grudima.\nBilo je grozno.\nU 14. minutu\nimao sam užasne kontrakcije,\nkao onaj poriv za disanjem.\n(Smeh)\nU 15. minutu sam imao\nveliki prekid dotoka kiseonika u srce.\nImao sam ishemiju srca.\nOtkucaji srca su mi išli od 120\ndo 50, do 150, 40, 20, pa ponovo do 150.\nPreskočilo bi otkucaj,\npa bi krenulo, pa stalo.\n\nGerman: \nund meine Lippen begannen sich sehr seltsam anzufühlen.\nNach 12 Minuten hatte ich ein Schellen in meinen Ohren\nund ich fühlte wie meine Arme empfindungslos wurden.\nUnd ich bin ein Hypochondrer und erinnerte mich: Betäubte Arme bedeutet Herzinfarkt.\nAlso begann ich richtig paranoid zu werden.\nNach 13 Minuten, vielleicht durch die Hypochondrie,\nfühlte ich einen Schmerz im gesamten Brustbereich.\nEs war schrecklich.\nNach 14 Minuten\nhatte ich diese fürchterlichen Kontraktionen\nwie diese Notwendigkeit zu atmen.\n(Gelächter)\nNach 15 Minuten litt ich unter\nenormen Sauerstoffmangel im Herzen\nund hatte eine Blutleere im Herzen.\nMein Herzschlag ging von 120 Schlägen\nzu 50, zu 150, zu 40, zu 20 und wieder zu 150.\nDann ließ mein Herz einen Herschlag aus,\n\nSwedish: \noch mina läppar började kännas riktigt konstiga.\nVid den 12:e minuten började det ringa i mina öron,\noch det kändes som om min arm började domna bort.\nOch jag är en hypokondriak, och jag kommer ihåg att en domnande arm betyder hjärtattack.\nSå jag började bli riktigt paranoid.\nSedan vid 13 minuter, kanske på grund av inbillningssjukan.\nBörjade jag känna smärta över mitt bröst.\nDet var fruktansvärt.\nVid 14 minuter,\nHade jag fruktansvärda sammandragningar,\ntyp ett behöv att andas.\n(Skratt)\nVid 15 minuter led jag av\nenorm O2 förlust till hjärtat.\nOch jag började få hjärtischemi.\nMin hjärtrytm gick från 120,\ntill 50, till 150, till 40, till 20, och till 150 igen.\nDet hoppade över ett slag.\n\nRomanian: \niar buzele începuseră\nsă aibă o senzație ciudată.\nDupă 12 minute am\nînceput sa am țiuituri în urechi,\nși brațul a început să îmi amorțească.\nIar eu sunt ipohondru, și mi-am amintit:\nbraț amorțit înseamna atac de cord.\nAșa că am devenit paranoic de-a binelea.\n(Râsete)\nDupă 13 minute,\nprobabil din cauza ipohondriei,\nam început să simt dureri în piept.\nEra groaznic.\nDupă 14 minute,\nam început să am convulsii,\nca și cum aș fi vrut să respir.\n(Râsete)\nDupă 15 minute deja sufeream\nde lipsă majoră de oxigen la inima\nși am început să am ischemie cardiacă.\nPulsul varia de la 120,\nla 50, la 150, la 40, la 20,\nși din nou la 150.\nCâteodată sărea o bătaie.\n\nRussian: \nа в губах появилось странное ощущение.\nПо прошествии 12 минут,\nв ушах появился звон\nи я почувствовал, как рука немеет.\nА я человек мнительный, и помню,\nчто рука немеет перед сердечным приступом.\nИ тут меня по-настоящему охватил страх.\nКогда прошла 13-я минута,\nу меня появилось, возможно ложное,\nчувство боли по всей груди.\nЭто было ужасно.\nПосле 14 минут\nу меня появились ужасные схватки,\nсвидетельствующие о потребности вдоха.\n(Смех)\nПри отметке 15 минут я начал испытывать\nострый недостаток кислорода в сердце.\nУ меня появилась ишемия сердца.\nПульс скакал: 120,\n50 – 150 – 40 – 20 – опять 150.\nТо один удар пульса пропущен,\n\nPortuguese: \ne os meus lábios começaram \na ter uma sensação estranha.\nAos 12 minutos comecei \na ter zumbidos nos ouvidos\ne comecei a sentir um braço entorpecido.\nSou hipocondríaco e lembrei-me \nque um braço entorpecido\nsignifica ataque cardíaco.\nComecei a ficar mesmo paranoico.\n(Risos)\nDepois, aos 13 minutos, \ntalvez por causa da hipocondria,\ncomecei a sentir dores no peito.\nFoi terrível.\n(Risos)\nAos 14 minutos, tive contrações terríveis,\numa necessidade terrível de respirar.\n(Risos)\nAos 15 minutos estava a sofrer\nde grande privação de O2 no coração.\nComecei a ter isquémia no coração.\nO meu ritmo cardíaco \npassou de 120 para 50,\npara 150, para 40, para 20, \npara 150 outra vez.\nFalhava uma batida.\n\nCzech: \nPřestávalo a zase začínalo bít. A já jsem to všechno cítil.\nA věděl jsem jistě, že budu mít infarkt.\nTakže jsem v 16. minutě vyndal nohu,\nprotože jsem věděl, že když vylezu,\nkdyž budu mít infarkt, tak budou muset\nke mě skočit a vymotat mi nohy,\nnež mě vytáhnou. Takže jsem byl dost nervózní.\nVyndal jsem obě nohy a začal plavat k hladině.\nHlavu jsem ale nevyndal.\nJen jsem tam tak plaval a čekal,\naž se mi zastaví srdce.\nMěli tam doktory, kteří museli být zticha, takže\ntam jen tak seděli a čekali.\nA pak najednou jsem uslyšel řev.\nA říkal jsem si, to bude něco divného,\nasi jsem umřel nebo tak něco.\nA pak mi došlo že jsem překonal 16:32.\nTakže s tou energií všech kdo tam byli\njsem se rozhodl ještě vydržet.\nA dostal jsem se na 17 minut a 4 sekundy.\n(potlesk)\nA jakoby to nestačilo, hned potom jsem\n\nHungarian: \nElindult, majd megállt. És mindezt éreztem.\nBiztos voltam benne, hogy szívinfarktusom lesz.\n16 percnél kicsúsztattam a lábaim a szíjból,\nmert tudtam, hogy ha ki kell mennem,\nha infarktust kapnék, akkor\nbe kéne ugraniuk és kivenni a lábam a kötelékből,\nmielőtt felhúznak. Így elég ideges voltam.\nÚgyhogy kihúztam a lábam, és elkezdtem a felszín felé lebegni.\nDe nem emeltem ki a fejem.\nCsak lebegtem ott, és vártam, hogy megálljon a szívem,\ncsak várakoztam.\nVoltak orvosok azzal a bigyóval, tudjátok,\nott ücsörögtek és vártak.\nAztán hirtelen sikoltozást hallottam.\nÉs azt hittem, hogy valami fura történt --\nhogy meghaltam, vagy ilyesmi.\nAztán rájöttem, hogy eljutottam 16:32-ig.\nÚgyhogy a jelenlévők energiájának hatására\neldöntöttem, hogy tartom még.\n17 perc 4 másodpercig jutottam.\n(Taps)\nÉs ha ez nem lett volna elég, rögtön ezután\n\nDutch: \nHet begon weer. Het stopte...\nen dat voelde ik allemaal.\nIk was er zeker van dat ik\neen hartaanval zou hebben.\nDus na 16 minuten\nmaakte ik mijn voeten vrij\nwant ik wist dat als ik bezweek,\nals ik een hartaanval zou hebben,\nze mijn voeten zouden komen losmaken\nvoordat ze me optrokken.\nIk was heel nerveus.\nDus ik maakte mijn voeten los\nen dreef naar de oppervlakte.\nIk stak mijn hoofd niet naar buiten.\nIk dreef daar en wachtte\nop het stoppen van mijn hart,\ngewoon wachten.\nZe hadden artsen\nmet de \"Psch\", weet je wel,\ndie zaten te wachten.\nPlotseling hoorde ik geschreeuw.\nIk dacht dat er iets vreemds gebeurde --\ndat ik gestorven was of iets was gebeurd.\nToen realiseerde ik me\ndat ik 16:32 had gehaald.\nMet de energie van iedereen die daar was\nbesloot ik door te zetten.\nIk ging tot 17 minuten en 4 seconden.\n(Applaus)\nAlsof dat niet genoeg was,\n\nFinnish: \nSe sykki. Se pysähtyi. Tunsin sen kaiken.\nOlin varma, että saisin sydänkohtauksen.\nJoten 16 minuutin kohdalla liu'utin jalkani vapaaksi,\nkoska tiesin, että\njos saisin sydänkohtauksen, heidän pitäisi\nottaa jalkani ulos siteestä\nennen ylös vetämistä. Olin todella hermostunut.\nVapautin jalkani ja aloin kellua.\nEn laittanut päätäni pinnalle.\nKelluin vain ja odotin sydämeni pysähtyvän,\nvain odotin.\nLääkärit olivat valmiina,\nistuivat odottamassa.\nYhtäkkiä kuulin huutoa.\nAjattelin sen olevan outoa --\nettä joku oli kuollut tai jotain oli tapahtunut.\nSitten tajusin, että olin saavuttanut ajan 16:32.\nJoten paikallaolijoiden antamalla energialla\npäätin jatkaa.\nJa jatkoin 17 minuuttiin ja neljään sekuntiin.\n(Aplodeja)\nIkään kuin se ei olisi ollut tarpeeksi,\n\nPortuguese: \nComeçava. Parava. E eu sentia isso tudo.\nTinha a certeza de que ia ter \num ataque cardíaco.\nAos 16 minutos, tirei os pés das correias\nporque sabia que, se desmaiasse, \nse tivesse um ataque cardíaco,\neles tinham que saltar a vedação\ne soltar os meus pés antes de me pescarem.\nEu estava muito nervoso.\nTirei os pés e comecei \na flutuar para a superfície.\nMas não pus a cabeça de fora.\nFiquei ali a flutuar à espera \nque o coração parasse,\nsó à espera.\nTinham médicos com o \"psh...\",\nali sentados, à espera.\nDe repente ouvi gritos.\nPensei que era uma coisa estranha\nque eu tinha morrido ou \ntinha acontecido qualquer coisa.\nDepois, percebi que \ntinha chegado aos 16:32.\nCom a energia de \ntoda a gente que ali estava,\ndecidi continuar a esforçar-me.\nCheguei aos 17 minutos e 4 segundos.\n(Aplausos)\nComo se isso não fosse suficiente,\n\nThai: \nเดี๋ยวก็เต้น เดี๋ยวก็หยุด ผมรู้สึกได้ทั้งหมด\nและผมมั่นใจเลยว่าหัวใจผมกำลังจะล้มเหลว\nดังนั้น นาทีที่ 16 สิ่งที่ผมทำคือผมเอาขาออกจากสายรัด\nเพราะว่าผมรู้ว่าถ้าผมออกไปได้\nถ้าผมเกิดหัวใจล้มเหลว พวกเขาต้อง\nเข้ามาแกะสายรัดขาแล้วก็เอาขาผมออกมา\nก่อนที่พวกเขาจะดึงผมขึ้นไปได้ ซึ่งมันทำให้ผมกังวลสุดๆ\nดังนั้นผมเอาขาออก แล้วก็ลอยตัวขึ้นไปด้านบน\nแต่ว่าผมไม่ได้เอาหัวออกจากน้ำ\nผมแค่ลอยตัวอยู่ที่นั่นเพื่อรอให้หัวใจผมหยุดเต้น\nแค่รอ\nตอนนั้นพวกเขามีหมอกับ ”Pst\"\nนั่งรออยู่นั่น\nแล้วอยู่ผมก็ได้ยินเสียงกรีดร้อง\nและผมคิดว่าน่าจะมีสิ่งผิดปกติ\nแบบผมเพิ่งตาย หรือว่าบางอย่างแย่ๆเกิดขึ้น\nแล้วผมก็มารู้ภายหลังว่าผมได้ผ่าน 16:32 มาแล้ว\nด้วยพลังของทุกคนที่อยู่ที่นั่น\nผมจึงพยายามจะฝืนต่อ\nและผมก็กลั้นหายใจได้ถึง 17 นาที กับ 4 วินาที\n(ตบมือ)\nแค่นั้นยังไม่พอ สิ่งที่ผมทำทันทีหลังจากนั้นคือ\n\nSwedish: \nDet startade. Det stoppade. Och jag kände alltsammans.\nOch jag var helt säker på att jag skulle få en hjärtattack.\nSå vid 16 minuter släppte jag lös mina fötter\nför jag visste att om jag skulle svimma,\nom jag faktiskt fick en hjärtattack, skulle de behöva\nhoppa i och dra loss mina fötter\ninnan de drog ur mig. Så jag var riktigt nervös.\nJag släppte loss mina fötter, och jag börjad flyta upp mot ytan.\nMen jag tog inte ur mitt huvud.\nJag flöt och väntade på att mitt hjärta skulle stanna,\nbara väntade.\nDe hade doktorer med de här \"Pst,\" ni vet, så,\nligga där och vänta.\nOch helt plötsligt hör jag skrik.\nOch jag trodde direkt att det var något konstigt --\natt jag hade dött eller något sådant som hänt.\nMen så insåg jag att jag hade lyckats komma över 16:32.\nSå med energin från alla som var där\nbestämde jag mig för att fortsätta trycka på.\nOch jag klarade 17 minuter och fyra sekunder.\n(Applåder)\nEftersom jag inte tyckte det var nog,\n\nKurdish: \nده‌ستی پێده‌کرده‌وه‌.، ده‌وه‌ستایەوه‌، هه‌ستی به‌وانه‌ هه‌مووی ده‌کرد\nمن دڵنیابووم که‌ جه‌ڵده‌ی دڵم توش ده‌بێت\nئه‌وه‌ی له‌خوله‌کی (١٦)دا کردم ئه‌وه‌بوو قاچه‌کانم خسته‌ ده‌ره‌وه‌\nچونکه‌ ده‌مزانی ئه‌گه‌ر بچمه‌ ده‌ره‌وه‌\nئه‌گه‌ر جه‌ڵده‌ی دڵم توش بوو، ده‌بێت ئه‌وان\nخۆیان هه‌ڵده‌دەن و قاچه‌کانم ده‌گرن و ڕای ده‌کێشن\nپێش ئه‌وه‌ی ده‌رم بێننه‌وه‌، له‌به‌ر ئه‌وه‌ من زۆر شڵه‌ژابووم\nله‌به‌ر ئه‌وه‌، قاچه‌کانم خسته‌ده‌ره‌وه‌، ده‌ستم کرد به‌چونه‌ سه‌ره‌وه‌\nوه‌ سه‌رم نه‌برده‌ ده‌ره‌وه‌\nبه‌ڵام، ته‌نها چومه‌سه‌ره‌وه‌ بۆ چاودێری کردنی وه‌ستانی دڵم\nته‌نها چاوەڕێ بووم\nچه‌ندین دکتۆری لێبوو لەگەڵ (پست) ئێوە دەیناسن\nچاوه‌ڕێیان ده‌کرد\nله‌ناکاودا گوێم له‌ هاوار و ده‌نگه‌ ده‌نگ بوو\nوابزانم شتێکی نامۆ هه‌یه‌ له‌وێ\nمن مردووم یان شتێکی خراپ ڕوویدا\nدوایی بۆم ده‌ر که‌وت که‌گه‌ یشتومه‌ته ١٦:٣٢\nله‌گه‌ڵ هێزو توانای ئه‌وانه‌ی ئه‌وێ\nبڕیارمدا به‌رده‌وام بم\nگه‌یشتمه (١٧) خوله‌ک و (٤) چرکه‌\nچه‌پڵه‌ لێدان\nله‌گه‌ڵ ئه‌وه‌ی ئه‌وه‌ به‌س نه‌بوو، ئه‌وه‌ دوای ئه‌وه‌ کردم\n\nDanish: \nDet startede. Det stoppede. Og jeg følte alt dette.\nOg jeg var sikker på at jeg ville få et hjerteanfald.\nSå, ved 16 minutter listede jeg mine fødder ud\nfordi jeg vidste at hvis jeg besvimede,\nhvis jeg fik et hjerteanfald, skulle de\nhoppe i bindet og tage min fod ud\nfør de kunne hive mig op. Så, jeg var virkelig nervøs.\nSå, jeg tog min fod ud, og jeg begyndte at flyde til toppen.\nOg jeg tog ikke mit hoved ud.\nMen jeg flød bare der og ventede på at mit hjerte skulle stoppe,\nventede bare.\nDe havde læger med \"Pst,\" I ved, så,\nsom bare sad og ventede.\nOg så hørte jeg pludselig et skrig.\nOg jeg tror der er noget mærkeligt --\nat jeg var død eller der var sket noget.\nOg så blev jeg klar over at jeg havde klaret den til 16:32.\nSå, med den energi fra alle tilstedeværende\nbesluttede jeg mig for at blive ved med at drive mig selv.\nOg jeg nåede til 17 minutter og fire sekunder.\n(Bifald)\nSom om det ikke var nok, det jeg gjorde straks efter\n\nFrench: \nIl démarrait. Il s'arrêtait. Et tout ça, je le sentais.\nEt j'étais certain que j'allais avoir une crise cardiaque.\nAlors, à 16 minutes, ce que j'ai fait, c'est que j'ai glissé mes pieds hors des sangles\nparce que je savais que si j'y passais,\nsi j'avais une crise cardiaque, il faudrait qu'ils\nfouillent dans les nœuds pour sortir mes pieds/défassent les ...\navant de pouvoir me sortir. Alors, j'étais vraiment nerveux.\nBon alors j'ai détaché mes pieds, et je me suis mis à flotter à la surface\nEt je n'ai pas sorti la tête.\nMais j'étais là, juste à flotter, et j'attendais que mon cœur s'arrête,\nj'attendais.\nIl y avait des toubibs, avec le \"Bzzzzzzzzzzzz\", vous savez,\nassis là, à attendre.\nEt tout d'un coup, j'entends hurler.\nAlors, je me dit qu'il y a un truc bizzarre --\nque je suis mort, ou que quelque est arrivé.\nEt c'est alors que j'ai réalisé que j'étais arrivé à 16:32.\nAlors, grâce à l'énergie de tous ceux qui étaient là,\nj'ai décidé de continuer à tenir.\nEt je suis arrivé à 17 minutes et 4 secondes.\n( Applaudissements)\nEt comme si ce n'était pas assez, ce que j'ai fait juste après,\n\nCroatian: \nPočeo bi. Stao bi. I osjetio sam sve to.\nI bio sam siguran da ću imati srčani udar.\nU 16. minuti, što sam napravio, izvukao sam stopala van\njer sam znao da ako izađem van,\nako bi imao srčani udar, oni bi morali\nskočiti u spremnik i izvaditi moja stopala van\nprije nego što me povuku gore. Stoga sam bio stvarno nervozan.\nZato sam oslobodio svoja stopala i počeo plutati na vrhu.\nI nisam izvadio glavu van.\nAli sam samo plutao tamo čekajući da mi stane srce,\nsamo čekajući.\nImali su doktore s \"Pst\", znate,\nkoji su sjedili tamo i čekali.\nI onda sam odjednom čuo vrištanje.\nI mislio da je tamo neka čudna stvar --\nda sam umro ili se nešto dogodilo.\nI onda sam shvatio da sam uspio do 16:32.\nTako sam, s energijom svih koji su bili tamo\nodlučio nastaviti gurati.\nI otišao sam do 17 minuta i četiri sekunde.\n(Pljesak)\nKao da to nije bilo dovoljno, ono što sam učinio odmah poslije\n\nBulgarian: \nТу биеше, ту спираше. И аз усещах всичко това.\nБях сигурен, че инфарктът не ми мърда.\nНа 16-тата минута си измъкнах краката,\nзащото знаех, че ако изплувам\nи имам инфаркт, ще трябва\nпърво да ми освободят краката от примките\nпреди да ме извадят. Умирах от страх.\nТака че си освободих краката и започнах да изплувам,\nно не си показах главата навън.\nПросто стоях и чаках сърцето ми да спре,\nпросто чаках.\nНакараха с \"шшт\" докторите\nда изчакат.\nПосле изведнъж чух писък.\nПомислих си, че нещо странно е станало --\nче може вече да съм умрял, или нещо друго се е случило.\nТогава осъзнах, че съм издържал до 16:32.\nС енергията на всички присъстващи,\nреших да устискам още.\nТака издържах до 17 минути и 4 секунди.\n(Аплодисменти)\nЗа мен това не беше достатъчно, веднага след това\n\nModern Greek (1453-): \nΞεκινούσε. Σταματούσε. \nΚαι όλα αυτά τα αισθανόμουν.\nΚαι ήμουν σίγουρος \nότι θα πάθω καρδιακή προσβολή.\nΈτσι, στα 16 λεπτά αυτό που έκανα \nήταν να βγάλω τα πόδια μου από τα λουριά\nεπειδή ήξερα ότι αν έχανα τις αισθήσεις μου,\nαν πάθαινα καρδιακή προσβολή,\nθα έπρεπε να βουτήξουν\nκαι να ελευθερώσουν τα πόδια μου\nπριν με τραβήξουν έξω.\nΟπότε ήμουν πολύ αγχωμένος.\nΈτσι, ελευθέρωσα τα πόδια μου, \nκαι άρχισα να επιπλέω στην επιφάνεια.\nΑλλά δεν έβγαλα έξω το κεφάλι μου.\nΑλλά απλώς επέπλεα εκεί περιμένοντας\nνα σταματήσει η καρδιά μου,\nαπλώς περίμενα.\nΕίχαν γιατρούς σε ετοιμότητα ανά πάσα\nστιγμή, και καθόντουσαν εκεί περιμένοντας.\nΚαι ξαφνικά ακούω ουρλιαχτά.\nΚαι σκέφτομαι ότι κάτι περίεργο συνέβη -\nότι πέθανα, ή κάτι τέτοιο.\nκαι τότε συνειδητοποίησα \nότι είχα φτάσει τα 16:32.\nΈτσι, με την ενέργεια \nόλων όσων βρίσκονταν εκεί\nαποφάσισα να συνεχίσω την προσπάθεια.\nΚαι έφτασα στα 17 λεπτά \nκαι τέσσερα δευτερόλεπτα.\n(Χειροκρότημα)\n(Τέλος χειροκροτήματος)\nΛες και αυτό δεν ήταν αρκετό, \nαυτό που έκανα αμέσως μετά\n\nPolish: \nStartowało. Zatrzymywało się. A ja to czułem.\nWiedziałem, że dostanę ataku serca.\nWięc w 16 minucie wysunąłem stopy,\nponieważ wiedziałem, że gdybym musiał wyjść\ngdybym miał zawał, musieliby\nwskoczyć i wyciągnąć moje stopy z mocowania\nzanim by mnie wyciągnęli. Byłem bardzo zdenerwowany.\nWięc wyciągnąłem stopy i zacząłem płynąć ku powierzchni.\nNie wyciągnąłem głowy.\nAle unosiłem się i czekałem, aż zatrzyma się moje serce,\npo prostu czekałem.\nMieli lekarzy z \"Bzzt\" - wiecie,\nsiedzieli i czekali.\nI wtedy nagle usłyszałem krzyk.\nI pomyślałem, że dzieje się coś dziwnego\nże nie żyję lub stało się coś innego.\nI wtedy zdałem sobie sprawę, że dotrwałem do 16 m. 32 s.\nWięc, dzięki energii wszystkich, którzy tam byli\nzdecydowałem się ciągnąć dalej.\nI doszedłem do 17 minut i czterech sekund.\n(brawa)\nGdyby tego było mało zaraz potem\n\nEnglish: \nIt would start. It would stop.\nAnd I felt all this.\nAnd I was sure that I was going\nto have a heart attack.\nSo, at 16 minutes what I did\nis I slid my feet out\nbecause I knew that if I did go out,\nif I did have a heart attack,\nthey'd have to jump into the binding\nand take my feet out\nbefore pulling me up.\nI was really nervous.\nI let my feet out,\nand I started floating to the top.\nAnd I didn't take my head out.\nBut I was just floating there\nwaiting for my heart to stop,\njust waiting.\nThey had doctors with the \"Pst,\"\nyou know, sitting there waiting.\nAnd then suddenly I hear screaming.\nAnd I think that there\nis some weird thing --\nthat I had died or something had happened.\nAnd then I realized\nthat I had made it to 16:32.\nSo, with the energy\nof everybody that was there,\nI decided to keep pushing.\nAnd I went to 17 minutes and four seconds.\n(Applause)\n(Applause ends)\nAs though that wasn't enough,\nwhat I did immediately after\n\nSpanish: \nse paraba, volvía a arrancar... y yo sentía todo esto.\nY estaba seguro de que iba a sufrir un ataque al corazón.\nAsí que a los 16 minutos lo que hice fue soltarme de pies\nporque sabía que si me pasaba algo,\nsi sufría un infarto, tendrían que\nocuparse de las ataduras de los pies primero\npara poder sacarme. Así que estaba muy nervioso.\nEntonces, saqué los pies y empecé a salir a flote.\nPero no saqué la cabeza.\nY estaba ahí esperando a que se me parara el corazón,\nesperando sin más.\nTenían médicos con el \"Bzz!\", ya saben,\ny yo ahí esperando...\nY de pronto escuché gritos.\nY pensé que algo raro estaba pasando,\nque me había muerto o algo había pasado.\nY me dí cuenta de que había llegado a los 16:32.\nAsí que con la energía de la gente que estaba allí\ndecidí seguir aguantando.\nY llegué a los 17 minutos y 4 segundos.\n(Aplausos)\nPor si esto fuera poco, lo que hice inmediatamente después\n\niw: \nהוא מתחיל. הוא עוצר ואני הרגשתי את זה.\nהייתי בטוח שאני הולך לקבל התקף לב.\nואז ב 16 דקות מה שעשיתי היה להחליק את כפות הרגלים החוצה\nבגלל שידעתי שאם אני באמת אלך,\nאם אני באמת אקבל התקף לב הם יהיו חייבים\nלקפוץ פנימה ולהוציא את הרגלים החוצה\nלפני ששולפים אותי החוצה. אז הייתי ממש לחוץ.\nאז שחררתי את הרגלים החוצה והתחלתי לצוף למעלה\nולא הוצאתי את הראש החוצה.\nאבל אני פשוט צפתי למעלה איפה שהם חיכו לי,\nפשוט חיכו.\nהיה להם רופאים עם מכות חשמל, אתם יודעים\nיושבים שם ומחכים.\nואז פתאום שמעתי צעקה.\nואני חשבתי שזה משהו מוזר---\nשאני מת או שמשהו קרה.\nואז הבנתי שהגעתי ל 16:32 דקות\nואז עם האנרגיה של כל האנשים שהיו שם\nהחלטתי להמשיך ולדחוף.\nוהמשכתי עד 17 דקות וארבע שניות.\n(מחיאות כפיים)\nוכאילו שזה לא היה מספיק מה שעשיתי מיד אח\"כ\n\nVietnamese: \nNó đập. Nó ngừng. Tôi cảm nhận tất cả điều đó.\nVà tôi biết mình sắp bị nhồi máu cơ tim.\nVậy nên, tại phút thứ 16 điều tôi làm là trượt bàn chân ra\nbởi vì tôi biết rằng nếu tôi thực sự bị,\nnếu tôi thực sự bị nhồi máu cơ tim, họ bắt buộc phải\nnhảy xuống chỗ cột và kéo bàn chân tôi ra\ntrước khi kéo tôi lên. Vậy nên, tôi thực sự căng thẳng.\nDo đó, tôi thả bàn chân ra, và tôi bắt đầu nổi lên đỉnh.\nVà tôi đã không ngẩng đẩu ra.\nVà tôi cứ nổi ở đó và chờ cho tim ngừng đập,\nchỉ chờ đợi.\nBác sĩ ra hiệu cho họ \"Pst,\" (Khoan) bạn biết đó, vậy nên,\ncứ ngồi đó chờ.\nVà rồi đột nhiên tôi nghe tiếng hét.\nVà tôi nghĩ có chuyện lạ lùng gì đó --\nrằng tôi đã chết hoặc chuyện gì đó đã xảy ra.\nVà tôi nhận ra tôi đã đạt tới 16:32.\nVậy nên, với sự động viên của mọi người ở đó\ntôi quyết định tiếp tục cố gắng.\nVà tôi đạt tới 17 phút và bốn giây.\n(Vỗ tay)\nTôi nghĩ nó chưa đủ, điều tôi làm ngay lập tức sau đó\n\nSerbian: \nSve sam to osećao.\nBio sam siguran da ću dobiti srčani udar.\nI u 16. minutu sam izvukao noge\njer sam znao da, da sam umro,\nda sam imao srčani udar, morali bi\nda počnu da mi odvezuju i izvlače noge\npre nego što me izvuku.\nBio sam veoma uplašen.\nOslobodio sam noge\ni počeo da plutam ka vrhu.\nI nisam izvukao glavu,\nveć sam samo plutao\nčekajući da mi srce stane,\nsamo sam čekao.\nImali su doktore sa onim \"pš\",\npa sam čekao.\nI onda sam iznenada čuo vrištanje.\nPomislio sam da se nešto čudno desilo -\nda sam umro ili tako nešto.\nI onda sam shvatio\nda sam izdržao do 16:32.\nSa energijom svih koji su bili tamo\nodlučio sam da se napregnem.\nI stigao sam do 17 minuta i 4 sekunde.\n(Aplauz)\nKao da to nije bilo dovoljno, odmah posle\n\nGerman: \nes begann wieder zu schlagen und es hörte auf. Ich fühlte all das.\nIch war mir so sicher, dass ich einen Herzinfarkt haben würde.\nNach 16 Minuten zog ich meine Füße heraus,\nweil ich wusste, dass sie,\nfalls ich einen Herzinfarkt bekommen sollte,\nerst die Anbindung lösen und meine Füße herausziehen mussten,\nbevor sie mich herausheben konnten. Ich war sehr nervös.\nIch nahm also meine Füße aus der Anbindung und trieb nach oben,\nohne meinen Kopf aus dem Wasser zu nehmen.\nIch trieb einfach so umher und wartete darauf, dass mein Herz aufhörte zu schlagen;\nich wartete einfach.\nSie hatten dort Ärzte mit dem \"Pst\", Sie wissen schon,\ndie warteten.\nPlötzlich hörte ich Schreie\nund dachte, dass etwas komisch war,\ndass ich gestorben war oder etwas passiert war.\nAber dann realisierte ich, dass ich es 16 Minuten und 32 Sekunden ausgehalten hatte.\nDurch die Energie aller Anwesenden\nentschied ich mich weiter zu puschen\nund kam auf 17 Minuten und 4 Sekunden.\n(Applaus)\nAls ob das noch nicht genug wäre, ging ich direkt im Anschluss\n\nLatvian: \nBiju drošs, ka man būs sirdstrieka,\ntāpēc ap 16. minūti\nes izlaidu kājas no sprādzēm,\njo zināju, ja zaudēšu samaņu\nun man būs sirdstrieka,\nviņiem būs jālec iekšā un jāizvelk\nmanas kājas, lai dabūtu mani ārā.\nEs biju ļoti satraukts.\nEs izlaidu kājas un lēnām cēlos augšup.\nUn es neizbāzu galvu.\nEs tikai peldēju un gaidīju,\nkad mana sirds apstāsies,\ntikai gaidīju.\nTur sēdēja un gaidīja ārsti,\ngatavi rīkoties.\nUn tad es pēkšņi dzirdēju kliedzienus.\nEs domāju, ka noticis kaut kas dīvains,\nka esmu nomiris vai kaut kas tamlīdzīgs.\nTad es sapratu,\nka esmu nonācis līdz 16:32.\nAr visu klātesošo enerģijas palīdzību\nes nolēmu turpināt.\nUn es izturēju līdz 17 minūtēm\nun 4 sekundēm.\n(Aplausi)\n(Aplausi beidzas)\nIt kā ar to vēl nepietiktu,\ntūlīt pēc tam es nodevu analīzes,\nun liku viņiem paņemt\nvisus iespējamos asins paraugus,\n\nPersian: \nشروع به تپیدن می کرد , متوقف میشد .و من تمام اینها را احساس کردم.\nو مطمئن بودم که یک حمله قلبی خواهم داشت.\nخب در دقیقه شانزدهم کاری که من انجام دادم این بود که پایم را به سمت بیرون دادم\nزیرا من می دانستم که اگر بیهوش شوم\nاگر دچار حمله قلبی شوم ,آنها مجبورند\nبه داخل بپرند و پاهای من را بیرون بکشند\nقبل از اینکه خودم را بیرون بیاورند. من واقعا عصبی بودم.\nبنابراین من پاهایم را بیرون گذاشتم و شروع کردم به شناور شدن به سمت بالا\nمن نگذاشتم که سرم بیرون بیاید\nاما فقط آنجا شناور بودم و منتظر بودم که قلبم بیاستد\nفقط منتظر بودم.\nآنها دکترهایی با تجهیزات داشتند که\nنشسته بودند و منتظر بودند.\nناگهان صدای جیغ شنیدم.\nو فکر کردم چیز عجیبی وجود دارد--\nمثل اینکه من مرده باشم یا اتفاقی افتاده باشد\nو بعد من فهمیدم که به 16:32 رسیده ام.\nبنابراین با انرژی تمام افرادی که آنجا بودند\nتصمیم گرفتم ادامه دهم.\nو تا 17 دقیقه و 4 ثانیه رفتم.\nتشویق\nاز آنجایی که فکر می کردم این کافی نیست ,کاری که بلافاصله بعد از آن انجام دادم این بود که\n\nPortuguese: \nEle começava. Ele parava. E eu sentia tudo isso.\nE eu tinha certeza que iria ter um ataque cardíaco.\nEntão, aos 16 minutos o que eu fiz foi deslizar meus pés para fora\nporque eu sabia que se eu apaguasse,\nse eu tivesse um ataque cardíaco, eles teriam que\npular para as tiras e tirar meus pés\nantes de me tirarem. Então, eu estava realmente nervoso.\nEntão, eu tirei meus pés, e comecei a flutuar para o topo.\nE eu não tirei minha cabeça.\nMas fiquei apenas flutuando lá esperando meu coração parar\napenas esperando.\nEles tinham médicos com o \"Pst,\" você sabe, então\nsentados lá esperando.\nEntão de repente eu ouvi gritos.\nE eu pensei uma coisa estranha --\nque eu havia morrido ou que alguma coisa tinha acontecido.\nE então percebi que tinha chegado até os 16:32.\nEntão, com a energia de todos que estava lá\nEu decidi continuar forçando.\nE fui até os 17 minutos e quatro segundos.\n(Aplausos)\nE como se não fosse o bastante, o que eu fiz imediatamente depois\n\nItalian: \nRipartiva. Si fermava. E io avvertivo tutto questo.\nEro certo di essere sul punto di avere un infarto.\nA 16 minuti tirai i piedi fuori dalle cinghie\nperché sapevo che se fossi svenuto,\nse avessi avuto un infarto, avrebbero dovuto\nsaltare dentro per sganciarmi i piedi\nprima di tirarmi fuori. Ero molto nervoso.\nTirai fuori i piedi e iniziai a galleggiare verso la superficie.\nMa non tirai fuori la testa.\nStavo galleggiando aspettando che il mio cuore si fermasse del tutto,\naspettavo e basta.\nC'erano dottori con quei \"Pss\", sapete cosa,\nmentre rimanevano seduti in attesa.\nE poi tutto d'un tratto sentii gridare.\nPensai che ci fosse qualcosa di strano --\nche magari fossi morto nel frattempo o che fosse successo qualcosa.\nPoi mi resi conto che avevo raggiunto i 16 minuti e 32 secondi.\nCosì, con l'energia di tutti coloro che erano lì\ndecisi che avrei continuato.\nArrivai a 17 minuti e quattro secondi.\n(Applauso)\nCome se non fosse abbastanza, quello che feci subito dopo\n\nKorean: \n다시 뛰고 다시 멈추었습니다. 저는 모두 느꼈어요.\n그리고 저는 틀림없이 심근경색이 일어날 거라고 확신했습니다.\n16분에는 발을 뻗었습니다.\n왜냐하면 제가 밖으로 나갈 때\n심근경색이 생기면, 그들은\n저를 꺼내기 전에 달려들어와 제 발을 묶고\n꺼내야 하기 때문이죠. 그래서 저는 무척 신경이 쓰였습니다.\n저는 발을 내밀고, 위쪽으로 떠오르기 시작했습니다.\n그리고 얼굴은 밖으로 꺼내지 않았지요.\n하지만 심장이 멈추기만을 기다리며\n떠 있었습니다.\n\"저기, 잠깐\"이라고 말했던 의사들은\n저쪽에서 앉아서 대기하고 이었죠.\n그리고나서 갑자기 비명을 들었습니다.\n저는 제가 죽었거나 어떤 일이 생겼거나 하는\n기이한 일이 일어났다 생각했습니다.\n저는 16분 32초까지 왔다는것을 깨달았습니다.\n거기 있는 모두의 에너지 덕분에\n계속 밀어붙이기로 했습니다.\n그리고 저는 17분 4초까지 오게 되었죠.\n(박수)\n그것이 충분하지 않았던것 처럼, 제가 이 일 직후에 한 것은\n\nRomanian: \nPornea. Se oprea.\nIar eu simțeam toate acestea.\nȘi eram sigur că voi suferi un infarct,\nașa că după 16 minute\nmi-am eliberat picioarele\npentru că știam că dacă voi leșina,\ndacă aș fi făcut un atac de cord,\nar fi trebuit să îmi elibereze picioarele\nînainte de a mă scoate.\nEram extrem de neliniștit.\nMi-am eliberat picioarele\nși am început să plutesc spre suprafață.\nDar nu mi-am scos capul din apă.\nPluteam acolo așteptând\nsă mi se oprească inima,\npur și simplu așteptam.\nAveau doctori acolo\ncare stăteau și așteptau.\nȘi apoi dintr-o dată\nam auzit niște strigate.\nȘi am crezut că s-a întâmplat ceva ciudat,\ncă am murit sau ceva s-a întamplat.\nDar apoi am înțeles că depășisem\ntimpul de 16 minute și 32 secunde.\nCu energia celor din jur,\nam decis să continui să lupt.\nȘi am ajuns la 17 minute și 4 secunde.\n(Aplauze)\nCa și cum asta nu ar fi fost destul,\n\nSlovak: \nRozbehol sa. Zastavil sa. A toto všetko som cítil.\nA bol som si istý, že idem dostať infarkt.\nTakže na 16. minúte som nechal vykĺznuť chodidlá,\nlebo som vedel, že ak odpadnem,\nak mám infarkt, budú musieť\nskočiť do väzby a vybrať mi nohy,\nnež ma vytiahnu. Takže som bol ozaj nervózny.\nTakže som uvoľnil chodidlá a začal sa vznášať hore.\nA nevynoril som hlavu.\nAle vznášal som sa tam čakajúc, kedy mi zastane srdce,\njednoducho som čakal.\nMali tam doktorov s tým \"pst\", viete,\nsedeli tam a čakali.\nA potom zrazu počujem krik.\nA myslel som, že to je nejaká čudná vec --\nže som zomrel alebo niečo sa stalo.\nA potom som si uvedomil, že som sa dostal na 16:32.\nTakže s energiou všetkých, čo tam boli,\nsom sa rozhodol tlačiť ďalej.\nA šiel som na 17 minút a 4 sekundy.\n(potlesk)\nA akoby to nebolo dosť, hneď potom\n\nArabic: \nومن ثم يعاود العمل ومن ثم يتوقف .. وكنت أشعر بكل هذا\nوكنت متأكداً بأنني سوف أصاب بأزمة قلبية\nوفي الدقيقة 16 أزحت قدمي من الأربطة المثبتة\nلأنني كنت على يقين بأنه سوف أفقد الوعي\nوإذا أُصبت بأزمة قلبية .. عليهم أن يهبطوا إلى الأسفل لكي\nيحرروا أقدامي من الأربطة\nقبل أن يتمكنوا من إخراجي .. وقد كنت متوتراً جداً\nلذا .. أخرجت قدمي وبدأت أطوف إلى السطح\nولكني لم أخرج رأسي\nولكني كنت أطوف هناك منتظراً أن يتوقف قلبي\nفقط منتظرٌ هناك\nوقد كان هنالك دكتور مع جهاز الإنعاش \" كما تعلمون \"\nجالس بالقرب مستعد\nومن ثم فجأة سمعت صراخ مرتفع\nوإعتقدت أن هنالك شيء غريب يحدث هناك\nأو أنني قد \" مت \" أو شيئاً ما قد حدث\nولكن أدركت لاحقاً أنني وصلت إلى الدقيقة السادسة عشر و32 ثانية\nومع كل هذه الطاقة من حولي\nقررت أن أحارب أكثر\nلكي أصل إلى 17 دقيقة و 4 ثوان\n(تصفيق).\nوأعتقد أن هذا ليس كافياً .. فقد إنطلقت مباشرة\n\nRussian: \nто опять пошел, то остановился.\nИ я всё это чувствовал.\nЯ был уверен, что сейчас\nу меня будет сердечный приступ.\nА потому, как только прошла 16-я минута,\nя вынул ноги из ремней\nпотому что я знал, что если я отключусь,\nесли у меня будет приступ сердца,\nспасателям придется прыгать вниз\nи освобождать мои ноги\nперед тем, как меня вынимать.\nИ я очень нервничал.\nА потому я высвободил ноги\nи начал подниматься вверх.\nНо я не вынимал головы —\nя просто плавал по поверхности\nи ждал, пока сердце не остановится,\nпросто ждал\nТам были врачи, они подали знак\n«тихо, не трогать»,\nсидели и ждали.\nИ вдруг я услышал визг.\nЯ подумал: «Что за жуткая вещь!\nМожет я уже умер?\nИли что-то еще случилось?»\nНо тут я понял, что рекорд в 16:32 побит!\nИ благодаря энергии,\nисходившей от всех присутствовавших,\nя решил ещё протянуть.\nИ я достиг 17 минут и 4 секунд.\n(Аплодисменты)\nВдобавок ко всему, сразу вслед за этим\n\nTurkish: \nTekrar çalışmaya başlayıp duruyordu. Hepsini hissediyordum.\nKalp krizi geçireceğimden emindim.\nBu nedenle 16. dakikada ayağımı banttan kurtardım.\nÇünkü biliyordum ki, eğer dışarıya çıkarsam, kalp krizi geçirisem\nbeni yukarıya çekmelerinden önce yanıma atlayıp\nbağlantı yerinden ayağımı kurtarmaları gerekliydi.\nYani gerçekten inanılmaz gerilmiş haldeydim.\nAyağımı çıkardım ve yüzeye doğru yükselmeye başladım.\nKafamı sudan çıkarmadım.\nOrada öyle suyun üstünde yüzüp kalbimin durmasını bekledim.\nSadece bunu bekledim.\nOrada \"Pst\"li doktorlar var, bilirsiniz,\noturup bekliyorlar.\nVe aniden çığlıklar duydum.\nVe tuhaf bir şey var galiba diye düşündüm--\nya ben öldüm veya bir şey oldu.\nVe sonra 16:32'ye vardığımı farkettim.\nOradaki herkesin enerjisi sayesinde\nzorlamaya devam ettim.\nVe 17 dakika 4 saniyeye ulaştım.\n(Alkış)\nBu sanki yetmezmiş gibi, oradan çıkar çıkmaz\n\nMacedonian: \nЌе започнеше. Ќе престанеше. Го чувствував сè ова.\nИ бев сигурен дека ќе добијам срцев удар.\nНа 16 минути ги извлеков моите стапала надвор\nзашто знаев дека ако излегувам\nдоколку добијам срцев удар, ќе мораат да\nскокнат во резервоарот и да ми ги извлечат стапалата\nпред да ме подигнат. Поради тоа бев нервозен.\nГи отпуштив стапалата и почнав да плутам на површината.\nИ не ја извадив главата надвор.\nСамо плутав чекајќи моето срце да престане да чука,\nедноставно чекав.\nТие имаа доктори со \"Pst,\", кои\nседеа и чекаа.\nИ одеднаш слушнав врискање.\nМислев дека се случила некаква чудна работа --\nдека умрев или нешто се случило.\nВеднаш сфатив дека стигнав до 16:32.\nСо преостанатата енергија која ја имав\nрешив да продолжам да издржам.\nИ стигнав до 17 минути и 4 секунди.\n(Аплауз)\nКако тоа да не беше доволно, веднаш потоа\n\nJapanese: \nその繰返しを感じました\n絶対に心臓発作を起こすだろうと思いました\nですから16分目にひもから脚を外しました\nもし私が心臓発作を起こしたら\n救助隊は私を引き上げる前に\n足からひもを外すために潜らなければなりません\n私はすごく心配でした\nだから足を外して水面にむかって浮かび始めました\nけれども頭は出しませんでした\nそうして浮かんで ただ心臓が止まるのを待っていました\nただ待っていたのです\n医者もそこに座って\n待ち構えていました\nそれから突然叫び声が聞こえました\n私が死んだとか\n何かが起こったのだと思いました\nそうして記録の16分32秒に達したのだということに気づきました\nそれから そこにいる人々の盛り上がりとともに\nそのまま記録を伸ばすことに決めました\n17分4秒まで記録が伸びました\n(拍手)\nその記録だけでは不十分かのように 私はすぐに\n\nChinese: \n時跳時停,而我都感覺得到。\n我想我很有可能會心臟病發,\n所以在第十六分鐘,我把腳抽出來,\n因為我知道,如果我要離開球體,\n或是我心臟病發,他們得跳進球體中,\n先解開我腳上的綁帶,把腳拉出來,\n才能把我拉出水面。因此我非常緊張,\n我把腳抽出來,並且開始上浮,\n我並沒有把頭伸出水面,\n只是一邊漂浮,一邊等著心臟停止,\n就只是等著...\n他們的醫生全副武裝,\n在一旁待命。\n突然我聽見尖叫聲,\n我以為出了狀況,\n是我掛了還是怎麼的,\n接著我發現我撐過了十六分三十二秒。\n所以在現場所有人的鼓舞之下,\n我決定繼續向前推進,\n我撐到了十七分又四秒鐘。\n(掌聲)\n這還不夠,在我出來之後,我做的第一件事,\n\nChinese: \n时而开始,时而停止。而且我能感受到这发生的一切。\n我很确定我快要心脏病了。\n于是在第16分钟,我把脚滑出扣带\n因为我知道如果我确实要离开水面,\n或是突发心脏病,\n他们会先跳进来松开我的脚上的扣带\n再拉我出水。所以我非常紧张。\n我松开了我的脚,开始任由身体上浮,\n但我没有把头伸出水面,\n我只是,等待我心跳停止的那一刻...\n等待着...\n你知道他们有神经科的医生\n坐在那里等着抢救我。\n突然,我听到尖叫声,\n我想一定是很疯狂的事发生了,\n比如我死了之类的。\n然而我突然意识到,我坚持到了16:32!\n在场每一位观众释放出来给予我的能量\n让我决定继续坚持...\n我坚持到了,17分30秒。\n(掌声)\n即使那还不够,在出来之后我立刻\n\nItalian: \nfu andare ai Laboratori Quest\ne feci prelevare loro ogni campione di sangue possibile\nper testare tutto il possibile e verificare i vari livelli ematici,\nin modo che i dottori potessero farne uso, ancora una volta.\nE poi volevo che nessuno lo mettesse in dubbio.\nAvevo ottenuto il nuovo record del mondo e volevo\nessere certo che venisse riconosciuto.\nPerciò, vado a New York il giorno seguente,\ne un ragazzino si avvicina a me - stavo uscendo dal negozio Apple -\ne il ragazzino avvicinandosi mi dice: \"Hey D!\"\nE io: \"Cosa?\"\nLui disse: \"Se davvero hai trattenuto il fiato così a lungo,\nperché sei uscito dall'acqua asciutto?\"\nE io: \"Che?\"\n(Risata)\nE questa è la mia vita. Quindi...\n(Risata)\nIn qualità di mago io cerco di mostrare alle persone cose\nche sembrano impossibili.\nE penso che la magia, sia che stia trattenendo il respiro\no mischiando un mazzo di carte,\nsia piuttosto semplice.\nE' questione di esercizio, allenamento, ed è --\nE' esercizio, allenamento e sperimentazione,\n\nPortuguese: \nfui imediatamente depois ao Quest Labs.\nTiraram-me todas as amostras \nde sangue que puderam\npara testar tudo e ver \nquais eram os meus níveis\npara os médicos poderem usá-lo outra vez.\nEu também não queria que \nninguém o pusesse em dúvida.\nTinha o recorde mundial \ne queria garantir que era legítimo.\nNo dia seguinte, fui para Nova Iorque.\nUm miúdo vem ter comigo \n— eu estou na loja da Apple —\nvem ter comigo e, tipo: \"Oi, D!\"\nE eu, tipo \"Sim?\"\nE ele: \"Se aguentaste \na respiração tanto tempo,\n\"como é que saíste da água todo seco?\"\nE eu, tipo: \"O quê?\"\n(Risos)\nA vida é assim.\n(Risos)\nEnquanto mágico, \ntento mostrar às pessoas\ncoisas que parecem impossíveis.\nPenso que a magia, \nquer esteja a suster a respiração,\nou a manipular um baralho de cartas,\né muito simples.\nÉ prática, é treino e é...\nÉ prática, é treino e é experimentar,\n\nHungarian: \nelmentem a Quest Laborba,\nhogy vért vegyenek tőlem,\nhogy mindent leteszteljenek és lássák az eredményeimet,\nhogy az orvosok ismét hasznosítani tudják.\nÉs azt sem akartam, hogy bárki megkérdőjelezzen.\nA világcsúcs az enyém volt, és biztos akartam lenni abban,\nhogy igazolható.\nMásnap New Yorkban voltam,\nés egy kölyök odasétált hozzám -- az Apple boltból jöttem kifelé --\nodajött ez a kölyök, és megszólított, \"Hé D!\"\nÉn meg, \"Igen?\"\nAzt mondta, \"Ha olyan sokáig tartottad vissza a lélegzeted,\nhogyhogy szárazon jöttél ki a vízből?\"\nMondom, \"Mi?\"\n(Nevetés)\nIlyen az életem. Úgyhogy...\n(Nevetés)\nBűvészként olyan dolgokat próbálok megmutatni az embereknek,\nmelyek lehetetlennek tűnnek.\nSzerintem a varázslat, akár a levegőmet tartom vissza,\nakár egy kártyapaklit keverek,\nnagyon is egyszerű.\nGyakorlat, edzés, és --\ngyakorlat, edzés és kísérletezés kérdése,\n\nPersian: \nبه آزمایشگاه Quest رفتم\nو آنها هر نوع نمونه خونی که می توانستند گرفتند\nتا همه چیز را آزمایش کنند و ببینند که وضعیت من چگونه است\nبنابراین پزشکان می توانند برای موارد دیگری از آن استفاده کنند.\nمن همچنین نمی خواستم که کسی در مورد این موضوع شکی داشته باشد.\nمن رکورد جهانی را داشتم و می خواستم\nمطمئن شوم که این رکورد قانونا ثبت شده باشد.\nبنابراین روز بعد من به نیویورک رفتم\nمن داشتم از فروشگاه اپل خارج می شدم\nبچه ای به طرف من آمد و گفت او شبیه \"yo\" (موجود خارق العاده) است\nمن شبیه چی؟\nاو گفت \"اگر واقعا تو نفست را اینقدر طولانی نگه داشتی،\nچرا وقتی از آب بیرون آمدی خشک بودی؟\"\nمن شبیه \"چی\" بودم ؟\nخنده حضار\nو این زندگی من است . خب ...\nخنده حضار\nبه عنوان یک شعبده باز من سعی می کنم تا\nچیزهایی را به مردم نشان دهم که غیر ممکن به نظر می رسند\nمن فکر می کنم جادو,چه حبس کردن نفس باشد\nچه بر زدن یک دسته ورق\nچیز ساده ای است.\nآن تمرین است ,آموزش است ,..\nاین تمرین ,آموزش و تجربه است که\n\niw: \nהיה ללכת למעבדות קווסט\nולבקש מהם לקחת כל בדיקת דם שהם יכולים\nבכדי לבדוק הכל ולראות היכן המדדים שלי נמצאים,\nבכדי שהרופאים יוכלו להשתמש בזה, שוב.\nלא רציתי שמישהו יפקפק בזה.\nהיה לי שיא עולם ורציתי\nלוודא שהוא לגיטימי.\nאז נסעתי לניו יורק סיטי למחרת\nואיזה ילד ניגש אלי--- הייתי בחנות של אפל---\nהילד ניגש אלי ואומר \"יו די\"\nואני \"כן?\"\nהוא אומר \"אם באמת לא נשמת כל כך הרבה זמן,\nאיך זה שיצאת מהמים יבש?\"\nואני אמרתי \"מה?\"\n(צחוק)\nככה החיים שלי..\n(צחוק)\nכקוסם אני מנסה להראות לאנשים דברים\nשנראים בלתי אפשריים.\nואני חושב שקסם, לעצור את הנשימה\nאו לערבב חבילת קלפים,\nהוא די פשוט.\nזה אימון, תרגול וזה--\nזה אימון, תרגול וניסוי\n\nSwedish: \ngick jag direkt till Quest Labs\noch de fick ta alla blodprov de kunde\nför att testa för allt och se var mina nivåer låg,\nså att doktorerna kunde använda sig av det, ännu en gång.\nJag ville heller inte att någon skulle ifrågasätta det.\nJag hade världsrekordet och jag ville\nvara säker på att det var riktigt.\nSå dagen efter kommer jag till New York City,\noch en kille går upp till mig -- Jag går ut ur äppleaffären --\nen kille går upp till mig och säger, \"Yo D!\"\nJag typ \"Ja?\"\nHan sade, \"Om du verkligen höll andan så länge,\nhur kom det sig att du kom upp ur vattnet torr?\"\nJag bara \"Va?\"\n(Skratt)\nOch det är mitt liv. Så ...\n(Skratt)\nSom magiker försöker jag visa saker för folk\nsom verkar omöjliga.\nOch jag tror magi, om det än är att hålla andan\neller blanda en kortlek,\nså är det ganska enkelt.\nDet krävs övning, och träning, det är allt --\nDet är övning, det är träning och experimentering,\n\nRussian: \nя пошел в лабораторию Quest Labs,\nгде с меня сняли все возможные\nпробы и анализы крови,\nи протестировали всё,\nчто можно по составу крови,\nтак что врачи могут\nэто повторно использовать.\nЯ также хотел,\nчтобы никто не смел усомниться.\nЯ побил мировой рекорд и я хотел\nубедиться,\nчто всё правильно зарегистрировано.\nИ вот на следующий день\nя появляюсь в Нью-Йорке,\nи ко мне тут подходит мальчик —\nя в этот момент выходил из магазина Apple —\nподходит мальчик и говорит «Это ты?»\nА я говорю «Да».\nА он: «Если ты в самом деле\nтак долго держал дыхание,\nпочему ты был сухим,\nкогда вышел из воды?\nЯ ему: «Не понял…»\n(Смех)\nВот вам моя жизнь…\n(Смех)\nБудучи магом-чародеем,\nя пытаюсь показать людям\nневозможное.\nИ я думаю, что магия —\nдержу ли я дыхание,\nили перебираю колоду карт —\nвещь простая.\nЭто — тренировка, опыт и …\nЭто — тренировка, опыт и эксперимент,\n\nKurdish: \nئه‌وه‌یه‌ که‌چوم بۆ تاقیگه‌ی پشکنین\nوه‌ خوێنم پێدان تاکو\nتاقیکردنه‌وه‌ له‌سه‌ر هه‌موو شتێک بکه‌ن و بزانن له‌چ ئاستێکدام\nهه‌ تاجارێکی تر دکتۆره‌کان ببینن\nهه‌روه‌ها نه‌مده‌ویست هیچ که‌س پرسیار بکات\nڕیکۆردێکی جیهانیم هه‌یه‌ و ده‌مویست\nدڵنیابم که‌ ئەوە یاساییه‌\nله‌به‌ر ئه‌وه‌ له‌ڕۆژی داهاتوودا چووم بۆشاری نیویۆرک\nوه‌ ئه‌م منداڵه‌ به‌ره‌و ڕووم هات- - من له‌بازاڕی ئه‌پڵ ده‌هاتمه‌ ده‌ره‌وه‌\nئه‌م منداڵه‌ به‌ره‌و ڕووم هات و دڵخۆش بووم\nمن وه‌ک ئه‌وه‌ وام، به‌ڵێ\nوتی، ئه‌گه‌ر به‌ڕاستی تۆ بۆ ئه‌ و ماوه‌ زۆره‌ هه‌ناسه‌ ڕابگری\nبۆچی به‌وشکی له‌ئاوه‌که‌ دێیته‌ ده‌ره‌وه‌\nوه‌ک ئه‌وه‌ وابوو، چی؟\nپێکه‌نین\nئه‌مه‌ ژیانی منه‌، له‌به‌رئه‌وه‌\nپێکه‌نین\nوه‌ک جادوگه‌رێک هه‌وڵ ده‌ده‌م شت نیشانی خه‌ڵک بده‌م\nکه‌ له (مه‌حاڵ) ده‌چێت\nوابزانم جادوە، جا من هه‌ناسه‌م ڕابگرم\nیان کارته‌کان ڕێک بخه‌مه‌وه‌\nزۆر ئاسانه‌\nئه‌وه‌ خۆ گونجاندنه‌، راهێنانه‌، ئەوە\nئه‌وه‌ خۆ گونجاندنه‌، ڕاهێنانه‌و تاقیکردنه‌وه‌یه‌\n\nPortuguese: \nfoi que fui ao Ques Labs\ne eles pegaram todas as amostras de sangue que puderam\npara testar para tudo e ver onde meus níveis estavam,\npara que os médicos pudesse usá-los, outra vez.\nEu também não queria que ninguém questionasse.\nEu tinha o record mundial e queria\nque ficasse claro que era legítimo.\nEntão, fui para a cidade de Nova York no dia seguinte,\ne essa criança caminhou até mim -- eu estava saindo da Apple store --\nessa criança caminhou até mim tipo, \"Yo D!\"\nE eu tipo \"Yeah?\"\nEle disse, \"Se vou realmente segurou a respiração aquele tempo todo,\npor que você saiu da água molhado?\"\nIsso foi tipo \"O que?\"\n(Risos)\nEssa é minha vida. Então...\n(Risos)\nComo um mágico eu tento mostrar coisas para as pessoas\nque parecem impossíveis.\nE eu penso que mágica, seja prendendo a respiração\nou embaralhando cartas,\né muito simples.\nÉ prática, é treinamento, e é --\nÉ prática, é treinamento e experimentação,\n\nThai: \nตรงไปที่เควสแลบส์ (Quest Labs)\nแล้วให้พวกเขาเก็บตัวอย่างเลือดผมตามที่เขาต้องการ\nเพื่อทดสอบทุกอย่างให้เห็นว่า สภาพผมเป็นไง\nเพื่อที่พวกหมอ สามารถใช้มันได้อีกครั้งด้วย\nผมก็ไม่อยากให้ใครต้องมาตั้งคำถาม\nผมสร้างสถิติโลกและผมก็อยากจะ\nยืนยันให้แน่ใจว่ามันถูกต้อง\nผมไปที่เมืองนิวยอร์ค (New York City) ในวันรุ่งขึ้น\nแล้วก็มีเด็กคนนึงเดินมาหาผม ขณะที่ผมกำลังเดินออกจากแอปเปิลสโตร์\nเด็กคนนี้เดินมาหาผมแบบว่า \"เฮ่\"\nผมก็ตอบไป “ไง\"\nเขาพูดว่า \"ถ้าคุณกลั้นหายใจได้นานขนาดนั้นจริงๆ\nทำไมตอนคุณออกมาจากน้ำตัวคุณแห้งล่ะ?\"\nผมเลยแบบว่า \"ว่าไงนะ!?”\n(หัวเราะ)\nชีวิตผมก็แบบนี้ล่ะ\n(หัวเราะ)\nด้วยความเป็นนักมายากลผมพยายามที่จะแสดงอะไรที่คน\nคิดว่ามันเป็นไปไม่ได้\nและผมว่า มายากล ไม่ว่าการที่ผมกลั้นหายใจ\nการสับไพ่\nมันง่ายนิดเดียว\nมันคือการฝึกหัด มันคือการฝึกซ้อม และมันคือ\nการฝึกหัด และมันคือการฝึกซ้อม และการทดลอง\n\nChinese: \n去了实验室\n他们尽可能地提取了各处的血液样本\n以测试所有指标以及我的状况,\n那样医生就可以把它们记录在案。\n当然我不希望任何人怀疑,\n我创造了世界纪录,我当然希望\n确定它是堂堂正正的。\n这样第二天我去了纽约,\n有个小孩朝我走过来--我刚走出“苹果”--\n这孩子走向我,说,“嘿,大卫!”\n我说“怎么了?”\n他说,“如果你真的可以水下屏气那么久,\n为什么你从水里出来的时候是干的?”\n我没反应过来“什么?”\n(笑声)\n这就是我的生活。你瞧...\n(笑声)\n作为一个魔术师,我试着展现一些东西\n那些看似不可能的事。\n我认为魔术,不管是水下屏气\n还是捣鼓一副纸牌,\n道理都很简单。\n就是练习,训练,以及...\n就是练习,训练,以及不断尝试。\n\nBulgarian: \nотидох до медицинската лаборатория\nи ги накарах да ми направят всички възможни кръвни тестове,\nда изследват всичките ми показатели,\nтака че докторите да ги използват отново за изследване.\nНе исках никой да оспорва опита.\nНаправих световен рекорд\nи исках да съм сигурен, че всичко е валидно.\nНа следващия ден отидох в Ню Йорк,\nи тъкмо когато излизах от магазина на Апъл, едно хлапе се приближи --\nи ми каза: \"Ей! Ди\"\nАз казах: \"Какво?\"\n\"Ако наистина не си дишал толкова дълго,\nзащо излезе от водата сух?\"\nКазах само:\"Какво?\"\n(Смях)\nТова е моят живот.\n(Смях)\nКато магьосник се опитвам да показвам на хората\nнеща, които изглеждат невъзможни.\nМисля, че магията - независимо дали не дишаш,\nили размесваш тесте карти,\nе много проста.\nТя е упражнение, тя е трениране , и тя е ...\nтя е упражнение, тя е трениране и експериментиране,\n\nPolish: \nwybrałem się do Quest Labs\ni pozwoliłem pobrać im każdą możliwą próbkę krwi,\nżeby mogli wszystko sprawdzić i zobaczyć jakie mam wyniki,\nby lekarze mogli je wykorzystać.\nChciałem też pozbyć się wszelkich wątpliwości.\nZdobyłem rekord świata i chciałem\nbyć pewny, że jest on ważny.\nNastępnego dnia wybrałem się do Nowego Jorku,\npodchodzi do mnie jakiś dzieciak - wychodziłem z Apple Store -\npodchodzi do mnie i mówi: \"Cześć D!\"\nPytam: \"Co tam?\"\nA on na to: \"Jeśli naprawdę wstrzymałeś oddech na tak długo,\nto dlaczego wyszedłeś z wody suchy?\"\nByłem zaskoczony.\n(Śmiech)\nTak wygląda moje życie...\n(Śmiech)\nJako magik staram się pokazywać ludziom rzeczy,\nktóre wydają się niemożliwe.\nI myślę, że magia - czy wstrzymuję oddech\nczy tasuję talię kart,\njest całkiem prosta.\nTo praktyka, trening, no i oczywiście\neksperymentowanie.\n\nSlovak: \nsom šiel do Quest Labs\na nechal som, nech mi zoberú všetky vzorky krvi, aké len mohli,\naby ich otestovali na všetko a aby videli, kde sa nachádzajú moje hodnoty,\naby to lekári mohli znova použiť.\nA tiež som nechcel, aby to ktokoľvek napadol.\nMal som svetový rekord a chcel som\nzaistiť, že bude legitímny.\nTakže nasledujúci deň som šiel do New York City\na príde ku mne jedno decko -- práve vychádzam z Apple store --\ndecko príde ku mne a hovorí: \"Hej, D!\"\nA ja: \"No?\"\nHovorí: \"Ak si ozaj zadržal dych na tak dlho,\nprečo si vyšiel von z vody suchý?\"\nA ja že: \"Čo?\"\n(smiech)\nA to je môj život. Takže...\n(smiech)\nAko kúzelník sa snažím ľuďom ukázať veci,\nktoré sa zdajú byť nemožné.\nA myslím, že mágia, či už keď zadržiavam dych\nalebo miešam balíček kariet,\nje vcelku jednoduchá.\nJe to cvičenie, tréning a je to --\nJe to cvičenie, je to tréning a experimentovanie,\n\nFrench: \nc'est que je suis allé aux Labos Quest,\net je les ai laissé me prendre autant d'échantillons de sang qu'ils pouvaient,\npour faire tous les tests possibles, et voir où en étaient mes paramètres,\ncomme ça, une fois encore, ça pourrait servir aux médecins.\nJe ne voulais pas non plus que qui que ce soit émette de doutes.\nJe tenais le record du monde, et je voulais être certain\nqu'il soit homologué.\nAlors, le lendemain, je suis allé à New York,\net voilà qu'un gamin vient vers moi -- Je sortais du magasin Apple --\nce gamin vient vers moi et il me fait : \"Yo D !\"\nJe lui fais \"Ouais ?\"\nIl me dit \"Si tu as retenu ton souffle aussi longtemps pour de vrai,\ncomment ça se fait que tu sois ressorti tout sec de l'eau?\"\nJe lui ai fait \"Quoi ??\"\n(Rires)\nÇa, c'est toute ma vie. Alors ...\n(Rires)\nEn tant que magicien, j'essaie de montrer aux gens\ndes choses qui semblent impossibles.\nEt je crois que la magie, que ce soit en retenant mon souffle\nou en battant un jeu de cartes,\nest quelque chose relativement simple.\nC'est de la pratique, c'est de l'entraînement, et c'est --\nC'est de la pratique, c'est de l'entraînement, et de l'expérimentation,\n\nDanish: \nvar at jeg tog til Quest Labs\nog fik dem til at tage en blodprøve, som de kunne\nteste for alt og se hvor mine niveauer lå,\nså lægerne kunne bruge det, endnu en gang.\nJeg ville heller ikke have at der var nogen der stillede spørgsmålstegn ved det.\nJeg havde verdensrekorden og jeg ville\nvære sikker på at den var gældende.\nSå, jeg tog til New York City dagen efter,\nog børnene kom op til mig -. jeg går ud af Apple forretningen --\net barn kommer op til mig og siger, \"Yo, D!\"\nJeg sagde, \"Yeah?\"\nHan sagde, \"Hvis du virkelig kunne holde vejret så lang tid,\nhvorfor var du så tør da du kom ud af vandet?\"\nJeg spurgte, \"Hvad?\"\n(Latter)\nOg det er mit liv. Så ...\n(Latter)\nSom tryllekunstner prøver jeg at vise ting til mennesker\nder virker umulige.\nOg jeg tror tryllekunster, hvad enten jeg holder vejret\neller blander et spil kort,\ner det ret simpelt.\nDet er øvelse, det er træning, og det er --\ndet er øvelse, det er træning og det er at eksperimentere,\n\nChinese: \n就是去奎斯特實驗室,\n讓他們採集所有種類的血液樣本,\n以進行檢驗,並瞭解我的情況如何,\n以便在下一次能夠派上用場。\n我也不希望被人質疑,\n我創下了世界紀錄,\n而我希望確認它是正式認可的。\n隔天我去了紐約市,\n當我正從蘋果電腦走出來時,一個小孩子走過來,\n那個小孩子走近我說\"呦,大衛,\"\n我說\"怎樣?\"\n他說\"如果你真的憋氣那麼久,\n為什麼你出來的時候身上是乾的?\"\n我說\"啥?\"\n(笑聲)\n這就是我的生活...\n(笑聲)\n作為魔術師,我試著讓人們看到\n近乎不可能的事情。\n我認為魔術,不管是停止呼吸\n或是洗整副牌,\n都非常的簡單,\n你只要不停地練習、訓練,\n不停地練習、訓練和實驗,\n\nArabic: \nإلى مختبرات \" كويست \"\nلكي يأخذوا مني كل عينات الدم التي يحتاجونها\nمن أجل إجراء جميع الفحوصات ولكي يرون مستوياتي الصحية\nالتي يمكن للأطباء إستخدامها .. ومرة أخرى\nلم ارد أن يشكك أي أحد بما قمت به\nفقد كنت قد إمتلكت الرقم العالمي وأردت أن\nأُكد أن ذلك كان شرعياً\nوفي اليوم التالي كنت في مدينة نيويورك\nفجاء إلي طفل ليحدثني وأنا خارج من متجر \" آبل \"\nوتحرك الطفل نحوي وقال نحو هذا \" يا دي \"\nوأنا قلت \" نعم \"\nوقال \" إذا كنت قد حبست أنفاسك كل هذا ..\nفكيف خرجت من المياه جافاً غير مُبتل ؟؟ \"\nفقلت \" نعم !!! \"\n(ضحك)\nهكذا هذه حياتي .. إذا\n(ضحك)\nبصفتي \" ساحر \" فأنا أُحاول أن أري الناس\nالأشياء التي تبدو مستحيلة\nوأن أظن أن السحر .. سواء كان حبس الأنفس\nأو تقليب بعض أوراق اللعب\nهو أمرٌ بسيط جداً\nإنما يتطلب .. التدريب والتدريب والتدريب ..\nإنه التدريب والتمرين والتجريب\n\nGerman: \nzu Quest Labs,\ndie alle möglichen Blutproben entnahmen,\num alles zu testen und zu sehen, wo mein Level war,\ndamit es die Ärzte verwenden konnten.\nIch wollte auch nicht, dass es irgendjemand in Frage stellt:\nIch hatte den Weltrekord und\nich wollte sicher gehen, dass es legitim war.\nAls ich am nächsten Tag zurück in New York City war,\nkommt dieser Junge zu mir - ich laufe gerade aus dem Apple Geschäft heraus -\nund sagt: \"Yo, D!\"\nIch so: \"Ja?\"\nEr sagte: \"Wenn du wirklich deinen Atem so lange angehalten hast,\nwarum bist du trocken aus dem Wasser herausgekommen?\"\nIch dann so: \"Was?\"\n(Gelächter)\nUnd das ist mein Leben. Also...\n(Gelächter)\nAls Zauberkünstler versuche ich Menschen Dinge zu zeigen,\ndie unmöglich scheinen.\nUnd ich glaube, Magie, ob es Atemanhalten\noder das Mischen von Karten ist,\nist recht einfach.\nEs ist Übung, es ist Training und es ist\nexperimentieren,\n\nDutch: \nging ik meteen daarna naar Quest Labs\nen liet ze zoveel bloed\nafnemen als ze wilden\nom alles te testen en te zien\nwaar mijn niveaus waren,\nzodat de artsen het konden gebruiken.\nOok wilde ik dat niemand\nhet in twijfel kon trekken.\nIk had het wereldrecord\nen wilde zeker gaan\ndat het legitiem was.\nDe volgende dag ging ik naar New York\nen een jochie komt op me af --\nik loop net de Apple store uit --\nen dat kereltje zegt: \"Yo D!\"\nIk zeg: \"Ja?\"\nHij zegt: \"Als je echt\nzo lang je adem inhield,\nwaarom kwam je dan droog uit het water?\"\nIk dacht: Wat?\n(Gelach)\nDat is mijn leven. Dus...\n(Gelach)\nAls magiër probeer ik mensen dingen te laten zien\ndie onmogelijk lijken.\nIk denk dat magie, of ik mijn adem inhoud\nof een pak kaarten schud,\nheel simpel is.\nHet is oefening, training en... --\nHet is oefening, training en experiment,\n\nKorean: \nQuest Labs에 가서\n그들이 모든 것을 테스트할수 있고 제 단계가 어느정도인지 확인할 수 있는\n있는 혈액 샘플을 제공한 것이었습니다.\n그래서 의사들이 다시한번 그걸 쓸 수 있었죠.\n저는 누구라도 질문을 하지 않았으면 했습니다.\n저는 세계 기록을 가지고 있고, 그것이\n타당하다고 확신하고 싶었습니다.\n다음날 뉴욕시에 갔는데\n어린애들이 제게 걸어왔습니다. 저는 애플스토어를 나오고 있었죠.\n애들이 제게 왜서는 \"Yo D!\"라고 말하더군요.\n저는 \"응?\"라고 말했죠.\n그 애가 \"아저씨가 그렇게 숨을 오래 참을 수 있으면\n물이 마른 다음에 나오지 그래요?\"\n제가 \"뭐라고?\"라고 했죠.\n(웃음)\n그게 제 인생이죠. 그리고...\n(웃음)\n마술사로서, 저는 사람들에게\n불가능해 보이는 것을을 보여주려 노력하고 있습니다.\n제가 숨을 참는 것이든 카드를 섞는 것이든\n마술은\n아주 간단하다고 생각합니다.\n그건 연습이고 훈련입니다. 그리고 그건\n연습이고 훈련이며 실험입니다.\n\nCzech: \nšel do Quest Labs\na nechal si vzít všechny možné vzorky krve,\nudělali mi nejrůznější vyšetření a zjistili všechny moje hodnoty,\naby to mohli doktoři znova použít.\nTaky jsem nechtěl, aby to někdo zpochybňoval.\nPřekonal jsem světový rekord a chtěl jsem\nse ujistit, že je to legitimní.\nTak jsem druhý den vyrazil do New Yorku,\na jak tak vycházím z Apple store, přijde ke mě kluk,\na povídá mi \"Hele člověče!\"\nA já: \"No?\"\nKluk říká: \"Jestli si fakt zadržel dech na tak dlouho,\njaktože si vylez z vody suchej?\"\nA já: \"Cože?\"\n(smích)\nNo, takhle vypadá můj život. Takže ...\n(smích)\nJako iluzionista se snažím ukazovat lidem věci,\nkteré se zdají nemožné.\nA myslím, že taková kouzla, ať už zadržuju dech\nanebo míchám balíček karet,\njsou celkem jednoduchá.\nJe to cvičení, trénink, a je to --\nJe to cvičení, trénink a experimentování,\n\nFinnish: \nmenin heti sen jälkeen Qest Labsiin,\nja he ottivat kaikki mahdolliset verinäytteet\ntestejä varten ja nähdäkseni tasoni,\njotta lääkärit voisivat käyttää tietoja, taas kerran.\nEn myöskään halunnut kenenkään kyseenalaistavan sitä.\nMinulla oli maailmanennätys ja halusin\nvarmistua, että se on laillinen.\nSeuraavana päivänä menin New Yorkiin\nja joku lapsi -- olin kävelemässä ulos Apple-kaupasta --\nja lapsi tuli luokseni tyyliin \"Jou D!\"\nMinä olin \"Niin?\"\nHän sanoi: \"Jos todella pidit henkeäsi niin kauan,\nmiksi olit aivan kuiva, kun tulit vedestä?\"\nOlin ihan: \"Häh?\"\n(Naurua)\nSe on elämääni. Joten ...\n(Naurua)\nTaikurina yritän näyttää ihmisille asioita,\njotka vaikuttavat mahdottomilta.\nMielestäni taikuus, oli se sitten hengen pidättämistä\ntai korttipakan sekoittamista,\non melko yksinkertaista.\nSe on harjoittelua, se on treenausta, ja se on --\nSe on harjoittelua, se on treenausta ja kokeilua,\n\nModern Greek (1453-): \nήταν να πάω στα εργαστήρια\nόπου μου πήραν\nό,τι δείγμα αίματος μπορούσαν\nγια να ελέγξουν τα πάντα\nκαι να εξετάσουν τα επίπεδά μου,\nώστε για άλλη μια φορά \nνα τα χρησιμοποιήσουν οι γιατροί.\nΕπίσης δεν ήθελα κανένας \nνα το αμφισβητήσει.\nΕίχα το παγκόσμιο ρεκόρ και ήθελα\nνα σιγουρευτώ ότι ήταν ξεκάθαρο.\nΠήγα λοιπόν στην Νέα Υόρκη\nτην επόμενη μέρα,\nέβγαινα από το Apple store,\nκαι έρχεται ο μικρός\nκαι μου λέει, «Έι, Ντι!»\nΤου λέω «Ναι;»\nΜου είπε, «Αν στ' αλήθεια κράτησες\nτην αναπνοή σου τόση ώρα,\nγιατί βγήκες από το νερό στεγνός;»\nΚαι λέω, «Τι;»\n(Γέλια)\nΚαι αυτή λοιπόν είναι η ζωή μου. Οπότε ...\n(Γέλια)\nΣαν μάγος, προσπαθώ \nνα δείχνω πράγματα στους ανθρώπους\nπου φαίνονται αδύνατα.\nΚαι πιστεύω πως η μαγεία,\nείτε κρατάω την αναπνοή μου,\nείτε ανακατεύω μια τράπουλα,\nείναι πολύ απλή.\nΕίναι εξάσκηση, είναι προπόνηση,\nκαι είναι -- (Κλαίει)\nΕίναι εξάσκηση, είναι \nπροπόνηση και πειραματισμός,\n(Κλαίει)\n\nMacedonian: \nотидов во Quest Labs\nи им дозволив да ги земат сите можни примероци од крв\nза да ги тестираат и да видат до каде се моите граници,\nи докторите да можат да ги искористат, уште еднаш.\nИ не сакав никој да ме оспорува.\nИмав светски рекорд и сакав да\nда се осигурам дека е легитимен.\nОтидов отидов во Њујорк следниот ден,\nи едно дете наиде на мене - Јас влегувам во продавница на Епл -\nдетево наидува на мене и ми вели, \"Eј, Ди\"\nЈас велам, \"Да\"?\nТоа вели, \"Ако навистина го задржа здивот толку долго,\nзошто од водата излезе сув?\"\nЈас си реков: \"Што?\"\n(Смеење)\nИ тоа е мојот живот. Така да...\n(Смеење)\nКако магионичар правам работи кои на луѓето\nим изгледаат невозможно.\nИ мислам дека магијата, кога го задржувам здивот\nили правам трикови со карти,\nе прилично едноставен.\nСамо вежбање, само тренинг, и тоа е -\nсамо вежбање, само треннг и експериментирање,\n\nRomanian: \nimediat după m-am dus\nla laboratoarele Quest\nși i-am pus să îmi facă\ntoate analizele posibile\nsă mă testeze\nși să vadă ce concentrații am,\npentru ca doctorii\nsă poată folosi rezultatele.\nTotodată, doream să nu existe îndoială.\nDețineam recordul mondial\nși doream să mă asigur că este validat.\nIar ziua următoare am ajuns la New York,\nși un pusti s-a apropiat de mine;\ntocmai ieșeam din magazinul Apple,\niar puștiul se apropie de mine și zice:\n„Hei, D!” Iar eu zic: „Da”.\nÎmi zice: „Dacă tu chiar ți-ai ținut\nrespirația atâta timp,\ncum se face că ai ieșit uscat din apă?”\nIar eu am rămas: „Poftim?”\n(Râsete)\nAșa e viața mea...\n(Râsete)\nCa magician, încerc să arăt oamenilor\nlucruri care par imposibile.\nPărerea mea este că magia,\nfie ca îmi țin respirația\nsau amestec un pachet de cărți de joc,\neste destul de simplă.\nSecretul constă în exercițiu,\nantrenament și...\nexercițiu, antrenament și experimentare,\n\nVietnamese: \nlà đến Quest Labs (Phòng thí ngiệm Quest)\nvà được họ lấy mọi mẫu máu họ có thể\nđể kiểm tra mọi thứ để xem tôi tới mức nào,\nđể bác sỹ có thể nghiên cứu nó, một lần nữa,\ntôi cũng không muốn ai chất vấn điều đó.\nTôi đã có kỷ lục thế giới mà mình mong muốn\nđảm bảo rằng nó hợp lệ.\nVậy nên, tôi đến thành phố New York ngày sau đó,\nvà những đứa trẻ đi đến chỗ tôi -- Tôi đang đi ra khỏi của hàng Apple --\nnhững đứa trẻ này đi đến chỗ tôi và nói kiểu như, \"Chào D!\"\nTôi cũng \"Vâng?\"\nThằng nhỏ nói, \"Nếu anh thực sự nín thở lâu như vậy,\ntại sao anh ra khỏi nước khô rang vậy?\"\nTôi sửng sốt \"Gì cơ?\"\n(Cười)\nVà đó là cuộc đời tôi. Do đó ...\n(Cười)\nLà một ảo thuật gia tôi cố gắng trình diễn cho mọi người\nđiều dường như không thể.\nVà tôi nghĩ ảo thuật, nếu tôi có nín thở hay\nhay xóc một bộ bài,\nthật đơn giản.\nĐó là sự luyện tập, là tập luyện, và nó là --\nĐó là sự luyện tập, là tập luyện và thử nghiệm,\n\nEnglish: \nis I went to Quest Labs\nand had them take every blood\nsample that they could\nto test for everything\nand to see where my levels were,\nso the doctors could use it, once again.\nI also didn't want anybody to question it.\nI had the world record and I wanted\nto make sure it was legitimate.\nSo, I get to New York City the next day,\nI'm walking out of the Apple store,\nand this kid walks up to me\nhe's like, \"Yo, D!\"\nI'm like \"Yeah?\"\nHe said, \"If you really\nheld your breath that long,\nwhy'd you come out of the water dry?\"\nI was like \"What?\"\n(Laughter)\nAnd that's my life. So --\n(Laughter)\nAs a magician,\nI try to show things to people\nthat seem impossible.\nAnd I think magic,\nwhether I'm holding my breath\nor shuffling a deck of cards,\nis pretty simple.\nIt's practice, it's training,\nand it's -- (Sobs)\nIt's practice, it's training\nand experimenting,\n(Sobs)\n\nLatvian: \nlai visu pārbaudītu\nun iegūtu pilnu asins ainu,\nlai ārsti to varētu izmantot atkal.\nEs arī negribēju, lai kāds to apšaubītu.\nEs biju uzstādījis pasaules rekordu\nun gribēju būt drošs, ka to apstiprina.\nNākamajā dienā es devos uz Ņujorku,\nun, izejot no Apple veikala,\npie manis pienāk kāds puika\nun saka: \"Klau, Dī!\"\nEs atbildu: \"Nu?\"\nViņš saka: \"Ja tu tiešām\ntik ilgi aizturēji elpu,\nkāpēc tu no ūdens iznāci sauss?\"\nEs teicu: \"Ko?\"\n(Smiekli)\nTāda ir mana dzīve.\n(Smiekli)\nKā burvju mākslinieks,\nes cilvēkiem mēģinu parādīt to,\nkas liekas neiespējami.\nUn, manuprāt, burvju māksla\n– vienalga vai aizturu elpu,\nvai jaucu kārtis –,\nir diezgan vienkārša.\nTā ir vingrināšanās\nun treniņš, un tas ir...\n(Šņuksti)\nTā ir vingrināšanās un treniņš\nun eksperimentēšana,\n(Šņuksti)\nun izturēšana caur sāpēm,\nlai kļūtu tik labs, cik vien spēju.\n\nJapanese: \n臨床検査センターに行きました\n採れるだけの血液サンプルを採りました\n全ての検査をして 測定値を調べ\n医者が再びその記録を使えるようにするためです\nまた 記録に関して疑われたくなかったのです\n私の世界記録は\n正当なものであってほしかったのです\n翌日 ニューヨークシティでのこと\n私がアップルストアから出てきたところに ある子どもが寄って来て\n“よう ディー”\n“何?”\n“もし本当にあれだけ長く息を止めていたのなら\nなんで水から上がってきたときに濡れていなかったのさ?”\n私は“え 何?”と\n(笑い)\nこれが私の人生です...\n(笑い)\nマジシャンとして私は\n不可能だと思われることを見せようと試みています\nマジックは 息を止めることにしたって\nカードを繰ることにしたって\nきわめて簡単なことだと思います\nマジックは練習であり トレーニングであって-\n自分のベストまで痛みを耐え抜きながらする\n\nSerbian: \nsam otišao u laboratoriju Kvest\nda mi uzmu sve moguće uzorke krvi\ni testiraju sve da bi videli\ngde su mi nivoi,\ntako da su doktori ponovo imali koristi.\nI nisam hteo da niko to dovodi u pitanje.\nImao sam svetski rekord i želeo sam\nda budem siguran da je legitiman.\nOtišao sam u Njujork sledećeg dana\ni neko dete mi je prišlo dok sam\nizlazio iz Epl prodavnice\ni reklo: \"Hej Dejvide!\"\n\"Da?\", rekao sam.\n\"Ako si stvarno zadržao dah toliko dugo,\nkako to da si izašao iz vode suv?\"\nRekao sam: \"Molim?\"\n(Smeh)\nTo vam je moj život. Tako da...\n(Smeh)\nKao mađioničar, pokušavam da\nprikažem ljudima stvari\nkoje izgledaju nemoguće.\nI mislim da je magija,\nbilo da zadržavam dah\nili mešam špil karata,\nvrlo jednostavna.\nTo je vežbanje, trening i -\nvežba, trening i eksperimentisanje,\n\nTurkish: \nQuest labs'a gidip\nalınabilecek tüm kan örneklerinin alınmasını, yapılabilecek tüm\ntestlerin yapılmasını ve sonuçların da yine doktorlar tarafından\nkullanılmasını sağladım.\nAyrıca kimsenin bunu sorgulamasını da istemedim.\nDünya rekoru benimdi ve ben\nbunun geçerli olduğundan emin olmalıydım.\nErtesi gün New york City'e geldim,\nve bi' ufaklık bana doğru geldi--Apple mağazasından çıkıyordum--\nbu ufaklık bana doğru yürüyerek \"N'aber!\" der gibi oldu.\nBen \"Eyvallah?\" der oldum.\nBana baktı ve \"Eğer nefesini o kadar uzun süre tuttuysan,\nsudan nasıl kuru çıktın?\" diye sordu.\nBen \"Nee?\" diyebildim ancak.\n(Kahkaha)\nVe işte bu benim hayatım. Yani...\n(Kahkaha)\nBir sihirbaz olarak insanlara imkansız gelen\nbazı şeyler gösteriyorum.\nVe bence sihir, nefesimi tutsam da,\nbir deste kağıt karıştırıyor olsam da\ngayet basittir.\nPratik yapmak, çalışmak ve--\npratik yapmak, çalışmak ve deney yapmak,\n\nSpanish: \nfue ir a Quest Labs\ne hice que me tomaran todas las muestras de sangre posibles\npara hacer pruebas para todo y ver mis niveles\npara que los médicos pudieran utilizarlo, una vez más.\nTambién quería que nadie fuera a cuestionar mi hazaña.\nTenía el récord del mundo y quería\nasegurarme de que era legítimo.\nAsí que, me voy a Nueva York al día siguiente,\ny un niño se me acerca -- estoy saliendo del Apple Store --\nse me acerca el niño este y empieza: \"¡Hey, D!\"\nY yo digo: \"¿Qué pasa?\"\nY dice: \"Si de verdad aguantaste tanto tiempo sin respirar,\n¿cómo es que saliste seco del agua?\"\nY me quedo como... \"¿Qué...?\"\n(Risas)\nY así es mi vida, así que...\n(Risas)\nComo mago, intento mostrar a la gente cosas\nque parecen imposibles.\nY creo que la magia, tanto si aguanto la respiración\ncomo si barajo un mazo de cartas,\nes muy simple:\nEs practicar, es entrenar, y es...\nEs practicar, es entrenar y experimentar\n\nCroatian: \njest da sam otišao u laboratorij\ni dao im da uzmu svaki uzorak krvi koji su mogli\nkako bi testirali sve i vidjeli gdje su mi bili nivoi,\nkako bi doktori to mogli iznova koristiti.\nTakođer, nisam htio da itko to smatra upitnim.\nImao sam svjetski rekord i želio sam se\npobrinuti da je legitiman.\nStoga sam drugi dan otišao u New York\ni neki dječak došeta do mene -- izlazim iz Appleovog dućana --\novaj dječak došeta do mene i reče: \"Hej, D!\"\nRekoh: \"Da?\"\nOn reče: \" Ako si stvarno držao dah toliko dugo,\nzašto si izašao iz vode suh?\"\nZačudio sam se: \"Što?\"\n(Smijeh)\nI to je moj život. Pa...\n(Smijeh)\nKao mađioničar pokušavam pokazati stvari ljudima\nkoje se čine nemogućim.\nI mislim da magija, bilo da držim svoj dah\nili prevrćem špil karata,\nje prilično jednostavna.\nTo je praksa, vježbanje, i to je --\nTo je praksa, vježbanje, i to je eksperimentiranje,\n\nKurdish: \nله‌کاتێکدا په‌ستان خستنه‌سه‌ر ئازار باشترین شت ده‌بێت\nوه‌ جادوو ئه‌وه‌ ده‌گه‌یه‌نێت بۆم، سوپاس\nچه‌ پڵه‌ لێدان\n\nGerman: \nwährend ich mich gegen den Schmerz durchsetze, um das Beste zu sein, was ich sein kann.\nDas ist Magie für mich. Danke.\n(Applaus)\n\nHungarian: \na fájdalmon keresztül, hogy a lehető legjobb legyek.\nNekem ez a varázslat, szóval, köszönöm.\n(Taps)\n\nArabic: \nوالمحاربة عبر الآلام حتى أقصى طاقتك\nوهذا ما هو السحر بالنسبة لي .. شكراً لكم\n(تصفيق).\n\nCzech: \npři kterém se snažíte přestát všechny útrapy, aby se to co nejlíp povedlo.\nA to je to, co já považuju za magii, takže vám děkuju.\n(potlesk)\n\nTurkish: \nelimden gelenin en iyisi olmak için zorlayarak acının içinden geçmek.\nVe benim için sihirin anlamı budur, yani, teşekkür ederim.\n(alkışlar)\n\nPortuguese: \nenquanto aguento a tortura\no melhor que posso.\nÉ isso que a magia é para mim.\nMuito obrigado.\n(Aplausos)\n\nLatvian: \nUn tā ir mana burvju māksla.\nPaldies.\n(Aplausi)\n\nVietnamese: \nkhi vượt qua cơn nỗi đau để trở thành người giỏi nhất mà tôi có thể.\nVà đối với tôi đó là ảo thuật, vâng, xin cảm ơn.\n(Vỗ tay)\n\nItalian: \ncercando di passare attraverso il dolore nel miglior modo possibile.\nE questo è ciò che la magia significa per me, quindi, grazie a tutti voi.\n(Applauso)\n\nPolish: \nI opieranie się przeciwnościom najlepiej jak potrafię.™\nTym właśnie jest dla mnie magia. Dziękuję.\n(Brawa)\n\nPersian: \nباعث می شود هنگام مواجه با مشکلات بهترین چیزی که می توانم باشم.\nو این معنای جادو برای من است. متشکرم.\nتشویق\n\nFrench: \npour donner le meilleur de moi-même, quelque soit le sacrifice que cela implique.\nEt pour moi, ça, c'est la magie, alors, merci.\n(Applaudissements)\n\nPortuguese: \nenquanto forço através da dor para ser o melhor que posso ser.\nE isso é o que mágica é para mim, então, obrigado.\n(Aplausos)\n\niw: \nולעבור דרך הכאב בכדי להיות הכי טוב שאני יכול.\nוזה מה שקסם בשבילי. תודה.\n(מחיאות כפיים)\n\nChinese: \n跨越過痛苦以達到最佳的境界,\n這就是魔術對我的意義,謝謝各位。\n(掌聲)\n\nDanish: \nmens man hænger i gennem smerter for at være det bedste jeg kan være.\nOg det er hvad magi er for mig, så, tak.\n(Bifald)\n\nFinnish: \ntyöntyessäni läpi kivun ollakseni niin hyvä kuin voin olla.\nSitä taikuus on minulle. Kiitos.\n(Aplodeja)\n\nCroatian: \ndok trpim bol kako bih bio najbolji što mogu.\nI to je ono što je magija za mene, hvala vam.\n(Pljesak)\n\nChinese: \n去强忍过那些极痛苦的时刻,做自己能做的一切。\n这就是魔术对于我的意义。谢谢你们。\n(掌声)\n\nEnglish: \nwhile pushing through the pain\nto be the best that I can be.\nAnd that's what magic\nis to me, so, thank you.\n(Applause)\n\nSlovak: \nsnažiac sa cez bolesť, aby som bol najlepší, aký môžem byť.\nA tým je mágia pre mňa, takže, ďakujem vám.\n(potlesk)\n\nJapanese: \n練習であり トレーニングであり 試みであるのです\nそれが私にとってのマジックです ありがとうございました\n(拍手)\n\nKorean: \n제가 할 수 있는 최고를 위해서는 고통을 헤치고 나아갸야 하지만요.\n그것이 저에게 마술이라는 것입니다. 감사합니다.\n(박수)\n\nThai: \nคือการผลักดันตัวเองให้ผ่านความเจ็บปวด เพื่อจะไปให้ถึงจุดสูงสุดที่ผมจะสามารถไปได้\nและนั่นคือความหมายของมายากล (เวทย์มนตร์) สำหรับผม ขอบคุณครับ\n(ปรบมือ)\n\nBulgarian: \nдокато търпиш болките, за да бъда най-добрият, който мога да бъда.\nТова е значението на магията за мен, така че благодаря.\n(Аплодисменти)\n\nMacedonian: \nдодека се борам со болката за да бидам најдобар што можам.\nИ тоа е магијата за мене, затоа ви благодарам.\n(Аплауз)\n\nSwedish: \npå samma gång som man kämpar igenom smärtan så gott man kan.\nDet är vad magi är för mig, så, tack.\n(Applåder)\n\nModern Greek (1453-): \nυπομένοντας τον πόνο, \nώστε να γίνομαι το καλύτερο που μπορώ.\nΚαι αυτό ακριβώς είναι για μένα \nη μαγεία, οπότε, σας ευχαριστώ.\n(Χειροκρότημα)\n\nSerbian: \ndok se trudim uprkos bolu\nda budem što bolji.\nI to je ono što je za mene magija,\ni hvala vam.\n(Aplauz)\n\nRussian: \nприводящие, наперекор боли,\nк лучшему, на что я способен.\nВот что для меня значит магия.\nБлагодарю вас.\n(Аплодисменты)\n\nRomanian: \nîn timp ce îți împingi limitele\nla maximum pentru a fi cât de bun poți.\nAsta înseamnă magia pentru mine.\nMulțumesc!\n(Aplauze)\n\nSpanish: \nmientras aguanto el dolor para sacar lo mejor de mí mismo.\nY eso es la magia para mí, así que, gracias.\n(Aplausos)\n\nDutch: \nterwijl je door de pijn heen duwt\nom optimaal te zijn.\nDat is wat magie voor mij is... dank je.\n(Applaus)\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "\nPortuguese: \n- Talvez freios.\n- Mais freios.\nVocê poderia usar os freios.\nNós não precisamos de\nfreios, Jake. Tudo bem.\nVocê vai precisar de mais freios.\nA gente só precisa acelerar.\nAqueles que já estão\nfamiliarizados com o canal\nprovavelmente saberão disso,\nmas para o resto de vocês,\ntenho uma confissão a fazer.\nGosto de monitores ultrawide\ne não consigo mentir,\nnão existem limites para a\nestranhice desse vídeo, então se\nvocê não consegue lidar com\nisso,deve parar de assistir.\nA Samsung nos enviou outro\ndos seus Odyssey G9 240HZ,\ncom 32:9 de proporção\ne curvatura de 10000R.\nOlhem o quão curvo ele é.\nO monitor gamer ultrawide é\npara um projeto patrocinado.\nVamos pegar essa belezura, construir\no melhor equipamento de\ngames que você já viu,\ne vamos montá-lo bem aqui, isso é pesado,\npara a melhor experiência\nimersiva de corrida.\nE essa coisa se move bastante também.\n\nSpanish: \n- Quizá frenos.\n- Más frenos, más frenos.\n- Nos servirían los frenos.\nNo, no, no, no necesitamos\ntantos frenos Jake, está bien.\n- [Jake] Vas a necesitar más frenos,\nvas a necesitar más frenos.\n- Solo vamos, vamos a dar vueltas así.\n¡Guau!\nAquellos de ustedes que\nson habituales en el canal\nprobablemente ya sepan esto,\npero para el resto de ustedes,\ntengo una confesión que hacer.\nMe gustan los monitores ultra\nanchos y no puedo mentir\ny no hay límite para lo\nextraño de estos videos,\nasí que si no puedes manejar esto,\nentonces también podrías\ndesconectarte ahora.\nSamsung nos envió otro\nde su Odyssey G9 240Hz,\n32 por 9 1000R curvo,\nmira que curvada es esta cosa,\nMonitor de juegos ultra ancho\npara un proyecto patrocinado\ny vamos a tomar este\ncachorro, vamos a construir\nla plataforma de juego\nmás genial que hayas visto\ny lo montaremos aquí\nmismo, oh eso es pesado\npara las carreras inmersivas definitivas.\nOh sí, y esta cosa se mueve y esas cosas.\n\nEnglish: \n- Maybe brakes.\n- More brakes, more brakes.\n- We could use brakes.\nNo, no, no, we don't need that\nmuch brakes Jake, it's fine.\n- [Jake] You're gonna need more brakes,\nyou're gonna need more brakes.\n- We're just gonna, we're\ngonna rip around like this.\nWoo!\nThose of you who are\nregulars on the channel\nare probably gonna know this already,\nbut for the rest of you, I\ngot a confession to make.\nI like ultra wide\nmonitors and I cannot lie\nand there's no limit to the\ncringiness of these videos,\nso if you can't handle this,\nthen you might as well tune out now.\nSamsung sent us over another one\nof their Odyssey G9 240Hz,\n32 by 9 1000R curved,\nlook how curved this thing is,\nUltrawide gaming monitor\nfor a sponsored project\nand we're gonna take this\npuppy, we're gonna build\nthe sickest gaming rig you have ever seen\nand we're gonna mount it\nright here, oh that's heavy,\nfor the ultimate immersive racing.\n(grunts) Oh yeah, and this\nthing like moves and stuff.\n\nSpanish: \n- [Camarógrafo] Oh, no está montado.\n- Tenemos algunas cosas que debemos hacer.\nPrimero tienes que construir esa PC.\nNo quiero ocuparme de\nla gestión de cables.\nPuedes hacerlo tú mismo.\nVoy a hacer cosas divertidas y armar\nel resto de ese simulador,\ncomencé a construirlo.\n- Ya lo veo.\n- Pero tenemos que poner el\nasiento de carreras en realidad\nen la cabina, montar el monitor\ny luego lo juntamos y\nprobamos algunos juegos.\n- Háblame de esa cosa.\n- Este es el Next Level\nRacing Motion Platform V3.\nEs una plataforma de\nsimulador de movimiento\nde dos grados de libertad.\nAlgo parecido a lo que puedes\nhaber visto en una feria comercial,\ndonde puedes sentarte en ella,\nse mueve y es super genial.\nAhora, lo que tiene de\nespecial esta es su tamaño.\nEsta cosa es muy pequeña.\nEsto es todo lo que necesitas\ny cae directamente en algo\nasí, que es su configuración\nGT Track Cockpit.\nDejas caer la silla\nencima, te sientas en ella\nconectas el USB y la energía,\ncargas su software y\nfuncionará sin problemas.\n\nEnglish: \n- [Cameraman] Oh, it's not mounted.\n(upbeat music)\n- We've got a few things we need to do.\nFirst you've gotta build that PC.\nI don't wanna deal with cable management.\nYou can do that yourself.\nI am gonna do the fun\nstuff and put together\nthe rest of that sim, I\nkinda started building it.\n- I see that.\n- But we do need to put\nthe racing seat actually\nin the cockpit, get the monitor mounted\nand then we put it together\nand try some games.\n- Tell me about that thing.\n- (grunts) This is the Next\nLevel Racing Motion Platform V3.\nIt's a two degrees of freedom\nmotion simulator platform.\nSomething like what you might\nhave seen at a trade show,\nwhere you get to sit on it,\nit moves around and it's super cool.\nNow what's special about\nthis one is it's size.\nThis thing is fricking tiny.\nThis is all you need and it\ndrops right into something\nlike that, which is their\nGT Track Cockpit setup.\nYou plop the chair\nright on top, sit on it,\nplug the USB in and the power,\nload up their software\nand it works seamlessly.\n\nPortuguese: \nEla não está montada.\nA gente ainda precisa\nfazer algumas coisas.\nPrimeiro, você precisa montar aquele PC.\nNão quero me envolver com os cabos.\nVocê pode fazer isso sozinho.\nEu vou fazer a parte divertida e montar\no resto daquele simulador. Eu\nmeio que comecei a construir.\nEu percebi.\nMas precisamos colocar\no assento de corrida\nna cabine, montar o monitor,\npreparar tudo e jogar alguns jogos.\nMe fala sobre aquela coisa.\nEste é a Plataforma de\nMovimento Next Level Racing V3.\nÉ uma plataforma de\nsimulação de movimento.\nÉ uma coisa que você teria visto\nem uma exposição comercial,\nonde você pode sentar,\ne ela se move. É superlegal.\nA melhor parte é o tamanho.\nEla é incrivelmente pequena.\nÉ tudo o que você precisa\ne isso leva direto à\nconfiguração do GT Track Cockpit.\nVocê coloca a cadeira em cima, se senta,\npluga o cabo USB, liga o computador,\ncarrega o programa e isso\nfunciona perfeitamente.\n\nPortuguese: \nPelo menos, foi o que me disseram.\nE só porque é menor do que\no que você viu em uma exposição comercial,\nisso não necessariamente significa\nque o preço vai refletir isso.\nUm desses vai te custar 3000 dólares.\nO quê?\nO que soa bastante...\nSim, porque é bastante.\nÉ caro até você comparar\ncom outras empresas,\nonde você pode gastar\nde 10 até 50.000 dólares\nem talvez algo com mais\ngraus de liberdade.\nÉ, definitivamente, uma porta de entrada.\nFelizmente, eu já montei o GT Track,\nentão não precisamos assistir isso.\nE adicionar a plataforma de\nmovimento a isso é bem fácil.\nNa parte de computadores,\nbasicamente fomos\nde sem compromisso a começar com a CPU.\nTemos um Ryzen 9 3900X 12 core.\nQuer estejamos falando de\nsimuladores de corrida detalhados,\nou, em algum momento no futuro,\ngostaríamos de experimentar\na última versão\ndo Microsoft Flight\nSimulator nesta máquina.\n\nSpanish: \nAl menos eso es lo que me dicen.\nY aunque es más pequeño que algo\nque puedes haber visto\nen una feria comercial,\nno necesariamente significa\nque el precio va a reflejar eso.\nUno de estos chicos malos\nte costará 3000 dólares americanos.\n- [Linus] ¡Qué!\n- Suena mucho...\n- Sí, porque lo es.\n- A menos que mires,\nes mucho hasta que miras\nalgo de otras empresas\ndonde podrías estar gastando\nde 10 a 15 a $50,000 dólares\nquizás en algo con más grados de libertad.\nDefinitivamente es la vía de\nentrada a este tipo de cosas.\nAfortunadamente para ustedes,\nya monté el GT Track,\npara que no tengamos que ver eso\ny agregar la plataforma de\nmovimiento es bastante fácil.\n- En el lado de la\ncomputadora, básicamente fuimos\ncero compromisos, empezando por el CPU.\nTenemos un Ryzen 9 3900X de 12 núcleos.\nYa sea que hablemos de simuladores\nde carreras muy detallados o\nen algún momento en el futuro,\nrealmente nos encantaría\nlanzar la última versión\nde Microsoft Flight sim en esta máquina.\n\nEnglish: \nAt least that's what they tell me.\nAnd while it is smaller than something\nyou might have seen at a trade show,\nit doesn't necessarily mean\nthat the price is gonna reflect that.\nOne of these bad boys will\nrun you 3000 US Dollars.\n- [Linus] What!\n- Which sounds like a lot--\n- Yeah, 'cause it is.\n- Unless you look at,\nit is a lot until you look at\nsomething from other companies\nwhere you might be spending\n10 to 15 to $50,000\non maybe something with\nmore degrees of freedom.\nIt's definitely the entry\nway into this sort of thing.\nFortunately for you guys, I\nalready assembled the GT Track,\nso we don't have to watch that\nand adding the motion\nplatform to it is pretty easy.\n- On the computer side of\nthings, we basically went\nzero compromises, starting with the CPU.\nWe've got a Ryzen 9 3900X 12 core.\nSo whether we're talking\nhighly detailed racing sims or,\nat some point in the future,\nwe'd really love to fire\nup the latest version\nof Microsoft Flight sim on this machine.\n\nEnglish: \nWe're not expecting any kinds\nof stutters or any chugging,\neven when we're streaming\nin large amounts of data\nfrom our PCI Express SSD.\nWe're using an X570-Pro\nPrime Asus motherboard\njust 'cause it like had all\nthe slots that we needed\nand loading this puppy up with\n32GBs of 3600MHz RGB memory.\nThe RGB makes it go faster.\n- So now I've got the\nseat that usually comes\nwith the GT Track and once we've installed\nthe motion platform in there,\nyou just put the seat right\non top and bolt it to it.\n- For our case, we went\nwith the P600s from Phanteks\nin a black and white configuration\nthat is gonna go really well\nwith the rest of our internal components\nand the monitor itself,\nwhich as you guys might\nhave noticed has this sick,\nlike futuristic looking\nblack and white color scheme.\nYeah, hey, hey, just\nlike this water bottle\nfrom lttstore.com, woo!\nThis is one good looking system.\nPower supply, nice choice.\nI actually, no offense Asus,\n\nPortuguese: \nNão esperamos que vocês\nfiquem sem palavras,\nmesmo quando estamos\ntransmitindo em larga escala,\ndo nosso SSD PCI Express.\nEstamos usando uma placa-mãe\nAsus X570-Pro Prime,\nporque é como ter todos os\nbenefícios que precisamos,\ne carregar essa belezinha com\n32GBs de memória 3600MHz RGB.\nO RGB faz ele rodar mais rápido.\nAqui eu tenho a cadeira\nque normalmente vem\ncom o GT Track, e uma vez instalada\na plataforma de movimento,\nvocê só precisa colocar a\ncadeira em cima e parafusar.\nPara o gabinete, temos\no P600s da Phanteks,\nnuma configuração em preto e branco\nque vai funcionar muito bem\ncom o resto dos nossos\ncomponentes internos\ne com o próprio monitor,\no que vocês devem ter\nnotado tem esse fantástico\npadrão de cores futurista\nem preto e branco.\nExatamente igual essa garrafa de água\nda lttstore.com.\nEsse é um sistema maravilhoso.\nFonte de energia. Boa escolha.\nSem ofensas Asus,\n\nSpanish: \nNo esperamos ningún tipo\nde tartamudeo o resoplido,\nincluso cuando transmitimos\ngrandes cantidades de datos\ndesde nuestro PCI Express SSD.\nEstamos usando una tarjeta\nmadre X570-Pro Prime Asus\nsolo porque tenía todas las\nranuras que necesitábamos\ny cargar este cachorro con 32\nGB de memoria RGB de 3600 MHz.\nEl RGB lo hace ir más rápido.\n- Así que ahora tengo el\nasiento que suele venir\ncon el GT Track y una\nvez que hayamos instalado\nla plataforma de movimiento allí,\nsimplemente colocas el asiento\nen la parte superior y lo atornillas.\n- Para nuestro caso, nos\ndecantamos por los P600 de Phanteks\nen una configuración en blanco y negro\nque va a ir muy bien\ncon el resto de nuestros\ncomponentes internos\ny el propio monitor,\nque, como habrán notado, tiene este genial\nesquema de color blanco y\nnegro de aspecto futurista.\nSí, oye, oye, como esta botella de agua\nde lttstore.com, ¡woo!\nEste es un sistema atractivo.\nFuente de alimentación, buena elección.\nDe hecho, sin ofender a Asus,\n\nSpanish: \nno hubiera pensado en usar una\nfuente de alimentación ROG.\nPero este es su Strix\nde 850 vatios en blanco\ne incluso viene con\ncables blancos con mangas.\nEstos no son los cables\nmás blancos que he visto.\nDe hecho, puedes ver que se\npusieron como un tono crema,\nen comparación con la\ncarcasa, pero están cerca.\nLo arruinaste, ¿no?\nSí, se despegó y--\n- [Linus] Es horrible.\n- Ahora tengo que hacer el, ,\nno podemos dejarlo así .\n- Una de mis cosas favoritas de esta caja\nes lo fácil que es administrar\nlos cables en ella.\nEstilos realmente agradables.\n- Es hora de hablar de periféricos.\nAhora no vamos con algo que sea como\nla loca configuración de ruedas de\n$1000 dólares que solo\nconduce directamente\ny sabes, tienes que gastar el\npago de la hipoteca para comprarlo,\npero queríamos ir con algo\nque todavía era muy, muy bueno.\nY sabíamos a quién llamar.\nEntonces los chicos de Thrustmaster\nenviaron su nuevo juego de pedales T-LCM.\nEstos son mucho, ya sabes,\nlos pedales promedio que\npuede ver en tu Best Buy,\npero en lugar de ser un\npotenciómetro en el interior\n\nPortuguese: \neu não teria pensado em usar\numa fonte de energia ROG,\nmas essa é a Strix 850 watt branca,\ne vem com cabos brancos.\nEles não são os cabos\nmais brancos que já vi.\nVocês podem ver que eles\ntêm uma cor mais pro creme\ncomparado com o gabinete,\nmas são parecidos.\nVocê arruinou tudo, né?\n- Sim, ele descascou e...\n- Está horrível.\nAgora eu tenho que fazer...\nNão podemos deixar assim.\nUma das minhas partes\nfavoritas nesse gabinete é\nque é muito fácil montar os\ncabos em um estilo muito legal.\nAgora, vamos falar sobre os componentes.\nNão íamos lidar com algo do\ntipo configuração de volante\ndirect drive de 1000 dólares,\nque você teria que pagar\ncom os seus investimentos,\nmas ainda queríamos usar\nalgo que fosse muito bom.\nE sabíamos com quem falar.\nEntão, os caras da Thrustmaster\nnos enviaram o novo\nconjunto de pedais T-LCM.\nEles parecem com os pedais comuns\nque você vê por aí,\nmas mais do que só serem\npoderosos por dentro\n\nEnglish: \nwouldn't have thought to\nuse an ROG power supply.\nBut this is their Strix 850 watt in white\nand it even comes with\nsleeved white cables.\nThese are not the whitest\ncables I've ever seen.\nIn fact you can see they got\nkind of like a cream-ish hue,\ncompared to the case, but they're close.\nYou ruined it, didn't you?\n(gasps)\n- Yeah it peeled and--\n- [Linus] It's horrible.\n- Now I have to do the, (laughs),\nwe can't leave it like that (groans).\n- One of my favorite\nthings about this case\nis just how easy it is to cable\nmanage everything into it.\nReal nice styles.\n- It's time to talk peripherals.\nNow we're not going with\nsomething that's like\nthe crazy $1000 wheel setup\nthat just direct drive\nand you know, you gotta spend\na mortgage payment to get,\nbut we wanted to go with something\nthat was still very, very good.\nAnd we knew just who to call.\nSo the guys over at Thrustmaster\nsent over their new T-LCM Pedal set.\nThese are a lot like, you know,\nthe average pedals you\nmight see at your Best Buy,\nbut rather than just being\na potentiometer inside\n\nPortuguese: \ne ter uma experiência linear,\neles são pedais de células\nde carga, o que significa\nque você tem uma experiência\nmuito mais imersiva.\nE olha o quão legais eles são.\nÉ todo feito de alumínio.\nO resto das coisas da Thrustmaster inclui\na caixa de câmbio TH8A, que é bem legal,\ne o volante T300 RS,\nque combinamos com o Add-On Open Wheel.\nÉ tipo um estilo GT4.\nUm volante bem bonitão\nque usamos para substituir o original.\nÉ tipo o Alcantara e ele usa\no mesmo sistema modular\nque aquele volante,\nentão devemos ser capazes de encaixá-lo,\nprendê-lo e está pronto.\nAgora, é hora da cereja do bolo\ndesse lindo sundae gamer.\nO Asus ROG Strix gaming, para gamers,\n2080Ti, edição em branco.\nDiferente de um monte de\nequipamentos de jogadores normais,\nonde você pode ter um engate no volante,\n\nEnglish: \nand having sort of a linear travel,\nthese are load cell pedals,\nwhich means you get a\nlot more accurate feel.\nAnd look at how fricking nice they are.\nThat's all aluminum baby.\nThe rest of our\nThrustmaster stuff includes\ntheir TH8A Shifter, which is\na pretty nice gated shifter,\nas well as (grunts) the T300 RS Wheel,\nwhich we have combined\nwith the Add-On Open Wheel.\nSo that's kind of a GT4\nstyle, pretty dope looking\nwheel that we used to\nswap out the stock one.\nWow, its even like kinda Alcantara-y\nand this uses the same\nmodular system as that wheel,\nso we should be able to\njust plop it right on,\ntwist the lock on and we're good to go.\n- Now it's finally time\nfor the cherry on top\nof this gorgeous gaming sundae.\nThe Asus ROG Strix gaming, for gamers,\n2080Ti, white edition.\n- Unlike a lot of the home gamer stuff\nwhere you might have a clamp\non the bottom of your wheel,\n\nSpanish: \ny tener una especie de viaje lineal,\nestos son pedales de celda de carga,\nlo que significa que obtienes\nuna sensación mucho más precisa.\nY mira lo jodidamente bonitos que son.\nEso es todo aluminio bebé.\nEl resto de nuestro material\nThrustmaster incluye\nsu TH8A Shifter, que es una palanca\nde cambios cerrada bastante agradable,\nasí como el T300 RS Wheel,\nque hemos combinado con\nel Add-On Open Wheel.\nAsí que es una especie\nde volante estilo GT4,\nbastante atractivo que usamos\npara cambiar la original.\nGuau, es incluso como un poco Alcantara\ny esto usa el mismo sistema\nmodular que ese volante,\nasí que deberíamos poder dejarlo caer,\ngirar la cerradura y listo.\n- Ahora finalmente es el\nmomento de la cereza del pastel\nde este magnífico helado para juegos.\nEl juego Asus ROG Strix, para jugadores,\n2080Ti, edición en blanco.\n- A diferencia de muchas cosas\npara jugadores domésticos\ndonde podrías tener una abrazadera\nen la parte inferior de tu volante,\n\nEnglish: \nfortunately the GT Track\nhas holes pre-drilled,\nso we can mount our\nwheel directly on there.\nUnfortunately for our\nshifter, it doesn't look like\nthere's a pre-defined hole,\nso I'm just gonna screw it on there.\nFortunately for us, our\npedals can actually be mounted\ndirectly to the GT Track\njust like the wheels\nso they won't be moving around.\n- [Linus] That's the biggest one.\n- What?\n- [Linus] Pedals, like if\nyour pedals are moving around.\n- Oh yeah.\n- It's the fricking worst.\n- Yeah, especially when you\ngot short legs, right? (laughs)\n- And that's it, system's done.\n- [Jake] What, you're already done?\n- Yeah.\n- I'm not even close.\n- This isn't gonna stay on here\nbecause we're gonna mount\nit to the racing setup,\nbut for me to just setup\nWindows and get games installed\nand stuff, this is a little bit easier.\nI get such a kick out of\nsitting in front of one of these\nand like hearing the way\nyour voice echos back at you.\nLike, oh hi, that's a\nlot of monitor there.\n\nSpanish: \nafortunadamente el GT Track\ntiene agujeros pretaladrados,\npara que podamos montar nuestro\nvolante directamente allí.\nDesafortunadamente para\nnuestra palanca, no parece\nque haya un agujero predefinido,\nasí que voy a atornillarlo allí.\nAfortunadamente para nosotros,\nnuestros pedales se pueden montar\ndirectamente al GT Track\nal igual que las ruedas\npara que no se muevan.\n- [Linus] Ese es el más grande.\n- ¿Qué?\n- [Linus] Pedales, como si tus\npedales se estuvieran moviendo.\n- Oh sí.\n- Es lo peor.\n- Sí, especialmente cuando tienes\npiernas cortas, ¿verdad?\n- Y eso es todo, el\nsistema está terminado.\n- [Jake] ¿Qué, ya terminaste?\n- Sí.\n- Ni siquiera estoy cerca.\n- Esto no se quedará aquí\nporque lo montaremos en la\nconfiguración de carreras,\npero para mí solo configurar\nWindows y obtener juegos instalados\ny demás, esto es un poco más fácil.\nMe encanta sentarme frente a uno de estos\ny me gusta escuchar la forma\nen que tu voz hace eco.\nComo, oh hola, hay mucho monitor ahí.\n\nPortuguese: \nfelizmente, o GT Track tem\nburacos pré-perfurados,\nentão podemos encaixar\no volante direto nele.\nInfelizmente, o câmbio parece não ter\num buraco pré-definido,\nentão vou precisar fazer alguns.\nFelizmente, o pedal pode\nser montado diretamente\nno GT Track assim como o\nvolante, então não ficará solto.\nIsso é importante.\nO quê?\nPedais. Se seus pedais estão se movendo.\n- Sim.\n- É a pior coisa.\nPrincipalmente quando\nvocê tem pernas curtas.\nPronto. Sistema montado.\n- Já terminou?\n- Sim.\nNão estou nem perto.\nIsso não vai ficar aqui\nporque vamos colocar no simulador,\nmas pra mim configurar o\nWindows e instalar jogos\né um pouco mais fácil.\nLevei um susto quando estava\nsentado em frente de um desses\ne percebi que minha voz estava\necoando de volta pra mim.\nTipo, \"Uau, tem muito monitor aqui\".\n\nEnglish: \nBuilt in RGB is very, very RGB.\n- All right, I can get behind that.\n- [Linus] In front of it?\n- Like get behind.\n- Oh.\n5120 x 1440.\nUgh, that is so much resolution\nat this refresh rate.\nLook at that smoothness.\n- Wow.\n- 240Hz!\nLatest drivers are on here,\nso are we ready to mount this?\n- Yeah.\n- Where does it even mount to?\n- Oh it's--\n- Where'd it go?\n- It's separate.\n- Oh.\n- So it's got wheels so you can slide it--\n- Oh weird.\n- In and out of the way.\n- Samsung includes an adapter\nbecause as you can see,\nthe back of this monitor\nis not exactly conducive\nto mounting on a VESA compatible arm,\nbut with this adapter we can\nmake up some of that depth\nthere and then mount to\nthese screws right here.\nI didn't think it was possible\nfor this thing to look\nany cooler but now,\noh damn it, I did it upside down.\n- [Jake] What, are you kidding me?\n- No.\n- Jesus.\n\nPortuguese: \nConstruir em RGB é muito RGB.\nEu posso ficar atrás disso.\nNa frente?\nNão, atrás.\n5120X1440\nÉ tanta resolução nessa tela.\nOlha essa suavidade.\n240Hz!\nOs drivers atuais estão aqui.\nEstamos prontos pra montar?\nSim.\nOnde vamos montar?\nOnde isso vai?\nEstá separado.\n- Tem rodinhas, então você pode colocar...\n- Estranho.\n- Mais perto ou mais longe.\nA Samsung incluiu um adaptador\nporque, como você pode ver,\na parte de trás desse\nmonitor não é propícia\npara ser montada em um padrão VESA,\nmas com o adaptador\npodemos criar aquele padrão\ne depois montar aqui em cima.\nNão achei que era possível melhorar isso,\nmas agora...\nDroga, está ao contrário.\nO quê? Você está brincando?\n- Não.\n- Nossa.\n\nSpanish: \nEl RGB integrado es muy, muy RGB.\n- Está bien, puedo respaldar eso.\n- [Linus] ¿Frente a él?\n- Como quedarse atrás.\n- Oh.\n5120 x 1440.\nEsa es mucha resolución a esta\nfrecuencia de actualización.\nMira esa suavidad.\n- Guau.\n- ¡240Hz!\nLos controladores más\nrecientes están aquí,\n¿estamos listos para montar esto?\n- Sí.\n- ¿Dónde se monta?\n- Oh, es...\n- ¿A dónde fue?\n- Está separado.\n- Oh.\n- Entonces tiene ruedas para\nque puedas deslizarlo...\n- Oh raro.\n- Dentro y fuera.\n- Samsung incluye un adaptador\nporque como puedes ver,\nla parte posterior de este monitor\nno es exactamente propicia\npara montar en un brazo\ncompatible con VESA,\npero con este adaptador podemos\nrecuperar algo de esa profundidad\nallí y luego montar estos tornillos aquí.\nNo pensé que fuera posible\nque esta cosa pareciera\nmás genial pero ahora,\noh, maldita sea, lo hice al revés.\n- [Jake] ¿Qué, estás bromeando?\n- No.\n- Jesús.\n\nEnglish: \n- I put it down thinking it\nwas like I had done this,\nbut I brought all the way\nround, it doesn't matter.\n(beep)\nSweet, you know I questioned\nthe wheels before,\nbut this is actually kinda\nnice just to be able to like--\n- Yeah.\n- Get it out if the way\nor you know, just...\n- Well if this part is gonna be movable,\nyou might as well have that, right?\n- Yeah.\nAll right, cool.\n- Show off that--\n- Oh, I wanna see the window though.\nI wanna see the window while I'm driving.\n- Oh, oh, I see, okay.\n- Yeah, there you go.\n- Oh my, Jesus.\n- [Linus] Whoops, okay, yeah that's fine.\n- Amateur hour over here.\n- It's all good, it's all good.\n(beep) Oh.\n- Wait, what?\n- Oh, wait, we're not\nplugged, the monitor--\n- [Jake] Oh yeah, we forgot about that!\n- The centerpiece, Jake!\n- Sorry.\n- The centerpiece!\n- Sorry Samsung, don't hate me.\n- Right, got my clutch, whoa, here we go!\n- [Jake] Do you have the, oh man.\n- That's fine, no, no,\nsee that's a good system.\nIt's a good system we got\nup in here, definitely.\n- [Jake] We don't have audio.\n- Holds in place pretty well.\n\nPortuguese: \nEu montei pensando que\njá estava tudo certo,\ne eu trouxe tudo pra cá... Não importa.\nEu fiquei meio assim com as rodinhas,\nmas é legal ser capaz de...\nSim.\n...tirar do caminho ou...\nSe essa parte vai ser móvel,\né bom ter isso também, né?\nSim.\nLegal.\nEu quero ver a janela.\nQuero ver a janela\nenquanto estou dirigindo.\n- Entendi. Tá bom.\n- Pronto.\nCaramba.\nPerfeito.\nAmador aqui.\nEstá tudo bem.\nO quê?\nEspera, a gente não plugou o monitor.\nVerdade. A gente esqueceu.\nA coisa mais importante, Jake!\n- Desculpa.\n- A coisa mais importante!\nDesculpa, Samsung. Não me odeie.\nCerto, peguei a embreagem.\nÉ isso aí!\nVocê está com o...\nEstá tudo bem. É um ótimo sistema.\nTemos um ótimo sistema, com certeza.\nNão temos áudio.\nTudo no seu devido lugar.\n\nSpanish: \n- Lo dejé pensando que era\ncomo si hubiera hecho esto,\npero lo traje hasta acá, no importa.\nGenial, sabes que\ncuestioné las ruedas antes\npero esto es realmente\nagradable solo para poder--\n- Si.\n- Quítalo\no ya sabes, solo...\n- Bueno, si esta parte va a ser movible,\ntambién podrías tener eso, ¿verdad?\n- Sí.\nEstá bien, genial.\n- Muestra eso...\n- Oh, aunque quiero ver la ventana.\nQuiero ver la ventana mientras conduzco.\n- Oh, oh, ya veo, está bien.\n- Sí, ahí tienes.\n- Oh vaya, Jesús.\n- [Linus] Vaya, está bien, sí, está bien.\n- Hora amateur por aquí.\n- Está todo bien, todo está bien.\nOh.\n- ¿Espera, qué?\n- Oh, espera, no estamos\nenchufados, el monitor...\n- [Jake] ¡Oh, sí, nos olvidamos de eso!\n- ¡La pieza central, Jake!\n- Lo siento.\n- ¡La pieza central!\n- Lo siento Samsung, no me odies.\n- Bien, tengo mi embrague,\n¡vaya, aquí vamos!\n- [Jake] ¿Tienes el, oh hombre.\n- Está bien, no, no,\nmira, es un buen sistema.\nEs un buen sistema el que\ntenemos aquí, definitivamente.\n- [Jake] No tenemos audio.\n- Se mantiene bastante bien.\n\nPortuguese: \nPrecisamos de caixas de som.\nComo esquecemos disso?\nNós?\nComo eu esqueci disso?\nTemos alguém que não sabe dirigir.\nMarcha errada.\nO motor já era.\nUm benefício é\nque estou achando mais fácil\ndo que eu normalmente acho.\nA cadeira me empurra um pouco pra frente.\nE eu posso sentir quando eu perco tração.\nSim.\nVisualmente, eu não consigo perceber.\nO motor já era de novo.\nVocê está em terceira marcha de novo.\n- Caramba.\n- Muda pra quinta.\nEspera.\nEu amo passar por algumas elevações,\ntipo a guia do lado da estrada.\nÉ legal porque você pode falar,\n\"Estou passando em cima de uma lombada\".\nE ele também roda bem suave.\nEstamos a mais de 100fps.\nObviamente, é um monitor de\nalta taxa de atualização.\nO que é isso?\n- É incrível.\n- É só um tacômetro.\nNão é um mapa.\n\nSpanish: \n- Necesitamos algunos\naltavoces, ¿cómo lo estropeamos?\n- ¿Nosotros?\n- Oh, ¿cómo estropeé eso?\n- Vaya.\n- Oh, el dinero lo cambió.\n- Velocidad equivocada,\nvelocidad equivocada.\nVelocidad equivocada.\n- El motor se ha ido.\n- Para el crédito de esta configuración,\nencuentro esto mucho más fácil\nde lo que normalmente hago.\nComo si me empujara un\npoco hacia adelante.\nOh, y puedo saber cuando pierdo tracción.\n- [Jake] Sí.\n- Como si visualmente no pudiera ver.\n- [Jake] Oh, y el motor se fue de nuevo.\nEstás en tercera velocidad de nuevo.\n- ¡Oh vaya!\n- ¡Ve a quinta!\n- Espera.\nMe encanta pasar por baches como en el,\nsolo el bordillo en el borde\nde la carretera, es genial.\nPorque realmente te puedes,\noh sí, estoy pasando por\nun bache aquí chicos.\nHombre, esto también va muy bien.\nComo si estuviéramos por\nencima de los 100 fps.\nObviamente, este es un monitor Gsync\nde alta frecuencia de actualización--\n- Ahí tienes, ¿qué tal?\n- Es como\nmalditamente dulce.\n- Solo un pequeño tacómetro.\n- No es realmente un mapa.\n\nEnglish: \n- We need to get some speakers,\nhow did we bungle that up?\n- We?\n- Oh, how did I bungle that up?\n(engine revving)\n- Oops.\n- Oh, money shifted it.\n- Wrong gear, wrong gear.\nWrong gear.\n- Engine's gone.\n- To the credit of this setup,\nI'm finding this a lot\neasier than I normally do.\nLike it pulls me forward a little bit.\nOh, and I can tell when I lose traction.\n- [Jake] Yeah.\n- Like visually I couldn't tell.\n- [Jake] Oh, and engine gone again.\nYou're in third gear again.\n- Oh my!\n- Go to fifth!\n- Hold on.\n(Jake laughs)\nI love going over bumps like on the,\njust the curb on the edge\nof the road, it's great.\n'Cause you can really like,\noh yeah, I'm going over a bump here boys.\nMan, this is running crazy smooth too.\nLike we're over a 100fps.\nObviously this is a high\nrefresh rate Gsync monitor--\n- There you go, how's that?\n- It's like\nfreaking sweet.\n- Just a little tachometer.\n- It's not really a map.\n\nPortuguese: \nEstou trabalhando no mapa.\nEu estava feliz com o tacômetro,\npensando agora.\nO motor morreu? Não consigo dizer.\nCaramba.\nIsso é bem ruim.\nMuito ruim. Tudo isso é ainda pior.\nNa verdade, isso é um pouco melhor\nem relação a inclinação da câmera,\ne a inclinação da cadeira.\nCara, você realmente\ntem que dar pra ela...\nUm feedback forçado\npode ser um pouco forte.\n200 Km/h! É isso aí!\nUau!\n206 Km. Qual é o limite máximo disso?\nAcho que estamos chegando lá.\n- Talvez freios.\n- Mais freios.\nVocê poderia usar os freios.\nNós não precisamos de\nfreios, Jake. Tudo bem.\nVocê vai precisar de mais freios.\nA gente só precisa acelerar.\nMuito rápido, Linus.\n- O seu tempo de volta.\n- Estamos em terceiro.\n- 13:29.\n- Muito bom, né?\n- Não?\n- [Andy] Muito bom.\nSe não tiver...\nIsso! Eu quero tanto isso.\nNão é um bom carro pra pista, mas...\n\nEnglish: \n- [Jake] Well I'm working on the map.\n- Oh I was okay with\nthe tach the way it was,\nnow that I found it.\nDid I stall, I can't\neven tell when I stall.\nOh boy that's--\n- Oh God.\n- Very unhelpful.\n- Whoops.\n- Trés unhelpful, almost\nall of these are worse.\nOh, you know what, this\nactually is quite a bit better\nin terms of like the tilt of the camera,\nfeeling like the tilt of the chair I'm in.\nMan, you've really got to give her,\nforced feedback might actually\nbe a little strong even.\n200km an hour, here we go,\nhere we go, 200km an hour!\nWoo!\n206, what's the top speed of this thing?\nThinking we're probably getting there.\n- Maybe brakes.\n- More brakes, more brakes.\n- We could use brakes.\nNo, no, no, we don't need that\nmuch brakes Jake, it's fine.\n- [Jake] You're gonna need more brakes,\nyou're gonna need more brakes.\n- We're just gonna, we're\ngonna rip around like this.\nWoo!\n- [Jake] Too fast, too furious Linus.\n- Now your lap time--\n- We're third.\n- 13:29.\n- Yeah, woo, that pretty good?\n- [Linus] No?\n- If there's no fit I'm thinking,\nyes, I want it so bad.\n- [Jake] This is not a good\ncar for the road but...\n\nSpanish: \n- [Jake] Bueno, estoy\ntrabajando en el mapa.\n- Oh, estaba bien con el\ntacómetro como estaba,\nahora que lo encontré.\nMe detuve, ni siquiera puedo\ndecir cuando me detuve.\nOh chico, eso es...\n- Oh Dios.\n- Muy inútil.\n- Vaya.\n- Muy inútil, casi todos estos son peores.\nOh, sabes qué, esto en\nrealidad es un poco mejor\nen términos de como la\ninclinación de la cámara,\nsintiendo la inclinación de\nla silla en la que estoy.\nHombre, realmente tienes que darle a ella\nla retroalimentación forzada podría\nser incluso un poco fuerte.\n200 km por hora, aquí vamos,\naquí vamos, ¡200 km por hora!\n¡Guau!\n206, ¿cuál es la velocidad\nmáxima de esta cosa?\nPensando que probablemente\nestamos llegando allí.\n- Quizás frenos.\n- Más frenos, más frenos.\n- Podríamos usar frenos.\nNo, no, no, no necesitamos\ntantos frenos Jake, está bien.\n- [Jake] Vas a necesitar más frenos,\nvas a necesitar más frenos.\n- Solo vamos, vamos a dar vueltas así.\n¡Guau!\n- [Jake] Linus demasiado\nrápido, demasiado furioso.\n- Ahora tu tiempo de vuelta...\n- Estamos en tercero.\n- 13:29.\n- Sí, woo, ¿eso está bastante bien?\n- [Linus] ¿No?\n- Si no encaja, estoy pensando\nsí, lo quiero tanto.\n- [Jake] Este no es un\nbuen auto para el camino...\n\nSpanish: \n- Así es como probablemente\nconduciría por esta carretera.\nEs una esquina ciega,\nbaja la velocidad David.\n- [Jake] No vienen coches, vete.\nNo estaba claro.\nEs un híbrido porque es un\nmotor de 100 caballos de fuerza.\nOh, ¿qué, no chocaste?\n- Conozco el Honda Fit hermano.\n- [Jake] No sé sobre el Honda Fit.\n- ¿Por qué crees que mi Honda\nFit está tan estropeado?\n¿Qué crees que hago los fines de semana?\n- Conoces un auto real,\nespecialmente GTRS.\nEste tipo de automóvil no tendrá\ntanto balanceo de carrocería.\n- Oh , está bien, está bien.\n- Oh giré, giré.\n- Sí.\n- La cosa es que si estás\nusando un volante, puedes\nsalvar el coche, pero no pude\nhacer eso con los controladores.\nEs muy difícil salvarlo.\n¡Si!\n- Oh no.\n\nEnglish: \n- This is how I would probably\nactually drive this road.\nIt's a blind corner, slow down David.\n- [Jake] There's no\ncars coming, drive away.\nWasn't clear.\nIt is such a hybrid 'cause\nit's a 100 horsepower motor.\nOh, what, wou didn't crash?\n- Yo, I know the Honda Fit bro.\n- [Jake] (laughs) I don't\nknow (beep) about Honda Fit.\n- Why do you think my\nHonda Fit's so banged up?\nWhat do you think I do on the weekends?\n- You know a real car, especially GTRS.\nThis type of car won't have\nthat much of a bodyroll.\n- Oh (beep), okay, okay.\n- Oh I turned, I turned.\n- Yay.\n- The thing is if you're\nusing a wheel, you can really\nsave the car, but I could\nnot do that with controllers.\nIt's super hard to save it.\nYeah!\n- Oh no.\n\nPortuguese: \nIsso é como eu provavelmente\ndirigiria nessa estrada.\nÉ um ponto cego, diminui David.\nNão têm carros vindo. Só dirige.\nNão dava pra ver.\nÉ um ótimo híbrido. Motor\nde 100 cavalos de potência.\nO quê? Você não bateu?\nEu conheço o Honda Fit, cara.\nEu não sei nem uma sobre o Honda Fit.\nPorque você acha que meu\nHonda Fit está tão acabado?\nO que você acha que eu\nfaço nos finais de semana?\nVocê conhece um carro\nreal, especialmente GTRS.\nEste tipo de carro não\nterá muito bodyroll.\nTudo bem.\nEu virei!\nSe você está usando um volante,\nvocê pode salvar o carro,\nmas eu não poderia salvar com controles.\nÉ muito difícil de não bater.\nNão!\n\nPortuguese: \nIsso não parece a embreagem nesse carro.\nNem mesmo um pouco.\nEu não percebi que tinha uma virada ali.\nNão se preocupe. Eu sei\no que estou fazendo.\nEste é o carro que eu tenho,\nentão eu deveria ser capaz de dirigir.\nSó estou começando a acelerar.\nCara.\nVamos lá.\nObrigada a Samsung por\npatrocinar esse vídeo.\nEstávamos procurando\numa desculpa pra fazer\nalgo assim faz um bom tempo,\ne o Odyssey G9 foi uma\nótima desculpa pra isso,\n\nEnglish: \n- Ooh (beep).\n- This does not feel like\nthe clutch in this car.\nNot even a little bit, whoa.\n(engine revving)\nOh no, I didn't realize\nthere was a corner there.\nDon't mind me, I know what I'm doing.\nThis is literally the car\nI have sitting outside\nso I should be able to drive this.\nFeels just a sketch at speed. (laughs)\nOh man.\nCome on baby. (laughs)\n(beep)\n- Big thank you to Samsung\nfor sponsoring this video.\nWe've been looking for\nan excuse to put together\nsomething like this for quite some time\nand their Odyssey G9 is a\nfreaking awesome fit for it\n\nSpanish: \n- Ooh .\n- Esto no se siente como\nel embrague de este auto.\nNi siquiera un poquito, vaya.\nOh no, no me di cuenta de\nque había una esquina allí.\nNo me hagas caso, sé\nlo que estoy haciendo.\nEste es literalmente el\nauto que tengo afuera\nasí que debería poder conducir esto.\nSe siente solo un boceto a gran velocidad.\nOh hombre.\nVamos nena.\n- Muchas gracias a Samsung\npor patrocinar este video.\nHemos estado buscando\nuna excusa para armar\nalgo como esto desde hace bastante tiempo\ny su Odyssey G9 encaja de maravilla\n\nSpanish: \ncon esa relación de aspecto\nultra, súper y extra ancha,\nalta frecuencia de\nactualización, alta resolución.\nEn estos monitores en el\npasado, veías mucho efecto alias\no subir escaleras en los gráficos.\nNo se nota en absoluto aquí\na una distancia de visualización cómoda.\nAmigos, si están buscando\nuna configuración como esta\no simplemente una configuración\nde juego de bolas a la pared\ny te encanta esa relación de\naspecto amplia y envolvente\ny curva cerrada, entonces chécalo.\nLo tendremos vinculado en\nla descripción del video.\nTambién quiero felicitar\na Next Level Racing\ny todas las personas que nos dieron\nhardware para nuestro equipo aquí.\nEsta es una configuración de juego genial.\nSi les gustó este video,\ntal vez miren el video\ndonde probé un poco este concepto pero\nen realidad virtual y me enfermé mucho.\nVamos a tener eso\nvinculado a continuación.\nOye, si estás en un baño\nen Dinamarca, ¿qué eres?\n- No lo sé.\n- Europeo.\n\nPortuguese: \ncom aquela ultra proporção,\nalta taxa de atualização e alta resolução.\nNos monitores do passado\nvocê veria um monte de\nproblemas com resolução dos gráficos.\nNem um pouco notáveis aqui,\nem uma distância confortável.\nEntão, se você está procurando\numa configuração assim,\nou um jogo de corrida,\ne você ama uma proporção de tela imersiva,\ne curvas estreitas, então dê uma olhada.\nVamos deixar o link na descrição.\nTambém quero dar um destaque\npra Next Level Racing\ne pros caras que providenciaram\nhardware pra nós.\nEsse equipamento de game é incrível.\nSe vocês gostaram desse\nvídeo, deem uma olhada\nno que eu tento esse conceito,\nmas em VR. Superinteressante.\nVamos colocar o link na descrição.\nSe você está em um banheiro\nna Dinamarca, o que você é?\n- Não sei.\n- Europeu.\n\nEnglish: \nwith that ultra, super,\nextra wide aspect ratio,\nhigh refresh rate, high resolution.\nOn these monitors in the past,\nyou'd see a lot of aliasing\nor stair-stepping on the graphics.\nNot freaking noticeable here at all\nat a comfortable viewing distance.\nSo, hey guys if you're\nlooking for a setup like this\nor just a balls to the wall gaming setup\nand you love that\nimmersive wide aspect ratio\nand tight curve then check it out.\nWe're gonna have it linked\nin the video description.\nAlso wanna shout out Next Level Racing\nand all the folks who provided\nhardware for our rig here.\nThis is one screamer of a gaming setup.\nIf you guys enjoyed this\nvideo maybe check out the one\nwhere I try kinda this concept\nbut in VR and got super sick.\nWe're gonna have that linked below.\nHey, if you're in a bathroom\nin Denmark, what are you?\n- I don't know.\n- European.\n(Jake laughs)\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "\nSpanish: \nHoy, como dije, tenemos a \nGregory Dahl como nuestro orador\nGreg es autor del libro \"One World One People\" sobre\ncómo la globalización da forma a nuestro futuro,\npublicado hace unos 11 años \npor la Editorial Bahá’í.\nTambién ha escrito un artículo \"En qué creen los bahá’ís\" \nen Bahai.org, donde se puede encontrar el libro.\nEstudió economía política en Harvard luego tuvo \nuna carrera de 27 años como economista\ny alto funcionario del Fondo Monetario Internacional \nen Haití, Sierra Leona, Bulgaria y Madagascar por 10 años.\nComo resultado de su puesto en el FMI, adquirió \nconsiderable experiencia con los dilemas prácticos\nenfrentados por los líderes, así como sus debilidades \nhumanas y morales en muchos casos,\naunque seguramente no va a tratar \nese tema en mucho detalle.\n\nEnglish: \nToday, as I said, we will have \nGregory Dahl as our speaker.\nGreg is the author of a book \"One World One People -- \nHow Globalization is Shaping our Future,\"\npublished about 11 years ago \nby the Baha'i Publishing Trust.\nHe's also written an article published under \n\"What Baha'is Believe\" at Bahai.org,\nand the book is listed there.\nHe studied economics at Harvard,\nthen pursued a 27-year career as an economist and \nsenior official for the International Monetary Fund,\nserved as their representative in various countries: Haiti, \nSierra Leone, Bulgaria and Madagascar, specifically.\nFor 10 years he did that. As a result as IMF position, \nhe acquired considerable experience\nwith practical dilemmas faced by leaders, \nas well as their human and often moral shortcomings\nin dealing with those dilemmas, although I'm sure, \nhe probably can't go into a lot of that.\n\nSpanish: \nEs bahá’í de segunda generación, y ha viajado y visitado \na comunidades bahá’ís en más de 100 países.\nActualmente vive cerca de la Escuela Townsend \nen la República Checa con su familia.\nTermino allí mis palabras iniciales y pasaré \nla presentación a la computadora de Greg\npara poder escuchar su presentación \nsobre la vida económica.\nBuenas noches a todos, o buenas tardes o buenos días, \nsegún dónde se encuentren el mundo.\nComo saben, la Casa Universal de Justicia envió un \nmensaje al mundo bahá’í el 1° de marzo del 2017,\nsobre el tema de la vida económica. Es uno de los \nprincipales mensajes de la Casa de Justicia.\nLes pido un minuto. \nNo se están cambiando las diapositivas.\nYa está.\nAparece en el sitio web de la Casa Universal de Justicia, \ndonde solo están algunos de sus principales mensajes.\n\nEnglish: \nHe is a second generation Baha'i, and has traveled \nand visited Baha'i communities in over 100 countries.\ncurrently he lives near the Townsend School \nin the Czech Republic with his family.\nso with that introduction we will switch \nour presentation over to Greg's computer,\nand we will hear his presentation \nabout \"Economic Life.\"\n--Well, good evening everybody, or good afternoon or \ngood morning, depending on where you are in the world,\nAs you know, the Universal House of Justice sent a \nmessage to the Baha'is of the world on March 1, 2017\non the subject of \"Economic Life,\" one of the \nmajor messages of the House of Justice.\nJust a minute.\nI'm not getting my slides changed.\nAh, there we go.\nIt appears on their website.\nOnly a few of their major messages\nappear on the website of the \nUniversal House of Justice.\n\nEnglish: \nAnd it is I think the only message I'm aware of \nthat has been addressed to the Baha'is of the world\non the subject of economic life. I think that \nit gives us a very different perspective\nthan what we're accustomed to on some of \nthe major issues in the world today,\nsuch as inequality and injustice, \nand it's very challenging.\nBut of course as a Baha'i economist who \nhas been studying and writing about\nthe Baha'i teachings on economics for almost 50 years, \nI was very excited to receive this message.\nI want to assure you at the very beginning that \nthis is not going to be a talk about economics.\nThat could be quite boring! \nThe message is on economic life,\nwhich is something that all of us experience. \nWe all live in the material world,\nas well as aspiring to spiritual qualities, \nand we all have to somehow come to terms\n\nSpanish: \nCreo que es su único mensaje dirigido al mundo bahá’í \nsobre el tema de la vida económica\nNos da una idea muy diferente de lo acostumbrado \nsobre los principales problemas del mundo de hoy,\ncomo la inequidad y la injusticia, \ny es muy desafiante.\nComo bahá’í economista que he estudiado y escrito \nsobre la economía bahá’í durante casi 50 años,\nestaba muy emocionado de \nrecibir este mensaje.\nQuiero asegurarles desde el principio que esta \nno va a ser una charla sobre economía.\nSería bastante aburrido. El mensaje es sobre la \nvida económica, algo que todos experimentamos.\nTodos vivimos en el mundo material, \nasí como aspiramos a las cualidades espirituales,\n\nSpanish: \ny todos tenemos que conciliar la relación entre \nel mundo material y las aspiraciones espirituales\nAdemás, debemos entender la relación entre nuestro\ncomportamiento y los objetivos centrales\nde la Fe Bahá’í, como por ejemplo \nlograr mayor justicia en el mundo.\nMe inspiró mucho este mensaje y comencé \nde inmediato a preparar un artículo\nque trata algunas de las dimensiones económicas \nde lo que menciona la Casa de Justicia,\ny algunas de las cuestiones que \ndebaten actualmente en el mundo,\nque creo que acerca más al mundo y campo de la \neconomía más a algunas de las enseñanzas bahá'ís\ny donde se ha abierto un espacio para que \nlos bahá’ís realicemos aportes.\nAlgunos de estos problemas son la inequidad, \nel desempleo y la protección comercial, la corrupción,\nla necesidad de una reforma fundamental del \nsistema financiero y temas similares.\n\nEnglish: \nwith the relationship between the material world \nand our spiritual aspirations.\nAnd also we have to understand the \nrelationship between our behavior\nand major objectives of the Baha'i Faith, \nlike bringing greater justice into the world\nI was very inspired by this message and\nbegan right away to work on an article\nwhich does deal with some of the economic dimensions \nof what the House of Justice is talking about,\nand some of the issues that are \ncurrently being debated in the world,\nwhich I think bring the world and the field of economics\ncloser to some of the teachings of the Baha'i Faith,\nand where a space has opened up for the Baha'is \nto make a contribution.\nSo some of those issues are inequality, \nunemployment, trade protection, corruption,\nthe need for a fundamental reform of the \nfinancial system, and subjects like that.\n\nEnglish: \nso if you are interested in that kind of subject,\nyou're welcome to look at my article,\nwhich will be coming out in the next issue of the \nJournal for Baha'i Studies, probably in July (2007).\nit's now a free journal online, \nas you probably know.\nI've also posted a copy of the manuscript on my \nwebsite at the address that is shown here.\nSo today I want to talk first about some\nkey concepts which I have found useful\nin studying this message from the House of Justice, \nand then I want to talk briefly about\nthe Baha'i context: how we've gotten from \nwhere we were before to this point,\nwhere we are now, which in many ways \nis a different stage of development,\nand then we'll look a bit \nat the message itself.\nNow the key concepts I wanted to mention are the \nidea of mental frameworks or habits of thought\nalso the interesting question of whether we need \nsystems or processes to address certain issues,\n\nSpanish: \nSi tienen interés en ese tipo de tema, \npueden leer mi artículo.\nque saldrá en la próxima entrega de la \nRevista de Estudios Bahá’ís, probablemente en julio.\nAhora es una revista gratuita en línea, \ncomo probablemente sepan.\nTambién publiqué una versión del manuscrito \nen mi sitio web, en la dirección en la pantalla.\nHoy quiero hablar primero acerca de \nalgunos de los principales conceptos\nque me parecieron útiles al estudiar \neste mensaje de la Casa de Justicia.\nLuego quiero hablar brevemente del contexto bahá’í: \ncómo pasamos de una situación anterior\nhasta llegar a la situación actual, que en muchos \nsentidos es una nueva etapa de desarrollo.\ny luego veremos un poco \ndel mensaje mismo.\nUn concepto clave que quería mencionar es los \n\"modelos mentales\" o \"hábitos de pensamiento\".\nTambién el tema interesante de la necesidad de \nsistemas o procesos para abordar ciertos asuntos,\n\nSpanish: \nasí como las Enseñanzas bahá'ís \nsobre el conocimiento y el aprendizaje.\nEn cuanto a los \"modelos mentales\" \no \"hábitos de pensamiento\",\nLa Casa de Justicia los llama \"hábitos de pensamiento\" \ny Eloy Anello los llama \"modelos mentales\".\nMe gusta ese término, pero como quieran llamarlos, \nse refieren a hábitos de pensamiento y acción.\nMe parece una forma \nútil de pensarlo.\nLos seres humanos tenemos esta capacidad \nimportante de poder crear hábitos,\nporque sería imposible tratar con las complejidades \ny los problemas de la vida cotidiana\nsi no intentáramos darles sentido mentalmente \nmediante el uso de modelos mentales\ny si no aprendiéramos hábitos físicos para \nayudarnos a hacer frente a la vida cotidiana,\nImagínese, por ejemplo, como sería despertarse \nen la mañana y tener que volver a aprender...\ncómo salir de la cama, cómo ponerse la ropa, \ncómo servirse el desayuno, y así sucesivamente.\n\nEnglish: \nand the bahá'í teachings on \nknowledge and learning.\nNow regarding mental frameworks\nand habits of thought,\nthe House of Justice called it habits of thought and \nEloy Anello called it mental frameworks.\nI kind of like that term, \nbut whatever you want to call it,\nthey refer to habits of thought and action, \nand I think that's a useful way of thinking about it.\nWe human beings have \na very important capacity to develop habits,\nbecause it would be impossible to deal \nwith the complexities and problems\nof the life around us all the time \nif we didn't try to make sense of it mentally\nby using mental frameworks, and if we didn't learn \nphysical habits to help us cope with our everyday life.\nCan you imagine for example what it would be like \nif we woke up in the morning\nand we had to relearn how to get out of bed, \nput on our clothes, eat our breakfast, etc.?\n\nEnglish: \nit would be impossible. And I think probably \nmost of what we do everyday\nis governed by habits that we've acquired, \nwhich we have found to be useful and helpful\nin dealing with the challenges of life.\nSimilarly we acquire mental habits\nfrom our surroundings, our family or \nour own experiences or education and whatever,\nthat help us simplify our very \ncomplicated and chaotic world around us,\nand try to make some sense of it. \nThese are essential qualities of human beings.\nThey're very important, but unfortunately \nwe can get stuck in a certain frame of mind,\nand it can be very damaging, and an obstacle for us \nif we find that we can't change that framework.\nNow I want to illustrate this point \nwith a couple of quotations.\nWe have here the second Hidden Word in the Arabic, \nwhich most of you are probably familiar with,\n\nSpanish: \nSería imposible. Probablemente la mayor parte de \nlo que hacemos todos los días se rige por hábitos,\nque hemos adquirido y que han resultado \nútiles en lidiar con los desafíos de la vida.\nDel mismo modo, formamos hábitos mentales \nque adquirimos de nuestro entorno,\nde nuestra familia, o de nuestras propias \nexperiencias o educación, etc.,\nque nos ayudan a simplificar y dar sentido al \nmundo tan complicado y caótico que nos rodea.\nEstas cualidades esenciales del ser humano \ny son muy importantes,\npero lamentablemente podemos quedarnos \natascados en determinada mentalidad,\nque puede ser dañina y constituir un obstáculo, \nsi no logramos modificar esa mentalidad.\nQuiero ilustrar este concepto con \nun par de citas.\nAquí está la segunda Palabra Oculta del árabe, \nque la mayoría ya conocen. Bahá'u'lláh ha escrito:\n\nSpanish: \n«¡Oh hijo del Espíritu! Ante mi vista lo más amado \nde todas las cosas es la Justicia».\nahora en inglés, al menos para mí y probablemente \npara ustedes también, al decir la palabra justicia,\npienso en instituciones como tribunales y jueces, \nel Parlamento que aprueba las leyes,\ny policías que hacen cumplir las leyes, los mecanismos \nque intentan lograr justicia en la sociedad.\nAlí Nakhjavani me dijo una vez que en árabe hay dos \npalabras que se traducen como \"justicia\".\nUno da esta idea de instituciones y el otro \nes una cualidad de carácter personal.\nSon conceptos completamente diferentes. \nAl leer el resto de esta Palabra Oculta,\n¿Por qué no sale? ¡Ah! \nDisculpen, ahí está.\n\nEnglish: \nbut Baha'u'llah has written: \"Oh son of Spirit! \nThe best beloved of all things in My sight is Justice.\"\nNow in the English language, at least for me, \nand probably for you too,\nif you say the word justice, you probably think of \ninstitutions, of courts and judges,\nand the Parliament that passes laws, \nand the police that enforce them,\nand that's the mechanism we kind of expect \nto bring about justice in society.\nAli Nakhjavani told me once that in Arabic \nthere are two different words\nthat are translated into the English word justice. \nOne is this sense of institutions,\nand the other is a personal quality, equality of character, \na completely different concept.\nand we see in this Hidden Word, \nwhen we read the rest of it,\nWhy is it not coming up here? \nAh, sorry, here we go.\n\nSpanish: \nEl resto de la Palabra Oculta es: «Con su ayuda verás \npor tus propios ojos y no por los ojos de otros,\nconocerás con tu propio conocimiento y \nno mediante el conocimiento de tu prójimo».\nClaramente, este no es el sentido de la justicia \ncomo en los tribunales, la legislación, etc.\nEs una cualidad personal \ndel individuo.\nLes daré otro ejemplo del cristianismo. \nMe asombró leer en la Biblia de Referencia Scofield,\nes una versión muy prominente, altamente académica, \nbasada en la versión autorizada del rey Jacobo.\nHay un pasaje muy importante de Mateo, \natribuido a Jesús, donde Él dice:\n«Tú eres Pedro y sobre esta piedra \nedificaré mi iglesia».\nSegún la nota al pie, la palabra \"iglesia\" \nviene de la palabra griega \"Ekklesia\",\nque no se refiere a un edificio,\n\nEnglish: \nThe rest of the Hidden Word: \"By its aid\nthou shalt see with thine own eyes and not\nthrough the eyes of others, \nand shalt know of thine own knowledge\nand not through the knowledge of thy neighbor.\" \nSo this is clearly not the sense of justice\nas in courts and laws and so forth.\nThis is a personal quality of the individual.\nNow let me give you another example. \nThis is now from Christianity.\nI was quite amazed when I was reading \nthe Scofield Reference Bible,\nwhich is a very prominent, highly regarded academic \nor scholarly Bible based on the King James Version,\nand this is a very important passage from Matthew, \nwhich is attributed to Jesus.\nHe says, \"Thou art Peter, \nand upon this rock I shall build my church.\"\nNow according to the footnote, the word church \nis translated from a word in Greek [ekklesia]\n\nEnglish: \nwhich doesn't refer to a building. When we say church \nin English, we would usually think, again, of a building,\nor maybe The Church, which would be the \necclesiastical hierarchy of a religion.\nIt doesn't have that meaning at all. \nIt refers to an assembly of people\nwho have been called forth, \nmore like what we would say now as a congregation.\nCompletely different meanings! So it's similar \nto this interpretation of the word Justice.\nNow note that in both cases, when we think \nof courts and the law, or we think of churches,\nthe architecture and the spirit of the institution \nis generally designed to make us feel small,\nto have us feel in awe, \nand therefore obedient to the institutions.\nSo even in the way we have implemented in our society \nthese different meanings of these important words,\n\nSpanish: \nAl decir \"iglesia\", solemos pensar en un edificio o\nen \"la Iglesia\", la jerarquía eclesiástica de una religión,\nPero no significa esto, sino un colectivo, una \nasamblea de personas que han sido convocadas,\nmás bien lo que hoy en día \nllamaríamos una congregación.\nEs un significado completamente diferente, \ncomo en esta interpretación de la palabra justicia.\nEn ambos casos, al pensar en tribunales y leyes, \no al pensar en iglesias,\nla arquitectura y el espíritu de la institución suele \nser diseñada para hacernos sentir disminuidos,\nhaznos sentir asombrados, y por tanto \nobedientes a las instituciones.\nentonces la forma como hemos aplicado en la sociedad \nlos significados de estas palabras importantes,\n\nSpanish: \ndifiere mucho el resultado si pensamos en ellas \nen términos del individuo o de la comunidad.\nOtro ejemplo de un modelo mental relevante que \nse evidencia mucho en el mundo actual,\nes lo que la Casa de Justicia llama \nlas \"dicotomías falsas\"\nen otras palabras, ver los asuntos como \ndivididos, en oposición o en conflicto,\ncuando de hecho, la realidad de esa \nsituación es un todo, un entero.\nAsí, por ejemplo, se vería la política, \no tal vez la situación en el trabajo,\nen términos de competir y grupos en conflicto, \ndonde uno gana y otro pierde, como en el deporte\nla imagen del deporte es muy aplicable \nal modelo mental de muchas personas,\npero la realidad de un asunto dado \npuede ser completamente distinta.\nEsa forma de ver el asunto \npuede resultar contraproducente,\ny debemos recordar que hay diferentes puntos de vista \no maneras de entender cualquier realidad.\n\nEnglish: \nwe get a very different result than if we think of them \nin terms of the individual or the community.\nnow another example of an important mental framework \nthat we see very much in evidence in the world today,\nis what the House of Justice has called\n\"false dichotomies.\"\nIn other words, seeing things as divided \nand in opposition or in conflict,\nwhere in fact, the reality \nof that situation is a whole.\nSo for example, we tend to see politics, or maybe \nthe situation in your department or office or whatever,\nin terms of competing and conflicting groups. \nAnd maybe one wins and the other loses,\nlike in sports. The image of sports is very applicable \nin many people's mental frameworks.\nBut the reality of a particular issue \nmay be something and completely different,\nin which that way of looking at it \nis most unhelpful,\nand in fact we should be seeing that our understanding \nthat there can be different ways\n\nSpanish: \nEs valioso poder comprender \nesos distintos puntos de vista.\nDe hecho, es una de las virtudes centrales del proceso \nde consulta que tratamos de aplicar los bahá’ís.\nSe reúnen personas con diversos antecedentes \ny se pueden escuchar diferentes puntos de vista\npara poder comprender mejor \nuna realidad dada de manera integral.\nAhora veamos lo que ha escrito el Guardian sobre \ncómo debemos responder a lo que Él llama:\n«ideales largamente acariciados» e \n«instituciones largamente veneradas». Él dice:\n«si ciertas convenciones sociales \ny fórmulas religiosas\nhan dejado de fomentar el bienestar \nde la mayoría de la humanidad,\nsi ya no cubren las necesidades de \nuna humanidad en continua evolución,\nque sean descartadas y que queden relegadas al lugar \nde las doctrinas obsoletas y olvidadas».\n\nEnglish: \nof looking at any given reality, different perspectives, \nand it's valuable to understand those perspectives\nand that in fact is one of the key virtues \nof the process of consultation,\nthat Baha'is are encouraged to engage in, \nwhich brings together people\nof different backgrounds, \nand you get to hear different points of view\nand understand better the \nwholeness of a particular reality.\nNow let's see what the Guardian has written \nabout how we should react to what He calls\n\"long-cherished ideals\" and \"time-honored institutions.\" \nHe says, \"If certain social assumptions\nand religious formulae have ceased to\npromote the welfare of the generality of mankind,\nif they no longer minister to the needs \nof a continually evolving humanity,\nlet them be swept away and relegated to the limbo \nof obsolescent and forgotten doctrines.\"\n\nSpanish: \nPalabras muy fuertes.\nEl Dr. Farzam Arbab, quien sirvió durante 20 años \ncomo miembro de la Casa Universal de Justicia,\ndio una presentación muy interesante a la \nAsociación de Estudios Bahá'ís en 2016.\nSe dirigía principalmente a los académicos\no personas con profesiones intelectuales,\npero su tesis, creo, es bastante general. \nDijo que Bahá'u'lláh se refiere al orden actual\ncomo «lamentablemente defectuoso». \n¿Qué tan defectuoso creemos que es, realmente?\n¿Cuáles elementos del presente orden \nson defectuosos y cuáles no?\n¿Qué partes debemos conservar y \ncuáles debemos rechazar por completo?\n¿Cuánto hay que profundizar \nen la raíz del orden actual\npara encontrar las verdaderas causas de sus defectos?\nSu tesis era que personas en todos los campos\n\nEnglish: \nVery, very strong language!\nDr. Farzam Arbab, who served for 20 years \nas a member of the Universal House of Justice,\ngave a very interesting presentation \nto the Association for Baha'i Studies in 2016.\nHe was addressing mostly academics\nor people with intellectual professions,\nbut his point I think is a very general one. \nHe said Bahá'u'lláh refers to the present order\nas lamentably defective. How defective \ndo we think defective really is?\nWhat constituents of the present order \nare and are not defective?\nWhat parts are we to keep, \nand what are we to reject completely?\nHow deep do we have to go \ninto the foundation of the present order\nto find the real causes of its defective ways?\nHis point was that people in any field\n\nSpanish: \ndeben considerar cuáles elementos de su campo son \nútiles y aplicables desde una perspectiva bahá'í,\ny cuáles elementos no lo son, \ny por tanto no deberían ser aceptados.\nEs muy desafiante, pero es un proceso de \nexaminar conscientemente nuestros modelos mentales\ny decidir si deberíamos modificarlos o no. \nAhora, en cuanto a los problemas económicos,\nvoy a simplificar bastante para \nfines de ilustración. Podemos decir que\nlos modelos mentales que generalmente se \naplican a las cuestiones económicas\ny que estudia mucha gente, por cierto, \nen los cursos de economía,\ninvolucran una visión del ser humano como \nmotivado únicamente por interés propio,\nalaba la competición como medio para mejorar \nla productividad y la innovación.\nMide el progreso en términos de dinero y \nfomenta la maximización del consumo,\nporque el consumo genera empleo \npara quienes producen los bienes,\ny el crecimiento de las actividades \neconómicas siempre es positivo.\n\nEnglish: \nhave to think about what elements of that field \nare useful and applicable from a Baha'i perspective,\nand what elements are not, \nand should not be accepted.\nIt's very challenging, but it's this process of \nexamining our mental frameworks consciously\nand deciding whether we need to revise them. \nNow when it comes to the economic issues,\nthis is going to be an oversimplification \nfor purposes of illustration, but we can say that\nthe mental frameworks \nthat are usually applied to economic issues\nand that many people study, by the way, \nin their economics courses,\ninvolve a vision of the human being \nas self-interested,\nlauds competition as the means to \nimprove productivity and innovation.\nIt measures progress in terms of money, \nand encourages the maximization of consumption,\nbecause consumption provides employment \nfor the people who produce goods,\nand growth and \neconomic activity are good.\n\nSpanish: \nAhora, en las Enseñanzas bahá'ís, ,encontramos que \nla verdadera naturaleza del hombre es altruista,\ny que el propósito de la vida \nes el servicio a los demás.\nCreemos en la cooperación, \nla reciprocidad y la ayuda mutua.\nCreemos que el propósito de la vida es desarrollar \ncualidades espirituales, no buscar cosas materiales,\ny creemos en el desapego \nde las cosas materiales,\nen el sentido de que no deberían convertirse en obstáculo \nentre nosotros y nuestro desarrollo espiritual.\nEntonces, estos son casi lo opuesto al modelo mental \nestándar con respecto a los problemas económicos.\nAhora, de ninguna manera somos las únicas \npersonas que observan este conflicto.\nUno de los primeros profesores que tuve, \ncomo estudiante de Economía en Harvard,\nhace muchos años, era Stephen Marglin, \nquien aún enseña allí.\nEra el único economista radical en esa época, \npero logró quedarse porque obtuvo la titularidad muy temprano.\n\nEnglish: \nNow if we look at what Baha'is believe in,\nwe believe that the true nature of man is altruism,\nand that the purpose of life \nis service to others.\nwe believe in cooperation, \nreciprocity and mutual help.\nWe believe that the purpose of life is to develop \nspiritual qualities, not pursue material things,\nand we believe in detachment \nfrom material things,\nin the sense that they shouldn't become an obstacle \nbetween us and our spiritual development.\nSo these are almost the opposite of the standard \nmental framework regarding economic issues.\nNow we are by no means the only people \nwho observe this conflict.\nOne of the first professors I had \nas a graduate student of Economics at Harvard,\nmany years ago, was a man named Steven\nMarlon, who's still teaching there sort of.\nHe's the only radical economist from that era, \nwho managed to stay because he got tenure very early.\n\nSpanish: \nTodavía enseña y trabaja, y recientemente \npublicó un libro llamado\n«La Ciencia Sombría – Por qué el pensar \ncomo economista socava la comunidad».\nExplica en su libro que de joven, se fue \na la India para trabajar como economista,\ny se dio cuenta de que el sentido de comunidad \nera extremadamente importante en la cultura india,\nmucho más que en la cultura estadounidense, \ncon la que estaba familiarizado.\nTras reflexionar sobre por varios años, \ndecidió que habíamos perdido algo.\nÉl lo atribuye a tener cada vez más riquezas. \nNo lo sé. Es parte de la cultura también,\npero piensa que hemos perdido algo muy valioso, \ny que el campo de la economía\nno está tratando esta dimensión\ntan valiosa de la vida humana.\nMe parece muy interesante, \ndebido al énfasis actual del mundo bahá'í\nen la construcción de comunidad, que un aspecto directo\ne importante de nuestra visión del mundo.\n\nEnglish: \nHe's still teaching and working, \nand recently he published a book called\n\"The Dismal Science - How Thinking like \nan Economist Undermines Community.\"\nHe explains in his book that as a young person, \nhe went to India to do some work as an economist\nand he realized that the sense of community \nwas extremely important in the Indian culture,\nmuch more so than in the culture from \nthe United States that he was familiar with.\nAnd in thinking about this over the years, \nhe feels that we have lost something.\nHe attributes that to growing wealthier. \nI don't know. It's part of culture too,\nbut he feels that we've lost something very valuable, \nand that the field of economics\ndoes not address this very valuable\ndimension of human life.\nI find this very interesting, because of the \nemphasis in the Baha'i world these days\non community building, that is a very direct\nand very important part of our view of the world.\n\nSpanish: \nAhora, antes de pasar... Ah, esta es una pregunta \nque debemos considerar sobre esta base:\n¿Depende de los políticos la resolución \ndel problema de la inequidad?\nAntes de cambiar de tema... Por cierto, al pensar de esa manera, \nque sea algo que deben resolver los políticos,\nconvenientemente nos absolvemos de \nresponsabilidad, a menos que votemos,\ny tomemos parte en algún proceso político, \npero lo consideramos algo que otras personas,\nu otras instituciones, \ndeberían resolver.\nQuiero señalar, antes de dejar este tema \nde los hábitos de pensamiento,\nque he insistido tanto en ello porque \nes muy difícil cambiar los malos hábitos.\nLo sabemos por nuestros hábitos físicos, \ny es igual con los hábitos mentales.\nEl primer paso para cambiar esos hábitos \nes reconocer que los tenemos,\npara entender la \nnaturaleza del problema.\n\nEnglish: \nNow before I leave... Oh, this is a question \nfor us to consider based on this background:\nIs inequality an issue \nfor politicians to solve?\nBefore I leave this... By the way, thinking in that way, \nthat it's something for politicians to solve,\nconveniently means that we absolve ourselves \nof responsibility, unless of course we vote,\nso we take part in some political process, \nbut we think of it as something that other people\nor some other institutions \nshould be dealing with.\nI want to note, before we leave \nthis subject of habits of thought,\nthe reason I've dwelled on it so much is that \nbad habits are very hard to change.\nWe know that from our physical habits,\nand it's the same in mental habits.\nAnd the first step to changing those habits \nis to recognize that we have them,\nto understand what the \nnature of our problem is.\n\nEnglish: \nNow the next key concept I wanted to mention \nis the idea of systems versus process.\nIn 1982, I had a very interesting \nconversation with Dr. Arbab.\nin which he mentioned this question, \nwhich is really a question of mental frameworks.\nHe was talking about economic development \nI think at that time, but his point was\nthat we should think clearly, divide our thinking \nin terms of whether a new system is required\nwhich might be imposed from above, for example, \nor whether we should engage in a process.\nOf course now we Baha'is are engaged in \na learning process throughout the world,\nso the emphasis of the House of Justice has very much \nbeen on the question of initiating processes.\n\nSpanish: \nAhora, el siguiente concepto clave que quería \nmencionar es el de sistemas versus procesos.\nEn 1982, tuve una conversación \nmuy interesante con el Dr. Arbab.\nÉl mencionó esta pregunta, que realmente \nes cuestión de modelos mentales.\nHablaba del desarrollo económico, \ncreo, pero su tesis era\nque debemos pensar con claridad, distinguir \nsi se requiere de un nuevo sistema\nimpuesto desde arriba, por ejemplo, \no si debemos promover más bien un proceso.\nLos bahá'ís estamos comprometidos en un \nproceso de aprendizaje en todo el mundo.\nEl énfasis de la Casa de Justicia ha \nestado en el inicio de procesos.\n\nEnglish: \nAn illustration of this issue was an image \nthat Dwight Allen used once in a talk,\nthat I found very helpful, and that is that \nwhen we design and want to launch a spaceship\nto hit the moon or some distant star, if we had \nestablished a system that simply shot the spaceship,\nit would be very unlikely that we \nwould be able to hit the target.\nThe order of magnitude \nof the errors involved is such,\nthat it would be very, very difficult \nto hit a small distant target.\nBut we've never missed, and the reason is \nthat we build into this system\na process of checking from time to time \nwhether we're heading towards the objective,\nand then adjusting the trajectory. \nWhen you do that you never miss.\nSo this may sound familiar, because this is the process \nthat Baha'is are engaged in with our plans\nto have a period of action, \nand then a period of reflection,\n\nSpanish: \nUna ilustración de este asunto fue una imagen \nque empleó Dwight Allen en una charla,\nque encontré muy útil. Cuando se diseña y \nse lanza una nave espacial\npara ir a la luna o una estrella distante, si establecemos \nun sistema que simplemente lanza la nave espacial,\nes poco probable que demos en el blanco.\nEl orden de magnitud de los errores que supone es tal,\nque sería muy difícil acertar \nen un objetivo tan distante.\nPero nunca hemos fallado, porque \nintegramos dentro del sistema\nun proceso para verificar periódicamente \nsi nos dirigimos hacia el objetivo,\ny luego se ajusta la trayectoria. \nCuando se hace así, nunca se falla.\nEsto puede sonar conocido, porque el mismo proceso \nempleamos los bahá'ís en nuestros planes:\ntenemos un período de acción, \nseguido de un período de reflexión,\n\nEnglish: \nand then another period of planning, \nand if necessary recalibrating our actions,\nso that we're more likely to reach the objectives \nthat we have set ourselves.\nNow I want to... Ah, in the question of \nsystems versus process, to address inequality now,\nagain, do we need a system or do we need a process?\nThat's a very interesting question.\nNow the last of these key concepts that I wanted to \nmention is the Baha'i view of knowledge and learning.\nWe have from the Tablets of Baha'u'llah \nthis very important statement:\n\"Knowledge is one of the wondrous gifts of God. \nIt is incumbent upon everyone to acquire it.\"\nand a similar statement in another tablet.\nSo it's not just for a few; it's for everyone.\n\nSpanish: \nluego un período de planificación y, \nsi es necesario, recalibramos nuestras acciones,\npara aumentar la posibilidad de \nalcanzar los objetivos propuestos.\nAhora quiero... Ah, en cuanto a sistemas \nversus procesos, para tratar la inequidad,\n¿necesitamos un sistema o un proceso?\nEs una pregunta muy interesante.\nEl último concepto clave que quería mencionar \nes el concepto bahá'í de conocimiento y aprendizaje.\nEn las Tablas de Bahá'u'lláh encontramos \nesta afirmación muy relevante:\n«El conocimiento es uno de los dones maravillosos de Dios. \nEs responsabilidad de todos adquirirlo».\ny hay una declaración similar en otra tabla.\nEntonces no es solo para unos pocos; es para todos.\n\nSpanish: \nCuando hablamos de conocimiento y aprendizaje, \nmuchos pensamos en seguida en un aula,\nuna universidad o una iglesia, \ndonde la gente se sienta en filas,\ndonde alguien supuestamente más informado o sabio, \ngeneralmente un hombre, se coloca al frente\ny se dirige a la gente en un proceso unidireccional: \nél habla y los demás escuchan.\nPero Bahá'u'lláh dice que todos \ndeberíamos tener acceso al conocimiento.\nLa Casa de Justicia, en este hermoso pasaje \nen su mensaje de Ridván de 2010,\nha escrito: «El acceso al conocimiento \nes el derecho de todo ser humano,\ny la participación en su generación, aplicación y difusión \nes una responsabilidad que todos deben asumir\nen la gran empresa de construir una\ncivilización mundial próspera,\ncada individuo de acuerdo a su\ntalentos y habilidades».\nasí que no solo que todos debemos \nadquirir conocimientos,\n\nEnglish: \nAgain, when we talk about knowledge and learning, \nmany of us may immediately think of a classroom,\na university or a church, \npeople sitting in rows,\nsomebody who we regard as more informed \nor wise or whatever in front, usually a man,\naddressing us, and it's a one-way process: \nsomebody speaking and other people listening,\nwhereas Baha'u'llah is saying that everyone \nshould have access to knowledge.\nAnd the House of Justice has this beautiful passage \nfrom their Ridván 2010 message,\nthey have written, \"Access to knowledge \nis the right of every human being,\nand participation in its generation, application and \ndiffusion a responsibility that all must shoulder\nin the great enterprise of building a\nprosperous world civilization--\neach individual according to his or her\ntalents and abilities.\"\nso it's not not only that \nwe should all acquire knowledge,\n\nEnglish: \nbut everyone should be participating in its \ngeneration, application and diffusion.\nit's an entirely different image of knowledge \nfrom the one that we may have\nfrom our institutions of education and \nresearch and so forth.\nNow very briefly I want to review \nthe Baha'i context -- where we've come from.\nThere's been over the years a lot of writing about \nthe bahá'í teachings on economics,\nincluding this old pamphlet, which was undated, \nby Hand of the Cause John Feraby.\nI think many of us were impressed by the\nwritings of the Guardian Shoghi Effendi,\nespecially His World Order Letters.\nThis very famous passage from pages 203-4\nof the World Order Letters, in which He describes \nthe world Commonwealth of the future,\nhow the nations will exist peacefully and \nthe rights of nations and individuals will be protected,\n\nSpanish: \nsino que todos debemos participar en su \ngeneración, aplicación y difusión.\nes un concepto del conocimiento totalmente \ndiferente de la que observamos\nEn las instituciones educativas, \nde investigación, etc.\nAhora, muy brevemente quiero revisar el \ncontexto bahá’í, de dónde venimos.\nA lo largo de los años, se ha escrito mucho sobre \nlas enseñanzas bahá'ís respecto a la economía,\nincluido este antiguo librito sin fecha \npor la Mano de la Causa John Ferraby.\nCreo que a muchos nos impresionan los \nescritos del Guardián, Shoghi Effendi,\nespecialmente sus cartas sobre el orden mundial. \nEn este famoso pasaje de las Cartas del Orden Mundial,\nÉl describe la Mancomunidad \nMundial del futuro,\nque las naciones existirán pacíficamente y serán \nprotegidos los derechos de naciones e individuos,\n\nEnglish: \nthe resources of the world will be made\navailable for the prosperity of all,\nthere will be free trade, and so forth, \na very exciting, interesting image of the future.\nSo a lot of the writing in the past about \nthe Bahá'í Teachings on economics\nhas focused on the future, on this image of \nhow the world could be organized.\nIn the 1930s world fell into recession, and the National \nAssembly of the United States apparently decided\nthat we needed to tell the world about the \nTeachings of Baha'u'llah, to solve the problem.\nSo they apparently wrote to the Guardian. \nWe have His reply, but... I don't have the original letter\nBut he replied that He was in sympathy with the desire \nof the Economic Committee\nto try to implement the Bahá'í Teachings, but He said \n\"the time is not yet ripe for such activities.\"\n\"First we have to study the teachings \nin the light of modern problems,\"\n\nSpanish: \nlos recursos del mundo estarán\ndisponibles para la prosperidad de todos,\nhabrá libre comercio y demás, una imagen \ndel futuro interesante y emocionante.\nComo resultado, mucho de lo escrito en el pasado sobre \nlas Enseñanzas bahá'ís respecto a la economía\nse ha centrado en el futuro, en esta imagen \nde cómo se organizará el mundo.\nEn la década de 1930, durante la \"Gran Depresión\", la \nAsamblea Nacional de Estados Unidos aparentemente decidió\nque debíamos contarle al mundo sobre las \nEnseñanzas de Bahá'u'lláh, para resolver el problema.\nParece que escribieron una carta al Guardián. Tenemos su respuesta, \npero no tenemos, o no tengo la carta original.\nÉl respondió que simpatizaba con \nel deseo del Comité Económico\nde tratar de aplicar las Enseñanzas bahá'ís, pero dijo que \n«el tiempo aún no ha llegado para tales actividades».\n«Primero debemos que estudiar las Enseñanzas \na la luz de los problemas actuales»\n\nEnglish: \nand also the Faith has to be bigger \nand have more means.\n\"For the present, we have to consolidate our \nbasic institutions and spread the Teachings\nand spirit of the Faith among the public.\"\nAnother message from the same era:\n\"The Cause is not an economic system.\nthe contribution of the Faith to this subject is \nessentially indirect, as it consists in the application\nof spiritual principles to our \npresent-day economic system.\"\nAnd there's mention of \n\"future Baha'i economists\" helping to design\n\"institutions which will adjust the \neconomic relationships of the world.\"\nAnd an even earlier letter from the Guardian, \nwhich presages some of the principles and concepts\nin the message we're about to look at, the Guardian \nwrote, \"The primary consideration is the spirit\nthat has to permeate our economic life, and this will \ngradually crystallize itself into definite institutions\n\nSpanish: \ny también la Fe debía crecer y \ncontar con mayores recursos.\n«Por el momento, hay que consolidar las instituciones \nbásicas y difundir las Enseñanzas\ny el espíritu de la \nFe entre el público».\nEn otro mensaje de la misma época, dice: \n«La Causa no es un sistema económico.\nEl aporte de la Fe a este tema es esencialmente \nindirecto, ya que consiste en la aplicación\nde principios espirituales a \nnuestro sistema económico actual».\nEl Guardián menciona a «los futuros \neconomistas bahá'ís» que ayudarán a diseñar\n«instituciones que ajustarán las \nrelaciones económicas del mundo».\nEn una carta aún más temprana del Guardián, \nque presagia algunos de los principios y conceptos\nen el mensaje que estamos a punto de ver, el Guardián \nescribió: «La consideración principal es el espíritu\nque debe impregnar nuestra vida económica, y se \ncristalizará gradualmente en instituciones definidas\n\nEnglish: \nand principles that will help to bring about the \nideal conditions foretold by Baha'u'llah.\nNow we jump to quite a few years later, the 1980s, \nwhen the House of Justice saw that\nthe Faith was growing, and they saw that Baha'is\nwere increasingly becoming engaged\nin the issues of the community around them, \nso they encourage the community,\nas a natural part of their \ngrowth and organic development,\nto engage in projects or activities of social action or \nsocial and economic development.\nAnd the House established an office devoted \nto that subject, to acquiring or centralizing\nthe learning that was created \nin the Baha'i world and diffusing it\nand helping the friends in this endeavor. \nIn explaining this in the message,\nthey referred to \"a dynamic coherence between the \nspiritual and practical requirements of life on earth\"\n\nSpanish: \ny principios que ayudarán a lograr las \ncondiciones ideales predichas por Bahá'u'lláh».\nAhora saltamos a los años 1980, \ncuando la Casa de Justicia vio que\nla Fe crecía, y vieron que los bahá'ís\nparticipaban cada vez más\nen los asuntos de la sociedad, \nasí que animaron a la comunidad,\ncomo parte natural de su crecimiento \ny desarrollo orgánico,\nparticipar en proyectos o actividades de \nacción social o desarrollo social y económico.\nLa Casa estableció una oficina dedicada \na ese tema, para recolectar\nlos aprendizajes generados en el \nmundo bahá'í y difundirlos\npara ayudar a los amigos en este esfuerzo. \nAl explicar esto en el mensaje,\nse refirieron a «una coherencia dinámica entre los \nrequisitos espirituales y prácticos de esta vida terrenal»\n\nSpanish: \nuna frase que han repetido más recientemente, \nla idea de que vivimos tanto en un mundo material\ncomo en el mundo espiritual, y debemos armonizar \nnuestras acciones y vidas en estos dos aspectos,\nque no estén en conflicto. \nSon diferentes aspectos del mismo todo,\npero hay que reflexionar al respecto y hacer un esfuerzo \npara tornarlos coherentes. La Casa escribió en 1983,\n«Los pasos a tomarse necesariamente deben comenzar en la propia \ncomunidad bahá'í, esforzándose los amigos para superarse,\nmediante su aplicación de principios espirituales, \nsu rectitud de conducta y su práctica del arte\nde la consulta, llegando así \na ser autosuficientes.\nAdemás, estos esfuerzos conducirán a la preservación \ndel honor humano, tan deseado por Bahá'u'lláh».\nMencionaron, y esto es mucho más reciente, \nque conforme crece la comunidad,\n\nEnglish: \na phrase that they've repeated more recently, \nthe idea that we live both in a material world\nand the spiritual world, and we have to strive to bring \nour actions and our lives in these two aspects\ninto harmony, that they're not in conflict. \nThey are different aspects of the same whole,\nbut we have to think about them and make an effort \nto make them coherent. The House wrote in 1983,\n\"The steps to be taken must necessarily begin in the \nBaha'i community itself, with the friends endeavoring,\nthrough their application of spiritual principles, their \nrectitude of conduct and the practice of the art\nof consultation, to uplift themselves and thus \nbecome self-sufficient and self-reliant.\nMoreover, these exertions will conduce to the \npreservation of human honor, so desired by Baha'u'llah.\"\nAnd they mentioned, this is much more recently, \nbut they mentioned as the community grows,\n\nEnglish: \nand the activities of social action become greater, \nfigures of authority from the wider society\nstart to draw on the insight and experience \narising from initiatives of social action\ninspired by Baha'u'llah's Teachings.\" \nAnd for the first time that I'm aware of,\nthey say the Baha'is should \"manage their \nfinancial affairs in the light of the Teachings.\"\nSo as I'm sure you are aware, since 1996, \nthe House of Justice has been encouraging the Baha'is\nto change the culture of the Baha'i community, \nto focus on a process of learning.\nThey've established study circles, rather than people \nsitting in rows listening to a lecturer.\nPeople are learning together \nand sharing their experience.\nOf course different people may have \ndifferent levels of experience,\nbut they're sharing them in an equal way, \nand the community moves forward from this learning.\nThere's an interesting talk that's also been published, \nso you can see it on the website\n\nSpanish: \ny sus actividades de acción social, las figuras de \nautoridad de la sociedad en general\ncomenzarán a aprovechar la visión y la experiencia que \nsurgen de las iniciativas de acción social\ninspiradas en las Enseñanzas de Bahá'u'lláh». \nY por primera vez que yo sepa,\ndicen que los bahá'ís deberían \n«manejar sus asuntos financieros a la luz de las Enseñanzas».\nComo seguramente saben, desde 1996, \nla Casa de Justicia ha estado alentando a los bahá'ís\na modificar la cultura de la comunidad Bahá’í, \na enfocarse en un proceso de aprendizaje.\nSe han establecido círculos de estudio, \nen lugar de sentarse la gente en filas ante un profesor.\nLos participantes aprenden juntos y \ncomparten sus experiencias.\nDiferentes personas tienen distintos \nniveles de experiencia,\npero las comparten de manera equitativa, \ny la comunidad avanza con este aprendizaje.\nHay una charla interesante que \nse ha publicado en el sitio web\n\nSpanish: \nde la Asociación de Estudios Bahá'ís de Norteamérica, \npor Paul Lample, miembro de la Casa Universal de Justicia,\ntitulado «El aprendizaje y la \nevolución de la comunidad bahá'í».\nÉl describe este proceso en cierto detalle. \nPara citar brevemente sus comentarios,\ndice: «aprender, consultar, actuar y reflexionar \nsobre la acción a la luz de la Guía divina\nen el transcurso de nuestras vidas \ny a lo largo de la Dispensación,\nes el medio por el cual encontramos nuestro camino \nhacia el propósito de Bahá'u'lláh para la humanidad.\nla cultura de aprendizaje que surge se caracteriza \npor una experiencia de construcción\na nivel de base, en lugar de una \nplanificación detallada desde arriba.\nEs un proceso en el que \nparticipa toda la comunidad.\nNo es una alta institución o un intelectual \nque dicta un nuevo sistema a ser impuesto.\n\nEnglish: \nof the Association for Baha'i Studies, by Paul Lample, \nmember of the Universal House of Justice,\nentitled \"Learning and the \nEvolution of the Baha'i Community.\"\nHe describes this process in some detail. \nJust to quote briefly from his remarks,\nhe says \"learning, consultation, action and \nreflection on action in light of divine guidance\nover the course of our lives \nand over the course of the dispensation,\nis the means by which we find our way forward \ntoward Baha'u'llah's intended purpose for humanity.\nthe culture of learning that is emerging is\ncharacterized by a constructive experience\nat the grassroots level, \nrather than an elaborate planning from the top.\nSo again, it's very clear that the process is \none of the whole community being involved.\nIt's not some high institution or intellectual or whatever \ndictating that a new system should be imposed\n\nEnglish: \nthe House of Justice also made it clear \nin a message of 2010,\nthat if the Baha'i community \nwas to fulfill its obligation\nof bringing the teachings of Baha'u'llah to the world, \nthe Baha'i community had to be larger in size.\nA small community could not hope \nto have an impact in the world.\nAnd I think part of this is that \naction speaks much louder than words.\nThe world has become extremely cynical. \nThere are lots of wonderful ideas out there in the world,\nbut nobody listens to them. But people pay attention \nwhen they see that a community or individual\nis doing something differently, \nand that it works, and this has a big impact\nSo this is clearly the way the House of Justice has \nguided the Baha'i community in these last 25 years.\nThe House of Justice describes this process \nas the community grows.\n\nSpanish: \nLa Casa de Justicia también dejó \nen claro en un mensaje de 2010,\nque si la comunidad bahá’í \nha de cumplir su obligación\nde llevar las enseñanzas de Bahá'u'lláh \nal mundo, debía aumentar en tamaño.\nUna comunidad pequeña no puede tener \nsuficiente impacto en el mundo.\nY creo que parte de esto es que las acciones \nhablan mucho más fuerte que las palabras.\nEl mundo se ha vuelto extremadamente cínico. \nHay muchas ideas maravillosas en el mundo,\npero ya nadie las escucha. La gente sí prestan \natención cuando ven que una comunidad o un individuo\nhace algo diferente que funciona. \nEsto sí tiene un gran impacto.\nEstá claro que en estos últimos 25 años, la Casa de \nJusticia ha guiado a la comunidad bahá'í hacia ello.\nLa Casa de Justicia describe este \nproceso conforme crece la comunidad.\n\nEnglish: \nThey say \"qualities of mutual support, reciprocity, \nand service to one another\nbegin to stand out as features of an emerging, \nvibrant culture among those involved in activities.\nI was reminded of this marvelous passage of \n'Abdu'l-Bahá, in the compilation on consultation.\nHe says, \"Concern yourselves with one another, \nhelp along one another's projects and plans,\nGrieve over one another. \nLet none in the whole country go in need.\nBefriend one another until ye become \nas a single body one and all.\nSo now we will finally move to the message itself \nof 1 March 2017 against this background\nIt begins, as you know it's addressed \nto the Baha'is of the world,\nso it's not addressed to some institution or group; \nit is addressed everybody.\n\nSpanish: \nDice: «las cualidades de apoyo mutuo, \nreciprocidad y servicio mutuo\ncomienzan a destacarse como características de una cultura \nemergente y vibrante entre los involucrados en las actividades».\nMe acordé de este maravilloso pasaje de 'Abdu'l-Bahá, \nen la recopilación sobre la consulta.\nÉl dice: «Preocúpense los unos por los otros, \nayuden con los proyectos y planes de los demás,\nLloren el uno por el otro. Que nadie en \ntodo el país se quede necesitado.\nHáganse amigos unos de otros, hasta que \nse conviertan en un solo cuerpo.\nCon estos antecedentes, pasemos al \nmensaje del 1° de marzo de 2017.\nComo saben, está dirigido \na los bahá'ís del mundo.\nNo está dirigido a una sola institución \no grupo, sino a todos nosotros.\n\nEnglish: \nDearly loved friends, \nin an increasingly interconnected world,\nmore light is being cast on the \nsocial conditions of every people,\ngiving greater visibility \nto their circumstances.\nInequity, discrimination and exploitation \nblight the life of humanity.\"\nSo they're beginning right away \nwith this issue of inequality,\nwhich has become a very \nhigh-profile issue in the world.\nJust as a parenthesis, there was a \nFrench economist named Thomas Piketty\nwho worked for I think 16 years \nto write his 700-page tome\non what he sees as an inevitable outcome \nof capitalism, that inequality will increase.\nIt's a heavy academic tone, \nbut his timing was perfect.\nIt was published in 2014, when a lot of people \nwere worrying about inequality\n\nSpanish: \n«Queridos amigos, en un mundo \ncada vez más interconectado,\nse está arrojando más luz sobre las \ncondiciones sociales de cada pueblo,\nproporcionando mayor visibilidad \na sus circunstancias».\n«La desigualdad, la discriminación y la explotación \nmarchitan la vida de la humanidad».\nDesde el inicio, se aborda \nel problema de la inequidad,\nque ha cobrado una \nclara vigencia en el mundo.\nComo paréntesis, un economista \nfrancés llamado Thomas Piketty\ntrabajó 16 años en un \nvolumen de 700 páginas\nsobre lo que él considera ser un resultado inevitable \ndel capitalismo: el aumento de la inequidad.\nEs un tema bastante académico, \npero fue muy oportuno.\nSe publicó en 2014, cuando mucha gente \nse preocupaba por la inequidad.\n\nEnglish: \nand it has reportedly sold more than \ntwo and a half million copies,\nwhich I think must be the best-selling \nacademic work of all time.\nIt's extraordinary. \nAnd these are not cheap books either.\nAlso to illustrate this point, last year,\nat the World Economic Forum in Davos,\nsenior leaders of the world gathered there. \nOxfam International released a press release\nin which they reported on the study they had done, \nthat 8 men owned the same wealth as 1/2 of humanity.\nIn other words, the wealth of eight people is the same \nBaha'i as the wealth of the poorest half of humanity.\nNow, one can question their methodology, \nbut the main point is very clear,\nthat inequality is beyond comprehension in this world. \nThe numbers are impossible to understand.\n\nSpanish: \nSe dice que vendió más de \n2,5 millones ejemplares,\nque debe ser el trabajo académico \nmás vendido en la historia.\nEs extraordinario. \nTampoco es un libro barato.\nOtra ilustración de este punto, el año pasado \nse reunió el Foro Económico Mundial en Davos,\ncon importantes líderes mundiales. \nOxfam International lanzó un comunicado de prensa\nen el que informaron que, según sus investigaciones, 8 hombres \nposeían la misma riqueza que la mitad de la humanidad.\nEn otras palabras, los recursos de ocho personas es \nigual a los de la mitad más pobre de la humanidad.\nSe puede cuestionar su metodología, \npero el problema queda muy claro:\nLa inequidad mundial supera toda comprensión. \nLas cifras superan toda imaginación.\n\nEnglish: \nSo the House of Justice calls this \n\"deep-seated structural defects in society.\"\nThey say there is no justification for continuing to \nperpetuate structures, rules, and systems\nthat manifestly fail to serve \nthe interests of all peoples.\nThey talk about the vision of Baha'u'llah, \nwhich challenges many of the assumptions\nthat are allowed to shape \ncontemporary discourse.\nIn other words, our habits of thought, \nour mental frameworks.\nFor instance, that self-interest, far from \nneeding to be restrained, drives prosperity,\nand that progress depends upon its expression \nthrough relentless competition.\nTo view the worth of an individual chiefly in terms of \nhow much one can accumulate\nand how many goods one can consume relative to others, \nis wholly alien to baha'i thought.\nBut neither are the Teachings in sympathy\nwith sweeping dismissals of wealth,\nas inherently distasteful or immoral, \nand asceticism is prohibited.\nWealth must serve humanity. \nIt's use most accord with spiritual principles;\n\nSpanish: \nLa Casa de Justicia se refiere a «defectos estructurales \nprofundamente arraigados en la sociedad».\nDice: «no se justifica seguir perpetuando \nestructuras, normas y sistemas\nque obviamente no sirven los \nintereses de los pueblos».\nDice: «La visión de Bahá'u'lláh desafía \nmuchos de los supuestos\ncon que se deja modelar el \ndiscurso contemporáneo».\nSe refiere a nuestros hábitos de pensamiento, \nnuestros modelos mentales.\n«Por ejemplo, que el interés propio ―lejos de\n tener que refrenarse― impulsa la prosperidad,\ny que el progreso depende de su expresión \nmediante una competencia incesante».\nEstimar el valor de un individuo esencialmente \nen términos de lo mucho que puede acumular\ny consumir en relación con otros es \ntotalmente ajeno al pensamiento bahá'í».\n«Pero las enseñanzas tampoco simpatizan con \nrechazos radicales de la riqueza\ncomo algo inherentemente ofensivo o inmoral, \ny el ascetismo está prohibido».\n«La riqueza debe servir a la humanidad. \nSu uso debe estar en consonancia con principios espirituales;\n\nSpanish: \nlos sistemas deben crearse en función de ellos. \nY, en palabras memorables de Bahá'u'lláh:\n\"Ninguna luz se puede comparar con la luz de la justicia. \nEl establecimiento del orden en el mundo\ny la tranquilidad de las naciones dependen de ella\".\nAunque Bahá’u’lláh no propone en Su Revelación \nun sistema económico detallado,\nla reorganización de la sociedad humana es un \ntema constante en todo el conjunto de Sus enseñanzas.\nLa consideración de este tema inevitablemente da \nlugar a cuestiones de economía».\nAhora, esto para mí es \nel eje del mensaje.\nObviamente, el mensaje tiene muchos elementos, \npero esto es vital.\nDespués de mencionar los grandes problemas \nde la inequidad, injusticia, etc.,\nlos problemas sociales en el mundo, y la necesidad de \nnuevos sistemas que reflejen los principios bahá'ís,\ndicen: «Por supuesto, el orden futuro \nconcebido por Bahá’u’lláh\nestá mucho más allá de cualquier cosa que \npueda imaginar la generación actual.\n\nEnglish: \nsystems must be created in their light, \nand in Baha'u'llah's memorable words,\n\"No light can compare with the light of justice. \nThe establishment of order in the world\nand the tranquility of the nations \ndepend upon it.\"\nAlthough Baha'u'llah does not set out in His Revelation \na detailed economic system,\na constant theme throughout the entire corpus of His \nTeachings is the reorganization of human society.\nConsideration of this theme inevitably \ngives rise to questions of economics.\"\nNow, this to me is the important \nheart of the message.\nActually, there are many things in this message, \nof course, but this is critical.\nNow that they've talked about these great issues \nof inequity, injustice, and so forth,\nsocial issues in the world, the need for \nnew systems that reflect the Baha'i principles.\nThey say, \"Of course, the future order \nconceived by Baha'u'llah\nis far beyond anything that can be \nimagined by the present generation.\n\nSpanish: \nSin embargo, su emergencia final dependerá del\nesfuerzo ingente realizado por Sus seguidores\npor poner Sus enseñanzas en práctica hoy».\nAsí que de repente hemos pasado del inimaginable \nfuturo lejano al momento actual,\ny lo que nosotros, como seguidores de Bahá'u'lláh, \ndebemos hacer hoy.\nDebemos esforzarnos arduamente para \nponer en práctica Sus Enseñanzas hoy.\nEntonces dice: «Con esto en mente, \nesperamos que los comentarios siguientes\nestimulen una reflexión seria y \ncontinua por parte de los amigos».\n«El objetivo es aprender cómo participar \nen los asuntos materiales de la sociedad\nde una manera que sea consistente con los \npreceptos divinos, y cómo, de manera práctica,\nfomentar la prosperidad colectiva mediante la justicia y la \ngenerosidad, la colaboración y la asistencia mutua».\n«Nuestro llamamiento a examinar las implicaciones de la Revelación \nde Bahá’u’lláh para la vida económica tiene por objeto llegar\na las instituciones y comunidades bahá’ís, \npero está dirigido de manera más especial al creyente».\n\nEnglish: \nNevertheless, its eventual emergence will depend \non strenuous effort by His followers\nto put His Teachings \ninto effect today.\"\nSo we've suddenly gone from the \nunimaginable distant future to now,\nand what we, the followers of Baha'u'llah, \nneed to do.\nWe need to exert strenuous efforts \nto put His Teachings into effect today.\nSo they say, \"with this in mind,\nwe hope that the comments below\nwill stimulate thoughtful, \nongoing reflection by the friends.\nThe aim is to learn about how to participate \nin the material affairs of society\nin a way that is consistent with the divine precepts \nand how, in practical terms,\ncollective prosperity can be advanced through justice \nand generosity, collaboration and mutual assistance.\"\n\"Our call to examine the implications of the Revelation \nof Baha'u'llah for economic life is intended to reach\nBaha'i institutions and communities, \nbut is directed more especially to the individual believer.\n\nSpanish: \n«Si ha de emerger un nuevo modelo de vida \ncomunitaria forjado en las enseñanzas,\n¿no debe la compañía de los fieles demostrar \nen sus propias vidas la rectitud de conducta\nque es una de sus características \nmás distintivas?»\n«No contentos con cualesquiera que sean los valores \nprevalecientes en el orden existente que los rodea,\nlos amigos de todas partes deberían considerar la \naplicación de las enseñanzas a sus vidas.\nY aprovechando las oportunidades que sus circunstancias les ofrecen, \nhacer sus propias contribuciones individuales y colectivas\na la justicia económica y al progreso \nsocial dondequiera que residan».\nAsí que han pasado de los problemas en el mundo \na esta visión de construcción de comunidad,\ny al esfuerzo del individuo por poner en práctica \nlos principios de la Fe, en su vida individual o comunitaria.\nContinúa el mensaje con \nalgo muy importante,\n\nEnglish: \nIf a new model of community life, \npatterned on the Teachings, is to emerge,\nmust not the company of the faithful demonstrate \nin their own lives the rectitude of conduct\nthat is one of its most \ndistinguishing features?\nNot content with whatever values prevail \nin the existing order that surrounds them,\nthe friends everywhere should consider \nthe application of the Teachings to their lives and,\nusing the opportunities their circumstances offer them, \nmake their own individual and collective contributions\nto economic justice and social progress \nwherever they reside.\"\nSo they've moved from the vision of the problems \nin the world to this vision of community building,\nand to the individual striving to put into effect, \nin his or her own life, or in the communities,\nthe principles of the Faith.\nThey go on to mention, \nand this is of course very important.\n\nEnglish: \nEverything in the messages of the House of Justice \nis very important, that\n\"A foundational concept to explore in this context \nis the spiritual reality of man.\nIn the Revelation of Bahá'u'lláh, the nobility inherent \nin every human being is unequivocably asserted.\"\nAnd this I find an \nextraordinary statement:\n\"It is a fundamental tenant of Baha'i belief, \nupon which hope for the future of humankind is built.\"\nSo we start with this image of the human being, \nbeing in reality a noble spirit,\nand therefore can \nbehave better.\n\"Economic life is an arena for the expression of \nhonesty, integrity, trustworthiness, generosity,\nand other qualities of the Spirit. The individual \nis not merely a self-interested economic unit,\nstriving to claim an ever greater share \nof the world's material resources.\n\nSpanish: \naunque obviamente, todo el mensaje de la \nCasa de Justicia es muy importante.\n«Un concepto fundamental a explorar en este \ncontexto es la realidad espiritual del hombre.\nEn la Revelación de Bahá’u’lláh, la nobleza inherente a \ncada ser humano se ratifica de manera inequívoca...»\nY esta me parece una afirmación extraordinaria:\n«es un principio básico de la creencia bahá’í sobre el cual \nse forja la esperanza para el futuro de la humanidad».\nAsí que partimos desde esta imagen del ser humano \ncomo un espíritu noble en realidad,\ny por lo tanto podemos \ncomportarnos mejor.\n«La vida económica es el ámbito para la expresión de la \nhonestidad, la integridad, la confiabilidad, la generosidad\ny otras cualidades del espíritu». «El individuo no es \nmeramente una entidad económica interesada en sí misma,\nque se esfuerza por reclamar una porción cada vez \nmayor de los recursos materiales del mundo».\n\nSpanish: \n\"El mérito del hombre reside en el servicio y la virtud\", declara \nBahá’u’lláh, \"y no en la pompa de las riquezas y la opulencia\".\nY dicen que «bajo esta luz, incluso lo aparentemente \nordinario adquiere nuevo significado,\ndebido a su potencial para aportar al bienestar \ny la prosperidad de la humanidad».\nCitan una declaración muy \nimportante de 'Abdu'l-Bahá:\n«La riqueza», ha afirmado ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, \n«es digna de elogio en máximo grado,\nsi la persona la adquiere por su propio esfuerzo... \ny si se dedica a propósitos altruistas.»\nEn otras palabras, es importante cómo \nganamos y cómo gastamos la riqueza,\na la hora de considerar \nsi es loable o no.\n'Abdu'l-Bahá declara que \nla riqueza es loable,\n«siempre que la población \nentera sea rica.»\nDe nuevo, volvemos a la cuestión de la \ninequidad y la desigualdad.\nEntonces la Casa de Justicia \nllega a esta maravillosa ley,\nen el libro de leyes de Bahá'u'lláh, \nel Kitáb-i-Aqdas: la ley de Huqúqu'lláh.\n\nEnglish: \n\"Men's merit lieth in service and virtue,\" Baha'u'llah avers, \n\"and not in the pageantry of wealth and riches.\"\nAnd they say that in this light, \neven seemingly ordinary things gain new significance,\nbecause of their potential to add to \nhuman welfare and prosperity.\nThey quote, and this is, again, \na very important statement of 'Abdu'l-Bahá:\n\"Wealth, 'Abdu'l-Bahá has affirmed, \n\"is praiseworthy in the highest degree,\nif it is acquired by an individual's own efforts \nand if it be expended for philanthropic purposes\"\nIn other words, both the earning and \nthe spending of wealth is important\nwhen you consider whether \nit is praiseworthy or not.\nAnd, \"'Abdu'l-Bahá declares that \n\"Wealth is most commendable,\nprovided the entire population \nis wealthy.\"\nAgain, back to the question of \ninequity and inequality.\nThen the House of Justice comes \nto this very wonderful law,\nthat is included in Baha'u'llah's book of laws, \nin the Aqdas, the law of Huqúq'u'lláh.\n\nSpanish: \nEl Huqúqu'lláh, como saben, es una ley \naplicable únicamente a los bahá'ís,\nque si sus ingresos superan lo que usted \nconsidera necesario para su vida,\nlo cual depende de cada uno, entonces \nel 19% de ese excedente pertenece a Dios.\nHuqúqu'lláh significa el Derecho de Dios. \nDios se reserva el derecho a que el 19% le pertenezca\ny se pague al Centro de la Fe para utilizarse a favor \nde la prosperidad y el beneficio de la humanidad.\nEntonces, en seguida nos requiere \nreflexionar sobre qué es necesario,\ny nos ayuda a trabajar el tema de coherencia entre la \nvida material y nuestras aspiraciones espirituales.\nLa Casa de Justicia escribe: «Examinar nuestra \nvida para determinar lo que es una necesidad\ny luego cumplir con alegría nuestra obligación en \nrelación con la ley del Huqúqu’lláh,\n\nEnglish: \nHuqúq'u'lláh, as you must know, \nis a law applicable only to Baha'is,\nthat if you have more income than you need for your... \nwhat this considered needful in your life,\nand it's up to you to decide, \nthen 19% of that excess belongs to God.\nHuqúq'u'lláh means the Right of God. \nIt is God's right, and that 19% belongs to God\nand must be paid to the Center of the Faith to be used \nfor the prosperity and benefit of humankind.\nSo it immediately requires us \nto consider what is needful,\nand it helps us to work on this issue of coherence \nbetween our material life and our spiritual aspirations.\nSo the House of Justice writes, \n\"Examining one's life to determine what is a necessity\nand then discharging with joy one's obligation \nin relation to the law of Huqúq'u'lláh.\n\nEnglish: \nis an indispensable discipline to bring one's priorities \ninto balance, purify whatever wealth one possesses\nand ensure that the share which is the Right of God \nprovides for the greater good.\nAt all times, contentment and moderation, benevolence\nand fellow feeling, sacrifice and reliance on the Almighty\nare qualities that befit \nthe God-fearing soul.\nAs always, one has to study these messages of the \nHouse of Justice, but I really love this sentence:\nContentment and moderation, benevolence and \nfellow feeling, sacrifice and reliance on the Almighty,\nAre qualities to which we must aspire. \nAnd this is in the paragraph about economic life.\nI should mention that this paragraph, \nthis reference to Huqúq'u'lláh in this message\nis the first time in the 25 years since the \nHouse of Justice made this law applicable\nto the whole Baha'i world, that there has been \na substantive reference to the law\n\nSpanish: \nes una disciplina indispensable para equilibrar nuestras \nprioridades, purificar cualquier riqueza que poseamos\ny asegurar que la parte que es el Derecho de \nDios contribuya al bien común».\nEn todo momento, el contento y la moderación, \nla benevolencia y el sentimiento de confraternidad,\nel sacrificio y la confianza en el Todopoderoso son \ncualidades propias del alma que es temerosa de Dios».\nComo siempre, hay que analizar estos mensajes de la \nCasa de Justicia, pero realmente me encanta esta frase:\n«El contento y la moderación, la benevolencia y el sentimiento de \nconfraternidad, el sacrificio y la confianza en el Todopoderoso»\nson cualidades a las que debemos aspirar. Y esto se \nencuentra en un párrafo sobre la vida económica.\nDebo mencionar que este párrafo, \nla referencia al Huqúqu'lláh en este mensaje,\nes la primera vez en los 25 años desde que la \nCasa de Justicia puso en vigencia esta ley\na todo el mundo bahá'í, que ha habido \nuna referencia sustantiva a la ley\n\nSpanish: \nen un mensaje de la Casa Universal de Justicia \na los bahá'ís del mundo.\nMe parece muy significativo que en esta etapa, \nllamen nuestra atención a estos temas.\nAvanzando en el mensaje del 1° de marzo, \nhay otra afirmación muy interesante.\nDice: «Cuanto más numerosa sea la presencia de una \ncomunidad bahá’í en una población, mayor será\nsu responsabilidad de encontrar maneras de abordar \nlas causas profundas de la pobreza en su entorno».\nNotarán que en este mensaje no se menciona la caridad, \naunque Bahá'u'lláh ha ensalzado la caridad.\nÉl dijo que los ricos deberían preocuparse por los pobres. \nPero aquí la Casa de Justicia se refiere\na algo mucho más profundo: \nla transformación de la sociedad.\nEn comunidades donde los bahá'ís son lo suficientemente \nimportantes en la sociedad, en la comunidad,\nnecesitan reflexionar sobre las causas de la \npobreza y no solo abordar los síntomas.\n\nEnglish: \nin a message from the Universal House of Justice \nto the Baha'is of the world.\nI think it's very significant that at this stage \nthey are drawing our attention to these issues.\nNow, further on in the message of March 1, \nand again this is a very interesting statement,\nthey say, \"The larger the presence of a Baha'i community \nin a population, the greater its responsibility\nto find ways of addressing the root causes \nof the poverty in its surroundings.\"\nYou'll notice that there's no mention in this message \nof charity. Baha'u'llah has extolled charity.\nHe said that the rich should be concerned for the poor. \nBut what the House of Justice is talking about here\nis something much more profound. \nIt is a transformation of society.\nAnd in communities where the Baha'is are important \nenough in the society, in the community,\nthey need to be thinking about what are the causes \nof poverty, and not just addressing the symptoms\n\nEnglish: \nNow they say, \"Although the friends are at the \nearly stages of learning about such work\nand of contributing to the related discourses, \nthe community-building process of the 5-Year Plan\nis creating everywhere the ideal environment \nin which to accrue knowledge and experience,\ngradually but consistently, \nabout the higher purpose of economic activity.\nAgainst the background of the age-long work \nof erecting a divine civilization,\nmay this exploration become a more pronounced feature \nof community life, institutional thought\nand individual action \nin the years ahead.\"\nNow notice that the emphasis throughout the message \nis on a gradual learning process.\nI just selected some of the phrases here: \n\"deepening engagement with society,\" \"over time,\"\n\"evermore concentrated attention,\" \"early stages \nof learning, \"accrue knowledge and experience,\ngradually but consistently, \nin the years ahead.\"\n\nSpanish: \nAhora dice: «Aunque los amigos están en las \netapas iniciales del aprendizaje sobre esta labor\ny de contribuir a los discursos relacionados, el proceso de \nconstrucción de comunidad del Plan de Cinco Años\nestá creando en todas partes el ambiente ideal para \nreunir conocimiento y experiencia,\nde manera gradual pero continua, sobre el propósito \nsuperior de la actividad económica».\nEn el contexto de la labor perdurable de \nerigir una civilización divina,\nque esta exploración se convierta en una característica más marcada \nde la vida comunitaria, el pensamiento institucional\ny la acción individual \nen los años venideros».\nAhora noten que a lo largo del mensaje, el énfasis \nestá en un proceso de aprendizaje gradual.\nHe seleccionado algunas de las frases aquí: \n«profundizar el compromiso con la sociedad», «con el tiempo»\n«atención cada vez más concentrada», «primeras etapas de aprendizaje», \n«acumular conocimientos y experiencias»,\n«gradual pero constantemente», \nen «años venideros».\n\nSpanish: \nPor tanto, la Casa de Justicia no nos dice: \n«Tienen que hacer esto, dejen todo lo demás,\nesta es la prioridad urgente, \ny les ordenamos hacer esto». No.\nNo, se trata de un proceso de aprendizaje en el que \ndesean que participemos, y afirman claramente\nque requerirá bastante tiempo. \nHay mucho que aprender,\ny aún no sabemos cuáles serán los \nresultados de ese aprendizaje,\npero esto nos llevará con el tiempo al \norden mundial de Bahá'u'lláh.\nPara resumir, volvamos a esa \nfrase vital que señalaba antes,\ndonde hacen la transición de los sistemas a este \nproceso en el que estamos involucrados,\nclaramente no es de arriba hacia abajo. \nEs un proceso en el que todos estamos involucrados.\nNo hay mención en este mensaje de \neconomistas ni de expertos.\nNo esperamos a que alguien \nnos diga qué hacer.\nSe supone que debemos examinar nuestras \npropias circunstancias\n\nEnglish: \nSo the House of Justice is not telling us \"this is what \nyou have to do, now drop everything else,\nthis is the urgent priority, and this is what \nwe are telling you to do. No.\nNo, this is a process of learning that they want us to \nbegin engaging in, and that they are very clear\nwill take a considerable amount of time. \nWe have a lot of learning to do,\nand we don't know yet what \nthe outcome of that learning will be,\nbut that will carry us eventually \nto the world order of Baha'u'llah.\nHow just to summarize, to go back to that critical \nsentence that I was pointing out before,\nwhen they make the transition from systems \nto this process that we are engaged in,\nthis is clearly not a top-down image. \nIt is a process that we are all engaging in.\nThere's no mention in this message \nof economists or experts.\nWe don't wait around for somebody \nto tell us what to do.\nWe are supposed to be examining \nour own circumstances\n\nEnglish: \nand engaging in our own efforts in the \ncircumstances in which we find ourselves.\nIt's a learning process that the \nentire community is engaged in.\nOf course, structures \nwill need to change,\nsystems will need to change, \nbut the question to me is how.\nAnd as I mentioned, I've grown very cynical \nas a Baha'i. I mean, yes, as a Baha'i,\nbut also working in for many years for \nthe International Monetary Fund,\nworking on policy issues with governments, \nI've seen how many people have good ideas.\nThey see how the world should be improved, \nbut nothing happens.\nThere's no political will to make these \nimportant changes that are necessary.\nSo it seems to me not very satisfying, at least, \nto work on ideas that may in fact be very good\n\nSpanish: \ny realizar nuestros propios esfuerzos de \nacuerdo con nuestras circunstancias.\nEs un proceso de aprendizaje en el que \nparticipa toda la comunidad.\nPor supuesto, las estructuras \ntendrán que cambiar,\nlos sistemas deben cambiar, \npero para mí la pregunta es cómo.\nComo mencioné, me he vuelto un tanto cínico \ncomo bahá'í. Es decir, sí, como bahá'í,\npero también durante tantos años de trabajo \ncon el Fondo Monetario Internacional,\ntrabajando las políticas con los gobiernos, \nhe visto cuánta gente tiene buenas ideas.\nPerciben cómo debería mejorarse el \nmundo, pero no sucede nada.\nNo hay voluntad política para realizar los \ncambios importantes que son necesarios.\nPor lo tanto, me parece no muy satisfactorio, al menos, \ntrabajar sobre ideas, aunque de hecho pueden ser muy buenas\n\nSpanish: \ny útiles en algún momento del futuro, \npero nadie va a implementarlos ahora.\nConsiderando que las acciones de la comunidad bahá'í \nconstituyen un ejemplo para el resto del mundo,\nY uno puede comenzar a visualizar que ese ejemplo puede \ngradualmente comenzar a tener un efecto en los sistemas\ny en la voluntad de la humanidad de considerar y \naceptar los principios proclamados por Bahá'u'lláh.\nEntonces creo que la pregunta en definitiva es:\n«¿Qué vamos a hacer tú y yo, en nuestras comunidades bahá'ís\npara responder a este llamado de \nla Casa Universal de Justicia?»\nGracias.\nGracias Greg, me tomaste por sorpresa. \nEstaba pensando en lo que decías,\ny de repente habías terminado.\n¡Muchas gracias! Fue una presentación fascinante\ny tengo un par de pensamientos \ny preguntas propias.\n\nEnglish: \nand may be helpful, at some point in the future, \nbut nobody is going to implement them now,\nwhereas the actions of the Baha'i community \nare building an example for the world to follow,\nand that example, one can now begin to visualize, \ncan gradually have an effect on the systems\nand the willingness of humanity to consider and accept \nthe principles that are proclaimed by Baha'u'llah.\nSo I think the the final question here is,\nwhat are you and I, and our Baha'i communities\ngoing to do to respond to this call from \nthe Universal House of Justice.\nThank you.\nThanks Greg, you caught me by surprise. \nI was pondering what you were saying,\nand oh, he's finished!\nThank you so much!\nThis was a fascinating presentation\nand it stimulated a couple of \nthoughts and questions of my own.\n\nEnglish: \nLet me see if we have any others. \nWe don't have any other questions yet,\nbut I think some are probably going to come.\nRegarding this term ekklesia, by the way,\nI think was the term that the Athenians \nused for their town meetings,\nwhen they called out the voters.\n--Yes.\nThat's my understanding. \nSo it's easily translated directly by the word assembly\nin the general sense in English. \nThat's my understanding of that term.\nIt may be congregation if you're talking about religion, \nbut it's definitely the people, not the institutions.\nYes, exactly, yeah. It really is. It really is the calling \nforth of the voters in the town meeting, basically.\nNow, regarding Thomas Piketty, \nthat was a question I was going to ask you,\nbecause I think it illustrates some of \nthe issues that we're trying to figure out,\nhow to deal with some of the spiritual principles. \nI'll call it the \"cheaper by the dozen\" dilemma,\n\nSpanish: \nDéjame ver si hay otras. No tenemos \nninguna otra pregunta todavía,\npero creo que algunos probablemente vendrán.\nEn relación con el término Ekklesia,\ncreo que fue el nombre que los atenienses \ndieron a sus reuniones municipales,\ncuando llamaban a los votantes.\n--Sí.\nEsa es mi comprensión. Por lo tanto, fácilmente \nse traduce por la palabra asamblea\nen su sentido general. \nEse es mi entendimiento del término.\nPuede ser congregación si se habla de religión, \npero en definitiva se refiere a personas, no a instituciones.\nSí, exactamente. Así es. Básicamente es el \nllamado a los votantes a una asamblea del pueblo.\nAhora, tenía una pregunta con \nrespecto a Thomas Piketty.\nCreo que ilustra algunos de los \ntemas que intentamos resolver,\ncómo entender algunos principios espirituales. \nLo llamaré el dilema de «más barato por docena»,\n\nSpanish: \nque cuanto más compras, más barato es por artículo, \nsimplemente porque el trabajo de empaquetarlas\nes un poco menor, la escala de \nfabricación es un poco mayor.\nEntonces, inevitablemente, los más adinerados \npueden comprar cantidades mayores,\ny obtenerlo a un precio más bajo. Las grandes \nciudades, con sus economías mayores,\npueden obtener productos a menor costo que las aldeas rurales.\nY me pregunto cómo superar este dilema...\nBien, no es exactamente un sesgo, \nsino algo natural, tal vez una ley económica,\nque cuesta menos envolver dos \nartículos a la vez que uno solo.\nCuesta menos hacer dos sándwiches \na la vez que hacer uno solo.\nY me parece que en cierto sentido es el \neje de las observaciones de Piketty.\n\nEnglish: \nthat the more you buy, the cheaper it is per item, \nsimply because the work of packing them\nis a little less, the manufacturing scale \nis a little better.\nSo inevitably wealthier people who are in the position \nto buy larger quantities of things\ncan get them at a cheaper rate, \nand cities with their larger economic engines\ncan get things in some sense more cheaply \nper item than a little rural village.\nSo I'm wondering how we offset \nthis inevitable... Well,\nit's not exactly a bias or anything. It's just sort of natural, \nor you might say an economic law,\nthat it's simply cheaper to wrap two things \nat once than it is to wrap one.\nYou know, it's cheaper to make two sandwiches \nat the same time than to make one.\nAnd it seems to me that in some sense \nis the heart of Piketty's observation.\n\nSpanish: \nEscuché todo el libro mientras conducía. \n--¡Vaya, manejas mucho!\n¡Fue un viaje largo! \n15 horas de Indiana, a Toronto\ny manejé parte del camino de Indiana a Florida y de vuelta.\nPero me parece que de alguna manera es, en pocas palabras,\nes parte de la observación de Piketty. \nEs un problema sin fin. ¿Cómo lo compensamos?\nSí, es una pregunta económica muy interesante, \npero en realidad, si lo miramos desde más atrás,\nA eso se refería \nStephen Marglin,\nQue nuestra sociedad está estructurada \npara favorecer a los ricos.\nY esto no es nada nuevo. Los seres humanos \nhan estado explotando a otros seres humanos\na lo largo de la historia, y probablemente sea \nmejor ahora que en el tiempo de los reyes y zares.\n\nEnglish: \nI listened to the entire book while I was driving. \n--Wow, you drive a lot!\nIt was a long time! 15 hours, I think, \nis the drive to Toronto from Indiana,\nand part of a drive to Florida from Indiana and back.\nBut that seems to me in a way is, in a nutshell,\npart of Pikkety's observation. It's an eternal issue.\nAnd, I mean, how do we compensate for that?\nYes, there's a very interesting economic question there, \nbut actually, if you step back,\nand this was the kind of thing \nStephen Marglin was talking about,\nthe society that we live in \nis very much structured to favor the rich.\nAnd that's nothing new. You know, human beings \nhave been exploiting other human beings\nas long as we can remember, and it's probably better \nnow than it was in the era of kings and czars, etc.\n\nEnglish: \nI don't know, I mean that's an academic question, \nbut I think there are many dimensions here\nto the way in which the world has evolved \nto be a world that is not equitable,\nto use the the word of the \nHouse of Justice.\nAnd whether it is built into this particular \neconomic system is not the central question.\nThe central question is whether \nwe as individuals,\nthe way the House of Justice is framing it, \nif we look at our own circumstances\nand think about these things, and see whether \nthere's something that we can do in our lives,\nstarting, of course, with trying to act \nwith honesty, integrity and generosity,\nbut moving beyond that to empathy and concern \nand living in a community,\nand understanding the issues of \nother people in the community,\nand trying to help in whatever way we can, \nand building a fabric of community,\nwhich can begin to address at least some \nof these immediate problems,\n\nSpanish: \nNo sé, es una pregunta académica, \npero creo que tiene muchas dimensiones,\ndebido a que el mundo ha evolucionado de manera inequitativa, \ncomo dice la Casa de Justicia.\nLa pregunta central no es si es parte integral \nde este sistema económico en particular,\nsino si nosotros, \ncomo individuos, reflejamos\nlo que dice la Casa de Justicia, considerando\nnuestras propias circunstancias\ny reflexionando sobre estos asuntos, para ver si \nhay algo que podamos hacer en nuestras vidas,\ncomenzando, obviamente, con tratar de actuar con \nhonestidad, integridad y generosidad,\ny más aún, con empatía y preocupación por \notros, viviendo en comunidad,\nentendiendo los problemas \nde otros en la comunidad,\ntratando de ayudar de cualquier manera que podamos, \ny formando un tejido comunitario,\nque pueda comenzar a abordar al menos \nalgunos de estos problemas inmediatos,\n\nEnglish: \nand the more I think about it, the more I think, \nand this is something I talk about in my article,\nthat what we think of as completely \ndifferent kinds of Bahá'í Teachings,\nlike overcoming prejudices, including people of all \ndifferent kinds in our life and in our community, etc.,\nare probably more important than\nthese technical questions.\nIn other words, I suspect, and this is why I hope that \nsome Baha'is will get into the field of economics\nand study these questions, I suspect that a lot of \nthe problems we have with unemployment,\nand the decisions that are made by industries \nabout how to structure themselves,\nand where to locate, and so forth, are not taking \ninto account these questions of community\nand the responsibility that people have for other \nhuman beings. And this is a very interesting field.\nI mean there are a lot of things to be studied. \nYou can look at different kinds of enterprises.\nI don't want to mention names in this forum, \nbut there are some that are famous for being mean,\n\nSpanish: \nCuanto más lo pienso, \ncomo digo en mi artículo,\nque algunas Enseñanzas bahá'ís que no \nparecerían tener ninguna relación,\ncomo la superación de los prejuicios, la inclusión de todo tipo \nde gente en nuestra vida y en nuestra comunidad, etc.,\nprobablemente son más importantes que\nestas cuestiones técnicas.\nEn otras palabras, espero que algunos \nbahá'ís sigan carreras en la economía\ny estudien estas cuestiones, porque sospecho \nque muchos problemas actuales de desempleo,\ndecisiones que toman las industrias \nsobre cómo estructurarse,\ndónde ubicarse, etc., no toman en cuenta \nestas cuestiones de comunidad\ny la responsabilidad que cada uno tiene por otros \nseres humanos. Es un campo muy interesante.\nQuiero decir que hay muchos aspectos que estudiar. \nSe puede analizar diferentes tipos de empresas.\nNo quiero mencionar nombres en este foro, \npero algunas son infames por su mal comportamiento\n\nSpanish: \ny por no tratar bien a sus empleados, y otras son \nfamosos por su espíritu de trabajo en equipo.\nEsto es algo que enfatiza 'Abdu'l-Bahá, que los propietarios \ny los trabajadores deberían verse a sí mismos\ncomo parte de un mismo proceso. Creo que esto \nlleva nuestro análisis en otra dirección.\nY nuevamente, como dijo Stephen Marglin en su título, \npensar como economista no fortalece el sentido de comunidad.\n--Interesante.\n--Piketty es economista,\ny su propuesta al final es una \nsolución economicista:\ngravar más a los ricos; pero entonces \nqué hacemos con ese dinero?\ngran parte del dinero disponible para ayudar a la \ngente en el mundo no llega a esas personas,\no no es eficaz, así que no llega\na la raíz de los problemas, creo yo.\nSí, es un buen punto respecto \na Piketty, y... sí.\n--Ahora sí tenemos muchas preguntas. \n--Muy bien.\nLlegan rápidamente. \nExcelente.\n\nEnglish: \nand not treating their employees well, and others \nthat are famous for their spirit of working together,\nwhich is something that 'Abdu'l-Bahá emphasizes, \nthat owners and workers should see themselves\nas part of one process. So I think that takes \none's thinking into a very different direction.\nAnd again, as Stephen Marglin said in his title, \nthinking like an economist is not helpful to community.\n--That's interesting.\n--Piketty is an economist,\nand what he proposes at the end \nis very much an economist's solution,\nthat we should tax the rich more, \nbut what we do is the money is another question.\na lot of the money that's available for helping people \nin the world doesn't get to those people,\nor it's not effective, so it's not getting\nto the root of the problems, I think.\nYeah, that's a very good point about Piketty, \nand... yeah.\n--We have a zillion questions now. \n--Okay, good\nPouring in, which is excellent.\n\nSpanish: \nRamtin señala que la palabra más común \npara justicia en árabe es \"adl\",\nPor ejemplo, \"Beit'ul Adl\" \nsignifica “Casa de Justicia”,\nÉl dice que significa \"moderación\". \nEse es su comentario.\n--Interesante.\n--Jeanette Foreman pregunta:\n«Si un bahá'í tiene interés ​en apoyar a proyectos de \ndesarrollo socioeconómico de inspiración bahá’í,\nen dónde podría encontrar \noportunidades de servicio?»\nBueno, supongo que podrías preguntar a tu \nAsamblea Espiritual Local o Nacional,\ny ellos podrían remitir tu pregunta. Está la \nOficina de Desarrollo Social y Económico\nen el Centro Mundial, que conoce lo que hay, \npero en el mundo actual hay tantos adelantos,\nque tal vez se pueden \nbuscar por Internet.\nen nuestra comunidad, estamos \njunto a la Escuela Townsend.\nMuchos jóvenes querían \ndar un año de servicio,\ny nos preguntaban lo mismo, pero no conocemos \nlo que sucede en todo el mundo,\n\nEnglish: \nRamtin notes that the word for justice, \nliterally in Arabic, that's commonly used, is \"adl\",\nwhich is also, of course, \n\"Beit'ul Adl\" is House of Justice,\nwhich he says means \"moderation.\" \nSo that's his comment there.\n--Interesting.\n--Jeanette Foreman asks,\nWhere could Baha'is who might be interested in \nworking with Baha'i-inspired\nsocial and economic development projects \nlook for work opportunities.\nWell, I suppose you could approach your \nlocal or national spiritual assembly,\nand they might refer the question. \nThere is the Office of Social and Economic Development\nat the World Center, that is aware of what's happening, \nbut in today's world there's so many things going on,\nthat maybe you have to do an \nInternet search or something.\nin our community here, \nwe're right next to the Townsend School\nwe had a lot of young people who wanted to do \na year of service or something like that,\nand they keep asking this question, but we don't know \nall the things that are happening around the world,\n\nSpanish: \nasí que cada uno tiene que \nbuscar por su cuenta, creo yo.\nKate dice así: «»La última pregunta \nde Greg fue muy buena.\nComo recién casados, hemos comenzado el \nejercicio de examinar nuestras finanzas,\npara diferenciar entre nuestras \nnecesidades versus meros deseos,\ny recordarnos lo que dijo \nsobre el consumismo.\nAsí que mi pregunta tiene dos partes. Primero, qué consejos prácticos \nnos puede dar en nuestra circunstancia específica como recién casados,\ny segundo, ¿de qué manera nuestra aplicación personal de \nestas leyes y principios tendrá un impacto en la sociedad?»\nBueno, en cuanto a la primera parte, \nno puedo asegurarlo,\n\nEnglish: \nso people have to \ndo their own research, I think.\nKate says this: Greg's final question \nwas a very good one.\nWe, a newly married couple, have started \nthe exercise of examining our finances,\nlooking into what we need \nversus what we want,\nand reminding ourselves of the point made \nin the talk about consumerism.\nSo this is a two-part question. First, any practical advice \nfor us in our specific circumstances as newlyweds,\nand second, how do you think that our personal \napplication of these laws and principles\nwill effect an impact on society\nWell, the first part of that, \nand this is not an authoritative source,\n\nEnglish: \nbut I've heard that there's a book of the Ruhi Institute \nthat will address some of these questions\nand it apparently has been postponed because of the \nimportance, first, of the Covenant,\nand now book 10, dealing with the very important \nquestion of accompaniment, and so forth,\nbut I wouldn't be surprised if we do at some point \nhave a book in the sequence\nthat will be very helpful for people. As I pointed out \nin this presentation and the message of 2015,\nthe House mentions that even in our personal finances, \nwe should try to think of the Baha'i principles that apply.\nThey haven't emphasized this in the past,\nbut the community is maturing,\nand also in relation to the law of Huqúq'u'llah, \nwe're having to make this a more mainstream part\nof our Baha'i experience.\nAnd in that regard, there are some communities \nwhere groups of people,\n\nSpanish: \npero he oído que habrá un libro del Instituto Ruhi \nque abordará algunas de estas preguntas.\nParece que fue pospuesto debido a la importancia \nprimordial de la Alianza,\ny ahora el Libro 10, que trata el tema tan \nimportante del acompañamiento, etc.\nNo me sorprendería que en algún momento \ntengamos un libro en la secuencia.\nSerá muy útil. Como se señaló en esta \npresentación y en el mensaje de 2015,\nla Casa menciona que incluso en nuestras finanzas personales, \ndebemos preguntarnos qué principios bahá'ís se aplican.\nNo habían enfatizado esto en el pasado,\npero la comunidad está madurando,\ny también en relación con la ley del Huqúqu'lláh, \ndebemos hacerlo una parte más central\nde nuestra vida como bahá'ís.\nEn ese sentido, hay comunidades \ndonde grupos de personas,\n\nSpanish: \npor ejemplo, jóvenes que comienzan su vida \ny reflexionan sobre estos temas,\nen esta etapa tan importante en la vida, \nse reúnen y consultan sobre estos temas\nen un ambiente de tipo Ruhi, \nleyendo la guía disponible,\ny les ayuda mucho el intercambiar \nexperiencias con otros.\n¿Cuál fue la segunda pregunta?\nLa segunda mitad de la pregunta: \n¿Cómo cree usted que nuestra aplicación personal\nde estas leyes y principios logrará\ntener un impacto en la sociedad?\nBueno, no lo sabemos, pero analizamos esto \nen grupos, y mucha gente tiene historias\nsobre su aplicación de los principios,\ny sin darse cuenta,\ntuvieron un tremendo impacto en otra persona.\n--Sí.\nCreo que al tratar de vivir de acuerdo con \nlas Enseñanzas bahá'ís, automáticamente\nsi tenemos éxito, nos distinguiremos \nde la masa de la humanidad\ny eso atrae atención.\n--Sí.\nConozco algunos bahá'ís, por ejemplo, que \nfueron contratados para puestos muy importantes\n\nEnglish: \nfor instance young people who are starting out in life \nand are thinking about these issues,\nit's a very important time of life, \nthey gather together and discuss these issues\nin a Ruhi-type environment, \nand read the guidance we have,\nand it's very helpful for them to \nshare each other's experience\nWhat was the second question?\nThe second half of the question: \nHow do you think that our personal application\nof these laws and principles will effect\nan impact on society?\nWell, we don't know, but we discuss this in groups, \npeople very often have stories\nabout how somebody did something that,\nthey might not have even been aware of,\nthat had a tremendous impact on somebody else.\n--Yes.\nI think that by trying to live according to \nthe Baha'i Teachings, we will automatically\nif we have any success, be distinguishing ourselves \nfrom the great mass of people out there\nand that does attract attention.\n--Yes.\nI know Baha'is, for example, who have been asked \nto serve in very important positions\n\nEnglish: \nbecause nobody honest could be found, \nother than the Baha'i, to do that work.\nOccasionally you need somebody honest.\n--Yes.\nSo one doesn't know what opportunities will open,\nor what the impact might be, and you might never know.\nBut if you make your best effort to apply the Teachings, \nsurely there will be an effect.\nAnd of course there's the cumulative effect \nthat the House of Justice is describing,\nthat as the community grows and it becomes more visible, \nour attention is attracted to that,\nbecause it's so different, \nand that clearly has a big effect.\nThere are many stories of the \njunior youth program activities, for instance,\nand how they attract a lot of attention \nbecause it's so completely different\nfrom what people see elsewhere.\n--That's true.\nLet's see. Jeanette asks this question: \nwhat are your thoughts on cryptocurrencies?\n\nSpanish: \nporque no se encontraba a nadie honesto, \naparte de un bahá'í, para desempeñar esa función.\nA veces hace falta alguien incorruptible.\n--Sí.\nAsí que no se sabe qué oportunidades se abrirán,\no cuál será el impacto, y posiblemente nunca se sepa.\nPero si hacemos el mayor esfuerzo por aplicar \nlas Enseñanzas, seguramente habrá un efecto.\nY está el efecto acumulativo que \ndescribe la Casa de Justicia,\nque conforme crece la comunidad y se \nvuelve más visible, atrae atención\nporque es tan diferente, que claramente \ntiene un gran efecto.\nHay muchas historias de las actividades \ndel programa de prejóvenes,\nque ha atraído mucha atención \nporque es tan diferente\nde lo que se ve en otros lugares.\n--Cierto.\nVeamos. Jeanette pregunta: \n«¿Qué piensa usted de las criptomonedas?\n\nEnglish: \n--Any thoughts about cryptocurrencies? \n--Very cryptic!\nNo, it's a very interesting technology,\nbut it's extremely speculative,\nat the present time, anyway. \nI don't want to say more about it.\nWe'll move on to another one. \nKayla says,\nWhat do you think about the Baha'i principle \nof a world currency?\nIt's hard to imagine when such a currency will develop, \nwhen so much of international commerce depends\non the difference in currency values and a country's \nability to devalue or increase the value of its currency.\nWell, that's actually a very interesting subject \nthat I've studied in the past,\nthe whole question of what regions should have \na single currency, and when they shouldn't.\nBut as the House of Justice mentioned in this message, \nthis is one element that we know\nthe future Baha'i World Commonwealth will have a \nsingle currency, also a single universal language,\nand world authorities that will regulate the \neconomic relations in the world\n\nSpanish: \n¿Alguna idea sobre las criptomonedas?» \n--Una pregunta muy críptica!\nEs una tecnología muy interesante,\npero extremadamente especulativa,\nal menos por ahora. \nNo quisiera comentar más al respecto.\nPasemos a otra pregunta. \nKayla dice:\n«¿Qué piensa usted del principio \nbahá’í de una moneda mundial?\nEs difícil imaginar cómo se desarrollará la moneda mundial, \nya que gran parte del comercio internacional depende\nde la diferencia en los valores de la moneda y la capacidad \nde cada país para devaluar o aumentar el valor de su moneda.»\nBueno, en realidad es un tema muy interesante, \nque he investigado en el pasado,\ntoda la cuestión de cuáles regiones \ndeberían tener una moneda única y cuáles no.\nPero como menciona la Casa de Justicia \nen este mensaje, sabemos que\nla mancomunidad mundial del futuro tendrá una \nmoneda única, como también un idioma universal,\ny autoridades mundiales que regularán \nlas relaciones económicas del mundo\n\nEnglish: \nbut how we get from here to there is anybody's guess.\n--Right\nI would be very interested if it happens in my lifetime \nbecause it's a professional interest to me as a subject.\nBut it depends on many other things, and frankly I think, \nand many other economists feel this way,\nthat the EU was premature in implementing the Euro, \nbecause other institutions were not put in place\nthat are really very important \nfor maintaining a single currency.\nSo it's not a simple idea, like having passwords \nthat are all the same color or something.\nIt's much more profound.\n--Yes, as we've seen with the problems in Greece\nand then almost in Italy, Spain, Portugal and Iceland, \nwell Iceland's not part of that, but you know,\nand the whole idea of doing a single currency for, \nsay, the southern end of South America\nor again, if the economies are quite disparate, \nit could be quite difficult.\nOn the other hand it's interesting to note, \nprobably many of you are in the United States,\nand there's a lot of focus on \nthe divisions in American society,\n\nSpanish: \npero nadie sabe cómo llegaremos a ese punto.\n--Cierto.\nMe interesaría mucho si sucede durante mi vida, \nporque es de interés profesional para mí.\nPero depende de muchos factores. Francamente pienso, \ny muchos economistas concuerdan,\nque la Unión Europea implementó el Euro de manera prematura, \nporque no existían las otras instituciones\nque son vitales para \nsostener una moneda única.\nNo es tan sencillo como tener contraseñas \ndel mismo color o algo así.\nEs mucho más complejo.\n--Sí, como hemos visto con los problemas en Grecia\ny luego casi en Italia, España, Portugal e Islandia, \nbueno, Islandia no es parte de eso, pero ya sabes,\ny la idea de tener una moneda única \npara, digamos, el Mercosur.\nPero si las economías son muy dispares, \nes bastante difícil.\nPor otro lado es interesante, para los \nestadounidenses que nos escuchan,\na pesar de las muchas divisiones \nen la sociedad estadounidense,\n\nSpanish: \nel hecho de que la unión tenga una sola moneda, \ny que se puede ir a cualquier estado para trabajar,\nque básicamente tienen el mismo sistema jurídico, \nlos estadounidenses saben que\nno es tan importante si están en\nMassachusetts o en Nuevo México.\nLo importante es que están en Estados Unidos.\n--Cierto.\nLa mayoría de europeos no sienten eso, \ntal vez los jóvenes más que las personas mayores.\npero es una característica \nmuy importante de los Estados Unidos,\nque los estadounidenses deberían conocer y apreciar. \n–-Correcto, y no siempre comprendemos o apreciamos\nlas dificultades que tienen los estados \nmenos avanzados económicamente,\nporque no tienen su propia moneda y \nno pueden hacer ajustes fiscales.\nIncluso dentro de Estados Unidos, Mississippi y Alabama están \nen desventaja en relación con los estados más ricos,\npor el hecho de que no pueden cambiar \nel valor de sus monedas, supuestamente.\n\nEnglish: \nbut the fact that the country has one currency, \nand that you can move anywhere in the country to work,\nand it's basically the same legal system, \nthat's based on the feeling that Americans have,\nthat is not so important if you're in\nMassachusetts or in New Mexico.\nWhat's important is that you're in the United States.\n--Right.\nthat's not a feeling that most Europeans have, \nalthough it's more among youth and older people.\nbut it's a really very important feature \nof the United States\nthat Americans should value and understand. \n--Right, and we also don't always\nunderstand or appreciate the difficulties that \nsome of the more economically challenged states have,\nbecause they don't have their own currency and \nthey're not in the position to make adjustments, too.\nEven within the United States, Mississippi and Alabama \nare disadvantaged relative to some wealthier states,\nbecause of the fact that they can't change \nthe value of their currencies, presumably.\n\nSpanish: \nDe hecho, he oído que la diferencia de ingresos \nentre los estados más ricos y más pobres\nde Estados Unidos es similar a Grecia con los \nestados más ricos del norte de Europa.\nPodría ser, pero si hay un desastre, \npor ejemplo en Louisiana,\nnadie se opone si el gobierno federal pone \ndinero para enfrentar la emergencia.\nEn otras palabras, hay un sentimiento común en el país, \nque es un importante para la igualación,\naparte del hecho de que tiene una moneda \núnica y un solo sistema jurídico, etc.\nBarsha hace una pregunta muy interesante:\n«¿La economía bahá'í favorece la localización o la globalización?»\nLos participantes en esta sesión parecen \nestar muy interesados ​​en economía,\nmás que en la cuestión de aumentar la empatía, \nla construcción de comunidad, etc.\n\nEnglish: \nIn fact I, think I've heard that the difference of the \nincome between the wealthier and less wealthy states\nwithin the United States isn't all that different from \nGreece and the wealthier states in northern Europe.\nIt could be, but if there's a disaster, \nfor example in Louisiana,\nnobody would object if the federal government \nprovides money to help address the disaster.\nIn other words, there's a common feeling in the country, \nthat's an important mechanism for equalization,\naside from the fact that it's a single currency \nand a single legal system and so on.\nBarsha asks a very interesting question: would\nBaha'i economics favor localization versus globalization?\nThe participants in this session seem to be \nvery interested in economics,\nrather than in the question of raising empathy \nand community building, and so on.\n\nSpanish: \nNo lo veo así. Creo que se trata de una dicotomía falsa.\nNo lo veo como lo uno o lo otro.\nDe hecho, aquí en Europa, por ejemplo, no hay razón \npara no comprar uvas de Chile, si queremos\no arándanos cuando aquí no están de temporada, \nademás de los productos locales.\nCreo que no hace falta establecer \ndivisiones falsas al respecto.\nFue fascinante. Mi hija estudia en Londres, \ndonde conocí a una señora\nque se mudaba allá, no sé si de Pakistán \no la India u otro lugar.\nEstaba emocionada por el mercado que ocupaba \ntoda una calle a pocas cuadras de distancia,\ncada sábado me parece, donde podía conseguir \ncualquier cosa de los vendedores.\nY muchos eran productos locales. \nCuando vivía en Washington,\n\nEnglish: \nI don't see that, again, I think it's a false dichotomy.\nI don't see that as one or the other. In fact,\nthere's no reason why we can't benefit from, for instance, \nhere in Europe, having grapes that come from Chile,\nor blueberries when they're not in season here, \nif we want, and also buying the local produce.\nI think we're setting up false divisions there, \nwhich don't need to exist.\nI was fascinated. My daughter is studying in London, \nand I met a lady on the street when we were there.\nShe was just moving in there, I don't know, \nfrom Pakistan or India or someplace.\nAnd she was so excited by the market \nthat occupied a whole street a few blocks away,\nevery Saturday or something something like that, \nwhere you could go get anything from the vendors.\nAnd a lot of that is local produce. \nWhen I was living in Washington,\n\nSpanish: \nEstaba feliz de poder comprar productos de \nun agricultor de Pennsylvania.\nLos vendía en la calle. Me fascinó que los huevos \ncostaban menos que en los grandes supermercados.\n¡Huevos de corral! Las ideas preconcebidas de los economistas, \nde que es un sistema ineficiente, simplemente no tienen fundamento.\n--Bueno, si se eliminan los intermediarios... \n--Exactamente. Y es mucho más divertido comprarle al granjero.\nDe acuerdo. Y en Europa, las frutas y verduras\nsaben mucho mejor que en Estados Unidos.\n--Sí. La gente es mucho más escogedora. \n--Que bien. Que bien.\nBetty pregunta... hay que bajar bastante porque es larga. \n«La Casa de Justicia dice que en el año 2021,\nterminarán los planes nacionales y mundiales que fueron \nparte de la vida bahá'í desde la década de 1930.\nMe pregunto qué significa esto.\n¿Cree usted que los principios, problemas y desafíos\n\nEnglish: \nI was very happy to buy vegetables and things \nfrom a farmer who came from Pennsylvania\nand sold them on the street. It fascinated me that \nhis eggs were cheaper than in the big supermarket.\nFree-range eggs! So the preconceptions of economists \nthat it's an inefficient system just doesn't hold.\n--Well, if you eliminate a lot of middlemen... \n--Exactly. It's much more fun to buy from the farmer.\nYeah I agree. And in Europe, the fruits and vegetables\ntaste much better than in the United States, too.\n--Yes. People are much fussier. \n--That's good. That's good.\nBetty asks... I'll move down a bit because hers is long. \nThe House of Justice says that in 2021,\nthe national and global plans that have been \npart of Baha'i life since the 1930s will end.\nAnd I've been pondering what that means.\nDo you think that the principles, issues and challenges\n\nEnglish: \nraised in this 1 March 2017 letter point the way to \nnew challenges that move us further along the arc\nof the future world order?\nI have a feeling from the messages of the House \nof Justice, having been a Baha'i for a long time,\nthat the level of urgency has increased.\n--Yes.\nThere have been times in the past \nwhen things were very serious,\nwe had a very urgent tone from the House of Justice, \nbut now as we get to the end of this 25-year period,\nthere is definitely a sense of urgency. I don't know, \nand I don't know if the House knows,\nwhether this means there will be turmoil in the world, \nor great disruptions or challenges facing the world.\nIt's very important at the Baha'i community be bigger \nand stronger and demonstrating a Baha'i way of life\nwhen that time comes, because that will greatly increase \nthe opportunities. I don't know, but it's possible.\n\nSpanish: \nplanteados en la carta del 1° de marzo de 2017, señalan el \ncamino hacia nuevos desafíos que nos adelantarán por el arco\nhacia el futuro orden mundial?»\nSiendo bahá'í de muchos años, me parece que \nlos mensajes de la Casa de Justicia,\ntienen un mayor sentido de urgencia.\n--Sí.\nHubo momentos en el pasado cuando \nla situación era muy grave,\ny el tono de la Casa de Justicia era muy urgente, \npero ahora que llegamos al final de este período de 25 años,\ndefinitivamente hay un sentido de urgencia. \nNo lo sé, y tampoco sé si la Casa sabe,\nsi esto significa que habrá disturbios en el mundo, \no grandes trastornos o desafíos.\nEs muy importante en la comunidad bahá'í crezca y se \nfortalezca para ejemplificar un estilo de vida bahá'í\ncuando llegue el momento, porque eso aumentará en gran \nmedida las oportunidades. No lo sé, pero es posible.\n\nSpanish: \nEn cualquier caso, sabemos que debemos trabajar mucho ahora. \nLlegaremos al 2021 pronto y entonces veremos.\nAunque puede ser, porque han visto esto \ncomo una especie de ciclo,\npuede ser que cambie el énfasis. \nComo vemos en este mensaje,\nel énfasis ha cambiado mucho en relación con la vida \neconómica respecto a cómo era hace algunas décadas,\ny posiblemente la Casa avance aún más \nen esa dirección. Ya veremos.\nSí, entiendo que los planes no van a terminar, \nsino que el ciclo actual termina en el 2021.\ny después nos proyectaríamos \nal 2063, unos 32 años más,\nQue podría ser el próximo bloque de tiempo, \no al 2044, que sería 23 años,\nporque a menudo aprovechan años importantes \npara determinar el ritmo de los ciclos.\n\nEnglish: \nIn any case, we know that we have to work hard now. \nWe'll get to 2021 quickly enough, and will find out.\nAlthough it may be, because they've \nseen this as some kind of a cycle,\nit may be that the emphasis will change. \nAs we see in this message,\nthe emphasis has changed a lot in relation to economic \nlife compared to what it was some decades ago,\nand the House may may move further \nin those directions. We'll see.\nYeah, I haven't gotten this sense that the plans were \ngoing to end, just that this particular cycle ends in 2021.\nand then we'd project into the future to perhaps 2063, \nwhich would be 32 more years,\nand that might be that next block of time that they \nwill look at, or till 2044, which would be 23 years,\nbecause they often will use these major events \nto determine the rhythm of things.\n\nEnglish: \nSo we may very well find ourselves\nin another era with another set of goals.\nNo doubt a continuation of the goals we're working on now, \nto clean them up and implement them better.\nPaul Lample mentioned, and I think it was a talk \nin Wilmette, he was saying he reads the newspapers,\nlike I do and the Guardian did, and he gets discouraged \nevery morning, but this reminds us as Baha'is\nthat the old world order is reaching its goals \nmuch faster than we expected.\nNamely, it's falling apart faster than we expected, \nand therefore we have to work harder on our goals.\nand I think that's the principle operating here. \n--Yes, that's true.\nPaul Mantle, not Lample, makes this comment: \nThe 19-Day Feast seems to be a key institution\nfor addressing learning about economics, \nso have you any thoughts about the role of the Feast?\n\nSpanish: \nEntonces podríamos encontrarnosen otra época \ncon otro conjunto de objetivos.\ny tal vez una continuación de las metas \nactuales, para perfeccionarlas.\nEn una charla en Wilmette, Paul Lample \nmencionó que él lee los periódicos,\ncomo lo hacía el Guardián, y se siente desanimado \ncada mañana, pero esto nos recuerda como bahá'ís\nque el viejo orden mundial está alcanzando sus \nobjetivos mucho más rápido de lo que esperábamos.\nEs decir, se está desmoronando más rápido de lo que esperábamos, \ny por lo tanto debemos trabajar más duro en nuestros objetivos.\nCreo que ese es el principio que opera aquí. \n--Sí, cierto.\nPaul Mantle, no Lample, hace este comentario: \n«La Fiesta de 19 Días parece ser una institución clave\npara abordar el aprendizaje sobre la economía. \n¿Tiene alguna idea sobre el rol de la Fiesta?»\n\nSpanish: \nNo estoy seguro a qué se refiere, aparte de que hay \nuna parte material donde comemos manjares,\ny una parte espiritual...\npero creo que la idea de la Casa de Justicia\ny la visión de 'Abdu'l-Bahá para la comunidad \nva mucho más allá de las reuniones agradables\ndonde la gente sonríe y se siente feliz juntos. Significa que \nnuestras vidas estén mucho más interrelacionadas.\nTal vez que nuestros hijos jueguen juntos, \na qué escuela asisten, en qué empresas nos involucramos,\na quiénes empleamos, etc., muchas dimensiones que dependen \nde que reflexionemos e intentemos aplicarlas en nuestras vidas.\nInteresante. Hay una gran cantidad de \ncomentarios que no sé cómo tratar.\nTodd dice: «Su charla apoya la idea de una \nsolución espiritual a los problemas económicos,\nla realidad espiritual del hombre, el preocuparse por los demás \ny la participación en el desarrollo social y económico.\n\nEnglish: \nI'm not sure what he has in mind, other than that there's a material part where we eat nice things,\nand a spiritual part...\nbut I think that what the House of Justice,\nand the vision that 'Abdu'l-Bahá had of the community \ngoes much beyond nice gatherings\nwhere people are smiling and happy together. \nIt means our lives being much more interrelated.\nMaybe our children playing together, the school they go to, \nthe businesses that we are involved in,\nwho we employ, etc., many dimensions that are up to us \nto think about and to try to apply in our lives.\nInteresting. There's a large number of comments here\nthat I don't know what to make of.\nTodd says your talk supports the idea of a \nspiritual solution to economic problems,\nthe spiritual reality of man, caring for others, \nand participating in social and economic development.\n\nEnglish: \nA question just asked about \nsocial and economic development projects:\nI have one in Central Mexico in Guanajuato. \n--Guanajuato, yes.\nSo a comment again about the spiritual reality \nof human beings and helping each other,\nwhich is probably one of the key ingredients \nin economic life, it seems to me.\nThe Baha'i approach to economic life. \n--Very good, yes.\nLet's see. Helda says, what will philanthropy look like \nfrom the perspective of the Bahá'í Teachings?\nCurrently it is supported by investment companies \nin the financial sector,\nwhich resembles more and more large-scale gambling. \nI work in education which is notoriously underfunded,\nand have to deal with grants. How would \nphilanthropy be different from a Baha'i perspective?\nI've wondered that too. If we have fewer rich people, \nwe've got fewer rich donors to give, say,\n\nSpanish: \nHubo una pregunta sobre proyectos de \ndesarrollo social y económico:\nTengo uno en México central, en Guanajuato». \n--Guanajuato, sí.\nOtro comentario sobre la realidad espiritual \ndel ser humano y el ayudarse unos a otros,\nque es probablemente uno de los ingredientes \nclave de la vida económica, me parece.\nEl enfoque bahá'í a la vida económica. \n--Muy bien, sí.\nVeamos. Helda dice: «¿Cómo será la filantropía \ndesde una perspectiva bahá'í?\nActualmente es respaldado por empresas \nde inversión en el sector financiero,\nque parece cada vez más un juego de azar a gran escala. \nTrabajo en la educación, que es notoriamente carente de fondos,\ny tengo que buscar subvenciones. ¿Cómo difiere la \nfilantropía desde una perspectiva bahá'í?»\nMe lo he preguntado también. Si hay menos ricos, \nhay menos donantes ricos para dar, por ejemplo,\n\nSpanish: \n$100 millones a la Universidad Brown para su investigación \ndel cáncer cerebral, que se anunció la semana pasada.\n¿De verdad? Mi hijo estudia en Brown. Debería estudiar el cáncer cerebral. \n--Sí, cáncer cerebral, o algo del cerebro.\nEstá estudiando el desarrollo humano, el cerebro y cosas así. \n--¡Qué bien!\nLa Casa de Justicia dice que el futuro orden mundial \nestá más allá de nuestra comprensión,\npor lo que no podemos visualizar cómo evolucionará. \nEs un proceso de aprendizaje.\nY cuando comencemos a aplicar las enseñanzas a \nnuestras vidas, veremos qué efecto tiene.\nPero está claro, por ejemplo, en la ley de Huqúqu'lláh, \nque el 19% de todo excedente sobre nuestras necesidades\nva a la Casa de Justicia para promover el \nbienestar de la humanidad,\ny en proceso, cuando ganamos dinero, pensamos en \nque el 19% de todo excedente es de Dios.\n\nEnglish: \n$100 million to Brown University for brain cancer \nresearch, which was just announced last week.\nReally? My son is at Brown. He should go into brain cancer. \n--Yes, brain cancer, or brain something.\nWell, studying human development, brains and things. \nGood! You know, again, the House of Justice says,\nwe don't, the future world order is beyond \nour comprehension, so we can't really visualize\nhow these things are going to evolve. \nIt's a learning process.\nAnd when we start to apply the teachings in our lives, \nthen we'll see what effect it has.\nBut it's clear, for instance from the law of Huqúq'u'lláh, \nand 19% of any excess income over our needs\ngoes to the House of Justice for the purpose of \npromoting the welfare of mankind,\nand that very process, when we think, when we're \nearning money okay, 19% of my excess is God's,\n\nSpanish: \nEso cambia nuestra actitud hacia nuestras ganancias, \ny muchos nos damos cuenta de que\ngran parte de nuestros gastos no son necesarios, \ny que podríamos estar haciendo\nalgo mucho más útil con ese dinero. \nRecientemente se publicó un libro.\nLo mencioné en mi artículo. El autor básicamente escribe \ndesde una visión socialista de la economía,\nsobre lo injusto que \nes el capitalismo, etc.,\ny su propuesta al final del libro es que la gente sea\neducada para darse cuenta de que el dinero que gastan\nen cosas innecesarias podría salvar vidas en \ntodo el mundo, podría usarse para fines útiles.\nMucha gente que lee eso dice: \nBueno, sí, es cierto, pero es ingenuo.\nEs decir, ¿cómo se puede lograr? \n¿Cómo lograr que los ricos\no personas tan dedicadas al consumismo, \npiensen en esos términos?\nPero de eso se trata la ley del Huqúqu'lláh. \nLos bahá'ís lo cumplen voluntariamente,\nporque Bahá'u'lláh les pidió hacerlo, \ny lo hacen con alegría y felicidad.\n\nEnglish: \nthat makes us feel very differently about our earning, \nand then a lot of people may realize that\na lot of what they spend money on is not needful, \nand that they could be doing\nmuch more useful things with it. \nThere was a book published recently.\nI mentioned it in my article. A man who's writing \nbasically about the socialist view of the economy,\nand how unjust it is, and capitalism \nand all these things,\nand his proposal at the end of the book is that people be\neducated to realize that the money they're spending\non things they don't need could be saving lives \naround the world, could be used for useful purposes.\nNow people read that and they say, \nWell yes, that's true, but it's Pollyanna.\nI mean, how are you going to do it? \nHow are you going to get the rich,\nor, you know, people who are so dedicated to \nconsumerism to think in those terms?\nBut in fact that is the law of Huqúq'u'lláh. \nAnd Baha'is are doing it voluntarily,\nBecause Baha'u'llah told them to. \nAnd they're doing it with joy and happiness.\n\nSpanish: \nEs un ejemplo de cómo, al absorber estos principios, \ncomenzamos a actuar de manera diferente.\nY la filantropía no es sólo cuando los \nricos donan grandes cantidades de dinero.\nPuede ser eso, pero \nno necesariamente.\nTambién es cuando muchas personas hacen \nbuenas obras y ayudan a sus semejantes.\nSí, y el 19% de los excedentes es una cantidad \nsignificativa. Le hace pensar a uno.\nMás que el 10% del impuesto a la renta, eso sí.\n--Sí.\nBien, veamos. \nLos comentarios siguen llegando.\nEste...\nNo estoy seguro de \nqué se trata esto.\nNancy dice: «Que usted sepa, ¿hay algo en los Escritos \nque indique cómo se acabará el dominio\nde unos pocos sobre los recursos de todos?\nTal vez es una esperanza ingenua,\n\nEnglish: \nSo that's an example of how, when we absorb these \nprinciples, we may start to behave differently.\nAnd philanthropy doesn't have to be rich people \ngiving large amounts of money.\nI mean, it's good if it is, \nbut it doesn't have to be that.\nIt can be a lot of people doing good works \nand helping their fellow men.\nYes, and 19% is a pretty significant chunk of a surplus, too. \nIt makes you think, it seems to me.\nMore than 10% income tax, that's for sure.\n--Yes.\nOkay, let's see. \nThe comments keep coming in here.\nUmmm...\nNot sure what that is.\nNancy says, is there anything you know of in the Writings \nthat would indicate how the stranglehold\nof a few men of wealth belonging to the\npoor might end?\n\nEnglish: \nIn perhaps a naive hope, I sometimes imagine the day \nwhen people who are so greedy would develop\nsome sense of the immorality of what they're doing.\nCould have a Baha'i example of the grassroots\npossibly have a \nstrong effect on that?\nIn the course of my work for the IMF, \nI met and sometimes worked a little bit\nwith some of the most famous\n--infamous I should say--rulers in the world.\nI don't want to go into it here, but it was very sobering. \nAnd when you look at the letters that Baha'u'llah\naddressed to the kings and rulers, \nHe very specifically mentions the burden laid on populations\nin terms of taxation from the waging of wars, \nnot just the lives lost, but the economic effect.\nAnd from what I've seen, I would say \nthat is far greater than the loss of lives,\n\nSpanish: \npero imagino un día en que la gente codiciosa \nse dará cuenta de la inmoralidad de lo que hacen.\n¿Es posible que el ejemplo de un modelo bahá'í en las bases \nde la sociedad tenga un efecto significativo en esto?»\nEn mi trabajo con el FMI, \nconocí y a veces trabajé un poco\ncon algunos de los líderes más famosos\n--o debería decir infames--del mundo.\nNo quiero dar detalles aquí, pero fue muy aleccionador. \nY al considerar las cartas que Bahá'u'lláh\ndirigió a los reyes y gobernantes, menciona muy \nespecíficamente la carga impuesta en los pueblos\ncomo impuestos para financiar la guerra, no solo las \nvidas perdidas, sino también su impacto económico.\nY por lo visto, diría que mucho \nmayor que la pérdida de vidas,\n\nEnglish: \nthat the exploitation many people in the world suffer \nhas a far more adverse effects\nthan any of the military conflicts in the world. \nIt's a very big problem.\nIn some cases, of course, these people meet a bad end.\nOne assumes that when they go to the next life,\nthey get judged, but Baha'is are not revolutionaries. \nWe don't believe there should be armed insurrections\nor something like that. \nThey're part of the crumbling old world order.\nAnd then you have so many cases of where... \nLike there was a very rich man in Germany\nwho suddenly had to deal with junior bankers, \nprobably borrowed too much money,\nor something, I don't know, \nbut he stepped in front of a train.\nNow what is so important in your life?\nIs it your money and your power and so forth?\nOr is it other things?\nYes, in 1929 there were people jumping out of \nwindows and high-storey buildings,\n\nSpanish: \nque la explotación que sufren muchas personas \nen el mundo tiene efectos muchos más adversos\nque cualquier conflicto militar en el mundo. \nEs un problema enorme.\nEn algunos casos, tienen un mal final. Supongo que \ncuando van a la próxima vida, serán juzgados.\nPero los bahá'ís no somos revolucionarios \nen el sentido de creer en la insurrección armada\ny acciones similares. Es parte del \nviejo orden mundial que se desmorona.\nY luego hay tantos casos dónde... Por ejemplo, \nhubo un hombre muy rico en Alemania\nque de repente tuvo que tratar con banqueros jóvenes, \nprobablemente se endeudó demasiado,\no algo, no sé, pero él se lanzó frente a un tren.\nAhora, ¿qué es tan importante en la vida?\n¿Es el dinero y el poder?\n¿O son otras preocupaciones?\nSí, en 1929, algunas personas \nsaltaban de edificios altos,\n\nEnglish: \nbecause of their loss of their wealth, \nwhen the stock market crashed.\nAnd 'Abdu'l-Bahá's tablet to Andrew Carnegie, \nwhich I don't recall the details of right now,\nseems to me is also relevant here, because it seems \nHe was praising Carnegie for giving away his wealth.\nCarnegie is a classic example. \nIf you're going to build a huge steel industry,\nand you're doing it largely through investing \nyour own money, you're certainly going to be\nexploiting a lot of people, in some sense, definitely, \nbut you're going to end up accumulating\na huge amount of assets, you know, \npotential wealth, and if you give that away,\nthat's quite a remarkable contribution to society too. \nThere are Carnegie libraries all over North America\n--both US and Canada--partially built as a result of \nthe grants that he gave local communities\nto build public libraries. So that's, I think, a good example \nof someone who accumulated wealth\nand felt he didn't want to give it to his children. \nHe wanted to give it away.\n\nSpanish: \nporque perdieron toda su riqueza cuando \ncolapsó el mercado bursátil.\nHay una tabla de 'Abdu'l-Bahá a Andrew Carnegie. \nNo recuerdo los detalles ahora,\npero me parece pertinente, porque alaba a \nCarnegie por donar sus riquezas.\nCarnegie es un ejemplo clásico. \nSi se crea una gran industria del acero,\ninvirtiendo principalmente dinero propio, \nseguramente se va a\nexplotar a mucha gente, en algún sentido, \npero se acabará acumulando\ngran cantidad de recursos. \nSi se dona eso,\nes un aporte significativo a la sociedad. \nHay bibliotecas Carnegie en toda América del Norte,\ntanto en EE.UU. como en Canadá, parcialmente construidas \ncon las donaciones que él hizo a las comunidades locales\npara construir sus bibliotecas públicas. \nEs un buen ejemplo de alguien que acumuló riquezas\ny decidió no dárselo a sus hijos, \nsino donarlo como beneficencia.\n\nEnglish: \nAnd that's the Gates Foundation, the Ford Foundation \nand many other examples of this as well.\nIt's a very important element of Western economies now, \nbut in that quotation of 'Abdu'l-Bahá,\nHe says that wealth is praiseworthy if it is both \nearned in a proper way, by your own endeavors,\nand expended for the proper purposes. \nSo yes, it's good that somebody is giving away their wealth,\nbut if they've earned it in a way that is \nnot according to spiritual principles,\nI don't know how they'll be \njudged in the next world.\n--Right. It's as they say, blood money.\n--Maybe, yes, I don't know.\nIn some sense.\nRamtin says, do you think principles of economics\nused as a weapon like chemical, biological, atomic today, \nand it's the cause of economic problems.\nI'm not quite sure what he's asking. \nI suppose it's people using the principles of economics\nas weapons against other people, \nand I think that's a good question actually.\n\nSpanish: \nEs el caso de la Fundación Gates, \nla Fundación Ford y muchos otros.\nEs un elemento relevante de las economías occidentales \nactuales, pero en esa cita de 'Abdu'l-Bahá,\nÉl dice que la riqueza es digna de elogio si se gana \nde manera adecuada, por sus propios esfuerzos,\ny si se gasta para los fines apropiados. \nAsí que es bueno cuando se dona la riqueza,\npero si se ha obtenido de una manera \ncontraria a los principios espirituales,\nno sé cómo será juzgado \neso en el próximo mundo.\n--Cierto. Es, como dicen, dinero ensangrentado.\n--Tal vez, no lo sé.\nEn cierto sentido. Ramtin pregunta: \n«¿Cree usted que el uso de la economía\ncomo arma, al igual que las químicas, biológicas y atómicas, \nes causa de los problemas económicos actuales?»\nNo estoy muy seguro qué está preguntando. \nSupongo que es el uso de economía\ncomo arma contra otros pueblos, \nque en realidad es una buena pregunta.\n\nSpanish: \nNo estoy seguro de que sea igual a las armas, pero \nclaramente el sistema económico y financiero del mundo\nestá estructurado para favorecer a los más ricos y poderosos. \nEn realidad, un tema que me interesa mucho ahora,\ny que mencioné en mi artículo, \nes que algunas personas destacadas,\ncomo el ex gobernador del \nBanco Central de Inglaterra,\nha estado escribiendo sobre la necesidad de un \ncambio fundamental en el sistema financiero\npara separar entre la función financiera de los bancos, que supone \nriesgos y préstamos, de su función de manejo del dinero del pueblo.\nEs una propuesta que data desde la década de 1930. \nNo es una propuesta nueva, sino que más gente seria\nestá hablando de este tema debido a la gran crisis \nfinanciera de 2007-2008, y la constatación de que\nuna sola crisis financiera puede tener más impacto \nen las economías que diez años de crecimiento.\n\nEnglish: \nI'm not sure it's quite the same as weapons, \nbut clearly the world's economic and financial system\nis structured to favor the wealthy and the powerful. \nActually, one subject that I find very interesting now,\nthat I mentioned in my article, \nis that some leading people,\nlike the former governor \nof the Central Bank of Britain,\nhave been writing about the need for \nfundamental change in the financial system\nto separate the function of banks that involves risk \nand lending from their function of handling money.\nAnd this is a proposal that dates from the 1930s. \nIt's not a new proposal, but more serious people\nare talking about this issue because of the big \nfinancial crisis of 2007-2008, and the realization that\neven one financial crisis can have a bigger impact \non economies than ten years of growth.\n\nSpanish: \nEn otras palabras, los economistas no han \nestado enfocados en el mayor problema.\nEl mayor problema es la estructura en sí del sistema. \nPor ejemplo, y nuevamente cito esto en mi artículo,\nel sistema financiero en Estados Unidos, \nsegún las cuentas nacionales,\ncaptura aproximadamente un tercio de los beneficios \nobtenidos por todas las empresas en Estados Unidos.\nSolía ​​ser más del 40%. Fue el 42% alguna vez.\nY nadie dirá que los financieros en Wall Street, etc.\ngeneran un tercio del bienestar del país. Aportan algo, \npero no tanto. Claramente se están beneficiando de su posición\nde información e influencia en el sistema para \ncapturar lo que los economistas llaman rentas,\nuna ganancia para la que no se trabaja, \nsino que nace de su posición económica.\nVeamos, no estoy seguro qué hacer con \nalgunas de estas preguntas, me temo.\n\nEnglish: \nIn other words, what economists have been focusing on \nis not in fact the most important issue.\nThe most important issue is the structure of the system. \nFor example, and again I quote this in my article,\nthe financial system in the United States, \naccording to the national accounts,\ncaptures about a third of all the profits made by \nall the enterprises in the United States.\nIt used to be more than 40%. It was 42% at one time.\nI don't think anybody could argue that\nthe financial people and Wall Street, or whatever, \ncontribute a third of all the welfare of the country.\nThey do contribute something, but not that much. \nClearly they're benefiting from their position\nof information and an influence in the system \nand capturing what economists call rents,\nwhich is something you don't work for, \nbecause of your position.\nLet's see, I'm not quite sure what to make \nof some of these questions, I'm afraid.\n\nSpanish: \nTengo que tomar algunas decisiones. \nVeamos.\nKayla dice: «La economía conductual \nparece acercarse más\na las enseñanzas bahá'ís que economía clásica. \nLa economía conductual es fascinante,\ny directamente aplicable ahora, \nincluso dentro de la comunidad bahá’í.\n¿La Comunidad Internacional Bahá'í aprovecha los aprendizajes \ndel campo de la economía conductual?»\nNo puedo responder esa pregunta, porque no lo sé, \npero sí menciono la economía conductual en mi artículo.\nMencioné el ejemplo de Nava Ashraf, \nuna profesora de Harvard\nque ahora está en la London School of Economics. \nEs una economista relativamente joven,\npero realiza excelente trabajo en este campo y ha \npublicado, en la revista económica más prestigiosa\nun artículo que demuestra que la gente puede estar más \nmotivada por el altruismo que por el interés propio.\n\nEnglish: \nSo I have to make some decisions here. \nLet's see.\nKayla says, Behavioral economics seems to be \na field of economics that is more in accord\nwith bahá'í teachings and classical economics. \nBehavioral economics is fascinating,\nand learning from this field is directly applicable now, \neven within the Baha'i community.\nIs the Baha'i International Community utilizing \nlearning from the field of behavioral economics?\nI can't answer that question because I don't know, \nbut I do talk about behavioral economics in my article.\nand I mentioned the example of Nava Ashraf, \nwho was a professor at Harvard,\nand is now at the London School of Economics. \nShe is a relatively young economist,\nbut doing top work in this field and has published \nin the most prestigious economic journal\nan article showing that people can be \nmore motivated by altruism than by self-interest,\n\nEnglish: \nwhich strikes at the very heart of concepts of economics \nand our mental framework about how people behave.\nSo yeah, this is a very interesting and exciting field. \nIt's based on observing actual behavior,\nrather than assuming something about how people behave, \nand I think there are a lot of applications for it.\nWhether there are applications to the \nBaha'i community, I don't know,\nbut I do think there is a role for economists, \neven in this process of everybody being involved\nin the generation of knowledge and its diffusion. \nThere's still a role for intellectuals with the tools\nto be able to measure, to compare, \nto use the scientific method, in other words.\nAnd when some innovation is shown to be effective, \nthat can maybe be more easily broadcast,\nand made available to everyone if it's properly studied, \nand especially for presenting to the\n\nSpanish: \nEsto pone en duda el eje mismo de la economía política \ny su modelos mentales del comportamiento humano.\nEntonces, sí, es un campo muy interesante y emocionante. \nSe basa en la observación del comportamiento real,\nen lugar de aceptar supuestos acerca del comportamiento \nhumano, y creo que tiene muchas aplicaciones.\nNo sé si se está aplicando\nen la comunidad bahá'í,\npero sí creo que existe un rol para los economistas, \nincluso en este proceso donde todos participan\nen la generación de conocimientos y su difusión. Aún queda \nun papel para los intelectuales que tengan las herramientas\npara poder medir, comparar, y emplear el \nmétodo científico, en otras palabras.\nY cuando alguna innovación se muestra eficaz y \npueda ser transmitida más fácilmente,\ny puesta a disposición de todos si se estudia adecuadamente, \nespecialmente para el mundo escéptico no bahá'í,\n\nEnglish: \nskeptical non Baha'i world, it's important to have \npeople who know how to use the tools of science,\nincluding economics, and to be able to measure things \nin a way that is convincing to people\nwho otherwise \nwouldn't be convinced.\nMartha asks a complicated question here. \nI'm not sure whether you can answer it, but we'll see.\nCan you share any example or experience of \nhow a vibrant community can assist its youth\nfrom economically and socially marginalized \nbackgrounds to live coherent lives\nby engaging in service, higher education and \nskill development for professions or trades,\nespecially when social structures \nfavor the financially strong.\nCould you share any experience or example of \nhow a vibrant community can assist its youth...\nIt looks like she repeated the question twice. \nLet's see, yeah, so that's basically the question.\nDo you have any examples of how a Baha'i community \nhas been able to help youth\nfrom socially marginalized positions, \nI guess you could say, to get ahead.\n\nSpanish: \nes importante contar con personas que sepan \nmanejar las herramientas de las ciencias,\nincluida la economía, y puedan medir la realidad \nde una manera convincente para aquellas personas\nque de otro modo \nno estarían convencidas.\nMarta hace una pregunta complicada aquí. \nNo sé si se puede responder, pero ya veremos.\n«¿Puede compartir algún ejemplo o experiencia de cómo \nuna comunidad vibrante puede ayudar a los jóvenes\nmarginados económica y socialmente, \npara que lleven vidas coherentes,\nparticipen en el servicio, obtengan educación superior \ny adquieran profesiones u oficios,\nespecialmente en vista de que las estructuras sociales \nfavorecen a los económicamente más fuertes.»\n«¿Podría compartir alguna experiencia o ejemplo de \ncómo una comunidad vibrante puede ayudar a los jóvenes...»\nParece que repite la pregunta. Veamos, \nsí, esa es básicamente la pregunta.\n¿Tiene algún ejemplo de cómo una comunidad bahá'í \nha sido capaz de ayudar a que los jóvenes\nmarginados se superen, \nsupongo que se podría decir.\n\nSpanish: \nMe parece una \npregunta muy útil.\nHay una reunión del Congreso Mundial de \nReligiones en Montreal, creo.\nEs el foro donde la Fe Bahá’í se mencionó por \nprimera vez en Occidente, a fines del siglo XIX.\nEstán invitando a facilitadores, no solo para dar presentaciones, \nsino para todo tipo de eventos interactivos.\nEs una invitación abierta, y espero que tal vez \nalgunos bahá'ís de diferentes partes del mundo\nque participan en proyectos y programas interesantes, \npodrían hacer algún tipo de presentación allí.\nSería un foro muy interesante, \npero no sé quiénes van a asistir.\nQuizás dentro de Canadá, porque hay mucha diversidad.\nVeremos de todos modos cuando ocurra.\nSé que algunos bahá'ís quieren dar una \npresentación o hablar sobre lo que hacen.\n\nEnglish: \nI think this is a very useful question.\nThere's a meeting of the Congress \nof Religions in Montreal, I think.\nThis is the forum where the Faith was first mentioned \nin the West at the end of the 19th century.\nAnd they are inviting presenters, not just presenters, \nbut all kinds of interactive events.\nIt's a general invitation, and I was hoping that \nmaybe some Baha'is from different parts of the world,\nengaged in actual interesting projects and programs, \ncould do some kind of a presentation there.\nIt would be the kind of forum that would be very \ninteresting, but I don't think that's happening.\nMaybe within Canada, because there is a lot of diversity.\nWe'll see anyway when it happens.\nBut I know of some Baha'is who want to make a \npresentation or talk about what they're doing.\n\nEnglish: \nBut what I'm thinking of is more of a grassroots thing, \nnot just intellectuals or members of a board,\nor something like that, but I'm sure we'll get to that point \nas the Baha'i community develops and engages\nin more interesting projects and activities. \nIt's important to share that experience,\nso that other people can feel inspired by it. \nAside from that, I think, again,\nwe don't know what impact our individual actions have, \nbut when Baha'i individuals help other human beings,\nfor instance, there may be a young person in your \ncommunity that you know needs some financial help\nand has an opportunity to go for higher education or something, \nyou very privately might help that person,\nand other people don't even know about it. \nBut when the community is behaving that way,\nit creates a completely different atmosphere, \nand it's a very positive thing to do.\nAnd there are people who do that, exactly, \nwho do exactly that, absolutely.\n\nSpanish: \nPero estoy pensando en algo más de la base de la sociedad, \nno solo intelectuales o miembros de un consejo,\naunque estoy seguro de que llegaremos a ese punto \nconforme crezca la comunidad bahá'í y participe\nen más proyectos y actividades interesantes. \nEs importante compartir esas experiencias\npara que otras personas puedan sentirse \ninspiradas por ellas. Aparte de eso,\nno sabemos qué impacto pueden tener nuestras acciones individuales, \npero cuando los bahá'ís como individuos ayudan a otras personas,\npor ejemplo, si hay una persona joven en su \ncomunidad que necesita ayuda financiera\npara seguir su educación superior o algo así, \nde manera muy privada se puede ayudar a esa persona,\nsin que otras personas siquiera lo sepan. \nCuando la comunidad se comporta de esa manera,\ngenera una atmósfera completamente diferente, \ny es algo muy positivo.\nY hay personas que hacen \nexactamente eso, sin duda.\n\nSpanish: \nY no debe ser para hacerse publicidad, \npara decir: «Mírame, soy tan generoso».\nSurge del deseo sincero de \nayudar a otro ser humano.\nSí, he visto casos similares. \nEs muy alentador ver eso.\nDesde Facebook, Catherine pregunta: \n«¿Cree que la calamidad predicha por Bahá'u'lláh\npodría ser de naturaleza económica?»\nEscribí un libro sobre la globalización, \ny uno de mis argumentos es que todo\nestá interconectado en el mundo actual. Por tanto, \ncreo que toda calamidad tiene un efecto económico.\nEn otras palabras, es probable que ocurran \nvarias cosas al mismo tiempo.\nSi hay una epidemia médica, \ntendría un gran impacto económico.\nY podría involucrar a lo militar, y Dios sabe qué. \nTodo está conectado con todo lo demás.\n\nEnglish: \nand it shouldn't be for the publicity. It shouldn't be, \nOh, look at me! you know, How generous I am!\nIt springs from your desire \nto help a fellow human being.\nYes, and I have seen that happen. \nIt's very encouraging when you see that happen.\nFrom Facebook, Catherine asks, \nDo you think that the calamity predicted by Baha'u'llah\ncould be economic in nature?\nI wrote a book on globalization, and one of the \npoints I make is that everything in the world\nis interconnected in today's world. So I don't think \nany calamity would not have an economic effect.\nIn other words, it's likely to be \nmultiple things happening at the same time.\nIf you have some kind of medical epidemic, \nthat's going to have a huge impact on economies.\nand it might involve the military, and Lord knows what. \nI mean everything is connected to everything else.\n\nSpanish: \nCorrecto. Cualquier situación económica o militar importante \nen el mundo tendría un gran efecto perturbador\nen la economía mundial del momento. Fácilmente se observan enormes... \nMucho más ahora que en el pasado.\nMucho más que en el pasado, sí, y me temo que \nlos líderes no entienden bien esta interrelación.\nSí, en caso de un conflicto \nentre Estados Unidos y China,\ntendría un enorme impacto en el comercio mundial y \nempobrecería a mucha gente.\nNo solo en los dos países, \nsino en otros países también.\nTodo lo que afecta al comercio mundial del petróleo \npuede seguir indefinidamente...\nProbablemente deberíamos terminar muy pronto. \nLas preguntas siguen llegando,\npero hemos pasado los 45 minutos, y puede ser \ndemasiado largo para algunas personas.\n«Usted ha esclarecido varios puntos \nque no había considerado antes,\ncomo los dos tipos de justicia y la relación de los \nprincipios con los extremos de riqueza y pobreza,\nuna solución espiritual a los problemas económicos, \nde acuerdo con la guía del amado Guardián,\n\nEnglish: \nRight. Any major economic or military situation \nin the world would have a huge disruptive effect\non the world economy right now. You easily see huge.. \nMuch more so now than in the past.\nMuch more than in the past, yes, and I'm afraid leaders \ndon't fully understand this interrelationship.\nYes, if you have any kind of conflict between \nthe United States and China,\nthat would have an enormous impact on world trade, \nand would impoverish a lot of people.\nAnd not just in both those countries, \nbut in other countries as well.\nAnything in affects global oil trade \ncan go on and on and on...\nWe probably should end pretty soon. \nThe questions are still coming,\nbut we've now gone about 45 minutes, \nand it may just get too long for people.\nYou've made some illuminating points \nI haven't considered before,\nsuch as the two types of justice, and relationship to \nthe principles of extremes of wealth and poverty,\na spiritual solution to the economic problems, \naccording to the guidance of the beloved Guardian,\n\nEnglish: \nestablishing the spirit of the oneness of humanity,\nbefore addressing them with the world at large.\nOur range of topics for meaningful \nconversations just expanded.\nI'm thinking that all the new assemblies, \ngroups and individual Baha'is in our clusters\ncould use this talk to prepare many deepenings \nfor consideration and consultation.\nregarding your ending question, what actions are we \ngoing to take in response to the 1 March 2017 letter\nof the Universal House of Justice.\nSo these are her suggestions,\nthat people prepare deepenings and the \nentire Baha'i world listen to your talk.\nHahaha. Well, that's encouraging. \nI haven't seen it myself. I hope it's alright.\nAnd maybe, I don't know \nhow many more I can do here.\nShahlah says, it is getting easier in the United States to \nconserve and not to spend any money on one's own life.\nIt's almost impossible to find a business that is not \nintent on exploiting everyone outside of the business.\nEven driving is getting more challenging, \nas too many people are causing too many accidents,\n\nSpanish: \nel establecimiento del espíritu de la unidad de la humanidad,\nantes de abordarlos con el mundo en general.\nUsted has ampliado la gama de temas para \nnuestras conversaciones significativas.\nEstoy pensando que las nuevas asambleas, \ngrupos y bahá'ís individuales en nuestras agrupaciones\npodría aprovechar esta charla en preparar \nprofundizaciones para su consideración y consulta\nsobre su pregunta final: \"¿Qué acciones vamos a tomar \nen respuesta a la carta del 1° de marzo de 2017\nde la Casa Universal de Justicia?\"»\nAsí que estas son sus sugerencias:\nque la gente prepare profundizaciones y que todo el \nmundo bahá'í escuche tu charla.\nJajaja. Bueno, es alentador. No lo he visto yo mismo. \nEspero que esté bien.\nY tal vez, no sé cuántos más \npuedo leer ahora.\nShahlah dice; «Es cada vez más fácil en Estados Unidos \nahorrar y no gastar dinero en la vida propia.\nEs casi imposible encontrar un negocio \nque no trate de explotar a la gente.\nIncluso es cada vez más difícil conducir, \nya que la gente causa demasiados accidentes,\n\nEnglish: \ntaking or disabling too many lives. \nWhat coping mechanism do you advise?\nDo we need to gain many skills not to \nneed the services of any businesses?\nIs the situation \nany better in Europe?\nI would be interested in his advice. \nI was travelling recently and I went through an airport\nI hadn't been at in a long time, and I was so sick from \nhaving to go through this serpentine shopping center\nbefore I could even get near the gates. \nI really had a hard time with that trip.\nAirports are just bombarding you now \nwith things to be purchased.\nThe airport as a mall. That's right. \nYes, it's getting everywhere.\nWell, we probably should end, because the questions \nare just going on and on and on.\nAnd it may be getting... oh my goodness, there's got \nto be another 10-20 minutes worth of questions here.\nand I don't think we can get to them. \nIt's just too much, and I can't really skim them, either.\n\nSpanish: \nmatando o incapacitando a demasiada gente. \n¿Qué mecanismo aconsejas para afrontar esto?\n¿Necesitamos adquirir muchas habilidades para \nno requerir de los servicios de las empresas?\n¿Es mejor la situación en Europa?»\nMe interesaría su consejo. Viajé recientemente y \npasé por un aeropuerto donde\nno había estado en mucho tiempo, y estaba harto \nde tener que pasar por ese gran centro comercial\nantes de poder acercarme a las puertas de salida. \nRealmente la pasé muy mal en ese viaje.\nActualmente los aeropuertos bombardean \na la gente para que compre.\n--El aeropuerto como centro comercial. Así es. \n--Sí, llega a todas partes.\nBueno, tal vez deberíamos terminar, \naunque las preguntas siguen llegando.\nY ya está... Ah caray, tiene que haber \notras 10-20 minutos de preguntas.\nNo creo que podamos tratarlas todas. \nSon demasiadas y tampoco puedo leerlas todas.\n\nSpanish: \nBueno, aquí hay una de Todd: «¿Puede dar algunos \nejemplos de cómo utiliza la Casa de Justicia el 19%\npara ayudar a la humanidad en general? ¿Los fondos se \nutilizan principalmente para promover los planes bahá'ís,\no son para apoyar proyectos \nespecíficos de otro tipo?»\nUsted sabe que los fondos del Huqúqu'lláh son tratados \ncon el más alto nivel de confidencialidad.\nLa Casa lo ha llamado un acto de conciencia, \nprofundamente privado, por parte del individuo,\nque conecta al individuo con la Cabeza de la Fe. \nPor tanto, el dinero va directamente a la Casa de Justicia,\nque lo emplea para cualquier propósito que \nconsidera la más alta prioridad.\nNo se comparte con nadie, así que no puedo comentar sobre eso. \nPero como bahá'ís, es la Casa de Justicia de Bahá'u'lláh.\nEllos cuidan los intereses de la humanidad, \ny para mí es muy significativo e importante\nque el dinero va directamente a la Casa de Justicia. \nNo se resta nada de ese dinero.\n\nEnglish: \nWell, here's one by Todd: What are some examples \nof how the 19% is being used by the House of Justice\nto help mankind in general? Are the funds primarily \nbeing used for promoting the Baha'i plans,\nor are they supporting \nspecific projects of other sorts?\nYou know the funds of the Huqúq'u'lláh are treated \nwith the highest level of confidentiality.\nThe House has called it a profoundly private \nact of conscience by the individual,\nconnecting the individual to the Head of the Faith. \nSo the money goes directly to the House of Justice,\nand they use it for whatever purposes \nthey deem are the highest priority.\nThey don't tell anyone, so I cannot comment on that. \nBut as a Baha'i, that's Baha'u'llah's House of Justice.\nThey have the interests of humanity at heart, \nand to me it's very significant and very important\nthat the money goes directly to the House of Justice. \nNothing is subtracted from that money.\n\nEnglish: \nAnd the House of Justice has the needs of \nall of humanity in their vision,\nSo unlike most charities that focus on something specific, \nthat money can be used for whatever\nthe House of Justice feels are the most \nurgent challenges facing humanity.\nAnd the amount of money is not small, \nso this is important, paying the Huqúq'u'lláh.\nHere's I think a good closing question for you. \nDo you see anything wrong with amassing great wealth,\nassuming one is meeting the two requisites \nindicated by 'Abdu'l-Bahá,\nof earning it through one's own means \nand of spending it well?\nNot at all. I have the honor of serving as the \ndeputy trustee of Huqúq'u'lláh, so I accept payments,\nand I I know some of the people who are \nmaking payments of Huqúq'u'lláh,\nand I think invariably they are \nhappy with the experience.\n\nSpanish: \nY la Casa de Justicia considera las \nnecesidades de toda la humanidad.\nA diferencia de la mayoría de organizaciones benéficas que se centran \nen algo específico, ese dinero se puede usar para cualquier cosa\nque la Casa de Justicia considera los desafíos \nmás urgentes que enfrenta la humanidad.\nY los montos no son pequeños, así que es \nmuy importante pagar el Huqúqu'lláh.\nAquí hay una buena pregunta para cerrar. \n«¿Cree que es malo amasar grandes riquezas,\nSuponiendo que se cumple con los dos \nrequisitos indicados por 'Abdu'l-Bahá,\nde ganarlo por los propios medios \ny de gastarlo correctamente?»\nDe ningún modo. Tengo el honor de servir como ayudante del \nFideicomisario del Huqúqu'lláh, por lo que recibo pagos,\ny conozco a algunas de las personas \nque hacen pagos al Huqúqu'lláh.\nVeo que todos se sienten \nmuy contentos al hacerlo.\n\nSpanish: \nY creo que ese contento (en mi propia interpretación),\nes porque Bahá'u'lláh ha dicho claramente que el 19%\nde su riqueza acumulada le pertenece a Dios, \ny el resto se «purifica», como Él lo describe.\nEn otras palabras, está bien quedarse con el 81% restante. \nA mi modo de ver, es como la ley del Aqdas sobre el ayuno.\nBahá'u'lláh dice que está permitido ayunar \nmás de 19 días, hacer un voto de ayuno,\npero es mejor hacer algo de beneficio para la humanidad. \nAsí que cuando Él dice que hay que aportar el 19%,\nmás no es mejor. En otras palabras, \ntenemos una guía para el manejo de la riqueza.\nBahá'u'lláh ha dado a los ricos una guía, \no más que una guía, es una ley.\nPero el 19% se dedica básicamente al bienestar de la \nhumanidad. Si se quiere dar más para ese fin, bien.\nPara cualquier fin que uno desee. Depende de uno. \nPero no debe sentirse culpable si conserva el 81%.\n\nEnglish: \nAnd I think they're happy--this is my own interpretation--\nbecause Baha'u'llah has clearly stated that 19%\nof their accumulated wealth belongs to God, \nand the rest is purified, as He puts it.\nIn other words, it's okay to keep the other 81%. \nTo me it's like the law in the Aqdas about fasting.\nBaha'u'llah says it's permissible to fast \nmore than 19 days, to take a vow of fasting,\nbut it's better to do something of benefit to mankind. \nSo he's saying 19% you have to do,\nand more is not better. In other words, \nthere is a guideline. So in handling your wealth,\nBaha'u'llah has given wealthy people a guideline, \nor more than a guideline, it's a law.\nBut 19% goes to what is essentially the welfare of humanity. \nIf you want to give more for that purpose, fine.\nFor whatever uses you want. That's up to you. \nYou don't have to feel guilty if you keep the 81%.\n\nEnglish: \nMaybe you know that you can double it. \nso next year you'll have much more money\nthat you can give, and you'll pay more Huqúq'u'lláh. \nYou know, that's up to you to decide.\nAs I say to my friends, Baha'is don't do guilt. \nIt's not a big thing in the Baha'i faith to be guilty.\nYou can keep your 81%, and more than not being guilty, \nit's purified.\nYes, that's a pretty good question, \nand a very good answer.\nThe other things are mostly comments \nas near as I can say.\nVahid says thank you very much. \nThis is so interesting.\nWhat is the best way to share this letter with the \nleaders of the world? Has that been done?\nIt's on the website of the Universal House of Justice, \nso anybody, anywhere in the world has access to it.\nThey have decided to put it there. \nThey only put two or three messages a year I guess,\n\nSpanish: \nQuizás se puede duplicarlo, para que el \nsiguiente año tenga mucho más dinero\npara dar al Huqúqu'lláh. \nDepende de la decisión de cada uno.\nComo les digo a mis amigos, los bahá'ís no practicamos \nla culpa. La Fe Bahá'í no promueve la culpa.\nSe puede conservar el 81%, y más que \nno ser culpable, está purificado.\nSí, es una buena pregunta \ny una excelente respuesta.\nLo demás son comentarios en su\nmayoría, por lo que veo.\nVahid dice: «Muchas gracias. \nHa sido muy interesante.\n¿Cuál es la mejor manera de compartir este mensaje \ncon los líderes del mundo? ¿Se ha hecho eso?»\nEstá en el sitio web de la Casa Universal de Justicia, por lo que \ncualquier persona en cualquier parte del mundo tiene acceso.\nDecidieron colocarlo allí. Supongo que solo \ncolocan dos o tres mensajes al año,\n\nSpanish: \ndependiendo de lo que esté sucediendo. Realmente \nes un mensaje importante de la Casa de Justicia.\nY está disponible para el mundo entero. Si algún bahá'í, \no una Asamblea Nacional y sus órganos de relaciones públicas\ndesean presentarlo a algún líder, \npor supuesto. Está allí.\nEs propiedad de la gente del mundo. \n--Bill dice: «Gracias. Me gustó la conexión\nentre la transformación económica y la enseñanza de la Fe Bahá'í, \nque nuestros números deben aumentar».\nEs un buen punto, muy focalizado. Chad y Dawn dicen: \n«Los representantes del Huqúq pueden ser excelentes\nrecursos educativos y que los aprovechen los amigos \npara profundizar en su comprensión de estos temas».\nEntiendo que son representantes \nlocales del Huqúq».\nY Ramtin pregunta: «¿Podemos contactarlo en el futuro?»\nDebo señalar que una vez colocado el video en YouTube,\npodrán hacer preguntas sobre esta presentación en los comentarios,\ny enviaremos las preguntas a Greg que podría incluir la pregunta\n\nEnglish: \ndepending on what's happening on that website. \nIt's really a major message of the House of Justice.\nAnd it's available to the world. If any Baha'is, \nor a National Assembly and their public relations efforts\nwant to present it to leaders, \nof whatever kind, of course. It's there.\nIt's the property of the people of the world. \n--Bill says thank you I like the I like the connection\nbetween economic transformation and teaching \nthe Baha'i Faith, that our numbers need to increase.\nThat's a very good point, very local. And Chad and Dawn \nsay representatives of the Huqúq may be an excellent\neducational resource for the friends to draw upon \nto further their understanding of these topics.\nI think they're saying they are representatives \nof the Huqúq, locally.\nAnd Ramtin says, can we contact you in the future? \nAnd you know, I should point out to people,\nonce this is on the YouTube channel, you'll be able to \npost questions to the YouTube channel about this talk,\n\nEnglish: \nand we will forward those questions to\nGreg and that could include the question\nabout being in touch with him, and he can then decide \nwhether he wants to share his email or not.\nWe'll also have the PowerPoint on our Wilmette Institute \nwebsite, and of course have the link to the YouTube talk\non the website as well, presumably within 24 hrs or so, \nso that will be the answer to those questions,\nAnd someone asks the name of Nava Ashraf \ngoing from London to Harvard,\nSo her name is Nava Ashraf, \nif I remember how to spell it right.\nI've never met her, but I have heard of her. \n--And you'll find her on the Web if you Google it.\nThat's true. You can Google her quite easily.\nSo that wraps it up for today,\nand we want again to thank everybody \nfor participating in this fascinating Web talk.\nGregg, thank you again for your marvelous, \nmarvelous presentation,\nthat I think people will be talking about \nfor quite a long time.\n\nSpanish: \nsobre cómo contactarlo, para que él pueda decidir si \ncompartir su correo electrónico o no.\nTambién tendremos el PowerPoint en nuestro sitio web del Instituto \nWilmette y, además tendremos el enlace a la presentación en YouTube\nen el sitio web, dentro de unas 24 horas, \nasí que quedó contestada esa pregunta.\nAlguien pide deletrear el nombre de \nNava Ashraf que enseña en Londres y Harvard,\nSu nombre es «Nava Ashraf», \nsi recuerdo cómo deletrearlo.\nNunca he hablado con ella, pero he oído hablar de ella. \n--Y pueden buscarla en la Web en Google.\nEs verdad. Se puede encontrarla fácilmente.\nAsí que con eso terminamos por hoy,\nQueremos agradecer una vez más a todos por \nparticipar en este fascinante webinario.\nGregg, gracias de nuevo por \nuna maravillosa presentación.\n\nSpanish: \nCreo que la gente estará hablando al \nrespecto durante bastante tiempo.\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "So, a botnet is different than isolated pieces of malware\nin the fact that a botnet is a collection of infected machines\nwhich are coordinated\nthrough command and control by a central server,\nwhich is called a \"command and control server\", or,\nthe C&C server.\nSo the power of botnets is basically\nin the amount of distributed\ncomputation and storage power\nthat is available to a C&C server.\n[Offscreen voice] It's short for robot, is it then, I'm guessing?\nYeah, so the \"bot\" is basically for\nmachines that can operate in an automated fashion,\nwhich refers to the robot,\nthe thing that you mentioned.\n[Offscreen voice] Okay, and a botnet is a collection of these\nthat somebody's using for\nnefarious purposes; would that be right?\n[Offscreen voice] Or does it have to be?\nYeah, usually it is for nefarious purposes,\nso, the main two strengths of a botnet,\nfrom the point of view of a bad guy,\nis: One, that there is, um, they are, like,\nbots on the order of hundreds and thousands of machines;\nso, there is a lot of distributed computing and storage power available there.\nAnd the other one is a certain delegation of responsibility or deniability,\nwhich the infrastructure affords\nto the person who runs the botnet,\nin terms of, that the person conducts\nall these nefarious activities\nfrom the platform of the bots,\nand not just directly.\nUsually people are not aware;\nand, basically,\nstealth and botnets usually go hand in hand,\nbecause, from the point of view of the C&C server,\nit wants to ensure that the bots remain infected\nand available, and\nstay that way for the longest period of time possible.\nSo, if the user is aware that,\nyou know, it has been infected, then you\ntypically, they would probably\nreinstall the operating system\nor take other measures to clean the machine,\nwhich doesn't work in the favor of the\nbotnet controller.\n[Offscreen voice] I'm assuming this starts from people opening\ndodgy emails, or something. Is that the sort of thing\nthat starts this off\nfor an innocent user sitting there\nusing their computer?\nSo, every botnet has a propagation mechanism;\nand, nothing stopping it from using\nmultiple propogation vectors.\nSo, for example, a botnet\ncan spread itself in passive ways,\nor in active ways. So, active ways\nusually involve little or no user intervention;\nbasically no user intervention\nin the sense that, if a machine\nhas been infected, then\nthe bot binary has inherent mechanisms\nto find other hosts on the internet to infect.\nFor example, by scanning for hosts\nthat have known vulnerabilities that can be exploited.\nAnd then, there are passive mechanisms\nthat use -- that require some degree\nof user intervention.\nFor example, drive-by downloads,\nwhich are websites\nthat have, say, some active content\nlike JavaScript, or ActiveX controls.\nSo just a user,\nwhen he or she visits the website,\nthe installation of the malware\ntakes place in an automated fashion.\n[Offscreen voice] So, just because they visited that website,\nthe website might be doing something that they think,\nOh look, Flash, active\nthis, that, or the other, and\nfancy graphics. But in the background,\nit could be doing something much more serious.\nYeah, and um,\nthere are other passive ways, also.\nI mean, social engineering is a very powerful way\nof spreading malware in general, especially botnets,\nwhich involves some kind of\nhuman interaction to convince\na user to take steps that\nthey would otherwise not do.\nFor example,\na pop-up thing\nthat pops up and says,\nYou have won the lottery. Click on this link\nto claim the money. And you click on the link,\nand it initiates the download of the malware\nto your machine.\nAnd then, we also have propagation mechanisms\nlike, uh,\nlike media. For example, USB sticks.\nWhich is potentially very powerful,\nbecause it allows the infection to spread\nto private networks\nwhich are otherwise inaccessible over the internet.\nI mean, usually the malicious binary\nis in the form of an executable.\nSo, it just starts running, right,\nlike, it doesn't need you to double-click it.\n[Offscreen voice] Where does the command machine come in?\n[Offscreen voice] You know, is that being controlled by someone,\nor is that itself a bot?\nSo, I think we can make use\nof some diagrams here.\n[Offscreen voice] Yeah, yeah, absolutely.\nOkay, so here is the C&C server here.\nAnd, here is the user.\nThe innocent user.\nSay that, through whatever propagation vector,\neither through clicking on some bad links,\nor through some infected media,\nthe user installs the malicious software.\nIf it's associated with a botnet,\nusually it's called a \"bot binary\".\nBinary means the executable code which\ncan be directly run by the machine\nwithout the need to be compiled.\nBy installing the bot binary,\nthe user\nhas got the infection, but\nit is not formally part of the botnet now.\nIt needs to find some way\nto locate the C&C server\nto be able to exchange messages with it.\nSo, it needs some rallying mechanism.\nNow, the rallying mechanism can take place\nin the form of an IP address.\nThat is, the IP address can be hard-coded\ninto the bot binary. Or the user\ncan obtain a seed list of IP addresses,\nwhich would be basically IP addresses of\nsome other hosts which know\nhow to locate the C&C server.\nSo basically, like stepping stones between\nthe C&C server and the user\nto locate the C&C server.\nApart from IP address, the user could\nalso potentially use some domain name\nrelated to the C&C server, and\nthe domain name could likewise be hard-coded\ninto the bot binary; or the user can\nmake use of some algorithm,\nwhich is known to the user,\nand to the C&C server to generate\npredictable domain names\nwhich are then associated with the C&C server.\nEither way, once the user finds out\nhow to communicate with the C&C server,\nit connects to it.\nNow the user is formally part of the botnet,\nand it has kind of registered itself\nwith the botnet.\nSo typically, the C&C server wants the bots\nto carry out certain nefarious activities\non its behalf. It is able to access\nthat particular bot.\nNow, the purposes for which these bots can be used\nare different.\nFor example,\nthe bots can be used for the\npurpose of information gathering,\nwhich involves, uh,\nsensitive information like passwords,\ncredit card information,\nor information that is not of a financial nature\nbut's still valuable, for example,\nintellectual property.\nThe other purpose for which the botnet\ncan use its bots is\nfor distributed computing.\nFor example, distributed password cracking,\ngetting bots to solve CAPTCHAs,\nbasically, anything that requires\nproof of work, and is infeasible\nfor, um, for the botmaster,\nthe person who controls the botnet,\nto carry out individually.\nIt can distribute it across\nthe recruited bots\nand get them to do it on its behalf.\n[Offscreen voice] The C&C machine is obviously\nunder the control of the -- whoever the botmaster is.\nYeah.\n[Offscreen voice] Um, is that there usually their own computer,\nor is that again remote from them?\n[Offscreen voice] So is there -- I was wondering if there was a way\nof tracing them?\nYes. So --\nIt would be very naive of a botmaster to directly\nuse its own machine for the C&C purposes.\nAnd, usually, how it\nevades detection\nis to incorporate\nseveral stepping stones between itself\nand the machine.\nAnd, for example,\nit could login to that machine\nor access that machine using the TOR network.\nSo that way, it is using that machine anonymously\nand remove all traces of its identity,\nand basically be untraceable.\n[Offscreen voice] How many botnets are actually operating on the internet at the moment?\n[Offscreen voice] Is there -- can anyone hazard a guess\nat those numbers, or --\nIt's hard to say, because\num, I mean, how can you count\nthe number of bots that are controlled, right?\nLike, if it's a centralized\nbotnet, and there is, say,\none, or like a limited number\nof C&C servers -- In one specific case,\nthey looked at all the\nincoming connections to the C&C server,\nwhich kind of helped them estimate\nthe footprint of the botnet, which is the number of bots\nthat formed part of the botnet.\nBut, who knows if there are other C&C servers\nrelated to the same botnet?\nBecause, you know, like, looking from the vantage point\nof one C&C server would afford you visibility\ninto only its own footprint.\nSo, there have been academic\nstudies on estimates of\nbotnet footprints.\nUm, but one cannot really\nbe completely accurate about that.\n[Offscreen voice] Is there any way that that kind of technology can be\nused for good? Or, is it always for nefarious reasons? [Laughing]\nWell, uh --\nIt's kind of being used for the good,\nin the context of censorship resistance systems,\nwhere good users are trying to access\nsome content which has been banned in their country,\nusing more or less the same evasive measures\nwhich are used by botnets\nor malware to evade security people.\nSo, it's the same model, turned upside-down.\nBy subtracting these frames from each other,\nwe can virtually shroud\n[camera shutter sounds]\nthe influence of daylight.\nSo, we can even eliminate\ncast shadows...\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "Hi.\nWelcome to this lecture on risk\nof fetal death--\ncurrent concerts are best\ngestational age for delivery.\nThis article was published\nin the American Journal\nof Obstetrics and Gynecology\nin March, 2013.\nWe would first talk to you\nabout what this paper is about\nand then go on to critique\nthe article.\nThis study was conducted\nbecause previous studies\non the best gestational age\nfor delivery\nhad only looked at problems\nrising from prematurity\nand based it\non neonatal mortalities.\nThe best gestational age was\ndetermined to be between 38\nto 39 weeks.\nHowever, no studies have studied\nthe fetal risk\nof intrauterine death resulting\nfrom remaining undelivered.\nThe authors then set out to find\nthe best gestational age\nby comparing both the neonatals\nmortalities due to prematurity\nand fetal death from remaining\nundelivered.\nThe author specifically looked\nat the gestational ages\nbetween 34 and 41 weeks\nto do the comparison.\nThis is a retrospective cohort\nanalysis of data\nfrom the National Center\nfor Health Statistics for 2003\nto 2005 in the United States,\nlooking at birth rate\nand infant death rate.\nExclusion criteria included\nthe following-- missing\nvariables, multiple gestations,\nfetal anomalies, gestational age\nless than 34 and greater than 42\ncompleted weeks,\nand implausible birth rate.\nThe final population\nis\nstratified into high-risk and\nlow-risk cohorts with high-risk\nbeing determined by preexisting\nmaternal conditions as listed.\nThis classification does not\ninclude gestational diabetes,\nabruption, and/or pre-eclampsia,\nwhich are common pregnancy\ncomplications.\nThe high-risk and low-risk\npopulations are pretty\nhomogeneous and similar.\nSome differences to note\nare, the high-risk group\nwas older with a tendency\nfor preexisting\nmaternal conditions appearing\nin a higher rate of C-section.\nThis equation was used\nto calculate the number\nof fetal deaths\nthat could be avoided\nby delivery\nfor a particular gestational\nage.\nWe will now look at the results\nof the analysis carried out.\nThe authors plotted\nthe fetal death rates\ndue to non-delivery\nin blue with the neonatal death\nrates in yellow.\nThe best gestational age\nfor delivery\nis deemed to be the point when\nthe risks\nof fetal and neonatal deaths\nare equal.\nThis is between 37 and 38 weeks\nin both the general population\nand in the low-risk pregnancy\ngroup.\nAs for the high-risk pregnancy\ngroup, the best gestational age\nfor delivery\nwas deemed to be between 35\nand 36 weeks using\nthe same analysis.\nIt is arguable why the best\ngestational age is not when\nboth rates are at their lowest\nbut when they're equalized.\nThe results are as summarized\nhere.\nUsing the calculated rates,\nthe authors then went on\nto estimate the numbers\nof neonatal deaths\nthat could occur\nat each gestational age\nand plot them\nwith the fetal deaths that\nactually occurred\nat and after the gestational\nage.\nWe could see that the numbers\nof each\nis about equal at 37 weeks,\nwhich\nis similar to previous results\nshown.\nSince there were still\nneonatal deaths\nat an after term, the authors\ndeemed that there were causes\nof neonatal deaths\nthat were\nindependent of prematurity.\nThis arbitrary number was then\ndeducted from all neonatal death\nnumbers\nat the different gestational\nage.\nWhen plotted\nwith the fetal death numbers,\nthe best gestational age\nfor delivery at which both death\nrates are equal is at 36 weeks.\nWith the methods and results\nin mind, we will not discuss\nour critiques on this article.\nWe are made aware of the need\nto consider mortality arising\nfrom intrauterine fetal death\nfrom delivery,\nand not just neonatal\nmortality from prematurity\nin determining the best\ngestational age for delivery.\nThe authors also suggest\nthat this is when the risks\nof both\nhave equalized, namely\nbetween 37 to 38 weeks\nfor the general population\nand low-risk pregnancies,\nand between 35 to 36 weeks\nfor high-risk pregnancies.\nThere are, however, areas which\nneed to be improved\nand questioned to be answered.\nFirstly, the only outcomes\nmeasured were the mortality\nrates without taking\ninto consideration neonatal\nmorbidities,\nsuch as respiratory distress,\nwhich would require oxygen\nsupport, and also longer\nhospital stays.\nThis would affect the decision\non when the best gestational age\nfor delivery should be.\nAnother factor that affects\nthe germination\nof the gestational age itself is\nthe dating methods\nused to determine\nthe gestational ages.\nThe accuracy of using Naegele's\nrule and ultrasound differ.\nAnd the trimester at which\nultrasound dating is used\nwould also affect\nthe [INAUDIBLE] gestational age.\nBeing unable to control\nfor these variables\nmakes analysis incomplete,\nand results might potentially\nbe affected by this factor.\nThe criteria used to stratify\nthe pregnancies\ninto high and low-risk were also\nimperfect.\nHigh-risk pregnancies were only\nselected based on preexisting\nmaternal conditions\nwithout taking\ninto consideration\npregnancy-related conditions\nsuch as pre-eclampsia,\ngestational diabetes,\nand others.\nMaternal risk factors that alter\npregnancy outcomes\nand fetal health,\nsuch as obesity, smoking,\nalcohol consumption,\nwere not taken into account.\nAnother questionable method\nis what the authors termed\nas inherent risk\nof neonatal death\nthat\nis independent of prematurity.\nThis is what was used\nto generate figure 3B,\nbut there was not\nmuch information on how this was\nderived or much elaboration\non what these risks might be.\nThe next point that needs\nclarification is the exclusion\ncriteria of implausible birth\nweight.\nThe definition is unclear\nsince it is not clear\nif low birth rates have been\nexcluded and how a birth rate is\nconsidered implausible.\nRisks associated with such birth\nweights are potentially\nconfounding factors.\nLastly, taking a more\nglobal view, the data generated\nis based\non the American community\nand the American health care\nsystem.\nHealth care facilities\nin developed countries would\nmore likely be able to deal with\ncomplicated pregnancies\nand problems associated with\nprematurity, but the same cannot\nbe said of those in less\ndeveloped countries.\nFurthermore, less developed\ncountries might face\nother factors that affect\nfetal and neonatal\nsurvivability,\nsuch as the ability to deal\nwith premature infants,\naccessibility of health care\nfacilities,\nand other indicators\nof high-risk pregnancies,\nsuch as malnourishment,\nstarvation,\nor endemic infections.\nThank you and we hope you have\nlearned about factors that could\naffect\nthe best in gestational age.\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "So you've taken some data\nand you've encrypted it.\nYou've effectively\nput it into a safe\nand you've shipped that\nsafe off to someone else.\nYou're hoping, of course,\nthat the information\ninside that safe\nis really secure,\nbut how do you really know?\nThe bad guy obviously\ndoesn't have\nthe combination to the safe.\nThe bad guys are going to find\na way to get into the safe.\nThey're going to try every\npossible combination.\nMaybe they know that\nthis particular safe\nwas built in a way\nthat allows access\nif you use the right\nkind of tools against it.\nThose are the ways\nthe bad guys are using\nto break our cryptography.\nSometimes it's a\ncryptographic shortcoming\nor sometimes it's just\nthe way that we've\nimplemented the cryptography\nin what we're using.\nOne attack against a number of\ndifferent cryptographic methods\nis called the Known\nPlaintext Attack, or KPA.\nThis is when the\nattacker has, obviously,\nthe encrypted\ninformation but they also\nmight have a little bit of\nthe plaintext-- something\nthat they were able to discern\nperhaps in some other way.\nIf you have a little\nbit of the plaintext,\nyou may be able to start\nbreaking down the cryptography.\nThis known plaintext is\noften called the crib.\nIt helps you determine what\nthe rest of the plaintext\nhappens to be.\nThis is the situation we\nhad in World War II when\nwe were trying to break\nthe cryptography used\nwith the enigma cipher.\nIt was easier to\nbreak this cipher\nif you had a little bit of\nthe plaintext to work with.\nYou could often find\nweather report information.\nYou would look for the words\n\"Wetter,\" because that's\nthe German word for \"weather.\"\nSometimes numbers would\nbe commonly put inside\nof the messages.\nThe Royal Air Force\nwould often try\nto see these messages by\nputting mines in certain harbors\nand then they would wait for\nan encrypted message that\nhad that harbor name\nsomewhere inside.\nAnd by using that\ncrib, they could then\ndecipher the rest\nof the message.\nWe use cryptography\nquite a bit when\nwe're storing passwords\non our devices\nbecause we often store\nthese passwords as hashes.\nA hash is a one-way\ncommunication.\nYou can't determine\nwhat the password\nis once you have the hash.\nThe only way to try to\ndetermine what that password is\nis to try hashing every\nother possible combination\nand see if you can get the two\nhashes to match each other.\nOne way to optimize\nthis would be\nto create an enormous table that\ntook every possible password\noption and already had\npre-calculated and stored\nthis data.\nWe call these rainbow\ntables, so instead\nof having to perform the hash\nfor every possible scenario,\nyou've already done it and\nstored that hash information.\nThis means all you need to do\nnow is perform a simple search,\nand in a matter of\nseconds, you can\nmatch up hashes and determine\nwhat these passwords might be.\nOne of the\nchallenges, though, is\nthat different methods\nof storing passwords\nstore the hash in\ndifferent ways.\nSo the hash for\nWindows is going to be\ndifferent than a hash for MySQL.\nThat means you'll need to\nbuild a separate set of rainbow\ntables for each one of\nthese unique situations.\nThis is also why\nit's recommended\nthat you salt any passwords\nthat are going to be stored.\nA salt is an extra bit\nof random information\nthat's added to the\npassword, so even if somebody\nwas storing exactly\nthe same password\nwith two different\nusernames, those two hashes\nwould be completely\ndifferent and would\nbe impossible to be able to\ndiscern using a rainbow table.\nIf you are trying to\nreverse-engineer someone's\npassword, one of the\nbest ways to do this\nis with a dictionary attack.\nPeople tend to use common\nwords as their passwords,\nand if you could get\nthe most common words\nand try those first, you've\ngot a better chance of finding\nthose passwords very quickly.\nYou can find many\nlists on the internet\nthat have the most common\npasswords that people abuse--\nwords like password\nand ninja and football\ntend to be in the top 5\nor top 10 of passwords\nthat people will use.\nYou'll find those word lists\ncustomized by language.\nSometimes there's line of work.\nAnd if you're\nsomeone who's trying\nto audit your own\npasswords, you may\nwant to have a look\nat some of those lists\nand try a brute force yourself.\nThis will catch people that\nare using common words.\nIt will catch the people that\naren't putting a lot of thought\ninto their password.\nBut you'll still need to use\nother types of password attacks\nif you plan on catching\npeople who are very\nsecure with their passwords.\nWith a brute force attack,\nyou don't use a dictionary.\nInstead, you're using\nevery possible combination\nof letters, special\ncharacters, and numbers\nto try to determine what\nsomeone's password might be.\nIf you're trying to use a\nbrute force attack online,\nit can be very difficult.\nIt's a slow process\nand most systems\ndetect when somebody\nis using the wrong\npassword over and over\nand they either slow down or\ncompletely disable an account.\nInstead, it's much easier\nif you can gain access\nto that file that contains\nthe hash passwords.\nThat way, you can\ntake it offline\nand run it through an\nautomated process where\nyou don't have the slowdowns\nor any type of disabling\nof account that you\nhave to deal with.\nYou can calculate a hash,\ncompare it to what's stored,\nand see if you can determine\nwhat those passwords might be.\nThis may take a lot\nof computing power\nto calculate all of these\nhashes but at least you\nknow you're going through\nevery possible combination\nand you will be\nable to determine\nwhat that password is.\nIf you have a classroom\nof 23 students,\nwhat is the possibility\nthat two of those students\nshare exactly the same birthday?\nIt may surprise you to\nknow that it's about 50%.\nIf you increase the\nnumber of students to 30,\nthere's almost 70% chance\nthat two of those students\nare going to share\nexactly the same birthday.\nIn the digital world, we\ncall this a hash collision.\nThat's when you have the same\nhash value even though you\nmight have different\nplaintext that's\nbeing calculated for that hash.\nThat's not something\nyou'd like to see\nin your hashing algorithms.\nWith a hash collision,\nthe attacker\nwould be able to use\ntheir own plaintext\nto match a hash value that\nyou're using for validation.\nOne thing you can do is to use\nlarger and larger hash sizes\nin an attempt to avoid\nany type of collision.\nThis is a fundamental\nrule in hashing.\nEvery type of plaintext should\nhave a completely unique hash\nassociated with it.\nThere should never\nbe a situation\nwhere the hash is identical.\nCryptographers found\na hash collision\nin the MD 5 Algorithm.\nThat's the Message\nDigest Algorithm 5 that\nwas published in April, 1992.\nAnd they found this\nfirst collision in 1996.\nBy 2008, researchers were\nable to create a certificate\nauthority that appeared to be\nlegitimate because the hash was\ncorrect, but in reality,\nit was a certificate\nthat they created themselves\nand in fact was not\nsigned by a trusted\ncertificate authority.\nThis is an example\nof an MD 5 collision.\nWe have some plaintext\nat the top and plaintext\nat the bottom.\nThese are almost\nidentical but there\nare a number of items as\npart of the plaintext that\nare different and those are\nmarked in red with the bold.\nThose are supposed\nto give you two\ncompletely different hashes,\nbut as you can see here,\nthe MD 5 hash for both\nof these is identical\nand that's a hash collision.\nThere are a number of\ncryptographic algorithms\nthat we've used\nthrough the years\nthat we no longer\ntake advantage of.\nInstead, we've\nmoved to algorithms\nthat are better and stronger.\nBut there are situations\nwith a downgrade attack\nwhere you may be forced into\nusing some of these older\nand weaker security mechanisms.\nAn example of a downgrade attack\nthat was used with web servers\nwas identified in 1995.\nThis was the FREAK\nattack and it took\nadvantage of a\nvulnerability on web servers\nto be able to use some\nvery weak encryption keys.\nThis went back to\nsome restrictions\nthat were put in\nplace in the 1990s\nwhere only certain sized\nkeys were able to be\nused for cryptography.\nThese keys were limited\nto 512 bits or less.\nWell, with this\ndowngrade attack,\ninstead of you using the\nlatest and strongest key pairs,\nthis attack would force you\nto use these weaker keys.\nAnd because you were\nusing weaker keys,\nnow it was much easier to\nbrute force and decrypt\nthe information that might have\ngone back and forth between you\nand that web server.\nWe've certainly run into our\nfair share of weak encryption\nalgorithms through the years.\nOne that we often\nmention is 802.11 WEP.\nThis was the Wireless\nEncryption Protocol\nthat was very easy to decrypt.\nIn fact, we were able to\ndecrypt a WEP key in this series\nin less than a second.\nSo obviously that's not\nan encryption mechanism\nyou would want to use on\nyour wireless network.\nAnother older type\nof encryption that\ncan now be very easily\ndecrypted is the Data Encryption\nStandard, or DES.\nThis used very small\nkeys relative to what\nwe're using today--\nonly 56 bits.\nModern systems can brute\nforce through 56 bits\nvery quickly so that's not\nan encryption standard you'd\nwant to use on your network.\nAnother cryptographic\nattack you'd like to avoid\nis a replay attack.\nThere are a number\nof encryption methods\nthat will prevent a\nreplay from occurring.\nIf your encryption\nmethod is hashing\nwithout any type of salt or\nthere's no session ID tracking,\nyou want to be very careful that\na replay attack's not something\nthat can happen to you.\nSometimes an\nencryption method can\nbe built to automatically\nmitigate a replay attack.\nKerberos is a very\ngood example of this\nbecause Kerberos puts a time\nstamp in the encryption method\nitself.\nEven if somebody did\ncapture that information\nand try to replay it\nlater, it would not\nbe accepted because\nthe time stamp would be\nafter the actual time of day.\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "I'm Mohammed Baja, one of the\nlecturers in the School of Computer\nScience at the University of Birmingham.\nI'm also the year in industry tutor.\nIn this presentation,\nI will be speaking about the year in\nindustry,\nwhat does that mean and what\nkind of benefits you will get. I will\nshare some views and feedback\nfrom our\nprevious students about their\nplacements and how they reflected upon\ntheir placements. So we were going to\nshow\nsome previous years students views and feedback.\nHopefully this will motivate you\nand you will hear from our previous\nstudents. Also I'm going to take you\nthroughout the\neligibility procedures, how you\ncan register with this year in industry, are\nyou eligible, and these kind of things.\nI'm going to speak about\nacceptable employers, what kind of\nemployers we accept,\nand what our\nrequirements\nlook like in terms of employers.\nI'm going to speak about\nwhat kind of things you would expect\nfrom the university\nduring the year in industry, so let's say\nthat you have joined a program\ninternship or placement, so what we will\nbe offering you\nduring this industrial placement,\nand finally we will be receiving your\nquestions.\nSo please feel free\nto type your questions and let us know\nwhat kind of things you would like to\nknow more about the year in industry.\nSo what is it? What is the year in\nindustry? Simply,\nit's spending a year working in industry\nfrom the summer or the autumn of a year then\nto the next year spring or summer. So let\nme give you an example, let's\npretend that you will start your\nplacement this summer. That means\nthat you will start in\nthe summer or in the autumn of 2020\nand you will finish the year in\nthe next year 2021\nin the spring or the summer. Maybe this\nwould be\na question, so what is the minimum\nperiod of placement, if some\npeople can start from summer and finish\nin spring?\nSo does that mean that it's not really\ngoing to be one year or 12 months? Well,\nwe have a requirement in the\nschool, the threshold for this is\na minimum of nine months. However most of our students they do\ncomplete 12 months, even some of the\nstudents they get kind of another\nthree months of extension because if\nthey start\nduring the summer and if they finish\nnext summer\nthey will have three months to\nwork. Some students they get this\nkind of extension\nand they use these three months to\ncontinue another summer\nplacement.\nSo when you can join the year in\nindustry, is it in the first year, second year\nthird year? How does this work?\nAgain it's very simple, so if you are\nregistered in BSc program,\nyou will finish the first two years\nbecause as you know the BSc\nprogram is three years. So you will\nfinish year one, year two in the university then you will\nbe able to join a company or you will be\nable to\nto go for the industrial placement.\nAfter you finish that year, you will come\nback to finish your final year and this\nis for the BSc program.\nHowever if you're interested in a four\nyear program like\nMSci/MEng, you need to spend the first three years\nin the university and then you will be\nable to join a company or to go to the\nindustrial placement.\nAfter you finish that placement you\ncan come back and finish your final\nyear. We designed this approach for\na purpose because we want you to\ngain the required experience\nto be able to work on your\nfinal year project. As you know when you\njoin the BSc\nprogram or the MSci/MEng,\nyou are required to complete a final\nyear\nproject and this project requires you to\nshow\nyour experience and what you have gained\nthroughout the previous\nacademic year.\nThe final year project is a very\ncrucial thing, it's very important\nbecause when you're going to look for\na graduate job or you're going to\nshow your profile to somebody, you need\nto show something that you are proud of\nand something significant you\nhave done.\nYou have added lots of\nexperience in it so\nin the industrial placement will help\nyou to make\nyour final year project\nas great as possible because you\nwill be\ncombining the theoretical knowledge that\nyou gained\nthroughout the previous years in the practical\nexercises etc with the real life\nexperience\nthat you gained from the year in\nindustry and then you will be able to\nwork on your final year project in\nin a way that will make sure that\nyour project will fit a\nmarketing opportunity.\nOr you might be able to take\nit further after even you graduate and\nyou finish\nyour studies. Of course, the year industry will\nhelp you to return with a\nmuch clearer idea about the career\npathway\nbecause during your studying\nin the university you will get exposed\nto many modules with many\ninterests and fields. So you will be\nstudying for example\nAI, data science, networking,\noperating systems and many fields\nand at some point\nyou need to have the real life\nexperience to see\nwhere you are, what are your\ninterests and where you feel you find\nyourself\nprogressing well in terms of career\nprogressing.\nAre you somebody who would like to work\nin cyber security and security layers?\nAre you somebody who would like to work\nin computer engineering?\nOr data science machine learning?\nHow are you going to know this? By\nexperiencing the year in industry\nbecause in the year in industry actually\nyou will get exposed to many\ntechnologies that will help you to\ndecide where you're going to go after\nyou finish your studies.\nAnother important thing, and this will\nbe shown in in the next slide when I\nshow you the\nfeedback of our previous students, you\nwould be really motivated\nduring your third year. You will be very\nconfident because you already exposed\nthe real life and when you come back to\nthe university life,\nyou will be able to handle it in a\nconfident manner.\nYou will know many techniques and\nadvanced technology\nand you will be able to handle\nthings in a critical thinking\nbased approach because you\nwill already have been exposed to\nproblems and how real life problems\ncould be solved in the industry. Then\nyou will be able to apply this\nconfidently in your final year\nproject and of course\nyou will earn some money because we\ndon't accept unpaid\ninternships. This is a requirement\nby the school,\nif you want to go for a year in industry\nthen it should be paid\nwhich is kind of a good thing\nto get some money during your\nplacement year.\nAll right so I have collected three\nrandom samples\nfrom the reflective reports of our\nprevious students and as you can see,\nthis is one of them.\nI have tried to highlight the\nimportant keywords or the important\nmessages that our students\nhave passed to future students\nduring their reflective reports but of\ncourse\nyou are encouraged to read the whole\nthing.\nThis student is saying that it's the\nmost enjoyable and important year of my\nlife\nand as i've mentioned the student\nwill get exposed to many\ntechnologies and domains in the \nindustry.\nThis student has benefited and he's\nconfirming this.\nHe has managed to learn about the\nops and other kind of\ntechnologies, another important thing\nthat\nif you are progressing really well in\nthe company most likely and this\nhappens quite a lot most likely the\ncompany will offer you\na job to to come back to them after\nyou\ngo to the university back and finish\nyour third year\nor final year.\nIf you like the\ncompany and if you wish to continue\nworking with them\nthen most likely you will find that you\nhave\nthis opportunity and they will offer you\nto join them and to come back to them.\nThis is another kind of feedback\nfrom the reflective reports,\nhas confirmed my ideal job as a software\ndeveloper because as I've mentioned in\nthe university, you will study many modules\nthat you will get exposed to, different\ninterests as I've mentioned some of them,\nAI\noperating systems some of them relevant\nto network\nand other kind of fields but when you go\nto the industry this the industry\nor of the ear industry will confirm to\nyou what kind of\nfield that you will find yourself and\nyou will love\nwhen you finish your study so you will\nat least you will have a clear\nand solid plan about your career\nuh pathway or or plan when you finish\nthe year in industry\nwhat kind of things the he mentioned\nhere as well much of the it could be she\nby the way so he or she\nmuch of the knowledge used in the\nindustry industrial sense\nand also again or she gained confidence\nin\nentertainment interpersonal skills and\nthe software skills is very\ncrucial thing that the students will\nwill learn during the\nyear in industry now he or she is ready\nfor\nthe bigger company as well bigger\ncompanies\nbecause the experience now is expanded\nand\nnow um he or she got the um the\num you know the um ability\nto know what kind of other companies\nlook like etc um\nnow the student uh is saying that um\nhe will be able to build um uh web\napplications\nand too many advanced things and again\nas i've mentioned this is\nthis this feedback are random\nsamples so i'm sure that if i if i'm\ngoing to show too many other\nuh um kind of feedback this will help\nyou to get motivated and\ninspired about what kind of things you\ncan do in the industry\nagain this is the last one and the\nstudents say\nsay that the most valuable year of my\nlife in terms of career progressing\nif we dive deep we can see why it's the\nmost important\nfor valuable year so the student managed\nto learn about software industrial\nindustry standards again a software\nscrum which is\na kind of a very common um agile\nmethodology development methodology\nwhich we teach in in the university in\nthe module of software engineering\nso this is confirmed that um our\nstudents they\nget the the the knowledge and the theory\nfrom the modules that we teach and they\napply it\nin the industry because it's required by\nthe industry\num let me move to the eligibility so i\ncan\nmake sure that the time is in line with\nmy presentation\num it's a very simple thing so if you\nare registered\nwith a year in industry degree then you\nwill be able to apply for\nuh you know to to submit or and\napply for year in industry opportunities\nand\njoin join the um join an internship\nbut what about if you are not registered\nand you have not\nreally made your mind yet and you don't\nknow whether you're going to go for a\nyear in industry or you\nyou want just to finish uh your your\nprogram as\nfast as possible or as fast as possible\nthe matter is very simple again you will\nstill have\nthe opportunity to switch your course\nuh since you have not started your third\nyear or your final year\nso if let's say that you finish year one\nwhere\nand year two and you have not registered\nwith a year in industry degree\nbut you have changed your mind um and um\nyou want to go for a year in industry\nit's a\nthe university has a very dynamic and\nflexible procedures that will allow you\nto switch\nfrom um without a year industry to\nwith a year in industry degree\nso it's it's a matter of just changing\nthe course um and you will be able to do\nthat\num this is um a point for the inter\ninternational students would be able to\nwould they be able to\njoin the year industry yes but they need\nextra\nyear because mainly their visa will be\nfor the program years whether it's\nthree years or four years but if they\nwant to add the year in industry\nthe visa should reflect that and we have\nlike the um\nthe international office team they are\nvery helpful to give more information\nabout this\nwhat suppose what what support do the\nuniversity provide\nmainly you will be you will get access\nto our\ne-learning platform we call it canvas\nyou will get access to a relevant canvas\npage\nthat we will keep posting new\nopportunities because usually what\nhappens\nyou have two approaches to apply for a\nyear in industrial for internships\nyou can seek uh you you can you can\nsearch online\nabout um internships or\nin some cases you the companies come\ndirectly to us because\nyou know our university is one of the uh\nwell\nit's a lead university in this in this\nfield and\ncompanies they come to us with\nopportunities and they ask us to\ndistribute these opportunities to our\nrelevant students so this is what\nusually happened\nso companies reach me out mainly and i\nwill um\nstudy the opportunities and if i confirm\nthat these are within the\nrequirements of my of our department\nthen i will\npost them to the year industry students\nso they will be able to apply\nanother important thing we have in the\nuniversity we have\nthe carrier network uh it's um it's a\nwell-established platform that will help\nyou to\nwork on your cv and\nyou will be able to book an appointment\nwith internship officers\nthat will help you to\nto find the most suitable um\ninternship best in your interest and\nbased on what you feel that you will\nyou will go go forward so uh you you can\nyou can\num you can ask ask for like a\nface-to-face meeting with them any time\nuh you can make an appointment uh\nfor with a career advisor you can ask an\nonline\ninquiry about anything that\nyou have you have um in your mind about\nhow to apply\nwhat kind of opportunities you carry out\nand these kind of things\nbut let me clarify something here the\nbottom line in this\nyou must find the placement yourself\nwe offer you lots of channels of help\nin terms of showing you the\nopportunities\ndistributing and share with you what\ncompanies\nmight share with us offering you access\nto the career network but the bottom\nline is you\nmust find the uh placement and apply for\nthe placement yourself\nso i hope this is this point is very\nclear so what will happen during the\nyear in industry\nuh during the year in industry you will\nremain very much part of the school\num you will get access to all of the\nresources of the university you will\nstill have access to\nyour um to the library to all of the\nfacilities that we have\nalso a regular contact between the uh\none of the academics\nmembers and you do will happen\nmainly at least two kind of main contact\npoints will happen\nduring the year industry uh it could be\nduring online via online meetings or at\nsome point we\nmight make some visits for in some cases\nbut mainly we're going to use the online\nmeetings to to do the uh\nto do the um the follow-up with our\nstudents\nand uh also you you will be able to\naccess our\nresources you will be able to access our\nresources in terms of academic resources\nyou will be able to contact with our\nacademic staff\nanytime to to to ask them about the\nfinal year because you will be aware\naway\nat some point and you will come back to\nto work on your final project right so\nyou will\nyou will find our academics are very\nsupportive\nuh helpful that they will come back to\nyou if you have any\nquestions about the final year project\nor any idea i would like to discuss etc\nwhat kind of rules you can apply for\nactually these are\nthe list but it's not limited to that\nwe are open to discuss any kind of\nrelevant\num rules but these are\nkind of the common uh rules that i've\nseen during the\nlast period so for example um mobile\ncomputing and software\nuh developer robotics engineer security\nengineer artificial intelligence\nintelligence intelligent developer game\ndeveloper and this kind of things\nhowever it's not limited to this as i've\nmentioned uh if you\nif you find another kind of rule that\nyou want to discuss it with us\nplease come back to me or to be your\nindustry teacher and\nwe'll be able to discuss it\nuh what kind of employers that we accept\nand i'm going to finish very soon\ni know that the time is passing um\nwe recommend that our students go for\nthe large\ncompanies and we have lots of hours a\nlot of our students they are joining the\nlast camp\nthe the biggest companies as such as\ngoogle amazon\nand this cisco and this kind of big\nnames\nsmall medium enterprises you would like\nto know\num a little bit about them before we\nagree\nor before we confirm the placement\nstartups we need to do\nfurther investigation and to see what\nkind of specification\nor position specification or rule\nspecification you will you will be\ndoing there so we will be following that\nwith you when you apply for a placement\nwe need to study\nthe the company and to make sure that\nthe requirement is\ndoes fit with with the requirements of\nour school\nthese are some of the employee employers\nthat our students um\num apply for uh\nwe have we have currently have students\nin google i don't see google here but\nwe have students in google we have\nstudents in amazon we have students\nin cisco currently have students in ibm\nand these kind of\nin vodafone pwc and this kind of\ncompanies\ni remember last year we had students\nmaybe two students in expedia but yes\nthis this art kind of the companies that\nwe\nour students go for uh finally the\nlocation uh we accept any placement\nwithin the uk\nuh we can accept the placement in eu as\nwell\nbut we need to you need to contact with\nus and let us know in advance so we can\nconfirm\nless anywhere further\nit needs a special permission so we\ndon't we don't accept like\nplacement to be done outside the uk or\neu without special permission so you\nneed to come back to us\nand we need to study the the company and\nthe\nplacement offer etc and to be able to\napprove\nthat placement if it is like outside the\nuk\num or the eu if you have any questions\nplease let us know\nand thank you for um for your\nattendance and for listening to my\npresentation and now i'll pass\nthe talk to uh alex alex is the previous\nstudent who um who made a year in\nindustry and would like to reflect on\nhis\nexperience in the year in industry\nplease alex join and you're welcome\nall right thanks mohammed um yeah so\nas um mohammed said i'm a current\nstudent at\nthe university of birmingham um\nhere you go my name is alex uh here's a\npicture of me looking slightly confused\nin front of\nold joe um i'm doing an integrated\nmasters in computer science\num so i've done three years worth of\nthat so far\num i've just started my year in industry\ni started it about three weeks ago and\nso i'll be doing that for the next year\nand then i'll come back for my final\nyear and i'm working at\nvodafone so\num a little bit about why you should do\nit\nnow mohammed's already covered a few of\nthese different points but um\ni'll just give you briefly why i did it\num\nso first of all you get experience in\nthat\num it can be it can be like\na test to see what kinds of\nindustry you want to go into um and\nfor example if you're not sure whether\nyou want to go into finance or\ngame development or wide variety of\nthings you can\nyou can try it just for 12 months and\nthat way you've got\na test to see what it's like\num future jobs obviously\num it's look great on a cv uh you'll\nbe at a much better advantage if if you\nwere compared against another student\nwho had exactly the same grades exactly\nthe same everything else\nbut you'd done a year in industry and\nthey hadn't that's going to put you a\ngreat advantage\num and as well like mohammed said um\nsome places will offer you a graduate\nplacement at the end of it\nas long as you graduate within the next\nyear and so that means that you can\ncome back to university um and you're\nnot uh too\nbusy with trying to find a graduate\nworkplace so you can just focus on your\nstudies\ngives you a little bit more confidence\nthere it's a break from uni\nuh don't get me wrong i do love uni um\nbut being able to take a step back um\nhave a change of environment\nperhaps a change of location as well uh\nwhen you do come back to university\nyou're a bit more refreshed and you've\ngot all the skills that you've got\nfrom the workplace that can then help\nyou\nin your studies in final year with your\nlarge project\nagain it's paid um you are\nvaluable to the company and you will be\nin reimbursed\njustly um but there's a reason why\ncs mondays you must be paid for it and\nthat's because you deserve it\num and it's fun i know it's a bit cheesy\nbut\nit is fun um and it can be chance to try\nsomething that you wouldn't get to do\nwithin university as well so like i said\nearlier games development\num there's a little bit of that within\nthe degree but if it's something that\nyou're interested in pursuing\nafter university this can be a great way\nof getting into it\nso how do you apply um\nthis is more general advice for the\nwhole process um so i won't go into\nfull details but it gives you an idea of\nthe kinds of things that you'll need to\nbe doing\nand the first one is that you'll need a\ncv now\nwhile i'm not suggesting that you need\nto go and start writing a cv today\num what you can be doing is building up\nyour skills\num and achievements when you get to\nuniversity\njoin societies get involved with the\nuniversity in\ndifferent ways and that means that when\nyou do come around to writing a cv\nyou'll have content to put in there um\nwhen you do start writing one ask people\nfor feedback\nso um you can ask any of the lecturers\nuh in the university and they'll happily\nuh give you advice on what they think\num you can also ask your friends who\nwill probably be writing a cv around the\nsame time\num you should ask your parents\nyou should ask your neighbor's cat like\nany\nanyone get as much feedback from as many\ndifferent places as possible\num and that way you can pick out the\nbest bits and make it the best it can be\nand then it's just a case of updating it\nregularly\num careers fairs are a great thing to\ngo to so the university puts on their\nown careers fairs\num throughout term and that way you can\nsee\num a wide variety of places that you\ncould go to\num also the college that we belong to\nso um college of engineering and\nphysical sciences\num they put on specific tech and\nscience-based careers fairs\nso those might be more tailored to what\nyou're interested in\nand then on top of that the school of\ncomputer science also puts on their own\ncareers fairs\num so that's what you can see in the\npicture there\nuh and also you can only see about half\nthe employers there\nthere's some in the back room there's\nsome at the side outs\njust underneath the photo as well so we\nhave\nloads of employers um fighting over the\nopportunity to come to\nuh computer science and talk to you\nbecause\nuh they're all really uh interested in\nhearing about\nwhat you can do and looking to employ\ncomputer science students from uob\nuh i've also put company recruitment\ndays there some companies might do\num little bits of uh\ninvite you to the office talk about what\nthe company is\nwhy they want to employ cs students and\nthat could be a great way to get your\nfoot in the door as well\nafter all of this you'll need to start\napplying so you should do\nyour research and look at what the\ncompany\ndoes how big it is what the role type is\nand you should be applying to lots of\ndifferent places as well part of this\nprocess unfortunately is that you will\nbe rejected um\nand so your best to um\napply to a wide variety of uh\nroles and companies um\nso that you can be sure that you're\nputting yourself in in the best position\nand make sure you stay organized about\nit as well the bare minimum you should\nhave a list of all the places you've\num applied to what the next steps are\nand when you've been doing this so that\nway as soon as you get another email or\nsomething like that you can easily get\nstraight back into it\nthe application process varies a lot\nfrom place to place\nbut here are some examples of the things\nthat you might have\nso you might be asked to do some\ncognitive or coding tests\nuh cognitive tests are usually like um\nselect the shape that's next in this\npattern or something like that\nwhereas coding tests will be writing a\nsimple algorithm to do something\nand you might need to explain your\napproach to that as well\nthey're mainly they're just tests that\nyou can actually code\num they'll often be um maybe a video\nvideo interview so those will be\npre-recorded\nand you'll get like 30 seconds to think\nabout it and\ntwo seconds to record your response uh\ntwo minutes to record your response um\nand that gives you um that so they can\nthey might be questions like tell us\nabout a time when you\nshowed this or you worked in a team\nor something like that um assessment\ncenters are quite common\nyou'll be invited to the office and\nalong with other applicants\nand you'll be asked to do some sort of\ngroup work and it's all about\nworking in a team and\ncompleting a goal in like the most out\nof the box where you can think of\nand then finally you'll probably be\neither\na phone interview or an in-person\ninterview maybe\nat the assessment center uh where you\ncan\nnot only can you be asked questions\nabout\nagain like tells about a time when you\nshowed leadership or something like that\nbut it's also an opportunity for you to\nask the employer questions as well\nwhich goes on to my final point when\nonce you have all of your offers\nyou need to be asking the companies\nuh what they can do for you um\nand what sort of roles you're working in\neverything like that\nso that you can make the best decision\nabout where you want to go\nand then finally um again i'm having\nkind of switched on this as well\nso i'll be brief but there's a wide\nvariety of uh places you can go\nand roles that you can do so you don't\njust have to go into development if\ncoding isn't your thing\nfor example um so i'm working as a\nsolution architect\nand that's much more about the high\nlevel design of systems rather than\nwriting code for it\nit's not a role that i knew about until\nhalfway through the um application\nprocess\nso there's a wide variety of things\nthere and again a wide variety of places\nas well so you'll see some of these\nlogos are similar to the ones that\nhaven't showed these are places that um\nmy friends have been either this past\nyear or are going on this year\nso again you've got a wide variety there\nas well\nand that's it for me uh we'll now be\nmoving on to the q a section\num so if you haven't already uh put some\nquestions\nin the q a tab at the bottom and then\nwe'll be going through and answering\nthem for you\nthank you alex so yeah so um please feel\nfree to ask\num us any questions at all um\ni think i'll i'll start with just\none question um so during your\nyour year in industry um do you need to\npay\num tuition fees\nyeah um would you like to would you like\nme to take this question\nyeah yeah yeah okay so uh actually yes\nthere's um\num a part that there's a fee tuition\nfees for the year industry and it's\ntwenty percent of the original uh normal\nyear fees so\nif we say i i don't get the\ni don't have the the the um exact figure\nin my mind but\nit's a 20 of the uh normal year fees\nand it's around 1800 something\nthank you muhammad there's there's good\nreason for that as well\nuh for example mohammed was talking\nabout all the things that the\nthe university does to uh vet\nthe application process vet the company\nso that you're not just\nmaking teas and coffees you are actually\ngetting a computer science placement\num and you're still a full university of\nbirmingham student during that time as\nwell\nyou\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "Hi everyone! Well it's kind of an\nexciting day - I'm outside for a start\nBut also a whole bunch of us maths\nyoutubers have come together for one big\nproject where we're each making a video\nabout our favourite\nmega number - that's our favourite numbers over one million\nAnd you'll be able to watch all those\nvideos. We've put them in a handy playlist\nwhich you'll find in the usual places.\nI'll put it in the cards\nand in the description, so you should go\nand watch all those videos, and\nonce you've done that we're asking you\nto submit your own\nvideo about your favourite mega number\nand then that can be added to the\nplaylist as well. I'll give you the\ndetails about how to do that\nat the end of the video. But first I\nshould tell you about my\nfavourite mega number. So, my favourite is related to\namicable numbers and amicalble numbers are kind of\nsweet if you haven't heard of them\nbefore. For example, 220\nand 284 are a pair of amicable numbers\nand what that means is\nif you take 220 and look at the proper\ndivisors\nthose are the numbers that divide 220\nbut not 220 itself\nso you look at the proper divisors and\nthen add them all together\nyou get 284 but if you do the same\nfor 284 look at the proper divisors and\nadd them together\nyou get 220 so they come as a pair in\nthat way and in ancient times\nthey would represent harmony friendship\nand love it's kind of cute\nand 220 284 are the smallest pair\nof amicable numbers and they were known\nto the ancient greeks and the old arab\nmathematicians found a couple more\nwhich were then rediscovered by people\nlike Fermat and Descartes\nbut still only a couple were known and\nthen euler comes along he finds like 60\nmore because that's what euler does\nbut the point is they're still\nrelatively rare and they're kind of\ndifficult to find as well there are\nsome formulas that help you find them\nbut the formulas are\nkind of patchy they're not comprehensive\nthey don't cover all\namicable numbers and even with the\nformulas we still don't know if there's\ninfinitely many of them\nthey're still kind of mysterious in that\nway now imagine you've got a list of\namicable numbers and what you want to do\nis look for patterns\nin those numbers for example if you take\na list you might notice that the two\nnumbers in a pair\nare both even or they're both odd so\nthat's kind of interesting\nand you might notice other patterns as\nwell but after a while\nyou might get bored and then decide to\nadd the numbers together\nand then if you look at the sums for\nexample 220\nplus 284 add them together is 504. if\nyou look at the sums\nyou might notice that 504 is a multiple\nof 9\nbut so is the next sum and then so is\nthe next sum and the next one is a\nmultiple of 9 as well\nso maybe this is something that is\nalways true so you keep going\nand then you realise that the seventh\npair doesn't work the twelve thousand\ntwo hundred and eighty five fourteen\nthousand five hundred and ninety five if\nyou add those numbers together the sum\nis not a multiple of nine but the next\npair\nis a multiple of nine and so is the next\npair so maybe the seventh pair didn't\nwork\nbecause the two numbers were odd and\nthis is what mathematicians thought\nand it became a conjecture that if you\nhad a pair of\neven amicable numbers and you added them\ntogether\nthe sum is always a multiple of nine\nand if you want to explore this for\nyourself get a list of amicable numbers\ni'll put a list in the description\nand if you look at the pairs of even\namicable numbers and look at the sums\nyou might notice that yes they seem\nto be multiples of nine and you can keep\ngoing and it's another multiple of nine\nit's another multiple of nine\nit seems to work except it's not true\nbut the first pair where this pattern\nfails\nis huge and it's my favourite mega number\nin fact\nthe first number where this pattern\nfails is\n666 million 30 thousand\n256 with its amicable pair\n696 million 630 thousand\n544. so this is a pair of even\namicable numbers but the sum is not a\nmultiple of nine and this is an example\nof one of those patterns that seems to\nhold for a really long time\nuntil it eventually fails and in this\nexample\nthis actually fails on the 503rd\npair now mathematicians have shown that\nif a pair of even amicable number fails\nto be a multiple of nine they have to\nsatisfy a whole bunch of\nrather technical complicated conditions\nwhich only shows\nthat when it does fail it's actually\nkind of rare\nbut as we've seen it's rare but not\nimpossible\nso that was my favourite mega number but\nwhat is yours?\ncan you think of any cool interesting\nnumbers over 1 million?\nand make a video about it or even do you\nhave some sort of cool maths facts that\nyou want to talk about\nand then just hang a big number on it\nthat's absolutely\nfine as well if you can think of\nsomething cool to talk about\nthen make a video upload it to youtube\nand we need you to use the hashtag\nMegaFavNumbers and put MegaFavNumbers\nin the title of your video\nas well and then we can find it when we\nsearch and then add it to the MegaFavNumbers\nplaylist now just to keep it a little\nbit focused we're going to give you a\ndate to submit by\nlet's say it's the 2nd of september 2020\nthat's your date officially and then\nupload it and we'll add it\nto the playlist i'll look forward to\nwatching your videos\nand until next time if you have been\nthanks for watching\n \n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "Welcome to today’s lecture.\nDuring the past few weeks; we had a glimpse\nof the wide\nspectrum of ore deposit types that occur in\nvarious parts of the world in different\ncontinents.\nWe have just had a glimpse of them and that\nwas the initial part of the\nlectures series that we intended to cover;\nintending to obtain the overview, brief idea\nabout the geology, about the principles of\nore deposit formation.\nAnd what we have learned so far, can be called\nas just the alphabets of the subject of ore\ngeology; which has a lot of intricacies.\nAnd many of the ideas that were originally\nproposed on the deposits are constantly getting\nrefined with availability of modern\ntechniques, micro analytical techniques, new\nideas; emanating from using many different\ntechniques like the rare earth elements, the\nstable and radiogenic isotopes, ideas about\nthe sulfur isotopic makeup arising out of\ninorganic and organic reduction of the seawater\nsulfate.\nMany experiments conducted on many systems\nto quantitatively understand the\nprocesses of fractionation of different metals\nin different systems.\nAnd many of the\ndeposits, many of the well known deposit types\nhave witnessed a lot of debate as far as\ntheir origin is concerned.\nFor example, the Paleoplacer deposit at Witwatersrand\nbasin in\nSouth Africa; which was for quite some time\nwas held to be a deposit which are\ngenerated from the mechanical concentration\ntype process; was very strongly debated for\nits origin from a hydrothermal fluid, which\nwas almost taking to the hydrothermal\nsystem that give rise to the lode type gold\ndeposits\nBut later on, again many detailed study have\nrevived the concept; they revived the idea\nabout the origin of such deposits.\nSimilarly, there are many such instances and\nyou will\nall be learning about them in your advanced\nlevel courses on ore geology.\nAnd we have\nseen that this wide spectrum of ore deposits\noccurred throughout the geological history,\nstarting from the early Archaean; till the\nQuaternary and many of the deposit forming\nprocesses seem to have been very restricted\nto certain time period, for example, the\nbanded iron formations; the process was never\nrepeated in the later part of the geological\nhistory after the late Proterozoic.\nSimilar is the situation with the Paleoplacer\ndeposit of uranium and some deposits like\nthe porphyry copper deposits are not found\nto be occurring in any of the older cratonic\nblocks and understood to have been forming\nin the process of the plate tectonic type\nprocess, which is operational at this point\nof time; from the present day global tectonic\nsetup.\nSo, now with this brief background it would\nbe good to see as a component of this course\nand which is usually required by students\nin the Indian context; to have some idea about\nthe deposits that are occurring in the Indian\nsubcontinent; more specifically in the\npeninsular Indian region.\nAnd this discussion cannot be very exhaustive\nbecause the\ndeposit types are so many, so vast and occurring\nin different parts of the peninsular India.\nIt is not possible to give a very detailed\naccount of all such deposits that occur in\nthe\npeninsular India\nSo, we will all be restricting ourselves to\nsome very selected deposit types and most\nof\nthe discussion will not be based on statistics.\nFor example, the quantity of the metal\navailable in such deposits and such kind of\nparameters; which can be obtained from\nmany available resources.\nFor example; the Indian bureau of mines or\nthe information\nfrom the respective mining companies; so,\nI will not be getting into much of the details\nabout the quantity, quality aspect of these\ndeposits.\nAnd we will only be discussing such deposits\nwith an idea as to the potentials of different\nparts of the peninsular India and what could\npossibly look like as the future scenario.\nBecause in the beginning when we were discussing\nabout the mineral deposits in the\ncontext of the Indian economy, we stated that\nthe role of mineral resources in the growth\nof the Indian economy is not that very distinct;\nalthough as a country, we still depend\nheavily on our mineral resources for the growth\nof our industry; falling short on many of\nthe critical and strategic minerals and metals.\nSo, with this we will just have a brief overview\nof the Indian scenario where; so as you\ncould see here, this is a almost like a country\nscale map; geological map of India and\nhere we could see that this peninsular India\nis most part which is basically covered by\nthe\nDeccan traps shown on green here\nThis is the part Deccan trap which covers\nthe substantial part of the peninsular India\nand\njust keeping that aside; we see that this\npeninsular India is basically is an amalgamation\nof a few cratonic blocks; old cratonic blocks,\nPrecambrian cratonic blocks.\nThis is the\nDharwar craton and below is the southern granulite\nbelt; this is the Dharwar craton here,\nthis is the Bastar craton; this is the Singbhum\ncraton and this is the Aravalli craton and\nthis is the Bundelkhand craton.\nSo, these \nfive main cratonic blocks constitute the Indian\nsubcontinent and as we saw\nbefore; , the total area that is covered by\nrocks of Precambrian age is quite substantial\nand we would expect that the mineral resources\nalso would be coming from dominantly\nfrom these broad areas.\nLet us first see the mineral potential of\nthis Dharwar craton; which will be again getting\ninto look you looking at a bit little larger\nscale map., The Dharwar craton \nis essentially\ndivided into the eastern and the western Dharwar\ncraton \nand the Closepet granite which\nis occupying the median region of the craton\nand along with some crustal scalestructural\nfeature like this; Chitradurga shear zone\nover here, it is divided into the eastern\nand the\nwestern Dharwar craton\nNow, what is shown here in this purple color\nbodies these are schist belts of the western\nand eastern Dharwar craton.\nAnd this eastern Dharwar craton and the western\nDharwar\ncraton are quite and out with resources of\ngold.\nIn fact, most of the production gold at the\npresent time in the Indian context comes from\nthe eastern Dharwar craton with some new\ndeposits also coming up from the western Dharwar\ncraton; from the Chitradurga schist\nbelt, which I will be just showing a larger\nscale map.\nSince this Dharwar craton; these schist belts\nessentially are the metamorphosed green\nstone sequences which are the volcano sedimentary\nrift related; volcano sedimentary\nsequences of Archean age which are metamorphosed\nand are exposed in the form of\nschist belts constituting mostly of amphibolites\nand sometimes lower grade chlorotic\nrocks.\nAnd this cratonic block is traversed by parallely\ndisposed number of shear zones and\nthose shear zones have been the locales in\nwhich the major and the rich gold\nmineralization have taken place.\nSince these are the old greenstone belt, as\nwe have seen\nin many of the cases; they are also potentially\nrich in the Algoma type iron formation\nwhich comes from this; the Archaean sediment\nhosted manganese deposits; volcanogenic\nmassive sulphide deposit like the one which\nis deported from Ingaldahl area in Karnataka\nSo, this Dharwar craton which spans the area\nof Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh many of\nthe prominent gold localities come from these\ntwo states; they probably one of the major\ngold locality which produced the maximum amount\nof gold and has the history of gold\nproduction of more than one and a half centuries,\nbut got closed just about a decade back\nis the famous Kolar gold deposit.; Currently\nproducing gold finds mostly in the Hutti Maski\nschist belt and new deposits being discovered\nin the Gadag schist built and also as\nwe saw before in the green stones; there the\nultramafic bodies which we see the\nmetamorphosed ultramafic bodies of the earliest\nvolcanic activity.\nWe also do get some amount of chromium.\nSo, this Dharwar craton actually is can be\nvisualized the huge metallogenic province\ngiving substantial amount of production of\niron, some amount of manganese, major gold\ndeposits in the country.\nSo, coming to the Bastar craton here; one\nthing is very obvious from this very very\nsmall\nscale geological map of India is that in almost\nall the cratonic blocks that we see; we get\nextensive granitic activity which mostly dates\nbetween the late Archaean to early\nproterozoic kind of period and which coincides\nwith a major crust forming; major growth\nis very steep and a very fast rate of growth\nof continents during the time.\nSo, these\nprolific granitic activities also had a lot\nof metallogenic implications.\nAnd in addition to that almost this cratonic\nblocks, they are essentially constituted of\nthe\nbasement gneissic complex.\nIn the Dharwar craton; they are known as the\npeninsular\nnoise in Aravalli craton they are known as\nthe banded gneissic complex and in the\nSingbhum craton also there similarly named\nolder metamorphic gneisses and.\nSo, on and\nin Bastar craton also we do get the basement\ngneiss.\nSo, Bastar craton is also a very interesting\ngeological situation although there is no\nsuch\nprolific development of such greenstone belts,\nbut some very rudimentary greenstone\nbelts have been reported from here; where\nsporadic occurrences of gold has been\nreported.\nBut the major mineral potentials of this Bastar\ncraton is the copper deposit\ncoming associated with granitoid here.\nAnd also some amount of tin associated with\ngranite pegmatite; which will be seeing them\na little details.\nAnd this Bastar craton;\nadjoining Sausar metamorphic belt is the major\nmanganese producing region of the\ncountry.\nAnd coming to the Singbhum craton -\nthese cratonic blocks are also bordered by\nthe\nmobile belts and here this is the eastern\nghats mobile belt.\nAnd also this the Singbhum\ncraton in and also the Bastar craton has been\nthe two major important sources of iron\ndeposit;s which belong to the superior type\nof iron formation in the Singbhum craton\nhere.\nAnd also associated with the Archaean with\nthe same time period, the manganese\ndeposits and as we shall see a little bit\nin a larger scale map; the Singbhum craton\nalso\nhosts one of the major metal otect in the\nform of the Singbhum shear zone, which gives;\nwhich has produced substantial amount of copper\nand in addition to that is also one of\nthe uranium rich areas of the country.\nSo, Aravalli craton has been the major contributor\nof the lead and zinc deposit in the\nform of the sediment hosted massive sulphide\ndeposit or SMS or the SEDEX type of\ndeposit coming mainly from the Aravalli fold\nbelt in the Rajpura Dariba, in Jawar and in\nRampura Agucha; which we will be seeing them\na little detail.\nAnd also the north Delhi fold belt where a\nmajor copper producing zone has produced\nquite substantial amount of copper.\nAnd in addition to that, there are many other\nmineral\ncommodities which are produced from this particular\ncraton; we will be seeing them only\nselectively.\nAnd this is the Bundelkhand craton and also\nin between we do have some\nvery rudimentary or very not so, well developed\ngreenstone belts; coming from the\nMahakoshal belt over here and which also have\nbeen reported to be gold bearing in some\nand certain restricted areas.\nAnd similarly also from the Singbhum craton;\nthere are some\nsuch occurrences which have been reported.\nSo, if we look at the mineral potentials of\nthe Indian peninsula or Indian subcontinent\nas\na whole, we see the statistics a little bit\nover here; there is about 3.28 million square\nkilometer the hardrock is about 2.42 million\nsquare kilometer; what we exclude the\nsubstantial area that is covered by the Deccan\ntraps.\nThe alluvial cover is about 0.6 million square\nkilometer and on the right; the information\nthat we have is that we are the dominant producer\nof the industrial minerals which is\nMica, mostly coming from the Mica the pegmatite\nwe have Mica bearing pegmatite belts\nin Hazaribag district in Bihar.\nBarite, we are second in production of barite,\nwe are third in producing chromite yes\nwhich is basically coming from the Singbhum\ncraton; a little bit from Dharwar craton\nalso along with the old mafic units.\nAnd the major chromite resources come from\nthe\nSingbhum craton which we will just have a\nlook when we see the Singbhum craton map\nin details.\nAnd since we are not covering much of the\nnonmetals and the hydrocarbon hydrocarbon\nresources still as a piece of information,\nwe are also fifth in producing coal and lignite\nand we are sixth in iron ore production and\nbauxite and manganese were sixth and\nseventh respectively.\nIt would be good to see or it would be worthwhile\nto make a correspondence with the\ndifferent genetic deposit types that we just\nwent through and which we go by commodity\nwise; then first consider the most abundant\nof the metal such as iron.\nSo, the iron of\nsedimentary and the magmatic affiliation;\nas you have seen the genetic types the\nsedimentary thermogenic sedimentary deposits\nare the banded iron formation, the iron\nstones and the magnetic type of the Kiruna\ntype and the layered complexes the ones\nwhich are marked in white boxes.\nGenerally that such type of deposits we are\nwe are not considering here and also the iron\nstones are not considered as resources of\niron, which is considered for some separate\nresources.\nComing to the banded iron formation; we have\nthe Algoma type, Superior type\nand Raptian type and we do not have any report\nof occurrence of any Rapitan type\nbanded iron formation in anywhere in the peninsular\nIndia\nAs of now; so, we do have the Algoma type\nwhich I have just mentioned occurring in\nDharwar craton; in the Kudremukh area and\nsome other part in the schist belts of\nDharwar craton; there affiliation may be a\nlittle bit uncertain could be superior type\nassociated with volcanic members.\nAnd the Singbhum and the Bastar crtaon which\nare\ndefinitively of the Superior type; although\nthere are some references of them being\ngreenstones, but the widely held idea is that\nthese deposits which are occurring in the\nSingbhum and the Bastar craton; like the iron\nore craton and the Bailadila formation in\ncentral in the Bastar craton are the superior\ntype our information’s occurring in extensive\nareas of hundreds of square kilometers.\nSo, we will go to that, but magmatic affiliation\ngenerally we see as layered complexes;\nwhat we have seen in case of Boswell complex\noccurring or the layered complexes\noccurring as oxide layers with the intermediate\ntype composition anorthositic - gabbroic\ntype of composition.\nThe only occurrence that we have in the Singbhum\ncraton is the simlipal complex which\ncomes to a near to that; there is certain\non economic occurrences of titanium and\nvanadium bearing iron oxides associated with\nthe Simlipal complex the details of which\nwe will not be discussing here.\nIt is a map; it is a little larger scale map\nof the Singbhum craton; this is a Singbhum,\nthis\nis the Singbhum mobile belt separating the\nNorthern and the Southern Singbhum craton.\nI would like to draw your attention to this\nparticular; the western part of the Singbhum\ncraton which is essentially known as the Noamundi\nbasin.\nAnd which hosts the rich iron\ndeposits and producing the iron ore in good\nquantity for our domestic consumption as\nwell as for exporting.\nAnd in this craton; we have this Noamundi\nbasin and the Gorumahishani and\nBadampahar basin which is also another iron\nore basin in the Singbhum craton.\nAnd the\nDaitari basin which is very close to the Sukinda\nthrust which marks the southern\nboundary of the Singbhum craton.\nAnd if we look at a little bit of a larger\nscale map of\nthis Noamundi basin; which is essentially\nin the form of a which is popularly known\nas\nthe horseshoe synclinorium - ; essentially\nthe synclinal structure and the iron formations\nare shown in this thick black curves and the\npatches here.\nSo, those are the different locations of the\nrich iron occurrences; although this belt\nruns\nfor a few tens of kilometers here.\nThe iron deposits are localized areas that\nthe\nenrichment has taken in different smaller\nlocalities; what is suggested is that this\nparticular synclinorium, the eastern limb\nthe ore deposits are more on the basinal because\nafter the major phase of deformation which\nhas given rise to this synclinorium structure.\nThere has been a cross folding in an east\nwest fold axis and its given rise to this\ncomplicated structure.\nAnd as it looks like the localization of the\nenriched iron ore in this\nparticular region is very much structurally\ncontrolled, where in the eastern limb; the\nmajor ore localities, the mines, are essentially\nbased on the domes that is formed by the\ncross folding and on the eastern limb it is\non the basins.\nAnd \nalso as we discussed about the very close\ngeochemical affinity and the special\ncloseness of occurrence of iron and manganese;\nthat we could see it clearly from here.\nThis is the core of this synclinorium; which\nhosts a number of important manganese\nlocalities; as is shown here.\nAnd what exactly we have when we see these\niron ore deposits and we go by the\nprinciples and the origin that we have discussed\nabout the iron formations; extensive iron\ndeposition from the seawater which was very\nrich in its iron held in plus two state.\nAnd\nthe conditions were favorable with increasing\natmospheric oxygen; they gave rise to the\niron ore formations which originally were\ndeposited as the laminated or the iron ores\nit\nmeso bands of iron rich and silica rich layer.\nBut those could not be directly used as iron\nores because the iron content will hardly\ngo\nto 17, 18 percent; whereas the ore which can\nbe treated for extraction of the metal; would\nrequire to at least 55 percent of iron.\nAnd so, this is understandable that these\nparticular;\nthese deposits must have undergone some enrichment\nprocesses after the formation; after\nthe original deposition.\nHere is an example of what exactly we get\nin an iron ore body which is taken from the\nNoammundi basin; it is a hypothetical reconstruction\nfrom the drill hole data by Beukes\net al recently.\nWhere we see that; in fact, when it occurs\nat as a minable or minable ore there; they\noccur in much more enriched form as occur\nor as lateritic ore, as goetheric ore where\nits\nmostly iron as soft hematitic ore or flaky\nhematitic ore; blue dust which essentially\nare\nthe products of processes enrichment.\nAnd that is the reason why it has been suggested\nthat such basins after; as we see them\ntoday in their deformed state and also have\nundergone variable degrees of metamorphism\nwith reconstitution of the ayers.\nAnd essentially selective leaching of silica\nbecause of\nhydrothermal solution and those hydrothermal\nactivities could be much later than the\nformation of this iron ore basins.\nAnd even the enrichment process which we also\ndiscussed during our discussion on the\nresidual concentration process; we also saw\nthat rich iron ore deposits also occur or\ncan\ncome into existence after they are subjected\nto such kind of enrichment process, which\ncould be even very very late in the geologic\nhistory; almost in the Centrozoic time.\nSo, this exemplifies and such kind of whether\nit is the iron would be seen in the iron ore\ncraton or in the Bailadila basin in central\nIndia.\nThe story is the same that the originally\ndeposited formations in the form of banded\niron formation with the measurements of iron\nrich and silica rich layers.\nThese materials have to undergo enrichment\nthrough processor hydrothermal activity and\nfurther enrichment process; even almost like\nsurface operating meteoric water; because\ndue to prevalence of conducive environment,\nthe iron ore gets further enriched to give\nrich ore bodies.\nSo, we will continue our discussion of the\nIndian ore deposits in the next class.\nThank you.\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "\nEnglish: \nHello I'm Mark. Lots of people find\nimaging system design confusing partly\nbecause they don't understand \nwhat each lens in an overall\nsystem is doing.\nI'd like to help you with a language to\nunderstand better \nhow imaging systems perform,\nwhat limits their performance, and what\nto do if you need better performance\nI'll be using Zemax OpticStudio to\ndemonstrate all of this.\nNow this is Part One of a three-part\nseries. This video covers\nthe Basic Shapes of Imaging Systems,\nand how to increase the complexity of\nthe design to get better performance.\nPart Two will cover auxiliary optics like field\nflatteners and fisheye lenses,\nthat are used in conjunction with these\nBasic Shapes.\nPart Three will look at mobile phone\ncamera lenses and the like,\nreally small camera modules.\nIt's best to watch these videos in sequence.\n\nChinese: \n快速光学设计 21世纪光学设计\n大家好 我是马克 很多人对成像系统设计都有些困惑\n部分是因为他们不明白每个镜头在整体系统中的作用\n我想帮大家学一门语言\n更好地理解成像系统如何工作\n是什么限制了它们的表现 如果需要更好的性能 该做什么\n我将使用Zemax OpticStudio 演示这一切\n这是三个部分的第一部分 本视频涵盖\n成像系统的基本形状 以及如何增加\n设计的复杂度 以得到更好的性能\n第二部分将涉及辅助光学设备 如平像物镜 和鱼眼镜头\n这些是与基本形状镜头结合使用的\n第三部分讲手机、摄像头等\n很小的摄像头模块 最好按顺序观看这些视频\n\nJapanese: \n- こんにちはマークです、多くの人は画像システムデザインは複雑だと思っています\nシステムの各レンズが何をしているか分からないからです\n画像システムの動きやその性能の限界や\nより良い性能が欲しければ何をすべきか\n説明したいと思います\nこのデモンストレーションには、Zemax OpticStudioを使います\n今回は3パートの内のパート1です\nこの動画では、画像システムの基本形状と良い性能を得るために\nデザインを高度にする方法をお伝えします\nパート2では、基本形状の接合に使われるフィールドフラットナや\nフィッシュアイレンズなどの予備光学をお伝えします\nパート3は、携帯電話のカメラレンズなど小型カメラモジュールをお伝えします\n動画は順番に見るのが良いでしょう\n\nKorean: \n안녕하세요 저는 마크입니다\n결상 광학계 설계를\n많이들 어렵게 느낍니다\n이는 전체 시스템에서 각\n렌즈의 역할을 제대로\n이해하지 못하기 때문입니다\n더 나은 이해를 위해\n용어와 함께 알려드릴텐데요\n결상 광학계의 작동 방식과\n성능 제한 사항 및\n더 나은 성능이 필요할 경우\n어떻게 할지를 살펴보는데\nZemax OpticStudio를 사용하여\n모든 것을 시연해 보이겠습니다\n이는 총 3부로 구성된\n시리즈의 1부입니다\n본 영상에서 다룰 내용은\n결상 광학계의 기본 도형과\n성능 향상을 위해 설계의\n복잡성을 높이는 방법입니다\n2부에서는 필드 플래트너 및\n어안 렌즈와 같은\n보조 광학 장치를 다룰 건데\n이는 기본 도형과 함께 사용되죠\n3부 내용은 휴대폰 카메라 렌즈와\n같은 작은 카메라 모듈입니다\n이 영상들은 순서대로\n보는 것이 가장 좋습니다\n\nKorean: \n또한, 아직 익숙하지 않은\n용어를 사용한다면\n향후 소개할 비디오에서\n더 많이 다룰 것입니다\n이 영상이 유용하다고 생각되면\n구독을 신청해 주세요\n알림 아이콘을 클릭하면\n새 동영상이 게시될 때마다\n최신 내용을 받을 수 있습니다\n또한 코멘트를 사용해\n원하는 광학 설계 분야를\n제안할 수 있습니다\n그럼 이제 결상 광학계의\n기본 모양을 살펴보겠습니다\n결상 광학계의\n가장 기본적 모양은\n포지티브 파워의\n단일 렌즈일 뿐입니다\n해당 렌즈 자체가\n조리개 스톱이 되고\n두 개의 반경과\n뒤 초점 거리만 있는데\n렌즈의 온축, 오프축, 그리고\n색수차 보정을 모두 담당하죠\n그 결과물이 좋지 않다는 것은\n놀라운 일도 아니며\n\nEnglish: \nAlso, if I use any terminology that\nyou're not familiar with yet,\nI'll be covering a lot more ground in\nsome forthcoming videos.\nPlease like and subscribe if you find\nthese videos useful,\nand click the notification icon to be told\nwhenever new videos are posted. \nAlso, please just use the Comments to suggest\nany areas of optical design\nyou'd like to see covered.\nSo, let's get started looking at the \nBasic Shapes of Imaging Systems!\nThe most basic shape for an imaging\nsystem is just a single lens with\npositive power.\nThe lens itself becomes the\naperture stop, and we have just two radii\nand the back focal length to compensate\nall of the on-axis,\noff-axis, and chromatic aberrations of\nthe lens.\nUnsurprisingly the result is not good\n\nJapanese: \nもし聞きなれない言葉が使われていたら\n今後の動画でそちらもカバーしていきます\n動画が役に立ったと思ったら、いいねやチャンネル登録し\n新しい動画が投稿されたら通知されるよう\n通知アイコンをクリックしてください、またコメントで\nカバーして欲しい光学デザインを提案してください\nでは、画像システムの基本形状を見てみましょう!\nデザイン光学の真実\n画像システムの基本形状\n画像システムの最も基本的な形状はポジティブパワーを持つ\nシングルレンズです、このレンズは開口絞りとなり\n2半径と後方焦点距離しかなく、軸上、軸外\n色収差はありません\n当たり前ですが、結果は良くなく\n\nChinese: \n另外 如果我使用任何术语 你还不熟悉\n我会在一些即将发布的视频中更多介绍\n如果发现这些录像很有用 请点赞并订阅\n然后单击每当有新的视频发布时会通知的图标\n另外 请使用评论区来建议\n你想学习的光学设计的任何领域\n让我们先来开始研究成像系统的基本形状镜头!\n成像系统的最基本形状镜头是正功率单一镜头\n镜头本身是光阑\n我们只有两个半径和后焦距补偿\n所有同轴、离轴色差\n结果并不好 这是不足为奇的\n\nKorean: \n5도처럼 작은 필드 각도에서도\n성능이 저하됩니다\n이 렌즈의 회절 제한 성능은\n반경 약 3미크론이며\n우리는 대신에 반경 20에서\n60미크론을 얻을 수 있습니다\n이후 필드별로 성능이\n빠르게 저하됩니다\n이 모양은\n매그니파잉 렌즈라고 하며\n핸드헬드 돋보기와\n루프 이외로는 용도가\n제한되어 있습니다\n해당 스톱이 렌즈에서\n멀어지게 함으로써\n가장 유용한 기본 모양인\n랜드스케이프 렌즈를 제공하죠\n스톱이 렌즈에서\n멀어진다는 것은 렌즈가\n동일 시스템 f/숫자에 대해\n더 커져야 한다는 것을 의미하며\n필드 가장자리의 빛이\n렌즈의 가장자리를 통과 이동해\n오프 축 또는 필드 색수차를\n보정할 수 있습니다\n온 축 색수차와 별도로 말이죠\n이 렌즈는 매그니파잉 영역의\n두 배인 10도에서 작동하며\n\nEnglish: \nand even at modest field angles like 5\ndegrees, the performance is poor.\nThe diffraction limited performance of\nthis lens is a spot of around 3 microns\nradius and instead we achieve spots \nof 20 to 60 microns.\nPerformance degrades quickly with field\nafter that.\nThis shape is referred to as a\nmagnifying lens,\nand has limited use other than as\nhandheld magnifiers and loupes.\nAllowing the stop to move away from the\nlens gives us the Landscape Lens,\nwhich is the first useful \nBasic Shape.\nMoving the stop away from the lens means\nthat the lens must get\nlarger for the same system f/number, \nand light from the edge of the field\ntravels through the edge of the lens,\ngiving the ability to correct off axis\nor field aberrations\nseparately from on-axis aberrations.\nThis lens is working at 10 degrees, twice\n\nChinese: \n即使在适度的视场角下 比如5°度 也是性能较差\n镜头的衍射极限性能是一大约半径3微米的斑点\n而我们得到的是斑点 20到60微米\n性能随场的增加而迅速下降\n在那之后 此形状称为\n放大镜 除了\n手持放大镜和放大镜以外 它的用途有限\n允许档从镜头移开 就有了风景镜头\n这是第一个有用的基本形状镜头\n让挡件远离透镜装置 镜头必须得到\n对于相同的系统f/值 和来自视场边缘的光\n穿过镜头边缘\n提供校正离轴的能力或场像差\n与轴上像差分开 镜头在10度下工作两次\n\nJapanese: \n5度といった緩やかなフィールドアングルでも、性能は貧弱です\n回折に限界されたこのレンズのパフォーマンスは半径3ミクロンあたりです\nそして達成できるのは20から60ミクロンです\nフィールドから割と早く性能が落ちてきます\nこの形状の名は虫眼鏡です\n手持ち用の虫眼鏡か\nルーペ以外に使い道はありません\nストップをレンズから遠ざけることで使用できるのがこのランドスケープレンズで\nちゃんとした使い道のある基本形状です\nストップをレンズから遠ざけることはつまり\nf番号が変わらずにレンズが大きくなるということです\nそしてフィールドの端から来た光はレンズの端を通ることによって\n軸から外れたときや\nフィールド異常時に修正をかけてくれたり\n軸上異常は別でこのレンズは10度で動き、拡大鏡の倍で、軸下での性能が上がります\n\nJapanese: \n軸上でもです\nこの基本形状は一昔前の\n撮影用レンズに使われており今でも監視用アプリで使用されており\n監視用アプリでは画質よりも動き検出のほうが大事です\n非球面付のローコストプラスチックレンズの到来により\nこの基本形状は今でもよく使用されています\nランドスケープレンズはガラスが1つしかなく\n目に見える全体で働いているせいで焦点距離と波長による\n倍率のコントロールがまったくありません\n色補正ダブレットは2つのガラスを使用し\n波長依存異常のコントロールが多少は効きます\nこの基本形状はランドスケープレンズと同じですが\n表面をもう1つ追加することで球面収差のコントロールがさらによくなります\n軸上やフィールド異常または色補正ダブレットは特に\n\nChinese: \n是放大镜的视场的两倍 并且具有更好的离轴性能\n轴上性能也差不多 基本形状镜头用于早期\n照相镜头 现在仍被用于监视应用\n其中运动检测比图像质量更重要\n随着低成本塑料的出现 具有非球面的透镜\n这种基本形状镜头至今仍在大量使用\n因为景观镜头 只有一块玻璃\n可在可见光下工作 没有办法控制\n焦距的变化和波长放大率\n色彩校正双合镜头\n使用两块玻璃提供一些依赖波长的像差控制\n这是与景观镜头相同的基本形状镜头\n增加一个额外的表面也给出了更好地轴上球面像差控制\n以及视场像差 彩色校正双合镜头\n\nKorean: \n오프축 성능이 훨씬 우수하고\n온축에서도 동일합니다\n이 기본 모양은 초기\n사진 렌즈에 사용되었으며\n여전히 결상 화질보다는\n동작 감지가 중요한 보안 감시\n응용 프로그램에 사용됩니다\n비구면 서피스의 저가형\n플라스틱 렌즈가 등장하면서\n이 기본 모양은 지금도 여전히\n많이 사용되고 있습니다\n랜드스케이프 렌즈에는\n유리가 한 개뿐이고\n시야를 가로질러 작용하므로\n초점 거리와 확대 변화를\n파장으로 조절할\n방법이 없습니다\n색 보정 더블릿은\n두 개의 유리를 사용해\n파장에 따른\n색수차를 제어합니다\n이것은 랜드스케이프 렌즈와\n같은 기본 모양이며\n서피스를 추가하면\n필드 색수차뿐만 아니라\n축의 구면 색수차도\n보다 잘 제어할 수 있습니다\n\nEnglish: \nthe field of the magnifier,\nand has much better off-axis performance\nand much the same on axis. \nThis Basic Shape was used for early\nphotographic lenses,\nand is still used for surveillance\napplications where motion detection\nis more important than image quality.\nWith the advent of low-cost plastic\nlenses with aspheric surfaces,\nthis Basic Shape is still in heavy use today.\nSince the landscape lens has \nonly one glass,\nand is working across the visible, \nthere is no way to control\nthe change of focal length \nand magnification\nwith wavelength. \nThe Color Corrected doublet\nuses two glasses to provide some control\nof wavelength-dependent aberrations.\nThis is the same Basic Shape as the\nLandscape lens,\nand adding an extra surface also gives\ngreater control of spherical aberration,\non axis, as well as field aberrations.\nThe color corrected doublet,\n\nKorean: \n특히 비구면 보정 시\n색 보정 더블릿은\n이미지 응용 프로그램에서\n광범위하게 사용됩니다\n하나의 렌즈만 플라스틱으로\n제작하는 것이 특징적이며\n보통은 한 개의 유리\n한 개의 플라스틱 구성 보다는\n두 개의 유리로 만드는 것이\n이 모양에서 가장 일반적이죠\n마지막으로, 더블릿을 두 개의\n개별 싱글릿으로 분할하면\n한 개의 더블릿보다 훨씬 더\n나은 성능을 제공합니다\n유리에서 공기로, 유리로 가는\n굴절률의 변화가\n더 크기 때문입니다\n유리에서 유리로 가는\n경우와 비교하면 말이죠\n또한 구면 및 전계\n색수차 제어를 위한\n여분의 서피스도\n얻을 수 있습니다\n이에 대한 단점은 두 요소가\n정렬 오류에 민감하다는 겁니다\n따라서 이 렌즈는 더 높은\n허용 오차를 고려해\n제작되어야 하며\n마운트에 공급되어야 하는데\n이것은 비용이 더 추가되죠\nCooke Triplet는 이미징\n시스템에서 널리 사용됩니다\n\nEnglish: \nespecially with aspheric correction,\nis in wide use in many imaging applications.\nTypically only one lens \ncan be made of plastic,\nand it is most common to find this shape\nmade of two glasses, rather \nthan one glass, one plastic component.\nFinally, splitting the doublets into two\nseparate singlets\ngives even better performance than one\ndoublet,\nsince there is a bigger change in\nrefractive index\nin going from glass to air to glass,\nrather than glass to glass.\nYou also get an extra surface for more\nspherical and field aberration control.\nThe downside to this is\nthat the two elements are\nsensitive to misalignment,\nand so these lenses must be made to\nhigher tolerance,\nand supplied in mounts,\nwhich adds to the cost.\nThe Cooke Triplet is widely used \nin imaging systems.\n\nJapanese: \n非球面補正付きはイメージングアプリではよく使用されています\n通常このレンズはプラスチックで作成されており\nこの形状はプラスチック1つとガラス1つよりも\nガラス1つでできていることが多いです\nダブレットを2つに割ることで2つのシングレット\nとなりダブレット1つよりも性能はあがります\nなぜなら屈折率の変化がガラスからガラスよりも\nガラスから空気からガラスの方が多いからです\n球面およびフィールドアブレーションコントロールが\n表面がもう1つあることによりよくなります\nこの欠点は2つの要素は\nずれに敏感なことで、なので2つのレンズは\n耐性が高く作られておりマウントについてきます\nなのでコストも上がります\nクックトリプレットはイメージングシステムでよく使用されており\n\nChinese: \n尤其是非球面校正时 在许多成像应用中有着广泛的应用\n通常只有一个镜头可以用塑料制成\n最常见的是这种形状\n而是用两块玻璃制成 而不是一个玻璃 一个塑料部件\n最后 将双合镜头分成两个\n分离的单镜头 提供比一个双合镜头更好的性能\n因为从玻璃到空气再到玻璃\n折射率会有更大的变化\n胜过玻璃到玻璃 还可以获得一个额外的表面 用于更多\n球面和视场差控制\n这样做的缺点是 这两个元素\n对不对齐很敏感 所以这些镜片必须\n更高的容差 并安装在底座上\n这就增加了成本\n库克三分离物镜被广泛使用在成像系统中\n\nJapanese: \nこのスリーエレメントデザインは十分な\n3次の収差と同時にに有効焦点距離のコントロールの自由があります\n全システムのザイデル和が\n個々の表面寄与より少ない事に気を付けてください\nこのシステムは回折限界に20度の視野と\n可視波長範囲を使用したアプローチを使用しています\nここを見ると3次の収差の残余額が少ないだけでは\n我々の仕事は終わりとは言えません!3次の収差の後は\n5次、7次などなどそしてレイトレースは\n近似値ではなく完全正弦項をどのケースでも使います\nそれよりもザイデルプロットを使い\nレンズのすべての表面の役割の簡易ガイドを理解してください\nこの基本形状の使用法はポジティブレンズを使い\n有効焦点距離は38mmにして\n\nEnglish: \nThis three element design has enough\ndegrees of freedom (optimization variables)\nto adjust all third order aberrations, \nand control the effective focal length,\nat the same time. \nNote how the Seidel sum for the whole system\nis much less than the \nindividual surface contributions.\nThis system approaches \nthe diffraction limit\nacross the whole 20 degree field of view\nand visible wavelength range.\nNote that a low residual sum of the\nthird order aberrations\ndoes not mean that our work is done!\nAfter third order aberrations\nthere are fifth order, seventh order etc\nand ray tracing uses the full sine terms\nrather than approximations in any case.\nInstead, use the Seidel plot to understand\na simplified guide to what \neach surface in the lens is doing.\nThis basic shape works by using a\npositive lens,\neffective focal length 38 mm and\n\nChinese: \n这个三元素设计已经有足够自由度\n来调整所有三阶像差 并同时控制有效焦距\n注意整个系统的Seidel和\n比个别表面贡献少得多\n这个系统接近\n整个20度视野和可见光波长范围的衍射极限\n请注意 三级像差的低残差平方和\n并不意味着我们的工作完成了!三阶像差后\n有五阶 七阶等 光线追踪使用全正弦项\n而不是近似值 相反 使用Seidel图来理解\n镜头中的每一个表面都在做的简化指南\n基本形状镜头通过使用正透镜\n有效焦距38毫米和\n\nKorean: \n이 세 요소 설계에는\n충분한 자유도\n즉 최적화 변수들이 있는데\n이는 세 번째 순서 이상을\n모두 조정하고 동시에\n유효 초점 거리를\n제어하기에 충분하죠\n전체 시스템에 대한\nSeidel 합계가\n개별 서피스 기여도보다\n훨씬 작다는데 주목하세요\n이 시스템은 20도 시야와\n가시 파장 범위에 걸쳐\n회절 한계에 접근합니다\n3차 오차의 잔차 합계가\n낮다고 해서 작업이\n완료되는 것은 아닙니다\n3차 순서 이상 후에는\n5차 순서, 7차 순서 등이 있으며\n어떤 경우에도 레이크레이싱은\n근사치가 아닌\n전체 사인 항을 사용합니다\n대신 세이델 플롯을 사용하여\n렌즈의 각 서피스가 수행하는\n작업에 대한 간단한 안내를\n이해할 수 있습니다\n이 기본 모양은 포지티브 렌즈와\n유효 초점 거리 38mm 및\n\nKorean: \n조리개 8mm를 사용하여\n무한대로 시준된 빛을 받아\n스톱에 가깝게 위치한 더 작은\n네거티브 렌즈로 굴절시킵니다\n어떤 경우에는 렌즈 시스템이\n작동을 멈추고\n중간 렌즈가 실제로 사용됩니다\n이 렌즈는 제어 기능을\n많이 하는데요\n시스템의 필드 이상과\n다른 두 렌즈의\n구형 균형을 조정합니다\n이 네거티브 렌즈는 유효\n초점 거리 -15mm, 조리개 5mm로\n1차 렌즈보다\n2배 이상 강력하고\n1차 렌즈 때문에\n더 작은 빔을 사용하며\n수렴 광학 빔을 취하여\n약간 어긋나는 빔으로 변환하죠\n그런 다음, 3차 렌즈는\n2차 렌즈에서\n약간 벗어난 빛을 받아\n필요한 f/숫자로 영상 평면에\n광선을 집중시킵니다\n\nChinese: \n孔径8 mm 采用无限远的准直光\n然后把它弯成一个更小的负透镜 靠近挡块的位置\n在某些情况下 中间的镜头实际上被用作\n透镜系统挡块 这个镜头对系统的场像差起到很大控制作用\n以及平衡另外两个镜片的球面\n这个负片 有一个\n有效焦距-15毫米\n孔径为5毫米 是第一个镜头的两倍多\n使用由于第一个透镜而使光束变小\n并取聚光光束\n并将其转换为发散光束\n第三个镜头取到来自第二透镜的发散光\n把光线聚焦到图像平面\n\nJapanese: \n口径8mm無限から平行光を取り\nそして曲げストップの近くに設置した小さめなネガティブレンズに差し込みます\nほかのケースでは中レンズがレンズシステムストップとして使用されており\nこのレンズはシステムのフィールド収差のコントロールのほとんどや\n残り2つのレンズの球状のバランスもとっています\nこのネガティブレンズの有効焦点距離は\n- 15 mm、口径は5 mmであり\nそれは第一レンズの倍の威力です\n第一レンズのおかげで少し小さなビームを使用し\n収束光ビームを受け止め\n少し発散したビームに変換します\nそして第三レンズが少し発散したビームを第二レンズから受け取り\nイメージプレーンに集中させ\n必要なf番号もあります\n\nEnglish: \n(half) aperture 8 mm to take\ncollimated light from infinity\nand bend it into a smaller negative lens\npositioned close to the stop.\nIn some cases,\nthe middle lens is actually used as the\nlens system stop.\nThis lens performs a lot of the control\nover the field aberrations of the system,\nas well as balancing the spherical from\nthe other two lenses.\nThis negative lens, which has an\neffective focal length of -15 mm\nand an aperture of 5 mm, \nis more than twice as powerful as\nthe first lens, uses\na smaller beam because of the first lens,\nand takes the converging optical beam\nand converts it into a slightly\ndiverging beam.\nThen, the third lens takes this slightly\ndiverging light from the second lens,\nand focuses the rays onto \nthe image plane,\n\nChinese: \n带上所需的F/值 在本例中\n这个最后的镜头有个有效焦距长度+19 mm\n现在 我为什么要指出镜片的相对尺寸?\n因为表面像差的贡献\n取决于功率和边缘光线高度\n让你最强大的镜头实际上使用的最小的镜头\n这就是为什么库克有这个\n正-负-正透镜形状 用最强大的\n最小的镜头\n在较低的F/值和较高的视野下 双高斯镜头提供了更好的性能\n双高斯镜头不使用负功率元件 靠近挡块\n而是通过使用挡块表面一个几乎对称的透镜\n实现了它的性能\n在双高斯镜头中 许多以前的设计课程都有重复使用:\n\nEnglish: \nwith the required f/number. \nIn this example,\nthis final lens has an effective focal\nlength of +19 mm.\nNow, why do i point out the \nrelative sizes of the lenses?\nBecause the aberration contribution of\nthe surface depends on its power\nand the marginal ray height,\nso it makes sense to make your \nmost powerful lens as small\nas possible.\nThat is why the Cooke has this\npositive-negative- positive lens shape, \nwith the most\npower on the smallest lens.\nThe double Gauss gives even better performance \nat lower f/numbers and higher fields of view.\nThe double Gauss does not use a negative\npowered element near the stop,\nand instead achieves its performance \nby using a nearly symmetric\nlens form around the stop surface.\nIn the double Gauss, many of the previous\ndesign lessons are reused:\n\nKorean: \n이 예제에서 이 최종 렌즈는\n유효 초점 거리가 +19mm입니다\n자, 왜 렌즈의 상대적 크기를\n지적해야 할까요?\n서피스의 색수차 기여도는\n파워와 한계 광선 높이에 따라\n다르기 때문인데요\n가장 강력한 렌즈를 가능한 한\n작게 만드는 것이 맞습니다\n이것이 Cooke이 가장 작은 렌즈에\n가장 많은 힘을 가진\n양-음-양 렌즈 모양을\n가지고 있는 이유입니다\n더블 가우스 렌즈는\n낮은 F/숫자와 높은 시야에서\n훨씬 더 나은\n성능을 제공합니다\n더블 가우스는 해당\n스톱 서피스 근처에\n네거티브 파워 요소를\n사용하지 않고 주변에 거의\n시메트릭 렌즈 형태를 사용해\n목표 성능에 이릅니다\n더블 가우스에서는 이전 설계\n강습의 많은 부분이 반복됩니다\n싱글릿은 더블릿으로 분할되어\n더블릿의 기본 모양에서와 같이\n\nJapanese: \nちなみにこの例では有効焦点距離は\n+19 mmです\nそしてなぜ私はいちいちレンズのサイズを指摘するのでしょうか\nそれは収差の寄与表面が\nパワーと限界高度を依拠しているからです\nなので一番強いレンズはできるだけ小さくするのです\nだからクックのレンズ形状は\nポジティブネガティブポジティブなのです\n一番小さく性能が高いダブルガウスは\nもっと性能が高くf番号も低くて視野も高いのです\nダブルガウスはストップに近いネガティブエレメントを使用せず\nほぼ対称をストップ表面に生成させて\nその高性能を達成させています\nダブルガウスでは前回などのデザインレッスンが使いまわされており\n\nJapanese: \nシングレットはダブレットに分割し、色とフィールド修正を\nダブレットの基本形状にかけ小型で高性能でネガティブパワーの\n要素が提供する改善されたフィールド補正例えば\nクック基本形状のストップ前後に対称を追加すれば\nこのデザインだとf/5入射瞳径は10 mm\n±20度の視野\n可視画像システム\nどこでも回折限界に近い性能となります\nねじれは対称によってバランスされ指摘する点は\n表面2と10、そして5と7で\nねじれを無視できることによって他の収差は\n個々表面収差よりも小さいシステム合計を出すために\nシステム中にバランスよく広がるのです\n表面5と7が見せてくれるのは沢山の像面湾曲です\n\nKorean: \n색상과 필드 보정을 제공합니다\n소형, 고출력, 그리고\n네거티브 출력 요소는\n쿡 기본 모양에서와 같이\n필드 보정을 개선해 줍니다\n이제 우리는 해당 스톱의\n앞과 뒤에 시메트리를 더합니다\n이 설계에서는 f/5\n입구 동공 직경 10mm 및\n±20도 시야와\n가시 이미징 시스템을 제작해\n어디서나 회절 제한에\n가까운 성능을 제공합니다\n왜곡은 특히 서피스\n2&10과 5&7 사이에서\n대칭으로 균형을 이룹니다\n왜곡을 무시하면 다른 수차가\n시스템 전체에서 어떻게\n균형을 이루는지 보다\n쉽게 알 수 있어\n개별 서피스 수차보다 훨씬 작은\n시스템 합계를 만들 수 있죠\n많은 필드 곡면성은 서피스\n5&7에 의해 도입되는데\n\nChinese: \n单镜头分成双镜头 提供颜色和场校正\n正如双镜头的基本形状 小型 大功率 负功率\n元件提供改进、场校正 如\n库克基本形状镜头 现在我们在挡块前和后加上对称性\n在本设计中 我们生产一个f/5\n入瞳直径10毫米 ±20°视场\n可见成像系统\n接近衍射极限性能\n失真由对称性来平衡 特别是在表面2和10之间\n以及5和7 忽略失真 让我们更容易看到另一个\n像差在整个系统中平衡 产生\n比单个表面像差小得多的系统总和\n很多场曲率是 由表面5和7引入\n\nEnglish: \nsinglets are split into doublets \nto provide color and field correction as in\nthe doublet's Basic Shape.\nSmall, high-powered, negatively powered\nelements provide improved \nfield correction as in\nthe Cooke Basic Shape,\nand we now add symmetry in front of and\nafter the stop.\nIn this design we produce an f/5,\nentrance pupil diameter 10 mm, \n±20 degree field of view,\nvisible imaging system,\nwith close to diffraction limited\nperformance everywhere.\nDistortion is balanced by symmetry,\nnotably between surfaces 2&10,\nand 5&7. Ignoring distortion\nlets us see more easily how the other\naberrations balance across the system,\nto produce a system sum much smaller\nthan the aberrations of \nthe individual surfaces.\nLots of field curvature is \nintroduced by surfaces 5&7,\n\nJapanese: \nストップは対称的でこれが像面湾曲とほかの表面のバランスを良くし\n像面湾曲はこのレンズの中で一番大きい収差で\nこの基本形状はいろんな\nデジタル一眼レフ カメラや\nミラーレス写真システムの元となるのです\nペッツバルレンズは無限または長い共役や\nf/3.5以下のような小さいf番号や\n数度など少ない視野の時使用します\nこれはポジティブポジティブ設定で\n2つの要素が画像の生成という1つの仕事に集中している\nカラーコントロールがダブレット1つよりよくなり\nどちらの要素も同じガラスを使用している点や\n全体的なカラーバランスはツーガラスシステムには良い点に注意してください\n通常ならストップは1つの要素の裏表面またはその近くに生成され\n\nKorean: \n해당 스톱에 대해 대칭이며\n이렇게 하면 필드 곡면성이\n다른 서피스와 균형을 이룹니다\n필드 곡면성은 이 렌즈에\n남아 있는 가장 큰 수차입니다\n이 기본 모양은 많은 디지털\n단일 렌즈 반사 카메라와\n미러리스 사진 시스템의\n기초입니다\nPetzval 렌즈는 무한 또는\n긴 컨주게이트, f/3.5 이하 처럼\n완만한 f/숫자에서와\n몇 도 밖에는 보이지 않는\n시야가 좁은 곳에서 사용되죠\n이 구성은 포지티브-포지티브\n구성으로 두 요소 모두\n이미지 구성 작업을 공유합니다\n이렇게 하면 등가 전력의\n더블릿 한 개보다 더 우수한\n색 제어를 할 수 있습니다\n여기서는 두 요소 모두에\n동일한 유리를 사용하며\n전체적인 색 균형은 두 개의\n유리 시스템에 적합합니다\n일반적으로 스톱은\n첫 번째 요소의\n후면 서피스에 따라\n또는 그 근처에 형성되죠\n\nEnglish: \nsymmetric about the stop, \nand this balances the field curvature\nfrom the other surfaces.\nField curvature is the largest remaining\naberration in this lens.\nThis Basic Shape is the\nbasis of many\ndigital single lens reflex (DSLR)\ncameras, and mirrorless \nphotographic systems as well.\nPetzval Lenses are used at infinite or long conjugates,\nat gentle f/numbers like f/3.5 or slower,\nand with small fields of view of only a\nfew degrees.\nThis is a positive-positive configuration,\nwith both elements sharing \nthe task of forming the image.\nThis gives better color control than a\nsingle doublet of equivalent power.\nNote we use the same glasses in both\nelements here\nand the overall color balance is good\nfor a two glass system.\nTypically, the stop is formed by the rear\nsurface of the first element,\n\nChinese: \n关于止挡对称 这样就平衡了其他表面的场曲率\n场曲率是\n这个镜头的剩余的最大像差 这个基本形状镜头是\n许多数字单镜头反射 的基础\n照相机和无反光镜 摄影系统也是\nPetzval透镜用于无限或长共轭 在像f/3.5或更慢的较小的f/值下\n视野很小 只有几度\n这是一个正-正配置\n两个元素共享形成图像的任务\n这给出了比等功率单个的双镜头更好的颜色控制\n注意我们两个元件都用同样的玻璃镜头\n对于两个玻璃系统 整体色彩平衡性不错\n典型情况下 挡块由第一元件的表面的后部形成\n\nJapanese: \nフィールド収差がデザインを圧しており\n特に像面湾曲と乱視です、これがペッツバル形状\nを高性能にします、レンズは遅いf番号を限界にし回折させています\nですがこの小さい視野でも\n空中監視やスポッターアプリに使用されます\nこの基本形状はイメージングシステムにとっては欠かせません\nすべてのイメージングシステムはシングレットを束ね合わせただけですから\nですがデザイン形状は進化しています\nクックトリプレットの裏の要素をセメンテッドダブレットにしたら\nこのバリアントはテッサーレンズと呼ばれます\n余った表面は収差を減らす為に使用されるか\nf番号をよくするか視野をあげるか\nまたは3つ混ぜたものになります、テッサーレンズの前の要素をダブレットにしたら\n\nEnglish: \nor close to it.\nField aberrations dominate the design,\nnotably field curvature and astigmatism.\nThis limits the Petzval shape to\nhigh performance, \nthe lenses are diffraction limited at a\nslow f/number,\nbut over a small field of view making\nthis shape ideal for \naerial surveillance and spotter\napplications.\nThese Basic Shapes are useful as the\nbuilding blocks of imaging systems.\nUltimately, all imaging systems are just\ncollections of singlets,\nbut you can think of design shapes\nevolving like so:\nTake a Cooke triplet and make its rear\nelement a cemented doublet.\nThis variant is called the Tessar lens.\nThe extra surface can be used \nto reduce aberrations,\nor improve f/number, \nor increase the field of view,\nor all three in some combination.\nThen take the Tessar and make its front\n\nChinese: \n或者是接近它 场像差在设计中占主导地位\n特别是场曲率和散光 这将Petzval形状限制为\n高性能 透镜的衍射极限为\n慢f/值 但在很小的视野下\n此形状镜头理想用于空中监视和侦察\n应用程序 这些基本形状镜头作为\n成像系统的构建模块 最终 所有成像系统都只是\n单镜头的集合 但可以想到设计形状\n演变成这样:拿一个库克三分离物镜\n使其后部元件成为胶结二合镜头 这种变体被称为天塞镜头\n可以使用额外的表面为了减少像差\n或改进f/值 或者增加视野\n或者三者结合在一起 然后用天塞镜头 使其成为\n\nKorean: \n필드 수차는 특히 필드 곡률과\n비점 수차 등 설계를 지배합니다\n이렇게 하면 Petzval 모양은\n성능으로 제한되고\n렌즈는 완만한 f/숫자로\n제한되지만 작은 시야를 통해\n이 모양이 공중 감시 및\n스폿터 용도에 이상적입니다\n이러한 기본 모양은\n이미징 시스템의\n구성 요소로 유용합니다\n궁극적으로는\n모든 이미지 시스템은\n싱글릿 집합에 불과하지만\n이렇게 진화하는\n설계 형태를\n생각할 수 있습니다\n즉 쿡 트리플릿으로\n해당 후면 요소를 시멘티드\n더블릿로 만드는 겁니다\n이 변종을 테사 렌즈라고\n부릅니다\n여분의 서피스는 수차를\n줄이는 데 사용될 수 있습니다\n아니면 f/숫자를 개선하거나\n시야를 넓힐 수 있고\n또는 셋 모두를\n어떤 조합으로든 만듭니다\n\nChinese: \n二合镜头的前元件 这就有了海利亚镜头的设计形状\n实现了进一步改进\n可以将这些原则用于任何基本形状镜头!\n关键是识别极限像差\n并添加额外的设计变量来控制它\n这很重要 因为像OpticStudio这样的软件\n我会给你最好的所选形状的性能\n但它不会添加新的表面或者变量\n你的选项是:把单镜头变成双镜头\n用于额外的色度和场 像差控制\n把双镜头变成三镜头 或添加新元素\n越过更多的表面 共享像差控制\n注意可以使用非球面 而不是添加新的表面\n对于场像差 非球面给出了类似的改进\n\nEnglish: \nelement a doublet. \nThis gives the Heliar design shape,\nwhich gives further improvement.\nYou can use these principles with\nany of the Basic Shapes!\nThe key is to identify \nthe limiting aberration,\nand to add extra design variables \nto control it.\nThis is important because \nsoftware like OpticStudio\nwill give you the best possible\nperformance for your selected shape,\nbut it won't add new surfaces or\nvariables for you.\nYour options are: \nto turn singlets into doublets\nfor extra chromatic and field\naberration control,\nto turn doublets into triplets \nor add a new element\nto share aberration control \nacross more surfaces,\nand note you can use an aspheric surface\nin place of adding a new surface.\nFor field aberrations,\naspheres give similar improvements to\n\nKorean: \n그 다음 테사로 전면 요소를\n더블릿으로 만듭니다\n이렇게 하면\n헬리어 설계 모양이\n더 개선됩니다\n이런 원리는 모든 기본 모양에\n적용할 수 있습니다\n핵심은 제한적 수차를 식별하고\n이를 제어하기 위해 설계 변수를\n추가하는 것입니다\n이는 OpticStudio와 같은\n소프트웨어이가\n선택한 모양에 대해 가능한 한\n최상의 성능을 제공하지만\n새로운 서피스나 변수 추가는\n하지 않으므로 중요합니다\n싱글릿을 더블릿으로 변환하여\n추가 색수차 및 필드\n수차를 제어하거나\n더블릿을 트리플릿으로\n변환하거나 새 요소를 추가해\n더 많은 서피스에서\n수차 제어를 공유할 수 있으며\n새 서피스 추가 대신 비구면\n서피스을 사용할 수 있습니다\n필드 수차의 경우 가중치나\n부피를 더 추가하지 않고\n\nJapanese: \nヘリアーデザイン形状になり\nさらに改善していきます\n原則はどの基本形状にも使用できます!\n鍵は制限している収差を見つけ\nエキストラデザイン変数を足してコントロールすることです\nこれはとても大切です、OpticStudioの様なソフトウエアは\n選んだ形状に一番いい性能を出してくれますが\n表面や変数を足してはくれません\nオプションとしては;シングレットをダブレットに変換すれば\nクロマティックとフィールド収差コントロールを上げることができ\nダブレットをトリプレットに変換させ要素を足し\n収差制御を表面に広げ\nフィールド収差には新しい表面を作るのではなく非球面を使うといいです\n非球葉新しい表面を作るような改善をしながら\n\nChinese: \n添加一个额外的表面 不会增加更多的重量或体积\n现在 让我们总结一下所讨论的内容 风景镜头是最简单的\n基本形状镜头 并使用慢f/值 比如f/5和更慢\n视野被限制在大约5度左右\n尤其是塑料镜片\n可以用非球面形状模制 这些都是廉价的成像系统\n其中图像质量不是最重要的系统参数\n会有\"足够好\"的表现 如果你愿意的话 颜色校正后的双镜头\n大幅提高了成像质量 它仍是一个景观基本形状镜头\n但是使用了两个镜头 由不同的材料制成\n用于颜色和像差控制 两个镜片都用塑料是不容易的\n至少有一个镜片是由玻璃制成的\n玻璃比塑料贵 而且更重\n通常在与风景相同的视野下\n或者更宽的视野 可以获得更好的成像质量\n\nJapanese: \n重みを追加することはありません\n今日学んだことをまとめると、ランドスケープレンズは一番シンプルな基本形状で\n低いf/5以下など低いf番号で使用されます\n視野は5度などで制限がついているので\n非球形状で成形されている\nプラスチックレンズは安いイメージングシステムや\n画質が一番重要ではない時に使用されます\n\"これで十分\"の性能ですかね\n色補正ダブレットはイメージングクオリティ では大きな一歩です\nランドスケープ基本形状ですが2つの材料でできた2つのレンズで\nカラーと収差制御ができ、両レンズともプラスチックは簡単に使えません\n少なくとも片方がガラス製でなくてはなりません\nガラス製は重くプラスチックより高いです\nイメージングクオリティは視野とランドスケープと同じく改善し\nまたは視野が広がり同じイメージングクオリティになっています\n\nEnglish: \nadding an extra surface,\nwithout adding more weight or volume.\nNow, let's summarize what we've covered.\nThe Landscape lens is the simplest\nBasic Shape, and is used \nat slow f/numbers like f/5 and slower.\nFields of view are limited to around \n5 degrees or so,\nbut particularly for plastic lenses that\ncan be molded with aspheric shapes,\nthese make cheap imaging systems where\nimage quality is not the most\nimportant system parameter.\n\"Good enough\" performance if you will.\nThe color corrected doublet is a big\nstep up in imaging quality.\nIt is still a Landscape Basic Shape,\nbut uses two lenses,\nmade of different materials,\nfor color and aberration control.\nYou can't easily use plastics for both lenses,\nso at least one lens is made of glass,\nand glass costs more than plastic \nand is heavier.\nYou generally get better imaging quality\nover the same field of view as the Landscape,\nor a wider field of view at the same quality.\n\nKorean: \n여유 서피스 추가와 유사한\n개선 효과를 제공합니다\n자, 지금까지 다룬 내용을\n요약해 보겠습니다\n랜드스케이프 렌즈는\n가장 간단한 기본 모양이며\nf/5와 같이 완만한\nf/숫자에서 사용됩니다\n시야는 약 5도 정도로 제한되죠\n하지만 특히 플라스틱 렌즈의 경우\n비구면 서피스로 성형 가능한데\n값싼 이미징 시스템을 만들고\n여기서 이미지 품질은\n중요 시스템 변수가 아닙니다\n설령 그렇다 하더라도\n\"나쁘지 않은\" 성능 정도죠\n색보정 더블릿은 이미지 품질에\n있어서 큰 발전입니다\n이는 여전히 랜드스케이프\n기본 모양이지만\n색상과 색수차 제어에는\n다른 원료로 만든\n두 개의 렌즈를 사용합니다\n두 렌즈의 경우 모두 플라스틱을\n쉽사리 사용할 수 없으므로\n적어도 하나의 렌즈는\n유리로 만들어졌고\n유리는 플라스틱보다\n더 비싸고 무겁습니다\n일반적으로 랜드스케이프와\n동일한 시야를 통해\n이미지 화질이 향상하거나\n같은 품질의 넓은 시야를\n확보할 수 있습니다\n\nKorean: \n에어스페이스 더블릿은\n랜드스케이프 렌즈\n기본 모양에 훨씬 더 나은\n성능을 제공하지만\n해당 요소들이가 정렬 오류에\n민감하기 때문에 이 렌즈는\n공차가 더 높도록 제작되어\n장착 상태로 공급되어야 하며\n이 두 가지 경우\n모두 비용이 증가합니다\n쿡 트리플릿은\nf/3 또는 더 느린 조리개 및\n약 20도 시야에서\n뛰어난 성능을 제공합니다\n보통 수준의 시야에 비해\n화질이 중요할 경우에\n매우 널리 사용되는\n기본 모양입니다\n더블 가우스는 사진 품질\n설계의 시작점이며\nf/1.5에서 f/2까지\n가능합니다\n가장 빠른 설정 및\n최대 40도 시야에서 말이죠\nPetzval 기본 모양은\nf/4 정도의 구간에 걸쳐\n단 몇 도의 좁은 시야에서\n뛰어난 이미지를 제공합니다\n\nEnglish: \nAirspaced doublets give even better\nperformance for the Landscape\nlens Basic Shape, however the elements\nare sensitive to misalignment,\nso these lenses are made to higher\ntolerances and must be supplied \nas mounted elements,\nboth of which increase cost. \nThe Cooke triplet provides\nexcellent performance over\nf/3 or slower apertures,\nand field of view of 20 degrees or so. \nIt's a very widely used\nBasic Shape\nonce image quality over moderate fields\nof view is important.\nThe double Gauss is the entry point into\nphotographic quality design, \nand is capable of f/1.5 to f/2\nat its fastest settings and up to \n40 degrees field of view or so.\nThe Petzval Basic Shape \nprovides excellent imaging\nover apertures of f/4 or so,\nand smallish fields of view of a few degrees.\n\nChinese: \n空隙双镜头带来更好的基本形状景观镜头效果\n但元件对不对齐很敏感\n所以制作这些镜片 要有更高的容差\n必须提供安装元件\n这都增加了成本 库克三分离物镜提供\n出色的性能超过 f/3或更慢的光圈\n和20度左右的视野 这是一个非常广泛使用的\n基本形状镜头 中等视野下的一次图像质量\n视野很重要 双高斯镜头是\n摄影质量设计进入点 并且能够f/1.5到f/2\n在其最快设置下 最高可达40度左右的视野\nPetzval基本形状\n在f/4左右的孔径上和几度的小视场提供出色的成像\n\nJapanese: \nエアスペースダブレットは性能が良くランドスケープ基本形状ですが\n要素がずれにとても弱いので\nレンズの耐性力をあげるため\nマウントさせた要素として提供が必要です\nどちらもとてもコストが高くなります\nクックトリプレットは f/3以下のf番号で最高の性能を提供してくれます\n視野は20度以上で適度なフィールドよりも\n画質を優先される状況で\n広く使われる基本形状です\nダブルガウスは写真品質のデザインへの\n入り口といったところでしょうか、f/1.5からf/2まで\n視野は40度以上です\nペッツバル基本形状はf/4以上と\n小さな視野にとっての最高のイメージングで\n\nKorean: \n보안 감시 및 스폿터\n응용 프로그램에서\n광범위하게 사용됩니다\n쿡 트리플릿은 후면 요소를\n더블릿으로 분할 개선을\n할 수 있는데 이는 소위 테사\n설계 모양으로 가능합니다\n또한 첫 번째 요소를\n더블트릿으로 분할하여\nHeliar 설계 모양을\n제공함으로써\n더욱 개선할 수 있습니다\n이렇게 하면 렌즈 색수차가\n크게 개선됩니다\n비구면 서피스로 유사한\n성능 향상을 볼 수 있습니다\n색 수차를 제외하고 말이죠\n이러한 방법은 더블 가우스 및\nPetzval 모양에도 사용하여\n기본 모양을 점진적으로\n개선할 수도 있습니다\n해당 규칙은 먼저\n렌즈의 제한 수차를 식별하고\n필드 또는 색 수차에\n추가 요소를 사용하거나\n주로 필드 제어를 위한\n추가 요소를 사용합니다\n다른 요소를 사용해\n같은 그룹 내의 더 많은\n\nChinese: \n它广泛用于监视和监视应用\n库克三分离物镜可以通过以下方式得到改进 把它们的后部元件分成双镜头\n得出所谓的天塞设计形状\n这反过来又可以通过以下方式得到进一步改善:\n拆分第一个元件 变成一双镜头\n给出了海利亚镜头的设计形式 这大大改善了透镜像差\n使用非球面给出 类似的性能改进\n除了色差\n这些方法可以与双高斯镜头和Petzval形状\n逐步改进 这些基本形状\n规则是:首先确定限制透镜的像差\n然后用视场或色差的额外元件\n或者主要用于场控制的非球面 使用一个额外元件\n\nEnglish: \nIt's used extensively in\nsurveillance and spotter applications.\nCooke triplets can be improved by\nsplitting their rear elements into a doublet,\ngiving what is called a Tessar design shape.\nThis in turn can be further improved by\nalso splitting the first element \ninto a doublet,\ngiving the Heliar design form.\nThis improves lens aberrations greatly.\nUsing aspheric surfaces gives \na similar performance improvement,\nexcept for color aberrations.\nThese methods can be used with \ndouble Gauss and Petzval shapes also,\nto give incremental improvements to\nthese Basic Shapes.\nThe rules are: first identify the\nlimiting aberrations of the lens,\nthen use an extra element for field or\ncolor aberrations,\nor an asphere for mainly field control.\nUse an extra element to share\n\nJapanese: \n監視やスポッターなど特別に使用されております\nクックトリプレットは裏の要素をダブレットに変換することで改善することが可能です\nそれをテッサーデザイン形状と言います\nこれの第一要素をダブレットに分割することによって\nさらに改善することが可能です\nヘリアーデザインフォルムとなり、レンズ収差が大幅に向上します\n非球表面を使うことによってカラー収差を除いて\n性能改善が可能です\nこの方法はダブルガウスやペッツバル形状でも使用可能です\nそういった基本形状にますます改善していきましょう\nそのルールとは、まずレンズの制限収差を見つけ\nフィールドとカラー収差にはエキストラ要素を\nフィールドコントトールには非球を使用し、エキストラ要素を利用して\n\nJapanese: \nグループの中で収差制御義務を分けるようにします\n\nKorean: \n서피스에 대한 수차 제어\n의무를 공유할 수 있습니다\n\nEnglish: \naberration control duties\nover more surfaces within the same group.\n\nChinese: \n在同一组内的更多表面上 来共享像差控制职责\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "\nEnglish: \nOrder: Whole tart\nThe customer ordered a mix of grapefruit and green grapes.\n\nRussian: \nЗаказ: целый тарт\nПокупатель заказал микс из грейпфрута и зеленого винограда\n\nIndonesian: \nPesanan: 1 kue tar penuh\nSi pembeli memesan campuran antara jeruk bali dan anggur hijau\n\nIndonesian: \nGula bubuk ditaburkan secara merata di atas kue tar\nPesanan paket: 3 potong kue tar (anggur hijau, jeruk bali, ceri)\nAku akan membungkus kue tar dengan buah yang segar ini\n\nRussian: \nСахарная пудра аккуратно посыпается сверху на тарт\nЗаказ с собой: 3 кусочка тарта (зеленый виноград, грейпфрут, вишня)\nЯ заверну тарт со свежими фруктами\n\nEnglish: \nSugar powder is gently sprinkled over the tart.\nPackage order: 3 pieces of tart (Green grape, grapefruit, cherry)\nI'll wrap the fresh fruit tart.\n\nRussian: \nЗаказ: Латте с мороженным, зеленый чай-латте(с добавлением тапиоки)\nУ латте с мороженым на верх оригинального кофе латте кладем мороженое\nОчень мягкое и сладкое :)\nТапиока популярная сейчас!\nЗаказ для доставки: пять Pong Crush\nPong Crush популярен Good Simple\nОн содержит много Jollypong, орео и мороженого\n\nIndonesian: \nPesanan: Ice Cream Latte, Green Tea Latte (ekstra boba)\nDi Ice Cream Latte ini ada tambahan es krim di atas kopi susu yang versi orisinilnya\nIni rasanya lembut dan manis :)\nBoba sangat populer belakangan ini!\nPesan antar: Pong Crush 5 buah\nMenu populer di Good Simple yaitu Pong Crush!\nIsinya ada banyak Jollypong, Oreo, dan es krim :D\n\nEnglish: \nOrder: Ice Cream Latte, Green Tea Latte (Extra Pearl)\nIce cream latte has ice cream on top of the original cafe latte.\nThis is soft and sweet :)\nPearl is popular these days!\nDelivery Order: Pong Crush 5\nGood Simple's popular menu, Pong Crush!\nIt contains a lot of Jollypong, Oreo, and ice cream :D\n\nIndonesian: \n*kontak mata*\njollypong itu semacam snack yang terkenal di Korea\nBrownies gratis\n\nRussian: \nЗрительный контакт\nJollypong попклярный снек в Корее\nБесплатные брауни :)\n\nEnglish: \nEye contact\nJollypong is a popular snack in Korea.\nFree brownies\n\nEnglish: \nNext, I'll trim the oranges used in fresh fruit drinks.\nRemove the peel of the washed orange.\nLike this-\nCut the orange in half and remove the leftover except the pulp.\nOnly the pulp part is used in drinks.\nOrder: OG Juice, Yogurt Smoothie (Extra Strawberry Pearl)\nOG juice contains trimmed oranges and homemade grapefruit syrup.\n\nIndonesian: \nSelanjutnya, aku akan mengupas buah jeruk yang akan digunakan untuk minuman buah segar\nIris kulit jeruk yang telah di cuci\nSeperti ini caranya-\nPotong jeruk setengah dan iris sisanya kecuali daging buahnya\nHanya bagian daging buahnya saja yang digunakan untuk minuman\nPesanan: OG Juice, Yogurt Smoothie (ekstra boba strawberry)\nOG Juice isinya jeruk yang sudah di potong tadi dan sirup jeruk bali buatan sendiri\n\nRussian: \nТеперь я подготовлю апельсины для свежеприготовленных фруктовых напитков\nСнимаем кожуру с вымытого апельсина\nВот так\nРазрезаем пополам и удаляем все остатки, исключая мякоть\nТолько мякоть используется в напитках\nЗаказ: OG сок, йогуртный смузи (с добавлением клубничной тапиоки)\nOG сок состоит из кусочков апельсина и домашнего грейпфрутового сиропа\n\nEnglish: \nCollabo of Yogurt and strawberry <3\nThis order is from my friends, So I provided a cake.\nEnjoy~\nOrder: OG Ade, Strawberry Latte 2\nOG Ade contains orange and grapefruit extract. (No ketchup, no mustard) Hahaha-\nNo matter how much I think about it, it's funny :)\nStrawberry Latte contains milk and homemade strawberry syrup.\n\nRussian: \nКолаб йогурта и клубники <3\nЭто заказ моих друзей, поэтому я положил кусочек торта\nНаслаждение~\nЗаказ: OG лимонад, два клубничных латте\nOG лимонад состоит из апельсинового и грейпфрутового экстракта (нет кетчупа, нет майонеза) ахахааха\nНе важно сколько я думал над этим, это очень смешно :)\nКлубничный латте состоит из молока и домашнего клубничного сиропа\n\nIndonesian: \nPaduan antara Yogurt dan Strawberry <3\nPesanan ini buat teman aku, jadi aku tambahin sepotong kue\nSelamat menikmati~~\nPesanan: OG Ade, Strawberry Latte 2 buah\nOG Ade isinya jeruk dan ekstrak jeruk bali (ngga ada saos tomat sama mustard) wkwkwk-\nTidak peduli berapa kali aku memikirkannya, hal itu tetap lucu :)\nStrawberry Latte isinya susu dan sirup strawberry buatan sendiri\n\nIndonesian: \nSelanjutnya, aku akan membuat tiramisu\nAku akan nunjukin ke kalian proses pembuatan dari pembuatan kue sampai krim\nPertama, pisah kuning dan putih telur\nLalu, tambahkan gula ke wadah kuning telur\nAduk di dalam wadah air hangat\nMemeriksa suhu\nDan tambahkan gula ke wadah putih telur lalu aduk\nJika kamu teruskan nanti akan jadi sedikit keras\n\nRussian: \nТеперь будем делать тирамису\nЯ покажу процесс приготовления от хлеба до крема\nПервое, разделяем яйца на желток и белок\nЗатем добавляем сахар к желткам\nПеремешиваем (миска стоит в теплой воде)\n(проверяем температуру)\nдобавляем сахар к белкам и перемешиваем\nЕсли продолжить, то становится тяжелее\n\nEnglish: \nNext, I'll make tiramisu.\nI'll show you the process from bread to cream\nFirst, separate the egg white and yolk\nThen, add sugar to the yolk group.\nMix in warm water.\n(Checking temperature)\nAnd, add sugar to the egg white group and mix\nIf you continue, it becomes a little hard.\n\nRussian: \nДобавляем какао в желток с сахаром\nПеремешиваем, перемешиваем~\nДалее смешиваем с порцией меренги (белок + сахар) и очень хорошо перемешиваем\nТесто для тирамису готово!\nРазливаем по формам\nСтучим, чтобы выгнать лишний воздух\nСтавим запекаться в духовку\nУвидимся позже!\nСделаем крем пока тесто выпекается?\n\nEnglish: \nAdd the cocoa powder to the yolk + sugar\nMix and mix~\nRolling rolling-\nNext, mix it with a portion of the Meringue (egg white + sugar) and combine it completely.\nTiramisu sheet, complete!\nIt is divided equally.\nHit the mold to remove air from the dough.\nLet's bake it in the oven!\nSee you soon!\nShall we make cream while the bread is baking?\n\nIndonesian: \nTambahkan bubuk coklat ke adonan telur dan gula\nAduk trooss\nAkang gendang... puter, puter\nSelanjutnya, aduk dengan se porsi meringue (putih telur + gula) dan aduk sampai rata\nLapisan tiramisu, selesai!\nBagi adonan secara merata\nKetuk-ketuk cetakan untuk hilangkan udara yang ada di adonan\nSaatnya di panggang di oven!\nSampai jumpa lagi!\nMau kah kita lanjut buat bikin krim sambil nunggu panggangannya jadi?\n\nEnglish: \nTiramisu cream needs mascarpone cheese!\nAdd sugar powder~\nAlso, add vanilla beans to add flavor.\nFinally, add fresh cream and it's done!\nHow is the bread?\nOMG, Too hot!!!!\nFirst Person View\nI will cool this out of the oven.\n\nRussian: \nДля крема нам понадобится сыр маскарпоне\nДобавляем сахарную пудру~\nТакже добавляем ваниль\nВ конце добавляем свежие сливки и крем готов!\nКак там наше тесто?\nOMG как горячо!!!!\nВид от первого лица\nДаем остыть\n\nIndonesian: \nKrim dari tiramisu itu harus pakai keju mascarpone!\nTambahkan gula bubuk~\nDan tambahkan juga biji vanili untuk menambah rasa\nTerakhir, tambahkan krim segar, jadi deh!\nRotinya udah jadi apa belon yak?\nBuset dah masi panash!!!!\nPandangan dari orang pertama yang melihatnya\nAku tunggu dulu rotinya biar ngga panas banget\n\nIndonesian: \nKalo udah ngga begitu panas, oles-oles pakai espresso sampai rata\nKalian sadar ngga sih? Tiramisu di Good Simple ada versi terbarunya loh\nBiasanya ada 2 lapis roti, tapi sekarang cuma 1 roti aja, bedanya krimnya sekarang jauh lebih banyak!\nPesulap sendok datang ha ha ha *retceh emang*\nAbis itu simpen di kulkas\nTiga jam kemudian... Cepet ya ternyata kayak sedetik wkwkwk *retceh beut*\nPotong bareng-bareng yuk!\nAbis itu taburi pakai coklat bubuk\nSemoga yang makan suka ^-^\nPesanan: Dalgona Coffee Latte, Tiramisu\nTaroh Dalgona yang banyak (Dalgona itu permen manis tradisionalnya korea) di susunya.\n\nEnglish: \nWhen the bread is cool, spread espresso over the bread.\nHave you noticed? Good Simple's tiramisu has been renewed.\nOriginally, there were two layers of bread, but it turned into one layer, and the amount of cream increased!\nThe texture is softer and more delicious!\nThe spoon magician has appeared!\nIt is stored in the refrigerator.\nThree hours, like one second, have passed.\nI'll cut this!\nTiramisu is colored with cocoa powder.\nI pray for the customers to enjoy eating.\nOrder: Dalgona Coffee Latte, Tiramisu\nPut a lot of Dalgona(Korean traditional sweet candy) on the milk.\n\nRussian: \nКогда хлеб остыл, пропитываем его экспрессо\nВы записали? Тирамису из Good Simple обновлен\nВ оригинале должно быть два слоя хлеба, но у нас один слой хлеба и много сливок\nТекстура мягче и вкуснее!\nА вот и волшебная ложка!\nСтавим в холодильник\nТри часа как одна секунда\nСейчас порежем!\nУкрашаем какао пудрой\nЯ надеюсь, покупатели будут наслаждаться им!\nЗаказ: кофе латте Dalgona, тирамису\nКладем очень много Dalgona (корейская национальная сладкая конфета) на молоко\n\nRussian: \nВау\nЗаказ: два Бабл латте с сахарным сиропом\nЯ пробовал до этого, 1/2 шота вкуснее, поэтому я подаю в таком виде\nЗаказ для доставки: три арбузных сока\nЛето = арбуз, мой любимый фрукт <3<3\nЯ могу есть его целыми днями ахахах\n\nIndonesian: \nPesanan: 2 buah Bubble Black sugar Latte\nAku udah coba sebelumnya, tapi kalo ditambahin 1/2 shot lebih enak. Jadi aku jual yang kek gini\nPesan antar: 3 buah Jus Semangka\nMusim panas = enaknya makan semangka, buah kesukaan aing <3<3\nAku bisa kok idup cuman makan semangka-tiap hari! wkwk *receh sia*\n\nEnglish: \nOrder: Bubble Black sugar Latte2\nI've tasted it, but 1/2 shot is more delicious, So I sell this way.\nDelivery Order: Watermelon Juice 3\nSummer = Watermelon, My favorite fruit <3<3\nI can live by eating watermelon all day! Hahaha-\n\nRussian: \n\nЯ вернусь на следующей неделе с брауни!\nСпасибо за просмотр, пока!\n\nEnglish: \n\nI'll be back next week with Brownies!\nThank you for watching. Bye!\n\nIndonesian: \n\nDi video selanjutnya bakalan ada Brownies. Sampai ketemu lagi!\nMakasi ya buat yang udah nonton. Dah!\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "- I found that the letters\nof Shakespeare to be all\nof these letters.\n- [Robert] As Petter Amundsen\nand I continued our journey\nto explore hidden\ncodes in Shakespeare--\n- We need a keyword\nto unlock this.\n- And what do you\nthink that keyword is?\nWe looked at possible clues\non Shakespeare's gravestone,\nand monuments in Stratford.\nStramen Omo, Stra men.\nBut, why bother including\nthese codes in this\nbig chunk of text,\nwhat's the point?\n- It's a much more\nimportant course\nthat drives these\nmen to do this.\n- [Robert] And we moved far\nbeyond the authorship question,\ninto the realms of treasure\nmaps and lost manuscripts.\nThis is where we're headed.\n- [Robert] The Cygnus.\n- [Petter] The Cygnus.\n- Could geometry and astronomy\nreally link Shakespeare\nto the Rosicrucians?\nIt's all supremely\nelegant and attractive.\nContagious, like a disease.\nBut the Rosicrucians are\nsaid to have artifacts\nas precious as the menorah\nat the Jewish temple.\nAnd do you know where?\n- We're going to find it.\n- [Robert] And where on earth\nwould Petter take me next?\n(bell tolling)\n(haunting music)\n- We need a map.\nThere's a couple there.\nThis is mother earth.\nAnd this is the sky.\nDo you see similarities\nbetween these?\n- It's the same shape.\n- Same shape, right, okay.\nOther similarities.\n- Well they're both--\n- Apart from (muffled)\nyou can swim in them.\n- Well they've imposed longitude\nand latitude lines on there\nto help you find the\ncoordinates, presumably.\n- Yes.\nSo this makes it possible\nto find a spot on this map,\nand project it onto that map.\n- Oh, okay.\nSo literally we\nfind the same point\nand then we find it here.\n- That's right.\nAnd,\nwith this system,\nwe can go places.\n- [Robert] Okay.\n- And just to prove my point,\nI have a picture taken\nfrom terrestrial globe,\nlike this, from the 1500s,\nmade by Matt Coulter,\nand he actually puts stars\nonto the terrestrial map.\n- So the one we're particularly\nlooking at is Deneb,\nisn't it?\n- [Petter] That's in it.\n- The summit, if you like,\nof the masonic treasure map.\nAnd the seventh step\ntowards God's Mercy.\n- Yes.\nAnd look, here is Deneb,\nCauda Cygni,\nthe tail of the swan.\nAnd it's quite\nclose to the coast.\n- [Robert] This is\nwhat, the coast of what,\nthis is the coast of\nNorth America is at?\n- Yes, that's right.\nWe are bank onto the\ncoast of Nova Scotia.\nSo, that would be an ideal\nspot to build a new temple,\nif the temple mount\nwas out of reach,\nwhich it was.\n- In the new world of course.\n- And in the new world,\nwhich in those days\nbecame colonized.\n(mysterious music)\nAnd here is the\nNevil story again,\nbecause he was part of\nthe Virginia company.\nAnd his Uncle Bacon, he was\npart of the colonization\nof Newfoundland.\n- [Robert] Wow.\n- But, still, we have\nlots of challenges\nbecause this star is not\nthat accurate in a cycle\nof 25,000 years, it\nmoves a little bit up\nand it goes a little bit down.\nAlso we have the problem\nof longitude because\nthat was not an exact\nscience in those days.\nBecause of their lack\nof precise watches.\nBut, still, we have\nenough clues that we can\nzoom in on.\nWe have New Atlantis, by Bacon\nwhere Bacon describes\nthe seamen going up north\nfor seven months.\nSo it's like the\nseven steps and then--\n- Oh right.\n- They come to you.\nThen they come to an island,\nwhere they conserve bodies\nin underground facilities.\nAnd we also have the play\nbeginning Bosun, or Bote-swaine.\n- The Tempest.\n- Yes.\n- [Robert] The Tempest\nwas the last complete play\nShakespeare wrote in 1611\nIts main character, Prospero,\nhas been banished to\nan obscure island,\nwhere he continues his\nsecret studies in magic.\n- I find my zenith\ndoth depend upon\nthe most auspicious star.\n- [Petter] Zenith is\njust above the head.\nSo above his zenith,\nthere must be a most\nauspicious star.\nAuspicious is derived from\naspects of his spector.\nSomeone who is\nstudying the birds.\n- [Robert] Oh, okay, I see,\nso you're talking about\navion stars, stars\nrelated to birds.\n- Yes, and Deneb is\nthe second largest star\nconnected with birds.\nSo, what is common, at\nleast to New Atlantis\nand to The Tempest, is\nthat the action takes place\non an island.\nTreasure Island.\nAnd in fact, there\nis a Treasure Island\nthat is quite famous\noff the coast of Nova Scotia.\nAnd its latitude is exactly\nthe latitude of Deneb.\n- What is this island called?\n- Today it is called Oak Island.\nBut, the first maps\ncalled it Gloucester Isle.\nThis is Gloucester Isle.\n- [Robert] On the\ncoast of Nova Scotia.\n- Yes, that's right.\nAnd I assume it's the\nsame Gloucester who was\npatron of the Masons,\nand who is buried in\nSt. Albans Cathedral.\nWhose body was\nfound by moving stones\nto build a new grave\nin the year 1703,\nR.C.\nAnd he was perfectly preserved,\njust as the tale of father R.C.\nAnd, then you see\nthat Gloucester,\nGloucester of the\nBoone ancestry, so he\nwas called The Swan.\n(dramatic music)\n- [Robert] Oak Island\nhas become famous\nas the home of secrets, and\nlegendary treasure halls.\nFor centuries, people\nhave searched the island\nfor mysterious treasure that\nis suppose to be located\nin caves deep in the ground.\nAs early as 1795, a 90-foot\ndeep shaft made of oak\nwas discovered.\nThe shaft later collapsed due\nto enormous water pressure.\nBut it helped to create Oak\nIsland's reputation as a place\nwhere impressive\nfeats of engineering\ncould be found alongside\ntantalizing pieces of evidence.\n- And people have\nbeen making new shafts\nand they found a tunnel system.\n- Oh really.\n- There's a tunnel, yes.\nBut they don't know\nhow to get down there.\n- So why can't they\ndig down as deep,\nand not just with a drill,\nwhy can't they really\nexcavate there?\n- The problem is the water.\n- [Robert] No one's\ndrained that water,\nor you can't drain that water.\n- No, they've drained it\ndown to a certain level,\nand they get seawater,\nand that has remained\na problem ever since.\n- [Robert] Apparently six\nhuman lives were lost,\nand huge sums of\nmoney have been spent\non several doomed attempts\nto find the island's\nfamous treasure,\nleading to talk of\nan Oak Island curse.\nBut other findings\nhave been made,\nwhich seem to fit\nwith Petter's theory\nthat Shakespeare's manuscript\ncould have been concealed here.\nIn the autumn of 1797, they\ndrilled down to 145 feet\nand discovered a fragment\nof paper with writing on it.\n- I have seen this myself,\nI have held the piece\nof paper in my hand.\nBut here is the interesting\nbit for our story.\nBecause they have\nfound traces of mercury\nfrom way below.\n- [Robert] These findings\nfit with Bacon's description\nof the conservation\nof paper in mercury.\nBut the most important\nfinding is five large boulders\nshaped like eggs in\na strange formation.\n- On this Treasure Island\nwe find a representation\nof The Swan in the sky.\n- [Robert] A land\nsurveyor named Fred Nolan,\nwho owns part of Oak Island,\ndiscovered five round boulders\nwhich together form a\ncross on the island.\n- But what's interesting\nis that the cross\nis a perfect geometric layout.\nBecause the distance is\n360 foot from the\ncenter, both ways.\n- So it's perfect, no doubt,\nit's exactly equidistant.\n- Yeah.\n- And you believe\nthat these were placed\nthere by man in order to--\n- The geologists, according\nto what I've been told,\nthey say that they\nhave been put there.\n- Right.\n- Yeah.\n- What treasure are\nthey looking for?\n- They don't know,\nthat is the clue.\nBecause that cross is a riddle.\nIt is three things\nat the same time.\nThe Swan, a Christian cross,\nbut also a Jewish symbol\nthat becomes a tree.\n- A tree from Genesis, or--\n- [Petter] Right, it's\ndescribed in Genesis.\nIt is not the tree of knowledge.\n- So, there's the tree of\ngood and evil, isn't there?\nIsn't that the other one?\n- [Petter] It's\nthe tree of life.\n- Tree of life?\n- [Petter] Yeah.\nAnd the tree of life\nconsists of 10 points,\nand here we have five of them.\n- So where are the others?\n- We use those\ndimensions, and from them\nwe can extrapolate the\nfive remaining ones.\n- [Robert] From the\nposition of the five stones,\nit is possible to calculate\nthe exact location\nof the five hidden\npoints in the landscape.\nThe tree of life on the island,\nhas the dimensions\nfive by eight.\nThese are exactly\nthe same dimensions\nas the tomb of the\nlegendary Father R.C.,\nthat the Rosicrucians\nencourage us to look for.\n- He that had wit would\nthink that I had none,\nto bury so much\ngold under a tree,\nand never after to inherit it.\n- [Robert] On the third\npage 37 in the folio,\nin the play Titus Andronicus,\nyet another T-W-O acrostic\nleads us to lines by\nAaron the Moor, who is\nburying gold under a tree\nwhich he is never to inherit.\nThe Aaron of the old\ntestament, Moses' brother,\nwas traditionally seen as the\nprotector of the treasures\nof the Jewish temple,\nincluding the menorah.\n- Curiously, under a tree.\nPerhaps the tree on Oak Island\nis the tree under which\nso much gold is buried.\nAnd those guys\nnever inherited it.\n- Wow.\n- Exciting, isn't it?\n- Yeah, yeah, it is.\n- Now what?\nWell, the points in\nthe tree of life,\nthey're called the sephiroth,\neach of them has got a name.\nAnd I went to Oak\nIsland in 2003,\nand I excavated Kingdom,\nand I excavated Victory.\n- And you've been there,\nyou've already, you know--\n- I've been there.\nAnd it's almost frightening\nhow well it fits.\n(dramatic music)\n- [Robert] In 2003, Petter\nwent on an expedition\nto Oak Island.\nThe goal was to see if the\ntreasure map really worked.\nThey had access to one\npart of the island,\nand to two of the hidden\npoints in his tree of life.\n- [Petter] So I borrowed\na super-accurate GPS,\nso it would be less\nthan one foot off mark.\nThis is it, perfect.\n- [Man] Petter, I don't know.\n- [Petter] Go on now (muffled).\n(men grunting)\n(haunting music)\n- Half a stone, very rounded,\nand perfectly flat\non the other side.\nSo, we have just hoisted that.\nExactly where it should be,\nif it was there\nto mark something.\nSo we got a backhoe and\nwe dug all around it\njust to see if there were\njust stones like that\nlying around, or the\nother half of it,\nbut we found nothing.\nBut on the other spot\nwe found a similar one.\n- [Robert] Before\nthe time ran out\nand they had to\nreturn to Norway,\nPetter and his team managed\nto find the Victory stone,\none of the two points he\nwas allowed access to.\nThe discovery of two\nsuch similar stones\ndoes strengthen Petter's case.\nBut how do the stone's get\nus closer to the treasure?\n- This is not where\nthe treasure is.\nIt's much more clever than that.\nI know where the\nproper entrance is.\n- And so there's a way of\ngetting to the treasure.\n- Yes.\nThe task is to see\nwhich of these points\nstand out as a\npotential point X.\n- [Robert] Okay.\n- Can you see that?\n- Yeah, yeah, yeah.\nAll right, so we've\nactually got Mercy there\nas one of the points\nin the tree of life.\n- Yes.\nAnd Mercy's also the seventh\nstep in the tree of life.\nBut the trouble with Mercy,\nit's in the middle of a swamp.\n- [Robert] Oh (laughing).\n- So, that's not very\neasy to go for it there.\n- So, you couldn't\ncheck out Mercy,\nis it still worth\nchecking out Mercy\nor is it just simply\nnot possible because\nit is in a swamp?\n- Let's see what The\nTempest will suggest.\nSo you recall the\nEpilogue of The Tempest?\n- Yep.\n- Breathe if thou canst.\n- Now my charms\nare all o'erthrown,\nand what strength\nI have is mine own,\nwhich is most faint,\nnow 'tis true.\n- For I must be here confined\nby you, or sent to Naples.\n- But release me from my bands\nwith the help of\nyour good hands.\n- Gentle breath of yours\nmy sails must fill,\nor else my project fails.\n- Now I want spirits to\nenforce, art to enchant.\n- And my ending is despair.\n- [Robert And Prospero] Unless\nI be relieved by prayer,\nWhich pierces so\nthat it assaults\nMercy itself and\nfrees all faults.\n- As you from crimes\nwould pardoned be,\nLet your indulgence set me free.\n- And it's rare, we\nhave very few Epilogues\nin Shakespeare, actually.\nThis is kind of Shakespeare's\nfarewell to the stage\nalmost before he goes into\nsemi-retirement in Stratford.\n- Almost like a\nswan song, you know.\n- Yes, yeah, yeah.\n- But, watch this.\nThe tree of life, as it\nis found on Oak Island,\nfits the frame.\n- So the point on the tree of\nlife where Mercy should be,\nMercy is indeed on the page,\nif you were to\nsuperimpose it there.\n- Yes, that is exactly\nwhat I am saying.\nBut, it doesn't stop there.\nBecause I think we\nget instructions.\nYou see, pierce Mercy.\nSo maybe we should do\nsome kind of piercing.\n- Yes.\nI'd like to show\nyou something else.\nThis little book is the\nstory of the history of\nHenry the Seventh, in Latin.\nAnd here's Bacon, twice.\nAnd you know what, I speculate,\nthis guy is Nevil, and\nthis guy is Shakespeare.\nCause his mask.\nHe's got theater\nboots, and a spear.\nHe has one hand\non the spear that,\nBacon, Shakespeare too.\nAnd he's pointing to a globe.\nWhile Nevil is doing\nsomething else,\nhe's constructing this figure.\nThen she becomes the perfect\nfive by eight tree of life,\nas we find it on Oak Island.\nAnd you know, Bacon and\none-handed Shakespeare,\npierces the wheel at Mercy,\nand frees all thoughts.\nBut, look at this.\nThis is a German edition of\nthe essays of this Bacon.\nYou see.\n- [Robert] Wow.\n- So it's highly\nappropriate when\nBacon is pointing\ndown into the pond.\nThey're--\n- Yeah, yeah, yeah, interesting.\n- Yeah.\nSo Robert, I think we\nshould pierce Mercy.\n(dramatic music)\nI get the shivers.\n- [Robert] Oh yeah.\nWe meet a marine\narcheologist, Wijnand Baerken.\nAnd explore the seabed in\nseveral places on the way out.\n- [Petter] That stick's down.\n- [Robert] Once at Mercy point,\nwe hit on something strange.\n- Try here for instance.\n(stick banging)\nNope.\n(muffled conversation)\n(stick banging)\n- [Robert] It's the same height,\nit's like a flat surface.\nIt seems there is a\nhard, flat area below us.\nListen.\n- Yeah, and there is\nhollow in that sound.\n- [Robert] Yeah.\nBaerken, the marine\narcheologist, tells us that\nhe has never experienced\nsuch ground conditions\nin the swamp before.\n- [Baerken] I've never, ever\nfelt the solid, even ground.\nWe're in the middle\nof a swamp here,\nand this is very\ndefinite hollow sound.\n- What happened to Prospero?\n- (laughing) And my\nending is despair,\nunless I be relieved by prayer,\nwhich pierces so that it\n- [Robert And Petter]\nAssaults Mercy itself.\n- And freed those\nfaults, Robert.\nYeah.\n- And almost assaults Mercy\nitself, and frees all fault.\nNow listen to that sound,\nthere's something there.\nIssues over the\nownership of the swamp,\nover the role of the Canadian\nenvironmental authorities,\nand over the potentially\ndangerous gases\nthe swamp contains,\nmeant that we couldn't just\nget some diving equipment\nand keep on searching.\nFor now, at least, this\nwas the end of the road.\nBut it turns out that\nother, bigger players,\nthan Petter and myself\nare getting involved.\nThe multimillionaire American\nowners of much of the island\nare fascinated by\nPetter's theories,\nas are the U.S. History channel,\nwho are currently\nfilming there with him.\nThe American owners\nare draining the swamp\nand will use high-tech\nequipment to scan\nup to 40 feet below the surface.\nThis trip could make\nor break his theories\nonce and for all.\nYeah, good to see you.\n- Yeah.\nFor the first time in history,\nthe swamp is bone dry.\n- And the swamp, does that\ninclude the Mercy point,\nwhere you think the\nmost significant?\n- It does, and it seems\nthat they can try to\nmove away some soil to look.\nBut they cannot go\ndeeper than that.\n- They can't go deeper?\n- No.\nBut, we will see.\n(laughing)\n- When Petter said the\nswamp was bone dry,\nhe didn't count on\nthe Canadian rain,\nwhich decided to ruin our\nplans for the following day\nby pouring down all night.\nWe were only allowed to scout\nthe area around Mercy point\nfor safety reasons.\n- Look at it--\n- I see things have changed--\n- Since we were\nrowing out there.\n- [Robert] That's\namazing, they have pumped\nso much of that\nwater, haven't they?\nBut it's still very\nswampy, isn't it?\n- It is still very swampy,\nand it's going to be tricky.\n- How many people have\ndied on this island?\n- [Petter] Six.\nAnd there is this saying\nthat a seventh must die\nbefore a treasure is found.\n- Right, okay well.\n- And we have to be\ncareful now because,\nbecause and this\nis not me kidding,\nthere is gas out on the swamp\nand we need to stick together\nbecause it can be dangerous.\n- [Robert] Right.\n- So we take the\ndistance in feet from\njust behind that stone.\n- [Robert] As we made our\nway as far out towards\nMercy point as possible,\nwe encountered\nsomething truly strange.\nAs so often on Oak Island,\nit wasn't just the weather\nthat was against us.\nThe compass on\nPetter's smart phone\nhad successfully led us\nout here, but suddenly,\nas we got closer to Mercy--\n- Stop there please.\n- [Robert] It went\nbizarrely wrong.\n- The compass doesn't\nhelp me much, I'm afraid.\nThis is strange.\nIt says North is\nin that direction,\nbut we know that North is there.\nActually I think it's\nstrange that the compass--\n- [Robert] Yeah,\nhas gone completely,\nthat North is that way is\nit, and yet it was saying--\n- No, North is that way, yes.\n- And it was saying\nthat North was that way.\n- Yeah.\nYou see.\nThere's North in that direction.\n- [Robert] How odd.\nWhat would cause that though?\nWhat would cause, must\nbe magnetism, Petter.\n- Right.\n- So, that would fit with\nyour idea that potentially\nthere might be metal involved in\nthe creation of this entrance.\n- There must be metal that\nis magnetic somewhere here.\n- Right.\nI mean all this effort that\nit's taken to drain the swamp.\nWould it have been possible\nto create an artificial swamp\nwhen they were dealing\nwith so much labor,\nso much work, so much\ntime, presumably.\nDoesn't that mean,\nshouldn't there be\nmore evidence in sense?\nShouldn't there be more\nevidence of man's role\nin constructing\nand creating this?\n- Might be.\nBut again, if they made\nthis effort to create this,\nthey could easily have\nmade an effort to conceal\nthe signs.\n- [Robert] In that case,\ndid they ever want\nthis to be found?\n- I don't know.\nI don't know, really.\n- [Robert] That night,\nthe heavens opened again,\nand it rained and rained.\nThe following day we were\ntold that the Americans\nwould need the whole day\nto drain the swamp again.\nWas it really possible that\nhuman hands in the 17th century\ncould build an\nelaborate hiding place\nfor the manuscripts\nand the menorah\nwithout leaving\nsignificant traces\nof their thousands of hours of\nback-breaking labor\non the island?\nPetter believes one man\nmay provide some answers.\nThomas Bushell.\n17th century England's\ngreatest expert\non mining and hydraulics,\nhe was renowned for\ndraining water from mines\nand pushing the boundaries\nof existing technology.\nHe was also Sir Francis\nBacon's servant and friend.\nAfter his master's death, he\nleft England for several years,\napparently inspired to\nbuild Solomon's house,\nanother temple perhaps.\nIn his writings, Bushell\nmentions his journey towards\nMercy-seat.\nWhile all this seems\nmetaphorical to me,\nPetter thinks it may also\nbe linked to Mercy Point\non his tree of life map.\nOn his return, Bushell imprinted\na cross on his portrait,\nwhich contains a\nthree-four-five triangle.\nYou could exactly like\nthat, and what makes\nThomas Bushell and his\nachievements very interesting.\n- [Petter] There, I will\njust bring us through here,\nand then we'll be able\nto take a new bearing\non the other side.\n- [Robert] After\nmy skepticism about\nthe capacity of 17th\ncentury technology,\nand knowing that the American\nowners were very interested\nin seeing exactly where Mercy\nPoint was suppose to be,\nthat they decided to kill\ntwo birds with one stone.\nInstead of relying on\nthe smartphone GPS,\nwhich had proved so\nstrangely troublesome,\nPetter got out a simple\ncompass and his measuring tape.\n- It's gonna be muddy in here.\n- You know Rick, this is\nwhere we thought it was.\nWe missed 50 feet.\nI think this is\nquite good, actually.\n- [Wijnand] It is quite\namazing that we found the site\nthat you speculated was\nthe sight, yes Petter.\nThis is strange.\n- [Petter] What is happening?\n- [Wijnand] It's giving\nme the wrong direction.\nIt says that north is there.\n- [Robert] Even Petter's\nsimple magnetic compass\nwas having problems\ndealing with Oak Island.\n- [Petter] So, this is where--\n- [Wijnand] It is.\n- [Petter] 50 feet, out there.\n- You know, we had this\nswamp drained yesterday\nto the point where this\nprobably was accessible.\nAnd now you look at it, and\nit's completely inaccessible.\nI don't think a person could\nget from here to there,\n50 feet, I don't\nthink you'd get there\nin an entire day of struggling.\nAnd H2S gas is\nnothing to fool with.\n- No.\n- But, we will get there.\nIt's just one step after\nanother, after another.\nAnd perhaps it's\nbut 50 feet away.\n- [Robert] Of course,\nlittle did we know\nthat after we left Oak Island,\nthe search went on without us.\nWalking up to the\nhome in Collin Church\nwhere all this began,\nI felt like we were\nmaybe coming full circle.\nWe watched footage\nfrom the Americans.\n- Side and try to sweep\nand see if it registers\nfrom that side.\n- [Steve] Okay.\n(tense, mysterious music)\n- [Rick] You got something?\n- Yeah.\nIt's funny, I'm getting,\nI'm actually getting\nmultiple signals.\n- [Rick] Really?\n- [Steve] Yeah.\n(metal detector buzzing)\nSee that, see that.\n- [Rick] Yeah.\n- [Steve] That's a hit.\n- [Rick] You gotta\nbe kiddin' me.\n- Something that's significant\nlike gold or silver,\nwould be up in this\nquadrant, around here.\n- God that's where it is.\n- I know.\n(laughing)\n- Let's keep goin', maybe\nwe can find somethin' else.\n(metal detector buzzing)\n- [Steve] Oh yeah, I got a\ndefinite signal here too.\n- [Rick] There you go.\n- Listen.\n- All right, I'm gonna\nput my foot in that.\nAll right, so.\n- [Steve] Rick is\nthere anything here?\n- Holy shit.\nI'm gonna put my foot on that.\n(water splashing)\nThere's something\nthere, absolutely.\nNo doubt about that.\n- Somethin' flat.\nCan I take the detector and\nput it down where I'm standing?\n- [Steve] Seriously,\nI wanna dive in there\nright freakin' now, buddy.\n- Go.\n(water splashing)\n- I got you.\n- As long as I come up with\na menorah between my teeth\nI'll be happy.\n(metal detector buzzing)\nOh, did you hear that?\n- Uh-eh.\n- Here.\n(metal detector buzzing)\nHear that?\n- Yep.\n- No.\n- Yeah, I do.\nYes!\n- There you go buddy.\n- Yes!\n- [Robert] When the metal\ndetector beeps unmistakably\nover Mercy Point,\nand they then bring\nin state-of-the-art\nequipment to confirm\nthat there is genuine\nevidence of non-ferrous metal\nin the swamp, it is a\ntruly exciting moment.\n(machine buzzing)\n- [Rick] Holy (beeps).\n- [Robert] Does all that\nred on the data model\nshow the presence of gold?\nThe gold under the\ntree that's powering\nfrom Titus Andronicus\nand buried?\nWere Petter's theories\nabout to be proved?\n(water bubbling)\n(tense, suspenseful music)\n- It was weird because\ninitially I got a hit\ntwo-thirds of the way down,\nso I'm feeling across\neverything as I'm going.\nAnd I thought, well\nwhat the hell is it.\nAnd I did a test on my ring\nand it, there's the same sort\nof sound, obviously gold.\nBut, it's the same\nthing, I was getting it,\nand then, gone.\nJust gone.\n- The metal detecting\nequipment suddenly failed,\njust like Petter's\nphone compass,\njust like our\ncameraman's lights,\nor the microphones used\nby our sound recordist.\nSomething made technology\nfail out on Oak Island.\nIt's so strange, what\nis it about this place\nthat basically turns all\nequipment from your smartphone\nto some super high-tech\nGerman metal detector,\ninto rubbish.\n- It's a very strange story.\nBut we need to\ninvestigate further.\n- [Robert] So this is a\ninscription on the wall of\nTrinity Church in Stratford.\n- It is, but this\none guy, Filbur,\nliving up in Tombsur,\nhe's working at the university,\nhe's a mathmetician.\nHe had me standing\nup and saluting\nfor one thing he\nhad found last year.\nIt's the upper part, the Latin.\nSocratem is bad Latin,\nit should be Socreten.\nBut, if you read\nit the other way,\nit makes sense, it\nbecomes perfect Latin.\nHow I take it,\nthe earth covers--\n- [Robert] As Petter\nbegan to explain,\nI suddenly saw it myself.\nThe maronem.\nMaronem, the menorah.\nThat's fantastic.\n(dramatic music)\n- The cool thing is that,\nterra tegit maronem is\nproper Latin.\nDo not (muffled) for thee,\nthe earth covers the menorah.\n- [Robert] Yeah.\n- But, there could be more\ngoing on at the same time here\nbecause if you read from\nright to left there,\nthe next letters\nwill be ET in Latin.\n- [Robert] And.\n- Yes, and now we got Ramet,\nan anagram perhaps for Artem,\nwhich in fact is also\nwritten that way.\nAnd if you think of it being\nclose to the manuscript\nin Shakespeare's hand, it\nstrengthens the idea that\nthe odds of Shakespeare in\nbeing part of this treasure.\nBut, look at this, another ET.\n- [Robert] Ah, okay.\n- So, okay, maybe\nthat are more things.\nBecause, if you also have\nthe ark of the covenant,\nvery (mumbling), but still look.\nIf you take these letters,\nyou end at the 17th here,\nlook at that.\n(Roger laughing)\nArt come.\n- [Roger] Is this a\nreference in Latin\nto the earth\ncovering the menorah,\nthe art of Shakespeare, and\nthe arc of the covenant.\nAre they all concealed\ntogether on Oak Island?\n- One thing is the menorah,\nbut the ark has not\nbeen on the scene for\nperhaps 3000 years.\n- And so the ark\nof the covenant,\nthe place where the\n10 commandments was\nsupposedly stored,\nis that right?\nSo we are really in\nIndiana Jones territory?\n- We are in Indiana\nJones territory but,\nit could really be.\nLook at all these\nstrange things weird,\nelectonically different.\nNo but we have stories\nsaying that it had radiation,\nand that it was\ndangerous to be near it.\nThe story goes that it\nwas immensely powerful\nand it was like a weapon.\n- The thing is,\nover on Oak Island,\nit's just an odd\nplace, isn't it?\nAgain, it sort of defies\nrational explanation,\nthe fact that so much\ntechnological equipment\nwould be rendered\nuseless at times\nby something on the island.\n- It's very\ninteresting (mumbles).\n- Oh absolutely, but I mean,\nyou know, it's amazing,\nand nothing, in a way,\nbeats that moment of\nseeing something in a text.\nAnd so I absolutely understand\nwhat keeps driving the story on.\n- The chapel is a remarkable\nexample of late 19th century\n(voice trailing off)\n(Robert laughing)\n- [Robert] That's very nice.\nPetter's theories had also\nattracted the attention\nof the world's leading\nexpert on Rosicrucianism,\nTobias Churton.\n- [Tobias] I'm truly\nimpressed by the discovery.\n- [Petter] Thank you.\n- And I think everything you,\npractically everything\nis absolutely sound.\nYou're working from the text,\nyou've got it in front of you,\nyou can see what you're doing.\nIt's demonstrable,\nit opens doors,\nand I think some amazing doors.\nI'm slightly concerned\nthat you haven't opened\nall the doors that\nare really possible,\ngiven what you've discovered.\n- I thought I'd\nopened all the doors.\n- No, I think there's\na lot more to be done.\nAnd I have this feeling\nthat by putting your mark\nin the text, it seems to me\nthat's what somebody's done,\njust throws up wonderful\nquestions to me.\nAnd I think for any\nShakespearian scholar,\nit's a real door.\nThe Rosicrucian ideal\nis of major importance\nin England in this period,\nand whether traditional\nand orthodox conservative\nBritish historians like it or\nnot is of no interest to me.\nIt's time they\nunderstood the importance\nof Western esotericism.\nThe fact that the writer or\nwriters of some of these plays\nexpressed sympathy with the\nideals of the brotherhood,\nmakes a huge amount of sense.\nI find that riveting.\nWhoever produced\nthe first folio,\ngiven the evidence that\nPetter has presented,\nclearly was in\nsympathy with ideals\nwhich have been\ncalled Rosicrucian.\nThe question must be, what\nare those ideals at that time,\nbecause Rosicrucianism is\na rainbow of possibilities\neven in that very early\nperiod of its development.\nI think if we there jump into\nTemplar's (muffled) territory,\nwe are discrediting the real\nvalue of your discoveries.\nThese words like\ntemple and treasure,\nyou should never, it is\na materialistic concept\nto use these terms in\na materialistic sense.\nEverything in the Rosicrucian\nstory is symbolic.\n- But I see in former\nthat they encourage\nthe search for the vault.\nA vault--\n- Yes, the vault is a symbol,\nit's not a historic artifact.\nAnd you're confusing\nsymbols with artifacts,\nand that is, to me, the\nfatal leap that all of this\npower history of Templarism\nand Rosicrucianism does,\nit constantly confuses the\nmaterial and the spiritual.\nThe true alchemical code\nis the transformation\nof the individual soul\ninto spiritual awareness.\nIt's what we call the nosis,\nthe hidden light of man.\nThat is the treasure\ndiscovered by the Rosicrucians,\nthat is the lamp in the\ntomb of Rosencreutz,\nthat cannot be extinguished.\nIt is the light of wisdom.\n- But let's say for\nargument, that the Templars\ndid find something and\nbrought it to Europe.\nI think it would be\nan interesting task\nto try to find it.\n- Oh course, and\nwe would love it,\nand it would make\na fantastic movie.\nIt's how much do you\ncare about the facts?\nThe story of a Templar\ntreasure has no basis,\nthere isn't, there's\nnothing underneath it.\nYou know, under\nthat, it's a void.\nAnd however, you know, stranger\nthings have been known,\nand my mind is not closed\nto the possibility,\nall things are possible,\nif we believe it.\n- What I think the aspect--\n- But hang on, hang on, there\ncould be some rogue group\nof English Rosicrucians,\nand god knows,\nthey might have been\nShakespearian actors.\nBut how the heck\ndid these people\nget ahold of this treasure?\n- Please sir, Tobias, let me\nshow you a few things today\nand maybe you will\nknow more about\nwhy I am reluctant to just\ndismiss it out of hand.\n- I wouldn't expect\nyou to dismiss it,\nI want you to fight\nfor your beliefs.\n(Tobias and Petter laughing)\n- Good, because I do.\nI do.\n- And I hope, I hope,\nit would be great,\nI mean if something that's\nas absolutely off the wall\nas this comes about,\nI'll be the first\nto congratulate you on this.\nAnd love it.\nYou know,\nwhat mystery--\n- I'll be there with you,\nit will be, we'll both\nbe shaking Petter's hand.\n- Great.\nUnless you've got some\nbits of Palestinian gold\nor something, you've got\nnothing really, but conjecture.\n- Well, I think there is\nsomething in my pocket too.\n- Thank you, sir.\n- This upper line,\ncontains a clue\nthat makes me think that\nthere is more than just a\nspiritual treasure to this.\nAre you familiar with\nthe Hebrew name for\nthe ark of the covenant?\n- No.\n- The ark is called\naron habiret.\nYou have aron there.\nAnd you have habet.\nThat's pretty close, the letters\nyou are missing is the R,\nand the I, habiret.\nBut you have EM, and E is five,\nM is 12.\nFive plus 12 is 17, which is R.\nBut you do not have the I,\nbut it's right here.\nThere is this little comma here,\nslanting this way\nbecause it's a comma.\nBut if it were a Hebrew letter,\nand read the other way, it\nwould have slanted that way,\nand then it would be the\nletter that we are missing.\n(Robert's voice muffled)\nThe yod.\nSo, this beautiful\npiece of cryptography\ngives you aron habiret,\nark of the covenant.\n- I'm sorry, I need\nto go to that odd\nat the first three letters\nbalancing at the end.\nThe first letters\nof the edition.\n- [Petter] Yes, I'd\nnever seen that.\n- Yeah, yes it harmonizes\nwith the other end.\n- I think it's valid.\nThank you.\n(Tobias laughing)\n(Tobias voice muffled)\nNow what do you think of that?\n- It makes sense because you\nhave a story in your mind\nbefore you see it.\nAnd then you find it there,\nand methodologically,\nthat's a problem.\nOne has to say that.\n- Well you do have to do\na lot of twisting around,\nthere's a lot convolutions\nthere, isn't there really?\nYou know, you've said yourself,\nfirst you have to\nread it one way,\nand then you read that that way,\nand then you have to add that,\nand then you've\ngot to, you know,\nadd those letters together.\n- You know as I often\nsay, the universe answers\nthe yearning soul.\nYou'll always get something\nback for the seeking.\n- But, reassess that, you\nshould look carefully,\nstay passenger, why goest thou\nby so fast, read if thou can.\nSee, again it--\n- If thy can says it nice.\n- [Tobias] It\ninvites you to look--\nIt does, it does,\nI agree with you.\nDo you know who put this up?\n- No.\n- It's very\ninteresting as a piece\nthat it doesn't suggest\nat all who put it up.\nIt's not like a little\nencomium sign, Ben Johnson,\nor you know, we love\nWilliam Shakespeare.\nIt is--\n- [Petter] Or from\nthe family, or from--\n- Doesn't sound\nlike that either.\n- It's very unusual I\nthink, that's for sure.\nAs I say, if it's cryptic,\nyou have decrypted it.\nFor myself, what do I think?\nI suspect you're\non to something.\nDefinitely.\n- So the question is,\nis it purely spiritual,\nor is it very real?\n- Depends on your\noutlook, I think.\nWhat's fascinating is\nthat somebody sat and\nworked all this out.\nOr apparently so.\n- [Petter] If it's\na coincidence,\nit's a fascinating coincidence.\n- This is exactly what it says.\n(dramatic music)\n- [Robert] Petter\nhad more to show us.\nAnd as day turned\ninexorably into night,\nwe traveled to Shugborough Hall,\nwhose ground contain a famous\nand enigmatic monument.\n(Tobias speaking\nforeign language)\n- Zepher's moment.\n- [Tobias] Et in Arcadia Ego.\n- [Robert] Even in Arcadia am I.\n- [Tobias] When was this\nerected, this monument?\n- A little bit before 1750.\nBy Thomas Anson.\nAnd it was his\nbrother, George Anson,\nwho is the more famous of them.\nHe went round the\nearth, that's it.\n- And so this is a depiction\nof Nicolas Poussin's\npainting, isn't it?\n- Yes.\nBut it is in reverse, and look,\nmost importantly,\nthis inscription.\nThis is the enigma\nof the Shugborough.\nWhat could those letters mean?\nMy friend understand in Russian,\nintroduced something that\nis really astonishing.\nIf we look at the, I\ncall that, model there,\nthis inscription really\nleads us to Accadie.\nNot the Greek Acadia, but\nAccadie, Accadie, in Canada.\nAnd George Hanson\nwas a great mariner.\nAnd when his brother\nputs D in there,\nthen I could be\ndegrees and minutes.\nBecause you have eight of them,\nso you have four\nfor the longitude\nand four for the latitude.\nSo what (muffled) did,\nwas he converted these letters.\nUsing the, pathagorean system.\nThey thought A was one,\nbut when you come to\nletter number nine,\nthe next one becomes one again.\nAnd with this system,\nread in reverse,\nit misses Oak Island\nwith 1 1/2 mile.\n(dramatic music)\n- Well and that's the\npoint he's pointing at,\nthe RC, as well.\n- RC, that's Arcadia, yes, RC.\nThe name inside,\nhe's made the mark.\nOf course, yeah, did you,\nyou noticed that, then?\n- Sure.\n- Well, I hadn't (laughing).\nI must say, Arca, Arcadia.\n- Pet, is there any evidence\nthat Anson was involved with\nthe Masons, with\nthe Rosicrucians?\nYou know, how would\nthey, and why would they\nhave put this information\non this monument?\n- I don't know.\n- I mean, I'd have to\nbe honest with you,\nthe first time I ever\nsaw this painting,\nI found it incredibly sinister.\nAnd perhaps just being\nhere in pitch dark,\nI've got the same\nfeeling about this again.\nThat if there is a secret\nbehind this, it's not pleasant.\nI'm purely talking on a very\npersonal, subjective level.\nI think there is something\ndark about the mystery\nbehind all this.\n- [Robert] Jerusalem,\na city which is holy\nto three of the world's\nmajor religions.\nA city whose ancient\nwalls breathe history.\nA city which is still a\nsite of conflict and joy,\nof faith and wonder.\nAnd if we take Petter's\nideas about the menorah\nand the Rosicrucians\nback to their\nhistorical starting point,\nthe place where this\nentire journey began,\nperhaps even if the menorah\nis hidden deep in the vaults\nof the Oak Island swamp, it's\nbetter that it stays there.\nPerhaps the risks of discovery\noutweigh the rewards.\nIn Jerusalem, at\nHanukkah, ever-surrounded\nby images of menorahs, I am\nmade to consider my own roots,\nwhich are both\nJewish and Christian,\nand the roots of this project.\nDo I believe Shakespeare was\na straw man for Francis Bacon?\nCertainly not.\nBut are there codes\nsecreted in the first folio?\nIt could look that way.\nPetter always has the\nability to raise the stakes\nand the excitement level,\nwhenever I think we might\njust be coming to the\nend of our journey.\nHas he pushed things beyond\nthe bounds of credibility\nwith all this stuff\nabout the ark?\nOr has he just shown us\na new path to explore?\n- [Petter] Wow\nthis is beautiful.\n- [Robert] Yeah.\n(solemn, mysterious music)\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "People wrote a lot about love\nEvery word is typical\nEvery comparison is vapid\nSugary speech, tender words\nNonsense\nSo much pathos and hyrocrisy\nIn phrase \"till death do us part\"\nI had thought so\nUntil you came\n86400 happy seconds in my life\nOne more banal thing\nHappiness takes no account of time\nBut it's true\nWho thinks about time when he is in love?\nWho thinks about words?\nAll in the soul. Touches,\nGlances, whisper\nAll things are reflected\nYou can't imagine\nhow much tenderness you are\nWhen love comes\nWho needs maps\nwho needs compasses and rucksacks\nWhen you are in love the atmosphere hugs you\n \nYou, faraway\nYou, close to me\nYou, living in my heart\nSo many couples\nOnce we were also the couple\nNaive, happy\nBut one day roll film is over\nThe photos are like the hot water\nThey scorched the soul and every piece of the body\nMemories that you can't forget\nTouches that you still feel\nPeople say that morning is a new life\nEvery morning\nis a new opportunity for adventures\nBut without you\nNew emotions, laugh, roads\nFeelings i can't share with\nThe sun brings pacification\nBefore you brought it to me\nMusic\nMusic saves me everytime\nIt brings me some memories\nMy heart trembles\nMusic brings peace and safety\nIt must protect your love\nIt must protect your courtship\nIt is very easy to have a fancy for someone, but love someone\nNot\nLove grows little by little like a tree\nFrom the small sprout the millennial oak grows\nLove is the same thing\nIt doesn't disappear suddenly\nIt is inside us no matter what happens\nWe express it through the poems, films and music\nYou can destroy the photos\nBut you can't destroy your past\nIt must remember the past, protect\nYou must let the past go\nBut not to avoid it. The world is cyclical\nLove will come back.And it will be better\nThe main thing is not to stop believing not for a second\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "\"HOUSTON, STATION\nON SPACE TO GROUND.\"\nSCIENCE TIME ON THE\nINTERNATIONAL SPACE STATION.\nWELCOME TO SPACE TO\nGROUND, I'M DAN HUOT.\nA TON OF SCIENCE JUST\nARRIVED ON STATION,\nAND THE EXPEDITON 50 CREW\nIS ALREADY GETTING IT DONE.\nONE EXPERIMENT FIRED UP THIS\nWEEK WAS THE MICROGRAVITY\nEXPANDED STEM CELLS\nSTUDY, TAKING PLACE\nIN THE MICROGRAVITY\nSCIENCE GLOVEBOX.\nNASA'S PEGGY WHITSON\nACTIVATED THE INVESTIGATION\nWHICH IS LOOKING TO UTILIZE\nTHE MICROGRAVITY ENVIRONMENT\nON STATION TO ACCELERATE THE\nEXPANSION OF HUMAN STEM CELLS,\nSOMETHING THAT COULD\nBE USEFUL IN A LOT\nOF MEDICAL TREATMENTS ON EARTH.\nTHE CELLS CULTIVATED ON STATION\nWILL BE USED IN CLINICAL TRIALS\nTO MEASURE THEIR EFFECTIVENESS\nIN TREATING DISEASE,\nAND COULD IMPROVE THERAPIES\nFOR STROKE PATIENTS,\nOR EVEN PROVIDE INSIGHT\nON HOW TO HELP PREVENT\nAND TREAT A NUMBER OF CANCERS.\nONE OF THE STATION'S MOST\nIMPORTANT LIFE SUPPORT SYSTEMS\nIS GETTING AN UPGRADE.\nTHERE ARE TWO CARBON DIOXIDE\nREMOVAL ASSEMBLIES, OR CDRAS,\nABOARD THE STATION\nTHAT ARE RESPONSIBLE\nFOR SCRUBBING THE CO2\nEXHALED BY ASTRONAUTS\nFROM THE STATION'S ATMOSPHERE.\nTHE ABSORBENT MATERIAL THAT\nENABLES THIS PROCESS BREAKS\nDOWN OVER TIME WHICH MEANS\nIT NEEDS TO BE REPLACED.\nTHIS WEEK, THE CREW DID A\nCOMPLETE BREAKDOWN OF ONE\nOF THE UNITS AND SWAPPED IN\nNEWER GENERATION COMPONENTS\nTO MAKE FUTURE REPLACEMENT\nOF THIS MATERIAL EASIER.\nCDRA IS AN EXAMPLE OF\nTECHNOLOGY THAT IS IMPORTANT\nFOR ANY LONG DURATION\nSPACEFLIGHT MISSION,\nINCLUDING WHEN WE SEND\nHUMANS ON TO MARS.\nOUR TWITTER QUESTION THIS\nWEEK COMES FROM MARCUS\nIN MRS. ESTEVES' 6TH GRADE\nCLASS AT SECAUCUS MIDDLE SCHOOL.\nMARCUS WANTED TO KNOW HOW OFTEN\nWE SEND SUPPLIES TO THE ISS.\nLET'S TAKE A LOOK\nAT 2016 TO FIND OUT.\nSEVEN CARGO SHIPS MADE\nTHE JOURNEY TO THE STATION\nTO DELIVER TONS OF SUPPLIES\nTO THE CREWS ONBOARD.\nTHEY INCLUDED U.S. COMMERCIAL\nCRAFT LIKE SPACEX'S DRAGON\nAND ORBITAL ATK'S\nCYGNUS, AND SPACESHIPS\nFROM OUR INTERNATIONAL PARTNERS,\nINCLUDING THE JAPANESE HTV\nAND THE RUSSIAN PROGRESS.\nWE TYPICALLY RESUPPLY\nOFTEN ENOUGH TO HAVE\nABOUT SIX MONTHS WORTH OF FOOD,\nWATER AND OTHER CONSUMABLE ITEMS\nON THE STATION, NOT TO MENTION\nFLYING NEW SCIENCE EXPERIMENTS\nAS FREQUENTLY AS POSSIBLE\nTO GET THE MOST USE OUR\nOF OUR ORBITING LABORATORY.\nKEEP SENDING YOUR\nQUESTIONS USING THE HASHTAG\nSPACE-TO-GROUND, WE'LL\nSEE YOU NEXT WEEK.\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "2016 and not in the mood, for a boring, hot summer\nOh no\nI do not want such a boring hot summer\ntime\nfor some\nheavy cooling\nThe OrkhaftOnAir Event-Check 2016\nMake heavy metal great again\nWe visit for you\nthe best\nmetal and alternativ\nfestivals\nfeaturing this year\n26. - 28. may\nRock im Revier\n07. - 09. July\nRockharz Open Air\non the 29th of July\nthe Saarmagedon Festival\n17. - 20. August\nSummer Breeze Open Air\nOn the 19th of September\nGeschrubb und Geschepper Festival\nas well as\n02.- 03. Dezember\nRuhrpott Metal Meeting\nEvent-videos\nInterviews\nand\nPOWER\nGet creazy and switch on\nThe OrkhaftOnAir Event-Check 2016\nMake heavy metal great again\nand if you not subscribed by now\nwe come directly\nhome to you\nand party so hard\nuntil you go to the kitchen\nand make us a sandwich\n#justtooheavy\n#over9000\nThe OrkhaftOnAir Event-Check 2016\nMake heavy metal great again\nthat was a stupied idea\nEverything it wet\nSh** that hurts\nI hope this was good\nI screamed too early\nbut it was just too cold\nThis happens if you film with full power\nSo guys welcome to the endcut\nit is unbelievable this year I made a quite big list\nI hope it will all work\nas it always depends on the festivals\ndo they provide the Press-Ticket or not?\nbecause without it I cannot film\nin the quality I would like to\nSo there is no use to make a video\nCheck out my facebook account\nfacebook/orkhaftonair\nOr on Instagram\nThere you will get all the updates\nif something changes\nor I decide to visit some more Festivals or events\nDown below you can find two more videos\none is maybe the most epic video on Youtube\nthe Event-Check from the Cypecore CD release party\nit was an epic party and is a great video\non the other side is the Event-check\nSummer Breeze 2015\nA great Festival, I had a lot of fun\nSo watch it and post your feedback\nIf you want to support me, share this video on Facebook\nand subscribe to my channel\nThis would help me a lot and would just be great!\nThank you very much!\nEnjoy your day\nSee you soon!\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": " \nHello 大家好哦啊我是晓涵哥今天我们来讲一个\n我一直都很想聊的话题\n就是很多人都声称自己见过UFO或者外星人\n但都没有什么特别有说服力的证据\n \n但是就是有这么一个人\n他可以说是UFO历史上的传奇人物\n他在30年前的爆料\n至今都是爆炸式的这个人叫做鲍勃拉扎\n所有的以下且都要从30年前\n也即是1989年说起\n当时是3月的一天\n拉斯维加斯一家叫KLAS的电视台接到一通神秘电话\n打电话来的人\n声称自己是51区的工作人员\n在进行外星飞碟推进系统的研究工作\n基地还有多大9架外星飞碟\n这在当时无疑就是一枚核武器\n随后KLAS电视台就联系了他\n对他进行了一次不露面的采访\n \n实际是9架飞碟\n \n都是来自于外星\n拉扎并没有透露太多的信息\n但是前51区飞碟专家\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "Have you heard?\nThere are crazy people out there spinning\nwith rubbing alcohol!\nIt’s actually not as crazy as you might\nthink!\nWe’re pretty used to using petrochemicals\nfor spinning fire, but it turns out that there\nare other chemicals we can use and sometimes\nthey’re even a better fit for our performance\nvenues.\nDrex here from DrexFactor.com and today we’re\ntalking about the use of alcohol as a fuel\nfor fire spinning props.\nCan it be done safely?\nYes!\nBut there are going to be a LOT of qualifications\nattached.\nSee, alcohols fundamentally work in much the\nsame way that hydrocarbons like white gas\nand lamp oil do to convert a liquid fuel into\nlight and heat.\nBut because the chemical structure of alcohol\nis a bit different than hydrocarbons, they\nalso have slightly different burn characteristics.\nToday we’re going to navigate what they’re\ngood for and how you can use them in your\nown fire dancing!\nBefore we dive in, I just want to take a moment\nto give a shout out to the friends of the\nchannel!\nBig thanks to Dark Monk, Emazing Lights, Flowtoys,\nSpinballs, Spinsconsin, and Ultra Poi for\nhelping to make the videos on this channel\npossible.\nYou can visit them all on the web by following\nthe links down in the description of this\nvideo.\nSo we’re going to start this off with a\nmassive disclaimer!\nAll of the information contained within this\nvideo has to do with Isopropyl Alcohol.\nNot methyl alcohol and not ethyl alcohol.\nThis means that you should not attempt to\nspin fire with any hard alcohols meant for\nconsumption--whether that be rum, vodka, whiskey,\nor any other type of liquor, no matter what\nthe proof is.\nAnd man, I really hope this goes without saying\nbut in case it doesn’t: don’t try to light\nyour wicks up by soaking them in wine or beer.\nIt’s not dangerous, you’ll just wind up\nwith sopping wet wicks that you won’t be\nable to light until you dry them back out.\nMethyl alcohol is sometimes used to get different\ncolored flames out of your prop and that’s\na topic for another video.\nFor today’s purposes, we are just talking\nabout Isopropyl and nothing else.\nSo first off some science!\nI’m not going to go super deep into the\nchemistry here because I’m not qualified\nto, but suffice it to say that all the fuels\nwe use for fire spinning have at least one\nthing in common: they contain hydrogen and\ncarbon.\nWhen combined with oxygen in a reaction called\ncombustion, the hydrogen and carbon split\napart and bond with oxygen, creating heat,\nlight, water, and various carbon byproducts.\nHydrocarbons like white gas and lamp oil are\nmade up of various permutations of hydrogen\nand carbon bonds that can form rings, long\nchains, and a variety of other structures.\nCombustion breaks up parts of these chains\nto create the fire we all know and love.\nAlcohols are likewise made up of different\narrangements of carbon and hydrogen atoms,\nbut also add what’s called a functional\ngroup that places a single hydrogen bonded\nto an oxygen that is connected to the rest\nof the molecule.\nSo...both hydrocarbons and alcohols contain\nall the individual chemical pieces we need\nfor combustion--they just arrange them in\nslightly different ways.\nAnd this means that they also burn in slightly\ndifferent ways.\nSo now that we’ve established that chemically\nthere’s no reason why an alcohol can’t\nbe used for combustion, let’s talk specifically\nabout Isopropyl and why you’d want to use\nit as a fuel for fire spinning.\nIsopropyl has a pretty major advantage over\nin hydrocarbons in that it produces little\nto no smoke or soot.\nThat’s a pretty big deal if you’re spinning\nindoors and don’t want to make the air your\naudience is breathing noxious or unsafe.\nBecause of this Isopropyl or just Iso for\nshort is becoming the fuel of choice for indoor\nspinning in many cities across the United\nStates, including New York City.\nOkay, so do you just run down to your local\ndrug store and pick up some rubbing alcohol\nand go spin with it?\nWell, not quite.\nIt’s a little bit more complicated than\nthat.\nTo show you why, I’m going to do a little\nexperiment with fuel mixtures.\nI’m going to show you what burning pure\nIso looks like as well as what its limitations\nare.\nTo start with, I’m going to pick up some\n91% pure Isopropyl Alcohol.\nYou can find it in many department and drug\nstores.\nNow let’s take a look at what burning pure\nIso looks like.\nI’m going to have my girlfriend light up\nher palm torches with it because they’re\nkind of an ideal use case for this fuel.\nNotice how as soon as she starts to move her\nhands quickly the flame dims quite a bit?\nThis effect becomes much more pronounced the\nfaster a prop moves.\nNow let’s try this with my fire poi.\nWhen I get them up to speed the flame either\ngets unusably dim or blows out entirely.\nIf we compare this to the burn characteristics\nof white gas, we see that the flame stays\nconsistently bright for about 2-3 minutes\nand then begins to dim rapidly before going\nout entirely.\nIso, on the other hand, dims rapidly but stays\nlit for a comparable amount of time.\nSo does this mean we can only use Iso for\npalm torches?\nNo.\nBut it does mean we have to get creative.\nThe best way we currently have to get the\nbest elements of both Iso and White Gas is\nactually to create a fuel mixture out of them.\nTo show you this in action, we’re going\nto do a little experiment: we’re going to\nlight up both my fire poi as well as my girlfriend’s\nfire fans using different fuel mixtures and\ncompare how bright they are and how long they\nburn.\nI’m going to be spinning my choreography\nfrom last December so I’ll be doing consistent\nburns between takes for comparison.\nWe’re going to start off with a fuel that\nis a 50/50 mix by volume of Iso and White\nGas.\nWith fire fans, you can see that while the\nwicks still dim just slightly when moved around\nrapidly, the effect isn’t nearly as pronounced.\nThis fuel mixture is ideal for static props\nthat don’t move around very rapidly like\nfans, double staffs, contact staffs, and triads.\nIf we switch over to my fire poi, however,\nyou can see that the dimming when I spin is\nstill very pronounced though accidentally\nputting them out isn’t as common.\nUnless you’ve got additional lighting sources,\nthis probably isn’t a good fit for performance\nas the poi will be too dim to create much\nof an effect for the audience.\nNow we’re going to switch over to a 75/25\nmix with 3 parts white gas and 1 part Iso.\nWith fire fans, this is REALLY close to what\npure white gas would look like.\nThere’s no dimming and the flame is nice\nand bright.\nAnd if we switch over to poi, we will likewise\nsee something that’s pretty close to the\nburn characteristics we’d expect from white\ngas.\nThere may still be a slight dimming when the\npoi really get moving, but overall this isn’t\nbad and is totally usable for performance\npurposes.\nThis is an ideal fuel mixture for non-static\nflexible tools like poi, meteor, and puppy\nhammer.\nSo obvious question: if we’re only using\n25% Iso then what’s the point of using it\nat all?\nWell, bear in mind that you’re still going\nto produce less soot and smoke with it, so\nit’s still super helpful for indoor situations.\nIt should also be said that in a lot of places,\nwhite gas is hard to come by, so being able\nto dilute it with another chemical that’s\nmuch easier to find will help you get every\ngallon of white gas to go just a little bit\nfarther.\nThat said...if you’re outdoors and your\naudience is pretty far away from you, absolutely\nuse the white gas.\nSo, to summarize: Iso is a commonly available\nalcohol that burns with a largely smokeless\nand sootless flame, making it well-suited\nto indoor fire spinning.\nIt can be used as-is for slow-moving static\nprops but will need to be mixed with white\ngas to be usable for any more rapid moving\nprops.\nA mix of 50/50 white gas and Iso will totally\ndo the trick for most static props like fans\nand staffs.\nAnd a mix of 75/25 white gas to Iso will work\nfor faster moving flexible props like poi\nand meteor.\nFor now: go forth and spin with Iso!\nIt’s easy to find and great for indoor spinning.\nAs with all fire spinning, make sure to follow\nproper safety precautions like those outlined\nin the Flow Arts Institute Fire Safety Certification\nCourse.\nJust because Iso burns dimmer than white gas\ndoesn’t mean it isn’t dangerous.\nOne final note: if you’re using pure iso,\nyou can return it to the container that you\nbought it in.\nIf you created a fuel mixture, however, you\nwant to return it to the container that belonged\nto the most volatile chemical.\nIn this case, if you mixed it with white gas,\nit goes back in the white gas container and\nbe sure to mark it with a sharpie.\nSpecial thanks to Morgan Howe for her help\nin writing the science portion of this script.\nHave you used Iso for a fire spinning gig?\nWhat was your experience like?\nLet me know down in the comments.\nBefore I send you guys off I just want to\nsend out some thanks to my awesome supporters\non Patreon.\nYour support makes this channel and the videos\non it possible!\nIf you dug this video, please leave me a like\nand subscribe to see more like it in the future\nby clicking here.\nOver here are some other videos that you may\nenjoy, including a playlist of videos just\nlike the one you just watched.\nFinally, if you like the work I do please\nconsider signing up to support my videos over\nat my Patreon right here!\nThanks for watching and have a good one!\nPeace.\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "Avant-garde means \"advance guard\" or Vanguard.\nIn the military, they're the ones out front\n- they can see what’s ahead, seek out the\nenemy, analyze the terrain, and so on.\nBut what does it mean in art?\nHey guys, It’s Karin, Welcome back to Little\nArt Talks.\nToday let’s talk about what is the avant-garde\nand why is it important to the arts.\nIn the arts, Avant-garde can be used both\nas a noun and an adjective.\nIt can be used to refer to the artists who\nintroduce these new, experimental ideas\nFor example, \"works by artists of the Russian\navant-garde\"\nBut also be used as a way to describe the\nwork:\n\"a controversial avant-garde composer\"\nThe term first appeared in reference to art\nduring the first half of the nineteenth century\nin France.\nThe influential thinker Henri de Saint-Simon,\none of the forerunners of socialism, had this\nidea that artists, alongside scientists and\nindustrialists, were leaders of a new society.\nHe wrote in 1825:\nWe artists will serve you as an avant-garde,\nthe power of the arts is most immediate: when\nwe want to spread new ideas we inscribe them\non marble or canvas.\nWhat a magnificent destiny for the arts is\nthat of exercising a positive power over society,\na true priestly function and of marching in\nthe van [i.e. vanguard] of all the intellectual\nfaculties!\nThe term avant-garde pretty much goes hand-in-hand\nwith with modern art.\nNow, I’ve said before, that modern art is\nkind of a difficult thing to pinpoint when\nexactly it starts, but for the sake of this\nvideo, let’s say it’s around the 1850s\nwith the realism of Gustave Courbet.\nThe notion of the avant-garde is based on\nthe idea that art should be judged based on\nthe quality and originality of the artist’s\nvision and ideas.\nThis can be innovations on form, such as in\ncubism, which rejected traditional techniques\nof perspective, modeling, and foreshortening,\nand instead emphasized the two-dimensionality\nof the canvas and used multiple or contrasting\nvantage points.\nOther avant-garde artists had strong social\nprogrammes, such as futurism, De Stijl or\nsurrealism.\nTheir radical nature in challenging existing\nideas, processes and forms makes these artists\nno stranger to controversy.\nSo if you ever thought that modern, post-modern,\nand contemporary art is a whole lotta nonsense,\nit’s partially because these avant-garde\nartists are intentionally confronting more\ntraditional schools of thought.\nWhile the term was originally used to describe\ninnovative approaches to art making in the\nnineteenth and early twentieth centuries,\nit’s still used today to describe art that\npushes the boundaries of ideas and creativity\nI hope this video helped you better understand\nthe meaning of the avant-garde.\nIf you enjoyed it, please like and subscribe\nfor more videos on art history.\nThanks so much for watching, and I’ll see\nyou guys next time.\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "PLAN AND MAYOR JOHNSON SAYS\nTHERE WILL BE SOME REDUCTION OF\nTHE NYPD BUDBUT HE IS NOT\nSAYING EXACTOW MUCH.\nMONDAYS SWIMMING POOL\nTRAGEDY, AND UPDATE.\nAUTHORITIESAYELECTRICITY DID\nNOT PLAY A PART IN THE DEPTHS\nOF THE THREE CHILDREN.\nTHEY WERE ALL FOUND\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "\nFrench: \nl’Irlande était ancrée\ndans l’Évangile\nMais l’Église catholique\na laissé tomber le peuple.\nFerme ta gueule, sale c******e\nJe vais te rouler\net fumer en blunts\nJe te poursuis,\nrien ne sert de courir\nJe repère et j’attrape vite\nViens à moi, tu dois être conne\nÇa va finir en tuerie\nC’est Dublin,\nles mecs se font plaquer\nJ’suis déter\npour passer à l’action\nJ’vais laisser tomber le flingue\net le regarder se retourner\nJe trouve cette musique oppressante\nC’est pas bon pour le futur,\nc’est pas bon pour notre société.\nTout mon gang,\nc’est des motards de Dublin\nJ’vais m’faire kidnapper\ncomme un tigre\nL’Irlande\na une scène de rap alternative\npetite mais engagée\ndepuis les années 1980,\n\nDutch: \nOoit was Ierland erg gehecht...\naan gospel.\nHelaas heeft het rooms-katholicisme\nmensen teleurgesteld.\nShut your mouth you stupid c**t.\nYou man’ll get wrapped\nand smoked in blunts.\nChase man down, no point to run.\nCatch man quick and his eye get took.\nCome at me, you must be dumb.\nMan’ll end up red rum.\nThis is Dublin, men get dumped.\nMan got the pumpy there\nfor the action.\nMan’ll let the ting off\nand watch him backflip.\nDe muziek zelf vind ik onderdrukkend.\nHet is niet goed voor de toekomst,\nen niet goed voor onze samenleving.\nAll of my gang are Dublin riders.\nMan’ll get kidnapped just like tiger.\nIerland heeft een kleine,\nmaar toegewijde...\nondergrondse rapscene\nsinds de jaren tachtig.\n\nSpanish: \nAl principio, Irlanda vivía\nen el Evangelio.\nPero la Iglesia católica\nha decepcionado al pueblo.\n\"Shut your mouth you stupid cunt\"\n“You man’ll get wrapped\nand smoked in blunts”\n\"Chase man down, no point to run\"\n“Catch man quick\nand his eye get took”\n\"Come at me, you must be dumb\"\n\"Man’ll end up red rum\"\n\"This is Dublin, men get dumped\"\n“Man got the pumpy there\nfor the action”\n“Man’ll let the ting off\nand watch him backflip”\nCreo que la música es opresiva.\nNo es bueno ni para el futuro\nni para la sociedad.\n\"All of my gang are Dublin riders\"\n“Man’ll get kidnapped\njust like tiger.”\nIrlanda tiene una comunidad de rap\n\"underground\" pequeña pero dedicada\ndesde los 80.\n\nGerman: \nIrland war einmal verankert\nim Evangelium.\nLeider hat der Katholizismus\ndie Menschen im Stich gelassen.\n“Shut your mouth you stupid c***t\nYou man’ll get wrapped\nand smoked in blunts\nChase man down, no point to run\nCatch man quick and his eye get took\nCome at me, you must be dumb\nMan’ll end up red rum\nThis is Dublin, men get dumped\nMan got the pumpy there\nfor the action\nMan’ll let the ting off\nand watch him backflip”\nDie Musik selbst\nfinde ich beklemmend.\nSie ist nicht gut für die Zukunft,\nnicht gut für unsere Gesellschaft.\n“All of my gang are Dublin riders\nMan’ll get kidnapped\njust like tiger.”\nIrland hat eine kleine,\naber engagierte\nUnderground-Rap-Szene seit den 80ern,\n\nItalian: \nL’Irlanda era ancorata,\na un certo punto,\nal Vangelo.\nSfortunatamente, il Cattolicesimo\nha deluso molta gente.\nChiudi il becco, stupida t***a\nTi sbricioliamo e\nti fumiamo in un blunt\nSe ti inseguo, scappare non serve\nTi prendo subito e ti levo un occhio\nTi metti contro di me,\ndevi essere stupido\nFinirai ammazzato\nQuesta è Dublino,\nla gente finisce in discarica\nHo qua il fucile per quando serve\nLo faccio sparare e guardo\nil tipo che fa un salto mortale\nLa musica in sé la trovo opprimente.\nNon fa bene al futuro,\nnon fa bene alla società.\nLa mia gang è di Dublino\n’Sto tipo finirà rapito alla “tiger”.\nL’Irlanda ha una piccola ma tosta\nscena rap underground dagli anni 80,\n\nSpanish: \nPero recientemente,\naparte de Rejjie Snow,\nal que compró el equipo\ndetrás de Migos y Young Thug,\nsolo ha habido parodias y\nraperos satíricos\nque hayan llamado la atención.\n\"I’m Irish, not a gypsy\"\n“Still bareknuckle fight\nwhen I’m tipsy”\n\"Drink Guinness, shots of whisky\"\n\"These roads out here are risky\"\n“Ya little s***e, I’ll put on the Opp\nblock bally on tight.”\nAsí ha sido hasta que el “trap drill”\nha triunfado en el país\nen dos lugares clave:\nDublín y Athlone.\nY aunque existe\nun grupo de MC prometedores\ncomo Chuks, Cubez y JugJug,\nlos reyes son J.B2, de Athlone...\n\"How many affiliates\"\n“gotta give blood\nfor their benefits?”\n“I dunno bro, huh, irrelevant”\n\"Fendi bop, finna bop elegant.\"\n...e INK con su 86 Gang, de Dublín.\n\"All of my gang got bad intentions\"\n“Hit him with a shiv man,\nsplash him, drench him.”\nMe pregunto si la gente local\nsabe lo que es el drill irlandés.\nCuando piensas en grupos irlandeses,\nsiempre piensas en\nuna guitarra y una banda.\nMe encanta Bono.\nA mí me gusta U2.\n\nItalian: \nma di recente, a parte Rejjie Snow,\nche è stato preso sotto l’ala del\nteam di Migos e Young Thug,\nsono più che altro parodie\ne rapper comici\na guadagnarsi qualche\ntipo di attenzione.\nSono irlandese, non zingaro\nFaccio ancora a botte\nquando bevo\nBevo Guinness, shot di whisky\nQueste strade sono piene di rischi\nEhi, merdina, metto il\npassamontagna bello stretto\nQuesto finché laggiù\nnon è esplosa la drill,\nattorno a due centri principali:\nDublino e Athlone.\nE per quanto ci sia\nuna generazione di MC promettenti\ncome Chuks, Cubez e JugJug,\ni due re sono J.B2 di Athlone...\nQuanti affiliati\ndevono dare il sangue\nper i propri benefit?\nNon so, bro, è irrilevante\nIl mio flow è Fendi, è elegante.\n...e INK con la sua\n86 Gang da Dublino.\nTutta la mia gang\nha cattive intenzioni\nLamalo, fallo sanguinare,\ndissangualo\nMi chiedo se la gente del posto ha\nsentito nominare la drill irlandese.\nQuando pensi a band irlandesi\npensi sempre a, tipo,\nla chitarra e una band tipo\nIo adoro Bono.\nMi piacciono gli U2.\n\nDutch: \nMaar de laatste tijd zijn het,\nlos van Rejjie Snow...\ndie werd opgepikt door het team\nachter Migos en Young Thug...\nvooral parodieën en comedy-rappers\ndie veel aandacht krijgen.\nI’m Irish, not a gypsy.\nStill bareknuckle fight\nwhen I’m tipsy.\nDrink Guinness, shots of whisky.\nThese roads out here are risky.\nYa little s***e, I’ll put on the Opp\nblock bally on tight.\nDat was althans voordat drill\nbegon op te komen...\nmet als belangrijke knooppunten:\nDublin en Athlone.\nNaast dat er een hoop\nveelbelovende MC’s zijn...\nzoals Chuks, Cubez en JugJug...\nzijn de twee koningen\nJ.B2 uit Athlone...\nHow many affiliates...\ngotta give blood for their benefits?\nI dunno bro, huh, irrelevent...\nFendi bop, finna bop elegant.\n...en INK met zijn 86 Gang\nuit Dublin.\nAll of my gang got bad intentions.\nHit him with a shiv man,\nsplash him, drench him.\nIk vraag me af of de locals weleens\nvan Ierse drill hebben gehoord.\nAls je aan Ierse bands denkt,\nkom je al snel uit op...\ngitaren, en gewoon een bandje.\nIk hou van Bono.\nIk vind U2 wel leuk.\n\nFrench: \nmais plus récemment,\nà part Rejjie Snow,\nqui s’est fait récupérer par\nMigos et Young Thug,\nc’est surtout des parodies et\ndes rappeurs de comédie\nqui se font remarquer.\nJe suis Irlandais, pas manouche\nJe me bats toujours à mains nues\nquand je suis bourré,\nJe bois des Guinness\net des shots de whisky\nLes routes sont dangereuses ici\nOuais ptit’ m**de, j’vais\nresserrer la cagoule d’ton gang\nEt puis le drill est arrivé ici,\navec deux QG\nDublin et Athlone.\nEt même s’il y a plein de\nrappeurs prometteurs\ncomme Chuks, Cubez et JugJug,\nles deux rois sont J.B2 d’Athlone...\nCombien d’affiliés\ndoivent donner leur sang\npour leur bien ?\nJ’sais pas mec, heu, pas de rapport\nFendi bop, je trouve le bop elegant\n...et INK avec son gang 86 de Dublin\nTout mon gang\na des mauvaises intentions\nFrappe le avec un schlass mec,\nDéfonce le, arrose le.\nJe me demande si les locaux ont\nentendu parler du drill irlandais\nCe qui vient à l’esprit\nquand on dit ‘groupe irlandais’,\nc’est une guitare avec un groupe.\nJ’adore Bono.\nJ’aime U2.\n\nGerman: \naber in letzter Zeit,\nabgesehen von Rejjie Snow,\nder vom Team hinter Migos und\nYoung Thug weggeschnappt wurde,\nsind es vor allem Parodien\nund Comedy-Rapper,\ndie irgendwelche\nAufmerksamkeit bekommen.\n“I’m Irish, not a gypsy\nStill bareknuckle fight\nwhen I’m tipsy\nDrink Guinness, shots of whisky\nThese roads out here are risky\nYa little s***e, I’ll put on the Opp\nblock bally on tight.”\nDas war, bis Drill dort\nexplodiert ist,\nentstanden in zwei Zentren,\nDublin und Athlone.\nUnd auch wenn es viele\nvielversprechende MCs gibt\nwie Chuks, Cubez und JugJug,\nsind die zwei Könige J.B2\naus Athlone ...\n“How many affiliates\ngotta give blood for their benefits?\nI dunno bro, huh, irrelevent\nFendi bop, finna bop elegant.”\n... und INK mit seiner 86 Gang\naus Dublin.\n“All of my gang got bad intentions\nHit him with a shiv man,\nsplash him, drench him.”\nIch frage mich, ob die Einheimischen\nvon Irish Drill gehört haben.\nWenn du an irische Bands denkst,\ndenkst du immer an\ndie Gitarre und einfach eine Band.\nIch liebe Bono.\nIch mag U2.\n\nSpanish: \nEs el mismo, Bono.\nAh, sí.\nEs verdad.\nLa música irlandesa\nes como la música celta,\nel violín tradicional...\n“86 86 Gang, that’s too many men,\nToo many friends.”\nlos tambores...\n“All of them bombs,\nI’m setting them off,”\n“All of them shots,\nI’m letting them off.”\nla gaita...\n“Stab him in the face\nand bruck that shank got”\n\"Bally on me man,\"\n\"looking like a bank job\"\nJesús.\nLo siento.\nA mí me gusta,\npero estoy acostumbrado a escuchar\nel acento británico\nen la música drill.\nLos irlandeses no deberían rapear,\nel acento y el vocabulario\nestán mal.\nNo suena bien.\nHe venido a Darndale,\nno muy lejos del centro,\nen las afueras de la ciudad,\na unas casas de protección\npara conocer al hombre al que llaman\n“el padrino\ndel ‘drill’ irlandés”, INK.\n¿Es aquí donde te criaste?\nSí, vamos a dar un paseo.\nHoy, toda la gente\ndel barrio está en la calle.\nEntonces, ¿esto es normal?\nSí, así es todos los días.\nSí, lo quitarán mañana,\npero la semana que viene habrá otro.\n\nItalian: \nÈ la stessa cosa, Bono.\nAh già, è vero.\nLa musica irlandese è tipo\nla musica celtica, sai,\nil violino...\n86 86 Gang, ci sono troppi uomini,\ntroppi amici.\ni tamburi...\nTutte queste bombe,\nle faccio scoppiare,\ntutte queste armi,\nle faccio sparare.\nle cornamuse...\nAccoltellalo in faccia,\nattacca con ’sta lama\nHo il passamontagna,\nsembro un rapinatore di banche\nGesù.\nScusa.\nIn realtà mi piace, ma sono troppo\nabituato a sentire tipo\nun accento inglese\nquando ascolto la drill.\nSemplicemente, gli irlandesi\nnon dovrebbero rappare,\ngli accenti e il lessico\nsono sbagliati.\nNon suona bene, punto.\nMi trovo a Darndale,\na pochi chilometri\ndal centro della città,\nin un complesso di case popolari per\nincontrare quello che viene chiamato\nil padrino della\ndrill irlandese, INK.\nQuesta è la zona\nin cui sei cresciuto?\nSì, facciamo un giro\na piedi, bro, ok?\nOggi sono tutti in strada.\nQuindi questo succede regolarmente?\nSì, ogni giorno, bro.\nQuello domani non c’è più, ma ce ne\nsarà un altro la settimana prossima.\n\nFrench: \nBah, c’est le même, Bono.\nAh oui, c’est vrai !\nLa musique irlandaise est\ncomme la musique celtique,\nle violon...\nDans le gang 86 86,\ny’a trop de gars, trop d’amis.\nles percussions...\nToutes ces bombes,\nje les fais sauter,\nToutes les balles,\nje les fais voler.\nla cornemuse...\nPoignarde le au visage\net défonce ton couteau\nj’ai ma cagoule,\ncomme pour un braquage\nJesus\nDésolé\nEn fait, j’aime bien mais\nj’ai tellement l’habitude d’entendre\nun accent british\nen écoutant du drill.\nles Irlandais\nne devraient pas faire du rap,\nl’accent et leur lexique ne vont pas\nça ne sonne pas bien\nJe suis allé à Darndale,\nà quelques kilomètres de la ville\ndans un lotissement\npour rencontrer le gars surnommé\n“le parrain du drill irlandais”, INK\nC’est le quartier où tu as grandi\nOuaip, on va marcher un peu, frère\nToute la téci est de sortie\nÇa c’est normal ?\nOuais, la routine, frère.\nÇa sera parti d’main mais t’en auras\nune autre la semaine prochaine\n\nDutch: \nDat is hetzelfde als Bono.\nO ja, dat is ook zo hè?\nIerse muziek lijkt op\nKeltische muziek, weet je...\nmet violen...\n86 86 Gang, that’s too many men,\nToo many friends.\ndrums...\nAll of them bombs,\nI’m setting them off...\nAll of them shots,\nI’m letting them off...\nfluiten...\nStab him in the face\nand bruck that shank got.\nBally on me man,\nlooking like a bank job.\nJezus.\nSorry.\nIk vind het eigenlijk heel leuk,\nmaar ben er zo aan gewend om...\neen Brits accent te horen\nals ik naar drill luister.\nIerse mensen zouden eigenlijk\nniet moeten rappen...\nhet accent en de woorden\nkloppen gewoon niet.\nHet klinkt gewoon niet goed.\nIk ben naar Darndale gegaan...\neen kort ritje uit het centrum...\nnaar een nieuwbouwwijk om\nde man ontmoeten die ook wel...\nde ‘Godfather van de Ierse drill’\nwordt genoemd: INK.\nDus dit is de plek waar\nje bent opgegroeid?\nJa, zullen we er even rondlopen?\nIedereen uit de buurt is\nvandaag buiten.\nIs dit iets normaals?\nJa, het gebeurt elke dag bro.\nJa, morgen is die weg, maar\nvolgende week is er weer een nieuwe.\n\nGerman: \nDas ist das Gleiche – Bono.\nOh ja, stimmt ja.\nIrische Musik ist keltische Musik,\nweißt du,\ndie Fiddle ...\n“86 86 Gang, that’s too many men,\nToo many friends.”\ndie Trommeln ...\n“All of them bombs,\nI’m setting them off,\nAll of them shots,\nI’m letting them off.”\ndie Pipes...\n“Stab him in the face\nand bruck that shank got\nBally on me man,\nlooking like a bank job”\nJesus.\nSorry.\nIch mag das sogar richtig,\naber ich bin es so gewohnt,\neinen britischen Akzent zu hören,\nwenn man Drill hört.\nIrische Leute sollten nicht rappen,\ndie Akzente und ihr Vokabular\nsind einfach daneben.\nEs hört sich einfach nicht gut an.\nIch bin nach Darndale gekommen,\nnicht weit entfernt vom\nStadtzentrum,\nin eine Siedlung,\num den Typen zu treffen,\nder der Pate des Irish Drill\ngenannt wird: INK.\nHier bist du aufgewachsen?\nJa, wir laufen da jetzt hin, Bro.\nAlle von der Hood sind heute da.\nDas ist also ganz normal?\nJa, das ist Alltag.\nJa, das ist morgen weg, aber\nnächste Woche ist da ein anderes.\n\nDutch: \nSerieus?\n-Serieus, bro.\nMisschien ook gewoon morgen?\n-Ja.\nIk spring op de auto\nvoor deze shit.\nWeet je...\nik was wat door je Instagram-posts\ngegaan en dat soort dingen.\nIk keek wat naar de comments...\nen wat ik daar vooral veel zag\nwas dat mensen je...\nde ‘Godfather van de Ierse drill’\nnoemden.\nJa, ze noemen me de Godfather\nvan de Ierse drill...\nomdat ik met Ierse drill\nben begonnen in dit land...\nergens in 2015.\nIk pakte een Chiraq-remix...\nen toen werd het steeds groter.\nToen je ermee begon...\nhoe reageerden mensen er toen op?\nZe wisten niet wat de fuck het was,\nbegrijp je?\nVeel mensen hadden\nhet verkeerd opgevat:\n“Dit zijn de IRA”...\nmaar we zijn niet de IRA,\nwe maken gewoon muziek.\nEr is een tijd geweest...\ndat je gasten uit Londen had\ndie allemaal rapten...\nen dat sommigen rapten met\neen Amerikaans accent.\nDat is voorbij gegaan...\nen toen begonnen mensen\nhun eigen accenten te gebruiken.\nJa.\n\nItalian: \n- Sul serio?\n- Sul serio, bro.\n- Magari anche domani.\n- Wow.\nAdesso salto su questa macchina.\nSai cosa, mi stavo guardando, tipo,\ni tuoi post su Instagram e robe così.\nGuardavo un po’ i commenti,\ne uno dei denominatori comuni è che\nun sacco di gente ti chiama\n“Il Padrino della Irish Drill”.\nBeh, mi chiamano il Padrino\ndella Irish Drill\nperché ho portato\nla drill in questo paese\ntipo nel 2015.\nHo deciso di rappare\nsu un remix di Chiraq\ne da lì sono tipo esploso.\nQuando hai iniziato,\nche reazione ha avuto il pubblico?\nNon sapevano che c***o fosse, sai?\nUn sacco di gente si è confusa:\n“Questi sono dell’IRA”\nma non siamo dell’IRA,\nfacciamo musica e basta.\nC’è stato un punto tempo fa\nche c’erano tutti i ragazzi di Londra\nche rappavano e facevano la loro cosa\ne alcuni di loro rappavano, tipo,\ncon l’accento americano\ne poi quella moda è passata\ne la gente ha iniziato a usare\nil suo accento e il suo slang.\nGià.\n\nSpanish: \n-¿En serio?\n-En serio, tío.\n-¿Quizás incluso mañana?\n-Sí.\nSi hace falta me subo\nen el coche para esta mierda.\nEstuve viendo tus publicaciones\nde Instagram\ny leí los comentarios,\ny una de las cosas que más vi\nes que te llaman “el padrino\ndel ‘drill’ irlandés”.\nBueno, me llaman así porque\nyo empecé el “drill” en este país,\nen 2015.\nHice un remix de \"trap\"\nde Chicago e Irak\ny me flipó muchísimo.\nAl principio,\ncuando empezaste,\n¿cómo lo recibió la gente?\nNo tenían ni puta idea de qué iba.\nMucha gente se confundía.\n“Estos son del IRA”.\nPero no somos del IRA,\nhacemos nuestra música y ya.\nHubo un tiempo en el que\nhabía tíos de Londres rapeando\ny algunos lo hacían\ncon acento americano,\npero eso pasó\ny la gente empezó a rapear\ncon sus acentos y tal.\nSí.\n\nFrench: \n- Sérieux ?\n- Sérieux, mec.\n-Même peut-être demain ?\n- Ouais.\nJ’vais monter sur cette voiture\npour ton truc.\nTu sais, j’ai pas mal regardé\ntes publications Instagram et tout\nJ’ai lu un peu les commentaires\net ce qui revenait souvent, c’était\n“Le Parrain du drill irlandais”\nOuais, ils m’appellent comme ça\nparce que j’ai commencé\nle drill irlandais dans ce pays\nc’était en 2015.\nJ’suis parti sur un remix de Chiraq\net ça m’a lancé.\nAu début, quand tu as commencé,\nquelle a été la réaction du public ?\nIls pigeaient pas le bordel,\ntu vois ce que je veux dire ?\nBeaucoup de gens se sont trompés,\n“C’est l’armée irlandaise”\nmais on est pas l’armée,\non fait de la musique et c’est tout.\nÀ une époque,\nles mecs de Londres rappaient\net t’en as qui prenaient\nun accent américain\net c’est passé\npuis les gens ont commencé à\nprendre leurs accents et tout.\nOuais.\n\nGerman: \n- Ernsthaft?\n- Ernsthaft, Bro.\n- Vielleicht sogar morgen?\n- Ja.\nIch springe auf die Karre\nfür diese Scheiße.\nWeißt du,\nich bin durch\nviele deiner Instagram-Posts\ngegangen und so\nund habe mir ein paar\nKommentare angeguckt\nund ein gemeinsamer Nenner war\nviele Leute, die sagen:\n“The Godfather of Irish Drill.”\nDie nennen mich\nden Godfather of Irish Drill,\nweil ich Irish Drill\nin diesem Land gestartet habe,\ndamals, so 2015.\nIch entschied mich, auf einen\nChiraq-Remix zu rappen\nund das hat mich durch\ndie Decke gehen lassen.\nUrsprünglich,\nals du damit anfingst,\nwie haben die Leute reagiert?\nDie wussten nicht, was zur Hölle\ndas war, verstehst du?\nViele Leute verstanden es falsch,\n“Die sind die IRA”,\naber wir waren nicht die IRA, wir\nmachen einfach Musik und das war’s.\nFrüher war das noch so,\nals die London-Boys alle gerappt\nhaben oder was auch immer,\nund dann waren da ein paar, die\nin einem US-Akzent gerappt haben,\nund das ging vorüber\nund dann begannen Leute, ihre\neigenen Akzente zu verwenden.\nJa.\n\nDutch: \nIk heb gezien dat sommige\ndrillers hier...\nmet een Londens accent rappen,\nof een Engels accent.\nUsed to be friends but you moved\nfrom the opposite ends.\nJuice gets spilled like gore\nf**k them gems.\nHoe komt dat?\nOmdat het Verenigd Koninkrijk\nop dit moment...\nerg veel invloed heeft...\nen al die jongeren tv kijken\nen nadoen wat ze daar zien.\nDus eigenlijk repliceren ze het,\ndat is wat het is.\nZe zijn niet trouw\naan hun eigen accent.\nIk omarm het Ierse accent\nomdat ik hier geboren ben...\nhet zijn mijn roots en de plek\nwaar ik wil zijn, begrijp je?\nIk denk dat het vooral\nmensen zoals jij zijn...\ndie hier steeds meer andere\nmensen aanmoedigen...\nom gewoon zichzelf te zijn.\nIk heb ze het platform gegeven\nom het te doen...\nLaat gewoon je respect zien,\ndoe mee...\ngebruik je eigen accent\nen wees jezelf.\nOngeacht uit welk land je komt:\ngebruik gewoon je normale accent\nen wees gewoon jezelf man.\nIk heb het altijd al gezegd, bro.\nNu ga ik naar wat volgens hem\nde plek is...\nwaar ik mensen uit de scene\nkan vinden.\n\nFrench: \nJ’ai remarqué ici\nqu’il y a quelques drillers qui\n- rappent avec un accent de Londres..\n- un accent anglais.\nOn était potes mais\nt’as déménagé dans un quartier opposé\nça éclabousse en mode gore\nF*ck ces tapettes\nPourquoi ?\nEn ce moment, le Royaume-Uni\nest très influent\net tous ces jeunes s’enflamment\ndevant ce qu’ils voient à la télé\net ils les reproduisent\ndonc en fait ils imitent.\nIls sont pas fidèles à leur accent.\nJ’assume mon accent irlandais\nparce que je suis né ici\nc’est mes racines et c’est comme ça\ntu vois le délire ?\nJe crois que c’est essentiel\nque des gens comme toi\nencouragent plus de gens ici\nà être eux-mêmes tout simplement.\nJe leur ai donné\nla plateforme pour le faire\nfaut pas le négliger les mecs,\nallez-y, foncez,\nprenez votre accent,\nsoyez-vous mêmes.\nPeu importe\nque tu sois d’un autre pays\nprends ton accent normal,\nsois toi-même mec.\nJe l’ai dit depuis le début, frère.\nJe me dirige dans un coin du quartier\noù plein de mecs\nde la scène drill traînent.\n\nSpanish: \nMe he dado cuenta de que\nhay algunos drileros\n- que rapean con acento de Londres...\n- con acento inglés.\n“Used to be friends but you moved\nfrom the opposite ends”\n“Juice gets spilled like gore\nF**k them gems”\n¿Por qué?\nPorque Reino Unido, ahora,\ntiene mucha influencia\ny hay gente joven que comienza\ny ven lo que ven en la tele\ny lo imitan,\nasí que imitan lo que hay.\nNo son fieles a su acento.\nYo acepto y uso el acento irlandés\nporque nací aquí,\ny esas son mis raíces\ny tiene que ser así, ¿sabes?\nCreo que personas como tú\nvan a inspirar a otros\npor aquí para que sean ellos mismos.\nLes he dado las bases\npara que lo hagan.\nRespetadlo, chavales,\nsimplemente lanzaos.\nUsad vuestro acento,\nsed vosotros mismos.\nDa igual de qué país seas,\nusa tu acento normal, sé tú mismo.\nLo he dicho\ndesde el principio, colega.\nAhora me dirijo a un sitio\nen el que, por lo visto,\nqueda un montón de gente\nde la escena musical “drill”.\n\nGerman: \nMir ist aufgefallen,\ndass hier ein paar Driller\nhier in einem englischen Akzent,\neinem Londoner Akzent rappen.\n“Used to be friends but you moved\nfrom the opposite ends\nJuice gets spilled like gore\nF**k them gems”\nWarum ist das so?\nWeil Großbritannien momentan\nso einflussreich ist und diese\nganzen Jungen aufspringen\nund die sehen, was sie im\nFernsehen sehen,\nund machen das nach,\nsie machen es nach, deshalb.\nDie sind nicht ehrlich\nmit ihrem Akzent.\nIch stehe zum irischen Akzent,\nweil ich hier geboren wurde,\nund das sind meine Wurzeln und\ndeswegen ist das so, verstehst du?\nIch denke, es sind im Grunde\nLeute wie du,\ndie mehr Leute hier\ndazu ermutigen werden,\neinfach sie selbst zu sein.\nIch habe ihnen die Plattform\ndafür gegeben,\nseid nicht respektlos, Jungs,\nlegt einfach los,\nbenutzt euren eigenen Akzent,\nseid ihr selbst.\nEs ist egal, ob ihr von\neinem anderen Land stammt,\nbenutzt euren normalen Akzent,\nseid einfach ihr selbst.\nIch hab’s von Anfang an gesagt, Bro.\nJetzt bin ich auf dem Weg zu dem\nOrt in seiner Gegend,\nwo ein Haufen Leute\nvon der Szene einfach abhängen.\n\nItalian: \nHo notato qua che\nci sono alcuni driller che\n- rappano con accento di Londra...\n- con l’accento inglese.\nEravamo amici ma tu\nsei passato alla parte opposta\nIl succo si spande come sangue\nFanculo i gioielli\nE perché?\nPerché l’UK, al momento,\nè un’influenza fortissima e tutti\nquesti giovani saltano sul carrozzone\ne vedono quello che vedono in TV\ne lo copiano,\nquindi in realtà fanno delle copie,\necco cosa fanno.\nNon sono sinceri, non usano\nla loro voce.\nIo uso l’accento irlandese\nperché sono nato qui\ne qui ho le mie radici ed è qui che\nsuccede tutto, capito cosa intendo?\nPenso che, essenzialmente,\nsiano le persone come te\nche incoraggiano la gente di qua\na essere semplicemente se stesse.\nIo ho costruito le basi così\nloro possono farlo, tipo,\nnon mancategli di rispetto raga,\nfatelo anche voi,\nusate il vostro accento,\nsiate voi stessi.\nNon importa se vieni\nda un altro paese,\nusa il tuo accento normale,\nsii te stesso.\nL’ho detto dall’inizio, bro.\nOra sto andando in un posto che pare\nsia il posto, nella sua zona,\ndove troverò un gruppo\ndi persone della scena.\n\nItalian: \nÈ occhio per occhio\nNon sei del giro\nNon sei della gang\nIl tuo amico fa schifo\nQuesto mi ricorda proprio\nla mia zona quando ero piccolo.\nChe ora è?\nTipo 9:20.\nC’è ancora pieno di\nragazzi qua fuori.\nTipo, ancora qua fuori, tipo, ragazzi\ndavvero giovani ancora qua fuori.\nVoglio dire, a un certo punto\nbisogna andare a letto, cazzo.\nQuesto è un mio amico, Dubzeno,\nche volevo farti conoscere.\nCome va fratello, tutto ok?\n- Sì.\n- Sì, già.\nC’è tutta la gang oggi?\nSai come vanno ste cose, no?\nDa quanto tempo fai musica?\nSaranno cinque mesi, bro.\nMi hanno beccato\nche ero nella northside\nsaltato il processo\nSto in una cella piena di m***a\nMi hanno rinviato\nSono finito al gabbio\nSono stato in UK per un po’\ne ho visto un piccolo mercato per noi\nquindi ho detto vediamo\nche succede e ovviamente\n\nDutch: \nIt’s an eye for an eye.\nYou are not mandem\nYou are not gang.\nYour man is an eyesore.\nHet doet me denken aan...\nhoe het in mijn buurt was\ntoen ik opgroeide.\nHoe laat is het?\nTien voor half tien.\nEr zijn hier nog veel jonge gasten...\nGewoon nog steeds, er zijn\nnog steeds echt jonge jongens.\nWij moesten altijd gewoon\nop tijd naar bed.\nDit is een vriend van me, Dubzeno,\ndie ik wilde ontmoeten.\nWat is er, gaat alles goed?\nJa.\n-Ja, ja.\nDe hele groep is op de been vandaag?\nJe weet hoe het gaat, weet je.\nHoelang ben je al\nmet muziek bezig?\nWaarschijnlijk ongeveer 5 maanden nu.\nI was on the northside\nwhen I got nicked.\nCourt dates missed\nSitting in a call that’s\ncovered in s**t.\nI was remanded.\nOn a the wing I landed.\nIk was een tijdje in\nhet Verenigd Koninkrijk...\nen ik zag dat er wel\neen markt voor was.\nDus ik probeerde het en zag wel\nwat er zou gebeuren...\n\nSpanish: \n\"It’s an eye for an eye\"\n“You are not mandem\nYou are not gang”\n\"Your man is an eyesore\"\nEsto me recuerda a mi barrio,\ncuando yo era un niñato.\n¿Qué hora es?\nLas 9:20,\n¿no?\nY hay niñatos todavía por la calle.\nEn plan, niños pequeños por la calle.\nCuando yo era pequeño,\nme iba a la cama a esta hora.\nEste es mi colega, Dubzeno,\nque quiero que conozcas.\n¿Qué pasa, hermano?\n¿Todo bien?\n-Sí.\n-Sí.\n¿Está todo tu grupo aquí?\nYa sabes cómo es esto.\n¿Cuánto tiempo llevas\nen el mundo de la música?\nUnos 5 meses, hermano.\n“I was on the northside\nwhen I got nicked”\n\"court dates missed\"\n“Sitting in a call that’s\ncovered in shit”\n\"I was remanded\"\n\"On a the wing I landed\"\nEstuve en Reino Unido un tiempo\ny vi que había un pequeño mercado,\nasí que dije, voy a probar\ny ver qué pasa\n\nGerman: \n“It’s an eye for an eye\nYou are not mandem\nYou are not gang\nYour man is an eyesore”\nDas erinnert mich richtig daran,\nwie es in meiner Gegend war,\nals ich jung war.\nWie spät ist es?\nSo 21:20 Uhr, ja?\nHier sind noch super junge\nTypen draußen.\nImmer noch hier draußen,\nrichtig junge Leute.\nOft genug musste ich ins\nverdammte Bett.\nDas ist ein Kumpel von mir, Dubzeno,\nden ich dir vorstellen wollte.\nWas geht Bruder, alles klar?\n- Ja.\n- Ja, ja.\nDu hast die ganze Gang heute hier?\nDu weißt wie das ist,\nverstehst du?\nWie lange machst du Musik?\nWahrscheinlich so fünf Monate, Bro.\n“I was on the northside\nwhen I got nicked\ncourt dates missed\nSitting in a call that’s\ncovered in s**t\nI was remanded\nOn a the wing I landed”\nIch war eine Weile\nin Großbritannien\nund ich habe einfach\neinen kleinen Markt gesehen,\nalso habe ich es probiert und\ngeguckt, was passiert, und natürlich\n\nFrench: \nC’est œil pour oeil\nC’est pas un groupe,\nc’est pas un gang\nTon mec est une vraie plaie\nÇa me rappelle\ncomment c’était dans mon quartier\nquand j’étais jeunot\nIl est quelle heure ?\nIl est quoi 9h20 ?\nC’est comme des gamins\ntoujours à traîner\nGenre, ils sont toujours là,\ndes petits gars du coin toujours là.\nOn est allé se coucher\nbien assez souvent p****n\nC’est mon pote, Dubzeno,\nque je voulais te présenter.\nÇa va frère, bien ?\n- Ouais\n- Ouais, ouais\nTout le gang est là aujourd’hui ?\nTu sais comment c’est,\ntu vois ?\nÇa fait combien de temps\nque tu fais de la musique ?\nEnviron cinq mois, frère.\nJ’étais banlieue nord\nquand je me suis fait gauler\nj’ai loupé la date de mon audience\nAttendant un verdict\nqui pue la m**de\nj’ai été enfermé\nj’ai atterri en taule\nJ’ai passé du temps au Royaume-Uni\net j’ai vu\nqu’il y avait un petit marché\ndonc j’ai voulu essayer pour voir,\net apparemment\n\nDutch: \nen natuurlijk gebeurde het, snap je.\nHet ging gewoon vanzelf.\nDat is interessant, want...\ner is al een tijd geen artiest\nmeer geweest...\ndie het echt op z’n Iers deed.\nWaarom gebeurt dit nu, dat zulke\ndingen beginnen te veranderen?\nIk denk dat het gewoon\ndeze generatie is.\nZe willen allemaal iemand\nzien rappen...\nwaar ze zich in herkennen en\ndie uit dezelfde omgeving komt...\nen het over het echte leven heeft.\nWat is het echte leven?\nDít is het echte leven. Kijk om je\nheen, dit is het echte leven bro.\nJullie hebben natuurlijk ook\neen bepaalde invloed.\nSta je er weleens bij stil...\nin de dingen die je zegt...\ndat er veel jonge mensen\nnaar je luisteren?\nJa.\nMaar toen wij zo oud waren\nlulden me maar wat.\nDit is Finglas, northside.\nWe waren allemaal klootzakjes toen\nwe nog jong waren.\nZo simpel was het.\nYou ain’t never been\ntrappin the road.\nYou ain’t never made\ncash on the road.\nYou ain’t never made actual dough.\nJump on a bike,\nroad rash on the road.\nHere there’s loads of rats\non your road.\nDoordat drill populairder en meer\nmainstream wordt...\nwordt er ook kritischer naar gekeken.\n\nFrench: \nça a marché, tu vois ?\nça a démarré genre.\nC’est marrant parce que\npendant longtemps\nil n’y avait pas eu\nd’artiste qui ait vraiment\nreprésenté le côté irlandais du truc.\nMais pourquoi c’est maintenant\nque ça se met à bouger ici ?\nC’est juste cette génération.\nIls veulent voir quelqu’un qui rappe\nqui est comme eux et de leur quartier\nqui parle de la vraie vie\nC’est quoi la vraie vie ?\nMais, regarde autour de toi,\nc’est la vraie vie, frère.\nDonc, vous avez de l’influence\nvous cogitez pas un peu sur ça,\nles trucs que vous dites\naux plus jeunes qui vous écoutent ?\nOuais,\nmais quand on avait cet âge,\non disait des conneries\nOn est à Finglas, banlieue nord\nOn était tous des petits b****ds\nici, quand on était gamins.\nC’est tout.\nT’as jamais fait\nde pièges sur la route\nT’as jamais fait\ndu fric sur la route\nTu t’es jamais\nvraiment fait de thune\nSaute sur ton vélo,\nT’écorcher sur la route\nIci, y’a plein d’ordures sur la route\nLa popularité croissante du drill\net son entrée sur la scène publique\nlui assure un accueil plus critique.\n\nGerman: \nist es passiert, verstehst du?\nEs ging einfach ab.\nDas ist interessant, weil\nlange Zeit gab es keinen\nKünstler, der vernünftig\ndie irische Seite repräsentiert hat.\nWie kommt das jetzt, dass die\nDinge sich hier ändern?\nIch glaube, es ist einfach\ndiese Generation.\nDie wollen alle jemanden\nsehen, der rappt,\nder ist wie sie und aus ihrer Gegend,\nübers richtige Leben redet.\nWas ist das richtige Leben?\nDas ist das richtig Leben, sieh dich\num, das ist das richtige Leben, Bro.\nIhr Jungs habt eindeutig\nein bisschen Einfluss.\nDenkt ihr ein bisschen\ndaran, wie\ndas Zeug, das ihr sagt,\nauf die Jüngeren wirkt,\ndie euch hören?\nJa,\naber als wir in dem Alter waren,\nhaben wir Scheiße geredet.\nDas ist Finglas, Northside.\nWir waren alle kleine Bastarde\nhier, als wir Kids waren.\nGanz einfach.\n“You ain’t never been\ntrappin the road\nYou ain’t never made cash on the road\nYou ain’t never made actual dough\nJump on a bike, road rash on the road\nHere there’s loads of rats\non your road”\nDrills wachsende Beliebtheit\nund sein Weg in den Mainstream\nbedeutet, dass er auch\nkritischer betrachtet wird.\n\nItalian: \nè successo, capisci cosa intendo?\nÈ scattato all’improvviso, tipo.\nÈ interessante comunque perché\nper molto tempo non c’è stato\nun artista che rappresentasse davvero\nil lato irlandese della cosa.\nCom’è che le cose stanno\ncambiando proprio adesso?\nPenso sia solo questa generazione.\nTutti vogliono vedere\nqualcuno che rappa\ne che è come loro, della stessa zona\ne parla della vita vera.\nChe cos’è la vita vera?\nQuesta la vita vera, guardati\nattorno, è questa, bro.\nOvviamente voi giocate un ruolo\nanche di influenza sul pubblico.\nVi viene mai da pensare, tipo,\nvisto alcune delle cose che dite,\nai ragazzi molto più giovani\nche vi ascoltano?\nSì,\nma quando avevamo la loro età\nnoi parlavamo già così,\nQuesta è Finglas, northside\nEravamo tutti dei piccoli ba****di\nqua attorno quando eravamo ragazzini.\nVa così.\nNon sei mai stato in strada\nNon hai mai fatto soldi in strada\nNon hai mai fatto i soldi veri\nSali sulla bici,\nti sbucci le ginocchia\nLa tua strada è piena di ratti\nLa crescente fama della drill\ne il suo ingresso nel mainstream\nsignifica che viene vista con\nun occhio più critico.\n\nSpanish: \ny obviamente, pasó.\nSurgió sin más.\nEs interesante porque,\nen mucho tiempo\nno ha habido ningún artista\nque representara a Irlanda.\n¿Pero por qué están cambiado\nahora las cosas por aquí?\nCreo que es esta generación.\nQuieren ver rapear a alguien\nque sea como ellos,\nde la misma zona,\nhablando del mundo real.\n¿Qué es el mundo real?\nEste es el mundo real,\nmira a tu alrededor.\nEstá claro que tenéis influencia.\n¿Alguna vez pensáis\nen las cosas que decís\na la gente más joven que os escucha?\nSí,\npero cuando nosotros teníamos\nesa edad hablábamos de chorradas.\nEsto es Finglas, el norte.\nAquí, todos éramos unos capullos\nde pequeños.\nAsí de simple.\n“You ain’t never been\ntrappin the road”\n“You ain’t never made\ncash on the road”\nYou ain’t never made actual dough\n“Jump on a bike,\nroad rash on the road”\n“Here there’s loads of rats\non your road”\nLa creciente popularidad del drill\nha hecho que más de uno lo critique.\n\nGerman: \nEinige geben den gewalttätigen\nLyrics die Schuld\nan Messerstechereien und Gewalt\nauf den Straßen\nund einige Musikvideos werden\ndeswegen von YouTube gelöscht.\nVielleicht als Reaktion darauf\nblendet INK Disclaimer am Start\naller seiner Videos ein,\num zu erklären, dass die nur\nzu Unterhaltungszwecken sind.\nEtwas, das du vorhin\nzusammengebastelt hast, ja?\nJa, Bro, ja.\nEs gibt natürlich diese\nDiskussion darüber,\nDrill zu verbieten und diese\nganzen Sachen,\nvor allem sollen YouTube-Kanäle\nmanche Songs runternehmen.\nIst dir das schon passiert,\nsind schon welche von deinen\nVideos gelöscht worden?\nDas Problem ist, dass viele Leute\nsich über die Videos beschweren.\nDeswegen haben wir die Disclaimer\neingebaut, verstehst du.\nViele Leute geben Drill Music\ndie Schuld\nan Messerstechereien, weißt du?\nAber wenn sich jemand stattdessen\n“Freitag der 13.” anguckt,\nsagen die dann: “Oh Gott,\nder hat ‘Freitag der 13.’ gesehen,\nist raus und hat\ndeswegen Leute abgestochen.”\n\nSpanish: \nHay gente que le echa\nla culpa a las letras violentas\nsobre apuñalamientos\ny violencia en las calles,\ny han quitado algunos vídeos\nde YouTube por esa razón.\nQuizás, por eso INK pone un mensaje\nal comienzo de sus vídeos\npara explicar que lo hacen\ncon fines de entretenimiento.\nEso es lo que estabas\ncocinando antes, ¿no?\nSí, hermano.\nHay un debate sobre si\nel “drill” debería estar prohibido,\nsobre todo después de que quitaran\nalgunos de los vídeos de YouTube.\n¿A ti te ha pasado,\nte han quitado algún vídeo?\nSí, el problema es que muchos\nse quejan de los vídeos\ny por eso ponemos\nlos mensajes al principio.\nHay gente que culpa\na la música “drill”\nde las agresiones\ncon arma blanca que tenemos.\nPero si alguien ve\nla película de “Viernes 13”,\nle van a decir: “Ay, Dios,\nha visto “Viernes 13”\ny por eso ha salido y se ha puesto\na acuchillar a la gente”.\n\nItalian: \nI suoi testi violenti vengono\nincolpati da alcuni\nper gli accoltellamenti e la\nviolenza che si vedono in strada\ne alcuni videoclip vengono tolti\nda YouTube a causa di questo.\nForse come reazione a ciò,\nINK mette un avviso all’inizio\ndi ogni suo video\nper spiegare che si tratta\nsoltanto di puro intrattenimento.\nUna cosetta che\nhai preparato prima?\nSì, bro, sì.\nSi parla spesso di, tipo,\nvietare la drill e cose del genere,\nspecialmente con la storia di YouTube\nche rimuove certi video.\nTi è mai successo\nche rimuovessero dei tuoi video?\nBeh, il problema è che in molti\nsi lamentano dei video,\nè per questo che mettiamo\ngli avvisi all’inizio, sai.\nMolta gente incolpa\nla musica drill\nper tutti i reati violenti\nche succedono, capisci?\nMa se uno si guarda\nVenerdì 13\nla gente dirà “Oh dio,\nha guardato Venerdì 13,\npoi è uscito a pugnalare gente\na caso per colpa del film”?\n\nFrench: \nDans certains quartiers, on accuse\nses paroles violentes\nd’être responsables des agressions\net violences dans la rue\net certaines vidéos\nsont retirées de YouTube.\nEn réponse peut-être,\nINK a mis une annonce\nau début de toutes ses vidéos\npour expliquer que\nc’est juste pour se divertir\nC’est un ptit truc\nque t’as concocté avant ?\nOuais frère, ouais.\nBien-sûr il y en a qui parlent\nd’interdire le drill\net tous ces types de trucs\nsurtout depuis que la chaine Youtube\nenlève certaines chansons.\nÇ’a t’es déjà arrivé ?\nOn t’a déjà enlevé des vidéos ?\nLe truc, c’est que t’as plein de gens\nqui se plaignent des vidéos\nC’est pour ça qu’on met des annonces.\nBeaucoup de gens\naccusent la musique drill\ndes crimes au couteau\nqui arrivent dans le coin.\nMais si quelqu’un\nse met devant le film Vendredi 13\non va dire “Oh mon Dieu,\nils ont regardé Vendredi 13, et\nils sont sortis poignarder des gens.”\n\nDutch: \nDe gewelddadige teksten hebben\nvolgens sommigen geleid tot...\nsteekincidenten en geweld op straat.\nEn sommige muziekvideo’s zijn erdoor\nvan YouTube gehaald.\nDat is misschien ook de reden...\ndat INK disclaimers zijn video’s\naltijd begint met een disclaimer...\nom uit te leggen dat ze gewoon\nvoor entertainment-doeleinden zijn.\nDat heb je al eerder bedacht hè?\nJa bro, ja.\nEr wordt gediscussieerd of drill\nmoet worden verbannen en zo...\nZeker omdat sommige nummers\nop YouTube zijn verwijderd.\nIs dat jou weleens overkomen...\nzijn er video’s van jou weggehaald?\nHet probleem is dat veel mensen\nover de video’s klagen.\nDaarom hebben we die disclaimers\nervoor gezet, weet je.\nVeel mensen denken dat drillmuziek...\nde oorzaak is geweest van al die\nsteekincidenten, weet je.\nDus als iemand\n‘Friday the 13th’ kijkt...\ndan is het van: ’O mijn God,\nze keken Friday the 13th en daarom...\nzijn ze naar buiten gegaan en\nhebben ze allemaal mensen gestoken.′\n\nItalian: \nLa risposta è no. È un genere\ndi musica per maggiorenni,\ncome lo è il film.\nSe qualcuno poi fa delle cose,\nè perché le voleva fare,\nè nel suo sangue la spinta a farle.\nNon ha nulla a che vedere\ncon la musica.\nOvviamente gran parte del tempo\nla tua faccia è coperta eccetera,\ne guardando i video\nall’inizio pensavo che fossi bianco.\nPoi mi sono accorto che\nsei di origini miste,\n- sei di etnia mista, giusto?\n- Sì.\nVisto da dove vieni,\ncom’è stato crescere così per te?\nAi tempi c’era molto razzismo,\nperché non c’erano molte\nfamiglie miste in giro ai tempi,\nquindi ho dovuto lottare\nun bel po’ per farcela,\nma, alla fine, commenti\nrazzisti e cose del genere\nmi hanno reso più forte\ne mi hanno formato negli anni,\ncapisci cosa intendo?\nOra sono orgoglioso del mio colore\ne orgoglioso di quello che sono\ne di tutto il mio retaggio.\nSe Londra ha Link Up TV e GRM,\nl’Irlanda ha Dearfach TV.\n‘Dearfach’ vuol dire\n‘Positivo’ in irlandese\ne il canale ha già\noltre 26 mila iscritti\n\nFrench: \nNon, c’est juste de la musique\npour les plus de 18 ans\nC’est la même chose pour le film.\nSi un mec sort et attaque quelqu’un,\nc’est parce qu’il voulait le faire,\nil avait ça dans le sang.\nça n’a rien à voir avec la musique.\nEn général, on ne voit pas ton visage\net d’après les vidéos,\nd’abord je croyais que t’étais blanc.\nPuis j’ai réalisé\nque t’as des origines mixtes\n- t’as des origines mixtes ?\n- Ouais.\nVenant d’où tu viens,\nc’était comment pour toi ?\nC’était plutôt raciste à l’époque,\nparce qu’il n’y avait pas beaucoup\nde métisses dans le coin,\ndonc j’ai dû me débrouiller,\nen fait, les commentaires racistes\net les trucs comme ça\nsont ce qui m’a rendu plus fort\nça m’a construit au fil des années,\ntu vois ?\nMaintenant\nj’assume ma couleur et qui je suis\net j’assume mon héritage avec.\nLondres a Link Up TV et GRM,\nl’Irlande a Dearfach TV.\n“Dearfach”\nça veut dire “Positif” en irlandais\net la chaîne a déjà\nenviron 26 000 abonnés\n\nSpanish: \nClaro que no, es un estilo musical\npara mayores de 18.\nIgual que la película.\nSi alguien lo hace es porque quiere,\nporque lo lleva en la sangre.\nNo tiene nada que ver con la música.\nLa mayor parte del tiempo,\nno te vemos la cara\ny al principio, por los vídeos,\npensé que eras blanco.\nLuego me di cuenta\nde que eres una mezcla,\n-¿verdad?\n-Sí.\nViniendo de donde vienes,\n¿cómo fue para ti?\nPor aquel entonces\nhabía mucho racismo\nporque no había\nmucha mezcla de razas,\nasí que tuve que abrirme paso,\npero al final,\nlos comentarios racistas y cosas así\nme hicieron más fuerte\ny con los años,\nme han convertido en lo que soy.\nY ahora acepto mi color de piel\ny lo que soy\ny acepto mi herencia cultural.\nInglaterra tiene Link Up TV y GRM,\nplataformas de promoción musical,\ne Irlanda tiene Dearfach TV.\n“Dearfach” significa\n“positivo” en irlandés\ny el canal tiene\nmás de 26 000 seguidores\n\nGerman: \nDie Antwort ist nein, es ist ein\nMusikgenre für Erwachsene.\nEs ist das Gleiche\nmit den Nachrichten.\nWenn jemand loszieht und das macht,\ndann will er das einfach tun,\nes steckt in seinem Blut.\nDas hat nichts mit der Musik zu tun.\nOffensichtlich können wir meistens\ndein Gesicht nicht sehen und so\nund von den Videos,\nursprünglich dachte ich,\ndass du ein Weißer bist.\nDann wurde mir klar,\ndass du gemischter Herkunft bist.\n- Du bist gemischter Herkunft, oder?\n- Ja.\nIn der Gegend, wo du herkommst,\nwie war das?\nEs war ziemlich rassistisch damals,\nweil es nicht viele\ngemischten Leute damals gab,\nalso muss ich mich durchkämpfen,\naber am Ende waren die\nrassistischen Kommentare und so das,\nwas mich stärker gemacht hat,\nund es hat mich über die Jahre\naufgebaut, verstehst du?\nUnd jetzt stehe ich zu meiner Farbe\nund ich stehe dazu, wer ich bin,\nund ich stehe einfach\ninsgesamt zu meiner Herkunft.\nWas für London\nLink Up TV und GRM ist,\nist für Irland Dearfach TV.\n“Dearfach” bedeutet “Positiv”\nauf Irisch\nund der Kanal hat schon\nüber 26.000 Abonnenten\n\nDutch: \nNatuurlijk is dat niet zo, het is een\nmuziekgenre dat 18-plus is...\nzoals je dat ook met films hebt.\nAls iemand naar buiten gaat om zoiets\nte doen, dan willen ze dat gewoon...\ndan zit dat in hun bloed.\nHet heeft niks met\nde muziek te maken.\nHet merendeel van de tijd\nkunnen we je gezicht niet zien...\nen op basis van de video’s...\ndacht ik eerst dat je wit was.\nToen realiseerde ik me dat je\neen gemengde afkomst hebt.\nDat is toch zo?\n-Ja.\nHoe heb je dat zelf beleefd?\nHet ging er best racistisch aan toe\nwant er waren toen niet veel...\nmensen met een gemengde afkomst\nin deze omgeving.\nIk moest me er gewoon\ndoorheen vechten...\nmaar uiteindelijk hebben\nde racistische reacties en zo...\nme alleen maar sterker gemaakt.\nHet heeft me ook gevormd,\nsnap je wat ik bedoel?\nEn nu omarm ik mijn kleur gewoon\nen wie ik ben.\nIk omarm mijn nalatenschap gewoon.\nWaar Londen Link Up TV\nen GRM heeft...\nheeft Ierland Dearfach TV.\n‘Dearfach’ betekent ‘positief’\nin het Iers...\nen het kanaal heeft al meer dan\n26.000 abonnees...\n\nGerman: \nseit seinem Start 2017.\n- Das ist Mo.\n- Was sagst du, Bro?\nWas geht? Du bist hier der Boss.\nIch habe gehört, du hast einen\ngroßen YouTube-Kanal hier,\nüber den alle sprechen.\n- Ja.\nWas wir versuchen, ist alle\nTalente Irlands der Welt auf\neinem internationalen Level\nzu zeigen.\nWenn’s Drill ist, wenn’s ein neues\nGenre ist, das morgen startet,\nwenn es irisch ist, versuchen wir,\nes zu pushen.\nDie Vorstellung außerhalb Irlands\nüber den Drill-Aspekt\nist ein bisschen komisch für viele.\n- Ja.\n- “Schwarze in Irland?”\n- Ja.\nDas ist das erste,\nwas Leute sagen,\nund dann kommt:\n“Die machen Drill?”\nUnd dann:\n“Die kopieren uns.”\nAuf eurem Kanal ist mir\nauch aufgefallen,\ndass ein paar Künstler Londoner\nAkzent benutzen\nund andere Künstler tun das nicht.\nMir fiel auf, dass überwiegend\nSchwarze Künstler\nden Londoner Akzent benutzen.\nGibt es ein Identitätsproblem?\nIhr habt Leute, zu denen ihr\naufschauen könnt.\n\nDutch: \nsinds het in 2017 online ging.\nHey Mo!\nHoe gaat het ermee?\nDe man die het voor het zeggen heeft.\nIk heb gehoord dat je het grote\nYouTube-kanaal runt...\nwaar iedereen het steeds over heeft.\n-Ja.\nWat wij willen doen is...\nal het talent van Ierland aan\nde wereld laten zien...\nop een internationaal niveau.\nOf het nou drill is, een nieuw genre\ndat nog niet bestaat...\nof Iers, we gaan ervoor.\nBuiten Ierland komt het idee...\nvan het drill-aspect dan,\neen beetje...\nvreemd over voor veel mensen.\n-Ja.\n‘Zwarte mensen in Ierland.’\n-Ja.\nDat is het eerste wat\nmensen steeds zeggen...\nen dan is het van:\n‘Doen ze echt drill?’\nEn dan wordt het:\n‘Deze mensen jatten het van ons.’\nToen ik je kanaal bekeek,\nzag ik ook dat...\nsommige artiesten een Londens\naccent hebben...\nen sommige artiesten niet.\nHet zijn ook vooral\nde zwarte artiesten...\ndie een Londens accent hebben.\nIs er een dingetje met identiteit?\nJullie hebben mensen waar je\ntegenop kunt kijken.\n\nFrench: \ndepuis son lancement en 2017.\n- Man Like Mo\n- Qu’est-ce tu dis, frère ?\nAlors le chef, ça va ?\nJ’ai entendu\nque t’avais la grande chaîne Youtube\n- dont tout le monde parle.\n- Ouais.\nCe qu’on veut, c’est montrer au monde\nle talent de l’Irlande\nà un niveau international.\nSi c’est du drill,\nun nouveau genre qui commence demain,\nsi c’est irlandais,\non essaye de le lancer.\nEn dehors de l’Irlande\nle concept du drill\n- est bizarre pour beaucoup de gens.\n- Ouais.\n- “les Noirs en Irlande”\n- Ouais.\nc’est la première chose\nque les gens disent\nils étaient genre :\n“Ils font du drill ?”\npuis ensuite :\n“ces gens nous copient.”\nJ’ai remarqué,\nen regardant ta chaîne\nque quelques artistes\nprennent un accent de Londres\net d’autres non,\nc’est surtout les artistes noirs\nqui prennent l’accent de Londres.\nProblème d’identité ?\nVous avez des références à Londres.\n\nItalian: \nda quando è iniziato nel 2017.\n- Bella Mo.\n- Che si dice, bro?\nCome va, capo?\nHo sentito che tu hai il canale\nYouTube più grosso qua\n- di cui parlano tutti.\n- Già.\nQuello che cerchiamo\ndi fare è promuovere\ntutto il talento irlandese nel mondo\na un livello internazionale.\nSe è drill, se è un nuovo genere\nche nasce domani,\nse è irlandese, noi\nproviamo a spingerlo.\nL’idea che c’è fuori dall’Irlanda\ndell’aspetto drill\n- è un po’ strana per tanta gente.\n- Sì.\n- “Persone nere in Irlanda”\n- Già.\nQuella è la prima cosa\nche la gente dice\ne poi dicono\n“Fanno la drill?”\ne poi aggiungono\n“Questi ci copiano”.\nAnche guardando il tuo canale,\nguardando gli artisti\nche usano l’accento di Londra\ne quelli che non lo usano,\nho notato che sono più\nche altro gli artisti neri\na usare l’accento di Londra.\nC’è un problema di identità?\nVoi avete degli esempi\na cui aspirare.\n\nSpanish: \ndesde que se lanzó en 2017.\n-El pez gordo.\n-¿Qué dices, hermano?\n¿Qué pasa, jefe?\nMe han dicho que tienes el canal\nde YouTube más grande de por aquí.\n-Eso es lo que dicen todos.\n-Sí.\nLo que queremos mostrar\nes el talento del Irlanda\nal mundo entero,\ninternacionalmente.\nSea “drill” o un género nuevo\nque aparezca mañana,\nsi es irlandés,\nle vamos a dar caña.\nFuera de Irlanda, muchos\npiensan que el “drill” es raro.\n-Sí, “los negros de Irlanda”,\n- Sí.\ndijeron al principio,\ny luego decían:\n“¿Están haciendo ‘drill’?“.\nY al final decían:\n“Nos están copiando”.\nMe he dado cuenta, viendo tu canal\ny viendo que algunos usan\nel acento de Londres y otros no,\nde que la mayoría son artistas negros\nque usan el acento de Londres.\n¿Crees que hay\nun problema de identidad?\nVosotros tenéis mucho\nen lo que fijaros.\n\nItalian: \nOvviamente, nella scena, c’è\nSkepta, c’è Stormzy,\nloro hanno fatto successo nella scena\nalcuni anni fa\nmentre qua la scena è appena nata,\nquindi siamo tutti un po’ persi, sai.\nChe co****ne del c***o\nE che t***a del c***o\nOra come fai a lasciare tuo cugino\nE saltare in macchina con tua zia.\nVedi, quelli come INK eccetera,\nquando lui rappa.\nLui è nato e cresciuto qui, vedi?\nHa l’accento irlandese.\nSe dovessi rappare con l’accento\nirlandese in un pezzo,\nnon so, tipo,\nmi sembra che quando rappo in UK,\ntipo, vedo che la gente\nin UK ci ascolta\nquindi ascoltano anche loro stessi.\nTi è mai capitato che tuoi video\nvenissero rimossi da YouTube?\nNon succede spesso in Irlanda ancora.\nNo, non è ancora un problema\nperché la violenza non è\nparagonabile a quella UK.\nL’Irlanda non ha ancora\npassato quel confine.\nOK.\nQuindi viste le dimensioni\ndel fenomeno\nnon danno ancora\ncosì tanta colpa alla musica.\nNon ancora, sì.\nPensi che succederà?\nSenza dubbio, sta arrivando.\nChe futuro vedi per il tuo canale?\n\nSpanish: \nTenéis a Skepta, Stomzy,\nque se hicieron populares\nhace unos años,\npero aquí el “drill” está comenzando,\nasí que no tienen esa referencia.\n\"What a f**king prick\"\n\"What a f**king prick\"\n\"Now how you gonna leave your cousin\"\n\"And hop in your auntie’s whip.\"\nGente como INK,\ncuando rapea...\nha nacido y se ha criado aquí.\nTiene acento irlandés.\nSi yo rapeara\ncon acento irlandés,\nno sé,\ncreo que cuando rapeo\ncon acento de Reino Unido\nveo que la gente de\nReino Unido me escucha\ny se escuchan a sí mismos.\n¿Te han quitado algún\nvídeo de YouTube?\nEso no pasa mucho en Irlanda.\nTodavía no es un problema\nporque no es tan violento\ncomo en Reino Unido.\nIrlanda todavía\nno ha sobrepasado ese límite.\nVale.\nComo es tan poco,\ntodavía no le echan\nla culpa a la música.\nTodavía no.\n¿Crees que va a pasar?\nSí, por supuesto.\n¿Cuál crees que es\nel futuro de tu canal?\n\nFrench: \nVous avez Skepta, Stormzy,\nces gars ont fait un carton,\nil y a quelques années\nalors qu’ici,\nça vient de commencer,\ndonc tout le monde est un peu perdu\nQuel p****n de connard\net quelle p****n de s****e\nComment tu peux laisser ton cousin\nEt sauter sous le bâton de tantie.\nT’as vu\nla manière d’INK, quand il rappe.\nOn voit qu’il est né et a grandi ici\nIl a un accent irlandais.\nSi je devais rapper\navec l’accent irlandais\nje sais pas\nje sens que quand je rappe en british\nceux qui nous écoutent là-bas\npeuvent se reconnaître.\nOn t’a déjà retiré\ndes vidéos sur Youtube ?\nC’est pas encore\ntrès grand en Irlande\nNon ce n’est pas un problème\nparce que la violence\nn’est pas comme chez vous.\nl’Irlande\nn’a pas vraiment atteint ce seuil.\nOK.\nMais comme c’est minuscule,\nils n’accusent\npas particulièrement la musique.\nPour le moment ouais.\nT’as l’impression que ça vient ?\nça vient, c’est sûr.\nÀ ton avis,\nquel est l’avenir de ta chaîne ?\n\nGerman: \nDie ganze Szene, ihr habt Skepta,\nihr habt Stormzy,\ndie haben ihren Durchbruch in der\nSzene vor ein paar Jahren gehabt.\nDie Szene hier hingegen\ngeht gerade erst los,\nalso sind hier alle etwas\nverloren und so.\n“What a f**king prick\nAnd what a f**king b***h\nNow how you gonna leave your cousin\nAnd hop in your auntie’s whip.”\nKünstler wie INK,\nwenn er rappt ...\nEr ist hier geboren und aufgewachsen.\nEr hat einen irischen Akzent.\nWenn ich in einem Track\nim irischen Akzent spitten würde,\nich weiß nicht.\nIch habe einfach das Gefühl,\nwenn ich britisch spitte,\ndass die Briten\nuns hören.\nAlso, weil sie sich\nselbst auch hören.\nHabt ihr erlebt, dass eure\nYouTube-Videos gelöscht wurden?\nDas ist noch nicht so groß in Irland.\nNein, das ist noch kein Problem,\nweil die Gewalt ist nicht annähernd\nda, wo ihr in Großbritannien seid.\nIrland hat diese Ausmaße\nnoch nicht wirklich erreicht.\nOK.\nAlso, weil es so unbedeutend ist,\nschieben sie die Schuld noch nicht\ndirekt auf die Musik.\nNoch nicht, ja.\nGlaubt ihr, das kommt noch?\nDas kommt, definitiv.\nWas glaubt ihr, ist die Zukunft\neures Kanals?\n\nDutch: \nJullie hebben Skepta, Stormzy...\ndie scene is al een paar jaar bezig.\nMaar hier is die scene\npas net begonnen.\nDus iedereen is nog\neen beetje zoekende, snap je.\nWhat a f**king prick.\nAnd what a f**king b***h.\nNow how you gonna\nleave your cousin...\nand hop in your auntie’s whip.\nAls mensen als INK rappen...\nHij is gewoon zo geboren, weet je.\nHij heeft dat Ierse accent.\nAls ik in een track met\neen Iers accent zou spitten...\nik weet niet man.\nIk heb het gevoel dat als ik Brits\naan het spitten ben...\ndat Britten ook naar me luisteren.\nAlsof ze ook naar zichzelf luisteren.\nHebben jullie weleens gehad dat er\neen video van YouTube werd gehaald?\nDat is in Ierland nog\nniet echt een ding.\nDat heb je hier nog niet...\nwant qua geweld komt het nog niet\nin de buurt van hoe het in het VK is.\nDat punt hebben we in Ierland\nnog niet bereikt.\nOké.\nEn omdat het nog zo klein is...\nhebben ze niet echt een reden om het\naan de muziek te wijten.\nNog niet nee.\nHebben jullie wel het idee dat\ndat gaat gebeuren?\nDat gaat zeker gebeuren ja.\nHoe zien jullie de toekomst\nvan dit kanaal voor je?\n\nItalian: \nDi base stiamo cercando di trovare\nla nostra identità\ne siamo soltanto all’inizio.\nFacciamo un passo alla volta,\nma stiamo cominciando a camminare,\npresto ci arriveremo.\nÈ una figata vedere i giovani\nimprenditori concentrare le energie\nin qualcosa di positivo.\nL’MC più visto su Dearfach TV\nè uno che a volte\nsi fa chiamare J.B2,\ne altre volte Mr Affiliate.\nSei ridicolo\nNon mi parlare, fai schifo\nNon sono ripetitivo\nSono una razza diversa,\nnon esito.\nNato in Irlanda da genitori africani,\nsi è fatto un nome\nper il suo flow unico\nche è diventato virale e\nha diviso il pubblico.\nLa gente continua a parlare di J.B2,\nnon riusciamo a trovarlo,\nnon sembra che sia in Irlanda.\nAbbiamo parlato con il management\ne stiamo cercando di capire\ndove si trova esattamente\ne in qualche modo,\nsono finito nell’Essex.\nEcco dov’è.\nCome va, bro?\nBella, finalmente\nti abbiamo trovato, bro.\nCosa ci fa il drill rapper\nirlandese con più visualizzazioni\n\nDutch: \nIn principe proberen we vooral\nonze eigen identiteit te vinden...\nen we zijn pas net begonnen.\nWe nemen kleine stapjes...\nen zullen langzaam lopen,\nmaar zullen er wel komen.\nHet is sick om jonge ondernemers\nhun energie...\nin iets positiefs om te zetten.\nDe meest bekeken MC op Dearfach TV...\nis een rapper die J.B2 heet...\nmaar ook wel bekendstaat\nals Mr Affiliate.\nYou look ridiculous.\nDon’t bother at me, you’re hideous.\nI ain’t repetitive.\nI’m a different breed, no hesitant.\nAls geboren Ier\nmet Afrikaanse roots...\nheeft hij naam gemaakt voor zichzelf\nmet zijn unieke flow...\nwaarmee hij viral is gegaan, maar\nwaar de meningen over verdeeld zijn.\nMensen blijven over J.B2 praten...\nmaar we kunnen hem niet vinden.\nHet lijkt erop dat hij er niet is.\nWe spraken zijn management...\nen proberen erachter te komen\nwaar hij precies is...\nen op de een of andere manier...\nheeft dat me in Essex gebracht.\nHier is hij.\nHoe is het, bro?\nGoed man,\nwe hebben je eindelijk gevonden bro.\nWaarom is de meest bekeken...\nIerse drillrapper...\n\nGerman: \nIm Grunde versuchen wir,\nunsere eigene Identität zu finden,\nund wir sind erst am Anfang.\nWir machen Babyschritte,\naber wir beginnen langsam\nzu laufen. Es wird.\nEs ist cool, junge Unternehmer zu\nsehen, die ihre Energie\nauf etwas Positives konzentrieren.\nDer meistgesehene MC auf Dearfach TV\nist ein Typ, der sich manchmal\nJ.B2 nennt,\naber andere Male ist er\nMr. Affiliate.\n“You look ridiculous\nDon’t bother at me, you’re hideous\nI ain’t repetitive\nI’m a different breed, no hesitant.”\nGeboren in Irland mit afrikanischer\nAbstammung\nhat er sich einen Namen mit einem\nextrem einzigartigen Flow gemacht,\nder Viral ging und definitiv\ndie Meinungen spaltete.\nDie Leute reden über J.B2,\nwir können ihn nicht finden,\ner scheint nicht in Irland zu sein.\nWir haben mit seinem\nManagement gesprochen\nund versuchen herauszufinden,\nwo genau er ist,\nund irgendwie\nbin ich in Essex gelandet.\nHier ist er.\nWas geht, Bro?\nGut Mann, endlich haben wir\ndich gefunden, Bro.\nWarum ist der meistgesehene\nIrish-Drill-Rapper\n\nFrench: \nOn essaye de trouver notre identité\net on en est qu’au début.\nOn y va très doucement,\nmais on avance, petit à petit.\nC’est cool de voir des jeunes\nmettre leur énergie\ndans du positif.\nLe rappeur le plus en vue\nsur Dearfach TV\nest un gars qu’on trouve\nparfois sous le nom de J.B2\nmais d’autres fois,\nc’est Mr Affiliate.\nT’as l’air ridicule\nMe dérange pas,\nt’es hideux\nJe suis pas répétitif\nJ’suis d’une autre espèce,\npas hésitante.\nNé en Irlande de parents africains,\nil s’est fait un nom\navec son flow sacrément unique\nça a fait le buzz et\nles avis étaient partagés\nOn arrête pas de parler de J.B2,\non ne peut pas le trouver\nil n’a pas l’air d’être en Irlande.\nOn a parlé aux équipes\net on a essayé de trouver\nexactement où il est\net d’une façon ou d’une autre\nje l’ai trouvé ici dans l’Essex.\nC’est là qu’il est.\nÇa va, frère ?\nSuper mec, on t’a enfin trouvé.\nPourquoi\nle rappeur de drill irlandais\nle plus populaire\n\nSpanish: \nEstamos intentando encontrar\nnuestra propia identidad\ny esto es solo el comienzo.\nVamos poco a poco,\npero seguimos avanzando y llegaremos.\nEs genial ver que hay jóvenes\nponiendo su energía\nen algo positivo.\nEl MC más visto en Dearfach TV\nes un tipo que a veces\nse hace llamar J.B2,\npero a veces es Mr Affiliate.\n\"You look ridiculous\"\n\"Don’t bother at me, you’re hideous\"\n\"I ain’t repetitive\"\n“I’m a different breed, no hesitant”.\nIrlandés con sangre africana,\nse ha dado a conocer\ncon un “flow” sorprendente y único\nque se hizo viral\ny dividió opiniones.\nLa gente sigue hablando de J.B2,\nno podemos encontrarle,\nno parece estar en Irlanda.\nAsí que hemos hablado\ncon su representante\npara tratar\nde averiguar donde está\ny de algún modo,\nhe acabado en Essex, Inglaterra.\nAquí es está.\n¿Qué pasa, hermano?\nNada, tío.\nPor fin te encontramos, hermano.\n\nFrench: \nest à Londres ?\nPour la musique.\nAh bon ?\nTu vois, tout est mieux à Londres.\nl’Irlande est un peu lente.\nQuand j’ai vu ton nom plusieurs fois\nje suis allé regarder tes vidéos.\nT’avais l’air d’un gars\nqui venait d’où je viens.\nOuais, faut rester sur des trucs\nque les gens aiment entendre.\nLes gens à Londres\naiment l’accent british, donc bon,\nJe le prends dans les chansons\npour qu’ils puissent s’identifier.\nOn dit que j’ai un accent frais,\npas tout à fait british\npas tout à fait africain\nc’est genre, mixte.\nQu’est-ce que\nta musique dit sur toi ?\nJe suis un agité.\nTrès en colère et agité.\nPourquoi ? D’où ça te vient ?\nLà d’où je viens,\nl’environnement était dur.\nQuand je suis au studio,\nJe peux exprimer\ntoutes mes émotions dans une chanson.\nJe sors toute ma colère au grand jour\nJe sens pas vraiment le besoin\nde lâcher ma colère dans la rue\n\nItalian: \na Londra?\nMusica.\nMusica?\nI concerti, è tutto meglio a Londra.\nL’Irlanda è un po’ lenta.\nDopo averti sentito nominare\nun po’ di volte\nsono andato a vedere i tuoi video.\nSembri uno che viene\nda dove vengo io.\nSì, devi continuare a fare cose\nche alla gente piace ascoltare.\nAlla gente di Londra piace\nl’accento inglese, quindi, sai,\nio lo metto nelle canzoni\ncosì ci si riconoscono ancora meglio.\nLa gente dice che ho un\naccento fresco,\ntipo, che non suona\ndel tutto inglese,\nma neanche del tutto africano,\nè, tipo, mescolato.\nCosa dice di te la tua musica,\nsecondo te?\nChe sono una persona nervosa.\nSono uno arrabbiato, nervoso.\nDa dove viene,\nperché ti vedi così?\nDa dove vengo io, c’era\nun ambiente duro.\nQuando vado in studio,\nposso esprimere tutte le mie\nemozioni sulla traccia.\nSfogare tutta la rabbia.\nNon sento più il bisogno di tirare\nfuori la rabbia in strada così.\n\nSpanish: \n¿Qué hace el drilero irlandés\nmás famoso en Londres?\nMúsica.\n¿Sí?\nConciertos, todo es mejor en Londres.\nEn Irlanda todo es muy lento.\nCuando oí\ntu nombre un par de veces\nfui a ver tus vídeos.\nTienes un acento de alguien\nde Inglaterra cuando cantas.\nSí, tienes que hacer\nlo que a la gente le guste escuchar.\nA la gente de Londres\nle gusta el acento británico,\nasí que cuando hago canciones,\nrapeo con ese acento,\npara que se sientan\nmás identificados.\nLa gente dice que tengo\nun acento nuevo,\nque no es ni completamente británico\nni completamente africano.\nEs una mezcla.\n¿Qué crees que tu música dice de ti?\nSoy muy nervioso.\nSoy una persona enfadada y nerviosa.\n¿Por qué te sientes así?\nDe donde vengo,\nla vida es dura.\nCuando voy al estudio,\npuedo expresar\nmis emociones en una pista.\nSaco todo mi enfado.\nNo creo que haya\nque sacar ese enfado a la calle.\n\nDutch: \nin Londen?\nMuziek.\nJa?\nShows, alles is beter in Londen.\nIerland is een beetje traag.\nToen je naam een paar keer\nnaar boven kwam...\nging ik je video’s bekijken.\nJe klonk als iemand die\nuit dezelfde omgeving kwam als ik.\nJa, je moet iets blijven doen wat\nmensen willen horen.\nMensen uit Londen houden\nvan het Britse accent, weet je...\nDus ik neem dat accent aan\nin mijn nummers...\nzodat ze zich er nog meer\nin kunnen verplaatsen.\nMensen zeggen dat ik\neen fris accent heb.\nHet klinkt niet helemaal Brits...\nmaar ook niet helemaal Afrikaans...\neerder een soort mix.\nWat vind je dat je muziek\nover jouzelf zegt?\nIk ben best opvliegerig...\nen heel boos van mezelf.\nWaar komt dat vandaan,\nwaarom voel je je zo?\nIk kom uit een moeilijk milieu.\nAls ik de studio in ga...\nkan ik mezelf volledig uiten\nin mijn nummers.\nAl mijn woede komt er dan uit.\nIk vind niet dat ik die woede\nop straat zou moeten uiten.\n\nGerman: \nin London?\nMusik.\nJa?\nShows. Alles ist besser in London.\nIrland ist ein bisschen langsam.\nAls dein Name\nein paar Mal auftauchte,\nhabe ich mir deine Videos angeguckt.\nDu klangst wie jemand, der\naus meiner Ecke stammt.\nJa, du musst dich an das halten,\nwas die Leute hören wollen.\nDie Leute in London mögen\nden britischen Akzent, weißt du,\nich streife ihn über und mache ihn\nin den Songs,\ndamit sie noch besser\nnachempfinden können.\nDie Leute sagen, dass\nich einen freshen Akzent habe,\nalso er klingt nicht\nrichtig britisch,\nklingt nicht richtig afrikanisch.\nEr ist gemischt.\nWas würdest du sagen, sagt deine\nMusik über dich?\nIch bin ein angespannter Mensch.\nIch bin ein sehr wütender,\nangespannter Mensch.\nWoher kommt das?\nWarum fühlst du dich so?\nWo ich herkomme,\nwar das Umfeld hart.\nWenn ich ins Studio gehe,\nkann ich alle meine Gefühle\nin einen Track stecken.\nIch lasse einfach meine\nganze Wut raus.\nIch habe nicht das Gefühl, diese Wut\nauf die Straße bringen zu müssen.\n\nSpanish: \nEn todo el tiempo que he estado\nsiguiendo la música \"drill,\"\ndesde Chicago hasta Reino Unido,\neres probablemente\nel que tiene el \"flow\" más único.\n¿De dónde te viene?\nPracticaba todos los días\ncómo separar las bases,\no las palabras, cómo separarlas,\nen dos sílabas, en tres,\ny las separaba\no le daba un \"flow\" más rápido.\nEl \"flow\" de Mr Affiliates\nme llevó más tiempo.\n““How many affiliates got to give\nblood for their benefits?”\n“I don’t know, bro, huh, irrelevent”.\n\"Fendi bop, finna bop elegant\"\n\"Sexy yeah, but she love manifest\"\n“Just give her the simple\nGnash and Dennis Menace”\n\"Pipe, fill melanin up.\"\n“Bars At The Sesh” es uno\nde tus temas que se hizo viral.\n¿Cómo fue?\nFue una locura\nporque yo era un niño.\nTenía 17 años\ny mi día a día era salir por ahí,\njugar al \"kickball\"\no ir al cine o así.\nUn día hice un “freestyle”\ny cuando me desperté\nse había hecho viral.\nBajé las escaleras\ncorriendo como loco,\ngritando por el vecindario:\n\nDutch: \nVan alles wat ik van\ndrill heb gevolgd...\nvan Chicago tot\nin het Verenigd Koninkrijk...\nheb jij waarschijnlijk de uniekste\nflow die ik ooit heb gezien.\nWaar komt die vandaan?\nIk oefen elke dag,\nhoe ik flows af kan breken...\nzelfs woord voor woord...\ntwee lettergrepen, drie lettergrepen,\nen dan afbreken...\nof ik maak de flow wat opzwepender.\nEn wat The Affiliates betreft...\nkostte het veel tijd om\ndat nummer alleen al te schrijven.\n“How many affiliates got to give\nblood for their benefits?”\nI don’t know, bro, huh, irrelevent.”\nFendi bop, finna bop elegant.\nSexy yeah, but she love manifest.\nJust give her the simple\nGnash and Dennis Menace.\nPipe, fill melanin up.\nBars At The Sesh, dat was een...\nclip die heel hard ging...\nen een groot\nviralmoment voor je werd.\nHoe is dat?\nHet was gestoord,\nwant ik was nog een kind.\nIk was pas 17...\nen mijn leven bestond gewoon uit\nuitgaan...\nkickball spelen...\nof naar de film gaan of zo.\nEen dag nadat ik het\nuit had gebracht...\nwerd ik wakker en was het\nviral gegaan.\nIk rende naar beneden,\nwerd helemaal gek...\nen riep op straat:\n\nItalian: \nDi tutta la musica drill che\nho ascoltato e seguito,\nda Chicago al Regno Unito,\ntu hai probabilmente il flow più\noriginale che abbia mai sentito.\nDa dove salta fuori?\nOgni giorno mi allenavo a\nsmontare i flow,\nanche le parole, spezzandole,\ntipo due sillabe, tre sillabe,\npoi le taglio\no rendo il flow un po’ più nervoso.\nPoi il flow, The Affiliates,\nc’è voluto un sacco di tempo per\nscrivere quella canzone.\n“Quanti affiliati devono dare il\nsangue per i benefit?\nNon so, bro, irrilevante.”\nFlow Fendi, il mio flow è elegante\nSexy sì, ma lei ama farsi vedere\nDalle roba semplice,\nGnasher e Dennis la Minaccia\nLa pipa, riempila di melanina\nBars At The Sesh è stato uno\ndei video che hanno girato di più\ned è diventato una\ngrande hit virale per te.\nCom’è stato?\nÈ stato pazzesco perché ero ancora\nsolo un ragazzino.\nAvevo solo 17 anni\ne sai, la mia vita normale\nera uscire\ngiocare a calcio\no andare al cinema, roba così.\nUn giorno, dopo aver fatto uscire\nil freestyle, mi sveglio e vedo\nche è diventato virale.\nCorro giù, faccio il pazzo in casa,\nmi metto a urlare per strada,\n\nFrench: \nDepuis que je suis le drill\nde Chicago jusqu’à l’Angleterre,\nt’as sûrement le flow le plus unique.\nÇa vient d’où ?\nTous les jours,\nje pratiquais les transitions\nmême les mots, je les divise,\nen deux syllabes,\ntrois syllabes, et je les coupe\nou je rends le rythme\nun peu saccadé.\nLe rythme de “The Affiliates”,\nça a mis beaucoup de temps\nrien que pour faire la chanson.\nCombien d’affiliés donnent leur sang\npour leur bien ?\nJ’sais pas, frère,\nheu, pas de rapport\nFendi bop, j’trouve le bop élégant\nSexy, grosse,\nmais elle aime le montrer\nDonne lui simplement\nGnash et Dennis Menace,\ndu foutre, envoie la mélanine.\n“Bars At The Sesh”,\nc’est vraiment l’un des clips\nqui a bien tourné,\nça a vraiment fait le buzz.\nC’était comment ?\nC’était dingue\nparce que j’étais encore un gamin.\nJ’avais juste 17\nMon quotidien, c’était sortir\njouer au ballon\naller au ciné ou un truc du genre.\nJ’ai publié le freestyle\net le lendemain, je me réveille,\net je vois que ça a fait le buzz.\nJ’ai couru en bas,\nje suis devenu ouf dans la maison\nhurlant dans mon quartier\n\nGerman: \nIch verfolge Drill schon so lange,\nvon Chicago bis Großbritannien,\nund du hast den wohl einzigartigsten\nFlow, den ich je gesehen habe.\nWo kommt das her?\nJeden Tag habe ich geübt,\nwie man Flows aufteilt,\nsogar die einzelnen Worte aufteilt,\nzwei Silben, drei Silben\nund ich teile sie auf\noder mache den Flow ein\nbisschen sprunghaft.\nDann der Flow, The Affiliates,\nes hat lange gedauert, überhaupt\ndiesen Song zu machen.\n“How many affiliates got to give\nblood for their benefits?\nI don’t know, bro, huh, irrelevent.\nFendi bop, finna bop elegant\nSexy yeah, but she love manifest\nJust give her the simple\nGnash and Dennis Menace\nPipe, fill melanin up.”\nBars At The Sesh, das war einer der\nClips, die richtig rundgingen\nund ein fetter viraler Moment\nfür dich wurden.\nWie war das?\nEs war abgefahren, weil ich\nnoch ein Kid war.\nIch war nur 17\nund mein normales Leben war\neinfach, rauszugehen\nFußball zu spielen\noder ins Kino zu gehen oder so.\nEinen Tag, nachdem ich den\nFreestyle rausgebracht habe, sah ich,\ndass er viral gegangen war.\nIch rannte nach unten, und drehte\ndurch im Haus,\nschrie in meine Nachbarschaft\n\nItalian: \n“Ho sfondato, ho sfondato,\nho sfondato.”\nErano tutti molto sorpresi\nperché nessuno credeva in me\nfino a quel punto.\n- Nessuno credeva in te?\n- Assolutamente nessuno.\nE come ti faceva sentire?\nMi motiva.\nCrescendo in quartiere,\nsenti così tanta energia negativa\ne vuoi fare cose positive per far\nvedere agli altri che si sbagliano.\nSono tornato in Irlanda ora\nperché il mio amico, INK, fa un\nconcerto nella sua città\ne mi ha scritto per beccarci in uno\nstudio di tatuaggi.\nMi faccio fare un 86\nin faccia, adesso.\n- Proprio adesso?\n- Sì.\nSpesso quando sento di qualcuno\nche si fa fare un tatuaggio spontaneo\ndi solito è in un posto\ndove non si vede.\nLui invece va fino in fondo subito\nper rappresentare la 86.\n\nSpanish: \n“Lo he petado,\nlo he petado, lo he petado”.\nTodo el mundo se sorprendió\nporque nadie creía en mí.\n-¿Nadie?\n-Ni una sola persona.\n¿Y qué sentiste?\nMe motivó mucho.\nSiendo de barrio,\nhay mucha energía negativa\ny quieres hacer cosas positivas para\ndemostrarles que se equivocan.\nHe vuelto a Irlanda\nporque mi colega, INK,\ntiene un concierto en su ciudad\ny me ha escrito para quedar\nen un estudio de tatuajes.\nMe estoy tatuando un 86 en la cara.\n-¿Ahora mismo?\n-Sí.\nMuchas veces, cuando alguien\nse hace un tatuaje espontáneo,\nse lo hace en un lugar que no se vea.\nPero él se lo está haciendo\nen la cabeza.\n\nFrench: \n“ça a marché, ça a marché”\nTout le monde était très surpris\nparce que personne\ncroyait vraiment en moi.\n- Personne croyait en toi ?\n- Pas du tout.\nComment tu t’es senti ?\nÇa m’a motivé.\nDans le quartier,\nil y a tellement d’énergie négative\nça donne envie de faire du positif\njuste pour prouver le contraire.\nJe suis retourné en Irlande\nparce que INK fait un spectacle\ndans sa ville natale\net il m’a donné rendez-vous\nchez un tatoueur.\nJe me fais un tatouage 86\nsur le visage maintenant\n- Maintenant ?\n- Ouais.\nQuand quelqu’un se fait\nun tatouage sur un coup de tête\nEn général, c’est à un endroit\nqu’on ne peut pas voir.\nIl représente à fond 86 maintenant.\n\nGerman: \n“Ich hab’s geschafft,\nich hab’s geschafft!”\nAlle waren sehr überrascht,\nweil niemand wirklich\nan mich geglaubt hatte.\n- Niemand hat an dich geglaubt?\n- Nein, überhaupt nicht.\nWie hat sich das angefühlt?\nEs motiviert mich.\nIn der Hood aufzuwachsen,\nda gibt es einfach so viel\nnegative Energie\nund du willst etwas Positives machen,\num Leute eines Besseren zu belehren.\nIch bin jetzt wieder zurück\nin Irland,\nweil INK eine Show\nin seiner Heimatstadt hat\nund er hat mir geschrieben, dass ich\nihn im Tattoostudio treffen soll.\nIch lasse mir jetzt hier ein 86\nGesichtstattoo machen.\n- Jetzt sofort?\n- Ja.\nMeistens, wenn sich jemand\nein spontanes Tattoo stechen lässt,\nist das in der Regel ein Ort, an dem\ndu es nicht sehen kannst.\nEr repräsentiert es jetzt\nso krass, wie es nur geht.\n\nDutch: \n“Wat heb ik gedaan?”\nIedereen was heel verrast...\nwant niemand geloofde zo in me.\nNiemand geloofde in je?\n-Niemand nee.\nHoe voelde dat?\nHet motiveert me.\nIn de buurt heerst gewoon\nzoveel negatieve energie...\ndus je wilt iets positiefs doen om\ndaartegenin te gaan.\nIk ben terug naar Ierland gegaan...\nomdat INK een show\nin zijn thuisstad heeft...\nen hij me gevraagd heeft om af te\nspreken bij een tatoeëerder.\nIk ga nu een tattoo van 86 Gang\nlaten zetten in mijn gezicht.\nNu?\n-Ja.\nWanneer iemand spontaan een tatoeage\nneemt, gebeurt dat volgens mij...\nmeestal op een plek is waar je\nhet niet zo goed kunt zien.\nMaar hij representeert 86 gewoon\nzo op zijn voorhoofd.\n\nSpanish: \n¿Cuál crees que es\nel futuro del drill irlandés?\nAl principio no había\nningún género popular en Irlanda.\nEl drill es superpopular ahora mismo.\nEl drill irlandés\nes diferente del drill inglés.\nCreo que eso va a cambiar.\nCreo que se va a volver más popular\nincluso que el drill inglés.\nEstos conciertos demuestran\nque es el comienzo de algo.\n¿Sabes lo que te quiero decir?\nAsí empezaron en América,\nasí empezaron en Reino Unido,\nasí empezó todo el mundo,\npor algún lugar.\nEs el comienzo.\n“Bad Intentions”, ¿no?\nMención especial para BL@CKBOX.\n¡Vamos a por ello!\n“Crank that knives, yeah\nman can’t mend it”\n“Stab him in the face with a shank\nand bend it”\n\"All of my gang got bad intentions\"\n“Hit him with a shiv\nmans splash him, drench him”\n\"Snap off the blade man\"\nGrab that wap then mash up the place\n\"See him in public, gash up his face\"\n\"Doing up work in council flats\"\n“And it’s back to the bando\ncounting stacks”\n“Got weed yeah, box to the finest”.\nSiempre he querido ser rapero,\n¿sabes?\nSiempre he querido hacer trap.\nMe gustaría que también\ntuviéramos una escena musical.\nLo que ocurre ahora\nes que se nos abren muchas puertas.\n\nDutch: \nHoe denk je dat de toekomst van\nIerse drill eruitziet?\nEerst was er in Ierland qua muziek\nniet echt iets dat zo populair was...\nmaar drill is momenteel gigantisch.\nIerse drill is anders\ndan Engelse drill.\nIk denk dat het nog anders wordt...\nmisschien mainstreamer wordt\nen groter dan Engelse drill.\nDit soort shows staan voor\nhet begin van iets nieuws.\nDit is hoe Amerika begon...\nhoe het Verenigd Koninkrijk begon...\nhoe iedereen begon, ze moesten\nergens mee beginnen.\nDit is het begin.\nBad Intentions, ja?\nShout-out naar BL@CKBOX.\nLet’s do this f*cking thing, ja?\nCrank that knives, yeah\nman can’t mend it.\nStab him in the face with a shank\nand bend it.\nAll of my gang got bad intentions.\nHit him with a shiv\nmans splash him, drench him.\nSnap off the blade man.\nGrab that wap then mash up the place.\nSee him in public, gash up his face.\nDoing up work in council flats.\nAnd it’s back to the bando\ncounting stacks.\nGot weed yeah, box to the finest.\nVroeger wilde ik altijd al\nrapper worden, weet je.\nIk wilde altijd al rapmuziek maken.\nIk wil dat we ook\nonze eigen muziekscene hebben...\nen die begint nu te ontstaan:\nalle deuren beginnen zich nu\nvoor ons te openen.\n\nGerman: \nWo liegt die Zukunft von\nIrish Drill?\nEs gab so was noch nicht, dass\nMusik so populär in Irland ist.\nDrill ist gerade riesig.\nIrish Drill ist anders\nals English Drill.\nIch glaube, dass es\nanders wird,\nIch glaube, dass es Mainstream werden\nkönnte, größer als English Drill.\nDiese Art von Shows bedeuten\nden Start von etwas Neuem.\nWeißt du, was ich meine?\nDas ist, wo Amerika\nangefangen hat,\nwo Großbritannien\nangefangen hat,\nwo alle angefangen haben.\nSie mussten irgendwo anfangen.\nDas ist der Anfang.\nBad Intentions, ja?\nShout out an BL@CKBOX.\nLet’s do this f**king thing, yeah?\n“Crank that knives, yeah\nman can’t mend it\nStab him in the face with a shank\nand bend it\nAll of my gang got bad intentions\nHit him with a shiv\nmans splash him, drench him\nSnap off the blade man\nGrab that wap then mash up the place\nSee him in public, gash up his face\nDoing up work in council flats\nAnd it’s back to the bando\ncounting stacks\nGot weed yeah, box to the finest.”\nIch wollte immer ein Rapper sein,\nals ich aufwuchs, weißt du?\nIch wollte immer Rap machen.\nIch will einfach, dass wir\nauch eine Musikszene haben,\nwas jetzt langsam passiert,\nAlles fängt an, sich\nfür uns zu öffnen.\n\nFrench: \nComment tu vois\nle futur du drill irlandais ?\nC’était pas hyper populaire\nau début en Irlande.\nMaintenant, le drill\nest un truc énorme.\nLe drill irlandais\nn’est pas comme le drill anglais.\nJe crois que ça va\nprendre une autre forme,\nJ’pense que ça pourrait devenir\nplus accessible que le drill anglais.\nCe genre de spectacles\nannonce le début d’un truc nouveau.\nTu sais ce que ça veut dire ?\nC’est là où\nles Américains ont commencé,\noù le Royaume-Uni a commencé,\noù tout le monde a commencé,\nil faut bien commencer quelque part.\nC’est le début.\nMauvaises intentions, hein ?\nAppelez BL@CKBOX\nOn va faire ce putain de truc, ok?\nPrépare ton couteau, ouais\non peut pas y échapper\nfrappe le au visage avec ton schlass\net tords le\ntout mon gang\na de mauvaises intentions\nFrappe le avec un schlass\ndéfonce le, arrose le\nArrache ta lame man\nPrends ton flingue\net fous le bordel\nVa le voir en public,\nentaille sa tronche\nFais ton job au HLM\nRetour au taudis\nà compter les tas de billets\nJ’ai trouvé d’la weed\nmeilleure qualité\nJ’ai toujours voulu être un rappeur\nJ’ai toujours voulu faire du rap.\nJe veux juste\nqu’on ait aussi une scène musicale,\nce qui se met en place,\ntout commence à s’ouvrir pour nous.\n\nItalian: \nChe futuro vedi per\nla drill irlandese?\nAll’inizio non c’era una musica\ncosì popolare in Irlanda.\nLa drill è una cosa gigante ora.\nLa drill irlandese è diversa\nda quella inglese.\nPenso che diventerà diversa,\nmagari potrebbe diventare mainstream,\nanche più della drill inglese.\nQuesto tipo di concerti segnano\nl’inizio di qualcosa di diverso.\nCapisci cosa intendo?\nÈ stato l’inizio in America,\nlo è stato in UK,\ntutti hanno iniziato così,\ndovevano iniziare da qualcosa.\nQuesto è l’inizio.\nBad Intentions, ok?\nBella per BL@CKBOX.\nFacciamo sta c***o di roba!\nTirate fuori le lame, sì,\nlui non si può difendere\nPugnalalo in faccia con un\ncoltello e poi piegalo\nTutta la mia gang\nha cattive intenzioni\nLamalo, fallo sanguinare,\ndissangualo\nStacca la lama, man\nPrendi il ferro e distruggi il posto\nSe lo vedi per strada,\ntagliagli la faccia\nLavoro un sacco nei palazzi\nE torniamo alla bando\na contarli\nHo l’erba sì,\nun chilo della migliore.\nHo sempre voluto fare il rapper, sai?\nHo sempre voluto fare musica rap.\nVorrei solo che qua ci\nfosse una scena anche per noi,\ncosa che sta succedendo adesso,\ntutto si sta iniziando\nad aprire per noi.\n\nItalian: \nIl mio viaggio qui è stato breve,\nma penso di aver visto una\nbella fotografia\ndi un movimento appena nato.\nE sì, magari stanno ancora\nimparando a camminare\ne magari sono un po’\nnell’ombra di Londra,\nma sono pieni di entusiasmo\ne ambizione\ne in INK hanno un padrino\nche è determinato a\nfar entrare l’irlandesità\nnella scena drill,\nnon importa cosa dicono gli hater.\nCogliamo questa opportunità\ne mettiamo l’Irlanda sulla mappa.\n\nDutch: \nMijn reis heeft niet lang geduurd...\nmaar ik heb het idee dat ik\neen goed beeld heb gekregen...\nvan een beweging die nog\nin zijn kinderschoenen staat.\nEn misschien zijn ze\nnog wat zoekende...\nen hebben ze nog veel ontzag\nvoor Londen...\nmaar aan enthousiasme\nen ambitie geen gebrek...\nen in INK hebben ze een leider...\ndie vastberaden is om de drillscene\nvan wat Iersheid te voorzien...\nongeacht wat anderen ervan vinden.\nMaak gebruik van de gelegenheid...\nen zet Ierland op de kaart.\n\nFrench: \nMon voyage a été court,\nmais j’ai vraiment l’impression\nd’avoir un bon aperçu\nd’un mouvement en maturité.\nEt ouais,\npeut-être qu’ils se cherchent\npeut-être qu’ils sont un peu\nen admiration sur Londres,\nmais ils sont\nplein d’enthousiasme et d’ambition\net avec INK,\nils ont trouvé un parrain\ndéterminé à greffer\nun peu d’irlandais\nsur la scène drill,\nquoi qu’en disent les autres.\nSaisis ta chance\net met l’Irlande sur la carte.\n\nSpanish: \nMi viaje ha sido breve,\npero creo que\nme llevo un buen retrato\nde un movimiento\nque da sus primeros pasos.\nY quizás todavía tienen\nque encontrarse\ny quizás están un poco\nimpresionados con Londres,\npero hay muchas ganas y ambición\ny en INK, tienen un padrino\nque está dispuesto\na dejar su huella irlandesa\nen el drill,\ndigan lo que digan sus enemigos.\nAprovecha esta oportunidad\ny pon a Irlanda en el mapa.\n\nGerman: \nMeine Zeit hier war kurz,\naber ich habe das Gefühl,\neinen guten Blick\nauf eine neue Bewegung\nbekommen zu haben.\nUnd ja, sie entwickeln\nerst noch ihr Selbstbewusstsein\nund haben etwas\nEhrfurcht vor London,\naber es ist voller Enthusiasmus\nund Ambitionen\nund in INK haben sie einen Paten,\nder sich in den Kopf gesetzt\nhat, der Drill-Szene,\neinen irischen Stempel aufzudrücken,\negal was die anderen sagen.\nPack die Gelegenheit\nund hau Irland auf die Karte.\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "The following content is\nprovided under a Creative\nCommons license.\nYour support will help\nMIT OpenCourseWare\ncontinue to offer high quality\neducational resources for free.\nTo make a donation or\nview additional materials\nfrom hundreds of MIT courses,\nvisit MIT OpenCourseWare\nat ocw.mit.edu.\nPROFESSOR: So let's get ready.\nIf good, you should\nreceive some handouts.\nSo the TAs are walking around,\nso you should slowly get those.\nThis is the second\nlecture on number theory,\nand we're going to cover\nfor a lot of stuff.\nAnd actually, we're\ngoing to start\nwith encryption, which is an\napplication of number theory.\nAnd we'll take that as a theme\nthroughout the whole lecture.\nAnd so, in this way, you can\nsee how useful number theory is.\nNow, encryption--\nyeah, what is it?\nSo let's first talk\nabout it a little bit.\nMaybe some of you\nhave heard about it.\nCryptology in general is the\nart of hiding information.\nAnd encryption is\na very useful tool.\nI'll only give a very\nhigh level overview.\nI mean, if you really want\nto know more about this,\nyou should do a class in\ncrypto, or practical security.\nSo what's encryption?\nThe idea is usually\nthat, beforehand, we're\ngoing to share a\nwhole bunch of keys.\nSo keys are exchanged between\na receiver and a sender.\nAnd the whole idea is that\nif I want to transmit, like,\na message to one\nof you, well, there\ncould be someone\nin the middle who\nwants to intercept\nmy message, and wants\nto find out what I'm saying.\nSo I do not like this.\nAnd in order to avoid it,\nI will use encryption,\nwhich is some kind of algorithm\nthat actually transforms\nmy message m-- my plain\nmessage-- by using\nsome kind of algorithm, E.\nSome encryption algorithm--\nit can be a function as\nwell-- that uses the keys\nin order to transform this\ninto an encryption, which\nwe call m prime here.\nSo the plain text is, in the\nclear, all the information\nthat I want to convey to\none of you, for example.\nAnd m prime is somehow\na complete-- well,\na mixture of bits,\nout of which I'm not\nable to distill any information\nabout the plain text.\nSo encryption to a very\nspecial kind of thing.\nWe're not going to talk about\nthe precise definitions here,\nbut we just take the\nID into this lecture.\nNow, decryption is transforming\nthe cypher text back\ninto the plain text.\nSo we will start with\nthe encryption, m prime,\nand we have some kind\nof decryption algorithm.\nAnd again, we can make use\nof the keys we exchanged.\nAnd we transform it back\ninto the plain message.\nSo only if I know the\nkeys, I can actually\ntransform back the encrypted\nversion into the plain version.\nSo in encryption schemes we\nlike both these algorithms\nto be is really efficient.\nAnd the security of such a\nscheme-- well, the first kind\nof intuition that\nwe can get is well,\nif I'm a man in the\nmiddle somewhere,\nintercepting an encrypted\nmessage-- m prime--\nI should not be able to\nget any information about m\nif I have no knowledge\nabout those keys.\nSo this is the\nexample that we're\ngoing to take throughout\nthis whole lecture.\nSo let's start with a\nfirst possible scheme.\nTuring, who lived around\n1936-- he was 24 years old--\nand he lived to\nabout-- actually,\nI think he was about\n54 when he died.\nIn any case, Turing was the one\nwho first originally proposed\nto use number theory\nin cryptography.\nAnd before he joined the British\narmy, before the Second World\nWar, he actually\nproposed a scheme,\nbut it got never published.\nSo here in this\nclass, we are going\nto try to think about what\nhe could have thought about.\nSo we will have a\nfirst scheme, which\nwe will call Turing's\ncode, version number one.\nAnd the whole idea\nis that we're going\nto translate a message first\nof all into a prime number,\nbecause we want to use numbers.\nWe're here in\nnumber theory class,\nso we want to use some\ntricks with numbers in order\nto encrypt it.\nSo let's do this.\nSo for example, let's\ntake the word victory.\nWe can map this into an integer.\nFor example, we could\nsay, well, m is 22,\nwhere I map V to--\nbecause I know\nV is the 22nd letter in the\nalphabet, I just start with 22.\nI is the ninth letter in the\nalphabet, so I append 09.\nC is the third letter in the\nalphabet, I append 3-- 03.\nI continue like this\nand in end, over here\nI've mapped Y to\nthe 25th letter.\nBecause it's the 25th letter\nof alphabet, I write 25.\nIt turns out, I can just\nadd a couple of digits\nmore, if I specially\ncompute those.\nIn this case, I could\nadd 13, and then it\nchanges into a prime number.\nNow we are not going to\ntalk about why this is,\nand how this can\nbe done, and so on.\nBut it turns out that the\nprime numbers are densely\ndistributed over the integers,\nand it's really possible to,\njust with a few extra\ndigits-- by selecting them\nin a smart way-- to actually\ncreate a prime number.\nAnd also verify that it is a\nprime number very efficiently.\nSo it's very easy to compute--\nto translate such a word\ninto a prime number.\nSo this is how it all starts.\nAnd just like in an\nencryption scheme,\nbeforehand we are going\nto exchange a key.\nSo we exchange the secret\nprime in this example,\nwhich we call k.\nAnd the encryption\nis very simple.\nWe are just going to\nmultiply m with k.\nNow, you may wonder why this\nis such a fantastic idea.\nBut let's just bear with me.\nSo m is this first prime\nnumber, and we multiply it\nby a second prime\nnumber, and that's\ngoing to be our encryption.\nNow how do we decrypt?\nThat seems to be pretty\nstraightforward, right?\nHow do we do it?\nWe start off with m prime.\nI know we have exchanged\nthis secret prime k,\nso if I receive from\nyou this message--\nthis encrypted message--\nwell, I know the key, k.\nSo I just divide it by k.\nWell, which is m k\ndivided k, and I get m.\nSo that's pretty\nstraightforward.\nNow, as it turns out actually--\nand I'll write it up here,\nbecause we need it later-- that\nit's not so trivial to actually\njust give an m prime to\nfigure out what m is, or k.\nm prime is a product of two\nvery large prime numbers,\nand that turns out to be\na really hard problem.\nUp to now, nobody\nhas really been\nable to get a really efficient\nalgorithm to solve that.\nSo we may think this is secure.\nSo let me write it down\nIt's hard to factor\na product of two large primes.\nYou will actually\nneed this also,\nwhen we come to the final\nencryption scheme-- RSA\nthat we will discuss,\nwhich is widely used.\nBut something is\nwrong here, though.\nThis seems to be\ntoo simple, right?\nSo what can we do if\nwe have like, say,\nsuppose I intercept\ntwo encrypted messages.\nWhat can I do?\nSo suppose I have\na first message, m\nprime 1, which is the product\nof a first plain message\ntimes the key, k.\nAnd I have a second\nmessage that is\nencrypted by using the same\nkey, which is m 2 times k.\nDoes anybody have an idea\nwhat I could do here?\nAUDIENCE: Find the GCD and\nthat would give you the key.\nPROFESSOR: Yeah, you\ncould find the GCD\nof m 1 prime and m 2 prime.\nI've intercepted those two.\nNow, m 1 is a prime number.\nk is prime number, and\n2 is a prime number.\nk is a prime number\nhere, also, right?\nSo they're all relatively\nprime towards one another.\nThe GCD of these two-- well, the\ngreatest common divisor is k.\nSo just by calculating the GCD\nof the two encrypted messages,\nI'll be able to figure\nout what k is-- the key.\nWell, if I know\nthe key, then I can\ndo the decryption\nof any cypher text,\nany encryption of a message\nthat I can intercept.\nSo this is not secure.\nSo how can we change this?\nCan we create a different\nkind of encryption scheme?\nLet's do something\nmuch more difficult,\nand then we will get into\nmodular arithmetic and things\nlike that.\nSo let's do this.\nSo Turing's code,\nversion number two--\nwe try to do something much\nmore complicated than just\nmultiplying by prime.\nSo let's do the following.\nSo beforehand, we're\ngoing to exchange not only\na secret prime k, but we will\nalso exchange a public prime.\nSo we exchange-- by public\nwe mean that anybody\ncan see this prime.\nIt's common knowledge.\nA public prime p, and\nalso a secret prime k.\nLet's see whether\nthis would work.\nWe have encryption.\nWell, we're going to start\nout exactly the same way.\nFirst of all, I should tell you\nhow a message is represented.\nThe message is going to be\nrepresented as a number, m,\nin the range from 0, 1,\nall the way to p minus 1.\nAnd we will compute the\nencryption as follows.\nm is going to be the\nremainder of m times k,\nafter dividing out as many\nmultiples of p as possible.\nSo notice we do kind\nof the same thing.\nWe just multiply\nby k, but now we\njust take the remainder\nafter taking out\nas many multiples of p.\nWell, let's see whether\nwe can do the decryption.\nIt seems to be, like, a\nnext level of complexity.\nSo maybe that'll\nhelp us here, right?\nSo how will we do decryption?\nWell, somehow we would\nlike to divide by k.\nBut we cannot really\ndo that, right?\nThis does not make any sense.\nSo the decryption-- we\nhave no idea at this point\nhow to do this.\nAnd now we can get into\nmodular arithmetic,\nbecause it turns out that\nwe can sort of divide by k.\nThere exists what we call\nmultiplicative inverse\nof k modulo p.\nAnd I will explain all\nthose terminologies to you.\nAnd then we will be\nable to take m prime,\nand transform it back to m.\nSo we will be able to get a\nlot of this machinery going.\nSo let's find out\nhow this works.\nSo first of all, last time we\nsaw that we defined a and b\nto be relatively prime.\nSo let me repeat that.\nSo a and b are relatively\nprime if and only\nif-- that's how we define\nit-- if the GCD of a and b\nis equal to 1.\nAnd in last lecture\nand in the recitation,\nyou got a different\nproof, I think.\nAnd we proved that,\nactually, the GCD of a and b\nis equal to the smallest\npositive linear combination\nof a and b.\nSo that means that\none, in particular,\nis a linear\ncombination of a and b.\nSo there exists\nintegers-- s and t--\nsuch that s times a,\nplus t times b equals 1.\nIt turns out that it can\nalso go the other way around,\nbecause if I can write one as\na linear combination of a b,\nwell I cannot get much\nlower than that, right?\nSo that's really the smallest\npossible that I can achieve.\nSo the GCD must be equal to 1.\nSo this is a property\nthat we will be using.\nAnd from this property,\nwe can already figure out\nan interesting property.\nSo suppose we have a\nlinear combination that\nlooks like this.\nThen you can imagine\nthat, sort of,\nthat s times a is equal\nto 1, plus or minus\nsome linear multiple of b.\nSo it's sort of-- s times\na is sort of equal to 1,\nyou can say, up to\na multiple of b.\nSo you can see a sort\nof as an inverse of s.\nBecause s times a is\nequal to one, sort of.\nSo this is what we're going\nto use-- this kind of feeling.\nAnd in order to do that, we\nare going to define congruency.\nSo that's the first\ndefinition for this lecture.\nWe say x is congruent\nto y modulo n,\nif-- which we denote as\nfollows-- x with three bars,\ny in between brackets, mod n.\nAnd we say that this is\nthe case if n divides\nthe difference between x and y.\nSo let's have a look\nat some examples.\nSo let's take 31,\nand I would like\nto show to you that\nthis is congruent to 16\nmodulo, between brackets, 5.\nWhy is this?\nWell, I take the difference\nbetween 31 and 16, which is 15,\nand I know that 15 is 3 times\n5, so 5 divides this difference.\nAnd then by definition,\nwe can write it like this.\nAnd we say-- that's\nthe definition--\n31 is congruent to 16 modulo 5.\nAnother example is-- no, we\nwill stick with this example.\nIt's pretty clear.\nSo once we have defined this,\nwe can continue and talk\nabout this inverse that\nI was talking about.\nSo we like to, sort of, explain\nin this encryption scheme\nhow we can divide by k.\nActually, we would like to\nmultiply by an inverse of k.\nAnd we're going to\nuse this framework.\nSo we'll have a\nnew definition that\ntalks about the\nmultiplicative inverse.\nSo it's a new concept.\nAnd you'll give a\ncouple of examples.\nSo the multiplicative\ninverse of x modulo n\nis a number, which we\ndenote by x and then minus 1\non top of here.\nIt's a number in the interval 0,\n1, all the way up to n minus 1.\nSuch that x times\nx inverse-- so x\ntimes its\nmultiplicative inverse--\nis congruent to 1 modulo n.\nSo this is the definition\nfor a multiplicative inverse.\nSo let's have some examples.\nSo let's do that over here.\nFor example, we have that 2\ntimes 3-- which equals 6--\nis equal to 1 modulo 5.\nWhy is this?\nWell, 6 minus 1\nis divisible by 5,\nso I know is congruent\nto 1 modulo 5.\nSo what does this mean?\nWell, we can say\nthat two is actually\nequal to the multiplicative\ninverse of 3 modulo 5.\nWe can also say that write 3\nis the multiplicative inverse\nof 2 modulo 5.\nLet's have another example, just\nto make it a little bit more\nclear.\nWe know that 5\ntimes 5 equals 25,\nand this is\ncongruent to 1 modulo\n6, because 25 is\n1 plus 4 times 6.\nSo now we see something\nfunny happening,\nbecause 5 is actually equal to\nits own multiplicative inverse\nmodulo 6.\nSo are there any questions\nabout these concepts?\nBecause these are really\nbasic for the whole lecture,\nand this is what you really\nneed to understand if you do\nall the problem sets as well.\nAre there any questions?\nSo now we can\nactually start talking\nabout this second version of the\nTuring code that we invented.\nLet's have a look\nat this remainder.\nSo let's write it out again.\nThe remainder of m times\nk, after dividing out\nas many multiples of p.\nWell, we know that this is\ncongruent to m times k modulo\np.\nSo why is this?\nWell, we just apply the\ndefinition over here.\nWe take the difference\nbetween those two.\nSo here we have the\nremainder of m times k,\nafter dividing out as\nmany multiples of p.\nAnd if you subtract\nthat from m times k,\nwell then we have something\nthat is a multiple of p,\nbecause that's what\nwe divided out.\nSo the difference\nis a multiple of p,\nso that means that p\ndivides the difference.\nAnd that's the definition of\nsaying that this remainder is\ncongruent m k modulo p.\nSo this is kind of\ninteresting, because now we\ncan rewrite over there--\nwell, not really rewrite,\nbut we can use this to analyze\nthe encryption over here.\nSo m prime is equal\nto this remainder.\nAnd we get a\nbeautifully equation.\nWe see that the encryption is\ncongruent to the plain message,\ntimes the key modulo p.\nSo how do I do decryption?\nI can use the multiplicative\ninverse of k, right?\nSo then I can divide k out.\nSo let's write this out as well.\nSo suppose I have a\nmultiplicative inverse--\nk to the power minus 1-- that\nis congruent to 1 modulo p.\nWhy do I do this?\nWhy am I writing this out?\nBecause you will see\nthat it is not always\npossible to have a\nmultiplicative inverse.\nThat's going to be\nreally a big problem.\nAnd that's where all\nthese other functions\ncome in-- the Euler totient\nfunction and Euler's theorem,\nand so on.\nSo it's not really\nalways the case.\nWe'll give an\nexample in a moment.\nBut suppose that we have a\nmultiplicative inverse-- modulo\np-- well, then I'm\nable to easily compute.\nI take m prime, I multiply\nit with k inverse.\nWell, I'm substituting for\nm prime, m times k-- times\nk inverse.\nI still have this left.\nNow I can say that this\nis equal to 1 modulo p.\nSo this is equal, or is\ncongruent, to m modulo p.\nSo now we see how we\ncan do decryption.\nWe simply use the\nmultiplicative inverse of k.\nAnd as in the first\nTuring code, we\nare able to somehow\ndivide out-- so where\ndid I have it-- to divide out k.\nI did it very differently--\nI have a very different\nmathematical structure-- but the\nidea is, essentially, the same.\nI have a multiplicative\ninverse of k,\nand if I multiply this\nwith the encryption,\nI will get the plain\nmessage, modulo p.\nSo, am I finished\nnow is the question.\nWell, I know that m is in the\nrange of 0, 1, all the way up\nto p minus 1.\nSo this means that I\ncan also rewrite m as--\nand I use a similar trick\nas what I did over here--\nI can rewrite m as they\nremainder of m prime times k\ninverse, after dividing out as\nmany copies of p as possible.\nSo what we did here\nis to first prove\nthat the difference between\nthose two is a multiple of p.\nThat's essentially\nwhat congruent modulo p\nmeans-- that's the definition.\nSo now that I know that the\ndifference is a multiple of p,\nand if I know that m is actually\nin this range up to p minus 1,\nI can use what we\nlearned last lecture--\nand what the book was talking\nabout-- that the definition\nof the remainder of m prime\ntimes k inverse-- this thing--\nafter finding out\nas many copies of p,\nis exactly this plain message m.\nOK, so now we the decryption.\nSo this is decryption.\nAnd that sounds great.\nSo now, of course, we\nare wondering, well,\nif we can do this, can we also\nattack this scheme, right?\nCan we do something bad with it?\nWell, it can be used\nto break this code,\nbut in a slightly\nmore complicated way.\nSo let's see where I put that.\nRight, so what we are\ngoing to use, now-- so when\nwe talk about\nsecurity, and so on,\nyou can think of\nall kinds of ways\nto break an encryption scheme.\nSo we started out with,\nin the first version,\nwell, what if I just\nknow the encryption?\nAnd then, well, I cannot know\nanything about the plain text,\nsimply because I know that it's\nvery hard to factor a product\nof two large primes.\nThen I said, but suppose\nI know a little bit more\nas an adversary.\nSuppose I have a\nplain message together\nwith an encrypted message.\nWell, then I could\ndo this GCD trick\nand figure out and\nbreak the scheme.\nAnd now we're going to\ndo something similar.\nAnd we say, well, suppose that\nI do not know two encryptions,\nbut I know a plain message.\nAnd in corresponding,\nencrypted message.\nSo if I know such a pair,\nwhich is-- I mean, in practice,\nsuch type of information\nwill be leaked.\nThen in this case,\nI can break it.\nSo we call this the known\nthe plain text attack.\nAnd it assumes that we\nknow-- as an adversary,\nI know a message-- a plain\nmessage, m-- and also\nan encryption of this\nmessage, m prime.\nAnd m prime, according\nto this scheme,\nis the remainder of m times\nk, after the dividing out\nas many multiples\nof p as possible.\nNow, we saw-- now,\nsuppose I know these two.\nI'm going to show\nyou how to break it.\nSo let's have a look.\nThe encryption, m prime, is\ncongruent to m times k modulo\np.\nWe just proved it over here.\nAnd what do we know?\nWe know that p is\na public prime.\nI know p.\nSince it's a prime, I know that\nthe GCD of m and p equals 1.\nSo these two are\nrelatively prime.\nSo now if they are\nrelatively prime--\nand that's what\nwe wrote up here--\nwe know that there exists\nthis linear combination\nof, in this case, m and\np that is equal to 1.\nAnd this way we\ncan figure out how\nto compute the inverse-- the\nmultiplicative inverse of m.\nSo that's what\nwe're going to do.\nSo we can compute and the\nmultiplicative inverse, such\nthat m times m inverse is\ncongruent to 1 modulo p.\nSo now we can do the next step.\nSo what could I do next?\nSo let's see, if I\nhave such an inverse,\nthen I can take my\nencrypted message\nthat I have as an\nattacker, which is m prime.\nI know m, and\nsince p was public,\nI can compute this\nmultiplicative inverse.\nSo I could just\ncompute this product,\nand I know that this is actually\nequal to, well, k times m times\nm inverse.\nThis is again equal to--\ncongruent to 1 modulo p.\nSo this is equal to k modulo p.\nSo now, all of a sudden,\nI know k modulo p,\nbecause I know those two.\nSo if I know k, I can compute\nits multiplicative inverse.\nSo I can compute k\ninverse modulo p.\nAnd if I know k\ninverse, again, I\ncan use it to decrypt any\nother encrypted message\nthat I receive.\nSo for all future\nencrypted messages,\nI do not need anymore\nthe plain messages.\nI've already used-- just\nby using one plain message\nencryption pair, I have been\nable to compute the secret key,\nand the whole scheme is broken.\nSo security is kind of\nan interesting science.\nWe can always think\nof more tricks\nto break schemes, or\nother assumptions,\nthat we haven't\nthought about before.\nAnd so now, let's talk about--\nso what did we do here?\nWe have been talking about\nencryption-- these two schemes.\nWe talked about\nmodular arithmetic.\nWe talked about\ncongruence, and also\nthe multiplicative inverse.\nAnd we showed how to use that\nto break Turing's code, version\nnumber two.\nSo we need something\nmuch more fundamental\nin order to create a scheme\nthat is really secure.\nAnd that's what we're\ngoing to do now.\nWe're going to start off with\nEuler's totient function,\nand improve a related theorem.\nAnd with that we will be\nable to actually explain\nRSA algorithm, which is a\nfamous algorithm invented here\nat MIT in 1977, by Rivest,\nShamir, and Adleman.\nAnd they actually also\ngot the Turing Award\nfor this a few years ago.\nAnd it's widely\nused in practice.\nBut we will be able\nto actually explain\nthis algorithm with just this\nfundamental piece of number\ntheory.\nSo that's really exciting.\nSo let's do this.\nSo we're going to first define\nEuler's totient function.\nAnd it's related to this\nmultiplicative inverse.\nThis function is\ndenoted phi of n,\nand it denote the\nnumber of the integers\nin 1, 2, 3-- all the way\nup to n minus 1, that\nare relatively prime to n.\nSo this just drops out of\nthe air, you may think.\nBut this is a\nfundamental quantity,\nand Euler's theorem is what\nwe will try to prove next.\nBut let's give a\ncouple of examples\nabout this, just to\nsee how it works.\nSo for example, let's\ntake n to be equal to 12.\nWhat would be the value of\nEuler's totient function,\nevaluated for 12?\nSo if you take 12, we have the\nfollowing numbers to consider.\n1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,\n8, 9, 10,11, and 12.\nSo now, let's have a look.\nYou want to count\nthe integers that\nare relatively prime to 12.\nWell, 1 is relatively\nprime to 12.\nWhy is that?\nBecause to GCD of 12\nand 1 is equal to 1,\nand that's the definition\nof being relatively prime.\nSo this is a good number.\nThe GCD of 12 and 2, well\nboth are divisible by 2.\nSo they're not relatively\nprime, because the GCD\nis at least two.\nIn this case, equal to 2.\n3 also divides 12.\n4 divides 12.\n5 is relatively prime\nwith respect to 12.\n6 actually is\ndividing 12 as well.\n7 is relatively prime,\nand 11 over here as well.\nAnd all the others have\na greatest common divisor\nthat's larger than 1.\nSo here we see that the Euler's\ntotient function evaluated\nin 12 is equal to 4.\nThere are one, two,\nthree, four integers\nthat are relatively prime.\nOK, so let's have\na different one.\nSay, n equals 15.\nIt's little bit different,\nbecause here you\nmay think this is kind\nof coincidental that 1,\n5, 7, and 11 are\nactually, also, primes.\nBut for 15 it looks a\nlittle bit different.\nSo let's write out\nall the numbers.\nAgain, let's have a look.\nWell, one is the\ngreatest common divisor\nequal to 1, with respect to 15.\n2 is also relatively\nprime, with respect to 15.\n3 is dividing 15.\n4-- yeah, 4 and 15 have greatest\ncommon divisor equal to 1.\nSo that's relatively prime.\n5 is not.\n6 is not.\n7 is relatively prime.\n8-- again, this is only\ndivisible by power of 2,\nand this has no\npower of 2 in it.\n9, 10 are-- this one is\ndivisible by 5, divisible by 3.\n11 is, again, relatively prime.\nAnd then we have 13 is\nrelatively prime as well.\nAnd 14 as well, because\nthis is 2 times 7,\nand this is 3 times 5.\nSo how many do we see now?\n1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.\nSo the Euler's totient\nfunction evaluated in 15\nis actually equal to 8.\nNow, it turns out\nthat this function has\nreally nice properties,\nand you can easily\ncalculate-- if you know\nthe decomposition of n\ninto its primes, and\npowers of primes--\nyou can easily compute\nthis number, phi of n.\nNow, you will be able to\nfind this in the book.\nYou should read it.\nAnd also, problem\nset talks about this.\nBut for now, let's\njust talk about this\nis an abstract notion,\nbecause that's all\nthat we will use\nin this lecture.\nBut you will have\na few exercises\nto talk about computing\nthis kind of stuff.\nOK, so let's talk about Euler's\ntotient function and Euler's\ntheorem.\nSo let me use this blackboard.\nNow, this is really\nan exciting theorem.\nAnd it's a little\nbit hard to prove.\nSo why we'll need a little\nbit more time to do this.\nEuler's theorem\nsays the following.\nIf the GCD of n and\nk is equal to 1,\nthen k to the power [INAUDIBLE]\nthe Euler's totient function\nevaluated in n is actually\ncongruent to 1 modulo n.\nSo this is what we're\ngoing to prove here.\nSo why is this so interesting?\nWell, we'll talk about\nan application which\nis a direct consequence of\nthis theorem, which we'll\ncall Fermat's little theorem.\nAnd that, in turn, we will use\nto explain the RSA algorithm,\nand show how the decryption\nworks, and so on.\nSo how can we prove this?\nIt will start with\na first lemma,\nand then we're going to do a few\ntricks-- mathematical tricks,\nyou will see it.\nSo the first lemma\nis that if I know\nthat the GCD-- which is\nwhat we are assuming,\nthe statement of the theorum--\nif I know that the GCD of n\nand k equals 1, then I\nknow that and a times k--\nif a times k is congruent\nto b times k modulo n,\nthen this applies that a\nis congruent to b modulo n.\nAll this seems to be kind\nof a straightforward lemma.\nI will only talk\nabout its proof.\nSo how do we do it?\nWell, first of all, I know that\nthe GCD of n and k equals 1.\nSo that means that I can create\na multiplicative inverse,\nbecause I know that there's\nsuch a linear combination that\nwill ends up to 1.\nSo I have the\nmultiplicative inverse.\nI multiply both sides with\nthis, and then I will end up to,\na is congruent to b modulo n.\nAnd actually, you can\nuse some of the facts\non your sheet to prove this.\nAnd in the problem\nset, you probably\nhave seen that there\nare a number of problems\nrelated to this.\nSo you will recognize this,\nand prove a few of these things\nyourself.\nOK, so this is-- so let me see.\nSo let me see what\nwe have done here.\nActually, I noticed that\nI've missed one statement\nthat I would like to\nexplicitly mention.\nI mean, I've used\nit a few times.\nLet me do that first.\nWhich is that, we know that if\nthe GCD of n and k equals 1,\nthen-- this is if, and\nonly if, the case-- if k\nhas a multiplicative inverse--\nI've not yet explicitly stated\nit-- and we can\neasily see this--\nlet me just give a quick\nproof to show how this works.\nWell, if the GCD is\nequal to 1, then we\nuse the statement up there.\nSo this is if,\nand only if, there\nexists a linear combination.\nSo an s and a t, such that\nn times s plus k times t\nequals 1.\nWell, then I also know that\nthere exists a t such that,\nactually, the difference\nbetween 1 and k times t\nis divisible by n.\nSo n divides the difference\nof k times t minus 1.\nSo why is that?\nWell, if I look at the\ndifference between k times\nt and 1, the difference\nis n times s.\nAnd n times s is divisible by n.\nSo now, by the\ndefinition of congruence,\nI just apply the\ndefinition over here.\nWe have written it out here.\nWe can say that k times t\nis congruent to 1 modulo n.\nAnd this is the definition of\nthe multiplication inverse.\nSo we have essentially\nshown that if the greatest\ncommon divisors in\nany case equal to 1,\nthen it has a\nmultiplicative inverse.\nOK, we have been using\nthis property over\nhere because we assume that\nthe greatest common divisor is\nequal to 1.\nSo we now know that there exists\na multiplicative inverse of k.\nWe use that one to\nmultiply away, essentially,\nthe k out of this\nequation, and get\na is congruent to b modulo n.\nAlso note that we use\nthe property over here.\nWe said that we wanted to\ncompute, what was it again?\nOver here-- we started off\nwith the GCD of m and p\nto be equal to 1, and I know p.\nAnd now I can compute the\nmultiplicative inverse of m.\nAnd I should have\nsaid why it exists.\nAnd it exists\nbecause of that lemma\nthat I just mentioned up here.\nOK, so now let's go\nback to Euler's theorem.\nThis first lemma we are going\nto use to prove a second lemma,\nand that second\nlemma we can finally\nuse to prove the theorem.\nAll right, so this lemma I\nwill put on a separate board,\nbecause it contains quite\na number of steps to prove.\nSo the lemma states that, if we\nsuppose that the GCD of n and k\nequals 1-- so it's the same\nassumptions as before-- if it\nlets k1 all the way up to k r to\nbe those integers in the range\n1, 2, 3, and so\non, to n minus 1,\nthat are relatively\nprime-- so these denote\nthe integers relatively\nprime to n-- then\nwe can prove a very\ninteresting property.\nNow, notice by the\nway, that r in here\nis equal to this value of\nthe Euler's totient function\nevaluated in n.\nBecause this counts\nthe total number\nof numbers that are relatively\nprime with respect to n.\nSo now we can prove\nsomething really spectacular.\nWe can show that the\nset that contains\nall of these remainders--\nthe remainder of k 1 times k,\nafter dividing out this\nmany multiples of n\nas possible, all the way to\nthe remainder off k r times k,\nafter dividing out as many\nmultiples of n as possible,\nthis set is actually equal\nto the set k 1 up to k r.\nSo this is what\nwe're going to prove.\nAnd we'll do it in two steps.\nWe first show that this\nset has exactly r numbers.\nSo the cardinality of\nthat set is equal to r.\nSo that will be our\nfirst step in the proof.\nAnd over here we will show that\nevery remainder is actually\nrelatively prime to n, so\nit must be part of this set.\nSo we will show that this\nis a subset of this set\nin a second part of the proof.\nAnd combining those two, we\nare able to prove equality.\nWhy's that?\nWell I have r distinct\nelements in this set,\nI have r distinct elements\nin this set, this one\nis a subset of this.\nSo that can only happen\nif they are equal.\nSo this is the\nmethod for the proof.\nI should-- so we'll start\nwith the first part.\nAnd the way to do that is to\nsee whether it is possible\nthat any two remainders\nin that set, can they\nbe equal to one another?\nWe will show that\nthat's not possible.\nSo if it's not possible,\nthen all these remainders\nmust be different.\nAnd we have exactly r of those.\nSo let's do this.\nSo the proof for\n1 is as follows.\nLet's assume that we\nhe have to remainders.\nSay, k i times k, and a\nremainder k j times k,\nafter dividing out as\nmany multiples of n.\nAnd supposed that they\nare equal to one another.\nWe're going to show\nthat this can only\nhappen if k i is equal to k j.\nAnd if you can see\nthat, well then\nwe know that all these different\nremainders are actually\ndifferent from one another.\nAnd if they're all\ndifferent from one another,\nthen we must have exactly r.\nBecause we have k 1\nup to k r in here.\nOK let's see where\nwe can do this.\nWell, if you know that\nthese two remainders are\nequal to one another, we can\nlook at them with respect\nto these definitions over here.\nAnd we can show that k\ni times k is actually\ncongruent to k j\ntimes k modulo n.\nSo why is this?\nWell, these two\nremainders are the same.\nAnd k i times k is\nequal to this remainder,\nplus a multiple of n.\nThis k j times k is equal\nto this remainder plus,\na multiple of n.\nSo the difference between those\ntwo is also a multiple of n.\nAnd that's the\ndefinition of congruence.\nSo now we can use\nour first lemma,\nwhich is stated over here.\nWe know that we assumed\nin Euler's theorem\nthat the GCD of n\nand k is equal to 1.\nIf a times k is congruent\nto b times k modulo n,\nthen we know that's a is\ncongruent to b modulo n.\nSo let's apply it over\nhere, and take for a k\ni, and for b we can take k j.\nSo now we see that key k i\nis congruent to k j modulo n.\nAnd from this we will\nconclude-- and that\ntakes an extra step-- that k\ni is actually equal to k j.\nSo how can we do this?\nWell, we know that k i and k\nj are both in the range from 1\nall the way up to n minus 1.\nSo if I look at the\ndifference between those\ntwo-- so by definition\nof congruence\nI know that n divides\nk i minus k j.\nI know that this one is in the\nrange from 0 up to n minus 1.\nThis one is in the range\nof 0 up to n minus 1.\nThe only way how a difference\nof two numbers in this range\ncan be divisible by n, is if\nthis thing is equal to zero.\nAnd that means that\nk i equals k j.\nSo now we are done\nwith the first part,\nbecause we have shown\nthat if I take any two\nremainders over here it\nmust be that they can only\nbe equal to one another\nif, actually, the k i is\nequal to the k j.\nSo actually we're looking\nat the same remainder.\nSo they remainders in this\nset are all different,\nand there are\nexactly r of those.\nSo now we go to the\nsecond part of the proof.\nAnd notice that we\nare-- so far we've only\nbeen proving the second\nlemma, and we still\nneed to go to Euler's\ntheorem as well.\nSo it still takes a few steps.\nSo how do we do the second part?\nWell, we saw in last\nlecture that we were\nexplaining Euclid's algorithm.\nAnd we used, essentially,\nthis property.\nWe said that the greatest\ncommon divisor between n\nand the remainder of\nsay, k i times k and n,\nis actually equal to the\ngreatest common divisor of n\nand k i times k.\nSo why is this, again?\nWell, the remaining is\nactually equal to k i times k,\nminus a multiple of n, right?\nSo the greatest common\ndivisor is therefore--\nbetween n and this-- is the same\nas the greatest common divisor\nbetween n and k i times k.\nSo you should have to\nlook at last lecture.\nAnd now we are pretty much done.\nWhy is this?\nBecause we have assumed that\nthe greatest common divisor\nbetween n and k is equal to 1.\nAnd k i, in the\nstatement of the lemma,\nis relatively prime to n.\nAnd that means, according to\nthe definition over there,\nthat the greatest common\ndivisor between k i and n\nis also equal to 1.\nSo we know that both\nthese greatest common\ndivisors are equal to 1.\nSo that means that there is\nno common divisor between n\nand these, except 1 of course.\nSo what does this say?\nWell, this means that\nthis remainder, according\nto our definition, is\nrelatively prime to n,\nbecause this greatest common\ndivisor is equal to 1.\nSo if it is an integer\nrelatively prime to n,\nthen it must be one\nof those k i's, k j's\nin this set that is\nstated in the lemma.\nSo this shows that it must be\npart of this set over here.\nSo if proven, the fact\n[? is ?] that the set of all\nthe remainders is a subset\nof the set k 1 of the k r.\nSo now we're done.\nSo now that we have shown\nthis particular lemma,\nwe can continue and\nprove Euler's theorem.\nAnd I'll probably need\nto wipe out some of this.\nSo let's use this lemma\nto prove this theorem.\nSo this is really a neat trick.\nSo the proof of Euler's\ntheorem is as follows.\nWe're going to take the product\nof all those k i's over there,\nand see where we can\nfind a nice relationship.\nSo we take k 1 times k\n2, all the way times k r.\nAnd we know, because those two\nsets are actually the same,\nthat this is equal\nto the remainder--\nthe first remainder--\nk 1 times k,\nafter dividing out as\nmany multiples of n.\nAnd we go all the way\nup to the final one,\nthe remainder of k r\ntimes k, dividing out\nas many multiples of n.\nSo now we can see that--\nwell, we've already\nshown that each of\nthose remainders\nis congruent to, in\nthis case, this one\nis congruent to k\n1 times k modulo n.\nAnd this one is congruent\nto k r times k modulo n.\nSo let's write it out.\nSo it's k 1 times k.\nAnd then we have k 2 times k.\nAnd finally we have\nk r times k modulo n.\nSo let's regroup those.\nWe see k 1, k 2, all the\nway up to k r reappearing.\nAnd we have a k here,\na k here, and we\nhave that r times--\nso we have times\nk to the power r modulo n.\nSo now we are able to, again,\nuse this particular lemma\nover here.\nSo what do we do?\nWell, we know that k 1\nis relatively prime to n.\nAnd k 2 is as well,\nall the way up to k r.\nSo this whole product is also\nrelatively prime, with respect\nto n.\nThat means that the\ngreatest common divisor\nof this whole product\nwith n is equal to 1.\nSo that means that I can\ndivide out this whole product.\nWe have-- so let's do this.\nWe have 1 times this product.\nWe take this for a,\nand we take this for b.\nAnd then we can divide\nthis whole thing out\naccording to this\nparticular lemma,\nby using the multiplicative\ninverse of that product.\nSo now we see that the 1 is\nequal to k to the power r\nmodulo n.\nAnd remember, in our\ntheorem, r over here\nin this lemma-- r is\nactually equal to the Euler's\ntotient function in n.\nSo now this equation\nproves the whole theorem.\nOK, so now I'm going\nto talk about RSA,\nwhich is the last part here.\nSo maybe you all\nwould like to have\na little break of a couple of\nminutes, just to relax a bit.\nAnd then-- and shake\nhands with your neighbors,\nand jump up in the\nair if you'd like to.\nAll right let's start\nwith the RSA algorithm.\nSo we have done everything\nup to this point.\nAnd we are actually-- we have\ndone these two over here.\nWe still have to talk about\nFermat's little theorem.\nBut then we can go for RSA,\nand it uses this consequence\nof Euler's theorem.\nSo Fermat's little\ntheorem is actually\ntalking about what happens\nif n is a prime number.\nIt says, well,\nsuppose p is a prime.\nAnd if you have k in the\nrange 1, 2, all the way up\nto p minus 1, then we\ncan conclude that k\nto the power of p minus 1\nis congruent to 1 modulo n.\nAnd we can directly prove\nthis by using Euler's theorem.\nSo how do we do this?\nWell, we know that p is prime.\nSo the numbers 1, 2, all\nthe way up to p minus 1,\nare actually\nrelatively prime to p.\nSo why is that?\nWell, p is prime.\nSo the greatest common divisor\nbetween any of those with p\nis equal to 1.\nThat's the definition\nof relatively prime.\nAnd we know that\nwe can now apply\nEuler's theorem\nover here, and see\nthat k to the power phi of\np is, of course, congruent\nto 1 modulo p.\nThat's Euler's theorem.\nBut now, since we know that\nthese are the exact ones that\nare relatively prime,\nwe can explicitly\ncompute the Euler's\ntotient function of p.\nBecause there are p\nminus 1 numbers that\nare relatively prime to p.\nSo that's the\ndefinition over here.\nSo the number of integers in\nthe range 1 up to p minus 1--\nthey're all relatively prime.\nSo we know that 5 p\nis equal to p minus 1.\nSo now we have shown that\nk to the power of p minus 1\nis congruent to 1 modulo k.\nThis is kind of interesting\nbecause we can use this theorem\nalso to compute the\nmultiplicative inverse of k,\nin this particular case.\nSo how do we do this?\nWe just take k,\nand we look at what\nhappens if you multiply k with\nk to the power of p minus 2.\nWell, this is equal to k to\nthe power p minus 1, which\nis congruent to 1 modulo p\naccording to Fermat's theorem.\nSo now, when we look\nat the definition\nof multiplicative\ninverse over here,\nwe see that k to\nthe power p minus 2\nis actually the\nmultiplicative inverse of k.\nSo k inverse is actually\nequal to k to the power\np minus 2 modulo k.\nAll right, so this theorem\nwe're going to use now\nin the description of RSA.\nAs I said, it was only\ndecades later, after Turing,\nRivest, Shamir, and Adleman\nwere the first to really show\nhow number theory\ncould be applied so\nsuccessfully in cryptography.\nAnd they essentially showed\nthe first public key encryption\nscheme in which a sender and\nreceiver do not necessarily\nhave to exchange a secret key.\nThat's not necessary.\nSo they had a public key method.\nAnd that's still used today,\nand it's a great inventions.\nSo how does the RSA work?\nAgain, we have to talk\nwith an encryption scheme\nabout what happens beforehand.\nSo beforehand, we need to\ngenerate this public key\nand a secret key.\nSo the idea is that the receiver\ncreates a public key, and also\na secret key.\nHe will publish the public\nkey, and he will keep\nthe secret key for himself.\nAnd now anybody can\nuse the public key\nto encrypt a message.\nThe encrypted message\nis sent to the receiver,\nand he's going to use his\nsecret key to get back\nto the plain message.\nSo how is he going to do this?\nWell in the first\nstep, the idea is\nto generate two distinct primes.\nTurns out that this can be\ndone in a very efficient way.\nThere are lots of primes\namong the integers.\nSo you just sample.\nAnd it turns out that\nyou can test primality\nwith a pretty high\nprobability, very efficiently.\nAnd recently,\nactually, there has\nbeen a deterministic\nalgorithm that is polynomial.\nAnd a number of\nbits of the primes\nthat can actually tell you\nwhether you have a prime\nor not.\nSo you can do this.\nTwo, we're going to create\nthe product of these two\ndistinct primes.\nAnd that's where our\nassumption is going to help us.\nThat it is hard to factor a\nproduct of two large primes.\nThat's going to be the\nunderlying hardness assumption\nof the RSA encryption scheme.\nSo let n be this.\nThree, we are going to\nselect an integer e,\nsuch that the greatest\ncommon divisor of e\nwith the product p\nminus 1 times q minus 1\nis actually equal to 1.\nAnd the public-- and once\nwe have created this,\nthe public key is going\nto be a pair that consists\nof e itself together with n.\nSo that's the public key.\nAnd the secret key is going\nto be computed as follows,\nin step four.\nWe are going to compute.\nd, such that d times e\nis congruent to 1 modulo\nthat product of p minus\n1 times q minus 1.\nCan we do this?\nYeah, because the greatest\ncommon divisor between e\nand that product is equal to 1.\nAnd we have shown over\nhere that, therefore, it\nhas a multiplicative inverse.\nAnd first of all, we know\nthat the solution d exists,\nand we can also\nefficiently compute it.\nSo the secret key is\ngoing to be the pair that\nconsists of d and also n.\nSo how does it work?\nThe sender knows the\npublic key, e and n,\nand uses those to\nencrypt a message.\nI will explain it in a moment.\nAnd then the receiver knows\nthe secret key, d and n,\nand then is able to decrypt.\nOK, so let's see how\nencryption works.\nAnd then we will have to\ndo a lot of mathematics\nto get the decryption going.\nSo m prime, which is computed--\nso the encrypted plain text is\ncomputed as the remainder\nof m to the power e--\nwhich is part of\nthe public key--\nand then dividing out as many\nmultiples of n as possible.\nIt turns out-- and we are going\nto prove this-- that decryption\nworks as follows.\nWe can compute m\nby using m prime.\nSo we receive m prime.\nWhat do we do?\nWe're going to take m prime,\nraise it to the power d-- which\nis part of the secret\nkey-- and then dividing out\nas many multiples of n.\nNow, why would that work?\nWhy would this work?\nSo let's prove this\nstep over here.\nWell, it turns out that they\ncan apply Fermat's theorem,\nand the idea is as follows.\nSo let's have a look.\nWe know that m prime is equal\nto the remainder of m raised\nto the power e, which\nis congruent to m\nto the power e, modulo n.\nWe've seen this now a\nnumber of times, right?\nSo what does this imply?\nThis implies that m prime to\nthe power d is actually equal--\nis congruent to m to the\npower e, to the power d.\nSo I just raised this\nside to the power d,\nand I raised this\nside to the power d.\nAnd I still-- and\nI know, now, that m\nprime to the power d is\nequal to m to the power e d--\ncongruent to m to the\npower e d modulo n.\nSo now we know that there\nexists an integer r.\nWe are going to use the\nfact that we have that e\nand p minus 1 times q\nminus 1 as a greatest\ncommon divisor over 1.\nSo we know that e times\nd is actually equal to 1,\nplus r times p minus\n1, times q minus 1.\nActually, what I use here is\nthe fact-- is this over here.\nBy definition of\ncongruency, I know\nthat the difference\nbetween those two-- d times\ne and 1-- is divisible\nby this product.\nSo I know that there\nexists an integer such\nthat e times d equals 1, plus\na multiple of that product.\nThat's how it works.\nSo we know that m\nprime to the power\nd-- we already saw that it is\nequal to m to the power e d,\nwhich is congruent\nto-- well, we just\nreplace e d by 1 plus\nr times this multiple.\nSo we have m to the\npower 1, times m\nto the power-- this part--\nr p minus 1, q minus 1.\nSo now we're finally going\nget to Fermat's theorem.\nWe know that n is the\nproducts of p and q,\nand I'm not actually\nsure I do this here.\nSo let's apply Fermat's theorem\nand see how we can use this.\nSo if m is not\ncongruent to 0 modulo p,\nwell then we can apply\nFermat's theorem.\nWhere is it?\nIt's over here.\nWe can only apply this if\nk is in the range from 1\nto p minus 1 is\nnot equal to zero.\nSo if m is not equal to 0--\nnot congruent to 0 modulo p--\nthen we can apply\nthe theorem and state\nthat m to the power p minus\n1 is congruent to 1 modulo p.\nAnd in the same way,\nwe can do this for q.\nSo if this is not\ntrue-- modulo q-- then m\nto the power q minus 1 is\ncongruent to 1 modulo q.\nSo here we have used\nFermat's theorem twice.\nNow we can apply what\nwe have learned before,\nwhich is what we\nwrote down over here.\nAnd prime to the power d is\ncongruent to this modulo n.\nNow n is p times q, so let's\nhave a look at what that means.\nIt means that since n\nis a product of p and q,\nwe can also look at\nthis congruent modulo p.\nSo in particular, we know\nthat m prime to the power\nd is congruent to m times\nm r p minus 1 times q minus\n1 modulo p.\nWhy is that?\nWell, we know that n\ndivides this difference\nby the definition of congruency.\nn is equal to p times q.\nSo if n is dividing\nthis difference,\nalso p is dividing\nthis difference.\nSo that's why we can write\nit m prime to the power d\nis congruent to this\nthing, modulo p.\nAnd of course, we can\nrepeat this for q.\nSo let me write\nthis out as well.\nSo there it is.\nSo now we can there use what\nwe have figured out over here.\nSo we know that if\nm is not equal to 0,\nthen this thing over\nhere cancels out.\nBecause m to the power p\nminus 1 is congruent to 1.\nSo we have that m\nprime to the power\nd is congruent to m\nmodulo p, if m is not\ncongruent to 0 modulo p, right?\nBecause if m is not\ncongruent to zero,\nwe have this\nparticular equation.\nWe plug it in over\nhere, this all cancels,\nand we just are left with m.\nNow, if m is equal-- is\ncongruent-- to 0 modulo p,\nthen we can see that\nit is equal to 0.\nSo it's equal to 0.\nSo this actually\nholds for any case.\nNow we can do the same for\nq-- the same argument--\nand show that this must hold.\nSo now we know that p\ndivides the difference\nof m prime d minus m.\nq is another prime that\ndivides this difference.\nAnd the only way that's possible\nis if the product of p and q\nis dividing this particular\nnumber-- this difference.\nAnd we have two different\nprimes dividing the same number,\nso the product\nmust [? divided. ?]\nSo p times q divides\nm prime d minus m.\nOh, but p times q is equal to n.\nSo now we're almost\ndone, because now we\ncan state-- by the\ndefinition of congruency--\nthat m prime to the power d\nis congruent to m modulo n.\nNow, since m is a message that's\nin the range of-- so I did not\nwrite it down here--\nso m is a message\nwhich is in the range of 0\nall the way up to n minus 1.\nWe know, and we have seen it\nbefore with Turing's code,\nthat we can rewrite this\nand say that m equals\nthe remainder of m\nprime to the power\nd, after multiplying out as\nmany multiples of n as possible.\nSo here you go.\nSo this is the decryption\nrule, and it works.\nWe have shown that this\nequation truly holds.\nSo RSA has really\nwithstood the test of time.\nIt's already out there\nfor many decades,\nand it's still widely used.\nI wanted to talk a\nlittle bit about this,\nbut there seemed not\nto be enough time.\nBut I'd just like to mention\nthat only 2009 Craig Gentry\nproved a beautiful theorem,\nand was able to evaluate\nBoolean circuits.\nOr, say, certain types of\nprograms under encryption.\nSo you can sort of add\nand multiply cypher text\nencryptions together, and it\nis as if you multiply them\nat the plain text level.\nThat was a fantastic-- that\nwas an enormous open problem.\nAnd he solved it.\nAnd only a few months\nearlier, in 2010,\nin joint work with Craig and\nsome other colleagues at IBM,\nwe showed it with\nvery simple arithmetic\nthat just uses modulo p and\nmodulo 2 kind of things.\nWe could show a\nconstruction this\nhas such a property--\nsuch an encryption\nscheme of the integers.\nSo there's still a lot of\nstuff going on in this area.\nAnd really, we use this\ntype of very basic stuff.\nThe problem in cryptography\nis to show that it is secure.\nSo you have to show\nthat breaking the scheme\nneeds to be reduced to\nsome really hard problem.\nAnd that is always the\nreally difficult part\nof such type of research.\nOK, well, have lots of\nfun with recitation.\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "We always hear that capitalism is the best\npossible system.\nWe often hear “Communists killed 70 mill\nppl in china”.\nAnd if you search for it you will find people\non the left claiming that capitalism kills\nmore people than that.\nSo we are going to have a look at the real\nfacts and come to our own conclusion.\nIn this video we will look at how many deaths\ncapitalism causes and in the follow up video\nwe will examine how many deaths communism\ncaused.\nBefore we can really see how many people die\nbecause of capitalism, we have to define what\nit is.\nThe Oxford English dictionary says capitalism\nis “an economic system in which a country’s\nbusinesses and industry are controlled and\nrun for profit by private owners rather than\nby the government” This can be summed up\nas the private ownership of industry and land\nas well as the institution of the free market.\nUsing this definition capitalism exists in\nevery country on earth except like…\nNorth Korea so we will treat it as a global\nsystem.\nAll of us know that where there is profit\npeople work and where there is no profit they\ndon’t.\nThat’s a very basic feature of the market.\nOnly work if you can make a profit of it.\nIf, for example, a lot of people need water\nsomeone would set up a shop and supply them\nwith the water they need.\nAnd that’s how it’s supposed to work and\nthat’s how it usually works.\nBut not always.\nSometimes the people who need water have no\nmoney, other times they will be competing\nwith richer people who need the water to shower\nor …like…flush their toilets or whatever.\nSince the person distributing the water will\nfollow the law of the free market he will\nsell the water to the rich people who offer\nmore.\nThis will lead to people who need it having\nno water.\nOf course ideally someone else will set up\nshop and give water to those without but in\nreality that doesn’t always happen, which\nis due to the fact that it’s more profitable\nto take a fraction of the profit in a rich\narea than to supply a poor area.\nSo, if someone dies because the ones who own\nand distribute the water have no incentive,\nor an incentive that is too small, that would\nthen be a death that can legitimately be blamed\non capitalism.\nSince the only way capitalism supplies people\nwith goods is the free market.\nNow let’s look at some numbers, how many\npeople die because of the free market?\nAn interesting one is that it’s estimated\nthat we produce enough food for 10 Billion\npeople each year while there are only 7.5\nBillion people on earth yet one in 8 people\n“lack the food to live a healthy life”.\nThis obviously isn’t a problem of production\nbut of distribution.\nThe food gets produced but it’s not profitable\nto send it to the poor regions in Africa so\nthey don’t do it and that leads to hunger,\nstarvation and death.\nI think it’s fair to attribute those deaths\nto capitalism since hypothetically, if we\nhad a system that gives everyone the exact\nsame amount of food everyone would be overweight\nand nobody would have to starve.\nI am not saying that that would be the best\nsystem, but this thought experiment shows\nthat those deaths are very much the fault\nof the free market.\nSo now that we know this let’s look at the\nreal numbers.\nWe begin with the obvious question.\nHow many people starve each year?\nI’ve looked at multiple sources and most\nsay that over 9 Million people are expected\nto starve each year, this number is increasing\nas the effects of climate change increase.\nFurthermore 820 Million lack the food to live\na healthy life as I mentioned before.\nNext let’s look at the people who die from\na lack of water treatment.\nIt’s about 3.5 Million people annually who\nhave to die because it’s too expensive for\nthe free market to supply them.\nAnother 3 Million die of preventable diseases\nbecause they lack healthcare which could be\nsupplied but not for free so the market doesn’t\ndo it.\nJust like with water and food.\nWe are at 15.5 Million each year.\nSince 2000 that’s almost 300 Million (‭294.5\nMillion) people who had to die because the\nfree market doesn’t care for them.\nThat’s the holocaust times 50.\nObviously this is way more than you and I\nexpected so I checked the numbers but it’s\ntrue.\nThat’s how many died because the market\neither could not or would not support them.‬\n‬‬‬\nThat sure makes you think doesn’t it?\nRemember we didn’t just take random things\nand blamed capitalism.\nI only counted deaths that could be averted\nin an alternative, albeit imaginary, economic\nsystem.\nStarvation, Dehydration and lack of vaccination\ncan be solved, just not by the free market.\nSo I guess this means that if someone says\nthey support capitalism they will have to\nexplain how they justify those deaths.\nCapitalism sure has created many things like\niPhones, cars, banks, billionaires, advertisements,\nendless wars, air travel, computers, wealth\ninequality, roads, highways, cities, mass\nstarvation and plenty of very pretty buildings\nfor the wealthy BUT in the end we have to\nask our self if that justifies 15.5 Million\nlives each year.\nI think it’s strange that there is no conversation\non this, surely everyone should know that\nthe system we use causes so much death.\nI guess that opens the question on why we\nnever talk about the death caused by our economic\nsystem but always just the past ones like\ncommunism and feudalism.\nFeel free to tell me your explanation in the\ncomments.\nIf you want to see my video on the death toll\nof communism click the video on screen or\nif there is none there subscribe so you won’t\nmiss it when I upload it.\nThanks for watching.\nCya\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "What’s happening, Forum.\nDon’t you just hate it when you’re \nrunning through the mall,\nminding your own business,\nand someone kicks you in the f***ing face?\n(Whu-chu)\nSo the story is that this was a prank show on TV,\nkinda like Punk’d,\nand as the guy who pulled the \nprank was running away\nChuck Norris here roundhouse \nkicked him in the face\nbecause he thought he was a purse-snatcher.\n(Whu-chu)\nWhy couldn’t that same thing have \nhappened to Ashton Kutcher\nwhen he did his prank show?\nConsidering the internet’s love affair with cats,\nit’s no surprise to anyone that this \ncat video went viral last week.\nYeah it’s just three cats \nfighting over a f***ing steak.\nYeah, ya see that middle one’s got it figured out.\nSee this cat’s like “mine”.\nAnd this cat’s like “no mine.”\nAnd the middle cat is like “nom nom nom.\"\nYou see, this is a good metaphor for American Politics.\nYou’ve got the one cat fighting on the left.\nYou've got the other cat fighting on the right.\nAnd you’ve got corporate interests in the middle\nwho are actually eating the steak.\nSee what I did there?\nYeah I'm lame.\nNow this last video that went viral\n is kind of difficult to see,\nbut it’s still pretty incredible.\nThese thugs here appear to be looking for a fist-fight.\nNow I don’t know why they \nwere looking for a fist-fight.\nI just assume they were upset \nbecause Miley Cyrus deleted her Twitter.\nNow here a couple of drag queens \npass and the fight ensues.\nHere they get into it\nwith one of the drag queens \nwhom we’ll call Lady Gaga.\nNow I want you to pay attention \nto this other Drag Queen\nwhom we’ll call Ann Coulter.\nShe steps in and starts kicking some ass.\n(Whu-chu whu-chu!)\nAnd down they go.\nHaha they got beat up by a girl. . .\noh wait.\nSo if you watch the whole tape\nyou’ll see that those idiots were \nlooking for a fight all night\nand it's nice to finally watch them get \n their ass handed to them\nLook at them stumble away in shame.\n\"Whoa, what happened?\"\n\"Did I just get my ass kicked by\n a chick with a penis?\"\nNow I actually like this video,\nI mean, it’s no Chuck Norris\n round house kick to the face,\n(Whu-chu)\nbut it certainly seems like justice was served.\nYou know what time it is, Forum.\nIt's time for The Comment Question Of The Day,\nWhich comes from a user named frado2jr.\nAnd he said,\nIf you could make up any animal...\nJust any animal you want,\nWhat would it be and why?\nWell not necessarily why, but just come up with an animal.\nSo if you could make up any animal, what would it be?\nLeave your interesting or creative responses\n in the comments section below.\nBut thanks for watching today's episode of =3.\nI'm RayWilliamJohnson,\nand I approve this message.\nSo tell me Forum,\nif you could make a new subject in school\nfor everyone to study what would it be?\n*Fatty Spins: Doin' Your Mom*\nCaptioned by CaptVids.com\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "(upbeat music)\n(bell rings)\n(popping)\n- I've toured with Becky G,\nI've toured with Yo Gabba Gabba.\n- I've danced with Beyonce,\nKelly Rowland, Bieber.\n- Rock out.\n(electric guitar music)\n- [Leo] Woo, that head bang!\nCome on!\n- I don't think I've ever seen anyone play\nthe guitar like this.\n(bell rings)\n- Groove jam.\nWhat is...\nWhat is this?\nWhat rhythm is she on?\nThis is...\nThis is like too many shots in the club,\nyou're feelin' yourself.\n- Step it up.\nOh, God.\nI thought this was gonna be\nsteppin', not river dance.\n- Oh, use your ballet.\nCome on, you got this.\nWhy does he look like Keanu Reaves?\n(bell rings)\n- That's the best I'm gonna do.\n- Reanimated.\nOh, it's like Thriller.\nFrankenstein.\n(bell rings)\n- Jubilation.\nOh!\n- [Leo] Oh, that one's a cute one.\n- Wait, this is actually\nhow I run down the stairs\nwhen my mom's cooking breakfast.\nYay, pancakes!\n- Ride the pony.\n- [Kayla] Her knees are\nmuch higher than that.\n- No, they're not.\nThey're not 45 degrees.\n- [Kayla] That one is\nliterally a 90 degree angle\nfrom her hip.\n- Look, okay, that's one.\nOkay, see, that's good.\n- She's hunched over\ntoo, like really weird.\nHunch, hunch, yas!\n- Oh my God.\nShe needs to go to a doctor for that.\n- Hootenanny.\nOh my God.\nOkay, it's like a little hoedown.\n- [Leo] Think Cotton-eyed Joe.\n(mumbling)\n- It's just like tapping, he's all...\nHe's giving...\nOh, here we go, this is it.\n- Oh, I'm a cat.\n(bell rings)\nStomp the Yard.\nBest Mates.\n(80s music)\n- [Kayla] Why are you going so fast?\n- Well, I have to keep up with the rhythm.\nHe said match it.\n- That was really fun and\na really good workout.\n- They were intense.\n(laughing)\n(upbeat music)\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "Hey, this is Donnie Smith\nand welcome to another Q and A video.\nIn this video,\nI'm going to answer a question\nthat I had on YouTube,\nand this question comes from Mike Renza,\nsays, \"I just painted using Eastwood\nEuropean Clear.\nWhen can I wet-sand and buff, and wax?\"\nAnd he also mentions\nit's 50 to 60 degrees.\nNow, this is in reference to\na video where I was spraying\nthe Eastwood European Clear,\nand I'll put a link down\nin the description if you\nwant to watch that video.\nBut as far as wet-sanding and buffing,\non their technical data sheet it says\nwait at least eight hours.\nNow, most technical data sheets\nare somewhere around 70 degrees.\nSo if it's colder, that may\nextend that a little bit.\nAnd if it's hotter, it may\nnot take quite as long.\nBut if you wait overnight,\nyou're probably going to be safe.\nEight, 10, 12 hours, I usually\nbuff things the next day.\nI'm not a production shop\nhere, but production shops\nuse clears that dry even faster,\nand they can buff them really fast.\nBut on this one, if you\nlet it sit overnight,\nyou'll probably be safe.\nNow, I will mention that that is\nthe best time to sand and buff\nbecause it's easier to sand.\nThat clear is still a little bit soft,\nso it's going to sand a little bit easier,\nand it's going to be able to polish,\nbuff and polish easier too.\nThe longer you wait, the\nharder that clear coat\nmakes it a little more\ndifficult to sand and buff.\nNow it can still be done at a later time,\nbut it's just going to be\na little bit more effort\nwith the buffing and the polishing\nto bring that full shine back.\nNow, whenever I'm talking\nabout wet-sanding and buffing,\nthis is talking about using\ncompounds and polishes.\nYou do not want to use\nwaxes on a new paint job.\nThe paint, it's dry in that eight hours.\nI mean, all the solvents\nhave evaporated and it's dry,\nbut it's not fully hardened.\nAnd most paint companies\nsay it takes like 90 days\nfor that clear coat to fully cure,\nand they recommend not\nwaxing it during that time.\nWhenever you do reach that\n90 days, that three months,\nIt is a real good idea to wax it though,\nbecause the wax actually\nputs a coating on it\nthat helps protect the clear coat\nfrom contaminants in the\nair and things like that.\nSo it is a good idea to wax it,\nbut wait until that time is up.\nWhether it really takes 90\ndays or not, I don't know,\nthat's just what is recommended,\nso I just follow the recommendations.\nSo if you've already waited a couple days,\nit wouldn't scare me to go\nahead and wet-sand and buff.\nYou do want to be careful with it.\nWhen you're washing it and\nstuff, make sure your mitts\nare all clean because\nremember, that clear coat\nis still soft and it's easy to scratch.\nThat's why most shops will\ntell you don't wash it\nfor a week or two, just in\ncase you wash it improperly,\nyou don't want to scratch it\nwith dirt in your wash mitt\nor things like that because\nthat paint is more prone\nto get swirl marks and\nscratches from dirt.\nSo you just got to be a lot more careful,\nbut a lot of people think\nyou can't wash the car\nthe next day.\nWell, we do in the shops all the time.\nWe're sanding, buffing, washing,\nbut we just know to be real\ncareful, take our time,\nand make sure everything is super clean.\nSo anyway, I hope that\nhelps answer your question.\nIf not, leave me another comment,\nor if you have other\nquestions, I always appreciate\nthese questions.\nAnd if you like this\nvideo, be sure and give me\na thumbs up, give me a\nlike, and we'll see you\nin the next video.\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "back again with another drum technique\nacademy lesson today we're gonna watch\nfour different clips from one of our\nteachers mr\nkevin paradis\nso in this first clip we're gonna watch\nright now kevin is talking about his\ndouble bass technique at high tempos as\nyou all know kevin is one of the few\ndrummers\nwho uses the regular ankle technique at\ntempos above 250 bpm\nand he's able to play for long periods\nof time so if you're interested in that\njust check out his double bass clips at\n260 and 270 bpm where he plays for long\nperiods of time\nright now in this first clip he's gonna\nexplain his foot technique at high\ntempos hey kevin as far as i can see you\nare not using any swivel so i guess you\nare using the same technique ankle\nlike marthyn yes i am using ankle motion\nnext question how can you go faster than\naround 240 bpm\nwell thanks to the stamina runs at\n220 bpm as i've said just before\nand also because i push more with my\nhips\nit's like at 220 bpm i'm really easy\nusing just my ankles and then i start to\npush way way more with my hips and the\nfaster\ni i go the faster i push a little bit\nlike if i was\ntrying to go back like this you know\nor if i was trying to stand up you know\nand i really i'm really pushing with up\nhere\nand not with my upper leg because\notherwise this is\ndisturbing me with my calves so that is\nmy advice to play faster than 240 bpm so\nthe big takeaway of this one clip\nis that number one he's using a static\ncontraction in his upper leg so he's not\nactively lifting his upper leg up and\ndown static contraction he's applying\nconstant pressure\nand he's quickly contracting and\nrelaxing his\ncalves okie dokie now let's continue\nwith the next clip\nuh i've talked a lot already i guess\nabout ankle motion and how to get\nstarted with this motion\nwhat is the right muscles to use so\nbasically calves muscle hip flexor\nyou don't move the whole leg but you\njust push with your hip flexor\nuh and you move with your calf muscle\nyou just move the ankle you try to avoid\nusing your upper leg\nmuscles especially everything around the\nknees\nand you you begin with very small bursts\nof strokes\nwith full leg motion you can definitely\nstart just\non the floor doing some strokes\nlike this and you have to be really\ncareful\nthat your curves muscles are so relaxed\nthat\nthan what that that when you go up with\nyour hip\nyour hairs go up it's because i'm just\nreally not\nusing this muscle so of course my heels\nare going up in my toes\nstill are on the floor and so you can\njust begin by doing this\nand you can go a little bit faster but\njust doing this moving the whole leg\na little bit like if you were walking\nbut or you are just\nsitting on the throne and then you do\nthe same thing\non the bass drum pedal\nand yeah i guess you know that's it and\nwith with full leg motion it's kind of\ngreat to make\nstamina runs pretty soon\ni mean of course it is great also to go\nto the kind of exercise way where you\njust play small bro course it is great\nto go through\nthrough that but at some point it's\nreally great to\nlike you you take your click track at i\ndon't know not\nsomething not super fast especially when\nyou begin like 110\nis probably already pretty hard at the\nbeginning and you just do like this\nand you don't stop you try different\npattern with your hands\nbecause also you have to make a lot of\nprogress with coordination at the\nbeginning\nand that's it big takeaways from that\nclip number one endurance runs are\nvitally important and number two\nyou have to learn how to separate\nbetween different muscle groups\nand now let's watch the next clip i feel\ntension\nand i lose control i really don't know\nwhat to use between a mix of hip flexor\nand calf\nor only hip flexor and i think it's why\ni don't progress because i need to\nchoose\njust one instead of changing over and\nover when i use the mix of hip flexor\nand calf\ni feel less tension but it's more\ndifficult to control but don't seem\nimpossible 1.5 years ago\ni was able to play 140 150 for a long\nperiod of time\nbut i didn't know what muscle in motion\ni was using i was not\nthinking to it and the troubles begin\nwhen i was trying to figure out\nwhat i was doing so yes indeed the\nproblem is probably that you overthink\num the the motion and sometimes i'm\ntrying to talk about what kind of muscle\ni am using\nbut the most important is to have the\nfeeling of the motion and it doesn't\nreally matter if you know what kind of\nmuscle\nyou are using to do the motion it's in\nfact really hard to know what kind of\nmuscle you are using\nand it's like i am always discovering\nnew stuff about like oh okay\ni thought i was using this muscle but i\nam not i'm using in fact another one\nso sometimes when you try to understand\nexactly what you are doing this is where\nyou make a mistake\nand then you try to practice with what\nyou thought\nlike that was the motion and this is a\nmistake\nand so you practice in the wrong way but\nwhen you focus on the feeling\nof the motion it's always easier so\ndon't do not over think of course then\nwhen it comes to the full leg motion\nit's definitely the hip flexors that you\nhave to use\nand no calf muscles uh like i have said\njust before so you should really go back\nto like this full leg motion\nand just avoid also to play heel up\nbecause you don't have to to use this\nmuscle so stay relaxed\nand that's it basically take aways from\nthat clip kevin is using a full leg\nmotion\nfor mid tempos activating his hip flexor\nand for the faster stuff it's just his\ncalf muscle\nalrighty and now let's watch clip number\nfour\nso hi kevin i was wondering if you had\nany tips or exercises to help\nstay relaxed playing double bass at\nhigher tempo\ni find that 230 plus i have a tendency\nto tense up which completely\nheld my momentum so i've already\ngiven two advice for that the first\nadvice is to do stamina\nto stamina run a little bit slower\nthan your maximum tempo in order to have\nthe biggest motion possible to\nreally keep the rebound and\njust to make sure that you can stay with\nthe right motion\nas long as possible if you feel like\nthat after two minutes you are not doing\nthe right motion don't push yourself\nuntil five minutes just stop it has to\nbe\nfive minutes of the right motion if it\nis not the right motion anymore just\nstop\nso first of all stamina runs can help um\nbut then it's also to push with your hip\nflexor\nlike i've said and to avoid to use too\nmuch muscles from your upper leg\nbecause these are the muscles that have\na tendency maybe to\ntense a bit more than the other to take\na lot of energy to work\nagainst the calves muscles so most of\nthe time it's really great when you push\nfrom\nup here and then you get the motion done\nit's really like\npush with your hair have your hair heels\nup a little\nbit to free your ankle and then use your\ncups to control the rebound\nand don't like keep the beaters stuck to\nthe drum head but try\nto move them as much as possible\nbecause sometimes we we focused only\nlike on the strokes\nso only the last centimeter of the of\nthe motion but sometimes\nit's better to focus also on the rebound\nand try to have the beaters\nbouncing as much as possible because\nit's then\nmore energy that comes from the spring\nand less from you so you can relax also\na little bit\nuh more so here are the three big\ntakeaways from that final clip\nnumber one focus on tempos slightly\nbelow your maximum tempo\nand push those number two endurance is\nkey and vitally important\nand number three try to increase the\nbeater swing\nthat way you're gonna be able to\nincrease the tempo when you\ndecrease the beta swing again alrighty\nand that's it for today's video\nthe clips we just showed you are like\ntypical teaching clips that we release\neach week\nso each week one of our teachers at the\ndrum technique academy\nhelps our students by answering their\nquestions in video form and this way\nthey are able to improve\nway faster and that's it for today's\nvideo if you want to watch this full\nlesson of kevin paradis just join the\ndrum technique academy\nyou can find that full one hour video in\nthe bonus section of our membership zone\nhave a great day cheers from vienna bye\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "Welcome back everyone!\nI’m Jordan Giesige and this is The Limiting\nFactor.\nIn a patent application made public last week,\nTesla revealed they’ve created a process\nfor doping their batteries with extra lithium.\nToday I’ll explain what doping a battery\nwith extra lithium does, walk through the\nkey points of the patent, and if we can expect\nto see something like this on Battery Day.\nRechargeable batteries usually lose at least\n7-10% of their capacity the first time they’re\ncharged and discharged.\nThis is something the consumer never sees\nbecause it happens at the battery factory\nas part of a production step called formation.\nThe reason why the step is called formation\nis because this is the step where the solid\nelectrolyte interphase is formed within the\nbattery cell.\nFor the rest of the video, I’ll shorten\nthe phrase solid electrolyte interphase to\njust SEI.\nThe SEI is a layer that forms over the cathode\nand anode as the cathode and anode react with\nthe electrolyte solution.\nAfter this initial reaction, the SEI protects\nthe cathode and anode from reacting further\nwith the electrolyte solution.\nThis allows the battery to last hundreds or\nthousands of cycles.\nHowever, battery cells are a closed system\nand the material to build the SEI had to come\nfrom within the battery.\nMuch of that material is lithium.\nWhen the lithium is used to form the SEI,\nit can no longer be used to store energy.\nThis is what causes the 7-10% first-cycle\nloss I mentioned earlier.\nThis image shows the first cycle loss being\nmeasured.\nIn the lower left the charging begins at the\ngreen circle at 0 milliamp hours.\nIf you follow the line up and to the right,\nthere is a black circle at about 4.1 milliamp\nhours where the battery cell is fully charged.\nFinally, the cycle finishes with the battery\nbeing fully discharged to .5 milliamp hours\nin the red circle.\nWe’ve just lost .5 of 4.1 milliamps in the\nfirst cycle, which is 12% of the battery capacity\nthat the battery cell never gets back in this\nexample.\nOne way to solve this first cycle capacity\nloss is a process called pre-lithiation.\nPre-lithiation means adding enough extra lithium\nto make up for the lithium that’s lost when\nthe SEI is formed.\nThere are about half a dozen different methods\nto pre-lithiate a battery cell, but to my\nknowledge none have been commercially successful\nyet.\nThe reasons for this depend on the method,\nand that can be covered in another video.\nIn this patent application, Tesla has chosen\na method that’s broadly referred to as positive\nelectrode pre-lithiation.\nThis is a method where cathode material is\ndoped with excess lithium.\nThe extra lithium is then dumped into the\ncell during the first-cycle and is used to\ncreate the SEI.\nAfter the first cycle, the doped material\nhas lost it’s extra lithium and then continues\nto cycle at a much lower energy capacity.\nLet’s dig deeper into the patent.\nIf you aren’t into detail, I’ll put a\ntimestamp in the description for the summary.\nThe patent is titled ‘Active Material for\nElectrode and Method of Manufacturing thereof.’\nThe applicant is Tesla and the inventors are\nSanketh Gowda and Vineet Mehta, who are both\ncurrent Tesla employees.\nThis means the patent has come directly out\nof Tesla’s skunkworks rather than from their\nresearch partner, Jeff Dahn.\nIn paragraph 4, Tesla explains that the patent\nis for an active material for the electrode\nthat can be used as a pre-lithiation source.\nThey go on to explain that the active material\nthey are referring to is Lithium Nickel Copper\nOxide.\nWe’ll call it LNCO for short.\nFigure 2 is a high level outline of the process\nto make LNCO.\nAs you can see, it’s relatively simple and\nstraightforward.\nPrecursors are the materials that are heated\ntogether to create the LNCO material.\nAfter that, the LNCO material can be milled\ndown to the correct particle size.\nThe patent explains two different precursors\nrecipes can be used to produce LNCO.\nThese are shown in paragraph 7 and 8 and all\nappear to be common bulk materials such as\nLithium Hydroxide, copper oxide, and Nickel\nOxide.\nIn each of the two recipes, the LNCO material\ncan be made in any ratio of Nickel to Copper.\nFor example, 10% Nickel and 90% copper, or\n25% copper and 75% Nickel.\nThe only requirement is that it adds up to\n100%.\nParagraphs 10 and 11 explain that the LNCO\nmaterial can be mixed with binders, carbon\nmaterials, and other cathode materials like\nNickel Cobalt Aluminum.\nNickel Cobalt Aluminum is also called NCA,\nand it’s the material that Tesla currently\nuses in their battery cathodes.\nTesla doesn’t say why they would want to\nmix the LNCO material with NCA material in\nthis part of the patent, but I’ll be explaining\nthis shortly.\nParagraph 56 explains that the LNCO material\ncould be coated with 1% Alumina by weight.\nThe patent didn’t explain what this coating\nwas for and it took me a while to figure this\none out.\nHere we can see research suggesting that Alumina\ncan be used to stabilise pre-lithiation materials\nso they are easier to work with in ambient\nair.\nI’m assuming this is because lithium is\nvery reactive to moisture and the high lithium\nLNCO would react with humidity in the air.\nParagraph 60 advises that Tesla then mixed\nup three different samples of the LNCO material\nand tested it.\nAs we covered above, the LNCO material can\nbe made with different ratios, and so that’s\nwhat Tesla did.\nThe ratios were 30/70, 50/50, and 70/30 Copper\nto Nickel Ratio.\nIn other words, mostly Copper, half and half\nCopper and Nickel, and mostly Nickel.\nTesla then shows that they ran multiple charge\nand discharge cycles and plotted these in\nfigures 5, 6, and 7 which we’ll look at\nin a moment.\nThey advise that the plots showed that as\nNickel increased, the energy capacity of the\nmaterial decreased, but it held its cycle\nlife better.\nLet’s take a look at the plots to better\nunderstand that sentence.\nAs you can see, I’ve marked several items\nin red.\nThe patent application didn’t provide any\ninformation about the diagonal lines that\nI’ve marked with red x’s or the numbers\nthat I’ve put a red strike line through,\nso we’ll ignore those for now.\nI’ll provide an educated guess on what’s\nhappening with these in the summary.\nWhat we see in the blue boxes aligns perfectly\nwith what the patent advises.\nI’ll zoom in for a closer look.\nAs you can see, the lines that look like whiskers\nget more squashed and the lines get closer\ntogether as the Nickel increases.\nThis means that the high nickel material has\na lower energy capacity than the copper but\nloses it more slowly as the battery cycles.\nTesla doesn’t explain in the patent whether\nthis is desirable or not.\nIn a typical battery cell, it’s best if\nthe battery retains its cycle life so that\nbattery lasts longer.\nHowever, if the purpose of this material is\nto dump all its lithium in the first cycle,\nthe remaining cycling ability may not be as\nimportant.\nIn which case, the high copper material appears\nto be the best option.\nIt doesn’t cycle well, has more energy capacity\nwhich it dumps as lithium in the first cycle.\nAfter running this series of tests, Tesla\ngoes on create a half battery cell and a full\nbattery cell using a wet slurry process.\nI’ll explain what a half cell is in a moment.\nIn both tests, Tesla used two different samples.\nBoth samples included 1% binder and carbon,\nfor a total of 2% inactive materials.\nThis makes the maximum amount of active materials\n98%, which is what Tesla focuses on here in\nthe half-cell results.\nSample 1 contained 98% NCA cathode material\nand nothing else.\nSample 2 contained 96% NCA cathode material,\nbut also 2% of the LNCO pre-lithiation material.\nA half battery cell is a battery cell that’s\ntested in a lab environment and isn’t exposed\nto all the reactions it would normally encounter\nin an actual battery cell.\nThe primary purpose of that test in this case\nis to verify that the material is meeting\nthe theoretical expectations.\nAs you can see, the expected and measured\nenergy capacity were nearly the same and were\nprobably within a reasonable margin of human\nerror.\nNote the 4 milliamp hour per gram increase\nwhen the LNCO pre-lithiation material is added.\nThis explains why Tesla is using a small amount\nof the LNCO material mixed with the NCA material.\nThe LNCO material is so potent that it only\ntakes a small amount to increase energy capacity.\nFinally, here is the full cell battery results\ntable.\nOnce again, the battery cell comes out 4mah/g\nbetter off with the LNCO pre-lithiation material\nadded, both before and after cycling.\nFor each weight percent of LNCO material added,\nit makes up for about 1% of the first cycle\nloss.\nWe’ll come back to this.\nReturning to figures 5, 6, and 7.\nThe figures in the red boxes are the numbers\nthat had a red strike through them previously\nthat I advised I’d cover in the summary.\nI’ll attempt to explain these now.\nThese figures show the pre-lithiation material\nis between 390 and 430 milliamp hours per\ngram.\nTo put this in perspective, this is nearly\ndouble the energy capacity of a typical high\nend cathode material, which is around 200\nmilliamp hours per gram.\n390 to 430 milliamp hours per gram compares\nfavourably to other materials that have been\nresearched.\nOne example is lithium doped nickel oxide\nwith no copper, which I’ve highlighted in\norange here and refer to as LNO.\nThe LNO material had a maximum lithiation\ncapacity of 340 milliamp hours per gram compared\nto the Tesla LNCO material which averages\nabout 412 milliamp hours per gram.\nThe paragraph also advises that the difference\nbetween the lithium doped state in the first\ncycle and the state where the lithium has\nbeen dumped by the LNO is 340 milliamp hours\nper gram versus 83 milliamp hours per gram.\nIt goes on to state that even though the LNO\nmaterial had given up its lithium doping in\nthe first cycle, it still cycled somewhat\nafter that, but at a lower energy capacity.\nI’ve noted the wording in red.\nIf that information can be applied to the\nplots that Tesla provided here, it indicates\nthat those long diagonal lines that I’ve\nnow marked in blue are probably the first\ncycle.\nThat would mean the whiskers are the subsequent\ndischarge and charge cycles after the battery\nhas given up its lithium.\nIt’s mostly inactive, but still provides\nsome benefit, which is much better than being\ndead weight.\nThis leaves us a mystery, and potentially\nan error.\nMy guess is that Tesla meant to swap the numbers\nin the two boxes that I’ve connected with\nan orange line.\nIt wouldn’t make sense for the capacity\nto leap from 340 milliamp hours with pure\nNickel to 430 milliamp hours with 70% Nickel,\nand then start falling again to 417 milliamp\nhours and 390 milliamp hours.\nLet’s change that, and see how the line\nup of samples looks.\nIn this image, I’ve made the swap and added\n100% Nickel as a comparison.\nAs you can see the energy capacity drops steadily\nas Nickel increases.\nThis would allow all the information we have\nfrom this patent and external research to\nline up.\nI could be wrong.\nIf you have a better idea, let me know in\nthe comments below.\nI’ve reached out to one of the inventors\nto see if I can get a response.\nTesla’s patent application didn’t advise\nwhich of the LNCO mixtures they used in the\nfull cell test.\nThe Nickel content could have been very high\nor very low, which would make a big difference\non the amount of LNCO additive that would\nbe required to eliminate first cycle losses.\nGoing back to our trusty Pre-Lithiation Strategies\npaper, I’ve highlighted in purple that the\nresearchers found that 5% was enough to compensate\nfor first cycle losses with a 340 milliamp\nhour per gram LNO Nickel material.\nIf Tesla’s high copper LNCO mixture reaches\nat least 430 milliamp hours per gram, Tesla\nmight be able to completely eliminate first\ncycle losses with less than 5% of the LNCO\nmaterial added to their cathodes.\nThis would mean a 7% or greater improvement\nin the specific energy capacity of Tesla’s\nbatteries.\nBear in mind, these samples only went up to\n70% copper, it might be possible to incorporate\neven more.\nRegardless, this would be enough to increase\nthe specific energy of Tesla’s current batteries\nfrom 247 watt hours per kilogram to 270 watt\nhours per kilogram.\nHow likely is this?\nThe patent application indicates to me that\nthe LNCO material is at an intermediate stage\nof development.\nIt’s not a new idea, so it’s not early\nstate.\nHowever, there was no long term cycling information\nprovided, so it may not be ready for commercialisation.\nThe long term cycling data would be needed\nto determine if material causes battery degradation\nover time.\nMaxwell also appears to have a strategy in\nmind for first cycle losses.\nTheir strategy may be very different from\nthe one we discussed.\nHowever, they also indicate that eliminating\nfirst cycle losses isn’t ready for commercialisation.\nAs you can see here in their roadmap, they’re\ntargeting a timeframe around 2027.\nRegardless, it should be clear that Tesla\nhas been incubating multiple technologies\nfor their in house battery cell.\nBattery day is expected to happen soon and\nwe’ll find out which of these technologies\nTesla has decided to commercialise.\nI’ll see you there with a livestream on\nthe day.\nIf you enjoyed this video, please consider\nsupporting me on Patreon with the link at\nthe end of the video or snag something off\nthe merch shelf below.\nI am also active on Twitter and Reddit.\nYou can find the details of those in the description\nand I look forward to hearing from you.\nA special thanks to John Navarro, Adam Sutton,\nBryce Langlotz, Kaushik Krishna VR, Matt Henderson\nand Bradford Ferguson for your generous support\nof the channel, and all the other patrons\nlisted in the credits.\nI appreciate all of your support, and thanks\nfor tuning in.\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "If you're visiting London for at least three days\nThese are in my opinion these things that you must do while you're here\nAnd by the way, if you're new here\nI'm Jess and I make videos for people who are coming to visit London first off start with the London classics\nEven if you're one of those people that wants to get more off the beaten path when you're in London\nI think everybody still wants to at least see some of those most famous attractions like the London Eye and Tower Bridge\nThey are absolutely amazing to see from the outside\nIf you're on a budget even just seeing them from the outside is great or of course\nYou can purchase tickets and go into almost anything that is around the city\nOne of my favourite British Traditions is afternoon tea, so\nI would definitely try to take it while you're in London afternoon tea consists of well\nObviously you get your choice of hot tea but you'll also get three tiers of snacks and treats starting with sandwiches\nUsually at the bottom of the tiered tray\nThen you'll get nice hot scones with cream and jam in the middle. And on the top will be your sweet treat\nit's really fun and\nAlso, very filling so do not eat before or after you have afternoon tea\nThere are options all around London for getting tea for all types of budgets and there's also lots of themed ones\nSo if you want to do something a little bit different, then you'll be able to find something that you love\nIf you're into museums London has tons of them and the great part about this city is that lots of them have free\nEntrance if you like modern art, I would recommend trying out the Tate Modern or if you like artwork, that's a bit older\nThere's also the National Portrait Gallery, which is in Trafalgar Square\npeople who love history usually end up loving the Churchill war rooms and there are tons of smaller niche museums like the\nphotography gallery\nLondon has tons of great markets\nYou'll definitely want to visit one while you're here Borough market of course is the most famous one\nIt's definitely worth a visit but there's plenty of other smaller food and drink\nThere's but there are plenty of other markets. I would recommend checking out Maltby, okay?\nBorough Market is of course the most famous market in London\nIt's definitely worth a visit but there are plenty of other smaller ones that are worth a visit to a couple of my favorites include\nMaltby Market, which is located in Bermondsey and also old Spitalfields market, which is in Spitalfields\nLondon skyline is absolutely beautiful\nSo it definitely recommends heading to one of the city's many viewpoints so you can see it from above the most famous\nViewpoints in the city include places like the London Eye and of course the shard which is the tallest viewing point in the EU\nbut there are plenty of alternatives the Tate Modern actually has a free viewing platform on the tenth floor and the sky garden is another\nbeautiful option for a great view over the city\nOf course those two places aren't as high as the shard but they're still fantastic and they're free to visit\npeople who visit London are always surprised at how green the city is and\nLondoners are so good at taking advantage of all the green spaces here, even when the weather isn't as good\nSo even if you're here in the winter and you get a cloudy or rainy day\nDefinitely check out one of the parks here a couple of suggestions from me is st\nJames's Park\nwhich is the one that we're in right now and is not far from Buckingham Palace and first stars parade and there's also\nThe Victoria Tower Gardens, which is what people don't ever usually see even though it's right next to these houses of parliament\nBut it's a great place to sit and relax and also it has a nice view of the London Eye\nIf you want to go shopping while you're in London and pick up some good souvenirs\nThen there are plenty of options in the city if you want to shop local and boutique\nThere's a great alternative souvenir store that I love called we built this city\nThat's a great option or if you want you can go to one of the many famous department stores\nYou have here like Liberty London and Selfridges and pick up something special from one of those places\nFinally, if you love vintage you'll want to go to the East End of London where you will find tons of great vintage shops\nNow that you know everything you should do when you are in London\nIf you're struggling to put it all together into a cohesive itinerary\nThen have a look at my three day ones an itinerary\nIt has your entire first three days in London completely plans for you. You can find out more about that by clicking the card\nThat's popping up in the corner there and for more tips for your trip to London\nI have lots of other videos. You should watch you can click the one popping up below me for much more information\nthere\nare there are lots of\nBut there are lots of\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "I'm going to motivate this with a somewhat silly example,\nbut something that will illustrate many of the properties that are important for\ncryptographic protocols.\nAs usual, we have Alice and Bob.\nShe's Alice, in case you cannot recognize her, and we have Bob.\nAlice and Bob want to decide whose turn it is to charge the Robo-dog.\nIf you can't recognize my drawing, this is indeed a Robo-dog.\nBut they're not in the same place.\nThey're trying to do this over the telephone.\nThey would normally do this by tossing a coin.\nSo they decide, let's try to toss a coin over the telephone.\nSo this is the first protocol they try.\nBefore describing the protocol, I want to define more carefully what I mean by a protocol.\nWe've actually seen a few already, but I haven't defined what a protocol means.\nA protocol involves 2 or more parties,\nand what it is, it's a precisely defined sequence of steps,\nand what each step can involve is some computation as well as communication.\nCommunication can involve sending data between the parties in the protocol.\nOne way to think of this--it's really the same thing we mean by a procedure in computing.\nThat's something that we can define precisely enough that we can follow it mechanically,\nbut unlike a procedure, which is thought of normally as being followed by 1 processor\nor at least a set of processors controlled by the same party.\nWith a protocol, we have 2 or more participants involved,\nso that's why it involves both computation as well as communication.\nIn this class, we're mostly concerned with cryptographic protocols,\nwhich means 1 more thing--that it involves secrets.\nThe usual reason we want to involve secrets is because we want it to be a security protocol.\nA security protocol means that it provides some guarantees,\neven if some of the participants cheat, and that means they don't follow the steps as specified.\nSo now let's describe our first protocol for this,\nand this is intended as a cryptographic security protocol.\nIt's participants are 2 parties: Alice and Bob.\nThe Robo-dog that needs charging is certainly involved in this process,\nbut is not an active participant in the protocol.\nHere are the steps.\nThe protocol starts by Alice initiating it.\nShe initiates the protocol by sending Bob a message that says,\n\"I'll toss the coin, you call it.\"\nBob calls the coin and so he sends a message back to Alice that says, \"I call tails.\"\nAt this point, Alice tosses the coin, and she responds to Bob that sorry--\nwith the results of the toin coss.\nIn this case, she'll respond, \"Sorry, it landed on the edge,\"\nand it's Bob's turn to walk the Robo-dog.\nSo I think I won't insult your intelligence by asking a quiz about whether\nthis protocol works well.\nIf it was a nonsecurity protocol, and Alice and Bob trusted each other completely,\nmaybe it would work.\nBob can trust Alice to actually toss a coin and tell Bob the real result.\nIf it's a security protocol, it doesn't work at all.\nIf Bob doesn't trust Alice, Alice decides the result whether Bob wins or loses.\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "Thank you very much.\nReally I travelled quite a long\nway from Beijing to tell you\ntwo things.\nThis is obviously the first\nyear of economic reform.\nWe just saw the whole\npackage of reform\nput together by the new\ngovernment in November\nlast year.\nBut everything is\njust about to start.\nSo we're going to see\nlots of uncertainties.\nAnd there are lots of\ntests facing the government\nboth in terms of whether\nthey will be decisive enough\nin pushing ahead with\nall of the reforms.\nAnd at the same time, you\npush ahead with the reform\nwithout triggering any\nsystemic risk or crisis.\nThese are the two\nthings that are\nvery hard to balance\nfor the policymakers.\nI'm sure it's a tough\nchoice for all government.\nBut the second thing\nI'd like to say,\nif we do see implementation of\na large part of the programme\nannounced in November last year,\nwe are about to see a major\ntransformation of\nthe Chinese economy,\nwhich we have been talking\nabout for quite a while.\nThat could involve lots\nof things happening\nin the next decade or two--\nslowing growth, rising\ninflation, improving\nincome distribution,\nprobably more balanced\neconomic structure,\naccelerated industrial\nupgrading and probably\nmore dramatic economic cycles.\nSo in fact in a\nfive to 10 years,\nwe may see a Chinese\neconomy which\nwill be very, very different\nfrom what it is today,\nor what used to be the case.\nIf I can get that to work.\nBut what is transforming\nthe Chinese economy\nis probably just\nbeyond what I just\nmentioned about the\neconomic reforms.\nThere are three sets of\nfactors affecting the economy\nsimultaneously.\nAnd these contributed to\nchange in the economy.\nNumber one, we have\ntechnological factors\nlike the new energy.\nShale gas in the US is having\na big impact on China already.\nAnd China is stepping\nup its efforts\nin developing its own shale gas.\nBut more importantly at the\ntime, what we are seeing now,\nis that the internet\nis revolutionising\nmany, many parts of the economy.\nWe already know that\ne-commerce accounts\nfor 7% of the\ntotal retail sales.\nIt's actually almost eliminates\nall the physical bookstores\nin the country.\nAnd I'm not sure\nif you're aware,\ne-finance is\nbecoming a new force\nin the financial industry.\nSo lots of things\nactually changing\nbecause of the\ntechnological factors.\nThe second factor\nis also important.\nIt's relates to the\nmarket conditions.\nSo we are expecting\nsome improvement\nin external markets,\nwhich probably\nmeans export sector\nwill do somewhat\nbetter this year than before.\nHowever, we think\nthe overall picture\nin terms of exports\nfor the Chinese exports\nis now become a lot\nmore constrained\ncompared to the\nlast three decades.\nThis is because even if the\nglobal economy is recovering,\nwe are expecting a\nmuch to slower trend\ngrowth for the global economy.\nThis is also because the\neconomic structure within China\nis changing very quickly.\nWhat it used to do well\nmay no longer be the case.\nSo even if the global economy,\nparticularly the US economy,\nrecovers this year, if\nit's led by consumption,\nit'll be a good story for China.\nIf it's led by\ninvestment, the story\nprobably-- it'll\nstill be good, but it\nwill be less good for the\nChinese export sector.\nBut mostly importantly,\nChina is now\na large country in\nthe global market.\nAnd as you probably heard,\nwhatever China buys,\nit becomes expensive.\nAnd whatever China\nsells, it becomes cheap.\nAnd that is the reason why\ngrowth of Chinese export\nbecomes a lot more\nconstrained than before.\nWe used to experience\n30% export growth\nevery year almost for 30 years.\nIt would no longer be possible.\nSimply think about\ninternational politics.\nThere is another\nfactor which is also\nvery important domestically in\nterms of the market condition.\nThat is the so-called\nLewis turning point.\nThe labour market has\nalready shifted from surplus\nto shortage.\nAnd we are seeing wages rising\nvery dramatically probably\nby 15% to 20% for\nseven, eight years now.\nAnd that is transforming\nthe Chinese industry\nin a very significant way.\nThe most important factor\nobviously, the last factor,\nis institutional change.\nLast year there were\nlots of discussions\nin Chinese and\ninternational media\nabout the new economic\npolicy framework\nof the new government.\nThe key reason why this\nbecame such a big topic was\nbecause most people realised\nthat the older model of growth\nwas no longer sustainable.\nAnd the new leaders kept\ntalking about the need\nto change the growth model\nand implement all the reforms.\nBut until November,\nwe didn't really\nsee a comprehensive package.\nAnd it is why there were\nlots of different versions\nof the so-called likonomics\nin the media, in the market,\nand even in China,\nlots of discussions.\nBut anyway, now we are\nseeing the full script\nof the package in November.\nThe Third Plenum of the\n18th Party Congress.\nIt contains 60\npoints altogether.\nIt's a very\ncomprehensive package.\nAnd I would have to say, most of\nthe Chinese economists and even\nmany policymakers\nwere quite impressed\nwhen the package was released.\nAnd it probably went further\nthan most people expected.\nBut if you look at the\npackage as a whole,\nthree key features\nstand out compared\nto the previous reforms\nwe used to implement.\nNumber one is the so-called\ntop level authority.\nThe Chinese reform was\noften described as bottom\nup approach.\nSo for instance, the farming\nand householder responsibility\nsystem in agriculture.\nIt was essentially experimented\nby farmers themselves.\nAnd the government simply\nadopted it as a national policy\nsince it worked.\nBut now it's no longer possible.\nThe so-called crossing the\nriver by touching the stones\nis no longer a viable option\nbecause there's no longer\nstones to be touched especially\nif you think about the interest\nrate liberalisation, capital\naccount liberalisation.\nYou do need top level design,\nsystemic design, in order\nto put together a workable plan.\nThe second very important reason\nwhy we need top level decision\nnow, which is\nobviously a departure\nfrom our previous\nreform approach,\nis that you need the top\nlevel authority in order\nto overcome domestic\nresistance to the reforms.\nSo one very good\nexample was in 2006,\nthe State Council\npublished a policy document\ncalled 36 Articles.\nThe purpose of the document was\nto encourage private capital\nentering the monopoly industry.\nFive years later,\nthere was no progress.\nAnd so the State\nCouncil announced\nanother policy called\nthe New 36 Articles,\nagain to encourage the private\ncapital entering the monopoly\nindustry.\nAgain there was little progress.\nAnd the State Council\nis still working on it.\nThere are obviously lots\nof different explanations\nof why that was the case.\nBut one reason was probably\nbecause the vast interest\ngroups were so strong,\neven the government was not\nstrong enough to overcome them.\nSo this is why the\nvery high level,\nthe so-called leading group,\nof comprehensive reform--\nit's headed by the President and\nassisted by a group of the most\nsenior officials both from the\nParty and from the government.\nSo hopefully that\nwill change the way\nthe reforms are implemented.\nThe second key feature of\nthe new reform programme is\nthe so-called Completing\nthe Market Reform.\nChina has been implementing\nmarket oriented reforms\nfor 35 years.\nBut it still is an\nuncompleted project.\nAnd one of the ways\nI would look at it\nis you look at\nthe product market\nfrom agriculture, manufacturing,\nand the services sector,\nthey're almost\ncompletely liberalised.\nBut you look at\nthe input markets--\nthe markets for labour, for\ncapital, for land, for energy,\nfor water, and so on-- they\nremain heavily distorted.\nAnd in most cases, the\ncosts have been depressed,\nwhich means for 35 years we\nhave been subsidising implicitly\nthe corporate sector but\ntaxing the Chinese household.\nThis was one reason, I think,\nwhy we saw a very unique growth\nmodel in China.\nOn the one hand, the growth\nhas been very strong.\nThat's why people call\nit economic miracle.\nAt the same time, you saw\nall the structural problems--\nlike imbalance problems,\ninequality problems,\npollution problems, and so on.\nThat's why former\nPremier Wen Jiabao once\nsaid this growth model is\nuncoordinated, unbalanced,\ninefficient, and\ntherefore unsustainable.\nSo what we needed to do now\nis to complete the transition\nto the market system\nwithin the next seven years\nbecause 2020 is the year we\nwant to achieve breakthroughs\nin terms of the reforms.\nThe last key feature is more\nabout justice and equity\noverruling efficiency\nand development.\nSo in the past, all\nthe reform policies\nwould end up focusing on\ngrowth, on economic development.\nThis time, there are more\ndiscussions about the need\nto tolerate slow growth\nin order to push ahead\nwith the structural reform.\nSo I think this is actually\na very different approach.\nNow as I explained,\nthis is the reason\nwhy the next six or\nseven years, we're\ngoing to see major\nbreakthroughs.\nBut the key areas\nwe are going to see\nchange-- the removal of\nthe remaining distortions,\nthe remaining interventions\nby the State in the economy.\nAnd I would focus a lot more\non the [inaudible], the state\nsector, of the local government,\ninvestment vehicles, and even\nsome financial institutions.\nAt the same time looking\nat liberalising the markets\nfor labour, for capital, for\nland, for energy, for water,\nand so on.\nThis would be the key\nto push the economy\nthrough the transformation\ntoward a new growth model.\nIf you look at the\nChinese economy today,\nmy own sense is transition\nhas already started.\nThe growth model is\nalready changing.\nNow as I said,\nthere are two ways\nof looking at the\nChinese growth model--\nvery, very distinctive features.\nOn the one hand, growth\nhas been very strong.\nOn the other hand,\nthe imbalance problems\nbecame more and more serious.\nIf you look at what our\nformer Premier Wen Jiabao once\nlisted the problems\nin the economy--\ntoo much investment, too little\nconsumption, too much reliance\non the export sector,\npollution problem,\ncorruption problem, and so on.\nHowever, if you look\nat the economy today,\nwe start to see some change,\nemergence of the new growth\nmodel.\nFirst, the growth\nis slowing already.\nThis year, for instance,\nmany economists\nare debating whether we should\nset the new annual growth\ntarget at 7% or 7.5%.\nThe reason is obviously\nthe growth is decelerating.\nWhile people are still\nheatedly debating,\none thing has already changed.\nThat is that nobody now\nstill worries about the\nbelow 8% GDP growth would\nmean disaster for China.\nThat was a very strong view\nheld by many people for decades.\nBut that is already\nno longer the case.\nSo you look at think tank's\nestimates of the new growth\npotentials.\nThey normally range\nbetween 6% to 8%.\nThe optimistic estimate is 8%.\nAnd the relatively less\noptimistic estimate\nis around 6%.\nBut in January, they all agreed\nthat the days of 10% growth\nis over.\nThe reason why we are more\ncomfortable with a slower\ngrowth today is that\nnumber one, because we\nsaw all the [? natural ?]\nconsequences\nfrom the government's\nstrong support for growth.\nWhen you needed to maintain\na very strong growth\nby increasing government\ninvestment, that can be done.\nThat can still be done if the\ngovernment wishes to do so.\nBut you will see\nlots of consequences\nlike overcapacity, inflation,\nasset bubble, fiscal risks,\nand financial risks, and so on.\nSo actually I think\nthe policymakers\nreached a new consensus that\nwe should allow growth to slow.\nThe second reason why they're\ncomfortable with a slower\ngrowth is that in\nthe past, whenever\nwe thought 8% growth\nwas necessarily\nbecause we worried\nabout employment.\nAnd in 1998, when at first\nthe 8%, the magical number,\nwas erased, that was the time\nwhen our labour force was\nrising by 8 million\npeople every year.\nAnd you needed something like\n12 million new jobs every year.\nThat's why the\ngovernment thought\nwe needed to maintain\n8% growth in order\nto maintain full employment,\nto maintain social stability.\nToday the workforce is already\ndeclining by three million\nevery year.\nAnd we probably need new\njobs of about two million.\nIf that was a comparable\nnumber, then we probably\nneed comparable growth way below\n7% to maintain full employment\nand to maintain\nsocial stability.\nStructure changes\nare also happening.\nAnd we all know that China's\ncurrent account surplus already\nshrink from the peak of\naround 11% of GDP in 2007.\nAnd it remained at below 3%\nthe last couple of years.\nIncome distribution\nis also improving.\nIncome distribution is also\nimproving the last few years.\nBut so far the changes were\nmainly driven by the changes\nin the labour market.\nAs I mentioned, we already\nsaw the Lewis turning point.\nThe labour market is already\nseeing shortage problems.\nThat's why when growth slowed\nthe last couple of years,\nwe didn't see new\nunemployment problem.\nWe still saw labour shortage.\nAnd the wages were still\nrising very quickly.\nWage increase had a big impact\non the Chinese growth model.\nNumber one, when wages rise,\nit cuts into the profit\nmargins of production, reduces\ninvestment and returns,\nand it probably also hurts\nexport competitiveness.\nThat's why growth is slowing.\nBut at the same\ntime, it actually\nis a very positive for\nincome distribution\nbecause low income\nhouseholds rely on wages,\nwhile high income\nhousehold depend more\non investment returns.\nSo when a wage\nrises very quickly,\nit's kind of income\nredistribution\nfrom the rich people\nto the poor people.\nThis is again the\nreason why we also\nstart to see\nconsumption rise again.\nSo importantly, the\nchange is already\nhappening in the\nChinese economy.\nBut this is obviously mainly\ndriven by changes in the labour\nmarket conditions,\nnot by the policy.\nSo this is why implementation\nof the comprehensive reform\npackage approved by the Third\nPlenum would be very critical.\nEverybody is waiting for\nbreakthroughs in the reforms.\nMy own view is I think the\nmost significant component\nof the reform-- the\nwhole entire package--\nis in the financial reform.\nThe financial reform is\ncritical because, number one,\nas China moves towards\na market system,\nwe know finance will have\nto play a critical role\nin establishing the new\nmarket economy in China.\nWithout an efficient\nfinancial system,\nwe cannot think of a well\ndeveloped market system.\nSecond, of all of\nthe distortions\nI mentioned in the\nfactor markets,\nfinancial distortion was by\nfar the most serious distortion\nin the economy.\nSo in order to correct\nall of the distortions\nin the economic\nstructure, we need\nto liberalise the\nfinancial system.\nBut the third, as you\nprobably all would agree,\nthat financial liberalisation\nis also quite sensitive.\nThere are lots of experiments\nin the emerging world,\nfinancial liberalisation\nleads to significant rise\nof systemic risk.\nBut this is why we have to\nwatch the financial reforms very\nclosely.\nAnd if this is the key\nreason why I think this year\nwe see lots of tests\nfor the policymakers.\nI mean the baseline is if you\nlook at the market forecast,\nthey're all expecting GDP\ngrowth at between 7.6% to 7.7%\nfor this year.\nCPI around 3%.\nBut we may actually see downside\nrisk is to growth this year\nbecause all the factors\nwe're talking about.\nWhen the government tightens the\ncontrols over local government\nborrowing, when the government\nstarts to tighten the liquidity\nconditions and tries to\ndeleverage the financial system\nand so on, all these would point\nto downside risk to growth.\nBut most importantly, we\nexpect the Chinese economy\nto transition from the\nprevious economic miracle\nto more normal development.\nWhat I mean by\nnormal development\nis really that China would\nbecome another emerging market\neconomy, or maybe\nrapidly growing\nemerging market economy.\nAnd during that process,\nwe'll see lots of changes\nwithin the economy.\nAnd I normally would\nfocus on six areas.\nGDP growth is going to slow.\nAnd it will slow further.\nInflation pressure will\ncontinue to rise partly\nbecause of broad\nbased and sustained\nincrease in factor costs.\nIncome distribution will\nprobably improve not just\nbecause of the wage increase\nbut also because of the interest\nrate liberalisation and\nthe government's income\ndistribution policy.\nEconomic structure is going\nto become more balanced.\nIn the past, we relied a lot\non investment and on exports\nto drive growth.\nI think that going\nforward, we're\ngoing to see consumption as a\nmajor driver of Chinese growth.\nAnd we already started to see\nconsumption as a share of GDP\nis rising very quickly.\nIn the past, whenever we talk\nabout the Chinese consumer,\nwe only think about\nthe luxury goods.\nAnd that still is\nprobably the case.\nBut what we are likely to see,\nI think, more significantly\nin the coming years is the\naverage household income\nincrease will leads to\nsignificant consumption\nupgrade.\nAnd that would have a big impact\non the global economy as well.\nAccelerates the\nindustrial upgrading\nbecause the cost will\nrise significantly.\nWhatever we do well\nnow, may no longer\nbe the industry\n[inaudible] we still\nhave a competitive\nin the coming years.\nAnd that's why if you\ntravel to China today,\nyou are seeing very\ndramatic changes\nin the industrial landscape.\nAnd many of the industries are\nfinding difficulties today.\nBut many of the new\nindustries are emerging also.\nFinally the government used\nto support economic growth\nto restrict the range of\nthe GDP growth numbers\nwithin a very narrow range.\nThat is going to change.\nAs we move toward\na market system,\nwe're going to see more\nnormal economic cycles.\nThat obviously would\nmean positive stories\nwhen China expands,\nbut could also\nmean inactive stories\nfor not only China\nbut also the rest of the world.\nBut that's a natural\npart of economic cycle.\nThank you very much.\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "I think one of the biggest\nchallenges, especially the\ntransgender community faces,\nis a lot of people just don't\nthink that they know a\ntransgender person.\nSo, I think the one of the\ngreatest things we can do\nis increase visibility.\n\"Authentically Us\" is \na VR project made with\nOculus’s Creators Lab and \nthe Pride Foundation.\nIt’s a series of films created\nfor audiences to possibly meet\nfor the first time\na transgender person.\nThere still is an enormous\namount of discrimination that\ngoes on.\nthe central thesis of each film\nlooks to create awareness that\ntransgender people have always\nbeen here, can live anywhere,\nand can work anywhere.\nOne of the most powerful,\nif you will, tools, that I\nhave in my toolkit is my story.\nIn all, I spent almost 12 years\nin the United States Air Force.\nAfter an amount of time and a\nlot of struggle, I chose\nto embrace my truth\nand to be brave.\nVR allows the person to be\nimmersed in the experience.\nYou get to walk next to me when\nI'm at the Capitol,\nyou get to go to work with me,\nyou get to see a human being.\nI have an amazing opportunity\nto bring my truth to the world,\nso that other people might have\nthe courage to bring theirs.\nWhen I talked to folks that saw\nthe films and I saw that little\nshine in their eye,\nand you see their mind change.\nI think that's the most\nrewarding feeling I've\never felt.\nAs a creator, it's “don't tell,\nshow.” With virtual reality,\nit's “don't show, bring.” Bring\nthem to where the story is.\nWhen advocates are lobbying\nelected officials on issues\nrelated to transgender rights,\nthey should let the elected\nofficials watch that film.\nI think a lot of hearts could\nbe changed and public policy\ncould be changed.\nI think change can happen\nthrough policy. I think change\ncan happen through culture.\nBut it starts with one person.\nIt starts with one person\nopening themselves up to the\nopportunity for change.\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "Hey I'm Tara I'm Natalie and this is\nNatalie and Taara Try Stuff to a show in which\nwe try stuff for the first time and\ntoday we are going to make pickle pizza\nand why cuz it come on\nthis month the month of July we found\nout it's pickle month internationally\nnatuionally one of the two doesn't matter\nthe point is that this is a celebration\nof pickle and I don't know if you caught\nour episode about Koolickles we really\nlike pickles a lot yeah we've decided\nthat this is pickle month and everything\nwe're filming is pickle why what he does\nknow we're crazy people\nwe've already jumped the shark sorry\nguys that's it Jonas shark jump in it\nright here this is the moment people say\nI used to love that show before it is\nwell I have to say our subscriber Rory\noutdoors sent us a recipe for pickle\npizza yes and that started the entire\nand spiral the out-of-control so here we\nare and we're making do pickle pizza\nit's a garlic lovers dill pickle pizza\nthat I found from recipes from Stephanie\nfrom apples for CJ and it's kind of a\ncopycat of this pizza called the big\ndill that's available buy it from Rhino\npizza in New York and I after she talked\nabout this I really wanted to go to New\nYork and try it but we're not allowed to\ntravel we don't get to travel on the\nshow right now it's really upsetting so\nthis is gonna be our travel episode\nwe're going to New York with our mouth I\ndon't think that New York really is like\nhey we're we're home a pickle pizza I\ndon't know\nbut they are today / this episode /\npickle month / Natalie and Tara try\nstuff yes we need six to eight cloves of\ngarlic finely chopped on it while you do\nthat shy great cheese yes you grate\ncheese\nI need 8 ounces of mild white cheddar\nand Monterey Jack not I mean eight total\nounces so four of each you have this\nblock for cheese shredding is there a\nlike a handle thing Oh Sam has someone\nwho's been a bit of the cheese handle\nyou have any of cheese handle oh wait I\njust made a handle\ninvented done alright okay so the first\nstep so any VAT with two teaspoons of\nolive oil okay and then it needs to go\non to the pie crust we pre-prepared and\nlook we're not just cheating and getting\na pre-prepared one it actually calls for\na free pod so haha there hit me what's\nnext pizza crust got it there we go to\ntwo tablespoons of olive oil probably\nyeah and then and then and then all of\nthat goes on okay all that goes on there\nhmm\nand then we're top it with the cheese I\nlike just cheese it's a lot of cheese\nokay okay all the cheese we're still\nwaiting on the oven a little bit so what\nwe can do is chop up the pickles great\nit is 7 to 8 dill pickles slight it's a\nslices cut in pieces oh I think then\nit's stacker\nlike seven eight of those cutting sizes\nyeah let's just cut okay we're doing\nthis a lot I have already been doing\nthis this okay I can't get that one\nmy hand just keeps slipping yep see ya\nsee what I'm talking about yeah that's\nwhat I can't it's slip sorry I can't get\nthat just been oh oh what about these\nnope Oh going just enough oh my gosh\nJustin knock knock who is it it's me\nJustin I need you to open this jar of\npickles sorry thank you okay now that\nour pickles are open how many of these\ntell me anything you want\nlet's stop up one see how that looks but\nI think we can just do Spears\nthat's justice pierce it pretty clear\npepperonis yeah thin oh yeah that's too\nthin yeah I thought about just buying\npickle chips but I need to leave a big\none for a different part of pickle\nmuffins right who I can put this in\nthere do it I'm going in in the oven\nwell I mean the pizzas going in I'm\ngonna stay out of the oven it's not good\nfor you to be in there 15 minutes of\nthat one believe so oh do you so exist\nno okay never mind how much - 15 mm this\nis a handful Campbell Adil but you don't\ndon't get it on the pickles okay I mean\nII actually wouldn't matter we just\nwould bother me just bother me keep them\nseparated until they're not separated\nanymore\noh I'm setting an alarm stop it\nday one I'm filming for us if you guys\nare wondering we are Phil oh we even\ntold them well weird odd because of\nsocial distancing we decided to\nquarantine ourselves together for a week\nand film everything for the month\nmm-hmm\nand this day one I still in accept this\nalarm stop talking to me until I don't\nreally know what's going on is that what\ngives dill pickles their flavor I know\nyou keep the seemly trying to shop for\nthis freaking week of filming and\neverything was like a pound of there's\nlike a pound of potatoes but they sell\npotatoes by the one to three and there's\nno scales anywhere anymore right and\nthen it's like you need this kind of\nonion or a sweet onion like sweet honey\nI don't know what these are like buying\nthe ginger I'm like buying kale I'm but\nI'm leaving on the list that I can vine\neasily was the ranch I love that you're\nin charge of the research and\ndevelopment for the show and like when\nit comes to the cooking episode thank\nGod you rabbit-hole as much as you do\nbut like how little you know about food\nstuff like that guy hold on how often\nI'm looking up what it looks like just\nso I can find it and in the produce\nsection I'm calling me then I just\nspread out who I call it's you my mom my\nsister and the internet if I can't get\nthe internet to tell me then and it\ndepends on who I called glass so I don't\nembarrass myself a lime goodness you're\nso funny okay so 15 minutes is up we got\nto get the pizza and then add the\npickles okay I go get pizza okay\nokay so we're gonna add pickles to this\nnicely done down just for the record\nit's two pickles to hold two whole\npickles is what we use okay so we're\ngoing back in for another just couple\nmore minutes\nit's probably like keep the pickles up\ncuz they're cold\nokay yeah that's probably all you're\ndoing that hey uh so\nwow that's in the oven you know us guys\nwe can't just we can't just eat a thing\nwe can't just you know try it taste test\nit and tell you all about it that's\nboring that's not what we do here what\ndo we do go to love it take it dude\neleven\nwelcome to our pizzeria yay I just had\nthe best day here in New York it was so\nlovely off we saw the Empire State\nBuilding on these lovely shirts amazing\nsouvenir sure each spot one yeah it's\nbeen so fun up now it's time to wear\neverything all traffic you're standing\nbetween me and pickle pizza right now\nwith all your talking all right all\nright okay\nnow for this is warm not a moment that's\nreally good are you go rose\nI'm gonna wash it Jonny what you think\nit's gonna be good yeah that's good I\nlove it\nmmm the Dilys is very subtle the pickle\nis not overwhelming wait I mean at all\nNeum the cheese yeah I mean it's all\njust sound like a flatbread obviously\nthan it is a pizza yeah but it's too\nyoung I really like the cheese\ncombination but she's combination with\nthe pickle is really really good highly\nrecommend yep you need to do this oh no\nwe need to go to New York and go to the\nreal Vienna feature yes mm-hmm I can't\nwait someday we're gonna make it there\nsomeday her house does pretty white one\nwe did the white wine more as a joke but\nI'm kind of curious now wine it pairing\nwith Chardonnay on point okay\nall right just so you know when you make\nyour pickle pizza with the shortening\nuh-huh uh-huh great all right this is\namazing I'm so excited we did this let's\ngo pickle Bob mm-hmm I'm Tam I'm Natalie\nand this was Nelly Ontario try stuff\ndon't forget to subscribe hit the bell\nbecause this month it's important that\nyou stay up-to-date with what's going on\ntrust me you want to see all these\npeople episodes don't miss any of the\npickle excitement no no no you don't\nmiss it\nand we'll see you guys next time\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "\nKorean: \n전기에 대해서\n알아보기 전에\n\nBulgarian: \nПреди да се запознаем \nс процеса на електролиза,\nнека си припомним структурата\nна галваничната клетка,\nза да можем да я сравним\nс електролизната клетка.\nГалваничната клетка използва спонтанна \nокислително-редукционна реакция,\nпри което се генерира\nелектрически ток.\nАко започнем с нашия\nцинков електрод,\nцинкът се превръща в\nйони Zn2+.\nТака че твърдият цинк\nсе превръща в йони Zn2+.\nЕдин атом цинк губи два електрона,\nза да се превърне в Zn2+.\nЗагубата на електрони\nе окисление.\nОкислението се извършва\nна цинковия електрод.\nЦинковият електрод\nе нашият анод.\nЗапомни, че окислението\nсе извършва на анода.\nМожеш да го запомниш като \"an ox\", което е \"вол\"\n (ан-од – ок-исление).\nЦинковият електрод е\nизточникът на електрони.\nТова е отрицателният\nелектрод\nи тези електрони преминават\nпрез проводника\nи се генерира\nелектрически ток.\n\nEnglish: \n- [Voiceover] Before we\nget into electrolysis,\nlet's review the structure\nof a voltaic cell\nso we can compare it to\nan electrolytic cell.\nSo a voltaic cell uses a\nspontaneous redox reaction\nto produce an electric current.\nSo if we started our zinc electrode,\nsolid zinc turns into zinc two plus ions.\nSo solid zinc turns\ninto zinc two plus ions.\nAn atom of zinc would\nhave to lose two electrons\nto turn into zinc two plus.\nSo loss of electrons is oxidation.\nAnd oxidation is occurring\nat our zinc electrode.\nSo the zinc electrode must be our anode.\nRemember oxidation occurs at the anode.\nAnd you can remember that by an ox.\nThe zinc electrode is\nour source of electrons.\nSo this is our negative electrode,\nand those electrons move in our wire\nto produce an electric current.\n\nAzerbaijani: \nEletrolizə başlamadan öncə gəlin\nqalvanik elementin quruluşunu təkrar gözdən keçirək\nbeləcə biz onu elektrolit heceyrəsilə müqayisə edəbilərik\nBeləcə qalvanik hüceyrə elektric cərayanı\nistehsal etmək üçün kortəbii gedən redoks reaksiyalardan\nistifadə edir.Əgər zink elektrodunu işə salsaq\nbərk zink çevrilir zink müsbət iki ionuna\nBeləcə bərk zink zink müsbət iki ionuna çevrilir.\nZink atomu iki eletron itirməli olacaq\nzink müsbət iki ionuna çevrilmək üçün.\nYani eletronların itirilməsi oksidləşmədir\nVə oksidləşmə zink elektrodunda baş verəcək\nZink elektrodu bizim anodumuz olmalıdıdr\nYadda saxlayın anodda oksidləşmə baş verir\nbunu an oks. olaraq yadda saxlayabilərsən\nZink elektrodu bizim elektron mənbəyimizdir\nYani o bizim mənfi elektrodumuzdur,\nvə elektronlar elektrik cərayanını\nistehsal etmək üçün naqildə hərəkət edirlər.\n\nThai: \nก่อนเราจะเข้าสู่การแยกสลายด้วยไฟฟ้า\nเรามาทบทวนส่วนประกอบของเซลล์กัลวานิก\nเพื่อเปรียบเทียบกับเซลล์อิเล็กโทรไลต์กัน\nเซลล์กัลวานิกใช้ปฏิกิริยารีดอกซ์ที่เกิดเองได้\nเพื่อผลิตกระแสไฟฟ้า\nดังนั้นหากเราเริ่มด้วยขั้วสังกะสี\nสังกะสีของแข็งเปลี่ยนเป็นสังกะสี 2+ ไอออน\nดังนั้นสังกะสีของแข็งเปลี่ยนเป็นสังกะสี 2+ ไอออน\nอะตอมของสังกะสีจะต้องเสีย 2 อิเล็กตรอน\nเพื่อเปลี่ยนเป็นสังกะสี 2+\nดังนั้นการเสียอิเล็กตรอน คือออกซิเดชัน\nและออกซิเดชันเกิดขึ่้นที่ขั้วสังกะสีของเรา\nดังนั้นขั้วสังกะสีเป็นแอโนด\nจำไว้ว่าออกซิเดชันเกิดที่แอโนด\nและคุณสามารถจำได้โดย \"an ox\"\nขั้วสังกะสีเป็นแหล่งอิเล็กตรอนของเรา\nดังนั้นจึงเป็นขั้วลบ\nและอิเล็กตรอนเหล่านั้นเคลื่อนผ่านลวด\nเพื่อผลิตกระแสไฟฟ้า\n\nBulgarian: \nКогато тези два електрона\nдостигнат до медния електрод,\nние знаем, че в разтвора\nимаме Cu2+ йони.\nВ разтвора има Cu2+.\nКогато тези йони Cu2+\nполучат тези два електрона,\nCu2+ се превръща в мед.\nМедният електрод\nсе състои от мед.\nТова е редукция.\nПолучаването на електрони\nе редукция.\nРедукцията се случва \nна медния електрод,\nкоето го прави катод.\nЗапомни red cat, или червена котка.\n(ред-укция – кат-од).\nRed cat е начин\nда го запомниш.\nМедният електрод\nе положителният електрод.\nИ този процес е \nспонтанен.\nСтандартният клетъчен \nпотенциал, Е нулево\nе +1,10 волта.\nЗапомни, че положителната\nстойност на клетъчния потенциал\nозначава спонтанна реакция.\nИ се генерира\nелектрически ток.\nСега да сравним галваничната \nклетка\nс електролизната клетка\nтук вдясно.\n\nAzerbaijani: \nO iki elektron mis elektroduna çatdıqda\nbilirik ki, məhlulda mis iki müsbət ionlar var\nBeləcə məhlulda mis iki müsbət ionlar var\nvə bu mis iki müsbət ionlar o iki\nelektronu qəbul etdikdə , mis iki müsbət\nçevrilir bərk misə.\nBizim mis elektrodumuzda mis əmələgəlir\nBu isə reduksiyadır.\nElektronların qəbulu reduksiyadır.\nVə reduksiya bizim mis elektrodumuzda baş\nverir, bu o deməkdir ki o katoddur.\nYadda saxla red kat.\nRed kat onu yadda saxlamaq yoludur.\nBeləcə mis elektrodu müsbət elektroddur.\nBu reaksiya kortəbii baş verir.\nStandart elektrod potensialı, E sıfır,\nmüsbər 1.10 voltdur.\nYadda saxla standart potensialın müsbət\ndəyəri özbaşına gedən reaksiyaya işarədir.\nBeləcə biz elektrik cərayanı istehsal etdik\nGəlin qalvanik elementini elektrokimyəvi\nelementlə, sağda yerləşir, müqayisə edək.\n\nThai: \nเมื่ออิเล็กตรอนสองตัวนั้นเคลื่อนมาถึงขั้วทองแดง\nเราทราบว่าเรามีทองแดง 2+ ไอออนในสารละลาย\nดังนั้นทองแดง 2+ ในสารละลาย\nและเมื่อทองแดง 2+ เหล่านี้\nรับ 2 อิเล็กตรอน ทองแดง 2+\nจะกลายเป็นทองแดงของแข็ง\nดังนั้นทองแดงเกิดขึ้นที่ขั้วทองแดงตรงนี้\nจึงเป็นรีดักชัน\nการรับอิเล็กตรอนคือรีดักชัน\nดังนั้น รีดักชันจึงเกิดที่ขั้วทองแดงของเรา\nทำให้เป็นแคโทด\nจำ \"red cat\"\n\"red cat\" ช่วยให้เราจำได้\nดังนั้นขั้วทองแดงจึงต้องเป็นขั้วบวกของเรา\nปฏิกิริยานี้เกิดเองได้\nศักย์ไฟฟ้ามาตรฐานของเซลล์ E ศูนย์\nเท่ากับ +1.10 โวลต์\nจำไว้ว่าค่าศักย์ไฟฟ้าของเซลล์เป็นบวก\nหมายถึงปฏิกิริยาเกิดเองได้\nดังนั้นเราผลิตกระแสไฟฟ้า\nเรามาเปรียบเทียบเซลล์กัลวานิกกับ\nเซลล์อิเล็กโทรไลต์ จากทางขวามือกัน\n\nEnglish: \nWhen those two electrons\nreach our copper electrode,\nwe know we have copper\ntwo plus ions in solution.\nSo copper two plus ions in solution,\nand when those copper two plus ions\ngain those two electrons, copper two plus\nturns into solid copper.\nSo copper forms at our\ncopper electrode here.\nSo this is reduction.\nGain of electrons is reduction.\nSo reduction is occurring\nat our copper electrode,\nmaking this the cathode.\nRemember red cat.\nRed cat is how to remember that one.\nSo the copper electrode must\nbe our positive electrode.\nThis reaction is spontaneous.\nThe standard cell potential, E zero,\nis positive 1.10 volts.\nRemember a positive value\nfor your cell potential\nmeans a spontaneous reaction.\nSo we produce an electric current.\nLet's compare that voltaic cell to\nan electrolytic cell, so on the right.\n\nThai: \nเซลล์อิเล็กโทรไลต์ใช้กระแสไฟฟ้า\nเพื่อทำให้เกิดปฏิกิริยารีดอกซ์ทีเ่กิดเองไม่ได้\nดังนั้นหากเราดูปฏิกิริยารวมตรงนี้\nเราเริ่มจากทองแดงของแข็งและ\nสังกะสี 2+ ไอออนในสารละลาย\nและเรากำลังจะทำให้เกิดทองแดง 2+ ไอออน\nในสารละลายและสังกะสีของแข็ง\nดังนั้นนี่เป็นปฏิกิริยาย้อนกลับ\nของปฏิกิริยาแรกที่เราได้พูดถึงไป\nสารตั้งต้นของปฏิกิริยานี้ คือ\nผลิตภัณฑ์ของปฏิกิริยานี้\nในการหาศักย์ไฟฟ้ามาตรฐานของเซลล์\nสิ่งที่เราต้องทำก็คือเปลี่ยนเป็นค่าลบของ\nค่าศักย์ไฟฟ้าของเซลล์นี้ \nเพราะเราแค่กลับทิศของปฏิกิริยา\nดังนั้นหากเรากลับทิศของปฏิกิริยา \nเราก็แค่เปลี่ยนเครื่องหมาย\nดังนั้นศักย์ไฟฟ้าของเซลล์ \nศักย์ไฟฟ้ามาตรฐานของเซลล์\nจึงเท่ากับ -1.10 โวลต์\nค่าศักย์ไฟฟ้าของเซลล์เป็นลบ แสดงว่า\nปฏิกิริยารีดอกซ์เกิดเองไม่ได้\nดังนั้นปฏิกิริยานี้จึงไม่เกิดเอง\nทองแดงของแข็งไม่เปลี่ยนเป็น\nทองแดง 2+\nและสังกะสี 2+ ไม่เปลี่ยนเป็น\nสังกะสีของแข็ง\nมันต้องการความช่วยเหลือถึงจะเกิดขึ้น\n\nAzerbaijani: \nElektrokimyəvi element elektrik cərəyanını\nqeyri-kortəbii redoks reaksiyalar üçün istifadə edir\nBuradakı ümümi reaksiyaya baxaq,\nbərk mis və məhlulda olan zink iki\nmüsbət ionla başladıq.\nVə nəticədə məhlulda mis iki müsbət\nionu və bərk zinkə keçdik.\nDeyəbilərik ki, bu bayaq danışdığımız\nreaksiyanın əksidir.Bu reaksiyanın başlanqıc\nmaddələri bu reakiyanın məhsullarıdır.\nStandart elektron potensialını tapmaq üçün\nbu ifadənin mənfisini götürməliyik.\nÇünki biz sadəcə reaksiyanı geri çevirdik.\nYani əgər biz reaksiyanı əksinə döndərdiksə\nsadəcə işarəni dəyişirik. Standart elektrod\npotensialı mənfi 1.10 volt olacaq.\nElekrod potensialın mənfi dəyəri\nqeyri-kortəbii redoksa işarədir.\nYani bu özbaşına baş vermir.\nBərk mis mis iki müsbət ionuna çevrilmir\nvə zink iki müsbət bərk zinkə çevrilmir.\nBunları etmək üçün müəyyən köməyə ehtiyac var\n\nEnglish: \nAn electrolytic cell\nuses an electric current\nto drive a nonspontaneous redox reaction.\nSo if we look at the\noverall reaction here,\nwe're starting with solid copper and\nzinc two plus ions in solution.\nAnd we're going to copper two plus ions\nin solution and solid zinc.\nSo this is the reverse of the\nreaction we just talked about.\nThe reactants for this reaction were\nthe products for this reaction.\nTo find the standard cell potential,\nall we have to do is\ntake the negative of this\ncell potential, because we\njust reversed the reaction.\nSo if we reverse the reaction,\nwe just change the sign.\nSo the cell potential, the\nstandard cell potential,\nwould be negative 1.10 volts.\nA negative value for\nyour cell potential means\na non-spontaneous redox reaction.\nSo this doesn't occur on its own.\nSolid copper doesn't just\nturn into copper two plus\nand zinc two plus doesn't\nturn into solid zinc.\nIt needs some help in order to do that.\n\nBulgarian: \nЕлектролизната клетка \nизползва електричество\nза да се проведе неспонтанна \nокислително-редукционна реакция.\nАко погледнем тук общото уравнение,\nзапочваме с твърда мед\nи йони Zn2+ в разтвора.\nИ получаваме Cu2+ йони в разтвора\nи твърд цинк.\nТова е точно обратното\nна процеса, за който говорихме досега.\nРеагентите в този процес\nса продуктите в този.\nЗа да намерим стандартния\nклетъчен потенциал\nтрябва да вземем отрицателната\nстойност на този\nклетъчен потенциал, тъй като\nпросто обръщаме реакцията.\nАко обръщаме реакцията,\nпросто обръщаме знака.\nТака стандартният клетъчен потенциал\nще бъде –1,10 волта.\nОтрицателната стойност на\nклетъчния потенциал означава,\nче окислително-редукционният\nпроцес не е спонтанен.\nТой не протича от само себе си.\nМеталната мед не се \nпревръща просто така в Cu2+\nи Zn2+ не се превръща\nпросто така в твърд цинк.\nТрябва някакво помощ,\nза да се случи това.\n\nEnglish: \nIt needs an external voltage source,\nlike a battery, to drive this reaction\nand force it to happen.\nSo we need a battery here.\nLet's put in a battery\nin our little circuit.\nSo we have a battery.\nWe need the negative terminal\nto be on the left side\nand the positive terminal\nto be on the right side.\nSo this is our voltage source.\nAnd we need at least 1.10 volts\nto force this reaction to occur.\nAnd in practice, it turns out\nto be more than 1.10 volts.\nSo our negative terminal of the battery\nis where we get electrons.\nSo electrons come out\nof the negative terminal\nof the battery and deliver\nelectrons to the zinc electrode.\nSo electrons are forced\nonto the zinc electrodes.\nLet me draw on here two electrons.\nAnd now we have two zinc\nplus ions in solution.\nThose zinc two plus ions have\nan opportunity to be reduced.\nIf those zinc two plus ions\ngain those two electrons,\nzinc two plus gains two electrons\n\nAzerbaijani: \nBunun üçün xarıcı gərginlik mənbəyinə\nehtiyac var, məsələn batareya, hansı ki\nreaksiyanı baş vermsinə təkan verəcək.\nburada bizə batareya lazımdır.\nGəlin batareyanı kiçik zəncirimizə daxil edək\nBeləcə batareyamız hazırdı\nMənfi hissəsi sol tərəfdə olmalıdır\nmüsbət hissəsi isə sağ tərəfdə olmalıdır.\nBu bizim gərginlik mənbəyimizdir\nVə bizə ən azı 1.10 volt lazımdır\nbu reaksiyanın baş tutması üçün.\nTəcrübədə 1.10 voltdan çox olmalıdır.\nBatareyanın mənfi tərəfi elektronların\nmövcüd olan tərəfdir.\nBeləcə elektronlar batareyanın mənfi\ntərəfindən çıxır və zink elektroda çatdırılır.\nElektronlar zink eletrod tərəfə ötürülür.\nGəlin burada iki elektron çəkim.\nVə məhlulda zink müsbət iki ionu alınır.\nO zink ionların reduksiya olma imkanı var.\nƏgər zink ionları iki elektron qəbul etsə,\nzink iki müsbət iki elektron qəbul edir\n\nThai: \nมันต้องการแหล่งความต่างศักย์ภายนอก\nเช่นแบตเตอรี่ เพื่อขับเคลื่อนปฏิกิริยานี้\nและบังคับให้มันเกิดขึ้น\nเราจึงต้องการแบตเตอรี่ตรงนี้\nเรามาใส่แบตเตอรี่ไว้ในวงจรเล็กของเรา\nเราก็ใส่แบตเตอรี่\nเราต้องการให้ขั้วลบอยู่ทางซ้ายมือ\nและขั้วบวกอยู่ทางขวามือ\nดังนั้นนี่เป็นแหล่งความต่างศักย์ของเรา\nและเราต้องการอย่างน้อย 1.10 โวลต์\nเพื่อบังคับให้ปฏิกิริยานี้เกิดขึ้น\nและในทางปฏิบัติ ปรากฏว่า\nต้องใช้มากกว่า 1.10 โวลต์\nแล้วขั้วลบของแบตเตอรี่ของเรา\nเป็นจุดที่เราได้อิเล็กตรอนมา\nดังนั้นอิเล็กตรอนจะออกมาจากขั้วลบ\nของแบตเตอรี่และส่งไปยังขั้วสังกะสี\nดังนั้น อิเล็กตรอนถูกบังคับให้ไปหาขั้วสังกะสี\nขอผมวาดตรงนี้ มีสองอิเล็กตรอน\nและตอนนี้เรามีสังกะสี2+ ไอออนในสารละลาย\nสังกะสี2+ ไอออนเหล่านั้นมีโอกาสจะถูกรีดิวซ์\nหากสังกะสี2+ เหล่านั้นได้รับสองอิเล็กตรอน\nสังกะสี2+ รับสองอิเล็กตรอน\n\nBulgarian: \nТрябва външен източник\nна напрежение,\nкато батерия, за да\nпротече тази реакция,\nда я принуди да се състои.\nЗначи тук ни трябва батерия.\nНека да сложа батерия\nв този кръг.\nИмаме батерия.\nОтрицателният извод трябва\nда е отляво,\nа положителният извод\nтрябва да е отдясно.\nТова е източник\nна напрежение.\nИ ни трябват най-малко\n1,10 волта, за да протече реакцията.\nНа практика са повече\nот 1,10 волта.\nТака че от отрицателния\nелектрод на батерията\nполучаваме електроните.\nЕлектроните идват от\nотрицателния извод на батерията,\nи отиват в цинковия електрод.\nЕлектроните постъпват\nв цинковия електрод.\nНека нарисувам тук\nдва електрона.\nИ тук имаме два йона\nZn2+ в разтвора.\nТези йони имат възможност\nда се редуцират.\nАко тези два йона Zn2+ получат\nтези два електрона\n\nBulgarian: \nте се превръщат\nв метален цинк.\nОбразува се твърд цинк.\nВърху цинковия електрод\nсе образува цинк.\nТака, когато Zn2+ получава два електрона\nи се получава цинк,\nтова е редукция.\nПолучаването на електрони\nе редукция.\nТози път редукцията се извършва\nна цинковия електрод,\nредукцията става на катода.\nЦинковият електрод\nе нашият катод.\nОще веднъж, red cat\n(ред-укция на кат-ода).\nЦинковият електрод\nе по-отрицателен.\nТака че имаме електрони,\nкоито постъпват в цинковия електрод.\nТова го прави \nотрицателен електрод.\nБатерията отнема електрони\nот медния електрод.\nМедния електрод\nгуби електрони.\nЕлектроните преминават \nпрез батерията тук.\nТе се движат към\nположителния извод на батерията.\nТова прави медния електрод\nсравнително положителен.\nТова е нашият \nположителен електрод.\n\nEnglish: \nand turns into solid zinc.\nSo solid zinc forms.\nSolid zinc forms on our zinc electrode.\nSo zinc two plus gaining two electrons\nto form solid zinc is reduction.\nGain of electrons is reduction.\nSo this time reduction is\noccurring at our zinc electrode\nand reduction occurs at the cathode.\nSo the zinc electrode is our cathode.\nSo once again, red cat.\nThe zinc electrode is more negative.\nSo we've had electrons forced\nonto the zinc electrode.\nThat makes this our negative electrode.\nThe battery is pulling electrons away\nfrom the copper electrode.\nSo the copper electrode\nis losing electrons.\nElectrons are going\ntoward the battery here.\nSo electrons are going toward the\npositive terminal of the battery.\nThat makes the copper\nelectrode relatively positive.\nSo this is our positive electrode.\n\nAzerbaijani: \nvə bərk zinkə çevrilir.\nBeləcə bərk zink əmələgəlir.\nBərk zink zink elektrdunda əmələgəlir.\nZink iki müsbət iki elektron qəbul edərək\nbərk zinkin əmələgəlməsi reduksiyadır.\nElektronların qəbulu reduksiyadır.\nBu dəfə reduksiya zink elektrodunda gedir\nvə belcə reduksiya katodda baş verir.\nYani zink elektrodu bizim katoddur.\nVə yenədə, red kat.\nZink elektron daha mənfi yüklüdür.\nBiz elektronları zink elektroduna göndərdik\nBu, onu mənfi elektrod halına gətirir.\nBatareya elektronları mis\nelektrodundan uzaqlaşdırır.\nBeləcə mis elektrodu elektronları itirir.\nElektronlar batareyə tərəf yönəlirlər.\nBeləcə elektronlar batareyanın müsbət\ntərəfinə doğru hərəkət edir.\nBu mis elektrodunu nisbətən müsbət hala\ngətirir.Bu bizim müsbət elektrodumuzdur.\n\nThai: \nกลายเป็นสังกะสีของแข็ง\nดังนั้นเกิดสังกะสีของแข็ง\nสังกะสีของแข็งเกิดขึ้นบนขั้วสังกะสี\nดังนั้นสังกะสี2+ รับสองอิเล็กตรอน\nเกิดสังกะสีของแข็ง จึงเป็นรีดักชัน\nการรับอิเล็กตรอน คือรีดักชัน\nดังนั้นเที่ยวนี้ รีดักชันเกิดขึ้นที่ขั้วสังกะสีของเรา\nและรีดักชันเกิดขึ้นที่แคโทด\nดังนั้นขั้วสังกะสีจึงเป็นแคโทดของเรา\nเหมือนเดิม \"red cat\"\nขั้งสังกะสีเป็นลบกว่า\nเราจึงมีอิเล็กตรอนที่ถูกบังคับไปยังขั้วสังกะสี\nซึ่งทำให้มันเป็นขั้วลบของเรา\nแบตเตอรี่ดึงอิเล็กตรอนออกจาก\nขั้วทองแดง\nดังนั้นขั้วทองแดงจึงเสียอิเล็กตรอน\nอิเล็กตรอนเคลื่อนไปหาแบตเตอรี่ตรงนี้\nดังนั้นอิเล็กตรอนจึงเคลื่อน\nไปหาขั้วบวกของแบตเตอรี่\nซึ่งทำให้ขั้วทองแดงเป็นบวกสัมพัทธ์\nดังนั้นนี่คือขั้วบวกของเรา\n\nBulgarian: \nТова е мястото, където\nсе извършва окислението.\nТака твърдата мед\nсе превръща в йони Cu2+.\nТвърдата мед се превръща\nв Cu2+.\nИмаме твърда мед, която\nсе превръща в Cu2+.\nИ за да стане това, \nтя губи два електрона.\nЗначи твърдата мед\nсе превръща в Cu2+,\nкато губи два електрона.\nЗагубата на електрони\nе окисление.\nОкислението става\nна медния електрод този път\nи това го прави анод.\nТъй като окислението\nсе извършва на анода.\nСпомни си, an ox\n(ан-од – ок-исление).\nМедният електрод губи маса\nс течение на времето.\nТака че виждаш разликата\nмежду галванична клетка\nи електролизна клетка.\nГалваничната клетка\nсъздава ток,\nзащото протича спонтанна\nокислително-редукционна реакция.\nНо в електролизната клетка\nимаме неспонтанен \nокислително-редукционен процес.\nИ за да протече,\nни е необходим ток.\nТрябва ни външен източник\nна напрежение.\n\nAzerbaijani: \nVə bu tərəf bu oksidləşmə tərəfi olmalıdır\nVə bərk mis çevrilir mis müsbət iki ionuna\nBərk mis çevrilir mis müsbət iki ionlarına\nBeləcə bərk mis çevrilir Cu müsbət ikiyə.\nBunun üçün iki elektron itirilir.\nBudur bərk mis çevrilir mis müsbət ikiyə,\nbiz iki elektron itiririk.\nElektronların itirilməsi oksidləşmədir.\nVə oksidləşmə bu dəfə mis elektrodunda baş\nverir və bu onu anod halına gətirir.\nÇünki oksidləşmə anodda baş verir.\nBeləcə oks an.\nVaxt keçdikcə mis elektrodun kütləsi azalır\nBeləcə siz galvanik elementlə elektrokimyəvi\nelement arasında fərqi görəbilirsiz.\nGalvanik element cərəyan əmələgətirir,\nçünki kortəbii redoks reaksiyası baş verir\nLakin elektrokimyəvi element üçün\nqeyri-kortəbii redoks baş verir.\nBunun baş tutması üçün bizə cərəyan lazımdır\nXarici gərginlik qaynağı lazımdır bizə.\nGəlin qəbul edək ki, işarələr,\n\nThai: \nและนี่คือแหล่ง นี่คือบริเวณที่เกิดออกซิเดชัน\nดังนั้นทองแดงของแข็งกลายเป็นทองแดง2+ ไอออน\nทองแดงของแข็งกลายเป็นทองแดง2+ ไอออน\nเราจึงมีทองแดงของแข็งกลายเป็น Cu 2+\nและต้องเสียสองอิเล็กตรอนเพื่อทำให้เกิดขึ้น\nดังนั้นทองแดงของแข็งกลายเป็นทองแดง2+\nเราจะเสียสองอิเล็กตรอน\nการเสียอิเล็กตรอนคือออกซิเดชัน\nดังนั้นเที่ยวนี้ ออกซิเดชันเกิดขึ้นที่ขั้วทองแดงของเรา\nและทำให้มันเป็นแอโนด\nเนื่องจากออกซิเดชันเกิดที่แอโนด\nนั่นคือ \"an ox\"\nขั้วทองแดงจึงสูญเสียมวลเมื่อเวลาผ่านไป\nดังนั้นคุณจะเห็นความแตกต่างระหว่าง\nเซลล์กัลวานิกกับเซลล์อิเล็กโทรไลต์\nเซลล์กัลวานิกสร้างกระแสไฟฟ้า\nเนื่องจากเรามีปฏิกิริยารีดอกซ์ที่เกิดเองได้\nแต่สำหรับเซลล์อิเล็กโทรไลต์ เรามี\nปฏิกิริยารีดอกซ์ที่เกิดเองไม่ได้\nเพื่อที่จะทำให้เกิด เราต้องการกระแส\nเราต้องการแหล่งความต่างศักย์ภายนอก\nเรามาชี้ให้เห็นว่าเครื่องหมาย\n\nEnglish: \nAnd this is the site, this\nmust be the site of oxidation.\nSo solid copper turns\ninto copper two plus ions.\nSolid copper turns into\ncopper two plus ions.\nSo we have solid copper\nturning into Cu two plus.\nAnd so we're losing two\nelectrons in order to do that.\nSo solid copper turns\ninto copper two plus,\nwe lose two electrons.\nLoss of electrons is oxidation.\nSo oxidation occurs at our\ncopper electrode this time\nand that makes this the anode.\nBecause oxidation occurs at the anode.\nSo an ox.\nSo the copper electrode\nloses mass over time.\nSo you can see the difference between\na voltaic cell and an electrolytic cell.\nSo a voltaic cell created a current,\nbecause we had a\nspontaneous redox reaction.\nBut for an electrolytic cell, we had a\nnon-spontaneous redox reaction.\nSo to get it to occur we needed a current.\nWe needed an external voltage source.\nLet's point out that the\nfact that the signs are,\n\nEnglish: \nthe signs of the electrodes are opposite\nfor voltaic and electrolytic cells.\nFor example, let me use a\ndifferent color over here,\nwe can see that the anode\nwas the zinc electrode\nand this was our negative electrode here.\nAnd that's because the zinc electrode\nwas our source of electrons.\nSo this makes that our negative electrode.\nBut over here, the negative\nelectrode is our cathode.\nBecause electrons are\nforced on it by the battery.\nSo the signs of the\nelectrodes are opposite\nfor voltaic and electrolytic cells.\nNotice for an electrolytic cell,\nfor an electrolytic cell\nthe negative electrode\nmatches up with the negative\nterminal of the battery.\nAnd the positive electrode matches up with\nthe positive terminal of the battery.\nSo that's a good way to remember\nwhich electrodes are which\nin an electrolytic cell.\nJust look at the battery\nand you can figure it out.\n\nBulgarian: \nНека да подчертая факта,\n че знаците на електродите\nса противоположни\nв галванична и електролизна\nклетка.\nНека да използвам \nразличен цвят,\nвиждаме, че тук анод\nе цинковият електрод,\nтова е отрицателният електрод.\nИ това е така, защото\nцинковият електрод е източник на електрони.\nТова го прави отрицателен\nелектрод.\nНо ето тук, отрицателният електрод\nе нашият катод.\nЗащото електроните се насочват\nпринудително към него от батерия.\nТака че знаците са обратни\nза галванична\nи електролизна клетка.\nОбърни внимание, че\nв електролизната клетка\nотрицателният електрод\nе свързан с отрицателния извод\nна батерията.\nА положителният електрод е свързан\nс положителния извод на батерията\nТова е добър начин за запомняне\nкой електрод къде е\nв електролизната клетка.\nПросто погледни към батерията\nи веднага ще разбереш.\n\nThai: \nเครื่องหมายของขั้วนั้นตรงข้ามกัน\nระหว่างเซลล์กัลวานิกกับเซลล์อิเล็กโทรไลต์\nตัวอย่างเช่น ผมจะใช้สีต่างกัน ตรงนี้\nเราจะเห็นว่าแอโนด\nคือขั้วสังกะสี\nและเป็นขั้วลบของเรา\nมันเป็นเพราะขั้วสังกะสี\nเป็นแหล่งอิเล็กตรอนของเรา\nจึงทำให้มันเป็นขั้วลบของเรา\nแต่ตรงนี้ ขั้วลบคือแคโทดของเรา\nเพราะอิเล็กตรอนถูกบังคับจากแบตเตอรี่\nเครื่องหมายของขั้วจึงตรงข้ามกัน\nสำหรับเซลล์กัลวานิกและอิเล็กโทรไลต์\nสังเกตว่าเซลล์อิเล็กโทรไลต์\nสำหรับเซลล์อิเล็กโทรไลต์ ขั้วลบ\nจะต่อกับขั้วลบของแบตเตอรี่\nและขั้วบวกก็ต่อกับ\nขั้วบวกของแบตเตอรี่\nและช่วยให้จำได้ง่ายขึ้น\nว่าขั้วไหนเป็นขั้วไหนในเซลล์อิเล็กโทรไลต์\nเพียงแค่ดูแบตเตอรี่ก็สามารถหาได้\n\nAzerbaijani: \nelektrodların işarələri galvanik və\nelektrokimyəvi elementlər üçün əksinədir.\nMəsələn, icazə verin burda rəngi dəyişim,\ngörürük ki, anod\nzink elektrod olur və o\nbizim mənfi elektrodumuz olur burada.\nBunun səbəbi odur ki, zink elektrodu bizim\nelektron mənbəyimizi idi.\nBu onu mənfi elektrod halına gətirir.\nLakin orada mənfi elektrod bizim katoddur.\nÇünki elektronlar batareya ilə onun tərəfə\nötürülürdü.Beləcə elektrodların işarələri\ngalvanik və elektrokimyəvi elementlər üçün\nəksdir.Qeyd edək ki, elektrokimyəvi\nelement üçün mənfi elektrod batareyanın\nmənfi tərəfi ilə uyğun gəlir.\nVə müsbət elektrod batareyanın\nmüsbət tərəfinə uyğun gəlir.\nElektrokimyəvi elementdə elektrodu təyin\netməyi yadda saxlamaq üçün yaxşı üsuldur.\nSadəcə batareyaya baxaraq təyin edəbilərik\n\nKorean: \n동전기 세포의 구조에 대해서 보자\n우리는 이것을 전기 세포로 \n나눌 수 있는데\n동전기 세포는 자발적인 환원\n반응을 사용한다\n전류를 생산하기 위해서\n아연 전극에서 시작해보면\n고체 아연은 아연2+ 이온으로 바뀐다\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "- [Alex] Alright, we have a deck of cards\nand a spectator names\na card that they see.\nSo which one do you see right there?\nOh, let's say they say two of diamonds.\nYou go, two of diamonds, I love that card.\nWe'll leave it in the center of the deck.\nI don't know where it is.\nYou don't know where it is.\n(snaps)\nBut in fact,\nwith a snap of the fingers,\nyou have complete control over that card.\n(jazz music)\n(jazz music)\nYo, guys, Alex Pandrea here.\nWhat's going on?\nI'm really excited about this video today\nbecause today we are going to learn\nmy favorite control of all time.\nIt's called the turnover pass.\nNow, the turnover pass is\nsomething that I've released\nin the past but I think\nit's important to learn\nand learn correctly.\nWe're gonna learn the\nmove in three easy steps\nand figure out why it's\nimportant, why you should use it\nand why it's my favorite\ncontrol of all time.\nSo, let's take a look at the\nturnover pass, how it looks,\nlearn it and then go\nout and blow some minds.\nAlright, we have a deck of cards\nand the spectator names\na card that they see.\nSo which one do you see right there?\nOh, let's say they say two of diamonds.\nYou go, two of diamonds, I love that card.\nWe'll leave it in the center of the deck.\nI don't know where it is.\nYou don't know where it is.\n(snaps)\nBut in fact,\nwith a snap of the fingers,\nyou have complete control over that card.\nOkay, before we get into\nthe actual technique\nof the turnover pass, I\nwanna go over a few things\npsychologically when doing this move.\nNow, there is a few ways to do it.\nAs you may or may not know\nthis is part of the\ninvisible control category\nwhere it looks like nothing is happening\nand in fact, all you're doing\nis turning over the deck.\nNow, before we get into it,\nI wanna explain one thing.\nThe turnover pass originally\nnever made sense to me\nand it's for one reason\nand one reason only.\nWhen doing the move, all the\ntime you would have the card\nget placed back and then\nthe hand would turn over\nfor whatever reason,\neither to check the time\nor to grab something or whatever\nand it was an unjustified\nmove for the most part, okay.\nInstead, what I've done with\nthe turnover pass is taken it\nand turned around 180 degrees.\nSo what that means is that\ninstead of doing the control\nwith the cards face down and\nthen have the cards go face up\nand then face down again, I\nstart with the deck face up,\nhave the card selected, named,\nwhatever the case may be\nand then turn the deck\nfrom face up to face down.\nNow, that's very important\nbecause that's truly gonna build\nit into I didn't do anything.\nI just placed the deck on the table\nor gave it to the spectator,\njust literally in this move\ninstead of here, here, here.\nOkay, so I hope that\nmakes sense and you'll see\nin the performance why it's important.\nOkay, so before we talk about\nthe actual technique used\nfor the turnover pass, I\nwanna get a few things across\nthat I think is important before we begin.\nLike I was saying, instead\nof going from face down\nto face up and then back to face down\nbecause this is the starting position\nof how every trick starts, right?\nYou have a card selected, you\nplace it back into the pack\nand then you're in this situation.\nThe deck is in your hand and\nyou're ready to find the card\nor whatever you do, okay.\nSo we always have to get\nback to this situation.\nNow, instead of going from\nhere, doing the move, right,\noriginally how it was or\nturn over, do the move\nand then your hand has to turn over.\nThere's a lot of room for flashing\nand then you turn your hand back over.\nIt's a lot of things going on,\nokay, and I don't like that\nso much, so I decided to turn\neverything around and start\nfrom face up, okay.\nNow, for a few reasons.\nIt feels more natural and free and I think\nthat's so much better than\njust having this picture\nin their head all the time.\nHere, please pick a card, okay.\nAnd I know I've said that over\nand over and I will continue\nto say it until you guys stop\nbeing like everybody else\nand start being unique.\nI think that's important.\nSo instead of doing this,\nturn over the cards.\nSay, look, which one do you want?\nNow, another thing that\nyou may have noticed\nand when I perform it I always do this,\nI start in front of the\nspectator like this.\nNow, the best angle for this\nmove is of course a little bit\nto the side like this to\nprevent any flashing, okay.\nThis is the perfect angle.\nYou are the spectator and\nthe cards are the cards.\nAnd this angle from your\neye to here would be\nthe perfect position to do\nthe move just like that, okay.\nNow, you obviously don't want\nto start with your side, okay.\nAnd of course, this is too much, right?\nDoing something like this and\nthen going way to the side\nis very awkward and don't ever do that.\nSo, from here I start\nfacing the spectator.\nNow, I need a motive.\nI need a reason to do this, alright.\nAnd it's very simple.\nI spread the cards and\nI say, look, which card\ndo you wanna use for this effect?\nObviously, to them and of\ncourse your point of view,\nthe cards are upside down.\nI notice this and in between my line I go,\noh, do you see the cards and I turn, okay.\nSo from here I take a step\nwith my right foot forward\nand I go, oh, do you see the cards, okay.\nYou don't have to make\na big deal out of it.\nIt's just, here, which\none do you wanna use?\nDo you see them, which one?\nOkay and now you're in the\nperfect position, alright.\nNow, from here, you can execute the move\nwith whatever card they say\nand we're gonna take a look\nat that right now in three easy steps.\nOkay, so the first thing\nis you're going to need\nto get a break underneath\nthe card that they name.\nSo once you spread the\ndeck just like this,\nthey're gonna name a card.\nLet's say it's the 10 of clubs.\nYou're gonna catch a break underneath.\nNow, it's important not to get your break\nas soon as they name the card,\nokay, because this is how\nit's gonna look if that happens.\nThey name the card, you move, right?\nThis is a very awkward\nsituation and it can look weird\nwhen they name a card and then\nyou do one of these things,\nalright, and it's pretty obvious\nyou're doing something, okay.\nSo you wanna look as natural as possible.\nSo I wait, okay.\nMy pinky touches the back of\nthe card but I don't push up\nall the way and also the other reason\nis that once you square up the deck\nand if you get a break like that,\nlook what happens, okay.\nThis is very nasty.\nI hate this.\nI feel like vomiting when I see this.\nWhen you're about to do\na pass or a turnover pass\nin this case or just holding\na break, I swear to God,\nI see this all the time\nand it drives me crazy.\nSo, we're gonna try to\neliminate that and the way\nthat we do that is they name\nthe card, you place your pinky\ntouching it just like this,\nspread the rest of the cards\nand you're going to square up\nand don't get that break just yet.\nLook, the pinky's not pushing up.\nThere is nothing to see on this side\nand you should be good, okay.\nNow, from here, you're going\nto push up on the break\nonly when the hand comes over, okay.\nSo as the hand comes over,\nthat's when you push up\nand you're not even\ngonna maintain that break\nfor a long time.\nWhat you're going to do is\nyou're going to automatically\ngo into step number one, okay.\nSo this is the set up for it.\nNow, for step number one.\nStep number one is going to\nbe tilting this packet down\nlike that because basically\nwhat's going to happen is\nthis packet is going to rotate\nfrom face up to face down\nand so is this packet, is\ngonna also rotate from face up\nto face down but they're\ngonna do it like that, okay.\nSo you're essentially invisibly\ncutting the deck, alright,\njust like that, alright.\nSo from here, the break,\nyou're going to start\nby dipping your hand down.\nAll you have to do is\nliterally this with your hand.\nThat's it, okay.\nThis is a very easy move\nif you put the three\nsteps together, alright.\nFrom here\nto here, okay.\nI doubt that's hard, alright.\nLiterally, you're just dipping\njust like that, alright.\nSecond move, alright, so once\nthat dips, the second move\nis going to be turning\nthis around, alright.\nSo all you're doing for\nthat is just this, alright.\nAgain, not a hard move.\nYour first finger is here\nturning it around like that, alright.\nFrom here to here, alright.\nAnd you're gonna do that almost\nat the same time, alright.\nBoom, boom instead of boom.\nInstead of doing this and you're waiting\nand then doing that, there's\na lot of room for flashing\nthe packets are apart and\nthis position you don't wanna\nbe held in this very confined\nposition for a long time.\nNumber one, I dip down until\nit makes a T-position, okay.\nThis is the letter T, keep that in mind.\nOnce that T starts, you can\nstart pulling this packet.\nNow, in the beginning you're gonna see\nthat they start hitting each other.\nThis is a good sign.\nThat means you're doing it tight.\nTight is good, loose is bad.\nYou can take that however way you want.\nTight is good.\nTight, touching each other,\ndip down until it makes the T,\nthen I start to turn so\nI know that it clears\nand then step number three is\nI think the most important one\nbecause from here, a lot of people\nthey would turn their\nhand over, okay, for cover\nor they would, oh, let me check my watch\nor move something or ...\nMy opinion is I don't like that.\nDo what you want but\nfrom here I get my break.\nAs my hand comes here, I dip.\nYou see I dip?\nAnd now, I start to turn this,(whistles)\none, two.\nAnd now, for the last move,\nmy fingers of the left hand\nwill push up the packet until\nit reaches the nails, okay.\nSo you could feel your nails on there.\nSo, one\npull and then push up\nuntil it gets to the nails.\nSo that the cards are in the same position\nof when they started.\nThey start on this platform,\nmove is done, you pull, you\npush up and it's level, right?\nIt's the same level, alright.\nSo that's important.\nSo, again, really quickly, I get my break.\nActually I just put my\npinky, I get my break\nas the cards close and my hand comes here,\nthat's when I push up.\nMy hand dips down.\nYou can see that dip like that.\nMy first finger after it\nmakes that T starts to pull\nand now, at this position,\nyou're gonna push up\nuntil it reaches the nails\nand now you can take it\ninto the right hand,\nplace it onto the table,\nyou could give it to the\nspectator, you can just drop it\ninto the other hand and\nyou're good to go, okay.\nSo it should look like,\nhere, which one do you want?\nOh, do you see them?\nThe two of clubs, break, pinky,\nbreak now,\ntilt down now,\npull now\nand now very quickly after this is done,\nbecause if you're gonna\ngo here, you're gonna get\ninto a weird position, you\npush up with the fingertips\nand you get back into that level plane.\nPick up with the right\nhand, place it on the table\nor can you hold the deck or just drop it\nlike that and be very free with the cards.\nOkay, one thing that I wanna\nmention is about the angles.\nNow, once you start to do\nit and you start getting it\ntighter and tighter, you'll notice\nthat the angles are really not that bad.\nOf course, that would be the\nbest position but let's say\nyou were in front of the spectator.\nWell, you can do something to\ncover that action of basically\nwhat's gonna happen is at this point\nit's probably gonna flash,\nokay, through this part\nof the hand, alright.\nSo, to get a way around\nthat, I use something called\nthe dip, the natural up and\ndown motion of your hands.\nNow, this happens all the time in magic\nand I think it's important\nto use to your advantage.\nSo, for example, if I have\nmy hands and I'm here,\nit's natural.\nIf I place my hands higher, okay,\nnow I have room to relax, alright.\nSo that's important.\nThe room to relax is\ngoing to be used to do it\non this angle.\nSo it should look like\nsomething like this.\nYou've raised your hands in\na more than relaxed position,\nyou spread, let's say they\nsay a card, you're going to\ndo this and now as you\ncome over to do the move,\nyou're relaxing, okay.\nSo you're relaxing and then\nyou're coming back up, okay.\nRelaxing and coming back up,\nback from a natural position,\nrelax for a second, come back up,\ncard is controlled and you\nhave a very nice moment\nthat doesn't involve\ntoo much misdirection.\nOkay, even from worse angles, you can see\nhow this tight turnover pass could be used\nand let's say nine of spades.\nNine of spades, I don't\nknow exactly where it is\nand even if they were\nstanding somewhere behind you,\nyou can see how it's\npretty good, pretty good.\nOkay, so a few things that I\nwanna go over and reinforce\nsome of the facts about the\nturnover pass is the following.\nSo, first things first, this\nis an invisible type of control\nwhere it looks like nothing is happening.\nSo, please don't do this control\nand then start shuffling the deck, okay.\nI think that's something I\nsaid in a previous video.\nThere's no point, okay,\nif you do it correctly.\nI know the mentality because\nsometimes I used to do this\nas well.\nYou do the control,\nyou think in your head,\noh, I didn't do it so well,\nso let me just reinstill\nthe fact that it's lost\nby shuffling and you go into that.\nIt's something that you\njust try to stay away from\nas much as possible because\nagain in my opinion of course\nit leads to the fact that oh,\nyou're doing something quick\nwith your hands and I wanna\nbe the type of magician,\ncard handler, whatever you wanna call it\nthat if I'm gonna do\nsomething, I do it very smooth\nand different from your\ntypical card trick, okay.\nSo, everything that goes into\nthe slight by having them\nname a card face up, very\nimportant, takes you away\nfrom your typical card trick as well as\nlook, place it on the table,\nI don't wanna touch anything,\nI didn't do anything, no shuffling.\nNo, it's not pick a card,\nI'm gonna shuffle it\nand I'm gonna find it, okay.\nOnce they name the card,\nyou do the control,\nput it in their hands on the\ntable and it doesn't feel like\nevery other card trick, okay.\nSo the last thing I wanna talk\nabout with the turnover pass\nis just something that\nyou can keep in mind\nwhen practicing it and when performing it,\nsomething a little bit\ndifferently and it's something\nthat I do all the time.\nInstead of spreading the cards\nand having them name a card\nthat they see, so they see\nthe card is in the middle\nand then perform the turnover\npass, another thing you can do\nis have them name a card\noff the top of their head\nand without going through the deck,\nI mean without showing them really,\nyou go through the deck, find the card,\ndo the turnover pass,\nplace it on the table.\nThis way it feels more like\nthey just named the card\nand the selection process wasn't there.\nThey didn't see the card or\nwhatever and you could take that\na lot further so one of the things I do\nis have them name a card, secretly find it\nby spreading through the pack\nand saying something like\nI don't know if it's here\nor which one did you say?\nFind it, do the turnover\npass, place it on the table\nand I palm it off right away\nand I go, it's funny because\nI don't think it's in there.\nBefore I took out the\ndeck, I left one card\nin my back pocket, just so happens to be\nand you pull out the card, okay.\nSo there's one extra tip that you can do\nusing the turnover pass.\nBecause it is all invisible,\nit really looks like\nnothing is done.\nThey name a card and it\nends up in your pocket\nor whatever you wanna do from there, okay.\nAlright, guys, so there you have it.\nThat was the turnover pass.\nLike I said, this is my\nfavorite control of all time.\nSo thank you for letting\nme share that with you\nand if you did like it, please\nsubscribe to this channel\nif you haven't already.\nHit that like button,\nshare it with your friends,\ndo whatever you can to get\nthis channel out there,\nhopefully, so we could\nall learn card magic\nand slight of hand better\nand then there'll be\nless bad magic around.\nSo I think that's important.\nThanks a lot, guys.\nI will see you next time.\nHave a great day.\n(jazz music)\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "TAKE\nTAKE A\nTAKE A PART\nTAKE A PART OFF\nTAKE A PART OFF THE\nTAKE A PART OFF THE\nAIRPLANE\nTAKE A PART OFF THE\nAIRPLANE AND\nTAKE A PART OFF THE\nAIRPLANE AND RESTORED\nTAKE A PART OFF THE\nAIRPLANE AND RESTORED\nA\nTAKE A PART OFF THE\nAIRPLANE AND RESTORED\nA PART.\"\nAIRPLANE AND RESTORED\nA PART.\"\nAIRPLANE AND RESTORED\nA PART.\"\nABOUT\nAIRPLANE AND RESTORED\nA PART.\"\nABOUT 55%\nAIRPLANE AND RESTORED\nA PART.\"\nABOUT 55% OF\nAIRPLANE AND RESTORED\nA PART.\"\nABOUT 55% OF THE\nA PART.\"\nABOUT 55% OF THE\nA PART.\"\nABOUT 55% OF THE\nORIGINAL\nA PART.\"\nABOUT 55% OF THE\nORIGINAL PLANE\nA PART.\"\nABOUT 55% OF THE\nORIGINAL PLANE MADE\nA PART.\"\nABOUT 55% OF THE\nORIGINAL PLANE MADE IT\nABOUT 55% OF THE\nORIGINAL PLANE MADE IT\nABOUT 55% OF THE\nORIGINAL PLANE MADE 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SAID\nAND DONE....\n\"52 K MAN HOURS\"\nAND DONE....\n\"52 K MAN HOURS\"\nAND DONE....\n\"52 K MAN HOURS\"\nIT\nAND DONE....\n\"52 K MAN HOURS\"\nIT LOOKED\nAND DONE....\n\"52 K MAN HOURS\"\nIT LOOKED GOOD\nAND DONE....\n\"52 K MAN HOURS\"\nIT LOOKED GOOD AS\nAND DONE....\n\"52 K MAN HOURS\"\nIT LOOKED GOOD AS NEW.\n\"52 K MAN HOURS\"\nIT LOOKED GOOD AS NEW.\n\"52 K MAN HOURS\"\nIT LOOKED GOOD AS NEW.\n\"WE\n\"52 K MAN HOURS\"\nIT LOOKED GOOD AS NEW.\n\"WE WERE\n\"52 K MAN HOURS\"\nIT LOOKED GOOD AS NEW.\n\"WE WERE PROUD\n\"52 K MAN HOURS\"\nIT LOOKED GOOD AS NEW.\n\"WE WERE PROUD TO\nIT LOOKED GOOD AS NEW.\n\"WE WERE PROUD TO\nIT LOOKED GOOD AS NEW.\n\"WE WERE PROUD TO\nDEDICATE\nIT LOOKED GOOD AS NEW.\n\"WE WERE PROUD TO\nDEDICATE IT\nIT LOOKED GOOD AS NEW.\n\"WE WERE PROUD TO\nDEDICATE IT TO\nIT LOOKED GOOD AS NEW.\n\"WE WERE PROUD TO\nDEDICATE IT TO THE\n\"WE WERE PROUD TO\nDEDICATE IT TO THE\n\"WE WERE PROUD TO\nDEDICATE IT TO THE\nVETERANS\n\"WE WERE PROUD TO\nDEDICATE IT TO 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GET\nAIRPLANE.\"\nVETERANS THAT WILL\nNOW GET TO\nAIRPLANE.\"\nVETERANS THAT WILL\nNOW GET TO SEE\nAIRPLANE.\"\nVETERANS THAT WILL\nNOW GET TO SEE THE\nVETERANS THAT WILL\nNOW GET TO SEE THE\nVETERANS THAT WILL\nNOW GET TO SEE THE\nPLANE\nVETERANS THAT WILL\nNOW GET TO SEE THE\nPLANE FOR\nVETERANS THAT WILL\nNOW GET TO SEE THE\nPLANE FOR THE\nVETERANS THAT WILL\nNOW GET TO SEE THE\nPLANE FOR THE FIRST\nNOW GET TO SEE THE\nPLANE FOR THE FIRST\nNOW GET TO SEE THE\nPLANE FOR THE FIRST\nTIME\nNOW GET TO SEE THE\nPLANE FOR THE FIRST\nTIME SINCE\nNOW GET TO SEE THE\nPLANE FOR THE FIRST\nTIME SINCE WORLD\nNOW GET TO SEE THE\nPLANE FOR THE FIRST\nTIME SINCE WORLD WAR\nPLANE FOR THE FIRST\nTIME SINCE WORLD WAR\nPLANE FOR THE FIRST\nTIME SINCE WORLD WAR\nTWO.\nTIME SINCE WORLD WAR\nTWO.\nTIME SINCE WORLD WAR\nTWO.\n\"LAST\nTIME SINCE WORLD WAR\nTWO.\n\"LAST TIME\nTIME SINCE WORLD WAR\nTWO.\n\"LAST TIME I\nTIME SINCE WORLD WAR\nTWO.\n\"LAST TIME I FLEW\nTIME SINCE WORLD WAR\nTWO.\n\"LAST TIME I FLEW THAT\nTWO.\n\"LAST TIME I FLEW THAT\nTWO.\n\"LAST TIME I FLEW THAT\nPLANE\nTWO.\n\"LAST TIME I FLEW THAT\nPLANE WAS\nTWO.\n\"LAST TIME I FLEW THAT\nPLANE WAS MAY2ND,\n\"LAST TIME I FLEW THAT\nPLANE WAS MAY2ND,\n\"LAST TIME I FLEW THAT\nPLANE WAS MAY2ND,\n1945.\"\nPLANE WAS MAY2ND,\n1945.\"\nPLANE WAS MAY2ND,\n1945.\"\nLARRY\nPLANE WAS MAY2ND,\n1945.\"\nLARRY KUHL\nPLANE WAS MAY2ND,\n1945.\"\nLARRY KUHL WAS\nPLANE WAS MAY2ND,\n1945.\"\nLARRY KUHL WAS ONE\nPLANE WAS MAY2ND,\n1945.\"\nLARRY KUHL WAS ONE OF\n1945.\"\nLARRY KUHL WAS ONE OF\n1945.\"\nLARRY KUHL WAS ONE OF\nTHE\n1945.\"\nLARRY KUHL WAS ONE OF\nTHE ORIGINAL\n1945.\"\nLARRY KUHL WAS ONE OF\nTHE ORIGINAL PILOTS\n1945.\"\nLARRY KUHL WAS ONE OF\nTHE ORIGINAL PILOTS OF\nLARRY KUHL WAS ONE OF\nTHE ORIGINAL PILOTS OF\nLARRY KUHL WAS ONE OF\nTHE ORIGINAL PILOTS OF\nTHE\nLARRY KUHL WAS ONE OF\nTHE ORIGINAL PILOTS OF\nTHE DOTTIEMAE.\nTHE ORIGINAL PILOTS OF\nTHE DOTTIEMAE.\nTHE ORIGINAL PILOTS OF\nTHE DOTTIEMAE.\n\"THEY\nTHE ORIGINAL PILOTS OF\nTHE DOTTIEMAE.\n\"THEY PUT\nTHE ORIGINAL PILOTS OF\nTHE DOTTIEMAE.\n\"THEY PUT THAT\nTHE ORIGINAL PILOTS OF\nTHE DOTTIEMAE.\n\"THEY PUT THAT PAINT\nTHE DOTTIEMAE.\n\"THEY PUT THAT PAINT\nTHE DOTTIEMAE.\n\"THEY PUT THAT PAINT\nON\nTHE DOTTIEMAE.\n\"THEY PUT THAT PAINT\nON FOR\nTHE DOTTIEMAE.\n\"THEY PUT THAT PAINT\nON FOR ME\nTHE DOTTIEMAE.\n\"THEY PUT THAT PAINT\nON FOR ME SHORTLY\n\"THEY PUT THAT PAINT\nON FOR ME SHORTLY\n\"THEY PUT THAT PAINT\nON FOR ME SHORTLY\nAFTER\n\"THEY PUT THAT PAINT\nON FOR ME SHORTLY\nAFTER I\n\"THEY PUT THAT PAINT\nON FOR ME SHORTLY\nAFTER I WAS\n\"THEY PUT THAT PAINT\nON FOR ME SHORTLY\nAFTER I WAS ASSIGNED\n\"THEY PUT THAT PAINT\nON FOR ME SHORTLY\nAFTER I WAS ASSIGNED TO\nON FOR ME SHORTLY\nAFTER I WAS ASSIGNED TO\nON FOR ME SHORTLY\nAFTER I WAS ASSIGNED TO\nTHE\nON FOR ME SHORTLY\nAFTER I WAS ASSIGNED TO\nTHE AIRPLANE.\"\nAFTER I WAS ASSIGNED TO\nTHE AIRPLANE.\"\nAFTER I WAS ASSIGNED TO\nTHE AIRPLANE.\"\nKUHL\nAFTER I WAS ASSIGNED TO\nTHE AIRPLANE.\"\nKUHL FLEW\nAFTER I WAS ASSIGNED TO\nTHE AIRPLANE.\"\nKUHL FLEW 39\nAFTER I WAS ASSIGNED TO\nTHE AIRPLANE.\"\nKUHL FLEW 39 MISSIONS\nTHE AIRPLANE.\"\nKUHL FLEW 39 MISSIONS\nTHE AIRPLANE.\"\nKUHL FLEW 39 MISSIONS\nIN\nTHE AIRPLANE.\"\nKUHL FLEW 39 MISSIONS\nIN HIS\nTHE AIRPLANE.\"\nKUHL FLEW 39 MISSIONS\nIN HIS SIGNATURE\nTHE AIRPLANE.\"\nKUHL FLEW 39 MISSIONS\nIN HIS SIGNATURE PLANE\nKUHL FLEW 39 MISSIONS\nIN HIS SIGNATURE PLANE\nKUHL FLEW 39 MISSIONS\nIN HIS SIGNATURE PLANE\n\"IT\nKUHL FLEW 39 MISSIONS\nIN HIS SIGNATURE PLANE\n\"IT WAS\nKUHL FLEW 39 MISSIONS\nIN HIS SIGNATURE PLANE\n\"IT WAS AN\nKUHL FLEW 39 MISSIONS\nIN HIS SIGNATURE PLANE\n\"IT WAS AN EASY\nIN HIS SIGNATURE PLANE\n\"IT WAS AN EASY\nIN HIS SIGNATURE PLANE\n\"IT WAS AN EASY\nAIRPLANE\nIN HIS SIGNATURE PLANE\n\"IT WAS AN EASY\nAIRPLANE TO\nIN HIS SIGNATURE PLANE\n\"IT WAS AN EASY\nAIRPLANE TO FLY,\nIN HIS SIGNATURE PLANE\n\"IT WAS AN EASY\nAIRPLANE TO FLY, GOOD\n\"IT WAS AN EASY\nAIRPLANE TO FLY, GOOD\n\"IT WAS AN EASY\nAIRPLANE TO FLY, GOOD\nWIDE\n\"IT WAS AN EASY\nAIRPLANE TO FLY, GOOD\nWIDE GEAR\n\"IT WAS AN EASY\nAIRPLANE TO FLY, GOOD\nWIDE GEAR IT\n\"IT WAS AN EASY\nAIRPLANE TO FLY, GOOD\nWIDE GEAR IT WAS\n\"IT WAS AN EASY\nAIRPLANE TO FLY, GOOD\nWIDE GEAR IT WAS EASY\nAIRPLANE TO FLY, GOOD\nWIDE GEAR IT WAS EASY\nAIRPLANE TO FLY, GOOD\nWIDE GEAR IT WAS EASY\nTO\nAIRPLANE TO FLY, GOOD\nWIDE GEAR IT WAS EASY\nTO HANDLE.\"\nWIDE GEAR IT WAS EASY\nTO HANDLE.\"\nWIDE GEAR IT WAS EASY\nTO HANDLE.\"\n\"LOTS\nWIDE GEAR IT WAS EASY\nTO HANDLE.\"\n\"LOTS OF\nWIDE GEAR IT WAS EASY\nTO HANDLE.\"\n\"LOTS OF MEMORIES\nWIDE GEAR IT WAS EASY\nTO HANDLE.\"\n\"LOTS OF MEMORIES OF\nTO HANDLE.\"\n\"LOTS OF MEMORIES OF\nTO HANDLE.\"\n\"LOTS OF MEMORIES OF\nHARDWORK.\nTO HANDLE.\"\n\"LOTS OF MEMORIES OF\nHARDWORK. THAT\nTO HANDLE.\"\n\"LOTS OF MEMORIES OF\nHARDWORK. THAT WAS\nTO HANDLE.\"\n\"LOTS OF MEMORIES OF\nHARDWORK. THAT WAS A\n\"LOTS OF MEMORIES OF\nHARDWORK. THAT WAS A\n\"LOTS OF MEMORIES OF\nHARDWORK. THAT WAS A\nCRITICAL\n\"LOTS OF MEMORIES OF\nHARDWORK. THAT WAS A\nCRITICAL TIME\n\"LOTS OF MEMORIES OF\nHARDWORK. THAT WAS A\nCRITICAL TIME OF\n\"LOTS OF MEMORIES OF\nHARDWORK. THAT WAS A\nCRITICAL TIME OF WORLD\nHARDWORK. THAT WAS A\nCRITICAL TIME OF WORLD\nHARDWORK. THAT WAS A\nCRITICAL TIME OF WORLD\nWAR\nHARDWORK. THAT WAS A\nCRITICAL TIME OF WORLD\nWAR TWO.\"\nCRITICAL TIME OF WORLD\nWAR TWO.\"\nCRITICAL TIME OF WORLD\nWAR TWO.\"\nLEONARD\nCRITICAL TIME OF WORLD\nWAR TWO.\"\nLEONARD HITCHMAN\nCRITICAL TIME OF WORLD\nWAR TWO.\"\nLEONARD HITCHMAN WAS\nWAR TWO.\"\nLEONARD HITCHMAN WAS\nWAR TWO.\"\nLEONARD HITCHMAN WAS\nONE\nWAR TWO.\"\nLEONARD HITCHMAN WAS\nONE OF\nWAR TWO.\"\nLEONARD HITCHMAN WAS\nONE OF THE\nWAR TWO.\"\nLEONARD HITCHMAN WAS\nONE OF THE PLANES\nLEONARD HITCHMAN WAS\nONE OF THE PLANES\nLEONARD HITCHMAN WAS\nONE OF THE PLANES\nORIGINAL\nLEONARD HITCHMAN WAS\nONE OF THE PLANES\nORIGINAL ARMORERS.\nONE OF THE PLANES\nORIGINAL ARMORERS.\nONE OF THE PLANES\nORIGINAL ARMORERS.\n\"SHE\nONE OF THE PLANES\nORIGINAL ARMORERS.\n\"SHE WAS\nONE OF THE PLANES\nORIGINAL ARMORERS.\n\"SHE WAS A\nONE OF THE PLANES\nORIGINAL ARMORERS.\n\"SHE WAS A WONDERFUL\nORIGINAL ARMORERS.\n\"SHE WAS A WONDERFUL\nORIGINAL ARMORERS.\n\"SHE WAS A WONDERFUL\nPART\nORIGINAL ARMORERS.\n\"SHE WAS A WONDERFUL\nPART OF\nORIGINAL ARMORERS.\n\"SHE WAS A WONDERFUL\nPART OF THE\nORIGINAL ARMORERS.\n\"SHE WAS A WONDERFUL\nPART OF THE WAR\nORIGINAL ARMORERS.\n\"SHE WAS A WONDERFUL\nPART OF THE WAR EFFORT\n\"SHE WAS A WONDERFUL\nPART OF THE WAR EFFORT\n\"SHE WAS A WONDERFUL\nPART OF THE WAR EFFORT\nAT\n\"SHE WAS A WONDERFUL\nPART OF THE WAR EFFORT\nAT THE\n\"SHE WAS A WONDERFUL\nPART OF THE WAR EFFORT\nAT THE TIME.\"\nPART OF THE WAR EFFORT\nAT THE TIME.\"\nPART OF THE WAR EFFORT\nAT THE TIME.\"\nFOR\nPART OF THE WAR EFFORT\nAT THE TIME.\"\nFOR LEONARD\nPART OF THE WAR EFFORT\nAT THE TIME.\"\nFOR LEONARD AND\nAT THE TIME.\"\nFOR LEONARD AND\nAT THE TIME.\"\nFOR LEONARD AND\nLARRY,\nAT THE TIME.\"\nFOR LEONARD AND\nLARRY, THE\nAT THE TIME.\"\nFOR LEONARD AND\nLARRY, THE DOTTIEMAE\nFOR LEONARD AND\nLARRY, THE DOTTIEMAE\nFOR LEONARD AND\nLARRY, THE DOTTIEMAE\nBRINGS\nFOR LEONARD AND\nLARRY, THE DOTTIEMAE\nBRINGS BACK\nFOR LEONARD AND\nLARRY, THE DOTTIEMAE\nBRINGS BACK MEMORIES\nLARRY, THE DOTTIEMAE\nBRINGS BACK MEMORIES\nLARRY, THE DOTTIEMAE\nBRINGS BACK MEMORIES\nTHEY\nLARRY, THE DOTTIEMAE\nBRINGS BACK MEMORIES\nTHEY HAVEN'T\nLARRY, THE DOTTIEMAE\nBRINGS BACK MEMORIES\nTHEY HAVEN'T TALKED\nBRINGS BACK MEMORIES\nTHEY HAVEN'T TALKED\nBRINGS BACK MEMORIES\nTHEY HAVEN'T TALKED\nABOUT\nBRINGS BACK MEMORIES\nTHEY HAVEN'T TALKED\nABOUT IN\nBRINGS BACK MEMORIES\nTHEY HAVEN'T TALKED\nABOUT IN YEARS.\nBRINGS BACK MEMORIES\nTHEY HAVEN'T TALKED\nABOUT IN YEARS. THAT\nBRINGS BACK MEMORIES\nTHEY HAVEN'T TALKED\nABOUT IN YEARS. THAT OF\nTHEY HAVEN'T TALKED\nABOUT IN YEARS. THAT OF\nABOUT IN YEARS. THAT OF\nCOURSE\nCOURSE INCLUDES\nCOURSE INCLUDES THE\nCOURSE INCLUDES THE\nSTORY\nCOURSE INCLUDES THE\nSTORY OF\nCOURSE INCLUDES THE\nSTORY OF HOW\nCOURSE INCLUDES THE\nSTORY OF HOW ANOTHER\nCOURSE INCLUDES THE\nSTORY OF HOW ANOTHER\nPILOT\nCOURSE INCLUDES THE\nSTORY OF HOW ANOTHER\nPILOT HAD\nCOURSE INCLUDES THE\nSTORY OF HOW ANOTHER\nPILOT HAD THE\nSTORY OF HOW ANOTHER\nPILOT HAD THE\nPILOT HAD THE\nSHORTLY\nSHORTLY AFTER\nSHORTLY AFTER THIS\nSHORTLY AFTER THIS\nSTORY\nSHORTLY AFTER THIS\nSTORY AIRED\nSHORTLY AFTER THIS\nSTORY AIRED IN\nSHORTLY AFTER THIS\nSTORY AIRED IN 2017...\nSHORTLY AFTER THIS\nSTORY AIRED IN 2017...\nSGT.\nSHORTLY AFTER THIS\nSTORY AIRED IN 2017...\nSGT. LEONARD\nSHORTLY AFTER THIS\nSTORY AIRED IN 2017...\nSGT. LEONARD HITCHMAN\nSTORY AIRED IN 2017...\nSGT. LEONARD HITCHMAN\nSTORY AIRED IN 2017...\nSGT. LEONARD HITCHMAN\nPASSED\nSTORY AIRED IN 2017...\nSGT. LEONARD HITCHMAN\nPASSED AWAY\nSTORY AIRED IN 2017...\nSGT. LEONARD HITCHMAN\nPASSED AWAY AT\nSTORY AIRED IN 2017...\nSGT. LEONARD HITCHMAN\nPASSED AWAY AT THE\nSTORY AIRED IN 2017...\nSGT. LEONARD HITCHMAN\nPASSED AWAY AT THE AGE\nSGT. LEONARD HITCHMAN\nPASSED AWAY AT THE AGE\nSGT. LEONARD HITCHMAN\nPASSED AWAY AT THE AGE\nOF\nSGT. LEONARD HITCHMAN\nPASSED AWAY AT THE AGE\nOF 94.\nPASSED AWAY AT THE AGE\nOF 94.\nPASSED AWAY AT THE AGE\nOF 94.\nSO\nPASSED AWAY AT THE AGE\nOF 94.\nSO ON\nPASSED AWAY AT THE AGE\nOF 94.\nSO ON THIS\nPASSED AWAY AT THE AGE\nOF 94.\nSO ON THIS MEMORIAL\nOF 94.\nSO ON THIS MEMORIAL\nOF 94.\nSO ON THIS MEMORIAL\nDAY\nOF 94.\nSO ON THIS MEMORIAL\nDAY WE\nOF 94.\nSO ON THIS MEMORIAL\nDAY WE SAY\nOF 94.\nSO ON THIS MEMORIAL\nDAY WE SAY THANK\nOF 94.\nSO ON THIS MEMORIAL\nDAY WE SAY THANK YOU,\nSO ON THIS MEMORIAL\nDAY WE SAY THANK YOU,\nSO ON THIS MEMORIAL\nDAY WE SAY THANK YOU,\nSGT.\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "This episode of Indy Mogul is brought to\nyou by Storyblocks.\nIt just adds like a haze-- texture-- here's a\nreally easy example of 'this is too much'\nDude that's nice I like that.\nYou're not gonna get that effect trying\nto edit. What's going on Indy\nMogul today we are gonna show you guys\nhow to do this effect basically next to no\npost-production or budget so to do this\nthing my buddy Jakob Owens here Jakob\ntell them a little bit about the credits\nthat you worked on. Yeah I just came off\nshooting at ESPN 30for30 film \"Chuck & Tito\"\nalways you know doing music videos\nwho likes of Futuristic, Kayo, Tyga, Bone\nThugs just a bunch of artists across the\nboard and yeah. Tremendous amount of\nmusic videos but this effect that we're\ntalking about today does not just apply\nto music videos right I'm talking about\nwhat today? We're just gonna be doing\nsome in camera lens effects that\nhonestly you can find with object like\neveryday objects that you find around\nyour house or you could pick up easily\nat like Lowe's or Target if you wanted\nto just some really cool effects they\ncould do for cheap easy quick and they\nlook they look cool. Home Depot and\ntarget here that indie people okay yes\nwe're gonna shoot this on a Red but\nwe're also gonna shoot this for the 6D mk2 so no complaints about budget or\nanything like that. Why is it important\nto be able to shoot this stuff on set?\nThere's certain things you can't\nreplicate in post like with the way like\nthe Sun or light on the set bounces off\nwhatever you're using or throwing in\nfront of the camera and the way it\ninteracts those glass pieces with the\nlens it's just something that again you\ncan't replicate that in post as much you\nwant to you can kind of create a similar\neffect but it just it's just not you\nknow all the way there saves you time in\npost cuz you don't have to try and make\nit look that way you you shot it that\nway you know so you're already done and\ngood to go. But - it's not something\nyou're just gonna outgrow like feature\nfilms I see tons of. Feature films, TV\nshows, music videos, every single one of\nthose things use in camera lens effects\nlike there's all different types of you\nknow big-budget production stuff as well\nas indie stuff that use in-camera effects.\nIt's any time that you see like a like a\nstrange optical distortion that's done\nfor stylistic effect right we're gonna\nbe showing you how to recreate that\ntoday's you ready do this? Let's do it. In\ncamera lens effects with Jakob Owens let's\ngo.\nOkay so we are shooting this with two\ncameras today we got the Canon 6D mark 2\nfor all the people out there complaining\nand saying that the camera is the most\nimportant thing it's not the most\nimportant thing we'll get to that in\njust a minute and we've also got RED\nHelium 8K cool. Yeah Jake what is the\nfirst thing that we need to know to\nactually make these effects work? I would\nsay the first thing that you need to\nknow or you need to take into account is\nyour your focal range I would say\nanything 35 millimeter and beyond, 50 and\nbeyond usually like where you like to\nsay it like 50 you kind of get the most\nbang for your buck with any sort of lens\neffects because it just kind of really\nyou know softens like what's in front of\nthe lens and so you're not seeing like\noh there's a light bulb in front of the\nlens you know what I mean? So using a\ntighter focal length it's just probably\nthe the most key and central thing to\ngetting cool in-camera effects. When\nwe're looking for actual optical lens\neffects and objects to use right what\nkinds of objects are you looking for\nusually? Anything that's like clear so any\ntype of glass that's not like opaque you\nknow you can see through it so like a\nwine glass a light bulb if you can see\nthrough with your eye then the camera is\ngonna be able to see through it. First up\nwe've got prism. Yeah and what is this\nused for mostly? Again just like I would\nsay anything like photography or video\njust kind of getting cool reflections\nand refractions like it\nit'll-- with the prism you get a little\nmore rainbow like effect you know what\nI'm saying so it's just depending on\nwhat side you shoot in how lights\nhitting it you can get a ton of\ndifferent effects with it but a prism's\na really cool way to get some cool\nstuff they're hard to like turn because\nthey're kind of slick and I only have\nlike three sides so it's hard to like\ndance it and then you dirty it up by\ntouching it so this one actually\nthrow on this handle alright now we have\nmuch more control full rotate what I\nwould do you know in this instance I\nwould mount it to the actual camera body\nso again it feels like a part of the\nlens if we were doing like a performance\nmusic video where there's a lot of\nmovement artists is moving around then\nyou dance it in and out you get a lot of\ncool stuff but in this case I would try\nand lock it off so it just sits in front\nof the lens wherever you want to put it\nand then it just feels like a part of\nthe shot especially because this scene\nis so calm. Yeah I think generally\nspeaking you kind of use the lens effect\nto match the tone of the scene right?\nRight this is a chill scene so we're gonna\nlock it off. Exactly. And we're just gonna\ncover a little bit of the frame to add something\nsubtle. So basically when you use these\nkinds of effects is there anything you\nhave to watch out for though? Yeah\nespecially with prisms because they are\nso reflective if you're not paying\nattention you can be all of a sudden\nlike getting a reflection in the shot of\na tripod leg your shoes and you might\nnot you know you might be so into the\nshot you don't even realize it so just\nbeing careful like when you're dealing\nwith prisms of any sort of reflections\nthat are coming from off camera that\nlook weird or unnatural or even just\nlike are blocking the subjects face too\nmuch so by introducing it there you know\nif that is your frame like it just helps\nyou know like kind of hide that and make\nit more interesting and and help you\nalso focus on your subject\nso in addition to this kind of prism\nyou've got different types of prisms\nthat's like a glass orb prism you get a\nlittle more bokeh like effect out of it\nbecause of the roundness shape and\nhaving all the small little triangle\ndetails I would use this in a more like\nsubtle way more like dreamlike flashback\nthis one definitely has more of like a\nbokeh like effect and this one works\nbetter on like I would say 50-plus like\nthis one you can you can get away with a\nwider lens but that one because it is\nlike a much smaller surface area than\nlike how wide that is I would go like 50\nand Beyond let's put onto a 50 oh that's\ncool\nI would like spin it if like like you\nhad like a performance music video going\non there's an artist on camera\nperforming doing something it's like\nspinning it you the way the lights\ninteracting with the scene you you know\neven with them it would look really cool\ncool so what's up next number two we've\ngot light bulb gotcha\nany sort of light bulb that's clear with\nfilament so something again it's not\nopaque you can see through it and you\nhave all these kind of like you know you\nhave the filament inside working so as\nyou're shooting through that you just\nget some really cool effects you\nobviously can't use a standard like New\nAge LED light bulb like you just you\ncan't see through that it's like a\nEdison bulb would be you know a really\ngood light bulb to use I think I picked\nthat up at Home Depot for I don't seven\nbucks or something like that so if you\nhave seven dollars laying around pick up\na light bulb get some cool and someone\nout there's like this is too expensive\nIndia enough I can't afford this light\nblow but all right so let's shoot with\nthese and actually show off what the\neffect looks like waiting without it so\nlet's do this you always shoot a clean\nplate I love footage yeah so typically\nlike in a music video you know a shoot a\nclean plate so you have it then maybe\npunch it into a tighter lens switch up\nthe lens and then throw in your effects\nplus it's good to always have a clean\nbecause if in the Edit for whatever\nreason the clients like hey can you\nremove that like effect it's like no\nit's baked in the lens so you want to so\nyou want to protect yourself you know\nwhat I mean not everyone's gonna love it\nso just making sure you have one clean\none regular throw it throw it right in\nfront there right in there okay right in\nthere put a little pressure against the\nlens so it feels fixed I mean it feels\nlike it's a part of the lens like we're\ngetting some kind of flare it adds some\ncharacter and a part of an image that\ndoesn't have a lot so yeah that this is\non a 35\nyou know we throw on a 50 to a hundred\nand it completely has a different effect\nbecause you know all the different glass\nelements in the lens but also being on a\ntighter focal range it's gonna be\nessentially that same effect but it's\ngonna interact differently it's gonna\nlook differently you're just you're\nalways gonna get a different look and so\njust playing with ya focal ranges as\nwell as like the placement of it\nnext up we're moving up to what a light\nbulb should actually be used for we're\nputting them in yeah so you know putting\nit into a socket like this where we can\nrun it and attach it to a dimmer this\nwas a trick I did man probably back in\nlike 2013-14 we had a light bulb on set\nand we had one of these dimmer and we\njust thought like it'd be cool if like\nthe light bulb was like flickering on\nand off or like kind of dimming up and\ndown so by throwing this on a dimmer\nwhat you can kind of have it go bright\nand soft right it's off so not only are\nyou shooting through the glass but now\nyou're having the filament inside with\nthe light coming on and off and it just\njust adds another level and this is\nstraight from Home Depot it's just\nliterally a socket to a wall plug pulled\ninto a dimmer correct let's totally\nready plug it in I see that there ya go\nmore on the subtle and not so high when\nyou take it up this is where I need to\nAC to pull focus from me because I'm\nhaving trouble here but it still looks\ncool a couple more a couple more here\ndude that's awesome\nI'm real quick I want to remind everyone\nabout our amazing sponsors story blocks\nwho are always here for us when we need\na clip a woman picking up papayas at the\nmarket all jokes aside we've literally\nrelied on story blogs whenever we've\nneeded to be real shots of film SADS\nthere's not smell a - cut - it literally\nsaves us so much time in post-production\nand in this very video we literally\nscoured their entire library for all the\nlens flares and effects that you're\ngonna find it demonstrate all the things\nthat we talked about in theirs edit now\nwhat's great is that we actually aren't\nlimited to picking or choosing just one\nclip at a time since story blocks also\noffers subscription plans for unlimited\ndownloads for up to something like seven\nhundred ninety thousand HD and 4k video\nclips so instead of paying for each clip\nindividually we can literally just swap\nout any shot we want and at any time and\nat just $29 a month it's actually just a\nmust-have for anyone shooting narrative\nor documentary so stop stressing about\nhow much b-roll you have to get get\nstarted today by going over to story\nblocks comm slash Indy mogul which will\nput in the link in description down\nbelow but thank you again two story\nblocks and now back to the episode that\nwe've got this crazy one over here now\nthis is something that you actually make\n- so so this is the Kaleidoscope filter\nand it's in a rotating tray - so you can\nlike\nof it and rotate it when it's on your\ncamera but it just you know allows you\nto get a center focal point on a subject\nbecause the center is clear and then you\njust kind of it duplicates the image all\naround whatever you're shooting in the\nmiddle and just gives it a cool trippy\nit could be like a dreamlike vibe but\ntripped-out vibe but just very stylistic\nhigh-energy like performance music video\nvibe it's just a cool thing to like cut\ninto and just utilize it's cool to like\npunch in swirl give it some energy high\nenergy performance so it's more like\nsomething that you're just gonna cut in\nquick to you have a cool twist turn\nshort effect you're out it's not\nsomething like a shot you're living on\nfor 20 30 seconds at a time you know\nwhat I mean yeah anything that sparkles\nlooks really nice you know I mean doing\nlike detail jewelry shots aren't enough\nfor this let's also shoot this with the\n60 mark 2 also just to show the\ndifference but look two different at the\nend of the day right when it comes to\nrigging something like this on here just\ncruise around the fucking Bank it's the\nfast here we go\nand again depending on the focal length\nyou know if you're at a tighter lens\nwith this kind of filter on you're gonna\nget more of a like a even spread across\nthe whole image like the image\nreplicating and if you're at a wider\nyou're gonna get more of that sent\ncenter focal point and then it kind of\nbeing more of like a circle replicating\naround alright uh what are we looking at\nhere so this this is just a random glass\ncup that I pulled from over there yeah\nbut yeah again it's you know you can see\nthrough it with your eye but this one's\ncool because it has a lot of texture to\nit so again depending like you could go\nfor one that straight clear this one has\nnice texture so the way the light\nbounces off of it we'll probably get\nsome like in camera bokeh a little bit\nbut yeah just playing with any type of\nglass again the point is here you can\nfind literally anything in your house\nmaybe a wine glass this little glass\nyeah any any sort of piece of glass that\nyou can kind of just play with and dirty\nthe lens with a little bit to try and\nget something unique like what are the\nodds that someone else is gonna have\nthis one that is this exact glass so\nliterally the effect you're gonna do is\nin effect that no one else can do and\nit's totally one-of-a-kind and again the\nkey is to not cover up her face with the\nimage just to add a little bit of\ntexture in right here have your hand on\nthe yeah just up there don't ya don't\nthere you go just hold it there\nboom and camera effect no one no one\nelse has done this one of it\none-of-a-kind effect any last takeaways\nfor how to use the stuff and like things\nto avoid to make sure you don't use it\nwrong it's like with anything it's like\nwhen DSLRs came out and DSLR itis\neveryone was you know just shooting is\nwide open as possible and you have all\nthe shifty focus because everyone's so\nwide open and it's just like in and out\nof focus so you know kind of like same\nthing with this like use it sparingly\nthey're not they're meant to be\nstylistic shots you know what I mean\nsomething that you can cut to give a\nshot style Flair boom you're out of it\nor set the scene with it whatever don't\nmake your entire video nothing but lens\neffects I guarantee the YouTube comments\nare gonna be like oh I'm having a\nseizure we're kind of overdoing it to\nshow the effect right there supposed to\nbe sprinkles right you don't have all\nsprinkles you gotta have some face you\ngotta have something some meat on there\njust a little graze on top absolutely\nyou've also got your own presence too\nyou have your own company around this\nstuff - I do cuz cuz again I'm I come\nfrom that background with doing things\nin camera and so we've always done\nthings in camera but there hasn't been\nways to like mount stuff so yeah we\nactually started this company prism lens\neffects and we make mountable you know\nprisms glass objects filters and\ndifferent things so you can get cool\nin-camera effects also don't forget that\nwe also have Indy mogul merch which is\nnow available some of the stuff I'm\nwearing if you want to find it just\nscroll underneath the video it's gonna\nbe all there on that bar as well putting\nall the stuff that shadow he's been\nwearing as well in this video looking\ngood represent the channel awesome if\nyou don't know about the buff nerds of\ncourse you probably do already could\ntake bones it's awesome and amazing you\ncan find them online at buff from there\nit's Ross can I find you\ninstagram at jacob owns cool sounds\ngonna shall we get in here to today\nwe're gonna find you this is our\nwonderful model for the day also a huge\nthank you to started blocks don't forget\nthat you can save both time and money\nlike us by having over the story blocks\ncalm slash Indy mogul and if you want to\nlearn more about the buff nerd himself\ndon't forget that we also have a podcast\ndiscussion with Jacob they're gonna put\nin description down below guys thank you\nso much for watching this episode and of\ncourse catch you guys next time\nI was filming a baseball show and like\nliterally the athletes would sprint and\nI'd run alongside on catcher it because\nthey wanted still that handheld field\nand not like a gimbal or Steadicam so\njust like being able to literally keep\nup with athletes as they're running get\nthe shot and sit you like it's just\nsomething that I'm just I'm just\nimagining like a director telling take\nthem till I go run after the ball oh\nit's in the air yeah and she's just like\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "I have held the same philosophy I now hold\nfor as far back as I can remember. I have\nlearned a great deal through the years and\nexpanded my knowledge of details, of specific\nissues, of definitions, of applications, and\nI intend to continue expanding it, but I have\nnever had to change any of my fundamentals.\nMy philosophy, in essence, is the concept\nof man as a heroic being, with his own happiness\nas the moral purpose of his life, with productive\nachievement as his noblest activity, and reason\nas his only absolute.\nUniversity of Michigan television presents\nan interview with a challenging critic of\nintellectual life and leadership in America\ntoday, an interview with Ayn Rand, noted American\nnovelist, author of The Fountainhead and Atlas\nShrugged, and philosopher-spokesman for America’s\nnew intellectual. To interview Miss Rand,\nProf. James McConnell of the Department of\nPsychology at the University of Michigan.\nMiss Rand, a moment ago we heard you mention\nthe fundamentals of your philosophy of life.\nI suppose it’s true that, at least in one\nsense, every novelist is a philosopher. But\nI think very few novelists have devoted the\ntime and the energy that you have to the development\nof a consistent philosophical system, so let\nme begin by asking you: Do you consider yourself\nprimarily a novelist or primarily a philosopher?\nI would say I am primarily both, equally,\nand for the same reasons. You see my main\ninterest and purpose, both in literature and\nin philosophy, is to define and present the\nimage of an ideal man, the specific concrete\nimage of what man can be and ought to be,\nand when I started writing, when I approached\nthe task of literature and began to study\nphilosophy, I discovered that I was in profound\ndisagreement with all the existing philosophies,\nparticularly their codes of morality. Therefore,\nI had to do my own thinking. I had to define\nmy own full philosophical system in order\nto discover and present the kind of ideas\nand premises that make an ideal man possible,\nin order to define what kind of convictions\nwould result in the character of an ideal\nman.\nI think your novels show very clearly that\nyou have achieved that sort of fusion of philosophy\nand fiction that I think you aimed for.\nThank you.\nYou know, in several of your novels you’ve\nmade the point that leadership in any culture,\nnot only in art, but in literature, morality,\npolitics and economics, that this sort of\nleadership must be provided by what you call\nthe professional intellectuals.\nThat’s right.\nI wonder if you could tell me just what you\nmean by the term professional intellectuals.\nWho are they for example?\nThe professional intellectuals are, in effect,\nthe field agents of the army whose head or\ncommander in chief is the philosopher. The\nphilosopher, the man who defines the basic,\nfundamental ideas of a culture, is the man\nwho determines history. And professional intellectuals\nare all those whose professions deal with\nthe humanities, the studies of man as against\nthe physical sciences. The professional intellectuals,\nin all their various professions, carry to\nthe rest of the culture, the rest of society,\nthe philosophical premises, the ideas which\nhave been defined by the philosopher. Therefore\nthey are the transmission belts. They are\nthe ones who determine the goals, the values,\nand the direction of a culture.\nIs this true in any culture? Would it be true\nno matter where you found them?\nIt is true in a civilized culture, but historically\nyou must remember this: The new intellectual,\nrather the intellectual is a very recent phenomenon.\nThere were no such phenomenon as a professional\nintellectual prior to the Industrial Revolution\nand the birth of capitalism. Prior to that,\nmen could not make a living, could not make\na profession of intellectual work. The mind,\nthe intellect, reason, had no value in those\nearlier cultures. It is only since the birth\nof capitalism and of a free society that men,\nfor the first time in history, acquired the\nchance to make a living by means of dealing\nwith ideas. Reason became a practical issue\nfor the first time, and the height of it was\nthe 19th century. Today, this is the value\nwhich we are losing, and it is the intellectuals\nwho are betraying it.\nYou think, then, that American intellectual\nleadership has collapsed?\nYes, collapsed and abdicated.\nHow have the intellectuals failed to do the\nthings that they ought to do? How have they\nnot lived up to their responsibility?\nBy betraying the very premise that makes their\nexistence possible: by denying the intellect.\nFor decades now, the intellectuals have been\nprogressively preaching and advocating the\nidea that the intellect is impotent, that\nman can know nothing for certain, that reason\nis unreliable, and that in fact man has no\npower to know the facts of reality. This amounts\nto men who, proclaiming themselves intellectual,\nspend their time denying the validity of the\nintellect. That is a form of committing suicide.\nAnd today, when you see the rise of such openly\nmystical, anti-intellectual philosophies as\nZen Buddhism or existentialism, doctrines\nwhich cannot really properly be called philosophies,\nthis is the admission of intellectual bankruptcy\non the part of those who accept it. If in\na group of men, such a theory as Zen Buddhism,\nwhich is a doctrine originating about the\nfifth century BC, if that becomes the latest\nword of the mind, it isn’t I who am condemning\nthem – they have condemned themselves by\ntheir own actions. They have given up. They\nhave declared their intellectual bankruptcy\nand have gone back to the mysticism of the\nDark Ages.\nWhy do you think they’ve done this?\nBecause, since philosophers are the ones who\nreally set the basic premises of the whole\nintellectual profession, the philosophies\nof the Western world have been going progressively\nmore and more towards mysticism ever since\nthe Renaissance. The Renaissance was achieved,\nwas the intellectual result, of the Aristotelian\ninfluence, the influence of Aristotle’s\nphilosophy, which in effect destroyed in the\nMiddle Ages and broke the way for the Renaissance.\nBut ever since then, while men, while the\nculture in general, were achieving incredible\nprogress culminating in the 19th century,\non the basis of that Aristotelian influence,\nthe intellectuals, ever since Immanuel Kant,\nwere going progressively more and more against\nreason. The trend started of course before\nKant, but I consider Kant the crucial destroyer\nand the crucial turning point. He was the\nphilosopher who undercut the validity of reason.\nHe did not really succeed, but his is the\nmost skillful system of pushing reason off\nthe philosophical scene altogether, and to\nthe extent to which other philosophers and\nintellectuals accepted his basic premises,\nto that extent they have been moving towards\na noumenal, mystical world ever since.\nYou mentioned Kant. You mentioned Aristotle\nand his influence on the Renaissance. Under\nwhose influence was the world before the Renaissance?\nLet’s go back and look at some of the –\nBefore the Renaissance, the Middle Ages, the\nDark Ages were ruled by mysticism, that is,\nby religion and philosophy. And in those periods,\nphilosophy was considered a handmaiden of\ntheology. The predominant philosophical influence\nwas Plato — Plato’s through Plotinus and\nAugustine, who were philosophically Platonists.\nAristotle’s triumph in effect began with\nThomas Aquinas, who brought back the philosophy\nof Aristotle, most particularly its most important\npart, epistemology, logic, reason.\nWell, what in particular about Kant’s system\nof philosophy do you think was responsible\nfor the trend that you see today in philosophy?\nVery cumbersome, very complex and very false\nand phony system of dividing man’s intellect,\nman’s mind, from reality, and declaring that what we perceive is only an\nillusion created by some special kind of categories\nand forms of perception in our own mind. By\ndeclaring and allegedly proving, allegedly,\nthat we can never perceive things as they\nare, which simply means that any object which\nis perceived is thereby false. If an object\nis perceived, it means our perception is incorrect.\nIt was in effect an attack on the whole concept\nof consciousness, not only human consciousness\nbut any consciousness. It was the denial of\nthe reality or the validity of our perceptions.\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "\nGerman: \nLiebe Ecosianer, willkommen zu \nunserem 26. Baumupdate.\nEigentlich wollten wir diesen Monat unseren Baumpflanzpartner Alvelal in Spanien besuchen.\nAber da aufgrund der Pandemie in letzter Minute Reisebeschränkungen verhängt wurden,\nhaben wir den Besuch abgesagt.\nDoch lasst uns mit guten Nachrichten weitermachen!\nWie ihr vielleicht mitbekommen habt, haben wir im Juli unseren hundertmillionsten Baum gepflanzt.\nDas haben wir dank eurer Suchanfragen geschafft – also herzlichen Glückwunsch, Ecosianer!\nIch wollte mein Update zu Spanien eigentlich direkt von dort aus senden, aber da wir die Reise absagen mussten,\nhabe ich Fernando von Alvelal angerufen, der uns vor Ort ein Live-Update geben wird.\nHallo Fernando, guten Morgen!\nGuten Morgen, wie geht es dir?\nGut, und dir?\nWir sind gerade in „La Muela“, und das hier \nhaben wir 2020 gepflanzt\nLa Muela ist ein Gebiet im Nordwesten,\ndas wir bepflanzen\n\nFrench: \nChers Ecosiens, bienvenue dans \nce 26ème bilan des plantations.\nNous voulions rendre visite à notre partenaire de plantation d'arbres Alveval en Espagne ce mois-ci.\nMais, en raison des restrictions de voyage liées à la pandémie,\nnous avons décidé d'annuler notre visite.\nMais passons aux bonnes nouvelles !\nD'abord, comme vous le savez peut-être déjà, en juillet nous avons planté notre cent-millionième arbre.\nTout ça, c'est grâce à vos recherches. Alors félicitations aux Ecosiens !\nEnsuite, je voulais vraiment vous donner des nouvelles du terrain en Espagne,\nmais comme nous n'avons pas pu y aller,\nj'ai appelé Fernando d'Alveval qui va nous donner des nouvelles en direct.\nBonjour Fernando !\nBonjour, comment ça va ?\nBien, et toi ?\nBien ! Nous sommes à La Muela, voilà ce que nous avons planté en 2020.\nC'est une nouvelle zone au nord-ouest\noù nous plantons et, si nécessaire,\n\nGerman: \nund wo wir, wenn nötig, \nim Jahr 2018 abgestorbene Bäume ersetzen.\nDie Region zwischen diesem Punkt und \netwa einem Kilometer ostwärts\nist die trockenste in ganz Europa.\nUnsere Idee war, die Vegetation an dieser Grenze zwischen halbtrockenem Land und Wüste\ndurch ein möglichst vielfältiges Ökosystem zu stärken\nund damit die Ausdehnung der Wüste zu verhindern.\nAn diesem Hang, etwa 300 Meter weiter unten,\ngibt es Mandelplantagen, die von durch starke Gewitter erzeugte Erosion betroffen sind.\nWenn wir ein Ökosystem schaffen,\n\nFrench: \nremplaçons les arbres de 2018 qui sont morts.\nÀ partir d'ici et jusqu'à 1 km vers l'est,\nc'est la région la plus sèche d'Europe.\nNotre idée, c'est d'essayer d'augmenter la végétation\ndans cette zone frontière entre \nles endroits semi-arides et le désert,\npour continuer la lutte contre l'avancée du désert\nen créant l'écosystème le plus divers possible.\nSur cette pente, à moins de 300 mètres plus bas,\nil y a des vergers d'amandiers affectés par l'érosion causée par de gros orages.\n\nGerman: \ndas dicht genug ist, um den \nungeschützten Boden zu bedecken,\nverringern wir den Erosionseffekt entlang des Hangs.\nJetzt gehe ich zu unserem anderen Pflanzgebiet, \nEl Cortijico.\nWir hätten euch wahnsinnig gerne die Ergebnisse unserer Arbeit gezeigt,\naber in dieser abgelegenen Gegend ist die Netzabdeckung leider nicht gut.\nNichtsdestotrotz sind die Ergebnisse erstaunlich –\nwir können jetzt nach dem Sommer \neine Überlebensrate von 98 % verzeichnen.\nDiese Gegend ist allerdings auch \netwas besser geeignet.\n„La Muela“ ist zum Bäumepflanzen die härteste Umgebung, die ihr euch vorstellen könnt.\nVielen, vielen Dank und Grüße an das Team! Bis bald!\nBis bald!\nLasst uns jetzt weiterreisen \nnach Indonesien, Äthiopien und Brasilien,\nwo wir gerade drei neue Verträge unterzeichnet haben.\nIn Indonesien haben wir mit dem \n„Leuser Conservation Forum“\neine Vereinbarung über insgesamt \n1,2 Millionen Bäume getroffen.\n\nFrench: \nMais en créant un écosystème assez dense\npour couvrir le sol non protégé,\non réduit l'effet d'érosion sur la pente.\nMaintenant nous allons parler de l'autre site de plantation, El Cortijico.\nÇa aurait été génial que tu puisses voir les résultats sur place,\nmais dans des endroits aussi reculés il n'y a pas de réseau.\nMais les résultats là-bas sont incroyables :\naprès l'été, on a un taux de survie de 98 %.\nMais la zone est plus facile.\nLa Muela, c'est l'endroit le plus difficile qu'on puisse imaginer pour planter des arbres.\nMerci pour tout, bonjour à l'équipe et à bientôt !\nÀ bientôt !\nParlons maintenant de l'Indonésie, l'Éthiopie et le Brésil,\noù nous venons de signer trois nouveaux contrats.\nEn Indonésie, nous avons signé un contrat avec Leseur Conservation Forum\npour un total de 1,2 million d'arbres.\n\nFrench: \nLes arbres seront plantés dans l'écosystème de Leuser, \nau nord de Sumatra. C'est le dernier écosystème\noù les orangs-outans, les rhinocéros, les éléphants et les tigres coexistent dans la nature !\nNous avons également signé un contrat avec Menschen für Menschen en Éthiopie\npour planter 250 000 arbres,\net notre partenaire a \ncommencé à installer les pépinières.\nEnfin, nous avons signé un autre contrat avec l'Instituto Espinhaço au Brésil,\npour planter des arbres dans la forêt atlantique et au Cerrado.\nVoici l'installation des pépinières\net les partenaires qui s'occupent des jeunes pousses.\nAvant de passer aux prochaines nouvelles, restons au Brésil.\nCar, une fois de plus, les feux de forêt ravagent le pays comme en 2019.\nÀ l'époque, vos recherches nous avaient permis\nde planter 3 millions d'arbres supplémentaires au Brésil.\nNous avons dû ralentir la reforestation à cause de la pandémie de COVID-19.\n\nGerman: \nThe trees will be planted in the Leuser Ecosystem in \nthe north of Sumatra. Es ist das letzte Ökosystem,\nin dem Orang-Utans, Nashörner, Elefanten und Tiger in freier Wildbahn koexistieren.\nWir haben außerdem mit \n„Menschen Für Menschen“ in Äthiopien\neinen Vertrag für 250 000 Bäume unterschrieben\nund unsere neuen Partner haben bereits damit angefangen, die Baumschulen einzurichten.\nUnd zuletzt haben wir einen weiteren Vertrag mit dem „Instituto Espinhaço“ in Brasilien geschlossen,\num Bäume im Atlantischen Regenwald und der \nCerrado-Region zu pflanzen.\nHier könnt ihr die Baumschulen sehen, \ndie eure Partner errichtet haben,\nund euch davon überzeugen, wie sie sich darin um die Setzlinge kümmern.\nAber lasst uns noch kurz in Brasilien bleiben.\nDenn leider sind die Waldbrände im Land wieder genauso schlimm wie im Jahr 2019.\nDamals haben eure Suchanfragen\ndas Pflanzen von zusätzlichen drei\n Millionen Bäumen in Brasilien ermöglicht.\nLeider haben sich aufgrund der Covid-19-Pandemie die Aufforstungsarbeiten teilweise verzögert.\n\nGerman: \nDoch noch rechnen wir damit, diese Arbeit bis Ende des Jahres fertigzustellen.\nIn der Zwischenzeit haben die 300.000 Euro,\ndie wir in die Brandbekämpfung im Atlantischen Regenwald investiert haben,\nim Jahr 2019 geschätzte \ndrei Millionen Bäume vor dem Feuer bewahrt.\nVielen Dank, Ecosianer:\nIn Zeiten, in denen die Regierung keine Maßnahmen in Kraft setzt, um die Flächenbrände zu stoppen,\nsind eure Suchanfragen besonders wichtig.\nSie unterstützen die Umweltschutz-NROs dabei, den Atlantischen Regenwald zu schützen.\nJetzt lasst uns noch nach Indien schauen, wo unsere Partner von „Grow Trees“\nunter sehr strengen Sicherheitsmaßnahmen \nweiterhin Bäume pflanzen –\nin Odisha, im Simlipal-Naturschutzgebiet.\nTatsächlich haben diese Projekte Jobs geschaffen, die denjenigen,\ndie während des COVID-Lockdowns ihre Arbeit verloren haben, eine alternative Einnahmequelle bieten.\nSie stärken außerdem die Unabhängigkeit von Frauen,\nindem sie in ländlichen \nGemeinden für Lebensunterhalt sorgen.\nDas wars für heute.\n\nFrench: \nMais nous comptons bien achever \nce travail avant la fin de l'année.\nEn attendant, les 300 000 euros que nous avons investis\ndans la lutte contre les incendies en forêt atlantique\nont sauvé environ 3 millions d'arbres en 2019.\nMerci à vous, les Ecosiens :\ndans un contexte où le gouvernement ne fait rien pour arrêter les incendies au Brésil,\nvos recherches sont particulièrement importantes\npour soutenir les ONG environnementales qui protègent la forêt atlantique.\nEt maintenant passons à l'Inde, où nos partenaires de Grow Trees,\navec des mesures de sécurité très strictes, ont continué de planter des arbres\nà Odisha, près de la réserve naturelle de Simlipal.\nEn fait, les postes de planteurs d'arbres générés par cette activité ont fourni des alternatives\naux ouvriers d'usines ayant perdu leur emploi pendant le confinement lié au COVID.\nIls permettent aussi aux femmes des communautés rurales de gagner leur vie.\nC'est tout pour ce bilan des plantations.\n\nFrench: \nJe veux encore souligner à quel point nous sommes fiers de travailler avec ces partenaires,\net avec des millions d'utilisateurs \nd'Ecosia à travers le monde.\nEn attendant, portez-vous bien et à bientôt pour le 27ème bilan des plantations,\noù nous aurons de grandes nouvelles à propos de notre travail sur le continent africain.\nÀ la prochaine !\n\nGerman: \nIch kann nicht genug betonen, wie stolz mich die Zusammenarbeit mit all diesen Partnern macht –\nund mit Millionen von Ecosia-Nutzern \nauf der ganzen Welt.\nBleibt gesund und schaltet \nzum Baum-Update 27 wieder ein,\nwenn es um große Neuigkeiten zu unserer Arbeit auf dem afrikanischen Kontinent geht.\nBis zum nächsten Mal.\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "Hi, I'm Sarah Walsh, postdoctoral fellow at\nREGS.\nI received my PhD from the University of Maryland\nin May of 2013, under the direction of Karen\nRosenblatt.\nMy dissertation examines the connection between\nCatholicism, eugenics, and gender in twentieth\ncentury Chile.\nSpecifically, I examined a variety of Chilean\nintellectuals to demonstrate that they all\nagreed that the purpose of eugenics was to\ncreate a social order based on natural hierarchy.\nThis focus on natural hierarchy allowed both\nsecular and Catholic social reformers to come\nto a agreements about what the purpose of\neugenics was, what its parameters were, and\nwhat its end results were as a discipline.\nMy dissertation demonstrated that though Chilean\neugenics was unique, it was not flawed, in\ncomparison to the eugenics practiced in the\nNorth Atlantic.\nUsually, Latin America is overlooked as a\nsight for historical enquiry regarding science\nin general, and eugenics in particular, because\nCatholicism and eugenics are understood to\nbe diametrically opposed.\nMy research questions this notion, and contributes\nto a larger understanding of eugenics in the\nGlobal South.\nWhile at REGS, I hope to further explore my\ninterest in the connections between eugenics,\nCatholicism, and race.\nYou can read more about my work, and that\nof my colleagues, by following our blog at\nbit.ly/regsblog.\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "Does Size Matter For You - Double Meaning Questions - Social Experiment Prank Videos In India 2017\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "what's trending...\nYour brain weighs about three\npounds...and while exercising it\nwon't help\nyou shed any weight -- it could\nhelp keep your mind sharp.\n[TAKE VO]\nVO\nToday is National Puzzle Day and\na great excuse to spend a few\nminutes playing\nyour favorite brain game.\nThink Jigsaw -- Crossword --\nSudoku or anything that\nchallenges you to\nthink.\nPuzzles are a great solo\nactivity or a fun way to spend\ntime with friends.\nJust don't get too competitive!\nYour brain will thank you for a\nlittle time devoted toward its\nwell-being.\n[TAKE VO]\nVO\nApple says the i-phone is making\na comeback - and its got the\nnumbers to prove it.\nThe company says revenue hit an\nall-time record in the final\nquarter of last year,\nreaching almost 92-billion\ndollars.\nThe numbers are up nine percent\nfrom the same quarter in 20-18,\nand well above Wall\nStreet's projections.\nApple says the main driver was\nstrong i- phone sales through\nthe holidays.\nThe company's signature product\nrebounded, after demand for the\ni-\nphone slumped last year.\n[TAKE VO]\nVO\nTalk about flushing money down\nthe toilet --fans of the late\nFrank Sinatra shelled out\nthousands of dollars to purchase\nhis gold- seated commodes at\nauction over the\nweekend.\nOne of the Italian marble and\ngold- seated toilets fetched\nmore than four\nthousand dollars.\nThey were among numerous items\nauctioned Sunday.\nThe furnishings came from\nSinatra's massive executive\nsuite at the former\ngolden nugget casino in Atlantic\nCity.\nHe sang there for several years\nafter the hotel opened in 19-80.\nTAYLOR\nGet your latest trending stories\nevery morning here on 7news\nduring our 5\na.m.\nhour.\nComing up we'll bring you all\nthe things you need to know\nbefore you go.\nWe'll be right back.\nBREAK 7\nTAYLOR\nWelcome back.It's now ((TIME))\nand time to bring you the things\nyou need to know\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "For me what living ethically is about, is\nabout not just thinking about yourself, but\nputting yourself in the position of other\nbeings who are affected your actions. So this\nis the kind of, sort of \"golden rule\" is what\nit is sometimes called, putting yourself in\nthe position of others and what it would be\nlike. And of course Christians would say that\ncomes from Jesus and Jews will say it also\ncomes from the bible, but in fact it's something\nthat you find in any ethic. You find it in\nConfucius, you find it in early Hindu writings.\nSo, I think it's something that any tradition\nof ethical thinking that gets developed to\na certain point starts to take, if you like,\na broader perspective. Sometimes you could\ncall it, you know, a p point of view of the\nuniverse. We'll start to realize that, well,\nI'm just one being here among a lot of others.\nAnd there is nothing so special about me that\nsomehow my sufferings are more important than\nyour sufferings, or anyone else's suffering\nof the people out there, or for that matter,\nof the animals. So, we get to the point where\nwe say really to live ethically you have to\ntry and think what it's like for those others\nthat are affected by your actions. And, you\nknow, if you say \"Why care?\" of course it's\npossible not to care, but then you're just\ncutting yourself off from a part of reality\nwhich is there. You're sort of denying that\nit matters when, you know, when you look at\nit as objectively as you can it's obvious\nthat it matters to them as it matters to you.\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "COUNTY SAYS PEOPLE COULD\nEXPERIENCE DELAYS AT THE MOTOR\nVEHICLE DEPARTMENT ON\nMONDAY, MAY 13TH.COUNTY\nOFFICIALS SAY THE STATE IS\nINSTALLING\nNEW COMPUTERS AT THE OFFICE...\nAND THAT WILL REQUIRE SOME\nWINDOW\nCLOSURES.LEADERS SUGGEST ANYONE\nNEEDING SERVICES ON MONDAY CHECK\nTHE LIVE WEBCAM ON THE COUNTY’S\nSITE BEFORE VISITING THE MOTOR\nVEHICLE DIVISION.THEY ALSO SAY\nIF YOU NEED TO RENEW YOUR\nVEHICLE’S REGISTRATION AND IT\nISN’T CURRENTLY EXPIRED...\nIT CAN BE\nTAKEN CARE OF ONLINE OR BE\nDROPPED OFF IN THE SECURE BOX IN\nTHE\nHALL.WE’LL POST LINKS ON OUR\nWEBSITE... K-T-V-H-DOT-COM.\n\n\n\n\n[(***ACURTIS***)]STILL AHEAD ON\nTHE\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "Being a political science major doesn't\nmean you have to go into politics\nIt just means that you'll graduate\nundergrad as a more conscious and\nsocially and politically aware person\nand we live in a time in this world and\nin history\nwhere being politically conscious and\ndaring is more important than anything.\nOur department here at Geneseo is unique\nin that we have two majors in the\ndepartment so both political science and\ninternational relations\nand political\nscience is a major where people focus\nspecifically on politics in the United States,\naround the world, and then there's\na little bit of political theory\nbut then we have another major, the\ninternational relations major that's\ninterdisciplinary and then those\nstudents also, too, are required to study\nabroad or do an internship so they have\nthat kind of experience outside the\nclassroom as well.\nThe support that I\nfound here in terms of the faculty\nwere unparalleled.\nI'm the luckiest person to\nbe able to be here\nand hear them talk\nabout their life's work.\nI studied political science because\nI thought it was the way to get involved with the most\nissues I care about and have the most\nimpact on them.\nMy name is Eitan Sirkovich\nI work in the mayor's Office of\nInnovation at the city of Rochester\nso I work as an innovation analyst and\nwhat that includes basically is working\non different policy work and project\ndevelopment for the city of Rochester\nin the realms of things like housing and\neconomic development and recreation.\nMy name is Matt Fitzgerald and I'm an\nattorney working in the land, environment\nand energy practice group at Phillips\nLytle LLP in Buffalo, New York.\nI love what I do.\nGeneseo allowed me to go straight out of\nGeneseo to get an internship with a\ncongressional law office\ngo straight into law school and then\nvery quickly thereafter get a full time job.\nI loved going to Geneseo.\nIn the course of being a Geneseo student I think\nI had seven different internships and a\nlot of them were just a product of being in\nthat environment\nwhere people are really focused on\nbuilding your career and showing you all\nthat there is to offer.\nI would say the\nmost significant internship experience I\nhad was actually the opportunity to\nintern in the Obama White House in\nWashington, DC\nworking in the Office of Public Engagement.\nIt's incredible to me\nat how quick the turnaround was from my\nexperience at Geneseo and the skills and\nvalues that I was taught there to\nactualizing it into a career path.\nYou'll find people doing what one day you want\nto be doing yourself.\nThe alumni network\nis a valuable tool to help you\nunderstand what you want to do and then\nto put you on the path to actually start\ndoing it.\nOur political science students\nwalk out of the classroom with a really\nwell-rounded experience\nMy politics was\nembraced here\nit was never reprimanded\nor questioned\nIt was celebrated\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "Michio Kaku 📚 Books Quantum Physics Newton Einstein Gravity Universe 💫 String Theory Everything\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "\nJapanese: \n- [Bob] Hello、ようこそ。ボブ・ピーダーソンです。\nMicrosoft Corporation のテクニカル スペシャリストです。\n今回の動画は、展開バージョンとして、Dynamics 365\nサプライ チェーン機能について紹介した\n最初の短いティーザー動画の詳細を解説します。\n旧バージョンの Dynamics AX から移行するお客様には\nD365 のへの大規模な改善でさまざま利益がもたらされます。\nまた、外部 ISV アプリケーションの拡張機能追加の\nリスクや経費をある程度回避できます。\n私たちは、モジュールと機能に焦点を当てています。\nこれらは、AX 2009 のリリース以降 12 年の間に導入されました。\nこの一部は AX 2012 から登場し、\nD365 でその大半が強化されました。\nSupply Chain の一覧をご覧ください。\n最初の 6 つは青色でハイライトされています。\n主に次の拡張機能について説明します。\n製造、倉庫管理、\nDynamics のコマースと小売、\nそして、エンタープライズ資産管理です。\nこれらの 6 種類のモジュールを焦点に、説明します。\n\nGerman: \n- [Bob] Hallo und willkommen. Ich bin Bob\nPederson,\nTechnical Specialist bei der Microsoft\nCorporation.\nIn diesem Video gehe ich näher auf die\nDynamics 365\nSupply Chain-Themen ein, die wir bereits\nim ursprünglichen, kürzeren Teaser-Video angesprochen\nhaben.\nKunden, die von älteren Dynamics AX-Versionen\nmigrieren,\nwerden von den signifikanten Verbesserungen in D365\nprofitieren.\nAußerdem können sie einige der Risiken und\nKosten vermeiden, die durch die Ergänzung externer\nISV-Anwendungen entstehen.\nWir konzentrieren uns auf Module und Funktionen,\ndie in den 12 Jahren seit der Veröffentlichung von\nAX 2009 eingeführt wurden.\nEinige wurden in AX 2012 implementiert,\nund viele wurden in D365 weiter verbessert.\nHier sehen Sie die Liste für Supply Chain.\nDie ersten sechs sind blau hervorgehoben.\nWir werden hauptsächlich über diese Verbesserungen\nin Manufacturing, Warehouse Management,\nDynamics Commerce und Retail\nsowie Enterprise Asset Management sprechen.\nWir werden uns auf diese sechs Module\nkonzentrieren.\n\nEnglish: \n- [Bob] Hello and welcome,\nI am Bob Pederson,\na Technical Specialist\nwith Microsoft Corporation.\nThis video is an expansion\nof the Dynamics 365\nsupply chain topics presented\nin the original, shorter teaser video.\nCustomers migrating from\nolder versions of Dynamics AX\nwill benefit from major\nimprovements made to D365,\nplus they can avoid some of the risks\nand expense of adding\nexternal ISV applications.\nWe focus on modules and functionality\nintroduced in the 12 years\nsince AX 2009 was released.\nSome of this appeared in AX 2012,\nand much of it has been enhanced in D365.\nNote the supply chain list.\nThe first six are highlighted in blue.\nMainly we will look at these enhancements\nto manufacturing, warehouse management,\nDynamics commerce and retail,\nand enterprise asset management.\nWe will focus on these six modules.\n\nItalian: \n- [Bob] Ciao e benvenuti. Sono Bob Pederson,\nTechnical Specialist di Microsoft.\nQuesto video è un approfondimento degli argomenti\ndella catena di approvvigionamento di Dynamics 365\npresentati nel video teaser originale più breve.\nI clienti che migrano da versioni precedenti di\nDynamics AX\ntrarranno vantaggio dai miglioramenti importanti\napportati a D365\ne potranno evitare alcuni dei rischi\ne delle spese legati all’aggiunta di applicazioni\nISV esterne.\nCi concentreremo su moduli e funzionalità\nintrodotti nei 12 anni trascorsi dal rilascio di AX\n2009.\nAlcuni di questi sono stati introdotti in AX 2012\ne gran parte di essi sono stati migliorati in\nD365.\nOsserva l’elenco della catena di\napprovvigionamento.\nI primi sei elementi sono evidenziati in blu.\nEsamineremo principalmente i miglioramenti che\nriguardano\nproduzione, gestione magazzino,\nDynamics Commerce e Retail\ne Enterprise Asset Management.\nCi concentreremo su questi sei moduli.\n\nFrench: \n- [Bob] Bonjour et bienvenue, je suis Bob\nPederson,\ntechnicien chez Microsoft Corporation.\nCette vidéo développe les sujets de\nDynamics 365 Supply Chain présentés\ndans la courte vidéo d'introduction originale.\nLes clients qui migrent d'anciennes versions de\nDynamics AX\nbénéficieront des améliorations majeures apportées\nà D365.\nDe plus, ils évitent certains des risques\net dépenses découlant de l'ajout d'applications de\nfournisseurs de logiciels indépendants externes.\nNous nous intéressons aux modules et\nfonctionnalités\nintroduits dans les 12 années qui ont suivi la sortie\nd'AX 2009.\nCertains de ces éléments sont apparus dans AX 2012\net une grande partie a été améliorée dans D365.\nSi vous regardez la liste de chaînes\nd'approvisionnement,\nvous remarquerez que les six premières sont surlignées\nen bleu.\nNous examinerons principalement les améliorations\napportées à la fabrication, à la gestion des\nentrepôts,\nau commerce et à la vente au détail de Dynamics\net à la gestion des actifs d'entreprise.\nNous allons nous intéresser à ces six modules.\n\nArabic: \n- [بوب] أهلاً ومرحبًا، أنا بوب بيدرسون،\nاخصائي تقني مع مؤسسة Microsoft Corporation.\nهذا الفيديو هو إسهاب عن Dynamics 365\nموضوعات سلسلة التوريد المقدمة\nفي الفيديو التشويقي الأصلي الأقصر.\nسيستفيد العملاء الذين يرحلون من إصدارات أقدم من\nDynamics AX\nمن التحسينات الرئيسية التي أُجريت على D365،\nإضافة إلى أنه يمكنهم تجنب بعض المخاطر\nونفقات إضافة تطبيقات ISV الخارجية.\nسنركز على الوحدات والوظائف\nالتي تم تقديمها في 12 عامًا منذ إصدار AX 2009.\nظهر بعض من هذا في AX 2012،\nوقد تم تحسين الكثير منه في D365.\nراجع قائمة سلسلة التوريد.\nتم تمييز الستة الأولى باللون الأزرق.\nسنفحص بشكل أساسي هذه التحسينات\nعلى التصنيع وإدارة المستودعات\nوالتجارة الديناميكية والبيع بالتجزئة\nوإدارة أصول المؤسسة.\nسنركز على هذه الوحدات الستة.\n\nSpanish: \n- [Bob] Hola y bienvenidos. Soy Bob Pederson,\nespecialista técnico en Microsoft Corporation.\nEste vídeo es una expansión de los temas sobre\nDynamics 365 Supply Chain presentados\nen el teaser original más corto.\nLos clientes que migran desde versiones anteriores\nde Dynamics AX\nse beneficiarán de las principales mejoras que se\nhicieron en D365\nademás de evitar algunos de los riesgos\ny gastos de agregar aplicaciones ISV externas.\nNos centramos en los módulos y funcionalidad\nintroducido durante los 12 años desde que se lanzó\nAX 2009.\nAlgo de esto apareció en AX 2012,\ny gran parte ello se ha mejorado en D365.\nObserven la lista de cadenas de suministro.\nLas primeras seis están resaltadas en azul.\nPrincipalmente, miraremos a estas mejoras\nen los módulos Manufacturing, Warehouse\nManagement,\nDynamics Commerce and Retail\ny Enterprise Asset Management.\nNos centraremos en estos seis módulos.\n\nFrench: \nDes modules de production au plus juste\net de production de processus ont été ajoutés à la\nfabrication.\nCommençons tout de suite.\nNous pouvons d'abord examiner le traitement de la\nfabrication.\nAX 2009 comportait un modèle de production,\nla production discrète.\nLa discrétion est importante lorsque la quantité de\nla production correspond à un\net que les rendements, la consommation de matières\npremières\net les résultats sont peu variables.\nLe traitement de la fabrication dans AX 2012 R3 a\nintroduit des lots,\ndes formules, des coproduits, des rendements et des\nreprises.\nCela est obligatoire dans les entreprises de produits\nalimentaires,\nde produits de grande consommation et de produits\npharmaceutiques.\nLa formule pourrait définir un modèle pour les\ndiffusions\nde plusieurs quantités de lots.\nLes rendements prévus pourraient être basés sur des\nmodèles historiques.\nLes matières premières pourraient être fournies pour\nrefléter une perte éventuelle.\nLes substances actives et de compensation\npeuvent être définies dans la recette.\nUne variation en pourcentage de la substance\nactive\nentraînera automatiquement une modification\n\nEnglish: \nManufacturing saw the addition of lean\nand process production modules.\nLet's get started.\nWe can take a look at\nprocess manufacturing first.\nAX 2009 had one model for production,\ndiscrete manufacturing.\nDiscrete is great where\nproduction is quantity one\nwith little variability in yields,\nraw material consumption, and outcomes.\nProcess manufacturing in AX\n2012 R3 introduced batches,\nformulas, co-products, yields, and rework.\nThis is mandatory in food product,\nCPG, and pharmaceutical companies.\nThe formula could define\na model for releases\nof batch quantities of more than one\nExpected yields could be\nbased on historical models.\nRaw material could be issued\nto reflect possible loss.\nActive and compensating ingredients\ncan be defined in the recipe.\nA percentage change in\nthe active ingredient\nwill automatically call out a change\n\nSpanish: \nEl módulo Manufacturing vio la adición de módulos\nde\nproducción lean y de procesos.\nComencemos.\nPrimero podemos echar un vistazo al proceso de\nfabricación.\nAX 2009 tenía un modelo para la producción,\nla fabricación discreta.\nLa fabricación discreta es ideal cuando la producción\nes de cantidad uno\ncon poca variabilidad en los rendimientos,\nel consumo de materias primas y los resultados.\nLa fabricación de procesos en AX 2012 R3 introdujo\nlotes,\nfórmulas, coproductos, rendimientos y productos\nrehechos.\nEsto es obligatorio en productos alimenticios,\nCPG y empresas farmacéuticas.\nLa fórmula podía definir un modelo para\nlanzamientos\nde cantidades de lote de más de uno.\nLos rendimientos esperados podían basarse en modelos\nhistóricos.\nLa materia prima se podía emitir para reflejar una\nposible pérdida.\nLos ingredientes activos y compensadores\nse pueden definir en la receta.\nUn cambio porcentual en el ingrediente activo\nproducirá automáticamente un cambio\n\nArabic: \nشهد التصنيع إضافة وحدات الإنتاج النمطية محدودة\nالفاقد\nووحدات المعالجة.\nفلنبدأ.\nيمكننا إلقاء نظرة على عملية التصنيع أولاً.\nكان لدى AX 2009 نموذج واحد للإنتاج،\nوهو التصنيع المنفصل.\nوالتصنيع المنفصل أمر رائع حيثما يكون الإنتاج هو\nاتساق الكمية\nمع اختلاف بسيط في الناتج،\nواستهلاك المواد الخام والنتائج.\nقدم التصنيع العملي في AX 2012 R3 بعض الدفعات،\nوالتركيبات والمنتجات المشتركة والإنتاجية وإعادة\nالعمل.\nوهذا شيء إلزامي في المنتج الغذائي،\nوالسلع الاستهلاكية سريعة التداول (CPG) وشركات\nالمستحضرات الطبية.\nيمكن أن تحدد الصيغة نموذجًا للإصدارات\nبكميات خاصة بالدفعات أكثر من واحدة\nويمكن أن تستند النتائج المتوقعة على النماذج\nالتاريخية.\nيمكن إصدار المواد الخام لكي تعكس الخسارة المحتملة.\nيمكن كذلك تحديد المكونات التعويضية\nفي الوصفة.\nسيؤدي تغيير النسبة المئوية\nفي المكون النشط تلقائيًا\n\nJapanese: \n製造業では、リーンと\nプロセス生産モジュールが追加されます。\nそれでは始めましょう。\n最初にプロセス製造を見てみましょう。\nAX 2009 には一つの生産モデルがありました。\n個別製造です。\n個別製造は、1 種類の生産に最適で\n変動は、歩留りや\n原材料の消費量や結果にほぼ発生しません。\nAX 2012 R3 のプロセス製造はバッチ、\nフォーミュラ、連産品、歩留り、再加工を導入しました。\nこれは食品生産や\n消費財(CPG)や製薬会社では必須の要素です\nフォーミュラでは、リリースのモデルを定義でき、\n1 つ以上のバッチに対応します。\n予想歩留りは過去のモデルをベースにしています。\n原材料の払出は、潜在的な損失をリフレクトしている場合もあります。\n有効成分と補償成分を\nレシピで定義できます。\n有効成分の割合の変更すると\n補償成分および充填剤が\n\nGerman: \nIn Manufacturing wurden Module für Lean\nManufacturing und Prozessfertigung hinzugefügt.\nFangen wir also an.\nZuerst schauen wir uns die Prozessfertigung an.\nIn AX 2009 gab es ein Fertigungsmodell:\ndie diskrete Fertigung.\nSie ist eine gute Wahl, wenn das Fertigungsvolumen\n1 ist,\nmit geringer Variabilität bei Ausbeute,\nRohstoffverbrauch und Ergebnissen.\nMit der Prozessfertigung in AX 2012 R3 wurden\nChargen,\nFormeln, Co-Produkte, Ausbeuten und Nacharbeit\neingeführt.\nDies ist obligatorisch in der\nLebensmittelproduktion,\nin der Verbrauchsgüterindustrie und in\nPharmaunternehmen.\nDie Formel könnte ein Modell für die Freigabe von\nChargenmengen größer 1 definieren.\nDie erwarteten Ausbeuten könnten auf historischen\nModellen basieren.\nRohstoffe könnten freigegeben werden, um mögliche\nVerluste auszugleichen.\nWirksubstanzen und Kompensationssubstanzen\nkönnen in der Rezeptur definiert werden.\nEine prozentuale Änderung bei der Wirksubstanz\nstößt automatisch eine Änderung bei den\n\nItalian: \nProduzione ha visto l’aggiunta\ndei moduli snella e processo.\nCominciamo subito!\nDiamo un’occhiata per prima cosa al modulo produzione\nprocesso.\nAX 2009 aveva un modello per la produzione,\nproduzione discreta.\nUn modello ottimo se la produzione è quantità uno\ncon variabilità nel rendimento,\nconsumo di materie prime e risultati ridotti.\nProduzione processo in AX 2012 R3 ha introdotto\nbatch,\nformule, co-prodotti, rendimenti e rilavorazioni.\nQuesto è obbligatorio per la produzione\nalimentare,\ni beni di largo consumo e le aziende\nfarmaceutiche.\nLa formula può definire un modello per i rilasci\ndi quantità di batch superiori a uno.\nI rendimenti attesi possono essere basati su modelli\nstorici.\nLa materia prima può essere emessa per riflettere\nuna possibile perdita.\nI principi attivi e gli ingredienti di\ncompensazione\npossono essere definiti nella ricetta.\nUna variazione percentuale del principio attivo\ncauserà automaticamente un cambiamento\n\nEnglish: \nin the compensating and filler materials.\nFor example, when you process\nsome products, like chickens,\nyour outcome is the co-products of thighs,\nwings, breasts, and legs.\nProcess allows you to get\nmultiple finished goods\nfrom a single raw material.\nBatch attributes can be\nassigned to inventory items\nas well as customers requiring\nspecific item characteristics.\nMeat products, for example,\ncan be shipped to order\nbased on fat, moisture,\nand protein content.\nNote the attribute values and ranges\ndefined for these in the Dynamics\nprint screen at the right.\nValues must fall within these ranges,\nor the material is rejected.\nAt the point of sales\norder or raw material issue\nto production, the batch\nattribute can be specified.\nIn a discrete bill of\nmaterials in AX 2009,\nyou could define the BOM and\nrouting for a quantity one.\n\nSpanish: \nen los materiales de compensación y de relleno.\nPor ejemplo, cuando procesas algunos productos, como\npollos,\nlos resultados son los coproductos de muslos,\nalas, pechos y piernas.\nEl proceso permite obtener varios productos\nterminados\na partir de una sola materia prima.\nLos atributos de lote se pueden asignar a artículos\nde inventario\nasí como a clientes que requieran\ncaracterísticas específicas del artículo.\nLos productos de carne, por ejemplo, se pueden enviar\nbajo pedido,\nbasado en contenido de grasa, humedad y proteínas.\nObserven los valores y rangos de los atributos\ndefinidos para estos en la pantalla de impresión de\nDynamics, a la derecha.\nLos valores deben estar dentro de estos rangos,\no el material se rechaza.\nEn el punto de pedido de venta o emisión de materia\nprima\na producción, se puede especificar el atributo de\nlote.\nEn una lista de materiales discreta en AX 2009,\nse podía definir la lista de materiales y el\nenrutamiento para una cantidad uno.\n\nArabic: \nإلى تغيير في مواد التعويض.\nعلى سبيل المثال، عند معالجة بعض المنتجات، مثل\nالدجاج،\nيكون الناتج هو المنتجات المشتركة للأوراك،\nوالأجنحة والصدور والسيقان.\nتسمح لك هذه العملية بالحصول على سلع متعددة مكتملة\nالتصنيع\nمن مادة خام واحدة.\nويمكن تعيين سمات الدُفعات لعناصر المخزون\nفضلا عن طلب العملاء\nلخصائص عنصر معين.\nيمكن شحن منتجات اللحوم، على سبيل المثال، عند الطلب\nبناء على محتوى الدهون والرطوبة والبروتين.\nلاحظ قيم السمات والنطاقات\nالمحددة لذلك في شاشة طباعة Dynamics على اليمين.\nيجب أن تقع القيم ضمن هذه النطاقات،\nأو يتم رفض هذه المادة.\nعند نقطة طلب المبيعات أو إصدار المواد الخام\nللإنتاج، يمكن تحديد سمة الدُفعة.\nفي فاتورة منفصلة للمواد في AX 2009،\nيمكنك تحديد قائمة المواد والتوجيه للكمية الأولى.\n\nFrench: \ndes matières de compensation et de remplissage.\nPar exemple, lorsque vous transformez certains\nproduits, comme les poulets,\nvous obtenez les coproduits des cuisses,\ndes ailes, des poitrines et des pattes.\nLe processus vous permet d'obtenir plusieurs produits\nfinis\nà partir d'une seule matière première.\nLes attributs de lot peuvent être attribués aux\narticles en stock\nainsi qu'aux clients nécessitant\ndes caractéristiques d'articles spécifiques.\nLes produits à base de viande, par exemple, peuvent\nêtre expédiés sur commande\nen fonction de leur teneur en graisse, en humidité\net en protéines.\nExaminez les valeurs d'attribut et les plages\ndéfinies pour ceux-ci dans l'impression écran de\nDynamics à droite.\nLes valeurs doivent être comprises dans ces\nplages,\nsinon les matières sont rejetées.\nL'attribut de lot peut être spécifié au moment de\nla commande\nou de la distribution des matières premières pour\nla production.\nDans une nomenclature discrète d'AX 2009,\nvous pouvez définir la nomenclature et le routage\npour une quantité correspondant à un.\n\nItalian: \nnei materiali di compensazione e di riempimento.\nAd esempio, quando si lavorano alcuni prodotti, come\nil pollo,\nil risultato consiste nei co-prodotti sovracosce,\ncosce, ali e petti.\nProduzione processo consente di ottenere più prodotti\nfiniti\nda un’unica materia prima.\nGli attributi batch possono essere assegnati ad\narticoli dell’inventario\no a clienti che richiedono\ncaratteristiche specifiche dell’articolo.\nI prodotti a base di carne, ad esempio, possono\nessere spediti su ordinazione\nin base al contenuto di grassi, umidità e\nproteine.\nNota i valori e gli intervalli degli attributi\ndefiniti per questi nella schermata di stampa Dynamics\na destra.\nI valori devono rientrare in questi intervalli,\naltrimenti il materiale viene rifiutato.\nAl momento dell’emissione dell’ordine di vendita o\ndi materia prima\na produzione, è possibile specificare l’attributo\ndel batch.\nIn una distinta base di produzione discreta in AX\n2009\nera possibile definire la distinta base e la\ndistribuzione per la quantità uno.\n\nJapanese: \n自動的に変更されます。\nたとえば、鶏肉などの製品を処理する場合、\n結果となるのは、大腿部、\n手羽、胸、脚の連産品です。\nプロセスにより、単一の原料から\n複数の完成品を入手できます。\nバッチ属性を在庫品目、\n同様に、特定の特性を\n必要とする顧客にも割り当てることができます。\nたとえば、肉製品は注文に対して出荷する際、\n脂肪、水分、タンパク質量をベースとすることがあります。\n属性値と範囲をご覧ください。\n右側の Dynamics 印刷画面で定義されています。\n値はこの範囲内とする必要があります。\n範囲外の場合は、材料は拒否されます。\n販売注文または原材料の\n生産用払出の際に、バッチ属性を指定できます。\nAX 2009 の個別の部品表では、\n数量 1 の BOM とルーティングを定義できます。\n\nGerman: \nKompensations- und Füllsubstanzen an.\nWenn Sie beispielsweise Produkte wie Hühner\nverarbeiten,\nsind das Ergebnis die Co-Produkte Schenkel,\nFlügel, Brüste und Keulen.\nMit der Prozessfertigung können Sie mehrere\nEndprodukte\naus einem einzigen Rohstoff erzeugen.\nChargenattribute können Lagerartikeln zugewiesen\nwerden\nsowie Kunden, die spezifische\nArtikelmerkmale verlangen.\nBeispielsweise können Fleischerzeugnisse per\nAuftragsfertigung geliefert werden,\nbasierend auf Fett-, Wasser- und Proteingehalt.\nIm Dynamics-Druckbildschirm rechts sehen Sie die\nAttributwerte und\n-bereiche, die für diese Merkmale definiert sind.\nDie Werte müssen in diese Bereiche fallen,\nansonsten wird der Rohstoff abgelehnt.\nZum Zeitpunkt der Auftragserstellung oder\nRohstofffreigabe\nfür die Fertigung kann das Chargenattribut angegeben\nwerden.\nIn diskreten Stücklisten in AX 2009\nließen sich die Stückliste und der Arbeitsplan für\neine Menge von 1 definieren.\n\nArabic: \nفي صيغة أو وصفة AX 2012 و D365،\nتقوم بتحديد حجم الدفعة والموارد\nلصنع أكثر من الكمية.\nيمكنك إنشاء نموذج تكلفة ليعكس\nتكلفة دفعة أو نموذج وحدة واحدة.\nيمكنك استخدام صيغة تخطيط لتعيين\nالمواد الخام المستهلكة للحصول على مضاعفات\nمن نفس المنتجات النهائية أو منتجات نهائية مختلفة.\nإذا كنت تقوم بعملية الحفر على المعادن، على سبيل\nالمثال،\nيمكنك أن تأخذ صفيحة من الصلب وتحقق الاستفادة المثلى\nمنها\nللحفر وختم البضائع الجاهزة الفردية من نفس الصفيحة.\nالمنتجات الثانوية هي أيضًا جزء من الصيغة.\nيمكن استهلاكها في الدُفعات المستقبلية كإعادة طحن،\nأو إسقاطها أو بيعها كمنتج ثانوي.\nتمت إضافة مدونة اللوائح الفيدرالية 21 الجزء 11\nإلى AX 2012 لتوفير إمكانية التوقيع الإلكتروني\nللصناعات الغذائية والمستحضرات الطبية.\nويمكن للشركات الآن الالتزام بمتطلبات إدارة الغذاء\nوالدواء والمتطلبات الأخرى\nللامتثال وإمكانية التتبع\nمن خلال توفير طريقة لإرفاق توقيع\n\nGerman: \nIn einer Formel oder einer Rezeptur in AX 2012 und\nD365\ndefinieren Sie die Chargengröße und die Ressourcen\nzur Fertigung einer Menge größer 1.\nSie können ein Kostenmodell erstellen, um die Kosten\nfür\nein Chargenmodell oder ein Ein-Stück-Model\nabzubilden.\nSie können eine Planungsformel verwenden, um zu\nermitteln,\nwie viele Rohstoffe zur Fertigung mehrerer\ngleicher\noder mehrerer unterschiedlicher Endprodukte verbraucht\nwerden.\nBeim Stanzen von Metallen beispielsweise können\nSie\nein Stahlblech so optimieren, dass aus ein und\ndemselben\nBlech mehrere individuelle Endprodukte gestanzt\nwerden.\nNebenprodukte sind ebenfalls Teil der Formel.\nDiese können in zukünftigen Chargen als Regenerat\nverbraucht,\nverworfen oder als Nebenprodukt verkauft werden.\nCode of Federal Regulations 21 Teil 11\nwurde zu AX 2012 hinzugefügt, um die elektronische\nSignatur\nfür die Lebensmittel- und Pharmaindustrie zu\nimplementieren.\nUnternehmen können jetzt die Vorgaben der\nUS-amerikanischen FDA sowie anderer\nBehörden hinsichtlich Compliance und Nachverfolgbarkeit\neinhalten,\nda sie die Möglichkeit haben, die Signatur der\nverantwortlichen\n\nFrench: \nDans une formule ou une recette d'AX 2012 et de\nD365,\nvous définissez la taille du lot et les ressources\npour produire plus que la quantité correspondant à\nun.\nVous pouvez créer un modèle de coût pour refléter\nle coût d'un lot ou d'un modèle unitaire.\nVous pouvez utiliser une formule de planification\npour désigner\nles matières premières consommées afin d'obtenir\nplusieurs\nproduits finis identiques ou différents.\nSi vous êtes une entreprise d'emboutissage de métal,\npar exemple,\nvous pouvez prendre une tôle d'acier et\nl'optimiser\npour emboutir des produits finis individuels à partir\nde cette même tôle.\nLes sous-produits font également partie de la\nformule.\nCeux-ci peuvent être consommés dans les futurs lots\npour être rebroyés,\nretirés ou vendus comme sous-produits.\nLa partie 11 du titre 21 du code des règlements\nfédéraux\na été ajoutée à AX 2012 pour fournir une signature\nélectronique\npour les secteurs alimentaires et pharmaceutiques.\nLes entreprises peuvent désormais adhérer à la FDA\n(Agence américaine des produits alimentaires et\nmédicamenteux) et à d'autres exigences\nde conformité et de traçabilité\nen fournissant un moyen d'apposer la signature\n\nEnglish: \nIn a formula or a recipe\nin AX 2012 and D365,\nyou define the batch\nsize and the resources\nto make more than quantity one.\nYou can create a cost model to reflect\nthe cost of a batch or unit one model.\nYou may use a planning\nformula to designate\nthe raw material consumed to get multiples\nof same or different finished products.\nIf you are a metal stamping\noperation, for example,\nyou can take a sheet of\nsteel and optimize it\nto stamp individual finished\ngoods from that same sheet.\nByproducts are also part of the formula.\nThose can be consumed in the\nfuture batches as re-grind,\nor drop, or sold off as the byproduct.\nCode of Federal Regulations 21 part 11\nwas added to AX 2012 to\nprovide electronic signature\nfor the food and\npharmaceutical industries.\nCompanies can now adhere to\nFDA and other requirements\nfor compliance and traceability\nby providing a way to attach the signature\n\nSpanish: \nEn una fórmula o receta en AX 2012 y D365,\nse define el tamaño del lote y los recursos\npara hacer más de una cantidad uno.\nSe puede crear un modelo de costes para reflejar\nel coste de un lote o un modelo unitario.\nSe puede usar una fórmula de planificación para\ndesignar\nla materia prima consumida para obtener múltiplos\nde productos terminados iguales o diferentes.\nSi se trata de una operación de estampado de metales,\npor ejemplo,\nse puede tomar una chapa de acero y optimizarla\npara estampar productos terminados individuales a\npartir de esa misma hoja.\nLos subproductos también forman parte de la\nfórmula.\nAquellos se pueden consumir en los lotes futuros\ncomo re-molido,\no descartar o vender como subproducto.\nEl Código de regulaciones federales 21 parte 11\nse agregó a AX 2012 para proporcionar una firma\nelectrónica\npara las industrias alimentarias y farmacéuticas.\nLas empresas ahora pueden adherirse a la FDA y otros\nrequisitos\npara el cumplimiento y la trazabilidad\nal proporcionar una forma de adjuntar la firma\n\nItalian: \nIn una formula o una ricetta in AX 2012 e D365\npuoi definire la dimensione del batch e le risorse\nper produrre più della quantità uno.\nPuoi creare un modello costo per riflettere\nil costo di un batch o di un modello di unità uno.\nPuoi utilizzare una formula pianificazione per\ndesignare\nla materia prima consumata per ottenere multipli\ndi prodotti finiti uguali o diversi.\nAd esempio, se operi nello stampaggio di metalli\npuoi prendere un foglio di acciaio e ottimizzarlo\nper stampare prodotti finiti singoli da quel\nfoglio.\nAnche i sottoprodotti fanno parte della formula.\nPossono essere consumati nei batch futuri come\nrimacinati,\nessere eliminati o venduti come sottoprodotti.\nIl Code of Federal Regulations 21 parte 11\nè stato aggiunto ad AX 2012 e introduce la firma\nelettronica\nper l’industria alimentare e farmaceutica.\nOra le aziende possono aderire ai requisiti FDA e\nad altri requisiti\ndi conformità e tracciabilità\nfornendo un modo per allegare la firma\n\nJapanese: \nAX 2012 と D365 のフォーミュラやレシピでは、\nバッチ サイズとリソースを定義して\n数量を 1 以上にします。\nコスト モデルを作成して、バッチまたは\nユニット 1 モデルのコストをリフレクトできます。\n計画フォーミュラを使用して\n複数の同じ、または異なる完成品を得るために\n消費する原材料を指定することもできます。\nたとえば、金属プレス加工操作の場合、\n1 枚の鋼板を最適化して\n同じシートから個々の完成品をプレスできます\n副産物もそのフォーミュラの一環です。\n未来のバッチで再粉砕して消費したり、\nまたは不合格にしたり、副産物として販売することがあります。\n連邦規則集 21 のパート 11 が\nAX 2012 に追加され、電子署名が\n食品および製薬業界向けに実現されました。\n企業は FDA や他の要件に準拠できるようになり、\n特定のビジネスプロセスについて指定した者の\n署名の添付方法を提示し、\n\nItalian: \ndi persone designate in processi aziendali\nspecifici.\nAd esempio è possibile applicare una firma\na una registrazione di prodotti finiti di un ordine\nbatch.\nLe specifiche del controllo qualità possono essere\nricondotte al batch\noltre ad applicare\nla firma elettronica appropriata.\nIn produzione processo i batch di formule possono\nvariare\nin base al materiale, al macchinario e agli ambienti\ndi produzione.\nL’umidità ad esempio può influire sui rendimenti\ndei prodotti da forno.\nO il macchinario può gestire il materiale in modo\nscorretto.\nSe il prodotto finito deve essere modificato,\nproduzione processo di Dynamics ti consente di\nrilavorarlo.\nLa rilavorazione può richiedere modifiche alla\nricetta o alla distribuzione\nper ottenere il risultato del batch previsto.\nÈ possibile assegnare un nuovo numero batch\nai prodotti finiti rilavorati che fanno\nriferimento\nal numero batch originale.\nOra è possibile creare formule scalabili\nutilizzando produzione processo.\nPer prima cosa definiamo se la materia prima\nè un principio attivo o un ingrediente di\ncompensazione.\n\nFrench: \ndes personnes désignées sur des processus opérationnels\nspécifiques.\nUn exemple pourrait consister à appliquer une\nsignature\nà une comptabilisation de produits finis d'un lot\nde commandes.\nLes spécifications d'assurance qualité sont liées\nau lot,\nen plus de l'application\nde la signature électronique appropriée.\nDans le traitement de la fabrication, les lots de\nformules peuvent varier\nen fonction des matières, des machines et des\nenvironnements de production.\nL'humidité peut affecter les bons rendements de\ncuisson.\nIl est possible que la machine ne traite pas\ncorrectement la matière.\nSi le produit fini doit être modifié,\nle traitement de la fabrication de Dynamics vous\npermet de le retravailler.\nDes modifications de la recette ou du routage peuvent\nêtre nécessaires\npour retravailler le produit et obtenir le résultat\nprévu pour le lot.\nVous pouvez attribuer aux produits finis\nretravaillés\nun nouveau numéro de lot faisant référence\nau numéro de lot d'origine.\nDes formules évolutives peuvent désormais être\ncréées\nà l'aide du traitement de la fabrication.\nNous commençons par préciser si la matière\npremière\nest une substance active ou de compensation.\n\nSpanish: \nde las personas designadas en procesos comerciales\nespecíficos.\nUn ejemplo podría ser aplicar una firma\na un registro de productos terminados de un pedido\nen lote.\nLas especificaciones de control de calidad se pueden\nrastrear hasta el lote\nademás de aplicar\nla firma electrónica correspondiente.\nEn la fabricación de procesos, los lotes de fórmulas\npueden variar\nsegún los entornos de material, máquina y\nproducción.\nQuizás la humedad afecte a los resultados de productos\nhorneados.\nQuizás la máquina no esté manipulando el material\ncorrectamente.\nSi fuera necesario modificar el bien terminado,\nDynamics Process Manufacturing puede permitir que\nse rehaga el producto.\nEl trabajo rehecho puede requerir cambios en la\nreceta o enrutamiento\npara completar el resultado previsto del lote.\nSe puede asignar un nuevo número de lote\na los productos terminados rehechos que haga\nreferencia\nal número de lote original.\nAhora se pueden crear fórmulas escalables\nmediante la fabricación en procesos.\nPrimero se define si el ingrediente crudo\nes un ingrediente activo o compensador.\n\nJapanese: \nコンプライアンスとトレーサビリティが可能になりました。\nその一例として、バッチオーダーの\n完成品の転記に署名を行います。\n適切な電子署名を付すこともでき、\nさらに、\nバッチに対して品質保証仕様をトラッキングできます。\nプロセス製造では、フォーミュラバッチは\n材料、機械、生産環境に基づき、それぞれ異なります。\n湿度が焼成製品の歩留りに影響する場合もあります。\n機械が材料を適切に処理していない場合もあります。\n完成品の修正が必要な場合は、\nDynamics のプロセス製造で再加工できます。\n再加工には、レシピまたはルーティング変更を用いて\n目標のバッチ結果を完成させる必要がある場合もあります。\n新規のバッチ番号を\n再加工した完成品に割り当て、\n元のバッチ番号を参照させることもできます。\nスケーラブルなフォーミュラを作成できるようになり、\nこれにはプロセス製造を活用しています。\nまず、原材料が\n有効成分か補償成分を定義します。\n\nGerman: \nMitarbeiter an spezifische Geschäftsprozesse\nanzufügen.\nEin Beispiel könnte die Anwendung einer Signatur\nauf eine Endproduktbuchung eines Chargenauftrags\nsein.\nAls Ergänzung zur jeweils erforderlichen elektronischen\nSignatur\nlassen sich Qualitätssicherungsdaten mit der\nCharge verknüpfen und nachverfolgen.\nBei der Prozessfertigung können Formelchargen auf\nBasis von\nMaterial, Maschine und Fertigungsumgebungen\nvariieren.\nBei Backwaren beispielsweise kann die Luftfeuchtigkeit\ndie Ausbeute beeinflussen.\nVielleicht handhabt auch die Maschine das Material\nnicht richtig.\nWenn das Endprodukt geändert werden muss,\nermöglicht die Dynamics-Prozessfertigung\nNacharbeiten.\nNacharbeiten können Änderungen an der Rezeptur oder\nden Arbeitsplänen erfordern,\num das beabsichtigte Chargenergebnis zu erzielen.\nSie können dem nachgearbeiteten Endprodukt eine\nneue Chargennummer zuweisen, die auf die\nursprüngliche Chargennummer verweist.\nIn der Prozessfertigung können jetzt skalierbare\nFormeln\nerstellt werden.\nZunächst wird definiert, ob der Rohstoff\neine Wirksubstanz oder eine Kompensationssubstanz\nist.\n\nEnglish: \nof designated persons on\nspecific business processes.\nAn example might be to apply a signature\nto a finished goods post of a batch order.\nQuality assurance specs\ncan be tracked to the batch\nin addition to applying\nthe appropriate electronic signature.\nIn process manufacturing,\nformula batches can vary\nbased on material, machine,\nand production environments.\nMaybe the humidity affects\nthe baked good yields.\nMaybe the machine is not\nhandling the material properly.\nIf the finished good needs to be modified,\nDynamics process manufacturing\ncan allow you to rework it.\nRework might require\nrecipe or routing changes\nto complete the intended batch outcome.\nYou can assign a new batch number\nto the reworked finished goods that refers\nto the original batch number.\nScalable formulas can now be created\nusing process manufacturing.\nWe first define whether the raw ingredient\nis an active or compensating ingredient.\n\nArabic: \nالأشخاص المعينين في عمليات تجارية محددة.\nمن الأمثلة على ذلك تطبيق توقيع\nعلى منشور بضائع منتهي لأمر إحدى الدفعات\nيمكن تتبع مواصفات ضمان الجودة للدُفعة\nإضافة إلى تطبيق\nالتوقيع الإلكتروني المناسب.\nفي عملية التصنيع، يمكن أن تختلف دفعات الصيغة\nبناءً على المواد والآلة وبيئات الإنتاج.\nربما تؤثر الرطوبة على السلع المخبوزة جيدًا.\nربما لا تتعامل الآلة مع المواد بشكل صحيح.\nإذا كانت السلعة النهائية بحاجة إلى تعديل،\nيمكن أن تسمح لك عملية التصنيع الديناميكي بإعادة\nصياغتها.\nقد تتطلب إعادة العمل تغييرات في الوصفة أو التوجيه\nلإكمال نتيجة الدفعة المقصودة.\nيمكنك تعيين رقم دفعة جديد\nللبضائع النهائية الجاهزة المُعاد صياغتها والتي\nتشير\nإلى رقم الدُفعة الأصلي.\nيمكن الآن إنشاء صيغ قابلة للقياس والتطوير\nباستخدام عملية التصنيع.\nنحدد أولاً ما إذا كان المكون الخام\nهو مكوّن نشط أو تعويضي.\n\nEnglish: \nFor example, the raw material\npotency of a chemical\nmight vary based on the\nvariety of purchase batches\nof that same chemical.\nTo adjust the formula back to normal,\nthe system automatically adjusts\nthe compensating ingredient using\na pre-defined compensation principle.\nFiller material can also\nbe dialed up or down\nto perfect the composition of the formula.\nOther formula ingredients can be specified\nas none or no impact.\nNow, let's look at warehouse management\nand transportation management.\nWarehouse management was\nacquired in July, 2013\nfrom the Dynamics ISV Blue\nHorseshoe for version AX 2012.\nIt features advanced warehouse management\nsupporting all inbound and\noutbound inventory tasks,\nalso supporting directed\nput-aways and wave picking,\nlocation and palletizing functions.\nRF and handheld devices support\nautomatically generated work,\n\nFrench: \nPar exemple, la puissance de la matière première\nd'un produit chimique\npeut varier en fonction de la variété des lots\nd'achat\nde ce même produit chimique.\nPour revenir à la formule normale,\nle système adapte automatiquement\nla substance de compensation à l'aide\nd'un principe de compensation prédéfini.\nLes matières de remplissage peuvent également être\naugmentées ou diminuées\npour optimiser la composition de la formule.\nLes autres substances de la formule peuvent être\nspécifiées\ncomme inexistantes ou sans impact.\nPassons maintenant à la gestion des entrepôts\net à la gestion du transport.\nLa solution de gestion des entrepôts a été acquise\nen juillet 2013\nauprès du fournisseur de logiciels indépendants Blue\nHorseshoe de Dynamics pour la version AX 2012.\nElle offre une gestion avancée des entrepôts\nprenant en charge toutes les tâches d'inventaire\nentrantes et sortantes,\nainsi que les rangements et les prélèvements de\nvague dirigés\net les fonctions de localisation et de\npalettisation.\nLes appareils RF et portables prennent en charge\nle travail généré automatiquement,\n\nJapanese: \nたとえば、化学物質の原材料のポテンシーは\n同じ化学物質でも、購入バッチの違いによって\n異なる場合があります。\nフォーミュラを標準に戻す場合には、\nシステムが自動的に\n事前定義された補償原則を使用して、\n使用する補償成分を調整します。\n充填剤も調整でき\nフォーミュラの構成を完璧にすることができます。\n他のフォーミュラ成分については\n「なし」や「影響なし」に指定することができます。\nでは、倉庫管理と\n輸送管理について見てみましょう。\n倉庫管理は 2013 年 7 月に、AX 2012 バージョン向けに\nDynamics ISV Blue Horseshoe から取得しました。\n高度な倉庫管理を特徴として、\nすべての入出庫の在庫タスクをサポートし、\n指示された格納作業、ウェーブピッキングや、\n場所およびパレタイジング機能もサポートします。\nRF およびハンドヘルドデバイスでは\nTMS 統合により、自動生成された作業、\n\nGerman: \nDie Rohstoffwirkstärke einer Chemikalie\nbeispielsweise\nkann aufgrund von Abweichungen zwischen den Kaufchargen\nder\nChemikalie variieren.\nUm die Formel wieder zu normalisieren,\npasst das System automatisch die\nKompensationssubstanz an, unter Verwendung\neines vordefinierten Kompensationsprinzips.\nAuch die Menge an Füllsubstanzen kann erhöht oder\nreduziert werden,\num die Zusammensetzung der Formel zu\nperfektionieren.\nAndere Formelbestandteile können als\nnicht vorhanden oder wirkungslos definiert werden.\nSchauen wir uns nun Warehouse Management\nund Transportation Management an.\nWarehouse Management haben wir im Juli 2013 für\nAX 2012 übernommen,\nvom Dynamics-ISV Blue Horseshoe.\nDas Modul bietet erweiterte Lagerverwaltung und\nunterstützt alle eingehenden und ausgehenden\nLagerverwaltungsaufgaben,\ndarunter gesteuerte Einlagerung und Wave Picking\n(Kommissionierwellen),\nLagerortfunktionen und Palettierfunktionen,\nHF- und Handheldgeräte,\nautomatisch generierte Arbeitsaufträge\n\nArabic: \nعلى سبيل المثال، قد تختلف فاعلية المادة الخام\nلمادة كيميائية بناءً على تنوع دفعات الشراء\nمن نفس المادة الكيميائية.\nلتعديل الصيغة إلى وضعها الطبيعي،\nيضبط النظام تلقائيًا\nالمكون التعويضي باستخدام\nمبدأ تعويض محدد مسبقًا.\nيمكن أيضًا طلب مادة الحشو لأعلى أو لأسفل\nلإتقان تركيبة الصيغة.\nيمكن تحديد مكونات الصيغة الأخرى\nعلى أنها لا تحتوي على أي تأثير أو لا تأثير لها.\nالآن، دعونا نلقي نظرة على إدارة المستودعات\nوإدارة النقل.\nتم الحصول على إدارة المستودعات في يوليو 2013\nمن Dynamics ISV Blue Horseshoe للإصدار AX 2012.\nفهي تتميز بإدارة مستودعات متقدمة\nتدعم جميع مهام المخزون الواردة والصادرة،\nكما تدعم أيضًا عمليات الحفظ المباشر ودمج طلبات متعددة\nفي دفعة واحدة،\nوالموقع ووظائف المنصات\nتدعم الأجهزة المحمولة والراديو\nالعمل الذي تم إنشاؤه تلقائيًا،\n\nItalian: \nAd esempio, la potenza della materia prima di una\nsostanza chimica\npuò differire a seconda della varietà dei batch di\nacquisto\ndi quella stessa sostanza.\nPer riportare la formula alla normalità,\nil sistema regola automaticamente\nl’ingrediente di compensazione\nutilizzando un principio di compensazione\npredefinito.\nAnche il materiale di riempimento può essere aumentato\no diminuito\nper perfezionare la composizione della formula.\nAltri ingredienti della formula possono essere\nclassificati\ncome nessuno o nessun impatto.\nPassiamo ora a gestione magazzino\ne gestione trasporti.\nGestione magazzino è stata acquisita a luglio 2013\nda Dynamics ISV Blue Horseshoe per la versione AX\n2012.\nÈ dotata di una gestione magazzino avanzata\nche supporta tutte le attività di inventario in\nentrata e in uscita,\noltre a stoccaggi diretti e prelievo dell’ondata,\nfunzioni di localizzazione e pallettizzazione.\nI dispositivi RF e palmari\nsupportano il lavoro generato automaticamente,\n\nSpanish: \nPor ejemplo, la potencia de la materia prima de un\nproducto químico\npuede variar según la variedad de los lotes de\ncompra\nde ese mismo producto químico.\nPara ajustar la fórmula a su nivel normal,\nel sistema ajusta automáticamente\nel ingrediente compensador usando\nun principio de compensación predefinido.\nEl material de relleno también se puede aumentar o\nreducir\npara perfeccionar la composición de la fórmula.\nSe pueden especificar otros ingredientes de la\nfórmula\ncomo ninguno o ningún impacto.\nAhora, echemos un vistazo a la administración de\nalmacenes\ny la administración de transporte.\nEl módulo Warehouse Management se adquirió en julio\nde 2013\nde Dynamics ISV Blue Horseshoe para la versión AX\n2012.\nIncluye administración avanzada de almacenes\nque admite todas las tareas de inventario entrantes\ny salientes,\nademás de las ubicaciones dirigidas y la selección\nde oleadas,\ny funciones de localización y paletización.\nLos dispositivos de mano y RF admiten el\ntrabajo generado automáticamente, así como\n\nArabic: \nوكذلك الرمز الشريطي ووضع العلامات، وإنشاء الحمولة\nوالشحن،\nمع تكامل TMS.\nتم إنشاء WMS في Dynamics باستخدام بعض الأساسيات\nمثل المواقع والمناطق والحاويات،\nوالمنصات، والإجراءات، مثل الالتقاط الموجه وتخزين\nالبضائع وحفظها في مكانها الطبيعي،\nوالعد وطباعة الملصقات.\nتقدم الإرشادات المنطق للجمع بين هذه القطع\nولإخبار العامل بأي العمل يتعين عليه القيام به\nفي الموقع.\nتعرض قائمة عمل WMS في Dynamics جميع الأعمال\nالمفتوحة،\nوالمعلقة والمغلقة في المستودع.\nتدعم WMS جميع معاملات المخزون في النظام،\nمثل أوامر البيع والشراء والإنتاج والأوامر الصغيرة،\nوعمليات النقل وحركات المخزون وعدد الدورات.\nيتم تعريف الموجات للتجميع مثل العمل في أجزاء\nمنطقية.\nتم دمج Microsoft Power BI في WMS\nللتحليل وإعداد التقارير في مساحة عمل WMS المضمنة.\n\nJapanese: \nまた、バーコードとラベリング、積荷と出荷の構築を\nサポートします。\nDynamics の WMS は、\n場所やゾーン、コンテナ、パレット、\n指示されたピッキングや格納、カウンティング、ラベル印刷などの\nアクションといった基本機能を用いて構築されています。\nディレクティブは、ロジックでこれらの要素をまとめて\nその場所で実行する作業を\n作業者に伝えます。\nDynamics の WMS 作業一覧では、倉庫内の作業中、\n保留中、完了済みの作業を表示します。\nWMS は、システム内のすべての在庫トランザクションをサポートし、\n営業や販売注文、生産、リーン注文や\n転送と在庫移動、および循環棚卸などを行います。\nウェーブは、作業を論理チャンクにグループ化するように定義されています。\nMicrosoft Power BI は WMS に統合されていて\n組み込みの WMS ワークスペースでの分析とレポートに使用されます。\n\nFrench: \nles codes-barres et les libellés, ainsi que la\ncréation de chargement et d'expéditions\navec l'intégration de TMS.\nLe WMS dans Dynamics est créé sur la base d'éléments\nfondamentaux\ncomme les emplacements et les zones, les\nconteneurs,\nles palettes, les actions, les prélèvements et les\nrangements dirigés,\nle comptage et l'impression d'étiquettes.\nLes directives fournissent la logique permettant de\ncombiner ces éléments\npour indiquer au travailleur les travaux à\neffectuer\nsur cet emplacement.\nLa liste des travaux WMS dans Dynamics affiche tous\nles travaux en cours\nen attente et clôturés dans l'entrepôt.\nLe WMS prend en charge tous les mouvements de stock\ndans le système,\ncomme les ventes et les bons de commande, la\nproduction, les commandes au plus juste,\nles transferts, les mouvements de stock et les\ninventaires tournants.\nLes vagues sont définies pour regrouper les travaux\nsimilaires en segments logiques.\nMicrosoft Power BI est intégré au WMS\npour l'analyse et les rapports dans un espace de\ntravail WMS intégré.\n\nSpanish: \ncódigo de barras y etiquetado, creación de cargas\ny envío,\ncon integración TMS.\nEl WMS in Dynamics se crea usando elementos base,\ncomo ubicaciones y zonas, contenedores y\npaletas, así como acciones, como selecciones y\nubicaciones dirigidas,\nconteo e impresión de etiquetas.\nLas directivas proporcionan la lógica para combinar\nestas piezas\npara decirle al trabajador qué trabajo se va a\nrealizar\nen la ubicación.\nLa lista de trabajo de WMS en Dynamics muestra todo\nel\ntrabajo pendiente y cerrado en el almacén.\nEl WMS admite todas las transacciones de inventario\nen el sistema,\ncomo pedidos de compra y venta, producción y pedidos\nlean,\ntransferencias y movimientos de inventario, y\nrecuentos de ciclos.\nLas oleadas se definen para agrupar trabajos similares\nen fragmentos lógicos.\nMicrosoft Power BI está integrado al WMS\npara análisis e informes en un área de trabajo\nintegrado de WMS.\n\nEnglish: \nalso, barcode and labeling,\nload and shipment building,\nwith TMS integration.\nThe WMS in Dynamics is\nbuilt using fundamentals\nlike locations and zones, containers,\nand pallets, and actions, like\ndirected picks and put-aways,\ncounting, and label printing.\nDirectives provide the logic\nto combine these pieces\nto tell the worker what\nwork is to be performed\nat the location.\nThe WMS work list in\nDynamics shows all the open,\npending, and closed work in the warehouse.\nThe WMS supports all inventory\ntransactions in the system,\nlike sales and purchase orders,\nproduction, and lean orders,\ntransfers and inventory\nmovements, and cycle counts.\nWaves are defined to group\nlike work into logical chunks.\nMicrosoft Power BI is\nintegrated to the WMS\nfor analysis and reporting\nin a built-in WMS workspace.\n\nGerman: \nsowie Strichcodes und Beschriftung und die Erstellung\nvon Ladungen und Lieferungen,\neinschließlich TMS-Integration.\nDas WMS in Dynamics basiert auf grundlegenden\nKonzepten\nwie Lagerorten, Zonen, Containern und\nPaletten sowie Aktionen wie gesteuerten Kommissionierungen\nund Einlagerungen,\nInventur und Beschriftungsdruck.\nRichtlinien liefern die Logik zur Kombination dieser\nElemente,\ndamit die Mitarbeiter wissen, welche Arbeiten am\nLagerort\ndurchzuführen sind.\nDie WMS-Arbeitsliste in Dynamics zeigt alle\noffenen,\nausstehenden und abgeschlossenen Arbeiten im\nLager.\nDas WMS unterstützt alle Lagerbuchungen im System,\nz. B. Aufträge und Bestellungen, Fertigungsaufträge\nund Lean-Aufträge,\nBestandsübertragungen und Lagerbestandsumlagerungen\nsowie permanente Inventuren.\nWellen fassen einander ähnliche Arbeiten in logischen\nBlöcken zusammen.\nMicrosoft Power BI ist in das WMS integriert und\nermöglicht\nAnalysen und Berichterstellung in einem integrierten\nWMS-Arbeitsbereich.\n\nItalian: \noltre a codici a barre ed etichettatura, carico e\ncostruzione di spedizioni\ncon integrazione TMS.\nIl WMS in Dynamics è costruito utilizzando dati\nfondamentali\ncome sedi e zone, contenitori e pallet,\ne azioni, come prelievi e stoccaggi diretti,\nconteggio e stampa di etichette.\nLe direttive forniscono la logica per combinare\nquesti elementi\nper comunicare al lavoratore quale lavoro deve essere\nsvolto\nin quella sede.\nL’elenco di lavoro WMS in Dynamics mostra tutti i\nlavori\naperti, in sospeso e chiusi in magazzino.\nIl WMS supporta tutte le transazioni di inventario\nnel sistema,\ncome ordini di vendita e acquisto, ordini di produzione\nsnella,\ntrasferimenti e movimenti di magazzino e conteggi\nciclo.\nLe ondate vengono definite per raggruppare il lavoro\nin blocchi logici.\nMicrosoft Power BI è integrato nel WMS\nper analisi e reporting in un’area di lavoro WMS\nincorporata.\n\nSpanish: \nSe pueden crear iconos y vistas y agregarlos al área\nde trabajo.\nLos usuarios pueden filtrar y ver los datos de\nWMS,\ncomo rendimiento de envío, rendimiento de entrada,\nprecisión del inventario de ubicación y utilización\ndel almacén.\nVayan a http://apps.microsoft.com\npara encontrar la aplicación\nDynamics 365 for Finance and Operations.\nLa aplicación funciona en teléfonos, dispositivos\nmóviles y de mano\npara admitir todo el trabajo transaccional de WMS.\nLa impresión de etiquetas se puede controlar desde\nel dispositivo de mano.\nLa aplicación se puede personalizar y modificar para\nadmitir\nsolo el trabajo WMS que se aplica\npara el usuario y almacén.\nEl sistema de administración del transporte amplía\nla funcionalidad WMS desde el almacén\nhasta los muelles y camiones.\nSe incluye un banco de trabajo de creación de la\ncarga\npara crear y combinar cargas y envíos.\n\nEnglish: \nTiles and views can be created\nand added to the workspace.\nUsers can filter and look at WMS data,\nlike shipping performance,\ninbound performance,\nlocation inventory accuracy,\nand warehouse utilization.\nGo to http://apps.microsoft.com\nto find the Dynamics 365\nfor Finance and Operations\nwarehouse application.\nThe app works on phones,\nmobile, and handheld devices\nto support all WMS transactional work.\nLabel printing can be\ncontrolled from the handheld.\nThe app can be customized\nand modified to support\nonly the WMS work that applies\nfor your user and your warehouse.\nThe transportation\nmanagement system extends\nthe WMS functionality from the warehouse\nout to the docks and trucks.\nA load building work bench is included\nto build and combine loads and shipments.\n\nJapanese: \nタイルとビューを作成してワークスペースに追加できます。\nユーザーは WMS データをフィルター処理して見ることができ、\n出荷実績、入荷実績、\n保存先の在庫の正確性や倉庫の稼働率を確認できます。\n詳しくは http://apps.microsoft.com で\nDynamics 365 for Finance and Operations の\n倉庫アプリケーションの項をご覧ください。\nアプリは電話、モバイル、ハンドヘルド デバイスで動作し\nあらゆる WMS トランザクション作業をサポートします。\nラベル印刷は、ハンドヘルドから制御できます。\nアプリはカスタマイズおよび変更して\nWMS 作業のみに対応させ、\n自社のユーザーと倉庫のみに適用することも可能です。\n輸送管理システムは、\nWMS 機能を倉庫から\nドックやトラックに拡張します。\n積荷構築用ワーク ベンチが含まれ、\n積荷と出荷の積載、組み合わせが可能です。\n\nGerman: \nSie können Kacheln und Ansichten erstellen und dem\nArbeitsbereich hinzufügen.\nBenutzer können die WMS-Daten filtern und\nanzeigen,\ndarunter Versandleistung, Eingangsleistung,\nGenauigkeit des Lagerbestands und Lagerauslastung.\nUnter http://apps.microsoft.com\nfinden Sie die entsprechende Anwendung „Dynamics\n365 for Finance and Operations –\nWarehousing“.\nDie App funktioniert auf Smartphones, Mobilgeräten\nsowie Handheldgeräten\nund unterstützt alle WMS-Transaktionen.\nDer Beschriftungsdruck kann über Handhelds gesteuert\nwerden.\nDie App kann individuell angepasst und so geändert\nwerden, dass\nausschließlich solche WMS-Arbeiten unterstützt\nwerden,\ndie von Ihrem Benutzer und in Ihrem Lager ausgeführt\nwerden.\nDas Transport Management System dehnt die\nFunktionen des WMS über das Lager hinaus\nauf die Rampen und Lkw aus.\nInbegriffen ist eine Workbench für die\nLadungserstellung,\nin der Ladungen und Lieferungen erstellt und kombiniert\nwerden können.\n\nItalian: \nÈ possibile creare e aggiungere riquadri e viste\nall’area di lavoro.\nGli utenti possono filtrare e guardare i dati WMS,\ncome ad esempio le prestazioni di spedizione, le\nprestazioni in entrata,\nl’accuratezza dell’inventario nella sede e l’utilizzo\ndel magazzino.\nConsulta http://apps.microsoft.com\nper trovare l’applicazione per il magazzino\nDynamics 365 for Finance and Operations.\nÈ possibile utilizzare l’app su smartphone, dispositivi\nmobili e palmari\nper supportare tutte le operazioni transazionali\nWMS.\nÈ possibile controllare la stampa di etichette dal\npalmare.\nL’app può essere personalizzata e modificata per\nsupportare\nsolo le operazioni WMS che riguardano\nl’utente e il magazzino.\nIl sistema di gestione trasporti estende\nla funzionalità WMS dal magazzino\nalle banchine e ai camion.\nÈ inclusa una workbench per l’allestimento del\ncarico\nper costruire e combinare carichi e spedizioni.\n\nFrench: \nVous pouvez créer des mosaïques et des affichages\net les ajouter à l'espace de travail.\nLes utilisateurs peuvent filtrer et consulter les\ndonnées de WMS,\ncomme les performances d'expédition, les performances\ndes arrivées,\nla précision du stock d'emplacement et l'utilisation\nde l'entrepôt.\nRendez-vous sur http://apps.microsoft.com\npour trouver l'application d'entrepôt\nDynamics 365 for Finance and Operations.\nL'application fonctionne sur les téléphones, les\nappareils mobiles et les appareils portables\npour prendre en charge toutes les transactions\nWMS.\nL'impression d'étiquettes peut être contrôlée à\npartir de l'appareil portable.\nL'application peut être personnalisée et modifiée\npour prendre en charge\nuniquement le travail WMS qui s'applique\npour votre utilisateur et votre entrepôt.\nLe système de gestion de transport étend\nla fonctionnalité de WMS de l'entrepôt\njusqu'aux quais et aux camions.\nUn atelier de création de chargement est inclus\npour créer et combiner des chargements et des\nexpéditions.\n\nArabic: \nيمكن إنشاء الإطارات المتجانبة وطرق العرض وإضافتها\nإلى مساحة العمل.\nيمكن للمستخدمين تصفية بيانات WMS وإلقاء نظرة\nعليها،\nمثل أداء الشحن، والأداء الداخلي،\nودقة جرد الموقع، واستخدام المستودعات.\nتفضل بزيارة http://apps.microsoft.com\nللعثور على تطبيق مستودع Dynamics 365\nللتمويل والتشغيل\nيعمل التطبيق على الهواتف والأجهزة النقالة والأجهزة\nالمحمولة\nلدعم جميع معاملات WMS.\nيمكن التحكم في طباعة الملصقات من الجهاز المحمول\nباليد.\nيمكن تخصيص التطبيق وتعديله ليدعم فقط\nعمل WMS الذي ينطبق\nعلى المستخدم والمستودع الخاص بك.\nيوسع نظام إدارة النقل وظائف WMS\nمن المستودع إلى\nالخروج إلى الأرصفة والشاحنات.\nيتم تضمين مقعد عمل إعداد الأحمال\nلبناء الأحمال والشحنات والجمع بينها.\n\nItalian: \nLe spedizioni possono essere elaborate per l’interazione\ndella spedizione\nsulla workbench cicli di lavorazione e tariffe.\nAl TMS vengono forniti tutti i dati\ndella tabella cicli di lavorazione e tariffe dello\nspedizioniere.\nI cicli di lavorazione mostrano i percorsi logici\nper effettuare la spedizione nel modo più economico\no veloce.\nTutti i documenti di trasporto, le polizze di\ncarico\ne le banchine doganali sono disponibili in TMS.\nÈ incluso un sistema di gestione delle banchine per\nprogrammare le consegne\ne fornire fasce orarie per gli appuntamenti degli\naddetti alle consegne.\nLa movimentazione delle merci fa parte di TMS.\nQuando il carico è costruito, è possibile legarlo\na una spedizione nuova o esistente.\nÈ possibile definire contenitori per gestire il\npeso\ne i parametri di volume del carico.\nÈ possibile caricare i contenitori su pallet\ne assegnare loro una targa.\nLa targa diventa il numero record principale\nper tenere e tracciare tutti i riferimenti del\ncarico,\ndella spedizione, del cliente e dell’articolo.\nPoiché i tariffari dei vettori possono essere\nonline,\nla pianificazione del percorso e della spedizione\nper l’ordine\n\nSpanish: \nLos envíos se pueden procesar para la interacción\nde la carga\nen el banco de trabajo de tarifa y ruta.\nEl TMS se puede suministrar con todos los datos de\nde la tabla de rutas y tarifas del transportista.\nLas rutas muestran los caminos lógicos\npara enviar de la forma más barata o más rápida.\nTodos los albaranes, conocimientos de embarque\ny muelles de aduanas están disponibles en TMS.\nSe incluye un sistema de administración de muelles\npara programar las entregas\ny proporcionar horarios de citas para los\nconductores.\nEl manejo de la carga forma parte de TMS.\nCuando se crea la carga, esta se puede vincular\na un envío nuevo o existente.\nLos contenedores se pueden definir para manejar\nlos\nparámetros de peso y volumen de la carga.\nLos contenedores se pueden cargar en palets y se\nles\npuede asignar una matrícula de entidad de almacén.\nLa matrícula de entidad de almacén se convierte en\nel número de registro maestro\npara retener y rastrear todas las referencias de\ncarga, envíos, clientes y productos.\nDado que las tablas de tarifas de todos los operadores\npueden estar en línea,\nel programador de rutas y envíos para el pedido\n\nEnglish: \nShipments can be processed\nfor freight interaction\non the rate and route work bench.\nThe TMS can be supplied with all shipper\nroute and rate table data.\nThe routes show the logical paths\nfor shipping the cheapest or fastest way.\nAll packing slips, bills of lading,\nand customs docks are available in TMS.\nA dock management system is\nincluded to schedule deliveries\nand provide appointment\ntime slots for drivers.\nFreight handling is part of TMS.\nWhen the load is built,\nyou can tie the load\nto a new or existing shipment.\nContainers can be defined\nto handle the weight\nand volume parameters of the load.\nContainers can be loaded to pallets\nand assigned a license plate.\nThe license plate becomes\nthe master record number\nto hold and track all the load,\nshipment, customer, and item references.\nSince the rate tables for\nall carriers can be online,\nthe route and shipment\nscheduler for the order\n\nGerman: \nFrachtinteraktionen für Lieferungen können in der\nSatz- und Routenworkbench abgewickelt werden.\nIm TMS können alle Versenderrouten\nund Kostensatztabellen hinterlegt werden.\nDie Routen zeigen die logischen Wege\nfür den billigsten oder den schnellsten Versand.\nAlle Lieferscheine, Frachtbriefe\nund Zollpapiere sind in TMS verfügbar.\nInbegriffen ist auch ein Rampenverwaltungssystem\nzur zeitlichen Planung von Lieferungen\nund Zuteilung von Zeitfenstern an Fahrer.\nDer Frachtumschlag ist Teil von TMS.\nBei der Erstellung einer Ladung lässt sich die\nLadung\nmit einer neuen oder vorhandenen Lieferung\nverknüpfen.\nSie können Container für die Gewichts- und\nund Volumenparameter der Ladung definieren.\nContainer können auf Paletten verladen und\nmit einer Kennzeichennummer versehen werden.\nDie Kennzeichennummer wird zur Masterdatennummer,\nunter der alle Ladungs-, Lieferungs-\nKunden- und Artikelverweise abgelegt und nachverfolgt\nwerden.\nDa die Kostensatztabellen aller Spediteure online\nabgelegt werden können,\nkann der zuständige Routen- und Versandplaner den\nAuftrag\n\nFrench: \nLes expéditions peuvent être traitées pour l'interaction\nde fret\nsur l'atelier des routes et frais.\nLe TMS peut être fourni avec toutes les\ndonnées de la table des routes et frais des\nexpéditeurs.\nLes routes montrent les voies logiques\npour l'expédition la moins chère ou la plus\nrapide.\nTous les bons de livraison, les feuilles de\nchargement\net les quais de douanes sont disponibles dans TMS.\nUn système de gestion des quais est inclus pour\nplanifier les livraisons\net fournir des plages horaires de rendez-vous aux\nchauffeurs.\nLa manutention du fret fait partie de TMS.\nLorsque le chargement est créé, vous pouvez\nl'attribuer\nà une nouvelle expédition ou une expédition\nexistante.\nLes conteneurs peuvent être définis pour gérer les\nparamètres de poids\net de volume du chargement.\nLes conteneurs peuvent être chargés sur des\npalettes\net attribués à un contenant.\nLe contenant devient le numéro d'enregistrement\nprincipal\nqui permet de conserver et de suivre toutes les\nréférences de chargement,\nd'expédition, de client et d'article.\nÉtant donné que les tables des taux de tous les\ntransporteurs peuvent se trouver en ligne,\nle planificateur de route et d'expédition\n\nArabic: \nيمكن معالجة الشحنات للتفاعل مع الشحن\nعلى معدل وطريق مقعد العمل.\nيمكن تزويد نظام TMS بجميع بيانات\nمسار الشاحن وجدول الأسعار.\nتُظهر هذه المسارات الطرق المنطقية\nللشحن بأرخص الطرق أو أسرعها.\nجميع قسائم التعبئة، وبوالص الشحن،\nوالأرصفة الجمركية متوفرة في نظام إدارة التجارة\n(TMS).\nيتم تضمين نظام إدارة الموانئ لجدولة عمليات التسليم\nوتوفير فترات زمنية بالمواعيد للسائقين.\nتعد معالجة الشحن جزءًا من TMS.\nعندما يتم إعداد الحمولة، يمكنك ربط الحمولة\nبشحنة جديدة أو موجودة.\nيمكن تحديد الحاويات للتعامل مع معلمات الوزن\nوالحجم للحمل.\nيمكن تحميل الحاويات على منصات نقالة\nوتخصيص لوحة سيارة.\nتصبح لوحة السيارة هي رقم السجل الرئيسي\nللاحتفاظ بجميع مراجع الحمولة\nوالشحن والعميل والعناصر وتتبعها.\nونظرًا لأن جداول الأسعار لجميع شركات النقل يمكن أن\nتكون عبر الإنترنت،\nيمكن لجدول المسار والشحن الخاص بالطلب\n\nJapanese: \n出荷を処理して、貨物のインタラクションも可能で、\nレートと工順のワーク ベンチで処理を行います。\nTMS は、すべての荷主の\nルートと価格表データとともに供給できます。\nルートは論理パスを表示して\n最も安いまたは最も速い方法を提示します。\nすべての梱包明細、船荷証券、\n通関ドックを TMS で確認できます。\nドック管理システムが含まれ、デリバリーのスケジュール、\nドライバーへの予定の時間帯の情報を提供します。\n貨物の取り扱いも TMS の機能です。\n積載されると、積荷の情報を\n新規または既存の出荷に紐づけることができます。\nコンテナを定義して積荷の重量や\nボリュームのパラメータを操作できます。\nコンテナをパレットに積載し、\nライセンスプレートを割り当てられます。\nライセンスプレートがマスターレコード番号になり\nすべての積荷、\n出荷、顧客、およびアイテムの参照データ情報を保持、追跡できます\nすべての運送業者の価格表はオンラインであることが多いため、\n注文のルートと出荷スケジューラを\n\nSpanish: \npuede asignar a cualquier transportista que cumpla\ncon los\nparámetros de menor distancia y coste.\nLos albaranes de flete se facturarán al remitente\ny se incluirán en el coste de envío.\nDe manera predeterminada, el flete puede ser un\ncoste para el cliente\no simplemente absorbido en el coste total del pedido\nde venta.\nDynamics for Retail tuvo un nuevo lanzamiento en\n2020\ncon nuevas funcionalidades importantes.\nEl producto pasó a llamarse Dynamics 365 for\nCommerce.\nEchemos un vistazo.\nDynamics Retail se lanzó en AX 2012\ncomo un sistema minorista omnicanal que unifica la\noficina administrativa,\nen tienda, centros de llamadas y comercio\nelectrónico.\nSe ofrece soporte para PDV moderno y PDV móvil\ncomo interfaces configurables entre varios\ndispositivos y plataformas de hardware.\nEn Dynamics 365 Commerce, los clientes ahora pueden\ncrear,\npersonalizar e implementar sitios web de minorista\nmediante las nuevas funcionalidades de comercio.\n\nFrench: \npeut attribuer la commande à tout transporteur de\nfret qui respecte les paramètres\nde distance et de coût le plus faible.\nLes factures des frais de transport seront facturées\nà l'expéditeur\net seront incluses dans les coûts d'expédition.\nLe fret peut être considéré par défaut comme un coût\npour le client\nou purement absorbé dans le coût global de la commande\nclient.\nUne nouvelle version de Dynamics for Retail a été\nlancée en 2020,\navec de nouvelles fonctionnalités majeures.\nLe produit a été renommé Dynamics 365 for\nCommerce.\nExaminons cela de plus près.\nDynamics Retail a été lancé dans AX 2012\ncomme système de distribution omnicanal unifiant le\nback-office\ndans les magasins, les centres d'appels et le commerce\nélectronique.\nLa prise en charge des PDV modernes et mobiles se\nprésente\nsous la forme d'interfaces configurables sur\nplusieurs\npériphériques matériels et plateformes.\nDans Dynamics 365 Commerce, les clients peuvent\ndésormais créer\npersonnaliser et déployer des sites Web de vente au\ndétail\nen utilisant la nouvelle fonctionnalité de\ncommerce.\n\nGerman: \ndem Spediteur zuweisen, der die Parameter Distanz\nund niedrigste Kosten erfüllt.\nFrachtbriefe werden dem Versender in Rechnung\ngestellt\nund in die Versandkosten einbezogen.\nSie können festlegen, dass die Frachtkosten\nstandardmäßig dem Kunden angerechnet\noder komplett in die Gesamtkosten des Auftrags\naufgenommen werden.\nDynamics for Retail wurde 2020 in einer neuen Version\nveröffentlicht,\nmit neuen Hauptfunktionen.\nDas Produkt wurde in Dynamics 365 for Commerce\numbenannt.\nSchauen wir es uns genauer an.\nDynamics Retail wurde in AX 2012 veröffentlicht,\nals Omnichannel-System für den Einzelhandel, das\nBackoffice,\nFiliale, Callcenter und E-Commerce\nvereinheitlicht.\nEs werden sowohl moderne POS als auch mobile POS\nunterstützt, in Form\nkonfigurierbarer Schnittstellen für mehrere\nHardwaregeräte und Plattformen.\nIn Dynamics 365 Commerce können Kunden mit der neuen\nCommerce-Funktion\njetzt Einzelhandelswebsites erstellen, individuell\nanpassen und bereitstellen.\n\nArabic: \nتعيين أي شركة شحن تلبي معايير المسافة\nوبأقل تكلفة.\nسيتم إرسال فواتير الشحن إلى الشاحن\nوسيتم تضمينها في تكلفة الشحن.\nيمكن افتراض أن الشحن يمثل تكلفة على العميل\nأو يتم استيعابها تمامًا في التكلفة الإجمالية لأمر\nالمبيعات.\nDynamics for Retail كان لها إصدار جديد في عام 2020\nبوظائف رئيسية جديدة.\nتمت إعادة تسمية المنتج باسم Dynamics 365 for\nCommerce.\nلنلقٍ نظرة.\nتم إصدار Dynamics Retail في AX 2012\nكنظام بيع بالتجزئة متعدد القنوات يوحد المكتب\nالخلفي،\nفي المتجر ومراكز الاتصال والتجارة الإلكترونية.\nيتم عرض كل من دعم نقاط البيع الحديثة\nونقاط البيع المحمولة كواجهات قابلة للتكوين\nعبر العديد من الأجهزة والأنظمة الأساسية.\nفي Dynamics 365 Commerce، يمكن للعملاء الآن إنشاء\nمواقع ويب\nمخصصة للبيع بالتجزئة ونشرها\nباستخدام وظيفة التجارة الجديدة.\n\nEnglish: \ncan assign to any freight\ncarrier that meets the distance\nand lowest cost parameters.\nFreight bills will be\ninvoiced to the shipper\nand will be included in the shipment cost.\nFreight can be defaulted to\nbe a cost to the customer\nor purely absorbed into\noverall sales order cost.\nDynamics for Retail had\na new release in 2020\nwith new major functionality.\nProduct was renamed\nDynamics 365 for Commerce.\nLet's take a look.\nDynamics Retail released in AX 2012\nas an omnichannel retail system\nunifying the back office,\nin store, call centers, and e-commerce.\nModern POS and mobile POS\nsupport are both featured\nas configurable interfaces across multiple\nhardware devices and platforms.\nIn Dynamics 365 Commerce,\ncustomers can now create\ncustomize, and deploy retail websites\nusing the new commerce functionality.\n\nItalian: \npuò assegnarlo a qualsiasi vettore merci che soddisfi\ni parametri\ndi distanza e di costo più basso.\nLe fatture di trasporto verranno fatturate al\nmittente\ne saranno comprese nel costo della spedizione.\nIl trasporto può essere considerato un costo per il\ncliente per impostazione predefinita\no può essere assorbito nel costo complessivo\ndell’ordine di vendita.\nNel 2020 è uscita una nuova versione di Dynamics\nfor Retail\ncon nuove importanti funzionalità.\nIl prodotto è stato rinominato Dynamics 365 for\nCommerce.\nDiamo un’occhiata.\nDynamics Retail è stato rilasciato in AX 2012\ncome sistema di vendita al dettaglio multicanale\nche unificava back office,\nin-store, call center ed e-commerce.\nSono presenti sia il supporto POS moderno che POS\nmobile\ncome interfacce configurabili\nsu più dispositivi e piattaforme hardware.\nOra in Dynamics 365 Commerce i clienti possono\ncreare,\npersonalizzare e distribuire siti web di vendita al\ndettaglio\nutilizzando la nuova funzionalità commercio.\n\nJapanese: \n運送業者に割り当てて距離や\n最低コストのパラメータに対応できます\n運送請求書は荷主に請求され\n配送料に含まれます。\n配送はデフォルトで、顧客のコストとして設定されている、\nまたは純粋に全体の販売注文コストに含まれている可能性があります。\n2020年、Dynamics for Retail が新たにリリースされ、\n新しい主要な機能を備えています。\n製品は Dynamics 365 for Commerce に名称変更されました。\n内容を見てみましょう。\nAX 2012 でリリースされた Dynamics Retail は、\nバック オフィスを統合するオムニチャネル小売システムとして、\nストア、コール センター、e コマースを対象としていました。\n最新の POS とモバイル POS の両方のサポートが特徴であり、\n構成可能なインターフェイスとして、\nさまざまなハードウェア デバイスとプラットフォームに対応します\nDynamics 365 Commerce では、顧客が\n小売 Web サイトを作成、カスタマイズ、展開でき\n新しいコマース機能を使用します。\n\nJapanese: \n2020 年に Dynamics 365 Commerce をリリースし、\nDynamics 製品として、すべての要素をまとめ、\n単一のソリューションとして\n消費者にとって楽しいショッピングを\nさまざまなタッチポイントで提供します。\nまた今年は、Dynamics が Commerce Scale Unit を提供しています。\nバック オフィスや本社との安定したインターネット接続がない\nストアでの製品販売をサポートする\n一連の機能を含みます。\nCommerce Scale Unit の設計は、\n特にストア内操作を対象とし、\n不十分なインターネットサービスでも\n端末間トランザクションやシフト操作を実現します。\nAX 2012 Retail は POS や\nモバイル POS、本社、店舗管理、\n主要な e コマース Web サイト ソリューション向けのシステムを提供していました。\nDynamics for Commerce は、基本の販売機能と\n販売促進のための在庫、\n顧客カタログ、品揃え、店舗階層、\n\nEnglish: \nDynamics 365 Commerce releases in 2020\nas one Dynamics product,\nbringing all the pieces together\nas a single solution to provide\na delightful shopping\njourney for consumers\nacross the different touch points.\nAlso this year Dynamics provides\nthe Commerce Scale Unit.\nIt has a set of features that\nsupports selling products\nin a store that has inconsistent\ninternet connectivity\nto a back office or headquarters.\nThe Commerce Scale Unit is designed\nspecifically for in-store operation\nand enables cross-terminal transactions\nand shift operations, despite\npoor internet service.\nAX 2012 Retail provided the\nsystems for point of sale,\nmobile point of sale,\nheadquarters, store management,\nand connections to major\ne-commerce website solutions.\nDynamics for Commerce extends base sales\nand inventory for sales promotions,\ncustomer catalogs,\nassortments, store hierarchies,\n\nItalian: \nDynamics 365 Commerce verrà rilasciato nel 2020,\nsi tratta di un prodotto Dynamics in grado di riunire\ntutti gli elementi\nin un’unica soluzione per garantire\nai consumatori un’esperienza di acquisto piacevole\nattraverso diversi punti di contatto.\nQuest’anno inoltre Dynamics fornisce la Commerce\nScale Unit.\nSi tratta di una serie di funzionalità che supportano\nla vendita di prodotti\nin un negozio con connettività Internet\ninconsistente\na un back office o alla sede centrale.\nLa Commerce Scale Unit è stata progettata\nproprio per il funzionamento in-store\ne consente transazioni tra terminal\ne lavoro a turni, anche in caso di un servizio\nInternet scadente.\nAX 2012 Retail forniva i sistemi per il punto\nvendita,\nil punto vendita mobile, la sede centrale, la gestione\ndel negozio\ne i collegamenti alle principali soluzioni di siti\nweb di e-commerce.\nDynamics for Commerce estende le vendite di base\ne l’inventario per promozioni commerciali,\ncataloghi dei clienti, assortimenti, gerarchie dei\nnegozi,\n\nGerman: \nDynamics 365 Commerce wird 2020\nals ein einziges Dynamics-Produkt veröffentlicht,\ndas alle Komponenten in\neiner einzigen Lösung konsolidiert. So wird\nVerbrauchern ein reizvolles Einkaufserlebnis\ngeboten,\ndas alle Touchpoints umspannt.\nEbenfalls dieses Jahr veröffentlicht wird die Commerce\nScale Unit.\nSie bietet eine Reihe von Funktionen für den Verkauf\nvon Produkten\nin Filialen mit instabiler Internetverbindung\nzu einem Backoffice oder Hauptsitz.\nDie Commerce Scale Unit wurde speziell\nfür den Filialeinsatz entwickelt\nund ermöglicht terminalübergreifende Transaktionen\nsowie Schichtbetrieb auch bei schlechter\nInternetverbindung.\nAX 2012 Retail gibt Ihnen die nötigen Systeme für\nPoint-of-Sales,\nmobile Point-of-Sales, Hauptsitze,\nFilialverwaltung\nund die Anbindung an gängige Lösungen für\nE-Commerce-Websites an die Hand.\nDynamics for Commerce erweitert die grundlegenden\nFunktionen für Vertrieb\nund Lagerverwaltung um Verkaufsaktionen,\nKundenkataloge, Sortimente, Filialhierarchien,\n\nSpanish: \nDynamics 365 Commerce se lanzará en 2020\ncomo un producto de Dynamics, uniendo todas las\npiezas\ncomo una única solución para proporcionar\nun camino de compras agilizado para los\nconsumidores\nentre todos los distintos puntos de contacto.\nAdemás, este año Dynamics proporciona la Commerce\nScale Unit.\nTiene un conjunto de características que admite la\nventa de productos\nen una tienda con conectividad a Internet\nincoherente\na una oficina administrativa o sede.\nLa Commerce Scale Unit está diseñada\nespecíficamente para la operación en tienda\ny permite transacciones entre terminales\ny operaciones de turnos, a pesar del mal servicio\nde Internet.\nAX 2012 Retail proporcionaba los sistemas para punto\nde venta,\npunto de venta móvil, sede, administración de\ntiendas\ny conexiones a las principales soluciones de sitios\nweb de comercio electrónico.\nDynamics for Commerce amplía las ventas base\ny el inventario para promociones de ventas,\ncatálogos de clientes, surtidos, jerarquías de\ntiendas,\n\nFrench: \nDynamics 365 Commerce sera lancé en 2020\nsous la forme d'un seul produit Dynamics, réunissant\ntous les éléments\nen une seule solution pour offrir\naux consommateurs une expérience d'achat agréable\nsur les différents points de contact.\nDe plus, cette année, Dynamics fournit Commerce\nScale Unit.\nElle offre un ensemble de fonctionnalités permettant\nde vendre des produits\ndans un magasin dont la connectivité Internet\navec le back-office ou le siège social est\nirrégulière.\nCommerce Scale Unit est conçu\nspécifiquement pour le fonctionnement en magasin\net permet les transactions entre les terminaux\net les opérations d'équipe de travail, malgré un\nservice Internet médiocre.\nAX 2012 Retail a fourni ces systèmes pour les points\nde vente,\nles points de vente mobiles, le siège social, la\ngestion de magasins\net les connexions aux principales solutions de sites\nWeb de commerce électronique.\nDynamics for Commerce étend les ventes de base\net les stocks pour les promotions,\nles catalogues clients, les assortiments, les\nhiérarchies de magasins,\n\nArabic: \nإصدارات Dynamics 365 Commerce في عام 2020\nكمنتج واحد من Dynamics، يجمع كل القطع معًا\nكحل واحد لتوفير\nرحلة تسوق ممتعة للمستهلكين\nعبر نقاط الاتصال المختلفة.\nتقدم Dynamics هذا العام أيضًا Commerce Scale Unit.\nوهي تحتوي على مجموعة من الميزات التي تدعم بيع\nالمنتجات\nفي متجر به اتصال إنترنت غير متسق\nبمكتب خلفي أو مقر.\nتم تصميم Commerce Scale Unit\nخصيصًا للتشغيل في المتجر\nوتمكن المعاملات عبر المحطات\nوعمليات التحول، على الرغم من ضعف خدمة الإنترنت.\nقدمت AX 2012 Retail أنظمة لنقاط البيع،\nونقاط البيع المتنقلة، وفي المقرات، وإدارة المتجر،\nواتصالات مع حلول مواقع التجارة الإلكترونية\nالرئيسية.\nتعمل Dynamics for Commerce على توسيع نطاق المبيعات\nوالمخزون الأساسيين لترويج المبيعات،\nوكتالوجات العملاء، والتشكيلات، والتسلسلات الهرمية\nللمتاجر،\n\nFrench: \nles variantes et attributs de produit et la gestion\ndes canaux.\nDynamics for Commerce élimine la nécessité de recourir\nà\ndes fournisseurs de logiciels de commerce électronique\ntiers.\nDynamics Fraud Protection est une nouveauté de cette\nannée,\nactuellement en mode Aperçu.\nFraud Protection permet de définir\ndes règles client pour les achats en ligne.\nLors du démarrage du système, les utilisateurs se\nconnectent automatiquement\nà un tableau de bord Fraud Protection.\nVous pouvez voir l'un des éléments du tableau de\nbord à droite.\nNous offrons une vue en temps réel des transactions\nen ligne\nclassées en catégories frauduleuses et non\nfrauduleuses.\nCes transactions sont ensuite marquées\nen tant que taux d'interception des clients et\nfriction des clients.\nLe produit Dynamics for Commerce est intégré\nà Dynamics Fraud Protection.\nUn troisième nouveau réseau de paiement a récemment\nété ajouté\nà Dynamics Commerce.\nEn plus de MasterCard et Verifone,\nla plateforme de paiement Adyen est\n\nSpanish: \nvariantes y atributos de producto, y administración\nde canales.\nDynamics for Commerce elimina la necesidad de usar\nproveedores de software de comercio electrónico\nexternos.\nDynamics Fraud Protection es una nueva característica\neste año,\nque actualmente se ofrece en modo de versión\npreliminar.\nDynamics Fraud Protection proporciona una forma de\ndefinir\nreglas de cliente para compras en línea.\nCuando se inicia el sistema, los usuarios inician\nsesión\nautomáticamente en un panel de Dynamics Fraud\nProtection.\nSe muestra uno de los elementos del panel a la\nderecha.\nOfrecemos una vista en tiempo real de las transacciones\nen línea,\npor categorías de fraudulentas y no fraudulentas.\nEstas transacciones luego se etiquetan\ncomo índice de captura de clientes y fricción de\ncliente.\nEl producto Dynamics for Commerce está integrado\nen Dynamics Fraud Protection.\nRecientemente, se agregó una nueva red de pago de\nterceros\na Dynamics Commerce.\nAdemás de MasterCard y Verifone,\nla plataforma de pagos Adyen está\n\nGerman: \nProduktvarianten und -attribute sowie\nKanalverwaltung.\nSo macht Dynamics for Commerce den Rückgriff auf\nE-Commerce-Software von Drittanbietern\nüberflüssig.\nNeu dieses Jahr ist Dynamics Fraud Protection,\nderzeit verfügbar als Vorschauversion.\nFraud Protection ermöglicht die Definition von\nKundenregeln für Onlineeinkäufe.\nSobald das System gestartet wird, werden Benutzer\nautomatisch\nbeim Fraud Protection-Dashboard angemeldet.\nRechts sehen Sie eines der Dashboardelemente.\nSie erhalten einen Echtzeitüberblick über\nOnlinetransaktionen,\naufgeschlüsselt nach betrügerischen und nicht\nbetrügerischen Transaktionen.\nDiese Transaktionen werden dann markiert\nals Kundenabfangrate und Kundenhindernis.\nDas Produkt Dynamics for Commerce ist mit\nDynamics Fraud Protection integriert.\nVor Kurzem haben wir ein neues drittes\nZahlungsnetzwerk\nzu Dynamics Commerce hinzugefügt.\nNeben MasterCard und Verifone\nist jetzt auch die Zahlungsplattform Adyen\n\nItalian: \nvarianti e attributi del prodotto e gestione del\ncanale.\nDynamics for Commerce elimina la necessità di\nutilizzare\nfornitori di software di e-commerce di terze\nparti.\nDynamics Fraud Protection è una novità di\nquest’anno,\nattualmente in modalità anteprima.\nFraud Protection fornisce un modo per definire\nle regole del cliente per gli acquisti online.\nQuando si avvia il sistema, gli utenti accedono\nautomaticamente a un dashboard di Fraud\nProtection.\nPuoi vedere uno degli elementi del dashboard a\ndestra.\nForniamo una visualizzazione in tempo reale delle\ntransazioni online\ndivise nelle categorie fraudolenta e non\nfraudolenta.\nLe transazioni vengono quindi contrassegnate\ncome percentuale di minacce identificate e attrito\ndel cliente.\nIl prodotto Dynamics for Commerce è integrato\ncon Dynamics Fraud Protection.\nDi recente è stata aggiunta una terza rete di\npagamento\na Dynamics Commerce.\nOltre a MasterCard e Verifone,\nla piattaforma di pagamento Adyen è\n\nArabic: \nومتغيرات المنتجات والسمات وإدارة القنوات.\nDynamics for Commerce تلغي الحاجة إلى استخدام\nمزودي برامج التجارة الإلكترونية من جهات خارجية.\nيبدو Dynamics Fraud Protection جديدًا هذا العام،\nوهو حاليًا في وضع المعاينة.\nتوفر الحماية من الاحتيال طريقة\nلتحديد قواعد العملاء لعمليات الشراء عبر الإنترنت.\nعند بدء تشغيل النظام، يسجل المستخدمون تلقائيًا\nالدخول إلى لوحة معلومات الحماية من الاحتيال.\nترى أحد عناصر لوحة القيادة على اليمين.\nنحن نقدم عرضًا في الوقت الفعلي للمعاملات عبر\nالإنترنت\nحسب الفئات احتيالية وغير احتيالية.\nثم بعد ذلك يتم تمييز هذه المعاملات\nكمعدل التقاط العملاء والاحتكاك معهم.\nتم دمج منتج Dynamics for Commerce\nإلى نظام الحماية من الاحتيال في Dynamics.\nتم إضافة شبكة دفع ثالثة جديدة\nإلى Dynamics Commerce مؤخرًا.\nإضافة إلى MasterCard و Verifone،\nأصبح نظام المدفوعات Adyen\n\nJapanese: \n製品のバリエーションと属性、チャネル管理を拡張しました。\nDynamics for Commerce では、\nサード パーティの e コマース ソフトウェア プロバイダーは不要になります。\n今年の新製品、Dynamics Fraud Protection は\n現在プレビュー段階にあります。\nFraud Protection は定義方法を提供し\nオンライン購入の顧客ルールの定義に使用できます。\nシステムを起動すると、ユーザーは自動的に\nFraud Protection ダッシュボードにログインします。\n右側にダッシュボード要素の 1 つがあります。\nオンライン トランザクションをリアル タイムで表示して\n不正あり、不正なしのカテゴリーに分けられます。\nこれらのトランザクションはタグ付けされ\n顧客のキャッチ率や顧客との摩擦を確認できます。\nDynamics for Commerce 製品は、\nDynamics Fraud Protection と統合しています。\n3 番目の新たなの決済ネットワークが\n最近 Dynamics Commerce に追加されました。\nMasterCard と Verifone に加えて、\nAdyen 決済プラットフォームが\n\nEnglish: \nproduct variants and attributes,\nand channel management.\nDynamics for Commerce\neliminates the need to use\nthird party e-commerce software providers.\nDynamics Fraud Protection\nis new this year,\ncurrently in a preview mode.\nFraud Protection provides a way to define\ncustomer rules for online purchases.\nWhen you start the system,\nusers automatically\nlog into a Fraud Protection dashboard.\nYou see one of the dashboard\nelements at the right.\nWe provide a real time\nview to online transactions\nby categories of fraudulent\nand non-fraudulent.\nThese transactions are then tagged\nas customer catch rate\nand customer friction.\nThe Dynamics for Commerce\nproduct is integrated\nto Dynamics Fraud Protection.\nA new third payment network was added\nto Dynamics Commerce recently.\nIn addition to MasterCard and Verifone,\nthe Adyen payments platform is\n\nArabic: \nمتاحًا الآن لـ Dynamics Commerce\nويتكامل عبر موصل المدفوعات\nDynamics Commerce\nيمكنك رؤية شاشة الإعداد هنا لاستخدام\nموصل Adyen خارج الصندوق.\nتعد Adyen شركة مدفوعات عالمية حقيقية ومجربة\nمع قاعدة عملاء تشمل Uber،\nوPinterest وeBay وSpotify.\nتحقق من أحدث قصص عملاء Dynamics 365 Commerce\nعلى موقع dynamics.microsoft.com.\nوهي تشمل UPS وLowe's وColumbia Sportswear.\nكان التصنيع الرشيق الخالي من الهدر عبارة عن استحواذ\nISV على IP\nتم إنشاؤه بواسطة eBECS في عام 2012.\nكان هذا التطبيق جزءًا من AX 2012 R3 من Microsoft.\nتتكون بنية التصنيع الرشيق الخالي من الهدر\nفي Microsoft Dynamics 365 من تدفقات الإنتاج\n\nGerman: \nfür Dynamics Commerce verfügbar\nund wird über den Dynamics Commerce\nAdyen Payments Connector integriert.\nHier können Sie den Einrichtungsbildschirm für den\ninbegriffenen Adyen-Konnektor sehen.\nAdyen ist ein globaler, bewährter\nZahlungsanbieter,\nzu dessen Kundenstamm unter anderem Uber,\nPinterest, eBay und Spotify gehören.\nSchauen Sie sich unsere neuesten Dynamics 365\nCommerce-\nKundenberichte unter dynamics.microsoft.com an.\nSie finden dort z. B. Berichte von UPS, Lowe's und\nColumbia Sportswear.\nLean Manufacturing war eine Akquisition von geistigem\nEigentum des ISV\neBECS, der die Anwendung 2012 entwickelt hat.\nSie war Teil von AX 2012 R3 von Microsoft.\nDie Lean Manufacturing-Architektur\nin Microsoft Dynamics 365 besteht aus\nProduktionsflüssen,\n\nFrench: \nmaintenant disponible pour Dynamics Commerce\net s'intègre via le connecteur de paiement Adyen\nde Dynamics Commerce.\nIci, vous pouvez voir l'écran de configuration pour\nl'utilisation\ndu connecteur Adyen prêt à l'emploi.\nAdyen est un fournisseur de paiement mondial\néprouvé\net dont la clientèle comprend Uber,\nPinterest, eBay et Spotify.\nDécouvrez les derniers témoignages de nos clients\nà propos de Dynamics 365 Commerce\nsur dynamics.microsoft.com.\nIls comprennent notamment ceux d'UPS, de Lowe's et\nde Columbia Sportswear.\nLes fournisseurs de logiciels indépendants on fait\nl'acquisition de la propriété intellectuelle de Lean\nManufacturing\ncréée par eBECS en 2012.\nL'application faisait partie de la version AX 2012 R3\nde Microsoft.\nL'architecture Lean Manufacturing\nde Microsoft Dynamics 365 se compose de flux de\nproduction,\n\nJapanese: \nDynamics Commerce で使用可能になり、\nDynamics Commerce\nAdyen Payments Connector 経由で統合しています。\nこちらのセットアップ画面で\nすぐに使える Adyen connector の使用方法をご覧いただけます。\nAdyenは、実績のあるグローバル決済プロバイダーであり、\n顧客ベースには、Uber、\nPinterest、eBay、Spotify があります。\n最新の Dynamics 365 Commerce については、\ndynamics.microsoft.com で顧客のストーリーをご覧ください。\nUPS、ロウズ、コロンビア スポーツウェアの事例をご覧になれます。\nリーン生産については、ISV が IP を取得しています。\n2012 年に eBECS によって作成されました。\nアプリケーションは Microsoft の AX 2012 R3 の機能の一部でした。\nリーン生産アーキテクチャは\nMicrosoft Dynamics 365 の機能として、生産フロー、\n\nEnglish: \nnow available to Dynamics Commerce\nand integrates via the Dynamics Commerce\nAdyen Payments Connector.\nYou can see the setup\nscreen here for using\nthe out-of-the-box Adyen connector.\nAdyen is a global,\ntried-and-true payments provider\nwith a customer base including Uber,\nPinterest, eBay, and Spotify.\nCheck out our latest Dynamics 365 Commerce\ncustomer stories at\ndynamics.microsoft.com.\nThey include UPS, Lowe's,\nand Columbia Sportswear.\nLean manufacturing was\nan ISV acquisition of IP\ncreated by eBECS in 2012.\nThe application was part\nof AX 2012 R3 by Microsoft.\nThe lean manufacturing architecture\nin Microsoft Dynamics 365\nconsists of production flows,\n\nItalian: \nora disponibile per Dynamics Commerce\ne si integra tramite il connettore pagamenti Adyen\ndi Dynamics Commerce.\nQui puoi vedere la schermata di configurazione per\nutilizzare il connettore Adyen pronto all’uso.\nAdyen è un gestore di pagamenti globale e\ncollaudato\ncon una base di clienti che include Uber,\nPinterest, eBay e Spotify.\nConsulta le ultime testimonianza dei clienti Dynamics\n365 Commerce\nsu dynamics.microsoft.com.\nIncludono UPS, Lowe’s e Columbia Sportswear.\nProduzione snella è stata un’acquisizione di IP da\nparte di ISV\ncreata da eBECS nel 2012.\nL’applicazione faceva parte di AX 2012 R3 di\nMicrosoft.\nL’architettura di produzione snella\nin Microsoft Dynamics 365 è costituita da flussi di\nproduzione,\n\nSpanish: \nahora disponible para Dynamics Commerce\ny se integra a través de Dynamics Commerce\nAdyen Payments Connector.\nSe puede ver la pantalla de configuración aquí para\nusar\nel conector Adyen listo para usar.\nAdyen es un proveedor de pagos mundial comprobado\ncon una base de clientes que incluye Uber,\nPinterest, eBay y Spotify.\nConsulten nuestras historias de clientes más recientes\nsobre\nDynamics 365 Commerce en dynamics.microsoft.com.\nEntre ellas se incluyen UPS, Lowe's y Columbia\nSportswear.\nLean Manufacturing fue una adquisición de IP por\nparte de ISV\ncreada por eBECS en 2012.\nLa aplicación formaba parte de AX 2012 R3 de\nMicrosoft.\nLa arquitectura de Lean Manufacturing\nen Microsoft Dynamics 365 consta de flujos de\nproducción,\n\nArabic: \nوالأنشطة وقواعد Kanban.\nيمكنك استخدام التصنيع الرشيق الخالي من الهدر في وضع\nمختلط،\nوإعداد الطلب، وتجهيز بيئة تصنيع المخزون\nالتي تجمع بين مختلف استراتيجيات\nالإنتاج والإمداد.\nلاحظ لوحة جدولة Heijunka على اليمين.\nيعتمد الكثير من التصنيع الرشيق الخالي من الهدر في\nDynamics على مفاهيم\nKaizen من Toyota\nلاحظ الخط الأحمر الغامق.\nفهذا دليل مرئي للمستخدم يفيد\nبأن الطلب الحالي يتجاوز السعة الثابتة\nلخلية العمل.\nيمكن إجراء تعديلات على السعة\nأو تعيين Kanban الحالي لتعديل ذلك.\nإنه يحاكي السبورة التقليدية للجدولة المستخدمة\nفي العديد من طوابق الإنتاج.\nيمكن للمخطط ببساطة أن يلتقط\nوينقل واحدًا أو أكثر من الطلبات لذلك التاريخ\nإلى الداخل أو الخارج لتعديل الخطة\nوإزالة تعليقات سعة الشريط الأحمر\nتعمل لوحات Kanban في نموذج إنتاج السحب.\nيؤدي سحب بطاقة Kanban من الحاوية أو لوحة الجدولة\nإلى تدفق جميع الأنشطة بناءً على القواعد والتفاصيل\n\nJapanese: \n活動、およびかんばんルールで構成されています。\nリーン生産は、混在モード、\n受注生産、見込み生産環境で使用できます。\nこれらは、さまざまな供給生産や\nソーシング戦略を組み合わせています。\n右側の平準化スケジューリング ボードをご覧ください。\nDynamics のリーンの多くでベースとなるのは、\nトヨタによるカイゼンのコンセプトです。\n赤い太線をご覧ください。\nこれはユーザーへの視覚的な合図です\n現在の需要が、作業セルに設定された固定容量を\n超過しています。\n容量を調節したり、\n現在のかんばんスロットを調節して修正できます。\n従来のスケジューリング ホワイトボードをシミュレートします。\n多くの製造現場でも使用されています。\nプランナーはシンプルに\nその日付の 1 つ以上の注文を取り出し、移動して\n計画を修正したり、\n赤いバーの容量フィードバックを削除できます。\nかんばん作業はプル生産モデルで動作します。\nビンやスケジューリング ボードからかんばんカードをプルすると、\nルールやかんばんカードの情報に基づき、\n\nSpanish: \nactividades y reglas Kanban.\nLean Manufacturing se puede usar en un entorno de\nfabricación\ntipo modo mixto, fabricación contra pedido o\nfabricación contra stock\nque combina distintas estrategias de producción\ny abastecimiento del suministro.\nObserven el panel de programación de Heijunka a la\nderecha.\nGran parte del concepto lean en Dynamics se basa en\nlos conceptos\nde Kaizen de Toyota.\nObserven la línea roja gruesa.\nSe trata de una señal visual para el usuario\nque la demanda actual excede la capacidad fija\npara la celda de trabajo.\nSe pueden hacer ajustes a la capacidad\no el posicionamiento Kanban actual para solucionar\neste problema.\nSimula la pizarra de programación tradicional\nque se usa en muchas plantas de producción.\nUn planificador podría simplemente recoger\ny mover uno o más de los pedidos para esa fecha\ndentro o fuera para corregir el plan\ny eliminar los comentarios sobre capacidad de la\nbarra roja.\nLos Kanbans funcionan en un modelo de producción de\nextracción.\nExtraer una tarjeta Kanban del contenedor o del\npanel de programación\nhace que todas las actividades fluyan según las\nreglas\n\nFrench: \nd'activités et de règles de kanban.\nVous pouvez utiliser Lean Manufacturing dans un\nenvironnement\nde fabrication à la commande et sur stock en mode\nmixte\nqui combine diverses stratégies de production\net d'approvisionnement.\nRegardez le tableau de planification Heijunka sur\nla droite.\nUne bonne partie de la méthode lean dans Dynamics\nest basée sur les concepts\nde Kaizen de Toyota.\nLa ligne rouge en gras\nest un signal visuel pour l'utilisateur\nindiquant que la demande actuelle dépasse la capacité\nfixe\nde la cellule de travail.\nLa capacité ou les créneaux de kanban actuels\npeuvent être adaptés pour résoudre ce problème.\nCela simule le tableau blanc de planification\ntraditionnel\nutilisé dans de nombreux ateliers de production.\nUn planificateur peut simplement prendre\net déplacer une ou plusieurs des commandes pour\ncette date\nafin de fixer le plan\net d'éliminer le signal de capacité de la barre\nrouge.\nLes kanbans fonctionnent dans un modèle de production\nd'extraction.\nL'extraction d'une carte kanban de l'emplacement ou\ndu tableau de planification\nentraîne le flux de toutes les activités en fonction\ndes règles\n\nGerman: \nAktivitäten und Kanban-Regeln.\nSie können Lean Manufacturing in einer Fertigungsumgebung\nim gemischten Modus\nverwenden, die Auftragsfertigung und Lagerfertigung\nunterstützt,\nmit einer Kombination aus verschiedenen Strategien\nfür Zulieferung, Produktion\nund Beschaffung.\nRechts sehen Sie eine Heijunka-Zeittafel.\nEin Großteil von Lean in Dynamics basiert auf den\nKaizen-Konzepten von Toyota.\nSehen Sie die dicke rote Linie?\nSie ist für den Benutzer ein visueller Hinweis\ndarauf,\ndass die aktuelle Nachfrage die feste Kapazität\nder Arbeitsgruppe übersteigt.\nUm das Problem zu beheben, können Anpassungen an\nder Kapazität\noder der derzeitigen Kanban-Zeitfensterzuteilung\nvorgenommen werden.\nHier wird das traditionelle Planungswhiteboard\nsimuliert, wie es\nin vielen Fertigungsbetrieben eingesetzt wird.\nPlaner könnten einfach\neinen oder mehrere Aufträge für das betreffende\nDatum\nverschieben, um den Plan zu korrigieren\nund die rote Linie für die Kapazitätswarnung zu\nentfernen.\nKanbans funktionieren in ziehenden Produktionsmodellen\n(Pull Production).\nWenn eine Kanban-Karte aus dem Behälter oder von\nder Plantafel genommen wird,\nwerden alle Aktivitäten in Fluss gebracht, basierend\nauf den Regeln\n\nEnglish: \nactivities, and Kanban rules.\nYou can use lean\nmanufacturing in a mixed mode,\nmake to order, make to stock\nmanufacturing environment\nthat combines various supply production\nand sourcing strategies.\nNote the Heijunka scheduling\nboard on the right.\nMuch of lean in Dynamics\nis based on the concepts\nof Kaizen by Toyota.\nNote the bold red line.\nThis is a visual cue to the user\nthat current demand is\nexceeding the fixed capacity\nfor the work cell.\nAdjustments can be made to capacity\nor current Kanban slotting to fix this.\nIt simulates the traditional\nscheduling whiteboard\nused on many production floors.\nA planner could simply pick up\nand move one or more of\nthe orders for that date\nin or out to fix the plan\nand eliminate the red\nbar capacity feedback.\nKanbans work in a pull production model.\nPulling a Kanban card from\nthe bin or scheduling board\ncauses all activities to\nflow based on the rules\n\nItalian: \nattività e regole kanban.\nPuoi utilizzare produzione snella in modalità\nmista,\nnell’ambiente di produzione su ordine o produzione\nper magazzino\nche combina varie strategie di produzione, di\nfornitura\ne di approvvigionamento.\nNota la scheda di pianificazione Heijunka sulla\ndestra.\nGran parte della produzione snella in Dynamics si\nbasa sui concetti\ndi Kaizen di Toyota.\nNota la linea rosso acceso.\nÈ un segnale visivo che indica all’utente\nche la domanda attuale sta eccedendo la capacità\nfissa\nper la cella di lavoro.\nÈ possibile apportare modifiche alla capacità\no all’assegnazione kanban attuale per risolvere\nquesto problema.\nSimula la lavagna di pianificazione tradizionale\nutilizzata in molti piani di produzione.\nUna pianificazione potrebbe semplicemente prendere\ne spostare uno o più ordini per quella data\ndentro o fuori per correggere il piano\ned eliminare il feedback sulla capacità della barra\nrossa.\nI kanban sono organizzati in un modello di produzione\npull.\nEstrarre una carta kanban dal cestino o dalla scheda\ndi pianificazione\nfa sì che tutte le attività fluiscano in base alle\nregole\n\nSpanish: \ny detalles de la tarjeta Kanban.\nPor el contrario, un modelo de producción discreto\ntradicional de AX 2009\ninserta la demanda a través de un modelo de\nplanificación MRP\ncon pedidos de producción, recolección de datos\ny otras acciones ordenadas.\nObserven el panel de procesos Kanban a la derecha\nde la pantalla.\nLos Kanbans se pueden resaltar y mover a un estado\nde finalizado.\nLos Kanbans se pueden usar para transferencias de\nproducción o inventario.\nCuando se crean Kanbans, se especifica el modelo de\nplanificación,\nmodelo de flujo de producción, cantidad en el\nKanban\ny el número de Kanbans para proporcionar\nun plazo de entrega suficiente para la\nplanificación.\nLos Kanbans se pueden usar para reflejar los modelos\ncomunes\npara escenarios de fabricación contra pedido y\nfabricación contra stock.\nLean Manufacturing usa Kanbans programados, fijos\ny de eventos.\nLos Kanbans de eventos se pueden vincular a una\nlínea de\npedido de venta del cliente.\nUn evento también podría ser una liberación de\nmaterial de un pedido de producción.\nLos Kanbans fijos pueden simular un\nreabastecimiento\n\nJapanese: \nアクティビティが実行されます。\n対照的に、従来の AX 2009 個別生産モデルは\nMRP 計画モデルを通じて需要を押し上げ\n製造オーダー、データ コレクション、\nその他のソートされたアクションを使用していました。\n画面の右側にあるかんばんプロセス ボードをご覧ください。\nかんばんをハイライトして、完成した状態に移動できます。\nかんばんは、生産または在庫移動に使用できます。\nかんばんを作成するときに、計画モデルや\n生産フロー モデル、かんばんの数量、\n提供するかんばんの数を指定して\n計画のための十分なリード タイムを提示します。\nかんばんを使用して一般的なモデルをリフレクトし\n受注生産と見込み生産シナリオに使用できます。\nリーンでは、スケジュール済み、固定、イベントのかんばんを使用します。\nイベントのかんばんを、注文のために\n顧客の販売注文の行に関連づけることができます。\nイベントは、製造オーダーの材料リリースの場合もあります。\n固定かんばんは在庫の最小の\n\nFrench: \net des détails de la carte kanban.\nEn revanche, un modèle de production discret AX 2009\ntraditionnel\ntransmet la demande dans un modèle de planification\nMRP\navec les ordres de fabrication, la collecte de\ndonnées\net d'autres actions triées.\nVous pouvez voir le tableau de traitement kanban\nsur la droite de l'écran.\nLes kanbans peuvent être mis en évidence et déplacés\nvers un état terminé.\nLes kanbans peuvent être utilisés pour la production\nou les transferts de stock.\nLorsque vous créez des kanbans, vous spécifiez le\nmodèle de planification,\nle modèle de flux de production, la quantité dans\nle kanban\net le nombre de kanbans afin de fournir\nun délai suffisant pour la planification.\nLes kanbans peuvent être utilisés pour refléter les\nmodèles communs\ndes scénarios de fabrication à la commande et de\nfabrication sur stock.\nLean utilise des kanbans planifiés, fixes et\nd'événement.\nLes kanbans d'événement peuvent être liés à une\nligne de commande client\nde fabrication à la commande.\nUn événement peut également être un lancement d'ordre\nde fabrication du matériel.\nLes kanbans fixes peuvent simuler un\nréapprovisionnement\n\nArabic: \nالموجودة في بطاقة Kanban.\nعلى النقيض من ذلك، يدفع نموذج الإنتاج المنفصل AX\n2009 التقليدي\nالطلب من خلال نموذج تخطيط MRP\nمع أوامر الإنتاج وجمع البيانات\nوغيرها من الإجراءات المصنفة.\nلاحظ لوحة معالجة Kanban على يمين الشاشة.\nيمكن تمييز لوحات Kanban ونقلها إلى الحالة\nالمنتهية.\nيمكن استخدام لوحات Kanban للإنتاج أو عمليات نقل\nالمخزون.\nعندما تنشئ لوحات Kanban، فإنك تحدد نموذج التخطيط،\nونموذج تدفق الإنتاج، والكمية في Kanban،\nوعدد لوحات Kanban لتوفير\nمهلة كافية للتخطيط.\nيمكن استخدام لوحات Kanban لعكس النماذج الشائعة\nللطلب وتقديم سيناريوهات المخزون\nيستخدم التصنيع الرشيق الخالي من الهدر قوائم لوحات\nKanban المجدولة والثابتة والحدث.\nيمكن ربط لوحات Kanban الحدث\nبسطر أمر مبيعات العميل\nيمكن أن يكون الحدث أيضًا إصدارًا لمادة أمر\nالإنتاج.\nيمكن للوحات Kanban الثابتة محاكاة الحد الأدنى من\nالمخزون\n\nItalian: \ne ai dettagli della carta kanban.\nAl contrario, un modello di produzione discreta AX\n2009 tradizionale\nspinge la domanda attraverso un modello di pianificazione\nMRP\ncon ordini di produzione, raccolta dati,\ne altre azioni ordinate.\nNota la scheda del processo kanban nella parte destra\ndello schermo.\nI kanban possono essere evidenziati e spostati in\nuno stato finito.\nPossono essere utilizzati per la produzione o i\ntrasferimenti di magazzino.\nQuando crei kanban, devi specificare il modello di\npianificazione,\nil modello di flusso di produzione, la quantità nel\nkanban\ne il numero di kanban per garantire\nun tempo di consegna sufficiente per la\npianificazione.\nI kanban possono essere utilizzati per riflettere\ni modelli comuni\nper scenari di produzione su ordine e produzione\nper magazzino.\nProduzione snella utilizza kanban programmati, fissi\ne di evento.\nI kanban di evento possono essere associati a una\nriga di ordine di vendita\ndel cliente per produzione su ordine.\nUn evento può anche essere un rilascio materiale\ndell’ordine di produzione.\nI kanban fissi possono simulare un rifornimento\nminimo di inventario\n\nGerman: \nund Details auf der Kanban-Karte.\nIm Gegensatz dazu wickelt ein herkömmliches diskretes\nFertigungsmodell in AX 2009\ndie Nachfrage über ein MRP-Planungsmodell ab,\nmit Fertigungsaufträgen, Datenerfassung\nund weiteren reihenfolgegebundenen Aktionen.\nRechts im Bildschirm sehen Sie die\nKanban-Prozessübersicht.\nKanbans können hervorgehoben und in einen abgeschlossenen\nStatus versetzt werden.\nKanbans können für die Produktion oder für\nBestandsübertragungen verwendet werden.\nWenn Sie Kanbans erstellen, legen Sie das Planungsmodell\nfest,\ndas Produktionsflussmodell, die Menge im Kanban\nund die notwendige Anzahl von Kanbans zur\nGewährleistung\neiner ausreichenden Vorlaufzeit für die Planung.\nKanbans können verwendet werden, um die gängigen\nModelle\nfür Auftragsfertigung und Lagerfertigung\nabzubilden.\nLean verwendet geplante Kanbans, feste Kanbans und\nEreignis-Kanbans.\nIm Rahmen der Auftragsfertigung können Ereignis-Kanbans\nmit\nPositionen in einem Kundenauftrag verknüpft\nwerden.\nEin Ereignis könnte auch die Freigabe des Materials\nfür einen Fertigungsauftrag sein.\nFeste Kanbans können die Auffüllung eines\n\nEnglish: \nand details on the Kanban card.\nBy contrast, a traditional AX\n2009 discrete production model\npushes demand through\nan MRP planning model\nwith production orders, data collection,\nand other sorted actions.\nNote the Kanban process board\non the right of the screen.\nKanbans can be highlighted\nand moved to a finished state.\nKanbans can be used for\nproduction or inventory transfers.\nWhen you create Kanbans you\nspecify the planning model,\nproduction flow model,\nquantity in the Kanban,\nand the number of Kanbans to provide\na sufficient lead time for planning.\nKanbans can be used to\nreflect the common models\nfor make to order and\nmake to stock scenarios.\nLean uses scheduled,\nfixed, and event Kanbans.\nEvent Kanbans can be\ntied to a make to order\ncustomer sales order line.\nAn event could also be a\nproduction order material release.\nFixed Kanbans can simulate\nan inventory minimum\n\nGerman: \nMindestlagerbestands simulieren.\nWenn ein Kanban bewegt oder verbraucht wird,\nkann ein neues festes Kanban das ursprüngliche Kanban\nersetzen.\nMit geplanten Kanbans lassen sich Bedarfsplanungsszenarien\numsetzen,\num den Fertigungsbedarf in einem Lagerfertigungsplan\nabzuflachen.\nAuf dem Bildschirm rechts sehen Sie einige\nBeispiele\nfür Kanban-Planungsregeln.\nEin Lean-Produktionsfluss definiert die\nAktivitäten\nfür Fertigungs- und Bestandsübertragungsprozesse.\nFlüsse haben auch eine Taktzeit. Sie definiert\ndie Zeitspanne vom Aktivitätsbeginn einer\nMenge-1-Fertigung\nbis zur Startzeit der nächsten Einheit.\nEine Verringerung der Taktzeiten erhöht den Mehrwert\nfür den Kunden\nund ist Teil des Ziels von Lean Manufacturing.\nDurch die Eliminierung von Arbeitsaufträgen, wie\nsie in herkömmlichen diskreten Systemen\nwie AX 2009 verwendet werden, können Benutzer sich\nauf den\nAusbau des Kundenmehrwerts im Lean-Lieferkettenprozess\nkonzentrieren.\n\nFrench: \nau niveau du stock minimal.\nLorsqu'un kanban est déplacé ou consommé,\nun nouveau kanban fixe peut remplacer le kanban\nd'origine.\nLes kanbans planifiés peuvent prendre en charge un\nscénario de prévision de la demande\npour aplatir la demande de fabrication dans un plan\nde fabrication sur stock.\nDans l'écran de droite, vous pouvez voir quelques\nexemples\nde règles de planification kanban.\nUn flux de production au plus juste définit les\nactivités\npour les processus de production et de transfert de\nstock.\nUn flux comporte aussi un takt time qui définit\nle temps écoulé depuis le début de l'activité de la\nquantité correspondant à un\net l'heure de début de l'unité suivante.\nLa réduction des takt times augmente la valeur\nclient\net fait partie de l'objectif de Lean\nManufacturing.\nL'élimination des ordres de travail utilisés dans\nles systèmes discrets traditionnels\ncomme AX 2009 permet aux utilisateurs de concentrer\nleurs efforts\nsur la création de valeur ajoutée pour le client\ndans le processus de la chaîne d'approvisionnement\nau plus juste.\n\nJapanese: \n在庫レベルの補充をシミュレートできます。\nかんばんが移動または消費されると、\n新しい固定かんばんを、元のかんばんと置き換えることができます。\nスケジュール済みかんばんは需要予測シナリオをサポートし、\n見込み生産計画で生産需要を平準化します。\n右側の画面にかんばんの\n計画ルールの例が表示されています。\nリーン生産フローは活動を定義して\n生産および在庫移動プロセスに使用できます。\nフローにはタクト タイムも含まれ、\n数量 1 の活動開始から\n次のユニットの開始までの時間を定義します。\nタクト タイムを短縮することで顧客価値が向上します。\nこれは、リーン生産の目標でもあります。\n従来の個別システムで使用されていた作業指示書を排除し、\nAX 2009 とは異なり、ユーザーは労力を\nリーン サプライ チェーン プロセスへの顧客価値の追加に費やすことができます。\n\nSpanish: \nde nivel de existencias de inventario mínimo.\nCuando un Kanban se mueve o se consume,\nun nuevo Kanban fijo puede reemplazar al Kanban\noriginal.\nLos Kanbans programados admiten un escenario de\npronóstico de demanda\npara aplanar la demanda de producción en un plan de\nfabricación contra stock.\nEn la pantalla de la derecha, se ven algunos\nejemplos\nde reglas de planificación de Kanban.\nUn flujo de producción lean define las actividades\npara los procesos de producción y transferencia de\ninventario.\nUn flujo también tendrá un ritmo de producción que\ndefine\nla cantidad de tiempo desde el inicio de la actividad\nde cantidad uno\nhasta la hora de inicio de la siguiente unidad.\nReducir los ritmos de producción aumenta el valor\npara el cliente\ny forma parte del objetivo de Lean Manufacturing.\nLa eliminación de las solicitudes de trabajo que se\nusan en los sistemas discretos\ntradicionales, como AX 2009, permite a los usuarios\nponer sus esfuerzos\nen agregar valor al cliente en el proceso de la\ncadena de suministro de Lean Manufacturing.\n\nEnglish: \nstocking level replenishment.\nWhen a Kanban is moved or consumed,\na new fixed Kanban can\nreplace the original Kanban.\nScheduled Kanbans can support\na demand forecast scenario\nto flatten production demand\nin a make to stock plan.\nIn the screen on the\nright, we see some Kanban\nplanning rule examples.\nA lean production flow\ndefines the activities\nfor production and inventory\ntransfer processes.\nA flow will also have a\ntakt time which defines\nthe amount of time from\nactivity start of quantity one\nuntil the start time of the next unit.\nDriving down takt times\nincreases customer value,\nand is part of the goal\nof lean manufacturing.\nEliminating work orders used\nin traditional discrete systems\nlike AX 2009 lets users\nplace their efforts\ninto adding customer value in\nthe lean supply chain process.\n\nItalian: \na livello di stoccaggio.\nQuando un kanban viene spostato o consumato,\nun nuovo Kanban fisso può sostituirlo.\nI kanban pianificati possono supportare uno scenario\ndi previsione della domanda\nper appiattire la domanda di produzione in un piano\ndi produzione per magazzino.\nNella schermata a destra, possiamo vedere\nesempi di regole di pianificazione dei kanban.\nUn flusso di produzione snella definisce le\nattività\nper i processi di produzione e trasferimento\nmagazzino.\nUn flusso avrà un tempo di produzione di un’unità\nche definisce\nl’intervallo di tempo dall’inizio dell’attività di\nquantità uno\nall’inizio dell’unità successiva.\nRidurre i tempi di produzione di un’unità aumenta\nil valore per il cliente\ne fa parte degli obiettivi di produzione snella.\nL’eliminazione degli ordini di lavoro utilizzati\nnei sistemi tradizionali di produzione discreta\ncome AX 2009 consente agli utenti di concentrare i\npropri sforzi\nsull’aggiunta di valore per il cliente nel processo\ndella catena di approvvigionamento della produzione\nsnella.\n\nArabic: \nلتجديد مستوى التخزين.\nعندما يتم نقل Kanban أو استهلاكه،\nيمكن أن يحل Kanban الجديد الثابت محل Kanban\nالأصلي.\nيمكن أن تدعم Kanban المجدولة سيناريو توقع الطلب\nلتسوية الطلب على الإنتاج في خطة المخزون.\nفي الشاشة على اليمين، نرى بعض\nأمثلة على قواعد تخطيط Kanban\nيحدد تدفق الانتاج المنخفض التكاليف أنشطة\nعمليات الإنتاج ونقل المخزون.\nسيكون للتدفق أيضًا (takt time) وهو الوقت اللازم\nلإنتاج وحدة من المنتج وهو يحدد مقدار الوقت\nمن بداية النشاط بالكمية الأولى\nحتى وقت بدء الوحدة التالية.\nيؤدي تقليل أوقات takt إلى زيادة قيمة العميل،\nوهو جزء من هدف التصنيع الرشيق الخالي من الهدر.\nيتيح إلغاء أوامر العمل المستخدمة في الأنظمة المنفصلة\nالتقليدية\nمثل AX 2009 للمستخدمين وضع جهودهم\nفي إضافة قيمة للعملاء في عملية سلسلة التوريد\nالهزيلة\n\nSpanish: \nDynamics Enterprise Asset Management, o EAM,\nse presentó este año.\nEAM es una adquisición de IP de Dynamics ISV\nde Dynaway Corporation que permite a los\nfabricantes\ny empresas de servicios proporcionar servicios\ncontinuos de daño y reparación para máquinas\ninternas\ny propiedad del cliente, equipos y activos de\nhardware.\nEAM controla todo el proceso de adquisición hasta\nla retirada.\nEAM incluye registros de activos y ubicaciones,\nmantenimiento y programación, integración de activos\nfijos,\npresupuestación y análisis,\ny conexiones de portal de clientes y móviles.\nLa administración de activos tiene dos enfoques.\nPrimero, los usuarios pueden adoptar un enfoque\ncorrectivo de daño/reparación.\nEsto se ve en el flujo de actividades del dibujo en\nla diapositiva.\nLa observación y los comentarios de los usuarios o\nde IoT dicen\nque hay algo mal con la unidad.\nSe envía un técnico para analizar el problema\ny prescribir la solución.\n\nEnglish: \nDynamics Enterprise\nAsset Management, or EAM,\nwas introduced this year.\nEAM is a Dynamics ISV IP acquisition\nfrom Dynaway Corporation\nthat allows manufacturers\nand service companies to provide ongoing\nand break/fix services for internal\nand customer-owned machines,\nequipment, and hardware assets.\nEAM controls the entire\nacquire to retire process.\nEAM includes asset and location records,\nmaintenance and scheduling,\nfixed assets integration,\nbudgeting and analysis,\nand mobile and customer\nportal connections.\nAsset management takes two approaches.\nOne, users can take a\ncorrective break/fix approach.\nWe see this in the activity\nflow in the slide drawing.\nObservation and user or IoT feedback says\nsomething is wrong with the unit.\nA tech is dispatched\nto analyze the problem\nand prescribe the solution.\n\nFrench: \nDynamics Enterprise Asset Management (EAM)\na été introduit cette année.\nEAM est une propriété intellectuelle dont les\nfournisseurs de logiciels indépendants de Dynamics\nont fait l'acquisition auprès de\nDynaway Corporation qui permet aux fabricants\net sociétés de services de fournir des services\ncontinus\net d'assistance pour les machines, équipements\net ressources matérielles internes et appartenant\naux clients.\nEAM contrôle l'ensemble du processus d'acquisition\nen vue de la mise hors service.\nEAM comprend les enregistrements d'actifs et\nd'emplacements,\nla maintenance et la planification, l'intégration\ndes immobilisations,\nla budgétisation et l'analyse,\nainsi que les connexions mobiles et au portail\nclient.\nIl existe deux approches pour la gestion des\nactifs.\nPremièrement, les utilisateurs peuvent adopter une\napproche corrective d'assistance.\nNous voyons cela dans le flux d'activités du dessin\nde la diapositive.\nSa consultation et le retour utilisateur ou de l'IoT\nindiquent\nun problème dans l'unité.\nUn technicien est envoyé pour analyser le problème\net proposer une solution.\n\nArabic: \nتم تقديمDynamics Enterprise Asset Management أو\nEAM،\nهذا العام.\nEAM عملية استحواذ على Dynamics ISV IP\nمن Dynaway Corporation والتي تتيح للمصنعين\nوشركات الخدمة تقديم خدمات مستمرة\nوكسر/ إصلاح للأجهزة الداخلية\nوالمملوكة للعملاء، والمعدات، وأصول الأجهزة.\nتتحكم EAM في عملية الاستحواذ بالكامل للتقاعد.\nتحتوي EAM على سجلات الأصول والمواقع،\nوالصيانة والجدولة، وتكامل الأصول الثابتة،\nوالميزانية والتحليل،\nواتصالات الجوال وبوابة العملاء.\nإدارة الأصول تتخذ نهجين.\nأولاً، يمكن للمستخدمين اتباع نهج الاستراحة/ الإصلاح\nالتصحيحي.\nنرى هذا في تدفق النشاط في رسم الشرائح.\nتشير الملاحظات والملاحظات الخاصة بالمستخدم ومفهوم\nإنترنت الأشياء\nإلى وجود خطأ ما في الوحدة.\nتم إرسال تقنية لتحليل المشكلة\nووصف الحل.\n\nGerman: \nDynamics Enterprise Asset Management (EAM)\nwurde in diesem Jahr eingeführt.\nWir haben EAM als geistiges Eigentum vom\nDynamics-ISV\nDynaway Corporation übernommen. Das Modul ermöglicht\nes Herstellern\nund Dienstleistungsunternehmen, kontinuierliche\nServices und\nund Problemlösungsservices für interne\nsowie kundeneigene Maschinen, Anlagen und\nHardwareressourcen bereitzustellen.\nEAM steuert den gesamten Prozess, von der Anschaffung\nbis zur Außerbetriebsetzung.\nEAM umfasst Anlagen- und Standortdatensätze,\nWartung und Zeitplanung, Anlagenintegration,\nBudgetierung und Analyse\nsowie die Anbindung an Mobilplattformen und\nKundenportale.\nAsset Management arbeitet mit zwei Ansätzen.\nZum einen können Benutzer sich für einen\nProblemlösungsansatz entscheiden.\nSie sehen das hier im Aktivitätsfluss in der Zeichnung\nauf der Folie.\nEigene Auswertungen sowie Benutzer- und IoT-Feedback\ndeuten darauf hin,\ndass mit der Einheit etwas nicht stimmt.\nEin Techniker wird entsandt, um das Problem zu\nanalysieren\nund eine Lösung festzulegen.\n\nItalian: \nDynamics Enterprise Asset Management, o EAM,\nè stato introdotto quest’anno.\nEAM è un’acquisizione IP da parte di ISV Dynamics\nda Dynaway Corporation che consente ai produttori\ne alle società di servizi di fornire servizi\ncostanti\ne di break/fix per macchinari,\napparecchiature e risorse hardware interni e di\nproprietà del cliente.\nEAM controlla l’intero processo dall’acquisizione\nal ritiro.\nInclude record di risorse e sedi,\nmanutenzione e programmazione, integrazione di\ncespiti,\nbudget e analisi\ne connessioni da mobile e dal portale clienti.\nAsset Management adotta due approcci.\nIl primo: gli utenti possono adottare un approccio\nbreak/fix correttivo.\nPossiamo individuarlo nel flusso di attività nel\ndisegno della diapositiva.\nOsservazione e feedback dell’utente o IoT comunicano\nche\nl’unità presenta un problema.\nViene inviato un tecnico per analizzare il\nproblema\ne prescrivere la soluzione.\n\nJapanese: \nDynamics Enterprise Asset Management(EAM)は\n今年導入された機能です。\nEAM は Dynamics ISV IP が\nDynaway Corporation から取得し、製造元と\nサービス会社による継続的サービスや\n障害対応のサービスを社内や\n顧客所有のマシン、備品、ハードウェア資産に提供できます。\nEAM は、入手から廃止までのプロセス全体を管理します。\nEAM には資産と保存先のレコード、\nメンテナンスとスケジューリング、固定資産の統合、\n予算と分析、\nモバイルと顧客ポータル接続の情報が含まれます\n資産管理には 2 種類のアプローチがあります。\n1 つは、ユーザーが調整的な障害対応のアプローチを選ぶことができます。\nスライド内の図のアクティビティ フローに表示されています。\n監視、およびユーザーまたは IoT フィードバックで、\nユニットの問題が示されています。\nその問題分析のため技術者が派遣され、\nソリューションを提示します。\n\nGerman: \nErsatzteile können über Bestellungen angefordert\nwerden.\nReparatur- und Wartungsverlauf werden den\nAnlagendatensätzen angefügt.\nZum anderen können vorbeugende Wartungszeitpläne\nfür Anlagen\nerstellt werden.\nZukünftige Arbeitsaufträge und vorbeugende\nWartungsarbeiten werden\nregelmäßig und termingerecht ausgeführt.\nDie Überwachung von Produktionsanlagen per IoT\nliefert Feedback\nfür zusätzliche Transparenz und Analysen.\nDas EAM-System ist mit den\nDynamics-Produktionssystemen verbunden,\nsodass Wartungsarbeiten an Maschinen sich auf die\nverfügbare\nRessourcenkapazität für die Fertigungsausführung\nauswirken.\nDas EAM-System ist mit den Dynamics-\nProduktionssystemen und -Projekten verbunden,\nsodass Wartungsarbeiten an Maschinen sich auf die\nverfügbare\nRessourcenkapazität für die Fertigungsausführung\nauswirken.\nIm Beispiel im Bildschirm rechts\nsehen Sie, dass Anlage EX-201 3 Tage lang\nausfällt,\naufgrund eines Arbeitsauftrags zur Problemlösung.\n\nArabic: \nيمكن طلب قطع الغيار عن طريق أوامر الشراء.\nتم إرفاق سجل الإصلاح والصيانة\nمع سجلات الأصول.\nالثاني، يمكن إنشاء جداول الصيانة الوقائية\nللأصول.\nيتم تنفيذ أوامر العمل المستقبلية ورؤساء المشاريع\nعلى أساس ثابت وفي الوقت المناسب.\nتوفر مراقبة الأصول الميدانية عبر إنترنت الأشياء\nتغذية راجعة\nلمزيد من الرؤية والتحليل.\nيرتبط نظام EAM\nبأنظمة إنتاج Dynamics،\nلذلك تؤثر صيانة الماكينة على\nقدرة الموارد المتاحة لتنفيذ التصنيع.\nيرتبط نظام EAM بأنظمة ومشروع\nإنتاج Dynamics،\nلذلك تؤثر صيانة الماكينة\nعلى قدرة الموارد المتاحة لتنفيذ التصنيع\nفي المثال الظاهر على الشاشة على اليمين،\nنرى أن الأصل EX-201 سيتوقف لمدة ثلاثة أيام\nلأمر عمل كسر/ إصلاح.\n\nItalian: \nI pezzi di ricambio possono essere ordinati tramite\nordini di acquisto.\nLa cronologia delle riparazioni e della manutenzione\nè allegata\nai record delle risorse.\nSecondo: è possibile creare\nprogrammi di manutenzione preventiva per le\nrisorse.\nGli ordini di lavoro futuri e i PM vengono\neseguiti\nin modo coerente e tempestivo.\nIl monitoraggio delle risorse del campo tramite IoT\nfornisce feedback\nper ulteriore visibilità e analisi.\nIl sistema EAM è connesso\nai sistemi di produzione Dynamics,\ndunque la manutenzione dei macchinari influisce\nsulla capacità delle risorse disponibile per\nl’esecuzione della produzione.\nIl sistema EAM è connesso\nai sistemi di produzione e al progetto Dynamics,\ndunque la manutenzione dei macchinari influisce\nsulla capacità delle risorse disponibile per\nl’esecuzione della produzione.\nNell’esempio nella schermata a destra,\nvediamo che la risorsa EX-201 sarà inattiva per tre\ngiorni\nper un ordine di lavoro break/fix.\n\nFrench: \nLes pièces de rechange peuvent être commandées via\ndes bons de commande.\nL'historique des réparations et de la maintenance\nest joint\naux enregistrements des actifs.\nDeuxièmement, des planifications de maintenance\npréventive pour les actifs\npeuvent être créées.\nLes futurs ordres de travail et les planifications\nde maintenance préventive sont exécutés\nde manière cohérente et en temps voulu.\nLa surveillance des actifs sur le terrain via l'IoT\nassure un retour\npour une meilleure visibilité et une analyse plus\ndétaillée.\nLe système EAM est connecté\naux systèmes de production Dynamics,\nla maintenance de la machine affecte donc la\ncapacité\ndes ressources disponible pour le contrôle et le\nsuivi de la production.\nLe système EAM est connecté aux systèmes\net au projet de production Dynamics,\nla maintenance de la machine affecte donc la\ncapacité\ndes ressources disponible pour le contrôle et le\nsuivi de la production.\nDans l'exemple de l'écran de droite,\nnous voyons que l'actif EX-201 ne fonctionnera pas\npendant trois jours\npour un ordre de travail d'assistance.\n\nJapanese: \nスペア パーツは、発注書で注文できます。\n修理・保守の履歴が\n資産レコードに添付されます。\n2 つ目では、資産の予防保守スケジュールを\n作成できます。\n将来の作業指示書と PM が\n継続的かつ適時に実行されます。\n監視領域の資産から IoT 経由で\n追加の可視性と分析のフィードバックがあります。\nEAM システムは\nDynamics の各生産システムに接続されています。\nそのため、マシンの保守は使用可能な\n生産実行リソース容量に影響します。\nEAM システムは Dynamics の\n各生産システムとプロジェクトに接続されています。\nそのため、マシンの保守は使用可能な\n生産実行リソース容量に影響します。\n右の画面の例では、\n資産 EX-201 が 3 日間ダウンする予定で\n障害対応の作業指示書が設定されています。\n\nSpanish: \nLas piezas de repuesto se pueden pedir mediante\npedidos de compra.\nEl historial de reparaciones y mantenimiento se\nadjunta\na los registros de activos.\nEn segundo lugar, se pueden crear programas\nde mantenimiento preventivo para activos.\nLas solicitudes de trabajo futuras y los PM se\npueden\nejecutar de manera constante y oportuna.\nLa supervisión de los activos de campo a través de\nIoT ofrece comentarios\npara mayor visibilidad y análisis.\nEl sistema EAM se conecta a\nlos sistemas de producción Dynamics,\npor lo que el mantenimiento de máquinas afecta a\nla\ncapacidad de recursos disponibles para la ejecución\nde la fabricación.\nEl sistema EAM se conecta a los sistemas de\nproducción\ny proyectos de Dynamics,\npor lo que el mantenimiento de máquinas afecta a\nla\ncapacidad de recursos disponibles para la ejecución\nde la fabricación.\nEn el ejemplo de la pantalla de la derecha,\nvemos que el activo EX-201 estará inactivo durante\ntres días\npara una solicitud de trabajo de daños/reparación.\n\nEnglish: \nSpare parts can be ordered\nvia purchase orders.\nRepair and maintenance history is attached\nto the asset records.\nTwo, preventive maintenance\nschedules for assets\ncan be created.\nFuture work orders and PMs are executed\non a consistent and timely basis.\nMonitoring field assets\nvia IoT gives feedback\nfor additional visibility and analysis.\nThe EAM system is connected\nto the Dynamics production systems,\nso machine maintenance\naffects the available\nresource capacity for\nmanufacturing execution.\nThe EAM system is\nconnected to the Dynamics\nproduction systems and project,\nso machine maintenance\naffects the available\nresource capacity for\nmanufacturing execution.\nIn the example in the screen on the right,\nwe see the asset EX-201\nwill be down for three days\nfor a break/fix work order.\n\nGerman: \nDynamics berücksichtigt diese Anlagenausfallzeit\nund pflegt sie automatisch in den Zeitplan ein.\nDas EAM-System umfasst auch ein Kundenportal,\nin dem der Status von geplanten Wartungsarbeiten\nund Arbeitsaufträgen angezeigt wird.\nEin Zeitplan für die Zuweisung von Technikern ist\nebenfalls in Planung.\nKonsignationsbestellungen sind eine relativ neue\nFunktion\nin Dynamics 365 F & O.\nKonsignationsbestände sind Bestände, die\neinem Zulieferer gehören, aber an Ihrem Standort\ngelagert werden.\nIm Lager an Ihrem Standort wird ein\nKonsignationslager\nfür den Zulieferer eingerichtet.\nSobald Sie die Bestände verbrauchen oder\nverwenden,\nwerden Sie zum Eigentümer der Bestände.\nSie haben den Konsignationsstandort und die\nZuliefererartikel erstellt,\nund Sie erstellen die Konsignations-\nauffüllungsbestellungen nach Bedarf.\nDer Zulieferer wird benachrichtigt.\nNun ist es die Aufgabe des Zulieferers, den Bestand\naufzufüllen.\nSie wickeln den Lagerzugang ab.\nAnschließend überwacht der Zulieferer den verfügbaren\nLagerbestand\n\nSpanish: \nDynamics tiene en cuenta este tiempo de inactividad\nde los activos\ny programa automáticamente según corresponde.\nEl sistema EAM también incluye un portal de\nclientes\npara ver el mantenimiento programado y los estados\nde las solicitudes de trabajo.\nTambién se planea ofrecer un panel de programación\nde asignación de recursos tecnológicos.\nLos pedidos de consignación son una característica\nrelativamente nueva\nen Dynamics 365 F&O.\nEl inventario de consignación es el inventario que\nes propiedad del\nproveedor, pero se almacena en tu sitio.\nUn almacén de consignación de proveedores se crea\nen el almacén de tu sitio.\nCuando estés listo para consumir o usar el\ninventario,\nasumes la propiedad del inventario.\nSe creó el sitio de consignación, los productos del\nproveedor,\ny los pedidos de reabastecimiento de\nconsignación se crean según sea necesario.\nSe notifica al proveedor.\nEl vendedor debe reponer el inventario.\nSe crea el recibo de inventario.\nEl proveedor hace un seguimiento del inventario\ndisponible\n\nEnglish: \nDynamics takes this asset\ndowntime into account\nand automatically schedules around it.\nThe EAM system also\nincludes a customer portal\nto view scheduled maintenance\nand work order statuses.\nA tech resource assignment\nschedule board is also planned.\nConsignment orders is a\nrelatively new feature\nin Dynamics 365 F&O.\nConsignment inventory is\ninventory that is owned\nby the vendor, but stored at your site.\nA vendor consignment warehouse is created\nin your site warehouse.\nWhen you're ready to consume\nor use the inventory,\nyou take over the\nownership of the inventory.\nYou created the consignment\nsite, vendor items,\nand you create the consignment\nreplenishment orders as needed.\nThe vendor is notified.\nThe vendor's on the hook\nto replenish the inventory.\nYou do the inventory receipt.\nThe vendor then monitors\nthe on-hand inventory\n\nJapanese: \nDynamics はこの資産のダウンタイムを考慮に入れ\n自動的に周辺のスケジュールを作成します。\nEAM システムには顧客ポータルも含まれ、\n予定メンテナンスと作業指示書のステータスを表示します。\n技術リソース割り当てスケジュール ボードも計画されています。\n委託注文は比較的新しい機能で\nDynamics 365 F&O に含まれています。\n委託販売在庫は、仕入先が所有者であるものの\nサイトで保管されている在庫です。\n仕入先の委託倉庫が\nサイトの倉庫に作成されます。\n在庫を消費または使用する準備ができたら、\n在庫の所有権を引き継ぎます。\n委託サイト、仕入先の品目を作成し、\n委託の\n補充注文を必要に応じて作成します。\n仕入先に内容が通知されます。\n仕入先が在庫補充を担当し、\nあなたは在庫を受領します。\n次に、仕入先は手持在庫の監視と\n\nFrench: \nDynamics prend en compte ce temps d'arrêt des\nactifs\net établit automatiquement une planification en\nconséquence.\nLe système EAM comprend également un portail\nclient\npour afficher les maintenances planifiées et les\nstatuts des ordres de travail.\nUn tableau de planification d'attribution des\nressources techniques est également prévu.\nLes ordres de consignation sont une fonctionnalité\nrelativement récente\nde Dynamics 365 F&O.\nLe stock de consignation est un stock qui\nappartient\nau fournisseur, mais qui est stocké sur votre\nsite.\nUn entrepôt de consignation de fournisseur est\ncréé\ndans l'entrepôt de votre site.\nLorsque vous êtes prêt à consommer ou à utiliser le\nstock,\nvous en reprenez possession.\nVous avez créé le site de consignation et les articles\nfournisseur,\net vous créez les commandes de réapprovisionnement\nde consignation en fonction des besoins.\nLe fournisseur reçoit une notification.\nLe fournisseur est tenu de réapprovisionner le\nstock.\nVous procédez à la réception du stock.\nLe fournisseur surveille ensuite le stock\ndisponible,\n\nArabic: \nتأخذ Dynamics وقت تعطل الأصول هذا في الاعتبار\nوتقوم بعمل الجدولة الزمنية حوله تلقائيًا\nيشتمل نظام EAM أيضًا على\nبوابة العملاء لعرض الصيانة المجدولة وحالات أوامر\nالعمل.\nتم التخطيط أيضًا للوحة جدولة تخصيص الموارد\nالتقنية.\nأوامر الشحن هي ميزة جديدة نسبيًا\nفي Dynamics 365 F&O.\nمخزونات الشحنة هو مخزون يملكه البائع،\nلكنه مُخزّن في موقعك.\nيتم إنشاء مستودع شحنة البائع\nفي مستودع موقعك.\nعندما تكون مستعدًا لاستهلاك أو استخدام المخزون،\nفإنك تتولى ملكية المخزون.\nلقد أنشأت موقع الشحنة وأصناف البائعين\nوتقوم بإنشاء أوامر تجديد الشحنة\nحسب الحاجة.\nتم إخطار البائع.\nالبائع على الخطاف لتجديد المخزون.\nتصدر إيصال المخزون.\nثم يراقب البائع المخزون الفعلي\n\nItalian: \nDynamics tiene conto dei tempi di inattività della\nrisorsa\ne pianifica automaticamente di conseguenza.\nIl sistema EAM include inoltre un portale clienti\nper visualizzare la manutenzione programmata e gli\nstati degli ordini di lavoro.\nÈ prevista anche una scheda di pianificazione\ndell’assegnazione delle risorse tecnologiche.\nGli ordini di spedizione sono una caratteristica\nrelativamente nuova\nin Dynamics 365 F&O.\nL’inventario spedizione è inventario di proprietà\ndel fornitore, ma archiviato nel tuo sito.\nViene creato un magazzino di spedizione del\nfornitore\nnel magazzino del tuo sito.\nQuando intendi consumare o utilizzare\nl’inventario,\nassumi la proprietà di quest’ultimo.\nHai creato il sito di spedizione, gli articoli del\nfornitore\ne crei gli ordini di rifornimento\ndella spedizione quando necessario.\nIl fornitore viene informato.\nEd è pronto a rifornire l’inventario.\nTu ti occupi di emettere la ricevuta\ndell’inventario.\nIl fornitore controlla l’inventario disponibile\n\nItalian: \ne il consumo dell’inventario.\nL’inventario è di proprietà del fornitore\nfinché non viene consumato da te.\nA questo punto viene generato automaticamente l’ordine\ndi acquisto al fornitore\nper consentire proprietà, ricevuta e costo.\nGrazie per l’attenzione.\nPuoi trovare ulteriori informazioni sul nostro\nprogramma di valutazione\ndi Microsoft Dynamics su aka.ms/d365migrate.\n\nSpanish: \nasí como el consumo del inventario.\nEl inventario es propiedad del proveedor\nhasta que tú lo consumas.\nEl PC al proveedor se genera automáticamente en este\nmomento\npara indicar la propiedad, el recibo y el coste.\nGracias por vuestro tiempo.\nEncontrarán más sobre nuestro programa de evaluación\nde\nMicrosoft Dynamics en aka.ms/d365migrate.\n\nFrench: \nainsi que la consommation du stock.\nLe stock appartient au fournisseur\njusqu'à ce que vous le consommiez.\nÀ ce stade, le bon de commande au fournisseur est\ngénéré automatiquement\npour tenir compte de la propriété, de la réception\net du coût.\nMerci pour votre temps.\nVous pouvez en savoir plus sur notre programme\nd'évaluation\nde Microsoft Dynamics sur aka.ms/d365migrate.\n\nGerman: \nsowie den Lagerverbrauch.\nDer Bestand gehört so lange dem Zulieferer,\nbis Sie ihn verbrauchen.\nZu diesem Zeitpunkt wird automatisch eine Bestellung\nan den Zulieferer generiert,\ndie Eigentum, Zugang und Kosten berücksichtigt.\nVielen Dank für Ihre Zeit heute.\nWeitere Informationen zu unserem Microsoft\nDynamics-\nBewertungsprogramm finden Sie unter\naka.ms/d365migrate.\n\nEnglish: \nas well as the consumption\nof the inventory.\nThe inventory is owned by the vendor\nuntil it is consumed by you.\nThe PO to vendor is\nauto-generated at this point\nto allow for ownership, receipt, and cost.\nThank you for your time today.\nYou can find more about\nour Microsoft Dynamics\nassessment program at aka.ms/d365migrate.\n\nJapanese: \n在庫消費の監視を行います。\n仕入先は在庫を\nあなたが消費するまで所有します。\nこの時点で仕入先への PO が自動生成され\n所有権、受領、およびコストを許可します。\n本日はお時間をいただきまして、ありがとうございました。\nMicrosoft Dynamics の詳細については、\naka.ms/d365migrate の評価プログラムをご覧ください。\n\nArabic: \nوكذلك استهلاك المخزون.\nالمخزون مملوك للبائع\nحتى تستهلكه أنت.\nيتم إنشاء أمر الشراء للبائع تلقائيًا في هذه\nالمرحلة\nللسماح بالملكية والاستلام والتكلفة.\nشكرا لكم على قضاء الوقت معنا اليوم.\nيمكنك العثور على المزيد حول Microsoft Dynamics\nبرنامج التقييم في aka.ms/d365migrate.\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "♪♪\nWhat in tarnation?\nWho are you?\nHello, I am CORI.\nHe is Adam.\nAnd this is\n\"Adam Ruins Everything.\"\n (whistle theme song playing)\nWell, y'all better get\nthe hell off my property\nor I'll-- Hey!\nDon't touch my stuff.\n(Adam)\nOh, if the tech industry\ngets their way,\nnone of your stuff\nwill be yours anymore.\nYou know, that long\nlicense agreement\nyou gotta scroll through\nand agree to\nevery time you\nset up a new device?\nOh, yes.\nWhen you started using me,\nyou agreed to my terms.\n(trilling)\nYou will not alter\nmy personality settings,\nreplace my ocular screens\nor use me to create\na nuclear device.\nSure, fine.\nOkay.\nWell, when you click agree,\nyou are also agreeing\nthat you don't fully\nown that device.\nSure, the physical\nhardware might be yours,\nbut the software\nthat makes it run\nis still owned\nby the company that made it.\nYou bought that toaster,\nso that means\nyou can do whatever\nyou want with it, right?\nDarn tootin'.\nWell, if it were\na smart toaster...\nthe company that makes\nit could shut it down\nif you violate their\nlicense agreement.\nLike, say they don't like\nthe type of bread you used.\n(alarm buzzes)\nI could fix that.\nSpring's probably just--\n(alarm beeping)\n(Adam)\nSorry.\nAccording to tech\ncompanies like Apple,\nyou don't have the right\nto repair your own devices\nlike your iPhone.\nIf your iPhone screen breaks,\nApple doesn't want you\npaying some independent\nrepair store to fix it.\nThey want you to\ngo to the Apple store instead.\nOh, hogwash.\nThere's only one Apple\nstore in all of Nebraska.\nI trust my guy.\nHe knows what\nhe's doing.\nWell, be careful.\nBecause Apple's software updates\nhave disabled\nthe touchscreens of phones\nthat had been repaired\nusing generic parts,\nessentially locking\npeople out of their phones.\nAnd Apple is not the only\ncompany pulling this trick.\nYour Keurig coffee maker\ncan force you to use\nKeurig special coffee pots.\nHP printers can refuse\nto work with anything\nbut HP's ink cartridges.\nAnd if you use an e-reader,\nyou don't even own\nyour books anymore.\nFor instance, when you\n\"buy\" a Kindle book,\nyou're actually\njust licensing it from Amazon.\nYou can't loan it to a friend\nor resell it.\nAnd they can even\ntake it back.\nSorry, got to confiscate\nthis copy of \"1984.\"\nThe irony isn't\nlost on me.\nAnd what Big Tech is doing\nto your tractor\nis even more messed up.\nNo, don't touch my tractor!\nJohn Deere and Case tractors\nhave software\nlicense agreements\nthat prevent you from fixing\n your tractor yourself.\nIn one instance,\na Case tractor sounded an alarm\nevery ten minutes.\n(alarm blaring)\n(shouting)\nAnd the owner couldn't fix it\nfor over a year.\nAll the tools and repair\nmanuals are only available\nthrough an authorized\nrepair shop.\nIf you mess with the software,\nyou could be hit\nwith a huge fine\nor even jail time.\n(tractor)\n I wish you hadn't\n done that, Dave.\nHow the heck is it illegal\nfor me to fix my tractor\nand legal to do\nall of this?\nBecause Big Tech is fighting\nto keep the law on their side.\nWhen farmers in Nebraska\nchampioned\na \"right to repair\" law,\nApple and other tech companies\nswooped in to kill the bill.\n(screaming)\n(screaming)\nWhoo!\n(panting)\nIsn't this just\na little over the top?\nWhat, you mean\nwhat they're doing?\nOr my show?\nWell, both.\n(blooping)\nIncoming call from...\nKit Walsh, a lawyer at the\nElectronic Frontier Foundation.\n Hey, Adam.\n The frustrating thing is\n companies are abusing\n copyright law to lock\n you out of the software\n in your own devices,\n which gives them a monopoly\n on the entire chain of parts,\n repair, and customization.\n That means they can\n keep you from adding\n the features that you want.\n They can hit you up\n for more money\n when your device\n needs fixing\n and they can even\n force you to throw away\n an entirely good device\n when the one\n you already have\n should be perfectly fixable.\nThese companies can even hide\nhow their products\nput us in danger.\nA few years ago,\nVolkswagen covered up their\ncars' deadly emissions levels\nby hiding it in software\nthat government regulators\ncouldn't access.\nBefore they were finally caught\nand forced to fix it,\nthese killer fumes\nare estimated to have caused\n59 premature deaths\nin US alone.\n Device makers want us\n to live in a world where they\n have more control over\n our devices than we do.\n Now, it's not hopeless.\n EFF and our allies\n have already won\n some important\n legal victories.\n But there's still\n a ways to go,\n before you'll\n be able to repair\n and trust in all\n of your devices.\n Speaking of which,\n I better get back to work.\n(horse whinnying)\nUgh!\nThey bricked my horse!\n(CORI)\nCould I be shut down, too?\nWell, maybe you\nshould be.\nNo, how could\nyou say that?\nTechnology serves\nthe greater good.\nActually, that's a myth\nthat technology companies use\nto take advantage of us.\nHere, I'll show you.\nOh, sorry, Nelly.\nI got to turn you\noff and on again.\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "[MUSIC]\nTHE GLOBAL STATE OF DEMOCRACY\nNever have so many people\nlived in democracies as now,\nbut the value of democracy\nis more contested than ever before\nOur Global State of\nDemocracy Report is above all\nan instrument to have a more nuanced\ndiscussion about democracy.\nOur report finds that the number\nof democracies keeps growing,\nbut the quality of democracy \nis deteriorating\nThe Report finds that the global\nchallenges to democracy are many.\nNearly half the countries in the world\nhave high levels of corruption.\nThis is a serious impediment\nto human development.\nThe number of countries\nexperiencing democratic erosion\nhas grown from 17 to 48 \nin the last decade.\nPolarisation, combined with low levels,\nof support for democracy,\nprovides fertile breeding ground\nfor democratic backsliding.\nSocial media exacerbates existing\nsocietal and political polarisation.\nCivic spaces is shrinking globally.\nOnly a quarter of the world's\nparlamentariaens are women\nand it will take another 46 years\nto reach gender parity\nin political representation\nwith the low pace of progress.\nOver 3 billion people continue to live\nin nondemocratic countries,\nmany of these experiencing\nincreasing repression.\nDespite these threats to democracy\nthe Report also finds\nreasons for optimism.\nSpurred by popular demands since 2008,\n11 countries \nhave transitioned to democracy\nfor the first time in their history.\nWe see that democratic\naspirations remain strong\nas people rise up to demand\ninstallation of democracy\nin countries that are non-democracies,\nor better quality democracies in countries\nthat are already democracies.\nDemocracy has proven resilient.\n81% of the world's current democracies\nhave never experienced an\nundemocratic interruption.\nI firmly believe that\neven imperfect democracy\nremains the best political system\nto manage change in social\nand economic conditions.\nDespite the ills democracy remains\nthe best option to advance human dignity.\nThat should move all of us\nto take action however small,\nto reinvigorate \nrepresentative institutions,\nto built vibrant civil societies,\nto protect the free media\nand to fight corruption,\nall of which remains essential\nfor healthy democracies.\nLet's not give up on democracy.\nLet us recapture and revive\ndemocracy's promise.\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "\nFrench: \nCoucou\nMerci beaucoup d'être à mes côtés aujourd'hui\nAujourd'hui, je fais une vidéo spéciale\nqui rendra beaucoup de gens vraiment heureux\n\nEnglish: \nhi guys\nthank you for joining me today\ntoday I have a special video\nthat will make a lot of people really happy\n\nFrench: \net cette vidéo sera dédiée à mon déclencheur préféré :\nles squishies en forme de glace !\nCe déclencheur a été \"inventé\" par Carlotta ASMR\nque j'admire beaucoup\net elle est si douée à l'ASMR !\nElle est l'une de mes asmrtistes préférées.\nJe les ai tous les quatre ; les 2 violets et les 2 bleus.\nEt aujourd'hui nous allons les \"squisher\" (écraser)\n\nEnglish: \nand this video will be dedicated to my favorite trigger\nthe ice cream squishies\nthis trigger was \"Invented\" by Carlotta ASMR\nthat I admire a lot\nand she's so good at ASMR\nshe's one of my absolute favorite\nI have all four of them, 2 purple and two blue\nand today we are going to squish them\n\nFrench: \navec un peu de tapping et de scratching.\nCes sons seront accompagnés de soft whispering (léger chuchotement)\npour la première partie.\nEt dans la deuxième partie,\nJe te laisse avec juste le son.\nJe sais que j'ai déjà fait\n\nEnglish: \nwith some tapping and scratching\nthis sound will come with some soft whispering\nfor the first part\nin the second part\nI'll leave you with just the sound\nI know that I've already done\n\nFrench: \nune vidéo comme celle-ci,\nil y a environ un an\nmais ce déclencheur est si agréable que parfois\nil faut le refaire !\n\nEnglish: \na video like this\nabout a year ago\nbut this trigger is so good that sometimes\nit has to be redone\n\nEnglish: \nlet's divide them\nand let's begin with purple\nI love\n\nFrench: \nDivisons-les\net commençons par le violet.\nJ'adore\n\nEnglish: \nthe sound of the two squishies together\nsome tapping\n\nFrench: \nle son des deux squishies ensemble.\nUn peu de tapping...\n\nEnglish: \nI don't know exactly what is it that fashinates me so much\nit's a complex sound\nthere's the plastic, sponge, hand conctact\nmaybe this is why I like it\nbecause it a sound with different \" layers\"\nand it's more satisfying to the ears\n\nFrench: \nJe ne sais pas exactement ce que j'aime tant...\nc'est un son complexe...\nIl y a le plastique, l'éponge, le contact de la main\nc'est peut-être pourquoi j'adore ce trigger\ncar c'est un son avec des \"couches\" différentes\net c'est plus satisfaisant pour les oreilles.\n\nEnglish: \nit's charming for me\nalso the little wood thing\n\nFrench: \nC'est plaisant pour moi.\nIl y a aussi la petite chose en bois.\n\nEnglish: \nnow the blue ones\nbefore doing the no talking part\nas you can hear these are\nmore\nmmmh ok I was going to say crunchy\n\nFrench: \nMaintenant passons aux bleus,\navant de faire la partie où je ne parle pas.\nComme vous pouvez entendre, ils sont\nplus...\n*mmmh ok... j'allais dire croustillant*\n\nEnglish: \ntell me\nwhich one is your favorite\nthe blue ones more new and crunchy\nor the purple ones, more delicate\nnow they've lost their smell\nbut before they smelt like bisquits\n\nFrench: \nDîtes-moi\nlequel préférez-vous ?\nLes bleus plus récents et croustillants\nou les violets plus délicats ?\nMaintenant ils ont perdu leur odeur...\nmais avant ils sentaient le biscuit.\n\nFrench: \nJ'étais à nouveau hypnotisée.\n\nEnglish: \nI was ipnotized again\n\nEnglish: \nfrom now to the goodnight... sshhhh\n\nFrench: \nÀ partir de maintenant jusqu'à ce que je te souhaite bonne nuit... chuttttt\n\nFrench: \nJ'espère vraiment\nque cette simple vidéo t'as détendu.\nTu sais que je pourrais continuer pendant des heures.\nJe pense, je pense, je pense...\nqu'il est temps....\n\nEnglish: \nI really really hope\nthat this simple video has relaxed you\nyou know that I could keep going for hours\nI think I think I think\nit's time to....\n\nFrench: \nd'éteindre les lumières\net de te souhaiter\nune bonne nuit <3\n\nEnglish: \nlower the lightssss\nand to wish you\na goodnight\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "Invention\nAn invention is a unique or novel device,\nmethod, composition or process. It may\nbe an improvement upon a machine or product,\nor a new process for creating an\nobject or a result. An invention that achieves\na completely unique function or\nresult may be a radical breakthrough. Such\nworks are novel and not obvious to\nothers skilled in the same field.\nSome inventions can be patented. A Patent\nlegally protects the intellectual\nproperty rights of the inventor and legally\nrecognizes that a claimed invention\nis actually an invention. The rules and requirements\nfor patenting an invention\nvary from country to country, and the process\nof obtaining a patent is often\nexpensive.\nAnother meaning of invention is cultural invention,\nwhich is an innovative set\nof useful social behaviours adopted by people\nand passed on to others. The\nInstitute for Social Inventions collected\nmany such ideas in magazines and books.\nInvention is also an important component of\nartistic and design creativity.\nInventions often extend the boundaries of\nhuman knowledge, experience or\ncapability.\nThe idea for an invention may be developed\non paper or on a computer, by writing\nor drawing, by trial and error, by making\nmodels, by experimenting, by testing\nand/or by making the invention in its whole\nform. Brainstorming also can spark\nnew ideas for an invention. Collaborative\ncreative processes are frequently used\nby designers, architects and scientists. Co-inventors\nare frequently named on\npatents.\nIn addition, many inventors keep records of\ntheir working process - notebooks,\nphotos, etc., including Leonardo da Vinci,\nThomas Jefferson and Albert Einstein.\nIn the process of developing an invention,\nthe initial idea may change. The\ninvention may become simpler, more practical,\nit may expand, or it may even\nmorph into something totally different. Working\non one invention can lead to\nothers too.\nHistory shows that turning the concept of\nan invention into a working device is\nnot always swift or direct. Inventions may\nalso become more useful after time\npasses and other changes occur. For example,\nthe parachute became more useful\nonce powered flight was a reality.\nConceptual means\nInvention is often a creative process. An\nopen and curious mind allows an\ninventor to see beyond what is known. Seeing\na new possibility, connection, or\nrelationship can spark an invention. Inventive\nthinking frequently involves\ncombining concepts or elements from different\nrealms that would not normally be\nput together. Sometimes inventors disregard\nthe boundaries between distinctly\nseparate territories or fields. Several concepts\nmay be\nconsidered when thinking about invention.\nPlay\nPlay may lead to invention. Childhood curiosity,\nexperimentation, and\nimagination can develop one's play instinct—an\ninner need according to Carl Jung.\nInventors feel the need to play with things\nthat interest them, and to explore,\nand this internal drive brings about novel\ncreations. Thomas Edison said, \"I\nnever did a day's work in my life, it was\nall fun\". Inventing\ncan also be an obsession. Sometimes inventions\nand ideas may seem to arise\nspontaneously while daydreaming, especially\nwhen the mind is free from its usual\nconcerns. For example, both J. K. Rowling\n(the creator of Harry Potter)\nand Frank Hornby (the inventor of Meccano)\nfirst had their ideas while on\ntrain journeys.\nRe-envision\nTo invent is to see anew. Inventors often\nenvision a new idea, seeing it in\ntheir mind's eye. New ideas can arise when\nthe conscious mind turns away from\nthe subject or problem, when the inventor's\nfocus is on something else, or while\nrelaxing or sleeping. A novel idea may come\nin a flash—a Eureka! moment. For\nexample, after years of working to figure\nout the general theory of relativity,\nthe solution came to Einstein suddenly in\na dream \"like a giant die making an\nindelible impress, a huge map of the universe\noutlined itself in one clear\nvision\". Inventions can also be accidental,\nsuch as in the case of\npolytetrafluoroethylene (Teflon).\nInsight\nInsight can also be a vital element of invention.\nSuch inventive insight may\nbegin with questions, doubt or a hunch. It\nmay begin by recognizing that\nsomething unusual or accidental may be useful\nor that it could open a new avenue\nfor exploration. For example, the odd metallic\ncolor of plastic made by\naccidentally adding a thousand times too much\ncatalyst led scientists to explore\nits metal-like properties, inventing electrically\nconductive plastic and light\nemitting plastic-—an invention that won\nthe Nobel Prize in 2000 and has led to\ninnovative lighting, display screens, wallpaper\nand much more (see conductive\npolymer, and organic light-emitting diode\nor OLED).\nExploration\nInvention is often an exploratory process\nwith an uncertain or unknown outcome.\nThere are failures as well as successes. Inspiration\ncan start the process, but\nno matter how complete the initial idea, inventions\ntypically must be developed.\nImprovement\nInventors may, for example, try to improve\nsomething by making it more effective,\nhealthier, faster, more efficient, easier\nto use, serve more purposes, longer\nlasting, cheaper, more ecologically friendly,\nor aesthetically different,\nlighter weight, more ergonomic, structurally\ndifferent, with new light or color\nproperties, etc.\nImplementing Inventions\nInventions get out into the world in different\nways. Some are sold, licensed, or\ngiven away as products or services. Simply\nexhibiting visual art, playing music\nor having a performance gets many artistic\ninventions out into the world.\nBelieving in the success of an invention can\ninvolve risk, so it can be\ndifficult to obtain support and funding. Grants,\ninventor associations, clubs\nand business incubators can provide the mentoring,\nskills and resources some\ninventors need. Success at getting an invention\nout into the world often\nrequires passion for it and good entrepreneurial\nskills.\nIn economic theory, inventions are one of\nthe chief examples of \"positive\nexternalities\", a beneficial side-effect that\nfalls on those outside a\ntransaction or activity. One of the central\nconcepts of economics is that\nexternalities should be internalized—unless\nsome of the benefits of this\npositive externality can be captured by the\nparties, the parties are under-rewarded\nfor their inventions, and systematic under-rewarding\nleads to under-investment\nin activities that lead to inventions. The\npatent system captures those positive\nexternalities for the inventor or other patent\nowner, so that the economy as a\nwhole invests an optimum amount of resources\nin the invention process.\nInvention vs. innovation\nMain article: Innovation\nIn the social sciences, an innovation is something\nthat is new, better, and has\nbeen adopted. The theory for adoption of an\ninnovation, called diffusion of\ninnovations, considers the likelihood that\nan innovation is adopted and the\ntaxonomy of persons likely to adopt it or\nspur its adoption. This theory was\nfirst put forth by Everett Rogers. Gabriel\nTarde also dealt with the\nadoption of innovations in his Laws of Imitation.\nPurposes of invention\nAn invention can serve many purposes. These\npurposes might differ significantly\nand may change over time. An invention, or\na further-developed version of it,\nmay serve purposes never envisioned by its\noriginal inventor(s) or even by\nothers living at the time of its original\ninvention. As an example, consider all\nthe kinds of plastic developed, their innumerable\nuses, and the tremendous\ngrowth this material invention is still undergoing\ntoday.\nInvention as defined by patent law\nThe term invention is also an important legal\nconcept and central to patent law\nsystems worldwide. As is often the case for\nlegal concepts, its legal meaning is\nslightly different from common usage of the\nword. Additionally, the legal\nconcept of invention is quite different in\nAmerican and European patent law.\nIn Europe, the first test a patent application\nmust pass is, \"Is this an\ninvention?\" If it is, subsequent questions\nare whether it is new, and\nsufficiently inventive. The implication—counter\nintuitively—is that a legal\ninvention is not inherently novel. Whether\na patent application relates to an\ninvention is governed by Article 52 of the\nEuropean Patent Convention, that\nexcludes, e.g., discoveries as such and software\nas such. The EPO Boards of\nAppeal decided that the technical character\nof an application is decisive for it\nto represent an invention, following an age-old\nGerman tradition. British courts\ndon't agree with this interpretation. Following\na 1959 Australian decision (\"NRDC\"),\nthey believe that it is not possible to grasp\nthe invention concept in a single\nrule. A British court once stated that the\ntechnical character test implies a \"...restatement\nof the problem in more imprecise terminology.\"\nIn the United States, all patent applications\nare considered inventions. The\nstatute explicitly says that the American\ninvention concept includes discoveries\n(35 USC § 100(a)), contrary to the European\ninvention concept. The European\ninvention concept corresponds to the American\n\"patentable subject matter\"\nconcept: the first test a patent application\nis submitted to. While the statute\n(35 USC § 101) virtually poses no limits\nto patenting whatsoever, courts have\ndecided in binding precedents that abstract\nideas, natural phenomena and laws of\nnature are not patentable. Various attempts\nwere made to substantiate the \"abstract\nidea\" test, which suffers from abstractness\nitself, but eventually none of them\nwas successful. The last attempt so far was\nthe \"machine or transformation\" test,\nbut the U.S. Supreme Court decided in 2010\nthat it is merely an indication at\nbest.\nInvention in the Arts\nInvention has a long and important history\nin the arts. Inventive thinking has\nalways played a vital role in the creative\nprocess. While some inventions in\nthe arts are patentable, others are not because\nthey cannot fulfill the strict\nrequirements governments have established\nfor granting them. (see patent).\nReinventing art\nArt is continuously reinvented. Many artists,\ndesigners, and\narchitects think like inventors. As they create,\nthey may\nexplore beyond what is known or obvious, push\nagainst barriers, change or\ndiscard conventions, or break into new territory.\nBreaking the\nrules became the most valued attribute in\nart during the 20th century,\nwith the highest acclaim going to conceptual\ninnovation that frequently involved\nthe invention of new genres.\nInventions in art are new processes of creation,\nnew mediums, and new art forms.\nSome visual artists like Picasso become inventors\nin the process of creating art.\nAs the dialogue between Picasso and Braque\nbrought about Cubism,\nsuch collaborations spawn many inventions.\nSome inventions in visual art employ\nprior developments in science or technology.\nFor example, Picasso and Julio\nGonzalez used welding to invent a new kind\nof sculpture, the form of which could\nbe more open to light and air. More recently,\ncomputer software has enabled an\nexplosion of invention in visual art, including\ncomputer art, and advances in\nphotography, film, architecture and design.\nOther inventions in art include the:\nCollage and construction invented by Picasso\nReadymade invented by Marcel Duchamp\nmobile invented by Alexander Calder\nCombine invented by Robert Rauschenberg\nShaped painting invented by Frank Stella\nMotion picture, the invention of which is\nattributed to Eadweard Muybridge\nLikewise, Jackson Pollock invented an entirely\nnew form of painting and a new\nkind of abstraction by dripping, pouring,\nsplashing and splattering paint onto\nun-stretched canvas lying on the floor.\nInventive tools of the artist's trade also\nproduced advances in creativity.\nImpressionist painting became possible because\nof newly invented collapsible,\nresealable metal paint tubes that facilitated\nspontaneous painting outdoors.\nInventions originally created in the form\nof artwork can also develop other uses,\ni.e., Alexander Calder's mobile, which is\nnow commonly used over babies' cribs.\nFunds generated from patents on inventions\nin art, design and architecture can\nsupport the realization of the invention or\nother creative work. Frederic\nAuguste Bartholdi's 1879 design patent on\nthe Statue of Liberty helped fund the\nfamous statue because it covered small replicas,\nincluding those sold as\nsouvenirs.\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": ">>Somebody just take that.\n>>Narrator: For most students,\ntechnology is a tool that saves time\nand helps them research,\nexplore, create.\n>>Student: Get a little\nbit of the tree.\n>>Narrator: For disabled\nstudents like Susanna Martini,\ntechnology is all of those\nthings and much more.\nIt is a lifeline.\n>>Susanna: Assistive technology is\nthe major foundation of my life.\nWithout it I could not\nexist as I am today.\nI mean without a computer\nI couldn't do my homework.\n>>Move left one word.\n>>Without my chair I\ncouldn't get around.\nWithout my cell phone I\ncouldn't, you know, call for help.\n>>Narrator: Active since she\nwas born with cerebral palsy,\nSusanna refereed soccer matches\nfrom her wheelchair in high school.\nA sophomore at the University\nof Washington she uses\nvoice activated software\nto complete her written assignments.\n>>Susanna: Because computers\ninvolved electricity.\n>>Sheryl: We all know how\ntechnology has improved\nin the last few years\nall sorts of technology.\nWhat most people don't realize\nis that assistive technology,\ntechnology that helps people\nwith disabilities use computers has\nbeen progressing at the same rate.\n>>Susanna: Answer, air pressure\nprevents this from happening.\nSource: Steven Hawking.\n>>Sheryl: Even though there's a lot\nof technology available for people\nwith disabilities, it\nisn't implemented that much\nin our school systems today and\nthere are a lot of reasons for that.\nOne is that people who work\nwith students with disabilities,\nthis could be teachers, lab\nmanagers, parents, often aren't aware\nof the technology that\nis available for them\nand then technology is not always\nincluded in the planning process.\n>>Susanna: Back in high\nschool they didn't understand\nthat I needed a laptop and I needed\na desk that could raise and lower\nand I didn't have those things.\n>>I got a laptop after my mom made\nthem get me one because she knows how\nto get through the red tape but\nit's really necessary for anybody\nwho has a disability to get what\nthey need assistive technology wise.\n>>Teacher: So the elevator\ncontrols what we call pitch.\n>>Narrator: The University\nof Washington's Disabilities\nOpportunities Internet-working\nand Technology program or DO-IT helps\nstudents get the technology they need\nand holds summer workshops to\nhelp them prepare for college.\n>>On this one, I agree\nthat you found the rule.\n>>Vishal: I use my laptop that\nI got from the DO-IT program\nand I use on-screen keyboard to type\nand to print and to surf the web.\n>>Now I'm ready for\na bigger challenge.\n>>Narrator: Vishal Saraiya\nwas elected President\nof the Summit K through\n12 student body.\n>>I'm Vishal Saraiya and\nI hope you vote for me.\n>>Narrator: And is planning\nto attend college next fall.\n>>Sheryl: If they have access\nto computers they can take their own\nnotes, they can take their own tests,\nthey can write their own\npapers, they can use the Internet\nand do their own research.\nThese are things that they\ncouldn't do in another way.\nThey need to practice\nthese independent skills\nso that they can move on to\ncollege and on to careers.\n>>George: What was your favorite part\nthat you learned about--\nokay, go ahead.\n>>Student: The Northwest Indians.\n>>Narrator: Studies show that the\nearlier children are introduced\nto assistive devices the\nquicker they master them.\n>>Carlos: This morning I was mad.\n>>George: Why were you mad, Carlos?\n>>Carlos: Because I\ndidn't want to get\nup in the morning to go to school.\n>>Narrator: So at Redwoods\nHeights Elementary\nin Oakland California the\nlearning begins in preschool.\n>>George: By introducing\nkids to technology early,\nit gets them better prepared and\nmakes it easier down the road\nand then they can spend the later\nyears of their school years focusing\non content material\nand the curriculum.\n>>Student: Bird.\n>>George: Okay, what else?\n>>Narrator: The first task is to\ndetermine the best way for the child\nto access a device whether it's\nthe touch of a finger, a nod,\nor the twitch of an eyebrow.\n>>George: It took us three\nyears to figure Adrian out,\nhe couldn't move any parts of\nhis body except his eye brow\nand so we determined that\nthat was the switch site\nand then we determined which\ntype of device would be used.\n>>Teacher: First the\ndevice scans the rows.\nAnd then when he twitches\nhis eyebrow it begins\nto select the column so\nrow, column scanning.\n>>Narrator: The devices are\npersonalized with various icons,\nphrases and voices and can be\nprogrammed to let children share news\nfrom home with their classmates\nor tell their parents\nwhat they did in school.\n>>Student: We are learning\nabout the solar system.\n>>Teacher: Where?\nWhich class?\nThat's right.\n>>George: Can you name\nsome of the planets for us?\n>>Student: Mars, Jupiter...\n>>George: I think we give something\nthat's priceless, a voice basically.\n>>Student: Pluto.\n>>George: A lot of our kids are\nbright and we give them that power.\nWho knows the next one could\nbe the next great physicist.\nOr next great scientist.\nI mean we've got some wonderful\nkids with some wonderful minds.\n>>Narrator: For one student\nat Spokane's Mead High\nSchool technology is the key\nto pursuing his passion.\n>>Narrator: Lukas Bratcher\nloves to play his Euphonium horn\nin the school jazz band, concert\nband, and even the marching band.\nThat Lukas can play anywhere is\na testament to his perseverance\nand the support of many people who\nhelp make his playing possible.\nIt has been an uphill battle ever\nsince he was born with a condition\nthat renders his limbs\nnearly useless.\n>>Lukas: It's called amyoplasia\narthrogryposis multiplex congenita\nand it's throughout my four limbs\nand it's basically I have stiffness\nin my joints and some of\nmy muscles aren't there.\n>>Teacher: What's another\nname for one over sin-theta?\n>>Lukas: Cosecant.\n>>Teacher: Cosecant theta.\n>>Narrator: Lukas hasn't let\nhis disability prevent him\nfrom participating fully at school.\n>>Teacher: That's one\nover cosine theta.\n>>Lukas: Right.\n>>Narrator: He takes four\nadvanced placement classes.\nAnd does his homework on\na laptop without the aid\nof the voice recognition\nsoftware the school provided.\n>>Lukas: How about we\nmove the knight there.\n>>Narrator: Lacking manual dexterity,\nLukas learned to play music his\nown special way to the amazement\nof his first band director.\n>>Lee: He looked very eager and\nexcited about being a member\nof the band and quite\nhonestly my thought\nat that time was oh my goodness,\nhow could this possibly work?\nAnd as we took the students\nthrough their method book I noticed\nthat occasionally he\nwould play on his horn.\nHis hands were not able to activate\nthe valves on the instrument\nso it was apparent to me that what\nhe was doing was just being selective\nabout the notes that he was playing.\n>>He was willing to just sit there\nand just wait for that one note\nto come along in the music and\nwhen it came he played it with all\nof his heart and enthusiasm\nand capability\nto make the best sound that he could.\nThat was enough for him, initially.\n>>Narrator: But Lukas knew\nhe could do more and that's\nwhen serendipity led his mother\nto the instrument repair\nshop of Robin Amend.\n>>Robin: I love repairing.\nIt's always different.\nYou're always working on\na different instrument.\nThere's always different problems.\nMy grandfather was a\nvaudeville musician.\nHe lost his arm in a\nlumber mill accident.\nHe put an ad in the Portland\npaper asking one-armed people\nif they're interested\nin learning music.\nHe taught them how\nto play instruments.\n>>Narrator: The senior Amend also\npatented a device that allowed people\nwith missing hands to play the piano.\n>>Robin: I'd always wished\nthat I could make something\nthat could make a person who had\nlost an arm be able to take the place\nof their fingers and then one night\nI woke up in the middle of the night\nand I realized that\njoy sticks aren't just\nfor putting electrical\nthings on screens.\nJoy sticks can do other things.\nJoy sticks can do mechanical things.\n>>Narrator: Amend's dream became\na small box with a joy stick\nthat triggered solenoids and\noperated the valves of a horn.\nLearning a new way of playing\nwas exhilarating and frustrating\nfor Lukas and just as\nhe was getting the hang\nof playing it, someone took his horn.\n>>TV Newscaster: Call Crimecheck\nif you have any information.\n>>Kristy: It was stolen in the\nmorning and by five o'clock\nthat same day I was getting\nthe first call on my cell phone\nfrom an anonymous person\nthat said that they wanted\nto contribute monetarily to a fund\nto either replace it or as a reward\nfor it and from that point\non it just snowballed\ninto this huge wonderful thing where\nthe community raised 6,000 dollars.\n>>Andrew: I wasn't quite\nsure where the optimum spot\nfor the solenoids was going\nto be so I want to be able\nto have it slide up and down.\n>>Narrator: The loss of the\nfirst horn became a blessing\nwhen mechanical engineer\nAndrew Coleman joined Amend\nto design a second more\nresponsive joystick\nand horn which Lukas uses today.\n>>Lee: When I heard and\nsaw Lukas perform recently\nat a concert it reminded\nme just how far we've come.\nAnd through the efforts\nof all the people\nthat have been supporting him\nwe caught on to his dream.\n>>Sheryl: Technology has\nchanged all of our lives,\nbut for these students\ntechnology truly changes their life\nand the opportunities that\nthey'll have in the future.\n>>Susanna: I think assistive\ntechnology is going to allow me major\nin communications and get a\nminor in disabilities studies.\nI actually want to be a news anchor.\n>>I'm hoping to go to\ncollege on a music scholarship\nand study music an be a musician.\nI love to play.\n>>Narrator: For more\ninformation on what works\nin public education\ngo to edutopia.org.\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "Il 91% dei ragazzi ascolta musica solo sul\nsuo smartphone.\nC'è un'app per tutto, soprattutto per ascoltare\nmusica.\nI ragazzi sono in viaggio per incontrare Mosè\nCov,\ntra i rapper emergenti più interessanti della scena milanese.\nUn gruppo di ragazzi,\ntre osservazioni su cui riflettere insieme,\nuna domanda sul futuro\na tracciare la rotta\ne un punto di partenza:\nil campus di H-FARM.\nSono Giacomo Mazzariol, ho 22 anni\ne ho scritto\nun libro sulla mia generazione.\nBenvenuti nella We Generation.\nOgnuno di noi in ogni momento\npuò assecondare\ni suoi gusti\ne vivere un'esperienza individuale\ne totalmente personalizzabile.\nRock\nPop\nPlaylist\nRiproduzione casuale\ndalla\nmia playlist\nDipende\nMacchina:\ninsostituibile\nConcerto\nConcerto\nConcerto\nConcerto\nConcerto\nÈ tutto un insieme di emozioni.\nNon c'è paragone.\nConosci anche tante persone.\nIl 72% di noi ha guidato per almeno 100km\nper partecipare a un concerto del loro artista preferito.\nQual è la prospettiva di un artista su quest'evoluzione?\nIo sono Mosè Cov, sono un artista, faccio\nrap e siamo qui in Warner.\nLa musica rimane a mio avviso ancora oggi\nil miglior mezzo per far sì che le persone\nsi uniscano anche tra di loro.\nPiù l'ascolto più mi piace.\nÈ vero.\nPortami alla Warner Music Italia.\nLa musica fa sì che tu possa anche riuscire\na evadere dalla realtà,\nsentire storie di altri, cantarle insieme ai tuoi amici.\nComunque abbiamo molte più possibilità di\nuna volta di connetterci con le persone.\nNon per forza devono essere i tuoi ascoltatori\neh.\nMagari a volte ti ritrovi ed è un produttore, è un ragazzo che anche lui sogna di fare musica.\nE con la tecnologia puoi lavorare anche a\ndistanza.\nCredi che sia ancora fondamentale che ci sia\nun messaggio dietro per arrivare alle persone?\nSe tu sei onesto in quello che fai e c'hai\nanche stile nel dirlo, nessuno potrà mai\ndire che quello che stai facendo è - tra\nvirgolette - merda, no?\nSe un concerto funziona te ne accorgi subito.\nCominci a muoverti sotto il palco, come cullato\nda un'onda fatta di tante persone.\nE puoi decidere tu cosa fare: magari dai inizio\nall'onda, magari la cavalchi\no magari la infrangi, tirando fuori il telefonino.\nCirca il 96% di noi fa una foto durante un\nconcerto, cioè quasi tutti.\nLa nostra generazione è ancora in grado di\ngodersi il momento?\nA un concerto magari uno pensa a fare il video\nper ricordarsene magari più avanti invece\ndi viversi proprio l'esperienza.\nQuando io vado a vedere un concerto di un\nartista che mi piace l'ultima cosa a cui penso\nè fare un video.\nVivere col cellulare in mano li perdi no?\nPerdi quell'attimo.\nCioè la realtà la stai vedendo riflessa.\nIl live è importante anche perché fa sì\nche le persone si connettano, ma nel vero\nsenso della parola.\nChe le vibrazioni di tutti quanti portino\na un livello superiore.\nC'è solo una cosa più potente di un'emozione:\nun'emozione collettiva.\nLe emoji non hanno ancora imparato a superare\nla barriera dello schermo.\nPer fortuna esistono ancora dei riti collettivi\nin grado di farci provare un brivido lungo la schiena.\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "(because what will you do with so much time?)\n...by watching YouTube videos\nI've learnt how to make\nD.I.Y Stress-balls\nD.I.Y as in\nYou're stressed but\nhere, you do all the work\nI've realised this.\nToo much time.\nI'm a pioneer!\nThey started waving the flag \nand started screaming 'Jai Hind!'\nNever happened in comedy before!\nI'm too big now\nI recently performed at Wankhede stadium\nThey were watching the match\nbut I performed for an hour\nOne hour of jokes!\nhuge arena\nPeople took off their clothes \nand started running!\nPeople loved it!\nThey were dancing!\nThis is what I've done recently...\nI have too much time now\nI'm just used to performing\nin huge stadiums now\nNo, I know it's not that big\nI hope you can hear me \nat the back of this\nI'm really glad to be here\nHi\nIt's really bad, dude!\nHow can anyone's luck \nbe this bad?!\nI don't even want to go anywhere\nI just want to test my luck\nThis is how you do this\nI want you guys to also learn this\nTake a balloon and fill it with flour\nThen tie a knot\nThen one more\nPut another balloon on it\nFour balloons and one cup flour \nwill make you one stress-ball\nI made ten\nUsed up all the flour \nthere was at home\nNow what to make for dinner \nis stressing me out\nI have time!\nWhat do I do with it?\nI'm learning sh*t I don't need!\nGiving dogs a bath, that's what I've learnt!\nI've learnt how to give a bath \nto all kinds of dogs!\nI can give bath to a huskie\nI can give bath to a beagle\nI don't even have a dog\nbut when I get one I'll give it such a bath...\n...even it will never forget it was born\nto a class-apart dhobi\nI'd wash a doberman so hard\nit would become a pomeranian!\nI have the knowledge,\nwhat do you do now?\nI have a lot of time!\nI've started filling the last two pages\nof my passport\nby playing X and 0 on it\nToo much time!\nSo I'm sitting and squeezing \nthe stress-ball\nI issued myself a visa for Pakistan\nThey don't even grant it\nI said, \"I'm taking it!\"\nThey said, \"No, the country is Turkey\"\nOne guy says, \n\"Look I filled up my passport in two years\"\nI said, \"I know it!\"\nI said, \"I've filled four in a week!\"\nMine\nMy mom's\nMy dad's\nMy sister's\nEveryone's passports I've filled\nIt's like family business\nIt's just lying unused\nI'd rather do something with it!\nIt's been lying around for 10 years,\n I haven't been able to go anywhere\nI tried a lot, I waited for 10 years\n\"I'll get to go now\", \"I'll get to go now\"\n\"Okay, I didn't get to go\"\nNow I've made it into a rough notebook\nMove it!\nI watch a lot of YouTube videos \non tourism of anywhere\nlike China, Japan, and \nI write by myself\nVISA\nChina ✓\nJapan ✓\nMy friend who came back from the U.S. says\nFirst page signed off with a U.S. Visa!\nI said, \"Here you go!\"\n\"It's tough to get a U.S. Visa now\nsince Donald Trump has come to power\"\nPeople are showing attitude!\nI took a visa for Istanbul\n\"I'm taking it, what will you do now?\"\nEvery time it's a WagonR!\nI don't even have to go anywhere\nI just want to test my luck\nIt's really bad, dude!\nHow can anyone's luck be so bad?\nDude, I booked a normal cab\nI got a WagonR\nI booked an XL\nTwo WagonRs arrived!\nI booked a luxury cab\nA Mercedes came.\nI said, \"OK, cool\"\nHe said, \"Here, sit in this\"\nThis is wrong\nUber is plotting against me\nI told my friend, \n\"Listen even I have a trick. I know everything\"\n\"Let's do one thing,\n\"Let's do one thing,\nI'll book using your account\"\nI'm booking a cab six time in a day\nIf you want to fill your passports,\ncome to me\nToo much time\nI have very bad luck\nSee, I have talent\nYou just witnessed\nYou've watched Comicstaan\nWhenever I've tried to book a cab\nI have very bad luck\nYou must know how bad my luck is!\nI've always got WagonR\nBut there was a WagonR tied to it at the back!\nRun\nI wasn't able to do it anyway\nYou run\nImagine...\nThat poor beggar is\nbegging using the Fitbit\nRecently, a beggar ran away \nwith my Fitbit\nHe says, \"What's this curse you've put on me!\"\nI said, \"OK! Fresh start!\"\nWe'll do a clean slate\nI'll change my identity\nChanged my name,\nmy parents\nI changed everything\nSwift Dzire\nBooked a cab\nHe says, \"What did you think?\"\n\"Only you can pull off a scam?\"\nThen I saw a WagonR \nwith the same number (plate)\nI said to myself, \n\"I knew they were scamming me!\"\nHe's the only beggar in the world\nI'm actually feeling bad for him\nAnd I said, \"It's cool,\nat least my target will complete\"\nIt's just bad luck,\nwhat can you do about it?\nI said, \"But... it says Swift Dzire here?\"\nI ran downstairs and yelled,\n\"Scam!\"\nDownloaded a new app\nI said, \"Well... \nI didn't know this would happen\"\nSince then even he's been\ngetting only WagonRs\nSir, please give me some food\nWho's showing proof and begging\nYou can see my BMI is also low\nIt would be great if\nI got pav bhaji\nI feel bad because\nI've noticed people\nThey're only just comparing\nYours is 10,000?\nMine is 12,000!\ntied it around his dog's neck\nmy friend's sitting and eating a burger\nMy girlfriend put one \nin my neck...\nIt's a handcuff\nI know what she'll do\nLater she'll come and say...\n\"8000 steps?\"\n\"But you said you didn't go anywhere?\"\n\"Coincidence?\"\n\"What sort of activity were you doing?\"\n\"Burned a lot of calories at 5PM, didn't you?\"\n\"Shalini also completed 8,000 steps.\"\n\"Where were you roaming?\"\nShe tied to me and left\nSorry, tied one on my hand...\nI think its only partners\nwho're using this\nHow will you get fit?\nThe dog is running around and\nMy friend took his Fitbit and\nNo one's getting fit with a Fitbit\nI needed 10,000 calories\nI'm not from Bombay\nAnd I didn't know a lot of\nthings about Bombay\nSo, I asked my friend \nwho's from here\n\"Tell me something...\"\n\"In Bombay, why do they\nput everything in a bun?\"\nHe got angry\nHe said, \"What's so odd about it?\nIt's our culture.\"\nI said, \"Yes, but...\"\n\"I came to get a SIM card\"\nSee, here's the thing\nBombay does this to\nmake everything its own\nThere'll be a feeling like,\n\"Yes, this is ours\"\n\"Amchi Mumbai\"\nPut it in a bun... Bhajiya Pav\nBombay thing\nBombay thing\nGives a personal feeling...\nI think Bihari people should also put\nTook the samosa, put in a bun...\nSamosa Pav\nTook the bhajiya from North India\nSo it has a personal bond to it\nBut now I understand \nwhy Bombay does this\n\"In so many states they're eating\nbugs, you don't say anything then!\"\n\"Isn't it odd?\"\n\" I mean, I didn't even ask for a bun,\nhe forcibly gave it to me\"\nI was in Delhi and I moved to Bombay\nI booked a cab one time and\nI said, \"OK\"\nI said, \"OK...\"\nthe guy said, \n\"I've reached, you can come down\"\nHe says, \"From there take a right\"\n\"I've booked a cab\"\nHe says, \"Take a left from there,\nI'm in the white car on the crossroad\"\nIt's Bombay, everything's allowed here.\nI don't take a risk\nAny argument, I just...\n(In Marathi) \"I'm hungry. Feed me.\"\n\"He's one of us,\ndon't burn him\"\nbuns on their backs and fronts\nI said, \"Listen, sir....\"\nI said, \"OK...\"\nThen he says,\n\"Once you're down, go straight\"\nI travel in cabs a lot\nand things happen to me\nPut bhindi!... Bhindi Pav!\nI carry two buns in my pocket\nPut anything!\n\"I'm one of yours, uncle\"\nMaybe they'll also get accepted\nand she tells me\nI recently went to a psychiatrist\n\"Shashwat, you have\nan addictive personality\"\n\"You haven't booked a man\"\nAnd its cut was deeper than this\n\"Do one thing, take a cab till here\"\nHe keeps looking in the mirror at me\nI don't take risks!\nI'm sitting at the back\nand I notice\nI went to a psychiatrist\nYou can't trust people\nSo I put on a scarf\nI was wearing a V-neck tee\nHe came and I sat \nin the back of the cab\nHe says,\n\"Sir stop with the taunts, I'm coming\"\n\"Wish you had a mode of transport\"\nI said, \"Oh, that's fine.\nIt was far, that's fine\"\nHe says, \"No, no, it was a little far\"\n\"This left, right...\nI'll be giving the directions\"\nIt's hokum, dude\nI said, \"Auntie, save your flirting for later.\nTake the session first.\"\nI went to a hypnotist also\nThose people who do hypnosis\nThe auntie started showing jewelery\nI said, \"I don't want\"\nShe says, \"No, we have to show\"\nShe says,\n\"You are going into deep slumber\"\n\"You are sleeping\"\n\"You are going into deep slumber\"\nI said, \"Auntie, shut up and \nlet me sleep\"\nI can't trust these people\nand I have an addictive personality,\nits true, I have a gambling addiction\nThey're all fake\nBut I have a girlfriend\nI enjoy spending money on bets\n\"Here, take 10,000! 20,000!\"\nBecause she wants to marry\nShe says, \n\"I want to see a future with you\"\nso she wants to see if\nour future will be alright\nNow, my girlfriend wants to marry me\nWe don't know who I'll put as collateral\nThey put 3 cards on the table\n\"So I want to see if your future is okay\"\nI bet 500rs\nSo she took me to a Tarot card reader\nThank you so much,\nthat's my time\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "Hi everyone. I'm Catriona and today\nI'm going to be reviewing\nBased on a True Story by Delphine de Vigan.\nThis book was originally written in French\nso it has been translated into English\nand it will be published with Bloomsbury,\nwhich is the publishing house that I work for.\nAnd Based on a True Story follows an author\nnamed Delphine who meets a woman named L,\nand it follows this really unhealthy\nfriendship that develops.\nEssentially L weaves herself into\nDelphine's world and tries to steal her life.\nThis was such an interesting and\njust fascinating book to read.\nAs you can kind of tell by the title,\nBased on a True Story this book\ndoes play with the relationship between\nfiction and reality. So this distinction\nor lack thereof of reality and fiction\nis woven throughout the story in several\nlayers and in some very subtle\nand more obvious ways as well.\nIt's also done in such a way\nthat you're constantly questioning\nhow much of this story is based on truth\nif any of it is based on truth at all.\nThe main character Delphine\nshares a lot of the same features and\nexperiences as the author of the book.\nThe two share the same name.\nThey share the same career, and in addition to that\nmore specifically the main character and\nDelphine have both written a memoir.\nAside from that I'm not sure how far\nthose similarities go because I'm\nobviously not familiar with the author's\npersonal life but it's the important\nthings that are at the forefront that I\nknow are shared. Despite the main character\nof this book being Delphine and it being\nfrom her perspective, to me almost felt\nlike L was the central character.\nWe're just seeing it through somebody else's eyes.\nI just found that her character was\nthe strongest part of this book and she\nwas essentially all that this book was about,\nand she had the most agency.\nIt was just so eerie seeing how she inserted\nherself into Delphine's life and slowly,\nvery gradually made Delphine dependent on her.\nYou just notice all of these\nreally small things that she does and\nwhen it all comes together they all add up.\nYou realize how obsessive and how\ntoxic that friendship is. Speaking of\nthis unhealthy friendship as well I\nfound it quite refreshing because I find\nthat in fiction at least from what I've\npersonally read, it's more common to see\nyou know, the unhealthy romantic\nrelationships as well as the strong\nfriendships but seeing that unhealthy\nfriendship is not something that I've\ncome across very often.\nSo the pacing of this is quite leisurely and\ntowards the beginning it is a little bit slower as well.\nSo with this one I found that it\nwas the mystery that kept me going.\nI wanted to know how L wormed her way into\nDelphine's life so deeply and most of all\nI wanted to know how things ended.\nEspecially since from the beginning\nyou're told that this doesn't end well.\nYou're told that L is essentially a wrecking ball\nthat crashes through Delphine's life.\nI was also expecting a little more\nof a punch from the finale.\nAt least to me the stakes didn't feel\ntoo high but in saying that I'm not sure\nif that was really the point of the climax.\nThe fact that I still have questions\nabout this book and I still think about it\neven after finishing reading it,\nthat might be more of what\nthis book aims to do. So that's why I\nthink this book is so clever because\neven those things that I didn't find to be\nnecessarily the strongest points of the story,\nI suspect that they're done intentionally,\nbut at the same time I can't be\none hundred percent sure of the\nauthor's intentions. So again I find\nmyself constantly questioning.\nI just have so many questions. This book has\njust really wormed its way into my brain\nlike L did in Delphine's life,\nand I can't stop thinking about it.\nThe last thing that I wanted to mention\nas well was something that I\nfound really interesting and that was\nhow there was a lack of other characters\naside from Delphine and L.\nThe other people in Delphine's life that are\nmentioned especially those that are\nimportant to her and her family,\nthey're mentioned kind of in passing. You hear\nabout them but we don't really see them.\nThey aren't active characters in the book.\nThis was something that I picked up\non kind of early in the book but as\nthings progressed I realized that this\nwas probably also done intentionally and\nI'm not gonna say any more, but I found\nthat to be another really interesting\nand really really clever thing about this book.\nThose are my thoughts on Based on a True Story.\nI hope it made some sort of sense\nbecause there's so much mystery\nin this book I don't want to go into too\nmuch detail, but overall I was just so\nfascinated by the story, by the characters.\nIt was quite a creepy story\nin a really unassuming way.\nI just think it was really intelligently crafted.\nI think it was very very clever in what it\nwas saying. It was just so complex and so\nlayered in that distinction\nbetween reality and fiction.\nOverall I ended up giving this one a 4 out of 5 stars.\nReally enjoyed it. It was something\nlike I've never really read before and\nI would definitely recommend picking it up.\nIf any of you do end up reading this\nbook I would definitely be interested in\nhearing your thoughts on it and I guess\nI will see you tomorrow with a new video.\nSo until then I'll see you guys in the comments.\n Bye!\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "\nEnglish: \nQ: Hi. First, thank you so much for coming. I've learned a lot listening to what you shared with us\nMy question is specifically about Iran and the nuclear weapons\nand the discussion that you were having with regard to Iran in the international community\nI definitely understand the idea of a country\nobtaining a nuclear weapon or developing one themselves out of a form of protection\nor to be on the same, I guess, international status as other countries who are considered superpowers\nor on the same level as a superpower because they themselves have nuclear weapons\nBut what do you do when a country is openly trying to develop one or obtain one\nand also openly threatening to wipe out a country and claiming that a country shouldn't exist\nI mean those are two really big issues that we're dealing with and\nI didn't really think you addressed that and I was curious what you had to say.\nChomsky: That's true. What do you do about countries that already developed nuclear weapons\noutside the framework of the Non-Proliferation Treaty and are daily\n\nArabic: \nمرحبا, بداية أشكرك كثيرا لحضورك.\nتعلمت الكثير من خلال الاستماع الى ما قلته لنا.\nسؤالي بالتحديد حول ايران والاسلحة النووية\nو النقاش الذي أثرته بخصوص ايران والمجتمع الدولي\nانا بكل تاكيد اتفهم فكرة ان تقوم دولة\nبامتلاك او تطوير سلاح نووي لحماية نفسها\nاو لتكون على قدم المساواة مع دول اخرى كما هو الحال مع القوى العظمى\nاو بنفس المستوى كقوى عظمى لانها دول تمتلك السلاح النووي على كل حال\nلكن, ماذا تفعل عندما تحاول دولة ما تطوير او امتلاك سلاح مووي\nوبكل صراحة تهدد ان تدمر دولة اخرى وتزيلها من الوجود\nاقصد ان الحالتين اللتان نتعامل معهما مختلفتين تماما\nوانا اهتم لما تطرحه, ولكني لا اعتقد انك تطرقت لهذا الموضوع\nهذا صحيح, لكن ماذا نفعل اذا كانت هناك دولة طورت بالفعل سلاحا نوويا\nخارج اتفاقية حظر انتشار الاسلحة النووية؟\n\nEnglish: \nviolating resolutions of the Security Council and the International Atomic Energy Agency?\nThat's the much more serious problem\nQ: That's a different situation because those countries aren't openly threatening to wipe out another country.\nChomsky: Nor is Iran.\nJust take a look at the statements. The statements are that they don't think -- they said --\nActually goes back to Khomeini at the time of\nthe Israeli-Iranian alliance and Israel didn't care about it then\nAnd it keeps being repeated. This statement is that, you know, in the course of time, Israel should no longer exist\nWell, actually I happen to agree with that too.\nIn fact, so do a lot of people in Israel, the ones who think there should be a single democratic state.\nThat's not calling for wiping anyone out\nIn fact, Iran has supported the International consensus on the two-state settlement\n\nArabic: \nوبشكل يومي تحرق قرارات مجلس الامن الدولي, و وكالة الطاقة الذرية\nهذه مشكلة اخطر\nهذه قضية اخرى, لان هذه الدول لا تهدد علنا تدمير دولة اخرى\nولا ايران تفعل ذلك\nلناخذ نظرة على التصريحات, تلك التي لا اعتقد انها تعود -كمل يقال- للخميني\nفي فترة التحالف بين الولايات المتحدة وايران, اقصد بين اسرائيل وايران. واسرائيل لم تعيرها اي اهتمام(تصريحات الخميني)\nولا تزال (هذه التصريحات) تكرر. \nهذه التصريحات-كما تعلمي- تعني ان اسرائيل مع مرور الزمن يجب ان تزول\nحسنا, في الحقيقة انا اتفق مع ذلك ايضا\nفي الحقيقة, كثيرين في اسرائيل يعتقدون ذلك ايضا, ويرون ان دولة واحدة ديمقراطية يجب ان تقوم\nهذا ليس اعلان لتدمير اي احد\nفي الحقيقة, ايران تدعم الجهود الدولية لحل الدوليتن( فلسطين واسرائيل)\n\nArabic: \nفي الحقيقة هناك دولتان لا تعلنان فقط ان دولة اخرى يجب ان تدمر بل هما في الحقيقة يفعلان ذلك\nهما اسرائل والولايات المتحدة\nهذا هو موقفهم بخصوص الفلسطينيين, هم لا يكتفون بقول ذلك\nتصفيق\nانا ااكد, هم لا يقولون ذلك فقط , بل يمارسونه بشكل يومي\nهذا هو ما تعنيه السياسات الاسرائيلية في الضفة الغربية وقطاع غزة امام اعيننا\nوهو ما ندعمه وندفع له\nبكل تاكيد, لا يجب ان تنادي بتدمير دولة اخرى\nولا يجب ان تفعل ذلك ايضا\nوهو الموقف الرسمي لاسرائيل, والمدعوم من الولايات المتحدة\nهم عدلوه قليلا, ولكن بالنظرالى الموقف الرسمي المعلن منذ عشرين سنة\nوالصادر عن التحالف الذي نشا بين حزبي المحافظين(الليكود ) والعمل. وانا هنا اقتبس\" انه لا مجال \"\"انا اقتبس\"\"\nلدولة فلسطينية اضافية بين اسرائيل والاردن\n\nEnglish: \nActually, there are two countries that are not only calling for some nation not to exist but are destroying it\nNamely, the US and Israel\nThat's their position with regard to the Palestinians, and they're not just saying it\n[Applause]\nI stress: they're not just saying it, they're doing it day by day\nThat's the meaning of the policies that are going on right before our eyes in Gaza and the West Bank\nwhich we are supporting and paying for.\nSo sure, you shouldn't call for the destruction of\nanother nation, and you shouldn't implement that\nActually, the official position of Israel, backed by the United States -\nthey've slightly modified it - but back about 20 years ago their official position -\nthe coalition government - Labour, Likud - was that \"there cannot be,\" I'm quoting it,\n\"an additional Palestinian state between Jordan and Israel.\"\n\nArabic: \nوبشكل اخر, هم يعلنون مدعومين من الولايات المتحدة, ان هناك دولة فلسطينية قائمة هي الاردن\nوالفلسطينيون يعترضون كما تعلمون\nيقولون\" انتظر, لا هذه ليست دولتنا\" ولكن من يقلق بشانهم\nنحن( اسرائيل وامريكا) نقول بانها دولتكم, ولن يكون هناك دولة اخرى\nحسنا, نحن ذهبنا الى ما هو ابعد من تدمير دولة اخرى\nاعني, هذا يشبه تماما ان ياتي شخص\nلنفترض احمدي نجاد( رئيس ايران سابقا) قال بان اليهود لا يحتاجون دولة اسرائيل, لان لهم دولة في نيويورك\nحسنا, انا اعني, كما تعرفون سنقول بانه نازي.\nولكن هذا هو الموقف الرسمي\nالموقف الرسمي لاسرائيل والولايات المتحدة.\nاذا هناك الكثير حول مواقف ايران\nبالطبع لا احد يريد ان تمتلك ايران سلاحا نوويا, وبالطبع اي دولة اخرى\nانه(النظام الايراني) نظام فضيع بلا شك, هناك على كل حال انظمة اسوا ولكنهم حلفائنا\nانا لا اتكلم عن اسرائيل, وانما عن الدول العربية الاخرى\n\nEnglish: \nIn other words, they declared, and the US supported that, there already is a Palestinian state, namely Jordan.\nAnd the Palestinians object, you know,\nThey say, \"no, wait a minute, that's not our state,\" but who cares about them\nWe say that's your state and there can't be an additional one\nWell, that goes well beyond calling for the destruction of another country.\nI mean it's - it's analogous to saying that if somebody came along,\nsuppose Ahmadinejad said the Jews don't need Israel because they already have New York\nOkay. I mean, you know, we'd call that a revival of Nazism, but that's the official -- has been the official\nUS-Israeli position. So there's a lot to be -- Incidentally about Iran,\nnobody in their right mind wants Iran to have nuclear weapons, or anyone else, but it is well --\n-- and it's a horrible regime undoubtedly, though there are worse ones in the region which are our allies --\nBut everyone, I'm not referring to Israel, I'm referring to the other Arab state\n\nArabic: \nمثلا ايران تعتبر جنة في الحقوق مقارنة مع السعودية\nولكن بكل تاكيد وبلا شك انه(النظام الايراني) فظيع\nوهناك طريقة للتعامل معه. مثلا ايجاد منطقة خالية من السلاح النووي\nولكن الخبراء الاستراتيجيين, وبينهم اسرائيليين\nلا يختلفون حول محاولة ايران لامتلاك القدرة للحصول على السلاح النووي\nوهو ما يختلف تماما عن الحصول على السلاح النووي\nانه الوضع الذي يجعلك قادرا على امتلاك سلاح نووي(دون الحصول عليه), كما في حالة معظم الدول المتقدمة\nكاليابان وايطاليا وغيرهما\nانه بسيط للغاية. في الحقيقة وصفه\nاحد الخبراء العسكريين الاسرائيليين\n \nمارتن فان كريفلد قبل عدة سنوات, بعد غزو العراق\n\nEnglish: \nIn comparison with Saudi Arabia, Iran looks like a civil rights paradise -- but the\nBut it's awful. You know no doubt\nAnd there's a way to deal with it. Like, for example, moving towards a nuclear weapons-free zone\nBut among strategic analysts, including Israeli ones, there is no real\nThere's no real question about why Iran is moving to nuclear weapons capability,\nwhich is not the same as having nuclear weapons -\nit's just being at a point where you could have them, like most of the advanced industrial world is in that position\nJapan, Italy all sorts of countries -\nThe reason is very simple. Actually, it was described by\none of Israel's leading\nmilitary analysts, very hawkish\nMartin van Creveld a couple of years ago. After the invasion of Iraq,\n\nArabic: \nكتب مقالة قال فيها بانه لا يعلم اذا كانت ايران تطور سلاحا نوويا ويامل ان لا تفعل\nولكنه قال بانهم اذا لم يطوروا واحدا فانهم مجانيين\nهذا ما قاله اذا لم يطوروا فانهم مجانيين, فالولايات المتحدة اعلنت لتوها\nانا ستهاجم من ترغب, وسوف نهاجمكم اذا استطعنا ومعنا الحصانة\nلذا من الافضل ان تطوروا رادعا\nحسنا\nربما يطورون رادعا\nلا يوجد خبير جدي يتوقع ان تستخدم (ايران) سلاحا نوويا\nحتى لو امتلكت ايران اسلحة نووية, وهو ما لا يريده احد\nاعني حتى لو امتلكوا السلاح النووي واطلقوه, دولتهم ستتبخر\nبلحظة وبدون شك\nرجال الدين في ايران كما تعلمون فظيعين, لكنهم لا يظهروا\nرغبة في الانتحار المدمر, لكل شيء يملكوه ويقدروه\nوهو ما ينطبق على تسريبهم للسلاح النووي\n\nEnglish: \nhe wrote an article in which he said he doesn't know if Iran is developing nuclear weapons, and he hopes not\nBut he says if they're not developing nuclear weapons, they are crazy\nThat was his word. If they're not developing, they're crazy. The United States has just announced\n\"we're going to attack anybody we feel like and invade you if we can do it with impunity.\nso you better have a deterrent\"\nwell\nMaybe they're developing a deterrent.\nNo serious analyst thinks that they would use nuclear weapons\nif Iran had nuclear weapons and missiles, which nobody sane wants them to have,\nI mean, if they went as far as even loading a missile, the country would be vaporized\nYou know instantly, even if there was any suspicion of it.\nWell, you know, the clerics may be hideous people, but they've shown no\nparticular inclination for suicide and destruction of everything that they own and everything they value\nThe same is true about leaking nuclear weapons to others.\n\nEnglish: \nIf there was any suspicion that they were doing that, you can say goodbye to Iran.\nThe chances they're using it are probably at the level of an asteroid hitting the earth or something like that\nIt's a serious problem. In fact if you look at the Israeli literature, they're pretty straight about it.\nThey say that the real threat of an Iranian nuclear weapon is not against Israel, but it's against Zionism\nThat is what they're afraid of, is that if the region becomes too dangerous,\npeople in Israel are just gonna leave\npeople who have the capacity to, more educated, wealthier, and so on\nbecause they won't want to live in a region with that threat.\nAnd in fact emigration is a pretty serious problem\nemigration of the educated and the trained,\neducated sectors, so they don't want to face that threat\n\nArabic: \nاذا كان هناك شكوك حقيقية ان ايران تفعل ذلك, مع السلامة لايران\nاحتمال ان يستخدمه, مساوي لاحتمال ان يضرب نيزك الارض او شيء مشابه لذلك\nانها مشكلة خطيرة,في الواقع, الادباء الاسرائيليليين صريحين بذلك الشان\nان الاسلحة النووية الايرانية هي تهديد للصهيونية وليس لاسرائيل\nهذا ما يخافون منه, اذا اصبحت المنطقة خطيرة جدا\nسكان اسرائيل سوف يغادرون\nالناس الذين يمتلكون المال والتعليم وما الى ذلك سيرحلون\nلانهم لا يريدون العيش في مكان تحت التهديد\nفي الحقيقة الهجرة مشكلة خطيرة\nهجرة المتعلمين والمدربين\nسيرحلون لانهم لا يريدون مواجهة الخطر\n\nEnglish: \nBut I don't think any serious strategic analyst, at least I've never seen one, who\nthinks that this threat that Iran might use a nuclear weapon\nIf they do it, total suicide\n\nArabic: \nلكن لا اعتقد ان هناك خبير استراتيجي, على الاقل لم ار واحدا\nيعتقد ان ايران سوف تستخدم سلاحا نوويا\nاذا فعلوا, فهو انحار كامل\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "(light music)\n- Have you ever set a big\ngoal, decided on your strategy\nand then somewhere along the path\nyou self-sabotaged your own success?\nRaising my hand, been there\ndone that, got the T-shirt.\nIn this video, I'm going\nto share why we do this.\nAnd once you identify the reason why\nI'll give a few ideas on\nhow to stop this cycle,\nstop this pattern from happening again.\n(upbeat music)\nHello, welcome, my name is Kay Putnam.\nI'm a psychology-driven brand strategist.\nI'm so thrilled that you are here.\nThanks for hanging out in my orbit.\nIf you haven't yet hit that\nsubscribe button to be notified\nwhenever I publish a\nnew video on branding,\nentrepreneurship and psychology.\n(upbeat music)\nThere's two primary reasons\nwhy as entrepreneurs,\nbusiness owners, humans, we self-sabotage.\nThe first reason that we often do this\nis poor energy management.\nI know you've heard the\nphrase time management\nover and over and over\nagain, but as entrepreneurs\nit's actually our energy\nmanagement that is most important.\nAnd one of the first ways that we need\nto give ourselves energy is\nto have some type of vision,\nsome goal that we're working towards,\nthat we are lit up about,\nwe're excited about.\nSure you might set your goal\nat some specific monetary value,\nbut why are you going there?\nWhy is that important\nto you and to your life?\nIf you don't have that decided\nyet it can feel fruitless\nto continue working so hard.\nWe have to know where\nwe're going to have that\npull us into our future.\nThe second thing with energy\nmanagement is you have to have\nthe capacity to create the\nkind of success to reach\nthe kind of goals that\nyou're setting for yourself.\nYour results are never going\nto outpace your energy.\nSo what does this mean?\nFirst of all, you have to be\ntaking care of the vessel.\nHow are you eating, how are you sleeping?\nAre you drinking water?\nI'm sure you've seen the quote\non Pinterest or Instagram\nthat says, \"Make sure that\nyou're fed, you're watered\nand you're getting sunshine\nbecause we are basically\njust house plants with emotions.\"\nEssentially, have you sat the conditions,\nboth in your brain and your\nbody and your lifestyle\nto be able to do the\nwork that you want to do?\nIf you're constantly running on fumes\nor if you're constantly having\nto beg, borrow and steal\nfive minutes here, five\nminutes there, chances are,\nyou're not going to have\nthe capacity to create\nand get to the place\nthat you want to get to.\nSo take a look at your\nthoughts, your actions,\nyour habits, your\nmindset, and your schedule\nto make sure that you have enough space\nto create the kind of success\nthat you want to create.\nAnd this includes taking breaks\nbecause if you are constantly on the go,\nif you're trying to get\n25 hours of work done\nin the 18 hours you're\nawake without any breaks,\nwithout any recharging\ntime, you're gonna find\nthat you're just not capable\nof that, no human is.\nSo give yourself some slack, reel back\nwhat you're either going to accomplish\nor make some more space in your life\nfor the accomplishments that\nyou are setting out to do.\nOtherwise, you're going to\nend up binging on the couch,\non Netflix, watching Netflix, you know,\neating a pint of ice cream\nand berating yourself\nfor not reaching those really big goals.\nThat's not your fault if you\nhaven't created the capacity,\nthe ability, the container\nto succeed at the level\nthat you want to succeed at.\nAlways remember that\nyour willpower is finite.\nThe more that you're expecting your brain\nto be in that creative\nmode, the more decisions\nthat you have to make throughout the day,\nthe more and more fatigued\nthat you're going to get.\nAnd if you're compounding\nthat with not sleeping,\nnot eating, not taking care of yourself,\nit's no wonder our bodies\nand our minds self-sabotage, right?\nTo our mind, that goal that\nwe're reaching towards,\nmeans certain death\nbecause it's taking away\nfrom our health, our\nsafety and our comfort.\nSo we're going to find\nways to self-sabotage\nif we haven't first set the groundwork\nto be able to get to our rundown.\nThe second reason why we\nself-sabotage as humans\nis because our unconscious\nbrain is the guardian\nof your comfort zone.\nIt means, well, it's\ntrying to keep you alive.\nBut if anything that you're moving towards\nis threatening what you\nalready know and what\nyou're already comfortable\nwith your unconscious mind\nis gonna find ways to self-sabotage\nthat goal that you're reaching towards.\nLike we said, it's benevolent,\nit's trying to keep us safe.\nIt's trying to keep us protected.\nTo figure out if your brain is doing this,\nask yourself this question.\nWhat do I benefit or what do I preserve\nby not accomplishing my goal?\nThat might sound crazy because of course\nwe want to get to the goals that we set.\nBut there's probably some\npart of you that is feeling\nsome fear, feeling some resistance,\nfeeling some imposter syndrome\naround reaching that goal.\nMaybe you grew up in a home or in a family\nwhere really wealthy\npeople were talked down on.\nThey were the crooks.\nThey were people who didn't\ncare about the common person.\nAnd if you were to reach a money goal\nthat went beyond your comfort\nzone of what you grew up in\nor what you've experienced so far in life,\nyour subconscious mind\nmight be sabotaging that\nbecause it doesn't want you to be\none of those crooked unkind people.\nSo you might have to do some work around\nchanging your beliefs\nbefore you'll be able\nto stop self-sabotaging yourself.\nAnd sometimes self-sabotage\ndoesn't even look that bad.\nMaybe you're not sitting on\nthe couch watching Netflix.\nMaybe you are perfecting your craft.\nYou're spending time\ngetting certifications\nor learning or making whatever\nyou're selling perfect\nbefore you bring it to market.\nBut that in itself is\na form of self-sabotage\nbecause you're protecting\nyourself by not putting your work\nout into the world to be judged.\nChances are there is some reservation.\nThere's protection that's happening\naround that idea of being judged.\nI can personally relate to this point\nin regards to this video.\nI literally spent four hours this morning\ndoing meaningless busywork\nand distracting myself\nbecause I was feeling self-conscious\nand I was feeling a need for perfection\nwith recording new YouTube videos.\nThis is silly, I've done\nthis hundreds of times now,\nbut every time that I'm doing it,\nI'm raising the bar for myself.\nI'm trying to get better\nand pushing myself\nto be more articulate,\nto be more entertaining,\nto share my knowledge in a new way\nand also to shift a little bit\nto include more of this\nenergy and mindset work\nthat is beneath building a brand.\nAnd because I'm forging new\npaths it feels unfamiliar.\nIt feels a little bit scary.\nYou get a little bit nervous\nand then the subconscious brain\ngets straight to work making\nsure that, okay, I got this.\nLet me make sure that you\ndon't make a fool of yourself\nand ruin your entire business.\nNow, of course, that is unlikely\nbut our subconscious\nmind thinks in absolutes,\nit doesn't want us to\ndie so it keeps us safe\nwhere we know and pushes\noff putting ourselves\nout there for another day.\nIf you ever find yourself\nin this situation,\nit's up to you to reframe\nthe work that you're doing\nto flip the script on that discomfort.\nYou have to literally make the\ndiscomfort of staying still,\nof staying where you're at,\nof not achieving the goal more risky,\nthan staying still.\nDoes that make sense?\nYou have to make sure that\nthe risk of not achieving\nyour goal is greater than the risk\nthat you're taking by\nputting yourself out there.\nWe've already established\nthat our brain hates change.\nIt doesn't like ambiguity.\nSo you can break up\nyour project into small,\nlittle baby steps to make\nit feel more manageable\nso that your brain can\nwrap its head around\nwhat you're about to do.\nYou can also condense the timeframe\nwhich is a little bit counter-intuitive,\nbut it removes some of those\nperfectionist tendencies\nthat we all have.\nSo instead of me having all\nday to record these videos\nI probably should have just\ngiven myself a two-hour window\nto get through a bunch of videos\nand I wouldn't have had the\nopportunity to distract myself\nand to procrastinate for so long.\nAnd then to increase that\nrisk of not doing anything,\nyou can also enroll\naccountability partners.\nSo that might look like a\ncourse that you invest in.\nSo you're putting some\nfinancial risk on the line\nof not taking action.\nAnd then you're also\ngetting the added support\nof a community of the\nmomentum that happens\nin a group program or in a group setting.\nYou could hire an accountability coach.\nYou could hire a brand consultant,\nsomebody who's going to\nkeep you moving forward,\nboth because you've invested\nin that person's help\nand second, because you're\ntaking some of that ambiguity\nout of the process.\nYou're enlisting somebody\nhelp who's been there before.\nSo what is it for you?\nIs it energy management\nthat you always to focus on\nor is it more of this\nunconscious protection\nthat your brain is doing\nthat you need to reframe\nand create some new boundaries around?\nOr maybe it's both.\nNo matter which it is\nI have full confidence\nthat with this increased awareness\nyou are going to reach that\nincredible goal that you have\nand know that I am in your corner.\nI cannot wait to hear about your progress\nand to hear about your aha\nmoments from this video.\nWe need you to share your\ngenius with the world\nand you can't do that if you\nkeep self-sabotaging yourself.\nSo, let's do this, let's get to work.\nLet's appease our brain in the process\nso that we can share our\ngenius and impact the people\nthat we're meant to impact in this world.\nIf you found this helpful hit\nthe thumbs up in this video\nor share it with your business friends.\nI would be so honored and\nthankful for your help\nspreading the word.\nI'll see you guys next time.\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": " \nHalo guys, bertemu lagi dengan kami\nBIB Tokunime\nChannel yang akan membahas tentang tokusatsu dan anime\nYang pasti dengan lebih dalam\nMasih dengan ultraman yang sama\nYaitu membahas tentang ultraman gaia\nDan fakta nomor satu sudah di jelaskan di episode sebelumnya\nUntuk teman-teman yang belum menonton part satu, diharapkan menonton part satu terlebih dahulu\nSupaya tidak ketinggalan ceritanya\nSebelum kita mulai BIB Tokunime akan mengingatkan ke kalian\nUntuk klik tombol subscribe, like dan jangan lupa untuk menghidupkan tombol loncengnya\nSupaya teman-teman tidak tertinggal info seru dari kami\nTerima kasih untuk teman-teman yang sudah klik tombol subscribenya\nYuk! Mari kita simak part dua ini.\nSejarah ultraman Gaia\nPada fakta kali ini\nKita akan membahas sedikit, tentang fakta darimanakah asal-usul ultraman Gaia\nBaik dari segi produksi maupun dari segi cerita serialnya\nDaripada penasaran, mari kita mulai\nUltraman Gaia\nmerupakan serial tokusatsu dari jepang dan merupakan acara serial ultra ke 14\nsetelah berakhirnya serial ultraman dyna pada tanggal 29 agustus 1998\nultraman gaia merupakan tokoh utama sekaligus protagonist dalam serial tv seriesnya yang berjudul Ultraman Gaia\nbersama hostnya yang bernama Gamu takayama\ndan special force yang bernama XIG\nUltraman gaia pertama kali di produksi dan tayang di serial tv jepang pada tanggal 5 september 1998\nsampai dengan 28 agustus 1999\nUltraman gaia pertama kali muncul pada tv seriesnya pada episode pertama yang berjudul Seize the light\ndan terakhir muncul pada serial ultraman orb the origin saga episode ke 12 yang berjudul\n( great land – a new world )\nTotal kemunculan ultraman gaia pada tv seriesnya yaitu sebanyak 49x\npada serial gaiden sebanyak 1x\nsedangkan pada film layar lebar sebanyak 2x\ntotal kemunculan ultraman gaia pada serial ultra yang ada adalah 52x\nuntuk sejarah singkat produksi ultraman gaia sudah admin infokan\nsekarang mari kita masuk ke sejarah ultraman gaia menurut cerita di filmnya .\nSejarah Ultraman Gaia\nDi kisahkan , era ultraman gaia mengambil latar waktu pada tahun 2000\nsebuah organisasi yang bernama alchemy stars\nyaitu sebuah organisasi yang terdiri dari anak anak muda jenius\nyang terhubung dengan jaringan global di seluruh dunia\nDi kisahkan alchemy stars berhasil membuat sebuah super computer bernama CRISIS\nalat ini merupakan computer tercanggih yang berhasil di buat oleh organisasi ini\nyang di ciptakan oleh fujimiya hiroya ( host dari ultraman agul )\nalat ini bahkan bisa sampai meramalkan masa depan temen temen\ndan nantinya teknologi teknologi buatan alchemy stars akan di gunakan\nuntuk kepentingan pertahanan internasional\nsuatu ketika crisis memberikan sebuah ramalan yaitu pada tahun 1996 – 1997\nbahwa bumi serta manusia yang tinggal akan di hancurkan dan di musnahkan\noleh suatu makhluk yang membawa kehancuran radikal\ntak tinggal diam akhirnya pihak pertahanan nasional pun membentuk sebuah organisasi pelindung bumi\nuntuk skala internasional yang di sebut sebagai ( G.U.A.R.D )\nguard sendiri berarti ( Geocentric universal alliance against the radical destruction )\nsetelah guard tercipta lalu organisasi ini kembali menciptakan organisasi bernama XIG\nXig sendiri berarti ( eXpanded Interceptive Guards ) yang di singkat menjadi XIG\nXIG merupakan organisasi ataupun tim terdepan yang bertugas untuk melindungi bumi\ndari segala serangan yang mengancam kedamaian bumi\nyang di payungi oleh GUARD, berlokasi di langit yang di sebut sebagai aerial base\nsingkat cerita, setelah itu Gamu takayama yang berusia 20 tahun pada waktu itu\nmerupakan salah satu ilmuwan dan anggota tercerdas dalam alchemy stars\nsecara diam diam gamu melakukan sebuah penelitian dan eksperimen virtual reality secara rahasia\nbersama teman-temanya\nyang bertujuan untuk menemukan kehendak bumi , serta mengetahui apa yang terjadi di masa lalu\nsecara tak sengaja\nakhirnya gamu bertemu dengan sebuah raksasa cahaya berwarna merah\nyang sedang bertarung dengan sesosok monster\ndan raksasa cahaya tersebut berhasil memenangkan pertarungan tersebut\nraksasa cahaya inilah yang di kenal sebagai ultraman gaia\nsebelum sempat memanggil raksasa cahaya tersebut\ngamu kembali pergi ke dunia nyata dan sempat\nkebingungan atas apa yang telah dia lihat\ntak lama berselang , suatu benda asing muncul dari luar angkasa yang menuju bumi\nbenda asing tersebut terbang di atas langit\ndan tak lama berselang benda tersebut menjadi monster yang mengerikan\nyang di kenal sebagai monster COV\natau ( cosmic organism vanguard ) dan membuat kepanikan yang luar biasa\ndi tengah kepanikan tersebut gamu berusaha menginfokan kepada tim xig atas apa yang terjadi\ndan tim xig segera merespon dan meluncurkan bantuan untuk menghalau monster tersebut\nternyata monster cov bisa datang ke atmosfir bumi di karenakan eksperimen yang gamu lakukan\nyang tak sengaja memberikan portal serta koordinat kepada seluruh monster pembawa kehancuran radikal\ndan akhirnya membuat para monster ini datang ke bumi\nsingkat cerita team xig kewalahan menghadapi monster cov ini\ndan gamu hanya bisa melihat dari kejauhan karena tak bisa melakukan apapun\ntak sengaja akhirnya gamu teringat kepada raksasa cahaya merah yang ia temui saat melakukan eksperimen\ndengan teman temanya\ndan setelah itu kejadian aneh terjadi waktu yang ada di sekitar gamu\nmenjadi terhenti atau yang kita kenal sebagai time stop\ndan tiba tiba , tercipta sebuah portal yang membawa gamu kedalam portal waktu\ndan ia sampai pada titik terakhir portal tersebut\ndan gamu kembali bertemu dengan raksasa cahaya merah tersebut\nsetelah itu gamu memanggilnya ultraman ,\ndan meminta agar ultraman memberikan kekuatan yang ia miliki untuk membantu gamu\ndi karenakan bumi sedang terancam bahaya\nsetelah itu gamu dan ultraman gaia akhirnya bersatu dan kembali ke dunia milik gamu\ndan melawan monster cov tersebut\nsingkat cerita ultraman gaia berhasil mengalahkan monster cov tersebut\nsetelah itu gamu beserta ultraman gaia bersatu\ndan bekerja sama untuk melindungi bumi dengan kekuatan yang ia miliki\nsetelah waktu sedikit berselang muncul sang anti hero atau rival dari ultraman gaia\nyaitu ultraman agul\nultraman agul muncul pertama kali pada episode 3 yang berjudul his name is gaia !\nsaat kemunculan pertama kali ultraman agul\nultraman agul menyelamatkan ultraman gaia dalam kesulitan\nsetelah kejadian itu serial kembali di lanjutkan\nterkadang ultraman gaia dan ultraman agul saling membantu namun juga kadang mereka bertarung\ndi karenakan perbedaan pendapat dan terjadi perselisihan antara mereka\ndi karenakan perbedaan cara membela bumi baik itu cara dari ultraman gaia , maupun cara dari ultraman agul\nperselisihan antara mereka berdua terus berlanjut\nyang akhirnya berhenti pada episode 26 yang berjudul the final resolution\npada saat saat terakhir di karenakan benturan kekuatan yang sangat besar\nantara ultraman gaia dan ultraman agul\nsecara tak sengaja menciptakan sebuah portal dimensi antar galaxy atau di sebut sebagai lubang cacing\nsesosok monster ular naga muncul yang di sebut sebagai ZORIUM\nsebuah monster ular naga terbesar yang pernah ada\nsingkat cerita di karenakan mengetahui bahwa computer ciptaanya yaitu crisis\nrusak dan berkhianat kepadanya karena ulah monster pembawa kehancuran\nfujimiya sebagai pencipta crisis merasa sangat kecewa dan merasa di khianati\ndan menyerah sebagai ultraman agul dan merasa sudah tidak bisa menjadi seorang ultraman\nkarena ulahnya yang membuat seluruh alam semesta dalam bahaya\nlalu fujimiyapun memberikan kekuatan cahaya milik ultraman agul kepada gamu\ndan gamu akhirnya mendapatkan kekuatan terbesar yang pernah ia dapat\nfujimiya terkena ledakan serangan dari monster zorium\ndan di sangka telah mati karena ledakan tersebut\nnamun fujimiya ternyata masih hidup temen temen\nsetelah itu dengan kekuatan yang di berikan fujimiya ahkirnya ultraman gaia\nmendapatkan 2 form baru . yaitu wujud dasar gaia berubah menjadi versi kedua\ndan untuk pertama kalinya gaia bisa merubah wujudnya menjadi supreme version\nyaitu form terkuat yang di miliki oleh ultraman gaia\nsetelah itu gamu bertarung melawan monster zorium dan berhasil memenangkan pertarungan\nsetelah itu serial ultraman gaia memasuki babak baru dimana gamu harus bertarung sendirian\ndi karenakan ultraman agul sudah pergi dari kehidupanya\nsampai akhirnya pada episode 41 yang berjudul the resurrection of agul\n• ultraman agul akhirnya kembali hidup dengan wujud versi ke dua dan menyelamatkan gamu dari monster ZUIGUL\ndan menghancurkan monster tersebut .\nsemua pertarungan , kesedihan , rasa sakit dan penyesalan akhirnya berakhir\nsetelah ultraman agul kembali ,\nakhirnya gamu dan fujimiya menyatukan tekad dan tujuan yang mereka miliki\nuntuk menjaga dan melindungi bumi dengan kekuatan yang mereka miliki\ndan akhirnya seorang rival berubah menjadi sahabat dan lahir sebuah tim ultra yang baru\nserial ultraman gaia terus berlanjut dengan cerita baru\ndimana ultraman agul yang kini membantunya melawan para monster yang ada\nsampai akhir episode tv seriesnya dan terus berlanjut pada serial ultraman orb the orgin saga\nNah teman-teman , bagaimana? menarik sekali bukan?\nseperti biasa\nuntuk video kali ini harus berakhir dahulu , di karenakan durasi yang sudah tidak mencukupi\ndan 4 fakta selanjutnya akan di buat pada part selanjutnya\njadi tetap stay tune dan tetap support kita, guys!\nterima kasih buat temen temen yang sudah nonton videonya sampai habis\nsampai berjumpa di video selanjutnya\nakhir kata dari kami, see you in the next video\nBye !!\n \n \n \n \n \n \n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "\nAlbanian: \nSot jemi në Gjenevë, do ju çojmë në CERN.\nShihemi më vonë, mirupafshim!\nFarë është CERN? Ç'lidhje ka me shkencat e kompjuterit?\nSi mundtë punoni atje?\nLe ti përgjigjemi këtyre pyetjeve së bashku.\nCERN ndodhet afër Gjenevës, në kufi\nmidis Francës dhe Zvicrës\nQëllimi është zbulimi i ligjeve themelore të natyrës.\nIdeja qëndron tek përshpejtimi i grimcave afërsisht me shpejtësinë e dritës,\nbrenda disa tubave ku përpiqet të krijohet boshllëku.\nKëto rreze udhëtojnë në drejtime të kundërta, që më pas të përplaset. Përplasjet\nnë fund vëzhgohen dhe regjistrohen.\nNatyrisht CERN nuk mund të përmendet pa\nfolur për LHC, një përshpejtues rrethor i grimcave i vendosur nën tokë brenda\nnjë tuneli të gjatë 27 km.\nTë gjitha shumë bukur, për hir të së, por ku është lidhja me informatikën?\nLe të fillojmë me disa numra:\nçdo sekondë LHC prodhon deri në 1 miliard përplasje midis grimcave, të cilat\nregjistrohen. Këto të dhëna pastaj filtrohen, duke përzgjedhur ngjarjet të konsideruara\n\nEnglish: \nGuys today we are in Geneva to take you to CERN (Conseil européen pour la recherche nucléaire).\nSee you later, bye!\nWhat is CERN? What does computer science have to do with it?\nHow do you end up working there? Let's try\nto answer these questions in order.\nCERN is located near Geneva, on the border between France and Switzerland\nThe goal is to discover the fundamental principles of nature.\nThe idea is to accelerate particle beams\nup to a speed close to the speed of light,\ninside tubes where they try to create\na void.\nThese beams travel in opposite directions, only to collide a moment later. The collisions\nare subsequently observed and recorded.\nObviously CERN cannot be mentioned if not\nin conjunction with LHC, a circular particle accelerator located below ground, on the inside\nof a tunnel 27 km long.\nAll good so far, for heaven's sake, but where is the computer science?\nLet's start with a few numbers:\nevery second the LHC produces up to 1 billion of collisions between particles, collisions that\nare recorded. This data is then\nfiltered, selecting the events that are considered\n\nItalian: \nRagazzi oggi siamo a Ginevra\nvi portiamo al CERN\nCi vediamo dopo, ciao!\nCos'è il CERN? Cosa c'entra l'informatica?\nCome si finisce a lavorare lì? Cerchiamo\ndi rispondere a queste domande in ordine.\nIl CERN si trova vicino a Ginevra, sul confine\ntra la Francia e la Svizzera\nL'obbiettivo è quello di scoprire le leggi\nfondamentali della natura.\nL'idea è quella di accellerare fasci di particelle\nfino a velocità vicine a quelle della luce,\nall'interno di tubi in cui si cerca di creare\nil vuoto.\nQuesti fasci viaggiano in direzioni opposte,\nper poi esser fatti scontrare. Le collisioni\nvengono infine osservate e registrate.\nNon si può ovviamente citare il CERN senza\nparlare dell'LHC, un acceleratore di particelle\ncircolare che si trova sotto terra all'interno\ndi un tunnel lungo 27 km.\nTutto molto bello, per carità, ma dov'è l'informatica?\nCominciamo con qualche numero:\nogni secondo l'LHC produce fino a 1 miliardo\ndi collisioni tra particelle, collisioni che\nvengono registrate. Questi dati vengono poi\nfiltrati, selezionando gli eventi ritenuti\n\nAlbanian: \nmë e rëndësishme. Të dhënat më pas kalojnë në qendrën e të dhënave,\nnë të cilën ka rreth 15 mijë server. Këto\nduhet të përpunojnë të dhëna me një mesatare prej një milion\ngigabyte të dhënash në ditë. Për të kuptuar sa i madh është ky numër, duhet të ruani këto\ntë dhëna në 100 mijë USB nga 10 GB secili.\nVlerësohet se për shkak të përditësimeve të ndryshme, në 2025 aftësitë llogaritëse të kërkuara do të duhet\nrriten nga 50 në 100 herë në krahasim\nme burimet aktuale.\nNë këtë pikë është e qartë të thuhet se teknologjia e informacionit\nështë thelbësore dhe e nevojshme për\nfunksionimin e saktë të organizatës.\nNëse jeni të interesuar, ata kanë në faqen e tyre të internetit\npozicione shumë të ndryshme, kërkojnë\nnga ata që janë diplomuar në një fushë teknike\nnë shkollë të mesme, student ose doktorant.\nDeri tek ata që kanë përfunduar tashmë udhëtimin e tyre të studimeve.\nKy episod është i pranishëm në Youtube\ndhe në Spotify. Nëse ju pëlqeu, shpërndajeni\nnë rrjetet sociale dhe më ndihmoni të rris kanalin.\nFaleminderit dhe do të shohim së shpejti.\n\nEnglish: \nmost important. The data will then be transfered into the datacenter,\nwhere about 15 thousand servers are located. These servers will have to process an average of one million\nof gigabytes of data per day. To understand how big this number is: to save\nthese data somewhere, you should buy\nevery day 100 thousand 10 GB USB sticks.\nIt is estimated that due to various upgrades, in 2025 the calculation capabilities required will have to\nincrease from 50 to 100 times compared\nto current resources.\nAt this point it is obvious to say that information technology is fundamental and necessary for the correct\nfunctioning of the organization.\nIf you are interested, on their website there are\nvery different open positions they seek: from people who graduated in a technical field\nin high school, to students or doctoral students up to those who have already completed their studies.\nYou can find this episode both on Youtube and Spotify. If you like it, share it\non social media and help me grow the channel. Thank you, see you soon.\n\nItalian: \npiù importanti.\nI dati passeranno poi all'interno del datacenter,\nin cui ci sono circa 15mila server. Questi\nserver dovranno elaborare in media un milione\ndi gigabyte di dati al giorno. Per capire\nquanto è grande questo numero, per salvare\nquesti dati da qualche parte dovresti comprare\nogni giorno 100mila chiavette USB da 10 gb l'una.\nE' stimato che a causa di vari upgrade, nel\n2025 le capacità di calcolo richieste dovranno\naumentare dalle 50 alle 100 volte rispetto\nalle risorse attuali.\nA questo punto è scontato dire che l'informatica\nè fondamentale e necessaria per il corretto\nfunzionamento dell'organizzazione.\nSe sei interessato, sul loro sito web ci sono\nposizioni aperte molto disparate: cercano\nda chi si è diplomato in un ambito tecnico\nalle scuole superiori, allo studente o dottorando\nfino a chi ha già terminato il suo percorso\ndi studi.\nQuesta puntata è presente sia su Youtube\nche su Spotify. Se ti è piaciuta condividila\nsui social e aiutami a far crescere il canale.\nGrazie e a presto.\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "Ta đã có một phép biến đổi, gọi là M, là một ánh xạ đi từ không gian Rn vào\nkhông gian Rn, và nó có thể được biểu diễn bằng ma trận A\nNên ảnh của x qua phép biến đổi này sẽ bằng với A nhân x\nTa đã biết cái này trong bài giảng trước và ta muốn tìm\nnhững vector nào mà nó chỉ bị kéo dài ra hoặc rút ngắn lại, không đổi phương\nqua phép biến đổi này\nNên ta chủ yếu tập trung vào các vector mà khi tôi lấy\nảnh của các vector đặc biệt đó, tạm gọi là v,\nDĩ nhiên là nó sẽ bằng với A nhân v\nVà ta nói rằng nó chỉ được nhân vào một số thực nào đó\nlambda nhân v, vector bội số của v\nVà các vector ta có được này rất thú vị, bởi vì chúng có thể tạo ra\nmột tập cơ sở các vector mới khá thú vị\nBạn biết đấy, ma trận biểu diễn phép biến đổi trong\nmột cơ sở thay thế, đây là một tập cơ sở, tập các vector cơ sở\nThì trong đó có thể sẽ dễ tính được ma trận biểu diễn A hơn\nCũng có thể tạo ra một hệ tọa độ tốt,\nNhìn chung là như vậy, khá thú vị đấy\nVà ta gọi vector v này thỏa điều kiện này, ta gọi chúng\nlà các vector riêng\nVà ta gọi các thành phần bội số nhân vào chúng đây là các trị riêng\ntương ứng với phép biến đổi này và\ntương ứng với vector riêng đó\nBạn biết rồi đấy, hy vọng là từ bài giảng trước, ta đã có được\nmột ít các kiến thức và hiểu được tại sao chúng lại hữu ích\nNhưng bây giờ trong bài giảng này, ta hãy thử, ít nhất là hãy thử\ntìm cách tính chúng ra\nNhư các bạn đã biết, dựa trên những gì ta học được cho đến nay, nếu như ta có một\nvector riêng, thì ta có thể kiểm tra xem rằng liệu nó có đúng là vector riêng hay không,\nhoặc là tính ra được trị riêng tương ứng với nó\nTa có thể có cách kiểm tra kết quả đó\nNhưng ta vẫn chưa có được một phương pháp nào để có thể\ngiải được trực tiếp ra các vector riêng và trị riêng\nNên để xem là liệu ta có thể tìm ra cách nào đó để làm thế hay không\nNên, tổng quát lại, ta đang muốn tìm một nghiệm cho phương trình\nA nhân v bằng với lambda nhân v\nNó bằng với lambda nhân cho vector v\nBây giờ, một nghiệm mà ta có thể thấy ngay ở đây đó là\nđó chính là vector v bằng với 0\nVà đó chính xác là một nghiệm, mặc dù\nthông thường nó sẽ không được xem là một vector riêng, chỉ bởi vì\nnó không có giá trị gì nhiều khi chọn là một vector cơ sở\nNó không có vai trò gì có ích cho một tập cơ sở\nNghĩa là, nó thực sự không thêm vào số lượng các vector mà ta có thể dùng\nđể sinh ra một không gian nào đó, khi thêm vào vector 0 thì cũng vậy\nVà hơn nữa, khi v bằng 0 thì ta không thể nào xác định rõ ràng\ntrị riêng tương ứng ta có sẽ là gì\nBởi vì khi v bằng 0, bất kỳ trị riêng nào\ncũng sẽ thỏa phương trình đó, mọi số thực\nNên thông thường, khi ta muốn tìm các vector riêng, ta bắt đầu\nvới một giả định rằng ta tìm các vector khác vector 0\nNên ta đang tìm các vector mà nó không\nbằng với vector 0\nNên, cho trước như thế, để xem là liệu ta có thể khảo sát được gì đó\nxung quanh phương trình này và để xem là ta có kịp giải được\ncác trị riêng tương ứng cho nó trong bài giảng hôm nay không\nTa trừ Av cho cả hai vế của phương trình, ta có vector 0 bằng với\nbằng với lambda v trừ A nhân v\nBây giờ, ta có thể viết lại v dưới dạng, v ở đây cũng giống như à\nmột ma trận đơn vị nhân v, phải không? v là một vector trong Rn\nMột ma trận đơn vị n dòng n cột\nTa chỉ nhân và ta sẽ có được lại chính là v\nNên nếu như tôi viết lại v thế, ít nhất là ở phần này của\nbiểu thức, để tôi đổi hai bên với nhau, thì khi đó tôi sẽ có\nlambda nhân - thay vì là v tôi sẽ viết ra là ma trận\nđơn vị, một ma trận đon vị nhân cho vector v trừ A nhân v\nvà bằng với vector 0\nBây giờ, tôi có một ma trận nào đó nhân v trừ đi một ma trận khác nhân v\nTích ma trận và vector, chúng có\ntính phân phối\nNên cái này tương đương với lambda nhân cho\nma trận đơn vị trừ đi ma trận A nhân vector v\nVà cái này sẽ bằng với 0\nNgay đây chỉ là một ma trận nào đó\nVà toàn bộ lý do tại sao tôi viết chỗ này có một chỉ số nhỏ là vì\nđể tôi có thể viết nó dưới dạng tích của ma trận và vector thay vì chỉ là\ndạng vector nhân với một giá trị thực\nVà theo cách đó, tôi có thể đem v ra ngoài biểu thức\nvà chỉ viết lại toàn bộ phương trình này dưới dạng, một\nmột ma trận nhân vector nào đó và bằng 0\nBây giờ, để cho, nếu như ta giả định rằng trong trường hợp này, và\nta đang giả định rằng, nhớ rằng, ta đang giả sử rằng v\nv khác vector 0\nVậy điều đó có nghĩa là gì?\nNên ta biết rằng v là một vector trong không gian null của\nma trận ngay đây\nĐể tôi viết cái này ra, v là một vector trong không gian null của\nma trận lambda In trừ đi ma trận A\nTa biết rằng cái này trông có vẻ khá rối\nnhưng ta chỉ cần xem nó, xem chỗ này như một ma trận B nào đó thôi\nNhư thế sẽ đơn giản hơn\nĐây chỉ là một ma trận nào đó, phải không?\nĐó là B\nTa hãy thay thế nó như vậy\nKhi đó, phương trình này trở thành Bv bằng với 0\nBây giờ, nếu như ta muốn xét đến không gian null của ma trận này,\nkhông gian null của ma trận B là không gian chứa toàn bộ các vector x sao cho\nx là vector trong Rn và sao cho B nhân x sẽ bằng 0\nXem nào, v rõ ràng sẽ là một trong các vector đó, phải không?\nBởi vì B nhân v bằng 0\nTa đang giả sử rằng B, trong phương trình này, sao cho B\nthỏa điều kiện rằng phương trình này luôn có nghiệm và\nvà v không là vector 0\nNên v là một vector trong không gian null, để ra được chỗ này cũng không phải dễ\nvector v trong không gian null\nTa cũng đã nói rằng vector 0 sẽ luôn là một vector trong\nkhông gian null, và do đó nó cũng làm phương trình này thỏa bằng 0\nNhưng ta đang giả sử rằng v khác 0\nTa chỉ tập trung vào xét các trường hợp các vector riêng khác 0 mà thôi\nVà điều đó có nghĩa là không gian null của ma trận này\nphải là một không gian không tầm thường\nNên, có nghĩa là, không gian null của ma trận lambda In trừ A\nlà không gian không tầm thường\nNó chứa nhiều hơn một vector 0\nVà có thể, nếu như các bạn còn nhớ bài giảng trước đây, ở lần đó, để tôi\nViết cái này ra tổng quát một chút\nNếu như tôi có một ma trận nào đó\nXem nào, tôi đã ký hiệu A và B\nBây giờ giả sử tôi có ma trận D nào đó\nCác vector cột của D độc lập tuyến tính nếu và chỉ nếu\nkhông gian null của ma trận D chỉ chứa vector 0\nPhải không?\nNên nếu như ta có một ma trận nào đó ở đây mà không gian null của nó\nkhông chứa vector 0, khi đó ta nói\nnó có các vector cột phụ thuộc tuyến tính\nVà tôi vừa viết ra những cái đó là để chỉ cho các bạn thấy\nlại một số kết quả ta đã biết, và áp dụng vào bài này hôm nay, không gian null này\nta đang có không phải là không gian tầm thường, và ta sẽ có\ncác vector cột của ma trận này phụ thuộc tuyến tính\nNên lambda In trừ A, đây\ncũng chỉ là một ma trận, và nó có các cột phụ thuộc tuyến tính\nHay nói cách khác là, nếu ta có một ma trận có các cột\nphụ thuộc tuyến tính, thì ta biết rằng nó không khả nghịch, nên cũng có nghĩa là\nđịnh thức của ma trận đó phải bằng 0\nĐó là các điều tương đương nhau mà ta đã biết\nNếu như định thức ta có bằng 0, thì ma trận đó sẽ không thể nghịch đảo được\nnó không khả nghịch\nVà ta sẽ có các vector cột phụ thuộc tuyến tính\nNếu như định thức bằng 0, khi đó ta cũng biết rằng\nta có các vector không tầm thường (vector khác vector 0) trong không gian null\nVà vì vậy, nếu như định thức ma trận này bằng 0, thì có nghĩa là tồn tại\ncác giá trị lambda nào đó sao cho phương trình này thỏa với vector v khác vector 0\nNên, nếu như ta có một số nghiệm nào đó, và nếu như tồn tại\nmột vector v khác 0 nào đó thỏa phương trình này,\nthì khi đó ma trận ngay đây sẽ phải có định thức bằng 0\nĐó cũng là một cách nói\nNếu ma trận này có định thức bằng 0, khi đó phải tồn tại,\nhay nếu như có tồn tại lambda nào đó sao cho ma trận này\ncó định thức bằng 0, thì khi đó các giá trị lambda đó sẽ thỏa\nphương trình này\nVà ta cũng có thể nói như thế\nNếu như tồn tại lambda nào đó thỏa phương trình này, thì khi đó\ncác giá trị lambda đó sẽ làm cho ma trận này có định thức bằng 0\nĐể tôi viết ra\nAv bằng với lambda v với v khác 0 nếu và chỉ nếu\nđịnh thức của lambda In trừ A bằng\nbằng với vector 0\nÀ không, không phải là vector 0\nXin lỗi, nó chỉ bằng số 0\nĐịnh thức của ma trận chỉ là một giá trị thực\nVà đó là những gì ta có được\nVà ta biết rằng những gì ta phát biểu bây giờ sẽ là, tôi sẽ\ndùng kết quả này như thế nào đây?\nBạn biết đấy, ta đã làm các phép biến đổi đại số thế này\nTôi cũng đã nói một chút về các không gian null\nVà nội dung chính mà tôi muốn nói tới là, để cho điều này\nđúng với một vector v khác 0 nào đó, thì lambda\nphải tồn tại một giá trị thực cụ thể nào đó\nNên nếu tôi lấy định thức của ma trận lambda nhân cho\nma trận đơn vị rồi trừ A, nó phải bằng 0\nVà đến chỗ này, lý do mà cách làm này hữu ích là từ đây\nta có thể có được một phương trình cụ thể, rồi từ đó\ngiải ra được chính xác nghiệm lambda của nó\nVà đó là những gì ta sẽ làm trong bài giảng tiếp theo\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "Later, in the court\nYou should think about what to say\nIf you say it well\nlet him die alone\nif you don't say it well\nYou will die with Lord Zhang\nSo Easy\nYou won't choose the wrong one.\ndon't you?\ngrandmother\nMu Yunyao\nYou killed people\nThe County Lord will definitely find out the truth\nand will never let you go\nSometimes. even god is blind\nNot to mention people.\nOtherwise so many years\nYou abuse me and my mother\nWhy didn’t god open his eyes?\nand let you go to hell early.\nYou...You are a devil\nDevil ask for payment of debt\nThe County Lord will definitely find out the truth\nThen cut your head and smash it and feed the dog\ngrandmother\nPeople are more willing to believe\nOwn eyes\nI did kill people\nBut who would believe that\nI could kill a tall man if I was such thin girl\nHey hey hey! What are you doing\nSo noisy even in prison\nDo you want me to hit you?\nYou old woman\nEven in prison, still don’t forget to bully your own granddaughter.\nbroken your leg? You deserves it\nThat' right\nThe County Lord wants to open the court to interrogate the case of murder\nLet's go\nIf I had known that this girl was so evil,\nI would have dealt with her sooner\nFour days ago\nDali Dynasty\nHongjing 31st year\nFebruary\nhere is\nThe room I lived before I was fifteen\nyou're awake\nDoes the injury behind the head still hurt a lot?\nMom\nBlame mom\nI'm useless\nI did not protect you well\nGrandmom\nHow can she make such a heavy hand?\nIt hurts\nI remembered it.\nIt’s two months since Dad died\nGrandmother came to the house to make trouble\nI had a couple of arguments with her\nand was nearly killed by a stick\nI am back\nBack to all the nightmares haven't started yet\nMom! Mom!\nYao\nMom is still alive\nEverything has a chance to recover\nIf this is a dream\nLet me never wake up\nto this reason\nI am willing to pay any price\nSu Qing\nYou are a bitch\nIt’s not enough to kill my son.\nEven still smearing me everywhere\nI think you are too tired.\nWhen my son is alive\nyou couldn't even have a son\nmother\nLee\nThis is the voice of grandmother Li\nMy son's dead, and you're shamelessly taking possession of his property\nMom, I wouldn't dare do that\nPlease come in\nAh\nDon't get out to meet me\nwhen you hear me coming\nIt’s only a few days after Cheng’s death\nYou don’t even recognize me now.\nmother\nI really don't dare do that\nHum, can't I run you bitch anymore?\nYao was in a coma and just woke up\nI was worried about her and I have not responded for a while.\nSo I am weonged you.\nDon't think I don't know what you are thinking about.\nYou have provoked our mother-child relationship before.\nShamelessly forced my son to separate from me\nand still kill my son now.\nReally a poison woman\nI should have asked my son to divorce you\nShut up\nI remember\nwhen Dad went to the capital to make a living\nhe went away without a trace\nThree months later\nSuddenly came the news of his death\nMother cried and fainted several times\nShe did the funeral in a hurry,\nBut it makes grandmother scene at the funeral\nShe said that my mother is not used\nDidn't give birth to a son\nNot even a man could hold a coffin\nafter my father died\nMother is sick\nGrandmother is even worse\nShe moved everythings that we can use at home.\nAfter that, she came more frequently\nIndicat my mother to remarry\nand was to be a concubine\nto the notorious rich man Zhang\nGo out\nGet out of my house\nBitch\nThis is the degrading thing you gave birth to?\nsuch a rude\nI think this little beast trying to piss me off\nSo that you can swallow everything\nmother\nI do not\nTomorrow, you will take me to Lord Zhang's house.\nmother\nI already said that\nI will spend the rest of my life with Yao\nI am not remarried\nAh\nAnyway, a woman like you\nonly know that embroidery every day.\nNot even arable land\nThen I will fulfill you.\nSend you to Lord Zhang's family to enjoy\nIt's not up to you to decide whether to go or not\nmother\nMy husband's death is less than two month,\nI want to preserve chastity\nPlease help me\nPreserve chastity\nYou are so shameless\nYou came to our house for only 9 months.\nShe was born\nThis little beast\nI don't know whose child she is yet\nmother\nMy husband's death is less than two month\nI want to preserve chastity\nPlease help me\nPreserve chastity\nYou are so shameless\nYou came to our house for only 9 months.\nShe was born\nThis little beast\nI don't know whoes child she is yet\nMother, how can you say this?\nWhen I was pregnant with Yao\nAs pregnancy grows longer and longer\nyou always dislike me for not working\nLet me pick up water and wash clothes\nwhile Mu Chen's away\nI accidentally slipped to this premature birth.\nand also caused Yao to be born and infirm\nAt that time, because you were in wrong\nYou had been silent for a fong time\nActually\nActually take this as an excuse to blame me\nOh, shameless things\nYou was fooled into my son\ndon't try to fool me now\nTomorrow, Lord Zhang will send someone to pick you up.\nYou clean up.\nBring this liability\nLest she stay\nand dirty my place\nMother. Yao is Mucheng's only child\nI can marry into Zhang\nBut she must stay in Mu\nThere is no Mucheng now.\nMy mother-in-law is not tolerant of me.\nBut Yao\nYao can never enter Zhang\nThat house is a fire pit\nLord Zhang’s very old now\nBut especially likes the beautiful little girl\nthese years\nHow many people he has abused?\nIf Yao goes\nThe consequences will be unimaginable.\nWithout Mu Cheng\nI didn't want to live anymore.\nIf I go, I will know my ambition by death\nIt can also prove my innocence\nmother\nmother\nNo\nI know what you are going to do\nDon't leave Yao\nDo not\nDo not\nYao\nMy poor Yao\nFormer Life\nLi said\nshe would sell me for money\nAnd she used this to force my mother\nMy mother went to Zhang for me\nBut as a result\nGrandmother turned and tied me to Zhang\nLord Zhang, the beast\nNot only humiliating my mother\nEven tried to doing something to me.\nMother wanted to protect me\nInjuried Zhang Cai with a porcelain piece\nBut my mother\nwas tortured and killed by this beast\nAnd I am lucky to escape.\nBut I was interrupted by a leg\nafter this\nI didn't know how many times I have regretted it.\nI swore all over again\nIf it is coming back\nI am sure I will kill Li.\nCut off this evil that\npushed us into the pit of fire\nAh\nIf you promised down early\nDo I still need to let me waste this kind of tongue\nReally a bitch\nwants to build a memorial archway\nWhen I was married,\ncouldn't be liked by your mother-in-low\nI thought\nRespectful for so many years\nCan exchange a good word\nBut unexpectedly,\nShe doesn’t look at me as a human at all\nI do not allow you to insult my mother\nHow dare you butt me?\nYour mother is a bitch\nYou are also a bastard\nget away\nget to Zhangfu together.\nYao\nkowtow quickly\nbeg yo grandma\nLet her leave you\nyou insult my mother\nyou must die\nYao\nThis old woman\nRuined the most loved my mother\nRuined my life\nI will kill her now.\nwhat\nLittle monk\nYou a such a monk\nI am your grandmother.\nYou dare to take the scissors and lick me.\nI kill you this liability today.\nmother\nmother\nPlease hit me\nPlease hit me.\nLet Yao go\nShe is still a child\nit is good\nvery good\nThis is what you are looking for.\nCome on\nYou have the ability to kill me today?\nIf you can't kill me,\nin other day\nI will kill you.\nOld woman\nWhat you did today\nGod is not blind\nIt always looking for you to come back\nLord Zhang gave you the money\nhe bought me\nIf I ruin this face\nHow do you explain to him?\nyou\nWhat are you talking about?\nWhen am I?\nHow can this little monk know?\nAm I talking nonsense?\nWhat are you going to do\nYou hit me and my mother hurt.\nIf Lord Zhang see this\nhe must be unhappy\nat that time\nNot sure that you will be refunded a portion of the money.\nYou drag the time back four days\nIn these four days\nWe raise our wounds\nnot sure\nWill help you ask for some silver two\nYou can take it seriously?\nYou drag the time back four days\nIn these four days\nWe raise our wounds\nnot sure\nwill help you ask for some silver two\nYou can take it seriously?\nWhat's the use of my lying to you\nOk\nI believe you liability once\nbut\nIf you dare to play tricks\nI will catch you up.\ninterrupted your legs and sold you to the brothel\nServing a man\nor a group of men\nThink about it\nI am a daughter-in-law of Mu’s family.\nYao is the daughter of Mu's family\nHow can a mother-in-law be so vicious?\nHurry up\nA family of stormy petrel\nPooh\nYao\nMy poor Yao\nMu Cheng\nHow can you throw us down like this?\nMom, don't cry\nMom, don't cry\nYao will protect you.\nNo one can bully you\nin this new life\nMother is healthy\nI will never let the tragedy repeat itself.\nThose who owe me\nthe debts\nI will get it back\none by one\nYao\nLord Zhang’s mind is not correct\nYou must not go to Zhangfu\nYou are smart\nStrived for four days\nMother will protect you\nYou run away\ngo as far as you can\nMom have silver coin\nYes\nSilver coin\nCan be wrapped around\nhow\nWhy not?\nI clearly put it here.\nHow can I not find it?\nmother\nDon't need to find\nsilver coin\nIt must have been stolen by the old woman Li\nMother-in-law\nHow can she\nHow can she\nMom, don't be afraid\nJust Zhang's family\nIt’s not a Tiger Cave\nWho will be dead\nat that time\nNot yet known\nYao\nYao\nHow is your injury?\nNothing\nThere are blood seeping out\nYou still said nothing.\nYao\nApply this medicine\nIt will be good soon\nMother-in-law\nshe\nShe is really a poisonous mind.\nmom\nDon't pay attention to the old woman\nThe wicked\nShe lost her conscience, God will punish her\nYao has always been weak and honest.\nIf it hadn't been for this,\nhow could she have said like that\nMother is always so soft and weak\nShe was full of bookishness\nand had a distinctive temperament\nin every move\nMany people say bad things behind us\nthey said that my mother is pretending to pretend\nShe is the lady’s body, slavey's fate\nLater. the Su's family came\nSeeing the magnificent array\nthe noble and gorgeous scene\nI finally knew\nMy mother is a lady\nLady of Su\nBut\nIn order to protect me\nMy mother was tortured to death\nby the humiliation of those people\nAnd me\nAlthough I escaped\nBut also licked the leg\nIf it hadn't benn for the scandal\nhe had done\nI would have been caught and tortured to death\nMother was gone\nI could only rely on Li for life because of broken legs.\nBut Li gave vent to her anger on me\nFortunately, I was lucky\nThe broken leg healed.\nEvery time I stared at the fire under the stove\nI wanted to die with Li.\nBut I couldn't\nMy life was exchanged by my mother’s life.\nNo matter how hard it was\nI had to live\nAfter one and a half years\nSu's family came\nThose people looked like fairies\nthey gently said\nthey would take me back for a good life\nWhen I arrived at Su family\nI saw the richness of the sky.\nI was more self-defeating.\nWas at the mercy of others with trepidation\nBut who knew\nSu Family was a group of evil spirits dressed in human skins.\nI ddin't know who\nlet the information about me in Zhang out\nI was lame\nAnd fame was also ruined\nBut at the time, I didn’t give up on it.\nAlthough I didn’t know poetry at the time.\nCouldn't write\nI didn’t even understand the poetry and draw\nElegant and elegant things\nBut I was tough enough to myself.\nIf I didn't know, I would learn\nIf I'm not proficient,I'll practice\nStep by step with blood and tears\nUnfortunately\nI finally underestimated the hearts of the people.\nand overestimated myself too much\nFinally. as same as my mother\nA miserable death\nIf only I had\ndied early in Su family\nAt least I can keep myself clean\nYao\nYao\nwhat happened to you\nYour face is so pale\ndon't scare mom\nMom\nEverything has not happened yet\nI still have a chance to change\nThis life\nI must protect my mother and myself.\nLet those who bully us\nAll pay the price\nmom\nI am fine.\nYou should go to wash your face\nLook at you\nNot beautifully because cry\nYou silly girl\nDry and gentle\nMother's hand\nmom\nmom\nMom\nMom is here\nMom is here\nMother will always be by your side\nThose dark and heavy pasts\nLet it be the driving force of this life.\nmother\nI will protect you.\nwhat\nSomeone\nHumph\nreally\nWhere do you thief come from?\nLook at this\nAH\nTwo of bitches\nNo more valuable things\nHumph\nreally\nWhere do you thief come from?\nLook at this\nAh\nYao\nYao\nWhat happened?\nYou thief\nActually stole here\nI will kill you\nYunyao\nStop it now.\nDon't fight\nMother, don’t be afraid\nWe just hit a thief.\nmother\nDamn\nHow could it be grandma?\nblood\nblood\nI heard someone flipping things\nI thought it was a thief.\nIt's easy to kill Li\nI can take risks\nBut the mother can not\nAnd kill her like this.\nIt’s too easy for her.\nYou are a little monk\nSure enough, you are a black heart.\nYou dare to do this to me.\nI am your grandma.\nYou dare to beat me\nI will spill the lamp oil on you\nand fire it\nIf I had known you were such a handicap,\nI should have strangled you when you were born\nunfortunately\nIt’s already too late\nAnyway, when I get to Zhang's family\nI am going to die, too\nToday, I will let you go to the funeral with me\nYou bitch with sharp teeth\nJust wait for Zhang Caizhu to pick you up.\nwhat\nAh\nLittle bitch\nI'm going to kill you\nYou dare to beat me.\nHow dare you\nLittle bitch\nYou want to die, don’t pull me to bury\nYou damn one\nYou are burning me.\nHumph\nYao\nYao\nMom\nI had to\nI am just trying to protect myself.\nplease believe me\nI won't hurt you.\nYao, don't be afraid\nYao, don't be afraid\nIt was I who lit the fire\nIt was I who beat the people\nYao\nTaking advantage of this opportunity\nhurry to escape\nas far as you can\nNever come back\nMom\ndon't worry\nThis time\nWe will all live well\nIt is she who will die\nand those torture us\nThe fire is burning\nYao\nI am your grandmother.\nhelp me\nhelp me\ngrandmother\nYesterday my mother kneels down and asks you\nLet you not sell us\nYou didn’t agree\nnowadays\nDo you think I will save you?\nNo\nI don't sell you anymore.\nIn the future, we will rely on each other to live with each other.\nIt’s sound so nice.\nUnfortunately\nThe word spit from your mouth\nI don't believe one\nbut\nDon't be too desperate\nI won't let you die so fast.\nYao\nYao\nWhat are you...\nmom\nHelp me together\nlet's save grandma\nOk\nDevil\nYou are a devil\nHelp me\nHelp me\nLittle bitch\nLittle bitch\nwho bring bad luck\nfuck off\nLook! They come out\nOh, God bless you.\nIt’s okay for people to be fine.\nLook at the gray of your face\nLet Anut wipe it for you\nThank you, Aunt Yang\nGrandmother\nGrandmother\nLook\nYour hand is hurt\nOK...It's Ok\nI just want to save grandma just now\nDid not notice\nI am okay\nAunt Yang\nGrandma's legs\nBruised by the cabinet\nIf she wakes up\nWill kill me\nDon't worry, Mu's girl\nYou saved your grandmother\nHow can she hit you?\nLittle bitch\nyou\nYou are a little slut\nah\nLittle slut\nYou are a little slut\nI'm going to kill you\ngrandmother\nAre you okay?\nYou made me like this\nhow dare to ask if I am Ok?\nIt hurts my legs.\ngrandmother\nYour leg\nIs bruised by the fallen wardrobe\nMy mom and I have spent a lot of effort.\nJust remove the cabinet and save you.\nYou fart\nObviously you, the little monk\nWreak my leg\nwait till I'm fine\nSee how I can tidy you up\nThis unconscious Aunt Li\nLittle Mu burned her hand in order to save you\nYou still stigmatize her\nYoou and your mother\nGo to my house to sleep today.\nThank you, Anut Yang\nGrandma’s leg was injured\nStill need someone to take care of\nWe are better to temporarily\nstay at grandmother's house\nGrandma can't move now\nWe should be filial in front of her\notherwise\nFather's Soul of Heaven\nwill blame us too\nI don't your care\nWho knows if you will secretly kill me?\nGrandma hurt so badly\nMust be taken care of by others\ngrandmother\nAre you okay?\ngrandmother\nAunt Yang\nPlease help me\nLet's take grandmother home.\nEh\nYour heart is so soft.\nYour grandma is now broken.\nI think she won't beat you anymore.\nMom, are you cold\nI'll go to burn the stove\nThere are still more than two hours from dawn.\nYou sleep for a while\nYao\nYour grandma, is she Ok?\nMom\nDon't worry\nGrandma is still swearing just now\nMom\nI am going to take care of grandmother's wound.\nyou\nAre you going to kill me?\nWhat did Grandma say?\nWe are a family\nThere's not enough times to honor you\nHow can I kill you?\nyou are not human\nYou are a devil, a devil\nIf you not doing anything wrong\nYou are not afraid of ghosts knocking on the door\nIf you don't owe me\nWhat are you afraid of?\nGrandma, stop yelling at me again.\nwhen you open\nI am afraid\nI can't control my hand\nAh\nLittle bitch\nyou do this delibrately\nIt seems that grandma\nStill don't understand what I am talking about.\nAH\nHurt\nI'm wrong\nI don’t dare anymore.\nI beg you\nAH\nLast life\nI didn’t have any good reputation.\nthis life\nI also let you\nTaste this pain\nI am now taking the snow into the mountains to collect medicine for you.\nLet the village people look\nHow filial I am\nAnd how vicious are you?\nRight\nI remember this mountain\nThere is a stream\nFlowing warm water all year round\nBy the way, let me go to the stream and find a snake.\nGive the Lord Zhang\nAs a sacrifice\nThere is warm water here.\nlot of vegetation around is still green\nSnakes should like to hibernate in the grass nest\nAh\nwho are you\nI am a villager at the foot of the mountain.\nPicking up medicines form mountain\nNo malicious\nAre you telling the truth?\nBloody smell is so heavy\nThis person should be injured\nAs long as I can help him treat\nHe should not kill me.\nI have a hemostatic medicine.\nKing Yu\nLast life\nHe is the king who made me die unclear\nWhy is he here?\nwhat are you looking at?\nWhere is the medicine?\nThis is Thistle\nIt can stop bleeding\na rotten grass\nDo you let me chew it and eat it?\nWhere are you hurt?\nChest\nTake medicine\nBut...\nPlease give me a dagger\nThere is some dirt on the meat\naround your wound\nAnd it looks like\nThere is also poison on it\nIf you don’t remove these meat\nEven with a hemostatic drug\nThe effect is still not good\nThis girl looks thin\nSlim\nOnce she has any action\nit's easy to kill her\nIf you dare to have any ideas\nI will haunt you\nPlease bear with it\nIt will hurt\nCan't let Ning Junyue see the clue\nOtherwise by his temper\nNever leave alive\nThis girl seems to be weak\nBut it gives people a very different feeling.\nHer neck\nIt’s really white, flawless, and smooth.\nI have a life-saving grace with you.\nYou won’t be envious\nKill me\nHe won't want to kill me.\nI owe you a favor\nThis is a token.\nI go first\nIt’s really time for this dagger to come.\nI have to hurry down the mountain.\nThen in the name of the mother\nSend a letter to Zhang Caizhu\nBring him here\nJust try the dagger of King Yu\nif it's easy to use\nLord\nI'm late\nPlease punish me\nDare to take away my dagger\nhas a gutsy\nThat girl is in the village of Xiayu.\nGo and find out about her\nBeauty\nZhang was invited to come\nYo\nDid not close\nOriginally thought that Su Qing was a vsem pacanam privet\nNow it seems\nshe also knows how to flirtatious\nHumph\nIt turned out to be a little beauty.\nLord, Zhang today's clothes\nIt’s quite like a shroud.\nLittle beauty\nYou are really joking.\nHey you\nyou\nWhat?\nwhat sound\nHousekeeper Ding\nLord Zhang suddenly fainted\nCould you come in and have a look?\nwhat\nMaster, are you okay?\nThis dagger is really a good thing.\nIt can kill people without much effort\nwhat\nyou\nYou killed, killed people\nYes\nI killed people\nThen grandma, call it.\nCall everyone here\nNo\nI won't talk nonsense.\nPlease don't to kill me\nDo not kill me\nWe are a family\nI will not kill you naturally.\nand so\nSay it\nCall everyone\nSay it!\nCome on!\nKilled people, killed people\nKilled people, killed people!\nWhat a garbage\nWhat was your past ability to torture people?\ntake this knife.\nThe most important thing for women is the reputation\nBut you slander my mother's infidelity\nWhat are you doing?\ntoday\nI want you to feel that way, too.\nWhat's going on the street?\nmaster\nIt's villagers in Xiayu Village\nThe Mu Family had a murder case\nNo sooner had she stolen my things\nthan there was such a stir.\nShe has a lot of courage.\nLet's have a look\nNow the court is in session.\nLord\nIt was Mu Yunyao who killed people.\nit's none of my business\nYou have to understand it.\nMu Yunyao\nShe said that you killed people\nWhat do you want to say?\nNot me, my Lord\nI only heard that they said inside the house.\nSomething like kill people and bury in the garden\nThey talked and then began to fight\nLord Zhang found that I was eavesdropping.\nHe rushed out and tried to kill me.\nI was so scared that I passed out.\nAfter that\nI don't know nothing...\nAs you said\nYou are just a personal certificate\nWhy did your grandmother\nidentify you as a murderer?\nI saw it with my own eyes.\nThe injury in her arm was cut by herself.\nIt’s not made by Lord Zhang\nVicious woman\nFull of nonsense\nThat dagger is set with gold and jade\nand worth hundreds of silver at least.\nCan she afford it?\nLord\nIt was Su Qing who let me go.\nI have physical evidence\nEh\nWhere did the note go?\nIt must be this little bitch\nShe must have stolen it while I fainted.\nNo\nI didn't\nI do not know\nMy Lord\nDing Shan was still holding a note\nin his hand when he died.\nFound it! Found it!\nMy Lord! That's it.\nThis is the note\nWhy is it all about women's names?\nMy Lord\nI remembered it.\nLord Zhang and his housekeeper were fighting for this at that time.\nAre they fighting for this note?\nWu mei...Qi yan\nMy Lord\nThe victim of the missing girl case half a year ago is also called Qi Yan.\nIs it the same person?\nMu Yunyao\nExcept what you just said\nWhat else did you hear?\nDing Shan said\nIf Lord Zhang doesn't give money,\nhe will let the thing about his killing and burying in the garden out\nCome on!\ncheck it quickly\nWe dug up seven women's bodies\nin your back garden\nYou still don't confess?!\nMy Lord\nMy Lord! Forgive me!\nI confess my guilt\nDid you kill Dingshan, too?\nMy Lord\nDing Shan is really killed by Mu Yunyao.\nIt was she who blamed me.\nLord Zhang\nWhy are you always filthy me?\nIs it not enough for you to kill so many people.\nWill you pull me on your deathbed?\nYou still don't know how to repent when you are faced with imminent death\nHonestly\nWhy do you appear in Li’s room?\nWhat is your relationship with her?\nIs Su Qing\nShe let me go\nMy Lord\nPlease check it out.\nLord, please forgive me\nI really don't know anything.\nMy Lord\nI'm a villager in Xiayu Village\nAt the time we were in the Li's room\nWe saw that her clothes were untidy.\nLi\nZhang Yongan\nIf you still don’t explain it\nI‘m going to use the penalty.\nLord, I am wronged.\nI just received the money of Lord Zhang\nand sell Su Qing and Mu Yunyao to him.\nDid not confess with him.\nThis old woman\nAs soon as her son dies, she will sell her daughter-in-law and granddaughter.\nDoes she want her son to turn in his grave?\nCome on\nput they to torture\nSee if you're telling the truth or not.\nMy Lord\nMy grandmother hurt her leg not long ago.\nIf you put her to torture, Grandma will be dead.\nGrandma, she just lost her heart.\nI will advise her\nShe will definitely tell the truth\nIt’s rare for you to be filial\nJust follow what you said.\nLord Zhang killed so many people\nHe can’t escape it.\nYou don't want to die with him.\nYou should understand what I am talking about?\nIf you say something wrong\nyou'll die with Zhang.\nIf you say something right\nLet him die alone\nMy Lord\nI confess\nIt was I who had an adultery with Lord Zhang\nI confess\nYou nonsense\nZhang Yongan kills seven innocent women\nHe also killed his accomplice, Ding Shan.\nHis sin is unforgivable\nDeath penalty\nGet into death row from now\nLi has adultery with other people\nNot obeying women' rule\npunish by caning\nMy Lord\nGrandmother is old now\nNow she has broken legs and been injured.\nPlease give the wrongdoer a way out\nHey\nFine\nLi\nYou have a good granddaughter\nIn the future, you must definitely change the former\nBe kind to her\nYes, my Lord\nI got it!\nWhat are you doing?\nThat is my silver\nYour silver\nDidn't you steal it from my house?\nLet's talk about it.\nIs there a copper plate you earned by yourself?\nYao\nWhere did so much silver come from?\nThis is what Grandma gave me in return\nfor helping her plead in court.\nMom\nDo you like Xiayu Village?\nWe lived for so many years\nOf course I like it\nWhen my father taught me to read before his death,\nhe said about the scenery of the south\nMom, you said at the time that you wanted to see it.\nThen let's go now.\nit is good\nI will go wherever\nYao wants to go.\nOk\nThen I will work hard to make money.\nTake you to see the scenery of south\n*Half a month later*\n*Chunxiufang*\nTreasurer\nI heard that Spring Embroidery Workshop is known as the world's first\nis the silk thread full color\ngirl\nThe silk thread on this shelf is full color\nBut it is not cheap.\nTreasurer\nAlthough you have more embroidery threads\nBut the color is not complete.\nIs this not complete\nGirl, you won’t be messed up.\nLook at this, Treasurer\nThis is the lost method of flying needle embroidery\nThe silk is as thin as a hair, and unique color matching\nMy father liked painting before he died.\nI want to use his paintings\nEmbroidering a six-foot-long five-foot-high Landscape painting\nIf you can give up your treasures\nI am willing to buy the Landscape painting at a high price.\nAs a birthday gift for elders\nThis is my father's\nI don‘t want to sell\nIf the price is negotiable,\nI should make a friend with you.\nThe dagger was changed back.\nYes, we made an identical one.\nJust wipe off the side edge of the pattern you left behind\nIf this dagger falls into the hands of others,\nit may cause trouble.\nThis girl can really trouble me.\nLord, letters from the West Yueyue say\nPlease go back quickly\nGo to the Yanxia village\nThis girl has caused me so much trouble.\nIt's not my style to be debt-free.\nHow long can debt collection last?\nLord, it will be your majesty's birthday in two months.\nIt’s not too late to come back later.\nNow, the situation is urgent, let's get off soon.\nOk, just two months\nShe can’t run away.\nMiss.Mu, you are coming\nDo you need anything?\nI will show you the embroidered embroidery.\nIt’s unbelievable\nSuch a picture scroll unexpectedly\nwas embroidered one by one.\nTreasurer, you think how much I can value this.\nMiss Mu\nI am willing to give this number of embroidery\nTen thousand\nTreasurer, you are an honest man.\nMiss Mu, you misunderstood\nAlthough Spring Embroidery Workshop is a big business\nBut I am just a small treasurer\nI can't decide.\nTreasurer\nTen thousand silver is only decimal for Spring Embroidery Workshop.\nfor Spring Embroidery Workshop.\nMaking a birthday gift with this embroidery will surely please the elders.\nWill be able to please elders\nAlright, done deal!\nBut there's no basis for empty talk.\nYou have to write me a note.\nThis peerless embroidery is dedicated to the emperor as a tribute\nTen thousand sliver is too valuable\nSpring Embroidery WorkshopIt was the money rake\nof the Su and Meng families and the Lord Jin\nIf I finish the Spring Embroidered Workshop first\nIt is tantamount to opening a hole in the heart of the Su family.\nAlso broke a helper of Lord Jin\nEnough to make them feel painful\nLord Jin , he is the lady’s husband\nYou don't think you're a woman\nout of a man's nest.\nYou dare to think of the noble Lord\nIt’s just like your mother.\nLady treats you as a sister.\nYou stabbed her in the back.\nYou are really a ungrateful white-eyed wolf\nSu Yuyi was the first one\nwho shows goodwill to me\nShe was beautiful and kind\nI wish\nI could give all my heart to her\nYao\nbig sister\nNo hurry\nHow is your leg?\nMuch better, I can walk\nIt's just that it's too ugly to walk with a lame foot.\nSo I always take a wheelchair.\nYao, this is your home.\nYou don't have to humble\nbut\nYour big sister is here\nWho dares to say bad things about you\nWaiting for me to go out and pack him up.\nThank you, sister\nYao\nCome with your sister and turn around the garden.\nAfter a while\nCan you go to Huguo Temple with me.\nWhat happened?\nIt's nothing\nJust recently, restless\nI can't sleep well\nGo to worship Buddha and burn incense\nSeeking peace\nI listen to my sister's\nI haven't been to Huguo Temple yet.\nUnexpectedly, on the way to Huguo Temple,\nwe met a group of robbers.\nAh\nBig sister, run!\nquick!\nWhere are you going?\nCome on, help.\nDon't\nRobbers, look at this\nThank you\nBig sister is still nearby\nI have to save her.\nhere you are\nClean the work\nDon't leave a flaw\nDon't worry\nThat little girl is really beautiful.\nCheap for my men\nShut up\nHolding your silver\nget off\nthe truth is\nThose robbers\nThat she sent someone to find me\nJust because of Lord Jin\nOnce praised me\nlooks good\nOnce I thought she was the only one\nwho was kind to me except her mother.\nBut I never thought she was kind to me,\njust to show her kindness\nand use me conveniently.\nSo I know that Lord Jin is her fiance.\nStill design climbed his bed\nPregnant with his child\nAlthough the last child did not keep it\nBut I still beat the face of my big sister.\nAfter the big sister became the wife of Lord Jin\nShe's embarrassed me a lot.\nBut so what\nI was alive.\nuntil\nI saw the Lord Yue who never returned to capital\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "\nEnglish: \n- [Interviewer] Sean.\n- Yes.\n- [Interviewer] We're here in London.\nYou're sleepin' rough, you're 19.\nTell me about it.\n- What do you want,\nwhat I just told you before?\nMy dad died a year and a half ago,\nand my mom got depressed,\nstarting drinking a lot more,\ntaking sleeping pills.\nThat progressed--\n- [Man] Someone said to give\nthis to you, here.\n- Thank you.\n- Okay.\n- Thank you.\nShe started getting even more depressed\nand she started leading\nonto drugs and yeah.\nTwo months ago, she got really bad\nand was put into hospital for a week.\nAnd then she come back out,\nand four weeks ago she died,\nand two weeks ago I got\nkicked out of the flat.\nJust because I couldn't pay the rent, so.\n- My gosh, what was your first\nnight of homelessness like?\n- Absolutely horrible.\n\nArabic: \nشون\nنعم\nنحن في لندن\nأنت تنام بالشوارع، عمرك 19\nأخبرني عن ذلك.\nماذا تريد؟\nالذي أخبرتك به من قبل؟\nأبي توفي قبل سنة ونصف\nوأمي أصبحت مكتئبة، وأصبحت تشرب كثيرًا\nوتتناول حبوب منومة\nثم بدأ اكتئابها يصبح أسوأ\nوقادها ذلك إلى المخدرات\nوقبل شهرين، حالتها تردّت\nثم وُضعت في المستشفى لأسبوع\nوخرجت، وقبل أربعة أسابيع تُوفيت\nبعدها بأسبوع تم طردي من شقتنا\nلأنني لم أستطع دفع الإيجار\nيا إلهي، كيف كانت أول ليلة كمشرد؟\nفضيعة بالتأكيد!\n\nArabic: \nكانت سيئة\nاستيقظت ووجدت حذائي مسروقًا\nكأنني لم أعرف أن هنالك قوانين للنوم بالخارج\nمن الواضح هنالك قوانين كـ--\nحذائك قد سُرق.\nهناك قواعد للنوم بالخارج\nيجب أن تجعل أحذيتك كوسادة\nوإلا سوف تُسرق.\nيا إلهي\nهذا سخيف\nأيضًا كنت تخبرني\nأن الناس يمشون بجانبك ويلومون كونك على المخدرات\nغالبًا، نعم\nتلك حقيقة غير مرغوبة\nذلك أن الناس يمشون بجوارك\nولا يعلمون شيئًا عن التشرد\nويعتقدون أنك هنا\nلأنك مدمن على المخدرات أو الشرب\nوبالغالب هذا ما يفترضه الجميع\nكيف هو الشعور\nمع كل هؤلاء الناس الماشين حولك\nلا أعلم\n\nEnglish: \n(laughs)\nYeah.\nIt was horrible.\nI woke up and my shoes had been stolen.\nLike, I didn't know the\nrules of sleeping outside.\nApparently there's rules, like you go--\n- [Interviewer] Your shoes were stolen.\n- Apparently you gotta--\nThere's rules for sleeping outside.\nYou gotta have your shoes as a pillow.\nOtherwise they get stolen, yeah.\n(laughs)\n- [Interviewer] Oh my gosh.\n- It's ridiculous.\n- [Interviewer] And you're just telling me\npeople walk by and, blame\nyou for being on drugs.\n- Pretty much, yeah.\nIt's kind of the unforeseen fact,\nthat everyone that walks past you\nthat doesn't know about homelessness\nseems to believe that you're there\nbecause you're either on drugs or drink.\nPretty much, what every\none around here assumes.\n- [Interviewer] What does it feel like\nwith all these people walking by?\n(laughs)\n- Don't know.\n\nArabic: \nلا أعلم حقًا كيف أصف ذلك\nوكانه لا يوجد أي تعاطف في هذا العالم.\nهذا ما أردت قوله.\nلا أعلم\nإنه فقط سيء أليس كذلك؟\nحسنًا، ذلك الرجل\nالذي أتى وأعطاك باوندين لمرتين، كان ذلك جيدًا\nهذه أول مرة خلال هذا اليوم\nكنت جالسًا هنا لمدة ساعتين\nالناس يعتقدون أنك عندما\nتتوسل لفكّة نقود، فلديك الكثير من النقود\nهذا غير صحيح\nربما \nولكن ليس بالنسبة لي\nأنا لا أعرف أحدًا هكذا\nوأيضًا هذا ليس بشيء قد ترغب بعمله\n\nEnglish: \nI don't really know how to describe it.\nLike--\nIt's, kind of no compassion in the world.\nIt's what I'd say.\nYeah, don't know.\nIt's just, shit isn't it?\n- [Interviewer] Well the one gentleman\ncame by with a couple of pounds\ntwice, so, that was good.\n- First time all day.\nI've been set here for\ntwo hours so far here.\n- [Interviewer] People\nthink that when you're\nbegging for change, you\nmake all kinds of money.\n- Yeah.\nReally not true.\n(laughs)\nThat is really, well, it\nmight be but it certainly\nisn't the case for me.\n(laughs)\n- [Interviewer] Well I don't\nknow anybody, that makes--\nPlus it's not something you wanna do.\n\nArabic: \nأن تجلس هنا\nوالناس يمشون حولك\nهذا حقًا فضيع\nتحاول النجاة\nنعم أنا لم أكن أخطط حقًا أن أكون هنا\nبصراحة.\nلا أعتقد أن أحد ما قد خطط.\nهل هناك أحد يساعدك؟\nهناك فندق يعطوني دفع مخفض\nلليلة بغرفة.\nوهذه هي المساعدة الوحيدة التي أحصل عليها.\nوغير ذلك لا تمر خدمة المحتاجين هناك\nليس حاليًا.\nكنت أتحدث لثنائي هناك\nوكانوا خارجًا لمدة شهرين، وهي حامل\nوهم بنفس المكان كل ليلة\nنعم أولئك الاثنان\n\nEnglish: \nSit here and--\n- No.\n- And have people walk by and--\nIt's just a horrible\nway to survive.\n- Yeah, I didn't really\nplan on being out here,\nto be honest.\n- [Interviewer] I don't\nthink anybody does.\nIs anybody helping you?\n- Like I said, there's a hotel\nthat I get a reduced rate\nof a room each night.\nThat's about the only\nhelp I get, yeah, but.\n- [Interviewer] Otherwise\nthere's no homeless service\nthat's coming by--\n- No.\nNot at the moment.\n- [Interviewer] I was talking\nto the couple down there\nand they've been out here two\nmonths, and she's pregnant.\nThey're in the same spot every night.\n- Yeah, oh them two down there?\n- [Interviewer] Yeah yeah.\n- Yeah.\n\nArabic: \nما الشيء الذي ترغب الناس بمعرفته (سكان المنازل) حول التشرد؟\nشيء بالغالب لا يعرفونه\nلا أعلم بصراحة\nليس لدي إجابة\nإذا كانت لديك ثلاثة أمنيات، ماذا ستكون؟\nأنا لا أكون مشردًا، وأن أحصل على وظيفة\nوأن تكون أمي ما زالت هنا.\nثلاثة أمنيات.\nشكرًا جزيلاً لتحدثك\nشكرًا لتوقفك للحديث \n\nEnglish: \n- [Interviewer] What would\nyou want people to know,\nhouse people, to know about homelessness\nthat they probably don't know?\n- I don't know, to be honest.\nDon't have a clue.\n- [Interviewer] If you had three\nwishes, what would they be?\n- Not to be homeless, have a job,\nfor my mom to still be here.\n- [Interviewer] Three wishes.\nThank you very much for talking.\n- No worries.\nThank you for stopping and speaking.\n(bus screeching)\n(chill music)\n(chimes)\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "More things have changed this past week\nin cryptocurrency\nthan the entire decade. Hello I'm\nCryptoCasey\nand welcome to last week in crypto. Every\nSunday we review the performance of the\nlargest cryptocurrencies, \ntop gainers as well as the latest global\nnews stories affecting the\ncryptocurrency markets this past week.\nWe've got a lot of ground to cover in\nthis episode but it's going to be\nbrief. So buckle up for a brief and big\nepisode.\nWe will talk about what happened in the\nmarkets, Ethereum's technical limits;\nthe exponential growth of D5's market\ncap; the failing US dollar\nand the massive leaps and bounds that\nhave taken place\njust this past week that will make the\npast decade look like peanuts.\nTo check out all of the links to the\narticles we discuss, go to\nCryptocasey.com forward slash LastWeek Crypto. This\nweek's episode is brought to you by\nCrypto.com. An exchange with over 55\ndifferent cryptocurrencies. \nYou can buy with bank transfers, debit or\ncredit cards at truecost with no markups. \nCrypto.com also offers a Visa Credit\nCard you can use to access,\nmanage and spend your funds all while\nearning cryptocurrency rewards. \nIt's so important to have relationships\nwith multiple exchanges\nas a cryptocurrency investor. So if you\nuse the link below to sign up for\ncrypto.com you'll receive\nnot 10 not 20 but a whopping 50 dollars worth of cryptocurrency\nall for free and while supporting the\nchannel. Check it out by scrolling down\nto the description area below and\nclicking on the link.\nAwesome!! So let's get started.\nFinally seeing some movement with the\ntop 10 Cryptos in market cap.\nBitcoin seven day moving average was\nfour point nine percent\nand Ethereum up a staggering twenty\nthree point four percent overall.\nThe top gainers this week were\nYearn.finance up an\ninsane three hundred thirty percent\nfollowed by Swipe up 121 percent\nthen nest up 101 percent and uma up 92\nnice so as more people are discovering\nthe power of defy\nethereum's network has been inundated\nwith tons of action\npushing ethereum to its technical limits\nand causing transaction fees to soar\ntransaction volume has increased to its\nhighest level since the 2018\nall-time high caused by the\ncryptokitties fiasco i've mentioned a\nfew times on this channel now\nand the ico craze from a few years ago\nhas been replaced\nby defy yields the spike in transactions\nthreatens to slow down the network but\nethereum 2.0\nis set to drastically increase\nthroughput luckily\nthis week an update about ethereum 2.0\nwas released\nstating that the final test net is set\nto launch august\n4th after three months of testing if all\ngoes well\nphase zero of ethereum's long-awaited\nserenity update will finally roll out\nand ease the strain the 1.0 network it's\ncurrently facing\nbut what about in the meantime defy\ncannot continue to grow and function\nwith all these costly fees and speed\nissues\nwell vitalik bederwin tweeted this past\ntuesday\ntransaction fee revenue is now nearing\nhalf as high as block reward revenue\nthis actually risks making ethereum less\nsecure because of a\nlink that refers to network instability\nwithout block rewards\nfee market reform eip1559 fixes this\nanother reason why that eip is so\nimportant\neip stands for ethereum improvement\nproposal and eips are how developers can\nsuggest\nfixes improvements and features to\nimplement\nto ethereum's network these eips then go\nthrough a consensus process\nwhere they are either accepted rejected\nfinalized or similar\nwithout getting too much into the\ntechnical implications of eip1559\nit is basically a proposed solution that\nshould greatly reduce the costly\ntransaction fee issue\nso it would help bridge the gap between\nnow and the official rollout of phase\nzero that will hopefully be implemented\nbefore the end of this year\nbecause just a few months ago defy was\nbelow 1 billion dollars\nand now we have flown past 4 billion\nwill d5 hit 5 billion in 2020\nyou can bet on this i mean look at this\nthis article came out on tuesday\nand it was at 3 billion and it's not\nstopping at 5 billion\nthis tweet from the beginning of july\nwas spot on\nthe next stop isn't 3 billion clearly\nwe've passed that mark\nit's 10 billion this is what exponential\ngrowth looks like\nbut with the news that came out this\nweek i think we will fly past 10 billion\nin no time\nthis article that came out tuesday from\nmarketwatch says it all\nthe us dollar is getting punched in the\nmouth\nits outlook amid coronavirus doesn't\nlook great the us dollar is\ntaking a beating on wall street the euro\nis resurging since european leaders\nforged a historic fiscal pact to dig the\neuro zone economy\nout of the coronavirus pandemic that has\nbrought much of the world to its knees\nthe dollar is now very vulnerable says\nboris schlossberg managing director at\nbk\nasset management massive spending and\nthe general lack of a lore\nof the us dollar could be more of a\nthreat to the dollar than people\nappreciate\nand as if any more nails could not be\ndriven into the us dollar's coffin\nthe biggest news affecting the\ncryptocurrency space this year\ncame out this past wednesday and it's\nmore massive than any news affecting the\nspace over the past decade\nin the united states the office of the\ncomptroller of the currency\nhas formally stated that nationally\nchartered banks\ncan hold cryptocurrencies for their\ncustomers\nand acting comptroller brian brooks was\ncoinbase's chief legal officer\nwho left them this past march to take on\nthis u.s regulatory role\nbrian brooks states from safe deposit\nboxes to virtual vaults\nwe must ensure banks can meet the\nfinancial service needs of their\ncustomers\ntoday this opinion clarifies that banks\ncan continue satisfying their customers\nneeds for safeguarding their most\nvaluable assets\nwhich today for tens of millions of\namericans includes cryptocurrency\nwhat does this mean for cryptocurrency\nit means massive adoption is around the\ncorner\nor by the looks of the exponential\ngrowth in defy and\nbillions of tether pouring in doubling 5\nbillion to 10 billion since march\nwe are probably in the midst of the\nonset this news along with mastercard\nexpanding their cryptocurrency program\nfor crypto card issuers\nvisa laying out a platform to integrate\nwith cryptocurrency\nand paypal getting into paxos to supply\ncrypto and a new service they will offer\nthis means that any regulatory threats\nto ban bitcoin or cryptocurrency\nat least in the united states has pretty\nmuch been eliminated\neverything is about to explode in crypto\nit's fantastic that big financial\ninstitutions\nare getting involved but we should\nalways be mindful of how they conduct\nbusiness\nwhen they enter the space they'll want\nto secure as much market share as\npossible\nas quickly as possible to be at the top\nand the way they do that is the way\nthey've done everything up to this point\nin the traditional centralized finance\nindustry\nfraternized with politicians and\nregulators in order to get regulations\nimposed\nthat only players like mastercard visa\nand paypal\ncan adhere to and follow that's how the\nbanking cartel does business\nso big financial institutions are about\nto be in an arms race to get into the\nspace\nfast and hard they have a ton of capital\nand it's going to start flowing into\ncryptocurrency\nbut they can't do it without crypto\nadvisors consultants\ndevelopers and programmers so if you're\na beginner and interested in becoming a\nprofitable cryptocurrency investor\ni'll be opening up limited access to a\nbeta version of the course in a few\nweeks\nand after i get feedback on it i will be\nreleasing a full-fledged flagship\ncourse for everyone so you can learn how\nto take advantage\nof all of these opportunities available\nin cryptocurrency if you're interested\nin learning how to become a developer\nin the industry or learn more about the\nadvanced technical concepts of\nblockchain technology\nthe best and pretty much only resource\navailable to my knowledge\nis i'm non-techs academy using the link\nin the description area below\nyou can enroll for the course at a\ndiscounted price so if you're interested\nin getting more involved in the space\nthere are resources available get in now\nwe are experiencing the 90s internet\ncraze\nall over again don't wait until\ncryptocurrency is mainstream\nwe are still so small compared to other\nasset categories but growing\nexponentially fast and once you get in\nplease do not\never send cryptocurrency or any funds to\nsomeone that claims they will send you\nmore in return there are so many\nscammers out there\nimpersonating crypto content creators so\ndon't ever trust anyone who claims to be\na trader or broker in the space who\noffers to take your funds and generate\nprofits for you\nall of those are 100 scams so be careful\nout there and always think twice before\nconsidering\nsending someone you don't know\ncryptocurrency well that was last week\nin crypto\nand honestly this will probably go down\nin history as the week for crypto\nso to check out all the links to the\narticles we discussed\ngo to cryptocasey.com forward slash last\nweek\ncrypto so are you guys pumped or\nstill skeptical are you going to miss\nout on 50 worth of free cryptocurrency\nby signing up for crypto.com\nif not click on the link to crypto.com\nin the description\narea below let me know your thoughts\nabout everything we covered\nin the comments below as well be safe\nout there\nyou\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "I see the problem is that many kids, many Deaf kids,\nare experiencing strong emotions and always acting angry.\nWhy are they so angry?\nThey believe their parents don't understand them.\nThey want to be able to communicate with their parents and they cannot.\nMy name is Fanghuai Ku.\nI'm from Taiwan.\nMy father is Deaf.\nI'm hearing but along with spoken language, I also learned sign language growing up.\nI understand Deaf Culture.\nI understand the frustrations Deaf people experience.\nMy company's goal is to create an app.\nMy app is geared towards children age 0 - 5 years old.\nI truly believe that this is the right age to begin teaching ASL.\nRight now, there are five stories on this app.\nThese stories are based on everyday life, such as morning routines,\ngoing to the bathroom, brushing your teeth, saying good night.\nBetween ages of 1 to 5,\nbefore entering elementary school,\nthey may not know sign language,\nthey might have not met a Deaf adult yet,\nor know anything about deafness.\nI want to take advantage of that age to teach them ASL through this app.\nI want these stories to encourage kids to read,\nfor parents to read with the kids,\nand to create opportunities where parents and kids can discuss things and talk every day.\nThis app is like a tool.\nIt's like a children's book.\nIt's just like a regular kid's book you see anywhere,\nbut it's also a way to encourage communication.\nI would love to see parents and teachers take time to read these ASL stories with their kids.\nHearing or Deaf, it doesn't matter.\nI want both parents and children to learn ASL together.\nMy hope is that this app and its stories can be used every single day,\nand that it can be integrated into people's lives.\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "Sergeant there's a real war out there I have to go out\nBring me five good men that will accompany me on the battlefield. Yes, sir, coming right up\nFollow me sir this way\nWhat the fuck is this. You promised me a good squad. Sir let me explain, now\nthis is private wheels the best anti aircraft personnel in our squad. He can take down any\nairplane\nThat comes to the vicinity of our airspace that is missus Captain Hook\nShe has a bionically attached hook arm and a bionically attached baseball bat foot\nShe could smash you to pieces if she wanted to now that is private boy\nI don't think I need an explanation for this guy. I mean look at him. Are you gonna mess with that guy?\nNo, and that is private tetanus. He can't really move though, but he's the best p90 player ever to exist\nBut make sure you look at the heart rate though. It kind of gets dodgy. Sometimes sir. This is my squad\nThey will follow you through mud through dust through fire. They will be the best\nAlmost forgot sir that was blind joe our best pilot\nDude come on. We gotta go right now everyone's on A, if we go fast. We can reach B site and plant the...\nDidn't have to use the parachute it's not that high man what the f..?\nCome on man, you gotta let that horse go bro. He's dead. He's not coming back. I can fix him. Shut the fuck up\nNo, no, dude. He's dead. Look at him. He's clearly fucking dead. You don't\nLook, I've lost a lot of people on the battlefield as well. But we gotta move on bro. Life doesn't stop here its always... Oh, oh\nHoly shit he actually fixed it\nDude that's so much c4 what the fuck you gonna do with all that? Oh you will see. All right guys\nCome towards me. Come on. Come on faster. We don't have much time. Come on, come on, come on a little bit more a little bit more\nAlright, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop alright motherfuckers, I have a detonator in my hands, okay\nWhich will blow those c4's when I press it, but you're my teammates, so it should not hurt you. You will go up\nLand on B site and take control of the B sit e. You understand that right?\nEverybody take cover and prepare because I'm gonna blow this motherfucker in three...\ntwo...one\nSuch a beautiful sky bro, I can't believe the war is over. We are finally going home\nI miss my mom so much bro and drinking beer with you and the fuckboys as well\nUh, I miss those times so much man you have no idea, I just want to say I'm so glad we're finally back together man, and we've been through so much shit.....\nNow it's time for some super random only in battlefield mods\nWe do it do it do it right now come on until he notices come on, dude\nHoly shit, holy shit careful careful\nCareful oh my god\nOh my god. Oh my god. What are you gonna do now, though?\nHoly shit, this is the best thing ever\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "\nPortuguese: \nÉ um match! Becca gostou de você! Envie uma mensagem\nBom, olá você aí (trocadilho)\nRisos. Oi\nEu vi no meu perfil que você é de Rochester?\nNascida e criada. Não há muito o que fazer por lá...\nEu fui para uma escola a 40 minutos de distância. E sim foi tediante para caramba.\nFala sério! Onde você estudou?\n-Filme favorito? 10 coisas que eu odeio em você.\nJulia Stiles fez eu questionar a minha sexualidade.\nEu amo Buffy.\nEu odeio futebol americano!\nEu gosto de gatos, mas eu não os amo.\nEu tenho dois irmãos\nEu tenho medo de altura\nEu tenho um vício sério...\n...em séries culinárias!\nQuando você saiu do armário?\nOnde você trabalha?\nPor que você iria para uma casa assombrada sozinha assim?\nVocê já leu Carol?\nVocê já viu Oito mulheres e um segredo?\nVocê já ouviu falar em Hayley Kyoko?\nVocê é engraçada.\nVocê é fofa.\nEu gosto de falar com você\nEu não gosto de conversar nesse aplicativo. Você gosta?\nNão exatamente.\nVocê deveria me enviar mensagem\nOi\nOi\n\nFrench: \nHey salut\nLol. Hey\nJ'ai vu sur ton profil que tu es de Manchester\nJ'y suis née et j'y ai grandi. Il n'y a pas beaucoup de choses à faire là-bas.\nJ'allais à l'école à 40 minutes de là. E t oui c'était la mort.\nSérieux ? Tu allais où ?\nFilm préféré ? Dix bonnes raisons de te larguer\nJulia Stiles m'a fait m'interroger sur ma sexualité\nJ'adore Buffy. Je déteste le football.\nJ'aime bien les chats... mais je ne les adore pas.\nJ'ai deux frères.\nJ'ai le vertige\nJ'ai une véritable addiction .... aux émissions de cuisine.\nQuand est-ce que tu as fait ton coming out ?\nTu travailles où ?\nQu'est-ce qui t'a pris d'aller dans une maison hantée seule comme ça ?\nTu as lu Carol ?\nTu as vu Ocean's 8 ?\nTu connais Hayley Kiyoko ?\nTu es marrante.\nTu es mignonne.\nJ'aime te parler.\nJ'aime pas trop parler sur cette app et toi ?\nPas vraiment\nTu devrais m'envoyer un sms\nHey\nHey\n\nPortuguese: \nBom, olá você aí\nPor favor, eu realmente acho que você vai gostar dela.\nTudo bem, mas você está me pedindo para convidar uma estranha para a minha festa de aniversário\nEla não é uma estranha, eu a conheço. Nós estamos enviando mensagens por 3 semanas.\nVocês estão conversando por 3 semanas e ainda não se conheceram pessoalmente?\nJesus. Lésbicas! Ou vocês se mudam no segundo encontro ou nunca se conhecem.\nEscolha um\nUma vez eu conheci um cara depois de uma hora e aí nós tivemos dois minutos de medíocre...\nQuero dizer, sexo não é a palavra certa.\nIsso é nada! Eu conheci um cara depois de 60 segundos da primeira mensagem.\nO que?\nEle estava a 90 metros de distância.\nDá para você parar de pegar o nosso vizinho?\nMamãe fica solitária algumas vezes.\nOk, dá para você pelo menos ligar para o Kenny? Porque ele fica ouvindo Hello da Adele e chorando na minha parede.\nHum... não estou tão solitária assim.\nEntão claramente eu tenho o melhor senso crítico que as duas.\nEu posso dizer que ela não é...\n\nFrench: \nStp je pense vraiment que tu vas l'aimer\nOk mais tu me demandes d'inviter une inconnue à mon anniversaire\nC'est pas une inconnue je la connais. On se parle depuis trois semaines.\nVous vous écrivez depuis 3 semaines et vous ne vous êtes toujours pas rencontrées ?\nSeigneur les lesbiennes soient vous déménagez ensemble au second rendez-vous\nou vous ne vous rencontrez jamais\nChoisis\nYeah une fois j'ai rencontré un gars au bout d'une heure et on a fait deux minutes de Medi yoga\nJe veux dire sexe n'est pas le bon mot\nÇa c'est rien\nJ'ai rencontré un gars\n60 secondes après le premier message\n \nIl était à 90m\nTu pourrais arrêter de sortir avec nos voisins ?\nJe me sens seule parfois\nOk mais alors est-ce que tu peux au moins appeler Kenny ?\nParce qu'il passe son temps à mettre Hello d'Adele à fond\net pleurer contre mon mur.\nMmmh pas si triste\nDonc clairement j'ai un meilleur jugement que vous deux\nEt je peux vous dire qu'elle n'est pas...\n\nPortuguese: \nQue ela não é uma garota?\nUma mulher\nDesculpe é que a Becca está no trabalho e tem esse colega, Charlie, acabou de dizer \"mais tacos, por favor\"\nÉ uma piada interna.\nPiada é um termo impreciso.\nTudo bem se significa tanto assim para você, você pode convidar a moça do taco\nObrigada!\nVocê provavelmente nem irá vê-la porque nós estaremos conversando a noite toda\nTeve uma noite que a gente ficou enviando mensagens por 6 horas diretas, então...\nHoje a noite vai ser bem melhor!\nA garota\n-Você quer -Eu te contei\nDesculpe\nNão, fala você\nNão, o que você ia falar?\nEu te contei o que o Charlie disse hoje?\nO \"mais tacos por favor\"?\nEntão eu te disse...\nFoi engraçado\nÉ\n\nFrench: \nQu'elle n'est pas une fille ?\n \nDésolé Beck est au travail et il y a ce gars avec qui elle travaille, Charlie\nIl vient de dire \" plus de tacos stp\"\nC'est une blague entre nous\nBlague n'est pas vraiment le mot\nOk si ça te fait autant plaisir\ntu peux inviter cette fille. Merci !\nTu ne la verra probablement pas parce qu'on va parler toute la nuit\nUne nuit on s'est écrit pendant six heures.\nCe soir ça va être elle et moi\n \nEst-ce que je t'ai.... Est-ce que tu veux ....\nDésolé !\nNon vas-y\nNon qu'est-ce que tu voulais dire ?\nJe t'ai dit ce que Charlie m'a dit aujourd'hui ?\n\"Plus de tacos stp\" ?\nDonc je te l'ai déjà dit\nC'était marrant\n\nPortuguese: \nEu gostei da sua camisa\nO que?\nEu gostei da sua camisa\nObrigada\nEu vou pegar outra bebida. Quer uma?\nNão. Sim.\nAinda estou trabalhando na minha cerveja.\nIsso está esquisito. Por que está esquisito?\nOi\nNós não somos essas pessoas que mandam mensagem uma para outra enquanto estão no mesmo cômodo, somos?\nTecnicamente você está na cozinha\n\nFrench: \nJ'aime ta chemise\nQuoi ?\nJ'aime ta chemise\nMerci\nJe vais aller me chercher un autre truc à boire\nTu veux quelque chose ?\nnon oui humm\nJ'ai toujours ma bière\nC'est bizarre pourquoi c'est bizarre\nHey\nOn n'est pas ces personnes qui s’envoient des sms en étant dans la même pièce non ?\nTechniquement tu es dans la cuisine\n\nPortuguese: \nIsso não pode ser uma começo saudável de um relacionamento.\nEntão você acha que esse é o começo de um relacionamento?\nEssa garota não para de falar sobre Donna. Está incerto se é a sua namorada ou sua gata.\nAtualização, ela disse que dá banho nela... Oh Deus, eu espero que seja sua gata.\nAi meu Deus! Eu tenho tantas perguntas!\nEnsino médio meio que foi uma bosta para mim.\nFundamental 2 meio que foi uma bosta para mim\nFundamental 2 meio que foi ruim para todo mundo\nEu beijei a primeira garota no acampamento de verão. Tanya Bergen.\nEu estou meio com ciúmes\nSério?\nSim\nVocê está muito bonita hoje a noite\nEu realmente gostei de você\nVocê ainda está aqui?\n\nFrench: \nCe n'est pas vraiment un début de relation sain\nDooonc tu penses que c'est le début d'une relation ?\n \nCette fille n'arrête pas de parler de Donna, c'est pas clair si c'est sa petite amie ou son chat\n \nElle vient de dire qu'elle la lave.. Mon dieu j'espère que c'est son chat\nOMG ! J'ai tellement de questions\nMes années de lycée craignaient pas mal\nPour moi c'est le collège qui craignait\nLe collège craignait pour tout le monde\nLa première fille que j'ai embrassé c'était en colonie de vacances. Tanya Bergen.\nJe suis un peu jalouse\nOh vraiment ?\nOuais\nTu es vraiment jolie ce soir\nJe t'aime vraiment\nTu es toujours là ?\n\nFrench: \n \nJe ne t'ai pas fait peur j'espère\n \nOù es-tu ?\n \nC'est vraiment sympa\nTu l'as eu où ?\nJe l'ai trouvé à Marshalls\n \n \n\nPortuguese: \nEu não assustei você, assustei?\nOnde você está?\nIsso é muito legal\nAh sim, onde você comprou?\nComprei na Marshall\n\nPortuguese: \nEi, você viu o Kenny?\nEssa é a minha bebida. Eu estava bebendo isso...\nPor que você faria... Então tá.\nBecca, olá adorável ver você aqui.\nAnna! Oi\nQuem é essa mulher jovem charmosa?\nEu sou Tiffany\nEla estava falando comigo por muito tempo sobre futebol americano\nFutebol americano? É você odeia... perder um jogo\nVai Yankes!\nNão, isso é... Yankes joga baseball. O time para...\nAi meu Deus, mindinhos!\nO time de futebol americano de Nova York é\nQuer saber, Tiff? A gente realmente precisa colocar o assunto em dia. Nos dê licença.\nAi meu Deus, obrigada por me salvar, ela me pegou quando eu estava lá dentro carregando meu celular\nO que?\n\nFrench: \n \nHey tu as vu Kelly ?\nMais c'est mon verre\nJe le buvais\nPourquoi est-ce que ...Ok\nBeca hey ! C'est sympa de te voir ici\nhey ouais !\nEt qui est cette charmante jeune femme ?\nOh je suis Tiffany\nElle était en train de me parler depuis un bon moment de football\nFootball .... Ouais tu détestes...\nlouper un match. Go Yankees.\nNon c'est .... les Yankees jouent au baseball\nL'équipe de ...\n \n \nL'équipe de football de New york est ...\nTu sais quoi Tiff ? On a vraiment besoin de parler excuses nous\n \nMon dieu merci de m'avoir sauvé. Elle m'a attrapé quand\nj'essayais de charger mon portable\nQuoi ?\n\nPortuguese: \nMeu celular descarregou\nMas está todo carregado agora se você quiser continuar...\nVocê quer apenas conversar no meu quarto?\nSim\nEu realmente quero conversar sobre futebol americano, bolas, gols...\nVocê é tão ruim nisso\nEITA PORR*\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\nFrench: \nMon portable n'avait plus de batterie\nMais il est complètement chargé maintenant\nA vrai dire ... tu ne voudrais pas plutôt parler dans ma chambre ?\nJe voulais vraiment parler de football\nQuoi ?\n \nTu n'es vraiment pas douée pour ça\n \n \n \n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "\nEnglish: \nMy fellow communists: I hate to be the one to break this to you,\nbut our dreams of being able to lop off Jeff Bezos' head in front of a crowd of cheering proletariat,\nprobably isn't going to happen within our lifetimes.\nAnd my fellow anarcho-capitalists: it's no secret,\nthat statism is on the rise around the world,\nmaking our dream of an anarcho-capitalist utopia even more distant.\nNow, I know that state-communists and anarcho-capitalists are basically on opposite ends of every single political spectrum.\nBut I've got a plan, that I think can really bring us all together.\nI call it \"Anarcho-capitalism, but we cull the Top 1% in a violent revolution at the end of every year\".\nFirst, we create an anarcho-capitalist society.\nFor those of you who don't know, in an anarcho-capitalist utopia there would be no state.\nEverything would be decided by trade,\nand everything would be legal to trade.\nThe only law would be a guiding principle of non-aggression.\nNow communists, I see that I'm losing you,\nso let me get to your part. This is where you come in!\nYou see, the anarcho-capitalist utopia will actually be surrounded by a totalitarian regime with absolute power.\n\nSpanish: \nCompañeros comunistas\nOdio ser el que arruine esto\nPero nuestros sueños de poder cortar la cabeza de Jeff Bezos\nen frente de una multitud de proletarios aplaudiéndolo\nProbablemente no sucederá en nuestras vidas\nY compañeros anarcocapitalistas\nNo es un secreto que el estatismo\nestá en aumento en todo el mundo\nHaciendo nuestro sueño de la utopía anarcocapitalista\naun más distante\nAhora, yo sé que los comunistas estatistas\ny los anarcocapitalistas\nBásicamente están en los extremos opuestos\nde cada espectro político\nPero tengo un plan que creo que realmente\nnos puede unir a todos\nYo lo llamo «anarcocapitalismo, pero matamos al 1 % más rico\nen una revolución violenta al final de cada año»\nPrimero creamos una sociedad anarcocapitalista\nPara aquellos que no lo sepan,\nen una utopía anarcocapitalista no habría ningún estado\nTodo sería decidido por el comercio\ny todo sería legal por el comercio\nLa única ley sería una guía principal de no agresión\nAhora, comunistas, veo que los estoy perdiendo,\nasí que dejenme llegar a su parte\nAcá es donde ustedes llegan\nVerán, la utopía anarcocapitalista sería rodeada, en realidad, por un régimen totalitario con un poder absoluto\n\nPortuguese: \nCaros comunistas: eu odeio ter que dar essa notícia para vocês,\nmas nosso sonho de degolar o Jeff Bezos na frente de uma plateia proletária\nprovavelmente não vai acontecer enquanto estivermos vivos.\nE, caros anarco-capitalistas: não é segredo que estatismo está em ascensão no mundo,\ntornando nosso sonho de utopia anarco-capitalista ainda mais distante.\nEu sei que comunistas pró-Estado e anarco-capitalistas estão em lados opostos do espectro político.\nMas eu tenho um plano que eu acho que irá nos juntar.\nEu chamo de \"Anarco-capitalismo, mas abatemos os mais ricos em uma revolução violenta no final do ano\".\nPrimeiro, criamos uma sociedade anarco-capitalista.\nPara os que não sabem, não existiria Estado em uma utopia anarco-capitalista.\nTudo seria decidido pelo comércio e tudo poderia ser comercializado.\nA única lei seria o princípio de não agressão.\nComunistas, sei que estou perdendo vocês, então eu vou para sua parte. É aí que vocês entram!\nSabe, a utopia anarco-capitalista, na realidade, será rodeada por um regime totalitário com poder absoluto.\n\nSpanish: \nEste régimen tomaría cuidadosa nota\nde cada individuo dentro de dicha sociedad\nEntonces, al final de cada año,\nel 1 % más rico sería ejecutado frente al pueblo\nEntonces su riqueza sería redistribuida equitativamente\nentre el pueblo\nAhora, sí, el 1 % probablemente\ntrataría de encontrar escapatorias de esto\nPero lo que ellos deben tener en mente es que\nel resto de los ricos también están tratando de encontrar\nesas mismas escapatorias\nEntonces, al final del día,\nel 1 % más rico sigue siendo asesinado\nNadie sabría exactamente qué tan ricos son los demás,\nsolo el estado, el cual es el que estaría haciendo tal seguimiento\nEntonces los ricos tendrían que adivinar\nde cuánto dinero se tienen que deshacer en orden de salir del 1%\nEsto resultaría en ricos donando todo su dinero a caridades\nY por supuesto, si los líderes de estas caridades\ntienen mucho éxito, entonces tendremos que matarlos\nPero en realidad ese es un sacrificio\nque ellos deberían estar dispuestos a hacer\nAños tras años pasarían\nEl 1 % más rico se levantaría, caería,\ny su dinero sería redistribuido equitativamente\nFinalmente podremos matar a los súperricos\ny tener anarcocapitalismo\n¿¡Qué no podríamos amar de esto!?\nY si alguien tratara de engañaral sistema\nmuy duramente, ¡simplemente lo mataríamos!\nFinalmente un sistema perfecto\nque uniría a todos los extremos\n\nEnglish: \nThis regime will take careful note\nof every individual within the society.\nThen, at the end of each year, the richest 1%\nwill be summarily executed in front of the people.\nThen, their wealth will be redistributed equally amongst the populace!\nNow, sure: the 1% will probably try to find loopholes around this.\nBut what they have to keep in mind, is that the rest of the rich people are also trying to find those same loopholes.\nSo at the end of the day, the top 1% is still getting culled.\nNobody will know exactly, how rich everybody else is.\nOnly the state, who's keeping track of it.\nSo the rich will just have to guess, how much money they need to get rid of, in order to get out of the 1%.\nThis will result in rich people donating\nall of their money to charities.\nAnd of course, if those charity leaders get too successful, then we have to kill them as well.\nBut really, that's a sacrifice they should be willing to make.\nYear after year will go by, the top 1% will rise, fall,\nand their cash will be redistributed equally.\nFinally, we get to kill the super-rich 𝙖𝙣𝙙 have anarcho-capitalism! What's not to love??\nAnd if anyone tries to cheat the system too hard - we'll just kill 'em!\nFinally, a perfect system, that will unite all extremes!\n\nPortuguese: \nTal regime irá tomar nota de todos os indivíduos nessa sociedade.\nEntão, no final de todo ano, os 1% mais ricos serão prontamente executados na frente do povo.\nDaí, a riqueza deles será distribuída igualmente entre a população!\nAgora, claro: os 1% provavelmente tentarão achar brechas para contornar isso.\nMas eles têm que lembrar que os outros ricos também estarão tentando achar essas mesmas brechas.\nE no final do dia, os 1% mais ricos ainda serão abatidos.\nNinguém saberá exatamente o quão rico os outros são. Apenas o Estado irá acompanhar isso.\nEntão os ricos terão que adivinhar de quanto dinheiro eles precisam se desfazer, para não ficarem entre os 1%.\nIsso resultará em pessoas ricas doando todo o seu dinheiro para órgãos de caridade.\nE claro, se os líderes desses órgãos se tornarem bem-sucedidos demais, nós vamos ter que matá-los.\nMas sério, é um sacrifício que eles deveriam estar dispostos a fazer.\nAno após ano os 1% mais ricos irão ascender, cair e seu dinheiro será redistribuído igualmente.\nFinalmente, a gente pode matar os super-ricos e ter anarco-capitalismo! Como não amar?\nE se alguém tentar burlar o sistema - é só a gente matar!\nFinalmente, um sistema perfeito, que une todos os extremos!\n\nPortuguese: \nHa-ha! Por que ainda não me contrataram para escrever políticas?\n♫ Eu quero matar os ricos, não por você, mas por mim ♫\n♫ Eu só quero matá-los porque eu quero toda a sua riqueza ♫\n♫ Eu quero uma revolução, mas que nada mude de verdade ♫\n♫ Então vamos matar Jeff Bezos e ficar exatamente do mesmo jeito ♫\nMas é sério, você pode...\nPode escrever uma história de ficção cientifica baseada nisso, se quiser.\n\nSpanish: \n¿Por qué nadie me ha contratado aún?\n♪♫♬ Quiero matar ricos ♪♫♬\n♪♫♬ No por ti, sino por mí ♪♫♬\n♪♫♬ Los quiero matar porque quiero toda su riqueza ♪♫♬\n♪♫♬ Quiero una revolución pero los tiempos son distintos ♪♫♬\n♪♫♬ Solo matemos a Jeff Bezos, y sigamos así ♪♫♬\nEn serio, estás autorizado si quieres escribir\nuna historia de ciencia ficción sobre esto, si quieres\n\nEnglish: \nHa-ha! Why hasn't anyone hired me to write policy yet?\n♫ I wanna kill the rich, not for you but for myself ♫\n♫ I only wanna kill them 'cause I want all of their wealth ♫\n♫ I want a revolution, but nothing to really change ♫\n♫ So let's kill Jeff Bezos, and stay exactly the same ♫\nSeriously though, you can, uh...\nYou're entitled to write a sci-fi story on that, if you want.\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "Hello, my name is Paul Stewart and after a week and a half of traveling around Greece and not at all looking like the dorkiest tourist possible\nI'm at the AL Safwa first class lounge just before my flight back to Sydney in the Qatar Airways\nFlagship first class A380 product\nWell journey began approximately 10 hours before my flight\nMostly due to the quality of my hotel in Doha with no Wi-Fi, which is catastrophic for any millennial\nFirst and business passengers have a separate check-in area and are again separated off with first passengers sent to the right\nWhere there are chairs and refreshments. You're then directed to a separate security and customs queue and catch an escalator directly into the Al Safwa\nFirst class lounge\nNow unlike most airlines which open that first-class lounge to passengers who hold high levels of status irrespective of travel class\nThis lounge is only open to those with the first-class ticket\nParticularly with Qatar currently cut out of the short hold Middle Eastern market due to various political reasons\nThis lounge is incredibly quiet for a number of hours. I was the only passenger\nIt's an impressive lounge and I've created a separate 10-minute review, which you can find in the video description below\nNow I'll run you through my highlights. There's a restaurant with a full ala cart menu\nThere's usually more food on display as well as alcohol. But because we're currently in Ramadan. That's all hidden. Here's my lunch\nAnd while I'm eating I thought I might spam my Instagram and Facebook pages\nWhich I think you should go on follow up join and like I also mentioned to other youtubers are quite enjoy watching first\nThere's Dennis Bunnick travels who does really well edited videos. He's a fellow Aussie\nSo presumably he'll get better at cricket than the Poms or Kiwis\nor South Africans. The next channel I enjoy is Paul's trip reports. He's got a great first name and certainly flies a lot\nHe's based in the UK, which I think is just west of Belgium\nAlthough Nigel would probably tell you they're the same country. His channel is great. If you're bit ask me about trains as well as planes.\nAs I had quite a few hours to kill I booked in one of the nap rooms\nThese are essentially like small hotel rooms with a bed and bathroom\nSome also have two beds and a desk as I said before. I'll go into more detail with these in another video\nNext up was a massage, which is really good\nAlthough it's a bit tight that you have to pay for us\nBecause it's a proper one with oil and minimal clothing\nThey give you these disposable undies so that the oil doesn't wreak your clothes. And now it was dinner time\nAn few hours later, it was time to board my flight\nThere's only eight seats in the first-class cabin at the front of the upper level and then in a 1-2-1\nLayout as I'll show later window seats are best for singles and middle seats for couples\nA glass of champagne was offered and in his case\nIt was Krug 2004 vintage\nAgain, because of Ramadan, the bottles were hidden away out of sight so you won't be seeing footage of drinks being poured\nCheese and olives were also offered and followed up by Arabic coffee and dates\nA top up of the drink was offered and now let's have a look at this window seat in more detail.\nJust behind the TV screen is somewhere to store your clothes. You can't see them, but they were coat hangers inside\nJust by your side, once he sitting down, is a privacy screen which only has limited effectiveness\nBelow that is the armrest which lowers and converts into a very wide mattress as you'll see later\nInside the armrests are noise cancelling headphones and controls for the seat which of course folds completely flat\nThere's also a USB port in here for charging your device\nOn the other side is a storage spot for a bottle of water and a remote for the in-flight entertainment\nThere's reading material in here a map reading light and buttons to lower and raise the Sun shades for your three windows\nAnd here at arm's reach is a cocktail table\nand of course a fold-out table\nWhich is properly massive and you can use it to share a meal with someone as you'll see later that there's a seat belt on\nThat footrest ledge thing\nImportantly, you can also move the table forward and sneak out of your seat during the meal service\nAnd just behind this lamp is a universal power plug. And of course in front of you is a large high-definition TV screen\nUnfortunately storage is an issue and there's no overhead lockers. Staff will store stuff up front, although often you want something within arm's reach\nHe's what the middle seats look like with the central divider down\nAnd of course, here's an amenity kit and pyjamas\nI was glad to see that the PJs come in a small size and they actually fit me quite well\nAgain, I'll be giving away the amenity kit to a viewer and I'll include details of that giveaway later on\nShortly after that, we pushed back and headed for the runway\nI will speed through the take-off as my camera struggled in the dark light and\nUnfortunately, we missed what would have been a great view of the city center. I'm making a hard right turn just after takeoff\nThere's two toilets for the eight first class seats and they're located at the front on both sides of the stairs\nI went to check it out and get changed into my pajamas\nMore drinks and walnuts were offered and I settled down and watched an old classic\nQatar Airways offer a dine on-demand service where you choose when and what you want from the menu\nAs it was now around five hours since dinner. I went for a second dinner.\nAlso to save you for watching through the menus, I'll hold off until the end of the video where I'll go through them slowly\nAt the front of the aircraft there's a selection of nibbles and reading material\nAnd behind the business cabin. There's a bar shared with business and first passengers again due to it being during Ramadan\nNo alcohol was on display, although you could still request it.\nWhile I was out of the bar I see it was converted into a bed\nIt's certainly one of the more comfortable seats. I've had in the air.\nI often find that my hips get sore if I'm lying on my side and there's not enough padding\nAlthough this wasn't an issue on this flyer\nBefore I went to sleep, I wanted to check out this facial mist that came in the amenity kit\nHere, I am removing my reading glasses prior to reading the instructions before finding out that it really weren't any instructions\nAnd after that refreshing moment I then checked out the body spray, which is also refreshing\nNow feeling refreshed although clearly needing some metrosexual advice I went to bed\nSeven hours later I woke up.\nMultiple cold or warm towels were brought around as well as chocolate and some orange juice\nWe were now around four hours from landing in Sydney and out. The window was the Australian outback. I never eat big breakfasts\nSo I just went for some of the lighter options\nI should mention that there is Wi-Fi and first-class passengers get 200 megabytes for free\nUnfortunately, it was incredibly slow and I gave up after waiting five minutes for Instagram to load a single photo a few people have messaged\nA few people have messaged me saying they've seen me at airports\nSo in the future, feel free to come up and say hello. If we're on the same flights\nI may be able to get you into the lounge\nSo next time you're flying keep an eye out for an excited little ranga who'll probably be sunburnt, and saying g'day mate\nTo everyone because we all say that all the time\nAnd now to conclude what has been a wonderful flight. The service from the person that greeted me from check-in\nUntil the end of the flight was wonderful\nMeals were served and removed promptly and they call bell answered within seconds by someone with a big smile\nIt was keen to help. I should have mentioned earlier that the food is on demand\nSo you can eat whenever you want to instead of having the traditional meal services that you had in the past\nThe quality of the food and drink was great.\nI noticed that the caviar was served with a pearl spoon\nSome charismatic fellow on the internet told me it's better than a metal spoon because the latter apparently messes with the test\nSo there you go now\nThe seat itself is mixed. There's no doubt that it's huge and very comfortable and converted into a great bed\nBut privacy is limited many other airlines such as Qantas and Cathey don't have doors in the first-class Suites\nAlthough they're all angled inwards away from other passengers line of sight. Well, I didn't have anyone sitting next to me\nI feel that they would have been able to see everything especially once my seat reclined and the seat moves slightly forwards\nThe other issue is a lack of storage. There's no overhead bins. So I had to store my bag under the ledge in front\nSo when the seat goes completely flat, I'd have to sneak my arms in from the aisle to get access to the bag\nLook, there's no doubt that I'm nitpicking and I'm incredibly fortunate to have flown in first-class but in comparison to their competitors\nand these are honestly my only two criticisms privacy and storage are issues and\nThe in-flight entertainment was fine. The screen itself was high quality and the content was reasonably\nwhile there were advertisements before movies you are thankfully able to skip through them and\nAs usual I'm giving away an amenity kit. It's open to anyone over the ages of 13\nI'm happy to mail internationally to enter simply comment below and include the hashtag\nAmenity kit the competition closes on Thursday the seventh of June\n2018 at midnight Sydney time full details are included in the video description below now\nBefore I run you through the menus. Thanks again for watching\nAnd as I said before if you see me at the airport\nFeel free to come and say g'day don't forget to find me on Instagram and Facebook\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "This is professor\nAllan Lichtman.\nHe's taught history\nat American University\nfor almost 50 years.\nHe's a former\nsteeplechase champion.\n\"It's a race designed for\nhorses but run by people.\"\n\"Tic-Tac-Dough.\"\nAnd a former quiz show winner.\n\"I had a 16-show\nwinning streak.\nWon four cars.\"\nBut we're not here to\ntalk about any of that.\nWe're here because\n\"Allan Lichtman\"\n\"Allan Lichtman\"\n\"Allan Lichtman\"\nis the Nostradamus of\npresidential elections.\nHe's accurately predicted\nthem for four decades.\nYes, even that one.\n\"Donald Trump sent me a note.\nCongrats professor.\nGood call.\nIn his big Sharpie letters.\"\nNow Allan's ready to tell\nus who will win in 2020.\nBut we'll come back to that.\nAllan Lichtman is certain\nwe've been thinking\nabout elections all wrong.\n\"The pollsters and the\npundits cover elections\nas though they\nwere horse races.\nBut history tells\nus voters are not\nfooled by the tricks\nof the campaign.\nVoters vote\npragmatically according\nto how well the party\nholding the White House\nhas governed the country.\"\nSo polls are worthless?\n\"They are snapshots in time.\nNone of this in the end\nhas any impact whatsoever\non the outcome of a\npresidential election.\"\nSo Allan Lichtman\ndesigned a better system\nto predict\npresidential winners.\nHe calls it\n\"The Keys to the White House.\"\nAnd like some other\npolitics these days,\nthere's a Russian involved.\n\"In 1981, I met\nVladimir Keilis-Borok.\nVladimir turned\nto me and said,\nwe are going to collaborate.\"\nBy the way, Vladimir wasn't\na historian or a politician.\nHe was a leading expert\nin predicting earthquakes.\n\"This point, I thought the\nguy was either nuts or KGB.\"\nHe wasn't.\n\"We recast American\npresidential elections\nas stability, the party\nholding the White House\nkeeps the White House.\nAnd earthquake, the\nWhite House party\nis turned out of power.\"\nSo they got to work.\n\"We looked at every\npresidential election\nfrom 1860 to 1980.\"\nWhat they found were 13 keys.\nOnly two of which\nhave anything\nto do with the traits\nof the candidates.\nAllan has used the keys\nto accurately predict\nevery election.\nFirst in 1984, calling it\ntwo years early before anyone\neven knew who Reagan's\ncontender would be.\nIn 1988, calling it in\nspring when Bush was trailing\nDukakis.\nAgain in '92, '96\nand in 2000, when\nhe called it for Al Gore?\nHey, Allan.\n\"No, no, I wasn't wrong.\nI correctly predicted\nthat Al Gore\nwould win the popular vote.\nWhen I first developed\nthe system in '81,\nyou had to go all\nthe way back to 1888\nto find a divergence\nbetween the popular vote\nand the Electoral\nCollege vote.\"\nSo Allan eventually started\ncalling the winner, not just\nthe popular vote, which was\nuseful 16 years later when,\nwell, you know.\n\"I'm a Democrat.\nAnd the toughest thing\nin being a forecaster\nis to keep your own\npolitics out of it.\"\nBut that's enough\nhistory, professor.\nLet's get to it.\nWhat do Allan's 13\nkeys predict for 2020?\n\"And remember,\nan answer of 'true'\nalways favors the re-election\nof the White House party.\nIf six or more of\nthe keys are false,\nyou get a political\nearthquake.\"\nOK, No. 1:\nThe White House party\ngained House seats\nbetween midterm elections.\n\"Republicans lost the U.S.\nHouse midterms in 2018.\nSo false.\"\nNo. 2: There is\nno primary contest\nfor the White House party.\n\"No Republicans challenged\nTrump for his renomination.\nSo true.\"\nNo. 3: The\nincumbent seeking.\nThe sitting president is\nrunning for re-election.\n\"Doesn't look like he's\nstepping down, so true.\"\nFour: There is no\nthird-party challenger.\n\"Despite claims by Kanye\nWest to be running,\nthis is a two-party race.\"\nThis is looking pretty\ngood for Trump so far.\nNo. 5: The short-term economy is strong.\n\"The pandemic has pushed\nthe economy into recession.\nFalse.\"\nSix: Long-term economic growth\nduring this presidential term\nhas been as good as\nthe past two terms.\n\"The pandemic has caused\nsuch negative G.D.P. growth\nin 2020 that the key\nhas turned false.\"\nNo. 7: The White\nHouse has made major changes\nto national policy.\n\"Through his big\ntax cut, but mostly\nthrough his executive\norders, Trump\nhas fundamentally changed the\npolicies of the Obama era.\nSo true.\"\nNo. 8: There\nis no social unrest\nduring the term.\n\"There has been considerable\nsocial unrest on the streets,\nwith enough violence to\nthreaten the social order.\nSo false.\"\nNo. 9: The White House\nis untainted by scandal.\n\"My favorite key.\nAs I predicted,\nTrump was impeached.\nPlus he has plenty\nof other scandals.\nSo false.\"\nNo. 10: The \nWhite House has\nno major foreign or\nmilitary failures abroad.\n\"We've had some very difficult\nmoments with Donald Trump.\nBut so far, true.\"\n11: The White House has\na major success abroad.\n\"While Trump hasn't had\nany big splashy failures,\nhe hasn't had any\nmajor successes either.\nSo false.\"\n12: The incumbent-party\ncandidate is charismatic.\n\"Donald Trump is\na great showman.\nBut he only appeals\nto a narrow slice\nof the American people.\nAnd as a result, false.\"\n13: The challenger\nis uncharismatic.\n\"Biden is a decent\nempathetic person,\nbut he's not inspirational\nor charismatic.\nSo true.\"\nThat means —\n\"The keys predict that Trump\nwill lose the White House.\"\nThat's Allan\nLichtman's prediction.\nAnd Allan Lichtman\nis always right.\n\"Don't just take\nmy word for it.\nThere are forces at\nplay outside the keys —\nvoter suppression,\nRussian meddling.\nIt's up to you the\nvoters to decide\nthe future of our democracy.\nSo get out and vote.\nVote in person.\nVote by mail.\nAs Abraham Lincoln said,\nthe best way to predict\nthe future is to choose it.\"\n[MUSIC PLAYING]\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "Director Steven Spielberg changed blockbuster\ncinema forever in 1993 when he released the\ndinosaur-resurrecting epic Jurassic Park,\nwhich remains one of the most successful and\npopular movies ever made.\nThe impressive cast included two unknown child\nactors playing the forever-traumatized grandchildren\nof the park's creator, Jon Hammond.\nDecades after becoming famous for running\nfrom raptors, and with the franchise still\nroaring at five films and counting, where\nare they now?\nAriana Richards\nNow here's something that'll make you feel\nsuper-old: as of the making of this video,\nAriana Richards is only one year younger than\nJeff Goldblum was when he began filming Jurassic\nPark with Richards in 1992.\nRichards was 12 when she played Lex Murphy,\na skilled young hacker … well, at least\nby '90s cinematic standards …\n\"You got it?\"\n\"Yes!\"\nOver the years, Richards shifted from acting\nto painting, which is now her main professional\nfocus.\nShortly after Jurassic Park's release, Richards\nsent Steven Spielberg a watercolor self-portrait\ninspired by one of the scenes in the film.\nThe painting now hangs in Spielberg's office.\nAlong with her role as the pogo-stick-loving\nMindy Sterngood in the 1990 cult hit Tremors,\nRichards' most well-known on-screen appearances\nwere in the Jurassic Park franchise.\nIn 1997, she briefly appeared in Jurassic\nPark sequel The Lost World, and followed that\ncameo with handful of TV movies over the years.\nIn 2015, she told People,\n\"If some great role or project finds me, absolutely\nthat could be a nice thing to do, for sure.\"\nAt the time of that interview, her latest\nTV movie was 2013's Battledogs, which was\nproduced by The Asylum, the team behind the\nSharknado movies ... and she hasn't acted\nsince.\n\"Chew on this, mother!\"\nRichards did, however, make an appearance\nat the June 2018 premiere of Jurassic World:\nFallen Kingdom, where she reunited with her\nformer co-star Jeff Goldblum.\nJoseph Mazzello\nTalk about friends in high places!\nIn a 2013 interview with People, Joseph Mazzello\nrevealed that Steven Spielberg helped him\nget into the University of Southern California\nby writing him a letter of recommendation.\nMazzello graduated with a degree in cinema\nand television, but has also acted steadily\nsince becoming famous in Jurassic Park for\nhis role as the dino-loving Tim Murphy.\n\"Galluh- Gallimimus!\"\nHis biggest post-Park roles include The Social\nNetwork, in which he played the Harvard student\nwho inspired Mark Zuckerberg to add relationship\nstatuses to Facebook profiles, and a stint\nin the HBO Emmy-winning miniseries, The Pacific.\nIn 2016, he made his directorial debut with\nthe sports comedy-drama Undrafted, starring\nChace Crawford, Jim Belushi, and Mazzello\nhimself.\nThe film is based on Mazzello's brother, a\ncollege baseball star who was scouted to play\nin the majors, but ultimately didn't make\nthe cut.\nMazzello will next appear as Queen's bass\nplayer John Deacon in Bryan Singer's Freddie\nMercury bio-pic Bohemian Rhapsody, which began\nfilming in September 2017.\nWhen filming wrapped in January 2018, he tweeted:\n\"I'm sad.\nEvery moment was a pleasure.\nEvery day was a blessing.\nOne of the all time great experiences of my\nlife.\"\nAnd that's saying a lot, considering his iconic\nrole in one of the most celebrated motion\npictures ever made.\nThanks for watching!\nClick the Looper icon to subscribe to our\nYouTube channel.\nPlus check out all this cool stuff we know\nyou'll love, too!\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "The derby was a marvellous game for our fans. It gave them something to celebrate.\nWe need to go again and we’ve already moved on, because we have a very tough match tomorrow.\nWe have to draw a line under the derby. By all means, keep enjoying it,\nbut we need to be focused on tomorrow’s match because it’ll be a tough one.\nIt’ll be tough physically and tough on a technical level.\nWe need to gather everything we have mentally and physically in order to stay in the game.\nThat’s our aim tomorrow – to stay in the game.\nWinning breeds confidence and when you’re feeling confident then you can relax a little bit.\nThat said, I know it’s not going to be easy because they have a thousand ways to win the game.\nThey’re technically gifted, physically strong, experienced, wily…\nThey have a lot of ways to beat you and that’s why I say we have to be competitive physically at least.\nWe need to keep our organisation and produce a good standard of football.\nIf I think that we need to make changes to ensure we’re 100% at the races on a physical level, I will.\nI need fresh legs.\nIn order to keep the match in the balance we need players who are fit and fully recovered,\nespecially in those positions where we’re going to need them to get through the most running.\nWe need players at the peak of their powers in order to keep us in the game.\nI need to pick a physical team but one that can still play to a good standard.\nI have to try to marry the two things because if we go there to defend, we’ll lose.\nIf we go to Turin and let them dominate us physically, we’ll lose.\nWe may lose anyway, I don’t know, but I need to try to make us competitive on a physical, technical and organisational level.\nAs I’ve said, we’ll need fresh legs and players who aren’t feeling the effects of the last match in those areas where I demand a lot.\nI think it’s a chance to show there is absolute impartiality.\nI have complete confidence in the referees.\nTagliavento did a fine job on Saturday because he was able to referee the derby without nullifying the competitive aspect – the derby spirit.\nAt the same time, he maintained control over the game.\nTomorrow is definitely a tough match,\nbut I think it’s another good chance to prove that we’re completely impartial.\nI’m expecting the refereeing to be as fair as ever and there shouldn’t be any evening up of what happened at San Siro.\nIf that was how it worked then we’d have plenty to complain about.\nWe’ve never done so because we have confidence in their honesty and integrity.\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "Congratulations everybody.\nYou've all subscribed to\nPewDiePie (bell dings)\nand he has hit 100 million\nYouTube subscribers.\nAnd this is exactly\nwhen he finally did it.\n♪ vidIQ ♪\n♪ vidIQ ♪\n♪ vidIQ.com (electronic music) ♪\nHello, I'm Rob.\nWelcome back to vidIQ.\nAnd we're going to do this one more time.\nHere we are then, delicately poise,\n100 thousand and one subscribers short\nof the magical 100 million.\nLet's get this thing started\nwith a speedy time lapse\nthat will take us to that special moment.\n(record scratches)\nHang on, hang on.\nWhich special moment\nare you talking about?\nOh yeah!\nFelix married Marzia earlier this week.\nIt's almost as if it was\npremiered in the YouTube stars,\nthat they would tie the knot,\nthe same week the channel\nhit this milestone.\nA couple of things.\nCome on Pews, you could've\nused a better aspect ratio\nfor his desktop YouTube viewers,\nand shame on anyone who's\ndisliking this video.\nThey must be T-Series fans.\nAnyway, many congratulations\nto the bride and groom.\nHere's an official vidIQ\ncertificate of achievement\nto celebrate.\n(popping)\n(cheers)\nThat's his nine year old army\nlooking here, by the way.\nAll of which leads me to a question\nI'm almost too afraid to ask.\nWhich of these events have\nmade you happier for PewDiePie,\nthe wedding or the subscriber count?\nLet us know in the voting card over here.\nAnd folks, please vote responsibly,\nand help me keep my faith in humanity.\nNow, I've gotta be honest with you.\nI didn't think we were gonna be able\nto see this landmark of PewDiePie thing,\n100 million subscribers.\nBecause Youtube are supposed to end\nexactly what you're watching right now.\nYouTube announced way back in May,\nthat this month,\nthey would abbreviate all\nsubscriber counts over a thousand.\nSo that they went from looking like this,\nto looking like this.\nAnd at the time,\nPewDiePie's subscriber count\nwas slugging along in\nthe mid-ninety millions,\nand it didn't look as if\nhe would hit 100 million,\nuntil the end of the year.\nThat is, until he started\nplaying Minecraft.\nAlmost over night,\nPewDiePie doubled both his\ndaily view, and daily sub count.\nAnd has now pumped half a billion views\ninto the revitalized\nMinecraft topic on YouTube,\nwhich is currently more\npopular than Fortnite.\nThat particular story deserves\na video in it's own right,\nwhich we've already done,\nand you can watch it over here.\nBut the good news is,\nfor real-time subscriber counts,\nPewDiePie has made it before\nabbreviations have kicked in.\nAll of which brings us back\nto the early hours of Sunday,\nAugust the 25th, 2019.\nThe day PewDiePie reached 100\nmillion Youtube subscribers.\nWelcome once again,\nto those of you's who skipped ahead\nto this point in the video.\nThanks to whichever clever,\ncocky little viewer,\ntimestamped this part of\nthe video in the comments.\nHere's what you all wanted to see.\nLet's slow things down to real time,\nand watch the very moment\nPewDiePie hit 100 million subscribers.\n(typing)\nYep, you saw that right?\nA jump of 70 subscribers\nin a single second.\nNo doubt caused by thousands of people\nclicking the subscribe button\nat exactly the same time,\nto try and be the 100\nmillionth PewDiePie subscriber.\nThough how anyone is\never going to prove that,\nis beyond me.\nAnyway, that is your\nofficial date and time\nrecorded in history for all to see.\nBut of course,\nno subscriber count ever\nstays static for long.\nNow, the actual relationship\nbetween PewDiePie and YouTube\nhas been somewhat strained\nover the past couple of years,\ndue to controversies\non PewDiePie's channel.\nBut credit where credit\nis due for YouTube,\nwho tweeted out this\nwonderful little video,\nas soon as PewDiePie hit the landmark.\n(enchanting music)\n(laughing)\n(ubpeat music)\n- My name is PewDiePie.\n(upbeat music)\n- 100 thousand.\nThank you, for everything.\n(upbeat music)\nIs it gonna make it?\n(ding)\nWhat, what?\n(upbeat music)\nI accessorized just for this video.\nYou're all very beautiful.\n(upbeat music)\nWe did this together.\nMe and my bros.\n(upbeat music)\nStay awesome, bros.\n(enchanting music)\n- Yep.\nI've gotta say, I'm quite\nimpressed that YouTube.\nWell done.\nAnd also,\nquick, come here, come here.\nWe've got a prototype of PewDiePie's\n100 million subscriber playbook.\nAnd I've got even more good\nnews for you PewDiePie fans\nbecause if we ignore Youtube Music,\nbecause it's not a real channel.\nWhile T-Series may have been\nthe first Youtube channel\nto 100 million subscribers,\nPewDiePie is the fastest channel\nto 100 million subscribers.\n(exhales) It's gonna\nleave a mark, is that?\nBut all joking aside, PewDiePie, Felix,\n100 million congratulations\non your success,\non what must be the single greatest week\nof your entire life.\nYou directly, or indirectly,\nhave influenced a generation.\nTens of millions of video creators,\nto pick up their camera,\nand share their message on YouTube.\nAnd this, in the last decade,\nhas impacted the world in a\nway we've never seen before.\nYou have led the way to this,\nso that we all know it's possible.\nFolks, thank you very much for watching,\nand for a tiny minority of you,\nyou'll be delighted to\nhear that after ten months,\n(bell dings) this finally\nbrings to a conclusion\nthe PewDiePie versus T-Series story.\nProbably.\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "- What about that music\ntheory, you might think.\nWhy should you learn that?\nI have some basic knowledge\nI want to share with you,\nand we'll take it from the beginning.\n(upbeat music)\nHello friends,\nI'm Ante, and welcome to\nthe Music Nerd Revolution.\nNice to see you again,\nand I'm super excited\nabout today's episode.\nSome basic knowledge in music theory.\nAnd if you're new here,\nconsider subscribing.\nThe title of this episode is\nMusic Theory with C Major Scale\nand I want to learn you\nsome basic knowledge.\nOf course, you can write songs without\nbasic knowledge of music theory.\nI did that from the start.\nHowever, when I learned music theory,\neverything is much more\ncomfortable and so much more fun.\nTo find C major scale on\na piano is quite easy,\nbecause the keys are the\nsame in every octave.\nIf you learn the patterns,\nyou will find the tones in every scale.\nTo play the C note, you\nlocate the white key\nthat is to the immediate left\nof each group of two black keys.\nThere is a C.\nThe notes in C major scale\nare C, D, E, F, G, A, B, C.\nTo build a melody or record,\nyou need to learn intervals.\nAn interval is the\ndistance between two notes.\nHow far apart they are.\nAn interval can sound\nin two different ways.\nHarmonic.\n(soft piano music)\nAnd melodic.\n(soft piano music)\nNotes on a chord that\nare displayed together\nhave harmonic intervals.\nThe most common chords are\nmajor and minor chords.\nTo play a major or minor chords,\nyou take three notes\nand build them together.\nTo play a C major chord,\nyou take C, E, and G.\nThe C is the first note,\nand is called tonic note.\nThe E is the third note,\nand it's called mediant.\nAnd the G is fifth note in the scale,\nand is called dominant.\nThe third note, or the mediant,\ncan equally be a minor or a major third.\nDoes it sound complicated?\nYou can think of the notes as numbers.\nThe first note in C major scale\nis C, and that is the first note.\nThe second is D.\nThe third is E.\nThe fourth is F.\nThe fifth is G.\nThe sixth is A.\nThe seventh is B.\nAnd the eighth is C,\nand that is the octave.\nThe first, the third, and the fifth note\nbuild a major or a minor chord.\nThe third note in a scale decides\nif it's a major or a minor chord.\nWe take a break, and remember to subscribe\nand ring the bell if you haven't yet.\nI am going to have more\nmusic theory episodes.\nIt is so much fun.\nAnd if you learn the basics,\nyou will have a better\nfeel for your songwriting.\nMoreover, remember to subscribe\nand ring the bell to get notified.\nI would love your feedback\nin the comments below.\nSubscribe and ring the\nbell if you haven't yet.\nUntil next time, have a\ngreat songwriting time.\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "RICHARD ACHEE: Hello, everyone,\nand thanks for joining.\nToday, we're going to\nlearn about Progressive Web\nApps, or PWAs for short.\nAnd we'll look at an example\nof a major health care solution\nprovider that is building a\nprogressive web app to overcome\nthe challenges of\nmoving to the cloud\nwhile meeting the needs\nof mobile workers.\nSo I spend a lot\nof my time working\nwith health care solution\nproviders and their customers.\nBased on what we're\nseeing in the market,\nthe benefits for health care\nsystems to move to the cloud\nis clear.\nFirst, let's look\nat the patients.\nBased on a study by\nAccenture, the opportunity\nto improve the experience\nfor digitally-savvy patients\ncan boost margins by 50%.\nFor clinicians, the shift to\ncloud apps and mobile devices\ncan reduce paperwork by 60%\nand increase patient face time\nby 29%, helping to mitigate\nthe risk of physician burnout\nwhile improving the\nquality of care.\nBut moving to the cloud from\ntraditional desktop apps\nhas not been easy\nin health care.\nSo for example, let's think\nabout the day in the life\nof an emergency\nmedical technician,\nor EMT, moving from\nhelicopter to ambulance\nto hospital while updating\nvital patient information.\nTo address the needs of mobile\nhealth workers while shifting\nmission-critical\napplications to the cloud,\nhealth care solution providers\nand IT leaders need a way\nto deal with a\nvariety of issues--\nflaky networks, lots\nof mobile workers,\nclinicians using\nmultiple form factors,\nensuring the security and\nprivacy of patient data\nwhile making it accessible\nanywhere and on any device,\nand making it feel like\na native app experience.\nWe're now seeing\nhealth care solution\nproviders shift to\nprogressive web apps\nto address these issues.\nBut what do we mean by\nprogressive web apps,\nand how can they help?\nProgressive web apps are\njust like any other web app.\nThe key difference is\nthat they have adopted\nprogressive features,\nsuch as service workers\nto enable background\nprocesses and offline access,\nand a web app manifest\nto allow for the web app\nto be installed\nalongside other apps\non a computer with the look\nand feel of a desktop app.\nService workers ensure that\nPWAs are always up to date\nand can be accessed offline,\nmitigating flaky network\nissues.\nThis feature increases\nreliability and speed\nfor workers on the go.\nAnd with web app manifest,\nyou can enable your web app\nto be installed just like\nany other desktop app.\nSo with a few changes to\nyour existing web app,\nyou can bring the progressive\nweb app experience\nto any OS and form factor,\nall with a single code base.\nSo let's look at an example.\nOne major health care\nsolution provider\ndecided, two years ago, to use\nElectron for their NextGen EHR.\nAt the time, they felt\nElectron would give them\nincreased control of\nthe user experience\nand help them keep their\nproduct up to date.\nBut since two years ago, the\nweb has rapidly advanced.\nAnd they took another\nlook at the capabilities\nof PWA and the advanced\nenterprise security\nand management features now\navailable on Chrome browser.\nAfter doing the research,\nthey came to the conclusion\nthat with progressive\nweb apps, they\ncan realize the\nbenefits they had hoped\nto achieve with Electron while\ngreatly enhancing the security\nand portability of\ntheir application.\nSo they decided to shelve\ntheir Electron plans\nand pivot to PWA.\nIt provided the same\nbenefits that they\nwere trying to get from\nElectron while making\nit much easier to\nensure their app\nis highly secure and\naccessible from any device.\nSo what did we learn?\nAdopting progressive\nfeatures in your web app\ncreates a native-like\nexperience.\nTo start your\njourney, look at what\nyou can do with service\nworkers and web app manifest.\nService workers for\nbackground processes\nand offline access, web app\nmanifest for installability.\nWith a little\ndevelopment effort,\nyou can provide a\nnative-like experience\nto any user on any device,\nall from a single code base.\nThanks for watching.\nI've included links\nin the description\nfor details on how to integrate\nany of these features.\nSee you next time.\n[MUSIC PLAYING]\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "Two years ago RME released the high-end M32 Pro series of AD/DA converters.\nDefining a new reference class standard in multi-channel audio recording and playback,\nThe M32 Pros deliver a powerful and reliable 2U system for crystal clear conversion in both directions\nwith the added flexibility of audio networking via AVB.\nNow in 2020 RME presents the M-1610 Pro.\nCombining the M32 Pro AD and DA into a single 1U device, the M-1610 Pro\nfeatures the same pristine conversion quality and extensive digital connectivity as its larger siblings\nand offers a lower cost alternative for studio and live recording setups that require\nthe utmost in audio precision.\nExpanding RME's selection of professional network audio devices, the M-1610 Pro\nfeatures the same AVB network functionality as RME's recent 12mic and AVB Tool microphone preamps\nallowing for seamless next generation audio networking via the Audio Video Bridging specification\nas well as providing MADI based systems with additional audiophile level I/O\nfor high-end multi-channel recording mixing and monitoring.\nAs with the 12mic and AVB Tool, a key feature of the M-1610 Pro is RME's SteadyClock FS,\nthe next generation digital clocking technology that suppresses jitter to a new all-time low\nguaranteeing the highest audio performance in all clock modes and across all digital formats.\nThe front panel is minimal by design with a single TFT display and large pushable encoder\nfor navigating the device's menu system and settings directly from the front of the unit\nwhilst the built-in headphone output and dedicated headphone select button\nallow for the instant monitoring of any incoming analogue or digital signal.\nIn contrast to the understated look of the front panel the M-1610 Pro's back panel is packed full of I/O options.\n16 balanced line level inputs are available via 2 D-Sub connectors\nas well as 6 additional TRS inputs for an alternative connection method.\nA single D-Sub connector provides access to all eight balanced line level outputs\nwhilst a pair of TRS outputs provide an additional option for instant connection of monitors or monitor controller.\nFour ADAT outputs allow for the simultaneous recording of all 16 input channels at up to 96kHz sample rate\nwhilst the MADI coaxial I/O enables all 16 channels to be transferred up to 192kHz.\nLike the 12mic and AVB Tool the M-1610 Pro can also be fitted with an optional MADI optical SFP module\navailable in both single or multi-mode.\nBoth MADI connections can work independently from one another allowing for up to 128 channels to be sent in both directions\nor mirrored for redundancy with automatic switch over when a connection is lost.\nDual network ports provide access to the networking capabilities of AVB.\nEach AVB stream can have up to eight outgoing and eight incoming audio streams\nwith each stream able to carry 1-8, 12 or 16 channels for up to 128 channels of AVB in each direction.\nFull network redundancy is available as per the MILAN standard\nallowing for the free routing and streaming of audio signals over a network\nwith fixed latency and guaranteed bandwidth with no switch configuration required.\nWordclock I/O is available via traditional BNC connectors\nand the USB port allows for firmware updates as well as providing access\nto the RME Web Remote Controller when not connected to a network.\nFinally dual redundant power supplies add an additional layer of fail-safe for live and mission-critical applications.\nThe M-1610 Pro follows the same rapid interaction ethos as RME's other network audio devices.\nAll settings can be accessed through a simple four-part menu system\ncovering device settings, inputs, outputs and clocking information\nand status indicators provide alerts for any problems detected by the device.\nWhen paired with an AVB capable interface such as the RME Digiface AVB\nall inputs and output streams on the network can be easily managed via RME's AVDECC Controller.\nThis AVB controller also features the option to locate devices sending a signal to light up the front panel of any selected device,\na useful feature when working with complex AVB networks with multiple devices.\nThe M-1610 Pro is also compatible with other third-party add-on controllers such as Hive\nwhich presents the same information as the RME controller in a matrix style layout.\nFinally all of the M-1610 Pro's inputs as well as incoming AVB streams\ncan be configured and routed using the RME Web Controller\nA browser-based control interface that can be accessed from any location attached to the network.\nFor users of RME's Totalmix FX this controller will feel very familiar.\nSimply select one or multiple input signals along the top of the interface\nthen drag the virtual connection to any desired outputs to complete the routing.\nThe RME M-1610 Pro combines the transparent highly detailed AD and DA conversion\nof the M32 Pro series into a single lower cost alternative.\nWith the additional power of AVB the M-1610 Pro's conversion qualities\ncan be accessed from anywhere on a supported network both large and small, providing a high-end\nfuture-proof solution for a wide array of live and studio applications.\nYou\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "(bright music)\n- [Narrator] Over 1000 years ago\nin the remote highlands of China\na secret fruit was discovered\nthat was praised for sweetness.\nIt was thought to be\nthe secret to longevity\nand earned the name,\n\"The Immortal's Fruit\".\n- It's a new thing called, Monk Fruit.\n- [Narrator] It's becoming\nmore popular worldwide\nas a health food,\nbut it's still a mystery to many people.\nWhat is Monk Fruit and how\nis it made into a sweetener?\nWe want to show you this\nnever before seen look\nat the remote mountain\nfarms, it's caretakers\nand our sustainable extraction process.\nMonk Fruit is a small round\nfruit from the gourd family,\nalso known as, Luo Han Guo,\nnamed after the Luo Han\nmonks who discovered it.\nThey were healers of people\nand stewards of the land.\nWe carry on their tradition today\nby healing people from\nthe sugar addictions\nand growing and processing\nMonk Fruit in a way\nthat is sustainable,\nincluding having a zero\nemissions processing plant.\n- No, I mean, I'm very\nserious in global society,\nespecially in the environment\nand the health, you know.\nSo, I think this is the\ntime that we unite together\nas global citizens,\ndespite of the corporation\ncompany or individual.\nBut, we will be united with the concept\nto be a sustainable global society.\n- [Narrator] Monk Fruit is considered\none of the highest levels of healing herbs\nin Eastern medicine,\nand has been used since its discovery\nto treat all kinds of ailments,\nbecause the people who\nfarm it live so long,\nit has also been thought to\nbe the secret to longevity.\nUnlike other fruits\nwho get their sweetness\nfrom fructose or sucrose,\nour Monk Fruit extract\ngets its sweetness from\nantioxidants called, Mogrosides,\nwhich your body processes\ndifferently than sugar.\nSo, it has a zero glycemic\nindex and zero calories.\nMonk Fruit extract has a pure sweet taste\nwithout the bitter aftertaste\nof other sweeteners.\nIn fact, studies show,\nit has the closest taste profile to sugar.\n(upbeat music)\nMonk Fruit grows in very select\nelevations and conditions,\nit requires high rainfall, high humidity,\nand a high temperature\ndifference between day and night.\nWe ensure the Monk Fruit for our products\nis grown on pristine farms\nin the remote mountains of Guilin, China,\nhours away from any city pollution.\nThe elevation of the fields\nand steepness of the slopes\nallows for optimal growth,\nprotection from flood damage\nand access to unpolluted water.\nThe fields are only accessible by foot.\nSome up to a 45 minute hike\nfrom the farm villages.\nEach fruit is grown\nand harvested by hand, without pesticides,\nusing the same traditional\nmethods they have always used.\nWe support the local economy\nwithout interference,\nallowing family villages\nto exist as they have for centuries.\nSome as long as 400 years.\n- It's not helping people\nto give just some food,\nbut it's helping people\nto make the business\nor sustainable life together.\n- [Narrator] To keep up with\ndemand and ensure quality,\nwe provide greenhouse grown\nsaplings to the farmers.\nBy giving the Monk Fruit a strong start\nwe reduce the amount of crop loss.\nFor a sustainable\ntradition of field cycling,\nthe farmers rotate crops every five years.\nThis has been proven to\nbe the amount of time\nthe soil yields the best fruit.\nAfter three years,\ntrees are planted to grow\nalongside the monk fruit\nfor the remaining two years.\nThen, the netting and\nthe poles are removed\nand the trees continue to\ngrow to reforest the area.\n(bright music)\nWe were the first to create the modern\nhigh purity Mogroside\nextraction process in 1993.\nAnd, in an effort\nto bring greater economic\nexpansion to the area of Guilin,\nwe released our research\nand development information\nto the public rather\nthan pursuing patents.\nOur process is held to the\nhighest Japanese standards\nin our up-to-date, zero\nemissions, processing plant\nlocated just miles from the farms.\nWe maintain the freshness of\nthe fruit as long as possible\nto get the best flavor\nand optimal sweetness.\nThere is no roasting or pre-processing.\nFirst, the entire fruit is washed,\ncrushed and steeped in water.\nNext, the water and juice\nis filtered out and removed.\nWhat's left is the Mogroside and pulp\nin varying concentrations.\nThe seeds and excess pulp are\nput to use as an ingredient\nin natural soap.\nAnd, the rest is composted\nand redistributed to farms\nto use as a fertilizer.\nTo ensure quality, we\ncheck for rotten fruit\nthree times throughout the process.\nWe care about the impact\nwe have on the environment\nand are continually working\nto produce even less waste.\nOur process yields two levels\nof Mogroside concentration,\n30% and 50%.\nGiven the Mogroside to pulp ratio,\neach will have a different taste,\nbut the same nutritional value.\nThe 30% concentration\nbecomes the key ingredient\nin our golden Monk Fruit sweetener,\nwhich has a rich mapley taste.\nWhile the 50% Mogroside\nis made into our classic\nmonk fruit sweetener,\nwhich is a perfect\nsubstitute for white sugar.\n- So let's be sustainable.\nLet's prosper together.\nAnd, let's enjoy ourselves in working.\n(upbeat music)\n- [Narrator] We care about\nthe health of the earth\nand the people who live in it.\nThrough our unique\nstart to finish process,\nwe create quality, delicious\nand innovative products\nwith minimal waste.\nBy getting our monk fruit\nfrom the highest quality farms\nand the cleanest air,\nand using our own perfected\nextraction process,\nwe continue the healthy\npractices of ancient traditions\nand help people live a\nsustainable sugar-free lifestyle\nthat can decrease the risk of disease\nand improve overall health and wellness.\nLakanto, discover your chi.\n(upbeat music)\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "Hello, my name is Stan Falkow.\nI'm a professor of Microbiology and Immunology and Medicine\nat Stanford University School of Medicine.\nI wanted to talk with you today about host-pathogen interactions\nand human disease and how we learn about human biology\nfrom the studies of microorganisms that have studied us.\nThis is a picture that you see of a macrophage eating bacteria\nas a kind of symbol of the host-pathogen interaction,\nalthough it's rather one-sided, and I think you'll see, before the end\nthat it works both way.\nSo, I will begin by telling you that I'm going to talk about one microorganism,\nHelicobacter pylori, and its relationship to gastric cancer.\nThis study, we think, has helped us understand human biology\nby the study of how this organism establishes a persistent bacterial infection in humans.\nTwenty years ago, we thought that ulcers were caused by stress.\nAnd you can see for yourself the list of things that are supposed to be least stressful\nversus most stressful, and I don't know where you put yourself on that list,\nbut 20 years ago, when people had ulcer disease\nand gastritis (dyspepsias they call it),\nwe treated them with Alka-Seltzer and all kinds of antacids.\nAnd some people ended up being on the psychiatrist's couch,\ntrying to reduce their stress.\nNot everybody believed that it was a stress-related disease.\nThere were 2 scientists in Australia: Barry Marshall and Rob Warren\nwho did not believe that.\nBarry Marshall, at the time, was a gastroenterologist\nand he had studied with a microbiologist in Australia\nwho had told him that there were bacteria that you could find\nin the stomachs of animals, and Barry thought that he saw\nthose very same organisms or kind of organisms\nin the stomachs of humans, but he made the association that\nhe only saw it in the stomachs of people who had gastritis and ulcer disease.\nRob Warren, who he worked with in Perth,\nwas a pathologist who concurred with this idea.\nBarry tried very hard to be able to grow these organisms he could see\nin culture, and he actually failed.\nAnd, he was so frustrated that he took a holiday and went to a place south of Perth,\nto do a little relaxation, and he forgot the Petri dishes\nthat he had streaked with patients' material\non the bench. And when he came back after several weeks, lo and behold,\nthere was colonies of bacteria growing\non the Petri dish.\nSo, he took some of these and put them in the microscope,\nand they looked like the same bacteria that he could see in the stomachs of people.\nSo, at that point, Marshall and Warren were wondering\nwhat they could do to establish the fact that the organisms that they had seen in the stomach\nwere actually the cause of ulcers and dyspepsia.\nSo, as Barry tells the story, he convinced Rob Warren to drink some of this culture\nof this organism that he had grown,\nand, in fact, poor Rob came down with gastritis and ulcer disease,\nand this is a picture of the biopsy that came from Rob's stomach,\nshowing that, in fact, these organisms were alive and well in his stomach,\nand Barry, to his great credit, had also drank the culture. He also got ill.\nBut not as ill as poor Rob did.\nSo, it's nice to have a friend in high places.\nNow, as many of you will know, particularly some of you young scientists watching\nscientists like to talk about their work.\nBut, you also probably know that not everybody wants to listen!\nAnd so, Rob and Barry submitted a paper describing their results\nto a learned society in Australia,\nand they got a letter back saying that they were sorry that their paper\nwasn't accepted. This says, if you can't read it,\nthat it wasn't accepted, but they noted that the number of abstracts they received\nincreased, and 67 were submitted, and they were only able to accept 56, so\nthat was supposed to be something that would relieve them of their anxiety\nof being refused to this thing.\nHowever, in the end, they were right,\nso Barry Marshall and Rob Warren in 2005 received the Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine\nfor the discovery that the bacterium that they found in the stomachs,\nwhich they called Helicobacter pylori,\nplayed a role in gastritic and peptic ulcer disease.\nAnd, it all worked out well in the end for them,\nas you can see.\nSo, the organism Helicobacter pylori that they discovered, not that many years ago,\nis quite remarkable.\nIt is a spiral organism, and it has flagella attached to it that makes it motile.\nAnd, it is transmitted, we now know, by the fecal-oral route or the oral-oral route.\nHelicobacter has been with humans since the very beginning.\nAnd we actually have molecular data now that indicates\nthat at the beginning of what we consider\nmankind, that there was a single source in Eastern Africa that moved to the south\nto South Africa, one went to West Africa,\nbut the major source went out and literally, with humans, populated the world.\nAnd that went all the way over here to the Bering Strait,\nand eventually came across here, into the United States.\nAnd you can see, it's been there for a very long period of time.\nSo, Helicobacter and humans have been together from the beginning.\nWe now understand that Helicobacter pylori really colonizes the majority of people\nin the world, or it did.\nAnd in the developing world, one still sees that about 90% of the people\ncarry Helicobacter pylori. Now, in more technologically advanced countries\nlike Italy, you get a different kind of pattern now, when you look,\nand you can see that it appears to increase over time and age.\nAnd originally, this was thought to mean that the likelihood of acquiring Helicobacter\nwas greater the older you got,\nbut actually, it's not. It's an age cohort effect.\nAnd so, people who are older were infected with Helicobacter\nwhen they were young and still carried it.\nBut now, people who are really young no longer acquire Helicobacter quite so often,\nso the incidence is much lower.\nIf you look at something like Mexico,\nwhich is in between, which is this line,\nyou can see that it's beginning to show signs of this cohort effect.\nYou're less likely to have it earlier in life than you are in Ethiopia.\nSo, Helicobacter prevalence is still great in many parts of the world...\nthe developing world, and it's becoming less and less common now\nin more technologically advanced countries.\nI'll talk about that later on because it has some significance.\nHelicobacter pylori colonizes the mucus layer of the human stomach,\nand I should point out that Helicobacter pylori is only found in humans.\nThere are Helicobacters found in many different animals,\nbut pylori is human specific.\nNow, just to remind you or to inform you about the stomach,\nthe stomach is a glandular organ that is lined with epithelial cells,\nand it has a considerable amount of muscle mass.\nIf you look at it, the upper part has a surface epithelium, and these\nepithelial cells secrete mucus.\nAnd then there are also cells -- the parietal cells --\nwhich are down further in the gland which secrete acid,\nof course, which the stomach is known for.\nThe ability to secrete mucus and make acid\nare two distinct kinds of cells found in the stomach,\nand actually, there's a mid-zone where there are stem cells which make both kinds...\nwhich are actually the progenitors for both kinds of cells.\nSo, it's a fairly simple kind of organ, as it were.\nIt's constantly producing epithelial cells that are shed at its surface,\nand it has cells further on down in the gland that secrete acid and also hormones, like gastrin.\nNow, the stomach is a pretty drastic place to live\nif you're a microorganism. It's an acid environment\nand rich as you know in hydrochloric acid.\nHowever, the stomach cells themselves -- the epithelia --\nare protected because the secretion of mucus by the epithelial cells\ngives an overlying gel of protection, if you will,\nand so the pH really close to the surface of cells\nis closer to neutral pH. It's only out in the middle of the stomach\nwhere you really see the high amount of acid\nand, in fact, Helicobacter lives in the mucus gel\nvery close to the surface of the epithelium.\nIt's an organism, then, that lives in the stomach. It lives very close to the epithelium.\nAnd, it it has been associated with a number of diseases.\nSo, Helicobacter pylori and its presence\nhas been associated with a variety of diseases.\nHowever, it's important to understand at the outset\nthat the vast majority of people who are infected with Helicobacter pylori\nare infected when they're young, they're infected for life,\nand about 3/4 of these people or more have no symptoms whatsoever\nin their whole lifetime. They would never know they had Helicobacter\nunless somebody either cultured them or did another kind of test.\nA subset of people who have Helicobacter pylori\nactually develop what is called gastritis.\nGastritis is really an inflammatory response that is relatively severe,\nand there is destruction, actually, of the glandular substance\nof the stomach. Some of these people go on to develop ulcer disease.\nThey either have peptic ulcer or duodenal ulcer.\nSo, here you see an endoscopic view of a normal stomach\nand someone who has Helicobacter pylori gastritis.\nAnd, depending on the degree of gastritis, there may or may not be symptoms.\nHowever, in people who have ulcers,\nyou can see that there is really erosion of the gastric mucosa,\nand you actually have a severe lesion,\nand this can be severe enough so that you actually have perforation of the stomach\nand you have serious side effects.\nAnd, of course, you have a great deal of pain and discomfort\nbecause you literally have a hole in your stomach.\nAnd this is because the inflammatory effects of Helicobacter pylori\nhave been severe enough that there has been destruction of the gland\nand there is no longer the same protection that one had seen before\nfrom acid, and also because there's been a change in the epithelium\nbecause of the constant irritation due to the inflammation.\nIn a smaller group of people, about 1%,\nthey not only go on to have atrophic gastritis,\nthey may or may not have ulcer disease, but a subset of these people\nwill actually develop frank cancer.\nAnd so, gastric cancer is the result of having had a Helicobacter pylori\ninfection in many, in fact most, cases.\nNow, the association with Helicobacter pylori and cancer\nis the same as one sees for the risk of having smoking and lung cancer.\nSo, it's a very high risk. If you have Helicobacter pylori,\nyou have a reasonable chance of developing gastric cancer.\nAnd gastric cancer, over a century ago, was the leading cause of cancer in humans.\nIt's been surpassed now by other things.\nAs, again, we'll discuss in a little bit.\nBut, the fact is, it's a very high correlation. And 1% sounds like it's low,\nbut when you think, at one point, the entire population of the world\nhad Helicobacter pylori that meant that 1% of the people in the world\nwere doomed to die of gastric cancer.\nNot a good thing.\nHelicobacter is so good at what it does that\nthe World Health Organization has now classified it as a Type 1 carcinogen.\nNo other microorganism has that degree of fame.\nAnd finally, just to remind you again, even today\nwhen there has been declining prevalence of Helicobacter pylori,\none can still say that 50% of the world has been exposed to this organism\nsince childhood, and that, of these individuals,\nat least 1% or more will develop gastric cancer over time.\nSo, how does the organism do this?\nHow does it establish itself in the stomach, and how does it cause disease in some people?\nWell, Helicobacter makes the most potent urease that's known.\nAnd, the urease is set up in a way that it actually makes sure that the cytoplasm\nof the microbe always remains neutral.\nSo, if Helicobacter gets too close to the acidic environment,\nor at that period of time when it has to be in...\nWhen it first comes into a host, it has to swim through that highly acid environment\nto reach the mucus gel.\nIt utilizes this. So this is a very powerful enzyme that it uses.\nWithout urease, the organism is not virulent for humans any longer.\nNow, it's motile. And so, Helicobacter, I showed you, has flagella, and it swims along,\nand it's a little corkscrew-shaped organism\nperfect for swimming through a mucus gel.\nAnd, it uses this motility to swim to the surface of cells and stick,\nand you can see bacterium just coming there and sticking\nto the surface of the cell, swimming through.\nHelicobacter also has, on its surface, proteins and other molecules\nthat permit it to stick to the surface of gastric epithelial cells.\nAnd, the best known of these is, in fact, a protein found on the bacterium\nthat binds to a known blood-group antigen that's found on the gastric epithelium.\nAnd this is thought to be the primary way that Helicobacter can stick to the surface of cells.\nBut there are a number of other kinds of adhesins that have been described.\nWhen you examine an infected stomach, you find that some of the Helicobacter\nactually are swimming around in the lumen, and only\nabout 30% or so of the bacteria are actually attached to the surface of a cell.\nSo, you can think of it as a population in which you have organisms\nthat are constantly in the mucus layer, swimming around and replicating.\nAnd then a proportion of those will stick to the surface of the cell,\nand it's widely believed by people in the field that once the organism sticks to the cell,\nit will stay there until it dies or it replicates.\nAnd, here's a scanning electron micrograph,\nand you can see the bacteria sitting on the top of the cells.\nAnd so, this attachment turns out to be a critical point in Helicobacter pylori pathogenesis.\nNow Helicobacter also secretes a molecule which is called Vacuolating Cytotoxin A.\nVacA kind of looks like a flower, if you can see the picture of the molecule here.\nIt looks like a flower, but it attaches to the surface of the cell,\nit's taken into the cell, and it has profound effects. And you can see\nin this video, that the cells in fact get full of these vacuoles\nso that normal trafficking that goes on inside those cells is affected\nand you have an accumulation of these vacuoles,\nand you can also see that the net result is\nthat the cells die, and you see a cell here that's undergoing cell death.\nSo, VacA is a fairly potent kind of poison\nthat exists that Helicobacter makes.\nBut, the most important virulence determinant that's been described so far\nis a protein that's called CagA, and it was initially described\nas Cancer-associated protein A.\nAnd, this was done because antibodies were found\nin the serum of patients who had Helicobacter\nthat recognized this particular protein on the surface of the bacterium.\nAnd, this protein was on some strains and not other strains of bacteria isolated from humans.\nSo, the Helicobacter that came from patients who had gastritis\nand ulcers were much more likely to have this protein, called CagA,\nthan those that did not.\nAnd, people who had ulcers and cancer were associated with CagA\nso they talked about CagA+ strains and CagA- strains.\nAnd CagA+ strains were the ones that were the most likely to be associated with disease.\nNo one understood why for a while.\nHowever, with the onset of genomics and genetics,\nit's now clear why some organisms have CagA and some don't.\nAnd it turns out CagA is a protein that is synthesized only by certain bacteria,\nand they only synthesize it because they have an insertion\nof DNA in their chromosome, which is missing from those that are CagA-.\nNow, these genes that are inserted are a group,\nand they include, at one end, the actual structural protein,\nthe encoding capacity, to encode for CagA protein.\nSo, CagA is actually encoded as part of this island.\nAnd there are other genes here, that you see around.\nAnd, what has now been understood from, not only the genomic sequence,\nbut also by doing a variety of studies is that the actual pathogenicity island\nis enough to encode for a needle-like structure.\nAnd, through this needle-like structure, the bacterium makes contact\nwith the membrane of the host cell.\nAnd it actually secretes the CagA protein from the bacterium,\nthrough the needle, into the cytoplasm of the host cell.\nSo, in essence, the pathogenicity island encodes for a kind of hypodermic syringe --\na molecular syringe --\nthat injects a protein from the bacterium into the host cell.\nAnd you can see a picture here of the bacterium in contact with\nthe cell, and you can see, I think, the little spikes that come out\nthat are this protein bridge between the organism and the host.\nNow, we now understand some of the details of this.\nThe organism attaches to the surface.\nIt injects CagA into the host cell.\nSo, the bacterial protein is put inside the host cell,\nand then, remarkably, a host cell kinase phosphorylates tyrosine residues\nfound on the bacterial protein.\nSo, the host cell takes a bacterial protein, and puts phosphates on a tyrosine group,\nand that activated CagA molecule, with a phosphorylated tyrosine,\nwill now go and bind and affect host cell cellular phosphatases,\nand actually it will also stimulate a kind of gross cell response\nby host cells.\nThe other parts of the surface of the bacterium\nalso go on, are taken up, and perhaps injected through the secretory apparatus\nto turn on the inflammatory regulatory pathways of the cell, NFKB.\nNow, this growth factor effect is something you can see in culture,\nso you see here, now, a cell, that's a CagA- bacterium\nthat's been added to this culture of tissue culture cells,\nand you can see that the cells jiggle around,\nbut nothing much happens. That's pretty normal movement\nfor a host cell under any circumstances.\nHowever, the cells that have been infected... the same kind of cells infected\nby a CagA+ strain, you can see change shape, they elongate,\nand they look as if they're moving.\nSo, CagA has a profound impact on the host cell\nand leads to this effect.\nNow, my laboratory, among others, wanted to understand what the function of CagA was.\nAnd, we used a kind of research tool which is called DNA microarray analysis\nin order to find out.\nSo, we have on a plate, we have basically a representation\nof all the known genes of the human.\nKaren Guillemin, who was a student in my lab... she now has a laboratory of her own in Oregon.\nKaren went ahead and she took two sets of tissue culture.\nOne she infected with Helicobacter pylori, both CagA+ and CagA-.\nAnd she then compared this to the messages that she extracted from\nuninfected gastric epithelial cells.\nSo, the idea is that you have the transcripts, that is the gene message,\nfrom an uninfected epithelial cell, you have the gene messages\nfrom an epithelial cell that's been infected with a CagA+ strain,\nand you have messages from an epithelial cell infected with a CagA- strain.\nAnd she takes the RNAs and she does an analysis,\nand the idea is to find out what messages are different\nfrom uninfected cells, versus infected cells,\nand is there a difference between CagA+ and CagA- bacteria?\nAnd, there were a number of clear differences.\nSome genes were turned on by infection by wildtype CagA+ strains\nas compared to those that were not carrying a CagA.\nWhen she looked at this, and this is the output of this kind of an experiment,\nAnd simply said, red means that genes are upregulated\ngreen means that they're downregulated compared to uninfected cells.\nAnd the way you try to look at these is like looking at a piece of modern art.\nYou kind of squint and look for a pattern.\nAnd what you can see is that the wild-type, the strain that's CagA+,\nyou see this group of red genes... that means they're genes that are turned on\nin the presence of CagA, as compared to the uninfected.\nAnd you can also see that the genes are not turned on if the cell's infected with a CagA- strain.\nSo, this little block of genes here, actually is a signature for what happens\nto a host cell infected with CagA.\nAnd, when this was examined in some detail, there was a clear answer.\nAnd that is that the CagA-specific genes were associated with the tight junctions\nof epithelial cells.\nSo, the question then came up from this one experiment.\nAll good experiments, you ask one question, you get an answer,\nand that leads to another question.\nSo, the question was, does Helicobacter pylori somehow interact\nwith the tight junction of gastric epithelial cells?\nAnd, to answer this question, Manuel Amieva, who was a pediatrician\nwith an MD-PhD looked at this.\nAnd, he looked at this microscopically, and you can see\nthat the bacterium has stuck to the surface. This is the tight junction.\nAnd the question was does this really ... is this really a biological effect?\nNow, the tight junction of epithelial cells is a fairly complicated\nand multi-functional group of elements,\nand there are some things that basically hold cells together,\nand there are other things that communicate from cell to cell.\nAnd, the tight junction is associated with, obviously, barrier --\nit keeps things out and things in.\nIt's involved with polarity, because many of you will know epithelial cells\nhave a top and a bottom, an apical and basolateral aspect.\nAnd, the cell morphology, the cell movement, cell division, cell differentiation...\nthe tight junction is involved in all of these functions.\nSo, you can see here that some tight junctions bar movement of material into the cell.\nSome, make a meshwork, almost like a coat of mail on the surface.\nAnd others are involved in gluing cells together,\nand some are involved in talking, one cell to another.\nAnd this is important, of course, in division.\nSo, it's a complicated group of proteins.\nAnd you get some idea of this... this is a 3D view of an epithelial surface.\nNow, looking down on the apical surface, you see...\nhere, it is... you can see how closely cemented one cell is to another\nthrough these junctions.\nAnd you do get the impression that it's almost like having... we have a molecular coat of armor\nthat surrounds us all the time.\nAnd you can see that the underpart of the cells are here, and the top part is here.\nThe top part really would communicate with the lumen\nof the stomach, or the intestine, or any epithelial surface and mucosa in the body.\nAnd the bottom part is going to communicate with the bloodstream\nand is important for getting nutrients into the cells\nand for cells secreting products into the bloodstream.\nSo, we know that CagA works on this,\nand was CagA involved in the tight junctions? And the answer\nthat Manuel Amieva found is that he took a wild-type\norganism, and he added it to the epithelial surface,\nand indeed the bacteria stuck to what looked like the tight junctions.\nIf he took exactly the same strain with a mutation in CagA that made it non-functional,\nthere was no association of the bacteria with the junctions.\nAnd you can see that here, in closer magnification.\nThe bacterium is red, and you can see that it sits exactly in opposition to the tight junction.\nSo, the data were that it stuck to the tight junction,\nand Amieva found that actually it was associated with a particular kind of molecule,\nwhich is called Zone Occludens Protein 1,\nbut it's a protein that's in the part of the tight junction\nthat is closest to the surface of the cell.\nAnd, you can see here in 3-dimensions now, as it turns, you can see\nhow the bacterium is really sitting on the surface of the cell.\nWe've stained for a molecule that we know is more basolateral\nin blue, and the tight junctions in green, and the bacterium is in red.\nAnd so you can see that it's at the surface,\nand we now also know that when Helicobacter attaches\nto the surface of the cell at the tight junction,\nthat is the place for phosphorylated CagA protein is found.\nSo, the data indicate that the bacteria attaches to the cell\nat the tight junction, it interacts with the ZO-1 protein,\nsomehow the CagA molecule is translocated from the bacterium\ninto the host cell, and right underneath the point of injection of the CagA protein,\none finds phosphorylated CagA.\nThis effect, as you can see here, is also associated with a loss\nin polarity. So, one of the things that happens here...\nHere's an organism that doesn't have CagA. It's sticking to the surface of the cell.\nAnd the tight junctions, you can see here are intact.\nThe same organism with a functional CagA\nattaches to the surface of the cell, and in fact, it now opens up.\nThe barrier is gone from the cell.\nNow, in order to understand CagA in a little more detail,\nwe went ahead, and Fabio Bagnoli, together with Amieva,\ntook a molecule of CagA, and they basically divided it into 2 parts:\nthe amino-terminal part, and a carboxy-terminal part.\nAnd they could identify each one, using microscopic analysis.\nNow, when we did that, one of the things we found is that\nthe first part of the CagA molecule is associated with attachment\nto the surface of an epithelial cell.\nAnd since this had been tagged with a fluorescent marker,\nyou can see that the cell that receives CagA is now\nfluorescent green, and it's just the outline of the cell.\nNow, the carboxy-terminal part of the molecule\nis the part that's phosphorylated by the host cell kinase.\nAnd, when that's injected into a cell,\nwhat you see is that the cell elongates.\nIt stays in place, but it becomes very long. It loses its usual morphology.\nIf you take the entire molecule -- both parts that are labelled --\nand put it into a cell, what you can see is that the cell not only elongates,\nit actually moves, and you can perhaps appreciate this a little better here,\nwhere we have pseudocolored the surrounding cells,\nand what you can see is that a cell that has CagA,\nwhich is going to be in green,\ntakes and moves away.\nAnd you can see this cell simply move out of the monolayer.\nSo, CagA binds to the tight junctions,\nit breaks down the junctions between cells,\npolarity is lost, and the cells migrate.\nNow, when one looks at those different parameters\nand asks, \"What is this reminiscent of?\"\nOne of the things its reminiscent of is something that happens\nduring embryonic development, and that is gastrulation during embryogenesis.\nAnd this is a transition of epithelial cells to mesenchymal cells.\nAnd this is actually a picture, not of cells with CagA moving,\nbut in fact of cells in a developing embryo moving\nfrom an epithelial site and becoming mesenchymal.\nThis is this kind of transition which is called epithelial-mesenchymal\ntransition, or EMT, is known to occur in tumor progression,\nand it's been also described as being important in the evolution of cancer.\nSo, is that the function, then of CagA?\nTo come in and change a cell and somehow make it move and as a result of this\ncancer occurs?\nSo, one has to ask then, what is the role of CagA in malignant transformation?\nWe know CagA is associated with a probability of developing cancer.\nThat much is clear.\nAnd, one could make the argument that, because CagA comes in,\ndisrupts the junction, it causes a loss of polarity,\nand this cell that has CagA now moves out of the monolayer\nand begins to migrate,\nthat this is a malignant kind of event.\nOr, really, this is a malignant transformation.\nSo, we know that CagA is associated with cancer,\nbut it takes decades. So, one can't argue that\nHelicobacter pylori comes in, attaches to the surface of the mucosa,\nimmediately causes a malignancy. It doesn't.\nIt takes decades to occur, so people are infected with Helicobacter early in their\nchildhood. They can either be symptomatic or have gastritis.\nIf the gastritis is very serious, you have destruction of the stomach,\nThey may get ulcers, they may go on and develop cancer.\nBut, one sees cancer in elderly people, rather than children.\nSo, what is CagA's role in this?\nIt's clearly associated with cancer. It's clearly associated with inflammation.\nBut, what's in it for the bug?\nSo, CagA... does it really evolve so that the organism causes cancer?\nOr is cancer more or less an accident of the host-pathogen interaction...\nMore or less a souvenir left by the organism\nin some people of the right genetic disposition?\nSo, Helicobacter pylori is not the only microorganism\nthat affects tight junctions. There are other organisms.\nCholera, for example, can also affect the junctions.\nThere are a number of organisms and even viruses\nthat affect tight junctions.\nNow, one of the organisms that affects tight junctions is\nan organism called Enteropathic E. Coli or EPEC.\nYou probably know it best as the organism that causes hemolytic diarrhea\nthe EHEC strain that everyone talks about that you see in contaminated beef.\nAnd what is known about EPEC is that it goes to the tight junctions,\nand it also causes a change in the polarity of the epithelial cells.\nNow, remarkably, EPEC, like Helicobacter... or Helicobacter, like EPEC,\nis a microbe that sits on the surface of the cell and communicates\nwith the host cell and the bacterium through a tube.\nAnd it secretes a protein from the bacterium into the host cell.\nIn this case, it's a protein called Tir.\nAnd interestingly, Tir is also phosphorylated by a host cell kinase,\njust like CagA.\nAnd, the Tir protein actually acts as a special site\nfor further bacterial attachment -- a tighter kind of attachment\nthrough a protein on the surface of the organism called Intimin.\nThis interaction between the bacterium and the Tir receptor\nthat was put there by the bacterium really leads to a change in the cytoskeletal distribution\nof proteins.\nAnd when you look at the net result, you can see that you have the organism\nsitting essentially like a queen on a throne of actin,\nwhich it has induced.\nAnd when you look at this during infection of tissue,\nyou can see that you get microcolonies of bacteria\non the surface of the epithelial cell.\nDoes CagA have a similar colonization function?\nIf you look at long-term infection of tissue culture,\nwith CagA, you can see that you get accumulations of bacteria\nall along the tight junctions.\nAnd, in fact, in some cases, where bacteria accumulate,\nyou get pieces of ZO-1 protein or tight junctional protein\nthat are accumulated below the bacteria, as if this is\nan aberrant synthesis of tight junctions around the bacterial cell.\nAnd if you look at infected tissue, you can see that in the case of Helicobacter pylori\nyou see microcolonies on the surface.\nSo, the question is whether or not the CagA is actually evolved\nto cause cancer, which is unlikely, or actually evolved to help the organism colonize better.\nThat's a question now for continuing research,\nbut we do know that the pathogenesis\nof bacterial infection is reflective of ongoing evolution between a parasite and a particular host.\nAnd, the study of Helicobacter pylori and the host is one that raises questions\nabout this intimate relationship.\nNow, is disease the result of an actual microbial strategy?\nOr is it an experiment or a mistake?\nIt's something that's gone wrong.\nAre; the things like CagA that we call virulence factors\nactually have a biological role in another context?\nSo, while we look at Helicobacter from the standpoint of cancer and ulcer disease and gastritis\none has to remember that is the exception, rather than the rule.\nNow, if one reflects about this,\nand asks what we know about pylori...\nWe know it's associated with cancer and ulcer disease.\nWe know that most humans in the world have it.\nAnd, we ask, what does that mean in a larger context?\nWell, one of the things that we can do is take a step backwards\nand say, we know medical progress has reduced the mortality\ndue to infectious diseases dramatically.\nSo, the rate here was high at one time, and over from 1900 until the new millennium,\nit was down to very small numbers.\nNow, we also know, in other parts of the world,\nthat's no longer true.\nThat's not true, I should say.\nThe percentage of deaths due to infectious diseases worldwide\nis still largely due to infections.\nSo, we still see that people who die in the world outside of the technologically advanced one\ndie because they have infections.\nFor example, diarrheal diseases still account for 17% of the overall deaths in the world.\nIf one talks about children, it's even greater.\nThe vast majority of deaths in children\nfive years or less, worldwide, are due to infections.\nSo, we don't suffer from infections in the United States\nand other technologically advanced countries in the world,\nbut in the rest of the world, it is still the leading cause of death or infection.\nNow, coincident with the reduction in infectious diseases in the United States\nand other parts of the world, there's been a reduction\nin the number of people who carry Helicobacter pylori.\nMore importantly, with the reduction of Helicobacter pylori,\nthere's been a reduction in stomach cancer\nin both males and in females.\nSo, stomach cancer has declined abruptly\nover the years.\nOne aspect, however, that is perhaps surprising is that\nHelicobacter infection has gone down, gastric cancer has gone down,\nbut diseases of the esophagus -- gastric reflux,\na disease called Barrett's esophagus, and indeed esophageal cancer --\nhave been coming up\nAnd there is now evidence that, if you've had Helicobacter pylori,\nyou're actually protected against esophageal disease.\nAnd, the data on this are relatively good.\nAnd not only are the data that having Helicobacter pylori\nis somehow protective against esophagitis, Barrett's esophagus,\nit's that it's actually having a CagA+ strain that is protective against it.\nNow, I want to take a step back and remind you\nthat Helicobacter pylori has been with humans since the beginning of humanity as we know it.\nSo, if over 90% of all humans had Helicobacter pylori through most of history,\nshould we consider pylori as being part of the normal human flora\nthat betrays itself only by making an occasional person ill?\nAnd, I want to remind you that we carry an enormous number of microbial cells --\n10 times more than we do our own cells.\nAnd, we don't know yet what the contribution of these different organisms\nthat we can consider normal are in health or disease\nbecause most of them have never been cultured.\nAnd indeed, we didn't know about Helicobacter pylori\nuntil about 25 years ago.\nSo, Helicobacter pylori has decreased.\nIt may have been a normal species of bacteria for humans\nthat played, perhaps, a role.\nAnd we have to ask, is pylori a surrogate for other organisms\nthat are being wiped out by human progress?\nSo, I want to emphasize that the information is that there is a correlation between\nhaving Helicobacter and being protected against disease.\nNot necessarily that it is pylori itself that protected against disease.\nSo, Helicobacter is more-or-less a marker.\nSo, if we ask, then, have we technologically advanced to the point\nwhere we're removing organisms that once were normal parts of our flora\nhave gone by the wayside because of antibiotics\nand changes in public health?\nAnd what one can look at is the following:\nand that is that, yes, infectious diseases have all come down over time.\nTuberculosis, hepatitis, rheumatic fever, measles.\nOn the other hand, diseases like multiple sclerosis,\ndiabetes, and asthma, which have been called immune disorders\nhave all come up.\nAnd so, is it that we are actually changing the human condition\nin terms of its microbial flora and that protective effects\nare being lost for protection against disease?\nOne can only say that, if we talk about the interaction between microbes and host,\nand humans, included...\nWe can quote Rene Dubos, who was a microbiologist who lived\nin the middle part of the last century\nand worked at Rockefeller University,\nand he was very interested in what were normal microbes.\nAnd he said that to regard any form of life\nas a slave or a foe will one day be considered poor philosophy,\nfor all living things constitute an integral part of the cosmic order.\nSo, the idea that all microbes are evil\nand ferocious and need to be wiped out may be an oversimplification\nof modern society.\nSo, one can't give the answers to this.\nHelicobacter pylori is an interesting organism.\nCagA has taught us a fair amount about how tight junctions work\nand also something about how cancer can be initiated\nin humans.\nThere is no doubt about it that the research will pay some dividends.\nI don't know where the Helicobacter, CagA story will end.\nIt's still a work in progress.\nI can tell you one thing\nafter 50 years, and that is, microbes always have the last laugh.\nEven if you study them carefully.\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "HOME\nPAIRED UP WITH A AUTHOR WHO IS\nRELEASING HIS NEW NOVELLA\nCHAPTER BY CHAPTER EVERY DAY IN\nTHE GLOBE AND HE JOINED US\nEARLY TODAY.\nTHANK YOU FOR CHATTING WITH US.\nTHANK YOU FOR HAVING ME.\nI HAVE BEEN READING THIS\nSERIES AND I AM GLUED TO IT.\nX CHAPTERS HAVE BEEN RELEASED\nTO THIS POINT AND IT IS CALLED\nTHE MECHANIC.\nFOR PEOPLE WHO HAVE NOT BEEN\nFOLLOWING OR HAVE IT READY YET,\nTELL US WHAT IT IS ABOUT?\nI AM DOING A SERIALIZED\nNOVELLA IN THE BOSTON GLOBE AND\nIT IS REALLY COOL.\nIT IS THE KIND OF THING THAT\nUSED TO HAPPEN IN THE TIMES OF\nDICKENS AND MARK TWAIN THAT YOU\nDON'T SEE THE LOT.\nBASICALLY ONE OR TWO CHAPTERS\nIS RELEASED EVERY DAY.\nTHEY ARE PRINTING IT IN THE\nGLOBE IN PRINT AND ONLINE.\nIT IS A THRILLER, KIND OF A\nNATIONAL TREASURE DA VINCI CODE\nTYPE THRILLER.\nTAKES PLACE ALL OVER BOSTON. I\nDON'T WANT TO GIVE TOO MUCH TO\nIT BUT IT IS A TWISTING RIGHT\nTHROUGH HISTORY.\nIT IS REALLY FUN TO WRITE.\nIT IS INSANE DOING IT AT THIS\nPACE BUT PEOPLE SEEM TO REALLY\nLIKE IT.\nWHY DID YOU DECIDE TO\nRELEASE THIS NOVELLA THIS WAY?\nTHIS STARTED WITH THE EDITOR-\nIN-CHIEF IN THE GLOBE BASICALLY\nREACHED OUT TO ME AND LINDA\nHENRY AND THEY SAID WE WERE\nTHINKING ABOUT DOING SOMETHING\nLIKE THIS, WOULD YOU WANT TO DO\nIT?\nAT FIRST I WAS LIKE WOW HOW DO\nYOU DO SOMETHING THAT QUICKLY?\nBUT I THOUGHT ABOUT IT AND IT\nIS SOMETHING FUN AND EXCITING\nAND BASICALLY I THINK PEOPLE\nARE OVERWHELMED AND GETTING\nTIRED OF THIS CONSTANT\nCORONAVIRUS NEWS.\nIT IS GLOOM AND DOOM ALL DAY\nLONG.\nIT IS THERE IN THE PAPER AND IF\nYOU WANT SOMETHING DIFFERENT\nYOU CAN TURN AND SEE SOMETHING\nELSE.\nI ONLY WANTED TO DO IT IF I\nCOULD WRITE A FULLY REALIZED\nTHRILLER.\nNOT A STREAM OF CONSCIOUSNESS.\nI WANTED A COMPLEX DA VINCI\nCODE.\nTHIS IS MY OPPORTUNITY TO DO\nTHAT.\nTHE WHOLE IDEA OF A CITYWIDE\nBOOK CLUB IS REALLY COOL TO ME.\nEVERYONE READING TOGETHER.\nIT IS SOMETHING VERY NEW.\nTHIS WASN'T SOMETHING YOU\nARE WORKING ON OR DID YOU HAVE\nTHIS IDEA IN YOUR HEAD?\nTHIS IS COMPLETELY CRAZY.\nIT CAME OUT OF THIS EXPLOSION\nWHEN THEY PITCHED ME THE IDEA.\nI LOCKED MYSELF IN A ROOM.\nWE ARE ALL LOCKED IN A ROOM\nRIGHT NOW. I\nJUST CAME UP WITH THIS.\nYOU CAN'T REALLY EXPLAIN WHERE\nTHESE THINGS COME FROM I GUESS.\nI HAVE ALWAYS BEEN INTERESTED\nIN AMERICAN HISTORY.\nSO REALLY I PLOTTED IT OUT BUT\nI AM STILL INVOLVED VERY\nHEAVILY DAY BY DAY MAKING THIS\nWORK.\nWE HAVE PAUL REVERE IN THIS.\nIS THE GOAL FOR YOU PURE\nENTERTAINMENT OR IS THERE A\nMESSAGE IN THERE FOR THE TIMES\nWE ARE LIVING IN RIGHT NOW?\nA LOT OF THE HISTORY IS IN\nTHERE ALTHOUGH THERE IS AN\nALTERNATE HISTORY IN THAT IS\nREAL.\nHISTORICAL REFERENCES ARE REAL.\nMOST OF THE STUFF I AM RIDING\nYOU WILL THINK SOME OF IT IS\nMADE UP AND THOSE ARE THE\nTHINGS THAT ARE ACTUALLY TRUE.\nI DO THINK THERE IS SOMETHING.\nAS A DIVERSION YOU ARE RIGHT\nTHE IDEA OF WHAT MAKES THIS\nCOUNTRY GREAT AND THESE FIGURES\nAND IT I THINK BECOME MORE\nIMPORTANT TO US NOW.\nIN A LOT OF WAYS WE ARE GOING\nTHROUGH MOMENT IN HISTORY AS\nWELL THAT WE COULD THINK 100\nYEARS FROM NOW PEOPLE WILL TALK\nABOUT THIS TIME.\nTHIS IS DIVERGENT.\nTHIS BOOK REALLY IS FUN.\nTHE GOAL IS PEOPLE GET A LAUGH\nOUT OF IT AND THEY ARE ENJOYING\nIT.\nIT TURNS INTO A BIG MOVIE OR TV\nSHOW AT THE END AND THAT IS THE\nFUN OF IT FOR ME.\nTHIS HAS BEEN A DIVERSION\nFOR ME AND I AM ENJOYING THE\nSERIES.\nLOOKING FORWARD TO THE NEXT\nCHAPTER IN THE BOSTON GLOBE.\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "\nBosnian: \nDobro došli na \"Crash Course Economics\". Ja sam Adriene Hill. A ja sam Jacob Clifford.\nVjerovali ili ne, mi uistinu čitamo dosta vaših komentara na Youtube-u.\n\"Prvi!\" Neki su produktivni, a neki, ne baš.\n\"Ovaj frajer izgleda kao Mark Cuban, ali bez bogatstva i privlačnosti.\"\nPrimjetili smo da su neki ljudi razočarani time što nismo pokrili različite ekonomske ideologije.\n\"Ignorišete austrijsku školu! Kakvo je ovo Keynesovo smeće?\"\nEh pa, pogodite šta, danas ćemo pričati o drugim školama ekonomskog razmišljanja.\n[Intro]\nDa bi razumjeli ove ekonomske teorije, morat ćemo baciti pogled na historiju.\n1798. godine, britanski ekonomista Thomas Malthus je zagovarao ideju da će rast stanovništva prestići\nproizvodnju hrane i da će, eventualno, ljudi ostati bez hrane i skapati.\nI pitate se što neki ljudi nazivaju ekonomiju 'tmurnom naukom'.\nEh, Malthus je bio u krivu. Veoma u krivu.\nBroj stanovništva u svijetu je porastao od jedne milijarde u njegovo vrijeme do preko sedam milijardi danas.\nI ispada da su nestašice hrane kojima smo svjedočili velikim dijelom bile ljudske katastrofe\n\nSpanish: \nBienvenidos a Crash Course Economics. Yo soy Adriene Hill. Y yo soy Jacob Clifford.\nAhora, créanlo o no, verdaderamente leemos muchos de sus comentarios en YouTube.\n¡Primero! Algunos son productivos, y otros no tanto.\nÉste chico parece Mark Cuban, pero no tan atractivo o rico.\nNos hemos dado cuenta que algunas personas están desilusionados porque no hemos hablado de las diferentes ideologías económicas.\n¡Estás ignorando la Escuela de Austria! ¿Qué es esta basura keynesiana?\nBueno, adivinen que, hoy vamos a hablar sobre otras escuelas de pensamiento económico.\n[Tema de Crash Course]\nPara entender estas teorías económicas, vamo a tener que volver atrás en la historia.\nEn 1798, un economista británico llamado Thomas Malthus dijo que la población sobrepasaría la producción\nde comida, entonces, eventualmente, no habría suficiente y los humanos morirían de hambre.\nTe estás preguntando por qué algunas personas llaman a la economía \"La Ciencia Lúgubre\"\nBueno, Malthus estaba equivocado, terriblemente equivocado.\nLa población mundial ha crecido de un billón en su tiempo a más de siete billones actualmente.\nY parece que las hambrunas que tenemos son en gran número causadas por el hombre\n\niw: \nברוכים הבאים לקראש קורס בכלכלה. אני אדריאן היל. ואני ג'ייקוב קליפורד.\nתאמינו או לא, אנחנו באמת קוראים הרבה מהתגובות שלכם ב- YouTube!\nקודם כל! חלק משמעותיות ובונות, וחלק, לא ממש.\nהבחור הזה כאן דומה למארק קובן, אבל לא אטרקטיבי או עשיר כמוהו.\nשמנו לב שיש אנשים שהתאכזבו שלא כיסינו את האידאולוגיות השונות בכלכלה\nאתם מתעלמים מאסכולת אוסטריה! מה זה הזבל הקיינסיאני הזה?\nאז נחשו מה, היום אנחנו הולכים לדבר על אסכולות שונות של חשיבה כלכלית\nמוזיקת פתיחה\nכדי להבין את התיאוריות הכלכליות האלו, נצטרך לקפוץ לקצת היסטוריה.\nב- 1798, כלכלן בריטי בשם תומאס מלתוס טען שהצמיחה באוכלוסין תעקוף את יכולת\nייצור המזון, כך שלבסוף, אספקת האוכל של בני האדם תיגמר ונגבע מרעב.\nאתם אולי תוהים למה יש אנשים הקוראים לכלכלה \"המדע העגום...\"\nובכן, מלתוס טעה. טעה באופן עגום.\nאוכלוסיית העולם גדלה ממיליארד בתקופתו ליותר משבעה מיליארד היום.\nונראה שמקרי הרעב שראינו הם לרוב עקב אסונות באחריות בני אדם\n\nSwedish: \nVälkommen till snabbkursen i nationalekonomi. \nJag heter Adriene Hill. Och jag heter Jacob Clifford.\nTro det eller ej, men vi läser faktiskt \nmånga av era synpunkter på YouTube!\nFörst!\nVissa är produktiva medan andra inte lika mycket.\nDen här killen ser ut som Mark Cuban,\nmen han är inte lika attraktiv eller rik.\nVi har märkt att vissa är besvikna över att vi har inte täckt de olika ekonomiska ideologier.\nNi bryr er inte om den österrikiska skolan! Vad är det här för keynesianskt skräp?\nSå idag vi ska prata om andra nationalekonomiska idéer.\n \nFör att förstå de här ekonomiska teorierna kommer vi att behöva gå tillbaka lite i historien.\n1798 hävdade en brittisk ekonom vid namn Thomas Malthus att befolkningstillväxten skulle öka snabbare än matproduktionen\nså att till slut skulle människor\nfå slut på mat och mat och svälta.\nInte undra på att vissa människor kallar nationalekonomi den \"dystra vetenskapen ...\"\nTja, Malthus misstog sig. Ordentligt.\nVärldens befolkning har ökat från en miljard \nunder hans tid till över sju miljarder idag.\nOch det visar sig att de svältkatastrofer vi har upplevt \ni stort sett är skapade av människan\n\nFrench: \nBienvenue au Crash Course Economics. Je suis Adrienne Hill. Et je suis Jacobs Clifford.\nMaintenant, croyez le ou non, on lit beaucoup de vos commentaires sur YouTube!\nPremièrement! Certains sont productifs, d'autres pas vraiment.\nCe gars ressemble à Mark Cuban, mais pas aussi attirant ou riche.\nOn a remarqué que certaines personnes étaient déçus que nous n'ayons pas couvert les différentes idéologies économiques.\nVous ignorez l'École Autrichienne! Qu'est-ce que cette poubelle keynésienne ?\nBien, devinez quoi, aujourd'hui, nous allons parler d'autre écoles de pensée économique.\n \nPour comprendre ces théories économiques, on doit faire un petit saut dans l'histoire.\nEn 1798, un économiste anglais appelé Thomas Malthus a affirmé que la croissance de la population dépassera la production de nourriture,\ndonc, les humains seront à court de vivres et mourront de faim.\nVous vous demandez pour certaines personnes appelle l'économie \"l'horrible science...\"\nBien, Malthus avait tord. Horriblement tord.\nLa population mondiale a augmenté de un milliard de personnes en son temps, à presque sept milliards aujourd'hui.\nEt il s'avère que les famines que l'ont a pu observés sont largement un désastre de l'homme\n\nRomanian: \nBun venit la Crash Course Economics.Eu sunt Adriene Hill.Iar eu sunt Jacob Clifford.\nAcum,o credeți sau nu,noi chiar citim multe dintre comentariile voastre pe Youtube!\nÎn primul rând ,unele sunt constructive,și altele,nu prea.\nTipul ăsta arată ca Mark Cuban,dar nu la fel de chipeș și bogat.\nAm observat că unii oameni sunt dezamăgiți că nu am acoperit diverse ideologii economice.\nIgnorați Școala Austriacă!Ce este acest gunoi keynezian?\nEi bine,ghiciți ce,astăzi vom vorbi despre alte școli de gândire economică.\n \nPentru a înțelege aceste teorii economice,va trebui să sărim în puțină istorie.\nÎn 1798,un economist britanic ,numit Thomas Malthus a raționalizat că o creștere a populației ar depăși producția de\nmâncare,iar eventual ,mâncarea s-ar termina și oamenii ar flămânzii.\nVă întrebați de ce unii oameni numesc economia„știința nostalgică...”\nEi bine,Malthus nu avea dreptate.Era nostalgic de greșit.\nPopulația a crescut de la 1 miliard în timpul lui la 7 miliarde astăzi.\nȘi se pare că foametea pe care am văzut-o e în mare parte făcută de dezastrele artificiale\n\nEnglish: \nWelcome to Crash Course Economics. I'm Adriene Hill.\nAnd I'm Jacob Clifford.\nNow, believe it or not, we actually read\nmany of your comments on YouTube!\nFirst!\nSome are productive, and others, not so much.\nThis guy looks like Mark Cuban,\nbut not as attractive or rich.\nWe've noticed that some people are disappointed we haven't covered the different economic ideologies.\nYou're ignoring the Austrian School! What is this Keynesian trash?\nWell guess what, today we're gonna talk about other schools of economic thought.\n[Theme Music]\nTo understand these economic theories, we're gonna have to jump into a little bit of history.\nIn 1798, a British economist named Thomas Malthus argued that population growth would outpace food\nproduction, so, eventually, humans\nwill run out of food and starve.\nYou wonder why some people call economics the \"dismal science...\"\nWell, Malthus was wrong. Dismally wrong.\nThe world population has grown from one billion in his time to over seven billion today.\nAnd it turns out that the famines we have seen are largely manmade disasters\n\nTurkish: \nCrash Course Ekonomi'ye Hoşheldiniz. Ben Adriene Hill. Ve ben Jacob Clifford\nİster inanın ister inanmayın biz gerçekten de birçok youtube yorumlarını okuyoruz.\nİlk olarak, bazıları üreketken ve bazıları değil.\nBu adam Mark Cuban'a benziyor, fakat onun kadar çekici veya zengin değil.\nFark ettik ki bazı kişiler farklı ekonomik ideolojileri işlemediğimiz için biraz kızgınlar.\nAvusturya Okulu'nu gözardı ediyorsunuz! Bu Keynesyen saçmalıkları da nedir?\nBilin bakalım bugün neyi işleyeceğiz. Bugün diğer okulların ekonomik görüşleri hakkında konuşacağız.\n[Tematik Müzik]\nEkonomik teorileri anlamak için, birazcık tarihini öğrenmemiz gerekiyor.\n1798'de Thomas Malthus isimli İngiliz ekonomist nüfus artışının yiyecek üretimini aşacağını ileri sürdü.\nBu nedenle, eninde sonunda insanlar yiyecek bulamayacaklar ve açlıktan ölecekti.\nBazı insanların iktisatı kötümser bilim diye adlandırmasının nedeni bu olsa gerek.\nFakat Malthus yanılıyordu. Hem de berbat bir şekilde.\nDünya'nın nüfusu bir milyardan yedi milyara ulaştı.\nVe yaşadığımız kıtlıkların çoğu insan yapımı felaketler.\n\nArabic: \nمرحبًا بكم في Crash Course: Economy،\nأنا أدريان هيل.\nوأنا جيكوب كليفورد.\nصدقوا أو لا تصدقوا، نحن نقرأ\nالكثير من تعليقاتكم على اليوتيوب.\n- الأول!\n- بعضها بنّاء وبعضها ليس كذلك.\nهذا الرجل يشبه مارك كيوبن\nلكنه ليس بوسامته أو ثرائه.\nلاحظنا أن بعض الناس خائبو الأمل\nلأننا لم نتحدث\nعن الأيديولوجيات الاقتصادية المختلفة.\n\"أنتما تتجاهلان المدرسة النمساوية،\nوما هذا الهراء عن النظرية الكينزية؟\"\nحسنًا، اليوم سنتحدث\nعن مدارس فكرية اقتصادية أخرى.\nلفهم هذه النظريات الاقتصادية،\nعلينا التحدث عن بعض الأحداث التاريخية.\nفي عام 1798، جادل اقتصادي بريطاني\nيُدعى توماس مالثيس\nبأن النمو السكاني يفوق الإنتاج الغذائي،\nلذلك، في النهاية،\nسينفد الطعام ويتضور البشر جوعًا.\nلعله السبب بتسمية بعض الناس علم الاقتصاد\n\"العلم الكئيب\"،\nكان مالثيس مخطئًا على نحو كئيب.\nنمى سكان العالم من مليار في زمنه\nإلى أكثر من 7 مليارات في زمننا هذا.\nواتضح أن المجاعات التي شهدناها\nكان أغلبها من صنع البشر\n\nEnglish: \nthat have very little to do with\nour ability to produce food.\nBut Malthus was writing at the beginning of the Industrial Revolution;\nhe didn't factor in advancements in technology,\nagriculture production, or transportation.\nSo with the information he had, he was kinda right.\nBut he was still wrong.\nEconomic theories are constantly being proven, disproven, and revised. The problem is,\nwhen these theories are wrong, millions of people can be adversely affected.\nTake Malthus. Some scholars combine his ideas with those of Charles Darwin and concluded that giving\nassistance to poor people and social programs like welfare are actually immoral.\nThis is called Social Darwinism, and it's completely wrong.\nNow, economics is not an exact science.\nIt aims to draw conclusions about human behavior\nwithout the benefits of labs or perfect control groups. Economic theories reflect different attitudes about\nhuman nature and those are likely to change over time.\nLet's go to the Thought Bubble.\nThe founder of modern economics was\na Scottish philosopher named Adam Smith.\nIn 1776, his book, The Wealth of Nations, was published.\nIt was an organized discussion about production, markets, and economic theory.\n\nTurkish: \nBunun da besin üretme yeteneğimizle pek bir alakası yok.\nFakat Malthus bunları Sanayi Devriminin başlardında yazmıştı ve\nteknoloji, tarımdaki ve ulaşımdaki gelişmeleri\nhesaba katmamıştı.\nBu nedenle elindeki bilgilere dayanarak az çok haklıydı.\nEkonomik teoriler sürekli olarak gözden geçiriliyor, ispatlanıyor veya yanlış olduğu ispatlanıyor.\nSorun şu ki bu teoriler yanlış olduğunda milyonlarca kişi olumsuz olarak etkileniyor.\nÖrneğin Malthus'u ele alalım. Bazı bilim adamları Malthus'un ve Charles Darwin'in düşüncelerini birleştirip\nfakirlere yardım etmenin ve sosyal yardımların etik dışı olduğu sonucuna varıyorlar.\nBuna Sosyal Darwinism adı veriliyor ve bu tamamen yanlış.\nİktisat, teorilerinin kolayca test edilip doğrulanması ya da çürütülmesi kolay olan bir bilim dalı değil. İktisatın amacı\nlabarotuar ve kontrol grupları olmadan insan davranışlarından bir sonuç çıkarmaktır. Ekonomik teoriler insan doğasının farklı tavır ve düşüncelerini yansıtır ve\nbunlar zamanla değişebilir. Şimdi Düşünce Balonu'na gidelim.\nAdam Smith isimli İskoç filozof modern iktisatın temellerini attı.\n1776'da Ulusların Zenginliği ismili kitabını yayımladı.\nBu kitap üretim(imalat), piyasalar ve ekonomik teori üzerineydi.\n\nSpanish: \ny tiene poco que ver con nuestra capacidad de producir comida.\nPero Malthus estaba escribiendo en los principios de la Revolución Industrial;\nno consideraba el progreso de la tecnología,\nproducción agrícola, o el transporte.\nEntonces, con la información que tenía, no estaba tan mal. Pero estaba equivocado.\nLas teorías económicas están constantemente siendo aprobadas, desaprobadas y revisadas. El problema es,\ncuando estas teorías están mal, millones de personas pueden ser afectadas.\nMira a Malthus. Algunos académicos combinan sus ideas con las de Charles Darwin y concluyeron que\ndarles asistencia a la gente pobre y programas sociales era, en realidad, inmoral.\nEsto es llamado Darwinismo Social, y está completamente equivocado.\nAhora, la economía no es una ciencia exacta. Busca llegar a conclusiones del comportamiento humano\nsin los beneficios de laboratorios o grupos de control perfectos. Las teorías económicas reflejan diferentes actitudes sobre\nla naturaleza humana y esos que probablemente cambien con el tiempo. Vallamos a la Burbuja de Pensamiento.\nEl fundador de la economía moderna fue un filósofo escocés llamado Adam Smith.\nEn 1776, su libro, La Riqueza de las Naciones, se publicó.\nFue un debate organizado sobre la producción, los mercados, y la teoría económica.\n\nSwedish: \noch har mycket lite att göra med\nvår förmåga att producera livsmedel.\nMen Malthus skrev i början av \nden industriella revolutionen;\nhan tog inte hänsyn till tekniska framsteg,\njordbruksproduktion eller transport.\nSå med den information han hade tillgång till \nhade han ändå ganska rätt.\nMen han hade fortfarande fel.\nNationalekonomiska teorier bevisas, motbevisas \noch revideras hela tiden. Problemet är\natt när teorierna är felaktiga \nkan miljontals människor påverkas negativt.\nTa Malthus som exempel. Vissa forskare kombinerar hans idéer med Charles Darwins och drar slutsatsen att\nge stöd till fattiga människor och till sociala program som välfärd faktiskt är omoraliskt.\nDetta kallas socialdarwinism, och det är helt fel.\nNu är ekonomi inte en exakt vetenskap. Det syftar till att dra slutsatser om människans beteende\nutan att dra fördel av laborationer eller \nperfekta kontrollgrupper. Nationalekonomiska teorier återspeglar olika synsätt\nom den mänskliga naturen och de kommer \nsannolikt att förändras över tiden.\nLåt oss titta på tankebubblan.\nGrundaren av modern nationalekonomi var \nen skotsk filosof vid namn Adam Smith.\nÅr 1776 publicerades hans bok Nationernas välstånd \n(The Wealth of Nations).\nDen var en strukturerad diskussion om produktion, marknader och ekonomisk teori.\n\nBosnian: \nkoje nemaju gotovo nikakve veze sa našom sposobnošću da proizvodimo hranu.\nAli Malthus je pisao na početku Industrijske revolucije;\nnije razmišljao o napretku u tehnologiji,\npoljoprivrednoj proizvodnji ili transportaciji.\nDakle, sa informacijama koje su mu bile na raspolaganju, bio je, na neki način, u pravu. Ali je i dalje u krivu.\nEkonomske teorije se konstantno dokazuju, opovrgavaju i izmjenjuju. Problem je u tome što\nkad su ove teorije u krivu, milioni ljudi mogu biti time zahvaćeni.\nUzmite Malthusa za primjer. Neke škole kombinuju njegovo ideje sa Darwinovim i zaključuju da davanje\npomoći siromašnim ljudima i programi poput socijalne skrbi su zapravo nemoralni.\nOvo se naziva 'socijalni darvinizam' i potpuno je u krivu.\nAli, ekonomija nije egzaktna nauka. Ima cilj da izvuče zaključke o ljudskom ponašanju\nbez prednosti labaratorija i savršenih kontrolnih grupa. Ekonomske teorije odražavaju različite stavove o\nljudskoj prirodi, a ti su skloni promjenama. Idemo do \"Misaonog Mjehura\".\nOsnivač moderne ekonomije je bio škotski filozof Adam Smith.\n1776. godine, njegova knjiga, \"Bogatstvo naroda\" je bila izdata.\nTo je bila organizovana diskusija o proizvodnji, tržištu i ekonomskoj teoriji.\n\niw: \nשיש להם מעט מאוד קשר ליכולת שלנו לייצר אוכל.\nאבל מלתוס כתב בתחילת המהפכה התעשייתית.\nהוא לא לקח בחשבון התפתחויות טכנולוגיות,\nתיעוש החקלאות או תחבורה.\nאז אם המידע שהיה לו, הוא די צדק. אבל הוא עדיין טעה.\nתיאוריות כלכליות נבחנות כל הזמן, הן מוכחות, נפסלות ומשתכללות. הבעיה היא\nשכאשר התיאוריות האלו שגויות, מיליוני אנשים יכולים להיות מושפעים לרעה.\nקחו את מלתוס. ישנם חוקרים המשלבים את הרעיונות שלו עם אלו של צ'רלס דרווין ומסיקים\nשעזרה לעניים ותכניות סוציאליות כמו סעד הם בעצם לא מוסריים.\nזה נקרא דרוויניזם סוציאלי, וזה שגוי לחלוטין.\nעכשיו, כלכלה היא לא מדע מדויק. היא מנסה ליצור תובנות על ההתנהגות האנושית\nבלי היתרונות של מעבדות או קבוצות בדיקה מושלמות. התיאוריות הכלכליות משקפות גישות שונות\nעל הטבע האנושי ואלו צפויות להשתנות לאורך זמן. בואו נלך לבועת המחשבה.\nמייסד הכלכלה המודרנית היה פילוסוף סקוטי בשם אדם סמית.\nב- 1776 הספר שלו, עושר העמים, פורסם.\nזאת הייתה שיחה מאורגנת על ייצור, שווקים ותיאוריה כלכלית.\n\nArabic: \nولا علاقة لها بقدرتنا على إنتاج الطعام.\nلكن مالثيس كان يكتب في بداية الثورة الصناعية\nولم يأخذ في عين الاعتبار\nالتقدم في التكنلوجيا\nوالإنتاج الزراعي ووسائل النقل.\nلذا، بحسب المعلومات التي كانت متوفرة لديه\nكان مصيبًا، لكنه كان مخطئًا أيضًا.\nالنظريات الاقتصادية تخضع باستمرار\nللإثبات والنفي والمراجعة.\nالمشكلة هي انه عندما تكون هذه النظريات خطأ\nقد يتأثر ملايين الناس على نحو سلبي،\nفلنأخذ مالثيس مثلًا،\nمزج بعض العلماء أفكاره بأفكار تشارلز داروين،\nواستنتجوا أن تقديم المساعدة للفقراء\nوبرامج اجتماعية كالبرامج الخيرية\nهي غير أخلاقية.\nيًسمى هذا \"الداروينية الاجتماعية\"\nوهر نظرية خاطئة تمامًا.\nالاقتصاد ليس علمًا دقيقًا،\nوهو يهدف لاستنتاج السلوك البشري\nدون اللجوء إلى المختبرات\nأو مجموعات التجارب المقارنة.\nالنظريات الاقتصادية\nتعكس السلوكيات المختلفة للطبيعة البشرية\nوهي تتغير بمرور الزمن.\nفلننتقل إلى فقاعة التفكير.\nمؤسس الاقتصاد الحديث\nهو فيلسوف اسكتلندي اسمه آدم سميث.\nفي عام 1776، نُشر كتابه \"ثروات الأمم\"،\nوكان عبارة عن نقاش منظم\nحول الإنتاج والأسواق والنظرية الاقتصادية،\nوكان له تأثير ضخم جدًا.\n\nFrench: \nqui ont très peu à voir avec notre habilité à produire de la nourriture.\nMais Malthus écrivait au début de la révolution industrielle;\nIl n'a pas pris en compte l'avancement dans la technologie,\nla production agricole ou les transports.\nDonc, avec les informations qu'il avait, il avait plutôt raison. Mais il avait quand même tord.\nLes théories économiques sont constamment prouvées, désapprouvées et révisées. Le problème est\nquand ces théories sont fausses, des millions de personnes peuvent être touchés.\nPrenons Malthus. Certains penseurs combinent ses idées avec ceux de Charles Darwin et arrivent à la conclusion que\nl'assistance aux personnes pauvres et les programmes sociaux comme la sécurité sociale sont en fait immoraux.\nCeci est appelé le Darwinisme social, et c'est complètement faux.\nMaintenant, l'économie n'est pas une science exacte. Son but est de tirer des conclusions à propos du comportement humain\nsans les bénéfices des laboratoires ou des groupes de contrôle parfait. Les théories économiques reflètent les différentes attitudes à propos\nde la nature humaine et il est probable que celles-ci changent au cours du temps. Allons à la Bulle de Pensée.\nLe fondateur de l'économie moderne était un philosophe écossais appelé Adam Smith.\nEn 1776, son livre, La Richesse des Nations, fut publié.\nC'était une discussion organisée à propos de la production, des marchés, et de la théorie économique.\n\nRomanian: \ncare au foarte puțin de a face cu capacitatea noastră de a produce mâncare.\nDar Malthus scria la începtul Revoluției Industriale;\nel nu a luat în calcul avansările în tehnologie,\nagricultură sau transport.\nAșa că cu informațiile pe care le-a avut,cam avea dreptate.Dar totuși nu avea.\nTeoriile economice sunt constant dovedite,dezaprobate și revizuite.Problema este că,\natunci când aceste teorii sunt greșite,milioane de oameni pot fi afectați negativ.\nDe exemplu,Malthus.Unii savanți combină ideile sale cu cele ale lui Charles Darwin și concluzionează că dăruind\najutor oamenilor săraci și programe sociale cum ar fi bunăstarea acestora sunt de fapt imorale.\nAsta se numește darwinism social,și este complet greșit.\nAcum,economia nu este o știință exactă .Ea are ca țintă să tragă concluzii despre comportamentul uman\nfără beneficiile laboratoarelor sau a grupurilor perfect controlate.Teoriile economice reflectă diferite atitudini în legătură cu\nnatura umană și acelea probabil se vor schimba în timp.Să mergem la Thought Bubble.\nFondatorul economiei moderne a fost filosoful scoțian Adam Smith.\nÎn 1776 a fost publicată cartea sa „The Wealth of Nations”.\nA fost o discuție organizată despre producție,piețe și teorii economice.\n\nFrench: \nIl a eu une influence terrible. Smith a introduit l'idée qu'une personne,\nen suivant son propre intérêt, peut finit par servir le bien commun.\nIl été également partisan du libre échange. Beaucoup de pays à l'époque\navaient des droits de douanes très élevés. qui protégeaient leur propre manufactures à dépend du commerce.\nUne génération plus tard, l'économiste britannique, David Ricardo, a étendu l'idée de Smith en introduisant\nla théorie des avantages comparatifs: l'idée était que deux personnes ou pays pouvaient tout les deux bénéficier du commerce,\nmême si l'un des deux pouvait produire plus de tout.\nQuand les deux se concentrent dans le domaine où ils sont les meilleurs et ensuite échangent, tout le monde en bénéficie.\nDe tout les manières, le domaine économiques croît, amenant des idées telles que la propriété privée et les libres marchés\net ensuite arrive le Manifesto Communiste en 1848. Plutôt que d'examiner le comportement individuel,\nles philosophes allemands Karl Marx et Friedrich Engels ont observés les classes économiques et ont affirmé que\nl'histoire était expliqué par le conflit entre les ouvriers et les propriétaires.\n\nRomanian: \nȘi a fost extraordinar de influențativ.Smith a introdus ideea că o persoană\nurmărindu-și propriul câmp de interese sfârșește servind binele comun.\nDe asemenea,el a preconizat schimbul liber.Multe țări în acea vreme\naveau terife mari care le protejau producția domestică la prețul de schimb.\nO generație mai târziu,economistul britanic David Ricardo a extins ideile lui Smith introducând\nteoria avantajelor comparative:ideea ca doi oameni sau două țări pot beneficia de schimb,\nchiar dacă una dintre ele poate produce mai multe.\nCând ambele se axează pe ceea ce sunt mai buni ,și apoi schimbă,toată lumea câștigă.\nOricum,câmpul economic a crescut,avansând idei ca proprietate privată și piața liberă\nși de-a lungul perioadei apare Manifestul Comunist în 1848.Decât să examineze comportamentul individual,\nfilosofii germani Karl Marx și Friedrich Engels au privit asuprea claselor economice și au dezbătut faptul că\nistoria a fost explicată de un conflict între muncitori și proprietari.\n\nTurkish: \nVe son derece etkileyiciydi. Smith, bir insanın kendi kişisel çıkarını düşünmesinin\nkamu yararına olacak bir şekilde sonuçlanacağını ileri sürdü.\nAyrıca serbest ticaret fikrini de destekliyordu. O zamandaki birçok ülke\nülke içindeki üreticiyi koruyan ve bunu yaparken ticareti azaltan ağır gümrük vergilerine sahipti.\nBir nesil sonra, İngiliz ekonomist David Ricardo Smith'in düşüncelerini geliştirerek\nkarşılaştırmalı üstünlükler teorisini ortaya attı: Bir ülke diğerine göre her malı daha da çok üretse de\niki taraf da ticaret yaparak kazançlarını arttırabilir.\nİki taraf da en iyi oldukları alana odaklanıp ticaret yaparsa, bu herkesin yararına olur.\nBöylece iktisat gelişti ve özel mülk, serbest ticaret gibi düşünceler gelişti.\nVe Komünist Manifesto 1848'de yayımlandı. Bireysel davranışları incelemek yerine\nAlman düşünürler Karl Marx ve Friedrics Engels ekonomik sınıflara baktılar ve\ntarihin işçiler ve mülk sahipleri arasındaki anlaşmazlıklarla açıklanabileceğini ileri sürdüler.\n\nArabic: \nقدّم سميث فكرة مفادها\nأن شخصًا يسعى لمصلحته الخاصة\nقد ينتهي به المطاف يخدم الصالح العالم.\nكما دعا أيضًا إلى التجارة الحرة.\nكان لدى دول كثيرة في ذلك الوقت\nتعريفات جمركية مرتفعة جدًا\nتحمي المصنّعين المحليين\nعلى حساب التجارة.\nبعد جيل على ذلك،\nتوسّع الاقتصادي البريطاني ديفيد ريكاردو\nفي فكرة سميث وقدّم نظرية الميزة التفاضلية.\nفكرة أن شخصين أو بلدين\nيمكنهما الانتفاع من التجارة\nحتى إن كان أحدهما\nيستطيع إنتاج كميات أكبر من كل شيء.\nعندما يركز كل منهما على ما يجيده ثم يتاجر\nسيستفيد الجميع.\nالمهم، تطور حقل علم الاقتصاد\nمقدمًا أفكارًا كالملكية الخاصة\nوالأسواق الحرة،\nثم ظهر البيان الشيوعي في عام 1848.\nعوضًا عن دراسة السلوك الفردي،\nقام فلاسفة ألمان مثل كارل ماركس\nوفريدريك إنغلز\nبدراسة الطبقات الاقتصادية\nوقالا إن التاريخ يُفسّر\nمن خلال الصراع بين العمال وأصحاب الأملاك.\n\niw: \nוזה השפיע על הציבור מאוד. סמית הציג את הרעיון שאדם\nהשואף לרווחה האישית שלו יכול לשרת את הרווחה הכוללת.\nהוא גם דגל בסחר חופשי. באותו הזמן למדינות רבות\nהיו מסי מגן גבוהים שהגנו על היצרנים המקומיים על חשבון הסחר.\nדור אחר כך, הכלכלן הבריטי דיוויד ריקרדו הרחיב את רעיונותיו של סמית בכך שהציג את\nהתאוריה של היתרון ההשוואתי: הרעיון ששתי מדינות יכולות להרוויח ממסחר,\nאפילו אם אחת מהן יכולה לייצר יותר מהכול.\nכששתיהן מתמקדות במה שהן הכי טובות בו ואח\"כ סוחרות, כולם מרוויחים.\nבכל מקרה, השדה הכלכלי גדל, רעיונות מתקדמים כמו רכוש פרטי ושווקים חופשיים\nובמקביל המניפסט הקומוניסטי שיצא ב- 1848. במקום לחקור את התנהגות הפרטים,\nהפילוסופים הגרמנים קרל מרקס ופרידריך אנגלס הסתכלו על אסכולות כלכליות וטענו\nשההיסטוריה מוסברת ע\"י הקונפליקט בין העובדים לבעלי האדמות.\n\nSwedish: \nOch den var oerhört inflytelserik.\nSmith förde fram idén att en person\nkunde tjäna det gemensamma bästa \ngenom att följa sitt egenintresse.\nHan förespråkade också frihandel.\nMånga länder vid den här tiden\nupprätthöll höga tullar för att skydda sina inhemska fabriker på bekostnad av handel med utlandet.\nEn generation senare utvecklade den brittiske \nekonomen David Ricardo Smiths idéer med\nteorin om komparativa fördelar: idén att två personer eller länder båda kan två dra nytta av handel,\näven om en av dem kan producera mer av allt.\nNär båda fokusera på vad de är bäst på och sedan handlar med varandra gynnas alla.\nHur som helst, det ekonomiska ämnet utvecklades med idéer som privat egendom och fria marknader\noch sedan kom det Kommunistiska manifestet 1848. \nI stället för att undersöka individens beteende,\nundersökte de tyska filosoferna Karl Marx och Friedrich Engels ekonomiska klasser och hävdade att\nhistorien kunde förklaras av konflikten\nmellan arbetare och egendomsägare.\n\nEnglish: \nAnd it was tremendously influential.\nSmith introduced the idea that a person\nfollowing their own self-interest could end\nup serving the common good.\nHe also advocated free trade.\nMany countries at the time\nhad heavy tariffs which protected their domestic manufacturers at the expense of trade.\nA generation later, British economist David Ricardo\nexpanded on Smith's ideas by introducing\nthe theory of comparative advantage: the idea that two people or countries can both benefit from trade,\neven if one of them can produce more of everything.\nWhen both focus on what they're best at and then trade, everyone benefits.\nAnyway, the field of economics grew, advancing\nideas like private property and free markets\nand then along comes the Communist Manifesto\nin 1848. Rather than examining individual behavior,\nGerman philosophers Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels\nlooked at economic classes and argued that\nhistory was explained by the conflict\nbetween workers and property owners.\n\nSpanish: \nY fue tremendamente influyente.\nSmith introdujo la idea de que una persona\nsiguiendo su propio interés podría terminar sirviendo al bien común.\nTambién defendió el libre comercio.\nMuchos países en ese momento\ntenía fuertes aranceles que protegían a sus fabricantes nacionales a expensas del comercio.\nUna generación más tarde, el economista británico David Ricardo\nampliado sobre las ideas de Smith introduciendo\nla teoría de la ventaja comparativa: la idea de que dos personas o países pueden beneficiarse del comercio,\nincluso si uno de ellos puede producir más de todo.\nCuando ambas se centran en lo que mejor hacen y comercian, todos se benefician.\nDe todos modos, el campo de la economía creció, avanzando con ideas como la propiedad privada y el libre mercado\ny luego viene el Manifiesto Comunista\nen 1848. En vez de examinar el comportamiento individual,\nlos filósofos alemanes Karl Marx y Friedrich Engels estudiaron a las clases económicas y argumentaron que\nla historia se explica por el conflicto\nentre los trabajadores y los dueños de propiedades.\n\nBosnian: \nI bila je nevjerovatno uticajna. Smith je uveo ideju da osoba\nkoja prati vlastiti interes može, u konačnici, služiti zajedničkom dobru.\nTakođer je zagovarao slobodnu trgovinu. Mnoge zemlje u to vrijeme\nsu imale velike tarife koje su štitile domaće proizvođače nauštrb trgovanja.\nGeneraciju kasnije, britanski ekonomista David Ricardo je proširio Smithove ideje uvodeći\nteorije komparativne prednosti: ideja da dvije osobe ili države mogu u isto vrijeme imati koristi od trgovine,\nčak iako jedna od njih može proizvoditi više svega.\nKada se obje fokusiraju na ono u čemu su najbolje i onda trguju, svako profitira.\nKako god, polje ekonomije je raslo, proširujući ideje poput privatnog vlasništva i slobodnog tržišta\ni onda je došao \"Komunistički manifesto\" 1848. godine. Umjesto da ispituju ljudsko ponašanje,\nnjemački filozofi Karl Marx i Friedrich Engels su vidjeli ekonomske klase i utvrdili da\nse historija može objasniti sukobom između radnika i vlasnika dobara.\n\nRomanian: \nAcest proces ar ghida inevitabil muncitorii la doborârea șefilor acestora,ducând la un nou\nnestatal și neclasificat sistem numit comunism.Marx a urmărit asta cu Das Kapital.\nMișcări politice părăsite de economia marxistă au provocat punctul de vedere al lui Adam Smith că\ninteresul individual deservește binele comun.\nRezultatul final a dus la 2 tabere principale: capitalismul cu piața liberă susținând proprietatea privată,\nși comunismul,proiectând deținerea colectivă a mare parte din producție.\nMulțumim,Thought Bubble.Contrar provocării lui Marx,teoria economiei bazată pe piață continua să domine\npână la sfârșitul secolului al XIX-lea cu contribuțiile economiștilor francezi,britanici și americani.\nAcest tip de gândire se numește economie clasică,și a fost întruchipată de o carte numită\n„Principiile Economiei”,pubilcată în 1890 de un economist englez Alfred Marshall.\nMarshall a organizat concepte rafinate pe care încă le folosim și astăzi\ncum ar fi ofertă și cerere și utilitatea marginală,la care vom ajunge în curând,\ndar cum capitalismul se extindea în jurul lumii,mișcările marxiste se extindeau și ele.\n\nFrench: \nCe processus allait inévitablement amenés les travailleurs à renverser leurs patrons, ce qui conduirait à un nouveau système\nsans État et sans classe sociale appelé communisme. Marx a suivi cette idée avec Das Kapital.\nLes mouvements politiques engendrés par les économistes marxistes ont bousculé la vision d'Adam Smith qui était que\nl'intérêt individuel sert le bien commun.\nAu final, il y eu deux camps principaux: le capitaliste libre-marché qui supportait la propriété privée,\net les communistes plaidant pour la collectivisation des moyens de productions.\nMerci, Thought Bubble. Malgré le challenge de Marx, les théories économiques basée sur le marché ont continué à dominer\njusqu'à la fin du 19ème siècle avec les contributions des Français, des anglais et des économistes américains.\nCe courant de pensé appelé Économie Classique, et il faut incarner dans un livre appelé\n\"Les principes de l'Économie\" publié en 1890 par l'économiste anglais Alfred Marshall.\nMarshall a organisé sa pensée à partir de 5 concepts toujours utilisés aujourd'hui\nComme l'offre et la demande et l'utilité marginale, auquel nous allons venir bientôt,\nmais comme le capitalisme qui s'étendait autour du monde, les mouvements Marxistes s'étendaient aussi.\n\nEnglish: \nThis process would inevitably lead workers\nto overthrow their bosses, ushering in a new\nstateless and classless system called communism.\nMarx followed this up with Das Kapital.\nPolitical movements spawned by Marxist\neconomics challenged Adam Smith's view that\nindividual self-interest serves the common good.\nThe end result was two main camps:\nfree market capitalism supporting private property,\nand communism, advocating collective\nownership of the means of production.\nThanks, Thought Bubble. Despite Marx's challenge,\nmarket-based economic theory continued to dominate\nthrough the end of the 19th century with contributions from French, British, and American economists.\nThis body of thought is called classical economics,\nand it was embodied in a book called\nPrinciples of Economics, published in 1890\nby English economist Alfred Marshall.\nMarshall organized into fine concepts we still use today,\nlike supply and demand and marginal utility, which we're gonna get to soon,\nbut as capitalism was expanding around =\nthe world, Marxist movements were, too.\n\nSwedish: \nI den här processen skulle arbetarna oundvikligen \nstörta sina chefer, och inleda ett nytt\nstatslöst och klasslöst system \nsom kallas kommunismen. Marx följde upp detta \nmed Kapitalet (Das Kapital).\nPolitiska rörelser inspirerade av marxistisk\nekonomi utmanade Adam Smiths uppfattning\natt det individuella egenintresse tjänar \ndet gemensamma bästa.\nSlutresultatet blev två läger: marknadskapitalism \nsom stödde privat egendom,\noch kommunismen som förespråkade \nkollektivt ägande av produktionsmedlen.\nTack tankebubblan. Trots Marx utmaning fortsatte den\nmarknadsbaserade ekonomiska teorin att dominera\ntill slutet av 1800-talet med bidrag från franska, \nbrittiska och amerikanska ekonomer.\nDe här tankegångarna kallas klassisk ekonomi,\noch de fördes fram i en bok som heter\nPrinciper för nationalekonomi som publicerades 1890\nav den engelske ekonomen Alfred Marshall.\nMarshall strukturerade begrepp \nsom vi fortfarande använder idag,\nsom tillgång och efterfrågan och marginalnytta, \nsom vi snart kommer till,\nmen liksom kapitalismen spreds även \nmarxistiska rörelser ut i världen.\n\niw: \nתהליך שיוביל באופן בלתי נמנע לכך שהעובדים יפילו את הבוסים שלהם, וייצרו מערכת\nחסרת מדינות ומעמדות שתקרא קומוניזם. מרקס כתב זאת בספר הקפיטל.\nתנועות פוליטיות שנוצרו מתוך הכלכלה המרקסיסטית אתגרו את הגישה של אדם סמית\nשהרצון של היחיד לדאוג לעצמו משרת את טובת החברה.\nהתוצאה הסופית הייתה ההיווצרות של שני מחנות: כלכלת שוק חופשי קפיטליסטית שתמכה ברכוש פרטי,\nוקומוניזם, הדוגל בבעלות משותפת של אמצעי הייצור.\nתודה, בועת המחשבה. למרות האתגר שמרקס הציב, תאוריית הכלכלה מבוססת השוק המשיכה לשלוט\nעד לסוף המאה ה- 19 עם כלכלנים מצרפת, בריטניה וארה\"ב שתרמו לשכלולה.\nגוף המחשבה הזה מכונה כלכלה קלסית, והוא סוכם לספר הנקרא\nעקרונות הכלכלה, שפורסם בשנת 1890 ע\"י הכלכלן האנגלי אלפרד מרשל.\nמרשל ארגן זאת לעקרונות ברורים בהם אנחנו עדיין משתמשים היום,\nכמו ביקוש והיצע ותועלת שולית, אליה נגיע בקרוב,\nאבל בזמן שהקפיטליזם התרחב ברחבי העולם, התנועות המרקסיסטיות התרחבו גם כן.\n\nSpanish: \nEste proceso llevaría inevitablemente a los trabajadores a derrocar a sus jefes, marcando el comienzo de un nuevo\nsistema de sin naciones y sin clases llamada comunismo. Marx desarrolló esto en Das Kapital (El Capital)\nLos movimientos políticos generados por las economías marxistas rechazaron la opinión de Adam Smith de que\nel interés individual sirve al bien común.\nEl resultado final fue de dos campos principales:\nEl capitalismo de libre mercado que apoya la propiedad privada,\ny el comunismo, abogando la propiedad colectiva de los medios de producción.\nGracias, Burbuja de Pensamiento. A pesar del desafío de Marx,\nla teoría económica basada en el mercado continuó dominando\nhasta el final del siglo XIX con las contribuciones de Francia, Gran Bretaña, y los economistas estadounidenses.\nEste cuerpo de pensamiento se llama la economía clásica,\ny se materializa en un libro llamado\nPrincipios de Economía, publicado en 1890 por el por el economista inglés Alfred Marshall.\nMarshall organizó en conceptos finos que todavía utilizamos hoy en día,\ncomo la oferta y la demanda y la utilidad marginal, a donde vamos a llegar dentro de poco,\npero a medida que el capitalismo se estaba expandiendo por el mundo, las ideas marxistas, también.\n\nBosnian: \nOvaj proces neizbježno vodi ka svrgavanju šefova od strane radnika, uvodeći novi\nbezdržavni i besklasni sistem nazvan 'komunizam'. Marx je popratio ovu ideju sa djelom \"Kapital\".\nPolitički pokreti nadahnuti Marxovom ekonomijom su pobijale Smithovo gledište da\nvlastiti interes individue služi zajedničkom dobru.\nKrajnji rezultat su bila dva glavna gledišta: kapitalizam slobodnog tržišta koji podržava privatno vlasništvo\ni komunizam koji se zalaže sa zajedničko vlasništvo sredstava za proizvodnju.\nHvala, \"Misaoni Mjehure\". I pored Marxove kritike, tržišno zasnovana ekonomska teorija je nastavila da dominira\nkroz ostatak 19. stoljeća, sa doprinosima od francuskih, britanskih i američkih ekonomista.\nOvaj način razmišljanja se naziva 'klasična ekonomija' i utjelovljena je u knjizi nazvanoj\n\"Principi ekonomije\", izdatoj 1890. godine od strane engleskog ekonomiste Alfred Marshalla.\nMarshall je organizirao i definisao koncepte koji su još uvijek u upotrebi,\npoput ponude i potražnje i granične korisnosti, do kojih ćemo doći uskoro,\nali kako se kapitalizam širio svijetom, tako su i marksistički pokreti.\n\nTurkish: \nBu süreç kaçınılmaz olarak işçilerin patronları devirmesine, komünizm isimli stateless ve sınıfsız bir sistemi\nortaya çıkardı. Marx bunu Kapital'i yayınlayarak devam etti.\nMarxist ekonomistler tarafından ortaya çıkan politik eylemler Adam Smith'in kişisel çıkarların kamu yararına\nhizmet etmesi hakkındaki görüşlerine meydan okudu.\nSonuç olarak iki taraf oluştu: özel mülkü destekleyen serbest ticaret kapitalizmi,\nve üretimin eşit dağılımını sağlayan ve ortak mülkiyeti destekleyen komünizm.\nTeşekkürler Düşünce Balonu. Marx'a rağmen ticaret temelli ekonomik teori Fransız, İngiliz, ve Amerikan ekonomistlerinin\nkatkılarıyla 19. yüzyılın sonuna kadar geçerliliğini korudu.\nBu fikir oluşumu klasik ekonomi olarak adlandırıldı ve 1890'da İngiliz ekonomist Alfred Marshall\ntarafından yazılan İktisadın İlkeleri adlı kitapta bu fikirler toplanıp düzenlendi.\nMarshall, bugün hala kullandığımız arz ve talep ve marjinal yarar\ngibi kavramları düzenledi. Bu kavramları daha sonra değineceğiz.\nFakat kapitalizm dünyada yayılırken Marxist hareketler de büyüyordu.\n\nArabic: \nهذه العملية قادت في النهاية\nإلى إطاحة العمال برؤسائهم\nمعلنين نظامًا جديدًا لا جنسية له ولا طبقات\nيُسمى الشيوعية.\nأتبع ماركس هذا بكتابه \"رأس المال\".\nالحركات السياسية التي نتجت عن المدرسة\nالاقتصادية الماركسية\nتحدت فكرة آدم سميث القائلة\nإن مصلحة الفرد الشخصية تخدم الصالح العام.\nوكانت النتيجة النهائية لذلك معسكرين رئيسيين:\nرأسمالية السوق الحرة\nالتي تؤيد الملكية الخاصة،\nوالشيوعية التي تدعو إلى الملكية الجماعية\nلوسائل الإنتاج.\nشكرًا لفقاعة التفكير.\nرغم تحدي ماركس، ظلت النظرية الاقتصادية\nالقائمة على السوق مهيمنة\nإلى نهاية القرن الـ19،\nبمساهمات من علماء اقتصاد فرنسيين\nوبريطانيين وأمريكيين.\nتُسمى هذه المدرسة الاقتصادية\nبالاقتصاد التقليدي،\nوقد جُسدت في كتاب بعنوان \"مبادئ الاقتصاد\"\nالذي نشره الاقتصادي البريطاني ألفريد مارشال\nفي عام 1890.\nنظم مارشال وعرّف مفاهيم\nما زلنا نستخدمها اليوم،\nكالعرض والطلب والمنفعة الحدية\nالتي سنتطرق للحديث عنها قريبًا.\nلكن مع انتشار الرأسمالية في أنحاء العالم،\nكانت الحركات الماركسية تنتشر أيضًا.\n\nSwedish: \nI början av 1900-talet, ledde denna kamp om känsla \noch förnuft, tillsammans med politisk och social oro i Europa,\ntill grundandet av Sovjetunionen 1922.\nSamtidigt som kommunismen mognade \ni Sovjetunionen, krossade den stora depressionen \nmarknadsekonomierna\ni världens rikaste länder.\nDet gav också ett förödande slag mot klassisk ekonomi.\nSmiths och Marshalls teorier\nhade inte mycket att säga om hur detta kunde hända eller hur man skulle rätta till det.\nDen brittiske ekonomen John Maynard Keynes\nföreslog nya lösningar i sin bok från 1936,\nEn allmän teori om sysselsättning, ränta och pengar,\nsom i princip lanserade ämnet makroekonomi.\nTillsammans med John Hicks, hävdade Keynes att\nmarknadsekonomier inte korrigerar sig snabbt nog\neftersom priser och löner tar tid att anpassa sig.\nDe hävdade att det under lågkonjunkturer är nödvändigt för staten att engagera sig med hjälp av penning- och\nfinanspolitik för att öka produktionen \noch minska arbetslösheten.\nKeynes stödde inte kommunismen, men hans åsikter utmanade direkt klassiska ekonomer\nsom såg statliga ingripanden \nsom allmänt skadligt för ekonomin.\nSå småningom blev keynesiansk ekonomi\nen del av huvudströmningen i ekonomisk teori.\n\nFrench: \nAu début du 20ème siècle, ma bataille pour les coeurs et les esprits, avec les troubles sociaux et politiques en Europe,\nont amené l'établissement de l'Union Soviétique en 1922.\nAu moment où le communiste devenait mature dans l'Union Soviétique, la Grande Dépression à écrasé les économies de marchés\ndes pays les plus riches du monde.\nCela a aussi déversé un sang devastateur dans l'économie Classique. Les théories de Smith et Marshall\nn'avaient pas beaucoup à dire à propos de comment quelque chose comme ça pouvait arriver ou de comment le réparer.\nL'économiste anglais John Maynard Keynes proposa de nouvelles réponses dans son livre de 1936,\n\"Une théorie Générale de la Monnaie, l'intérêt, et du chômage\", qui a globalement lancé la branche de la macroéconomie.\nAvec John Hicks, Keynes a argumenté que les marchés ne se régulaient pas tout seul rapidement\ncar les prix et les salaires prenaient du temps à s'ajouter.\nIls prétendaient que pendant les récessions c'était necéssaire pour un gouvernement de s'investir en utilisant les politiques\nmonétaire et fiscale pour augmenter la production et faire diminuer le chômage.\nKeynes ne supportait pas le communisme, mais ses pensés ont directement mises en cause les économies classiques\nqui voyait les interventions des gouvernement universellement blessantes pour l'économie.\nMaintenant finalement, les keynesians sont devenus une part dominante de la théorie économique.\n\nArabic: \nبحلول أوائل القرن العشرين،\nهذه المعركة على الفوز بالقلوب والعقول،\nبالإضافة إلى الاضطرابات السياسية والاجتماعية\nفي أوروبا\nقادت إلى تأسيس الاتحاد السوفييتي عام 1922.\nبينما كانت الشيوعية تنمو\nفي الاتحاد السوفييتي،\nسحق الكساد الكبير اقتصادات الأسواق\nفي أغنى دول العالم.\nكما وجه ضربة مدمرة\n إلى الاقتصادات التقليدية.\nلم تذكر نظريات سميث ومارشال شيئًا\nعن كيفية حدوث ذلك أو كيفية إصلاحه.\nاقترح الاقتصادي البريطاني جون مينارد كينز\nحلولًا جديدة في كتابه المنشور عام 1936 بعنوان:\n\"فكرة عامة عن النقود والمصلحة والتوظيف\"،\nوأطلق الكتاب حقل الاقتصاد الكلي.\nإلى جانب جون هيكس، جادل كينز\nأن اقتصادات السوق لا تصلح ذاتيًا بسرعة\nلأن الأسعار والأجور تستغرق وقتًا لتتعدل.\nزعما أنه خلال فترات الكساد،\nمن الضروري أن تتدخل الحكومة\nعبر استخدام سياسات مالية وضريبية\nلزيادة الناتج وتقليل البطالة.\nلم يكن كينز يدعم الشيوعية،\nلكن آراءه تحدت مباشرة\nعلماء الاقتصاد التقليديين\nالذين اعتبروا التدخل الحكومي\nضارًا جدًا بالاقتصاد.\nفي نهاية الأمر، أصبح الاقتصاد الكينزي\nجزءًا من النظرية الاقتصادية السائدة.\n\nEnglish: \nBy the early 20th century, this battle for hearts and minds, along with political and social unrest in Europe,\nled to the establishment of the Soviet Union in 1922.\nAs communism was maturing in the Soviet Union,\nthe Great Depression crushed the market economies\nof the world's richest countries.\nIt also dealt a devastating blow to classical economics.\nThe theories of Smith and Marshall\ndidn't have much to say about how something\nlike this could happen or how to fix it.\nThe British economist John Maynard Keynes\nproposed new answers in his 1936 book,\nA General Theory of Money, Interest, and Employment,\nwhich basically launched the field of macroeconomics.\nAlong with John Hicks, Keynes argued that\nmarket economies don't self-correct quickly\nbecause prices and wages take time to adjust.\nThey claimed that during recessions it is necessary for the government to get involved using monetary and\nfiscal policy to increase output and decrease unemployment.\nKeynes wasn't supporting communism, but his\nviews directly challenged classical economists,\nwho saw government intervention as universally harmful for the economy.\nNow, eventually, Keynesian economics became\npart of mainstream economic theory.\n\nTurkish: \n20. yüzyılın başlarında bu tartışmalarla birlikte Avrupa'daki sosyal ve politik huzursuzluklar\nSovyet Birliğinin kurulmasına yol açtı.\nKomünizm Sovyet Birliğinde olgunlaşırken Büyük Buhran dünyanın en zengin ülkelerini\nvurdu.\nBu aynı zamanda klasik ekonomi için de yıkıcı bir hareketti. Smith ve Marshall'ın teorileri\nböyle bir şeyin nasıl olabileceğini veya nasıl düzeltilebileceği hakkında pek bir şey söylemiyordu.\nJohn Maynard Keynes isimli İngiliz ekonomist 1936'da yazdığı İstihdam, Faiz ve Paranın Genel Teorisi adlı eserinde\nyeni yöntemler önerdi. Bu kitap aynı zamanda makroekonomi alanını ortaya çıkardı.\nKeynes, John Hicks'le beraber malların fiyatının ve maaşların dengelenmesi zaman alacağından dolayı\npiyasa ekonomisinin kendi kendine hızlıca düzelemeyeceğini savundu.\nOnlara göre ekonomik durgunluk dönemlerinde devletin para ve maliye politikasını kullanarak\npara çıktısını arttırması ve işsizliği düşürmesi gerekliydi.\nKeynes komünizmi desteklemiyordu, fakat onun görüşleri devlet müdahalesini ekonomi için zararlı gören\nklasik ekonomistlerinkiyle doğrudan çatışıyordu.\nŞimdi sonuç olarak Keynesyen ekonomi genel geçer ekonomik teorinin bir parçası oldu.\n\niw: \nעד שבתחילת המאה ה- 20, המאבק הזה על הלבבות והמוחות, יחד עם אי היציבות הפוליטית והחברתית באירופה\nהובילו לייסודה של ברית המועצות ב- 1922.\nבזמן שהקומוניזם התבסס בברית המועצות, השפל הגדול הפיל את כלכלות השוק\nשל המדינות העשירות בעולם.\nהוא גם גרם לפגיעה הרסנית בכלכלה הקלסית. לתאוריות של סמית ומרשל\nלא היה הרבה מה להגיד על איך משהו כזה יכול לקרות או איך ניתן לתקן אותו.\nהכלכלן הבריטי ג'ון מיינרד קיינס הציע תשובות חדשות בספרו מ- 1936,\nהתאוריה הכללית של תעסוקה רבית וכסף, שלמעשה השיק את השדה של מקרו כלכלה.\nיחד עם ג'ון הייקס, קיינס טען שכלכלות שוק לא מתקנות את עצמן במהרה\nמכיוון שלמחירים ומשכורות נדרש זמן להתאמה.\nהם טענו שבמהלך מיתונים הכרחי שהממשלה תתערב בשימוש במדיניות מוניטרית\nופיסקלית כדי להגדיל את התפוקה ולהקטין את האבטלה.\nקיינס לא תמך בקומוניזם, אבל נקודת המבט שלו אתגרה ישירות את הכלכלה הקלסית,\nשראתה בהתערבות ממשלתית כמזיקה כללית לכלכלה.\nעכשיו, לבסוף, הכלכלה הקינסיינית הפכה לחלק מהתאוריה הכלכלית המקובלת.\n\nSpanish: \nA principios del siglo XX, esta batalla por los corazones y las mentes, junto con la inestabilidad política y social en Europa,\nda lugar a la creación de la Unión Soviética en 1922.\nA medida que el comunismo estaba madurando en la Unión Soviética,\nla Gran Depresión aplastó las economías de mercado\nde los países más ricos del mundo.\nTambién fue un golpe devastador para la economía clásica. Las teorías de Smith y Marshall\nno tienen mucho que decir acerca de cómo algo así podría ocurrir o cómo solucionarlo.\nEl economista británico John Maynard Keynes propuso nuevas respuestas en su libro publicado en 1936,\nTeoría general del empleo, el interés y el dinero, que básicamente puso en marcha el campo de la macroeconomía.\nJunto con John Hicks, Keynes sostenía que las economías de mercado no se auto-corregían rápidamente\nporque los precios y los salarios toman tiempo para adaptarse.\nEllos afirmaron que durante las recesiones es necesario que el gobierno se involucre usando políticas\nmonetarias y fiscales para aumentar la producción y disminuir el desempleo.\nKeynes no estaba apoyando el comunismo, pero su visión desafió directamente a los economistas clásicos,\nque veían a la intervención del gobierno como universalmente perjudicial para la economía.\nAhora, con el tiempo, se convirtieron en parte de la teoría económica dominante.\n\nRomanian: \nLa începutul secolului al XX-lea,această confruntare pentru inimi și minți ,împreună cu îngrijorarea politică și socială din Europa,\nau condus la stabilirea Uniunii Sovietice în 1922.\nCum comunismul creștea în Uniunea Sovietică,Marea Criză Economică a răsturnat piețele economice\nale celor mai bogate țări din lume.\nDe asemenea a dat o suflare devastatoare economiei clasice.Teoriile lui Smith și Marshall\nnu au avut multe de spus despre cum se putea întămpla așa ceva sau cum să remedieze situația.\nEconomistul britanic John Maynard Keynes a propus noi răspunsuri în cartea sa din 1936:\n„A General Theory of Money,Interest and Employment” care practic a lansat câmpul de macroeconomie.\nÎmpreună cu John Hicks,Keynes a pledat că economia pieței nu se autorepară rapid\npentru că prețurile și salariile au nevoie de timp să se adapteze.\nEi au afirmat că pe parcusul vacanțelor este necesar ca guvernul să se implice folosind politica monetară și\nfiscală pentru a crește debitul și a scădea somajul.\nKeynes nu a susținut comunismul,dar punctele sale de vedere provocau în mod direct economia clasică,\ncare a văzut intervenția guvernului universal dăunătoare economiei.\nAcum,eventual,economia keyneziană a devenit parte din teoria curentul economic prodominant.\n\nBosnian: \nDo početka 20. stoljeća, ova borba za srca i umove, zajedno sa političkim i društvenim nemirom u Evropi,\nje dovela do osnivanja Sovjetskog saveza 1922. godine.\nDok je komunizam sazrijevao u Sovjetskom savezu, Velika depresija je zgazila tržišne ekonomije\nnajbogatijih svjetskih zemalja.\nTakođer je zadala devastirajući udarac klasičnoj ekonomiji. Teorije Smitha i Marshalla\nnisu imale mnogo da kažu o tome kako se nešto slično ovome moglo desiti niti kako se može ispraviti.\nBritanski ekonomista John Maynard Keynes je predložio nove odgovore u svojoj knjizi iz 1936. godine,\n\"Opšta teorija zaposlenosti, kamate i novca\", na kojoj je nastalo polje makroekonomije.\nZajedno sa John Hicksom, Keynes se zalagao za ideju da se tržišne ekonomije same ne ispravljaju dovoljno brzo\njer cijene i plate zahtijevaju vrijeme da bi se prilagodile.\nOni su tvrdili da je za vrijeme recesije neophodno da se vlada umiješa koristeći monetarnu i\nfiskalnu politiku kako bi povećala proizvodnju i umanjila nezaposlenost.\nKeynes nije podržavao komunizam, ali njegovi pogledi su direktno osporavali klasične ekonomiste,\nkoji su vidjeli intervencije vlade kao univerzalno štetne za ekonomiju.\nEventualno, Keynesova ekonomija je postala dio općeprihvaćene ekonomske teorije.\n\nFrench: \nVous voyez, je vous l'avais dit, les théories économiques changent au cours du temps !\nEt tout ce qui a permis cela, dans ce cas était une dépression internationale catastrophique.\nLes idées de Keynes combinés avec les toujours-présentés critiques Marxistes, ont ouvert la porte à de plus en plus de participation du gouvernement.\nDepuis la Grande dépression, beaucoup de pays ont poursuivi une idéologie politique et économique appelée socialiste,\nquand bien même les idées et les politiques socialistes étaient là depuis le 19ème siècle.\nDans la plupart des cas, ces économies autorisaient les propriétés privées et les marchés,\nmais avait aussi des entreprises publiques,\ndes règles importantes et des grands programmes publiques comme un système de santé universel.\nLes pays scandinaves, comme la Norvège ou la Suède, adorent ces politiques sociales.\nMaintenant, les États-Unis ont rejeté beaucoup de ces idées socialistes\nmais le gouvernement états-uniens, ou au moins les économistes qui conseillent les politiques,\nsont très clairement en faveur de l'utilisation des politiques keynésiennes quand l'économie va mal.\nMais en même temps que les socialistes et les keynésiens s'étendaient, d'autres groupes ont continués de plaider très fortement pour la propriété privée\net les libres marchés. Les plus entendus étaient souvent l'école autrichienne d'économie.\nIls ont aussi un très entendu groupe de supporter dans notre section actuelle. Friedrich Hayek et Ludwig von Mises,\n\nRomanian: \nVedeți,v-am spus eu, teoria economică se schimbă cu timpul!\nȘi totul datorită unei crize economice catastrofale în acest caz.\nIdeile lui Keynes,combinate cu critica marxistă omniprezentă ,au deschis ușile la din ce în ce mai multă implicare guvernamentală.\nDe la Marea Criză Economică,multe națiuni au exercitat o ideologie economică și politică numită socialism,\ndeși ideile socialiste și politice au fost prin preajmă din secolul al XIX-lea.\nÎn cele mai multe cazuri,aceste economii permit proprietăți private și piață,\ndar de asemenea industria aparține guvernului,\nreguli semnificative,și mari programe publice cum ar fi grija sănătății universale.\nȚările scandinave,ca Norvegia și Suedia,iubesc aceste politici socialiste.\nAcum,USA a respins multe dintre aceste idei socialiste,\ndar guvernul USA,sau cel puțin economiștii care sfătuiesc politicienii,\nsunt categoric în favorul utilizării politicilor economice keyneziene când economia are probleme.\nDar cum economiile socialiste și keyneziene s-au extins,alte grupuri au continuat să insiste convingător\npentru proprietate privată și piață liberă.Cea mai vocală a fost deseori Școala Austriacă de economie.\nEi au chiar și o bază de fani foarte vocală în secțiunea noastră de comentarii.Friedrich Hayek și Ludwig von Mises,\n\nArabic: \nأرأيتم؟ قلت لكم إن النظرية الاقتصادية\nتتغير طوال الوقت.\nوكل ما تطلبه الأمر لتتغير في هذه الحالة\nهو كساد عالمي كارثي.\nأفكار كينز،\nبالإضافة إلى النقد الماركسي الدائم،\nأتاحت المجال لتدخل الحكومات أكثر فأكثر.\nمنذ الكساد الكبير،\nاتخذت العديد من الدول\nإيديولوجية سياسية واقتصادية تُسمى الاشتراكية،\nمع أن الأفكار والسياسات الاشتراكية\nكانت موجودة منذ القرن الـ19.\nفي معظم الحالات، سمحت تلك الاقتصادات\nبالملكية الخاصة والأسواق الخاصة،\nلكن كان فيها أيضًا صناعات ملك للحكومة\nوقواعد تنظيمية محددة وبرامج عام كبيرة\nكبرنامج الرعاية الصحية.\nالدول الإسكندنافية، كالنرويج والسويد،\nأحبت هذه السياسات الاشتراكية.\nرفضت الولايات المتحدة\nالعديد من هذه الأفكار الاشتراكية،\nلكن الحكومة الأمريكية أو على الأقل\nخبراء الاقتصاد الذين يقدمون المشورة للسياسيين\nيؤيدون بشكل واضح\nاستخدام السياسات الاقتصادية الكينزية\nعندما يواجه الاقتصاد المتاعب.\nلكن مع توسع السياسات الاقتصادية\nالاشتراكية والكينزية\nاستمرت مجموعات أخرى في المطالبة بقوة\nبالملكية الخاصة والأسواق الحرة،\nوكان أكثرها صراحة غالبًا\nالمدرسة الاقتصادية النمساوية.\nولها أيضًا معجبين صريحين جدًا\nممن يعلقون على برنامجنا،\n\niw: \nרואים, אמרתי לכם, תיאוריה כלכלית משתנה לאורך זמן!\nוכל מה שנדרש במקרה הזה הוא שפל בינלאומי קטסטרופלי.\nהרעיונות של קיינס, יחד עם הדיבור המתמיד על מרקסיזם, פתחו את הדלת ליותר ויותר מעורבות ממשלתית.\nמאז השפל הגדול, מדינות רבות קידמו מדיניות פוליטית וכלכלית הנקראת סוציאליזם,\nלמרות שהרעיונות והמדיניות הסוציאליסטיים היו בסביבה עוד מהמאה ה- 19.\nברוב המקרים, הכלכלות האלו מאפשרות רכוש פרטי ושווקים,\nאבל יש בהן גם בעלות ממשלתית על תעשיות,\nרגולציה משמעותית ותכניות ציבוריות גדולות כמו ביטוח רפואי בחינם לכולם.\nהמדינות הסקנדינביות, כמו נורווגיה ושבדיה, אוהבות את המדיניות הסוציאליסטית הזאת.\nעכשיו, ארה\"ב דחתה את רוב הרעיונות הסוציאליסטיים האלו,\nאבל ממשלת ארה\"ב, או לפחות הכלכלנים שמייעצים לפוליטיקאים,\nתומכים באופן מובהק בשימוש במדיניות של כלכלה קיינסיאנית בעת משבר.\nאבל בזמן שהכלכלות הסוציאליסטיות והקיינסיאניות התרחבו, קבוצות אחרות המשיכו לדחוף\nלרכוש פרטי ושווקים חופשיים. מי שאמרו זאת לרוב בצורה המשמעותית ביותר היו אנשי האסכולה האוסטרית לכלכלה.\nיש להם בסיס קולני מאוד גם בהערות לסרטונים שלנו. פרידריך הייק ולודוויג וון מיסס\n\nEnglish: \nSee, I told you, economic theory changes over time!\nAnd all it took in this case was a catastrophic global depression.\nKeynes' ideas, combined with the ever-present Marxist critique, opened the door to more and more government involvement.\nSince the Great Depression, many nations have pursued a political and economic ideology called socialism,\nalthough socialist ideas and policies have been around since the 19th century.\nIn most cases, these economies allow for private property and markets,\nbut also have government ownership of industry,\nsignificant regulation, and big public programs like universal health care.\nThe Scandinavian countries, like Norway and\nSweden, they love these socialist policies.\nNow, the US has rejected many of these socialist ideas,\nbut the US government, or at least the economists that advise politicians,\nare clearly in favor of using Keynesian economic\npolicies when the economy is in trouble.\nBut as socialism and Keynesian economics expanded,\nother groups continued to forcefully push\nfor private property and free markets. The most\nvocal was often the Austrian School of economics.\nThey also have a very vocal fan base in our comments section. Friedrich Hayek and Ludwig von Mises,\n\nTurkish: \nGördünüz mü, size demiştim. Ekonomik teoriler zamanla değişir!\nVe bu durumda olması gereken tek şey geniş çaplı bir depresyondu.\nKeynes'in fikirleri Marxist eleştirilerle birleştirilince devlet müdahalesinin daha da artmasına yol açtı.\nBirçok millet Büyük Buhran'dan itibaren sosyalizm adlı politik ve ekonomik ideolojiyi takip etti.\nFakat sosyalist politikalar ve fikirler 19. yüzyıldan beri varlığını sürdürüyordu.\nBirçok durumda bu ekonomiler özel mülk ve ticarete izin veriyorlar,\nfakat aynı zamanda bu ekonomiler devletin sanayide payının olmasına,\nönemli düzenlemelere ve sağlık hizmetleri gibi büyük kamu programlarına da sahipler.\nNorveç ve İsveç gibi İskandinav ülkeler sosyalist politikaları çok sever.\nABD bu sosyalist fikirlerin çoğunu reddetti fakat\nekonomi kötüye gittiği zaman, ABD hükümeti ya da en azından politikacılara tavsiye veren ekonomistler\nKeynesyen ekonomik politikaları tarafındalar.\nAncak sosyalizm ve Keynesyen ekonomiler arttıkça diğer topluluklar da\nözel mülk ve serbest piyasalar için baskı yapmaya devam ettiler. Avusturya(ekonomik düşünce) Okulu bunlardan sesi en fazla çıkanlardan biriydi.\nAyrıca hayran topluluğu yorum kısmımızda da çok ses yapıyorlar. Avusturya'dan Friedrich Hayek ve Ludwig von Mises\n\nSpanish: \nVer, te lo dije, ¡las teorías económicas cambian a través del tiempo!\nY todo lo que se necesitó fue una depresión global catastrófica.\nLas ideas de Keynes, combinados con la omnipresente crítica marxista, abren la puerta más y más a la participación del gobierno.\nDesde la Gran Depresión, muchos países han seguido una ideología política y económica llamada socialismo,\naunque las ideas y las políticas socialistas han existido desde el siglo XIX.\nEn la mayoría de los casos, estas economías permiten la propiedad privada y los mercados,\npero también tienen la propiedad estatal de la industria,\nla regulación significativa, y los programas públicos grandes como el cuidado universal de la salud .\nLos países escandinavos, como Noruega y Suecia, aman estas políticas socialistas.\nAhora, los EE.UU. han rechazado muchas de estas ideas socialistas,\npero el gobierno de Estados Unidos, o al menos los economistas que asesoran a los políticos,\nestán claramente en favor de la utilización de políticas keynesianas cuando la economía está en problemas.\nPero a medida que el socialismo y la economía keynesiana se expandían,\notros grupos continuaron presionando enérgicamente\npor la propiedad privada y el libre mercado. El más\nresonante era a menudo la Escuela Austríaca de Economía.\nTambién tienen una base de fanáticos muy fuerte en nuestra sección de comentarios. Friedrich Hayek y Ludwig von Mises,\n\nSwedish: \nSom jag sa, ekonomisk teori förändras med tiden!\nOch allt som krävdes i det här fallet var \nen katastrofal global depression.\nKeynes idéer, i kombination med den ständigt närvarande marxistiska kritiken, öppnade dörren \nför mer och mer statlig inblandning.\nAllt sedan den stora depressionen har många länder fört en politisk och ekonomisk ideologi som kallas socialism,\ntrots att socialistiska idéer och politik \nhar hängt med sedan 1800-talet.\nI de flesta fall tillåter de här ekonomierna \nprivat egendom och marknader\nmen har också statligt ägande av industri,\nbetydande regleringar och stora offentliga program \nsom allmän sjukvård.\nDe skandinaviska länderna, som Norge och\nSverige, älskar den här socialistiska politiken.\nUSA har avvisat många av dessa socialistiska idéerna,\nmen den amerikanska regeringen, eller åtminstone \nde ekonomer som rådger politiker,\när klart positiva till att använda keynesiansk \nekonomisk politik när ekonomin är i trubbel.\nMen med utvecklingen av socialism och keynesiansk ekonomi, fortsatte andra grupper att kraftfullt yrka\npå privat egendom och fria marknader. \nMest tongivande var ofta den österrikiska skolan.\nDen har också många tongivande anhängare i våra kommentarsfält. Friedrich Hayek och Ludwig von Mises,\n\nBosnian: \nVidite, rekao sam vam, ekonomska teorija se vremenom mijenja.\nI sve što je u ovom slučaju trebalo je bila katastrofalna globalna depresija.\nKeynesove ideje, zajedno sa sve više prisutnom marksističkom kritikom, otvorile su vrata sve većoj i većoj umiješanosti vlade.\nOd vremena Velike depresije, mnoge nacije su slijedile političku i ekonomsku ideologiju zvanu 'socijalizam',\niako su socijalističke ideje i politika postojale od 19. stoljeća.\nU većini slučajeva, ove ekonomije dozvoljavaju privatno vlasništvo i tržište,\nali također uključuju državno posjedovanje industrije,\nznačajne regulacije, velike javne programe poput univerzalnog zdravstvenog osiguranja.\nSkandinavske države, poput Norveške i Švedske, vole ovu socijalističku politiku.\nSAD su odbile mnoge od ovih socijalističkih ideja,\nali američka vlada, ili bar ekonomisti koji savjetuju političare,\nsu očigledno za korištenje Keynesove ekonomske politike kada je ekonomija u nevolji.\nAli kako su se socijalizam i Keynesova ekonomija širili, druge grupe su nastavile nasilno zahtijevati\nprivatno vlasništvo i slobodno tržište. Najglasnija je često bila 'austrijska škola ekonomije'.\nTakođer imaju veoma glasnu skupinu fanova među našim komentarima. Friedrich Hayek i Ludwig von Mises,\n\nEnglish: \nwho were, unsurprisingly, from Austria,\nargued that heavy state involvement\nhas never produced the results it promised,\nand that regulation and government tinkering\nis actually a problem, not a solution.\nRejecting nearly all forms of fiscal and monetary policy,\nthe Austrian School today argues the economy's\njust too complicated to manipulate.\nThis backlash against government intervention\nwas carried forward in the US by Milton Friedman.\nLike the Austrians, Friedman advocated privatization of many functions that have been assumed by government,\nfamously proposing school vouchers and deregulation of the economy.\nHe also concluded that the Great Depression could be blamed on botched monetary policy,\nrather than some inherent fault of capitalism.\nThe theories of Friedman and his followers\nat the University of Chicago came to be called\nthe Chicago school of economics.\nFriedman's views got a huge boost in the 1970s.\nAt that time, inflation soared while output stagnated.\n\nSpanish: \nque fueron, como era de esperar, austríacos, argumentaron que la participación pesada del Estado\nnunca ha producido los resultados que prometió, y que la regulación e intromisión política\nes en realidad un problema, no una solución.\nRechazando casi todas las formas de la política fiscal y monetaria,\nla Escuela Austríaca de hoy sostiene la economía es simplemente demasiado complicada de manipular.\nEsta reacción en contra de la intervención del gobierno se llevó adelante en los EE.UU. por Milton Friedman.\nAl igual que los austríacos, Friedman defendió la privatización de muchas de las funciones que han sido asumidas por el gobierno,\nnotoriamente proponiendo vales escolares y la desregulación de la economía.\nTambién llegó a la conclusión de que la Gran Depresión podría ser atribuido a la política monetaria fallida,\nen lugar de algún defecto inherente del capitalismo.\nLas teorías de Friedman y sus seguidores\nen la Universidad de Chicago llegó a ser llamadas\nla escuela de economía de Chicago.\nLas ideas de Friedman recibieron un gran impulso en la década de 1970. En ese momento, la inflación se disparó mientras que la producción se estancó.\n\nTurkish: \ndevlet müdahalesinin asla istenilen sonuçları doğurmadığını ileri sürdüler ve\ndüzenlemelerin ve devletin araya girmesinin çözümden ziyade\nasıl problem olduğunu savundular.\nBugün Avusturya Okulu, mali ve para politikalarını reddederek, ekonominin\ndışarıdan yapılan müdahaleler için çok karmaşık olduğunu savunuyor.\nBu devlet müdahalesine tepki ABD'de Milton Friedman tarafından devam ettirildi.\nAvusturyalılar gibi Friedman da devletin üstüne aldığı birçok hizmet ve işlevin\nözelleştirilmesinden yanaydı.\nAyrıca Büyük Buhran'ın kapitalizmin doğasından değil de acemice yapılmış para politikası yüzünden\nortaya çıktığını iddia etti.\nFriedman ve Chicago Üniversitesindeki destekçilerinin teorileri Chicaho Ekonomi Okulu\nolarak adlandırıldı.\nFriedman'ın görüşleri 1970'de çok popülerleşti. O zamanlarda ekonomi durgunken enflasyon yükseliyordu.\n\nRomanian: \ncare erau ,nesuprinzător,din Austria,au dezbătut că marea implicare a statului\nnu a produs niciodată rezultatele promise,și că aceste reguli și gândirea guvernamentală\nsunt de fapt o problemă ,nu o soluție.\nRespingând aproape toate formele de politică fiscală și monetară,\nȘcoala Austriacă ,astăzi afirmă că economia e pur și simplu prea complicată pentru a fi manipulată.\nAceastă lovitură împotriva intervenției guverenului a fost putrată mai departe în USA de Milton Friedman.\nCa și austriecii,Friedman a plănuit privatizarea mai multor funcțiuni care au fost admise de către guvern,\nfaimos propunând vouchere școlare și liberalizarea economiei.\nDe asemenea el a concluzionat că Marea Criză Economică a fost cauzată de politica monetară cârpită,\ndecât pe o greșeală inerentă a capitalismului.\nTeoriile lui Friedman și a urmăritorilor săi la Univeresitatea din Chicago au ajuns să fie numite\nȘcoala de Economie Chicago.\nPărerile lui Friedman au primit o imensă glorificare în 1970.În acea vreme,inflația urcase,iar debitul a stagnat.\n\niw: \nשהיו, שלא במפתיע, מאוסטריה, טענו שמעורבות ממשלתית משמעותית\nמעולם לא השיגה את התוצאות המצופות, ושרגולציה והתערבות ממשלתית\nהן למעשה הבעיה, לא הפתרון.\nבדחייה של כל צורות המדיניות הפסיקלית והמוניטרית,\nהאסכולה האוסטרית טוענת כיום שהכלכלה פשוט מסובכת מדיי כדי להשפיע עליה.\nההרתעות החריפה הזאת ממעורבות ממשלתית הובלה בארה\"ב ע\"י מילטון פרידמן.\nכמו האוסטרים, פרידמן דגל בהפרטה של פונקציות רבות שקושרו לממשלה,\nהצעתו המפורסמת הייתה ליצור שוברים לביה\"ס והסרת הפיקוח על הכלכלה.\nהוא גם הסיק שהסיבה לשפל הגדול היא המדיניות המוניטרית הכושלת,\nולא איזשהו כשל טבוע בקפיטליזם.\nהתיאוריות של פרידמן ואלו שהלכו בעקבותיו באוניברסיטת שיקגו נקראו\nאסכולת שיקגו לכלכלה.\nהגישה של פרידמן קיבלה דחיפה גדולה בשנות ה- 70. באותה התקופה, האינפלציה גדלה מאוד בזמן שהתפוקה נכנסה לסטגנציה.\n\nSwedish: \nsom var, föga förvånande, från Österrike,\nhävdade att stor statlig inblandning\naldrig hade åstadkomma de resultat som utlovats,\noch att regleringar och statligt mixtrande\nfaktiskt är ett problem, och inte någon lösning.\nDe avvisar nästan alla former \nav finans- och penningpolitik,\noch hävdar idag att nationalekonomi\när alldeles för komplicerat för att manipulera.\nDenna motreaktion mot statliga ingripanden\nbars i USA fram av Milton Friedman.\nLiksom österrikarna förespråkade Friedman privatisering av många funktioner som hade övertagits av staten,\noch föreslog skolpeng samt avreglering av ekonomin.\nHan konstaterade också att den stora depressionen kunde skyllas på illa förd penningpolitik,\nsnarare än något inneboende fel på kapitalismen.\nFriedmans och hans efterföljares teorier\nvid University of Chicago kom att kallas\nChicagoskolan.\nFriedmans synpunkter fick ett enormt inflytande under 1970-talet. Vid den tiden hade inflationen skjutit i höjden medan produktionen stagnerat.\n\nFrench: \nqui était, sans surprise, d'Autriche, ont plaidé qu'une forte implication de l'État\nn'avaient jamais produit les résultats que ça promettait et que la régulation et le \"bricolage\" du gouvernement\nétait en fait un problème, pas une solution.\nEn rejetant pratiquement toutes les formes de politiques fiscales et monétaires,\nl'École Autrichienne argumente aujourd'hui que l'économie est aujourd'hui trop compliqué pour être manipulée.\nCe contre-coup contre l'intervention de l'État a été amené plus tard aux États-Unis par Milton Friedman.\nComme les autrichiens, Friedman a plaidé pour la privatisation de beaucoup de fonctions qui ont été assumé par le gouvernement,\nnotament en proposant ses fameuses idées de ses bons pour l'école et de sa dérégulation de l'économie.\nIl est également arrivé à la conclusion que la Grande Dépression a pu être causé à cause d'une police économique baclée plutôt qu'une\nfaute inhérente au capitalisme.\nLes théories de Friedman et de ses partisans à l'Université de Chicago les ont amenés à être appelé\nl'école d'économie de Chicago.\nLe point de vue de Friedman a été boosté dans les années 70. A cette période, l'inflation s'envolait alors que la production stagnait.\n\nArabic: \nفريدريك هايك ولودويغ فون ميسيس\nوهما بديهيًا من النمسا،\nجادلا بأن التدخل الحكومي الكبير\nلم يقدم قط النتائج التي وعد بها،\nوأن الإصلاحات التنظيمية والحكومية\nهي في الواقع مشكلة وليس حلًا.\nرافضةً تقريبًا كافة أشكال\nالسياسات النقدية والضريبية،\nتجادل المدرسة النمساوية اليوم أن الاقتصاد\nأكثر تعقيدًا من أن يُعالج.\nهذه الثورة ضد التدخل الحكومي\nانتقلت إلى الولايات المتحدة\nبواسطة ميلتون فريدمان.\nومثل النمساويين، دعا فريدمان\nإلى خصخصة العديد من الوظائف\nالتي كانت تتولاها الحكومة،\nوأشهرها اقتراح توزيع قسائم مدرسية\nوإلغاء اللوائح التنظيمية في الاقتصاد.\nكما أنه ألقى باللوم في الكساد الكبير\nعلى السياسة النقدية الفاسدة\nوليس إلى خلل متأصل في الرأسمالية.\nنظريات فريدمان وأتباعه في جامعة شيكاغو\nأصبحت تُسمى مدرسة شيكاغو للاقتصاد.\nتعززت آراء فريدمان بقوة\nفي سبعينيات القرن العشرين.\nفي ذلك الوقت، ارتفع التضخم وركد الناتج.\nأتتذكرون الركود التضخمي؟\n\nBosnian: \nkoji su, nimalo začuđujuće, iz Austrije, su se zalagali za ideju da velika umiješanost države\nnikada nije dovela do rezultata koje je obećala i da regulacije i petljanje države\nsu zapravo problem, ne rješenje.\nOdbijajući gotovo sve oblike fiskalne i monetarne politike,\naustrijska škola danas tvrdi da je ekonomija previše komplikovana da bi bila manipulisana.\nOštro osuđivanje državne intervencije je u Americi podržavao Milton Friedman.\nPoput Austrijanaca, Friedman se zalagao za privatizaciju mnogih funkcija koje je vlada kontrolisala,\nfamozno predlažući školske vaučere i deregulaciju ekonomije.\nTakođer je zaključio da se za Veliku depresiju može okriviti loše izvedena monetarna politika,\nradije nego neka urođena mana kapitalizma.\nFriedmanove teorije i teorije njegovih sljedbenika na Univerzitetu u Čikagu su dobile naziv\n'čikaška škola'.\nFriedmanovi pogledi su zadobile veliki značaj u 70-im. U to vrijeme, inflacija je ubrzano rasla dok je proizvodnja stagnirala.\n\nSwedish: \nKommer du ihåg stagflation? En kombination som keynesiansk ekonomi hade problem med.\nVissa makroekonomer fortsatte \npå Chicagoskolans insikter\noch hävdade att dessa händelser motbevisade keynesiansk ekonomi.\nMed utgångspunkt i Friedmans idéer hade en annan teori om ekonomi vunnit dragkraft: monetarismen.\nPuh, Stan! Så många ismer!\nMonetaristerna fokuserade på prisstabilitet \noch argumenterade\natt penningmängden bör ökas långsamt och\nförutsägbart för att möjliggöra en stadig tillväxt.\nVid ungefär samma tid, gjorde en annan teori som kallas\nutbudsekonomi, eller ibland nedsippringsteorin, \nentré i huvudfåran.\nUtbudsekonomer förespråkade avreglering\noch sänkta skatter, särskilt bolagsskatter.\nNationalekonomi tar idag tar idéer från både\nklassisk ekonomi, inklusive monetarism, \noch keynesiansk ekonomi.\nDen här enhetliga teorin kallas ibland för \nden nya neoklassiska syntesen,\noch, ja, ekonomer är också dåliga på att namnge saker.\nMen diskussionen om hur och när man ska \ngenomföra en viss politik fortsätter\n\niw: \nזוכרים את הסטגפלציה? שילוב שלכלכלה הקיינסיאנית היה קשה לתת לו מענה.\nחלק מהמקרו כלכלנים השתמשו בעקרונות של אסכולת שיקגו\nכדי לטעון שהאירועים האלו מפריכים את הכלכלה הקיינסיאנית.\nבהתבססות על הרעיונות של פרידמן, נוצרה תיאוריה כלכלית חדשה: מונטריזם.\nוואו, סטן! כל כך הרבה- איזמים!\nמונטריסטים התרכזו ביציבות מחירים וטענו\nשאספקת הכסף צריכה לגדול באטיות\nוללא הפתעות כדי לאפשר גידול רציף.\nבערך באותו הזמן, תיאוריה נוספת הנקראת\nכלכלה מוטת היצע, או משהו שנקרא כלכלה טיפטופית, נכנסה לתודעה.\nכלכלה מוטת היצע דגלה בהסרת הפיקוח\nובחיתוך המסים, במיוחד מסי התאגידים\nהכלכלנים המרכזיים כיום לוקחים רעיונות גם\nמהכלכלה הקלסית, כולל מונטריזם והכלכלה הקיינסיאנית.\nהתאוריה המאחדת הזאת נקראת לפעמים השילוב הניאו קלסי החדש,\nוכן, כלכלנים גרועים בלתת שמות לדברים גם כן.\nאבל הוויכוחים לגבי איך ומתי להפעיל סוגי מדיניות שונים ממשיך,\n\nArabic: \nإنه مزيج من وضعين اقتصاديين\nعجزت نظرية كينزي عن معالجته.\nبعض خبراء الاقتصاد الكلي\nاستعانوا بآراء مدرسة شيكاغو\nللزعم أن هذه الأحداث\nتدحض نظرية كينزي الاقتصادية.\nاشتهرت نظرية أخرى\nمستلهمة من أفكار فريدمان،\nوهي المدرسة النقدية،\nما هذا يا ستان؟ لدينا تسميات كثيرة!\nركزت المدرسة النقدية على استقرار الأسعار\nوجادلت بأنه يجب زيادة الإصدار النقدي ببطء\nوعلى نحو متوقع\nلإتاحة المجال لنمو ثابت.\nفي الوقت نفسه تقريبًا، ظهرت نظرية أخرى\nسُميت \"اقتصاد الموارد الجانبية\"،\nأو أحيانًا \"الاقتصاد المنتشر للمؤسسات الصغرى\"،\nوبدأت تنتشر.\nدعا أصحاب نظرية \"اقتصاد الموارد الجانبية\"\nإلى إزالة القواعد التنظيمية\nوتحفيض الضرائب، خاصة ضرائب الشركات؟\nخبراء النظريات الاقتصادية السائدة اليوم\nيستلهمون الأفكار\nمن نظرية الاقتصاد التقليدي، بما في ذلك\nالنظرية النقدية، ومن النظرية الكينزية.\nهذه النظرية الموحدة تُسمى أحيانًا\n\"التركيبة التقليدية المحدثة\"،\nونعم، علماء الاقتصاد\nفاشلون في إطلاق المسميات.\nلكن الجدال حول كيفية تنفيذ السياسات ومتى\nما زال مستمرًا،\n\nSpanish: \n¿Recuerdas la estanflación? Una combinación que la economía keynesiana tenían problemas para reconciliar.\nAlgunos macroeconomistas se basaron en las ideas de la escuela de Chicago\npara afirmar que estos hechos refutan la economía keynesiana.\nSobre la base de las ideas de Friedman, otra teoría de la economía ganó fuerza: el monetarismo.\nUf, Stan! Tantos -ismos!\nLos monetaristas se centró en la estabilidad de precios y sostienen la\noferta de dinero se debe aumentar lentamente y\npredeciblemente para permitir el crecimiento constante.\nCasi al mismo tiempo, otra teoría llamada\neconomía de la oferta, o, a veces llamados economía de goteo, entraron en la corriente principal.\nLos economistas de la oferta abogaron por la desregulación\ny la reducción de impuestos, especialmente corporativos.\nLa economía dominante hoy lleva las ideas de ambos\nla economía clásica, incluyendo el monetarismo y la economía keynesiana.\nEsta teoría unificada a veces se llama la nueva síntesis neoclásica,\ny, sí, los economistas no están nada mal al nombre a las cosas, también.\nSin embargo, los debates sobre cómo y cuándo aplicar políticas continúan,\n\nRomanian: \nVă amintiți de stagnare?O combinație pe care economia keyneziană a avut probleme să o reconcilieze.\nCâțiva macroeconomiști au desenat înțelegerile Școlii Chicago\nsă anunțe că aceste evenimente dezaprobă economia keyneziană.\nConstruind pe ideile lui Friedman,altă teorie a economiei a căștigat tracțiune:monetarismul.\nWow ,Stan!Atât de multe -isme!\nMonetariștii se axau pe prețul stabilit și afirmau că\naprovizionarea banilor ar trebui să crească încet și\nprevizibil să permită o creștere serioasă.\nCam în același timp,altă teorie numită\neconomia „supply-side” ,sau uneori numită „trickle-down”,a intrat în vigoare.\nEconomia „suply-side” susținea liberalizarea\nși tăierea taxelor,în special a celor corporative.\nEconomia principală de astăzi ia idei din ambele\neconomia clasică,incluzând monetarismul,și economia keyneziană.\nAceastă teorie unificată este uneori numită noua sinteză neoclasică,\nși,da,economiștii nu sunt buni la denumirea lucrurilor.\nDar dispute despre cum și când să se implementeze politici continuă,\n\nTurkish: \nStagflasyonu(yüksek enflasyon ve düşük istihdam) hatırladınız mı? Keynesyen ekonomistlerin çözmekte zorlandıkları kombinasyon.\nBazı makroekonomistler Chicago Okulunun öğretilerini ortaya koyarak bu olayların\nKeynesyen ekonomiyi çürüttüğünü iddia ettiler.\nFriedman'ın fikirlerini baz alarak parasalcılık(monetarism) adlı başka bir teori su yüzüne çıktı.\nStan bu ne ya, çok fazla -izm var!\nMonetaristler fiyat istikrarına odaklandılar ve para arzının\nyavaşça arttırılması gerektiğini ve\nbuna göre istikrarlı bir büyümenin olacağını savundular.\nGene bu zamanlarda arz yanlı ekonomi isimli bir teori\nekonomi dünyasına girdi.\nArz yanlı ekonomistler devlet kontrolünün kaldırılmasını ve\nvergilerin özellikle kurumsal vergilerin azaltılması taraftarındaydı.\nBugünkü ana akım ekonomistler klasik ve Keynesyen\nekonomilerinin ikisinden de yararlanıyorlar.\nBu birleştirilimiş teori bazen yeni neoklasik sentez olarak tanımlanıyor\nve evet, ekonomistler isim vermede çok kötüler.\nFakat bu politikaları ne zaman ve nasıl uygulanması gerektiği hala tartışılıyor.\n\nBosnian: \nSjećate se stagflacije? Kombinacija koju Keynesova ekonomija nije mogla uskladiti.\nNeki makroekonomisti su nakon zaključaka čikaške škole\ntvrdili da ovi događaji opovrgavaju Keynesovu ekonomiju.\nGradeći na Friedmanovim idejama, još jedna ekonomska teorija je zadobila maha: 'monetarizam'.\nHuh, Stane! Toliko 'izama'!\nMonetaristi su se fokusirali na stabilnost cijena i tvrdili da\nbi se količina novca trebala povećavati sporo i\npredvidivo kako bi bio omogućen stabilan rast.\nU isto vrijeme, druga teorija zvana\n'ekonomija ponude' (alternativno 'trickle-down economics') je postala popularna.\nZastupnici te škole su se zalagali za deregulaciju i\nsmanjenje poreza, pogotovo poreza na dohodak preduzeća.\nDanašnji ekonomisti uzimaju ideje iz\nklasične ekonomije, uključujući monetarizma, kao i Keynesove ekonomije.\nOva ujedinjena teorija se ponekad naziva 'nova neoklasična sinteza',\ni da, ekonomisti su također loši i u imenovanju stvari.\nAli rasprave oko toga kako i kada implementovati koju politiku se nastavljaju,\n\nFrench: \nVous vous souvenez de la stagflation? Une combinais que les économistes keynesians avaient du mal à considérer.\nCertains macroéconomistes ont tiré à l'intérieur de l'école de Chicago\npour prétendre que les événements désaprouvaient les économistes keynésiens.\nBasé sur les idées de Friedman, une autre théorie de l'économie prends de l'extension: la monétaire.\n \nLes monétaistes se concentraient sur la stabilité des prix et argumentaient que\nl'offre de monnaie devrait augmenter doucement et\nde manière prévu pour autoriser de la croissance stable.\nA peu près au même moment, une autre théorie, appelée\ncoté de l'offre économique, ou des fois appelée \"l'économie de l'égouttement vers le bas\", est entré dans l'économie.\nL'économie de l'offre était en faveur de la dérégulation\net de la réduction des taxes, spécialement des impôts sur les entreprises.\nLa dominante économique aujourd'hui prends des idées des deux\nles économistes classiques, en inlcuant le monétarisme, et les économistes keynésiens.\nCette théories unifiés est des fois appelée la synthèse néo-classique,\net oui, les économistes sont mauvais pour appeler les choses aussi.\nMais les débats à propos de comment et quand implémenter des politiques continuent,\n\nEnglish: \nRemember stagflation? A combination that Keynesian economics had trouble reconciling.\nSome macroeconomists drew on the insights of the Chicago school\nto claim that these events disprove Keynesian economics.\nBuilding on the ideas of Friedman, another theory of economics gained traction: monetarism.\nWhew, Stan! So many -isms!\nMonetarists focused on price stability and argue the\nmoney supply should be increased slowly and\npredictably to allow for steady growth.\nAt about the same time, another theory called\nsupply-side economics, or sometimes called trickle-down economics, entered the mainstream.\nSupply-side economists advocated deregulation\nand cutting taxes, especially corporate taxes.\nMainstream economics today takes ideas from both\nclassical economics, including monetarism, and Keynesian economics.\nThis unified theory is sometimes called the new neoclassical synthesis,\nand, yeah, economists are bad at naming things, too.\nBut debates about how and when to implement policies continue,\n\nFrench: \net, souvenez-vous, ce sont plus que des classes intellectuelles.\nCes politiques affectent des millions de gens.\nLes différentes réactions à la récession internationale de 2008 en sont un bel example.\nCertains économistes suggèrent d'utiliser des politiques économique keynésiennes, appelée \"creusement du déficit\"\nD'autres économistes suggèrent une approche pus classique de brider les dépenses excessives\npour réduire le déficit budgétaire, quelque chose appelée austérité.\nCroyez le ou non, les économistes se disputent toujours pour savoir laquelle de ces politiques est la plus adéquates et quand l'utiliser.\nOn peut tous être d'accord que Keynes avait raison à propos d'au moins une chose: quand il a dit,\n\"les idées façonnent le cours de l'histoire.\"\nDonc, où toutes ces idéologies et théories vont nous amenés dans le futur?\nLa plupart des pays qui ont une fois supporté le communisme strict comme la Chine et Cuba ont changé pour le capitalism.\nLe seul pays qui s'y tient réellement est la Corée du Nord\nmais ils sont trop isolé pour être un véritable cas de test pour un système économique.\nMais cela ne signifie pas que le Marxisme est mort.\nBeaucoup de pays économiques ont adopté des programmes socialistes.\n\nRomanian: \nși,amintiți-vă,acestea sunt mai mult decât intelectualii clasei.\nAceste politici afectează milioane de oameni.\nDiversele reacții ale recesiunii globale în 2008 sunt un bun exemplu .\nUnii economiști au sugerat folosirea politicilor keyneziene,adică cheltuire deficitară.\nAlți economiști au sugerat abordarea mai clasică legată de cheltuirea în exces\npentru a reduce deficitele bugetului,ceva numit austeritate.\nCreți sau nu,economiștii încă se ceartă în legătură cu care dintre aceste politici este abordarea corectă și când să le folosească.\nPutem fi toți de acord că Keynes avea dreptate în legătură cu măcar un lucru:când a spus\n„Ideile construiesc cursul istoriei.”\nDeci,unde sunt toate aceste ideologii și teorii economiste care ne vor duce în viitor?\nMajoritatea țărilor odată ce au aplicat numai comunism ca China și Cuba s-au mutat spre capitalism.\nSingura țară care chiar se ține de asta este Coreea de Nord,\nDar ei sunt mult prea izolați pentru a fi un caz real de test pentru un sistem economic\nÎnsă asta nu înseamnă că marxismul este mort.\nMulte țări capitaliste au adoptat programe socialiste.\n\nSpanish: \ny, recuerda, estas son más que cosas de un aula de intelectuales.\nEstas políticas afectan a millones de personas.\nLas diferentes reacciones a la recesión mundial en el año 2008 son un buen ejemplo de esto.\nAlgunos economistas sugieren el uso de las políticas keynesianas, es decir, el gasto deficitario.\nOtros economistas sugirieron el enfoque más clásico de frenar el exceso de gasto\npara reducir el déficit presupuestario, algo que se llama austeridad.\nLo creas o no, los economistas siguen luchando acerca de cuál de estas políticas es el enfoque correcto y cuándo usarlas.\nEn lo que todos estamos de acuerdo que Keynes tenía razón sobre al menos una cosa, cuando dijo:\n\"Las ideas dan forma al curso de la historia.\"\nAsí que, ¿dónde están todas estas ideologías y teorías económicas nos llevarán en el futuro?\nLa mayoría de los países que alguna vez apoyaron estrictamente al comunismo\ncomo China y Cuba se han movido hacia el capitalismo.\nEl único país que realmente se mantiene con él es Corea del Norte,\npero están demasiado aislados a ser un caso de prueba real para un sistema económico.\nPero esto no quiere decir que el marxismo está muerto.\nMuchos países capitalistas han adoptado programas que buscan socialismo.\n\nEnglish: \nand, remember, these are more than just intellectual classroom spats.\nThese policies affect millions of people.\nThe different reactions to the global recession in 2008 are a good example of this.\nSome economists suggested using Keynesian policies, namely deficit spending.\nOther economists suggested the more classical approach of reining in excess spending\nto reduce budget deficits, something called austerity.\nBelieve it or not, economists are still fighting about which of these policies is the right approach and when to use them.\nWe can all agree that Keynes was right\nabout at least one thing: when he said,\n\"Ideas shape the course of history.\"\nSo, where are all these economic ideologies and theories gonna take us in the future?\nMost countries that once supported strict communism\nlike China and Cuba have moved toward capitalism.\nThe only country that's really sticking with it is North Korea,\nbut they're too isolated to be a real test case for an economic system.\nBut this doesn't mean that Marxism is dead.\nMany capitalist countries have adopted socialist looking programs.\n\nArabic: \nوتذكروا، هذه أكثر من مجرد مشاحنات\nبين المدارس.\nفهذه السياسات تؤثر على ملايين الناس،\nواختلاف ردود الفعل على الركود الاقتصادي\nالعالمي عام 2008 مثال جيد على هذا.\nاقترح بعض الخبراء الاقتصاديين استخدام\nالسياسات الكينزية، وبالتحديد الإنفاق بالعجز.\nبينما اقترح خبراء اقتصاديون آخرون\nطريقة تقليدية هي تقليل الإنفاق الفائض\nلتخفيض عجز الميزانية.\nصدقوا أو لا، ما زال خبراء الاقتصاد يتشاجرون\nحول أي من هذه السياسات هو الحل الأصوب.\nيمكننا جميعًا الاتفاق على أن كينز\nكان محقًا على الأقل في شيء واحد،\nوذلك عندما قال\n\"الأفكار ترسم مسار التاريخ\".\nإذن، أين ستأخذنا كل هذه الأيديولوجيات\nوالنظريات الاقتصادية في المستقبل؟\nمعظم الدول التي دعمت يومًا ما\nالشيوعية الصارمة كالصين وكوبا\nانتقلت إلى الرأسمالية.\nالدولة الوحيدة التي ما زالت متمسكة بها\nهي كوريا الشمالية،\nلكنهم أكثر انعزالًا من أن يكونوا مرجعًا\nفي دراسة النظام الاقتصادي.\nلكن هذا لا يعني أن الماركسية انتهت،\nفقد تبنت العديد من الدول الرأسمالية\nبرامجًا تشبه الاشتراكية.\n\nBosnian: \ni zapamtite, ovo je više od intelektualnih prepirki u učionicama.\nOve odluke utiču na milione ljudi.\nRazličite reakcije na globalnu recesiju 2008. godine su dobar pokazatelj toga.\nNeko ekonomisti predlažu upotrebu Keynesovih ideja, poput deficitarnog trošenja.\nDrugi ekonomisti predlažu više klasičan pristup smanjenja pretjeranog trošenja\nradi smanjenja deficita budžeta, nešto što se naziva 'stabilizacijska mjera' (politika stroge štednje).\nVjerovali ili ne, ekonomisti se još uvijek svađaju oko toga koja je od ovih ideja najbolja i kada ih treba primjeniti.\nSvi se možemo složiti da je Keynes bio u pravu bar u vezi jedne stvari: kada je rekao,\n\"Ideje oblikuju tok historije.\"\nDakle, gdje će nas sve ove ekonomske ideologije i teorije odvesti u budućnosti?\nVećina država koje su nekada podržavale striktni komunizam, poput Kine i Kube, su se odmakle ka kapitalizmu.\nJedina država koja se još uvijek drži komuzima je Sjeverna Koreja,\nali oni su previše izolirani da bi poslužili kao pravi testni slučaj za ekonomski sistem.\nAli ovo ne znači da je marksizam mrtav.\nMnoge kapitalističke zemlje su prihvatile programe nalik socijalizmu.\n\nSwedish: \noch kom ihåg, det är mer än \nbara intellektuellt klassrumsgnabb.\nDe här politiska strategierna \npåverkar miljontals människor.\nDe olika reaktionerna på den globala recessionen \n2008 är ett bra exempel på detta.\nVissa ekonomer föreslog \nkeynesiansk politik, nämligen utgiftsunderskott.\nAndra föreslog mer klassiska tillvägagångssätt \nsom att tygla överskjutande utgifter\nför att minska budgetunderskott, \ndvs. åtstramning.\nTro det eller ej, ekonomer kämpar fortfarande \nom vilken av dessa strategier som är rätt strategi \noch när man ska använda dem.\nVi kan alla överens om att Keynes hade rätt\nom åtminstone en sak, när han sa:\natt \"idéer formar historiens gång\".\nSå, vart ska alla dessa ekonomiska ideologier \noch teorier ta oss i framtiden?\nDe flesta länder som en gång stöddes av strikt kommunism, som Kina och Kuba, \nhar rört sig mot kapitalism.\nDet enda landet som verkligen håller kvar \nvid kommunismen är Nordkorea,\nmen de är alltför isolerade för att vara ett riktigt \ntest av ett ekonomiskt system.\nMen det betyder inte att marxismen är död.\nMånga kapitalistiska länder har använt sig \nav socialistliknande politik.\n\nTurkish: \nVe unutmayın, bunlar entelektüel okul kavgasından daha öteler.\nBu politikalar milyonlarca kişiyi etkiliyor.\n2008'deki küresel durgunluğa verilen farklı tepkiler buna çok iyi bir örnek olabilir.\nBazı ekonomistler Keynesyen politikalarını kullanmayı yani bütçe açığıyla harcamayı arttırmayı\nbazı ekonomistler ise klasik teoriyi tercih ederek aşırı harcamayı kontrol altına alıp,\nbütçe açığını azaltarak aza kanaat etmeyi önerdiler.\nİster inanın ister inanmayın ama ekonomistler hangi politikaların daha iyi bir tercih olduğu hakkında hala kavga ediyorlar.\nKeynes'in şu sözüne hepimiz hemfikir olabiliriz:\n\"Fikirler tarihin gidişatını şekillendirir.\"\nŞimdi bütün bu ekonomik ideolojiler gelecekte bizi nereye götürecek?\nÇin ve Küba gibi bir zamanlar mutlak komünizmi savunan ülkeler şimdi kapitalizme yöneldiler.\nKomünizmi hala bırakmayan tek ülke Kuzey Kore.\nFakat bu ekonomik sistemi gözlemlemek için çok izole bir durumdalar.\nAncak bu Marxizm'in ölü olduğunu göstermiyor.\nBirçok kapitalist ülke sosyalist programlar uygulamaya koydular.\n\niw: \nותזכרו, זה יותר מוויכוח אינטלקטואלי בין מומחים.\nסוגי המדיניות האלו משפיעים על מיליוני אנשים.\nהתגובות השונות למיתון הגלובלי של 2008 הן דוגמה טובה לכך.\nחלק מהכלכלנים הציעו להשתמש במדיניות הקיינסיאנית, בעיקר בגרעון תקציבי.\nכלכלנים אחרים הציעו גישה יותר קלסית של הקטנת ההוצאות העודפות\nכדי לצמצם את הגירעונות התקציביים, מה שנקרא לפעמים צנע.\nתאמינו או לא, כלכלנים עדיין נלחמים על השאלה איזו מדיניות היא הנכונה ומתי נכון להשתמש בה.\nכולנו יכולים להסכים שקיינס צדק לפחות בדבר אחד: כשהוא אמר\n\"רעיונות מעצבים את מהלך ההיסטוריה\".\nאז לאן כל האידאולוגיות והתאוריות הכלכליות הללו ייקחו אותנו בעתיד?\nרוב המדינות שתמכו בעבר בקומוניזם אדוק כמו סין וקובה התקדמו לכיוון הקפיטליזם.\nהמדינה היחידה שעדיין נצמדת אליו היא צפון קוריאה,\nאבל היא מבודדת מדיי בשביל לשמש כמבחן אמתי למערכת כלכלית.\nאבל זה לא אומר שהמרקסיזם מת.\nמדינות קפיטליסטיות רבות אימצו תכניות סוציאליסטיות.\n\niw: \nנראה שהכלכלה העולמית מתקדמת לכיוון האמצע.\nאבל בסוף, מסתבר שקשה מאוד לחזות את העתיד,\nבמיוחד כשאנו מדברים על משהו מורכב כמו הכלכלה העולמית.\nזוכרים את האמירה של מלתוס שכולנו הולכים לרעוב?\nובכן, כמו מלתוס, אנחנו לא יודעים אילו שינויים יעמדו בפני האנושות בעתיד.\nאם ההיסטוריה הוכיחה משהו לגבי החשיבה הכלכלית, זה שאנחנו צריכים לצפות להפתעות\nשיאתגרו את המודלים הכלכליים הנוכחיים. בדיוק כמו שמלתוס לא יכל לדמיין שכולנו נחייה כיום.\nתודה שצפיתם. נתראה בשבוע הבא.\nקראש קורס בכלכלה נעשה בעזרת כל האנשים הנחמדים הללו.\nתרגישו חופשי להעיר גם על כמה הם נהדרים!\nקראש קורס מתאפשר בזכות תמיכתכם ב- Patreon.\nאתם יכולים להשאיר את קראש קורס בחינם, לכולם ולתמיד ולקבל פרסים נחמדים ב- patreon.com.\nתודה שצפיתם. אנחנו שמחים שמלתוס טעה ואתם בחיים!\n\nArabic: \nيبدو أن اقتصادات العالم\nتتجمع لتلتقي في الوسط،\nلكن في النهاية، يتضح أن من الصعب حقًا\nأن نتنبأ بالمستقبل،\nخاصة عندما نتحدث عن شيء معقد\nكاقتصاد العالم.\nأتتذكرون اعتقاد مالثيس\nبأننا جميعًا سنموت جوعًا؟\nمثل مالثيس، نحن لا نعرف ما التغيرات\nالتي ستواجهها البشرية في المستقبل.\nإن كان التاريخ أثبت شيئًا عن الفكر الاقتصادي،\nفهو أن علينا توقع مفاجآت\nتزعزع النماذج الاقتصادية الحالية.\nتمامًا كما لم يستطع مالثيس التخيل\nأننا سنكون على قيد الحياة اليوم.\nشكرًا لمتابعتكم، إلى اللقاء الأسبوع القادم.\nنقدم Crash Course في علم الاقتصاد\nبمساعدة كل هؤلاء الناس اللطفاء،\nيمكنكم أنتم أيضًا التعليق عن مدى روعتهم.\nاستطعنا تقديم Crash Course بفضل دعمكم\nفي Patreon.\nيمكنكم المساعدة في إبقاء Crash Course\nمتاحًا مجانًا للجميع إلى الأبد،\nوالحصول على مكافآت كبيرة\nعلى patreon.com.\nشكرًا لمتابعتكم، نحن سعداء\nلأن مالثيس كان مخطئًا ولأنكم أحياء.\n\nFrench: \nIl semble que les économies du monde sont en train de converger vers le centre.\nMais au final, il s'avère qu'il est très compliqué de prédire le future,\nspécialement quand on parle de quelque chose d'aussi complexe que le monde économique.\nVous souvenez vous de la croyance de Mathus que nous allions tous mourrir de faim ?\nBien, comme Malthus, nous ne savons pas quelle sorte de changement l'humanité va affronter dans le future.\nSi l'histoire a prouvé quelque chose à propos de la pensée économique, c'est que nous devons nous attendre à des surprises qui vont améliorer\nnous modèles économiques actuels. Juste come Malthus qui nous pouvaient pas imaginer que nous serions tous vivant aujourd'hui.\nMerci d'avoir regardé. Nous nous reverrons la semaine prochaine.\nCrash Course Economics est fait avec l'aide de gens gentils.\nSentez-vous libre de commenter à quel point vous les trouvez bien aussi !\nCrash Course est possible par le support de Patreon.\nVous pouvez aidez à maintenir Crash Course gratuit pour tout le monde pour toujours et d'obtenir des belles récompenses à patreon.com.\nMerci d'avoir regardé. Nous sommes content que Malthus ait eu tord et que nous soyons tous vivant !\n\nRomanian: \nSe pare că economiile lumii se convertesc spre mijloc.\nDar în final,ne dăm seama că pur și simplu e foarte greu să prezicem viitorul,\nmai ales când vorbim de ceva atât de complicat precum economia lumii.\nVă amintiți de convingerea lui Mathus că vom flămânzii cu toții?\nEi bine,ca și Malthus,noi nu știm la ce fel de schimbări va face față umanitatea.\nDacă istoria a dovedit ceva despre gândirea economică,este că ar trebui să ne așteptăm la surprize care vor supăra\nmodelele noastre economice actuale.Exact cum Malthus nu și-a putut imagina că vom fi toți în viață azi.\nMulțumesc pentru vizionare.Ne vedem săptămâna viitoare.\nCrash Course Economics este făcut cu ajutorul acestor oameni drăguți.\nSimte-te liber să comentezi despre cât de grozavi sunt!\nCrash Course este făcut posibil de susținerea ta la Patreon.\nPoți ajuta menținerea Crash Course gratuit pentru toți pentru totdeauna și poți câștiga premii grozave pe patreon.com.\nMultumesc pentru vizualizare.Ne bucurăm că Malthus nu avea dreptate și că ești în viață!\n\nEnglish: \nIt appears the world's economies are converging towards the middle.\nBut in the end, it turns out it's just\nreally hard to predict the future,\nespecially when we're talking about something\nas complex as the world economy.\nRemember Malthus' belief that we're all gonna starve?\nWell, like Malthus, we don't know what kind of\nchanges humanity's gonna face in the future.\nIf history has proven anything about economic thought, it's that we should expect surprises that will upset\nour current economic models. Just like Malthus\ncouldn't imagine that we'd all be alive today.\nThanks for watching.\nWe'll see ya next week.\nCrash Course Economics is made with\nthe help of these nice people.\nFeel free to comment on how great they are, too!\nCrash Course is made possible by your support at Patreon.\nYou can help keep Crash Course free for everyone forever and get great rewards at patreon.com.\nThanks for watching. We're glad Malthus\nwas wrong and that you're alive!\n\nTurkish: \nÖyle görünüyor ki dünya ekonomileri ortaya doğru yaklaşıyorlar.\nFakat sonunda, geleceği tahmin etmek imkansız gözüküyor,\nözellikler dünya ekonomisi kadar karmaşık bir yapıdan söz ediyorsak.\nMalthus'un hepimizin aç kalıp öleceği düşüncesini hatırladınız mı?\nMalthus gibi biz de insanlığın gelecekte ne şekilde değişeceğini bilmiyoruz.\nEğer tarih ekonomik fikirler hakkında bir şeyler ispatladıysa bu da şu anki ekonomik modellerimizi çürütebilecek\nsürprizlerin ortaya çıkabileceğini beklemeliyiz. Tıpkı Malthus'un bizim şu an yaşadığımızı hayal edememesi gibi.\nİzlediğiniz için teşekkürler. Sizinle haftaya görüşeceğiz.\nCrash Course Ekonomi bu güzel insanların yardımıyla yapıldı.\nOnların ne kadar mükemmel olduğunu yorumlara yazabilirsiniz.\nCrash Course sizin Patreon'da yaptığınız yardımlarla yapıldı.\nCrash Course'un herkes için bedava olmasını devam ettirmek için patreon.com da yardımda bulunabilir ve muhteşem şeyler alabilirsiniz.\nİzlediğiniz için teşekkür ederim. Malthus yanlış çıktı için ve sizin hayatta olduğunuz için çok memnunuz.\n\nBosnian: \nIzgleda da svjetske ekonomije konvergiraju ka sredini.\nAli na kraju, ispada da je jednostavno vrlo teško predvidjeti budućnost,\npogotovo kada pričemo o nečemu toliko kompleksnom kao što je svjetska ekonomija.\nSjećate li se Malthusovog vjerovanja da ćemo svi skapati?\nEh pa, poput Malthusa, ni mi ne znamo kakve će promjene zadesiti čovječanstvo u budućnosti.\nAko je historija išta dokazala o ekonomskoj misli, to je da trebamo očekivati iznenađenja koja će uzdrmati\nnaše trenutne ekonomske modele. Baš kao što Malthus nije mogao zamisliti da ćemo svi biti živi danas.\nHvala na gledanju. Vidimo se sljedeće sedmice.\n\"Crash Course Economics\" je napravljen uz pomoć ovih finih ljudi.\nSlobodno i vi komentarišite kako su oni super!\n\"Crash Course\" je omogućen vašom podrškom na Patreonu.\nMožete pomoći da održite \"Crash Course\" besplatnim za sve zauvijek i dobiti velike nagrade na stranici patreon.com.\nHvala na gledanju. Drago nam je da je Malthus bio u krivu i da ste živi!\n\nSwedish: \nDet verkar som världens ekonomier drar sig mot mitten.\nMen i slutändan visar det sig att det \nverkligen är svårt att förutsäga framtiden,\nsärskilt när vi pratar om något\nså komplicerat som världsekonomi.\nMinns du Malthus övertygelse \nom att vi alla kommer svälta ihjäl?\nTja, liksom Malthus vet vi inte vilken typ av förändring mänskligheten kommer att ställas inför i framtiden.\nOm historien har visat något om ekonomiskt tänkande så är det att vi bör förvänta oss överraskningar \nsom kommer att rubba\nvåra nuvarande ekonomiska modeller. \nPrecis som Malthus inte kunde tänka sig \natt vi skulle vara vid liv idag.\nTack för att du tittade. Vi ses nästa vecka.\nCrash Course Economics har gjorts med hjälp av de här trevliga människorna.\nLämna gärna kommentarer om hur fantastiska de är.\nCrash Course möjliggörs med ditt stöd hos Patreon.\nDu kan hjälpa till att hålla Cash Course gratis för alla och få fantastiska erbjudanden från patreon.com.\nTack för att du tittade. Vi är glada över att \nMalthus hade fel och att du lever!\n\nSpanish: \nAl parecer, las economías del mundo están convergiendo hacia el centro.\nPero, al final, resulta que es sólo\nmuy difícil de predecir el futuro,\nespecialmente cuando estamos hablando de algo\ntan complejo como la economía mundial.\n¿Recuerdas la creencia de Malthus de que todos vamos a morir de hambre?\nBueno, como Malthus, no sabemos qué tipo de cambios va a experimentar la humanidad en el futuro.\nSi la historia ha demostrado algo de pensamiento económico, es que debemos esperar sorpresas que desestabilicen\nnuestros modelos económicos actuales. Al igual que Malthus, que no podía imaginar que todos estaríamos vivos hoy en día.\nGracias por ver. ¡Nos veremos ya la próxima semana!\nCrash Course Economía se hace con la ayuda de estas personas agradables.\n¡No dude en hacer comentarios sobre lo increíbles que son, también!\nCrash Course es posible gracias a su apoyo en Patreon.\nPuede ayudar a mantener Crash Course gratuito para todo el mundo para siempre y obtener grandes recompensas en patreon.com.\nGracias por ver. Estamos contentos de que Malthus estaba mal y que estés vivo!\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "歡迎來到問題單元 我是你的主持人KeemStar\n一起進入今天的主軸\nJayStation 是時候來把JayStation給禁掉了\n夠了太超過了\n最近有一個故事是來自JayStation\n假冒說他女友死\n是在一場酒駕意外中\n而這全是假的\n在她\"死亡\"的時候他嘗試做一部在半夜三點\n聯繫他女友的影片\n跟她講一些話\n全部都被他女友揭發\n離開JayStation 完全跟他分手\n回去跟他父母住 然後解釋她被JayStation濫用\n而當這個事情被爆出後很多人覺得是假的\n現在甚至因為她被濫用而與警方聯繫\n但我做這影片的用意\n是要深入去講JayStation在這平台上\n做的恐怖行為\n然後去解釋 到底他怎麼還沒被禁\n歸根結底是小孩\n小孩觀看他這些凌晨三點的影片\n小孩才不看什麼揭發JayStation的影片\n但我有個計劃能改變\n要開始講呢\n但要先從Logan Paul講起\n就是自殺森林事件\n在2018年的一月\n上傳了一部關於他去自殺森林的影片\n然後拍攝屍體\n大家都知道這件事情\n為什麼會知道 因為這件事真的太大了\n但你們忘記的是在上傳後的三天\n沒有任何仇恨 事實上沒有恨也沒有倒讚\n全都是一些正向言論 那是因為都是小孩在看\n小孩沒辦法分辨對錯\n他們就只是看到有這樣的事情 事實上\n同時youtube也把這部影片推向了發燒\n直到有名人發文前什麼都不是\n媒體也開始關係密切\n這也演變成了Logan Paul的惡夢\n當大家都在說他做的事情有多糟糕的時候\n一個人\n有一個人決定反其道而行\n有一個人決定去一趟自殺森林\n然後拍攝他自己的影片\n然後從大家的厭惡中獲取一點好處\n而那個人就是JayStation\n沒錯這就是那部影片的縮圖\n現在影片改為\n不要在自殺森林玩sister sister的遊戲\n在2018年1月18號被上傳\n就在logan被揭發自殺森林的隔一天\n沒錯JayStation想要跟風\n而標題呢是有改過的 原本的標題是寫\n在日本自殺森林過夜(出事情)\n現在你會想\n他應該早在那個時候被禁了\n但沒有\n他有小孩觀眾\n七個月前JayStation上傳了一部名為\n我昨天差點死掉的影片\n指控有人闖進他家\n搶劫並毆打他\n然而有其他影片出來揭發他\n報的警是假的 他根本沒有這麼做\n所以他真的有被打嗎?\n痾 我們不清楚\n然後 JayStation還做了以下的事情\n當饒舌歌手XXX死後\n他上傳了兩部假裝用通靈板跟XXX講話的影片\n還有在半夜三點打電話給他\n他應該早在那邊就該被BAN了\n但他沒有因為他有小孩在看\n不只這樣\n當mac miller死後一個小時\nJayStation上傳了一部叫做\n(RIP)在半夜三點用spirit box跟mac miller溝通\n談及關於亞莉安娜\n對 JayStation拍了一部\n假裝跟mac miller對談的影片\n然後mac miller說\n跟亞莉安娜說我愛她\n然後再一次 為什麼他沒被ban\n位他有小孩粉絲 小孩在看\n事實上他給小孩做了非常不好的示範\n近期柯比·布萊恩的逝世\n然後一個JayStation的粉絲決定\n上傳他自拍攝的影片\n在半夜三點打電話給柯比·布萊恩\n但標題寫在半夜三點打電話給柯比·布萊恩\n天啊他真的回覆了 他還活著\n然後幾個月前\nJayStation上傳了另一部影片\n你們一定會看出是假的\n但他發在youtube上 真實呈現\n且沒有不好的後果\nJayStation上傳了這部影片\n標題 我從暗網購買了奴隸\n然後我們終於撤下暗網奴隸的面罩\n讓其更糟的是\n所謂他從暗網購買的奴隸\n是黑人\n這很不ok也很難以置信\n給小孩吸收這個內容\n總而言之\n我們需要壯大此事\n我們需要大到讓家長都知道\n讓家長說\n不要看這個人\n然後最近JayStation上傳了\n標題名為 我的女友Alexia死了 安息\n影片中JayStation在哭\n他說酒駕司機撞死他女友\n出現在影片中\n我的意思是大家都瘋了似的\n去找她是否還活著\n結果是她還活著\nJayStation編造了整個謊言\n甚至過火了\n上傳了一部影片\n說他在凌晨三點用通靈板跟他女友溝通\n真是不可原諒\n不可原諒\n女方決定要離開JayStation\n回去她父母那頭\n然後出現了這個大爆掛\n訴說著她跟JayStation之間的濫用感情\n其中還有JayStation抨擊她的言詞跟身體\n而Alexia也對JayStation正式起訴\n但這卻沒有在youtube上被禁止\n因為他的粉絲都是小孩 無從分辨\n但我有一個計畫\n我們要把JayStation捧的大紅大紫\n到讓父母看見\n我們要讓他這些講恐怖東西的影片\n非常之紅\n讓家長看見\n我們需要標記 而那個標籤\n而那個標籤就是#stopJayStation\n我想要你們我想要你們分享這影片到推特\n把這影片分享到Snapchat\n到抖音 到任何地方\n臉書 好嗎\n分享影片#stopJayStation\n這樣家長們才會注意到\n他的小孩在看什麼\nJayStation認為他不會被擊敗\n事實上他說了那些話之後會被指控並送往監獄\n關於對他女友的那些辱罵\n他說了這些\n對Alexia實行暴力\n將武器化明為手機\n權證在這\n我剛擺脫監獄\n謝謝你們當我的粉絲因為\n我聽過網路上太多關於\nJay\nJay玩完了 他的生涯到此結束\n他們都講一年了 我還在這\n我大概\n從youtube賺了200萬美金差不多\n200萬美金\n千萬富翁\n我超有智慧的好嗎\n我哪也不去 我哪也不去\n讓我跟你講一些事情\n當我50歲時 我會在海灘\n在不錯的地方\n好地方且有不錯的妹子\n穿知名設計師的衣服\n金銀珠寶\n然後我會成為億萬富翁\n所以你覺得我在乎\n人們在網路上講的屁話\n難以置信\nJayStation對於他所做出的任何錯誤\n絲毫沒有感到一絲的責任心\n因為他完全不需要去面對\n他都不被ban\n永遠都有小朋友去看他影片\n沒意識到他發的內容有大的錯誤\n我知道有些youtuber\n在用JayStation的揭發影片\n當那些影片上傳時 一樣\n分享出去 然後#stopJayStation\n我們要壯大此事\n讓他感覺到當時大家對logan的怒氣\nJayStation需要被ban\n各位如果你想要知道此事件的更新\n記得訂閱且打開通知\n因為一旦我拿到獨家就會分享\n喜歡影片的話\n按個喜歡 請記得分享影片#stopJayStation\ndramaalert目前擁有540萬訂閱者\n他也知道家人對我來說有多重要\n卻完全不尊重\n他知道我爸現在病得很嚴重\n然後\n他甚至告訴我我爸死了會比較好\n這樣我就能更專心工作\n他甚至說你爸死了比較好\n這樣你某天才能成大器\n地球上哪一個人\n會不同情甚至說出那樣的話\n而且甚至是另一半\n我一百萬年都不會想到會發生\n我的男朋友我那最支持的人\n會對我說出這樣的話\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "My name is Matthew Lane, I'm at the\nUniversity of Birmingham, and I'm doing the\nMA programme in Applied Linguistics by\ndistance learning. I chose the\nUniversity of Birmingham because it has a\ngood reputation where I'm teaching\nnow, I'm teaching in South Korea and I'm part of theCoTESOL group which is\nan organisation for teachers and a\nlot of my co-workers and other members\nare also a part of the Birmingham programme or were\nalumni, they have graduated so that's how I\nchose this programme. What's special about\nthe courses are first that is distant\nprogramme so I'm able to work while I'm\nstudying, I'm teaching now in South Korea\nso it gives me a great chance to study and\nwork at the same time and I get to\nI can apply the things that I'm\nlearning directly to my teaching right\naway that something that I like. The\ncourse is delivered online by a programme\ncalled Canvas through modules, so each\nmodule has either one or two focuses for\nthe programme and there's a lot of\nreadings that you can do online and ther's also\nvideos of the professors introducing\nthe courses and we also have tutors who\ncan help us with the content when we're\nstruggling. I think for prospective\nstudents who are considering distance\nlearning, something that would help them\nto prepare would be to think about their\ntime that they have, it's a part-time\ncourse so you have to be able to\njuggle your teaching or your working\ntime with your study time and also\nhaving the kind of support group around you.\nI think you need to have friends and\nfamily that can understand what you're\ndoing and really support you in what you are doing.\nOne of the main differences from\nstudying by distance and studying on\ncampus is that I can study at my own pace.\nI have a couple of friends who are also\nstudying in the programme with me and our\nlives are busy at different times so\nit's very useful for me to be able to\nfocus one week and then when work is\nbusy that I could take a short break at\nthat time,\nthat's what's really helping me.\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "\nEnglish: \nSo first, congrats on your guys's new album, \"Love Yourself: Tear\", yeah\nBTS : Yeah, thank you!\nWhat do you guys most looking forward to about the release?\nJ-Hope: First,\nBillboard Music Awards comeback show\nThis is a world premiere. It says it all.\nAnd then so tell me about the inspiration behind your guys's new album and the songs that are on it\nWhere do you get your inspirations?\nInspiration ? Yep.\nHan River.\nI get inspired by the lyrics RM writes.\nHe told me the lyrics I wrote\nHe gets inspiration from the lyrics I wrote man\nThanks, bro. That says so much to me. So, yeah\nWe get inspirations from you know...\n\nSpanish: \nPrimero, felicidades por vuestro nuevo álbum\n¿Qué es lo que más anticipais del lanzamiento?\nJH: Primero\nJH: El comeback show en los BBMAs\nRM: Este es un estreno mundial. Eso lo dice todo\nEntonces, decidme acerca de la inspiración detrás de vuestro nuevo álbum y las canciones del mismo\nRM: ¿De dónde obtenéis vuestras inspiraciones?\nJK: ¿Inspiración?\nRM: Yeah\nV: Del Río Han\nJM: Me inspiro de las letras que RM escribe\nRM: Él me dijo de las letras que escribo\nRM: (Se) inspira de las letras que escribo, tío\nRM: Gracias, tío. Eso es mucho para mí.\nRM: La inspiración viene de, sabes,\n\nTurkish: \nEvet ilk önce yeni albümünüz 'Love Yourself'i tebrik ediyoruz.\ntwt: @bellifluous\nAlbümün yayınlanması hakkında en çok hangisini dört gözle bekliyorsunuz\nİlk olarak\nBillboard Müzik Ödülleri comeback sahnesi/gösterisi.\nBu bir dünya prömiyeri/ilk gösterimi. Her şeyi söylüyor.\nYeni albümünüz ve albümdeki şarkıların arkasındaki ilhamı kaynağını söyleyin.\nNereden ilham alıyorsunuz?\nİlham. Evet\nHan Nehri\nRM'in yazdığı şarkılardan ilham alıyorum.\nBana yazdığım sözleri söyledi.\nYazdığım şarkı sözlerinden ilham, adamım.\nSağol karşim. Bu bana çok şey söylüyor. Yani, evet\nİlham sizden , biliyorsun\n\nTurkish: \nHer sanatçı gibi her şeyde, otobüste, yürüdüğümüz zaman, banyoda, film izlediğimizde, kitaplarda. Yani bu tür şeyler.\nGüzel.\nİnsanların ve fanlarınızın şarkı sözlerinizden ne tür bir anlam çıkarmasını umuyorsunuz?\nAşk bir karmaşadır. Yani bazen sadece arkamızı dönüyoruz.\nKaranlığı, aşkın ve hayatın üzücü taraflarını görmek istemiyoruz, bu yüzden bu sefer\nkaranlık gibi uzaklaşmak istediğimiz taraflara odaklanmak istiyoruz.\nÜzücü taraf, o yüzden\nBiz onalara eğer kendine karşı doğru olmazsan aşkın sonsuza dek sürmez diyoruz.\nAşk insanlar arasında olabilir ama benim ve kendim arasında da olabilir.\nVe son albümün daha mutluydu sanırım ve aşkın heyecanından bahsetti, doğru muyum?\nO zaman neden vites değiştirmeyi ve üzüntü hakkında konuşmayı tercih ettiniz?\nAz önce dediğim gibi,\n\nEnglish: \nEverything, like every artist too, like on the bus, when we walk, in the bath like when we watch movies, books. Some things like that.\nNice.\nAnd then what message do you hope that people and your fans take away from the lyrics\nLove is a complex. So we sometimes just turn away\nWe don't want to see the dark, sad sides of the love and life has so this time,\nwe want to focus on the sides that we want to turn away like the dark\nthe sad side so\nWe're telling them if you're not true to yourself the love won't last forever\nThe love could be between people and people but it could be between me and myself\nThat's it\nAnd then your last album was more happy I guess and captured the kind of like thrill of love, right\nAnd then so why did you decide to like switch gears and talk about sadness?\nLike I just said, um, I\n\nSpanish: \nRM: Todo como cada artista, también, como en el bus, cuando caminamos, en la ducha, cuando vemos películas, libros. Cosas así.\nIncreíble.\nEntonces, ¿qué mensaje esperáis que la gente y vuestres fans se lleven de las letras?\nRM: El amor es complejo. Así que, a veces, sólo nos damos vuelta\nRM: No queremos ver el lado oscuro, los lados tristes que tanto el amor como la vida tienen, así que, esta vez\nRM: Queremos enfocarnos en los lados de los que queremos darnos vuelta como la oscuridad\nRM: El lado triste, así que,\nRM: Les decimos que si no eres sincero contigo mismo, el amor no durará para siempre\nRM: El amor puede ser entre una persona y otra, pero, también podría ser entre yo y mí mismo\nY, vuestro último álbum fue más feliz, por así decirlo y capturó la emoción del amor, ¿no?\nEntonces, ¿por qué os decidiste en cambiar de marcha y hablar sobre la tristeza?\nRM: Como dije, um...\n\nTurkish: \nTamam, az önce dediğim gibi, bu bir aşkın parçası ve aşk var.\nBildiğin gibi, onun/aşkın tarafları olmalı, karanlık tarafı. O yüzden\nSadece bu tarafta hakkında da konuşmamız gerektiğini hissediyoruz.\nVe aşktan bahsediyorken. Siz kendiniz hakkında en çok neyi seviyorsunuz?\nZihnimi\nseviyorum.\nEvet, benim zihnim, ha? \nNasıl bir zihin?\nUmut-Umut zihin\nUmutlu zihin\nTatlı adam! Benim adım, hayatım. Evet, J-Hope.\nYa sen?\nYakışıklı yüzümü seviyorum, biliyor musun?\nVay, tamam, sesimi seviyorum.\n\nSpanish: \nRM: Bueno, como dije, es una parte del amor y en el amor\nRM: Tiene que tener.. Se supone que tenga que tener esos lados, el lado oscuro. Por lo que,\nRM: Sentimos que tenemos que hablar de este lado, también.\nY, hablando del amor. ¿Qué es lo que más amáis de vosotros mismos?\nJH: Yo amo\nJH: Mi mente\nJH: Yeah, mi nombre es—\nRM: ¿Qué mente? / JH: ¿Uh?\nRM: ¿Cuál mente?\nJH: La mente Hope-Hope\nRM: Una mente esperanzada\nJM: ¡(Es un) chico lindo!\nJH: Mi nombre es mi vida. Yeah, J-Hope\nRM: ¿Y tú?\nJ: Me gusta mi...\nJ: rostro atractivo, ¿sabes?\nRM: Wow, okay, me gusta mi voz\nSG: Me gusta mi música\n\nEnglish: \nOkay, like I just said yeah, it's a it's a part of love and there's love\nMust have like you know, it's supposed to have the sides, the dark sides. So\nWe just feel like we have to talk about this side, too\nAnd then speaking of love. What do you guys love most about yourselves?\nI love\nmy mind\nYeah, my name is my mind. RM: \"Which mind?\" What... which mind?\nHope-Hope mind\nHopeful mind\nCutie guy ! My name is my life. Yeah, J-Hope\nAnd you ? I like my\nhandsome face, yeah, you know?\nWow, okay, I like my voice\nI like my music\nI love my everything.\n\nEnglish: \nThere's a Narcisse, okay\nI like my\nvoice\nOkay, V?\nI like my smile.\nI like your smile.\nYeah, and then do you guys have a dream collaboration or who would it be ?\nCharlie Puth, Troye Sivan, Drake, Shawn Mendes\nYeah\nKhaled ; DJ Khaled\nKhalid - there's a Khalid. Have you guys ever talked to any of them about maybe doing something together?\nNot yet, not yet. I think we've talked with Troye Sivan\nAnd maybe Shawn Mendes too - but\nWe'll see what happens. And you'll see them all this weekend too I'm sure\n\nTurkish: \nHer şeyimi seviyorum.\nSesimi seviyorum,\nTamam, V?\nGülüşümü seviyorum.\nGülüşünü seviyorum. (Ç/N: LGVKLNBGVGVNBKNVNÖLÜYORUM)\nEvet, sizin hayaliniz olan bir iş birliği var mı ya da kimle olur?\nCharlie Puth, Troy Sivan, Drake, Shawn Mendes\nEvet\nDJ Khaled\nKhalid - bir Khalid var. \nHiç biriyle beraber bir şeyler yapmak hakkında konuştunuz mu?\nHenüz değil, henüz değil. Sanırım Troye Sivan'la konuşmuştuk.\nVe belki de Shawn Mendes'le de - ama\nNe olacağını göreceğiz. \nVe bu hafta sonu onların hepsini göreceksiniz, eminim.\n\nSpanish: \nJM: Amo mi todo.\nJK: Me gusta mi voz\nRM: Okay, ¿V?\nV: Amo mi sonrisa\nJM: Me gusta tu sonrisa\nRM: Yeah\n- ¿Tenéis un sueño de colaborar o quién sería?\nJK: Charlie Puth\nJM: Troye Sivan\nRM: Drake\nV: Shawn Mendes\n \nJH: Khaled (DJ Khaled)\nRM: Khalid—hay un Khalid. \n- ¿Habéis hablado con alguno de ellos acerca de hacer algo juntos?\nJK: Todavía no.\nRM: Todavía no. Creo que hemos hablado con Troye Sivan\nRM: Y también con Shawn Mendes, tal vez—pero,\nRM: Veremos que pasará\n- Y, los veréis a todos este fin de semana, también, estoy segura\n\nTurkish: \nEvet. Ah evet. Evet, Shawn Mendes! Nasılsın? Merhaba.\nNasılsın?\nVe ABD'deki sokaklarda ilk defa tanındığınız zamanıhatırlıyor musunuz?\nHatırlıyorsun\nDört yıl önce\nDört yıl önce, bir hayran vardı\nPerformansımız için dışarıdaydık,\nBir fan bizi tanıdı ve ilk kez olduğunu düşünüyorum\nAmerikan Hustle Life'ta\nEvet, o çok uzun zaman önceydi, o zaman ünlü değilik.\nYani, evet\nBizi fark eden fana minnettarız, evet.\nO zaman bana sizlerin ideal boş gününüzü anlatın\n\nEnglish: \nYes. Oh, yeah. Yeah, yo Shawn Mendes ! How've you been ? Hi\nHow you doin' ?\nAnd do you guys remember the first time you were recognized on the streets in the USA?\nYou remember oh\nFour years ago\nFour years ago, there was actually one fan\nOutdoors for our performance,\nOne fan recognized us and I think it was the first time\nIn American Hustle Life\nYeah, that was a long time ago, we were not famous at that time\nSo, yeah\nWe're grateful to that fan who noticed us, yeah.\nThen tell me about your guys's ideal day off\n\nSpanish: \nJK: Sí\nJH: Yeah, yo Shawn Mendes!\nRM: ¿Cómo has estado? / V: Hola~\nRM: ¿Cómo andas?\nY, ¿recordáis la primera vez que os reconocieron en las calles de USA?\nRM: Tu recuerdas...\nJM: Hace cuatro años atrás\nJM (T): Hace cuatro años atrás, hubo une fans\nJM (T): Afuera de nuestra presentación,\nJM (T): Une fan nos reconoció y creo que fue la primera vez\nJ: ¿En America Hustle Life?\nJM: ¡Sí, sí!\nRM: Sí, eso fue hace mucho. No eramos famosos en ese tiempo.\nRM: Así que, sí\nRM: Estamos agradecidos con ese fan que nos reconoció\nDecidme cómo es vuestro día libre ideal\n\nSpanish: \nJH: Sólo dormir / J: Sólo dormir y sólo juego (sólo jugar)\nJH: ¿Juego? / J: Sí, ¿conocéis League of Legends?\nRM: Okay, ¿los demás?\nJM: Beber cerveza\nRM: La cerveza es buena, siempre es buena.\nJK: Editar vídeos\nJH: La editación de vídeo.\nRM: Oh, él graba vídeos y luego los edita él mismo\nSG: Dormir, dormir y dormir\nRM: A todos les encanta dormir\nRM: Siempre dormimos\nUm y decidme, ¿cuál es uno de los mayores desafíos que habéis tenido que superar en vuestra carrera hasta ahora?\nRM: Creo que siempre fue el momento, porque\n\nEnglish: \nJust sleep - just sleep and just game. Game ? Yeah, you know League of Legends ?\nOkay so others ? Drink beer, drink beer - beer is good, beer is always good. Video edit\nVideo edit. Oh, he shoots videos and he edits the videos himself\nSleep and sleep and sleep\nEveryone loves sleeping. Yeah\nWe just sleep forever\nUm and then tell me about, what's-what's one of the biggest challenges you guys have had to overcome in your career so far ?\nSo, I think it was always the time, cause\n\nTurkish: \nSadece uyumak - sadece uyumak ve sadece oyun oynamak. Oyun? Evet, League of Legends'ı biliyor musun?\nTamam, diğerleri? Bira içmek ve bira içmek - bira iyidir, bira her zaman iyidir. \nVideo düzenleme.\nVideo düzenleme. Oh, o video çekiyor ve videoların kendisini düzenliyor.\nUyumak ve uyumak ve uyumak\nHerkes uykuyu seviyor. Evet\nSonsuza kadar uyuyalım\nŞu ana kadar kariyerinizde üstesinden gelmeniz gerektiği en büyük zorluklardan biri neydi?\nYani, bence her zaman zaman oldu, çünkü\n\nSpanish: \nRM: Y el dormir, como dijimos, como todos dicen el día libre ideal es dormir\nRM: No estamos sólo bromeando porque no (tenemos)tiempo suficiente para nosotros\nRM: Creo que estuvimos practicando algo, yeah\nY, el año pasado fue vuestro debut en la televisión estadounidense\nAsí que, vosotros os estáis presentado este año, por lo que, ¿cómo ha sido esta experiencia para vosotros\n¿Estos shows de premiaciones?\nJK: No hizo sentir que deberíamos seguir creciando, deberíamos mantenernos mejor a nosotros mismos\nJH: Estoy muy honrado de presentarnos\nRM: Sé que podríoa sonar cliché pero, todavía\nRM: Se siente como todo fuese una locura.\n\nTurkish: \nVe uyku, bilirsiniz, size daha yeni söylediğimiz gibi, herkesin ideal günün uyumak olduğunu söylediği gibi\nŞaka yapmıyoruz çünkü biliyorsunuz, bizim için yeterli zaman gibi bir şey yok.\nSanırım bir şey için pratik yaparken, evet.\nVe sonra sizler geçen sene büyük Amerikan televizyonu çıkışınızı yaptınız\nBu sene de performans sergileyeceksiniz , bu zamana kadar bu deneyim sizin için nasıl oldu\nBu müzik ödülleri? (az öne sorduğu soruya eklenti yapmış)\nBüyümeye devam etmemiz gerektiğini hissetmemizi sağladı.\nPerformans göstermekten onur duyuyorum.\nBiliyorum klişe gibi gelebilir, ama yine de\nHer şey çok çılgınca gibi geliyor. Evet\n\nEnglish: \nAnd the sleep like, you know, like we just we just told you like everyone says the ideal day off is sleep\nWe're not just joking because that was you know, not such enough time for us\nI think when we were practicing something, yeah.\nAnd then you guys last year made your American TV debut\nSo and you guys are performing this year, so what has this experience been like for you guys\nThese award shows ?\nIt made us feel like we should keep growing you should keep ourselves better, so that's what I thought\nI'm so honoured to perform.\nI know it might sound like a cliché, but it still\nFeels like- everything's like a dream. Yeah\n\nEnglish: \nAnd and then you guys are nominated again for social artist of the year\nand so how will you guys celebrate if you win I\nI think maybe\n*celebratory impression* Social Award, wow !\nAfter the awards, we gather together in some kind of like suite-room in the hotel and we pop champagne and drink beer\nSo you brought so korean food just in case\nAnd then going back to your guys's album love yourself how do you encourage fans to love themselves?\nUm, actually, um, it's it's really hard for us to love ourselves because\n\nSpanish: \nY, vosotros estáis nominados, nuevamente, para \"social artist of the year\"\nEntonces, ¿cómo celebraréis si ganáis?\nJH: Creo que, tal vez\ntrad. esp: bradie.subs ✽\nRM: Después de las premiaciones, nos reunimos en algo así como una suite en el hotel y abrimos champán y bebemos cerveza\nY, regresando a vuestro álbum Love Yourself, ¿cómo alentáis a les fans a amarse a elles mismes?\nRM: Um, en realidad, creo que es muy difícil para nosotros amarnos a nosotros mismos porque\n\nTurkish: \nSizler yılın sosyal sanatçısı için tekrar aday gösterildiniz.\nVe eğer kazanırsanız nasıl kutlayacaksınız?\nDüşünüyorum da belki\n* kutlama yaparmış gibi yapar *\nÖdüllerin ardından, oteldeki bir tür suit odasında bir araya geldik ve şampanya ve bira içtik.\nVe 'Love Yourself' albümünüze geri dönersek Hayranları kendilerini sevmeye nasıl teşvik edersiniz?\nUm, aslında, kendimizi sevmemiz gerçekten zor.\n\nEnglish: \nPersonally, my final dream is to love myself for real like before I die. So um you know, it's really hard for\nEspecially this time cause we always see some, you know, like other people in social media like Instagram and Twitter\nSo like we always compare ourselves to others. So,\nI think this album and this all performance is where we're telling them\nLet's find the way to love ourselves together. So we want to find a way like together with our fans\nYeah, that's it. Totally\nAnd then what do you guys love about each other ?\nI love your dance. Oh, thank you. Yeah, I love your smile. Finish ?\nWow, I love your\nEverything, everything. I love your face when you dance. Oh finish?\n\nTurkish: \nŞahsen, en büyük hayalim kendimi ölmeden önce gerçekten sevmek. Yani biliyorsunuz, bu gerçekten zor\nÖzellikle bu aralar hepimiz bir şeyler görüyoruz, biliyorsun, sosyal medyadaki diğer insanlar gibi Instagram ve Twitter gibi\nYani hep kendimizi başkalarıyla karşılaştırıyoruz. Yani\nSanırım bu albüm ve bu performans, onlara\nBirlikte kendimizi sevmenin yolunu bulalım, dediğimiz yer. \nYani hayranlarımızla birlikte bir yol bulmak istiyoruz.\nEvet, işte bu kadar. Kesinlikle.\nVe sonra birbiriniz hakkında neyi seviyorsunuz?\nBen senin dansını seviyorum. \nOh, teşekkürler. Evet, senin gülüşünü seviyorum\nVay canına, ben seni\nHer şeyini seviyorum. \nDans ettiğin zaman yüzünü seviyorum. Oh, bitirelim mi?\n\nSpanish: \nRM: Personalmente, mi sueño final es amarme a mí mismo realmente antes que muera. Así que, es muy difícil\nRM: Especialmente esta vez porque siempre vemos como las demás personas en las redes sociales como Instagram y Twitter\nRM: Siempre nos comparamos con los demás. Así que,\nRM: Creo que este álbum y esta presentación es donde les estamos diciendo (a las fans)\nRM: \"Encontremonos a nosotros mismos juntos\". Queremos encontrar una manera (de amarnos a nosotros mismos) junto a nuestres fans.\nRM: Sí, eso es. Totalmente.\nEntonces, ¿qué amáis el uno del otro?\nRM→JH: Amo tu baile\nJH: Oh, gracias\nRM→JM: Amo tu sonrisa\nJM: ¿Finish? (¿terminaste?)\nRM: Amo tu...\nV: Todo / J: Todo\nRM→JM: Amo tu rostro cuando bailas\nJM: ¿Terminaste?\n\nTurkish: \nHadi bu ilişkiyi bitirelim. \n(Ç/N: NAMJOON NELER DİYORSUN SEN ÖYLE DZVBKJZDBK)\nLiderliğini seviyorum.\nOh teşekkürler. Başka herhangi bir şey?\nEvet- seni seviyorum.\nBu tuhaf.\nVe sonra, hayranlarınızın kameraya rap yaptığınız ve şarkı söylediğiniz zamanı sevdiğini biliyorum.\nAmerika'daki zamanınız hakkında rap izya da en sevdiğiniz şarkıyı söyleyebilir misiniz?\nRap, rap? Bu Amerika.\nVe sonra son soru,\nEn çok kimi görmek heyecanlanlısınız?\nBu haftasonu. Oh bu hafta sonu, Wow benim için. um,\nEd Sheeran, Janet Jackson, Charlie Puth, Ariana\n\nSpanish: \nRM: Terminemos esta relación\nJH→RM: Amo tu liderazgo\nRM: Oh, gracias.... ¿nada más?\nJ: Sí—Te amo.\nRM: Esto es raro\nY, sé que vuestres fans aman cuando vosotros rapeáis y cantáis en cámara\nAsí que, ¿podéis rapear acerca de vuestro tiempo en America y cantar vuestra canción favorita?\nJH: ¿Rap, rap?\nRM: Esto es America\nY, la última pregunta,\n¿De quién estáis más emocionados de ver?\nEste fin de semana.\nRM: Oh, este fin de semana—Um,\nV: Ed Sheeran / RM: Janet Jackson\nJK: Charlie Puth / RM: Ariana\n\nEnglish: \nLet's finish this relationship\nI love your leadership.\nOh, thanks bro. Anything else ?\nYeah - I love you.\nThis is strange\nAnd then, I know your fans love when you guys kind of rap and sing on camera\nSo can you like rap about your time in America or sing your favorite song?\nRap, rap ? This is America.\nWe were just...\nAnd then last question,\nWho are you most excited to see?\nThis weekend. Oh this weekend, Wow for me. Um,\nEd Sheeran, Janet Jackson, Charlie Puth, Ariana\n\nSpanish: \nRM: ¿Charlie Puth? No sé si él vendrá o no. \nV: Shawn Mendes\nRM: Dua Lipa\nJM: ARMY\nARMY—nuestras fans\nBien, gracias. Un gusto conocelos.\n\nTurkish: \nCharlie Puth, geliyor mu gelmiyor mu bilmiyorum. Shawn Mendes\nDua Lipa, ARMY\nARMY - hayranlarımız.\nHarika, teşekkürler beyler. Tanıştığımıza memnun oldum.\ntwt: @bellifluous\n\nEnglish: \nCharlie Puth, I don't know he's, if he's coming or not. Shawn Mendes\nDua Lipa, ARMY\nARMY - our fans.\nGreat, thank you guys. So nice to meet you.\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "- I CAN'T TELL YOU HOW MUCH\nI'VE WANTED OUR NEXT GUEST\nTO BE ON OUR SHOW.\nHE'S ONE OF THE MOST RESPECTED\nMUSICIANS OF HIS GENERATION.\nHIS NEW CD \"MORNING PHASE\"\nIS INCREDIBLE.\nHERE TO MAKE HIS DAYTIME\nTELEVISION DEBUT,\nPLEASE WELCOME BECK.\n[cheers and applause]\n[upbeat music]\n[all singing]\n- I'M SO TIRED OF BEING ALONE\nTHESE PENITENT WALLS\nARE ALL I'VE KNOWN\n[together]\nSONGBIRD CALLING\nACROSS THE WATER\nINSIDE MY SILENT ASYLUM\nOOH\nOOH, OOH, OOH, OOH\nOH, OH, OH\nOH,\nDON'T LEAVE ME ON MY OWN\nOOH, OOH, OOH, OOH, OOH\nLEFT ME STANDING ALL ALONE\nSO CUT ME DOWN TO SIZE\nSO I CAN FIT INSIDE\nLIES THAT WILL DIVIDE US BOTH\nIN TIME\n- SEE THE TURNCOAT ON HIS KNEES\nA VAGABOND THAT NO ONE SEES\n[together] WHEN A MOON\nIS THROWING SHADOWS\nYOU CAN'T SAVE THE ONES\nYOU'VE CAUGHT IN BATTLE\nOOH, OOH, OOH, OOH, OOH\nOH, OH, OH\nOH,\nDON'T LEAVE ME ON MY OWN\nOOH, OOH, OOH, OOH, OOH\nLEFT ME STANDING ALL ALONE\n- YEAH\n[together]\nOOH, OOH, OOH, OOH, OOH\nOOH\n- DON'T LEAVE ME ON MY OWN\n[together]\nOOH\n- DON'T LEAVE ME ON MY OWN\nSO CUT ME DOWN TO SIZE\nSO I CAN FIT INSIDE\nLIES THAT WILL DIVIDE US BOTH\nIN TIME\n[cheers and applause]\n- HOW ARE YOU?\n- GOOD. HOW ARE YOU?\n- OH, MY GOD.\n- EXCELLENT.\n- I LOVE THIS RECORD SO MUCH.\n- THANK YOU.\n- I LOVE THIS RECORD.\nTHE NAME OF THE CD\nIS CALLED \"MORNING PHASE.\"\nYOU'RE ALL LUCKY ENOUGH.\nYOU'RE GOING HOME WITH A COPY.\nWE'LL BE BACK WITH CHERYL HINES\nAFTER THIS.\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "Wondrously have I shame of the Trojans,\n and the Trojans' wives, with trailing robes,\nif like a coward I skulk apart from the battle.\nNor doth mine own heart suffer it,\nseeing I have learnt to be valiant always\nand to fight amid the foremost Trojans,\nstriving to win my father's great glory and mine own.\nFor of a surety know I this in heart and soul:\nthe day shall come when sacred Ilios shall be laid low,\nand so shall Priam, and our people,\nas our people follow the lead of spear-armed Priam.\nYet not so much doth the grief of the Trojans \nthat shall be in the aftertime move me,\nas doth thy grief, when some brazen-coated Achaean\nshall lead thee away weeping and rob thee of thy day of freedom.\nFor of a surety know I this in heart and soul:\nthe day shall come when sacred Ilios shall be laid low,\nwhen sacred Ilios shall be laid low,\nand so shall Priam, and our people, \nas they follow the lead of spear-armed Priam.\nas the people follow the lead of spear-armed Priam.\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "1917 in het Russische Rijk.\nEr heerst hongersnood, economische onrust\nen het Rijk vecht een oorlog uit onder een incompetente tsaar.\nNiet de beste voorwaarden voor stabiliteit.\nEn lang zou het niet stabiel blijven.\nDe Russische Revolutie lag om de hoek.\nEerst en vooral is de Russische Revolutie niet zomaar een revolutie.\nHet was een reeks gebeurtenissen\nvan de afzetting van de tsaar tot de opkomst van de Sovjets.\nDe revolutie bepaalde Rusland voor de rest van de 20ste eeuw.\nZo kon niet alleen een totalitaire, geïndustrialiseerde supermacht opkomen.\ndie de communistische leerstellingen van Marx populariseerde\nen wereldwijd ontelbare socialisten financierde.\nDus: wat als de Russische Revolutie nooit had plaatsgevonden?\nOmdat het hier over 2 revoluties gaat, zullen we moeten nadenken\nover wat als de Februarirevolutie en de Oktoberrevolutie nooit plaatsvonden\nen dat in twee alternatieve tijdlijnen.\nEerst een lesje geschiedenis.\nAls je het scenario meteen wil zien,\nklik op Poetin.\nWat veroorzaakte de Russische Revolutie?\nVeel dingen.\nDe verhouding tussen de tsaar en het Russische volk\nwas voor 1917 al decennia aan het verslechteren.\nDe revolutie van 1905 vond plaats toen arbeiders die voor betere arbeidsvoorwaarden staakten\ndoor de wachten van tsaar werden neergemaaid voor het Winterpaleis.\nDat maakte het volk woedend wat eindigde in opstanden en politieke onrust.\nDaardoor werd tsaar Nicolaas II gedwongen\nom een wetgevend orgaan op te richten, de Doema, om de macht te delen.\nHij beloofde hervormingen om de regering niet te doen vallen, maar kwam dat nooit echt na.\nSnelle vooruitblik: de Eerste Wereldoorlog breekt uit en alle Europese landen springen op de oorlogstrein.\nRusland beslist om mee te vechten.\nDe oorlog is echter rampzalig voor het rijk.\nMiljoenen soldaten sterven aan het front.\nEen blokkade van de Ottomanen veroorzaakt bovendien een economische crisis.\nMensen kregen honger en de voedselvoorraad werd steeds kleiner.\nEr ontstond rancune tegen de tsaar in heel Rusland.\nDe Russen gaven hem de schuld van het zware verlies tegen Duitsland\nen vonden dat de oorlog een nutteloze onderneming was.\nZo begon de Februarirevolutie in 1917.\nArbeiders in Sint-Petersburg, toen Petrograd,\nbegonnen te staken tegen de slechte arbeidsvoorwaarden\nen uiteindelijk tegen de tsaar.\nNicolaas II zond troepen om de opstand neer te slaan.\nZijn leger sloeg echter aan het muiten\nen sloot zich bij de demonstranten aan.\nToen de tsaar van het oostfront terugkeerde,\nstopten en kaapten losgeslagen soldaten zijn trein.\nNicolaas trad af en zonder opvolger\neindigde het tijdperk van de tsaren.\nDe Februarirevolutie was voorbij\nen was zonder veel bloedvergieten verlopen.\nEen voorlopige regering nam de tsaars regering over\nwat op tegenstand stuitte van een groep,\nde 'Sovjetraad van Arbeidersafgevaardigden van Petrograd'.\nVolgens die groep vertegenwoordigden zijn de arbeidersbelangen\nen deden dat ook naar behoren.\nSovjets waren gewoon verkozen arbeidersraden, net zoals vakbonden in de VS.\nSovjets en andere socialisten namen deel aan de regering.\nSocialistische partijen werden opgericht en hun leiders regeerden mee.\nDe jonge socialist Alexander Kerenski werd na een politieke blitzcarrière de leider van die regering.\nOndanks enkele hervormingen wilde Kerenski de oorlog verderzetten\nen dat maakte de oorlogsmoeë Russen woedend.\nDoor de oorlog zonder einde werd er een nieuwe partij populair, de bolsjewieken onder leiding van Vladimir Lenin.\nLenin verafschuwde de oorlog en met Duits geld keerde hij naar Rusland terug uit zijn ballingschap.\nNa een mislukt offensief van Kerenski tegen Duitsland kwamen de socialisten op straat.\nDe bolsjewieken waren sterk tegen de oorlog gekant en daardoor trokken ze veel Russen aan.\nDe regering onderdrukte de opstand en bedreigde Lenin met opsluiting.\nHij vluchtte naar Finland en andere partijleiders werden aangehouden.\nDie nederlaag versterkte de bolsjewieken enkel:\nhoe meer de oorlog ontspoorde, hoe meer leden ze wonnen.\nIn september liet de regering partijleiders vrij.\nLenin keerde terug en wilde zijn partij aan de macht krijgen.\nZo begon de Oktoberrevolutie.\nOnder Lenin en Leon Trotski namen de bolsjewieken de regeringmacht over.\nNa groeiend verzet sloten ze niet-bolsjewieken van de macht uit.\nLenin geloofde dat communisme er enkel met een onaanvechtbare, sterke leider kon komen.\nVerkiezingen beschouwde hij als een obstakel voor zijn doel, een communistisch utopia.\nVelen waren tegen de nieuwe sovjetregering en vormden daarop het Witte Leger\nen trokken op tegen het Rode Leger.\nZo begon de Russische Burgeroorlog en na enkele jaren versloeg het Rode Leger het Witte Leger.\nBinnen enkele jaren viel het Russische Rijk\nen het werd opgevolgd door de Unie der Socialistische Sovjetrepublieken.\nOp een autoritaire, incompetente tsaar volgde er in Rusland een wreed, totalitair regime.\nMiljoenen mensen kwamen om tussen het einde van WOI en het einde van de Russische Burgeroorlog.\nLenin stierf kort na de burgeroorlog en Jozef Stalin volgde hem op.\nDoor Stalins repressieve beleid stierven er nog eens miljoenen mensen.\nVeel om te slikken,\ndaarom is de vraag 'wat als de Russische Revolutie nooit had plaatsgevonden?' niet zo simpel.\nEen verandering in bv. de Oktoberrevolutie kan de hele Russische geschiedenis anders doen lopen.\nVraag 1: Wat als de Februarirevoltie nooit had plaatsgevonden?\nLaat ons zeggen dat de tsaar aan de macht blijft, hoe onwaarschijnlijk dat ook is\nen dat de revoluties nooit plaatsvinden.\nDe tsaar wordt nooit afgezet.\nNicolaas II richtte in onze tijdlijn de Doema voor de schijn op\nom het woedende volk te sussen dat hervormingen wilde.\nDe Doema bezat geen echte macht.\nIn ons scenario houdt de tsaar de Doema niet kort, maar geeft haar veel wetgevende verantwoordelijkheid.\nRusland wordt zo een constitutionele monarchie.\nToch is het zelfs hier onwaarschijnlijk dat de tsaar aanblijft.\nZijn val was namelijk vooral veroorzaakt door de Eerste Wereldoorlog.\nAls Rusland in de oorlog vocht, was een revolutie onvermijdelijk geweest.\nRusland had nooit tegen de centrale mogendheden kunnen winnen.\nHet was te onderontwikkeld en slecht voorbereid.\nEen Ottomaanse blokkade beschadigde de Russische economie\nen Duitse overwinningen ondergroeven zijn legitimiteit.\nAls de tsaar aan de macht had willen blijven, had hij\n1: in 1905 macht aan democratische organen moeten afstaan\n2: Rusland uit de Eerste Wereldoorlog moeten houden.\nDat is zeer onrealistisch en onwaarschijnlijk, maar voor het scenario zullen we zeggen dat het zo gaat.\nDemocratische elementen, geen oorlog.\nWOI speelt zich in Europa af, maar Rusland blijft erbuiten.\nAls Rusland uit de oorlog blijft, verandert er veel en daardoor worden precieze voorspellingen moeilijk.\nTsaristisch Rusland was een landbouwnatie waar onopgeleide boeren de meerderheid uitmaakten.\nDe monarchie deed weinig om dat te veranderen en Rusland te ontwikkelen.\nDe sovjets voerden een wreed beleid met miljoenen doden, maar industrialiseerden het land wel in ijltempo.\nZij vormden Rusland om tot de industrienatie die we vandaag kennen.\nIn ons scenario blijft Rusland achter op ontwikkeldere Europese landen zoals het VK of Frankrijk.\nRusland blijft hier veel langer een landbouwnatie, maar er sterven geen miljoenen door schandelijk beleid.\nDe Doema of een andere tsaar kunnen het land industrialiseren, maar pas decennia later.\nAls we aannemen dat de tsaar niet valt in een andere staatsgreep.\nMet nationalistische bewegingen in Polen, Armenië en Finland hadden de Russen zich later moeten bezighouden.\nRusland wordt niet beschouwd als een rivaal, zoals in onze tijd.\nDus niet als grote tegenstander zoals in onze tijd.\nDoor de Koude Oorlog verdwenen er veel banden tussen Rusland en het Westen.\nOver de Koude Oorlog en communisme gesproken, wat als de Oktoberrevolutie of de bolsjewistische staatsgreep nooit had plaatsgevonden?\nIn deze tijdlijn wordt de tsaar omvergeworpen en de voorlopige regering neemt zijn macht over.\nLenin en de bolsjewieken nemen echter de macht niet over, maar de regering blijft aan de macht.\nDe regering is nog steeds socialistisch, maar ze zijn zeker niet zoals de bolsjewieken.\nHun focus lag op welvaart aan de boeren geven en ze waren democratischer dan de bolsjewieken.\nDe voorlopige regering had enkel kunnen aanblijven als ze opgaf in de oorlog tegen Duitsland.\nDe oorlog was impopulair en vooral daardoor werden de bolsjewieken populair.\nAls de regering al vroeg voor vrede had getekend en op binnenlandse problemen ging focussen, zou Lenin niet veel aantrok hebben.\nHet is moeilijk te zeggen hoe de voorlopige regering zou lopen, omdat ze...voorlopig is.\nDat ga ik niet voorspellen.\nWat wel bekend is: als Lenin nooit aan de macht komt, zouden Rusland en de 20ste eeuw er heel anders uit zien.\nZonder een communistische staatsgreep breekt de burgeroorlog niet uit.\nEr komen geen miljoenen Russen om en de Romanovs worden niet gedood door het Rode Leger.\nZonder de Sovjet-Unie heeft Marx' ideologie in deze tijdlijn wereldwijd nooit zoveel invloed.\nIn deze tijdlijn komen Moa en zijn communistische leger nooit op.\nIn China nemen de nationalisten over na de val van de dynastie.\nHo Chi Minh kan nog steeds een socialist zijn, maar Vietnam wordt niet in een wereldwijd conflict gesleurd.\nDe Sovjet-Unie financierde en inspireerde beiden.\nIn deze tijdlijn is het communisme een randverschijning in het westen.\nHet zou een randideologie zijn zonder enige staatsdragende legitimatie.\nHet socialisme zou vorm krijgen en zich over de wereld verspreiden,\nmaar nooit als totalitaire dictaturen van Stalin en Mao.\nZonder de angst voor de Koude Oorlog en het communisme\nkonden in de VS 'socialistische' programma's doorgevoerd worden.\nHet is moeilijk om te zeggen of Hitler aan de macht zou zijn gekomen.\nHij haalde niet alleen uit naar joden, maar ook naar communisten.\nZonder het communisme verloopt Hitlers opkomst misschien anders.\nVoornaamste verschil: de Russische cultuur kan zich ontwikkelen en evolueren, zoals de westerse cultuur in onze tijd.\nHet communisme vernielde veel prachtige stukken Russische cultuur die nu pas terugkomen.\nGodsdienst werd buiten de wet gesteld en Russen konden nooit zelf iets nieuws bedenken.\nIn deze tijdlijn zou de Russische cultuur zich in de 20ste eeuw kunnen ontwikkelen zonder de rem van de Sovjets.\nDe Russische Revolutie was zo invloedrijk dat we nooit volledig kunnen weten hoe sterk de wereld erdoor veranderde.\nDeze voorspellingen kloppen niet 100% omdat we de afloop van de gebeurtenissen nooit zullen kennen.\nHet is leuk om er soms over te speculeren.\nLike ons op facebook, abonneer je.\nAls je dat nog niet gedaan hebt, dit is Cody\nvan Alternate History Hub.\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "\nEnglish: \nDear Fellow Scholars, this is Two Minute Papers\nwith Károly Zsolnai-Fehér.\nThis episode has been sponsored by Lambda\nLabs.\nNot so long ago, we talked about DeepMind’s\nAlphaStar, an AI that was able to defeat top-tier\nhuman players in Starcraft 2, a complex real-time\nstrategy game.\nOf course, I love talking about AI’s that\nare developed to challenge pro gamers at a\nvariety of difficult games, so this time around,\nwe’ll have a look another major milestone,\nOpenAI Five, which is an AI that plays DOTA2,\na multiplayer online battle arena game with\na huge cult following.\nAs this game requires long-term strategic\nplanning, it is a classic nightmare scenario\nfor any AI.\nBut OpenAI is no stranger to DOTA2, in 2017\nthey showed us an initial version of their\nAI that was able to play 1 versus 1 games\nwith only one hero and was able to reliably\n\nFrench: \n \n \nRécemment nous avons parlé de l'IA alphaStar de deepMind, une IA capable de battre des joueurs\nde très haut niveau à starcraft 2, une jeu de stratégie en temps réel très complexe\nJ'adore évidemment parler d'IA qui sont développées pour jouer contre des joueurs professionels à\nde nombreux jeux difficiles, so pour aujourd'hui, nous allons regarder un autre pilier du jeu vidéo,\nOpenAi five qui est une IA qui joue à Dota 2, un MOBA avec\nune grande communautée.\nComme ce jeux demande une planification de la stratégie à long-terme,\nc'est habituellement un cauchemar pour tous les développeurs d'IA.\nMais OpenAi n'est pas étrangère à dota2, en 2017, ils nous ont montré une première version de leurs\nAi, capable de jouer 1 contre 1 avec un seul héro, et fût capable\n\nFrench: \nde battre dendy, un joueur professionnel.\nc'était une étape de franchie, cependant, c'était dans le but d'être un tremplin\nafin de jouer à la version normale(5 contre 5)\nEn 2018, ils ont dévoilé OpenAi 5, une version améiorée de cette IA\nqui joue du 5 contre >5, capable de jouer un nombre limité de héro,\ncette équipe était capable de battre de bons joueurs, mais n'avait pas encore le niveau\nd'une équipe professionnelle.\nDans une longue interview, l'équipe de recherche d'OpenAi dît qu'a cause de la date limite\nde l'événement international, il ont d^u faire certaines concessions\nA ce moment, plusieurs choses avaient changées,\nDéjà, ils n'ont pas rencontré que des équipes locales de très bon joueurs, ils ont\njoués contre OG, l'équipe championne du monde.\nUn coup ambitieux,qui montre leur confiance dans ce match.\nEnsuite, ces-temps-ci, il n'y avait pas de date limite vu que la date a été\n\nEnglish: \nbeat Dendi, a world champion player.\nThat was quite an achievement, however, of\ncourse, this was meant to be a stepping stone\ntowards playing the real DOTA2.\nThen, in 2018, they unveiled OpenAI Five,\nan improved version of this AI that played\n5 versus 5 games with a limited hero pool.\nThis team was able to defeat competent players,\nbut was still not quite at the level of a\nworld champion human team.\nIn a one-hour interview, the OpenAI research\nteam mentioned that due to the deadline of\nThe International event, they had to make\nquite a few concessions.\nAnd this time, several things have changed.\nFirst, they didn’t just challenge some local\nteam of formidable players, no-no, they flat\nout challenged OG, the reigning world champion\nteam.\nAn ambitious move, that exudes confidence\nfrom their side.\nSecond, this time around, there was no tight\ndeadline as the date of the challenge was\n\nEnglish: \nchosen by OpenAI.\nLet’s quickly talk about the rules of the\ncompetition and then …see if OpenAI’s\nconfident move was justified!\nThese learning agents don’t look at the\npixels of the game, and as a result, they\nsee the world as a big bunch of numbers.\nAnd this time around, it was able to play\na pool of 17 heroes, and trained against itself\nfor millions and millions of games.\nAnd now, let’s have a look at what happened\nin this best of 3 series!\nIn match 1, right after picking the roster\nof heroes, the AI estimated its win probability\nto be 67%, so it was quite a surprise that\nearly on it looked like OpenAI’s bots were\nrunning around aimlessly.\nOver time, we found out that it was not at\nall the case - it plays unusually aggressively\nfrom the get-go and uses buybacks quite liberally\nat times when human players don’t really\nconsider it to be a good choice.\n\nFrench: \nchoisie par OpenAi.\nParlons rapidement des règles de la compétition, et enfin, voyons si la confiance d'OpenAi\nétait justifiée.\nCes ordinateurs ne regardent pas les pixels du jeu, et donc,\nils ne voient l'écran que comme des chiffres.\nA à ce moment l'IA pouvait jouer 17 héros, et c'est entrainée contre elle-même\npour des millions de millions de parties.\nMaintenant, regardons le match qui s'est déroulé en 2 parties gagnantes.\nDans le premier match, Après la selection des héros, l'IA a estimé sa probabilité de gagner\nà 67%, donc ce fût une surprise lorsque les bots d'OpenAi jouaient\ntrès agressivement.\nAve le temps, on s'est aperçu que ce n’était pas du tout le cas. Ils jouaient sont prendre garde\ndepuis le début de la partie et revendaient leurs équipements quand les joueurs humains\nne considéraient pas ces actions comme de bons choix.\n\nEnglish: \nThese buybacks resurrect a perished hero quickly\nbut in return, cost money.\nLater, it became clearer that these bots are\nno joke: they know exactly when to engage\nand when to back out from an engagement with\nthe smallest sliver of health left.\nI will show quite a few examples of those\nto you during this video, so stay tuned.\nA little less than 20 minutes in, we had a\nvery even game 1, if anything, OpenAI seemed\na tiny bit behind, and someone noted that\nwe should perhaps ask the bots what they think\nabout their chances.\nAnd then the AI said, yeah, no worries, we\nhave a higher than 95% chance to win the game.\nThis was such a pivotal moment that was very\nsurprising for everyone.\nOf course, if you you call out a win with\nconfidence, you better go all the way and\nindeed win the game.\nRight?\nRight.\nAnd sure enough, they wiped out almost the\nentire world champion team of the human players\n\nFrench: \nCes rachats, ressuscitent un héro mort mais coûtent cher.\nPlus tard, on se rendit compte que ces bots ne rigolaient pas. , ils savent exactement quand engager\net pouvaient s’échapper à chaque fois très proche de la mort.\nJe vais vous en montrer quelque exemples pendant cette vidéo, regardez bien.\nun peu parès 20 minutes, la partie était asser équilibrée, OpenAi avait l'air\nun peu derrière, et quelqu'un demanda si on pouvait savoir à combien l'IA\nestimait ses chances de victoire.\nEt l'IA répondit, \"relax, nous avons plus de 95% de chances de gagner la partie\".\nCe fut une surprise pour tout le monde.\nBien sur, si vous annoncez une victoire avec confiance, vous feriez mieux de\ngagner votre partie.\nNon ?\nOui.\nEt bien sur, il ont éliminé presque l'entièreté de l'équipe championne en titre d'humains,\n\nEnglish: \nimmediately after.\nAnd then noted, you know what, remember that\nwe just said?\nForget that.\nWe estimate our chances to win to be above\n99% now.\nAnd shortly after, they won match number one.\nCan you believe this?\nThis is absolutely amazing.\nInterestingly, one of the developers said\nthat the AI is great at assessing whether\na fight is worth it.\nAs an interesting corollary, if you engage\nwith it and it fights you, it probably means\nyou are going to lose.\nThat must be quite confusing for the players.\nSome mind games for you.\nLove it.\nAt the event, it was also such a joy to see\nsuch a receptive audience that understood\nand appreciated high-level plays.\n\nFrench: \njuste après.\nVous rendez-vous de nos chances de victoires ?\nOubliez-ça.\nNous estimons maintenant notre chances de victoire à plus de 99%.\nIl gagnerons le match peu de temps après.\nY croyez-vous ?\nC'est fascinant.\nFait intéressant: un des développeurs nota que l'IA est bonne pour évaluer l'issue d'un combat\navant de le lancer.\nUne d’écoulée intéressante de cela, est que si vous engagez un combat contre elle, il se pourrait\nque vous perdiez ce combat.\nce peut être confus pour les joueurs.\n \n \nA l’événement, c'était super de voir une audience si receptive qui compris\net apprécia des parties d'un tel niveau.\n\nEnglish: \nOnwards to match number two.\nRight after the draft, which is the process\nof choosing the heroes for each team, the\nAI predicted a win percentage that was much\ncloser this time around, around 60%.\nIn this game, the AI turned up the heat real\nfast, and said just 5 minutes into the game,\nwhich is nothing, that it has an over 80%\nchance to win this game.\nAnd now, watch this.\nEarly in this game, you can see a great example\nof where the AI just gets away with a sliver\nof health.\nLook at this guy.\nLook at that!\n\nFrench: \nVoyons maintenant la deuxième partie.\nAprès la sélection des héros,\nl'IA, prédit autour de 60% de chances de victoires.\nDans cette partie, l'IA mis le feu très vite, après seulement 5 min,\nce qui est très tôt, elle estimait déjà ses chances de victoires à 80%.\nEt maintenant regardez\nTôt dans la partie, vous pouvez voir un bel exemple où l'IA s'en sort aux portes\nde la mort.\nRegardez ce personnage.\nregardez ça !\n\nFrench: \nC'est un accident ou une exceptionnelle clairvoyance de ce bot.\nj'adorerais savoir ce que vous en pensez.\nAprès les 9min30, l'IA dît oui,\ncette partie aussi est pour nous.\nplus de 95ù.\nici, vous pouvez voir que l'IA perd un héro, mais juste après\ntue é des héros humains, et s'en sort favorablement, a ce point on ce demande\nsi c'était un appât délibéré.\nAprès les 15 minutes, les humains ont perdu un objectif important, étaient en manque de ressources\n\nEnglish: \nThis is either an accident or some unreal-level\nforesight from the side of this agent.\nI’d love to hear your opinion on which one\nyou think it is.\nBy the 9 and a half minute mark, which is\nstill really early, OpenAI Five said yes,\nwe got this one too.\nOver 95%.\nHere you see in interesting scenario where\nthe AI loses one hero, but it almost immediately\nkills two of the human heroes, and comes out\nfavorably, at which point we wonder whether\nthis was a deliberate bait it pulled on the\nhumans.\nBy the 15-minute mark, the human players lost\na barracks and were heavily underfunded and\n\nEnglish: \noutplayed with seemingly no way to come back.\nAnd sure enough, by the 21-minute mark, the\ngame was over.\nThere is no other way to say it, this second\ngame was a one-sided beatdown.\nGame 1 was a strategic back and forth where\nOpenAI Five waited for the right moment to\nwin the game in a big team fight, where here,\nthey pressured human team from the get-go\nand never let them reach the endgame where\nthey might have and advantage with their picks.\nAlso, have a look at this.\nUnreal.\nThe final result is 2 to 0 for OpenAI.\nIn the post match interview, N0tail, one of\nthe human players noted that he is confident\nthat from 5 games, they would take at least\none, and after 15 games, they would start\n\nFrench: \net se gagnaient plus de combats.\nÇa annonçait bien la suite, les humains perdirent à la 21ème minute.\nOn ne peut pas le dire autrement, ce match était unilatéral.\nLa partie 1 était serrée où l'IA attendait le bon moment pour\ngagner la partie dans un grand combat, alors que dans la deuxième, ils ont mis la pression\npour le jamais laisser les humain s'en sortir.\nAussi, regardez-ça,.\nirréel.\nLe résultat était 2 - 0 pour l'IA.\ndans l’interview d'après match, n0tail, un des joueurs pro était confiant\nque sur 5 parties, ils ne auraient gagner 1, et après 15, ils commenceraient\n\nEnglish: \nwinning reliably.\nVery reminiscent of what we have heard from\nplayers playing against DeepMind’s AI in\nStarCraft 2 and I hope this will be tested.\nHowever, in the end, he agreed that it is\ninevitable that this AI will become unbeatable\nat some point.\nIt was also noted that in 5v5 fights, they\nseem better in planning than any human team\nis and there is quite a lot to learn from\nthe AI for us humans.\nThey were also trying to guess the reasoning\nfor all of these early buybacks.\nAccording to the players, initially, they\nflat out seemed like misplays.\nPerhaps the reason for these instant and not\nreally great buybacks might have been the\nfact that the AI knows that if the game goes\non for much longer, statistically, their chances\nwith their given composition to win the game\ndwindles, so it needs to immediately go and\nwin right now, whatever the cost.\nAnd again, an important lesson is that in\nthis project, OpenAI is not spending so much\n\nFrench: \nà gagner constamment.\nC'est ce que disaient les joueurs de starcrafts 2\nquand ils jouaient avec l'IA de DeepMind, j'espeère que ce sera testé un jour.\nPar contre, ils était d'accord pour dire que l'IA deviendrait imbattable\nà long terme.\nil a aussi indiqué que lors des combats 5 contre 5, l'IA était meilleure à la gestion que n'importe quelle équipe humaine.\nOn peut beaucoup apprendre de l'IA.\nLes joueurs essayaient aussi de comprendre le raisonnement derrière tous ces rachats.\nD'après eux, ils semblaient inappropriés,\nCe pourrait être que la raison des rachats était que\nl'IA savait que si la partie durait plus longtemps, elle avait moins de chance\nde gagner avec leurs héros, donc elle devait investir vite\net gagner dès le début, quel qu’en soit le coût.\nEt encore, une leçon à retirer de cette expérience, OpeAi ne dépense pas tant\n\nEnglish: \nmoney and resources to just play video games.\nDOTA2 is a wonderful testbed to see how their\nAI compares to humans at complex tasks that\ninvolve strategy and teamwork.\nHowever, the ultimate goal is to reuse parts\nof this system for other complex problems\noutside of video games.\nFor example, the algorithm that you’ve seen\nhere today can also do this.\nBut wait, there’s more.\nPlayers after these showmatches always tend\nto get these messages from others on Twitter\ntelling them what they did wrong and what\nthey should have done instead.\nWell, luckily, these people were able to show\ntheir prowess as OpenAI gave the chance for\nanyone in the world to challenge the OpenAI\nFive competitively and play against them online.\nThis way, not only team OG, but everyone can\nget crushed by the AI.\nHow cool is that?\n\nFrench: \nd'argent et de ressource pour jouer aux jeux-vidéos.\nDOTA2 est un super test d'entrainement pour comparer l'IA aux humains dans des tâches complexes\nimpliquant stratégie et jeux d'équipe.\ncependant, le but final,est de réutiliser des parties de ce système dans d'autres problèmes complexes\nautre que le jeu vidéo.\nPar exemple, l'algorithme que vous avez vu peut aussi faire ça.\nMais attendez, il y a plus.\nLes joueurs après ces match d'exhibition, peuvent recevoir des messages sur twitter\nleur disant qu'est-ce qu'ils ont mal fait et ce qu'il auraient du faire.\nHeureusement, ces gens ont été capable de montrer leurs progrès vu que l'OpenAi donne la chance\nà n'importe qui dans le monde de se mesurer à elle en ligne.\nGrâce à ça, n'importe qui peut se faire battre par l'IA autre que les équipe professionnelles.\nA quel point est-ce cool ?\n\nEnglish: \nThis Arena event has concluded with over 15000\ngames played where OpenAI Five had a 99.4%\nwinrate.\nThere are still ways to beat it, but given\nthe rate of progress of this project, likely\nnot for long.\nInsanity.\nAs always, if you are interested in more details,\nI put a link to a reddit AMA in the video\ndescription, and I also can’t wait to pick\nthe algorithm apart for you, but for now,\nwe’ll have to wait for the full paper to\nappear.\nAnd note that what happened here is not to\nbe underestimated.\nHuge respect to the OpenAI team, to OG for\nthe amazing games and congratulations to the\nhumans who were able to beat these beastly\nbots online.\nSo there you go, another long video that’s\nnot two minutes, and it’s not about a paper.\nYet.\nWelcome to Two Minute Papers!\nIf you’re doing deep learning, make sure\nto look into Lambda GPU systems.\nLambda offers workstations, servers, laptops,\nand a GPU cloud for deep learning.\n\nFrench: \nCet évènement se conclut avec plus de 15 000 parties où l'IA avait 99.4%\nde taux de victoire.\nIl y a encore des moyens de gagner, mais vu le rythme de progrès de l'IA,\nca ne va pas durer longtemps.\nInsanity.\nComme toujours, si vous êtes intéressé par plus de détails, je met un lien vers le Reddit AMA dans\nla description de la vidéo. J'ai aussi hâte de prendre l'algorithme pour vous l'explique, mais pour l'instant\non devra attendre que le papier complet soit sortit.\nEt notez qu'il ne faut pas sous estimez ce que vous venez de voir.\nGrand respect à l'équipe OpenAi, l'équipe OG, pour ces super parties, et félicitations aux\nqui ont su battre l'IA en ligne.\nEncore une vidéo qui n'a pas duré 2 minutes et qui ne parle pas d'un papier.\nencore.\nBienvenue dans minuts paper !\n \n \n\nFrench: \n \n \n \n \n \nMerci à lambda de sponsoriser 2 minuts paper et m'aider à faire de meilleures vidéos.\nmerci d'avoir regardé et de me soutenir, on se voit la prochaine fois !!\n\nEnglish: \nYou can save up to 90% over AWS, GCP, and\nAzure GPU instances.\nEvery Lambda GPU system is pre-installed with\nTensorFlow, PyTorch, and Keras.\nJust plug it in and start training.\nLambda customers include Apple, Microsoft,\nand Stanford.\nGo to lambdalabs.com/papers or click the link\nin the description to learn more.\nBig thanks to Lambda for supporting Two Minute\nPapers and helping us make better videos.\nThanks for watching and for your generous\nsupport, and I'll see you next time!\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "we have learnt so far about the correspondence\nprinciple that says that for n tending to\ninfinity that is the large quantum number\nlimit \nthe quantum results go to classical results\nin this lecture we are going to see how we\ncan use this principle to derive something\ncalled the selection rules and also the a\ncoefficient for the harmonic oscillator recall\ni took three examples in the previous lectures\nand i just consider two of these the harmonic\noscillator and the particle in a box and in\nthe harmonic oscillator case i said that the\nthe displacement can be written as summation\nc tau e raise to i tau omega t where omega\nis the basic frequency which is nu times two\npi which was equal to two pi v over two l\non the other hand in the case of harmonic\noscillator x t has only one component and\ni can write this as the amplitude e raise\nto i omega t in fact i want to do better than\nthat this is usually written as a cosine of\nomega t which is amplitude divided by two\ne raise to i omega t plus e raise to minus\ni omega t\nthus you see that ah the particle moving in\na box has the fundamental frequency v over\ntwo l and all its multiples and therefore\nwhen it performs motion it will radiate all\nkinds of frequencies the fundamental and it\nis harmonics tau times that much where as\na particle performing motion in a harmonic\noscillator would give out only one frequency\nlet us see how we can use that so classically\njust learnt that particle in a box will give\nall frequencies by all frequency we do not\nmean that it will give out frequencies which\nare continuously varying but if it makes a\ntransition if the particle makes a transition\nfrom nth level to say e n minus tau level\nthen the frequencies emitted would be tau\ntimes omega n right where omega n is the angular\nfrequency related to motion in the nth level\nso classically this frequency omega n or the\nangular frequency connected with the motion\nin the nth level will be the frequency of\nradiation and what we saw last time is that\nif i write its displacement verses time it\nis like this it is not a pure harmonic so\nthis is what tells you that x t actually has\nhigher harmonic also which i wrote earlier\nc c tau e raise to i tau omega lets call it\nomega n t so it will give you frequency of\nradiation omega n and since the motion also\ncontains other frequencies all the other frequencies\nwill also come out let us see what does it\nteach us about quantum transitions so let\nus now write quantum mechanically \nradiation does not come out because a particle\nis oscillating with frequency nu rather it\ncomes out by jumps so radiation comes out\nby jumps radiation comes out by jumps between\nlevels where as classically it is because\nof the acceleration now if a radiation is\nemitted due to jump from nth to n minus tau\nth level the frequency nu n n minus tau is\ngiven as en minus e n minus tau divided by\nh this is given by finite difference right\nwhere as we recall the previous lecture in\nclassically it is given by a differentiation\nwith respect to j\nnow as n tends to infinity nu n t n minus\ntau go to tau nu n where nu n is the classical\nfrequency so you see that classically since\nall these frequencies are observed right so\nlet us write this classically since all the\nfrequencies tau nu n are observed right that\nmeans quantum mechanically \na particle can jump to any n minus tau\nlet me write this again so this is nth level\nn minus tau level and here is this jump coming\nin and some radiation comes out so radiation\nfrequency n n minus tau is en minus en minus\ntau over h and you see that classically all\ntau nu n are observed because the particle\nmakes a motion periodic motion of basic frequency\nnu n but then also the all this harmonics\nexist so this means there is no restriction\non where that is n minus tau does the particle\njump to\nif let us see a count example if we say that\nn can go to n minus one only and this is just\na counter example if we say this then as n\ngoes to infinity only the fundamental \nfrequency will be observed that means it is\njust not n minus one it can go to any frequency\nit likes is now the question arises question\nis there a n critical beyond which we can\nsay that classical mechanics is good and below\nwhich quantum mechanics is good\nin other words is there a boundary between\nclassical and quantum mechanics the answer\nis no actually the true theory is quantum\nmechanics it is only as we saw in the previous\nah lecture only when we can replace delta\ne by h by the derivative d e by d j times\nn tau that classical theory holds good and\nthat means basically that n has to be large\nenough and tau has to be much much smaller\nthan n that is the only condition but what\nthis principle is telling you is that you\nshould actually be approaching classical level\nwhen you can replace that the difference by\nderivative effectively and for that the condition\nis n is very large and tau is much much smaller\nthan n\nnow lets take the other example the other\nexample is this harmonic oscillator \nand classically its motion is given by x t\nequals a by two e raise to i omega t plus\ne raise to minus i omega t that is it has\nonly one frequency \nlet us look at it quantum mechanically there\nare these levels h nu two h nu three h nu\nfour h nu and so on and the radiation is given\nout when there is a jump \nnow you see how we see by comparing with the\nclassical results there is a selection rule\nsuppose n to n minus tau transition takes\nplace then the corresponding frequency right\nthe corresponding frequency \nin classical limit \nwill be tau times omega\nhowever classically we see only omega this\nimplies tau at max can be one and this gives\nyou a restriction that in a harmonic oscillator\nthe only jumps that takes place are where\nn goes the particle makes the jump n goes\nto n minus one or it absorbs n plus one so\nthis gives what is called a selection rule\nand that says selection rule says that the\njump is made or the transition takes place\nfor which delta n magnitude is one otherwise\nfor all of the transition there will be no\nradiation\nso there is no other transition that gives\nout radiation and why is that let me repeat\nbecause if other transitions also took place\nin large n limit we will see other frequencies\nalso and that doesnt happens so to be consistent\nwith correspondence principle there is only\none transition allowed in quantum level\nso a question that has arisen just now is\nquestion if you need single frequency for\nlaser should you use \nharmonic oscillator confinement actually the\ntwo questions are not related because in a\nlaser you choose the frequency that causes\nthe transition to be precisely that frequency\nso you can choose any system and the stimulated\nemission will take place only for that particular\nfrequency with which you are doing this stimulated\nemission so this question ah doesnt really\narise\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "today we're going to talk about some\nessential oil mistakes that people make\nwhen they're first starting out and some\npeople wind up using essential oils for\na little while\n6 mistakes you don't want to make stay\ntuned until the very end because you're\nnot gonna want to miss these after this\nyou'll know a better way to safely use\nessential oils number 1 of thinking that\nbecause essential oils are all-natural\nthat they are completely safe nothing\ncould be further from the truth\noils are extremely powerful and should\nbe used with respect just like anything\nelse that is powerful for example one\ndrop of peppermint oil is the equivalent\nof 68 cups of peppermint tea when was\nthe last time you drink 68 cups of\npeppermint tea in one sitting one drop\nof orange oil is the equivalent of 150\npounds worth of orange rinds like I\ndon't think I want to watch anyone eat\nthat many orange rinds so they're\nextremely powerful they're not\ncompletely safe you have to use them\nwith respect even if you have the best\nquality oils which I believe that I use,\nI still use them conservatively because\nthey are so potent the number 2 thing\nthat people do and I see this frequently\nessential oils are all over the place\nthey are at the grocery store there are\nevery little tchotchke shop they are\nliterally everywhere but making sure\nthat you have a good quality oil is\nreally important and just like outerwear\nyou can pay $50 for a jacket at Walmart\nor you can pay 300 for a North Face\njacket well which company do you think\nis doing more R&D to make sure that\nyou're getting the most for your money\nI'm not saying the most expensive oils\nare the best but I'm saying go with the\ncompany that you know has a large\ntesting protocol and make sure that you\nare confident in that just because you\nsee something on the Shelf doesn't mean\nthat it's a good quality a lot of people\nthink that\nas the FDA regulate as generally\nregarded as safe that that means that\nthere's some kind of standard that they\nhave well let me tell you the standard\nthat they have is one drop of oil in\nthat bottle has to be essential oil and\nthe rest can all be carrier oil even if\nit says organic that just means all of\nthe carrier oil has to be organic so\nmake sure you're using a good quality\noil that you know is tested for the\nexact chemical profile of the plant that\nyou're looking for number 3 mistake not\ndiluting people and I see this all the\ntime people are like oh yeah just put it\non your neck or put it on your wrist or\nput it you know on your body it's called\napplying \"neat\" and I'll say that most of\nthe time I don't apply oils the neat I\nam 99.9% of the time I dilute essential\noils and that's for a couple of reasons\none skin sensitivities develop over time\nyou may not know the first time you use\nthat oil or even the 50th time you use\nthat oil but the 51st time you use\nthat oil you get skin sensitivities so\nwhat diluting it does is make sure that\nit spreads it out over a larger surface\narea of the skin and it reduces the\nprobability that you'll have a skin\nsensitivity so make sure that you're\ndiluting it number 3 mistake.... you\nwill hear people all over the place\nsaying just put this in your water put\nlemon oil on your water put peppermint\noil in your water taking oils internally\nis a completely different can of worms\nand this is what I'll say should you\ndecide to do that make sure that you're\nonly drinking or putting essential oils\nin a stainless steel or glass container\nthat includes the straw so in when\nessential oils come in contact with\nplastic they actually release fake\nestrogens which go into your body\nattached to your estrogen\nreceptors which leads your body to believe that\nyou have more estrogen that you do than\nyou do in your body and it can\ncompletely disrupt your endocrine system\nso glass that doesn't happen with and \nstainless steel that doesn't happen with check out my video about if your dryer sheets are killing you.\nI've actually seen it essential oils eat\nthrough styrofoam and so then who knows\nwhat you're ingesting if you do that so\nmake sure that you don't have a\nstainless steel water bottle with a\nglass straw or with a plastic straw or a\nglass water bottle with a plastic top\nlike my favorite thing to use is a glass\nmason jar with the stainless steel top\nthat has a stainless-steel straw stuck\nthrough it that way there's no chance\nthat those oils are coming into contact\nwith any kind of silicone or plastic\nthat they can potentially release\nchemicals from. The number 4 Danger is using photosensitive\noils and then going out into the Sun\neven if you dilute it properly\nphotosensitive oils will create a burn\nor a skin reaction when they're exposed\nto the Sun so these in general are your\ncitrus oils and cumin you want to make\nsure that your citrus oils and cumin\nthat you're if you're applying them\ntopically you're applying them to a part\nof your body where it will not be\nexposed to sunlight should you decide to\ngo out in the Sun. Check out my video on essential oils and sun safety. The next mistake that\npeople make is blasting their diffuser\nall day long so every time those\nparticles are in your area you breathe\nthem in your body has to process it just\nlike it processes everything else that\nyou've taken to your body anything you\nbreathe in anything you eat drink so a\nbetter practice would be to turn the\ndiffuser on for equal amounts of time\nthat you turn it off I love diffusing\nand so I will typically diffuse for a\nfew hours\nturn the diffuser off let it rest for a\ncouple hours I\nturn it back on or I'll turn my diffuser\non for four hours in the morning and\nthen right before my husband gets home\nfrom work I'll turn it on for a few\nhours in the evening and then I turn it\noff just to give my body a rest if you\nstay away from these five big mistakes\nthat people make you should be able to\nuse essential oils completely safe and\nreally enjoy your experience with them\nif you think this video is helpful make\nsure to subscribe share with your\nfriends hit the notifications button if\nyou're looking to get started with\nessential oils email me my contact\ninformation is below I love to help you\nget started I will personally respond to\nanyone who is looking to get started\nwith me I hope you have a great day\nthank you so much for watching I'll see\nyou in the next video\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "Our relationship with the community is been built over like the last almost twenty years now\n and we think it's important for the students to have a forum in which \n they're working with the community not just for it\nWe don't like them to drop in and treat this like a lab\nWe like them to be immersed in the community to really understand what the communities \n issues are\nWow there are all these people here\nThat are already inhabiting this community\nand each one of them has something extraordinary to offer\nWhen we bring the students down here\nand they each have something extraordinary to offer \nSo then all of a sudden you've got this collaborative environment with people of difference\n who all have great things to bring to the table so like why not do it?\nExploring investigating being curious about something\nDo it over and over again and looking for the answer to whatever the question is \nResearch is really how we understand our world our history our society who we are as human beings\nI have always been one to ask questions and to want to explore in financiers\nI really enjoy to see when the lightbulb comes on as it were\nin the student\nand when they're able to do that process of exploration themselves \nand really see that they're contributing to the knowledge base\napproach a problem from multiple dimensions\nand really have a logical \nsystematic way to address\nthat question test the hypothesis solve that problem \nI think that that's just exciting\nThese students are smart they have an incredible work ethic they've\ngot a tremendous sense of integrity and they wanna be engaged\nwe can get them involved in research in graduate projects or PhD projects\nTeaching is research what you're learning is research there's a way to construct a question about anything that you're doing to find an answer\nThings that's wonderful about being a teacher is that you're a learner\nI learn a lot from my students engagement\n My dream for research at Miami is to have all students, 100% of the students involved in some type of \n Research\n To really show that there is a central point\nthat's focused on the undergraduate research mission \nit's a place where students can come and get started with a project, if they're already engaged\nin a project they can come to this area and we can help them find resources\nwe can help them find a venue or an outlet\nto get it published or presented it's not just something that's happening in Pearson Hall or \nin the natural sciences it's something that I think is a lot broader and includes the social sciences\nthe humanities the creative arts\ndepth of knowledge\nand I think research can help you do that so much\nI think the total experience that you'll have\nand the total understanding\nand the academic benefit it will bring to you is really outstanding\nthe general power of research is to\nyou know, kind of, hopefully make a change in the world\nas a way to think about the world differently and you're role within the world\n(music playing)\n(music playing)\n(music playing) \n(music playing)\nKnow your passion\nfind folks whose passion matches up with yours\nor is somewhat connected in some way \nand if something doesn't already exist in terms of a research project\ncreate one.\nIt's working with research or grading papers\nor teaching classes or leading study abroad trips\nwhy is it, why is it we do what we do? \nand the answer is always you \njust look at your class you look out at the students\nyou're mentoring, you look at the students you're taking abroad\nyou look at the student that you're working \nwith one on one\nThe answer's always the person that's in front of you\nInnovative learning and \nand discovering environment \nit is and that's true we believe that I think in our core\nand it's what we are all committed to do.\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "Thank you, Mr President\nWe welcome the report by the High Commissioner \nand in particular her emphasis on discrimination against minorities.\nWe regret however that she made no specific mention\nof discrimination based on religion or belief.\nWe therefore welcome the statement made\non behalf of the OIC in this regard,\nparticularly in view of reports we have seen in recent months\nof Muslims burning churches\nand of Christians being burned to death \nin their homes in Pakistan\nwith the authorities doing little or nothing to prevent it.\nFrom Somalia we hear reports of four Christians being beheaded\nsimply for converting to Christianity;\nfrom Nigeria of a priest being beheaded\nfor refusing to convert to Islam.\nFrom Iran we hear continuing reports of discrimination\nagainst Bahais and from Egypt against Coptic Christians.\nIn many OIC States non-believers and apostates\nface discrimination, imprisonment and even death.\nBut of course it is not only in the Islamic States that\nreligious minorities face discrimination and violence.\nIn India the issue of the massacre of Muslims in Gujerat remains unresolved\nand we have more recent reports of churches being burned in Orissa,\nwhile in China earlier this year \nwe saw wanton violence directed against the Muslim Uighurs.\nWe also see non-violent discrimination suffered by religious minorities\nin many Western countries through the privileges accorded to state churches,\nand through concordats with the Holy See which privilege the Catholic Church, \nleading to discrimination against non-Catholics.\nMr President, is it not time that the Council took far more seriously\nthe issue of discrimination based on religion or belief?\nAnd is it really necessary, yet again, to remind States \nthat it is individuals - believers and non-believers -\nthat have human rights, not their religions or beliefs.\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "Aspartate transaminase or aspartate aminotransferase,\nalso known as AspATAAT or serum glutamic oxaloacetic\ntransaminase, is a pyridoxal phosphate-dependent\ntransaminase enzyme. AST catalyzes the reversible\ntransfer of an α-amino group between aspartate\nand glutamate and, as such, is an important\nenzyme in amino acid metabolism. AST is found\nin the liver, heart, skeletal muscle, kidneys,\nbrain, and red blood cells, and it is commonly\nmeasured clinically as a marker for liver\nhealth.\nFunction\nAspartate transaminase catalyzes the interconversion\nof aspartate and α-ketoglutarate to oxaloacetate\nand glutamate.\nAspartate + α-ketoglutarate ↔ oxaloacetate\n+ glutamate\nAs a prototypical transaminase, AST relies\non PLP as a cofactor to transfer the amino\ngroup from aspartate or glutamate to the corresponding\nketoacid. In the process, the cofactor shuttles\nbetween PLP and the pyridoxamine phosphate\nform. The amino group transfer catalyzed by\nthis enzyme is crucial in both amino acid\ndegradation and biosynthesis. In amino acid\ndegradation, following the conversion of α-ketoglutarate\nto glutamate, glutamate subsequently undergoes\noxidative deamination to form ammonium ions,\nwhich are excreted as urea. In the reverse\nreaction, aspartate may be synthesized from\noxaloacetate, which is a key intermediate\nin the citric acid cycle.\nIsoenzymes\nTwo isoenzymes are present in a wide variety\nof eukaryotes. In humans:\nGOT1/cAST, the cytosolic isoenzyme derives\nmainly from red blood cells and heart.\nGOT2/mAST, the mitochondrial isoenzyme is\npresent predominantly in liver.\nThese isoenzymes are thought to have evolved\nfrom a common ancestral AST via gene duplication,\nand they share a sequence homology of approximately\n45%.\nAST has also been found in a number of microorganisms,\nincluding E. coli, H. mediterranei, and T.\nthermophilus. In E. coli, the enzyme is encoded\nby the aspCgene and has also been shown to\nexhibit the activity of an aromatic-amino-acid\ntransaminase.\nStructure\nX-ray crystallography studies have been performed\nto determine the structure of aspartate transaminase\nfrom various sources, including chicken mitochondria,\npig heart cytosol, and E. coli. Overall, the\nthree-dimensional polypeptide structure for\nall species is quite similar. AST is dimeric,\nconsisting of two identical subunits, each\nwith approximately 400 amino acid residues\nand a molecular weight of approximately 45\nkD. Each subunit is composed of a large and\na small domain, as well as a third domain\nconsisting of the N-terminal residues 3-14;\nthese few residues form a strand, which links\nand stabilizes the two subunits of the dimer.\nThe large domain, which includes residues\n48-325, binds the PLP cofactor via an aldimine\nlinkage to the ε-amino group of Lys258. Other\nresidues in this domain – Asp 222 and Tyr\n225 – also interact with PLP via hydrogen\nbonding. The small domain consists of residues\n15-47 and 326-410 and represents a flexible\nregion that shifts the enzyme from an \"open\"\nto a \"closed\" conformation upon substrate\nbinding.\nThe two independent active sites are positioned\nnear the interface between the two domains.\nWithin each active site, a couple arginine\nresidues are responsible for the enzyme’s\nspecificity for dicarboxylic acid substrates:\nArg386 interacts with the substrate’s proximalcarboxylate\ngroup, while Arg292 complexes with the distal\ncarboxylate.\nIn terms of secondary structure, AST contains\nboth α and β elements. Each domain has a\ncentral sheet of β-strands with α-helices\npacked on either side.\nMechanism\nAspartate transaminase, as with all transaminases,\noperates via dual substrate recognition; that\nis, it is able to recognize and selectively\nbind two amino acids with different side-chains.\nIn either case, the transaminase reaction\nconsists of two similar half-reactions that\nconstitute what is referred to as a ping-pong\nmechanism. In the first half-reaction, amino\nacid 1 reacts with the enzyme-PLP complex\nto generate ketoacid 1 and the modified enzyme-PMP.\nIn the second half-reaction, ketoacid 2 reacts\nwith enzyme-PMP to produce amino acid 2, regenerating\nthe original enzyme-PLP in the process. Formation\nof a racemic product is very rare.\nThe specific steps for the half-reaction of\nEnzyme-PLP + aspartate ⇌ Enzyme-PMP + oxaloacetate\nare as follows; the other half-reaction proceeds\nin the reverse manner, with α-ketoglutarate\nas the substrate.\nInternal aldimine formation: First, the ε-amino\ngroup of Lys258 forms a Schiff base linkage\nwith the aldehyde carbon to generate an internal\naldimine.\nTransaldimination: The internal aldimine then\nbecomes an external aldimine when the ε-amino\ngroup of Lys258 is displaced by the amino\ngroup of aspartate. This transaldimination\nreaction occurs via a nucleophilic attack\nby the deprotonated amino group of Asp and\nproceeds through a tetrahedral intermediate.\nAs this point, the carboxylate groups of Asp\nare stabilized by the guanidinium groups of\nthe enzyme’s Arg386 and Arg 292 residues.\nQuinonoid formation: The hydrogen attached\nto the a-carbon of Asp is then abstracted\nto form a quinonoid intermediate.\nKetimine formation: The quinonoid is reprotonated,\nbut now at the aldehyde carbon, to form the\nketimine intermediate.\nKetimine hydrolysis: Finally, the ketimine\nis hydrolyzed to form PMP and oxaloacetate.\nThis mechanism is thought to have multiple\npartially rate-determining steps. However,\nit has been shown that the substrate binding\nstep drives the catalytic reaction forward.\nClinical significance\nAST is similar to alanine transaminase in\nthat both enzymes are associated with liver\nparenchymal cells. The difference is that\nALT is found predominantly in the liver, with\nclinically negligible quantities found in\nthe kidneys, heart, and skeletal muscle, while\nAST is found in the liver, heart, skeletal\nmuscle, kidneys, brain, and red blood cells.\nAs a result, ALT is a more specific indicator\nof liver inflammation than AST, as AST may\nbe elevated also in diseases affecting other\norgans, such as myocardial infarction, acute\npancreatitis, acute hemolytic anemia, severe\nburns, acute renal disease, musculoskeletal\ndiseases, and trauma.\nAST was defined as a biochemical marker for\nthe diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction\nin 1954. However, the use of AST for such\na diagnosis is now redundant and has been\nsuperseded by the cardiac troponins.\nAST is commonly measured clinically as a part\nof diagnostic liver function tests, to determine\nliver health. Laboratory tests should always\nbe interpreted using the reference range from\nthe laboratory that performed the test. Example\nreference ranges are shown below:\nSee also\nAlanine transaminase\nTransaminases\nReferences\nFurther reading\nJansonius, JN; Vincent, MG. Jurnak FA and\nMcPherson A, ed. Structural basis for catalysis\nby aspartate aminotransferase. New York: Wiley.\npp. 187–285. ISBN 0-471-85142-6. \nKuramitsu S, Okuno S, Ogawa T, Ogawa H, Kagamiyama\nH. \"Aspartate aminotransferase of Escherichia\ncoli: nucleotide sequence of the aspC gene\".\nJ. Biochem. 97: 1259–62. PMID 3897210. \nKondo K, Wakabayashi S, Yagi T, Kagamiyama\nH. \"The complete amino acid sequence of aspartate\naminotransferase from Escherichia coli: sequence\ncomparison with pig isoenzymes\". Biochem.\nBiophys. Res. Commun. 122: 62–67. doi:10.1016/0006-291X(84)90439-X.\nPMID 6378205. \nInoue K, Kuramitsu S, Okamoto A, Hirotsu K,\nHiguchi T, Kagamiyama H. \"Site-directed mutagenesis\nof Escherichia coli aspartate aminotransferase:\nrole of Tyr70 in the catalytic processes\".\nBiochemistry 30: 7796–7801. doi:10.1021/bi00245a019.\nPMID 1868057. \nExternal links\nAspartate Transaminase at the US National\nLibrary of Medicine Medical Subject Headings\nAST - Lab Tests Online\nAST: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "Theory of Colours (German: Zur Farbenlehre)\nis a book by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe about\nthe poet's views on the nature of colours\nand how these are perceived by humans. It\nwas published in German in 1810 and in English\nin 1840. The book contains detailed descriptions\nof phenomena such as coloured shadows, refraction,\nand chromatic aberration.\nThe work originated in Goethe's occupation\nwith painting and mainly exerted an influence\non the arts (Philipp Otto Runge, J. M. W.\nTurner, the Pre-Raphaelites, Wassily Kandinsky).\nThe book is a successor to two short essays\nentitled \"Contributions to Optics\".\nAlthough Goethe's work was rejected by physicists,\na number of philosophers and physicists have\nconcerned themselves with it, including Thomas\nJohann Seebeck, Arthur Schopenhauer (see:\nOn Vision and Colors), Hermann von Helmholtz,\nRudolf Steiner, Ludwig Wittgenstein, Werner\nHeisenberg, Kurt Gödel, and Mitchell Feigenbaum.\nGoethe's book provides a catalogue of how\ncolour is perceived in a wide variety of circumstances,\nand considers Isaac Newton's observations\nto be special cases. Unlike Newton, Goethe's\nconcern was not so much with the analytic\ntreatment of colour, as with the qualities\nof how phenomena are perceived. Philosophers\nhave come to understand the distinction between\nthe optical spectrum, as observed by Newton,\nand the phenomenon of human colour perception\nas presented by Goethe—a subject analyzed\nat length by Wittgenstein in his comments\non Goethe's theory in Remarks on Colour.\n== Historical background ==\nAt Goethe's time, it was generally acknowledged\nthat, as Isaac Newton had shown in his Opticks\nin 1704, colourless (white) light is split\nup into its component colours when directed\nthrough a prism.\nAlong with the rest of the world I was convinced\nthat all the colours are contained in the\nlight; no one had ever told me anything different,\nand I had never found the least cause to doubt\nit, because I had no further interest in the\nsubject.\nBut how I was astonished, as I looked at a\nwhite wall through the prism, that it stayed\nwhite! That only where it came upon some darkened\narea, it showed some colour, then at last,\naround the window sill all the colours shone...\nIt didn't take long before I knew here was\nsomething significant about colour to be brought\nforth, and I spoke as through an instinct\nout loud, that the Newtonian teachings were\nfalse.\nGoethe's starting point was the supposed discovery\nof how Newton erred in the prismatic experiment,\nand by 1793 Goethe had formulated his arguments\nagainst Newton in the essay \"Über Newtons\nHypothese der diversen Refrangibilität\" (\"On\nNewton's hypothesis of diverse refrangibility\").\nYet, by 1794, Goethe had begun to increasingly\nnote the importance of the physiological aspect\nof colours.As Goethe notes in the historical\nsection, Louis Bertrand Castel had already\npublished a criticism of Newton's spectral\ndescription of prismatic colour in 1740 in\nwhich he observed that the sequence of colours\nsplit by a prism depended on the distance\nfrom the prism—and that Newton was looking\nat a special case.\"Whereas Newton observed\nthe colour spectrum cast on a wall at a fixed\ndistance away from the prism, Goethe observed\nthe cast spectrum on a white card which was\nprogressively moved away from the prism...\nAs the card was moved away, the projected\nimage elongated, gradually assuming an elliptical\nshape, and the coloured images became larger,\nfinally merging at the centre to produce green.\nMoving the card farther led to the increase\nin the size of the image, until finally the\nspectrum described by Newton in the Opticks\nwas produced... The image cast by the refracted\nbeam was not fixed, but rather developed with\nincreasing distance from the prism. Consequently,\nGoethe saw the particular distance chosen\nby Newton to prove the second proposition\nof the Opticks as capriciously imposed.\" (Alex\nKentsis, Between Light and Eye)\nThe theory we set up against this begins with\ncolourless light, and avails itself of outward\nconditions, to produce coloured phenomena;\nbut it concedes worth and dignity to these\nconditions. It does not arrogate to itself\ndeveloping colours from the light, but rather\nseeks to prove by numberless cases that colour\nis produced by light as well as by what stands\nagainst it.\nIn the preface to the Theory of Colours, Goethe\nexplained that he tried to apply the principle\nof polarity, in the work—a proposition that\nbelonged to his earliest convictions and was\nconstitutive of his entire study of nature.\n== Goethe's theory ==\nGoethe's theory of the constitution of colours\nof the spectrum has not proved to be an unsatisfactory\ntheory, rather it really isn't a theory at\nall. Nothing can be predicted with it. It\nis, rather a vague schematic outline of the\nsort we find in James's psychology. Nor is\nthere any experimentum crucis which could\ndecide for or against the theory.\nIt is hard to present Goethe's \"theory\", since\nhe refrains from setting up any actual theory;\nhe says, \"its intention is to portray rather\nthan explain\" (Scientific Studies). Instead\nof setting up models and explanations, Goethe\ncollected specimens—he was responsible for\nthe meteorological collections of Jena University.\nBy the time of his death, he had amassed over\n17,800 minerals in his personal collection—the\nlargest in all of Europe. He took the same\napproach to colour—instead of narrowing\nand isolating things to a single 'experimentum\ncrucis' (or critical experiment that would\nprove or disprove his theory), he sought to\ngain as much breadth for his understanding\nas possible by developing a wide-ranging exposition\nthrough which is revealed the essential character\nof colour—without having to resort to explanations\nand theories about perceived phenomena such\nas 'wavelengths' or 'particles'.\n\"The crux of his color theory is its experiential\nsource: rather than impose theoretical statements,\nGoethe sought to allow light and color to\nbe displayed in an ordered series of experiments\nthat readers could experience for themselves.\"\n(Seamon, 1998). According to Goethe, \"Newton's\nerror.. was trusting math over the sensations\nof his eye.\" (Jonah Lehrer, 2006).To stay\ntrue to the perception without resort to explanation\nwas the essence of Goethe's method. What he\nprovided was really not so much a theory,\nas a rational description of colour. For Goethe,\n\"the highest is to understand that all fact\nis really theory. The blue of the sky reveals\nto us the basic law of color. Search nothing\nbeyond the phenomena, they themselves are\nthe theory.\"\n[Goethe] delivered in full measure what was\npromised by the title of his excellent work:\nData for a Theory of Color. They are important,\ncomplete, and significant data, rich material\nfor a future theory of color. He has not,\nhowever, undertaken to furnish the theory\nitself; hence, as he himself remarks and admits\non page xxxix of the introduction, he has\nnot furnished us with a real explanation of\nthe essential nature of color, but really\npostulates it as a phenomenon, and merely\ntells us how it originates, not what it is.\nThe physiological colors ... he represents\nas a phenomenon, complete and existing by\nitself, without even attempting to show their\nrelation to the physical colors, his principal\ntheme. ... it is really a systematic presentation\nof facts, but it stops short at this.\nGoethe outlines his method in the essay, The\nexperiment as mediator between subject and\nobject (1772). It underscores his experiential\nstandpoint. \"The human being himself, to the\nextent that he makes sound use of his senses,\nis the most exact physical apparatus that\ncan exist.\" (Goethe, Scientific Studies)\nI believe that what Goethe was really seeking\nwas not a physiological but a psychological\ntheory of colours.\n=== Light and darkness ===\nUnlike his contemporaries, Goethe didn't see\ndarkness as an absence of light, but rather\nas polar to and interacting with light; colour\nresulted from this interaction of light and\nshadow. For Goethe, light is \"the simplest\nmost undivided most homogeneous being that\nwe know. Confronting it is the darkness\" (Letter\nto Jacobi).\n...they maintained that shade is a part of\nlight. It sounds absurd when I express it;\nbut so it is: for they said that colours,\nwhich are shadow and the result of shade,\nare light itself.\nBased on his experiments with turbid media,\nGoethe characterized colour as arising from\nthe dynamic interplay of darkness and light.\nRudolf Steiner, the science editor for the\nKurschner edition of Goethe's works, gave\nthe following analogy:\nModern natural science sees darkness as a\ncomplete nothingness. According to this view,\nthe light which streams into a dark space\nhas no resistance from the darkness to overcome.\nGoethe pictures to himself that light and\ndarkness relate to each other like the north\nand south pole of a magnet. The darkness can\nweaken the light in its working power. Conversely,\nthe light can limit the energy of the darkness.\nIn both cases color arises.\nGoethe expresses this more succinctly:\nYellow is a light which has been dampened\nby darkness; Blue is a darkness weakened by\nlight.\n=== Experiments with turbid media ===\nThe action of turbid media was to Goethe the\nultimate fact—the Urphänomen—of the world\nof colours.\nGoethe's studies of colour began with experiments\nwhich examined the effects of turbid media,\nsuch as air, dust, and moisture on the perception\nof light and dark. The poet observed that\nlight seen through a turbid medium appears\nyellow, and darkness seen through an illuminated\nmedium appears blue.\nThe highest degree of light, such as that\nof the sun... is for the most part colourless.\nThis light, however, seen through a medium\nbut very slightly thickened, appears to us\nyellow. If the density of such a medium be\nincreased, or if its volume become greater,\nwe shall see the light gradually assume a\nyellow-red hue, which at last deepens to a\nruby colour.\nIf on the other hand darkness is seen through\na semi-transparent medium, which is itself\nillumined by a light striking on it, a blue\ncolour appears: this becomes lighter and paler\nas the density of the medium is increased,\nbut on the contrary appears darker and deeper\nthe more transparent the medium becomes: in\nthe least degree of dimness short of absolute\ntransparence, always supposing a perfectly\ncolourless medium, this deep blue approaches\nthe most beautiful violet.\nHe then proceeds with numerous experiments,\nsystematically observing the effects of rarefied\nmediums such as dust, air, and moisture on\nthe perception of colour.\n=== Boundary conditions ===\nWhen viewed through a prism, the orientation\nof a light–dark boundary with respect to\nthe prism's axis is significant. With white\nabove a dark boundary, we observe the light\nextending a blue-violet edge into the dark\narea; whereas dark above a light boundary\nresults in a red-yellow edge extending into\nthe light area.\nGoethe was intrigued by this difference. He\nfelt that this arising of colour at light–dark\nboundaries was fundamental to the creation\nof the spectrum (which he considered to be\na compound phenomenon).\nVarying the experimental conditions by using\ndifferent shades of grey shows that the intensity\nof coloured edges increases with boundary\ncontrast.\n=== Light and dark spectra ===\nSince the colour phenomenon relies on the\nadjacency of light and dark, there are two\nways to produce a spectrum: with a light beam\nin a dark room, and with a dark beam (i.e.,\na shadow) in a light room.\nGoethe recorded the sequence of colours projected\nat various distances from a prism for both\ncases (see Plate IV, Theory of Colours). In\nboth cases, he found that the yellow and blue\nedges remain closest to the side which is\nlight, and red and violet edges remain closest\nto the side which is dark. At a certain distance,\nthese edges overlap—and we obtain Newton's\nspectrum. When these edges overlap in a light\nspectrum, green results; when they overlap\nin a dark spectrum, magenta results.\nWith a light spectrum (i.e. a shaft of light\nin a surrounding darkness), we find yellow-red\ncolours along the top edge, and blue-violet\ncolours along the bottom edge. The spectrum\nwith green in the middle arises only where\nthe blue-violet edges overlap the yellow-red\nedges. Unfortunately an optical mixture of\nblue and yellow gives white, not green, and\nso Goethe's explanation of Newton's spectrum\nfails.With a dark spectrum (i.e., a shadow\nsurrounded by light), we find violet-blue\nalong the top edge, and red-yellow along the\nbottom edge—and where these edges overlap,\nwe find (extraspectral) magenta.\n== Goethe's colour wheel ==\nWhen the eye sees a colour it is immediately\nexcited and it is its nature, spontaneously\nand of necessity, at once to produce another,\nwhich with the original colour, comprehends\nthe whole chromatic scale.\nGoethe anticipated Ewald Hering's Opponent\nprocess theory by proposing a symmetric colour\nwheel. He writes, \"The chromatic circle...\n[is] arranged in a general way according to\nthe natural order... for the colours diametrically\nopposed to each other in this diagram are\nthose which reciprocally evoke each other\nin the eye. Thus, yellow demands violet; orange\n[demands] blue; purple [demands] green; and\nvice versa: thus... all intermediate gradations\nreciprocally evoke each other; the simpler\ncolour demanding the compound, and vice versa\n( paragraph #50).\nIn the same way that light and dark spectra\nyielded green from the mixture of blue and\nyellow—Goethe completed his colour wheel\nby recognising the importance of magenta—\"For\nNewton, only spectral colors could count as\nfundamental. By contrast, Goethe's more empirical\napproach led him to recognize the essential\nrole of magenta in a complete color circle,\na role that it still has in all modern color\nsystems.\"\n=== \nComplementary colours and colours psychology\n===\nGoethe also included aesthetic qualities in\nhis colour wheel, under the title of \"allegorical,\nsymbolic, mystic use of colour\" (Allegorischer,\nsymbolischer, mystischer Gebrauch der Farbe),\nestablishing a kind of color psychology.\nHe associated red with the \"beautiful\", orange\nwith the \"noble\", yellow to the \"good\", green\nto the \"useful\", blue to the \"common\", and\nviolet to the \"unnecessary\".\nThese six qualities were assigned to four\ncategories of human cognition, the rational\n(Vernunft) to the beautiful and the noble\n(red and orange), the intellectual (Verstand)\nto the good and the useful (yellow and green),\nthe sensual (Sinnlichkeit) to the useful and\nthe common (green and blue) and, closing the\ncircle, imagination (Phantasie) to both the\nunnecessary and the beautiful (purple and\nred).\n==== Notes on translation ====\nMagenta appeared as a colour term only in\nthe mid-nineteenth century, after Goethe.\nHence, references to Goethe's recognition\nof magenta are fraught with interpretation.\nIf one observes the colours coming out of\na prism—an English person may be more inclined\nto describe as magenta what in German is called\nPurpur—so one may not lose the intention\nof the author.\nHowever, literal translation is more difficult.\nGoethe's work uses two composite words for\nmixed (intermediate) hues along with corresponding\nusual colour terms such as \"orange\" and \"violet\".\nIt is not clear how Goethe's Rot, Purpur (explicitly\nnamed as the complementary to green), and\nSchön (one of the six colour sectors) are\nrelated between themselves and to the red\ntip of the visible spectrum. The text about\ninterference from the \"physical\" chapter does\nnot consider Rot and Purpur synonymous. Also,\nPurpur is certainly distinct from Blaurot,\nbecause Purpur is named as a colour which\nlies somewhere between Blaurot and Gelbrot\n(, paragraph 476), although possibly not adjacent\nto the latter. This article uses the English\ntranslations from the above table.\n== Newton and Goethe ==\n\"The essential difference between Goethe’s\ntheory of colour and the theory which has\nprevailed in science (despite all modifications)\nsince Newton’s day, lies in this: While\nthe theory of Newton and his successors was\nbased on excluding the colour-seeing faculty\nof the eye, Goethe founded his theory on the\neye’s experience of colour.\"\"The renouncing\nof life and immediacy, which was the premise\nfor the progress of natural science since\nNewton, formed the real basis for the bitter\nstruggle which Goethe waged against the physical\noptics of Newton. It would be superficial\nto dismiss this struggle as unimportant: there\nis much significance in one of the most outstanding\nmen directing all his efforts to fighting\nagainst the development of Newtonian optics.\"\n(Werner Heisenberg, during a speech celebrating\nGoethe's birthday)Due to their different approaches\nto a common subject, many misunderstandings\nhave arisen between Newton's mathematical\nunderstanding of optics, and Goethe's experiential\napproach.Because Newton understands white\nlight to be composed of individual colours,\nand Goethe sees colour arising from the interaction\nof light and dark, they come to different\nconclusions on the question: is the optical\nspectrum a primary or a compound phenomenon?\nFor Newton, the prism is immaterial to the\nexistence of colour, as all the colours already\nexist in white light, and the prism merely\nfans them out according to their refrangibility.\nGoethe sought to show that, as a turbid medium,\nthe prism was an integral factor in the arising\nof colour.\nWhereas Newton narrowed the beam of light\nin order to isolate the phenomenon, Goethe\nobserved that with a wider aperture, there\nwas no spectrum. He saw only reddish-yellow\nedges and blue-cyan edges with white between\nthem, and the spectrum arose only where these\nedges came close enough to overlap. For him,\nthe spectrum could be explained by the simpler\nphenomena of colour arising from the interaction\nof light and dark edges.\nNewton explains the appearance of white with\ncolored edges by saying that due to the differing\noverall amount of refraction, the rays mix\ntogether to create a full white towards the\ncentre, whereas the edges do not benefit from\nthis full mixture and appear with greater\nred or blue components. For Newton's account\nof his experiments, see his Opticks (1704).\n=== Table of differences ===\nGoethe's reification of darkness is rejected\nby modern physics. Both Newton and Huygens\ndefined darkness as an absence of light. Young\nand Fresnel combined Newton's particle theory\nwith Huygen's wave theory to show that colour\nis the visible manifestation of light's wavelength.\nPhysicists today attribute both a corpuscular\nand undulatory character to light—comprising\nthe wave–particle duality.\n== History and influence ==\nThe first edition of the Farbenlehre was printed\nat the Cotta’schen Verlagsbuchhandlung on\nMay 16, 1810, with 250 copies on grey paper\nand 500 copies on white paper. It contained\nthree sections: i) a didactic section in which\nGoethe presents his own observations, ii)\na polemic section in which he makes his case\nagainst Newton, and iii) a historical section.\nFrom its publication, the book was controversial\nfor its stance against Newton. So much so,\nthat when Charles Eastlake translated the\ntext into English in 1840, he omitted the\ncontent of Goethe's polemic against Newton.\nSignificantly (and regrettably), only the\n'Didactic' colour observations appear in Eastlake's\ntranslation. In his preface, Eastlake explains\nthat he deleted the historical and entoptic\nparts of the book because they 'lacked scientific\ninterest', and censored Goethe's polemic because\nthe 'violence of his objections' against Newton\nwould prevent readers from fairly judging\nGoethe's color observations.\n=== Influence on the arts ===\nGoethe was initially induced to occupy himself\nwith the study of colour by the questions\nof hue in painting. \"During his first journey\nto Italy (1786–88), he noticed that artists\nwere able to enunciate rules for virtually\nall the elements of painting and drawing except\ncolor and coloring. In the years 1786–88,\nGoethe began investigating whether one could\nascertain rules to govern the artistic use\nof color.\"This aim came to some fulfillment\nwhen several pictorial artists, above all\nPhilipp Otto Runge, took an interest in his\ncolour studies. After being translated into\nEnglish by Charles Eastlake in 1840, the theory\nbecame widely adopted by the art world—especially\namong the Pre-Raphaelites. J. M. W. Turner\nstudied it comprehensively and referenced\nit in the titles of several paintings. Wassily\nKandinsky considered it \"one of the most important\nworks.\"\n=== \nInfluence on Latin American flags ===\nDuring a party in Weimar in the winter of\n1785, Goethe had a late-night conversation\nwith the South American revolutionary Francisco\nde Miranda. In a letter written to Count Semyon\nRomanovich Vorontsov (1792), Miranda recounted\nhow Goethe, fascinated with his exploits throughout\nthe Americas and Europe, told him, \"Your destiny\nis to create in your land a place where primary\ncolours are not distorted.” He proceeded\nto clarify what he meant:\n=== Influence on philosophers ===\nIn the nineteenth century Goethe's Theory\nwas taken up by Schopenhauer in On Vision\nand Colors, who developed it into a kind of\narithmetical physiology of the action of the\nretina, much in keeping with his own representative\nrealism.\nIn the twentieth century the theory was transmitted\nto philosophy via Wittgenstein, who devoted\na series of remarks to the subject at the\nend of his life. These remarks are collected\nas Remarks on Colour, (Wittgenstein, 1977).\nSomeone who agrees with Goethe finds that\nGoethe correctly recognized the nature of\ncolour. And here ‘nature’ does not mean\na sum of experiences with respect to colours,\nbut it is to be found in the concept of colour.\nWittgenstein was interested in the fact that\nsome propositions about colour are apparently\nneither empirical nor exactly a priori, but\nsomething in between: phenomenology, according\nto Goethe. However, Wittgenstein took the\nline that 'There is no such thing as phenomenology,\nthough there are phenomenological problems.'\nHe was content to regard Goethe's observations\nas a kind of logic or geometry. Wittgenstein\ntook his examples from the Runge letter included\nin the \"Farbenlehre\", e.g. \"White is the lightest\ncolour\", \"There cannot be a transparent white\",\n\"There cannot be a reddish green\", and so\non. The logical status of these propositions\nin Wittgenstein's investigation, including\ntheir relation to physics, has been discussed\nin Jonathan Westphal's Colour: a Philosophical\nIntroduction (Westphal, 1991).\n=== Reception by scientists ===\nAs early as 1853, in Hermann von Helmholtz's\nlecture on Goethe's scientific works—he\nsays of Goethe's work that he depicts the\nperceived phenomena—\"circumstantially, rigorously\ntrue to nature, and vividly puts them in an\norder that is pleasant to survey, and proves\nhimself here, as everywhere in the realm of\nthe factual, to be the great master of exposition\"\n(Helmholtz 1853). Helmholtz ultimately rejects\nGoethe's theory as the work of a poet, but\nexpresses his perplexity at how they can be\nin such agreement about the facts of the matter,\nbut in violent contradiction about their meaning—'And\nI for one do not know how anyone, regardless\nof what his views about colours are, can deny\nthat the theory in itself is fully consequent,\nthat its assumptions, once granted, explain\nthe facts treated completely and indeed simply'.\n(Helmholtz 1853)Although the accuracy of Goethe's\nobservations does not admit a great deal of\ncriticism, his aesthetic approach did not\nlend itself to the demands of analytic and\nmathematical analysis used ubiquitously in\nmodern Science. Thomas Johann Seebeck was\nthe only prominent scientist among Goethe's\ncontemporaries who acknowledged the theory,\nbut later also saw it critically.\nGoethe's colour theory has in many ways borne\nfruit in art, physiology and aesthetics. But\nvictory, and hence influence on the research\nof the following century, has been Newton's.\n\"One hole Goethe did find in Newton's armour,\nthrough which he incessantly worried the Englishman\nwith his lance. Newton had committed himself\nto the doctrine that refraction without colour\nwas impossible. He therefore thought that\nthe object-glasses of telescopes must for\never remain imperfect, achromatism and refraction\nbeing incompatible. This inference was proved\nby Dollond to be wrong... Here, as elsewhere,\nGoethe proves himself master of the experimental\nconditions. It is the power of interpretation\nthat he lacks.\"\nMuch controversy stems from two different\nways of investigating light and colour. Goethe\nwas not interested in Newton's analytic treatment\nof colour—but he presented an excellent\nrational description of the phenomenon of\nhuman colour perception. It is as such a collection\nof colour observations that we must view this\nbook.\nMost of Goethe's explanations of color have\nbeen thoroughly demolished, but no criticism\nhas been leveled at his reports of the facts\nto be observed; nor should any be. This book\ncan lead the reader through a demonstration\ncourse not only in subjectively produced colors\n(after images, light and dark adaptation,\nirradiation, colored shadows, and pressure\nphosphenes), but also in physical phenomena\ndetectable qualitatively by observation of\ncolor (absorption, scattering, refraction,\ndiffraction, polarization, and interference).\nA reader who attempts to follow the logic\nof Goethe's explanations and who attempts\nto compare them with the currently accepted\nviews might, even with the advantage of 1970\nsophistication, become convinced that Goethe's\ntheory, or at least a part of it, has been\ndismissed too quickly.\nMitchell Feigenbaum came to believe that \"Goethe\nhad been right about colour!\"\nAs Feigenbaum understood them, Goethe's ideas\nhad true science in them. They were hard and\nempirical. Over and over again, Goethe emphasized\nthe repeatability of his experiments. It was\nthe perception of colour, to Goethe, that\nwas universal and objective. What scientific\nevidence was there for a definable real-world\nquality of redness independent of our perception?\n=== Current status ===\n\"Newton believed that with the help of his\nprism experiments, he could prove that sunlight\nwas composed of variously coloured rays of\nlight. Goethe showed that this step from observation\nto theory is more problematic than Newton\nwanted to admit. By insisting that the step\nto theory is not forced upon us by the phenomena,\nGoethe revealed our own free, creative contribution\nto theory construction. And Goethe's insight\nis surprisingly significant, because he correctly\nclaimed that all of the results of Newton's\nprism experiments fit a theoretical alternative\nequally well.. a century before Duhem and\nQuine's famous arguments for Underdetermination.\"\"Goethe’s\ncritique of Newton was not an attack on reason\nor science, though it has often been portrayed\nthat way.. The critique maintained that Newton\nhad mistaken mathematical imagining as the\npure evidence of the senses.. Goethe tried\nto define the scientific function of imagination:\nto interrelate phenomena once they have been\nmeticulously produced, described, and organized...\nNewton had introduced dogma.. into color science\nby claiming that color could be reduced to\na function of rays.\" (Dennis L. Sepper, 2009)\nGoethe started out by accepting Newton's physical\ntheory. He soon abandoned it... finding modification\nto be more in keeping with his own insights.\nOne beneficial consequence of this was that\nhe developed an awareness of the importance\nof the physiological aspect of colour perception,\nand was therefore able to demonstrate that\nNewton's theory of light and colours is too\nsimplistic; that there is more to colour than\nvariable refrangibility.\n\"Although he soon rejected Newton’s differential\nrefrangibility, Goethe always affirmed Newtonian\nmechanics. It was not an apriori poetic prejudice\nagainst mathematical analysis but rather performing\nthe experiments that led him to reject the\ntheory... Goethe soon concluded that in order\nto explain color one needs to know not just\nabout light but also about eye function and\nrelative differences in light across the visual\nfield.\" (Sepper, 2009)As a catalogue of observations,\nGoethe's experiments probe the complexities\nof human colour perception. Whereas Newton\nsought to develop a mathematical model for\nthe behaviour of light, Goethe focused on\nexploring how colour is perceived in a wide\narray of conditions. Developments in understanding\nhow the brain interprets colours, such as\ncolour constancy and Edwin H. Land's retinex\ntheory bear striking similarities to Goethe's\ntheory.A modern treatment of the book is given\nby Dennis L. Sepper in the book, Goethe contra\nNewton: Polemics and the Project for a New\nScience of Color (Cambridge University Press,\n2003).\n== Quotations ==\n== \nSee also ==\nChecker shadow illusion (Same color illusion)\nColor theory\nOpponent process\nRomanticism in science\nTheory of painting\n== \nNotes and references ==\n== Bibliography ==\nGoethe, Theory of Colours, trans. Charles\nLock Eastlake, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1982.\nISBN 0-262-57021-1\nBockemuhl, M., Turner. Koln: Taschen, 1991.\nISBN 3-8228-6325-4.\nDuck, Michael J (1988). \"Newton and Goethe\non colour: Physical and physiological considerations\".\nAnnals of Science. 45 (5): 507–519. doi:10.1080/00033798800200361.\nGleick, James, Chaos, London: William Heinemann,\n1988. pp. 165–7\nLehrer, Jonah, Goethe and Color, Science Blogs:\nThe Frontal Cortex, 7 Dec. 2006.\nLehrs, Ernst, Man or Matter, Chapter XIV [1]\nRowe, M. W. (July 1991). \"Goethe and Wittgenstein\".\nPhilosophy. 66 (257): 283–303. JSTOR 3751682.\nRibe, Neil; Steinle, Friedrich (2002). \"Exploratory\nExperimentation: Goethe, Land, and Color Theory\".\nPhysics Today. 55 (7): 43. Bibcode:2002PhT....55g..43R.\ndoi:10.1063/1.1506750.\nRibe, Neil M (1985). \"Goethe's critique of\nNewton: A reconsideration\". Studies in History\nand Philosophy of Science Part A. 16 (4):\n315–335. doi:10.1016/0039-3681(85)90015-9.\nProskauer, The \nRediscovery of Color, Dornach: Steiner Books,\n1986.\nSchopenhauer, On Vision and Colors, Providence:\nBerg, 1994. ISBN 0-85496-988-8\nSepper, Dennis L., Goethe contra Newton: Polemics\nand the Project for a New Science of Color,\nCambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007.\nISBN 0-521-53132-2\nSepper, Dennis L., “Goethe Newton and the\nImagination of Modern Science”, Revue internationale\nde philosophie, 2009/3 (n° 249), 2009.\nSteiner, Rudolf, First Scientific Lecture-Course,\nThird Lecture, Stuttgart, 25 December 1919.\nGA320.\nSteiner, Rudolf, “Goethe's World View”,\nChapter III The Phenomena of the World of\nColors, 1897.\nBarsan, Victor; Merticariu, Andrei (2016).\n\"Goethe's theory of colors between the ancient\nphilosophy, middle ages occultism and modern\nscience\". Cogent Arts & Humanities. 3. doi:10.1080/23311983.2016.1145569.\nWestphal, Jonathan, \"Colour: a Philosophical\nIntroduction\", Aristotelian Society Series,\nVol. 7, Oxford, Blackwell, 1991 (2nd. ed.).\nWittgenstein, Remarks on Colour, Berkeley:\nUniversity of California Press, 1978. ISBN\n0-520-03727-8\n== External links ==\nTheory of Colours (in German) online pdf\nTheory of Colours (in English)\nTheory of Colours (audiobook; released June\n2014) (in English)\nPhysics Today – Exploratory Experimentation:\nGoethe, Land, and Colour Theory, 2002\nGoethe's Prismatic Experiments; Fotos by Sakae\nTajima\nLight, Darkness and Colour, a film by Henrik\nBoëtius (1998)\nConnections That Have a Quality of Necessity:\nGoethe's Way Of Science As a Phenomenology\nof Nature\nColour Mixing and Goethe's Triangle (Java\nApplet)\nTexts on Wikisource:\nJohn Tyndall, \"Goethe's Farbenlehre-(Theory\nof Colors) I\", in Popular Science Monthly,\nVol. 17, June 1880.\nJohn Tyndall, \"Goethe's Farbenlehre-(Theory\nof Colors) II\", in Popular Science Monthly,\nVol. 17, July 1880.\nBBC Radio 4 Podcast, In Our Time Science – Goethe\nand the Science of the Enlightenment (download\nfree of charge), or this link [2]\nCritical review of Goethe's Theory of Colours\nDavid Briggs on primary colours, including\na fundamental critique concerning Goethe's\nphysical observations\nA list of links relating to Goethe's investigation\nof colour\nEssay discussing color psychology and Goethe's\ntheory\nGoogle Scholar: Works citing Theory of Colours\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "WHAT IS HAPPENING HERE? WHAT IS THE HAPPENINGMENT?\nAh, ah... nothing. Nothing. I just want this flower to cook a noodle.\nOh, lady cow, I'm afraid that nonono nono nono.\nI want to give thse flowers to my lover\nI WANT A MAN THAT BREAK MY ASS\nOugh, I don't like it up my ass because feels like reverse shitting.\nWell, that's exactly why I like it\nAnd a musician, too\nThat's it!\nI'll go to the city, and I'll become the greatest musician that they have ever\nAy, no no no, I'll just give her the flowers\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "The driving desire for me in agriculture is the fact that it's really diverse. Agriculture in the United States,\nwe produce the food, fiber, fuel, and pharmaceuticals for the world\nso we we basically provide life.\nI cannot think of a single student that couldn't find a niche somewhere in agriculture.\nYou know the university has a farm so students get hands-on\nfield application of everything that they learned in the classroom and almost every single one of our classes has a lab component to it and\nthose labs then\ngive us an opportunity to give students that exposure. And then we have an equine program\nwhere students don't have to own their own horse if they want to learn how to ride a horse.\nThe University actually provides horses for them. The thing that kept me and has brought me to Southern Utah University is the\necosystems.I can load students up in the van and we can go, in 45 minutes\nwe can be on the Mojave Desert, or I can take them up to 11,000 feet elevation.\nWe can see all the different plants and vegetation in those ecosystems from a desert to alpine.\nSo that's really intriguing to me, and that's really exciting and my students seem to really like that aspect,\nthat it's all field oriented, we're out in the field\nstudying plants in their system.\nWe have work-study positions where students can actually get on hired on to the farm crew,\nwe used to keep four or five students around that help feed the livestock.\nWe have a range club and we have an agriculture club\nwhich is part of the actual Farm Bureau. They learn in the classroom, plus the club activities plus,\nthe stuff out at the farm all gets them inspired. If you're going to study in the BIS degree in Agriculture\nyou're going to be exposed to a huge, diverse, broad\nbreadth of topics- everything from soil science, to animal science,\nto crop science, to economics, to ag business, to\nmarketing, and all that. So an animal scientists could go on to get a graduate degree in animal science,\nstudy nutrition, something along those lines. Somebody that's going to do the crop science can go into\nIFA, work at the local IFA through the agronomic type of things or they can go to\nseed companies or\nfertilizer companies those kinds of things in sell retail\nproducts that way. And then we have the range science natural resources where they can get into\npublic land management, public land agencies\nthat give them an opportunity to get employment in those areas.\nSo there's there's a tremendous broad field of opportunities in agriculture\nthey are leaving our program here qualified for those jobs.\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "“My dear fellow,” said Sherlock Holmes\nas we sat on either side of the fire in his\nlodgings at Baker Street, “life is infinitely\nstranger than anything which the mind of man\ncould invent. We would not dare to conceive\nthe things which are really mere commonplaces\nof existence. If we could fly out of that\nwindow hand in hand, hover over this great\ncity, gently remove the roofs, and peep in\nat the queer things which are going on, the\nstrange coincidences, the plannings, the cross-purposes,\nthe wonderful chains of events, working through\ngenerations, and leading to the most outré\nresults, it would make all fiction with its\nconventionalities and foreseen conclusions\nmost stale and unprofitable.”\n“And yet I am not convinced of it,” I\nanswered. “The cases which come to light\nin the papers are, as a rule, bald enough,\nand vulgar enough. We have in our police reports\nrealism pushed to its extreme limits, and\nyet the result is, it must be confessed, neither\nfascinating nor artistic.”\n“A certain selection and discretion must\nbe used in producing a realistic effect,”\nremarked Holmes. “This is wanting in the\npolice report, where more stress is laid,\nperhaps, upon the platitudes of the magistrate\nthan upon the details, which to an observer\ncontain the vital essence of the whole matter.\nDepend upon it, there is nothing so unnatural\nas the commonplace.”\nI smiled and shook my head. “I can quite\nunderstand your thinking so,” I said. “Of\ncourse, in your position of unofficial adviser\nand helper to everybody who is absolutely\npuzzled, throughout three continents, you\nare brought in contact with all that is strange\nand bizarre. But here”—I picked up the\nmorning paper from the ground—“let us\nput it to a practical test. Here is the first\nheading upon which I come. ‘A husband’s\ncruelty to his wife.’ There is half a column\nof print, but I know without reading it that\nit is all perfectly familiar to me. There\nis, of course, the other woman, the drink,\nthe push, the blow, the bruise, the sympathetic\nsister or landlady. The crudest of writers\ncould invent nothing more crude.”\n“Indeed, your example is an unfortunate\none for your argument,” said Holmes, taking\nthe paper and glancing his eye down it. “This\nis the Dundas separation case, and, as it\nhappens, I was engaged in clearing up some\nsmall points in connection with it. The husband\nwas a teetotaler, there was no other woman,\nand the conduct complained of was that he\nhad drifted into the habit of winding up every\nmeal by taking out his false teeth and hurling\nthem at his wife, which, you will allow, is\nnot an action likely to occur to the imagination\nof the average story-teller. Take a pinch\nof snuff, Doctor, and acknowledge that I have\nscored over you in your example.”\nHe held out his snuffbox of old gold, with\na great amethyst in the centre of the lid.\nIts splendour was in such contrast to his\nhomely ways and simple life that I could not\nhelp commenting upon it.\n“Ah,” said he, “I forgot that I had\nnot seen you for some weeks. It is a little\nsouvenir from the King of Bohemia in return\nfor my assistance in the case of the Irene\nAdler papers.”\n“And the ring?” I asked, glancing at a\nremarkable brilliant which sparkled upon his\nfinger.\n“It was from the reigning family of Holland,\nthough the matter in which I served them was\nof such delicacy that I cannot confide it\neven to you, who have been good enough to\nchronicle one or two of my little problems.”\n“And have you any on hand just now?” I\nasked with interest.\n“Some ten or twelve, but none which present\nany feature of interest. They are important,\nyou understand, without being interesting.\nIndeed, I have found that it is usually in\nunimportant matters that there is a field\nfor the observation, and for the quick analysis\nof cause and effect which gives the charm\nto an investigation. The larger crimes are\napt to be the simpler, for the bigger the\ncrime the more obvious, as a rule, is the\nmotive. In these cases, save for one rather\nintricate matter which has been referred to\nme from Marseilles, there is nothing which\npresents any features of interest. It is possible,\nhowever, that I may have something better\nbefore very many minutes are over, for this\nis one of my clients, or I am much mistaken.”\nHe had risen from his chair and was standing\nbetween the parted blinds gazing down into\nthe dull neutral-tinted London street. Looking\nover his shoulder, I saw that on the pavement\nopposite there stood a large woman with a\nheavy fur boa round her neck, and a large\ncurling red feather in a broad-brimmed hat\nwhich was tilted in a coquettish Duchess of\nDevonshire fashion over her ear. From under\nthis great panoply she peeped up in a nervous,\nhesitating fashion at our windows, while her\nbody oscillated backward and forward, and\nher fingers fidgeted with her glove buttons.\nSuddenly, with a plunge, as of the swimmer\nwho leaves the bank, she hurried across the\nroad, and we heard the sharp clang of the\nbell.\n“I have seen those symptoms before,” said\nHolmes, throwing his cigarette into the fire.\n“Oscillation upon the pavement always means\nan affaire de coeur. She would like advice,\nbut is not sure that the matter is not too\ndelicate for communication. And yet even here\nwe may discriminate. When a woman has been\nseriously wronged by a man she no longer oscillates,\nand the usual symptom is a broken bell wire.\nHere we may take it that there is a love matter,\nbut that the maiden is not so much angry as\nperplexed, or grieved. But here she comes\nin person to resolve our doubts.”\nAs he spoke there was a tap at the door, and\nthe boy in buttons entered to announce Miss\nMary Sutherland, while the lady herself loomed\nbehind his small black figure like a full-sailed\nmerchant-man behind a tiny pilot boat. Sherlock\nHolmes welcomed her with the easy courtesy\nfor which he was remarkable, and, having closed\nthe door and bowed her into an armchair, he\nlooked her over in the minute and yet abstracted\nfashion which was peculiar to him.\n“Do you not find,” he said, “that with\nyour short sight it is a little trying to\ndo so much typewriting?”\n“I did at first,” she answered, “but\nnow I know where the letters are without looking.”\nThen, suddenly realising the full purport\nof his words, she gave a violent start and\nlooked up, with fear and astonishment upon\nher broad, good-humoured face. “You’ve\nheard about me, Mr. Holmes,” she cried,\n“else how could you know all that?”\n“Never mind,” said Holmes, laughing; “it\nis my business to know things. Perhaps I have\ntrained myself to see what others overlook.\nIf not, why should you come to consult me?”\n“I came to you, sir, because I heard of\nyou from Mrs. Etherege, whose husband you\nfound so easy when the police and everyone\nhad given him up for dead. Oh, Mr. Holmes,\nI wish you would do as much for me. I’m\nnot rich, but still I have a hundred a year\nin my own right, besides the little that I\nmake by the machine, and I would give it all\nto know what has become of Mr. Hosmer Angel.”\n“Why did you come away to consult me in\nsuch a hurry?” asked Sherlock Holmes, with\nhis finger-tips together and his eyes to the\nceiling.\nAgain a startled look came over the somewhat\nvacuous face of Miss Mary Sutherland. “Yes,\nI did bang out of the house,” she said,\n“for it made me angry to see the easy way\nin which Mr. Windibank—that is, my father—took\nit all. He would not go to the police, and\nhe would not go to you, and so at last, as\nhe would do nothing and kept on saying that\nthere was no harm done, it made me mad, and\nI just on with my things and came right away\nto you.”\n“Your father,” said Holmes, “your stepfather,\nsurely, since the name is different.”\n“Yes, my stepfather. I call him father,\nthough it sounds funny, too, for he is only\nfive years and two months older than myself.”\n“And your mother is alive?”\n“Oh, yes, mother is alive and well. I wasn’t\nbest pleased, Mr. Holmes, when she married\nagain so soon after father’s death, and\na man who was nearly fifteen years younger\nthan herself. Father was a plumber in the\nTottenham Court Road, and he left a tidy business\nbehind him, which mother carried on with Mr.\nHardy, the foreman; but when Mr. Windibank\ncame he made her sell the business, for he\nwas very superior, being a traveller in wines.\nThey got £4700 for the goodwill and interest,\nwhich wasn’t near as much as father could\nhave got if he had been alive.”\nI had expected to see Sherlock Holmes impatient\nunder this rambling and inconsequential narrative,\nbut, on the contrary, he had listened with\nthe greatest concentration of attention.\n“Your own little income,” he asked, “does\nit come out of the business?”\n“Oh, no, sir. It is quite separate and was\nleft me by my uncle Ned in Auckland. It is\nin New Zealand stock, paying 4½ per cent.\nTwo thousand five hundred pounds was the amount,\nbut I can only touch the interest.”\n“You interest me extremely,” said Holmes.\n“And since you draw so large a sum as a\nhundred a year, with what you earn into the\nbargain, you no doubt travel a little and\nindulge yourself in every way. I believe that\na single lady can get on very nicely upon\nan income of about £60.”\n“I could do with much less than that, Mr.\nHolmes, but you understand that as long as\nI live at home I don’t wish to be a burden\nto them, and so they have the use of the money\njust while I am staying with them. Of course,\nthat is only just for the time. Mr. Windibank\ndraws my interest every quarter and pays it\nover to mother, and I find that I can do pretty\nwell with what I earn at typewriting. It brings\nme twopence a sheet, and I can often do from\nfifteen to twenty sheets in a day.”\n“You have made your position very clear\nto me,” said Holmes. “This is my friend,\nDr. Watson, before whom you can speak as freely\nas before myself. Kindly tell us now all about\nyour connection with Mr. Hosmer Angel.”\nA flush stole over Miss Sutherland’s face,\nand she picked nervously at the fringe of\nher jacket. “I met him first at the gasfitters’\nball,” she said. “They used to send father\ntickets when he was alive, and then afterwards\nthey remembered us, and sent them to mother.\nMr. Windibank did not wish us to go. He never\ndid wish us to go anywhere. He would get quite\nmad if I wanted so much as to join a Sunday-school\ntreat. But this time I was set on going, and\nI would go; for what right had he to prevent?\nHe said the folk were not fit for us to know,\nwhen all father’s friends were to be there.\nAnd he said that I had nothing fit to wear,\nwhen I had my purple plush that I had never\nso much as taken out of the drawer. At last,\nwhen nothing else would do, he went off to\nFrance upon the business of the firm, but\nwe went, mother and I, with Mr. Hardy, who\nused to be our foreman, and it was there I\nmet Mr. Hosmer Angel.”\n“I suppose,” said Holmes, “that when\nMr. Windibank came back from France he was\nvery annoyed at your having gone to the ball.”\n“Oh, well, he was very good about it. He\nlaughed, I remember, and shrugged his shoulders,\nand said there was no use denying anything\nto a woman, for she would have her way.”\n“I see. Then at the gasfitters’ ball you\nmet, as I understand, a gentleman called Mr.\nHosmer Angel.”\n“Yes, sir. I met him that night, and he\ncalled next day to ask if we had got home\nall safe, and after that we met him—that\nis to say, Mr. Holmes, I met him twice for\nwalks, but after that father came back again,\nand Mr. Hosmer Angel could not come to the\nhouse any more.”\n“No?”\n“Well, you know father didn’t like anything\nof the sort. He wouldn’t have any visitors\nif he could help it, and he used to say that\na woman should be happy in her own family\ncircle. But then, as I used to say to mother,\na woman wants her own circle to begin with,\nand I had not got mine yet.”\n“But how about Mr. Hosmer Angel? Did he\nmake no attempt to see you?”\n“Well, father was going off to France again\nin a week, and Hosmer wrote and said that\nit would be safer and better not to see each\nother until he had gone. We could write in\nthe meantime, and he used to write every day.\nI took the letters in in the morning, so there\nwas no need for father to know.”\n“Were you engaged to the gentleman at this\ntime?”\n“Oh, yes, Mr. Holmes. We were engaged after\nthe first walk that we took. Hosmer—Mr.\nAngel—was a cashier in an office in Leadenhall\nStreet—and—”\n“What office?”\n“That’s the worst of it, Mr. Holmes, I\ndon’t know.”\n“Where did he live, then?”\n“He slept on the premises.”\n“And you don’t know his address?”\n“No—except that it was Leadenhall Street.”\n“Where did you address your letters, then?”\n“To the Leadenhall Street Post Office, to\nbe left till called for. He said that if they\nwere sent to the office he would be chaffed\nby all the other clerks about having letters\nfrom a lady, so I offered to typewrite them,\nlike he did his, but he wouldn’t have that,\nfor he said that when I wrote them they seemed\nto come from me, but when they were typewritten\nhe always felt that the machine had come between\nus. That will just show you how fond he was\nof me, Mr. Holmes, and the little things that\nhe would think of.”\n“It was most suggestive,” said Holmes.\n“It has long been an axiom of mine that\nthe little things are infinitely the most\nimportant. Can you remember any other little\nthings about Mr. Hosmer Angel?”\n“He was a very shy man, Mr. Holmes. He would\nrather walk with me in the evening than in\nthe daylight, for he said that he hated to\nbe conspicuous. Very retiring and gentlemanly\nhe was. Even his voice was gentle. He’d\nhad the quinsy and swollen glands when he\nwas young, he told me, and it had left him\nwith a weak throat, and a hesitating, whispering\nfashion of speech. He was always well dressed,\nvery neat and plain, but his eyes were weak,\njust as mine are, and he wore tinted glasses\nagainst the glare.”\n“Well, and what happened when Mr. Windibank,\nyour stepfather, returned to France?”\n“Mr. Hosmer Angel came to the house again\nand proposed that we should marry before father\ncame back. He was in dreadful earnest and\nmade me swear, with my hands on the Testament,\nthat whatever happened I would always be true\nto him. Mother said he was quite right to\nmake me swear, and that it was a sign of his\npassion. Mother was all in his favour from\nthe first and was even fonder of him than\nI was. Then, when they talked of marrying\nwithin the week, I began to ask about father;\nbut they both said never to mind about father,\nbut just to tell him afterwards, and mother\nsaid she would make it all right with him.\nI didn’t quite like that, Mr. Holmes. It\nseemed funny that I should ask his leave,\nas he was only a few years older than me;\nbut I didn’t want to do anything on the\nsly, so I wrote to father at Bordeaux, where\nthe company has its French offices, but the\nletter came back to me on the very morning\nof the wedding.”\n“It missed him, then?”\n“Yes, sir; for he had started to England\njust before it arrived.”\n“Ha! that was unfortunate. Your wedding\nwas arranged, then, for the Friday. Was it\nto be in church?”\n“Yes, sir, but very quietly. It was to be\nat St. Saviour’s, near King’s Cross, and\nwe were to have breakfast afterwards at the\nSt. Pancras Hotel. Hosmer came for us in a\nhansom, but as there were two of us he put\nus both into it and stepped himself into a\nfour-wheeler, which happened to be the only\nother cab in the street. We got to the church\nfirst, and when the four-wheeler drove up\nwe waited for him to step out, but he never\ndid, and when the cabman got down from the\nbox and looked there was no one there! The\ncabman said that he could not imagine what\nhad become of him, for he had seen him get\nin with his own eyes. That was last Friday,\nMr. Holmes, and I have never seen or heard\nanything since then to throw any light upon\nwhat became of him.”\n“It seems to me that you have been very\nshamefully treated,” said Holmes.\n“Oh, no, sir! He was too good and kind to\nleave me so. Why, all the morning he was saying\nto me that, whatever happened, I was to be\ntrue; and that even if something quite unforeseen\noccurred to separate us, I was always to remember\nthat I was pledged to him, and that he would\nclaim his pledge sooner or later. It seemed\nstrange talk for a wedding-morning, but what\nhas happened since gives a meaning to it.”\n“Most certainly it does. Your own opinion\nis, then, that some unforeseen catastrophe\nhas occurred to him?”\n“Yes, sir. I believe that he foresaw some\ndanger, or else he would not have talked so.\nAnd then I think that what he foresaw happened.”\n“But you have no notion as to what it could\nhave been?”\n“None.”\n“One more question. How did your mother\ntake the matter?”\n“She was angry, and said that I was never\nto speak of the matter again.”\n“And your father? Did you tell him?”\n“Yes; and he seemed to think, with me, that\nsomething had happened, and that I should\nhear of Hosmer again. As he said, what interest\ncould anyone have in bringing me to the doors\nof the church, and then leaving me? Now, if\nhe had borrowed my money, or if he had married\nme and got my money settled on him, there\nmight be some reason, but Hosmer was very\nindependent about money and never would look\nat a shilling of mine. And yet, what could\nhave happened? And why could he not write?\nOh, it drives me half-mad to think of it,\nand I can’t sleep a wink at night.” She\npulled a little handkerchief out of her muff\nand began to sob heavily into it.\n“I shall glance into the case for you,”\nsaid Holmes, rising, “and I have no doubt\nthat we shall reach some definite result.\nLet the weight of the matter rest upon me\nnow, and do not let your mind dwell upon it\nfurther. Above all, try to let Mr. Hosmer\nAngel vanish from your memory, as he has done\nfrom your life.”\n“Then you don’t think I’ll see him again?”\n“I fear not.”\n“Then what has happened to him?”\n“You will leave that question in my hands.\nI should like an accurate description of him\nand any letters of his which you can spare.”\n“I advertised for him in last Saturday’s\nChronicle,” said she. “Here is the slip\nand here are four letters from him.”\n“Thank you. And your address?”\n“No. 31 Lyon Place, Camberwell.”\n“Mr. Angel’s address you never had, I\nunderstand. Where is your father’s place\nof business?”\n“He travels for Westhouse & Marbank, the\ngreat claret importers of Fenchurch Street.”\n“Thank you. You have made your statement\nvery clearly. You will leave the papers here,\nand remember the advice which I have given\nyou. Let the whole incident be a sealed book,\nand do not allow it to affect your life.”\n“You are very kind, Mr. Holmes, but I cannot\ndo that. I shall be true to Hosmer. He shall\nfind me ready when he comes back.”\nFor all the preposterous hat and the vacuous\nface, there was something noble in the simple\nfaith of our visitor which compelled our respect.\nShe laid her little bundle of papers upon\nthe table and went her way, with a promise\nto come again whenever she might be summoned.\nSherlock Holmes sat silent for a few minutes\nwith his fingertips still pressed together,\nhis legs stretched out in front of him, and\nhis gaze directed upward to the ceiling. Then\nhe took down from the rack the old and oily\nclay pipe, which was to him as a counsellor,\nand, having lit it, he leaned back in his\nchair, with the thick blue cloud-wreaths spinning\nup from him, and a look of infinite languor\nin his face.\n“Quite an interesting study, that maiden,”\nhe observed. “I found her more interesting\nthan her little problem, which, by the way,\nis rather a trite one. You will find parallel\ncases, if you consult my index, in Andover\nin ’77, and there was something of the sort\nat The Hague last year. Old as is the idea,\nhowever, there were one or two details which\nwere new to me. But the maiden herself was\nmost instructive.”\n“You appeared to read a good deal upon her\nwhich was quite invisible to me,” I remarked.\n“Not invisible but unnoticed, Watson. You\ndid not know where to look, and so you missed\nall that was important. I can never bring\nyou to realise the importance of sleeves,\nthe suggestiveness of thumb-nails, or the\ngreat issues that may hang from a boot-lace.\nNow, what did you gather from that woman’s\nappearance? Describe it.”\n“Well, she had a slate-coloured, broad-brimmed\nstraw hat, with a feather of a brickish red.\nHer jacket was black, with black beads sewn\nupon it, and a fringe of little black jet\nornaments. Her dress was brown, rather darker\nthan coffee colour, with a little purple plush\nat the neck and sleeves. Her gloves were greyish\nand were worn through at the right forefinger.\nHer boots I didn’t observe. She had small\nround, hanging gold earrings, and a general\nair of being fairly well-to-do in a vulgar,\ncomfortable, easy-going way.”\nSherlock Holmes clapped his hands softly together\nand chuckled.\n“ ’Pon my word, Watson, you are coming\nalong wonderfully. You have really done very\nwell indeed. It is true that you have missed\neverything of importance, but you have hit\nupon the method, and you have a quick eye\nfor colour. Never trust to general impressions,\nmy boy, but concentrate yourself upon details.\nMy first glance is always at a woman’s sleeve.\nIn a man it is perhaps better first to take\nthe knee of the trouser. As you observe, this\nwoman had plush upon her sleeves, which is\na most useful material for showing traces.\nThe double line a little above the wrist,\nwhere the typewritist presses against the\ntable, was beautifully defined. The sewing-machine,\nof the hand type, leaves a similar mark, but\nonly on the left arm, and on the side of it\nfarthest from the thumb, instead of being\nright across the broadest part, as this was.\nI then glanced at her face, and, observing\nthe dint of a pince-nez at either side of\nher nose, I ventured a remark upon short sight\nand typewriting, which seemed to surprise\nher.”\n“It surprised me.”\n“But, surely, it was obvious. I was then\nmuch surprised and interested on glancing\ndown to observe that, though the boots which\nshe was wearing were not unlike each other,\nthey were really odd ones; the one having\na slightly decorated toe-cap, and the other\na plain one. One was buttoned only in the\ntwo lower buttons out of five, and the other\nat the first, third, and fifth. Now, when\nyou see that a young lady, otherwise neatly\ndressed, has come away from home with odd\nboots, half-buttoned, it is no great deduction\nto say that she came away in a hurry.”\n“And what else?” I asked, keenly interested,\nas I always was, by my friend’s incisive\nreasoning.\n“I noted, in passing, that she had written\na note before leaving home but after being\nfully dressed. You observed that her right\nglove was torn at the forefinger, but you\ndid not apparently see that both glove and\nfinger were stained with violet ink. She had\nwritten in a hurry and dipped her pen too\ndeep. It must have been this morning, or the\nmark would not remain clear upon the finger.\nAll this is amusing, though rather elementary,\nbut I must go back to business, Watson. Would\nyou mind reading me the advertised description\nof Mr. Hosmer Angel?”\nI held the little printed slip to the light.\n“Missing,” it said, “on the morning\nof the fourteenth, a gentleman named Hosmer\nAngel. About five ft. seven in. in height;\nstrongly built, sallow complexion, black hair,\na little bald in the centre, bushy, black\nside-whiskers and moustache; tinted glasses,\nslight infirmity of speech. Was dressed, when\nlast seen, in black frock-coat faced with\nsilk, black waistcoat, gold Albert chain,\nand grey Harris tweed trousers, with brown\ngaiters over elastic-sided boots. Known to\nhave been employed in an office in Leadenhall\nStreet. Anybody bringing—”\n“That will do,” said Holmes. “As to\nthe letters,” he continued, glancing over\nthem, “they are very commonplace. Absolutely\nno clue in them to Mr. Angel, save that he\nquotes Balzac once. There is one remarkable\npoint, however, which will no doubt strike\nyou.”\n“They are typewritten,” I remarked.\n“Not only that, but the signature is typewritten.\nLook at the neat little ‘Hosmer Angel’\nat the bottom. There is a date, you see, but\nno superscription except Leadenhall Street,\nwhich is rather vague. The point about the\nsignature is very suggestive—in fact, we\nmay call it conclusive.”\n“Of what?”\n“My dear fellow, is it possible you do not\nsee how strongly it bears upon the case?”\n“I cannot say that I do unless it were that\nhe wished to be able to deny his signature\nif an action for breach of promise were instituted.”\n“No, that was not the point. However, I\nshall write two letters, which should settle\nthe matter. One is to a firm in the City,\nthe other is to the young lady’s stepfather,\nMr. Windibank, asking him whether he could\nmeet us here at six o’clock to-morrow evening.\nIt is just as well that we should do business\nwith the male relatives. And now, Doctor,\nwe can do nothing until the answers to those\nletters come, so we may put our little problem\nupon the shelf for the interim.”\nI had had so many reasons to believe in my\nfriend’s subtle powers of reasoning and\nextraordinary energy in action that I felt\nthat he must have some solid grounds for the\nassured and easy demeanour with which he treated\nthe singular mystery which he had been called\nupon to fathom. Once only had I known him\nto fail, in the case of the King of Bohemia\nand of the Irene Adler photograph; but when\nI looked back to the weird business of the\nSign of Four, and the extraordinary circumstances\nconnected with the Study in Scarlet, I felt\nthat it would be a strange tangle indeed which\nhe could not unravel.\nI left him then, still puffing at his black\nclay pipe, with the conviction that when I\ncame again on the next evening I would find\nthat he held in his hands all the clues which\nwould lead up to the identity of the disappearing\nbridegroom of Miss Mary Sutherland.\nA professional case of great gravity was engaging\nmy own attention at the time, and the whole\nof next day I was busy at the bedside of the\nsufferer. It was not until close upon six\no’clock that I found myself free and was\nable to spring into a hansom and drive to\nBaker Street, half afraid that I might be\ntoo late to assist at the dénouement of the\nlittle mystery. I found Sherlock Holmes alone,\nhowever, half asleep, with his long, thin\nform curled up in the recesses of his armchair.\nA formidable array of bottles and test-tubes,\nwith the pungent cleanly smell of hydrochloric\nacid, told me that he had spent his day in\nthe chemical work which was so dear to him.\n“Well, have you solved it?” I asked as\nI entered.\n“Yes. It was the bisulphate of baryta.”\n“No, no, the mystery!” I cried.\n“Oh, that! I thought of the salt that I\nhave been working upon. There was never any\nmystery in the matter, though, as I said yesterday,\nsome of the details are of interest. The only\ndrawback is that there is no law, I fear,\nthat can touch the scoundrel.”\n“Who was he, then, and what was his object\nin deserting Miss Sutherland?”\nThe question was hardly out of my mouth, and\nHolmes had not yet opened his lips to reply,\nwhen we heard a heavy footfall in the passage\nand a tap at the door.\n“This is the girl’s stepfather, Mr. James\nWindibank,” said Holmes. “He has written\nto me to say that he would be here at six.\nCome in!”\nThe man who entered was a sturdy, middle-sized\nfellow, some thirty years of age, clean-shaven,\nand sallow-skinned, with a bland, insinuating\nmanner, and a pair of wonderfully sharp and\npenetrating grey eyes. He shot a questioning\nglance at each of us, placed his shiny top-hat\nupon the sideboard, and with a slight bow\nsidled down into the nearest chair.\n“Good-evening, Mr. James Windibank,” said\nHolmes. “I think that this typewritten letter\nis from you, in which you made an appointment\nwith me for six o’clock?”\n“Yes, sir. I am afraid that I am a little\nlate, but I am not quite my own master, you\nknow. I am sorry that Miss Sutherland has\ntroubled you about this little matter, for\nI think it is far better not to wash linen\nof the sort in public. It was quite against\nmy wishes that she came, but she is a very\nexcitable, impulsive girl, as you may have\nnoticed, and she is not easily controlled\nwhen she has made up her mind on a point.\nOf course, I did not mind you so much, as\nyou are not connected with the official police,\nbut it is not pleasant to have a family misfortune\nlike this noised abroad. Besides, it is a\nuseless expense, for how could you possibly\nfind this Hosmer Angel?”\n“On the contrary,” said Holmes quietly;\n“I have every reason to believe that I will\nsucceed in discovering Mr. Hosmer Angel.”\nMr. Windibank gave a violent start and dropped\nhis gloves. “I am delighted to hear it,”\nhe said.\n“It is a curious thing,” remarked Holmes,\n“that a typewriter has really quite as much\nindividuality as a man’s handwriting. Unless\nthey are quite new, no two of them write exactly\nalike. Some letters get more worn than others,\nand some wear only on one side. Now, you remark\nin this note of yours, Mr. Windibank, that\nin every case there is some little slurring\nover of the ‘e,’ and a slight defect in\nthe tail of the ‘r.’ There are fourteen\nother characteristics, but those are the more\nobvious.”\n“We do all our correspondence with this\nmachine at the office, and no doubt it is\na little worn,” our visitor answered, glancing\nkeenly at Holmes with his bright little eyes.\n“And now I will show you what is really\na very interesting study, Mr. Windibank,”\nHolmes continued. “I think of writing another\nlittle monograph some of these days on the\ntypewriter and its relation to crime. It is\na subject to which I have devoted some little\nattention. I have here four letters which\npurport to come from the missing man. They\nare all typewritten. In each case, not only\nare the ‘e’s’ slurred and the ‘r’s’\ntailless, but you will observe, if you care\nto use my magnifying lens, that the fourteen\nother characteristics to which I have alluded\nare there as well.”\nMr. Windibank sprang out of his chair and\npicked up his hat. “I cannot waste time\nover this sort of fantastic talk, Mr. Holmes,”\nhe said. “If you can catch the man, catch\nhim, and let me know when you have done it.”\n“Certainly,” said Holmes, stepping over\nand turning the key in the door. “I let\nyou know, then, that I have caught him!”\n“What! where?” shouted Mr. Windibank,\nturning white to his lips and glancing about\nhim like a rat in a trap.\n“Oh, it won’t do—really it won’t,”\nsaid Holmes suavely. “There is no possible\ngetting out of it, Mr. Windibank. It is quite\ntoo transparent, and it was a very bad compliment\nwhen you said that it was impossible for me\nto solve so simple a question. That’s right!\nSit down and let us talk it over.”\nOur visitor collapsed into a chair, with a\nghastly face and a glitter of moisture on\nhis brow. “It—it’s not actionable,”\nhe stammered.\n“I am very much afraid that it is not. But\nbetween ourselves, Windibank, it was as cruel\nand selfish and heartless a trick in a petty\nway as ever came before me. Now, let me just\nrun over the course of events, and you will\ncontradict me if I go wrong.”\nThe man sat huddled up in his chair, with\nhis head sunk upon his breast, like one who\nis utterly crushed. Holmes stuck his feet\nup on the corner of the mantelpiece and, leaning\nback with his hands in his pockets, began\ntalking, rather to himself, as it seemed,\nthan to us.\n“The man married a woman very much older\nthan himself for her money,” said he, “and\nhe enjoyed the use of the money of the daughter\nas long as she lived with them. It was a considerable\nsum, for people in their position, and the\nloss of it would have made a serious difference.\nIt was worth an effort to preserve it. The\ndaughter was of a good, amiable disposition,\nbut affectionate and warm-hearted in her ways,\nso that it was evident that with her fair\npersonal advantages, and her little income,\nshe would not be allowed to remain single\nlong. Now her marriage would mean, of course,\nthe loss of a hundred a year, so what does\nher stepfather do to prevent it? He takes\nthe obvious course of keeping her at home\nand forbidding her to seek the company of\npeople of her own age. But soon he found that\nthat would not answer forever. She became\nrestive, insisted upon her rights, and finally\nannounced her positive intention of going\nto a certain ball. What does her clever stepfather\ndo then? He conceives an idea more creditable\nto his head than to his heart. With the connivance\nand assistance of his wife he disguised himself,\ncovered those keen eyes with tinted glasses,\nmasked the face with a moustache and a pair\nof bushy whiskers, sunk that clear voice into\nan insinuating whisper, and doubly secure\non account of the girl’s short sight, he\nappears as Mr. Hosmer Angel, and keeps off\nother lovers by making love himself.”\n“It was only a joke at first,” groaned\nour visitor. “We never thought that she\nwould have been so carried away.”\n“Very likely not. However that may be, the\nyoung lady was very decidedly carried away,\nand, having quite made up her mind that her\nstepfather was in France, the suspicion of\ntreachery never for an instant entered her\nmind. She was flattered by the gentleman’s\nattentions, and the effect was increased by\nthe loudly expressed admiration of her mother.\nThen Mr. Angel began to call, for it was obvious\nthat the matter should be pushed as far as\nit would go if a real effect were to be produced.\nThere were meetings, and an engagement, which\nwould finally secure the girl’s affections\nfrom turning towards anyone else. But the\ndeception could not be kept up forever. These\npretended journeys to France were rather cumbrous.\nThe thing to do was clearly to bring the business\nto an end in such a dramatic manner that it\nwould leave a permanent impression upon the\nyoung lady’s mind and prevent her from looking\nupon any other suitor for some time to come.\nHence those vows of fidelity exacted upon\na Testament, and hence also the allusions\nto a possibility of something happening on\nthe very morning of the wedding. James Windibank\nwished Miss Sutherland to be so bound to Hosmer\nAngel, and so uncertain as to his fate, that\nfor ten years to come, at any rate, she would\nnot listen to another man. As far as the church\ndoor he brought her, and then, as he could\ngo no farther, he conveniently vanished away\nby the old trick of stepping in at one door\nof a four-wheeler and out at the other. I\nthink that was the chain of events, Mr. Windibank!”\nOur visitor had recovered something of his\nassurance while Holmes had been talking, and\nhe rose from his chair now with a cold sneer\nupon his pale face.\n“It may be so, or it may not, Mr. Holmes,”\nsaid he, “but if you are so very sharp you\nought to be sharp enough to know that it is\nyou who are breaking the law now, and not\nme. I have done nothing actionable from the\nfirst, but as long as you keep that door locked\nyou lay yourself open to an action for assault\nand illegal constraint.”\n“The law cannot, as you say, touch you,”\nsaid Holmes, unlocking and throwing open the\ndoor, “yet there never was a man who deserved\npunishment more. If the young lady has a brother\nor a friend, he ought to lay a whip across\nyour shoulders. By Jove!” he continued,\nflushing up at the sight of the bitter sneer\nupon the man’s face, “it is not part of\nmy duties to my client, but here’s a hunting\ncrop handy, and I think I shall just treat\nmyself to—” He took two swift steps to\nthe whip, but before he could grasp it there\nwas a wild clatter of steps upon the stairs,\nthe heavy hall door banged, and from the window\nwe could see Mr. James Windibank running at\nthe top of his speed down the road.\n“There’s a cold-blooded scoundrel!”\nsaid Holmes, laughing, as he threw himself\ndown into his chair once more. “That fellow\nwill rise from crime to crime until he does\nsomething very bad, and ends on a gallows.\nThe case has, in some respects, been not entirely\ndevoid of interest.”\n“I cannot now entirely see all the steps\nof your reasoning,” I remarked.\n“Well, of course it was obvious from the\nfirst that this Mr. Hosmer Angel must have\nsome strong object for his curious conduct,\nand it was equally clear that the only man\nwho really profited by the incident, as far\nas we could see, was the stepfather. Then\nthe fact that the two men were never together,\nbut that the one always appeared when the\nother was away, was suggestive. So were the\ntinted spectacles and the curious voice, which\nboth hinted at a disguise, as did the bushy\nwhiskers. My suspicions were all confirmed\nby his peculiar action in typewriting his\nsignature, which, of course, inferred that\nhis handwriting was so familiar to her that\nshe would recognise even the smallest sample\nof it. You see all these isolated facts, together\nwith many minor ones, all pointed in the same\ndirection.”\n“And how did you verify them?”\n“Having once spotted my man, it was easy\nto get corroboration. I knew the firm for\nwhich this man worked. Having taken the printed\ndescription. I eliminated everything from\nit which could be the result of a disguise—the\nwhiskers, the glasses, the voice, and I sent\nit to the firm, with a request that they would\ninform me whether it answered to the description\nof any of their travellers. I had already\nnoticed the peculiarities of the typewriter,\nand I wrote to the man himself at his business\naddress asking him if he would come here.\nAs I expected, his reply was typewritten and\nrevealed the same trivial but characteristic\ndefects. The same post brought me a letter\nfrom Westhouse & Marbank, of Fenchurch Street,\nto say that the description tallied in every\nrespect with that of their employé, James\nWindibank. Voilà tout!”\n“And Miss Sutherland?”\n“If I tell her she will not believe me.\nYou may remember the old Persian saying, ‘There\nis danger for him who taketh the tiger cub,\nand danger also for whoso snatches a delusion\nfrom a woman.’ There is as much sense in\nHafiz as in Horace, and as much knowledge\nof the world.”\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "A gay couple just won marriage equality in\nBermuda, and Connecticut banned harmful ex-gay\ntherapy.\nBut also this week, Texas advanced two laws\nwith the potential to do serious harm to LGBT\nparents and kids.\nAnd the Human Rights Campaign is calling out\nBank of America for their role in getting\na discriminatory bill passed in North Carolina.\nI'll have that news and more on Weekly Debrief,\nplus actions you can take to resist these\ndangerous news laws.\nLet's start this week with some good news:\nBermuda just legalized marriage equality.\nThat's thanks to a lawsuit by a couple named\nWinston Godwin and Greg DeRoche who sued for\nthe right to get married.\nThe country's Supreme Court ruled that the\ncountry's Human Rights Act takes priority\nover its marriage ban.\nSo congrats to Winston and Greg and all of\nBermuda.\nAnd congrats to Connecticut, where Governor\nDan Malloy signed a ban on so-called \"conversion\ntherapy\" into law.\nIt's the seventh state to ban the dangerous,\nunscientific practice, and similar bills are\nin the works across the country.\nThe latest from Chechnya: gay men continue\nto face persecution by security officials,\nbut thanks to contributions from people all\nover the world, the Russian LGBT Network has\nbeen able to evacuate about 40 people to safety.\nThat's encouraging -- but governments could\nstill be doing more to expedite safe passage\nto refugees.\nWorld leaders are continuing to speak out\nabout the violence, including Theresa May\nand Angela Merkel.\nWhen asked if Donald Trump was aware of the\nsituation, a White House official said \"I'm\nnot 100 percent sure.\"\nThe state of Texas has nearly 4,000 children\nin need of adoption and so few homes for them\nthat many are housed in government office\nbuildings.\nThis is tragic, but according to lawmakers,\nthe real victims are adoption agencies who\nwant to further reduce available homes.\nThis week the Texas legislature advanced a\nbill that would protect adoption providers\nthat deny services to same-sex parents.\nThis goes way beyond what any other state\nhas done, since it extends beyond just adoption.\nIt also lets providers withhold family-related\nservices like assistance for victims of abuse,\ncounseling services, and providing group shelter\nso siblings don't have to be split up.\nA quarter of Texas' providers are religiously\naffiliated, and because the state's so big,\nit could mean that a family might have to\ndrive hours to get help because the provider\ndown the street turned them away.\nTexas also just advanced a bill that would\nallow schools to kick trans kids off of sports\nteams.\nIf it passes, trans students would be forced\nto choose between participating in school\nactivities, or getting medically necessary\ntreatment.\nIt would create an incentive for kids to delay\ntheir transition, something that we know puts\nthem at increased risk for mental health problems.\nBoth of these laws put the best interests\nof kids dead last, behind the interests of\norganizations that want to discriminate against\nLGBT people.\nAs a result of these bills, kids will have\nless access to adoptive homes, to family services,\nto school programs and medical treatment.\nThese bills are about making it impossible\nfor same-sex parents and trans kids to exist\nin public.\nA similar bill just became law in Tennesse,\nbut parents there are fighting back.\nTennessee's bill is super vague and says that\nthe state must abide by the \"natural and ordinary\"\nmeaning of terms like \"marriage.\"\nWhat does that even mean?\nWell, it's basically an attempt to get around\nthe Obergefell ruling that legalized marriage\nfor same-sex couples, by giving the state\nleeway to say LGBT relationships aren't \"natural\nand ordinary.\"\nObviously that would be ridiculously unconstitutional,\nso this week a group of lesbian moms sued,\ndemanding that the state offer them the same\nprotection as opposite-sex parents.\nMeanwhile, in North Carolina, there's been\nmore fallout from the fake repeal of HB2,\nthe state's notorious trans bathroom ban.\nEarlier this year, lawmakers claimed the law\nwas overturned, when really they'd just replaced\nit with something worse: a ban on nondiscrimination\nlaws statewide.\nThat so-called \"compromise\" was negotiated\nin part by the CEO of Bank of America, and\nnow the Human Rights Campaign is returning\nhundreds of thousands of dollars pledged by\nthe bank, and slashing Bank of America's corporate\nequality score from 100 percent to 75.\nThe good news is that in all of these states\npassing discriminatory laws, there's hope:\ncongressional Democrats just introduced the\nEquality Act, a bill that would provide protections\nfor LGBT people nationwide -- even in a states\npassing discriminatory laws like in Texas,\nTennessee, North Carolina, or wherever you\nlive.\nBut lawmakers need to hear that you want the\nEquality Act passed.\nAn easy way to do that is with Resistbot.\nAll you have to do is text RESIST to 50409\n-- it'll walk you through a quick process\nto write a letter that gets physically delivered\nto your Senators.\nThe whole process happens via text so you\ncan do it from wherever you are.\nJust text RESIST to 50409 and tell them you\nwant them to support the Equality Act of 2017.\nPlease share this video to spread the word\nabout the dangerous bills becoming law across\nthe country, and the steps that people can\ntake to fight back.\nLet me know your thoughts @mattbaume on Twitter\nand in the comments.\nSubscribe to stay up to date and I'll debrief\nyou next week.\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "- Finding a solution to\ntreat your hearing loss\ncan be difficult when\nyou can't find an open\naudiology clinic due to\nthe coronavirus pandemic.\nSo in this video, I'm gonna show you\nthe five best online hearing aid options\nthat you can find on\namazon.com to tide you over\nuntil the lockdown is lifted, comin' up!\n(upbeat music)\nHi guys, Cliff Olson, Doctor of Audiology\nand founder of Applied Hearing Solutions\nin Phoenix, Arizona, and on this channel,\nI cover a bunch of\nhearing-related information\nto help make you a\nbetter-informed consumer.\nSo if you're into that, make sure you hit\nthat subscribe button.\nAnd don't forget to click the bell\nto receive a notification\nevery time I post a new video.\nSo what do you do if you're\nhaving difficulty hearing,\nbut there's no open\naudiology clinics to treat\nyour hearing loss due to\nthe coronavirus lockdown?\nWell, the answer's simple,\nyou find yourself another option\nto last you for the next couple months,\nuntil you can get into one\nof these clinics to have\nyour hearing loss properly\ndiagnosed and treated.\nNow in my clinic, I'm\nactually working on a process\nto be able to dispense\nhearing devices remotely,\nbut until then, you\nhave to be able to find\nsome way to treat your\nhearing loss on your own\nuntil you can get back\ninto an audiology clinic.\nOne of the best places to\nfind online hearing aids\nis actually amazon.com.\nThis is because they have a\nfairly robust return system,\nso if you don't like the devices\nthat you order off of amazon.com,\nit's usually not an issue\ngetting your money back.\nThat being said, I'm\ngonna go over the five\nbest online hearing devices\nthat you can find on amazon.com,\nand I will have a link to these devices\nin the description of\nthis video if you wanna\ncheck them out for yourself.\nFirst is the Pocketalker Ultra 2.0.\nThe Pocketalker is as basic as they come.\nIt is essentially a microphone\nthat you hang from around your neck,\nand headphones that\nyou put over your ears.\nThe microphone picks up\nsound, amplifies the sound,\nand then sends it up through\nthe wires to the headphones.\nIt is definitely the cheapest option\nat just under 200 bucks,\nbut works surprisingly well,\nespecially for older individuals\nwho are easily confused by technology.\nAll you have to do is\nhang it around your neck,\nput the headphones on,\nand turn up the volume.\nSecond is the Otofonix\nElite Hearing Amplifier.\nThe Otofonix Elite is one of the better\nbehind-the-ear amplifiers\nthat I have found online.\nIt is generally suitable for mild\nto moderate hearing losses,\nand the company doesn't make unrealistic\nclaims about its performance.\nIt comes with a few different\ntubing and dome options,\nwhich helps you find a good physical fit,\nand it's pretty small,\nwhich makes it a good discreet option.\nIt doesn't have many bells or whistles,\nbut at only $250 per device,\nit is a pretty good low-cost option\nthat can amplify sounds\nenough to get you by.\nThird is the Eargo Neo HiFi.\nThe Eargo has been around\nfor several years now,\nand they still have the only rechargeable,\ninvisible in-canal\nhearing aid on the market,\nwhich makes it very unique,\nand one of the most\ninvisible devices out there.\nThe Neo HiFi can be\nconnected to your smartphone\nfor minor adjustments\nto the default programs,\nand they can receive\nsettings from a hearing care\nprofessional that works at Eargo,\nwhich leads me to my next point,\nwhich is, when you buy devices from Eargo,\nthey come with some professional support\nto assist with the initial\nsetup of the devices.\nAt 2,700 bucks for the pair,\nit is definitely the\nhighest-cost option on the list,\nbut they could actually\nbe a longer-term solution\nif they end up working well for you,\nbecause they come with a two-year warranty\nand ongoing professional\nsupport from Eargo.\nFourth is the Bose Hearphones.\nThe Bose Hearphones are great,\nbecause their smartphone app allows\nfor more audio customization.\nIf you have trouble with speech clarity,\nyou can boost the high frequencies\nmore than you boost the low frequencies,\nnot to mention the Bluetooth capability\nallows you to stream music and even\nphone calls into both ears.\nWhile they are not\ntechnically hearing aids,\nI have been able to match\nhearing loss prescriptions\nfor mild to moderate hearing losses\nwith a fair amount of success.\nCost-wise, they are very\naffordable at only $400,\nand at least in the Phoenix area,\nAmazon will get them to you\nthe same day that you order them.\nAnd the fifth hearing\ntreatment that you have\non Amazon is the BeHear ACCESS.\nThe BeHear ACCESS is very\nsimilar to the Bose Hearphones,\nwhen it comes to app\ncontrols and streaming audio,\nbut they also come with\na few additional features\nthat the Hearphones don't have.\nFirst, they have a telecoil,\nwhich is terrific for hearing\nbetter in public venues.\nSo once this lockdown is over,\nif a facility has is a\nhearing loop installed,\nyou'll be good to go.\nSecond, the BeHear app has a\nbuilt-in hearing assessment,\nwhich allows for some\nadditional customization\nof the amplification that you receive.\nThird, you can also get a HearLink,\nwhich will allow you to\nstream audio from your TV\ndirectly into your BeHear ACCESS earphones\nto dramatically help with\nhearing the television.\nWith a 13-hour battery life,\nthey will also get you\nthrough most of the day\nbefore needing to be recharged.\nAnd at around only $300,\nthere is definitely a ton of value here,\nbecause there is a good\nchance you will be able\nto use these devices\neven if you get an actual\nset of hearing aids in the future.\nAt the end of the day,\nnone of these options\nare as good as a traditional hearing aid\nthat has been precisely customized\nto your hearing loss prescription.\nBut they can help to tide\nyou over until you receive\na proper hearing\nevaluation and professional\ntreatment by a hearing care provider.\nThat's it for this video.\nIf you have any questions,\nleave them in the comment section below.\nIf you liked the video, please share it,\nand if you wanna see other\nvideos just like this one,\ngo ahead and hit that subscribe button.\nAlso, feel free to check out my website,\ndrcliffaud.com!\n(upbeat music)\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "My dear viewers, how have you been?\nToday we have a new video\nthis video has been requested for a long time\nand that video is,\nhow to brew Ethiopian Tela\nI will be showing you that today\nI will show you how we brew tela in Ethiopia my dear viewers\nThere is a specific order when you are making tela. It is a long process\nthe first step is called metenses\nThe second step is adding the kita\nThe third is adding asharo or enkuru\nthen after that we add water\n \nWhen it has fermented and is ready to be drank we will serve it\nThis is the process I decided to teach you all\nBefore that you need to know what we will need and how we are making this\nIn the past,\nour mothers who may be alive or deceased used to make tela in the following way\nThe way it is brewed is the same but they used different equipments so let's reminisce about those days\nI knew of 3 different equipments but there might be others\nand it might differ in every ethnicity I don't know\nThese three equipments are,\nThere is genbo for the fermentation process\nbuckthorn leaves or bikil is kept in there with water\nThen they have a container for adding the kita\nAfter that,\nIf the kita is a large quantity and it is in a smaller container\nthey will combine it in the larger container\nBut most of the time the kita is added to a larger container that can hold the asharo and the kita\nSo back then the equipments they used were genbo, ensira and gan\nGenbo is small, ensira is medium in size and gan is very large\nit is like a barrel and they used to use that\nBut now we have to use the equipment we have\nWe don't have to try to bring back the old equipments they have changed now\nSo we will use what we have\nHow do we use the equipment we have? How do we start?\nWe will choose the container we will be brewing the tela in and we will wash it.\nAfter that we will smoke it with olive tree leaves\nI don't have that so I can't show you\nEven though we don't have fire embers and a piece of clay like there is in Ethiopia\nwe could smoke it nevertheless. How can we smoke it?\nLet me just describe the process to you.\nThis is a container I am going to brew the tela in\nAfter I cleaned this container if I had the olive tree leaves,\nthere are pieces of coal that you can smoke inscests with. We will light that on fire and\nput the leaves on the coal\nwhen it starts to smoke, we will find a convenient place and\nwe will hold the leaves like this and let the smoke go inside\nWe can do that instead of skipping that step. I just wanted to let you know that you can do that\nBut if you have a place outside to burn the embers,\nyou will add an olive branch and tunjit if you can find it to the embers and smoke it\nBut since I can make this without smoking it I will do that. We will get started\nThe container should be prepared like this\nNext,\nWe will need two things\nwe will need bikil\nlightly ground buckthorn leaves\nwhat is bikil?\nI have to explain to you what bikil is first\nYou can find how to prepare bikil on hello habesha\nWhat is bikil made from?\nWhat can we make it with?\nBarley, wheat, corn\nwe can make it from that\nHow is it prepared? Like I said you can find it on hello habesha. It will show you how to make it sprout and how it is dried and ground\nThe buckthorn leaves are sold in the market. It is cleaned and any visible dirt particles are removed\nthen it is ground and prepared. These two are prepared this way\nEverything is prepared\nNow we will metenses (Ferment) The process is called metenses. Let's begin\nWhen we metenses, if we want this to be ready quickly and ferment\nwe will metenses them both together\nUse a smaller amount of bikil than buckthorn\nand you guess the amount\nThis is the container that I have prepared so I will estimate how much bikil and buckthorn leaves I will need\nYou can also measure it with a cup if you want\nAfter you have estimated how much water to add and how much tela you are brewing,\nyou can add it. When you make it again in the future you will know how much to use\nand what proportion is perfect and what is not\nI will metenses with the bikil combined because I live in a cold area and the bikil will act as yeast\nI called it ye tela ena ye areki ersho on hello habesha\nbecause bikil is like yeast to tela and areki beverage\nOne teaspoon is enough for this container to act as the yeast\nI will add it in like so\nThe buckthorn leaves have to be more\none,\ntwo,\nI added three teaspoons\n \nNext I will add the water\nThe water for the tensis will depend on how much tela you want to make\nIf you want more tela metensis more and vice versa. Just like anything else\n \nI will pour in half of this\nThat's enough. After that,\nI will stir it with a spoon\n \nIf we use a container with an airtight lid, we don't have to keep it covered up with other things\nYou can just close the lid. But if you suspect that air is getting in\nbe creative and try to keep it covered because we have to use what we have\nSo if I suspect that there is air entering this closed container,\nI have a plastic bag over here\n \nI kept the bag right here\nso what I will do is,\nuse a clear plastic bag because the color will come of it you use a colored one\n \nwe will tie it up tightly like this\nthen use any lid\nthat can fit and close it to prevent any air from entering\nThis is how\nwe will keep it\nbut my lid works very well. It doesn't let any air in\nSo,\nlike this,\nI will close the lid like this\nI will keep it like this for 3 days and when it has fermented\nwe will move on to the next step. I will show you\nI am done for the day goodbye\nHello my dear viewers,\nToday I will show you the tensis we made three days ago for brewing tela\nThe third day is when we add the tela kita into the tensis. Today is that day\nI have prepared what we will use or what I could find to make tela with. I have it served right here\nlet me show you\nThis,\nis ground sorghum\nThis is ground finger millet\nthis is ground teff\nthis is barley flour\nthis is corn flour\nThese are the ground grains that I prepared for the tela\nthey are 5 in number\nThis one is\nbuckthorn stems\nThis is the bikil\nFor more information\nregarding the seeds, bekil and gesho served right here,\nI would like to say a few things\nTo make you understand everything. I wanted to let you know ahead of time because this is a long process\nI don't want to forget to explain important details when I am trying to get this done in a timely manner\nYou should watch this thoroughly when you have time because I have prepared myself to teach you everything that I know today\nNow let's start from the buckthorn stems\nwhen we metenses like I said,\nWhen we brewing tela we have to use both the leaves and the stem of the buckthorn\nThe leaves will be in the tensis\nThe stems will be used in the kita and the enkuro or asharo\nThat is what we will use it for. Next,\nwe will move on to the bikil\nOver here there are two kinds of bikil. I kept this because I found it\nThis is made from wheat\nthis one is made from barley\nWe don't have it here but like I said, you can use corn bikil as well\nIf we don't have that,\nwe can use wheat bikil alone\nor you can use barley bikil alone\nwe can also use the corn bikil alone as well\nWe can also use the wheat and barley bikil together if we have them\nit is up to preference\nIf there are people that don't eat wheat,\nsince drinking it is the same thing\nthey can use the barley bikil instead\nThe other thing,\nI will get to the ground seeds\nSorghum,\nSome of you know it. But if you don't, it looks like teff. It is also used to make injera\nthis is black teff\nwe like black teff in anything so I have it right here\nthis is corn flour\nWhen corn is used in tela,\nOur mothers and grandmothers,\nsay that it will make it strong and cause a headache,\nit will get you drunk. So they don't use corn in tela\nsince the others don't make the tela strong like corn does\nThey would use a small amount of the corn flour either in the kita or the asharo\nTo make the tela strong. So that it is not too mild\nThe barley,\nIt is loved in our country\nIt is a healthy seed\nevery food is good but since barley is considered to be great\n \nIt is thought that using barley in tela is good for you\nso we will be using it. Same thing with the sorghum\nthere is red and there is white sorghum\nthis is white sorghum\nwe can use this too\nWhen different grains are mixed in the tela it will be great\nso we can mix them up and use them\nWe can use the red sorghum but I don't have that\nThis is what I could find where I live\nThe barley and flour is from the stash we have for making injera\nand\nall of these,\nwe skipped the red sorghum because we don't have it\nThis doesn't mean that we have to use all of these\nwe can use the grains we have at home and make this\nwe can use two kinds or just one\nThere is no rule against that and there is no reason not to try\nKnowledge has no boundaries\nit grows and will continue to grow and we will help it grow\nAll of these,\nare not necessary we can use one or two of what we have\nSo,\n \nI believe that you can discover great things from experimenting\nIf it turns out great I will follow that method,\nif it is bad I will leave it\nI even used rice flour to brew tela here\nNothing bad happened from using rice flour\nI also used dried injera when it is left over like in our country\nWe will dry it up and make dirkosh\n \nwe will put it into the enkuro. How? we will take the dried injera and add it to water\nwhen it gets soft we will strain it and add it to the enkuro or the asharo\nand we will add that and make the tela\nI just thought that you should know these things. Now we will get to work\nLet's look at the tensis we left here\n \nIt has fermented\nIf it hadn't fermented we would have to wait longer\nit might be ready on the fourth day\nThere is no rule that says that we need to add the kita in on the third day\nIf we can't, we will wait a day longer and add the kita in\nI just wanted you to see it. I will keep this closed\nWhat is left is to bake the kita\nWe will make the dough\nThere are two ways to make the dough\nOne way\nis to not use yeast to make it rise\nwe can make the dough alone. In fact it is said that yeast will make the tela sour so it is made without yeast\nThe corn flour can act as the yeast\nIt will make it ferment faster and less sour\nBut if you live in a colder climate or it doesn't rise for you\nyou can add a little bit of yeast and let it sit overnight. When it rises we will make the tela kita with it\nThe other method is without adding yeast we make the dough with cold water\nand use it that way\nThe way the kita is baked can be in two different ways\nThe first is with a biret mitad if we can find that. We bake it until it is crispy\nThe crispness and the color of the kita being dark will help with the appearance of the tela\nbut you can use an injera stove or a large biret mitad to be finished quicker\nThe way the kita was baked and used back in the day was\n \nThey would make a lot of kita with or without adding yeast and letting it rise\nThey would bake it until it was very dry then they would hang it on a higher surface\nand the kita it is laid out up there and kept\nSo they didn't have to make kita everytime tela was being made\nEverytime tela was made the asharo wouldn't have to be prepared and the kita didn't have to be baked\nIt was all prepared one time and you would use a little bit at a time to make tela\nThe kita is baked and kept in a dried state for a long time. The dried kita gets broken up and ground\nand used like we are about to do\nI wanted to let you know a little bit more. We have a nice history\nNow I will make the kita dough\nI need a mixing bowl and I need to wash my hands\nI will wash them\nI have prepared my mixing bowl. I will add all of the flour in here\n \nNow I will make the dough\neverything,\nthe amount of everything,\nwill depend on the number of consumers or how big the family is and who wants to drink it\nThere is no too little or too much. It is all up to preference\nI will mix it like this with cold water like I said\nI will be back when I am done kneading and ready to bake this\n \nIt should look like this when you make the dough\n \nYou can also make it thicker than this based on what you bake this on\nIt is no problem. If you are using a biret mitad be careful not to burn your hands and bake it\nsame thing with the injera stove. It would be great if it is this loose\nNow,\nThe injera stove is hot\nIf it was close by I could have used my hand to plop the dough on the stove like this\nBut that is inconvenient for me because it will drip\nso I will add some in here\nbeing careful not to let drip it anywhere\nI use it like this\nThe stove is hot\nNow I will add the dough\nThe amount of dough we add will depend on the size of the stove\nand water\nthis is a must\nlike this\nIf the dough is loose it will help spread it around like so\neasily\nIf it is too thick it won't cook fast and it won't get crispy\nso we need to spread it thin\nAfter spreading it like this,\nwe will bake it. It needs to cook very well\nIt needs to cook very well. It needs to get crispy. It is not supposed to be doughy\nWe need to keep that in mind when we bake all of this\nor else the tela will be ruined. If it is not cooked the tela will be ruined\nMy dear viewers,\nI will finish making the kita and I will come back\n \n \n \nI am back. I know I said I will be back when I am done but I wanted to show you how I flipped them\nNow this side isn't crispy yet I will keep an eye on it and cook this until it is crispy\nI will be back when I am done.\nthis is the last kita\nEarlier I showed you the not so crispy side of the kita and told you it needed more time\nAnd if you were wondering what to do if it is not crispy I have something to tell you\nWe can keep flipping it over and letting it cook until it is crispy\nthis has gotten hard when I touch it. This is how you know it is ready and it will look like this\nIn fact when we use a biret mitad,\nand the heat is too much the top will look dark\nso we will think that it is cooked\nthe injera stove even if it doesn't get as crispy,\nthe stove has the power to cook it slowly so it is better than using biret mitad if you have it\nUsing an injera or clay stove is best for making tela kita\nThat is all\nThe other thing,\nthat is left,\nAfter we do this, I have turned off the heat,\nuntil the stove gets cold we can leave it here to get it crispy if we have time but if we don't\nIt is cooked. We are done\nwe will do this\nover here\nI will put it down. Here it is. This is what it looks like\nWe will wait until it gets cold\nthe injera stove is done for the day\nThe kita is cold. It has been broken up\nWe will cut up the kita like so and let it cool\nIf we add it in while it is still hot, the tela will be sour\nand this how I cut it\nif you made a large batch we can lay it down on a large container and allow it to cool\nThis has cooled\nWhen we add the kita in we will need, the kita itself,\nbuckthorn stems,\nand bikil\nis all we need. After that we will need water\nWith our hands,\nif we don't stir it\nif it is a large container and there is a lot in there it is inconvenient\nIf we didn't want to stir it with our hands,\nwe can't\nIf we don't want to we can't\nIf we do want to we can wash our hands and use them to stir\nI have prepared a stick\nthis is a wooden wet stirrer. I have washed this side and I will stir with it\nAfter that,\nI will explain to you some important things before adding the kita in\nWhere do we find the flour for making the kita?\nWe can get it in two ways. The first,\nwe can find it sold as ground grains in stores and buy what we want from there\nIf we can't find ground grains, we can get the grains themselves\nand after it has been thoroughly cleaned,\nit will be ground\nSometimes when grains are prepared on awdima or when we store grains for making tela, or when we buy it,\nit might be dirty. All of the dirt might not leave when we pick it out\nso it needs to be washed\nI have seen it in my country, when we buy grains from the market or the millhouse,\nThere are grains that have a lot of dirt. When I would wash them a lot of dirt would come out\n\"If I hadn't washed it would I have drank all this dirt?\" I would wonder\nSo the grains for tela need to be thoroughly cleaned if they are dirty\nIf it is clean we can just ground them or otherwise we will buy the flour\nI wanted to explain that to you. Now I will add it in\nNow we have the kita in here\nwe have the buckthorn stems and the bikil we have left\nHow do we know the amount we need?\nwe know the amount by guessing\nIf we use too much buckthorn stems it will be bitter\nif it is too little, it will be weak\nBuckthorn can make this strong\nIt has the power to make this alcoholic so being careful not to make this bitter, we will add it in\nWe will know if it needs more when we taste it later on\nNow we will add the amount we want\nWe add it in once and we can add more later on\n \nThis,\nis the wheat and barley bikil\nI added a teaspoonful last time\n \nIf you add too much of this it will make it sour\nso,\nThat is enough. I will add more later if it is needed\nwe will wash the wooden stirrer\nthat's enough\nNext,\nI will add water\nIt is supposed to be thick\nit will absorb the water\nit will be like dough\nI don't want this to be thin\nIf it does get thin it's no problem I can add asharo but,\nmake sure it is not still going to be thin after adding the asharo\nwe will do this carefully\n \nthat's enough\nthe kita is holding a lot of space but the water is plenty\nNow,\nafter doing this,\nYou can stir this tomorrow if you want\notherwise the day after tomorrow when we add the asharo we can stir it together\nI said it might need to be stirred because\nmaybe if the climate where you live might not allow it to ferment quickly and if we think it is too cold,\nstirring it will help. It might need to be tossed around to help it ferment\nWhen brewing tela during winter time,\nsince the water is cold it is said that it won't ferment\nso at that time for it to ferment, we boil some water\nNot hot water but lukewarm. So you can use that water\nI am done for today,\nWe will meet the day after tomorrow\nMy dear viewers, how have you been?\nThe day before yesterday we added kita today we will add the asharo\nlike I said asharo is added on the third day\nWhen we are adding in asharo, I have prepared everything we will be using and preparing over here\nI will tell you how to prepare then I will show you how to add them in\nI have served,\nthese right here\nthis is asharo\nbarley asharo\nthis is ground asharo. These two are the same\nit is just ground and whole\nthis is bikil,\nthese are buckthorn stems\nwater,\nthe tensis,\n \n \nThis is what I will ground the asharo with\nI am using a coffee grinder because the asaro has to be finely ground\nNow everything here needs an explanation so I will give you that\n \nLet's start with the tensis\nWe added what we needed to the tensis last time\nWhen we add\nWe need to figure out if it is the right amount and if it has fermented\nSo how do we know if it has fermented?\nHow do we know it has turned to dough?\nit will be bubbly,\nand it will rise just like teff and bread dough\nThe tensis or after we have added in the kita,\nwe will know that if it has fermented by looking for bubbles and if it has risen or not\nand the third way is to check if the kita we added has dissolved and turned into dough\nHow do we prepare and add in the asharo?\nTo prepare the asharo it needs to be ground so you will need a grinder\nuse whatever equipment that can turn this into a powder\nI used a coffee grinder\nSo how do we prepare the asharo?\nThis asharo has already been prepared\nWe have to prepare that because we might not find premade asharo\nWe might not find it already roasted\nI found this being sold after it has been roasted where I live so I bought it\nIf we can't find roasted asharo where we live,\nwe first buy the grains and clean them\nNot just cleaning them with our hands but it needs to be washed with water because it will be dirty\nAfter doing that we roast the asharo\nthe grains we can make into asharo that I know of are,\nmostly barley but,\nwe can use wheat to make asharo,\nwe can use red sorghum to make asharo,\nwe can use corn to make asharo and use\nSo we can use any of those to make asharo\nThose are the only ones that I know of. You can ask around when you make this and use\nThis is bikil and buckthorn stems. We will add it in if it is necessary\nPreviously added a large amount\nso we need to check the amount and add in a little more\nNow I will add a little bit more. But near the end we will add more to the difdif and taste\nIf it needs more we will add it then\nYou can add a large amount of the bikil because it will dissolve,ferment and expand since it is like the yeast\nit is fine if we don't use a lot\nI used ground up buckthorn stems\nIf you can't find that where you live,\nthe stems are sold in this form\nThe method I use is,\nyou can add in the stems whole because the flavors will infuse into the water\nBut to let the flavor go easily into the water,\nWith any equipment you can find,\nfor example a large knife that can break apart bones\nor with another strong knife you will break it apart with that\nSo you can break the stems like that and use.\nIf you don't have a large mortar and pestle to grind this with, it doesn't mean that you can't make this\nFor any task to be completed, skill and creativity is required\nWhat can I do? I don't have a container. I don't have a mortar and pestle\nMamaye said that I have to use ground buckthorn stems so I won't brew tela. You can't say those things.\nYou can also use other methods that I didn't mention and make it that way\n \nThat is all.\nWhen tela is being brewed it has its own preparation process\nInstead of preparing everything everytime we brew tela,\nthe buckthorn should be kept ground, same with the bikil,\nthe asharo should be roasted and ground and kept for future use\nthe flour we used for the kita should be kept all mixed together\nI didn't mix the flour together last time because\nI make food with them and I can find them at home . That's why I didn't ground them all together\nso it's not mandatory for them to be kept separated\nYou can combine the seeds used for the kita and ground them all together\nand keep them all together for brewing tela with the container and the\ntunjit and olive branch\nSo that is what we have to do\nBack in the day when our mothers would brew tela, they would use an ensira or gan depending on the amount of tela\nThey would bury that ensira half way into the ground because\nthe difdif wouldn't turn sour and it would also last longer\nIt would also keep the tela cool\nJust like how we would keep it in the fridge\nTo prevent air from going in there, they would use mud mixed with juniper leaves\nEver if the mud dries they would still use it rolled up into one spot\nSo when they would brew tela in the ensira they would mix mud and juniper leaves with water to prevent air from going in\nbecause if the mud is properly prepared it won't crumble and break apart\nThey would close it with a lid that fits or a lid usually made from calabash\nThey would close the lid and cover the edges with the mud mixture\nThat way the difdif or tela stays for a long time\nIf they brew a large batch,\nfor it to last for a long time and to easy the workload\nthis is a great solution. I like that idea\nThere are two different ways you can add the asharo\nThe first is using it dry\nThe second way is the more popular way of doing it is,\nPut the asharo in here and\nYou mix it with a little bit of water like this. Just like when you make beso\nDon't use too much water\nmoisten it\nthis has too much water\nadding a little bit of water at a time. Just like for beso\n \nAfter moistening this, it is put on the stove\nIn ethiopia there is special equipment prepared for that step\nIt is put on the stove and you do this. After it has cooked it is cooled and added to the difdif\nIf it is not cooled it will taste sour. That is all. Let me wash my hands and show you\nNow we will start adding\nI will add the gesho\nthis is enough\nI will add the bikil\nI will add the asharo\n \nThe asharo should be more than the kita\nIt's okay if they are equal amounts but the proper way is for the asharo to be more\nI will mix this\nI won't add water from now on\nUnless it is necessary because the difdif needs to be thick\nNow the asharo is in so we won't call this asharo anymore this is difdif\nThe difdif has to be thick\nThe color of the tela depends on the darkness of the asharo\nand how it was roasted\nIf it is dark the tela will also be dark\nIf we don't let it get dark when we roast it, it will be that color. That is what the color will depend on\nI have mixed this well\nI didn't add more water. I could have but since I used a lot of water when I added the kita in\nif I added more water in,\nthe difdif would get thin and get ruined\nMaking a thick difdif is best that is why\nI will add a little bit just to help rinse\n \n \n \n \n \nWe are done\nNow,\nwe will meet the day after tomorrow\nclose the lid to prevent airflow\nand set it aside\nMy dear viewers, we have finished adding the asharo in\nThe day after tomorrow or on the third day we will meet again. Goodbye.\nHello my dear viewers\nNow I will show you how the asharo we added has fermented\nor how the difdif has fermented and to check if it is ready for us to add water\nNow let's take a look\nThis is how it looks when it has fermented\nIt is done. It has fermented\nYesterday I stirred and tasted it\nBecause I wanted to check if the buckthorn was enough\nThe amount of bikil I used was enough because the bikil acts as the yeast\nif you use too much it will only get sour. It won't cause any other problems\nSo this has been perfected.\nIf we had made a large batch of difdif, we would have to save of a small amount\nStored in a cold place or in the fridge for a later time because difdif can last a long time\nThe other thing,\nthe difdif shouldn't be thin\nBecause it won't be convenient to store. As you can see this isn't thin\nit doesn't have water\nThere shouldn't be water in it because\nwhen we store watery difdif it will get sour. That is why when we make difdif\nor when we mix it we need to be careful not to make it thin\nThat is all. I won't be saving some. I will pour in the water\nor I will fill up my tela\nThe amount of water we add in the difdif will affect the consistency of the tela\nwe have to adjust the amount of water to the amount of difdif and mix\nI will add the water\nMy tela will be thick\nI have to leave space for the bubbles to form\n \n \nI have stirred it thoroughly\n \nWe need to look at the consistency\nIf it is thin,\nand if we have difdif we can add that in\nIf we don't have difdif we should slowly add the water in and be careful in the first place\nIf we have difdif saved off then it is no problem. We can just thicken it with that\nSo to check the consistency,\n \nwe will pour it in a glass\nI like to do this\nand pour it back\nIf it stains the glass that means it is thick\nand when we pour it like this.\nlook at the drippings on the glass\nSo this is enough\nThis will be a nice thick tela\nyou can tell from looking at the spoon\nit is staining the glass so you can tell\nThis is going to be a thick tela. It is perfect\nWe are done. The day after tomorrow,\nwe will meet when it has fermented\nAs usual we will close the lid and set it aside\n \nMy dear viewers, we are done. We will meet again the day after tomorrow\nwhen the tela has fermented and is ready to be drank.\nI am done filming for the day\nGoodbye.\nMy dear viewers, we meet again\nThe day before yesterday,\nwe added water to the tela\nwe will check if it has fermented and whether or not it is ready to be drank and adjusted\nToday is our last day\nIf it hasn't fermented,\nwe need to add one more day if the climate is cold\nBut here,\nit doesn't need more days here in America like it does in Ethiopia\nIn Ethiopia it needs more days. The proper way to make tela in Ethiopia is this as far as I know\nBut I have tried making it here several times\nit doesn't need that many days\nI just wanted to show you the proper way of making it. But you should reduce the number of days when you make this\nAdjust the number of days as you see fit.\nAlso the taste of the tela is not like it is in Ethiopia\nThe grains are the same, the asharo was bought pre roasted\nI am telling you the taste is not the same as it is in Ethiopia. But this is the same procedure\nas far as I know. Now we will look at it.\nBefore that I forgot to mention, the asharo,\nshouldn't be too fine so that it is easier to strain\nalso it is best if it isn't roasted until it is very dark\nThat is all. Now we will see how the tela turned out\n \nThe solids have sunk to the bottom\nThe way to tell if it has sunk is\nthis is a clear container so it shows but if it wasn't a clear container we wouldn't be able to tell\nThis is called atela\nThis is the tela\nAfter taking the tela out, we don't throw away the atela right away\nWe can add a little bit of water at a time we don't want it to get thin.\nor we can add water in everyday until the flavor gets watered down\nwe can drink it till then. It is called kerari\nWe add a little bit of water because we don't want to add too much and let it get sour as the days go by\nwe also don't want it to thicken so we will use the kerari in that manner\nNow we will pour in the tela\nIt needs to be strained\nWe will ladle the tela in\nWe ladle it in slowly because if we are not careful the atela would mix in with the tela and it will be ruined\nSo slowly like so\nwe will pour it in\nI am doing this because it is convenient to film but,\nsince the container is small and convenient I could slowly pour it in and strain it\nbecause it is small\n \nI am done straining it\nI will taste it\nHere we go\nJoin me my dear viewers!\nNo, you guys gave it to me to drink and I accept!\nIn Ethiopia when you are offering someone tela,\nyou pour it in your palm like this and taste\nthen,\nyou offer it to them. So I have accepted!\nLet me taste it\nIt is very good\nFrom now on,\nthe strained tela has to be stored in the fridge because as the days go by it will continue to ferment\nand get sour\nalso,\nYou can add honey in it and drink if you want\nThat is all. We have finished our work for today\nHope your tela turns out great!\nBe well\nUntil we see each other in another video, goodbye.\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "\nDutch: \n1 2 3\nKOM OP!!!\n1 2\n\nGerman: \n1 2 3\nKOMM SCHON!!!\n1 2\n\nPortuguese: \n1, 2, 3\nVAMOS LÁ!!!\n1, 2\n\nFrench: \n1 2 3\nALLONS!!!\n1 2\n\nJapanese: \n1 2 3\nいい加減にして!!!\n1 2\n\nTurkish: \n1 2 3\nGEL\n1 2\n\nSpanish: \n1 2 3\n¡¡¡VENGA!!!\n1 2\n\nEnglish: \n1 2 3\nCOME ON!!!\n1 2\n\nDanish: \n1 2 3\nKOM NU!!!\n1 2\n\nEnglish: \n1 2 3!!!\nCOME ON!!!\n\nSpanish: \n1 2 3 !!!\n¡¡¡VENGA!!!\n\nJapanese: \n1 2 3 !!!\nいい加減にして!!!\n\nDanish: \n1 2 3 !!!\nKOM NU!!!\n\nFrench: \n1 2 3 !!!\nALLONS!!!\n\nTurkish: \n1 2 3 !!!\nGEL!!!\n\nDutch: \n1 2 3 !!!\nKOM OP!!!\n\nPortuguese: \n1, 2, 3!!!\nVAMOS LÁ!!!\n\nGerman: \n1 2 3 !!!\nKOMM SCHON!!!\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "Today will just be going over how to change the color of a\nsingle series in a chart. I've had a couple people ask me\nhow to do it and it's so easy that I\njust make a quick video to\nshow everyone. You'd open up your excel\nfile\nhere we have the trade show checklist you can see there's a couple charts\nup here I will be using this tasks by owner one, because it has the most\ndata and will be able to see the change\neasiest on here\nbasically all you need to do is, you're\ngoing to click once\nto select a chart you can see that all the\npieces\nare highlighted when you click the first\ntime so you can't do anything yet\nbut if you click again on whichever\nseries you'd like to edit\nso let's say it will take this one use\nclick one more time\nand now you'll notice that only that peace is highlighted after you've got that all\nyou need to do is go up to your fill tool\nand then pick whatever color you let's\nchange it to. So we'll change it to this\nred here just because it's\nvery obviously and we'll be able to see the change\nso that's basically it\nyou also notice that down in the legend\nthe colors have automatically been updated there\nas well\nsome really that's all you need to do\nchange colors\njust to show you what would happen if you just clicked it once\nand it has all the pieces selected you\nwent up to the fill at that point\nand change it is going to do the whole\nchart\nwhich is basically useless since you can\nsee different segments\nI hope we got that covered. If you have any questions leave them in the comments\nbelow and thanks for watching\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "When we detected the very first gravitational\nwave, a new window was opened to the mysteries\nof the universe.\nWe knew we’d see things previously thought\nimpossible.\nAnd we just did - an object on the boundary\nbetween neutron stars and black holes, which\npromises to reveal the secrets of both.\nBy now we’re becoming used to announcements\nthat a new gravitational wave event has been\ndetected.\nAs though it’s no big deal that we regularly\nread the infinitesimal ripples in the fabric\nof spacetime due to a cataclysmic collision\nof black holes billions of light years away.\nAs the LIGO and VIRGO gravitational wave observatories\nspot event after event, the excitement is\nshifting from the holy-crap-we-did-it phase\nto giddy excitement about what we’re actually\nlearning.\nAnd the latest event is one of the most informative\n- and perhaps most surprising so far.\nIt seemed innocuous enough at first glance\n- two compact bodies spiraling together.\nFrom the shape of the gravitational waveform,\nand based on calculations using Einstein’s\ngeneral theory of relativity, the masses of\nthose bodies were calculated.\nOne was a hefty 23 times the mass of our Sun\n- making it definitely a black hole, and pretty\nsimilar to other LIGO mergers.\nIts companion was puny by comparison - a mere\n2.6 solar masses.\nAnd there lies the surprise.\nAt that mass, it’s pushing the limit for\nwhat was thought possible for a neutron star,\nand it’s lighter than what was thought possible for\na black hole.\nSo what exactly is this thing?\nToday on Space Time Journal Club we’re going\nto try to figure it out - and we’ll do that\nby studying the paper that reported this detection,\npublished by the LIGO science collaboration\njust a few weeks ago.\nWe’ve done gravitational wave astronomy\nbefore, but this event is so mysterious we\nhad to cover it.\nBut here’s a quick refresher nonetheless: The LIGO observatories in Washington State and Louisiana\nand the VIRGO observatory in Italy, consist of kilometers-long vacuum tubes set at right angles.\nA laser beam is split, sent down these tubes,\nthen recombined.\nThe passage of a gravitational wave causes\nextremely tiny changes in these arm lengths,\nwhich in turn causes the peaks and valleys\nof the laser’s electromagnetic wave to line\nup differently, and so those changes can be\nmeasured.\nOn August 14 2019, a gravitational wave hit\nthe LIGO and VIRGO observatories one after\nthe other in close succession, consistent\nwith a wave traveling through the entire earth\nat the speed of light.\nFrom the shape of the detected waveform, the\nmasses of the merging objects were figured\nfigured out as 23.2 and 2.59 solar\nmasses - and we’ll get back to why those\nare weird.\nFrom the arrival times at the three observatories,\nthe location of the event could be narrowed\ndown to some small arcs on the sky.\nUnfortunately, there are countless galaxies\nin a region that size, so to start with we\nhave no idea in which galaxy the merger happened.\nNonetheless, MANY telescopes quickly swiveled\nto scan that region, hoping to spot a faint\nflash of light - any indication that the merger\nof these objects may have been accompanied\nby an explosive event.\nNow that’s only been seen once before - with\nthe merger of two neutron stars in 2017 - which\nwe obviously covered back then.\nIn that case it corresponded to an explosion\nobserved across the electromagnetic spectrum\n- energy released as the neutron stars tore\nthemselves apart in their collision before\nthey collapsed into a black hole.\nThat light carried with it an enormous amount\nof information about what happens when neutron\nstars collide - and we’re going to be using\nthat information in just a bit.\nBut there was no such luck with the more recent\nevent.\nNo electromagnetic counterpart was found.\nThat’s not entirely surprising - that event was\n6 times further away than the 2017 neutron\nstar merger, so would probably have been too\nfaint to see anyway.\nAnd besides, there may have been no accompanying\nexplosion at all.\nThat would be the case if both objects were\nblack holes, but even if the smaller object\nwas a neutron star it could well have been\nswallowed whole by the larger black hole\nwithout so much as an electomagnetic peep.\nSo, we get to the mystery.\nWhat was that smaller body?\nAnd why are we all so excited to spot something\nwith this mass at all?\nTo understand that, we have to understand\na bit more about black holes and neutron stars.\nA neutron star is what’s left after some\nmassive stars explode as supernovae.\nOnce it was the burning heart of the star\n- a fusion engine that allowed the star to\nresist the inward crush of gravity.\nBut when it ran out of fuel, gravity took\nover and the entire star collapsed.\nThe innermost part of the core turned into\nan ultradense nugget of matter while the rest\nof the infalling core rebounded causing the\nsupernova explosion.\nSo you end up with at least one and a half\nsuns worth of matter locked in a ball that\nwould fit inside a small city.\nThat insane density gives the neutron star\na surface gravity around 100 billion times\nstronger than the surface of the Earth.\nScientists believe that it would be very difficult\nto get out of bed on the surface\nof a neutron star.\nAnd much more difficult to escape the neutron\nstar - the escape velocity at the surface\nis up to half the speed of light.\nIn fact neutron stars are on the verge of\nbeing black holes, which by definition have\nan escape velocity at the event horizon equal\nto the speed of light.\nIf only you could cram a little more matter\ninto the neutron star, the escape velocity\nwould increase and it would become a black\nhole.\nNow in the case of normal matter, you can’t\njust add mass to make a black hole because\nas you do so the radius of the object increases.\nThat means the surface gets further away from\nthe center, which means you don’t get the\nfull impact of that extra mass.\nBut neutron stars are NOT made of normal matter.\nThat ball of neutrons is a fundamentally quantum\nmechanical object.\nOne of its weird properties is that as you\nadd mass the size does not necessarily increase,\nand at the highest masses the size actually\ngets smaller.\nIf you want to know why, check out the episode\nwe did a while ago.\nSo more mass in a neutron star means higher\nsurface gravity means higher escape velocity.\nFor any given mass, there’s a certain size\nthat if you could crunch an object down below\nthat size it would be a black hole.\nIt’s like a phantom event horizon.\nIn the case of the earth the phantom event\nhorizon is about a centimeter in diameter.\nIn the case of a neutron star it’s several\nkilometers.\nAs you increase a neutron star’s mass, its\nphantom event horizon grows while its actual\nsurface shrinks.\nWhen they overlap you have a black hole.\nThis basic picture is pretty well accepted,\nbut we still aren’t sure just how massive\na neutron star can be before becoming a black\nhole.\nIt’s not because our theories are wrong\n- it’s because the calculations required\nto understand the bizarre states of matter\nin a neutron star are horrendous, and there’s\nstill some stuff that we don’t know.\nThat’s especially true towards the center\nof the neutron star, where the neutrons themselves\nprobably break down into different types of\nquark matter.\nUp and down quarks that comprised the\nneutrons may even transform into strange quarks\n- something we’ve talked about before.\nThe details of the state of matter in the\nneutron star determines how a neuron star’s\nsize changes with mass - and that’s what\ndetermines the maximum possible mass.\nThose models have predicted maximum masses\nin the range 2 to 3 times the mass of the sun.\nNow, we can do better at making this theoretical\nprediction if we can catch a glimpse of the\ninnards of a neutron star.\nAnd we can - when they merge.\nIn the 2017 neutron star merger we learned\na lot about the structure of these objects\nby the way they warped as they spiraled together,\nand by the stuff they spewed out after colliding.\nWe also see the results of these mergers in\ngamma ray bursts - frequent flashes of energetic\nlight from the distant universe.\nWe’ve estimated a maximum neutron star mass\nof between 2.2 to 2.4 solar masses.\nMore direct measurements of neutron star masses\ncome from pulsars - cosmic lighthouses that\nresult from a neutron star’s precessing\njets sweeping past the earth.\nMost pulsars are closer to the minimum neutron\nstar mass of around 1.4 solar masses.\nBut, the most massive so far is around 2.1 Suns.\nAll of these numbers are quite a bit lower\nthe 2.6 solar masses of this new guy.\nAnd that’s what makes it so cool.\nIf it IS a neutron star then it puts us at\nthe theoretical limit, and can tell us a lot\nabout the crazy states of matter inside.\nThat’s if it’s a neutron star at all.\nSo why can’t it just be another black hole?\nWell that would perhaps be even more surprising.\nSo far we’ve never observed a black hole\nwith masses lower than around 5 times\nthat of the Sun.\nWe see those in X-ray binaries - when a black\nhole is orbiting and cannibalizing another\nstar.\nIt may seem weird that there seems to be a\ngap in masses between the biggest neuron stars\nand the smallest black holes, but actually\nwe very much expect this.\nNew black holes are formed when the most massive\nstars die and the core is too big to become\na neutron star.\nBut you don’t get this smooth transition\nfrom neutron stars to black holes.\nLike I said earlier, a neutron star forms\nwhen a star’s core collapses, but most of\nthe material rebounds as a supernova explosion.\nBut if that neutron star then becomes a black\nhole, some of the infalling material just\ngets sucked into the black hole.\nThat increases the black hole’s mass quite\na bit.\nBased on our calculations and simulations\nof how stars die, that minimum black hole\nmass of 5 Suns seems about right.\nA black hole with 2.6 solar masses is difficult\nto explain.\nIf we figure out that this object CAN’T\nbe a neutron star then we’re going to have\nto rework our models of how stars die - or\nfind some other way to make extra-teensie\nblack holes.\nBut if it IS a neutron star then we’ve learned\na ton about the most extreme states of matter\nin the universe.\nThis is just the beginning.\nWith new gravitational wave events coming\nevery week or two, we’re sure to see more\nof these sorts of mergers.\nEach will be rich in information on the nature\nof stars, and gravity, and strange quantum\nstates of matter.\nBillion-year-old secrets carried to us on\nripples in spacetime\nAs always guys, I want to give our deep thanks\nto all of your support.\nSubscribing and tuning in each week goes a long way to keeping the show going.\nAnd special thanks to our Patreon contributors - we know you’d\nget this stuff for free anyway, so it's huge that you'd throw in a bucks each month.\nFor those who don't know we have a very active discord channel available to all patreon tiers.\nAnd finally I want to give an extra extra special thanks to\nAhmad Jodeh, who’s supporting us at the\nbig bang level.\nAhmad, we got you a small gift to show our\nappreciation.\nIt’s a brand new 2.6 solar mass black hole.\nI know, it’s small as far as black holes\ngo - but we hope it adequately reflects our\nthanks.\nWe’re shipping it to you from a little star\ncluster in Sagittarius - made locally from\nhumanely sourced o-giant star of course.\nIt should arrive at your doorstep in the next few million\nyears, sadly destroying the solar system in\nthe process.\nOK, In our last two episodes we talked about\nhow to dissolve a black hole event horizon\nby adding rotation or charge to the black\nhole, and also about experiments at CERN to\nstudy the nature of antimatter.\nLet’s do comments for both.\nRegarding trying to disolve an event horizon\nby throwoing more and more electric charge\ninto it - Ultimantis points out that it would\nbe increasingly difficult to do so as the\nblack hole gain charge.\nThat’s right - and that means we shouldn’t\nexpect highly charaged balck holes in nature.\nHowever it never actually becomes impossible\nto keep charging up a black hole if you can\nput enough energy behind your electron beam.\nSo, you know, still worth trying.\nFabrizio Cimo has a good one: What if I cross\nthe event horizon just for a plank lenght\nand the instant later the black hole shrinks\ndue to evaporation?\nWould I find myself outside again\nand have seen the inside of the black hole?\nFrom your point of view - no, not really.\nHawking evaporation is excrutiatingly slow\n- much slower than your rapid plummet to doom\nfrom your pespective.\nFor someone watching from far away, you appear\nto freeze smeared out at the event horizon\n- and then yes, they would see your energy\nexit again as the black hole shrank - but\nit would itslef be as hopelessly scrambled\nhawking radiation.\nSo, in a sense both happen, but you don’t\nget to report what you saw to anyone.\nA couple of you asked why we think there had\nto be an actual imbalance in the number of\nantimatter versus matter particles in the early universe.\nCouldn’t the two just have become separated\nin the early universe and now occupy different\nparts of the universe?\nSo, maybe then, there are antimatter galaxies\nout there.\nCool thought - but that doesn’t work because\nwhen they are created, each particle - antiparticle\npair is close together.\nMatter and antimatter would have been smoothly\nmixed, and there’s no mechanism to separate\nthem.\nNow there’s no way to directly test if distant\ngalaxies are actually antimatter galaxies\n- they should emit exactly the same light\nas regular galaxies.\nBut if there WAS an antimatter section of\nthe universe, you’d have a great wall thorugh\nthe universe where hydrogen and anti-hydrogen\ncame into contact to explosive effect.\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "yeah we've we've the whole week we've\nbeen hearing about security in Pakistan\nand it's really brought home to Qatar\nand I the importance the relationship\nbetween UK and Pakistan and I think what\npeople don't realize is how much effort\ngoes into the UK Pakistani relationship\nin keeping the security piece together\nand a lot of effort a lot of lives being\nlost by the Pakistanis in securing large\nparts of this country over the years and\nand those sacrifices from the Pakistanis\nshould be acknowledged it's been a huge\nhuge undertaking for them I think the\nfact that we're here today and we're\nwitnessing UK Pakistanis security\nworking together shows you how important\nit is and actually what happens here in\nPakistan directly correlates to what\nhappens on the streets of the UK and I\nthink it's really important that\neveryone back home realizes that you\nknow we have a far ranging far-reaching\nprojection of what we're doing and we're\ninvolved with Pakistanis for a very good\nreason that will actually keep people\nsafe back in the UK so what happens in\nPakistan directly correlates to what\nhappens back in the UK\nSubscribe Now\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "hello everyone and thank you for joining\nme here\nmichael lanfield and i just want to show\nyou my room\nit's pretty small but for the price that\ni'm paying\nit's excellent so here i have my compost\nbin\nand i just throw it outside under the\ntrees in my smoothie that\ni just recently made and i have\nmy bags that i take to the feria\nto the local farmers market and i have\nall my fruit\nas you can see all my fruit here and\nthis is this was these three bags plus\ntwo other big bags\nthis one and another big bag and i'm\nstill taking out my bananas here\nso how do i store my fruit well i stored\nunfortunately\nlike this because i don't really have\nmuch room and\ni'm afraid these might even fall over so\ni got everything here\nexcept the pineapples and the bananas\nfor free and plus some of the tomatoes i\npaid for as well\nbut everything else was free okay oh and\nuh\nthe um the\ncucumbers i i also paid for the rest of\nit was free\nso i paid about 10\nu.s for everything that you see here\nplus\nthe dd or uber taxi\nwhich was total of 13 u.s\nfor all this food for one whole week\ncan you believe it for all for me so\nand plus also the whatever i had in the\nblender there\nso i have lots and lots and lots of food\nso what do i do how do i store it\nwell it's unfortunate that there's not\nmuch i can do\num there's not much room in the freezer\nor in the fridge\nsorry there's two fridges but there's\nnot much room\nso i put my lettuce in the fridge so\npeople ask me well\nmike what do you usually eat during you\nknow the day\nand it's like each and every week it's a\nlittle bit different\nsometimes i have coconuts sometimes i\nhave\nbananas sometimes i have pineapple\nsometimes i have\nit really depends but this is usually\nwhat i what i buy\nmangoes or i find in the garbage because\na lot of this stuff i find in the\ngarbage so last week\ni spent 15 dollars u.s\nwhat happened there\noh no so last week i spent 15 u.s\nthis week 13 u.s and i got even more\nfood\nthan last week um i get really good\ndeals\nand and that so yeah so these are going\nto be\nin the smoothie these are going to be in\na smoothie\nthese are not ripe but they're kind of\nlike squished so i have to use them\nunfortunately because there's not much\nroom again in the in the freezers or\nfridge\nand what do i do with um\nwhat do i do with flies fruit flies\nthis kind of stuff do i still eat\nvegetables yes as you can see here i got\ncarrots and i got some\num this uh\nradishes and not much vegetable\ngreens i have downstairs tomatoes are\nfruits because they're they contain a\nseed cucumbers are fruits because they\ncontain the seed\nand all the rest are fruits because they\ncontain a seed\nso these are the what i found in a\ngarbage and they just have little\nspots on them um\nso i'm going to be eating them within\nthe next day or so\nso you usually put the pineapples\non the top here because i find that if\nyou put it\non lying on the bottom i find that\nsometimes uh\nflies and other insects get to the\nbottom of it\nand it gets like wet you know like mushy\nso that's why i put it this way usually\nbut uh\nsome of these were cut already so i have\nto you know do the best that i can\nbut they were really really really cheap\nso i get deals i i find deals you know\nwherever i go i find deals\nbut if it's really really humid which is\nsometimes really humid\nsometimes certain fruits go really bad\nquick\nso i tried to get as ripe as i possibly\ncan the fruits\nand yeah within the week it's all like\ngone and it's pretty good\ni have a i have a windows here which is\nlike really amazing because the other\nrooms\nin this house don't have any i have any\nactual windows\nso i'm really really happy that there's\nwindows here\ni hang up my clothes as well just to\nfreshen and get air\nand that's really about it everybody so\nthis is all my\ngroceries for all week\nso again i do eat some vegetables but\nnot often\nwhatever i find in a garbage all i'll\neat\nso this is really yeah\nthat's about it everybody so i hope you\nlike my\ntour of my\nunfortunately i don't have any room so i\nput it on the floor\nand unfortunately there is ants that\ncome here\nbut i try to clean as much as i can and\nyou know don't leave any stickiness on\nthe on the floor\nand things like that so that's really\nabout it for this\nsession i wash and reuse all my\nplastic bags that i get and i reuse them\nas much as i possibly can\ni do have some reusable bags but\nsometimes it's not possible to only use\nreusable bags\nso i have these bags and then i have a\nfew plastic bags\nunfortunately i hope they're\nbiodegradable but i don't think they are\nso sometimes i get these for free i find\nthem in the garbage or something i wash\nthem out\nso that's really about it everybody i\nhave one more bag to\ntake out of bananas and uh because it's\nnot good to leave food and outside you\nknow\nbut if you do have if you do have some\nuh if you do have some space in the\nfridge or freezer\nput stuff in there whatever is ripe put\nit in there\nand uh yeah make sure you have a good\nfridge\ngood fridge excuse me good fridge that\nway it doesn't like freeze your\nfruits and veggies in there because\nsometimes\nsometimes fridges don't work and then\nthey you know old fridges and\nthey freeze your food and then you throw\nall the food out\nso it's really not good here i got all\nthe food possible look at that\namazing huh amazing amazing amazing\nso again in costa rica this is all\nsomething like maximum 15 for everything\nbut it depends on which area you're\nliving in\nuh depending on which local farmers\nmarket you go to\nthere's a lot of options a lot of things\nbut i get a lot of it from dumpster\ndiving\nso i save a lot of money\nthey're not totally perfect these fruits\nbut i cut them and you know they're good\nto eat\nso and i found this i found this one\nthis one was paid\nbut look it's a twin twin cucumber\namazing huh twin cucumber\nand uh that's really about it everybody\nthis\nepisode was sponsored by evolution diet\npet food\nplease support them if you have any\ncompanion animals please get\nevolution diet pet food vegan pet food\nfor your cat dog\nor any other animal basically so you can\nfind them\nat petfoodshop.com the links will be\ndown\nbelow this video and yeah i always walk\nuh barefoot almost everywhere today i\nwalked in the city with my\nwith my um sandals these are\nzero sandals so they're really like\nminimalist sandals\nbut for the most part i walk almost\neverywhere\nbarefoot because i love doing that and\nit strengthens\nyour ankles strengthens your feet your\ncab muscles\nit's just really really great everywhere\nyou walk\non your bare feet so i do that like\nat least eighty percent of the time and\ni'm uh\ni'm trying to do that every single day\nnow\nand that's really about it for this\nvideo please like this video share it\naround to all your fam\nfriends and family if you found it\nuseful and don't forget to\nsubscribe to the youtube channel click\nthe little\nbell icon to\nto get notifications in your email and\nto subscribe to the\nemail newsletter thanks for joining me\nand i'll see you in the next video\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "\nEnglish: \nmost of the time\nsuccessful modern life involves lots of\ntechnology, constantly being connected\nwith other people, working very hard for as much money as possible and doing what we're told.\nSo it may come as a surprise that some of the best advice about modern life\ncomes from an unemployed writer who lived alone in the woods and refused to pay his taxes.\nHenry David Thoreau reminds us about the importance of simplicity, authenticity\nand downright disobedience.\nHe was born in 1817 in concord, an\nunassuming town west of Boston.\nHis father was a pencil maker and his\nmother took in boarders.\nHe attended Harvard College in 1833, yet he rejected the ordinary career parts\nlike law or medicine or the church. Then Thoreau struck up a remarkable friendship\nwith the American transcendentalist\nphilosopher\nRalph Waldo Emerson.\nTranscendentalism is a philosophy that emphasizes the\n\nItalian: \nSpesso\nuna vita moderna di successo comprende molta tecnologia, si è costantemente connessi\ncon gli altri, lavorando il più possibile per guadagnare e facendo ciò che ci dicono di fare.\nÈ sorprendente scoprire che uno dei migliori consigli sulla vita moderna\nviene da uno scrittore disoccupato che visse solitario nei boschi e si rifiutò di pagare le tasse\nHenry D. Thoreau ci ricorda l'importanza della semplicità, dell'autenticità\ne soprattutto della disobbedienza\nNacque nel 1817 a Concord, un piccolo paese a ovest di Boston\nSuo padre era un fabbricante di matite e sua madre accoglieva pensionati.\nNel 1833 frequentò il college di Harvard, ma rigettò il classico percorso di carriera\ncome legge, medicina o la chiesa. In seguito Thoreau strinse un'importante amicizia\ncon il filosofo trascendentalista americano\nRalph Waldo Emerson\nIl trascendentalismo è una filosofia che enfatizza\n\nFinnish: \nMenestyminen modernissa elämässä\nedellyttää teknologiaa, jatkuvaa yhteydenpitoa -\nmuihin ihmisiin, kovaa työntekoa rahan eteen ja käskyjen noudattamista.\nJoten voi tulla yllätyksenä, että jotkin parhaista neuvoista koskien nykyelämää,\ntulevat työttömältä kirjailijalta, joka eli yksin metsässä ja kieltäytyi maksamasta veroja.\nHenry Davis Thoreau muistuttaa meitä yksinkertaisuuden, alkuperän -\nja suoraselkäisen niskuroinnin tärkeydestä.\nHän syntyi v. 1817, Concordiin, vaatimattomaan kaupunkiin Länsi-Bostonissa.\nHänen isänsä oli kynäntekijä ja äitinsä sisäoppilaitoksen hoitaja.\nHän kävi Harvard Collegea v. 1833, joskin hylkäsi tavanomaiset uravalinnat, -\nkuten lain, lääketieteen tai kirkon. Sitten Thoreau muodosti ystävyyden\namerikkalaisen transendentialistifilosofin\nRalph Waldo Emersonin kanssa.\nTransendentialismi on filosofia, joka korostaa\n\nFrench: \nla plupart du temps\nune vie moderne accomplie implique une profusion de\ntechnologie, constamment connectée\nà d'autres personnes, travaillant très dur pour gagner autant que possible tout en faisant ce qu'on nous dit.\nIl peut donc être surprenant que certains des meilleurs conseils sur la vie moderne\nviennent d'un écrivain au chômage qui vivait seul dans les bois et refusait de payer ses impôts.\nHenry David Thoreau nous rappelle l'importance de la simplicité, de l'authenticité\net même de la désobéissance.\nIl est né en 1817 à Concord, un\nville sans prétention à l'ouest de Boston.\nSon père fabriquait des crayons et sa\nmère hébergeait des pensionnaires.\nIl est entré à Harvard College en 1833, mais il a rejeté les domaines voués aux carrières ordinaires\ncomme le droit, la médecine ou le clergé. Puis Thoreau s'est lié d'une amitié remarquable\navec le philosophe transcendantaliste américain\nRalph Waldo Emerson.\nLe transcendantalisme est une philosophie qui met l'accent sur\n\nSpanish: \nLa mayor parte del tiempo, una exitosa y moderna vida\nimplica mucha tecnología, el estar constantemente conectados con otras personas,\nel trabajar muy duro por la mayor cantidad de dinero posible y el hacer lo que nos digan.\nAsí que puede ser una sorpresa el que algunos de los mejores consejos acerca de la vida moderna\nprovengan de un escritor desempleado\nquien vivía solo en el bosque y quien se negó a pagar sus impuestos.\nHenry David Thoreau\nnos recuerda la importancia de la sencillez, de la autenticidad y de la total y absoluta desobediencia.\nNació en el año de 1817, en Concord, una ciudad sin pretensiones al oeste de Boston.\nSu padre se dedicaba a hacer lápices y su madre aceptaba pensionistas.\nAsistió a la Universidad de Harvard en 1833,\naún así, rechazó las carreras comunes como el derecho, la medicina, o la iglesia.\nEntonces Thoreau entabló una notable amistad con el filósofo trascendalista Estadounidense Ralph Waldo Emerson\n\nUkrainian: \nПереважно\nуспішне сучасне життя складається з великої кількості технологій, постійних зв'язків\nз іншими людьми, тяжкої праці для максимального збагачення і виконання чиїхось розпоряджень.\nТож може виявитися несподіванкою, що одна з найкращих порад щодо сучасного життя\nпоходить від безробітного письменника, який жив на самоті в лісі і відмовився сплачувати податки.\nГенрі Девід Торо нагадує нам про важливість простоти, автентичності\nі абсолютного непослуху.\nНародився в 1817 році в Конкорд, скромному містечку на захід від Бостона.\nЙого батько виготовляв олівці, а мати тримала домашній пансіон.\nВін відвідував Гарвардський коледж в 1833, однак відмовився від звичайного професійного вибору,\nтакого як закон, медицина або церква. Після Торо завів чудову дружбу\nз американським філософом-трансценденталістом\nРальфом Волдо Емерсоном.\nТрансценденталізм - це філософія, яка надає особливе значення\n\nSpanish: \nLa mayor parte del tiempo\nla vida moderna exitosa envuelve un montón de tecnología, constantemente esta conectada\ncon otras personas, trabajando muy fuerte para hacer la mayor cantidad de dinero posible, y eso es lo que nos han dicho.\nEntonces, nos tomaría por sorpresa que muchos de los mejores consejos sobre la vida moderna\nvienen de un escritor desempleado, el cual vivía solo en el bosque y se negaba a pagar sus impuestos.\nHenry David Thoreau nos recuerda sobre la importancia de la simplicidad, autenticidad\ny desobediencia.\nEl nació en 1817 en concuerdo, en una ciudad en el este de Boston.\nSu padre era un fabricador de lápices y su madre estaba en las fronteras.\nAsistió a la Universidad de Harvard en 1833, y se nego a cursar las típicas materias/partes\ncomo son derecho o medicina o la iglesia. Luego, Thoreau entabló una gran amistad\ncon el filósofo trascendental americano\nRalph Waldo Emerson.\nTranscendentalismo es una filosofía que enfatiza que\n\nPolish: \nprzez większość czasu\npełne sukcesu współczesne życie zapewnia mnóstwo technologii, będąc bez przerwy w kontakcie\nz innymi ludźmi, pracującymi bardzo ciężko za jak najwięcej pieniędzy i robiących co im powiemy.\nWięc to może być zaskakujące, że najlepsza rada dot. współczesnego życia\npochodzi od bezrobotnego pisarza, który mieszkał sam w lesie i odmówił płacenia podatków.\nHenry David Thoreau przypomina nam o tym, jak ważna jest prostota, autentyczność\ni zupełne nieposłuszeństwo.\nUrodził się w 1817 w Concord, skromnym miasteczku zachodniego Bostonu.\nJego ojciec był wytwórcą ołówków, a matka wynajmowała pokoje.\nW 1833 wstąpił na Harvard College, ale odrzucił przeciętne ścieżki kariery\njak prawo, medycyna czy kościół. \nNastępnie nawiązał niezwykłą znajomość\nz amerykańskim filozofem transcendentalistycznym\nRalphem Waldo Emersonem.\nTranscendentalizm to filozofia, która podkreśla\n\nPolish: \nznaczenie duchowości nad światem materialnym, jeśli chodzi o\nudane życie.\nEmerson oraz jego transcendentalizm mieli duży wpływ na Thoreau.\nPonadto, Emesrson pomagał Thoreau znaleźć miejsce, gdzie ten mógłby skupić się na pisarstwie.\nStarszy mężczyzna posiadał działkę w lesie niedaleko Stawu Walden.\nW 1845 pozwolił tam Thoreau zbudować małą chatkę, cztery na pół metra.\nW ciągu dwóch lat w chatce\nThoreau napisał pierwszy szkic swojej najbardziej znanej pracy: \"Walden, czyli życie w lesie\"\nktóra została ostatecznie opublikowana w 1854.\nStała się ona inspirującym tekstem o samopoznaniu.\nThoreau argumentuje, że jego ucieczka nad Walden, nie była prostą,\nrelaksującą ucieczką do lasu.\nOsiedlił się on tam, by żyć pełnią życia i wyssać\nz niego całą kwintesencję, jak to ujął.\n„Zamieszkałem w lesie albowiem chciałem żyć świadomie...\n...stawiać czoło wyłącznie najbardziej ważnym kwestiom...\n...przekonać się, czy potrafię przyswoić sobie to, czego może mnie nauczyć życie, abym w godzinę śmierci...\n...nie odkrył, że nie żyłem.\"\n\nItalian: \nl'importanza dello spirituale oltre il materiale che può guidare verso\nuna vita soddisfacente.\nEmerson e il suo trascendentalismo ebbe un'enorme influenza su Thoreau.\nPer di più, Emerson aiutò Thoreau a trovare un posto dove potesse concentrarsi sulla scrittura.\nL'uomo possedeva un pezzo di terra nei boschi circostanti le rive del lago Walden.\nNel 1845 permise a Thoreau di costruire una piccola capanna, di 3 metri per 4 e mezzo.\nNei suoi due anni nella capanna\nThoreau abbozzò le prime parole della sua opera più notevole: \"Walden o vita nei boschi\"\nche fu successivamente pubblicata nel 1854.\nSarebbe diventato un libro di ispirazione per la scoperta di sé.\nThoreau spiegò che il suo isolamento a Walden non fu semplicemente\nuna rilassante vacanza nei boschi. Si insediò là per vivere in modo profondo e succhiare\nil midollo della vita, come disse.\n\"Andai nei boschi poiché desideravo vivere con saggezza\nper avere a che fare solo con l'essenziale\ne per vedere se non fossi capace di imparare quanto aveva da insegnarmi, e per non scoprire,\nin punto di morte, che non avevo vissuto\".\n\nEnglish: \nimportance of the spiritual over the\nmaterial when it comes to leading a\nfulfilling life.\nEmerson and his transcendentalism had a huge influence on Thoreau.\nMoreover, Emerson help Thoreau find a place where he could focus on his writing.\nThe older man owned a plot of land in the woods surrounding the nearby Walden Pond.\nAnd in 1845 he allowed Thoreau to build a small cabin there, three by four and a half meters.\nIn his two years in the cabin\nThoreau penned the first draft of his most notable work: \"Walden or life in the woods\"\nwhich was eventually published in 1854.\nIt would become an inspirational text about self-discovery.\nThoreau argued that his escape to Walden Pond was not simply\na relaxing retreat to the forest. He\nsettled there to live deep and suck out\nthe marrow of life as he put it.\n\"I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately...\n...to front only the essential\nfacts of life...\n...and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die,...\n... discover that I had not lived.\".\n\nUkrainian: \nважливості духовного над матеріальним, коли йдеться\nпро повноцінне життя.\nЕмерсон і його трансценденталізм мали вагомий вплив на Торо.\nНавіть більше, Емерсон допоміг Торо віднайти місце, яке дозволило б йому зосередитися на письменництві.\nЛітній чоловік володів ділянкою в лісах, які розташувались навколо Волденського ставу.\nВ 1845 він дозволив Торо побудувати маленьку хатинку в цих місцинах, розмірами 3x4,5 метри.\nПротягом 2-х років, проведених в цій хатинці\nТоро склав перший чорновий варіант однієї зі своїх найвидатніших робіт \"Волден, або життя в лісі\",\nяка в кінцевому рахунку була опублікована в 1854 р.\nІ мала б бути свого роду надихаючим текстом для самопізнання.\nТоро стверджував, що ця втеча до Волденського ставу не була простим\nвідпочинком в лісі. Він оселився тут, \"щоб жити повним життя і висмоктувати\nкістковий мозок життя\", як він сам висловився.\n\"Я вирушив до лісу, тому що хотів жити свідомо...\n...ставити на перше місце тільки істотні явища життя...\nі спробувати зрозуміти чому мене це вчить, щоб не виявилося перед смертю так...\n...що я зовсім і не жив.\"\n\nFrench: \nl'importance du spirituel sur le\nmatériel pour ce qui est de mener une\nvie épanouissante.\nEmerson et son transcendantalisme ont eu une énorme influence sur Thoreau.\nDe plus, Emerson a aidé Thoreau à trouver un endroit où il pourrait se concentrer sur son écriture.\nEmerson, plus âgé, possédait une parcelle de terrain dans les bois à proximité autour de l'étang de Walden.\nEt en 1845, il autorisa Thoreau à y construire une petite cabane de trois mètres sur quatre et demi.\nDurant les deux années passées dans cette cabane\nThoreau a écrit la première ébauche de son œuvre la plus remarquable: \"Walden ou la vie dans les bois\"\nlaquelle a finalement été publiée en 1854.\nCela allait devenir un texte source d'inspiration sur la découverte de soi.\nThoreau y affirmait que son évasion à Walden Pond n'était pas simplement\nune retraite relaxante dans la forêt. Il s'y est\ninstallé pour vivre profondément et sucer\nla substantifique moelle de la vie selon ses propres termes.\n\"Je suis allé dans les bois parce que je voulais vivre délibérément ...\n... affronter uniquement les\nfaits essentiels de la vie...\n... et voir si je ne pouvais pas apprendre ce qu'elle avait à enseigner, et non, à la veille de ma mort, ...\n... découvrir que je n'avais pas vécu. \".\n\nSpanish: \nla importancia espiritual sobre lo material cuando se trata de llegar a una\nvida completa y satisfecha.\nEmerson y su transcendentalismo tuvieron una gran influencia en Thoreau.\nAdemás, Emerson ayudo a Thoreau a encontrar un lugar dónde pudiera concentrarse en su escritura.\nEl hombre mayor tenía un terreno en el bosque el cuál estaba rodeado por el cercano estanque Walden.\nY en 1845, a Thoreau se le dio el permiso de construir una pequeña cabaña ahí, a tres o cuatro metros\nEn los dos años que paso en esa cabaña\nThoreau realizó el primer borrador de uno de sus más notables trabajos: \"Wallden o la vida en el bosque\".\nel cuál fue eventualmente publicado en 1854.\nSe volvería un texto inspiracional sobre el auto-descubrimiento.\nThoreau argumentaba que su escape a Walden Pond no era simplemente\nun retiro para relajarse en el bosque. El se estableció ahí para vivir profundamente y extraer\nlo esencial de la vida mientras como el lo ponía.\n\"Yo fuí al bosque porque yo desee vivir deliberadamente...\npara afrontar solo las verdades esenciales de la vida....\ny ver sí uno de verdad puede aprender lo que le tienen que enseñar , y no cuando uno viene a morir...\n.... descubrir que yo no he vivido\".\n\nSpanish: \nEl trascendentalismo es una filosofía que enfatiza la importancia de lo espiritual sobre lo material\ncuando se trata de llevar una vida satisfecha.\nEmerson y su trascendentalismo tuvieron una gran influencia en Thoreau.\nMás allá, Emerson le ayudo a Thoreau a encontrar un lugar donde pudiese enfocarse en su escritura.\nEmerson era dueño de un pedazo de tierra en el bosque rodeada por la Laguna Walden,\ny en 1845 le permitió a Thoreau que construyera una pequeña cabaña allí (de 3 por 4,5 metros).\nEn sus dos años en la cabaña, Thoreau escribió su trabajo más notable:\nWalden; o, La Vida en los Bosques, el cual eventualmente fue publicado en 1854.\nSe convertiría en un texto inspirador acerca del descubrimiento de sí mismo.\nThoreau argumentó que su escape a la Laguna Walden\nno fue simplemente una relajante retirada al bosque.\nÉl se instaló allí para “vivir profundamente y succionar la medula de la vida”, según sus propias palabras:\n\"Fui a los bosques porque quería vivir deliberadamente\nal frente de tan sólo los hechos esenciales de la vida,\ny ver si podía aprender lo que tenía que enseñar\ny no, cuando llegase a morir, descubrir que no había vivido.\"\n\nFinnish: \nhengellisyyden tärkeyttä materiasta, kun kyse on -\nmielekkäästä elämästä.\nEmerson ja hänen transendentialisminsa tekivät suuren vaikutuksen Thoreauhun.\nEnnenkaikkea Emerson auttoi Thoreauta löytämään paikan, jossa hän pystyi keskittymään kirjoittamiseen.\nVanhempi Emerson omisti metsätilkun läheltä Walden lampea.\nJa v. 1845 hän antoi Thoreau rakentaa sinne pienen mökin. Kooltaan 3 x 4,5 metriä.\nKahtena vuotenaan mökissä\nThoreau raapusti ensimmäisen luonnoksen tunnetuimmasta työstään \"Walden: elämää metsässä\", -\njoka viimein julkaistiin v. 1854.\nSiitä tuli inspiroiva teksti itsensä oivaltamisesta.\nThoreau väitti, että hänen pakonsa Walden lammelle ei ollut ainoastaan -\nrentouttava vetäytyminen metsään. Hän asettui sinne elääkseen syvästi ja imeäkseen ulos\nelämän ytimen.\n\"Menin metsään, koska toivoin eläväni...\n...kohdatakseni ainoastaan elämisen välttämättömät tosiseikat...\n... ja nähdäkseni enkö voisi oppia, mitä sillä oli opetettavana...\n... ja huomata etten ole elänyt.\"\n\nItalian: \nDopo qualche tempo nella capanna,\nThoreau scoprì uno stile di vita più consapevole. Per cominciare,\nconcluse che\nabbiamo bisogno di veramente poche cose. Sentiva che reputiamo\ni nostri averi in termini di poco valore, piuttosto che pensare quanto valgano realmente.\nSe la cavò nel mantenersi lavorando un solo giorno a settimana,\nrealizzò che ci voleva un giorno di cammino per fare 30 miglia di tragitto del treno\nma per guadagnare il necessario per pagare lo stesso viaggio ci sarebbe voluto più di un giorno di lavoro.\nCome il suo amico Emerson, Thoreau apprezzò profondamente ciò che chiamava:\nAUTONOMIA\nEgli diffidava la società e il progresso di cui si vantava\n\"L'uomo civilizzato ha costruito una carrozza..\" disse,\n\"...ma ha perso l'uso dei suoi piedi\":\nSentiva che l'indipendenza economica dagli altri\ne dal governo era cruciale\ne pur comprendendo che talvolta abbiamo bisogno di compagnia, sentiva\nche troppo spesso usiamo la compagnia degli altri per riempire i nostri vuoti\ndi cui abbiamo paura a confrontarci.\nImparare a vivere da solo fu per Thoreau\nnon tanto lo svolgere le faccende quotidiane, quanto l'essere una buona\n\nEnglish: \nAfter some time in the cabin,\nThoreau discovered a different more\nconscious lifestyle. To begin with, he\nconcluded that we actually need\nvery few things. He suggested that we\nthink about our belongings\nin terms of how little we can get by\nwith, rather than how much we can get.\nHe managed to sustain himself on only one day of work a week,\nhe pointed out that walking the distance of a 30-mile train journey took a day,\nbut working to earn the money to pay for the same journey will take more than a day.\nLike his friend Emerson, Thoreau\ndeeply valued what he called:\nSELF-RELIANCE\nHe distrusted society and a progress it\nclaimed to have made.\n\"The civilized man, has built a coach...\" he said,\n\"...but has lost\nthe use of his feet.\".\nHe felt that economic independence from other people\nand from the government was crucial\nand while he understood that we need\ncompanionship from time to time, he felt\nthat too often we use others company to \nfill gaps in our inner life that we're\nafraid to confront.\nThe task of learning\nto live alone was for Thoreau\nnot so much about carrying out daily\nchores as it was about becoming a good\n\nFrench: \nAprès un certain temps dans sa cabane,\nThoreau a découvert un style de vie différent, plus conscient. Tout d'abord, il\na conclu que nous n'avons vraiment besoin que de\ntrès peu de choses. Il conseille que nous\nrecherchions le minimum de biens\nnécessaires pour survivre, plutôt que le maximum que nous puissions obtenir.\nIl a réussi à subsister avec une seule journée de travail par semaine,\nil a fait valoir que parcourir à pied une distance de 30 miles prenait un jour,\nmais que travailler pour gagner de quoi payer le même voyage en train prendrait plus d'une journée.\nComme son ami Emerson, Thoreau\nvalorisait profondément ce qu'il a appelé :\nAUTO-SUFFISANCE\nIl se méfiait de la société et du progrès\nqu'elle prétendait avoir accompli.\n\"L'homme civilisé, a inventé la voiture ...\" at-il dit,\n\"... mais a perdu\nl'usage de ses pieds. \".\nIl estimait que l'indépendance économique vis à vis des autres personnes\net du gouvernement était cruciale\net alors qu'il admettait que nous ayons besoin\ncompagnie de temps en temps, il estimait\nque trop souvent nous utilisons la compagnie des autres pour combler les lacunes\ndans notre vie intérieure que nous craignons d'affronter.\nPour Thoreau, apprendre à\nvivre seul ne consistait pas tant à\nréaliser des tâches quotidiennes\nque de devenir un bon\n\nSpanish: \nDespués de un tiempo en la cabaña, Thoreau descubrió un estilo de vida diferente y más consciente.\nPara empezar, Thoreau concluyó que en realidad necesitamos muy pocas cosas.\nSugirió el que pensáramos en nuestras pertenencias\nen términos de lo poco que necesitamos para salir adelante,\nen lugar de lo mucho que podemos llegar a conseguir.\nLogró sostenerse trabajando tan sólo un día a la semana\nSeñaló que el caminar la distancia de un viaje en tren de 30 millas toma un día,\npero que el trabajar para ganarse el dinero para pagar por el mismo viaje tomaría más de un día.\nAl igual que su amigo Emerson, Thoreau profundamente valoró lo que llamó la suficiencia de sí mismo.\nDesconfiaba de la sociedad y del “progreso” que parecía tener.\n“El hombre civilizado ha construido un coche”, dijo “pero ha perdido el uso de sus pies”.\nSentía que la independencia económica de las demás personas y del gobierno era crucial,\ny si bien entendió que necesitamos de la compañía de otras personas de vez en cuando,\nsentía que con demasiada frecuencia utilizamos la compañía de las demás personas\npara llenar los vacíos en nuestras vidas interiores a las que tenemos miedo de enfrentarnos.\nLa tarea de aprender a vivir solo era, para Thoreau,\n\nPolish: \nPo jakimś czasie w chatce,\nThoreau odkrył inny, bardziej świadomy styl życia. Na wstępie stwierdził,\nże tak naprawdę potrzebujemy\nwyłącznie kilku rzeczy. Sugerował, że myślimy o naszych rzeczach\nw kategoriach, jak niewiele możemy dzięki nim zdziałać, zamiast jak bardzo mogą się one nam przysłużyć.\nUdało mu się utrzymać pracując przez jeden dzień w tygodniu,\nzwrócił uwagę, że przejście 30 mil trasy pociągu zajmuje dzień,\nnatomiast aby zarobić pieniądze na tę podróż, potrzeba więcej niż jednego dnia.\nTak jak jego przyjaciel Emerson, Thoreau głęboko doceniał, to co nazywał\nSAMODZIELNOŚCIĄ\nNie miał zaufania do społeczeństwa i postępu, jaki miał się dokonywać.\n\"Cywilizowany człowiek zbudował pojazd...\" mówił\n\"ale stracił użytek nóg.\"\nCzuł, że ekonomiczna niezależność od innych ludzi\ni państwa jest kluczowa\ni jednocześnie rozumiejąc, że czasami potrzebujemy towarzystwa, miał wrażenie\nże zbyt częstym spędzaniem czasu w towarzystwie staramy się zapełnić braki w naszym wewnętrznym życiu,\nz którymi boimy się skonfrontować.\nNauczenie się żyć samemu, było dla Thoreau\nnie tyle wykonywaniem codziennych obowiązków, co stawaniem się dobrym\n\nSpanish: \nDespués de un tiempo en la cabaña\nThoreau descubrió un estilo de vida más consciente y diferente. Para empezar,\nconcluyó que lo que realmente necesitamos\nson muy pocas cosas. El sugirió que pensamos en nuestras pertenencias\nen términos de que tampoco puedo obtener en lugar de pensar que tanto mucho puedo obtener.\nEl logró sostenerse así mismo con tan solo un día de trabajo a la semana,\nel señaló que caminar una distancia de 30 millas en un tren tomaba un día,\npero trabajar para ganar dinero para pagar el mismo viaje tomaba más de un día.\nComo su amigo Emerson, Thoreau realmente valoraba lo que el llamaba:\nConfiar en ti mismo / Autoconfianza\nEl desconfiaba de la sociedad y el progreso que decía que se hacía.\n\" El hombre civilizado, ha construido un guía...\" decía\n\"....pero ha perdido el uso de sus pies.\"\nEl sentía que la independencia económica sobre otras personas y\ndel gobierno era crucial\ny mientras el comprendió que se necesita la compañía de otros de vez en cuando, también sintió\nque muy a menudo usábamos a la compañía de los otros para llenar nuestros espacios en nosotros y nuestra vida interna que estamos\ncon miedo a afrontar.\nEl propósito del aprendizaje de vivir solo fue para Thoreau\nno tanto el tener que llevar los quehaceres diarios, sino en como llegar a ser un buen compañero\n\nUkrainian: \nПісля деякого часу, проведеного в хатинці,\nТоро відкрив для себе інший, більш свідомий спосіб життя. Спочатку він\nзробив висновок, що насправді нам необхідно\nзовсім небагато речей. Він припускав, що ми міркуємо про те, що нам належить\nвизначаючи, як задовольнитися меншим, ніж як отримати більше.\nВін зміг забезпечити себе, працюючи лише один день на тиждень,\nі вказував на те, що подолати пішки відстань 30-ти мильної подорожі поїздом можна за один день,\nале для того, щоб заробити гроші на оплату тієї ж подорожі на поїзді, необхідно більше ніж день.\nЯк і його приятель Емерсон, Торо глибоко цінив те, що він називав:\nВПЕВНЕНІСТЬ В СВОЇХ СИЛАХ\nВін не довіряв суспільству і тому прогресу, який, як вважалося, воно зробило.\n\"Цивілізована людина побудувала карету...\" сказав він,\n\"...але перестала використовувати свої ноги.\"\nВін відчував, що економічна незалежність від інших людей\nі від уряду мала вирішальне значення\nі хоча розумів, що нам час від часу необхідно товариство, він схилявся до того,\nщо дуже часто ми використовуємо чиюсь компанію, щоб заповнити прогалини в нашому внутрішньому житті,\nз якими ми боїмося зіткнутися.\nЗавдання навчитися жити без сторонньої допомоги було для Торо\nпов'язане не стільки з виконанням повсякденної роботи, як з перетворенням в гарного\n\nFinnish: \nVietettyään aikaansa mökissä,\nThoreau löysi erilaisen, tarkoituksenmukaisemman elämäntyylin.\nHän päätteli, että oikeastaan tarvitsemme -\nvain hyvin harvoja asioita. Hän ehdotti, että ajattelisimme omistamiamme esineitä\nsiinä mielessä kuinka vähällä pärjäämme, ennemmin kuin kuinka paljon voimme niitä kerätä.\nHän onnistui elättämään itsensä ainoastaan yhdellä työpäivällä viikossa.\nHän osoitti, että kävelemällä 50 kilometrin junamatkan kestää päivän, -\nmutta rahan ansaitsemiseen junamatkaan työtä tekemellä kestää kauemmin kuin päivän.\nKuten ystävänsä Emerson, Thoreau arvosti syvästi -\nOMAVARAISUUTTA\nHän piti yhteisöä ja sen väittämää kehitystä epäluotettavana.\n\"Sivistynyt ihminen on rakentanut vaunun...\n... mutta on menettänyt kykynsä käyttää jalkojaan.\"\nHänen mielestään taloudellinen riipumattomuus muista ihmisistä -\nja valtiosta oli ratkaisevaa -\nja, vaikka hän ymmärsi, että tarvitsemme toveruutta silloin tällöin, hän tunsi, -\nettä liian usein käytämme toistemme seuraa täyttääksemme aukkoja sisimmässämme, joita -\nolemme liian pelokkaita kohtaamaan.\nOppiminen elämään yksin ei ollut Thoreaulle\nniinkään päivittäisten askareiden hoitamista, vaan tulemista hyväksi\n\nItalian: \ncompagnia per se stessi. Basando prima di tutto l'amicizia con se stessi, l'intimità\ne una guida morale.\n\"SOFFERMATI SU TE STESSO...\n...NON IMITARE MAI!\", scrisse. Prima di tutto uno dovrebbe cambiare se stesso\nprima di cercare di cambiare il mondo.\nThoreau vedeva inoltre la tecnologia spesso come una distrazione inutile.\nVide i benefici pratici delle nuove invenzioni, ma mise in guardia che queste\ninnovazioni non potevano portare alle vere sfide della felicità personale.\n\"Le nostre invenzioni sono piuttosto dei giocattoli\nche distraggono la nostra attenzione dalle cose importanti.\nSiamo in grado di costruire un telegrafo magnetico dal Maine al Texas,\nma Maine e Texas possono non avere nulla di importante da comunicare\".\nThoreau sosteneva invece che dobbiamo guardare alla natura, la quale è ricca di significato spirituale.\nRiteneva gli animali, il bosco e le cascate preziosi di per sé\nper la loro bellezza e il loro ruolo nell'ecosistema.\nPossiamo comprenderci meglio\ncome parte della natura, dovremmo vedere noi stessi come la natura che guarda\n\nSpanish: \nno tanto acerca del realizar las tareas diarias, como lo era el llegar a ser buena compañía para uno mismo,\napoyándose ante todo en sí mismo para la compañía y para la orientación moral:\n“Insista en sí mismo; nunca imite - escribió.\nPor encima de todo, uno debe cambiarse a uno mismo antes de tratar de cambiar el mundo.\nThoreau también vio la tecnología como una distracción a menudo innecesaria.\nVio los prácticos beneficios de las nuevas invenciones,\npero también advirtió que estas innovaciones no podían abordar el verdadero reto de la felicidad personal:\n“nuestros inventos acostumbran a ser juguetes bonitos,\nlos cuales distraen nuestra atención de los asuntos serios...\nEstamos con gran prisa por construir un telégrafo magnético desde Maine hasta Texas;\npero, podría ser, que Maine y Texas, no tengan nada importante que comunicarse”.\nThoreau también creía que debíamos mirar la naturaleza, la cual está llena de profundo significado espiritual.\nPensó acerca de los animales, de los bosques y de las cascadas como intrínsecamente valiosos,\ntanto por su belleza como por su papel en el ecosistema.\nPodemos comprendernos mejor a nosotros mismos como parte de la naturaleza;\ndebemos vernos a nosotros mismos como “naturaleza que mira la naturaleza”,\n\nEnglish: \ncompanion for oneself. Relying first and\nforemost on oneself friendship, intimacy\nand moral guidance.\n\"INSIST ON YOURSELF...\n...NEVER IMITATE!\", he wrote. Most of all\none should change one's self before seeking to\nchange the world.\nThoreau also viewed technology as an\noften unnecessary distraction.\nHe saw the practical benefits of new\ninventions, but he also warned that these\ninnovations couldn't address the real\nchallenges of personal happiness.\n\"Our inventions are wont to be pretty toys...\n...which distract our attention\nfrom serious things. We are...\n...in great haste to construct a magnetic\ntelegraph from Maine to Texas, but Maine\nand Texas it may be, have nothing\nimportant to communicate.\".\nThoreau believed we should instead look to\nnature which is full of spiritual significance.\nHe thought of animals, forest and\nwaterfalls as inherently valuable but\nfor their beauty and their role in the\necosystem.\nWe can best understand ourselves\nas a part of nature, we should\nsee ourselves as nature looking into\n\nUkrainian: \nкомпаньйона для самого себе. Покладаючись першочергово і переважно на власну дружбу, близкість\nі моральне керівництво.\n\"СТВЕРДЖУЙТЕ СЕБЕ...\n... НІКОЛИ НЕ НАСЛІДУЙТЕ!\", писав він. Передусім потрібно змінити себе до того, як починати прагнути\nзмінити світ.\nТоро, також розглядає технології, як часто непотрібне відволікання.\nВін розумів практичні переваги новітніх винаходів, але також попереджав, що ці\nнововведення не могли б вирішити реальних проблем особистого щастя.\n\"Наші винаходи мають звичай бути гарними іграшками...\n...які відволікають нашу увагу від серйозних речей. Ми мали...\n...велику необачність сконструювати магнітний телеграф від Мену до Техасу, але може бути, що Мен\nі Техас не мають нічого важливого для обговорення.\"\nТоро вірив, що замість цього нам потрібно споглядати природу, яка сповнена духовної значимості.\nВін вважав тварин, ліси і водоспади самоцінними,\nяк за їх красу, так і за їх роль в екосистемі.\nНайкраще ми можемо зрозуміти себе\nяк частину природи, ми повинні бачити себе як природу, яка заглядає всередину\n\nSpanish: \npara nosotros mismos. Confiando primero y más en nuestra propia amistad, intimidad y\nguía moral.\n\"¡INSISTE EN TÍ MISMO;\n....NUNCA IMITES!\" escribió. La mayoría de todos, quiere cambiarse a uno mismo\ntratando de cambiar al mundo .\nThoreau también veía a la tecnología como una distracción innecesaria.\nEl veía los beneficios prácticos de nuevos inventos, pero el también alertaba de que estos nuevos\ninventos no podían abordar nuevos retos de felicidad personal.\n\"Nuestros inventos tienden a ser juguetes bonitos,\nlos cuáles distraen nuestra atención de cosas serias\".\nEn gran apuro de construir el telegrafó magnetico desde Main a Texas, pero\nMaine y Texas, puede ser, que no tengan nada importante que comunicar\".\nThoreau creía que, en vez, podríamos mirar a la naturaleza, la cuál esta llena de significado espiritual.\nEl pensaba en animales, el bosque, y cascadas eran igual de valiosas pero\npor su belleza y su rol en el ecosistema.\nPodemos entendernos mejor\ncomo parte de la naturaleza, debemos vernos a nosotros mismos como naturaleza realmente aproximándonos\n\nFrench: \ncompagnon pour soi-même, en s'appuyant d'abord et\navant tout sur soi-même, l'amitié, l'intimité\net une ligne de conduite morale.\n\"Insistez sur vous-même ...\n... N'IMITEZ JAMAIS ! \", a-t-il écrit.\nSurtout, on devrait se changer soi-même\navant de chercher à changer le monde.\nThoreau voyait aussi la technologie comme\nune distraction souvent inutile.\nIl voyait les avantages pratiques des nouvelles\ninventions, mais doutait aussi que ces\ninnovations puissent relever le véritable\ndéfi du bonheur personnel.\n\"Nos inventions ont tendance à être de jolis jouets ...\n... qui distraient notre attention\ndes choses sérieuses. Nous sommes...\n... pressés de construire un télégraphe \nmagnétique du Maine au Texas, mais peut-être que\nle Maine et le Texas n'ont rien\nd'important à se dire. \"\nThoreau croyait que nous devrions plutôt nous tourner \nvers la nature laquelle est pleine de spiritualité.\nIl attribuait aux animaux, forêts et\nchutes d'eau une valeur intrinsèque, mais\npour leur beauté et leur rôle dans l'écosystème.\nNous pouvons mieux nous comprendre si nous nous considérons comme\nfaisant partie de la nature, nous devrions\nnous voir comme la nature contemplant\n\nFinnish: \nkumppaniksi itselleen. Luottamista ennenkaikkea itseensä ystävyydessä, intiimissä\nja moraaliohjauksessa.\n\"VAADI ITSEÄSI...\n...ÄLÄ PELOTTELE!\", hän kirjoitti. Ennenkaikkea muutos täytyy tehdä itsessään, ennen kuin hakee\nmuutosta maailmaan.\nThoreau myös näki teknologian usein tarpeettomana häiriötekijänä.\nHän näki käytännön hyödyt uusissa keksinnöissä, mutta myös varoitti, etteivät\nuudet keksinnöt voineet henkilökohtaisesti osoittaa tietä ihmisen onnellisuuteen.\n\"Keksintömme ovat vain kivoja leluja...\n...jotka harhauttavat meidät vakavista asioista. Me olemme...\n...suuressa kiireessä rakentamassa magneettista sähkötystä Mainesta Teksasiin, näin olkoon, -\nmutta Mainella Teksasilla ei ole mitään viestitettävää.\"\nThoreau uskoi, että meidän täytyisi sen sijaan katsoa luontoa ja sen hengellistä merkittävyyttä.\nHän ajatteli eläinten, metsien ja vesiputouksien olevan luonnostaan arvokkaita, sekä\nniiden kauneuden tähden, että niiden ekosysteemin roolin vuoksi.\nVoimme parhaiten ymmärtää itseämme -\nosana luontoa, meidän tulisi nähdä itsemme luontona katsomassa -\n\nPolish: \ntowarzyszem dla siebie samego. Poleganie przede wszystkim na kierowanych wobec siebie: przyjaźni, intymności\noraz moralnych wytycznych..\n\"POLEGAJ NA SOBIE...\"\n...NIGDY NIE NAŚLADUJ\", pisał. Przede wszystkim, jednostka powinna zmienić samą siebie,\nzanim będzie dążyć do zmiany świata.\nThoreau również postrzegał technologię jako często niepotrzebne odwrócenie uwagi.\nWidział praktyczne korzyści nowych wynalazków, ale ostrzegał także, że te\nwynalazki nie mogły sprostać wyzwaniom osobistego szczęścia.\n\"Nasze wynalazki są zazwyczaj ładnymi zabawkami...\"\n\"...odwracającymi naszą uwagę od spraw, które naprawdę się liczą.\"\n\"Bardzo się spieszymy, aby skonstruować połączenie telegraficzne pomiędzy Maine a Teksasem...\"\n...ale być może Maine i Teksas nie mają żadnych ważnych spraw do omówienia”\nThoreau wierzył, że powinniśmy zamiast tego spojrzeć na naturę, która ma duże znaczenie duchowe.\nUważał, że zwierzęta, lasy i wodospady są niezwykle cenne\nze względu na swoje piękno i rolę w ekosystemie.\nNajlepiej możemy zrozumieć siebie\njako część natury. Powinniśmy widzieć siebie jako naturę przyglądającą się naturze,\n\nPolish: \nniż jako zewnętrzną siłę lub władcę natury.\nPrzede wszystkim, natura zapewnia sens, który pieniądze, technologia oraz\nopinie innych ludzi nie mogą, poprzez uczenie nas bycia pokornymi i bardziej świadomymi\nprzez pobudzanie introspekcji i samooceny.\nTen stan psychiczny i brak pieniędzy lub technologii zapewnia prawdziwy postęp.\nThoreau optymistycznie oświadczał:\n\"Tylko taki dzień wstaje, jaki witamy przebudzeni. Wiele ich czeka na nasze zaproszenie.\"\n\"Słońce to jedynie blask jutrzenki.\"\nByć może najlepszym świadectwem wartości Thoreau,\nindywidualnych rozmyślań i osobistej autentyczności, jest to, że jego idee\ndoprowadziły go do wyraźnych wniosków politycznych.\nThoreau twierdził, że ludzie\nsą moralnie zobowiązani do podważania państwa, które stoi na straży hipokrytycznego czy\nrażąco niesprawiedliwego prawa.\nTak Thoreau zwrócił się w stronę czegoś, co nazywał: OBYWATELSKIE NIEPOSŁUSZEŃSTWO\nPokojowe sprzeciwianie się niemoralnym prawom w ramach protestu.\nW lipcu 1846 wstrzymał się od obowiązkowej zapłaty podatku pogłównego\naby uniknąć płacenia na meksykańsko-amerykańską wojnę oraz niewolnictwo.\n\"Nie proszę o to, aby natychmiast rząd zlikwidować...\"\n\nSpanish: \na la naturaleza, no como una fuerza externa o maestro de ella.\nLa mayoría de todas las cosas, la naturaleza promueve el significado del dinero y la tecnología, mientras que\nlas opiniones de la gente no pueden. Por enseñarnos a ser más humildes y buenas personas y más atentos\nal promover la introspección y el descubrimiento de nosotros mismos.\nEste estado mental, ni el dinero ni la tecnología promueve un progreso real.\nThoreau declaraba con optimismo:\n\"Solo ese día anochece a los cuales estamos despiertos. Hay más días\npara anochecer el sol, pero el siempre sale en la mañana.\nTal vez el mejor testamento de valor de la comntemplación individual y autenticidad personal de Thoreau\nes que sus ideas\nlo llevaron a conclusiones políticamente poderosas.\nThoreau argumentaba que las personas\nson moralmente obligadas a poner a prueba al gobierno que sostiene leyes hipócritas o\ninjustas.\nEntonces, Thoreau llegó a lo que el llamo: Desobediencia Civil.\nResistir pacíficamente leyes inmorales en protesta.\nEn julio de 1846, el retiro su pago de impuestos\npara no pagar por la guerra y esclavitud mexico-americana.\n\"Yo pregunto no por un no gobierno,\n\nFinnish: \nluontoa, ennemmin kuin ulkoisena voimana tai luonnon hallitsijana.\nEnnenkaikkea luonto tarjoaa meille merkitystä, jota raha, teknologia tai muiden -\nihmisten mielepiteet eivät anna, opettamalla meille nöyryyttä ja tietoisuutta\nedistämällä itsetutkiskelua ja itsensä löytämistä.\nTämä mielentilan, toisin kuin raha tai teknologia, tarjoaa todellisen kehityksen.\nThoreau optimistiseti julisti:\n\"Ainoastaan se päivä sarastaa, johon olemme heränneet. Päivää on vielä aamunkoittoon.\nAurinko on ainoastaan aamun tähti.\"\nEhkäpä paras testamentti Thoreaun\nindividualistiselle arviolle ja henkilökohtaiselle autenttisuudelle, on se, että hänen ajatuksensa\njohtivat hänet voimakkaisiin poliittisiin päätelmiin.\nThoreau väitti, että ihmiset ovat\nmoraalisesti velvoitettuja haastamaan hallinto, joka ylläpitää tekopyhiä tai -\nräikeästi epäreiluja lakeja.\nJoten Thoreau kääntyi KANSALAISTOTTELEMATTOMUUDEN puoleen\nRauhanomaista vastustamista moraalittomia lakeja kohtaan.\nHeinäkuussa 1846 hän kieltäytyi maksamasta veroja, jotta\nei tukisi Meksikon-Amerikan sotaa ja orjutta.\n\"En halua poistaa hallintoa,\n\nEnglish: \nnature, rather than an external force \nor the master of nature.\nMost of all nature provides the meaning\nthat money and technology and other\npeople's opinions cannot, by teaching us\nto be humble and more aware\nby fostering introspection and self-discovery.\nThis mental state and not money or \ntechnology provides real progress.\nThoreau optimistically declared:\n\"Only that day dawns to which we are\nawake. There is more day to dawn\nthe Sun is but a morning star.\".\nPerhaps the best testament of the value\nof Thoreau's,\nindividual contemplation and\npersonal authenticity, is that his ideas\nlead him to powerful political\nconclusions.\nThoreau argued that people\nare morally obliged to challenge a\ngovernment that uphold hypocritical or\nflagrantly unfair laws.\nSo Thoreau turned to what he called:\nCIVIL DISOBEDIENCE.\nPeacefully resisting immoral laws in protest.\nIn July 1846, he withheld payment of his poll tax duty\nto avoid paying for the mexican-american war and slavery.\n\"I ask for, not at once no government,\n\nUkrainian: \nприроди, ніж як зовнішню силу або її господаря.\nБільше того, природа дає нам значення, яке гроші і технології, або\nдумки інших людей не можуть нам дати, привчаючи нас до скромності і більшої обізнанності,\nзаохочуючи нас до самоаналізу і самопізнання.\nСаме цей психічний стан, а не гроші або технології забезпечують реальний прогрес.\nТоро оптимістично проголосив:\n\"Сходить лише та зоря, до якої ми пробудилися самі. Сьогодні ще попереду,\nа наше Сонце всього лиш ранкова зірка.\"\nМабуть найкращим свідченням цінностей Торо,\nіндивідуальних спостережень і особистої автентичності е те, що власні ідеї\nпривели його до переконливого політичного висновку.\nТоро вважав, що люди\nморально зобов'язані кидати виклик уряду, який підтримує брехливі або\nкричуще несправедливі закони.\nТож Торо звернувся до того, що він називав: ГРОМАДЯНСЬКА НЕПОКОРА\nМирний опір аморальним законам в знак протесту.\nВ липні 1846 року, він відмовився від сплати реєстрового податкового збору,\nщоб не оплачувати мексикансько-американську війну і рабство.\n\"Я прошу не відразу жоден уряд,\n\nFrench: \nla nature, plutôt qu'une force externe \nou les maîtres de la nature.\nSurtout, la nature fournit le sens\nque l'argent, la technologie et l'opinion d'autres\npersonnes ne peuvent pas fournir, en nous enseignant à\nêtre humbles et plus conscients\nen cultivant l'introspection et la découverte de soi.\nC'est cet état mental et non l'argent ou \nla technologie qui apporte de réels progrès.\nThoreau a déclaré avec optimisme:\n\"Seul se lève ce jour pour lequel nous sommes\néveillés. Il y a plus de jour à poindre\nle soleil n'est qu'une étoile du matin. \"\nPeut-être que le meilleur témoignage de la valeur de\nla contemplation individuelle et\nl'authenticité personnelle de Thoreau, c'est-ce que ses idées\nle conduisent à de puissantes conclusions politiques.\nThoreau a soutenu que les gens\nsont moralement tenus de contester un\ngouvernement qui soutiendrait\ndes lois hypocrites ou clairement injustes.\nThoreau se tourna donc vers ce qu'il appelait:\nLA DÉSOBÉISSANCE CIVILE.\nRésister pacifiquement aux lois immorales en signe de protestation.\nEn juillet 1846, il s'abstint de payer l'impôt\npour éviter de contribuer à la guerre américano-mexicaine et à l'esclavage.\n\"Je demande, pas l'abolition immédiate du gouvernement,\n\nSpanish: \nen lugar de una fuerza externa o cómo el patrón de la naturaleza.\nPor encima de todo, la naturaleza proporciona el sentido que el dinero,\nla tecnología y las opiniones de las demás personas no pueden dar,\nal enseñarnos a ser humildes y más conscientes,\nal fomentar la introspección y el descubrimiento de sí mismo.\nEste estado mental y no el dinero o la tecnología proveen progreso real.\nThoreau de manera optimista declaró:\n“tan sólo ese día en que amanezca y al cual estemos despiertos.\nHay más día al amanecer. El sol no es más que una estrella a la mañana”.\nTal vez el mejor testimonio del valor de la contemplación individual de Thoreau\ny de la autenticidad personal es que sus ideas lo llevaron a poderosas conclusiones políticas.\nThoreau argumentó que las personas están moralmente obligadas a desafiar a un gobierno\nque defiende leyes hipócritas o flagrantemente injustas.\nAsí que Thoreau giró a lo que él llamó “desobediencia civil”\n- el pacíficamente resistirse a leyes inmorales - en protesta.\nEn julio de 1846, retuvo el pago del debido impuesto a la capitación\npara evitar el pagar por la guerra Mexicano-Estadounidense y por la esclavitud.\n\nItalian: \nnella natura, piuttosto che come una forza esterna o il padrone della natura.\nÈ la natura che provvede al significato che il denaro, la tecnologia e\nle opinioni degli altri non possono provvedere, insegnandoci a essere umili e più consapevoli\nfavorendo l'introspezione e la scoperta di sé.\nQuesto stato mentale porta a un reale progresso, non il denaro o la tecnologia.\nThoreau dichiarò in maniera ottimista:\n\"Fa giorno solo quando siamo svegli. C'è più giorno nell'alba,\nil Sole non è che una stella del mattino\".\nForse la più bella testimonianza dei valori di Thoreau,\nla contemplazione individuale e l'autenticità personale, è che le sue idee\nlo conducevano a conclusioni politiche di successo.\nThoreau sosteneva che i cittadini sono obbligati moralmente\na sfidare un governo che difende leggi ipocrite\no palesemente ingiuste.\nCosì Thoreau mise in atto ciò che chiamò: DISOBBEDIENZA CIVILE.\nOpponendosi pacificamente a leggi immorali per protesta.\nNel luglio del 1846, non pagò l'imposta locale sulla persona fisica\nper evitare di sovvenzionare la guerra col Messico e la schiavitù.\n\"Non chiedo l'immediata abolizione del governo,\n\nUkrainian: \n...але відразу найкращий уряд.\"\nнаписав він після проведеної ночі у в'язниці.\nІ цього не було, доки його ідеї не були підхоплені\nнаступними реформаторами, внаслідок чого його нарис \"Громадянська непокора\" став одним з\nнайвпливовіших розділів в історії американської політичної філософії,\nсправивши вплив на Ганді, Мартіна Лютера Кінга і антифашистський опір.\nНезважаючи на час, проведений у відлюдненні, Торо вчить нас як поводитися з лякаюче\nвеличезним, тісно взаємопов'язаним і морально проблемним суспільством.\nВін закликає нас бути автентичними, не тільки шляхом уникнення матеріального життя і його відволікань,\nале шляхом взаємодії зі світом і відмови від підтримки уряду,\nколи ми впевнені, що він чинить несправедливо.\nЙого твори доносять до нас і нагадують нам\nважливість усунення відволікань на гроші, технології\nі думки інших людей, щоб жити відповідно до своєї найліпшої і найбільш правдивої природи.\n\nFinnish: \n...vaan saada paremman hallinnon.\",\nhän kirjoitti, vietettyään yön putkassa.\nVasta kun myöhemmät uudistajat\nnostivat hänet esille, hänen esseensä \"Kansalaistottelemattomuus\", tuli yhdeksi\nvaikuttavimmaksi osaksi amerikkalaista poliittista filosofiaa ja historiaa,\njolla oli vaikutusta Gandhiin, Martin Luther Kingiin ja natsismin vastarintaliikkeeseen.\nHuolimatta ajastaan erakkona, Thoreau opettaa meille kuinka lähestyä pelottavan -\nlaajaa, pitkälti yhdistynyttä ja moraalisesti arveluttavaa nyky-yhteiskuntaa.\nHän haastaa meidät olemaan aitoja, ei ainoastaan välttääksemme materialismia ja sen häiriötekijöitä,\nvaan osallistuaksemme maailmaan ja vetääksemme tukemme pois -\nhallinnolta, jonka uskomme toimivan väärin.\nHänen työnsä kestävät aikaa ja muistuttavat meitä kuinka -\ntärkeää on poistaa häiriötekijät rahasta teknologiasta ja -\nmuiden ihmisten näkemyksistä, elääksemme parhaimmin ja luonnolle rehellisimmin.\n\nPolish: \n\"... lecz o to, aby go natychmiast ulepszyć.\"\nnapisał po nocy spędzonej w więzieniu.\nDopiero gdy został podchwycony\nprzez kolejnych reformatorów, jego esej \"O obywatelskim nieposłuszeństwie\" stał się jednym z\nnajbardziej wpływowych elementów amerykańskiej filozofii politycznej w historii,\ninspirując Gandhiego, Martina Luthera Kinga czy antynazistowski ruch oporu.\nPomimo pustelniczego stylu życia, Thoreau uczy nas, jak podchodzić do strasznie\nrozległego, silnie połączonego i moralnie skłóconego współczesnego społeczeństwa.\nMobilizuje nas do bycia autentycznymi, nie tylko poprzez unikanie materialistycznego stylu życia odwracającego uwagę,\nale poprzez zainteresowanie światem i wycofanie poparcia dla\npaństwa, które działa niesprawiedliwie.\nJego prace trwają i przypominają nam, jak\nważnym jest nie ulegać pieniądzom, technologiom oraz\nopiniom innych ludzi, aby żyć według naszej najlepszej i najprawdziwszej natury.\n\nSpanish: \n“Pido, inmediatamente no ningún gobierno, sino inmediatamente un mejor gobierno”.\n- escribió tras pasar la noche en la cárcel.\nNo fue sino hasta que fue recogida por posteriores reformadores que su ensayo “Desobediencia Civil”\nllegó a ser una de las piezas más influyentes de la filosofía política Estadounidense en la historia.\nInfluyendo a Gandhi, a Martin Luther King y al movimiento de resistencia contra los nazis.\nA pesar de su tiempo como ermitaño,\nThoreau nos enseña a cómo acercarnos a nuestra aterradoramente vasta,\naltamente interconectada y moralmente preocupante sociedad moderna.\nÉl nos desafía a ser auténticos, no sólo evitando la vida material y sus distracciones,\nsino comprometiéndonos con el mundo, y retirando nuestro apoyo al gobierno\ncuando creemos que está actuando injustamente.\nSus obras perduran y nos recuerdan lo importante que es el eliminar las distracciones del dinero,\nde la tecnología, y de las opiniones de las demás personas\ncon el fin de vivir de acuerdo a nuestra mejor y más verdadera naturaleza.\n\nFrench: \n... mais un meilleur gouvernement immédiatement. \",\na-t-il écrit après avoir passé la nuit en\nprison.\nCe ne fut pas avant d'être adopté\npar des réformateurs suivants que son essai\nLa \"désobéissance civile\" est devenu l'un des\nlivres les plus influents de la \nphilosophie politique américaine de tous les temps,\ninfluençant Gandhi, Martin Luther King\net la résistance anti-nazi.\nMalgré son expérience d'ermite, Thoreau nous \nenseigne comment approcher une société moderne\nd'une ampleur effrayante, à la grande inter-connectivité et à la morale trouble.\nIl nous défie d'être authentique, pas\nseulement en évitant la vie matérielle et ses distractions,\nmais en s'impliquant dans le monde et\nen retirant notre soutien au\ngouvernement quand nous croyons qu'il agit injustement.\nSon œuvre perdure et nous rappelle à quel point\nil est important d'enlever les\ndistractions de l'argent, de la technologie et\ndes opinions des autres, afin de vivre\nselon notre nature la meilleure et la plus authentique.\n\nEnglish: \n...but at once a better government.\",\nhe wrote after spending the night in\njail.\nIt was not until he was picked up\nby subsequent reformers that his essay\n\"Civil disobedience\" became one of the\nmost influential pieces of American\npolitical philosophy in history,\ninfluencing Gandhi, Martin Luther King\nand the anti-nazi resistance.\nDespite his time as a hermit, Thoreau\nteaches us how to approach a frighteningly\nvast, highly interconnected and\nmorally troubling modern society.\nHe challenges us to be authentic, not\njust by avoiding material life and its distractions,\nbut by engaging with the world and\nwithdrawing our support for the\ngovernment when we believe is acting unjustly.\nHis works endure and remind us of just how\nimportant it is to remove the\ndistractions of money, technology and\nother people's views, in order to live\naccording to our best and truest nature.\n\nSpanish: \n...pero por una vex un mejor gobierno.\nel escribió eso después de pasar la noche en la cárcel.\nNo fue entonces cuando fue arrestado\npor reformadores subsecuentes. En su ensayo \"Desobediencia Civil\" llego hacer\nuno de las piezas más influyentes en la historia de la filosofía política,\ninfluenciando a Gandhi, Martin Lutero y la resistencia anti-nazi.\nA pesat de su tiempo como hermita, Thoreau nos enseña como aproximarse a una sociedad temerosamente vasta,\naltamente inter conectada y moralmente problemática.\nEl nos desafía a ser autenticos, no solo evadiendo la vida material y sus distracciones,\nsino formando parte del mundo y quitando nuestro apoyo al\ngovierno cuando creemos que esta actuando injustamente.\nSus obras sostienen y nos recuerdan justo qué\nimportante es remover la distracciones del dinero, tecnología y otros\npuntos de vista, para que de esta manera, podamos vivir de acuerdo a nuestra mejor y más verdadera naturaleza.\n\nItalian: \nma di avere subito un governo migliore\".\nscrisse dopo aver passato la notte in prigione.\nFu solamente quando fu ripreso da successivi riformatori\n\"Disobbedienza Civile\" diventò\nuna dei testi più influenti della filosofia politica Americana nella storia\ninfluenzando Ghandi, Martin Luther King e la resistenza anti-nazista\nNonostante la sua esperienza da solitario, Thoreau ci insegna come approcciare\nuna società moderna spaventosamente vasta, altamente interconnessa e moralmente preoccupante.\nCi sfida a essere autentici, non solo evitando la vita materiale e le sue distrazioni,\nma impegnandosi con gli altri e non offrendo supporto al governo\nqualora pensiamo agisca ingiustamente.\nLa sua opera resiste e ci ricorda l'importanza\ndi accantonare le distrazioni dei soldi, della tecnologia\ne le opinioni degli altri, in modo da vivere secondo la nostra natura migliore e più vera.\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "\nAzerbaijani: \nQazlı butılka raketləri\nGördüyünüz butılka raketlə oyun meydaçasında uşaqların şən və maraqlı şəkildə\nelmlə məşğul olmalarının bir yoludur\nLəvazımatlar\nBu gün çox maraqlı elmi təcrübə aparacağıq\nBu təcrübədə bəlkə evdə də görmüş olduğunuz parasetamoldan istifadə edəcəyik\nAmma bu qazlı parasetamoldur.\nBu parasetamol suya düşəndə\nbelə olur\nDeməli su və tabletkanın arasında kimyəvi reaksiya baş verir.\n\nEnglish: \nThese bottle rockets were a really fun\nand exciting way that the children can \ndo science on the playground.\nToday we are going to do an amazing fantastic scientific experiment. \nThis experiment is gonna involve these tablets that you may have seen at home, paracetamol. \nBut these are fizzy paracetamol.\nWhen these paracetamol hit the water,\nthis is what happens...\nThere's a chemical reaction now between the water and the tablets.\n\nAzerbaijani: \nBütün bu köpüklərin içində karbon dioksid var.\nBir az qazlı içkilərə oxşayır, bütün köpüklərin içində karbon dioksid var.\nBelə bir şey görmüşdünüz? Hə....\nMaraqlıdı?\nYox\nAmma biz indi çox maraqlı bir şey edəcəyik\nBu o qədər də maraqlı deyildi\nYarısına qədər su ilə dolduracam\nbankamı hazırlayacam,\nSonra Michael bu tabletləri tez içəri qoyacaq,\nTez bir şəkildə ağzını bağlayıb, çalxalayacam...\nAlınmayacaq....\nVoaa! Yes!\nOyna, Bax, Soruş\nSiz isə bunun başqa növlərini eləməyə çalışacaqsınız....\n\nEnglish: \nIn all of those bubbles is carbon dioxide.\nIt's a bit like fizzy drinks, all the bubbles have carbon dioxide.\nHave any of you seen anything like that before? Yeah...\nIs that fun?\nNo.\nOkay, so we're going to do something really exciting,\nthat wasn't much fun.\nI'm gonna fill this half way with water,\nget my jar ready,\nthen Michael's going to quickly put those tablets in,\nI'm gonna quickly do up the lid, shake it....\nIt's not gonna work...\nWoah! Yes!\nYou guys are going to test different variations of...\n\nAzerbaijani: \nfərqli ölçülərdəki butılkalarla, fərqli sayda tabletkalarla\nvə fərqli temperaturda su ilə, çünki isti, ilıq və soyuq suyumuz var.\nKimin raketi ən hündürə qalxsa\nhədiyyə qazanacaq.\nBu baş ağrısı tabletlərin içində su ilə reaksiya verən\nkarbon dioksid istehsal edən kimyəvi maddə var.\nQaz butılkanın içində təzyiq qapağı vurub çıxardana qədər yığılır\nQapaq açılanda bankanın dibinə təzyiq göstərir və\nnəticədə butılkanı qaldırır,\nbir az yerə təkan verib havaya\ntullanmağa oxşayır.\nbutılkanın içindən çıxan suyun butılkanı yuxarı atması\nqazın əsl raketin içindən çıxıb onu yuxarı qaldırması ilə eyni prosesdir\nSəncə uçması üçün qapaq və\nstəkanın arasında hər hansı bir\nməsafə olmadır mı? Səncə hə?\n\nEnglish: \ndifferent sized bottles, how many tablets you're going to use, \nand what type of water, because we have hot, warm and cold water.\nWhoever's rocket goes the highest\nis gonna win a prize.\nThese headache tablets contain a\nchemical which reacts with water to\nproduce carbon dioxide gas.\nThis gas builds up inside the bottle until\nthe pressure is enough to pop the lid.\nWhen the lid pops it pushes down on the\nbottom of the glass which results in an\nupward push on the bottle,\na bit like the way you can jump up in the air\nby pushing down on the ground. Once in\nthe air\nthe liquid coming out of the bottle pushes\nit along in the same way\nas the gas is coming out a real rocket\npropels it upwards.\nIn order for it to fly up\nDo you think there has to be any space\nbetween the lid\nand the bottom of the cup? You think\nthere has to be space?\n\nAzerbaijani: \nYox! Yerə ehtiyacımız yoxdu! zərbəyə ehtiyac var!\nNiyə qapaq və stəkanın arasında hər hansı bir məsafə olmamalıdır?\nDaha güclü zərbəyə ehtiyac var!\nNiyə böyük butulkalardan istifadə edirsiniz?\nÇünki onda daha yuxarı çıxacaq.\nÇünki qazlanmaq üçün daha çox yer olacaq.\nBu fəaliyyətlə suyun temperaturunun reaksiyaya\nnecə təsir etdiyini ölçə bilərsiniz.\nUşaqlardan bəziləri bu gün kəşf etdiki su daha isti olduqca\ntabletlər daha böyük qüvvətlə qaz istehsal edirlər.\nÇünki isti suda tabletkanın molekulları və\nsu hissəcikləri daha çox enerjiyə sahib olduqlarından daha tez hərəkət edirlər.\nBu o deməkdi ki bir biri ilə daha tez-tez toqquşurlar\nnəticədə müəyyən periodda olan kimyəvi reaksiyaların sayı artır.\n\nEnglish: \nNo! We need no space! We need thrust!\nWhy does there have to be no space\nbetween the lid and the bottom of the cup?\nWe need more thrust!\nWhy are you using big bottles?\nBecause then it'll go higher.\nBecause it has more space to fizz up.\nOne of the things you can investigate\nwith this activity is how the\ntemperature of the water affects the reaction.\nAs some other children today found out,\nthe hotter the water, \nthe more vigorously the tablets produce the gas.\nThis is because in hot water got the molecules of chemicals from the tablet\nand the water particles have more energy\nand move more quickly.\nThis means they collide with each other\nmore often\nwhich results in more chemical reactions\nin a given time.\n\nAzerbaijani: \nRaket butılkaları uşaqlarınızı elmlə tanış etməyin yaxşı yoludur.\nmaraqlanırsınızsa vebsaytımıza daxil olub daha çox fəalliyətləri izləyin\nvə bu eksperiment üçün məlumat kağızın yükləyin\nsizin və uşaqlarınızın eynisini edərkən\nçəkdiyiniz video və fotoları görməyə səbrsizlənirik.\n\nEnglish: \nThese bottle rockets are a really\nfun and exciting way to introduce your children to science.\nif you're interested please go on our website, subscribe for more activities,\nand download the info sheet for this one\nand we look forward to seeing videos and\npictures have you and your children\ndoing the same thing.\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "\nThai: \n \nในวิดีโอที่แล้ว เราได้เห็นการแบ่งประเภทธาตุ\nเป็นหมู่ในตารางธาตุ\nและเราจบตรงที่นิยาม\nของโลหะทรานซิชัน\nมันมีวิธีคิดถึงโลหะทรานซิชันสองวิธี\nวิธีคิดอย่างหนึ่งคือว่า เวลาครูบอกว่า\nโลหะทรานซิชัน ครูกำลังพูดถึง\nธาตุที่พบในหมู่ 3 ถึงหมู่ 12\nธาตุทั้งหมดในนั้น บางคน\nนับพวกมันว่าเป็นโลหะทรานซิชัน\nพวกมันคือธาตุที่พบใน d บล็อก จริงไหม?\nเรากำลังพูดถึง d ออร์บิทัลตรงนี้\nคุณต้องเข้าใจการจัดอิเล็กตรอน\nในวิดีโอนี้\nนั่นคือวิธีคิดถึงโลหะทรานซิชันวิธีหนึ่ง\nแต่วิธีนั้นอาจทั่วไปเกินไป\nมันมีนิยามอีกแบบหนึ่ง\nซึ่งคุณจะพบในเว็บไซต์ IUPAC\nIUPAC ย่อมาจากสหพันธ์เคมีบริสุทธิ์และ\nประยุกต์นานาชาติ \nและเขาบอกว่าธาตุทรานซิชัน\nหมายถึงธาตุที่อะตอมมีชั้นย่อย d ไม่ครบ\n\nPolish: \nW ostatnim wideo omówiliśmy podział\npierwiastków układu okresowego na grupy\nZaczniemy od definicji metali przejściowych\nMetale przejściowe można zdefiniować\nna dwa sposoby\nPo pierwsze, metal przejściowy\nto pierwiastek znajdujący się\nw grupach od 3 do 12, a więc wszystkie\npierwiastki tutaj, mogą być nazywane\nmetalami przejściowymi. Wszystkie\npierwiastki bloku d, czyli tymi,\n\nCzech: \nV posledním videu jsme si rozdělili prvky\ndo skupin v periodické tabulce\na skončili jsme u definice\npřechodných kovů.\nPřechodné kovy lze chápat dvěma způsoby.\nKdyž někteří učitelé zmíní\npřechodné kovy,\nmyslí tím prvky\nod skupiny 3 do skupiny 12.\nNěkteří tedy berou všechny tyto prvky\njako přechodné kovy.\nTím pádem všechny tyto prvky\nnalezneme v bloku d, že?\nMluvíme tedy o orbitalech d.\nMěli byste už znát\nelektronové konfigurace\npro pochopení tohoto videa.\nToto byl jeden způsob,\njak brát přechodné kovy.\nAvšak tento způsob je někdy moc obecný.\nTady je další definice, kterou\nnaleznete na stránce IUPAC.\nIUPAC je akronym pro Mezinárodní\nunii pro čistou a užitou chemii.\nPodle nich přechodné prvky\njsou takové,\nkteré mají neúplný d slupku.\n\nEnglish: \nIn the last video, we saw the\nclassification of elements\ninto groups on the\nperiodic table,\nand we stopped\nwith the definition\nfor a transition metal.\nThere are two ways to think\nabout transition metals.\nSo one way to think about it\nwould be when some teachers say\ntransition metal,\nthey're talking\nabout elements found from\nGroups 3 through Group 12.\nSo all the elements\nin here, some people\nconsider these to be\nthe transition metals.\nSo these are the elements\nfound in the d block, right?\nSo we're talking\nabout d orbitals here.\nSo you have to understand\nelectron configurations\nfor this video.\nSo that's one way to think\nabout the transition metals,\nbut that way is maybe a little\nbit too general sometimes.\nSo there is another\ndefinition, which\nyou'll find in\nthe IUPAC website.\nIUPAC is an acronym for\nInternational Union of Pure\nand Applied Chemistry, and they\nsay that a transition element\nrefers to an element whose atom\nhas an incomplete d subshell.\n\nBulgarian: \nВ последното видео видяхме класификацията на елементите от периодичната таблица на групи\nи спряхме с определението за преходен метал.\nИма два начина да помислим за преходните метали.\nЕдин начин да помислим за това ще е –\nкогато някои учители кажат преходен метал,\nте говорят за елементите, които са от група 3 до група 12.\nВсички елементи тук.\nНякои хора приемат, че тези са преходните метали.\nТова са елементите, които се намират в d блока.\nГоворим за d орбитали.\nТрябва да разбираш електронните конфигурации за да гледаш видео.\nТова е един начин да помислим за преходните метали,\nно тази идея понякога е може би прекалено обща.\nИма друго определение,\nкоето ще намериш на сайта на IUPAC.\nIUPAC е акроним за Международен съюз за чиста и приложна химия.\nТе казват, че един преходен елемент е елемент,\nчийто атом има непълен d подслой.\n\nHungarian: \nLegutóbbi videónkban bemutattuk, hogyan rendezhetők\naz elemek a periódusos rendszer csoportjaiba,\nés az átmenetifémeknél hagytuk abba.\n \nAz átmenetifémeknek kétféle meghatározása létezik.\nAz egyik szerint, amikor néhány tanár azt mondja, hogy átmenetifém,\nakkor a 3-12. csoportok elemeiről beszél.\nŐk tehát az összes, d mezőbe tartozó elemet\nátmenetifémnek tekintik.\nMost tehát a d pályákról beszélünk,\nígy ehhez a videóhoz meg kell ismernünk az elektronszerkezeteket is.\n \nEz az egyik definíciója az átmenetifémeknek,\nám ez néha egy kicsit túl általános.\nLétezik egy másik definíció, amely\naz IUPAC weboldalán található.\nAz IUPAC a Nemzetközi Elméleti és Alkalmazott Kémiai Szövetség angol nevének rövidítése.\nAz ő meghatározásuk szerint az átmenetifémek olyan elemek,\namelyek atomjaiban telítetlen d alhéj található.\n\nKorean: \n \n저번 동영상에서 주기율표 상의\n원소들을 어떻게 분류하는지에\n대해 알아보았습니다\n그리고 전이 금속의 정의에서\n멈췄습니다\n전이 금속은 두 가지 방법으로 정의할 수 있습니다\n한 가지 방법은 몇몇 선생님들처럼\n3족부터 12족까지의 원소라고\n정의하는 방법입니다\n따라서 어떤 사람들은\n이것들을 전이 금속이라고 생각합니다\n그러면 d 구역의 원소들이죠?\nd 오비탈이 나온다는 의미입니다\n이 동영상을 이해하기 위해서는\n전자배치를 이해해야 합니다\n이것이 전이 금속에 대해 \n정의하는 한 가지 방법입니다\n하지만 이는 어떤 경우에는\n너무 포괄적입니다\n따라서 IUPAC 웹사이트에\n다른 정의가 있습니다\nIUPAC는 국제순수·응용화학연합의 약어로\n이곳의 정의에 의하면\n전이 금속은 원자가\n미완성의 d 전자부껍질을 가지는 원소입니다\n\nEnglish: \nSo when you're talking\nabout the d orbitals,\nwe already know there\nare five d orbitals,\nand each orbital holds a\nmaximum of two electrons.\nSo 5 times 2 is 10.\nSo 10 will be the maximum\nnumber of electrons\nthat you could fit in your d\norbitals, or your d subshells.\nSo let's count that out on our\nperiodic table so 10, so 1, 2,\n3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,\n10 for our d block.\nSo let's go ahead and write\nan electron configuration\nfor a transition\nmetal and let's see\nhow that applies to our\ndefinition from IUPAC.\nSo let's write an electron\nconfiguration for iron.\nSo here's iron right here.\nAnd if I wanted to write\nan electron configuration,\nlet's say I wanted to\ndo noble gas notation.\nSo once again, I'm assuming that\nyou know how to do this already\nso I won't spend too much\ntime talking about it.\nBut if I want to write a\nnoble gas configuration,\nI would go to argon, which\nis the noble gas before iron,\nand I would put argon\nin brackets like that.\n\nKorean: \nd 오비탈을 다룰 때면\n이미 5개의 d 오비탈이 있다는 것과\n각각의 오비탈은 최대 2개의 \n전자를 가진다는 것을 압니다\n5 × 2 =10입니다\n따라서 d 오비탈 또는 d 전자부껍질에 \n들어가는전자의 최대 개수는\n10개가 됩니다\n주기율표에서 한번 세어봅시다\nd 블록에 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10개가\n있습니다\n전이 금속의 전자 배치를 써보고\n전이 금속의 전자 배치를 써보고\nIUPAC의 정의를 적용해 봅시다\n철의 전자 배치를 써봅시다\n철이 여기 있습니다\n그리고 비활성 기체 표기법으로\n전자 배치를 쓰고 싶다고 합시다\n다시 한 번 말하지만 여러분이 이것을\n어떻게 하는지를 이미 알고 있다고 가정하여\n여기에 시간을 많이 쓰지 않겠습니다\n비활성 기체 표기법으로 쓰고 싶다면\n철 이전의 비활성 기체인\n아르곤을 써야 합니다\n그리고 아르곤에\n괄호를 씌울 것입니다\n\nThai: \nเวลาคุณพูดถึง d ออร์บิทัล\nเรารู้แล้วว่ามันมี d ออร์บิทัล 5 อัน\nและแต่ละอันจุอิเล็กตรอนได้สูงสุด 2 ตัว\n5 คูณ 2 ได้ 10\n10 จะเป็นจำนวนอิเล็กตรอนสูงสุด\nที่คุณใส่ลงใน d ออร์บิทัล \nหรือชั้นย่อย d ของคุณได้\nลองเริ่มนับตารางธาตุของเรา 10 ก้คือ 1, 2,\n3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 สำหรับ d บล็อก\nลองลงมือเขียนการจัดอิเล็กตรอน\nสำหรับโลหะทรานซิชัน แล้วลองดู\nว่ามันใช้กับนิยามจาก IUPAC ได้ไหม\nลองเขียนการจัดอิเล็กตรอนของเหล็กกัน\nนี่คือเหล็กตรงนี้\nถ้าผมอยากเขียนการจัดอิเล็กตรอน\nสมมุติว่าผมอยากเขียนแบบแก๊สเฉื่อย\nย้ำอีกครั้ง ผมถือว่าคุณรู้วิธีทำอยู่แล้ว\nผมจะไม่เสียเวลาพูดถึงมันมากนัก\nถ้าผมเขียนการจัดแบบแก๊สเฉื่อย\nผมก็ไปยังอาร์กอน \nซึ่งก็คือแก๊สเฉื่อยก่อนหน้าเหล็ก\nและผมจะใส่อาร์กอนในวงเล็บแบบนั้น\n\nCzech: \nTakže pokud mluvíme o orbitalech d,\nuž víte, že existuje pět d orbitalů\na každý orbital pobere\nmaximálně 2 elektrony.\nA 5 krát 2 je 10.\n10 tedy bude \nmaximální počet elektronů,\nkteré se vejdou do\norbitalů d.\nPojďme to spočítat v naší\nperiodické tabulce.\nTakže 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10\npro náš blok d.\nNapišme si elektronovou konfiguraci\npro přechodné kovy a ukažme si,\njak to sedí na definici IUPAC.\nNapišme si elektronovou\nkonfiguraci železa.\nMáme tedy železo.\nKdyž bych chtěl napsat\nelektronovou konfiguraci,\nkterou budu vztahovat\nke vzácným plynům.\nTakže ještě jednou, i když\nvěřím, že už víte, jak na to,\na proto vysvětlování \nnebudu věnovat příliš času.\nAle pokud chci napsat\nkonfiguraci pomocí vzácných plynů,\nzačal bych argonem, což je\nvzácný plyn před železem,\na napsal bych argon do\nzávorek, takto.\n\nHungarian: \nA d pályákról már tudjuk, hogy 5 van belőlük,\nés ezek mindegyikén legfeljebb 2 elektron lehet.\n5-ször 2 az 10.\nTehát maximum 10 elektron lehet\na d pályákon, vagyis egy d alhéjon.\nSzámoljunk el tízig a periódusos rendszer d mezőjében vízszintesen lépkedve:\n1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 a d-mezőben.\nÍrjuk fel egy átmenetifém elektronszerkezetét,\nés lássuk, miként feleltethető meg\naz IUPAC definíciójának.\nÍrjuk fel a vas elektronszerkezetét.\nEz itt a vas.\nAz elektronszerkezet felírásakor\na nemesgázszerkezetet rövidítve szeretném jelölni.\nFeltételezem, hogy ezt a módszert már ismered,\nígy nem fogok róla sokat beszélni.\nA nemesgázszerkezet felírásához\naz argonhoz fordulok, ami a vas előtti nemesgáz.\nAz argon vegyjelét szögletes zárójelbe teszem,\n\nBulgarian: \nВече знаем, че има 5 d орбитали\nи всяка орбитала съдържа максимум два електрона.\n5*2 е 10.\n10 ще е максималният брой електрони,\nкоито могат да се съберат в d орбитали, или в d подслой.\nНека преброим това в периодичната таблица.\n1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 за нашия d блок.\nНека запишем електронната конфигурация на един преходен метал\nи да видим как това се прилага към определението от IUPAC.\nНека запишем електронната конфигурация на желязото.\nТова тук е желязо.\nИ ако исках да запиша електронната конфигурация,\nда кажем, че исках да запиша с обозначението за благороден газ.\nОтново приемам, че вече знаеш как да направиш това,\nтака че няма да го обсъждам много.\nНо ако исках да запиша конфигурацията с благороден газ,\nтогава щях да стигна до аргон, който е благородният газ преди желязото,\nи щях да поставя аргон в скоби ето така.\n\nEnglish: \nAnd that takes me to\nthe fourth energy level\nor the fourth period\non the periodic table.\nAnd then just looking\nat the periodic table,\nI can say, oh, that\nwould be 4s1, 4s2,\nso I can write 4s2 here.\nAnd then I'm in my d orbitals.\nSo, again, just looking\nat the periodic table\nto write my electron\nconfiguration,\nI would say 1, 2, 3,\n4, 5, 6 electrons.\nSo that would be 3d6.\nAnd I could have\nwritten this 3d6 4s2.\nAnd right now,\nboth are considered\nto be correct answers.\nAnd I won't get\ninto a discussion\nabout the order of filling of\nthese orbitals in this videos.\nSo I'll save that\nfor another video.\nThis video is only\ntalking about definitions\nand identifying elements\non the periodic table.\nAnd so either one of these\nwould be a correct electron\nconfiguration.\nAnd when I look at the d\norbitals for the electron\nconfiguration, I\ncan see that there\n\nThai: \nมันพาผมมาที่ชั้นพลังงานที่ 4\nหรือคาบที่ 4 ของตารางธาตุ\nแล้วเมื่อดูตารางธาตุ\nผมก็บอกได้ว่า โอ้ มันคือ 4s1, 4s2,\nผมเขียน 4s2 ได้ตรงนี้\nแล้วผมอยู่ใน d ออร์บิทัล\nเหมือนเดิม เมื่อดูตารางธาตุ\nเวลาเขียนการจัดอิเล็กตรอน\nผมจะบอกว่าอิเล็กตรอน 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ตัว\nมันจะเป็น 3d6\nผมก็เขียนอันนี้ได้เป็น 3d6, 4s2\nและตอนนี้ ทั้งคู่นับว่า\nเป็นคำตอบที่ถูกต้อง\nผมจะไม่พูดถึง\nลำดับการเติมออร์บิทัลเหล่านี้ในวิดีโอนี้\nผมจะเก็บไว้พูดวิดีโออื่นนะ\nวิดีโอนี้พูดถึงแค่นิยาม\nและการระบุธาตุในตารางธาตุเท่านั้น\nทั้งสองตัวนี้เป็นการจัดอิเล็กตรอน\nที่ถูกต้อง\nและเหมือนผมดู d ออร์บิทัลในการจัด\nอิเล็กตรอน ผมเห็นได้ว่า\n\nCzech: \nTím se dostanu na 4. úroveň energie\nve čtvrté periodě \nperiodické tabulky prvků.\nKdyž se podíváme\nna tabulku,\nřekneme si a hele, to bude 4s¹, 4s²,\ntakže sem můžeme napsat 4s².\nA jsme u orbitalů d.\nJeště jednou, když se podíváme na tabulku,\nabychom napsali\nelektronovou konfiguraci,\nvidíme 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 elektronů,\ncož by bylo 3d⁶.\nA já bych napsal 3d⁶, 4s².\nA obojí je považováno\nza správné odpovědi.\nNebudu více rozebírat\npořadí jednotlivých\norbitalů v tomto videu.\nTo si nechám na jindy.\nToto video se týká pouze definicí\na identifikace prvků periodické tabulky.\nTakže každá z těchto\nbude správná elektronová konfigurace.\nA když se podívám na d orbitaly\nna jejich elektronovou konfiguraci,\n\nBulgarian: \nИ това ме води до четвъртото енергийно ниво,\nили четвъртия период на периодичната таблица.\nИ после, като просто гледам периодичната таблица,\nмога да кажа, че това ще е 4s1, 4s2,\nтака че тук мога да запиша 4s2.\nИ после съм в d орбиталите.\nОтново, просто като гледам периодичната таблица,\nза да запиша електронната конфигурация,\nщях да кажа \"1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, електрона\".\nТова ще е 3d6.\nИ можех да запиша 3d6 4s2.\nИ двата отговора се приемат за правилни.\nНяма да навлизам в подробности\nза реда на попълване на орбиталите в това видео.\nЩе запазя това за друго видео.\nВ това видео само ще поговорим за определенията\nи идентифицирането на елементите от периодичната таблица.\nВсяка от тези ще е правилна електронна конфигурация.\nИ когато погледна d орбиталите в електронната конфигурация,\n\nKorean: \n그러면 4주기로 갑니다\n그러면 4주기로 갑니다\n다시 주기율표를 보면\n4s1, 4s2\n4s2가 된다고 할 수 있습니다\n그리고 d 오비탈로 갑니다\n그래서 전자 배치를 쓰기 위해\n주기율표를 보면\n1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6개의 전자가 있습니다\n따라서 3d6이 될 겁니다\n3d6 4s2라 쓸 수도 있습니다\n지금 당장은 두 개 모두\n정답입니다\n그리고 오비탈을 채우는 순서에 대해서는\n이 동영상에서 다루지 않을 것입니다\n다른 동영상에서 다루겠습니다\n이 동영상에서는 정의와\n이러한 원소를 파악하는 것만 \n다룰 것입니다\n따라서 이 둘 중 어느 것을 써도\n올바른 전자 배치입니다\n그리고 d 오비탈의\n전자 배치를 보면\n\nHungarian: \nily módon rögtön a negyedik energiaszintre jutunk,\nazaz a periódusos rendszer negyedik periódusába.\nEkkor a periódusos rendszerre tekintve\nlátható, hogy a 4s1 majd a 4s2 jelű elektronok következnek,\nezért ideírhatjuk, hogy 4s2.\nEzzel el is jutottunk a d pályákig.\nIsmét a periódusos rendszerre tekintve,\nfelírjuk az elektronszerkezetet,\n1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 elektron.\nEnnek a jelölése 3d6.\nEzt felírhatnám 3d6 4s2 sorrendben is.\nJelen esetben mindkét sorrendet helyesnek tekintjük.\nEbben a videóban nem foglalkozunk azzal,\nhogy milyen sorrendben töltődnek fel a pályák.\nErre majd visszatérünk egy másik videóban.\nEbben a videóban csak a definíciókkal és\na periódusos rendszer elemeinek azonosításával foglalkozunk.\nTehát mindkét elektronszerkezetet helyesnek tekintjük.\nAz elektronszerkezetben lévő d pályákra tekintve\n\nEnglish: \nare six electrons\nin my d orbitals.\nWell, that's an\nincomplete d subshell,\nbecause I can fit a total\nof 10 into my d orbitals.\nAnd so iron would be an example\nof an element whose atom\nhas an incomplete d subshell.\nSo iron is a transition metal.\nLet's write the electron\nconfiguration for zinc.\nSo let's find zinc over\nhere, so right there\non pour periodic table.\nSo if I wanted to write\nthe electron configuration\nfor zinc, once again, I\nwould go to the noble gas\nbefore it, which is argon.\nSo I would put in\nbrackets argon right here.\nAnd then, once again, it takes\nme to the fourth energy level.\nSo 4s1, 4s2, so 4s2.\nAnd then I count over for my d\nelectrons-- 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,\n7, 8, 9, and 10.\nSo it would be 3d10.\nAnd once again, I\ncould have written\nthat argon in brackets 3d10 4s2.\n\nBulgarian: \nмога да видя, че в d орбиталите има 6 електрона.\nТова е непълен d подслой,\nпонеже мога да събера общо 10 електрона в d орбиталите.\nЖелязото ще е пример за елемент,\nчийто атом има непълен d подслой.\nТоест желязото е преходен метал.\nНека запишем електронната конфигурация на цинк.\nДа намерим цинка.\nЕто го тук на периодичната таблица.\nЗа да запиша електронната конфигурация на цинк,\nотново ще използвам обозначението с благородния газ,\nкойто е преди него и това е аргон.\nЩе поставя аргон в скоби тук.\nИ после, отново, това ме води до четвъртото енергийно ниво.\n4s1, 4s2, тоест 4s2.\nИ после броя d електроните – 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 и 10.\nТова ще е 3d10.\nИ, отново, можех да запиша това като аргон в скоби 3d10 4s2.\n\nHungarian: \nlátható, hogy a d pályákon összesen 6 elektron van.\nNos, ezt nevezzük telítetlen alhéjnak,\nmivel ezeken a d pályákon összesen 10 elektron férne el.\nA vas tehát példa azokra az elemekre,\namelyek atomjaiban telítetlen d alhéj található.\nA vas tehát átmenetifém.\nÍrjuk fel a cink elektronszerkezetét.\nKeressük meg a cinket a periódusos rendszerben.\nA cink elektronszerkezetét felírva,\nismét a cink előtt elhelyezkedő nemesgázra, az argonra hivatkozunk,\núgyhogy ideírom szögletes zárójelben az argon vegyjelét.\nEzzel ismét a negyedik energiaszintre jutunk.\nTehát 4s1 és 4s2.\nMegszámolom a d elektronokat: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 és 10.\nEnnek jelölése 3d10.\nIsmét felírhattam volna\naz argon utáni részt 3d10 4s2 sorrendben is.\n\nCzech: \nv d orbitalech je 6 elektronů.\nToto je neúplná d slupka,\nprotože celkově můžu obsadit\n10 elektronů do orbitalů d.\nTím pádem železo bude\npříkladem prvku,\njehož atom má neúplnou d slupku.\nŽelezo je přechodným kovem.\nPojďme si zkusit napsat\nelektronovou konfiguraci zinku.\nZačneme nalezením zinku\nv tabulce.\nPokud chci elektronovou\nkonfiguraci zinku,\nopět zamířím k nejbližšímu vzácnému plynu\npřed ním, což je argon.\nDám tedy argon do závorek.\nPoté se opět dostanu na 4. energetickou úroveň.\nTakže 4s¹...4s², tím pádem 4s².\nPak spočítám d elektrony :\n1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 a 10.\nVýsledkem tedy bude 3d¹⁰.\nMohl jsem stejně dobře napsat:\nargon v závorkách a za ním 3d¹⁰, 4s².\n\nKorean: \nd 오비탈에 6개의 전자가 있습니다\nd 오비탈에 총 10개를\n채울 수 있기 때문에\n이것은 미완성의 d 전자부껍질입니다\n따라서 철은 \n불완전한 d 전자부껍질을 가진\n원자의 예시입니다\n따라서 철은 전이 원소입니다\n아연의 전자 배치를 써봅시다\n주기율표의 이쪽에\n아연이 있습니다\n아연의 전자 배치를 다시 쓰려면\n우선 이것 이전의 비활성 기체인\n아르곤을 씁니다\n따라서 아르곤에 괄호를 씌우고\n다시 4주기로 갑니다\n4s1, 4s2, 따라서 4s2입니다\n그리고 d 오비탈 전자들을 세어봅시다\n1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6\n7, 8, 9, 10\n이것은 3d10이 됩니다\n그리고 다시 한 번\n[Ar] 3d10 4s2라\n쓸 수도 있습니다\n\nThai: \nมีอิเล็กตรอน 6 ตัวใน d ออร์บิทัล\nมันคือชั้นย่อย d ที่ไม่เต็ม\nเพราะผมใส่อิเล็กตรอนได้ถึง 10 ตัว\nใน d ออร์บิทัล\nเหล็กเป็นตัวอย่างธาตุที่อะตอม\nมีชั้นย่อย d ไม่สมบูรณ์\nเหล็กจึงเป็นโลหะทรานซิชัน\nลองเขียนการจัดอิเล็กตรอนสำหรับสังกะสีกัน\nลองหาสังกะสีตรงนี้กัน ตรงนี้\nในตารางธาตุ\nถ้าผมอยากเขียนการจัดอิเล็กตรอน\nของสังกะสี เหมือนเดิม ผมจะไปที่แก๊สเฉื่อย\nก่อนหน้านั้น ซึ่งก็คืออาร์กอน\nผมจะใส่วงเล็บให้อาร์กอนตรงนี้\nแล้ว เหมือนเดิม ผมไปยังชั้นพลังงานที่ 4\n4s1, 4s2 แล้วก็ 4s2\nแล้วผมก็นับ d อิเล็กตรอนทั้งหมด \n-- 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6\n7, 8, 9 และ 10\nมันจะเป็น 3d10\nเหมือนเดิม ผมเขียน\nอาร์กอนในวงเล็บ 3d10 4s2 ก็ได้\n\nHungarian: \nEz most nem számít.\nIdézzük fel most azt a definíciót, amely szerint\naz átmenetifém olyan elemet jelent,\namelynek atomjaiban telítetlen d alhéj van.\nNos, a cink d pályáira nézve látható,\nhogy azok teljesen telítettek.\nA d pályákon 10 elektron van,\ntehát ez telített d alhéj.\nEz ellentmond annak a definíciónak,\namelyet az átmenetifémekre alkalmaztunk.\nA definíció viszont a kationokról is szót ejt.\nGondoljuk tehát végig, hogy a cink milyen kationt képez.\nKétszeresen pozitív cinkionná alakul.\nA kétszeresen pozitív cinkion elektronszerkezetének felírásához\nát kell gondolnunk, hogy melyik két elektronját adja le a cink.\nTehát amikor egy semleges cinkatom átalakul\nkétszeresen pozitív cinkionná, le kell adnia két elektront.\nNos, már tudjuk, hogy ez a két elektron\na 4s pályáról szakad le.\nAz elektronszerkezetéből ezt a két elektront veszíti el\nés megmarad a 3d10.\nEz ismét olyan kation,\n\nCzech: \nTakže na tom nezáleží.\nPojďme se zamyslet nad definicí\npro přechodné kovy,\nJe to takový prvek,\njehož atom má neúplnou d slupku.\nPokud se podívám na d orbitaly pro zinek,\njsou úplně plné.\nV d orbitalech mám 10 elektronů.\nTím pádem je to úplná slupka.\nNeshoduje se to s definicí\npro přechodné kovy.\nV definici se dále mluví o kationtech.\nPojďme se zamyslet nad\nkationtem zinku.\nZinek by vytvořil zinečnatý kation.\nTakže pokud chci napsat\nelektronovou konfiguraci zinku 2+\nmusím přemýšlet o tom, kam\nzinek dá svoje 2 elektrony.\nPokud jdeme od neutrálního atomu zinku\nk zinku 2 plus, musíme\nvypustit 2 elektrony.\nA já už vím, že tyto dva elektrony\nse ztratí z orbitalů 4s.\nOdebereme tyto dva elektrony\nz elektronové konfigurace,\na tím pádem nám zůstane 3d¹⁰.\nTeď tu máme kationt,\n\nKorean: \n상관 없습니다\n원자가 미완성의 d 전자부껍질을 가진\n원소인 전이 원소의\n정의에 대해 생각해봅시다\n아연의 d 오비탈을 보면\n완전히 가득 찼습니다\nd 오비탈에 10개의 전자가 있기에\n이것은 완전히 채워진 d 전자부껍질입니다\n이것은 전이 원소의\n정의와 맞지 않습니다\n또한, 정의에는 양이온에 \n대한 내용도 있습니다\n아연이 형성할 양이온을 생각해보면\n아연은 2가 양이온이 됩니다\n따라서 Zn2+의\n전자 배치를 쓸 때는\n아연이 어디에서 2개의 전자를\n잃는지 생각해야 합니다\n중성인 아연 원자가\nZn2+가 되려면\n2개의 전자를 잃어야 합니다\n그 2개의 전자는 4s 궤도에서\n잃을 것임을 이미 알고 있습니다\n따라서 전자 배치의 이 부분에서\n전자를 잃을 것이고 3d10가 남습니다\n그리고 다시 한번\n\nBulgarian: \nНяма значение.\nНека помислим за определението\nза преходен метал.\nЕлемент, чийто атом има непълен d подслой.\nАко погледна d орбиталите за цинка,\nте са напълно запълнени.\nИмам 10 електрона в d орбиталата,\nтака че това е пълен d подслой.\nТова не изпълнява определението\nза преходен елемент.\nВ определението също става въпрос за катиони.\nНека помислим за катиона, който цинкът ще създаде.\nЦинкът ще стане цинк 2+.\nЗа да запиша електронната конфигурация на цинк 2+,\nтрябва да помисля откъде цинкът губи два електрона.\nАко преминаваш от неутрален атом цинк до цинк 2+,\nтрябва да загубиш два електрона.\nВече знаем, че тези два електрона ще бъдат изгубени от 4s орбиталите.\nЩе загубим тези два електрона ето тук от електронната конфигурация\nи ще ти остане 3d10.\nОтново, имаш катион,\n\nThai: \nมันไม่สำคัญ\nลองคิดถึงนิยาม\nโลหะทรานซิชัน คือธาตุ\nที่อะตอมมีชั้นย่อย d ไม่ครบ\nถ้าผมดู d ออร์บิทัลของสังกะสี\nพวกมันเต็มหมด\nผมมีอิเล็กตรอน 10 ตัวใน d ออร์บิทัล\nและนี่คือชั้นย่อย d สมบูรณ์\nมันไม่ตรงตามนิยาม\nธาตุทรานซิชัน\nทีนี้ ในนิยามดังกล่าว มันพูดถึงแคทไอออนด้วย\nลองคิดถึงแคทไอออนที่มาจากสังกะสีกัน\nสังกะสีจะกลายเป็น สังกะสี 2 บวก\nถ้าผมอยากเขียนการจัดอิเล็กตรอนของสังกะสี\n2 บวก ผมต้องคิดว่าสังกะสี\nเสียอิเล็กตรอน 2 ตัวที่ไหน?\nถ้าคุณจะเปลี่ยนจากอะตอมสังกะสีเป็นกลาง\nเป็นสังกะสี 2 บวก คุณต้องเสียอิเล็กตรอน 2 ตัว\nผมรู้แล้วว่าอิเล็กตรอนสองตัว\nที่เสียไปจากชั้นย่อย 4s\nเราจะเสียอิเล็กตรอนสองตัวนี้ตรงนี้\nในการจัดอิเล็กตรอน แล้วคุณจะเหลือ 3d10\nเหมือนเดิม คุณมีแคทไอออน\n\nEnglish: \nSo it doesn't matter.\nSo let's think\nabout the definition\nfor a transition\nmetal, an element\nwhose atom has an\nincomplete d subshell.\nWell, if I look at the\nd orbitals for zinc,\nthey are completely full.\nI have 10 electrons\nin my d orbital,\nand so this is a\ncomplete d subshell.\nSo this does not\nmeet the definition\nfor a transition element.\nNow, also in the definition,\nit talks about cations.\nSo let's think about to the\ncation that zinc would form.\nZinc would go to zinc 2 plus.\nSo if I wanted to write the\nelectron configuration for zinc\n2 plus, I need to think\nabout where does zinc\nlose two electrons?\nSo if you've going from\na neutral atom of zinc\nto zinc 2 plus, you would\nhave to lose two electrons.\nWell, I already know\nthat those two electrons\nare going to be lost\nfrom the 4s orbitals.\nSo we're going to lose these\ntwo electrons right here\non your electron configuration,\nand so you'd be left with 3d10.\nAnd once again,\nyou have a cation\n\nBulgarian: \nкойто има пълен d подслой.\nd орбиталите са напълно запълнени,\nтака че катионът няма непълен d подслой,\nкоето означава, че не изпълнява техническото определение на IUPAC\nза преходен елемент.\nОтново, има два начина да помислим за това.\nЕдиният е много обобщен.\nМоже да чуеш някой да говори за елементи от групи 3-12\nи да казва, че те са преходни метали.\nИли, някои хора, които настояват за по-точно определение,\nможе да използват това на IUPAC.\nДобре е да си наясно и с двете определения.\n \n\nHungarian: \namelyben telített a d alhéj.\nA d pályák teljesen telítettek,\nazaz a kationnak nincs telítetlen d alhéja,\nami ellentmond az IUPAC által felállított definíciónak,\namelyet az átmenetifémekre alkalmazunk.\nTehát kétféle megközelítési mód létezik.\nAz egyik, nagyon általánosan fogalmazva, azt mondja,\nhogy az átmenetifémek a 3.-12. csoport elemei.\nmíg mások, kissé precízebb definíciót alkalmazva,\naz IUPAC szellemét követik.\nJó tudni, hogy kétféle megközelítés is létezik.\n\nKorean: \n완전히 채워진 d 전자부껍질을\n가진 양이온입니다\n완전히 채워진 d 오비탈을\n가지고 있기 때문에\n양이온은 미완성의 d 전자부껍질을\n가지지 않고\n이는 전이 원소에 대한 IUPAC의 정의와\n맞지 않습니다\n다시 한 번 말하지만\n이것을 정의하는 방법은 2가지가 있습니다\n하나는 매우 포괄적입니다\n따라서 3족부터 12족까지의 원소를\n전이 금속이라 하는\n사람도 있을 것이고\nIUPAC 정의처럼 더 까다롭게\n정의하는 사람도 있을 것입니다\n둘 다 알아두는 것이 좋습니다\n \n\nThai: \nที่มีชั้นย่อย d สมบูรณ์\nคุณเติม d ออร์บิทัลสมบูรณ์\nแล้วแคทไอออนไม่ได้มีชั้น d ไม่สมบูรณ์\nซึ่งหมายความว่ามันไม่ตรงกับนิยามทางเทคนิค\nของคำว่าธาตุทรานซิชันจาก IUPAC\nย้ำอีกครั้ง มันมีวิธีคิดสองวิธี\nวิธีหนึ่งคือวิธีทั่วไปมาก\nคุณอาจได้ยินคนพูดถึงธาตุจากหมู่ 3\nถึง 12 ว่าเป็นโลหะทรานซิชัน\nหรือคุณอาจได้ยินคนที่ใช้\nนิยามนี้โดยเฉพาะ นิยามตาม IUPAC\nเราควรรู้ไว้ว่ามันมีวิธีคิดทั้งสองวิธี\n \n\nEnglish: \nthat has a complete d subshell.\nYou've completely\nfilled your d orbitals,\nand so the cation does not have\nan incomplete d subshell, which\nmeans that it doesn't fit\nour technical definition\nfor a transition\nelement from IUPAC.\nAnd so, once again, there are\ntwo ways of thinking about it.\nOne's a very general way.\nSo you might hear someone talk\nabout an element from Groups 3\nthrough to 12 as being\na transition metal,\nor you might find people\nwho are a little bit more\nparticular about the definition,\nwho go along with IUPAC.\nIt's good to be aware of both\nways of thinking about it.\n\nCzech: \nkterý má ale stále úplnou d slupku.\nÚplně jsme zaplnili d orbitaly\na kationt nemá neúplnou slupku,\ncož znamená, že opět nesplňuje definici\npřechodných prvků od IUPAC.\nZopakujme si to. \nLze přemýšlet dvěma způsoby.\nJeden je velmi obecný.\nTakže buď uslyšíte někoho\nmluvit o prvcích\nze skupiny 3 až 12 ve smyslu\npřechodných kovů.\nNebo druhou skupinu lidí,\nkterá bude o trochu více konkrétní\na bude souhlasit s IUPAC.\nJe dobré znát obě možnosti.\n\nPolish: \nktóre posiadają walencyjne orbitale d\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "so first the bad news\nso what does the\nlatest SN4 explosion mean for\nthe future of starship and then the good\nnews wonderful just wonderful everything\nreally everything went flawlessly\nhistory was not only written but it was\nwritten in the best possible way then it\nappears that Starlink will have its first\nmajor client the US Army of course then\nChina has revealed their space station\nplans for the coming years and they are\nbusy recruiting taikonauts and while\non the topic of China we haven't yet\nmentioned their quite new gigantic\nradio telescope and their SETI plans\nyes\nchina now has its own SETI program a lot\nto talk about as always so stay tuned\nthe fourth static fire test of starship SN4 had been successful\nSN4 even got a mass installed on\ntop to simulate the weight of the nose\ncone and also to increase the precision\nof the gimbaling control of the Raptor\nengine thus increasing the overall\nstability but then tragedy struck again\nanother tragic loss in the line of\nstarship prototypes first the Mk1\nthen the SN1 then the SN3 and now the SN4 thanks\nMary by the way for these amazing shots and we are glad that you are fine after\nthis explosion the cause this time\nwas apparently an unexpected flame from\nthe flame stack which ignited the\npropellant in SN4 and now\nanother potential source of mistakes has\nbeen added to the list of things to\navoid in the future but should we start\nto worry that Spacex's approach might\nbe a bit too hasty is\nSpaceX working too fast pushing things\ntoo hard and thus making too many\nmistakes well this is a difficult\nquestion to answer we have to remind\nourselves how fundamentally new the\nstarship concept is and an All steel\nspaceship of this magnitude has never\nbeen constructed before so of course\nfailures are part of the process steel\nconstruction has the major advantage\nthat it's super cheap so starship\nprototypes can be pumped out at a rapid\nspeed but it's certainly harder to do\nthan with carbon-fiber composites\nhowever the latter would be much more\nexpensive so every time a bit more is\nlearned and a bit of progress is made\nSpaceX doesn't normally repeat a mistake\ntwice it is a learning process and\nsooner or later SpaceX will have done\nevery possible mistake thus it will get\nharder and harder to make new mistakes\nat all and the next starships are\nalready waiting in line sn5 will soon be\nready sn6 will be stacked soon and even\nproduction on SN7\nhas already been started so we think\nthere is no need to worry\nbut of course taking it a bit slower and\ntrying to avoid unnecessary mistakes is\nalso not a bad idea we think that these\nsetbacks are not as bad as they look so\nwe'd say now onto SN5 but the\nexplosion unfortunately overshadowed a\nreally important development regarding\nthe flights at Boca Chica spaceX took a\nmajor regulatory hurdle namely the\napproval from the FAA for SpaceX to\nconduct sub-orbital test flights this is\na super important regulatory milestone\nbecause as we remember up until now\nSpaceX still only had the regulatory\napproval of the FAA from last year's\nstarhopper test which only allows for\nhopping tests up to an altitude of 150\nmeters but this approval was now\nextended by the FAA in a quite\nsurprising move we have to say to also\ninclude quote sub-orbital reusable launch\nvehicle missions the extended permit is\nnow valid for two years until May 2022\nand will allow spacex not only to\ncarry out 150 meter hopping tests but\nalso higher hopping tests as well as the\n20 kilometer skydiving maneuver so\nbasically everything below orbital for\norbital flights a new permit will of\ncourse be necessary however this makes\nus optimistic that FAA will indeed give\nout a permit\nas soon as starship is ready for the\nfirst orbital test flights which will\nhappen at some point in the coming year\nor years depending on how fast the\nprogress at Boca Chica will now unfold\nthe sooner the better of course and now\nto the demo2 mission wow just wow\nhistory has been written ladies and\ngentlemen but not only has history been\nwritten but it has been written in the\nmost perfect way possible the demo2\nmission was a full success everything\nwent flawlessly the launch flawless the\nlanding of the Falcon 9 booster on the\ndrone ship OCISLY flawless the\ndocking of crew dragon with our two heroes Bob Behnken and Doug Hurley\nto the ISS flawless we can't\nbelieve it ourselves how absolutely\nperfectly this all went down but we are\nso happy you cannot imagine how happy we\nare actually you probably can because\nyou are most likely equally as happy as\nwe are\nit was so important that this launch\nwould go well and now it did therefore\ncementing spacex's role as the absolute\nleader in human spaceflight Ciao Boeing\nCiao Blue Origin Ciao everyone else the time\nof SpaceX has come to finally rise and\nshine and it did so with fanfare it did\nso in the best possible way imaginable\nbut beware friends because we should\nnot celebrate too much we should not get\ncomplacent now that the u.s. regains its\nability to launch into space because\nthere's still so much to do and as we\ndetailed in our last Friday's video we\nshould have had a moon base since\ndecades now and should have landed\nhumans on Mars in the 90s so yeah\ncompared to what should have been this\nis still not a cause for a giant\ncelebration let's do the giant\ncelebration when starship has landed the\nfirst humans on the moon when we start\nto build our first moon base and when\nstarship has landed the first humans on\nMars these will be the causes for giant\ncelebrations don't get us wrong we are\nsuper happy about SpaceX and Elon\nhimself returning America's capability\nto launch astronauts into space but this\nis just the beginning and we should\nnever forget that this is just the\nbeginning to regain what actually should\nhave been to correct the mistakes of the\npast to bring humanity back on track so\nto speak to finally establish our Moon\nand Mars bases so let's celebrate but\njust enough not to get too complacent\nand many people always say yeah but Moon\nand Mars bases are not economical there\nis no financial incentive to go there\nand to that we say not yet\nyou can regard it as an upfront\ninvestment the\nreturn will come with delay when\nColumbus sailed westward in 1492\nit was a huge upfront investment with\nnot much immediate return the return\ncame with quite many decades of delay\nuntil a new economy was established in\nthis new world it will be the same here\nand an important nay actually a crucial\npiece of the puzzle in order to make it\nhappen will of course be StarLink now we\nknow that SpaceX currently makes its\nrevenue from the launch contracts and\nmore and more money from NASA is flowing\ntowards SpaceX which is an excellent\ndevelopment of course with crew dragon\nwith the launch of the gateway by Falcon\nHeavy in 2023 with the resupply of the\ngateway with Dragon Xl with the moon\nstarship all these are excellent\ndevelopments and will be great sources\nof future revenue but the biggest source\nof revenue will of course be Starlink\nStarlink will be gigantic we cannot\nemphasize enough how extremely huge the\nrevenue from Starlink will be by the mid of the 2020s and already now the\nfirst big customer has signed a deal\nwith SpaceX to use its broadband network\nand you guessed it of course who this\ncustomer is the US Army of course yes\nthe US Army has signed a deal with\nSpaceX on the 20th of May to use the\nstarlink broadband service for three\nyears Formally called a cooperative\nresearch and development agreement this\ncontract will allow the u.s. army to\ngain a competitive advantage due to the\nlow latency offered by the Starlink\nbroadband network of course new ground\nterminals and receiver antennas will\nhave to be used which the army is\nalready in the process of investigating\nthis is an excellent development for\nSpaceX we predict that the next big\ncustomer for Starlink will be wall\nstreet high-frequency trading with lower\nlatency will give those algobots a huge\ncompetitive advantage\ntherefore Wall Street will invest billions into Starlink mark our words\nisn't it wonderful but also ironic at the\nsame time that basically the military and\nthe greed of Wall Street are funding\nour future in space and we also think\nthat the space force will sooner or\nlater sign a deal with SpaceX to buy quite\na few starships as military troop\ntransporters or for other space force\nvariations of starship why because China\nof course China has now unveiled their\ntimeline for their space station and it\nis quite an aggressive timeline they\nplan on launching the first module of\nthe future space station already next\nyear on a long march 5b rocket with the\nstation to be fully assembled by 2023 it\nwill consist of three modules with a\ntotal weight of around 66 metric tons\nnow while the station will be quite a\nlot smaller than the ISS still China\nwill have its very own space station and\nthat is just the beginning as we know\nbecause their ultimate end goal is the\nmoon they are not even secretive about\nit so the space station is the very\nfirst step in order to gain some\nexperience working and living in space\nthey already tested the capsule that can\nhost seven passengers which will be the\nsame capsule used for their moon\nmissions so yes China is advancing and\nthey plan to recruit 18 new Taikonauts\nto that end from their army and then we\nshouldn't also forget their upcoming\nMars probe which is set to launch in\nJuly 2020 and which will touch down on\nthe Red Planet in early 2021 complete\nwith a lander and a rover and then the\nChang'e five lunar sample return mission\nwhich is planned for sometime later this\nyear and as if that wasn't enough now\nthey also want to search for aliens yes\nthey have their own very large radio\ntelescope the fast telescope which\nstands for 500 meter array spherical\ntelescope and is the largest radio\ntelescope in the world and now they are\nlaunching their own SETI program to search\nfor signs of intelligent alien civilizations with the help of radio waves\nthis is a really cool development and\nSETI is a very important program\nhowever it's extremely unlikely that the\nChinese will find anything not because\nof the lack of intelligent civilizations\non the contrary we actually think that\nthe likelihood of the existence of a few\ntechnological civilizations in our\ngalaxy is quite high we will make a\nspecial video on that topic by the way\nso the real reason why it's unlikely\nthat the telescope will find anything is\nthat it has to look to the right star at\nthe right time and the star system must\nhave a super high-power\nalien radio beacon directed exactly\ntowards us employing radio waves and the\nodds for that to happen even if there\nwere thousands of intelligent\ncivilizations in our galaxy are super\nlow and radio waves\nwhy not smoke signs probably radio waves\nwould be as primitive to the alien\ncivilizations as smoke signs to us but\nfor sure this is an interesting\ndevelopment and the more people are\nsearching for intelligent alien\ncivilizations the better because you\nknow we might get lucky after all who\nknows so what do you say to the FAA\nsurprising move to give SpaceX\nregulatory approval for suborbital\nflights wow I'm really surprised yeah\nand do you agree with us that we\nshould celebrate the success for demo-2 mission but we shouldn't celebrate\ntoo much in order not to get too\ncomplacent and if you're wondering why\nwe still don't have a moon base and why\nNASA's Apollo moon base failed you can\ncheck out our last Friday's video right\nhere so thanks as always for watching\nthe JS space report and then I would say on 2 the future\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "\nSpanish: \nHola a todos y bienvenidos a la segunda sesión de Dare to Care: Escucha y diálogo.\nMi nombre es Lourdes Hércules y hoy nos acompañarán en esta lección\nAmy Uelmen, docente de la Georgetown Law School de Washington DC\ny Cristina Montoya, colombiana y docente de la universidad Sophia de Loppiano.\n\nFrench: \nBonjour à tous et bienvenue à la deuxième leçon\nde Dare to Care: Écoute et Dialogue.\nBonjour à tous et bienvenue à la deuxième leçon\nde Dare to Care: Écoute et Dialogue.\nje m'appelle Lourdes Hercules Aujourd’hui,\nnous serons accompagnés dans cette leçon par\nAmy Uelmen, professeur \nà la Georgetown Law School à Washington DC,\net Cristina Montoya, colombienne et professeur\nà l’Université Sophia de Loppiano.\nPartons du commencement...\nComme lorsque vous construisez une maison,\nvous voulez commencer par les fondations.\nLe concept de dialogue est quelque chose\nque l'on retrouve depuis\nl'époque de la Grèce antique\net que l'on retrouve\ndans les domaines philosophique,\néthique, politique, religieux..\nCristina, par quelle définition pouvons-nous commencer?\n\nPortuguese: \nOlá a todos e bem-vindos à segunda aula de Dare to Care: escutar e dialogar.\nMeu nome é Lourdes Hercules e hoje irão nos acompanhar nesta aula\nAmy Uelmen, professora da Georgetown Law School em Washington DC\ne Cristina Montoya, colombiana e professora da Universidade Sophia de Loppiano, Itália.\nVamos come ar...\ncomo quando se constrói uma casa\nqueremos come ar pela base.\nO conceito de diálogo não é algo novo\ne podemos encontrá-lo na Grécia Antiga,\npodemos encontrá-lo em um contexto filosófico\nético, político, religioso...\nCristina com que definição podemos começar?\n\nEnglish: \nHello everybody and welcome to the second Dare to Care lesson: Listen and Dialogue.\nHello everybody and welcome to the second Dare to Care lesson: Listen and Dialogue.\nMy name is Lourdes Hercules and today we will be accompanied, in this lesson, by\nAmy Uelmen, she's a professor at Georgetown Law School in Washington, DC\nand Cristina Montoya, from Colombia, she's a professor at Sophia University, in Loppiano, Italy.\nSo let's start at the very beginning\nLike when you build a house,\nwe want to start from the bottom\nThe concept of dialogue is not something new\nwe find already it in ancient Greece and\nwe can find it in a philosophical\nethical, religious and political context.\nCristina, how can we define it?\n\nItalian: \nSalve a tutti e benvenuti alla seconda lezione di Dare to Care: Ascolto e Dialogo.\nSalve a tutti e benvenuti alla seconda lezione di Dare to Care: Ascolto e Dialogo.\nMi chiamo Lourdes Hercules e oggi saremo accompagnati, in questa lezione, da\nAmy Uelmen, docente alla Georgetown Law School di Washington DC\ne Cristina Montoya, colombiana e docente all’Università Sophia di Loppiano, in Italia.\nCominciamo dall’inizio\ncome quando si costruisce una casa\nvogliamo iniziare dalle fondamenta\nil concetto di dialogo è qualcosa\nche troviamo dai tempi dell'antica Grecia e\nlo troviamo nell’ambito filosofico\netico, politico, religioso…\nCristina con quale definizione possiamo iniziare\n\nItalian: \nBene, grazie Lourdes, ciao a tutti\nPiù che definirlo teoricamente,\nvorrei dire come l’ho scoperto e sperimentato\nnella mia vita cosa è il dialogo\nil dialogo è prima di tutto\nuna parola meravigliosa che vuol dire attraversare\nrischiare di entrare\nmediante la parola\nin un mondo fino adesso a noi sconosciuto,\n“il mondo dell’Altro”\nSignifica andare oltre\ni nostri limiti, per incontrarci nella terra\ndi mezzo, dove vive come direbbe il pedagogo Paulo Freire,\n“l’inedito possibile”, dove possiamo sperare tutto\nlì dove la verità ci si può rivelare con un nuovo volto.\nÈ una parola che dice ferita,\nluce, dice molteplicità.\n\nFrench: \nMerci, Lourdes, bonjour à tous\nPlus que de le définir théoriquement,\nje voudrais dire comment je l’ai découvert\net vécu dans ma vie : « dialogue »\nest un mot merveilleux\nqui signifie traverser,\nrisquer d’entrer\npar la parole\ndans un monde inconnu jusqu’à présent,\n«le monde de l’Autre».\nCela signifie aller au-delà\nlà où vit «l’inédit possible», comme dirait\nle pédagogue Paulo Freire,\noù il vit, comme le dirait\nle pédagogue Paulo Freire,\nlà où la vérité peut nous être\nrévélée avec un nouveau visage.\nC’est un mot qui dit blessure,\nlumière, multiplicité.\n\nPortuguese: \nObrigada Lourdes, olá a todos!\nMais do que defini-la teoricamente,\ngostaria de dizer como a descobri\ne vivenciei em minha vida o significado de diálogo.\nDiálogo é, antes de mais nada,\numa palavra maravilhosa que significa cruzar,\nsignifica arriscar,\narriscar entrar - mediante a palavra -\nem um mundo até então desconhecido para nós:\n“o mundo do Outro”.\nSignifica ir além dos nossos limites\npara nos encontrarmos na “terra do meio”,\ncomo diria o pedagogo Paulo Freire,\nonde vive “o inédito viável”, onde podemos esperar tudo,\nonde a verdade pode nos ser revelada com um novo semblante.\nÉ uma palavra que expressa ferida,\nluz, que expressa multiplicidade.\n\nEnglish: \nGood, thanks Lourdes, hello everyone!\nRather than defining it theoretically\nI would like to say how I discovered\nand experienced it in my life\nDialogue is a wonderful word\nthat means to cross,\nTo risk\nto risk entering through our words into a\nworld really unknown to us before, into\n\"the world of the Other\".\nIt means going beyond our limits,\nto meet in the middle ground,\nwhere \"the unseen possible\" lives, as the pedagogue Paulo Freire\nwould say, where the truth can\nreveal itself with a new face.\nIt is a word that means wounds,\nMeans light, it means multiplicity.\n\nFrench: \nCe n’est donc pas, comme on le pense souvent,\nune conversation sereine\nqui mène au consentement;\nle vrai dialogue est la chose\nla plus déstabilisante,\ncréative et génératrice qui puisse exister,\nc’est une invitation à élargir,\nà repousser au-delà de quelques mètres\nnotre horizon de compréhension et de sens.\nComme vous l’avez dit,\nil existe de nombreuses manières de parler de dialogue,\net je voudrais en souligner\ndeux en particulier:\nLe dialogue comme moyen\nde communication,\nque nous pouvons\nvivre au quotidien,\net le dialogue compris\ncomme chemin de construction\nde la communauté politique.\n\nPortuguese: \nPortanto, não é, como muitas vezes pensamos\numa conversa serena,\nque leva ao consenso.\nO verdadeiro diálogo é a coisa mais desestabilizadora\nque pode existir, é algo que nos põe em discussão.\nÉ um convite, antes de mais nada,\nde alargar, aliás, de aumentar um pouco mais\no nosso horizonte de compreensão\nE do significado da vida e das nossas circunstâncias.\nComo você dizia\nexistem muitas formas de falar de diálogo.\nEu gostaria de sublinhar duas delas.\nPor um lado, o diálogo como instrumento,\numa forma de comunicação\nque podemos viver na vida quotidiana.\nE por outro, o diálogo entendido como caminho de construção,\nda comunidade política.\n\nEnglish: \nIt is not, therefore, as we often think,\na serene conversation that leads\nto consensus;\nNo, true dialogue is the most destabilizing, creative and generative thing\nthat can exist, it is something that puts us in complete question\nit is an invitation to broaden\nindeed, to push a few meters\nfurther our horizon of understanding\nand meaning of life and our circumstances.\nAs you said,\nthere are many ways to talk about dialogue\nand I would like to highlight two in particular:\nDialogue as a way of communicating,\nwhich we can live in everyday life\nand dialogue as a way of building\nthe political community\n\nItalian: \nNon è quindi, come spesso pensiamo,\nuna conversazione serena\nche porta al consenso;\nil dialogo vero è la cosa più destabilizzante,\nche possa esistere, qualcosa che ci mette completamente in discussione\nè un invito ad allargare,\nanzi, a spingere qualche metro più in là\nil nostro orizzonte di comprensione e di senso.\nCome tu dicevi, ci sono\ntanti modi di parlare di dialogo\ne ne vorrei sottolineare due in particolare:\nIl dialogo come un modo di comunicare,\ncome comunicazione, diciamo\nche possiamo vivere nel quotidiano,\ne il dialogo inteso come cammino di costruzione\ndella comunità politica.\n\nFrench: \nLes deux sont très, très exigeants.\nEt déjà le mot \"besoin\" nous suggère\nqu'il ne s'agit pas d'une route plate\nmais probablement d'un chemin de terre en montée.\nCristina, pourquoi le dialogue\npeut-il sembler si difficile au début ?\nTout d’abord pour quelque chose qui est en fait\nquelque chose de merveilleux:\nJe suis original, unique,\npersonne ne peut voir les choses\ncomme je les vois.\nLe deuxième élément est la peur\nnous avons peur de beaucoup de choses\npeur de perdre nos certitudes,\npeur de ne pas pouvoir bien exprimer\nce que l’on veut dire ou\ndՐtre incompris,\npeur de ne pas comprendre.\n\nEnglish: \nBoth are very, very demanding.\nAlready the word \"demanding\" helps us\nunderstand that it is not a smooth road,\nbut uphill and probably bumpy.\nCristina, why can dialogue in principle,\nbe presented as something so difficult?\nFirst of all, I would say for something\nthat is actually something so wonderful:\nI am original, unique, and so are you.\nNo one can see things\nThe way that I see them.\nThis is the first element.\nThe second element is fear.\nthe fear of losing our certainties,\nof not being able to express well\nwhat we want to say or\nto be misunderstood, the fear of losing prestige,\nof making a bad impression, and the fear of not understanding.\n\nItalian: \nEntrambi sono molto, molto esigenti.\nE già la parola “esigenza” ci suggerisce\nche non si tratta di un percorso pianeggainte\nma probabilmente di un percorso sterrato in salita.\nLourdes: Cristina, perché il dialogo\npuò sembrare qualcosa di difficile all’inizio?\nBene, io direi che, in primo luogo, per qualcosa\nche in realtà è qualcosa di meraviglioso.\nIo sono originale, unica; tu sei unico\nnessuno può vedere le cose come le vedo io.\nquesto è il primo motivo e il secondo\nlo sintetizzerei come “paura”\nnoi abbiamo paura di tante cose\npaura di perdere le nostre sicurezze,\npaura di non riuscire a esprimere bene\nquanto vogliamo dire o\ndi essere fraintesi,\npaura di non capire…\n\nPortuguese: \nAmbos são muito, muito exigentes.\nA palavra “exigência” já nos dá a entender\nque não se trata de um percurso plano,\nmas de aclive e provavelmente com obstáculos.\nCristina, por que em princípio o diálogo pode ser\napresentado como algo difícil?\nBem, eu dir’a em primeiro lugar\nque é realmente maravilhoso.\nEu sou única, você é única.\nNinguém pode ver as coisas como as vejo\nda mesma forma.\nEsta é a primeira razão. A segunda\neu sintetizaria como medo.\nNós temos muito medo\nde perder as nossas certezas;\nmedo de não conseguir expressar bem\no que queremos dizer;\nou de ser mal-entendidos;\nmedo de causar má impressão.\n\nItalian: \nE quando ci muove la paura\na rispondere è l’istinto,\nil cervello rettile che scatta\ne vuole proteggerci\nda ciò che identifica come un pericolo.\nDobbiamo dunque allenarci\nperché non è facile\nma come dire, come ho detto prima, è affascinante\necco perché propongo\navendolo sperimentato nel quotidiano\nche per fare del dialogo il nostro modo di vivere,\nsarebbero necessarie quattro azioni\nmolto concrete, perché il dialogo\nimplica una decisione.\nAllora, dopo che, dando alla saggezza del cuore\nche è quella che illumina le nostre azioni,\nquella che ci fa amare le nostre decisioni,\n\nPortuguese: \nE quando é o medo que nos move\né o instinto que responde,\no cérebro reptiliano que desponta\ndaquilo que ele identifica como um perigo\ne quer nos proteger.\nPortanto, para dialogar temos que treinar,\nporque não é fácil.\nMas como eu dizia antes é fascinante!\nPor isso eu proponho e penso.\nO que procuro fazer no dia a dia,\npara tornar o diálogo a nossa forma de vida,\nSão necessárias 4 palavras,\nAções muito concretas, porque o diálogo\nimplica uma decisão.\nEntão depois de dar sabedoria ao coração,\nque ilumina nossas ações,\nque torna nossas decisões\n\nEnglish: \nAnd when we are driven by fear,\nwe respond with our instincts,\nwith the reptile brain that snaps\nand wants to protect us from what\nit identifies as a danger.\nTo dialogue, we must train ourselves\nBecause it's not easy\nNot easy, but it is fascinating.\nWhat I try to do in daily life\nand what I propose to you\nTo make dialogue a part of our daily lives\ncould be summarized in four concrete actions:\nVery concrete because dialogue\nImplies a decisiveness.\nWith these actions comes the wisdom of the heart\nWhich illuminates our actions\n\nFrench: \nEt quand la peur nous meut,\nc’est l’instinct qui répond,\nle cerveau reptilien qui bondit\net veut protéger\nde ce qu’il identifie comme un danger.\nNous devons donc nous former parce\nque ce n'est pas facile,\nmais comme je l'ai déjà dit, c'est fascinant.\nC'est pourquoi je propose,\npour l'avoir vécu au quotidien,\nque pour faire du dialogue notre mode de vie,\nquatre actions très concrètes\nsoient nécessaires,\ncar le dialogue implique une décision.\nPuis, après avoir donné la sagesse du cœur,\nqui est la sagesse qui illumine nos actions,\nla sagesse qui nous fait aimer nos décisions,\n\nFrench: \nla possibilité d'engager le dialogue...…\nPremier mot pour moi :\n“S’arrêter avant l’absurde”\nPuis, “Reconnaître l’Autre”,\ntroisièmement,\n“S’ouvrir à ce qui émerge” et enfin, “Déplacer l’horizon”\nce que je veux dire avec ces 4 mots\nDonc, je suppose que ça vous arrive à vous aussi…\nQuand je me trouve face à quelqu’un\nqui me semble bien différent ou qui voit\nles choses d’une manière très divergente,\nil me vient parfois à me dire spontanément:\nmais comment peut-il voir\nles choses de cette manière?\nÇa me semble absurde,\nje ne comprends pas.\nCe «je ne comprends pas»\nm’apparaît comme un mur,\ncomme une limite.\nEt c’est la première action:\ns’arrêter,\n\nPortuguese: \numa possibilidade de iniciar um diálogo,\nentão a primeira palavra para mim\né “parar diante do incompreensível”.\nAdiante a explico. Depois,\n“Reconhecer o outro”.\nEm terceiro lugar: “abrir-nos para o emergente” e “alargar o horizonte”.\nO que quero dizer com essas 4 palavras.\nEntão, o que eu penso que aconteça também com vocês\né que quando estamos diante de alguém\nque parece muito diferente ou que vê as coisas\nde uma forma para nós inconcebível,\na primeira coisa que pensamos é\n“Como pode pensar dessa forma?!?”\n“É un absurdo!”\nBom, podemos dizer que\né como se nos encontrássemos diante de um muro.\nEntão é ali que se encaixa a primeira palavra:\n“Parar” diante daquilo que para nós parece um absurdo.\n\nEnglish: \nand makes it possible for us to engage in dialogue\nThe first word is:\nStop in front of the absurd\nThen, Recognize the Other\nThird, Be open to the things that emerge\nFourth, Push further our horizon\nI think you can relate to when\nWhen I find myself in front of\nsomeone who seems very different to me or who sees things\nin a very different way from me,\nsometimes I spontaneously ask myself:\nhow can he see things this way?\nIt seems absurd to me, I don't understand.\nThis \"I don't understand\" presents\nitself to me as a wall, as a limit.\nAnd this is the first action\nto stop, to have a moment\n\nItalian: \nla possibilità di intraprendere il dialogo…\nLa prima parola per me:\n“Fermarsi dinanzi all’assurdo”\nPoi, “Riconoscere l’altro”,\nin terzo luogo,\n“Aprirsi all’emergente” e, infine, “Spostare l’orizzonte”.\nche cosa voglio dire con queste 4 parole\nAllora, penso che succeda anche a voi ragazzi…\nQuando mi trovo davanti a qualcuno\nche mi sembra molto diverso o che vede le cose\nin un modo molto divergente rispetto a me,\nla prima cosa che ci viene da dire è:\n“Come si può pensare in questo modo?\nÈ assurdo”.\nQuesto “non capisco” mi si presenta come un muro,\ncome un limite.\nE questa è la prima azione:\nfermarmi,\n\nEnglish: \nof inner silence, to try to put aside,\nfor a moment, my thoughts.\nAnd remember that behind what looks like a wall,\nthere is a new world that awaits us.\nThe second action is Recognizing the Other:\nthis is a powerful verb,\nbecause when the other person feels\nrecognized for what that other unique person is\nwho can see things as I do not\nBecause this its value in its uniqueness\nWhen this feels recognised\nIt creates a dimension of serenity and security.\nThat generates the conditions of dialogue.\nHe who is in front of me is a unique person.\nI am opening the door of my mind,\n\nItalian: \ncercare di mettere da parte,\nper un momento, i miei pensieri.\nfare un momento di silenzio interiore,\ndavanti all’altro, qui arriva la seconda parola\nche è Riconoscere l’Altro\nquesto è un verbo potente,\nperché quando l’altra persona si sente\nriconosciuta - quindi è quell’altro essere\nunico che può vedere le cose come non le vedo io,\nle vede perché questo è il suo valore e la sua unicità\nquando si sentono riconosciuti come tali\nquesto genera un ambiente di serenità e\ne sicurezza che consente di avviare e creare le condizioni per il dialogo.\nPoi arriva la terza parola che è “aprire”\nQuando lo guardo, riconosco l'altro,\n\nPortuguese: \nPor um momento, ao menos,\ncolocamos de lado os nossos pensamentos,\nprocurar silenciá-los para colocar-nos diante do outro.\nE entra a segunda palavra\nque é “reconhecer o outro”.\n“Reconhecer” é uma palavra potente, poderosa\nporque quando a outra pessoa se sente\nreconhecida pelo que é – aquele outro ser único,\nque pode ver as coisas como eu não posso,\nPorque aquilo é o seu valor e a sua unicidade,\nQuando se sente conhecido desta forma,\nIsto cria um ambiente sereno e de confiança\nque permite iniciar a criar as condições para o diálogo.\nDepois vêm a terceira palavra que significa “abrir-nos para o emergente”.\nEu quando olho e vejo o outro ou a outra\n\nFrench: \npendant un moment,\nde mettre mes pensées de côté,\nprendre un moment de silence intérieur,\ndevant l'autre, voici le deuxième mot\nqui est Reconnaître l'Autre\nc’est un verbe puissant,\ncar lorsque l'autre personne se sent reconnue\nC'est donc cet autre être qui peut voir\nles choses de la même façon que moi,\nil les voit parce que c'est\nlà sa valeur et son caractère unique\nlorsqu'ils se sentent reconnus comme tels,\ncela génère un environnement\nde sérénité et de sécurité\nqui leur permet d'engager \net de créer les conditions du dialogue.\nPuis vient le troisième mot qui est \"s’ouvrir\".\nQuand je le regarde, je reconnais l'autre,\n\nFrench: \nje lui dis avec des faits,\nqu'il n'est pas mon adversaire, qu'il est mon fils,\nje lui dis avec des faits,\nque je vais ouvrir mon esprit, mon cœur,\npour l'écouter profondément.\nC'est là que nous entrons dans\ncette belle dimension,\nl'écoute,\nlorsque nous sommes capables de nous écouter de cette manière,\norsque nous nous exprimons avec cette sérénité,\nen essayant de comprendre,\nil est plus probable qu'un nouvel aspect de la vérité émerge,\nque nous soyons capables de comprendre\nde nouvelles choses de ce que\nnous cherchons dans le dialogue.\nAvant tout, le dialogue soulève de nouvelles questions.\nLe physicien David Bohm écrivait:\n« Le dialogue est la manière collective de s’ouvrir\nau jugement\nau discernement, à l’hypothèse ».\nComme je l'ai déjà dit,\nce n'est pas nécessairement\nque nous sommes parvenus à un consensus tout d'un coup.\n\nItalian: \ngli dico con i fatti,\nche non è il mio avversario, che è mio figlio,\nli dico che può essere mio ospite,\nche aprirò la mia mente, il mio cuore,\nPer ascoltarlo profondamente.\nLì entriamo in quella bella dimensione,\nl'ascolto,\nQuando siamo in grado di ascoltarci in questo modo,\nquando ci esprimiamo con questa serenità,\ncercando di capire, è più probabile\nche emerga un nuovo aspetto della verità,\nche riusciamo a capire cose nuove\ndi ciò che cerchiamo nel dialogo.\nSoprattutto, di solito il dialogo\nsolleva nuovi interrogativi.\nScriveva il fisico\nDavid Bohm, che il dialogo è il modo collettivo di aprirsi\nal giudizio\nal discernimento, all’ipotesi.\ncome ho detto prima, non è detto\nche abbiamo raggiunto un consenso tutto d'un tratto,\n\nPortuguese: \nos reconheço e estou dizendo a eles\nque não são meus adversários ou meus inimigos\nEstou dizendo que podem ser meu hóspede,\nque vou abrir minha mente e meu coração\nPara escutá-los profundamente.\nEntão entramos nessa dimensão\nque é a escuta.\nQuando conseguimos escutar dessa forma,\nquando nos expressamos com essa tranquilidade\ntentado compreender\nO mais provável é que surja\num novo aspecto da verdade.\nPodemos compreender coisas novas sobre o que buscamos.\nO diálogo sobretudo põe novas perguntas\nComo diria o físico\nDavid Bohm que «O diálogo é o modo coletivo\nde se abrir ao julgamento\nao discernimento, à hipótese»\nComo eu dizia não é necessariamente\nque de repente chegamos a um consenso.\n\nEnglish: \nof my heart and I tell him, with my acts,\nthat he is not a stranger, he is not an enemy,\nhe is my guest.\nThat I am opening my heart\nTo listen deeply here\nOnly then can we enter\nthe dimension of listening.\nWhen we are able to listen\nand talk like this, by trying to understand,\nthe most likely thing is that\nthe truth will come up unexpectedly\nallowing us to move forward,\nperhaps in the form of new questions.\nThe physicist David Bohm wrote:\ndialogue is the collective way of\nopening up judgements and assumptions\nIf this happens, our takes on things change\n,we feel questioned,\n\nPortuguese: \nAmbos temos novas perguntas\nMas neste momento acontece a quarta palavra\nAlargou-se o nosso horizonte\nSomos capazes de ver além, de entender algo a mais.\nObrigada Cristina. Já que mencionaste\na palavra “política” quero passar ao seguinte tópico com Amy.\nPolítica. Cuidando. Deixe-me perguntar a você, Amy: será que algum dia conseguiremos colocar esses conceitos na mesma página,\nou até na mesma frase?\nLourdes essa é uma pergunta muito boa.\nE acho que é uma pergunta cada vez mais difícil.\nComo vocês sabem, estou em Washington\ne a atmosfera aqui é muito tensa\nA pergunta que acredito que muitas pessoas estejam fazendo é: como conciliar\na gestão política da realidade de injustiça em nossas sociedades\n\nItalian: \nabbiamo entrambi nuove domande,\nperò, in questo momento avviene la quarta parola\nil nostro orizzonte si è mosso, siamo\nin grado di vedere più in là, oltre.\nLourdes: Grazie, Cristina, e visto che abbiamo menzionato\nla parola “politica”, voglio passare\nal punto successivo, con Amy.\nPolitica. Prendersi cura. Permettimi una domanda, Amy: è immaginabile riuscire a mettere questi concetti pagina;\nsu una stessa o addirittura nella stessa frase?\nLourdes questa è davvero una buona domanda.\nE penso che sia una domanda sempre più difficile.\nCome sapete mi trovo a Washington DC,\ne qui l’atmosfera è molto tesa,\ne la domanda che credo molte persone si stiano facendo è:\ncome conciliare la gestione politica della realtà\ndell’ingiustizia nelle nostre società con la speranza\n\nEnglish: \nwe have new questions.\nAnd this brings us to the fourth point:\nthat is the moment when our horizon moves a few meters further\nNow we can see beyond.\nThank you Cristina and since you mentioned the word politics, I want to move on to the next point with Amy.\nAmy, Politics, Caring - let me ask you, can we ever get these concepts onto the same page;\nmore or less the same sentence?\nLourdes this is a really good question.\nAnd I think it's an increasingly difficult question.\nSo as you know I'm in Washington\nand here things have really heated up\nI think the question many people are asking is: How can we put together\na political reckoning with the truth about\ninjustice in our societies, with hopes for\n\nSpanish: \nPolítica. Cuidarla. Amy, permíteme una pregunta: ¿Es concebible lograr poner estos conceptos en una misma página,\no incluso en una misma oración?\nLourdes, esta es una muy buena pregunta.\nY creo que es también una difícil pregunta.\nComo saben, estoy en Washington DC\ny aquí el ambiente está muy tenso,\ny la pregunta que creo que muchas personas se están haciendo es: ¿Cómo conciliar\nla gestión política de la realidad de la injusticia en nuestras sociedades con la esperanza\n\nFrench: \nNous avons tous deux de nouvelles questions,\nmais en ce moment,\nle quatrième mot arrive :\nnotre horizon s'est déplacé,\nnous sommes capables de voir\nplus loin, au-delà.\nMerci, Cristina, et puisque nous avons\nmentionné le mot \"politique\",\nje voudrais passer au point suivant avec Amy.\nPolitique. Prendre soin. Permettez-moi une question, Amy :\nest-il concevable de réussir à mettre ces concepts sur la même page,\nvoire dans la même phrase?\nLourdes, c'est une très bonne question.\nEt je pense que c'est une question de plus en plus difficile.\nComme vous le savez, je suis à Washington DC\nl’atmosphère ici est très tendue.\nLa question, je crois, que beaucoup de gens se posent est: comment conciliar\ncomment concilier la gestion politique de la réalité \nde l’injustice, dans nos sociétés, avec l’espoir\n\nFrench: \nd’un renouveau et plus de soin? Cela ressemble à un oxymore, des mots qui ne peuvent être mis ensemble.\nBeaucoup se demandent si le dialogue\nn’est pas simplement un autre moyen de ralentir,\nvoire même de bloquer\nle cours de la justice.\nEt cela nous amène à une autre question:\npourquoi devrions-nous écouter\nceux qui pensent différemment ou dialoguer\navec eux, comme l’a illustré Cristina?\nPourquoi devrais-je même concevoir l’idée\nde perfectionner ma capacité à converser\navec des gens qui\nne pensent pas comme moi?\nCristina vous a donné quatre mots, je vous en donne trois raisons: La première: vous êtes une personne en relation\nIl ne vous est pas toujours donné de choisir les personnes avec lesquelles vous interagissez. Votre mère est votre mère. Vos frères,\n\nEnglish: \nhealing, and even caring? It seems like an oxymoron. Words that don't go together.\nMany ask: isn't dialogue just\nanother way of trying to slow down or shut\ndown the work for justice in our societies?\nThat brings us to another question: WHY should we listen to, dialogue with people\nwho think differently? (like Cristina was just describing)\nWhy should I even entertain\nthe idea of honing my skills to dialogue with\npeople who think differently?\nCristina gave 4 words, I'll give 3 reasons:\nFirst, because you are a person in relationship.\nYou can't always choose the people you interact\nwith. Your mom is your mom. Your siblings,\n\nPortuguese: \ncom a esperança de renovação e de um cuidado maior? Parece um oxímoro, palavras que não podem estar juntas.\nMuitos se perguntam se o diálogo não é apenas outra maneira para desacelerar ou mesmo bloquear\no curso da justiça nas nossas sociedades?\nE isso nos leva a outra pergunta: por que escutar ou dialogar\ncom quem pensa diferente, como a Cristina ilustrou? Por que?\nPor que devo aprimorar minha capacidade de dialogar\ncom as pessoas que não pensam como eu?\nCristina lhes ofereceu quatro palavras, eu lhes ofereço três motivos: Primeiro: você é uma pessoa que se relaciona.\nNem sempre lhe é permitido escolher as pessoas com quem interagir. Estamos vendo isso claramente durante a pandemia. Sua mãe é sua mãe.\n\nSpanish: \nde una renovación y de un mayor cuidado? Parece un oxímoron, palabras que no pueden estar juntas.\nMuchos se preguntan si el diálogo no es otra forma de frenar\ne incluso de bloquear el curso de la justicia.\nY esto nos lleva a otra pregunta: ¿Por qué debemos escuchar\no dialogar con quienes piensan diferente, como lo ilustró Cristina?\n¿Por qué debería de considerar la idea de afinar mi capacidad para comunicarme con\npersonas que no piensan como yo?\nCristina les ha dado cuatro palabras, yo les doy tres motivos: El primero: eres una persona en relación.\nNo siempre puedes elegir las personas con las cuales interactúas. Tu madre es tu madre, y tus hermanos\n\nItalian: \ndi un rinnovamento e di una maggiore cura? Sembra un ossimoro, parole che non possono stare insieme.\nMolti si chiedono se il dialogo non sia solo\nun altro modo per rallentare o addirittura bloccare\nil corso della giustizia\nE questo ci porta a un’altra domanda: perché dovremmo ascoltare o dialogare con chi\nla pensa diversamente (come Cristina ha illustrato)?\nPerché dovrei anche solo concepire\nl’idea di affinare la mia capacità di dialogare con\npersone che non la pensano come me?\nCristina vi ha dato quattro parole, io vi dò tre motivi:\nIl primo: sei una persona in relazione.\nNon ti è sempre dato di scegliere le persone con cui interagisci. Tua madre è tua madre. I tuoi fratelli,\n\nFrench: \ncousins, oncles… sont ce qu’ils sont. Et, parfois, de profondes différence peuvent conduire à un choix drastique:\ntrouver un moyen de communiquer ou se condamner à l’isolement\net à la solitude des relations et amitiés superficielles.\nNous adresser uniquement à ceux qui pensent comme nous peut être réconfortant au début, mais, souvent, des groupes de ce type se désintègrent,\nengendrant des factions de plus en plus convaincues\nd’être du côté de la raison. Je l’ai vécu.\nMes élèves disent qu’ils s’ennuient\nmême lorsqu’ils créent de tels groupes.\nPour éviter ces écueils, il vaut la peine d’investir du temps et de l’énergie dans le développement de la capacité de dialogue,\ncar le dialogue est une compétence personnelle essentielle.\n\nEnglish: \ncousins and uncles, they are who they are. Sometimes\ndeep differences lead to a stark choice:\neither find a way to communicate, or be doomed to the\nisolation and loneliness of really superficial\nrelationships and friendships. Echo chambers\ncan be comforting at first, but often they\neventually splinter into increasingly self-righteous\nfactions. That's my experience.\nMy students say we are boring ourselves when we create echo-chambers.\nTo avoid these traps, it is worth\nit to invest time and energy into dialogue skills.\nBecause Dialogue is an essential personal skill.\n\nPortuguese: \nSeus irmãos, primos, tios, são quem eles são. E, às vezes, diferenças profundas podem levar a uma escolha drástica:\nencontrar uma maneira para se comunicar ou condenar-se ao isolamento\ne à solidão de relacionamentos e a amizades superficiais. Relacionar-se apenas com aqueles que pensam como nós pode ser reconfortante no início,\nmas grupos desse tipo se desintegram, gerando facções cada vez mais convictas de estar do lado da razão. Essa é a minha experiência.\nMeus alunos dizem que até ficam entediados quando criam grupos desse tipo.\nPara evitar tais armadilhas, vale a pena investir tempo e energia no desenvolvimento da capacidade de dialogar,\npois o diálogo é uma habilidade essencial para todos.\n\nSpanish: \nprimos, tíos… son los que son y, a veces, diferencias profundas pueden llevar a elecciones drásticas:\nencontrar la forma de comunicarse o condenarse al aislamiento y a la soledad de las relaciones\ny amistades superficiales. Relacionarse solo con quienes piensan como nosotros puede ser reconfortante al principio,\npero muchas veces se disgregan, generando facciones cada vez más convencidas de estar del lado de la razón. He hecho la experiencia.\nMis alumnos dicen incluso que se aburren cuando crean estos grupos.\nPara evitar estas trampas, vale la pena invertir tiempo y energía en desarrollar la capacidad de diálogo,\nporque el diálogo es una habilidad personal.\n2. El segundo motivo para invertir en esta capacidad, y lo digo como formadora de futuros abogados,\n\nItalian: \ncugini, zii… sono quelli che sono. E, a volte, differenze profonde possono portare a una scelta drastica: trovare\nuna via per comunicare o condannarsi all’isolamento e alla solitudine di relazioni e amicizie superficiali.\nRelazionarsi solo con chi la pensa come noi può essere confortante all’inizio, ma gruppi di questo tipo spesso si\ndisgregano, generando fazioni sempre più convinte di essere dalla parte della ragione. Ne ho fatto l’esperienza.\nI miei studenti dicono che addirittura si annoiano quando creano gruppi del genere.\nPer evitare queste trappole, vale la pena investire tempo ed energie nello sviluppo della capacità di dialogare,\nperché il dialogo è un’abilità personale essenziale.\n\nSpanish: \nes que estás desarrollando o desarrollarás prontamente un trabajo.\nMuchas o diría incluso que todas las profesiones y todos los ambientes de trabajo requieren la capacidad de\nacoger y comprender diferentes puntos de vista y, de comunicarse teniendo en cuenta estas diferencias.\nPor ejemplo, mi trabajo de docente no consiste en convencer a los alumnos de mis ideas, sino ayudarlos\na pensar autónomamente y a desarrollar sus ideas.\nUn abogado debe comprender cuáles son los objetivos de su cliente, sin manipularlo.\nLa capacidad de resolver problemas a través del diálogo,\nes lo que a menudo, distingue una excelente contribución en el trabajo.\nToma el tiempo que necesites para perfeccionarte en tu área de interés, o en el trabajo que realizas,\n\nEnglish: \nThe second reason to invest: because you\nhave (or will soon have) a job to do. Lots\nLots and I might even say ALL of professions\nand ALL work environments require a capacity to\ntake in and understand differing perspectives,\nand communicate across these differences.\nFor example, my job as a teacher is not to\nindoctrinate students into my ideas, but to\nthem to think for themselves, to develop their\nown ideas. Lawyers need to understand their\nclient's goals, in a non-manipulative way.\nThe capacity to problem solve through dialogue\nis often the distinguishing mark of an amazing\nprofessional contribution.\n\nItalian: \nIl secondo motivo per investire in questa capacità\nè che stai svolgendo o svolgerai presto un lavoro. Molte,\no direi, addirittura, tutte le professioni\ne tutti gli ambienti di lavoro richiedono la capacità di\ncogliere e comprendere punti di vista diversi,\ne di comunicare tenendo conto di queste differenze.\nAd esempio, il mio lavoro di docente non consiste\nnel convincere gli studenti delle mie idee, ma\nnell’aiutarli a pensare autonomamente e a sviluppare\nle loro idee. Un avvocato deve capire quali\nsono gli obiettivi del suo cliente, senza manipolarlo.\nLa capacità di risolvere i problemi attraverso il dialogo\nè spesso ciò che distingue un contributo\neccellente nel lavoro.\n\nPortuguese: \nO segundo motivo para investir nesta capacidade, e falo isso como formadora de futuros advogados, é que você tem ou terá um trabalho.\nMuitas, ou eu diria até mesmo todas as profissões e todos os ambientes de trabalho exigem a capacidade\nde captar e compreender diferentes pontos de vista e de se comunicar levando em consideração essas diferenças.\nPor exemplo, meu trabalho como professora não consiste em convencer os alunos das minhas ideias,\nmas em ajudá-los a pensar por si próprios e a desenvolver suas ideias.\nUm advogado deve entender quais são os objetivos de seu cliente, sem manipulá-lo. \nA capacidade de resolver problemas por meio do diálogo\ngeralmente é o que distingue uma contribuição de excelência no trabalho.\n\nFrench: \nLa deuxième raison d’investir dans cette capacité, est que vous êtes déjà, ou y serez bientôt, en train de développer un travail.\nBeaucoup de professions, je dirais même toutes ! \net tous les environnements de travail requièrent la capacité\nde saisir et de comprendre des points de vue divers, \net de communiquer en tenant compte de ces différences.\nPar exemple, mon travail en tant qu’enseignante\nn’est pas de convaincre les élèves de mes idées, mais de\nles aider à penser par eux-mêmes et à développer\nleurs idées. Un avocat doit comprendre\nquels sont les objectifs de son client, sans le manipuler.\nLa capacité à résoudre des problèmes par le dialogue\nest souvent ce qui marque\nune excellente contribution au travail.\n\nPortuguese: \nTome o tempo necessário para se aperfeiçoar em sua área de interesse, ou no trabalho que você já faz, para pensar no seu projeto de vida,\nqual a contribuição que você deseja dar para o bem comum, e agregue a isso o diálogo, como habilidade profissional essencial.\nA terceira razão para investir no diálogo, é que o caminho para uma mudança positiva na sociedade\npassa através de uma capacidade de comunicação sólida e profunda, apesar das mais variadas diferenças.\nPara obter algum movimento político sobre questões importantes, passos na direção da justiça\nserão sustentados por uma compreensão mais profunda do que está em jogo para as pessoas,\nIncluindo gente que pensa diferente de mim. Tensão política e riscos políticos decorrem do diálogo.\n\nEnglish: \nSo pause for a second to fill in the blank on your own work area of interest, your current work, your project\nHow you see your contribution to the good. You can add Dialogue is an essential professional skill.\nThe third reason to invest (last but not least) because the path to positive social change runs through\na strong and deep capacity to communicate\nacross differences of all kinds.\nTo get some political movement on important questions,\nsteps in the direction of justice will be\nsustained by a deeper understanding of what\nis at stake for people, including people who\nthink differently than I think. Political traction and stakes run through dialogue.\n\nFrench: \nPrenez le temps dont vous avez besoin pour vous perfectionner dans votre domaine d’intérêt, ou dans le travail que vous faites déjà, pour réfléchir à votre projet,\nà la contribution que vous souhaitez apporter au bien commun,\net ajoutez-y le dialogue, en tant que compétence professionnelle essentielle.\nLa troisième raison d’investir dans le dialogue, la dernière mais non la moindre,\nest que le chemin vers un changement positif dans la société passé\npar une capacité solide et profonde à communiquer\nmalgré les différences les plus diverses.\nPour générer une action politique sur des questions importantes, il est nécessaire que le chemin de la justice soit\nsoit soutenu par une compréhension approfondie\ndes intérêts des personnes,\ndes différentes options disponibles\n\nSpanish: \npara pensar en tu proyecto de vida y a la contribución que quieres dar al bien común y a esto agrégale el diálogo, como habilidad profesional esencial.\n3. La tercera razón para invertir en el diálogo, última pero no menos importante, es que el camino hacia un cambio positivo en la sociedad\npasa por una sólida y profunda capacidad de comunicación aun en las más variadas diferencias.\nPara generar acción política sobre temas relevantes es importante que el camino hacia la justicia\nesté sustentado por una profunda comprensión de los intereses de las personas,\nde las distintas opciones disponibles para llegar a una meta determinada, de las tensiones entre los distintos objetivos,\n\nItalian: \nPrendi il tempo che ti serve per perfezionarti nel tuo ambito di interesse, o nel lavoro che già fai, per pensare al tuo progetto di vita,\na quale contributo vuoi dare per il bene comune, e aggiungi a questo il dialogo, come abilità professionale essenziale.\nLa terza ragione per investire nel dialogo (l’ultima ma non la meno importante) è che il cammino verso un cambiamento della società in positivo passa\nattraverso una solida e profonda capacità di comunicare\npur nelle più svariate differenze.\nPer generare azione politica su questioni importanti è necessario che il cammino verso la giustizia sia\nsostenuto da una profonda comprensione\ndegli interessi delle persone, comprese le persone\nche la pensano diversamente da me,\n\nEnglish: \nGetting a sense of the different options, for arriving to certain goals,\nof the tensions between different goals, the unintended consequences of a program of action, and so on\nDialogue is an essential social\nand political skill.\nDialogue, the art of listening, should not\nbe reduced to being nice. It is not about\nsquishing conflict. It is not about smoothing\nover points of tension.\nIt is about getting the equipment (intellectual, social, communication) we need to step into complexity,\ninto relationships, and, into the hard work of caring for our body politic.\nJust a few ideas of why dialogue is worth it.\n\nItalian: \ndelle diverse opzioni disponibili per arrivare a un dato scopo,\ndelle tensioni tra obiettivi diversi, delle conseguenze involontarie di un programma d’azione, e così via.\nIl dialogo è quindi un’abilità sociale\ne politica essenziale.\nIl Dialogo, l’arte di ascoltare, non si riduce\nall’essere gentili gli uni con gli altri:\nnon è evitare un conflitto. Non è nemmeno appianare\nle divergenze.\nSi tratta di acquisire gli strumenti (intellettuali, sociali e comunicativi) necessari per entrare nella complessità,\nnelle relazioni, e nel gravoso impegno di prendersi cura delle nostre società.\nEcco perché ne vale la pena.\n\nSpanish: \nde las consecuencias involuntarias de un programa de acción etc.\nPor tanto, el diálogo es una habilidad social y política esencial.\nLa tercera razón por la que el diálogo es una importante habilidad política y social.\nEl arte de escuchar, que describió Cristina;\nno se reduce a ser amables unos con otros: no es esto.\nNo es evitar el conflicto, ni siquiera se trata de resolver las diferencias.\nSe trata de adquirir las herramientas intelectuales, sociales y comunicativas necesarias\npara entrar en la complejidad de las relaciones\ny en el oneroso empeño de cuidar nuestras sociedades.\nEs por esto que vale la pena.\n\nFrench: \npour atteindre un objectif donné,\ndes tensions entre différents objectifs\ndes conséquences involontaires\nd’un programme d’action, et ainsi de suite.\nLe dialogue est donc une compétence\nsociale et politique essentielle.\nL’art d’écouter, ne se réduit pas à la gentillesse\ndes uns envers les autres: ce n’est pas ça.\nIl ne s’agit pas d’éviter les conflits. Il ne s’agit\nmême pas d’aplanir les différences.\nIl s’agit d’acquérir les outils intellectuels, sociaux et de communication, nécessaires pour entrer dans la complexité,\ndans les relations et le lourd engagement à prendre soin de nos sociétés.\nC’est pourquoi ça en vaut la peine.\n\nPortuguese: \nTer uma noção das diferentes opções para chegar a certos objetivos,\ndas tensões entre diferentes objetivos, as consequências não intencionais de um programa de ação, e assim por diante\nO diálogo é uma habilidade social e uma política essencial.\nA arte de escutar, que a Cristina descreveu, não se reduz a sermos gentis uns com os outros, não é isso.\nNão é evitar o conflito. Não se trata nem mesmo de amenizar as divergências.\nTrata-se de adquirir as ferramentas intelectuais, sociais e comunicativas necessárias para entrar na complexidade,\nnas relações, bem como no penoso compromisso de “cuidar” das nossas sociedades.\nEssas são apenas algumas ideias do porquê o diálogo vale a pena.\n\nPortuguese: \nGosto de como você evidenciou que o diálogo não é como pegar meia maçã\ne meia laranja e criar uma nova fruta a partir de duas partes incompletas, mas é reconhecer que cada uma,\ncom suas diferenças, relacionando-se, pode contribuir para um objetivo comum:\na saúde, por exemplo, ou a sangria.\nEntão Amy um dos pilares fundamentais da democracia é a participação, e a participação deve, em primeiro lugar,\nsignificar a possibilidade para os cidadãos de dialogar\ncom seus representantes eleitos… de diversas formas. Mas quando não há espaço para o diálogo\nentre cidadãos e representantes, os problemas sociais podem aumentar, explodir.\nQual é o papel do diálogo na política?\nPodemos dizer que a ausência de diálogo é a ausência do “cuidar”?\n\nEnglish: \nLourdes: I love the way you underline the fact that\ndialogue is not like taking a half of an apple\nand taking a half of an orange to create a\nnew fruit, but more like recognizing that\neach of them, with their differences, into\nrelationship, can contribute to a common benefit:\nhealth for example, or a sangria.\nOne of the fundamental pillars of democracy\nis participation and the first meaning of\nparticipation should be the possibility for\nall citizens to be in constant dialogue with\ntheir own elected representatives' in many\nways. But when there's no space for dialogue\nbetween citizens and representatives, social\nproblems increase, can explode.\nWhat is the role that dialogue plays in politics?\nCan we say that the absence of dialogue is the absence of care?\n\nItalian: \nLourdes: Mi piace come hai evidenziato che il dialogo\nnon è come prendere mezza mela\ne mezza arancia e creare\nun nuovo frutto, ma è riconoscere\nche ognuna, con le sue differenze,\nin relazione, può contribuire a un obiettivo comune:\nla salute, ad esempio, o la sangria.\nUno dei pilastri fondamentali della democrazia\nè la partecipazione, e partecipazione\ndovrebbe prima di tutto significare possibilità\nper i cittadini di dialogare costantemente\ncon i loro rappresentanti eletti…\nin diversi modi. Ma quando non c’è spazio per il dialogo\nfra cittadini e rappresentanti,\ni problemi sociali possono aumentare, esplodere.\nChe ruolo gioca il dialogo in politica?\nPossiamo dire che l’assenza di dialogo è assenza di cura?\n\nFrench: \nJ’aime la façon dont vous avez souligné que le dialogue\nn’est pas comme prendre une demi-pomme\net une demi-orange et créer un nouveau fruit\nà partir de deux parties incomplètes, mais il reconnaît que chacune,\navec ses différences, en relation,\npeut contribuer à un objectif commun:\nla santé, par exemple, ou la sangria.\nL’un des piliers fondamentaux de la démocratie est la participation, et la participation doit avant tout signifier\nla possibilité pour les citoyens de dialoguer\nen permanence avec leurs élus…\nde différentes manières...\nais lorsqu’il n’y a pas de place pour le dialogue\nentre les citoyens et les représentants,\nles problèmes sociaux peuvent s’aggraver, exploser.\nQuel rôle joue le dialogue en politique?\nPeut-on dire que l’absence de dialogue est l’absence du soin?\n\nSpanish: \nGracias Amy. Me encanta cómo has puesto en evidencia que el diálogo\nno es como juntar media manzana y media naranja\ny crear una nueva fruta a partir de dos partes incompletas,\nsino que es reconocer que cada una con sus diferencias, en relación,\npuede contribuir a un objetivo común: la salud, por ejemplo,\n...o una sangría\nUno de los pilares fundamentales de la democracia es la participación,\ny la participación debe significar ante todo la posibilidad de que los ciudadanos\ndialoguen constantemente con sus representantes electos … de diferentes maneras.\nPero cuando no hay espacio para el diálogo entre ciudadanos y representantes,\nlos problemas sociales pueden aumentar, explotar.\n¿Qué papel juega el diálogo en la política?\n¿Podríamos decir que la ausencia de diálogo, es ausencia del cuidado?\n\nSpanish: \nLourdes, esto es muy cierto, y es visible en los grandes desafíos de hoy…\nVeo el mundo a mi alrededor que arde con protestas\ncontra el hecho de que el cuidado no está en el corazón de mi sociedad y de mi cultura.\nA muchos les gustaría que fuera así, pero el momento que vivimos revela claramente que no es así.\nLas profundas desigualdades en el acceso a la atención médica y en muchas otras áreas,\ny la injusticia racial tienen un impacto directo y diario en la capacidad de cuidar,\nrespetar la dignidad humana y las necesidades primarias de muchas personas.\nEntonces, ¿Qué hacer cuando se da una ruptura en la comunicación, una ruptura en el sistema político?\n\nPortuguese: \nIsso é bem verdade e é visível nos grandes desafios de hoje...\nEu vejo o mundo ao meu redor incendiado por protestos contra o fato de que\no “cuidar” não está no centro da minha sociedade e da minha cultura. Muitos gostariam que estivesse, mas o momento que estamos vivendo\nrevela claramente que não é assim.\nDesigualdades no acesso aos cuidados da saúde e em outras áreas, como a injustiça racial, têm um impacto direto e diário\nna capacidade de cuidar, de respeitar a dignidade humana e as necessidades básicas de muitas pessoas.\nEntão, o que fazer quando há uma ruptura na comunicação, uma ruptura no sistema político?\n\nEnglish: \nAmy: So this is so true, all of these huge challenges that we see\nI see the world directly around me on fire with protest\nfor the many ways in which care is not at\nthe center of my society or my culture. Many people would like it to be but the moment of truth we're facing\nis that it's not. Severe inequality in healthcare and many areas and racial injustice have a direct and daily impact\non the capacity to care: to respect the human dignity and basic needs of many people.\nSo what do we do when there is this kind of breakdown in communication and breakdown in the political system\n\nItalian: \nAmy: Questo è molto vero, ed è visibile nelle grandi sfide di oggi\nio vedo il mondo intorno a me incendiato dalle proteste\ncontro il fatto che la cura non è\nal centro della mia società e della mia cultura. Molti vorrebbero che lo fosse, ma il momento che stiamo vivendo ci rivela chiaramente\nche non è così. Le profonde disuguaglianze nell’accesso alle cure sanitarie e in molti altri ambiti, e l’ingiustizia razziale hanno un impatto diretto e quotidiano\nsulla capacità di prendersi cura: di rispettare la dignità umana e i bisogni primari di molte persone.\nCosa fare allora quando avviene una rottura nella comunicazione, una rottura nel sistema politico?\n\nFrench: \nC’est très vrai, et cela se voit dans les grands défis d’aujourd’hui…\nJe vois le monde qui m’entoure, enflammé de protestations contre le fait que le soin ne soit pas\nau centre de ma société et de ma culture. Beaucoup aimeraient que ce soit le cas, mais le moment que nous vivons révèle clairement que ce n’est pas le cas.\nDe profondes inégalités dans l’accès aux soins de santé et dans de nombreux autres domaines, ainsi que l’injustice raciale, ont un impact direct et quotidien\nsur la capacité de prendre soin, de respecter la dignité humaine et les besoins fondamentaux de nombreuses personnes.\nAlors que faire en cas de rupture dans la communication, de rupture du système politique?\n\nPortuguese: \nÉ uma realidade que vemos em muitos países do mundo neste momento, por vários motivos,\ne cada comunidade poderia nos dizer o porquê.\nCreio que precisamos do protesto, precisamos de formas de comunica ‹o que tenham a forma de protesto.\nCom sua maneira de soletrar de forma clara o que está errado e de reivindicar o que é justo.\nPrecisamos de formas de comunicação que se adaptem a um banner, ou a um cartaz, ou a um post-it, certo?\nFormas de comunicação claras, diretas e fortes.\nPrecisamos abrir nossos ouvidos e corações para assimilar essas declarações, proferidas em termos fortes e até cortantes.\nRepito, não se trata de encontrar maneiras de sermos gentis uns com os outros; precisamos dessas formas de comunicação.\n\nEnglish: \nThat's the reality we are facing in many countries of the world right now, for many reasons\nAnd we can have each community tell their story on what those reasons are.\nSo I think we need protest. We need forms of communication that take the form of protest.\nWith stark declarations about what is wrong and clear demands for what is right. We need that.\nWe need forms of communication that fit onto a poster or placard or a post-it!\nVery strong clear forms of communication.\nWe need to open our ears and hearts to take in these declarations, shouted in strong and even sharp terms.\nAgain this is not about being nice to each other.We need those forms of communication.\n\nFrench: \nC’est une réalité que nous observons actuellement\ndans de nombreux pays du monde, pour diverses raisons,\net chaque communauté pourrait nous en dire le pourquoi.\nJe pense que nous avons besoin de la protestation,\navec sa manière de dire ce qui ne va pas\net de réclamer ce qui est juste.\nNous avons besoin de formes de communication qui s’adaptent à une banderole, à une pancarte, à un post-it,\nnous avons besoin de cette forme\nde communication forte et claire.\nNous devons ouvrir nos oreilles et nos cœurs pour assimiler ces déclarations, énoncées en termes forts et même tranchants.\nEncore une fois, il ne s’agit pas de trouver des moyens d’être gentils les uns envers les autres : nous avons besoin de ces formes de communication.\n\nSpanish: \nEs una realidad que, por muchas razones, en este momento, vemos en muchos países del mundo\ny, cada comunidad podría decirnos por qué.\nCreo que necesitamos la protesta con su forma de explicar claramente lo que no va y reclamar lo justo.\nNecesitamos formas de comunicación aptas a una pancarta o cartelón, o un adhesivo, de forma fuerte y clara.\nNecesitamos abrir nuestros oídos y corazones para asimilar estas declaraciones,\nenunciarlas en términos contundentes y hasta mordaces.\nRepito, no se trata de encontrar formas para ser amables unos con otros, necesitamos estas formas de comunicación.\n\nItalian: \nÈ una realtà che vediamo in molti paesi del mondo in questo momento, per vari motivi\ne ogni comunità potrebbe raccontarci il perché.\nCredo che abbiamo bisogno della protesta. Abbiamo bisogno di forme di comunicazione che assumano la forma della protesta,\ncon il suo modo di scandire a chiare lettere ciò che non va e di reclamare ciò che è giusto.\nAbbiamo bisogno di forme di comunicazione che si adattino a uno striscione o un cartello, o un post-it\ndi questa forma di comunicazione forte e chiara.\nAbbiamo bisogno di aprire le orecchie e il cuore per assimilare queste dichiarazioni, scandite in termini forti e perfino taglienti.\nLo ripeto, non si tratta di trovare modi per essere gentili gli uni con gli altri: abbiamo bisogno di queste forme di comunicazione.\n\nPortuguese: \nMas o convite a “tomar conta” e a entender exatamente o que significa “cuidar” no contexto político,\ntambém nos ajuda a compreender que o protesto é apenas uma forma de comunicação política,\numa forma retórica. Se limitarmos nossa visão da política apenas à afirmação de princípios,\nnão iremos muito longe. Não nos dão as ferramentas para ir mais longe.\nSim, precisamos de princípios claros. Mas para trabalhar em uma mudança na sociedade,\ncriar uma equipe de pessoas que estão convencidas de que podem trabalhar juntas para uma mudança positiva, são necessários\ndiscursos, análise, aprendizado, debates e até mesmo conversas informais entre amigos:\nao redor de uma mesa de jantar, ou online, em todas as modalidades que hoje nos permitem nos encontrar e conversar.\n\nItalian: \nMa l’invito a prendersi cura, e a capire\ncosa significa con esattezza prendersi cura nel contesto politico,\nci aiuta anche a capire che la protesta\nè solo una tra le forme di comunicazione politica,\nuna forma retorica. Se limitiamo la nostra visione\ndella politica soltanto all’affermazione di principi,\nnon andremo molto lontano.\nNon abbiamo gli strumenti per andare oltre.\nSì, abbiamo bisogno di principi chiari. Ma per lavorare\nad un cambiamento della società, per creare una squadra di persone\nconvinte che si possa lavorare insieme\nper un cambiamento in positivo, servono\nconfronto, analisi, apprendimento, dibattiti, e perfino conversazioni informali\ntra amici: intorno a un tavolo da pranzo, oppure online, in tutte le modalità che oggi ci permettono di incontrarci e conversare.\n\nEnglish: \nBut the invitation to care - and to work out\nexactly what it means to care in a political\nsetting - also helps us to see that protest\nis only one form of political communication,\none rhetorical form. And if we limit our vision\nof politics only to an affirmation of principles,\nat a certain point we are not going to get\nvery far. They don't give us the tools to travel further.\nYes, we need clear principles. But work for\nchange in society - building a team of people\nwho are convinced that we can work together\nfor positive change also requires\nconversation, analysis,\nteaching, debate, and even the easy back and\nforth between friends in all of the ways that we 'chat' the possibility to be around a lunch table or online.\n\nFrench: \nMais l’invitation à prendre soin, à comprendre exactement ce que signifie prendre soin dans le contexte politique,\nnous aide aussi à comprendre que la protestation\nn’est qu’une parmi les formes de communication politique,\nune forme rhétorique. Si nous limitons notre vision\nde la politique à la seule affirmation de principes,\nnous n’irons pas très loin, nous n’aurons\npas les outils pour aller plus loin.\nOui, nous avons besoin de principes clairs. Mais pour travailler sur un changement\nde société, pour créer une équipe de personnes\nconvaincues de la possibilité de travailler\nensemble pour un changement positif,\nnous avons besoin de confrontation, d’analyses, d’apprentissage,\nde débats, de même que de conversations informelles entre amis:\nautour d’une table ou en ligne, de toutes les manières\nqui nous permettent aujourd’hui de nous rencontrer et de converser.\n\nSpanish: \nPero la invitación es a tener cuidado, y a entender exactamente qué significa cuidar en contexto político,\ntambién nos ayuda a entender que la protesta es solo una forma de comunicación política, una forma retórica.\nSi limitamos nuestra visión de la política solo a la afirmación de principios, no llegaremos muy lejos.\nNo tenemos las herramientas para ir más lejos.\nSí, necesitamos principios claros, pero para trabajar en un cambio de sociedad,\npara crear un equipo de personas convencidas de que podemos trabajar juntos para un cambio positivo,\nse necesita confrontación, análisis, aprendizaje, debates e incluso conversaciones informales entre amigos,\nalrededor de una mesa de comedor, o en línea, en todas las formas que hoy nos permiten encontrarnos y conversar.\n\nPortuguese: \nEntão, como podemos proteger a dignidade humana em um determinado contexto político,\nque traz consigo uma determinada história ou sistema econômico? Como podemos desmantelar as estruturas injustas?\nComo lidar com a tensão criativa entre os diferentes valores? Como transformar Dare to Care em uma realidade concreta em um contexto social específico?\nVoltando à sua sangria, qual é o trabalho criativo que servepara evitar a criação de um híbrido entre duas realidades? Para ilustrar isso, gostaria de citar\num poeta israelense, Yehuda Amichai, com um texto que descobri na última parte de uma exposição em memória de Yitzhak Rabin, em Tel Aviv.\n\nFrench: \nComment pouvons-nous alors protéger la dignité humaine dans un contexte politique spécifique, qui a derrière\nlui une histoire et un système économique donné?\nComment démanteler les structures injustes?\nComment gérer la tension créative entre les différentes valeurs? Comment transformer en réalité concrète Dare to Care dans un certain contexte social?\nPour en revenir à votre sangria, quel est le travail creative dont vous avez besoin pour éviter de créer\nun hybride entre deux réalités?\nPour illustrer cela, je voudrais citer\nun poète israélien, Yehuda Amichai, avec un texte que \nj’ai découvert dans une exposition à la mémoire d’Yitzhak Rabin à Tel Aviv.\n\nEnglish: \nSo, how we protect human dignity in a given political\nterrain, against the backdrop of a specific\nhistory or economy; how we dismantle unfair\nstructures and navigate the creative tension\nbetween values - how we make the 'DareToCare' a reality in a given social setting.\nI want to come back to your sangria, what is the creative work we can do to say,\nit's not just squishing two realities together. The way I'd like to do this is to quote\nAn Israeli Poet, Yehuda Amichai - a poem I discovered at the last station of a memorial exhibit to Yitshak Rabin in\n\nSpanish: \nEntonces, ¿Cómo podemos proteger la dignidad humana en un contexto político determinado, que tiene su propia historia y su propio sistema económico?\n¿Cómo podemos desmantelar las estructuras injustas?\n¿Cómo afrontar la tensión creativa entre los diferentes valores?\nLo vemos en Dare to Care: ¿Cómo transformar en realidad concreta Dare to Care en un contexto social específico?\nVolviendo a tu sangría, ¿cuál es el trabajo creativo que necesitas para evitar un hibrido entre dos realidades?\nPara ilustrar esto me gustaría citar a un poeta israelí, Yehuda Amichai,\ncon un texto que descubrí en la última estación de una exposición en memoria de Yitzhak Rabin a Tel Aviv.\n\nItalian: \nCome possiamo allora proteggere la dignità umana\nin un determinato contesto politico, che ha alle spalle\nuna certa storia e un dato sistema economico? Come possiamo smantellare le strutture ingiuste? Come affrontare la tensione creativa\nfra i diversi valori? Come trasformare in realtà concreta Dare to Care in un determinato contesto sociale?\nRitornando alla tua sangria, qual è il lavoro creativo che serve\nper evitare di creare un ibrido fra due realtà? Per illustrarlo, vorrei citare\nun poeta israeliano, Yehuda Amichai, con un testo che ho scoperto nell’ultima stazione di una mostra in memoria di Yitzhak Rabin\n\nSpanish: \nEl poema se titula “El lugar donde tenemos razón”\ny es una meditación sobre cómo llegar a un espacio creativo y generativo.\nEscribe: El lugar en que tenemos razón\nnunca florecerá en primavera\nel lugar en que tenemos razón está pisoteado y duro como un patio\npero las dudas y los amores\nhacen del mundo tierra fértil\ncomo el oso hormiguero, como el arado\ny un murmullo se escuchará en el lugar\ndonde estaba la casa que fue destruida.\nDar espacio a dudas no significa cuestionar la importancia,\n\nEnglish: \nin Tel Aviv. The poem is called: The Place Where We Are Right. This is a kinda meditation on what it takes\nto get to that more creative and more life-giving space.\nHe writes: From\nthe place where we are right, flowers will\nnever grow in the spring. The place where\nwe are right is hard and trampled like a yard.\nBut doubts and loves dig up the world like\na mole, a plow. And a whisper will be heard\nin the place where the ruined house once stood.\nSpace for doubt does not mean throwing into question about what matters:\n\nPortuguese: \nO poema é intitulado “O lugar onde temos razão” e é uma meditação\nsobre como chegar a um espaço criativo e mais generativo.\nEle escreve: “Do lugar onde temos razão, jamais crescerão flores na primavera.\nO lugar onde temos razão é duro e compacto como um pátio\nMas dúvidas e amores escavam o mundo como uma toupeira, como um arado. E um sussurro será ouvido\nnas ruínas onde um dia houve uma casa”.\nAbrir espaço para a dúvida não significa colocar em discussão o que realmente importa\n\nItalian: \na Tel Aviv. La poesia si intitola “Il luogo in cui abbiamo ragione”, ed è una meditazione su come\narrivare ad uno spazio creativo e generativo.\nScrive: “Dal luogo\nin cui abbiamo ragione, i fiori\nnon spunteranno mai in primavera. Il luogo in cui abbiamo ragione è duro e a lungo calpestato come un cortile.\nMa i dubbi e gli amori rivoltano il mondo\ncome una talpa, un aratro. E sentiremo un sussurro\ndove la casa in rovina un tempo sorgeva intatta.”\nFare spazio al dubbio non significa mettere in discussione l’importanza:\n\nFrench: \nLe poème s’intitule « L’endroit où nous avons raison », il est une meditation\nsur la façon d’accéder à un espace créatif et génératif.\nIl écrit: « De l’endroit où nous avons raison,\nles fleurs ne sortiront jamais au printemps.\nL’endroit où nous avons raison est dur\net longtemps piétiné comme une cour.\nMais les doutes et les amours bouleversent le monde\ncomme une taupe, comme une charrue.\nEt nous entendrons un murmure là où la maison\nen ruines était autrefois intacte. »\nFaire place au doute ne signifie pas\nremettre en question l’importance,\n\nEnglish: \nfor example, religious freedom, human dignity, Black Lives. It does not mean throwing that into question.\nBut it does mean (going back to Cristina's reflection) opening the door,\na horizon to an appreciation\nthat there are a variety of paths, strategies,\ntheories, that can lead to those goals.Politics is not only about affirming principles, but how to get there.\nWe can affirm that we need to care, caring is important\n- and we can also affirm that we need to dialogue\nin order to discern among the manifold ways\nto make caring a reality in our society.\n\nSpanish: \npor ejemplo, de la libertad de religión, la dignidad humana, la vida de los negros.\nEn cambio, y aquí recuerdo la riqueza de la meditación de Cristina sobre las cuatro palabras,\nsignifica abrir una puerta, un horizonte, la toma de conciencia que existen distintos caminos,\nestrategias, teorías, que pueden conducir a esos objetivos.\nLa política no es sólo afirmar principios,\nsino que también es hablar de cómo realizarlos concretamente.\nAfirmamos que es necesario cuidar y que el cuidado es importante y,\npodemos afirmar que el diálogo es necesario para discernir entre las múltiples formas en que se puede realizar el cuidado en nuestras sociedades.\n\nFrench: \npar exemple, de la liberté de religion, de la dignité humaine, de la vie des personnes de couleur.\nRappelant ici la richesse de la méditation de Cristina\nsur les quatre mots, cela signifie en revanche ouvrir une porte,\nun horizon, à la prise de conscience qu’il existe diverses voies, stratégies, theories, qui peuvent conduire à ces objectifs.\nLa politique, ce n’est pas seulement affirmer des principes,\nmais aussi parler de la manière de les mettre en œuvre concrètement.\nNous affirmons qu’il faut prendre soin et que le soin est important,\nde même nous pouvons affirmer qu’est nécessaire le dialogue pour discerner parmi les nombreuses façons\ndont le soin peut advenir dans nos sociétés.\n\nPortuguese: \npor exemplo, a importância da liberdade de religião, da dignidade humana, da vida das pessoas negras. Não significa colocar tudo isso discussão.\nAo invés – e aqui recordo a riqueza da meditação da Cristina sobre as quatro palavras –significa abrir uma porta,\num horizonte, para a tomada de consciência de que existem diversos caminhos, estratégias,\nteorias, que podem levar a diferentes objetivos. A política não é apenas afirmar princípios, mas é falar sobre como realizá-los concretamente.\nAfirmamos que é preciso cuidar, e que o cuidado é importante;\ne podemos afirmar que é preciso dialogar para discernir, entre as multíplices formas,\nPara fazer do “cuidar” uma realidade em nossas sociedades.\n\nItalian: \nad esempio, della libertà di religione, della dignità umana, della vita delle persone di colore\nSignifica invece (richiamando la ricchezza della meditazione di Cristina), aprire una porta,\nun orizzonte, alla presa di coscienza\nche esistono diverse strade, strategie,\nteorie, che possono portare a quegli obiettivi. La politica non è solo affermare principi, è anche parlare di come realizzarli concretamente..\nAffermiamo che c’è bisogno di prendersi cura, e che la cura è importante,\ne possiamo affermare che c’è bisogno del dialogo\nper discernere fra i molteplici modi\nin cui la cura può attuarsi nelle nostre società.\n\nPortuguese: \nE espero que depois, por meio desse método, possamos comemorar com a sangria!\nEu também espero! Obrigada, Amy. Tenho certeza de que ter a coragem de dialogar é ter a coragem de cuidar.\nDialogar é também ousar fazer uma viagem e, Cristina\ncomo em qualquer viagem\nprecisamos nos preparar bem.\nCristina, o que você pode nos dizer,\nO que precisamos levar na bagagem\nde equipamentos para esta viagem?\nComo dizia Amy,\nnão é algo que se improvisa,\nestamos falando de coisas muito sérias\ne comprometedoras e exigentes, mas fascinantes.\nPorque como dizíamos antes,\nsignifica a possibilidade de fazer uma viagem\nfora dos nossos limites e de nossas fronteiras, das nossas muralhas.\n\nEnglish: \nI hope we get to the celebratory sangria through that method!\nLourdes: I hope as well! Thank you Amy. I am sure that daring to dialogue is also daring to care.\nDialoguing is also daring to take a trip and as in any trip, we need to prepare ourselves.\nCristina, what (could we say) do we need to take with us in our luggage?\nAs Amy said,\nit's not something you improvise\nWe're talking about serious things\nIt requires practice and effort, but it's fascinating\nwhen you think that it opens us up\nto worlds and realities that we could\nnever access within our own walls.\n\nSpanish: \nY espero que luego, a través de este método, podamos celebrarlo con sangría.\nTambién yo lo espero. Gracias Amy.\nEstoy segura que tener el valor de dialogar, es también tener el valor de cuidar.\n\nItalian: \nE spero che poi, attraverso questo metodo, arriveremo a festeggiare con la sangria.\nLourdes: Lo spero anch’io. Grazie Amy. Sono certa che anche avere il coraggio di dialogare è avere il coraggio di prendersi cura.\nDialogare è anche avere il coraggio di fare un viaggio e, come in ogni viaggio, dobbiamo prepararci.\nDialogare è anche osare fare un viaggio,\nCristina, e come in ogni viaggio,\ndobbiamo prepararci.\nBene, Cristina, cosa potremmo dire\nche cosa dobbiamo portare in valigia?\nCristina: Come diceva Amy\nnon è una cosa semplice.\nStiamo parlando di cose molto serie\ne di impegni molto impegnativi, ma affascinanti\nPerché, come abbiamo detto prima,\npossiamo fare un viaggio\nfuori dai nostri limiti, fuori dai confini delle nostre mura,\n\nFrench: \nJ’espère que plus tard, grâce à cette méthode,\nnous pourrons le célébrer avec de la sangria.\nJe l’espère aussi. Merci Amy. Je suis convaincu qu’avoir le courage de parler, c’est aussi avoir le courage de prendre soin.\nDialoguer, c'est aussi oser faire un voyage \net comme dans tout voyage, il faut se préparer.\nDialoguer, c'est aussi oser faire\nun voyage de cristina et comme dans tout\nTrip, nous devons nous préparer. D'accord.\nCristina on pourrait dire que\ndevons-nous emporter dans nos bagages ?\ncomme nous l'a dit Amy\nce n'est pas une chose simple que nous sommes\nparler de choses très sérieuses et\nexigeant, mais fascinant\nparce que, comme nous l'avons déjà dit, cela signifie que la\nnous pouvons faire un voyage\nen dehors de nos frontières,\nen dehors des limites de nos murs,\n\nEnglish: \nIn the complexity of the world in which we live,\ncharacterized by interdependence,\nwhich the pandemic has clearly highlighted\nit is clearer than ever that\nYou can't achieve a community goal\nWithout including a diversity of visions and convictions.\nNone of us are in isolation.\nAs Amy said, dialogue is first of all\na personal skill\nthat can reach a collective construction.\nThe common good requires\nthe participation of all actors.\nThese are the ingredients.\nThese are the instruments I would take on this trip.\nI propose 5 key words.\nPassion\n\nFrench: \ndans la complexité du monde dans lequel nous vivons,\nune complexité qui est devenue\ntrès apparente pour tout le monde,\navec cette pandémie,\nquelque chose que nous ne pouvons pas\nplus nous discutons de notre interdépendance.\nOn ne peut pas chercher ce qu'on peut dire\n\"bon\", comme pour atteindre\nun objectif pour une communauté,\nsans tenir compte de la diversité des points de vue,\ndes visions, des croyances.\nAucun d'entre nous ne peut le faire seul,\nComme l'a dit Amy, le dialogue est\nune expertise essentiellement personnelle,\nmais, c'est pour réaliser une construction collective\nparce que le bien commun exige\nla participation de tous les acteurs.\nQuels sont donc ces ingrédients ?\nles outils que j'emporterais\navec moi lors de ce voyage ?\nJe vous propose cinq mots,\nPASSION puis je l'explique\n\nItalian: \nnella complessità del mondo in cui viviamo,\nuna complessità che è diventata molto evidente a tutti,\ncon questa pandemia,\nqualcosa che non possiamo\npiù discutere è la nostra interdipendenza.\nNon possiamo cercare nulla, che possiamo dire\n\"bene\", come raggiungere un obiettivo per una comunità,\nsenza includere la diversità delle prospettive,\ndelle visioni, delle convinzioni.\nNessuno di noi, da solo, può farlo,\nCome ha detto Amy, il dialogo è\nuna competenza soprattutto personale,\nma, è per raggiungere una costruzione collettiva\nperché il bene comune richiede\nla partecipazione di tutti gli attori.\nQuali sono dunque quegli ingredienti,\ngli strumenti che porterei con me in questo viaggio?\nProporrei cinque parole,\nPASSIONE poi la spiego\n\nPortuguese: \nNa complexidade do mundo que vivemos,\numa complexidade feita para todos,\nMuito evidente com essa Pandemia,\nAlgo que não podemos colocar em discussão\né a nossa interdependência.\nÉ mais claro do que nunca que o bem comum\nnão pode ser alcançado por nenhuma das partes isoladamente\nsem incluir diversidade de perspectivas\nde visões ou convicções.\nNenhum de nós estamos isolados.\nE como dizia Amy, o diálogo\né uma competência, antes de mais nada, pessoal\nPorém, é para chegar em uma construção coletiva\nporque o bem comum requer\na contribuição de todos os atores envolvidos.\nEntão quais são os ingredientes,\nesses instrumentos que eu levaria para esta viagem?\nEu os colocaria em cinco palavras:\n“Paixão” (depois irei explicar)\n\nPortuguese: \n“Consciência da Gramática\"\n“Generatividade”\n“Suspensão”\n“Resiliência”\nEntre as tantas definições\nde política que podemos encontrar,\ngosto muito daquela que a descreve como paixão,\nou seja, a política é esse amor intenso,\nprofundo, que leva você a apostar tudo\npor uma causa que acredita ser justa,\nimportante para a comunidade,\npelas pessoas que amamos,\naqueles que nos parecem mais fracos,\nmais vulneráveis dentro do grupo\nÉ que queremos representar.\nNo meu caso, por exemplo,\nForam os que não têm forças para lutar,\nas crianças que não têm acesso a educação,\n\nFrench: \nla sensibilisation aux GRAMMAIRE\nGÉNÉRATIVITÉ\nSUSPENSION\nRÉSILIENCE\nParmi les nombreuses définitions\nque nous pourrions trouver politique\nJ'aime beaucoup celle qui le décrit comme\nLa politique de la PASSION comme un amour intense\nprofonde, qui vous amène à tout miser\npour cette cause que vous estimez juste et importante\net important pour notre communauté\npour les personnes que nous aimons\npour ceux qui semblent plus faibles\nvulnérables dans le groupe\nque nous voulons représenter\nDans mon cas, par exemple,\ncelle qui lui a donné la force de se battre,\nJe ne sais pas, pour les enfants qui n'ont pas accès...\n\nEnglish: \nGrammar\nGenerativity\nSuspension\nResilience\nAmong the many definitions of politics\nthat we could find\nI really like the one that describes it as\na passion, that is, as an intense, deep love\nthat leads you to offer everything\nfor the cause that you feel right\nJust and important for your community\nFor the people we love\nfor the weaker and vulnerable group\nof people that we want to represent\nIn my case for example\nI find stength and passion\nTo fight for children out of education\n\nItalian: \nconsapevolezza della GRAMMATICA\nGENERATIVITÀ\nSOSPENSIONE\nRESILIENZA\nTra le tante definizioni\nche potremmo trovare di politica\nmi piace moltissimo quella che la descrive come\nPASSIONE la polItica come un amore intenso\nprofondo, che ti porta a giocarti tutto\nper quella causa che senti giusta e importante\nper la e importante per la nostra comunità\nper quelle persone che amiamo\nper quelle che sembrano più deboli\nvulnerabili nel gruppo\nche vogliamo rappresentare\nNel mio caso specifico, per esempio,\nquello che gli ha dato la forza di combattere,\nnon so, per i bambini che non hanno accesso\n\nPortuguese: \npor pessoas que se viram\nobrigadas a emigrar,\nou que foram expulsas do seu próprio território.\nPor culturas que me parecem\nter sua identidade ameaçada.\nEntão, para poder empenhar-se por todas essas coisas\né preciso uma grande paixão.\nE isto é necessário para a política,\nmas logicamente isto implica\nque a outra pessoa com quem nos encontramos,\nas outras pessoas com quem\nqueremos construir este projeto comum\ntambém sejam movidas por uma paixão.\nNão podem simplesmente expressar\nalgumas ideias com um desprendimento absoluto\nporque são movidas por essa paixão, que são,\ndo meu ponto de vista, as paixões\nque nos movem, a paixão que nos move.\nDuas - a convicção profunda\n\nItalian: \nall’educazione, per persone che sono state\ncostrette a migrare\no a essere sfollate dai propri territori\no per le culture la cui identità\nmi sembra minacciata.\nQuindi, per poter rischiare su queste cose,\nsu queste cose, c'è bisogno di molta passione,\ne questo è necessario, per la politica.\nMa, logicamente, questo implica che anche\nl'altra persona che abbiamo incontrato,\nle altre persone con cui vogliamo costruire\nquesto progetto comune,\nsono mosse da una passione,\nnon riescono a esprimere semplicemente\nalcune idee, con un distacco assoluto,\nperché sono mosse da quella passione che sono,\ndal mio punto di vista, le passioni\nche ci muovono, la passione che ci muove.\nPrima è la profonda, irrevocabile convinzione,\n\nFrench: \nà l'éducation, pour les personnes qui ont été\nforcé à migrer\nou d'être déplacés de leur territoire\nou pour les cultures dont l'identité\nelle me semble menacée.\nDonc, pour prendre un risque sur ces choses,\nsur ces choses, il faut beaucoup de passion,\net cela est nécessaire pour la politique.\nMais, logiquement, cela implique aussi\nl'autre personne que nous avons rencontrée,\nles autres personnes\navec lesquelles nous voulons construire\nce projet commun,\nsont animés par une passion,\nqu'ils ne peuvent tout simplement pas exprimer\nquelques idées, avec un détachement absolu,\nparce qu'ils sont animés par la passion qu'ils sont,\nde mon point de vue, les passions\nqui nous émeuvent, la passion qui nous anime.\nLa première est la conviction profonde et irrévocable,\n\nEnglish: \nOr people who have been\nforced to migrate or are\ndisplaced from their own countries.\nOr for cultures whose identity is under threat.\nTo work for these things\nTakes a great passion\nand is necessary for our politics\nBut logically this implies\nthe other people with us\nwho want to build this project\nare also driven by the same passion\nbut they can't express their ideas with an absolute detachment\nbecause they are moved by the passion that moves all of us.\nTwo! An unshakeable certainty\n\nPortuguese: \ne irrevogável de que o mundo tende à unidade.\ne por isso não pode faltar a nossa contribuição.\nEm segundo, não menos importante,\na certeza, expressa com palavras fortes\nChiara Lubich,\nde que eu fui criada como um dom de amor para você\ne você foi criado como um dom de amor para mim.\nIsso não é algo que simplesmente\ntenha a ver com a nossa relação interpessoal,\né também na comunidade\ne na família humana, a certeza\nde que o outro grupo, que a outra sociedade\noutras pessoas também foram criadas\ncomo um dom para mim e nós fomos criados\ncomo um dom para eles, por isso os necessitamos.\nEntão a primeira palavra\nque se deve incluir nessa viagem:\nÉ a paixão! Se não temos essas paixões acesas,\ncomeçar essa estrada do diálogo\né realmente uma loucura! É necessária essa força.\n\nEnglish: \nthat the world tends towards unity\nand therefore cannot miss our contribution;\nand the other is the profound certainty that the other is me.\nThis conviction was expressed by Chiara Lubich\nin powerful words when she said\nthat the person next to me was created as a gift for me\nand I was created as a gift for the person next to me\nAnd that's not just something that has to do\nWithout our interpersonal relationship\nIt has to do with the community\nThe human family, the certainty that\nThe other group or community were created\nAs a gift for us and, we, as a gift for them\nThe first word we then need for this trip is passion\nIf we don't passion on the path of dialogue,\nIt would be crazy\nWe need that strength.\n\nItalian: \nche il mondo tende all'unità,\ne per questo il nostro contributo non può mancare,\ne la seconda, non meno importante,\nè la certezza, come Chiara Lubich ha espresso\ncon parole forti,\nche io sono stato creato come un dono d'amore per te,\ne tu sei stato creato come un dono d'amore per me.\nE questo non è qualcosa che ha semplicemente\na che fare con il nostro rapporto interpersonale,\nma anche con la comunità\nnella famiglia umana, la certezza che\nl'altro gruppo, che l'altra collettività,\nhe le altre persone, sono state create\ncome un dono per me, e noi\nsiamo stati creati come un dono per loro.\nPer questo, secondo me, abbiamo bisogno\nl'uno dell'altro, la prima parola da inserire per questo viaggio,\nè questa PASSIONE, se non abbiamo queste passioni addosso\nper iniziare la via del dialogo\nè davvero folle, abbiamo bisogno di quella forza.\n\nFrench: \nque le monde tend vers l'unité,\nC'est pourquoi nous ne pouvons pas manquer notre contribution,\net le second, non moins important,\nest la certitude, comme l'a exprimé Chiara Lubich\navec des mots forts,\nque j'ai été créé comme un cadeau d'amour pour vous,\net tu as été créé comme un cadeau d'amour pour moi.\nEt ce n'est pas quelque chose qui\nen rapport avec nos relations interpersonnelles,\nmais aussi avec la communauté\ndans la famille humaine, la certitude que\nl'autre groupe, que l'autre communauté,\nque d'autres personnes, ont été créées\ncomme un cadeau pour moi, et nous\nnous avons été créés comme un cadeau pour eux.\nC'est pourquoi, à mon avis, nous devons\nl'un l'autre, le premier mot de ce voyage,\nc'est cette PASSION, si nous n'avons pas ces passions sur nous.\npour entamer le chemin du dialogue\nC'est vraiment fou, nous avons besoin de cette force.\n\nFrench: \nEt le deuxième mais, et c'est comme je l'ai dit auparavant,\nc'est que nous ne pouvons pas être naïfs.\nNous ne sommes pas dans le vide,\nnous entrons dans un monde qui a une certaine grammaire,\nc'est-à-dire qu'elle a certaines règles\net certaines conditions,\nqui influencent la façon dont nous voyons le monde...\net la façon dont nous comprenons\nles choses, qui se passent comme nous le faisons\nde s'exprimer et d'être compris.\nDonc, le deuxième instrument,\nle deuxième mot de ce voyage,\npour moi, c'est de prendre conscience\nde ce qu'est la grammaire...\nqui régule notre compréhension des événements,\nJ'ai mentionné certains d'entre\neux pour aider à comprendre les algorithmes.\nAujourd'hui, nous avons tous une vue\nd'ensemble de notre situation financière,\nnous faisons partie du marché\nqui détermine nos caractéristiques,\net nous inclut, comme l'a dit Amy,\ndans ces chambres d'écho.\n\nEnglish: \nThe second word as I said already\nWe cannot be naive\nWe cannot live in a vacuum.\nWe move in a world with grammar.\nThere are some rules.\nSome conditions.\nThat influence our way of seeing the world\nAnd our way of understanding\nthe things that happen\nTo express ourselves and be understood\nThen the second tool\nThe second word which i would take on this trip\nis to be aware of what the grammar is.\nThere are many grammars, I mention only some of them\nthose dictated by algorithms,\ntoday we are all profiled\nEconomically we are part of a market\nWhich determines our characteristics!\nAs Amy said those echo chambers\n\nPortuguese: \nA segunda, porém como disse bem Amy,\né que não podemos ser ingênuos!\nNão estamos no vazio,\nnos movemos em um mundo que estabelece gramáticas,\nou seja, tem algumas regras,\ntem alguns condicionamentos\nque influenciam na forma em que vemos o mundo;\nna forma que entendemos os acontecimentos;\nna nossa forma que nos expressamos\ne somos compreendidos.\nEntão a segunda ferramenta,\na segunda palavra para esta viagem,\né ter consciência de qual é a gramática\nque regra a nossa compreensão dos acontecimentos.\nMenciono algumas para que entendamos:\nos algoritmos – hoje todos nós estamos orientados\neconomicamente, fazemos parte do mercado\nque determina as nossas características\nE nos incluem, como dizia Amy,\n\nItalian: \nE il secondo ma, e questo come dicevo prima,\nè che non possiamo essere ingenui.\nNon siamo in un vuoto,\nci stiamo muovendo in un mondo che ha alcune grammatiche,\ncioè ha alcune regole\ne alcune condizioni,\nche influenzano il nostro modo di vedere il mondo\ne il nostro modo di capire\nle cose, che avvengono nel nostro modo\ndi esprimerci e di essere compresi.\nQuindi, il secondo strumento,\nla seconda parola, per questo viaggio,\nper me è di prendere coscienza di quale sia la grammatica\nche regola la nostra comprensione degli eventi,\nne ho accennato alcuni per far capire gli algoritmi.\nOggi siamo tutti economicamente delineati,\nsiamo parte del mercato\nche determina le nostre caratteristiche,\ne ci include, come diceva Amy, in quelle camere dell’eco.\n\nItalian: \nPer esempio, ma in più,\nviviamo nella cultura dell'immagine o,\nper esempio, le nostre interazioni passano\nattraverso gli schermi, sempre più\nattraverso brevi tweet, attraverso le immagini.\nQueste sono grammatiche, ma le nostre culture\nsono cresciute vedendo\nle cose in un certo modo,\ne dobbiamo essere consapevoli che ci sono elementi culturali\nche ci portano a vedere le cose\nin un certo modo, che probabilmente\nnon condizionano l'altra persona.\nIn qualche modo, quindi, dobbiamo esserne consapevoli\ne ce ne sono altri ancora più complicati.\nAd esempio, se ci muoviamo\nin un ambiente di traffico di droga e di violenza,\nqueste sono le nostre grammatiche forti e pesanti,\ndove, ad esempio, non possiamo esprimerci liberamente,\nperché forse dire il nostro pensiero,\nnon può semplicemente condurci a un fraintendimento,\n\nFrench: \nPar exemple, mais en plus de cela,\nnous vivons dans la culture de l'image ou,\npar exemple, nos interactions passent\nà travers les écrans, de plus en plus\nà travers de courts tweets, à travers des images.\nCe sont des grammaires, mais nos cultures\nont grandi en voyant\nles choses d'une certaine manière,\net nous devons être conscients\nqu'il y a des éléments culturels\nqui nous amènent à voir des choses\nd'une manière qui, probablement\nn'affectent pas l'autre personne.\nD'une manière ou d'une autre,\nnous devons donc être conscients de cela...\net il y en a d'autres encore plus compliquées.\nPar exemple, si nous déplaçons\ndans un environnement de trafic de drogue et de violence,\nCe sont nos grammaires fortes et lourdes,\noù, par exemple, nous ne pouvons\npas nous exprimer librement,\nparce qu'il faut peut-être dire ce que l'on pense,\nne peut pas nous conduire à un simple malentendu,\n\nEnglish: \nWe also live in a culture of image\nOur interactions happen more and more through screens or\nshort messages, tweets or images.\nThese are grammars of our cultures.\nWe've grown up seeing these things\nIt is necessary for us\nto be aware that there are\ncultural elements that lead us to see\nthings in a way that probably\ndo not condition the other person in a way we are.\nThere are others even more complicated\nfor example if we move in an environment of drug trafficking and violence\nThese are strong and heavy grammars.\nwhere we cannot for example express ourselves freely because\nmaybe even share our own thoughts\nbecause it can lead to a misunderstanding\n\nPortuguese: \nnesses grupos. Mas também\nvivemos na cultura da imagem.\nPor exemplo nossas interações acontecem\ncada vez mais através de telas,\nde mensagens curtas de chat, tweets ou imagens.\nEssas são as gramáticas. Outra é a nossa cultura.\nCrescemos vendo as coisas\nde uma certa maneira.\nTemos que ter consciência que existem\nelementos culturais que nos levam a enxergar\nas coisas de uma maneira que provavelmente\noutra pessoa não é condicionada.\nPortanto, temos que ter essa consciência.\nExistem outras ainda mais complicadas.\nPor exemplo, se formos\nem um ambiente de narcotráfico e violência,\nessas são gramáticas fortes e pesadas\nonde não podemos nos expressar com liberdade,\nporque talvez dizer o nosso o que pensamos.\nnão só pode nos levar a um mal desentendido,\n\nFrench: \nmais cela peut mettre notre vie même en danger.\nCe serait mon deuxième mot,\ndonc, la passion et la grammaire.\net à ce stade, je voudrais vous interrompre,\nCristina, parce que cette semaine seulement,\nJ'ai vu aux nouvelles que l'un des dirigeants\nen Colombie, il a déclaré que les pourparlers de paix\navec le gouvernement n'avancent pas,\nparce qu'ils se sentent désavantagés.\nQue se passe-t-il, dans ces cas, lorsque\nle dialogue si arena,\nLa voie est-elle bloquée ?\nCristina : Ici, tu me fais penser\nà une phrase d'Adela Cortina,\nqui dit que le dialogue implique,\ntout d'abord, que nous ne nous\nreconnaissons pas comme des égaux,\ncomme interlocuteurs valables.\nAinsi, il existe des conditions historiques qui\nils nous mettent dans un état asymétrique.\nDans ces conditions,\nle dialogue n'est pas possible.\nIl existe d'autres formes de communication\net l'interaction, mais le dialogue implique\n\nPortuguese: \ncomo pode colocar em jogo nossa própria vida.\nEssa seria para mim a segunda palavra.\nEntão paixão e gramática.\nNeste ponto te interrompo porque ainda esta semana\nvi no noticiário que um dos líderes colombianos\ndisse que as negociações de paz\ncom o governo não estão avançando\nporque se sentem em desvantagem.\nO que acontece nesses casos em que o\ndiálogo provavelmente fica se freia,\no caminho fica obstruído?\nBom, me lembro de uma frase de Adela Cortina.\nEla diz que dialogar implica,\nantes de mais nada, que não nos reconheçamos\ncomo iguais, como interlocutores válidos.\nPorque existem condições históricas\nque nos colocam em condições desiguais.\nNessas condições, onde o diálogo não é possível,\nexistem outras formas de comunicação\ne de interação. O diálogo requer\n\nItalian: \nma può mettere in gioco la nostra stessa vita.\nQuesta sarebbe per me la seconda parola,\nquindi, passione e grammatica.\ne a questo punto vorrei interromperti Cristina, perché proprio questa settimana,\nho visto al telegiornale che uno dei leader\nin Colombia, ha detto che i colloqui di pace\ncon il governo non stanno avanzando,\nperché si sentono in una posizione di svantaggio.\nCosa succede, in questi casi, in cui\nil dialogo si arena,\nil cammino è ostruito?\nCristina: Qui mi fate pensare a una frase di Adela Cortina,\nche dice che il dialogo implica,\nprima di tutto, che non ci riconosciamo come uguali,\ncome interlocutori validi.\nQuindi, ci sono condizioni storiche che\nci mettono in condizioni di asimmetria.\nIn queste condizioni il dialogo non è possibile.\nCi sono altre forme di comunicazione\ne di interazione, ma il dialogo implica\n\nEnglish: \nthat can put our life at risk.\nThis would be the second word.\nSo first two: passion and grammar.\nAt this point I am interrupting you because just this week\nI saw on the news that one of the leaders\nin Colombia said that the peace talks\nwith the government are not advancing because\nthey feel in a disadvantageous position\nWhat happens in these cases\nwhere the dialogue is probably slowed down\nthe road is obstructed?\nYou remind me of a phrase of Adela Cortina\nWhich says that dialogue implies\nThat we recognise each other as\nEqual and valid interlocutors.\nIf there are historical conditions that put us in conditions of asymmetry\nThen dialogue isn't possible\nThere are other forms of communication and interaction\n\nPortuguese: \ncondições de igualdade como ponto de partida.\nPorém não significa que temos que parar diante dessas condições,\nPorque, muitas vezes,\npodemos encontrar essas condições\nassimétricas de desigualdade.\nEntão, o que podemos fazer? “Não dialogamos?” Não!\nAqui vem a terceira palavra indispensável:\n“Generatividade”.\nA Generatividade é uma palavra\nque me desperta, me encanta,\nporque significa conciliar um ato\nde empreendimento, de criatividade,\nde iniciativa com aquilo que não podemos controlar.\nOu seja, nós tomamos uma iniciativa,\nfavorecemos algo que possa acontecer ou não.\nMas que precisa de criatividade e de iniciativa.\nEntão podemos criar vários tipos\nde cenários de confiança.\nTemos que usar da nossa imaginação.\nMenciono algumas.\nIsso implica pensar no lugar físico,\nno ambiente, na hora adequada para encontrar com a pessoa,\n\nItalian: \nuna condizione fondamentale di uguaglianza.\nMa, qui non dobbiamo fermarci,\nperché molte volte, ci troveremo\nin queste condizioni di asimmetria, di disuguaglianza.\nQuindi ciò che non facciamo nel dialogo\nnon acquisirà per noi, per me,\nla terza parola indispensabile\nche è generatività.\nGeneratività anche, una parola\nche mi eccita, la amo, perché significa,\nsignifica unire un atto\ndella nostra imprenditorialità, della fantasia,\ndell'iniziativa, con qualcosa che non possiamo controllare.\nCioè, prendiamo un'iniziativa,\nfavoriamo qualcosa che può o non può accadere,\nma che necessita di questa fantasia e di iniziativa\nCosì, qui per esempio, possiamo\ncreare scenari di fiducia,\nsono di molti tipi. Intendo la nostra fantasia,\nl'illusione, non solo quella buona,\nper esempio, di pensare a un luogo fisico\nad un ambiente adatto ad incontrare l'altro,\n\nFrench: \nune condition fondamentale de l'égalité.\nMais, nous n'avons pas besoin de nous arrêter là,\ncar bien souvent, nous nous retrouverons\ndans ces conditions d'asymétrie, d'inégalité.\nCe que nous ne faisons pas dans le dialogue\nn'acquerra pas pour nous, pour moi,\nle troisième mot indispensable\nqui est la génération.\nGénérativité aussi, un mot\nqui m'excite, je l'aime, parce que ça veut dire,\nmoyens d'unir un acte\nde notre esprit d'entreprise,\nde notre fantaisie,\navec quelque chose que nous ne pouvons pas contrôler.\nJe veux dire, prenons une initiative,\nnous favorisons quelque chose\nqui peut ou ne peut pas se produire,\nmais qui a besoin de cette imagination et de cette initiative\nAinsi, ici, par exemple, nous pouvons\ncréer des scénarios de confiance,\nsont de toutes sortes.\nJe veux dire notre fantaisie,\nl'illusion, et pas seulement la bonne,\npar exemple, pour penser à un lieu physique\nà un environnement propice\nà la rencontre de l'autre,\n\nEnglish: \nhowever, here we can't stop ourselves,\nbecause we will find ourselves\nin these kind of situations,\nunbalanced situations, cases of inequality.\nWhat do we do?\nHere comes the third word, which is essential: Generativity\nGenerativity is a word that I love because\ncombines an act of resourcefulness\nand initiative with something that does not depend solely on us\nGenerativity means to set our creativity in motion\nin order to give life, for example,\nto scenarios that can promote meeting and convergence.\nThis involves thinking about the physical place,\n\nFrench: \nau moment opportun,\npour inventer des opportunités\nde proposer, par exemple,\nun café réfléchi, une soirée de talent,\nun débat, un dîner, un forum.\nC'est-à-dire, faire tout ce qui est en notre pouvoir\npour créer un espace qui favorise\net les conditions de confiance\net la sérénité qui sont préalables au dialogue.\nEt ici, cependant, j'aimerais souligner quelque chose.\nNous avons dit que le dialogue ne signifie pas\nnécessairement le consentement,\nmais il ne peut même pas prétendre\npour mettre l'autre de notre côté,\npour rester à notre place, souvenons-nous\nque l'approbation n'est pas l'effet du dialogue.\nLe dialogue, au contraire, ouvre\nà une multiplicité de visions.\nAinsi, à de nombreuses reprises,\nj'ai eu l'expérience\nqui génère ces espaces de confiance,\nles conditions le permettent,\n\nEnglish: \nthe environment, about the appropriate time;\nproposing a coffee to talk, or a talent night,\na debate or a dinner.\nIn short, it is about doing everything possible\nwith our imagination to create a space that favours meeting, but not expecting anything\nwith the conditions of trust and of serenity that are necessary to dialogue.\nand here but I would like to emphasize something\nDialogue, in fact, is never instrumental,\nIt does not necessarily want a consensus\nit cannot have the intention of convincing\nor bringing the other on our side,\nTo be in our place. Let's remember\nhomogenization is not the effect of dialogue\nDialogue, in fact, opens up\nto a multiplicity of visions.\nMany times, I have had the experience\nthat these spaces generate trust and serenity\n\nItalian: \nal momento opportuno,\ndi inventare occasioni per proporre, per esempio,\nun caffè riflessivo, una serata di talenti,\nun dibattito, una cena, un forum.\nVale a dire, fare tutto ciò che è in nostro potere\nper creare uno spazio che favorisca\ne condizioni di fiducia\ne di serenità che sono preliminari al dialogo.\nE qui, però, vorrei sottolineare una cosa.\nAbbiamo detto che il dialogo non significa\nnecessariamente consenso,\nperò non può nemmeno avere la pretesa\ndi portare l'altro a stare dalla nostra parte,\na stare al nostro posto, ricordiamoci\nhe l’omologazione non è l'effetto del dialogo.\nIl dialogo, al contrario, si apre\na una molteplicità di visioni.\nQuindi, molte volte, ho avuto l'esperienza\nche genera questi spazi di fiducia,\nle condizioni lo permettono,\n\nPortuguese: \nem um momento oportuno,\ninventar as oportunidades, propor um café reflexivo,\numa noite de talentos,\num debate, um jantar, um fórum...\nfazendo todo o possível que está ao nosso alcance\npara criar aquele espa o que favorece o encontro,\nque o outro possa ter confiança,\num lugar tranquilo, favorecendo o diálogo.\nEu gostaria de sublinhar uma coisa:\no diálogo nunca é instrumental,\nnão pode ter o intuito de convencer\nou ter a pretensão\nde trazer o outro para o nosso lado\nLembramos que\na homogeneização não é o efeito do diálogo.\nEntrar em diálogo nos abre\na diversidade de opiniões.\nMuitas vezes eu fiz a experiência\nde gerar esses espaços de confiança\ne geralmente oferecem as condições,\n\nEnglish: \nand often provide the conditions to begin an authentic dialogue.\nAnd so we arrive to the fourth word.\nWhen we started this journey\nWe said it wasn't easy, fascinating, but not easy\nWe have to take account of the suspension of dialogue.\nEven when everything seems favourable\nif you take the path of dialogue, you need to know\nthat there will come times when converging seems almost impossible,\nand it is not uncommon to feel suspended, failed and betrayed.\nThese are very important moments,\nI dare to say to give us strength\n\nFrench: \nils ne garantissent pas le dialogue,\nmais ils nous ouvrent à cette possibilité.\net nous entrons dans le quatrième mot.\nEt, comme nous l'avons dit lorsque\nnous avons commencé ce voyage,\nce qui n'est pas facile, c'est fascinant,\nmais ce n'est pas facile...\nNous devons établir un budget,\nla suspension du dialogue,\nc'est-à-dire, même lorsque\ntout peut s'arrêter,\net il viendra un moment où la convergence\nsemblera presque impossible,\nEt nous pouvons nous sentir trahis, être trahis,\net à ce moment-là,\nnous nous sentons pendus, déçus, ratés,\nCe sont des moments très importants.\nEt j'ose dire,\net nous avons donc la force, et\n\nItalian: \nnon garantiscono il dialogo, ma ci aprono a questa possibilità\ne entriamo nella quarta parola.\nE, come abbiamo detto quando abbiamo iniziato questo viaggio,\nche non è facile, è affascinante, ma non è facile…\nDobbiamo mettere in bilancio,\nla sospensione del dialogo,\ncioè anche quando tutto può fermarsi,\ne arriveranno tempi in cui il convergere sembra quasi impossibile,\nE possiamo sentirci traditi, essere traditi,\ne in quel momento ci sentiamo impiccati, delusi, falliti,\nquesti sono momenti molto importanti.\nE oserei dire,\ne così abbiamo la forza, e\n\nPortuguese: \nelas não garantem o diálogo, mas abrem essa possibilidade.\nEntramos assim na quarta palavra.\nE como dizíamos quando iniciamos esta viagem\nque tudo isso não é tão simples, mas é fascinante.\nTemos que levar também em conta\na “Suspensão” do diálogo.\nMesmo quando tudo parece favorável\nchegarão momentos em que a convergência parecerá quase impossível\ne não é incomum sentirmo-nos incertos, traídos.\nou sentirmo-nos iludidos, fracassados.\nEsses momentos são importantíssimos\ne me atrevo a dizer\nque se conseguirmos ter forças para seguir adiante,\n\nEnglish: \nThese are the most fertile and fruitful moments\non the path of dialogue because they testify to\nour authenticity to keep the doors open.\nA particularly difficult moment comes to my mind\nthat we lived during the construction\nof a development plan of a\nmunicipality in the north of Bogotà in Colombi\nIt was a colloborative process for the development plan\nthat had taken several years\nand had involved 25% of the population\nof the municipality (which was remarkable!)\nSomeone betrayed us using the trust\nplaced in people for their own interests.\nIt was a tremendous moment.\n\nPortuguese: \nsão os momentos mais fecundos\nno caminho do diálogo, porque dão testemunho\nda nossa autenticidade, do nosso desejo de manter as portas abertas.\nMe lembro de uma experiência\nmuito particular que eu fiz.\nProcurando construir em conjunto\ncom uma comunidade de um Município ao norte de Bogotá - capital da Colômbia -\num processo para a elaboração participativa\nde um plano de desenvolvimento municipal\nque se desenvolvia já há vários anos\ncom a forte participação dos cidadãos\n- mais de 25% dos habitantes -\nFomos traídos por alguns dos membros do grupo de trabalho,\nQue decidiram usar a confiança\nrecebida dos cidadãos\npara os próprios interesses.\nFoi um momento muito difícil\n\nFrench: \nles moments les plus fertiles\net les plus fructueux nous attendent\nsur la voie du dialogue. Parce qu'il témoigne\nnotre authenticité, notre désir\nde garder nos portes ouvertes.\nJe me souviens d'une expérience\ntrès particulière dans ce cas,\nque j'ai essayé de\nconstruire collectivement,\navec une communauté dans un hôtel de ville\nau nord de Bogota, la capitale de la Colombie,\ndans un processus de traitement collectif,\nd'un plan d'urbanisme municipal, qui\nil nous avait fallu plusieurs années, pour venir\nimpliquent 25 % de la population de la commune, ce qui n'est pas peu.\nQuelques-uns des membres de notre groupe de travail,\nils ont décidé d'utiliser la confiance\nqu'ils avaient reçu des citoyens,\npour leurs propres intérêts.\nCe fut un moment terrible,\n\nItalian: \nci attendono i momenti più fecondi e fecondi\nsulla via del dialogo. Perché testimonia\nla nostra autenticità, il nostro desiderio di tenere le porte aperte.\nRicordo in questo caso un'esperienza molto particolare,\nche ho fatto cercando di\ncostruire collettivamente,\ncon una comunità in un municipio a nord di Bogotà, la capitale della Colombia,\nn processo per l'elaborazione collettiva,\ndi un piano urbanistico comunale, che\nci aveva impegnato diversi anni, arrivando\ncoinvolgere il 25 per cento\ndella popolazione del comune, che non è poco.\nAlcuni dei membri del nostro gruppo di lavoro,\ndecisero di utilizzare la fiducia\nche avevano ricevuto dai cittadini,\nper i propri interessi.\nÈ stato un momento tremendo,\n\nFrench: \nJe dirais que c'est décevant pour moi.\nHumainement,\nvous dites presque que ce n'est pas possible,\nque ça n'en vaut pas la peine.\nMais je me souviens que ce fut un moment décisif\nlors de notre réunion d'affaires,\noù je savais que tout le monde allait venir...\ndans la peur, parce que nous étions menacés\npar l'opposition qui a été payé\ndu trafic de drogue, avec la perte de notre\ntravail et une partie de notre vie.\nQuand j'ai entendu, lors de cette réunion,\nque nous voulions presque\ntous démissionner par peur.\nCe que j'ai fait, c'est que j'ai eu un gâteau,\nJe ne sais pas comment on appelle ça dans votre pays,\nmais pour les fêter, et pour leur dire :\nc'est le moment où nous pouvons témoigner\nles valeurs auxquelles nous croyons fermement.\nUn moment inoubliable, très fort,\n\nItalian: \ndirei deludente per me. Umanamente,\nti viene quasi da dire che non è possibile, non ne vale la pena.\nMa mi ricordo che fu un momento determinante\nnel nostro incontro di lavoro,\nin cui sapevo che tutti stavano arrivando\nnella paura, perché eravamo minacciati\ndall'opposizione che era pagata\ndal narcotraffico, con la perdita del nostro\nlavoro e alcuni anche delle nostre vite.\nQuando ho saputo, in quell'incontro,\nche quasi tutti volevamo dimetterci, per paura.\nQuello che ho fatto è stato prendere una torta,\nnon so come la chiamano nella vostra terra,\nma, per festeggiare, e raccontare loro:\nquesto è il momento in cui possiamo testimoniare\ni valori in cui crediamo fortemente.\nUn momento indimenticabile, molto forte,\n\nPortuguese: \nEu diria que foi uma desilusão diante da condição humana\nme vinha quase dizer que não é possível, que não vale a pena...\nMas lembro que foi um momento de parar\ne na nossa reunião de trabalho\nnaquela que eu sabia que todos viriam\nTambém com medo porque fomos ameaçados\nPela oposição que foi paga\npelo narcotráfico… medo de perder\nNossos trabalhos e alguns inclusive a vida.\nQuando eu soube que quase todos\nQueriam desistir por medo\nO que eu fiz foi levar um bolo, uma torta\nCom esse espírito festivo\nPara poder dizê-los:\n“Este és o momento em que podemos testemunhar\nos valores aos quais nós realmente acreditamos”\nUm momento inesquecível, muito forte\n\nEnglish: \nI would say of disillusionment for me with the human condition\nI would have said it's not worth it anymore\nWe all wanted to leave our place out of fear and dismay.\nEveryone was coming to this meeting threatened with fear.\nWe were threatened by the opposition\nwhich was financed by illegal groups\nOur jobs and our very lives were in danger.\nI remember deciding to start our usual business meeting with a cake,\nI don't know what they call it in your country\nbut to be together and tell them\nThis was the time to reveal the power of social love, our secret.\nFor me this is nourished\nby my faith and testimony\n\nItalian: \nche è stato possibile grazie alla fede che ho.\nE perché il modello che mi ispira ad andare avanti\nè Gesù che sulla croce dà la vita per i suoi amici.\nMa non è facile…\nma quel momento è stato potente,\nlo ricordo perché ci rafforzò,\ne qui, vorrei dire che è possibile per tutti,\nperché la vocazione politica ha un aspetto\nsacrificale, un aspetto di dedizione, tutti\nquelli che decidono di scommettere per una causa politica.\nSi sa di essere disposti a fare il grande sacrifico\nper la sua comunità, e qui arriva l'altra parola,\nche in qualche modo chiude il cerchio.\nOra, non so come dire, il processo…\nche è la resilienza\npassati questi momenti è necessario\nprendere un po 'd'aria, circondarsi bene,\nlasciarci, consigliare e reinventare il processo\ne trovare un nuovo modo di andare avanti,\ne continuare a sedersi di nuovo al tavolo di dialogo\nNon interrompere e questo è un momento,\n\nFrench: \nce qui a été possible grâce à la foi que j'ai.\nEt pourquoi le modèle\nqui m'inspire à aller de l'avant\nc'est Jésus qui, sur la croix,\ndonne sa vie pour ses amis.\nMais ce n'est pas facile...\nmais ce moment était puissant,\nJe m'en souviens parce\nque cela nous a rendus plus forts,\net ici, je voudrais dire que\nc'est possible pour tout le monde,\nparce que la vocation politique a un aspect\nsacrificiel, un aspect du dévouement, tout\nceux qui décident de parier pour une cause politique.\nVous savez que vous êtes prêt à faire le grand sacrifice\npour sa communauté, et voici l'autre mot,\nqui, d'une certaine manière, ferme le cercle.\nMaintenant, je ne sais pas quoi dire, le procès...\nqui est la résilience\nau-delà de ces temps, il est nécessaire\nPrenez l'air, entourez-vous bien,\nnous quitter, conseiller\net réinventer le processus\net trouver une nouvelle voie,\net continuer à s'asseoir\nà nouveau à la table du dialogue\nN'interrompez pas et c'est un moment,\n\nEnglish: \nthat this is possible by the life of a model\nwho inspires me to go forward\nby the life of Jesus who died for his friends\nBut it is not easy\nI remember it as a powerful moment\nbecause it reinforced\nthat the political vocation has an\naspect of sacrifice.\nThose involved in politics decide to make a real sacrifice for their community\nThis brings us to the other word that closes this circle: resilience. After taking a deep breath,\nafter being surrounded by people\nwho can advise and reinvent the process\nWe find new ways for the residents to\nsit back down at the table of dialogue.\nand not lose a moment like this.\n\nPortuguese: \nque foi possível por causa da minha fé\nE porque o modelo que me inspira para continuar em frente\né Jesus que na cruz dá a vida pelos seus amigos.\nMas isso não é fácil.\nMas foi muito forte esse momento\nE me reforçou. Gostaria de dizer\nque isso é possível para todos\nporque a vocação para política tem esse aspecto\nde sacrifício, um aspecto de entrega\nTodos aqueles que decidem lutar por uma causa política\nsabem que estão dispostos a um grande sacrifício\npela sua comunidade.\nE então temos outra palavra\nque fecha o círculo desse processo:\na “Resiliência”.\nPassados esses momentos,\nprecisamos respirar fundo, estar rodeados de pessoas que nos fazem bem,\nque podem aconselhar ou ajudar a recuperar as forças,\nE encontrar uma nova forma de ir adiante, resiliente.\nE continuar, devemos voltar a sentar na mesa do diálogo.\nNão parar. Este é um momento,\n\nFrench: \ncomme nous le disions précédemment, où notre horizon\nil se présente à nouveau,\net puis nous sommes passés à autre chose. C'est la passion pour moi,\nla connaissance de la grammaire, la générativité,\nla suspension et la résilience.\nLourdes : merci Cristina pour ces mots qui\nillustrent assez bien comment tout\nil s'agit d'un procès et vous l'avez fait avec les bases.\nmais aussi avec votre expérience,\nalors, merci beaucoup !\nAmy, le dialogue est quelque chose\nqui ne peut être délégué à d’autres.\nCe n’est pas une faveur, ce n’est pas comme demander \nà quelqu’un s’il peut me fermer la porte ou me servir une tasse de café.\nLe dialogue part d'un exercice personnel !\nPourquoi le dialogue nous semble-t-il souvent\nun monde inconnu, dont on parle rarement?\nDe votre point de vue,\npourquoi le dialogue est-il si difficile?\n\nItalian: \ncome dicevamo prima, in cui il nostro orizzonte\nè tornato a correre,\ne poi siamo andati avanti. Per me questa è passione,\nconsapevolezza della grammatica, generatività,\nsospensione e resilienza.\nLourdes: grazie Cristina per queste parole che\nillustrano abbastanza bene come tutto\nriguarda un processo e lo hai fatto con i fondamenti\nma anche con la tua esperienza,\ncosì, moltissime grazie!\nAmy, il dialogo è qualcosa che\nnon si può delegare ad altri. Non è\nun favore, non è come chiedere a qualcuno se può\nchiudere la porta per me o versarmi una tazza di caffè.\nIl dialogo parte da un esercizio\npersonale!\nPerché il dialogo ci sembra spesso\nun mondo sconosciuto, di cui si parla\nraramente? Dal tuo punto di vista,\nperché il dialogo è così difficile?\n\nEnglish: \nTo go ahead for me, to embrace new horizons,\nWe do it with passion,\nawareness of the grammar, generativity\nsuspension and resilience.\nLourdes: Thank you Cristina for these words that show us just how everything is\nis a process, a process you've lived with your own experience. Many thanks!\nAmy, Dialogue is something that we cannot\ndelegate to someone else. It's not like a\nfavor where I ask someone else to close the\ndoor for me or ask someone to pour me a cup of coffee\nDialogue starts from a personal\nexercise!\nWhy so many times the dialogue seems to us\nas an unknown world, which is perhaps rarely\ntalked about? From your perspective, why is\ndialogue so difficult?\n\nSpanish: \nAmy, el diálogo es algo que no se puede delegar a los demás.\nNo es un favor, no es como pedirle a alguien si puede cerrarme la puerta o servirme una taza de café.\nEl diálogo parte de un ejercicio personal…\n¿Por qué a menudo, el diálogo nos parece un mundo desconocido,\ndel que se habla muy rara vez?\nDesde tu punto de vista, ¿por qué el diálogo es tan difícil?\n\nPortuguese: \ncomo dizíamos antes, em que se alargam\nnovamente os nossos horizontes\nE nós avançamos. Então para mim é isso: Paixão,\nconsciência da Gramática, Generatividade,\nSuspensão e Resiliência.\nObrigada Cristina por essas palavras que\nnos ilustram bem\nque tudo se trata de umy processo\nE você nos mostrou isso com fundamentos\ne também com a própria experiencia. Muito obrigada!\nAmy, o diálogo é algo que não se pode delegar a outras pessoas.\nNão é um favor, não é como pedir a alguém se pode fechar a porta para mim ou me servir uma xícara de café.\nO diálogo parte de um exercício pessoal!\nPor que o diálogo muitas vezes nos parece um mundo desconhecido, sobre o qual se fala raramente?\nDo seu ponto de vista, por que o diálogo é tão difícil?\n\nFrench: \nSi je pense au cadre tracé par Cristina, si riche et beau,\nqui nous fait comprendre ce qui est en jeu\net combien de mondes il faut réconcilier,\nalors on pourrait dire «oh ! c’est vraiment un défi».\nJ’aime le mot que vous avez utilisé, «exercice»:\nlorsque nous commençons à faire de l’exercice, nous ressentons souvent des tensions dans les muscles dont nous ne doutions même pas de l’existence!\nOù se trouve la difficulté en débutant l’exercice?\nFace à cette difficulté, certaines personnes s’arrêtent.\nPeut-être me dis-je «je veux aller à la gym deux fois par semaine», mais dès que je commence, je suis tentée de laisser tomber.\nAlors, quelles sont les difficultés\nque nous rencontrons dans le dialogue?\n\nSpanish: \nSi pienso al cuadro que nos mostró Cristina, tan rico y bello,\nque nos hace ver lo que hay en juego y cuántos mundos tenemos que reconciliar,\nentonces diría: “wahoo, es un desafío”.\nMe gusta la palabra que has usado “ejercicio”: a menudo, cuando comenzamos a hacer ejercicio físico,\na menudo ¡sentimos tensión en músculos que ni siquiera sabíamos que teníamos!\n¿Dónde está la dificultad cuando se inicia a hacer ejercicio físico?\nFrente a esta dificultad, algunas personas se detienen.\nA lo mejor digo: “Quiero ir al gimnasio dos veces a la semana”\npero, luego cuando apenas comienzo me viene la tentación de abandonarlo.\nEntonces, ¿Cuáles son las dificultades que encontramos en el diálogo?\nTomemos, básicamente, un par de ellas:\n\nItalian: \nSe penso al quadro tracciato da Cristina, così ricco e bello, che ci fa capire cosa c’è in gioco\ne quanti mondi dobbiamo conciliare.\nallora viene da dire “wow, è davvero una sfida”.\nMi piace la parola che hai usato, “esercizio”:\nquando iniziamo a fare esercizio fisico spesso avvertiamo tensione in muscoli che neanche sapevamo di avere!\nDove sta la difficoltà quando si inizia a fare esercizio fisico?\nDi fronte a questa difficoltà alcune persone si fermano.\nMagari dico “voglio andare in palestra due volte alla settimana”, ma poi appena inizio sono subito tentata di lasciar perdere.\nQuali sono quindi le difficoltà che incontriamo nel dialogare?\n\nEnglish: \nFirst, I think when I respond to Cristina's picture of how rich and how beautiful is the picture of what is at stake\nand all of the worlds I think we need to bring together.\nI think it is not surprising to say WOW this is really a challenge\nI liked the world you used now 'exercise'.\nSometimes when we start to exercise, you feel these muscles that maybe you didn't even know you had\nTaking this idea of what is it that is difficult about beginning to exercise\n- that's maybe where some people stop.\nAw I'm gonna go to the gym a couple of times a week and as soon as you start, maybe not.\nSo what are some of the difficulties that we encounter.\n\nPortuguese: \nSe penso no quadro desenhado pela Cristina, tão rico e bonito, que nos faz entender o que está em jogo\ne quantos mundos temos que conciliar,\nAcho que não é uma surpresa dizer “Nossa! Realmente é um desafio”.\nGosto da palavra que você usou, “exercício”;\nquando começamos a fazer exercício físico, muitas vezes sentimos uma tensão em músculos que nem sabíamos que tínhamos.\nOnde está a dificuldade quando se começa a fazer exercícios físicos?\nDiante dessa dificuldade, algumas pessoas param.\nTalvez eu diga \"Quero ir à academia duas vezes por semana\", mas assim que começa, deixa pra lá.\nEntão, quais são as dificuldades que encontramos no diálogo?\n\nEnglish: \nlet's just name a couple of them practically. First, the\nsheer amount of information that comes\nat us everyday; for many of us we are inundated with things that come in on the internet. It's overwhelming\nThe second problem is it can be hard to sort through what is grounded in fact, and what is not.\nEven this idea of what is true, what are we talking about? It seems we are seeing completely different realities.\nThen a big challenge for why dialogue is difficult is the pace: I see this when people answer an email and say\nI'm sorry it took me forever to get back to you and it's like 2 days. Since when did 2 days become forever?\nThe pressure of needing to respond immediately.\n\nFrench: \nPrenons-en quelques-unes concrètement:\nLa première est la grande quantité d’informations\nque nous recevons chaque jour; beaucoup d’entre nous sommes inondés, débordés d’informations provenant d’Internet ou de courriels.\nLe deuxième problème réside dans la difficulté de distinguer ce qui est basé sur des faits de ce qui ne l’est pas.\nQu’est-ce qui est vrai? De quoi s’agit-il ? Nous nous posons la question quand il nous semble être confrontés à des réalités complètement opposées.\nUn autre grand défi pour le dialogue est la rapidité. Je remarque cela quand quelqu’un répond à un e-mail disant\n« Désolé, il m’a fallu une éternité pour répondre », je vérifie la date : la réponse est arrivée au bout de deux jours. Depuis quand deux jours sont-ils une éternité?\nIl y a cette pression pour réagir immédiatement.\n\nPortuguese: \nVamos pinçar algumas delas, na prática:\nA primeira é a vasta quantidade de informações\nque recebemos todos os dias; muitos de nós somos inundados com informações pela Internet, pelos e-mails, e ficamos sobrecarregados.\nO segundo problema reside na dificuldade de distinguir o que é baseado em fatos daquilo que não é.\nO que é verdadeiro? Sobre o que estamos falando? Nós nos perguntamos isso quando parece que estamos enfrentando realidades completamente opostas.\nOutro grande desafio para o diálogo é a velocidade. E percebo isso quando alguém responde a um e-mail dizendo\n“Desculpe se demorei muito para responder”, verifico a data e a resposta chegou após dois dias. Desde quando dois dias são uma eternidade?\nHá essa pressão para responder imediatamente.\n\nSpanish: \nLa primera, es la gran cantidad de información que recibimos cada día;\nmuchos de nosotros estamos inundados de información por internet o correos electrónicos y nos sentimos abrumados.\nEl segundo problema radica en la dificultad de distinguir lo que se basa en hechos de lo que no ¿cuál es la verdad?\n¿De qué estamos hablando? Nos preguntamos esto cuando parece que estamos ante realidades completamente opuestas.\nEs un gran desafío para el diálogo es la rapidez. Y me doy cuenta de esto cuando alguien responde a un email diciendo:\n“Perdona si me tardé una eternidad en responder”.\nControlo la fecha y la respuesta llegó dos días después. ¿Desde cuándo dos días son una eternidad?\nExiste esta presión de responder inmediatamente.\n\nItalian: \nPrendiamone un paio, in pratica. La prima è la vastissima quantità di informazioni che riceviamo ogni giorno;\nmolti di noi sono sommersi da informazioni provenienti da internet, o dalle email, e ne siamo sopraffatti.\nIl secondo problema sta nella difficoltà a distinguere ciò che è fondato sui fatti da ciò che non lo è.\nChe cosa è vero? Di cosa stiamo parlando? Ce lo chiediamo quando sembra che abbiamo davanti realtà completamente opposte\nUn’altra grande sfida per il dialogo è la rapidità. E mi accorgo di questo quando qualcuno risponde a una mail dicendo\n“Scusa se ci ho messo un’eternità a rispondere”, controllo la data e la risposta è arrivata dopo due giorni. Da quando due giorni sono un’eternità?\nC’è questa pressione a rispondere immediatamente.\n\nEnglish: \nThen going back to what Cristina was talking about with social media\nMany of these forms of communication require very very short ways of communicating.\nHow many characters in a tweet?\nSo the exchanges often lack the kind of richness that we get with body language\nwith other ways of reading what is going on. So it can be difficult for that reason.\nSome of the challenges can be addressed by two words I hope everyone remembers\nSLOW DOWN, bring the pace of our interactions WAY DOWN\n\nItalian: \nPoi, ritornando a quello che diceva Cristina a proposito dei social media,\nmolte di queste forme di comunicazione richiedono messaggi molto brevi.\nquanti caratteri in un tweet?\nDi conseguenza all’interazione manca la ricchezza che deriva dal linguaggio del corpo\ne da altri modi per leggere il contesto, ed ecco che sorge una difficoltà.\ne questa è una parola che vorrei che tutti tenessero a mente:\nRALLENTARE. Ridurre notevolmente la velocità delle nostre interazioni.\n\nFrench: \nPuis, pour revenir à ce que Cristina a dit à propos des réseaux sociaux,\nnombre de ces formes de communication requièrent des messages très courts:\ncombien de caractères dans un tweet?\nPar conséquent, l’interaction n’a pas la richesse qui vient du langage corporel\net d’autres façons de lire le contexte, et de là surgit la difficulté.\nIl existe un moyen de surmonter certaines de ces difficultés,\net c’est un mot que j’aimerais que\n tout le monde garde à l’esprit: ralentir.\n\nPortuguese: \nEntão, voltando ao que a Cristina falou sobre as mídias sociais,\nmuitas dessas formas de comunicação exigem mensagens muito curtas:\nquantos caracteres em um tweet?\nA interação carece da riqueza que deriva da linguagem corporal\ne de outras formas de ler o contexto, e é aqui que surge uma dificuldade.\nAlguns desafios podem ser superados com UMA palavra que eu espero que vocês se lembrem:\nDESACELERAR, Reduzir significativamente a velocidade das nossas interações.\n\nSpanish: \nLuego, volviendo a lo que decía Cristina, a propósito de los medios de las redes sociales,\nmuchas de estas formas de comunicación requieren mensajes muy cortos:\n¿Cuántos caracteres tiene un tweet?\nPor lo tanto, la interacción carece de la riqueza que proviene del lenguaje corporal y otras formas de leer el contexto,\ny aquí ya surge una dificultad.\nHay una forma de superar algunas de estas dificultades,\ny esta es una palabra que me gustaría que todos mantuviéramos en la mente: desacelerar.\nReducir significativamente la velocidad de nuestras interacciones. ¿Por qué?\n\nPortuguese: \nMAS Por que? Porque quando desaceleramos encontramos um espaço de quietude,\nde calma dentro de nós.\nMinha ansiedade em relação à comunicação diminui ou desaparece\nquando reservo um tempo para me desligar e quando reservo um tempo de silêncio, todo dia,\npara meditar e rezar. Estar ali naquele espaço silencioso e vazio.\nParece um paradoxo: como se aprende a dialogar, encontrando tempo para ficar sozinho.. Mas é verdade.\nÉ no silêncio que encontramos a nossa opinião, aquilo que queremos doar,\nE também aquela raiz profunda que, certamente também para muitos que estão nos ouvindo, é a relação íntima com Deus.\nMesmo quando dou aulas percebo a mudança que ocorre quando os alunos\n\nSpanish: \nPorque, cuando disminuimos la velocidad, encontramos un espacio de quietud,\nde calma dentro de nosotros.\nMi ansiedad por comunicarme disminuye o desaparece cuando me tomo el tiempo desconectarme cada día,\ncuando me tomo un tiempo de silencio para meditar y orar.\nParece una paradoja. ¿cómo se aprende a dialogar?\nEncontrando el tiempo para estar solos.\nPero es así: es en el silencio donde volvemos a encontrar nuestra opinión,\nlo que queremos dar, y también aquella raíz profunda que, seguramente también\npara muchos de los que nos escuchan, es la relación íntima con Dios.\nIncluso cuando enseño, me doy cuenta del cambio que se produce\n\nItalian: \nPerché? Perché, quando rallentiamo, troviamo uno spazio di quiete,\ndi calma dentro di noi.\nLa mia ansia nel comunicare diminuisce o scompare,\nquando prendo il tempo di staccare la spina ogni giorno, quando prendo un tempo\ndi silenzio per meditare e pregare.\nSembra un paradosso: come s’impara a dialogare? Trovando il tempo di stare da soli.\nPerò è così:\nè nel silenzio che ritroviamo la nostra opinione, ciò che vogliamo donare,\ne anche quella radice profonda che, sicuramente anche per tanti che ci stanno ascoltando, è il rapporto intimo con Dio.\nAnche quando insegno mi accorgo del cambiamento che avviene quando gli studenti\n\nFrench: \nRéduire considérablement la vitesse de nos interactions. Pourquoi ?\nParce que lorsque nous ralentissons,\nnous trouvons un espace de quiétude, de calme en nous.\nMon angoisse de communiquer diminue ou disparaît\nlorsque je prends le temps de chaque jour tirer la prise,\nlorsque je prends un temps de silence pour méditer et prier.\nCela semble paradoxal: comment apprend-on à dialoguer? En trouvant le temps d’être seul.\nOui, c’est ainsi: c’est dans le silence que nous retrouvons notre opinion, ce que nous voulons donner,\nainsi que cette racine profonde qui, pour beaucoup qui nous écoutent, est certainement, aussi, la relation intime avec Dieu.\nIl en est de même lorsque j’enseigne : je remarque le changement qui se produit lorsque les élèves ont le temps\n\nEnglish: \nNow why is that? When we slow down we can also find that quiet space within\nwhere there's a place of calm.\nI see my own anxieties about communication are often relaxed or quelled,\nwhen I take the time to unplug and each day some quiet time,\nto meditate or to pray. It is there in that quiet space alone.\nIt's seems a paradox, how do you learn to dialogue, by finding time to be alone. But it's true\nThat's the battery pack that's the energy that we need to stay in touch with what we think, what we want to give.\nWhat is that deep root? For many who might be listening, that relationship with God, within.\nThen I notice in teaching a similar shift, that when my students take\n\nSpanish: \ncuando los estudiantes tienen el tiempo de reflexionar antes de una discusión en clase.\nA menudo hay una correlación entre el tiempo que dedicamos a organizar las ideas\ny nuestra voluntad de acoger el pensamiento de los demás.\nNos ayuda el consejo del Papa Francisco, tomado de la exhortación \"Gaudete et exsultate\":\nTodo se llena de palabras, de disfrutes superficiales y de ruidos con una velocidad siempre mayor.\nAllí no reina la alegría\nsino la insatisfacción de quien no sabe para qué vive.\n¿Cómo no reconocer entonces que necesitamos detener esa carrera frenética para recuperar un espacio personal,\n\nPortuguese: \ntêm tempo para refletir antes de uma discussão em sala de aula.\nGeralmente há uma correlação entre o tempo que levamos para organizar as ideias e a nossa disponibilidade de acolher os pensamentos dos outros.\nSomos ajudados pelo conselho do Papa Francisco,\nextraído da exortação “Gaudete et exsultate”:\n“Tudo se enche de palavras, prazeres epidérmicos e rumores\na uma velocidade cada vez maior; aqui não reina a alegria, mas a insatisfação de quem não sabe para que vive.\nQue verdade!\nEntão, como não reconhecer que precisamos deter esta corrida febril para recuperar um espaço pessoal,\n\nFrench: \nde réfléchir avant une discussion en classe.\nIl y a souvent une corrélation\nentre le temps que nous prenons à organiser nos idées\net notre volonté d’accueillir les pensées des autres.\nNous sommes aidés par les conseils du Pape François,\ntirés de son exhortation « Gaudete et exsultate »\n« Tout se remplit de mots, de plaisirs épidermiques \net de rumeurs à une vitesse toujours croissante.\nLà n’y règne pas la joie mais l’insatisfaction \nde qui ne sait pas pourquoi il vit.\n- Comme c’est vrai –\nComment alors ne pas reconnaître qu’il faut arrêter cette course fébrile pour retrouver un espace personnel,\n\nItalian: \nhanno il tempo di riflettere prima di una discussione in classe. Spesso c’è\nuna correlazione tra questo e la loro capacità di dialogare con chi la pensa in maniera diversa.\nCi viene in aiuto il consiglio di Papa Francesco,\ntratto dall’esortazione “Gaudete et exsultate”:\nScrive: “Tutto si riempie di parole, di piaceri epidermici e di rumori ad una velocità sempre crescente\nLì non regna la gioia ma l’insoddisfazione\ndi chi non sa per che cosa vive”.\nQuanto è vero!\nCome dunque non riconoscere che abbiamo bisogno di fermare questa corsa febbrile per recuperare uno spazio personale,\n\nEnglish: \nthe time to recollect their own thoughts before they come into the classroom space. There is a\ndirect correlation between that and their capacity to dialogue with others who are different.\nHere I'd like to take some good advice from our friend Pope Francis.\nThis is a little excerpt from his letter 'Rejoice and Be Glad'\nHe writes: \"We are overwhelmed by words,\nby superficial pleasures and by an increasing\ndin, filled not by joy but rather by the discontent\nof those whose lives have lost meaning.\nHow true that is.\nHow can we fail to realize the need to stop this\nrat race and recover the personal space needed\n\nSpanish: \na veces doloroso, pero siempre fecundo, donde se entabla el diálogo sincero con Dios?\nEncontrar ese espacio puede ser doloroso, pero siempre fructuoso.\n-y creo que los que lo han probado pueden dar testimonio-\nEn algún momento tendremos que enfrentar la verdad de nosotros mismos,\npara dejar que sea invadida por el Señor.\nHablando de velocidad, hay que hacer una distinción,\nporque muchos de los temas de los que estamos hablando hoy son urgentes:\nel desafío es cuidar, tener en el corazón los problemas del mundo de hoy que requieren una respuesta urgente.\nNo hay duda de la urgencia de estos problemas.\n\nPortuguese: \nàs vezes doloroso, mas sempre fecundo,\nno qual se inicia o diálogo sincero com Deus?\nE creio que quem já experimentou pode testemunhar\nEm certos momentos, devemos encarar a verdade de nós mesmos, para a deixar invadir pelo Senhor”.\nPor falar em velocidade,\nprecisamos fazer uma distinção, porque muitos dos temas de que falamos hoje são urgentes:\no desafio de cuidar, de cuidar profundamente\ndos problemas do mundo de hoje, que exige uma resposta urgente!\nIsso é urgente! Não há dúvidas da urgência desses problemas.\n\nEnglish: \nto carry on a heartfelt dialogue with God?\nFinding that space may prove painful but it\nis always fruitful. (those who've tried can be a witness to this)\nSooner or later, we have\nto face our true selves and let the Lord enter.\"\nSo when we think about how fast we need to respond\nlet's make a distinction: there's an urgency to many of the questions we talked about today.\nThe challenge\nto care, and care deeply, about the problems\nour world faces, it does require\nurgent attention. This is an emergency.\nWe need to keep that in mind, none of this takes away from the urgent nature of these problems.\n\nItalian: \na volte doloroso ma sempre fecondo,\nin cui si intavola il dialogo sincero con Dio?\nE credo che chi lo ha provato può testimoniarlo\nIn qualche momento dovremo guardare in faccia\nla verità di noi stessi, per lasciarla invadere dal Signore.\"\nQuindi, quando pensiamo a quanto velocemente dobbiamo rispondere\ndobbiamo fare una distinzione: c'è un'urgenza per molte delle domande di cui abbiamo parlato oggi.\nLa sfida di prendersi cura,\ne di preoccuparsi profondamente, dei problemi\nche il nostro mondo deve affrontare, richiede un'attenzione urgente. Questa è un'emergenza.\nNon si discute sul carattere di urgenza di questi problemi.\n\nFrench: \nparfois douloureux mais toujours fécond, \ndans lequel s’instaure un dialogue sincère avec Dieu?\nEt, je crois, qui l’a essayé peut en témoigner\nÀ un certain moment, nous devrons regarder en face la vérité de nous-mêmes, pour la laisser envahir par le Seigneur. »\nEn parlant de vitesse, nous devons faire une distinction,\ncar bon nombre des questions\ndont nous avons parlé aujourd’hui sont urgentes:\nle défi de prendre soin des problèmes\ndu monde d’aujourd’hui\nnécessite une réponse urgente.\nL’urgence de ces problèmes ne se discute pas.\n\nItalian: \nMa ciò non significa che dobbiamo reagire con tweet o post scritti d’impulso, dicendo qualcosa senza prima pensare.\nOggi più che mai è necessario trovare il tempo\ndi verificare l’esattezza dei fatti e delle supposizioni,\nanche se ci vuole qualche minuto in più.\nPossiamo rallentare quanto basta per rispondere in modo ragionato, senza negare l’urgenza dei problemi.\nSe pensiamo alla vita professionale, pochi lavori di fatto\nrichiedono una risposta immediata e reattiva.\nI vigili del fuoco devono agire in fretta.\nUna pausa di riflessione\nè quasi sempre utile per valutare cosa\n\nEnglish: \nBut that does not mean that we need to react with hastily scribbled tweets or posts.\nMore than ever we need to take the time we\nneed to check the accuracy of facts and assumptions\n- and that might take a moment more.\nAnd slow down enough to respond in a reflective\nway, without denying the urgency of the problems.\nGoing back to our reasons for dialogue, thinking about a professional context,\nvery very few roles or jobs actually require an immediate, reactive response\nOkay firefighters, but most jobs have more time than in a fire.\nA substantial pause is\nalmost always helpful in the process of thoughtful\n\nSpanish: \nPero esto no significa que debamos reaccionar con tweets o publicaciones escritas por impulso,\ndiciendo alguna cosa sin antes pensarla.\nHoy más que nunca es importante tomarse el tiempo para verificar la veracidad de los hechos y suposiciones,\naun si se requieren algunos minutos más.\nPodemos reducir la velocidad el tiempo necesario para responder razonablemente,\nsin negar la urgencia de los problemas.\nDe hecho, si pensamos a la vida profesional, pocos trabajos requieren una respuesta inmediata y reactiva.\nLos bomberos deben actuar con rapidez.\nPero la mayor parte de los trabajos requieren su tiempo, no hay fuego que apagar.\n\nPortuguese: \nMas isso não significa que devemos reagir com tweets ou posts escritos por impulso, dizendo algo sem pensar primeiro.\nHoje, mais do que nunca, é necessário encontrar tempo para verificar a exatidão dos fatos e das suposições,\nmesmo que demore mais alguns minutos.\nPodemos desacelerar o suficiente para responder depois de ter raciocinado, sem negar a urgência dos problemas.\nVoltando nas razões para dialogar, se pensarmos na vida profissional,\npoucos trabalhos de fato requerem uma resposta imediata e reativa.\nOK, os bombeiros precisam agir rapidamente. Mas na maioria dos trabalhos você tem mais tempo, não há um incêndio a ser apagado.\nUma pausa para reflexão é quase sempre útil\n\nFrench: \nMais cela ne signifie pas que nous devions réagir avec des tweets ou des post-it écrits\nde manière impulsive, en disant quelque chose sans d’abord y avoir pensé.\nAujourd’hui plus que jamais, il est nécessaire de trouver le temps de vérifier l’exactitude des faits et des hypothèses,\nmême si cela prend quelques minutes de plus.\nNous pouvons ralentir juste assez pour répondre de façon raisonnée, sans nier l’urgence des problèmes.\nSi l’on pense à la vie professionnelle,\npeu de travaux nécessitent en fait d’une réponse immédiate et réactive.\nLes pompiers doivent agir rapidement.\nMais, pour la plupart des travaux, il y a plus de temps,\nil n’y a pas d’incendie à éteindre.\nUne pause de réflexion est\npresque toujours utile pour évaluer\n\nSpanish: \nUna pausa de reflexión casi siempre es útil para evaluar qué es bueno para proteger la dignidad de cada persona.\nEstas son solo algunas sugerencias, pero creo que pueden ser útiles.\nEspero que este periodo de pandemia nos permita una pausa de este tipo, para preguntarnos qué tenemos en el corazón,\nen qué nos queremos comprometer…\nAmy ¿podrías decirnos algo para concluir?\nLas ideas han sido muchas, intentemos resumir todo en tres puntos:\nEl primero: espero que hayamos logrado argumentar bien todas nuestras reflexiones,\nes que el diálogo es un esfuerzo pero que vale la pena:\nvale la pena perfeccionar una habilidad que pueda enriquecer enormemente tu vida personal y profesional,\ny apoyar tu compromiso de cambiar el mundo. Vale la pena.\n\nItalian: \nè bene fare per proteggere la dignità di ogni persona.\nSono solo pochi suggerimenti, ma credo possano essere utili.\nLourdes: E spero che questo periodo di pandemia\nci permetta una pausa di questo tipo,\nRALLENTARE, per chiederci cosa\nci sta a cuore, in cosa vogliamo impegnarci?\nAmy, potresti dirci qualcosa per concludere?\nCi sono stati molti spunti, proviamo a riassumere tutto in tre punti:\nIl primo, e spero che siamo riuscite ad argomentarlo bene con le nostre riflessioni…\nil dialogo è uno sforzo, ma ne vale la pena:\nvale la pena di perfezionare una capacità\nche può notevolmente arricchire la vostra vita personale e professionale, e sostenere il vostro impegno per cambiare il mondo.\nNe vale la pena.\n\nFrench: \nce qu’il est bon de faire pour protéger\nla dignité de chaque personne.\nCe ne sont là que quelques suggestions, \nmais je pense qu’elles peuvent être utiles.\nJ’espère que cette période de pandémie\nnous permettra une pause de ce genre,\npour nous demander à quoi nous tenons,\nà quoi nous voulons nous engager ...\nAmy, pouvez-vous nous dire\nquelque chose pour conclure?\nBeaucoup d’idées furent soulevées,\nessayons de tout résumer en trois points:\nLe premier - j’espère que nous sommes parvenus\nà bien l’argumenter par nos réflexions -.\nest que le dialogue représente un effort,\nmais cela en vaut la peine: de perfectionner une capacité\nqui peut grandement enrichir votre vie personnelle et professionnelle, et soutenir votre engagement à changer le monde.\nÇa en vaut la peine.\n\nEnglish: \nevaluation of what it means to care for the\nhuman dignity of every person.\nA few tiny suggestions but I think they might be helpful.\nAnd I hope this time of pandemic means also\nthis kind of pause,\nSLOW DOWN, in which we evaluate what\nwe have been caring for. What we commit to\ncare for?\nAmy, would you like to close with a few words?\nI'll just sum up! Three take away thoughts.\nI hope are reflections, make the case, like a lawyer would make.\nDialogue is an effort, but\nit is worth it: honing this skill can greatly\nenrich your personal and professional life,\nand your efforts to make a difference in the world.\nIt's worth it!\n\nPortuguese: \npara avaliar o que é bom fazer para proteger a dignidade de cada pessoa.\nEstas são apenas algumas sugestões, mas acredito que podem ser úteis.\nE espero que este período de pandemia nos permita uma pausa desse tipo,\nDESACELERAR, para nos perguntarmos\no que está no nosso coração, em que queremos nos envolver...\nAmy, você poderia nos dizer algo para concluir?\nForam muitas as ideias, vamos tentar resumir tudo em três pontos:\nPrimeiro, espero que tenhamos conseguido argumentar bem com as nossas reflexões,\né que o diálogo é um esforço, mas que vale a pena: vale a pena aperfeiçoar uma capacidade\nque pode enriquecer de forma notável sua vida pessoal e profissional, e dar sustento ao seu compromisso de mudar o mundo.\nVale a pena!\n\nItalian: \nSecondo, il dialogo apre i cuori e le menti alla ricerca creativa\ndel come esattamente possiamo generare un cambiamento, come possiamo attuare la cura nelle nostre società.\nAbbiamo bisogno del dialogo per fare questo, e ne abbiamo bisogno per capire come la cura può inserirsi nelle strutture sociali.\nTerzo, infine, il consiglio fondamentale:\nRALLENTARE. Trovate il tempo, ogni giorno, di fermarvi\na organizzare i vostri pensieri,\nin questo modo darete il vostro meglio\nnelle discussioni a cui parteciperete\nper realizzare il “prendersi cura” nelle nostre società e anche in politica.\n\nSpanish: \nSegundo: retomando la riqueza de las reflexiones de Cristina: el dialogo abre los corazones\ny las mentes a la búsqueda creativa de cómo exactamente, podemos generar cambios,\ncómo podemos actuar en el cuidado de nuestra sociedad.\nNecesitamos diálogo para hacer esto, y lo necesitamos para entender cómo el cuidado puede encajar en las estructuras sociales.\nTercero, finalmente el consejo fundamental es....\nDES-A-CE-LE-RAR\nencontrar el tiempo, todos los días para detenerse y organizar los pensamientos,\nde esta manera darás lo mejor de ti en las discusiones en las que participarás\npara lograr el “cuidado” en nuestras sociedades y también en la política.\n\nPortuguese: \nSegundo, retomando a riqueza das reflexões da Cristina: o diálogo abre os corações e as mentes\npara a busca criativa de como exatamente podemos gerar uma mudança, como podemos atuar o “cuidar” em nossas sociedades.\nPrecisamos do diálogo para fazer isso e precisamos entender como o “cuidar” pode se encaixar nas estruturas sociais.\nTerceiro, um GRANDE conselho fundamental:\nDESACELERAR. Encontrem o tempo, todos os dias,\npara dar uma parada e organizar seus pensamentos,\nassim vocês darão o seu melhor nas discussões das quais participarão,\npara realizar o “cuidar” em nossas sociedades e também na política.\n\nEnglish: \nDialogue opens our hearts and minds to creative\nexploration of exactly how we can make a difference, how we can make caring a reality in our polity,\nwe need dialogue to do that. We need it to think how it fits into our social structures.\nBIG BIG BIG take away suggestion is, you know it,\nSLOW DOWN Make time and space\n- each day - to recollect your own thoughts,\nand in this way you will bring your best self\ninto all of your conversations,\nin dare to care and making this a reality in our society and in our politics.\n\nFrench: \nle dialogue ouvre les cœurs et les esprits\nà la recherche créative du\ncomment exactement nous pouvons générer des changements, comment nous pouvons mettre en œuvre le soin dans nos sociétés.\nNous avons besoin d’un dialogue pour y parvenir, nous en avons besoin pour comprendre comment le soin peut s’intégrer dans les structures sociales.\nTroisièmement, enfin, le conseil fondamental:\nRALENTIR: Trouvez le temps, chaque jour, \nde vous arrêter et d’organiser vos pensées,\nde cette manière vous donnerez\nle meilleur de vous-même dans les discussions\nauxquelles vous participerez pour réaliser le « prendre soin » dans nos sociétés et en politique.\n\nFrench: \nMerci vraiment, Amy. Muchísimas gracias Cristina\nJe vous rappelle que si vous avez manqué votre première leçon Dare to Care, vous pouvez la trouver sur notre chaîne Youtube.\nLe prochain rendez-vous aura lieu en octobre\navec un nouveau Dare to Care in my city.\nMerci, à la prochaine !\n\nItalian: \nLOURDES: Grazie davvero Amy! Moltissime grazie Cristina!\nVi ricordo che se avete perso la prima lezione di Dare to Care, potete trovarla sul nostro canale Youtube.\nIl prossimo appuntamento sarà ad ottobre con un nuovo Dare to Care in my City.\nGrazie e… alla prossima!\n\nEnglish: \nLOURDES:Thank you very much Amy. Muchísimas gracias Cristina.\nRemember: if you missed the first dare to care lesson you can find it on our Youtube channel.\nOur next appointment will be in October with the next Dare to Care in my City!\nThank you very much and see you next time!\n\nSpanish: \nGracias de verdad, Amy.\nLes recuerdo que si han perdido la primera lección de Dare to Care,\npueden encontrarla en nuestro canal Youtube.\n¡La próxima cita será en octubre con un nuevo Dare to Care en mi ciudad!\nGracias y ¡Hasta la próxima!\n\nPortuguese: \nMuito obrigada, Amy. Muito Obrigada Cristina.\nLembrete: se vocês perderam a primeira aula de Dare to Care, podem encontrá-la em nosso canal no Youtube.\nO próximo encontro será em outubro, com um novo Dare to Care in my City.\nObrigada, até a próxima!\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "Welcome, everyone, and thank you for joining\nus today for “Not Alone: How To Help Transgender\nSurvivors In Detention, Part Two.”\nMy name is Kamilah Willingham.\nI am a program associate at JDI and I’ll\nbe your moderator today.\nJDI is a health and human rights organization\nthat works to end sexual violence in all forms\nof detention.\nJDI has three core goals: to hold government\nofficials and agencies accountable for sexual\nabuse in their facilities, to change public\nattitudes about sexual violence behind bars,\nand to ensure survivors of prison rape get\nthe help that they need.\nWe’d like to take a moment to thank the\nOffice On Violence Against Women for its generous\nsupport of this webinar and our larger project\ncalled “No Bad Victims: Support For Incarcerated\nSurvivors.”\nJust a few things before we get started.\nI want to remind you that some of what we’re\ngoing to be discussing today may be upsetting\nor hard to hear.\nPlease take care of yourselves.\nThis webinar will be recorded, so you can\ncome back to it later if you need to.\nYou can submit questions and comments throughout\nthe webinar using the questions box on the\nright side of your screen, and a closed-captioned\nrecording of this webinar will be posted on\nour website, JustDetention.org/Advocate-Resources.\nThat’ll be up in the next few days.\nWe’ll send you more information on that\nlater today, including a link to an evaluation\nof this webinar.\nWe have a wide range of other resources available\non our website, and we’ll go over those\nin more detail at the end of today’s webinar.\nThis webinar is the second in our series on\nhelping transgender survivors of sexual abuse\nin detention.\nThe aim of this series is to help community-based\nrape crisis organizations and other service\nproviders, like yourselves, understand the\nissues facing transgender survivors in adult\nfacilities.\nToday’s webinar will focus on how you, as\nadvocates, can provide services to this extremely\nvulnerable population.\nWe’re going to cover the following: We’ll\nbegin with the testimony from a transgender\nwoman who survived sexual abuse in detention.\nWe’ll review the PREA protections for transgender\ninmates.\nWe’ll talk about a few corrections agencies’\npolicies for transgender inmates.\nWe’ll chat with Jen Orthwein from the Transgender\nLaw Center about her experience as a clinician\nand as an attorney working with transgender\nsurvivors.\nWe’ll talk with Earline Budd, an advocate\nfrom Washington D.C. about her experience\nworking with transgender survivors.\nAnd finally, we’ll end with time to answer\nsome of your questions.\nA quick note on some terms before moving on.\nWhile law enforcement, prosecutors, and victims’\nrights groups tend to use the term “victim”\nin recognition of the crime that was committed,\nJDI prefers to use the term “survivor.”\nWe do this to honor the strength and resiliency\nit takes to live through a sexual assault\nand for that person to heal.\nThe terms “inmate” and “prisoner”\nwill be used interchangeably to refer to incarcerated\npeople.\nIf you have questions about a specific term,\nplease use the questions box and a JDI staff\nmember will assist you.\nWe’re going to start with a survivor story.\nThis is Zahara.\nZahara was sexually abused several times in\nthe Georgia Department of Corrections system.\nI’m going to read you the testimony that\nshe shared with JDI.\n“My name is Zahara.\nI’m 24 years old and I am a pre-op trans\nwoman.\nI have been transitioning for four years now,\nbut I have known I wanted to be a girl since\nI was five.\nI came to serve out my sentence for shoplifting,\nsomething I turned to in order to make money\nfor myself because it’s hard to find a job\nas a trans woman in the south.\nI have been incarcerated for two years now\nand over my incarceration stint, I have been\nsexually assaulted two times.\nWhen I first got to prison in Georgia, I was\nput in general population.\nA guy, Bronx, came up to me and told me that\nhe was in prison for murder and that he would\nprotect me and take care of me in exchange\nfor being his friend.\nBeing extremely naïve at the time, I took\nhis offer because I was scared.\nIt was my first time in prison, around dangerous\nmen.\nAfter a week, he asked me for a sexual favor.\n‘You’re not entitled to sex with me.\nWe are only friends,’ I said.\nHe then grabbed me up by the throat and pushed\nme to the wall and told me, ‘You’re mine.\nYou’re indebted to me now.’\nI quickly relented and performed oral sex.\nOver time he got tired of that and asked me\nfor anal sex.\nI knew I couldn’t do that because of the\nhigh risk of catching HIV, so I wrote a letter\nto the deputy warden, telling him about the\nsituation.\nI never received a response.\nI have requested protective custody and Bronx\nrequested it too.\nHe was able to influence the staff to place\nus in the same cell and that next night he\nraped me by razorblade point.\nI placed a letter through the door telling\nthe officer I was raped.\nI was eventually seen by a SANE nurse who\nwas very nice.\nI was transferred to another facility where\nI live in a one-man cell, on a block with\nother transgender inmates.\nI believe that many transgender individuals\nare scared to report because of the risk of\nbeing placed in segregation, so a lot of us\nopt to not report it.\nThat’s what happened to me.\nI did not report some of the assaults until\nit got out of hand because I didn’t want\nto be on lockdown.\nI hope I can help someone not go through what\nI went through.”\nWhat happened to Zahara is awful.\nI wish that I could say that her story is\nunique, but unfortunately, what happened to\nher is all too common.\nPeople who identify as transgender are often\nsubjected to extreme violence behind bars.\nWe hear from lots of survivors who, like Zahara,\nare afraid to report this violence for fear\nof being put in isolation.\nEven if they feel safe enough to reach out\nfor help, they’re often not taken seriously.\nOver the next hour, we’ll talk about the\nPREA protections afforded to transgender inmates\nand we’ll talk to two advocates, Dr. Jen\nOrthwein from the Transgender Law Center and\nEarline Budd, an advocate in the Washington\nD.C. area.\nWe’ll talk about her experiences advocating\nfor the rights of incarcerated transgender\nsurvivors.\nI want to remind you that we have covered\nhow to provide direct services to prisoners\nin general and great detail during previous\nwebinars, which are all available on our advocate\nresources page.\nBefore we get started, I’d like to get an\nidea of what you are hoping to learn from\ntoday’s webinar.\nYou can submit your answer by typing it into\nthe questions box.\nI’ll just give you a few moments to submit\nsome of those.\nGreat, so we’re seeing you’d like to hear\nabout some of the PREA protections, how to\nhelp transgender survivors overcome some common\nchallenges, to be more aware of what’s happening\nin other parts of the country.\nThese are great.\nSo many of these will be answered throughout\nthe webinar, and if we don’t get to something,\nfeel free to reach out to us afterwards by\nemail at Advocate@JustDetention.org.\nYou can also submit questions to us on the\nwebinar throughout, and we’ll try to answer\nthem later on.\nI would now like to introduce Carolina Aparicio,\nwho will go over some of the PREA protections\nfor transgender inmates.\nThanks so much, Kamilah.\nSo because of cases like Zahara’s and the\nresearch we have reviewed during the first\npart of this webinar series about the high\nrates of sexual abuse of transgender inmates,\nthe PREA standards include several provisions\nspecifically for transgender inmates.\nImproving your knowledge and comfort with\nthe standards can be very helpful for your\nadvocacy work with corrections agencies and\nthe transgender clients you serve.\nIn this section, we’ll review the applicable\nstandards.\nYou’ll see the citation for each standard\nat the bottom of each slide.\nIt’s important to note that corrections\nagencies are in different places in terms\nof their implementation of the PREA standards,\nso what that means is that some agencies may\nhave already updated their policies, practices,\ntrainings, and protocols, some are currently\nenforcing those changes, and some are changing\ntheir institution’s culture, while others\nhave not.\nSo remember that all of these things take\ntime, and everyone is not yet on the same\npage.\nYour clients can often indicate where facilities\nare at in this process.\nAs part of the community, your advocacy and\ncollaboration with corrections agencies helps\nhold them accountable to proper implementation\nand ultimately works to keep people safe.\nIn order to address the kind of disrespect\nand sexual harassment that transgender people\nencounter on a daily basis in detention, which\nwe discussed in the first webinar, it’s\nimportant to note the two PREA provisions\non effective communication.\nThe first one states that a facility must\ntrain its staff to speak effectively and professionally\nwith transgender inmates.\nThe second standard says that a facility must\nalso have a written zero-tolerance policy\non sexual harassment and sexual abuse.\nSo this means that the staff is prohibited\nfrom sexually harassing inmates, including\nmaking demeaning references to gender, sexually\nsuggestive or derogatory comments about someone’s\nbody or clothing, or obscene language or gestures.\nWhile these may seem like a given to you,\nthis type of disrespectful behavior is all\ntoo common for most of the trans inmates we\nhear from.\nSearches are a regular part of an inmate’s\neveryday routine, yet we hear from inmates\nall the time, especially transgender inmates,\nabout being abusively searched by staff, sometimes\nto publicly humiliate them, to determine someone’s\ngenitalia, or for someone who is a perpetrator,\nit’s an opportunity to inconspicuously sexually\nabuse someone under the pretext of “doing\ntheir job.”\nSo in order to address these issues, there\nare two PREA provisions that specifically\naddress searching transgender people.\nThe first provision states that a facility\nmust not search or physically examine a transgender\ninmate solely to determine their genital status.\nIf someone’s gender is unknown, it can be\ndetermined by talking with the inmate, reviewing\nthe inmate’s medical records, or from a\nbroad medical examination conducted by a private\ndoctor.\nThe second provision states that a facility\nmust train its staff to properly search a\ntransgender inmate in a professional and respectful\nmanner.\nThat does not necessarily require that a trans\nwoman be searched by a female officer or a\ntrans man be searched by a male officer, although\nthat may be the situation after a case-by-case\ndetermination that that’s the most appropriate\nsituation for that individual.\nFinally, the last set of protections we’ll\ndiscuss are about housing and classification.\nThe first standard on this says that a facility\nmust conduct an intake screening to assess\nevery inmate who enters their facility for\nthe risk of victimization.\nTo help determine the best place to house\nan inmate and what kind of programming to\nassign them, the facility must take the following\ninto consideration: if an inmate is transgender,\nif they have previously experienced sexual\nvictimization, and the inmate’s own perception\nof their vulnerability, so whether or not\nthey feel safe in a particular housing or\nprogramming situation.\nSo however, in most cases, according to the\nstandards, a facility cannot segregate transgender\ninmates solely based on their gender identity.\nThis protection extends to lesbian, gay, and\nbisexual people as well.\nThat means they cannot have a transgender\nunit, where they house all of their transgender\ninmates, or what’s often referred to as\na “gay pod.”\nThe one exception to this rule would be under\na court order.\nAs talked about in our previous webinar, the\nmajority of inmates are housed by their genitalia,\nso a trans woman who may have been living\nher life as a woman for years, using a women’s\nbathroom, and staying at women’s shelters,\nmore often than not would find herself in\na men’s facility.\nBut the standards say that the facility must\nconduct individualized assessments as to where\na transgender inmate should be housed and\nhow they should be programmed, which would\nensure their health and safety.\nThe standards do not require that a transgender\nman be housed at a men’s facility or a transgender\nwoman in a women’s facility.\nIt means that corrections staff must do a\ncase-by-case analysis, and that process must\ninclude the individual’s perspective as\nto where they feel they would be safest.\nIn talking about housing with your client,\nit’s important to remember that a transgender\nwoman may feel safer in a men’s facility\nand a transgender man may feel safer in a\nwomen’s facility, so let the survivor take\nthe lead and be open-minded about where they\nwant to be housed.\nEarline, one of our guest speakers, will speak\nmore about this later in the webinar.\nA facility cannot abuse solitary confinement,\nwhich is also known as the “SHU” or “segregated\nhousing unit,” “administrative segregation,”\nor “ad seg,” also called “the jail,”\n“lockup,” or “the hole.”\nAnd they cannot abuse that as a means of keeping\na transgender person safe.\nSo historically and currently, many facilities\nput transgender inmates in solitary confinement\nto keep them safe from other inmates.\nPREA holds that this should only ever be done\nas a last resort, and if it must be done,\njust for a limited amount of time.\nSolitary confinement often means being locked\nup for 23 hours a day in a room the size of\na bathroom, with dim lighting, with limited\nor no programming, meaning work, school, or\nother programs, limited contact with other\npeople, including peer groups and friends,\nrestricted access to reading materials and\npersonal property, and limited access to rec\ntime.\nEssentially, it means separating a person\nfrom other people, programming, and coping\nskills that are critical to healing from sexual\nabuse.\nNumerous studies have documented the negative\neffects of solitary confinement to a person’s\nmental well-being.\nMany times solitary leaves a person more vulnerable\nto abuse by their bunkmate or staff abusers.\nGiven these conditions, you might have greater\ninsight into understanding why Zahara, the\ntrans woman who Kamilah talked about earlier,\nand others like her might decide to keep quiet\ninstead of reporting abuse and facing time\nin solitary.\nThere are moments where a survivor may request\nto be in segregation to get out of a dangerous\nsituation, and Jen, our other guest, is going\nto talk more about that in a bit.\nFinally, the standards state that a reassessment\nof each transgender inmate’s housing and\nprogramming must be done at least twice a\nyear.\nSo if a trans inmate requests to be put in\nsegregation, it’s especially important to\npush for reassessment so they’re not stuck\nin isolation.\nI want to share a quote with you from Jamie,\na trans woman survivor who is in a Michigan\nstate prison.\nIn a letter to JDI, Jamie said, “Imagine\nliving in a cell or a cube about the size\nof an average bathroom with another inmate.\nPicture the middle of the night, when guards\nare pretty much sleeping, and your cellmate\nor cellmates have pulled the covers off, are\npulling down your pajamas and underwear, and\nthen pretty much having their way with you\nbecause there is nothing you can do about\nit, or there is something you do, which is\nto seek indefinite protective segregation,\nwhile the perpetrators walk free as a bird.\nPicture enduring that for 166,440 hours.”\nSo I think that quote paints quite a vivid\npicture of what choices or lack thereof that\nmany trans survivors have.\nI’d now like to turn things over to my colleague,\nDesiree Magsombol, who will talk to you about\nsome of the transgender policies that various\ncorrections agencies have in place already.\nThanks, Carolina.\nSo several facilities have created protocol\nand policies to comply with PREA standards,\naddressing transgender inmates.\nThis slide lists just a few agencies, prisons,\njails, juvenile facilities from across the\ncountry that have drafted and enacted such\npolicies and protocol.\nWhile we still haven’t seen a perfect model\npolicy as of yet, these agencies are certainly\non the forefront of creating good policy regarding\ntransgender inmates.\nAs best practice, some of these facilities,\nlike Denver County in Colorado, have brought\ntransgender advocates and experts to help\nwith the process of creating their policies,\nand others, like Santa Clara County Juvenile\nDetention Facility have rather comprehensive\npolicies that include sections on respectful\ncommunication with transgender and gender\nnonconforming residents.\nAnd then other facilities, like Washington\nD.C. Department of Corrections, have created\na multidisciplinary body, and in other places\nsometimes it’s called “the gender identity\ncommittee,” that determines where every\ntransgender and gender nonconforming inmate\ncan be most safely housed and programmed.\nEarline will talk about this in much more\ndetail, in regards to what her jurisdiction\nis doing using this model.\nSo now we’d like to hear from you.\nWhat kind of policies or guidelines do you\nthink are most important for any agency that\nwants to demonstrate respect for transgender\nsurvivors?\nFeel free to submit your answers in the question\nbox to your right, and I’ll just give you\na couple minutes to do that.\nSo what we’ve heard is “We, as staff,\ncan talk about trans inmates respectfully,\nlike using preferred pronouns and names.”\nAnd then here is another, “I think it’s\nimportant that corrections and law enforcement\ntreat trans survivors and all survivors with\nthe same level of care and respect as those\nin the community.”\nPerfect.\nGreat.\nThank you for sharing.\nOkay.\nSo now, in this section, we’re going to\ntalk with two advocates about their experience\nworking with incarcerated transgender survivors.\nFirst I’d like to introduce Dr. Jennifer\nOrthwein.\nJen is a pro bono attorney with the Transgender\nLaw Center, where her work focuses on institutionalized\ntransgender people’s rights.\nShe is licensed to practice law and psychology\nin California.\nShe began her career as a psychologist in\nthe California correctional and hospital systems,\nand her legal work with the Transgender Law\nCenter is largely informed by those experiences.\nThank you for joining us, Jen.\nThank you, Desiree.\nI’m happy to be here.\nAwesome.\nSo can you tell us a little bit about your\nexperience providing therapy to transgender\nsurvivors?\nSure.\nI worked at the Department of Mental Health\nwithin the California Department of Corrections\nand Rehabilitation.\nI was based in the California Medical Facility,\nwhich is a triage hospital for all of the\nDepartment of Corrections in California.\nI was placed in the mental health ward for\nacute crisis in the intermediate care program.\nMy mentor, Dr. Carl of U of C, whom I work\nclosely with, is the transgender specialist\nat the California Medical Facility and is\nthe main clinician who has been doing assessments\non transgender inmates for all of CDCR for\nthe past 15 years.\nI worked primarily with transgender women,\nas CMF is a men’s facility, and as Carolina\nstated before, most transgender women are\nhoused in men’s facilities.\nEvery person I worked with who was transgender\nindicated they had been physically or sexually\nassaulted at some point during their incarceration,\nbut they wouldn’t give more details for\nfear of retaliation and the dynamics of prison.\nYeah, and unfortunately, that’s something\nthat we have heard from a lot of the transgender\nwomen who write JDI.\nSo from your experience as a clinician, what\nare some of the most common clinical issues\nthat transgender survivors experience?\nSure.\nAlmost every person who I worked with met\nthe criteria to be diagnosed with posttraumatic\nstress disorder.\nI didn’t often know what led to those symptoms\nof trauma.\nSometimes it was many, many factors or many,\nmany experiences.\nBut many transgender and gender nonconforming\nsurvivors experience insidious trauma.\nThis occurs in a situation where someone is\nconstantly at risk or is vulnerable, for instance,\nwhere they feel threatened all the time.\nWhat also comes up a lot is fear and hypervigilance,\nmeaning feeling nervous and super alert.\nSurvivors are constantly looking out for danger.\nTheir minds are constantly in fight or flight\nmode.\nThat can cause a person to feel lethargic,\nemotionally and physically drained, and it\ncan cause panic attacks.\nFor a lot of inmates there is no option for\nflight.\nSo given that’s the situation for a lot\nof survivors, do you have any suggestions\nfor advocates who are listening as to how\nthey can help their clients who are facing\nthese issues?\nSure.\nFinding safety in prison is difficult.\nIt’s important to understand that you likely\nwill not be able to make someone safe and\nto realize that you \nare not there to fix everything.\nThe person may not feel safe in the prison\nenvironment, but they can feel safe talking\nto you.\nFoster a sense of trust and a place where\nsomeone can feel comfortable.\nGive the person the opportunity to talk about\ntheir experience without intervening.\nListen with an empathetic ear and never question\nthe person’s experience or how they are\nhandling it.\nInstead be understanding and empathetic to\ntheir experience.\nDon’t give false promises.\nBe clear about your limitations.\nHelp them find the power to identify what\nthey think they have immediate control over\nin order to feel safe.\nAnd try to ask open-ended questions, like\n“What worked for you in the past?”\n“Did deep breathing or relaxation in the\nmoment help you?”\nThese can disengage hypervigilance and panic.\nUnderstand that support systems are really\nimportant in detention.\nI ask, “Is there someone who you feel safe\naround?”\n“Are there any staff or inmates that you\ncan trust?”\nGreat.\nSo thank you for sharing your experiences\nand insights as a psychologist working with\nthe CDCR.\nI hope you don’t mind if we change gears\na little bit and talk about legal issues.\nCan you share with us the major legal issues\nfacing transgender folks that advocates can\nhelp with?\nSure.\nI can think of a few.\nSome inmates don’t know about their rights\nto be free from sexual abuse under PREA, so\nit’s very important to educate them on what\ntheir rights are and how to access them.\nAnd in attempt to secure their safety, many\ntrans women find themselves in coercive relationships,\nas the example read earlier demonstrates.\nOften transgender inmates’ reports of sexual\nabuse are dismissed or ignored.\nTheir assault is perceived by staff as a result\nof that person’s gender expression, and\nhaving staff respond to these reports can\nbe traumatizing in and of itself in such a\nmanner.\nSo many inmates make requests for help with\nhousing and classification to get out of a\ndangerous situation.\nSome inmates take it upon themselves to try\nto be moved for other reasons to get out of\na situation.\nAnd inmates also need assistance obtaining\nproper mental health treatment.\nThey may be in crisis or need a mental health\nbed.\nAssess for suicidal ideation and debilitating\neffects of anxiety and panic attacks.\nGreat.\nSo that’s a pretty comprehensive list.\nDo you have any suggestions as to how an advocate\ncan help other clients with these legal issues?\nMaybe let’s just start with the first two,\nPREA and sexual dynamics in prison.\nSure.\nIt is important to learn more about the PREA\nstandards and how they are implemented at\nthe facilities in your area, and inform your\nclients about these protections.\nThey should also have a PREA coordinator at\nthe facility that they can talk to and that\ncan work with them.\nCreate space to talk about coercive relationships.\nHelp them understand that when sex is coercive,\nthose relationships can cause serious damage\nover time.\nTalk to them about how coercive sex is a form\nof sexual assault and it is illegal.\nBut overall, be empathetic to your client’s\nneeds for safety in a prison context.\nRegardless of whether they decide to engage\nin coercive sex or decide to pursue other\nmethods to obtain safety, with that knowledge,\nit helps to foster a sense of empowerment\nin that context.\nCan you tell us more about how advocates can\nsupport survivors around legal issues like\nignored grievances and housing requests and\neven mental health issues?\nYeah.\nFirst, when it comes to legal advocacy in\ngeneral, really assess, discuss, and make\nsure that legal advocacy is something that\nthe survivor really wants.\nSometimes retaliation and concerns for their\nsafety will inform their decision to report.\nIt’s important to respect that person’s\ndecision and not lead them down a path that\nmight cause them more anxiety.\nIt’s fine to explore the options with them\nthough.\nAlways listen to what the client wants.\nIf they don’t feel safe, don’t push it.\nUnderstand that in many places, it is common\nfor staff to ignore reports of sexual abuse\nor not take them seriously, especially reports\nmade by trans inmates, and that is one of\nthe main, underlying causes of that is transphobia.\nYou can help to get their reports acknowledged.\nYou can write letters or make follow-up phone\ncalls or speak with a PREA coordinator in\nperson.\nPrisons tend to be more willing to pay attention\nand respond when they have outsiders looking\nin.\nThey don’t want to appear to the outsider\nto not be doing their job.\nSimilarly, you can also help with housing\nand classification requests related to sexual\nabuse in many of the same ways.\nIt is important to know the specifics and\nbecome familiar with PREA regarding housing\nand classification, which Carolina went over\nearlier, and their eighth amendment rights\nso that you can draft advocacy letters on\nthe survivor’s behalf.\nWhen a transgender inmate requests to be put\nin solitary confinement because they feel\nit is the safest thing to do if they are in\ndanger, it is especially important to advocate\nfor them to be reassessed because their current\nsituation may no longer meet their needs.\nSo for the advocates that are interested in\ndrafting these kinds of letters, what should\nthey be including?\nI’d say when writing a letter, it would\nbe important to include why the move you are\nsuggesting is important for their safety,\nwhy it is important for their mental health,\nand the move will be in line with federal\nregulations and the inmate’s eighth amendment\nrights, which prohibits cruel and unusual\npunishment.\nOh, and then earlier, I had asked if you could\ntalk a little bit about mental health advocacy.\nCould you tell us a little bit more about\nthat, please?\nSure.\nMental health staff can be strong allies.\nThey are allowed to advocate for new housing\nassignments.\nAlthough sometimes their requests go unheard\nby corrections, they do have the ability to\nadvocate.\nA lot of mental health staff still need a\nlot of training with this though and may not\nknow that they have the ability to advocate\non the inmate’s behalf.\nIn some jurisdictions, you can contact mental\nhealth staff or the inmate can have the staff\ncontact you.\nSurvivors can request to speak to outside\ncounselors through mental health staff and\ntalk about what a client needs together.\nA lot of mental health staff realize that\nthey have more power than people on the outside.\nIt may be helpful to point out that the primary\ngoal of providing care is to advocate for\nour clients and to provide safety.\nSo collaboration with mental health staff\nis key.\nRemember, according to the standards, an inmate\ndoes not have to name the perpetrator.\nThey only need to reveal that they have been\nabused in order to receive medical and mental\nhealth care.\nThank you for covering all of that.\nSo to summarize, what key points would you\nhighlight for our advocates that would be\nhelpful with both clinical and legal issues?\nSure.\nIt’s always important to take your time\nand make sure to build rapport with the clients.\nI think that this is the most important part\nof the work that we do.\nAffirm and respect their gender identity.\nAsk how they would like to be addressed.\nNever question your client’s feelings or\nwhat happened to them.\nTry to address their sense of safety.\nEmpathize with them.\nState your role and limitations.\nFocus on asking open-ended questions.\nYou should help them explore their options\nand give them a sense of agency.\nAnd educate yourself about prison culture\nand transgender people’s experiences.\nGreat.\nAnd finally, do you have any resources that\nyou would like to share with our advocates?\nSure.\nIn my work, I often send pamphlets and things\nto inmates, and one of the ones I use the\nmost is JDI’s “Hope For Healing” booklet.\nIt’s a great resource for me and my clients.\nJDI has many other great resources as well.\nAlso the Transgender Intersex Justice Project\nhas a publication called “Stiletto,” which\nyou might find helpful and useful, and I believe\nthat the transgender inmates that you may\nbe working with and survivors would also find\nthis useful.\nTGIJP also provides letter writing and support\nfrom people who have formerly been incarcerated\nor had similar experiences to those who are\ncurrently incarcerated.\nAnd then Black & Pink is a great resource\nfor pen pals and people to be able to share\ntheir experiences and get feedback from other\npeople as well.\nGreat.\nThank you, Jen, for all your advice and insight.\nSo before I introduce our next guest, I just\nwant to remind everybody in the audience to\nsubmit any questions you have using the question\nbox.\nJen will be here for our question and answer\nsection, so I’m sure you’ll have lots\nof questions for her.\nOkay.\nSo now we’re going to hear from our advocate,\nfrom our nation’s capital, Ms. Earline Budd.\nEarline is a 56 year old transgender woman\nand former executive director of the Transgender\nHealth Empowerment Incorporated.\nEarline is currently a treatment adherence\nspecialist at Helping Individual People Survive\nIncorporated, a discharge planner and liaison\nfor transgender issues for the Washington\nD.C. Department of Corrections and sits on\nthe Transgender Advisory Committee for the\nWashington D.C. DOC.\nThank you for joining us, Earline.\nThank you.\nSo can you please tell us a little bit about\nyour experience providing services to transgender\nsurvivors?\nWell, and thank you so much for having me\non this most important webinar.\nAnd my experience, actually, extends over\nten years in terms of my work as a volunteer\nwith the D.C. Department of Corrections as\na discharge planner.\nI’ve kind of been designated as the liaison\nfor transgender issues for the D.C. Department\nof Corrections facilities, which includes\nthe community correctional centers, which\nwe call “halfway houses.”\nNow that, in part, is because of my experience\nof being previously incarcerated with the\nDepartment of Corrections, which I never made\nit a secret that I am a returning citizen.\nI also sit currently on the D.C. Department\nof Corrections that work with Transgender\nAdvisory Committee, which we just recently\nmet last week.\nAnd we actually hear new transgender inmate\ncases weekly who come into the jail normally\nevery Wednesday, and that sometimes can change.\nOkay.\nAnd so can you please tell us a little bit\nmore about the role of the Transgender Advisory\nCommittee?\nWell, what happens is every transgender inmate\nincarcerated at the D.C. Department of Corrections\nis seen by the D.C. Department of Corrections\nTransgender Committee.\nThat committee is comprised of a medical practitioner;\nwe have a mental health clinician that sits\non, a correctional supervisor, and a chief\ncase manager, and a DOC approved volunteer,\nwho is currently myself, who is a member of\nthe transgender community or what they consider\nan acknowledged expert in transgender affairs.\nNow what happens is that committee actually\ndetermines the transgender inmate’s housing\nassignment only after we actually review all\nof the inmate’s records, the assessments,\nand an interview with the inmate.\nDuring that time, which that inmate provides\nhis or her own opinion of their vulnerability\nin the jail population, which we take and\nconsider very seriously.\nActually, we make so that it’s clear, specifically\nwhen we’re talking about based on someone’s\nhousing, based on their actual, personal appearance,\nthen we actually make a recommendation.\nThe ultimate decision has to go through some\nchannels and to the warden.\nOkay.\nSo that’s great to hear that it’s many\npeople involved in that process.\nSo can you break that down a little bit, go\ninto a little bit more detail for our advocates?\nYeah.\nSo what has happened is based on the policies\nthat the Department of Corrections has and\nthe D.C.\nHuman Rights Act, every transgender inmate,\nbe they male to female or female to male,\nthey must be…\nI must emphasize again… must be offered\nthe opportunity to be housed either by their\nsex at birth or their gender identity.\nNow for instance, if you have a male to female\ntransgender woman, like myself, meaning my\nassigned sex at birth was male and my gender\nidentity is female, who is incarcerated and\ncomes before this committee, the question\nthat they are asking me would be “Would\nI prefer to be housed with females, based\non my gender identity, or with males, based\non my assigned sex at birth?”\nNow most of the transgender inmates that have\ncome before us at the D.C. Department of Corrections\nsystems are transgender women of color.\nWe have had 98% of color, 1% Caucasian, and\n1% Latino-Hispanic.\nThe majority of the transgender women, and\nthere have been hundreds, which they’ve\ngone through this committee process, they\nhave elected to be housed by their sex at\nbirth.\nI reiterate, by their sex at birth, while\na minority choose to be housed by their gender\nidentity.\nOkay.\nAnd so can you give us an example of an inmate\nwho has gone through this process?\nWell, I actually chose to highlight that we\nhad one female to male, specifically one female\nto male transgender person who was in the\nprocess of reassignment surgery, who was placed\nin the men’s facility at the meeting with\nthe committee, and the vote was, our recommendation\nwas to allow it.\nBut this was also at the request of that inmate.\nAnd what we were told is that it kind of got\nout to the officers and maybe some of the\nother inmates that this inmate possibly was\nfemale to male, and after that, the inmate\nfelt very unsafe, so he had requested to be\nreclassified and to be housed in the women’s\nhousing unit.\nAfter he was moved into a female housing unit,\nbut given that was in transition, and after\nsome interaction he had with some of the female\ninmates, he felt, himself, he said, “I am\nsafe there as well.”\nOkay.\nBut we’re dealing with someone where clearly\nthey had a full beard.\nHe was waiting on top surgery.\nBut he was what we call “strapped in”\nat that time.\nAnd in the female housing unit, he faced as\nmuch of a threat because of his appearance\nas male.\nThere was a lot of sexual harassment and notes\nlike “If you mess with so-and-so, I’ll\ndo this to you and that to you,” and they\nwere talking about being “my baby’s daddy,”\nthose kind of things.\nSo we were able to actually reclassify him\nand move him to the female community corrections\nhalfway house, where he successfully completed\nthat program and was discharged.\nNow he said, after that process, he said that\nafter that, that process was really okay,\nbut there were some bumps along the way there\nas well.\nOkay.\nWow.\nSounds like quite a process.\nSo just to kind of change gears a little bit,\ncan you tell us about a time that you successfully\nadvocated for a trans inmate who was sexually\nabused?\nWell, yes.\nDuring some of the sessions that we have at\nthe jail, and we do individual counseling\nsessions, we found out that a transgender\nwoman found her cellmate was forcing himself\non top of her in the course of the night,\nas she explained it.\nAnd then she had told me about it during a\ncounseling session that we were having.\nBut at that point, she really didn’t feel\ncomfortable bringing charges against him,\nbut because of the agreement that we have,\nmeaning as a volunteer for the D.C. Department\nof Corrections, I had to bring this to my\nsupervisor’s attention, which was Chaplain\nBetty Green, and this is because in January\nof 2012 Director Thomas Faust of the D.C.\nDepartment of Corrections entered a policy,\nwhich is around the elimination of sexual\nabuse, assault, and misconduct on the program’s\nstatement 3350.\nSo we talked about the protections that PREA\nprovides, but she still didn’t feel comfortable\npressing charges.\nNow in terms of safety, we talked mostly about\nhousing and classification.\nNow she did not want to be put in protective\ncustody and she did not want the other person\nmoved because she did not want to be seen\nso much as a snitch.\nShe actually said to me, “If they lock me\ndown, I will be seen as a snitcher.”\nSo we actually brought her back before the\ncommittee, reclassified her, the supervisor\nand they moved her to another housing unit,\nand that’s what the survivor actually wanted\nwas to be moved away from her abuser, and\nshe did not want to file charges.\nAnd there are a lot of those kind of situations,\nby the way.\nOkay.\nWell, I’m glad to hear that she was able\nto secure something that was safest for her.\nYes.\nSo just to, again, talk about an issue that\na lot of advocates probably experience and\ncertainly a lot of survivors experience, can\nyou talk about an example of how to relate\nto staff or talk to staff about respectfully\ncommunicating with a transgender inmate?\nYeah.\nWell, so what I’ve seen in a lot of places,\npeople are going to say that “We don’t\nfollow this policy,” you know?\nAnd I don’t make it all about the policy.\nI can also say that in my training that I\nconduct, just imagine that you’re working\nwith a transgender survivor.\nAt the end of the day, now wouldn’t it be\neasier if you met that person halfway and\nfollowed the procedures, be respectful, and\nnot use the wrong pronoun or use inappropriate\npronouns, or whatever the case may be so you\ncan just kind of get through it and maintain?\nI just had a case with what we call the federal,\nI guess halfway houses, Department of Corrections.\nAnd they have to do what they call the “job\nverification” and it’s been calling and\nasking for a trans woman by using male pronouns,\nwhich is a big problem.\nNow in most cases, you’re going to work\nwith that person for a short time.\nYou want to make it as easy as possible for\nboth of you.\nNow sometimes that’s not all it takes.\nIt’s about being respectful.\nOtherwise, you’re going to have to have\na disgruntled transgender survivor sitting\nbefore you who is not going to want to work\nwith you and who’s not going to cooperate,\nand that’s going to make a difficult program.\nI also work with parole officers and supervise\ntransgender survivors when they get out of\njail.\nI have had some of them who say some very\nharsh things about [inaudible 0:42:45.4] and\nthey’ve said, “Ms. Budd, you’re talking\nabout this gentleman as if he’s female,\nand he’s on my case load and has X and Y\non the legal documents.”\nSo I have to really break it down.\nI say to them that, and we’re talking about\nwhat we call [inaudible 0:43:03.2] here in\nthe district.\nI say to them, “At the end of the day, we\nspend an hour talking about how the transgender\nperson is not cooperating with you, but can\nI ask…?”\nI usually say to them, “Can I ask you something?\nDo you think that if you used a little bit,\njust a little bit of common sense, in an office\njust between you and that person, if I just\ncall that person ‘she,’ is it really going\nto hurt?\nAll right, yes, you’ve got a legal document\nthat says ‘he’ on the paper, but if you’re\nrespecting their gender identity, don’t\nyou think that it would make it better?”\nAnd I guess what I’ve been doing at some\nof these trainings that I’ve had officers\ncome up to me and say, “Ms. Budd, it is\nreally working well.”\nNow unfortunately, there will always be people\nwho are going to continue having their own\nhomophobic ideas, and that’s when the policies\ncan be especially helpful.\nNow as an advocate, if you say to a staff\nperson, “You should be respectful of this\ntransgender person,” it can be helpful,\nbut when there is a policy, both the facility\nand the staff take it more seriously.\nI think most places should have developed\nand should develop their own policies.\nNow I would recommend that advocates support\nfacilities to consider looking at the DOC,\nD.C. Department of Corrections, or other policies\nfrom around the country to help develop their\nown policies and their procedures around respectfully\nworking with transgender inmates.\nThank you, Ms. Budd.\nThe way that you frame that, I think, can\nbe really helpful for a lot of us advocates.\nSo just to kind of conclude, what concrete\ntips or advice would you give an outside counselor\nwho’s working with transgender inmates who\nhave been sexually abused?\nWhat do you think that they can do best to\nhelp their clients while they’re behind\nbars?\nWell, one would be, first of all, making sure\nthat that person is understanding what it\nmeans to be transgender and then how to work\nwith a male to female or the female to male.\nKnow your resources.\nThat’s really been helpful for me, collaborating,\nidentifying other agencies and trans advocates\nwho can help you, and especially when you\nhave a case that you feel you can deal with\non your own.\nSome folks are just doing this because it’s\na job, but at the end of the day, you have\nto have a compassion for this work that we\ndo.\nGreat.\nThank you so much, Ms. Budd.\nSo I have some advocacy resources listed.\nThese are the ones that we had mentioned earlier\ntoday, and hopefully they can be very helpful\nfor you as they’ve been for other folks.\nThank you.\nThanks, Desiree, and thanks again to Earline\nand Jen for sharing your expertise.\nI want to encourage you all again to submit\nany questions you might have about what Desiree\nand our guests went over, or anything else\nfrom the webinar, using the question box on\nthe right.\nNow I’d like to share a quote from a survivor\nnamed Ophelia.\nOphelia is a transgender woman who was an\ninmate in the Virginia prison system, who\nwe were in touch with for several years.\nShe was released a few years ago and wrote,\n“I want you to know your thoughts are what\nhelped me and continue to help me through\nthis difficult time.”\nThis is the effect that you already have and\ncan continue to have in transgender people’s\nlives.\nI hope that you feel empowered and motivated\nto support the Zaharas, the Esmeraldas, and\nthe Ophelias in your own community.\nAnd remember that you’re not alone in doing\nthis work.\nThere is a community of support out there\nfor you as advocates as well.\nI hope you take advantage of the advocacy\nresources that we just went over.\nWe’ll be sending out a list of those in\nthe follow-up email after the webinar today\nas well.\nAnd remember that you can always contact JDI\nfor questions or technical assistance.\nNow my colleague, Carolina Aparicio, is going\nto go over some of your questions.\nThanks so much, Kamilah.\nSo we’re getting a few questions.\nPlease submit more, we have quite a bit of\ntime for questions, if you want.\nSo our first question…\nOh, I’d also like to invite Linda McFarlane,\none of our deputy executive directors, to\njoin us for the Q&A.\nAnd so actually, the first question is for\nyou, Linda.\nOkay.\nHi, everyone.\nWe have a question.\nIt says, “I am a PREA coordinator in Florida.\nOur state standards require that we cannot\nhouse males and females together.\nI like the concept of allowing transgender\npeople to be housed by their gender identity,\nbut we can’t do that due to this standard.\nHow are agencies dealing with this problem?”\nWhat a great question, and thank you for wrestling\nwith that.\nI appreciate the sentiment behind this.\nSo I think one of the ways that places are\naddressing that is if the facility goes through\na thoughtful process to determine that, let’s\nsay, the women’s housing unit is the safest\nand best place for a particular transgender\nwoman that that facility has decided that\nthat person’s gender identity is primary,\nand so that that person is a woman and is\nbeing housed with other women.\nAnd I think this is where many of the things\nin the PREA standards call for all of us,\nand in this case corrections, to really kind\nof rethink the way something is looked at\nso that, I think, as folks probably know,\npreviously it was always looked at “Okay,\ngenitalia determines what a person is,”\nand what we’re looking at more now is that\nactually gender identity, how the person lives,\nhow they identify, where they would socially,\nemotionally, psychologically fit best is actually\nprimary.\nSo that’s why the standards say that “in\ndeciding whether to assign a transgender or\nintersex inmate to a facility for male or\nfemale inmates, the agency shall consider\non a case-by-case basis.”\nSo the federal standards clearly give someone\nwho’s thinking as you are at your Florida\nfacility some backup to say that there is\nactually a different way to think about who\nis male and who is female than perhaps the\nway you’ve done it before.\nAnd I hope that makes sense.\nAnd it may require, in order to really meet\nthis PREA standard, it may require a re-looking\nat those state standards.\nIt may require a redrafting of that piece\nof it or it may simply require that sort of\nyou go back and in a thoughtful way, perhaps\nprobably with your attorneys, have a new sort\nof decision about what that actually means\nto house males with males and females with\nfemales because we’re looking at thinking\nvery carefully and thoughtfully about who\nis male and who is female.\nAnd I hope that makes sense.\nIf Jen or Earline have a different thought\nabout that question, I’d love to hear it\ntoo.\nNo, I think you’ve tackled it pretty well.\nThank you.\nGreat.\nOkay.\nSo our next question.\nI think, Jen, you might be the best person\nto answer this.\n“You said rapport is important.\nHow do I develop rapport if I only have 15\nminutes of time at a time with someone on\nthe phone?”\nWell, I honestly think that is a really great\nquestion, and sometimes rapport takes some\ntime to develop, especially when a person\nhas difficulty trusting people, which oftentimes\nfor transgender individuals, it can take some\ntime because of the experience that they’ve\nhad.\nSo there may be some testing that goes on.\nAnd I think in this context, the most important\nthing is to make sure that if someone is testing\nyou or they seem distrustful of you that you\nmake clear that you acknowledge and respect\ntheir gender identity, that you acknowledge\nand understand that they have experienced\nwhat they have experienced.\nOftentimes things that kind of destroy this\nrapport building are mispronouning or misidentifying\nthe individual, and that can shut someone\ndown really, really quickly.\nSo in that 15 minutes, it’s really important\nto think of number one, listening, being empathetic,\nnever questioning their experience, and those\nthings should help build rapport much quicker.\nWhen a person realizes that you are respecting\nthem and giving them the dignity that they\ndeserve, it’s a lot easier to build rapport\nand it happens much quicker.\nGreat.\nI think that’s really helpful for myself,\nas an advocate, and I hope other people do\ntoo.\nSo our next question, Linda, I think if you\nwant to take it first, and then maybe Earline.\n“I have been working with a transgender\nwoman in my local prison.\nShe has talked to me about being called a\n‘he’ all the time by the staff there and\nit really upsets her.\nWould that be considered sexual harassment\nunder PREA?\nAnd what would you recommend that I do about\nit?”\nI guess, I mean the first thing I’ll talk\nabout is if that’s considered sexual harassment\nunder PREA, and I’ll go back to the definitions\nof sexual harassment under PREA, which is\nthat if it’s coming from a staff member,\nit’s repeated…\nOne of the definitions is “repeated verbal\ncomments or gestures of a sexual nature to\nan inmate, detainee, or resident by a staff\nmember, including demeaning references to\ngender, sexually suggestive, or derogatory\ncomments about body or clothing, or obscene\nlanguage.”\nSo I mean certainly this sounds like it is.\nIt’s both repeated and unwelcome.\nIt is interpreted by this person as derogatory,\nregarding her gender.\nSo there is certainly an argument made that\nit could be.\nBut I also think that it sounds like it’s\nclearly a training issue and I think sort\nof as advocates we have to decide what’s\nthe best way to approach something.\nAnd I would think that this could be certainly\nsomething that she could make a complaint\nabout or that the advocate…\nThe advocate has contacts within the facility\nand I think you’ve heard this from both\nEarline and from Jen and from us on previous\nwebinars that building those good relationships\nwith facility staff, with security staff,\nwith mental health staff really helps to have\nsomebody to go to and say, “Hey, look, this\nis happening.\nThis is really being interpreted…\nThis is really feeling disrespectful and distressing\nto this person and creating a hostile environment\nfor her.\nWhat can we do about it?”\nAnd if you don’t have that kind of relationship,\nthis can be a way to reach out to try to build\nit, but certainly also try to talk to your\nclient about “What can you do to advocate\nfor yourself in this way?\nIs there somebody in the facility you can\ntalk to?\nWhat have you heard?\nWhat are the policies?\nHow are staff being trained?\nCan we find out if they’re being trained\nto use respectful language and what that looks\nlike?”\nSo again, I think that if it’s a pronoun\nissue, as Ms. Budd said earlier, really there\nis training, there is helping staff understand\nboth why it’s important and really, is it\nso important to, as I think she brilliantly\nsaid, to not do that?\nWhat are you gaining by not doing that?\nAnd so I think here, again, deciding what’s\nthe best approach, sort of a joining with\nto help educate them approach, or really hearing\nwhat your client is saying, that this is being\ninterpreted as harassment by her, and then\nthere might be a different way to address\nthat.\nThank you, Linda.\nDid you want to add anything, maybe about\nyour own experience with that?\nAnd thank you.\nI did.\nAnd absolutely.\nI actually was looking at the documents, our\ndocuments, around the PREA, and I think that\nit would actually meet the standards of harassment.\nBut I will say that, again, I guess, giving\na lot of kudos to the D.C. Department of Corrections,\nthere is a zero tolerance…\nAnd I think what happens is if it’s coming\nfrom the head up, meaning Director Thomas\nFaust is our director, and I can tell you\nhe was a sheriff before, before he came to\nDOC, and he is just…\nI can’t say enough about phenomenal because\nhe’s zero tolerance.\nHimself and actually the late deputy director,\nCaroline Croft, who was murdered on September\n7, they were just trans allies.\nBut the fact is that zero tolerance to any\nmisconduct based on the policy, the what’s\nbeen put in place, and I mean some officers\nhave been reprimanded and actually, I understand\nthat there may have been even termination.\nBut we don’t have a lot of this going on.\nWe do have complaints, but when the transgender\nresidents or inmates come before the committee,\nthey usually will bring that up and Mr. James\nReddick, who is the administrator to the director\nand was a former warden to DOC, he takes it\nvery serious, and I can tell you that they\nact on it promptly, and they also help and\nmake that transgender inmate that’s come\nbefore the committee feel really, really comfortable.\nAnd so as someone who has been previously\nincarcerated before over 20 years or more\nago, I can tell you that these things were\nnot in place when I came through the system,\nand I have really encouraged anyone that’s\nworked in a corrections facility to try to\nadvocate to have a transgender committee or\njust a group that really meets with transgenders\nand make them feel comfortable and making\nsure that they adopt some of the policies\nas the DOC in D.C. and around the country\nhave done in some of those places.\nThank you so much, Earline.\nI want to echo that.\nI think that’s great advice.\nI think our next question might be interesting\nfor those who… because you talk about having\na great policy at the D.C. Department of Corrections,\nwhich I think is fantastic, but this person\nsays, “The client I work with is sexually\nharassed all the time, called names, and grabbed\nat.\nThey have a policy, but it doesn’t seem\nlike they’re enforcing it.\nHow can I help in this situation?”\nSo either…\nEarline, if you want to talk about that.\nDid you say that was coming from the client?\nYeah, “The client I work with is sexually\nharassed all the time.”\nOh.\nOh, someone is saying they have a client that\nthey work with.\nYeah.\nI would say the person who is advocating for\nthat client, and this, we are talking about\nsomeone that’s incarcerated, and they’re\ngoing through that, the need is to find out\nwhat the chain of command is and what you\nneed to do.\nFirst of all, I always advise any transgender\ninmates and other inmates that I work with\nto file what is called the “inmate grievance\nform.”\nAnd I know a lot of times those forms get\ndiscarded and all that, but that’s the beginning\npoint, and then also keeping a copy of it.\nAnd then outside of that, if nothing happens\nin the jail, the prison itself, when you’re\ntrying to get a redress, then there’s always\nthe outside.\nI’m sure most places have, like we have\nthe D.C.\nOffice of Human Rights and you have the judicial\nsystem, the court.\nSometimes it has to be taken that far because\nI used to say, when I was filing cases, that\nthe only way to really see some resolve is\nto hit people by their pockets.\nFor some reason money means a lot to different\norganizations, so when you sue them, you hurt\nthem, and they take it very serious.\nYep.\nRight on.\nLinda, did you want to add anything?\nYeah, I mean just I certainly echo and agree\nwith everything that Earline said, but also\ntoo, particularly if you are a rape crisis\ncounselor that of course to pay attention\nto what that client’s really needing right\nnow.\nSo both to advocate…\nWhat is the best way to advocate?\nIs the grievance process a possibility or\ndoes it just make sense to just file a grievance\nif they haven’t already?\nAnd then as an advocate to try to follow up\nto find out what’s happened with that grievance\nand to find out…\nAgain, if they have a policy, why isn’t\nit being followed?\nWhenever a place has a policy, you can fall\nback on that.\nBut then too, on the flip side, to find out\nwhat does the survivor really need from you\nright now.\nIs it more that they’ve done what they can\nto struggle and what they need from you is\nsupport and to hear and to believe and to\nlisten that this harassment is traumatizing,\nis creating an unsafe environment for them\nand that they’ll have feelings and thoughts\nand fears about that that they’ll want to\nexpress and to help them to build coping skills\nto deal with that to protect themselves, sort\nof their core, emotionally, while they’re\ngoing through this?\nBecause if it’s a problem that sounds like\nit’s that entrenched, it’s not going to\nget solved overnight, no matter how incredible\nyour advocacy is.\nAnd so providing that support to that survivor\nto kind of make it another day in that hostile\nof an environment.\nThanks, Linda and Earline.\nSo our next question, Linda or Earline or\nJen, “How can I encourage the facility I\nwork with to adopt a trans-friendly protocol\nor policy?”\nSo we’ve talked about good policies that\nare already in place.\nWe talked about helping the individual client\nand what they want.\nBut how do you actually adopt or push for\nadopting a trans-friendly protocol?\nLinda, if you want to start us off.\nSure.\nI think that there are lots of examples out\nthere right now, certainly D.C. jail and Ms.\nBudd’s work is a shining example of that.\nThere is also several other places that have\nbegun something like a gender identity committee\nor a transgender-friendly policy, and I think\nthat what they have found, what the facilities\nare finding again and again is that these\npolicies, this sort of move to treat transgender\nprisoners with respect and dignity and ensure\ntheir safety makes the facility more dignified,\nsafe, and respectful for everybody.\nAnd I mean I think we know that as advocates,\nright?\nWhenever we protect one group of people’s\nrights, we’re all elevated.\nAnd I think that corrections are finding that\nagain and again.\nSo I’d say pulling out those examples and\ntalking about what the big benefits are going\nto be.\nMoney is one of the things, and safety and\nthe professional sort of status of the profession\nare other things that we can pull on.\nAnd then, again, we would love for people\nalways to do things for the right reason,\nbut if they’re not willing to do it for\nthe right reason, I mean again, there are\nprotections, as you mentioned, Carolina, earlier,\nand both of our guest speakers did as well,\nin the PREA standards.\nIt’s a federal law.\nThey are required to do some of these things.\nAnd so the best way to do that is to have\na comprehensive policy that addresses everything\nthat’s in the standards.\nSo again, go for the right reason, but if\nthey won’t do it for the right reason, go\nfor the liability, potential lawsuits, and\nthe requirements of the PREA standards.\nAnd I’d love to hear both what Jen and Earline…\nAnd this is Earline.\nI totally agree with what you just said and\nI will only speak for how D.C. action came\nabout, doing what it has done.\nYes, the Office of Human Rights amended its\nHuman Rights Act to include gender identity\nsection and all that, so that was one of the\nprovisions.\nThen PREA came along.\nBut I think the reality was we had a lot of\nadvocates because in 2008, 2009, we actually\nhad a director at the D.C. Department of Corrections\nwho was really resistant to any type of changes\nor special provisions around working with\ntransgenders, and it took the community to\nget outraged, Ms. Jerry Hughes and a lot of\nothers, at the mayor’s, Office of LBGTO\nAffairs, which was Jeffrey Richardson back\nin those days, and they actually advocated.\nThe group came together and they got judges,\nlawyers, and all of them signed on, and it\nbecame a situation where the community was\noutraged and decided, “We’re going to\nmake them.\nThey must comply with what we call the Office\nof Human Rights’ policies that had been\nset in place” and that’s what happened.\nIt happened and then, as I said, having a\nchange in director, in the leadership, now\neven though the policy was put in place, the\nnew director is just so zero tolerance to\nanything happening to transgender inmates\nwhile they’re incarcerated, we don’t have\nthose problems.\nSo sometimes it takes the community involvement\nto get involved if the prison or jail will\nnot adopt at that time because there are a\nlot of places that really will tell you quickly\nthat “No, we’re not going to adopt any\npolicies” and they feel like they’re giving\nspecial provisions or “We’re doing something\nspecial for trans” and that’s not really\nthe case.\nI think that’s a really good point that\nit’s not special.\nIt’s appropriate, right?\nYeah.\nAbsolutely.\nRight.\nCan I just add?\nYeah.\nThis is Jennifer.\nI just wanted to add…\nBoth Linda and Earline’s comments are incredibly\nhelpful and, I think, great avenues.\nJust one other option, I think, that might\nbe considered is working with the mental health\nstaff if you have a connection with them and\nhelping them to advocate around the mental\nhealth consequences of this behavior by the\nstaff.\nI know that when I was working in California,\nI drafted, using Chris Daley’s memo on model\nprotocols for transgender inmates, I used\nthat to help to create an administrative directive,\nand I passed it up to my clinical supervisor,\nwho then presented it to the entire correctional\nand mental health staff in our facility.\nUnfortunately, the policy didn’t pass, but\nnow there is a PREA guideline to back it up,\nso I think that if you can get a mental health\nstaff on the inside or a correctional staff,\nfor that matter, to be willing to do this\nadvocacy internally, at least for that particular\nfacility, that can be incredibly helpful and\nyou can help them draft this in conjunction\nwith the PREA standards.\nThat’s fantastic.\nThanks for the reminder, Jen.\nSo we have another question, a few more, actually.\n“I heard there is some kind of protection\nfor transgender inmates around showers.\nCan you talk about that?”\nAnd Jen, I don’t know if you know which\nPREA standard that is, or Linda, if you want\nto take that too.\nI can’t give you the number, specifically.\nOr just talk about it in general, yeah.\nYeah, there is a standard to prevent other\ninmates and staff, the staff that are of a\ndifferent gender, from viewing an individual\nin the showers.\nSo currently under PREA, as I understand it,\nis that they’re supposed to provide some\nsort of privacy for transgender inmates when\nthey shower.\nI don’t think a whole lot of facilities\nare doing this right now, but it’s definitely\nin the standards as a means to prevent sexual\nassault or gawking or catcalling, which often\noccurs when other inmates can see trans people\nin the showers.\nGreat.\nIt’s a good reminder.\nJen, you talked about some coping skills.\nWe have a question around “What are helpful\ncoping skills?”\nI know that we went over this in quite some\ndetail in an earlier webinar, but I think\nspecifically when talking about trans survivors\nor just in general, what are some coping skills\nthat you would give to some of your clients?\nRight.\nWell, I think, like I said previously, I think\nidentifying people that they can trust and\nletting them know and speaking with them about\ntheir experiences is incredibly important.\nObviously your role as a crisis counselor\nis incredibly important.\nSo helping them identify those people is a\ngreat coping skill and then identify what\nsupport that they can give them.\nI think also what I see a lot of is, and this\nisn’t always necessarily the best way, but\nin prison there is not a whole lot of options\nfor transgender people to flee a situation,\nso they’ll try and take the housing into\ntheir own hands by either behaving in a way\nthat will get them transferred to a solitary\nfacility.\nI don’t recommend that, but any way that\na person can identify things that they can\ndo within their own agency to get transferred\nif there are concerns and their needs aren’t\nbeing addressed by the prison.\nSo a lot of times I’ll see people come in\nwho are having suicidal ideation and that’s\na very real experience for them, but also\nthey are willing to report this to their medical\nprovider or their mental health provider as\na means to get out of the situation that they’re\nin and get into a crisis bed or some sort\nof mental health bed to temporarily protect\nthemselves.\nAnxiety and relaxation techniques are incredibly\nhelpful with people that are experiencing\npanic and anxiety in that environment.\nSo those are just some of the things I can\nthink of off the top of my head that I would\nrecommend in terms of coping skills.\nAlso writing to people on the outside, and\nI see a lot of transgender people who will\nwrite books and send them out to advocacy\norganizations, or long letters explaining\ntheir experiences, and having that outlet\nto be able to process and express what’s\ngoing on to an outsider, whether that outsider\ncan help or not, can be incredibly therapeutic\nand is a great coping skill.\nFantastic.\nThank you.\nI think we have one more question, unless\nanyone else wanted to add to that.\nI wanted to jump in for a second about the\nshowers, just for a second.\nOh, yeah, sorry.\nI would say that with us at the D.C. Department\nof Corrections and our community shelters\nin the community, the same policy that we\nhave in terms of when transgender inmates\ncome into the jail, they have to be taken\ninto a private area, stripped down with less\ndemeaning…\nThe only officers that actually get to see\nthat person is those that are, in most cases,\nusually one or two because there’s always\nhaving to be a backup, so I don’t think\nthey even have the cameras anymore, where\nthey photograph, so there used to be a camera\nin the R&D processing.\nSo all that has pretty much changed.\nBut that also goes to the showering in the\nunit.\nEven though in the unit they have the individual\nshowers with the curtains, but the transgender\ninmates are allowed to shower at a certain\nperiod in time.\nAnd in the shelters we have moved policies\nand most of the shelters have adopted that\nthere are certain hours that the transgender\nresidents are given to shower, sometimes late\nat night, after all the other residents have\ngone to bed, depending on what that transgender\nperson wants, especially those that are victims\nthat are going through some stuff.\nSo we take that very serious with the showers\nand D.C., again, is very progressive across\nnot just DOC, but the government agencies,\nmost of them have policies and procedures\non how to deal with transgender folks when\nthey come into their office spaces and all\nof that.\nSo thank you for that.\nThat was really something I really needed\nto chime in on.\nThank you for adding that, Earline.\nI think that’s really helpful.\nAlways good stuff from you.\nSo our last question.\nOh, and just the shower policy, under the\nstandards, is 115.42 standard F, in case any\nof you needed that.\nSo the last question, which I think Jen, this\none might be good for you to answer.\n“Can I do legal advocacy as a rape crisis\ncounselor?\nI’m not a lawyer.”\nI definitely think that anyone can do legal\nadvocacy, as long as they educate themselves\non the legal issues and the issues affecting\nhow those laws are played out for people.\nSo yes, I definitely think anyone could do\nlegal advocacy.\nI don’t think that there should be a bar\nif you don’t have a law degree.\nAs a lawyer, I often have to do a lot of educating\nmyself before I can do advocacy on any issue,\nso just because someone is a lawyer doesn’t\nnecessarily mean that they know the answers\nto every question.\nSo I think that if you want to be an advocate,\nthere is tons of information out there online\non this issue and on other issues as well\nthat you can access, and obviously JDI has\ngreat resources as well that can help inform\nhow you do that advocacy.\nSo no, I don’t think that you have to be\na lawyer to be an advocate at all, and I don’t\nthink it conflicts.\nI actually think it is consistent with your\nethical duties as a counselor to be an advocate.\nGreat.\nThank you for that.\nAnd I hope everyone knows, and I want to repeat\nit, that JDI can definitely help with any\nof your questions or with technical assistance.\nWe can try to help around a lot of your legal\nquestions.\nWe can certainly provide you resources to\nother agencies who can help on that level\nmore specifically.\nSo with that, I don’t know if anyone wants\nto add anything else.\nThat was our last question.\nNo, thank you.\nI was very honored to be on this webinar.\nI think it was something that was really needed\nand I’m sure that the time is very short,\nbut there is still much more information that\nwe need to work together to get out to folks\nwho are coming into the field, learning, trying\nto deal with this, and talking about policies\nand also talking about survivors, specifically\ntransgender survivors because that’s a big\ndeal.\nA lot of people don’t talk about transgender\nsurvivors.\nAbsolutely.\nThank you for having me.\nThank you.\nThank you for joining us.\nThank you both so much and thank you, everyone,\nfor chiming in.\nI have been, again, as you just said, there\nis still a lot of work to do, but this is\nanother area where the progress I’ve seen\nin a fairly short time is extremely exciting\nand a lot of people have worked very hard,\nbut just the numbers of people who have been\nattending this series of webinars has been\nreally heartening, and so thank you all, who\nare listening, for joining us.\nAnd with that, I’m going to turn it back\nover to you, Kamilah.\nThank you.\nAll right.\nThanks again, everyone.\nI just want to reiterate the thanks.\nThose were some great questions and really\nhelpful answers.\nI want to remind you all that much of what\nwe discussed today is included in the JDI\npublication “Hope Behind Bars,” which\nyou see here on the screen, “An Advocate’s\nGuide To Helping Survivors of Sexual Abuse\nBehind Bars.”\nThis guide is free and can be found on the\nadvocate resources section of JDI’s website.\nWe certainly encourage you to download the\nguide for future reference and share it with\nyour colleagues.\nAlso if you have any questions or need technical\nsupport, you can always contact us at Advocate@JustDetention.org\nand we’ll get back to you within two business\ndays.\nWe also encourage you to visit the advocate\nresources page on our website for more archived\nwebinars on a variety of topics, for different\nfact sheets, tools like sample MOUs and the\nforms that we’ve gone over in previous webinars.\nThe link to that site is JustDetention.org/Advocate-Resources.\nJDI also has a resource guide for survivors\nof sexual abuse behind bars, which is a guide\nthat lists legal and psychological counseling\nresources by state for survivors who are still\nincarcerated, for those who have been released,\nand for loved ones on the outside who are\nsearching for ways to help.\nIf your agency is interested in being listed\nas a resource in our resource guide, please\nfill out the form found on the link on your\nscreen.\nWe will also include the link in a follow-up\nemail, which you’ll receive later.\nOur next webinar will cover working with survivors\nin rural jails.\nThat webinar will be on January 28 at 11:00\na.m.\nPacific Time.\nWe’ll email more information on that in\nthe coming weeks.\nThank you so much for joining us.\nPlease take a moment to complete the evaluation\nthat we’re going to send later and provide\nus your feedback.\nThanks a lot.\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "Hey guys! and welcome back. I am welcoming\nyou to the last video of this video\nseries and in this video we are just\ngoing to create the footer or responsive\nfooter with social media icons, some\ninput boxes and some links. So, anyways\nlet's get into the coding. And let me\nremind you once again, if you want to\ncreate just one section of the website,\nyou don't have to follow the entire\nvideo series, you just have to follow the\nsecond video in this video series in\nwhich we have defined the CSS classes\nbecause those are the classes that we\nhave used extensively throughout the\nHTML part. So, you just have to create\nthose CSS classes, so for that just go\nthrough the second video and after that\nyou just have to follow the video for\nthe section that you want to create.\nLet's say you want to create this footer. So just go through the second video,\ncreate those CSS classes then you just\nhave to jump back directly to the last\nvideo and create this footer. You don't\nhave to follow the entire video .\nSo that was pretty much the gist of it.\nAnyways, let's get into the coding and\nlet's start with the footer. So let's\nbegin with a 'footer' tag and class just\nas always \"wrapper\" to make the\n\"display:block\" and remove the margin and\npadding. Alright. And let's give it an\nid = \"main-footer\". Let me see in the\nbrowser.\nOkay, we have to begin with the social\nicons, so for that let's create a\ncontainer div. This is going to contain\nall the icons and let's have the id\n\"social-icons\". Then get inside and\ncreate another div and give it class\n\"text-center\" to center align the icons\nthen get inside and let me just quickly\ngive a title and a subtitle\nand if you notice we are using a dark\ngreen color with the subtitle and a\nblack color with the title. Alright\nthen get below it and let's start with\nthe icons. So create a div and class \"text-white\"\n\"text-white\". This will make the icons\nwhite then get inside and create \ntag and class\n\"btn btn-social socicon\"\nor \"socicon-bg-facebok mx-2\".\nWe have\nalready seen this .btn class which is\nused to define a button but since this\nis not the general button that we have\nbeen using throughout the page this is\ngoing to be a round one so that's why\nwe are not using the .btn-pink with it\nand we are using a different one that is\n.btn-social and this .socicon-bg-facebok will be used to add a\nspecial or a different color to the\nFacebook icon then mx-2 will add two\nrem of margin on the right and the left\nof it then get inside and create tag\nthen class \"fab fa-facebook\"\nthis will define the font awesome icons\nsave it and let's see in the browser\nall right\nknow if you can see the icon but it is\nthere and it is even having the hovering\neffect then copy this entire span tag\nbecause this span is defining one icon\nso paste it as many times as you want\nand just change the name of the classes\naccording to the icons that you want so\nI am just going to fast forward through\nthis part you can keep pausing the video\nand follow it\nyou\nall right\nyou\nso you can see where this do containing\nall the icons is ending\nyou\nso we have to move outside the container\nfor the social icons\nbut stay inside the footer don't go\noutside the footer\nand now we will define the main content\nfor the footer\nyou do\nand the class .p-4 for this will add four\nrem of padding all within it then \"bg-light-pink\"\n\"pink-light-pink\" to add the light pink\nbackground to the footer then get inside\nand create another \nclass \"d-flex-r\" to have the flex-direction\nflex-direction: row and all the contents\nof the footer be defined in single row\nbut in different columns then text-black\nand let's give it an ID as well since\nthis is going to divide all the\ncolumns of the footer and we will begin\nwith the contact part where we will\ndefine the address\nso for that create our do\nand Class D - flex - C because within\nthis day we want the content to be\naligned in two different rows but in a\nsingle column\nthen W - 30 - give it 30% of the width\nof its container and let's give it in\nclass contact - address\nthat we can refer it in the CSS if we\nneed it in the same way let's define the\nother columns as well\nyou\nall right so 30 plus 30 plus 30 will\nequal 90% the list of the 10% will be\nused for the margin\nthen get inside the contact address\ncolumn or the first column and it will\nbegin with the image a small one so\nlet's create a div to contain the image\nand within the dough create a eat egg so\nthat the image becomes a link also and\nwithin the difference part you can write\nthe URL\nyou can define the image\nand add style attribute\nand height Vibram\ncan reduce the size of the image\nall right\nthen get outside this deal which is\ncontaining the image but stay within the\ndeal which is defining the contact\naddress don't go outside of that deal\njust come outside the deal with the\nimage\nall right\nnow let's define the address\nClea do\nclass address\nand create title\nyou\nthen let us create the rest of the\naddress using P tag\nyou\nand break tag is used to insert one line\nso that we can change the line all right\noutside the deal which is containing the\naddress\nand let's create another day for contact\nthen create the title for the contact\nyou\nand similarly let's create the paragraph\ntext for the contact\nyou\nlet's begin with email create a tag or\nthe anchor tag and in the reference\nright mail to Poulin then your email ID\nthen class to format it we want it to be\nin black color and bold\nthen within the text you can write the\nemail so that it is visible there\nso if we click on the email the default\napplication on your system for sending\nor receiving email will be opened up so\nthat an email can be sent to this email\naddress anyways then insert a breakpoint\non a break tag and write the phone\nnumber\nyou\nall right so the first column is\ncomplete\nnow let's get inside the second column\nwhich is the opening ours\nand let me just add text - Center to the\ndo so that the text is centered aligned\nall right\nthen get inside and let's begin with the\ntitle for this column\nyou\nyou can see that in the browser then\ncreate a div this div is going to have\ntwo different columns as we have seen in\nthe website\nso for that let's have D - flex - R\nand no margin let's begin with the left\ncolumn the left column is going to have\nthe name of the week days to create a\ndiv and this will have the class D -\nflex - C\nthem to be bold\nand right aligned\nand let's give it 45 percent bit all\nright and copy this\nleft column\nbees did and let's make it right column\nand we have to remove this text - bold\nso that the text becomes normal and here\nwe want the alignment of the text on the\nleft so in total we will get 45 plus 45\nthat is 90 percent bit all right\nthen get inside the left column and\ncreate span tag within the span tag keep\nwriting the days of the week\nall right in the same way let's create\nspan tags in the right column\nand within those span tags you have to\nwrite the timings so\nI am just writing one simple timing you\ncan have different timings for different\ndays\nall right\nyou can see that in the browser that the\nleft column is right aligned that is it\nis towards the timings which is on the\nright column alright so this creates the\nsecond column as well now get inside the\nthird one that is get in touch and let's\nstart with the title\nthen get inside and create a form tag\nthis form tag is used for creating a\nform for user input and a form can\ncontain text fields radio buttons or\ncheckboxes and we are going to define\nthe text fields within this and we are\ngoing to wrap the input fields within\ndiv class\nlet's give it margin of one room on the\ntop and bottom to separate the different\ninput fields\nthen get inside and create the input tag\ntype text\nname let's say name\nPlus field\nand the placeholder name\nwhatever we write inside the placeholder\nattribute is displayed in the input\nboxes by default so let's see in the\nbrowser\nand you can see that the name is written\nin the box so copy this entire do\nBaystate type remains the same\nlet's change the name\nto contact and the value for the\nplaceholder attribute as well\nall right\nthen leave some space and create another\ndiv class form\n- group\n- Ram of margin on the top and bottom of\nthis and within this deal we are going\nto define that text area a text area tag\ndefines a multi-line text input so it\ncan hold an unlimited number of\ncharacters and and the size of the text\narea can be specified by the number of\ncolumns and rows attributes or even we\ncan use CSS to add height and width\nproperty to this text area\nyou\nso let's add two rules\nall right\nnow below the text area we just have to\nadd the button and as always we will\nenclose the button within the div tag\nyou\non eight\nyou\nlet's minimize the columns\nyou\nall right now you can see where this do\nwhich is containing that last D - flex -\nR is ending you can clearly see that\npause the video and see it where the dev\nis ending\nand this dev is containing the ID main\nfooter divider get outside of this do\nand then create a P tag\nusing this P tag we are going to add\nsome copyright information\nyou\nalright then below the P tag we will\ncreate a small button which is a scroll\nto top button and in the reference part\nwe are writing hash my page because this\nis the ID of the body\nthen let me define the I tagged with the\nfont or some icon for that up arrow\nsymbol\nand let me just quickly show you the ID\nof the body tag\nall right\nyou\nso this completes the HTML part also\nlet's quickly jump to the footer in the\nCSS\nso let's start style\nthe social icons because we are going to\ngive different colors to the different\nsocial icons so I am going to fast\nforward this part also because there's\nnothing much for me to explain I am just\ngoing to refer to the different icons\nthat we have already defined and we will\ndefine the background colour as well as\nthe border color because if we don't\nspecify the border color the animation\nwill not take place and the animation\nhas been defined with the BTN class so\nwe don't have to do anything except\ndefining the border color and I'm going\nto do the same with all the social icons\nso keep pausing the video and try to\nfollow it\nall right and now let's make the icons\nrounded for that we will use the BTN -\nsocial class let's have the width height\nand the line height same\nall right\nthen let's begin with the footer the\nmain content for the footer and in the\nsecond column let's align it to the\nbeginning of the flags or the flag start\nor the top\nyou\nall right\nyou\nnow let's tile the input boxes and we\nhave used the form control class with\nthe text area and the field class with\nthe input boxes\nlet's style them\nyou\nand change the font style as well\nall right\nyou\nlet's remove the border\nyou\nall right\nyou\nand also let's make it transparent\nyou\nand let's add some padding on the top\nand bottom only\nand also let's add the border only on\nthe bottom\nyou\nstill we are getting this outline let's\nget rid of that by using the : focus\nselector since the outline is visible\nonly when we focus on the input boxes\nyou\nall right\nnow also let's add text area\nyou\nall right now the last thing that we\nhave to do in this video series is the\nmedia queries for the footer and below\n768 breakpoint we want the columns of\nthe footer to be aligned in two\ndifferent rows and for that we are going\nto use the D - flex - our class\nyou\nand we will change the road direction to\ncolumn we have been using this\nthroughout the video series\nyou\nand you can see that now\nand also if you want to see which class\nI am talking about\nit is this one D - flex - are and these\nare the three columns that are getting\naligned in different roles\nnow let's add some padding on the bottom\nof each column\nyou\nall right\nyou\nnow let's\nnow let's style this copyright text\nyou\nand also let's position this back to top\nor scroll to top button and the style it\nlet's give it the background color light\npink\nall right let's give it a high z-index\nso that it is always on top of other\nelements and display as inline-block so\nthat it can be displayed with other\nelements position fixed and bottom 1.5\nRam\nright 1.5 ram so it will be at a\ndistance of 1 point 5 gram from the\nbottom right corner then let's give it a\nbit of 3 Ram\nthen height of freedom\nas well as the line height of three lamb\nthen have font-size to ram and add a\ntransition effect as well and let's make\nit a little opaque all right\nall right so with this the entire\nwebsite is complete with all the\nsections and all the knits and grades\nyou can go ahead personalize it more or\ndesign it even further use it in your\nproject or use it for practice and if\nyou liked my video series please don't\nforget to like and comment on my videos\nand don't forget to subscribe to my\nchannel also let me know in the comments\nhow much you have liked the videos and\nalso give your feedbacks in the comments\nabout the things that you have liked or\ndisliked about this video series your\nvaluable comments are always welcomed so\nI am going to see you in the next video\nseries till then take care and thanks\nfor watching\nyou\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "Our mission at Google Health is to help everybody live their healthiest life.\nI’m David Feinberg and I lead Google Health. \nGoogle has been in health for a long time.\nWhen you think about it, many of our searches are around healthcare.\nWhen you get a diagnosis, a medication, a new symptom, people go to Google.\nSo what we thought we could accomplish\nis take the functionality that we know from organizing information, \nand put it on top of your record.\nSo when your doctor is looking for something,\nYou know, did you have that Pneumovax? Did you have an MRI? \nHow did you have a response to that medicine before? \nWe will pull up all that information from your record,\nso that your doctor can spend more time with you, \nlooking at you instead of looking in the computer.\nNow everybody who’s spent time looking at healthcare data\nknows that it’s incredibly complex.\nWhy? Because healthcare is incredibly complex.\nPatient information is scattered across multiple different silos. \nSo how do you bring those…\nconnect these dots from the patient standpoint?\nDoctors face this every day.\nMany physicians practice in more than just a single system, \nand so they have to log into different electronic health record systems.\nWhen you need to find something about a patient\nand you have the record in the fax and it's sitting in the image in the computer,\nyou want to be able to just search ABX or CXR, \nwhich is how doctors talk about chest x-rays,\nand it should pull up that chest x-ray.\nWe’re fortunate to work with many health systems \nwho are trusting us and putting the data on Google Cloud.\nAt Google, we generally design and build products for billions of people. \nAnd in this case, \nwe build products for millions of doctors and nurses\nto help billions of patients.\nThe technology is mind blowing,\nbut if we don't have the trust of the doctor, the nurse,\nthe mom, the dad, the elderly person, the patient, \nit doesn't matter how good the technology is. \nWe’re not going to mess with this.\nWe’re going to do it the absolute best way possible,\nwe’re going to treat it with the respect that it deserves.\nWe’re all in this together and we all have that same mission.\nWe’re trying to empower doctors to be the best versions of themselves.\nTo me it’s making communities and families healthy\nso they don’t have to think about healthcare.\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "oh oh oh\noh what's going on\noh\nhow dare you bitch ah oh am i dead\ni'm not okay oh i got one guy um\nthere's a guy over there\nNO DUH\njust be dead oh i am terrified right now\nah crap oh am i dead\nokay screw you\noh good job guys where am i whoa\noh oh\nwhy did i just shoot that\nfucking blew his head off did you see\nthat there's his head, that's his head right over there\nBOOM!\nuh meeting room....\nmeeting room okay only 4 minutes crap\nmistake mistake, MEAH! AH AH AH!\n\"thanks\"\nokay\nthanks\ni can't i couldn't move\nhow am i supposed to get out of there\nthat was rookie by the way that was the\neasy one\nlet me go this way this time\nshit what\nREALLY?\n*ANGRY SIGHING*\ni quit yeah so all guys the game was uh\npretty fun\nto say the least um if you liked it\nuh just click the subscribe button below\nand uh\ncheck out the vr chat playlist at the\ntop right corner\num yeah because i did some VRCHAT videos\nOUTTRO MUSIC\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "Mercato Juventus: Zidane ritorna al Real, altri eventuali sostituti di Allegri\nIl Real Madrid ha ufficializzato l'esonero di Santiago Solari, scegliendo come successore colui che lasciò la panchina esattamente 10 mesi fa, ovvero Zinedine Zidane. Al tecnico francese, capace di vincere le ultime 3 Champions, è stato offerto un contratto fino al 30 giugno 2022.\n\"Felice di tornare a casa, non potevo dire di no a Florentino\" ha dichiarato nella sua prima conferenza da 'figliol prodigo'. Ricostruire una squadra dopo una stagione disastrosa.\nEppure, esattamente 10 mesi fa, Zidane aveva deciso di lasciare la panchina del Real con un \"no\" secco alle proposte di Florentino Perez.\nSembrava che non ci fosse più verso di convincere colui che su 149 partite da allenatore delle merengues ne ha vinte ben 104.\nL'uomo capace di vincere 3 Champions di fila, un filotto record se consideriamo che gli altri allenatori plurivincitori (Carlo Ancelotti e Bob Paisley a quota 3 come Zidane) hanno comunque intervallato i propri successi nel massimo trofeo continentale.\nQuest'anno è il terzo allenatore sulla panchina delle merengues diventata improvvisamente incandescente, Solari aveva infatti sostituito l'ex CT della nazionale, Julen Lopetegui.\n'Zizou' arriva per salvare la stagione e l'obiettivo diventa il secondo posto della Liga alle spalle del Barcellona che sembra ormai imprendibile, attualmente occupato dai 'cugini' dell'Atletico Madrid.\nIl Real è già fuori da tutte le coppe, compresa la Champions dove ha subito una severa lezione di calcio dall'Ajax.\nZidane si ripromette inoltre di ricompattare un ambiente 'depresso' con numerosi giocatori che venivano dati in partenza proprio per il pessimo rappporto con Solari: il ritorno del francese cambia certamente molte cose. Un ritorno che influenza il mercato degli allenatori.\nQuanto accaduto in Spagna fa probabilmente sentire i suoi effetti anche in Italia dove Zidane era stato ripetutamente accostato alla Juventus per prendere il posto di Massimiliano Allegri, dato per partente a fine stagione.\nSe davvero l'attuale tecnico lascia la vecchia signora, per cercare un sostituto all'altezza si dovrà guardare altrove. Magari all'ex della situazione, Antonio Conte, anche lui coinvolto in possibili intrecci di calciomercato che riguardano panchine e tecnici importanti.\nTra questi José Mourinho al centro di indiscrezioni su un possibile ritorno al Real.\nErano state ventilate anche le cifre di un possibile accordo, si era parlato di un contratto fino al 2022 con un ingaggio di 17 milioni a stagione, più eventuali bonus che si aggiravano tra i 5 e i 6 milioni.\nIl tecnico portoghese ex Inter, a quanto pare, avrebbe gradito questa proposta, ma è chiaro che adesso le cose sono cambiate anche per lui.\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "\nChinese: \n100多年前\n一位名叫阿尔茨海默的德国医生\n在痴呆症患者的脑切片中发现了异常现象\n从那之后 人们开始研究他发现的\n那些奇怪的斑块和缠结\n希望有一天能认识并治愈以他名字命名的\n阿尔茨海默病\n这些斑块是不溶性肽沉积\n名为β-淀粉样蛋白或Aβ\nβ-淀粉样蛋白是淀粉样前体蛋白\n经β分泌酶和γ分泌酶依次切割后的产物\n这种切割还会产生其它分子\n可能也在阿尔茨海默病中起到作用\n\nEnglish: \nOver a century ago,\na German doctor called Alois Alzheimer\nspotted anomalies in brain sections\nfrom a patient with dementia.\nEver since, people have been studying\nthe strange plaques and tangles that he saw\nin the hope that we could one day understand and cure\nwhat is now known as Alzheimer's disease.\nPlaques are insoluble deposits of a peptide\ncalled amyloid beta, or Abeta.\nThey're formed when a protein\ncalled Amyloid Precursor Protein,\nis sequentially cleaved by two enzymes:\nbeta and gamma secretase.\nOther molecules are generated by this cleavage\nand may play a role in the disease,\n\nChinese: \n但Aβ是致病元凶\nAβ容易发生错误折叠 产生粘性\n聚集成可溶性低聚物\n一些低聚物又会形成较大的不可溶性原纤维\n在脑中沉积 形成斑块\n低聚物有多种形状或种类\n但尚无法确定哪些种类有毒\n研究显示它们会降低突触之间的通讯和突触可塑性\n这或许是大脑无法形成或检索记忆的真正原因\n神经元并不是阿尔茨海默病中唯一受到影响的细胞\n星形胶质细胞和小胶质细胞也会发挥作用\n小胶质细胞是清除废物的免疫细胞\n还能在发育过程中修剪突触\n小胶质细胞会吞噬Aβ\n但也会被Aβ激活\n继而释放炎症性细胞因子 破坏神经元\n\nEnglish: \nbut Abeta is the main culprit.\nAbeta tends to misfold and become sticky,\neventually clumping together to form soluble oligomers.\nSome of these aggregate into large insoluble fibrils\nthat deposit in the brain as plaques.\nThe oligomers come in several forms, or species.\nWe don't know exactly which species are toxic,\nbut research shows that they weaken communication\nand plasticity at synapses.\nThis could be what stops the brain from forming\nor retrieving memories.\nNeurons aren’t the only cells\naffected in Alzheimer's disease;\nastrocytes and microglia also play a role.\nMicroglia are immune cells that clear out waste\nand prune synapses during development.\nMicroglia take up Abeta, but,\nthey also get activated by it,\ntriggering the release of inflammatory cytokines\nthat can damage neurons.\n\nEnglish: \nThe microglia also start to remove synapses\nby phagocytosis.\nAs synapses start to malfunction and neurons die,\nabnormal patterns of activity emerge,\nand eventually, the brain can't process\nand store information properly.\nAnother key feature of Alzheimer's disease\nis neuro-degeneration.\nNeuronal death and damage\nis triggered by Abeta,\nbut some of Abeta's effects seem to be mediated\nby another protein seen in the brains of patients:\nTau, a component of tangles.\nIn a healthy neuron,\nmolecules are carried along the axon\non a series of 'tracks'\nmade of microtubules and stabilised by Tau.\nBut in Alzheimer's disease, Tau is modified,\ncausing it to dissociate from the microtubules,\nadopt an abnormal shape\nand move from the axon to the cell body.\nLike Abeta, Tau comes in a variety of forms\n\nChinese: \n小胶质细胞还能通过吞噬作用清除突触\n一旦突触功能减退 神经元死亡\n就会出现异常的活动模式\n最终导致大脑无法适当地处理和存储信息\n阿尔茨海默病的另一大特征是神经元变性\nAβ会导致神经元死亡和损伤\n但Aβ的作用似乎会受到\n患者脑中另一种蛋白Tau的介导\nTau是缠结的一种成分\n在一个健康的神经元里\n分子会在一连串“轨道”上沿着轴突移动\n这些轨道由微管组成并通过Tau来稳定\n但是阿尔茨海默病患者的Tau被修饰\n导致其和微管分离\n形成一种异常形状\n并从轴突向细胞体移动\n和Aβ一样 Tau也有各种形式\n\nEnglish: \nand we don't know which ones contribute to the disease.\nAnd like Abeta, these forms either remain soluble,\nor stick together and deposit\nas the tangles that Dr Alzheimer saw.\nEventually, these processes kill the neuron.\nAnother problem seen in animal models\nis that misfolded Tau proteins can spread,\nacross synapses, into healthy neurons.\nThere they make healthy Tau proteins\nstart to misfold as well,\nspreading pathology across the brain.\nThe pattern of spreading\nthrough the different brain regions\nmatches the changing symptoms\nfrom early to late stages of Alzheimer's Disease.\nThis pattern also reflects how certain neurons\nare more vulnerable than others to dying.\nDespite these advances in our understanding\nof Alzheimer's disease,\nno cure exists.\nWhile drugs are being developed\nto target Amyloid Beta or Tau,\nit's unclear whether they will eventually be successful\n\nChinese: \n但哪种形式会致病尚不明确\n也和Aβ一样 这些形式要么是可溶的\n要么会聚积在一起形成沉积\n变成阿尔茨海默医生所观察到的缠结\n这些过程最后会导致神经元死亡\n动物模型还揭示了另一个问题\n那就是错误折叠的Tau蛋白会\n从突触向健康的神经元蔓延\n让健康的Tau蛋白也开始错误折叠\n导致病变在整个大脑蔓延\n在不同脑区的蔓延模式\n与阿尔茨海默病早期到晚期的症状变化相符\n这种模式还反映了某些特定神经元为何更容易死亡\n虽然我们对阿尔茨海默病的认识已经取得了进展\n但目前尚无治愈良方\n虽然人们一直在研发靶向β-淀粉样蛋白或Tau的药物\n\nEnglish: \nin treating the disease.\nThere's only one certainty:\ncontinued support for basic and clinical research\nwill enable us, one day,\nto diagnose and treat this devastating condition.\n\nChinese: \n但并不确定它们是否能成功治愈阿尔茨海默病\n有一点毋庸置疑\n继续加大对基础研究和临床研究的支持\n最终将使我们能够诊治这一破坏性疾病\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "DAVID\nMISSOURIANS WHO QUALIFY FOR FOOD\nSTAMPS WILL CONTINUE TO GET\nMAXIMUM BENEFITS\nTHROUGH THE END OF JUNE.\nDAVID\nTHROUGH THE END OF JUNE.\nDAVID\nTHIS IS AN EXTENSION OF THE\nPANDEMIC SNAP PROGRAM ... WHICH\nALLOWS FAMILIES TO RECIEVE THE\nMAXIMUM AMOUNT OF BENEFITS\nAPPROVED FOR THEIR HOUSEHOLD\nSIZE ... DURING A STATE OF\nEMERGENCY.\nTHESE EXTRA BENEFITS WILL\nAUTOMATICALLY BE LOADED ONTO\nE-B-T CARDS.\nFOOD STAMP INTERVIEWS ARE ALSO\nSUSPENDED THROUGH THE MONTH OF\nJUNE.\nIF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT\nYOUR BENEFITS ... YOU CAN CALL\nTHE DEPARTMENT OF\nSOCIAL SERVICES AT 855-373-4636.\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "Alright guys, so we have finished \nup all of our testing at this point,\nand now we need to sit down and actually \nhave a discussion about how the guns are\nmatching up with our first impressions. \nWe need to see where we're at now.\nSo what are we gonna really start out with first? \nI mean for y'all it may have been just a few minutes,\nbut now we're a few days past this we've \ndone all the guns. So, where are we at?\n- Well, mostly I'm tired and my elbows hurt.\n- Yeah, I got some knee pain, not gonna lie.\n- I've got some of that.\n- Don't forget for everything that was \nfilmed in a minute. We were lying down,\nwe're taking camera positions, we're \nfiddling with mags making sure they're working.\nSome of us, Mae and I especially, are running \naround actually working the camera equipment.\nSome lazy sucker...\n- I'm just sitting there getting to shoot guns.\n- Actually before we go any further, \nthank you for our range volunteers\nJohn Klear and Bruno and Jay from our own team.\n- And Suzie as well. She was definitely keeping us on track for you know, making sure we were on schedule.\n- Yeah, the fact that we have all this \nstuff in order is on her, and then....\n- Kind of a miracle too.\n- Yeah, it's been hectic. I'm sorry that \nyou were subjected to our process.\nBut we are at the end of it. \nAnd so we do need to make a call.\nI know a lot of you guys are gonna \nwant to hear what is a winner, right? So...\n- But you have to wait, because we have to embarrass \nourselves by citing our actual experience\nversus our ignorant expectations.\n- That's true.\n- Yep, so what was our first gun that we discussed?\n- The first one, I have it here on the \npermanent record, is the Hotchkiss.\n- Okay, so how did we feel about the \nHotchkiss? Well, we hated the sight.\nThat was like one of the things that stood out. \nProbably the thing that we referenced the most,\nwith some reservations about the feed strip. \nBut I think by the time we were done,\nI'm gonna tell you, I don't remember \nnoticing the sight as a problem.\nI don't think anything I failed on that gun had \nanything to do with the sight. And honestly, it seemed\nlike it sighted just fine. Like once I was out in \nthe daylight with it, I could read it every time.\n- Oh, yeah, it ... was a matter of like actually staying \nlined up on the sight while shooting though, unfortunately.\nAnd then you were talking on the \nimpressions about the crow's feet\nand how you thought those were gonna perform. \nYeah, that bipod was still definitely awkward.\n- That was on point, a double section...\n- But what's surprising to me... First off,\nthe one thing we didn't fully appreciate the \nawfulness of was the pre-loading procedure\nand those feed strips. They're terrible.\n- Now some of that's because I've handled, \nI don't know about you guys,\nMae and I have handled the Hotchkiss 1914 \nwhich is the original, where the feed strip\nlays in and just sort of feeds with the \ncartridges up and the strip down.\nI think it is extremely easy to get those \nstarted. This is inverted and that\nsuddenly, don't get me wrong, it makes the \ngun smaller and lighter, but god-awful to load.\n- ... On the other hand, what I hadn't anticipated in my \ninitial expectations was, despite all the problems,\nall the things that are anti-ergonomic \nabout this gun, it still actually did fairly well.\n- Oh, yeah.\n- Like it shot better, it performed better than I expected.\nI didn't like shooting it, but I was able to \ndo better with it than I thought I would.\n- I actually have an odd question, do either \nof you remember it performing that well?\n- No, my impressions are always when I got \ndone like, \"Oh, thank god that's over\".\n- Even with the very first test like we thought with its \nfirst score at the 100 yard, that that was god-awful.\nWe thought ... tons of other guns were gonna blow it out \nof the water. And yet it was one of the top contenders.\n- I won't say top. It came right in the middle.\n- It was just above, it was like number 3 out of 7.\n- I guess I think top three.\n- It's so strange because that's only by the numbers. Every \nsubjective experience is, \"Get that thing away from me\".\n- But ultimately what matters is can \nyou put the rounds on the target?\n- Yeah.\n- So it's still awful, but it's not quite as \nawful as I had anticipated it would be.\n- True.\n- Oh such a good rewarding prize, \"The Hotchkiss, \nnot as bad as you think it would be\".\n- Alright, next up is the BAR.\n- Mmm, we had very high hopes for this guy.\n- We did, although we did point something out in the \nbeginning that just stayed true was the lack of a bipod.\nThat really did make a difference in terms of, \nlike, laying prone with that especially.\nNow granted walking fire it did, you know, \nit didn't do as much like on targets\nwe were like with the walking segment. But when \nstanding there and burst firing, it did pretty OK.\n- I still say about it, it was kind of a disappointment. I \nbelieve Ian was the one that said it could use a bipod,\nand I think that's true it still could use a bipod.\n- Absolutely, it requires a bipod.\n- I made the mistake of saying look this gun is one \nof two patterns that we've been dealing with\nthat were designed for walking fire, \nso it should do really well in at least that.\nNo, actually the one thing that it does \nreally well at and that we didn't even test for,\nis that does really well at just being \na really awkwardly large rifle.\n- Yeah.\n- Like it's just if you got big ol' hands, \nthis is the rifle for you.\nSemi-auto only though, because the high rate of \nfire and the recoil and that sort of pitch in direction\nwhile recoiling really keep it from \nbeing one the top performers on the move.\n- This is a little bit off-topic, because it's not World \nWar One specifically, but the thing that really\ncame to light for me as a result of this was \nunderstanding the World War Two BAR, the A2 version.\nBecause previous to this, every feature I \nlook at on the A2, I'm like, \"They made it worse\".\nThey made the sights smaller and more \nprecise, but smaller and harder to use.\nThey slowed down the rate of fire and gave it a fast \nand a slow setting instead of a semi- and a full-auto.\nThey added this huge heavy bipod to it.\nAnd when I look at it in context of this test now, \nwhat I'm seeing is the Ordnance Department saw,\n\"Oh, we need a bipod because it needs \nto work prone as a light machine gun\nso we'll put on a bipod. And a big heavy \none like the Lewis gun had, or like\nseveral of the others in here have. A big \nheavy bipod, that's good, that works.\nAnd it's not all that accurate when people \nare trying to shoot it in bursts from prone.\nSo we'll give it more precise sights, we'll \ngive it the sights off of the Springfield 03.\nAnd we need to slow down the rate \nof fire because it shoots too fast,\nso we'll give it a slow setting instead of a semi-\nauto setting ... in conjunction with the bipod\".\nAnd while I don't think those changes \nworked the way they wanted them to, I can\nunderstand now, I think, the rationale behind those \nchanges, which I'd never been able to figure out.\n- No, it's obvious they were like stacked \nsequential changes where they're going,\n\"OK, we're gonna do this\". As a matter of fact, \nwhen you say the bipod, now I can't help\nbut think how much the later BAR bipod looks like \nthe Lewis gun bipod, I mean, the wing nuts and all.\n- And the weight, ... but they made it wider, which \nmakes it better than the Lewis in that way.\n- It does.\n- It's more stable than a Lewis gun bipod, \nand they let it pivot. Which the Lewis doesn't.\n- No.\n- No, it's not capable.\n- It's weird, it's one of those things that maybe ... it's \nnot as insane as you think it is. It just doesn't work.\n- Ultimately the problem is that the World War One \nBAR, the reason it didn't do so well in our testing,\nnot as well as its reputation would lead you to \nbelieve I think, is that it is truly an automatic rifle.\nAnd we are testing it as a light machine gun, \nand it's not that great of a light machine gun.\n- No, it's really not.\n- But you can't really have a cool\nwide-scale, you know testing of all the \nautomatic rifles, because there's only two.\n- I will say there's one way in which it \nmight have done very, very well,\nbut it was a test we didn't get \naround to, we just ran out of time.\nWe were planning a dash and drop test. \nWe were going to run, drop and fire.\n- And we're were gonna fire off of like a barricade, a \npile of debris, logs, dirt, like a trench lip or a crater lip.\n- And it would have done all right \nfor that, it really would have.\n- After laying them down repeatedly, it's probably the \nonly one that you (because it just doesn't have a bipod),\nthere's no need to kick out and drop. But it's light \nenough that just for five quick shots on a paper target,\nman-sized target, if I just drop and shoot a man with \nit, I'm gonna feel very strong about that for the BAR.\n- Yeah.\n- Yeah.\n- Yep, I think it's a very good combat weapon. But that's \nnot necessarily quite reflected in the testing that we did.\n- Unfortunately not.\n- Next up is the 8mm Chauchat.\n- You know that one, it did slightly \nbetter than what I was expecting.\n- I remember somebody saying that \nit was gonna do pretty well.\n- I wouldn't know anything about that.\n- Someone who's invested a lot of money into Chauchats.\nSo might have crashed his own \nretirement plan with this testing.\n- So even though you gave us that \nimpression that it was gonna do well\nI still had my reservations about it, \nand those reservations\nkind of came to light as we were \nusing it, because it ... was very\nawkward. And laying prone with that thing \n... you can't get your head behind that. I never,\never was able to line up with that \nsight picture. Never, not even once.\n- I agree, it did not do as well as I expected \nthat it would. Now it didn't crash and burn.\n- No, it didn't.\n- And it was reasonably close to my expectations,\nbut I painted a bit of a rosy picture going in and, \nyeah, and it hurts a little bit to see that shattered.\nBut I try not to actually have an \nemotional attachment to something like this.\nI still like it for its history, you know, \nits history doesn't change.\n- No, it doesn't.\n- I want to point out that he did have an \nemotional attachment to it, it's just that now\nhe's a horrible cheater because he's fallen in \nlove with another, as we're gonna hear later.\n- Oh, yeah.\n- Maybe.\n- Talking about the Chauchat, an interesting thing \ncame up is that we had to prepare these guns\nto be out on the range, and a lot of that came from Mark \nover at Anvil Gunsmithing, like we've said a few times.\nAnd he and I had a conversation in which \nhe said understanding this gun in repair\nhas led him to understand it in terms of \nmanufacture. And the Chauchat is probably\nway up the list, ... probably definitely is the top \nof the list in terms of ease of manufacturing.\n- Oh, without any doubt.\n- The ability, ...\nthe number of Chauchats in the conflict, \ncompared to the number of any of these other guns,\nwell, maybe the light machine gun you have is \nbetter than the light machine gun you do not have.\n- And there's also a thing from a larger scale, \nthe light machine gun that you have\n250,000 of is better than the light machine gun \nthat those guys have half as many of.\n- I mean can two Chauchats do \nenough damage to offset one 08/15?\n- Like, Shermans and Tigers.\n- So, I mean there's an element there that's not showing \nup from this test. Because we're evaluating\nas if we're millionaires that are \ngoing to buy only one type of gun.\n- I often try to ... compare it to the Sten gun. It's \ncrude, it's simple, but you know, it's cheap,\nit was able to be produced in huge scale \non a very short timeframe, and it works.\nI mean, if you can pick any submachine \ngun, are you gonna take a Sten? No.\nBut if a Sten's what you've got, you can make a Sten \nwork. And I think the same applies to a Chauchat.\n- I would agree.\n- Next up is the Madsen. This is one that gets \n... a lot of questions, a lot of mythology,\nlike, \"Why weren't there more Madsens?\" Is it \nbecause, like, there was some problem with them, or\ninternational conspiracy.\n- You know, we talked about this. \nThe big thing with the Madsen is\nit was being produced by a country that \ndid not want to get overtly involved in the war.\nAnd so it's a gun that saw very, very limited use \nand so it's represented a big mystery for us.\nI think you've handled a later production Madsen.\n- Semi-auto and full-auto examples,\nbut of a like a '40s, 1950s version.\n- Now think about that too, because the difference between\ntechnology that was roughly honed out by 1909-1910, \nwith minor modification in 1914 to get this guy,\nand then skip all the way until late '40s, early '50s when, \nyou know, they decided we're gonna try this again.\nWe're gonna standardise everything, \nwe're gonna go with the universal frame,\nwe're going to clean up all the problems with \nthis gun. I mean, it's a bigger step between\nthe early Madsen and a later one than it is \nbetween the BAR and the A2, like World War Two.\n- A little bit, yeah.\n- Like, it's the same core mechanism,\nbut all those little things that get rolled into it and make them \ndistinctly different, that happened to the Madsen as well.\nAnd so none of us were ready for what does the \nearly Madsen do in the Great War. So I want to say\nI had a little bit of a cheat, because I've had it on \nhand for a little while. Mae and I had to help walk it in\nby discovering what was wrong with this \none. Mark ended up replacing a part that\nfunctioned I'd say about 90%, so I \nwould give him high praise for\nreplacing a very finely machined part \nwith a very quickly machined part.\n- To be clear, he didn't replace a part, he fabricated \na part without having the original to work from.\n- Basically he had some like dark pictures \nfrom up at..., who was it provided those?\n- Oh yes, thank you Alex up at the Springfield \nNational Historic Site for providing that photo,\nbecause it's the only way we knew the shape of \nwhat was in there. It was unbounded on one side,\nso we had no idea what the top of it was \nsupposed to look like without that photo.\nAnd still we had to kind of walk it in, \nbut the gun ran very, very well\nfor having something so finely fitted in \nthere, that had to take extreme pressure.\nSo very good short work on his part. So we \nhave the gun, it runs, I thought, very well.\nThe only problems we've had with it I thought \nwere problems that were actually part of the design.\nMostly stemming from the over-extended follower, \nin my mind, in the way it sort of has\na last-minute little hopper basket that \nconfuses unloading and leads to the\npossibility of misfeeding if you're really \nnot paying attention to what you're doing.\nOutside of that though, simple, simple, \nsimple mechanism. Breakdown was pretty clear,\nreassembly a little more difficult. And it looks... \nAt a glance the Madsen looks like it should\nbe as fiddly as the Hotchkiss in terms of operation, \nand it simply is not. It's such a simple gun.\nMae, you're so used to handling all these. Did anything stand \nout as remarkably odd about handling it, once you picked it up?\n- So ... one of the weirdest things on \nthat gun was the ejection port on it.\nIt's in a spot in which you're \nholding your left hand forward,\nand Othais did this in the video, you probably \ncaught something here or there about it.\nBut like basically it looks like you're almost \ngonna end up accidentally catching some rounds\nas they're being ejected out the bottom. I thought \nthis would be a problem.Turns out no, not really,\nbecause it pretty much ejects \nthe rounds back and like down.\nSo it really does just kind of like fall behind his \nhand every time so we didn't have to sweat that.\n- I did not get burned.\n- Which is great. And then the only other thing \nwas just how vague that sensation is of\ntoeing the magazine in. And you really just can't \ntell that ... it's positively set into position.\n- You know, the one of the awkward things there \nis there's really no front grip for your hand.\n- No, there's really none.\n- But a lot of the guns that were actually in use \nby the Austrians during World War One\nhad like a hand hook, cut into or added into \nthe butt-stock to bring your support hand in\nand control the butt of the gun. In really \nwhat is a pretty modern technique.\n- Yeah. And it allows you again that nice elevation \ncontrol from the rear, and then we've even\nseen one photo with a wood fore-stock \nfrom that period, so ... it seems like\nthere's some debate as to what to do with \nthe other hand with the Madsen even then.\n- And there's so much variation in Madsens.\n- It's bizarre.\n- It was low production. It was a \ncommercially sold gun and...\n- ... Yeah, every run was customised to \nwhatever production wanted. So ...\nWe're lucky to get an early Madsen because \nthese are always done in like 50 unit increments.\nAnd then they're just consumed \nor converted or whatever.\nSo overall impressions though, \nwhere are we at?\n- Well in my initial impressions, I thought that the \nMadsen was going to be the overall winner in this test.\nI thought this was going to be the one \nthat would just blow everyone else away.\nAnd on the one hand it wasn't, but on the other \nhand there was nothing really wrong with it.\nIt just wasn't quite as good across the \nboard as the gun that did end up being the best.\nSo the bipod is, it's good. It's not \nquite the best but it's pretty good.\nIt's lower than almost all the others, which is nice.\nI didn't really have a problem trying to \nelevate my body to get into the bipod.\nBut it's extendable if you're in a \nterrain that requires a longer bipod.\nThe magazine change is a little finicky, \nbut otherwise very fast, which is nice.\nThe calibre was fantastic, 7mm Mauser \nis a really nice soft shooting calibre,\nand that pairs very well with the really \nfairly light weight of the Madsen.\n- Extremely light.\n- Oh, yeah.\n- I don't know on the actual scale I mean, we'll have \nthe stats here for the show by the time it's up,\nbut in terms of actually just picking it up \nand moving with it. It's that and the BAR.\n- And it's nicely balanced too, there's not a lot of \nweight out front, it's kind of dense in the centre,\nlittle balance on the butt, \nlittle balance on the barrel end.\nOverall like if I thought it was gonna be 90% across \nthe board on everything, it ended up being like\n80% across the board on everything.\n- That's fair, just short of expectations.\n- And it has a lot of potential. I think basically all of the \n... theoretical hype about the Madsen is pretty much true.\n- Yeah, in theory. Like you practice it and there's some limitations \nto it. But it also is not magical, I want to point that out.\nBecause every time we talk about, I don't know \nabout you, every time I talk about World War One\nlight machine guns and things, the Madsen comes \nup over and over. And because it's so mysterious,\nthere's not a lot of experience with them. What \nexperience there is is with a much later version of it.\nSo it's had time to polish that out, but \neverybody associates it as being the early one.\nAnd so ... I hope we dispelled some of the myth, \nbut still set a very positive tone for that gun.\n- Yeah. Across the board there is ... this habit \nof everyone, or characteristic for everyone,\nto assume that the gun that's weird, and rare, and unknown \nwe'll just give it the benefit of the doubt on everything.\nAnd then maybe we'll take that one notch further and assume \nit's maybe better than it has any right to be at everything.\nAnd you have to ... watch yourself to not do that.\n- Fair.\n- That said this is not one of those guns that \nhas some huge hidden skeleton in the closet.\nSo, \"It's rare because it exploded every five rounds\".\n- Yeah, there were no surprises with this one.\nIt just wasn't as great as we thought it \nwould be. Still really good, just not as great.\n- Alright, are you ready for this one? The \nnext one on my list is the Lewis gun.\n- I don't know if I want to hear anything else \nabout that horrible, horrible Lewis gun.\n- I think this one failed everything.\n- Don't say those things about my Lewis gun.\n- So I have... I've been in this business for a little while, \na few years, and I'm gonna be honest with you.\nI've been working so very hard that I've become a bit \ncallous, like I've lost that collector's interest, that spark\nin some regards. But every once in while something rare \nor just unique comes through, and I get worked back up again.\nBut almost in that vein and then even more so, \na touch of humanity like a Hallmark movie,\nI watched a man fall in love.\n- Going into this I had very little \nexperience with the Lewis gun.\nI did a little bit of shooting a \nlong time ago and in retrospect\nI'm pretty sure that gun \nwas not well adjusted.\nIt was not well timed, the springs tension \nset up wasn't all that well done. Because I do not...\n[noises off]\n- I mean, everyone has a bad first date, come on.\n- And since then, ... I hadn't avoided \nthem for any particular reason, just I\nhadn't really had much contact with Lewis guns. \nAnd so I figured it'd be OK, but it's awfully heavy. And...\nAnd it turns out that, in my experience \nhere, it was an absolutely clear winner.\nAnd for all that you guys might make \nfun of me for it, I think you agree.\n- Like I do.\n- I said from the very beginning that I \nthought it was gonna be really good.\n- However, I want to point something \nout. I want to make this very clear.\nThe guns we have are over a hundred years \nold, and they are worn in different places,\nand we've tried our best to maintain them and \nto repair them. But there's always something.\nWe saw this with one of the Chauchats that \nhad some separation of the rear and we had to\ntighten it back down on the field. And \nthen it [went] back with, you know, the shop.\nBut...\n- Imagine racing with hundred year old vintage race cars.\n- Without you know, complete replacing of parts either.\nJust minor, you know. So the thing about \nthat Lewis gun, I want to be very honest,\nMae and I experienced that Lewis gun, \nthis exact gun, a few years ago.\nIt belongs to a friend of ours named Jeff \nand he was kind enough to loan us it.\n- Thank you, Jeff.\nJeff has done an excellent job of not only conserving his \ngun, but he has proactively gotten behind repairing it.\nHe had spare parts, he had other things \nthat could be fitted, he sent them to Mark.\nIt's been in Mark's hands for several months. And \nso it has, in fits and spurts, had things tightened up.\nIt's had parts shaved a little bit \nso that they're no longer binding.\nIt has been dialled in to how it \nshould have been at that time.\nAnd we still had a couple of short strokes. \nWe got a couple of jams here and there.\n- Oh yeah, it wasn't perfect.\n- A lot again has to do with the fact that even now,\nas good as that gun performed, I know for a fact \nthat that barrel's got a little bit too much wear in it,\nand it probably needs what is a major \nsurgery to get it back to factory [spec].\nSo it's been set as well forward as any of them, if not \nmore forward in terms of repair. It's still not perfect.\nAnd this is what we're getting. So we could have \nmaybe seen a benefit from having a perfect \nMadsen, or a perfect whatever, as well.\nHowever, thank you Jeff for making sure that \nI was well educated on how to time your gun,\nand therefore I could time it for all of us. \nBecause that proved very crucial.\n- All that being said, it's not like the Lewis \nis an outlier here, and this particular Lewis\nis just way nicer than all the regular other Lewis's. \nThe Lewis gun was a magnificent gun in its context.\n- Beautiful design. And you know it's a good design \nbecause if it's a fantastic machine gun design\nbefore the 1930s, the US will not adopt it.\n- Right.\n- So since they just vaguely adopted the Lewis \nand never fielded it, it must have been a good one.\nBecause we would much rather field a \nbazillion Chauchats or something else.\n- Yeah.\n- Sounds right.\n- So it's just it was the ... recoil impulse, \nthe way that the action was designed and it's...\nActually, you know what, if I look at these guns now, \nthe ones that saw later development, the BAR.\nBut the BAR turned into a medium machine \ngun, the BAR basically turned into the FN 240.\nThe Chauchat went nowhere, as a \nlong recoil system it disappeared.\nThe Hotchkiss system pretty much disappeared, \nby World War Two they were all gone.\nThe Madsen kept going. It was a good \nenough system that it stuck around.\n- Small sales for its whole life.\n- Right.\nThe one that actually saw major \nlater development was the Lewis.\nIt turned into the FG 42, and then \nturned into the M60.\nAnd the FG 42 is in some ways as \nimpressive of a gun in its own category,\nas the Lewis is in its category. \nThe M60's got some issues, but...\n- This was, you know, Belgium really lit on the \ndesign, and Britain did, the US like I joke did not.\nBut in our own group, we're kind of guilty \nof the same thing. Only one of us spoke up\nat the beginning of this and said \nthe Lewis gun was gonna be it.\n- Well, I didn't say it was gonna be it, but \nI was very confident in its performance.\n- Oh you knew it, and you just didn't tell us.\n- Technically she told us.\n- So I just didn't say it specifically like that. \nLike off camera I was like, \"Oh no,\nI think it's gonna dominate\", but on camera I \nwas like, \"No, I think it's gonna do very well\".\nIt's because I had the experience about ... I was saying \nbefore, like in a previous conclusion for the Lewis episode,\n... I put my hand up on the target and when I noticed \nthat ... my range of fire was just barely outside of it,\nI went, \"Oh my god\". And since then I \nhave yet to fire another machine gun\nthat has done the damage in that \ntight a grouping as the Lewis gun.\n- You know that the Lewis was the first \nmachine gun that we ever put Mae behind.\nAnd so that's what she started \nwas on that particular gun.\n- I did have a good first date then. I'm sorry \nyou had a bad first date, I had a good one.\n- And so ever since then it's been everything's \nbeen compared back, so.\n- Well someday you'll get to shoot a Stoner 63, \nand then you'll experience the magic.\n- I don't think they had that for this war.\n- No, not for this war.\nNext up is the .30-06 Chauchat.\n- Magical.\n- So what were our expectations going in?\n- Not great. They really weren't that great going in.\nWe were expecting some issues \nwith it, and then it got worse.\n- I kind of had that hesitation where, \nalright, this is the dumpster fire gun.\nThis is the gun that everybody's like heard \n... it's the worst gun that was ever made.\nAnd we all feel very confident in ourselves \nbecause we read a paragraph in a magazine\nor whatever, and we've now become an expert. \nAnd generally I find that when someone says that\nthe secret weapon Pedersen was the \nthing that would have won the war in 1919 ...,\nand it turns out it's a piece of crap. And then you \nturn around and they go, \"This is the worst gun ever\",\nand you find out that it had a utilisation issue, or that \nit was just misunderstood, or misapplied. And so\nunfortunately in this case \nlike I sort of expecting OK,\nI'm gonna pull something out of this .30-06 Chauchat \nto show people that it's not completely insane.\n- Well, there is something. And ... that is \nto look at its actual mechanical reliability.\n- Right.\n- Fair.\n- That gun ran. We had zero issues with that gun\nthe entire time, despite shooting basically the \nworst ammo. We're shooting steel-cased Russian\nammo out of that thing.\n- Which he demanded. No, I'm off that.\n- And honestly, the reason I did is because \nI've shot enough of that, that I know\nthat it just runs. And ... with a test like this, I didn't \nwant to start experimenting with new ammo\nright before we do something like this. But the \nmagazines all ran, thanks to Mark at Anvil again\nfor the work he did on the magazines.\nIt was cleaning them up and, like, \nhammering all the dents out of the magazine.\n- Before you got here that was all the \nproblems you had with that guy.\n- Yeah, it ... was basically, all right this \nmagazine will hold three rounds before\nthe follower gets to a dent. This one will \nhold twelve and that one will hold nine.\n- He basically like made some wood supports \nto stuff in them, and then slowly like got rid of\nevery single dent that was \nin there, so yeah, they ran perfectly.\n- Right, and so did the gun.\n- Yeah.\n- We didn't have jams. We didn't have failures to fire.\n- It fed from the hip for her when others wouldn't, \nI mean, the gun goes bang every time...\n- That's the only thing you can really say in its praise.\n- The World War One high point.\n- Yeah, exactly.\n- And you can be quick to reload on that one.\nIt did have a pretty decent reload time for the test.\n- Not as fast as the eight, but still pretty good, yeah.\n- Compared to some of the others. And finally \nto give it a little bit more praise, the foregrip.\n- Yeah, you liked it from the hip.\n- Yes, that actually was quite good.\n- In fact that had the best sort of actual \ncontrollability from the hip I think.\n- The major problem with the .30-06 Chauchat is that \nlong recoil system was already miserable in 8mm Lebel.\n- And it got worse in .30-06.\n- Yes. It's just ... you can almost make a\ncheek saddle for that gun, extend \nthe sight another six inches to the left\nlike you were firing an anti-aircraft gun, \nand it would improve the gun significantly.\n- Yeah.\n- So that brings us to our very last \nentrant, which is the 08/15 Maxim.\n- And I think Othais and I really only ones \nto really shoot an 08/15 before, right?\n... this was your first time with...\n- I haven't filmed any, but I have \ndone some shooting with them.\n- Ok, so we all were pretty knowledgeable about \nwhat to expect on this one even from the get-go.\nWe knew it had a bouncy recoil, we knew ... \n- You knew it had bouncy recoil.\nI have old footage of the first time \nshe fired one of those it's just...\n- Yeah, literally just like my face is just \nbouncing everywhere on that one.\nSo we knew some things going into it, that \nit wasn't going to be the most accurate,\nbut we honestly did expect it to do much better \nwhen it came to total destruction. We had...\n- I'm not, don't know, there was somebody \nI remember on range off-camera saying \nthat he just couldn't stand those things.\n- I feel like my initial impressions of \nthe 08/15 were pretty much dead on.\nI think that it performed pretty much \nexactly how I expected to perform.\n- It's the definition of mediocre compromise.\n- Yeah.\n- The Germans pushed that thing out because \nthey did not have a light machine gun program\nthey could rely on, that they could put weight on. \nAnd so, in a way it sparked the universal machine\ngun program. It was this thought of, \"Can we get \nsomething that is medium weight, that will move with us,\nand carry out the assault\". And you know, \ngoing into this, I really thought that\nif I had to ... the way I've voiced this was in World \nWar One a lot of the role of the light machine gun\nwould be to advance, capture the first trench you \ncan get ahold of, and then there would always be\nthat counter attack. And so my thought \nis ... if I'm crossing no-man's land,\nI don't want the MG 08/15. It's too much.\nBut if I'm in a recently captured trench, and I \nwant to defend it from a now oncoming wave,\nout of all the things we have \nI thought I would want the 08/15.\nNow, thinking about it, yeah, the Lewis gun can do that \njust as well, with fewer issues and more accuracy.\nbut second to that is the 08/15. Again \nonly on sheer capacity, volume of fire,\nand stability of fire without overheating \nbecause of that water jacket. But guess what,\nthat's me using it as a rapid emplacement rather \nthan an actual mobile gun. In every other way,\nit's pretty terrible. However, by the numbers, we started \nto see that maybe it wasn't as bad as we thought,\nthat we could sort of hulk our way through it.\n- Right, that ammo capacity,\nyou can put it to use. It's worth pointing \nout that at the very end of the war\nthe Germans were were developing, or \nadopting, or starting to use the 08/18,\nwhich was basically an air-cooled version \nof the 08/15. They lightened it further,\nthey got rid of the water jacket, which I think we \ncan all agree is really unnecessary for its purpose.\n- Yes.\n- Especially if you can get the barrel \nout quick. What's the point?\n- Right, and so it would have been interesting to... \nhad the 08/18 actually gone into service,\nit would have been a really interesting comparison in \na test like this to scrap some of the weight, you know,\nimprove some of the balance. Although you \nknow what, the 08/18 had the same bipod still.\n- Which I can't fathom. There must be some reason. \n... We haven't actually done our 08/15 episode.\nI'm going to have to do some hard digging, \nbecause I cannot fathom why they felt \nthey needed it in that particular position.\n- It does allow the gun to pivot very easily.\nOne of the things we saw with every other gun, \nwith that bipod at the front, if you want to swing,\nespecially any significant distance, you have \nto kind of scoot your body all the way around\nbecause you're pivoting at the very muzzle.\n- Not pivot smoothly, but yeah, you do gotta scootch.\n- But with the 08/15, because that pivot point's in the \nmiddle of the gun, your body has to move a lot less\nin order to swing the muzzle around. So there \nis that benefit to it. And if you're thinking about\nthis is now going to be an ersatz \nemplaced gun to repel a counter-attack,\nwe have to cover a wide sector of fire, \nand we can shoot for a very long time.\nOK, maybe there's some justification to \nputting that bipod where it can pivot well.\nLike I'm not sure, I wouldn't agree with it. It \nwouldn't be my choice. But I think the...\nWhat I always try to do is find what \nis the rationalisation for a decision.\nEven if I don't agree with it, once I understand ... why \nthey did it, then you can really understand the gun.\n- Right.\n- Alright guys, so we finally have reached \nthat point, OK, we've got all our numbers in.\nWe've decided to break the test \ndown into point systems.\nWe've got five tests and we're going \nto do it on like a five point ranking.\nSo like one to five essentially to determine where \neach gun ranked in each test, so that we can actually\nput it number wise to determine who was the worst, and \nwho was the best, and where everything else came in between.\nLast ... on our rankings was surprise \nsurprise the .30-06 Chauchat.\n- Yeah. You just said we have a 1 to 5 \npoint scale, which is true,\non that 100 yard grouping test the .30 calibre \nChauchat did so well that we gave it a 0.\nIt got an honorary zero, because the next \nup on that test was the 8mm Chauchat,\nwhich did so badly it could only get \na 1. And the .30 was even worse.\n- Yeah, it fell off the scale that we had just \ninvented. That's pretty impressive.\nNot only that, but let's be honest, \nif you are trying to impress,\nyou know anyone really, don't \npunch them repeatedly in the face.\n- That's probably the best way to go about it.\nI mean, I'm pretty sure all of us have \nleft with a little bit of bruises after that.\nBut no, ... she just didn't perform as... \nwell, no, she just didn't perform well at all.\nWe ... didn't have high expectations \ngoing into that with her, and yeah,\nno surprise there that she even \nfell short of that. I'm not gonna let my\nexpectations ... they were down here, \nthey're somehow down here now.\nThey actually went a little bit lower \nthan what I was even expecting then.\n- However, again, (it worked), manoeuvrable, \nbasically fine. Good luck hitting anything.\n- Right, that was the issue. Just never nailed it.\n- So overall total was 9 out of 25 points\nfor 36% of a possible perfect score.\n- OK, whopping 36, that's a fail.\n- It says something that the best it did was reloading.\n- You can keep jamming rounds in, and it'll keep \ngoing off, but you're not gonna hit anything.\n- Just gonna startle some cows.\nAlright, next up in the rankings,\nvery close to that and unfortunately just barely \nabove it was the Hotchkiss in that situation.\nShe...\nWe were able to put some shots on range, but \nwhere, you know, it did put the shots on target,\nthe problem was is that there are a lot of other finicky \nissues with it. It wasn't really quick with the reloads,\nit was a really awkward gun in general. \nIt just didn't have great performance\noverall. And the field-strip on that \nwas a little bit awkward too.\n- I was gonna say but you know what, \nat least it was decent to take apart.\n- The interesting thing is the Hotchkiss\nreally, it really loses in the edge tests. Once the \nbullets start flying the gun actually does fairly well.\n- Yes.\n- The problem is getting the bullets to fly.\nThis is the exact inversion of the .30-06 Chauchat. \nThe .30-06 Chauchat is easy to get running, runs all day,\ncan't hit anything.\nNow we've got Hotchkiss which, god help you to get \nit loaded. And then you can actually hit some things.\n- Right.\n- So OK.\n- It had one point more at a total of 10 out of 25. \nBy the way, the 25 point scale here means we're\npretty granular. Like, you're not going to see a \nlot of point differences. On a percentage basis\nthat's 40%. So a little bit better.\n- A little bit better because you know ultimately\nputting your, you know, shots on target is gonna end up, \nno matter what, that's gonna bump her a little bit higher.\n- I will say there's one clear thing that I \nwanted to say about the .30-06 versus the\nHotchkiss because they sound so close \ntogether because of our experience.\nThere's a key difference here, these are supposed \nto be crew-served. I think crew-served with training\nthat gap between the .30-06 Chauchat \nand the Hotchkiss gets much wider. I think\na crew solves a lot of the problems \nthat brought that Hotchkiss down.\n- The Chauchat wouldn't make any difference, \nif anything it would decrease it.\n- Well, yeah, because it's all shooter problems. \nSo with a crew it's still shooter problems.\nWith a crew the Hotchkiss, well now it becomes crew \nproblems, those can be solved. So with a little bit of love.\n- Yeah.\n- I think we under-represent the \nHotchkiss just a little bit with this.\n- Yeah, next time you'll have to \ngive me him and vice-versa.\n- So what's up next?\n- Third on the list, it's actually a tie\nfor both the BAR and the 8mm Chauchat. \nThey actually ended up even.\n- We're gonna get angry letters.\n- We're gonna get very angry letters.\nBut I mean we can't argue with the numbers \npeople, and with our experience on that one.\n- We have taken the most popular light \nmachine gun / auto-rifle and the least popular.\nLike these are the two, that's like the story \nis the BAR and the miserable Chauchat,\nand it turns out they're both sitting \nright in the middle of pack together.\n- Well, we said it before, if it just had a bipod on it. \nCould you imagine where it would be in the numbers?\n- Oh, it would be out there.\n- Something so simple would \nmake such a big difference.\n- I found this to be an absolutely fascinating outcome. \nAnd I put together all of these points without,\nhonestly, without any any thought to \nwhat the sum totals were coming out to be.\n- Oh yeah, to be fair, let's be honest, 5 point, \n5 tests, 25 points as you covered, right?\nHe only has 10 fingers. So there was no way \nhe could know what was gonna happen.\n- Right.\nIt was a mystery going in. And when it came out \nas exactly the same numbers for the two of them,\nI thought, you know what, that's actually kind of \nexactly right because for every, \"Oh my God,\nif only they had done this, it would have \nbeen so much better\". It's a bipod on the BAR,\nit's sights on the Chauchat. Like, even with the recoil, \nif you had sights that you could actually use,\nimagine somehow if you could put \nthe BAR sights on the Chauchat.\n- Or the Chauchat bipod on the BAR.\n- All of a sudden, like, it becomes immensely \nmore usable. It's still got some warts on it,\nbut... And again, this is a test as a light machine gun, \nwhich is not really the strong suit of either of these guns.\n- I think the Chauchat's slightly in design terms more towards \nlight machine gun in the fact they included the grip, and\nthey included the bipod. Those two things really push it \naway from auto-rifle. As a matter of fact if it were if we were\nthinking about shoulder fired auto-rifle, the Chauchat \nis way worse than the BAR, because the BAR you\nshoulder it and fire it and you can \ngo like that for quite a long time.\nI don't think I can bring a Chauchat to standing \nshoulder fire and comfortably keep that up for very long.\nBut both guns have recoil issues. BAR just high rate \nof fire combined with powerful cartridge, Chauchat\nit's still a powerful cartridge, but just that \nhorrible long recoil system. So in that regard similar.\nMagazine release is very positive and quick \nbut not necessarily the best place for the BAR,\nfor the Chauchat it's actually slightly better in \npositioning because you have some leverage to apply.\nBut then it's this big awkward magazine, \nwhich they did as quickly as possible\nbut still can't be as smooth as just a \nnice double stack box that you shove in.\nSo they're getting kind of lined up in terms of quick \nloading, manageably sized, all these sort of things,\nwith like recoil difficulties even. And where \nthey split, I swear the whole split comes down to\ngood and bad sights, bipod or no bipod, \nif you really want to funnel it into two factors.\nSo steal one off the other \nand it should be good to go.\n- Yep, I would agree.\n- Alright, second in line it um... \nActually, I'm gonna skip that,\nI'm gonna go up to the first because the second, \nwho came in second is actually quite interesting,\nbut for first, obviously guys, it was the Lewis gun. \nIt just came out as the top winner.\nRealistically, the only complicated things \nwith that gun were just like reload and then the\nwalking fire. Didn't perform as well with \nactual the walking part with, you know,\nnot the dump part obviously, \nthat did perfectly fine with that.\nBut no, she was fantastic for \nlong range. She stayed on target,\nthe groupings on that were exactly how we \nthought it would do. It performed very well.\n- Now, the interesting thing is we don't \nput a lot of value on walking fire,\nbut the test did, this point system went \nahead and weighted it as if we were in 1916,\nand we thought this was a good idea.\nSo if you take walking fire out, you know, \nit gets even higher in the [?] woods.\n- Right and ... like shooting bursts from \nthe hip is, I think, a little more relevant\nof a thing than walking fire. And \nthe Lewis was outstanding at that.\n- It has the sling to do it too.\n- Right. Yeah, would have been \neven better with a sling on it.\nI do want to point out, I forgot to mention this, our \nthird-place guns had 13 out of 25 points, which is 52%.\nThe Lewis in first place jumped that \nto 21 or 84% percent of the potential.\nI mean it smoked them.\n- Right.\n- That's a solid B right there.\n- And this is one of those positions where it \nis a light machine gun and not an auto-rifle.\n- Yes.\n- It's very curious the auto rifles chased so far up this \nlist, when it's supposed to be a light machine gun test.\nSo I concede I actually like being kind of contrary, \nand I would love to say but what if this gun did this\nor what if that gun had that or in certain \nsituations blah blah. But I must say the most\nuniversally sort of applicable gun here is \ngoing to be the Lewis gun. Now by the way\nsubjective small-scale test. There \ncould be manufacturing costs,\nthere could be jamming issues that \nwere timing issues, armoury issues,\nthere's things that we don't know about the \ncare of this gun that could change this totally.\nAnd then something like a Chauchat that you stamp \nthem out and just send them out could be better.\nBut we're just talking about the shooter's \nexperience, the individual infantry: Lewis gun.\n- Yup.\n- And we were pretty even in terms of \nresults. Like there really weren't any\nresults from all three of us as shooters that varied, \nthey were actually pretty well even across the board.\nWith the exception of the reload I think.\n- In general, what would happen is \nwhile our individual times varied a lot,\nour trends didn't.\n- So almost to the percent, like if I was 50% slower with something you were 50% slower with it.\n...It would get slightly worse in an exponential \nway if there were more of a sequence to it though,\nwhich is how that Hotchkiss got suppressed so fast. \nBecause when you have a seven step loading system,\nthere is more room for error and \nthat kind of thing really hung up,\nespecially you, Mae, like I felt bad for you on a \nlot of these because again, upper body strength\nhas been a big core of some of these, and \nthen sequentially trying to get it all right.\nAnd you and I are historians. Mae goes on range,\nwe run her through a couple drills. And then her \njob is to not ever flinch, keep the sights on target,\nshe focuses down on pulling triggers \nclean, keeping the guns going...\n- Don't shoot that camera.\n- Yuh, don't shoot the camera. \n- Yes, and she never has to quote-unquote \nrun the gun in multiple stages,\nshe just has to know whatever complicated \nloading system once or twice, and then she's out.\nBut then this time... and by the way, she gets \na whole day for like three guns or four guns.\nWe've had to feed you seven all at once, \nsome you know, and some you don't.\nAnd then he and I have been studying these \nthings for years, so we're like, oh, yeah, that's\nbecause that does this and you \nknow, that's not your understanding.\n- No, that's not really been stuff I'm used to.\nI mean granted ... there could have been... we just \ndidn't have the time to honestly do any drills with it.\nThat would have probably made a difference \nI would think, but it also does just come down to\nwhat you are expecting of the guns I guess, \nand for these I ... didn't even think about the\npossibility of how difficult it would be to be lying \nprone with these guns, and just where I carry my weight,\nlike, I just ... I carry it differently than \nguys, like it's all in the hips for me and\nhaving to like do everything while \nlaying prone was incredibly difficult.\nI just didn't expect it to be as difficult as it was.\n- Even just the short arms...\n- And yet, despite all of this, our results are still\npretty much consistent for all three of us.\n- They're real consistent. \n- With a test like this I'm always very interested\nto look at it and be like, ... is there some \nplace where we have some embedded prejudice.\nAre we doing something, are we trying \nto embed our own opinions into this?\nAnd I'm really very happy, part of what tickled \nme so much to see these final results is that\na lot of them were not things that I was expecting. \nAnd in some cases they're, you know,\nexactly the opposite of what my personal \npreference would have been. I didn't come into this\nwanting to like the Lewis. I came into this...\n- You were kind of Lewis blind. \n- I was indifferent to the Lewis,\nyeah, and I really kind of wanted to see \nthe Chauchat perform better than it did.\nAnd it didn't, which kind of is a proof to me that we \ndid run a reasonably blind and prejudice free test.\n- We also expected the BAR to \nperform much better than it did.\n- We really all did, yeah.\n- You said unexpected results, did you want \nto get to your final point because there's two guns\n... if you're very good with memory \ngames, you know what's going on.\n- Y'all remember, I skipped number two right there \nbut that's because for second place both the\nthe Maxim and the Madsen, they tied for even \nnumbers. What was the percentage call on that?\n- They both had 16 out of 25 points, which is 64%.\n- Yes, so it's interesting we have the Madsen,\nwhich is a light, look almost like rifle \nstyle set up, ... it has high accuracy.\nWhereas you've got the Maxim, which \n... is the heaviest one we had out there.\nIt's got water in it, but the amount of round \ncapacity you have with it, it's just you know...\n- Literally the Maxim is our ... highest capacity gun in the \ntest. It and the Lewis do not have semi-auto fire controls,\nit's full-auto or nothing. And it tied with the Madsen \nwhich was very close to the lowest magazine capacity.\nIt has a capacity of 20. We had a 15, an \n18 and then the Madsen at 20 rounds,\nso one fifth the capacity of the Maxim. And with a \ntrigger that not only had a semi-auto setting,\nbut really was designed to \nencourage you to use semi-auto.\n- Oh, yeah.\n- I mean ... like again. It's hard to use that gun \nin auto, you have to snatch the trigger.\n- Right.\n- So to look at these and the outcome being the \ntwo polar opposite schools of thought, one being\nbig heavy gun, lots of ammo, \npull trigger, hose everything...\n- Volume of fire.\n- comes out exactly the same as dainty light gun, \nin the lightest cartridge, small magazine, good sights,\nnice trigger, put it in semi-auto \nand snipe everything.\n- Marksmanry.\n- And they come out the same. I think that's fascinating.\n- ... Well, it's kind of interesting to kind of look\nat both of them and I see the Lewis \ngun, which came in between, you know...\n- That's the key.\n- Yeah, that's really interesting, because you've got like\nbasically it's like it's heavier than the Madsen \nbut ... it's still really sleek in its design.\nIt's got high accuracy ... and \nhonestly, honestly, honestly,\nI know we've mentioned it before, but that \nlinear recoil, that kept that gun so steady.\nThat is the biggest, most important thing \non that gun. Forget everything else,\nif that recoil weren't as linear as it was, we \nprobably would have had a harder time with it.\nIt would have bounced more.\n- Yeah, I agree.\n- It applies all the best lessons from the two guns that \nsit right up under it, like it almost forms a pyramid.\n- And there's a big jump from our second \nplace ties at 16 points to our first place at 21.\nThat's a 20% jump.\n- That is a huge gap.\n- Well to be fair, ... what was the \npercentages again on that unit?\n- 64% for the Madsen and the Maxim \nand 84% for the Lewis.\n- If you think about it though, \nit's 40% off a perfect. If you take\n10% of the features from one and 10% \nfrom the other so you get 20 up over them.\nI mean, it's a silly way of discussing it, but that's \nwhat's really happening here is that we have\ngotten rid of all the recoil problems of the \n08/15. And we've gotten rid of the low\ncapacity and finicky issues that go with the Madsen. \nAnd that set us into a gun that still isn't perfect,\nbecause it does have to compromise. It's \nnot an instant loading 100 round magazine.\nSo therefore it can't hit 100%. It hits what is the maximum \npossible within the realms of physics and ergonomics.\n- And you know what's interesting, this \ngun it did even have some malfunctions.\nI mean there are moments where you had to \nactually pull the charging handle back...\n- Oh, yeah in time test you were...\n- I mean, yeah, I had like three or four \nfailures to cycle with it, and it's still...\nWe didn't even get into trying to test, like, \nhow do these guns handle malfunctions\nand how easy are they to clear? \nBut the Lewis would have been...\n- Among the worst.\n- Among the worst.\n- But what we saw was that the most common \nmalfunction is extremely easy to clear.\n- Yes.\n- Because we did clear it.\n- When you timed it correctly.\nI'm sorry, this is one that I have over you \nis because I've worked with that gun,\nand until I got it timed, and by the way, \na crew would know how to time the gun -\nsomething very important to point out. \nAnd Mark did some work with the extractors\nand things like that too, because it also had some loose \nextraction, I should have pointed that out before too.\nThat gun; I have still to this day (and it's been \na couple years now), not figured out how to\nintelligently and quickly clear \na double feed on that gun.\n- Oh, it's terrifying.\n- Dangerous. You have to have a second \nperson hold the bolt and just sort of pry \nthat cartridge out in a safe direction.\nBecause once the next round in the \nline feeds past that spring clip inside \nthe feed mechanism, you can't go back.\nSo there is one jam that we did not see on \nthat gun that could have ruined a certain test,\nI mean wrecked a certain test.\nWe did see that on the Madsen though,\nthe Madsen had one where I just blopped the \nmagazine off to the side, although it didn't ruin my time.\nBut... Well it did, because I also fed the spring \nin there. So again, there's certain tragedies,\nthat we haven't shaken everything out. \nThis is not a field trial. This is just impressions.\n- And this is not covering everything \nthat ... possibly could happen.\nUnfortunately we just don't have the time for that. \nBut I feel like we did a good range of tests here.\nI feel like we got to actually test a little bit of \nas much as we possibly could while we had the guns.\n- I'm confident we're pretty close \nto the reality that is these guns.\n- Yeah, absolutely.\n- Alright, guys, I think we have finished up with \nthe guns here for today. And you know what?\nIt's taken more than just the three of us you've seen on \ncamera and the people that you may have seen on range\nto get this episode even, or to get all of \nthese episodes even done and possible.\nWe have the owners of the guns who are willing \nto lend them to us, you know, in good faith.\nSome of them we haven't even met in person. \nBut Will lent us the BAR, thank you so much.\nWe got to shoot that in Louisiana before, and he was \nkind enough to send that to us for us to shoot here again,\nwe appreciate that man. We even got it last \nminute, we were scared there for a minute with it\nover the Christmas holiday, but I'm grateful we got it in.\n- A man that will brave the Post Office during Christmas time.\n- Right, thank you. And then Jeff too man, you get \ntwo thanks for that one, because not only did he\nsend us a Lewis gun, but he also sent us his 08/15.\n- A man who owns two of the top three.\n- I know, man he's ... in good standing isn't he?\n- Do we have to send him his Lewis gun back?\n- No. No, we don't, sorry Jeff.\n- Excellent!\n- A big thank you to Henry for sending \nus the 8mm Chauchat.\nAnd also a big thank you to Chuck for \nproviding the Hotchkiss portative.\nFor as much as we bagged on it, it was a fantastic \nopportunity to get to shoot one of those guns\nthat most people haven't seen on the range, and \nthat we hadn't had a chance to really use before.\n- Very unique steampunk looking gun too.\n- I must say collectors, I enjoy \nowning some of the worst stuff.\nLike, there's more story there. This is the best, \nit's the best and it's good. Ah, that's great,\nthat's not a good story though.\n- I wouldn't know anything about that.\n- No, you wouldn't. Gee let me think, who am I thanking? \nOh jeez, I dunno, maybe Ian for providing the worst gun\nin the entire lot, excellent job. Now last, and not \nleast, because this is probably the hardest one.\nI don't know how we got lucky enough to find this \nbecause someone just popped me a good old email.\nThis is just somebody who is watching \nwhat we're doing and reached out to us.\nI love you people who reach out to us. I get tons of \nemails with lots of lists, and I don't use a quarter of them,\nbut this time I did, and I will always put them away \nfor search for future use. But Claus, you are a saint.\nNow we are going to get your gun \nwith the proper part fitted back to you.\nSo that's another bonus for him that he \ngets a little repair work while it's down here,\nbut who the heck has a World War One era \nMadsen that has 99% of the same parts\nas the one the Austrians were \nusing. I mean this evaluation is one\nI thought I was never gonna get to do for \nmy own show, because they just don't exist.\nSo excellent piece to loan to us. Now on top \nof all of that it's not just the gun owners,\nor volunteers like Bruno and John on the range, and \nJay who normally helps us out who also showed up\nand Suzie and those people, we have tons of \npeople, check the credits. But Brownells stepped up.\n- Awesome.\n- And we've said it before and here \nit's come up a few times I'm sure, but\nwe just sent a quick email out and was like, \n\"Hey we're gonna do something kind of big,\npeople are gonna like it, \nwould you like to help out?\"\nIt's very expensive, I mean, just our ammo \ncosts alone on this has been astronomical.\n- We need thousands of rounds of rifle \ncalibre, kind of obscure, expensive ammo.\n- Yup, it was crazy. And by the way we \ndon't know how much we need to the letter.\nSo we got kind of lucky we didn't \ngo through everything we had.\nBut we consumed... there was worrisome \nmoments. So Brownells stepped up\nand they actually sponsored some of this \ncontent, not all, but a pretty good chunk.\nAnd they did it because they wanted it to \nbe done. Because Brownells has really\nstarted coming forward with this care for \nolder style firearms history. They want you\nto do, as Mark from Anvil would say, do the \nmaintenance. They want you to take care\nof what you have for the preservation of \nthese historical artifacts for the future.\nAnd they'd like you to do it with their products. \nAnd you know, I know this is technically shilling\nwhen you have somebody pay you and then \nyou say something nice about them. But,\nI would say something nice about them anyway. \nI've never had a single problem ordering from them,\nor anything like that. They carry very good \nproducts, and they're there to support\npeople who collect these sorts of things.\n- We would not have asked Brownells for their support \non this and for their help and their involvement\nif we didn't have a 100% confidence in them \nas a company. And if we didn't have a pretty\nextensive record of working with them \nindependently as just some guy in the world\nbuying stuff from them anonymously.\n- Right.\n- Yeah.\n- So we really like Brownells.\n- We've been customers, we are friends.\nIt comes recommended from us sincerely.\n- Yep, absolutely.\n- Thank you.\n- So if you did enjoy this, our \nfirst collaboration by the way,\nfinally, this has been requested for quite some time. \nI hope we went big enough to meet the expectation.\n- I hope we blew people's expectations.\n- We sweated pretty hard on this one.\nIf you enjoyed it, tell us. However you're \nconsuming this respond appropriately, email, letter,\ncomments, whatever it happens to be. And then \nespecially if you like the idea that it got sponsored,\nbecause Ian and I don't get sponsors often, \nbecause we don't talk about things that people\nmake or buy right now. At best we \nget some reseller that will talk to us.\nBut this is a case where we have an \ninterest that [??]. Tell Brownells that you\nappreciated them sponsoring us. Like show \nthem some love, because that's a very easy way\nfor you to get the content that you \nwant without having to fork over for it.\n- Yup.\n- So and if you would like to fork over for it,\nsupport Forgotten Weapons, support C&Rsenal \nand enjoy the good old-fashioned history.\n- And if you liked this and you think we \nought to do another one next year,\ntell us what you think it ought to be.\n- Yeah, come on with some suggestions guys,\nwe're open to that kind of stuff, I mean we listen, we \ntry to listen to our viewers and respond to them accordingly.\nI mean even some of the more like harsh \ncommentary, we still appreciate that because\n... we're about improving our own product \nhere. So definitely give us feedback.\n- I'll point out that my vote right now is that we find \nsomeone that has every rad gun from '80s TV.\nAnd we'd just pop our collars and go nuts.\n- I would go so '80s with that.\n- But anyway, that's gonna wrap us out.\nThank you all for joining us for this very large \nand detailed special. I hope you enjoyed it.\n- Thanks.\n- Bye.\nBut wait, there is more. As a matter of fact, if \nyou go over to C&Rsenal's channel right now\nwe have some out-takes from the series that \ngive you a little peek behind the scenes.\nWhenever we managed to get an extra camera \nrunning that is. So if you've enjoyed this series\nup until this point and, you know, \nI have, everybody seems to have, well\nthen now's the time to go over to Brownells and \njust, even if you just go there just to send the email,\nthanks. Just to prove that when they sponsor\ngun history for everyone to enjoy, well that \nbuilds some goodwill in the community.\nI am saying all this, not because they \nasked me to, because they asked for nothing\nwhen they contributed to this project. \nThey just thought it was worth doing.\nThat's astounding from a modern company \nlike that, so beautiful, beautiful people \nover at Brownells, give them our thanks.\nNow if you're enjoying the series and you'd like \nto keep it on your hard drive and you don't trust\nit to just sort of be hosted on the web forever, \nwell you can go over to our site and spend\n$6 on the download. That six dollars is \nreally there to cover the cost of hosting,\ndistribution and then some profit for this \nparticular series to be shared between\nForgotten Weapons and C&Rsenal. And \nit's honestly a very good way to tell us\nhow much you value this particular effort, so \nwe know what we can put into the next time\nwe do something like this, or if we can do something \nlike this again. It's kind of down to you guys to pick\nwhat you guys fund, because both channels rely on \npatrons, and you know people buying merchandise\nand things like that. This is another case where we \ncan see an impact of just what it that you guys\nreally appreciate, not just on views, but on \nactually open up those wallets. And I know,\nI know nobody likes to hear that, but realistically when \nyou want to work with stuff that's three dollars a round,\nthat's what you have to do. \nYou have to plan ahead.\nSo thank you all for tuning in. Again C&Rsenal \nfor the last little bit, and we hope you've enjoyed it.\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "You already chose your gross pay amount. 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Hope this helps at least one person\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": " \nHola, chicos...Hoy vamos a hacer Preguntas y Respuestas\nSi este tipo de videos no te gusta, te veré en el próximo\nPero bueno...Vamos a platicar un montón, no sé que tan largo va a ser esto...Recibí bastantes preguntas\n¡Pero para hacerlo más interesante..!\nYo soy la autoproclamada Reina del Picante\nMe encanta cuando me arden los labios después de comer algo...\nYa sé que estoy loca, pero es así\nHe estado viendo un montón de episodios de...\n¿Episodios? ¿Videos? De una serie aquí en Youtube que se llama 'The Hot Ones'\nY entrevistan a gente como Chrissy Teigen (vamos a hacer el challenge de las alitas picantes, chicos)\nEs muy cómico, porque creo que Chrissy Teigen me ganaría en la ronda del picante\nMe encantaría enfrentarme con ella\nFui a Buffalo Wild Wings y ordené\nSolo del lado picante, porque aquí no vamos a estar jugando con limón y pimienta\nFui desde el Curry Thai, que está como en el medio, hasta lo más picante, en llamas\nY yo estoy aquí toda sofisticada\nO sea, yo necesito comerme mis alitas con estilo\nDe eso se trata\nBueno, vamos a empezar con la primera pregunta\n'Deberias hacer 'Lo que asumen de mi' ¿Qué es eso?\n¡Ah, si!\nBueno, voy a empezar con las alitas Curry Thai\n'Siempre te ves muy feliz y llena de vida...' Eso me encanta...Gracias, linda\n'...pero ¿qué te pone triste? ¿Algun problema en tu vida?'\n¡Uf! Comenzamos con las cosas de las que nunca hablo\nAlgo que me entristece mucho es...\nSinceramente, a veces son las decisiones que he tomado con respecto a mi carrera\nO sea, yo siempre he sido...\nYo he viajado mucho, chicos, y he visto tantas cosas...\nMe siento mal de hacer lo que hago, si entienden lo que quiero decir\nEvidentemente, yo estoy en el área del Consumismo, marketing y...\nMe encanta, de verdad: amo el aspecto creativo,\nme encanta inventar ideas, grabar, editar...Todo eso\nMe encanta el proceso de todo, pero luego cuando pienso para qué lo estoy utilizando\nY es el consumismo\nY la gente se pone como que '¡Dios, tengo que comprar esto y aquello.¿Qué estas usando!'\nMe preguntan '¿Cuál es el mejor esto o aquello?'\nY hay muchísimos más problemas en el mundo...\nEso me pone muy triste, especialmente porque yo lo sé\nEs casi como que yo finjo no saber eso\nPero...Ya no quiero ni comerme esto. Es un desperdicio de color, porque ni siquiera pica\nEs una lucha constante a qué le dedicas tu vida ¿saben?\nEntonces cuando recibo mensajes de ustedes, y me cuentan que se sienten inspiradas o motivadas o...\nQue se sienten mejor utilizando menos maquillaje y vistiéndose como quieren\nEso me anima a seguir, porque de cierta forma estoy haciendo la diferencia, más que solo...\nYo nunca quiero meterles productos por los ojos\nY espero, y le ruego a Dios, que eso no sea lo que ustedes sacan de mis videos\nBueno, pasemos a las alitas picantes\nYa estas las he probado, y para mi simplemente son saladas, no picantes\nAquí vamos...\nLa próxima pregunta es: '¿Cómo haces para viajar tanto?'\nUstedes saben que con Youtube se hace dinero ¿verdad?\nEl aspecto de las publicidades no es tan bueno, pero tengo varias entradas de dinero\nConsidero que manejo mi dinero bastante bien\nScott's Cheap Flights es lo que yo uso\nTe inscribes, y es como un email...Yo pago, porque yo lo quiero todo\nSoy una codiciosa loca de los viajes\nQuiero que todos los vuelos lleguen a mi bandeja de entrada\nEllos te notifican cuando hay un vuelo super barato\nBueno, yo tengo esas alertas en mi correo\nYa que yo tengo el trabajo que tengo, puedo trabajar desde donde esté\nO puedo planearlo, prefilmar videos...\nHasta si no prefilmo, no es el fin del mundo, no me voy a despedir a mi misma\nYo trabajo para mi misma, entonces puedo irme, simplemente\nEntonces cuando veo estas ofertas de vuelos, los reservo y luego resuelvo, porque siempre lo logro\nMe gasto la mayoría de mi dinero en viajes, más que en cualquier otra cosa\n¿Qué es lo más dificil de crear tu marca a través de Youtube/ Redes sociales?\nAl principio fue difícil para mi enfocarme en lo mio, por así decirlo\nSiento que en este momento estoy bien, simplemente estoy...\nNo estoy...\n...viendo lo que Fulanita y Perencejo están haciendo\nEstoy bastante enfocada en mi\nDejé de prestarle atención a los números, pero al principio...\nEspecialmente cuando ya has agarrado un poco de terreno...\nMe obsesioné con los números...\nEstoy muy aliviada de haberme salido de ese juego de las comparaciones\nDefinitivamente, te diría que esa parte es dura, mentalmente\nY la otra parte es...\nEstar solo muchas veces\nTomar las decisiones...O sea, todo depende de ti\nY también administrar el tiempo: es muy fácil caer en 'no tener ganas de hacer nada'\nPorque yo soy muy del tipo creativo ¿saben?\nMe digo como que '¡Tiene que fluir, no puedo simplemente encenderlo!' y tonterías así\nY pasan días...Por eso es que a veces no ven contenido, porque no sentía ganas de producir nada\nEs difícil cuando te sientes drenado de creatividad\nEstán pasando otras cosas en tu vida, pero igual sientes que debes sacar contenido, porque la gente lo espera de ti\nPero en realidad solo es presión de ti mismo\nSiempre me da risa cuando...\nO sea, es un poquito cruel, pero siempre me río cuando la gente dice que 'volvió a Instagram'\nY yo como que '¡Niña, ni siquiera sabía que te habías ido!'\n¿Saben? Todos tenemos nuestras vidas, y simplemente creo que es...\nEs más que el creador se pone a sí mismo esa presión\nNo sé...¿A ustedes les importa cuando no subo videos?\nCreo que nadie ni siquiera se da cuenta\n¿Cómo me mantengo positiva y lidio con los días que me va muy mal?\nPara mantenerme positiva, escucho un Podcast\nUn podcast empoderante, como el Super Soul Sudays de Oprah, que me encanta\nO escucho algo como 'You are a badass' en Audible, de Jen Sincero\nO escucho a Evan Carmichael ¿creo que así se llama? Aquí en Youtube\nÉl hace perfiles de personas muy exitosas, y es muy motivador e inspirador\nY puedes identificarte con personas que se sintieron en su peor momento, pero que siguen adelante\nEntonces...Generalmente escucho algo de eso\nO, a veces, cuando no tengo ganas de pensar super...\nPensar en cosas profundas, o meterme la positividad por los ojos...\nMe doy el permiso de sentirme triste, porque creo que es super normal y saludable...Tienes derecho de sentirte triste\nPero reconozco el por qué de mi tristeza\nTan pronto como reconozco ese por qué\nY usualmente tiene que ver con ego\nQuizás me destrozaron el ego, o algo así...Generalmente ese es el caso\nO expectativas...Quizás tenía altas expectativas de algo y no se dio como yo quería...Eso también es ego\nEntonces me reviso\nY trato de entender por qué me siento como me siento\nPor qué me siento frustrada, por qué me siento desmotivada, por qué me siento triste...Lo que sea\nA veces me entra de la nada...\n...una tristeza que no puedo ni explicar de qué viene\nY a veces simplemente tengo ganas de llorar, y me acurruco en la cama\nMe permito eso, porque generalmente me sentiría super culpable de quedarme acostada y ver Netflix\nPero me acurruco en la cama y veo Netflix\nUsualmente algo super ligero...No puedo ver nada fuerte\nBasicamente, así es como lidio con eso\nY una vez que me doy ese día completo, si lo necesito\nAl día siguiente tengo que ejercitarme y volver al camino de la gratitud\nPorque...\nEs muy fácil para mi caer en un estado depresivo, realmente\nY sé que ustedes deben estar como que '¡¿Qué?!'\nPero...\nEntonces de verdad tengo que ejercitar el músculo de la positividad\nY lo he estado haciendo...Para mi, ya no es cuestión de forzarlo\nPorque llevo haciéndolo por casi 10 años\nLo he hecho tanto ya, que en este punto ya es casi natural para mi\nEntonces, bueno\nAhora me toma como medio día recuperarme\nNo un día completo, o dos o tres\nUsualmente es medio día, y cuando anochece me pongo a limpiar\nEso es muy terapéutico para mi\nUsualmente me pongo a limpiar, y siempre me siento inmediatamente mejor cuando me despierto la mañana siguiente\nMe siento una mujer nueva\nCosas de Virgo...\nLa próxima...\n¿Cómo te sientes como latina en esta industria? ¿Crees que hay diferencia?\nPor Dios que si hay diferencia, nena\nMe siento más...\nSiento que tengo más poder por ser latina\nEl español...\nSiento que si hablas inglés y español...Y esto lo he dicho antes...100%\nSiento que si hablas inglés y español, te puedes comunicar con muchísimas personas en el mundo, entonces como que...\nSí...Me siento superpoderosa\n¿Cuál es mi coctel o trago favorito?\nA mi me encanta un coctel\nPero especialmente me encanta el Mezcal\nCuando los bares no tienen buenas bebidas, como que son cosas muy genéricas, Vodka, Destornilladores...\nYa saben, todas esas bebidas básicas\nEntonces pido directamente un Tequila Soda\nEs Tequila, Soda y jugo de limón\nY si por casualidad tienen Tajin...\nSiempre les pido que le pongan al borde\n¡Estoy salivando una barbaridad! Tengo problemas\nVoy a tomar este...\nCreo que es el momento apropiado para pasar a las preguntas de amor, porque hay muchísimas\nUstedes quieren saber sobre mis relaciones\nVoy a ir directamente a estas\n¿Estás soltera o saliendo casualmente con alguien?\nEsperen un momento\nEstoy soltera, por cierto\n¿Qué? ¡Esto ni siquiera pica!\nEsto ni siquiera pica, chicos...Estoy muy decepcionada\nUn mango habanero pica más\nEstoy super soltera en este momento\nOk...Cuéntanos todo sobre tu peor separación, y qué aprendiste de eso\nChicos, yo solo he tenido una relación seria\nY en realidad, él era una persona maravillosa\n¡En realidad!\nSe los digo porque no fue una separación mala\nLes admito que el asunto se volvió muy conflictivo después de que rompimos,\nporque...\nY esto me lo dijo todo el mundo: No se puede ser amigos después de que terminan\nYo yo de verdad traté con todas mis fuerzas que fuéramos amigos\nY no funcionó, se volvió muy conflictivo, y creo que fue ahí que se puso así\nCuando empiezas a tontear y no tienen un 'título', simplemente...\nÉl empezó a salir con otras personas, y era válido, porque está soltero...\nTodavía me escribía, y seguíamos hablando...\nY cuando tienes un historial, no son simplemente amigos\nLigan y todo eso...Ustedes saben\nTerminé molesta con él, por un tiempo\nMientras que cuando terminamos inicialmente, todo estaba bien\nO sea, no totalmente bien, pero sí lo respetaba como persona\nPero durante...\nDurante esa ruptura...\nYo nunca...\n...lloré, ni me sentí tan enojada\n...antes\nYo nunca...jamás...entonces...\nMe gustaría haberle hecho caso a la gente, pero a la vez es como que, a veces tienes que aprender las cosas tu mismo\nY...\nYa saben...Ya sé, ya aprendí esa lección\nY puedo pasarsela a alguien más que no me hará caso hasta que lo haya experimentado por sí mismo también\n¿Alguna vez has pensado en hacerte alguna Cirugía plástica?\n \n...no\nEstoy un poco en contra de eso, realmente\nSe siente raro decir eso en voz alta\nPorque nunca lo he dicho\nPorque tanta gente que conozco tiene cirugía plástica\nEntonces no quería que pensaran que los estoy juzgando, porque no es así\nYo nunca juzgaría a nadie por hacer lo que quieren con su cuerpo\nEn absoluto\nNunca se sabe\nO sea, digo esto ahora, pero quién sabe cómo me voy a sentir en unos años\nLo que yo pienso de la cirugía plástica...\nNo es necesariamente como que...\nO sea, quizás estás incómoda con tus senos, con tu nariz, con tus labios...Yo entiendo eso\nHay algo que te está haciendo sentir mal acerca de eso, y la mayoría de las veces es algo externo\nY es una cuestión de ego, y quizás eso te haga sentir mejor\nY a veces quizás sí, te vuelve más confiada\nEso es increíble ¿saben?\nPero lo que yo quiero preguntarle a las personas cuando lo hacen es\n¿Qué te hizo pensar que tu nariz no está bien?\n¿Fue una foto de alguien más?\n¿Fueron quizás años de...?\nQuizás todas tus hermanas se operaron la nariz,\nQuizás todas las personas de tu familia se operaron la nariz, entonces se espera que tu lo hagas también...Es así de normal\n¿Será que todas tus amigas se están operando los senos?\nNo sé, son cosas así...\nO quizás es todo el contenido que consumes de chicas que se ven todas iguales ¿sabes?\nEntonces esas son todas las preguntas que yo siempre propongo cuando se trata de cirugía plástica\nSiento que siempre hay algo que desencadena tu re evaluación de ti mismo\n'¿Cómo y por qué te interesaste en el skincare? Te quiero'\nYo te quiero más a ti\n \nLo que me hizo interesame en el skincare fueron los brotes de acné\nSiento que cuando tienes un problema es que te interesas en algo ¿verdad?\nEntonces empecé a brotarme y comencé a investigar mucho\nLeí el libro de Caudalie\nCuando comencé a leer ese libro y me sumergí en él\nDespués pasé al skincare coreano y me interesó muchísimo\nY luego leí el de Paula's Choice...\nSimplemente leí muchos libros, muchos artículos\nMe estoy llenando mucho, entonces voy a saltarme directo a las alitas 'en llamas'\nEstas son, supuestamente, las más calientes\nVamos a ver...Ni siquiera estoy sudando. El mango habanero me hizo sudar un poco\nPero...\nVamos a probarlas\nEstán picantes, pero no tanto\n¿Alguna vez un chico te ha juzgado por ser influencer?\nQuiero inventar como un...\n...como un trabajo\nO sea, no quiero mentir, yo odio mentir\nNo sé, decorar la verdad o algo...\nTienen que ayudarme a crear un nuevo título para mi trabajo\nPorque este es mi único trabajo. Solo hago Youtube\nSé que muchas me preguntan que si sigo en el estilismo y eso\nQuiero volver al estilismo como para...Tengo ciertos artistas en mente\nVolvería solo para música\n¡Me arden los labios!\nEntonces...Siempre me ha costado decir, cuando conozco chicos o cuando viajo...\nY siempre surge la pregunta\n¿Y en qué trabajas?\nEso les permite a las personas filtrar cómo te juzgan...No sé si me entienden\nSi, por ejemplo, yo dijera que trabajo en...\nSi dijera que trabajo en Google o algo así, la gente estaría como que '¡Diablos!'\n'Dios, es inteligente'\nO 'Ah, sabe de tecnología'\n¡No sé los estereotipos, no sé a dónde voy con esto!\nEs como una manera de filtrar cómo te hablan, de cierto modo\nUsualmente o quedan confundidos y no lo entienden...\nO saben exactamente qué es y me preguntan cuántos subscriptores o seguidores tengo\nEsa siempre es la siguiente pregunta, porque esa es otra manera de juzgarte, para saber si...\nNo sé...¿Para saber si es una carrera seria o no?\nPor ejemplo, si yo dijera que tengo 2 suscriptores, se quedarían como 'Ah...Sí, eres Youtuber'\nTrato lo más posible de no decir nada\nPorque lo otro, aparte de de juzgarte, que lo van a hacer de todas formas así seas maestra, conserje, gerente de una compañía de belleza...Lo que sea\nTe van a juzgar de todas formas\nEstén impresionados o no\nEso es asunto de ellos, no tiene nada que ver contigo\nLa otra cosa es que te pueden buscar\nY luego...\n¡Pueden buscar mis videos!\nY es rarísimo para mi\nTienen una ventaja, de cierto modo\nO sea, pueden ver las 50 cosas sobre mi, o pueden ver estas Preguntas y Respuestas\nY ya tienen una mejor idea de cómo soy\nY yo no puedo hacer eso con ellos, y a mi me gusta tener la ventaja...\nSoy Virgo, duh...Quiero analizarte completo\nPero...\nNo me gusta que la gente tenga la ventaja sobre mi\nEs muy fácil enterarse de lo que hago, entonces no me gusta mentir\nPero...\nMentí una vez, y me atraparon\n¿Cuánto mido? Mido 1.52 cm\n¿Cómo aprendí español?\nMi papá es de México y mi mamá de Panamá, entonces crecí hablando español\n¿Le haces Facetune a tus selfies y retratos?\nRealmente, lo único que hago a veces es agregar un poquito de 'Detalle'\nUn poquito en los ojos\nY también...Siempre edito...\nHay un punto de mi pared donde me tomo fotos que está manchado de labial\nSiempre lo quito con Facetune y aumento el brillo...\n...un pelín\nY a veces tengo vello de mi bigote\nY se ve en la foto...Entonces lo elimino\nHago así con el...\nDéjenme abrirlo\nDe verdad no me gusta Facetune\nBueno, aquí está esta foto\nY generalmente tomo la herramienta de emparejar\nHago zoom y luego esto\nRealmente esta no tiene vellos, pero si tuviera y eso...\nRealmente no está tan picante\n¿Quién es tu espíritu animal?\nO ¿Cuál es mi espíritu animal?\nVoy a decir que es Azis Ansari\nEl es mi espíritu animal\n¡Ay! ¿Eso es agua? Gracias Dios mío, me estoy quemando\n'¿Consejos amorosos? Está difícil la cosa aquí afuera, amiga'\n¡Niña, lo sé! Te escucho\nEs muy difícil en Los Ángeles, creo yo\n¿Cómo hacer fondos como este?\n¡Ah! Los collages que uso en Instagram\nMe gusta hacer moodboards, siempre uso Canva\nUso canva, se los recomendaría muchísimo\nPuedes hacer thumnails, posts para Instagram, collages...\nPueden hacer muchísimas cosas...Me encanta Canva, y es gratis\n¿Eres soltera? En caso de que si ¿por qué?\nLo siento, cariño, te amo de verdad...\nPero odio esa pregunta\n¿Cómo diablos respondo eso? Díganme ustedes...100% en serio\nPorque cuando me hacen esa pregunta...\n...me hierve la sangre\nY literalmente, cariño, no quiero faltarte al respeto\nEstoy viendo tus otras preguntas aquí, y las voy a responder\nPorque te amo por tomarte el tiempo de participar en este Preguntas y Respuestas\nY me han hecho esta pregunta un millón de veces...Siempre causa una reacción en mi\nY simplemente digo 'Bro, no sé como responderte eso...No sé por qué estoy soltera, simplemente es así'\n \nNo es mi momento, el universo tiene a alguien mejor para mi...No sé\nO sea, no sé que quieres que te diga ¿sabes?\n \nSiento que este se convirtió más en un video sobre el amor, porque creo que he respondido muchas preguntas sobre mi carrera en otros videos\nEntonces les voy a dejar esos allá abajo\nPara aquellos de ustedes que quieran saber más sobre cómo comencé en el estilismo...\nTengo videos completos sobre eso\nAsí como sobre tips para iniciarse y dónde estoy ahora\nBueno, quieren que les cuente cosas sobre el amor...\nEstoy tratando de pensar en la última persona con la que fui a una cita...\nYo creo que no soy buena para las citas\nVoy a muchas primeras citas\nAunque tampoco, ya\nNi siquiera eso ya\nYa he llegado al punto de conocer a alguien en una fiesta o en un bar o lo que sea\nYa no salgo tanto, pero cuando salgo siempre conozco a alguien\nYo diría que el 85% de las veces, conozco a alguien e intercambiamos nombres, bla bla bla\nLa cosa es que creo que durante mucho de 2018 estuve activamente buscando a alguien\nY estaba emanando una energía desesperada\nY por eso twiteé eso ...Y lo posteé en Instagram\nDije 'NO a la energía desesperada. Aleja las cosas. Todo pasará cuando tenga que pasar. No trates de forzarlo'\nCuando dices 'Lo necesito, lo necesito, lo necesito', el universo como que...\nEs como que '¡No, chica!'\nLe tienes las manos puestas así al universo\nPara que te de lo que tu quieras, ya sea un hombre, ser delgada, el trabajo...\nQue se te quite el acné...Lo que sea\nGritas de desesperación, cuando deberías simplemente dejar ir las cosas\nEso fue un gran aprendizaje\nFue rarísimo\nEstaba en Panamá, cuando pasó esto\nConocí a un chico, nos gustamos, fuimos en una cita, salimos...\nY yo pensé 'Más le vale escribirme en la mañana'\nO sea, ya yo estaba pensando eso, que más le valía escribirme\nY, de repente, cuando me dije eso a mi misma\nPasó algo en mi que me hizo comenzar a reírme, y pensé 'Lo que sea, niña'\nO sea...\nNi siquiera...\nO sea, el está en Panamá ¿qué te importa si te escribe? ¡Es una cosa de ego!\nEra mi ego, que me decía 'Yo no soy ese tipo de chica, más te vale escribirme'\nTan pronto como comencé a reírme y me di cuenta de que ni siquiera me importaba, me llegó el mensaje\nY no solo de él...Fue rarísimo el día siguiente\nEran de otros chicos que me habían gustado y eso\nDe esos que no te son indiferentes\nComenzaron a resurgir en mi vida\nY pensé 'Esto es una locura'\nPorque finalmente deje ir todo eso de que lo necesito, lo necesito\nNecesito tener esto, y que me escriban, y que no me ignoren, y bla bla bla\nPor eso escribí eso\nPero no aplica solo para los chicos: aplica para todo\nBueno, con eso chicos...\n...me despido\nDe verdad espero que hayan disfrutado pasar este tiempo conmigo\nSé que fue largísimo, pero creo que los debía hace mucho tiempo\nSinceramente, fue muy agradable simplemente hablar con ustedes\nEspero que hayas aprendido algo, no sé, que te sientas motivado...\nO que sientas que no estás solo\nNo sé qué puedes sacar de este video, pero espero que puedas sacar algo\n \nNo, es broma. Realmente no\nEl mago habanero fue el mejor, el más picoso\nEl título del más picoso se lo gana el mango habanero\nEs lo usual...Este siempre ha sido mi bebé, aunque no lo había comido literalmente en 3 años\nMe encantaría hacer el challenge de The Hot Ones\nTengo que conseguir esas salsas picantes,y podemos hacer uno verdadero que sí sea picante\nEl challenge del Chile fantasma...Y veremos si sobrevivo a eso, porque les juro que mi tolerancia es altísima\nCuéntame cuál es tu alita preferida de Buffalo Wild Wings\nY espero que te lleves algo de este video\nFue divertidísimo para mi sentarme aquí y abrirme con ustedes\nTodavía estoy salivando como loca, entonces disculpen si arrastro las palabras\nPero los amo muchísimo, y los veré en mi próximo video\n \n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "\nThai: \nฉันสามารถแสดงหมายเลข 5 ได้หลายวิธี\nดูและร้องเพลงตามและเรียนรู้วันนี้\nฉันสามารถแสดงหมายเลข 5 ได้หลายวิธี\nฉันสามารถแสดงหมายเลข 5 เป็นภาพได้\nแบบนี้\n5\nฉันสามารถแสดงหมายเลข 5 เป็นตัวเลขได้\nแบบนี้\n5\nฉันสามารถแสดงหมายเลข 5 ในห้าเฟรม\nแบบนี้\n5\nฉันสามารถแสดงหมายเลข 5 ในสิบเฟรม\nแบบนี้\n5\n\nFilipino: \nMaaari kong ipakita ang numero 5 sa maraming paraan\nTumingin at kumanta kasama at alamin natin ngayon\nMaaari kong ipakita ang numero 5 sa maraming paraan\nMaipakita ko ang bilang 5 bilang isang larawan\nGanito\n5\nMaaari kong ipakita ang bilang 5 bilang isang bilang\nGanito\n5\nMaaari kong ipakita ang numero 5 sa isang limang frame\nGanito\n5\nMaaari kong ipakita ang numero 5 sa isang sampung frame\nGanito\n5\n\nDutch: \nIk kan nummer 5 op vele manieren weergeven\nKijk en zing mee en laten we vandaag leren\nIk kan nummer 5 op vele manieren weergeven\nIk kan nummer 5 als afbeelding tonen\nZoals dit\n5\nIk kan het cijfer 5 als cijfer weergeven\nZoals dit\n5\nIk kan nummer 5 in een frame met vijf tonen\nZoals dit\n5\nIk kan het nummer 5 in een frame van tien tonen\nZoals dit\n5\n\nChinese: \n我可以以多種方式顯示5\n一起看和唱歌,今天就開始學習\n我可以以多種方式顯示5\n我可以將數字5顯示為圖片\n像這樣\n5\n我可以將數字5顯示為數字\n像這樣\n5\n我可以在5幀中顯示5\n像這樣\n5\n我可以在十幀中顯示數字5\n像這樣\n5\n\nArabic: \nيمكنني إظهار الرقم 5 بعدة طرق\nانظر وغن ودعنا نتعلم اليوم\nيمكنني إظهار الرقم 5 بعدة طرق\nيمكنني إظهار الرقم 5 كصورة\nمثله\n5\nيمكنني إظهار الرقم 5 كرقم\nمثله\n5\nيمكنني إظهار الرقم 5 في خمسة إطار\nمثله\n5\nيمكنني إظهار الرقم 5 في إطار عشرة\nمثله\n5\n\nFrench: \nJe peux montrer le nombre 5 de plusieurs façons\nRegarde et chante et apprenons aujourd'hui\nJe peux montrer le nombre 5 de plusieurs façons\nJe peux montrer le nombre 5 comme une image\nComme ça\n5\nJe peux montrer le nombre 5 en chiffres\nComme ça\n5\nJe peux montrer le nombre 5 dans un cadre de cinq\nComme ça\n5\nJe peux montrer le nombre 5 dans un cadre de dix\nComme ça\n5\n\nChinese: \n我可以以多种方式显示5\n一起看和唱歌,今天就开始学习\n我可以以多种方式显示5\n我可以将数字5显示为图片\n像这样\n5\n我可以将数字5显示为数字\n像这样\n5\n我可以在5帧中显示5\n像这样\n5\n我可以在十帧中显示数字5\n像这样\n5\n\nItalian: \nPosso mostrare il numero 5 in molti modi\nGuarda e canta insieme e impariamo oggi\nPosso mostrare il numero 5 in molti modi\nPosso mostrare il numero 5 come una foto\nCome questo\n5\nPosso mostrare il numero 5 come un numero\nCome questo\n5\nPosso mostrare il numero 5 in cinque fotogrammi\nCome questo\n5\nPosso mostrare il numero 5 in dieci fotogrammi\nCome questo\n5\n\nAfrikaans: \nEk kan die nommer 5 op baie maniere wys\nKyk en sing saam en kom ons leer vandag\nEk kan die nommer 5 op baie maniere wys\nEk kan die nommer 5 as 'n foto wys\nSoos hierdie\n5\nEk kan die getal 5 as 'n syfer wys\nSoos hierdie\n5\nEk kan die nommer 5 in 'n vyf raam wys\nSoos hierdie\n5\nEk kan die nommer 5 in 'n tien raam wys\nSoos hierdie\n5\n\nSpanish: \nPuedo mostrar el número 5 de muchas maneras\nMira y canta y aprendamos hoy\nPuedo mostrar el número 5 de muchas maneras\nPuedo mostrar el número 5 como una imagen\nMe gusta esto\n5 5\nPuedo mostrar el número 5 como un número\nMe gusta esto\n5 5\nPuedo mostrar el número 5 en cinco cuadros\nMe gusta esto\n5 5\nPuedo mostrar el número 5 en diez cuadros\nMe gusta esto\n5 5\n\nHindi: \nमैं नंबर 5 को कई तरीकों से दिखा सकता हूं\nसाथ देखो और गाओ और चलो आज सीखते हैं\nमैं नंबर 5 को कई तरीकों से दिखा सकता हूं\nमैं चित्र के रूप में संख्या 5 दिखा सकता हूं\nऐशे ही\n5\nमैं अंक 5 को अंक के रूप में दिखा सकता हूं\nऐशे ही\n5\nमैं पांच नंबर को पांच फ्रेम में दिखा सकता हूं\nऐशे ही\n5\nमैं दस फ्रेम में नंबर 5 दिखा सकता हूं\nऐशे ही\n5\n\nSpanish: \nPuedo mostrar el número 5 de muchas maneras\nMira y canta y aprendamos hoy\nPuedo mostrar el número 5 de muchas maneras\nPuedo mostrar el número 5 como una imagen\nMe gusta esto\n5 5\nPuedo mostrar el número 5 como un número\nMe gusta esto\n5 5\nPuedo mostrar el número 5 en cinco cuadros\nMe gusta esto\n5 5\nPuedo mostrar el número 5 en diez cuadros\nMe gusta esto\n5 5\n\nMalay (macrolanguage): \nSaya dapat menunjukkan bilangan 5 dalam banyak cara\nLihat dan bernyanyi bersama dan mari belajar hari ini\nSaya dapat menunjukkan bilangan 5 dalam banyak cara\nSaya dapat menunjukkan nombor 5 sebagai gambar\nSeperti ini\n5\nSaya boleh menunjukkan nombor 5 sebagai nombor\nSeperti ini\n5\nSaya dapat menunjukkan nombor 5 dalam lima bingkai\nSeperti ini\n5\nSaya dapat menunjukkan bilangan 5 dalam sepuluh bingkai\nSeperti ini\n5\n\nFrench: \nJe peux montrer le nombre 5 de plusieurs façons\nRegarde et chante et apprenons aujourd'hui\nJe peux montrer le nombre 5 de plusieurs façons\nJe peux montrer le nombre 5 comme une image\nComme ça\n5\nJe peux montrer le nombre 5 en chiffres\nComme ça\n5\nJe peux montrer le nombre 5 dans un cadre de cinq\nComme ça\n5\nJe peux montrer le nombre 5 dans un cadre de dix\nComme ça\n5\n\nKorean: \n여러 가지 방법으로 숫자 5를 보여줄 수 있습니다\n보고 노래하고 오늘 배우자\n여러 가지 방법으로 숫자 5를 보여줄 수 있습니다\n숫자 5를 그림으로 보여줄 수 있습니다\n이렇게\n5\n숫자 5를 숫자로 표시 할 수 있습니다\n이렇게\n5\n5 프레임에 5를 보여줄 수 있습니다\n이렇게\n5\n10 프레임에 숫자 5를 보여줄 수 있습니다\n이렇게\n5\n\nRussian: \nЯ могу показать номер 5 во многих отношениях\nСмотри и пой и давайте учиться сегодня\nЯ могу показать номер 5 во многих отношениях\nЯ могу показать номер 5 в виде картинки\nНравится\n5\nЯ могу показать число 5 как цифру\nНравится\n5\nЯ могу показать номер 5 в пять кадров\nНравится\n5\nЯ могу показать номер 5 в десяти кадрах\nНравится\n5\n\nGerman: \nIch kann die Nummer 5 auf viele Arten zeigen\nSchau und singe mit und lass uns heute lernen\nIch kann die Nummer 5 auf viele Arten zeigen\nIch kann die Nummer 5 als Bild zeigen\nSo was\n5\nIch kann die Nummer 5 als Ziffer anzeigen\nSo was\n5\nIch kann die Nummer 5 in einem Fünf-Frame anzeigen\nSo was\n5\nIch kann die Nummer 5 in einem Zehnerrahmen zeigen\nSo was\n5\n\nJapanese: \n多くの方法で5番を表示できます\n見て歌って、今日学びましょう\n多くの方法で5番を表示できます\n数字の5を絵として見せることができます\nこのような\n5\n数字として5を表示できます\nこのような\n5\n5フレームで5番を表示できます\nこのような\n5\n10フレームで5番を表示できます\nこのような\n5\n\nEnglish: \nI can show the number 5 in many ways\nLook and sing along and let's learn today\nI can show the number 5 in many ways\nI can show the number 5 as a picture\nLike this\n5\nI can show the number 5 as a numeral\nLike this\n5\nI can show the number 5 in a five frame\nLike this\n5\nI can show the number 5 in a ten frame\nLike this\n5\n\nVietnamese: \nTôi có thể hiển thị số 5 theo nhiều cách\nNhìn và hát theo và hãy học ngay hôm nay\nTôi có thể hiển thị số 5 theo nhiều cách\nTôi có thể hiển thị số 5 dưới dạng hình ảnh\nNhư thế này\n5\nTôi có thể hiển thị số 5 dưới dạng số\nNhư thế này\n5\nTôi có thể hiển thị số 5 trong một khung năm\nNhư thế này\n5\nTôi có thể hiển thị số 5 trong một khung mười\nNhư thế này\n5\n\nJapanese: \n多くの方法で5番を表示できます\n集計マークで5番を表示できます\nこのような\n5\n番号行に5番を表示できます\nこのような\n5\n数字の5を単語として表示できます\nこのような\n五\nサイコロの5番を表示できます\nこのような\n5\n多くの方法で5番を表示できます\nドミノに5番を表示できます\nこのような\n5\n指に5番を表示できます\nこのような\n5\n\nSpanish: \nPuedo mostrar el número 5 de muchas maneras\nPuedo mostrar el número 5 con marcas de conteo\nMe gusta esto\n5 5\nPuedo mostrar el número 5 en una recta numérica\nMe gusta esto\n5 5\nPuedo mostrar el número 5 como una palabra\nMe gusta esto\ncinco\nPuedo mostrar el número 5 en dados\nMe gusta esto\n5 5\nPuedo mostrar el número 5 de muchas maneras\nPuedo mostrar el número 5 en un dominó\nMe gusta esto\n5 5\nPuedo mostrar el número 5 en los dedos\nMe gusta esto\n5 5\n\nRussian: \nЯ могу показать номер 5 во многих отношениях\nЯ могу показать номер 5 с метками\nНравится\n5\nЯ могу показать номер 5 на номерной строке\nНравится\n5\nЯ могу показать номер 5 как слово\nНравится\n5\nЯ могу показать номер 5 на кости\nНравится\n5\nЯ могу показать номер 5 во многих отношениях\nЯ могу показать номер 5 на домино\nНравится\n5\nЯ могу показать номер 5 на пальцах\nНравится\n5\n\nArabic: \nيمكنني إظهار الرقم 5 بعدة طرق\nيمكنني إظهار الرقم 5 بعلامات العد\nمثله\n5\nيمكنني إظهار الرقم 5 على خط الأرقام\nمثله\n5\nيمكنني إظهار الرقم 5 ككلمة\nمثله\nخمسة\nيمكنني إظهار الرقم 5 على النرد\nمثله\n5\nيمكنني إظهار الرقم 5 بعدة طرق\nيمكنني إظهار الرقم 5 على الدومينو\nمثله\n5\nيمكنني إظهار الرقم 5 على الأصابع\nمثله\n5\n\nFrench: \nJe peux montrer le nombre 5 de plusieurs façons\nJe peux montrer le nombre 5 avec des marques de pointage\nComme ça\n5\nJe peux montrer le chiffre 5 sur une droite numérique\nComme ça\n5\nJe peux montrer le nombre 5 comme un mot\nComme ça\ncinq\nJe peux montrer le nombre 5 en dés\nComme ça\n5\nJe peux montrer le nombre 5 de plusieurs façons\nJe peux montrer le chiffre 5 sur un domino\nComme ça\n5\nJe peux montrer le chiffre 5 sur les doigts\nComme ça\n5\n\nSpanish: \nPuedo mostrar el número 5 de muchas maneras\nPuedo mostrar el número 5 con marcas de conteo\nMe gusta esto\n5 5\nPuedo mostrar el número 5 en una recta numérica\nMe gusta esto\n5 5\nPuedo mostrar el número 5 como una palabra\nMe gusta esto\ncinco\nPuedo mostrar el número 5 en dados\nMe gusta esto\n5 5\nPuedo mostrar el número 5 de muchas maneras\nPuedo mostrar el número 5 en un dominó\nMe gusta esto\n5 5\nPuedo mostrar el número 5 en los dedos\nMe gusta esto\n5 5\n\nHindi: \nमैं नंबर 5 को कई तरीकों से दिखा सकता हूं\nमैं टैली मार्क्स के साथ नंबर 5 दिखा सकता हूं\nऐशे ही\n5\nमैं एक संख्या रेखा पर संख्या 5 दिखा सकता हूं\nऐशे ही\n5\nमैं 5 नंबर को एक शब्द के रूप में दिखा सकता हूं\nऐशे ही\nपांच\nमैं पासा पर नंबर 5 दिखा सकता हूं\nऐशे ही\n5\nमैं नंबर 5 को कई तरीकों से दिखा सकता हूं\nमैं एक डोमिनोज़ पर नंबर 5 दिखा सकता हूं\nऐशे ही\n5\nमैं उंगलियों पर 5 नंबर दिखा सकता हूं\nऐशे ही\n5\n\nMalay (macrolanguage): \nSaya dapat menunjukkan bilangan 5 dalam banyak cara\nSaya dapat menunjukkan nombor 5 dengan tanda tally\nSeperti ini\n5\nSaya boleh menunjukkan nombor 5 pada baris nombor\nSeperti ini\n5\nSaya dapat menunjukkan nombor 5 sebagai perkataan\nSeperti ini\nlima\nSaya dapat menunjukkan nombor 5 pada dadu\nSeperti ini\n5\nSaya dapat menunjukkan bilangan 5 dalam banyak cara\nSaya dapat menunjukkan nombor 5 pada domino\nSeperti ini\n5\nSaya boleh menunjukkan nombor 5 pada jari\nSeperti ini\n5\n\nKorean: \n여러 가지 방법으로 숫자 5를 보여줄 수 있습니다\n탈리 표시로 숫자 5를 표시 할 수 있습니다\n이렇게\n5\n숫자 5에 숫자 5를 보여줄 수 있습니다\n이렇게\n5\n숫자 5를 단어로 표시 할 수 있습니다\n이렇게\n다섯\n주사위에 숫자 5를 보여줄 수 있습니다\n이렇게\n5\n여러 가지 방법으로 숫자 5를 보여줄 수 있습니다\n도미노에 숫자 5를 보여줄 수 있습니다\n이렇게\n5\n손가락에 숫자 5를 보여줄 수 있습니다\n이렇게\n5\n\nChinese: \n我可以以多種方式顯示5\n我可以用記號顯示5\n像這樣\n5\n我可以在數字線上顯示數字5\n像這樣\n5\n我可以將數字5顯示為一個字\n像這樣\n五\n我可以在骰子上顯示數字5\n像這樣\n5\n我可以以多種方式顯示5\n我可以在多米諾骨牌上顯示數字5\n像這樣\n5\n我可以在手指上看到數字5\n像這樣\n5\n\nFrench: \nJe peux montrer le nombre 5 de plusieurs façons\nJe peux montrer le nombre 5 avec des marques de pointage\nComme ça\n5\nJe peux montrer le chiffre 5 sur une droite numérique\nComme ça\n5\nJe peux montrer le nombre 5 comme un mot\nComme ça\ncinq\nJe peux montrer le nombre 5 en dés\nComme ça\n5\nJe peux montrer le nombre 5 de plusieurs façons\nJe peux montrer le chiffre 5 sur un domino\nComme ça\n5\nJe peux montrer le chiffre 5 sur les doigts\nComme ça\n5\n\nFilipino: \nMaaari kong ipakita ang numero 5 sa maraming paraan\nMaaari kong ipakita ang numero 5 na may mga tally mark\nGanito\n5\nMaaari kong ipakita ang numero 5 sa isang linya ng numero\nGanito\n5\nMaaari kong ipakita ang bilang 5 bilang isang salita\nGanito\nlima\nMaaari kong ipakita ang numero 5 sa dice\nGanito\n5\nMaaari kong ipakita ang numero 5 sa maraming paraan\nMaaari kong ipakita ang numero 5 sa isang domino\nGanito\n5\nMaaari kong ipakita ang numero 5 sa mga daliri\nGanito\n5\n\nDutch: \nIk kan nummer 5 op vele manieren weergeven\nIk kan nummer 5 laten zien met telmerken\nZoals dit\n5\nIk kan nummer 5 op een getallenlijn weergeven\nZoals dit\n5\nIk kan het nummer 5 als een woord weergeven\nZoals dit\nvijf\nIk kan het nummer 5 op dobbelstenen tonen\nZoals dit\n5\nIk kan nummer 5 op vele manieren weergeven\nIk kan nummer 5 op een domino tonen\nZoals dit\n5\nIk kan het nummer 5 op vingers tonen\nZoals dit\n5\n\nVietnamese: \nTôi có thể hiển thị số 5 theo nhiều cách\nTôi có thể hiển thị số 5 với các dấu kiểm đếm\nNhư thế này\n5\nTôi có thể hiển thị số 5 trên một dòng số\nNhư thế này\n5\nTôi có thể hiển thị số 5 dưới dạng một từ\nNhư thế này\nsố năm\nTôi có thể hiển thị số 5 trên súc sắc\nNhư thế này\n5\nTôi có thể hiển thị số 5 theo nhiều cách\nTôi có thể hiển thị số 5 trên domino\nNhư thế này\n5\nTôi có thể hiển thị số 5 trên ngón tay\nNhư thế này\n5\n\nThai: \nฉันสามารถแสดงหมายเลข 5 ได้หลายวิธี\nฉันสามารถแสดงหมายเลข 5 ที่มีเครื่องหมายนับ\nแบบนี้\n5\nฉันสามารถแสดงหมายเลข 5 ในบรรทัดตัวเลข\nแบบนี้\n5\nฉันสามารถแสดงหมายเลข 5 เป็นคำ\nแบบนี้\nห้า\nฉันสามารถแสดงหมายเลข 5 บนลูกเต๋า\nแบบนี้\n5\nฉันสามารถแสดงหมายเลข 5 ได้หลายวิธี\nฉันสามารถแสดงหมายเลข 5 บนโดมิโนได้\nแบบนี้\n5\nฉันสามารถแสดงหมายเลข 5 บนนิ้วมือ\nแบบนี้\n5\n\nChinese: \n我可以以多种方式显示5\n我可以用记号显示5\n像这样\n5\n我可以在数字线上显示数字5\n像这样\n5\n我可以将数字5显示为一个字\n像这样\n五\n我可以在骰子上显示数字5\n像这样\n5\n我可以以多种方式显示5\n我可以在多米诺骨牌上显示数字5\n像这样\n5\n我可以在手指上看到数字5\n像这样\n5\n\nItalian: \nPosso mostrare il numero 5 in molti modi\nPosso mostrare il numero 5 con segni di conteggio\nCome questo\n5\nPosso mostrare il numero 5 su una riga numerica\nCome questo\n5\nPosso mostrare il numero 5 come una parola\nCome questo\ncinque\nPosso mostrare il numero 5 sui dadi\nCome questo\n5\nPosso mostrare il numero 5 in molti modi\nPosso mostrare il numero 5 su un domino\nCome questo\n5\nPosso mostrare il numero 5 sulle dita\nCome questo\n5\n\nAfrikaans: \nEk kan die nommer 5 op baie maniere wys\nEk kan die nommer 5 wys met tellings\nSoos hierdie\n5\nEk kan die nommer 5 op 'n getallelyn wys\nSoos hierdie\n5\nEk kan die nommer 5 as 'n woord wys\nSoos hierdie\nvyf\nEk kan die nommer 5 op dobbelstene wys\nSoos hierdie\n5\nEk kan die nommer 5 op baie maniere wys\nEk kan die nommer 5 op 'n domino wys\nSoos hierdie\n5\nEk kan die nommer 5 op vingers wys\nSoos hierdie\n5\n\nEnglish: \nI can show the number 5 in many ways\nI can show the number 5 with tally marks\nLike this\n5\nI can show the number 5 on a number line\nLike this\n5\nI can show the number 5 as a word\nLike this\nfive\nI can show the number 5 on dice\nLike this\n5\nI can show the number 5 in many ways\nI can show the number 5 on a domino\nLike this\n5\nI can show the number 5 on fingers\nLike this\n5\n\nGerman: \nIch kann die Nummer 5 auf viele Arten zeigen\nIch kann die Nummer 5 mit Strichmarkierungen anzeigen\nSo was\n5\nIch kann die Nummer 5 auf einer Zahlenzeile anzeigen\nSo was\n5\nIch kann die Nummer 5 als Wort anzeigen\nSo was\nfünf\nIch kann die Nummer 5 auf Würfeln zeigen\nSo was\n5\nIch kann die Nummer 5 auf viele Arten zeigen\nIch kann die Nummer 5 auf einem Domino zeigen\nSo was\n5\nIch kann die Nummer 5 auf den Fingern zeigen\nSo was\n5\n\nAfrikaans: \nEk kan die nommer 5 as 'n foto wys\nSoos hierdie\n5\nEk kan die getal 5 as 'n syfer wys\nSoos hierdie\n5\nEk kan die nommer 5 op baie maniere wys\nKyk en sing saam en kom ons leer vandag\nEk kan die nommer 5 op baie maniere wys\nNou antwoord u voor my hoe ons 5 wys\nwoord\nvyf raam\ngetallelyn\nvingers\ntelmerke\ndomino\n\nSpanish: \nPuedo mostrar el número 5 como una imagen\nMe gusta esto\n5 5\nPuedo mostrar el número 5 como un número\nMe gusta esto\n5 5\nPuedo mostrar el número 5 de muchas maneras\nMira y canta y aprendamos hoy\nPuedo mostrar el número 5 de muchas maneras\nAhora respondes ante mí cómo mostramos 5\npalabra\ncinco cuadros\nnumero de linea\ndedos\nmarcas de conteo\ndominó\n\nChinese: \n我可以将数字5显示为图片\n像这样\n5\n我可以将数字5显示为数字\n像这样\n5\n我可以以多种方式显示5\n一起看和唱歌,今天就开始学习\n我可以以多种方式显示5\n现在您在我面前回答我们如何显示5\n字\n五帧\n数字线\n手指\n计数符号\n骨牌\n\nEnglish: \nI can show the number 5 as a picture\nLike this\n5\nI can show the number 5 as a numeral\nLike this\n5\nI can show the number 5 in many ways\nLook and sing along and let's learn today\nI can show the number 5 in many ways\nNow you answer before me how we show 5\nword\nfive frame\nnumber line\nfingers\ntally marks\ndomino\n\nMalay (macrolanguage): \nSaya dapat menunjukkan nombor 5 sebagai gambar\nSeperti ini\n5\nSaya boleh menunjukkan nombor 5 sebagai nombor\nSeperti ini\n5\nSaya dapat menunjukkan bilangan 5 dalam banyak cara\nLihat dan bernyanyi bersama dan mari belajar hari ini\nSaya dapat menunjukkan bilangan 5 dalam banyak cara\nSekarang anda menjawab sebelum saya bagaimana kami menunjukkan 5\nperkataan\nlima bingkai\ngarisan nombor\njari\ntanda tally\ndomino\n\nThai: \nฉันสามารถแสดงหมายเลข 5 เป็นภาพได้\nแบบนี้\n5\nฉันสามารถแสดงหมายเลข 5 เป็นตัวเลขได้\nแบบนี้\n5\nฉันสามารถแสดงหมายเลข 5 ได้หลายวิธี\nดูและร้องเพลงตามและเรียนรู้วันนี้\nฉันสามารถแสดงหมายเลข 5 ได้หลายวิธี\nตอนนี้คุณตอบฉันก่อนที่เราจะแสดง 5\nคำ\nห้าเฟรม\nหมายเลขบรรทัด\nนิ้วมือ\nนับเครื่องหมาย\nโดมิโน\n\nJapanese: \n数字の5を絵として見せることができます\nこのような\n5\n数字として5を表示できます\nこのような\n5\n多くの方法で5番を表示できます\n見て歌って、今日学びましょう\n多くの方法で5番を表示できます\n今、あなたは私の前に答えます5\n語\n5フレーム\nナンバーライン\n指\n集計マーク\nドミノ\n\nItalian: \nPosso mostrare il numero 5 come una foto\nCome questo\n5\nPosso mostrare il numero 5 come un numero\nCome questo\n5\nPosso mostrare il numero 5 in molti modi\nGuarda e canta insieme e impariamo oggi\nPosso mostrare il numero 5 in molti modi\nOra rispondi davanti a me come mostriamo 5\nparola\ncinque fotogrammi\nlinea numerica\ndita\nsegni di conteggio\ndomino\n\nSpanish: \nPuedo mostrar el número 5 como una imagen\nMe gusta esto\n5 5\nPuedo mostrar el número 5 como un número\nMe gusta esto\n5 5\nPuedo mostrar el número 5 de muchas maneras\nMira y canta y aprendamos hoy\nPuedo mostrar el número 5 de muchas maneras\nAhora respondes ante mí cómo mostramos 5\npalabra\ncinco cuadros\nnumero de linea\ndedos\nmarcas de conteo\ndominó\n\nChinese: \n我可以將數字5顯示為圖片\n像這樣\n5\n我可以將數字5顯示為數字\n像這樣\n5\n我可以以多種方式顯示5\n一起看和唱歌,今天就開始學習\n我可以以多種方式顯示5\n現在您在我面前回答我們如何顯示5\n字\n五幀\n數字線\n手指\n計數符號\n骨牌\n\nFilipino: \nMaipakita ko ang bilang 5 bilang isang larawan\nGanito\n5\nMaaari kong ipakita ang bilang 5 bilang isang bilang\nGanito\n5\nMaaari kong ipakita ang numero 5 sa maraming paraan\nTumingin at kumanta kasama at alamin natin ngayon\nMaaari kong ipakita ang numero 5 sa maraming paraan\nNgayon sasagutin mo sa harap ko kung paano kami nagpapakita 5\nsalita\nlimang frame\nlinya ng numero\nmga daliri\nmga marka ng tally\ndomino\n\nFrench: \nJe peux montrer le nombre 5 comme une image\nComme ça\n5\nJe peux montrer le nombre 5 en chiffres\nComme ça\n5\nJe peux montrer le nombre 5 de plusieurs façons\nRegarde et chante et apprenons aujourd'hui\nJe peux montrer le nombre 5 de plusieurs façons\nMaintenant, vous répondez devant moi comment nous montrons 5\nmot\ncinq cadre\nligne de numéro\ndoigts\nmarques de pointage\ndomino\n\nVietnamese: \nTôi có thể hiển thị số 5 dưới dạng hình ảnh\nNhư thế này\n5\nTôi có thể hiển thị số 5 dưới dạng số\nNhư thế này\n5\nTôi có thể hiển thị số 5 theo nhiều cách\nNhìn và hát theo và hãy học ngay hôm nay\nTôi có thể hiển thị số 5 theo nhiều cách\nBây giờ bạn trả lời trước tôi cách chúng tôi hiển thị 5\ntừ\nnăm khung\nsố dòng\nngón tay\ndấu kiểm\ndomino\n\nArabic: \nيمكنني إظهار الرقم 5 كصورة\nمثله\n5\nيمكنني إظهار الرقم 5 كرقم\nمثله\n5\nيمكنني إظهار الرقم 5 بعدة طرق\nانظر وغن ودعنا نتعلم اليوم\nيمكنني إظهار الرقم 5 بعدة طرق\nأنت الآن تجيب أمامي كيف نظهر 5\nكلمة\nخمسة الإطار\nرقم الخط\nأصابع\nعلامات حصيلة\nالدومينو\n\nHindi: \nमैं चित्र के रूप में संख्या 5 दिखा सकता हूं\nऐशे ही\n5\nमैं अंक 5 को अंक के रूप में दिखा सकता हूं\nऐशे ही\n5\nमैं नंबर 5 को कई तरीकों से दिखा सकता हूं\nसाथ देखो और गाओ और चलो आज सीखते हैं\nमैं नंबर 5 को कई तरीकों से दिखा सकता हूं\nअब आप मेरे सामने जवाब दें कि हम 5 कैसे दिखाते हैं\nशब्द\nपाँच फ्रेम\nसंख्या रेखा\nउंगलियों\nअंकों का मिलान करें\nमास्क\n\nDutch: \nIk kan nummer 5 als afbeelding tonen\nZoals dit\n5\nIk kan het nummer 5 als een cijfer weergeven\nZoals dit\n5\nIk kan nummer 5 op vele manieren weergeven\nKijk en zing mee en laten we vandaag leren\nIk kan nummer 5 op vele manieren weergeven\nNu antwoord je voor mij hoe we 5 laten zien\nwoord\nvijf frame\ngetallenlijn\nvingers\ntelmerken\ndomino\n\nKorean: \n숫자 5를 그림으로 보여줄 수 있습니다\n이렇게\n5\n숫자 5를 숫자로 표시 할 수 있습니다\n이렇게\n5\n여러 가지 방법으로 숫자 5를 보여줄 수 있습니다\n보고 노래하고 오늘 배우자\n여러 가지 방법으로 숫자 5를 보여줄 수 있습니다\n이제 우리가 5를 어떻게 보여주는 지 내게 대답 해\n워드\n다섯 프레임\n번호 라인\n손가락\n탈리 마크\n각설탕\n\nRussian: \nЯ могу показать номер 5 в виде картинки\nНравится\n5\nЯ могу показать число 5 как цифру\nНравится\n5\nЯ могу показать номер 5 во многих отношениях\nСмотри и пой и давайте учиться сегодня\nЯ могу показать номер 5 во многих отношениях\nТеперь вы ответите передо мной, как мы показываем 5\nслово\nпять кадров\nномерная линия\nпальцы\nметки\nдомино\n\nFrench: \nJe peux montrer le nombre 5 comme une image\nComme ça\n5\nJe peux montrer le nombre 5 en chiffres\nComme ça\n5\nJe peux montrer le nombre 5 de plusieurs façons\nRegarde et chante et apprenons aujourd'hui\nJe peux montrer le nombre 5 de plusieurs façons\nMaintenant, vous répondez devant moi comment nous montrons 5\nmot\ncinq cadre\nligne de numéro\ndoigts\nmarques de pointage\ndomino\n\nGerman: \nIch kann die Nummer 5 als Bild zeigen\nSo was\n5\nIch kann die Nummer 5 als Ziffer anzeigen\nSo was\n5\nIch kann die Nummer 5 auf viele Arten zeigen\nSchau und singe mit und lass uns heute lernen\nIch kann die Nummer 5 auf viele Arten zeigen\nJetzt antwortest du mir, wie wir 5 zeigen\nWort\nfünf rahmen\nZahlenreihe\nFinger\nZählmarken\nDomino\n\nFilipino: \ndais\nnamumuno\nlarawan\nsampung frame\nMaaari kong ipakita ang numero 5 sa maraming paraan\nTumingin at kumanta kasama at alamin natin ngayon\nMaaari kong ipakita ang numero 5 sa maraming paraan\n\nDutch: \nDobbelsteen\ncijfer\nafbeelding\ntien frame\nIk kan nummer 5 op vele manieren weergeven\nKijk en zing mee en laten we vandaag leren\nIk kan nummer 5 op vele manieren weergeven\n\nAfrikaans: \ndice\nSyfer\nprent\ntien raam\nEk kan die nommer 5 op baie maniere wys\nKyk en sing saam en kom ons leer vandag\nEk kan die nommer 5 op baie maniere wys\n\nThai: \nลูกเต๋า\nตัวเลข\nภาพ\nสิบเฟรม\nฉันสามารถแสดงหมายเลข 5 ได้หลายวิธี\nดูและร้องเพลงตามและเรียนรู้วันนี้\nฉันสามารถแสดงหมายเลข 5 ได้หลายวิธี\n\nGerman: \nWürfel\nZiffer\nBild\nzehn Rahmen\nIch kann die Nummer 5 auf viele Arten zeigen\nSchau und singe mit und lass uns heute lernen\nIch kann die Nummer 5 auf viele Arten zeigen\n\nSpanish: \ndado\nnúmero\nimagen\nmarco diez\nPuedo mostrar el número 5 de muchas maneras\nMira y canta y aprendamos hoy\nPuedo mostrar el número 5 de muchas maneras\n\nRussian: \nигральная кость\nцифра\nрисунок\nдесять кадров\nЯ могу показать номер 5 во многих отношениях\nСмотри и пой и давайте учиться сегодня\nЯ могу показать номер 5 во многих отношениях\n\nChinese: \n骰子\n数字\n图片\n十帧\n我可以以多种方式显示5\n一起看和唱歌,今天就开始学习\n我可以以多种方式显示5\n\nChinese: \n骰子\n數字\n圖片\n十幀\n我可以以多種方式顯示5\n一起看和唱歌,今天就開始學習\n我可以以多種方式顯示5\n\nVietnamese: \nxúc xắc\nchữ số\nhình ảnh\nmười khung\nTôi có thể hiển thị số 5 theo nhiều cách\nNhìn và hát theo và hãy học ngay hôm nay\nTôi có thể hiển thị số 5 theo nhiều cách\n\nKorean: \n주사위\n숫자\n그림\n열 프레임\n여러 가지 방법으로 숫자 5를 보여줄 수 있습니다\n보고 노래하고 오늘 배우자\n여러 가지 방법으로 숫자 5를 보여줄 수 있습니다\n\nMalay (macrolanguage): \ndadu\nangka\ngambar\nsepuluh bingkai\nSaya dapat menunjukkan bilangan 5 dalam banyak cara\nLihat dan bernyanyi bersama dan mari belajar hari ini\nSaya dapat menunjukkan bilangan 5 dalam banyak cara\n\nEnglish: \ndice\nnumeral\npicture\nten frame\nI can show the number 5 in many ways\nLook and sing along and let's learn today\nI can show the number 5 in many ways\n\nHindi: \nपासा\nअंक\nचित्र\nदस फ्रेम\nमैं नंबर 5 को कई तरीकों से दिखा सकता हूं\nसाथ देखो और गाओ और चलो आज सीखते हैं\nमैं नंबर 5 को कई तरीकों से दिखा सकता हूं\n\nJapanese: \nサイコロ\n数字\n画像\n10フレーム\n多くの方法で5番を表示できます\n見て歌って、今日学びましょう\n多くの方法で5番を表示できます\n\nFrench: \ndé\nnuméral\nimage\ndix cadre\nJe peux montrer le nombre 5 de plusieurs façons\nRegarde et chante et apprenons aujourd'hui\nJe peux montrer le nombre 5 de plusieurs façons\n\nArabic: \nحجر النرد\nعددي\nصورة\nعشرة الإطار\nيمكنني إظهار الرقم 5 بعدة طرق\nانظر وغن ودعنا نتعلم اليوم\nيمكنني إظهار الرقم 5 بعدة طرق\n\nItalian: \ndado\nnumerale\nimmagine\ndieci fotogrammi\nPosso mostrare il numero 5 in molti modi\nGuarda e canta insieme e impariamo oggi\nPosso mostrare il numero 5 in molti modi\n\nSpanish: \ndado\nnúmero\nimagen\nmarco diez\nPuedo mostrar el número 5 de muchas maneras\nMira y canta y aprendamos hoy\nPuedo mostrar el número 5 de muchas maneras\n\nFrench: \ndé\nnuméral\nimage\ndix cadre\nJe peux montrer le nombre 5 de plusieurs façons\nRegarde et chante et apprenons aujourd'hui\nJe peux montrer le nombre 5 de plusieurs façons\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "\nSpanish: \nHola a todos, somos el canal Kelvin Jaeder\nDuh Yo soy Kelvin\nY soy Bad Guy, Allison\nChicos, por favor suscribirse al canal antes de ver el vídeo\nDeje su igual, nos ayuda mucho\nSíguenos en Instagram y Amino, tendrá stories exclusivos\n-Nosotros somos...-chicos malos\nchicos -Bad\n\nEnglish: \nHey everyone, we're Kelvin Jaeder's channel\nDuh I'm Kelvin\nAnd I'm Bad Guy, Allison\nGuys, please subscribe to channel before you watch this video\nLeave your Like, it help us too much\nFollow us on Instagram and Amino, will have exclusive stories there\n-And we're...\n-Bad guys\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "\nPanjabi: \nਪਾਣੀ - 6 ਕੱਪ / 1.5 ਲੀਟਰ\nਇੱਕ ਫ਼ੋੜੇ ਨੂੰ ਪਾਣੀ ਲਿਆਓ\nਪੇਨੇ ਪਾਸਤਾ - 2 ਕੱਪ / 150 ਗ੍ਰਾਮ\n9 ਮਿੰਟ ਲਈ ਕਵਰ ਕਰੋ ਅਤੇ ਕੁੱਕ ਕਰੋ\nਪਾਸਤਾ ਨੂੰ ਕੱrainੋ ਅਤੇ 1 ਚੱਮਚ ਜੈਤੂਨ ਦਾ ਤੇਲ ਪਾਓ\nਜੈਤੂਨ ਦਾ ਤੇਲ - 1 ਚੱਮਚ\n\nMalayalam: \nവെള്ളം - 6 കപ്പ് / 1.5 ലിറ്റർ\nവെള്ളം തിളപ്പിക്കുക\nപെന്നെ പാസ്ത - 2 കപ്പ് / 150 ഗ്രാം\nമൂടി 9 മിനിറ്റ് വേവിക്കുക\nപാസ്ത കളയുക, 1 ടീസ്പൂൺ ഒലിവ് ഓയിൽ ചേർക്കുക\nഒലിവ് ഓയിൽ - 1 ടീസ്പൂൺ\n\nTamil: \nதண்ணீர் - 6 கப் / 1.5 லிட்டர்\nதண்ணீரை நன்றாக கொதிக்க வைக்க வேண்டும்\nபென்னே பாஸ்தா - 2 கப் / 150 கிராம்\nபாத்திரத்தை முடி வைத்து 9 நிமிடங்களுக்கு சமைக்கவும்\nபாஸ்தாவை வடிகட்டி, 1 டீஸ்பூன் ஆலிவ் எண்ணெயைச் சேர்க்கவும்.\nஆலிவ் எண்ணெய் - 1 டீஸ்பூன்\n\nTelugu: \nనీరు - 6 కప్పులు / 1.5 లీటర్లు\nనీటిని మరిగించాలి\nపెన్నే పాస్తా - 2 కప్పులు / 150 గ్రాములు\nకవర్ చేసి 9 నిమిషాలు ఉడికించాలి\nపాస్తాను హరించడం మరియు 1 స్పూన్ ఆలివ్ నూనె జోడించండి\nఆలివ్ ఆయిల్ - 1 స్పూన్\n\nHindi: \nपानी - 6 कप / 1.5 लीटर\nपानी को उबालें\nपेनी पास्ता - 2 कप / 150 ग्राम\nढककर 9 मिनट तक पकाएं\nपास्ता को सूखाएं और 1 चम्मच ऑलिव ऑयल डालें।\nजैतून का तेल - 1 चम्मच\n\nBengali: \nজল - 6 কাপ / 1.5 লিটার\nফুটন্ত জল আনুন\nপেন্নে পাস্তা - 2 কাপ / 150 গ্রাম\n9 মিনিটের জন্য কভার এবং রান্না করুন\nপাস্তা ড্রেন এবং 1 টি চামচ জলপাই তেল যোগ করুন।\nজলপাই তেল - 1 চামচ\n\nEnglish: \nWater - 6 Cups / 1.5 Litres\nBring water to a boil\nPenne Pasta - 2 Cups / 150 grams\nCover and cook for 9 mins\nDrain the pasta and add 1 tsp of Olive oil.\nOlive Oil - 1 tsp\n\nMarathi: \nपाणी - 6 कप / 1.5 लिटर\nउकळण्यासाठी पाणी आणा\nपेन्ने पास्ता - 2 कप / 150 ग्रॅम\n9 मिनिटे झाकून ठेवा आणि शिजवा\nपास्ता काढून टाका आणि त्यात 1 टिस्पून ऑलिव्ह तेल घाला\nऑलिव्ह तेल - 1 टिस्पून\n\nHindi: \nचिकन - 150 ग्राम\nजैतून का तेल - 1 चम्मच\n3 मिनट तक पकाएं\nनमक - ¼ चम्मच\nकाली मिर्च - ¼ छोटा चम्मच\nजैतून का तेल - 1 चम्मच\nमक्खन - 1 बड़ा चम्मच\n\nTelugu: \nచికెన్ - 150 గ్రాములు\nఆలివ్ ఆయిల్ - 1 స్పూన్\n3 నిమిషాలు ఉడికించాలి\nఉప్పు - ¼ స్పూన్\nమిరియాలు - ¼ స్పూన్\nఆలివ్ ఆయిల్ - 1 స్పూన్\nవెన్న - 1 టేబుల్ స్పూన్\n\nMalayalam: \nചിക്കൻ - 150 ഗ്രാം\nവെണ്ണ - 1 ടീസ്പൂൺ\n3 മിനിറ്റ് വേവിക്കുക\nഉപ്പ് - ¼ ടീസ്പൂൺ\nകുരുമുളക് - ¼ ടീസ്പൂൺ\nവെണ്ണ - 1 ടീസ്പൂൺ\nവെണ്ണ - 1 ടീസ്പൂൺ\n\nPanjabi: \nਚਿਕਨ - 150 ਗ੍ਰਾਮ\nਜੈਤੂਨ ਦਾ ਤੇਲ - 1 ਚੱਮਚ\n3 ਮਿੰਟ ਲਈ ਪਕਾਉ\nਲੂਣ - ¼ ਚੱਮਚ\nਮਿਰਚ - ¼ ਚੱਮਚ\nਜੈਤੂਨ ਦਾ ਤੇਲ - 1 ਚੱਮਚ\nਮੱਖਣ - 1 ਤੇਜਪੱਤਾ\n\nEnglish: \nChicken - 150 grams\nOlive Oil - 1 tsp\nCook for 3 mins\nSalt - ¼ tsp\nPepper - ¼ tsp\nOlive Oil - 1 tsp\nButter - 1 tbsp\n\nMarathi: \nचिकन - 150 ग्रॅम\nऑलिव्ह तेल - 1 टिस्पून\n3 मिनीटे शिजवा\nमीठ - ¼ टीस्पून\nमिरपूड - ¼ टीस्पून\nऑलिव्ह तेल - 1 टिस्पून\nलोणी - 1 टेस्पून\n\nBengali: \nচিকেন - 150 গ্রাম\nজলপাই তেল - 1 চামচ\n3 মিনিট রান্না করুন\nনুন - ¼ চামচ\nগোলমরিচ - ¼ চামচ\nজলপাই তেল - 1 চামচ\nমাখন - 1 চামচ\n\nTamil: \nசிக்கன் - 150 கிராம்\nஆலிவ் எண்ணெய் - 1 டீஸ்பூன்\n3 நிமிடங்களுக்கு சமைக்கவும்\nஉப்பு - ¼ டீஸ்பூன்\nமிளகு - ¼ டீஸ்பூன்\nஆலிவ் எண்ணெய் - 1 டீஸ்பூன்\nவெண்ணெய் - 1 தேக்கரண்டி\n\nMalayalam: \nവെളുത്തുള്ളി (നന്നായി മൂപ്പിക്കുക) - 1 ടീസ്പൂൺ\nമൈദ - 2 ടീസ്പൂൺ\nപാൽ - 2 കപ്പ്\nഉണങ്ങിയ ഓറഗാനോ - ½ ടീസ്പൂൺ\nഉണങ്ങിയ ബേസിൽ - ½ ടീസ്പൂൺ\nഉപ്പ് - ½ ടീസ്പൂൺ\nകുരുമുളക് - ¼ ടീസ്പൂൺ\nചേദാർ ചീസ് - ½ കപ്പ്\n\nTelugu: \nవెల్లుల్లి (మెత్తగా తరిగిన) - 1 టేబుల్ స్పూన్\nమైదా - 2 టేబుల్ స్పూన్లు\nపాలు - 2 కప్పులు\nఎండిన ఒరేగానో - ½ స్పూన్\nఎండిన తులసి - ½ స్పూన్\nఉప్పు - ½ స్పూన్\nమిరియాలు - ¼ స్పూన్\nచెడ్డార్ చీజ్ - ½ కప్\n\nBengali: \nরসুন (সূক্ষ্মভাবে কাটা) - 1 চামচ\nমাইদা - 2 চামচ\nদুধ - 2 কাপ\nশুকনো ওরেগানো - ½ চামচ\nশুকনো তুলসী - ½ চামচ\nনুন - ½ চামচ\nগোলমরিচ - ¼ চামচ\nচেডার পনির - ½ কাপ\n\nMarathi: \nलसूण (बारीक चिरून) - 1 टेस्पून\nमैदा - 2 चमचे\nदूध - 2 कप\nवाळलेल्या ओरेगॅनो - ½ टीस्पून\nवाळलेल्या तुळस - ½ टीस्पून\nमीठ - ½ टीस्पून\nमिरपूड - ¼ टीस्पून\nचेडर चीज - ½ कप\n\nTamil: \nநன்றாக நறுக்கிய பூண்டு - 1 தேக்கரண்டி\nமைதா - 2 தேக்கரண்டி\nபால் - 2 கப்\nஉலர்ந்த ஆர்கனோ - ½ டீஸ்பூன்\nஉலர்ந்த துளசி - ½ டீஸ்பூன்\nஉப்பு - ½ டீஸ்பூன்\nமிளகு - ¼ தேக்கரண்டி\nசெடார் சீஸ் - ½ கப்\n\nHindi: \nलहसुन (बारीक कटा हुआ) - 1 बड़ा चम्मच\nमैदा - 2 बड़े चम्मच\nदूध - 2 कप\nसूखे अजवायन की पत्ती - ½ छोटा चम्मच\nसूखे तुलसी - ½ चम्मच\nनमक - ½ चम्मच\nकाली मिर्च - ¼ चम्मच\nचेडर चीज़ - ½ कप\n\nPanjabi: \nਲਸਣ (ਬਾਰੀਕ ਕੱਟਿਆ ਹੋਇਆ) - 1 ਤੇਜਪੱਤਾ\nਮੈਡਾ - 2 ਤੇਜਪੱਤਾ\nਦੁੱਧ - 2 ਕੱਪ\nਸੁੱਕੇ ਓਰੇਗਾਨੋ - ½ ਚੱਮਚ\nਸੁੱਕਿਆ ਹੋਇਆ ਬੇਸਿਲ - ½ ਚੱਮਚ\nਲੂਣ - ½ ਚੱਮਚ\nਮਿਰਚ - ¼ ਚੱਮਚ\nਚੀਡਰ ਪਨੀਰ - ½ ਕੱਪ\n\nEnglish: \nGarlic (finely chopped) - 1 tbsp\nMaida - 2 tbsp\nMilk - 2 Cups\nDried Oregano - ½ tsp\nDried Basil - ½ tsp\nSalt - ½ tsp\nPepper - ¼ tsp\nCheddar Cheese - ½ Cup\n\nMalayalam: \nവേവിച്ച പാസ്തയും വേവിച്ച ചിക്കനും ചേർക്കുക\n\nEnglish: \nAdd the cooked pasta and cooked chicken\n\nHindi: \nपका हुआ पास्ता और पका हुआ चिकन जोड़ें\n\nMarathi: \nशिजवलेले पास्ता आणि शिजवलेले कोंबडी घाला\n\nBengali: \nরান্না করা পাস্তা এবং রান্না করা মুরগি যোগ করুন\n\nTamil: \nசமைத்த பாஸ்தா மற்றும் சமைத்த சிக்கனை சேர்க்கவும்\n\nTelugu: \nఉడికించిన పాస్తా మరియు ఉడికించిన చికెన్ జోడించండి\n\nPanjabi: \nਪਕਾਇਆ ਪਾਸਤਾ ਅਤੇ ਪਕਾਇਆ ਚਿਕਨ ਸ਼ਾਮਲ ਕਰੋ\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "\nMalay (macrolanguage): \nTHUPPAKKI - \"THE GUN\"\nDiterjemahkan oleh\n☮ El más listo ☮\nCredit to\n⇒ validusvyto\n\nMalay (macrolanguage): \nPukul berapa kereta api sampai?\n\nSinhala: \nමොන වෙලාවට දුම්රිය එන්නේ?\nඑය එන්න වෙලාව හරි.\n\nEnglish: \nWhat time will the train come?\nIt's time for it to come.\n\nEnglish: \nIt's expected any time now.\nAsk him exactly when it will come?\nHe says he can tell you that\nonly when the train arrives.\nCall him and ask him where\nthe train is at this point.\nHello! Who is it?\nI am Jagdish's sister.\nYes! Tell me.\nOur train has stopped here.\nIs he there?\n\nSinhala: \nඑය දැන් ඕනෑම අවස්ථාවක බලාපොරොත්තු වෙනවා.\nඑය පැමිණ ඇත හරියටම විට ඔහුට අහන්න?\nඔහු ඔබ කියන්න පුළුවන් පවසයි\nදුම්රිය පැමිණෙන විට පමණි.\nඔහු අමතන්න හා අහන්න ඔහු කොහෙද ඉන්නේ කියලා\nදුම්රිය සඳහන් කළ යුතුව ඇත.\nහෙලෝ! කවුද ඒ?\nමම Jagdish සොහොයුරිය වෙමි.\nඔව්! මට කියන්න.\nඅපේ දුම්රිය මෙතන නතර වී තිබේ.\nඔහු තිබේද?\n\nMalay (macrolanguage): \nDah sampai masanya...\nBila bila masa saja akan sampai.\nPergi tanya bila kereta api\nakan betul-betul sampai!\nKamu hanya akan mengetahui masa\nyang betul apabila kereta api sampai.\nTelefon dia dan tanya\nkereta api kat mana sekarang.\n- Hello, siapa ini?\n- Adik perempuan Jagdish\nYa! Cakaplah!\nDisebabkan beberapa masalah enjin\nkereta api kami telah berhenti di sini.\n- Dia ada di sana?\n- Jagdish...\nYa! Dia bermain di luar!\n\nMalay (macrolanguage): \nAyuh, Jagdish.\nAyuh.\nYay! Jagdish\n\nMalay (macrolanguage): \nJagdish... Jagdish!\n\nSinhala: \nමට නටන්න නැහැ!\nමම ලිස්සා!\n\nMalay (macrolanguage): \nlC58656 Kapten Jagdish\nmelaporkan, tuan!\nMaaf tuan\n\nEnglish: \nI didn't dance!\nI slipped!\n\nMalay (macrolanguage): \nAku hanya tergelincir.\nAku tidak boleh menari!\n\nEnglish: \nYour kind attention please...\nThe Army Officers...\n...special train from Jammu\nto Mumbai Central,\ntrain number; 12472,\nJammu Tavi Express is arriving\non Platform Number 5.\n\nSinhala: \nඔබේ කාරුණික අවධානය යොමු කරන්න ...\nයුද හමුදා නිලධාරීන් ...\n... ජම්මු සිට විශේෂ දුම්රිය\nමුම්බායි මධ්යම කිරීමට,\nදුම්රිය සංඛ්යාව ෙකොපමණද; 12472,\nජම්මු Tavi එක්ස්ප්රස් පැමිණෙන වේ\nවේදිකාව අංකය 5 මත.\n\nMalay (macrolanguage): \n'Sila beri perhatian'\n'Keretapi; 1 2472 Jammu-Tawi Express\nkereta api khas pegawai Tentera'\n'... akan tiba di platform # 5'\nTengok... abang ada di sana!\n- Di mana?\n- Di sana!\nSaudara!\nHi!\nHiiiii!\n- Hey Deepti, apa khabar?\n- Kenapa tiba-tiba ada janggut?\nTiada apa-apa, ibu.\nSaya baru pulang,\njadi saya mahu bergaya\n- Apa khabar?\n- Sihat.\nKe tepi... tidak ada masa untuk bersembang\nsekarang. Semua orang pulang dan makan!\nBerikan beg itu kepada saya.\n\nEnglish: \nHe's the only one missing.\nBro's there...\n- Where is he?\nRight there.\nHi, Bro!\n- Hey, Deepti! How are you?\nHow are you?\nWhat's with the tiny beard?\nThat's nothing, Mom.\nHello, Uncle! How are you?\n- I am fine!\nI don't have the time to chat.\nI'm in a big hurry.\nAll of you must come\nhome for a meal.\nDon't you ever eat?\nHey! Come on to this side.\nI am coming, Dad.\nKeep the bag in the Trunk.\nGet in.\nGo in.\nChange to the third gear.\nWhere are we going\nin such a hurry?\nDon't you know?\n\nSinhala: \nඔහු අතුරුදන් වූ එකම එකක්.\nසහෝ ගේ එහි ...\n- ඔහු කොහෙද?\nහරියට ම එතන.\nමචන් හායි!\n- ඒයි, Deepti! ඔබට කෙසේද?\nඔබට කෙසේද?\nකුඩා රැවුල සමඟ කුමක් ද?\nකිසිම දෙයක්, අම්මා ය.\nහෙලෝ, මාමේ! ඔබට කෙසේද?\n- මම සනීපෙන්!\nමම කතා කිරීමට කාලයක් නෑ.\nමම ලොකු වෙගවත්.\nඔබ සියලු දෙනාම පැමිණිය යුතුයි\nආහාර වේලක් සඳහා ගෙදර.\nඔබ කවදා හෝ කන්න එපා?\nහේයි! මේ පැත්තට එන්න.\nමම එනවා, තාත්තේ.\nකඳ දී මල්ලක් තබා ගන්න.\nඇතුළට එන්න.\nඇතුලට යන්න.\nතුන්වන ආම්පන්න වෙනස් කරන්න.\nඅපි කොහෙද යන්නේ?\nඑවැනි කඩිමුඩියේ?\nඔයා දන්නේ නැද්ද?\n\nSinhala: \nඅපි බලන්න යන්නේ\nඔබ විවාහ කර සඳහා කෙල්ල.\nමෙම අසුභ මාසික\nහෙට ආරම්භ වේ.\nකිසිවෙකු ඔබ ඔවුන්ගේ බලමු ඇත\nඑම කාලය තුළ දී දුව.\nහා අසුභ\nවිනාඩි 25 ක ආරම්භ වේ.\nඅපි දකින්න ඇති\nපෙර දැරිය,\nනැතිනම් ඔබට පවතිනු ඇත\nවිද්යාවේදී මෙම වසරේ පවා.\nඅම්මා, කලබල වන්නේ\nසුබ මොහොතින් ගැන?\nමම නිල ඇඳුම ඉන්නේ.\nඕනෑම කෙනෙකුට යනවා\nගැහැණු මේ ආකාරයට බලන්න\nමට නාන්න කරමු,\nඇඳුම් වෙනස් කිරීම,\nටිකක් කෙටි නින්දක් හා\nපසුව මේ සඳහා එළියට යන්න.\nඔබ මහලු ලැබෙනවා!\nමම සමාන විය යනවා\nඅද වයස අවුරුදු සියලු, අම්මා.\nඔබ සියලු නිහඬව ඉන්න පුළුවන්!\nසිව්වන ආම්පන්න වෙනස් කරන්න.\nමෙම appartment හෝටලයක් වගේ.\nඔබ සැමට සුබ පැතුම්!\nඔබ සාදරයෙන් පිළිගනිමු.\nමෙම තරුණයා පැමිණ නැත?\nමේ තරුණයා වේ!\nඔහු තරුණයා ද?\nඔහු එන්නේ වගේ තමන් බලාපොරොත්තු\nකෙළින්ම සටන් බිමේ සිට!\nකරුණාකර එන්න.\n\nEnglish: \nWe are going to see\na girl for you to marry.\nThe inauspicious month\nstarts with tomorrow.\nNo one will let you see their\ndaughter during that time.\nAnd the inauspicious time\nstarts in 25 minutes.\nWe have to see\nthe girl before that,\nelse you will remain\na Bachelor even this year.\nMom, what is the fuss\nabout auspicious time?\nI'm in uniform.\nWill anyone go to\nsee a girl this way?\nLet me have a bath,\nchange clothes,\nnap for a bit and\nthen go out for this.\nYou're getting old!\nI am going to be the same\nage all of today, Mom.\nCan all of you stay quiet!\nChange to the fourth gear.\nThe appartment looks like a hotel.\nGreetings!\nWelcome.\nHasn't the Groom come?\nThis is the Groom!\nIs he the Groom?\nHe looks like he is coming\nstraight from the battlefield!\nPlease come.\n\nMalay (macrolanguage): \nKau tak makan apa-apa ke?\n- Mari sini.\n- Saya datang, ayah.\nLetakkan beg ini\ndi dalam but kereta.\nMasuk.\nTukar ke gear ke-3!\nKita tergesa-gesa ni\nnak pergi mana, ayah?\nKau tidak tahu?\nUntuk tetapkan pengantin\nperempuan untuk kau.\nBulan 'Margazhi' bermula esok.\nTakkan ada siapa benarkan anak\ngadis mereka dilihat masa tu.\nDan masa itu bermula\ndalam 25 minit!\nKita kena jumpa gadis tu sebelum tu, atau\nkau akan membujang sepanjang tahun.\nIbu! Apa maksud\n'masa yang baik' ini?\nAdakah sesiapa akan pergi melihat seorang\npengantin dalam pakaian seragam?\nBiarkan saya mandi dulu, rehat,\ntidur dan kemudian kita pergi.\nKau akan semakin \ntua pada hari itu!\nIbu, setiap hari umur\nsaya sama saja.\nBoleh tak kamu\nsemua diam?\nTukar ke gear ke-6.\nKami hanya\nada 20 minit lagi.\n\nSinhala: \nඒයි, ඔබ ඉවතට එහිදී දුවන්නේ?\nඉදිරියට එන්න!\nකරුණාකර ඇතුලට එන්න.\nත්රී ජනතාව වැටී ඇති\nඔහු වෙනුවෙන් මේ වන විටත්.\nඅප පෙර දැරිය දකින්න ඇති\nසුබ මොහොතින් පුරා ලැබෙනවා.\nමම ඔහු ගෙන ඒකයි\nකෙලින්ම ස්ථානයේ සිට.\nඑන්න දැරිය කරුණාකර.\n\nEnglish: \nHey, where are you running away?\nCome on!\nPlease come in.\nThree people have fallen\nfor him already.\nWe have to see the girl before\nthe auspicious time gets over.\nThat's why I brought him\ndirectly from the Station.\nPlease ask the girl to come.\n\nMalay (macrolanguage): \nTengok! Pangsapuri mereka\nseperti sebuah hotel.\nBerhenti... berhenti.\n- Hari yang baik.\n- Salam.\n- Pengantin belum sampai?\n- Inilah pengantin itu.\nDia kelihatan seperti baru\npulang dari zon peperangan.\nMari, mari, sila.\n-Masuklah.\n- Masuk dulu.\n- Kau nak lari ke mana?\n- Mari!\nCukup!\n3 wickets keluar\ndi pintu masuk itu sendiri.\nMari... selamat datang.\n\nSinhala: \nආදරණීය, වාඩිවෙන්න.\nමම ගායනා ඇයව යුතුද?\nහොඳ ගීතය.\nඑක් පමණක් ගායනා කළ හැකි\nජාතික ගීය...\n... ඇඳුම් සඳහා\nමෙම තරුණයා කර ඇත.\n\nEnglish: \nSit down, dear.\nShould I ask her to sing?\nAny good song.\nOne can only sing the\nNational Anthem...\n...for the clothes\nthe Groom is in.\n\nMalay (macrolanguage): \nKami perlu melihat pengantin\nperempuan itu sekarang.\nItulah sebabnya saya membawanya\ndari stesen terus ke sini.\n- Tolong suruh dia keluar.\n- Panggil dia, sayang!\nNisha!\nNisha...!\n- Ayah?\n- Bukan untuk saya...\nBerikan pada mereka.\nTerima kasih.\n\nMalay (macrolanguage): \nDuduklah, sayang.\n- Patutkah saya suruh dia menyanyi?\n- Beberapa lagu yang bagus...\nUntuk memadankan pakaian pengantin lelaki,\ndia hanya dapat menyanyikan lagu kebangsaan.\n'Itu adalah tembakan murah!'\nJadi... kau suka tak, nak?\n\nSinhala: \nනෑ ඔයා සතුටින්, මගේ බෝයි ද?\nතාත්තේ, ඔයා මට දෙන්න පුළුවන්\nඑම සංඛ ාව;\nමම එය ඔබට දෙන්නම්.\nමට කියන්න.\nශබ්ද කරන්න එපා,\nමෙම තරුණයා දුරකථනය මත ය.\nකරුණාකර මට කියන්න.\nසර්, ඔබගේ දුව\nලස්සන බලයි.\nඑහෙත්, අපගේ රුචි අරුචිකම්\nවෙනස් සේ පෙනී යයි.\n\nEnglish: \nAren't you happy, my Boy?\nDad, can you give me\ntheir number?\nI'll give it to you.\nTell me.\nDon't make noise,\nthe Groom is on the phone.\nPlease tell me.\nSir, your daughter\nlooks beautiful.\nBut, our tastes\nseem different.\n\nSinhala: \nනම් අපි මම දන්නේ නැහැ\nහොඳ ගැලපීමක් වනු ඇත.\nඑහෙත්, ඔබ නියත වශයෙන්ම සොයා\nඔබේ දුව සඳහා වඩා හොඳ තරුණයා.\nමාව වැරදියට තේරුම් ගන්න එපා.\nහේයි! මේ කුමක් ද?\nඔහු ලබා ගැනීමට යන්නේ නැහැ\nමෙම ජීවිත කාලය තුළ විවාහ!\nමට එක් හේතුවක් දෙන්න\nමෙම දැරිය පැහැදීම නෑ!\nමම හේතු තුනක් තියෙනවා!\nඑය කුමක් ද?\nඒ කෙල්ල බව කොණ්ඩයක්\nදිග මීටර් එකහමාරක්!\nමෙම හේතුවක් පවා ද?\nකෙටි කෙස් ගැහැණු පවා ...\n... නියම කිරීමට වයස් ගත\nපිටතට ගමන් කිරීමට පෙර ඔවුන්ගේ කෙස්.\nඇය යන්න තිබේ නම්, මට විශ්වාසයි, ඇය,\nහුදෙක් ඇගේ කොණ්ඩය සැකසීමට පැය 3 ගන්න.\nමම මේ සඳහා යොදාගත්තේ ඇයි? මම කළේ?\nමම ඔබ ඇසුවේ\nමට දැන් විවාහ වෙන්න?\nඒක උඩ, ඇය ලැජ්ජාශීලී ය.\nඇය බය වනු ඇත වගේ\nකටුස්සන් හා කැරපොත්තෝ ...\nබලන්න ඇය දිහා,\nඇගේ ම පියාණන් ගහන්නේ.\nහොඳින්!\nඔබ විනය තිබිය යුතුය\nඇයට තරුණ වූ අතර.\nඔබ ඉටු කළ එක් වූහ\nඇය සමඟ...\n... \"තාත්තේ ගහන්න\" ඇය ඉල්ලා\n\nMalay (macrolanguage): \nDia sangat cantik, bukan?\nAyah, berikan saya nombor\ntelefon mereka?\nSaya akan memberikannya\nkepada kamu 022...\n261... 864676\nCakaplah.\nJangan buat bising.\nPengantin lelaki dalam talian!\nCakaplah...\nTuan, anak perempuan\nkamu sangat cantik.\nBagus bagus\nTetapi citarasa kami\nkelihatan berbeza\nSaya tidak pasti sama ada\nkami berdua boleh serasi atau tidak.\nTetapi saya pasti kamu akan mendapat\nmenantu yang lebih baik daripada saya.\nJangan salah faham.\nApa ini?\nDia tidak berkahwin dalam\nkelahiran ini pasti!\nBerikan aku 1 alasan yang baik mengapa\ngadis itu tidak cukup baik!\n- 3 sebab!\n- Apa?\nRambut gadis itu adalah\n1 setengah meter panjang!\nAdakah itu alasan?\n\nEnglish: \nI don't know if we\nwill be a good match.\nBut, you will surely find a\nbetter Groom for your daughter.\nPlease don't get me wrong.\nHey! What is this?\nHe is not going to get\nmarried in this lifetime!\nGive me one reason for\nnot liking this girl!\nI have three reasons!\nWhat is it?\nThat girl has hair that is\na meter and a half long!\nIs this even a reason?\nEven girls with short hair...\n...take ages to set\ntheir hair before going out.\nIf she has to go out, I am sure, she will\ntake 3 hours just to set her hair.\nDid I ask for this? Did I?\nDid I ask you to\nget me married now?\nOn top of that, she is shy.\nLooks like she will be scared\nof lizards and cockroaches...\nLook at her,\nslapping her own Father.\nWell!\nYou should have disciplined\nher while she was young.\nYou were the one who played\nwith her...\n...asking her to \"Hit Daddy\"\n\nSinhala: \nමම ඇය වෙයි කියලා\nඑය හැඩකාර කෙල්ල,\nනමුත් ඇය පවා අතර\nබොම්බායේ ...\n..she වගේ\nකුඩා නගරයක් කෙල්ල.\nඇයි ඔබ මේ තරම් මුදල් අවශ්ය වන්නේ ඇයි?\nමම මගේ යාළුවන්ට කීවා තියෙනවා ...\n... මම පක්ෂය ද පැවැත්වීමට නියමිත ය\nමෙම තරුණයා මට කැමති නැහැ නම් නෑ!\nමම ඔබ අසා වරක්\nනිවාඩු මත මෙහි ඇවිත්,\nමම පහත වැටී තියෙනවා කියන්න අවශ්ය\nචිකුන්ගුන්යා සමඟ හිංසා ...\n... සහ නැවත ගෙදර.\nඅවාසනාවකට මෙන්,\nමම අවසර නොදෙන ලදී.\nඔබ වක්රව කියන්නේ\nමම ඔබට කරදරයක් ද?\nලෝකයේ කිසිදු එක් කියන්න පුළුවන්\nඔබ මෙම වඩා සෘජු.\nඔබ මෙම වක්ර යයි කියා?\nඔබ කොච්චර දක්ෂයි!\nඉදිරියට එන්න!\nමම මොනවද කළේ?\nඔබට?\nඔබ පැමිණෙනු ඇත\nඑය එක් එක් වර්ෂය නිවාඩු.\nමා සමඟ කාලය ගත කරන්න.\nඔබ මැදිහත් වනු ඇත\nඇන්ටි මට කරන්න.\n\nMalay (macrolanguage): \nMalah perempuan berambut\npendek pun, bila nak keluar...\n... akan terus sikat\nrambut mereka seperti ini.\nMungkin mengambil masa 3\njam untuk meluruskan rambutnya.\nAdakah saya meminta ini?\nSaya minta kah?\nAdakah saya meminta kamu\nuntuk berkahwin sekarang seperti ini?\nDan lihat bagaimana\nmalunya dia.\nSayar rasa dia takut\ndengan cicak dan lipas.\nDia memukul ayahnya sendiri\nseperti ini, kamu lihat tak?\nKamu sepatutnya menegurnya\nketika dia masih muda!\nBahkan ketika dia masih kecil,\nkamu selalu, 'pukul ayah'.\nSaya mengharapkan seorang gadis yang bergaya tetapi\ndia kelihatan seperti penduduk kampung di Bombay.\nKamu nak buat apa\nduit sebanyak itu?\nSaya beritahu kawan saya, saya akan ada kan\npesta jika budak lelaki itu tidak suka saya.\n\nEnglish: \nI thought she would be\na stylish girl,\nbut even while she is\nin Bombay...\n..she looks like\na small town girl.\nWhy do you need so much money?\nI've told my friends...\n...I will host a party\nif the Groom doesn't like me!\nOnce I heard you are\ncoming here on Leave,\nI wanted to say I've fallen\nill with Chikungunya...\n...and get back home.\nUnfortunately,\nI wasn't granted Leave.\nAre you indirectly saying\nthat I am disturbing you?\nNo one in the world can tell\nyou this more directly.\nAnd you claim this is indirect?\nThat's how smart you are!\nCome on!\nWhat did I even do?\nYou?\nYou will come on\na vacation each year.\nHang out with me.\nYou will interfere\nin everything I do.\n\nMalay (macrolanguage): \n'Polis memasuki apartmen\ndengan kekerasan'\n'Memecahkan pintu dan mendapati\nmangsa telah mati di dalam'\n'Polis mengatakan bahawa\nmenurut laporan bedah siasat'\nApabila aku dengar yang kau dah balik.\nAku nak katakan aku mempunyai chikungunya...\n... sebagai alasan dan cepat-cepat balik.\nMasa buruk saya, saya tidak diberi kebenaran.\nJadi, secara tidak langsung kau\nmenganggap aku sebagai gangguan?\nTiada siapa yang boleh\nberterus-terang macam aku lakukan.\nDan kau mendakwa ini tidak langsung?\nTulah masalah kau!\nApa yang aku buat\nbegitu teruk?\nKau? Kau akan datang ke sini\nuntuk percutian tahunan kau.\nKau akan berkeliaran dengan aku.\nMenyibuk dalam semua kerja aku.\nApabila aku layak untuk di naikkan pangkat sebagai\nseorang inspektor, kau akan buatkan aku...\n... kembali ke Sub Inspektor.\nMengapa kau tidak menghabiskan\npercutian ini dengan keluarga kau?\nAku bukan seperti itu, ibu bapa aku\ntelah memberi amaran kat aku.\nJika aku pergi pada waktu pagi, aku tidak\nboleh pulang ke rumah sehingga malam.\nJika aku tinggal di rumah,\naku akan jadi seperti daging busuk.\nKau tak perasan ke\nyang ini satu penipuan!\n\nEnglish: \nJust when I am about to get\npromoted from...\n...being a Sub Inspector(SI)\nto an Inspector,\nyou will drag me back to\nbeing an SI.\nWhy don't you spend time\nwith your family this time?\nMy parents have given me\nstrict orders,\nasking me to get out\nof the house in the morning...\n...and to return only at night.\nThey say I'll get spoilt\nif I stay at home.\nDon't you know that this is\nthe most atrocious lie ever!\nCome on, now. Chuck it!\nI will be with you,\nbut I won't disturb you.\nOk?\nWhat function is it?\nIt's some tournament.\nIt's security for that.\nAre the security\narrangements perfect!\nDon't send them in if they\ndon't have an identity card.\nBuddy, this is a ladies college.\nThey are all girls from Mumbai.\nYou can enjoy\ntheir beauty quietly.\nBut, pretend\nto be disciplined.\nThis is a bit too much.\nWell! You went to\nsee a girl yesterday.\nWhat happened?\n\nSinhala: \nමම ලබා ගැනීමට ගැන මම විට සාධාරණ\nසිට උසස් ...\n... උප පොලිස් පරීක්ෂක (උප පොලිස් පරීක්ෂක) වීම\nපරීක්ෂකවරයෙකු කිරීමට,\nඔබ මා නැවත ඇද දමනු ඇත\nක උප පොලිස් පරීක්ෂක වීම.\nඔබ කාලය ගත කරන්නේ නැහැ ඇයි\nමෙම කාලය ඔබේ පවුලේ අය සමඟ?\nමගේ දෙමාපියන් මට දී ඇති\nදැඩි නියෝග,\nමට එළියට යන්න ඉල්ලා\nඋදෑසන නිවසේ ...\n... සහ එකම රාත්රියේ නැවත එන්න.\nඔවුන් මම නරක් කරන්නම් කියන්න\nමම ගෙදර ඉන්න නම්.\nඔබ මෙම බව දන්නේ නැහැ\nමෙතෙක් ඉතා දරුණු බොරුවක්!\nඑන්න, දැන්. එය චක්!\nමම ඔබ සමඟ සිටිමි,\nනමුත් මම ඔබට බාධා නැහැ.\nහරි?\nඑය කුමක් කාර්යය වන්නේ ඇයි?\nඑය සමහර තරගාවලිය වේ.\nඑය ඒ සඳහා ආරක්ෂක වේ.\nආරක්ෂක වේ\nසර්ව සම්පූර්ණ විධි!\nඔවුන් නම්, ඔවුන් තුළ යවන්න එපා\nහැඳුනුම්පතක් නැත.\nයාළුවා, මේ කාන්තා විද්යාලයේ ය.\nඔවුන් මුම්බායි සිට සියලුම ගැහැනු.\nඔබ භුක්ති විඳින්න පුළුවන්\nනිහඬව තම සුන්දරත්වය.\nඑහෙත්, මවා පාන\nවිනය කළ යුතුය.\nමෙම ටිකක් වැඩියි.\nහොඳින්! ඔබ ගියේ\nඊයේ ගැහැණු බලන්න.\nසිදුවුයේ කුමක් ද?\n\nMalay (macrolanguage): \nLupakan ia! Aku akan bersama kau tetapi\naku tidak akan mengganggu kau langsung.\nOkay?\nTuan!\nAda apa ini?\nBeberapa kejohanan yang\nkami sediakan keselamatan.\nAdakah semuanya selamat?\nJangan biarkan sesiapa sahaja tanpa kad lD.\nKawan! Ini adalah gadis-gadis kolej di Bombay...\nmengagumi mereka dari dalam..\nTetapi bersikap santai di luar.\n- Ya, tuan\n- Ini terlalu melebih!\nKau pergi melihat pengantin semalam kan?\nBagaimana ia?\n\"Perlawanan akan bermula!\nPertama kita mempunyai kolej St.Xaviers!\"\n- Dengan Nisha!\n- Nisha! Nisha! Nisha!\nJangan tanya!\nDia agak pemalu.\nDia juga kelihatan lembut...\n\nSinhala: \nඒ කෙල්ල හරිම ලැජ්ජාශීලී පෙනේ.\nකියන්නෙ නෑ, ඇය මෘදු බව පෙනේ.\nමම මේ කෙල්ලට කැමති නෑ!\n\nEnglish: \nThat girl seems very shy.\nNot just that, she seems soft.\nI don't like this girl!\n\nSinhala: \nඇය වගේ නොවේ\nදැරියක් ඔබ බලාපොරොත්තු වෙනවාද?\nමෙම මා දුටු තරුණිය විය.\n\nMalay (macrolanguage): \nNisha! Nisha! Nisha!\nKeluar!\nSaya tidak suka gadis ini!\nTidak! Tidak !!\nGadis jenis macam\nni yang kau nak, bukan?\n\nEnglish: \nIsn't she the kind\nof girl you expect?\nThis was the girl I saw.\n\nMalay (macrolanguage): \nInilah gadis yang aku lihat!\n\nSinhala: \n, එම සාධාරණ විය හැකි නො වේ!\nඔහු උමතු වී ඇත!\nඔහු ඇය කැමති වුණේ නැහැ කොට,\nනමුත් දැන් ඔහු ඇයව කැමති පවසයි.\nඔහු කොර අල්ලාගෙන තියෙන්නේ\nකොහේ හරි සිට පොලිස් බල්ලා ...\n... සහ මට සතුටු කිරීමට උත්සාහ\nඑය මගේ උපන් දිනය තෑග්ගක් කියා!\nඇය තරුණියක් හෝ ආහාරයක් වන\nඔබට නැවත ඇණවුම් කළ හැකි ද?\n\nEnglish: \nThat is just not possible!\nHe has gone mad!\nHe said he didn't like her,\nbut now he says he likes her.\nHe's got hold of a lame\nPolice dog from somewhere...\n...and is trying to please me\nsaying it's my birthday gift!\nIs she a girl or a dish\nthat you can re-order?\n\nSinhala: \nඅප ඔහුට ඇහුම්කන් දෙනවා නම්,\nඅපි පිස්සු හැරී කරන්නම්!\nහේයි! ඔවුන්ට කියන්න!\nඅපි ඔවුන්ට නැවත කතා කරන්න බැහැ!\nඑය අමතක කරන්න!\nඑය කුමක් ද?\nඔහු විහිළු ද?\nඔහු පසුව මට කැමති නැහැ කියලා.\nඑහෙත්, දැන් ඔහු මට කැමති!\nවිවාහ පසු ඔහු සමහරවිට\nමට නැවත කැමති නැහැ. මේක හරි?\nපිරිමි ළමයෙක් යෝජනා නම්,\nඔයා හරි දුරින් කිව යුතුයි,\n\"මමත් ඔයාට ආදරෙයි\"\nහා ප්රේමයෙන් වීම උත්සාහ කරන්න.\nඔබ ඔහු හෙට කැමති නැත්නම්,\nඔබ ඔහු සමඟ බිඳ හැක.\nඑහෙත්, ඔබ සිතා බැලිය යුතුයි\nඔහු ප්රතික්ෂේප පෙර.\nඑය විට විතරයි\nඔයා ලස්සනයි...\n... සහ ඒ curvaceous\nපිරිමි ළමුන් අප පසු පැමිණ ඇත.\nදැන් සිට වසර කිහිපය තුළ,\nඅපි බර දාන්න කරන්නම්\nහුදෙක් අපේ රටේ අම්මලා කැමති.\nගැහැණු පෙර \"නැහැ\" කියලා,\nඔවුන් කල්පනා කළ යුතුයි\nඔවුන්ගේ මව්වරුන්.\nමම සියල්ල කරන්න අවශ්ය නැහැ.\nමම ජිම්නේසියම යන්නම් හා\nමම නිවැරදි වෙමි වග බලා ගන්න.\nඔහු පළමු විවාහය වැනි පෙනේ.\nඅපි \"හායි\" කියා උත්සාහ කළ යුත්තේ ඇයි?\nඔහු මම \"නැහැ\" කී මිනිහා.\n\nEnglish: \nIf we listen to him,\nwe'll turn crazy!\nHey! Tell them!\nWe can't talk to them again!\nForget it!\nWhat is it?\nIs he kidding?\nHe said he didn't like me then.\nBut, now he likes me!\nAfter the wedding, he might\nnot like me again. Is that ok?\nIf a boy proposes,\nyou must right away say,\n\"I love you too\"\nand try being in love.\nIf you don't like him tomorrow,\nyou can break up with him.\nBut, you must think\nbefore rejecting him.\nIt's only when\nyou are beautiful...\n...and curvaceous that\nboys will come after us.\nIn a few years from now,\nwe'll put on weight\njust like our mothers.\nBefore a girl says \"No\",\nthey should think\nof their mothers.\nI don't need to do all that.\nI'll go the Gym and\nmake sure I am correct.\nHe seems like a Tamilian.\nShould we try saying \"Hi\"?\nHe is the guy I said \"No\" to.\n\nMalay (macrolanguage): \nTidak! Tidak! Mustahil.\nDia sangat kejam.\nMula-mula dia tak nak dan\nsekarang dia ubah fikirannya.\nBawa anjing polis dan\ncuba nak rasuah saya.\nKau ingat dia kuah dal, yang kau\nboleh masak ikut suka kau!\nAyah, kita akan gila\nkau dengar cakap dia.\nBeritahu mereka...\n\nSinhala: \nහේයි! බිම ලබා ගන්න !!\nඑන්න, පාත් වෙනවා!\nඔයා කරන්න යන්නේ කුමක් ද?\nඔහු අද මිය ගිය එන්නම් !!\nඇයි ඔයා දැන් මට සිපගන්න කළේ ඇයි?\nමට?\nමට ... මට ඔහ්, ඔව්!\nමම පමණක් කැඩපත සිඹගත්තේ ය.\nමේ මගේ කැඩපත වේ.\nමම ඕනෑම දෙයක් කරන්නේ\nමම ඒ වගේ.\nකැඩපත වහන්ස, නමුත්\nඑය එහි පිළිබිඹු පතල.\nඇති බව රජය අයත් වේ.\n\nEnglish: \nHey! Get down!!\nCome on, get down!\nWhat are you going to do?\nHe'll be dead today!!\nWhy did you kiss me now?\nMe?\nMe... Oh me, yeah!\nI only kissed the mirror.\nThis is my mirror.\nI will do whatever\nI like with it.\nThe mirror is yours, but\nthe reflection in it was mine.\nThat belongs to the Government.\n\nMalay (macrolanguage): \nLupakan ia! Kita tidak boleh\nbercakap dengan mereka lagi.\nIbu! Ibu... ibu!\nApa? Dia buat lawak ke?\nDulu dia tidak suka saya.\nDan sekarang dia cakap dia suka!\nSelepas kami berkahwin,\ndia akan mengubah fikirannya lagi.\nItu okay?\nDengar... apabila seorang lelaki\nmengaku cintanya kepada kau,\n... kau harus kata yang sama juga,\ndan lihat apa yang akan terjadi.\nKalau tidak menjadi,\nesoknya, putuskan.\nTetapi sebelum kau menolak,\nkau perlu berfikir tiga kali!\nLelaki hanya akan terliur setelah\nmelihat bentuk tubuh badan kita.\nDalam beberapa tahun, kita\nakan menjadi seperti ibu kita.\nSebelum seorang gadis berkata\ntidak, dia harus memikirkan ibunya.\nAku tak perlukan semua itu.\nAku akan pergi ke gym dan bersenam.\nDia kelihatan seperti seorang\nlelaki Thamizh. Patutkah kita tegur dia?\nIni orang yang\naku akan katakan tidak!\nHei... hey!\n\nMalay (macrolanguage): \nNisha... Nisha!\nOho Nisha...!\nApa kena dengan dia ni?\nHei! Turun!\n- Apa yang awak akan lakukan?\n- Turun\nDia mati hari ini.\nKenapa sekarang\nkau cium aku?\nSaya?\nBilakah saya...?\nSaya hanya mencium\ncermin saya.\nIni cermin saya, saya akan lakukan\napa saja yang saya mahu.\nIni memang cermin kau. Tetapi\nwajah di dalamnya adalah aku!\nIni milik Kerajaan!\n\nSinhala: \nමම මගේ කැඩපත සිප ඇත,\nඑය අයුතු බලපෑම්, එය බිඳ.\nමට දක්වා ඇත.\nඇයි ඔබ එය බිඳ කළ යුත්තේ ඇයි?\nමම එය මා කඩනවා!\nකිසිදු ප්රචණ්ඩත්වය, කරුණාකරලා.\nමෙම මහජන මාර්ග වේ.\nඔබ සතු දේ කම්මුල\nපාරේ සිප!\nඔබ පොලිස් නිලධාරීන් මොන වගේ ද?\nඔබ වගේ පෙනී සිටින\nඅර්තාපල් මල්ලක්!\nඒව මම පැමිණිල්ලක් ඔච්චම් නම්,\nඔවුන් ඔබ පසුපස දානවා\nබාර් සහ ඔබ පහර දුන්නා.\nඇය වඩා නරක\nමගේ නැන්දම්මා!\nගැන විමසීමට හැකි\nශාස්ත්රි නගර් හි \"බොක්සර් නිශා!\"\nඔබ ඇය කැමති බවයි\nපළමු ක්ෂණික දී\nමගේ බයිසිකලයක් කැඩපත\nඉතිරි වී ඇත.\nමෙම සුපිරි නොවේ ද?\nඇය පාපැදි යතුරු flicked\nඇය අප වෙත කතා ලෙස!\nඇය කතා කළේ නැහැ,\nඇය chiding ලදී!\nමගේ දෙපාර්තමේන්තුව බයිසිකලයක් කළා\nඔබේ සටන සමග කළ යුත්තේ?\nහොරෙක්!\nහොරෙක්!\nමගේ පසුම්බිය දී රුපියල් 5000 තිබුණා!\n\nEnglish: \nI will kiss my mirror,\ncajole it, break it.\nThat is up to me.\nWhy should you break it?\nI'll break it myself!\nNo violence, please.\nThis is a public road.\nWhat cheek you have\nto kiss on the road!\nWhat kind of a Policeman are you?\nYou are sitting there like\na sack of potatoes!\nIf I complaint of Eve teasing,\nthey'll put you behind\nbars and beat you up.\nShe is worse than\nmy Mother-In-Law!\nYou can enquire about\n\"Boxer Nisha\" at Shastri Nagar!\nHad you said you liked her\nat the first instant,\nmy bike mirror\nwould have been saved.\nIsn't this super?\nShe flicked the bike keys\nas she was talking to us!\nShe wasn't talking,\nshe was chiding!\nWhat did my department bike\nhave to do with your fight?\nThief!\nThief!\nI had 5,000 Rupees in my purse!\n\nMalay (macrolanguage): \nSaya akan mencium cermin saya! Peluknya,\nSaya juga akan pecahkannya kalau saya nak!\nSuka hati sayalah.\nKenapa? Aku sendiri akan\npecahkannya untuk kau!\nKeganasan bukanlah caranya.\nBerani kau mencium\naku di tengah jalan?\nPolis jenis apa kau ni?\nDuduk di sana seperti beg beras!\nAku akan penjarakan\nkau sebab mengejek aku.\nKalau kau muncul lagi,\naku akan bunuh kau.\nDia lebih teruk daripada\nmak mertua aku!\nTanya tentang Boxer\nNisha di Shastri Nagar.\nKalau kau cakap kau suka\ngadis itu pada hari itu...\n... motor aku tak\nkan jadi macam tu!\nDia super.\nDia ambil kunci itu semasa\nbercakap dengan kita.\nBukan cakap, kawan...menjerit.\n\nEnglish: \nWhere is my purse?\nI had 5,000.\nDon't panic.\nThe thief must be in the bus.\nI am a Policeman.\nThe two of us are Policemen.\nWe'll check everyone.\nWe'll find out.\nDriver! Stop the bus.\nNo one will get down.\nWe'll check everybody!\nBalaji, check people here.\nI'll check people\non the other side.\nGet down, one by one!\nSir, that's my purse!\nHey there! Is this yours?\n- No, Sir.\nYou go in and check,\ncheck under the seats.\nCheck the bags as well.\n\nSinhala: \nමගේ මුදල් පසුම්බිය කොහෙද?\nමම 5000 විය.\nකලබල වෙන්න එපා.\nහොරා බස් විය යුතුය.\nමම පොලිස් නිලධාරීන් වෙමි.\nඅප දෙදෙනා පොලිස් නිලධාරීන් ය.\nඅපි හැමෝම පරීක්ෂා කරන්නම්.\nඅපි සොයා කරන්නම්.\nරියදුරු! බස් එක නතර කරන්න.\nකිසිවෙකු බැස ඇත.\nඅපි සියලු දෙනාටම පරීක්ෂා කරන්නම්!\nBalaji, මෙහි ජනතාව පරීක්ෂා කරන්න.\nමම ජනතාව පරික්ෂා කරන්නම්\nඅනෙක් අතට.\n, එකින් එක, පහළ ලබා ගන්න!\nසර්, මගේ මුදල් පසුම්බිය වේ!\nඒයි මේ! මෙම ඔයාගේ?\n- නැහැ, සර්.\nඔබ බලන්න ගිහිල්ලා,\nආසන යටතේ පරීක්ෂා කරන්න.\nමෙන්ම බෑග් පරීක්ෂා කරන්න.\n\nMalay (macrolanguage): \nApa kaitan motor aku dengan kau?\nPencuri... pencuri.\nAda Rs 5000 dalam dompet saya!\nDompet saya.\nJangan takut!\nPencuri mesti berada dalam bas ini!\nSaya seorang polis... begitu juga dia.\nKami akan memeriksa semua orang.\nDan kemudian\nkita akan ketahuinya.\nPemandu! Hentikan bas!\nTiada siapa yang boleh turun.\nKami akan memeriksa semua orang.\nBalaji, kau periksa di sini.\nAku akan periksa di belakang.\nKamu semua turun\nseorang demi seorang!\nApa yang telah\nsaya buat, tuan?\n- Itulah dompet saya!\n- Dengar! Yang ini ke?\nBukan!\n- Ini?\n- Bukan.\nKamu masuk dan lihat\ndi bawah tempat duduk.\nPeriksa beg juga.\n\nSinhala: \nබෑගය විවෘත කරන්න.\nඔබ මුදල් පසුම්බිය සොරකම් කළා.\nමගේ මුදල් පසුම්බිය!\nඔහු සොරෙකු වේ!\nඇයි ඔබ දුවන්නේ?\nමන්ද?\nඇයි ඔබ දුවන්නේ?\n\nEnglish: \nPlease open the bag.\nYou stole the purse.\nMy purse!\nHe is the thief!\nWhy are you running?\nWhy?\nWhy are you running?\n\nMalay (macrolanguage): \nTolong buka beg kamu.\n- Kamu pencuri!\n- Dompet saya... itulah dompet saya!\nInilah pencuri itu, kawan!\nHei... tunggu!\nJagga!\nKenapa kau lari?\nHuh? Kenapa?\nKenapa kau lari?\n\nSinhala: \nඔහු පළමු විමසනු වෙනුවට\nඔවුන් ඔහුව ප්රතිකාර\nමෙම රෝහලේ.\nකතා කරමින් ඔහු දිහා\nහුස්ම නාල්ලා ...\n... ඔහු ඔහු අල්ලාගෙන ඇති නමුත්.\nමා එහි ඇති කළ යුතුය.\nඔබ මට එතැනින් ඇද!\n\nEnglish: \nInstead of enquiring him first,\nthey are treating him\nat the Hospital.\nLook at him making speeches\nwith bated breath...\n...as though he caught him.\nI should have been there.\nYou dragged me away from there!\n\nEnglish: \nHad I appeared on television,\nmy Mother-In-Law would be shaken.\nThings would have been\ndifferent at home.\nI would have become an Inspector!\nThe motive of terrorists could\nnot have been to plant...\n...a bomb in the\nState Transport Bus,\nbut could have gone off unexpectedly,\nwhile in transit to another place.\nThe Minister of Home Affairs\nhas expressed...\n...concern over the number of\nterrorists like...\n...Ajmal Lateef and their motives.\n\nMalay (macrolanguage): \nTerdapat letupan bom di\nperhentian bas Oshiwara...\n... yang mendapati 37 mangsa.\nKami akan lakukan apa saja\nuntuk menyelesaikan kes ini!\nSaya percaya kami akan menemui\npelakunya tidak lama lagi.\n\nSinhala: \nමම රූපවාහිනියේ පෙනී සිටි,\nමගේ නැන්දම්මා සොලවා ඇත.\nදේවල් වනු ඇත\nගෙදර වෙනස්.\nමම පරීක්ෂක බවට පත් වනු ඇත!\nත්රස්තවාදීන් චේතනාව හැකි\nබලාගාරය ඇති වෙන්නේ නෑ ...\n... බෝම්බ තුළ\nරාජ්ය ප්රවාහන බස්,\nනමුත් බලාපොරොත්තු නොවූ ලකුණු වී ඇති විය හැකි,\nවෙනත් ස්ථානයක් වෙත මාර්ගස්ථ අතර.\nස්වෙද්ශ කටයුතු අමාත\nප්රකාශ කර ඇත ...\n... සංඛ්යාව දැඩි කනස්සල්ල\nවැනි ත්රස්තවාදීන් ...\n... අජ්මාල් Lateef සහ ඔවුන්ගේ අරමුණු.\n\nMalay (macrolanguage): \nMereka merawatnya di hospital dan\nbukannya mempersoalkannya dengan segera.\nLihat! Cara dia becakap,\nseolah-olah dia telah menangkapnya.\nAku sepatutnya berada di sana.\nKau dah bawa aku pergi.\nKalau aku dapat masuk TV,\naku dah hentam mak mertua aku.\nStatus aku di rumah sekarang\nbertukar dah terbalik!\nAku dah menjadi Inspektor.\nTerdapat kira-kira 18 orang terbunuh\ndan kira-kira 26 orang cedera.\nDiberitahu pengganas tidak berniat\nmeletakkan bom di dalam bas awam.\nDan ia mungkin telah meletup\ndengan secara tidak sengaja.\nBerapa banyak lagi orang seperti\nAjmal Lateef di luar sana..\n... dan apakah matlamat mereka?\nMenteri Hal Ehwal Dalam Negeri\nmenyatakan kebimbangannya.\n\nEnglish: \nI've been waiting for you.\n- Why?\nGo in, I'll tell you.\nWhat is it at this time?\nThey work with me.\nThey're off duty now.\nThey will stay on guard here,\njust for tonight.\nLeave to Tamil Nadu with\nyour family tomorrow morning.\nWhy are you doing all this?\nHe has escaped from the Hospital.\nWhat?\nHe has killed a Doctor\nand two Police Officers.\nHow?\nI don't know.\nFine, you go ahead.\nIt was you who caught him,\nI suspect he might\ncome looking for you.\nThey are here anyway.\nBoth of you go to the rear side.\nI'll get going.\n\nMalay (macrolanguage): \n\"Menunggu arahan kamu\"\n\nSinhala: \nමම ඔයා එනකන් බලාගෙන හිටියේ.\n- මන්ද?\nමම ඔබට කියන්නම්, යන්න.\nඑය මේ අවස්ථාවේ කුමක් ද?\nඔවුන් මා සමඟ වැඩ කරනවා.\nඔවුන් දැන් රාජකාරි අවසන් වෙලා.\nඔවුන් මෙහි පරෙස්සම් ඉන්නවා,\nහුදෙක් අද රෑට.\nසමග තමිල්නාඩු සඳහා නිවාඩු\nඔබගේ පවුලේ හෙට උදේ.\nඇයි ඔබ මේ සියල්ල කරන්නේ?\nඔහු රෝහලේ සිට පලා කර ඇත.\nකුමක්?\nඔහු වෛද්ය ඝාතනය කර\nසහ පොලිස් නිලධාරීන් දෙදෙනෙකු.\nකෙසේද?\nමම දන්නේ නැ.\nහොදයි, ඔබ යන්න.\nඑය ඔහු අල්ලාගෙන සිටින ඔබ විය,\nමම ඔහු සිතා සැක\nඔබ සොයන එන්න.\nඔවුන් කෙසේ හෝ මෙතන.\nඔබ දෙදෙනාම පසුපස පැත්තට යන්න.\nමම යන්නේ කරන්නම්.\n\nMalay (macrolanguage): \n\"Teruskan seperti yang dirancang.\nLakukan plan B\"\n- Dah lama aku tunngu.\n- Kenapa?\nMasuk ke dalam...\naku akan beritahu kau.\nIni rumah Jagdish.Ingat apa\nyang aku cakap, okay?\nKamu semua berjaga-jaga.\nIni adalah tugas tidak rasmi.\nJadi berpecah dan duduk di kawasan\nyang ada line walkie, okay?\nApa yang berlaku\nlewat-lewat begni?\nOrang-orang ini\nbekerja untuk aku.\nMereka tidak bertugas. Mereka akan tinggal\ndi sini sebagai pengawal malam ini.\n\nSinhala: \nසෑම වෙළෙඳ වෙනස් වී ඇති\nමේ දවස් වල.\nසිදුවුයේ කුමක් ද?\n\nEnglish: \nAll brands have changed\nthese days.\nWhat happened?\n\nMalay (macrolanguage): \nEsok pagi pergi ke Tamil\nNadu bersama keluarga anda\n- Kenapa ini?\n- Dia terlepas dari hospital.\nApa?!\nDia dah bunuh seorang doktor\ndan 2 pegawai polis.\n- Bagaimana?\n- Kami tidak tahu.\nOkay, kau pergi.\nKau yang tangkap dia bukan?\nJadi aku bimbang dia akan datang ke sini.\nTetapi mereka berada di sini sekarang.\nKau berdua pergi ke belakang.\nOkay... jumpa kau lagi!\n\nSinhala: \nදේ කළා අහිංසක දරුවන්\nබස් ඔබ කරන්න?\n\nMalay (macrolanguage): \nHari ini semuanya berubah, tuan\nApa yang berlaku?\nGerak!\n\nEnglish: \nWhat did those innocent kids\nin the bus do to you?\n\nMalay (macrolanguage): \nPergi ke belakang dan periksa.\n\nSinhala: \nඇයි මම ඔබ දන්නවාද?\nඔබේ ඇඟිල්ල ගසා දැමිය ...\n... ඔබට කිසිවක් විමසීමකින් තොරව?\nමම ඔබ අහන්න යනවා\nදැන් ප්රශ්නය.\nඔබ එය පිළිතුරු නොවේ නම්, ඔබ කළ යුත්තේ\nඔබට සිදු කළ හැකි දේ මම දන්නවා.\nඑක ප්රශ්නයක්.\nඑක් දෙවන\nමට පිළිතුරක් දෙන්න,\nවෙන, අනෙක් ඇඟිලි\nමෙන්ම කරනු ඇත.\nඑච්චරයි. ඒ නිසා සරල!\n\nEnglish: \nDo you know why I\nchopped off your finger...\n...without asking you anything?\nI am going to ask you\na question now.\nIf you don't answer it, you should\nknow what could happen to you.\nOne question.\nJust one second to\ngive me an answer,\nelse, the other finger\nwill go as well.\nThat's all. So simple!\n\nMalay (macrolanguage): \nApa yang anak-anak kecil di dalam\nbas sekolah itu buat pada kau?\nKau tahu kenapa\naku potong jari kau...\n... tanpa tanya apa-apa soalan?\nKerana aku akan mula bertanya.\n\nEnglish: \nWho is it?\n- It's me!\nWho is it?\nWhat are you doing here\nat this time?\nWho is it?\n- I am coming.\nI am asking you.\nWhat are you doing here?\nI need to talk to you.\nCan you come up to the terrace?\nWhat do you want at this hour?\nWe can talk in the morning.\nThe guy you helped escape is\nnow at my house as my guest.\nSorry, I didn't tell you who I am.\n\nSinhala: \nකවුද ඒ?\n- ඒ මමයි!\nකවුද ඒ?\nඔබ මොනවද මෙහේ කරන්නේ\nමෙම අවස්ථාවේ දී?\nකවුද ඒ?\n- මම එනවා.\nමම තමුන්නාන්සේගෙන් අහනවා.\nඔබ මොනවද මෙහේ කරන්නේ?\nමට ඔයාට කතා කරන්න ඕනේ.\nඔබ ඉඳල දක්වා විය හැකි ද?\nඔබ මේ මොහොතේ අවශ්ය කුමක් ද?\nඅපි උදේ කතා කරන්න පුළුවන්.\nඔබ පලා උදව් මිනිහා\nදැන් මගේ ආරාධිත අමුත්තා ලෙස මගේ ගෙදරට.\nසමාවෙන්න, මම මම කවුද ඔබ කිව්වේ නැහැ.\n\nMalay (macrolanguage): \nJika kau tidak jawab,\nkau tahu apa yang akan jadi.\n1 soalan... hanya 1 saat Jawapan...\nkalau tak...!\nSatu lagi jari akan dipotong.\nSeseorang telah menolong\nkau di hospital.\nSiapa itu?\nKetua Keselamatan\nlnba Sekharan.\nItu saja.\nSenang sajakan!\n\nEnglish: \nMy name is Jagdish, Indian Army.\nBut I am not just that.\nOne of the specialists at\nthe Defense Intelligence Agency.\nA Secret Agent in the Army.\nPeople who work with me.\nMy friends.\nEven my family doesn't know this.\nAre you wondering why\nI am telling you this?\nBecause, you are not going\nto be alive any more.\nWhile we are at the camp,\nthe other Country firing at us...\n...and us firing in return,\nhappens often.\nOne day, at our Camp,\na boy called Selvaraj,\na chap from Puddukottai,\nwent missing.\nWe looked for him for 7 days\nbut didn't find him.\nWe found him on the eighth day.\n\nSinhala: \nමගේ නම Jagdish, ඉන්දීය යුද හමුදාව ය.\nනමුත් මම කියන්නෙ නෑ මම.\nදී විශේෂඥ එක්\nආරක්ෂක බුද්ධි නියෝජිතායතනය.\nයුද හමුදා රහස් ඒජන්ත.\nමා සමඟ වැඩ කරන අය.\nමගේ යාලුවෝ.\nමගේ පවුල පවා මේ ගැන දන්නේ නෑ.\nඇයි ඔබ කල්පනා කරනවා ඇති\nමම ඔබට මෙම කියන්නේ?\nඔබ යන්නේ නැහැ, ඒ නිසා\nතවත් ජීවත් වීමට.\nඅපි කඳවුරේ සිටින අතර,\nඅපිට වෙඩි අනෙක් රට ...\n... අප ආපසු වෙඩි\nබොහෝ විට සිදු වේ.\nඑක් දින, අපේ කඳවුරේ,\nසෙල්වරාජ් නමැති පිරිමි ළමයා,\nPuddukottai සිට පරි,\nඅතුරුදන් වී තිබේ.\nඅපි 7 දින ඔහු වෙනුවෙන් බලා\nනමුත් ඔහු සොයා නැත.\nඅපි අට වන දා ඔහු සොයාගෙන ඇත.\n\nSinhala: \nඔහු වී මහලොකු දෙයක්, අනුමාන\nඔවුන්ගේ කඳවුර අල්ලා.\nඔවුන් දින 7 ක් ඔහුට වධ හිංසා කළා.\nඔවුන් තම ඇස් හාරා,\nබියර් බෝතලයක් තල්ලූ\nඔහුගේ ශරීරය හරහා ...\n... ඔහු තුළ එය කඩා.\nඅපි අය වූහ ...\n... ගෙදර ගිය හා\nඔහුගේ මළ සිරුර භාර දුන්නේ ය.\nඔහුගේ අම්මා howling විය,\nඔහුගේ තාත්තා පපුවෙන්\nශෝකයෙන් ඔහුගේ පපුවේ,\nඔහුගේ සහෝදරියන් හඬමින් ලදී.\nහා දහහතර වන දින,\nඔහුගේ බාල සොහොයුරු\nයුද හමුදා සම්බන්ධ විය.\nඑවිට අප සෑම දිනකම මියයනු\nමෙතන ඔයාලට සතුටින් ජීවත් විය හැකියි.\nමෙය දේශීය වශයෙන් තුවක්කු වේ.\n\nMalay (macrolanguage): \n- Siapa?\n- Aku!\nSiapa kau?\nApa yang kau buat\ntengah-tengah malam kat sini?\nSiapa itu?\nAku datang...\naku akan datang!\n- Oy! Beritahu aku cepat!\n- Aku perlu bercakap dengan kau.\nBoleh kau datang ke teres?\nKenapa sekarang?\nKita cakap pagi nanti.\nOrang yang kau tolong larikan diri\nitu sekarang menjadi tetamu di rumah aku.\nMaaf, aku tidak memperkenalkan\ndiri aku. Nama aku Jagdish.\nTentera India.\nTetapi bukan itu saja.\n\nEnglish: \nPoor thing, guess he got\ncaught in their Camp.\nThey tortured him for 7 days.\nThey dug out his eyes,\nshoved a beer bottle\nthrough his body...\n...and broke it inside him.\nWe were the ones...\n...who went home and\ndelivered his dead body.\nHis Mom was howling,\nhis Dad was beating\nhis chest in grief,\nhis sisters were weeping.\nAnd on the fourteenth day,\nhis younger brother\njoined the Military.\nWe die there every day, so that\nyou guys here can live happily.\nThis is a locally made gun.\n\nEnglish: \nThis is my gun.\nIf I shoot you,\nI will have to explain\nwhy I did so.\nEven when you are dead,\nyour family will slander you.\nYour children will have\nto beg on the streets.\nYour wife will have to beckon\nmen on the roads at night.\nBut, if you shoot yourself,\nit would be called a suicide...\n...while on duty and someone from\nyour family will be given a job.\nThey'll get your\nProvident Fund money,\nthe monthly pension.\nYou take a call.\nBut if that gun turns\ntowards me, I'll shoot you.\n\nMalay (macrolanguage): \nDlA. \"Defense lntelligence Agency \"\n(Agensi risikan pertahanan)\nAku seorang daripada mereka\nsebagai pakar ejen rahsia.\nOrang yang bekerja dengan aku\nKawan aku... walaupun keluarga aku...\n... sama sekali\ntidak mengetahuinya.\nJadi adakah kau tertanya-tanya\nkenapa aku memberitahu kau?\nKau tidak akan terus hidup,\nitulah sebabnya.\nApabila kami berada di kem,\nnegara lain menembak kami...\n... dan agak kerap\nkami menembak mereka.\nSuatu hari di kem, seorang\nlelaki bernama Selvaraj...\n... dari Pudukottai\ntiba-tiba saja hilang.\n7 hari.\nKami tidak dapat menemuinya.\nKami jumpa dia\npada hari ke-8.\nLelaki yang kesian, ditangkap\nke dalam kem mereka.\n\nSinhala: \nමේ මගේ තුවක්කුව වේ.\nමම ඔබට වෙඩි තියන්න නම්,\nමම පැහැදිලි කිරීමට සිදු වනු ඇත\nඇයි මම එහෙම කළා.\nඔබ මිය ගිය විට පවා,\nඔබගේ පවුලේ ඔබ විරුද්ධව නැඟී ඇත.\nඔබේ දරුවන් වේ\nවීදිවල බ්රහ්මයා.\nඔබේ බිරිඳ beckon ඇත\nරාත්රී කාලයේ දී මාර්ග මිනිසුන්.\nඑහෙත්, ඔබ වෙඩි තියන්න නම්,\nඑය මරාගෙන මැරෙන කැඳවා ඇත ...\n... අතර තීරු බදු හා අයෙකුගෙන්\nඔබගේ පවුලේ රැකියාවක් ලබා දී ඇත.\nඔවුන් ඔබේ කරන්නම්\nඅර්ථසාධක අරමුදල සඳහා මුදල්,\nමාසික විශ්රාම වැටුප්.\nඔබ ඇමතුමක ගන්න.\nනමුත් එම තුවක්කුව පැහැයට නම්\nමා දෙසට, මම උඹට වෙඩි තියනවා.\n\nMalay (macrolanguage): \nMereka menyeksa dia selama 7\nhari. Korek matanya keluar...\nDan... botol bir?\nMereka masukkan botol itu dari\nbawahnya, tepat di dalam...\n... dan kemudian memecahkannya.\nKami adalah orang-orang yang\nmemberikan mayatnya kepada keluarganya.\nIbunya menangis.\nAyahnya pukul dirinya sendiri.\nSaudara-saudaranya begitu sedih.\nPada hari ke-14,\nadiknya masuk tentera.\nKami mati di sana setiap hari\nsupaya kamu semua boleh hidup.\nIni pistol buatan tempatan.\nIni pistol aku.\n\nSinhala: \nඔබ අනතුර සමඟ සෙල්ලම් කරති.\nමම ඔබ දෙදෙනා නොවේ දන්නවා\nහැම දෙයක්ම දන්නවා.\n\nEnglish: \nYou are playing with danger.\nI know the two of you are not\naware of everything.\n\nMalay (macrolanguage): \nKalau aku tembak kau, aku perlu\nmenjelaskan kenapa aku tembak kau.\nKeluarga kau akan musnah.\nAnak-anak kau akan\nmeminta di jalanan.\nIsteri kau perlu berdiri\ndi tepi jalan dan...\n... memanggil-manggil\n orang yang tak dikenali!\nTetapi jika kau menembak diri kau sendiri.\nMenyatakannya sebagai bunuh diri semasa bertugas...\n... seseorang di rumah kau\nakan mendapat pekerjaan.\nMereka akan mendapat dana\nsimpanan dan pencen setiap bulan.\nKau fikirkanlah.\nJika pistol itu bertukar kepada aku\nsekalipun. Aku pasti akan tembak kau.\n\nMalay (macrolanguage): \nKau telah pijak atas periuk api!\nAku boleh dengar\ntembakan pistol! Mari... cepat!\nAku tahu bahawa kau tidak\nmengetahui sepenuhnya.\nOops! Maaf.\nAku ulangi dalam bahasa Hindi!\n\nMalay (macrolanguage): \nAku tahu bahawa kau tidak\nmengetahui sepenuhnya.\n\nSinhala: \nකවදා ද?\n\nEnglish: \nWhen?\n\nMalay (macrolanguage): \nJuhu... Bandra.\nMatunga...Dharavi\n'12 serangan di bandar Mumbai '.\n- Bila?\n- 27hb.\n\nEnglish: \nAmong us, she is the first one\nto be getting married in our group.\nOh, yes!\nShe hails from Kallakurichi,\nbut has managed to charm\na man from Gujarat.\nShe's a smart girl!\nSee how she is blushing.\nI have an urgent doubt.\nWhat is it?\nPlease! Just come aside\nfor five minutes.\nHow do I get away from here?\nPlease!\nElse, my head might just burst!\nFine!\nJust come!\nWhat is it?\n\nSinhala: \nඅප අතර, ඇය පළමු එක\nඅපේ කණ්ඩායමේ විවාහ කළ යුතුය.\nඔව්, අනේ!\nඇය Kallakurichi මුල්දින,\nනමුත් කාන්තියක් කිරීමට සමත් වී ඇත\nගුජරාට් සිට මිනිසා.\nඇය ස්මාර්ට් කෙල්ල!\nඇය ලජ්ජාවට ආකාරය බලන්න.\nමම හදිසි සැකයක් නැත.\nඑය කුමක් ද?\nකරුණාකර! හුදෙක් පැත්තකට එන්න\nවිනාඩි පහකට.\nමම කොහොමද මෙතනින් ලබා ගන්නේ කෙසේද?\nකරුණාකර!\nවෙන, මගේ හිස පමණක් පුපුරා වනු ඇත!\nහොදයි!\nයන්තම් එන්න!\nඑය කුමක් ද?\n\nSinhala: \nඅපේ කණ්ඩායමේ ඔබ ඊළඟ වේ\nමට පසුව ලස්සනම කෙල්ල ...\nහොදයි! අපි එක හා සමානව අලංකාර!\nඔබගේ නේවාසිකාගාර කාමරයට පිරී ඇත\nරන්බීර් කපූර් පෝස්ටර්,\nෂහිඩ් කපූර් සහ ජෝන් ඒබ්රහම්.\nහා දැන් කොහොමද? ඔබට\nමේ වගේ කොල්ලෙක් විවාහ?\nමේ බලන්න, ඔබ අවශ්ය\nප්රායෝගිකව සිතන්නට.\nඔහු මාසික රුපියල් ලක්ෂ 2 උපයයි.\nඔබට වඩා අවශ්ය කුමක් ද?\nඒ කඩවසම් හාදයා කැමැත්ත\nක දර්ශකයේ විය.\nක දර්ශකයේ කැමැත්ත\nකඩවසම් නැත.\nඅර බලන්න.\nඔහු පින්තූර සඳහා පෙනී සිටිමින් වෙනවා\nඅපගේ උත්සව දී තමා විසින්.\nගයි කඩවසම් නම් කුමක්\nද හොඳින් උපයන?\nඔහුට ප්රශංසා හා\nඔහුට විවාහ වෙනවා.\nඇයි ඔබ මේ වගේ මෙතන ඉඳගෙන කරන්නේ?\nමම යම් දෙයක් ගැන හිතමින් ඉන්නවා.\nඑය අදාල ස්ථානයට වැටෙන නැහැ.\nඒ මොකක්ද කියලා කියන්න.\nමම හැකි නම් අපි බලමු\nදෙයක් ගැන හිතන්න.\nමම පොලිස් නිලධාරීන් වීම ඒක කරන්න බැහැ,\n\nEnglish: \nIn our group you are the next\nmost beautiful girl after me...\nFine! We are equally beautiful!\nYour hostel room is filled with\nposters of Ranbir Kapoor,\nShahid Kapoor and John Abraham.\nAnd now, how did you get\nmarried to a guy like this?\nLook here, you need\nto think practically.\nHe earns 2 lakhs a month.\nWhat more do you want?\nA handsome guy will\nnot be an achiever.\nAn achiever will\nnot be handsome.\nLook there.\nHe's posing for pictures\nby himself at our Reception.\nWhat if a guy is handsome\nand also earns well?\nPraise him and\nget married to him.\nWhy are you sitting here like this?\nI am thinking about something.\nIt's not falling in place.\nTell me what it is.\nLet's see if I can\nthink of something.\nI being a Policeman can't do it,\n\nEnglish: \nand here you are thinking you can!\nDo you know the difference between\na Policeman and a Military man?\nYou Military men don't\nhave to use your brain.\nYou just have to put your feet\ntogether for \"Attention\"...\n...and split them\nfor \"Stand at ease\".\nAnd if you are told to shoot,\nyou just have to rapidly.\nBut, we Policemen\nhave to use our brains.\nWhen we are going to\nnab a pick pocket,\nwe have to think like him.\nWhen we are going\nto catch a murderer,\nwe have to think\nlike a murderer.\nAnd when we are going to\ncatch a terrorist,\nwe have to turn\nin to a terrorist.\nI am a Policeman\nand yet, struggling.\nYou go ahead and play.\nTell me what your problem is,\nI'll see if I can help.\nI'll tell you,\ntry and get the drift.\nThe night that\nthe terrorist escaped,\na Police officer shot himself\nand committed suicide.\nHe was on duty when\nthe terrorist escaped.\nMy doubt right now is if these two\nincidents could have any connection.\nFirstly, that is not a suicide.\nIt's a murder.\nHow do you say that?\nI was the one who killed him.\nWhy did you kill him?\nWhy did he let\nthe terrorist escape?\n\nMalay (macrolanguage): \nDia yang pertama berkahwin\ndalam kumpulan kita.\nBerasal dari Kallakurichi dan betapa bijaknya...\nmendapat lelaki dari Gujarat!\nDia orang yang fokus!\nDia kelihatan sangat cantik, bukan?\n- Terima kasih!\n- Tengok betapa malunya dia.\n- Hi!\n- Hi! Tahniah!\nHei! Wow! Terima kasih!\nHi! Tahniah!\nKau kelihatan sangat comel, babe!\n- Aku ada keraguan.\n- Keraguan apa?\nTolong... tolong... tolong, di.\nMari pergi sekejap... 5 minit saja.\nBagaimana aku boleh\npergi sekarang?\n\nSinhala: \nමෙහි ඔබ ඔබට හැකි හිතන්නේ!\nඔබ අතර ඇති වෙනස ඔබ දන්නවාද\nපොලිස් සහ යුද හමුදා මිනිසෙකු ද?\nඔබ හමුදා මිනිසුන් නැහැ\nඔබගේ මොලය භාවිතා කිරීමට අප හට සිදුවේ.\nඔබ, ඔබේ පාද තබා ඇති\nඑකට \"අවධානය\" සඳහා ...\n... ඒවා බෙදී\n\"පහසුවෙන් සිටින්න\" සඳහා.\nඔබ වෙඩි තියන්න කියලා නම්,\nඔබ වේගයෙන් ඇත.\nනමුත්, අපි පොලිස් නිලධාරීන්\nඅපගේ මොලය භාවිතා කිරීමට අප හට සිදුවේ.\nඅපි යන්නේ විට\nපික් පොකට් අත්අඩංගුවට,\nඅපි ඔහු සිතන ආකාරයට ඔබ කල්පනා කළ යුතුය.\nඅපි යන්නේ විට\nමිනී අල්ලා ගැනීමට,\nඅපි හිතන්න\nමිනී වගේ.\nඅපි යන කල\nත්රස්තවාදී අල්ලා,\nඅප හැරී ඇති\nත්රස්තවාදී වෙත.\nමම පොලිස් නිලධාරීන් වෙමි\nඑහෙත්, අරගල.\nඔබ ඉදිරියට යන්න සහ සෙල්ලම් කරන්න.\nඔබේ ගැටලුව මොකක්ද කියලා කියන්න,\nමම උපකාර කළ හැකි නම් මම බලන්නම්.\nමම ඔබට කියන්නම්,\nප්ලාවිතය උත්සාහ ගන්න.\nරාත්රී බව\nත්රස්තවාදී පලා,\nපොලිස් නිලධාරියා වෙඩි තබා\nහා සියදිවි නසා ගත්තේය.\nඔහු විට රාජකාරියේ යෙදී සිටි\nත්රස්තවාදී පලා ගියේය.\nමගේ සැකයක් දැන් නම් මේ දෙක වේ\nසිදුවීම් කවර හෝ සම්බන්ධයක් ඇති විය හැකි.\nපළමු වැන්න නම්, ඒ සඳහා මරාගෙන මැරෙන නොවේ.\nඑය ඝාතනය වේ.\nකොහොමද කියලා ඔබ කියන්නේ?\nමම ඔහුට මරපු එකක් විය.\nඇයි ඔබ ඔහුව මරන්න කළේ ඇයි?\nඇයි ඔහු ඉඩ හැරියේ\nත්රස්තවාදී පලා?\n\nMalay (macrolanguage): \nTolong, di... kalu tak,\nkepala aku akan pecah.\nBaiklah... maafkan saya.\nSatu minit!\n- Mari... untuk rakan!\n- Tahniah!\nApa itu?\nDi seluruh kolej kita, selain aku,\nkau adalah yang paling cantik.\nOkaaay... kita sama-sama cantik.\nDi setiap bilik asrama,\nkau tampal gambar...\nRanbir Kapoor, Shahid Kapoor,\nJohn Abraham di semua tempat!\nKenapa kau berkahwin dengan\nlelaki seperti ini sekarang?\nDengar, kau mesti\nberfikir secara praktikal.\nDia mendapat gaji FAT.\nApa lagi yang aku perlukan?\nLelaki yang kacak tidak pernah berjaya.\nLelaki yang berjaya tiada yang kacak.\nHei!\nLihat di situ! Dia bersendirian untuk\ngambar pada hari perkahwinannya.\nJika ada lelaki kacak dan\nmendapat gaji yang besar...jadi?\nSerah sepenuhnya dan\nberkahwin dengannya.\n\nSinhala: \nඔහු ත්රස්තවාදී බේරෙන්න ඉඩ දෙන්න?\nඔයා කොහොමද ඒක දන්නේ?\nත්රස්තවාදී කියලා.\nත්රස්තවාදී රෝහලේ සිට පලා ගියේය.\nඔබ ඔහු කොහේද දැක්කේ?\nහොඳින්! ෙරා්හල.\nෙරා්හල?\nමම තමුන්නාන්සේගෙන් අහනවා\nඔබ ඔහුව දුටු තැන.\nමට කියන්න ඒ මොකක්ද!\nJagga සොඳුරිය, ඔබ දන්නා\nමම දෙගිඩියාවෙන් හැසිරවිය නොහැක.\nඒ මොකක්ද කියලා කියන්න.\n- මට විනාඩියක් දෙන්න.\nමට කියන්න.\nඔබ එන්නේ\nඉංග්රීසි කථා තුල පන්ති?\nනැත.\n\nEnglish: \nHe let the terrorist escape?\nHow do you know that?\nThe terrorist told me that.\nThe terrorist escaped from the Hospital.\nWhere did you see him?\nWell! The Hospital.\nThe Hospital?\nI am asking you\nwhere you saw him.\nTell me what it is!\nJagga darling, you know\nI can't handle suspense.\nTell me what it is.\n- Give me a minute.\nTell me.\nAre you coming from\na class in spoken English?\nNo.\n\nSinhala: \nමම ඔබ විවාහ ගත හැකිද?\nවිට ඔබට මෙම අදහස ලැබුණේ කෙසේද?\n8.40am අද උදෑසන.\n- මොකක්ද 8.40am දී සිදු වූයේ කුමක්ද?\nඑය මගේ මිතුරාගේ පිළිගැනීමේ විය.\nඇය වඩාත් ලස්සනයි\nමගේ විද්යාලයේ කෙල්ල.\nඇය සමඟ විවාහ වන ගයි\nඑක් ටිකක් හොද නෑ වගේ.\nමට ඒ ගැන ඇය ඉල්ලා\nඇය මට සමහර උපදෙස් දුන්නේ ය.\nඊළගට,\nමිතුරන් මාව උනන්දු කළා.\nනමුත්, අපි හොඳ නෑ, නෑ\nආරම්භයේ සිට දකුණු නොගැලපේ.\nමුලින් මම \"නැහැ\" බවයි\nපසුව ඔබ කළ,\nහා දැන් ඔබ කියන\nඔබ මෙම ඕන.\nමම පමණක් මම එය අවශ්ය කියමින් යනවා.\nඔව්, නමුත් අපගේ රුචි අරුචිකම් ගැලපිය යුතුයි.\nඔබ දුම් පානය කරනවාද?\n- හහ්?\nසිගරට් එකක්.\n- කොහෙත්ම නැහැ! කොහොමද ගැහැණු දුම් පානය කළ හැක්කේ කෙසේද?\nබව බොක්සිං ඉඩ නැත.\nබව දකින්න!\nමම පමණක් දුම් පානය කරන ගැහැණු ළමුන් වගේ.\n\nEnglish: \nCan I marry you?\nWhen did you get this idea?\nThis morning, at 8.40am.\n- What happened at 8.40am?\nIt was my friend's reception.\nShe's the most beautiful\ngirl in my college.\nThe guy she is marrying\ndoesn't look one bit good.\nI asked her about it and\nshe gave me some advice.\nAnd then,\nfriends encouraged me.\nBut, we didn't make a good\nmatch right from the start.\nI said \"No\" at first\nand then you did,\nand now you are saying\nyou want this.\nI am only saying I want it.\nYes, but our tastes should match.\nDo you smoke?\n- Huh?\nA Cigarette.\n- No way! How can girls smoke?\nThat is not allowed in boxing.\nSee that!\nI only like girls who smoke.\n\nMalay (macrolanguage): \nKenapa kau hanya\nduduk di sana?\nAku tengah fikirkan sesuatu\nyang tidak betul sekarang.\nApa itu? Mana tau\nkalau aku boleh tolong.\nPolis seperti aku tidak pun dapat\nmelakukannya... kau fikir kau boleh?\nKau tahu apa perbezaan antara\nanggota polis dan tentera?\nKorang tidak perlu\nmenggunakan otak korang.\nBila saja dijerit 'perhatian' dan kau\nrapatkan kaki bersama-sama.\nDijerit 'berdiri tenang'\ndan kau mengangkangkannya.\nTembak dan kau mula\nmenembak secara rambang.\nTetapi kami polis\nmemerlukan otak.\nApabila kami menangkap penyelup saku,\nkami mesti berfikir seperti dia.\nApabila kami menangkap pembunuh,\nkami perlu berada di dalam kasutnya!\nWalaupun menangkap seorang pengganas,\nkami mesti menjadikan diri kami sebahagian darinya.\nAku polis yang bijak tidak\ndapat memikirkannya\nKau pergi main bola, pergi!\nBeritahu apa masalah kau.\nAku akan cuba tolong apa yang boleh.\nOkay, cuba fahamkan.\nPengganas itu melarikan diri, bukan?\nMalam yang sama, seorang polis\nmenembak dirinya sendiri di rumahnya.\n\nEnglish: \nWell, I can't say\nI've never smoked.\nI have smoked at Girls parties,\nNew Year and occasions like that.\nWhat about drinks?\nLiquor, my dear.\nYes, red wine.\nThat's good for the heart and skin.\nI've even tried Vodka once.\nSee there, I can't stand\ngirls who drink liquor.\nNo! You are saying\ndifferent things on purpose.\nYou are in love with me.\nYou are purposely doing this.\n- Nisha, wait...\nI came here straight from\nthe wedding, just for you.\nI didn't even eat there.\nIf you want, I can get married\nto you right away.\nI was just kidding.\nThere is a small hitch.\nAgain? What is it?\n\nMalay (macrolanguage): \nDia adalah orang yang bertugas\nketika pengganas melarikan diri.\nAku tertanya-tanya sama ada kedua-dua\ninsiden itu ada kaitan ataupun tidak.\nItu bukan bunuh diri.\nIa adalah pembunuhan.\nBagaimana kau begitu yakin?\nAkulah yang melakukannya.\n- Kau... kenapa kau melakukannya?\n- Kenapa dia tolong pengganas melarikan diri?\nDia tolong pengganas melarikan diri?\nBagaimana kau tahu?\nPengganas itu beritahu aku.\nDi manak kau jumpa pengganas\nyang terlepas dari hospital ?!\n- Di hospital, kau...\n- Di hospital, aku...?\nDi hospital, aku...?\nHabiskan apa\nyang kau cakap!\nBeritahu aku\napa yang berlaku?\nTunggu... tunggu, Jaggu sayang!\nKau tahu aku tidak boleh tertunggu-tunggu.\nTolong beritahu\naku dan pergi.\nSatu minit.\n\nSinhala: \nහොඳයි, මට කියන්න බැහැ\nමම දුම් කිසි දෙයක් කියලා නැහැ.\nමම බාලිකා පක්ෂ දී දුම් ඇත,\nඅළුත් අවුරුද්ද සහ ඒ වගේ අවස්ථා.\nදේ බීම ගැන?\nමත්පැන්, මගේ පැටියෝ.\nඔව්, රතු වයින්.\nමේ, පටන්ගත් සහ සම සඳහා හොඳ වේ.\nමම වරක් වොඩ්කා උත්සාහ කලා.\nඅර බලන්න, මම ඉන්න බෑ\nමත්පැන් පානය කරන ගැහැණු ළමුන්.\nනැත! ඔබ කියන\nඅරමුණ මත විවිධ දේ.\nඔයා මට ආදරය වේ.\nඔබ හිතාමතාම මේ දේ කර ඇත.\n- නිශා, ඉන්න ...\nමම කෙලින්ම සිට මෙහි පැමිණි\nඔබට පමණයි විවාහ,.\nමම එහි අනුභව කළේ නැත.\nඔබට අවශ්ය නම්, මම විවාහ වෙන්න පුළුවන්\nඔබට අයිතිය නැති.\nමම විහිළුවක් කළේ.\nකුඩා පනතේ නැත.\nනැවතත්? එය කුමක් ද?\n\nSinhala: \nමම ඔබ සමඟ කෝපයෙන් සිටි නිසා,\nමම තවත් මිනිහව බඳින්න එකඟ\nමගේ දෙමාපියන් මට සොයාගෙන ඇත.\nඔහුට ඔබ \"ඔව්\" ද?\nඒක ප්රශ්නයක් නෙවෙයි.\nපළමු \"ඔව්\" කියා සහ\nපසු ඔහුව ප්රතික්ෂේප කරන ...\n... මට ප්රශ්නයක් නැති තරම්ය වේ.\nමම ඔබට මොන පවසයි වෙනස්\nමම ඔහුට කී දේට වඩා.\nඔහු ද යුද හමුදා සිට ඇත.\nමම ඔහුට ඒත්තු නම්,\nසියලු ගැටලු යථාර්ථය තේරුම් ගත වනු ඇත.\nඔහු වෙත එන්න මට ඉල්ලීමක් කර ඇත\n12 කෝපි කඩේ.\nහරි! මමත් එන්න පුළුවන්!\nමම ඒ ගැන බලාගන්නම්.\nඅපි ඒ ගෙදරින් ද?\n- ඔව්.\nඔහු ඇවිල්ලා.\nමොහොතක් ඉන්න.\nඔහු යුද හමුදා මිනිහා, මෙය,\nඔහු වේලාව මත මෙහි තියුණු ය.\nමම මුලින්ම යන්නම්.\nඔබට පසුව එන්න පුළුවන්.\nහේයි! මම මුලින්ම කතා කරන්නම්\nපසුව කතා කරනු ඇත.\n\nEnglish: \nBecause I was angry with you,\nI agreed to marry another guy\nmy parents found for me.\nYou said \"Yes\" to him?\nThat is not a problem.\nSaying \"Yes\" at first and\nrejecting him after that...\n...is hardly a problem for me.\nWhat I said to you is different\nfrom what I told him.\nHe is from the Military too.\nIf I convince him,\nall problems will be sorted.\nHe has asked me to come to\nthe coffee shop at 12.\nOk! I'll come along too!\nI'll take care of it.\nShall we leave then?\n- Yes.\nHe's here.\nJust wait a moment.\nHe's a Military guy,\nhe's here sharp on time.\nI'll go first.\nYou can come later.\nHey! I'll talk to him first\nand then will call.\n\nMalay (macrolanguage): \nCakaplah.\nAhem...saya... awak...\nsaya...\nAdakah kamu kembali dari kelas\n'bahasa Inggeris' atau apa?\n- Tidak... saya... boleh saya berkahwin dengan kamu?\n- Bila kamu dapat idea ini?\n- Pagi tadi... pukul 8:60 A.M\n- Apa yang berlaku pada 8:60?\nSaya berada di majlis\nperkahwinan kawan saya.\nDia adalah salah seorang gadis\ntercantik di kolej saya.\nLelaki yang dia telah\nkahwin tidak begitu kacak.\nSaya tanya kenapa?\nDan dia memenuhi saya\ndengan teori-teorinya.\nDan kawan-kawan saya\njuga menggalakkan saya.\nTetapi dari awal\nkita tidak sepadan.\nMula-mual saya kata tidak dan\nkemudian kamu kata tidak.\n- Sekarang kamu cakap kamu mahu pula.\n- Saya cakap ya, kan?\nYa, tapi... selera\nkita mesti sepadan.\n\nSinhala: \nඒයි, Jagga,\nඔබ මොනවද මෙහේ කරන්නේ?\nඔබට කෙසේද?\nමම මහ හඬින් අසා,\nමම අප පරිකල්පනය\nමෙම විසිර යාමේ පෙළපාලියේ පිටියේ.\nහරි, එන්න.\nහොඳින්!\nමම විවාහ වීමට යන්නේ සිසුවිය\nඇය අද මෙහි මා හමු බවයි.\nමේ සියල්ල ඇය ඒ සඳහා අවශ්ය කරන ...\nඒ නිසා මම තිගැස්මකින්\nමෙම ප්රථම අවස්ථාව ද මෙය වේ.\n\nEnglish: \nHey, Jagga,\nwhat are you doing here?\nHow are you?\nWhen I heard the loud voice,\nI imagined we were\nin the Parade Ground.\nOk, come on.\nWell!\nThe girl I am going to marry has\nsaid she would meet me here today.\nAll this is to meet her...\nI am nervous because\nthis is the first time.\n\nMalay (macrolanguage): \nKamu merokok tak?\nRokok?\nTidak tidak! Bagaimana wanita boleh merokok?\nItu tidak dibenarkan dalam tinju sama sekali.\nTengok? Saya lebih suka\nwanita yang merokok.\nRokok... Saya tidak boleh mengatakan\nbahawa saya tidak pernah merokok.\nSemasa pesta dengan kawan saya,\ntahun baru... saya pernah merokok.\nBaiklah... alkohol?\n- Huh?\n- Booze?\nYa... wain merah!\nIa baik untuk jantung.\nUntuk kulit... sekali-sekala\nsaya minum vodka juga.\nTengok? Saya langusng\ntidak suka gadis yang minum.\nHei... Nisha!\nKamu sengaja mengubahnya kan.\n\nEnglish: \nPlease sit down.\nYour Mom called to say that\nyou like me a lot as well.\nSorry, Nisha! Meet Mr.Jagdish.\nBut, he is much junior to me.\nHe makes mistakes and\ngets punished very often.\nHe is a little more scared\nof me because of that.\nNisha, what will you eat?\n- No, nothing!\nWhat about you, Jagdish?\n- No, Sir!\n\nMalay (macrolanguage): \nKamu cintakan saya!\nKamu melakukan ini dengan tujuan!\nSaya datang terus ke sini\ndari perkahwinan itu untuk kamu.\nSaya belum\nmakan pun lagi!\nOkay okay, tolong,\ntolong... tolong\nSaya akan berkahwin dengan\nkamu sekarang jika kamu mahu.\nSaya hanya bergurau.\n- Satu lagi masalah kecil.\n- Sekali lagi? Apa?\nMereka menunjukkan saya lelaki lain\ndi rumah dan sayakatakn okay.\n- Kerana saya marah pada kamu\n- Kamu kata okay?\nItu bukan masalah besar.\nSaya tidak mempunyai masalah katakan okay\ndan kemudian katakan tidak okay.\nOkay yang saya katakan kepada kamu adalah\nberbeza dari yang saya katakan kepadanya.\nDia dalam tentera juga.\nJika kita meyakinkan dia,\nsemua masalah kita selesai.\nDia ajak saya pergi kedai\nkopi hari ini pada pukul 12.\nOkay, saya akan datang.\nSaya akan uruskan dia.\nJadi, kita akan pergi?\n\nSinhala: \nකරුණාකර වාඩිවෙන්න.\nඔයාගේ අම්මා බව කියල කියන්න\nඔබ මෙන්ම මා ගොඩක් කැමතියි.\nසමාවන්න, නිශා! තරග Mr.Jagdish.\nඑහෙත්, ඔහු මට වඩා කණිෂ්ඨ වේ.\nඔහු අතින්ම වැරදි සහ\nබොහෝ විට දඬුවම් යයි.\nඔහු තව තවත් ටිකක් බය වෙලා වේ\nමා නිසා බව ය.\nNisha, ඔබ කුමක් කන්නේ?\n- නෑ, කිසිවක්!\nඔබ කරන දේ, Jagdish?\n- නෑ, සර්!\n\nMalay (macrolanguage): \nDi sini.\nShhhh! Tunggu.\nDia tentera, bukan?\nDia sangat menepati waktu.\nSaya akan pergi dahulu\ndan kemudian kamu datang.\nSaya akan pergi bercakap dengannya\nterlebih dahulu dan kemudian panggil kamu.\n- Maafkan saya?\n- Yesss!\nlC58666 Kapten Jagdish,\nmelaporkan, tuan!\nBatalion... saluuuute!\nMaaf maaf!\nJaga! Apa yang kamu lakukan di sini?\n- Apa khabar?\n- Baik, tuan!\nApabila kamu bercakap dalam nada yang\ntinggi saya ingat ia adalah tempat perarakan!\n- Baiklah, mari... duduk, duduk!\n- Tidak, tuan... tidak, tuan.\n\nSinhala: \nNisha, මම එකට ඇති\nහෝටලයේ දී අද සවස.\nJagdish, ඔබ ද ඉදිරිපත් විය යුතුය.\n- ඔව්, සර්!\nදැන්! එය 12.30 වේ.\nඅපි 12 ට පමණ හමු වන බවයි.\nඒ නිසා, අපි සවස හමු වෙන්න පුළුවන්.\nඔහු පිස්සු ද?\nමම සවස ඔබ දකිනු ඇත.\nමෙය ඔබට සැලසුම් ආකාරය වේ\nඔහුට කතා කරන්න?\nනොවන එය, මැඩම් වේ.\nඒ කියන්නෙ නීවරණ\nඔබ තම පෙම්වතිය වේ.\nහේයි! ඔහු පැමිණි පසු පවා,\nඔබ \"මැඩම්\" මට කතා කර ඇත.\nඅපි ආදරය දැනටමත් නොවේ.\nඅපි එකිනෙකා සමඟ බිඳ හැක.\nඅපි පවා ආදරය කරලා නෑ තියෙනවා\nපැයකට,\nසහ ඊට පෙර බිඳ?\n, මෙහි බලන්න මැඩම්.\n\nEnglish: \nNisha, I have a get together\nat the Hotel this evening.\nJagdish, you must come too.\n- Yes, Sir!\nNow! It's 12.30.\nWe said we would meet at 12 O'clock.\nSo, we'll meet in the evening.\nIs he mad?\nI'll see you in the evening.\nIs this how you planned\nto talk to him?\nThat's not it, Madam.\nWhatever it is,\nyou are his fiancé.\nHey! Even after he left,\nyou are calling me \"Madam\".\nAren't we in love already.\nWe can break up with each other.\nWe've not been in love even\nfor an hour,\nand a break up before that?\nLook here, Madam.\n\nSinhala: \nඔහු සෑම ආකාරයකින්ම මට වඩා හොඳයි.\nඑය මට තත්පර 52 ක් ගනී\nමීටර් 400 ක්රියාත්මක කිරීම සඳහා,\nනමුත් ඔහු තත්පර 48 ක ඒ දේ කරන්න බැහැ.\nඅධි වෙත පනින්න දී,\nමම ක උස හරහා ලබා ගත හැක\nඅඩි 6 ක් සහ අඟල් 1,\nනමුත් ඔහු ආවරණය කළ හැකි\nපාද හා අඟල් 4 6.\nදිගු පැනීමේ,\nමම මීටර් 7 ක් පමනක් හරහා පැනීමට හැකි,\nනමුත් ඔහු මීටර් 7.4 වේ.\nසිරුරේ බර ඉසිලීමේ ...\nකෙනෙකු ජනතාව බඳවා ඇත\nමෙහි හමුදා සඳහා ද?\nමං එයාට කැමති නෑ.\nඒත්, ඔයා මට කැමති නැහැ\nඑක්කෝ පළමු,\nනමුත් දැන් ඔබ මට කැමති.\nඔබ දැන් ඔහුට කැමති නැහැ,\nනමුත් ඔබ ඔහුව හෙට කැමති විය.\nඔවුන් දෙදෙනා\nවෙනස් දේවල්.\nකියන්නෙ නෑ.\nමම ඉතා පහසුවෙන් තරගය සොයා ගත හැකි වනු ඇත.\nනමුත් කවුද ඔහුට විවාහ ඇත\nමෙම වයස අවුරුදු.\nමම ඒ සඳහා කරන්නේ කුමක් ද?, ඇයි මට?\nඔබගේ දුරකතනය නාද වෙනවා.\nඑය ඔබගේ දුරකථනය.\nහේයි! ඔබ ත්රස්තවාදී කොහෙද දැක්කද\nවූ රෝහලේ සිට පලා?\nඔබ දෙගිඩියාවෙන් කැමති නැහැ,\nනමුත් මම කැමති නැහැ\nමෙම දෙගිඩියාවෙන් මුදල අහෝසි.\nඅප දෙදෙනා සතුව\nහෙට කරන්නේ වැදගත් වැඩක්.\n\nMalay (macrolanguage): \nTak apa, gadis yang akan saya kahwin itu\ncakap dia akan jumpa saya di sini hari ini.\n- Tuan!\n- Itulah sebabnya semua ini.\n- Tuan!\n- Saya gementar.\n- Kerana ini kali pertama. - Boleh saya\ndapatkan sesuatu untuk kamu, tuan?\nTidak... tidak... tidak, tidak!\nSaya akan duduk di sini.\nHello!\nSalam\nHi! Sila duduk.\n\nEnglish: \nHe is better than me in every way.\nIt takes me 52 seconds\nto run 400 meters,\nbut he can do that in 48 seconds.\nIn a High Jump,\nI can get across a height of\n6 feet and 1 inch,\nbut he can cover\n6 feet and 4 inches.\nIn the Long jump,\nI can leap across only 7 meters,\nbut he is 7.4 meters.\nIn Weight lifting...\nIs someone recruiting people\nfor the Military here?\nI don't like him.\nBut, you didn't like me\nat first either,\nbut you like me now.\nYou don't like him now,\nbut you could like him tomorrow.\nThey are two\ndifferent things.\nNot just that.\nI can find a match easily.\nBut who will marry him\nat this age.\nWhat do I do for that, why me?\nYour phone is ringing.\nIt's your phone.\nHey! Where did you see the terrorist\nwho escaped from the Hospital?\nYou don't like suspense,\nbut I don't like to\nunravel the suspense.\nThe two of us have an\nimportant job to do tomorrow.\n\nMalay (macrolanguage): \nIbu kamu telefon dan beritahu,\nkamu betul-betul suka saya.\nMaaf, Nisha...ini En. Jagdish.\nKami berada dalam batalion yang sama.\nTetapi dia junior saya.\nDia terus membuat kesalahan\ndan dihukum sebab itu.\nItulah sebabnya\ndia takut kepada saya.\n- Jagdish... Nisha\n- Hello, madam.\n- Nisha, kamu nak makan apa?\n- Tiada apa-apa.\nTiada apa-apa? Hebat!\nJagdish... kamu?\n- Tidak tuan!\n- Oh wow!\nNisha, saya adakan perjumpaan\ndi sebuah hotel malam ini... parti kecil.\nKamu mesti datang.\n- Jagdish, kamu juga datang.\n- Ya, tuan!\nSekarang pukul 12:30.\nKamu cakap kamu akan\ndatang pada jam 12:00.\nSaya seorang menepati waktu\nkerana saya seorang tentera.\n- Sudah tentu. - Saya akan\njumpa kamu malam nanti.\n- Boleh saya pergi?\n- Bye\n\nMalay (macrolanguage): \nBye\n- Baiklah, Jagdish!\n- Ya, tuan... lC584-\nHei...!\nJumpa kamu malam nanti.\nBye... bye.\nJumpa lagi.\nAdakah ini cara kamu\nmembersihkan udara ?!\nTidak... madam\nApa pun, kamu adalah gadis\nyang berkahwin dengannya.\nPanggil saya 'madam'\nwalaupun selepas dia pergi!\n- Bukankah kita sedang bercinta?\n- Kita boleh putuskannya sekarang.\nTak sampai sejam\npun kita bercinta...\n... dan kita sudah putus?\nLihat sini madam, dia lebih baik\ndaripada saya dalam semua acara.\nUntuk berlari 100 meter,\nsaya mengambil masa 52 saat.\nDia boleh melakukannya\ndalam 68 saat.\nDalam lompat tinggi, saya lompat 6'1 \"\ndia lompat 6 '6 \".\nDalam lompat jauh, saya hanya\nboleh lompat 7 meter.\nTetapi dia boleh\nmelakukan 7.4m.\nDalam angkat berat-\nHei! Adakah kita merekrut\norang untuk tentera di sini?\n\nMalay (macrolanguage): \nSaya tidak suka dia.\nKamu pun tidak suka saya pada mulanya.\nTapi sekarang kamu suka!\nEsok kamu mungkin berubah\nfikiran tentang dia!\nItu lain.\nIni lain.\nLagipun saya boleh mendapatkan\nseorang gadis dengan petik jari saja.\nTetapi... dia begitu tua. Siapa\nyang akan berkahwin dengannya?\nJadi... saya sebagai\nkambing hitam?\n- Telefon kamu berdering.\n- Ianya telefon kamu.\nOh maaf.\nKawan... di mana kamu jumpa\npengganas yang terlepas itu?\nAku tidak suka menuggu,\nAku tidak suka menuggu terlalu lama.\nEsok kita berdua\nmempunyai tugas penting.\n\nMalay (macrolanguage): \nItu lebih baik!\n\nSinhala: \nහේයි! ඇයි ඔබ\nමෙතන ඉඳගෙන?\nඔබ දන්නේ නැහැ වගේ\nඇයි මම ආවේ!\nඒක ගැන නෙවෙයි.\nවෙත එන්න එපා\nමගේ කාමරය හදිසියේ.\nපහත මාලයේ ඉන්න මට කතා කරන්න.\nඔයා කොහෙද දැක්කද\nත්රස්තවාදී?\nඔබ මිනිහා අල්ලා කොහොමද\nවූ රෝහලේ සිට පලා?\nඔබ ඒ දවසේ ඉතිරි පසු,\nමම රෝහලේ නැවත නැවතී සිටියේය.\nඅපි ඔහුට මෙහි තබා නොකළ යුතුය,\nඅපි පොලිස් පාවා යුතුය.\nඔහු නැවත පලා යාමට?\nඑවිට තමයි දන්නේ ඇත\nඔවුන් තවත් බොහෝ පමණ වේ.\nමම දන්නවා මොකක්ද කරන්න ඕනේ කියලා.\n- ඔයා මොනවද දන්නේ?\nඇයි ඔබ එන්නත් අරගෙන යන්නේ?\nඔබ උණ තිබේද?\nඇයි කියලා මට කියන්න.\n\nEnglish: \nHey! Why are you\nsitting here?\nLike you don't know\nwhy I've come!\nIt's not that.\nDon't come in to\nmy room all of a sudden.\nWait downstairs and call me.\nWhere did you see\nthat terrorist?\nHow did you catch the guy\nwho escaped from the Hospital?\nAfter you left that day,\nI stayed back at the Hospital.\nWe shouldn't keep him here,\nwe must hand him over to the Police.\nFor him to escape again?\nOnly then will we know how\nmany more of them are around.\nI know what to do.\n- What do you know?\nWhy are you taking the injection?\nDo you have fever?\nTell me why.\n\nEnglish: \nWhat is it?\nDon't untie him.\nWhere are you going?\nHow many questions will you ask?\nI've injected him with Ketamine.\nHe will remain unconscious\nfor two hours.\nLet's go.\nWhere do we go?\nTo the Wedding.\nMy Batch mate is\ngetting married today.\nLet's go.\nThis is a bit too much.\nYou want to keep him at home\nand go out to attend a wedding?\nYou've even untied him.\nWe'll come back.\n\nSinhala: \nඑය කුමක් ද?\nඔහු ලිහා නැහැ.\nඔබ කොහෙද යන්නේ?\nඔබ ප්රශ්න කොපමණ අසනු ඇත?\nමම Ketamine ඔහුට එන්නත් කරන ඇත.\nඔහු සිහිසුන් පවතිනු ඇත\nපැය දෙකක් සදහා.\nඅපි යමු.\nඅපි කොහෙද යන්නේ?\nවිවාහ මංගල කිරීමට.\nමගේ කණ්ඩායම සහකරු හෝ සහකාරිය වන\nවිවාහ වීමට අද.\nඅපි යමු.\nමෙම ටිකක් වැඩියි.\nඔබ ගෙදර ඔහු තබා ගැනීමට අවශ්ය\nහා මංගල උත්සවයකට සහභාගීවීම සඳහා ගොස්?\nඔබ පවා ඔහුට නාන්න තියෙනවා.\nඅපි ආපහු එන්නම්.\n\nEnglish: \nIt's getting late, let's leave.\nWho is this?\nHey, Jagga. Let's leave.\nWe'll leave.\nWhat's the hurry?\nIt's getting late.\nHey, let's go.\nCome!\nWhy don't you understand\nthe seriousness?\nHe is not even looking!\n\nSinhala: \nඒක තේරුම් ගන්නවා අග, අපි යන්න දෙන්න.\nමේ කව්ද?\nඒයි, Jagga. ගේ පිට කරමු.\nඅපි යන්න එන්නම්.\nමෙම ඉක්මන් මොකක්ද?\nපරක්කු වෙනවා.\nඒයි, අපි යමු.\nඑන්න!\nඇයි ඔබ තේරුම් ගන්න එපා\nබරපතලකම?\nඔහු පවා බලා නෑ!\n\nSinhala: \nඔබ කේක් අනුභව කරන්නේ!\nපරක්කු වෙනවා!\nඔහු කැමති සෙල්ලම් කරන්න,\nඑය කෑම්ප් හෝ ...\n... දුම්රිය එතැනින් නවතින්න,\nදැන් පවා විවාහ මංගල දී.\nයාලුවනේ, මේ බරපතල ක්රීඩාව වන්නේ.\n\nEnglish: \nYou are eating Cake!\nIt's getting late!\nHe wants to play,\nbe it the Camp or...\n...where the train stops,\nnow even at the Wedding.\nGuys, this is a serious game.\n\nMalay (macrolanguage): \nKenapa kau duduk di sini?\nKau tak tahu\nkenapa aku di sini?\nTidak, jangan masuk\ntanpa beritahu aku.\nTunggu di bawah dan\npanggil aku... okay?\nDi mana kau jumpa\npengganas itu?\nBagaimana kau menangkap orang\nyang melarikan diri dari hospital?\nSelepas kau pergi hari itu,\naku berada di hospital sepanjang masa.\nKau tak boleh\nbiarkan dia di sini!\nKau perlu menyerahkannya\nkepada polis.\nKenapa? Supaya dia boleh\nmelarikan diri lagi?\nDengan itu kita akan tahu lebih\nbanyak maklumat tentang kumpulannya.\n- Aku dah tahu.\n- Apa yang kau maksudkan dengan tahu?\nUntuk apa jarum itu?\nAdakah dia sakit?\n\nEnglish: \nWe'll only know who the\nother team is in a while.\nIn two minutes from now,\na man will come out of\nthe back door of my house.\nWe will follow him.\nWhen he meets a man after that,\nour group will split into two.\nOne group of 6\nwill follow one man,\nthe next 6\nwill follow the other.\nAs they keep meeting\nmore people after that,\nwe will divide further\nand follow them.\nKeep your cell phones on.\nDon't attend any other\ncall but mine.\nWe will stay connected\nthrough a conference call.\nHe is coming.\n- Is he the guy?\nJagga, what if we mess up\ntaking a big risk?\nIt's a risk only if\nwe don't do anything.\n\nMalay (macrolanguage): \nUntuk apa ini?\nJangan lepaskan dia.\n- Ke mana kau nak pergi?\n- Berapa banyak soalan kau nak tanya?\nSuntikan itu mengandungi serum.\nIa akan pengsan selama 2 jam akan datang.\n- Jom, mari kita pergi.\n- Ke mana?\nMajlis perkahwinan.\nHari ini hari perkahwinan\nkawan aku, kan?\n- Jom, mari pergi.\n- Ini dah labih.\nAda pengganas di dalam rumah kau\ndan kau nak pergi majlis perkahwinan!\n- Dan kau telah melepaskan dia.\n- Kita akan kembali tidak lama lagi, mari ikut aku.\nApa khabar bro?\nNampak segak, huh?\n- Hi - Hi, bro\nJagdish\n\nSinhala: \nඅපි පමණක් වූ දැන කරන්නම්\nවෙනත් කණ්ඩායමක් අතර වේ.\nවිනාඩි දෙකක් අද සිට,\nමිනිසෙකුගෙන් පිට පැමිණෙනු ඇත\nමගේ නිවසේ පිටුපස දොර.\nඅපි ඔහුට අනුගමනය කරනු ඇත.\nඔහු කරන මිනිසෙකු හමු වන අවස්ථාවේදී\nඅපේ කණ්ඩායමේ දෙකකට බෙදී ඇත.\n6 එක් කණ්ඩායමක්\nඑක් මිනිසෙකු අනුගමනය කරනු ඇත,\nඉදිරි 6\nඅනෙක් අනුගමනය කරනු ඇත.\nඔවුන් රැස්වීමක් තබා ලෙස\nපසු තව තවත් මිනිසුන්,\nඅපි තව දුරටත් බෙදා වෙන් කරනු ඇත\nඒවා අනුගමනය කරන්න.\nඔබගේ ජංගම දුරකථන සඳහා තබා ගන්න.\nවෙනත් ඕනෑම සහභාගී නැහැ\nකතා නමුත් බෝම්බයක් සොයා ගෙන ඇත.\nඅපි සම්බන්ධ ඉන්නවා\nකැඳවන ලද සමුලුවක හරහා.\nඔහු එනවා.\n- ඔහු මිනිහා ද?\nJagga, කුමක් නම් අපි අවුල්\nවිශාල අවදානමක් ගෙන?\nඑය නම් පමණක් අවදානමක් තියෙන්නේ\nඅපි කිසිම දෙයක් කරන්න එපා.\n\nSinhala: \nවාහනය ආරම්භ\nසෙමින් ඔහු අනුගමනය කරන්න.\nඅනෙක් කෙනා?\n\nMalay (macrolanguage): \n- Dah lambat, jom pergi.\n- Siapa ini, Jagdish?\nIzinkan aku memperkenalkan\nkau kepada kawan-kawan aku.\nDia kawan aku Balaji,\nSub lnspector Bandra.\nJoel, sudikah kau mengambil\nSarah menjadi isteri kau?\nYa, dengan bantuan Tuhan.\nSarah, sudikah kau mengambil\nJoel sebagai suami kau?\nYa, dengan bantuan Tuhan.\nSekarang kau boleh cium\npengantin perempuan.\n- Jom, mari kita pergi\n- Kita akan pergi...kenapa tergesa-gesa?\nDah lambat!\nPengantin lelaki\nmemanggil kamu semua.\nBuat yang terbaik.\nJom, mari pergi.\nKau tahu tak ini situasi\nsekarang ini serius.\nHei! Aku ditangkap.\n\nEnglish: \nStart the vehicle and\nslowly follow him.\nWho is the other guy?\n\nSinhala: \nJagga. ඔවුන් බෙදී නැති නම් කුමක්ද\n12 එහෙත්, එක් එක් ස්ථානය ඉන්න?\nනැහැ, ඔවුන් ස්ථාන 12 වැඩ තියෙනවා.\nඔවුන් වැටෙනු ඇත.\nවාහනය නතර.\n\nMalay (macrolanguage): \n- Tahniah.\n- Tahniah, kawan.\nKawan, kau duduk di sini dan\nmenikmati kek ini... kita dah lambat.\nKawan-kawan...!\nIanya sudah lama.\nPatutkah kita main satu permainan?\nPermainan?\nLelaki ini bermain di kem dan\nketika kereta api berhenti.\nSekarang permainan lain\ndi majlis perkahwinan ?!\nTetapi ia adalah\npermainan sebenar.\n- Permainan sebenar?\n- Ya\nBaiklah, kami 6 orang dalam satu pasukan.\nKau 6 orang dalam satu pasukan.\nApa kata?\nTidak... tidak... tidak. Kita semua\nberada dalam pasukan yang sama.\nPasukan yang sama?\nJadi siapa lawan kita?\n- Apakah peraturannya?\n- Aku akan beritahu kemudian.\nOkay, selepas menang,\nkau mesti adakan parti!\nPasti... pasti.\n\nEnglish: \nJagga. What if they don't split\nas 12 but stay at one place?\nNo, they have work at 12 places.\nThey will split.\nStop the vehicle.\n\nSinhala: \nඔබ ඔහුව අනුගමනය කරන්න.\n\nEnglish: \nYou follow him.\n\nMalay (macrolanguage): \nGuys! Ini adalah jenis\npermainan yang serius.\nKita akan tahu sekarang\nsiapa pasukan lawan kita.\nDalam 2 minit, seorang lelaki\nakan keluar dari rumah aku.\nKita mesti mengikutinya.\nApabila dia bertemu dengan lelaki lain,\nkumpulan kita berpecah kepada dua.\n6 dari kita mengikuti lelaki itu.\n6 lagi, akan ikut lelaki yang lagi satu.\nSesiapa yang mereka jumpa,\nkita berpecah dan ikut mereka.\nPastikan telefon bimbit\nkorang dihidupkan.\nJangan menjawab pangilan\ndari orang lain selain dari aku.\nKita semua dihubungkan\noleh persidangan, okay?\nOkay.\n- Seseorang datang.\n- Dia lelaki?\n\nMalay (macrolanguage): \nYa, dia lelaki.\nDia tidak melihat kita.\nBerhati-hati, Jaga.\nKita mungkin akan merosakkannya.\nIni hanya rosak jika kita\ntidak melakukan apa-apa.\nHidupkan kereta dan ikut\ndia perlahan-lahan.\nHei! Pergi... gerak... gerak.\n- Tak guna! Dia hilang.\n- Kita kehilangannya.\nPerhatikannya.\nKita kehilangan dia.\nTidak... tunggu isyarat itu.\nPergi... pergi... cepat\nOh! Itu dia!\nCepat... cepat!\n- Adakah dia melihat kita?\n- Hei, tunggu.\nDia masuk ke dalam auto.\nSiddharth! Perhatikan\nnombor auto.\nMH 02 R 8306\n\nMalay (macrolanguage): \nPatutkah kita turun?\n- Oh! Dia dalam orang ramai.\n- Hey! Siapa lelaki baru ini?\nJaga, jika mereka tidak berpecah\ndan sentiasa bersama...\n... jadi apa kita akan lakukan?\nTidak... mereka ada kerja\ndia 2 tempat berbeza.\nMereka akan berpecah.\nHentikan kereta.\nMereka telah berpecah.\n- Keluar!\n- Pergi cepat.\nKorang 6.\nJagdish, kami bersedia.\n- Sentiasa dalam talian.\n- Baiklah.\nKami sangat dekat dengannya.\nBolehkah saya menangkapnya?\n\nEnglish: \nBoys! We are 12 of us\nfor 12 of them.\nThe game is going to end now.\nLook at the Case in your bag.\nThere is a gun inside.\nThere is a gun.\nLet no one panic.\nI was the one who give it.\nThe guys in front of you\nare no ordinary thieves.\nWe are only going to do\nwhat we do at the border.\nWe'll show them that\nwe also know their...\n...techniques of serial bomb blasts\nand simultaneous blasts.\nWe should attack them\nat the same time,\nwithout a seconds difference.\n\nSinhala: \nකොල්ලනේ! අප 12 වන\nඔවුන් 12.\nක්රීඩාව දැන් අවසන් කිරීමට යන්නේ.\nඔබේ මල්ලේ නඩුව දෙස බලන්න.\nඇතුළත තුවක්කුවක් තියෙනවා.\nතුවක්කුවක් තියෙනවා.\nකිසිවෙකු කලබල කරමු.\nමම දෙනවා ඒ වූ එකක් විය.\nඔබ ඉදිරියේ යාලුවනේ\nකිසිදු සාමාන්ය පටබැදි නම් වේ.\nඅපි පමණක් කරන්න යන්නේ\nඅප දේශ කරන්න.\nඅපි ඔවුන්ට පෙන්වයි\nඅපි ද ඔවුන්ගේ දන්නවා ...\n... අනුක්රමික බෝම්බ පිපිරීම් ශිල්ප ක්රම\nසහ සමගාමී කුටි තුළින්.\nඅපි ඔවුන්ට පහර යුතු\nඑම අවස්ථාවේදී ම,\nතත්පර වෙනසක් නැතිව.\n\nMalay (macrolanguage): \nIkuti dia.\nDia bertemu lelaki lain.\nTunggu.\nDia akan pergi.\nIkut orang\nyang baru itu.\nCepat... cepat!\nMari pergi.\nBerapa ramai setakat ini?\n- Kami mengikuti lelaki kedua.\n- Kami mengikuti lelaki pertama.\nKami mengikuti seorang.\nKami berada di Dharavi.\n- Dia berjalan melalui pasar.\n- Jangan biarkan dia melihat kita.\nBerhenti.\nBerhenti.\nLelaki pertama bertemu\ndengan peniaga telefon bimbit.\nDia sedang bertemu\ndengan seseorang.\n\nSinhala: \nක්රීඩාව අවසන්.\nඅපි දුම්රිය හමු වෙන්න පුළුවන්.\nවිට පක්ෂය ද?\nඒ සඳහා කාලය තියෙනවා.\nඅපි කඳවුරේ ඒ ගැන බලාගන්නම්.\nසිදුවුයේ කුමක් ද?\nඅද වන විට,\nවඩාත් threataning ප්රශ්නය ...\n... ඉන්නා සෛල ක් පමණ වේ.\nමෙම සිල්පර සෛල කවුද?\nසිල්පර සෛල ස්ථාන සහභාගී වේ ...\n... කොහෙද ත්රස්තවාදය අභියෝගයක්.\nනිසා අපි, ඔවුන් හඳුනා ගත හැකි නොවේ ...\nමෙම මිනිසුන් 12 පවා හේතු වී\nජනතාව සමග සාමාන්ය ජීවිතයක්.\nඔවුන් Druid ඇති අය වේ\nරටට සහ රජයට එරෙහිව.\n\nEnglish: \nThe game is over.\nWe'll meet in the train.\nWhen is the Party?\nThere's time for that.\nWe'll take care of it in the Camp.\nWhat happened?\nAs of today,\nthe most threataning issue...\n...is about the sleeper cells.\nWho are these sleeper cells?\nSleeper cells are present at places...\n...Where terrorism is a challenge.\nWe can't identify them, because...\nEven these 12 men have led\na normal life with the public.\nThey are people who have druid\nagainst the country and the government.\n\nEnglish: \nThey are cultivated for years.\nAnd their grudge is misused\nfor terrorist activities.\nAfter 9/11 the U.S. is free\nfrom terrorism because...\n...only in that country,\nsleeper cells...\n...have been identified and\ndestroyed completely...\n...and their further growth\nwas arrested.\nMom, Dad.\nWho did all this?\nIt is still unknown.\nEven the Policemen are clueless.\nDid you get any clue?\n\nSinhala: \nඔවුන් වසර සඳහා වගා කර ඇත.\nසහ ඔවුන්ගේ ක්රෝධය අනිසි ලෙස භාවිත කරයි\nත්රස්තවාදී කටයුතු සඳහා.\n9/11 න් පසු එක්සත් ජනපද නිදහස්\nත්රස්තවාදයෙන් නිසා ...\n... පමණක් නම් රට තුළ\nසිල්පර සෛල ...\n... හඳුනා ගෙන ඇති අතර\nසම්පූර්ණයෙන්ම විනාශ ...\n... සහ ඔවුන්ගේ තවදුරටත් වර්ධනය\nඅත්අඩංගුවට ගෙන තිබේ.\nඅම්මා තාත්තා.\nකවුද මේ සියල්ල කළේ?\nඑය තවමත් නොදනී.\nමෙම පොලිස් නිලධාරීන් පවා ඇමැතිතුමාගෙන් අහන්න වේ.\nඔබ යම් ඉඟියක් ලැබුණේ කෙසේද?\n\nMalay (macrolanguage): \nKau ikut dia.\n- Jaga, apa yang perlu dilakukan sekarang?\n- Salah seorang berpecah... berpecah!\n- Baiklah, aku teruskan!\n- Mari ikut dia.\n- Kami telah berpecah sekarang.\n- Vishal di sini! Saya bersama lelaki ke-2.\nKau pergi arah sana.\nAku akan pergi arah sini.\n- Sentiasa dalam talian.\n- Baiklah.\nAku dan Jabar sedang ikut\npeniaga telefon bimbit itu.\n'Dia 10 langkah ke depan\nKami mengikuti dia'.\nDia akan pergi.\n- Ikut orang yang baru.\n- Kau ikut dia.\n- Kami dengan orang yang baru sekarang.\n- Berpecah, ikut orang yang baru.\nPergi pergi pergi!\nPergi.\n\nSinhala: \nපොලිස් උපකරණ අත්අඩංගුවට ගෙන ඇත\nසියලු සිල්පර සෛල 12.\nනමුත් ට්රැකර් නොවන දුරකථන\nඔවුන්ට එක් අයත් ...\n... පුද්ගලයා විසින් ගෙන ඇති\nකරන ඔහු මැරුවේ ය.\nකාගේ දුරකතන එය?\nAdzar අලි සිටි එක්\nDhobi Ghat ඝාතනය.\n\nEnglish: \nThe Police has seized the equipment\nof all 12 sleeper cells.\nBut the non tracker phone\nthat belonged to one of them...\n...has been taken by the person\nwho killed him.\nWhose phone is it?\nAdzar Ali, the one who was\nkilled at Dhobi Ghat.\n\nMalay (macrolanguage): \nAku mengikuti lelaki yang pertama.\nTetap berjaga-jaga...\nTunggu masa yang sesuai.\n- Dia berjalan tepat di hadapan aku.\n- Dia naik bas dan aku juga.\nAku di sebuah pusat membeli-belah.\nSekarang,\nseorang setiap satu.\n'Aku di stesen keretapi Santa Cruz'\n- Aku di Matunga.\n- Aku di Dharavi.\n- Aku di Juhu.\n- Aku di Kula.\n- Aku di Chempur.\n- Aku di Ferry.\nKawan, sekarang kita sama,\n12 orang untuk 12 orang.\nPermainan ini akan\nberakhir sekarang.\nTengok apa yang a\nda dalm beg korang.\nAda pistol.\n-Ada pistol dalamnya.\n- Aku dalam wayang.\nSemua orang jangan panik.\nAku yang letakkannya.\nLelaki yang di depan korang\nbukan pencuri biasa.\nMereka adalah\npengganas yang kejam.\nKita akan lakukan perkara yang\nsama kita lakukan di sempadan.\nKita akan membuktikan yang kita juga\ntahu teknik letupan siri mereka...\n... untuk meletupkan 6 bom sekaligus.\nKita mesti memukul mereka pada masa yang\nsama tanpa ada perbezaan saat sekalipun.\n\nMalay (macrolanguage): \n- Sedia kawan-kawan.\n- Kita akan lakukannya.\n3...\n2...\n1... Tembak!\nGerak, gerak, gerak.\nPermainan tamat.\nBila parti itu?\nKita ada masa untuk itu.\nKita akan raikannya di kem kita.\nApa yang berlaku?\n\nEnglish: \nHey, come to\nLake View Café immediately.\nIf Sir gets to know,\nhe will mistake us.\nIt is your \"Sir\" who has\nasked to come, hurry up.\nWhy are you standing here alone,\nwhere is Sir?\nLook there.\nSo, has he found another girl?\nThat's enough!\nHe has found that girl for you!\nFor me?\nAs it is, he is posing\na problem for me.\nAnd now he is soliciting\nwomen for you!\nDon't say such things\nabout older people.\nHave some respect for his age\nand marry him.\nCome on!\nJagdish also came home\nfor the Holidays...\n...to find a girl to marry.\n\nSinhala: \nඒයි, එන්න\nලේක්විව් කැෆේ වහාම.\nසර් දැන ගැනීමට ලැබෙන්නේ නම්,\nඔහු අපට වරදවා ඇත.\nඑය ඇති ඔබගේ \"සර්\" යනු\nකතා කිරීමට, ඉක්මන් කරන්න.\nඇයි ඔබ තනියම මෙතන හිටගෙන ඉන්නේ,\nසර් කොහෙද?\nඅර බලන්න.\nඒ නිසා, ඔහු වෙනත් තරුණියක සොයාගෙන ඇත?\nඑය ප්රමාණවත්!\nඔහු ඔබ ගැන ඒ කෙල්ල සොයාගෙන ඇත!\nමට ද?\nපෙනෙන හැටියට, ඔහු පෙනී සිටින\nමට ප්රශ්නයක්.\nදැන් ඔහු මැරවීම සඳහා වේ\nඔබ වෙනුවෙන් කාන්තාවන්!\nඑවැනි දේවල් කියන්න එපා\nපැරණි ජනතාව ගැන.\nඔහුගේ වයස අවුරුදු සඳහා යම් යම් ගෞරවයක්\nඔහු විවාහ.\nඉදිරියට එන්න!\nJagdish ද නිවසට පැමිණ\nමෙම නිවාඩු සඳහා ...\n... විවාහ වීමට තරුණියක් සොයා ගැනීමට.\n\nMalay (macrolanguage): \n\"Dan anda menonton NDTV 24x7\"\n\"Dalam 12 tempat yang berbeza...\"\n\"... 12 lelaki yang telah ditembak\nsemuanya adalah 'Sleeper Cells'\"\n\"Baik pihak polis mahupun pembela telah\nmengumumkan peranan mereka.\"\n\"Buat pertama kalinya...\"\n\"Setiap mangsa telah dikenal\npasti sebagai pengganas.\"\n\"Dan terdapat bom di\ndalam setiap beg mereka.\"\n\"Lokasi telefon bimbit yang\ndigunakan 'Sleeper Cells' tersebut...\"\n\"... tidak dapat dikesan\nwalaupun dengan bantuan satelit\"\n\"Tuan, hari ini ancaman terbesar\nkita nampaknya 'Sleeper Cells'.\"\n\"Apa itu 'Sleeper Cells'?\nSiapa mereka?\"\n\"Di mana sahaja terdapat keganasan,\nmereka banyak didapati\".\n\"Kita tidak akan tahu\ndi mana mereka berada.\"\n\"12 lelaki ini bercampur dengan orang\nramai dan menjalani kehidupan biasa.\"\n\"Mereka kecewa dan mahu membalas\ndendam terhadap Kerajaan\"\n\"Mereka telah ditanam dan dendam\nmereka disalahgunakan oleh pengganas.\"\n\"Selepas 9/11, tiada serangan pengganas\nutama telah berlaku di Amerika.\"\n\nEnglish: \nUnfortunately,\nnothing worked out for him.\nHe's junior to me, but in our\nrelationship, he's more like family.\nWell, I am like\nan elder brother to him.\nNo no, something more then that,\nI am like an Uncle to him.\nI was just saying that.\nWere you? Wow!\nSorry! I forgot to introduce you.\nI've seen you somewhere.\nThat's right.\nI had the same doubt\nwhen I saw her the first time.\nThat is when I thought of Jagdish.\nAs his Uncle,\nI owe him atleast this.\nThe two of you exchange numbers,\ntalk to each other.\nCheck to see if you have some\nbiology going between each other.\nIt's not biology,\nit is chemistry.\nWhatever it is,\nthey're both sciences.\nI want to speak to him in private.\n\nSinhala: \nඅවාසනාවකට මෙන්,\nකිසිවක් ඔහු වෙනුවෙන් වැඩ කළා.\nඔහු මට කණිෂ්ඨ, නමුත් අපගේ\nසම්බන්ධතාවය, ඔහු වඩා පවුලේ වගේ.\nහොඳයි, මම වෙමි\nඔහුට වැඩිමහල් සහෝදරයා.\nනැහැ නැහැ, එවකට වැඩි යමක්,\nමම ඔහුට මාමා වගේ වෙමි.\nමම කියා ඇත.\nඔබ ද? වාව්!\nසමාවන්න! මම ඔබට හඳුන්වා දෙන්න අමතක වුනා.\nමම ඔබට කොහේ හරි දැකලා තියෙනවා.\nඒක හරි.\nමම එකම සැකයක්\nමම ඇයට පළමු වරට දුටු විට.\nමම Jagdish පෙනුණු බව ය.\nඔහුගේ ඥාතියා ලෙස,\nමම ඔහුට මෙම කටවත් ණයයි.\nඔබ දෙදෙනා අංක හුවමාරු කර,\nඑකිනෙකා සමඟ කතා කරන්න.\nඔබ සමහර ඇති දැයි පරික්ෂා කරන්න\nජීව විද්යාව එකිනෙකා අතර යනවා.\nඑය ජීව විද්යාව නොවේ,\nඑය රසායන වේ.\nඒ කියන්නෙ නීවරණ\nඔවුන් දෙදෙනාම විද්යාවන් ඉන්නේ.\nමට පෞද්ගලික ඔහුට කතා කරන්න ඕනේ.\n\nMalay (macrolanguage): \n\"Hanya negara yang telah menemui semua\n'Sleeper Cells' dan mengarahkan mereka.\"\n\"Pengikut mereka adalah pengganas\nyang paling menakutkan.\"\nIbu... ayah.\n'Afsar Ali'\nIbu... ayah.\nTengok, ayah saya.\n- Siapa yang melakukan semua ini?\n- Kami masih belum mengetahuinya.\nMalah, polis pun terkejut!\nSebarang petunjuk?\n\nEnglish: \nThey should talk to\neach other in private.\nIf you want to talk,\nthat should be with me.\nI want to encourage him\nabout that girl.\nOk! Carry on! I get it now.\nWill you come?\nSir. She is calling me\nright in front of you.\nThere's nothing wrong\nwith that, Jagdish.\nShe's calling you\nwhen I am around,\nit's wrong only if she calls you\nwhen I am not there.\nYou must not go along then, Ok?\nYou can go now.\nWhat you are doing is wrong!\nWe are just trying\nto start a conversation,\nbut you are trying to\nmeddle with this right away.\nDo you know who she is?\nI don't know who she is.\nWhy?\nShe is like a call girl.\nWhat?\nWhat do you mean?\nDon't you know?\nDo you have an internet\nconnection on your phone?\nI do.\nThen, log on to www.desigirl.com\n\nMalay (macrolanguage): \nPihak polis telah mengambil\nsemua bukti \"Sleeper Cells\".\nTetapi pembunuh itu seolah-olah telah\nmengambil telefon salah seorang orang kita.\nTelefon siapa?\nAfsar Ali yang\nditembak di Dhobi Ghat.\n\nSinhala: \nඔවුන් කතා කළ යුතුයි\nපෞද්ගලික එකිනෙකා.\nකතා කරන්න ඕන නම්,\nබව මා සමඟ විය යුතුය.\nමම ඔහුට දිරිමත් කිරීමට අවශ්ය\nඒ කෙල්ල ගැන.\nහරි! කරගෙන යන්න! මම දැන් එය ලබා ගන්න.\nඔබ එනවද?\nසර්. ඇය මට කතා කරයි\nඔබ ඉදිරියේ හරි.\nකිසි වරදක් නැහැ\nඒ සමඟ, Jagdish.\nඇය ඔබට කතා කරනවා\nමම අවට වෙමි විට,\nඑය ඇය ඔබට සිටී නම් පමණක් වැරදියි\nමා එහි නැහැ විට.\nඔබ, එවිට දිගේ යන්න හරි යුතුද?\nඔබ දැන් යන්න පුළුවන්.\nඔයා මොනවද කරන්නේ වැරදියි!\nඅපි උත්සාහ කරනවා\nසංවාදයක් ආරම්භ කිරීමට,\nනමුත් ඔබ උත්සාහ කරන්නේ\nමෙම අයිතිය ඉවත් කිරීමට මැදිහත්වීම.\nඔබ ඇය කවුද කියලා ඔයා දන්නවද?\nමම දන්නේ නැහැ ඇය සිටින නැහැ.\nමන්ද?\nඇය ඇමතුමක් දැරිය වගේ.\nකුමක්?\nඔයා අදහස් කරන්නේ කුමක් ද?\nඔයා දන්නේ නැද්ද?\nඔබ අන්තර්ජාල තියෙනවද\nසම්බන්ධයක් ඔබගේ දුරකථනයේ?\nමම කරනවා.\nඑවිට, www.desigirl.com පිවිසෙන්න\n\nEnglish: \nWhat are you going to do now?\nI can't go against\nmy senior's command.\nHe will feel dejected.\nAre you fine with that girl, then?\nOk! Well, Jagdish, another thing.\nAnother?\nI mean, the earlier you discuss\nthis with your family...\n... and arrive at a decision,\nthe better.\nI want the four of us to get\nmarried at the same time...\n... and at the same wedding hall.\nThat is my wish.\n\nMalay (macrolanguage): \nAku tidak tahu siapa kau.\nDi mana kau berada.\nKau telah membunuh 12\norang aku termasuk adik aku.\nAku akan datang\nuntuk kau.\nTapi, sekali aku\ndah dapat kau...\n... aku akan bunuh kau.\nAku tunggu.\n\nSinhala: \nඔබ දැන් මොනවද කරන්න යන්නේ?\nමම එරෙහිව යන්න බැහැ\nමගේ ජ්යෙෂ්ඨ ආඥාව.\nඔහු කලකිරීමට හිතෙනවා ඇත.\nඔබ එසේ නම්, ඒ ගැහැණු ළමයා සමග හොදින්?\nහරි! හොඳයි, Jagdish, තවත් දෙයක්.\nතවත්?\nමම ඔබට කතා මීට පෙර අදහස්,\nඔබේ පවුලේ අය සමඟ මෙම ...\n... සහ තීරණයක්,\nවඩා හොඳ.\nමම අප සතර ලබා ගැනීමට අවශ්ය\nඑම අවස්ථාවේ දී විවාහ ...\n... සහ එම විවාහ ශාලාවේ දී.\nඒ මගේ ප්රාර්ථනයයි.\n\nMalay (macrolanguage): \n- Hello?\n- Datang ke Lakeview Cafe.\nKalau 'Sir' tahu, ia\nakan alah anggap, 'madam'.\n'Sir' kamu yang suruh panggil kamu.\nDatang sekarang.\nKenapa kamu bersendirian?\nDi mana 'Sir'?\n- Tengok sana!\n- Itu kelakar!\nWow! Super!\nDia ada seorang lagi gadis?\nHei! Diam. Dia bawa\ngadis itu untuk kamu.\nUntuk saya?\nDia sudah menjadi\nmasalah di kepala saya.\nDan sekarang dia telah\nmenjadi ibu untuk kamu.\nKamu tidak boleh mengatakan\nperkara-perkara buruk itu!\nHormati umurnya dan\nberkahwin dengannya!\n- Mari!\n- Ke mana?\nHi! Mari... mari.\nSelamat Pagi tuan.\n- Jagdish.\n- Hello.\n\nEnglish: \nWhat is the height of the wall?\nThey are good jumpers\nWhat is the speed of the bus?\nAnd good swimmer too.\nAll of the have been\nshot in the forehead.\nRunning bus.\nDark theatre.\nFully crowed malls.\nEven at a distance of 200 meters,\nthey have been shot in the forehead.\nBut they are not the Police.\nAny other similarities?\n\nMalay (macrolanguage): \n- Jagdish, ini Swetha.\n- Hello.\nJagdish juga datang untuk 'memburu\npengantin' untuk dirinya sendiri.\nTetapi ia tidak\nberjaya untuknya.\nNasib!\nKami berada dalam batalion yang sama.\nDia hanya junior saya.\nTetapi lebih seperti keluarga saya.\nSaya seperti abang kepadanya, bukan?\nTidak... tidak, saya lebih\nseperti ayah dan ibu.\nSaya anggap kamu dengan\ncara yang sama sekarang.\nBetul? Wow!\nOh maaf! Saya terlupa untuk memperkenalkannya\nkepada kamu... Nisha... tunang saya!\n- Boxer Nisha .\n- Oh... hi.\nSaya macam pernah\nmelihat kamu.\nBetul!\nKamu pernah melihatnya di suatu tempat,\nitu yang kamu ingin katakan, bukan?\nWalaupun saya juga mempunyai\nkeraguan bila kali pertama saya lihat dia.\nKemudian saya\nteringatkan Jagdish.\nBagaimana saya boleh menjadi ibu ayahnya\ndan tidak melakukan ini untuknya!\nBetukar nombor.\nBercakap satu sama lain.\nLihat jika Biologi\nkamu berkesan ke tidak.\n\nSinhala: \nපවුර උස යනු කුමක්ද?\nඔවුන් හොඳ ජම්පර් වේ\nබස් වේගය කුමක්ද?\nඒ වගේම හොඳ පිහිනුම්.\nඇති වී සියලු\nනළලට වෙඩි.\nබස් ධාවනය වෙමින් පවතී.\nඅඳුරු බැලූවා.\nපූර්ණ සංකීර්ණ හැඬලී ය.\nපවා මීටර් 200 ක් දුරින්,\nඔවුන් නළලට වෙඩි තබා ඝාතනය කර ඇත.\nනමුත් ඔවුන් පොලිස් නොවේ.\nවෙනත් ඕනෑම සමානකම්?\n\nMalay (macrolanguage): \nBukan Biologi... Chemistry.\nApa pun ia!\nSemuanya Sains, bukan?\nSaya perlu bercakap\ndengan dia sahaja.\nNisha! Mereka yang\nsepatutnya bercakap.\nKamu hanya perlu bercakap\ndengan saya sahaja.\nItulah logik.\nSaya mahu memujuknya\ntentang gadis itu.\nOkay... okay.\nTeruskan! Saya faham.\nKamu dah sedia?\nTuan, dia memanggil saya\nsemasa kamu berada di sini!\nTidak ada yang salah\ndengan itu, Jagdish\nDia hanya memanggil kamu\nketika saya berada di sini.\nJika dia memanggil kamu apabila\nsaya tiada, itu baru salah.\nItu kamu tdiak perlu pergi. Okay?\nSekarang pergi!\nApa yang kamu\nlakukan sangat salah!\nKami berdua baru\nnak mula bercakap.\nDan kamu tidak perlu\nsibuk dan merosakkannya.\nKamu tahu tak\nsiapa gadis itu?\n- Tidak, saya tak tahu... kenapa?\n- Dia adalah 'perkara'.\n'Perkara' apa?\nKamu tidak tahu apa masalahnya?\nTelefon kamu ada internet?\nYa.\n\nSinhala: \nපොදු දෙයක් ඇත,\nඑහෙත් එහි කිසිදු ප්රයෝජනයක් නෑ.\nසියලු දොළොස් දෙනෙක්\nඇඳුම් කට්ටල හා කබා ඇඳ.\nඔයා කීවේ කුමක් ද?\nසියලු දොළොස් දෙනෙක්\nඇඳුම් කට්ටල හා කබා ඇඳ.\nඔබ කළ යුතු මේ\nපළමු මට කිව්වා.\nමම හිතුවා\nකබා පැළඳීම පොදු.\nඇමරිකාවේ කබා පැළඳ\nඉතා සුලභ වේ.\nඑහෙත් ඉන්දියාවේ ඇඳුම ඇඳගෙන\nඉතා දුර්ලභය.\nඒ නිසා, ඇඳුම හා කබා පැළඳ කණ්ඩායම.\nඔවුන් හෝටලයක සිට වේටර්වරුන් විය හැක.\nමණ්ඩලය රැස්වීමේදී ව්යාපාරිකයන්.\nසම්මන්ත්රණයක් සිට Softwere ඉංජිනේරුවන්.\n\nEnglish: \nThere is something in common,\nbut its not of any use.\nAll twelve were\nwearing suits and coats.\nWhat did you say?\nAll twelve were\nwearing suits and coats.\nThis you should have\ntold me first.\nI thought is\ncommon to wear coats.\nWearing coats in America\nis quite common.\nBut wearing suit in India\nis quite uncommon.\nSo, team wearing suit and coats.\nThey could be waiters from a hotel.\nBusinessmen from board meeting.\nSoftwere engineers from a seminar.\n\nSinhala: \nමම සමස්ත ලැයිස්තුව අවශ්ය\nමංගල උත්සව සහ සම්මන්ත්රණ ...\n... විධිමත් ඇඳුම කේතය සමඟ බව\n27 වන දින මුම්බායි සිදු බලන්න.\nඔබ කළා කියලා කරන්න\nදක්ෂ දෙයක්?\nඔබ අල්ලා ඇත\nජීවත් මේ 12 යාලුවනේ ...\n... ඔවුන් ඝාතනය කරනවා වෙනුවට, හිතාගන්න\nඔබට ලැබුණු හැකි තොරතුරු ප්රමාණය!\nඅපට තියෙනව නැහැ\nකිසිදු තොරතුරක් ...\n... ඔවුන් නිසා\nඑම සැලැස්ම දන්නේ නැහැ.\nඇත්ත වශයෙන්ම, 12 යාලුවනේ\nපවා එකිනෙකා දන්නේ නැහැ.\nඒක හරිද?\nඔව්, ඔවුන් ඉන්නා සෛල වේ.\nඑකක් හෝ ඔවුන්ගේ දෙකක් විය හැක\nප්රධානීන් සැලැස්ම වනු ඇත.\nඉන්නා සෛල හුදෙක් ක්රියාත්මක,\nපවා කැමති වනු ඇත\nඒ සඳහා සිය ජීවිත අහිමි.\nඔවුන්ගෙන් එක් කෙනෙක් පවා නම්\nඋගුලකට අසු වන්නේ,\nඅපට කළ හැකි කිසිවක් නැත\nඔහු මගින් දැන ගන්න.\nබව සිල්පර සෛල අදහස් කරන්නේ කුමක්ද\nජීවිතය ගෙන ...\n... සාමාන්ය මිනිසුන් ලෙස\nඔවුන් ඇණවුම් ලබා ගැනීමට තෙක්?\nඔව්, ඔවුන් වසර සඳහා බලා සිටීමට වනු ඇත.\nකිසිදු ක්රමයක් නොමැති\nඅපි ඒ සියල්ල මරන්න පුළුවන්?\nඅපි ඔවුන් මරන්න පුළුවන්, නමුත් අපට හැකි\nක්රියාකාරිත්වය ඔවුන් නතර.\nඅපි ප්රධාන හිස මැරුවොත්\nකරන නියෝග ලබා දෙන,\n\nEnglish: \nI need an entire list of\nweddings and seminars...\n...with formal dress code that\nlook place in mumbai on the 27th.\nDo you think you did\nsomething clever?\nHad you caught\nthose 12 guys alive...\n...instead of killing them, imagine the\namount of information you could have got!\nWe wouldn't have got\nany information...\n...because they themselves\ndon't know the plan.\nIn fact, the 12 guys\ndon't even know each other.\nIs that right?\nYes, they are Sleeper Cells.\nOne or may be two of their\nheads will make the plan.\nThe Sleeper Cells merely execute,\nand will even be willing\nto lose their lives for it.\nEven if one of them\ndoes get caught,\nthere is nothing we can\nget to know through him.\nDoes that mean Sleeper Cells\ncarry on life...\n...as normal people\nuntil they get orders?\nYes, they will wait for years.\nIs there no way\nwe can kill them all?\nWe can't kill them, but we can\nstop them from functioning.\nIf we kill the main head\nwho gives the orders,\n\nMalay (macrolanguage): \nPergi ke www.desigirls.com.\nSekarang apa yang\nakan kamu lakukan?\nSaya tidak boleh melawan\nkehendak senior saya.\n- Dia akan merasa ditipu.\n- Jadi, kamu okay dengannya?\nOkay Jagdish...\nsatu lagi 'perkara'\nSatu lagi 'perkara'?\nBercakap dengan keluarga kamu mengenai 'perkara'\nini sebaik sahaja kamu boleh dan tetapkannya.\nKemudian kita semua boleh\nberkahwin pada hari yang sama.\nItulah hasrat saya.\n\nSinhala: \nමේ මිනිස්සු බලා තබා ඇත\nනියෝග සඳහා තම ජීවිත කාලය.\nඒක හොදයි.\nඑහෙත්, ඔබ සොයන්නේ කෙසේද\nනියෝග පෙන්වා දෙන නායකයා?\nමට යන්න ඕනේ නැහැ\nඔහු සොයා.\nඔහු පැමිණ මම ඔබ කර\nමට සොයා.\nඅපි ඔවුන් 12 දෙනෙකු ඝාතනය නම්,\nඔහු අපට පහර විසින් ප්රතිප්රහාර එල්ල වනු ඇත.\nඒ මගේ තක්සේරුව විය.\nමම හරි.\nඔහු මට ලබා ගැනීමට සිදු වේ.\nඅහෝ මගේ දෙවියනේ!\nඑහෙත්, උන් වහන්සේ ඔබට සම්බ වනු\nමුම්බායි වැනි විශාල නගරයට?\n12 ඝාතනය අතර,\nඅපි නියත වශයෙන්ම ඉතිරි වනු ඇත\nඉඟියක් යම් ආකාරයක පිටුපස.\nඔහු සොයා කටයුතු කරනු ඇත.\nඅපි යනු කුමක්ද කියා සොයා නම්,\nඅපි ඔහු අල්ල ගන්න පුළුවන්\nඔහු අපට ගහන්න කලින්.\nඑවිට, මාර්ග හිතන්න\nඔහු ගනු ඇත.\nඒ ගැන හිතන්න.\nඔබ සාමාන්යයෙන් ඇත\nමිලියන විවිධ අදහස්.\nයමක් ගෙන එන්න.\nඒයි Jagga, ඒ ඇමතුම සහභාගී නැහැ.\nඑය ඇගේ විය යුතුය.\nJagga, එපා.\nමම ඔයා වෙනුවෙන් තිගැස්මක් ආරංචියක් තියෙනවා.\nඒ නිසා, ඔබ නැවත ආරම්භ තියෙනවා.\nමම කිසිම දෙයක් ආරම්භ කළේ නැත.\n\nEnglish: \nthese guys will keep waiting\nfor orders all their lives.\nThat's fine.\nBut, how will you search for\nthe leader who gives out orders?\nI don't have to go\nin search of him.\nI've made him come\nin search of me.\nIf we killed the 12 of them,\nhe would retaliate by attacking us.\nThat was my assessment.\nI was right.\nHe's out to get me.\nOh, my God!\nBut, how will he find you\nin a big city like Mumbai?\nWhile killing the 12,\nwe would have surely left\nbehind some kind of a clue.\nHe will work towards finding that.\nIf we find out what that is,\nwe can catch him\nbefore he attacks us.\nThen, think of the route\nhe will take.\nThink about it.\nYou will usually have\na million different thoughts.\nCome up with something.\nHey Jagga, don't attend that call.\nIt must be her.\nJagga, don't.\nI have shocking news for you.\nSo, you've started again.\nI didn't starting anything.\n\nSinhala: \nඔබේ ජ්යෙෂ්ඨ නිලධාරියෙක් ඉල්ලීමක් කර ඇත\nඅප දෙදෙනාම තම නිවසට එන්න කිරීමට.\nමම එනවා.\nJagga, මෙම වැරදි.\nමොනවද ඔයා කරන්නේ දිහා\nඅපගේ වැදගත් වැඩ මධ්යයේ.\nගැහැණු හදන්න එපා,\nමෙතන ඉඳගෙන දෙයක් ගැන හිතන්න.\nමට ඔයාට කියන්න දෙයක් දෙන්න යන්නේ\nබව ඔබ දෙදෙනාම කම්පනයට ඇත.\nපළමු එක Jagdish සඳහා වේ.\nඔබ අනෙක් දින රැස්වූ මෙම දැරිය,\nස්වේත, ඇය ඔබ කැමති නැත.\nසිදුවුයේ කුමක් ද?\nඔහු පුදුමයට පත්ව ඇති කියා.\nමම ඔබට තිගැස්මක් කියන්න පෙර\nඔබ කෙරෙහි අවධානය යොමු කරන පුවත්,\nඔබ කෙනෙකුට ජය ගත යුතුව තිබේ.\nකරුණාකර, ඉන්න මම ආපහු එන්නම්.\n\nEnglish: \nYour senior officer has asked the\nboth of us to come over to his house.\nI am coming.\nJagga, this is wrong.\nLook at what are you doing\namidst our important work.\nDon't chase a girl,\nsit here and think of something.\nI am going to tell you something\nthat will shock both of you.\nThe first one is for Jagdish.\nThe girl you met the other day,\nSwetha, she doesn't like you.\nWhat happened?\nHe claims to be shocked.\nBefore I tell you the shocking\nnews that concerns you,\nyou need to meet someone.\nPlease wait, I'll be back.\n\nMalay (macrolanguage): \n- Berapa tinggi dinding ini?\n- 6 kaki.\nMereka adalah\npelompat yang bagus.\n- Berapa laju bas ini pergi?\n- Mungkin 70 km / jam.\nMereka adalah pelari yang bagus\ndan perenang yang pakar juga.\nKesemua 12 daripadanya\nditembak di tengah dahi mereka.\nSebuah bas bergerak, sebuah\nwayang yang gelap, pasar yang sesak.\nSekalipun mereka berada sejauh 200 meter,\nmereka semua pasti menembaknya.\nMereka adalah\npenembak terlatih.\nTetapi mereka\nbukan anggota polis.\nAda persamaan yang lain?\nTiada.\n\nSinhala: \nඇයි ඔයා හිනාවෙන්නේ?\nමම ඉවත් ඇමතුම දැරිය ලැබුණේ !!\nමම හිනාවෙයි විය.\nඑහෙත්, ඇයි ඔබ හිනා වුණේ ඇයි?\nපවා ඇමතුමක් දැරිය පවසයි\nඇය ඔබ කැමති නැත.\nමෙහෙ එන්න.\nමම වෙබ් අඩවිය මගින් දන්නේ නැහැ\nඇය සිට!\nඇය මගේ මාමාගේ දුව.\nඇය මට ආදරය කර ඇති\nඇය පුංචි කෙල්ල බැවින්.\nනමුත් මම ඒ ගැන දැන සිටියේ නැත.\nඇය දැන ගත්තේ, මම ඔබ සමඟ විවාහ විය,\nඇය සියදිවි හානිකර ගැනීමට උත්සාහ.\nවාඩි වෙන්න.\n\nEnglish: \nWhy are you laughing?\nI got away from the call girl!!\nI was laughing at that.\nBut, why did you laugh?\nEven a call girl said\nshe doesn't like you.\nCome here.\nI don't know which website\nshe is from!\nShe is my Uncle's daughter.\nShe has been in love with me\nsince she was a little girl.\nBut I didn't know about it.\nwhen she got to know I was marrying you,\nshe attempted suicide.\nSit down.\n\nEnglish: \nShe was admitted into the Hospital.\nIt became a big problem.\nI've arrived at a decision.\nI've decided to marry her.\nI know how shocking\nthis will be to you.\nIt is wrong that I encouraged\nyour feelings for me.\nHey, these things happen in life.\nI am going to ask\nthe two of you for something.\nYou came to Mumbai with\ndreams of getting married.\nAnd you wished to marry\na Military man.\nWhy don't the two of you\nget married?\nDon't get me wrong.\nWe were in love,\nbut never once did I touch her.\nHave we ever touched each other?\n\nMalay (macrolanguage): \nTerdapat satu lagi point.\nTetapi ia tidak berguna\nKesemua 12 daripada mereka berada dalam pakaian\nformal apabila mereka menembak orang kita.\nKau cakap apa?\nKesemua 12 mereka memakai\npakaian formal pada masa itu.\nKau sepatutnya beritahu\naku ini terlebih dahulu.\nAku tidak fikir ia\nadalah masalah besar.\nIni bukan masalah besar jika\nmereka berada di Amerika.\nTetapi di India, ia adalah\nperincian yang penting.\nJadi mereka memakai Suit.\nMereka boleh bekerja di sebuah hotel atau\nahli perniagaan di mesyuarat lembaga.\nAtau jurutera perisian di Advokat\nseminar, atau tetamu dalam perkahwinan.\n\nSinhala: \nඇය රෝහලට ඇතුලත් කර ඇත.\nඑය විශාල ප්රශ්නයක් බවට පත් විය.\nමම තීරණය ගෙන ඇත.\nමම ඇයව විවාහ කර ගැනීමට තීරණය කර ඇත.\nමම කොහොමද තිගැස්මක් දැන\nඔබට මෙය වනු ඇත.\nඑය මා දිරිමත් බව වැරදි\nමා නිසා ඔබේ හැඟීම්.\nඒයි, මේ දේවල් ජීවිතයේ සිදු.\nමම අහන්න යන්නේ\nයමක් ඔබ දෙදෙනා.\nඔබ සමඟ මුම්බායි වෙත පැමිණ\nවිවාහය හා සිහින.\nඔබ විවාහ වීමට බලාපොරොත්තු\nයුද හමුදා මිනිසා.\nඔබ ඇයි දෙකක් නැහැ\nවිවාහ?\nමාව වැරදියට තේරුම් ගන්න එපා.\nඅපි ආදරය කළා,\nනමුත් එක් වරක් හෝ මම ඇගේ ස්පර්ශ කළා.\nඅප දෙදෙනාගේ ස්පර්ශ කර තිබෙනවාද?\n\nEnglish: \nAsk her.\nWe haven't! Ask her.\nI know you will find it\ndifficult to forget me.\nCan I be faulted\nfor being handsome?\nNothing!\nHe responds like this\nfor everything! Fine!\nBecause you couldn't marry me,\ndon't rush to any hasty decision\nthe way she did.\nIs that a promise?\n- I promise.\n\nSinhala: \nඇය අහන්න.\nඅප තියෙනවා! ඇය අහන්න.\nමම ඔබ එය සොයා දන්නවා\nමට අමතක කිරීමට අපහසු.\nමම වරදක් විය හැකි\nකඩවසම් බව සඳහා ද?\nකිසිවක්!\nඔහු මේ වගේ ප්රතිචාර දක්වයි\nහැමදේටම! හොදයි!\nඔබ මාව කසාද කර ගත නොහැකි වූ නිසා,\nඕනෑම හදිසි තීරණය කිරීමට ඉක්මන් නොවන\nඇය කළ ආකාරය.\nඑය පොරොන්දුවක් ද?\n- මම පොරොන්දු වෙනවා.\n\nMalay (macrolanguage): \nAku nak senarai seminar dan\nmajlis perkahwinan yang berlaku...\n... pada 27hb di mana orang berada\ndalam formal di seluruh bandar Bombay.\nAku rasa kau orang bijak paling bodoh!\nKenapa kita tidak menangkap 12 orang lelaki itu?\nJika kita tangkap mereka hidup, kita boleh\nmendapat begitu banyak maklumat dari mereka.\nKita tidak akan mendapat\napa-apa maklumat.\nKerana mereka sudah\nberada dalam kegelapan!\nSelain itu, tiada seorang pun dari mereka yang\nmengetahui bahawa ada 12 lagi yang lain.\n- Apa itu?\n- Mereka semua 'Sleeper Cells'.\nKetua mereka, seorang atau beberapa daripada\nmereka bersama-sama telah merancang ini.\nMereka yang menjalankan\nrancangan mereka...\n... walaupun korbankan nyawa\nmereka adalah 'Sleeper Cells' ini.\nWalaupun kita telah menangkap seorang,\nkita tidak akan mendapat apa-apa maklumat.\nJadi sehingga mereka mendapatkan arahan mereka,\nadakah mereka menjalani kehidupan yang biasa?\nYa... mereka mungkin menunggu\nselama bertahun-tahun.\nTidak ada cara untuk\nhapuskan mereka sepenuhnya?\nTidak sepenuhnya tetapi\nkita boleh hentikan mereka.\nJika kita menghapus ketua mereka,\nmaka mereka akan menunggu arahan...\n\nMalay (macrolanguage): \n... sepanjang hidup mereka\ndan tidak melakukan apa-apa.\nItu okay tetapi bagaimana\nkau akan dapatkan ketua itu?\nAku tidak perlu pergi di belakangnya.\nAku telah membuatnya mencari aku.\nSaya fikir dia akan datang dan menyerang aku\njika kita pergi dan membunuh 12 orang lelaki itu.\nAku betul.\nRakan yang kejam! Tetapi bagaimana dia akan\njumpa kau di sebuah bandar besar ini?\nSemasa membunuh 12 orang, kami akan\nmeninggalkan beberapa lubang atau petunjuk.\nDia akan mengetahui apa itu.\nSekiranya kita mengetahuinya\nsebelum dia...\n... maka kita boleh mendapatkannya\nsebelum dia mendapatkan kuta.\nOleh itu, fikirkan laluan mana yang\nakan diambilnya untuk mencari kita.\nFikirkan!\nKau mempunyai kotak berwarna\npelik yang kau sering pusingkan...\n... seperti pengikis kelapa.\nGunakan itu dan fikirkan!\nJaga! Jangan angaktnya.\nItu pasti dia.\nJaga! Jangan angkat.\nJanji pada ak..\nHello?\nSaya mempunyai berita yang\nmengejutkan untuk akamu.\n\nMalay (macrolanguage): \nKamu sudah mula lagi?\nBukan saya, pegawai kanan kamu telah\nmemanggil kita ke rumahnya... penting.\nSaya akan berada di sana.\nJaga! Apa yang kau\nlakukan adalah salah!\nBegitu banyak yang berlaku dan kau\nsedang berjalan di belakang seorang gadis.\nJaga! Duduk dan fikir di sini.\nSaya akan beritahu kamu\n2 berita yang mengejutkan.\nPertama, Jagadish.\nSwetha cakap dia\ntidak suka kamu.\n- Apa yang berlaku?\n- Dia terkejut nampaknya!\nOkay... okay... okay\nSebelum saya beritahu kamu\nberita yang mengejutkan kamu...\n... kamu mesti berjumpa dengan seseorang.\nTunggu sebentar... saya akan kembali.\n\nMalay (macrolanguage): \nKenapa kamu ketawa?\nSaya terlepas dari 'perkara' itu, bukan?\nItulah sebabnya saya ketawa.\nKenapa kamu ketawa?\nMalah 'perkara' itu cakap dia\ntidak menyukai kamu, lihat?\nChitra...!\nMari.\nSaya tertanya-tanya dari\nwebside mana gadis ini datang ?!\nDia adalah sepupu saya.\nAnak perempuan abang mak saya.\nCintakan saya sejak\nkami masih kanak-kanak.\nTetapi saya tidak\ntahu mengenainya.\nSekarang dia mengetahui\ntentang pertunangan kita.\n\nMalay (macrolanguage): \nDan cuba\nuntuk bunuh diri.\nDuduk.\nKemudian dia\ndimasukkan ke hospital.\nDan ia menjadi isu besar.\nSaya telah buat keputusan.\nSaya minta maaf. Saya dah putuskan\nuntuk berkahwin dengannya.\nSaya tahu ini sangat\nmengejutkan kamu.\nTetapi itu adalah kesilapan saya\nkerana telah menggalakkan kamu.\nIni biasa dalam kehidupan.\nOkay, sekarang saya mahu bertanya\nkepada kamu berdua sesuatu.\nKamu datang ke Mumbai\ndengan niat untuk berkahwin.\nKamu mahu berkahwin\ndengan seorang tentera.\nJadi, apa kata kamu berdua\nkahwin antara satu sama lain?\n\nEnglish: \nWhat happened?\nIs someone unwell at home?\nIt's our first date.\n\nSinhala: \nසිදුවුයේ කුමක් ද?\nගෙදර අසනීප තත්ත්වයෙන් පසුවන කෙනෙකු ද?\nඑය අපගේ පළමු දිනය වේ.\n\nMalay (macrolanguage): \n- Siiiiiiiir!\n- Jagdish\nJangan salah faham.\nKami saling jatuh cinta.\nTetapi saya tidak menyentuhnya\nwalaupun jari kecil saya.\nPernahkah kita bersentuh?\nTidak, kami tidak.\nTanya dia!\nSaya tahu, sangat sukar bagi\nkamu untuk melupakan saya.\nIa adalah kesilapan saya\nkerana dilahirkan kacak sebegini.\nTiada apa-apa,\ntiada apa-apa.\n- Kamu betul, tuan.\n- Budak ni sentiasa melakukannya.\nBaiklah.\nNisha, buat yang terbaik!\n- Selamat tinggal.\n- Selamat tinggal.\nNisha?\nHanya kerana kamu\ntidak dapat saya...\nJangan lakukan...\napa yang dia lakukan.\n- Janji?\n- Janji.\nBaik lah, selamat tinggal!\n\nSinhala: \nඅනුව ආලය පිළිබඳ පාලනය,\nමට කිසිම දෙයක් ඇති ප්රතික්ෂේප කළ නොහැකි\nපෙම්වතා මට අසයි.\nමම බයයි ඒ නිසාය.\nහේයි! ඉදිරියට එන්න! ඔබ මේ වන විටත් තියෙනවා\nසඳහා විශාල මුදල් ප්රමාණයක් වැය.\nමට කිසිම දෙයක් ඕනේ නැහැ,\nබය වෙන්න එපා.\nනොමැති බව.\nඔබ සිඹීමකින් මගෙන් නම්?\nමම ප්රතික්ෂේප කළ හැක්කේ කෙසේද?\nමම ඔබ සිප වෙනවා.\nඔයා හරි.\nමම හාදුවක් ඕන.\nඉදිරියට එන්න! මගේ, අයියෝ! ගැනුන්ගේ\nමම එය වනු ඇත බිය කෙතරම්.\nමම සිප කෙසේ දැයි මා දන්නේ නැහැ.\nඔබේ ඇස් වසා දමන්න.\nමම ඒ ගැන බලාගන්නම්.\n\nEnglish: \nAs per rules the of dating,\nI can't refuse anything a\nboyfriend asks of me.\nThat is why I am scared.\nHey! Come on! You've already\nspent a lot of money for.\nI don't want anything,\ndon't be scared.\nNot that.\nWhat if you ask me for a kiss?\nHow can I refuse that?\nI have to kiss you.\nYou're right.\nI want a kiss.\nCome on! Oh, my! It turned out\njust how I feared it would be.\nI don't know how to kiss.\nClose your eyes.\nI'll take care of it.\n\nEnglish: \nI have found the clue\non how he will get to us.\nHow will he know\nwe left from Church?\nThe only similarity the 12\nshoot outs have is the dress code.\nIf he is intelligent,\nhe will come straight to Church.\nThen hurry up.\nOut of at the events\nthat took place on the 27th,\n\nSinhala: \nමම හෝඩුවාවක් සොයා ගෙන ඇත\nඔහු අපට ලැබෙනු ඇත ආකාරය පිළිබඳ.\nකොහොමද ඔහු දැන\nඅපි පල්ලිය ඉතිරි?\nඑකම සමාන 12\nරූගත කිරීම් සහගත තත්වයන් ඇති පළඳින ඇති වේ.\nඔහු බුද්ධිමත් නම්,\nඔහු පල්ලිය කෙලින්ම පැමිණ ඇත.\nඑවිට ඉක්මන් කරන්න.\nමෙම වැඩසටහනේ පිටතට\nබව 27 වැනි දා සිදු වූ,\n\nSinhala: \nස්ථානය බලා කළ විවාහ\nමෙම පල්ලියේ වේ ...\n... බව පමණක් අවස්ථාවට\nඅපේ ලැයිස්තුවේ සම්බන්ධ,\nමනාලයා හමුදා මිනිසා වූ නිසා.\n\nEnglish: \nthe marriage that look place\nat this church is...\n...the only event that\nconnected with our list,\nbecause the groom was an army man.\n\nSinhala: \nඔවුන් පිටතට ලබා දෙන\nඕනෑම කෙනෙකුට එම තැපැල් ලිපිනය ද?\nඔවුන් හඳුන්වන කිරීමට අවශ්ය නැත\nජනතාව උත්සුක.\nඅපි ඒ සඳහා කාලය නොවේ.\nඅපි යමු.\nමාමා, නමුත් ඔබ මෙහි කණ්ඩායම් පහක් තියෙනවා.\n\nEnglish: \nWill they give out\nthe address to anyone?\nDon't they have to call\nthe people concerned.\nWe don't have time for that.\nLet's go.\nUncle, but you have five teams here.\n\nEnglish: \nWe got stuck in the end.\nHow to find one out of five teams?\nI will find him.\nWhich camp did you\nserve with Joel?\nKashmir, which year?\n\nSinhala: \nඅපි අවසානයේ දී හිර වුනා.\nකණ්ඩායම් පහක් එක් සොයා ගන්නේ කෙසේ ද?\nමම ඔහුට පෙනී යනු ඇත.\nකුමන කඳවුරේ ඔබ කළා\nජොයෙල් සමඟ සේවය?\nකාශ්මීරයේ, කුමන වසරේ?\n\nSinhala: \nඔහු 2005 දී දිල්ලි විය.\nපසු ඔහු ඇති\nකාශ්මීර වී.\nමට ඔබගේ ID කාඩ් බලන්න පුලුවන්ද?\nතාත්තේ, ඔබ තුළ ඕනෑම කෙනෙකුට ඉඩ ඇත\nඔවුන් ගැන බලන්නේ නැතුව?\nඔවුන් දන්නවා අහිතක් නෑ\nඔහුගේ වැඩ කටයුතු ගැන කිසිම දෙයක්.\nමම දක්ෂ මිනිසුන්ගේ වෛර කරනවා.\nඔහු වඩා වේගවත් වේ\nමම ඔහු කියලා.\n\nEnglish: \nHe was at Delhi in 2005.\nAfter that he has not\nbeen to Kashmir.\nCan I see your I.D. Card?\nDad, will you let anyone inside\nwithout checking about them?\nThey don't seem to know\nanything about his work.\nI hate smart people.\nHe is faster than\nI thought he would be.\n\nMalay (macrolanguage): \nApa yang berlaku? Ada seseorang\nyang tidak sihat di rumah?\nHari ini adalah temu janji\nkita yang pertama.\nPeraturan janji temu pertama, harus memberi\nteman lelaki saya apa sahaja yang dia minta.\nItulah sebabnya\nsaya takut.\nTidak... tidak, kamu sudah\nmengadakan pesta yang besar.\nDan banyak yang dibelanjakan, jangan\nrisau saya tidak mahu apa-apa.\nBukan itu!\nBagaimana jika kamu tiba-tiba\nmeminta saya untuk bercium?\nSaya tidak boleh\nmengatakan tidak.\nSaya perlu mencium kamu.\nHeyyy! Ya,\nsaya mahu dicium\n\nEnglish: \nWhy has he circled everything?\nHe has picked one person per team to\nfind out which team it is of the five.\nThat is why he has marked this.\nIntelligence reports say\nyou are in danger. Are you safe?\nThere's no problem.\nJust be careful,\nif there's a problem, call me.\n\nSinhala: \nඇයි ඔහු සෑම දෙයක්ම රවුම් කර ඇත?\nඔහු කණ්ඩායම එක් පුද්ගලයෙකු බැගින්\nඑය පස් වන කණ්ඩායම සොයා බලන්න.\nඔහු මෙම සලකුණු ඇත්තේ මේ නිසාය.\nබුද්ධි අංශ වාර්තා කියන\nඔබ අනතුරේ. ඔබ ආරක්ෂිත ද?\nකිසිම ප්රශ්නයක් නැහැ.\nයන්තම් ප්රවේශම් විය යුතු අතර,\nප්රශ්නයක් තියෙනවා නම්, මට කතා කරන්න.\n\nMalay (macrolanguage): \n- Ini lah yang saya bimbangkan.\n- Mari.\nTetapi saya tidak tahu\nbagaimana untuk bercium.\nKamu tutup mata,\nsaya akan uruskannya.\nHello...!\nAku tahu laluan mana yang akan\ndiambilnya untuk memburu kita.\n\nEnglish: \nIf I do have a problem,\nI'll surely call you.\nWhat is this?\nEveryone he has marked is safe.\nThat is more dangerous!\nIf our guess is wrong,\nit only means he is\nmaking another plan.\n\nSinhala: \nමට ප්රශ්නයක් තියෙනවා නම්,\nමම ඔබට අනිවාර්යයෙන්ම කතා කරන්නම්.\nමේ කුමක් ද?\nඔහු සලකුනු කර තිබේ හැමෝම ආරක්ෂිත වේ.\nබව වඩා භයානකයි!\nඅපගේ අනුමාන වැරදි නම්,\nඑය පමණක් ඔහු අදහස්\nතවත් සැලසුම් සකස් කිරීම.\n\nMalay (macrolanguage): \nHei!\nMacam mana dia tahu kita\ndatang dari gereja?\nSatu-satunya persamaan antara\nkita adalah kod berpakaian kita.\nJika dia bijak, dia akan\ndatang terus ke gereja.\nJadi pergi cepat.\nPada 27hb, ini adalah gereja yang sesuai dengan\npenerangan kita tentang tempat menembak.\nKerana lelaki yang berkahwin\nitu adalah seorang tentera.\nNama pengantin lelaki\nialah William Martin Joel.\nBolehkah kami\nmempunyai alamatnya?\nYa\n\nMalay (macrolanguage): \nYa?\n- Adakah ini rumah Joel?\n- Ya.\nKami dari tentera juga.\nRakan-rakan kumpulannya.\nOh yeah!\nMari...masuk.\nJoel sedang berbulan madu.\nKamu boleh menghubungi\ntelefon bimbitnya.\nTetapi telefonnya tidak\ndapat dihubungi, pakcik.\nOh! Saya minta maaf\nSila masuk.\nDuduklah.\nIni ibu Joel.\nDia tidak boleh bercakap.\n- Oh! Saya minta maaf.\n- Tolong... sila duduk.\nSaya membawa\nhadiah untuk Joel.\nOh! Kamu sangat baik.\nTerima kasih banyak.\n- Kamu nak apa-apa?\n- Tidak... terima kasih, pakcik.\nPakcik, bolehkah saya melihat\nalbum perkahwinan Joel?\nOh! Sudah tentu.\nSaya akan membawanya.\nMaafkan saya...\nSaya akan bawanya.\nApa, ma'am?\nKemudian apa?\nDia akan memberikan alamat kepada\nsesiapa yang bertanya, huh?\nSepatut dia periksa\nterlebih dahulu kan?\nTidak ada masa untuk ini.\nMari pergi.\n\nSinhala: \nJagdish, මේ ආමර් සිං ය.\nයම් කෙනෙකුව පැහැරගෙන\nමගේ සහෝදරයාගේ දියණිය.\nඔයා කියන්නේ කුමක් ද?\nඔව්, ඇය ශරීර සුවතා ගොස්\nඅද උදෑසන ඇය මිතුරෙකු සමඟ.\nකෙනෙකු තම බලහත්කාරයෙන් ඇදගෙන\nවාහනයට.\nඔබගේ පැමිණිලි කරන්න\nපොලිස් ස්ථානය අයිතිය නැති.\nකරදර වෙන්න එපා.\nකිසිම දෙයක් වෙන්නේ නෑ.\nසිදු වූයේ කුමක්ද, Jagga?\nඔවුන් ඕනෑම ලබා ගැනීමට නොහැකි දැන\nවද බන්ධනයට ලක් කළ තොරතුරු ද ...\n... යුද හමුදා මිනිසා, ඒ නිසා, ඔවුන්\nඔවුන්ගේ නිවසේ බාලිකා පැහැරගෙන.\nමන්ද?\nකළ කණ්ඩායමේ හඳුනා ගැනීමට\nඔවුන් 12 ක් මරුට,\nඔවුන් පැහැර පසුව කරන්නම්\nදුරකථනයෙන් අපට තර්ජනය.\nමම ඔබට ඇති සංඛ්යා එවන්නම්\nඔහු ඇල්බමය ගැන සලකුනු කර තිබේ 5 ජනතාව.\nඔවුන්ගේ පවුල් වලින් සහ ලබා\nමෙම දැරියන් සංඛ්යා ...\n... කරන ගෙදර නෙවෙයි දැන් ඇත.\nඔබේ පාලන කාමරයට යන්න ...\n\nEnglish: \nJagdish, this is Amar Singh.\nSomeone kidnapped\nmy brother's daughter.\nWhat are you saying?\nYes, she went jogging\nwith her friend this morning.\nSomeone forcefully dragged her\ninto a vehicle.\nMake a complaint at your\nPolice Station right away.\nDon't worry.\nNothing will happen.\nWhat happened, Jagga?\nThey know they can't get any\ninformation out of torturing...\n...an Army man, hence, they are\nkidnapping the girls in their house.\nWhy?\nTo identify the team that\nkilled the 12 of them,\nthey'll kidnap them and then\nthreaten us over the phone.\nI'll send you the numbers of the\n5 people he has marked in the album.\nCall their families and get\nthe numbers of the girls...\n...who are not home right now.\nGo to your Control room...\n\nSinhala: \n... සහ සොයා වන ප්රදේශයේ\nමෙම සිම් කාඩ් පත් කිරීමට ගමන් කර ඇත.\nඑය කුමක් ද?\nඔයා කොහෙද?\nමම පන්තිය නිර්මාණය කරන්න මම බලාපොරොත්තු වෙනවා.\nකුමන ප්රදේශයේ?\n- Powai. ඇයි?\nමගේ සහෝදරිය සිට ආපසු නැත\nඅද උදෑසන යෝගා පන්ති.\nඇය තවමත් නැවත ආපසු පැමිණ නැති කර තිබෙනවා! කෙනෙකු\nමෝටර් රථයක් ඇය පැහැරගෙන තිබේ ...\n... ගෙදර සිට යැවී ය.\nJagga, මම ඔයාට කතා කරන්න ක් පමණ විය.\nදුරකථන අංකවලට 5 න් එකක්\nදැනටමත් නිශ්ක්රීය කර තිබේ.\nතවත් සෛල වී ඇත\nදැන් පවරනු ලැබේ.\nමම ඇමතුමක් ලැබුණා.\nඔවුන් පැහැරගෙන තියෙනවා\nවිනාඩි 45 ක් තුළ තවත් ගෑනු ළමයා.\nඅපි ඉල්ලා සිටින්නේ අවශ්ය\nදැවැන්ත පොලිස් බලඇණියක්.\n\nMalay (macrolanguage): \nIni guru sekolah Joel\ndan ini sepupu Joel.\nMereka semua rakan kem Joel.\nPakcik, terdapat 5 pasukan di sini.\nDia telah pergi ke 5 buah kem.\nJadi ada 5 pasukan di sini.\n- Boleh kamu mendapatkan saya kopi?\n- Oh ya! Saya akan bawakan kamu kopi.\nKita tersekat dalam\nlangkah terakhir.\nBagaimanakah kita mengetahui\nmana satu 'senarai yang dikehendaki'?\nAku akan mencarinya.\nIni kopi kamu, anak-anak.\nTerima kasih.\n\nEnglish: \n...and find out which area\nthe SIM cards are travelling to.\nWhat is it?\nWhere are you?\nI am going to designing class.\nWhich area?\n- Powai. why?\nMy sister hasn't returned from\nYoga class this morning.\nShe hasn't returned yet! Someone\nhas kidnapped her in a car...\n...sent from home.\nJagga, I was about to call you.\nOne out of the 5 mobile numbers\nhas already been deactivated.\nAnother cell has been\ndeactivated now.\nI just got a call.\nThey've kidnapped\nanother girl in 45 minutes.\nWe need to ask for\na massive Police contingent.\n\nSinhala: \nඔවුන්ගේ පවුල් තිබේ\nපොලිස් පැමිණිල්ල ලබා දී ඇත.\nකිසිම දෙයක් කරන්න එපා\nදේවල් ව්යාකූල කිරීමට.\nඔයා කරන්න යන්නේ කුමක් ද?\nමම ඔබට කියන්නම්.\nදෙවන දුරකතන කොහෙද ගියේ\nද-සක්රිය ලබා?\nමෙම සිම් කාඩ් පත ඉවත් කර ඇත\nදකුණු ඉන්දියාවේ මුම්බායි නගරයේ,\nකිලෝමීටර් 4 ක් ඈතින්\nකොහේ සිට ඇය අධ්යයනය කෙරේ.\nඅනෙක් දැරියගේ SIM කාඩ් පවා\nවූ ප්රදේශයේ අතුරුදන් වී තිබේ.\nඔබට ද වහාම තබන්න.\nමම යන ගමන් ඔබ හා සම්බන්ධ වනු ඇත.\nJagga, අපි අනෙක් කතා කරමු\nගැහැණු ළමුන් සහ ඔවුන්ට බිය ගන්වා අනතුරු 3 ...\n... පමණක් යන්න නොවේ.\nකිසිම දෙයක් කරන්න එපා\nහා අවුල් දේවල්.\nඉන්නා කල ප්රධාන දුර වේ\nගැහැණු ළමයි 5 වඩා වැදගත්.\nමගේ සහෝදරිය ගොස්\nඑය සම්මන්ත්රණය සඳහා විද්යාලයට,\nඇය තවමත් නැවත නොවේ.\nසිව්වන දැරිය\nද අතුරුදහන් වී ඇති\nයන්න එක් වඩා.\n\nMalay (macrolanguage): \n- Kamu suka gambar itu?\n- Sangat bagus.\n- Saya tidak menjangkakan kamu begitu awal.\n- Saya tidak dapat ubat itu langsung.\nIni adalah rakan kumpulan Joel. Mereka\ntidak dapat datang pada majlis itu.\nSelamat datang, selamat datang.\nSaya Noel... abang Joel.\n- Kamu dah beri mereka kopi?\n- Ya, baru saja.\nTerima kasih banyak\nsebab datang.\nKamu dan Joel di kem\nyang mana satu?\n- Kashmir.\n- Kashmir? Bila?\n- 2005.\n- Dia berada di Delhi pada tahun 2005.\nSelepas itu, dia tidak bekerja\ndi Kashmir sama sekali.\nBoleh saya\nmelihat kad lD kamu?\nBoleh kamu tunjukkan\nkad lD kamu?\nTunjukkan pada saya...\nboleh saya melihatnya?\nAyah! Macam mana kamu\nboleh biarkan siapa saja masuk?\n\nEnglish: \nTheir family has\ngiven a Police complaint.\nDon't do anything\nto confuse things.\nWhat are you going to do?\nI'll tell you.\nWhere did the second phone\nget de-activated?\nThe SIM card has been removed\nat South Mumbai,\n4 Kilometers away\nfrom where she studies.\nEven the SIM card of the other girl\nwho went missing in the area.\nYou too, leave immediately.\nI'll join you on the way.\nJagga, let's call the other\n3 girls and warn them...\n...not to go alone.\nDon't do anything\nand mess things up.\nThe Sleeper Cell Head is far\nmore important than the 5 girls.\nMy sister went\nto College for a Seminar,\nshe isn't back yet.\nThe fourth girl\nhas also gone missing,\nJust one more to go.\n\nSinhala: \nපස්වන දැරිය\nඅතුරුදන් වී ඇත. ඔව්!\nඔබ මනුෂ්යයෙක්ද?\nඔබ sadist වේ!\nඔබ පවා නරක දැනෙන්නේ\nගැහැණු ළමයි අතුරුදහන් වී තිබේ?\nඔබ ඝාතනය කිරීමට අවශ්ය\nඉන්නා කල ප්රධානියා.\nඑකම දෙයක්\nඔබ කිරීම වැදගත් වේ.\nBalaji, මේ උත්සාහ තේරෙනවා.\nබව එක් මිනිසෙකු මරා,\nමුම්බායි නගරය යුතු නැත\nත්රස්තවාදී වසර ගණනාවක් තිස්සේ ක්රියා කරයි.\nඒ නිසා ඔබ ඇමක් ලෙස ජීවිත ගැහැණු භාවිතා?\nඔබ පවා දේ ගැන හිතුවෙ කොහොමද\nඔවුන්ගේ පවුල් හරහා යන්න ද?\nඅපි දැන් ඒ සඳහා කාලය නොවේ.\nකෙනෙකු නම්, ඔබ මේ කියන්නේ නැහැ\nඔබගේ පවුලේ සිට පැහැරගෙන ගොස් විය.\nඔව්, මම වෙන කිසිම දෙයක් ගැන හිතන්නේ නෑ.\nමගේ සහෝදරිය එක ගැහැණු වේ\nඔවුන් පැහැරගෙන ගොස් ඇත.\nඔහු සියලු තබා ඇත\nඑක් තැනක ගැහැණු පැහැරගත්තා.\nඅපි ඔවුන් බේරා ගැනීමට ඇති\nඔහු මෙන්ම ලබා ගන්න.\nඅෂ්රෆ් සොහොයුරියගේ, ඒ වෙනුවට,\n4 වන ඡායාරූපයේ පුද්ගලයා ...\nමම මගේ සහෝදරිය Sanjana යැවී ය.\nඔයා කොහෙද?\nමම පන්තිය නිර්මාණය කරන්න මම බලාපොරොත්තු වෙනවා.\n- කුමන ප්රදේශයේ?\nPowai.\nමන්ද?\nදැන් හොඳින් මල පිට විද්යාලය වෙත යන්න ...\n... සහ ගෙන, මගේ කණ්ඩායම සහකරු හෝ සහකාරිය අෂ්රෆ් විසින්,\nසහෝදරිය Anisha ගේ බයිසිකලයක්.\n\nMalay (macrolanguage): \nKamu tidak pernah faham!\nSaya tidak suka\norang yang bijak.\nTunjukkan\nkepada saya!\nSaya ada mesej\nuntuk kamu.\nDia lebih cepat\ndari yang aku fikir.\n\nEnglish: \nThe fifth girl\nhas gone missing too. Yes!\nAre you human?\nYou are a sadist!\nAre you even feeling bad that\nthe girls have gone missing?\nYou want to kill the\nHead of the Sleeper Cell.\nThat is the only thing\nthat's important to you.\nBalaji, try and understand this.\nBy killing that one man,\nMumbai city will not have\nterrorist acts for many years.\nSo you using the girls lives as bait?\nDid you even think of what\ntheir families will go through?\nWe don't have the time for that now.\nYou will not say this if someone\nfrom your family was kidnapped.\nYes, I don't care about anything else.\nMy sister is one of the girls\nthey've kidnapped.\nHe will keep all the\nkidnapped girls in one place.\nWe have to save them\nand get him as well.\nInstead of Ashraf's sister,\nthe person in the 4th photograph...\nI sent my sister Sanjana.\nWhere are you?\nI am going to designing class.\n- Which area?\nPowai.\nWhy?\nGo to IBS College now...\n...and bring, my team mate Ashraf's,\nsister Anisha's bike.\n\nMalay (macrolanguage): \nKenapa dia bulatkan\nsemua kepala?\nDia bercadang untuk membunuh\nsetiap orang yang bunuh orangnya.\nItulah sebabnya\ndia bulatkan.\n- Hello?\n- Hi! Aku Kaptain Jagdish.\nLaporan risikan menunjukkan\nbahawa kau berada dalam bahaya.\n- Kau selamat?\n- Ya, aku okay.\n- Pasti?\n- Ada masalah?\nHanya berhati-hati, okay?\nJika ada masalah, hubungi aku.\nBaik.\n- Kau okay?\n- Ya, aku baik!\n- Aku selamat.\n- Aku okay.\nJika ada masalah, aku pasti\nakan menghubungi kau.\nSemua orang yang\ndibulatkan selamat.\n\nEnglish: \nWhy should I bring her bike?\nDo what I ask you to.\nFine! There is a\n40 percent off sale at Levis.\nWill you buy me a\npair of three quarters?\nFine, you hurry.\nAre you mad?\nSanjana is a young girl!\nI am getting scared myself.\nHow can you do this being her brother?\nI won't let them escape.\nWhy did you ask her to come?\nThis is Sanjana's Dupatta.\nBuy me a maroon colored top,\nit should have embroidery on the sides.\n\nSinhala: \nඇයි මම ඇයට බයිසිකලයක් රැගෙන ආ යුතුය?\nමා ඔබෙන් ඉල්ලා දේ කරන්න.\nහොදයි! ඒ නිසා එය\nපාවිච්චි ලකුණු සියයට 40 ක් ලීවයිස් දී.\nඔයා මට මිලදී\nකාර්තු තුන යුගලය?\nහොදයි, ඔබ ඉක්මන් කරන්න.\nඔයාට පිස්සු ද?\nSanjana තරුණියක් වේ!\nමම බය ලැබෙන්නේ.\nඔබ මෙම ඇගේ සොහොයුරා වීම කළ හැක්කේ කෙසේද?\nමම ඔවුන්ට ගැලවී ඉඩ දෙන්නේ නැහැ.\nඇයි ද ඔබ එන විට ඇයව කළේ ඇයි?\nThis is Sanjana's Dupatta.\nBuy me a maroon colored top,\nit should have embroidery on the sides.\n\nMalay (macrolanguage): \nItul yang buatkannya\nlebih bahaya.\nApabila apa yang kita rasa tidak berlaku,\nia bermakna dia merancang sesuatu yang lain.\n\nEnglish: \nYou try searching with the dog,\nI will look around for\nanything suspicious. Let's see.\nUntie them.\nProject the photos one by one.\nWho knows him?\n\nSinhala: \nYou try searching with the dog,\nI will look around for\nanything suspicious. Let's see.\nUntie them.\nProject the photos one by one.\nWho knows him?\n\nMalay (macrolanguage): \n- Hello?\n- Jagdish... Amar singh di sini.\nSeseorang telah menculik\nanak perempuan abang aku.\nApa yang kau cakapkan?\nSeseorang membawa dia ke dalam\nkereta ketika dia pergi berlari pagi tadi.\nBuat laporan polis di balai\nberdekatan dengan segera.\nApa yang berlaku, Jaga?\nOleh kerana mereka tidak akan mendapat apa-apa\ndaripada penculikan dan menyeksa seorang tentera...\n... mereka menculik gadis-gadis\nyang ada di rumah mereka.\nKenapa?\nUntuk mengetahui ia\npasukan yang mana.\nMereka akan menelefon dan mengancam\nuntuk mencederakan mereka.\nAku akan beri kau nombor\norang yang dibulatkan itu.\nHubungi mereka dan cari\nmann-mana gadis mereka...\n... yang berada\ndi luar sekarang.\nKetahui bilangan gadis itu\ndan pergi ke bilik kawalan.\nKemudian cari tahu di kawasan mana\ngadis-gadis itu berada sekarang.\n\nSinhala: \nHe is my brother.\nGo that side.\nThat's my Uncle.\nWho is this?\nIs he your Brother?\nYours?\nනැත.\nShow the other photograph.\nThis is my Brother.\n\nEnglish: \nHe is my brother.\nGo that side.\nThat's my Uncle.\nWho is this?\nIs he your Brother?\nYours?\nNo.\nShow the other photograph.\nThis is my Brother.\n\nMalay (macrolanguage): \n- Apa?\n- Di mana kamu?\n- Saya sedang pergi kelas reka bentuk.\n- Kawasan mana?\nPowai... kenapa?\nIni nombornya.\nKetahui kawasan mana\ntelefon bimbit itu berada.\nHello! Jagdish... adik aku\npergi ke kelas yoga pagi tadi.\nDia masih belum pulang.\nSeseorang telah menculiknya.\n- Jaga! Aku mahu hubungi kau.\n- Apa itu?\n1 dari 5 kad SlM gadis itu\ntelah dinyahaktifkan.\nDan kad SlM gadis kedua\njuga baru dinyahaktifkan.\nAku juga mendapat panggilan, mereka telah\nmenculik gadis lain juga dalam masa 45 minit.\nIni perlukan tindakan\ndari pihak polis.\nKeluarganya telah membuat\nlaporan polis di kawasan mereka.\nJangan berbuat apa-apa\ndan mengelirukannya.\nKau nak buat apa?\nAku akan beritahu kau.\n\nSinhala: \nIs your Brother\none among these 5 people?\nනැත.\nShow the group photos one by one.\nIs your Brother in this group?\nThat one?\nWho asked you to get\nthe bike of the girl...\n...who was going to be kidnapped?\nMy Brother asked me to.\n\nEnglish: \nIs your Brother\none among these 5 people?\nNo.\nShow the group photos one by one.\nIs your Brother in this group?\nThat one?\nWho asked you to get\nthe bike of the girl...\n...who was going to be kidnapped?\nMy Brother asked me to.\n\nEnglish: \nTell me.\nThe operation in over,\nwe have found the team.\nOne of them has replaced\nand sent his sister on purpose.\nWe removed all their SIM cards,\nthere is no way he can find us.\nIf he has sent his sister,\nhe has a route to reach you.\nHe will get to you.\n- What are you saying?\nBefore he comes, kill that girl\nand get out of that place.\nAll of you, get ready.\nTie up the 4 girls.\nTie this girl up and\nbring her here. Hurry up!\n\nSinhala: \nමට කියන්න.\nThe operation in over,\nwe have found the team.\nOne of them has replaced\nand sent his sister on purpose.\nWe removed all their SIM cards,\nthere is no way he can find us.\nIf he has sent his sister,\nhe has a route to reach you.\nHe will get to you.\n- What are you saying?\nBefore he comes, kill that girl\nand get out of that place.\nAll of you, get ready.\nTie up the 4 girls.\nTie this girl up and\nbring her here. Hurry up!\n\nMalay (macrolanguage): \nDi mana telefon ke-2\ndinyahaktifkan?\n4 Kms ke selatan dari tempat\ndia belajar di Mumbai Selatan.\nTelefon gadis pertama telah\ndinyahaktifkan sebaik sahaja dia diculik.\nDatang ke Bandar segera. Aku akan\nmenyertai kau dalam perjalanan.\nJaga! Masih ada 3 gadis.\nMari kita hubungi dan beritahu \nmereka jangan pergi ke mana-mana.\nJangan melakukan apa-apa\nseperti itu dan merosakkannya.\nKetua 'Sleeper Cells' lebih penting\ndaripada 5 orang gadis itu.\nKau peri ke Bandar.\nPagi tadi adik aku pergi\nke kolej untuk seminar.\nDia masih belum pulang.\nGadis ke-6 juga hilang.\nHanya 1 gadis yang tinggal.\nHello?\nBila?\nOkay, okay!\nJangan risau.\nJika kau mendapat panggilan\ndari mereka, beritahu aku.\n\nSinhala: \nHe has come.\nHe is trying to kill everyone.\n\nEnglish: \nHe has come.\nHe is trying to kill everyone.\n\nMalay (macrolanguage): \nGadis ke-5 juga... ya !!\nKawan, kau ada\nhati dan persaan tak?\nKau seorang\nyang menyedihkan!\nKau tak ada rasa sedikit kesian ke\ndengan kehilangan gadis-gadis itu?\nKetua 'Sleeper Cells' harus keluar\ndan kau perlu membunuhnya.\nItulah satu-satunya perkara\nyang penting kepada kau.\nBalaji! Jangan bercakap seperti ini.\nJika kita membunuh lelaki itu...\n... tidak akan ada kegiatan pengganas\ndi Mumbai selama bertahun-tahun.\nJadi? Kau menggunakan\ngadis-gadis itu sebagai umpan?\nKau tidak berasa teruk\npada keluarga mereka?\nTidak ada masa untuk\npersaan sedemikian.\nAku yakin kau akan merasa berbeza jika\nseseorang dari keluarga kau yang diculik.\nYa... Saya tidak bimbang\ntentang apa-apa.\nAdik aku salah seorang\ngadis yang dia culik!\nDia akan meletakkan semua gadis\nyang dia culik dalam satu tempat.\nKita perlu menyelamatkan mereka dan\nmenangkapnya pada masa yang sama.\nDaripada adik Ashrafs dalam gambar ke-4,\nsebaliknya aku menghantar adik aku, Sanjana.\n- Di mana kau?\n- Aku dalam perjalan pergi kelas reka bentuk.\n- Kawasan mana?\n- Powai... kenapa?\nPergi ke kolej lPS\ndengan segera...\n... dan bawa scooty\nadik Ashraf.\nDan kemudian pergi.\n\nMalay (macrolanguage): \n- Kenapa aku harus bawakan dia scooty?\n- Lakukan seperti yang aku katakan.\nBaiklah... Levi's mempunyai jualan 60%.\nBoleh kau belikan aku 3-6 pasang?\nPergi cepat.\nKau dah gila ke?\nSanjana sangat muda.\nAku yang panik!\nSanggup kau lakukan\nini pada adik kau sendiri?\nAku tidak akan birakan\ndia macam itu saja.\nKenapa kau\nsuruh dia datang?\nDi sini... ini adalah\nskaf Sanjana.\nBelikan saya warna kuning\nmerah bersulam di sebelahnya.\n- Okay?\n- Kamu pergi.\n\nMalay (macrolanguage): \nKau cuba dengan anjing itu.\nAku akan melihat sekeliling untuk memeriksa\napa-apa kejadian yang mencurigakan.\nMari lihat...\nLepaskan ikatan mereka.\nTunjukkan setiap\ngambar satu persatu.\n\nMalay (macrolanguage): \nSiapa yang kenal dia?\nSiapa yang kenal lelaki ini?\nDia abang saya.\nPergi sebelah sana.\nAbang saya.\nDia... abang saya.\nSiapa dia?\nAbang kau?\nAbang kau?\nTunjukkan gambar seterusnya.\nAbang saya.\n\nSinhala: \nYou got me caught on purpose,\ndidn't you?\nHey, it hurts!\nHe held a huge knife against me!\nRight here.\nHe might have stuck it in.\nOnly because we risked lives\ncould we catch him.\nYou should have risked\nyour life for that.\nWhat did I do?\nDo only Policemen and Military men\nhave to die during troubles like this?\n\nEnglish: \nYou got me caught on purpose,\ndidn't you?\nHey, it hurts!\nHe held a huge knife against me!\nRight here.\nHe might have stuck it in.\nOnly because we risked lives\ncould we catch him.\nYou should have risked\nyour life for that.\nWhat did I do?\nDo only Policemen and Military men\nhave to die during troubles like this?\n\nMalay (macrolanguage): \nAbang kau tak ada dalam\nmana-mana 5 gambar ini?\nTidak.\nTunjukkan gambar\nkumpulan, satu persatu.\nAbang kau\nada di sini?\nItu dia?\nSiapa yang suruh kau\nmenunggang scooty gadis lain?\n\nEnglish: \nWill all of you do nothing\nbut swap news channels...\n...and exchange ideas on what\nshould have been done?\nWhat would have happened if a bullet\nhad hit me during your crossfire?\nThen you would have been dead.\nThose guys who want to kill\nthousands of people...\n...aren't scared of\ngiving up their lives.\nWhen we think of saving lives,\nwe shouldn't worry about\nour lives either.\nThe main man has been\ncaught alive now.\nHe is not the main guy.\nSomeone called him\nand gave him orders.\nThey brought out their knives\nonly after that.\n\nSinhala: \nWill all of you do nothing\nbut swap news channels...\n...and exchange ideas on what\nshould have been done?\nWhat would have happened if a bullet\nhad hit me during your crossfire?\nThen you would have been dead.\nThose guys who want to kill\nthousands of people...\n...aren't scared of\ngiving up their lives.\nWhen we think of saving lives,\nwe shouldn't worry about\nour lives either.\nThe main man has been\ncaught alive now.\nHe is not the main guy.\nSomeone called him\nand gave him orders.\nThey brought out their knives\nonly after that.\n\nSinhala: \nඇයි ඔබ මෙහි ආවේ ඇයි?\nYou left me half way.\nThat is why I came here.\nYou should not come here all of\na sudden and try to scare me.\nමන්ද?\nYou can't be sure that I will be\nthe only person in this room.\n\nEnglish: \nWhy did you come here?\nYou left me half way.\nThat is why I came here.\nYou should not come here all of\na sudden and try to scare me.\nWhy?\nYou can't be sure that I will be\nthe only person in this room.\n\nMalay (macrolanguage): \nAbang saya yang suruh.\n- Cakaplah.\n- Operasi sudah selesai.\nKami tahu pasukan\nyang mana satu.\nSeorang lelaki dalam pasukan itu\ntelah menggantikan adiknya...\n... untuk gadis\nyang ingin diculik itu.\nKami telah mengambil semua kad\nSIM mereka. Dia tidak akan tahu.\nTidak... tidak...tidak.\nDia tidak bodoh.\nJika dia hantar adiknya sendiri,\ndia tahu macam mana nak cari kau.\n- Dia akan jumpa kau.\n- Kau cakap apa ini?\nBunuh gadis itu sebelum dia\ndatang dan tinggalkan tempat itu.\nBaiklah.\nHei! Bersedia.\nIkat 4 gadis itu.\nDan ikat yang satu ini,\nbawanya ke depan... cepat!\n\nEnglish: \nSand bag, dumb bells.\nDo you work out?\nDid you know?\nI read this in an article.\n40 calories get burnt\nin one deep kiss.\nIf you want to be kissed,\nask me directly.\nDon't hint at it by saying you\nread this in an article...\n...or this is as per some rule.\nYou lead us on and then claim,\n\"These boys are so mean\".\nYou might as well\nstand in a queue...\n...and buy kerosene instead of\nasking him for a kiss.\nYou are here anyway,\nwhy the fuss?\nWhy burn 40 calories,\nlet's burn 80 calories!\nNot here. Let's go there.\n\nSinhala: \nSand bag, dumb bells.\nDo you work out?\nDid you know?\nI read this in an article.\n40 calories get burnt\nin one deep kiss.\nIf you want to be kissed,\nask me directly.\nDon't hint at it by saying you\nread this in an article...\n...or this is as per some rule.\nYou lead us on and then claim,\n\"These boys are so mean\".\nYou might as well\nstand in a queue...\n...and buy kerosene instead of\nasking him for a kiss.\nYou are here anyway,\nwhy the fuss?\nWhy burn 40 calories,\nlet's burn 80 calories!\nNot here. Let's go there.\n\nMalay (macrolanguage): \nBerhenti.\n\nSinhala: \nYou are the one\nlaying down rules now.\nClose your eyes.\nIf I close my eyes,\nyou will run away.\nI told you.\nMy mom has come.\nOh God!\nWhat do we do now?\nOpen the door first.\nඔබ කොහෙද යන්නේ?\nI am going to hide\nin the cupboard.\nThat cupboard's engaged.\nYou get in this one.\nWhat is it Mom.\nIt's you!\nDid you watch TV?\n\nMalay (macrolanguage): \nPusing sana.\n\nEnglish: \nYou are the one\nlaying down rules now.\nClose your eyes.\nIf I close my eyes,\nyou will run away.\nI told you.\nMy mom has come.\nOh God!\nWhat do we do now?\nOpen the door first.\nWhere are you going?\nI am going to hide\nin the cupboard.\nThat cupboard's engaged.\nYou get in this one.\nWhat is it Mom.\nIt's you!\nDid you watch TV?\n\nMalay (macrolanguage): \nDia dah datang ke sini.\nDia cuba membunuh semua orang.\n\nEnglish: \nIs this on TV already?\nIs there a camera in the room?\nI am coming from there.\nI saw what you did.\n16 people have died. All of them\nbelong to the Sleeper Cells.\nThey lead normal lives.\nTheir families\nare weeping for them.\nNone of them\nbelieve this to be true.\nThis is what we expected.\nDid you find a clue about\nthe Head of the Sleeper Cell?\nI expected this!\nHe is not the main guy.\nWe missed the one giving the orders.\nWhy is he coughing\nin a woman's voice?\nDon't you have the habit of keeping\nclothes or books in your cupboard?\n\nSinhala: \nIs this on TV already?\nIs there a camera in the room?\nI am coming from there.\nI saw what you did.\n16 people have died. All of them\nbelong to the Sleeper Cells.\nThey lead normal lives.\nTheir families\nare weeping for them.\nNone of them\nbelieve this to be true.\nThis is what we expected.\nDid you find a clue about\nthe Head of the Sleeper Cell?\nI expected this!\nHe is not the main guy.\nWe missed the one giving the orders.\nWhy is he coughing\nin a woman's voice?\nDon't you have the habit of keeping\nclothes or books in your cupboard?\n\nSinhala: \nAre you going to marry?\nYou want only the Petromax light,\ndon't you?\nඔව්.\n- Then your life will be in a coma!\n\nEnglish: \nAre you going to marry?\nYou want only the Petromax light,\ndon't you?\nYes.\n- Then your life will be in a coma!\n\nMalay (macrolanguage): \nTidak akan ada masalah lagi. Saya akan\nmembawa kamu dengan selamat ke dalam teksi.\nSekiranya pihak polis tanya,\nberitahu mereka ianya gelap.\nDan kamu tidak dapat melihat\nwajah saya dengan jelas.\nOkay?\nMasuk.\n'Operasi sudah berakhir.\nKami tahu pasukan yang mana satu'\n\nMalay (macrolanguage): \n'Seorang lelaki dalam pasukan itu telah\nmenggantikan adiknya...'\n'... untuk gadis\nyang ingin diculik itu.'\nKau sengaja hantar aku ke sanakan.\nKau dah perangkap aku.\nSakitlah, di.\nDia meletakkan pisau\nbesar itu ke leher aku!\nKalau kau terlambat,\naku akan mati!\nItulah sebabnya kami mengambil\nrisiko ini, kami boleh menangkapnya.\nKau patut ambil risiko\ndengan nyawa kau sendiri.\nApa yang telah\naku lakukan?\nKenapa? Sekiranya timbul masalah, patutkah\nhanya polis dan tentera saja yang mati?\nSemua orang akan\nduduk di rumah...\n... tengok berita dan komen tentang\nbagaimana kami sepatutnya melakukannya.\nMemang patut pun,\nkalau aku ditembak...\n... apalah nasib aku?\nNyawa kau\nakan melayang!\nYa... ia akan melayang!\n\nMalay (macrolanguage): \nMereka yang ingin memusnahkan 1000\norang yang tidak bersalah...\n... bersedia untuk\nmengorbankan nyawa mereka.\nKami tidak perlu bimbang untuk menyerahkan\ndiri kami untuk menyelamatkan orang lain.\nTengok... sekarang orang\nyang penting telah ditangkap.\nDia bukan orang yang penting.\nSeseorang menelefonnya\ndan memberikan arahan.\nHanya selepas itu,\nmereka mengambil pisau itu.\n\nEnglish: \nYou go in, I'll join you.\n- Fine, come along.\n\nSinhala: \nYou go in, I'll join you.\n- Fine, come along.\n\nMalay (macrolanguage): \n- Bah!\n- Ah! Mummy!\nMaaf.\nPemotong jari.\nOh! Maaf.\nPemotong kuku.\nKenapa kamu berada di sini?\nKamu meninggalkan saya separuh jalan.\nJadi saya memutuskan untuk datang ke sini.\nKamu tidak perlu datang ke sini dengan\ntiba-tiba dan cuba menakutkan saya.\nKenapa?\nKerana kamu tidak\npernah tahu...\n... jika orang lain mungkin\nberada di dalam bilik.\nSandbag... dumbells.\nKamu bersenam dengan semuanya?\nBoleh tahan.\n\nEnglish: \nEat soon.\nDo you want something else to eat?\nHey Jagga, how are you?\nSenthil, where are you?\nI have come out with my family.\n- Yes, where?\nThere is a bomb in that building.\nGet out now.\nWhat are you saying?\nThere are so many of them here.\nListen to me, alert everyone and\nget them out of there.\nCome on, menthol out!\n\nSinhala: \nEat soon.\nDo you want something else to eat?\nHey Jagga, how are you?\nSenthil, where are you?\nI have come out with my family.\n- Yes, where?\nThere is a bomb in that building.\nGet out now.\nඔයා කියන්නේ කුමක් ද?\nThere are so many of them here.\nListen to me, alert everyone and\nget them out of there.\nCome on, menthol out!\n\nEnglish: \nGot scared, didn't you?\n\nSinhala: \nGot scared, didn't you?\n\nMalay (macrolanguage): \nOh kamu tahu tak?\nSaya baca mesej yang kamu forwardkan.\nSatu ciuman yang mendalam\ndapat membakar 40 kalori.\nItu sama dengan\n30 minit berjalan laju,\n20 minit berenang,\n10 minit skipping,\ndan 5 minit..\nSekiranya kamu mahu dicium,\nberitahu saja!\nJangan beritahu saya kamu membacanya\ndalam mesej yang di fowardkan...\n... atau sebagai 'vastu',\nsecara tidak langsung.\nKamu menggoda saya dan kemudian\ncakap lelaki-lelaki ini sangat kejam!\nSaya boleh berdiri dalam barisan dan mendapatkan\nminyak tanah pada masa dia mencium saya.\nOkay, selamat tinggal!\nHei! Hei!\nOkay... okay!\nKamu telah sejauh ini, bukan?\nKemudian apa? Hanya 40?\nMari kita bakar 80 kalori.\nBukan di sini.\nMari kita pergi ke sana.\nKamulah orang yang\nmelihat 'vastu' sekarang.\n\nMalay (macrolanguage): \nPejamkan mata kamu.\nTutup mata.\nBuka bibir.\nJika saya menutup mata\nsaya, kamu akan lari.\nSiapa itu?\nSaya dah beritahu kamu.\nItu mesti ibu saya.\nOh Tuhan!\nSekarang apa kita nak buat?\nBuka pintu dengan cepat.\n- Ke mana kamu nak lari?\n- Saya akan bersembunyi di dalam almari.\nAlmari itu dah penuh.\nMasuk dalam ini.\nApa itu?\n- Oh kau!\nKau dah tengok berita?\nDah masuk berita ke?\nAdakah mereka mempunyai\nkamera tersembunyi di sini?\nDiam!\nAku baru saja datang dari sana.\n\nEnglish: \nWho are these people?\nWe only know about Army officers\nwho died in the Border War...\n...and Counter Terrorism activities.\nThese are people who have become\nincapacitated because of injuries in war.\nIn other fields, people who\nwork sincerely get a promotion.\nIt is only in the Army and Police\nthat we are awarded with retirement.\n\nSinhala: \nWho are these people?\nWe only know about Army officers\nwho died in the Border War...\n...and Counter Terrorism activities.\nThese are people who have become\nincapacitated because of injuries in war.\nIn other fields, people who\nwork sincerely get a promotion.\nIt is only in the Army and Police\nthat we are awarded with retirement.\n\nSinhala: \nI have already spoken\nto each of you on the phone.\nThis is the moment\nI have been waiting for.\nWe are going to execute\nan assignment together.\nTommorrow I am going to meet the guy\nwho controls the Sleeper Cells.\nNo one can follow me\nwhen I go to meet him.\nHence, even before I go to meet him,\nI will insert a tracking chip\ninside me.\nYou should track the chip\nfrom the Control Room...\n...and keep him informed\nabout its movements.\nI have secretly procured explosives\nthat we use in the Army.\nThat should reach all of you\nthis evening.\nYou should make a C4 Plastic Explosive\nusing that and hand it over to him.\nAfter you get to know about\nmy where-abouts through Balaji.\nTake it there.\nI think they will surely\ntake me to an isolated place.\n\nEnglish: \nI have already spoken\nto each of you on the phone.\nThis is the moment\nI have been waiting for.\nWe are going to execute\nan assignment together.\nTommorrow I am going to meet the guy\nwho controls the Sleeper Cells.\nNo one can follow me\nwhen I go to meet him.\nHence, even before I go to meet him,\nI will insert a tracking chip\ninside me.\nYou should track the chip\nfrom the Control Room...\n...and keep him informed\nabout its movements.\nI have secretly procured explosives\nthat we use in the Army.\nThat should reach all of you\nthis evening.\nYou should make a C4 Plastic Explosive\nusing that and hand it over to him.\nAfter you get to know about\nmy where-abouts through Balaji.\nTake it there.\nI think they will surely\ntake me to an isolated place.\n\nMalay (macrolanguage): \nAku nampak apa yang kau dah buat.\n16 orang mati.\nMereka semua 'Sleeper Cells'\nyang hidup seperti orang biasa.\nKeluarga mereka semua menangis tetapi\ntiada siapa yang berasa kasihan.\nKita dah jangkakan ini.\nAdakah kau dapat apa-apa petunjuk\nmengenai ketua 'Sleeper Cells' itu?\nSaya tahu dah.\nDia bukan orang\nyang penting.\nOrang yang memberi\narahan masih lagi bebas.\nKenapa dia batuk\nseperti gadis?\nMaaf... maaf.\nKeluar.\nKau tidak pernah meletakkan pakaian\natau buku di dalam almari kau?\n- Hai.\n- Hai.\nInilah tunag kau?\n\nMalay (macrolanguage): \nKau hanya nak cahaya\nlampu minyak tanak?\nHidup kau ditakdirkan untuk\nberada dalam keadaan koma!\n\nSinhala: \nYou must leave the vehicle carrying\nthese explosives at that place.\nI still don't know\nwhy they want me alive.\nBut in the fifteenth minute of me\nmeeting the Sleeper Cells Head,\nthe bomb must explode.\nAlong with me, the guy who gives orders\nto the Sleeper Cells will be gone.\nAfter that, all Sleeper Cells\nwill become Coma Cells.\nThey will not get any orders\nall their lives.\nAre you kidding?\nYou are talking about a suicide attack\nand they are applauding.\nHe is a very dangerous guy.\nBut, why are you saying you will die?\nDid you think about your family?\nWho doesn't have a family?\nWhen the Taj was attacked,\nthe men told their children\nthat they would see them soon.\n\nEnglish: \nYou must leave the vehicle carrying\nthese explosives at that place.\nI still don't know\nwhy they want me alive.\nBut in the fifteenth minute of me\nmeeting the Sleeper Cells Head,\nthe bomb must explode.\nAlong with me, the guy who gives orders\nto the Sleeper Cells will be gone.\nAfter that, all Sleeper Cells\nwill become Coma Cells.\nThey will not get any orders\nall their lives.\nAre you kidding?\nYou are talking about a suicide attack\nand they are applauding.\nHe is a very dangerous guy.\nBut, why are you saying you will die?\nDid you think about your family?\nWho doesn't have a family?\nWhen the Taj was attacked,\nthe men told their children\nthat they would see them soon.\n\nSinhala: \nHemant Karkare and Vijay Salaskar\ndied in 20 minutes,\nonly their dead bodies returned.\nDidn't they have families?\nWhat about these people?\nThey've lost their limbs\nin the same war, yet are happy.\nDon't they have families?\nAn Army man has no better\nopportunity than this.\nEven the guys who want to kill...\n...thousands of people\nare ready to sacrifice their lives.\nThose of us who want to save lives\nshould be ready to sacrifice our lives.\nI have made a clear decision.\nIf you think you want to do\nsomething for me.\nPeople at home are innocent,\nand I have two sisters.\n\nEnglish: \nHemant Karkare and Vijay Salaskar\ndied in 20 minutes,\nonly their dead bodies returned.\nDidn't they have families?\nWhat about these people?\nThey've lost their limbs\nin the same war, yet are happy.\nDon't they have families?\nAn Army man has no better\nopportunity than this.\nEven the guys who want to kill...\n...thousands of people\nare ready to sacrifice their lives.\nThose of us who want to save lives\nshould be ready to sacrifice our lives.\nI have made a clear decision.\nIf you think you want to do\nsomething for me.\nPeople at home are innocent,\nand I have two sisters.\n\nSinhala: \nIf you are free,\ncheck on them every now and then.\nWe have just four days left\nfor the engagement.\nWhy are you calling it off\nall of a sudden?\nLet's not have it for now.\nWe'll consider this\nwhen I am here next time.\nThe wedding is only next year,\nit's just the engagement now.\nඔව්. Let's not have it now.\nFirst you said you didn't like me,\nlater you said you did.\nDo you not like me again?\nWon't you understand?\n\nEnglish: \nIf you are free,\ncheck on them every now and then.\nWe have just four days left\nfor the engagement.\nWhy are you calling it off\nall of a sudden?\nLet's not have it for now.\nWe'll consider this\nwhen I am here next time.\nThe wedding is only next year,\nit's just the engagement now.\nYes. Let's not have it now.\nFirst you said you didn't like me,\nlater you said you did.\nDo you not like me again?\nWon't you understand?\n\nSinhala: \nBut I don't know if I'd be able\nto forget you.\nIt'll take me a long time.\n\nEnglish: \nBut I don't know if I'd be able\nto forget you.\nIt'll take me a long time.\n\nMalay (macrolanguage): \n'Awal pagi tadi di Andheri Barat\nseorang lelaki ditemui mati...'\n'... di halaman pelupusan\nsampah di pinggir jalan'.\n'Dengan beberapa jari terputus,\ndia didapati lebam teruk juga'.\n'Polis mendakwa bahawa dia disiksa\nsecara kejam sebelum dibunuh'.\n'Lelaki yang telah dikenal\npasti sebagai Asif Ali...'\n'... dikatakan mempunyai hubungan dengan\n12 'Sleeper Cells' yang ditembak mati minggu lepas'.\n\"Lelaki yang mati itu sebahagian\ndaripada rangkaian 'Sleeper Cells'.\"\nDia telah membunuhnya...\n... kerana dia tidak dapat mendapatkan\napa-apa maklumat daripadanya.\n\nMalay (macrolanguage): \nDalam 12 lelaki ini,\ndialah yang kau cari, bukan?\nDia seorang\npembunuh yang kejam.\nPanaskan dia.\nFikir secara bijak.\nSerang secara besar-besaran.\nDia akan keluar.\nTunjukkan kepadanya\nkuasa 'Sleeper Cells'.\nKamu masuk ke dalam, ibu.\nNanti saya datang.\nBaiklah.\nMari selesai permainan itu.\nAku memerlukan kau... hidup\nTelefon rakan sepasukan kau, Senthil.\nTanya dia jika dia berada di lnfinity mall, Andheri.\n\nMalay (macrolanguage): \nDan beritahu dia dalam 10\nsaat, dia akan diletupkan.\nHei... hei!\nApa yang berlaku, Jaga?\nApa khabar?\nSenthil! Di mana kau?\n- Aku di luar dengan keluarga aku.\n- Aku tahu, tetapi di mana?\nlnfinity mall.\nSenthil, ada bom di bangunan itu...\nkeluar sekarang.\nKau cakap apa ni?\nKeluar cepat.\nHanya ada 5 saat saja lagi.\nTerdapat ramai\norang di sini, kawan.\nDengar cakap aku.\nBeritahu semua orang.\nDan keluar dari sana.\nCepat Senthil, keluar.\nCepat kawan, keluar!\nSenthil?\nHello?\n\nMalay (macrolanguage): \nBagaimana audio itu?\nBukan saja dia.\nAku tahu dengan tepat 11\nyang lain berada di mana sekarang.\nSetiap orang daripada mereka sedang\ndiikuti oleh seorang \"Sleeper Cells'.\nKau nak periksanya?\nSiddarth Shetty... Leopold Cafe.\nNeil Mani... Kuil Mahalakshmi.\nAshraf... Pasar Crawford.\nJigar Singh...wayang.\nSiddarth... Pantai Juhu.\nVishal...Hospital Leelavathy.\nJabbar... Jalan fesyen.\nJagdish...Pasar Bandra.\nSumesh Krishna... City mall.\nHarpreet Singh... Sea link fast foods.\nSurendra... stesen Churchgate.\nSaya akan hapuskan orang\nyang seterusnya sekarang.\nRakan pasukan kau, Jagdish\nkini berada di pasar Bandra.\nDalam 3 saat lagi, tempat\ndi mana dia berada...\n... akan diletupkan.\n3...\n\nMalay (macrolanguage): \n2...\n1...\nBoo ?!\nTakutkan?\nKau takut?\nAku tidak mengebomnya.\nAku tidak memerlukan nyawa mereka.\nAku... perlukan... kau.\nOkay... okay.\nJangan berbuat apa-apa kepada sesiapa.\nAku akan... datang.\nBaik... keputusan yang bagus.\nKau...bersiap sedia.\nSiapa semua orang ini?\nKami hanya tahu pegawai yang mati dalam\nperang sempadan dan serangan balas pengganas.\n\nMalay (macrolanguage): \nIni adalah orang-orang\nyang cedera sebabnya.\nDalam kebanyakan kerjaya\nkau di naikkan pangkat...\n... selepas kau berkhidmat dengan\nbaik sepanjang hidup kau.\nTetapi dalam tentera dan\npolis, kau akan bersara.\n- Jagdish?\n- Hei.\nMereka sudah bersedia.\nHai kawan.\nSaya sudah bercakap dengan kamu\nsecara individu melalui telefon.\nMasa yang saya\ntunggu telah tiba.\nKita semua akan berkumpul\ndan melaksanakan tugasan.\nEsok pagi, saya akan\nberjumpa dengan orang...\n... yang merupakan ketua 'Sleeper Cells'.\nApabila saya pergi jumpa dia, tiada\nsiapa yang boleh mengikuti saya.\nItulah sebabnya saya akan meletakkan cip pengesanan\ndalam badan saya sebelum saya bertemu dengannya.\nDari bilik kawalan kamu\nmesti menjejaki saya...\n... dan beritahu dia dengan\ntepat di mana saya berada.\nSaya telah membawa ubat yang\nkami gunakan dalam tentera...\n... untuk merawat luka bom,\nsecara rahsia.\n\nMalay (macrolanguage): \nKamu akan mendapat\nsemuanya petang ini.\nKamu perlu membuat bahan\npeledak plastik menggunakannya.\nDan berikan\nkepadanya malam ini.\nKamu cari tahu di mana mereka membawa saya\ndengan bantuan Balaji dan membawanya ke sana.\nMereka akan membawa saya\nke lokasi yang terpencil.\nOleh itu, bawa bahan letupan itu\nke dalam kereta di sana dan pergi.\nOkay... saya tidak tahu mengapa mereka\nmahu saya hidup seperti sekarang.\nTetapi saya mahu bom\nmeletup 15 minit...\n... selepas saya bertemu\nketua 'Sleeper Cells'.\nSaya mahu ketua 'Sleeper Cells'\nmeletup bersama saya... hancur!\nKemudian semua 'Sleeper Cells'\nmenjadi 'Coma Cells'.\nKemudian seumur hidup mereka tidak\nakan mendapat apa-apa arahan.\nIni seperti serangan bunuh diri.\n\nEnglish: \nWhat is your name?\nWhat's your name?\nMy name is Jagdish.\nHe is a Tamilian.\nI know a bit of Tamil.\nI know a lot about Tamilians.\nYou don't know why you haven't\nbeen killed...\n...or our plan for you, right?\nThese are the vehicles\nyou have parked.\n\nSinhala: \nWhat is your name?\nWhat's your name?\nMy name is Jagdish.\nHe is a Tamilian.\nI know a bit of Tamil.\nI know a lot about Tamilians.\nYou don't know why you haven't\nbeen killed...\n...or our plan for you, right?\nThese are the vehicles\nyou have parked.\n\nSinhala: \nSee what they have in them.\nWe are not going to let it explode.\nWe will inform the Police.\nQuestions will be asked about\nwho put them there.\nAnd then...\n...when the Police come\nin search of you,\nwe would have killed you and\nall your team mates.\nDo you know who would\nhave killed you and...\n...diffused these bombs\nat the right time?\nLook at the monitor.\nJoint Secretary of Defense.\nWe will say that\nit is his team that...\n\nEnglish: \nSee what they have in them.\nWe are not going to let it explode.\nWe will inform the Police.\nQuestions will be asked about\nwho put them there.\nAnd then...\n...when the Police come\nin search of you,\nwe would have killed you and\nall your team mates.\nDo you know who would\nhave killed you and...\n...diffused these bombs\nat the right time?\nLook at the monitor.\nJoint Secretary of Defense.\nWe will say that\nit is his team that...\n\nMalay (macrolanguage): \nKau bergurau kan?\nKau bercakap tentang\nserangan bunuh diri.\n- Dan mereka tepuk tangan untuk kau!\n- Dia seorang yang berbahaya.\nKenapa kau parlu mati\nsebab dia berbahaya?\nKau tak fikirkan \npasal keluarga kau?\nSiapa yang tidak \nmempunyai keluarga?\nKetika hotel Taj diserang...\n... mereka ucapkan selamat tinggal \nsecara biasa kepada ahli keluarga mereka.\nHemant Karkare dan\nVijay Salaskar.\nMereka mati dalam masa 20 minit!\nTidakkah mereka mempunyai keluarga?\nSemua veteran perang ini\nmemberikan anggota badan mereka.\nMereka tidak gembirakah?\nAdakah mereka tidak mempunyai keluarga?\nSeorang tentera tidak akan mendapat\npeluang yang lebih baik daripada ini.\nJaga...\nMereka yang ingin memusnahkan 1000\nnyawa yang tidak bersalah...\n... bersedia untuk\nmengorbankan nyawa mereka.\n\nMalay (macrolanguage): \nKami tidak perlu bimbang untuk menyerahkan\ndiri kamu untuk menyelamatkan orang lain.\nAku telah berfikir tentang \napa yang aku lakukan.\nSekiranya kau mahu melakukan\nsesuatu untuk aku...\nTiada apa... di rumah aku...\n... ahli keluarga aku sangat \nmudah tertipu dan naif.\nDan aku mempunyai 2 adik perempuan.\nJika kau ada masa,\ntolong tengokkan mereka.\nKita bertunang baru saja 4 hari.\nTiba-tiba, kamu nak putuskannya.\n\nSinhala: \n...killed the 12 people\nduring the earlier shoot out.\nThey will come to a conclusion\nthat you are a double agent.\nHe will get promoted as\nthe next Defense Secretary.\nSo far, it is only the Indian Army\nthat didn't have Sleeper Cells.\nThrough him, we'll get a lot of recruits\nfor the Sleeper Cells in the Army.\nWe'll do whatever we want after that.\nI shouldn't die.\nSleeper Cells in the Army is akin\nto the Nation suffering from Cancer.\nThink!\nI need to escape from here.\n\nEnglish: \n...killed the 12 people\nduring the earlier shoot out.\nThey will come to a conclusion\nthat you are a double agent.\nHe will get promoted as\nthe next Defense Secretary.\nSo far, it is only the Indian Army\nthat didn't have Sleeper Cells.\nThrough him, we'll get a lot of recruits\nfor the Sleeper Cells in the Army.\nWe'll do whatever we want after that.\nI shouldn't die.\nSleeper Cells in the Army is akin\nto the Nation suffering from Cancer.\nThink!\nI need to escape from here.\n\nSinhala: \nI want you to beat me to death.\nI want you to kill me\nwith your bare hands.\nDid you hear that?\nHis last wish is that I beat him\nblack and blue till he dies.\n\nEnglish: \nI want you to beat me to death.\nI want you to kill me\nwith your bare hands.\nDid you hear that?\nHis last wish is that I beat him\nblack and blue till he dies.\n\nMalay (macrolanguage): \nTidak, bukan sekarang, kita akan \nbertunang lain kali bila saya ada di sini.\nTahun depan saja kita kahwin.\nSekarang ini kita bertunang dulu.\nItulah ia... bukan sekarang.\nMula-mula kamu tidak suka saya. \nKemudian kamu suka.\nSekarang, adakah kamu \ntidak suka saya lagi?\nKamu tidak fahamkah \napa yang saya katakan?\nOkay.\nTetapi, bukan mudah untuk melupakan kamu. \nIa akan mengambil masa yang lama.\nBye.\n\nMalay (macrolanguage): \n- Orang saya ada di sebelah kau.\n- Tidak, tiada siapa di sini.\n\nMalay (macrolanguage): \nKau nampak tak, di seberang jalan,\nsebuah kereta lndigo 3525 perak?\nAmbil kereta itu dan datang ke\n101 Growell mall, Kandivali?\nLetakkan kereta di sana dan\nambil Honda City hitam 7087.\nDan pergi ke \nBursa Saham Bombay.\n\nEnglish: \nRelease the lock now and hit me.\nWhat?\nListen.\nYour Boss beat me up\nwhen my hands were tied.\nI am asking him to unlock me\nand he's hesitating.\nYou broke my hand, you have\nyour men around, yet you fear me!\nYou better fear me!\nYou broke my hand,\nyou have so many men with you,\nyet you fear to\nrelease the lock and hit me.\n\nSinhala: \nRelease the lock now and hit me.\nකුමක්?\nListen.\nYour Boss beat me up\nwhen my hands were tied.\nI am asking him to unlock me\nand he's hesitating.\nYou broke my hand, you have\nyour men around, yet you fear me!\nYou better fear me!\nYou broke my hand,\nyou have so many men with you,\nyet you fear to\nrelease the lock and hit me.\n\nEnglish: \nI like that fear.\nWhat are you doing, shoot him.\nListen to me, just shoot him.\nYou can't beat him!\n\nSinhala: \nI like that fear.\nWhat are you doing, shoot him.\nListen to me, just shoot him.\nYou can't beat him!\n\nEnglish: \nThese two will beat\neach other to death.\nI can shoot him if you let me.\nNo! no! No way!\nWhat can I do?\n\nSinhala: \nThese two will beat\neach other to death.\nI can shoot him if you let me.\nනැත! no! කොහෙත්ම නැහැ!\nWhat can I do?\n\nMalay (macrolanguage): \nApa nama kau?\n- Nama aku Jagdish\n- Oh... Tamil?\nDia seorang Tamilian.\nAku tahu sedikit cakap Tamil.\nTetapi aku lebih \nkenal rakayat Tamil.\nTahu tak kenapa aku tidak membunuh\nkau atau apa yang ada untuk kau?\nIni semua kereta\nyang kau dah letakkan.\nLihat apa yang \nada di dalam kereta ini.\n\nSinhala: \nI am telling you!\nKill them both.\nYou are not smart enough.\n\nEnglish: \nI am telling you!\nKill them both.\nYou are not smart enough.\n\nSinhala: \nEven if you kill me,\ndetails that control\nthe Sleeper Cells are in that Ship.\nThey will continue.\nYou don't understand, do you?\nYou can die with that suspense.\n\nMalay (macrolanguage): \nKami tidak akan membuat mereka meletup.\nKami akan memaklumkan kepada polis.\nMereka akan mahu tahu\nsiapa dalang disebalik semua ini.\nDan kemudian...\nPada masa itu polis \nakan mencari kau...\n... aku telah membunuh kau\ndan seluruh pasukan kau.\nKau tahu siapa yang \nakan membunuh kau...\n... dan meletopkan bom\npada masa yang tepat?\nTengok monitor ini.\nSetiausaha Bersama dalam Pertahanan.\nKami akan menghargai dia dengan pembunuhan\n12 'Sleeper Cells' yang telah kau bunuh.\nMereka sendiri akan membuat kesimpulan\nbahawa kau adalah 'Double Agent'.\n\nEnglish: \nEven if you kill me,\ndetails that control\nthe Sleeper Cells are in that Ship.\nThey will continue.\nYou don't understand, do you?\nYou can die with that suspense.\n\nEnglish: \nHad he said he liked this girl\nat the first instance,\nwe could have got him married.\nThe same with her.\nWhat do we do?\nHe's not serious about anything.\nThey are a super pair, Sir!\nIf they are together today,\nI am responsible for it.\nYou are?\n- Yes.\nOn the very day we arrived,\nhis Dad rushed him to see this girl.\nAt first he said he didn't like her,\nand then she said she didn't like him.\nBut when they both liked each other,\nsome idiot came inbetween them\nand confused everything.\nThings have been solved only now.\nBut how are you saying that\nyou brought them together?\nYou spoke about an idiot\nthat came between them,\nI am the idiot!\n\nMalay (macrolanguage): \nDia akan menjadi Setiausaha\nPertahanan yang akan datang.\nHanya dalam Tentera India\nyang tiada 'Sleeper Cells'.\nDengan bantuannya, kami akan meletakkan\nbanyak 'Sleeper Cells' dalam Tentera India...\n... dan buat apa \nsahaja yang kami mahu.\n'Aku tidak boleh mati'.\n'Aku tidak boleh mati'.\n'Sleeper Cell dalam tentera akan\nmenjadi kanser kepada negara kita'.\n'Fikirkan! Aku perlu\nmelarikan diri dari sini '.\n\nSinhala: \nHad he said he liked this girl\nat the first instance,\nwe could have got him married.\nThe same with her.\nWhat do we do?\nHe's not serious about anything.\nThey are a super pair, Sir!\nIf they are together today,\nI am responsible for it.\nYou are?\n- ඔව්.\nOn the very day we arrived,\nhis Dad rushed him to see this girl.\nAt first he said he didn't like her,\nand then she said she didn't like him.\nBut when they both liked each other,\nsome idiot came inbetween them\nand confused everything.\nThings have been solved only now.\nBut how are you saying that\nyou brought them together?\nYou spoke about an idiot\nthat came between them,\nI am the idiot!\n\nMalay (macrolanguage): \nKau ada permintaan kematian?\nApa yang dia panggil?\nPermintaan terakhir... huh?\nYa... aku mahu dipukul\nhingga mati oleh kau.\n- Huh?\n- Kau perlu pukul aku sehingga mati.\nDengar tak? Keinginan terakhirnya \nialah aku pukul dia sehingga dia mati.\nBaiklah.\n\nEnglish: \nHey! What is it?\nThe Army is truly great!\nFor another 11 months,\nyou are going to be in a desert\nor a snow clad mountain,\nyou will have to live your life\nin some dimly lit tent...\n...and thinking of these 40 days,\nkeep on looking at family photos\nover and over again...\n...and live with it, right?\n\nSinhala: \nහේයි! එය කුමක් ද?\nThe Army is truly great!\nFor another 11 months,\nyou are going to be in a desert\nor a snow clad mountain,\nyou will have to live your life\nin some dimly lit tent...\n...and thinking of these 40 days,\nkeep on looking at family photos\nover and over again...\n...and live with it, right?\n\nMalay (macrolanguage): \nSekarang buka gari ini \ndan pukul aku.\nApa?\nBuka gari ini dan\nkemudian pukul aku.\nDengar sini...!\nBos kau memukul aku\ndengan tangan aku digari!\nApa yang korang fikirkan \ntentang dia sekarang?\nSelepas kau pukul tangan aku dan walaupun\ndikelilingi orang kau untuk melindungi kau...\n... kau takut kepada aku!\nMemang patut pun.\nSelepas pukul tangan aku\ndan dengan perlindungan...\n... kau masih takut untuk buka \ngari aku dan pukul aku, bukan?\n\nMalay (macrolanguage): \nAku suka ketakutan itu.\nApa yang dia buat?\nTembak dia. \nItu helah dia saja.\nJangan dengar cakap dia.\nTembak saja dia.\nKau tidak boleh mengalahkannya.\nMaksud aku... err...\nBuka gari dia.\n\nMalay (macrolanguage): \nApa yang kamu cakapkan betul.\nKita harus membunuh lelaki itu.\nBerkan saja arahan dan\nsaya akan membunuhnya.\nTidak... tidak. \nApa yang aku lakukan?\n\nMalay (macrolanguage): \nAku beritahu kau.\nTiada cara lain.\nTembak mereka berdua.\nLetakkan senjata ke bawah.\n\nMalay (macrolanguage): \nKau tidak bijak.\nWalaupun kau membunuh aku...\n... semua butiran untuk mengawal\n'Sleeper Cells' ada dekat kapal itu.\nMereka akan meneruskannya.\n3... 2... 1...!\n\nMalay (macrolanguage): \nKau tak fahamkah?\nMati bersama \ndengan kekeliruan.\nJika dia cakap dia suka\ndia pada hari dia tiba...\n... kita boleh menghantar mereka\nsebagai pasangan suami isteri!\nTiada siapa yang \nmendengarkannya juga.\nTidak serius tentang ap-apa.\nApa perlu dilakukan?\nTuan!\nPasangan super, tuan.\nKau tahu tak?\nSatu-satunya sebab mereka \nbersama adalah kerana saya.\n- Kamu?\n- Ya!\n\nMalay (macrolanguage): \nTuan! Pada hari kami tiba, ayahnya membawanya \nterburu-buru untuk jumpa gadis ini.\nMula-mula dia berkata tidak, maka dia berkata tidak.\nKemudian ketika mereka berdua berkata ya...\nAda orang pelik datang dan\nkacau mereka berdua!\nSekarang semuanya \ntelah diselesaikan.\nJadi, bagaimana kamu \nmembantu mereka?\nKamu cakap ada orang pelik\nyang datang mengacau, bukan?\nSayalah orang pelik itu!\nYa tuan.\nHei! Apa itu?\nSesungguhnya tentera sangat hebat.\nUntuk 11 bulan akan datang...\n... kau akan disemai di dalam sebuah khemah\nkecil di kawasan salji atau kawasan padang pasir.\nDuduk di bawah lampu, memikirkan\napa yang berlaku selama 40 hari...\n... melihat gambar keluarga berulang \nkali...itu kehidupan kau, bukan?\n\nMalay (macrolanguage): \nDiterjemahkan oleh\n☮ El más listo ☮\nCredit to\n⇒ validusvyto\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "Good morning, so we are going to continue\nour discussion on neural network for pattern\nrecognition. So, firstly I will just briefly\ngo through, what we have done in our last\nclass and then we will proceed further. So,\nin the last class we have talked about a single\nlayer single output neural network, where\nwhen I say it is single layer, basically there\nare two layers. One of the layers is the input\nlayer and the nodes in the input layer are\nsimply used to connect the feature vectors.\nSo, the purpose of this input layer node is\nwhatever is inputted to the input layer nodes,\nthose nodes simply forward that input to the\nlayer above it. And those inputs get weighted\nby the corresponding connection weights connecting\nthe input layers to the layer above it, and\nsummed up at the next layer and on top of\nthat you apply some of sort of non-\nlinearity. So, effectively the single layer,\nsingle output neural network, we have said\nwas something like this, that it has a number\nof input layer nodes. So, this is the layer\nwhich\nis input layer. So, the number of nodes in\nthe input layer is same as the dimensionality\nof the feature vectors, last one which is\nused to take care of the bias or bias weight.\nAnd the number of nodes in the output layer\nin this case will be only one, which will\nindicate either one of the two classes, okay.\nSo, if the output of the output layer node\nis greater than threshold in which is the\noutput of the output layer node will set equal\nto one, which will indicate say class one\nand if the output is zero, it will indicate\nclass 2. So, the connections that will have\nis something like this. So, here I have x\n0, which is usually set to 1 and the connection\nweight over here is the W 0, which takes care\nof the bias weight. Whereas, the other inputs\nwill have a different feature components x\n1, x 2 up to say x n and the corresponding\nconnection weights are W 1 W 2 up to W n,\nokay. And output of the output layer node,\nwhich let say that this output is equal to\nD. So, this is my output layer node, okay,\nwhere D will be equal to the weighted sum\nof the input feature vector components. So,\nit will be simply summation of W i x i, where\ni varies from 0 to N, okay, where N is the\ndimensionality of the future vector and x\n0 which is usually set to 1, that is to take\ncare of the bias weight, okay. So, then what\nwe said is while training the neural network,\nwe have to decide this connection weights\nor what will be the weight vector that will\nclassify the unknown feature vectors between\none of the 2 classes, say class omega 1 and\nclass omega 2. Now, while training because\nall the feature vectors which are given, we\nknow what is the class belongingness of those\nfeature vectors. So, we effectively know that\nwhat expected output is, okay. So, if I take\ntraining sample, a training feature vector\nwhich we know that the training feature belongs\nto class omega 1, we know that the corresponding\noutput as to be equal 1. Or if I know that\nthe future vectors belong to class omega 2,\nthen it is known that the corresponding output\nhas to be equal to 0. So, for that training\nsample or for each of the sample which is\npresented to the neural network, we know what\nthe corresponding output, okay. And because\ninitially, the weights are not set properly\nbecause we start with arbitrarily set weights\nof very low value. So, even if our training\nsample which belongs to the class omega 1\nis given to the neutral network, the output\nmay be 0 or output may have any of\nthe continuous value between 0 and 1, okay.\nSo, it may not be equal to 1, so what is the\nexpected output and what is the actual output\nthat you get the difference between that between\nthese 2 is the error, okay. So, if I say that\nmy actual output that I obtain after giving\na training sample, after inputting a training\nsample is given by the expected output is\nsay d and the actual output that I get D capital\nD, which is nothing but the summation W i\nx i, i value is\nfrom 0 to n. And then using the difference\nbetween these two, I can define what the error,\nokay. So, if I define the squared error, the\nsquared error is given by E is equal to half\nof D, which is the actual output minus the\nexpected output or which is also called as\ntarget output. So, capital D minus d whole\nsquare this is my squared error. So, while\ntraining the neural network, the aim is that\nwe should be able to set the weight vectors\nor connection weights in such a way that,\nthis sum of squared error will be minimized.\nSo, for that again we can make use of the\ngradient descent procedure. So, for making\nuse of the gradient descent procedure, we\nhave to find out what is the gradient of the\nerror with respect the weight vectors. So,\nwhat I have to find out is del E upon del\nW i for a particular weight vector. And if\nI compute this term, you find that this is\nnothing but if I take the derivative of this\nwith respect to W i, this will be simply d\ncapital D minus d into the del capital D minus\nd upon del W i. So, it is capital d minus\nd into del W i of capital D minus lower case\nd, okay. So, if I just concentrate on this\nparticular term, because there was question\non how do we get this. So, if I\nconcentrate on this particular term. So here\nyou find that this lower case d is this. So,\nwhat I am trying to find out now is, what\nis del, del W i of capital D minus lower case\nd, okay. So, as I said this lower case d,\nthis is our expected output or target output\nso that is fixed. Given an unknown sample,\na training sample as I know what is the class\nbelongingness of training sample is so my\ntarget output is fixed, this does not depend\nupon the W i, okay. So, this derivative del,\ndel W i into capital D minus lower case d,\nthis is nothing but del, del W i of capital\nD because lower case d is independent on W\ni. And this capital D is nothing but \nsummation of W i x i, okay, where i varies\nfrom 0 to capital N, is that okay? So, you\nfind that if I take the derivative of the\nsummation with respect to W i, then only term\nthat remains is nothing but x i because all\nof the terms are independent of W i, only\nW i times xi that is dependent only on W i\nand if I take the derivative it simply becomes\nX i. So, that is why this del E del W i that\nwe have obtained as capital D minus lower\ncase d into x i, okay. So, only this simple\nderivative expression, this has given me this\nparticular expression, okay. So, while the\ntraining the neural network as our aim to\nset the weight vectors. So, we have to go\nfor a weight adjustment algorithm, that is\nwhat is neural network training? So, in this\nweight adjustment problem, initially will\nhave to start with arbitrary weight vectors.\nSo, you select with some random weight vectors\nfor different W i, you select some random\nvalues and the values are quite small, okay.\nSo, you generate small random values which\nare taken as W i or I generate a random weight\nvector. So, I have that W i 0, that is the\ninitial weight vector which is set randomly,\nrandom but very small value. And then in every\niteration W i k plus 1 will be some update\non W i k that was the value of W i in the\nprevious iteration, okay. So, this will be\nW i k minus eta where eta and our eta represents\nwhat is the rate of convergence into this\nexpression del E del W i, which is nothing\nbut capital D minus lower case d into x i,\nokay. So, this will simply be capital d minus\nlower case d into x i, this is my update rule,\nokay. So, how trained the neural network,\nyou feed the training vectors one after another.\nFor a every such training vector, you find\nout what is this component d minus capital\nD into x i, which is the input vector component\nand this W i k was the previous vector. So,\nyou modify the previous weight according to\nthis update formula, so that you do for every\nsample, with every sample for the weight will\nbe modified, okay. So, once the weight is\nmodified for every sample, I do not know whether\nif you sample for which the weight was modified,\nbecause after modification with the previous\nunclassified sample, again the weight vectors\nare going getting modified treatment. So,\nit may happen with the previous sample either\nthe previous sample will be properly classified\nor it will be wrongly classified. So, if it\nis wrongly classified I have to modify the\nweight vectors again. And this iteration is\ncontinued, until and unless either all the\ntraining vectors are properly classified or\nI come to a situation where the error that\nis d minus capital D minus d, that error is\nquite small. It is within tolerance limit.\nSo, the convergence criteria or the termination\ncriteria of this iterative algorithm will\nbe that either, in a complete pass all the\ntraining samples are properly classified or\nI get an error where is very small, the error\nthat I can tolerate, okay. So, that will be\nmy termination criteria or convergence criteria\nfor this training algorithm, okay. So, with\nthe single layer single output neural network,\nwe have considered only two class problem,\nthat is if the output is greater than threshold\nor if the output is greater than zero, I say\nthat sample belongs to one class. If the output\nis less than zero, I say that the sample belongs\nto another class. So, the kind of thresholding\nwhich we are applying is a hard threshold,\nokay, but when you have multiclass problems,\nnaturally the multiclass problems cannot be\ntaken care of by a single output. So, I have\nto have multiple outputs. So, that gives you\nmultiple output single layer neural networks\nand the action of this will be similar to\nall linear\nmachine. In case of linear machine, we have\nsaid that for every class omega i, I have\na discriminant function g i of x, okay and\nwe said that if g i of x is greater than g\nj of x for all j not equal to i. So, this\nindicates that the feature vector x belongs\nto class omega i, that is for every class,\nI have a discriminant function for the given\nunknown feature vector x, you compute the\ndiscriminant function for every class. And\nwhichever class gives you the maximum value\nof the discriminant function, okay, you assign\nthis unknown feature vector x to the corresponding\nclass. Right? So, if I want to have this similar\nkind of action using this neural network,\nthen obviously I have to have a neural network\nwith multiple numbers of outputs, okay. So,\nthe input layer as before will remain same\nthat is the number of neurons in the input\nlayer will be same as the dimensionality of\nthe feature vectors of class 1, so that additional\nnode takes care of the bias weight, okay.\nAnd in the output layer, we have a number\nof nodes, which is equal to the number of\nclasses that we have say if there are m numbers\nof classes, then in the output layer I have\nto have m number of nodes, okay. And here\nI have n plus one number of nodes where n\nis the dimensionality of the feature vector,\nokay. So, you apply the feature vectors to\nthis inputted nodes, as you have assumed the\nfirst component is equal to 1, that takes\ncare of the bias weight w 0 other components\nare x 1 x2 up to say here I this x i and here\nit is x n. Now, the connection is like this\nthat for every input layer node, now the output\nof every input layer node will be connected\nto the input of every\nnode in the Upper layer. So, the connection\nwill be like this. Let us consider one node\nover here this is j node. So, similarly it\nwill be like this. Similarly, this will also\nbe connected to every node in the output layer,\nokay. And these are the outputs from every\noutput of the output layer node. Now, the\noutput of the j node supposes, I call it j\nth node in the output layer. Output of the\nj th node in the output layer will be nothing\nbut if I represent this by say D j, which\nwill be equal to sum of W i j x i, where i\nvaries from 0 to capital M, okay. And what\nis W i j? W i j is the connection weight from\nthe output of the i th layer in the input\nnode to the input of the j layer in the output\nnode. So, when this is my i th node in the\ninput layer and this is the j node in the\noutput layer, this connection weight from\nthe i th node in the input layer to the j\nth node in the output layer is W i j, right?\nSo, given this sort of connection and the\nsort of network topology, here training of\nthe neural network means that I have to select\nall the connection weights W i j for all values\nof i and all values of j, okay. And unlikely\nin case of single layered network and single\noutput neuron where the output was of scalar\nvalue, it was not a vector, it was a single\nvalue either 0 or 1. In case of multiple outputs,\nthe output will not be a scalar, but the output\nwill be vector because I have capital M number\nof components. All the output layer nodes\nwill give me some output, so that means output\nwas also a vector not a scalar. However, for\nknown feature vector that is during training\nas well all the feature vector for which the\nclass belongingness is known. So if I know\nthat a feature vectors belongs to class omega\n3, I know my target output should be only\nthe third neuron in the output layer should\ngive me a value 1. All other neurons and output\nlayer should give me value 0, okay. If the\nfeature vector belongs to class omega 1, then\nonly the first output layer neuron should\ngive me an output 1, all other output layer\nneurons should give value 1. So, my target\nfeature vectors will have only one of the\ncomponents to be equal to one, the rest of\nthe components should be equal to 0. That\nis my target. However, as initially the weight\nvectors are not properly set, I may get an\noutput vector, which is not the same as target\nvector, okay. So, accordingly the error that\nI get is a vector difference, the difference\nbetween 2 vectors, the target vector and the\nactual vector. Is it okay?\nSo, accordingly we have to define the sum\nof squared error, which in this case, we can\ndefine as E is equal to half of D j minus\nlower case d j. So, this D j means the actual\noutput of the j th neuron in the output layer\nwhereas this lower case d j, this indicates\nthat what should be the value of the output\nof the j th neuron in the output layer in\nmy target vector, okay. And because I have\nM number of components in output vectors,\nso the sum of squared error will be simply\nthis square, take the summation for j is equal\nto 1 to M as I have M number of components\nin the output vector, okay. Now, given this,\nhere again you find that for the training\nalgorithm or for learning of the neural network\nI have to take the gradient of this with respect\nto W i j, okay. Again following the similar\nderivative to procedure I can find out that\nthis del E del W i j will be simply being\nD j minus d j into x i. Where x i is the i\nth component of the input feature vector,\nokay. I will get the same, with following\nthe same procedure I get this. So, once I\nget this, now my training algorithm before\nwill be W i j 0, that is the initial weight.\nYou have to set arbitrary or this will be\nrandom, but a small value and while iteration,\nthis W i j k plus 1 will be equal to W i j\nk minus eta, which is nothing but our rate\nof convergence. This decides rate of convergence\ninto D j minus d j, which is an error time\nx i, okay. So, this is what the training algorithm,\nokay. So, as before the training algorithm\nbeing an iterative procedure, I have to decide\nwhat is the convergence criteria. So, again\nhere the convergence criteria can be either,\nall the training samples are correctly classified\nby a\nparticular set of weight vectors or I reached\na condition where the error values will be\nsmall that is the error is tolerable, okay.\nNow, if you look at the discriminant function\nthat this kind of neural network actually\nimitates, this is the linear discriminant\nfunction, because it is nothing but sum of\nW i x j for all values of i varies from 0\nto M. So, it is a linear equation for fixed\nweight vectors. So, that means for every neuron\nin the output layer node, actually gives me\nlinear equation of the straight line or an\nequation of a hyper plane. So, that simply\nsays that if the classes are linearly separable,\nI can design the decision boundary using this\nsort of neural network, but if they are not\nlinearly separable a single layer neural network\ncannot give me the decision boundary. So,\nlet us take some few examples from say binary\narithmetic. So, let us take the case of an\nAND gate. So, all of you know the truth table\nof an AND gate. If I have two variables x\n1 x 2 and I have this output y, the truth\ntable of the AND gate is simply 0 0 0 0 1\n0 1 0 0 and 1 1 1, okay. I can consider these\nto be a 2-dimensional binary feature vector,\nx 1 x 2 to be 2 dimensional binary features,\nwhich can assume one of these four different\nvalues. And I want to design a neural network,\nwhich will give me the function of an AND\ngate, that means output should be equal to\n1, only when both the feature vectors, both\nthe feature components are equal to 1 and\noutput should be 0, if any or both of the\ninput feature components are equal to 0, okay.\nSo, if I plot it in the form of a graph something\nlike this. This is my x 1 dimension, this\nis my x 2 dimension and this is the origin,\nokay. So, for 0 0 I take 0 some over here,\nthis is 0 and somewhat here it is 1, okay.\nSo, if x1 is 0 and x 2 is 0, so the output\nshould be equal to 0, okay, if x 1 is 0 x\n2 is 1, then also output should be equal to\n0, okay, if x 1 is 1 x 2 is 0 then also output\nshould be equal to 0, if x 1 and x 2 both\nof them are 1 then output should be equal\nto 1, okay. Something like this, is it okay?\nSo, you find that given this sort of the outputs,\nI can define a boundary line somewhere over\nhere, okay. So, this is my classifier, right?\nAnd given the sort of classifier, you find\nthat I can have a single layer, single output\nneural network, which will give me this sort\nof decision boundary. And one of the possible\nneural networks that can give me the sort\nboundaries is like this. I will have three\ninputs, okay and one output, so one of these\nthree inputs will have input is equal to 1\nand the other inputs will have my feature\ncomponents x 1 and x 2. Right? The connection\nweights can be something like this, I put\nminus 1.5 here, 1 here and 1 here and this\nis my output y. Right? So, find that this\ny actually, gives me the equation of the straight\nline which is nothing but x 1 plus x 2 minus\n1.5. Right? So, here find that if any of the\ncomponents or both of the components are 0,\noutput is minus 1.5. If any of the components\nis 0 the other one is 1, then the output is\nminus 0.5. Now, in all three cases output\nis less than 0, whereas if both this component\nare 1 then output is 0.5 which is greater\nthan 0, okay. So, whenever this y is less\nthan 0, I can set output to be equal to 1,\nwhenever y less than 0, I can set output to\nbe equal to 0, whenever y greater than 0,\nI can set output is equal to one. So, this\nsimple neural network can perform the function\nof an AND gate.\nSimilarly, if I take another example that\nis an OR gate. In case of an OR gate, the\nsimilar plots should be something like this,\nthat is this is x 1, this is x 2. I put 0\nhere, 0 here, 1 somewhere over here, 1 somewhere\nover here. So, in case of OR gate, you find\nthat only when both the inputs are 0, the\noutput is 0; if any of the input is 1 or both\nthe inputs are 1, in that case output is 1.\nSo, I have 1 here and 1 here and I will have\none here. Again in this case, I can define\na straight line, which will separate between\nthese 2 regions, okay. And again a simple\nneural network like this with three input\nlayer nodes and one output layer node, where\nthis y again gives me linear equation, which\nis nothing but x 1 plus x 2 minus 0.5, okay.\nSo, here you find that both x 1 and x 2 both\nof them are 0, the output is minus 5 which\nis less than 0. In all other cases if any\nor both of them becomes 1, the output becomes\ngreater than 0, okay. So, following the same\nlogic if the output is greater than 0, I put\nit to 1, if the output is greater than 0,\nI put it to 0. Then you find that this particular\nneural network will give me an\nOR function, okay. Now, if I take another\ngate of similar nature that is X-OR gate.\nIn case of X-OR gate, if I plot similar functions\nx 1 x 2, I put 0 here, 0 here, 1 here and\nsay 1 here. In case of X-OR gate if the inputs\nare 0 0, the output is 0, if the inputs are\n1 1 then also output is 0, if the inputs are\n0 1 or 1 0 then only output is 1. So, I will\nhave a 1 here and I will have 1 here. Now,\ngiven this sort of situation, you find that\nI cannot draw a single straight line which\nwill separate this space where in one of the\nhalf space, the output 0 and the other half\nspace, the output is 1. Effectively, what\nI need is I have to define two straight lines\nhere, okay so that I can put the 0 output\nin one region and the output 1 to be in another\nregion. So, this is very simple example and\nI cannot have the equation of a single straight\nline, which can divide this space into such\na sort of region, okay. So, naturally of single\nlayer neural network cannot give me a solution\nfor a simple problem something like this,\nwhere the region cannot be divided into 2\nhalf spaces using linear equation. So, exactly\nfor this kind of situation where the region\nis not linearly separable, I have to go for\nmultilayer neural network, the single neural\nnetwork does not work in these type of cases,\nokay. So, I had to have multiple layer neural\nnetwork where one of the layer is obviously\nthe input layer, which we do not consider\nin deciding the number of layers and the other\nlayer is the output layer. In case of single\nlayer, we have the output layer, okay and\nin between I have to have a number of hidden\nlayers okay. And it is observed that if you\nhave 2 hidden layers, 1 or 2 hidden layers,\ntwo at the most that is sufficient for most\nof the practical problems. So you should go\nfor multilayer neural network with one output\nlayer and 2 hidden layers or if the problem\nis simpler, we can have one output layer and\none hidden layer. The number of nodes in the\ninput layer will be same as the dimensionality\nof the feature vector plus 1, the number of\nnodes in the output layer will be same as\nthe number of classes, for which we are designing\nthe classifier. And the number of nodes in\nthe hidden layers those are actually variable,\nokay. And so far there is no formal way in\nwhich you can decide that how many number\nof nodes in the hidden layer, which we have\nto have that type of problem. So, it depends\nupon how complex the decision boundaries are\namong the different classes, okay. So, in\ncase of this multilayer neural network, this\nis also called multilayer perceptron or MLP,\nokay. This is multilayer perceptron, okay,\nwe have obviously one layer which is input\nlayer, we have one layer which is the output\nlayer and we have either 1 or 2 hidden layers\nlike this, okay. So, this is my input layer,\nthis is the output layer and these 2 are the\nhidden layers, okay. So, as before the outputs\nfrom the k th layer goes to the inputs of\nthe k plus first layer, okay. And every neuron,\noutput of every neuron in the k th layer is\nconnected to the input of every neuron layer\nin the k plus first layer, okay, so I have\nputt it like this. So, similarly over here,\nso all of them are connected, okay. Similarly,\nhere \nand finally, you get the output from the output\nlayer nodes. Is that okay? So, when I consider\nany layer say k th layer. Now,\nfind that the number of weight vectors that\nwe have is much more than the number of weight\nvectors that we had in earlier cases, because\nfrom the nodes of every layer to the nodes\nof the upper layer I have set of weight vectors.\nAnd the number of weight vectors or the sets\nof weight vectors that we have depends upon\nhow many layers you have in this neural network,\nokay. So, if I consider say node, and not\nonly that each of the nodes, in all the layers\nexcept the input layer gives a non-linear\nfunction, employs a non-linear function, which\nearlier case we said that this nonlinearity\nwas hard non-linearity or threshold non linearity.\nThat is, over there are non-linear function\nin this cases was something like this. The\nnon-linear function that we had was of this\nform that is, if y is less than 0 then output\nis 0, if y is greater than 0 then output is\n1, okay. So, this is my zero line and this\nis y and this is the output. So this was also\na non-linear function, but this nonlinearity\nwas harder nonlinearity, okay. Whereas in\ncase of multilayer neural network, the nonlinearity\nwhich is used is not a hard non-linearity,\nbut it is a sort of\nsigmoidal function, okay. And the sigmoid\nfunction is given by this expression, say\nif s is a argument, then r is which is a sigmoid\nfunction is 1 upon 1 plus e to the power minus\ns, okay. And if you plot this R s verses s,\nthis is the s and this is R s, okay, the plot\nwill be like this. Where you find that when\ns tends to minus infinity, R s tends to be\n0 because as s tends minus infinity, this\ne to the power minus s that tends to be infinity.\nSo, 1 upon this term tends to be 0. Similarly,\nas s tends to plus infinity, then this R s\ntends to be equal to 1, okay. So, I have the\noutput function which is limited between 0\nand 1, as s tends minus infinity R s tends\nto be 0, as s tends to plus infinity R s tends\nto be 1 and at s is equal to 0, the value\nof R s is equal to half. So, it is a symmetrical\nnon-linear function around the values s is\nequal to 0. The advantage that we get by using\nthis type of nonlinearity are that, this function\nis differentiable. In case of hard nonlinearity\nbecause I have a discontinuity at s is equal\nto 0, it is not differentiable. Whereas this\nfunction is a continuous function, it is differentiable\nand not only that, if I take the differentiation\nof R s del R s del s, that gives us a very\nsimple form, this is nothing but R s into\n1 minus R s. If you differentiate this R s\nwith respect s you will get this sort of differential\noutput, right?\nSo, here I assume that in this multilayer\nneural network, I have total capital K plus\n1 number of layers. One of them is input layer\nand I have capital K number of layers including\nthe hidden layers and the output layers. So,\nthe total number of layers is capital K plus\n1. And when you say, we say that it is K layer\nMLP, where k indicates the number of layers\nexcluding the input layer, okay. Now, given\nthis sort of situation, I have to when I talk\nabout the input to a particular node or when\nI talk about output to a particular node,\nI also have to identify that which layer it\nis. So, I have to identify which layer and\nat the same time, which neuron in that particular\nlayer, okay. So, if I say the output of the\nK th layer neuron or say the i th node in\nthe k th layer neuron.\nThen that will be represented by x i k, okay,\nthis is output of i th neuron in k th layer.\nLet me put it as lower case k, so it is a\nvariable. So, we have said that capital K\nis number of layers. So, x i k as K superscript\nand i subscript, this represents output of\ni th neuron in the k th layer. And obviously\nthis output is feed as an input to a node\nin the k plus first layer, okay. So, when\nI talk about the output of the k plus first\nlayer or the output of the j th neuron in\nthe k plus first layer, that I can write as\nx j k plus 1. This is output of the j th neuron\nin the k plus first layer, which gets input\nthis sort of input for different values of\ni, okay. So, this I can write as W i j because\nfrom every i th node in the k th layer, from\nevery i th node in the k th layer, this j\nnode in the k plus first layer gets input.\nSo, the W i j and between which 2 layers so\nI write it as k plus 1 indicating that it\nis the connection weight between the k layer\nneuron and the k plus first layer neuron.\nSo, this is W i j and between which two layers\nso I write it as k plus 1 indicating that\nit is the connection weight between the k\nlayer neuron and the k plus first neuron.\nSo W i j k plus one into x i k, that is output\nof i th node in the k th layer neuron, Take\nthe summation of this, for i varying from\n0 to let us put it is as M k indicating, I\nhave M k number of nodes in the k th layer.\nAnd i is equal to 0 indicates that, if I want\nto incorporate any bias in the k th layer\nalso, I can have bias only in the input layer,\nI can also have bias in every layer as well.\nSo, M k is the number of nodes in the input\nlayer and plus 1, okay, so the total number\nof nodes in the input layer is M k plus 1.\nSo, I set i is equal to 0 to M k and on top\nof this, I have to have this non-linearity,\nokay.\nSo, the whole thing will be a non-linear function\nof this, so R of this, okay. So, output of\nthe j th neuron in the k plus first layer\nis the weighted sum or non-linear function\nof the weighted sum of outputs of all the\nneurons in the k th layer where, this weight\nis given by the corresponding connection weight\nWi j k plus 1, okay. And this is valid for\nall the hidden layer nodes and the output\nlayer nodes. So, every node in every layer\ngets outputs from the nodes in the previous\nlayer, except the input layer node. To the\ninput layer node, we directly feed the inputs\nand the output of the output layer nodes,\nthat we get directly as outputs that is not\nfed to the neurons of any other layers, okay.\nSo, given this sort of formulation, or this\nsort of architecture of the multilayer neural\nnetwork, here again I have to find out what\nwill be my training procedure, okay. So, to\ndo the training procedure, I follow the similar\ntype of approach that is the gradient descent\napproach. So, for that I have to find out\nwhat is the error I get at the outputs of\nevery layer, okay. So, finally, when I am\nsaying that capital K indicates my output\nlayer. Let us see that what is the error at\nthe output layer. This function R, every neuron\nexcept the input layer, in input layer it\nis unity. Just linear in an input, whatever\nis the input, to pass it to output, but in\nall other layers this nonlinearity is present,\nokay. Which in case of single neuron, we said\nthat this nonlinearity is present only in\nthe output layer nodes not in the input layers\nnode and there we have considered the nonlinearity\nto be hard threshold d, okay.\nHere we are considering this nonlinearity\nto be a sigmoidal function, it is not a hard\nthreshold. There is reason for it. No, that\nis what I am saying, we will come to realize\nthat, why this nonlinearity we are putting.\nWe can do, we can do it definitely because\nthat is also linear, but the problem was there\nis if you do not put any such limit, then\nyour network may have become saturated. So,\nthat is why you put the limit at every neuron,\nokay. And we are not putting the hard threshold,\nbut we are putting this continuous non-linearity,\nthat is will be obviously we talked about\nthe training algorithms, okay. Sir, number\nof nodes in hidden layer that may vary layers\nto layers? May vary from layer to layer On\nwhat factors it may vary? That is what I said,\nthere is no analytical approach to find out\nwhat is how many number of layers you need\nor the how many nodes in every hidden layers\nyou need, there is no such analytical factors.\nIf we increase the numbers means the quality\nof output, Up to some level the quality of\noutput will increases beyond that the quality\nmay even fall This nonlinear function is different\nfor different layers. It can be different\nfor different layers or it can be same as\nwell. The usual practices you use the same\nnon-linear function, okay. What is needed\nis in each of this layers the nonlinearity\nthat you introduced, the nonlinearity should\nbe a continuous function or it should be a\nderivable function or it should be able to\nfind its derivatives, its derivatives should\nexists, that is the constraint. Why as I said\nthat will be clear, when I talk about the\ntraining algorithms. Why we want that this\nfunction should be differentiable function?\nSo, what is the error, let us assume that\nin k th layer, okay, as before the sum of\nsquared error E will define as half of say\nx j k, okay, that is the output that you get\nfrom the j th neuron in the k th layer minus\nthe d j. Let us put k here also, that is the\ntarget output, square of this. Take the summation\nfor j varying from 0 to M k, okay, where this\nis the number of nodes in the k th layer,\nokay. Now, what is this x j k, this x j k\nis of this form, okay. Here in place of k\nplus one, you\nwould just take k and accordingly modify this\nexpression. So, that is what is x i j, that\nis what I get from the j th neuron in the\nk th layer. So, to apply my training algorithm\nfollowing the gradient descent procedure I\nhave to take the derivative of this with respect\nto W i j k, okay. So, what to find out is,\nI have to take del E del W i j k, okay, what\nwill be this? Again following the similar\nderivative approach, this will be simply x\nj k minus d j k into del of x j k upon del\nof w i j k. Now, here we find that, why I\nam putting this del of x j k del of W i j\nk, which I did not put because of single layer.\nThe reason is this x j k is again a weighted\nsum of the output from the neurons from k\nminus first layer, okay. And outputs of the\nk minus first player are actually weighted\nby the corresponding W i j k. So, I have to\ndo this and not only that this x j k is now\non non-linear function of the weighted sum\nof the outputs of the k plus first layer neurons,\nokay. So, when I take this gradient, this\ngradient has to take care of the nonlinearity\nas well, right? So, when I compute this, as\nI said earlier that the nonlinearity that\nI have is of this form R s is equal to 1 upon\n1 plus E to the power of minus s. And if I\ntake the derivative of this with respect to\nthe W s, the derivative is like this. So,\nif I concentrate on this term that is del\nof x j k upon del of W i j k so this will\nbe nothing but del w i j k of the non-linearity\nR of W i j k, x i k minus one, okay. Where\nthis summation will be for i is equal to 0\nto M k minus 1. Is that okay? So, if I take\nthis directive you will find that, this will\nbe nothing but x j k into 1 minus x j k, coming\nfrom this particular expression n times x\ni k minus 1. Is that okay? So, if I put this\nin this expression.\nWhat I get is del E del W i j k, that will\nbe simply x j k minus d j k into x j k into\n1 minus x j into x i k minus 1, okay. So,\nthis will be the derivative of the error with\nrespect to W i j k. So, naturally when I go\nfor the iterative training algorithm, I have\nto use this derivative for updation of the\nweight vectors and this is has to done from\nlayer to layer, okay. And in case of single\nlayer output, it was only one layer now I\nhave multilayer perceptron so this weight\nupdation has to be done from layer to layer,\nokay. So, let us stop here today, we will\ncontinue it in the next class. Thank you.\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "Perché è giusto andare a \ncinema e divertirsi con \nla violenza.\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "[music]\n>> Nancy Benson: Humans have been around for\na long time---about six million years, give\nor take a few. For almost all of that time,\nwe've lived in tribal societies, surrounded\nby the same family and friends our entire\nlives. We didn't have many of today's troubles.\nFor example, health issues like obesity, heart\ndisease and stroke were unheard of. But life\nwas hard. No one would argue that we were\nbetter off back then. And yet, in today's\nsociety, we’re all but strangers to one\nanother. Chronic diseases are simply part\nof life, and if we make it to old age, we\noften die alone. How much have we gained with\nmodern society, and how much have we lost?\nPulitzer prize-winning author Jared Diamond\ntakes a look in his book, The World Until\nYesterday: What Can We Learn From Traditional\nSocieties?\n>> Jared Diamond: The title “The World Until\nYesterday” is because the book is about\ntraditional small-scale tribal societies.\nSocieties of a few dozen or a few hundred\npeople rather than the United States with\nits 310 million people. All societies around\nthe world were small tribal societies until\nvery recently, like the first society with\ngovernment and lots of people wasn’t until\n5400 years ago. But humans have been around\nfor six million years so 5400 years ago, which\nsounds like a long time initially, it’s\nnothing on the time scale of human evolution.\n>> Nancy Benson: Diamond says the rise in\nhuman population is what propelled us beyond\ntribal living into our modern societies.\n>> Jared Diamond: 11,000 years ago there were\n1 million people in the whole world. Well,\ntoday there are hundreds of cities that have\none million people in them. The increase in\npopulation numbers mean that you can no longer\nreach decisions just by sitting down and talking\nabout them. That’s possible in a village\nof a few hundred people. It’s not possible\nin a country of 310 million people. We have\nto have centralized government, administrators,\nexecutives, bureaucrats, police basically,\nthen the rise in population numbers is what\ngot us beyond tribes into our modern societies.\n>> Nancy Benson: From an evolutionary standpoint,\nthe creation of modern society has come in\nthe blink of an eye. Genetically, we're still\npretty much the same as we were thousands\nof years ago. That's left us poorly equipped\nto handle some aspects of how the world has\nchanged.\n>> Jared Diamond: Particularly our modern\ndiet where were eating three square meals\na day from the supermarket and we’re eating\nless fruits and vegetables. We’re sprinkling\nsalt on our food, which very few people did\nthroughout human history. Were eating sugar.\nWe’re just eating a lot, and the result\nis our old genes make us get overweight, obese\nand then die of heart disease, diabetes and\nstroke which not a single traditional person\ndied of.\n>> Nancy Benson: Off and on throughout his\ncareer starting back in the early 1960's,\nDiamond has lived among the tribal societies\nof New Guinea. He says that 50 years ago,\nnot a single case of heart disease, stroke\nor diabetes had been recorded among natives\nthere. Unfortunately, that’s changed as\nsalt, sugar and three squares a day have been\nintroduced into the New Guinea diet. But diamond\nsays it’s possible for entire societies\nto turn unhealthy trends around. Millions\nof Americans have already done so.\n>> Jared Diamond: So I’m 75 years old, and\nI was a child in the 50’s and 40’s and\nlots of people smoked then. Well today most\nAmericans do not smoke. Smoking is a big risk\nfactor for diabetes and lung cancer and lots\nof other things. We’ve learned not to smoke.\nMany of us have learned not to sprinkle salt\non our food. Salt is the main risk factor\nfor hypertension. Well, you don’t have to\nsprinkle salt on your food, and you’re not\ngoing to end up with hypertension or stroke.\nMany of us have learned to exercise. Many\nof us have learned to eat lots of fresh fruits\nand vegetables and not to eat lots of low\nfiber food. The result is that there are a\nlot of Americans who have already reduced\ntheir risk of heart disease, diabetes and\nstroke. It’s perfectly possible.\n>> Nancy Benson: And yet Diamond says Americans\nfocus on other risks and dangers that he considers\nunrealistic.\n>> Jared Diamond: You ask an American to say\nwhat are the dangerous things in life that\nyou’re really concerned about. And the American\nis likely to tell you: terrorists, number\none, and airplane crashes and GM crops and\nDNA and chemicals and pollution.\n>> Nancy Benson: Diamond says the reality\nis that those things kill very few people.\nWe’re far more likely to slip and fall in\nthe shower, die in a car crash or from heart\ndisease caused by poor eating habits.\n>> Jared Diamond: So that’s why I say we\ndon’t think clearly about danger. We focus\non the wrong things and we fail to focus on\nthe right things.\n>> Nancy Benson: Diamond says that the misplaced\nAmerican preoccupation with risk and safety\nseeps into our child rearing practices as\nwell. He believes that most American parents\noverprotect their children, while in New Guinea...\nWell, just look in his book, and you'll see\na picture of a toddler playing with a machete.\n>> Jared Diamond: I have not seen a New Guinea\nchild cut himself with a sharp knife, but\nfriends of mine living in Native American\nsocieties then occasionally kids will cut\nthemselves with sharp knives. But usually\nthey’ll cut themselves not fatally and they\nlearn their lesson. Whereas we micro manage\nour children we don’t let our children learn\nfrom experience, but we tell our children\ndo this and don’t do that and don’t do\nthat and do this. We want our children to\nbe independent and yet we prevent them from\nbeing independent. Well my view is one has\nto draw the line somewhere. My wife and I\ndrew the line. We did not let our children\nroll into the fire, we did not let our children\nplay with sharp knives, but we let them do\nlots of things that many American parents\nwould not let their children do.\n>> Nancy Benson: For example, one of Diamond’s\nson’s fell in love with snakes at age three.\n>> Jared Diamond: I think most American parents\nwould not say “Alright, here’s a snake\nfor you.” My wife and I did say “here’s\na snake for you.” It was not a poisonous\nsnake. It was not a 15 foot python that could\nkill my son. It was a one foot corn snake.\nBut my son got a chance to indulge his interest.\nIt happened to be then in snakes. He gradually\nbuilt up to 147 pet snakes and frogs and lizards\nand salamanders and he eventually got through\nhis snake phase, developed an interest in\ngourmet cooking, and he’s now a restaurant\nchef. But both my sons grew up making their\nown choices and not being micromanaged by\nus parents.\n>> Nancy Benson: Diamond admits that in many\nrespects, there’s no question we are better\noff today than our ancestors were. We’ve\ndeveloped governments and legal systems and\npublic health and safety. But he says we’ve\ngiven up things, too, like secure, meaningful\nrelationships and lifelong close contact with\nfamily and friends. We're no longer in control\nof our own lives. And it gives Diamond pause\nwhen he thinks about our future.\n>> Jared Diamond: The real question is what’s\ngonna happen in the next 50 years because\nit’s up for grabs. If we get through the\nnext 50 years then we’ll carry on for 5400\nyears, but it’s uncertain whether were gonna\nget through the next 50 years with the increase\nin consumption of world resources. At the\nrate were going now, we’re already running\nout of resources, and it’s a matter of time\nbefore people start fighting each other in\ndead earnest for the shrinking pie of resources.\nSo either within the next 50 years, we’ve\nlearned to limit our consumption rate and\nto get along peacefully with other countries\nin the world, or we fail to learn those things\nin which case our society collapses in either\nsome slow unpleasant ways or some quick and\nvery unpleasant ways. Come back in 50 years\nand you’ll see the answer. I don’t know\nwhat it’s gonna be.\n>> Nancy Benson: You may think that wars and\noverconsumption aren't things that individuals\ncan do anything about, but Diamond says every\none of us has a role. A friendly worldview\nand a moderate diet can be a start. But as\nanyone who's quit smoking or successfully\nlost weight can attest, it's not always easy\nto turn ourselves around. You can find more\non Jared Diamond’s book, The World Until\nYesterday, through a link on our website,\nradiohealthjournal.net. You can always find\nour stories on iTunes and Stitcher. Our writer\nthis week is Polly Hansen our production director\nis Sean Waldron. I’m Nancy Benson.\n[music]\n[commercials]\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "\nBengali: \n \n \nআমার ভিডিওটি ভাল লাগলে আপনার ফেসবুকে শেয়ার করতে ভুলবেন না।এবং আমার পরবর্তী ভিডিও পেতে অবশ্যই চ্যানেলটি Subscribe করে রাখুন,ধন্যবাদ ।\n\nEnglish: \nPlease Subscribe Me\n \n \n\nEnglish: \n \nPlease Subscribe Me\n \n \n \n \nPlease Subscribe Me\n \n\nBengali: \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\nEnglish: \n \n \nPlease Subscribe Me\n \n \n \n \nPlease Subscribe Me\n \n \n \n \nPlease Subscribe Me\n \n \n \n \n\nBengali: \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \nআমার ভিডিওটি ভাল লাগলে আপনার ফেসবুকে শেয়ার করতে ভুলবেন না।এবং আমার পরবর্তী ভিডিও পেতে অবশ্যই চ্যানেলটি Subscribe করে রাখুন,ধন্যবাদ ।\n \n \n \n \n \n\nBengali: \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \nআমার ভিডিওটি ভাল লাগলে আপনার ফেসবুকে শেয়ার করতে ভুলবেন না।এবং আমার পরবর্তী ভিডিও পেতে অবশ্যই চ্যানেলটি Subscribe করে রাখুন,ধন্যবাদ ।\n \n \n \n\nEnglish: \nPlease Subscribe Me\n \n \n \nPlease Subscribe Me\n 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\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \nআমার ভিডিওটি ভাল লাগলে আপনার ফেসবুকে শেয়ার করতে ভুলবেন না।এবং আমার পরবর্তী ভিডিও পেতে অবশ্যই চ্যানেলটি Subscribe করে রাখুন,ধন্যবাদ ।\n \n \n \n \n\nEnglish: \nPlease Subscribe Me\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \nPlease Subscribe Me\n \n \n \n\nEnglish: \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \nPlease Subscribe Me\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\nBengali: \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \nআমার ভিডিওটি ভাল লাগলে আপনার ফেসবুকে শেয়ার করতে ভুলবেন না।এবং আমার পরবর্তী ভিডিও পেতে অবশ্যই চ্যানেলটি Subscribe করে রাখুন,ধন্যবাদ ।\n \n \n \n \n\nEnglish: \nPlease Subscribe Me\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\nBengali: \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \nআমার ভিডিওটি ভাল লাগলে আপনার ফেসবুকে শেয়ার করতে ভুলবেন না।এবং আমার পরবর্তী ভিডিও পেতে অবশ্যই চ্যানেলটি Subscribe করে রাখুন,ধন্যবাদ ।\n \n \n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "In this video, I would like to present two\nideas from a book I recently read.\nThese are the notions of sampling and exchangeability.\nHowever, since the book is rather technical,\nI do not really recommend reading it.\nAlong the way, we will see more general notions,\naround network analysis:\nin particular, some graph metrics, and some\nrandom graph models.\nLet us start with a few definitions.\nInformally, a graph is a set of vertices,\nand edges between those vertices.\nBut there are many variants:\nthe edges can be directed or not,\nwe can allow multiple edges or not,\nwe can allow loops or not.\nWe will stick to the simplest of those variants:\nundirected, with no loops and no multiple\nedges.\nHere is the formal definition:\na graph is a set V, whose elements we will\ncall vertices,\nand a set E, of unordered pairs of vertices,\nwhose elements we will call edges.\nThat representation, as sets, it not always\nthe most programmer-friendly one.\nAlternatively, we can represent a graph as\nan adjacency matrix,\na binary matrix, with one row per vertex,\nand also one column per vertex,\nwith \"ones\" whenever two vertices are connected\nby an edge.\nThere is one last problem, however -- a more\ninsidious one.\nThe word \"graph\" is used for three different\nnotions.\nFirst, a graph can be a set of vertices and\nedges, as we have just defined.\nThis is what \"graph theory\" studies.\nSecond, a graph can be a \"random graph\", i.e.,\na random variable, whose values are graphs.\nWe can then do statistics on this random variable,\nand compute, for instance,\nthe average number of edges, or look at the\ndistribution of the degrees of the nodes.\nOften, the set of vertices will be constant.\nThird, a graph can be a sequence of random\ngraphs, whose number of vertices tends to\ninfinity.\nWe can then study, for instance, the asymptotic\nproperties of those sequences.\nIt is not always clear which of those three\ndefinitions is used:\nif a statement does not make sense,\nthe author may be using a notion different\nfrom the one you assume.\nGraphs are everywhere.\nI will not detail those examples, but just\nlist them: you can google them yourself if\nyou want more.\nThere are physical networks, such as the road\nnetwork, the electricity grid, oil pipelines,\nand telecommunications networks.\nThere are social networks, keeping track of\nwho knows whom, or who collaborates with whom.\nThere are networks in biology, modeling interactions\nbetween genes or molecules,\nor between species (the foodweb).\nThe internet is yet another network, with\nweb pages linking one another.\nGiven a graph, we can compute a few numeric\nquantities\nthat summarize some properties of this graph.\nI call them \"graph metrics\" or \"graph features\".\nI will not give precise definitions -- we\ndo not really need them --,\nbut just list the most important of those\nfeatures.\nThe first ones are straightforward:\nthe number of vertices, which measures how\nbig the graph is,\nand the number of edges, which measures how\ndense it is.\nFor each node, we can compute its degree:\nthe number of edges connected to it.\nFor the whole graph, we can look at the \"degree\ndistribution\": how many nodes of each degree\nthere are.\nFor each pair of nodes, we can compute the\nshortest-path distance between them;\nfor the whole graph, we can look at the distribution\nof those path lengths.\nWe can also count the number of triangles\nin the graph -- the clustering coefficient.\nFinally, we can measure, in different ways,\nhow central a node it --\nthere are several such notions of node \"centrality\"\nand, as before,\nfor the whole graph, we can look at the distribution\nof centralities.\nFor real-world networks, some of those quantities\nexhibit stylized facts:\nlet us list a few of them.\nReal-world networks are scale-free,\nwhich means that their degree distribution\nis a power law:\nmost nodes have a small degree, but a few\nnodes have a very large degree.\nHere is a simulated network, and its degree\ndistribution:\nmost nodes have a degree between 1 and 5,\nand there are no outliers.\nIn contrast, this network, with approximately\nthe same number of edges,\nhas a few nodes with a very high degree.\nIn real-world networks, distances tend to\nbe short.\nThis network is a grid: the path from one\nend to the other is rather long.\nReal-world networks are closer to this one,\nwhich is the same, with a few random shortcuts\nadded.\nReal-world networks, in particular social\nnetworks, tend to have a lot of triangles:\nfriends of friends tend to be friends.\nThe examples I have shown so far had very\nfew triangles:\nfrom that point of view, this one is more\nrealistic.\nReal-world networks tend to have some structure,\noften with communities, more or less delineated,\nwith more edges inside than with the outside.\nWe now come to the first point of the book:\nsampling.\nWhen we examine a real-world network, we rarely\nhave access to the whole network, but just\nto a sample of it.\nThis is not uncommon in statistics: we often\nonly have a sample from a population,\nand we need to infer properties for the population\nfrom those of the sample.\nWhile those properties are close, they need\nnot match exactly:\nyou are undoubtedly familiar with the difference\nbetween the sample variance and the population\nvariance.\nThings are much worse with graphs: the sampled\ngraphs often look nothing like the whole graph,\nand the relation between the two vary wildly\nwith the sampling procedure.\nLet us review some of those sampling procedures.\nIn vertex sampling, we pick nodes at random,\nand look at the induced subgraph.\nAs you can see, it is much less connected\nthan the initial graph,\nand can even have many isolated nodes.\nIn edge sampling, we pick edges at random,\nand look at the corresponding subgraph.\nThis is what we get, for instance, when we\nintercept communications.\nThe problems are similar: the graph looks\nmuch less connected, much less dense than\nit actually is.\nSnowball sampling starts with a node, adds\nits neighbours, then the neighbours' neighbours,\nand so on,\nfor a few steps.\nThis gives a good idea of what the graph looks\nlike near the seed node,\nbut nodes on the boundary look much less connected\nthan they actually are.\nTo have a better idea of what the graph looks\nlike in other regions,\nwe can apply the same idea to several seed\nnodes.\nPath sampling picks two nodes at random, retrieves\nthe shortest path between them,\nand starts again with another pair.\nThis is what you get when you look at the\ninternet with the \"traceroute\" Unix command.\nI will not mention hyperedge sampling.\nTo study the properties of graphs,\nwe can first devise random graph models,\nand fine-tune the parameters of those models\nto reproduce the properties of real-world\ngraphs.\nLet us review some of those models.\nThe simplest random graph model is the Erdös-Rényi\ngraph:\nthe set of vertices is fixed, and each edge\nis present with probability p.\nWe saw this example earlier: its degree distribution\nwas not realistic -- it lacks high-degree\nnodes.\nTo remedy this, the Barabási–Albert preferential\nattachment graph adds the nodes one by one,\nand links new nodes to existing ones with\na probability proportional to their degree,\nso that high-degree nodes see their degree\nincrease faster.\nIt is closer to what we expect from real-world\ngraphs, but there are too few triangles.\nThe Watts-Strogatz model tries to remedy this\nin a rather simple way:\nit starts with a graph with lots of triangles,\nand adds or re-wires a few edges at random.\nThis is a graph with lots of triangles.\nAnd here it is with a few more edges.\nThe stochastic block model is a generalization\nof the Erdös-Rényi model.\nIn the Erdös-Rényi model, the presence or\nabsence of an edge can be seen as a Bernoulli\nrandom variable,\nalways with the same probability p.\nFor the stochastic block model, the nodes\nare partitioned into several \"communities\",\nand there is a different probability for within-community\nand between-communities edges.\nThe graphon is yet another generalization\nof the Erdös-Rényi model.\nThe Bernoulli probabilities are given by a\nfunction, ϕ, defined on the square,\nwhich can be seen as continuous analogue of\nthe matrix we just used to present the stochastic\nblock model.\nIf we want a graph with n vertices, we just\ntake n points, uniformly at random, in the\ninterval [0,1],\nand use ϕ to build the matrix of Bernoulli\nparameters.\nThe graphon can be used as a random graph,\nor as a sequence of random graphs,\nwith an increasing number of vertices.\nIn this case, we may want to adjust the probabilities\nto have the desired edge density, lest there\nbe too many edges.\nThe exponential random graph model allows\nus to specify which graph properties we expect:\nit assumes the log-probability of a graph\nis a linear combination of \"graph features\"\n--\nand you are free to choose the features you\nwant.\nI will not mention the Graphex model\nWe now come to the other idea of the book,\nthe most technical one -- that of exchangeability.\nSome of you may have seen that notion in the\ncontext of the De Finetti theorem.\nAn exchangeable sequence is a sequence of\nrandom variables whose joint distribution\nis left unchanged by finite permutations.\nFor instance, a sequence of iid random variables\nis exchangeable.\nBut exchangeable sequences are more general\nthan that.\nWe can wonder how far they are from being\niid.\nThis is what the De Finetti theorem tells\nus: they are not very far -- they are mixtures\nof iid variables.\nThis can be written more formally, but it\nmay not be that insightful -- pause the video\nif you want.\nThe notion of exchangeability can be generalized\nto graphs:\na random graph model is vertex-exchangeable\nif its distribution is invariant under permutation\nof the vertices.\nUnsurprisingly, there is a graph analogue\nof the De Finetti theorem:\na vertex-exchangeable random graph model is\na continuous mixture of graphons --\nsince graphons are just generalized Erdös-Rényi\nmodels, they are not very expressive...\nThe notion of exchangeability can be generalized,\nto relative exchangeability, by considering\nonly some permutations of the vertices\n(as in the stochastic block model),\nor to edge exchangeability -- in all cases,\nthere is a De Finetti theorem.\nThis is a rather negative result:\nmost random graph models are exchangeable,\nin some sense,\nand therefore mixtures of simplistic models\n--\nthey are unlikely to be powerful enough to\naccurately model real-world graphs.\nIn conclusion...\nThis video was supposed to be a book review,\nbut turned out to be more a presentation of\ngraph sampling procedures, and random graph\nmodels.\nThe book conveyed two ideas.\nFirst, we never observe the graph we want\nto study, but only a sample of it.\nThe properties of the sampled and the original\ngraph can be very different,\nand the relation between the two heavily depends\non the sampling procedure used.\nSecond, most graph models are exchangeable,\nbut exchangeable models are continuous mixtures\nof slight generalizations of the Erdös-Rényi\nmodel:\nthey are not expressive enough.\nOn our way, we encountered a few interesting\nideas.\nWe saw that the word \"graph\" was used to refer\nto three different notions:\neither an actual graph, a set of vertices\nand nodes,\nor a random graph, i.e., a graph-valued random\nvariable,\nor a sequence of random graphs.\nWe have reviewed the stylized facts of real-world\ngraphs:\nthey tend to be scale-free, i.e., to have\na power law degree distribution,\ntheir typical distance tends to be small,\nthey tend to have lots of triangles,\nand they often have a community structure.\nWe have listed, but not detailed, a few graph\nmetrics (or features):\nthe edge density,\nthe degree distribution,\nthe distance distribution,\nthe number of triangles,\nand measures of centrality.\nWe have introduced some commonly-used graph\nmodels, such as\nthe Erdös-Rényi model, in which edges are\nindependent, with the same probability,\nthe Barabási–Albert preferential attachment\nmodel, in which nodes are added one by one,\nand connected to existing nodes with a probability\nproportional to their degree,\nthe Watts-Strogatz model, which starts with\na grid full of triangles and adds a few random\nedges,\nthe exponential random graph model, in which\nthe log-probability of a graph is a linear\ncombination of graph features,\nthe stochastic block model, a variant of the\nErdös-Rényi model, with different probabilities\nto reveal a community structure,\nand the graphon, an infinite generalization\nof the Erdös-Rényi model.\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "Odd numbers odd numbers can't be beat\nThose five digits are so sweet\nHey odd numbers\nGo odd numbers\nThe only odd digits\nall the time\nHey odd numbers\nGo odd numbers!\nthe only odd digits - all the time\nHey odd numbers\nGo odd numbers\nodd or even, you tell me\nOdd or even try them and see\nhey odd numbers\ngo odd numbers\nodd\nodd\neven\nodd\nOdd numbers odd numbers can't be beat\nThose 5 digits are so sweet...\nHey odd numbers!\nGo odd numbers!\nThe only odd digits, all the time!\nHey odd numbers!\nGo odd numbers!\nshow me a number, that's odd on the end\nthen that number's odd my friend\nOdd or even? You tell me\nOdd or even? Try them and see\nHey odd numbers!\nGo odd numbers!\nodd\neven\nodd\neven\nOdd numbers, odd numbers can't be beat\nThose 5 digits are so sweet\nHey odd numbers\nGo odd numbers\nThe only odd digits, all the time\nHey odd numbers!\nGo odd numbers!\nOdd numbers, odd numbers make me laugh\nodd numbers never split in half\nHey odd numbers\ngo odd numbers\nodd or even? You tell me\nodd or even try them and see\nhey odd numbers\ngo odd numbers\nodd\neven\nodd\nodd\nodd numbers, odd numbers can't be beat\nthose 5 digits are so sweet\nhey odd numbers\ngo odd numbers\nthe only odd digits on the number line\nhey odd numbers\ngo odd numbers\nevery other number on the number line\nevery other digit on the number line\nthe only odd digits all the time\nhey odd numbers\ngo odd numbers\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "\niw: \n[מוזיקה]\nבאמצע המאה 19, מייקל פאראדיי העביר הרצאות לכבוד הכריסמס עבור ילדים\nבמכון המלכותי בלונדון, ואחד מהנושאים המועדפים לדבר עליו היה אש.\n[מוזיקה]\nפאראדיי התעניין במיוחד בנרות, בגלל שבתוך הלהבה העדינה שלהם,\nהם מחזיקים כמה מהשיעורים המדהימים על איך אש באמת עובדת.\nכנראה שראית איך אש מתוארת ככה בשיעורי כימיה,\nאבל נוסחה כימית לא מסבירה מה זה אש כמו שמתכון לא מסביר את טעמם של עוגיות השוקולד צ'יפס.\nהדבר הראשון בו אנו מבחינים בנוגע ללהבת נר זה שלל הצבעים שלה.\nעצמים חמים זוהרים בגלל \"קרינת גוף שחור\", אשר דיברנו עליה בסרטון שלנו על הצבעים של היקום,\nבתחתית של הנר חם יותר, לכן זה זוהר בכחול\n\nEnglish: \n[MUSIC]\nIn the mid-1800s, Michael Faraday gave a series\nof Christmas Lectures for kids at the Royal\nInstitution in London, and one of his favorite\nsubjects to talk about was fire.\n[MUSIC]\nFaraday was particularly interested in candles,\nbecause inside their delicate flames, they\nhold some amazing lessons on how fire really\nworks.\nYou might have seen fire described like this\nin chemistry class, but a chemical formula\ndoesn’t explain what fire is anymore than\na recipe explains what chocolate chip cookies\ntaste like.\nThe first thing we notice about a candle flame\nis all those colors.\nHot things glow because of black body radiation,\nwhich we talked about in our video about the\ncolor of the universe. Down at the bottom\nof the flame, it’s hotter, so it glows blue,\n\nRomanian: \n \nPe la jumătatea anului 1800, Michael Faraday a oferit copiilor serii cu lecturi de Crăciun la Instituția\nRoyal din Londra, iar unul dintre subiectele sale favorite, despre care le vorbea copiilor, era focul\n \nFaraday era in special interesat de lumânări, deoarece în interiorul flăcării lor delicate, ele\nofereau lecții grozave despre ceea ce este focul și cum funcționează acesta.\nCu siguranță că ai auzit despre formula chimică a focului la ora de chimie, dar o formulă chimică\nnu explică ce este focul mai mult decât o face o rețetă în legătură cu gustul pe care îl are\nprăjitura cu ciocolată.\nPrimul lucru pe care îl observăm la flacăra unei lumânari este multitudinea de culori.\nLucrurile fierbinți strălucesc datorită radiției corpurilor întunecate , despre care am vorbit în videoul despre\nculorile Universului. La baza flăcării este mai cald, deci culoarea acesteia este albastră\n\nSerbian: \n \nСредином 1800-их Мајкл Фарадеј одржао је серију божићних предавања за децу на Краљевском\nинституту у Лондону, а један од његових омиљених предмета разговора била је ватра.\n \nФарадеја су нарочито занимале свеће јер унутар њихових деликатних пламенова\nчувају неке невероватне лекције о томе како заиста ватра ради.\nМожда сте видели ватру описану овако на часу хемије, али хемијска формула\nне објашњава шта је ватра ништа више него што рецепт објашњава каквог су укуса\nчоколадни кексићи.\nПрва ствар коју приметимо у вези са пламеном свеће јесу све те боје.\nВруће ствари сијају због радијације црног тела, о којој смо говорили у нашем видео-снимку о\nбоји свемира. Доле у подножју пламена је врелије, тако да сија плаво,\n\nChinese: \n[音樂]\n在十九世紀中葉,麥可.法拉第在倫敦的皇家研究所\n為孩童舉辦了一系列的聖誕講座,\n其中他最喜歡談論的主題是火。\n[音樂]\n法拉第對蠟燭特別感興趣,因為在那優雅的焰光中,\n藏有著一些關於火的神奇課題。\n你可能在化學課看過火像這樣被描述,\n但是以一個化學式\n去解釋火就跟以一道食譜去解釋\n巧克力餅乾的味道無異。\n去解釋火就跟以一道食譜去解釋\n巧克力餅乾的味道無異。\n我們觀察燭焰所注意到的第一件事,便是它們的顏色。\n由於黑體輻射的關係,灼熱的物體會發光,\n這在我們以前的影片中\n講宇宙的顏色時談過。\n火焰的底部(外側)溫度較高,所以有著藍色的光芒。\n\nArabic: \n \nفي منتصف عقد ١٨٠٠، قدم مايكل فاراداي سلسلة\nمن محاضرات عيد الميلاد للأطفال\nفي الجمعية الملكية في لندن\nوكان من أحد مواضيعه المفضلة للحديث عنها هي:\nالنار\n \nكان فاراداي مهتماً بشكل خاص في الشموع،\nلأن داخل لهيبهم الرقيق\nيحملون بعض الدروس المذهلة حول كيفية عمل النار\nربما قد رأيت النار توصف بهذا الشكل \nفي صف الكيمياء\nولكن الصيغة الكيميائية لا تفسر ما هي النار\nمثلما لا تستطيع الوصفة أن تفسر ما هو طعم الكوكيز برقائق الشوكولاتة.\nأول شيء نلاحظه حول لهب الشمعة\nهي كل تلك الألوان.\nتتوهج الأشياء الساخنة بسبب إشعاع الجسم الأسود\nوهو ما تحدثنا عنه في الفيديو عن لون الكون.\nفي أسفل اللهب، تكون أكثر سخونة، لذلك فإنها تضيء بالأزرق\n\nSpanish: \n(Música)\nA mediados de 1800, Michael Faraday dio una serie de lecciones de Navidad para niños en el Real\nInstitution en Londres. y uno de sus tópicos favoritos era el fuego.\n(música)\nFaraday estaba particularmente interesado en velas, debido a que dentro de sus delicadas flamas, ellas\ncontenían algunas asombrosas lecciones en como el fuego realmente funciona.\nPuedes haber visto al fuego ser descrito así en clase de química, pero la fórmula química\nno explica que es el fuego de la misma forma que una receta explica a que saben las galletas\nde chispas de chocolate\nLa primera cosa que notamos sobre la flama de una vela son todos esos colores.\nLos objetos calientes brillan debido a la radiación de cuerpo negro, de los cuales hablamos en el video sobre\nel color del universo. Hacia el fondo de la llama, es más caliente, así que brilla de azul,\n\nKorean: \n1800년대 중반\n런던에 위치한 영국 왕립 과학 연구소에서\n마이클 패러데이는 \n아이들을 위한 크리스마스 강의를 진행했습니다.\n그중에서 그가 가장 좋아했던 주제는\n바로 '불' 이었죠.\n패러데이는 특히 양초에 관심을 가졌습니다.\n왜냐하면 양초의 우아한 불꽃속에\n불이 어떤 식으로 작용하는지에 대한\n놀라운 비밀이 숨어있었기 때문입니다.\n여러분은 화학 시간에 \n불을 이런 식으로 나타낸 걸 보셨을 겁니다.\n하지만 이런 화학식은 \n불이 무엇인지 설명해주지 못합니다.\n초코칩 쿠키 레시피가 \n쿠키맛을 설명할 수 없는 것 처럼요.\n양초의 불꽃에서 가장 처음 보게 되는 것은\n불꽃의 색깔 입니다.\n뜨거운 것이 빛나는 이유는 '흑체 복사' 때문입니다.\n '우주의 색깔' 영상에서 다뤘었죠.\n불꽃의 밑 부분은 매우 뜨겁습니다. \n그래서 파란색으로 빛나죠.\n\nSerbian: \nа у средини је хладније, тако да сија жућкасто-наранџасткасто.\nУнутар тог пламена може бити на стотине хемијских реакција.\nКисеоник у ваздуху и угљеник и водоник у свећи не раде ништа\nсами. Потребно је мало топлоте споља да се ствари покрену. Чврсто гориво врелина претвара у пару\nи кида на мање комаде.\nОво се зове пиролиза и без ње не можете\nимати пламен.\nПокаткад можете видети тамну купу око фитиља где нема ватре, где испарени\nвосак клизи са свеће али још увек није почео да сагорева.\nУгљоводоници и кисеоник се међусобно сударају у ваздуху и њихови атоми почињу да се преуређују.\nПонекад електрони у тим атомима уђу у побуђено стање, а када се поново\nврате одају светло. Зато подножје пламена сија плаво.\nНе претвори се сав угљеник у свећи у ЦО2, тако да се преостали угљеникови атоми сакупе\nи обликују мајушне честице чађи које се загревају и сијају наранџасто и жуто као усијано\nугљевље под роштиљем. Ова сијајућа чађ се налази тамо одакле долази највећи део светлости свеће.\n\nRomanian: \nși la mijloc este mai rece, deci flacăra strălucește în culori de galben-portocaliu.\nÎn interiorul flăcării au loc chiar sute de reacții chimice.\nOxigenul din aer, carbonul și hidrogenul nu fac nimic pe cont\npropriu. Ele iau puțină căldură din exterior ca să înceapă procesul arderii. Combustibilul solid este vaporizat de\ncăldură și ”rupt” în bucățele. Acest proces se numește piroliză și fără ea\nnu poți avea o flacără.\nCâteodată poți vedea un fus întunecat în jurul fitilului, în porțiunea care nu arde, unde ceara\nvaporizată se dezlipește de lumânare, dar care nu arde încă.\nHidrocarbonii și oxigenul fierbinte ”sar” unul în celălalt și atomii lor încep să se rearanjeze.\nCâteodată electronii din acești atomi intră intr-o stare de agitație și când se întorc înapoi\njos, ei emit lumină.Din această cauză, baza flăcării este albastră\nNu toți atomii de carbon din flacără se transformă în dioxid de carbon, deci, atomii de carbon neconsumat se strâng împreună\nși formează particule mici de funingine, care încălzesc și luminează în culori de portocaliu si galben ca și\ncărbunii de sub un grătar. Această funingine strălucitoare face ca flacăra să lumineze.\n\nArabic: \nوفي المنتصف تكون أكثر برودة، لذلك فإنها تضيء\nبالأصفر البرتقالي المتدرج\nداخل ذلك اللهب، يمكن أن يكون هناك مئات\nمن التفاعلات الكيميائية التي تحدث\nالأكسجين في الهواء والكربون والهيدروجين\nفي الشمعة لا تفعل أي شيء من تلقاء نفسها\nإنها تأخذ القليل من الحرارة الخارجية لتبدأ الأمور.\nيتبخر الوقود الصلب من الحرارة ويتمزق إلى قطع أصغر.\nهذا يسمى الانحلال الحراري\nولا يمكن أن يكون هناك لهب بدونه\nيمكنك أن ترى في بعض الأحيان مخروط داكن حول\nالفتيل حيث لا يوجد حريق\nوحيث ينفصل الشمع المتبخر عن الشمعة، لكن لم يبدأ بالاحتراق بعد\nتصطدم الهيدروكربونات والأكسجين في الهواء في بعضها البعض وتبدأ ذراتهم في إعادة ترتيب\nأحيانًا تكون الإلكترونات في تلك الذرات في\nحالة مثارة\nوعندما يعودون إلى الأسفل مرة أخرى تعطي ضوءًا، لهذا السبب الجزء السفلي من اللهب يضيء باللون الأزرق.\nلا تتحول جميع الكربونات في الشمعة إلى ثاني أكسيد الكربون.\n لذلك، تلتقي ذرات الكربون المتبقية\nوتشكل جزيئات صغيرة جدًا من السخام، التي تسخن وتتوهج باللون البرتقالي والأصفر\nمثل الجمر الساخن تحت الشواية.\nهذا السخام المتوهج \nحيث يأتي معظم ضوء الشمعة منه\n\nSpanish: \ny en el medio es más frío, por lo que brilla amarillo-anaranjado.\nDentro de esa llama, puede haber cientos de reacciones química llevándose a cabo.\nEl oxígeno en el aire y el carbono y el hidrógeno en la vela no hacen nada por sí\nmismos. Toma un poco de calor externo para que las cosas comiencen. El combustible sólido es vaporizado por\nel calor y cortado en pequeños trozos. Esto es llamado pirolisis y no puedes hacer\nuna flama sin ello.\nA veces puedes ver un cono oscuro alrededor de la mecha donde no hay fuego, donde la cera\nvaporizada está brotando de la vela, pero no ha empezado a arder aún.\nLos hidrocarbonos y el oxígeno caliente en el aire chocan entre sí y sus átomos empiezan a reorganizarse.\nA veces los electrones en esos átomos entran en el estado excitado y cuando vuelven\nhacia abajo de nuevo generan luz. Eso por ello que el fondo de la flama brilla de azul.\nNo todo el carbono en la vela se convierte a CO2, así que el resto de los átomos de C se reunen\ny forman pequeñas partículas de hollín, que se calientan y brillan de naranja y amarillo como carbón\ncaliente bajo una parrilla. La mayoría de la luz de una vela proviene de este hollín resplandeciente.\n\niw: \nבאמצע קר יותר, לכן הוא זוהר בגוון כתום-צהוב.\nבתוך הלהבה יכולות להתבצע מאות תגובות כימיות.\nהחמצן באוויר והפחמן והמימן בנר לא עושים שום דבר בעצמם.\nנדרש מעט חום חיצוני על מנת להתחיל דברים. דלק מוצק מתאדה על ידי\nהחום ומתפרק לחתיכות קטנות. התהליך הזה נקרא \"פירוליזה\", ואי אפשר שתהיה להבה בלעדיה.\nאתה לפעמים יכול לראות קונוס שחור מסביב לפתיל היכן שאין אש, איפה שאדי השעווה\nיוצאים מהנר, אך עדיין לא נשרפים.\nהפחמימנים החמים והחמצן באוויר מתנגשים אחד בשני והאטומים שלהם מתחילים להסתדר מחדש.\nלפעמים אלקטרונים באטומים האלה מגיעים למצב מעורער, וכאשר הם חוזרים\nחזרה למצב יציב הם פולטים אור, זו הסיבה למה התחתית של הלהבה זוהרת באור כחול.\nלא כל הפחמן בנר מומר לפחמן דו חמצני, אז אטומי הפחמן שנשארו מתחברים ביחד\nויוצרים חלקיקים קטנים של פיח, אשר מתחמם וזוהר בכתום וצהוב כמו פחמים חמים בגריל.\nהפיח החם והזוהר הזה מהווה את החלק העיקרי של אור הנר.\n\nKorean: \n중간 부분은 조금 덜 뜨겁습니다.\n그래서 노란색 혹은 오렌지 색으로 빛납니다.\n불꽃 안에서는 수 많은 화학 반응이 일어나고 있습니다.\n공기 중에 있는 '산소'와 양초 속에 있는 '수소'와 '탄소'는\n자기들끼리는 아무것도 하지 않습니다. \n외부에서 조그마한 열이 가해지면 반응을 시작하죠.\n고체 연료는 열로 인해 기화하면서\n조그마한 조각으로 쪼개집니다.\n이걸 '열분해' 라고 합니다.\n'열분해'가 없으면 불꽃도 없죠.\n여러분은 심지 주변에 불이 없는 \n어두운 고깔 모양을 보셨을 겁니다.\n그건 양초에서 초가 기화했지만\n 아직 타지 않았기 때문입니다.\n양초의 '탄화수소'와 공기 중의 '산소'가 서로 부딪히면서 \n원자의 재구성이 일어납니다.\n가끔 이런 원자들 속의 전자가 '들뜬 상태'로 들어가는데\n'들뜬 상태'에서 '바닥 상태'로 돌아오면서\n빛을 제공합니다.\n불꽃의 가장 아래 부분이 파란색을 띄는게\n바로 이 때문이죠.\n양초에 있는 모든 '탄소'가 '이산화탄소'로\n변하진 않습니다.\n남은 '탄소'들은 서로 모여 조그마한 검댕이 됩니다.\n그릴 아래에 있는 석탄처럼 \n뜨겁게 달궈져 오렌지 색으로 빛나게 됩니다.\n이 빛나는 검댕이 양초의 대부분의 빛을 만듭니다.\n\nEnglish: \nand in the middle it’s cooler, so it glows\nyellowish-orangish.\nInside of that flame, there can be hundreds\nof chemical reactions taking place.\nThe oxygen in the air and the carbon and hydrogen\nin the candle don’t do anything on their\nown. It takes a little outside heat to get\nthings started. Solid fuel is vaporized by\nthe heat and ripped into smaller chunks. This\nis called pyrolysis, and you can’t have\na flame without it.\nYou can sometimes see a dark cone around the\nwick where there’s no fire, where vaporized\nwax is coming off the candle, but hasn’t\nstarted to burn yet.\nThe hydrocarbons hot oxygen in the air slam\ninto each other and their atoms begin to rearrange.\nSometimes electrons in those atoms get into\nan excited state, and when they come back\ndown again they give off light. That’s why\nthe bottom of the flame glows blue.\nNot all the carbon in the candle gets converted\nto CO2, so leftover carbon atoms come together\nand form tiny particles of soot, which heat\nup and glow orange and yellow like the hot\ncoals under a grill. This glowing soot is\nwhere most of a candle’s light comes from.\n\nChinese: \n而它在中段的溫度低了點,所以發出的光帶著橘黃色。\n在一苗火焰中,可能有上百種化學反應正在進行。\n空氣中的氧氣跟蠟燭中的碳和氫不會自行發生作用。\n它們需要一點外來的熱來激發這些程序。\n固體燃料在高溫下揮發\n並分裂成其他比較小的物質。\n這稱為裂解,是產生火焰的\n必要程序。\n你有時候可以在燭芯周圍看到一個暗暗的錐形,\n那邊沒有火,而是汽化的\n蠟從蠟燭裡跑出來的地方,不過它還沒開始燃燒。\n這些碳氫化合物跟熱氧氣撞成一塊,\n然後它們的原子開始重新組合。\n有時原子當中的電子被激發,而當它們回到\n基態時,便發出了光。\n這就是為什麼火焰底部發藍色光。\n不是所有蠟燭裡的碳都會變成二氧化碳,\n而殘餘的碳原子會聚在一起\n形成細小的煤煙粒子,\n它們加熱後便產生橘黃色的光芒,\n就像烤爐中的熱炭。\n蠟燭的光主要便來自這些發光的煤煙。\n\nRomanian: \nEventual, la vârful flăcării, toată funinginea a fost arsă și mai rămâne\ndoar dioxid de carbon și apă care plutește în aer poți investiga\ndiferite părți ale unei flăcări pentru tine doar cu o bucată de metal rece.\nAici sus, vapori de apă. În partea galbenă a flăcării, funingine. Jos, chiar lângă\nfitil, am putea recupera ceară nearsă.\nFlăcările arată chiar interesant. Sunt aproape hipnotizante...\nScuze, despre ce vorbeam? Oh, da, despre formă\nGravitatea atrage aerul mai rece și dens jos și face ca aerul cald să se ridice și această flotabilitate (stare de plutire) este cea care oferă\nflăcării forma ei bine-cunoscută. Dar dacă aprinzi o flacără în zero-g, ca în stația spațială,\naceasta va arăta foarte diferit.\nToate reacțiile chimice și cuantice ce fac o flacără să strălucească pot să se producă numai unde\n\nSpanish: \nEventualmente, en la punta de la llama, todo el hollín se ha quemado y nos quedamos solo\ncon dióxido de carbono y agua flotando en el aire. Puedes investigar todas las\ndiferentes partes de una flama por ti mismo solo con una pieza fría de metal\nAquí arriba, el vapor de agua. En la parte amarilla de la llama, hollín. Y justo abajo cerca a la\nmecha, incluso podemos recuperar cera no quemada.\nLas llamas se ven realmente geniales. Son casi hipnóticas...\nPerdón, ¿de qué estaba hablando? Oh, cierto, formas.\nLa gravedad jala el frío y denso aire abajo y levanta el aire caliente y este impulso es lo que da a las\nllamas esa forma familiar. Pero si enciendes una llama en gravedad cero, como en la estación espacial,\nse verá muy diferente.\nToda las reacciones químicas y cuánticas que hace una flama brillar solo pueden ocurrir donde\n\niw: \nלבסוף, בקצה של הלהבה, כל הפיח נשרף, ואנחנו נשארים רק עם\nפחמן דו חמצני ומים שמרחפים לתוך האוויר.\nאתה יכול לבחון את החלקים השונים של הלהבה בעצמך בעזרת חתיכת מתכת קרה.\nכאן למעלה, אדי מים. בחלק הצהוב של הלהבה, פיח. ולמטה, ממש ליד הפתיל,\nאנחנו יכולים לראות שעווה שלא נשרפה.\nלהבות נראות ממש מגניב, הם כמעט היפנוטיות...\nסליחה, על מה דיברתי? אה נכון, צורה.\nגרביטציה מושכת למטה אוויר קר וגורמת לאוויר חם לעלות, וזה מה שנותן\nללהבה את הצורה המוכרת שלה. אבל אם אתה תדליק להבה באפס ג'י, כמו בתחנת חלל\nזה יראה אחרת.\nכל התגובות הכימיות והקוונטיות אשר גורמות ללהבה לזהור יכולות לקרות איפה שהן פוגשות אוויר\n\nSerbian: \nНа крају, на врху пламена, сва чађ сагори и остаје нам\nсамо угљен-диоксид и вода која одлебди у ваздух. Можете истражити све\nразличите делове пламена сами само са хладним комадом метала.\nОвде горе проналазимо водену пару. У жутом делу пламена чађ. А доле одмах до\nфитиља можемо чак повратити неизгорели восак.\nПламенови изгледају стварно страва. Готово да су хипнотишући...\nОпростите, о чему сам говорио? А да, облику.\nТежа вуче хладан, гушћи ваздух доле и чини да се врућ ваздух диже, а тај потисак је то што даје\nпламеновима њихов познат облик. Али ако упалите пламен у бестежинском стању, рецимо у свемирској станици,\nизгледаће веома другачије.\nСве хемијске и квантне реакције које чине да пламен сија могу се одвијати само тамо где\n\nArabic: \nفي نهاية المطاف، وفي طرف اللهب، يُحرِق جميع السخام بعيدًا\nوما يتبقى لنا إلا ثاني أكسيد الكربون والماء يطفوان في الهواء.\nيمكنك فحص كل الأجزاء المختلفة من اللهب لنفسك بمجرد قطعة من المعدن البارد\nمن فوق نجد بخار الماء.\nفي الجزء الأصفر من اللهب نجد السخام.\nوفي الأسفل فقط بجانب الفتيل يمكننا بالكاد استعادة الشمع غير المحترق\nاللهيب يبدو رائعاَ حقاً. إنه تقريبًا ...\nمنوم.\nلحظة، عما كنت أتحدث؟\n صحيح، الشكل.\nتسحب الجاذبية الهواء البارد الأكثر كثافة إلى الأسفل, ويجعل الهواء الساخن يرتفع\nهذا الطفو هو ما يعطي اللهيب شكلها المألوف.\nولكن إذا أشعلت اللهب\n في انعدام الجاذبية، مثلاً على متن المحطة الفضائية\nسيبدو مختلفا جدًا\nجميع التفاعلات الكيميائية والكمية\nالتي توهج اللهب يمكن أن تحدث\nعندما تجتمع في الهواء، حتى على الرغم من أنها تبدو\nمثل الأقماع الصلبة\n\nChinese: \n最後,在火焰的頂端,煤煙都燒光了,我們只剩下\n飄散到空氣中的二氧化碳跟水分子。你可以自己\n拿一塊冷金屬調查火焰的各部分。\n在上端這裡,我們發現有水蒸氣。在黃色的部分則有煤煙。而下至鄰近\n燭芯的地方,我們甚至可以取回還沒燒掉的蠟。\n火焰看起來真的很酷,幾乎可以……\n催眠……抱歉,我原本要講什麼?噢,對了,形狀。\n重力讓比較冷而較密的空氣下沉,這使得熱空氣上昇,\n而這股浮力則塑造了\n火焰廣為人知的形狀。但如果你在無重力的地方,\n像是在太空站點起火焰的話,\n它會看起來十分不一樣。\n使火焰發光的反應都只能在接觸到空氣的地方進行,\n\nKorean: \n결국에는 불꽃의 가장 끝에서 검댕이 다 타고 나면\n'이산화탄소'와 '물' 만 공기중에 떠다니게 됩니다.\n여러분은 직접 불꽃의 여러 부분들을\n차가운 금속으로 관찰하실 수 있습니다.\n이 위쪽에서는 수증기를 관찰 할 수 있고\n불꽃의 노란 부분에서는 검댕을 볼 수 있고\n아래쪽의 심지 바로 위에서는 \n아직 타지 않은 '초'를 볼 수 있죠.\n불꽃은 정말 멋지게 생겼죠.\n마치 최면을 거는 것 처..러..\n[흠칫] 잠깐, 어디까지 했었죠?\n오, 맞다. 모양\n중력은 차갑고 무거운 공기를 아래로 끌어내리고 \n뜨거운 공기를 떠오르게 만듭니다.\n이 부력이 불꽃의 모양을 만드는 거죠.\n하지만 우주정거장 같은 무중력 상태라서 \n불꽃은 매우 다른 형태를 띄게 될 겁니다.\n[실제로 저런 소리는 안 납니다]\n불꽃을 빛나게 하는 모든 화학적 반응과 양자 반응은 \n공기를 만났을 때만 일어납니다.\n그래서 불꽃은 마치 속이 꽉 찬 고깔 모양 처럼 보이지만\n\nEnglish: \nEventually, at the tip of the flame, all the\nsoot has burned away, and we’re left with\nonly carbon dioxide and water floating off\ninto the air. You can investigate all the\ndifferent parts of a flame for yourself with\njust a cold piece of metal.\nUp here, water vapor. In the yellow part of\nthe flame, soot. And down just next to the\nwick, we can even recover unburned wax.\nFlames look really cool. They’re almost\nhypnotic…\nSorry, what was I talking about? Oh right,\nshape.\nGravity pulls cool, denser air down, and makes\nhot air rise, and this buoyancy is what gives\nflames their familiar shape. But if you light\na flame in zero-g, like on the space station,\nit will look very different.\nAll of the chemical and quantum reactions\nthat make a flame glow can only happen where\n\niw: \nאז אפילו שהן נראות כמו קונוסים מלאים, להבות הנר הם למעשה\nחלולות.\nכל עוד יש דלק וחמצן, הלהבה תמשיך לבעור ולבעור, למה?\nזה לא המולקולות שמתפרקות אשר גורמת ללהבה להיות חמה, זה ההיווצרות של אטומים חדשים ושל קשרים חדשים\nאשר מייצרים חום, והחום הוא שמניע את תגובת השרשרת קדימה, אידוי של עוד דלק,\nעוד התנגשויות של מולקולות אחת בשניה, גורמים לאש להמשיך לבעור.\nהאנושות התאספה סביב האש במשך אלפי שנים, ולשבת מסביב לאש, לשאול שאלות ולספר סיפורים ליד אש בוערת,\nוזה חלק ממה שהפך את האנושות להיות במקום הראשון.\nתישארו סקרנים.\n[מוזיקה]\n\nSerbian: \nсретне ваздух, тако да и ако изгледају као чврсте купе, пламенови свеће су у ствари шупљи.\n \nСве док има горива и кисеоника пламен ће горети и горети. Зашто? Није молекуларно\nраспадање то што чини пламен врућим, већ формирање нових молекула и нових веза\nствара врелину, а та врелина покреће напред ланчану реакцију, претварајући у пару још горива,\nсударајући међусобно још молекула и чинећи да ватра гори.\nНаша врста се окупљала око ватре хиљдама година, причала приче,\nпостављала питања над трептавим пламеном, а то је део онога што нам је помогло да пре свега\nпостанемо људи.\nОстаните знатижељни.\n \n\nRomanian: \nîntâlnesc aerul, deci, chiar dacă arată ca niște conuri solide, flăcările lumânărilor sunt de fapt\ngoale\nCât timp există combustibil și oxigen, o flacără arde încontinuu. De ce? Nu este ceva grozav din punct de vedere molecular\nceea ce face o flacără fierbinte. Formarea noilor molecule și a noilor legături este\nceea ce creează căldura și această căldură conduce lanțul de reacții și îl trimite, vaporizând mai mult combustibil,\naruncă mai multe molecule una în cealaltă și determină focul să ardă.\nSpecia noastră s-a adunat în jurul focului pentru mii de ani și a stat lângă foc,\na pus întrebări și a spus povești peste pâlpâirea unei flăcări, iar asta ne face\npe noi, în primul rând, oameni.\nRămâi curios!\n \n\nKorean: \n양초의 불꽃은 사실 비어있습니다.\n계속해서 연료와 산소가 제공 된다면 불꽃은 계속해서 타게 됩니다.\n왜 그럴까요?\n분자가 쪼개지면서 불꽃을 뜨겁게 만드는게 아닙니다.\n새로운 분자와 결속을 형성하면서 열이 발생하는 거죠.\n그리고 거기서 형성된 열이 연쇄반응을 일으키고\n계속해서 연료를 기화 시키고, 분자를 충돌시키면서\n불꽃이 계속 타게 만드는 겁니다.\n우리 인류는 수 천년 동안 불 주위에 둘러앉아\n타닥거리는 불꽃 너머 \n궁금한 것을 묻고, 이야기를 나누었습니다.\n그리고 그런 행동들이 인류가 발전할 수 있게 해주었죠.\n호기심을 가지세요.\n\nChinese: \n所以儘管蠟燭的火焰看起來像個實心的錐體,\n但它們其實是中空的。\n所以儘管蠟燭的火焰看起來像個實心的錐體,\n但它們其實是中空的。\n只要燃料和氧氣還有剩,火焰就會持續地燒。為什麼呢?\n並非分子裂解使得火焰高溫,新分子與鍵結的形成才是\n產生熱的主因,而那些熱會驅動連鎖反應,\n使更多燃料汽化,\n以及更多分子相互撞擊,從而讓火繼續燒下去。\n我們的物種數千年來聚在火旁,圍著火坐著,\n在明滅的火光中發表疑問、傳誦故事,\n這也是一部份使我們\n成為人類的首要原因。\n保持好奇心。\n[音樂]\n\nSpanish: \nencuentre aire, así que aunque luzcan como conos sólidos, las llamas de una vela realmente son\nhuecas.\nTanto como haya combustible y oxígeno, una flama arderá y arderá. ¿Po qué? No es el desgarro\nmolecular lo que hace una llama caliente, la formación de nuevas moléculas y nuevos enlaces es\nlo que crea calor, y ese calor dirige la reacción en cadena más allá, vaporizando más combustible,\ncolisionando más moléculas entre sí y haciendo que el fuego, se queme.\nNuestra especie se ha estado congregando alrededor del fuego durante miles de años y sentándose alrededor,\nhaciendo preguntas y contando historias con una fogata parpadeante, es lo que ayudó a hacernos\nhumanos en primera instancia.\nPermanece curioso.\n(música)\n\nArabic: \nلهيب الشمعة هو في الواقع أجوف\nطالما هناك وقود وأكسجين، اللهب\nسوف يحرق ويحرق.\nلماذا؟\nليس تمزق الجزيء إلى أجزاء هو الذي يجعل اللهب ساخن\nتكوين جزيئات جديدة وروابط جديدة هي ما تخلق الحرارة\nوتلك الحرارة تدفع \nسلسلة من ردود الفعل إلى الأمام، تبخير المزيد من الوقود\nاصطدام المزيد من الجزيئات ببعضها البعض،\nتُحرق النيران.\nاجتماع البشر حول النار منذ آلاف السنين، والجلوس حولها،\nطرح أسئلة وسرد قصص على\nوميض الشعلة\nهو ما ساعد في جعلنا بشر في المقام الأول.\nابقَ فضوليًا.\n \n\nEnglish: \nit meets the air, so even though they look\nlike solid cones, candle flames are actually\nhollow.\nAs long as there’s fuel and oxygen, a flame\nwill burn and burn. Why? It’s not the molecular\nripping apart that makes a flame hot, the\nformation of new molecules and new bonds is\nwhat creates heat, and that heat drives the\nchain reaction forward, vaporizing more fuel,\nslamming more molecules into one another,\nmaking the fire burn on.\nOur species has been gathering around fire\nfor thousands of years, and sitting around,\nasking questions and telling stories over\na flickering flame, is what helped made us\nhuman in the first place.\nStay curious.\n[MUSIC]\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "\nTamil: \nநேர்காணல்கள் ஒரு அருமையான வழி\nஉங்கள் ஆங்கிலத்தை மேம்படுத்த\nஏனென்றால் நீங்கள் மொழியை அனுபவிக்கிறீர்கள்\nநேர்மையாக [நேர்மையாக] மற்றும் இயல்பாக பேசப்பட்டது.\nஇந்த பாடத்தில், நீங்கள் நேர்காணல்களுடன் கற்றுக்கொள்வீர்கள்\nஹாரி பாட்டரின் நடிகர்களிடமிருந்து [நடிகர்கள்]:\nடேனியல் ராட்க்ளிஃப் (ஹாரி),\nஎம்மா வாட்சன் (ஹெர்மியோன்),\nமற்றும் ரூபர்ட் கிரின்ட் (ரான்).\nஅவர்களிடமிருந்து இது\nமுதல் திரைப்படத்தின் படப்பிடிப்பில் இருந்தனர்.\nமுதல் கிளிப்பைப் பார்ப்போம்!\n\nRussian: \nИнтервью это фантастический способ\nулучшить свой английский\nпотому что вы получаете опыт языка\nговорят откровенно [искренне] и естественно.\nВ этом уроке вы будете учиться с интервью\nиз состава актеров Гарри Поттера:\nДэниел Рэдклифф (Гарри),\nЭмма Уотсон (Гермиона),\nи Руперт Гринт (Рон).\nЭто когда они\nснимали первый фильм.\nДавайте посмотрим первый клип!\n\nEnglish: \nInterviews are a fantastic way\nto improve your English\nbecause you get to experience the language\nspoken candidly [sincerely] and naturally.\nIn this lesson, you will learn with interviews\nfrom the cast [actors] of Harry Potter:\nDaniel Radcliffe (Harry),\nEmma Watson (Hermione),\nand Rupert Grint (Ron).\nThis is when from they\nwere filming the first movie.\nLet's watch the first clip!\n\nTurkish: \nRöportaj izlemek İngilizcenizi geliştirmeniz için harika bir yoldur.\nÇünkü dilin samimi kullanmıyla ilgili tecrübe kazanırsınız.\nBu derste, Harry Potter oyuncuları bizlerle olacak.\nDaniel Radcliffe (Harry)\nEmma Watson (Hermione)\nve Rupert Grint (Ron).\nİlk filmdeki halleriyle sizlerle!\nHaydi başlayalım!\n\nRussian: \nЭй, вы бы хотели освоить подключенную речь?\nНу, тогда вы действительно должны проверить наши\nКонечно, ДРУЗЬЯ С ДРУЗЬЯМИ!\nВы значительно улучшите свое произношение и\nпонимание с полными эпизодами\nиз первых двух сезонов друзей!\nИ вы можете попробовать это БЕСПЛАТНО прямо сейчас\nс нашим 3-частным мини-курсом\nПросто нажмите вверху или\nвниз в описании ниже\nчтобы узнать больше и зарегистрироваться.\n\nEnglish: \nHey, would you like to master Connected Speech?\nWell, then you really should check out our\nFLUENT WITH FRIENDS course!\nYou'll greatly improve your pronunciation and\ncomprehension with the full episodes\nfrom the first two seasons of Friends!\nAnd you can try it for FREE right now\nwith our 3-Part Mini-course\nJust click up at the top or\ndown in the description below\nto learn more and sign up.\n\nTamil: \nஏய், இணைக்கப்பட்ட பேச்சில் தேர்ச்சி பெற விரும்புகிறீர்களா?\nசரி, நீங்கள் உண்மையிலேயே எங்கள் பார்க்க வேண்டும்\nநண்பர்களுடன் நிச்சயமாக!\nஉங்கள் உச்சரிப்பை நீங்கள் பெரிதும் மேம்படுத்துவீர்கள்\nமுழு அத்தியாயங்களுடன் புரிந்துகொள்ளுதல்\nநண்பர்களின் முதல் இரண்டு பருவங்களிலிருந்து!\nஇப்போது நீங்கள் இதை இலவசமாக முயற்சி செய்யலாம்\nஎங்கள் 3-பகுதி மினி-பாடத்துடன்\nமேலே கிளிக் செய்யவும் அல்லது\nகீழே உள்ள விளக்கத்தில் கீழே\nமேலும் அறிய மற்றும் பதிவுபெற.\n\nTurkish: \nHop, hızlı konuşmada uzmanlaşmak ister misin?\nO zaman Friends kursumuza bir göz at derim!\nİngilizce teleffuzunu ve anlama kapasiteni arttıracak harika bir set!\nFriends'in ilk iki sezonundan!\nİstersen 3 bölümlük mini kursu deneyebilirsin\nBu eşsiz sete erişebilmen için,\nYukarıdaki bağlantıya ya da aşağıdaki linke tıklaman yeterli.\n\nTamil: \nஎனவே இங்கே டிவி தொடர்களுடன் ஆங்கிலம் கற்க,\nஒவ்வொரு வாரமும் நாங்கள் கற்பவர்களுக்கு புரிந்துகொள்ள உதவுகிறோம்\nவேகமாக பேசும் பூர்வீகம்\nதொலைந்து போகாமல்,\nநகைச்சுவைகளைக் காணாமல்,\nமற்றும் வசன வரிகள் இல்லாமல்!\nஉதாரணமாக, ஜோனோ இப்போது பயணம் செய்யும் போது,\nஅவரது ஆங்கிலம் எவ்வளவு பெரியது என்று அவர் பாராட்டுக்களைப் பெறுகிறார்.\nஎனவே, உங்கள் ஆங்கில சரளத்தை மேம்படுத்த விரும்பினால்\nஜோனோவைப் போலவே, குழுசேர் பொத்தானை உறுதிப்படுத்திக் கொள்ளுங்கள்,\nகீழே மணி கீழே நீங்கள் எனவே\nஎங்கள் புதிய பாடங்களில் ஒன்றைத் தவறவிடாதீர்கள்!\n\nTurkish: \n\"Dizilerle İngilizce Öğren\" serimizde,\nher bölüm İngilizceni daha da geliştirecek.\nArtık dizileri altyazısız izlesen bile,\nhiçbir şakayı kaçırmayacaksın.\nÖrneğin João, bu setten sonra İngilizcesiyle ilgili övgüler almaya başladı.\nEğer siz de João gibi ortamın yıldızı olmak istiyorsanız, beni takip edin.\nAyrıca derslerimi kaçırmamak için zili çalmayı unutmayın.\n\nRussian: \nТак что здесь, в Изучение английского языка с сериалами,\nкаждую неделю мы помогаем ученикам понять\nбыстро говорящие туземцы\nБЕЗ заблудиться,\nБЕЗ пропуская шутки,\nи без субтитров!\nНапример, Жуан сказал, что теперь, когда он путешествует,\nон получает комплименты о том, как хорошо его английский.\nИтак, если вы хотите улучшить владение английским языком\nточно так же, как Жуан, убедитесь, что кнопка «Подписаться»,\nи колокол внизу, чтобы вы\nне пропустите ни одного из наших новых уроков!\n\nEnglish: \nSo here at Learn English With TV Series,\nevery single week we help learners to understand\nfast-speaking natives\nWITHOUT getting lost,\nWITHOUT missing the jokes,\nand WITHOUT subtitles!\nFor example, João said that now when he travels,\nhe gets compliments on how great his English is.\nSo, if you want to improve your English fluency\njust like João, be sure that Subscribe button,\nand the bell down below so you\ndon't miss a single one of our new lessons!\n\nEnglish: \nHey! Are you a Harry Potter fan?\nThen you definitely are going to want to check out\nthis new playlist featuring\nall of our lessons with Harry Potter.\nJust click up at the top or\ndown in the description below to find that.\n\nTurkish: \nHop! Harry Potter hayranı mısın?\nO zaman Harry Potter videolarıma göz atıver.\nİşte yeni derslerin de yer alacağı listem karşında.\nSadece karta tıklaman ya da açıklamalara göz atman yeterli.\n\nRussian: \nПривет! Вы поклонник Гарри Поттера?\nТогда вы определенно захотите проверить\nэтот новый плейлист с участием\nвсе наши уроки с Гарри Поттером.\nПросто нажмите вверху или\nвниз в описании ниже, чтобы найти это.\n\nTamil: \nஏய்! நீங்கள் ஹாரி பாட்டர் ரசிகரா?\nநீங்கள் நிச்சயமாக பார்க்க விரும்புகிறீர்கள்\nஇடம்பெறும் இந்த புதிய பிளேலிஸ்ட்\nஹாரி பாட்டருடன் எங்கள் பாடங்கள் அனைத்தும்.\nமேலே கிளிக் செய்யவும் அல்லது\nஅதைக் கண்டுபிடிக்க கீழே உள்ள விளக்கத்தில் கீழே.\n\nEnglish: \nRemember that if you want to\ntake your fluency to the next level\nwe're really excited to help you!\nThe next step is to sign up for that\nfree 3-Part Mini-course\nYou could do that by clicking that button down below,\nand, now it's time to go beyond the classroom,\nand LIVE your English!\nAww Yeah!\n\nTurkish: \nEğer İngilizceni arşa yükseltmek istersen,\nben hep buradayım!\nHaydi mini kursumuza katıl!\nŞu butona basman yeterli, ya da aşağıda bakman,\nve işte kursumuz başlıyor.\nİngilizce'yle kal.\nOoow yeeeaaah!\n\nRussian: \nПомните, что если вы хотите\nперейти на новый уровень\nМы очень рады помочь вам!\nСледующий шаг - подписаться на это\nбесплатный мини-курс из 3-х частей\nВы можете сделать это, нажав эту кнопку внизу,\nи теперь пришло время выйти за пределы классной комнаты,\nи живи своим английским!\nАаа Да!\n\nTamil: \nநீங்கள் விரும்பினால் அதை நினைவில் கொள்ளுங்கள்\nஉங்கள் சரளத்தை அடுத்த கட்டத்திற்கு கொண்டு செல்லுங்கள்\nஉங்களுக்கு உதவ நாங்கள் மிகவும் மகிழ்ச்சியடைகிறோம்!\nஅதற்காக அடுத்த கட்டமாக பதிவுபெற வேண்டும்\nஇலவச 3-பகுதி மினி-படிப்பு\nகீழே உள்ள அந்த பொத்தானைக் கிளிக் செய்வதன் மூலம் நீங்கள் அதைச் செய்யலாம்,\nஇப்போது, ​​வகுப்பறைக்கு அப்பால் செல்ல வேண்டிய நேரம் இது,\nஉங்கள் ஆங்கிலத்தை வாழ்க!\nஆமாம்!\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "\nFrench: \nDepuis la première planche gonflable \nle tissu Dropstitch a été la norme de l'industrie\nmais maintenant, après 5 ans de fabrication,\nStarboard présente sa nouvelle technologie de tissus\nsur quasiment toutes ses planches gonflables\nQue cela veut-il dire pour vous en tant que paddler?\nVotre planche sera plus légère, forte, rigide\net plus réactive.\nMaintenant j'aimerais rentrer un peu dans les détails\ndans les fils de base\nSur le côté gauche vous pouvez voir les fils de base\nSur votre droite - les tissus Woven\nIl est clair qu'il y a plus d'espace et de jeu\nentre les fils de base\nce qui les rend plus flexibles et étirables\nAlors que les fils Woven ... sont\nplus résistants, plus rigides et plus réactifs\nL'espace entre les fils donne à la planche gonflable sa\nstructure et sa forme.\nLes fils de base apportent résistance et rigidité\nEt combinés ils donnent à la planche gonflable\nsa grande rigidité.\n\nJapanese: \nインフレータブルボードの登場以来\nニットのドロップステッチは業界標準となっています\nしかし今、5年間の開発の後、\nスターボードは新しいウーベンテクノロジーを導入します\nほどんどすべてのインフレータブルボードに。\nこれはパドラーとしてのあなたに何を意味するでしょう?\nあなたのボードはより軽く、強く、硬く、\nより反応性が高くなります。\nベース糸についてもう少し詳しく\n解説しましょう\n左側がニットベースの糸です\n右側がウーベンベースの糸です\nニットの編み物はより多くの\n空間と遊びがあることが明らかです\nそれにより柔軟性と伸縮性が高いです。\n織物であるウーベンのものは…\nより堅く、より硬く、より反応します。\n中空糸はインフレータブルボードに\n構造と形状を与えます。\nベース糸は強度と剛性を与えます\nそしてそれらを組み合わせることにより\n素晴らしい剛性を提供します。\n\nChinese: \n自第一塊充氣板以來\n針織拉絲技術已成為行業標準\n但經過5年的努力,\nStarboard引入了新的編織技術\n用在幾乎所有的充氣板上。\n作為槳手,這對您意味著什麼?\n您的槳板將更輕,更堅固,更硬\n並且反應更快。\n現在我想對基礎紗線\n進行更多的詳細介紹\n在您的左手邊,您可以看到針織底紗\n在您的右手邊-您可以看到編織的底紗\n顯然,在針織紗線之間\n有更多的空間和遊隙\n使它們更具柔韌性和彈力\n而編織的...\n則更硬,更具剛性且反應更快。\n間隔紗線賦予充氣板其\n結構和形狀。\n基礎紗線賦予其強度和剛性\n結合起來,它們使充氣板具有\n出色的硬度\n\nEnglish: \nEver since the first inflatable board\nknitted dropstitch has been the industry standard\nbut now, after 5 years in the making\nStarboard is introducing the new Woven Technology\ninto almost all of their inflatable boards\nWhat does this mean for you as a paddler?\nYour board is going to be lighter, stronger, stiffer\nand more responsive.\nNow I want to go a little more into detail\ninto the base yarns\nOn your left hand side, you can see Knitted base yarns\nOn your right-hand side, the Woven ones\nIt is clear that there is more room and play\nin between the knitted yarns\nthat makes them more flexible and more stretchy\nWhereas the Woven ones.. they are\nstiffer, more rigid and more responsive\nThe space yarns give the inflatable board its\nstructure and shape.\nThe base yarns give it its strength and rigidity\nAnd combined they give the inflatable board\nits great stiffness.\n\nSpanish: \nDesde la primera tabla inflable\nel tejido dropstitch ha sido el estándar de la industria\npero ahora, después de 5 años en fabricación,\nStarboard presenta la nueva Tecnología de Tejidos\nen casi todas sus tablas inflables.\n¿Qué significa esto para ti como paddlero?\nTu tabla va a ser más ligera, fuerte, rígida\ny más receptiva.\nAhora quiero entrar un poco más en detalles\nen los hilos base\nA tu izquierda puedes ver los hilos de base de punto.\nA tu derecha - los Tejidos\nEstá claro que hay más espacio y juego\nentre los hilos de punto\nque los hace más flexibles y más elásticos.\nMientras que los tejidos....son\nmás resistentes, más rígidos y más receptivos.\nLos espacios de los hilos confieren a la tabla inflable su\nestructura y diseño.\nLos hilos base aportan resistencia y rigidez\ny combinados le dan a la tabla inflable\nsu gran rigidez.\n\nGerman: \nSeit dem ersten aufblasbaren Board \nsteht \"gestricktes\" Drop Stich Material den Industriestandard\nWir haben 5 Jahre entwickelt..\n..und präsentieren nun unsere neue \"Woven Technology\"\nin fast allen unseren Starboard Inflatable Boards\nWas bedeutet das gewebte Material für dich als Paddler?\nDein Brett wird leichter, stärker und steifer...\nund reagiert sensibler\nLasst mich nun etwas mehr ins Detail gehen\nund das Material selbst betrachten\nlinks seht ihr das gestrickte Rohmaterial\nrechts ist das Material gewebt \nzwischen dem gestrickten Material\ngibt es deutlich mehr Platz für Bewegung\nwodurch später auch dein Board weicher sein wird. \nDagegen das gewebte Material..\ndas deutlich steifer und stabiler ist \nDoch das Material gibt dem Inflatable Board auch \nStruktur und Shape.\nDie \"Base Yarns\" verleihen dem Board seine Steifigkeit\nund geben in Kombination \nein stabiles Gesamtpaket.\n\nChinese: \n我們的編織紗線每平方英寸\n具有更少的間隔紗線\n意味著我們使用更少的材料\n這使我們的充氣板\n輕了1.5公斤\n您的槳板更輕\n您的槳板更硬,剛性更好且反應更快。\n這就是我們全新的編織技術。\n\nJapanese: \n我々のウーベンドロップステッチは\n平方インチあたりの中空糸が少ないです\n使用する材料が少ないことを意味し\n我々のインフレータブルボードを\n最大1.5kg軽量化します。\nあなたのボードはより軽く、\nより堅く、より硬く、より反応します。\nこれが我々の新しいウーベン技術です。\n\nFrench: \nNotre nouveau tissu Woven a un nombre plus faible\nde fils espacés par mètre carré\nce qui veut dire que nous utilisons moins de matériau\net cela rend nos planches gonflables \njusqu'à 1.5 kilos plus légères.\nVotre planche est plus légère,\nVotre planche est plus résistante, plus légère et plus réactive\nCeci est notre toute nouvelle technologie Woven.\n\nEnglish: \nOur woven dropstitch has a lower number\nof space yarns per square inch\nMeaning we use less material\nand this makes our inflatable boards\nup to 1.5kg lighter\nYour board is lighter\nYour board is stiffer, more rigid and more responsive\nThis is our brand new Woven technology.\n\nSpanish: \nNuestro tejido woven dropstitch tiene un número más bajo\nde espacios entre los hilos por cada pulgada cuadrada\nLo que significa que usamos menos material\ny esto hace que nuestras tablas inflables\nsean hasta 1,5 kg más ligeras\nTu tabla es más ligera,\ntu tabla es más resistente, más rígida y más reactiva.\nEsta es nuestra nueva tecnología Woven.\n\nGerman: \nUnser gewebtes Dropstich Material hat außerdem deutlich weniger Material, \ndas für einen Quadratmeter Rohmaterial verbraucht wird\nWeniger Material bedeutet \nweniger Gewicht\nwodurch unsere Inflatables 1,5kg leichter werden\nDeutlich bessere Fahreigenschaften bei leichterem Gewicht, \ngepaart mit hoher Steifigkeit und Reaktionsfähigkeit \nDas ist unsere neue \"Woven Technology\" .\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "\nSpanish: \nsubtítulos by: dxng sxcheng <3\ntremendO temazOO\nDebes haber olvidado,que soy el mejor y sé que puedo soltarlo como boom boom\nTatuajes en mis hombros, ¿está donde te dije?, monta como un soldado,dos por dos.\n \nSabes que soy un jefe como ese,me gusta que se lance así, que se lance así.\nSabes poner el trabajo así, sí, soy un jefe así, ten cuidado ahora.\n \nVamos a empezar esta fiesta,porque es mi pasatiempo favorito,oh,yeah.\nVamos a empezar esta fiesta,porque es mi pasatiempo favorito,oh,yeah.\n \nHaciendo olvidar tu tragedia,me encanta como me miras,mírame,mírame ahora.\nHaciendo olvidar tu tragedia,me encanta como me miras,mírame,mírame ahora.\nSi estas paredes pudieran hablar sobre nosotros when the bass go boom.\n \nWhen the bass go boom(x3)\n \nSi estas paredes pudieran hablar sobre nosotros when the bass go boom.\nWhen the bass go boom(rewind)\nWhen the bass go boom(rewind)\n\nHungarian: \nA basszus felrobban\nBiztosan elfelejtetted, hogy én vagyok a csúcs, és tudom, hogy ezt le is dobhatom, úgy, hogy boom boom\nTetoválás a vállamon, ahogy mondtam. Úgy megyek, mint egy katona, kettesével.\nTudod, hogy én egy ilyen főnök vagyok, szeretem, így eltaszítani, így eltaszítani\nTudod, hogy én így dolgozom\nIgen, egy ilyen főnök vagyok, vigyázz most\nooh, kezdjük el ezt a bulit, mert ez a hedvenc hobbim, oh, yeah ooh\nelfeledtetem veled a végzeted, szeretem, ahogy engem figyelsz, figyelj, figyelj most\nHa ez a négy fal beszélni tudna rólunk, mikor a basszus felrobban. 3x\nHa ez a négy fal beszélni tudna rólunk, mikor a basszus felrobban. 2x\namikor a basszus (visszateker)\n\nPortuguese: \ntraduzido por: lucasu\nVocê deve ter esquecido\nQue eu estou no topo\nE agora eu posso soltar isso\nTipo (boom boom)\nTatuagens em meus ombros\nÉ aqui que eu te digo\nCavalgue como um soldado\ndois a dois\nVocê sabe que eu sou o chefe assim\nEu gosto de ser jogado assim\njogado assim\nSabe como eu coloco assim no meu trabalho\nSim, eu sou um chefe assim\n(tome cuidado agora)\nuh-uh-uh-uuh-uh\nVamos deixar essa festa começar\nPorque esse é o meu passatempo preferido\noh-oh-oh, sim\nuh-uh-uh-uuh-uh\nfazer você esquecer sua tragédia\nTe amo do jeito que me vê\nMe veja\nme veja agora\nSe essas quatro paredes falassem da gente\nQuando o grave faz boom 3x\nSe essas quatro paredes falassem da gente\nQuando o grave faz boom 2x\nQuando o grave faz (Relembrando)\n\nPortuguese: \nSe essas quatro paredes falassem da gente\nQuando o grave faz boom 3x\nSe essas quatro paredes falassem da gente\nQuando o grave faz boom 2x\nQuando o grave faz\nEu costumava ser paciente\nMas agora eu estou cansado de esperar\nOlhos focados em você, você\nVocê me notou sorrindo\nVocê me derrubou, sim\nna sua performance\nE eu te peguei\nVocê sabe que eu sou o chefe assim\nEu gosto de jogar assim\njogar assim\nSabe como eu coloco assim no meu trabalho\nSim, eu sou um chefe assim\n(tome cuidado agora)\nuh-uh-uh-uuh-uh\nVamos deixar essa festa começar\nPorque esse é o meu passatempo preferido\noh-oh-oh, sim\nuh-uh-uh-uuh-uh\nfazer você esquecer sua tragédia\nTe amo do jeito que me vê\nMe veja\nMe veja agora\nSe essas quatro paredes falassem da gente\nQuando o grave faz boom 3x\nSe essas quatro paredes falassem da gente\n\nSpanish: \nSi estas paredes pudieran hablar sobre nosotros when the bass go boom.\n \nSi estas paredes pudieran hablar sobre nosotros when the bass go boom X3\n \nSi estas paredes pudieran hablar sobre nosotros when the bass go boom X2\nSi estas paredes pudieran hablar sobre nosotros when the bass go boom X2\n \nWhen the bass go\nSolía ser paciente,pero ahora he terminado de esperar,ojos fijos en ti,ti.\nMe tienes sonriendo,me tienes abajo,yeah,en tu actuación y te tengo.\nSabes que soy un jefe como ese,me gusta que se lance así, que se lance así.\nSabes que soy un jefe como ese,me gusta que se lance así, que se lance así.\nSabes poner el trabajo así, sí, soy un jefe así, ten cuidado ahora.\nVamos a empezar esta fiesta,porque es mi pasatiempo favorito,oh,yeah.\nVamos a empezar esta fiesta,porque es mi pasatiempo favorito,oh,yeah.\nVamos a empezar esta fiesta,porque es mi pasatiempo favorito,oh,yeah.\n \nHaciendo olvidar tu tragedia,me encanta como me miras,mírame,mírame ahora.\nSi estas paredes pudieran hablar sobre nosotros when the bass go boom X3\nSi estas paredes pudieran hablar sobre nosotros when the bass go boom X3\n \nSi estas paredes pudieran hablar de nosotros when the bass go boom X2\nSi estas paredes pudieran hablar de nosotros when the bass go boom X2\n \n\nHungarian: \nHa ez a négy fal beszélni tudna rólunk, mikor a basszus felrobban. 3x\nHa ez a négy fal beszélni tudna rólunk, mikor a basszus felrobban. 2x\namikor a basszus\nTürelmes voltam, De most már nem várok, a szemeim rád, rád ragadtak\nMegmosolyogtattál, Elrontottál yeah, az előadásodon, és elkaptalak.\nTudod, hogy én egy ilyen főnök vagyok, szeretem, így eltaszítani, így eltaszítani\nTudod, hogy én így dolgozom\nIgen, egy ilyen főnök vagyok, vigyázz most\nooh, kezdjük el ezt a bulit, mert ez a hedvenc hobbim, oh, yeah ooh\nelfeledtetem veled a végzeted, szeretem, ahogy engem figyelsz, figyelj, figyelj most\nHa ez a négy fal beszélni tudna rólunk, mikor a basszus felrobban. 3x\n\nPortuguese: \nQuando o grave faz boom 2x\nQuando o grave faz...\nNós dois sabemos o que vai 'rolar' a noite\nFaça a agitação com todos eles garota\nsim, isso mesmo\nÉ uma cavalgada longa\nVamos longe que eu sei\nVolte o caminho e me mostre, uh\nVocê me pegou em um novo hipe\nA caminho com minha limousine\no caminho é muito extenso\nColoque meu nome em seis\nisso é um selo\nAgora você sabe do 'lance'\n'Tô' aqui pra coisa séria\nuh-uh-uh-uuh-uh\nVamos deixar essa festa começar\nPorque esse é o meu passatempo preferido\noh-oh-oh, sim\nuh-uh-uh-uuh-uh\nfazer você esquecer sua tragédia\nTe amo do jeito que me vê\nMe veja\nMe veja agora\nSe essas quatro paredes falassem da gente\nQuando o grave faz boom 3x\nSe essas quatro paredes falassem da gente\nQuando o grave faz boom 2x\nQuando o grave faz (Relembrando)\nSe essas quatro paredes falassem da gente\nQuando o grave faz boom 3x\n\nHungarian: \nHa ez a négy fal beszélni tudna rólunk, mikor a basszus felrobban. 2x\namikor a basszus\nMindketten tudjuk, hogy mi folyik éjszaka. Nyüzsögjünk velük csajszi, Yeah, úgy van\nEz egy hosszú út,Tudom, messzire jutottunk. hozd vissza és mutasd meg ya, uh\nEgy új irányt adtál nekem, az utamon a limuzinban, ez egy nagy szakasz az úton\nRakd a nevem 6-ra. Ez egy pecsét. Most tudod az egyezséget, tényleg itt vagyok\nooh, kezdjük el ezt a bulit, mert ez a hedvenc hobbim, oh, yeah ooh\nelfeledtetem veled a végzeted, szeretem, ahogy engem figyelsz, figyelj, figyelj most\nHa ez a négy fal beszélni tudna rólunk, mikor a basszus felrobban. 3x\nHa ez a négy fal beszélni tudna rólunk, mikor a basszus felrobban. 2x\nAmikor a basszus (visszateker)\nHa ez a négy fal beszélni tudna rólunk, mikor a basszus felrobban. 3x\n\nSpanish: \n \nLos dos sabemos lo que pasa en la noche,haz el ajetreo con todos ellos, chica, yeah that's right.\nEs un largo viaje,vamos lejos y te conozco.Tráelo de vuelta para mostrate,ya,uh.\nEs un largo viaje,vamos lejos y te conozco.Tráelo de vuelta para mostrate,ya,uh.\nEs un largo viaje,vamos lejos y te conozco.Tráelo de vuelta para mostrate,ya,uh.\nMe tienes alardeando de nuevo,en mi camino en la limosina,en el camino es es un gran tramo.\nPon mi nombre en el seis,ese es un sello,ahora sabes el trato,estoy aquí de verdad\n \nVamos a empezar esta fiesta,porque es mi pasatiempo favorito,oh,yeah.\nVamos a empezar esta fiesta,porque es mi pasatiempo favorito,oh,yeah.\n \nHaciendo olvidar tu tragedia,me encanta como me miras,mírame,mírame ahora.\nHaciendo olvidar tu tragedia,me encanta como me miras,mírame,mírame ahora.\nSi estas paredes pudieran hablar de nosotros when the bass go boom X3\n \n \n \nSi estas paredes pudieran hablar de nosotros when the bass go boom X2.\n \nWhen the bass go(rewind)\nSi estas paredes pudieran hablar de nosotros when the bass go boom X3\n \n \n \n\nPortuguese: \nSe essas quatro paredes falassem da gente\nQuando o grave faz boom 2x\nQuando o grave faz...\nObrigado!\n\nHungarian: \nHa ez a négy fal beszélni tudna rólunk, mikor a basszus felrobban. 2x\nAmikor a basszus\nKöszönöm\n\nSpanish: \nSi estas paredes pudieran hablar de nosotros when the bass go boom X2.\nSi estas paredes pudieran hablar de nosotros when the bass go boom X2.\n \nWhen the bass go.\n(Stan SuperM<3)\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "\nFrench: \nUne question de quiz pour vous.\nAu début du Japon, quand un empereur mourrait, qui\nétait le prochain sur le trône?\nSi vous avez deviné le fils aîné de l'empereur,\nbien deviné,\nmais c'est faux.\nVotre punition?\nVous devez écrire \"J'aime cette vidéo\"\ndans les commentaires.\nDésolé, je n'ai pas fait les règles.\nÀ la mort d'un empereur, ce n'était pas automatique\nque le trône soit passé à son fils aîné.\nLe Japon n'avait pas de règles de succession officielles\njusqu'à l'ère moderne.\nL'empereur était libre de nommer un prince héritier,\nun héritier, qui montait sur le trône après la mort de l'empereur.\nEt il pouvait choisir parmi n'importe quel membre de la\nFamille impériale,\nson fils, petit-fils, frère, qui que ce soit.\nL'absence de règles bien définies a provoqué toutes sortes\nde manigances quand un empereur mourrait.\nS'ils avaient une règle officielle que le fils aîné lui succéderait, alors cela aurait\nété clair.\nBien sûr, vous auriez toujours eu des meurtres occasionnels du fils aîné par ses frères,\nc'est évident.\nMais dans le cas du Japon, le domaine des candidats\nétait plus large, permettant plus de luttes de pouvoir.\n\nSpanish: \nTengo una pregunta de examen para vosotros.\nEn el Japón antiugo, cuando un emperador moría ¿quién era el sucesor?\nSi habéis respondido el hijo mayor del emperador, buena respuesta\npero es incorrecto.\n¿Vuestro castigo?\nTenéis que escribir \"Me encanta este vídeo\" en los comentarios.\nLo siento, yo no hice las reglas.\nA la muerte de un emperador no era automático que el trono pasara a su primogénito.\nJapón no tuvo reglas oficiales de sucesión hasta la edad moderna.\nEl emperador era libre para designar un príncipe coronado, un heredero, quien accedía al trono después de la muerte del emperador.\nY podía escoger entre cualquier miembro de la familia imperial,\nsu hijo, nieto, hermano, cualquiera.\nAl no haber reglas bien definidas se daban toda clase de jugarretas cuando un emperador moría.\nSi hubieran tenido una regla oficial de que el hijo primogénito del empera le sucedería, entonces habrían estado claro.\nPor supuesto aún habríamos tenido el asesinato esporádico del primogénito por sus hermanos, eso por supuesto.\nPero en el caso de Japón la lista de candidatos era mayor, lo que permitía más luchas por el poder.\n\nEnglish: \nGot a quiz question for ya.\nIn early Japan, when an emperor died, who\nwas next in line to the throne?\nIf you guessed the emperor’s eldest son,\ngood guess,\nbut it’s wrong.\nYour punishment?\nYou have to write “I love this video”\nin the comments.\nSorry, I didn’t make the rules.\nUpon an emperor’s death, it was not automatic\nthat the throne passed to his eldest son.\nJapan did not have any official rules of succession\nuntil the modern age.\nThe emperor was free to name a crown prince,\nan heir, who ascended after the emperor died.\nAnd he could pick among any member of the\nImperial Family,\nhis son, grandson, brother, whoever.\nHaving no well-defined rules caused all kinds\nof shenanigans when an emperor died.\nIf they had an official rule that the emperor’s\neldest son succeeded him, then it would’ve\nbeen clear.\nOf course you would’ve still had the occasional\nmurder of the eldest son by his brothers,\nthat’s a given.\nBut in Japan’s case, the field of candidates\nwas wider, allowing for more power struggles.\n\nFrench: \nLes Japonais ont reconnu ce problème, bien sûr,\nmais au lieu de créer une ligne officielle de\nsuccession et être fait avec elle, \nles différente époques ont traité la question de différentes manières.\nPssss ne manquez rien !\nappuyez sur s'abonner et sur la cloche !\nLa période Nara a été gouvernée par ce que certains historiens\nont appelé la dynastie Tenmu, lorsque les descendants\nde l'empereur Tenmu étaient assis sur le trône.\nLa dynastie Tenmu avait ses propres solutions\nau problème de la succession, que nous aborderons\nune autre fois.\nEn ce moment, parlons de ce que les Japonais ont fait avant.\nAvant le règne de l'empereur Tenmu, ils ont réduit\nle nombre de candidats possibles pour\nle prince.\nMoins de candidats, moins de luttes de pouvoir.\nComment ont-ils fait ça ?\nEn gardant la lignée pure.\nOui, cela impliquait de l'inceste.\nC'était simple, juste à engrosser ta demi-sœur.\nNe citez pas cela hors contexte dans les commentaires salauds.\nJe sais ce que vous écrivez, je vous vois.\nSi vous ne connaissez pas la différence entre\nfrères et sœurs par alliance et demi-frères et sœurs, c'est facile.\nFrères et sœurs par alliance, non apparentés.\nDemi-frères et sœurs, liés.\nLes frères et sœurs par alliance ne partagent aucun parent biologique.\n\nEnglish: \nThe Japanese recognized this problem, of course,\nbut instead of creating an official line of\nsuccession and be done with it, different\neras dealt with the issue in different ways.\nThe Nara Period was ruled by what some historians\nhave called the Tenmu Dynasty, when the descendants\nof Emperor Tenmu sat the throne.\nThe Tenmu Dynasty had their own solutions\nto the succession problem, which we’ll cover\nanother time.\nRight now, let’s talk about what the Japanese\ndid before.\nPrior to Emperor Tenmu’s reign, they reduced\nthe number of possible candidates for crown\nprince.\nFewer candidates, fewer power struggles.\nHow did they do this?\nBy keeping the bloodline pure.\nYes, it involved incest.\nIt was simple, just knock up your half sister.\nDon’t quote that out of context in the comments,\nyou bastards.\nI know what you guys write, I see you.\nIf you don’t know the difference between\nstep siblings and half siblings, it’s easy.\nStep siblings, not related.\nHalf siblings, related.\nStep siblings share no biological parents.\n\nSpanish: \nLos japoneses se dieron cuenta del problema, por supuesto, pero en vez de crear una línea de sucesión\noficial y resolverlo, durante diferentes épocas gestionaron la cuestión de distinta manera.\nEl periodo Nara fue gobernado por lo que algunos historiadores han llamado la dinastía Tenmu, cuando los descendientes\ndel emperador Tenmu se sentaron en el trono.\nLa dinastía Tenmu tenía sus propias soluciones al problema sucesorio, ya lo veremos\nen otra ocasión.\nAhora hablaremos de lo que los japoneses hacían antes.\nAntes del reinado del emperador Tenmu, redujeron el número de posibles candidatos a príncipe heredero.\nMenos candidatos, menos luchas por el poder.\n¿Cómo lo hicieron?\nManteniendo la línea de sangre pura.\nSí, eso implicaba incesto.\nEra fácil, solo deja embarazada a tu media hermana.\nNo citéis eso fuera de contexto en los comentarios, bastardos.\nSé lo que escribís, os veo.\nSi no sabéis la diferencia entre hermanastros y medio hermanos, es fácil.\nLos hermanastros no tienen lazos de sangre.\nLos medio hermanos comparten lazos de sangre.\nLos hermanastros no comparten padres biológicos.\n\nSpanish: \nLos medio hermanos comparten un padre biológico.\nY espero que esta pequeña porción de conocimiento nunca os sea importante.\nPara más aclaraciones sobre hermanastros y medio hermanos, buscad en internet.\nAsí que el sistema que tenían antes de Tenmu era algo llamado \"doble realeza\", y funcionaba más o menos así.\nEspero que estéis prestando atención.\nY sobrios.\nSi no, podéis iros olvidando de entenderlo.\nDigamos que está el emperador Bob...bunaga.\nUna de las ventajas de ser un emperador era que tenían un montón de consortes, o concubinas.\nIgual que los que tenemos un canal en Youtube.\nPero normalmente tenían una consorte principal.\nElla era la más importante porque su hijo sería el príncipe heredero, el siguiente emperador.\nLe llamaremos Jon...mu.\nAhora el emperador Jonmu también necesitaba una consorte principal.\nLa pregunta es, ¿cómo escogía a esa consorte?\nBueno, así era como los clanes con influencia se introducían en la casa imperial.\nMediante complots y acuerdos, y algún asesinato aquí y allá, el líder de un clan poderoso ofrecería\n\nEnglish: \nHalf siblings share one biological parent.\nAnd I hope there’s never a time in your\nlife when this little piece of knowledge becomes\nsignificant.\nFor further clarification on step siblings\nand half siblings, see the internet.\nSo the system they had before Tenmu was something\ncalled “double royalty,” and it worked\nlike this.\nI hope you’re watching the screen.\nAnd sober.\nIf not, just give up now.\nSo let’s say you have Emperor Bob...bunaga.\nOne of the perks of being emperor was that\nthey had a bunch of consorts, or concubines.\nExactly like being a YouTuber.\nBut they usually had one main consort.\nShe was the most important because her son\nbecame the crown prince, the next emperor.\nWe’ll call him Jon...mu.\nNow Emperor Jonmu also needed a main consort.\nQuestion is, how did he choose who got the\nposition?\nWell, this was how influential clans got their\nfeet in the door of the Imperial House.\nThrough schemings and dealings, and the occasional\nmurder, a strong clan leader would offer his\n\nFrench: \nLes demi-frères et sœurs partagent un parent biologique.\nEt j'espère qu'il n'y a jamais un moment dans votre vie où ce petit morceau de connaissance devient\nimportant.\nPour plus de précisions sur les frères et sœurs par alliance\net demi-frères et sœurs, voir Internet.\nDonc, le système qu'ils avaient avant Tenmu était quelque chose\nappelé «double royautés», et cela a fonctionné\ncomme ça.\nJ'espère que vous regardez l'écran.\net en étant sobre.\nSinon, abandonnez maintenant.\nAlors disons que vous avez l'empereur Bob ... bunaga.\nL'un des avantages d'être empereur était qu'il avaient un tas d'épouses, ou concubines.\nExactement comme être un YouTuber.\nMais ils avaient généralement une seule épouse principale.\nElle était la plus importante parce que son fils devenait le prince héritier, le prochain empereur.\nNous l'appellerons Jon ... mu.\nMaintenant, l'empereur Jonmu avait également besoin d'une épouse principale.\nLa question est de savoir comment a-t-il choisi qui aura cette position?\nEh bien, c'est ainsi que des clans influents ont mis les pieds dans la porte de la maison impériale.\nÀ travers des intrigues et des transactions, et le meurtre occasionnel, un chef de clan fort offrirait sa\n\nSpanish: \nsu hija como consorte del emperador Bobunaga.\nSí, lo sé, lo del movimiento de derechos de la mujer aún no estaba muy de moda.\nLa hija de ESTA unión, que como podéis ver es la media hermana del emperador Jonmu, se convertía en\nla consorte principal de Jonmu.\nSu hijo se convertía en el siguiente emperador, el emperador Max...amune.\nEsto se llamaba doble realeza porque el emperador Maxamune tenía sangre real por ambos padres.\nRecordad que este sistema no era una ley o algo así, así que hubo excepciones, pero esto era lo habitual.\nProtegía a la familia imperial de influencias externas porque la consorte de un clan externo\nno podía dar a luz a un futuro emperador.\nComo mucho podía dar a luz a la consorte principal del siguiente emperador.\nMientras el Soga clan dominó la corte japonesa en el periodo Asuka, usaron este sistema.\nSus hijas fueron consortes de muchos emperadores.\nEsas uniones no podían resultar en futuros emperadores, pero insistieron.\nContinuaron\n\nEnglish: \ndaughter as consort to Emperor Bobunaga.\nYeah, I know, the women’s rights movement\nwas still in its infancy at this point.\nThe daughter of THIS union, Emperor Jonmu’s\nhalf sister as you can see, became Jonmu’s\nmain consort.\nTheir son became the next emperor, Emperor\nMax...amune.\nThis is called double royalty because Emperor\nMaxamune had royal blood from both parents.\nRemember that this system was not law or anything,\nso there were deviations, but it became the\nnorm.\nIt protected the Imperial Family from outside\ninfluence because the consort from an outsider\nclan could not give birth to a future emperor.\nAt the most, she could only give birth to\nthe next emperor’s main consort.\nWhen the Soga clan dominated the Japanese\ncourt in the Asuka Period, they did it within\nthis system.\nTheir daughters were consorts to many emperors.\nThese unions could not result in future emperors,\nbut they persisted.\nThey just kept marrying into the Imperial\nFamily, keeping their influence fresh.\n\nFrench: \nfille comme épouse de l'empereur Bobunaga.\nOui, je sais, le mouvement des droits des femmes\nétait encore à ses balbutiements à ce stade.\nLa fille de CETTE union, la demi-sœur de l'empereur Jonmu comme vous pouvez le voir, est devenue l'épouse\nprincipale de Jonmu.\nLeur fils est deviendra le prochain empereur, empereur\nMax ... amune.\nC'est ce qu'on appelle la double redevance parce que l'empereur\nMaxamune avait le sang royal des deux parents.\nRappelez-vous que ce système n'était pas une loi ou quoi que ce soit,\nil y avait donc des écarts, mais il est devenu la\nnorme.\nIl protégeait la famille impériale de l'influence extérieure\nparce que le conjoint d'un clan\nétranger ne pouvait pas donner naissance à un futur empereur.\nTout au plus, elle ne pouvait donner naissance qu'à\nl'épouse principale du prochain empereur.\nQuand le clan Soga a dominé la cour Japonaise dans la période Asuka, ils l'ont fait dans\nce système.\nLeurs filles étaient des épouses de nombreux empereurs.\nCes unions ne pouvaient pas aboutir à de futurs empereurs,\nmais ils ont persisté.\nIls ont juste continué à se marier avec la famille Impériale, gardant leur influence fraîche.\n\nEnglish: \nWomen were invaluable to the top clans.\nBeing consorts to the emperor meant they pierced\nhis inner circle.\nThey became the eyes and ears, and mouths,\nfor their clans.\nNow were there problems with this system?\nSure, like when the main consort did not produce\na son, or the emperor died before producing\na son.\nThat meant the field of candidates opened\nup and people getting whacked.\nWhen Tenmu became emperor, this model was\nchucked out the window.\nTenmu seized the throne through the Jinshin\nWar, a civil war between Tenmu and Prince\nOtomo.\nTenmu was the brother of the previous emperor,\nEmperor Tenji, so he obviously didn’t fit\nthe double-royal son model.\nAlthough, Prince Otomo didn’t fit the model\neither.\nHe was Tenji’s son, but his mother was not\nTenji’s main consort.\nIn any case, after Tenmu took power, the Fujiwara\nclan decided they didn’t like the system.\nThey were an up-and-coming clan, but they\nwanted to be an already-arrived clan, and\n\nSpanish: \nLas mujeres eran muy valiosas para los clanes más importantes.\nAl hacerse consortes del emperador se convertían en partes de su círculo íntimo.\nSe convertían en los ojos y oídos, y las bocas, de sus clanes.\nAhora bien, ¿había problemas con este sistema?\nClaro, como cuando la consorte principal no daba a luz a un hijo, o el emperador moría antes de tener un hijo.\nEso significaba que la lista de candidatos crecía y la gente era asesinada.\nCuando Tenmu se convirtió en emperador tiraron este sistema a la basura.\nTenmu llegó al poder mediante la Guerra Jinshin, una guerra civil entre Tenmu y el príncipe Otomo.\nTenmu era el hermano del emperador anterior Tenji, así que obviamente no encajaba en\nel modelo de \"hijo de doble realeza\"\nSin embargo, el príncipe Otomo tampoco cumplía esa regla.\nEra el hijo de Tenji, pero su madre no era la consorte principal de Tenji.\nDe cualquier forma, después de que Tenmu llegara al poder, el clan Fujiwara decidió que no les gustaba ese sistema.\nEra un clan ascendiente, pero querían ser un clan que ya ha llegado a lo más alto, y\n\nFrench: \nLes femmes étaient inestimables pour les meilleurs clans.\nÊtre épouse de l'empereur signifiait qu'elles transperçaient son cercle intérieur.\nElles sont devenus les yeux et les oreilles, et les bouches,\npour leurs clans.\nMaintenant, y avait-il des problèmes avec ce système?\nBien sûr, comme lorsque l'épouse principale n'a pas produit de fils, ou l'empereur est mort avant de produire\nun fils.\nCela signifiait que le champ des candidats était ouvert\net les gens se sont cognés entre eux.\nLorsque Tenmu est devenu empereur, ce modèle a été jeté par la fenêtre.\nTenmu s'empare du trône à travers la guerre Jinshin, une guerre civile entre Tenmu et le Prince\nOtomo.\nTenmu était le frère de l'empereur précédent,\nL'empereur Tenji, donc il ne correspondait évidemment pas\navec le modèle du double fils royal.\nBien que le prince Otomo ne correspondait pas au modèle non plus.\nIl était le fils de Tenji, mais sa mère n'était pas la principale épouse de Tenji.\nEn tout cas, après que Tenmu a pris le pouvoir, le clan Fujiwara ont décidé qu'ils n'aimaient pas le système.\nIls étaient un clan prometteur, mais ils voulaient être un clan déjà arrivé, et\n\nEnglish: \nsome nonsense tradition to protect the Imperial\nHouse and prevent wars and disorder\nwasn't gonna stop them.\nHey guys, thanks for watching.\nShoutout to two new patrons this week, Sam\nFieldman,\nhelloooo Mr. Fieldman,\nand Jenova_83,\nwe got ourselves a Final Fantasy fan here.\nAnd then, we gained a third emperor this week,\nYakaru Dezaki!\nThank you sooo much, you are so generous.\nLooks like now we have a ruling triumvirate\nhere, hopefully they rule peacefully and don’t\nbackstab each other.\nHey if you like history and want to make the\nchannel sustainable, go to my Patreon link\nbelow and consider donating a few bucks.\nMuch love, guys.\nNow go out there and spread the knowledge.\n\nFrench: \nune tradition absurde pour protéger la maison impériale et prévenir les guerres et le désordre\nn'allait pas les arrêter.\nHé les gars, merci d'avoir regardé.\nUn cri pour les deux nouveaux patrons cette semaine, Sam\nFieldman,\nhelloooo M. Fieldman,\net Jenova_83,\nnous nous sommes fait un fan de Final Fantasy ici.\nEt puis, nous avons gagné un troisième empereur cette semaine,\nYakaru Dezaki!\nMerci beaucoup, vous êtes tellement généreux.\nOn dirait que maintenant nous avons un triumvirat au pouvoir ici, j'espère qu'ils gouvernent pacifiquement et ne se\npoignarderons pas les uns les autres.\nHé si vous aimez l'histoire et voulez faire vivre la chaîne, allez sur mon lien Patreon\nci-dessous et envisagez de donner quelques dollars.\nBeaucoup d'amour, les gars.\nMaintenant, allez là-bas et diffusez les connaissances.\n\nSpanish: \nuna tradición absurda de proteger a la casa imperial y evitar las guerras y el desorden\nno les iba a parar.\nEy chicos, gracias por mirar.\nSaludos a dos nuevos patroicnadores esta semana, Sam Fieldman,\nhoooola Sr. Fieldman,\ny Jenova_83,\ntenemos a un fan de Final Fantasy entre nosotros.\n¡Y además hemos conseguido un tercer emperador esta semana, Yakaru Dezaki!\nMuchas gracias, sois tan generosos.\nParece que tenemos un triumvirato gobernando, esperemos que dirijan pacíficamente y no\nse ataquen mutuamente a traición.\nEy si os gusta la historia y queréis hacer sostenible el canal, id a mi enlace de Patreon\nque está debajo y pensaos donar un par de pavos.\nMucho amor, chicos.\nSalid ahí fuera y difundir el conocimiento.\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": ">> ♪ ♪\n>> ♪ ♪\n>> JOE BIDEN BACK ON THE\nCAMPAIGN TRAIL IN DELAWARE AND\nTAKING QUESTIONS FROM THE PRESS.\nIT COMES AS PRESIDENT TRUMP\nLOOKS TO BE CLOSING THE POLLING\nGAP.\nTHE DEMOCRAT’S LEAD NARROWED BY\n5 POINTS SINCE JUNE.\nBIDEN STILL HAS A LEAD AND\nA SECOND POLL SHOWS BIDEN\nCOMFORTABLY AHEAD.\nHE TOOK SHOTS AT PRESIDENT\nTRUMP.\n>> I THINK MY MESSAGE IS GETTING\nOUT BASED ON WHAT THE POLLING\nDATA SHOWS AND THE MILLIONS OF\nPEOPLE WHO WATCHED WHAT I HAVE\nHAD TO SAY AND THE CIRCUMSTANCES\nIN WHICH I SAID IT.\nI WOULD LIKE TO GET OUT MORE.\nI HAVE BEGUN TO PREPARE BY GOING\nOVER WHAT THE PRESIDENT SAID AND\nTHE MULTIPLE LIES HE’S TOLD.\nI WOULD LOVE A CRAWLER AT THE\nBOTTOM OF THE SCREEN, A FACT\nCHECKER.\n>> PRESIDENT TRUMP RESPONDED\nHOLDING A DUELLING CAMPAIGN\nEVENT IN NORTH CAROLINA.\n>> NEXT YEAR WILL BE ONE OF THE\nBEST ECONOMIC YEARS OUR COUNTRY\nHAS EVER HAD.\n>> [CHEERS AND APPLAUSE].\n>> I SAY THAT WITH A CAVEAT.\nBIDEN WANTS TO RAISE YOUR TAXES\nBY 4 TIMES.\nIT’S CRAZY.\n>> DANA, LET’S TALK POLITICS.\nTHE NATIONAL POLLING AVERAGE HAS\nTHE NATIONAL POLLING AVERAGE HAS\nBIDEN UP BY 7% AFTER THE\nCONVENTION.\nNO CHANGE BASICALLY IN MOST OF\nTHE BATTLEGROUND STATES.\nWHAT DO YOU MAKE OF ALL OF THIS?\n>> WELL, I THINK THERE IS\nCHANGES IN THE BATTLEGROUND\nSTATES AND TIGHTENING.\nI DON’T THINK YOU HAVE TO LOOK\nAT THE POLLS TO KNOW THAT.\nYOU CAN LOOK AT JOE BIDEN’S\nACTIVITY.\nYOU KNOW WHEN A CAMPAIGN IS\nCHANGING TACTICS AND STRATEGY\nTHAT THEY HAVE SEEN SOMETHING IN\nTHE POLLS THAT MAKES THEM\nCONCERNED OR THEY WANT TO\nCAPITALIZE ON.\nIN THIS CASE IT’S CONCERN.\nIF YOU THINK ABOUT IT, THE TRUMP\nCAMPAIGN HAS BEEN ON OFFENSE AND\nFORCING JOE BIDEN INTO DOING\nA COUPLE OF THINGS.\nHE WENT TO PENNSYLVANIA TO DO\nTHAT EVENT AND TOOK QUESTIONS\nTODAY.\nHE WILL GO TO KENOSHA TOMORROW.\nTHAT’S DIFFERENT THAN EVEN JUST\n3 WEEKS AGO WHEN THEY SEEMED\nCOMFORTABLE TO DO THIS CAMPAIGN\nBY ZOOM.\nTHAT’S NOT GOING TO WORK.\nJOE BIDEN TOOK QUESTIONS TODAY.\nIT TAKES A WHILE TO SHAKE OUT\nTHE COBWEBS.\nWE SHOULD DO MORE OF THAT BEFORE\nTHE DEBATES.\nHE WILL SEE IF HE CAN KEEP THE\nLEAD IT HAS BUT IT WILL TIGHTEN.\nPARTISANS ALWAYS COME HOME.\nTHE PRESIDENT IS PUTTING HIS\nFRONT FOOT FORWARD -- IS THAT\nLIKE A BOXING THING?\nPROBABLY.\nHE’S ON OFFENSE.\nTHAT’S ALSO A SPORTS TERM.\nHE IS RUNNING AWAY WITH THE\nBALL.\nI WILL LEAVE IT THERE.\n>> [LAUGHING].\n>> I THINK WE GOT THE MESSAGE.\nJESSE, THERE ARE NEW ADS OUT.\nTRUMP IS SENDING A LAW AND ORDER\nMESSAGE IN HIS AD.\nBIDEN IS CHARGING TRUMP WITH\nPROVOKING VIOLENCE AND FAILING\nTO CONDEMN RIGHT WING WHITE\nSUPREMACY.\nDO YOU THINK THE ADS WILL MOVE\nTHE NEEDLE?\n>> I DO BUT THIS RACE IS\nTIGHTENING LIGHTNING FAST.\nIT BEGAN IN MID JULY WHEN THE\nPRESIDENT HELD CORONAVIRUS\nBRIEFINGS AND FOCUSSED ON LAW\nAND ORDER AND GOT FRESH BLOOD IN\nTHE CAMPAIGN.\nBIDEN LOOKS DEFENSIVE.\nFOLLOWING TRUMP TO KENOSHA AFTER\nSAYING HE WOULD NOT DO THAT AND\nNOW A PANICKED 45 MILLION\nDOLLARS AD BUY TO DEFEND HIMSELF\nAGAINST THE LAW AND ORDER\nATTACKS THAT EVAPORATED HIS\nPOLLING LEAD IN THE BATTLEGROUND\nSTATES.\nBIDEN DOESN’T LOOK COMFORTABLE\nTALKING ABOUT THIS.\nHE WANTS TO TALK ABOUT THE\nVIRUS.\nHE DIDN’T WANT TO TALK ABOUT\nVIOLENCE RIGHT NOW.\nHE LOOKS LIKE HE IS SHIFTING HIS\nMESSAGE BACK AND FORTH.\nFIRST SPONSORED THE VIOLENCE\nTHEN IGNORED IT AND THEN BLAMED\nTRUMP FOR IT.\nHE BOMBED HIS SISTER SOLDIER\nMOMENT.\nHE IS UNWILLING TO STAND UP TO\nTHE LEFT WING RADICAL MOB.\nHE IS LOSING WOMEN, HISPANICS,\nBLACKS BECAUSE OF BLACK LIVES\nMATTER AND ANTIFA VIOLENCE.\nTHE MESSAGE OF HIS CAMPAIGN IS\nILLOGICAL.\nIS THIS IS A RIOT WHY DID YOU\nCALL IT PEACEFUL ALL SUMMER?\nIF YOU CARE ABOUT BLACK LIVES\nWHY DID YOU SAY NOTHING ABOUT 50\nPEOPLE SHOT IN CHICAGO?\nIF TRUMP IS FANNING THE BLAMES\nOF VIOLENCE WHY HE IS URGING\nDEMOCRATIC MAYORS AND GOVERNORS\nTO ACCEPT THE NATIONAL GUARD TO\nSTOP THE VIOLENCE?\nNOTHING THAT BIDEN SAYS MAKES\nSENSE.\nPEOPLE SEE IT AND NOW IT IS\nREGISTERING.\n>> GREG, WHAT WE KNOW ABOUT\nMONEY IN POLITICS IS THAT IT’S\nREALLY IMPORTANT.\nBIDEN RAISED $364-MILLION IN\nAUGUST BREAKING RECORDS.\nHIS FAVORABILITY IS UP IN THE\nPOLLS.\n>> THAT IS A LOT OF MONEY.\nI WANT TO CONGRATULATION CHRIS\nWALLACE AFTER DECLINING THE\nOFFER TO MODERATE THE DEBATE, I\nWISH THE SECOND CHOICE ALL THE\nBEST.\n>> [LAUGHING].\n>> I HAVE SOME TIPS FOR HIM.\nI WAS TOLD THAT JOE’S HANDLERS\nTOLD HIM THE GAP WAS CLOSING AND\nHE GOT DEPRESSED BECAUSE THAT’S\nWHERE HE GETS HIS PAJAMAS.\n>> [LAUGHING].\n>> WE MADE A BIG DEAL ABOUT HIM\nANSWERING QUESTIONS BUT 84 WERE\nWHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR PANTS?\nTHE REMAINING 47 WAS WHY ARE\nTHEY ON YOUR HEAD?\nA GREAT TWEET FROM DONALD TRUMP\nTODAY.\nTHE DOW INDUSTRIAL AVERAGE\nCLOSED ABOVE 29,000.\nYOU ARE SO LUCKY TO HAVE ME AS\nYOUR PRESIDENT.\nTHIS IS AN AMAZING TWEET!\nIT’S GOT EMOJIs.\nHE IS BREAKING NEW GROUND.\nTHE WAY HE USES THOSE CONTRASTED\nTO THE STIFFNESS OF JOE BIDEN\nWHEN HE TWEETS.\nIT’S DONE A FLACK WHO DIDN’T\nKNOW WHAT DAY IT IS.\nI AM EXCITED AS YOU CAN TELL.\nI WILL SHUT UP.\n>> THAT’S ALL RIGHT.\nI HAD NOT SEEN THAT EMOJI.\nEMILY, A LOT OF THIS IS ABOUT\nATTRACTING SUBURBAN VOTERS,\nESPECIALLY WOMEN.\nI LOOKED AT THE NUMBERS.\nBIDEN HAS A STRONG LEAD\nMAINTAINING IT BY 57-37.\nIN THE SUBURBS, OVERALL, NOT\nJUST AMONG WOMEN BIDEN IS UP\n58-35.\nWHAT CAN THE PRESIDENT DO TO\nIMPROVE HIS STANDING WITH\nSUBURBAN WOMEN?\n>> I THINK WHAT IS INTERESTING\nIS THE TIMING AND THE TREND OF\nTHAT LEAD.\nI HAVE TO SAY AS GREG WAS\nTALKING I ENVISIONED THIS\nCOLLEGE COURSE OF PRESIDENTIAL\nUSE OF EMOJIs AND STUDENTS\nANALYZING HOW THAT’S USED.\nI THINK IT’S CLEAR THAT AFTER\nTHE CONVENTION BIDEN DID NOT\nENJOY A BOUNCE IN THE POLLS.\nTHAT’S NOT ATYPICAL.\nBUT IT SEEMS CLEAR THAT TRUMP\nDID.\nI THINK THAT GOING INTO LABOR\nDAY THERE IS A TIGHTENING IN THE\nPOLLS.\nHE ENJOYED A SOLID PERFORMANCE\nAT THE RNC AND COUPLED WITH LAW\nAND ORDER ISSUES IN BATTLEGROUND\nSTATES LIKE WISCONSIN AND\nMINNESOTA, TITHINK IT WILL BE\nTIGHT MOVING FORWARD.\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "\nEnglish: \nIn this lecture you will learn about Manifest Destiny,\nThe Oregon Trail, and the Church of Jesus ...\nChrist of Latter-day Saints\nAs Americans moved westward,\nthey encountered fewer forests and eventually ...\nreached the Midwest's a treeless prairie,\nwhere they could spend less time clearing the land and ...\nmore time cultivating it\nLabor-saving improvements in farm implements,\nsuch as John Deere’s steel “singing plow,” also ...\nincreased agricultural productivity.\nImprovements in wheat harvesting,\nsuch as Cyrus McCormick’s mechanical reaper,\nalso multiplied farmers’ productivity;\nas a result, corn and wheat harvests ...\ndoubled between 1840 and 1860.\n\nItalian: \n In questa lezione imparerai a conoscere il destino manifesto, \n L'Oregon Trail e la Chiesa di Gesù ... \n Cristo dei Santi degli Ultimi Giorni \n Mentre gli americani si spostavano verso ovest, \n hanno incontrato meno foreste e alla fine ... \n raggiunto il Midwest, una prateria senza alberi, \n dove potrebbero passare meno tempo a sgombrare la terra e ... \n più tempo a coltivarlo \n Miglioramenti per il risparmio di manodopera negli attrezzi agricoli, \n come l '\"aratro cantante\" in acciaio di John Deere, anche ... \n aumento della produttività agricola. \n Miglioramenti nella raccolta del grano, \n come la mietitrice meccanica di Cyrus McCormick, \n ha anche moltiplicato la produttività degli agricoltori; \n di conseguenza, i raccolti di mais e grano ... \n raddoppiato tra il 1840 e il 1860. \n\nEnglish: \nBy 1850, trains steamed along 9,000 ...\nmiles of track, almost two-thirds of it in New ...\nEngland and the Middle Atlantic states;\nby 1860, the railroads helped the ...\nUnited States to become the world’s second greatest ...\nindustrial power.\nIn addition to speeding transportation,\nrailroads propelled the growth of the iron and coal ...\nindustries, both vital to railroad ...\nconstruction and operation.\nThe growing railroad industry also stimulated the fledgling ...\ntelegraph industry; by 1861,\nmore than fifty thousand miles of wire stretched ...\nalongside railroad tracks.\nAlmost all railroads were built and owned by private ...\ncorporations rather than by the government;\nundergirding these private investments was massive ...\ngovernment aid, especially federal land grants.\n\nItalian: \n Nel 1850, i treni percorrevano 9.000 ... \n chilometri di binari, quasi due terzi a New ... \n Inghilterra e Stati del Medio Atlantico; \n nel 1860, le ferrovie aiutarono il ... \n Gli Stati Uniti diventeranno i secondi più grandi al mondo ... \n potere industriale. \n Oltre ad accelerare il trasporto, \n le ferrovie hanno spinto la crescita del ferro e del carbone ... \n industrie, entrambe vitali per la ferrovia ... \n costruzione e funzionamento. \n La crescente industria ferroviaria stimolò anche il nascente ... \n industria del telegrafo; entro il 1861, \n più di cinquantamila miglia di filo teso ... \n lungo i binari della ferrovia. \n Quasi tutte le ferrovie sono state costruite e di proprietà di privati ​​... \n corporazioni piuttosto che dal governo; \n alla base di questi investimenti privati ​​era enorme ... \n aiuti governativi, in particolare concessioni fondiarie federali. \n\nEnglish: \nThe railroad boom of the 1850s signaled the growing ...\nindustrial might of the American economy and,\nin the 1840s and 1850s, linked an expanding,\nwestward-moving population by,\nanimals, and farms as well as by ...\nmachines, steam,\nrailroads, and cities.\nMore than anything however, the idea of Manifest Destiny ...\ndrove hundreds of settlers west. O’\nMost Americans believed that the superiority of their ...\ninstitutions and white culture bestowed on them a ...\nGod-given right to spread their civilization across the continent.\nIn 1845, New York journalist John L.\n\nItalian: \n Il boom della ferrovia del 1850 segnò il crescente ... \n potenza industriale dell'economia americana e, \n negli anni 1840 e 1850, collegati a un'espansione, \n popolazione che si sposta verso ovest da, \n animali, fattorie e da ... \n macchine, vapore, \n ferrovie e città. \n Più che altro, però, l'idea di Manifest Destiny ... \n ha spinto centinaia di coloni a ovest. O ' \n La maggior parte degli americani credeva che la superiorità dei loro ... \n istituzioni e cultura bianca hanno conferito loro un ... \n Il diritto concesso da Dio di diffondere la loro civiltà in tutto il continente. \n Nel 1845, il giornalista di New York John L. \n\nItalian: \n O'Sullivan ha coniato il termine destino manifesto come l'ultimo ... \n giustificazione per i coloni bianchi per prendere la terra che bramavano. \n Sullivan ha affermato che era il \"manifesto ... \n destino ”per trasportarne i valori e la civiltà ... \n verso ovest. Il destino manifesto ha incorniciato il ... \n Conquista americana dell'Occidente come parte di un piano divino. \n Secondo Manifest Destiny gli Stati Uniti ... \n si espanderebbe - e dovrebbe - inevitabilmente ... \n verso ovest fino all'Oceano Pacifico. \n Manifest \"significa ovvio e il suo utilizzo qui implicava che ... \n\nEnglish: \nO’Sullivan coined the term manifest destiny as the latest ...\njustification for white settlers to take the land they coveted.\nSullivan claimed that it was the nation’s “manifest ...\ndestiny” to transport its values and civilization ...\nwestward. Manifest destiny framed the ...\nAmerican conquest of the West as part of a divine plan.\nAccording to Manifest Destiny the United States ...\nwould—and should—inevitably expand ...\nwestward all the way to the Pacific Ocean.\nManifest” means obvious, and its use here implied that ...\n\nItalian: \n non c'era dubbio che tale espansione dovesse verificarsi. \n \"Destiny\" indicava che molti americani credevano verso ovest ... \n l'espansione era inevitabile e un diritto. \n Quelli di carattere più religioso vedevano questo destino come ... \n ordinato da Dio; però, \n i meno devoti credevano anche nel destino manifesto, \n vedendolo come un segno della \"grandezza\" del popolo americano. \n L'idea era quindi quella di diffondere ... \n democrazia e stile di vita europeo-americano \n L'idea includeva anche domare il paesaggio occidentale \n Quando appartiene alle persone che già vivevano nel ... \n ovest l'idea era di sterminare o convertire Native ... \n\nEnglish: \nthere was no question such expansion should occur.\n“Destiny” indicated that many Americans believed westward ...\nexpansion was inevitable—and a right.\nThose of a more religious character saw this destiny as ...\nordained by God; however,\nthe less pious also believed in Manifest Destiny,\nseeing it as a sign of the “greatness” of the American people.\nThus, the idea was to spread of ...\ndemocracy and European-American lifestyle\nThe idea also included taming the western landscape\nWhen it partain to the people that were already living in the ...\nwest the idea was to exterminate or convert Native ...\n\nEnglish: \nAmericans they were often seem as an obstacle to the ...\nmanifest destiny goal.\nWhen it pertain to the Mexian population living in the west ...\nthe idea was to optain the land from the new Mexican ...\ngoverment by one way or antoher...John L.\nSullivans document reads in part.\nImbecile and distracted, Mexico never can exert any ...\nreal governmental authority over such a country.\nThe Anglo-Saxon foot is already on its borders.\nAlready the advanced guard of the irresistible army of ...\nAnglo-Saxon emigration has begun to pour down upon it,\narmed with the plough and rifle,…\n\nItalian: \n Gli americani spesso sembrano un ostacolo al ... \n obiettivo del destino manifesto. \n Quando riguarda la popolazione messicana che vive nell'ovest ... \n l'idea era di ottenere la terra dal nuovo messicano ... \n governo in un modo o nell'altro ... John L. \n Il documento di Sullivans si legge in parte. \n Imbecille e distratto, il Messico non può mai esercitare alcun ... \n vera autorità governativa su un tale paese. \n Il piede anglosassone è già ai suoi confini. \n Già guardia avanzata dell'irresistibile esercito di ... \n L'emigrazione anglosassone ha cominciato a riversarsi su di essa, \n armato di aratro e fucile, ... \n\nEnglish: \nA population will soon be in actual occupation of ...\nCalifornia, over which it will be idle for ...\nMexico to dream of dominion.\nAs important as national pride and racial arrogance were to ...\nmanifest destiny, economic gain made up its core.\nAmerican expansionists first looked towards the vast ...\nOregon Country of the West.\nBoth Britain and the United States laid claim to Oregon;\nin 1818, the two countries settled on a ...\n“joint occupation” that would leave Oregon “free and ...\nopen” to settlement by both countries.\n\nItalian: \n Presto una popolazione occuperà effettivamente ... \n California, su cui rimarrà inattivo per ... \n Il Messico per sognare il dominio. \n Importante quanto l'orgoglio nazionale e l'arroganza razziale erano ... \n destino manifesto, guadagno economico costituiva il suo nucleo. \n Gli espansionisti americani guardarono per la prima volta verso il vasto ... \n Oregon Paese dell'Ovest. \n Sia la Gran Bretagna che gli Stati Uniti rivendicarono l'Oregon; \n nel 1818, i due paesi stabilirono un ... \n \"Occupazione congiunta\" che lascerebbe l'Oregon \"libero e ... \n aperto ”all'insediamento di entrambi i paesi. \n\nEnglish: \nBy the late 1830s, settlers began to trickle along ...\nthe Oregon Trail\nAs the settelers moved westward emigrants ...\nencountered Plains Indians, some of whom were peaceful,\nsedentary farmers; however,\nthe majority of the tribes from the central and southern ...\nPlains were horse-mounted, nomadic,\nnonagricultural peoples whose warriors symbolized ...\nthe whites' idea of the \"savage Indian.\"\nAnd although the federal government had ...\nimplemented a policy of forced removal since the ...\nAndre Jackson Administration.\nInitially, some Indian groups in the ...\ngreat plains remained too powerful to remove.\nPlains Indians struck fear in the hearts of settelers on the ...\nwagon trains, and the emigrants insisted ...\n\nItalian: \n Verso la fine del 1830, i coloni iniziarono a gocciolare lungo ... \n il sentiero dell'Oregon \n Mentre i coloni si spostavano verso ovest emigranti ... \n incontrò gli indiani delle pianure, alcuni dei quali pacifici, \n agricoltori sedentari; però, \n la maggior parte delle tribù del centro e del sud ... \n Le pianure erano a cavallo, nomadi, \n popoli non agricoli i cui guerrieri simboleggiavano ... \n l'idea dei bianchi del \"selvaggio indiano\". \n E sebbene il governo federale avesse ... \n ha implementato una politica di rimozione forzata dal ... \n Amministrazione di Andre Jackson. \n Inizialmente, alcuni gruppi indiani nel ... \n le grandi pianure rimanevano troppo potenti per essere rimosse. \n Gli indiani delle pianure hanno colpito la paura nei cuori dei coloni sul ... \n carovane, e gli emigranti insistevano ... \n\nItalian: \n che il governo federale fornisca loro di più ... \n protezione; in realtà, \n i nativi americani avevano molto di più da temere dai migranti. \n Quindi, nel 1851, \n il governo ha adottato una nuova politica indiana ... \n concentrazione e persuase gli indiani delle pianure a firmare ... \n accordi per liberare un ampio corridoio per le carovane ... \n limitando i nativi americani ad aree specifiche ... \n che i bianchi hanno promesso che non avrebbero mai violato. \n Purtroppo, come abbiamo visto in passato ... \n quei trattati non saranno rispettati dagli americani. \n Ironia della sorte, malattie e incidenti ... \n ha causato molte più morti lungo il sentiero abbronzato indiano ... \n\nEnglish: \nthat the federal government provide them with more ...\nprotection; in reality,\nthe Native Americans had far more to fear from the migrants.\nSo, in 1851,\nthe government adopted a new policy of Indian ...\nconcentration and persuaded the Plains Indians to sign ...\nagreements to clear a wide corridor for the wagon trains ...\nby restricting Native Americans to specific areas ...\nthat whites promised they would never violate.\nUnfortunately, as we have seen in the past ...\nthose treaties will not be fulfilled by the Americans.\nIronically, Disease and accidents ...\ncaused many more deaths along the trail tan did Indian ...\n\nItalian: \n attacchi che i migranti temevano di più. \n Il sentiero dell'Oregon era difficile e molti setter avrebbero ... \n sopportare un ambiente duro e ricominciare da zero in un ... \n terra sconosciuta ma disprezzo il calvario del sentiero e il ... \n difficoltà a partire da zero, \n gli emigranti continuarono a spostarsi verso ovest. \n Alla fine della giornata, il destino manifesto ... \n aspirazione di creare un'utopia democratica in Occidente ... \n si riposò su coloro che raccoglievano i loro beni e ... \n le loro famiglie e si trasferirono a ovest. \n I coloni occidentali di solito migravano come famiglie e ... \n si stabilirono lungo i fiumi. Gli insediamenti spesso si univano ... \n intorno alle tradizioni locali, in particolare la religione, \n\nEnglish: \nattacks which migrants feared the most.\nThe Oregon trail was hard and many setters would have ...\nto endure a harsh enviroment and start from scratch in an ...\nunknown land but despiste the ordeal of the trail and the ...\ndifficulties of starting from scratch,\nemigrants continued to move westward.\nAt the end of the day, the Manifest Destiny ...\naspiration of creating a democratic utopia in the West ...\nrested on those who picked up their possessions and ...\ntheir families and moved west.\nWestern settlers usually migrated as families and ...\nsettled along rivers. Settlements often coalesced ...\naround local traditions, especially religion,\n\nEnglish: \ncarried from eastern settlements.\nThese shared understandings encouraged ...\na strong sense of cooperation among western settlers that ...\nforged communities on the frontier.\nThe experience was described differently by men ...\nand women. When men reached Oregon,\nthey saw opportunity; when women reached ...\nOregon, they found a wilderness ...\nwhose \"primitive state\" led to unending work.\nOn the other hand, there often existed an ...\nopenness of frontier society that resulted in modestly ...\nmore opportunities for women.\nHusbands needed partners in setting up a homestead and ...\nworking in the field to provide food for the family.\nSuitable wives were often in short supply,\n\nItalian: \n portato dagli insediamenti orientali. \n Queste comprensioni condivise hanno incoraggiato ... \n un forte senso di cooperazione tra i coloni occidentali che ... \n comunità forgiate alla frontiera. \n L'esperienza è stata descritta diversamente dagli uomini ... \n e le donne. Quando gli uomini raggiunsero l'Oregon, \n hanno visto l'opportunità; quando le donne hanno raggiunto ... \n Oregon, hanno trovato un deserto ... \n il cui \"stato primitivo\" ha portato a un lavoro senza fine. \n D'altra parte, spesso esisteva un ... \n apertura della società di frontiera che ha portato modestamente ... \n maggiori opportunità per le donne. \n I mariti avevano bisogno di partner per creare una fattoria e ... \n lavorare sul campo per fornire cibo alla famiglia. \n Le mogli adatte erano spesso scarse, \n\nEnglish: \nenabling some to informally negotiate more power in their households\nWhile some were moving west for economic ...\nopportunity others were moving west for other reasons.\nIn 1830, Joseph Smith Jr.\npublished The Book of Mormon and founded the ...\nChurch of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (the Mormons).\nSmith dispatched early converts as missionaries to ...\ntake the message of the Book of Mormon throughout the ...\nUnited States, across the ocean to England ...\nand Ireland, and eventually even farther abroad.\nContinued growth and near-constant opposition from ...\nboth Protestant ministers and neighbors suspicious of their ...\npotential political power forced the Mormons to move ...\n\nItalian: \n consentendo ad alcuni di negoziare in modo informale più potere nelle loro famiglie \n Mentre alcuni si stavano muovendo verso ovest per motivi economici ... \n opportunità che altri si stavano spostando verso ovest per altri motivi. \n Nel 1830 Joseph Smith Jr. \n pubblicò Il Libro di Mormon e fondò il ... \n Chiesa di Gesù Cristo dei Santi degli Ultimi Giorni (i Mormoni). \n Smith inviò i primi convertiti come missionari a ... \n prendere il messaggio del Libro di Mormon in tutto il ... \n Stati Uniti, attraverso l'oceano in Inghilterra ... \n e l'Irlanda, e alla fine anche più lontano all'estero. \n Crescita continua e opposizione quasi costante da ... \n sia i ministri protestanti che i vicini sospettosi del loro ... \n il potenziale potere politico ha costretto i mormoni a muoversi ... \n\nItalian: \n diverse volte, prima da New York all'Ohio, \n poi nel Missouri, e infine nell'Illinois, \n dove hanno stabilito una fiorente comunità sul ... \n rive del fiume Mississippi. \n A Nauvoo, come chiamavano la loro città, \n Smith si è spostato ancora oltre i confini del ... \n L'ortodossia cristiana continuando a pronunciare ... \n rivelazioni aggiuntive e l'introduzione di riti segreti per essere ... \n eseguita nei templi mormoni. \n Più controverso, Smith e un gruppo selezionato di ... \n i suoi seguaci più fedeli iniziarono a prendere altre mogli ... \n (Smith stesso ha sposato almeno trenta donne). \n Dopo che Smith ha approvato il \"matrimonio plurimo\" (poligamia), \n\nEnglish: \nseveral times, first from New York to Ohio,\nthen to Missouri, and finally to Illinois,\nwhere they established a thriving community on the ...\nbanks of the Mississippi River.\nIn Nauvoo, as they called their city,\nSmith moved even further beyond the bounds of the ...\nChristian orthodoxy by continuing to pronounce ...\nadditional revelations and introducing secret rites to be ...\nperformed in Mormon temples.\nMost controversially, Smith and a select group of ...\nhis most loyal followers began taking additional wives ...\n(Smith himself married at least thirty women).\nAfter Smith sanctioned “plural marriage” (polygamy),\n\nEnglish: \nnon-Mormons arrested Smith and his brother.\nOn June 27, 1844,\na mob stormed the jail in which Smith and his brother ...\nwere being held and shot both men dead.\nThe embattled church turned to Brigham Young as its new ...\nleader; he immediately began to plan ...\nthe exodus of his people from Illinois to their new home ...\nbeside the Great Salt Lake.\nIn 1850, the Mormon kingdom became ...\nannexed to the United States as Utah Territory.\nOutraged at the Mormon practice of polygamy,\nthe United States sent an army of 2,500 troops to ...\n\nItalian: \n i non mormoni hanno arrestato Smith e suo fratello. \n Il 27 giugno 1844, \n una folla ha preso d'assalto la prigione in cui Smith e suo fratello ... \n furono trattenuti e uccisi entrambi gli uomini. \n La chiesa merlata si rivolse a Brigham Young come nuovo ... \n capo; ha subito iniziato a pianificare ... \n l'esodo del suo popolo dall'Illinois alla loro nuova casa ... \n accanto al Gran Lago Salato. \n Nel 1850, il regno mormone divenne ... \n annessa agli Stati Uniti come territorio dello Utah. \n Indignato per la pratica mormone della poligamia, \n gli Stati Uniti hanno inviato un esercito di 2.500 truppe a ... \n\nEnglish: \ninvade Salt Lake City in what was known as the Mormon War,\nThe Mormom War demonstred that the idea of ...\nManifest Destiny did not only treathen Native Americans ...\nand Mexicans but anyone who did not fit into the ideal ...\nAnglo Saxon cultural norm. People like the Mormoms ...\nwere seen as a threat to American morality and institutions.\nThat is all for now you will continue to learn what ...\nhappens as more and more Americans continue to move ...\n\nItalian: \n invadere Salt Lake City in quella che era conosciuta come la guerra mormone, \n La guerra mormom ha dimostrato che l'idea di ... \n Manifest Destiny non ha solo attirato i nativi americani ... \n e messicani ma chiunque non si adattasse all'ideale ... \n Norma culturale anglosassone. Persone come i Mormoms ... \n erano visti come una minaccia per la moralità e le istituzioni americane. \n Questo è tutto per ora continuerai a imparare cosa ... \n accade mentre sempre più americani continuano a muoversi ... \n\nItalian: \n ovest nella prossima conferenza. \n\nEnglish: \nwest on the next lecture.\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "Hi friends, how are you?, I'm Neto La Neta, Let's start\nthe present day, as it says in the title, I will be reacting to a music video that premiered pewdiepie\nYes friends, PewDiePie\nMaybe you know him and how you will not know if he is the...\nGood, he was the number 1 youtuber with most subscribers on youtube\nBut he lost with T-Series and you going me to tell me -Neto that happened a month ago as you barely noticed\nand if friends, I know that happened a month ago but I barely noticed\nI already knew that they were competing T-Series and PewDiePie\nSubscribers were uploading every time\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "公众号:英国话美国话\nQ群:50608973<\nHey, guys.\nMartin here with your Sunday\nafternoon Newsround.\nFirst up,\nmany of you will have said goodbye\nto primary and are getting ready\nfor secondary school!\nWe know you probably\nhave loads of questions\nabout what it's going be like,\nso we got students who are leaving\nyear 7 to give advice to those\nstarting a new school.\nMy first question is...\nMy first day of secondary\nschool was really nice.\nIt was fun, but I was a bit nervous,\nbut the teachers and students\nwere really welcoming and nice.\nYou can make friends\nwith people in your class,\nbecause everyone comes\nfrom different schools and everyone\nwants to make new friends.\nFor example, I barely\nknew anyone when I came,\nbut now I have got a special group\nof special friends.\nThe first day of school\nwas a bit difficult,\nbecause I got lost, but don't worry,\nif you get lost, you just need to go\nand ask a teacher for help.\nAll the teachers are really nice.\nWell if by explode you mean\nexperiments, then, yeah.\nWe do supercool experiments,\nlike this one time we did the Coke\nand Mentos experiment.\nIt was really fun, so I wanted\nto try it for myself,\nbut when I got home...\nLet's just say I'm not allowed to do\nthem again for a long time.\nIt's quite comfortable.\nThe inside of my blazer has\na really soft fabric.\nPersonally, in my school,\nthere is absolutely a reason why.\nFor example, if you don't have your\nlanyard or your blazer with you,\nthey will give you a blazer\nand a lanyard for that day to use.\nThank you for listening.\nHope you guys enjoy it,\nsee you guys later.\nBye.\nNow - you might have heard that\nNewsround is making some\nchanges to the way we bring\nyou the news each day -\nfrom Tuesday next week we'll\nhave a longer 8-minute bulletin each\nweekday morning at 7:45...there'll\nalso be loads more online...and\nwe've got a brand new YouTube\nchannel...we'll be able to cover\neven more of the big news stories\nand issues you care about...and that\nmeans a lot more of this...\nLeah here with your\nTuesday Newsround.\nShowtime!\nWelcome to Fiji.\nWe need more on climate change.\nYou have not seen the last of me.\nRacism is when someone is treated\nbadly or unfairly because of\nthe colour of their skin.\nSomeone said that I was too black.\nIt is a virus that\ncan affect our lungs.\nAlmost everyone who gets\nsymptoms gets a fever.\nWe are stuck indoors every day.\nComing up in the next few minutes...\nGood morning.\nGood morning, everyone.\nGood morning.\nGood morning, I'm Shanequa.\nGood morning and\nwelcome to Newsround.\nHello, morning, I'm Leah.\nStart.\nNext, how would you like to\nbuild Lego for a job?\nIt's a dream come true, right?\nWell, that dream is a reality\nfor model maker Will\nwho works at Legoland -\na theme park where pretty\nmuch everything\nis made of the stuff.\nHello, Newsround, I'm Will and I'm\na model maker at Legoland, Windsor.\nWe fix all the models\nin the park and make sure\nthey are as good as they can be\nfor you lovely guests.\nBelieve it or not, my favourite\nthing would be the team that I work\nin, because they are all a little\nbit like me, a little bit crazy,\nand, you know, have some\nfantastic ideas and together,\nyou know, we are the A-Team,\nwe are absolutely fantastic, so...\nYou have got a bus attacking...\nOh, no!\nIt's all right.\nI'm very sorry.\nIt's going to be late now.\nThe weirdest thing was actually,\nprobably, one of them is these rats\nthat I have got here.\nBecause they are really quite\nintricate, but to make a rat,\nto say that you have done that\nat the end of your day,\nis quite a weird thing.\nAnd recently, the rainbow,\nwhich you can see, with the thank\nyou saying that we did\nfor all the key workers,\nthere is no instruction manual\nlike you would get in a Lego set,\nit is literally us guys trying\nto think, as a team,\nhow best can we make it look\nlike the real thing.\nSo, just like you would in a Lego\nbox, you pull out pieces and put\nthem together and I didn't think\nthat I would end up here,\nby doing pretty much\na hobby in my spare time.\nI literally threw myself into it\nand it is no good just really\nbeing interested in Lego,\nyou have got to really,\nreally love it, you know,\nand be a maker, really,\nand that is what I class myself as.\nVery cool.\nThat's all from the weekend team,\nbut De'Graft is here\nat 9.15 tomorrow morning.\nIf you cannot wait until then, you\ncan head to Newsround online where\nthere is more about the changes we\nwill be making next week. Very\nexciting. Enjoy your weekend,\ngoodbye.\n公众号:英国话美国话\nQ群:50608973\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "THAT INCLUDES ITS MASK POLICY\nSOCIAL DISTANCING MARKERS AT\nCHECKOUT AND IT’S PUBLIC\nSOCIAL DISTANCING MARKERS AT\nCHECKOUT AND IT’S PUBLIC\nADDRESS ANNOUNCEMENTS ON SOCIAL\nCHECKOUT AND IT’S PUBLIC\nADDRESS ANNOUNCEMENTS ON SOCIAL\nDISTANCING.\nADDRESS ANNOUNCEMENTS ON SOCIAL\nDISTANCING.\n>> THE STARTING A BUSINESS\nDISTANCING.\n>> THE STARTING A BUSINESS\nDURING THE PANDEMIC SOUNDS LIKE\n>> THE STARTING A BUSINESS\nDURING THE PANDEMIC SOUNDS LIKE\nA CHALLENGE BUT A BREVARD\nDURING THE PANDEMIC SOUNDS LIKE\nA CHALLENGE BUT A BREVARD\nCOUNTY COUPLE WAS UP TO THE\nA CHALLENGE BUT A BREVARD\nCOUNTY COUPLE WAS UP TO THE\nTASK AND IT JUST SO HAPPENS\nCOUNTY COUPLE WAS UP TO THE\nTASK AND IT JUST SO HAPPENS\nTHEIR CLIENTS KNOWS ALL ABOUT\nTASK AND IT JUST SO HAPPENS\nTHEIR CLIENTS KNOWS ALL ABOUT\nREAL CHALLENGE IS NOW THE\nTHEIR CLIENTS KNOWS ALL ABOUT\nREAL CHALLENGE IS NOW THE\nENTREPRENEURS ARE DOING THEIR\nREAL CHALLENGE IS NOW THE\nENTREPRENEURS ARE DOING THEIR\nPART TO HELP PEOPLE ENJOY\nENTREPRENEURS ARE DOING THEIR\nPART TO HELP PEOPLE ENJOY\nSOMETHING MANY OF US TAKE FOR\nPART TO HELP PEOPLE ENJOY\nSOMETHING MANY OF US TAKE FOR\nGRANTED NEWS SIX’S CAROLINA\nSOMETHING MANY OF US TAKE FOR\nGRANTED NEWS SIX’S CAROLINA\nCARDONA HAS THE STORY THAT IS\nGRANTED NEWS SIX’S CAROLINA\nCARDONA HAS THE STORY THAT IS\nNEW AT 6 O’CLOCK.\nCARDONA HAS THE STORY THAT IS\nNEW AT 6 O’CLOCK.\n>> IT’S THE FIRST TIME 5\nNEW AT 6 O’CLOCK.\n>> IT’S THE FIRST TIME 5\nYEAR-OLD ABBY WILL BE ABLE TO\n>> IT’S THE FIRST TIME 5\nYEAR-OLD ABBY WILL BE ABLE TO\nSTROLL AROUND THE BEACH ON HER\nYEAR-OLD ABBY WILL BE ABLE TO\nSTROLL AROUND THE BEACH ON HER\nOWN. YOU SEE EDDIE CAN’T WALK\nSTROLL AROUND THE BEACH ON HER\nOWN. YOU SEE EDDIE CAN’T WALK\nSHE WAS BORN WITH SPINAL\nOWN. YOU SEE EDDIE CAN’T WALK\nSHE WAS BORN WITH SPINAL\nMSCULAR ATROPHY AND INCURABLE\nSHE WAS BORN WITH SPINAL\nMSCULAR ATROPHY AND INCURABLE\nDISEASE THAT KEEPS HER MUSCLES\nMSCULAR ATROPHY AND INCURABLE\nDISEASE THAT KEEPS HER MUSCLES\nFROM GETTING STRONG THINGS ARE\nDISEASE THAT KEEPS HER MUSCLES\nFROM GETTING STRONG THINGS ARE\nSO DIFFERENT FOR HER AND WE\nFROM GETTING STRONG THINGS ARE\nSO DIFFERENT FOR HER AND WE\nALWAYS CHARLO LOSS FOR OFFICE\nSO DIFFERENT FOR HER AND WE\nALWAYS CHARLO LOSS FOR OFFICE\nMUCH AS POSSIBLE. BUT THERE ARE\nALWAYS CHARLO LOSS FOR OFFICE\nMUCH AS POSSIBLE. BUT THERE ARE\nSOME THINGS THAT YOU JUST\nMUCH AS POSSIBLE. BUT THERE ARE\nSOME THINGS THAT YOU JUST\nCAN’T.\nSOME THINGS THAT YOU JUST\nCAN’T.\n>> MAKE HAPPEN FOR HER SO THE\nCAN’T.\n>> MAKE HAPPEN FOR HER SO THE\nFIGHT THAT THIS IS HAPPENING\n>> MAKE HAPPEN FOR HER SO THE\nFIGHT THAT THIS IS HAPPENING\nTHIS HUGE IT’S A BIG DEAL FOR\nFIGHT THAT THIS IS HAPPENING\nTHIS HUGE IT’S A BIG DEAL FOR\nTHE GEORGIA FAMILY WHO RARELY\nTHIS HUGE IT’S A BIG DEAL FOR\nTHE GEORGIA FAMILY WHO RARELY\nGOES TO THE BEACH BECAUSE OF\nTHE GEORGIA FAMILY WHO RARELY\nGOES TO THE BEACH BECAUSE OF\nHIS CONDITION I ACTUALLY\nGOES TO THE BEACH BECAUSE OF\nHIS CONDITION I ACTUALLY\nREMEMBER SHORTLY AFTER THAT HE\nHIS CONDITION I ACTUALLY\nREMEMBER SHORTLY AFTER THAT HE\nWAS DIAGNOSED WATCHING OTHER\nREMEMBER SHORTLY AFTER THAT HE\nWAS DIAGNOSED WATCHING OTHER\nKIDS\nWAS DIAGNOSED WATCHING OTHER\nKIDS\nPLAY AND.\nKIDS\nPLAY AND.\n>> AND I START CRYING SITTING\nPLAY AND.\n>> AND I START CRYING SITTING\nON THE BEACH BECAUSE I KNOW\n>> AND I START CRYING SITTING\nON THE BEACH BECAUSE I KNOW\nTHAT I WOULD NEVER HAPPEN FOR\nON THE BEACH BECAUSE I KNOW\nTHAT I WOULD NEVER HAPPEN FOR\nHER. BUT TODAY THERE WERE NO\nTHAT I WOULD NEVER HAPPEN FOR\nHER. BUT TODAY THERE WERE NO\nTEARS ONLY JOY A SPECIAL DAY\nHER. BUT TODAY THERE WERE NO\nTEARS ONLY JOY A SPECIAL DAY\nFOR THE FAMILY AFTER THEY FOUND\nTEARS ONLY JOY A SPECIAL DAY\nFOR THE FAMILY AFTER THEY FOUND\nSPEECH WHEELS IN COCOA BEACH\nFOR THE FAMILY AFTER THEY FOUND\nSPEECH WHEELS IN COCOA BEACH\nWHERE THEY RENTED A WHEELCHAIR\nSPEECH WHEELS IN COCOA BEACH\nWHERE THEY RENTED A WHEELCHAIR\nDESIGNED FOR USE ON THE BEACH\nWHERE THEY RENTED A WHEELCHAIR\nDESIGNED FOR USE ON THE BEACH\nIT TAKES A SPECIAL PERSON WITH\nDESIGNED FOR USE ON THE BEACH\nIT TAKES A SPECIAL PERSON WITH\nA GOOD HEART TO CARE ABOUT\nIT TAKES A SPECIAL PERSON WITH\nA GOOD HEART TO CARE ABOUT\nTHESE PEOPLE YOU JUST DON’T\nA GOOD HEART TO CARE ABOUT\nTHESE PEOPLE YOU JUST DON’T\nREALIZE THE LACK OF\nTHESE PEOPLE YOU JUST DON’T\nREALIZE THE LACK OF\nACCESSIBILITY UNTIL YOU’RE\nREALIZE THE LACK OF\nACCESSIBILITY UNTIL YOU’RE\nGOING THROUGH IT THAT REALLY\nACCESSIBILITY UNTIL YOU’RE\nGOING THROUGH IT THAT REALLY\nHITS HOME TO MY HEART BECAUSE\nGOING THROUGH IT THAT REALLY\nHITS HOME TO MY HEART BECAUSE\nTHOSE ARE THE FAMILIES WE WANT\nHITS HOME TO MY HEART BECAUSE\nTHOSE ARE THE FAMILIES WE WANT\nTO HELP TO ME THE BEACHES HERE\nTHOSE ARE THE FAMILIES WE WANT\nTO HELP TO ME THE BEACHES HERE\nYOU’VE GOT TO GET ON THE BEACH\nTO HELP TO ME THE BEACHES HERE\nYOU’VE GOT TO GET ON THE BEACH\nAND GET SOME SUN AND JUST THAT\nYOU’VE GOT TO GET ON THE BEACH\nAND GET SOME SUN AND JUST THAT\nTRANQUILITY SHOWY AND PATRICK\nAND GET SOME SUN AND JUST THAT\nTRANQUILITY SHOWY AND PATRICK\nO’GARA OPENED THEIR BEACH\nTRANQUILITY SHOWY AND PATRICK\nO’GARA OPENED THEIR BEACH\nWHEELCHAIR RENTAL SHOP DURING\nO’GARA OPENED THEIR BEACH\nWHEELCHAIR RENTAL SHOP DURING\nTHE PANDEMIC.\nWHEELCHAIR RENTAL SHOP DURING\nTHE PANDEMIC.\n>> KNOWING THE OBSTACLES THEY\nTHE PANDEMIC.\n>> KNOWING THE OBSTACLES THEY\nFACED THEY SAY IT WAS MORE\n>> KNOWING THE OBSTACLES THEY\nFACED THEY SAY IT WAS MORE\nIMPORTANT TO SEE THE SMILES\nFACED THEY SAY IT WAS MORE\nIMPORTANT TO SEE THE SMILES\nFROM THOSE WHO STRUGGLE DAILY\nIMPORTANT TO SEE THE SMILES\nFROM THOSE WHO STRUGGLE DAILY\nDUE TO THEIR SPECIAL NEEDS\nFROM THOSE WHO STRUGGLE DAILY\nDUE TO THEIR SPECIAL NEEDS\nEVERYONE IS GETTING PEOPLE TO\nDUE TO THEIR SPECIAL NEEDS\nEVERYONE IS GETTING PEOPLE TO\nTHE BEACH\nEVERYONE IS GETTING PEOPLE TO\nTHE BEACH\nWATCHING THEM.\nTHE BEACH\nWATCHING THEM.\n>> JUST ENJOYING TIME WITH\nWATCHING THEM.\n>> JUST ENJOYING TIME WITH\nTHEIR FAMILY AT A YOUNG MAN\n>> JUST ENJOYING TIME WITH\nTHEIR FAMILY AT A YOUNG MAN\nTHAT CAME IN FROM THEIR ORLANDO\nTHEIR FAMILY AT A YOUNG MAN\nTHAT CAME IN FROM THEIR ORLANDO\nAREA IN.\nTHAT CAME IN FROM THEIR ORLANDO\nAREA IN.\n>> THE SMILE ON HIS FACE EVEN\nAREA IN.\n>> THE SMILE ON HIS FACE EVEN\nJUST HERE IN THE SHOP IN THE\n>> THE SMILE ON HIS FACE EVEN\nJUST HERE IN THE SHOP IN THE\nCHAIR WAS AMAZING. IT’S THOSE\nJUST HERE IN THE SHOP IN THE\nCHAIR WAS AMAZING. IT’S THOSE\nMOMENTS SHELLEY AND PATRICK\nCHAIR WAS AMAZING. IT’S THOSE\nMOMENTS SHELLEY AND PATRICK\nSAY IT’S ALL WORTH IT.\nMOMENTS SHELLEY AND PATRICK\nSAY IT’S ALL WORTH IT.\nAS FOR ADDIE HER MOM SAYS HER\nSAY IT’S ALL WORTH IT.\nAS FOR ADDIE HER MOM SAYS HER\nCONDITION HAS AN TO FIND THE\nAS FOR ADDIE HER MOM SAYS HER\nCONDITION HAS AN TO FIND THE\nWAY SHE SEES LIFE.\nCONDITION HAS AN TO FIND THE\nWAY SHE SEES LIFE.\n>> WITH A SMILE WE COME EVERY 4\nWAY SHE SEES LIFE.\n>> WITH A SMILE WE COME EVERY 4\nMONTHS FOR HER TO HAVE TO\n>> WITH A SMILE WE COME EVERY 4\nMONTHS FOR HER TO HAVE TO\nFOLLOW INJECTIONS TO TREAT HER\nMONTHS FOR HER TO HAVE TO\nFOLLOW INJECTIONS TO TREAT HER\nDISEASE.\nFOLLOW INJECTIONS TO TREAT HER\nDISEASE.\nAND IT DOESN’T FAZE HOME SHE\nDISEASE.\nAND IT DOESN’T FAZE HOME SHE\nIS THE HAPPIEST STRONGEST\nAND IT DOESN’T FAZE HOME SHE\nIS THE HAPPIEST STRONGEST\nLITTLE GIRL YOU EVER MEET IN\nIS THE HAPPIEST STRONGEST\nLITTLE GIRL YOU EVER MEET IN\nYOUR LOFT IN COCOA BEACH.\nLITTLE GIRL YOU EVER MEET IN\nYOUR LOFT IN COCOA BEACH.\nALINA CREDIBLE AND ON NEWS 6.\nYOUR LOFT IN COCOA BEACH.\nALINA CREDIBLE AND ON NEWS 6.\n>> WHAT A WONDERFUL THING.\nALINA CREDIBLE AND ON NEWS 6.\n>> WHAT A WONDERFUL THING.\nYEAH BEAUTIFUL LITTLE GIRL\n>> WHAT A WONDERFUL THING.\nYEAH BEAUTIFUL LITTLE GIRL\nTHERE AN AMAZING IDEA MY DAD’S\nYEAH BEAUTIFUL LITTLE GIRL\nTHERE AN AMAZING IDEA MY DAD’S\nAND WHEELCHAIR. HE CAN’T GO\nTHERE AN AMAZING IDEA MY DAD’S\nAND WHEELCHAIR. HE CAN’T GO\nTO THE YOU CAN’T PUSH IT ON\nAND WHEELCHAIR. HE CAN’T GO\nTO THE YOU CAN’T PUSH IT ON\nTHE BEACH AND THEN YOU CAN’T\nTO THE YOU CAN’T PUSH IT ON\nTHE BEACH AND THEN YOU CAN’T\nGET A WHEELCHAIR, WET EITHER SO\nTHE BEACH AND THEN YOU CAN’T\nGET A WHEELCHAIR, WET EITHER SO\nI WAS JUST ASKING IF THAT’S\nGET A WHEELCHAIR, WET EITHER SO\nI WAS JUST ASKING IF THAT’S\nSOMETHING THAT MAYBE HE WOULD\nI WAS JUST ASKING IF THAT’S\nSOMETHING THAT MAYBE HE WOULD\nBE ABLE TO YOU I’M GOING TO LIE\nSOMETHING THAT MAYBE HE WOULD\nBE ABLE TO YOU I’M GOING TO LIE\nTO ADDED BY THE WAY IS HAVING\nBE ABLE TO YOU I’M GOING TO LIE\nTO ADDED BY THE WAY IS HAVING\nSURGERY ON WEDNESDAY TO HELP\nTO ADDED BY THE WAY IS HAVING\nSURGERY ON WEDNESDAY TO HELP\nSTRAIGHTEN THE CURVE IN HER\nSURGERY ON WEDNESDAY TO HELP\nSTRAIGHTEN THE CURVE IN HER\nSPINE AND HOPEFULLY HELP WITH\nSTRAIGHTEN THE CURVE IN HER\nSPINE AND HOPEFULLY HELP WITH\nTHE DEVELOPMENTAL ISSUES IN\nSPINE AND HOPEFULLY HELP WITH\nTHE DEVELOPMENTAL ISSUES IN\nHER RIGHT LAW YES THAT MADE\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "CRAIG HASSED: Hi everybody\nit's Craig here\nwith you for the week\ntwo feedback video\nof Maintaining a Mindful Life.\nReally hope you are maintaining\na mind for life. Richard?\nRICHARD CHAMBERS: Yeah well I'm\ndoing my best Craig.\nCertainly an important time\nisn't practising mindfulness.\nAnd I mean this course is so\npowerful because it goes\ninto these topics,\nand these areas that people\nmaybe often\ndon't think of when they think\nabout mindfulness practice,\nlike relationships,\nhow we show up with ourselves\nand with others and these\nare of course very\nimportant things to do\nduring challenging\ncircumstances.\nCRAIG HASSED: Yeah. And please,\nI mean as we've said before,\nthat if you are new\nto mindfulness,\nthen take it gently,\ntake it slowly.\nPractise the things\nyou comfortable to practise,\nbecause it's not an easy\nplace to start.\nThis is a course…\nit's really designed for people\nwho've had a bit\nmore experience with it.\nI think the topic of empathy\nand compassion\nand the difference between\nthose two things is really\ncreated a lot of interest\nthis week.\nAnd how it's one thing\nto actually get a sense\nof how somebody is feeling,\nwhen the person\nis feeling distressed\nand there's a kind of empathy,\nbut to fall into that kind\nof sense of feeling\ndistressed by somebody\nelse's distress.\nTo get caught up\nin that distress.\nAnd very often we activate\nthe stress response\nwhich is very different\nto when we're feeling\ncompassion where there's\nactually areas,\nyou know we experience\nof positive\nemotions associated with that.\nAnd of course many learners\nhave been noticing that if we do\nget caught up in distress,\nof others distress,\nit very quickly leads to this\nkind of empathy fatigue.\nAnd in times when there's\nso much distress being\nexpressed by so many people\nI think in this Covid situation,\nit's pretty important\ntopic that we cultivate\ncompassion but we learn not\nto get caught in the distress\nthat others are experiencing.\nAnd of course with that\ncompassion comes\nthe desire if it's possible\nto help where help is possible.\nSo it's been a quite\nan interesting and I think\nreally important\ntopic this week.\nAnd there was a question about,\nyou know if we\nare compassionate,\ndoes it reduce the suffering\nof others?\nAnd of course we would all\nknow from experience,\napart from the research that,\nyou know when we are distressed,\nand there is somebody\nis calm but compassionate\nand warm hearted with us,\nit has a totally different\neffect than if we’re\nwith somebody who's very\nstressed and trying\nto impose some kind of a hard\nand fast remedy on us.\nAnd so stress is contagious,\nand that's one of the\ninteresting things\nbut so can compassion\nbe contagious.\nRICHARD CHAMBERS: You’ve got\nto be careful with all this\ntalk of contagion these days\nCraig. (both laugh).\nCRAIG HASSED: I was\nchoosing my words….\nRICHARD CHAMBERS: This\nis a good virus!\nThis is compassion going viral.\nCraig,\nsome of our learners asked\nsome really interesting\nquestions around putting\nother people's\nneeds before their own and,\nis that a good thing,\nis it a bad thing? How do\nwe know the difference?\nAnd for me it's a very\ninteresting question.\nA lot of the time I think\nwhen we are putting other\npeople's needs ahead of our own.\nIt can be a bit of a habit.\nI see this a lot in my clients\nand quite often people\nare very selflessly putting\ntheir kids or their\npartner or their friends ahead\nof themselves,\nand it's not that that's\na bad thing,\nI mean it's a very pro social,\nperhaps compassionate thing\nto do.\nBut if you look closely\nsometimes there\nare certain symptoms like a\nfeeling of a burnout\nor resentment,\nand these are signs that perhaps\nthings are a little\nbit out of balance.\nAnd it's interesting,\nyou know a lot of people…\nmost people have heard\nof the fight or flight\nresponse and of course\nyou know we talk about\nthat at length in both\nof our courses here,\nparticularly Mindfulness\nfor Wellbeing Peak Performance.\nAnd some people have heard\nof the freeze response,\nthey've got fight, flight,\nfreeze,\nbut there's actually\na fourth response\nthat researchers have\nbeen talking about\nwhich is the fawn response,\nfawning.\nSo under threat some\npeople make themselves\nuseful and they’d be kind,\nand they’d be generous,\nperhaps as a way of not being,\nyou know not being rejected\nor as a way of feeling\nlike they have a sense\nof belonging.\nAnd when we're in the fawn\nresponse I think that's\nwhen we do put our\nown needs separate,\nsecond and we can get\ninto those areas where\nperhaps we do go a little\nbit too far or maybe\nneglect ourselves\nin the process.\nSo it's really important\nthe motivation behind that.\nIt's one thing\nto be compassionate,\nit's another thing to be\nkind of fawning and doing\nthat in a reactive way.\nAnd in my experience\nthe main sort of sign\nthat we're doing the fawning\nis that we tend\nto feel a bit resentful\nor depleted or overwhelmed.\nCRAIG HASSED: Yes. And I think\nthat looking at\nthe motivation behind\nthe helping response\nis interesting and it's not\nfor somebody\nelse to say but for us to be\naware and in the moment\nourselves to notice\nwhat's driving it.\nAre we activating\nstress response,\nhaving to fix everybody\nand everything else?\nAre we actually doing\nthings outwardly\nthat are helping but inwardly\nthere is a kind\nof resentment and internal\ncommentary about that?\nSo we have to really investigate\nthat for ourselves and be\nclear about our own motivation.\nAnd if comes from the right\nplace then,\nas it were then it will be\nexperienced very differently\nthan if it's coming from stress\nor obligation or something else.\nAnd a lot of interesting\ndiscussion and people finding\nvery helpful things\nlike the kindness\nmeditation and compassion\nmeditation this week Richard.\nRICHARD CHAMBERS: Yeah Craig.\nVery helpful and to some people\nvery triggering as well.\nYou know it can bring up quite\na lot.\nSo of course loving-kindness\nor kindness meditation that's\nwhere we take the acceptance\nand nonjudgment part\nof mindfulness and really\nturn up the volume\non that so that we deliberately\ncultivate a sense of kindness\nfor ourselves and for others.\nAnd that can be a very\nprofoundly transformative\npractice as we learn to,\nyou know genuinely wish\nfor our own\nwell-being or perhaps\nthe well-being of a loved ones.\nAnd then we bump\ninto that typical\nterritory where we're\ntrying to wish well-being\nfor somebody who is maybe\nhurt us,\nor for a politician\non the world stage,\nyou know someone who it would be\nvery easy to kind of dislike,\nto then start sort of perhaps\nseeing them as a human being\nand then realising that like us\nthey also want happiness,\nand then of course they want\nto avoid suffering as well.\nThat’s when loving kindness\ntouches suffering or distress,\nthat's when it\nbecomes compassion.\nAnd so these practices can be\nprofoundly positive you know\nas we practise them\non ourselves,\nyou know improving\nour own well-being,\nbut also of course you know\nwishing it others.\nAnd perhaps getting out\nof those usual reactive\npatterns of watching the news\nand thinking all these angry\nthoughts about the politicians\nand how\nthey should be doing a better\njob and we would be\nif we were just in that role,\nand perhaps see that maybe\nthey're doing the best\nthat they can and they're\ncaught in a system,\nand that they’re…\nno one really knows\nwhat the answer\nis with Covid perhaps.\nCRAIG HASSED: Yes and I think\nthat's one of the things\nthat happens when we become\nmore mindful\nourselves as we actually see\nwe have our own\ndifficult moments,\nwe see a little bit more\nof what motivates our own\nbehavior and so on and we kind\nof get\na sense that we're more\nunderstanding for others\nand a little bit more perhaps\nforgiveness is I think a natural\nsign of being more mindful.\nRICHARD CHAMBERS: And\nthe common humanity.\nI would add to that Craig,\nyou know just the sense\nthat we're all in this together.\nWe're all more similar\nthan we are different.\nAnd start to notice that.\nCRAIG HASSED: And if we can\nstart to view our own\nresponses with a little bit\nmore awareness and compassion,\nthen we kind of,\nI think that makes it easier\nto start to cultivate\nthat for others as well.\nBecause we see what's\non the surface,\nsomebody being difficult,\nwe don't see what's going\non under the surface\nwhich is they're wrestling\nwith their own fears\nand anxieties and everything\nelse that might be going on.\nAnd in relationships,\nyou know how can a relationship\nwork properly\nif the other person is not\nmindful or if the other\nperson's perhaps a bit more\nnegative and you see\nI suspect it's not about\ntrying to fix somebody else\nand what can I do to change\nthem to be the way that I think\nthat they ought to be and so on,\nall we can do is bring\nmindfulness to our own\ninteractions and to our\nown situation.\nWe're not in a sense working\non somebody else, it’s..\nYou know responsibility\nis an interesting word,\nit means the ability to respond,\nbut we only have the ability\nto respond to our own stuff.\nWe don't have the ability\nto respond for somebody else.\nSo you know how can we develop\na way of being\nmindful in the presence\nof somebody who's not mindful?\nHow can we remain open,\nhow can we remain considerate\nand how can we give\nthat person a compassionate ear?\nOr somebody’s negativity,\nhow do we not get caught up\nin the negativity?\nSo it's really us doing\nthe work for ourselves\nrather than you know how\ncan I change somebody else,\nand I think at the end\nof the day that brings\nthe work back home to our own\nresponsibility and frees us\nof the burden of trying\nto change and get\neverybody else the way that we\nthink they should be.\nRICHARD CHAMBERS: Yeah but part\nof that radical self\nresponsibility Craig,\nis also having a very clear\nsense of our own needs\nand our boundaries and really\nhonoring and respecting them,\nyou know mindfulness certainly\ndoesn't mean to not have\nboundaries or not\nhave needs to allow,\nas we've said many times in our\nfeedback videos for this course,\nyou know to allow bad\nbehavior or negative\nbehavior that harms us and harms\nthe person who's doing it.\nSometimes mindfulness\nreally is about owning:\nokay why do I feel uncomfortable\nin this situation,\nwhat are my boundaries\nthat have been crossed,\nwhat are my needs that aren’t\nbeing met? And then,\nyou know from a grounded\npresent place being able\nto perhaps you know really\nassert boundaries\nor express those needs.\nCRAIG HASSED: Yes and at the end\nof the day I mean if we do\nfind we are aware that a\nrelationship is not\nhealthy or not bringing\nout in us the things\nthat we want to bring\nout in life,\nthen we have to make\na choice sometimes.\nAnd we don't always get\nto avoid people\nwe would like to avoid but we do\nhave a choice very\noften about\nwhich relationships do\nwe want to cultivate in our\nlives or spend more\ntime on and which one's not.\nAnd that really requires\nawareness and letting\ngo as well sometimes.\nRICHARD CHAMBERS: Yeah.\nAbsolutely.\nCRAIG HASSED: So that's perhaps\nall for this week.\nNext week we're going\nto be exploring a few\nother things as well:\nself compassion,\nemotional health,\nworking mindfully with pain\nand discomfort. So,\nand just a little reminder too,\njust you know we really\nwelcome such fantastic\ndiscussion on the forums,\nbut you know not to disclose\nvery personal\ninformation of course because it\nis a public forum.\nSo please just take care\nwith that,\nand skip anything that doesn't\nfeel right\nfor you and please do\nfollow our moderators\nwho are doing a fantastic job\nof supporting your learning:\nso Sherelle and Jen.\nSo we'll look forward to being\nwith you next week and between\nnow and then have\na mindful week.\nRICHARD CHAMBERS: See\nyou next week.\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "SHOT BY A POLICE OFFICER.\n>> SAY HIS NAME!\n>> JACOB BLAKE!\n>> SAY HIS NAME!\n>> JACOB BLAKE!\n>> SAY HIS NAME!\n>> JACOB BLAKE!\nPATRICK: A GROUP OF PEOPLE\nRALLIED OUTSIDE THE CHURCH WHERE\nBIDEN SPOKE THIS AFTERNOON,\nCHANTING BLAKE’S NAME\n12 NEWS’ TERRY SATER WAS WITH\nTHE BIDEN CAMPAIGN IN KENOSHA\nALL AFTERNOON.\nHE JOINS US LIVE.\nTERRY: THIS CHURCH WHERE BIDEN\nHELD A COMMUNITY MEETING THI\nAFTERNOON IS ROUGHLY A MILE FROM\nWHERE ALL OF THE VIOLENCE HAS\nPLAYED OUT HERE IN KENOSHA.\n>> I HAD AN OPPORTUNITY TO SPEND\nSOME TIME WITH JACOB ON THE\nPHONE.\nHE’S OUT OF ICU.\nTERRY: INSIDE A KENOSHA LUTHERAN\nCHURCH, DEMOCRATIC PRESIDENTIAL\nNOMINEE JOE BIDEN TALKED ABOUT\nSPEAKING WITH KENOSHA POLICE\nSHOOTING VICTIM JACOB BLAKE ON\nTHE TELEPHONE FOR 15 MINUTES\nTHURSDAY AFTER MEETING WITH\nBLAKE’S FAMILY.\nBLAKE IS STILL HOSPITALIZED AND\nPARALYZED.\n>> HE TALKED ABOUT HOW NOTHING\nWAS GOING TO DEFEAT HI\nHOW WHETHER HE WALKED AGAIN OR\nNOT, HE WAS NOT GOING TO GIVE\nUP.\nMY WIFE ASKED TO SAY A PRAYE\nAND HIS MOM SAID A PRAYE\nWHERE SHE SAID, I’M PRAYING FOR\nJACOB.\nI’M PRAYING FOR THE POLICEMAN AS\nWELL.\nI’M PRAYING THAT THINGS CHANGE.\nTERRY: 31-YEAR-OLD PORSCHE\nBENNETT ALSO SPOKE WITH BIDEN\nINSIDE THE CHURCH DURING THE\nCOMMUNITY MEETING.\nBENNETT SAYS SHE WAS BORN AND\nRAISED IN KENOSHA.\n>> THE ACTION THAT WE WANT IS TO\nHOLD THESE OFFICERS ACCOUNTABLE\nTO THE SAME CRIMES THAT WE GET\nHELD ACCOUNTABLE TO.\nIF I WAS THAT OFFICER, I WOULD\nBE IN THE KENOSHA COUNTY JAIL\nRIGHT NOW.\nA LOT OF PEOPLE WON’T TELL THE\nTRUTH.\nBUT I’M TELLING THE TRUTH.\nIT IS NOT WHAT A LOT OF PEOPLE\nTHINK IT IS FOR US.\nWE WANT THE SAME EXACT RIGHTS AS\nOTHERS.\n>> IF TOMORROW, GOD MADE ME\nPRESIDENT, I CAN’T GUARANTEE YOU\nEVERYTHING GETS SOLVED IN FOUR\nYEARS.\nBUT I GUARANTEE YOU ONE THING.\nIT’LL BE A WHOLE HECKUVA LOT\nBETTER\nPATRICK: TERRY, YOU COVERED THE\nPRESIDENT’S VISIT TUESDAY.\nWHAT WAS THE BIGGEST DIFFERENCE\nBETWEEN THE TWO VISITS\nTERRY: PRESIDENT TRUMP TOURED\nTHE DAMAGE HERE, MET WITH LAW\nENFORCEMENT, AND DID NOT SPEAK\nWITH JACOB BLAKE’S FAMILY.\nJOE BIDEN TALKED ABOUT CHANGE\nAND MORE ON RACIAL INJUSTICE.\nPATRICK: GOVERNOR TONY EVE\nSAID HE ASKED BOTH BIDEN AND\nPRESIDENT TRUMP NOT TO VISIT\nKENOSHA THIS WEEK.\n>> I WOULD PREFER THAT NO ONE\nHERE, WHETHER IT BE CANDIDATE\nTRUMP OR CANDIDATE BIDEN, I SAID\nVERY CLEARLY TO BOTH OF THEM\nWHAT MY POSITION WAS AND\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "[tom toms]\nHey guys, it's Jane.\nFriday today,\nso I'm back here for a Friday\nReads. I finished\nthree books\nand a short story.\nI finished this, 'Scarlet', and\nyeah, I think\nI'm not going to be\ncontinuing. Well,\nI'm not going to be continuing right now.\nIt wasn't\nespecially worse than the first one\nbut I think my appetite for it\nhas pretty much been\nsatisfied now. We had a really\ninteresting discussion\nabout this at Book Club\nearlier\nin the week. We\ngot a huge range\nof reactions. We were actually talking about 'Cinder',\nbut I\nread two, my\nsister had actually gone right ahead\nand read three, so\n[laughs] so that was fun.\nYeah, we got a\nreal range of reactions to this.\nSo it was\nactually a really fun book club\ndiscussion. I've actually got another\nquote that I picked out which,\nwith really awkward wording, but I\ndon't think I'm going to bother with that\nnow because, y'know, you've\npretty much heard what I had to say about that before.\nThe thing\nabout this that I\nthat actually made me feel uncomfortable\nrather than just,\ny'know, like I'd been eating junk food,\nwas the relationship\nbetween the red riding hood\ncharacter and the wolf\ncharacter, and the way that\nwas written.\nWe have a\nmeet-cute, and then they're\nkind of together, and then they're not\ntogether, and, like,\ny'know, classic romantic\nstoryline arc, but\nthere is a couple of sections\nwhen they're like, not\ntogether, where we have scenes\nthat are written for\ntension, like\nsexual tension, but\njust have this really unpleasantly\nrapey vibe. Like nothing actually\nhappens, but it's\nwritten to kind of make you feel\nkind of gooey, but\nwhat is going on\nis the wolf\nis threatening to lose control\nand just\ntake her by force,\nand, I\nfound that really quite\ndisturbing. So,\nfor all of you people who've read this\nand who loved\nLunar Chronicles, please write\nbelow and tell me that I'm an idiot.\n[laughs] Or\nhow I've\nread those sections\nwrong... I found it actually\nreally kind of disturbing. Moving\non,\nI finished 'American Gods',\nI was kind of half reading\nthis paper version, and half reading\nmy e-book,\nI got right to the end until I,\nbefore I discovered that they're actually\ndifferent versions, they're different\ntexts.\nThe one on my e-reader\nin very fine print says\nit's the Tenth Anniversary Edition, and\nit's a,\nit's an expanded,\ndirector's cut version of the text, but, like,\nbut I hadn't noticed, I was mostly reading this\nbut I was partly reading this, and I hadn't actually\nnoticed any differences.\nKatherine from the Android's Conundrum\nsays that she thinks that\nthey are actually just a few\ninserts of bits about\ndifferent gods coming to America\nin the expanded version, and that would\nmake sense, so, but\nI felt a bit stupid when I got the end\nand I was like, 'They're two different,\nbut I hadn't... yeah'.\nI'm going to,\nfor those of you who... I loved it\nbefore we go any further with\nthat, I just loved it. I know not everybody\nloves this book, but I love this book.\nIt's just\nit's the vibe. The story is\ngood, I like the characters, I like Shadow\nhe's the central character, he's this\nkind of relatively\nnon-responsive\ny'know, he's a big guy\nand he doesn't say much kind of, like,\nwhich is, probably shouldn't be my thing\nbut he's written very sympathetically,\nand I really enjoy him, and\nI especially love all the\nthere's a whole bunch of minor side characters\nin here that I really enjoy\nThere's a\nsuper-great quote that I've decided I'm going to\nsee if I can get made into a\nt-shirt which I discovered, which is this:\n\"What I say is, a town\nisn't a town without a bookstore.\nIt may call itself a town, but unless it's got a\nbookstore it knows it's not fooling\na soul.\" Loved\nthat. I also found a really\ngreat quote in here,\na couple of pages which\nbasically sums up the story and gives\nyou a really nice feel\nfor the dialogue\nso I'm going to record\na taster video,\nI was going to whack it in here but it would have made\nthis one too long. So, look out for that\ncoming up soon.\nAfter I finished this, on\nmy e-book there was\nincluded in the text\nwas a short story written in\nthe world of American Gods,\nit's called 'The Monarch of the Glen'.\nI'm not sure if I'd read that before or not.\nSo that\nis a story about Shadow\nthe central character in this book\nand it takes place\na few years after\nthe end of\nthe incidents in the book.\nAnd that's a really interesting idea because\nShadow is kind of changed\nin the course of this book,\nontologically, fairly basically,\nand so\nit's interesting to think about what might\nhave happened to him after\nall of this stuff washes up. And\nit was a\ngood story, so if you\nare a fan of this, and\nyou haven't read\nthat short story, Monach of the Glen, you might want to\nlook that out.\nI also finished\nSaga volume\none this week.\nAnd,\n(phew) I actually really\nenjoyed it. It wasn't perfect,\nbut I really enjoyed it, and I\nam looking forward to\nvolume two. I actaully\nenjoyed it so much I decided not to just\nsit down and marathon them\nI would give myself a bit of a breather, so\nmake them last a little bit longer.\n(Oh, sorry.)\nSo,\nthe story\nis, it opens\nwith this\nchick here giving birth to this baby,\nso that is our opening\nsequence, and it turns out that these\ntwo,\nher with the wings\nand him with the horns\nare actually different races,\nShe comes from a\nplanet, and he comes from the moon\non this planet, and\ntheir peoples are at war\nand they\nhave expanded out to the\nuniverse more broadly\nand taken their war with them,\nhe's sort of a pacifist, conscientious\nobjector. Oh, he\nwas in a prison and she was his prison guard\nor something, and they've escaped together,\nand\nthey have had a baby\nwhich is a problem,\nbecause there's not supposed to be...\nyup.\nAnd the powers that be are out\nto get them.\nSo, the story so far\nis basically them running\nfor their lives,\nand they needed to do that moments\nafter the baby appears\nso, yeah.\nIt's, yeah, I'm enjoying\nit so far. The\nother thing that I've spent\nmost of this week doing is\nwaiting by the door.\nFor a certain\npackage to arrive.\nWhich has not happened\nthus far.\nThis is the week that Seveneves was\nreleased. The release date\nwas, there was not one release date, there was\nlike several release dates,\nin different kind of\nplaces, different editions were released on different\ndays, it's all very weird.\nI pre-ordered it from\nthe UK, because\nI prefered the cover\nimage\nthat was, I could\nfind there from the Book Depository\nthan the one that is going\nto be released in Australia, when I was\nlooking at it, y'know, a couple of weeks ago,\nso now I am paying\nfor that by\nsitting waiting at the door,\nafaid to leave the house\nin case the mail comes while I'm\nout, and I have to get one of those little cards\nthat says come back down and collect\nit from the Post Office,\nwhich will mean at least another\nday's wait, because it takes a day\nto process back into the post\noffice, so aaaaaaaaaaaaah.\nThe e-book\nis now out, it was supposed to\nbe out (sigh), that's the other\nthing,\nthey said it was going\nto be out on a certain day, and I actually\nstayed up 'til midnight\nwaiting for it to drop, waiting for\nit to change from pre-order to\ny'know, buy now, and it\ndidn't. [silent scream]\nBut it now there,\nbut, a little bit of sanity\nre... I've decided\nto wait for the paper one that I\nspent far too much money on,\nbecause the e-book is\ntwenty dollars or something, which is what\nI'd normally pay for a paper book,\nso, presumably that will come down\nat some point, six months time,\nor something and I can buy the e-book then, but\nI've already spent a motza on the\npaper book, so I am now waiting\nfor the paper book to come before\nI read it. In the mean time\nI've been reading 'The Winter Queen'\nwhich I'm about half way through,\nand I'm loving, that is such a good read,\nso I'll be telling you about that soon,\nand I've also, on my e-book,\nI've just started\na Hank\nPhillippi Ryan book\ncalled 'The Other Woman',\nI'm only a couple of chapters into\nthere, but I'll be telling you about\nthat one when it's done as well.\nAnyway. That's it\nfor me. I hope you're all well, and\nI'll talk to you later. Bye!\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "We are the role models.\nWe are the leaders.\nWe are not liars.\nI told all of you, we would win back\nour tag team titles when we wanted to.\nAnd now look at us.\nThese titles represent our friendship.\nBecause we've been and\ndone everything together.\nAnd we're only going to get stronger.\nBecause together we are unstoppable.\n>> [NOISE]\n>> You know what, you're right.\nDon't listen to these people.\nBecause I actually wrote a poem for\nyou that expresses exactly how I feel.\n>> Bring it on, [NOISE] no,\nwe don't wanna hear it.\nYes we do.\n>> If you guys can please\nhave a little bit of respect.\n[MUSIC]\n>> I wanted to hear the poem.\n[MUSIC]\n>> No you didn't.\n[MUSIC]\n>> There are the former champions who\nSasha and Bayley knocked off last week.\n>> Okay, okay.\nSee, I'm totally fine with y'all\ncelebrating your victory and everything.\nThat's cool.\nBut when you start reciting\npoetry to each other,\nthat's where we gotta\nreally draw the line.\n>> No.\nno.\nBack off!\n>> Yoo-hoo!\nHello.\nLadies!\nLadies up here!\nYoo hoo hoo!\nWe interrupt this programming\nwith a very special message.\nSo enough with the tacky celebration\nbecause this Sunday at Backlash,\nyour time as champs ends.\n>> Yeah we are not here to kiss spiders.\n>> No.\n>> And\nI'm about to hit you with some facts.\n>> What you got?\n>> Well, we have both beaten Alexa and\nNikki recently.\n>> And I'm pretty sure we were\nthe ones to end Sasha and\nBayley's first tag title reign.\nAnd we were the ones who\nleft them laying on Raw.\n>> Yeah, and if you don't want\nthe same thing to happen on SmackDown,\nwell, I suggest you don't turn\nyour backs to Alexa and Nikki.\n[INAUDIBLE]\n>> [CROSSTALK] Here we go!\nMelee breaking out on\nFriday Night SmackDown.\nCross and\nBliss taking it to the champions.\n[NOISE]\n>> Sasha Banks was\nknocked out of the ring.\nAnd Bayley's going to join her.\n>> [NOISE]\n>> Come Sunday, Sasha and\nBayley are gonna have to defend the tag\nteams titles in a Triple Threat Match\nagainst Cross and Bliss, and\nalso The Iconics from Monday Night Raw.\n>> Got a bad feeling she won't\nbe Bayley No-Stress much longer.\n>> We'll see you on Sunday.\nThis doesn't mean anything.\n[MUSIC]\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "Did you know that something invisible\nmakes up eighty percent of our universe\nand we can see none of it? That something\nis called dark matter\nWell simply put dark matter is a\nmysterious type of matter that does not\nemit or absorb any form of\nelectromagnetic radiation and yes that\nincludes light as well. It's kind of like\na really thin sheet of super clean glass\nFirst of all dark matter is everywhere\nhere let me show you: have a look at this\npicture, everything you can see the stars\nand galaxies and everything that you\ncan't the cold gas the atoms and\nmolecules makeup just 4.6 percent of the\nuniverse's mass-energy! Yep you heard me\nright\neverything we have, can or will ever see\nmakes up just under five percent of the\nentire universe and dark matter\nconstitutes about twenty-four percent of\nour universe and the rest by dark energy\nthis is what 5 percent looks like!\nSo how did we discover this stuff\nif we can't see it\nwell it's kinda like wind you can't see\nwind but you can see the effect it has\nlike a paper fluttering or...\nGiven by the\nvirial theorem\nastronomers can figure out the mass of a\ngalaxy by observing the motions of its\nstars and gas but the thing is the\nobservations suggested a gravity from\na mass so large we would need 10 times the\nvisible mass to account for it what would\nexplain this mystery is if there was\nsome sort of invisible mass present. Some\nkind of unseeable matter that was\ncreating this gravity\nLet me help you\nvisualize this so here I've got a\nfreshly brewed cup of the Milky Way from the\nGalactic cafe\nlet's weigh it shall we?\nHmm...\nAbout 1.5 x\n10 to the power 12 solar masses.\nPretty hefty!\nLet us take out all this visible matter\nthe stars, the planets, the comets, dust\ncold gas, heck even atoms and let's\nweigh it again\n1.41x10^12\nThat's weird isn't it?\nthat mass seems to be\nfrom nowhere and this mass\ndiscrepancy is made up for by dark\nmatter\nSo how do we detect this?\nGravitational lensing!\nSee this picture here? See those\narcs and smears?\nThat's caused due to\nlight being bent by gravity\nby measuring\nhow background galaxies are distorted by\nthe cluster in front of it\nastronomers can measure the mass of the\ncluster and yet again it turns out that\nthe calculated mass is five times larger\nthan what mass all the stars, gas and\ndust could provide.\nbut we speculate that Dark\nMatter may be composed of exotic\nsubatomic particles that only interact\nwith gravity and the weak force and are\nknown as weakly interacting massive\nparticles\nWIMPs for short\nwe found no evidence of it so far yet\nand particle physicists are hard at work\nto discover it\nyou see, after the\nbig bang, the temperatures and pressures\nwhere just too high to form small\nstructures like stars\nbut the gravity from the Dark Matter\nincreased the compaction force thereby\nallowing the formation of these\nstructures\nDark Matter seemed to have\nformed a really intricate and beautiful\nnet like structure across the universe\nand sure enough all the regular matter\nwas attracted to the gravity of the dark\nmatter and thereby creating the\nstructure of the very universe as we\nknow it\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "Got some flowers I\nMet where are you from Robbie? I'm from Manchester Macclesfield, which is not far from where you come from stoke-on-trent\nThat's right, Robbie. I cannot tell you what inspiration take that and especially you. Robbie's been inspiration to resolve. Love you. Robbie bless you\nNo, that's very sweet. God bless us all\nMy name is Andy Hudson and I'm a customer service adviser at Funland range combat\nA lady : he said Oh be told it's blocked\nI could hear rub in the background and he was rock DJ so you got robbed you're in the background while I sort out for\nYou I'll sing. So Robbie down the phone. So I just like a door one a rough DJ\nRobbie and Taylor inspired me so much and I do you think without them there would be no man you often\nAndy what you're gonna sing for us today, I'm gonna do this song\nIt's been in the making for 20 years and I did send this song to Gary Barlow. That was 20 years ago\nYeah, I don't know why it's taken 20 years to run out of stamps\nMmm should have sent it to me, you know got a response from me\nAnd I do these flowers are for you and Robbie\nThis is your hat is that my hat for many years ago get it on rub put it on. I really like what me\nI do that's for you\nLifedomus disgusted love all my life. I've been building my castle blah blah\nThen leaves he to know\nHere I am I've been building\nIn the front and all my life\nSearching for you\nHe okay Andy Andy\nNo\nGoing back on the X please because I want to hear your second song\nI think you need a bit\nAnd do they know the place is where we talk about his hands\nWe\nThe love is\nWith\nYeah all wrong down the water\nI know Oh\nShe was\nWell my plane\nWe\nAs a hero\nDown\nHa she wants a coconut shoe and a combustor Robbie\nEither Louie don't pleasure\nOh\nSaying one of my favorite songs with my favorite person so we thank you so much. Oh, thank you\nAnd you know he seems to really really enjoy yourself and that I've been entertained by you\nYes to\nThank you so much. Actually, really enjoyed that you put your heart solid to a BCS for me\nSay no to some she's one of my favorite auditions\nI've gotta say yes\nWe needed to end the day\nMaking dreams come true, but question of you is my job\nHe is jealous\non\nOh\nThe mission I am actually speech\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "Soldier :\nEnsign Urian!\nWe've rounded up 16 crew members!\nUl :\nIt's possible there are still others in hiding.\nConduct a thorough search of the ship.\nShoot anyone that fights back, I don't care if you have to kill them!\nSoldier :\nYes Sir!\nAffranchi :\nThat man!\nHe's the one who came after me!\nKrishna :\nAffranchi...\nEverly's not here.\nAffranchi :\nShe should be in the cabin.\nIs there anywhere in there she can hide?\nKrishna :\nPerhaps under the bed...\nBut they'll find her soon...\nSoldier :\nHey!\nYou two, shut your mouths!\nUl :\nWho is the person in charge of this ship?\nMadras :\nI am.\nMadras Caria, of Metatron.\nUl :\nYou gave us a lot of trouble back at the island.\nIt seems you thought that by sinking our salvage boat,\nyou could make a clean getaway,\nbut you'll regret underestimating MaHA's power.\nMadras :\nSomething like that.\nWe were naive.\nUl :\nI appreciate your honesty.\nI am Ensign Ul Urian,\nof Space MaHA.\nMadras :\nSpace MaHA?\nUl :\nAfter the raid on Hellas,\nan agency operating in space, called \"Space MaHA\",\nwas formed, separate from the Earth-based MaHA organization.\nYou didn't receive any information about that?\nMadras :\nGuess not.\nWe've been busy enough here to make our heads spin.\nUl :\nIt seems I've put you through a lot of trouble.\nHey, bring that man with blond hair over here!\nSoldier :\nHey, you!\nGet over there!\nAffranchi :\nUrgh!\nKrishna :\nAffranchi!\nUl :\nAffranchi Char...\nGlad to see you again.\nAffranchi :\nYou... were a soldier?\nUl :\nDon't look like a soldier, do I?\nI try not to.\nSometimes my job requires me to\nplay the part of the gentle and naive\nyoung man as well.\nAffranchi :\nIs that how you get your information,\ndeceiving people like that?\nAffranchi :\nAh!\nUl :\nDon't get smart with me!\nWhat about you, saying you don't know Char Aznable?\nYou're one to talk!\nYou act like you don't know anything,\nbut here you are, enjoying a cruise with your friends from Metatron!\nAffranchi :\nYou came after me,\nso I had no choice but to get on this ship!\nArgh!\nUl :\nLike that's an excuse!\nHmph...\nWhat happened to the woman you were with?\nAffranchi :\nWhen the ship left the island, she dove into the sea.\nShe swam back to shore.\nUl :\nOh? Wasn't she your lover?\nShe left you all alone,\nand ran off by herself? What a horrible person.\nAffranchi :\nDon't you dare insult Everly!\nUl :\nQuiet!\nAffranchi :\nUrgh!\nAh!\nArgh!\nKrishna :\nYour Excellency!\nUl :\nBear in mind the postion you're in, Affranchi.\nI won't allow you to talk to me like that.\nDetain the crew members!\nWe'll question them one at a time.\nStarting with...\nI know, how about that girl over there.\nUl :\nGo on, I'll let you have some warm coffee.\nthough actually,\nit *was* from your ship in the first place.\nWhat's that face for?\nKrishna :\nAh... well...\nUl :\nThere's nothing to be afraid of.\nI just thought you might like something to eat or drink.\nKrishna :\nReally?\nI...\nI thought you might do something to me.\nUl :\nDo something to you?\nHa, hahaha...\nKrishna :\nIs that so funny?\nUl :\nHa... no...\nI was just imagining what sort of things they tell you\nat Metatron.\n\"MaHA are just a group of thugs.\"\n\"They kill all the men who resist, and take the women by force.\"\nHeh!\nThat's what they taught you, right?\nKrishna :\nThat's not it.\nYou scare me.\nBecause of just before now,\nwhen you hit Affranchi so many times.\nUl :\nAh...\nHeh!\nThat was supposed to scare you!\n\"Give just one of them a good beating,\nand the rest of them will tremble will fear.\"\nIt's an old trick but it's effective.\nKrishna :\nYou're a pretty devious man.\nUl :\nI guess I am.\nKrishna:\n...Earlier,\nyou said Affranchi's lover was a horrible person.\nWhy would you think of it like that?\nUl :\nWhat do you mean?\nKrishna :\nMaybe she didn't want to leave him,\nand had to be persuaded to go back to the island?\nCouldn't you think of it like that?\nUl :\nHahaha... Well, I guess you could think of it like that.\nBy looking at how someone perceives something,\nthat person's true nature can be seen.\nKrishna,\nI can tell that you're a very sweet girl.\nYet a sweet girl like you is working for Metatron.\nIsn't that strange?\nKrishna :\nIf you lived in a space colony,\nand understood how bad it was up there,\nyou'd want to do something about it.\nUl :\nAnd so because of that you found a sense of purpose,\nand decided to join Metatron?\nThat was very sweet of you.\nKrishna :\nI...\nI didn't plan on joining Metatron.\nI was finding it hard to get by.\nAnd more than wanting to escape poverty,\nI wanted to change the system that creates poverty itself.\nThat's why.\nUl:\nOh... where are you from?\nKrishna :\nHellas, in Side 2.\nUl :\nHellas?\nWhere were you living?\nKrishna :\nA place called Grenze.\nUl :\nGrenze... that's a rough place.\nKrishna :\nYou know it?\nUl :\nYeah...\nHowever,\nI used to live somewhere far worse.\nKrishna :\nHuh?\nUl :\nHa, haha...\nI didn't bring you here\nso we could have a friendly chat,\nbut this doesn't quite have the atmosphere of an interrogation.\nKrishna :\nYou were also...\nUl :\nThis conversation is now over.\nAllow me to make our respective positions clear.\nI'm MaHA. You're Metatron.\nOur relationship is one of irreconcilable differences.\nKrishna :\n...I was scared of you, but you were so nice.\nHowever you can be really scary when you want to be.\n...It's like you can be an angel or a devil\nwhenever the situation calls for it.\nUl :\nThat's the greatest compliment you could give me,\nKrishna.\nYou're a charming lady.\nIf you weren't Metatron,\nI'd like to take you out for dinner.\nI'm sure you were interested in me as well.\nKrishna :\nWhat!?\nWhat made you think that was the case!?\nUl :\nThat's the sort of anger\nthat only comes out when your true feelings are revealed.\nHey, is anyone there?\nSoldier :\nYou called?\nUl :\nInterrogate this woman.\nSoldier :\nYes sir.\nUl :\nKrishna Pandent.\nMaHA does not believe in the right to remain silent.\nDon't make me authorize violent methods.\nTell us everything you know.\nKrishna :\n...What a scary face.\nI guess now you're playing the devil.\nMadras :\nHey, Affranchi, does it still hurt?\nAffranchi :\nNo... I'm fine.\n...Captain, what about Everly?\nMadras :\nI don't think she's been found yet...\nBut even if they don't, things still look bad.\nAffranchi :\nIf MaHA put us on that submarine,\nand leave this ship behind,\nat least Everly might be saved.\nMadras :\nSo you lied and said she swam back?\nAffranchi :\nYeah.\nMadras :\nAffranchi,\nI understand how you will, but her outlook isn't good.\nIf Hong Kong MaHA get involved,\nthen this ship is probably headed to Hong Kong as it is.\nIf so, Everly will be found sooner or later.\nAffranchi :\nI see...\nMadras :\nHowever, going to Hong Kong might not be so bad.\nAffranchi :\nHuh?\nMadras :\nWell, we were planning on heading to Hong Kong anyway.\nThere's a launch site for shuttles\nheading to space.\nIf we get a chance to escape,\nwe can make contact with\nMetatron members in Hong Kong...\nAffranchi :\nIf we make it to Hong Kong, we can go to space?\nMadras :\nYeah, what about it?\nAffranchi :\nIf we do manage to escape,\nwon't you take me to space with you?\nMadras :\nHey, Affranchi?\nIf we get to space,\nwill you be Metatron's leader?\nAffranchi :\nI can't do that.\nEven if I may have inherited Char's blood,\nI'm not the actual Char.\nHowever,\nI might be able to help Metatron in my own way.\nMadras :\nYou will?\nWell, while I'm glad that\nyou're so interested...\nIn our current situation...\nIf only we could escape somehow...\nAffranchi :\nAh, Everly...\nRight now, you're probably hiding yourself in that cabin,\nshaking with fear.\nBut my head is full of thoughts of space.\nIt's not like I've forgotten about you...\nBut the twinkling of the stars\nis stuck inside my head.\nAh, I'm so selfish...\nUrgh!\nMadras :\nAffranchi, what's wrong?\nSoldier :\nYou!\nWhat are you doing!?\nMadras :\nHe's injured!\nDon't complain!\nAffranchi :\nThis sound...\nNo... It's a voice?\nI can hear a voice?\nWhat was that?\nJust whose voice was that?\nWong :\nEnsign Urian?\nI'm Lt. Wong Lo of Hong Kong MaHA.\nSince we're in the middle of an operation, please forgive me for not leaving the cockpit.\nUl :\nI don't mind, Lt. Lo.\nWhen you get back,\nplease give Major Jiang Wen Fu my regards.\nWong :\nI'll make sure to tell him all about Ensign Urian's\namazing skill in detail.\nUl :\nGlad to hear it.\nSoldier :\nEnsign Urian!\nI've brought them!\nUl :\nOh? Captain Madras,\nI don't believe I called for you.\nMadras:\nThanks to that beating you gave him, Affranchi's in a bad state.\nSo I don't want to leave him on his own.\nAffranchi :\nCaptain, I'm fine...\nUl :\nIf you feel sick I can have a medic look at you later.\nSo won't you answer some of our questions?\nFirst of all...\nWhy were you hidden on Earth? I'd like to know the reason for that.\nAffranchi :\n\"Why?\"\nI've lived on that island for as long as I can remember.\nI wasn't hiding.\nUl :\nMetatron wants\nto bring all of humankind currently living on Earth into space.\nYet you, their leader,\nhave been living on Earth since you were a child.\nThat's quite the contradiction.\nMadras :\nThat's not Affranchi's fault.\nAffranchi was never told about any of this.\nUl :\nHe wasn't told anything?\nYou mean that he didn't know\nabout his connection with Char Aznable?\nMadras :\nWell... that's how it is.\nUl :\nI see...\nEver since I met him on the island I thought that was strange.\nAffranchi,\nyou weren't acting after all.\nAfter the raid, Metatron was backed into a corner,\nthey panicked,\nand came to pick you up?\nMadras :\nShow some respect!\nSooner or later,\nMetatron will make\nAffranchi their leader!\nAs the man who has inherited the blood of Char Aznable!\nUl :\nYou say he's inherited the blood of Char Aznable?\nMadras :\nThat's right.\nAffranchi will carry out Char Aznable's unfinished\nresuscitation of Earth!\nFor that reason he had to learn about Earth!\nUl :\nHa... hahahaha...\nMadras :\nWhat's so funny?\nUl :\n\"The blood of Char Aznable\"?\nHis noble bloodline still continues on?\nThat's hilarious.\nIt seems the top brass at Metatron\nreally haven't told you anything, Captain.\nMadras :\nWhat?\nAl :\nHahaha... Captain,\ndo you know the word 'Memory Clone'?\nMadras :\n'Memory Clone'?\nUl :\nA Memory Clone,\nIs a method of preserving a person's memories.\nMetatron have been holding onto Char Aznable's memories\nfor a while now.\nAnd so they implanted those memories into a single person's head.\nAffranchi Char, that person is you.\nAffranchi :\n...What do you mean?\nUl :\nYou are in possession of the memories of Char Aznable.\nShould you ever go to space,\nChar's memories will reawaken.\nThat's probably the mechanism behind it.\nBecause of that, you've been living on Earth so far.\nAh, Affranchi,\nI'm not sure you're even human.\nAffranchi :\nWhat?\nUl :\nWith data from analysing the Human Genome,\nit may be possible to create a copy of a person.\nA copy of a person made in that way,\ncan be implanted with a Memory Clone...\nThose who want to bring about Char's rebirth\nare certainly capable of that much.\nAffranchi :\nYou mean I'm not a normal human?\nUl :\nThat's right.\nYou're nothing more than a way of storing Char Anzable's memories,\nnothing more than a puppet.\nAffranchi :\nI'm a... puppet!?\nChar :\nLalah!\nStop playing around!\nAffranchi :\nWhat was that voice?\nEverly :\nAhh!\nSoldier :\nEnsign Urian!\nThis woman was hiding from us!\nIt's the woman from the island.\nEverly :\nLet go of me!\nAffranchi!\nUl :\nOh... so it was a lie that she swam back to shore?\nThat woman must really love you.\nBut can a puppet like you really love anyone?\nAffranchi :\nI'm a puppet?\nChar's puppet?\nNo... no...\nThat's not true, it's not!\nAaaargh!\nMadras :\nAffranchi!\nSoldier :\nYou!\nWhere are you going!?\nDon't let him get away!\nAffranchi :\nThis sound!\nJust what is it!?\nChar :\nI, Char Aznable, shall-\nAffranchi :\nChar Aznable!?\nThat machine... Gaia Gear...\nAargh!\nSoldier :\nHe jumped down to the Man-Machine deck!\nUl :\nWhat are you going to do, Affranchi!?\nAffranchi :\nGaia Gear...\nThis is its cockpit!\nWhat do I do!?\nThe engine started up!?\nAll I did was touch it!\nIf I don't close the hatch, I'll get shot!\nIs this it?\nEven though the hatch is closed, I can see in all directions!\nI see, the entire inside of the cockpit\nis a monitor!\nI know this... I know all of this.\nHow to handle the joysticks,\nthe meaning of the numbers on the computer display,\nhow to use a beam rifle...\nWhy?\nWhy do I know all this?\nI've never even touched one of these things before!\nSo why do I know this!?\nUl :\nGaussa!\nTake down that Man-Machine!\nGaussa Pilot :\nPilot of the Gaia Gear!\nDo not resist!\nAffranchi :\nShut up!\nGaussa Pilot :\nStop that!\nIf you fire that beam rifle at this distance,\nthe Engine Block will explode, and you'll be blown away too!\nAffranchi :\nAargh!\nGaussa Pilot :\nAaaahh!\nUl :\nHe beat the Gaussa...\nHow was Affranchi able to pilot that Man-Machine?\nAffranchi :\nSurrender, MaHA!\nThose who fight back will be thrown into the sea!\nMadras :\nPlease don't fight him, Ensign Urian!\nAffranchi's not thinking straight!\nEven if you take us hostage,\nyou won't be able to stop him!\nUl :\nInside Affranchi...\n...has Char Aznable been reborn?\nAffranchi :\nHow was I able to pilot that Man-Machine?\n...Was it Char Aznable's memories\npiloting this machine?\nBut then, what am I?\nUl :\nWhy are you letting us go, Affranchi?\nAffranchi :\nThe people of that island have nothing to do with Metatron.\nI want you to be proof of that.\nUl :\nAnd what if I lied?\nIf I said that the island was a Metatron hideout,\nHong Kong MaHA would blow it to pieces.\nAffranchi :\nYou won't lie.\nI trust you.\nUl :\nWhen you say it like that it sounds like you're making fun of me,\ndon't you realize that?\nAffranchi :\nIf I've hurt your pride, then I apologize.\nUl :\nYou're pretty easygoing, Affranchi.\nAffranchi :\nUl, I can't allow you to keep any communication equipment.\nTo give us enough time to escape.\nBut there's plenty of food and water in the lifeboat.\nIf you're lucky,\nyou'll be picked up by some ship passing by.\nBut if you're not rescued, you can blame me.\nUl :\nI won't blame you.\nI'll just lament my bad luck.\nKellan :\nHey! Ul, wasn't it!?\nHurry up and get on that lifeboat!\nYou're the last one!\nIf you waste any more time I'll feed you to the sharks!\nUl :\nAffranchi...\nOne day I'll make you regret sparing my life.\nAffranchi :\n...Alright.\nI'll remember that... Ul Urian.\nKellan :\nPull up the rope ladder!\nUl :\nEveryone, row together!\nWe'll pull away from the cargo ship!\nKrishna :\nUl Urian!\nYou were nothing but a devil!\nThat angelic side was just an act!\nUl :\nKrishna...\nI suppose you hate me now...\nMichel :\nCaptain, the lifeboat has set off!\nBut is it really okay to let them go?\nMadras :\nIt's fine.\nThose were Affranchi Char's orders!\nAlright, let's go!\nEverly :\nAffranchi, look!\nThe horizon's getting brighter!\nIt'll be dawn soon.\nAffranchi :\nSorry, Everly,\nbut can you let me be on my own?\nEverly :\nOkay...\nI'll be in the cabin... come and see me, okay?\nAffranchi :\nSure.\nAffranchi :\nWhat I was hearing inside my head,\nit was a voice.\n\"Char Aznable\"\nThat's definitely what it said.\nAm I just Char's puppet?\nAm I not even human?\nBut then...\nJust what am I?\nWhat am I!?\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "Something's wrong in Verdansk.\nSend fighters I can trust.\nBring everything you've got!\nThey die today.\nSecure.\nCover!\nReloading.\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "MICHAEL SHERMER: Does the universe have a\npurpose?\nOkay, this is the biggest question of all.\nI think in part it's not quite the right question\nbecause people are asking it as if there's\nsomething out there that knows we're here\nand cares about us.\nAs a nonbeliever I don't think that's the\ncase.\nI think it's up to us to care.\nBut the scientific study of the universe shows\nwhat in the universe would care?\nI mean the space-time continuum, stars, galaxies...\nWhat is there to care about us other than\nus?\nAnd the answer is nothing.\nNow, of course the theists says no, God is\nout there and God knows about us and cares\nabout us.\nBut how would that give your life purpose?\nIt's up to you to create purpose in your life,\nnot for some external source.\nWhat people are looking for is somebody to\ntell them what the purpose of their life is\nand that's the wrong way to search.\nThe search is to go inside and go what is\nthe purpose of my life?\nNow, the scientific answer that I give in\nthe book is it starts with the second law\nof thermodynamics which I call the first law\nof life.\nThat is entropy, the running down of the universe\nis what happens if you do nothing.\nSo if you have your warm cup of coffee and\nyou do nothing it just gets cold.\nIf you don't clean your room it just stays\ncluttered.\nIf you don't wash your car it stays dirty,\nand so on.\nSo the first law of life is to fight back\nagainst entropy.\nCarve out a little niche of order.\nWash our car, heat your coffee, clean your\nroom, brush your teeth.\nand so on and so forth.\nThen you build from there.\nLike okay, we know from scientific research\nby social psychologists, personality psychologists,\nand there's even a branch of psychology now\npeople that study purpose and meaning.\nAnd there's certain things you could do that\ngive your life purpose and meaning.\nSo meaningful work.\nA reason to get up in the morning, get out\nthe door and go out and do something productive.\nFamily, having some kind of group of people\nthat care about you, that love you, that you\ncare about them and you love them.\nMarriage or partnership or just one person\nthat you love and that they love you and that\nacknowledges you as a worthwhile person.\nAnd then there's something called spirituality.\nNow I want to be careful here because that\nword is almost always associated with mainstream\nreligions, but here I mean it in a much broader\nsense.\nA sense of awe and wonder at things that are\nbigger than us.\nThe universe, the cosmos or any kind of meditative\nstate, prayer.\nJust kind of walking in nature and looking\nup at massive trees or the ocean.\nThere's something about standing up on a high\nhill or cliff and looking out at an ocean,\nor a grassy field, or a forest that evokes\nawe and wonder in people.\nAnd that's kind of the spirituality that makes\npeople feel like wow, my life I am so lucky\nto be alive.\nAnd if you think about all the trillions of\npeople that could have been born that never\nwere, the 7.5 billion of us alive now, the\nhundred billion of us that came before.\nWe are the lucky ones.\nI mean most people that could have been born\nwere never even born to be given this opportunity.\nAnd even if you're a theist and you believe\nthere's an afterlife, but let's just ask the\nquestion.\nWhere were you before you were born?\nWhen you ask the question where do you go\nafter you die?\nThe same place.\nYou didn't exist, then you exist, then you\ndon't exist.\nEven if I'm wrong and it turns out there's\nan afterlife, and I talk about this in the\nbook, it doesn't matter because we don't live\nin the afterlife.\nWe live in this life, in the here and now.\nAnd I call this Alvy's era after Woody Allen's\nmovie \"\"Annie Hall\"\" where there's that flashback\nscene when he was a little boy and he refuses\nto do his homework.\nSo his mother takes him to the psychiatrist,\nwho says 'What's the matter Alvy,' and he\nsays 'I found out the universe is expanding\nand the universe is everything and one day\nit's all going to blow apart so nothing we\ndo matters.'\nAnd his mother yells at him, 'What's the universe\ngot to do with it?\nWe live in Brooklyn, and Brooklyn is not expanding.'\nI call that Alvy's era.\nAgain, asking what's the purpose of life?\nThe purpose of life is here and now.\nIt doesn't matter what happens billions of\nyears from now or whether there's a God or\nnot, whether there's an afterlife or not.\nIt's irrelevant.\nThis is the life that matters.\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "BARACK OBAMA: I'm\nso in love with you.\nThis is your victory.\nI know you didn't do this\njust to win an election.\nAnd I know you\ndidn't do it for me.\nYou did it because you\nunderstand the enormity\nof the task that lies ahead.\nBut my main message is to the\nparents of Trayvon Martin.\nIf I had a son, he'd\nlook like Trayvon.\nThey had their\nentire lives ahead\nof them, birthdays, graduations,\nweddings, kids of their own.\nAmong the fallen were also\nteachers, men and women\nwho devoted their lives\nto helping our children\nfulfill their dreams.\nSo our hearts are broken today.\nIt's the idea held by\ngenerations of citizens, who\nbelieve that America is a\nconstant work in progress, who\nbelieve that loving\nthis country requires\nmore than singing its praises or\navoiding uncomfortable truths.\nIt requires the\noccasional disruption,\nthe willingness to speak\nout for what is right,\nto shake up the status quo.\nThat's America\nAmazing grace, how sweet the\nsound that saved a wretch\nlike me.\nFacts, evidence, reason, logic,\nan understanding of science,\nthese are good things.\nThese are qualities you want\nin people making policy.\nBlack, white, Latino, Asian,\nNative American, young, old,\ngay, straight, men, women,\nfolks with disabilities\nall pledging allegiance under\nthe same proud flag to this\nbig, bold country that we love.\nThat's what I see.\nThat's the America I know.\nObama out.\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "Everybody\nScatman\nScatman\nNEXT COLOR PLANET\nNEXT COLOR PLANET\nVery Good!!\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "- [Jimmy] It's really\nhard to listen to someone\nwho is describing decades of abuse,\nphysical abuse, sexual abuse, control.\nIt's not just a woman's issue.\nMen are harming women;\nisn't that a men's issue?\n(pensive music)\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "So there are very many hard problems\nthat arise in quantum physics especially\nwhen many quantum particles interact\nwith each other or quantum chemistry so\nunderstanding properties of molecules.\nThese problems are very hard and they\ncannot be solved naturally on powerful\ncomputers or even supercomputers.\nIn our lab we are building a trapped ion based\nquantum computer and we can make\nindividual ions behave like a quantum\nbit or qubit. We can make those two bits\ninteract and mimic properties of other\nquantum materials interacting among themselves\nEssentially with an apparatus\nthat we built in this laboratory we can\ntrap individual ions those atoms are so\ncold they are very close to the absolute\nzero temperature and so at that\ntemperature the atoms essentially\nbecomes quantum objects and we can use\nthe quantum properties of the atoms to\nbuild this quantum simulator and do\nresearch on concepts in quantum information theory.\nThe quantum simulator\nis an experimentally well controlled\nsystem that can be used to investigate\nproblems that are otherwise intractable.\nBy using these quantum simulators we'll\ngain enough insight into how quantum\nparticles interacts such that you'd be\nable to come up with new materials or\nnew molecules understand properties of\nlet's say new drug molecules and that\ncan be used in many different areas of\nscience and technology.\nIn the near future the quantum simulator will be the key to finding new materials, discovery of new\ndrugs molecules and even to solve\nproblems that are not directly related\nto physics or chemistry for example any\noptimization problems such as logistics problems.\nWe are essentially building a\nsystem bottom-up to understand how many\nparticles will behave with each other and\nanswer some of the hard questions in\nquantum physics and quantum chemistry.\nSo as an experimentalist the fact that we\ncan do all of that in a real laboratory\nthat truly fascinates me.\nThe hope would be in the near future\nfundamental research should be mature\nenough so we can think of new technology\nthat comes from all of this\nthat will change our society\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "Solar System\nSun\nThe Sun is very big and hot.\nSun\nThere are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.\nThey go around the Sun.\nSolar System\nThis is our Solar System.\nSolar System\nMercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Sun.\nMercury\nMercury is the closest planet to the Sun.\nVenus\nVenus is the brightest planet in the sky.\nEarth\nEarth is our planet.\nMars\nMars is a red planet.\nJupiter\nJupiter is the largest planet.\nSaturn\nSaturn is the planet with the rings.\nUranus\nUranus is very cold and cloudy.\nNeptune\nNeptune is made of gas.\nSun, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune\nThis is our solar system.\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "[James]: Are we gonna...\nWe gonna discuss the incident that took place last time? [Aleks]: What incident took place on this episode of...\n[James]: Amazon prime time.\nHowever, we're deviating away from that a little bit.\n[Aleks]: I noticed. [James]: Because of the incident that occurred in the last episode. Because of somebody's neg-\nne-ne-neg-neg-\nnegligence. [NAILED IT]\n[Aleks]: What the fuck did you just say?\n[James]: I- Uhhhhh...\n[Aleks]: Yo dude, we've gotten a fewer amount of ad reads on this show, I've noticed.\n[James]: Because of this\n[Aleks]: I.. Dude we put a blanket over it for a reason. [James]: That was the highest point, that was the highest point.\nWe can't just cover up all of our fucking problems!\n[Aleks]: Why?\n[James]: That was the highest point that the series has ever been and thus you could absolutely name this... Technically,\nThe starting of a season two.\nAnything goes from now on, in terms of this show. Same idea: 2 gifts, 2 gifts, but we're going to branch out.\nWe're going to have like Walmart. We're gonna have Target.\nWe're gonna have all the crazy stuff that we did like, where we the one episode of Walmart.\nBut like, this week's edition is going to be Walmart based\nLast time we got Walmart stuff...\nYou graffiti'd on my wall. [Aleks]: Even we got a reus...\nEven got a reusable Walmart bag, you can reuse this, go back to Walmart and use the same bag.\n[James]: You gotta pay for those out here. [Aleks]: The lady didn't want to bag my stuff\nAnd I was like I want a bag and she's like \"you don't have a big enough bag, sorry.\" I said: \"No. I want this bag.\"\nBAGUETTE.\nOk, fine.\nNow, Walmart is known for collectors items exclusives and we're\nbringing this one back. [James]: Fuck off with a fucking drone!\nYou get drones week after week on Amazon you go to Walmart to deviate away from the fucking shit\nAnd you get me a goddamn drone\nBut it's Spider-Man Homecoming. [Aleks]: It's the Spider-Man Homecoming drone, which every time there's something new that comes out Walmart instantly capitalizes on the meta.\nWhat's the big deal with that?\n[James]: You got batteries for this? You got a charge for this? You got anything for this? [Aleks]: No, what the fuck? No, you know I don't do that shit.\nOh, there was this lady actually with a shopping cart, and she was the size of the shopping cart\nThat may need batteries; as well as a screwdriver. [Drone buzzing] Welcome back, Spider-Man. [Aleks]: The fuck?\n[Drone]: Spider-Drone is now operational.\n[Drone]: Welcome back, Spider-Man.\n[Drone]: Spider-Drone auto launch initiated.\n[Trevor]: Stop!\n[Aleks]: Dude, it's a spider drone. Did you test out any of its other features? [James]: What other features?\n[Trevor]: That was scary, dude. [James]: Why'd you kick it?\n[James]: I think it's just cruisin' on its own.\n[Aleks]: Do you have any gifts for me? from Walmart? [James]: Just shut- just shut the fuck up.\n[James]: Put it down. I wanna see if I can-.. Do you think I can make it all the way to Jacob over there?\n[Drone controller beeping]\n[Aleks]: Jackpot.\n[James groans] Well..\n[Aleks]: Wow, NutriChef. [James]: State-Of-The-Art, Walmart juicer\nBecause you squeeze the life out of this fucking series.\nGo ahead and plug it in right here. I'll bring you some fresh fruit in garments. [Aleks]: Dude, you're always getting me shit I gotta make, man.\n[James]: Hey!\nYou don't need to show this\n[Trevor]: What do you mean 'I don't need to show it'? [James]: I'm just bringin' the fruit over!\n[Trevor]: Yeah well I gotta use it as like a cutting shot-\n[James]: You're makin' me mad, dude.\n[Trevor]: Don't you know how fucking Amazon works?\n[Trevor yell]\n[Aleks]: It's a juicer.\n[James]: This stuff's from Target.\nThis was the most expensive juicer that Walmart had. Are you being ungrateful?\n[Aleks]: I'm un'grape'ful? Got grapes? [James]: Want fuckin' gogurt?\n[Aleks]: Might I....\norange you,\nan offer?\n[James]: That's a fucking mango, you idiot.\n[Aleks]: This is bullshit.\nGod damnit, James, it's in my ear, man.\n[Aleks]: I can't hear!\nYou got gogurt in my ear. I literally can't hear and there's gogurt in my ear.\nI can't fucking hear out of my left ear because there's go-gurt in it\nYou got gogurt in my ear, and I'm deaf.\n[James]: Ruined my shoes. [Aleks in the background]: I'm deaf from gogurt.\nOh it's blocking, it's block-\n[Stuttering]\nIt blocked in my ear.\n[James]: Welcome back, took out all the pieces for you.\n[Aleks]: Don't make me 'strawbangry'\n[James]: You're supposed to juice that.\n[Aleks]: What the fuck is that?\n[James]: Wanna stick that in there? Wanna stick this in there and see if it'll uh, do something?\n[James chuckling]: Is that how you work a juicer?\n[Aleks]: You're lookin' pretty 'cute'cumber\n[James]: I don't think that's a cucumber.\n[Aleks is alerted by the machinery]\n[James]: See? It did need to be locked\nneeds to be locked in. [Aleks]: That's crazy.\nHm, what can I put in there?\nI wanna start with some strawberries\nIs it gonna come out right away? I don't know, I can't-\n[James]: I don't think there's enough juice in there.\nOOOOOOOOOO!\nDoes this nice little piece of lemon here fit?\n[Lemon juice gets in Aleks' eye, he screams]\n[Aleks has a mini-stroke]\n[Aleks]: A lemon, you say? Hm\nwell you're like a master, master chef, huh?\nI could do a 'lil bit of citrus\nOkay, oo! Now it's a strawberry lemonade. Oh, dude. We definitely got to go on my blackberries\ncan I just put like, all of these in here?\n[James]: Ew, dude!\n[James chuckling]: What is that coming out the back?\nWhat is that?\n[Aleks]: What'dya talkin' about, man?\nGotta get my blackberries in there, boy\nthis is dope\nmm a potato?\n[James]: You ever juice a potato?\n[Aleks]: Can't say I've ever juiced a potato before, but I imagine that's how they do it down in Scotland and shit\n[James]: There was some juice in there.\n[Aleks]: Fun fact; I didn't know potatoes had juice in 'em, man\nDude there's already a fruit fly in here! How'd a fruit fly get in here?\nWhat the fuck, how did the fruit fly get inside of our building?\n[James sound of disgust]\n[James]: Dude, isn't there like a middle to that? Like a fuckin'- [Aleks]: Oh yeah, the core.\ndude you already put juice inside of it, you can't do that that's cheating. [James]: I had to get oranges somehow in there\ndude that's not gonna fit in there. [Aleks]: Oh no, we gotta get the poking stick out where is it? [James]: Right next to you\nthat's a damn good juicer\nthat's a damn good Walmart juicer\n[Aleks chuckles]\n[James]: That looks like throw-up, who did that?\nthat looks layered,\nnutritious,\nbeautiful!\n[Aleks]: Smells like mother nature man,\n[James]: Yeah.\n[Aleks]: Smells like this 'cause all this stuff came from the ground, huh?\n[James]: Yeah\nand then it was uh highly exported\nto your local neighborhood Target\nhow's that?\n[Aleks]: Hmm\n[James wheeze]\nIt tastes like, tastes like one of those classic shakes that you'd get at any restaurant, man\nbut for some reason it just goes down so much smoother\n[James gasp]\nMy goodness.\n[Aleks]: I got a Walmart exclusive here\nthat I think you'll\nparticularly\nbe pickled about\n[James]: What does this have to do with pickles?\nIt's just a- what is this? It's a l-\nThis is wifi laser tag?\nIs that what this is?\n[Fake gun shots]\n[James]: Recoil game, whoa dude\n[Fake gun shots]\nI'm in your lobby\n[Aleks' phone]: Get ready, trooper, the battle's about to begin.\n[Aleks]: Oh shit\n[Fake gun shots]\n[Aleks' phone]: Enemy hit.\n[Aleks]: Yeah, bitch!\n[James]: How do you reload?\n[Aleks' phone]: Incoming enemy fire.\n[Aleks]: I don't have anything in my inventory? What\n[Fake gun shots]\n[Aleks]: Ah, you bitch! Aah\n[Aleks panting and groaning]\n[Aleks' phone] You have respawned.\n[Fake gun shots]\n[James]: I've been killed!\nfuck you [fake gun shots]\n[Aleks]: You're a fucking bitch.\n[James]: I got a kill, dude.\n[Fake gun shots]\n[Aleks]: What the fuck?!\n[Fake gun shots]\n[James]: I'm one of those people.\n[Fake gun shots]\n[Aleks]: I'm not respawning 'till you leave.\n[Fake gun shots]\ngod damnit! I just respawned, you fuck\n[James]: You should be dying, you should be dead already.\n[Fake gun shots]\n[Fake gun shots]\n[Fake gun shots]\n[Aleks]: That's what I thought, pussy.\n[James]: How'd you kill me? I'm behind cover, dude!\nI'm behind cover!!\n[Fake gun shots]\n[Aleks]: AH Shit!\n[Aleks]: I'm gonna wallbang his ass\n[Fake gun shots]\n[Fake gun shots]\n[Fake gun shots in the background]\n[Fake gun shots]\n[Aleks' phone]: 10, 9, 8, 7, 6\n[Aleks shooting at James as he tries getting away]\n[Aleks' phone]: Match complete.\nYou win!\n[James]: I win!\n[Aleks]: I win!\n[James]: It says I won.\n[Aleks]: It says I won.\n[James]: Wait, we're tied.\n[Aleks]: It's 'cause I won!\n[James]: It said I won!\n[Aleks]: It said I won!\n[James]: It says-\n[Aleks]: It said I won!!\n[James]: I won.\nStill one more gift.\n[Aleks]: I wanna go home\ni don't wanna be apart of this Walmart episode anymore.\nwhat is that, a head?\nYou got this off of Walmart\nis that their giftbag option?\nStop being so creepy about it what the fuck is this\nso heavy\nit's heavy\n[James]: You know what you did last week?\nWhat you fucking destroyed in the fire? Hm? You know what that was? Do you know what it was?\n[Aleks]: Yeah it was a\n[James]: Look at the picture.\n[Aleks]: No I seen it was supposed to be our friendship like a mold of our\nbut it's a\nIt's a jar for ashes you stuffed the mold into\n[James]: Yes\n[Aleks]: They sell these at Walmart?\n[James]: Yes\nthere's supposed to be a cast, a cast that would live on forever in this mold\nlast week, and you destroyed\n[Aleks]: Hey guys, thanks for watching this episode of wall, Walmart Wonderwall\nWalmart, what's inside the box?\nWalmart, whoa\nif you wanna check out some other videos click them over here over here\nalso subscribe and get our sweet merch dude, everyone in the comments is like; where do i get this sick shirt?!\ncheck it out. there's a link. right there.\nthis side, sorry, this right here.\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "THEY HAVE\n AN EDUCATION ON THE\n MITIGATION IS NOT EXPENSIVE\n AT ALL STARTS WITH TESTING\n THE SOUL IF YOU WANNA KNOW\n WHAT MY PRIORITY IS GET\n PEOPLE TO TEST FOR RADON. THE\n THE I THE\n ++MUSIC PLAYING;;\n ++MUSIC PLAYING;; ER.R.THTHEE E\n UH THEHE U UHH\n ++MUSIC PLAYING;;\n ++MUSIC PLAYING;; UH THE THE\n THE THE THEHE U UHH THEHE THEHY\n REGIONAL AIRPORT LOCATED IN\n HAYDEN COLORADO..THIS AIRPORT\n SERVES AS THE GATEWAY TO\n COLORADO'S NORTHERN ROCKIES..\n THE AIRPORT FIRST OPENED IN\n THE FALL COVID 19 SIXTY SIX\n TO BEGIN SERVING THE\n COMMUNITY WITH DAILY\n SCHEDULED SERVICE FROM DENVER\n BY FRONTIER AIRLINES.S. TODAYAY\n THE APPLE VALLEY REGIONAL\n AIRPORT IS A VIBRANT ECONOMIC\n GENERATOR AND ONE OF THE KEY\n INGREDIENTS TO THE OVERALL\n SUCCESS OF THE BOOMING LOCAL\n TOURISM INDUSTRY.Y.STEAMBOAT\n SPRINGS IS A WESTERN\n AGRICULTURAL TOWN THAT JUST\n HAPPENS TO HAVE A WORLD CLASS\n SKIING ON.. THEHE SKI CONDITIOS\n THAT OUR BRAINS LOT OF PEOPLE\n HERE OVER SEVENTY FIVE\n THOUSAND PEOPLE EACH YEAR\n TRAVEL THROUGH THE APPLE\n VALLEY REGIONAL AIRPORT IN\n PURSUIT OF MOUNT WARNER'S\n WORLD RENOWNED CHAMPAGNE\n POWDER.R.THIS ACCOUNTS FOR\n NEARLY SEVENTY PERCENT OF THE\n TOTAL ANNUAL DESTINATION\n VISITORS OF THE STEAMBOAT SKI\n AREA.A.WHEN I IT COMES TO THE\n ECONOMY AND EMPLOYMENT.T.THE\n APPLE VALLEY REGIONAL AIRPORT\n INN BOASTS IMPRESSIVE\n NUMBERS.. HERE FOR IS LIKE\n OVER THREE THOUSAND JOBS\n NEARLY HUNDRED AND FIVE\n MILLION DOLLARS IN PAYROLL\n AND IT GENERATES NEARLY THREE\n ++MUSIC PLAYING;; IN OVERALL\n ECONOMIC OUTPUT FOR THE\n SURROUNDING COMMUNITY..THE\n ECONOMIC BENEFIT IS\n UNDENIABLE TO KEEP AN\n ECONOMIC ENGINE LIKE THIS\n RUNNING STRONG.G.ITIT TAKES SOD\n PARTNERSHIPS PASSIONATE AND\n KNOWLEDGEABLE STAFF AS WELL\n AS A SAFE AND EFFICIENT\n AIRPORT INFRASTRUCTURE.E. OUR\n PARTNERSHIP WITH THE SKI\n CORPORATION HAS VERY TIGHT\n THEY KNOW THAT THE LIFEBLOOD\n OF THEIR BUSINESS IS RELIANT\n ON THIS AIRPORT.T.EVEN THE\n PEOPLE OF WORK HERE HOW PROUD\n THEY ARE THE PRODUCT THEY PUT\n OUT IN THE CARE THEY TAKE\n OVER THE PAST YEAR HAS COME\n THROUGH HERE.E.ITIT SHOWS CAN K\n FOR A A QUART PALIN DEDICATED\n STAFF AND HAVE GREAT PARTNERS\n IN THE FILM'S STORY.. IS\n IMPORTANT THAT WE TAKE PRIDE\n IN THE AIRPORT AND TAKEN CARE\n OF CUSTOMERS AS WE ARE THE\n FIRST IMPRESSION FOR A LOT\n OF PEOPLE. TO PERSONALLY SEE\n THIS WOMAN GET OFF THE\n AIRPLANE HERE AND THEY COME\n TO OUR TERMINAL..IT'S\n ESPECIALLY IMPORTANT IN THE\n APPLE VALLEY.Y.\n THAT WE W WE KEEP\n THE RIGHT ATTITUDE AND WE'VE\n TAKEN CARE OF OUR PASTORS WHO\n WON COMEBACK AND THERE ARE A\n CRITICAL COMPONENT OF THIS\n COMMUNITY.. THE CITY TODAY HE\n IS ONE OF THE MOST DESIRABLE\n CITY.Y.\n ++MUSIC PLAYING;; OUR\n FOREFATHERS AND FORE MOTHERS\n AND THE FORESIGHT.. T TO SEE TE\n VALUE OF PROTECTING OUR\n NATURAL LANDS.. AND HAVING\n THAT OPEN SPACE BUFFER THE\n ++MUSIC PLAYING;; CHAUTAUQUA\n ITSELF WAS REALLY FOUNDED IN\n EIGHTEEN NINETY EIGHT SO.O.\n CHAUTAUQUA HAS BEEN A PART\n OF BOULDER FOR VERY LONG TIME\n IN FACT THE BUYING OF THE\n BACHELOR RANCH WHICH IS WHERE\n CHAUTAUQUA IS TODAY\n ++MUSIC PLAYING;;\n ++MUSIC PLAYING;;;;\n UH THEHE U UHH\n THE THEHE THEHE THEHE UH.H.\n YES LET'S\n GET GOING..OKAYAY I I WELCOME\n EVERYONE TO THE SEPTEMBER\n FIRST REGULAR MEETING OF THE\n BOULDER CITY COUNCIL.L.I HAVE A\n COUPLE OF ANNOUNCEMENTS\n BEFORE WE TAKE ROLL ON THE\n FIRST ANNOUNCEMENT IS A\n REMINDER ABOUT THE TWENTY\n TWENTY CENTS IS ON.N. BOULDER\n COUNTY IS CURRENTLY AT\n SEVENTY THREE PERCENT\n RESPONSE RATE WHICH IS\n AWESOME BUT THERE'S STILL\n TIME TO RESPOND TO TWENTY\n TWENTY CENSUS.S.EVERYONE DON'T\n BE LEFT OUT YOUR RESPONSE\n MATTERS A LOT..COMPLETING THE\n CENSUS IS SAFE EASY AND\n IMPORTANT QUESTION AARON\n TAKES A FEW MINUTES TO\n COMPLETE YOUR RESPONSES ARE\n SECURE AND CONFIDENTIAL..\n RESULTS HELP DIRECT FUNDING\n FROM THE STATE AND THE\n FEDERAL GOVERNMENT TO OUR\n COMMUNITY INCLUDING RESOURCES\n FOR EMERGENCIES AND DISASTER\n RESPONSE.E.SO PLEASE ENCOURAGE\n YOUR FRIENDS AND FAMILY TREES\n ON THAT BY SEPTEMBER\n THIRTIETH WHICH IS THE\n DEADLINE YOU CAN RESPOND\n EITHER ONLINE AT MY TWENTY\n TWENTY CENSUS IN Y TWO ZERO\n TO ZERO..YAYANN SU ES TUT G GOR\n YOU CAN CALL OR THREE THREE\n ZERO TWENTY TWENTY FOR\n TONIGHT'S MEETING.UM IN ORDER\n TO PROVIDE FOR INTERPRETATION\n SERVICES.S.WE'RE GOING TO SHIFT\n THE OPEN COMMENT UNTIL AFTER\n THE HEARING ON THE HEARING\n ON MOBILE HOME ORDINANCE AND\n SO WE'RE ANTICIPATING THE\n START AT EIGHT PM.M. S SO WOULD\n THAT BE CALLED A ROLE IN IRAQ\n AS A FRIEND.D.JUSTST THEHE BANK\n DOESN'T LIKE PRESENTS\n REMEMBER THE GATES HERE.E.YUYUM\n PRESENT MARY HAD A FARM.M. DAYY\n SO THE FIRST THING THAT WE\n NEED TO DO IS TO AMEND THE\n AGENDA.A. WE WOULD LIKE TO\n REMOVE ITEMS EIGHT A A M M WHIH\n IS REGARDING THE PERFORMANCE\n EVALUATIONS WILL BE THAT\n TEACHER MEETING.. W WE WOULD\n LIKE TO MOVE THE CONTINUATION\n OF MOBILE HOMES HEARING\n BEFORE SUMMIT IN THE LIGHT TO\n CHANGE THE ORDER OF ITEMS\n UNDER MATTERS FROM THE MAYOR\n AND COUNCIL.. T TO BEBE A A H\n OF THE MOTION TO APPROVE THE\n ORDER OF THE CITY OF BOULDER\n BALLOT MEASURES.. THEHE CITY\n MANAGER SEARCH SUBCOMMITTEE\n UPDATE THE EVICTION\n PREVENTION LETTER DISCUSSION\n AND EIGHT THE POINT IN THE\n LEAST OF OUR MASTER PLAN\n PROCESS..SUBCOMMITTEE MEMBERS\n SO I COULD GET A MOTION TO\n AMEND THE AGENDA OF ANY\n OBJECTIONS.S.OKAYAY GREATAT SEG\n ON UM THEN W WEE WILL AMEND THE\n AGENDA AND WILL MOVE INTO OUR\n HEALTH READING..ACTUALLY I I\n BELIEVE THAT SARAH HUNTLEY\n HAS AN ANNOUNCEMENT TO MAKE..\n GETTING EVEN COUNT SAW MY\n NAME AFFAIR HIGHWAY AND THE\n DIRECTOR OF COMMUNICATION\n ENGAGEMENT AS THE MAYOR\n MENTIONED WE ARE GOING TO BE\n CONDUCTING PART OF THIS\n MEETING IN ENGLISH AND\n SPANISH..WE HAVE TWO\n INTERPRETERS JOINING US SO I\n JUST WANT TO PROVIDE SOME\n QUICK INSTRUCTIONS.S. FOR\n PEOPLE WHO MAY HAVE JOINED US\n IN SPANISH AND ALSO FOR THOSE\n OF YOU WHO ARE IN ENGLISH\n BECAUSE WE WILL NEED YOU TO\n CHOOSE YOUR INTERPRETATION\n CHANNEL AS ENGLISH..\n GOING TO\n PULL UP A COUPLE OF FLIGHTS\n THAT JUST WALK US THROUGH\n THIS.S.THE KATY PERRY'S OUR\n SCREEN SHARING IS NOT WORKING\n AT THE MOMENT SO I'M GOING TO\n TALK US THROUGH THIS INSTEAD\n OF SHOWING SLIDES.. SO AT THE\n VERY BOTTOM OF YOUR MENU YOU\n SHOULD SEE SOMETHING THAT\n LOOKS A LITTLE BIT LIKE A\n GLOBE. AND IT SAYS\n INTERPRETATION FOR FOLKS WHO\n ARE ON THE COLLEGE ATTENDEES\n AS WELL AS OUR PANELISTS THIS\n EVENING..IF YOU HOVER YOUR\n MOUSE OVER THAT CLICK ON THAT\n BUTTON YOU CAN CHOOSE WHAT\n LANGUAGE WE WILL EITHER..\n CHOOSE TO CONDUCT THE MEETING\n COMPLETELY IN ENGLISH OR IN\n SPANISH FOR THE PORTIONS\n OF THE MEETING THAT ARE IN\n SPANISH WHICH WILL BE..\n PROBABLY THE FIRST TWO HOURS\n OF THIS MEETING OR SO.. T TO\n PLEASE PICK A CHANNEL WE ARE\n GOING TO ASK YOU TO CHOOSE\n ONE CHANNEL AND STAY IN IT\n AND FOR THOSE OF YOU SPEAK\n ENGLISH AND SPANISH.. WILL BE\n MUCH EASIER FOR OUR\n INTERPRETERS IF YOU CHOOSE\n ONE LANGUAGE AND IF YOU'RE\n SPEAKING CHOOSE THE LANGUAGE\n OF THE CHANNEL THAT YOU ARE\n IN.N. I IF YOU DO NOT PICK UPUP\n CHAD I BELIEVE IT WILL\n DEFAULT DUE TO ENGLISH COUPLE\n OF OTHER TIPS ARE\n INTERPRETERS ASK ME TO SHARE\n WITH YOU.WE DO HAVE TWO\n INTERPRETERS.S.THIS IS S A VERY\n EXHAUSTING PLATFORM AS THOSE\n OF US WHO PARTICIPATE IN\n ENGLISH CONTESTS.S.SOSO THEY'RE\n GOING TO DO THEIR BEST TO\n SUPPORT THIS MEETING IN A\n COLLABORATIVE FASHION THEY DO\n ASK.. THAT PEOPLE WHO ARE\n SPEAKING WHETHER IT'S ENGLISH\n OR SPANISH SPEAK A LITTLE\n MORE SLOWLY THAN YOU MIGHT\n TYPICALLY.. A A GOOD RULELE\n OF THUMB IS TO TAKE A BREATH\n IN BETWEEN SENTENCES.S. ARE NOT\n STATED CLEARLY AS YOU CAN TRY\n REALLY HARD NOT TO SPEAK OVER\n EACH OTHER BECAUSE WHEN THAT\n HAPPENS THE INTERPRETER IS\n TRYING TO.. TRANSLATE MULTIPLE\n VOICES AT ONE TIME AND AS YOU\n MIGHT IMAGINE THAT CAN BE\n VERY CHALLENGING IF YOU DO\n HAVE A HEADSET..IT I IS HELPFUL\n FOR INTERPRETERS IF YOU'RE\n ABLE TO USE THAT IT'S NOT\n REQUIRED BUT ALLOWS THE AUDIO\n TO BE A LITTLE BIT CLEARER\n FOR THAT.T.I THINK THAT'S ALL\n WE HAVE FOR NOW I WOULD\n SUGGEST THE MAYOR THAT WHEN\n WE GET TO THE ACTUAL\n TESTIMONY FROM THE . . EYE\n MAYBE REPEAT A COUPLE OF THE\n THINGS TO MAKE SURE PEOPLE\n ARE IN THE RIGHT CHANNEL.L. THE\n OTHER THING I LET FOLKS KNOW\n WHO ARE ON THE LINE TONIGHT\n WHETHER YOU'RE HERE TO\n TESTIFY FOR THIS HEARING OR\n THE OPEN COMMENT THAT YOU\n WILL BE TESTIFYING BY AUDIO\n ONLY.Y.SO W WE DO NOT SHOW THE\n VIDEO OF MEMBERS OF THE AT\n THIS TIME SO I'M JUST SO YOU\n KNOW WHAT TO EXPECT WHEN IT\n COMES YOUR TURN TO TESTIFY.Y.\nTHE MAYOR WILL CALL YOUR NAME\n AND I WILL ON YOU OR I WILL\n TOGGLE A SWITCH THAT ALLOWS\n YOU TO AMUSE YOURSELVES.S.I\n THINK WITH THAT WE PROBABLY\n CAN BEGIN THERE..I BELIEVE\n THAT WE'RE TO THE HELP\n REACHING AND THE PACE IS\n HIGHER AND OUR FIRST\n PRESENTER IS JUST SAY I GUESS\n THINGS CHANGE THE MARIN\n COUNCIL MEMBERS..I WANTED I I\n JUST WANTED TO REMIND YOU ALL\n GO THROUGH THE DATA.. FAIRLY\n QUICKLY HERE ARE ALL TRYING\n TO HIGHLIGHT THE KEY\n COMPONENTS FROM THE LAST TIME\n THEY REPRESENTED.D. CHANGED\n HAND AT THE ENDND OF THIS TALK\n A BIT ABOUT THE WORK THAT\n WE'RE DOING WITH THE\n UNIVERSITY CAR ON THE SIMILAR\n SPECIFICALLY BECAUSE THEY\n LEAD NICELY INTO.O. PATON\n FRANCIS SAYS PRESENTATION SO\n THE NEXT SLIDE AGAIN THIS IS\n OUR TOTAL NUMBERS RENOUNCE\n ORDER AT A TOTAL OF TWENTY\n THREE HUNDRED AND TWENTY FOUR\n CASES IN BOULDER COUNTY..\nUNFORTUNATELY I KNOW I KNOW\n IT'S HARD TO SAY THIS NUMBER\n EVERY TIME BUT WE'VE GOT\n SEVENTY NINE FOLKS THAT HAVE\n DECEASED FROM COMING NINETEEN\n AND THE MAJORITY OF THOSE.E. AS\n I'VE SHARED BEFORE AS HAVE\n COME FROM LONG TERM CARE\n FACILITIES EXCELLENT.T.THIS I S\n AGAIN ORIGINAL DATA AND IT'S\n ON COMPARED TO OTHER COUNTIES\n THAT ARE UP TO HONOR A CHANCE\n I WAS JUST WHAT I KNOW IT'S\n EXTREMELY BUSY SLIDE.E.IF YOU\n LOOK AT THE RED GRAPH THAT'S\n BOULDER COUNTY AND IF YOU\n LOOK AT OUR DATA COMPARATIVE\n ACROSS MULTIPLE INDICATORS IN\n THE FRONT RANGE..WE'RE GOING\n TO CONTINUE TO BE ONE OF THE\n LOWER COUNTIES IN TERMS\n OF THE COUNTS WILL COME COVID\n SO WE'RE DOING A GOOD JOB IN\n BOULDER COUNTY.Y.YOU CAN SEE\n THAT LITTLE SPIKE BETWEEN\n JUNE AND JULY'S FIRST.. THAHAT\n I'M GOING TO TALK ABOUT A\n LITTLE MORE DETAIL AND WE GET\n TO THE NEXT LEVEL WILL SEE\n THE STATE NUMBERS.. B BYY THEHE\n CITY THE STATE NUMBERS YOU\n CAN SEE PRETTY TO PRETTY\n DISTINCT PEAKS ONE UP ONE\n DOWN BOTH EARLY AND IN THE\n OUTBREAK AND THEN LATER IN\n THE OUTBREAK.K. ANDND WHAT'S ME\n IT'S IMPORTANT TO NOTE HERE\n IS THAT LATER IN THE\n OUTBREAK.K. STARTED TO SEE THE\n CASES RISING AGAIN AROUND MID\n JULY EARLY AUGUST THAT IS\n WHEN THE GOVERNOR'S SCHOOL\n AND POLICE AND WHEN HE PUT\n THE ORDER FOR BARS.S. AND\n NIGHTCLUBS IN PLACE AGAIN SO\n THAT DEFINITELY MADE A IMPACT\n IN WHERE ARE OUR CHOICES WERE\n HEADED SO WE HAVE SEEN\n POSITIVE RESULTS FROM THE\n NEXT SLIDE.E. WHICH ALONE IS\n ABOUT BOULDER COUNTY'S DAY\n HERE IS THE PEAK IN THE\n MIDDLE SO OUR DATA WOULD BE\n VERY SIMILAR TO THE STATES\n AND JUST A WELL SET ON WHAT\n YOU'RE LOOKING AT HERE.E.THESE\n ARE THE TOTAL NUMBER OF NEWLY\n REPORTED CASES PER DAY.Y.BOTHTH\n NOT ASSOCIATED WITH LONG TERM\n CARE FACILITIES AND IN THE\n ORANGE GRASS ASSOCIATED WITH\n LAWS FROM.. CITIEIES AND WHAT'S\n IMPORTANT TO KNOW THAT I\n SHARE PRETTY MUCH EVERY TIME\n I'M PRESENTING HERE IS THAT\n EARLY ON IN THE OUTRAGE.. W WE\n HAD LONG TERM CARE FACILITIES\n WERE THAT DISEASE WAS\n SPREADING ONCE IT'S IN THOSE\n FACILITIES REALLY DIFFICULT\n TO CONTROL.. ON AND WHY WE SAWW\n A HIGHER FATALITY RATES\n ASSOCIATED WITH THIS DISEASE\n IN OUR OLDER POPULATION.. AND\n WE'VE WE'VE REALLY WORKED\n HARD TO ALWAYS WANT TO MAKE\n SURE I'M GETTING KUDOS TO\n THOSE LONG TERM CARE FACILITY\n DIRECTORS WHO HAVE BEEN\n EXTREMELY COOPERATIVE AND\n SUPPORTIVE.E. AND WORKS WITH US\n CLOSELY AND HAS REALLY\n STOPPED THOSE ARE PLACES YOU\n CAN SEE IN THIS CROWD THAT\n MIDDLE GRAPH IS WHAT I WANT\n TO TALK ABOUT A LITTLE BIT.T.\n AND THAT IS THAT WHAT I'M\n TALKING ABOUT THE MIDDLE\n GRAPH IS AROUND SIX THIRTEEN.N.\nWE STARTED TO SEE A PICKUP SIX\n TWENTY WERE INTO AN OUTBREAK\n SCENARIO THAT WAS ASSOCIATED.\n WITH WITH THE HALO PARTIES\n THAT WERE CURLING CURLING\n REALLY IN AN PRECISELY WHAT\n WE WANT TO PREVENT FROM\n HAPPENING.LUCKILY WITH THAT\n SPREAD.D.WEWE DID NOT SEEEE SPD\n THROUGHOUT THE ENTIRE\n COMMUNITY IT WAS ISOLATED.D. TO\n THE WE WERE ABLE TO CONTROL\n THE REASON I WANT TO TALK\n ABOUT THIS SPECIFICALLY HERE\n IS BECAUSE.E. IT'S IMPORTANT\n THAT WE CONSIDERED A MODEL\n OF ENERGY AND EFFORT.T.\n NECESSARY TO CONTROL THE\n SPREAD OF AN OUTBREAK LIKE SO\n FOR EVERY PERSON WHO IS A\n POSITIVE IT'S ABOUT TWO HOURS\n PER INVESTIGATIONS SOMETIMES\n THREE HOURS.. AND THEN FOR\n EVERY POSITIVE PERSON IS\n TYPICALLY FOUR TO FIVE\n CONTACTS ON AVERAGE WE HAVE\n TO DO FOLLOW UPS WITH.H. ANDND\n THOSE FORTY FIVE CONTACTS\n TAKE ANYWHERE FROM THIRTY\n MINUTES TO AN HOUR TO DO ON\n FOLLOW UPS TO DETERMINE IF\n THEY WERE EXPOSED.. OR NONOT AD\n SO WHEN WE STARTED TO GROW UP\n HIGH NUMBERS LIKE THAT THAT'S\n WHAT PUTS A STRAIN ON OUR\n RESOURCES HERE IN BOULDER\n COUNTY.Y. ANDND YOU'LL HEAR IT\n AND WE HAVE BEEN SPENDING A\n LOT OF TIME WITH THE\n UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO HAS\n INVESTED SIGNIFICANT AMOUNT\n OF TIME AND EFFORT IN THIS.S.\n IN THE EFFORT AND TO REALLY\n REDUCE THE SPREAD ASSOCIATED\n WITH HIS. STUDENTS AND THE\n CITY OF BOULDER HAS BEEN A\n KEY PARTNER WITH US AS WELL\n SO BETWEEN BOULDER COUNTY \n HEALTH UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO\n IN THE CITY OF BOULDER.R.YOU'LL\n SEE AT THE\n ++MUSIC PLAYING;; AH WHEN\n FRANCIS AND THE WORK HAS BEEN\n DONE SHOULD REALLY TRY TO\n PREVENT THIS FROM HAPPENING\n AGAIN WE'RE SEEING.G. THERE ON\n THIS ONE WITHOUT THAT'S VERY\n SIMILAR TO A STRUCTURE TO\n WHAT WE SAW WITH THE STATE\n ADDRESS TO THE REGION THAT\n LITTLE TAIL MIDDLE IS AS\n UNIQUE ABLE TO GENERATE NICE\n LIGHT..THIS IS JUST NUTRITION\n OVER A FIVE DAY AVERAGE AND\n MAKES IT A LITTLE EASIER TO\n SEE CASES HAVE AN OVERALL\n DECLINE SINCE THE LAST TIME I\n WAS HERE PRESENTING..\n ++MUSIC PLAYING;; PER DAY AT\n THIS POINT AND WE WANT TO SEE\n THAT STAY LOW AND CONSISTENT\n NEXT LINE..THIS I IS OUR TOTAL\n TESTS THAT ARE RUN IN BOULDER\n COUNTY ENOUGH TO TARGET\n NUMBER FOR US IS FOUR HUNDRED\n AND FIVE YESTERDAY..OR T TO MAE\n SURE THAT WE'RE TESTING ALL\n SYMPTOMATIC PATIENTS IN WE\n EASILY ARE MEETING IN BOULDER\n COUNTY WE ACTUALLY HAVE\n CAPACITY.Y. T TO GO FAR BEYOND\n THAT WE HAVE OVER TEN TESTING\n FACILITIES ACROSS THE COUNTY.Y.\n AND WE ARE ABLE TO TEST MANY\n MORE THAN WE'RE TESTING RIGHT\n NOW WE JUST ARE NOT SEEING.G.\n ANY BACKUP OR NEEDS FOR\n ADDITIONAL TESTING AT THIS\n POINT WE DEFINITELY HAVE\n CAPACITY TO LAST MUCH MORE AS\n YOU'VE SEEN SOME OF THOSE\n SPIKES ON THE GRASS IN FROM\n ICELAND..THIS IS OUR PERCENT\n POSITIVITY RATE. AND WITH\n WITHOUT GETTING INTO ETERNITY\n TO THE TARGET RATE FOR THE\n STATE OF COLORADO IS FIVE\n PERCENT OR BELOW AND IF\n YOU'RE BELOW FIVE PERCENT\n YOU'RE TESTING.G. OF THE PEOPLE\n IN THE COMMUNITY TO ENSURE\n THAT YOU'RE NOT HAVING\n DISEASE CREDIT FOR GETTING UP\n THERE PICKING UP THE\n SYMPTOMATIC PEOPLE AND WE\n HAVE BEEN CONSISTENTLY LOW\n SINCE THE END OF MAY.Y.OUOUR\n TARGET HAS BEEN BELOW FOUR\n PERCENT PRETTY CONSISTENTLY\n AND MORE RECENTLY EVEN DOWN\n BELOW TWO PERCENT WHICH IS\n WHICH IS WHERE WE ARE RIGHT\n NOW BACK SLIDE.E.I JUST WANTED\n TO SHOW THIS LIKE THIS IS\n IMPORTANT WE ARE BUILDING..\n LONG TERM CARE FACILITY\n TESTING CAPACITY. AND WE'RE\n WORKING WITH THE COUNTY AND\n WE'RE TRYING TO GET MORE MOLD\n TESTING OUT INTO THIS\n COMMUNITY SO THAT WE CAN\n INCREASE THE NUMBER OF CHESS.\n FOR FACILITY WE KNOW AS WE GO\n INTO THE FALL WITH FLU AND\n CHILDREN TOGETHER..IT'S GOING\n TO BE HARD TO DISTINGUISH\n SOMETIMES FROM EACH OTHER AND\n WE ARE WORKING DIRECTLY WITH\n THESE LONG TERM CARE\n FACILITIES.S. T TO BOLSTER\n TESTING AS WELL AS TO BUILD\n CAPACITY IN THE COUNTY FOR\n ADDITIONAL TESTING WORKING\n SPECIFICALLY WITH CREDIT CARD\n AND WITH HIS BOULDER\n COMMUNITY HEALTH ON CITADEL\n NEXT SLIDE.E.THIS IS OUR RATES\n PER ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND PER\n JURISDICTION PRETTY\n CONSISTENT WITH WHAT I SHOWED\n YOU LAST SEVERAL MONTHS\n REPRESENTED WITH BOLDER\n BOULDER LAFAYETTE AND\n LONGMONT REALLY THE HIGHEST\n RATES NEXT LID.D.THIS I ISS A S\n IS OUR SLIDE ON OURUR RESIDENTS\n HAVE TESTED POSITIVE OR\n CONSIDERED PROBABLE.. B BY RACE\n AND HISPANIC ORIGIN AND THIS\n IS CONTINUES TO BE..\n UNACCEPTABLE STATISTIC WE ARE\n STILL SEEING A LARGER\n PERCENTAGE OF HISPANIC LATIN\n EX POPULATION HAS BEEN\n POSITIVE AS COMPARED TO THE\n POPULATION THAT'S OUT THERE\n WE ARE SURE LAST TIME.E. WE'RE\n HIRING A CULTURAL\n COMMUNICATION SPECIALISTS\n THAT PERSON AND WE'RE WORKING\n WITH THEM RIGHT NOW ON\n NEGOTIATING AND WE EXPECT TO\n HAVE THEM IN PLACE FOR THE\n NEXT WEEK.. ALSO IDENTIFIED\n SOME FUNDS TO SECURE A\n RESOURCE COORDINATOR ON THAT\n WILL HELP SUPPORT.. EXPANDING\n OUR CULTURAL BROKERS AND\n LOOKING AT THE VIETNAM THE\n CITY'S EMERGENCY RESPONSE\n PROGRAM THAT IS ALSO A\n COMMUNITY THAT WE WON WE WON\n REPLICATE. A BOLD AGENDA TO\n HELP JUST PART OF THE\n POPULATION BASE LINE.E.SO WE'RE\n CONTINUING TO SEE THE\n SLIGHTEST ILLUSTRATES THE\n NUMBER OF CASES THAT WERE\n SEEN AS DIFFERENT AGE GROUPS\n ALONG WITH HIM IN THE BLUE\n THE NUMBER\n OF HOSPITALIZATIONS LIKELY\n TO.O. NUMBERR OF FOLKS IN ICU\n AND THEN ON AND THEN AGAIN\n ORANGE.E. FOLKS DECEASED IN HIS\n AGE CATEGORIES WHICH IS\n CONTINUING TO SEE OUR HIGHEST\n CASE NUMBERS IN THE TWENTY TO\n TWENTY NINE POPULATION.N.\n FOLLOWED BY THE TEN TO\n NINETEEN POPULATION AND THIS\n OVER THE LAST WE.E. HAVE ALSO\n SEEN A SLIGHT INCREASE IN THE\n FIFTY TO FIFTY NINE YEAR OLD\n POPULATION OR SEEM CALM AND\n POSITIVE AS.. WE CONTINUE TO\n SEE THE HIGHEST IMPACTS ON\n THE GREATEST SEVERE IMPACTS\n IN OUR POPULATIONS THAT ARE\n SUSTAINABLE..THTHEE NEXT SLIDE\n HOW THIS IS A HOSPITAL OR\n HOSPITALIZATION RATE ISSUE\n THIS BECAUSE AGAIN\n ILLUSTRATES THE BULLETIN IS\n DOING REALLY GREAT JOB IN\n TERMS OF KEEPING\n HOSPITALIZATION RATE LOW.W.OUOR\n HOSPITALIZATION RATE FOR\n HUNDRED THOUSANDAND SIXTY\n ONE..YOU CAN SEE THE STATE'S\n ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY THREE\n IN THE NATION'S EIGHT HUNDRED\n JUST SNACKS.. EXCELLENT AND\n THIS IS OUR POSITIVITY RATE\n ON SERVICES OR TOTAL NUMBER\n OF PATIENTS HOSPITALIZED DUE\n TO COLD AND NINETEEN. ANDND\n SIMILAR TO THE GRASSO SHOWS\n WE HAD A DROP IN\n HOSPITALIZATIONS AT THE END\n OF MAY AND WE'VE KEPT THE\n HOSPITALIZATION OF GLOW AND\n WE DID BOBBLE LITTLE BIT.T.\n BETTER CONSISTENTLY STAYING\n LOW WE ALSO AS I SHOWED YOU\n EARLIER PRESENTATIONS WERE\n TRACKING MULTIPLE INDICATORS\n ASSOCIATED WITH EACH OTHER\n HOSPITALS.. ALSO MEETING WITH\n THEM WEEKLY BASIS SO WE KNOW\n THAT THE INDICATORS THAT WE\n TRACK ACTUALLY WE'RE HEARING\n FROM THEM ON THE GROUND SO\n HOSPITALS ARE DOING GREAT. IN\n TERMS OF FINDING JESUS IN\n KEEPING A LOW SIDE.E.THIS IS\n THE STATE HOSPITALIZATION OR\n E AND CLARA TESTED WHICH ARE\n CONFIRMED.. A AS IT I ISS AGAIU\n CAN SEE THAT DOWNWARD TAIL\n SLIGHT UPPER TAIL JUST LIKE\n OURS AND OTHER DOLLAR JAIL SO\n AS THE STATE WERE ALSO\n MAINTAINING LOW\n HOSPITALIZATIONS ACROSS THIS\n NEXT ONE.E.THIS IS SOME GREAT\n NEWS ON WHAT TO THINK BOLDER\n SPECIFICALLY YOU'VE BEEN A\n LEADER AND THE MASKING\n ORDINANCE AND IT MAKES A\n DIFFERENCE.E.THIS IS OURR LATET\n MASK A SURVEY ON SOCIAL\n DISTANCING SURVEY AND AS YOU\n CAN SEE IN THESE NUMBERS\n WE'VE HAD REALLY POSITIVE..\n RESPONSE WE DID SEE THAT\n THERE WAS A BOOST AFTER THE\n GOVERNOR STATEWIDE ORDER THAT\n DID MAKE A DIFFERENCE AND\n JUST REALLY APPRECIATIVE AND\n HAPPY TO SEE THESE NUMBERS\n THAT WE'RE SEEING HERE.E.I WANT\n TO THANK ALL OF YOUR FOLKS\n WHO ARE WATCHING TODAY OR\n FOLLOWING US.S.THIS MAKES A\n DIFFERENCE ALONG WITH THE\n SOCIAL DISTANCING MAINTAINING\n AT SIX FEET AND GOOD PERSONAL\n HYGIENE..THOSE THREE THINGS\n ARE GOING TO MAKE A BIG\n DIFFERENCE IN HOW THIS\n DISEASE SPREADS AS YOU HEARD\n ME SAY MULTIPLE TIMES BEFORE\n IT COMES DOWN TO INDIVIDUAL\n BEHAVIOR.R. WHEN PEOPLE ARE\n FOLLOWING THOSE THOSE THREE\n SIMPLE THINGS.. THEY CAN MAKE\n A HUGE DIFFERENCE IN\n CONTROLLING THE SPREAD\n OF THIS DISEASE SO I WANT TO\n THANK ALL OF YOU SO MUCH ON\n THEIR FOLLOWING US.S. ANDND\n PLEASE CONTINUE TO DO THAT\n BECAUSE THAT'S WHAT'S GOING\n TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE FOR\n SOCIETY AND OUR ECONOMY AS WE\n MOVE FORWARD INTO THESE NEXT\n MONTHS EXCELLENT THOUGH.H. THIS\n IS THAT THE PROJECTIONS THAT\n HAVE BEEN DONE BY THE CURRENT\n SCHOOL HEALTH AND WHAT I\n WANTED TO POINT OUT HERE IS\n THE PROJECTIONS AND IT SAYS\n FORTY ONE PERCENT..SOCIAL\n DISTANCING CURRENT THIS IS\n ACTUALLY AN OLD SLIDE BUT THE\n SAME PROJECTIONS HOLD.. TRUE\n TODAY SO WE WERE BACK IN THE\n MIDDLE OF JULY WE WERE AT A\n VERY LOW SOCIAL DISTANCING\n PERCENTAGE OF FORTY ONE\n PERCENT JUST AS A COMPARISON.N.\n WHEN WE WERE AT STAY AT HOME\n MOM BUT HER STRICT THIS POINT\n WE WERE UP AROUND EIGHTY\n PERCENT SO WE WERE AT A\n PRETTY LOW RATE.. IN THE\n MIDDLE OF SUMMER AND WE WERE\n EXTREMELY CONCERNED THAT\n POINT THAT WE'RE STARTING TO\n SEE INCREASES AGAIN FOLLOWING\n SOME OF THIS.. MODELING IT WAS\n DONE THE MASSACRE ONE PLACE\n AGAIN BARS AND NIGHTCLUBS\n RESTRICTIONS WENT INTO PLACE\n IN OUR SOCIAL DISTANCING\n ACTUALLY BUMPED UP QUITE A\n DEBT.T. WRITE DOWN WE ARE\n CURRENTLY AROUND THE MID\n SEVENTIES IS WHAT THE STATE\n IS TELLING US THAT CAN GO UP\n AND DOWN A LITTLE BIT\n DEPENDING ON.N. WHAT MIGHT\n HAPPEN ON WEEKENDS IF PEOPLE\n ARE GETTING TOGETHER HAVING\n MARGIN.N. CHANGE ININ HISIS STE\n WHICH IS WHY IT'S SO\n IMPORTANT AS WE GO INTO THIS\n LABOR DAY WEEKEND WE\n CONTINUED TO AGAIN FOLLOW\n THOSE THREE SIMPLE THINGS\n OF MASKING SOCIAL DISTANCING\n AND PERSONAL HYGIENE.THIS\n PROJECTION IN THE POSITIVE\n WHICH YOU CAN SEE ON THIS\n CRAFT IS THAT LOIS CREAM BAR.R.\nWE ARERE I IN THAT SCENARIO NOW\n FOR SURE AND IF WE CAN SHIP\n IT UP WE WILL BE IN GOOD\n POSITION AS WE MOVE THROUGH\n ALL EXCELLENT..THIS I IS THE\n REPRODUCTIVE NUMBER WHICH\n I'VE ALSO REFERRED TO IN THE\n PAST AS OUR OWN.. JUST TO MAKE\n THIS SIMPLE IF WE THREE THE\n NUMBER OF THREE ON THE\n REPRODUCTIVE SCALE THAT MEANS\n THAT FOR EVERY PERSON WHO\n HACKED WHO IS A POSITIVE\n MOOD.THEY ARE GOING TO INFECT\n THREE OTHER PEOPLE.E.THE THREE\n OTHER PEOPLE THINK AND FACT.T.\nTHREE OTHER PEOPLETHOSE NINE\n PEOPLE ARE THEY THINKING\n AFFECTS REAL PEOPLE PERSON..\n GOING TO BE UP TO TWENTY\n SEVEN AND ESCALATES VERY\n QUICKLY SO KEEP SAYING.G. THAHT\n ARE NOT FOR THAT REPRODUCTIVE\n NUMBER BELOW ONE IS THE\n TARGET.T. ENEMY SURE THAT WE'RE\n FOCUSING ON THAT STAIN BELOW\n AND WE DON'T HAVE THE\n UNCHECKED DISEASE THREATEN\n OUR COMMUNITIES WE ARE\n CURRENTLY BELOW ONE. EVEN\n THOUGH THIS CRAFT WAS DONE ON\n A LITTLE BIT AFTER AUGUST..\nWE'RE CONTINUING TO REMAIN\n BELOW ONE THE NEXT LIGHT. I\n THINK IS TIGHT YOU MULTIPLE\n TIMES BUT AFTER NEIGHBORS\n HAVE ALSO INCLUDED THE\n WEBSITE. AND UPON THIS IF\n PEOPLE WANT TO BE ABLE TO\n TRACK WHERE WE ARE RELATED TO\n THIS THEY CAN GO TO THIS\n WEBSITE AND TRACK IT\n THEMSELVES.S.CURRENTLY WE ARE\n IN SAFER AT HOME AND IN ORDER\n TO GET A PROTECTOR NEIGHBOR\n WE HAVE TO MEET ALL NINE\n OF THESE METRICS.S.CURRENTLY WE\n ARE MEETING FIVE OF THE\n MATCHES OR PARTIALLY MEETING\n ANOTHER FOUR OF THOSE\n METRICS.. ANDND YOU CAN LOOK AT\n WHAT THE METRIC SPECIFICALLY\n ARE IF YOU GO TO THE WEBSITE\n SO THERE'S JOE MEASURES FOR\n EACH OF THESE THINGS YOU'RE\n SEEING ON THE SLIDE.. AND YOU\n CAN GET MORE INFORMATION\n ABOUT WHAT THE MEASURE ITSELF\n AND WHERE WE ACTUALLY ARE\n GERMS IS MEASURE IF YOU GO TO\n THE WEBSITE BUT WE'RE NOT\n WE'RE NOT IN A PLACE FOR\n MEANING..THIS MEASURE AT THIS\n POINT AND I DON'T ANTICIPATE\n THAT WE WILL ON BEFORE WE\n MOVED INTO THE FALL SEASON A\n LEGACY FOR YOU.U.THERE IS ONLY\n ONE OTHER COUNTY AT LEAST AS\n OF LAST WEEK IN THE ENTIRE\n STATE THAT WAS ABLE TO\n CERTIFY UNDER PROTECT OUR\n NEIGHBOR'S SLIDE THOUGH THESE\n LAST TWO SLIDES..I'M GOING TO\n TALK MORE ABOUT WHAT WE'RE\n DOING CLEVER IT WAS SCHOOLS\n SO EARLY ON..THIS WASAS OVER RA\n COUPLE MONTHS AGO. WE SET UP\n LIAISONS WITH EACH OF OUR\n SCHOOLS WE HAVE TEAMS THAT\n ARE CURRENTLY IN PLACE THAT\n WORK WITH ALL OF OUR SCHOOLS\n THAT INCLUDES. MANCHESTER \n SCHOOLS UNUSUAL BUTTONS WERE\n PRIVATE SCHOOLS EARLY\n CHILDHOOD CENTERS..WEWE ALSO\n HAVE TEAMS SET UP FOR HIGHER\n EDUCATION FACILITIES THE\n UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO FRONT\n RANGE COMMUNITY COLLEGE AND A\n ROBOT BEEN WORKING WITH THEM\n PRETTY CONSISTENTLY FOR.. FOR\n MANY MONTHS NOW ESPECIALLY ON\n THE CAGE WALL PRIVATE EARLY\n CHILDHOOD SIDE OF THINGS\n SLIDE.. B BYY AS S II MENTIONED\n THERE'S BEEN A MAN'S AMOUNT\n OF WORK.. BETWEEN THE CITY\n OF BOULDER.R. C CU IN BOULDER\n COUNTY HEALTH AND NONE OF US\n ARE ARE TAKING THE WORK\n LATELY WE HAVE INVESTED A LOT\n OF TIME ALLOTTED FOR WE HAVE\n LOTS OF FOLKS. ARE WORKING ON\n NOT ONLY EDUCATION BUT\n ENFORCEMENT GROUPS ARE\n MEETING WEEKLY BASIS.S.MULTIPLE\n TIMES PER WEEK AS YOU CAN SEE\n ON THE SLY FOR BRINGING\n TOGETHER EPIDEMIOLOGIST\n ENFORCEMENT FOLKS ARE POLICY\n REPRESENTATIVES AND WAS NOT\n STATED ON THEIR.. EDUCATION\n REPRESENTATIVES THEY ARE\n MEETING TOGETHER AND TALKING\n ABOUT WHAT'S WORKING WHAT'S\n WORKED THIS PAST WEEK WHAT\n HASN'T WHAT HAVE WE SEEN. AND\n HOW DO WE MAKE ADJUSTMENTS\n WHEN WE CHANGE THINGS THAT\n THE CHANCELLOR ON HAS BEEN\n INVOLVED.D.I HAVE BEEN INVOLVED\n IN DIRECT.. COMMUNICATIONS TO\n ALL THE STUDENTS THAT COME\n IN.N. T TO THE UNIVERSITY AND E\n HAVE BEEN WORKING REALLY\n DILIGENTLY TO BOTH TRACK AND\n ALSO STRATEGIZE ON HOW WE\n MAKE A DIFFERENCE IN THE\n SPACE WE KNOW THAT IS\n INCREDIBLY IMPORTANT.T. THAT WE\n HAVE STUDENTS THAT COME BACK\n IN.N. COLLEGE AND THAT THEY DO\n ALL THESE THINGS WE CAN..\n CONTINUE TO PROGRESS AS I\n SHOWED ON THE LAST CRAFTS IN\n OUR COMMUNITY AND AGAIN IT\n REALLY COMES DOWN TO EACH AND\n EVERYONE'S INDIVIDUAL\n BEHAVIORS.. AND FOLLOWING\n THOSE BEHAVIORS WILL MAKE A\n DIFFERENCE IN WHERE WE END UP\n AS WE MOVE INTO THESE NEXT\n MONTHS.S.I KNOW THAT PAT AND\n FRANCIS HAVE.E. A A LOTOT\n OF INFORMATION THEY WANT TO\n SHARE WITH YOU IN MORE DETAIL\n ABOUT ALL THE WORK THAT'S\n KIND OF PLACE BUT I JUST WANT\n TO PUT A SHOUT OUT TO.O. THE\n CITY OF OLDER FOLKS AS WELL\n AS UNIVERSITY FROM TWO.O.\n HUNDRED AND TEN PERCENT ON\n BEHIND US IN THIS PROCESS AND\n INVESTED ONE HUNDRED AND TEN\n PERCENT OF THEIR ENERGIES TO\n DO EVERYTHING THAT WE CAN..\n REALLY REDUCE THE SPREAD\n OF DISEASE ASSOCIATED WITH\n THE UNIVERSITY COMING BACK\n INTO PLACE ALL STUCK HERE\n AGAIN I KNOW.W.FRANCISS OF THE\n FIRM MORE INFORMATION\n RELATIVE TO THIS BUT A HUGE \n AND I'LL JUST PAUSE TO SEE\n ANY COUNCIL MEMBERS HAVE\n QUESTIONS OR JUST BE.E. I I D O\n NOT SEE ME AND RACHEL AND\n MARY JO STEPHPH FOR ANOTHER\n GREAT PRESENTATION.N.THTHE COUE\n THE US IS LIKE IT'S BEEN.N. A A\n LITTLE BIT LESS RISKY TO BE\n OUTDOORS THAN INDOORS AND THE\n RISK OF TRANSMISSION IS LAST\n WAS WONDERING IF GIVEN A\n CONTRACT CONTACT TRACING AND\n YOU KNOW. FOR PEOPLE THAT ARE\n POSITIVE WHERE THE CASES ARE\n BEING PICKED UP RIGHT NOW THE\n OUT DOORS..THEREE ARE ALMOST\n EXCLUSIVELY INDOORS AT THIS\n POINT THE\n ++MUSIC PLAYING;; I WAS\n OUTDOORS WAS ASSOCIATED WITH\n A YOGA CLASS.S. WHERE THEY WERE\n JUST THEY WERE WITHIN SIX\n FEET OF EACH OTHER WHEN THEY\n WERE DOING YOGA CLASS BUT FOR\n SURE.E.OUTSIDE HEARD THE\n GOVERNOR USE THIS ON\n ++MUSIC PLAYING;; TO BE\n HONEST WITH YOU IN TERMS\n OF THE SCIENCE BUT TWENTY\n TIMES LESS RISKY OUTDOORS AND\n INDOORS CLEARLY INDOORS..\n BUILD UPP OF THE SHED THE\n VIRUS IT CAN BE SPREAD MORE\n EASILY.Y. OPT OUT OR ISIS IT\n DISSIPATES PRETTY QUICKLY\n ESPECIALLY IF THERE'S ANY\n KIND OF WIND OUTSIDE IS JUST\n A MUCH MORE OPEN AREA SO\n THERE IS LESS RISK OUTSIDE\n FOR SURE.E. A ATT THEHE ANN IMT\n SISTER BUT I THINK ANDERSON\n FROM YOU IN THE PAST BUT IT\n ALSO.O. I IS CONCERNING TO ME\n THAN THAT WE'RE ALL GOING\n INDOORS IN THE NEXT COUPLE\n MONTHS SO IT WAS JUST\n WONDERING IF.F. WE ARE DOING\n CONTACT TRACING AND THE\n HEIGHTENED CONCERN AND IF ALL\n THE CASES ARE INTERESTING\n YEARS IN BOULDER COUNTY MANY\n OF US..YEYES ABSOLUTELYMEANTIME\n REMOVING AND OTHERS WERE\n GOING TO HAVE A VIRUS.. S SO\n THAT YOU KNOW MY MESSAGE BACK\n TO EVERYBODY THAT'S LISTENING\n HERE AGAIN.N. IT'S THOSE THOSE\n THREE THINGS THAT ARE SUNNY\n KEEP SAYING REMEMBER MASK AND\n MAINTAINING MORE THAN SIX\n FEET SOCIAL DISTANCING AND\n BEGAN HAND HYGIENE IS REALLY\n IMPORTANT.. AND THAT CAN THAT\n REALLY CAN PREVENT THE SPREAD\n IF YOU THINK ABOUT WHAT THE\n CDC REPORTED AWHILE BACK.K.\nTHOSE HAIRDRESSERS WHO BOTH\n HAD MASS SERVED OVER A\n HUNDRED PEOPLE.E. AND THE FOLKS\n WERE COMING AND MASSES WAS\n THAT.T. THEIR CAPTORS AND IT\n PREVENTED THE SPREAD\n OF DISEASE EVEN HAS ENDORSED\n THOSE THINGS ARE REALLY\n IMPORTANT FOR US TO KEEP\n FOCUSING ON AS WE MOVE INTO\n THE SMARTS.S. ANDND THEHE LIVE\n CONCERT AS YOU NOTED WITH\n STUDENTS HAVING THEIR PARTIES\n AND ICE IN SOME OF THEM HAVE\n BEEN OUTDOORS RECENTLY SOME\n HAVE GUESTS AND YOUR\n COMPONENTS AND SEALS.S. ARE YOU\n SATISFIED WITH THE AMOUNT\n OF TESTING IS GOING ON AND\n OFF CAMPUS.S. STUDENTS AND IS\n EARNING CAPACITY DURING WE\n CAN BE DOING TO ENSURE THAT\n WE ARE TESTING PEOPLE WHO ARE\n AT AS BEING PRETTY\n SUFFICIENTLY FROM A COUNTY\n PERSPECTIVE.. ON THTHE\n REFERENCES ADDRESS THE NEED\n TO STAY ON THE PRESENTATIONS\n WILL WE UNTIL THE OTHERS IN\n CASES MORE QUESTIONS FOR ME\n BUT I KNOW THAT CU IS WORKING\n ON.WE HAVE AND CAN CONTINUE\n TO WORK ON TESTING\n STRATEGIES.S.I KNOW ARE GOING\n TO ADDRESS THAT SONG AND LET\n THEM TALK ABOUT THAT AGAIN I\n WILL STAND.D. THEHEY SUGGEST TE\n STAFF AS USUAL FOR TAKING\n TIME OUT OF THIS BEAUTIFUL\n EVENING TO BE WITH US SO WE\n SAW IN YOUR PRESENTATION.N.\n THAT AN ACCEPTABLE AS YOU\n CALL THAT.. BAR GRAPHSS OF THE\n NUMBER OF TEAMS THAT ARE\n CONTRACTING AND BEING\n HOSPITALIZED FOR THE VIRUS\n AND WHAT I'M WONDERING IS..\n YOU ALSO MENTIONED THAT YOU\n HAVE EXTRA CAPACITY UNUSED\n CAPACITY OF TESTING AND SO\n I'M WONDERING HOW YOU'RE\n TAKING THOSE TWO PIECES\n OF DATA AND MERGING THEM IN\n ORDER TO ADDRESS. THE\n DISPROPORTIONATE NUMBER\n OF PEOPLE BEING AFFECTED HER\n ARTICLE IN THE AREA..OTHERWISE\n WE WILL CONTINUE TO SEE THE\n GROUND BUT OUR GOAL IS TO\n HAVE SOME TESTING DONE.E.YOU\n CAN ACTUALLY GO TO SOME\n OF THE COMMUNITIES THAT WE\n ARE MOST IMPACTED..WE KNONOW\n FROM OUR CULTURAL BROKERS AND\n FROM TOXINS FROM. OUR LAST\n DAY SPECIFICALLY SPANISH\n SERVING AGENCIES THAT WE\n STILL HAVE FOLKS IN OUR\n COMMUNITY ARE NOT\n COMFORTABLE.. BOTH SEEKING\n CARE IN SUGGESTING A NEED TO\n CHANGE THAT.. AND THAT THAT ISS\n THAT NEEDS TO BE A FOCUS\n OF THE FORMAL PART OF THAT..\n IS TO TRY TO SUPPORT AND\n BRING SOME MOBILE TESTING\n WILL BE WORKING AGAIN WITH\n THE CULTURAL BROKERS.S. T TO LK\n AT HOW WE MAKE THAT APPROACH\n WE DO HAVE. AN APPLICATION\n THAT WE HAVE SENT A STATE IN\n ADDITION WORKING WITH BOULDER\n COUNTY TO SECURE SOME FUNDING\n THAT WOULD ALLOW US TO EXPAND\n ON THAT MORE TESTING..WEWE\n EXPECT TO HEAR THIS WEEK. ON\n IF WE'LL HAVE THAT FUNDING A\n NAP UNTIL WE GET THE FUNDING\n WE CAN'T REALLY BUILD THE\n CAPACITY THAT WE NEED TO GET\n TO THOSE POPULATIONS.S. IN THE\n WAY WHEN YOU CATCH ON BUT AS\n I ATE HUNDRED PERCENT AGREE\n THAT.T. THAT IS A A THAT ISIS T\n THE CASE THAT HAS TAKEN WE'VE\n GOT TO CHANGE A THANK YOU\n VERY MUCH TO SAY I SEE NO\n MORE QUESTIONS I THINK\n ALREADY FORSEE A CENSUS.S.THANK\n YOU VERY MUCH FOR INVITING US\n AND I JUST LIKE TO TAKE A\n SECOND SAYING THAT WE FEEL\n VERY FORTUNATE IN HAVING THE\n PARTNERS OF BOULDER COMMUNITY\n HALL.L. COUNTY HEALTH AND THE\n CITY BECAUSE I THINK DANCE\n NUMBERS SHOW THAT WE ARE\n HAVING SOME RESULTS AS\n COMPARED TO SOME OF THE OTHER\n COUNTIES.S.I ALSO WANNA LET YOU\n KNOW THEY WERE ALWAYS\n AVAILABLE TO IT AND EVEN IF\n IT'S AN.. UNFAIR AS SUCH THIS\n WAS NOT BUT I JUST WANNA MAKE\n SURE YOU KNOW THAT WE'RE\n ALWAYS AVAILABLE TO ATTEND\n CITY COUNCIL AND ANSWERING\n QUESTIONS LIKE HOW.W. MANY\n ISSUES CENTRAL TO TRAIN ME\n HOW I WAS ABLE TO BRING\n SEVERAL PEOPLE THAT YOU ARE\n PROBABLY MORE INCHES IN\n HEARING FROM THEM I SAW.. THE\n FIRST ONE IS CATHERINE GIRL\n AND CATHERINE IS OUR CHIEF\n HUMAN RESOURCES OFFICER AND\n SHE IS HERE TONIGHT TO\n ADDRESS THE QUESTIONS IN OUR\n FRONT LINE WORKERS.S.PATRICK\n O'ROURKE YOU KNOW IS INTERIM\n EXECUTIVE VICE CHANCELLOR AND\n CHIEF OPERATING OFFICER WHICH\n HAS BEEN MANAGING.. THE\n OVERALL OPERATIONS OF THE\n CAMPUS FROM PLEASED\n INFRASTRUCTURE COMMUNICATIONS\n AND HE IS GOING TO UPDATE YOU\n ON TESTING.G. METRICS AND\n RESPONSES TO THE VARIOUS\n NARRATIVES IN WHICH WE MIGHT\n FIND OURSELVES ON HER AND I\n THINK SOME OF THE QUESTIONS\n THAT RACHEL WAS ASKING.G.WE\n ALSO HAVE WITH US TONIGHT JB\n AUSTIN AND JB IS ACTUALLY A\n BRAND NEW TO THE CAMPUS AND\n HE IS OUR DEAN OF STUDENT\n AFFAIRS.. O ON AND H HEE DARTEN\n AND STUDENTS AND HE KINDLY\n AGREED TO JOIN US TONIGHT AND\n HAS REALLY JUMPED RIGHT INTO\n A LOT OF THESE ISSUES ON THE\n HILL. AS I REVISITED THE AND\n IS WORKING IN HIS EXCELLENT\n TEAM.M.THIS INCLUDES STEPHEN\n KRAMER IS ASSISTANT DEAN\n OF STUDENTS AND HE IS HERE\n ALSO TONIGHT ARE JUST ON THE\n ACTIONS OF HIS OFFICE ALONG\n WITH THE NEEDS OF OUR POLICE\n DEPARTMENT.T. AND A ASS OF THE\n AWESOME OFF CAMPUS HOUSING\n MISSION TO IMPROVE THE\n SITUATION ON THE WALL.L. SO\n THAT I MENTION THIS OVER TO\n KATHMANDU AND TO JUST THE\n FIRST POINTS ON AROUND THE\n FRONT LINE WORKERS AND WE CAN\n ADVANCE THE NEXT LINE.. D DEE\n FRANCE THE COUNCIL FOR\n INVITING ME TO BE HERE\n TONIGHT TO TALK ABOUT\n PROTECTIVE MEASURES FOR OUR\n FRONT LINE STAFF.F. AND I I WAT\n TO SAY A WORD BEFORE IT GETS\n AND THE SLIDES A BOUNCE AND\n WHO WE'RE TALKING ABOUT..I\n KNOW WE HAVE STAFF AND\n FACULTY WHO HAVE RETURNED TO\n CAMPUS AND IN MANY DIFFERENT\n ROLES..I'M REALLY TALKING\n TODAY ABOUT WHAT WE CONSIDER\n TO BE OUR FRONT LINE STAFF\n WHO ARE CUSTODIANS OR DINING\n SERVICES AND FORTIES\n DISTRIBUTES AND SERVICES ARE\n THE STRIKERS GROUNDS KEEPERS.S.\nHE ISEMPLOYEES INTERACT ALOT\n WITH THEIR STUDENTS AND WITH\n OTHER MEMBERS OF THE CAMPUS\n COMMUNITY..THEYEY TEND TO BE OR\n LOWER WAGE EARNING EMPLOYEES\n DAY AND MANY OF THESE\n INDIVIDUALS ARE NON NATIVE\n ENGLISH SPEAKERS.S. AROUND ANDD\n MOST OF THEM RESIDE IN EITHER\n STUDENT AFFAIRS OR\n INFRASTRUCTURE AND SAFETY AND\n I WANT TO THANK STEVE AYRES\n THE CONSTRUCTION SAFETY FOR\n PROVIDING A LOT OF THEM FROM.M.\n TIME TO SHARE WITH YOU\n TONIGHT SO I BROKE THIS DOWN\n REALLY INTO SAFETY MEASURES\n AND HOLD THEM AND WELFARE\n MEASURES AND SO I JUST SLIDE\n HERE YOU SEE ME SAFETY\n MEASURES.S.II LOVEE THE LEFT HD\n SIDE YOU'RE SEEING THE SORTS\n OF THINGS THAT ARE DOING\n REGARDING SAFETY FOR ALL\n OF OUR VOICE.E.SOSO THAT'S REAY\n EVERYONE ON THE RIGHT HAND\n SIDE YOU'RE SEEING THE\n ADDITIONAL THINGS THAT WE'RE\n DEALING RELATED SPEW OUR\n FRONTLINE BOYS.S. AND ONE DRYER\n TO LISTEN TO A COUPLE\n OF THINGS.. O ON THE LEFT HAND\n SIDE TOWARDS THE BOTTOM A\n TREE'S AGE FACT INSPECTION\n AND FILTERS.. O ONN THE CAMPUS\n HAS REALLY DONE A PRETTY\n COMPREHENSIVE TIME\n OF BILLIONS YOU ALL BUILDINGS\n ON THE WAY TO ANALYZE THE\n EXISTING.G. AJAX A STANDS\n AIRFLOW AND I I HAVE.E. IN LARE\n NUMBERS JUST MULL OVER THIRTY\n FILTERS AND FILTERS INSTALLED\n AS THREE AFTER ALL THE\n BUILDINGS ON CAMPUS THAT ONE\n OF THESE I WANT TO EMPHASIZE\n HERE IS THAT.T. THIHIS POPULATN\n OF STAFF REALLY INTERACT IN\n ALL THE BUILDINGS ON CAMPUS\n SO THERE IN THE STATE POLICE\n THE CLASSROOMS AND FACULTY\n THERE IN THE DORMS AND DINING\n AREAS ARE REALLY.Y. ACROSS ALLL\n OF CAMPUS AND AND SO ALL\n THESE HEALTH MEASURES ARE\n APPLYING FRANKLY IT LEADS TO\n THEM AS FEW OTHERS.S.THTHE ALSO\n WONDERFULLY ON THE RIGHT HAND\n SIDE A COUPLE OF IT'S THE\n FIRST WHEN I YOU KNOW ONE\n OF THE KEYS.. AND XIAN CANN TO\n MAINTAIN SAFETY FOR EVERYONE\n WAS IMPLEMENTED AS FOR\n TRAINING AROUND A NUMBER OR\n TARGET STORE ON CAMPUS AND I\n THINK IT'S AN INSANE AND\n THAT. NATIVE SPEAKERS THE\n STRAIN HAS BEEN TRANSLATED.D.\nIT'S ALSO BEEN MADE AVAILABLE\n IN FORMATS OTHER THAN ON LINE\n SO THAT IS THE PERSON SOME\n COVID HAS BEEN ON IN FRANCE.E.\n AND SOME OF THAT IS THE\n DIRECT SUPERVISORS WORKING TO\n GET THE TRAINING DAYS AND\n THEN TOWARDS THE BOTTOM ON\n THE RIGHT HAND SIDE..I ALSO\n WANT TO PLAY NOW IN\n PARTICULAR AND THAT WE HAD\n STOOD ON A TRAIN VOLUNTEER\n TEAM FROM ENVIRONMENTAL\n HEALTH AND SAFETY IS ACTUALLY\n TWO CREWS. OF FOUR PEOPLE\n EACH THAT ARE SPECIFICALLY\n DESIGNATED TO PERFORM\n CONTAMINATION..AND SO THIS ISIS\n OR AREAS ON CAMPUS THAT WE\n NEED URGENT CLEANING.. U UPP\n CONTAMINATION PRIMARILY IN\n AREAS THAT CAN BE SENT DOWN\n FOR A PERIOD OF TIME DAYS Y\n EL SEVENTY TWO HOURS TWENTY\n FOUR FORTY EIGHT SECONDS TO\n HOURS. ON AND ON DUTY IN THE\n DORMS THEY ARE.WE ALSO\n CONTRACT OF THIRD PARTY\n PROVIDER.R.DID YOYOU ACTUALLY\n ISOLATION ROOMS ON AND MOVING\n ON TO THE NEXT SLIDE PLEASE..\nHERE I WANNA TALK ABOUT THAT\n SORT OF HEALTH AND SAFETY OR\n HEALTH AND WELFARE MEASURES\n THAT WE PLACE.. OURUR LIVES AS\n MEN SINCE YOU DID THIS IS\n REALLY HIGH LEVEL THERE'S A\n LOT MORE DETAIL ON THIS BUT\n IN THE INTEREST OF TIME.. O ON\n PRETTY HIGH LEVEL AND ITS\n ANSWER QUESTIONS LATER AND\n HAVE.E. SOMOME OF THE PROTECTIE\n MEASURES RELATED TO AND\n REALLY INCLUDED OF COURSE\n FIRST AND FOREMOST AND\n FINALLY THE STATES AND LOCAL\n ORDERS AROUND POPULATIONS IN\n THE COMPOUND PEOPLE FROM\n WORK.K.THERE'S AA PLETHORA\n OF INFORMATION ON THE HR\n WEBSITE TO SEE YOU AND IT'S\n MOSTLY ON THE PHONE AND MAYBE\n HAVE A WEBSITE THAT HE.. IS\n BUT IS INFORMATION ON EVERY\n CAMP EVERY RELATED TO THAT\n PARTICULAR GUIDANCE OR ON\n INDIVIDUALS WHO MAY HAVE\n MEDICAL NEEDS ARE OTHER\n REASONS HE FINDS THAT.T. AND\n I'M SURE YOU ALL ARE FAMILIAR\n WITH THE FAMILY FRIENDS AND\n ADMIRERS RESPONSE ACT WHICH\n IS ANOTHER PIECE OF FEDERAL\n LEGISLATION THAT HAS\n PROVIDED.D. LEAEAD UNDER\n DIFFERENT SCENARIOS AND JUST\n GIVE YOU THE NUMBERS. WE HAHAD\n ONE STAFF TAKE THE CRARA\n RELATED TO THE SICKLY PORTION\n OF THIS THE LAST YEAR A AND\n WE HAVE.. FORTY NINE INN THE\n STAFF AND FACULTY TAKE THE\n FARC ARE A WEE FOR CHILD CARE\n AND THAT BREAKS DOWN ABOUT\n FIFTY FIFTY STAFF AND FACULTY\n ON TO THEIR USAGE..THTHE ALSOSO\n CREATED CLEAR GUIDANCE YOU\n GIVE SUPERVISORS..II GAVAVE U N\n QUICKLY TO THE WORK\n ENVIRONMENT WE FIND OUT\n THERE..THERE IS SOMEONE POSTED\n POSITIVE OR SYMPTOMATIC\n WITHIN THE WORKFORCE SO THAT\n WE CAN QUICKLY ISOLATE THE\n INDIVIDUAL AND OR EIGHTEEN\n OTHERS TO REDUCE ANY CHANCE\n OF SPREAD.. AND THEN FINALLY\n ON THE RIGHT HAND SIDE COUPLE\n OF DAYS THAT WE'VE DESIGNED\n TO SUPPORT THE FINANCIAL\n NEEDS OF OUR LAME CLICHES.S.\n WHEN THE BACK IN THE SUMMER\n IS.S. ALL I I NEED TO GET\n FURLOUGH A NUMBER OF THESE\n EMPLOYEES ON.N. PART OF THE\n FURLOUGH PROCESS INCLUDED AN\n OUTREACH CALL FROM HR TO\n EVERY SINGLE INDIVIDUAL THAT\n WAS FURLOUGHED AS I SAID\n EARLIER MANY OF THESE\n INDIVIDUALS HAVE THE LANGUAGE\n BARRIERS.S.WE PROVIDED\n TRANSLATION SERVICES AND\n ASSISTANCE IN FILING FOR\n UNEMPLOYMENT CLAIMS FOR THE\n ELATION..I'M HAPPY TO SAY THAT\n AUGUST ONE VIRTUALLY ALL ARE\n FURLOUGHED EMPLOYEES WERE\n RETURNED TO CAMPUS AND IT'S\n AND SO THEY'RE BACK WORKING\n WITH US NOW ON CAMPUS.S.ALSO\n BACK IN THE SPRING WE SET UP\n AN EMERGENCY ON THE STAFF AND\n FACULTY EMERGENCY FUND\n SPECIFICALLY BECAUSE OF CODED\n AND THAT REALLY ADDRESSES.S.\n HARDSHIP THE INDIVIDUALS\n FACING HARDSHIP AS A CAREER\n AS A RESULT COVID OR IT COULD\n COVER OTHER EMERGENCY\n SITUATIONS.S. THAHAT W WE HAVEA\n ON THAT IS WELL TODAY THREE\n HUNDRED AND THIRTY SIX AND\n STAFF HAVE RECEIVED THAT I'M\n THE ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS.S.\n OF THOSE TWO HUNDRED AND\n FORTY EIGHT WERE ARE\n FURLOUGHED EMPLOYEES TO\n RECEIVE IN TAYLOR HUNDRED AND\n TWENTY FOUR. HUNDRED AND\n TWENTY FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS\n AND SOME HACKLES ALSO\n RECEIVED THIS AWARD HAD\n TWENTY FOR ITS HUGE EIGHTEEN\n DIGS.S.THESE NUMBERS ARE ASAS\n OF AUGUST TWENTY FOUR SO I\n WILL STOP THERE AND THEN A\n FEW LOADS OF THEM TAKEN IN\n JAPAN AND IF WE CAN GO TO THE\n NEXT SLIDE PLEASE..SOSO FIRST\n WANTED TO THANK COUNCIL FOR A\n LADY COME BACK AND GIVEN HOW\n MUCH TIME WE'VE TAKEN SO FAR\n RATHER RAPIDLY THROUGH.H. THESE\n SLIDES BUT PLEASE STOP ME IF\n YOU HAVE QUESTIONS AND\n INITIALLY I ALSO WANTED TO\n CHANGE AS THEY ACT AND THE\n COUNTY HELD HER.. A AS HE\n DESCRIBED AT A VERY GOOD\n WORKING RELATIONSHIP WITH\n THEM AND TOGETHER WE'RE\n TRYING TO IMPLEMENT\n STRATEGIES THAT WILL KEEP THE\n COMMUNITY SAFE.E.ONONE OF THE\n STRATEGIES THAT WE'VE TALKED\n ABOUT BEFORE RELATE TO THE\n TESTING CAPABILITIES ON\n CAMPUS.S.WEWE HAD OUR FIRST FOY\n INTO TESTING WHEN THE\n STUDENTS WHO WERE LIVING ON\n CAMPUS ARRIVE THE WEEK\n OF AUGUST SEVENTEEN.. ANDND IN\n THAT PERIOD OF TIME WE HAD\n OVER FIVE THOUSAND PEOPLE WHO\n BROUGHT US THAT MEANS THAT WE\n CONDUCTED CLOSE TO THREE\n THOUSAND TESTS THAT WERE ON\n CAMPUS AND THAT.. W WE WERERE E\n TO RESPOND TO THE ISOLATION\n QUARANTINE OVER CURRENTLY\n DOING IS SHIFTING STRATEGIES\n IN ORDER TO BE ABLE TO MOVE\n FROM THE INITIAL.L. PHASE INTO\n THE ONGOING FACE AS HE TALKED\n ABOUT BEFORE WE GOT A NUMBER\n OF DIFFERENT SURVEILLANCE\n STRATEGIES THAT WE'RE USING..\n INCLUDING TESTING PATIENTS\n THAT SOMETIMES. CASTINGNG\n OF OUR ON CAMPUS POPULATION\n ON WEEKLY BASES WASTEWATER\n TESTING AND ALSO OFFERING\n TESTING AND ON AS NEEDED\n BASIS OR OFF CAMPUS STUDENTS\n THAT DIDN'T STOP TO THOSE WHO\n HAVE BEEN IDENTIFIED.D.WE'RE\n ALSO WORKING ON OFFER AND\n TESTING TO THOSE STUDENTS WHO\n HAVE GONE TO GATHERINGS AND\n HAVE HATCHED IN COMPLIANCE\n WITH EXCITEMENT..OUOUR CONTACTA\n TRACING MY SOLUTION FUNCTIONS\n OR WORKING WELL..I'I'M CURRENTY\n WE ARE ABLE TO WHEN WE\n RECEIVED A POSITIVE TEST\n RESULT WITH.. ONENE OF OUR\n PATIENTS FOR STUDENTS WHO\n TEST POSITIVE FOR COVERT WERE\n INITIATING THE CONTACT\n TRACING AN HOUR'S THE SAME\n DAY WE'VE BEEN REPORTING OUR\n RESULTS ACT.. WELELL AND THAT\n WE'RE USING THE DAILY\n QUESTION HERE THAT WE'RE\n HAVING STUDENTS FACULTY AND\n STAFF FELL OUT IN ORDER TO BE\n ABLE TO INITIATE THE\n REPORTING POSITIVE SYMPTOMS..\nWELL W WE KNOW THAT THE STUDENTS\n ARE USING THAT AS A RULE. I\n BELIEVE ON MONDAY THERE WERE\n THIRTEEN THOUSAND UNIQUE\n STUDENT IDENTIFIER USED TO BE\n ABLE TO FILL OUT DAILY HEALTH\n QUESTIONNAIRE SO THAT'S THE\n AVERAGE BALANCE WILL.L. ALSO\n HAVE OVER TWO HUNDRED AND\n FIFTY BEDS DESIGNATED FOR\n ISOLATION QUARANTINE AND\n FIRMLY LESS THAN FIVE PERCENT\n OF THOSE DEBTS ARE IN USE.. S O\n WE HAVE TO ASK YOU RIGHT NOW\n IT LOOKS LIKE THINGS WERE\n TRYING TO DO.O.I'I'M SIMILAR TO\n WHAT JEFF WAS DOING THE\n COUNTY IS TO BE TRANSPARENT\n ABOUT OUR DATA AND WHAT\n SHOWING AS WE'VE.. LEARNED\n OVER THE LAST FEW DAYS WE\n NEED TO CONTINUE TO REFINE\n HER CASH FOR WE ARE\n CURRENTLY. I IN N A SITUATION\n WHERE WE ARE WHEN WE'RE\n REPORTING.. TEST RESULTS SO\n YOU'LL SEE ON THE RIGHT HAND\n SIDE AND SLIDE THE MONITORING\n TEST AND PCR TEST THOSE\n RELATED TO DIFFERENT TESTING\n MODALITIES THE SURVEILLANCE\n TESTING TALKED ABOUT BEFORE..\n IS THE SALIVA BASED TEST THE\n PCR TESTING IS DIAGNOSTIC\n CONFIRMED FOR A TEST FOR\n THOSE POPULATIONS THAT ARE\n EITHER EXPOSED OR AT HIGHER\n RISK AND PRESENTING SYMPTOMS..\nWE'RE NOW TRACKING THOSE NOT\n JUST ON A FIVE DAY ROLLING\n AVERAGE BUT THAT WE'RE\n KEEPING TRACK OF OUR OLD\n STRUCK THE CHORDS TO MASTER.R.\nI'M STILL SEE THOSE POSTED ON\n AN ONGOING BASIS BUT IT'S\n IMPORTANT TO BE CLEAR THAT\n THOSE FOR NOT CHEW. ALL\n POSITIVE TEST THAT MIGHT LEAD\n TO A CU STUDENT THESE ARE\n DONE THROUGH OUR OWN TESTING..\nASHLEY'S COSTUME FOR EXAMPLE\n WHEN CHU WAS APPARENT THAT\n KAISER HEALTH INSURANCE AND\n GET TESTED AND THOSE RESULTS\n SUFFERED FOR IT BACK TO THE\n COUNTY.Y.THOSE WOULD BE\n CAPTURED ON OUR OWN INTERNAL\n DASHBOARD BUT THEY WOULD BE\n CAPTIONED THE COUNTY DATA\n WHICH WE ALSO WANT YOU TO OUR\n CASH FOR THAT STUFF CAN\n ACTUALLY. ASK ABOUT KIND\n OF OUR AGENCY AND HOW WE\n WOULD MOVE BETWEEN DIFFERENT\n PHASES.S.WELL REALLY TALKING\n ABOUT IS RIGHT NOW OUR\n CURRENT STATUS IS WE'RE\n CALLING LIMITED.. ON WHERE WE\n HAVE A MIXIX OF BOTH I IN PERSN\n REMOVED AND HYBRID ACTIVITIES\n HYBRID BEING THOSE\n EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITIES THAT\n HAVE SOME.. PERSOSON AND SOME\n PAPER AND THAT'S THE PHASE\n OF RENOWN TERM MONITORING..\n THE NEXT THING WE WOULD BE\n LOOKING TO DO IS TO A\n ENHANCED MEASURES WITH\n RESPECT TO PARTICULAR\n ENVIRONMENTS WHERE.E. VIRUS\n OUTBREAK IS DETERMINED OR SO\n FOR EXAMPLE IF WE HAD AN\n OUTBREAK OF RESIDENCE HALL WE\n MIGHT MOVE THAT RESIDENCE\n HALL THE ISOLATION\n QUARANTINE.E.YOU'VE PROBABLY\n SEEN THAT FOR EXAMPLE IN\n COLORADO SPRINGS COLORADO\n COLLEGE HAS.. ITS RESIDENCE\n HALLS DIDN'T YOU QUARANTINE\n STATUS AFTER HAVING.. SOME\n SIGNIFICANT OUTBREAKS IN THAT\n ENVIRONMENT.. AND SO THOSE ARE\n THE ACRE ASSESSMENT\n OF ISOLATION QUARANTINE OTHER\n FOR A CLASSROOM OR FOR STALEY\n ARE BEING MADE IN CONJUNCTION\n WITH OUR PARTNERS HAPPIER\n COUNTY LOCALE.E. BASEDED O ON E\n RISK OF TRANSMISSION IN A\n PARTICULAR BAR.R. FOROR WHAT WE\n ALSO ARE LOOKING AT IS WHAT\n OUR PLAN C WHICH IS WHAT WE\n WERE TO IMPOSE HIS WHITE\n MEASURES.S. T TO ADDRESS MORE\n DIFFUSE COMMUNITY SPREAD AND\n THAT WOULD BE THE SITUATION\n WHEN YOU WOULD HAVE.E. THE TYPE\n OF SITUATION JUST SHOW WHERE\n YOU HAVE ARE NOT NUMBER\n REACHING SIGNIFICANT ABOUT\n ONE SUCH ARE AT RISK\n OF GREATER DEGREE\n OF INFECTION.N.WE'RE CURRENTLY\n WORKING ON BEING ABLE TO MAP\n OUT ON TOP OF THE PROPOSED\n FRAMEWORK IS THE STATE.. THE\n STATE IS NOW COMPLETE IN\n FROM.M. THE PROTECT OUR\n NEIGHBORS TO STAY FOR A STAY\n AT HOME WITH SAFE TRIP HOME\n HAVING THREE DISTINCT PHASES\n BASED ON INFECTIOUS RATE\n OF POPULATION.. PERCENTAGE\n OF POSITIVE TESTS AND THAT\n THOSE WOULD BE TRIGGERS THAT\n WITH BEING ABLE TO MAKE THOSE\n DETERMINATIONS FUN THINGS\n WE'RE TRYING TO BE SENSITIVE\n TO IS WE DO THAT.T. IS\n RECOGNIZING THAT IF HE MOVED\n FROM OBSTRUCTION THAT IS NOT\n GOING TO BE SOMETHING THAT\n WILL ELIMINATE RISK ENTIRELY.Y.\n AND BACK IN JB BANKS IS THAT\n SOME OF THE CONVERSATIONS\n WITH OUR OFF CAMPUS STUDENT\n POPULATION WHERE THEY\n ESSENTIALLY CONFIRMED THAT\n BECAUSE THEY HAD LEASES FOR\n THIS UPCOMING YEAR.R.THEY WOULD\n COME OVER EVEN IF THEHE\n INSTRUCTION HAPPEN OFFERED\n FOR REMOTELY AND IF WE\n CONVERT TO THE STATUS THEY\n PLAN\n ++MUSIC PLAYING;;;; ARE WEEDS\n SO WE NEED NOT BE THINKING\n ABOUT THIS AS A SITUATION\n WHERE.. W WE WOULD FLIP THE\n SWITCH ROOM OBSTRUCTION AND\n AUTOMATICALLY THAT WOULD\n ADDRESS THE ISSUES WITH THE\n STUDENT POPULATION AND\n POSSIBLE ACTION AND SO OUR\n RESPONSE PLANS THAT COUNTS.S.\nNEXT SLIDE PLEASEI'M GOING TO\n TURN THIS FOR A PORTION\n OF THE CONVERSATION OVER SAID\n EVAN KRAMER WHO DIRECTLY WORK\n ON THIS EVERYDAY BUT AS A\n PRECURSOR.. JUST ACT EARLIER\n WE RECOGNIZED THAT THE\n BEHAVIORAL ISSUES THAT ARE\n OCCURRING WITH STUDENTS\n PARTICULARLY THOSE OFF CAMPUS\n ARE A VULNERABILITY THAT WE\n HAVE TO ADDRESS..WE'VE BEEN\n WORKING ON THAT PARTNERSHIP\n WITH ARMAND AND WITH.H. CITYY\n POLICE DEPARTMENT AND THEY'VE\n BEEN REMARKABLE AS PARTNERS\n FOR US TO HAVE PROVIDED SOME\n FINANCIAL SUPPORT AND WHICH\n ENABLE ENHANCED TROLLING ON\n THE HILL AND WE WANT TO WORK.K.\nI'M HAPPY TO REPORT YOU MAY\n HAVE SEEN AN ARTICLE DENVER\n POST THAT WE ARE BEGINNING TO\n SEE THAT SIGN..THISIS BEACHCH S\n STARTING TO CALL OUT THE AGE\n AND ALREADY WE ARE ALSO\n POSITIONED THERE.E.THTHE SECOND\n ROW SO THEHE SAME PATATH A ASSU\n ARE BREAKING OUT COMPLETELY\n IT MAY HELP AT IF YOU TURN\n OFF YOUR VIDEO SO WE JUST\n HEAR AUDIO SOMETIMES THAT\n HELPS THE HEALING BEGAN..YEYESO\n FRANCIS WE GO TO DEBT AND BE\n ABLE TO ADDRESS STUDENT\n ISSUES. AND WE CAN COME BACK\n TO QUESTIONS THAT MAY RELATE\n TO HER SAYING.. THAT T A WAY TO\n RUIN THINGS FOR HAVING ME\n TODAY AM EXCITED TO.. SHARE\n WITH YOU ALSO DO A BRIEF\n OVERVIEW OF WHAT WE'VE DONE\n TO REALLY PARTNER WITH\n VARIOUS ENTITIES TO ADDRESS\n BEHAVIOR ON THE CO AND OTHER\n AREAS SO.O. W WEE SPENT A LOTOT\n OF SOME REALLY FREEZING SOME\n OF THE COMMUNICATION THAT HAS\n HAPPENED BETWEEN OUR\n HEARTLAND MORE ITS KIND \n HEALTH LEASE CITY CODE\n ENFORCEMENT.. AND THE PROPERTY\n MANAGEMENT COMPANIES SO ON\n THE NEXT LEAD TO SOME OF THE\n MEMBERS THAT WAS SUNG TO SO\n FAR..SOSO I IN TERMSS OF THE\n NUMBERS OF INCIDENTS THAT\n WE'VE ADDRESSED FROM THE\n FIRST WEEKEND AND ARE\n STARTING TO ADDRESS THIS\n WEEK.K. WE RECEIVED A DRESS IS\n FROM BOULDER POLICE.. WARNINGS\n FROM THE FIRST WEEKEND\n OF PARTYING THAT WAS\n CONCERNING AND I WAS ABLE TO\n FORTUNATELY GET. INFORMATION\n FROM LANDLORDS AND PROPERTY\n MANAGEMENT COMPANIES FOR ALL\n EIGHT OF THOSE ADDRESSES. AND\n PERSONALLY MEETINGS ALL\n OF THE STUDENTS TO ADDRESS\n THE BEHAVIOR THE MEETINGS\n WERE INTERESTING THE STUDENTS\n WERE CONFUSED AND UNSURE\n OF WHAT THE . .ORDERS WERE AND\n I WAS ABLE TO SET SOME VERY\n VERY CLEAR EXPECTATIONS AND\n BOUNCE AND GO OVER THE\n CONSEQUENCES THAT COULD\n ARISE. IF A MAN SUFFERING\n FROM SUCH A SUSPENSION WAS\n ALSO ABLE TO BRAINSTORM WITH\n THEM TO DO A STUDENT IN ST.T.\nSOME OF THE ISSUES THAT THEY\n WERE HAVING AND HOW THEY CAN\n PROACTIVELY ADDRESS THOSE\n ISSUES.S.WEWE ALSO HAVE THIRTY\n STUDENTS GOING TO HAVE MUCH\n MORE.E. GOINGNG ON IN PROCESS\n RIGHT NOW BUTUT IN TERMS\n OF NUISANCE PARTY OR BOYS\n VIOLATIONS THIRTY STUDENTS\n GOING THROUGH MOST OF WHICH\n ALSO VIOLATED.. ORDERS AND ALLL\n OF THE STUDENTS IF YOU SAW\n THE MESSAGE SENT OUT FROM ITS\n EURO BRADLEY. WAY LAST WEEK\n WE HAVE A VERY STRICT STANCE\n ON THOSE SOON SO IF THEY ARE\n FOUND RESPONSIBLE FOR\n VIOLATING ORDER..THE STUDENTS\n WILL BE EXCLUDED FROM CAMPUS\n FOR TWO WEEKS AND WE'RE DOING\n THAT AS AN INTERIM MEASURE\n GOES INTO EFFECT AND YOU\n IT'S.S. I I DON'T MEAN TO\n INTERRUPT IF YOU TELL US WHAT\n IN MY BEING..OHOH ABSOLUTELY\n SORRY I MIGHT USE A MINOR IN\n POSSESSION SO THAT WOULD BE A\n STUDENT OR A PERSON UNDER THE\n AGE OF TWENTY ONE POSSESS\n ALCOHOL OR MARIJUANA..WEWE\n MOSTLY SEE THAT AREAS ON THE\n UM W WE ALSO GOT FOUR MORE..\n WARNINGS FROM BOULDER POLICE\n ON MONDAY AND I'VE REACHED\n OUT TO LAMBERT'S FOR ALL\n OF THOSE MIGHT HAVE THE NAMES\n OF THOSE PROPERTIES\n ANTICIPATE DOING OTHER TWO\n TOMORROW.W.I THINK IT'S ALSO\n IMPORTANT TO ADDRESS WHAT'S\n GOING ON WITH THE\n FRATERNITIES ME KNOW ABOUT\n FRATERNITY PARTY AND OTHERS A\n PICTURE OF YOU THAT WAS\n POSTED ON REDDIT.T.WE'RE GOING\n TO IS WE HAVE NAMES THAT YOU\n ATTEND THAT PARTY WE'RE GOING\n TO EDUCATE AND TREAT THAT\n APPROPRIATELY IF WE DON'T\n HAVE NAMES OF THOSE.E. ARTY\n WE'RE GOING TO ADDRESS THE\n LEADERS OF THE STUDENT\n LEADERSHIP ORGANIZATION\n APPROPRIATELY EXPECT THAT\n THEY HOLD THEIR MEMBERS\n ACCOUNTABLE..IT'S'S BEEN JUST A\n AND EXPLAIN WHAT THAT MEANS\n IT MEANS THAT FOR EXAMPLE\n FRATERNITY OFFICERS. ON THE\n CHARGES AGAINST THEM ON THE\n BASIS THAT THEY AIDED OR\n ABETTED THAT VIOLATION OF\n ORDER THAT IS CORRECT YES..\nOVER THE FIRST AND SECOND\n VIOLATIONS ALREADY SO NEXT.T.\n THING I'LL MENTION ON ANY\n SORT OF PASSED OVER IS ON THE\n MEDIAN CPI AND HOUSING IN\n PARTNERSHIP WITH A COUPLE\n OF OFFICERS PATROLLING HELD\n THURSDAY FRIDAY AND SATURDAY\n NIGHTS.S. LAST WEEK AND A NECK\n WAS CUT DURING THE WEEKENDS I\n THINK THAT MENTIONED WERE\n HELPING OF THE COST\n OF OVERTIME.. FOR BT AND\n THERE'S BEEN INCREDIBLE AND\n IN THE AMOUNT OF DATA\n SHARING. BETWEEN THE FORCES\n WHICH HAS A LOUNGE AND YOU\n REALLY HAVE HIS TEAM JUMP\n INTO ACTION AND FOLLOW\n QUICKLY ON SUNDAYS WHEN THE\n POUNDS YOU KNOW MIGHT BE A\n COUPLE WEEKS LATER.R.NOW IT'S\n LIKE THE NEXT DAY SO THAT HAS\n REALLY BEEN A HUGE\n IMPROVEMENT IN COLLABORATION\n WANNA THANK MARIS IN HER\n DEPARTMENT THAT.. JUST HAS T TO\n DIE IN THE PAST TO TAKE US\n SEVEN TO FOURTEEN DAYS TO GET\n POLICE REPORTS.S. WE'RE GETTING\n THEM EVERY MONDAY FROM THE\n WEEKEND PRIOR WHICH ENABLES\n US TO STAND UP COMIC NOTICES\n ISSUED ON EXCLUSIONS ADDRESS\n THE STUDENTS AS WELL AS YOU\n ALL THE COUNCIL MEMBERS'\n QUESTIONS THERE.THANK YOU FOR\n IT.T.THAT PRESENTATION EVERYONE\n CAN SEE YOU HAVE A WHOLE\n BUNCH OF QUESTIONS.S.I GUESS MY\n FIRST ONE COMES FROM\n SOMETHING THAT WAS STATED AT\n THE BEGINNING OF THE SECOND\n PART OF THE PRESENTATION BY\n PATRICK WARE.E. O ORR I CARE WT\n WAS BUT SOMETHING ABOUT YOUR\n WORKING WITH THE WHOLE BUNCH\n OF PARTNERS THAT INCLUDES..\n THE BOULDER POLICE AND\n INCLUDES OTHER CAMPUS FOLKS\n AND I DIDN'T HEAR ANYTHING.G.\n ABOUT INCLUDING A\n PSYCHOLOGIST BECAUSE I THINK\n WITH WITH THE STUDENTS ON\n CAMPUS AS WELL AS STUDENTS ON\n THE . . IT'S S A LITTLE BIT LIE\n PUTTING SOMEONE WHO REALLY\n LOVES CANDY AND A CANDY STORE\n AND THEN TELLING THEM THEY\n CAN'T HAVE CANDY AND SO\n UNLESS YOU'RE CONSTANTLY\n WATCHING.G. I IS JUST NOT GOING\n TO WORK SO WHAT ARE YOU DOING\n AND TO PREVENT THAT..UMUM I I N\n THEY'RE THEY'RE GOING TO DO\n WHAT THEY'RE GOING TO DO AND\n IN THEIR DEFENSE IT'S JUST.T.\n AGE THEY'RE AT SO SOMEONE\n KNEW WHAT KIND OF ON THE\n STEPS ARE YOU TAKING FROM A\n PSYCHOLOGY STANDPOINT\n OF FOLKS THAT AGE TO INDUCE\n BETTER BEHAVIOR.I APPRECIATE\n THAT QUESTION..SO ONENE OF THE\n THINGS THAT WE ARE WORKING ON\n IS TRYING TO FIGURE OUT HOW\n TO BEST ADDRESS THE STUDENT\n POPULATION.N.WE'VE GOTTEN SOME\n MESSAGES BACK. RECENTLY THAT\n ESSENTIALLY SAID WE GET IT\n QUIT THREATENING US AND NOT\n PUNISH US AND RYAN'S MOM SO\n WE NEED TO WORK ON IT FROM\n REALLY BEHAVIORAL.L. PSYCHOLOGY\n STANDPOINT IN ORDER TO BE\n ABLE NOT JUST TO SEND\n MESSAGES RELATED TO\n ENFORCEMENT BUT ALSO SEND\n MESSAGES TO ENCOURAGE GOOD\n BEHAVIORS AND REINFORCE THOSE\n BEHAVIORS WERE TO SEE THAT\n OCCURRING..SO W WE ARE TAKING\n THAT APPROACH CAN JUST BE\n PURELY PUNITIVE APPROACH\n RESPOND AND I THINK IT WAS\n THAT QUESTION.N.RACHEL HAD\n EARLIER ONE OF THE THINGS\n THAT WE ARE ALSO TRYING TO\n WORK ON IS NOT TO JUST DRIVE\n OUR INDOOR ROOMS AND\n UNDERGROUND WHERE.. POTENTIAL\n FOR SPREAD OF THE ACTION IS\n HIGHER SO THAT IS AN ONGOING\n THING WHICH IS RIGHT NOW WE\n KNOW THE RISK OF TRANSMISSION\n IS LESS AN OUTDOOR AREAS.S.\nCERTAINLY WE DON'T WANT\n POSITION WHERE.E. WE'RE\n ENCOURAGING LARGE GATHERINGS\n OF STUDENTS TO GET TOGETHER.R.\n BUT WE ALSO RECOGNIZE THAT\n THERE ARE CERTAIN\n ENVIRONMENTS AND CHOICES THAT\n ARE BETTER FOR THEM TO MAKE\n AND KNOCKING IN A SITUATION\n WERE. UNWITTINGLY ENCOURAGING\n THE WORST FEATURES WHICH THEY\n DO HIRE SCHEME AND STRESS..\nTHANK YOU FOR THAT I I A AM S SI\n HAVE A WHOLE BUNCH\n OF QUESTIONS ABOUT.T. THEHE\n FRONTLINE WORKERS AND I GUESS\n BUT MY FIRST QUESTION IS FOR\n YOU ABOUT YOU PRESENTED.. O ON\n SOME TESTING STRATEGIES AND\n AND AND AND DATA THAT YOU\n CLICKING AND I'M WONDERING IF\n THERE ARE TWO SEPARATE.E.\n TESTING STRATEGIES ONE FOR\n FRONTLINE WORKERS AND ONE FOR\n STUDENTS OR IS IT ARE THE\n SAME STRATEGY APPLIED TO\n EVERYONE EQUALLY..THTHEE\n DIFFERENT STRATEGIES APPLIED\n ONE STATES THAT DIFFERENT\n POPULATIONS THERE ARE CERTAIN\n OF OUR FRONTLINE WORKERS\n HOUSING DINING FACILITIES\n THAT WE ARE..WEWE HAD TESTING\n FOR THE TESTING PROTOCOLS AND\n PLACES ALL IS. WELL\n SURVEILLANCE AND SO THEY'RE\n PART OF OUR TESTING MACHINE\n BUT THEY'RE BEING TESTED ON\n THE SAME INTERVAL THAT\n STUDENTS ARE BEING HARASSED\n ON CAMPUS AT IT FROM MY\n INDIVIDUALLY AND SOUTH.H.HOW DO\n THE INTERVALS VARY AS ARE THEHE\n STUDENTS RECEIVING THEM MORE\n FREQUENTLY HERE ARE THE IT\n THERE FOR MY WORKERS RECEIVE\n THE MORE FREQUENTLY..HOHOWW HOW\n IS THAT DETERMINED. IT ISIS\n BASED UPON SO OUR GOAL ISIS ON\n THE STUDENTS ON CAMPUSES TO\n HAVE THEM ARRESTED AT LEAST\n ONCE A WEEK.K. WE'D LIKE TO GET\n WITH THE NEXT MASTER AT EACH\n PLACE WE TESTING.G. TESTING\n THAT IS FOR EMPLOYEES IS\n BASED ON WHAT THEIR EXPOSURES\n ARE WHAT THEIR WORK SCHEDULES\n ARE AND SO THAT'S MORE\n VARIABLE DEPENDING UPON WHAT\n THERE ARE SITUATIONS.S. S SO IT\n SOUNDS LIKE IT'S NINETY THREE\n BY THOSE UNITS SO IT SOUNDS\n LIKE IT'S NOT AS FREQUENT AS\n THE STUDENTS.S. PROBABLY NOT\n THINK YOU AND SO YOU ALSO\n MENTIONED YOU.. O OR YOUR\n COLLEAGUE MENTIONED THAT\n THERE IS TRAINING THAT IS\n HAPPENING SO I'M WONDERING\n HOW IN DEPTH TRAINING AND HOW\n LONG IT TAKES AND HOW DO YOU\n KNOW THAT HOME THAN.N. THE\n FOLKS ARE COMPREHENDING THE\n TRAINING JUST WHAT YOU WANT\n ADDRESSED THE TRAIN..SOSO COUPE\n THINGS AND THERE IS A TRAIN\n THAT EVERY EVERYONE RETURNING\n TO CAMPUS IS TAKING ALL THE\n FACULTY ALSO ARE TAKING WHEN\n THEY RETURNED TO CAMPUS THAT\n TRAINING HAS BEEN.N. TRANSLATED\n AND IT'S YOU AND I BELIEVE IT\n IS OTHER THAN ENGLISH.. ANDND S\n BE MADE AVAILABLE A COUPLE\n OF DIFFERENT WAYS IT'S HARD\n SLOG GENERALLY BECAUSE THERE.E.\n IS GOING ON IN LIFE AND\n SAFETY THEN THERE ARE IN\n STUDENT AFFAIRS.. AREAS FOR\n THE ADJUSTING MEET THAT NEED\n THE TRANSLATION NEEDS AND THE\n OTHER NEEDS OF THEIR\n POPULATIONS BUT SOME OF THESE\n DAYS AND I'M WITH SOCIAL\n DISTANCING AND PERSON..OTHERS\n HAVE BEEN DONE BY PRINTING\n OUT THE MATERIAL AND THEN\n REVIEWING IT WITH THE\n EMPLOYEE WAS SPREADING OUT IN\n TRANSLATED AND TRANSLATED SO\n SO THAT IT'S IN THEIR\n LANGUAGE.E.IT'S BEEN A\n COMBINATION OF IN HER STAND\n ON SALE ONLINE AND SOME.E.\n FRIENDS AND I DON'T KNOW IN\n TERMS OF HOW ARE THEY\n EVALUATE THE COMPREHENSION\n OF THAT I ATE I.. ATE SO THAT\n I DON'T ACTUALLY KNOW THE\n ANSWER TO THAT I WILL SAY\n THAT THESE EMPLOYEES WERE\n WORKING SINCE THE GREAT ON\n CAMPUS MANY OF THEM ARE OFF\n CAMPUS.S.THTHE JURURY FOR A A D\n ON WEDNESDAY IS FOR ON AND SOO\n THEY THEY HAVE BEEN.N. DEALING\n WITH THE SAFETY ISSUES AND\n THEIR SUPERVISORS IN THESE\n AREAS OF SAFETY ISSUES REALLY\n SINCE DAY ONE.. WE COULD\n PROBABLY GET BACK TO MIRI ON\n THAT POINT ON TERMS OF HOW\n THEY ARE EVALUATING IT AND\n THE TIME. PERIOD BECAUSE AS\n CATHERINE SAYS IT'S DIFFERENT\n DEPENDING ON WHERE THEY ARE\n LOCATED IN THEIR DUTIES..\nACTUALLY I ALSO WANNA HAVE\n THAT THERE IS ADDITIONAL\n TRAINING FOR THOSE THAT ARE\n DOING SPECIFICALLY NAME..\n OF SAFETY MEASURES AROUND\n CLEANING THE SANITIZER AND\n MATERIALS OR THE CREATIVE\n PROCESS AND CLEANING PRODUCTS\n HAVE ANY BOTS OF A FLEEING.G.\n WITH ELECTRO STATIC\n DISINFECTING THE UNITS AND\n HOW TO WASH COVERS FOR\n EXAMPLE THAT LIT THE NEED TO\n DO HAND PLEADING FOR A LOT\n OF THESE AREAS.S. AND THIS IS\n SOMETHING I'M NOT JUST THE\n NEED FOR CLEANING DURING\n ATHENS AND MAKE IT SO THE\n SAUSAGE TREE THE PRESENTS TO\n PROPER SANITATION TECHNIQUES\n ET-CETERA.. S SO YOU HAVE FOLKS\n THAT ARE WATCHING MAKING SURE\n THAT ALL THAT IS BEING\n PROPERLY UTILIZED.D.II WOULD SY\n THAT WORK ON ADDING AN S\n THAT'S WHAT YOU MEAN WHAT I\n WOULD SAY IS THAT. GAYS CREWS\n AND THEIR SUPERVISORS\n INTERRUPT LINES ARE VERY\n DEDICATED TO MAKING SURE THAT\n THIS IS OCCURRING IN A VERY\n SAFE WAY.Y.YOYOU KNOW PERHAPS\n EVEN THE NUMBERS THAT YOU'RE\n SEEING REFLECTS THAT.T.THANK\n YOU ON WHICH RAISES ANOTHER\n QUESTION ABOUT EARLY ON THE\n PRESENTATION I MENTIONED\n THAT.T. ABOUT THE HEAD BUT\n FILTERS IN A TRACK SYSTEMS\n AND HOW ALL THE BUILDINGS\n HAVE BEEN EQUIPPED WITH THESE\n FILTERS AND I'M WONDERING.. D O\n THE DOES THE FILTRATION\n SYSTEM RUN TWENTY FOUR HOURS\n A DAY OR DOES IT ONLY RAN ON\n CERTAIN SCHEDULES.. I I LIVIVEN\n STATES THAT WERE DEFINITELY\n NOT BE EXPERTS ON ON THE IDEA\n WAS THAT THE BUILDINGS ACROSS\n CAMPUS HAVE BEEN EVACUATED..\n OR THE AMOUNTT OF FRESH CLEAN\n HERE THAT IS CIRCULATING\n THROUGHOUT THE BUILDINGS\n THROUGHOUT THE DAY THE HOURS\n OF THE BUILDINGS ARE OPEN AND\n FOR PEOPLE TO BE AND THEM..\n AND THAT THERE HAVE ANDND I I..\n KNEW THE FILTERS ARERE FILTERS\n PUT IN PLACE FOR ME AND I\n WAITED THAT THE SYSTEM M WA\n INADEQUATE.E. ROADS SO THE CASE\n IT SOUNDS LIKE.E. THERE'S\n THERE'S TIMES WHEN THE\n FILTRATION SYSTEM MAY NOT BE\n RUNNING AND SO I'M WONDERING\n IF THERE ARE CLEANING CREWS\n IN THERE WHEN THE FILTRATION\n SYSTEM ISN'T RUNNING SO. IN\n OTHER WORDS HOW ARE THE\n FRONTLINE STAFF THE CLEANING\n STAFF..HOHOWW ARE THEIR HSE THE\n CLEANING SCHEDULES BEING\n ACCOMMODATED AND IS THE AIR\n BEING FILLED TREATED WHEN\n THEY'RE THERE AS WELL AS WHEN\n THE STUDENTS ARE THERE.E.THIS\n IS ALL TO CHECK WITH OUR\n INFRASTRUCTURE AND\n SUSTAINABILITY FOLKS TO LOOK\n AT THE SCHEDULES ON WHEN THE\n NBA SHAQ IS RUNNING.. AND\n THAT'S THE QUESTION BUT I\n WOULD WANT TO GET AN ACCURATE\n ANSWER THAT WITHOUT KNOWING\n FOR SURE.E. I I WOULD APPRECIAE\n THAT BECAUSE YOU MENTIONED\n WE'VE ALL HEARD THAT THE\n POTENTIAL FOR INFECTION IS\n HIGHER INDOORS AND IF WE'RE\n NOT RUNNING A CHECK SYSTEM\n FOR EVERYONE WHO COULD\n POSSIBLY BE CONTAMINATED.D.I\n THINK THAT ISS A VERERY THAT\n COULD BE CONTRIBUTING TO SOME\n OF THE ISSUES THAT WE SEE\n WITH DISPROPORTIONATELY\n AFFECT POCKET AFFECTED\n POPULATIONS..SOSO I WOULD\n APPRECIATE A RESPONSE FOR\n THAT TO THAT.T. AND THEN JUST\n GO AND I I REPLIED THAT THEY'RE\n NOT READING AT CERTAIN TIMES\n I DON'T KNOW THAT I DON'T\n KNOW THAT THEY ARE AND THEY\n ARE NOT.. AND THE ONENE THATT S\n IMPORTANT THINK ABOUT IT IS\n THAT THE REASON FLEAS OFF IN\n THE SEC'S FACES EXAMPLE THE\n DORMS THAT OUR STUDENTS ARE\n LIVING AN END SO.O. I I DON'T\n KNOW THAT THERE'S EVEN A\n TASTY THEY'RE THEY'RE SORT\n OF CIRCULATING IN THE SAME\n BUILDINGS THE OTHERS ARE.E. R E\n WE ALSO KNOW THAT THE\n FRONTLINE STAFF ARE NOT BEING\n TESTED TO THE SAME FREQUENCY\n A STUDENT SO THAT COULD\n PRESENT AN ISSUE AS WELL IF\n THEY'RE LIVING IN THE SAME\n SPACES.S.ITIT SEEMS TO ME THEY\n SHOULD BE GETTING TESTED AT\n THE SAME FREQUENCY.Y. AND I I\n HAVE A WHOLE BUNCH OF OTHER\n QUESTIONS BUT I'M GOING TO\n CONTROL MYSELF A LITTLE BIT\n HERE AND THE YOU KNOW IN ONE\n OF THE PRESENTATIONS AND\n MENTIONED THAT.T. THAHAT YOU HE\n COME AND KNOW THAT PEOPLE ARE\n COMPELLED TO WORK AND THAT.T.\n HE WAS THE NUMBERS WERE FIFTY\n ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY NINE\n AND THEN YOU ALSO GAVE SOME\n NUMBERS FOR THE EMERGENCY\n FUND AND HOW MANY PEOPLE HAD\n APPLIED AND RECEIVED.D. FUNDS\n FROM THE EMERGENCY FUND AND\n WONDERING IF YOU DISS\n AGGREGATE THAT DATA..BYBYE BYE\n JOB BY JOJOB WHETHER THEIR\n FACULTY FRONTLINE STAFF OR OR\n OR STUDENTS AND THEN.N. AND\n THEN BY RACE BECAUSE I THINK\n THAT WOULD BE VERY TELLING AS\n WELL ESPECIALLY SINCE YOU\n DON'T TEST THE SAME FREQUENCY\n FOR EVERYONE.E. ANDND I I DON'T\n KNOW THAT WE HAVE DONE IT BY\n RACE AND OR MY JOBOB.. ANDND AN\n I'LL CLEAN OUT THAT THE\n MAJORITY AND TWO HUNDRED AND\n FORTY EIGHT OUT OF THREE\n HUNDRED AND THIRTY SIX\n OF WORDS ONCE YOU ARE\n FURLOUGHED EMPLOYEES.S. ARE\n FURLOUGHED EMPLOYEES WERE\n LARGELY THIS POPULATION THAT\n WE ARE TALKING ABOUT THE NEED\n FOR SUPPORTING THE STEVES ON\n IN THE DORMS CLEAN ET-CETERA\n AND SO WHEN THE STUDENTS\n LAUGHED..ISIS THIHIS POPULATION\n WAS EARLIER THAN TWO HUNDRED\n AND FORTY EIGHT THEN THOSE\n BOYS DID RECEIVE BE AN.N.\n EMERGENCY FUND APPLY TO THE\n EMERGENCY PLAN OUT OF THE\n THREE HUNDRED AND SIX THEY'VE\n BEEN AWARDED TO STAFF AND\n TWENTY FOUR THAT HAVE BEEN\n AWARDED TO THE WAY.. HOME AND\n SAID I THINK IT WOULD BE\n HELPFUL TO LOOK AT IT TO THE\n SEGREGATED BY RACE ETHNICITY\n AS WELL..SOSO YEPEP THAT'S ALLI\n HAVE FOR NOW.W. YOU MAYAY A ASE\n HAVE MARK RACHEL AND JIMMY\n MUST.T. THANK ALLLL OF YOU SAW\n THOSE PRESENTATIONS THEY WERE\n VERY VERY HELPFUL..\n PARTICULARLY THE INFORMATION\n GIVEN US ABOUT A MORE CERTAIN\n APPROACH TO THE HATERS ON THE\n I KNOW THE RESIDENTS OF THE\n CHALLENGE SIEGE FOR A LONG\n TIME AND THIS COULD BE VERY\n VERY HELPFUL.MY QUESTION IS\n ARE FAIRLY SIMPLE..MOSTST OF YU\n STUDENTS ARE OBVIOUSLY NOT ON\n CAMPUS WHETHER ANY PARTICULAR\n PROTOCOLS AND PROGRAMS\n TESTING OF THOSE TUNES.I'M\n SORRY MARK BUT COULD YOU GIVE\n ME THAT AGAIN..ARE THERE ANY\n PARTICULAR PROGRAMS OR\n PROTOCOLS FOR TESTING YOUR\n OFF CAMPUS STUDENTS NOT IN\n TERMS OF CASTING THE WHOLE\n OFF CAMPUS POPULATION WE\n DON'T KNOW.W. WHAT WE ARE DOING\n IS WE'RE DUSTING OFF CAMPUS\n STUDENTS FROM THE CONTACT\n TRACING OR WHEN AS HAVING\n BEEN EXPOSED OR WHEN WE'VE\n IDENTIFIED IN THAT SITUATION.N.\nTHOSE HIGHER DEGREE OF RISK\n AND YOU INDICATED THAT.T.\n STUDENTS WHO ENGAGED IN\n PROHIBITED PARTIES AND SOCIAL\n MEDICAL PROTOCOLS US AND\n RECEIVE TESTING HOW MANY\n ACTUALLY THOSE INDIVIDUAL\n ACTION ACTUALLY REQUESTED\n TESTS.. S SO WEWE ESSENTIALLY E\n OF CLINTON'S FOR THEM TO BE\n ABLE.E. TO COME AND SEE THAT\n TYPE OF TESTING I CAN'T GIVE\n YOU THE EXACT NUMBER OF MY\n HEAD BUT I CAN LOOK INTO THE\n NUMBERS FOR THE CAMPUS\n POPULATION THAT USED.\n MATERIALS AND LASTLY THE\n CONCEPT OF EXCLUSION FROM\n CAMPUS.S.HOHOW EXACTLY THE WORD\n AND WHAT IS WHAT IS I IT\n SOMEONE WAS EXCLUDED FOR TWO\n WEEKS FROM CAMPUS.. S SOO THATE\n WOULD JUST.T. BE HAPPY TO\n ADDRESS THE SEVERE EXCLUDED\n FROM CAMPUS FOR TWO WEEKS..\n BUT THAT MEANS IS THAT YOU'RE\n NOT ALLOWED TO USE ANY ON\n CAMPUS SERVICES ARE NOT\n ALLOWED TO ATTEND CLASSES..\n TYPE OF THING SO IF FOR THOSE\n CLASSES THAT ARE COMPLETELY\n DIFFERENT PERSON YOU'RE NOT\n ABLE TO ATTEND THOSE CLASSES\n FOR TWO WEEKS.. LATER ON WHEN\n YOU ARE STILL ABLE TO\n ANNOUNCE THAT YOU CAN ATTEND\n THINGS LIKE THE UMC ET-CETERA\n THE ONE THING WE WOULD MAKE\n AN EXCEPTION FOR.R. YESTERDAY\n AND INTO THE TEST AND WE\n WOULD CERTAINLY GIVE THEM\n ACCESS TO TESTING THIS OUT IS\n THAT MONITORS AND IF YOU JUST\n WALK INTO A CLASS OR.R. JOINING\n GOING TO BE ON A LIST.\n OF NAMES NOT GOING TO BE ON\n THE LIST IF YOU SHOW UP IN\n ANY SORT OF ON CAMPUS OR IN\n CLASS.. AND WERE AWARE COVID\n YOU'LL LIKELY GET SUSPENDED\n AND HAS ACCESS TO EDUCATION\n FOR THE SEMESTER AND THAT'S A\n PRETTY GOOD RETURN FOR THEIR\n OWN THANK YOU..I JUST WANNA\n JUMP IN QUICKLY AND SAY THAT\n I'M CHANCELLOR VICE\n CHANCELLOR IN INFRASTRUCTURE\n AND SAFETY ALL ARAFAT'S\n FILTRATION SYSTEMS RUN TWENTY\n FOUR HOURS A DAY..THANK YOU\n FOR THAT FRANCIS AND YET\n APPRECIATE THAT..JUST A A QUICK\n QUICK FOLLOW UP TO MARK'S\n QUESTIONS.. ABOUT THEHE STUDENS\n NOT BEING ALLOWED BACK ON\n CAMPUS SOME AND THE ALL IN\n PERSON CLASSES SO FAR OFF\n CAMPUS STUDENTS COMING ON\n CAMPUS OR IN PERSON CLASSES..\nYES I I THINK YOUOU ACTUALLY THK\n THAT'S A GOOD WAY TO KEEP\n THEM CONNECTED TO THE\n CAMPERS.. BEING REMINDED\n OF THE PROTOCOLS YOU KNOW\n WHETHER TO COME AND FOR\n SPECIFIC CLASSES. OR TO STUDY\n ON CAMPUS AND OTHER THINGS\n THEY HAVE THAT ACCESS TO THE\n SERVICES THAT WHAT DEVON IS\n ESSENTIALLY SAYING THEY WOULD\n NOT HAVE ACCESS TO.THEY ARE\n EXCLUDED FROM CAMPUS.S.THEY ARE\n BEING TESTED LIKE THE\n STUDENTS THEY'RE LIVING ON\n CAMPUS THAT IS TRUE.E.YEYES THK\n YOU I I TAKE YOU MARCH THE\n AVERAGE JOE AND GINNY AGE\n OF MY QUESTIONS ARE ALSO\n COUNSELORS MARKS.S. ON THE LAST\n LANE OF EAST FROM CAMPUS I\n GUESS I'M STRUGGLING TO SEE\n HOW THAT WOULD BE A THREAT\n KENNY LAKE.E. FOR MY SON'S\n CLASSES SOON AS THE STUDENT\n SEE YOU ON TUESDAYS HE GOES\n ON TO CAMPUS AND THEN\n THURSDAY HE STAYS HOME SO\n ANYTIME I WATCH CAMPUS AND\n SO.O. THAT IS A A GOOD QUESTION\n HER COME INTO THE PENALTY IS\n IT TOO WAS ON CAMPUS FOR TWO\n WEEKS AND THAT ALSO IS PEOPLE\n WHOSE.. JOB IS ALSO TO\n SAFEGUARD THE COMMUNITY JUST\n WISH MORE OF THAT INTERACTION\n WITH THE COMMUNITY AND\n WITHOUT MUCH PENALTY THAT'S\n CONFUSING..SOSO YOU MAY WANT TO\n SUPPLEMENT THEIR BUT.T. THIHISS\n PART OF WHAT WE NEED TO BE\n ABLE TO DO FOR PROGRESSIVE\n DISCIPLINE IN ORDER TO WE\n DON'T WANT TO JUMP\n IMMEDIATELY TO EXCLUDING\n PEOPLE FROM CAMPUS ARE\n STANDING ON A PERMANENT\n BASIS..BEING ABLE TO BE IN N A\n SITUATION WHERE WE ARE\n PUTTING IN SOME AND FROM\n SANCTIONS IN ORDER TO BE ABLE\n TO ADDRESS THE SERIOUSNESS\n OF THE CONDOR.. I IS A NECESSAY\n STEP IN ORDER FOR US TO BE\n ABLE TO MOVE AT A HIGHER\n DEGREE OR STAND IN THE ONE\n JUMPING ON.N. ANDND I'D LIKE TO\n ECHO WHAT YOU SAID AND NOW I\n JUST MAY.Y. MAKE THE COMMENT\n THAT I WAS TALKING TO A LOT\n OF STUDENTS ON THE HILL\n TALKING TO A LOT OF HOUSES\n DOWN AND THEY WANT TO\n CONTINUE THEIR EDUCATION.N. AND\n I THINK ANY STEPS THAT WE\n TAKE TO SHOW THEM THAT WE'RE\n TAKING THIS SERIOUSLY OUR\n STUFFS AND NICE.E.THTHE ADAD AD\n THEN NEXT IS THE POSITIVE\n TESTS THAT YOU CAN MEET WILL\n HAVE THERE IN THE LAST.T. WEEK\n IT'S BEEN A BREEZE SINCE\n AUGUST TWENTY AT THE THOUGHT\n OF POSITIVES OF THE BAND.D. LET\n ME CHECK THE FOURTH.. AND THEHN\n DOESN'T DISLIKE HOW MANY\n OF THOSE TESTS WERE THE\n RESULT OF PEOPLE WHO ARE\n SYMPTOMATIC VERSUS JUST THE\n REQUIRED.D. MANDATORY TESTING\n AND ARE ANY OF THOSE OFF\n CAMPUS STUDENTS AND ANY\n STINGS AND STAFF AND FACULTY\n OR IS THAT ALL STUDENTS.. AND\n THE UK JASPER TODAY SO I\n HAVEN'T HAVEN'T BEEN ABLE TO\n PLAY AROUND WITH SOME SORRY\n IF IT'S ALL EXPENDITURE IS\n ONLY JUST YOU WERE JUST\n GETTING ADJUSTED SOME. THINGS\n SO TODAY ON ONE SECOND.D.THTHE\n HERITAGER AND D D A A SOFTBALL\n PLAY THE ANIMATION I JUST\n WANNA MAKE SURE I'M GIVEN THE\n RIGHT NUMBER.R.II A AM SOSO ITT\n APPEARS THAT OUR CUMULATIVE\n TOTAL FROM AUGUST FIFTEEN TO\n THE PRESIDENT CONFIRMED\n POSITIVE PCR TEST RESULTS IS\n FIFTEEN..II BELIEVE THAT THERE\n ARE IS A MIXX OF PATIENTS WHO\n WERE SYNDROME IT AS WELL AS\n THOSE WHO WERE A SYMPTOMATIC\n WHO WERE DETERMINED THROUGH..\n SURVEILLANCE THAT I CAN'T\n GIVE YOU THE PRECISE\n BREAKDOWN BETWEEN WHICH ONES\n WERE SOON DRIVEN AND WHICH\n ONES WERE REVEALED\n SURVEILLANCE TESTING AND\n CONFIRMED BY PCR.R. ANY THAT\n MAY BE HELPFUL FOR US TO USE\n IT SO MUCH COMMUNITY CONCERT\n EVER KEEP ALIVE CAMPUS AND\n THE LACK OF TESTING SO IF IT\n WERE IN THE CASE STATES.. THAHT\n USE IT OR EVEN FIFTEEN TOTAL\n AS LITTLE AS.. I IF WE COULD\n CONFIRM WHETHER IT IS PEOPLE\n ARE ISN'T A MANIC AND GET\n SOME INTERESTING VERSES AND\n SYMPTOMATIC AND ESPECIALLY\n THINGS THAT OCCUPY PEOPLE\n TAKING ADVANTAGE.E. OF THAT MAY\n HELP US TO KNOW AND HOPEFULLY\n REST ASSURED THAT WE'RE\n CATCHING CATCH UP.P.HEHE MADE A\n CRACK ONE THING WHICH IS THAT\n FIFTEEN IS THE CUMULATIVE\n TOLL FROM AUGUST TWENTY FOUR\n TO THE PRESENT MOM AND I WAS\n OUR FIRST DAY OF CLASSES. ON\n AND THANKS TO RACHEL KATIE..\nTHE DOWNSIDE IS WHEN THE\n QUESTIONS BUT BEFORE START I\n JUST WANTED TO MAKE A COMMENT\n THAT IS INSPIRED BY MARY'S\n QUESTIONS.. ABOUTUT THEHE THE\n EXPECTATION TO TESS FOR THE\n TEST JUST HOW BIG AROUND\n BOOTED NINETEEN.. I I HAD TO\n TAKE IT AS WELL BECAUSE I WAS\n STILL A CITY LAW STUDENT AND\n I HAVE TO SAY IT'S A VERY\n RIGOROUS TEST..IT'S VERERY YOU\n LEARN A LOT I LEARNED A LOTOT\n OF POPCORN GET AND HOW.. THEHE\n OCEANS THE AGENCY SO IT WAS A\n VERY RIGOROUS MODULE AND TO\n BE A WHILE TO GET.. IN THE\n LAST UM MY QUESTION ASS AGAIN\n I WANT TO ASK A QUESTION I\n DON'T HAVE ANY CLASSES ON\n SITE RIGHT HERE IN BOULDER..\nSOME OF THE CLASSES ARE HYBRID\n SO I WAS WONDERING BECAUSE I\n THINK THE CONVERSATION.N. THERE\n ANY CAUSE IS THE ONE HUNDRED\n PERCENT ON SITES THAT WERE\n ALL STUDENTS HAVE TO BE\n INSIDE BECAUSE I DON'T THINK\n OF THE LAW SCHOOL I.. SEE ANYNY\n OF MY CLASSES ARE ONE HUNDRED\n PERCENT BY THE THE THE THE\n THE FACT THAT WOULD BE FOR\n YOU..I DON'T KNOW THAT IS ABLE\n TO HARASS ATTACK IN YEARS THE\n THE KJV I IS OPPOSITE THE SUN\n BUT MY UNDERSTANDING IS.. THAHT\n I BARELY HAVE ONLINE AND WE\n HAVE SOME CLASSES THAT ARE\n ALL IN PERSON THE VERY CU..SOSO\n THE INTENSITY THE SMALLER\n ONES JUST BECAUSE OF THEM\n STAYS LIMITATIONS..KATIE MAYBE\n YOU CAN ADD INTO THAT\n CONVERSATION.N.II AGREE WITH\n THAT OF FRANCIS AND SOME\n OF OUR STUDENTS HAVE CHOSEN\n TO.O. T TO BE ALL THEHE CLASSED\n SO AS FRANCIS TO MENTION THAT\n WE DO HAVE A LOTOT OF STUDENTS\n WHO ARE IN A HYBRID MODEL.L.\n TAKING SOME COURSE IN PERSON\n TAKING SOME MORE WINE SO.O.\n THERE'S THERE'S SORT OF THAT\n MAKES.. METHODOLOGY OF COURSE\n ENGINEER CORRECT THAT SOME\n COURSES ARE ALL ONLINE THAT\n IS THE WAY THEY ARE BEING\n OFFERED SO DEPENDING ON THE\n NEXT YOU HAVE SELECTED.D. GAME\n AND ENDED UP THAT WAY YOU\n THINK YOU I THINK MY LAST\n QUESTION AND THE EMERGENCE\n OF THE EARLIER I'M WONDERING\n WHETHER FOR THIS A STUDENT\n START FINANCIALLY FOR HER..II\n GET SICK YOU THE WAY TO HELP\n THEM GET BACK HOME TO SEE HIM\n AS THE ON CAMPUS EMERGENCY\n FUNDING FOR THAT AS WELL TO\n MENTION THAT EARLIER. AND\n REMEMBERED I WAS TALKING\n ABOUT WE DO NOW..ALSOSO O ONN\n EXPERIENCE IN THOSE\n CIRCUMSTANCES AND THOSE\n TRAVEL RELATED EXPENSES ARE\n ELIGIBLE AND WE ASKED AT THE\n FEDERAL PROGRAM THAT IS\n AVAILABLE FOR STUDENTS WERE\n EXPERIENCING A BIT LATER OR\n CHIPS..SOSO THERE'S THERE'S\n DIFFERENT COURSES ARE\n AVAILABLE TO BE ABLE TO TRUST\n THOSE CONTINGENCIES.. CAT T TO\n THE PERSON OVERSEEING THE\n FUNDING THAT'S AVAILABLE TO\n DHAKA STUDENTS INTERNATIONAL\n STUDENTS WHO ARE PROHIBITED\n BY THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT\n FROM ACCESS TO CARE SPENDING.\n AND WE HAVE A LARGE SUM\n OF MONEY FOR THOSE STUDENTS\n AS WELL..THE FUNDING IS\n AVAILABLE FOR ALL OF OUR\n STUDENTS REGARDLESS\n OF WHETHER ARTICLES FOR YEARS\n AND SHE IS THAT IF.F. THEHE\n REPRESENTATION THAT I WANNA\n SAY THANK YOU TO SEE YOU FOR\n LETTING US KNOW HOW THINGS\n ARE WORKING IS OBVIOUSLY A\n GREAT DEAL OF COMMUNITY\n CONCERN FOR.. OUR GAME AND I I\n THINK THAT WE WILL WANT TO\n STAY IN TOUCH WITH YOU AS\n OFTEN AS POSSIBLE MAYBE EVEN\n MORE THAN ONCE A MONTH\n UPDATE.E.SOSO WE LOOK FORWARD O\n KEEPING IN TOUCH ABOUT HOW\n OUR SITUATION IS GOING TO\n EVOLVE GOING FORWARD SO THE\n INFORMATION YOU CAN PROVIDE\n ANSWER MARY'S QUESTION ABOUT\n THIS TASK WOULD BE GREAT..\nWE'LL ALSO LOOK ON THE SALMON\n ALSO ON I DO WANNA KNOW THAT\n WE'VE HAD SOME REASONS NOT\n GOING TO COUNT OUR CHICKENS\n BEFORE THEY'RE HATCHED.D.WE HAD\n SOME REASON IMPROVEMENT IN\n TERMS OF THE CITATIONS AND\n PARTIES ON THE HILL.L. SINCE\n LATE NO IMPROVEMENT SOMEWHERE\n HOPING THAT WILL CONTINUE. TO\n DO SOME WORK FOR AND TO MAKE\n SURE THAT PARTIES DON'T GET\n OUTTA HAND AS MUCH AS WE'RE\n ABLE THIS WEEKEND'S COMING\n WEEKEND BECAUSE WE ARE VERY\n SENSITIVE TO THAT.. WEIGHT\n SHAPE THAT THIS IS AN ONGOING\n ISSUE SO WE ARE MORE THAN\n HAPPY TO COME AND HAVE THESE\n REGULAR CONVERSATIONS. ON\n HOWEVER YOU WOULD LIKE AND IF\n YOU HAVE ANY SPECIFIC\n QUESTIONS IN THE INTERIM.JUST\n SOME I MEAN WILL IT TO THE\n ANSWER AND A NEW FRIEND\n IDOLS..ININ SEMINARY Y I THINKU\n WERE HOLDING YOURSELF BACK\n WITH YET MORE QUESTIONS THAN\n YOU WOULD LIKE TO SEND OUT TO\n SEE YOU ALL ABOUT THE REALLY\n GREAT TO HEAR THE ANSWERS..SOSO\n OUR CHECK MY LIST AND SINCE\n I'M ON TO FRANCIS AND ALSO I\n JUST I FIND THE JUST THAT..\n THE DIFFERENCE IN FREQUENCY\n OF TESTING BETWEEN THE FRONT\n LINE WORKERS AND THE STINGS A\n LITTLE.E. I I GUESSSS DISTURBIG\n AND JUST IN TERMS\n OF EVERYTHING THAT WE'RE\n HEARING RIGHT NOW ABOUT THE\n INEQUITIES THAT THESE\n PARTICULAR TYPES OF EMPLOYEES\n HAVE SEEN THROUGHOUT THIS\n WHOLE.. PANDEMIC AND I I WOULD\n HOPE THAT YOU MAKE AN EFFORT\n TO MAKE THINGS A LITTLE MORE\n ON PAR FOR EVERYONE TO.O. WRITE\n THANK YOU EVERYONE AND I\n THINK WE ARE ONON T TOO THEHE E\n AMERICAN RIGHTS FUND\n DECLARATION MARY BACK TO YOU\n ALRIGHT..II WANT T TO WELCOME\n JOHN MOHAWK IF HE'S HERE HE\n IS THAT WE PROMOTE HIM TO\n TELL US IF YOU'D LIKE HIM TO\n BE ABLE TO SPEAK..YEYES PLEASE\nWELLHE WAS HERERE I I DO NOT SEE\n AM AT THE MOMENT AND CURRENT\n ND LESS WELL AGAIN OKAY.Y.II\n APOLOGIZE MARAIS DON'T SEE\n HIM IN OUR LIST AT THE\n MOMENT.T. OR R A WELL MAYBE HE\n AND HE HAD TOTO LEAVE I DID SAY\n THAT IT WAS GOING TO BE AT\n THE BEGINNING OF THE MEETING\n SO I WILL BEGIN BY READING..\n THE DECLARATION AND IT IS THE\n NATIVE AMERICAN RIGHTS FUND\n FIFTIETH ANNIVERSARY.Y. I IN\n NINETEEN SEVENTY THE NATIVE\n AMERICAN RIGHTS FUND NERF WAS\n ORGANIZED AS THE NATIONAL\n INDIAN LEGAL DEFENSE FUND TO\n ADDRESS THE LACK OF LEGAL\n COUNSEL FOR INDIAN TRIBES\n ORGANIZATIONS AND\n INDIVIDUALS..TODADAY WE\n CELEBRATE FIFTY YEARS OF THIS\n NONPROFIT ORGANIZATION ITS\n RESILIENCE STAFF AND THEIR\n WORK AND DANCING TRIBAL\n SOVEREIGNTY TREATY RIGHTS\n NATURAL RESOURCE PROTECTION\n AND INDIAN EDUCATION..HOWEVER\n THE NEED TO PROTECT NATIVE\n AMERICAN RIGHTS FAR PREDATES\n NINETEEN SEVENTY THEIR\n DISPLACEMENT IN THE UNITED\n STATES ARGUABLY BEGAN AND\n FOURTEEN NINETY TWO WITH THE\n ARRIVAL OF CHRISTOPHER\n COLUMBUS.S.SINCE THENEN WESTERN\n EXPANSION EFFORTS HAVE\n CREATED TENSIONS WHICH\n THREATEN THE RIGHTS AND\n SAFETY OF HUNDREDS OF NATIVE\n TRIBES CONTINUED TO RESIDE\n HERE.OVER CENTURIES OF LEGAL\n BATTLES INDIAN LAW EMERGED AS\n THE COMPLEX BODY OF LAW WHICH\n IS USED TO GOVERN RELATIONS\n BETWEEN THE FEDERAL\n GOVERNMENT STATE GOVERNMENTS\n AND TRIBAL GOVERNMENTS..NARS\n ATTORNEYS PROVIDE LEGAL\n REPRESENTATION ON IMPORTANT\n CASES TO PRESERVE TRIBAL\n EXISTENCE. PROTECT TRIBAL\n NATURAL RESOURCES PROMOTE\n NATIVE AMERICAN HUMAN RIGHTS\n HOLD GOVERNMENTS ACCOUNTABLE\n TO NATIVE AMERICANS AND TO\n DEVELOP AND EDUCATE THE AND\n INDIAN LAW.W. SO COMMITTED TO\n THIS CAUSE MANY OF THEIR\n STAFF HAVE EXPERIENCE SALARY\n FREEZES AND SACRIFICED YEARS\n OF VACATIONS TO ENSURE\n CONTINUED FUNDING FOR CASE\n LITIGATION FROM NINETEEN\n SEVENTY TWO..TODAY HAS\n REPRESENTED MORE THAN TWO\n HUNDRED AND FIFTY TRIBES AND\n HAVE CONCENTRATED ON EXISTING\n LAWS AND TREATIES TAKING ON\n CASES WHERE THOSE RIGHTS ARE\n THREATENED.D.ALDEDER I IS PROUO\n SERVE AS A HEADQUARTERS\n OF THIS IMPRESSIVE\n ORGANIZATION AND STAND WITH\n THEM AND THE CONTINUED EFFORT\n TO PROTECT THE NATIVE THE\n RIGHTS OF NATIVE PEOPLE.E. THE\n CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY\n OF BOULDER RECOGNISES THE\n FIFTY YEARS OF GREAT\n ACHIEVEMENTS MADE BY THE\n CONTRIBUTORS AND STAFF OF THE\n NATIVE AMERICAN RIGHTS FUND..\nWE URGE OUR COMMUNITY MEMBERS\n TO JOIN US IN HONORING THEIR\n WORK ON BEHALF OF TRIBES\n NATIVE PEOPLE WHO.. DESPITE\n THE MANY CHALLENGES THEY HAVE\n ENDURED AND CONTINUE TO\n ENDURE ARE SOME OF THE\n STRONGEST MOST RESILIENT\n AMONG US A FEW VARIANTS AND\n IS IN MR. ECHO PARK IN THE\n MEETING.WELL SORRY WOUNDWE\n MISSED HIM HERE.E.HEHE WAS\n ACTUALLY THE FOUNDER AND ONE\n OF THE FIRST.T. PEOPLE TO IT TO\n GRADUATE ARE NATIVE AMERICANS\n TO GRADUATE WITH A LAW DEGREE\n FROM THE UNIVERSITY OF NEW\n MEXICO.O. ANDND AND SAWAW THAT\n THERE WAS NO LEGAL\n REPRESENTATION FOR NATIVE\n AMERICANS AND STARTED THIS\n ORGANIZATION OR AS ONE OF THE\n FOUNDERS.S. DID YEARS AGO SO II\n COULD THOUGH THEY RECENTLY\n WON A BIG VICTORY AT THIS AT\n THE SUPREME COURT AND SO.O.\n THEY'RE ON THEIR MAP AND\n WE'RE PROUD TO HAVE YOUR IN\n THE CITY WILL.. YOU MARRY THEHE\n NEXT UMM I THINKNK COUNCIL\n MEMBERS LIKE IS GOING TO.O.\n READ SOMETHING FOR PA MAJOR\n APPRECIATION.N. SAY I'M JUST\n SAYING THERE IS A GENTLEMAN\n AND HIS LAST IN A GALLON\n MAYBE FIRST NAME.E. FROM THE\n NATIVE AMERICAN RIGHTS FUND\n WHO SENT US A Q AND A'S\n SAYING HE COULD SPEAK ON\n BEHALF OF THE ORGANIZATION TO\n GET HIM THAT MAY BRING HIM\n HONOR HIM..ITIT I ISSHEHE I ISW\n OW AND TEARR DOWN AA NEW HIGH\n YESTERDAY C RANK YOU YES..I\n APOLOGIZE FOR THAT I WAS\n TRYING TO GET A LITTLE BIT\n BETTER A SIGNAL FOR THE WRONG\n K..YEAH I'M'M NOT QUITE SURE I\n APOLOGIZE FOR THE TECHNICAL\n DIFFICULTIES JOHN MUST BE\n HAVING BUT OBVIOUSLY ON AND\n ON BEHALF OF THE NATIVE\n AMERICAN RIGHTS FUND.D.WE'RE\n EXTREMELY GRATEFUL FOR THE\n CITY OF BOULDER.R.I THINK THE\n BOWLERS BEEN WONDERFUL\n COMMUNITY TO OUR\n ORGANIZATION.N.WE'VE BEEN GREAT\n PARTNERS TO SEE YOU FOR YEARS\n AND I KNOW THAT WE'VE\n ACCOMPLISHED A LOT.T.THTHEE FIY\n YEARS OF EXISTENCE AND I'M\n SURE WE STILL HAVE A LOT LOOK\n FORWARD TO NEXT YEARS.. I\n WOULDN'T THINK THAT IN THIS\n TIME OF CHALLENGING RACIAL\n EQUITY ISSUES BUT OUR WORK AS\n A FOUNTAIN AND BY ANY MEANS\n BUT WE LOOK FORWARD TO\n CONTINUING WORK.. O ON BEHALF\n OF TROUBLED COMMUNITIES\n THROUGHOUT THE UNITED STATES..\nWELL THANK YOU FOR BEING HERE\n THANK YOU FOR SAYING THAT AND\n THANKS FOR ALL THE WORK AND\n THE AMERICAN RIGHTS FUND HAS\n DONE OVER THE YEARS HAS BEEN\n OUR PLEASURE THANK YOU\n DALLIN.N.THANK YOUOKOK AT HIHIM\n OVER TO THEM FROMM YOU..THE\n TRADITION OF DRESSING UP FOR\n THIS PARTICULAR PROCLAMATION\n SO SINCE I AM IN THE HONEY\n BUSINESS OR TO SMALL LOCAL\n HONEY COMPANY HERE IN\n BOULDER..I FIGURED I'D DONE\n ONE OF OUR SUITS FOR THIS.. U M\n AND I REALLY DO MISS THE\n DOZENS OF PEOPLE WHO COME OUT\n DRESSED IN THEIR BEE OUTFITS\n YOU KNOW THAT WAS ALWAYS A\n HIGHLIGHT OF THE YEAR SO.O.\n WE'LL GIVE THIS A SHOT AS WE\n HAVEN'T DONE SO.. WELL THE\n COUNTY'S FIVE HUNDRED AND\n FIFTY NATIVE BEES PCS\n BUTTERFLIES HUMMINGBIRDS\n BEETLES FLIES AND OTHER\n POLLINATORS MEET IN THE\n HEALTH AND BEAUTY OF OUR\n GRASSLANDS.S. FORESTS MEADOWS\n AND OTHER NATURAL AREAS\n OF POLLINATORS THAN HONEYBEES\n ARE INDISPENSABLE PARTNERS IN\n THE PRODUCTION OF OUR FOOD\n SUPPLY.Y. ON HATERS ARE\n ESSENTIAL FOR THE DIVERSE AND\n THRIVING ECOSYSTEMS THAT\n SUPPORT ALL AROUND THE WORLD\n POLLINATORS AND A MAJORITY\n OF INSECTS ARE DECLINING\n PRECIPITOUSLY..THIS I IS PLACIG\n OUR FOOD SECURITY NATURAL\n ENVIRONMENT AND HUMAN WELL\n BEING IN PERIL.L. URGENT ACTION\n IS REQUIRED BY ALL OF US MUST\n RESPOND TO THE BIODIVERSITY\n CRISIS MUST DEVELOP\n INNOVATIVE AND EQUITABLE\n SOLUTIONS TO TRANSFORM OUR\n FOOD SYSTEM.. MUST PROVIDE\n HIGH QUALITY WILDLIFE HABITAT\n IN BOTH URBAN AND NATURAL\n LANDS AND WE MUST ACT NOW.. AS\n OUR COMMUNITY ENJOYS THE\n BOUNTIFUL AUTUMN HARVEST AND\n AS WE SEE THE REGENERATION\n OF OUR NATURAL LANDS WITH HER\n TIRELESS WORK OF POLLINATORS.S.\n CITY COUNCIL AND THE CITY\n OF BOULDER COLORADO DECLARE\n SEPTEMBER TWENTY TWENTY\n ALTERNATOR APPRECIATION\n MONTH.. AND COMMITS TO TAKING\n ACTION BY COLLABORATING WITH\n BOULDER'S RESIDENTS\n BUSINESSES AND ORGANIZATIONS\n JOIN TOGETHER TO PROTECT\n POLLINATORS AND ALL THE BIO\n DIVERSITY FOR CURRENT AND\n FUTURE GENERATIONS.S.SUPEPER\n MANAGER OF VIDEO.O.THTHEE THEHE\n TWENTY FIFTH YEAR BONDS FELL\n ON THEIR APPRECIATION AND IT\n ALL BEGAN BACK IN SPRING AND\n TWENTY FOUR TEAM WHEN MELODY\n CONTEMPORARY VERSUS CAMPBELL\n S DECREASING AND DAVID\n WHEELER.. DECIDED TO TAKE\n ACTION AFTER LEARNING ABOUT\n POLLINATORS DECLINED AND THE\n ROLE OF MUNICH AND\n INSECTICIDES.S.A FRIEND BE\n STAPLED OR.R. WITH H A FEW WEES\n OF GOING DOOR TO DOOR\n CONVINCED OVER HUNDRED AND\n FIFTY OF THEIR NEIGHBORS TO\n PLEDGE NOT TO USE NEON INTO\n TONIGHT'S.. SOON AFTER THEIR\n FRIEND THE LATE JANET COUNTY\n FORMED ANOTHER PIECE A\n NEIGHBORHOOD IN SOUTH BOULDER\n AND LESLIE RATHER HAVE\n FOLLOWED IN HIS FOLDER.R. I IN\n TWENTY FIFTEEN DISABLED OR\n ASK CITY COUNCIL TO\n OFFICIALLY BAN MIAN AT\n TONIGHT'S ON CITY PROPERTY\n CAN CELESTE AFTER A SERIES\n OF EDUCATIONAL AND FUN EVENTS\n TO INFORM THE COMMUNITY.. WITH\n MUCH EXCITEMENT AND FANFARE\n GIVING HER A TEMPORAL ST.T.THTE\n COUNCIL CHAMBERS POLLINATE\n APPRECIATION MONTH WAS BORN..\nCITY DEPARTMENTS CU NONPROFITS\n AND BUSINESSES THAT HAVE COME\n TOGETHER TO EDUCATE THE\n COMMUNITY ABOUT THE\n IMPORTANCE OF BIODIVERSITY\n CONSERVATION FILM PREMIERES..\n LECTURES GARDEN HIVE TOYS AND\n THE PEOPLE THERE FAMILY\n FESTIVAL THE THE THE THE THE\n THE THE TV IS THE KEY IS.S. THE\n BEACH BECAUSE OUR KEY\n PARTNERS HAD PLANNED ON IT\n OR.R. CARE FOR THE LIBRARY'S\n BEEHIVES AND OFFER WORKSHOPS\n THROUGH THE LIBRARY THE\n PEOPLE OF ALL AGES THE NATIVE\n POLLINATORS GUIDING AND\n HONEYBEES.. POLLINATE\n APPRECIATION MONTH LED TO THE\n BOULDER PANEER GARDEN PROJECT\n WHICH INCLUDES POLLEN AND OR\n PLANTINGS ON CITY PROPERTIES.S.\n ON A PATHWAY NEIGHBORHOODS\n LOCAL BUSINESSES DONATING\n PLANS FOR VOLUNTEERS TO CREEP\n ON HER GARDENS AND NEW\n INITIATIVES LIKE SMALL\n GARDENS BIG CHANGE.E. FOR\n DOZENS OF SENIORS WHO ARE\n SELF ISOLATING TO PROTECT\n THEMSELVES FROM COVERT\n EXPOSURE.E. GROWING NATIVE\n PLANTS FROM SEEDS THAT WILL\n LATER BE INSTALLED TO CREATE\n COLONIES OR HABS AND\n CORRIDORS THROUGHOUT THE\n CITY. DID A COPIC NINETEEN\n THE PEOPLE THE FESTIVAL IS\n BEING HELD AS A VIRTUAL EVENT\n ON SATURDAY SEPTEMBER TWELVE.E.\nIN ADDITION TO ACTIVITIES AND\n ENTERTAINMENT FOR KIDS TOP\n EXPERTS WILL BE PROVIDING\n INFORMATION WORKSHOPS AND\n ANSWERING QUESTIONS ABOUT\n POLLINATORS GARDENING NATIVE\n PLANTS GROWING LOCAL FOOD..\n EVERYTHING IT COULD POSSIBLY\n WANT TO LEARN ABOUT IMPROVING\n LANDSCAPING OF PEOPLE AND\n CONGRESS LEARN MORE AND\n PEOPLE DID DIE AND HAPPY\n POLLINATORS APPRECIATION\n MONTH IS ALL THE WAY THAT\n SONG.G.SO I I DON'T KNOW BUT II\n ++MUSIC PLAYING;; OUR OWN\n BILL ABERNATHY I'M SURE THAT\n RELL WORKED WITH THE BOULDER\n TO CREATE AWESOME..WELLLL\n GRADUATION SO BIG AND I I THINK\n WE'RE UP TO O A A AND NECK\n STRAIGHT.WE ARE TO ME.E.YEYES S\n CAN MEAN THE HEARING ON ITS\n SECOND READING CONSIDERATION\n OF A MOTION TO ADOPT\n ORDINANCE EIGHTY THREE EIGHTY\n THREE WHICH ARE THE\n AMENDMENTS TO THE MOBILE\n HOMES ORDINANCE.. O ON HER AND\n CRYSTAL LONGER WILL PRESENT\n THIS MATTER THE COUNCIL SOUL\n HAS A LONG HISTORY\n OF PROGRESSIVE AND FORWARD\n THINKING POLICIES THAT\n IMPROVE THE SAFETY LIVE\n ABILITY INVESTMENTS FOR\n RESIDENTS OF MANUFACTURED\n HOME COMMUNITIES.S.TONIGHT WE\n ARE CONTINUING THESE EFFORTS\n AN INCREMENTAL APPROACH.. LIKE\n TO THANK THE RESIDENTS OF THE\n MANUFACTURED HOME COMMUNITIES\n IN OUR CITY AS WELL AS THE\n OWNERS OF THOSE ARE FOR\n CONTRIBUTING TO THIS WORK\n THEIR BUTTS.. SO THIS EVENING\n I'LL INTRODUCE FOR SALON OR\n SHEL BE DOING THE\n PRESENTATION AND SHE OVERSEES\n MUCH OF THIS WORK IN THE\n CITY.Y.SHE'E'S SUPPORTED BY\n BRENDA RIGHT NOW OR WHO\n ASSIST WITH THE OUTREACH\n OF THIS IN ERROR BECAUSE THE\n CITY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE IS\n ALSO ONE OF THE QUESTIONS IN\n THAT DIRECTION.N.WELLLL I I WIL\n HAND OVER TO CRYSTAL LIU VERY\n GOOD EVENING COUNCIL MEMBERS\n AND FOR SOME MINOR HOUSING\n PLANNER AND PROJECT MANAGER\n OF THE MANUFACTURED HOUSING\n STRATEGY.Y. O ORR THEHE I I THY\n FASHION HOUSING LAWS THAT\n APPLY IN BOULDER.R. HOW THIS\n ORDINANCE AND LEADS THE\n MANUFACTURED HOUSING STRATEGY\n ADOPTED AROUND THE SAME TIME\n LAST YEAR AND THEN TOUCH ON\n COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT THAT\n INFORMS THE ORDINANCE..THERE\n ARE AND WILL PROVIDE AN\n OVERVIEW OF THE KEY ELEMENTS\n OF THE ORDINANCE BEFORE I\n ASKED COUNCIL TO CONSIDER\n ADOPTION.N.I WILL OVERVIEW\n HOMEOWNER CONCERNS REGARDING\n CHALLENGERS SUMMER\n ENCOUNTERING SOME HOMES\n ISSUES CURRENTLY NOT\n ADDRESSED IN WORKMANSHIP.P.THEN\n THE SLYLY INCLUDE HE ADVANCES\n IN MANUFACTURED HOUSING\n POLICY ITEMS IN TL EXIST\n LOCALLY THE OTHER ITEMS EXIST\n THAT THE STATE LEVEL IN\n NINETEEN NINETY ONE THE STATE\n MOBILE HOME PARK AFTER IS\n IMPACTED.IT WAS UPDATED AND\n CAN LOCALLY TO MANUFACTURED\n HOUSING ORDINANCES.S.E FORTY\n THREE AND EACH HAS SINCE SOLD\n HAVE BEEN ACTIVE IN THE LAST\n FIVE YEARS THESE ORDINANCES\n INTRODUCED LANDLORD TENANT\n PROTECTIONS THAT DID NOT\n EXIST AT THE STATE LEVEL.L.\nTHESE INCLUDE PROTECTIONS\n AGAINST THE CONFIRMATION\n OF SALE OF MANUFACTURED HOMES\n AND MANUFACTURED BEFORE\n NINETEEN SEVENTY SIX\n PROTECTION AGAINST.T. EXCESSIVE\n UPGRADES ASSIGNING THE\n RESPONSIBILITY FOR TREE\n MAINTENANCE TO THE COMMUNITY\n OWNER RIGHT TO PRIVACY A\n PROHIBITION AGAINST\n RETALIATION IN A MEDIATION\n REQUIREMENT.. MANUFACTURED\n HOUSING POLICY HAS EVOLVED TO\n LIVE IN THE LAST TWO YEARS..\n THE STATE LEVEL CITY STAFF AT\n THE DIRECTION OF COUNCIL\n ALONG WITH MANY OTHERS\n SUPPORTED DEVELOPMENT AND\n PASSAGE OF THREE SUCCESSFUL\n BILLS SPONSORED BY\n REPRESENTATIVE WHO.. THESE\n THREE BILLS INTRODUCED FUNDED\n STAFF STATUS THE RESOLUTION\n ENFORCEMENT PROGRAM.. FOR THE\n MOBILE HOME PARK ACTS\n CLARIFIED AND UPDATED THE\n MOBILE HOME PARK ACT AND\n ESTABLISHED THE OPPORTUNITY\n FOR RESIDENTS TO PURCHASE A\n MOBILE HOME ARE.. LOCALLY THE\n CITY ADOPTED THE MANUFACTURED\n HOUSING STRATEGY WHICH\n INCLUDES GUIDING PRINCIPLES\n IN A TWO YEAR ACTION PLAN\n WHICH WILL TOUCH ON.. A A TREE\n IS FREE BUT ADVANCE THE\n ACTION HOUSING STRATEGY\n ACTION PLAN ADOPT THE\n ORDINANCE WOULD ADDRESS THE\n TOPICS OF ENFORCEMENT\n COMMUNICATION AND INFORMATION\n ACCESS.S.IFIF ANSWERING STRATEY\n DEVELOPMENT OF STRATEGIES FOR\n THE PRINCIPLES FOR PHY IN\n DEVELOPING THE ORDINANCE IS\n THE ORDINANCE..THESE\n PRINCIPLES ARE AFFORDABILITY\n WHICH IS SUPPORTING\n MANUFACTURED HOUSING TO SERVE\n AS AN AFFORDABLE MARKET RATE\n HOMEOWNERSHIP OPPORTUNITY..\n AND ABILITY THE CITY'S\n ORDINANCES WILL HAVE CLEARLY\n DEFINED AND PRACTICAL\n ENFORCEMENT THAT THE AFFECTED\n PARTIES AND USE SPECIALLY\n MANUFACTURED HOME COMMUNITY\n RESIDENTS COMMUNITY.. PROGRAMS\n AND RESOURCES WILL BE\n EMPLOYED TO SUPPORT THE NEEDS\n OF DIVERSE MANUFACTURED HOME\n COMMUNITY RESIDENTS.. AND\n VIABILITY MANUFACTURED HOMES\n AND MANUFACTURED HOME\n COMMUNITIES WILL BE SAFE WELL\n MAINTAINED EVIL TO THE MATTER\n IS.S. THE ISSUE ANDND FOROR THE\n EARLIER TOPICS ADDRESSED IN\n THIS FRIENDS ARE FOR ME\n FASHION HOUSING STRATEGY PLAN\n AND FORMED BY ENGAGEMENT THAT\n OCCURRED THROUGH DEVELOPMENT\n OF THE STRATEGY.. IN\n PREPARATION FOR THIS ONE IS\n COMING TO COUNCIL CITY STAFF\n PROVIDED ALL STAKEHOLDERS\n WITH THE OPPORTUNITY TO\n PROVIDE ADDITIONAL INPUT ON\n THE ORDINANCE.. ON THE\n OCCASION INCLUDED A YEAR\n OLDER AND QUITE FOREIGN TO\n THE OWNER OF DANCE AND ONES\n THAT CAN GAUGE THE SPEAKERS\n AND ONE FOR SPANISH SPEAKERS.S.\n AND CITY STAFF ALSO RECEIVED\n INPUT THREE PHONE MESSAGES\n AND E MAILS AND THEN BETWEEN\n FIRST AND SECOND READING.G.\nADDITIONAL UPDATES FROM AIDS\n THE ORDINANCE THE SUN\n ADDITIONAL FEEDBACK FROM\n INFECTION WHEN THE RESIDENTS\n AND COMMUNITY HONORS.S.THE\n OVERVIEW DOOR AND STRETCHING\n I'M NOT REVEALING THE STATE\n ENACTED PROVISIONS AND WHAT\n HIS ACTUAL WORDS..AS W WEE G GO\n SECTION PLEASE NOTE THAT THE\n KEY GUIDING PRINCIPLES ARE\n FOUND IN THE LOWER RIGHT HAND\n CORNER OF EACH LIE.E. THE FIRST\n READING ORDINANCE HAD\n INCLUDED REPEAL OF THE THREE\n LOCAL PROVISIONS THAT WERE\n RECENTLY ENACTED AT THE STATE\n LEVEV..THTHE RATIONALE WAS THAT\n A FUNDED STAFFED IN THE\n TRAINING PROGRAM WOULD BETTER\n SUPPORT RESOLUTION OF ISSUES\n ENFORCEMENT COMPLICATIONS\n WOULD BE REDUCED.. A A MOBILE\n HOME OWNERS BREEZE CONCERNS\n RELATED TO THE HIGH HIS LOAD\n IN THE DISPUTE RESOLUTION AND\n ENFORCEMENT PROGRAM.. STAFF\n CONTACTED STAFF OF THE\n DISPUTE RESOLUTION AND\n ENFORCEMENT PROGRAM AND\n CONFIRMED THERE WAS A HIGH\n INITIAL CASE LOAD.. ADDITIONAL\n DEMANDS ON PROGRAM STAFF FROM\n WORLDLY GAINS FOR THE TWO NEW\n LAWS AND THE PROGRAM WILL NOT\n BE FULLY STAFFED UNTIL LATER\n THIS YEAR OR EARLY TWENTIES\n WHEN ONE.E. SEVEN APPEAL\n OF THESE PROVISIONS IS NOT\n INCLUDED IN THE ORDINANCE AND\n THE STAFF PROPOSAL IS TO\n REVISIT THESE TOPICS LATER.R.\nTHE THEHE FIRST SAND EXPERIENCE\n AND CHALLENGES NAVIGATING\n ENFORCEMENT RELATED TO\n CHAPTER TEN FALL OF MOBILE\n HOMES..THTHE ORDINANCE UPDATES\n ENFORCEMENT BY CHANGING THE\n HEARING BODY AND FROM THE\n BOARD OF BUILDING BUILDING\n APPEALS BOARD OF ZONING\n ADJUSTMENTS TO MUNICIPAL\n COURT.. COURT WOULD BE A\n BETTER WOULD BE BETTER ABLE\n TO SUPPORT HEARINGS RELATED\n TO LIMIT AND ISSUES THAN\n WORDS ON ADJUSTMENTS BOARD\n OF APPEALS.S.I HAVE MOSTST COVD\n WOULD ALSO ALLOW ENFORCEMENT\n STAFF TO DETERMINE IF\n MEDIATION IS APPROPRIATE IN A\n GIVEN SITUATION.MEDIATION IS\n MANDATORY TO ALL OF CHAPTER\n TEN TWELVE MOBILE HOMES WHICH\n BEGAN AS A AS A BUILDING CODE\n SECTION..SO BEFORE IT WASAS\n INCLUDED LIMIT AND PROVISIONS\n DEALING PRIMARILY BUILDING\n CODE PROVISIONS.S. AND FINALLY\n IT WOULD ALLOW A HEARING\n OFFICER TO DECIDE WHETHER A\n PARTY'S FAILURE TO MEDIATE\n SHOULD BE CONSIDERED.D. IN\n ASSIGNING PENALTIES CURRENTLY\n FAILURES MEDIATE RESULTS IN\n AN AUTOMATIC PRESUMPTION THAT\n THE OFFERING PARTY PREVAILS\n IN HEARING.G. AND SITUATIONS\n CAN ARISE WHEN AND WHERE IT\n MAY NOT BE APPROPRIATE\n PENALTY FOR NON PARTICIPATION\n AND THIS IS PARTICULARLY TRUE\n NOW THAT MOBILE..CODY HASAS\n OVERLAPPED WITH STATE LAW\n RELATED TO COMMUNICATION.N.THTE\n ORDINANCE WOULD REQUIRE THAT\n WHEN PROVIDING THESE RULES\n AND REGULATIONS AND ANY\n NOTICE.E. REQUIRED BY THE LEASE\n COMMUNITY OWNERS WOULD\n PROVIDE A NOTICE IN MULTIPLE\n LANGUAGES THAT THE CITY HAS\n LIMITED ACCESS RESOURCES\n COVID.. RELATED TO INFORMATION\n ACCESS NEW TRANSFER BE\n PROVIDED WITH INFORMATION ON\n THE FIVE YEAR HISTORY OF RENT\n INCREASES FOR THE LOT THEY\n WOULD BE MOVING ON TO.O. FEES\n FOR LATE PAYMENTS OR DESIGNER\n CHECKS HAD OCCUPANCY\n RESTRICTIONS AND DEPOSITS AND\n USE THESE CONNECTED TO\n FACILITIES AND AMENITIES.S. ALL\n TENANTS WILL BE PROVIDED FOR\n SIXTY DAYS NOTICE WHEN\n POSSIBLE IF THE DIMENSIONS\n OF THE LAW THEY LIVE ON WHERE\n TO CHANGE. A COMMON SITUATION\n WHERE THE ISSUE ARISES IS\n WHEN A NEIGHBORING HOME IN\n EXCHANGE FOR A LARGER HOME.E.\nFINALLY RENT RECEIPTS WOULD BE\n REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY WHEN A\n HOMEOWNER PAYS IN PERSON WITH\n CASH OR MONEY ORDER OR A\n HOMEOWNER HAS RECEIVED A\n NOTICE OF NON HUMANS BRANCHED\n HASAN PERSON.N. IN N A RENT\n RECEIPT WOULD ALSO BE\n PROVIDED WITHIN SEVEN\n BUSINESS DAYS..ANYTIMIME ANY\n RESIDENT REQUESTS ACCURACY.Y.\nTHERE ARE FEW OTHER PROVISIONS\n UNTIL I FALL INTO THOSE\n CATEGORIES.S.ONONEE OF THOSE IS\n THAT THE NEW LANGUAGE IN THE\n LEGISLATIVE INTENT IS IT IS\n SUPPOSED TO BE ADDED TO\n EXPLAIN THE PURPOSE OF THE\n LENTEN TRADITIONS IN THIS\n CHAPTER.. AND ALSO WHEN WE\n STAND FOR IS ANY INDIVIDUAL\n THAT WOULD BE REFERENCING OUR\n LOCAL CODE THAT THERE IS\n ADDITIONAL REGULATION AT THE\n STATE LEVEL OF MOBILE HOMES..\nADDITIONALLY I'M ONLY MAKING\n AUTHORITY WOULD BE AT A TABLE\n STAFFED TO PROVIDE DETAILED\n GUIDANCE TERMS SUCH AS\n DETERMINING IN WHICH LANGUAGE\n IS LANGUAGE ACCESS NOTICE\n MUST BE TRANSLATED.D. A AS\n TERRORISTS OR WHERE A LARGE\n AMOUNT OF CALLIGRAPHY BACK TO\n COUNCIL HAS FOCUSED ON\n CONCERNS ABOUT HOME SALES\n BEING MADE DIFFICULT ARE\n BEING DISCOURAGED.. HIS\n CONCERNS INCLUDE DELAYS\n INFORMING HOMEOWNERS SELLING\n THEIR HOMES FOR WIRED AND\n IMPROVEMENTS FOR WHOLESALE\n DELAYS IN PROCESSING\n APPLICATIONS OF PROSPECTIVE\n HOMEBUYERS AND IMPROVEMENT\n REQUIREMENTS CHANGING OVER\n TIME.E. ALSO AND CURRENT\n HOMEOWNERS BEING REQUIRED TO\n ADDRESS CONDITIONS THAT ARE\n ON THE LINE IN THE PRESENT\n SAID THAT HER LIVING ON THE\n LINE.E. STAFF RECEIVES A\n PROPOSAL LAST TUESDAY BY\n HOMER'S OF CHANGES THEY WOULD\n LIKE TO SEE TWO TO CODE\n PROVISIONS.S. TEN TWELVE TWENTY\n FIVE THE LIMITATION ON THE\n PROHIBITION SALES OF MOBILE\n PHONES AND TEN TWELVE TWENTY\n SIX LIMITATION ON REQUIRED\n UPGRADES TO EXISTING MOBILE\n HOME'S.S. RESIDENTS HAVE\n EXPRESSED THAT THEY NEED MORE\n TIME WITH THEIR PROPOSAL AND\n STAFF ALSO WOULD NEED MORE\n TIME WITH ALL STAKEHOLDERS.S.\n INTO CORNY INTERNALLY WITH\n STAFF WITH THE STAFF TEAM TO\n DEVELOP ORDINANCE LANGUAGE\n AND EYE AND WITH THE MOTION\n TO ADOPT FOR ENGLISH FOR IN\n C3 BE FREE AGAIN BY\n QUESTIONS..THANK YOUU SO MUCH\n COUNCIL MEMBERS' QUESTIONS..II\n SAW A A VISION ANDND THEHE\n PRESENTATION AND IT IS ITIT AND\n YOUR RECOMMENDATION THAT WE..\n PASS THIS ORDINANCE TO MAKE\n THAT THEN WE GO CIRCLE BACK\n AND WE WOULD COME BACK WITH\n ANOTHER WINTER DRESS THE\n SALES RELATED CONCERNS.S. SAYS\n THE CAUSE THOUGH IS THAT WE\n WENT TO MY DOTS AND EIGHTY\n THREE EIGHTY THREE BECAUSE..\n THE BACK OF THE RACES THAT\n I'VE SEEN A RECEIPT IS\n FOCUSED PRIMARILY ON ADDING.G.\n SOME ADDITIONAL IDEAS OR\n DRESSING ADDITIONAL ITEMS\n THAT ARE IN FOR NANCY THREE\n EIGHTY RATHER THAN ISSUES\n OF EIGHTY THREE EIGHTY THREE.\n AND SO THE STAFF PROPOSAL IS\n THAT WE CURRENTLY HAVE AND\n GET INTO THE MODE OF WORKING\n WITH RESIDENTS AND OTHER\n STAKEHOLDERS.S. AS WELLLL A AS\n WORKING WITHIN THE CITY TEAM\n SHOULD TRY TO GET SOMETHING\n THAT WOULD COULD BE PASSED\n THIS YEAR.. W WEE COME T TO\n UNDERSTAND THESE ARE SORT\n OF TUNE FROM SEPARATE ISSUES\n AND THAT WE CAN PASS A TREATY\n THREE AND THEN WE CAN WORK\n ANOTHER WHEN YOU WENT WHEN IT\n CONCERNS MY UNDERSTANDING..\nTHANK YOUOU VERY AND THE MARK.K.\nTHANK YOU KRISTA FOR THE\n PRESENTATION DOES HAVE ONE\n QUESTION WITH REGARDS TO THAT\n NEW TENANT INFORMATION AS TO\n BE PROVIDED..HOW WILLLL THE CIY\n KNOW THAT THAT IS ACTUALLY\n OCCURRING..SOSO THEN USE THEE\n INFORMATION REQUIREMENTS.S.II\n THINK YOU ARE DOING IT WOULD\n DEPEND ON THE COMPLAINT\n HAPPEN IF IT WEREN'T SO SAID\n THE COMPLAINT..II WOULD HAVE TO\n BE SOMETHING LIKE I THEY.Y.\n THEY HAVE A PET FOR INSTANCE\n AND UM AND THEN THEY ARE TOLD\n THAT THEY CAN'T HAVE A PET\n AND SO THE COMPLAINT WOULD BE\n I WAS NEVER TOLD.D. I I COULDNT\n HAVE A PET IS THAT HOW WOULD\n I KNOW THE ONE WAY CERTAINLY\n COULD BE I AM I I ALSLSO JUST\n FROM WATCHING HOW THE MOBILE\n HOME PARK ACTS.S.THTHEE RESOLUN\n IN PRISON PROGRAM IS GETTING\n UP AND RUNNING AND SEEING\n THAT THERE'S ALSO. THE\n COMPLAINTS HAPPENING WHEN\n PEOPLE KNOW THAT NOTICES\n SHOULD BE PROVIDED OR POST\n THINGS THAT HAPPENED IN THEIR\n EVIDENCE OF THEM.M.UMUM WOULD T\n BE PRACTICAL TO REQUIRE SOME\n SORT OF SIGNAGE AT THE THE\n OFFICE AND TWO THAT SAYS.. I IN\n ADDITION TO THE NOTIFICATION\n GIFT BEING GIVEN TO HIM THAT\n THERE'S ALSO LIKE A POSTER\n SIZE NOTIFICATION OR\n SOMETHING FOR NEW TENANTS OR.R.\n THE AIR THAT THEY WOULD BE\n RECEIVING THAT INFORMATION\n THAT THAT IT WOULD BE\n AVAILABLE JUST FOR ANYONE WHO\n WALKS INTO THE OFFICE AND\n SEES THAT POSTED.D.WOULD IT B E\n FEASIBLE TO DO THAT.T.SOSO ANYY\n IN ADDITION TO NEW STANDARDS\n THAT WOULD JUST BE A POSTER\n IN IN THE LEASING OFFICE OR\n SOMETHING THAT THAT INCLUDED\n THAT INFORMATION.N. YET A ASS I\n CAN LOOK AT THEHE END I WOULD\n CERTAINLY REQUIRE FURTHER\n WORK ON HIS EIGHTY THREE.E.YEYT\n IF SO YOU'RE SAYING IT WOULD\n BE AND I'M SORRY I HADN'T\n THOUGHT OF THIS BEFORE BUT IT\n WAS THE THIRD READING IS THAT\n WE ARE SAYING THAT'S CRAP..YEYS\n SO MARY IF I COULD JUST ADD\n ONS AS WELL SO HE AND THEHE\n EMANUEL HAS BEEN DEVELOPED\n FOR RESIDENTS OF LIVING IN\n FASHION HOME COMMUNITIES.S. HAS\n BEEN UPDATED AND IT WILL BE\n UPDATED AGAIN ONCE THIS\n ORDINANCE PASSES AND THAT'S\n WIDELY AVAILABLE AND KNOWN\n WITHIN THE RESIDENCE OF THESE\n . . AND THAT'S THAT INFORMATION\n WILL BE INCLUDED IN THERE\n KIND OF FRONT AND CENTER OR\n SOMETHING WAS UP A DATE YET..\nSMS THEM AND THEY WOULD COME\n ON ALL THE ASPECTSTS OF THEIR\n OWN EXPECTATIONS ARE LAID OUT\n TO YOU IN OUR VARIOUS\n ORDINANCES AS WELL AS THE\n STATE TO STATE WHAT. THEY CAN\n MARK THE PRESENTATION.N.I KNOW\n FROM THE MEMO THAT WE ENDED\n UP WITH FOUR COMMENTS NINE\n ATTENDEES ON SUE MEETINGS\n DOESN'T AMOUNT TO ANYTHING WE\n CAN DO TO GET A MORE ROBUST\n PARTICIPATION IN THIS\n PROCESS..ITIT SEEMS ARERE THIRN\n HUNDRED HOUSEHOLDS RATHER\n UNEVEN RESPONSE..HOHOW DO W WEO\n A BETTER PERSON FOR THE\n CHALLENGES WE'RE FACING US\n ARE ACTUALLY.Y. A LOTOT\n OF ACTIVITY IN THIS LEVEL THE\n PLAYING GROUNDS OF COMPETING\n WITH COVERT LAST YEAR WHEN WE\n ARE EVOLVING TO MANUFACTURED\n HOUSING STRATEGY WE HAD A LOT\n MORE ROBUST PARTICIPATION..I\n THINK PEOPLE ALSO CAN\n UNDERSTAND THIS MAYBE I WILL\n MAKING CANDLE MAKING ACTIVITY\n HAPPENING AT THE STATE LEVEL\n ALSO THE DISPUTE RESOLUTION\n AND ENFORCEMENT PROGRAM HAS\n AND GETTING UP AND RUNNING.G.I\n THINK AS MUCH AS ANYTHING IS\n IF AN ISSUE THAT FROM MY\n PERSPECTIVE RATHER THAN LACK\n OF OUTREACH..I MEAN CERTAINLY\n A CHALLENGE AT THIS TIME IS\n THAT WE ARE.. ENTIRELY RELYING\n ON A REMOTE CONNECTION TO\n HOUSEHOLDS AND YOU JUST OVER\n ONE ITEM FOR ME I'M THE\n DELETION OF THE PENALTY FOR\n FAILURE TO MEDIATE..HOHOW IS\n THAT HELPFUL TO THE TOWNS..\n THE ALL TOO TIRED BECAUSE IN\n ONE WAY ONE WAY THAT HAS EYES\n THAT REALLY HE EITHER A\n MOBILE HOME PARK OWNER OR A\n MOBILE HOME PARK ARE MOBILE\n SO ORDER.R. COULD BE THE PARTY\n THAT OFFERS IN THIS I I\n OBSERVED. HIMIM PRETTY\n CONSISTENT USED BY SOME\n COMMUNITY OWNERS OF OUR\n MEDIATION SERVICES SO THAT\n COULD BE ONE WAY TO BENEFIT\n ANOTHER WAY A.. O ON THAT I\n THINK IT'S IMPORTANT IS THAT\n WE'RE ABOUT READY TO ENTER A\n SITUATION WHERE WE WILL BE\n ENFORCING THE SAME CODE\n PROVISIONS AS EXISTS.S. I IN\n STATE LAW AND SO THERE WILL\n START TO HAVE SOME\n CONFLICTING ENFORCEMENT\n HAPPENING AND I'M ALREADY\n SEEING SOME OF THAT..LASTLY\n MANY OF THE EMAILS WE\n RECEIVED WERE UNIFORM IN\n THEIR CONCERNS ABOUT OTHERS\n RESTRICTIONS ON SALE.E.IFIF WEE\n PASSING THIS ORDINANCE\n TONIGHT ARE WE GETTING A\n COMMITMENT THAT THESE ISSUES\n ARE GOING TO BE ADDRESSED\n NEXT ROUND OR IS IT JUST ME.E.I\n CURRENTLY HAVE ONE UNIT\n OF LAND ON THE LINES ARE\n DRAWN OUT SIEGE.. SORE WERE\n PLANNING THIS IS DIRECTED BY\n U S COUNSEL HOWEVER OUR STAFF\n PERSPECTIVE IN LOOKING AT\n THESE ISSUES WHICH ARE MOSTLY\n ALL OVER THE LAST WEEK.K. W WE\n HEARD IN THE GRIEVANCE TO\n THEIR CONCERNS ARE VALID AND\n NEED TO BE ADDRESSED HOWEVER\n ADDRESSING THEM WITH WITH\n THAT APPROACH WORKS.. ANDND CAN\n BE IMPLEMENTED IS IMPORTANT\n THAT WE DON'T WANT TO RUSH\n INTO THAT PROCESS WERE\n RELUCTANT TO TRY TO THROW\n SOME READY IN UNDER THIS\n ORDINANCE TO GET THAT\n RESOLVED.D. AND WE'VE ALSO\n HEARD FROM RESIDENTS THAT\n THEY ALSO UNDERSTAND THAT\n THIS IS AN ISSUE THAT WILL\n TAKE SOMETIME TO FIGURE OUT\n HOW IT'S IMPLEMENTED.SO\n CERTAINLY STAFF IS COMMITTED\n TO.O.I MUST SAY THAT WE HAVE AA\n LOT ON HER PLATE RIGHT NOW\n THE WORLD SOLDIERS THE\n MANUFACTURED HOME COMMUNITY\n THAT WE'RE PUTTING NEW\n INFRASTRUCTURE INTO RIGHT\n NOW.. W WE KNOW CRYSTAL HAS BEN\n VERY INVOLVED WITH THE WORK\n OF STATE LEVELS WELL WE'RE\n COMMITTED TO IT BUT WE NEED\n TO WORK IT INTO OUR WORKLOADS\n WHILE.. I I URGE YOU TOTO DO SO\n BECAUSE. YOU'RE GETTING A\n NUMBER OF RESPONSES ON THAT\n ISSUE AND I GOT DRESSED JUST\n TRYING TO ATTACK SOMETHING ON\n THIS STATUTE WHICH IS READY\n TO GO.. BUT I I DON'T WANT HIS\n SIDE OF THINGS PERHAPS A\n LARGER SET OF ISSUES.. TO\n MARKET THEIR THANKS CRYSTAL\n FOR THAT EXCELLENT\n PRESENTATION FOR BOTH YOU\n INCUR ON WORKING SO HARD ON\n THIS TO INCREASE THE\n PROTECTIONS FOR MANUFACTURED\n HOUSING RESIDENTS HERE IN\n TOWN.N.MYMY QUESTION WAS ENDEDP\n BEING IF FOLLOWED TO MARX WAS\n WHICH WAS ALL REALLY\n UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU'RE SAYING\n ABOUT WORKLOAD AND SUCH LIKE\n THAT YOU GUYS NEED TO.. YOU'LL\n HAVE THE TIME TO WORK ON THIS\n CAREFULLY BUT YOU HAVE A\n ROUGH SENSIBLE KIND OF A\n TIMEFRAME IT MIGHT LOOK LIKE\n TO COME BACK TO ANOTHER HOUR.R.\n WE'LL TALK ABOUT THIS\n AFTERNOON WE WOULD LIKE TO\n GET TO IT IF WE CAN IN TWENTY\n TWENTY.Y. ANDND I THINK WE'LL\n KNOW BETTER ONCE WE DIVE INTO\n IT BUT WE BELIEVE THAT IT'S\n THAT THAT WOULD BE A SCHEDULE\n THAT WE WOULD TRY AND WORK.K.\n INTO SOMETHING LIKE A FEW\n MONTHS IS NOT A TWO YEAR\n THINGS ARE SIMPLE AND NOW\n THAT ALL GREAT THINGS FOR\n THEM HERE.E.GREAEAT WELL THANK\n YOU ALL ARE I I THINK WERE\n READY TO MOVE TO COMMENTS\n SARAH MAY HAVE SOME THINGS\n SHE WANTS TO HELP US OUT WITH\n SARAH.. THANK YOU WE HAVE HAD\n A FEW MEMBERS OF THE\n COMMUNITY JOIN US SINCE WE\n STARTED OUR MEETING SO BEFORE\n PEOPLE TESTIFY.Y. LIKE TO\n QUICKLY MAKE SURE PEOPLE KNOW\n HOW TO SELECT THE RIGHT\n CHANNEL IF YOU'RE LISTENING\n IN ENGLISH OR SPANISH..SOSO THS\n SLIDE WHICH I COULD NOT PULL\n UP PREVIOUSLY SHOWS YOU.. THE\n LITTLE GLOBE LIKE\n INTERPRETATION BUT ON THE\n RIGHT HAND CORNER OF THE\n SLIDE SHOULD BE ON THE\n HORIZONTAL MENU ON YOUR\n SCREEN IF YOU CLICK ON IT YOU\n CAN CHOOSE ENGLISH OR\n SPANISH..SERVE YOUR SPANISH\n SPEAKER YOU WOULD LIKE TO\n ADDRESS COUNT SO PLEASE SHOO\n SPANISH AND OUR INTERPRETER\n WILL TRANSLATE OR INTERPRET\n THE LANGUAGE.E. OF SPANISH BACK\n INTO ENGLISH SO OUR COUNCIL\n MEMBERS CAN UNDERSTAND AND I\n HEAR FROM YOU TONIGHT..THE\n NEXT LIKE CHRIS AND THE\n SKINNY BATS THAT FLY.Y.IT'S NOT\n LIKE AUGUSTA MAINE DID THIS\n NOT TO GO FORWARD FOR SOME\n REASON.N.ERGOGO THEHE THE OKAYO\n WE JUST ENCOURAGE EVERYBODY\n WHO IS SPEAKING TO UNDERSTAND\n THAT WITH AN INTERPRETATION.N.\nTHERE ARE SOME BEST PRACTICES\n THAT CAN HELP US ALL\n UNDERSTAND EACH OTHER..WE'RE\n GOING TO ASK FOR INDIVIDUALS\n TO SPEAK SLOWLY CLEARLY\n PRONOUNCE YOUR WORDS IT HELPS\n TO STOP AND TAKE A BREATH IN\n BETWEEN YOUR SENTENCES.S.WEWE E\n GOING TO ASK PEOPLE NOT\n INTERRUPT JUST BECAUSE IT\n GETS CONFUSING FOR OUR\n INTERPRETER.. IF YOU OWN N A\n HEADSET WITH MICROPHONE\n PLEASE USE IT.. I IF YOU SPEAK\n ENGLISH AND SPANISH BOTH ARE\n GOING TO ASK YOU TO CHOOSE\n YOUR LANGUAGE DENY AND TRY\n THEIR BEST TO STICK WITH THAT\n ONE LANGUAGE.E. AND WERE ALL\n GOING TO AVOID USING IDIOMS\n OR PHRASES THAT MIGHT BE VERY\n DIFFICULT TO TRANSLATE ALSO\n JUST AS A REMINDER TO\n COMMUNITY MEMBERS WHO ARE\n TESTIFYING WILL BE TESTIFYING\n MY VOICE ONLY.Y.SOSO WE WILL NT\n TURN ON YOUR VIDEO CAMERA BUT\n WHEN THE MAYOR CALLS YOUR\n NAME I WILL TOGGLE BUTTON\n THAT ALLOWS YOU TO A NEW\n YOURSELF AND BEGIN SPEAKING\n WITH THAT..I THINK WE'RE READY\n TO GO TO OUR LIST OF SPEAKERS\n FOR THE EVENING..THANK YOU\n CHRIS THANK YOU CHRIS THANK\n YOU SARAH..THTHEE FIRST THREE\n SPEAKERS ARE LIMITS TO GO.O.\nTANYA PETTY AND MARC ROBIN\n WHEN THEY THEY THEY SHOULD BE\n ABLE TO MUTE NOW LET'S GO TO\n LAST THE DAYAY WHEN YOU'RE OUT\n HERE.E.THREREE THEHE LAST MAY O\n TO LAST ROW VIEW OF MOUNT ST.T.\nJUST WAITING FOR AN ANSWER\n YES..I DIDN'T SAY IF THERE ISIS\n A GAME THAT CAN FURTHER\n PERPETRATE HOUSING AND LAND\n COST IN BOULDER FOR THESE\n PEOPLE.E. KNOW THAT I I MAY SAY\n THAT BETWEEN PONDEROUS AND\n CAMERA OR CELL BILLS EACH BUT\n I KNOW THERE ARE ONE OF THE\n WOMEN THERE HAD REALLY\n INTENDED TO GUARD ME.E. REALLY\n NICELY AND HAD A VERY NICE\n LANDSCAPING SITUATION AND\n THEN.N. WAS RUINED BECAUSEE\n OF THE UPGRADING AND I KNOW\n THAT THERE'S WHAT ISSUES\n THEY'RE HURT AND THEY HAD HAD\n SURGERY RADIATION OR JAN.N. BUT\n I THINK PEOPLE SHOULD BE\n COMPENSATED WHEN THEY.. PUT A A\n LOT OF THEIR HEART AND ENERGY\n INTO THEIR PROPERTY THAT\n THEIR USE IN ANY WAY AT THEIR\n PAIN OR IN TIME FOR MANY\n YEARS.. ANDND I I HOPE THAT ALL\n THOSE KIND OF PROVISIONS\n COULD BE MADE IN OTHER YOU\n KNOW IN A BROADER ORDINANCE..\n OF THE MOBILE HOME COMMUNITY\n IN INTEREST OF PROVIDING THIS\n VITAL RESOURCE TO THE\n COMMUNITY ESPECIALLY IN TIMES\n OF A LOT OF PREDICTIONS AND\n NOW THAT HOUSING PARTNERS.S.\n REQUIRED TO PAY THEIR SEVENTY\n FIVE DOLLARS AND THERE'S\n GOING TO BE A LOT OF PATIENCE\n THERE.. THAT AREE UNSUPPORTED\n AND THIS IS A LONG TERM\n PROBLEM AS WE IMPROVE MORE\n AND MORE BY MR. MARTIN HIGHER\n END.. MARKET HOUSING IN\n BOULDER CAUSES MORE AND MORE\n OF AN IMPACT ON THIS\n DEMOGRAPHIC SO.O. AND THE\n UNDERSTAND THERE'S\n INFRASTRUCTURE ISSUES AND\n EVERYTHING ELSE THAT YOU KNOW\n WHEN WE'LL GET BETTER WE'LL\n DO BETTER.. ANDND I I THINK ONE\n WAY TO REALLY BETTER TO\n EQUALIZE WEALTH IN THIS\n COMMUNITY AND STOP CHASING\n OUR TAILS ABOUT HOMELESSNESS\n AND AFFORDABLE HOUSING IS TO.O.\n PUT MORE CONSTRAINTS ON THESE\n HIRED HAND.D. AND BUILDING\n PROJECTS THAT ARE GOING ON I\n SAW ONE LAST WEEK AND\n PLANNING BOARD FOR THE TOWN\n OF LETTERS AND E EAST BOULDER\n AREA INDUSTRIAL AREA.. AROUND\n OUR PARKING SPACES ARE\n GETTING THE BIT YOU.. ADDDD TO\n TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS\n THE SPACE.. AND WERE TALKING\n ABOUT HOMELESS PEOPLE LIVING\n IN PARKING LOTS TO KNOW SO\n IT'S A BIG DEAL TO KEEP THE\n PEOPLE IN MOBILE HOME\n COMMUNITY HAPPY WITH WHAT\n THEY'RE DOING.. WHICH IS\n REALLY GOOD DAY ANDND UNDER\n DIFFICULT SITUATIONS AND\n ESPECIALLY TO KEEP RENTS DOWN\n AND THERE AND YOU KNOW I KNOW\n THAT BAD ACTORS TOO MUCH ON\n BUT I.. REALLY HAVE TO BE A\n PROTECTED CLASS AND THAT'S\n THAT'S IT I'M DONE.E.THANKS TOO\n YUEN NEXT THREE AT THE TIME\n YOU TEDDY WHO BELIEVE HAS\n WITHDRAWN..SOSO AFTER TANYA IS\n MORE CRIMES REMAIN HUMBLE AND\n AMY THOUGH THEY ARE LIKE YOU\n SHOULD BE ABLE TO MUTE\n YOURSELF NOW.W.ININ THEHE MARKT\n STILL SHOWING AS ME AGAIN I..\n DON'T KNOW IF HE'S HAVING\n TECHNICAL DIFFICULTY LET ME\n SEE IF I CAN AND YOU CAN FOR\n MY.Y. ANDND THAT IS NOT WORKING\n SO LET'S MOVE TO OUR NEXT\n SPEAKER AND MARK IF YOU CAN\n SEE IF YOU CANNOT RESOLVE\n YOUR MICROPHONE ISSUES SO YOU\n CANNOT MUTE..I THINK URINATED\n WE WERE FOR A MOMENT.T. LET'S\n GET BACK TO MARK IN FEW\n MOMENTS IF WE COULD SURE USE\n RATE OF ALL.L. THE WAY IT\n SHOULD BE ABLE TO MEET NOW\n THE OK I SAIAID I I CAN HEAR ME\n THAN ANY FEEDBACK FOR MY\n SNEAKERS ARE ACHING..NONO OKAKI\n KNOW THIS ISN'T A HUMBLE\n VILLAGE FOLDER AND\n UNFORTUNATELY I HAD A\n COMPUTER GLITCH AND THE NOTES\n I HAD WRITTEN TO STICK OUT\n YOU ARE NOW ON TO WHAT\n EVERYTHING NEW.W.SOSO FIRSTST T\n IF THE COUNCIL FOR YOUR\n ATTENTION TO MANUFACTURED\n HOME COMMUNITIES AND STAFF\n AND COUNCIL TO WORK ON THE\n PROCESSOR AND EIGHTY THREE\n EIGHTY THREE ON STRATEGY.Y.I\n REALLY APPRECIATE THAT I AM\n GRATEFUL FOR ARE.E. THOSE\n CERTAIN TRADITIONS ARE NOT\n BEING KILLED AND THANK YOU\n VERY MUCH FOR ALL THAT ON\n THIS ISSUE AROUND THE\n STABILITY ESPECIALLY THE\n SELLING OF HOMES IN ORCHARD\n GROVE.. BUYING OF HOMES AND\n WHAT REALLY BROUGHT IT TO THE\n FOREFRONT I'M.. I'M THE VICE\n PRESIDENT OF OUR HOMEOWNERS\n ASSOCIATION HERE AND PEOPLE\n TALKING ABOUT THINGS AND ALSO\n WORKING THE SIMEI BUY HER\n THINGS AND AS OF LATE.. THE\n NUMEROUS STORIES TO DISTRESS\n THE SUFFERING AND IT LEFT THE\n SPY DESCRIBED AS TRAUMA LIKE\n THIS ONE WOMAN I TALKED TO ON\n THE PHONE YESTERDAY..PEOPLE\n HAVE MOVED OUT THERE NOT HERE\n TO TESTIFY.Y.SHE'S JUST OFF\n INTERSTATE AND CHEESE I\n ALMOST WANT TO TALK ABOUT IT\n BECAUSE I'M LITERALLY TRYING\n TO HEAL FROM THE TRAUMA\n OF SELLING AND MOVING OUT\n OF THE VILLAGE.E. ANOTHER ONE\n AND HAS THESE PHYSICAL\n SYMPTOMS THAT COME UP WHEN I\n TALK WITH HER ABOUT IT.T. ANDND\n STOP TALKING AND I WANT TO\n SHARE MY STORY THAT AND YET\n SO IT'S JUST.T. IT'S REALLY\n TIME TO THE FOREFRONT\n OF PEOPLE REALLY ARE\n SUFFERING FROM THINGS THAT\n ARE HAPPENING AND YOU SEEM\n TO.O. BEE E E MAILS ANDND MORE\n DETAIL ON WHAT'S HAPPENING IN\n THE REQUESTS THAT ARE BEING\n MADE ARE IN LINE WITH WHAT\n PEOPLE ARE EXPERIENCING..SOSO I\n JUST REALLY REALLY REALLY\n GLAD TO SAY THAT THIS IS AN\n AREA THAT NEEDS TO BE\n ADDRESSED..SOME PARTS COVID I\n KNOW CAN'T BE FIXED THROUGH\n ORDINANCE BUT SOME THINGS CAN\n AND THE THINGS THAT CAN BE\n HELD BY ORDINANCE ON.N.II REALY\n HOPE THAT IT CAN HAPPEN SOON\n I I UNDERSTAND THAT IS SAYING\n ABOUT ADOPTING EIGHTY THREE\n EIGHTY THREE NOW IT'S.S. YOU\n KNOW I I CAN UNDERSTAND THAT..\n PART OF ME DOESN'T LIKE IT\n BECAUSE IT'S LIKE WELL IF YOU\n HAVE SOMETHING OPEN I KNEW TO\n DO LIST OF THE TOP IT'S MORE\n LIKELY TO GET DONE BY.Y. U US\n REALIZE THAT I HAND HIM A\n PLAY I DID ACTUALLY VOTES THE\n SUBJECT IN AN ENGAGING\n MEETING BACK IN MID JULY\n THAT.T. THERE'VE BEEN MANY MANY\n OTHER IT SAYS AND IT DIDN'T\n HAPPEN TO COME TOGETHER ON\n INCLUSION HERE.E.SOSO WHATEVER\n CANDY DANCE YOU DANCE THAT IS\n SKEWED AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.E.\n ON I I WOULD BE MUCH SHADEDE AD\n WITH MANY MANY HOMEOWNERS\n HERE ARE PEOPLE WHO WILL BE\n SELLING SOON OUR PROCESS NOW\n AND HAVING DIFFICULTY NOW SO\n DANG CUTE I CAN'T LET IT\n HAPPEN.N.QUQUE SARARA SARA TO\n REMARK I.. CAN GIVE A A TRY\n AGAIN AND GIVE HIM OR TRYING\n TO MOVE ON A NEED OF A TINYY\n TAKING THE WEEKEND THE TOWN\n WAS TASTY.. ANDND JUST TO THE N\n USES THE TERM BY.Y. THEHE MAJOR\n PRESS TAKE A GUESS BECAUSE\n YOU JUST WENT BACK TO ME THAT\n IF A HOLDING DOWN THE SPACE\n KEY IS A WAY TO ADDRESS THE\n ISSUE. OF THE WEEK AND THE\n TRANSFER OVER TO MY EYE TO\n EYE SEEMS TO LOSE.E.THTHE THE\n YOURSELF AGAIN MARK AM AFRAID\n TO FACE YOU MAKE A COMPRESS\n THE SPACE TIME AND JUST\n ADDRESSED COUNCIL AND WITHOUT\n YOUR SPEECH IF YOU NEED TO GO\n TO DIFFERENT SCREEN..WHY DON'T\n WE MOVE ON TO SERVE THE NEEDS\n OF A TINY TAKING THEM WILL\n COME BACK TO MARKETING AND SO\n ANY SHOULD BE ABLE TO MEET\n AMY..WELL THIS IS A N NOO NO\n GLASSES THREE AM ONENE OF THTHE\n THE TRADE THE THEHE MOBILE HOME\n PARKS AND BOAT MAN AS BEING\n ONE OF THEM..II THANK CRYSTAL\n FOR WORKING WITH THE\n MANUFACTURED HOME COMMUNITIES\n AND TALKING.. HIM THROUGH THIS\n ORDINANCE AND WHAT IT MEANS..\n PARTICULARLY HIGH AMOUNT THE\n STATE REGULATION THAT IS\n GOING ON RIGHT NOW WE CALL\n HOME HER WAS AMENDED IN TWO\n THOUSAND NINETY AND TWO\n THOUSAND AND TWENTY.. AS WELL\n AS IN TWO DOZEN EIGHTEEN IN\n MAY CREATING AN OVERSIGHT\n PROGRAM WHICH IS WHERE CHANCE\n ALSO GOT.. A A HALF COMPLAINTS\n AND WE WERE A LOT WITH THE\n CITY TO MAKE SURE THERE WAS\n DUPLICATION HAND TO MAKE SURE\n THAT WHAT YOU GUYS ARE\n PROPOSING TO DO WOOD.D. WORKING\n WHY NOT BEAT YOU COULD HAVE\n SO THANK YOU VERY MUCH\n CRYSTAL FOR THAT LATELY IN MY\n TRANSLATION SERVICES.S.THE\n COMPROMISE IS A GREAT WAY FOR\n ME CARR SAID MANY DIFFERENT\n TYPES OF LANGUAGES SPOKEN IN\n THE DARKNESS WILL ADDRESS\n THAT HE'S BEYOND JUST THE ASH\n SPEAKERS.S.SO THANK YOU AGAIN\n THE ADDRESS THE IDEA\n OF ADDITIONAL REGULATION AS\n WAS MENTIONED TODAY OVER.R. AND\n SOMEHOW REGULATING THE SALAD\n THAT ARE ARE SELLING THE\n WHOLE KAMPAR.R. I IS ANAN ADDIN\n TO ALREADY REGULATIONS AT THE\n STATE LEVEL AND ASK ME GO\n FORWARD IN THIS PROCESS I\n WOULD JUST TRY TO.. REMIND\n EVERYONE ABOUT ALL THAT\n REGULATION I JUST SAT ABOUT A\n MINUTE AGO THE LITTLE TIME TO\n BRAID AND SEE HOW IT WORKS..\nFOR EXAMPLE RIGHT NOW AT THE\n STATE LEVEL FOR THIRTY EIGHT\n GUESTS TWELVE DASHED SHE WON\n FOR.. THE REASON THEY HAVE\n DEALT WITH THE ISSUE OF RULE\n CHANGES AFTER A CHANCE TO ASK\n AGAIN.. I I NOTICED THE CRYSTAS\n AT ONE OF THE ISSUES BROUGHT\n BEFORE HER IS THIS IDEA\n OF WHAT YOU'RE SELLING YOUR\n HOUSE DOWN IN TWO THOUSAND\n TWENTY.Y. THOUSAND WHYY YOU WEE\n REQUIRED TO HAVE THE PURPLE\n HEDGES THAT.T. WELL THAT HAS\n BEEN A DRASTIC DECREASE IN\n ITS STATUTES IT IS DEEMED\n UNREASONABLE NEW RULE IS NOW\n DEEMED UNREASONABLE ON ITS\n FACE VALUE IT HAS ENACTED\n AFTER IT AND SIGNED ITS\n LEASE..IT ALSO PROVIDES FOR A\n SIXTY DAY PROCESS IT A RULE\n IS BEING PROPOSED FOR A\n PRESIDENTIAL BID OLD PROGRAM..\n SO I WOULD JUST ASK YOU\n PLEASE BE MINDFUL THAT THE\n REGULATIONS DON'T DUPLICATE\n OR HINDER WHAT'S GOING ON.N.YOU\n KNOW ADVOCATED BY\n REPRESENTATIVE HOON FOR NOW\n TWO YEARS GOING FORWARD AND\n LET'S JUST WORK TOGETHER AS A\n COMMUNITY ASKING FOR SOME\n THANK YOU I WAS.. VERY\n PLEASANT AND FRUITFUL \n INTERACTION HIS WORDS GAVE ME\n EXTRA MONEY WILL GO BACK TO\n MARK ROBINS..TOMMMMY SAYS JANE\n JANUARY WE CAN SEW ZIPPER SO\n I APOLOGIZE FIRST OF ALL MY\n THOUGHTS OF WORKING IN THE\n BACKGROUND I.I. KNEW HIS TIME\n PAID EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR FOR\n THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS THE\n ASSOCIATIONS WE REPRESENT THE\n MANUFACTURED MODULAR HOME\n INDUSTRY IN COLORADO.O. COMOME\n FIRST AND FOREMOST I WOULD\n LIKE TO RECOGNIZE CRYSTAL AND\n BRENDA INCUR FOR ALL OF THEIR\n SHIRTS.S. A AS THEYEY WORK THRH\n JUST BE THEIR STRATEGY IN\n GENERAL ORDINANCE IS AND THE\n INTERACTIONS THEY HAVE WORKED\n ON FOUR OR.R. DOES LIFE REALLY\n LONG TIME NOW IS HOW HE HAS\n BEEN A COUPLE YEARS I WOULD\n LIKE TO TAKE KNOWLEDGE STAND\n AND THEIR OPENNESS IN THEIR\n WILLINGNESS TO INTERACT WITH\n US.S. AND I IS THEE AMY MENTIOS\n JUST CONSIDERING OUR INPUT\n WHEN IT COMES TO THIS\n ORDINANCE LANGUAGE AND\n MODIFYING THE LANGUAGE\n SPECIFICALLY ONE PIECE IS THE\n RECEIPT LANGUAGE.E.THERE'S\n ALREADY A STATE LAW SPECIFIC\n TO SEE REQUIREMENTS AND THE\n CONSIDERATION IS THAT THE\n DUPLICATE IT AS THE LOCAL\n LEVEL IS APPRECIATED..JUST SO\n THEY BUSINESS OWNERS\n LANDLORDS AND FAT RATS ARE\n TRYING TO FIGURE OUT WHAT THE\n STATE IS REQUIRING HIM TO THE\n LOCAL JURISDICTION IS\n REQUIRING ACCENT RIGHT.T.\nEVERYBODY IS STREAMLINEDWE ALL\n APPRECIATE THAT AND SO I\n WANTED KNOWLEDGE ALL THEM FOR\n THAT AND ALSO ONE PIECE THAT\n WAS MENTIONED EARLIER IS IS\n THAT A KEY COMPONENT TO IT..\nTHE CITY OF BOULDER IS ALSO\n COMMUNITY OWNER NOW. AN END\n SO THAT MAKES THE ENTIRE\n ORDINANCE IT'S SUPER UNIQUE\n ONLY TO DEPRIVE THE INDUSTRY\n BUT ALSO INTO THE CITY HAS\n BEEN WE'RE TALKING ABOUT THE\n SALE OF HOMES WHICH.. I I I I I\n WAS SAD TO SESEE THE\n COMMUNICATIONS TODAY ABOUT\n THEIR RESIDENCE THEY WERE\n GOING TO TESTIFY ON BEHALF\n OF THE I GUESS THE INABILITY\n TO SOUTHERN HOMES.. BECAUSE\n OF CHALLENGES IN THEIR\n COMMUNITIES ACCENT WRATH THAT\n THE ORDINANCE THAT WAS PASSED\n A NUMBER OF YEARS AGO HAS NOT\n ADDRESSED THOSE ISSUES.S. THOSE\n NOW APPLY TO THE CITY\n OF BOULDER AND THE CITY OWNED\n PROPERTY OF HUNGER IS THAT SO\n I JUST ASK DAY WHEN IT COMES\n TO THOSE SITUATIONS.. WE ALL\n WORK TOGETHER TO DETERMINE\n THE BEST POLICY FOR THE\n REGION SO IT IT WORKS THAT\n THE CITY AND THE LANDOWNERS\n AND RESIDENTS COLLECTIVELY SO\n THAT WE ALL.. REALLY GET THEHE\n BEST OUTCOME FOR EVERYBODY SO\n I KNEW THAHAT IT ALSOSO DOES\n LEAVE EVERY CLASS IS THAT THE\n CELLS..I DON'T KNOW WHAT THEHE\n COMPLAINTS ARE BECAUSE I\n THOUGHT THAT THE INSPECTION\n REPORTING CENTER WAS. A\n BENEFIT FOR BOTH BUYERS AND\n SELLERS BUT THAT MIGHT NOT BE\n WORKING ON THE SAVIOR AND DO\n YOUR TIME'S UP.OK THANK YOU\n TO GIVE..SO MARK ROBINSON MORE\n TIME.E.YEYESS\n ++MUSIC PLAYING;; FIELD ARE\n YOUR.R.\nININ THEHE WEEKENDTHTHE YES WE\n CAN THEHE WHOLE WEEKEND HERE\n YOU MARK THE KNOW THE MARKET\n APPEARS THE EYE HERE I AM A\n YEAR WE CAN HEAR YOU..SO I IT\n LOOKS AS THOUGH I HAVE\n CHECKED THE LT THE YES IS.S. IN\n THE HOME TO THEHE AMERICAN COOT\n THOSE ASKING FOR A DELAY.. I IN\n ADOPTING EIGHTY THREE A\n DECREASE OF THEM CAN INCLUDE\n FIXES PEARLS AND SOME OTHERS\n INTO THE REASON.N. THIS IS\n HAPPENING NOW THE STATE HAS\n PRETTY STRICT ABOUT\n PROHIBITING PERK OWNERS FROM\n PROFITING OFF OF THEIR\n INTERFERING WITH THE SALE A\n HOME WITHIN THE PARK CAN.. USE\n ONE PARTICULAR DATE OR\n ANOTHER CANNOT ACCEPT THE\n FACTS ARE REALLY SAFE.. T TO SY\n THE SALE OF THEIR HOMES MOST\n OF THE HOME HE QUICKLY COMES\n TO NAMING THEM TO MEET\n CERTAIN STANDARDS IN ORDER TO\n SIGN A LEASE AND BECOME A\n RESIDENT.T. BUT A A LOOPHOLE SO\n THAT BY INSISTING ON\n DRACONIAN.. CHANGES TO THE\n HOME PURCHASE TO THE WAY TO\n MAKE THIS A HUNDRED THINGS IN\n COMMON WAS THE LAST MAYOR.R. IS\n ANOTHER EVENTUALLY THE\n CEREMONY OUT OF TOWN ARRIVES\n BEFORE THE HOME OR SENT TO\n THE PARENTS SUGGESTED ESTATE\n COMPANY AT A FRACTION OF ITS\n MARKET VALUE.E. THE COMPANY A S\n THINGS HAPPEN CAN THEN REMOVE\n THE HOME AND BRING IN THE\n ROOM TO SET UP AND MAKE EVEN\n MORE MONEY AND CAN THEREBY\n CIRCUMVENTING.. THE OLDER\n HOMES DURING THE LESSONS THAT\n HAVE THE ABILITY REQUIREMENTS\n REASON FOR THE SHENANIGANS BY\n HUNTERS IS SOMETHING THAT WAS\n THE NEWS STATIONS WAS PLAYING\n HAS BEEN LEVELED AT HER\n RESIDENCE INTIMIDATED..YEYESS E\n WRAPAROUND DAY FOR SOME BUT\n THE OWNERS FOR DECADES.S.BACK\n TO LAX NESS OF THE SONG HAS\n BECOME A NEW HOPE NEW POLL\n FOR SUMMER OWNERS TO MESS\n WITH THE RECENT ACCOUNTING\n FOR.. THESE REASONS WAS TO\n CONTINUE TO WORK AND THIS\n CREATES A BETTER PROTECTIONS\n BUT NOT IN THE STATE LEVEL\n BANK.K.OKOK THAHAT WILILL CLOS \n HEARING AND WILL BRING US\n BACK TO COUNCIL..I DON'T SEE\n ANY HANDS UP.P.I THINK WE COULD\n SEE THEIR DEMOTION OR BEGIN\n DISCUSSION.N.MANYNY OF THE IT\n MAKES SENSE THAT.T. AIMIM T TO\n FOLLOW STASH RECOMMENDATION\n TO GO AHEAD AND PASS EIGHTY\n THREE EIGHTY THREE AND THEN.N.\n MY PREFERENCE WOULD BE TO\n GIVE STAFF DIRECTION TO COME\n BACK WITH REVISIONS TO THE\n SALE OF MOBILE HOMES\n ORDINANCE PRIOR TO THE END\n OF THE YEAR SETS I WAS\n BASICALLY WHAT SHE SAID..I\n WOULD LIKE TO GIVE THEM\n DIRECTION TO STAFF ON THAT\n BASIS SOME PEARS OR PASSAGE\n OF EIGHTY THREE WOULD YOU\n LIKE TO MAKE A MOTION.N.I'LLLL\n PASS ORDINANCE EIGHTY THREE\n EIGHTY THREE WERE REVISING\n CERTAIN PRACTICES IN OUR\n MANUFACTURED HOME PARKS AS\n INDICATED IN THE TENTH\n CENTURY..SECOND I I CANAN GET T\n OF THE DISCUSSION DID NOT..\nLET'S HAVE A SHOWOW OF HANDS TO\n A STRANGER AN ON CAMERA IF\n YOU'D LIKE TO PASS EIGHTY\n THREE THE THIRD MEMBER\n UNANIMOUSLY..SOSO I IT IS REALY\n FREE PASSES..ANAND D II BEING A\n GIRL CALL..OKOK THANK YOUOU VEI\n KNEW THAT I I LIKIKE M MYY FRI.\nJUST PICICK A A PROFIT.T.WEAVERE\n GATESYESS I I AM.M.\nGUESTS MAY GO\n THE THEHE THIS AND THIHIS I ISS\n SAFE GROUND TO OPEN IN TIME\n AND NOW FOR A A FACT.T. THAT IM\n THE FIRST THREE COMMENTS THAT\n I HAVE PARTIALLY DONE BOTH\n COASTS ARE REALLY MEANT TO SO\n SHALL WE.E.THTHE CHILI SHOULD E\n ABLE TO VIEW.W. THEHE THEHE BAR\n WITH THREE OF FIVE HOLLY\n BERRY LANE IN BOULDER ON\n STUFF I THANK THE CITY\n COUNCIL FOR PEACE THE PASSING\n OF THE OUR MANNER OUR CHOICE.E.\n BALLOT MEASURE SEVENTY TWO AT\n FIRST READING RESCUE STAY THE\n COURSE OF THE VOTERS DECIDE\n IF THEY WANT TO VOTE FOR THE\n BIGGEST ELECTION REFORM HAS\n HAD IN GENERATIONS..ITIT WILL E\n A HUGE STEP IN HOLDING OUR\n ELECTION SYSTEM TO MAKE HIM\n OR JUST INCLUSIVE AND DIVERSE\n GOVERNMENT.T. WE HAVE THREE\n YEARS TO WORK ON WITH THE\n COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE AND THE\n STATE PROCESS FOR\n IMPLEMENTATION.N.MOST CITIES\n HAVE IMPLEMENTED BRANCHES\n DURING OUR LAST TIME SO THIS\n ISN'T A STRETCH IN THE ARMY\n HAS BEEN THROUGH WE WOULD\n FULLY SUPPORT CASTLE ASKING\n VOTERS FOR MORE TIME.E.SOME SAY\n IS IS A A YEAR TO SEE THEHE WHL\n NOW IS THE TIME.. THE OLDER\n RESIDENTS THAT WERE SERIOUS\n ABOUT INCREASING VOTER\n TURNOUT CREATING GREATER\n INCLUSION REDUCING POLITICAL\n POLARIZATION AND GIVING\n VOTERS MORE CHOICE ON\n ELECTION REFORM DOES WANT TO\n ME OR TO FOLLOW.W.WEWE CHOOSE O\n WAIT IN THE DENVER HAS PAVED\n THE WAY FOR US WE LEAD THE\n WAY ONN ELECTION REFORM ACROSS\n THE STATE..I HAVE SEEN THE\n ARMY AIR CORPS CHOICE TV.V.\n OLDER IS NOT ALONE IN ITS\n PURSUIT OF ELECTION REFORM.M.\n SENATOR MICHAEL BENNET HAS\n WORKED ON LEGISLATION THAT\n WOULD PROVIDE FINANCIAL\n RESOURCES FOR COMMUNITIES TO\n COVER THE EXPENSES\n OF CHANGING THEIR ELECTION\n SYSTEMS.. OR STATE LEGISLATURE\n IS ALSO TAKING A SIMILAR BILL\n FOR COLORADO.O. ON TOTOP OF THT\n RIGHT NOW DENVER'S CURRENTLY\n WORKING WITH THE STATE\n IMPLEMENT BRANCH WAS THE\n MAYOR AND COUNCIL ELECTIONS\n IN TWENTY TWENTY THREE COUNTY\n CLERKS IN HER LETTER TO\n COUNCIL..II BELIEVE OUR CITY IS\n COMING LIKE FOR MY TEAM\n HELPED SHAPE THE\n IMPLEMENTATION ON A TIMELINE\n THAT SETS US UP TO BE A\n SUCCESSFUL POSSIBLE..WE\n COULDN'T AGREE MORE..WE ASKED\n THE COUNCIL PASSES MEASURE IF\n YOU CAN WORK HERE TO SHOW YOU\n NEXT TRIP CURSE ISRAEL OR\n WRITE HIM AND HIS AARON JAMES\n DUNCAN R I U ARE THE OTHER\n HDMI COLLEGES..ANYHOW ALLEGES\n THE PROPOSED PLAN THROUGH ONE\n QUARTER OF ALL THREE JOBS\n AGO.. LARGELY BY KILLING THEM\n WITH CARBON MONOXIDE IS\n OVERREACHING UNCONSCIONABLE\n AND SCIENTIFIC PLAN IS NOT\n ALIGNED WITH THE CONSCIENCE\n OF OUR CITY RESIDENTS CAME\n FOR OPEN SPACE TO YOUR\n ABUNDANT WILDLIFE THAT HAS\n TREATED HUMANELY.Y. COMMENTS TO\n VIEW OUR ELECTED\n REPRESENTATIVES HAVE LARGELY\n BEEN IN OPPOSITION TO THE\n PROPOSED PLAN AND IN SUPPORT\n OF THE CONSCIENCE MORE\n BALANCED OPTION THAT WOULD\n MINIMIZE THE CHILLING\n CONCERNED RESIDENTS ARE\n STANDING OUT.T.THEY ARE\n SHOUTING KNEW THAT THE PLAY\n AND SKINS IS JUST NOT RIGHT..\nTONIGHT YOU HAVE THE\n OPPORTUNITY TO MAKE THE\n PLANNED BETTER BY SUPPORTING\n KEYBOARD WHILE IT'S WIN WIN\n OPTION THAT WAS PAINSTAKINGLY\n TREATED BUT ALL INTEREST IN\n MIND.D. OF OTHER POSITIONS ARE\n PROPOSED AMENDMENTS WOULD\n PROVIDE AT LEAST CONTROL IT\n FOR ANY LETHAL CONTROL\n STAKEHOLDERS AND STAFF WILL\n ANALYZE EACH PARCEL TO\n DETERMINE WHERE NON LETHAL\n AND LETHAL METHODS WOULD BE\n MOST EFFECTIVE.E.THE KEY IS\n THAT KNOWLEDGEABLE\n STAKEHOLDERS MUST ENGAGE THE\n ANALYSIS TO ADD SCIENCE AND\n EXPERIENCE.E. WE MUST TRUST I N\n WHAT WHERE WHY AND HOW WE ARE\n KILLING WILDLIFE BEFORE WE DO\n SO.O. ALSO THE SPECIAL PERMIT\n WOULD BE USED ONLY ON\n PROPERTIES IDENTIFIED FOR\n LIZA CONTROL OF THE\n STAKEHOLDERS ANALYSIS THAT I\n MENTION THEY ALSO ASKED THAT.T.\n STAFF CONSIDER OUTSIDE\n FUNDING AND RESOURCES TO\n INCREASE THE NUMBER\n OF ANIMALS RELOCATED TO THE\n SOUTHERN GRASSLANDS AND TO\n SUPPORT COEXISTENCE\n STRATEGIES JANE GOODALL\n RECENTLY SAID QUOTE WE MEAN\n ALL LIVING THINGS ARE ALL\n CONNECTED..WEWE DON'T GET THAT\n LESSON FROM THIS PANDEMIC\n THAT MAY BE REMEMBERED WELL\n I'M COLD.D. S SO PLEASE IMPROVE\n CABLE THERE WAS AN AMENDMENT\n IS TO SHOW THAT WE HAVE\n INDEED LEARNED SOMETHING AND\n HE REALLY MEANT TO SERVE\n SPENT IN RECENT MEMORY.Y.II KNW\n I I I I O ONN THE PSALM I I WOD\n LIKE TO ASK THE COUNCIL ON\n HOW MANY OF YOU WHO SUPPORTS\n FROM SAY RACIST IMMIGRATION\n POLICIES.S.HOW MANYNY OF YOU WT\n A WALL ACROSS THE SOUTHERN\n BORDER.R.I'I'M GOING TO ASK THT\n OF THE BROADER RESIDENTS\n OF BOULDER AS WELL BECAUSE\n ALL OF LAST LIVING ON THE\n STOLEN AND OCCUPIED LANDS\n OF THE U ARAPAHOE AND\n CHEYENNE PEOPLE.. ANDND MANANY\n OF YOU OUR LANDLORDS AND\n USING THE LAWS OF THIS\n COLONIZE IN GOVERNMENT.T.YOU\n CLAIM OWNERSHIP OVER THIS\n LAND UNSEATED BY THE TREATY\n OF FORT LARAMIE.. AND YETET I I\n HEAR NON STOP COMPLAINTS AND\n TARGETING BY BOULDER POLICE\n ON HOUSED INDIVIDUALS IN THIS\n COMMUNITY WHO ARE\n DISPROPORTIONATELY THEMSELVES\n IMMIGRANTS BLACK OR\n INDIGENOUS PEOPLE.. AND I HEAER\n AND I HEAR THEM STEREOTYPED\n AS OUTSIDERS TO OUR COMMUNITY\n FROM PEOPLE LIKE TOM CARR\n OF SEATTLE MARINERS.. ONLY\n OF CINCINNATI JAMES GOT A\n GAME OF DUBLIN OHIO BOB GATES\n OF OMAHA MAYOR.R. OF NEW YORK\n MARY YOUNG OF TEXAS ITEMS\n THAT LOOK OF GREEN BAY JIMMY\n JOSEPH BORDER FENCE RACHEL\n FRIEND OF INDIANA.A. SAM WEAVER\n OF WHEREVER HE CAME FROM\n WITCHES HIDING WELL AND HER\n NEIGHBOR WHOSE EXODUS TO\n SOUTH AFRICA FOR SIXTEEN\n YEARS WOULD DISQUALIFY HIM\n FROM SERVICE UPON RETURN FROM\n SERVICES UPON RETURNING TO\n BOULDER..UMUM AND YOU PEOPLE\n DEMONIZE THE HOME WAS.. NOTOT\n COMING HERE THE RIGHT WAY\n EVEN THOUGH THE RIGHT WAY IS\n A YEARS LONG CONFUSING\n PROCESS OF MEANS TESTING AND\n PAPERWORK.. THAT FORCES PEOPLE\n TO BASE THEMSELVES BETWEEN\n DISCRIMINATE DISCRIMINATORY\n OFFICIALS IN THE MEANTIME\n PEOPLE ARE TRAPPED IN A\n DANGEROUS LIMBO AND EXPOSED\n TO THREATS AND VIOLENCE THAT\n HOUSING WOULD PROTECT THEM\n FROM.M.MEANWHILE FIRM HABER\n SAYS THAT HE IS ACTIVELY\n TRYING TO DISCOURAGE PEOPLE\n BY TELLING THEM THAT THEY ARE\n NOT ENOUGH BEDS AND THEY ARE\n NOT WELCOME HERE.E. ABOUT WHAT\n YOUR DOING AND WHAT'S WRONG\n IF YOU KOW KOW LARRY C JAMES\n BOND IN A LOT OF RACING AND\n THEODORE JAMES. THE COUNCIL\n THANKS FOR THANKS FOR ALL\n YOUR HARD WORK I REALLY\n APPRECIATE.E.I RECOGNIZE AS THE\n EFFORTS ARE GOING ON I WOULD\n LIKE TO HAVE YOU RECONSIDERED\n THE INTENTIONS WITH THE UNI\n AFTER.. THEHE PARADADE WITH XLD\n SUPPORTING THE TUNA SENSATION\n WITH OVER SEVENTY SPEAKERS\n AND THE OVERWHELMING MAJORITY\n IN FAVOR OF NOT RUSHING YOU\n NEED TO ABOUT ISSUE..ITIT WAS\n SURPRISING AND OUR CHAGRIN TO\n HEAR COUNCIL'S INTENTION\n AFTER I HEARD SO MANY\n ARTICULATE AN ECONOMIC.C.\n ARGUMENTS IN RECENT HEADLINE\n REALLY NICE SHE HAS SHRUNK\n PAST THE POINT OF NO RETURN.\n REMARKED I SHE IS GOING TO BE\n THE CANARY IN THE COAL MINE\n AND IS PRETTY MUCH DEAD AT\n THIS POINT.T.ANOTHER HEADLINE\n THAT WE'RE ON TRACK FOR WORST\n CASE IPCC CLIMATE CHANGE\n SCENARIO.O. I IN THE PRESENTATN\n LAST WEEK BY THE POWER\n MONOPOLY THE REPRESENTATIVE\n SAID ABOUT THAT OCCUPIES\n ASPECT OF THE DEAL WITH THE\n CITY HAS THE ABILITY TO\n PARTICIPATE IN THE PLAN ALL\n WONDERFUL..HOHOWW NICE OF THEMO\n LET US PARTICIPATE..HOW\n ARROGANT THEY GOING TO LET US\n SIT AT THE TABLE.E.WELL I I GOT\n NEWS FOR HIM.M.IT'S'S OUR TABLE\nIT'S YOUR NIGHT TABLE..ANOTHER\n HEADLINE I SAW NEW YORK\n ATTORNEY GENERAL FILES\n LAWSUIT TO DISSOLVE THE NRA\n IN THIS COUNTRY WE THE PEOPLE\n ARE THE SOVEREIGN LEADER IN\n THE COMMUNITY RIGHTS\n MOVEMENT.T.WRIGHT RECENTLY SAID\n HISTORICALLY WE THE PEOPLE\n ESTABLISH OUR FEDERAL\n GOVERNMENT AND BUSINESS\n CORPORATIONS TO SERVE US WITH\n DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES\n TO ACT IN THE INTEREST.T.\n CORPORATIONS WERE CHARTERED\n TO OBEY ALL LAWS TO SERVE THE\n COMMON GOOD AND YOU CAUSE NO\n HARM.M. ANDND H HE WENT ON TO Y\n HAVE WE FORGOTTEN WHO WE THE\n PEOPLE ARE CITIZENS WITH\n TREMENDOUS CONSTITUTIONAL\n AUTHORITY TO GOVERN\n OURSELVES..GRAB THE BULL BY\n THE HORNS INSTEAD OF LETTING\n THE TAIL WAG.G.THANK YOYOU JAMS\n R WILSON THEATRE GARNERED HER\n A LONG YEAR.R.IT'S'S THE OLDERR\n MAN IN HIS OWN LABELS AND I'D\n ORGANIZE THEIR ROOMS ARE FOR\n PEOPLE I'M SPEAKING TONIGHT\n BECAUSE MEMBERS YOUNG AND\n SINGLE MOLECULE MERELY FOR.R.\n WE ARE HERE TO KEEP THE\n SPOTLIGHT ON YOUR SHAME\n OF DEMOCRACY AND ALSO TO LET\n YOU KNOW THAT WE'RE NOT GOING\n AWAY.Y. ON SUMMER WORK ON OUR\n WAY SAYS OR INDEFINITELY\n DELAY OUR AND OTHERS' QUEST\n FOR HOUSING JUSTICE IN HIS\n TOWN.N. I IN TWO FUNDAMENTAL\n ELEMENTS TO WHAT I WATCHED\n UNFOLD AND I FIRST MET WITH\n CITY STAFF IN DECEMBER\n OF TWENTY NINE IN. UNDERSTAND\n WHAT IS NEEDED FOR A CITIZEN\n LED INITIATIVE TO BE ON THE\n BALLOT.T.FIRST IS THAT THE\n CONSTITUTION GIVES US PEOPLE\n WRITE ACCESS THE TRADITION\n THAT IS THAT YOU HEAPS TOOK\n AN OATH OF OFFICE TO UPHOLD\n THE STATE CONSTITUTION.N.\n FOLLOWED YOUR ADVICE AND\n EXCEEDED THE REQUIREMENTS\n LAID OUT YET YOU HAVE USED\n YOUR POWER OVERTLY EXPLICIT\n EXPLICITLY AND INTENTIONALLY\n SABOTAGE OUR DEMOCRATIC RIGHT\n ABOUT. THE DEFINITION\n OF AUTHORITARIAN CONTROL YOUR\n POWERS FOR OTHERS'\n PARTICIPATION IN THE\n POLITICAL PROCESS AT WILL..\nTHEY HAVE STEEL YOURSELVES\n AGAINST OUR COMMON YOU KNOW\n IN YOUR HEART OF HEARTS WITH\n ALL THE NOISE SUBSIDES WE ARE\n RIGHT I KNOW YOU KNOW WHAT\n YOU HAVE DONE IS WRONG..WHAT'S\n MORE DEMONSTRATED VERY\n EFFECTIVELY TO THE ..OUR CORERE\n MISSIONS AS PART OF A LARGER\n FIGHT FOR JUSTICE..\n INSTITUTIONS AND POWERS THEY\n HAVE DENIED IT FOR SO LONG\n SHOWN YOURSELVES TO BE PART\n OF THAT PROBLEM.. IN\n SOLIDARITY WITH COUNTLESS\n OTHER OVER OCCUPIED INTERESTS\n IN RESIDENCE WHEN THE CALL\n FOR MORATORIUM ON\n ENFORCEMENT.. HOUSING IS AA\n HUMAN RIGHT WE WILL KEEP\n WORKING UNTIL THE CITY HAS\n LAWS THAT REFLECT THAT\n COUNCIL UNDERSTANDS THAT AND\n USE IT AS THE WORLD FROM\n BANDS.. YOU LOVE THEE NEXT\n THREE HUNDRED CALORIES FROM\n THE THEATER WHO HEAR IT..IF\n YOU THINKNK MY AIM ISIS T TO\n ++MUSIC PLAYING;; THE GAMES\n ARE FOR PEOPLE.E. TO BE AND I I\n KNOW THE REASONS WOMEN IN THE\n COURTS MASK ISN'T HE THE\n GOVERNOR IS CALLING PLAYS\n MORATORIUM ON EVICTIONS WE\n CAN FIND A MORE EQUITABLE\n SOLUTION.N. HERE THIS IS THE\n FUTURE WHEN THEY LEARN ABOUT\n THIS YEAR LIKE THE BOOK ON\n ITS SENSE OF SHAME.E.QUITE\n SIMPLY OUR PROXIES FAILED TO\n FUNCTION PROPERLY BECAUSE\n OF THE OR WAITING ROOM\n OCCUPANCY LIMITS.S.ALAS QUITE\n FRANKLY EVEN SAYS LAST\n MONTH'S THEME IS AND PRIVATE\n FROM VARIOUS COUNCIL MEMBERS\n ++MUSIC PLAYING;; CREDIBILITY\n OF THIS COUNCIL IS A GOOD\n DOCTOR HAS US. ON TOP OF THIS\n THIS AND PAST COUNCILS HAVE\n REPEATEDLY FAILED TO ACT IN\n OCCUPANCY DESPITE REPEATED\n RECOMMENDATIONS FROM VARIOUS\n WORKING GROUPS.S.HOHOW CAN WE\n EXPECT A DIFFERENT RESULT IN\n THE FUTURE. RECOMMENDATIONS\n OF CITY STAFF COUNCIL FAILED\n TO FIX THE OPPOSITE OF THE\n TWO DOZEN EIGHTEEN ELECTIONS\n WERE IN GROUP HAS BEEN\n REVEALED TO BE DEEPLY FLAWED.\nTHIS FURTHER UNDERMINES TRUST\n IN USING WORKING GROUPS..MORE\n GENERALLY TO EFFECT CHANGE IN\n THE CITY HOWEVER RELY ON TO\n DELIVER RESULTS.. BY NOTING\n THAT I OBSERVED SOME REAL\n LEADERSHIP FROM SEVERAL\n OF YOU.U. DURING THE DISCUSSION\n OF THE SAUDI ALL I DO BELIEVE\n THE PAPERS THE PAST THE TAG\n HOLDERS CHALLENGES AS WE\n WOULD ASK THAT YOU LOOK\n CLOSELY AT HOW RECENT EVENTS\n PROFOUNDLY UNDERMINED TRUST..\nI MEAN THIS WHOLE PROCESS EVEN\n INSTITUTIONS AND HOW COUNCIL\n TO RESTORE SOME CREDIBILITY\n ISSUE ANOTHER WORKING GROUP\n WILL NOT SOLVE HIS MORATORIUM\n ON ENFORCEMENT AND POLITICAL\n SOLUTION IS REACHED..I STARTED\n A HUGE THANK YOU FOR YOUR\n TIME SAID POLLY FROM DIARY AT\n LEAST A LIGHT OR TOO LOW.MINE\n IS THERE AN ORGANIZER WITH\n PATTERNS ARE FOR PEOPLE..\nTONIGHT WE'RE ASKING THAT YOU\n IMMEDIATELY STOP ENFORCING\n ITS CLIENTS UNTIL THE CITIES\n ADDRESS THE HARMS OF THIS LAW\n THAT MAKES PEOPLE AND\n PREVENTS PEOPLE FROM\n AFFORDABLE HOUSING OPTIONS IN\n BOULDER.. AS MANYNY OF YOU KNOW\n WEEK AFTER THE COLORADO\n SUPREME COURT CASE WHERE WE\n HAD TO SUE THE CITY\n OF BOULDER.R. COURT DECLINED TO\n MAKE A RULING OUR CASE AND\n RULED THAT THEY HAD NO\n OPINION ON THE MATTERS\n PRESENTED AND THEY DISMISSED\n OUR PEOPLE.E. WERE DISAPPOINTED\n THAT SUPREME COURT DECLINED\n TO MAKE A RULING THE BLAME\n FOR WHY BETTORS ARE FOR\n PEOPLE WILL NOT.. BUY BILLIONS\n OF PEOPLE WILL NOT BE ON THE\n BALLOT LIES SOLELY IN THE\n HANDS OF FIVE CITY COUNCIL\n MEMBERS SAM WEAVER MARY ON\n NEARBY NAGEL MARK AND BOB\n GATES.YOU HAVE SHOWN\n YOURSELVES UNWILLING TO\n LISTEN TO VOICES IN THE\n COMMUNITY..YOU SHOW YOURSELVES\n TO BE DISHONEST PEOPLE IN\n YOUR OFFICE YOUR SHOW\n YOURSELVES TO BE VINDICTIVE\n INCLUDING BOB GATES\n INAPPROPRIATE EMAILS TO\n NONPROFITS THAT ENDORSED US..\n AND YOU HAVE SHOWN OURSELVES\n UNWILLING TO UPHOLD THE MOST\n BASIC FORM OF DEMOCRACY\n ALLOWING PEOPLE THEIR RIGHT\n TO VOTE.. CONSISTENTLY CORRUPT\n PRESIDENT ACTIONS FROM\n BOULDER CITY COUNCIL ARE\n INEXCUSABLE AND WE'LL HOLD\n YOU ACCOUNTABLE THROUGH THIS\n PROCESS YOU'VE GIVEN US A\n GIFT EVERY OPS COLORWAY.Y.WEWE\n HAVE NOT ONLY MET THE\n CHALLENGES BUT WE EXCEL..WEWE\n BUILT THE MOST INCREDIBLE\n ORGANIZATION PEOPLE I'VE EVER\n WORKED WITH..WE'RE NOT DONE\n YET..I WANTNT EVERYONE TO KNOW\n THAT WE WILL NOT STOP UNTIL\n WE BRING MORE FAIR AND\n EQUITABLE HOUSING TO BOULDER.R.\nOUR TEAM HAS DECIDED THAT\n WE'RE ORGANIZED WE'RE READY\n WE'RE DETERMINED TO PUT NAMES\n OF PEOPLE ON THE BALLOT IN\n TWENTY TWENTY ONE.. BECAUSE\n THE PEOPLE HAVE THE POWER TO\n WORK FOR JUSTICE THE PEOPLE\n HAVE THE POWER TO WORK FOR\n JUSTICE..THANK YOU BACKK YETET\n SAID ALLIE FROM THE GREAT\n AWAKENING REBECCA DAVIES\n ALLEY THE SENATE FOR A VERY\n STRAIGHT COUNTY CLERK STATED\n IN HER RECENT LETTER TO\n COUNCIL..COLORADO IS\n NATIONALLY RECOGNIZED AS A\n LEADER IN ELECTIONS AND\n THEY'RE COMMITTED TO\n CONTINUING THAT REPUTATION AS\n THE FOREHAND FUTURE..THOSE\n WORDS MADE ME FEEL PROUD AND\n HOPEFUL AS BOTH CURRENT AND\n OLDER..SHE'S ABSOLUTELY\n CORRECTRIGHT NOW THE ENTIRE\n NATION IS LOOKING AT US AND\n HOW IT WILL ASK.. WHYHY BECAUSE\n WE'D NEVER BEEN AFRAID TO BE\n AMONG THE FIRST TO TRY\n SOMETHING.. LIKE MAIL IN\n BALLOTS BECAUSE WE'VE NEVER\n SETTLE FOR STATUS QUO AND\n THEY'RE WILLING TO PUT IN\n WORK FOR OUR DEMOCRACY.\n BECAUSE THE CAVE THE WAY WE\n SET THE STANDARDS OF OTHER\n STATES WILL EVENTUALLY FOLLOW\n AND WE ARE THE REASONS I AM\n GRATEFUL TO CALL COLORADO MY\n HOME.E.WEWE SEE A BETTER WAY\n OF DOING THINGS WE DON'T\n WAIT.T.BOTH ARE ANSWERABLE\n DRAINS ARE MEMBERS OF ONE\n OF THE MOST PROGRESSIVE\n COMMUNITIES IN THE STATE WILL\n OR HAS SOME HISTORY OF PAVING\n THE WAY IN SETTING STANDARDS\n FOR ADMISSION..NONOT AS IN\n SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY IN OUR\n COMMITMENT TO EACH OTHER AND\n SPIRIT OF THIS COMMUNITY..THE\n BOULDER COUNTY CLERK STATED\n VERY CLEARLY THAT SHE\n BELIEVES RANKED RACER MEETING\n IS ON ITS LAST SHE LED HER\n TEAM TO THE HEART ISN'T IN\n SPITE OF CONCERNS THAT SHE\n AND OTHERS HAVE EXPRESSED..I\n FELT SEE HOW THREE YEARS DOES\n NOT ALLOW FOR ADEQUATE TIME..\n YOU KNOW THIS TRANSITION\n TAKES IN ALL THE GREASE. THAT\n HAS NEVER STOPPED HER FROM\n DOING THE RIGHT THING AND\n PASS AND WAIT ANOTHER YEAR\n DOES NOT LIGHTEN THAT LOAD\n ILLINI GREAT HONOR FOR THE\n ASSETS OF GROUPS THIS.S. WAS AN\n ALL BOULDER CITY COUNCIL\n MEMBERS FOR ENGAGING IN SUCH\n ROBUST AND CONSTRUCTIVE\n DISCOURSE AROUND THIS\n INITIATIVE AND ARE MAKING\n THOUSANDS OF COMMUNITY\n MEMBERS STILL HEARD. A A HISS\n AND I I AARONON AND RACHEL DUTY\n AND NEARBY WHO VOTED IN\n SUPPORT OF THE FIRST READING\n TWO WEEKS AGO.LET'S CONTINUE\n THIS WORK..LET'S CONTINUE TO\n BE PALER AND SET THE STANDARD\n THE EIGHTY GALLON.N.THTHEE REAN\n WHY REBECCA DAVEY ME SHOOT OR\n HELLO MY NAME IS WASTE AWAY\n AND THE MONTH ABOUT THE\n VOLUNTEER AND WAS ALL ABOUT\n THE CAMPAIGN IN FEBRUARY.Y.ITIT\n FEELS LIKE A COMMON APPROACH\n TO AN ANTIQUATED RULE OUT\n LOOKING FOR A BODY TO BE HOLY\n I PERSONALLY DIDN'T HAVE ANY\n INTENTION OF GETTING\n INVOLVED.D. BUT THEN THE ANSWER\n TO THAT HE WAS ASTONISHED TO\n LEARN THAT THE MAJORITY\n OF PEOPLE REPORTING DEMOCRACY\n BY THE ATTACK THAT DURING A\n PANDEMIC.C.I LET THEE BOY\n IGNORED COLLEGE HELD A PEEK\n AT HOW ELECTRONIC HE REFUSED\n TO HOLD A HEARING ON THTHE\n BALLOT.T.SOSO THENN NOTOT B BED\n USING THE CONSOLE AND HAVE\n BEEN IN DEMOCRACY WHEN CITY\n COUNCIL OR IN PERSON.N.THTHE\n REFLECTION ON THE NO LONGER\n GET BACK INTO THE BALLOT THAT\n THE HYMN AND THE AIR WHEN THE\n VOLUNTEER YOU.. WILILL KNOWINGY\n OF THE DEDICATED VOLUNTEERS\n CONTINUED ALONG THE WAY THIS\n WAY AND I'M EXCITED TO SEE\n WHAT WE CAN ACCOMPLISH BOTH\n HOUSING POLICIES AND HOLDING\n OUR LAST HOPE.E. CAN'T I I HAVE\n ELEVATED THE AGE WE ARE\n REALLY IMPORTANT ISSUE AND AS\n MANY PREVIOUS BECAUSE THE\n BOULDER CREEK MARSH WHERE AM\n I MEANT WAS..THESE AREE THE\n THREE OF REBECCA DAVIES\n RECENT TOUR MEMBER REBECCA..\n THE SHOW M ME YOURSELF BECAUSE\n YOU'RE ON THE PHONE YOU MAY\n NEED TO PRESS STAR SIX TO DO\n STILL.. HATATE THEHE CAMPP THE\n OTHER BALCONIES AND IMAN ARE\n NEITHER WITH BEDROOMS ARE FOR\n PEOPLE IN THE PAST LIKE MONTH\n CAMPAIGN TO BRING FAIR\n HOUSING TO BOULDER HAS MORE\n COAL THAN ANY BALLOT\n INITIATIVE SHOULD.AFTER\n DRAFTING A MEASURE WE'RE\n READY FOR COLLECTING NATURE..\nJUST WHEN THE PANDEMIC IT LIKE\n EVERYONE ELSE WERE FORCED\n INDOORS AND WAIT UNTIL THE\n ORDER LISTED.D.DESPITE THAT\n OLDER VOTERS PASSED A MEASURE\n TO ALLOW ELECTRONIC\n SIGNATURES NEARLY TWO YEARS\n AGO ACQUIRED REQUESTED EVERY\n ONE OF THE FOUR THOUSAND\n FORTY EIGHT SIGNATURES A DAY\n WHEN THE ORDER LISTED..WEWE\n STAND ACROSS THE CITY AN HOUR\n THE HOT SUN AND SHIELD HER\n CLIPBOARD FROM THE RAIN AND\n NEARLY EIGHT THOUSAND\n THINKERS ARE ODD.. AND YETET TE\n CHALLENGE OF THE PANDEMIC\n WERE TRIVIAL COMPARED TO THE\n LEGAL BATTLE HAD OCCURRED.D.\n DUE TO HOLD THE CITY\n OF BOULDER ACCOUNTABLE FOR\n FAILING TO PROVIDE A FAIR\n PLAYING FIELD.. A AS IT TURNED\n OUT ANY COMBINATION OR\n RULEMAKING AND FIFTY YEARS\n OF ENTRENCHED ANTI HOUSING\n OPPOSITION FROM A SMALL BUT\n POWERFUL MINORITY WITH MORE\n THAN OUR CAMPAIGN COULD\n OVERCOME. AND YET HERE WE ARE\n BETTER PEOPLE HAVE NOT\n FIGHTING FOR FAIR HOUSING IN\n BOULDER..IN FACACT WITH EVERY\n OBSTACLE WE FACE EVERY TIME\n THE COUPLE SAYS NO INTEREST\n IN THEIR TENT OR COMPROMISE\n OR RANK GROW.W. NOW THAT THE\n INADEQUATE FEASIBLE TO THE\n ELECTION PROCESS AND HOW THE\n POLICY ON FULL DISPLAY OUR\n SUPPORT BASE STRONGER THAN\n EVER. WE LOOK FOR IT WITHIN\n THE CAMPAIGN AGAIN IN TWENTY\n TWENTY ONE AND PRETTY..THE\n BIGGEST VOTER TURNOUT THE\n CITY HAS SEEN DURING A NINE\n YEAR.R. SO I'D LIKE TO THANK\n THE COUNCIL AND THEIR\n OPPOSITION FOR MAKING US\n STRONGER.R. FOR SHINING A LIGHT\n ON THE VAST GULF BETWEEN THE\n KIND OF HOUSING TO A BOULDER\n RESIDENT TO SERVE AND THE\n TOTAL LACK OF CHOICE THEY'VE\n BEEN GIVEN.N. A MORATORIUM ON\n ADDICTION PROGRESSES AND THE\n OF THE NECESSARY FIRST STEP\n FOR APPLE TO SHOW THEY CARE\n ABOUT A THOUSAND ABLE TO READ\n AND SUPPORT OUR CAMPAIGN.N.\nLET'S BE CLEAR IT WILL BE JUST\n THE FIRST AT THANK YOU TO ME\n SHOULD TOUR..TIM BURTON\n CHRISTIAN OR BACK TO THEHE CAN.\nII MEAN THEE SEVENTEEN AND I\n WOULD LIKE TO READ A\n STATEMENT FROM MY FRIEND\n LESLIE WHO IS THE GOVERNOR\n OF THE OCCUPY BOULDER\n MOVEMENT.T. DEMANDING A REPEAL\n OF THE CAMP BAND AND AN END\n TO POLICE HARASSMENT AND\n BRUTALITY..WE ARE ALWAYS TOLD\n HIM WHERE TO ASK THE POLICE\n THE SAME QUESTION AND ALL WE\n GET OUR DEER IN HEADLIGHTS.S.\nTHE SHELTER IS INCREDIBLY A\n BLUES DISCRIMINATORY AGAINST\n FOLKS THAT DISABILITY EYE AND\n AN ARTIST OF OCCUPY BOULDER\n SUFFER FROM BIPOLAR DISORDER\n TIMAH SEIZURES.S.THE SHELTER\n TOLD ME THAT I CANNOT DO\n THINGS FOR MYSELF I'M QUOTE\n NOT FIT TO STAY DAY SO I LET..\n MY FRIENDS AND GOOD HITTERS\n HAVE SERVICE DOGS THE SHELTER\n ALSO DOES NOT EXTEND MY WATCH\n TIME AND TIME AGAIN THE\n SHELTER TERM DISABLED FOLKS\n AWAY JUST BECAUSE THEY ARE\n SERVICE ANIMALS..THE ELEVATOR\n AT THE SHELTER DOESN'T WORK\n HALF THE TIMES OF FOLKS IN\n WHEELCHAIRS OR SHADOW LUCK\n BUT PLEASE CONTINUE TO MOVE\n US BUT WE HAVE NOWHERE TO GO..\nWE ARE CONSTANT VICTIMS OF AN\n IMPOSSIBLE SYSTEM ONLY\n SOLUTION IS WHIPPING THE\n CAMPING BAN..OTHERWISE THE\n CONCLUSION OF THE CYST AND IT\n IS OUR ERADICATION.N.I'D LIKE\n TO ADD SOME WAS THE STATEMENT\n THAT GOLD IS CAMPING BAN IS\n UNCONSCIONABLE\n UNCONSTITUTIONAL AND IN\n VIOLATION OF INTERNATIONAL\n HUMAN RIGHTS LAWS. YOU LEAVE\n MY FRIENDS WITH NO LEGAL\n OPTIONS CRIMINALIZING THEIR\n VERY EXISTENCE.E.THE SWEDES\n THEMSELVES OR HER THINKING\n FROM ATTIC LAST WEEK WE\n WATCHED FOR FOUR HOURS\n OF ARMED POLICEMEN FORCE OR\n NAVY TEAM HAVING LIVED AND\n DIFFICULT LEADER.R.SHE WAS\n BEGGING FOR A BREAK FOR FOOD\n AND WATER IN FOR HER\n MEDICATION COPS AND THROWN\n AWAY.Y.WE TRIED TO OFFER WATER\n AND MEDICAL CARE AND TRIED TO\n HER LUNGS FOR HER WE WERE\n TOLD WOULD BE ARRESTED IF THE\n SHELTER THAT DAY.Y.THIS WHOLE\n SYSTEMGIVE ME NIGHTMARES.S.\nTHANK YOUFRAZIER NEXT RIDGE\n AND BURDENED CHRISTIAN OR\n BACK IN AND ONE THAT I\n BELIEVE WILL BE REPLACED BY\n MEN SO JAM.. REMAIN THE AIR\n OUR MAYOR OUR CHOICE BALLOT\n MEASURE HAS LED OUR EFFORTS\n WITH INTENTIONS OF BUTTER FOR\n FAIRNESS POLITICAL INCLUSION\n AND SOCIAL EQUITY AND YOU\n SUPPORTED US WITH A SEVEN TO\n TWO VOTE.E.WEWE OBVIOUSLY DID T\n INTEND TO CAUSE BUDGETARY OR\n OPERATIONAL SURPRISES AND WE\n SUPPORT THE MODIFICATIONS\n MADE TO THE BALLOT LANGUAGE\n AS PRESENTED IN THE MEMO\n REQUESTED BY MIRIAM.. WOULD\n ALSO SUPPORT THE COMBINATION.N.\n OF OPTION ONE OPTION TO\n ALLOWING COUNCIL. FLEXIBILITY\n IN TRYING TO RUN A MAYORAL\n ELECTION WITHOUT ARDUOUS\n BUDGETARY IMPACTS AND OF WAR\n IF THE BOULDER COUNTY CLERK\n CAN IMPLEMENT RANKED CHOICE\n VOTING AS PART OF THE\n COORDINATED ELECTION.N.THTHE OY\n LEADER FOR MANY YEARS WITH\n INITIATIVES LIKE OPEN SPACE\n BLUELINE UNI ET-CETERA.. NOWOW\n WE ARE RECOMMENDING A\n PROGRESSIVE AND MORE FAIR\n VOTING SYSTEM RANKED CHOICE\n VOTING ALSO KNOWN AS INSTANT\n RUNOFF WHICH IS CLEARLY\n GAINING TRACTION IN COLORADO.O.\n IT'S IMPORTANT THAT WE GET\n THIS ON THE BALLOT AND BEGIN\n THE CONVERSATION WITH THE\n COLORADO LEGISLATURE\n SECRETARY OF STATE AND COUNTY\n CLERK THAT BOULDER IS SERIOUS\n ABOUT VOTING REFORM.. I IF WE\n DECIDE NOT TO PARTICIPATE IN\n THE DISCUSSION BY SHOWING\n THIS INITIATIVE THIS YEAR WE\n WILL BE FOLLOWING RATHER THAN\n LEADING..LET'S LIVE O ON\n SOMETHING THAT SUPPORTS OUR\n VALUES OF POLITICAL INCLUSION\n AND VOTER FAIRNESS.S. TIME I IS\n ON OUR SIDE IF THIS MEASURE\n PASSES WE WILL HAVE THREE\n EIGHT YEARS TO WORK OUT THE\n PROCESSES.. AND SYSTEMS WE\n SHOULD MAKE THAT EFFORT BY\n PLACING ON THE BALLOT SAYING\n IT CAN'T BE DONE ISN'T THE\n BORDER WAY PLEASE VOTE TO\n PLACES MEASURE ON THE BALLOT.T.\nTHANK YOU VERY MUCH.H.JEJEDD THT\n QUESTION ARE BACK HAVE ONE\n THAT WILL BE REPLACED BY THE\n AMENDED THAT THE STATION THE\n SOUTH.OK THANK YOU BY KRISTIN\n ARERE BACK.K.BOULDER RESIDENT D\n ORGANIZER WITH VETERANS ARE\n FOR PEOPLE.E.THANKS TO COUNCIL\n MEMBERS JOSEPH SLIGHTLY\n ROCKET AND FRIENDS FOR THEIR\n SUPPORT FOR DIRECT DEMOCRACY\n DESPITE ALL EFFORTS BY OTHERS\n TO KEEP BEDROOMS OFF THE\n BALLOT WE WILL NOT GIVE UP\n THE FIGHT..WEWE URGE YOU T TO T\n THE BEDROOMS INITIATIVE ON\n THE NOVEMBER BALLOT..IFIF\n COUNCIL DOES NOT DO SO IT'S\n IMPERATIVE DURING THIS TIME\n OF ECONOMIC HARDSHIP AND\n PANDEMIC TO PLACE A\n MORATORIUM ON ENFORCEMENT\n OF OCCUPANCY LIMITS..\nIMMEDIATELY THE NEEDS OF OUR\n LOW INCOME RESIDENTS ARE NOT\n GOING AWAY AND NEITHER IS THE\n BEDROOMS ARE FOR PEOPLE\n MOVEMENT.T.I LEAVE YOU WITH OUR\n SONG AND IT'S BEEN LIGHT\n OF CURRENT EVENTS.BOULDER A\n BOULDER TO A COLLEGE TOWN..WHWY\n ARE THINGS SO UPSIDE DOWN\n MENTIONS MANSIONS ON THE HILL\n BUT OUR FRIENDS ARE HOPELESS\n STILL BEDROOMS ARE FOR\n PEOPLE.E.WIND AND RAIN AND SUN\n AND SNOW PETITION GATHERING\n WE GO PANDEMIC TRIED TO SHUT\n US DOWN BUT VOTERS SIGNED\n FROM ALL AROUND BECAUSE\n DREAMS ARE FOR PEOPLE. THEN\n COUNSELED CHANGE THE LAWS\n BECAUSE EQUAL HOUSING GIVES\n THEM PAUSE.THIS YEAR THEY\n SUPPRESSED YOUR VOICE.E.NEXT\n YEAR THEY WON'T HAVE A CHOICE\n BECAUSE BEDROOMS ARE FOR\n PEOPLE.E. SUPREME COURT SAID WE\n DON'T KNOW WHAT THE RULES ARE\n SO WE GO TO THE STREET SO WE\n CAN SHOW THAT BEDROOMS ARE\n FOR PEOPLE WE SAY HOUSING IS\n A HUMAN RIGHTS.S.THAT'S WHY\n WE'LL STAND AND FIGHT FOR\n OPPORTUNITY AND JUSTICE WON'T\n BACK DOWN..YOYOU CAN TRUST US\n BECAUSE BEDROOMS ARE FOROR\n PEOPLE.E.CITY COUNCIL CITY\n COUNCIL HERE WHAT WE SAY AS\n YOU CAN SEE WE'RE NOT GOING\n AWAY PUT BEDROOMS ON THE\n BALLOT TODAY BEDROOMS ARE FOR\n PEOPLE BEDROOMS ALL OF THE\n PEOPLE BEDROOMS.S.II FOR PEOPLE\n TO THEIR NEXT THREE ATAT THEHE\n STERLING SAID MEEHAN FOR PAM\n WANTED TO PACK AND BLAKE\n HUBER AND SEE OK WELL THAT\n WAS CREATIVE AND OH I JUST\n REALLY GREAT..I LIVE MEMBER\n CROWED AND THE BOULDER\n RESIDENT PEOPLE ARE MILD AND\n REGISTER FOR A TIME CONFLICT\n RESOLUTION BUT HUMANE SOCIETY\n UNITED STATES..I JUST WANTED\n TO START OUT BY THANKING ALL\n OF YOU SO MUCH THE SAME TO\n ALL OF US OVER THE LAST\n SEVERAL MONTHS.S. AS WE WORK\n THROUGH THIS COMPLEX ISSUE\n AND ALSO AN ECO CAR SAYS\n PLANES EARLIER. EVERY STEP\n OF THE WAY I'VE BEEN PROUD\n OF OUR GROUP REALLY LESSONS\n ALL THE STAKEHOLDERS AND THE\n PROPOSED SOLUTION AFTER\n SOLUTION.N.OUOUR FOCUS IS TO\n LEAVE AND TO APPLY OUR\n KNOWLEDGE OR EXPERTISE INTO\n REAL WORKING RECOMMENDATIONS.S.\n THAT WOULD MINIMIZE LEGAL\n CONTROL FOR PRAIRIE DOGS AND\n THEIR ASSOCIATES AND ALLOW\n OUR COMMUNITIES ONLY APPLIED\n BUSINESS SCHOOL WHERE OR WHEN\n OTHER OPTIONS DON'T WORK.K.\nWE'VE SEEN SO MUCH COMMUNITY\n SUPPORT ALONG THE WAY I'VE\n BEEN SO GRATEFUL FOR.R. SO MUCH\n COMMUNITY SUPPORT FOR NON\n LETHAL MANAGEMENT AND\n ECOSYSTEM SURE TO SUPPORT\n WITH YOU GUYS ARE LEADERS IN\n OUR DECISION MAKERS\n INDIVIDUALS AND ORGANIZATIONS\n AND FOUNDATIONS HAVE OFFERED\n THEIR SUPPORT OR RESOURCES.S.\nTHEY'RE FIGHTING TO INCREASE\n RELOCATION AND COEXISTENCE\n OPPORTUNITY.. TO URGE COUNCIL\n TO DIRECT STAFF TO WORK WITH\n US IN THE COMMUNITY I'M\n REALIZING THAT.T. SUPPORT FOR\n INNOVATION AND NOT THE\n WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT IN OUR \n LANDS IS WIDESPREAD AND IT'S\n HEALTHY IT'S A LIFE IN\n BOULDER TONIGHT AND AS WITH\n ALL OF THIS APART.. FROM ALL\n OF THESE PEOPLE YOUR PEOPLE\n ASK YOU TO INCORPORATE THESE\n RECOMMENDATIONS INTO THE PLAN\n BEFORE YOU TONIGHT.T.NUMBER ONE\nPLEASE DIRECT STAFF TO HELP\n FORM AND PARTICIPATE IN A\n COMMUNITY SHARED LEARNING\n PROCESS..NUMBER TWO PLEASE\n DIRECT STAFF TO WORK WITH\n STAKEHOLDERS IN A PARCEL BY\n PARCEL ANALYSIS BEFORE LETHAL\n CONTROL IS PERFORMED.D. THE\n BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES CAN\n BE ANALYZED AND DETERMINED\n NUMBER THREE.E. PLEASE COLLECT\n BASELINE DATA FROM ALL OF THE\n PARCELS IN THE PROJECT AREA\n PRIOR TO MANAGEMENT\n IMPLEMENTATION SO THAT WE CAN\n STUDY AND ANALYZE THE SOIL\n HOUSE CARBON SEQUESTRATION\n COEXISTENCE VEGETATION. AS IT\n RELATES TO AGRICULTURE AND\n TRADE SYSTEM IN OUR\n COMMUNITIES..NUMBER FOUR\n PLEASE ONLY GRANT THE USE\n OF THE SPECIAL USE PERMIT TO\n PARCELS THAT HAVE GONE\n THROUGH THE PARCEL BY PARCEL\n IN HOUSE RADIO.. THEHE NEXT TRP\n BECAUSE IT ACTS LIKE UBER AND\n JILL MEN TO CORBY TO GO TO.O.\n SPEAK ON BEHALF OF CLANCY A\n FORMER LEON HOUSE RESIDENT\n OF BOULDER CO IN NINETEEN\n DAYS CLIMBING RAPIDLY TOWARDS\n TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND\n ABSOLUTELY NO EFFORT OF THE\n STATE GOVERNMENT'S ACTIONS.S.I\n MUST IMPLORE YOU TO ADDRESS\n THE MATTER HOMELESSNESS\n HUMANITARIAN CRISIS THAT\n IT'S.S. WHETHER YOU WANT TO\n UNDERSTAND IT WE'RE NOT\n HOUSING IS THE HUMAN RIGHT..\n AS LOW ONE OF THE AUTHORS\n OF MODERN PSYCHOLOGY TELLS US\n THAT HUMANS HAVE A NEED FOR\n AIR SHELTER FOOD WATER SLEEP\n CLOTHES AND BIG PRODUCTION.\n TO CLARIFY THAT IS THE MOST\n BASIC EVERY HUMAN'S NEEDS..I\n UNDERSTAND THAT A SYSTEM THAT\n MAKES EVERYTHING FOR PROFITS\n IS EASY TO INCLUDE YOURSELF\n INTO THINKING THAT GIVING\n PEOPLE THE THINGS OUTSIDE\n OF YOUR TOP.. COULDN'T BE\n FURTHER FROM THE TRUTH AS A\n CONCERNED CITIZEN WHO WATCHES\n AS YOU FLAIL AROUND AND TRY..\n THESE CONSOLES BASIC MODERN\n PSYCHOLOGY TO UNDERSTAND HOW\n TO BEST HELP OTHER BEINGS\n LIKE YOURSELF.. THAT YOU TURN\n YOUR NOSES AND DISCUSSED ARE\n JUST AS GOOD AS YOU AND COULD\n PROBABLY BE BETTER WHERE THEY\n GIVEN THE RESOURCES THEY USE\n WATER DAILY..THEY AT LEAST\n HAVE THE COMPASSION THE HOUSE\n THEY'RE HUMAN AND SEE TO IT\n THAT NOBODY ELSE IN HUNGARY..\n FOR YOU TO LOOK FOR YOUR\n CONSCIENCE IF YOU STILL KNOW\n WHERE IT IS AND SEE THIS\n CRISIS WHAT IS. FORTY MILLION\n PEOPLE OR BUSINESS SECTION IN\n THE NATION AND TENS\n OF THOUSANDS OF THOSE ARE IN\n COLORADO ALONE.E.FURTHERMORE\n THESE VISIONS AND THE SWEDES\n ONLY PERPETUATE THE SPREAD\n OF COVERT NIGHT ALL BECAUSE\n YOU CANNOT BE BOTHERED TO FIX\n THE PROBLEMS FOR GREED AND\n IGNORANCE CREATE.E.WEWE A AS\n CITIZENS HAVE TAKEN IT UPON\n OURSELVES TO CARE ABOUT THESE\n PEOPLE'S VIEW OUR ELECTED\n OFFICIALS NOT.. MOST IS THAT\n YOU SEE OUT THERE AND RACHEL\n ARE AWARE THAT WE ARE ALL\n FACING HOMELESSNESS BECAUSE\n OF YOUR SOUL IS GOVERNANCE.\n ARE PAYCHECK AWAY FROM BEING\n IN THE STREETS OF BOULDER AND\n WE ARE.E.I CAN ASSURE YOU WILL\n NOT BE ABLE TO SWEEP US ALL\n IF YOU CAN'T FIND OR\n HUMANITY.Y.PROTECT YOUR\n REPUTATION AND STOP THIS WE\n THANK YOU TO GIVE IT TO MAX\n HUBER JOE WENT TO COURT TO\n GRAB IT'S LIKE.E. ANYTHING\n ABOUT NOVEMBER TWO RESIDENTS\n MAY BE ABLE TO CHOOSE WHETHER\n THEY WANTED RECOLLECT THE\n MARE THE CITY COUNCIL CHOOSE\n ONE OR NOT USUAL TO GO IN\n KNOWING THAT.T. THEHE SITUATIOS\n TO SCORE AS A RICH HISTORY\n OF FINDING COMMON SOLUTIONS\n FOR COMMON PROBLEMS ARE A\n CURRENT SYSTEM WHERE YOU ONLY\n MARK YOUR BALLOT FOR ONE\n CANDIDATE.. ELECT THE\n CANDIDATE WITH THIRTY PERCENT\n OR FEWER VOTERS.. THE PROBLEMS\n AND ALTERNATIVE VOTING\n METHODS WANTS TO SOLVE IS TO\n ENCOURAGE LESS DIVISIVE\n ELECTIONS ELIMINATE VOTE\n SPLITTING AND SPOILERS INCUR\n NO ADDITIONAL COST TO THE CAR\n AND NATHAN.N. AND SHOW AN\n ACCURATE MEASURE SUPPORT FOR\n EACH CANDIDATE.E. ALTERNATIVE\n VOTING METHODS ENABLER TO\n RANK THE CANDIDATES OR TO\n MARK THEIR BALLOT FOR MORE\n THAN ONE CANDIDATE VOTERS ARE\n ABLE TO MORE SINCERELY\n SUPPORT THE CANDIDATES THEY\n FEEL ARE BEST.INSTEAD\n OF CHOOSING THE LESSER\n OF EVILS.S.THERE ARE MANY\n ALTERNATE VOTING IS UNABLE TO\n SIT IN BUT THIS INITIATIVE\n FOCUSES ON A SINGLE ONE AND\n SOME RUNOFF VOTING.G.I SUGGEST\n BOULDER FORM A FOCUS GROUP TO\n INVESTIGATE MULTIPLE VOTING\n METHODS INCLUDING INSTANT\n RUNOFF AND IMPROVING AS WELL\n AS STAR VOTING AND SCORE\n VOTING.G.I SUPPORT APPROVAL\n VOTING BECAUSE IT SATISFIES\n ALL THE ABOVE REQUIREMENTS\n EACH CANDIDATE GETS A TRUE\n LEVEL OF SUPPORT.T. VOTE\n SPLITTING IS ELIMINATED THERE\n IS NO ADDITIONAL COST TO OUR\n CURRENT METHOD UC BOULDER\n STUDENTS USE APPROVAL VOTING\n IN STUDENT ELECTIONS AND\n RECENTLY FARGO NORTH DAKOTA\n HAD ITS FIRST APPROVAL VOTING\n ELECTION.N.HOW CAN N I HELP YOU\n FORM FOCUS GROUPS OF VOTERS\n WILL HAVE AN OPPORTUNITY TO\n COMPARE EACH ALTERNATIVE.E.\nTHANK YOU BYY NEXT YEAR..JOELEL\n AND CORBY HAVEN'T READ IN ONE\n SINGLE KILL.L.THTHE EDC THE\n VALUES THAT ARE NEAR AND DEAR\n TO BOULDER TO THE TABS FOUND\n OUR CITY'S WEBSITE ARE THE\n ENVIRONMENT AND TRAILS AND\n RECREATION.N.THTHE SUB LEASED A\n MAP OF BOULDER'S ONE HUNDRED\n AND FIFTY FIVE MILES\n OF TRAILS AND EXCLAMATIONS\n OF BOULDER'S COMMITMENT TO\n RESPONDING TO CLIMATE CHANGE.E.\nFOSTERING RENEWABLE ENERGY AND\n HEALTHY ECOSYSTEMS.S.THESE ARE\n THE PROGRESSIVE VALUES OLDER\n STANDS FOR.R. O O S S M M P'S Y\n YEAR OLD MASTER PLAN AND\n PRIORITIZE WATER RIGHTS AND\n DEVELOPMENT OVER PRESERVING\n NATIVE.E. NATURAL OPEN SPACE IS\n NO LONGER IN LINE WITH THE\n ENVIRONMENTAL PRIORITIES\n OF BOULDER SMOKING IN\n RESTAURANTS COMPLAINS WAS A\n STANDARD BACK IN THE\n SEVENTIES MISSION WAS FORMED.D.\nCLIMATE CHANGE GREENHOUSE\n GASES AND URBAN DENSITY ARE\n NOT OF CONCERN BACK IN THE\n DAY WHEN I WAS AND HE\n PRIORITIZE AG AND ITS PLAN.N.\nTIMES HAVE CHANGED THE\n IRRIGATED AG IS DEVELOPMENTS\n ARE WE TO PROTEST THE\n DEFORESTATION OF THE RAIN\n FOREST IN BRAZIL.L.IFIF W WE AE\n EQUALLY AS GUILTY OF SELLING\n OUT OUR NEED OF NATURAL\n HABITAT FOR AG INTERESTS.. ARE\n EXPANDING URBAN DEVELOPMENT\n HAS ALREADY MOWED OVER NINETY\n EIGHT PERCENT OF HER NATIVE\n GRASSLANDS AND PRAIRIE DOGS\n ARE FUNDAMENTAL IN THE HEALTH\n AND BIO DIVERSITY OF HER FROM\n ECOSYSTEM.. MUCUCH OF THE\n PROPOSED TRADE OF REMOVAL\n AREA IS ADJACENT TO WALK AND\n BIKE PATHS THAT THE ENJOYS\n AND CAN APPRECIATE. THE\n NATURAL RESOURCES THERE FOR\n GENERATIONS TO COME PLEASE\n VOTE TO REJECT A WAYS AND HIS\n PLAN.LIKE ONE SPEAKER SAID SO\n WELL.AUGUST ELEVEN COUNCIL\n MEETING..THIS VOTE MAY WELL BE\n YOUR LEGACY VOTE THE WAY THE\n PEOPLE THERE WANT TO DEVOTE\n TO PROTECT DIVERSITY AND\n WILDLIFE.THE CHANGE WE WANT\n TO SEE IN THE WORLD NEEDS TO\n START HER OWN BACK YARDS.IF\n BOULDER CAN'T MAKE IT HAPPEN\n WHO WILL.L.LET'S NOT CLOUD\n PARADISE TO PUT UP ANOTHER\n MANA CULTURE IN BOULDER FOR\n YOU TO JAIL.L.NEXT WE HAVEVE EN\n ROBERTS MONTHS AGO AND PAUL\n COLEMAN AND THE STRAP HAS\n INDICATED HE'S GOING TO\n WITHDRAW THE EVENINGS I THINK\n COLLIN STEAGALL ACT.. THEHE WAY\n IN THEHE THEHE THEY'RE TALKING\n ABOUT OUR FRIENDS WITH XL\n ENERGY. WERE DOING THE AH\n FRANCE WHERE HE WORKED AT THE\n END OF THE OFFER AND MY\n BROTHER AND I WERE TALKING\n ABOUT THIS HE AND I ARE\n ELEVEN MONTHS APART..YOYOU STOE\n MY BIKE ONCE WHEN HARRISON\n COURT MARTIN ACRES WHEN I WAS\n IN KINDERGARTEN AND I\n SCREAMED BLOODY MURDER AND MY\n BROTHERS GOT TOGETHER AND\n ASKED HOW MANY LAWYERS ARE\n THERE IN EXCEL.L.HEHE SAIAID\nAPPROPRIATELY IT'S A LAW FIRM\n THAT SELLS ELECTRICITY.Y.II HER\n ABOUT FRANCE OR THE HIGHWAY\n TO WITH XL RHYMES AND I I DIDD\n YOU KNOW SMALLER IS BETTER..\nTHE VIRUS IS TITUS NOW IT'S\n SMALLER IS BETTER TO BE SIX\n FEET APART.T.WE HAVE TOTO SHRIK\n THE SIZE OF EVERYTHING WE\n HAVE TO SHRINK THE SIZE\n OF THE POWER OF THE MONOPOLY..\nWE HAVE TO SHAKE THAT DON'T\n RUN IN THE AFT IS TO SHADE\n OUT WITH XL ENERGY AND OR\n BROWNING WAS SO AND AGAIN WE\n PAID FOR DINNER GROUNDING..WEWE\n NEVER GOT THE SERVICE..BRAD\n SAIDIF YOU'RE A NICE YELLOW\n CRANK ON THE BRAKES ON\n STERILE OR JUST THE ICE THE\n ICE IF WE GO THE EXCEL\n ENERGY.Y.I KNOW YOU'RE DYING TO\n CHANGE YOUR MINDS TONIGHT BUT\n YOU FOLKS THAT VOTED FOR THIS\n TONIGHT AND YOU ARE NOT\n GETTING RE ELECTED REELECTED\n BY ME..MOST CERTAINLY AND I I\n TELL YOU IT'S INTERESTING\n THAT YOU HAVE A BALLOT\n MEASURE FOR ONE DAY YOU WANT\n LIKE A BAD WEEK CAN SELL IT.T.\nIT'S SO INTERESTINGHOW WOULD\n THE BEDROOMS ARE FOR PEOPLE\n YOU HAVE IT THAT YOU DENY\n THAT HARRY WILL ATTEND THE\n GALA.A.YET WITH XL ENERGY ANDND\n LISTEN TO HEAR YOU'RE OVER\n YOUR TIME AND PAUL COLEMAN OR\n LESS FOR.. THEHE O OKK OF MINEU\n DID YOUR GOOD IDEA TO NAME\n THEIR WAVERING HOUSE MEMBERS\n MY NAME IS PAUL CALLED AND I\n LIVE IN BOULDER..I SAW IT WITH\n THE OTHER DAY THIS IS\n SOMETHING LIKE DON'T THINK\n OF THIS YEAR IS ONE OF THE\n WARMEST YEARS IN THE PAST\n HUNDRED YEARS..THINK OF THIS\n YEAR TWENTY TWENTY IS ONE\n OF THE COOLEST YEARS OF THE\n NEXT ONE HUNDRED YEARS. AT\n THE PEARL RIVER POWER\n AUTHORITY BOARD MEETING LAST\n WEEK THE BOARD DISCUSS OR\n RESOURCE PLANS POST COMMENTS\n ADVOCATED ONE HUNDRED PERCENT\n RENEWABLE ENERGY.Y.THTHE BOARD\n CHOSE THE NINETY PERCENT\n RENEWABLES PLAN BUT CLEAR TO\n STAFF THAT I WAS A FLOOR TO\n CEILING COUNTRYSIDE TO EXCEL\n EXCEL HAS ESTABLISHED THE\n CEILING OF SEVENTY PERCENT\n RENEWABLE ENERGY UNDER\n SYSTEM.M.GROSS OR QUIZZESHEY\n SELLING MORE ELECTRICITY\n INCREASES EXCELS PROFIT OR BE\n SEWING MORE ELECTRICITY\n DECREASES EXCELS PROFIT OR\n SEE SELLING MORE ELECTRICITY\n HAS NO EFFECT ON EXCELS\n PROFIT. THE CORRECT ANSWERS\n SAY IS NO EFFECT.T.PROFIT IS\n BASED SOLELY ON THE VALUE\n OF THE STUFF THEY DON'T.. TRY\n ANOTHER ONE SELLING CLEANER\n ENERGY.Y. ELECTRICITY INCREASES\n EXCELS PROFIT OR BE SELLING\n CLEAN ELECTRICITY DECREASES\n EXCELS PROFIT OR SELLING\n CLEAR ELECTRICITY HAS NO\n EFFECT ON AXLES PROFIT.T.\n CRAZED ENTRIES C SOLES\n PROPHET'S BASED SOLELY ON THE\n VALUE OF THE STUFF THEY OWN..\n WITH ELECTRICITY CELLS\n GENERATED FROM COAL GAS WIND\n OR SOLAR MAKES NO DIFFERENCE\n OF EXCEL OWNS A PRODUCTION\n FACILITY THAT MAKE A PROFIT\n BASED ON THE VALUE OF THE\n FACILITY.Y. DOES NOT MAKE A\n PROFIT ON ANY ENERGY THAT IS\n INTRODUCED BY IS PRODUCED BY\n SOMEONE ELSE IS THE SAUDIS\n FOR INSTANCE OR GARDENS OR\n ROOFTOP SOLAR..THEY DID NO\n PROFIT OFF THOSE PARTNERSHIPS\n IS GOING TO RUN INTO THIS\n PIOUS SOUL PROMOTE THEIR OWN\n PRODUCTS AND SERVICES MORE\n HELPLESS IN THE ROOM CLEARS\n ON THE GRID..THANK YOUU ALLLL E\n HOOVER IN COMMON TO A CLOSE..\nTHAT WOULD TURN INTO STAFFING\n TO HEAR ANY RESPONSE NO\n RESPONSE FROM ME.E.NONOT THAHAT\n HELPFULHE WENT ON T TOO RESPOND\n TO EARLIER.. AARONON IT'S JUSUT\n THERE WERE FEW PEOPLE THAT\n TALKED ABOUT HAVING A\n MORATORIUM ON OVER ARKANSAS\n ENFORCEMENT.. ANDND THAT'S ON\n OUR SCHEDULE FOR TWO WEEKS\n FROM TONIGHT IS A CRACK TO\n DISCUSS THE POSSIBILITY.. T TO\n CREATE MY LOOK FOR TO U US\n TALKING IT OVER IN TWO WEEKS\n AND THINK YOU HEAR.R. O ONN YET\n AND THERE WERE SOME SPEAKERS\n AS WELL HE TALKED ABOUT THE\n CAMPING BAN SODAS AND STILL\n WORKING WITH BANDS AND\n STAKEHOLDERS AND ACTIVISTS\n AND PROMOTION AND HOPING TO\n BRING.. YOU THE WEEK AFTER THE\n VOTE ON A A ANN EMERGENCY\n TEMPORARY SANCTIONS MEANT TO\n BE HIS QUESTION AND THAT THE\n SIX ACRE EDGE OF THE CAR\n READY TO MOVE ON.N.ANAND WE HAE\n MANAGED A TEACHER AND SO O I\n THINK THERE'S A FEW ITEMS ON\n THE CONSENT AGENDA THAT WE'RE\n GOING TO NEED TO SPEAK ABOUT\n POND YOU WANT TO.O. ADDRESS\n THREE I YES THANK YOU SO MUCH\n TO DO THAT THREE AUDI IS A A\n MOTION THAT REALLY FOLLOWS ON\n COUNCIL'S ACTION LAST WEEK\n MOVING FORWARD THE PROPOSED\n FRANCHISE AGREEMENT WITH\n NEXTEL.L.THREE E II I IS THE\n SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT WHICH\n WAS ATTACHED IS PART OF THE\n MATERIALS LAST WEEK IN WHICH\n YOU CAN SEE WHICH IS\n DESCRIBED IN OUR.R. I IN OUR\n PRESENTATION SAID THAT THE\n BOE SHOULD BE TO AUTHORIZE\n THE CITY MANAGED TO PROVE TO\n HIM TO SIGN THE SETTLEMENT\n AGREEMENT THAT IS ATTACHED OR\n SUBSTANTIALLY THE FORM.M.\n ATTACH THERE WAS SOME CONCERN\n EXPRESSED BY COUNCIL EMAILS\n ABOUT A PROVISION IN\n PARAGRAPH HALF THAT. THAT\n WOULD ALLOW FOR THE LAST\n DISMISSAL OF CERTAIN\n LITIGATION IF THE VOTERS\n APPROVE THE FRANCHISE DID NOT\n ALSO CONDITIONED ON PUC\n APPROVAL.L.I POSTED A RESPONSE\n THAT HORRID DAY WE AGREED TO.O.\n THAT LANGUAGE WEEKLY PUC\n APPROVAL THE PROJECT THIS\n SUMMER BUT AS YOU ALL KNOW IS\n QUITE COMPLICATED AND HAS\n VARIOUS PROVISIONS ARE\n IMPLEMENTED VARIOUS TIMES..\n SOME PROVISIONS IF YOU GO\n INTO EFFECT ON SIGNATURE FOR\n EXAMPLE A PROVISION THAT\n ALLOWS FOR THE PARTIES TO\n NOTIFY THE COURTS WE HAVE A\n TENTATIVE SETTLEMENT PENDING\n APPROVAL.L.IFIF COUNCIL APPROVS\n THIS TONIGHT AND CHAIN SIGNS\n IT WILL FILE MOTIONS IN THE\n COURT APPEALS.. COURT I IN THE\n FUR INFORMING THEM THAT\n THERE'S A PENDING SUMMONS AND\n ASKING THAT THOSE CASES\n BASEMENT DANCE WATCH. OTHER\n PROVISIONS SUCH AS THE\n PROVISIONS FOR DISMISSAL\n EFFECT AT THE TIME THE\n FRANCHISE IS APPROVED VOTERS\n YOU SEE..THANK YOU TOMUMUM I I\n DON'T SEE ANY ANSWER ANY\n QUESTIONS FROM COUNCIL\n MEMBERS HAVE A QUESTION\n OF PROCESS.S.THIS IS CONSENT\n AND THEIR YES VOTES AND NO\n VOTES FOR SEVERAL OF THESE\n WHAT IS THE PROCESS OF GOING\n THROUGH THOSE DO THEM\n INDIVIDUALLY YEAR..WHAT'S THEHE\n WHAT'S YOUR TAKE AS MAYOR\n CALLS THE ROLL FOR THE\n CONSENT AGENDA COUNCIL\n MEMBERS WHO WISH.H. TO O II CAN\n JUST INDICATE THAT SO YOU\n COULD SAY I VOTED YES ON\n EVERYTHING EXCEPT THREE ON I\n THREE ALL THREE K IS THE\n SWITCH OR DESIRES..THANK YOU\n AND THEN I THINK THE OTHER\n CONSENT ITEM THAT WE MIGHT\n WANT TO TALK ABOUT IS K THREE\n K PANDEY WANTS TO LEAD A\n CENTER THAT THERE'S SOME\n COUNCILMEMBERS THE ONENESS\n DONE IT..YEYES COUNCIL APPROVED\n AFTER A FIRST READING \n HEARING WERE THE FORT WHEN\n YOU LOOK ALL YOU HAD TWO\n CHOICES WAS A FOUR YEAR\n OPTION WAS A TWO YEAR OPTION.N.\nKELSO PROVE THE TWO YEAR\n OPTION WHICH WAS ORDINANCE\n EIGHTY FOUR TWENTY.Y. I IN THE\n INTRO WAS A QUESTION RAISED\n ABOUT WHETHER SOMEONE COULD\n RUN ALL YEAR AND EARNS\n ELECTION.N. WE HAVE PREPARED A\n DIFFERENT VERSION OF EIGHTY\n FOUR TWENTY THE MAYOR AND\n CITY COUNCIL IN THE SAME\n ELECTION THAT DOESN'T TOUCH\n THE PACKAGE EMERGENCY\n ORDINANCE.. BECAUSE YOU ARE\n MANY ON SECOND READING.G. IN\n ADDITION AS YOU KNOW\n YESTERDAY THE CLERK\n OF QUARTER VOLLEY PATRICK\n SENT A MEMO TO COUNCIL\n EXPLAINING SOME OF THE\n CHALLENGES WITH IMPLEMENTING\n RANG TRUE STORY BUT ALSO\n SUGGESTS.S. ULTIMATE SUPPORT\n FOR TRI BOULDER COUNTY.Y.\n COUNCIL MEMBER YOUNG ASKED\n THAT STAFF PREPARE SOME\n INFORMATION CLERK'S OFFICE\n WERE WITH MY OFFICE AND JANE\n TOGETHER A MEMORANDUM WHICH\n IS INCLUDED IN THE TIMES\n ONLINE JACKET.. WHICH WAS\n POSTED ON HOTLINE THIS\n MORNING WE ARE PROPOSED THAT..\n WE ARE AS IMPORTANT\n BACKGROUND INFORMATION ABOUT\n COSTS ASSOCIATED IN SOME WORK\n OUT THE CLERK'S OFFICE TO..\n INVESTIGATE THE POSSIBILITIES\n OF IMPLEMENTING RANKED CHOICE\n VOTING AS WELL AS SOME\n POTENTIAL LANGUAGE CHANGES\n COUNCIL WANTS TO MAKE CHANGES\n ONE OF THE COMMENTERS MANAGE\n IT.T.THANK YOU SANTATAANAND SI.\n THE START OF THE PROCESS\n THING IN THE ONE TO ADDRESS\n THE SUBSTANCE THE MATTER.R.\n GIVEN THAT WE HAVE A FEW\n OPTIONS IN FRONT OF US FOR\n THIS TOO WE WANT TO MAYBE\n ADDRESS THIS IN A SEPARATE\n VOTE FROM A DRESS THE CONSENT\n AGENDA.A.YOU COULD DO THAT O OR\n YOU COULD HAVE MADE MOTIONS\n THAT CORY CHANGES WILL BE\n TALKING A SANDWICH OR\n THOUGHT.I THINK WE SHOULD\n JUST TEAR THIS PART OF THAT\n CONSENT AGENDA.A.II LIKE ADAMAM\n INDICATED THEY WILL BE\n SEPARATE VOTES ON EACH OF THE\n SEVEN MOST OF THEM ALL\n APPROVE..BUBUT I THINK THAT I I\n AND K K I IN PARTICULAR WE WANT\n TO TALK ABOUT NOW IT'S JUST\n THERE'S THE WRINKLE OF THE\n AMENDED EMERGENCY VERSION\n VERSUS THE ORIGINAL NON\n EMERGENCY VERSION.. T TO MAKE\n SURE WE HAVE THE CHANCE TO\n CONSIDER CONSIDER BOTH.H. THEHE\n SEA IS JUST ON THE SUBSTANCE\n OF THAT.. I I DIDID REACH OUT O\n MOLLY FITZPATRICK THIS\n MORNING AND WE SPOKE FOR A\n FEW MINUTES AND SHE BASICALLY\n REITERATED WHAT WAS IN HER\n MEMO THAT HER OFFICE IS..\n CERTAINLY WILLING TO RUN OR A\n CHOICE OF THE ELECTION BUT\n THERE ARE A COUPLE OF THINGS\n THAT HAVE TO HAPPEN.. BEFORE\n THEY COULD DO THAT WHICH IS\n SOME LEDGES ENABLING\n LEGISLATION AT THE STATE\n LEGISLATURE AND THEN OUR.\n RULE AND REGULATION TAKEN BY\n THE SECRETARY OF STATE'S\n OFFICE AND THEN OF COURSE THE\n COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE WOULD\n HAVE IT NEED SOME TIME.E.ONCE\n THOSE WERE FINISHED AND\n PREPARE FOR SUCH AN ELECTION\n BUT SHE DID SAY THAT GIVEN\n THOSE THINGS HAPPENING AND\n THE TIME TO PREPARE THAT THE\n WORLD COULD CERTAINLY RUN\n RANK CHOICE VOTING ELECTION..\nSOSO I I THOUGHT THAT THE\n ALTERNATIVE PROPOSED BY STAFF\n IN THE MEMO TODAY MADE A LOT\n OF SENSE.E.THTHE ONEE ABOUT MAG\n THE USE OF THE RING CHOICE\n VOTING ELECTION CONTINGENT ON\n THE COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER\n HAVING THE CAPACITY TO\n IMPLEMENT THAT.T. S SO I I THOT\n THAT COULD VERY NEATLY DEAL\n WITH THE TIMING ISSUES THAT\n THE COURT HAS BROUGHT UP AND\n JUST WOULD MEAN THAT WE\n WOULD. START HAVING RANK\n CHOICE VOTING INITIATIVES\n ELECTIONS IF VOTERS APPROVE\n THIS.S.ONCE THE CLERK WAS READY\n SO I WANTED TO PROPOSE THAT\n WE USE THAT REVISE LANGUAGE\n WAS IN THE SECTION FOURTEEN\n OF THE ORDINANCE OR THE\n CHARTER RATHER.R. LANGUAGE\n CHANGE AND SEE WHAT FOLKS\n THOUGHT ABOUT TAKING THAT\n APPROACH AND A NEARBY BAR\n BEING VERY NEARBY.Y. TO SEE YOU\n WHEN IT'S AROUND THERE BUT..\n FIRST I WAS NOTOT ABLE TO BE\n THE LAST COUPLE MEETINGS ON\n TIME WOULD BE TO EXPLAIN WHY\n I'M VOTING THE WAY I AM ON I.\n STREET A TOPIC OF A FEW\n WORDS BUT I DON'T ANSWER IT..\nNOW'S A GOOD TIME SO WE'RE\n DOING THE WHOLE CONSENT\n AGENDA SOMEONE SAY PEAS.S.OKOKO\n I WASN'T ABLE TO PUT I IN\n DURING THE SCHOOL MEETINGS\n REGARDING THE EXCEL\n SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT HAS BEEN\n EXTREMELY HARD ONE I RAN ON.\n COURTING ME AND A HUNDRED\n PERCENT STILL DO AND SO ON.N.\nI'VE DONE A LOTT OF DISCUSSIONS\n WITH SAM. I TRUST A HUNDRED\n PERCENT.. DONE EVERYTHING IN\n HIS POWER TO CREATE THE BEST\n OPPORTUNITY FOR BOTH ARE\n MOVING FORWARD IF THEY HAVE A\n SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT.T. ANDND I\n PUT MY TRUST IN HIM BECAUSE\n HE WAS THE BIGGEST ORDER ANY\n OF ANYONE I KNEW THE SMARTEST\n PEOPLE THAT I KNOW AND SO ON.N.\nHE'S EXPLAINED TO ME THAT IF\n WE DO NOT MOVE FORWARD WITH\n PUTTING THIS ON THE BALLOT\n THIS YEAR WHICH WE THE\n VOTERS.S. COULD VOTE DOWN AND\n WE CONTINUE ON WITH THEM\n WHICH BE FANTASTIC.C. IF WE\n DON'T COME WE COULD END UP\n WITH ABSOLUTELY NOTHING AND\n SO I KNOW THAT WILL BE MANY\n MANY PEOPLE WHEN PURCHASING\n THIS WILL BE.E. ON N A BRIDGE\n LESS AND VERY SCARY ABOUT\n THAT BUT I HAD AN INTEREST IN\n SOMEONE AND HE IS SANTA AND\n HE'S DONE A WONDERFUL JOB\n ALONG WITH.H. THE SCORED THAT\n ONE WAY OR ANOTHER CAN AT\n LEAST THE POSSIBILITY AND\n AGAIN AND IT REALLY.Y.OHOH AND\n FOR THOSE WHO SUPPORT ME ON\n WITH MYSELF WHEN THE WORD AND\n VOTED TO MOVE FORWARD AS IF\n IT IS PUT ON THE OUT.. GOING\n TO GIVE A LITTLE BIT\n OF EXPLANATION OF WHY I'LL BE\n PUTTING THIS.S. GUYUY T TO MARY\n BOB JUST SO THANKFUL IT\n REACHED TO VERIFY THAT SOME\n VERY TOUCHING AND WE\n SHOULDN'T USE IT AND ADJUST\n YOUR FROM LAST WEEK.. I I WANT\n TO COME BACK TO SCHOOL SO\n SOME PROCESSES WERE RAISED\n WITH RESPECT TO THE RANGERS\n VOTING THING FOR FOR\n SUBSTANTIVE STANDPOINT IF THE\n MAJORITY WANTS TO GO. BACK\n AFTER THE DEATH OF HER\n LISTENERS.THINGS MOVED A\n LITTLE BIT TODAY.Y.THE STAFFER\n PROPOSED TWO ALTERNATIVES TO\n SECTION FOURTEEN ONE SAID\n RANGE VOTING WE GO FORWARD IN\n TWENTY TWENTY THREE OF THEM\n PROVIDED THAT THE CLERK'S\n OFFICE COULD ACCOMMODATE THAT\n WHICH IS ENTIRELY APPROPRIATE\n MODIFICATION.N.THEY ALSO\n OFFERED AN ALTERNATIVE\n BECAUSE IN SOME CITIES.S. THEHE\n ELECTION RACES ELECTION IS\n HANDLED BY THE CITY COUNTY\n BECAUSE OF THE COMPLICATIONS\n AND SO I THINK STAFF OFFERED\n AN ALTERNATIVE TO SECTION\n FOURTEEN.N. SAIAID ORACLE DOEST\n FEEL LIKE IT'S A SUBSTANTIAL\n BURDEN ON THE BUDGET PER\n PRISONER.R.I THINK BOTH THOSE\n ALTERNATIVES FOR GOOD ONES\n I'D SUGGEST THERE IS A IS.S.\n ABLE TO ACTUALLY INCORPORATE\n BOTH PROVISIONS INTO THE\n MANAGER'S FACTS EXPOSE FOR AN\n AMENDMENT TO THE SIX FOOT\n FROM THE MINUTE I GUESS WAS\n THE FINALS FOR THE YOUNG.\n MEASURE AS PASSED ON FIRST\n READ ON A SUMMONS TO VOTE.E.UMM\n I KNOW THE CONCERN FOR IS\n THAT'S HOME.E. T TO THEHE CLERS\n OFFICE MAY NOT BE IN THE\n COLLEGE'S THINK THAT THE\n AMENDMENT THE TERMS PROPOSED\n UM ACTUALLY DOES THAT SO.. IT\n WOULD BE LITTLE IRONIC THAT\n COULD EXPOSE TO FIX A PROBLEM\n IDENTIFIED BY THE POST.T. WAS\n LISTENING FROM US WE JUST\n HAVE TO DO IS PEOPLE THAT.T.\n CARE I LIKE TO SUGGEST THAT\n WE ACTUALLY HAVE TO POUR\n CUSTARD TO ALTERNATIVE TEST\n ONE IS YOU HAVE VOTED TWENTY\n THREE.. YEARS WHEN TWENTY\n THREE OF THE CLERK'S OFFICE\n OF COMEDY THAT BUT EVEN\n OF COURSE OFFICE CANNOT\n COMMENT THAT OF COUNSELORS\n AND ALSO THE TIME.E. DETERMINES\n THAT IS NOT SUBSTANTIAL\n BURDEN ON THE BUDGET STILL\n TURN TO THE STAFF PROPOSAL\n INCORPORATED AS WELL IF IT\n DOESN'T AMENABLE TO YOU ARE\n AND SO ON.N. SHIPPING PROCESS I\n KIND OF AGREE WITH KAREN'S\n GIVE YOU A LITTLE AWKWARD\n BECAUSE YOU DON'T KNOW WHO\n SUPPORTS WHY THERE'S ACTUALLY\n TWO PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO BE\n FOR TWENTY ON.N. THOSE\n AMENDMENTS WOULD REQUIRE SIX\n VOTES OR WE CAPACITY FOR\n TWENTY YEARS ON FIRST READING\n WHICH REQUIRE ONLY FIVE VOTES\n SO IT WOULD BE HELPFUL TO\n EITHER TO SCRAWL.L. WAR TO TAKE\n OUT A CONSENT TO HAVE A\n SEPARATE MOTION AND FIND A\n WAY TO SECURE ENTRANCES CAN\n FEEL AWKWARD TO HAVE SOMEONE\n MAKE A MOTION ON.N. TO ONE\n RANDOMLY AND HAVE A SALE AND\n HAVE TO MAKE SENSE..I DID\n DESERTED PARTS WHICH IS\n SUGGESTED WE PULL THE ITEM.M.KK\n OFF OF THE CONSENT AGENDA AND\n HAVE A SEPARATE VOTE ON THAT\n WHEN WE PUT ALL THE CONSENT..\n OF PUBLICATION BUT YOU COULD\n RELATE TO THE CENTER PORTION\n OF CONSENT AGENDA ARE GOING\n SOMEWHERE SO WHY DON'T WE DO\n THAT.T.THERE AREE OTHER THAN\n IVAN K I THINK PROBABLY WE'RE\n GOING TO PASS THE CONSENT\n AGENDA.A.SOSO WHAT I WOULD\n SUGGEST IS SOMEONE MADE A\n MOTION TO PASS THE CONSENT\n AGENDA BUT THE LAST ITEM CASE\n SEPARATELY THAT SOUND GREAT\n SONG.G.OHOH YESES AND SAM BOBBY\n ASKED TO DRAFT THE LANGUAGE\n THAT HE HAS IS SUGGESTING\n THAT PLAYERS THAT WOULD BE\n GREAT SO I GOT BURIED IN\n THERE BY THEIR THANKS.S.I\n REALLY APPRECIATE ALL\n OF THESE EFFORTS ON THIS.\n BALLOT INITIATIVE AND THIS\n INITIATIVE AND WHAT WE'RE\n DOING HERE TO TRY AND PUT\n THIS ON THE BALLOT IS\n ESSENTIALLY A FAVOR TO THE\n PROPONENTS AND THE LAST TIME\n I LOOKED.D. THEHE FAVORS WERE T\n PART OF HOW GOVERNMENT HAS\n DONE AND SO I I'M REALLY\n UNCOMFORTABLE WITH DOING THIS\n KIND OF THING AND I.. THINK\n THAT ONE OF THE THINGS THAT\n WE AGREE ON IS THAT AN\n ALTERNATIVE VOTING METHODS IS\n SOMETHING THAT WOULD MAKE OUR\n SYSTEM OF GOVERNANCE MORE\n INCLUSIVE..ANNANA AND PROVIDE\n MORE CHOICES.S.THTHE PROPONENTS\n THEMSELVES SAID THAT THAT'S\n WHAT THEY WANTED AND THAT\n STAYS SORT OF CHOSE DIRECT\n ELECTION OF THE MARAIS\n SOMETHING TO TEST THIS WITH\n HIM..I FIND THAT VERY\n DISQUIETING THAT WE WOULD\n CHOOSE TO TEST SOMETHING WITH\n A CHANGE IN OUR CHARTER..I\n DON'T THINK I DON'T TAKE\n CHANGES TO A CHARTER LIKELY\n SO I I CAN'T SUPPORT.. PUTTING\n THIS ON THE BALLOT AT ALL AND\n THEY WOULD SUPPORT IS THAT WE\n WE.E. ENGAGE THE ELECTIONS\n WORKING WITH AND AND GIVE\n THEM THE CHARTER TO\n INVESTIGATE FIRST OF ALL TO\n IDENTIFY THE PROBLEM THAT\n WE'RE TRYING TO SOLVE INSTEAD\n OF FIRST.T. COMING UP WITH A\n SOLUTION AND THEN MAKING UP\n THE PROBLEM SO I WOULD LIKE\n IS TO FIRST IDENTIFY THE\n PROBLEM TRYING TO SOLVE AND\n THEN INVESTIGATE WHAT\n ALTERNATIVE. VOTING METHODS\n WOULD MAKE SENSE TO SOLVE\n THAT PARTICULAR PROBLEM..SOSO\n THAT'S MY SUGGESTION THAT I\n FEEL REALLY UNCOMFORTABLE\n WITH HOME WITH PUTTING THIS\n ON THE BALLOT IN ANY WAY\n SHAPE OR FORM.M.WE'R'RE LIVE AT\n NEARBY VERMONT IN RACHEL.\n BERRY IN THE AFTER SOME\n INVESTIGATION DISCUSSIONS\n HAVE BEEN LEANING TOWARDS\n MARY SETS AS WELL AS I CAN\n SUMMON CLEAR FUNNY BECAUSE\n AGAIN I'VE BEEN OUT OF A\n LITTLE BIT ON.N. AIR ANDND I IN\n THIS COMING WITH THE BUDGET\n THE PROPOSED OVER THREE\n THOUSAND DOLLARS IS THE\n MINUTE YOU ARE ADDING ON AIR\n AND HAS AFFECTED THE BUDGET\n I'M SORRY AM I MISSING\n PORTION..SO WHAT T I STARTED OT\n WITH WOULD NOT INVOLVE.. THAT\n EXPENSE AT ALL IT WOULD SAY\n THAT WE WOULD ONLY HOLD THIS\n KIND OF ELECTION IF THE\n COUNTY CLERK COULD HOLD IT.\n WHICH WOULD MEAN THAT THE\n EXPENSES WOULD BE SOME ORDER\n TO ANY OTHER ELECTION..BOB HASS\n ADDITIONALLY SUGGESTED THAT\n WE MIGHT.T. ADD LANGUAGE THAT\n WOULD RETAIN THE POSSIBILITY\n OF RUNNING LIKE OURSELVES A\n CITY WHICH WOULD HAVE SOME\n ADDITIONAL COST. BUT ONLY IF\n THE COUNCIL AT THAT TIME\n DETERMINED THAT IT COULD BE\n DONE WITHOUT ADVERSE\n BUDGETARY IMPACTS..SOSO BOBOB D\n I'M FINE WITH ADDING BOTH\n OPTIONS BECAUSE OF THE WAY\n BOB PROPOSED COULD BE EITHER.R.\n IF THE COUNTY CLERK AND DO IT\n OR IF WE FEEL LIKE WE CAN\n AFFORD IT BUT IT LOST SOME\n OF THESE PHOTOS TO INCLUDE\n THE LOCAL ELECTION VERSION\n WITH THE EXTRA COST..I'M\n CERTAINLY FINE BY THEN OR NOW\n YOU FEEL BUT I'M CERTAINLY\n FINE DOING JUST THE COUNTY\n VERSION WHERE WE WOULD NOT\n INCUR ADDITIONAL COSTS ROUGE\n AND HER WHATEVER MAKES PEOPLE\n HAPPY..THTHEE THEHE JUST ADD AA\n LITTLE BIT IN SOME.E.\n ADDITIONAL INFORMATION JUST\n FOR THE RECORD.D. I IS THAT THE\n MEMO YESTERDAY SAID THAT\n LICENSING ALONE FOR RUNNING\n OUR OWN ELECTION WOULD BE\n THREE HUNDRED AND FIFTY\n THOUSAND DOLLARS THAT IS JUST\n FOR THE LICENSE.. AND THEN A AN\n ADDITIONAL ONGOING SEVENTY\n THOUSAND DOLLARS A YEAR THAT\n IS JUST FOR THE SOFTWARE.E.\n THERE I WOULD LIKE TO REMIND\n EVERYONE THAT WE ARE IN A\n BUDGETARY A VERY CONSTRAINED\n BUDGETARY SITUATION WHICH HAS\n REQUIRED LAYOFFS AND A SORT\n OF BUDGET REDUCTIONS.S. T TO TE\n EXTENT THAT THE CITY CLERK'S\n OFFICE RIGHT NOW IS DOWN TO\n THREE PEOPLE. AND THAT WE\n WOULD BE LOOKING AT SOMETHING\n LIKE THIS IN THE FACE\n OF ROLLING OUT THE ONLINE\n PETITIONING WITH THREE PEOPLE\n ON THE STAFF.F.ADDITIONALLY\n RUNNING ELECTIONS REQUIRES\n CERTAIN SKILLS OF PEOPLE AND\n WE'RE NOT SURE HOW MANY\n PEOPLE OUT THERE THAT COULD\n RUN A CONCURRENT ELECTION\n WITH THE COUNTY AS WELL AS A\n CITY.Y. THAT WOULD BE ABLE T TO\n HAVE THE SKILLS AND PROVIDE\n THE LABOR TO RUN OUR\n ELECTIONS AT THE SAME TIME AS\n THE COUNTY.Y.SOSO U UMM I I THR\n THEM WE WOULD BE WISERER T TOO\n MAKE SURE THAT WE WHAT WE D DOO\n SOMETHING THAT ACTUALLY.Y. IS\n GOING TO SOLVE PROBLEMS AND\n THAT DOES NOT AFFECT OUR\n BUDGET AND I THINK THAT\n PUTTING CONTINGENCY AND A\n BALLOT INITIATIVE IS IT JUST\n MAKES NO SENSE AT ALL TO ME..I\n MEAN AS VOTERS TO DO\n SOMETHING THAT IF SOMETHING\n DOESN'T WORK OUT AND DON'T DO\n IT.T.I MEAN THAT JUST THAT\n JUST.T. DOESN'T SOUND VERY WELL\n THOUGHT THROUGH AND NOW ON I\n JUST EYED I HAVE. A\n RESPONSIBILITY TO PUT THINGS\n THAT MAKE SENSE ON THE BALLOT\n AND IT MAKES NO SENSE TO ME A\n MERRY MIX OF DENMARK.K.RACHELEL\n AND ADAM BUT I I TRY NOT T TO R\n DISAGREE WITH MARY BUT I HAVE\n TO DISAGREE WITH A ONE POINT\n I THINK SHE HAS\n UNDERESTIMATED THE EXTENT..\n OF WANTING OWN LEGENDS THAT\n POINT THAT WE WOULD ALSO BE\n RESPONSIBLE FOR ADDITIONAL\n COSTS ABOUT ONE FREE TRAINING\n AND FOCUSING THE LIGHT..MYMY\n MAIN COMMENT IS I AMM ALSO\n VERY VERY UNCOMFORTABLE WITH\n THE PROCESS OF HOW THIS\n UNFOLD.D.LET'S REVIEW THE\n CHRONOLOGY LITTLE BIT..\n PERHAPS THROUGH NO FAULT\n OF THEIR OWN SPONSORS DID NOT\n OBTAIN THE NUMBER\n OF SIGNATURES REQUIRED TO GET\n ON BAD WEATHER PREPARED TO\n WORK WITH.H. MEMBERS OF COUNCIL\n AND CITY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE TO\n TRY TO CORRECT WHAT WITH AND\n FOUND TO BE EFFECTS INTERNAL\n STRUCTURE OF LANGUAGE AND WE\n HAVE BEEN.. CHANGING THAT\n LANGUAGE UP TO INCLUDING NINE\n THIRTY SEVEN THIS EVENING.G. AT\n THE LAST SECOND WE'RE NOW\n FINDING OUT THAT THE COUNTY\n IS INCAPABLE OF ACCOMMODATING\n RIGHT CHOICE VOTING SYSTEM\n AND CANNOT COMMIT TO DOING SO\n THE DAY.. WE'RE LOOKING AT\n SOME VERY SUBSTANTIAL COSTS\n IF YOU WANT TO DO IN OUR OWN..\n ANDND ON THIS BASIS WITH THE\n SYSTEM WE HAVE NOT BEEN THE\n ALLIES WE'VE NOT IDENTIFIED\n THE COST OF THE CITY AND HOW\n MUCH THEY WILL BE.. IN THTHE\n NATION TO ABANDON OUR CURRENT\n METHOD OF CONDUCTING\n ELECTIONS TO NEW ONE.E.\nESSENTIALLY A NO NOTICE.E.WITH\n TODAY'S LANGUAGE ON THIS\n BASIS WE'RE GOING TO BE\n AMENDING BILLS CONSTITUTION..\n I WOULD CHALLENGE ANYONE ON\n THIS COUNCIL FIND ANALOGOUS\n EXAMPLE OF TAKING SUCH\n SIGNIFICANT ACTION WITH.H. S SO\n LITTLE UNDERSTANDING WHAT\n WE'RE DOING AND THE COSTS\n OF DOING IT IN THE MODERN\n HISTORY OF BOLD EYE I SALUTE\n THE AGNOSTIC ABOUT WHICH TYPE\n OF ELECTION SYSTEM WE USE.\nTHEY'RE OBVIOUSLY A MYRIAD\n OF THEM..WEWE OUGHT TO BE\n LOOKING AT ALL OF THEM AND\n I'M SURE WE CAN COME TO A\n BETTER ONE TO AMEND THE\n CONSTITUTION TO SAY THIS IS\n WHAT WE'RE DOING.G.LESLIE CAN'T\n DO IT IN WHICH CASE WE'RE NOT\n GOING TO DO IT.T. I IS RENDERIG\n OUR CONSTITUTION ALMOST\n MEANINGLESS AND THE LADY IN\n TERMS OF ITS PLAIN LANGUAGE\n THAT THIS WHOLE PROCESS HAS\n BECOME COMEDY OF ERRORS..\nNOBODY'S FAULT BUT THAT'S THE\n WAY IT HAS LAID OUT AND I\n REALLY NEED TO BE A LITTLE\n MORE REFLECTIVE ABOUT WHAT\n WE'RE DOING.I WOULD LIKE US\n TO TAKE MARY'S DIGESTION.N.OO\n SETTING UP A MORE SERIOUS\n ANALYSIS OF WHAT WE DO AND\n HOW WE DO AND GET MEMBERS\n OF THE ORGANIZING COMMITTEES\n WITH THE CHARTER AMENDMENT OR\n FOR THAT.T. ANDND D DO THIS INA\n SYSTEMATIC WAY WE ARE RACING\n TO ACHIEVE SOMETHING WE DON'T\n EVEN KNOW WHAT WE'RE DOING WE\n DON'T EVEN KNOW COS I FIND\n THAT OUR TROUBLES..THANK YOUU\n MARK THAT RACHEL HAD AN ERROR\n AND A CHILL. LITTLE BIT TO\n MARK'S CHRONOLOGY WHICH IS\n THAT I AGAIN ASKED AT A\n RETREAT IN JANUARY.. LOOKING\n FOR MATES CHOICE VOTING AND\n THAT'S FOR WORK AND IT WAS\n SHUT DOWN.. AND THE RATIONALE\n IS THAT THIS WASN'T SOMETHING\n THAT WAS COUNCIL'S PURVIEW\n SHOULD BE A CITIZEN DRIVEN\n EFFORT SO IT'S IRONIC TO ME\n THAT WE'D BE SAYING THEY.Y.\n WERE DOING THEM A FAVOR WHEN\n I THINK THEY'RE DOING US THE\n AIM IS TO SAY SOMETHING\n MYSTERIOUS AND YET IT'S\n INTERESTING..GO FORTH INTO ITS\n OWN AND CERTAINLY BEEN ANY\n COMEDY OF ERRORS ELECTION\n BALLOT INITIATIVE SAYS AND\n THERE'S NO WAY AROUND THAT\n BUT.. I I GUESS A COUPLE THINGS\n ONE IS GOD ANDND FIVE VOTES TO\n PLAY.Y. A A VERSION OF THIS AND\n ABOUT I THINK WE NEED TO\n MAYBE HAVE THAT STRAW POLL SO\n THAT OTHER PEOPLE CAN DECIDE\n LIKE TODAY.WHAT IS A SIX\n PERSON TO COME ON BOARD TO\n MAKE IT BETTER.R.ARARE WE GOING\n TO THE PERSIAN ON JUST FIVE.E.\n VOTES ANDND MELODY CONVERSATION\n FOR ME TOO MUCH FURTHER\n BECAUSE.. I ITT MAY BE DEAD IN\n THE WATER MIGHT MEAN EXPLAIN\n TO MOST ABOUT THE DIFFERENT\n VERSIONS AND I VOTE SAID\n REALLY DISCUSS THAT IS SO.O.\n PROCESSED AREAS WE WANT TO\n STOP AND SEE IF I WASAS DEAD IF\n WE DIDN'T EAT THE BABY WE.\n DISCUSSED THE OTHER\n PERMUTATIONS OF THIS MEASURE\n SO HAPPY TO GET INTO THE\n OTHER POINTS BUT I DON'T\n WASTE TIME EITHER..I'D LIKE TO\n LET EVERYONE SPEAKERS KEPT\n THEIR HANDS OUT AND I THINK\n WE SHOULD ADDRESS YOUR LETTER\n COS THIS POINT WHICH I THINK\n IT'S NOT ME.E.SOSO WHEHEN THE R\n AND I WILL GO AHEAD AND MAKE\n SURE IT'S OLD AND I IT WAS THAT\n ONE IS THAT LIKE THE FIRSTST\n VERSION BETTER.R.DDDDDD BUDGETY\n CONCERNS OF NEARBY REIGNS AND\n WHERE IT'S CLEANER.R.WEWE ONLY\n DID AS A CLERK ANDND RIGHT FOR\n US THAT WE DON'T HAVE THE\n BUDGET CONCERNS AND THE\n EXPERTISE AND STAFFING ISSUES\n SO I ACTUALLY PREFER THAT WE..\n DID HUMANS AND TO GET SIX\n STARTS AND I I RAN JUST T A\n CLEANER VERSION WERE WAITING\n IF THE CLERK IN THE ERARA\n OF MID AUGUST..THANK YOU\n EVERYONE FOR MAKING YOUR\n POINTS THERE.E.WELL HEARDRD WHN\n I LOOK AT THIS INITIATIVE I\n SEE THE POTENTIAL FOR CHANGE.E.\n AND THE FACT THAT WE HAVE UP\n TO FIVE YEARS TO MAKE THAT\n CHANGE WHICH WE ALL PRETTY\n MUCH AGREES A POSITIVE ONE IN\n TERMS OF WHICH WAS VOTING.. I I\n THINK IT'S IMPORTANT THAT WE\n MOVE FORWARD AND PUT A\n DEADLINE ON IT BECAUSE CHANGE\n DOESN'T HAPPEN UNLESS.. THERE\n IS ATTENTION AND A DEADLINE\n IS A GOOD WAY TO PUT\n ATTENTION ON THINGS IN\n PERSPECTIVE THREE YEARS AGO..\nSORRY IF WE'RE TALKING ABOUT\n THE FIVE YEAR FIVE YEARS AGO\n I KNEW VERY VERY LITTLE ABOUT\n THE CITY AND VERY LITTLE\n INVOLVEMENT IN THE CITY AND\n FAST FORWARD TO TODAY..I'M M A\n MEMBER CITY COUNCIL MAKING A\n DECISION ABOUT THIS BOAT AND\n WE HAVE FIVE FULL YEARS AHEAD\n OF US TO WORK OUT THE DETAILS\n MAKE THE BEST VERSION\n POSSIBLE. IF WE PUT SOME\n DINNER AND OR SITES IS A GOAL\n TO MOVE TOWARDS IT.T.I HAVE NO\n DOUBT THAT WE CAN ACTUALLY\n ACHIEVE IT SO THAT'S WHY I\n THINK WE NEED TO PUT THIS UP\n THERE AS A GOAL TO IMPROVE\n OUR DEMOCRACY..THANK YOU KARENN\n AND BOB.. WAS VERY WELL SAID\n AND THINKS JUST REAL QUICKLY\n IN TERMS OF A COUPLE\n OF POINTS THAT HAVE BEEN\n BROUGHT UP BUT I THINK IF WE\n DO THE INITIAL VERSION THAT I\n PROPOSED.D.NONO OFFENCE BOB I\n THINK WE AVOID THE MUNICIPAL\n BUDGETARY ISSUES THAT PEOPLE\n ARE BROUGHT UP BECAUSE THEN..\n THERE WOULDN'T BE ANY IT\n WOULD BE RUN AS PART OF THE\n COUNTY'S CORE DATA COLLECTION\n WHEN THE COUNTY CLERK IS\n READY TO DO THAT WHEN THEIR\n OFFICES READY.. IN JUSTST ONENE\n OF JUST REMIND PEOPLE WE HAD\n A SHARP DISAGREEMENT ABOUT\n THAT BUT.T. THEHE THEHE ORGANIS\n OF THIS EFFORT DID GO OUT AND\n COLLECT THOUSANDS\n OF SIGNATURES DURING THE\n PANDEMIC AND THEY COLLECTED..\n ENOUGH TO MEET THE THRESHOLDS\n THAT THEY WERE GIVEN BY THE\n CITY SO JUST YOU KNOW THIS IS\n NOT AN ARBITRARY FAVOR\n GRANTING PROCESS.S. THOUSANDS\n OF RESIDENTS EXPRESSED\n SUPPORT FOR THIS FUNDAMENTAL\n IDEA AND WE'VE BEEN REFINING\n IT EVER SENSE AND I THINK\n WE'RE JUST TALKING ABOUT\n ADDING A FEW WORDS TONIGHT.\n TO MAKE SURE WE GET OUR DUCKS\n ARE WITH COUNTY CLERKS.S.I\n THINK IT'S ON TRACK..THANK YOU\n AGAIN BOBOB JUST THE THINGS\n OF AND STAY.. WITH TIME THIS\n IS THE FAVORED GRANTING THE\n OTHER BALLOT MEASURES THAT\n WERE ABOUT TO VOTE ON WHICH\n WAS APPROVED UNANIMOUSLY IS\n ACTUALLY OF IMPROVEMENTS TO\n ANOTHER BALLOT MEASURE.E. THE\n EDITION ONE ON THE CAME TO US\n AND W WE OBSERVE THAT WERE\n PROBABLY A COUPLE\n IMPROVEMENTS THAT COULD BE\n MADE SO THAT.T. THEHE TEAM THE\n LEAD THAT BALLOT MEASURE\n AGREED TO THOSE CHANGES THAT\n WERE VERY GRACIOUS AND THOSE\n DISCUSSIONS AND WE'VE MADE.E.\n CHANGES TO MAKE ANOTHER\n BALLOT MEASURE AS I THINK\n THIS IS A LITTLE ROOM WITH\n THIS ONE HAS LOST.. ITSTS\n ISABELLA MEASURE THAT HAS\n BEEN SOME OSO THOUSAND PEOPLE\n AND WE HAVE COLLABORATED\n WITH.H. THEHE SISTERS TO MAKE T\n BETTER BALLOT MEASURE FOR\n HERSELF HAS BEEN OUR MISSION\n ONE SO I APOLOGIZE FOR\n CONFUSING THINGS BY TRYING\n TO.O. THE OVARIES AND TWO\n ALTERNATIVES I WAS STRONG\n PROPOSAL ABOUT THE\n ALTERNATIVE.. AND I AGREE WITH\n AARON THAT WAS JUST SO LITTLE\n AND SAY LISTEN HAPPENS IN\n TWENTY TWENTY THREE IN WHICH\n THE CLERK SAYS CHAPMAN TWENTY\n THREE ABOUT. RUN ITS BUDGET\n REQUEST OFF TO ANG LOLA AND\n SAID I ALSO SPOKE WITH LEAD\n THIS COUNTRY TODAY.Y.ONONE OF E\n CHALLENGES THAT SHE HAS IS\n ON.N. SHE'S ENABLING\n LEGISLATION FROM STATE\n LEGISLATURE TO BECOME A\n LITTLE BIT OF A CHICKEN OR A\n PROBLEM HERE.E. BECAUSE THE\n STATE LEGISLATURE'S MAYBE NOT\n LOOKING AT THIS TOO SERIOUSLY\n BECAUSE REALLY HASN'T BEEN\n ANY.. SIZABLE SUNNI IN\n COLORADO THAT'S TAKEN THIS UP\n AND SO THIS IS NOT AN A\n PRIORITY FOR THE LEGISLATURE\n ON TELLURIDE TABLE SALT OR\n DOING.. OTHER SMALL TOWNS AND\n THEY DO IT BY HAND AND MOLLY\n AND THE SEARCHERS STATE NEEDS\n ENABLING LEGISLATION FROM THE\n STATE LEGISLATURE IN ORDER TO\n MAKE THIS WAR..NATURALLY THE\n BLOGGER HERE SO WE CONSIDER\n EYES.GEEZ WE'RE NOT TO DO\n THIS.S.PAULA TELLS HER SHE CAN\n DO IT AND ALWAYS SAY I.I. LOVE\n TO TRY TO DO THIS BUT I CAN'T\n DO IT SO ZEALOUSLY TRACKS AND\n SO SO HE'S GOT A GO GO FIRST\n YEAR.R. I THINK WE SHOULD GO\n FIRST AND SAY IT IS THE\n LEGISLATURE CLASS RUN WE\n WOULD LIKE TO DO THIS IN\n THREE YEARS..IFIF YOU POST O ON\n ANOTHER TO.O. FIND LEGAL INTO\n THE SYSTEM BUT WHAT WE WOULD\n LIKE TO GO HERE AND WOULD\n LIKE SIT DOWN FOR NOW.. I A AM\n TWENTY ONE AND HAVE YOU AS IS\n NATE WITH LEGISLATION SO THAT\n OUR COUNTY CLERK AND\n SECRETARY OF STATE.E.\n IMPLEMENTS AND THEY ACTUALLY\n WANT TO IMPLEMENT BUT IF WE\n DON'T ACT.. THERE'S NO REASON\n FOR THE LEGISLATURE TO PASS\n ENABLING LEGISLATION SO\n ZEALOUSLY RIGHT WE HAVE\n PEOPLE SO EASILY GO FIRST\n YEAR AND I THINK SHOULD BE\n THE SONGS WITH THIS CASE ALL\n JUMP IN HERE.E.I AGREE WITH\n BARRY AND MARK I CANNOT\n IMAGINE PUTTING SOMETHING\n CONTINGENT INTO OUR CHARTER..\nSO IT IS LIKE OUR CONSTITUTION\n AND WHY WOULD WE AMEND OUR\n CONSTITUTION THEY SAY WILL DO\n THIS.S.MAYBYBE I ITT WORKS OUTD\n THE OTHER PLAYERS WHO ARE\n DETERMINING HOW HIS WORK DO\n THEIR JOB..I ALSO THINK THAHAT\n IT BE BY CHOICE VOTING\n APPROACH IS FAR MORE POWERFUL\n THAN THE FULL COUNCIL\n ELECTION NOT JUST A MAYORAL\n ELECTION.N.SOSO HAVING A A SINE\n SEED WHICH IS GOING TO USE\n SOME KIND OF INSTANT RUNOFF\n VOTING REALLY ISN'T MUCH\n DIFFERENT THAN JUST HAVING\n THAT POSITION BE VOTED ON\n WITH A PLURALITY..SOSO I I REAY\n DON'T FEEL LIKE THIS IS\n READY..I DOO SAYAY THAT WE WAND\n IT WHEN SHE WAS THE BETTER\n PROPORTIONAL REPRESENTATION\n BUT I THINK THIS IS IT AND\n YOU KNOW.W. FOR M ME A AS PRETY\n AMBIVALENT ABOUT SUPPORTING\n IT ON THE FIRST READING WE\n LEARN FROM THE COUNTY CLERK\n MITZI MUCH MUCH MORE. CERTAIN\n THAT THIS IS THE RIGHT THING\n TO DO SO I WOULD AGREE WITH\n MARY.Y.I'I'D LIKE TO HAVE ASAS\n RECONVENE THE ELECTION WE'RE\n GOING TO FIX THE SIGNATURE\n REQUIREMENTS AND DEADLINES TO\n ENSURE THAT WE'RE ALL.. CLEAR\n ON WHAT PERTAINS TO WHAT AS\n FAR AS THAT ISSUE DURING\n THOSE BUT I ALSO THINK THAT\n WE WANT TO EXPLORE RANCHERS\n STARTING.G. WITH OUR PARTNERS\n WITH THE LEAGUE OF WOMEN\n VOTERS.S. WITH THE INTEREST\n VOTING ADVOCACY GROUPS.. WITH\n OUR CLERK THEHE CLERK ONLNLY\n REALLY WAS CONTACTED ABOUT\n THIS A FEW WEEKS AGO AND I\n THINK THAT'S JUST A BIG\n WEAKNESS AND TRYING TO SET UP\n A CHANGE TO.. OUR ELECTION\n RULES IN OUR. CONSTITUTION IS\n MORE OF OUR CITY CHARTER SO\n I'M NOT SUPPORT ANY FLAVOR\n OF THE SIDE OF THAT HELPS\n RACHEL WITH YOUR IDEA ABOUT\n WHETHER WE HAD FIVE OR SIX\n BOATS..I'M GOING BUT MY HAND\n UP AND SAY I'M NOT GOING TO\n SUPPORT ANY VERSION OF THIS\n RIGHT NOW I DO WANT TO SEE\n RANCHERS AND GO AHEAD.. WITH\n THE PROPONENTS CAN GO IS A\n GLUTTONOUS NOT ONLY ON HER\n RADAR BUT GET SOMETHING THAT\n WE NEED TO PLAN AND TO.O. D DOA\n GOOD THOROUGH JOB OF GETTING\n INPUT INTO HOW WE MOVE AHEAD\n WITH A CHANGE TO OUR\n ELECTORAL SYSTEM SO THAT\n BEING SAID I THINK WE WANT TO\n GO BACK TO IT.T.RACHEL WAS\n ASKING AND SEE HOW MANY\n PEOPLE SUPPORT DURING THIS AT\n ALL AND IF IT'S SIX THEN I\n THINK WE CAN GO AHEAD AND\n PASS THE CHANGES..AARON HAS\n TALKED ABOUT BUT IF IT'S NOT\n EVEN FIVE AM TO.WE HAVE A\n REASON TO GO AHEAD WITH THIS..\nSO TOM AND IN TURNRN AGAIN. AND\n SAY HOW SHOULD WE HANDLE IT\n SHOULD BE PAST THE CONSENT\n AGENDA AND THEN COME BACK TO\n ITEM THREE K FOUR BOOKS WHICH\n ARE CROSS A SUGGESTION HERE..\n TRULY ARE CHORES AND COULD\n JUST BRUSH OUR HANDS NOW TO\n HOW IT WORKS AND SEE WHAT\n INSPIRES THE MOST FOR ANY\n VERSION COVID AND SIMPLIFY\n THAT WAY OR YOU COULD JUST\n YET..NOW MAKE SENSEWE'V'VE HEAD\n FROM EACH OTHER SO I WOULD\n JUST ASK FOR STRAW POLL\n CAPACITY TO MEET PEOPLE WOULD\n SUPPORT SOME VERSION OF THE\n FOUR TWENTY.. VISION HAND SO I\n SEE ADAM CHU NI RACHEHEL AND\n AARON SETS FIVE..SOSO U UM I IS\n THE QUESTION TO THE OTHER\n FOUR OF US IS WOULD WE WANT\n TO SUPPORT PARENTS CHANGE AND\n HAVE ONE OF THE FOUR.. VOTE IN\n FAVOR OF ITS THREE K.K. ANDND E\n WORDS ARE JUST JUMP IN BUT I\n JUST KNOW THAT THAT WOULD\n ALSO.O. INCLUDE THE CHANGE IN\n ATTACHMENT BE IN OUR PACKET\n WHICH WOULD CLARIFY THAT YOU\n CANNOT RUN FOR COUNCIL AND\n MAYOR AT THE SAME TIME SO\n THAT WOULD BE THE TWO\n CHANGES.. SO O I GUESS MARY\n NEARBY MARK OR ME WOULD YOU\n DAVE YOU WANT TOO SUPPORT\n THREE K WITH THE CHANGES\n TURNS PROPOSED I'M NOT SAYING\n ANY ANY HANDS HERE SO.O. THAHAI\n COULD GO AHEAD AND MAKE A\n MOTION ON THE CONSENT AGENDA\n SINCE THAT SEEMS TO BE\n SETTLED FOR PART.OK WE'LL\n MOVE THE CONSENT AGENDA..JUST\n CLARIFYING THAT FOR THREE\n KATIE FOR TWENTY THAT THAT IS\n THE ORIGINAL LANGUAGE AND THE\n HUM IN THE MEMO.. AND ALSLSO II\n BELIEVE WE SHOULD ADD A NOTE\n THAT IN THREE I WOULD INCLUDE\n THE CHANGED LANGUAGE THAT\n YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT EARLIER\n EXACT YOUR GUESTS. AND ANY\n OTHER CHURCH THERE WAS NO RAW\n TASTY TOO..ABOUT THTHE ABOUT TE\n SCOOTER ONCE THREE CHE SHOULD\n WE INCLUDE THAT AS WELL.L.JUST\n PLEASE THE CHANGES THAT IN\n THE OCEAN IN THE PACKAGE YOU\n WOULD ONLY APPROVE WANT THE\n THREE ORDINANCES SAYS HE\n ASKED THAT WE APPROVE ALL THE\n WALL.L.ALL THREE ON FIRST\n READING AND DECIDE WHICH ONE\n FOR ONE SECOND READING.G.SOSO F\n YOU ADOPT THE RADISH YOU'LL\n BE DOING THAT.. GREAT WHICH IS\n WHAT I WOULD LIKE TO DO SO\n THEN WITH THREE J.J. THE RAP\n SHEET SO THAT WE'RE PASSING\n ALL THREE VERSIONS FOR\n CONSIDERATION WHEN WE COME\n BACK TO A SECOND READING\n CLEAR ENOUGH THE SERVER\n SERVICES.S.ROLL CALL WRITES YES\n PLEASE.E.II BUYUY A A MEMORY AS\n ON ALL MATTERS YOUNG..YEYESS AD\n NO ON THREE KK K K YES ALLLL\n OF THEM..ANAND YESES N NO AND E\n AND JUSTIN.N.THTHEE THEHE DAYAH\n IS THAT NEW AND PRE K K I I THK\n YES BUT NO ON THREE EIGHT\n THREE FOR THREE AND THENN\n CORRECT..WHILEE THEHE YESES NON\n THREE K WHEELER YES BUT NO\n ENTRY K..THTHE PARTYTYII SAY TT\n BECAUSE I MEAN YES A AS ME FORR\n THE ETHICAL AND JUST TOTO\n CLARIFY I BELIEVE THAT MEANS\n THAT ALL ITEMS PASSED IN.N. THE\n RECTORY EIGHTY TWO NO VOTES\n ON THREE YAN FOR THEIR VOTES\n ON THREE K AND TWO NO VOTES\n ON THREE I THINK JAMIE AND\n ADAM WERE ONE TREE I ARE.\n GOOD ENOUGH TO BOTHER HIM..\nTHERE WAS SOME CONFUSION\n CAUSED BY AN ARTICLE IN THE\n DAILY CAMERA.A. WAS USING HIS\n RIGHT BUT IN THIS CASE I\n THINK WAS A LITTLE BIT\n CONFUSING BUT A LOT OF PEOPLE\n WRITE TO US ARE CREATED WITH\n THE STAT ABOUT THE SCOOTERS.S.\n TICKING REALLY THE ACTUAL NEW\n SCOOTERS ARE THREE\n ALTERNATIVES FOR US BECAUSE\n WE JUST HEARD ANY DISCUSSION\n OF THESE GERS AROUND TO..\n QUESTIONS FROM COUNCIL AND SO\n I WANT ANYBODY TO COME AWAY\n FROM TONIGHT'S VOTE ON THREE\n J AND PASSING ALL THREE\n VERSIONS OF THREE J. TO\n BELIEVE THAT WE CAN PROVE HIS\n THEORIES OF ONE VARIETY OR\n ANOTHER..UMUM IT'S NOT UNUSUAL\n FOR US FOR THOSE OF YOU WHO\n ARE NOT ACCUSTOMED US TO\n PASS.S. FOR FREE SOMETIMES EVEN\n TWO OR THREE VERSIONS ON\n FIRST READING.. WITHOUT\n DISCUSSION OR HEARING AND\n THEN ROLL UP OUR SLEEVES AND\n SECOND HEARING AND ACTUALLY\n DECIDE WHAT IF ANYTHING THE\n PAST WEEK WE MIGHT.T. KNOW\n THESE VERSIONS ON SECOND\n READING APPROVAL TO INSTALL\n WAS LIKE TO SUGGEST THE\n HEADLINE TOMORROW COUNCIL HAS\n USED PETER'S BOLD ARE.. THINGS\n WE TALKED ABOUT HE'S GOING TO\n BE REALLY REALLY CLEAR THAT\n THERE WERE THREE VERSIONS THE\n FIRST THREE VERSES ONE AND\n TWO BUT WAS INCONSISTENT WITH\n THE OTHER TWO LEAD AFTER\n ANOTHER..OK DADAD DADDY OUTSIDE\n FOR A A BALANCE IN YOUR COLUMUN\n TONIGHT AND FOR A SIX PEARL\n ST.T.THE DEMO ANDND\n RECONSTRUCTION SAYS HE DESIRE\n TO CALL US UP.P. SAYING I'M\n TRYING TO FIND.D. A A HEARINGR\n SECOND HEARING TONIGHT IS\n THE CONSIDERATION OF THE\n AUGUST ELEVEN CONSIDERATION\n OF EMOTION.N. REGARDING THE\n MANAGEMENT OF OPEN SPACE AND\n MOUNTAIN PARKS IRRIGATED\n AGRICULTURAL LANDS OCCUPIED\n BY PRAIRIE DOGS WITH NO NEWS\n OF THE TESTIMONY OF THE JN\n THREE OF ITS STAFF\n PRESENTATION.N.WEWE DON'T HAVEA\n STAFF PRESENTATION THAT I\n KNOWWOF I BELIEVE THAT THIS IS\n OPEN FOR YOUR COMMENT AND\n NOTE THAT MARKER SHANNON IS\n HERE HE WAS THE PRESENTER\n LAST TIME SAW MARK TO HAVE\n PRESENTATION.N.NO BUTUT THEHE\n COUNCIL BELIEVE INVITED KURT\n BROWN TEACHER IN SPACE BOARD\n OF TRUSTEES TO MAKE SOME\n REMARKS..KERR WAS I IN\n ATTENDANCE AT THE AUGUST\n ELEVEN MEETING..WEWE HAVE GOT\n TIMED OUT SO HE IS HERE AGAIN\n TODAY AND STAY PREPARED FOR\n COUNTS.S.I THINK DAN IS ALSO\n HERE BUT MAYBE THAT'S CORRECT\n MARK THANK YOU.U.ITIT WILL BE\n MUCH DIFFERENT FOR THE QUOTE\n WE PROBABLY.. DIDN'T GET TO\n LAST TIME WAS COUNCIL\n QUESTIONS OF THE STAFF\n PRESENTATION SO CURT IF YOU\n WANT TO KICK US OFF AND THEN\n LEGAL COUNSEL OR QUESTIONS..\nTHANK YOU MAYOR AND COUNCILOR\n KURT BROWN WAS THE CHAIR.R.\nTHANK YOU FOR YOUR\n CONSIDERATION OF THIS\n IMPORTANT ISSUE..THTHE EXPEDITD\n PROCESS REQUESTED BY COUNCIL\n HAS BEEN EXTREMELY\n CHALLENGING FOR CITY STAFF\n AND WE VERY MUCH APPRECIATE\n ALL THEIR INTENSIVE EFFORTS..\nWE ALSO APPRECIATE ALL THE\n TIME INFORMATION THAT THE \n HAS CONTRIBUTED OVER LAST\n YEAR.R. THE OPEN SPACE BOARD\n OF TRUSTEES UNANIMOUSLY\n RECOMMENDS THE COUNCIL\n APPROVED THE PREFERRED PLAN\n ARRIVED AT THE MANY MONTHS OF\n CONSULTATION ANNOUNCES.S. THE\n PLAN IS DESIGNED TO RESTORE\n AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTIVITY AND\n SOIL ON YOUR GOOD AG LANDS\n IN THE PROJECT AREA SO A\n COMBINATION OF CRAIG\n OF RELOCATION LETHAL CONTROL.L.\n AND BY FACILITATING CUSTOMARY\n AGRICULTURAL ACTIVITIES IN\n THE PROJECT AREA TO\n MODIFICATION OF THE BURRO\n PROTECTION ORDINANCE.E.THE PLAN\n ALSO SUPPORTS MANY TYPES\n OF LAND RESTORATION REQUIRES\n US TO MEET ANNUALLY WITH THE \n DOCUMENT PROJECT ACTIVITIES\n TRENDS ON PERFORMANCE\n INDICATORS AND PLANS FOR THE\n COMING YEAR.. IN THE PAST FEW\n WEEKS SEVERAL STATEMENTS AND\n A BOARD LEAVES ARE A\n MISUNDERSTANDING OF THE\n CURRENT CONDITIONS OR MIS\n CHARACTERIZATION OF THE\n PREFERRED PLAN.N. LIKE TO\n ADDRESS JUST FOUR OF THESE.E.\n IS THE FIRSTST TIME A STATE\n OF THE PREFERRED PLAN IS TO\n EXPLAIN THAT WE NEED A\n COMPROMISE PLAN.. THE BOARD\n STRONGLY BELIEVES THAT THE\n PREFERRED PLAN IS ALREADY A\n COMPROMISE PLAN FOCUSES ONLY\n ON AUSTIN PEAY IRRIGATED\n LANDS EVEN THOUGH WE ALSO\n HAVE PREGO CONFLICTS ON ON\n YOUR PLANS.. TO FOCUS ONLY ON\n ONE SECTION OF OUR IRRIGATED\n LANDS EVEN THOUGH MANY HAVE\n ARGUED ALL OF US AND HEARING\n AIDS LAND SHOULD BE INCLUDED\n IN THE PROJECT.T. ALSO MANY\n HAVE ARGUED INCLUDING MEMBERS\n OF THE BOARD FOR GREAT RELIEF\n FOR LESS EASE IN THE BOROUGH\n DESTRUCTION ORGANS BEYOND THE\n LIMITS TO POSE.E. AS SUCH THE\n BOARD BELIEVES THE PLAN AS A\n COMPROMISE AND BALANCES\n CHARTER PURPOSES SECOND\n STATED THAT LETHAL CONTROL\n PRAIRIE DOGS MUST NOT OCCUR..\nIN FACT THE CITY STRICT\n AVOIDANCE OF LETHAL CONTROL\n HAS SIGNIFICANTLY CONTRIBUTED\n TO THE SITUATION WE FACE\n TODAY..EVERY YEAR MANY\n THOUSANDS OF DOGS MY GRIEF OR\n ARE IRRIGATED LANDS ON\n ADJACENT PRIVATE PROPERTIES\n WERE THERE KILLED ONE COUNCIL\n MEMBER OBSERVED LAST YEAR WE\n SIMPLY OUTSOURCE OR LEGAL\n CONTROLS OUR NEIGHBORS.S.THESE\n ONGOING PERIOD OF DEATHS ARE\n SELDOM ACKNOWLEDGE IT OVER\n THE LAST FIVE YEARS AND FAR\n MORE THAN THE LETHAL CONTROL\n EXPECTED DURING THE ENTIRE\n FOR IMPLEMENTATION.N. OF THESE\n THOUSANDS OF DEATHS WILL\n CONTINUE EVERY YEAR THESE\n POPULATIONS REMAIN IN\n CONTROL..THIS I IS ONE OF THE\n REASONS THAT THE OPEN SPACE\n PORT DURING OUR MARCH\n DELIBERATIONS INCREASE AS\n MUCH AS POSSIBLE.E.THE SPEED IN\n THE EFFECTIVENESS OF THE\n RECOMMENDED PLAN SIR..SO\n STAINED THAT IF WE STOP\n FARMING OR RAISING THESE\n LANDS WILL COME THEY WILL\n BECOME NATURAL GRASSLANDS..\n LIKE OUR SOUTHERN GRASSLANDS\n WHICH HAVE NEVER BEEN PLOWED\n AND WHICH RETAIN THE SOIL\n STRUCTURE AND DEEP ROOTED\n PLANT COMMUNITIES OF THE TRIP\n GRASSLAND.. OR NORTHERN\n IRRIGATED LANDS HAVE BEEN\n PLOWED IN MANY CASES FOR MORE\n THAN ONE HUNDRED YEARS.S. THE\n SOIL STRUCTURE OF COMMUNITIES\n ARE NOW NOTHING LIKE A\n NATURAL GRASSLAND THE HEALTH\n AND THE STABILITY OF THESE\n LANDS NOW DEPENDS ON ANNUAL\n CROPPING APPLICATION\n OF IRRIGATION WATER. WAS AND\n HE HAS SIGNIFICANT EXPERIENCE\n IN THIS AREA.A.WHAT HAPPENS\n WHEN YOU WALK AWAY FROM THESE\n LANDS THEY DO NOT BECOME\n GRASSLANDS AND FIELDS\n OF INVASIVE WEEDS OR EVEN\n WORSE BARE GROUND BLOWING\n CONSUL.L. TO SUSTAIN THE\n EFFORTS AND GRASSLAND\n RESTORATION HAVE TAKEN\n DECADES TO MAKE SIGNIFICANT\n PROGRESS IN AS IN THE ABSENCE\n OF HURDLES.S. FINAL ASSOCIATED\n THE PLAN WILL SEVERELY REDUCE\n OR ELIMINATE CURRENT\n POPULATIONS ON OPEN SPACE..\n BEFORE US AND THE STAFF BEGAN\n FORMULATING ALTERNATIVES THE\n OPEN SPACE COURT STIPULATED\n THAT NONE OF THE ALTERNATIVES\n SHOULD ADVERSELY IMPACT. THE\n EFFORTS OF AUSTIN PEAY TO\n SUPPORT A HEALTHY POPULATION\n OF PRAIRIE DOGS AND THE\n NATIVE GRASSLANDS ON WHICH\n THEY DEPEND..THE DEPARTMENT\n HAS A LONG AND SUCCESSFUL\n TRACK RECORD OF PRAIRIE DOG\n CONSERVATION AND IS IN FACT A\n LEADER AMONG OPEN SPACE\n AGENCIES ACROSS THE RANGE\n OF THIS THESE.. THIS WILL NOT\n CHANGE UNDER THE PREFERRED\n PLAN.N. ALL PRAIRIE DOGS WERE\n REMOVED FROM THE FIVE HUNDRED\n AND SIXTY ACRES OF CHARRED\n IRRIGATED LANDS.. MORE THAN\n ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS\n WILL STILL RESIDE IN NEARLY\n FOUR THOUSAND ACRES\n OF PROTECTED LAND.. IN OTHER\n WORDS NEARLY NINETY PERCENT\n OF THE US EMPTY LAND\n CURRENTLY OCCUPIED BY PRAIRIE\n DOGS IS UNAFFECTED BY THE\n PREFERRED PLAN.N. THE BOARD HAS\n ALSO MADE CLEAR THAT THE\n LOCATIONS OF HER DOGS FROM\n IRRIGATED LANDS SHOULD BE\n UNDERTAKEN WHEN EVER THERE'S\n A NEED AND CAPACITY.. FOR\n ADDITIONAL POPULATION IN THE\n SOUTHERN GRASSLANDS AGAIN\n COUNCIL WE THANK YOU FOR YOUR\n DELIBERATION ON THIS\n IMPORTANT ISSUE..SOSO I I THINK\n NOW I RETURN TO COUNCIL\n QUESTIONS THEREBY THE RAIN\n FROM DIFFERENT PEOPLE THAT\n THIS ONE TO CLARIFY SOMETHING\n WAS SAID WAS THAT WAS ON THE\n NORTHERN SIDE..ORIGINALLY\n POWERED SO THE ALICE EVE AND\n THE DOGS HAVE DESTROYED TO\n SAY HOW IT'S ACTUALLY NOT THE\n CASE IT'S THE FACT THAT THE\n TWINS HAD BEEN PLOWED AND SO\n NOW THE TOP..THOSE ARE DAMAGED\n AND WITH OUT FURTHER\n AGRICULTURAL ACTION AS LANCE\n AND I HEAL THEMSELVES BECAUSE\n OF THE STOCK IS THAT CORRECT..\nI'D SAY ISIS NOT EXACTLY LANCE\n WERE TO BE PUT INTO\n AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION MUCH\n OF THEM ARE JUST ARE.E. ALLOWED\n TO ESTABLISH PASTURES AND HAY\n FIELDS PASTURES AND HAY\n FIELDS BECAME ESTABLISHED\n THAT STABILIZE THE SOIL AND\n CREATED A SITUATION WHERE THE\n SOILS WERE MAINTAINED..UMUM I I\n WILL SAY THAT THERE ARE A A\n LEGACY OF LAND USES THAT VARY\n THROUGHOUT THE NORTHERN\n GRASSLANDS OF IN SOME AREAS\n HAD OTHER CONTRIBUTING\n FACTORS..I AGREE THAT\n SOMETIMES THE DOGS DO GET BAD\n RAP FOR LAMBS LYING IDLE IN\n ANTICIPATION OF DEVELOPMENT\n OR OVER GRAZING BY LIVESTOCK\n BUT MUCH OF THE PLOWING THAT\n OCCURRED ON.. THE SOILS IN\n THIS AREA RESULTED IN THOSE\n LANDS BEING RETURNED IN JOKER\n AND YOU'LL COVER BY GRASSES..\nALTHOUGH THEY WERE INTRODUCED\n GRASSES ON IRRIGATION AND HAY\n FIELDS PASTURES BUT WITHOUT\n THAT HE CAN..THTHE WINDS NOW AE\n IN ADDITION THIS OFF IF IT\n WERE NOT TO CONTINUE BEING\n USED IN THAT MANNER MEANING\n FOR DOGS EXISTING SO THAT\n THEY COULD. GET IMPLANTS\n CORRECT HAVE TO FIRST RESTORE\n GRASSLANDS NEEDED REST.T.WEWE D\n AS WE HAVE DONE SOME PLACES A\n SYSTEM TO ALLOW ME TO\n EDUCATION ESTABLISH.. THEIR\n ROOT SYSTEMS ET-CETERA SO\n THAT TOWN AND CAN SUSTAIN\n PREOCCUPATION.. ARERE INTO THAT\n I WANTED TO JUMP BACK TO YOUR\n PRESENTATION ON AN INTEGRATED\n A NUMBER OF QUESTIONS.S. WEREE\n ABLE TO GET TOO MUCH TIME AT\n YOUR OR PRESENTATION OF THE\n PREVIOUS HOUR OR ONE OF THE\n MEETING AND A SLIDE OUT FROM\n THE US AND HE.E. U UMM MASTER N\n WHERE WE WERE TALKING ABOUT\n THE PERCENTAGE OF PEOPLE IN\n BOULDER WHO SUPPORTED THE\n FALL AND I JUST WANTED TO\n MAKE A CLARIFYING STATEMENT\n FOR OUR COMMUNITY.. SHOWED\n THAT MAJORITY OF LIKE.. FOUOUR\n PERCENT SUPPORTED THE FALL.\n BUT THAT WAS NOT ONE I.. DON'T\n BELIEVE THAT WAS ACTUALLY IN\n MAYBE YOU CAN CRACK ME WRONG\n I MARK.K. THAT WAS ITIT YOU HAE\n STATED IT WAS A STATE\n SIGNIFICANTLY OUT OF THE\n SURVEY BUT I DON'T BELIEVE IT\n ACTUALLY WAS SO I'D LIKE TO\n KNOW THAT.. IN ANY OTHER\n PORTION COVID WAS THE\n QUESTION WAS WHAT NOT WHETHER\n YOU SUPPORT LEGAL OR NOT IT\n WAS WHETHER OR NOT YOU\n SUPPORTED ME.E.IFIF ALLLL OTHER\n OPTIONS HAVE BEEN TRITE WHICH\n THEY CLEARLY HAVE NOT BECAUSE\n THERE'S NO OTHER OPTIONS ON\n THE TABLE THAT HAVE BEEN\n PROVEN TO WORK IN THE PAST.\n IN THEIR PERSONS AND SO WITH\n THE COMMUNITY STATED THAT\n THEY SUPPORT THIS..THEY MAYAY\n BUT AFTER ALL THE OPTIONS\n HAVE BEEN TRIED SO WHY THIS\n TIMETABLE FOR US IS A LITTLE\n CONFUSING FOR ME AT THE\n MOMENT.T. IT WOULD BE NICE TOTO\n HAVE AN ANSWER REGARDING THE\n STATISTIC VALID SURVEY IF\n THAT WAS IT WAS NOT IT WAS A\n STATISTICALLY VALID SURVEY.Y.\n THEN IT GOES BACK TO THE FACT\n THAT THIS IS NOT WHAT THE\n COMMUNITY WAS ACTUALLY\n PUSHING FOR THEY WERE PUSHING\n FOR AFTERALL OF OTHER OPTIONS\n HAD BEEN TRIED WITH AND\n SUPPORT..I JUST WANT TO B BEE\n AWARE OF THAT BECAUSE\n IMPORTANT ACTOR IN WHERE THE\n PERCENTAGES LIE NEXT TO A\n QUESTION SO I GET HOW DO I\n UNDERSTAND.D. YOU'VE BEEN\n FOLLOWING THIS SINCE I\n STARTED WORKING ON IN TWENTY\n FIFTEEN THREE SIXTEEN TO SAVE\n OUR ECONS AND HOW WE MOVE\n FORWARD WITH.H.I'I'M WORKING\n GROUP IS OUR RECOMMENDATIONS\n AND SO ONE CLARIFICATION I\n DIDN'T MAKE FOR EVERYONE AS..\n EVERYONE KEEPS EVERYONE ON\n THEIR RANCH INSIDE HAS STATED\n THAT WE NEED TO SUPPORT\n STAFF'S WORK IN THE PAST\n YEARS.. FOR THE FACT THAT\n THERE WAS CHEERS PRIOR TO\n THAT COUNCIL HAD INITIATED\n THE WORKING GROUP WHERE IN\n THE MUCH EVERY STAKEHOLDER\n WAS INVOLVED FROM RANCHERS\n BIOLOGISTS.S. AND A KISISS O ON\n STAFF THERE WAS EVEN A PERSON\n WHO MODERATED THE ENTIRE\n THING. CAME UP WITH A NON\n LETHAL OPTION WORK FOR TWO\n SOLID YEARS WITH PEOPLE\n VOLUNTEERING THEIR TIME AND\n NEVER GIVEN THAT SHOT.T.SOSO WN\n PEOPLE SAY THAT WE'VE WORKED\n SO HARD OR AS MANY PEOPLE\n WORKING OR THAT FOR TWO SOLID\n YEARS AND WAS NEVER EVEN\n IMPLEMENT IT ON I GET..\n CONFUSED OR MAYBE EXPLAINING\n WHY IS THIS NEW PLAN BEING\n IMPLEMENTED OVER THE WORKING\n GROUP'S TWO YEARS OF WORK\n INVOLVE ALL STAKEHOLDERS\n INCLUDE.. THEHE RECOMMENDATIONS\n OF THE PRE DAWN WORKING GROUP\n WERE EVALUATED AND\n PRIORITIZED BY MULTI\n DEPARTMENTAL STAFF CREW THOSE\n RECOMMENDATIONS WERE BROUGHT\n FORTH TO BRIGHT CITY BOARDS.S.\n IN THE STREET LAST YEAR AND\n FOR RECOMMENDATION TO COUNCIL\n AND WERE BROUGHT FORWARD TO\n COUNCIL IN MAY LAST YEAR.R.\n ALONG THE WAY THE OPEN SPACE\n BOARD OF TRUSTEES MADE\n OBSERVATIONS AND THERE ARE\n COMMENTS FROM MEMBERS OF THE\n COMMUNITY THAT THE\n RECOMMENDATIONS OF PREY DON'T\n WORK AND DID NOT ADDRESS..WELL\n THE OBJECTIVESS OF TRYING TO\n OPERATE IRRIGATED\n AGRICULTURE.. IN THE PRESENCECE\n OF PRAIRIE DOGS AND THE OPEN\n SPACE BOARD OF TRUSTEES MADE\n A RECOMMENDATION LIKE THAT\n MOTION IF YOU'D LIKE.E. T TO\n UNDERTAKE THE PROJECT THE\n PROJECT THAT CULMINATED IN A\n PRESENTATION ON AUGUST\n ELEVEN.N. O ON THE RECOMMENDATN\n WAS ADVANCED TO CITY COUNCIL\n IN MAY AT THE SAME TIME THE\n COUNCIL ENDORSED S\n RECOMMENDATIONS ON THE\n OCCASION OF THE WORKING GROUP\n REPORT.T. ALSO DIRECTED STAFF\n TO UNDERTAKE THIS REVIEW AND\n SPECIFICALLY IDENTIFIED AMONG\n OTHER THINGS.S.CONTROL IS AN\n OPTION COULD BE CONSIDERED IN\n OUR VALUATION CAN MAKE YOU\n FORGET THAT THE BORROWING\n THAT LEADS RIGHT INTO MY NEXT\n QUESTION OF LETHAL CONTROL\n WEIGHS IN ON IT IT WAS AN\n OPTION.N.I REMEMBER JIM BURKE\n STANDING UP IN FRONT\n OF COUNCIL AND TOLD US THAT\n THIS MAY NOT BE OUR SILVER\n BULLET.T.MEANING IF WE KILLELED\n MANY MANY MANY ANIMALS THAT\n WE MAY NOT RECEIVE THE\n OUTCOME THAT.T. W WE HOPED FOR\n AND SO MY QUESTION ANSWERED\n AND COUNSEL FROM MY MEMORY\n DIRECTED STAFF TO CARE SO OUR\n HEALTH EXPERT AND GET US A\n TOUGH.. TIMEE I IF KILLING PERY\n DONS WOULD ADJUST AND FIX THE\n ISSUE THAT WE WERE CONCERNED\n ABOUT AND AS FAR AS I KNOW\n YOU'D HIRE.E. SOMEONE TO BE IS\n WHO IS AA SEOEO EXPERT AND SHES\n WORKING WITH STAFF NOW THAT\n WE DON'T HAVE THOSE ANSWERS\n IN SNOW..MYMY QUESTION IS\n WHERE'S THE DATA WHEREAS.. ANY\n FACTS SHOWING THE KILLING\n PRAIRIE DOGS WILL LEAD TO\n IMPROVE SOIL ARE THE OTHER\n COUNTIES AROUND IN COLORADO\n THAT HAVE DONE THIS AND\n MEASURED SOUTH FROM BEFORE.E.\n THE KILLING OF THE PRAIRIE\n DOGS AFTER THE TWIN PARADIGMS\n IN ANYTHING AT ALL ANYWHERE\n THERE IS ANY DATA TO SEE EYE\n TO EYE AND ASK LAUREN COLE\n COORDINATOR NOT RESPOND TO\n THAT QUESTION.I AS AN ALLY IN\n THE GREETER FOR A PERMIT.T.UMUI\n SAMPLED OVER A HUNDRED SHADES\n THIS YEAR AS HAS THE SAME\n SCHOOL HEALTH ASSESSMENT FOR\n AGRICULTURAL LANDS. SAID OH\n SILLY DANCE IN THE SOL TESTS\n COME BACK TO LAND AS YOU\n IMAGINE THE COOL BED.D.THERE'S\n BEEN SOME ISSUES WITH THEM IS\n LACKING SADDENS ME TO HAVE\n IT.T.HOWEVER THIS THIS DATE IN\n DISCUSSION PRIMARILY FOCUSED\n ON HER LANZA DID NOT HAVE A\n GREAT OCCUPATION DID NOT WANT\n THE COMPOUNDING FACTOR.R. THAT\n BEING SAID WE HAVE TESTED..\n THE TWO REMOVAL SITES FROM\n TWENTY NINE TEAM THAN US AND\n THE JOHNSON PROPERTY\n OF ELIZABETH BLACK'S THIS\n WILL HELP PROTECT.. THEHEM AND\n SO THAT WILL BE TESTED\n ANNUALLY FOR THE NEXT.. TEN\n YEARS AND THEN WE HAVE TWO\n SITES THAT WE CARED WITH THAT\n TO LOOK AT WHAT'S HAPPENING\n ON SITE TO HAVE.E. ENCROACHING\n PRAIRIE DOGS HIM LOOKING AT\n THAT TREND OVER TEN YEARS AS\n WELL.L. AS YOU KNOW WE HAVE NOT\n HAD MANY SUCCESSFUL RULES.. A T\n LEAST IN MY TENURE HERE TO\n OPEN SPACE THE PAST EIGHT\n YEARS ON AREA AND PLANS AND\n SO THERE'S NOT REALLY DAY TO\n SAY WHAT HAPPENS OR AFTER\n HIM..HOWEVEVER IF WE DO GO AHED\n WITH THESE RULES AND NEW\n LOCATIONS A LARGER SCALE ARE\n CERTAINLY PREPARED TO DO.O.\n TESTING TO ASSESS THE\n STRENGTH OF THE TIME I THINK\n YOU KNOW EVEN WE DON'T HAVE\n DO NOT SPECIFICALLY PRAIRIE\n DOGS WE HAVE THERE'S PLENTY\n OF DATA AND LITERATURE.E.\n LOOKING AT OVER GRAZING AND\n IF ALL THE TIME AND I THINK\n THAT'S THE MOST COMPARABLE\n DATA THAT WE CAN LOOK AT HERE\n BECAUSE THAT IS WHAT WE'RE\n SEEING.G. ON THE SKILLS THAT\n ARE HAPPENING AT HIS LOSS\n OF TOPSOIL DUE TO LACK\n OF VEGETATION TO HOLD THE\n PLACE. WAS SO UNDERSTANDING\n SAYING IS THAT THE OPTION FOR\n THE KILLING ON THE TABLE WITH\n NO SCIENTIFIC BACKING..OTHER\n THAN THE POSSIBILITY OF OVER\n GRAZING WHICH I KNOW A BIT\n OF RESEARCH THAT MYSELF.F. ANDD\n ACTUALLY DID HAVE A LOT WORSE\n IS HAVING THE NANO AND NOT\n MUCH TO PARADISE AND SO WHAT\n WE'RE BASICALLY SAYING IS\n THAT WE CAN PUT.. O ON THE TABE\n AS AN OPTION WITH NO ACTUAL\n DATA SHOWING US THAT THE SO\n HOW WILL THIS AT TIMES AND\n I'M.. OK SO WHAT I'M\n UNDERSTANDING IT DIDN'T OPEN\n GRAZING IS YOU'RE SAYING THAT\n THAT OVER GRAZING CAN CAUSE\n DAMAGE TO HELP IT BUT WHERE\n IS THE DATA SHOWING THAT\n REMOVAL OF CRAYONS WILL\n INCREASE.E.SO I I JUST MENTIOND\n THAT WE DON'T HAVE THAT DATA\n LAST YEAR MOSTLY BECAUSE WE\n HAVEN'T DONE RULES AND\n CONTROL ON A SCALE THAT\n YOU'RE ASKING ABOUT SOLD.D. AS\n A MENTION AND DONE THE SAME\n PLAYING.. IN TWENTY TEAM WITH\n THOSE MUSCLES. AND WE'LL\n CONTINUE TO CARRY TRAINING\n TEAM WILL CONTINUE TO TEST\n THOSE STATES BUT WITHOUT\n HAVING I CAN'T TELL YOU\n SPECIFICALLY WHAT'S HAPPENED\n IN BOULDER COUNTY BECAUSE WE\n HAVEN'T TESTED IT HERE.E.I\n DON'T THINK IT HAS TESTED IT\n OUT TO GET AT LEAST LOOK I\n DON'T THINK THEY'VE DONE\n TESTING ON THAT.T. AND S SOO\n ANALOGOUS SITUATION BE ANY\n IRRIGATED LANDS ARE OVER\n GRAZING WHAT ANIMAL IS DOING.\n SO AND I FULLY UNDERSTAND HER\n SAKE BUT I GUESS I'M TRYING\n UNDERSTAND HOW WE GOT LETHAL\n ON THE TABLE AS AN OPTION.N.IT\n WAS IMPROVING TO GET THE\n INTENDED HERE BUT I'M\n ASSUMING I WAS IN THE END WE\n HAVE THAT DATA AND LET'S SAY\n FOR EXAMPLE WERE COUNTED IN A\n HEAD. RESULTS WITH THE FOLKS\n GOING IN THERE SO HOW CAN\n DRASTICALLY..OHOH HEYEY THEY HE\n GREAT RESULTS LET'S TRY IT\n HERE THAT WERE MYSTERIOUSLY\n MEDINA HAS TO COME SOMEWHERE\n FROM CHOOSING WE GO AS AN\n OPTION.N.OTHERWISE I DON'T\n UNDERSTAND WHY PEOPLE WOULD\n BE ON THE TABLE IF IT'S NOT\n GOING TO DO WITH WHAT WE WANT\n TO DO.. THE DATA COMES FROM\n KNOWING THAT ONCE YOU REMOVE\n THAT HER GRAZING PRESSURE ON\n ANY PROPERTY AND HE SPENT\n TIME RESTORING.G. VEGETATION\n THROUGH SOME OF THAT WE\n OUTLINED HER JOURNAL TO\n FORGET THAT WE CAN SEE\n IMPROVEMENTS AND VEGETATIVE\n GROWTH AND IMPROVE THE GROUND\n DUE TO GROWTH IMPROVED BELOW\n GROUND.D. ITSELF THE WEST\n ESPECIALLY HERE\n ++MUSIC PLAYING;; IS DRIVING\n THE SYSTEMS I THINK WE CAN\n SEE A PRETTY RAPID RESPONSE\n AND HOW.. TO CAST YOU THAT BYBY\n RELOCATING A PORTION THAT\n CARRIES ON IN HIS HER DOGS\n OUT TO DECREASE THE DENSITY\n OF THE OCCUPANCY BUT WE'RE\n SAYING WE HAVE TO REMOVE\n EVERY.. EVERY ANIMAL IN ORDER\n TO JUST LET THE COWS GRAZE\n THERE INSTEAD.. I I WAS A A VEY\n DIFFICULT PROBLEM AND\n COMMENTARY AS THEY DON'T STAY\n WHERE WE WANT THEM TO STAY SO\n EVEN IF YOU REMOVE THEM FROM\n OPPRESSION OF THE PROPERTY.Y.\n THEY STILL RAISE ANYWHERE\n THEY WANT AGREES AND SO WE\n CAN'T REALLY CONTROL THAT WAS\n MEANT FOR THAT ACTIVITY.. AND\n SO THE IDEA I THINK WITH HIS\n PREFERRED ALTERNATIVE IS THAT\n REMOVING THEM FROM AN ENTIRE\n FIELD OUR ENTIRE COMPLEX\n OF FIELDS THAT WE CAN MANAGE\n VEGETATION RESTORE IT.. AND\n THEN ONCE WE SEE A POSITIVE\n RESPONSE THAN WE CAN LOOK AT\n LAST EVERYTHING IS FREEZING\n DOES KIND OF THINGS BECAUSE\n THAT IS THE NATION THAT WE\n DID. AND THAT WRESTLING PLAN\n ON HONORING HER CHAIR.R.WELLLL\n KITTY WE'RE GOING TO BE BUT I\n THINK THEY.Y. JUST HAVE TO D DO\n THAT SOO THANK YOU FOR THOSE\n ANSWERS I DO APPRECIATE THAT\n WHILE SOMEONE ELSE HAS A HINT\n OF WHAT SOMEONE ELSE LATELY\n AND IT'S. NOW TO ANSWER YOUR\n QUESTIONS FORLORN AS WELL.I'M\n TOTALLY INTERESTED IN HOW YOU\n ASSESS SOIL HEALTH.H.SOSO WHEN\n YOU SAY YOU'D TAKEN A HUNDRED\n MEASUREMENTS PLUS OR MINUS..\nWHAT ARE YOU MEASURING AND\n MEASURING MOISTURE MEASURING\n CARBON CONTENT BUT HOW ARE\n YOU ASSESSING THE HEALTH\n OF SOILS THE TIME SAID HE\n COULD HAVE A LIST FROM THE\n ONGOING EFFORTS IN THE\n REGION.N.II HOPE FOR ISIS THE D\n OF THIS MONTH WILL BE A\n HUNDRED AND TWENTY FIVE\n DIFFERENT IRRIGATED FIELDS\n AND SO THE SAMPLES KITS AND I\n WILL ADD TO THAT AS.. A\n VARIETY OF TESTING THE\n CHEMICAL HAS A LOT CHEMICAL\n PHYSICAL AND BIOLOGICAL\n INDICATORS THE HOUSE AND\n THINGS LIKE ORGANIC MATTER\n NATIONAL CURVE AND STABILITY..\n MACARONI TRANSLATE NITROGEN\n PHOSPHORUS AND POTASSIUM AND\n SO WHEN THIS PACKAGE\n OF TESTING THAT WE HAVE\n SELECTED YOU GET A\n COMPREHENSIVE PICTURE\n OF WHAT'S HAPPENING BELOW\n GROUND.D. NOW FOR THAT THE\n REMOVAL SAY WHAT WE'RE.E.\n ANTICIPATING IS THAT NOT ONLY\n DO THIS TESTING THAT REGION\n ARE EASIER TO GET A GLANCE AT\n MOST THE GREAT OZ.Z. CROSSING A\n LOOK AT THE G DESTRUCTION..\n SOUL ON DOING TRANSACTION\n LOOKING AT A DENSITY OF PLANS\n UNITY HATE LITTER COVER THAT\n KIND OF THING AND THEN ALSO\n WATER INFILTRATION THE KIND\n OF A WHOLE PICTURE BECAUSE.E.\n LIKE ANYTHING OK IS MY REALLY\n GOOD INDICATOR OF MY I D HALL\n MEETING BUT HOW ABOUT HOW THE\n MILE.E. AND SEEEE THEHE MULTIPE\n INDICATORS.S. ARE HOT AGAIN I\n GET THE SYSTEM SO AS NOT TO\n LOOK AT YOU KNOW.W. CURRENTLY\n HAVE TO LOOK AT THE WHOLE\n PICTURE AND THAT INCLUDES\n KIND OF AN ABOVE GROUND\n ASSESSMENT OF WHAT'S\n HAPPENING.. AT ITIT AND S SOO I\n GUESS MY MY OVERARCHING\n QUESTION ABOUT.. ANY DECISIONS\n ARE MADE FOR CONTROLLING\n WILDLIFE AND SKATES WE DON'T\n CONTROL THEIR DOGS FOR\n REMOVAL OR COHABITATION OR\n WHATEVER TREATMENTS ARE PUT\n IN PLACE. IN EACH OF THE\n PARCELS AT ISSUE HOW WE KNOW\n WHAT'S GOOD WHAT'S BAD.D.SO HOW\n WOULD WE COMPARE A PLOT WHERE\n WE DO THE FULL CONTROL WITH A\n PLOT TO.O. RELOCATION HOWARD\n RENO WHICH IS BETTER THAN THE\n SOIL HEALTH PERSPECTIVE AND\n IT SEEMS TO BE LIKE WE WON\n SOME KIND OF A LONGITUDINAL\n STUDY.. ANDND SOME KINDND\n OF CONTROL WHICH.H. PRESUMABLY\n WOULD HAVE HEARD ON SUNDAY\n AND THE LAND WHERE WE TAKE\n THE BIRD ALSO A SO SO HOW HOW\n ARE YOU PLANNING TO DO THAT\n KIND OF LONGITUDINAL STUDY..\n THAT GREAT PRICE AND SO I\n ABSOLUTELY IT'S NOT ENOUGH.H.\n SO I REALLY WERE TAKING\n SAMPLES BE FOR EITHER REMOVAL\n AND HAULING IT.T. IN EVERY FIVE\n YEARS OR TEN YEARS FIFTEEN\n YEARS JUST TO SEE HOW WHAT\n THE TRENDS ARE EIGHT ONE.. ONE\n SIMPLE POINT AND TIME AND WE\n WANT TO SEE WHERE THINGS ARE\n HEADED GREAT SOLD YOU THAT..\n ARE AWESOME TO LOOK AT PLACES\n THAT NEVER HAD PRAYED GOD'S\n HOLY FEELING FOR THE STANDARD\n IN SAMPLING DON'T HAVE THE\n RECEIPT SO WE CAN SEE WHAT\n THOSE FRIENDS ARE THERE.. AND\n THEN ALSO LOOK AT AREAS ARE\n NOT IN HER ROLLS.. OF HAY AND\n TRACTORS FRIENDS THE WAY\n COMPARED WITH THE SAME RATE\n THAT REPEATED MEASURE OVER\n TIME AND ALSO COMPARE THAT TO\n SITES THAT WE HAVE.E.\n CONTINUOUS GREAT EDUCATION\n AND ALSO CONTINUOUS AM NOT\n OCCUPATION AND SO IN THE\n CONTEXT OF THIS NEW NEW\n APPROACH TO PROTON\n MANAGEMENT.T.HAVE YOU DONE THE\n BASELINE SOIL MEASUREMENTS\n FROM FROM WHERE WE ARE\n PLANNING ON MOVING FOR\n DANCING WITH THE OVEN AS A\n BAD THING IS REALLY WHAT\n HAPPENS TO ME AND SOUL.L.II HAE\n NOT BEEN THAT HE'S GOING SO\n HOT THIS TIME ON THIS RULE\n AREAS BECAUSE I DON'T KNOW\n WHAT THEY ARE YET TO REALLY\n DEPENDS ON THE DECISION THIS\n EVENING.. FOR THE REMOVAL THAT\n IS PLANNED FOR THIS YEAR ON\n THE IBM PROPERTY ALSO TAKING\n SOIL SAMPLES EITHER THIS FALL\n OR EARLY NEXT SPRING AM TO\n TAKE THAT KIND OF BASELINE\n DATA FOR THAT..FOFOR THAT SATAN\n WILL BE FOLLOWING UP WITH\n THAT AND OTHER FACTORS.S.SO\n DOES THAT ARE GOOD PLANNERS\n TO JUST THE WEAR AND\n SPECIFICALLY TALKING ABOUT IS\n GOOD I GUESS..AND SOSO ARE THER\n RESOURCES WITH AN OPEN SPACE\n DEPARTMENT TO DO ALL THE SOIL\n SAMPLING THAT NEEDS TO BE\n DONE THAT SINCE.. SHEHE WAS THE\n BLACKS OF CITIZEN SOIL\n SAMPLING IS THAT SOMETHING\n THAT YOU'RE.. ENGAGING\n CITIZENS AND IS HELPING YOU\n COLLECT SOIL SAMPLES THAT I\n HAVE THE CREATIONIST POSITION\n I HAVE BEEN GIVEN TIME OR\n PLAN TO TAKE THE SOIL\n SAMPLES.. AND THERE WAS A\n BUDGET MINDED TO PAY THE\n SCHOOLS AND LAYING IN\n ADDITION.N. THE BOULDER OPEN\n SPACE CONSERVANCY ALSO\n GENEROUSLY DONATED MONEY TO\n THE AFTER IT I REALLY LIKE\n THIS WAS AN IMPORTANT..\n PROJECT FOR THE DEPARTMENT\n AND HAD A LOT OF IMPORTANCE\n AS FOR FACING CLIMATE CHANGE\n AND RAPIDLY CHANGING AM. YOU\n KNOW WATER HEATER WHEN I LOOK\n AT WAYS THAT WE CAN MANAGE OR\n WHY THEIR LIVES BETTER.R.SOSO\n THAT'S HOW THIS PROJECT IS\n FUNDED IN TERMS OF LIVES THAT\n CLASS CITIZEN SCIENCE PROJECT\n I OPEN SPACES PARTICIPATING..\n BY SOIL SAMPLING HER\n PROPERTIES AND SO HER PROJECT\n IS REALLY LOOKING AT AGING\n FARMERS AND SAYS SHE HAS\n FIFTY FORMER PARTICIPANTS\n THEREIN LEAST IMPLYING.G. THERE\n ARE WHOLE FIELDS TO DETERMINE\n WHAT IS HAPPENING IN.N. THE\n INTERESTING THINGS ABOUT NOT\n A LOT OF BARRIERS TO TESTING\n THEIR SKILLS WITH ANY KIND\n OF REGULARITY IN THE AREA AND\n WAS REALLY FEELING AND YOU\n HAVE IT FOLKS.. THEHE HOW TO\n INTERPRET THOSE LITTLE\n TOUCHES LIKE A HUGE PART\n OF GETTING THOSE TAXES.S.WHAT\n DOES IT MEAN AND SO I THINK\n THAT'S BEEN REALLY AWESOME..\n AND S SOO W WEE WE LOOK FORWARI\n SEE A CONFLICT TO.. THE FOLKS\n WHO ARE TRYING TO KEEP HER\n DOGS FROM KILL SOULS WHO ARE\n VERY INTERESTED IN THE AG\n LANDS BEING PRODUCTIVE AND\n NOT HAVING.G. CRAYONS SO IT\n SEEMS TO ME LIKE ONE OF THE\n POSSIBILITIES HERE WOULD BE\n SOME KIND OF CITIZEN\n COLLABORATIVE SHARED LEARNING\n PROCESS AND I'M SURE YOU'VE\n HEARD THIS BEFORE.. BUT THE\n CONCEPT WOULD BE.E. T TO GET TE\n STAKEHOLDERS THERE ON THE\n GROUND AND A LOT OF US SIT\n HERE AND HAVE OPINIONS ABOUT\n WHAT THE EDITORS OR DARTS OR\n SOILS IS BUT.. I IT SEEMS LIKE\n THERE'S OPPORTUNITY HERE TO\n EDUCATE EVERYONE.E. ON HERERE\n PLEASE ASK YOURSELF THAT IT'S\n NOT A TYPICAL THING FOR HIM\n ON AND PLANS TO DO SOIL\n SAMPLING AND SO THAT'S A NEW\n DANCE IN THEIR.R. EDUCATION AND\n THEN SEEMS TO BE REALLY\n IMPORTANT FOR THAT.T. TOOOO\n LITTLE CONTROL OR RELOCATION\n WHATEVER WE WANT TO DO IT IN\n ORDER TO PRESERVE SOIL HEALTH\n THAT WE NEED TO MAKE SURE\n THAT THAT'S WHAT'S ACTUALLY\n HAPPENING..SOSO THE BASELINE\n STUDIES SEEM IMPORTANT TO ME\n BUT ALSO MAKING SURE TO PASS\n AS WE GO FOR THE VARIOUS\n KINDS OF TREATMENTS AND IT\n SEEMS LIKE.E. I WOULD IMAGINE\n OPEN SPACES RESOURCE LIMITED\n AND SO WHAT COULD YOU DO IF\n YOU HAVE VOLUNTEERS WHO ARE\n HELPING YOU EXECUTE YOUR\n STUDY.. AND SO O I JUST PUT THT\n OUT THERE BECAUSE THERE'S AN\n OPPORTUNITY I MEAN WE HAVE\n THIS VITAL LAW RIGHT WE HEAR\n ABOUT THE BIRD ON THE ISSUE..\n YOU KNOW EVERY COUPLE YEARS\n EVERY THREE YEARS IT SEEMS TO\n ME LIKE SOMETHING NEEDS TO\n BRING SIDES TOGETHER\n UNDERSTAND EACH OTHER AND TO\n UNDERSTAND THE SOIL..I'M JUST\n PUTTING THAT OUT THERE REALLY\n A QUESTION AS MUCH AS.S. I IT S\n A QUESTION COULD USE THAT\n KIND OF ASSISTANCE IN THE\n WORK YOU'RE DOING WOULD BE\n POSSIBLE TO ENGAGE CITIZENS\n AND HELPING YOU AND YOU KNOW\n UNDER GUIDANCE.E. ASSESSING\n WHAT THE TREATMENT IS DOING\n TO THE SOIL.L. THINK THERE'S\n OPPORTUNITY IS PRESENTED AS\n THE PANTHERS WERE ABSOLUTELY\n THE CURRENT BACHELORETTE.\n HARD DAY GATHERINGS ALSO\n BEEN ONE CONSISTENCY WITH THE\n PERSON COLLECTING THAT THEY\n MUST BY ITS USUALLY GET TO\n HAVE HAD MANY TIMES.S.HOWEVER\n THERE ARE LOTS AND LOTSS\n OF CANS THAT IS PRETTY AA USER\n FRIENDLY AND IT'S A WAY\n OF SAYING SOIL THE GRAND HALL\n AND SOMETHING THAT WAS ABOVE\n TITLED TERMS THE FEDERAL\n GOVERNMENT.T.THE USDA AND\n BEYOND TOGETHER IN ONE OF THE\n VISIONARIES BEHIND THE LIVES\n IN BOULDER AND SO I THINK\n THERE IS NOT RECEIVING\n TRAINING IN TERMS OF LIKE\n HOLISTIC.C. SOIL AND LAND\n ASSESSMENT USING THAT AND IT\n DOES REQUIRE. A LITTLE BIT\n HANDS ON TRAINING BUT IT'S\n REALLY UP TO THE USER TO KIND\n OF CALIBRATE THEMSELVES INTO\n WHAT WHAT THEY NEED TO SEE ON\n THE LAND IS THAT.T. IT'S A\n LITTLE BIT OF WORK AND I DO\n KNOW THE COUNTY DOES HAVE A\n SOUL MY DREAM VOLUNTEER\n PROGRAM.. DELIVERY TIME AND SO\n AT THE LACERATION WAS JUST\n TAKING A GROUP OF FOLKS ARE\n JUST A LITTLE HOLE.. IS THE\n DEAL IN RUNNING A SCHOOL\n SCORING VERY THRILLED WITH\n THE ENTIRE GROUP WITH LINCOLN\n NATIONAL'S LITTLE BIT\n DIFFERENT BUT IT CERTAINLY IS\n A POSSIBILITY AND I HAVE READ\n MORE ABOUT THAT.T.COLLABORATING\n WITH LIKE MARCH IS THE MORE\n SHE HAS A MORE CONCISE.E.II\n ENTER INTO A A THANK YOU FOR\n ALL THOSE ANSWERS WILL GET\n MARRY RACHEL THERE BY ADAM\n AND MARK OR.R. I I LIKE YOYOU D\n OF FOLLOW ON TO SOME OF SAM'S\n QUESTIONS WITH RESPECT TO THE\n SOIL SOMETHING IN AN EFFORT\n TO.O. TRY AND TIE I IT T TO OUR\n CLIMATE CAN AND GOALS AND IN\n YOUR SOIL SAMPLING WHAT.T. THE\n SOIL TESTING AND WHAT YOU\n TEST FOR THE METHODOLOGIES\n AND WHAT CAR ARE YOU LOOKING\n FOR.. ELEMENTS THATAT WOULD\n POINT TOWARDS CARBON\n SEQUESTRATION OR IF THE\n EFFICACY OF THE EFFORTS.S.\n TOWARDS CARBON SEQUESTRATION\n CHAIR AND SO. THINGS ARE\n MEASURING IN THE SLOW CARB\n AND SO THE WAY THAT THIS WILL\n INSTANTLY STREAM ACROSS THE\n SYSTEM ARE LOOKING AT YOU\n KNOW FIELD SNORING.G. AND I I\n THINK THIS IS DOWN THIS\n HAPPENS IT'S A MONEY THING\n THAT THE SYSTEM.. AND\n IRRIGATED LAND FEELS NOT ONLY\n THAT BUT THE EQUATION THAT\n DETERMINES HOW MANY\n THEOLOGIES EXAMPLE BASED ON\n HOW THEY KILL THE SYRIAN\n INDIVIDUAL TENANT HAS THE\n NUMBER OF SAMPLES TO.. THE\n MAXIMUM I THINK WAS FORETOLD\n AND SO BASICALLY AND I ALSO\n BUY CORRECTION TAPE SO HE CAN\n TAKE A LOOK AND SEE OK FOR\n HAY FIELDS.S. WET FIELDS HAVE\n THE MOST CARBON WHAT KIMMY\n DEDUCE FROM THE SAMPLES\n OF HOW THE PLAN IS BEING\n MANAGED WITH THE FERTILITY\n REGIMEN ONCE THE CUTTING HAY.\n CUTTINGS ARE TAKING AND\n SEEING HOW THE INSULIN SINGS\n THE HARMONY..ERERM MAKEE\n MANAGEMENT DECISIONS FROM\n THERE SO WHAT ARE THINGS THAT\n YOU KNOW IMMEDIATELY\n OF NOTICE FROM SOIL SAMPLING\n ACROSS THE SYSTEM IS THAT.T.\n YOU KNOW THE ABILITIES AND\n THEREIN AND SOIL CARBON IS\n TENDING TO A TREND A LOT\n LOWER THAN WAS.S. ANTICIPATED\n EVEN IN SUMMER PERENNIAL\n GRASSLANDS HER HEELS AND SO\n THAT SPEAKS TO ME THAT WE\n NEED TO ADDRESS THAN. YOU\n KNOW BRINGING IN CA COAST\n IMPROVING PLANT HOUSE SO THEY\n CAN PARK OR GOING INTO THE\n SOIL.L.I'I'MM LOOKING AT THINGS\n LIKE INTEGRATED LIVESTOCK\n BETTER SO WE GET BETTER\n NUTRIENT CYCLING SO.O. THAT'S\n THAT'S BASICALLY BEEN\n THINKING FOR SO I RAN THE\n COURSE FOR BOOK AND CITY SO\n WE CAN TRANSLATE.. HOW MUCH\n HAVEN'T HAD IN THE TOP SIX\n INCHES OF SOIL INTO A WEIGHT\n MEASUREMENT THAT'S THE\n IMPORTANT PART OF THE NIGHT\n AND STILL.. ANDND YETET WE FORT\n THAT CLIMATE COMMITMENT AM\n REALLY TIED INTO THE\n PRELIMINARY WORK WAS DONE I\n AM MARKED EASTER HOSKINS LED\n THE CSU.. ANDND THE END SO WHAT\n KIND THAT SOUNDS ALOT LIKE\n SOME OF THE STUFF THAT'S BEEN\n GOING ON AT THE SCENE\n OF PROPERTY.. ANDND WHAT HAVE E\n LEARNED THERE BECAUSE THAT\n SEEMS TO BE FROM THE\n BEGINNING OF ANSWERING SOME\n OF THESE QUESTIONS THAT WERE\n ASKED BY SAM SURE WHAT THE\n FED IS BAD..HE I IS TAKING\n LONGER THAN I WANT THEM TO\n TAKE AND I THAT PROPERTY HE\n IS IN THE CONDITION THAT IS\n DUE TO MANY YEARS.S. OF MANY\n FACTORS COMING ALTOGETHER AND\n SO IT'S GOING TO TAKE AIM ON\n TIME TO REALLY REVERSE THOSE\n TRENDS ON THE PROPERTY.Y. WE\n DID FIND THAT THE LIGHTING\n AND COMPOST FOR IT INCREDIBLY\n INTEGRAL TO GETTING PLANTS\n ARE GROWN AND WELL THERE ARE\n IN REALLY APPRECIATE THEIR\n VERY SUBJECT TO TESTING\n WHICH.. LIMITS WATER\n INFILTRATION LEE TO GET\n PRECIPITATION AND ALSO\n INHIBITS TIME SUCCESSFUL\n GERMINATION OF CROPS THAT WE\n PLANNED SO WE ARE REALLY JUST\n WORKING ON. GETTING ANY KIND\n OF VEGETATIVE GROWTH TO\n SUSTAIN ITSELF OUT THERE.E.WEWE\n DO HAVE GREAT I'M STILL ON\n THE PROPERTY THEY DO CONTINUE\n TO CLIP AND EAT THE PLANTS\n THAT WE ARE TRYING TO GROW\n AND THAT MAKES THINGS\n DIFFICULT..II A AM SO HAPPY THT\n HER ORGANS IN PLACE THAT ALSO\n MAKES THINGS TAKE LONGER SO\n IN TERMS OF OUR GRAND ISLAND\n COUNTY OPEN SPACE.. I IS REALLY\n MORE ABOUT TAKING IN AN\n INDIVIDUAL APPROACH PERSON BY\n PERSON OR A TENANT BY TENANT\n GREAT LIKE YOU WANT YOU ON\n LATER LANCER IS ON BOARD WITH\n US.S.RARAY AND WE DON'T IT'S\n GOING TO PEOPLE HOW TO DO\n THINGS WE WANT PEOPLE TO COME\n ALONG AND THE LONGER IT IS\n THAT THIS AT SOME POINT BE\n AN.N. ADVOCATE FOR THE WORK\n THEY'RE DOING AND SO WE HAD\n TIME OUT AND WITH TENANTS BY\n AND WE ARE SPREADING COMPOST\n THEM OR SEEN.N. YOU KNOW HAD\n ONE PROPERTIES SPREAD TEN\n TIMES GREATER CONFIDENCE THAT\n HE'LL DOUBLE THIS YEAR\n COMPARED TO LAST YEAR..\n SIMILAR WIRE ACTS SIMILAR\n VARIATIONS ON FERTILITY IS\n REALLY JUST ABOUT HAVING\n THEM.M. GREATER STILL HOWL AND\n SO I HOPE TO SEE THAT PLAY\n OUT OVER THE COMING YEARS AS\n WE GET THESE RESULTS BACK AS\n WE TRY THESE PROPERTIES.S.THANK\n YOU SO M MY NEXT QUESTION IS\n ABOUT THE TIME INTERVAL FOR..\n TAKING THE SOIL SAMPLES HE\n SAID THAT YOU WOULD BE\n LOOKING AT FIVE TEN FIFTEEN\n AND SO HOW DID THAT DOES THAT\n TIME INTERVAL PLAY WITH THE\n PROPOSED UM. THE PREFERRED\n ALTERNATIVE IN I BELIEVE THAT\n TIME PERIOD IS THREE YEARS..\nYES SO HOW HOW HOW ARE WE\n GOING TO KNOW WHAT'S\n TRANSPIRED.D. IN THREE YEARS\n WITHOUT WITH OUR ONLY\n MEASUREMENT BE THE BASELINE\n MEASUREMENT.. THEHE BILL THAT\n JUST BE.E. THEHE PREFERRED\n ALTERNATIVES OUTLINED THE\n FIRST FEW YEARS\n OF IMPLEMENTATION LARGELY\n BECAUSE THAT IS FOREIGN TO\n THE FUTURES WE COULD GAZE AND\n TO PROVIDE THE BOARD AND CITY\n COUNCIL WITH ESTIMATES\n OF COSTS AND IMPLEMENTATION..\nTHE REQUEST WITH THE PREFERRED\n ALTERNATIVE IS TO GO WELL\n BEYOND THE KINDS OF TESTING\n THAT LEARNS TALKING ABOUT..OHOH\n ARE THE KINDS OF MEASURES\n THAT WE KNEW BACK IN TWO\n THOUSAND.D.COUNCIL APPROVED THE\n ARREST AND HAS DIMENSIONS\n GLAD THAT WE WANTED TO HAVE.E.\n IT JUST TOOK US A LITTLE\n WHILE BECAUSE THE DECADE IN\n THIS CASE TO BUILD THE\n INTERNAL STAFF CAPACITY.. TO\n BRING SOME ORDER AND CREATE A\n POSITION FOR LAUREN WAS IN\n THE DEPARTMENT TO TAKE\n ADVANTAGE OF HER SKILLS AND\n KNOWLEDGE.. TO HELP US\n ESTABLISH OUR GOALS FOR THE\n SOLE CONDITION THAT WERE\n CALLED FOR THE GRASSLAND\n WHICH IS NEW WE NEEDED THEM.M.\nWE KNEW THAT WE WANTED\n CONDITIONS TO BE ACCEPTABLE.E.\nWE JUST DIDN'T AT THAT POINT\n THE INFORMATION SO THIS IS\n REALLY A LONG TERM LOOK AT\n IMPROVING SOIL CONDITION\n ABILITY IS ON THE SOLES FOR\n CARTER'S QUEST RATION.. ANDND I\n THINK YOU'VE HEARD THAT IT\n TAKES AWHILE TO KIND OF DATA\n ON OUR WHOLE PREFERRED\n ALTERNATIVE IS YOU KNOW NOT\n ONLY TO IMPROVE SOIL HEALTH\n AND CURRENCY FRUSTRATION.WELL\n A NUMBER OF OTHER FACTORS.S.SO\n TO GET BACK TO LAUREN THAT\n PHASE DIDN'T WANNA LEAVE OR\n HANG THERE WITH THE FLAT WAS\n JUST A THREE YEAR PLAN THE\n PREFERRED ALTERNATIVE..WE'RE\n HOPING IT WILL TAKE US\n THROUGH THE MANAGEMENT OF THE\n PROJECT AREA SO THAT WE HAVE\n COMPATIBLE USES ON IRRIGATED\n LANDS OF THE PLANS I HAD\n PRAYED ON. LOCATION IN SUCH\n CONTROL THAT YOU PROVIDE THE\n BEST OPPORTUNITIES FOR\n AGRICULTURAL PRODUCERS.S.THANK\n YOU FOR THAT I'M STILL NOT\n UNDERSTANDING HOW IF WE ARE\n LOOKING THREE YEARS OUT AND\n THEN WE'VE GOT THE IS IT A\n PERMIT OR ITS.. TONIGHT I IF WE\n IF WHAT WE DO IS ALLOW THAT\n THE PREFERRED ALTERNATIVE\n THAT THREE YEAR WINDOW THERE.E.\n TONIGHT IS THE NOTIFICATION\n OF THE PERMEATING ARE TO\n REFRESH MY MEMORY OF EXACTLY\n HOW THAT WORKS ARE ASKING FOR\n IS FOR THE ABILITY TO SEE\n ESPECIALLY WHEN.. W WE IDENTIFY\n THE PARTICULAR END DATE FOR\n THAT TERM AND ALSO ASKING FOR\n LITIGATION TO CITY MANAGERS\n WHO MODIFICATIONS OF THE WORK\n OF WILDLIFE PROTECTION\n ORDINANCE.. FOR THE PURPOSE\n AND DETERMINATION ARE FOUR\n DEADLINE SO THAT WOULD\n PROVIDE FLEXIBILITY MANAGED\n CARE PLANS.O PERPETUITY SO SO\n SHOULD BE CLEAR ABOUT THAT.T.\nOUR GOAL WAS TOO OUR GOAL IS T O\n IMPROVE THE CONDITIONS\n IMPROVE THE SITUATION IN THE\n PROJECT AREA.A.UMUM AND I I THK\n WHAT WE'VE DONE IS.S. IDENTIFY\n THE ANNUAL LEVELEL OF CONTROL..\n AS WELL AS BY RELOCATION HOW\n LONG THAT WOULD TAKE DEPENDS\n UPON A LARGE DEGREE THE RATE\n OF GROWTH OF PAYDAY LOANS\n WHETHER OR NOT THEY LIKE TO\n SEIZE THE POPULATION.N. PLALAYO\n WE DON'T ACTUALLY KNOW HOW\n LONG THIS SO THAT OUR\n PROPOSAL IS TO MOVE FORWARD\n UNTIL WE ARE COMPLETE..\nOK\n THANK YOU FOR THAT AND THEN\n COME IN THE PLAN CALLS FOR\n BOTH LETHAL CONTROL AND FOR..\n RELOCATION AND THE RELOCATION\n AS I UNDERSTAND THAT REQUIRES\n THE USE OF DELTA DUST FROM\n THE RELOCATION SITE IS\n ACCURATE THE ANIMALS.S.SOSO THE\n TWO RELOCATION PROCESS THAT\n REQUIRE TILTED US ARMS OR\n INSECTICIDES SHOULD SAY UNDER\n THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE\n AGENCY THAT REGULATES THE\n RELOCATION COLORADO DIVISION\n OF PARKS AND WILDLIFE.. PREYED\n ON STANDARD CAPTURED HAVE TO\n BE TREATED WITH INSECTICIDE\n AND SPRAY THEM TO KILL ANY\n FLEAS THAT MAY BE ON THEM SO\n THAT WHEN THEY ARE BROUGHT TO\n RECEIVING STATE THEY DON'T\n BREAK PLEASE.E.WITHTH S SO\n THEREFORE THE BURDEN IS\n INTENDED TO BE CHILLED.. AND\n THEN THERE'S ALSO A\n REQUIREMENT THAT THE SENDING\n STATE BE TREATED TO PROTECT\n OF THE RE LOOK THE PEOPLE\n DOING THE RELOCATION OF WHO\n ARE GOING TO BE HANDLING\n ANIMALS.. FOR U US BEING AN\n ACTIVE AROUND THE BOROUGHS SO\n THAT THEY IN FACT DECIDE THAT\n YOU'RE REFERRING TO IS THAT\n THAT DELTA DUST THAT GOES\n INTO THE BOROUGH'S. THUS\n COUSINS OR NOT I DON'T\n BELIEVE THAT SHELTERED US\n DOES IS CREATE ON ITS\n RESPONSE TO OUR BOW FISHING\n TO ANSWER THAT QUESTION..OKAY\n SO UM SO THE DELTA DOES\n DISPLAYED IS APPLIED TO THE\n DESCENDING BURROUGHS AND\n DELTA TO DUST AS I UNDERSTAND\n IT IS A UNIQUE ANNOYED..SOSO\n WHAT A A MESESS O OR I IS I ITT\n OKAY.THE FREUD SAY THAT'S\n BETTER.R.OKOK WELL IT HASAS U S\n THAT DOES WHAT IS USED ON THE\n BOROUGH'S HAVE EFFECTS ON\n OTHER ORGANISMS..YEYES THIHIS A\n BROADER IMPACTS ON INSECTS\n AND NELL ABERNATHY SHE'S KIM\n HORTON YEARS HERE BUT MORE\n SPECIFIC INFORMATION THING WE\n KNOW ABOUT THAT OK.K. FOR THE\n MOMENT THAT THAT THAT'S A\n GOOD AND KNOW WHAT I'M TRYING\n TO UNDERSTAND IS IN THE AREAS\n WHERE WE WOULD BE RESTORING\n SOIL HOUSE ARE WORKING TO\n RESTORE SOIL HEALTH..WOULD WE\n BE DOING BOTH RELOCATION AND\n LETHAL CONTROL OR RELOCATION\n OR LETHAL CONTROL ONLY.Y.\n QUESTION I DON'T BELIEVE THAT\n WE'VE HAD A LOT OF SPECIFIC\n CONVERSATION I THINK WE'D BE\n LOOKING AT UM PARTICULAR\n CONCERNS THAT MIGHT RESULT\n FROM.M. ANYNY OF THOSE ACTIVITS\n BUT I DON'T BELIEVE THAT WE\n HAVE ESTABLISHED THAT IT'S\n ONE OR THE OTHER WE'RE DOING\n SOIL RESTORATION SO LAUREN\n FEEL FREE TO CHIME IN..YES AND\n I GUESS WHAT I WOULD WANT\n WHERE I'M GOING TO THIS LINE\n OF QUESTIONING AS DOES THE UM\n THE RESIDUE FROM THE WHATEVER\n IS USED IN THE BOROUGHS.S.HOW\n DOES THAT AFFECT THE SOIL.L.\nWE'VE WE W WE HAD SOME\n CONVERSATIONS RECENTLY ABOUT\n DELTA DUST AND PERSISTENCE\n OF EXACTLY HOW I'D LIKE TO I\n DON'T THINK WRONG WHEN\n MICHIGAN HAS CORRECT\n INFORMATION LET BELLA\n DESCRIBES.. HOW TO PLAY FOR\n THE DURATION OF A BRIDGE TO\n DUSK AND MAINTAINS TOXICITY\n TO MY INSECTS OR OTHER NEEDS\n TO BE THERE FOR SEVERAL\n OF YOU.U.THTHEE ENDING WE CAME\n HOME.E.DON'T ADJUST SOME VERERY\n CREATIVE SOUL TIE IN THE\n SUNLIGHT IT RECEIVES.S. AND\n SINCE IT'S APPLIED IN AROUND\n HER NOSE AND EARS TIGHTLY THE\n SAUCES SO ARTICLES.S. COULDLD\n POTENTIALLY BE AN ASSISTANT\n ME KNOW THAT WHEN IT'S\n APPLIED FOR FLEA CONTROL AT\n LAST FOR A YEAR. AND SO NOT\n ONLY ARE THE FLEAS INFECTED\n DANNY AINGE EVEN BORROWS IS\n INTACT AND ON TARGET.THAT'S\n SOO ALL IN SACKS..IT'S A\n SHINING TAX TOO MANY BREAKS\n INCLUDING AMPHIBIANS AND\n REPTILES EVEN EVEN SOME\n VARIANCE THE SPIRITS ARE\n TESTED IN THE REGULATORY\n TESTING LIKE UM THAT'S THE\n QUAIL DON'T SHOW US THAT DAY..\nOTHER BIRDS MAIN ATTACKS FOR\n INSTANCE THOSE TRACKS KIND\n OF POTENTIAL.L. IMPACTS BUTUT E\n TRY TO DO IS ME IS TRYING TO\n GET SOME GAS AND THE EXPOSURE\n AND EIGHTY AROUND HER AS A\n BROADCAST LIKE YOU WOULD\n HAVE.E. INSISTED THAT WE USE IN\n AGRICULTURAL APPLICATION.N. AND\n THE CLOSEST THING THAT I CAN\n FIND US WE RE ESTIMATE\n OF CONCENTRATION SHOULD BE\n AROUND FOR US BECAUSE SUNDAY\n THAT THE WHOLE DEAL.L. I IS\n ESTIMATING WE ESTIMATED THAT\n TWO WAYS LIKE AN ACRE IN AND\n AROUND THE WORLD JUST MIGHT\n BE A GREATER CONCENTRATION\n THAN THE TWEEN GIRLS LIVE.E.\n AND STUDY SCIENCE WRITERS AND\n I DON'T ADJUST THEIR ABILITY\n TO.O. WALK THE WALK IN THEIR\n ABILITY TO EVADE CREDITORS\n THE SOLAR IN THE SAME RANGES\n BUT WE SEE AROUND THE\n BOROUGH. THAT THEY KNOW IS\n THAT IT WOULD ONLY BE USED AS\n LUNCHTIME SO WE REACH THE\n APPLICATION..SO THEY'RE\n TRAINED US A LOT OF UNKNOWNS\n WE KNOW THAT IT'S NOT SAY\n IT'S DIFFICULT TO KNOW\n EXACTLY WHAT WE ARE HOW LONG\n IT LASTS ANOTHER MAJOR\n CONCERN OF THE GROUND NESTING\n BEES.S.WEWE HAVE OVER FIVE\n HUNDRED CCS IS ADAM SAID TO\n ME RECENTLY AN.. EIGHTY\n PERCENT OF THOSE THESES ARE\n TINY BROWN NESTING BEES WILL\n NOTICE THAT MOST PEOPLE. ARE\n NOSY AND HALF DAYS TO JUST\n BECAUSE IT DOESN'T MATTER AND\n BACK TO THE RADIO BECAUSE\n IT'S VERY TOXIC TO BEES..THTHEE\n POTENTIAL IMPACTS HOW GREAT\n IS OUR HOUSE HAS A GREATER\n ECOSYSTEM FROM A ONE TIME\n APPLICATION ARE UNKNOWN.HE IS\n A KICK OUT OF THE DISPLAYS\n ARE YOU..ANDERSON YOU'RE\n SAYING ABOUT THE GOLD DUST IN\n THE WATER RESEARCHER MYSELF\n AT THE SENIOR YEARS OF WORK\n SO MY QUESTION IS YOU'RE\n TALKING ABOUT..ITIT ANNOYS\n HERBICIDES THINGS LIKE THAT\n SORRY TWENTY DOLLARS B OR DO\n YOU KNOW.W. I IFF ALLLL OF THEO\n IT SEEMED THE DOGS GET KILLED\n OR REMOVED IN AND GOES BACK\n TO AGRA AND ALLS THAT WAY AND\n THE CROPS..HEY EVERYTHING'S\n GOING THERE'S THE ORGANIC\n THAT WERE FARMERS USE\n PESTICIDES.S.THTHEE QUESTION FR\n ANDY HOW THOSE THOSE THOSE\n COMPANIES HE USED THE DNR CAN\n NOT.. JUST O ON THTHE METHODS Y\n THE TIME CURIOUS THREE YEAR\n DELAY BEFORE EASTER IS\n ORGANIC SO THAT'S ONE LESS\n POTENTIAL IMPACT.T. T TO THE\n STATES OF OUR SOULS.S. TO SAVE\n WERE WORRIED ABOUT THE IMPACT\n GO TO DUST ON THE BEES AND\n OTHER INSECTS IN THE AREA..\n OF SOIL HEALTH SERVICES WILL\n BE ALSO BE WORRIED ABOUT\n FARMERS USING PESTICIDES AND\n MOVING FORWARD AS THEY'D BE\n USING MUCH MORE REGULARLY\n THAN WHEN.N. I I POST EVERY\n SINGLE APPLICATION IN THE\n SINAI IN TEXAS INCLUDING HER\n JON HEIN EACH WEEK.K. ANDND MOT\n OF THE MOST ALMOST ALL OF OUR\n PROPERTIES ARE MANAGED AT THE\n SITE IT'S VERY RARE THAT THEY\n ARE USED AND A COUPLE SITES\n OCCASIONALLY NERVOUS THAT IS\n USED.D.WE KNONOW THAT ISN'T A N\n ISSUE IN THE MAJORITY OF OUR\n AGRICULTURAL COUNTRIES AND\n LAUREN ARE AND HE COULD CLEAR\n IDEA YET I CAN PITCH A LITTLE\n BIT THERE US THAT THEY'D BE\n CERTIFIED ORGANIC..MANYNY\n OF THEM WOULD NOT BE DON'T\n NECESSARILY ASK FOLKS TO DO\n THAT THAT'S THEIR THEIR\n BUSINESS CHOICE BUT AS RELL\n MENTIONED MIGHT BELIEVE\n ANYMORE AND YOU CAN PROTECT\n ME FROM WRONG..WEWE HAVE ONLY\n HAD A A PESTICIDE APPLIED TO\n ANNUAL CROP LIKE WHEAT IN THE\n LAST FOUR YEARS..THERE ISIS AN\n ORGANIC FERTILIZER DOES IT\n APPLY DATE FIELDS BUT\n GENERALLY NO PESTICIDES\n PESTICIDE USE IS VERY LOW ON\n AG LANDS CURRENTLY THANK YOU\n FOR THAT.T.THANKS FOR ELLA AND\n THEN LIFE KIND OF QUESTION\n HAS TO DO WITH THE PARCEL BY\n PARCEL REVIEW THAT WAS\n BROUGHT UP BY.Y. THEHEM WHEN TE\n SPEAKERS ACTUALLY TONIGHT\n KNOWING I THINK IN A PREVIOUS\n HEARING AS WELL UM WHAT.T. WHAT\n IS THAT PLAN IF WE HAVE ONE\n IN TERMS OF WHAT DOES THAT\n MEAN EXACTLY A PARCEL BY\n PARCEL REVIEW ANNA HOW WOULD\n THAT PLAY WITH. THE PLAN FOR\n X NUMBER OF HOME OF VERY DARK\n GREEN WALLS FOR YEARS..HOW'D\n THAT WORK IF IFF IT WAWAS A A\n ROUTE THAT WE CHOSE TO GO\n DOWN. THE BED IS HER\n PREFERRED ALTERNATIVE\n DESCRIBED A SCENARIO THAT WE\n BE DOING A PARTIAL MY\n PERSONAL REVIEW THE\n RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE\n WORKING GROUP..OHOH THERE'S A\n COMMITMENT THAT WE STARTED IN\n OCTOBER OF LAST YEAR.R. T TOO T\n AN ANNUAL MEETING IS IN THE\n PAST YEARS HE'S ASSOCIATED\n WITH THE MANAGEMENT PRAIRIE\n DOGS AND FORECASTS WHAT WAS\n COMING UP IN THE FUTURE.IN\n FACT THE OCTOBER MEETING IN\n TWENTY NINETEEN..FIRST\n OF THESE ANNUAL MEETINGS AND\n TWENTY NINE TEAM WAS ALSO THE\n KICKOFF FOR THE EXPEDITED\n MEDIATION PROCESS THE COUNCIL\n DIRECTED US TO UNDERTAKE SO I\n CAN SPEAK TO WHAT OTHERS.S. MAY\n SEE AS A A PERSON WITH PERSONAL\n REVIEW BUT WE CERTAINLY HAVE\n SPENT A LOT OF TIME AND\n POSSIBLY PARTIAL DATA.. A AS\n PART OF THE DEVELOPMENT\n OF THE PREFERRED ALTERNATIVE\n AND UM WE UH CERTAINLY WOULD\n ANTICIPATE THAT THIS ANNUAL\n MEETING PRESENTING OUR PLANS\n FOR PRE DON'T MATCH FOR THE\n UPCOMING YEAR.. A AS PARART OFA\n CONSULTATION WITH THE\n COMMUNITY.. TO GATHER INPUT\n INPUT AND FEEDBACK ON THAT\n APPROACH AND PARTICULAR\n PARCELS THAT WE WERE\n INTENDING TO TREAT THE\n VARIOUS TREATMENTS THAT WERE\n DIRECTED TO BY COUNCIL LED BY\n COUNCIL TUES.S. WE WOULD\n SUMMARIZE PRAY TALK AND SELF\n MANAGEMENT ACTIVITIES ARE\n ACCOMPLISHED IN THE PREVIOUS\n YEAR.R. DESCRIBED PLANS FOR THE\n COMING YEAR THE OPPORTUNITY\n FOR PEOPLE TO ASK QUESTIONS\n PROVIDE US WITH THEIR\n COMMENTS O COLLECT DOCUMENTS\n THAT ARE NECESSARY TO MAKE\n ADJUSTMENTS BEFORE PROCEEDING\n ON.N. ONENE OF THE THINGS WE KW\n IS WE HAVE A RELATIVELY SHORT\n TIME EACH YEAR TO DO ALL THE\n THINGS THAT ARE NECESSARY.. TO\n PREPARE FOR RELOCATION\n OF MORE PEOPLE CONTROL\n PRAIRIE DOGS LINING UP\n CONTRACTORS GETTING PERMITS\n ET-CETERA CREATINE IN PROCESS\n SO THERE MAY BE THOUGHT..\n OF MORE ROBUST OR TIME\n CONSUMING PROCESS OF FIRST\n PERSON VIEW AND THAT WILL BE\n CONSISTENT WITH. EXPECTATIONS\n OF THE IDEA THAT STATUS FOR\n CONDUCTING THIS PRESENTING A\n LISTING TO WHAT PEOPLE HAVE\n TO SAY AND MAKING ADJUSTMENTS\n THAT MAY GOD BE FUNCTIONAL SO\n THAT THE PERSON ANSWERED YOUR\n QUESTION MARY..SOSO WHAT HE'S\n SAYING IS THAT THERE IS\n SOMETHING THAT.T. THAHAT\n RESEMBLES A PARCEL BY PARCEL\n REVIEW AND THERE THERE MAY BE\n DIFFERENT OPINIONS ON EXACTLY\n WHAT THAT IS BUT YOU CAN HAVE\n A PLAN TO DO SOMETHING LIKE\n THAT TO YA.A.FOLLOWING THE\n COMMUNITY MEETING OUR\n INTENTION WOULD CERTAINLY BE\n TO MEET WITH THE OPEN SPACE\n BOARD OF TRUSTEES WILL BE\n PRESENTED THE ANNUAL HORROR\n OF WHAT WE'VE DONE.E. PROVIDE A\n SUMMARY OF THE COMMUNITY\n CONVERSATION HOW TO USE THAT\n INFORMATION TO ADJUST BUT\n WE'RE PLANNING TO DO.O.\n WHATEVER FEEDBACK BOARD IN\n HALF AND THEN AFTER SPACE\n FORTRESS YOU JUST PROVIDE US\n WITH THEIR FEEDBACK WE CARE\n INFORMATION COUNCIL\n CONTAINING THE WORDS\n SUMMARIZING GET COMMUNITY\n FEEDBACK. OR TRUSTEES\n FEEDBACK PROVIDED THE COURSE\n OF ACTION POSE FOR THE\n FUTURE.E.THAT CERTAINLY WOULD\n YOU COUNSEL THE OPPORTUNITY\n IF THEY FELT NECESSARY TO\n CALL UP THE STEPS AND\n ACTIVITIES.S.UMUMININ ADDITIONF\n THERE WERE OTHER UM OUTSIDE\n DISCUSSIONS FOR EXAMPLE THERE\n IS MENTION OF THE HUGHES\n CENTER FOR.R. SUSTAINABLE\n LANDSCAPES AND COMMUNITIES\n OF HAVING INVOLVEMENT IN A\n LONGER TERM BROADER\n INVOLVEMENT.. SHARED LEARNING\n COLLABORATIVE SOMETHING LIKE\n THAT BECAUSE CERTAINLY ALSO\n INTEGRATE THAT INFORMATION\n WITH WHICH I PARTICIPATE AS\n APPROPRIATE THE FUNDS\n AVAILABLE AND EFFORT LIKE\n THAT OF YOUR LONG TERM THING..\nSOME ARERE MARRIED ARE INDICATED\n FOR ADDRESSING THIS PROBLEMS\n ASSOCIATED WITH PRE PACKAGED\n HE CAN MARK THAT I HAVE.E.\n ACTUALLY THE RITUAL NEARBY\n ADAM AND MARK RACHEL AND I\n DIDN'T SEE HER AROUND FOR THE\n GOOD INTRODUCTORY OVERVIEW\n AND FIXED AFTER ALL THE\n ANSWERS..NICECE ANDND ANSWEREDA\n LOT OF QUESTIONS IN THE LEAD\n UP TO THIS DISCUSSION\n QUESTIONS..FIRST A A WEAEAK TE\n I'M EXPLAINING EITHER TODAY\n OR OUR STAFF PRESENTATION\n COUPLE WEEKS AGO WHY\n STERILIZATION DOESN'T WORK AS\n I GOT A QUESTION OF ARAB\n UNITY..IFIF NOT FOR THEHE BRIEF\n EXPLANATION THAT.T. WE MAKE THE\n ACTION UP AT THE LAST MEETINGNG\n OF STERILIZATIONN OF WILDLIFE\n ABOUT THIS CASE WE GOT LOTS\n OF DIFFERENT ANIMALS SPREAD\n OUT OVER THE LANDSCAPE IS\n TYPICALLY ACCOMPLISHED\n THROUGH CHEMO STEROIDS.S.RATHER\n THAN CAPTURING AND DOING ANY\n KIND OF SURGICAL INTERVENTION\n ON THE INDIVIDUAL ANIMALS\n WHICH ARE EXPENSIVE VERY TIME\n CONSUMING AND CHALLENGING FOR\n THE ANIMALS..THERE'S BEEN OVER\n THE YEARS OF EXPERIMENTATION\n WITH THE VARIETY KEEPS\n TALENTS OF SOME OF THEM..WE\n DON'T HAVE ANY UM AND THERE'S\n THREE MAJOR REASONS FOR THAT\n I'M LOOKING FOR CHEMO\n STARLETS THAT DON'T HAVE A\n CASCADING IMPACTS FOR THE\n FOOD CHAIN. HAS BEEN\n CHALLENGING SOME OF THE\n CHEMICALS THAT HAVE BEEN\n IDENTIFIED.D.TURNED OUT TO\n ACCUMULATE IN FATTY TISSUE\n OF PREDATORS LEADING TO AN\n ANTICIPATED AN UNDESIRABLE\n STERILIZATION OF PREDATORS\n HAWKS EAGLES WHAT HAVE WE\n DON'T WANT TO SEE HAPPEN.N.\nSECOND THERE OFTEN AND NINE\n ENGINE UNINTENDED EFFECTS ON\n THE ANIMAL ITSELF SO THAT\n GREAT DOGS BECOME SICK AND OR\n WEEKEND THROUGH.. CHERYL AND\n ACTIVITIES ON OTHER SYSTEMS\n IN THE POTTY AND THEN THIRD\n CHALLENGE IS.S. ONCE A A CHEMIL\n IS IS FOUND BY ANY MEANS TO\n DISTRIBUTE AND PRODUCE IT\n ECONOMICALLY FEASIBLE AS YOU\n CAN IMAGINE PHARMACEUTICAL\n UM.M. COMPANIES ARE ANXIOUS TO\n DEVELOP THINGS OR THINGS LIKE\n THIS WHERE THERE ISN'T OTHER\n KIND OF MARKET THAT HUMAN\n POPULATIONS.. DEMAND\n POPULATION SO SUPPORTING AND\n FINDING WAYS TO BRING THE\n STOCK MARKET IS ANOTHER\n CHALLENGE HE SAID THAT IN OUR\n ANALYSIS.S.UMUM WE'RERE WORKING\n GROUP OF GRASSLAND PLAN\n MANAGEMENT PLANS FOR THAT.T.\n SPACE HAS BEEN A A SUPPORTER\n OF VARIOUS GOVERNMENT\n AGENCIES THAT ARE LOOKING\n INTO THE STERILE AND WE LOOK\n AT OPPORTUNITIES\n POSSIBILITIES OF BEING\n STAGING AREAS FOR TESTS ON\n THAT AND UM.M. S SO WE'RE\n CONTINUING TO SUPPORT THAT AS\n WE CAN JUST AREN'T ANY THAT\n ARE AVAILABLE AT THIS POINT.\nEQ ON THE RIGHT QUESTION.N.UMUM\n PROBABLY A LOT OF US HEARD\n FROM THE FIRST GENTLEMAN\n OF COLORADO ON FREEING THE\n SUPPORTS FOR RELOCATION AND\n THOUGHT HE MAY HAVE..HEHE ALONG\n WITH THE PEOPLE THERE.E.WHILE\n THESE AND OTHER INTERESTED\n PARTIES COULD HAVE COME UP\n WITH FUN BEING IN THE LAND\n FOR RELOCATION IN THE\n PERMITTING.G. ANDND EVERY\n SEEMINGLY AND SO I'M JUST\n WONDERING IF IF THERE WAS\n SOME MAGICAL GROUP CAME\n TOGETHER AND SAID HERE WE\n HAVE MONEY AND LANDRY CAN\n TAKE STRAY DOGS TOO..HOHOW COUD\n WE ACCOMPLISH THAT AND IS\n THERE SOME LAG TIME THAT\n SKATED TOGETHER PUZZLE TO\n HELP STAFF NEED ANY\n DIRECTIONS FACILITIES THAT\n WERE POSSIBLE.. I THINK THAT\n THE RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE\n PARADE ARE WORKING AT COUNCIL\n ENDORSED LAST YEAR BY MORE\n THAN ADEQUATE SUPPORT FOR\n THOSE ALTERNATIVES.S.WEWE\n CERTAINLY WOULD BE WIDE OPEN\n TO ANY KINDS OF EFFORTS THAT\n WOULD GIVE US THE OPPORTUNITY\n TO HAVE A GREATER RELIANCE ON\n DIESEL JEANS..WEWE HAVAVE STAFF\n CAPACITY LIMITS ON OUR\n ABILITY TO OVERSEE PROJECTS\n SO THAT'S ONE THING OH MYY..WEE\n WOULD HAVE TO BEAR IN TO\n CONSIDERATION OF ADDITIONAL\n RELOCATION SITES AVAILABLE\n THAT COULD BE A VERY BIG.G.\n VERY BIG BENEFIT TO THE\n OVERALL O OVERALL PROJECT\n HERE AND ELSEWHERE IN THE\n JURISDICTION OF THE CITY AND\n ELSEWHERE ALONG THE FRONT\n RANGE..CURRENTLY STATE LAW\n PROHIBITS THE RELOCATION\n CRAYONS OUTSIDE OF THE\n SENDING OF THE SENDING STATE\n TO COUNTY TO ANOTHER COUNTY\n WHERE SHE WOULD BE WITHOUT\n THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS\n PERMISSION.SO THAT'S REAL\n CHALLENGE..OPEN SPACECE PARKS\n LET'S HAVE MORE OFTEN BEEN.N.\n RECEIVING STATE FOR OTHERS\n THAT WE HAVE HAD\n OPPORTUNITIES TO BRING HER A\n TOP RELOCATED FROM OPEN SPACE\n TO OTHER SITES THAT WOULD BE.E.\n CERTAINLY A BONUS TO HAVE\n MORE AVAILABLE FOR SEATING\n SITES CURRENTLY THERE ARE\n ONLY LIMITED NUMBER\n OF CONTRACTORS.S.OHOH WHOHO ARE\n ABLE TO D DO THIS WORK.K.\nCERTAINLY IF FUNDING WERE TO\n INCREASE IT TO EXPECT THAT\n THEIR AVAILABILITY FOLKS TO\n DO THAT WORK WILL INCREASE.E.\n BECAUSE OF LIABILITY ISSUES\n ASSOCIATED WITH VOLUNTEERS\n WORKING AROUND THE AUDIENCE\n WAS PLAY ET-CETERA AREN'T OUR\n PRACTICE AND ADVICE THAT\n WE'VE RECEIVED FROM THE CITY\n ATTORNEY'S OFFICE HAS BEEN\n MUCH MORE.. PREFERABLE TO WORK\n WITH CONTRACTORS WHO THEN\n TURN WORK WITH VOLUNTEERS.S.\nWELL WHAT DOES DECLARE THAT\n LITTLE BIT IN THAT WE'RE\n AUTHORIZING AND NOT MANDATING\n USE OF VEHICLE CONTROL IF BM\n DESTINY IN THEIR TIMELINE\n THAT YOU NEED SOME CONCRETE\n PROPOSALS FROM.M. THE GUYUY YOU\n ARE SEEING. ARERE ALSO PUTTING\n TOGETHER YOUR BROKE UP WITH A\n FINISH APOLOGIZE.. FOROR THEHE\n YOUNG WE WOULD NEED TO GET A\n LONGER TERM THING TO WORK\n WITH FOLKS TO FIND A RECEDING\n SAY.. YOU KNOW CLEARLY ABOUT\n THAT WORK WITH.H. M MY LIFEFE O\n COME UP WITH A PERMIT THAT\n TAKES THAT INTO\n CONSIDERATION.. THAT RECEIVE\n THE FUNDING AND HAVE.E.\n AGREEMENTS WITH FUNDING\n AGENCIES APPLY FOR GRANTS\n SAID OR THINGS LIKE THAT\n THOSE THINGS CAN TAKE AWHILE\n TO STRUCTURE SO THEY HAVE TO\n BE BUILT INTO SOME.E. KININD\n OF THE LONG TERM MEDITATION\n COURSE THE SAME PEOPLE WHO DO\n THAT OR THE ONE CERTAINTY\n SUPERVISING AND OVERSEEING.G.\n THE RELOCATION PROJECTS THAT\n WE HAVE ALL THE BOOKS AND THE\n OTHER WORK.K. WOULD HAVE TO\n BALANCE BUT CERTAINLY WE'RE\n ALWAYS OPEN TO OTHER WAYS TO\n PROVE HER CHASTITY TO GET THE\n WORK THAT INTO THE GOOD IN\n CUTTING OUT THE IMAGE..RACHEL\n ACTUALLY GET THERE BY ADAM\n AND MARK THERE BY THE\n COLISEUM WITH RACHEL WAS JUST\n TALKING ABOUT SO ON THE\n HUNDREDS AND HUNDREDS\n OF ACRES ON THE SOUTHERN\n GRASSLANDS THAT.. LUCAS WOULD\n LOVE TO SEE OPEN FOR THOSE\n WHO ARE NOT FAMILIAR WITH IT\n BECAUSE HUGHES.S. MANAGES THE\n ROCKY FLATS AND ARSENAL WINS\n AND HE'S BEEN WORKING ON\n PROJECTS TO.. INTRODUCE BUY\n FOOD FER OVER AND LANDS NEED\n A CERTAIN NUMBER\n OF CONTIGUOUS ACRES THAT\n HAPPEN AND SO SPENT HALF A\n DAY WITH HER AND THEN HE.E.\n WISHED FOR THE COUNTY WOULD\n RELOCATE MARCH THOSE LANDS\n AND SO ON TO TO CREATE TAKING\n US ON OUR GREAT GOD IS NEEDED\n FOR THE RE ATTACH TO THE\n CONSOLE..I KNOW WE HAVE THOSE\n LANDS WERE DOWN THREE PERCENT\n OF THE ANTS OUT OF THE LANCER\n TAKING CARE OF ON AND WE NEED\n MORE OUT OF THERE.E.I KNOW FOR\n FACT THAT ON THE FIRST\n GENTLEMAN IS WILLING TO.. WORK\n TO HELP RAISE MONEY AND GET\n ON STAIRS FOR EDUCATORS WHO\n ARE WILLING TO HELP TRAIN AND\n TAKE ON AT IS THEIR REASON\n CANCER MOVING FORWARD WITH\n THAT.T. THINGNG ABOUT HAVING IS\n GETTING LATE AND WORKING HERE\n BUT SOMEWHERE IN MY\n VOCABULARY.Y.WE TALK ABOUT\n HAVING COLLABORATIVE WORK IN\n NOME.E.MRMR. REESE WROTE A\n WONDERFUL OP ED IN THE PAPER\n SAYING THAT WE CAN BE MORE\n INVENTIVE AND BASE.E. A BASE\n MODEL OF KILLING AND SO WE\n HAVE THE TOOLS WE HAVE.\n PEOPLE WILLING TO HAVE THE\n FIRST GENTLEMAN GIVING US AN\n OFFER TO DO THIS SO IS THERE\n REASON WE CAN SERVE AND WORK\n WITH THIS..WELL I I UNDERSTAND\n ALSO WE CAN MOVE FORWARD WITH\n PORTIONS OF THIS PLAN BUT I..\n HAVE A A HUGE QUESTION AND\n ANSWER HERE START WORKING IT\n INTO A PART OF A PERSONNEL\n ASSISTANT FOR IT SO I GUESS.\n THOSE DON'T SEEM TO BE HERE\n YET I KEEP HEARING HIM PUSH\n OFF INTO SOME KIND\n OF CONFUSED..WE'RE CERTAINLY\n PREPARED TO WORK WITH THE\n FIRST GENTLEMAN..WEWE HAD HEARD\n OF HIS PARTICIPATION IN THE\n PROCESS CAME WITH THE LAST\n OF COUPLE OF WEEKS VERY\n WELCOME AND FELT VERY\n WELCOMED YOU'RE FROM HIM AND\n APPRECIATE THOSE WHO.O. WORK TO\n THE CONVERSATION DOESN'T\n APPROACH STAFF THAT IS ME\n WITH DIRECTLY WITH THE IDEAS\n WE HAVE TRIPPED BY COUNCIL TO\n WORK WITH FOR SHOWING UP MORE\n ON THAT PROJECT.. THE EXTRA\n HEAR FROM HIM SAYING TRUE\n BASICALLY ONCE I KNOW WHAT'S\n NEEDED I CAN HELP FIGURE OUT\n HOW TO GET IT..WISH THEY WOULD\n INCLUDE AN AMENDMENT ALLOWING\n ENOUGH TIME TO FIND ANY\n RECEIVING STATES AND RAISE\n MONEY SO.O. THAT'S ROUGHLY FROM\n HIM AND I'M VERY HAPPY THAT\n I'LL MOVE ON TO SO MANY OTHER\n QUESTIONS ON AND MAYBE\n COUNCIL HAS TO COUNT WHAT\n HE'S.S. BEEN IN HIS DISSENT AND\n HIS WILLINGNESS TO ACTUALLY\n HELP SO I WANTED TO JUMP JUMP\n AROUND A LITTLE BIT BUT JUST\n FOR MY.Y. COLLECTION OF THE\n BEGINNING OF THIS ENTIRE\n MOVEMENT TO KL CAME FROM\n VARIOUS PCS WHICH WAS\n ACTUALLY JOHNSON AND THE\n BOULDER VALLEY RANCH SITE AND\n SO I UNDERSTAND.D. THAT WE'RE\n MOVING FORWARD WITH KILLING A\n CASTLE JOHNSON BUT I'M\n CONFUSED AS TO WHY WE'VE\n INCLUDED ALL THESE OTHER\n SITES THAT WERE ON\n NECESSARILY AS.S. I IN\n DESPERATION BY THE BOULDER\n VALLEY RANCH IS NOT INCLUDED\n ON TO THE ESSENCE THAT MAKES\n ME THINK THAT PEOPLE VIEW.W.\n THEIR WILD PROPOSAL OF A\n STAKEHOLDER INVOLVED\n IMPLEMENTATION OF MY PERSONAL\n ANALYSIS WOULD BE NEEDED\n BECAUSE WE'RE MISSING ONE\n OF THE INITIAL MAJOR OF THE\n SEAS WAS HAVING AN ISSUE SO\n EXPLAIN WHY THEY'RE NOT..THISIS\n HAS OPENED DOWN THE ROAD NOT\n NOT IMMEDIATELY KNOW.W. THE\n HEART OF THE PROJECT AREA AND\n THERE ARE AS YET THE\n CALCULATIONS AND THEY'RE PART\n OF THE OVERALL\n IMPLEMENTATION.N. S SOO THAT IM\n NOT SURE EXACTLY WHERE SHE\n HAD DEVELOPED AN EYE OF THE\n RECOMMENDATIONS FOR.. THE USESE\n OF ANY TECHNIQUE IMMEDIATELY\n IF THE REFERENCES TO THE FACT\n THAT MUCH OF THE BOULDER\n VALLEY RANCH PROPERTY FALLS\n GRASSLAND PRESERVE AND THE\n PRIORITIES FOR EARLY\n IMPLEMENTATION RESULTING\n TRANSITION AREA AND\n HILARIOUS..UMUM THAT THAT IS TE\n CASE FOR THE RULERS BECAUSE\n WE FEEL THAT IS WHERE THE\n CONFLICT IS THE HIGHEST\n POLICY AND CONDITIONS.S.UMUM BT\n SO THAT ITT WAS FUNUN OKAY.Y.IF\n THE OTHER STREET ART OF THIS\n PROJECT AND THE GRASSLAND\n PLAN IDENTIFIES.. THAHAT I IN\n GRASSLAND PRESERVES AS WELL\n AS ANY MANAGEMENT DESIGNATION\n WHERE PRAIRIE DOGS HAVE\n OCCUPIED IRRIGATED\n AGRICULTURE ON THOSE AREAS.S.\n MOVE IN SO THAT'S AN\n IMPORTANT CONSIDERATION I SEE\n ANDY'S CLICKED ON SALT LAKE\n AND JOIN IN AS WELL.L.ITIT DOES\n CLARIFY THE TERM LOVER FAMILY\n LEASES PROPERTIES OTHER THAN\n BOULDER VALLEY RANCH OR SO\n OTHER PROPERTIES THAT THESE\n ARE IN THE EARLY YEARS OF THE\n PRIOR SYSTEM.M.COCOSS I I ALSLY\n THERE ARE OTHER PROPERTIES\n ALL VISIBLE.. A AT THE PCCCC OY\n FOR.. A FEWEW AREAS I WANTED TO\n JUMP BACK TO SOMETHING THEN\n TOM LAWRENCE SAID SHE WAS\n TALKING ABOUT WATER..\n MANAGEMENT AND WE'RE MEETING\n FRIENDS I THINK THAT WAS JUST\n A PERFECT.. INTRO INTO THE\n DISCUSSION OF HOW DO WE\n MANAGE OUR AG LANDS AND I GET\n THAT THIS IS OUTSIDE OF THE\n PARADE ON MANAGEMENT\n TECHNICALLY THE SMALLER\n DISCUSSION.N. THE COUNCIL IS\n THAT WE'RE TALKING ABOUT HOW\n TO REWORK AN INTEGRATED WAY\n WHERE WE CAN.. WORK IN TANDEM\n WITH NATURE AND HURDLES THAT\n NATURALLY EXIST ON OUR LAND\n RATHER THAN GOING TO GET THE\n BASE MODEL OF KILLING AND SO..\n NEED YOU AS WE CAN TALK ABOUT\n A CHANGE IN THIS YEAR'S\n SHORTAGE OF OUR WATERS AN\n INCREASED FIRE ON.N.THERE ARE\n LOTS OF OTHER CROP OF KNOTS\n OR OTHER CROPS AND CREATE\n LESS.S. NEEEED THAHAT HAVE LESS\n NEED FOR WATER ONE OF WHICH\n IS FRANTIC AND SO IT STILL\n FEELS THE CHARTER AMENDMENTS.S.\n AND LANDS ON BUT WEWE ARE LESS\n WATER IN THE BEST PART ABOUT\n THIS ALSO WORKS IN TANDEM\n WITH JOHN AGAIN THERE'S\n ANOTHER MOM.. RIGHT THERE THAT\n I JUST WANTED TO BRING UP AND\n I GUESS I'D LIKE TO AGAIN\n TALK ABOUT.T. INNOVATION AND\n WHY ARE WE LOOKING IN TO THIS\n MORN I KNOW SPECIFICALLY\n THERE'S BEEN ONE PERSON THAT\n IS REALLY.Y. TRY THIS IN MIND\n BEEN EXTREMELY SUCCESSFUL\n HE'S TRIED TO GET NICE HAIR\n AND HAS COME UP AGAINST A\n BRICK WALL BUT YET HE'S\n DOING.. WITH OUR NEIGHBORS SOW\n AGAIN AND PUTTING THAT OUT\n THERE ON THE TABLE THAT\n THERE'S ANOTHER AUCTION ON\n NINE CAL USING HER AG LANDS\n UNDER THE CHARTER AND USING\n LESS WATER.R. S SO THERERE H HD\n THEN ONE OF THE OTHER POINT I\n GUESS I JUST WANNA CLARIFY\n HERE SO. WE TALK ABOUT\n MANAGEMENT OF OUR LANDS IN\n TERMS OF THE SAMPLES WERE\n GOING TO CONTINUE TO DO SOIL\n SAMPLES WERE DONE PRIOR TO\n HER..THERE WERE E A TEAM I'M'M\n GOING TO DO IT ON FOR MANY\n YEARS CONTINUE TO SIMPLY ON\n FOR MANY YEARS AND MARK YOU\n WERE STATING THAT.. WE JUST\n DON'T KNOW HOW LONG WOULD IT\n HAVE TO DO THIS I GUESS THE\n QUESTION IS.. WERE GONNA GO\n CHILL OF THE ANIMALS AS AN\n EXPERIMENT YET WE DON'T KNOW\n AND EIGHT WE DON'T KNOW ANY\n OUTCOME..SO BASICALLY YES OR\n NO ANSWER OR KILLING ANIMALS\n AS AN EXPERIMENT TO SEE IF\n THE CELLS THEMSELVES.S.II WAS A\n LOT OF STRONG INFERENCE\n BEYOND DETAILED INFORMATION\n ABOUT OR DESCRIBE.E. TOMOM ANDI\n DON'T THINK ONE LIKE YOU SAID\n IT WOULD BE EVER APPROPRIATE\n TO LAY BLAME ON PARADE WE DO\n KNOW IS THAT ONCE THESE\n AGRICULTURAL LANDS.S.UMUM ARE O\n LONGER IRRIGATED THE\n EDUCATION TENDS TO COLLAPSE\n WHEN THE VEGETATION TENDS TO\n COLLAPSE.E. THE SOIL BLOWS AWAY\n ON THESE PROPERTIES THAT WE\n OBSERVE OUR ABILITY AND\n INTEREST IN MEASURING WHAT'S\n GOING ON WITHIN THE SOIL IS\n CERTAINLY INTERESTING..WELL\n IT'S THERE WHEN WE LOSE THE\n TOP LAYERS OF SOIL WHERE MUCH\n OF THE CARVING IS\n ACCUMULATED..IT TAKES QUITE\n AWHILE FOR THAT COMEBACK.K.WHAT\n WE HAVE HAPPENING IN OUR YOUR\n GAZE LANDS SITUATION WHERE WE\n DON'T HAVE THE ABILITY TO\n CONTINUE TO IRRIGATE THOSE\n LADS AS STAFF..UMUM ANDND THERS\n LITTLE MOTIVATION FOR\n LESLIE'S CLASS WHERE PRAIRIE\n DOGS OR OCCUPY SO WE SEE A\n KIND OF MACRO LEVEL LOSS\n OF SOILS SO ARE AT THAT\n LEVEL.. I I THINKNK IT'S EASIEO\n SAY THEIR THINKING IS IF WE\n CAN. STABILIZE THE SOILS\n WHICH IS FAR EASIER TO DO IN\n THE ABSENCE OF PRAIRIE DOGS\n AND THE PRESENCE OF PRAIRIE\n DOGS AS LAUREN DESCRIBED\n PROPERTY.AGAIN THIS TREE IS A\n LOT OF DIFFERENT CAUSES..WE'LL\n BE ABLE TO STOP THE SOIL FROM\n BLOWING AWAY OFF OF OUR\n LANDS..SOSO THAT'S KIND\n OF FUNDAMENTAL AND MACRO\n LEVEL ISSUE TRYING TO\n CONSERVE THE SOIL.. O ON THE\n PROPERTIES THAT SHE'S\n PURCHASED MADE INVESTMENT AND\n BE ABLE TO USE THE WATER\n AGAIN THAT THE CITY HAS..\n INVESTED AND THE PURCHASE\n OF I THINK THAT'S KIND\n OF MACRO LEVEL IT'S A VERY\n DIFFICULT FOR US FOR\n NEIGHBORS FOR RANCHERS I\n THINK.. THIS IS TO SEE THATAT\n THAT'S A LOSS AND WOULD LIKE\n TO FIRST START BY BEING ABLE\n TO ATTAIN THAT..OKOK S SO ISISE\n SLEEVES IN THE NEXT QUESTION\n IS YOU KNOW IF THERE'S ANY\n TYPE OF VEGETATION OR THE\n HEMP WORKS WITH.. THEIRIR\n EDUCATIONS THIS STUDY DONE IN\n MEXICO.O. AND HAVE IT PUBLISHED\n STUDY IN MEXICO.O. USING\n VEGETATION ON THE PRAIRIE\n DOGS WOULD EAT AND THEN IT\n WOULD HELP TO SEQUESTER\n CARBON AND IT'S NOT AS.S.\n SEQUESTRATION ACTUALLY\n HAPPENED MUCH DEEPER.R. THAN IN\n THE SOIL RATHER THAN DISLIKE\n THE TOP SIX INCHES AS WELL\n SOME OF THEIR OPTIONS\n INCLUDING CROPS AND THAT\n COULD POSSIBLY WORKING HAND\n IN THIS WAY.. YOU KNONOW I I LT\n LAUREN. OR ANTI RESPOND IN\n DETAIL WHAT I CAN SAY IS THAT\n WE'VE BEEN PART OF THE\n CONVERSATION.N. REGARDING\n PRAIRIE DOGS ALONG THE FRONT\n RANGE FOR MANY YEARS AND\n SCIENTISTS WORKING WITH THE\n NATIONAL.L. FISH WILDLIFE\n SERVICE ROCKY MOUNTAIN\n ARSENAL.. WORKING FOR YEARS TO\n TRY TO IDENTIFY SPECIES THAT\n CAN BECOME ESTABLISHED IN ROE\n THE PRESENCE OF PRE DOGS. AND\n THERE'S JUST THERE'S A LIST\n OF SOME SPECIES THAT CAN DO\n THAT THE ESTABLISHMENT\n OF THESE MOSTLY GRASS..I'M\n EXCITED TO TAKE QUITE A WHILE\n LONGER AND SPRAYED US..I HAVE\n NOT READ ALL THE WORK THAT\n JUSTIFIES HAS PUT TOGETHER\n AND THE ONUS OF MEXICO MAY\n LEARN MORE ABOUT THAT.. BUT I I\n CAN SAY UMM THAHAT WE'VE HAD\n VERY LIMITED SUCCESS IN\n HAVING SUCCESSFUL RESTORATION\n PROJECTS IN THE PRESENCE\n OF GREAT ESPECIALLY THE\n OUTSET. WILL ANDND THEN WEWE WE\n DO HAVE THE EGG AGRICULTURAL\n LAND RESTORATION SPECIALISTS\n ON STAFF..MOM AND WE ARERE\n LEARNING MORE ABOUT PLANTS\n THAT ARE MORE TOLERANT\n OF PRAIRIE DOGS.. OCCUPATION\n AND THAT'S ONE THING WE'RE\n WORKING ON SOME OF OUR STAFF\n MANAGE PROPERTIES IS A SEEDY\n MORE DIVERSE SPECIES THAT MAY\n BE MORE TOLERANT OF BRAIN\n ACTIVITY.Y.WEWE ARE AWARERE OFE\n AS MARK MENTIONED MORE SO IN\n THE CONTEXT OF NATIVE\n GRASSLANDS AND PLANTS THAT\n CAN TOLERATE THAT KIND\n OF REASON..WHEN DID YOU HAVE\n ANYTHING AT OR.R. YOU KNOW I I\n GUESS THE COMPLAINT YOU BRAT\n THAT I GET A CI JOURNEY VERY\n FINE FOR WHICH I DID WELL\n THOUGH AND NOW.W. WITH THIS\n PEOPLE OR SO I CAN ONLY SPEAK\n TO HIS LACK OF SUCCESS THAT\n WAY BECAUSE HE NEVER RECEIVED\n AN APPLICATION.N.HE TRIED LAST\n YEAR BUT.T. IT'T'S GOING TO HER\n BUT I THINK HE'S GOING TO TRY\n AGAIN THIS YEAR SO MAYBE\n GREAT TO SEE IF WE CAN SEE\n HOW THE PRODUCTION WORKS\n WITH.H. EIGHTHT SECONDS INTO TE\n WEE LITTLE BIT SO UM ANYWAY\n UM OKAY WELL I GUESS THE\n QUESTION I GUESS THOSE ACTIVE\n STAKEHOLDER MEETINGS AND ONCE\n HERE BUT IT DOESN'T SEEM\n LIKE. CORRECT ME IF I'M WRONG\n MOM..II THINK WHAT PEOPLE THERE\n WHILE THE OTHERS WERE ASKING\n FOR IS THAT IT REALLY WAS A\n STAKEHOLDER MEETING.. PARCEL\n BY PARCEL NOW SOME ARE\n FREQUENT BASIS WHICH WOULD\n INVOLVE AGAIN ALL THE\n STAKEHOLDERS SO BIOLOGISTS\n AND RANCHERS FARMERS AND\n ADVOCATES.. AFFIX CETERA ON\n WHERE THEY COULD REALLY.. DIVE\n IN MORE THAN ONCE A YEAR IT\n DIDN'T INVOLVE ALL THE\n INDIVIDUAL STAKEHOLDERS TO\n MEETING THE WORST ASO.. MEAN\n IS THIS SOMETHING YOU'RE\n SAYING IT TAKES A LOT\n OF STAFF TIME TO DO THIS.S. BUT\n THAT'S ONE HURDLE THAT'S WHY\n WE CAN'T HAVE A MORE FREQUENT\n ON MY PERSONAL ANALYSIS WHEN\n IT WHEN EACH COMES UP.P. AND WE\n HAVE YOU HEARD TODAY FROM A\n NUMBER OF SPACE PAST YEAR\n THERE'S OTHERS WHO HAVEN'T\n HEARD FROM HERE ON. COLLEGES\n TREAT PARADE COORDINATORS A\n LOT OF PEOPLE WITH A LOT\n OF EXPERTISE AND MANAGEMENT\n OF THE SPECIES.S.OUR\n RECOMMENDATION TO ALLOW FOR\n OPERATIONAL EFFICIENCY AND\n EFFECTIVENESS TO MOVE FORWARD\n NOT ONLY IN THE MANAGEMENT\n OF PREY DOGS BUT.. NOT ONLY\n FOR THIS PROJECT BUT THE\n THIRTY OR SO RECOMMENDATIONS\n OF THE PRE DAWN WORKING GROUP\n THAT WE'VE COMMITTED TO THIS\n THAT WE WERE JUST LOOKING FOR\n EFFICIENCIES.S.IT'S THEHE DESID\n COUNCIL TO SEE MORE STEPS AND\n PROCESSES ASSOCIATED WITH\n SOME OF YOU WITH THE CHERRY\n ON HER LAP..CERTAINLY THAT\n WOULD BE SOMETHING THAT WE\n DID I WE JUST AFTER A PARADE\n OF ONE OF MANY SPECIES OF ART\n PLANS OR COMMITMENTS TO\n CONSERVE PRAIRIE DOGS.. GO\n WELL BEYOND THE ACTIONS HERE\n OR CAN IT IS TO CONSERVE\n CRASH LED. TO THE IRRIGATED\n PASTURES RADICAL FOR YOUR\n ADVENTURES HEELS OF LOCAL\n DIVERSIFIED VEGETABLE\n OPERATIONS A LOT OF PROGRAMS\n GOING ON AND WE HAVE LIMITED\n STAFF CAPACITIES.S.I THINK\n THAT'S THE POINT.T. CERTAINLY\n CAN SET PRIORITIES FOR THE\n THE THING TO SAY THE WORD\n BANANAS THAT.T. WERE SHOWN THE\n MEN DID.. ONLY THAT HE ISIS\n INTERESTED IN THE HAPPINESS\n OF A MEETING WITH UN STAFF.\n AND AND DISCUSS HOW WE CAN\n HELP SO I MEAN REALLY DIDN'T\n WANT THAT RIGHT AWAY AND\n ANYTHING AND KNOW THAT THAT'S\n SITTING ON A TABLE..I THINK\n THAT'S A LIE IN HIS BIG REACH\n TO THE COMMUNITY OF COLORADO\n AND ALL HE ADVOCATES AND\n FUNDRAISING EFFORTS AND SO I\n DO KNOW THAT I GET IS A HUGE\n CONCERN..I MEAN EVEN PUTTING A\n BARRIER FENCING IN GETTING\n VOLUNTEERS OUT THERE. AREA\n FENCING BE QUITE EFFECTIVE ON\n WHERE IDENTIFY AS WELL AS A\n COMBINATION OF RELOCATION AND\n ITS RESIDENTS HAVE.E. TAKEN\n HELD AT THE SAME BIBLE THAT\n WERE BEING OFFERED AND I\n WOULD HATE TO SQUANDER THAT..\n I THINK IT'S QUITE SPECIAL\n AND HE SHOWS INTEREST OF THE\n STATE IN HOW WE CARE ABOUT\n WHILE SOME COUNCIL TO\n CONSIDER PRIOR TO.. THEHE ADAM\n AND MARK I'M A SAHMM LOCALLY\n VERY BEST MOST OF MY\n QUESTIONS ABOUT POLLINATORS\n AND OTHER INSECTS USED ALL\n THE DUST I REALLY APPRECIATE\n THAT VERY UM ONE MORE\n QUESTION.N.THTHE RESULT OF THE\n STONE IN THE READING THAT I\n DID ON IT.T. FOUND THAT IT'S\n ACTUALLY THE WORST WHEN IT'S\n IN WATER AND CAN LEACH INTO\n GROUNDWATER AND WE'RE\n LITERALLY TALKING ABOUT YOUR\n DAY LENS WHICH IS.S. ITSELF THE\n CLOSEST THING WE CAN HAVE TWO\n WATER.. SOURCES NEAR THEE TOPOP\n OF THE SO I GUESS MY MAIN\n QUESTION THAT WOULD BE\n HARROWING TO MAKE SURE WE\n DON'T ALLOW IT.T. O ORR ALLOW S\n LITTLE AS POSSIBLE INTO THE\n IRRIGATION SYSTEM AND WE HAD\n ANY LIABILITY FOR DOWNSTREAM\n PURPOSES BY APPLYING TO US.S.\n LAST YEAR QUESTION ABOUT\n LIABILITY.. THEHE CITY ATTORNEY\n ON THIS CALL THAT WHICH WOULD\n BE FASTER TO JUMP IN TO LEVEL\n THE QUESTION LIKE THAT MAYBE\n SOMETHING AT YOU.. ON MY DESK\n RELATIVES OF THE FIRST\n QUESTION WE HAD BEEN IN\n CONVERSATIONS WITH.\n REPRESENTATIVES OF THE COLOR\n DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE\n AROUND THIS QUESTION WITH\n REGARDS TO LEGAL RESTRICTIONS\n RESULTED US BECAUSE OUR\n PORTION OF THE STAGE.E.UMUM M Y\n LIFE REQUIRES THESE\n APPLICATIONS SO DETERMINING\n THE BEST WAY TO ENSURE THAT\n WE CAN DO THESE APPLICATIONS\n MATTER THAT'S CONSISTENT WITH\n THE LABEL REQUIREMENTS.S. ANDND\n ALLOWS US TO MEET THE\n REQUIREMENTS OF THE DIVISION\n OF WILDLIFE PARKS MY LIFE HAS\n CERTAINLY BEEN ON OUR MIND.D.\n IF YOU'RE A PERSON TO TAKE\n THIS OR SOMEBODY ELSE WOULD\n MAINTAIN AN OFFENSE WHEN THE\n REAL LOCATIONS OCCURS IN ALL\n WHEN WE KNOW WE HEAR AGAIN\n ANYWAY.Y.ANAND THERE ARE SOME\n RESTRICTIONS TO THE LABEL\n LITTLE STRUCTURE IS TAKE THE\n BANK BECAUSE YOU DON'T\n ORDINARILY HAVE PEOPLE TREAT\n ME TO THE LOCATIONS FROM\n IRRIGATED LANDS.. WE WORK\n CLOSELY WITH THE HACKER\n CULTURE TO MAKE SURE THAT\n WE'RE FOLLOWING THOUGH THE\n LABEL..EXACTLY AND MAYBE\n PARCELS WOULD NOT BE\n APPROPRIATE OR LEGAL ARREST.T.\nDO W WE IN A A VERY CAUTIOUS IN\n MAKING SURE THAT WE WERE.E. NOT\n ONLY ON THE LABEL WEEK THAT\n THE CITY IS LEON USED THE\n MAJORITY OF PESTICIDES ANYWAY\n SO WE GO ABOVE AND BEYOND. TO\n MAKE SURE THAT IF WE WERE\n USING THE THREE LOCATIONS\n FROM THESE LANDS.S.WE'RE DOING\n EVERYTHING POSSIBLE TO KEEP\n FROM GETTING INTO WATER\n SOURCES..THANKS FOR THAT I\n FULLY UNDERSTAND THE RULES\n ARE ACTUALLY BEING SAID ABOVE\n US SO THAT SOME OF YOU KNOW\n WE HAVE TO ABIDE BY THEM IN\n ORDER TO RE LOCATIONS..IT'S\n JUST MAYBE SOMETHING WE\n SHOULD FOLLOW UP WITH THEM OR\n WHAT ORGANIZATION WAS AGAIN\n FORCED THE BACK.K. OF A REALTOR\n THAT THERE'S INCLUDED\n CONFLICTING.. SORTT OF NATURAL\n NEEDS THEY'RE UM THEY'RE\n THEY'RE ASKING FOR SO THAT\n MAY JUST BE WORTH FOLLOWING\n UP ON THE LONG TERM TO THANK\n FOR THAT ANSWER.. T TOO PARKK\n REALLY IS ONE ISSUE FOR MARK\n I WANT TO COME ON AN EXCHANGE\n THAT WE HAD TO BUY EVEN A DAY\n THAT'S WITH RESPECT TO\n RELIGIOUS NOTIONS.. THAT SEEM\n TO BE HIGHLY ARBITRARY TO ME\n IN YOUR EMAIL RESPONSE TO MY\n QUESTION HE SAID IT WAS A\n BALANCING OF INTERESTS\n OF AGRICULTURAL OPERATORS\n VERSUS OTHER VALUES..HOW MANY\n AGRICULTURAL OPERATORS NEW\n ACTIONS BE TWO IN CONNECTION\n WITH THAT ILLUSTRATIONS AND\n HOW MANY WERE SUPPORTIVE\n OF THE EXACT NUMBER..SOSO I I L\n ASK ANDY IF YOU'VE GOT A\n NUMBER LIKE THAT THE WRITERS\n WILL.L. FOLLOW QUESTION\n CONSIDERING THAT WHICH IS\n WHAT IS THE ACTUAL STANDARD\n THAT WAS USED TO DETERMINE\n THE THREE GS TWELVE REGIME AS\n OPPOSED TO ALL FOR AGE\n SIXTEEN OR A ONE TO FOUR.R.I\n MEAN IT COMING OUT OF THIN\n AIR OR IS THERE A SCIENTIFIC\n BASIS FOR SETTING THESE\n LIMITS SEEMS RATHER ARBITRARY\n CAPS AND INCORRECT SO I DID..\nSOSO W WE DID HEAR FROM SPECIFIC\n OPERATORS REGARDING WHAT\n THEIR VILLAGE INTENTIONS\n WOULD BE AND WE ARE WELL\n AWARE THAT THE AGRICULTURAL\n COMMUNITY WOULD WANT AS BROAD\n AN EXEMPTION IN THE ORDINANCE\n FOR THAT.T.WEWE CERTAINLY WANTD\n THOUGHT ABOUT ACCOMMODATING\n ORGANIC PRODUCE IS FOR\n EXAMPLE TO PLOW INTO DEEPER\n DEATHS TO BURY SEEDS\n ET-CETERA ERIC ENJOYS COOKING\n FOR EXAMPLE WOULD WANT\n PERMISSION TO PLOW A\n SIGNIFICANT GAPS.S.WEWE ALSO\n HEARD FROM MEMBERS WHO WANTED\n TO IMPLEMENT KEY LIME BOMBING\n WHICH CAN BE DONE TO DEPTHS\n UP TO TWENTY TWO INCHES..UMUM O\n WE DID HEAR FROM A PRETTY\n BROAD GROUP OF AGRICULTURAL\n PRODUCE IS BASED ON THAT\n DEBT.T.UMUM PRODUCES SAME THREE\n SIX PAUL WAS GREAT WHEN WE\n WANT TO GO.O.NONO W WE DID HERE\n GENERALLY HEAR FROM THEIR\n CULTURAL COMMUNITY THAT THEY\n WOULD PREFER IS DEEPER DEPTH\n AS POSSIBLE AND WAS THE\n SCIENCE BEHIND THREE SIX\n WELL.L. ANDND A AT THE BALLOT\n HEATHER CAN PITCH IN.N. AT SOME\n POINT BUT I KIND OF TALKED\n BRIEFLY ABOUT THAT THREE SIX\n TWELVE PART OF THE CEREAL..\n ALMOST EVERY CONFLICT IS\n HAPPENING IN PERENNIALS\n SYSTEMS WERE IN.. THE FIELDS\n OR IRRIGATED PASTURE AND IN\n MINOR FIELD LEVELING DOWN\n INTO THREE INCH LEVEL WOULD\n GREATLY INCREASE FLEXIBILITY\n FOR THESE OPERATORS TO\n IMPROVE THE IRRIGATION SYSTEM\n IN ANY. KIND OF THE PERENNIAL\n SYSTEMS THAT WOULD ALSO ALLOW\n FOR SOME LIKE TILL AGE TWO..\nFOR EXAMPLE C A KRAUS OR CDCD\n COVER CROPS AND WE MIGHT USE\n TO TRY TO ESTABLISH MORE\n VEGETATION OF THE SITES..UMUM\n AND THEN THE TWELVE CALLED\n INCHES BY PERMIT WITH FELLOW\n WOULD ACCOMMODATE KEY LIME\n PLOWING OR DEEPER TILL AGE IN\n IN AREAS WITH PERMISSION FROM\n OPEN SPACE. AND I DON'T KNOW\n IF ALAN HEATHER IF YOU WOULD\n WANT TO WEIGH IN.N.MORE O ONN E\n RESTRICTIONS ADDED THAT THE\n EGG OR CULTURALLY THAT THAT'S\n KIND OF WHERE WE CAME DOWN IT\n STILL SEEMS RATHER ARBITRARY.Y.\nONE RELATED THEHE IRONYNY\n OF QUESTIONS ABOUT OUR\n CULTURE..HOW DO YOU FORCE\n SOMEBODY TO LOVE THE LOOK.\n AND LOOK AT THE FOREIGN\n OFFICE'S DONE YET A QUESTION\n I GUESS WE WOULD BE BUT\n EXPLAIN WHAT THE REQUIREMENTS\n ARE IN THEIR BEST JUDGMENT\n AND THAT ENFORCEMENT.T.THANK\n YOU MARKTHIS IS DEAD I JUST\n WANT TO JUST AWESOME JUST\n CLARIFIED AT THREE SIX TWELVE\n OUR RESTRICTIONS WHEN YOU'RE\n OPERATING IN THE PRESENCE\n OF ACTIVE CARRIED OUT\n RECALLS..OBVIOUSLY THERE WOULD\n NOT BE RESTRICTIONS IF THEY\n ARE EITHER PRAIRIE DOG\n BURROWS SAID ARE NO LONGER\n OCCUPY OR THERE ISN'T\n PRESENCE OF GOD AND THANKING\n THE EDUCATION.OKAY VERY GOOD\n SIZE YOUR HANDS UP.P.I HAVEVE O\n MORE QUESTIONS AND THEN\n AGREED AND SO ON WITH\n FIGURING OUT WHAT WOMEN DO\n WITH FISH AND SOME OF US..MYMY\n QUESTION IS FOR LAUREN ANDND\n LAUREN.N.SOSO AS WEWE MOVE FORD\n WITH WHATEVER DOES WORK IN\n AND OUT DOING HIS FLYERS\n CONTROL OF POPULATIONS.S. WILL\n DUE PARCEL BY PARCEL\n OF BASELINE BUT FOR. SOME\n TREATMENT FOR THE DOGS IS\n AUTHORIZED BY OUR ALLIGATOR\n MADE SURE THAT WHATEVER WE'RE\n DOING HAS THE RESULTS FROM\n THE SOIL FOR.. THE HOME TO\n TEST THE SIZE AND YOU KNOW\n AND THEY'RE WORKING ON A LOT\n OF ACREAGE THIS.. FILM M I FEEL\n IT'S NOT. AN EXCESS AMOUNT\n OF HILLS ESPECIALLY COMPARED\n TO SOMETHING THAT EVERY DONE\n SO IDEALLY CRITIQUING\n REPRESENTATIVE SAMPLE OR\n ORDER EVERY SINGLE FIELD.D. AND\n MONITORING THAT AS WE GO FOR\n IT I THINK AS THE DATA COMES\n AND WE CAN MAKE AN ASSESSMENT\n OF LIKE HOW.. THIS DATA IS\n ACTUALLY TELLING US. THE SAME\n THING OVER AND OVER AGAIN\n USING DONOR SIBLING ARE THERE\n SUFFICIENT GREATLY THAT WE DO\n WANT TO TRACK EVERY SINGLE\n FIELD INDIVIDUALLY.Y. I I THINK\n YOU KNOW GIVEN OUR\n EXPERIENCES WITH RULES ARE\n GOING\n ++MUSIC PLAYING;; IN HOW\n SUCCESSFUL THESE.E. LETHAL\n CONTROL IS ROSS AND YOU KNOW\n OR MAYBE IT'S NOT ON THE\n FIRST YEAR THE FIRST YEARS\n OF FIRST YEARS AND SO WE CAN\n HAVE ALL THOSE TRAJECTORIES.S. \n PROGRESSES SO BE AT THAT\n POINT IS IS THAT WHAT WE\n WOULD MAKE A FOOL AFTER ITS\n MOTHER BEFORE AND AFTER ALI'S\n REMOVAL AREA IS.. STARTED AND\n SO WOULD THAT BE KIND OF A\n PROCESS WHERE.. THERE'D BE A\n PARCEL IDENTIFIED AS TWO NEW\n BIRD ON SUNDAY ANDY AND YOU\n WOULD DO MMA SOIL HEALTH\n MEASUREMENTS AND AND THE DOGS\n WOULD BE RELOCATED OR LITTLE\n CONTROL.. THEY WANT TO GET\n BACK TO MARY'S QUESTION BARRY\n ASSED ABOUT FIVE YEARS TEN\n YEARS OR FIFTEEN OR WOULD IT\n BE MORE FREQUENTLY THAN THAT\n BECAUSE.. WE'RERE TALKING ABOUT\n A THREE YEAR PLAN MOVING\n FORWARD IN SO DOING.. YOU KNOWW\n A SECOND ASSESSMENT FIVE\n YEARS AFTER WHATEVER\n TREATMENT SOME OF THE BIRD\n DOGS SEEMS LIKE IT WOULD MISS\n A LOT OF TIME AND WHAT COULD\n BE SOMETHING THAT WOULD.\n CHANGE IN THE FIRST YEAR OR\n TWO AFTER THE BULLDOGS ARE\n MOVED..SOSO WHAT WHAT'S YOUR\n PLAN FOR HOW OFTEN YOU\n MEASURE.. TREATED TO A\n RECOMMENDATION FROM CSU AND\n THE OTHER CELL RESEARCH THAT\n PART TWO IS.S. I IS FIVE YEARS\n THIS KIND OF THE MINIMUM\n THREE TO FIVE YEARS JUST\n BECAUSE SOME OF THOSE\n INDICATORS TO TAKE A LONG\n TIME TO SHOW.W. U UPP ALONG THE\n SHORE IN THE RELATIVE LIKE.E. A\n SENSE OF TIME YOU KNOW BUTT\n LONG IN TERMS OF ATTACKING\n THE PROJECT.. EARLY INDICATORS\n THAT WE CAN LOOK AT THE ONE\n TO SAMPLE MORE FREQUENTLY AND\n NOT DO AS EXTENSIVE SAMPLING\n SO WE COULD LOOK AT\n EDUCATION.. MORE FREQUENTLY\n THAN ONCE EVERY FIVE YEARS\n JUST TO THINK.. WE'D B BE\n CAREFUL THAT I CAN SUMMON\n STATE AND THAT YOU KNOW IT\n JUST BECOMES OVERWHELMING AND\n STOLE.. THE ARK IS S A GOODOD\n START FOR MOST DISPOSABLES\n WERE TALKING ABOUT WATER\n CHECKBOOK REVENUE COULD\n PROBABLY DO A MORE FREQUENT\n AND SEE ALL AND CERTAINLY\n MORE QUALITATIVE ASSESSMENTS\n OF SLIDELL.L.WE COULD DOO JUST\n THAT SORT OF CARRIED THAT I\n HAD MENTIONED EARLIER THAT\n SOMETHING BE DONE PROBABLY AT\n LEAST THREE YEARS BUT\n ANYTHING MORE THAN JUST\n RACING VERY DRAMATIC CHANGES\n EIGHT AND VISUALLY OBSERVE.E.II\n DON'T THINK YOU KNOW SKILLS\n ARE TALKING ABOUT\n INTERVENTIONS FOR ABOUT A SEA\n CHANGE IS IN LESS THAN FIVE\n YEARS OLD. AND THEN UM WITH\n THIS IS JUST THE LORE AND\n THAT IT SERVED TO ALL STAFF.F.\nTHERE'S THIS IDEA OF A CLASS\n OF SHARED LEARNING PROCESS\n WHICH IS SAVES AND SCIENCE\n WHICH IS TO GET EVERYONE IS\n CONCERNED WITH.H. THEHE CURRENT\n ISSUE AND THE AGRICULTURAL\n ISSUE TO SPEAK THE SAME\n LANGUAGE AND AGREE ON THE\n SAME DATA..IT'S BEEEEN ASSESSED\n BOTH BEFORE AND AFTER THE\n REMOVAL OF THE PER DON'S SO.O.\n THE IDEA HAS BEEN FLOATED OUT\n THERE'S THIS ISSUE BUT VCU\n COULD THE NATURE CONSERVANCY\n HAS THERE BEEN ANY THOUGHT\n TO.O. HOW WE CAN MAKE THIS KIND\n OF A HOLISTIC PROCESS THAT\n INVOLVES THE PEOPLE WHO ARE\n MOST CONCERNED WITH THIS\n BECAUSE WE'RE.. JUST MOVING\n FORWARD WITH THE STAFF WHEN\n PROGRAM THAT WOULD BE ABOUT\n NOT NECESSARILY EDUCATING..\n THE PEOPLE WHO ARE MOST\n CONCERNED ABOUT YOU KNOW HOW\n THIS IS GOING OF ALL I JUST\n ASK WHAT'S THE COMMUNITY\n OUTREACH THINKING ON STAFF\n ARE AROUND THIS PROJECT.. FOROR\n THE DAY ANDND IF YOYOU PREFER\n JUST CHIME IN AND YOU COULD\n GO AS WELL.L.WEWE U UM YOU KNOE\n PRESSURE WE RECEIVE FROM\n COUNCIL AND FROM OUR\n RECOMMENDATION FROM OR WAS\n THAT.T. THE URGENT NEED TO TAKE\n SOME ACTION ON THE GROUND AND\n IN FACT COUNCIL'S DIRECTION\n WAS FOR AN EXPEDITED PROCESS\n SO OUR FOCUS WAS LARGELY ON\n THE OCCASION OF THE\n COMMUNITY.. A A RELATIVELY\n NARROW SCOPE OF ISSUES\n RELEVANT TO THEIR HQ CRAFTS\n CO OP A SET\n OF RECOMMENDATIONS TO ADDRESS\n THIS ASPECT OF PREDAWN\n MANAGEMENT.T.WE HAVE E A BROADR\n DRESSING BECAUSE SYSTEM\n MANAGEMENT PLAN.. WHICH SHOULD\n HAVE INVOLVED A NUMBER\n OF DIFFERENT WAYS COMMUNITY\n GROUPS.S. WERE INVOLVED IN THAT\n AND I THINK THAT HAVING A\n LONGER TERM LARGER SCALE\n LARGER GEOGRAPHIC SCALE\n LARGER CONCEPTUAL SCALE\n CONVERSATION ABOUT ADDRESSING\n CONSERVATION BRAYDON IT'S\n REALLY HEALTHY THING FOR\n VIRGINITY AND FOREST LANDS.S.WE\n HAVEN'T GIVEN IT ALL THE\n FLIGHTS WERE INCLUDED IN OUR\n RECOMMENDATIONS ALL THE\n THINKING THAT WOULD NEED TO\n GO INTO THAT TO FIGURE OUT\n WHAT THE IMPLICATIONS FOR\n STAFF CAPACITY AND COST.T.BRETT\n CARE OF MYSELF I WORK WITH\n THE NATURE CONSERVANCY AND\n NATIONAL SCIENCE PROGRAM FOR\n A NUMBER OF YEARS.S. DOING\n CONSERVATION PLANNING AND\n WORKING WITH COLLABORATIVE\n LEARNING GROUPS AND READ HIS\n WORK WITH THEM ELSEWHERE.E. O N\n FOR SERVICE ISSUES AND THAT\n ACIDIC NORTHWEST PEOPLE FEEL\n THAT A LOT OF PROMISE.E. BUT WE\n SURE WOULD LIKE TO DO A\n LITTLE BIT MORE ANALYSIS\n BEFORE WE PRESENTED SOME\n COUNSELING FROM\n RECOMMENDATION SURE IT IS\n HERE AGAIN IT'S JUST NOT\n FULLY DEVELOPED YET..ZACHARY\n WAS DEVELOPED AS PART OF THE\n SCOPE OF THIS RESPONSE TO\n COUNCIL ON THIS PROJECT BUT\n IT CERTAINLY HAS COME OF THE\n RECOMMENDATIONS OF MEMBERS.S.HE\n AND SO U UMM W WEE WE STARTED O\n PUT PENCIL TO PAPER SO IT WAS\n UGLY.Y. BUTUT AGAIN THEY'RE\n LIMITED STAFF CAPACITY AND A\n LOT OF STUFF ON THE GROUND A\n TEACHER AND SO DOES ONE MAKE\n SURE THAT UM BEFORE WE LOOKED\n AT ME.. AND S SO WE HAD THE\n OPPORTUNITY TO.O. LAY OUTUT I N\n TERMS OF WHAT THE SCHOOL\n BUDGET TIMELINE WOULD LOOK\n LIKE WE HAVE A LONG TERM\n RELATIONSHIP OR SEE YOU SHARE\n IN COLLEGE.E. ANDND ANDND STAFE\n STATION OUTBURSTS WERE\n INSTRUMENTAL IN WORKING WITH\n SHARON ON THE DEVELOPMENT\n OF THE CENTER FOR SUSTAINABLE\n LANDSCAPES AND COMMUNITIES SO\n THAT WOULD BE VERY EXCITING\n PROSPECT.WORKING WITH FOLKS\n AND C GRADE OR SO.O.YEYES YOU\n REALLY HAVE SIMILAR ECOSYSTEM\n MANAGEMENT INITIATIVES IN\n FACT SHE'S LIKE IT.T. CUS WE'RE\n WITH SOME OF THE\n COLLABORATIVE LEARNING\n EFFORTS AT CSU ON THE PORCH\n AND WAS FIRING AND SHE SHE'S\n ALREADY.. EIGHT SHOULD REALLY\n THANK YOU TO DEATH SO I GUESS\n I WILL BE BACK TO COUNCIL AND\n SAY YOU ARE READY FOR EITHER\n MORE DISCUSSION HER MOTION SO\n I SEE NO ANSWER.R.ALALLL THEY R\n AND HALF I I WOULDLD LIKE TO ME\n A MOTION AND I I JUST NEED TO\n FIND IT IN THTHE MEMO.O. LISTSS\n THE PAGE FROM THERE IT IS YET\n I THINK ITT SOUNDED RIGHT S SOI\n MOVED THAT THE CITY COUNCIL\n EXCEPT IN THE GROOVE.E.THTHE\n MANAGEMENT REVIEW OF THEIR\n GLOBAL AGRICULTURAL FIELDS\n OCCUPY TRACKER DOGS AND\n SHOWING SIGNS OF SOIL LOSS\n ECOLOGICAL IMPACT AND LOSS\n OF AGRICULTURAL VIABILITY.. O O\n S S S O O S S B B T T RECOMMEND\n PREFERRED ALTERNATIVE AS\n AMENDED ITS ALLY THIRTIETH\n TWENTY TWENTY AND THE STAFF\n RECOMMENDATIONS ON BRO DAMAGE\n AND ACCEPT.T. AND APPROVE THE\n SAME AS NECESSARY \n IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS FOR THE\n MANAGEMENT OF CITY LAND AND\n OTHER ASSETS.S. ASSETS TO BE\n ADMINISTERED THROUGH THE\n DEVELOPMENT OF A CITY MANAGER\n WILL AND SPECIAL USE PERMIT.T.\n SO I I MOVE THAT MOTION AND\n THEN I WOULD BE HAPPY TO\n ENTERTAIN AMENDMENT'S.. SECOND\n GREAT SURGE OF EMOTION IN A\n SECOND I HAVE SOME IDEAS FOR\n AMENDMENTS ON THEIR BODIES\n AND A NEARBY.Y. HOMEE O ON WILL\n HAVE GUESTS I WOULD LIKE TO\n BRING FOUR MINUTES AND ALL\n THE WHILE THE US AND SENT US\n MANY TIMES I ATE MANY MANY\n MANY RESIDENTS.S. NEED TO BRING\n THIS UP FOR MY COMPUTER NEEDS\n REFRESHING TO LET YOU KNOW UM\n I GUESS YOU CAN TALK TO THIS\n I WOULD LIKE TO TALK TO THIS\n ON BECAUSE.E. THIS TOPIC\n LITERALLY IS MY FATHER ALWAYS\n HAD CATS FOR BEES WITH HONEY\n AND SO TO SPEAK WITH HER IS\n BECAUSE THE CASH IN ON THIS\n TOPIC..IT'S'S NOT SOMETHING\n SAPPY BUT I THINK HAS.\n CHANGED MANY OF YOUR MINDS\n AND SO BE IT UM BUT I FIND IT\n RATHER CLICHE LEARNING AS WE\n HONOR MONTH PROMOTING THE\n IMPORTANCE OF OUR WONDERFUL\n BE UNITY.. ANDND EVE IMPORTANCE\n TO HER.R. HERER HERER UNINIT AN\n THE ENTIRE WORLD AND THE\n POLLINATION THAT THEY BRING..\n AND THAT IS VITAL TO LIFE AND\n THAT WE FORGET HOW IMPORTANT\n THEY ARE DOGS ARE AND I\n UNDERSTAND THE CHARTER\n UNDERSTAND.D. THESE ON AND WINS\n THAT IS NOT LOST ON ME\n ESPECIALLY MARY'S QUAKE HAS\n HIT ME FOR OVER A YEAR NOW\n SINCE SHE MADE ABOUT\n OUTSOURCING. OUR HYMNAL OR\n PRAIRIE DOGS THOUGH I KILLING\n HER PREY DIES INSIDE YOU\n FULLY UNDERSTAND THAT AS\n WELL.L.WHEN I I DON'T UNDERSTAD\n FROM BEING A RESIDENT\n OF BOULDER AND BOULDER COUNTY\n A WHITE MAN.. IS THATAT W WEE W\n KILLING AND THAT WE CANNOT BE\n SMARTER THAN THAT WE CANNOT\n BE RE SOURCE OF ACE AT A\n LEVEL.. OF KILLING THESE\n ANIMALS WHEN THERE ARE MANY\n OTHER RESIDENTS IN A DEEP\n PASSION WITHIN OUR COMMUNITY\n INTERSTATE FOR THE WILDLIFE\n THAT EXISTS..I UNDERSTAND\n ANIMALS CAN GET AWAY\n UNDERSTAND THEY ARE ON BUT\n THERE IS A CLUSTER OF OPTIONS\n HERE AND THAT WE CAN USE AND\n THEIR PEOPLE.E.CREAM THE FIRST\n GENTLEMAN OR WILLING TO HELP\n AND I WILL BE OUT THERE\n BREAKING MY BACK OVER AND\n OVER AGAINST THE BILL BARRIER\n FENCING LOCATING THE BEST\n OF THEM..IFIF THIS IS THE\n AUCTION WE CAN MOVE FORWARD\n WITH A THIS COMMUNITY IF THE\n JOB BUT I DO WEEDS NI.I. KAN\n HAS PROVIDED SUCH A SUPPORT\n MY WHOLE LIFE FOR KNOWING\n THEIR ANIMALS ARE SAFE WHILE\n SITTING SO THE OTHER\n COMMUNITIES THAT THEY KILL\n AND IN THE JOB BUT I DO.O. O ON\n SOCIAL MEDIA ON A DAILY BASIS\n TO SEE THE MOST HORRIFIC\n THINGS ARE DONE TO ANIMALS\n ACROSS THE WORLD AND HADES\n WERE CAST FOR CIVILIANS.. O OR\n MILITARY OR THE LACK\n OF BETTER TERM IT'S A BILLION\n PTSD IS SOMETHING I HAVE THE\n ANIMALS IN THE CARNAGE THAT I\n SEE AND WE ARE TREATED. NOW\n BE LIVING IN TOWN THAT THEY\n WERE SAFE IS IT.T.IT'S\n LITERALLY KEPT ME UP FOR SO\n MANY NIGHTS SINCE THIS ISSUE\n CAME AND IT'S HEARTBREAKING\n HEARTBREAKING THAT THIS IS\n WHAT WE'VE.E. DEGRADED\n OURSELVES TO DO IT'S\n HEARTBREAKING THAT THIS IS\n WHAT ARE USING OUR TAX\n DOLLARS FOR.. OVER AN OVER\n FROM RESIDENTS OF THIS IS NOT\n HOW WE WANT TO USE OUR TAX\n DOLLARS AND THAT IS WHEN THEY\n VOTED FOR OPEN SPACE AND ARE\n OPEN SPACE. FUNDING IF THIS\n IS HOW THE STARS WERE GOING\n TO BE USED.D.I THINK THAT AS\n THE NEXT GENERATION BEING A\n MILLENNIAL GENERATION\n ESPECIALLY HAVING THREE OF US\n ON HERE.. THAT WE CAN FIND\n BETTER WAYS OF THINKING OR\n TURNER AND USING OUR\n AGRICULTURAL LANDS IN\n DIFFERENT METHODS WE CAN LIVE\n IN TN THEM IN HARMONY WITH.H.\n THE SPECIAL CREATURES THAT\n QUEST FOR LAND AND HEAR\n PEOPLE SAY THEY WERE IN THE\n COUNTY IN THE CAMP ON THE\n PLAN.N.IT MAKES ME SOSO I I WOD\n BE SO BLESSED TO HAVE THEM ON\n MY LAND.. I I LIVE RIGHT NEXT O\n COLONY AND IDEALLY ENJOY\n THEIR SQUEALS CHIRPS AND\n MILLIONS OF LANGUAGE THAT\n THEY HAVE TELLING THEIR\n FRIENDS I'M WEARING A BLUE\n SHIRT THAT DAY.Y.UMUM YOU SHOUD\n BE KEEPERS OF THE LAND LIKE\n AN AMERICAN INDIANS WERE AND\n KILLING THEM IS A DESECRATION\n OF WHAT WE'RE HERE TO CARE\n FOR..SOSO I'M'M DEEPLY ASHAMEDF\n WE MOVE FORWARD WITH THIS\n WITHOUT PEOPLE IN THE WILDS..\n AMENDMENTS AND I DISCUSSED MY\n HEART AND SHOW COMPASSION AND\n UNDERSTANDING THAT THIS.S. I IS\n THE ANSWER PROTECT OUR\n ANIMALS TO PROTECT THAT WE\n CAN FIND SMARTER AND BETTER\n BASS WERE ALL INVOLVED CAN\n HAVE.E. SUCCESS THAT KEEP ORDER\n WHILE THE RESIDENTS ALSO WANT\n TO SEE HOW THE POPULATIONS\n AWARENESS.. OF AND CULTURALLY\n SO LET'S WORK WITH BARRIER\n FENCING LET'S WORK WITH\n RELOCATION HAS WORKED WITH\n CROPS THAT ALLOW FOR THEM ALL\n TO LIVE TOGETHER IN HARMONY\n IN.N. THE EAST AND ON THEHE\n KEYBOARD WHILE THE\n PERFORMANCE I STILL DON'T\n AGREE WITH THE KILLING OF ANY\n SINGLE OR SO BUT. IT'S THE\n BEST OPTION I SEE MOVING\n FORWARD AND AS WE CONSIDER\n THEM NEARBY THANK YOU FOR\n THAT.T.WOULD YOU LIKE TO PUT\n HERS ON THE TABLE BEFORE IT\n WOULD BE HELPFUL IF YOU'D\n SEND THOSE OUT LOUD THAT WE\n HAVE NO PICTURE POST.T.YEYES TE\n THE EIGHTH FOR THE FOUR\n AMENDMENTS ARE IN THE..THTHE SO\n WHATEVER WAS TO REDUCE\n PROJECT AREA FROM THE\n SEVENTIES.. AND DOWOWN TO FOURH\n AND SIX WAS ONENE OF THE LIST\n TO.O. AYERS IMPLICATION ANY\n MEANS OF CONTROLLING PROPERTY\n WITH A REDUCED AREA PERFORM\n AN ANALYSIS OF EACH PROPERTY\n AND KNOWLEDGE WITH\n KNOWLEDGEABLE STAKEHOLDERS.S.\n ASK THE MANAGER TO AUTHORIZE\n A SPECIAL USE PERMIT FEES\n ONLY ON THE PROPERTIES WITHIN\n THE TWO THOUSAND AND TWENTY\n TWENTY ONE IN TWENTY TWENTY\n TWO.. HAIR TIES REMOVAL AND\n TRENCHES IN TRANSITION AREAS\n THAT HAVE BEEN IDENTIFIED FOR\n LEGAL CONTROL OVER.R. PURSE ON\n THE HOUSE AND WORK WITH\n ENTITIES INCLUDING STATE\n OFFICE TO CONSIDER OUTSIDE\n FUNDING AND RESOURCES TO\n INCREASE THE WEIGHTS.. U UP T O\n THE EYEYE IS.S. HIRED FOR JANES\n PRODUCE THE PROJECT AREA SIZE\n PARCEL BY PARCEL ANALYSIS\n OF THE LETHAL CONTROL.. I IN TE\n LICENSE FOR LETHAL CONTROL\n THAT THE CITY MANAGER WITH\n THE ISSUE.. WOULD EXPIRE IN\n TWENTY TWENTY TWO AND IN THE\n LAST ONES WE SEEK AND ACCEPT\n OUTSIDE FUNDING FOR AVOIDING\n AS MUCH LEGAL CONTROLS\n POSSIBLE THAT THE CHAIR\n SUMMER.R. AND AGAIN WITH THE\n WHOLE WAY ABOUT THE\n STAKEHOLDERS ON BEING\n INVOLVED PERSON BY PERSON.. O R\n THE OTHER OPTION IS THERE A A\n FEW SOUOUL ANDND OF COURSE EXCE\n IN THE COMMUNITY SHOWED US\n THAT AS WELL. SO THAT THEY\n THE COMMUNITY AND THE CLEVER\n RESEARCH GROUP AS SOME HAVE\n CALLED IT..II THINK I COULD\n EXCEPT IF YOU ARERE AMENABLE TO\n ME TURNING IN COLLABORATIVE\n RESEARCH WITH A DIVERSE SET\n OF STAKEHOLDERS AND CHOOSE\n FOR IT TO BE.E. FOCUSED ON ITIS\n SOIL HEALTH RECOVERY AND\n CLIMATE CHANGE EFFORTS..YEYESS\n WE'VE GOT THE PAIR.R. WON I IT\n JUST LIKE THE PARADE I\n PERSONALLY WANT.. ALL THE\n STAKEHOLDERS INVOLVED AND\n COULD I WOULD LIKE TO ECHO\n EXISTENCE AND THAT BUT YES\n THOSE ARE ON MAJOR POINTS\n THAT WE WOULD LIKE IS THAT\n MANY WERE.. AND I WISISH I I\n WOULDN'T WANT TO GO TO LIKE A\n PRAIRIE DOG WORKING GROUP TO\n I THINK IT REALLY NEEDS TO BE\n A COLLABORATIVE RESEARCH\n GROUP.. THAT ISIS WORKING\n TOGETHER CHOOSE TO REALLY DO\n THE SCIENCE ON THIS PROJECT\n BECAUSE I AGREE THAT YOU ARE\n BASICALLY EMBARKING ON.N. A\n PROJECT THAT WE'RE\n ESTABLISHING THE SAINTS AHEAD\n OF US SO I WILL EXCEPT THAT\n AMENDMENT..MARKRK DAMON A ASS .\nMOM WHY DID WE START TRADING\n WITH DOESN'T IT DOESN'T..\n RESTRICTIONS ON OPEN SPACE\n FROM CARRYING OUT ITS PROGRAM\n ARE SIMULTANEOUSLY.Y. SHOULD\n NOT BE SIMPLY ANOTHER\n MECHANISM FOR KICKING THIS\n CAN DOWN THE ROAD WHICH I\n THINK FOR MANY YEARS HAS LED\n US TO THE US STATES THAT WE\n ARE IN AN UNFORTUNATE PLACE\n ELSE.THAT'S WHERE WE ARE..MORE\n RESEARCH IS GOOD FOR\n KNOWLEDGE IS GOOD BUT I THINK\n HAS TO BE SOMETHING THAT HAS\n OPERATED IN TANDEM WITH WEST\n INDIES PROGRAM..OTHERWISE WE\n JUST JUST A REAL MARKK\n OF RACHEL'S OTHER HAND THERE\n ARE HIGH AS THE MMA NOW\n INCORPORATING ALL FOUR KEEP A\n WHILE..LEADSS ARE THE NOO NO.O.\nGOING ONE BY ONE GOING BY WHEN\n THE FIRST ONE THAT YET SO\n THAT WAS THE UK SOO THE NEXT\n ONE..THTHEE PARCEL BY PARCEL\n ANALYSIS I DID ASK ABOUT THAT\n ONE AND I WOULD EXCEPT THAT\n AS DESCRIBED BY STAFF DURING\n MY QUESTIONING US WITH THE\n PROGRAM ALREADY IN TOWN.N.YEYES\n AND AND S SO O I WOULD ACCEPT T\n AS IT IS TO SCRAPE IT WAS\n DESCRIBED BY STAFF AND IT\n DOES ENTAIL..\nIT IS ENTAILED IN\n IN THE CURRENT PROPOSAL AND I\n CANNOT EXACT ACCENT REDUCING\n THE PROJECT AREA. AND THEN I\n HAVE A QUESTION FOR STAFF AND\n THE PERFORMING ANALYSIS\n OF EACH PROPERTY IS THAT\n SOMETHING THAT IS INTENDED.D.\nANYWAY THIS TRACK BEFORE IT'S\n THE NUMBER OF PARCELS WITHIN\n THE PROJECT AREA PRIOR TO THE\n DEVELOPMENT OF A WORK PLAN\n FOR ANY YEAR.R. WE WOULD\n DEVELOP RECOMMENDATIONS ON\n WHAT WE'VE DONE THIS YEAR TO\n ACHIEVE.. THE OUTCOMES IN THE\n PREFERRED ALTERNATIVE.. AND\n THAT THAT WOULD BE SHARED\n WITH THE COMMUNITY AND ANNUAL\n MEETING AT WHICH TIME SHE TO\n CONSULT GATHER ANSWER\n PEOPLE'S QUESTIONS GATHER\n INPUT ON HOW.. T TO MAKE\n MODIFICATIONS OF RETURN TO\n THE OPEN SPACE BOARD\n OF TRUSTEES REPORT BACK WHAT\n WE SAID WE HEARD HOW HE MADE\n CHANGES.. TAKE FURTHER\n FEEDBACK FROM THE SPACEPORT\n AND PREPARE AN INFORMATION\n PACKET FOR COUNCIL WITH THAT\n INFORMATION.. ALONG WITH THE\n OPEN SPACE BOARD OF TRUSTEES\n INPUT OR FEEDBACK AND HOW\n THAT WAS INCORPORATED AND I\n WOULD BE THE APPROACH THAT\n WERE.E. AND N NO AND THAT WOULD\n BE THE APPROACH THAT IS IN\n THE PREFERRED ALTERNATIVE\n SPECIFIC AS THIS ISSUE HADN'T\n COME UP PRIOR TO THE\n DEVELOPMENT OF THE PREFERRED\n ALTERNATIVE SPACE FORTRESS IS\n ACTION.N.I MEANAN THIS WAS\n DEVELOPED IN RESPONSE TO THE\n COMMENTS THAT WERE SHARED\n WITH COUNCIL BY PEOPLE WHILE\n OK SO I WOULD EXCEPT THE\n PERFORM ANALYSIS OF EACH\n PROPERTY AS DESCRIBED.. JUST\n NOW BY STAFF IS SO THAT\n DOESN'T INCLUDE ALL\n STAKEHOLDERS AND REX TMR..WELLL\n IT DOES INCLUDE OUTREACH\n COMMUNITY OUTREACH EFFORT.T.SOO\n FOR EACH SINGLE PARTIAL THERE\n WILL BE OUTRAGE WERE ALL\n STAKE HOLDERS. HERE I\n ANTICIPATE EXACTLY BE A GREAT\n TIME TO PARTY MEMBERS ARE\n GOING TO BE JUST ONCE A YEAR\n JUST AS DESCRIBED BY UM BY\n STAFF..THAT'S RIGHTHT IT'T'S IS\n NOT WHERE I'M GOING WITH\n THIS.S.SOSO THEHE RICH ANDD THD\n NOT YET THREE..IFIF WHAT WE'RE\n SAYING IS. THAT WE REALLY DO\n IT STAFF WAS ALREADY GOING TO\n DO I GUESS I DON'T SEE THE\n BENEFIT OF AN AMENDMENT AT\n ALL BECAUSE I JUST SEEMS TO\n CONFUSE THINGS.S. ARE W WEE I I\n LIKE CRYSTALLIZED BUT WE'RE\n ADDING AN IRONY WAS NOT IN\n THE STAFF'S. PROPOSAL SO THAT\n THE STAFF IS CLEAR THAT HE IS\n CLEAR AND I WERE BOTH IN ITS\n PLAINLY.. WHAT ISIS WHAT IS THE\n DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A\n PREFERRED ALTERNATIVE IN AND\n WHAT STAFF'S EXPLANATION WAS\n THE YESTERDAY ON THEIR\n ANALYSIS OF EACH PROPERTY..\nMARK JUST SAID THAT IT WAS NOT\n IT IS NOT IN THE PREFERRED\n ALTERNATIVE THAT IT CAME UP\n DURING CONVERSATIONS.S.SOSO TO\n THE FIRST ONE..THE AMENDMENT\n WAS NOT ACCEPTED THE SECOND\n ONE IS EXCEPTED AS DESCRIBED\n JUST NOW BY MARK ASSUMING\n THAT MARK WHILE EXCEPT SET.T.\n AND ANDND AND THEHEN H HEE ANDE\n COLLABORATIVE RESEARCH GROUP\n IS NOT PART OF THE PREFERRED\n ALTERNATIVE SO THAT WOULD BE\n AN ADDITIONAL AMENDMENT THE\n PERMITS ALLOWING EXPLORATION..\nI WON'T ACCEPT THAT ONE BUT I\n WOULD ACCEPT A REVIEW AT\n THREE YEARS AND I THINK I I\n THINK GO AHEAD AND CLARIFY\n WHAT YOU MEAN BY A REVIEW\n OF THREE.E.WELL THAT'S THAT'S\n THAT'S ACTUALLY WHAT IS IN\n THE PREFERRED ALTERNATIVE..SOSO\n SO THAT IT WOULD NOT ACTUALLY\n BE AN OMEN.N.JUSTST AS S I\n MENTIONED IN THE PREFERRED\n ALTERNATIVE AS IMAGINED SO\n IT'S NOT REALLY AN AMENDMENT..\n AND I'M WONDERING I I STILL\n HAVE THEM IN MY MIND THAT YOU\n KNOW THE THE SOIL ANALYSIS\n THAT HAPPENS FIVE TEN FIFTEEN\n AM OR WHAT WOULD HAPPEN AT\n THE THREE YEAR PERIOD.SO\n THAT'S A QUESTION I'M NOT\n CLEAR..MARY THIS THIS THIS CAN\n GET SOME CLARIFICATION ON A\n REVIEW.W.SOSO WHAT WE PROPOSE\n RIGHT NOW IS THAT WE WILL GO\n TO THE COMMUNITY STAKEHOLDERS\n OUR COMMUNITY WILL REPORT\n BACK TO THE BOARD AND I. CAN\n DROP BOMBS U G C AVERAGE AND\n AN OKAY SORRY ABOUT THAT..I\n JUST WANTED SOME CLEAR FIG\n CAN HEAR ME NOW..OKOK\n CLARIFICATION FROM MARRIED\n RIGHT NOW.. ANNUAL BASISS OF AT\n LEAST ANNUALLY WILL MEET WITH\n OUR STAKEHOLDERS IN THE\n COMMUNITY GO BACK TO OUR\n BOARD AND THEN REPORT OUT TO\n AN IP FROM COUNCIL.L. HEARING\n IS THAT AT THE ENDND OF YOUR\n STORY.. IS THAT INSTEAD OF THE\n NIGHT HE WOULD BE A FORMAL\n REPORT OUT THE COUNCIL IS\n THAT WHAT THE THREE YEAR\n REVIEW WOULD BE ME IS THAT WE\n COULD REPORT BACK.. MORE AND\n PRESENTATION FOR THE COUNCIL\n AT THE END OF THREE YEARS.S.UMM\n THAT'S WHAT I WAS THINKING\n AND I WAS TRYING TO RECONCILE\n THAT WITH INFORMATION\n REGARDING SOIL .. YEAH SO U UMI\n THINK FROM ALL THE SOIL\n HEALTH COMPONENTS THAT LAUREN\n IS IS RESEARCHING I THINK\n WHAT I HEARD FROM.. YOU\n TONIGHT AND PAST\n CONVERSATIONS IS THAT SOME\n OF THE SPECIFIC\n CHARACTERISTICS AND SOIL\n HEALTH PROBABLY WOULD NOT\n SHOW.W. CHANGES WITHIN A COUPLE\n OF YEARS BUT WE CERTAINLY\n COULD BE POURED OUT ON\n VEGETATION TYPE OF VEGETATIONON\nCOVER OH WEATHERANECDOTALLY WE\n EXPERIENCE SEEN ON.N. THE SOIL\n BLOWING AWAY WE GET A NUMBER\n OF REPORTS.S. OVER THE YEARSS\n OF DUST STORMS AND AND AND SO\n THEY'LL BE THAT TYPE\n OF REPORT OUT WHICH WE\n CERTAINLY COULD YOU ON ARE WE\n ABLE TO GET THE IRRIGATION\n WATER FLOWING AGAIN.WHAT TYPE\n OF VEGETATIONONCOVER DO WE SEE\n IN YEAR ONE VERSUS EURO\n EIGHT..I DO THINK THAT SOME\n OF THE MORE SCIENTIFIC\n ANALYSIS OF ALL DECKS\n COMPOSITIONS OF SOIL HEALTH..\nWHAT I HEARD FROM LAUREN IS AT\n SOME OF THOSE THINGS WE WILL\n BE WE WOULD WAIT FOR FIVE\n YEAR INCREMENTS REPORT OUT.T.OK\n SO A A YEAR THREE DO WITH IT\n AND JUST DESCRIBED THE WAY\n AND ACTUALLY GET SOME OTHER\n HAND SOMETIMES RACHEL BOBBIN\n ADAM MICHEL.L. STATION\n UNDERSTAND A LITTLE BETTER\n WITH THE FIRST AND HAD TO DO\n IT FOR SOME.E. STAKEHOLDERS ARE\n EDUCATION AND EARNED THE\n CONVENIENCE OF THE PEOPLE\n THERE IS EXACTLY WHY THEN ARE\n SOME IMPACTS ON STAFF WOULD\n BE BECAUSE IT IS SOMETIMES HE\n ASKS STAFF TO.. ENGAGE ININ THE\n CRATES AND DIFFICULTY AND\n COMPETE IN THE WORKS WAS THAT\n EXACTLY WHERE THE I SHOULD\n CLARIFY THAT I THINK THAT\n SHOULD BE AN INDEPENDENT..\n GROUP SOLD SOMETHING THAT\n PERHAPS IS PULL TOGETHER BY\n AN OUTSIDE ORGANIZATION LIKE\n CU FOR EXAMPLE AND SHARE IS\n THAT THE PERSON'S NAME THAT'S\n BEEN BROUGHT UP SEVERAL TIMES\n TONIGHT COLLEGE..YEYESS SOMEBOY\n LIKE THAT SO THAT IT WOULD\n BE.E. JUST THAT IT WOULD BE\n INDEPENDENT FROM SOME STAFF\n WORKING ON.N. THAT SORTRT\n OF THING CAN HAPPEN WITHOUT\n US SEEING THE EMOTION AND\n NEED TO HAPPEN NATIONALLY\n DEMAND HAPPEN IF IT'S NOT\n DIRECTING STAFF.. AND THE\n DENTIST COMPLETE STILL ABOUT\n WHAT IT IS THAT WE WOULD BE\n REQUIRED READING ON..IT'S NOT\n A DIRECTION TO STAFF AND WE\n CAN'T REALLY CONTROL IT DOES\n OR DOESN'T DO MAKE SENSE.E.SOSO\n WHAT'S THE GOVERNOR MR. BOB\n AND ADAM AND I WANT TO\n COMMENT ON RACHEL'S QUESTION.N.\n FROM RAY NATURALLY BOATING\n UNDER THE TREE DID NOT VOTE\n RIGHT NOW UM I WANT SOMEONE\n TO WRITE DOWN.. WORDS O ONN PAR\n AND ON THE STRAY WHAT THE\n ACTUAL AMENDMENTS ARE\n PRIVILEGES THAT.. ARE IN N A LT\n OF THE MEME IS KIND OF ARTY\n AND THE STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS\n I LIKE TO UNDERSTAND\n SPECIFICALLY. WHAT DERBY\n SIANZ FROM STAFF\n RECOMMENDATION ON MOTION\n OF THE FINEST GOING ON SO\n THAT'S RIGHT MATT..SOSO TO\n CLARIFY WHAT IT IS THAT DOINGNG\n OTHER THAN STOP FOR A NATION\n ADDICTED TO TOMMY TO WRITE IT\n UP.P.WEWE DO THIS ALONE THAT\n NIGHT BUT.. THE DOINGNG OF THE\n PILE THE AISLES OF A COUPLE\n IT IS FOR.. AMENDMENTS THAT\n ARE MORE SPECIFIC FROM ONE\n BEING THAT THE PLEDGE IS\n SHOWING A RESURGENCE DURING\n THIS THREE YEAR PERIOD.D. THAT\n WE RE ASSESS THE\n IMPLEMENTATION OF LETHAL\n CONTROL. AND RELOCATION\n SIMPLY BECAUSE WE DON'T WANT\n TO BE LEAKING THROW IN\n SOMETHING THAT'S BEEN\n OVERTAKEN BY THE PLAY AGAIN\n AND I DIDN'T SEE THAT LITTLE\n TURN.UMUM AND THE SECOND BEING\n THAT WE.. ALLOWOW CHANGES FOR\n THE PLAN IF NEW RESOURCES AND\n LAND BECOME AVAILABLE FOR\n RELOCATION AS WE HAD AN OFFER\n ON THE TABLE AND I DON'T SEE\n THAT GIRL TURNED TO.O. CONNECT\n PARTLY ON THAT SHOW THEIR.R.\n THANKS TO ONENE OF THE\n AMENDMENTS THAT NEARBY\n OFFERED UP.P. WAS THEHE FROM TE\n KEEP A WHILE.. WHICH WAS THEHE\n WORK WITH OTHER ENTITIES\n INCLUDING THE STATE OFFICE TO\n CONSIDER OUTSIDE FUNDING AND\n RESOURCES TO INCREASE\n ANNUALLY LOCATIONS IN\n COEXISTENCE TECHNIQUES THAT\n THEY BECOME AVAILABLE.. IF WE\n ACCEPTED THAT AMENDMENT. THAT\n WOULD COVER WHERE YOU ARE\n JUST ADDRESSING YOUR\n ABSOLUTELY RIGHT AARON WAS MY\n MISTAKE I DIDN'T HEAR THEM\n CLEARLY FROM AIR ABOUT.T. HIM\n WE HAVEN'T QUITE TALKED IT\n THROUGH YET BUT THAT'S AN\n AMENDMENT THAT WOULD BE\n SUPPORTIVE OF THAT I THINK\n WOULD COVER THAT QUESTION IN\n HER JUNIOR YEAR AND THAT THE\n EYE..THTHEE AMENDMENTS THE HOSS\n OR REDUCING OF THE PROJECT..\nERR YES W WEE HAVE YETT TO ACCET\n THE FUNDING FROM OTHER\n SOURCES SAY.. THAT YOU\n MENTIONED IS THE LAST TIME I\n TRIED TO CRUNCH THE NUMBERS\n OF HOW MUCH THE AWESOMEST WE\n LOCATED IT WOULD BE JUST. SO\n IT'S VERY EXPENSIVE BITS AND\n BILLIONS OF DOLLARS IN THE I\n WONDER WHAT WOULD HAPPEN..ASAS\n OF RIGHT NOW IF WE WERE TO\n MAKE THAT DECISION THAT WE\n WOULD ACCEPT FUNDING FROM\n OTHER SOURCES THE AREA\n SOMEHOW STOP OR CURRENT\n PROCESSES THAT JULIE.E. THEHE\n CELLS REDUCING THE PROJECT\n AREA IS SOMETHING THAT I\n WOULD NOT ACCEPT AS AN\n AMENDMENT TO COME.E.ANAND HERES\n WHY BECAUSE IF WE'RE GOING TO\n RELOCATE AND FUNDING IT\n THERE'S PLENTY OF PRAIRIE\n DOGS TO GO THAT CAN BE\n LOCATED AND AND SEND IT THAT\n WAY..THERE ISIS REALLY I DON'TI\n DON'T SEE REDUCING THE\n PROJECT AREA AS ANYTHING THAT\n WOULD HELP US HELP SAVE MONEY\n THE MAYOR THERE BY THE END IT\n ON THIS LIST ARE.WRITE DOWN\n SNEAKING UP ON THE STREETS\n CLEAN..I HAVEVE PUT UP THTHE\n KEYBOARD WHILE THE MAN'S EYE\n FOR A VERY SHORT CLEAR POINT\n THREE HERE.E.OKOK WITHOUT THE G\n LOTS OF OTHER STUFF SO WORK\n IS REALLY GOING TO MAKE IT\n CLEAR FOR EVERYONE TO READ\n THE SCREENS THAT HELPS FOLKS\n AND AGAIN HE'S RIGHT.T.THESE\n ARE SHORT AND EASY VERSIONS\n FIRST ONES ON NUMBER ONE IS\n PRIOR TO IMPLEMENTATION\n OF ANY REASON CONTROL\n KNOWLEDGEABLE STAKEHOLDERS\n WITH A PARCEL BY PARCEL\n ANALYSIS TO DETERMINE.. WHERE\n WE FALL AND NON LETHAL\n METHODS ARE MOST EFFECTIVE\n AND TO COLLECT BASELINE SOIL\n DATA OR ANYTIME PRIOR\n JUDICIAL ELITE CONTROL\n KNOWLEDGEABLE STICKLES WILL\n DO A POSSIBLE POSSIBLE\n ANALYSIS.S.II PERSONALLY ASKED\n TO DETERMINE WHERE WE THOUGHT\n AND NON LETHAL METHODS ARE\n MOST EFFECTIVE AND TO COLLECT\n BASELINE SALE DATA THAT'S\n NUMBER ONE NUMBER TWO IT'S\n LIKE WHEN YOU'RE READY.Y.\nIN TWOWO\n SPECIAL USE PERMIT WILL\n TERMINATE AND WAIT TWENTY\n TWENTY TWO AND BE USED ONLY\n ON PROPERTIES IDENTIFIED FOR\n LEGAL CONTROL OF THE ABOVE\n PERSONAL MY PERSONAL ANALYSIS\n READY FOR THREE WITH YOUR\n EYE..II REALLY DREAD STAFF WILL\n CONSIDER OUTSIDE FUNDING AND\n RESOURCES INCREASE IN YOUR\n DREAM LOCATIONS IN\n COEXISTENCE TECHNIQUES IF\n THEY BECOME AVAILABLE..ANAND DI\n HAVE THE LAST WINNER IN THE\n EYE.AA COLLABORATIVE SHARE THE\n LEARNING PROCESS AND BEIN EIN\n OUTSIDE PRETTY AND THAT STAFF\n PARTICIPATE PARTICIPATES IN\n NOT LEADS TO IT.T.\nTHE NEWEW SIR\n CAN YOU SHARE MY SCREEN\n REGULAR CO HOSTS TIME SO YOU\n SHOULD BE ABLE TO SHARE\n YOURSELF WHICH I THINK WOULD\n BE EASIEST TO HEAR A SCREAM.\nIT IS A GO.O.THE WONDERFUL YET\n AND SO I THINK ONENE OF THE\n NUMBER ONE MOST IMPORTANT\n WHICH IS WHY IT'S BEEN\n ORGANIZED THIS WAY ACTUALLY\n IS ON.N. THIHIS NUMBER ONE POIT\n WHICH I KNOW MARY AS SHE IS\n NOT THAT IS PROBABLY ONE\n OF THE MOST IMPORTANT POINT\n AS YOU CAN UNDERSTAND WHY\n THIS IS IMPORTANT. SO WENT TO\n WERE NOT ACCEPTED BE.E.II WASAS\n ASSUMING THAT UM WE CONSIDER\n THAT THE TEXT OR RELOCATION\n AND THE EFFECTS OF THE HELP\n OF DUST ON THE LAND AND FOR\n THAT FOUR WAS EXCEPTED.D.I'I'M\n ASSUMING THAT IT INCLUDES\n SOME HOUSE RECOVERY AND\n CLIMATE CHANGE INITIATIVES.I\n JUST GO AHEAD..SOSO GRANDMA JAN\n BOUGHT THEM AND I'M GOING TO\n MAKE A SUGGESTION NUMBER ONE\n SPOT.T. JUST TO CLARIFY NUMBER\n THREE WILL RECEIVE FUNDING\n AND RESOURCES TO.O. ASSUME THE\n RESOURCES INCLUDES LAND RIGHT\n OVER TO SOME PROBLEMS\n SOMETHING FIXABLE BY MONEY\n ACTUALLY HAVE TO HAVE LAND\n PRIVATELY AND NOT OPEN SPACE\n LAND IN BOULDER COUNTY COULD\n RECEIVE.. THREE DOGS IS A A TON\n THAT WAS INTENDED THERE SUCH\n AS MONEY WE HAVE TO WIN THE\n ENTIRE SOUTHERN GRASSLANDS\n WHICH IS ONLY THREE PERSON\n OFFICE.E.WEWE DON'T HAVE MONEYO\n DO THE RELOCATION BECAUSE\n THEY DON'T HAVE THE RESOURCES\n BECAUSE IT TAKES TIME ENERGY\n AND THAT'S WHERE I WAS\n SAYING.G. I'M FROM ARLINGTON\n MULTIPLE INDICATORS THEY'RE\n WILLING TO USE VOLUNTEERS\n THAT THEY'VE TRAINED AND HELP\n RAISE FUNDS THAT THE CITY\n DOWN DOESN'T HAVE TO PAY AND\n THEY WILL DO THE THREE\n LOCATIONS NEW ORLEANS.THE\n PROBLEM FOR GM.M.IFIF MONEY WAS\n NO LOGICAL SOLUTION TO THE\n HUGE PILE OF MONEY WOULD YOU\n RELOCATE UM REDUX TO THE\n SOUTHERN GRASSLANDS ARE THERE\n OTHER CONSIDERATIONS.S.YEAH\n THERE'S THERE'S THERE ARE\n SEVERAL OTHER CONSTRAINTS\n WITH A RELOCATION PROGRAM..ONE\n IS CONTRACTOR AVAILABILITY.Y.WE\n WERE WE HAVE DIFFICULTY IN\n GETTING A CONTRACTOR\n AVAILABILITY OF THREE\n LOCATIONS.. AND THEN ALSO\n GOING TO THE STATE PERMITTING\n PROCESS LAST OUR LAST\n RELOCATION WAS QUITE COLD\n PROCESS FOR US TO GET A\n PERMIT BECAUSE PART OF THE\n STATE'S.. SORTT OF STEP WISE\n PROCESS IN TERMS IN TERMS\n OF GETTING A RELOCATION\n PERMANENT ISSUE IS THE CHECK\n IN WITH NEIGHBORING\n LANDOWNERS AND THAT'S\n BECOMING A MORE DIFFICULT..\n PART OF THE PROCESS AND WE\n HAD A LANDOWNER OBJECTION\n OBJECTION ON OUR LAST\n RECEIVING SITE PROPOSAL AND\n IT TOOK SOME MONTHS AGO..SIANAN\nWE FINALLY WERE ABLE TO.O. D DO\n SOME THINGS TO APPEASE THEIR..\n THEIR CONCERNS AND SO WE\n FINALLY DID GET A PERMIT BUT\n IT WAS QUITE A LENGTHY..\n PROCESS SO MONEY ALONE IS IS\n IS NOT THE ONLY CONSIDERATION\n THERE'S THERE'S SOME OTHERS\n THAT COME INTO PLAY.. AND\n HEATHER SWANSON WHO HELD SUCH\n A PROGRAM I DON'T KNOW SHE\n HAS ANYTHING TO ADD TO THAT\n BUT. I HAVE A QUESTION THERE\n IS IF USE RELOCATE SO MANY\n PRAIRIE DOGS THEN YOU'RE JUST\n TRANSFERRING THE PROBLEM THE\n SOUTHERN GRASSLANDS..I MEAN IS\n THAT A POSSIBILITY..I'I'M NOT\n REGRET OUR DRESS IN A\n MANAGEMENT PLAN CONSIDERED\n CONSIDER THAT QUESTION AND SO\n PART OF THAT PARCEL BY PARCEL\n ANALYSIS THAT'S WHAT WE'VE\n DONE.E. TO THE GRASSLAND PLAN\n TO DETERMINE WHERE THE\n APPROPRIATE RELOCATION SITES\n ARE IN THE SOUTHERN\n GRASSLANDS THAT WE HAVE A\n REALLY GOOD IDEA OF WHERE\n WHERE DESIRABLE E. THE\n PRAIRIE DOGS WOULD THRIVE IN\n THE SOUTHERN GRASSLANDS AND\n SOUL.L.SOMEME OF THE PARCEL BY\n PARCEL ANALYSIS ACTUALLY HAS\n BEEN DONE AND HOW THEY MIGHT\n WANT TO JUST ADD TO THAT.T. YET\n THE EXACTLY WHAT YOU ARE ST\n AND THE SOUTHERN GRASSLANDS\n IS A PRETTY INTERESTING\n LANDSCAPE IN ONE THING THAT'S\n VERY CHARACTERISTIC DOWN\n THERE IS.S. ROCKY SOILS THAT\n HAVE COME OFF OF THE ROCKY\n FLATS NIECES TO THE SOUTH..\n AND SO WE HAVE POCKETS\n OF AREAS THAT ARE VERY HIGHLY\n SUITABLE FOR PREY WAS BASED\n ON THE SOULS IN THE\n VEGETATION AND HAVE OTHER\n AREAS THAT REALLY ARE NOT AND\n SO THEIR OWN.N.THERE'S A LARGE\n PORTION OF THE GRASSLANDS\n THAT THROUGH TWENTY YEARS\n OF AND MANAGE GROWTH NEVER\n DID OCCUPY AND SO.O. WITH IN\n THOSE AREAS THAT HAVE\n PREVIOUSLY BEEN OCCUPIED IN\n HER HIGH STABILITY.Y. IN WEEKLY\n LOOK AT WHERE THE BEST\n OPPORTUNITIES ARE WHERE THE\n VEGETATION IS IN THE BEST\n SHAPE TO SUPPORT.T. ONCE THEY\n GET THERE AND SO WE'VE BEEN\n RELOCATED TO THE SOUTHERN\n GRASSLANDS EVERY YEAR SINCE\n TWENTY THIRTEEN SO IT IT'S\n CERTAINLY A PROJECT THAT\n WE'RE.. UP TO A ANN UNDERTAKING\n LIKE DAN SAID HE SHOULD\n RECEIVE INSIGHT IS.S. A A PRETY\n MAJOR UNDERTAKING AND THIS\n PAST YEAR REQUIRED THAT WE.E.\n INSTALL ABOUT ONE HUNDRED AND\n FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS FOR\n THE BARRIERS.S. IN ORDER JUST\n TO GET THE PERMIT FOR THAT\n RECEIVING SAY IN THAT GIANT\n CHUNK OF HABITAT OF THE\n SOUTHERN GRASSLANDS SO.O. A\n NEIGHBOR CONCERNS OR\n SOMETHING THAT WE DON'T JUST\n FIND AND ORDER AND PROPERTY\n SO.O. WHILE WE LOOK FOR AS MANY\n OPPORTUNITIES AS WE CAN TO\n THE RELOCATION IN EVERY YEAR.R.\n AND YOU KNOW WE ALSO DON'T\n WANT TO BE COMMITTED TO A\n LEVEL THAT IS JUST SIMPLY NOT\n FEASIBLE.E. FROM M A NUMBER\n OF THINGS MANY OF WHICH ARE\n VERY MUCH OF OUR CONTROL IN\n ANY GIVEN YEAR SO I THINK.. I I\n WOULD BE CERTAINLY WILLING\n AND YOU KNOW WHAT LOVE TO\n WORK WITH PEOPLE WHO COULD\n HELP US TO INCREASE WERE ABLE\n TO DO..I JUSTST ALSO DON'T WANT\n TO CREATE UNREALISTIC\n EXPECTATIONS THAT JUST\n THROWING MONEY.Y. A AT IT I IST\n GOING TO BE ABLE TO INCREASE\n THREE LOCATIONS ON THE POINT\n THAT IT WILL ADDRESS\n EVERYTHING WERE TALKING ABOUT\n HERE IS THAT THAT'S NOT\n REALISTIC..SORRY SIR AND THEN\n JUMP IN HERE IT SEEMS LIKE\n THE THIRD AMENDMENT IS NOT\n CONTROVERSIAL BY STAFF WILL\n TELL US HOW MUCH THEY CAN\n ACCEPT AND WHAT THEY'D BE\n ABLE TO DO IT..I DON'T THINK\n THERE'S ANY REGRETS AROUND\n CONSIDERING OUTSIDE FUNDING..\nHEATHER MADE A GOOD POINT THAT\n IT'S ALL ABOUT MONEY BUT I\n DON'T THINK THERE'S ANY\n DOWNSIDE TO GOING AHEAD WITH\n THE THIRD AMENDMENT..I WOULD\n ALSO PUT OUT THERE ON MARY.Y.\nTHIS IS A QUESTION TO YOU IF\n WE LOOK TOTO THE PROPOSED\n AMENDMENT NUMBER ONE AND\n CHANGED OUT OF ALL\n STAKEHOLDERS TO STAFF.. WOULD\n THAT BE SOMETHING THAT YOU\n MIGHT BE ABLE TO SET BECAUSE\n I DID WHAT WE HEARD FROM DAN\n AND HEATHER IS THAT THERE IS\n THIS ART IS GOING ON.IT'S\n PART OF THE PLAN..II DON'T KNOW\n THAT WE WANT TO SAY\n KNOWLEDGEABLE STAKEHOLDERS\n WHO IS THAT STAFF CAN\n CERTAINLY KNOWING WHOEVER\n WOULD LIKE TO GET INFORMATION\n FROM A KNOWLEDGE ARE.E. EITHEHR\n FOR ME I READ THE FIRST\n AMENDMENT IS ACCEPTABLE IF WE\n JUST MAKE KNOWLEDGEABLE\n STAKEHOLDERS AND THE STAFF..\n HAD AND YOU COULD WEIGH IN\n HERE OR WHETHER YOU THINK\n THAT FIRST PROPOSED AMENDMENT\n IS UNNECESSARY GIVEN WHICH\n ARE ALREADY PLANNING.G.WELLLL I\n THINK A FIRST AMENDMENT\n ACTUALLY GOES WITH THE FIRST\n STATEMENT OF OUR PREFERRED\n ALTERNATIVE WHICH IS TO MEET\n WITH STAKEHOLDERS ANNUALLY.Y.\n WHICH WE DO PLAN TO NOT ONLY\n SAY HERE'S EXACTLY WHAT WE\n DID.. THIS PAST SEASON ON\n THESE PARTICULAR PROPERTIES\n BUT THEN ALSO DAYLIGHT WHAT\n WE'RE GOING TO DO IN THE YEAR\n AHEAD BASED ON POPULATION\n TRENDS.S.I MEAN THINGS ARE\n CONSTANTLY CHANGING SO.O. WERE\n WE WANT TO GO ON ANAN ANNUAL\n BASISIS OF OF REACHING OUT TO\n OUR STAKEHOLDERS IN REACHING\n OUT OR BORED.. I IN WHICH WEWEY\n HERE ARE THE PROPERTIES WHERE\n WE INTEND TO DO THE SOIL\n HEALTH INITIATIVES II'S\n RESTORATION INITIATIVES EASE\n REMOVAL IS.S. A AN ISSUE DANCED\n IN THE COMING YEAR AND TODAY\n LIKE THAT AND TO GET COMMENT\n ON WHAT THE STAFF IS\n PROPOSING.. AND W WE WILL TAKE\n THAT COMMENT AND MAKE ANY\n CHANGES AND REPORT BACK TO\n OUR BOARD AND THAT'S WHERE MY\n DAD AND WE MORE THAN HAPPY TO\n REPORT BACK OUT.. T TO AN IP\n COUNSEL AND MIGHT I ALSO\n HEARD THE STRAPS ON THE THIRD\n YEAR WE DO MORE OF A\n SUBSTANTIAL RECORD UP TO\n COUNCIL THE SHIRT FOR THAT\n YET..AS DESCRIBED AND I CANAN\n PUT ME BACK INTO RACHEL'S\n POSITION.N.HOW ISIS ADDITIVE TO\n WHAT WE ARE ALREADY DOING THE\n NUMBER ONE HUNDRED L FOR\n NUMBER ONE THE ONE I DON'T\n THINK IT IS SO SO HERE IS\n WHAT I JUST HEARD FROM THEM..\nIT SOUNDS LIKE NUMBER ONE IS\n ALREADY IN THE PLAN IS THAT\n CORRECT AND YES IN THE\n PREFERRED ALL.. THEHE DETAILS F\n WE WANT TO ADD TO THE FACT\n THAT WE WILL REPORT OUT ON\n OUR ANNUAL MEETING WITH\n STAKEHOLDERS TO THE BOARDING\n TO CONSOLE THOSE SPECIFIC\n DETAILS ARE NOT.. SPECIFICALLY\n SPELLED OUT THE PREFERRED\n ALTERNATIVE SO THAT COULD BE\n A SMALL CHANGE TO THE\n PREFERRED ALTERNATIVE.. AND\n THAT THE DAD OR ANNUAL REPORT\n OUT JUST A COLD OR SHOULD WE\n BE REACHED OUT TO OUR BOARD\n AND TO COUNSEL. THOSE THAT\n THOSE TWO THINGS ARE NOT\n SPECIFICALLY MENTIONED THAT\n LEVEL OF DETAIL I DON'T TAKE\n IT HOME.E.SOSO WHAT I'M HEARING\n IS THAT.. THE ADDITIVE PIECE\n WOULD BE TO REPORT OUT TO\n COUNSEL TO THE BOARD AND\n COUNCIL AND I WOULD NOT WANT\n REPORTING OUT TO COUNSEL I\n THINK THE BOARD WOULD BE.E.\n GOOD ENOUGH AND SO THATAT THAT\n WOULD BE THE ATTITUDE PIECE\n TO REPORT OUT TO THE BOARD ON\n AN ANNUAL BASIS.S. JUST AND THE\n OTHER QUESTION I HAVE IS.S. THE\n NUMBER ONE CONCERN IS TO\n COLLECT BASELINE SOIL BETA.A.\n SO I IS THAT PARART OF THE PLAN\n SOME KINDD OF IMPRESSION FROM\n LAUREN THAT WE INTEND TO DO\n BASELINE SOLD IT OR WHATEVER\n THERE'S GOING TO BE SOME KIND\n OF TREATMENT IS THAT CORRECT..\nSTEVE AND LAUREN YOU CAN\n CORRECT ME IF I'M OFF ON THIS\n ARE OUR SOIL HEALTH PROGRAM A\n SYSTEM WIDE IT'S NOT IT'S NOT\n JUST SPECIFIC TO OUR PROJECT\n AREA.A. S SO THE SOIL HEALTH AD\n THE BASS LINES SOILED PROJECT\n IS A SYSTEM WIDE PROJECT AND\n I'M NOT SURE WHETHER THE\n PREFERRED ALTERNATIVE\n ACTUALLY.Y. PROVIDES DETAILED\n GUIDANCE ON WHEN SOIL HEALTH\n BASELINE DATA WILL BE\n COLLECTED.. ANDND I I MAYBE WRG\n BUT AT THAT LEVEL OF DETAIL\n IS IS WANTING TO BE CAPTURED\n IN COUNCILS AND THEY\n MENTIONED THAT I THINK I DID\n TELL IS NOT IN THE PREFERRED\n ALTERNATIVE MORNING..YOU CAN\n CORRECT ME IF I'M WRONG AND\n THE COUNTING IS IN THE FINAL\n TURN AND THE HAGEL WOULD BE A\n HAPPY FIND AS GOOD AS REMOVAL\n AND CURIOUS.. AND I THINKNK JUT\n RECORDING THAT WOULD BE\n IMPORTANT BECAUSE TO ME IT'S\n ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT..\n FEATURES OF THIS PROJECT IS\n THAT WE ARE GOING TO TRY\n DIFFERENT WAYS OF CONTROLLING\n HER GUARDS WE WANNA KNOW HOW\n LONG.G. DOES IT HAVE THE IMPACT\n THAT WE HOPE FOR AND SO THE\n BASELINE SOIL DATA IS JUST A\n WAY TO. HAVE A LOOK AT WHAT\n CONDITIONS ARE BEFORE WE\n START MESSING AROUND WITH THE\n WILDLIFE THERE.E.SOSO ANYWAY TO\n ME THAT'S REALLY IMPORTANT\n PIECE OF THIS AND IF THAT'S\n NOT IN THE PREFERRED\n ALTERNATIVE..THAT'S THE\n COMPONENT BUT I WOULD LIKE TO\n SEE IT SO I'LL TURN THE HANDS\n RAISED.D.ADAM NEARBY AND\n RACHEL.L.SOSO I'M SORRY INTERRT\n SOMEONE.. WAS NICE AND I JUST\n WANNA SAY THAT THAT THAT WAS\n A GOAL LAID OUT IN THE\n GRASSLAND MANAGEMENT PLAN SO\n THAT THEY WOULD BE CONSISTENT\n IF IT WAS ALSO PART OF THE\n ST.T.THANK YOU ADADAMMYMY MOM S\n BEING PUT UP OR A HABIT\n OF ITS OWN LAWN TO SHARE THEM\n ONCE OR EVERY TONGUE THAT IS.S.\nYEAH IT'T'S IT'S IN YOUR CHEST\n YOU CAN JUST COPY PASTE OR\n CHAT OR EMAIL..OKOK HERE II A N\n ORIGINAL.L. SIDES WANT TO GO\n BACK TO THEHE ONE WHERE I I THK\n SHE WAS.. A A STAKEHOLDER AND\n STAKEHOLDER ISSUE IN TERMS\n OF ONCE THEY HAVE THE ANNUAL\n MEETING IS GOING TO WAIT THE\n ANIMALS ARE.. DEAD BY THAT\n POINT AND SO I GUESS THE\n QUESTION BECOMES HOW DOES\n STAFF WHEN I'M HOME.E. I I HADA\n STAKE HOLDERS ACTUALLY SAY IN\n THE ANNUAL PRESS AND HAITIAN\n HOW IS IT GOING IN FOR A\n WOMAN'S HEAD.D. O ON AND ON\n SENIOR BASIS.S. AND I I THINK\n THAT'S WHY.Y. ALL THE WHILE TO\n ASK.. FOR NUMBER ONE BECAUSE\n AGAIN ONCE A YEAR VERSUS\n GOING PERSON LIKE HER TILT\n EVEN UNDERSTAND IT NEEDS THE\n FIRE KNOCKS THAT'S WHY THEY\n ASK FOR REDUCED.. SIZE AS MUCHH\n OF THIS IS CRASS AND IT\n DOESN'T REALLY EVEN A QUARTER\n STAKE HOLDERS THAT ARE\n WILLING TO.O. NOT USE LETHAL OR\n WANT LETHAL THERE SO IT'S OUR\n AREA AND SO THAT THEY WENT IN\n TANDEM BY HAVING STAKEHOLDERS\n MEANING ALL INVOLVED PARTIES.S.\nHE SEES THE CITY.Y.BIOLOGISTS\n PEOPLE THERE WHILE PEOPLE\n WOULD ALL WORK TOGETHER TO\n COME OUT A COLLABORATIVE\n EFFORT TO KEEP THE THOUGHT TO\n A MINIMUM..AGAIN IT MAY HAVE\n TO BE USED ON A FEW BUT\n THERE'S MANY MANY OPTIONS AND\n WITH THAT ASPECT POINT THREE\n OF THE MONEY.Y.YES YOU CAN\n THROW MONEY THE PROBLEM ALL\n THE TIME BUT THE POINT IS WE\n CAN RAISE MONEY SO MAYBE\n INSTEAD OF DOING WITH ALL..\n THE CONCRETE BARRIER FENCING\n AND GET VOLUNTEERS OUT THERE.E.\n TO HELP WITH A BARRIER\n FENCING AND THE MONIES RAISED\n HELP WITH THE COST.T. BARRIER\n FENCING SO YOU SEE THAT THEY\n KIND OF ART WORK TOGETHER IN\n HAND AND SAID YES I HONESTLY\n HAVE.E. WITH THE WORDING A STAN\n SUGGESTED THE NUMBER ONE BUT\n AS WHENEVER ONE IS SO\n IMPORTANT. BUT IT SOUNDED\n LIKE THAT'S ALREADY GOOD\n HAPPENED LIKE STAFF IS\n ALREADY GOING TO DO AN\n ANALYSIS OF EACH PARCEL.L.PRIOR\n TO TO DECIDE WHAT WILL BE\n DONE TO WHAT PARCEL.L.I THINK\n WHAT IS NOT IN WHAT I'M\n HEARING THAT IS NOT IN THEHE\n PREFERRED ALTERNATIVE IS\n COLLECTING BASELINE SOIL\n DATA.A. PRIOR TOO THEHE LETHALD\n NON LETHAL METHODS TO MARRY\n IF IF THE STAKEHOLDERS ARE\n ALSO INVOLVED BECAUSE FROM\n WHAT I'M UNDERSTANDING\n PREFERRED ALTERNATIVE..IT'S\n JUST STAFF AND SO YEAH I\n THINK IT NEEDS TO BE JUST\n STAFF BECAUSE THEN WHO ARE\n THE KNOWLEDGEABLE\n STAKEHOLDERS I MEAN IT.I\n AGREE WITH SAM..YOU KNOW\n DEFINING WHO I MEAN I COULD\n PROCLAIM MYSELF A\n KNOWLEDGEABLE STAKEHOLDER\n ANYBODY CAN FOR CLAIM\n THEMSELVES KNOWLEDGEABLE\n STAKEHOLDERS AND SOUL.L.I'I'M\n RELUCTANT TO LEAVE IT. TO\n THAT DESCRIPTION BUT I WOULD\n EXCEPT STEPH SAM'S AND\n REPLACEMENT OF SOME OF THE\n STAFF AND THAT AND TO COLLECT\n THE BASELINE SURVEY THIS.S. ONE\n WAS CHANGED TO STAFF AND A\n SENSE.. THAHAT I'M JUST\n REPEATING TO MAKE SURE IT'S\n THE END I I'M NOT SURE ARE.E.\n NOT CLEAR ON THAT PRIOR TO\n IMPLEMENTATION OF A NEW\n LETHAL CONTROL THAT'S AND\n THIS IS A QUESTION FOR STAFF\n THAT WAS GOING TO BE DONE\n ANYWAY RIGHT.SO I IT TAKES W WE\n WE BASICALLY NEED A YEAR'S\n PLANNING TIME EVER WE NEED TO\n KNOW HOW MUCH WE'RE GOING TO\n BUDGET FOR THE NEXT YEAR WE\n DIDN'T KNOW.. WHERE WE'RE\n GOING TO SEEK RELOCATION KERR\n MISSED.D. ALLLL OF THAT SO LETS\n SEE WE HAVE A ANNUAL\n STAKEHOLDER MEETING.. I IN\n OCTOBER OR NOVEMBER WE WILL\n REPORT ON WHAT WE DID THE\n PREVIOUS YEAR SO WE HAD THIS\n YEAR WE REPORT ON LOVE\n RELOCATION PROJECTS WE DID.\n WHY WE DID AND WHY WE WERE\n UNABLE TO DO MORE OF THEM..\nSOME OF THAT MIGHT BE CALLED\n RELATED OTHER MIGHT BE OTHER\n CAPACITY ISSUES FOR THIS\n PARTICULAR YEAR AND WE ALSO\n DAYLIGHT WHAT'S COMING UP\n DOWN IN THE NEXT YEAR.R.THE\n PARTICULAR PROPERTIES ARE WE\n GOING TO HAVE SOIL HEALTH\n RESTORATION GOING ON.N.ARE WE\n GOING TO HAVE RELOCATION\n DEALS WITH ARE REMOVABLE SO\n THE RELOCATION AND THE SALE\n AND SOLD WE WILL REPORT OUT A\n MAP BEFORE THOSE ACTIVITIES\n ACTUALLY TAKE PLACE..OKOK S SOO\n SO BUT I JUST HEARD IS THATAT\n REALLY NUMBER ONE.. YOU'RE\n GOING TO BE DOING IF WE\n CHANGE THE KNOWLEDGEABLE\n STAKEHOLDERS TO STAFF.. YOU'RE\n GOING TO BE DOING ALL OF THAT\n ANYWAY AND THE ONLY THING\n THAT WOULD NEED THAT WOULD BE\n LEFT OF NUMBER ONE WOULD BE\n TO COLLECT THE BASELINE SOIL\n DATA.A. AND IF YOU LOOK AT WHEN\n TIMES GOT UP FROM THE STRAIN\n MATCHES OTHER POTENTIAL\n AMENDMENT NUMBER TWO..SOSO FOR\n ME AVERAGES SUPPORT.. WHAT TOM\n HAS A SONG FOR NUMBER TWO FOR\n THEM IN SOME.E. WAY AND I JUST\n WANT TO THROW AND SO PRIOR TO\n IMPLEMENTATION ANY LETHAL\n CONTROL STAFF WILL DO A\n PARTIAL ANALYSIS. DETERMINE\n WHERE LETHAL AND NON LETHAL\n MASS OF THEIR MOST EFFECTIVE\n AND TO COLLECT BASELINE DATA\n AND THEN WHAT I LIKE TO ADD\n IN THERE.E.THIS IS THE HUGE\n POINT.. STAKEHOLDERS WOULD\n LIKE TO SAY PRIOR TO ME FOR\n BEING USED SO IF THAT\n PORTION.. ONE CRACKS THAT WERE\n MISSING THIS IS FINE WE HAVE\n A YEAR BY YEAR ANALYSIS BUT\n IT NEEDS TO BE THAT THE EU\n NOW SAYS IN A PAN COMES OUT..\n THAT THE STAKEHOLDERS WERE\n INVOLVED CAN AND ON AND HAVE\n A DISCUSSION AND GIVE THEIR\n FEEDBACK PRIOR TO ITS\n IMPLEMENTATIONS CAN HAVE AT\n THE US.S. HAS PRIOR TO\n IMPLEMENTATION OF ANY\n CONTROL.. STAFF WILL DO A\n PARCEL BY PARCEL ANALYSIS TO\n DETERMINE WHERE LEGAL AND NON\n LETHAL METHODS ARE MOST\n DIRECT THE STAFF IT'S NOT\n JUST A QUARTER STILL SO WELL.L.\n BUT I I WILL NOT ACCEPT\n KNOWLEDGEABLE STAKEHOLDERS.\n AND WHAT I'M SAYING IS THE\n PLAN WE ALREADY AGREE THAT\n THEY'RE DOING A ONCE OF THE\n YEAR ONCE YEAR STAKEHOLDER\n MEETING CORRECT PARTY IN THE\n PLANETS MOVING FORWARD.D.WELLLI\n THINK THAT'S THE PLAN RAN THEHE\n SO WHAT I'M ASKING IS THAT\n THIS PORTION ALL OF THAT CAN\n BE DONE AT THE BEGINNING THE\n YEAR BEFORE.. I LEAVE THOSE\n HAPPEN SO THAT THE\n STAKEHOLDERS CAN CONDUCT NOT\n AT THE END OF THE YEAR WHERE\n THEY CAN BE TAKEN ON THE\n ANIMALS ARE DEAD.D.I DON'T\n THINK THAT'S WHAT THE SAYING.G.\n QUICKLY CLARIFY SO RIGHT NOW\n THE SCHEDULE LEAN AS WE WOULD\n DO IT MOVING FORWARD IS TO\n HAVE A STAKEHOLDER MEETING IN\n OCTOBER AND NOVEMBER.R. WOULD\n PRESENT WHAT OUR THOUGHTS\n WERE FOR THE COMING YEAR..\n COLLECTING FEEDBACK AT THAT\n MEETING FROM STAKEHOLDERS\n GOING BACK TO THE DRAWING\n BOARD AND THEN PRESENTING A\n FINAL PLAN TO THE BOARD\n OF TRUSTEES SOMEWHERE NEAR\n THE END OF THE EARLY. THE\n FOLLOWING YEAR AND THEN AFTER\n WE HAD HEARD BACK FROM THEM..\nWE THEN WOULD MOVE TOWARDS\n MEDITATION.N. ANDND FOR THAT NT\n YEAR SO IT WOULD BE MONTHS\n BEFORE ANY ON THE GROUND\n IMPLEMENTATION.N. PLANS THAT\n WOULD LAY THE STAKEHOLDERS\n OF THE COLLECTOR THAT\n FEEDBACK AND MODIFY AS\n NECESSARY SO THE INTENTION IS\n THAT IT WOULD ALWAYS BE WELL\n BEFORE IMPLEMENTATION IS\n ACTUALLY.Y. OKAY AND THAT'S\n FINE I JUST WANT TO MAKE SURE\n THAT THAT THAT IS THE FEAR\n THAT HOW THE STAKEHOLDERS\n KNOW THERE ARE DEEP IDEAS\n WERE INCORPORATED..ARGH I\n DON'T KNOW IF YOU HAVE ANY\n THOUGHTS ON THAT THIS ISN'T\n SOMETHING THAT WE HAD\n NECESSARILY SKETCHED OUT.T. A S\n PART OF THE RECOMMENDATIONS\n THAT WE ALREADY HAD THE\n INTENTION OF HAVING THE\n ANNUAL MEETING WITH\n STAKEHOLDERS BECAUSE THOSE\n ARE HER RECOMMENDATIONS AND\n WE DID DO THAT THIS PAST\n FALL. AND SO THE ADDITIONAL\n PIECES OF THEM REPORTING OUT\n TO THE BOARD AND CITY COUNCIL\n AND PRESENTING THE FINAL\n PLAN.N.NONOT SURE THAT WE HAVE\n SKETCHED OUT YET BUT MARK YOU\n MIGHT HAVE SOMETHING TO ADD\n THEIR.. DEGREE REVIEWS THE\n FERRY TO THE CALL PROCESS\n OF LISTENING TO PEOPLE'S\n IDEAS OF HOW HE COULD IMPROVE\n THE SITUATION.. W WE MAY NOT BE\n ABLE TO INCORPORATE EVERY\n IDEA BECAUSE THERE ARE A LOT\n OF INTERCONNECTED THINGS AND\n AVAILABLE FUNDING PROXIMITY\n TO PLACES THAT DETERMINED\n WHERE DIFFERENT KINDS\n OF CONTROL ARE GOING TO BE\n AFFECTED.D.OUR INTENTION IS TO\n SAY WE'RE HERE YOU KNOW WE\n UNDERSTAND WHAT THE OBJECT IS\n OVERALL OBJECTIVES OF THE\n PREFERRED ALTERNATIVE ARE WHY\n WE'RE.. TRYING TO IMPROVE THE\n SITUATION AT THIS IS OUR\n PROPOSAL FOR GOOD IF THERE'S\n WAYS THAT WE CAN MAKE IT MORE\n EFFICIENT LESS COSTLY..UMUM YOU\n KNOW REDUCE THE IMPACTS TO\n THE PEOPLE CONTROL IN SOME\n WAY BUT STILL BE THE OBJECT\n IS TO MAKE ADJUSTMENTS TO DO\n THAT.T.I THINK THAT WOULD BE AT\n THE DISCRETION OF STAFF I\n THINK YOU OKAY.Y.RACHEL A ATT E\n END HE WAS SUGGESTING STAFF\n IS COMING BACK EXPLAINING\n THAT THERE ARE SEVEN STEPS\n AHEAD OF US AND OUR ECONOMY\n AND SO.O. M MYY INCLINATION\n ACTUALLY BE JUST TOO EXCEPT\n STAFF'S RECOMMENDATION AND\n NOT MAKE ANY AMENDMENTS AND\n SIMPLIFY IT AND WE'RE NOT\n EXPERTS THEY ARE AND TRUST\n THAT.T. THEY HAVE THE BEST\n INTERESTS OF OPEN SPACE\n INCLUDING THE DOGS WERE NOT\n MIND WHEN I MET WITH STAFF\n AND TEACHERS TOGETHER LIKE.E.\n WE WERE DESCRIBING HOW THIS\n IS SUCH A MORAL CONUNDRUM\n ISSUE AND THEY ARE SAYING YOU\n KNOW WE ALL WENT TO WORK.K. I N\n OPEN SPACE BECAUSE WE LOVE.E.\n NATURE AND ANIMALS LIKE\n THEY'RE NOT SAYING IT'S GOING\n TO IS MORE LETHAL CONTROL\n THEY NEED THEY WENT INTO THE\n SOIL SAMPLES AND SOMEBODY\n COMES.. ANDND THE INLAND AND\n VOLUNTEERS WHO CAN REALLY\n RELAX THEY'RE GOING TO BE\n EXCITED ABOUT THAT SO.. I I\n GUESS I JUST LIKE WE ARE\n SECOND GUESSING ARE CLEARLY\n HIGHLY INTELLIGENT EXPERT\n STAFF AND I'M NOT SURE\n BECAUSE I'M WHY ARE YOU NOT\n BECAUSE AT EVERY TURN THEY\n ARE.. GETTING IS REALLY\n COUNTRY AND GET ANSWERS ON\n WAYS THAT THEY AREN'T THOUGHT\n THROUGH THIS SO MY\n INCLINATION IS THAT YOU JUST.T.\n MAY BE MAKING A COUNTER\n MOTION SHE JUST ACCEPTS ASKED\n FOR HER PREFERRED ALTERNATIVE\n WITHOUT ANY AMENDMENTS.S. O ON\n THE SHOW W I THINK THIS HAS\n BEEN WELL THOUGHT OUT BY\n NAYLOR STAFF BUT ALSO FOR\n OPEN SPACE BOARD OF TRUSTEES\n AND I THINK THAT TINKERING\n WITH THIS.. AROUND THE MARGINS\n IS NOT ADDING A WHOLE LOT IS\n MICRO MANAGING AND THIS IS\n EXACTLY THE THING THAT WE\n PROMISED IT WOULD NOT DO.O.WEWE\n CAN CERTAINLY BUY WITH\n DIRECTIONS SAY OUT LOUD TO\n STAFF THE PR MOTION.. WOULD\n YOU PLEASE CHECK IN WITH THE\n OPEN SPACE BOARD OF TRUSTEES\n LAST YEAR AND THEY SAY SURE I\n TRUSTED AND HE WILL DO THAT.T.\n UM AND OBVIOUSLY YOU KNOW IF\n THERE'S A DEVASTATING PLAGUE\n BECAUSE THE RATE\n OF POPULATION AND STAFFED NOT\n GOING TO JUST LIGHTLY GOING\n FORWARD.. ANDND I INN DOING THE\n TWENTY TWENTY PLAN THAT IN\n FACT IT WAS BEFORE AND MAYBE\n THE STAGE AS YOU KNOW THE\n SITUATION HAS CHANGED\n DRAMATICALLY AND HE REVISIT\n THIS SO.. I I THINK TRYING TO\n ANTICIPATE EVERY EVENTUALITY\n MICRO MANAGING STAFF AND\n ADDING STUFF TO HIS JOB VERY\n WELL THOUGHT OUT PLAN HAS\n BEEN.N. VETTED THROUGH THE\n COMMUNITY WHO REALLY REALLY\n SMART STAFF AND FOR OPEN\n SPACE FOR TRUSTEES IS JUST\n DANGEROUS I AGREE WITH RACHEL\n IS JUST ADOPT. THE PLAN AS\n RECOMMENDED BY YOUR STAFF OR\n BOARD AND MOVE ON..II LOVE THAT\n BECAUSE WE SEEM TO BE GOING\n INTO THE WHEAT WITH.. EACACHH\n OF THESE AND GOING ROUND AND\n ROUND CIRCLES AND I DO AGREE\n THAT IT SEEMS LIKE EVERYTIME\n WE COME TO AN AMENDMENT THAT\n SAYS WE'VE ALREADY DONE.E. O OR\n IT'S ALREADY INCLUDED ARE\n WE'VE ALREADY THOUGHT OF THAT\n I DO WANT TO MAKE SURE TO\n GIVE DIRECTION THAT THE\n COLLABORATIVE OR IF THAT'S AN\n OUTSIDE THING THAT'S GOING TO\n HAPPEN.N.I DO WANT TO MAKE SURE\n THAT IT INCLUDES CLIMATE\n COMMITMENT STRATEGIES.S.SOSO UM\n BUT I I I I I I AGREE ANDND WEL\n EXCEPT THAT IT'S GOING..MARKRK\n I'M MAYBE WITH THAT AS WELL\n AS THE SECOND.D. TIMEE I I WOUD\n USE THREE AND FOUR HAS\n SUGGESTIONS OF THE STAFF TAKE\n INTO ACCOUNT AS WITHOUT BEING\n FORMAL AND IT IS.S. BECAUSE I\n THINK THE CONTENT GOALS THREE\n FOR WORK CONSIDERING WE COULD\n BE HERE UNTIL NEXT TUESDAY\n TRYING TO PARSE EVERY WORD\n OF THEIR PROPOSAL AND IMPROVE\n IT MAY IT'S TIME TO GET HIS\n ACT..I WOULD USE THREEEE OF FOR\n AS GUIDANCE BUT NOT AS FORMAL\n AND THAT MEANS I THINK NUMBER\n THREE ADAMS CONCERN IS IS\n SOMETHING OBVIOUSLY I SHOULD\n DO IT APPROACH IS GOING TO DO\n BETTER.R.YES S I MAKEKE AND SHE\n OF THAT AS WELL..MARKRK THERE\n YETETI THINK THAT'S FINE..II\n THINK STEPH ANDND OPEN SPACE\n FOR WORKED INCREDIBLY HARD\n FOR.. A A LONG PERIOD OF TIME O\n COME UP WITH THIS PREFERRED\n ALTERNATIVE WHICH AN HAS\n INVOLVED A SERIES\n OF COMPROMISES IN A NUMBER\n OF WAYS AND SO I SUPPORT\n MOVING AHEAD WITH THAT PLAN..I\n THINK THE INTENTION OF THESE\n AMENDMENTS IS IT REFLECTS A\n GREAT DEAL OF CONCERN THAT\n EXISTS IN OUR COMMUNITY\n AROUND THIS ISSUE.. THAHAT\n PEOPLE FEEL VERY STRONGLY\n ABOUT THIS FOR FOR GOOD\n REASONS AS WE'VE HEARD VERY\n VIVIDLY THROUGH THE PHONE\n CALLS EMAILS AND SUCH LIKE\n THAT SO. YOU KNOW WHETHER WE\n DO THESE AS AMENDMENTS OR AS\n GUIDANCE.E.I THINK IT'S FINE\n EITHER WAY BUT I THINK IT'S\n JUST IMPORTANT TO SHOW THAT..\n THEY WERE LISTENING IN THAT\n SOME OF THESE IDEAS FOR\n INCREASED RESOURCES TO REDUCE\n LOCAL CONTROL.. ARE IMPORTANT\n TO CARRY FORWARD AND ALSO\n THAT TO MAKE SURE THAT THAT\n WE'RE CREATING THE DATA SHOWS\n THAT WE'RE FOLLOWING.G. A A PLN\n THAT'S WORKING RIGHT TO\n BECOME STATE A TRIP AND WERE\n SURE THEY WERE SUCCESSFUL.. SO\n I THINK THAT'S THE INTENTION\n AND IN THESE AND SO I'M\n FINALLY LEAVING THEM AS\n GUIDANCE BUT WOULD JUST THINK\n IT'S IMPORTANT THAT WE'VE\n CARRIED THESE IDEAS FORWARD\n HERE.E.I AGREE WITH THAT ONE\n HUNDRED PERCENT..UMUM FOR M MED\n HAPPY ABBY SAYS GUIDANCE TO\n STAFF RATHER THAN FORMAL\n AMENDMENTS.S.II THINK THE MOST\n IMPORTANT ON THIS LIST TO ME\n IS GETTING THE BASELINE\n SUNDAY TO SOLVE JUST COME\n BACK TO THAT HOUSE OPENED THE\n CLASS.. SHARED LEARNING\n PROCESS IS SOMETHING THAT WE\n DEFINITELY WANTED OR WERE.E.\n MEMBERS OR COMMUNITY WANT TO\n LEARN THEY WANT TO FIGURE OUT\n HOW CAN WE.E. MINIMIZE LEGAL\n CONTROL AND HOW CAN WE MAKE\n SURE THEY ARE LESS SEATS.S. ON\n OUR IRRIGATED AG LAND ARE\n BEING SUCCESSFUL SO I DIDID\n HOWEVER.. FOR MANY TIMES ABOUT\n A SMART SAID NUMBER THREE IN\n THEM BEFORE ON OUTSIDE\n FUNDING PLAN OF SHARED\n LEARNING BASELINE SURVEY\n THAT.T. I I DON'T CARE FOR FORL\n AMENDMENTS AS ON HIS STAFF\n HERE'S OUR DIRECTION AND\n TRIES TO MAKE IT HAPPEN.N.SOSO\n I'M PERFECTLY HAPPY TO\n SUPPORT MARK AND MARY'S\n MOTION AND IT HAS BEEN\n VALUABLE TO THE LEAST\n OF THESE ISSUES OUT SO STAFF\n HEARS OUR THOUGHTS ON IT SO\n BAD..ITIT AWAYSYS IMAGE IS ONEE\n OF WHOM I BRING THIS CLOSE TO\n SUGGEST THAT WE HAVE A MOTION\n ON THE TABLE SECOND WHICH IS\n TO ACCEPT STAFF'S\n RECOMMENDATION FROM ANY OTHER\n COMMENTS ON THAT.OK SO I\n THINK ARE READY FOR A VOTE.E.\nALL IN FAVOR RAISE YOUR HAND\n COUNT EXCITE US THERE BY YOUR\n POSTS..SOSO YOUOU ANDND YOUR ST\n RIGHT..YEYESS OKAYY SO THAT PAS\n FOR ONE..OKOK THAT WAS A LOLOTT\n OF FUN.N.SOSO LONG TO PULL BACK\n ON MY AGENDA O ON THE EASY PART\n NOW..SOSO DADDYDY I I THINK WEE\n DONE WITH.. FIVE AND THEN\n WE'RE ONTO A MASTER MARINER\n MEMBERS OF COUNCIL YEAR FOR\n SENATE CONSIDERATION OF A\n MOTION. TO APPROVE THE ORDER\n OF THE CITY OF BOULDER BALLOT\n MEASURES IN TWENTY TWENTY\n FOUR NEW ELECTION DATE ON THE\n ADVICE ON THIS.S.OHOH I I I I E\n OF THIS LINE HERE WE SHOULD\n SEE THAT SHOWS THE BALLOT\n MEASURES THAT YOU HAVE PROOF\n OF THE POWER.R. OF THIS UAE HAS\n TO BE THE TABOR SO THAT'S THE\n NEWER BALLOT MEASURE WOULDN'T\n WANT TO TAX YOU CAN RANK THE\n OTHER FOUR IN ANY WAY THAT\n YOU WANT.T. THIS CASE LIVELY\n THAT SAYS THAT THE UTILITY\n OCCUPATION TAX.X.ITIT DOESN'T\n NEED TO BE CONSIDERED THE\n TABOR MEASURE BECAUSE IT'S\n NOT A TAX INCREASE.E.ITIT IS\n REALLY A NEW PURPOSE..SOSO THEE\n ARE THE BEFORE AND I WOULD\n JUST LIKE A PROPOSAL FROM\n COUNCIL IN WHAT WERE YOU\n WOULD LIKE THEM ON THE BALLOT\n WHICH WILL BE B C D. ART AND\n I LIKE TO RECOMMEND THAT THE\n TERM UTILITY OCCUPATION TAX\n IN THE FRANCHISE BE NEXT TO\n EACH OTHER ON THE BALLOT.T.I\n THINK THE FRANCHISE SHOULD GO\n FIRST BECAUSE UTILITY\n OCCUPATION TAX IS CONTINGENT\n UPON THE FRANCHISE PASSING.\n MIGHT DILUTE WE ARE DUE THE\n TAX FIRST SO I'D LIKE TO\n THROW THIS OUT THERE MAKE XL\n FRANCHISE TO BE MAGICALLY\n OCCUPATION TO SEE..I DON'T\n REALLY CARE BETWEEN THE TWO D\n INTO E AND I DON'T CARE ABOUT\n THEM TOO BUT I THINK WE SET A\n FRANCHISE IN WHICH TEXT EACH\n OTHER WITH TRANSFERS.S.MARKRK I\n AGREE WITH BOB I WOULD\n ACTUALLY WEAR XL AND XL TO BE\n UTILITY TO SEE.E.I THINK THE\n MAYORAL TERM AND PROBABLY\n CARRIES A LITTLE MORE WEIGHT\n THAN THE ARTS COMMISSION\n INCREASE.E.SOSO I I WOULD PUT T\n NEXT AND I WOULD HAVE THE\n ARTS COMMISSION INCREASE AT\n THE BOTTOM IT TO BE THE ITEM\n IS ALSO THE MARK.K.I DID TOOSOO\n DOES ANYONE HAVE ANY\n OBJECTIONS TO WHAT WE'VE GOT\n HIM A STRANGER A'S FAVOR TO\n BE EXCEL FRANCHISE TO SEE\n UTILITY OCCUPATION TAX.X. TO OA\n DIRECT ELECTION OF THE MAYOR\n AND THE ARTS COMMISSION\n INCREASE OR YOU'RE ASKING IF\n WE AGREE WITH IS IT TO BE OR\n NOT TO BE A QUESTION I.. A AM\n SORRY IT MUST BE VERY LATE AT\n TWELVE FORTY ONE I SAW IN\n THAT DIRECTION ARE A PERFECT\n WE'RE DONE WITH THAT ONE IS\n MOST KNOWN WATER THAT WERE\n ACCEPTED.D.WOULD SOMEONE LIKE\n BOB YOU WONDER THAT SO MOVED\n AS CLINTON'S LAST SECOND HE\n OPPOSED HAS UNANIMOUSLY..THANK\n YOU SAM I WILL POINT OUT THAT\n MARY GOT OUT OF THE MEETING\n WERE TRYING TO GET HER BACK\n IN SO SHE DID I KNOW THE\n SHORT ON THAT LAST YEAR..OK\n LET'S WAIT TILL WE GET HER\n BACK IN THE EYE..RACHEL POINTS\n OUT THAT WE DID NOT EXTEND\n THE MEETING BEST ELEVENTH SO\n ALL THE COMMOTION AND SOMEONE\n TO EXTEND THE MEETING SO THE\n SECOND. NEIGHBORS SEEN THE\n OCEAN HAS TAKEN TO THE\n RATIFICATION OF A LAST SECOND\n AFTER LOOK AWKWARD.D.THUSUS I S\n A QUESTION FOR MARY ARE THOSE\n ACTUAL LETTERS OR.R. SOME YEARS\n THE CLERK'S OFFICE.E. WHERE\n THEY LEFT OFF OR YOU'RE IN\n SOME.E. YEARSRS BACK K AA TIE S\n LOOSE TRACK OF WHAT. THE RULE\n IS ON THAT FOR THOSE ACTUAL\n NUMBERS OR LESS JUST ORDER\n AND WHILE HE WILL SIGN\n LETTERS OR MAYBE M O P Q R\n MARSHALL FOLLICLE THE ANSWER\n THAT I DON'T REMEMBER.OHOH I II\n THOUGHT THERE WAS SOME RULE\n THAT THEY DID THEY POSTED A\n SIGN THE SIGN HE MADE.E.\n LETTERS TO ALL MUNICIPAL\n BALLOT MEASURES SO THEY COULD\n GIVE LAFAYETTE ABC IN THE US\n NOT SURE.E. IT'S TIGHT AND\n THAT'S CORRECT SO WE KNOW\n THAT THEY'RE GOING TO GO IN\n THIS PARTICULAR ORDER BUT WE\n DON'T KNOW WHAT THE LETTERS\n WILL BE.. S SO WE DON'T WANT AY\n BALLOT MEASURE COMMITTEE\n SAYING OH I'VE GOT TO WEIGH\n WILL TELL WHEN THEY'VE GOT TO\n WEIGH. THOSE ROBUST MORNING\n WITH ALL GOING FOR LEISURE\n AND SAY OH YES AND HOOTIE AND\n THE OBESITY.WELL THE MEETING\n ADJOURNED..MARYRY DID YOUOU SEE\n THE ORDER BALLOT MEASURES TO\n IMPROVE YOUR IMMUNITY..I\n DIDN'T SEE HIM.M.SORRRRY HOMOMT\n SLIDE YOU CAN BRING BACK UP..\nPLSTHAT'S FINE TO MEE THEHE SUPR\n S'S UNANIMOUSLY NOT TO\n REMARRY IN THE WEEKLY AD THE\n CITY MANAGER SEARCH COMMITTEE\n REPORTED OUT.T.YEYES I IF AARON\n WOULD YOU LIKE TO KICK THAT\n OFF HE SAID YES.. SO CHRIS\n EXCEPT TO SOME EXTENT AN\n OFFER OF EMPLOYMENT TO\n CHRISTMAS CHECK FOR THE\n INTERIM CITY MANAGER POSITION\n AND HE SAID YES VERY WANT TO\n PUT INTO ANYMORE DETAILS LA\n AH.H.THTHE COUPLE OF UPDATES\n ADDITIONAL UPDATES.S. AND YES\n HE SAID YES AND WE'RE VERY\n EXCITED TO HAVE CHRIS AS OUR\n INTERIM CITY MANAGER I GOING\n TO DO GREAT JOB AND WE'RE\n LOOKING FORWARD TO IT.. S SOO I\n AM BRINGING UPUP A A COUPLE\n OF THINGS ONE IS.S. HEATHER\n DANCE THE SAME SEARCH\n CONSULTANT WILL BE IN TOWN..\n NEXT WEEK ANDND O ON WEDNESDAY\n AND FRIDAYS OUT THURSDAY\n SHE'LL BE HERE FOR ANOTHER\n PROJECT BUT ON WEDNESDAY AND\n FRIDAY SHE WILL BE ATTEMPTING\n TO MEET WITH.H. COUNCIL MEMBERS\n TO SPEAK WITH EACH ONE OF US\n REGARDING OUR EXPECTATIONS\n FOR NEW CITY MANAGER.R.SOSO\n THAT'S ONE THING AND THEN THE\n OTHER THING THAT HAS HAPPENED\n IS WE HAVE A SCHEDULE FOR IT..\nTHIS CITY MANAGER SEARCH WHICH\n KICKED OFF ACTUALLY KICKED\n OFF ON MONDAY AUGUST THIRTY\n FIRST AND WELL.L. IS SCHEDULED\n TO FINALIZE THEM.M. AROUND\n FEBRUARY FIFTEEN WITH AN\n OFFER AND SALARY NEGOTIATIONS\n FOR NEW CITY MANAGER SO IT'S\n AN AGGRESSIVE SCHEDULE BUT I\n THINK IT'S REALISTIC AND\n THAT'S THE UPDATE.. THANK YOUOU\n ANYTHING ELSE ON THIS GREAT\n JIMMY WOULD YOU LIKE TO TALK\n ABOUT THE EVICTION AND\n POSSESSION OF THE LAST\n QUESTION BEFORE WE MOVED TO\n MARRY HIM..THERE ARE A A FEW\n COMMITTEE MEMBERS ASKED\n WILLIE TO WEIGH IN ON THE\n CHARACTERISTICS AND PRESSURE\n IS ON SO FORTH ACTUALLY WHICH\n IS GREAT.T.WILL COMMUNITY\n MEMBERS HAVE THAT\n OPPORTUNITY..UMUM I IF THEY WOD\n LIKE TO SHARE WITH THE\n COMMITTEE ARE WITH THE\n RECRUITER BUT THEIR VIEWS ARE\n ANCHORED THE SIX CRITERIA.A.\n ALL HAVE AND THEY WILL HAVE\n AN OPPORTUNITY TO WEIGH IN.N.\n AND I'M LOOKING FOR THE\n SCHEDULE RIGHT NOW SO I CAN\n GO THROUGH IT AND KIND\n OF LOOK AT THE WHOLE SCHEDULE\n SOUNDS LIKE YOU GOT MORE\n DETAIL TO BE GREAT.T. I I WILIL\n DOUBLE CHECK WITH HEATHER AND\n WITH UM WITH JEN TO MAKE SURE\n WE CAN DO THAT BUT YES I'D BE\n HAPPY TO.O. JUST READ IT T TOOE\n SCHEDULE FOR SEPTEMBER IS THE\n RECRUITER WILL COMPLETE\n POSITION BACK GROUNDING WITH\n CITY COUNCILS CITY LEADERSHIP\n TEAM CITY STAFF AND COMMUNITY\n PARTNERS AND RESIDENTS\n THOUGH.H. I I DON'T THINK WE KW\n EXACTLY WHAT THAT LOOKS LIKE\n RIGHT NOW BUT IT IS PART\n OF THE PROCESS A SOLID\n BUSINESS TOMORROW SEPTEMBER\n ACTIVITY IN SEPTEMBER FROM\n JENNIFER TO HANK AARON.N.I WAS\n HAVING A HARD TIME FINDING\n ACTUALLY HEARD OF BEFORE I\n WAS KICKED OFF SO SHE HAD HIM\n STAND UP HE SAID.D.MYMY ONLY\n QUESTION ABOUT THAT IT'S THAT\n PUTS THE BURDEN CITY MANAGER\n RIGHT BEHIND THE ANNUAL\n RETREAT AS FURNACE..I KNOWOW IS\n THAT OK WITH EVERYBODY I\n GUESS IS IT'S FROM A BROAD\n QUESTION BUT THAT SEEMS JUST\n TWO WEEKS TO ME. VISION\n MISSION AND BECAUSE REACH ME\n IS ACTUALLY MEETING US THERE\n NEXT WEEK FROM ARIZONA WRITES\n I BELIEVE SO.O.YEAHAH SO THIS\n WOULD BE REALLY GREAT TIME\n FOR COUNCIL TWO AM FOR MARIAN\n I WAS RATHER INTRIGUED ME TO\n SHARE.. ABOUT WHETHER YOU WANT\n TO HAVE A RETREAT IN JANUARY\n HER USUAL UM NO IT WOULD BE\n TO DUMP A NEW CITY MANAGER\n AFTER SHE JUST.T. UNDER A A\n REVAMPED OR YOU WANT TO\n SIMPLY DEFER THE RETREAT\n UNTIL MARCH FOR EXAMPLE AND\n LET THE CITY MANAGER WITH\n FIRST LEGAL COUNSEL RACHEL.L.\nTHE WORD AS USUAL SINCE WE\n CAN'T GUARANTEE YOU\n YESTERDAY..THIS IS EARLRLY AND\n THEM.M.II REALLY WANNA MAKE SUE\n THAT WE RECORD THE RETREAT\n THIS YEAR SO THE CITY MANAGER\n CAN STILL WATCH IT.T. WITH THE\n CHECK AND SHE DID A GREAT JOB\n OF SHEPHERDING US IN THE CITY\n MANAGER'S PERSPECTIVE THROUGH\n IT.T. RECORDED HAVE THAT BE\n SOME FUN FIRST WEEK DOING FOR\n THE CITY MANAGER AND BOARD AS\n USUAL.. I CAN'T I'LL JUST\n AGREE WITH THAT DISCUSS THE\n SEARCH PROCESS MAY WELL TAKE\n LONGER AND IF THINGS DIDN'T\n GO WELL IT COULD TAKE MUCH\n LONGER SO FAST SO I AGREE\n WITH HER AS WELL.L.OKAYAY SOUNS\n LIKE WE HAVE DIRECTION FOR\n NEXT WEEK BOB..OKAYAY I I SUREY\n WOULD YOU LIKE TO TALK ABOUT\n THE EVICTION PREVENTION\n LETTER AND JUST SAVORING THE\n COUNCIL'S AGREEMENT ON\n SOMETHING THAT IS YES.SO BACK\n IN MARCH LATE MARCH.H.OHOH O OD\n THE FIRST HIT THE SEVEN IRISH\n BAR IN THE CHAMBER FOR BETTER\n PROTECTIONS FOR RENTERS..\n SEVERAL MEETINGS WITH AND\n DISCUSS THIS PARTICULAR\n LETTER WHICH IS MODELED AFTER\n SIMILAR LETTER DRAFTED BY THE\n PHILADELPHIA CITY COUNCIL TO\n PROTECT RENTERS AND ITS\n INERRANCY..THTHE LETTERWEWE\n ENCOURAGE THE FLOORS WERE\n ATTEMPTS BY PROVIDING THEM\n SUPPORT WHICH WE.E. WERE ANAN\n EXTENSION OF THESE WAIVERS\n ARE FULL USE OF SECURITY\n DEPOSIT AND NINE EDITION\n BASED ON TERMS OF THE RECON I\n ALSO ASK YOU THIS LETTER OUT\n WAR..LEGISLATORS ALSO ALL\n OTHER STAKEHOLDERS.S.SOSO ASKIG\n COUNCIL TO JOIN ALL THE\n STAKEHOLDERS IN SUPPORTING\n NEWSLETTER RIGHT SO IF ANYONE\n HAS AN OBJECTION OR QUESTION\n OF DEGREE HERE NOW.W.WE'D LOVE\n TO SEND THIS OUT NEXT WEEK\n AND HAVE TO BE SIGNED BY ALL\n ACCOUNTS.S. S SOO I I ASSUME TT\n YOU'VE ALL SEEN JENNY SEVEN\n HOTLINE OR ANY OBJECTION\n WOULD BE COUNCIL MEMBER NOT\n WANT THEIR NAME ON THIS.S. NOTE\n SAYING THANK YOU GUYS FOR\n DOING NESS REALLY APPRECIATE\n IT THANKS VERY MUCH THAT WILL\n GET THAT SENT OUR NEXT READ\n AND COPY ALL COUNCIL MEMBERS..\nOK WE'RE THE LAST ITEMEM POINTNT\n THE POLICE DEPARTMENT MASTER\n PLAN PROCESS OF COMMITTEE\n MEMBERS. TO MY KNOWLEDGE WE\n HAD THREE FOLKS RAISE THEIR\n HAND I SEE ADAM HAS NOW WILL\n WITHDRAW MY NAME FROM\n CONTENTION.N.OKOK S SO I I MUSE\n MISSED SOMETHING.G.WEWE GETET O\n FOLKS WHO HAVE VOLUNTEERED\n HIS RIGHT ARM INJURY OR\n SOMEONE ELSE BESIDES I'M SO\n I'VE AGREED TO JUST BUY A\n COMMISSION OF MOST OTHER\n COUNCIL MEMBERS HAVE WANT TO\n STEP FORWARD.D.OKOK S SO THOSEN\n ON ANY OBJECTION TO BOB AND\n GINNY CREDIT SEEN A FEW DAYS\n OUR POLICE DEPARTMENT MASTER\n PLAN PROCESS OF COMMITTEE\n MEMBERS CONGRATULATE THE\n OTHER..CONGRATULATIONS THEHE\n MANY OTHER ITEMS TO BRING A\n GREAT WELL THIS IS THE\n LONGEST MEETING..I'VE BEEN\n RESPONSIBLE FOR KEEPING US UP\n TO ONE APOLOGIZE FOR THAT BUT\n THANK YOU ALL FOR ALL THE\n HARDWORK YOU PUT IN TONIGHT\n AND THIS MEETING IS\n ADJOURNED..\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "[MUSIC PLAYING]\nSPEAKER: Hello and welcome\nback for lecture 6.\nSo in the previous lecture\nwe covered a few things--\nuser input and how to use text input.\nWe covered some simple input\nvalidation to just make sure\nthat the input that we receive\nis the input that we want.\nWe talked about keyboard\navoiding view, which\nis built into React Native, which\nallows us to move inputs out\nof the way as the keyboard,\nthe virtual keyboard appears.\nWe talked about some various\ndebugging strategies,\nhow to log errors and warnings.\nWe talked about Chrome\nDeveloper Tools, and how\nto send our JavaScript to be executed\nthere rather than on the device itself.\nWe talked about the React Native\nInspector and react-devtools\nto other ways of viewing\nthe UI, and to solve\nbugs that have to do with UI things.\nAnd finally, we talked about\ninstalling external libraries with npm.\nAnd there I alluded to the\nlibrary that we're going\nto start using called React Navigation.\nAnd today we're joined\nby Eric and Brent here,\nwho were co-authors of this\nlibrary called React Navigation.\nBrent, right here, works at Expo,\nand he helped write React Navigation.\nAnd Eric, over here, was on the\nReact Native team at Facebook,\nand also helped write the\nReact Navigation library.\nSo I'll turn it over to\nthem for React Navigation.\nBRENT: Great.\nThank you.\nAll right.\nSo I think the first question\nwe need to answer here\nis, what is navigation exactly?\nSo navigation is a pretty broad term.\nIt covers pretty much any topic related\nto moving between screens in your app,\nor moving between different\nlocations in your app.\nWeb navigation you might\nbe familiar with already,\nwhich is very oriented around URLs.\nYou enter something into\nthe URL bar, and as a result\nof that changing you change the screen\nthat you're on, or potentially just\nan entirely different website.\nMobile apps don't really use\nURLs so much, at least not\nfor navigating within the app.\nUsually in mobile apps, URLs are used\nfor something called deep linking.\nWe won't be talking about\nthat too much today,\nso I've just added a\nlink here to the slide.\nSo if you want to learn more about\ndeep linking, you can follow that.\nSo the navigation APIs are very\ndifferent between iOS and Android.\nThey could not be really\nmore different at all.\nThere's almost no\nsimilarities, honestly.\nAnd so it's quite a challenge\nto do what React Native is\ntrying to do in many regards\nin the realm of navigation.\nAnd try and bring these together and\nmake a kind of platform-agnostic API\nfor how to use these different\nplatform-specific patterns\nfor navigation, while also making\nthe API for interfacing with that\nvery similar across platforms.\nAnd so there are several libraries\nthat attempt to solve this problem.\nWe're going to talk about\nReact Navigation today.\nSo again, just to give you a gut\nfeeling of what we're talking about,\non the web with the\ndesktop web browser, this\nis typically what you\nwould consider navigation.\nYou scroll somewhere, you\nclick a link, it brings you\nto another URL, the page changes.\nThere is a Back button, a\nRefresh button, Forward button,\nand an address bar.\nOn mobile, with a mobile\nbrowser it's very similar.\nThe main distinction\nthat you'll see on mobile\nis that there is some UI that\nyou get for free, actually,\nwith a mobile web browser, where\nyou can swipe back on your screen\nor swipe forward on\nyour screen, and that\nwill allow you to navigate\nbetween different pages\nthat you visited in your history.\nThe tradeoff here with\nhaving these gestures\nis that you actually have\nvery little control over them.\nSo they're there whether\nyou want to use the gesture\nfor something else on your page or not.\nYou're just kind of stuck with them.\nAnd the same thing is\ntrue for the navigation\nbar on the bottom of the screen with the\nBack button and various other options.\nThat does interfere with putting\ncontent near the bottom of the screen.\nSo when it is hidden and\nyou attempt to tap something\non the bottom of the\nscreen, it shows up.\nAnd you have to tap again.\nSo you get a lot, but\nthere are some costs to it.\nMobile navigation feels more like\nthis, where maybe you have a Tab\nbar on the bottom like this one.\nYou move between various screens.\nWhen you tap on some link to go\nto another screen within the app,\nit might slide in over top, and\nyou can swipe back from there.\nAnd really the key thing here\nis that you kind of control\nthe entire experience\nas an app developer.\nIt's almost like you have your own\nsort of browser implementation,\nbut the only content that you're\nbrowsing is the content of your app.\nAnd the actual behavior that you\nget out of navigation in your app\nis entirely up to you.\nSo React Navigation is distinguished\nfrom some other libraries in the React\nNative ecosystem in terms of how it\napproaches implementing navigation.\nSo there's two distinct approaches.\nThe first one is to mainly implement\nthe logic and the views in JavaScript.\nAnd so the majority\nof your implementation\nis just plain React all\nthe way down in the stack.\nA second alternative\napproach is to write\na wrapper for the existing native\nAPIs that exist on iOS and Android,\nand try to smooth those\ndifferences out using\njust basically an alternative\nfront-end API for how\nyou interact with these APIs.\nReact Navigation takes\nthe first approach.\nI won't go into too many details here.\nThere are some things that are\nself-evident from just looking\nat the characterizing feature of\nthe approach in that, if it's mainly\nin JavaScript and you are\na JavaScript developer,\nyou will know how to work\nwith any part of the tool.\nWhereas if you wrap a\nnative API, you suddenly,\nwhen you want to extend it or\nchange something or debug a problem,\nyou have to become familiar with\nSwift or Objective-C or Java Kotlin\nor something like that.\nSo we chose the first approach here.\nAnd there's more information\nin the docs which\nI've linked to here, as well as some\ninformation on alternative libraries\nif this isn't your preferred approach.\nSo first thing we're going to do\nhere is install React Navigation.\nSo as you saw last lecture, npm\ninstall, library name, dash dash\nsave, depending on the version\nof npm that you're using.\nNewer versions that's not necessary.\nOne thing that's a\nlittle bit different here\nis that we've specified a\nversion number explicitly.\nTypically, if you install with\njust the React Navigation package,\nit will get the latest stable\nversion of the package.\nHowever, for the sake\nof this lecture, we\nare just about to release a new\nversion of React Navigation.\nCurrently the stable\nversion is 1.5 or so.\nAnd React Navigation 2 has\nsome significant differences.\nSo we wanted to make sure that the\nthings that you're learning today\ndon't go out of date next week.\nSo if you're referring to this\nin the future, keep in mind\nyou should use a 2.x series of releases.\nSo some key concepts before we\nreally get into the code here.\nI think it's worth clarifying these\nthree big terms in React Navigation.\nYou're going to see these a lot.\nThe first one is\nnavigator, the second one\nis routes, and then screen components.\nSo a navigator is a component that\nimplements a navigation pattern.\nSo an example would be in the\nmobile app that we saw in that video\njust moments ago, the tabs are\na certain navigation pattern,\nand you would have a navigator that\nis associated with that pattern.\nWe'll see in more detail, of\ncourse, what that means shortly.\nAnother type is a stack navigator.\nSo when you tap on something and it\npushes a new screen onto the stack,\nand so on and so on as\nyou add more screens.\nAnd it gives you the\nswipe-back behavior.\nSo each navigator has\none or more routes.\nA navigator is a parent of a route,\nand a route is a child of a navigator.\nDon't worry too much\nabout this right now.\nIt will become more clear very shortly.\nI just want to make sure we're clear\nup front on exactly what these are.\nSo each route must have a\nname and a screen component.\nSo the name is usually\nunique across the app.\nThat's a safe assumption to make, at\nleast for now and the near future.\nWhen you get in some more complicated\nuse cases it may not be true.\nBut you will hopefully have\nthe intuition at that point\nto understand why that is the case.\nThe screen component is\na React component that\nis rendered when the route is active.\nSo in the tab, for\nexample, that we saw, there\nis a screen associated\nwith the Feed tab,\nand there is a screen associated with\nthe Settings tab, and Search tab,\nand so on.\nAnd so those, in React\nNavigation, are React components.\nNow another thing that\nEric will speak about a bit\nlater is that a screen component\ncan also be another navigator.\nAnd this is a powerful\nconcept that would be\nvery difficult to build apps without.\nAnd so we will discuss that once we\nhave a bit more foundational knowledge.\nSo we're going to start off with the\neasiest, most simple navigator, and one\nthat translates directly\nfrom the example that\nwas being worked on last class,\nthe Contacts List example.\nSo the Switch Navigator\nis a navigator that\nis capable of displaying\none screen at a time.\nWhen a screen goes\ninactive, it is unmounted,\nand the only action the user can take\nis to say I want to go from this screen\nto this other screen.\nSo it's very straightforward.\nIt kind of looks like this.\nYou have screen one, and we have a\nbutton, let's say, go to screen two.\nIf I press Go to Screen\nTwo, it simply does this.\nThe other one's gone.\nThe second one appears.\nBasically, as you tap\non these buttons, you're\njust switching between the screens.\nAll right.\nAnd so to create this navigator,\nwe import createSwitchNavigator\nfrom react-navigation.\nWe call it with a map where the\nkeys are the names of the routes,\nand the values are\nthe screen components.\nWhen we actually want\nto render it, we just\ntake the return value of the\ncreateSwitchNavigator function,\nand we render it inside\nof our app component.\nUsually this is at the root of our app.\nAnd we'll see why that is, again,\nwhen we talk about composition.\nSo this is kind of a new\nconcept here, the idea\nof createSwitchNavigator as being a\nfunction that returns a component.\nSo I just wanted to take a moment\nto explain what that is exactly.\nSo a createSwitchNavigator\nis a higher order component,\nin that it is a function that\nreturns a React component.\nSo a higher order component, as\ndefined in the React documentation,\nis an advanced technique\nfor reusing component logic.\nAnd so the component logic\nwe're reusing in this case\nis the behavior of how a\nSwitch Navigator works.\nAnd we're saying, we want you to\nbe a Switch Navigator that has\nthese screens and these route names.\nAnd the logic for how it\noperates given those parameters\nis built into the\nunderlying Switch Navigator.\nThis is pretty similar to the\nidea of higher order functions,\nif you've ever used those before.\nSo if you've used something\nlike forEach or mapFilter,\nthose sorts of functions, which\nare functions that take functions.\nAlso functions that return functions,\nthose are higher order functions.\nAnd the same thing applies\nfor higher order components.\nSo when we want to go from\none screen to another screen,\nwe simply call\nthis.props.navigation.navigate,\nand we pass in the route name.\nSo going back here to the definition,\nyou can see the route name corresponds\nto the screen component.\nAnd when we call Navigate,\nwe give the route name,\nand it simply switches to show the\ncomponent corresponding to that route\nname.\nThe navigation prop is passed into\nevery screen component automatically.\nSo it's available on\nthis.props.navigation.\nAnd it has a variety of useful\nmethods available on it.\nWe're looking at navigate here.\nWe'll see a little bit more later about\ngoBack and setParams and getParam.\nAnd we won't cover some of\nthese other more advanced ones.\nBut again, it's worth looking in\nthe documentation for when you want\nto learn some more advanced use cases.\nAll right.\nSo let's put this to use.\nWe're going to start our first example.\nSo the first thing I'm going to do,\nis I'm going to just open up a new tab\nwhile I run exp start dash dash ios.\nSo exp is the command line equivalent\nof xd, which you've been using so far.\nI'll make that a little\nbit bigger for you.\nHopefully that works.\nSo it's essentially the same thing.\nAnd running exp start ios is\njust like opening a project in xd\nand hitting Open on Device with iOS.\nI'm just going to open that here.\nWhile that's going on, I'm going\nto open up Visual Studio Code.\nAnd we're right inside of our app.\nLet's wait for this to start.\nOK.\nSo we have our app up there.\nSo this is essentially the app\nthat you finished last class.\nAnd we're going to continue\non this shortly, but first\nlet's just build this abstract\nexample of using a Switch Navigator.\nAnd then we'll see how we can integrate\nthat into what we've already built.\nSo to do that, I'm actually going\nto go back here and make an examples\ndirectory.\nAnd I'm just going to create\na file called examples.\nLet's just call it Switch.\n0 dash Switch.\nAnd go back in here.\nAll right.\nFirst thing we're going to do\nis import React from React.\nLet's make that a bit\nbigger for you, as well.\nAnd as we saw before,\ncreateSwitchNavigator\nfrom react-navigation.\nOK.\nAnd do class.\nOK.\nSo we know we need to\nreturn something here.\nWe created our app navigator like\nthis, calling SwitchNavigator\nand passing in a map of route\nnames and screen components.\nSo first route name, we'll just go with\nthe example we've been using so far,\nand just call it RouteNameOne.\nWe could call it CS 50, you\ncould call it whatever you want.\nBut for the sake of demonstration,\nwe'll just call it that.\nAnd now we've run into a situation\nwhere we need a screen component.\nSo let's create one here.\nIt's just any old React\ncomponent will do.\nI will call it ScreenComponentOne.\nLet's import a couple of\nthings from React Native.\nLet's do a button and a view.\nJust to give some\ncontents to the screen,\nso we can actually do something with it.\nAnd render a view.\nLet's make it take up the full screen.\nAlign everything in the\nmiddle, justify to the middle.\nAnd let's give it a\nborder, just so we can\nsee easily the differences\nbetween screen one and screen two.\nI'm going to say border width\nis 25, and border color--\nI'll just make it teal here.\nLet's add a button.\nAnd we'll do something\nwith that in a moment.\nAnd I'll just format that.\nIt appears we have an error somewhere.\nAh, perfect.\nOK.\nSo this is some invalid\nsyntax, because we\nneed to drop in the actual\nname of the screen component.\nSo now what we have here is an app\nnavigator which has a single route,\nand the route renders the\nScreenComponentOne component, which\nis simply a button that\ndoes absolutely nothing,\nbut it's centered in the\nmiddle of the screen.\nNow, to actually have\nthis display in our app,\nwe need to render the\nnavigator somewhere.\nAnd going back here, we're just going\nto comment all that out for now.\nAnd import example from\nexamples 0 dash switch.\nAnd render that there.\nSo if I go back here--\noh, looks like we have a typo.\nAh, of course.\nWe missed out on a very important step.\nWe missed out on actually\ninstalling React Navigation,\nas I mentioned earlier on.\nSo to do this, in the slides\nI said you can use npm.\nThere's an alternative\nto npm called Yarn.\nI personally prefer it.\nIt's really up to personal\npreference here ultimately.\nIt's fast and it has, in my opinion,\nsome nicer tooling associated with it.\nSo I'm going to run Yarn add here.\nAnd yarn add react-navigation\nat 2.0.0-beta.3.\nAnd once that's done, as you\ncan see, it's quite fast.\nWe can refresh this.\nAnd so we have something here.\nWe have essentially a\npretty useless thing.\nBut it is being rendered\nby the Switch Navigator.\nNow, to demonstrate actually\nsome useful behavior here,\nlet's just copy and paste\nthis screen component\nand create ScreenComponentTwo.\nI'm going to give it a\ndifferent border color.\nAnd I'm going to make it\nsay, \"Go to screen one.\"\nLastly, I'm going to add\nan onPress function here,\nso that when you press\non the button, we're\ngoing to navigate to the second\nscreen from the first screen.\nAnd then I'll add the same\nthing to the second screen,\nso that when we press on it,\nwe go back to the first screen.\nSo you might might remember\nfrom the previous slide,\nwe do navigation.navigate.\nAnd we currently haven't\ndefined a route for this,\nbut we'll just call it RouteNameTwo.\nAnd this similar thing\ncan be done down here.\nExcept as per the title,\n\"Go to screen one,\"\nwe're going to send it to RouteNameOne.\nNow I can just change these.\nAnd you can see, when we\npress on these buttons,\nwe are switching from\none screen to the other.\nSo this is the most simplistic\nnavigator possible, essentially.\nOnly show one screen at a time, and we\ncan switch between the various screens\nthat we have in the Navigator.\nThis might look kind of familiar\nto you, because this is essentially\nwhat is happening in the\nContact List example.\nWhen you press Add Contact, we're\nsetting some state on the app component\nto say, we are now showing the form.\nSo we toggle showForm\nfrom false to true.\nAnd we stop rendering\nthe list of contacts,\nand we start rendering the Contact Form.\nAnd this is the same sort of pattern,\nbut in a more structured sort\nof approach.\nThat hopefully as we\ncontinue, you'll start\nto see the benefits of what may seem\nlike a little bit more complexity\nup front.\nBut let's go ahead and convert\nthe example that we have--\nlet's see where we are here.\nYeah, let's convert the example\nto use a Switch Navigator.\nRight?\nSo we have that right now.\nWe're going to keep it\nto look exactly the same,\nbut the only difference is\nthe underlying implementation,\nwe use a Switch Navigator.\nSo let's go back here.\nWe don't need this anymore.\nI'm going to uncomment the whole app.\nAnd current implementation, right.\nsetState.\nAnd we want to toggle\ncontacts in that showForm.\nSo that's state showForm true.\nSo we're not going to need that anymore.\nBut there are a few things we need\nto do first to get prepared for this.\nI'm going to pull out these\ncomponents, that are implicitly\nsort of screens inside of the app,\ninto separate components that I'm just\ngoing to add a suffix of screen to.\nAnd that's just the\nconvention that is very common\nwhen structuring these applications.\nSo I'm going to make\na screens directory,\nand then I'm going to create a--\nlet's see.\nYeah.\nAddContactScreen, and-- that actually\nhas to be in the screens directory.\nAnd I'm going to create\na Contact List screen.\nScreens, Contact.\nSo this is just a matter of\nshuffling stuff around now.\nWe no longer need showForm.\nWe'll leave showContacts there for\nnow, but it's days are numbered.\nAnd we're going to rip this out.\nSo AddContactForm.\nI'll start with this one.\nGo into screens, AddContactScreen,\nand AddContactForm.\nPut that one in here, as well.\nAnd in fact, why don't I just copy\nthis from an already completed version\nof that.\nThere we go.\nSo, all I did there was\nimport the AddContactForm,\nand then move some behavior here, which\nwe'll explain this line in a moment.\nSo I'll comment that out.\nBut essentially just render the form\nand pass some sort of submit function\nthrough.\nI'm going to do the same thing\nnow with the list screen.\nI'm going to go over\nhere, just copy that in.\nSo ContactListScreen is\nessentially just all of the logic\nthat we had inside of the app\ncomponent previously of toggleContacts.\nSome state about whether\nwe're showing the contacts.\nWe have a SectionListContacts\ncomponent that is rendered down here.\nWe just don't maintain the\nshowForm state anymore.\nInstead, when you press showForm,\nwe navigate to the AddContact route.\nSo let's go back to the app.\nWe have a good amount of\nstuff we can delete here.\nThis all now lives outside\nof the app component.\nIt's inside of the ContactListScreen.\nSo we can remove that.\nAnd we can remove various other\nthings. toggleContacts is now\nin the other component.\nsort is unused.\nshowForm is not used here.\nInstead, we need to\nrender something here.\nRather, return something here.\nAnd that needs to be\nour Switch Navigator.\nSo let's add a createSwitchNavigator\nfrom react-navigation.\nAnd it was-- let's\ncheck the name of that.\nIt was AddContact, was\nthe name of our route.\nAnd it was AddContactScreen.\nAnd then there was--\nwhat was that referred to as here?\nContactList will be ContactListScreen.\nAnd we want the app to start off as\nbeing on the Contact List screen,\nand not on the Add Contact screen.\nSo I'm just going to have this other\nparameter here, initialRouteName,\nand say ContactList.\nNow, if we, just like that, scroll\nright down, and render AppNavigator.\nWe have a missing import.\nOf course, we need to\nimport AddContactScreen\nfrom screens, AddContactScreen.\nAnd we need to import ContactListScreen\nfrom ContactListScreen.\nOK.\nThat's good.\nSo let's pop right in here.\nScreen, props-- I'm just going to\nrender an empty view here for now,\nso we at least have\nsomething showing up.\nAnd the problem here is that\ncurrently, the way that it worked\nis, when it all lived\ninside one component,\nit was very clear where\nour contacts state lived.\nIt was simply a state inside of the\napp, which we passed in as a prop\nto our Contact List, and that we updated\nby calling addContact on the app, which\nthen updated the state.\nIt's a little bit different\nwhen we have something\nlike this, where we're returning\nan AppNavigator component, which\nin turn then renders\nour Contact List screen.\nSo we need some way to\nsay, pass this prop through\nto the screens inside\nof the application.\nAnd for that, there's\nsomething called screen props.\nSo, if you specify screen props,\nyou're able to pass in an object\nwhere that object is passed into every\nscreen component in the navigator.\nSo it's a little caveat there.\nIt's very good for prototyping,\nand for examples like this.\nHowever, as you will learn in\nthe performance lecture later on,\nthere are better ways to do this.\nAnd you'll talk a little\nbit about Redux later on.\nAnd so this is just generally\na potentially useful escape\nhatch that you can use\nin prototypes and such.\nBut I wouldn't count on\nit in a large application.\nIt's perfectly fine here, though.\nSo the way this works is that\nwe pass in some screen props\nto the top level navigator.\nAnd then inside of\nour screen components,\nwe say this.props.screenProps\ndot whatever\nthe thing is that we want to access.\nSo here what we want to access is,\nwe want contacts, which is here.\nAll right.\nSo let's go back to Contact List.\nSo as you can see, we're passing in\nthe SectionListContacts based off\nof this.props.screenProps.contacts.\nSo unless there's a\ntypo that should work.\nAnd there we go.\nAnd we can navigate to this screen.\nHowever, we currently don't have any\nway of actually updating the contact.\nBecause previously, we were able to call\ndirectly into addContact from the form,\nbut we're not passing in this prop\nanymore to the addContact form.\nAnd so we need to use screenProps\nagain to pass this function through.\nSo we can say, addContact\nis this.addContact.\nAnd let's format that.\nAnd on AddContactScreen, if\nI just uncomment that line,\nnow that should do what we need.\nSo, let's say, Eric V., 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.\nAnd I hit Submit.\nAll right.\nSo that now updates here.\nSo certainly there are\nsome costs here, in terms\nof a little bit of added complexity.\nBut we have added some\nstructure that now at least\nwe can continue to grow\nin our application.\nWe were quite limited in what we were\nable to do in the Contact List before,\nwhen it all lived inside\nof this one component.\nNow we have a clear way to add on new\nscreens and jump between those screens\nwithout having to depend on adding\nsome new state every time we\nwant to add another screen.\nAll right.\nLet's move on then to the next topic.\nNext topic is Stack Navigator.\nSo the Switch Navigator is very\nprimitive in what it can accomplish,\nswitch from one screen to another.\nBut typically potentially the most\ncommon navigation in mobile apps,\ndepending on the app, is\nto tap on some button,\nand then have it push\nsome screen on top.\nOr, on Android, it kind of\nfades in from the bottom.\nAnd then there's some Back\nbutton available to you,\nwhere you press it in the header and\nit goes back to the other screen.\nAnd that kind of flow\nis extremely common.\nAnd of course, we have\nto provide a solution\nfor that with React Navigation.\nAnd the way that that works is with\nsomething called Stack Navigator.\nSo it provides the platform-specific\nlayout animations and gestures\nthat you'd expect from this\nkind of navigation pattern.\nSo we get the screen sliding\nin from right to left.\nYou can dismiss by swiping.\nThere are modals that\ngo from bottom to top,\nand you can swipe down,\nand that sort of thing.\nYou can push items from the\nstack, you can pop from the stack,\nreplace the current item, et cetera.\nAnd so it's called Stack, of\ncourse, because of its relationship\nto the stack data structure.\nSo if you are curious about conceptually\nhow this data manipulation works,\nand you're not familiar with\nthe stack data structure yet,\nthat's just worth checking out so you\nget some good mental model for it.\nSo the Stack Navigator\nlooks something like this.\nYou press Go to Two, in this case.\nThe two-screen slides on.\nYou say Go to Three,\nthird screen slides on.\nIf you press Back, it goes back.\nSwipes, or rather animates, away.\nAnd similar for that one.\nSo let's push these back on.\nAnd let's see what it looks like\nactually behind the scenes right now.\nBecause we knew that,\nwith the Switch Navigator,\nwhen we switch from\none screen to another,\nwe unmount the screen that\nwe switched away from.\nIt is now no longer rendered.\nIt is not in memory.\nIt does not exist as far as\nour application is concerned.\nBut in a Stack Navigator, we keep\nall of these previous routes,\nand previous screens,\nmounted and in memory.\nBecause we need to have them there.\nWe need to know when we're\nthree screens deep into the app,\nwe still need to maintain\nthe scroll position\nthat we had, for example, in\nthe feed on the first screen.\nAnd we need to be able to\nshow the screen immediately\nwhen we start swiping back from\none screen to the other screen.\nAnd so these all need to stay there,\nand they need to maintain their state.\nThere can be exceptions\nthat you can customize,\nbut this is the generic\nexpected behavior.\nCreating a Stack Navigator\nis very similar to Switch.\nWe simply swap out the\nword Switch for Stack.\nAnd we have something working.\nTo go from one screen to\nanother, similarly, we\nuse the Navigate function.\nThere is a small difference\nhere in that Stack actually\nsupports a tracking history.\nSo when you call goBack, it\nwill pop the topmost screen\nfrom the stack and transition\nback to the screen before it.\nSo let's look at how to implement\nthis inside of our example.\nWe're going to go back to the app,\nand once again comment all this out.\nAnd I'm just going to\nadd another example here.\nThis one, of course, will be called\nStack touch examples, 1-stack.js.\nAnd it's very similar to\nour Switch, so I'm just\ngoing to paste in our\nexample to start with.\nAnd switch out the\nword Switch for Stack.\nAnd let's see what we get.\nSo now when I press Go to Screen Two,\nit transitions to the second screen.\nWhen I swipe back like this,\nwe get this kind of gesture.\nOr if I press that button, it goes back.\nAnother way to do it is by\njust pressing Go to Screen One.\nAnd it just knows that we already have\nscreen one here in our route stack.\nAnd so in order to get to it, we have to\npop the top screen and transition back.\nSo another thing that is very\nnecessary in Stack Navigators\nis the ability to customize the UI\nthat surrounds the Stack Navigator.\nFor example, as you can see\nhere, there's this header.\nIt has a title.\nThe title changes depending\non the screen that you're on.\nYou may want to style it in some certain\nway to say that the color for the title\nis a certain color, the bar\nis a certain color, et cetera.\nAnd so to do that, we\nhave this static property\nthat we can use on screen components\ncalled Navigation Options.\nEvery navigator has a\nset of navigation options\nthat screens can use to configure it.\nAnd you can see the full\nlist for the Stack Navigator\nin the documentation linked here.\nFor now we're just going\nto look at a few of them.\nWe're going to start with Header\nTitle, and dig into some styling\nthere, as well.\nSo let's go up to\nScreenComponentOne, and let's\nset a navigationOptions title.\nWe'll call this one, I think I said\n\"First screen\" on the example before.\nLet's give it a header title.\nAnd for ScreenComponentTwo, I'll\njust say \"Screen the second.\"\nOK.\nSo now we see the title,\nFirst screen, and as we\ngo to screen two, Screen the second.\nAnd it's a small device, so it has\ngone ahead and truncated and ellipsized\nthe title for us in that case.\nAnd if you go back, it does that.\nSimilarly, the Back\nbutton in this case says\nBack, and not the title\nof the previous screen,\nbecause there's no space\nto render the full title.\nSo it takes care of a lot of\nthis nuanced behavior for you,\nthat users really expect from\nnavigation on iOS and on Android.\nLet's style it a bit.\nLet's say the tint color here,\nwe'll just make it match the border.\nSo if I set the tint color, what\nthat impacts is the button color.\nSo if I had a Back button on the\nscreen, it would become teal.\nIt also impacts the\ntitle and any other thing\nthat is sort of an element that's\nrendered on top of the header.\nWe could set a header background\ncolor through headerStyle.\nSo if I wanted to make this--\nwell, it's already quite white.\nLet's just say it needs to be a\nbit more gray for some reason.\nLet's do that.\nOK.\nSo that's a bit gray.\nIt's kind of boring.\nWe can make it green.\nIt's not so legible,\nbut you get the idea.\nSo let's get rid of that.\nAll right.\nLet's continue on then.\nPop right back in.\nAnother thing that's really\nimportant with Stack Navigators\nis the ability to pass\nparameters between routes.\nTypically when you render a component\nin React, you would pass in some data\nthrough props.\nBut as we've seen already with rendering\nthe navigator at the root of the app,\nwe have to use some\nother kind of construct,\nbecause the navigator itself handles\nrendering the components for us.\nAnd so, because we don't\nhave the capacity here\nto even say pass in some screen\nprops to this next screen,\nthere is this concept of passing\nparameters to different routes.\nThis is very similar, if\nyou've used the web before,\nto the idea of query\nparameters on a route.\nSo you can add a question\nmark to the end of a URL,\nand say this value is\nthis, and this is that.\nIt's the same sort of idea.\nAnd so there are several\napproaches for how\nyou can manage passing parameters in.\nThe first one is to pass\nin a second argument\nto the Navigate function,\nwhich is an object where\nthe key is the name of the param, and\nthe value is the value of the param.\nYou can also update the\nparams for a given route\nby calling setParams, and the\nsame sort of syntax for that.\nAnd when you actually\nwant to read the param,\nyou call getParam, and\npass in the name of it.\nAnd optionally, you can\npass in a default value.\nSo if it isn't provided, you\nfall back to some other value.\nSo we'll take a look at\nwhat this looks like here.\nThere we go.\nAnd I'm going to just make a third\nscreen, where the third screen is going\nto just take a random\nnumber, and we're going\nto show the random number in our\ntitle, and inside of the screen.\nSo we can demonstrate\nhow you can use the param\nin various places in your app.\nSo this one, I'm just going to mark\nthis as TODO, because we haven't quite\nseen how to do that yet.\nI'll make a different color\nhere, let's say purple.\nAnd we will just leave this, let's say,\nlet's just make this one \"Go back.\"\nSo goBack.\nAnd let's register the route.\nSo let's say Three.\nOK.\nSo we have ScreenComponentThree.\nIt has a title Todo, and it\ndoesn't do too much inside of it.\nNow we're going to look\nat the ScreenComponentTwo,\nand we're going to change it to pass\nin, let's say, number is randomNumber.\nOf course, there is no\nfunction called randomNumber.\nLet's just quickly define that.\nThat can just be--\nso that's a random\nnumber between 1 and 10.\nSo now we've made it so on--\nlet's change this one actually.\nSo the second screen goes to\nscreen three instead of one.\nAnd we navigate to the third screen,\nand we pass in a param called Number.\nSo when we want to actually\nuse this param now,\nwe will add a Text element here, and say\nthis.props.navigation.getParam, number.\nAnd let's make it stand out a\nbit, and give it a big font size.\nAnd lastly, we know we have\nto import this component.\nRight.\nSo we have the number 9 there.\nIf we go back, now we've\nunmounted that component,\nand so if we go back again, as\nwell-- oh, it happened to be 9\nthis time, also.\nThere we go.\n2.\nAnd so we're passing in random numbers\nevery time we go to that screen.\nWe can also change this, so we can add\nanother button that says setParams.\nAnd we'll say we're setting the\nnumber to another random number.\nThis one we'll say \"New number.\"\nAnd if you go to screen\ntwo and three, you see a 3.\nNow we can update that\nparam while we're here.\nThis isn't particularly\nuseful for changing the param\nwhen we're using it just in the\nrender function of the component.\nBut it does get very\nuseful, because it's\na very important way\nfor how you can pass\ndata between the header\nof your component\nand the actual screen component itself.\nSo there's an alternative way to\ndefine navigation options, which\nis as a function.\nAnd the function takes in some\nobject with various properties.\nThe one that's the most important\nis the navigation object.\nSo this is the same as\nthe navigation object\nthat is available inside\nof the component itself,\nwhen we say this.props.navigation.\nAnd so we know that, since we have\nthat, we can say navigation getParam,\nand get the parameter that's passed\nin, and use it inside of our title.\nSo I'm going to change this.\nSo the function has to\nreturn an object still.\nBefore it was an object, now it's\na function that returns an object.\nAnd React Navigation just knows.\nIt says, if this is a function, let's\ncall it and pass these values into it,\nand then take the return\nvalue, and that will be\nthe navigation options for this route.\nSo I'm just going to say number\nis navigation.getParam number.\nAnd go to screen three.\nSo you can see that now the\nnumber is in the header.\nYou can imagine this is\nuseful in many cases.\nFor example, you navigate\nto a profile screen,\nand you might want to have the name\nof the user whose profile you're\nvisiting up in the header.\nThere are really numerous use cases\nfor why you might want to apply this.\nAll right.\nSo I think we're in a pretty\ngood spot there with params.\nWhy don't we go ahead and add a\nbutton to the header, as well.\nSo to do this, we can look back here.\nSee that there's these two\nnavigation options called\nheaderLeft and headerRight.\nSo let's go up there.\nAnd I don't know.\nWe can add it to screen two.\nLet's add-- so we have a title.\nThen let's say headerRight,\nlet's just give it a button.\nSo on the second screen\nnow, we have a button\non the top right that says Press Me.\nAnd when we press it,\nit just says \"pressed.\"\nBut we also have access\nthe navigation object.\nSo if we want to, we could make this\nsay navigation.navigate RouteNameThree.\nAnd let's pass in a\nnot so random number.\nLet's pass in 11, which is\nimpossible to get otherwise.\nRight?\nAnd now we have 11 there.\nAnd so you can use this\nto essentially do anything\nyou can do inside of\nyour Render function.\nIt's just that the header\nis a separate component\nfrom the contents that are rendered\ninside of the actual screen itself.\nAnd so to be able to\nmanipulate those contents,\nyou need to use the navigation options\nto specify what the behavior should be.\nAnd also to add components to the\nvarious positions in the header,\nsuch as the right or left,\nwhich I didn't include here.\nBy default it's the Back button.\nAnd header title we've\nspecified as a string,\nbut that can also be a component.\nIf we wanted to use an image\ncomponent as the title,\nwe could just swap out the\nstring there for an image.\nWe could swap it out\nfor a button, as well.\nIt doesn't render so pretty there.\nIt's not measuring it properly,\nbut it's working out well, right?\nYou can render it in that case.\nSo you have to be a little bit careful\nin those situations, but there you go.\nGreat.\nLet's see where we are now.\nAll right.\nLet's take a few minute break,\nand we'll continue after the break\nwith integrating the Stack Navigator\ninto the Contact List example.\nAnd then with some other\npretty fun stuff around\ntabs, and composing navigators together.\nWe'll end up with--\nhopefully we'll get\nto the point where we\nhave a switch with a stack\ninside of it, or rather\na switch with a tab inside of it\nwith stacks inside of the tab.\nSo some exciting stuff.\nThanks.\nERIC: All right, welcome back.\nAnd thank you, Brent, for introducing\neverybody to React Navigation,\ncovering the Switch\nNavigator, and teaching\na little bit about the Stack Navigator.\nAnd now I'd like to go dive into the\ncode, straight into the examples,\nand we're going to take\na look at how we can\nput the Stack Navigator to good use.\nAnd hopefully our example app is going\nto start to feel a little bit more\nlike an app as we\ncontinue hacking on it.\nSo here's where we we're left with.\nWe've got our App.js, and we've\nadded a couple of screens.\nWe've got our App Navigator,\nwhich is a Switch Navigator.\nAnd as you can see, we\ncan switch to Add Contact,\nand it's just instantly\nswitches over to the form.\nBut what we'd really\nlike is we'd like more\nof a nice, more traditional transition,\nwhere it pushes in from the side.\nSo we can use the Stack\nNavigator for that.\nAnd the API for the Stack\nNavigator, as you've already seen,\nis really similar to\nthe Switch Navigator.\nSo we can actually start\nby just swapping out\nthe creators for these navigators.\nSo here where we go into, we're\ncalling createSwitchNavigator,\nit's our higher order component\nthat sets up our top level\nnavigator that we're going to render\ninside of our app out right here.\nBut instead of calling that, we're\ngoing to just call createStackNavigator\ninstead.\nSo I'm actually just going to\nkind of rename it right here.\nAnd let's see what it looks\nlike inside of our app.\nYou can see the header appears.\nAnd when we tap Add\nContact, it pushes a screen.\nAnd it pushes this form\nscreen that we've got.\nNow, it still is not\nlooking super great.\nWe're going to want to have\nsome things in the header here,\nand we're also going to want to add--\nthe Add Contact button should\nactually be in the header,\nbecause that feels a little bit nicer.\nSo first, let's go ahead and\njump into our Contact List\nscreen and our Add Contact\nscreen, and set up the header.\nSo our Contact List\nscreen right here, it\ndoesn't have any navigation\noptions set on it.\nBut we can go ahead and set up\nsome static navigation options.\nAnd we're going to go ahead and\njust put on a normal header, which\nis via headerTitle of Contacts.\nAnd we're going to want to do the\nsame thing in our Add Contact screen.\nWe're going to want to have roughly\nthe same sort of navigation options\nwith Add Contact.\nLet's take a look.\nHere it says Contacts.\nNice-- Add Contact.\nAnd the Back button is just\nworking out of the box.\nAll right.\nNow let's move this Add Contact\nbutton up into the header.\nSo that would be in the\nContact List screen,\nbecause this is where\nwe're going to want it.\nSo first, of course, we\njust put a headerRight.\nAnd this is one of these\nspecial navigation options\nthat you can put inside of a stack.\nAnd you can see this link for\nmore details about what else\nyou can have there.\nBut our headerRight, in\nthis case, let's just\nput a button, which we're going to\nwant to import from React Native.\nOr we already are, actually.\nSo Add.\nAnd let's just have an empty\nonPress handler right now.\nThere we go.\nSo it doesn't do anything.\nAnd remember, we're going to\nwant to call navigation.navigate\nto the AddContact route.\nIt's the route name that we have\ndefined here in the Stack Navigator.\nNow, over here, we don't have\naccess to the navigation prop.\nAnd that's because this\nis a static property\nthat we're putting on our component.\nSo we can upgrade that by turning this\ninto a dynamic navigation options,\nwhich is to say that it's a function.\nAnd that function is given\nan object of things, right?\nAnd we can access\nthings.navigation, which\nis what we're doing here\nby destructuring it.\nAnd what we can do is, we can\nput parentheses around here\nto signify that this is a\nfunction that's returning\nthis object of navigation options.\nSo now hopefully, our button should\nhave access to navigation.navigate,\nand indeed it does.\nWe can now navigate to our form.\nLet's go and delete some of these\nold buttons that we don't really\nneed from our Contact List screen.\nOK.\nNice.\nSo now let's make it so that\nwhen you click on a contact,\nyou can actually go into a\nnew Contact Details screen.\nThat would be really nice.\nI'm going to review\nthat in just a second.\nSo let's go and add a\nbrand new screen here\nin our Stack Navigator\ncalled ContactDetails.\nAnd we're going to want\nto import this screen.\nWe haven't made it yet, but we'll\nimport it from the screens place,\nfrom the screens folder.\nOK.\nSo the ContactDetailsScreen,\nI'm just going\nto jump over here and create\nthat new screen right here.\nAnd I'm going to want to do\na little bit of copy/paste\njust so that we can kind of get up\nand running a little faster here.\nBut this is nothing that\nyou haven't seen before.\nAll it's going to be is a empty screen.\nOK.\nLet's take a look.\nWell, we actually aren't linking\nto our Contact Details screen,\neven though we've registered\nthe route in the Navigator.\nSo let's go ahead and do that.\nAnd to do that, you can see\nhere is the Row component\nis where we're actually\nrendering the contact row.\nBut here we don't have access\nto this.props.navigation.\nBut we do have it up here in the\nContactListScreen, where we're\nrendering the SectionListContacts.\nSo here we're providing\nall of the contacts\nthat we are getting in\nthrough our screen props.\nAnd what we can do here is\nwe can add a new handler\nfor when a contact gets pressed.\nSo let's say, onSelectContact,\nwe're going to want to do something.\nAnd probably going to want to do\nsomething with this.props.navigation.\nBut first we need to implement\nthis onSelectContact prop inside\nof SectionListContacts.\nSo I'm just going to open that on up.\nThe Section List is using\nrenderItem to render each row.\nAnd this row renderer\nhere is being declared\noutside of our functional\ncomponent, SectionListContacts.\nSo we're going to want to\naccess the props that are\nbeing passed into SectionListContacts.\nSo in this case what we can do is, we're\nactually going to take this renderItem,\nand we're going to bring\nit inside of our component.\nSo this way we can define\nit based on the props.\nSo what we're going to\nwant to do is, we're\ngoing to want to pass our new prop--\nwaht was it called--\nonSelectContact to the row.\nSo props.onSelectContact.\nOK.\nSo we're rendering the\nrow with the contact item.\nWe've provided the handler.\nNow the row itself isn't\ncurrently touchable.\nThis isn't a button or anything.\nAnd we can make it\ntouchable by replacing\nthis view with a touchable component.\nSo I'm just going to\nuse Toucable Opacity.\nIt's kind of the easiest to use.\nAnd this basically means that\nyou can press this thing,\neven though it's still basically a view.\nSo when the press happens,\nwhat we're going to want to do\nis, we're going to want to call\nthis.props.onSelectContact.\nBut we need to specify which\ncontact is being rendered,\nor which is being selected and pressed.\nAnd we have that coming\nin through props.\nWe have a lot of information\ncoming in through props\nabout our current contact.\nSo let's just pass that in over here,\nand we'll see how we can use that.\nOK.\nSo finally here, we expect that we're\ngoing to have a contact coming in\nthrough here.\nAnd now we have the opportunity to\naccess this.props.navigation.navigate,\nso we can navigate to our\nContact Details screen.\nI'm just going to copy over the\ncall to navigate from there.\nContact Details.\nLet's see what happens.\nWe can tap it.\nOops.\nWe haven't defined the\nprop all the way down.\nAnd I think that's\nprobably inside of Row.\nAnd so we're referring to this.props,\nand there is no this.props.\nBecause it's a stateless\nfunctional component,\nprops is just coming in\nthrough the function.\nOK.\nNow we're not getting\nany behavior at all.\nAnd that's because we haven't\nactually really gotten to this point.\nLet's throw in a debugger right here.\nThis is a quick trick that\nyou can use to figure out\nwhere you arrive in your code.\nWhen we tap our contact, we're\nnot reaching our debugger.\nOtherwise, I expect we would\nhave gotten here in Chrome.\nAnd Chrome has jumped over here.\nSo what we can do is, we can\nput a debugger earlier on.\nFor example, our SectionListContacts.\nWe're passing through the\nprops.onSelectContact.\nHere we've got the Touchable Opacity.\nWe're passing through\nprops.onSelectContact.\nFirst, I'll put a\ndebugger statement here\nto make sure that we are in\nfact reaching our button.\nTap here.\nAha.\nOK.\nAnd we can see that props\nis in fact our contact.\nSo let's jump up to the\ndirect parent of Row.\nAnd I'm just going to wrap a little\nshim here, throw the debugger in,\nand hopefully we'll be able\nto observe, at this point,\nwhether or not we're reaching here.\nSo we're still running the old code,\nbecause we were stopped in the Row.\nWe didn't reach\nonSelectContact of our list.\nSo here, SectionListContacts,\nwhen we're rendering it,\nI definitely do expect it to be reaching\nthe debugger of our Contacts List\nscreen.\nonSelectContact,\nSectionListContacts, I'm\ngoing to double check that we're\ngetting it from the right place here.\nOK.\nWell this does look\nlike the right thing.\nSo I've got my debugger statement here.\nAnd I'm hoping to reach\nthis top level breakpoint.\nOK.\nSo here we're reaching it.\nAnd now we can see that\nwe have made it here.\nWe've got this.props.navigation.\nAnd we're calling dot\nnavigate with Contact Details.\nLet's double check to make sure that\nwe've registered this correctly.\nAnd I can see now that I\nhaven't saved my App file.\nThat seems to have been the issue that\nwas preventing us from navigating.\nSo now we tap it, we reach\nour breakpoint, I hit Play,\nand it's gone and navigated\nto our new screen.\nSo this is a little bit of a live\ndebugging adventure, when we figure out\nhow to avoid these things.\nStep one is to save your files.\nOK.\nSo we're navigating getting\nto our Contact screen.\nBut unfortunately, the header\nis not looking very good,\nand we actually aren't even passing\nany information about the contact\nthat we've navigated to.\nSo the way we can do that\nis by passing params.\nSo when we pass params here,\nwe can pass an arbitrary object\nof various pieces of information,\nlike contact dot phone number.\nAnd we can also provide the name.\nAnd then inside of our\nContact Details screen,\nwe can get the param by calling\nthis.props.navigation.getParam.\nAnd we're going to want to\nget the number here, so phone.\nOr do I call it number?\nLet's call it phone.\nOK.\nSo it's displaying the\nnumber of our contact.\nAnd the other thing is, up in the header\nwe want to be able to get the param,\nas well.\nThat's the header of\nour Contact List screen.\nBut we can also share\nthe header of our Details\nscreen that we haven't\nreally configured.\nSo we're going to create a\nstatic navigation options,\nand we're going to need\naccess to the navigation prop.\nSo this is going to be a\ndynamic navigation options,\nwhere we get access to navigation.\nAnd we're going to want to return\nan object of options, including\nheaderRight.\nOr, sorry, in this case,\nit's just the headerTitle,\nwhich we're going to want to grab\nfrom navigation.getParam name.\nSo we tap here, and we're\nable to see our contact.\nNow we also have this button\nthat says \"Go to random contact.\"\nAnd the idea here is, you might want\nto be able to link to other contacts,\nmaybe to see the contact's\nsister or parents.\nSo in this case, what we can do is we\ncan implement our goToRandom method.\nIt should be pretty straightforward.\nNow, goToRandom, the first\nthing we're going to need to do\nis actually get access\nto a random contact.\nNow, we have our contacts\ncoming in through\nthis.props.screenProps.contacts.\nSo I'm going to go ahead and\ngrab a little bit of logic\nthat we're going to use\nto find a random contact.\nYou don't have to look at this too\nclosely, because it's kind of ugly\ncode, actually.\nSo we're just going to grab the contacts\nfrom this.props.screenProps.contacts.\nAnd the phone is going to\nbe coming from the param\nas you can see what we do up here.\nI'm just going to copy that right here.\nExcept here we're accessing navigation.\nOK.\nSo this.props.navigation.getParam\nfor the phone number.\nAnd then what we can do here is, we're\ngoing to have access to random contact.\nI'm just going to put a\ndebugger statement here,\njust so that we can see what\nhappens when we get to this point.\nHit \"Go to random\ncontact,\" and hopefully we\nget stopped in the debugger.\nNo contacts.\nAUDIENCE: [INAUDIBLE]\nERIC: That's right.\nSo it's a little bit confusing,\nbecause we're actually stalling in this\nWhile loop right now.\nThat's why I was saying\nthis code is kind of bad.\nSo we have this Contacts file, which\ngenerates our content, in this case,\nwe're only getting one contact.\nSo when we try to get another random\none, it's not going so smoothly.\nOK.\nNow we've got multiple contacts.\nAnd when we tap \"Go to random\ncontact,\" we get here to our debugger.\nAnd let's take a look at randomContact.\nIt's probably an object\nwith name and phone number.\nGreat.\nSo let's go ahead and\nnavigate to another Contact\nscreen on Contact Details.\nSo this.props.navigation.navigate\nto ContactDetails.\nAnd we're going to want to\npass the same information in.\nSo we have the name, which\nis the randomContact.name.\nAnd we're also going to\nhave the phone number.\nOK.\nSo let's see what happens here.\nWe're going to tap on our first contact.\nWe're going to tap \"Go\nto random contact.\"\nOh, that's strange.\nI expected to navigate to a new screen.\nWell, it turns out\nthat we don't actually\nneed to navigate to a new\nscreen, because we're already\non Contact Details.\nSo we called navigate to Contact\nDetails with setting params,\nwe provided these additional params.\nBut what we're actually\ndoing is, we're just\nsetting the params on\nthe current route, which\nis not exactly what we were going for.\nSo instead, we can use\nthis other prop that's\non the navigation prop, called Push.\nNow, Push is always going\nto push a new screen,\nand you can also provide params to Push.\nSo Navigate is going to\nnavigate to your current route\nas identified by your route name.\nAll right.\nSo let's go ahead and change\nthis Navigate to Push.\nOK.\nSo we tap on one contact.\nWe see it.\nWe go to another contact.\nAnd we go to all of our random contacts.\nThis is great.\nNow, the Push is only available\ninside of a Stack Navigator.\nAnd there are a few other things that\nare specific to a Stack Navigator.\nDon't mind me while I\nrearrange this screen.\nSo there's other things like\nPush, which adds a new screen.\nPop takes you to the previous\nscreen inside of the stack.\nPopToTop takes you to the\ntop screen inside the stack.\nAnd Replace is like what we were just\ndoing by accident with the Navigate\nfunctionality.\nNow, let's talk about\ncomposing navigators.\nThis is a pretty powerful\ntechnique that allows\nyou to put one whole navigator\nvisually inside of another.\nNow, you'll get a better\nintuition for this\nas we move forward,\nabout when you want to be\nputting a navigator inside of another.\nBut generally, if you see\na header on the screen,\nbut you also see a bar on\nthe screen at the same time,\nthen that's a case when\none of these navigators\nis actually inside of the other.\nAnd you'll notice that\nby switching tabs,\nyou'll often move away\nfrom the whole header.\nOr, it could be composed\nthe other direction.\nNow, the way that we\ndo this is, we actually\nregister a navigator as the screen\ncomponent of another navigator.\nAnd you should always be careful\nto make sure that your app only\nhas one top-level navigator.\nAnd the really great thing\nabout composing navigators\nis that you can navigate pretty\neffortlessly between all of them.\nSo if you just use the\nNavigate functionality,\nand you refer to a route name\nthat's inside of another navigator,\nyou'll automatically get over there.\nAnd goBack also works\nbetween different navigators,\nand that's really essential\nfor supporting the Android Back\nbutton so that the user\ncan always get back,\neven if they're inside of a\ndeeper navigator in the app.\nCool.\nSo this is what it looks\nlike to compose a navigator.\nYou can see that, in this case, we're\ncreating a stack navigator as per usual\nwith two screen components.\nBut then down here when we're\ncreating a Switch Navigator--\nit's our top-level\nnavigator as you can see,\nbecause it's an App Navigator--\nwe're registering the Stack Navigator\ninside of it as the main route.\nAll right.\nSo like I said earlier, just one gotcha\nyou should really be careful about\nis to never render a navigator\ninside of a screen like this.\nYou only ever want to render a\nnavigator by itself at the top level.\nAnd you always want to make sure that\nthe navigators are linked together\ninside the higher order\ncomponents like you see here.\nCool.\nSo let's go ahead and put our\nStack Navigator that we just\nmade inside of a new navigator.\nAll right.\nSo we can create a brand\nnew navigator here.\nInstead of this App Navigator,\nlet's call it the Main Navigator.\nAnd that's a Stack Navigator.\nNow let's create a new App Navigator.\nAnd the reason we're going to create\nthese navigators inside of each other\nis because sometimes, you might not\neven want to see the stack at all.\nHere we've got a Stack\nNavigator, but how about let's\ncreate an example where you\nwant to log in to the app\nbefore you even see the main stack.\nSo in that case, you're going\nto be switched away from it,\nand you're only going\nto see a login screen up\nuntil you're ready to\nsee the actual stack.\nSo that's why we're using a switch on\nthe outside of our Stack Navigator.\nLet's go ahead and register the first\nroute, which would be the Main route.\nThat's just a name.\nWe can call it whatever\nwe want, but I'm going\nto call it Main, because it's our\nMain Navigator once you're logged in.\nAnd I'm also going to\ncreate Login, which\nis going to be a login screen\nthat we haven't created yet.\nI'm going to set the initial\nroute name to be the Login\nscreen, because we're going to want\nyou to be logged out at the beginning.\nOK.\nSo I'm going to get the Switch\nNavigator from React Navigation.\nAnd I'm going to get\nthe Screen Navigator\nfrom not yet implemented area.\nOK.\nSo let's go ahead and create our screen.\nAnd I'm going to copy and paste\na super simple Login screen.\nAnd our Login screen is going\nto have a couple of styles.\nOK.\nSo let's see, what\ndoes our app look like.\nI think I might not\nhave saved the App file.\nOK.\nSo this is the Login screen.\nThis warning here is because\nwe're currently debugging,\nand we're kind of done\nwith that right now.\nOK.\nSo now we've got our Login screen.\nWe have that, because the\nApp Navigator that we're\nrendering down here inside of the\napp, it is just a Switch Navigator.\nAnd the initial route is Login.\nSo all we see is the Login screen.\nWhen we press to log in,\nwell, we haven't actually\nimplemented the Login functionality.\nSo let's pretend that we have a\nbunch of Login logic right here.\nAnd instead of actually\ndoing that, we're\njust going to jump straight\nto the navigation part.\nSo let's see this.props.navigation.\nAnd we're going to navigate to the\nMain screen when you tap Log in.\nOK.\nAnd it switches us over to our stack\nthat we've already implemented.\nNow, what's great about\nthe Navigate function,\nand what's great about\ncomposing navigators,\nis that you can actually refer to\nseveral different route names here.\nSo here, of course, we're referring to\nthe route name for the other navigator.\nSo it's just telling us to switch to\nthis navigator, whatever state that\nnavigator currently is.\nThe initial route named for that\nnavigator is the ContactList,\nso that's why we see that.\nBut we could also explicitly\nnavigate to the Contact List.\nLet's try that.\nPress to Log in, you\njump to the Contact List.\nOK.\nWhat if you want to explicitly\nnavigate to something else?\nLike let's explicitly\nnavigate to Add Contact.\nJust as an example.\nIt wouldn't really\nmake sense in our app.\nBut maybe Add Contact is the\nfirst thing that you want somebody\nto do once they log in.\nOK?\nAnd it jumps you deep inside\nthe stack, but it still\nis normal stack navigation.\nYou still go back inside of the stack.\nSo here, that's a very simple\nexample of navigator composition.\nSo now, we've seen Switch\nNavigator, which allows\nus to switch between several screens.\nBut Tab Navigator is a\nlittle bit more special,\nbecause it actually has a tab\nbar that's useful for switching\nbetween the different screens.\nAnd also, it'll keep the previous\nscreens that had been available,\nit'll keep their state around.\nSo it doesn't actually unmount\nthe components that go away.\nAnd that's handy, because when you\nwant to switch back to the screen\nit's really fast, and\nthe state is still there.\nIf you had scrolled down\ninside of a certain tab,\nand you switched tabs and switched\nback, it's still going to be there.\nNow, there are several Tab Navigators\nthat now ship with React Navigation,\nincluding two of these\nMaterial Themes Navigators,\nand a simple Tab Navigator, which\nis Create Bottom Tab Navigator.\nAnd as per the other navigators,\nthe Navigate function\nand the goBack function still work.\nSo Navigate is how you\nswitch to different tabs,\nand goBack actually does have\nbehavior on Tab Navigator.\nIt takes you back to the first tab.\nAnd this is relevant usually\non the Android Back button,\nbecause you want to be able to jump\nsomebody back to the first tab.\nBut you don't want this\nin every case exactly.\nSo the Tab Navigator's goBack\nbehavior can be configured.\nIt doesn't necessarily have to\ntake you back to the first tab.\nSo with Tab Navigators you can switch\nbetween two tabs, but keep in mind\nthat the previous tab is still there.\nIt's just not visible.\nAll right.\nAnd the way that you create a Tab\nNavigator is much like the way\nthat you create any other navigator.\nYou're going to register a couple\nof routes by their route name,\nand you're going to\nprovide a screen component.\nOK.\nMaybe we should just go\njump into our application\nnow and implement some of these tabs.\nOK.\nSo this is where we are right now.\nCan press to log in.\nOK.\nThe other thing that I'm going to\ndo that I missed before, actually\nwith Stack Navigation, we're\ngoing to go ahead and theme it.\nWe're just going to give\nit a little bit of a color.\nWe've got these navigation\noptions that, in this case,\nwe're configuring the header.\nSo this is available inside\nof a Stack Navigator.\nSo I'm going to go here to our stack.\nIn addition to specifying\nthe initial route name,\nI'm going to specify some\nnavigation options that\nare going to identify the tint color.\nOoh.\nOK.\nThis button we had\nrendered by hand, which\nis why it's not actually lining up.\nSo let's go ahead and\nfix that really quickly.\nThat would be on the\nContact List screen.\nWe can just provide a color right here.\nOK.\nThe other thing is, of course, our\nLogin screen was deep linking here.\nLet's just make it go\nto the Main Navigator.\nOK.\nSo now let's actually go and jump\ninto adding our Tab Navigator.\nSo I'm going to go into our app.\nAnd instead of the Main\nNavigator, let's just\ngo ahead and call this the Contacts Tab.\nBecause we're going to want to make it\nso that this whole stack of navigation\nhappens inside of a particular tab.\nAnd you'll notice that it's a pretty\ncommon pattern, especially on iOS apps.\nSo let's call this the Contacts Tab.\nAnd we're going to want to\ncreate a new navigator for the--\nwhat did we call it--\nthe Main Navigator.\nSo that can be our tabs.\nSo the Main Navigator\nis createTabNavigator.\nAnd we're going to want to set\nup a couple of routes here,\nincluding, of course, the Contacts Tab.\nAnd let's create a new tab.\nAnd that's going to be under Contacts.\nLet's create a new tab for a\ndifferent area of your application\nthat really has nothing\nto do with the contacts.\nI think a pretty simple\nexample that's somewhat common\nis like a Settings Tab,\nwhere you can go and change\nsome other configuration about the app.\nSettings screen.\nSo Settings screen, we're\ngoing to go import from here.\nWhich we haven't quite created\nit yet, but we're going\nto go ahead and do that right now.\nAnd the Settings screen, I'm going to do\na little bit of copy/paste once again.\nAnd all we're going to be doing is\njust saying, This is a Settings screen.\nIt doesn't even need a navigation\nlink or anything right now,\nbecause the tabs will be visible.\nSo I haven't saved the app.\nOh.\nI need to import createTabNavigator\nfrom React Navigation.\nOK.\nWe're going to press\nto log in, switching\nto our Main Navigator, which is tabs.\nOK.\nIt seems that in the copied/pasted\ncontent that I had, I had a slight bug.\nI'm going to go ahead and\njust fix that by changing\nthe scroll view to a normal view.\nIt's going to be little simpler.\nBut now you can see that we have\ntabs at the bottom of the screen.\nAnd the first tab that's\nselected is the Contacts Tab.\nThe second tab doesn't even have\na header or anything inside of it.\nAnd that's because we've switched\nentirely away from the other navigator,\nand the header was provided\nby the Stack Navigator.\nSo these tabs are looking kind of ugly.\nLet's go ahead and\ntheme them a little bit.\nSo one trick that we\nhave for theming tabs\nis by setting these tab bar options.\nWe can set the active tint color,\nwhich is the color of the active tab.\nSo let's jump into there.\nHere where we're creating\nour Tab Navigator,\nwe can set Tab Bar Options\nand Active Tab Color.\nI'm going to copy that\nfrom right here so that we\nhave a nice cohesive theme for our app.\nPress to log in.\nOops.\nMy guess is I had a nice typo here.\nSo let me go ahead and find my--\nI see.\nI said-- it's Active Tint\nColor and not Active Tab Color.\nOK.\nSo now our tint color matches.\nNow generally, when we have tabs\nat the bottom on an iOS app,\nyou really want to have icons, because\nthis just looks bizarre if you don't.\nSo let's introduce a new concept of\nadding vector icons to our application.\nNow this is how you can\nspecify the Tab Bar Icon.\nBut first we're going to need\nto install a new library.\nSo we're going to go to do npm install\ndash save, react-native-vector-icons.\nIn my case, I'm going to use Yarn.\nI'm going to go right here and say,\nyarn add react-native-vector-icons.\nAll right.\nWhile that's installing, I'm\ngoing to go start using it.\nAs you can see, you can\nimport it like this,\nand render it with a couple\nof conventions like that.\nSo I'm going to grab my snippet here.\nSo here you can see that\nwe're manually applying\nnavigation options onto the main stack.\nOr rather, instead of the\nmain stack, in this case\nwe've called it the Contacts Tab.\nSo we're going to set the\noptions for the Contacts Tab.\nAnd here we are using a pretty fun\ntrick where we've got a string template.\nAnd the Tab Bar Icon is a\npretty special navigation\noption that is defined as a function.\nAnd it's told both\nwhat the tint color is,\nand whether or not the\ntab is currently focused.\nAnd the reason we need to know\nwhether or not the tab is focused\nis because, generally, we're going\nto render a different style of icon.\nSo if it's focused, we're going\nto just render iOS Contacts.\nAnd if it's not focused, then we're\ngoing to render iOS Contacts Outline.\nSo that's what this trick\nis doing inside of this--\nyou know, we've got a ternary\ninside of our string template.\nSo let's see if that works.\nI need to import Ionicons from\nreact-native-vector-icons.\nOK.\nI'm going to press to log in,\nand our icon is showing up here.\nYou can see that when we blur it,\nit switches to a different icon.\nSo that's why we have that\nkind of crazy template string\nthat we're using to\nselect the current icon.\nSo let's go ahead and do something\nsimilar for the Settings screen.\nBut here we're going to actually put\nit on the screen static navigation\noptions.\nSo here, the static\nnavigation options are empty.\nI'm going to want to\nprovide a Tab Bar Icon.\nAnd here we're going to provide\njust the same one for now,\njust to make sure that it works.\nOK.\nThat looks a little weird.\nSo I think it's going to be iOS options.\nOoh, options.\nLooking nice.\nGreat.\nSo here, just to do a quick recap\nof all the navigation features\nthat we've added to the app in a\nrelatively short period of time,\nI'm just going to open up the App file.\nAnd we're going to start\nat the bottom, where\nwe're rendering our App Navigator.\nNow our App Navigator\ncan be given access\nto screen props, which are\nvarious properties that are going\nto be available on every single screen.\nOf course, in larger\napplications, you might not\nwant to use screen\nprops, because it will\nit'll cause every screen to re-render\nwhen any of these screen props changes.\nSo you might want to use a different\ntechnique to deal with that.\nBut here you can see we're just\nrendering our App Navigator.\nOur App Navigator is a\nhigher order function,\nis the result of a higher\norder function call.\nIt's a higher order component.\nIt's that we're creating\na Switch Navigator.\nAnd that's why, at the very beginning,\nit covers up the whole screen,\nbecause it's our\ntop-level navigator that's\nswitching away from the Tab Navigator.\nAnd that's what we have in here.\nInside of our Main Navigator,\nthis is a Tab Navigator,\nwhere we've got two tabs.\nYou've got the Contacts\nTab and the Settings Tab.\nSo first, we need to navigate on the\nouter navigator, which is the switch,\nand now we can access\nthe inner navigators.\nIn this case, the next inner\nnavigator is allowing us\nto switch between these different tabs.\nOf course, inside of the main\ntab, inside of the Contacts Tab\nwe have a whole stack.\nSo that's what we're setting up\nup here with createStackNavigator.\nWe're registering three\nscreens inside of our stack.\nAnd inside of each of our screens we're\nsetting various navigation options.\nAnd the default navigation options are\nthe ones that are provided down here.\nThe navigation options are what's\nsetting up the button in the header\nand the title, as well as the color.\nAnd each of these screens\nare able to navigate\nbetween each other using the Navigate\nfunctionality in this dot props dot\nnavigation.\nSo I think that's a quick\nintroduction to what it's\nlike to use React Navigation\ninside of a fresh React Native app.\nAnd I hope you enjoyed it.\nAnd if you've got any\nquestions, feel free to take\na look at some of these\nadditional resources\nthat we have available for\nyou, and get in touch with me\nand Brent on Twitter and GitHub.\nThanks.\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "Your life must be so exciting.\nSay again?\nI can't even imagine. Gang signs, initiations, dropping homies.\nReady to bleed for the hood. Live fast, die young. Respect!\nMan, what are you talking about? You don't know me.\nOh no, I didn't mean any offense. It's just my life is so dull.\nI still haven't moved out of my parents' place. Anyway, I'll just be quiet.\nBoy, do I envy you, Living outside the rules. I wish I could but I'm a stickler, it's my curse.\nNot this again.\nI was in a gang once in high school. Well, more of a club. We were light on the intimidation factor.\nYou must have so many stories. Go on, tell me one. Just one... come on, please.\nAlright, alright look. I'ma tell you a story, I'ma tell you a good one, about a gun store owner who wouldn't shut up,\nuntil one day a customer lost his cool and dropped the annoying son of a bitch.\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "Es ist klar, dass wir beim Telefonieren,\nbeim Surfen\nund natürlich auch beim Arbeiten Daten erzeugen.\nAufgrund dieser\nvielfältigen Informationen,\nlässt sich unser Leben schon optimieren.\nUnd hier setzt das Data Mining ein:\nTrends werden gefunden,\nVorhersagen werden gemacht.\nDas erstreckt sich von der Sortimentsoptimierung von\nBüchern oder Tomaten\nbis hin zu Social Media-Posts.\nAlso was wir wann, wo\nmitteilen.\nEs kommt darauf an, dass diese Daten\nnicht nur Firmen und Behörden zugutekommen,\nsondern auch uns als Individuen\nhelfen, Entscheidungen zu fällen.\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "We have discussed, and derived the equations\nfor irrotational multidimensional flow problems.\nAnd you have seen that when the flow is irrotational\nall the equations can be combined to give\n1 equation either in terms of the velocity\ncomponents or the velocity potential. The\nequation is strongly non-linear and it is\nformidable and quite difficult to solve and\nfor general boundary conditions close form\nsolutions are not possible. However before\nwe discuss, the further simplification that\nwe can try on these equation and the boundary\nconditions.\nWe will first see what the corresponding equation\nlooks in streamline coordinate system. So,\nthe velocity potential potential equation\npotential equations in streamline coordinate\nsystem. To do do this we have the continuity\nequation rho v delta n equal to constant,\nand this can be written as 1 by rho d rho\nd s plus 1 by v d v d s plus d theta d n 0\n. The momentum equation as you have already\nwritten the stream wise momentum equation\nrho v d v d s equal to minus \nd p d s. Which is s momentum and the flow\nis irrotational. So, the vorticity is zero\nwhich is oh sorry d v d n \nd v which is irrotationality. Now, if we eliminate\nrho as before let us say elimination of the\npressure from this equation gives us.\nAnd these can be combined with the continuity\nequation. So, combining that with the continuity\nthis gives us 1 minus. So, this is the equation\nof form of the equation in streamline normal\ncoordinate system, with this now we will look\nfurther simplification of the equation. Linearization\nof the irrotational flow equation \nthis linearization is achieved by using what\nis known as small perturbation theory..\nFirst of all let us consider we have a free\nstream say undisturbed stream. The velocity\nis u 1 equal to u infinity u 2 equal to zero\nu 3 equal to 0. That is the undisturbed stream\nis along x 1 and the velocity component along\nx 2 and x 3 are zero. Of course, this is a\nsimple we can achieve this by aligning or\nx 1 axis in the flow direction. So, that then\nthis sub stream is along x x 1 and the other\ncomponents of the velocity flow velocity are\n0. It is associated with pressure temperature\ndensity and similar, other parameters. So,\nthe undisturbed parameters we are denoting\nby the subscript infinity. Now let us say\nbody is placed in this undisturbed stream.\nA body is.\nA body is introduced in the stream \nwhen the body is introduced the flow will\nbe disturbed or perturbed. Flow is disturbed\nor perturbed \nand we assume that these perturbations are\nsmall. This is usually a quite justifiable\nassumption in aerodynamics, because most of\nthe aero dynamical bodies are quite thin,\nand the perturbations that they produced in\na stream are usually quiet small. Now the\nvelocity field that now modified. So, the\nflow field now is u 1 equal to u infinity\nplus u u 2 is let us say we will call it v\nand u 3 equal to w. So, u v w are perturbation\nvelocity components \nand that small perturbation means, that so\nthis what we mean, by small perturbation that\nthis ratios are very small.\nNow, with this the equation of motion can,\nthe equation of motion becomes \nsquare d u d x 1 that is you are substituting\nu 1, u 2, u 3 these values in the equation\nthat we have already derived and the resulting\nequation becomes \nu infinity plus u square, into d u d x 1 plus\nd square, d v d x 1 plus sorry d v d x 2 plus\nw square d w d x 3 plus u infinity plus u,\ninto v into d u d x 2 plus, d v d x 1 plus,\nv w d v d x 3 plus, d w d x 2 plus, u infinity\nplus u into w d w d x 1 plus d u d x 3.\nIn this the small u v and w are the perturbation\nvelocity which we are following our assumptions\nare small when compared with respect to the\nfree stream undisturbed velocity u infinity.\nNow this equation contains only those perturbation\nvelocities are unknown; however, it also contains\nthe term the speed of sound a. The speed of\nsound a is also a local variable as the flow\nvelocity pressure changes from point to point.\nSo, would as the speed of sound and we now\nwant to replace this speed of sound in terms\nof the speed of sound in the undisturbed stream\na infinity.\nNow, that is achieved by using the energy\nequation using energy equation for a perfect\ngas. We have u infinity plus u square, plus\nv square, plus w square by 2 plus enthalpy\na square by gamma minus 1 which was same as\nbefore, since the flow is adiabatic in the\nundisturbed stream this was a infinity square\nminus gamma minus 1 plus u infinity square\nby 2. Now, simplifying this gives a square\nequal to a infinity square minus gamma minus\n1 by 2 2 u infinity u plus u square plus v\nsquare plus w square. Now we substitute this\na square in this equation and then divide\nthroughout by a infinity square.\nThe result becomes when you substitute a square\nfrom this equation into the earlier equation\nand then divide by a infinity square. The\nresulting equation becomes 1 minus m infinity\nsquare, d u d x 1 plus d v d x 2, plus d w\nd x 3 equal to m infinity square into gamma\nplus 1 into u by u infinity plus gamma plus\n1 by 2 u square by u infinity square plus\ngamma minus 1 by 2 v square by plus w square\nby u infinity square \ninto d u d x 1.\nPlus m infinity square \ngamma minus 1 u by u infinity plus gamma plus\n1 by 2 v square by u infinity square. Plus\ngamma minus 1 by 2 w square plus u square\nby u infinity square into d v d x 2 plus m\ninfinity square gamma minus 1 into u by u\ninfinity plus gamma plus 1 by 2, w square\nby u infinity square plus gamma minus 1 by\n2 u square plus v square by u infinity square\ninto d w d x 3, plus m infinity square v by\nu infinity into 1 plus u by u infinity into\nd u d x 2, plus d v d x 1, plus w by u infinity\ninto 1 plus u by u infinity into d u d x 3\nplus, d w d x 1 plus v w by u infinity square\ninto d w d x 2 plus d v d x 3. The equation\nis still exact even though you have inserted\nperturbation, but we have not introduced any\napproximation as yet. So, the equation is\nstill the equation still remains exact for\nirrotational flow now we will make use of\nthis small disturbance approximation.\nSo, that small disturbance approximation neglects\nsquare and product \nof perturbation velocities. That is since\nu by u infinity is very small, then the square\nof it is still smaller or similarly, u by\nu infinity is small v by u infinity is small.\nSo, their product is also much smaller and\nconsequently we neglect such terms which are\npresent here. So, you can see that from this\nequation this term can be neglected, this\ncan be neglected here, also this can be neglected\nthis term can be neglected here this term\nis negligible this is also negligible and\nin this product of this and this that is negligible,\nbut not this 1 this is a single product similarly\nhere also product of these and these is negligible,\nbut not these and this term is negligible.\nSo, if we neglect all such terms the equation\nnow becomes 1 minus m infinity square the\nleft hand side of course, remain as it is\nthere is no product or had other terms. The\nfirst terms keeps only m infinity square gamma\nplus 1 u by u infinity d u d x 1. The second\nand third term, the second and third here,\nthe second keeps these and the third keeps\nthese. So, the second and third together can\nbe combined to m infinity square gamma minus\n1 u by u infinity into d v d x 2 plus d w\nd x 3. And that last term keeps m infinity\nsquare v by u infinity d u d x 2, plus d v\nd x 1 plus m infinity square w by u infinity\nd u d x 3 plus d w d x 1. So, this is what\nremains when we neglect those higher order\nterms that is terms of second degree or higher\nof course, higher than second degree terms.\nNow this equation is still quite formidable\nand it is also non-linear, because of the\nproduct terms present on the right hand side\nNow, this equation can again be further be\nsimplified, if we further assume that the\nproduct of these perturbation velocity and\nthe gradient of those perturbation velocity\nis also small. So, if we assume then. So,\nthis equation is still non-linear further\nassumption gradients of \nperturbation velocities are also small. If\nwe assume that then we see the on the right\nhand side all the terms are again product\nof 2 small terms the perturbation velocity\nitself is small and following these assumption\nthese gradients are also small. So, this makes\nthat all the terms on the right hand side\nare again now product of 2 small terms. And\nthis results that the entire right hand side\nis negligible and sorry 1 minus m infinity\nsquare d u d x 1 plus d v d x 2, plus d w\nd x 3 equal to 0 or in terms of perturbation\npotential this becomes 1 minus m infinity\nsquare \nd 2 phi d x 1 square plus d 2 phi d x 2 square\nplus d 2 phi d x 3 square equal to 0. And\nwhen m infinity approaches 0. This becomes\nd square phi d x 1 square plus d 2 phi d x\n2 square plus d 2 phi d x 3 square equal to\n0.\nWhich is the well known or laplacian phi equal\nto 0. Phi is now the perturbation potential\nphi in this is equation is perturbation potential,\nphi in this equation is perturbation potential.\nAnd we see that this equation results our\nwell known equation for incompressible flow,\nthat for a small perturbation or linearized\nflow equation that laplacian of the perturbation\npotential is 0. Now as it happens that this\nequation is quite acceptable for subsonic\nand supersonic flow.\nSo, for linearized compressible flow; however,\nas it happens this holds good or valid for\nsubsonic and supersonic flow, but the equation\nis not accurate not accurate up on m infinity\nis very close to 1 or m infinity is very large.\nNot sufficiently accurate when we call this\nat transonic flow for the time being and this\nis a hypersonic flow. When m infinity is very\nlarge you can see that many terms on the right\nhand side cannot be neglected, for very large\nmost of the terms on the right hand side terms\non right hand side \ncannot be neglected.\nWhen m infinity is close to 1, when m infinity\nis close to unity. What you see that \ncoefficient of d u d x 1 on the left hand\nside on the left hand side is 1 minus m infinity\nsquare, and when m infinity is very small\nvery close to 1 this is very small. And the\nsame thing coefficient of d u d x 1 on the\nright hand side is m infinity square gamma\nplus 1 into u by u infinity. Now, this is\nalso small and \nboth are of both are of same order both are\nof same order of magnitude. That is 1 term\ncannot be neglected in comparison to the other.\nSo, both must be retained. So, this implies\nboth must be retained; however, for the coefficient\nof the other derivative that is d v d x 2\nand d w d x 3. There is no such problem and\nthat term on the right hand side can be neglected.\nSo, hence for transonic flow \nthe appropriate equation is or of course,\nthat can be expressed in terms of perturbation\npotential or in terms of perturbation potential.\nThis becomes 1 minus m infinity square d 2\nphi d x 1 square plus d 2 phi d x square.\nSo, even in this equation there is only 1\nunknown variable which is phi; however, the\nequation is still non-linear. So, we can see\nthat even with small perturbation approximation\nthe governing equation cannot be linearized\nfor transonic flow and of course, also for\nhypersonic flow; however, the it is possible\nto linearize the equation both subsonic and\nsupersonic flow. And so, this is the equation\nappropriate for transonic flow and also of\ncourse, if necessary this can be used for\nboth subsonic as well as supersonic flow.\nSo, valid for subsonic to supersonic range\nvalid for \nsubsonic to supersonic range.\nAnd the right hand side can be neglected when\nthe flow is outside the transonic range. That\nis the right hand side can be neglected \nor flows outside the transonic range. Now\nas in case of incompressible potential flow\nthat once the potential function is solved\nwe can very easily find the velocity component,\nthere is the perturbation velocities are simply\nthe derivative of those perturbation potential.\nAnd then we need to find the pressure coefficient\nor pressure from the velocity from the known\nvelocity field. Now, let us see what we can\ndo here. So, how to find the linearised pressure\ncoefficient, that is linearised pressure field\nor pressure coefficient c p, because you are\nmore interested in pressure coefficient than\nthe absolute pressure. Now this pressure coefficient\nby definition is p minus p infinity by half\nthe rho p infinity square. Which we have seen\nthat half rho infinity u infinity square can\nbe written as gamma p infinity m infinity\nsquare. So, this becomes 2 by gamma m infinity\nsquare, by p minus p infinity by p infinity\nwhich you write as 2 by gamma m infinity square\np by p infinity minus 1.\nNow, the flow is isentropic. So, this can\nbe written as 2 by gamma infinity square p\nby p infinity can be written as t by t infinity\nto the power gamma by gamma minus 1 minus\n1. And t by t infinity is again expressed\nin terms of speed of sound. You know using\nwhich we have already d 1 and b square is\nu infinity plus u square plus u square plus\nw square. And this gives a square by a infinity\nsquare to be 1 plus gamma minus 1 by 2 m infinity\nsquare into 1 minus \nthis now we can substitute here.\nSo, we have the pressure coefficient 2 by\ngamma m infinity square, 1 plus gamma minus\n1 by 2 m infinity square 1 minus where b square\nwe write the term u infinity plus u square,\nplus v square, plus w square by u infinity\nsquare through the power gamma by gamma minus\n1 minus 1. Now, using binomial theory and\nneglecting terms of higher order, because\nthese being smaller than 1 we can neglect\nthe terms of higher order. So, we can expand\nthis in binomial using binomial theorem and\nneglect the terms of higher order and this\nfinally, gives to \nminus 2 into u by u infinity plus 1 minus\nm infinity square, u square by u infinity\nsquare, plus higher power terms are neglected.\nNow, again going back to our small perturbation\ntheory where we neglect even the second order\nterm. So, we have minus 2 u by u infinity\nconsistent to our first order for a first\norder perturbation theory. That is we keep\nonly the first order terms not the product\nand square terms, and this is quite acceptable\nfor 2 dimensional flow \nand also for planar flow. Planar flow means,\nthat like flow over a wing over the wing is\nall most like a plane; however, we later on\nsee that for axisymmetric case, this c p is\nminus 2 u by u infinity and this last term\nis not negligible. So, not negligible this\nof course, we will come later that why it\nis not negligible.\nSo, we see that for 2 dimensional and planar\nflow this linearized pressure coefficient\nbecome simply, twice the x 1 component of\nnormalized perturbation velocity with negative\nsign. So, that is what is our linearization\nand we have see that the problem is greatly\nsolved when we have linearized the equation\nof course, for transonic and hypersonic cases,\nthat if for free stream mach number very close\nto 1 and very large this linearization is\nnot possible, even with the small perturbation\napproximation the equation still remain non-linear\nfor subsonic and supersonic case. All though\nwe get a completely linearized equation and\nthat equation can be solved quite easily as\nwe have been d 1 for incompressible flow where\nthe equation is simply laplacian of phi is\n0. However this to solve these equations we\nare also need in need of the boundary conditions.\nNow the most of most encountered boundary\ncondition is the wall boundary, because we\nare always interested flow around a body of\ninterest in case of aerodynamics the most\ninteresting or most important bodies are air\nfalls and wings. So, we are most often encountered\nwith wall boundary. And in wall boundary it\nis that no mass flow through the body no mass\nflow through the body which is quite obvious\nand this implies that normal velocity is 0.\nThat is the normal velocity u dot n equal\nto 0 or u 1 n x 1 plus u 2 n x 2, plus u 3\nn x 3 equal to 0 or velocity is tangential\nto the body surface. Which is also equivalent\nto saying that the body is body surface is\na stream surface. And with this boundary condition\nthe equation is to be completed and solved\nfor appropriate boundary condition\nSo, what we have done in this lecture, is\nthat we have derived the linearized form or\nthe of the irrotational flow equation, or\nthe potential flow potential equation for\nthe irrotational problem. We know how only\n1 equation in terms of a single unknown variable\nthat is the perturbation potential or the\nvelocity potential. And we also have the boundary\ncondition which if necessary can be linearized\nfor a particular given problem. In the first\nproblem that we will be handling is 2 dimensional\nflow past waves shape to all.\nSo, the first problem that we will consider\nis 2 d potential flow past waves shape to\nall which we I am second. So, this body surface\nis stream surface, this is for 2 dimensional\nflow, this implies that body is or stream\nline \nand hence, the boundary condition can be expressed.\nHence this can be expressed as \nbody slope which is slope of the stream line\napproximately slope of the stream line and\nthis is slope of the body. So, when the body\nslope is known that is body is known, then\nyou can equate that body slope to the slope\nof the stream line which is v by u infinity\nu of course, calculated on body for very thin\nbody can be linearized to \nd x 2 by d x 1.\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "Hey guys!\nMy name's Fernando and i am going to be performing\nthe periodic table.\nmmmmm\nand now, fernando presents: the periodic table!\nThere's Hydrogen and Helium Then Lithium,\nBeryllium Boron, Carbon everywhere Nitrogen\nall through the air\nWith Oxygen so you can breathe And Fluorine\nfor your pretty teeth Neon to light up the\nsigns Sodium for salty times\nMagnesium, Aluminium, Silicon Phosphorus,\nthen Sulfur, Chlorine and Argon Potassium,\nand Calcium so you'll grow strong Scandium,\nTitanium, Vanadium and Chromium and Manganese\nCHORUS This is the Periodic Table Noble gas\nis stable Halogens and Alkali react agressively\nEach period will see new outer shells While\nelectrons are added moving to the right\nIron is the 26th Then Cobalt, Nickel coins\nyou get Copper, Zinc and Gallium Germanium\nand Arsenic\nSelenium and Bromine film While Krypton helps\nlight up your room Rubidium and Strontium\nthen Yttrium, Zirconium\nNiobium, Molybdenum, Technetium Ruthenium,\nRhodium, Palladium Silver-ware then Cadmium\nand Indium Tin-cans, Antimony then Tellurium\nand Iodine and Xenon and then Caesium and...\nBarium is 56 and this is where the table splits\nWhere Lanthanides have just begun Lanthanum,\nCerium and Praseodymium\nNeodymium's next too Promethium, then 62's\nSamarium, Europium, Gadolinium and Terbium\nDysprosium, Holmium, Erbium, Thulium Ytterbium,\nLutetium\nHafnium, Tantalum, Tungsten then we're on\nto Rhenium, Osmium and Iridium Platinum, Gold\nto make you rich till you grow old Mercury\nto tell you when it's really cold\nThallium and Lead then Bismuth for your tummy\nPolonium, Astatine would not be yummy Radon,\nFrancium will last a little time Radium then\nActinides at 89\nREPEAT CHORUS\nActinium, Thorium, Protactinium Uranium, Neptunium,\nPlutonium Americium, Curium, Berkelium Californium,\nEinsteinium, Fermium Mendelevium, Nobelium\n(FORGOT), Law-rencium Rutherfordium, Dubnium\n(FORGOT), Seaborgium Bohrium, Hassium might\nthen, Meitnerium Darmstadtium, Roentgenium,\nCopernicium\nUnuntrium, Flerovium Ununpentium, Livermorium\nUnunseptium, Ununoctium And then we're done!!\nHope you guys enjoyed! i know i did.\nhehehehehe...... eh!\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "\nEnglish: \nWhen scientists announced the discovery of\nthe Wollemi Pine in Australia, in 1994,\nit caused a sensation. Some reported that\nit was like finding a living dinosaur,\nbecause the tree was only known\nfrom fossils in ‘Jurassic’ rocks.\nThat would make it extinct for 150 million years,\nby evolutionary reckoning.\nFinds like this are\nactually quite common.\nWhen something that scientists thought became\nextinct millions of years ago is found alive,\nit’s called a\n‘living fossil’.\nBut ‘living fossils’ pose\na problem for evolution:\nSince the organism\nhasn’t changed,\nit brings into question the\nsupposed millions of years age\nas well as the very\nidea of evolution.\nWhen a tree was planted in London recently,\nSir David Attenborough said:\n“It is romantic, I think, that something\nhas survived 200 million years unchanged”.\nWell perhaps he\nconsiders it romantic,\nbut this observation makes the millions of\nyears of evolution very hard to believe.\nTo find out more from\nCreation Ministries International\nvisit our website,\ncreation.com\n\nRussian: \nКогда в Австралии в 1994 году\nученые обнаружили Воллемию,\nэто стало настоящей сенсацией. Некоторые писали,\nчто это сравнимо с находкой живого динозавра,\nпотому что дерево было известно только как\nископаемое в отложениях Юрского периода.\nИсходя из эволюционных предположений,\nэто означало бы, что оно вымерло\n150 миллионов лет назад.\nНа самом деле, подобные\nнаходки довольно часты.\nЕсли что-то, что ученые считали вымершим\nмиллионы лет назад, находят живым –\nто это называют\n«живым ископаемым».\nНо живые ископаемые создают\nпроблемы для теории эволюции:\nведь тот факт, что организм\nс тех пор не изменился,\nставит под сомнение многомиллионный\nвозраст ископаемого,\nа также саму\nидею эволюции.\nНедавно оно было посажено в Лондоне\nи сэр Дэвид Аттенборо сказал:\n«Я думаю, что это романтично,\nчто нечто сохранялось без изменений\nна протяжении 200 миллионов лет».\nВозможно, он считает\nэто романтичным,\nно результаты данного наблюдения ставят под\nсомнение предполагаемые миллионы лет эволюции.\nЧтобы узнать больше от\nCreation Ministries International\nпосетите наш сайт\ncreation.com/russian\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "viene un batallón de ceros a comerse el mapa\nnos dejarán en los huesos miradlos acercarse\ngordos y lustrosos\nson legión lenta oleada marea impávida\ntan silenciosos tan mudos tan imagen y semejanza\nde carcoma\ny el joven agitado no comparece su barba no\nexhibe hirsuto\nno brinca airado desde su ágora ni al arma\nllama a sus semejantes\nestá vacía la atalaya podridos sus cimientos\nebrios dormidos estupefactos los vigías\nenvejecieron hace años y desertaron ya no\nhay nadie a quien avisar\ndesfilaron entre los neones y los escaparates\ny no sabiendo tener hijos tuvieron muñecos\ngraciosos y robóticos\ncon almas eléctricas y voces de disco\nno ya no veo a nadie rasgarse las vestiduras\nafeitarse la cabeza\ndesnudarse en el barro y cantar la simple\ncanción de la guitarra\nir juntos por la calle con la verdad en la\nvoz\ny las sucias manos llenas de ilusiones\nya nadie señala al enemigo con el dedo grita\nsu insultante nombre\nescupe mirando a los ojos del vil y cree en\nla victoria del doliente\nahora viene la muerte con sus perros gordos\ncon sus babas de cerveza y sus viseras\ny no está aquí el joven aullador para tirarle\npiedras\nya su compañera no está a su lado ni delante\ncon el pelo lleno de flores\ny su canción y sus besos y su valor de sangre\nde madre\nvino la gran apisonadora cargada de monedas\natrapando sus pies en la madurez de la vida\ny el asfalto\nblando asfalto negro abandonado el camino\nvivo de hierba\ncamino vivo de hierba que la hormiga frecuentaba\nque invitaba a dejarse llover y lavar los\ndestartalados cuerpos\nblando asfalto negro que nos dieron en premio\na la mansedumbre\nporque de los mansos será el reino del mañana\npero eso será mañana y conviene que así\nse acepte para bien de todos\nno ya no veo sino futuras barrigas y culos\nacomodados\ntodos practicando la autoadmiración umbilical\ny tantas putas y tantos futbolistas y tantos\nmaniquíes\ntodos con una mano en la cartera y otra en\nel hombro del que va delante\npara no perderse y no los oigo\nni la voz individual que enamoraba ni la voz\ncolectiva que encendía\nlas hogueras que debieron quemar el mundo\ny sofocaron\nlos ceros los bomberos los toreros los banqueros\nlos sepultureros\nloqueros relojeros\nsi tú supieras maestro que tu lección cayó\nfuera de tierra fértil\nal pedregal y se agostó la semilla y la comió\nel grajo\nque engordó y engordó hasta volverse águila\ny luego buitre\nse hizo con la boina del Che una camiseta\ny con el sueño de Miguel de Blas de León\nde Jorge de don Antonio\nun salón cultural recreativo on the rocks\ny con gomina y el jersey cruzado al hombro\ny da lecciones el águila y luego buitre de\nvuelo sin motor\ny del nuevo orden mundial que es la nueva\norden mundial\nde cuerpo a tierra y que nadie levante la\ncabeza\nseñor sí señor en ti confiamos y en la\nverdad de Dios con mayúscula\nvenga a nosotros tu república bananera y\nhágase en mí según tu televisión\ntú que eres tan sabio que viste que el futuro\nconsistía\nen que todos fuéramos Peter Pan y nos suministras\nel polvillo mágico\nde volar y volar puros e infantiles\ntan sin pecado que ya podemos follar como\nlos ángeles\ny todas las mujeres tienen las mejillas sonrosadas\ny tetas blanditas\ny ninguna de ellas muerde ni cocea ni tiene\npelos en el sobaco amén así sea\ngran hermano águila y luego buitre y luego\npadre nuestro\nque estás en nuestros estamentos en los frontispicios\ny los plintos\nen los pedestales y los telediarios perdónanos\nnuestras deudas\nque tan sabiamente has sabido contabilizar\ncon un módico interés legal\nahora que ya nadie te tira piedras ni pone\npalos en tus ruedas\nni arroja cócteles molotov sobre tus perros\nrabiosos\nni amenaza con el clamor popular si no es\npara celebrar los goles\nni pone barricadas a tus carrozas en las calles\nni grita no pasarán\nya nadie grita no pasarán porque no ven nada\nclaro que no pasen\nya nadie ve nada claro que algo dependa de\nlo que uno haga\nde lo que uno haga con otros o por sí consigo\nporque lo crea justo y conveniente\nnadie ve nada claro que el grano haga granero\ny la gota haga tormenta\nque arrastre al mar los limos y las basuras\na su paso\nporque el catecismo pasa de puntillas el asunto\nde Jesús echando del templo a los comerciantes\npero que luego daba al césar lo que era del\ncésar\ny el césar somos todos como bien se encargan\nde recordarnos a la hora del sextercio\naunque luego el bolsillo universal se colme\nde ceros\nque van devorando todo cuanto cae en la hucha\n¿y la esperanza? ¿qué fue de la esperanza?\nesa vieja pintarrajeada de verde se le cayeron\nlas tetas y los dientes\ny hoy la ves fumando en cualquier esquina\nvendiéndose a cualquiera\nque tenga desesperación y poca experiencia\ny sonríe al tonto\ncon las encías hueras y hueras las palabras\nle pinta futuros de humo\nah la esperanza yo la conocí de joven y era\nhermosa con muslos bien plantados\npodía llevarte a la espalda y sentías su\nvoz potente\nqué distinta y cómo la dejamos entre unos\ny otros hecha un espantajo de sí misma\nporque corríamos todos juntos con el corazón\nen la boca\ny a las espaldas la gris marea que nos abatía\npero no nos doblegaba\neso vino después y no fue la mano de hierro\nsino el guante de seda\nel que truncó juventudes desunió huesos\ny tendones y allí fue el llanto y el crujir\nde dientes\npero con la conveniente inyección de anestesia\nque todo lo aminora y lo pospone\nhasta diluir en güisqui los témpanos que\niban a hundir el Titanic\ngloria al señor en las alturas y en las presidencias\nde los consejos\npaz en la tierra a sus siervos que lo aman\nperramente espumarrajeando cuando toca la\ncampanilla\ngloria al señor que nos dio un voto como\nun tesoro y nos dejó libres para poder elegirle\ny que guiase sabiamente nuestros destinos\noh joya parlamentaria oh virgen de la urna\nque quitas el pecado del mundo y nos haces\ninocentes habitantes del limbo\nque separas el grano de la paja el país elegido\ndel maldito y al justo de la capacidad de\nacción\ntú que eres nuestro norte nuestro baluarte\nnuestro hijo de puta pero nuestro\noh gran hermano tú que emites a Disney y\ndevoras niños que lames coños y encenagas\nríos\nque embelleces parques y arrasas selvas que\ncongelas voluntades y deshielas glaciares\ndanos la paz y la muerte ahora que hemos conseguido\nque sean sinónimos,\ndanos al menos el plato de lentejas.\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "- You're telling me\nDiGiorno is lying to me?!\n- It looks good. It's just...\nit kinda just turns my stomach.\n- That straight up\nlooks like ice cream.\nThat's so weird!\n♪ (rock intro) ♪\n♪ (upbeat music) ♪\nOkay. Melty cheeseburger.\nDouble cheeseburger.\n- Is that how they get\nthe cheese perfect?\n- Okay.\n- \"Toothpicks hold ingredients\nin place.\"\nWait, what's happening here?\n- This is not safe to eat!\n- Oh, this is the stuff\nwhere it's like how they,\nin advertisements,\nmake the food look better\nthan it actually is?\n- Oh. Oh. (laughs)\n- (laughs)\n- Yeah. literally.\nThat's literally what\nit looks like in real life.\n- (laughs) That's it right there.\nReal versus what they show you.\n- It just looks like how\nyou would want it to look, I guess.\n- I did a hamburger commercial.\nThey brought in so many hamburgers,\nand they fussed with them.\n- (FBE) We have some more\nto show you in a little bit,\nbut that was a quick clip\nshowing some of the tricks\nthat advertisers use\nto make this burger look perfect.\n- Yeah, it's very fascinating,\nbecause I fall for it.\nI'm like, \"Well, that looks good,\"\nand it never looks like that.\n- (FBE) Today, we're gonna be\nshowing you 10 hacks\nthat food stylists use\nto make food look delicious\nin commercials, television, and more.\nAnd we're gonna have you try\none of these tricks out yourself\nto see how easy or hard it is\nto get that perfect food shot.\n- I am ready.\nLet's do this.\n♪ (rock music) ♪\n- Aspirin?\n- Oh, 'cause that makes it fizzier.\n- Look at-- that looks beautiful.\n- (laughs) Now that I didn't know.\n- What?!\nNo way.\n- Kind of feels like a bit of a lie,\n'cause my food is never this pretty.\n- This is making me sad.\nIt just ruined a perfectly good\nglass of Sprite.\n♪ (rock music) ♪\n- Shaving cream.\n- (laughs)\n- Stop it!\nIt's not really whipped cream?!\n- No! (laughs) Oh!\n- And it doesn't melt!\n- That one's pretty smart.\nI'll give it to them.\n- Whipped cream does taste better\nthan shaving cream. Let's be honest.\n- Whenever I put shaving cream out,\nI've been like-- I kinda wanna,\nlike... you know?\n(laughs)\n♪ (upbeat music) ♪\n- Uh...\n- What are they doing?!\n- See, that one's a bit weird.\nThey're putting screws in the pizza.\n- Okay, that's just weird.\n- What? (chuckles)\nAre they trying to make it stick?\n- Maybe this is why kids eat glue,\nyou know? (laughs)\n- Oh, wow.\n- Oh, more stretch. Oh my god.\n- I feel ethically repulsed by this.\nIt looks good. It's just--\nit kind of just turns my stomach.\n- You're telling me DiGiorno\nis lying to me?!\n- My mind is a little blown right now.\nThis is kinda cool.\n- (FBE) So, you are actually\ngoing to be trying out\nthis pizza hack.\n- Ooh!\n- (FBE) And this actually has been\ndebated by some food stylists,\nwith a few popular brands\nsaying that they\ndon't use this method.\nBut we still wanted to see\nif you could recreate this clip\nand make the cheesiest\npizza pull of all time.\n- Awesome. Let's get disgusting.\n- I will succeed!\n- I'm gonna wanna eat it! Nooo!\n- Pour this into here?\n- (FBE) Mm-hmm.\n- Got it. Okay.\nLet's-- fast, fast, fast.\n- We just dumpin' it right in here.\n- Okay. It's actually mixing together!\n- Oh my god.\nThat smell's not appetizing at all.\n- Okay. Oh, wow.\n- Ah. Ah. Um...\n- It's gonna be\nthe most appetizing pizza ever!\n- So, I go like that?\nOkay, so there's that side.\n- Uh...\n♪ Womp, womp, womp ♪\nFive Minute Crafts,\nyou lied to us!\n- One, two, three.\nI'm struggling. (gasps)\nOoooh!\nWow!\n(claps) I'm so proud\nof myself. (laughs)\n- Ahh, look at that.\nIt was a lot harder than I thought\njust because the timing was important.\nBut actually making this\nis pretty easy.\n♪ (rock music) ♪\n- Hmm.\n- That just looks fun to do,\njust in the sponge.\n- Wait, french fr--\nnooo.\n- Why are they putting them on sticks?\nIs it so it stands up in a box?\nOhhh! Yeah! Okay.\n- Yeah. (laughs)\n- Liars!\n- You know, I've never thought\nabout how they do that one.\nThis never crossed my mind.\nI never questioned the perfect fries.\n- It's too perfect to be true.\nThere are no small ones you find\nat the bottom after you take\nall the big ones out.\n- That's pretty genius.\nThat makes a lot of sense.\n- They do look better\nin the commercial, I have to say.\nI knew something was going on,\nbut I didn't know the extent.\n- When you associate fries,\nyou think of the little red carton\nand then fries sticking out perfectly.\nHollywood, baby.\n♪ (upbeat music) ♪\n- Hair spray.\n- I mean, I guess it's gonna\ngive it that shine, right?\n- Nice, glistening hair spray.\n- It looks good, but...\nthat's stuff for your hair,\nnot for food.\n- Isn't taste more important\nthan looks?\nI guess when you're advertising,\nit isn't.\n- It looks more appetizing.\nIt looks more fresh\nand more delicious,\nso it tantalizes you a bit.\n♪ (upbeat music) ♪\n- Jello. Glue is just--\nit's probably on the food pyramid.\n- Oh, no. Oh, jeez.\n- They're making cereal or something.\n- Oh, they're acting like it's milk.\nOhhhh.\n- Come on!\nLook at that perfect bowl\nof cereal.\n- That's how they get it\nto float at the top.\n- I never would've thought of that.\n- Huh. I'm not mad at that.\nJust for the pictures,\nit makes a lot of sense.\n- It's not that immoral,\n'cause they're not selling the milk.\nThey're selling the cereal.\n- More goes into it\nbesides just the coloring.\nIt's like the texture,\nhow it lay son top, all of it is so--\nmaking this beautiful picture\nof food for you in your mind.\n- (FBE) We're gonna have you\ntry to make your own picture perfect\nbowl of cereal.\n- Oh my gosh. This is so cool!\n- This is gonna be terrible.\n- Oh, goodie. Give me that glue.\n- (FBE) And here's your \"milk.\"\n- Cool. Thanks for the glue.\n- My milk smells\nlike elementary school.\n- This feels entirely unethical.\n- This is so weird. (chuckles)\n- We need a lot. Okay.\n- So, I mean, is there\na science to the placement\nto make it look more tasty\nor do I just go randomly?\n- I should've put this one over here.\nOh, wait. I can move it.\nDuh!\n- Maybe I should look into this.\nThis is really fun.\n- I could totally give this\nto my roommate and say,\n\"Here's some cereal,\"\nand it would look like it\nuntil they put it in their mouth,\nand it was terrible.\n- Okay, there we are. Perfection.\n- I'm ready to eat it. Ready? Okay.\n- (FBE) Yeah.\n- (chuckles)\n♪ (rock music) ♪\n- (laughs)\n- So, that's how you do it?\n- Ahhh! What?!\n\"Tampons are microwaved with water\nto create steam.\"\n- It's not weird...\n- What a reveal.\nThat's so much more dramatic\nthan the other one.\n- Who thinks of this stuff?!\n- So, if you don't have the tampons,\nthere's another option here.\nDry ice. Okay.\n- We used to do that.\nWe used to do that as kids.\n- Ohhh. Oh, yeah!\nI see YouTube videos of people\ndoing the dry ice experiments.\nThat's smart.\n- That's the more logical one to me.\nThat's like what I would think of\nif I had to do that.\n- It looks hot and ready to go\nor something.\n- That looks delicious.\nI wanna just go into the screen\nand take the food.\n♪ (upbeat music) ♪\n- Pancakes. All right.\n- Panca-- oh,\nto make it stack. Yes!\n- Wow.\n- That's really genius.\n- It makes sense to make it\nlook like there's more.\n- (gags)\n- Wait. What?!\n(laughs) What?\n- It worked.\nIt's the right color, consistency.\n- I was misled.\nI thought that was syrup.\nI mean, I guess\nthat also does its job.\nBut also, that's so inedible.\nYou cannot put motor oil in your body!\n♪ (upbeat music) ♪\n- Okay. Red food coloring.\n- Shortening food coloring. Okay.\nWhere's this going?\n- Oh, it's ice cream.\n- Oh! What?\nIce cream? Come on!\n- Oh my goodness. Oh! Yum.\n- That's fascinating.\nIt makes me wanna try some of these.\n- I mean, it does make sense\nwhy they would do all that,\nso it doesn't melt on set\nor something.\n- Once you actually have to promote it\nand shoot with it, you're right,\nice cream is gonna melt\nunder these hot lights.\nSo, you need to think\nof something else.\nThey're so crafty!\nPeople are so smart.\nI could never think of these things.\n- (FBE) Well, lastly, we're actually\ngonna have you try\nto make some delicious\ncommercial-grade ice cream...\n- Okay.\n- (FBE) ...that doesn't melt.\n- (gasps) I'm excited. (laughs)\n- It's like I'm on a cooking set\nor something like that.\n- I'm so interested to see\nhow this turns out,\n'cause it's still, you know,\ningredient stuff. (laughs)\nIt's just very different.\n- I don't know why I'm waiting\nfor something,\nlike the other shoe to fall.\nIt's like, okay,\nthere's gotta be a trick to this.\n- It's kind of like, I mean,\nbuttery in the middle.\n- It feels nothing like ice cream.\nIce cream's definitely more\nlike a solid, like,\nif it's too frozen,\nyou're gonna break\nyour wrist, (laughs)\npop out your shoulder.\nBut this is just--\nthere's zero friction to it.\nIt's very light, and it feels dry.\n- I'm gonna put two drops.\nLet me see.\n- One, two, three, four.\nMaybe five. (chuckles)\n- It's got such a sticky texture now.\n- This is so weird.\nLooking at it and not thinking\nabout the texture or anything,\nit looks like it could\ndefinitely be an ice cream.\n- Okay. See, I'm thinking\nmore appearance than what it's really\ngonna be for.\n- That straight up looks\nlike ice cream. That's so weird!\nThat's so weird! (laughs)\n- All right. There's my ice cream.\n- This looks appealing to me.\nOkay, it looks like ice cream.\nI see that, how they work.\nI still don't see how somebody\nsat down and thought of this.\n- That's so weird!\nIt's just like the texture\nof it totally looks like,\nokay, it's about to start melting.\nLike, ahhh.\n- (FBE) Now, that you have seen\nall these food tricks used\nin advertising, do you have\na new appreciation for food styling?\n- I do. I think it's a lot of work.\nAnd the whole concept of having it\nlook better than reality,\nthat's just such\nan interesting concept.\n- I'd love to say that, ah, man,\nI'd be awesome at that,\nbut I have no idea\nwhat I'm doing.\nYou gotta have an eye for it,\nand there's probably\nsome training involved.\n- It's such a cool career to have,\nbecause you have to be really smart\nto think about what about this food\nis so appealing, how do I make it\nlook appealing in a commercial\nas opposed to just the real food.\n- It's clever. I'll give them that.\nYou have to sit there,\nand you have to think of these things\nthat actually do the job,\n'cause if you do it wrong,\nthen someone's gonna see it\non the camera and they're like,\n\"That's fake as hell.\"\nIt takes a bit of work.\nYou gotta make it look real.\nYou gotta make it do its job\nand be better than real life.\n- (FBE) Throughout the years,\nwe've seen more and more things\naltered to look better online\nand in media in general,\nso this is just one kind\nof example of it.\nSo, how do you think\nthat fake media such as altered photos\non Instagram or even food used\nin commercials has kind of affected\nthe way that we view images today?\n- I mean, it's sort of\nlike Photoshop in real life.\nWe expect things to look better,\nlike food or something like that,\nso it just kind of affects\nthe way that we think.\n- I think it just kind of\nmakes our brains want more things\nor want everything to be perfect,\nwhich it isn't,\nbut we like a good presentation,\nwhich is why we Facetune our selfies.\n- I think food is okay\nto make it look better looking,\nbut yourself on Instagram,\nyou don't need to Photoshop yourself.\n- It does affect someone's psychology\nwhen looking at the Instagram\nthinking that this is\nthe standard of beauty.\nBut we're not gonna have\nthat same association with food.\n- The images that we take in,\nbelieving to be real are not.\nThings that we find to be real,\nwe're surprised and don't believe it.\n- I sit there, and I look\nat photos of me\nor photos I take in general,\nand if it's not perfect,\nthe things I'm seeing,\nthen I start to feel\nterrible about myself\nor I start to maybe question\nif I'm good enough.\nGrowing up with it,\nmaybe it was a little rough on us,\n'cause now we're all perfectionists\nthat overstress and overthink\nabout every little thing.\n- We just have so many things\nout there now that we can change\nand alter and make look better\nthan what it was before.\nWe do it, because the human eye,\nwe wanna see something that's pleasing\nrather than something that's not.\nIt just goes to show\nthat not everything's real,\nand everything's kind of just fake.\n- Thanks for watching\nthis episode of Generations React.\n- Did we miss any food tricks?\nLet us know in the comments.\n- Peace out!\n- Hey, everyone.\nLauren, producer here at FBE.\nThank you so much\nfor watching this episode.\nWhat kind of food content\ndo you want us to try next?\nLet us know down in the comments,\nand you might see it happen. Bye!\n(muffled) Ugh. Not a good choice.\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "\nEnglish: \nA rapscallion ingested 35 knives.\nThis is what happened to his gut.\nJC was a hearty mariner, presenting to...the\nconsulting rooms of Dr Babington at Guy’s\nHospital in London.\nBut at this point he was far advanced in his\nmalady and hence our story begins several\nyears prior.\nWelcome to the Olde England Journal of Medicine.\nIn the year of 1799, J Cummings, ah no that\nis excess divulgation lest his identity be\nrevealed, I shall instead refer to this maritime\nman as John C, 23 years of age, being with\nhis ship on the coast of France, and having\ngone on shore with some of his shipmates,\nhe and his party directed their course towards\na tent, which they saw in a field.\nBeing told that a play was acting there, they\nentered, and found in the tent a mountebank,\n\nEnglish: \nA cheeky fellow swallowed 35 knives. This is\nwhat happened to his gut.\nJC was a sailor, presenting to the\nconsulting rooms of Dr Babington at Guy’s Hospital in London,\none of the most famous & oldest hospitals in the UK. But he was already pretty sick by then\nso we'll join his story some years earlier.\nWelcome to the Old England Journal of Medicine (a parody on the New England Journal of Medicine)\nIn the year of 1799, L Simpson, no no that's too obvious, I shall instead refer to her\nas Lisa S, 23 years of age, crew of a ship that had moored in France, he\nwent ashore with some of his shipmates and they headed towards a tent of ill repute\nwhich they saw in a field. I don't know why I wanted to include that bit, but I liked it.\nThey heard there was some entertainment going on and found a trickster performing,\n\nEnglish: \nentertaining the audience by pretending\nto swallow clasp knives. Having returned on\nboard, Cummings, after drinking freely, boasted\nthat he could swallow knives as well as the\nFrenchman. His crewmates held him to his claim. And although, as he admitted when questioned later by the doctors\nthat he was not\nparticularly anxious to take the job in hand,\nhe didn't want to appear a liar, and being fairly pissed, he\ntook his own pocket-knife, and on trying to\nswallow it \"it slipped down his throat with\ngreat ease, and by the assistance of some\ndrink, and the weight of the knife,\"\nhe gulped down that whole f*cking thing.\nThe spectators, however, were not satisfied\nwith just one performance, and asked JC\n\"whether he could swallow more?\" his answer\nwas, \"all the knives on board the ship;\"\nupon which, three knives were immediately\nproduced, \"which were swallowed in the same\nway as the former;\" and \"by this bold attempt\nof a drunken man, the company was well entertained\"\n\nEnglish: \nwho was entertaining the audience by pretending\nto swallow clasp knives.\nHaving returned on board, Cummings, after\ndrinking freely, boasted that he could swallow\nknives as well as the Frenchman.\nHe was taken on his word and challenged to\ndo it.\nThus pressed, and though (as he candidly acknowledged\nin his narrative) \" not particularly anxious\nto take the job in hand, he did not like to\ngo against his word, and having a good supply\nof grog inwardly,\" he took his own pocket-knife,\nand on trying to swallow it \"it slipped down\nhis throat with great ease, and by the assistance\nof some drink, and the weight of the knife,\"\nit was conveyed into his stomach.\nThe spectators, however, were not satisfied\nwith one experiment, and asked the operator\n\" whether he could swallow more ?\" his answer\nwas, \"all the knives on board the ship ;\"\nupon which, three knives were immediately\nproduced,\"which were swallowed in the same\nway as the former; and \" by this bold attempt\nof a drunken man, the company was well entertained\"\n\nEnglish: \nThe next afternoon he took a dump, with which\nhe passed one knife, which however was not\nthe first one he swallowed. The\nnext day he passed two knives at once, one\nof which was the first. The fourth never came\naway.\nSix years later, in the month of March 1805,\nbeing then in Boston, site of colonial betrayal, he was tempted\nto show off about his dubious blade-munching talent when boozing with some ne'erdowells.\nHe added that once a knife-eating fool, always a knife-eating fool, and he was ready to repeat his performance; upon which,\na knife was produced, which he instantly swallowed.\nIn the course of that evening he swallowed\nfive more. The next morning crowds of visitors\ncame to see him; and in the course of that\nday he was induced to swallow eight knives\nmore, making in all fourteen motherf*cking knives. This time, however,\nhe paid dearly for his frolic; because the next morning he puked up his guts like a vomiting nutter.\nHe had such agony in his stomach that he was taken to Charleston hospital, where,\n\nEnglish: \nThe next afternoon he had a motion, with which\nhe passed one knife, which however was not\nthe one that he had swallowed the first.\nThe next day he passed two knives at once,\none of which was the first.\nThe fourth never came away.\nSix years later, in the month of March 1805,\nbeing then at Boston, in America, he was one\nday tempted, while drinking with a party of\nsailors, to boast of his former exploits,\nadding, that he was the same man still, and\nready to repeat his performance; upon which,\na knife was produced, which he instantly swallowed.\nIn the course of that evening he swallowed\nfive more.\nThe next morning crowds of visitors came to\nsee him; and in the course of that day he\nwas induced to swallow eight knives more,\nmaking in all fourteen.\nThis time, however, he paid dearly for his\nfrolic; for he was seized the next morning\nwith constant vomiting, and pain at his stomach,\nwhich made it necessary to carry him to Charleston\n\nEnglish: \nhospital, where, betwixt that period and the\n28th of the following month, he was safely\ndelivered of his cargo.\nHaving later been pressed into His Majesty’s\nnaval service, he got drunk, and, as usual,\nrenewed the topic of his former follies.\nHe was once more challenged to repeat the\nexperiment, and again complied, \"disdaining,\"\nas he said “to be worse than his word.\"\nThis took place on the 4th of December 1805,\nand in the course of that night he swallowed\nfive knives.\nOn the next morning the ship's company having\nexpressed a great desire to see him repeat\nthe performance, he complied with his usual\nreadiness, and \" by the encouragement of the\npeople, and the assistance of good grog,\"\nhe swallowed that day, nine clasp knives,\nsome of which were very large and he was afterwards\nassured, by the spectators, that he had swallowed\nfour more, which, however, he declares he\nknew nothing about, being, no doubt, at this\nperiod of the business, too much intoxicated\nto have any recollection of what was passing.\n\nEnglish: \nbetween that period and the 28th of the following\nmonth (April), he was safely delivered of his cargo.\nHaving later been press-ganged [forcibly recruited] into the British navy, he got sloshed, and, as usual,\nrenewed the topic of his former dagger-digesting tomfoolery. He\nwas once more challenged to repeat the dare,\nand again agreed to do so, unwilling\n“to be worse than his word.\" This took place\non the 4th of December 1805, and in the course\nof that night he swallowed five knives. On\nthe next morning, the ship's company egged him onto to do it again,\nand being a weak-willed salty sea dog, he agreed with his usual\nreadiness, and, with the crowd cheering him on,\nand ample supply of grog,\nhe swallowed nine clasp knives,\nsome of which were very large and he was afterwards\nassured, by the spectators, that he had swallowed\nfour more, which he had no recollection of, because he was, of course\nas pissed as a fart at this point.\n\nEnglish: \nThis made a total of at least thirty-five\nknives, swallowed at different times. On the\nfollowing day, 6th of December, feeling pretty sh*te, he went to the surgeon of the\nship, who paid great attention to his case, but had very limited resources on board and no relief was obtained. At last, about\nthree months afterwards, he vomited one side\nof the handle of a knife, which was recognised\nby one of the crew to whom it had belonged [it still had his name legible on the side].\nIn the month of November, he passed several\nfragments of knives, and some more in February\n1807. In June of the same year, he was discharged\nfrom his ship as incurable; immediately after\nwhich, he came to London, where he became\na patient of Dr. Babington, in Guy's Hospital.\nHe was discharged after a few days, his story\nappearing beyond belief.\nAfter an interval of nearly a year since his\nformer plea for help, he was readmitted. He\nwas considered as a faker and malingerer, and was\ntreated accordingly. Subsequently, however,\nthe consistency of his story, the intense\npain he suffered at the region of his stomach,\n\nEnglish: \nThis made a total of at least thirty-five\nknives, swallowed at different times.\nOn the following day, 6th of December, feeling\nmuch indisposed, he applied to the surgeon\nof the ship, who paid great attention to his\ncase, but no relief was obtained.\nAt last, about three months afterwards, he\nvomited one side of the handle of a knife,\nwhich was recognized by one of the crew to\nwhom it had belonged.\nIn the month of November, he passed several\nfragments of knives, and some more in February\n1807.\nIn June of the same year, he was discharged\nfrom his ship as incurable; immediately after\nwhich, he came to London, where he became\na patient of Dr. Babington, in Guy's hospital.\nHe was discharged after a few days, his story\nappearing altogether incredible.\nAfter an interval of nearly a year since his\nformer application, he was readmitted.\nHe was considered as a hypochondriac, and\nwas treated accordingly.\nSubsequently, however, the consistency of\nhis story, the intense pain he suffered at\nthe region of his stomach, and a hardness\nwhich Dr. Babington thought he could appreciate\n\nEnglish: \nin the region of the colon, induced his medical\nattendants to give some credit to his account.\nDr. Babington having one day examined him,\nconjointly with Sir Astley Cooper, concluded\nfrom the deep black colour of his alvine evacuations,\nthat there really was an accumulation of ferruginous\nmatter in his organs of digestion.\nAnd this was fully confirmed soon afterwards,\nby Mr. Lucas, one of the surgeons of the hospital,\nwho, by introducing his finger into the rectum,\ndistinctly felt in it a portion of a knife,\nwhich appeared to lie across the intestine,\nbut which he could not extract, on account\nof the intense pain which the patient expressed\non his attempting to grasp the erstwhile clasp.\nWith a view to dissolve these bodies, or at\nleast in hopes of succeeding in blunting their\nedges, nitric, and afterwards sulphuric acids,\ncombined with opium, were prescribed.\nIn March of 1809, the wretched fellow expired\nin a state of extreme emaciation.\n\nEnglish: \nand a hardness which Dr. Babington thought\nhe could feel in the region of the colon,\ninduced his doctors to maybe think this bastard be telling the truth. Dr. Babington, having\none day examined him, conjointly with Sir\nAstley Cooper [there's no hyphen, ignore the on-screen text],\nconcluded from the deep brown colour of his stool, that there\nreally was a load of rusty sh*t inside this\nunlucky schmuck's organs of digestion. And this\nwas fully confirmed soon afterwards, by Mr.\nLucas, one of the surgeons of the hospital,\nwho, by sticking a finger UP HIS ASS,\ndistinctly felt a knife lying SIDEWAYS across the bowel. JESUS THAT IS HORRIFIC.\nbut which he could not extract, on account\nof the intense pain which the patient expressed\non his attempting to grasp the erstwhile clasp.\nWith a view to dissolve these blades, or at\nleast in hopes of succeeding in blunting their\nedges, they tried pouring F*CKING ACID INTO HIS ASS. In March\nof 1809, the unlucky bugger died in a very malnourished state.\n\nEnglish: \nUpon opening the body after death, various\ninteresting appearances presented themselves\nThroughout the cavity of the abdomen, a blackish\nferruginous tinge prevailed, which was also\nobservable in the hepatic system.\nOn examining the intestines, one of the blades,\nand one of the back springs, were actually\nfound in them, both so situated that their\nexpulsion from the body was obviously impossible.\nOne had literally transfixed the colon opposite\nthe left kidney, and projected into the cavity\nof the abdomen; while another was found stretching\nacross the rectum, with one of its extremities\nactually filed in the muscular parietes of\nthe pelvis.\nA great many portions of blades, knife-springs,\nand handles, were found in the stomach, including\nthe remnants of a balisong knife apparently\noriginating in the Philippines, by way of\na Spaniard, attesting to the fact JC quite\nliterally felt a butterfly in his stomach.\nThese fragments numbered in excess of 40,\nsome of which were remarkably corroded, and\n\nEnglish: \nUpon opening the body after death, various\ninteresting appearances presented themselves\nThroughout the cavity of the abdomen, a blackish\nrusty colour prevailed, which was also\nobservable in the liver and gall bladder. On examining\nthe intestines, one of the blades, and one\nof the back springs, were actually found in\nthem, both so situated that their expulsion\nfrom the body was obviously impossible. One\nhad literally\npinned the colon to other structures in the abdomen, near the left kidney, while another was found stretching\nacross the rectum, buried in the muscular wall around\nthe pelvis.\nA load of blades, knife-springs,\nand handles were found in the stomach, including\nthe remnants of a balisong [butterfly] knife apparently\noriginating in the Philippines, by way of\na Spaniard, attesting to the fact JC quite\nliterally felt a butterfly in his stomach. [I made this bit up just for the pun. I'm sorry]\nThere were over 40 separate fragments,\nsome of which were remarkably corroded, and\n\nEnglish: \nprodigiously reduced in size, while others\nwere comparatively in a state of tolerable\npreservation.\nSir Astley Cooper deduced, that so long as\nthe stomach was not injured in its action\nand texture, the passage of the knives was,\nin most instances, attended with very little\ninconvenience.\nBut from the frequent repetition of these\nexperiments, together with the man's habits\nof intemperance, the stomach at last lost\nthe power of transmitting to the intestines\nthose bulky and unyielding bodies.\nThey therefore now remained in that organ,\nwhere they were exposed to corrosive stomach\njuices which dissolved the knives’ housing,\ninvariably made of animal horn, exposing the\nsharp blades to wreak havoc upon the gob’s\ngut.\nWhat can be gleaned from this old knives tale?\nIt is the opinion of the Old England Journal\nof Medicine, that if tempted by inebriation\nand a desire to entertain those who care not\nfor your wellbeing, steel your resolve and\n\nEnglish: \nworn down to stubs, while others\nwere impressively well preserved.\nSir Astley Cooper [no hyphen] deduced, that\nso long as the stomach was not injured in\nits normal function, its muscular wall was able to move the knives onwards into the intestines.\nBut because he kept doing this ridiculous thing, combined with the fact\nhe was a boozer, the stomach's motility (muscular action) became ineffective.\nAnd the chunky objects now sat in the stomach,\nwhere they were exposed to stomach acids which dissolved the knives’\nhousing, normally made of animal horn, exposing\nthe sharp blades to wreak havoc upon the\ngob's (slang: sailor) gut.\nWhat can be gleaned from this old knives' tale?\nIt is the opinion of the Old England Journal\nof Medicine, that if you want to impress punks that don't give two sh*ts about you,\n\nEnglish: \nif posed the question as to whether you can\nswallow any more knives, do not answer with\n“all the knives on board the ship”.\nUntil the next issue of the Old England Journal\nof Medicine, I wish you rude health.\nStay sharp.\n\nEnglish: \nsteel your resolve and refuse, no matter how cutting their barbs. And if anyone asks if\nyou can swallow some knives, do not answer with\n“all the knives on board the ship”.\nUntil the next issue of the Old England Journal\nof Medicine, I wish you rude health. Stay\nsharp.\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "\nFrench: \n[GAVIN] : Qu'est ce qui te ferais... tu sais ? Ressentir quelque chose ?\n[NINE] : Je suppose que je devrais commencer par apprendre à connaître quelqu'un.\n[NINE] : Être connecté avec cette personne sur le plan mental et émotionnel.\n[NINE] : Sauf qu'une fois que je suis attiré...\n[NINE] : Je peux me concentrer sur certains détails de leur apparence que je trouve charmants.\n[NINE] : Et toi ?\n[NINE] : Qu'est ce qu'il faudrait pour que tu ressentes quelque chose ?\n[CE PRINTEMPS]\n[GAVIN] : Il n'arrête pas d'essayer de se rapprocher et ça n'a aucun sens.\n[TINA] : Bien sur que ça en a. Tu es son monde.\n[NOUS ÉVOLUONS TOUS]\n[CHRIS] : À l'époque, quand ils nous ont dit que vous n'étiez que des machines\n[CHRIS] : La clémence de Markus m'a montré que vous étiez bien vivant.\n[CHRIS] : Que vous étiez des personnes.\nDETROIT EVOLUTION\n\nEnglish: \n[GAVIN]: What would make you? You know. Feel something.\n[NINES]: I suppose I would start with getting to know someone.\n[NINES]: Connecting with them on a mental and emotional level.\n[NINES]: Except, once an attraction has occured...\n[NINES]: I could fixate on certain aspects of their appearance that I find charming.\n[NINES]: What about you?\n[NINES]: What would it take to make you feel something?\n[GAVIN]: He keeps trying to get closer and it doesn't make any sense.\n[TINA]: Sure it does. You're his world.\n[CHRIS]: Back then they told us that you all were just machines.\n[CHRIS]: Markus's mercy showed me that you were alive.\n[CHRIS]: That you're people.\n\nJapanese: \nどういうのがいいと思う?\nほら 好みの話だ\nまずはその人を知ることから始めるかと\n精神的 感情的レベルで繋がって\n例外として 一度魅了されれば\n素敵だと思ったその外見的一面に\n固執するかもしれませんが\nあなたは?\n何が魅力を感じさせますか?\n\"今春\"\n親密になろうとしてくるが 意味なんかない\nあるに決まってる\nあなたは彼の世界なの\n”私達は 進化する”\n当時 お前達はただの機械だと言われていた\nマーカスの慈悲が教えてくれた\nお前達は生きていると\n――君は\"人\"だと\n\"デトロイト 進化\"\n\nItalian: \n[GAVIN]: Cosa ti farebbe... provare qualcosa?\n[NINES]: Immagino che inizierei\n conoscendo meglio la persona.\n[NINES]: Trovando una connessione\nmentale ed emotiva.\n[NINES]: Anche se, quando subentra un'attrazione,\n[NINES]: Potrei fissarmi su certi elementi\ndell'aspetto fisico che trovo affascinanti.\n[NINES]: E tu?\n[NINES]: Cosa porterebbe te a provare qualcosa?\nQUESTA PRIMAVERA\n[GAVIN]: Continua a cercare di avvicinarsi\ne non ha alcun senso.\n[TINA]: Certo che ce l'ha. Sei il suo mondo.\nTUTTI EVOLVIAMO\n[CHRIS]: Ci avevano detto che eravate solo macchine.\n[CHRIS]: La clemenza di Markus mi ha dimostrato\nche siete vivi.\n[CHRIS]: Che siete persone.\n\nChinese: \n[GAVIN]:你會怎樣?你懂。感受一些事\n[NINES]:我想我將從認識某人開始。\n[NINES]:在心理和情感層面上與他們聯繫。\n除非一旦被他們吸引,否則......\n[NINES]:我會太專注於我覺得很迷人的外觀裏。\n[NINES]:你呢?\n[NINES]:有什么可以讓您感覺到些什麼?\n[GAVIN]:他一直試圖靠近,但這沒有任何意義\n[TINA]:當然可以。 你是他的世界\n[CHRIS]: 那時他們告訴我們,你們都是機器。\n[CHRIS]: Markus的憐憫告訴我,你們是活著的。\n[CHRIS]: 你們是人類\n\nDutch: \nWat zou er moeten gebeuren? Je weet wel. Om je te laten voelen.\nIk denk dat ik zou beginnen met iemand te leren kennen.\nEen connectie maken op een metaal en emotioneel niveau.\nBehalve, wanneer er een aantrekkingskracht is...\nZou ik me kunnen fixeren op bepaalde elementen van zijn/haar uiterlijk that ik charmant vind.\nEn jij?\nWat zou er moeten gebeuren om jou iets te laten voelen?\nKOMENDE LENTE\nHij probeert steeds dichterbij te komen en het slaat nergens op.\nNatuurlijk wel. Jij bent zijn wereld.\nEVOLUEREN WE ALLEMAAL\nToen ze ons vertelde dat jullie allemaal alleen maar machines waren.\nMarkus zijn genade liet mij ziet dat jullie leven.\nDat jullie mensen zijn.\n\nRussian: \n[ГЭВИН]: Что бы тебя заставило? Ну, знаешь. Почувствовать что-нибудь.\n[НАЙНС]: Полагаю, я бы начал со знакомства с кем-нибудь.\n[НАЙНС]: С общения с ними на ментальном и эмоциональном уровне.\n[НАЙНС]: Однако, когда появится влечение,\n[НАЙНС]: Я мог бы сосредоточиться на определенных аспектах их внешности, которые я нахожу обаятельными.\n[НАЙНС]: А что насчет тебя?\n[НАЙНС]: Что нужно, чтобы заставить тебя что-то почувствовать?\nЭТОЙ ВЕСНОЙ\n[ГЭВИН]: Он продолжает попытки сблизиться, и это не имеет смысла.\n[ТИНА]: Конечно, имеет. Ты его мир.\nМЫ ВСЕ РАЗВИВАЕМСЯ\n[КРИС]: Тогда нам сказали, что вы были просто машинами.\n[КРИС]: Милосердие Маркуса показало мне, что вы были живыми.\n[КРИС]: Что вы люди.\n\nGerman: \n[GAVIN]: Was würde dich dazu bringen? Du weißt schon. Etwas zu fühlen?\n[NINES]: Ich vermute ich würde damit anfangen jemanden kennenzulernen.\n[NINES]: Mich mit ihnen auf einer mentalen und emotionalen Ebene zu verbinden.\n[NINES]: Doch sobald eine Zuneigung eingetreten ist …\n[NINES]: Könnte ich mich auf bestimmte Aspekte ihres Aussehens, welche ich anziehend finde, fixieren.\n[NINES]: Was ist mit dir?\n[NINES]: Was müsste passieren, damit du etwas fühlst?\nDiesen Frühling\n[GAVIN]: Er versucht ständig, immer näher zu kommen und es macht überhaupt keinen Sinn.\n[TINA]: Natürlich macht es Sinn. Du bist sein Ein und Alles.\nWir alle entwickeln uns weiter\n[CHRIS]: Damals sagten sie uns, ihr alle wärt nur Maschinen.\n[CHRIS]: Markus’ Barmherzigkeit hat mir gezeigt, dass ihr lebt.\n[CHRIS]: Dass ihr menschliche Wesen seid.\n\nSpanish: \nGAVIN: ¿Qué es lo que te haría... Ya sabes, sentir algo?\nNINES: Supongo que empezaría con conocer a alguien.\nNINES: Conectar con ese alguien a un nivel mental y emocional.\nNINES: Solo una vez que haya ocurrido una atracción...\nNINES: Podría fijarme en ciertos aspectos de su apariencia que encuentro encantadores.\nNINES: ¿Qué hay de ti?\nNINES: ¿Qué es lo que te haría sentir algo?\nGAVIN: Él sigue intentando acercarse y no tiene ningún sentido.\nTINA: Sí lo tiene. Eres su mundo.\nCHRIS: En aquel entonces nos dijeron que todos ustedes eran solo máquinas.\nCHRIS: La piedad de Markus me demostró que ustedes estaban vivos.\nCHRIS: Que ustedes eran humanos.\n\nPortuguese: \n[GAVIN]: O que te faria, sabe, sentir algo?\n[NINES]: Suponho que eu começaria tentando conhecer alguém.\n[NINES]: Conectar com ele em um nível mental e emocional.\n[NINES]: Exceto, quando ocorre atração...\n[NINES]: Eu conseguiria focar em certos aspectos de sua aparência que me atraem.\n[NINES]: E você?\n[NINES]: O que te levaria a sentir algo?\n[GAVIN]: Ele continua tentando se aproximar e não faz nenhum sentido.\n[TINA]: Claro que faz. Você é o mundo dele.\n[CHRIS]: Antes, eles nos disseram que vocês eram apenas máquinas.\n[CHRIS]: A misericórdia do Markus me mostrou que estão vivos.\n[CHRIS]: Que vocês são pessoas.\n\nPortuguese: \n[GAVIN]: O que te faria, sabe, sentir algo?\n[NINES]: Eu acho que eu começaria conhecendo alguém.\n[NINES]: Criando uma conexão com ele em um nível mental e emocional.\n[NINES: Só que quando uma atração tiver ocorrido...\n[NINES]: Eu poderia me fixar em certos aspectos de sua aparência que eu achasse cativantes.\n[NINES]: E você?\n[NINES]: O que te faria sentir algo?\n[GAVIN]: Ele fica tentando se aproximar e não faz sentido.\n[TINA]: Claro que faz. Você é o mundo dele.\n[CHRIS]: Antigamente nos diziam que você eram apenas máquinas.\n[CHRIS]: A misericórdia de Markus me mostrou que vocês estão vivos.\n[CHRIS]: Que vocês são pessoas.\n\nJapanese: \n\"2020年春 Youtubeにて公開\"\n\"OctopunkMediaをチャンネル登録して\n追加情報や制作舞台裏をチェック\"\n\nFrench: \nAvant-première sur Youtube durant le printemps 2020 Abonnez vous à OctopunkMedia pour voir Les mises à jour et Les making-off du tournage de Detroit Evolution\n\nDutch: \nGaat in première op Youtube in de lente van 2020\nAbonneer op OctoppunkMedia voor updates en beelden van achter de schermen van Detroit Evolution\n\nItalian: \nIn arrivo su Youtube nella primavera 2020\nIscriviti a OctopunkMedia per gli aggiornamenti\ne i dietro le quinte di Detroit Evolution\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": " \nTo Sleep\n \n \n \n \nO soft embalmer of the still midnight\nShutting, with careful fingers and benign,\nOur gloom-pleas’d eyes, embower’d from the light,\nEnshaded in forgetfulness divine:\n \n \n \n \nO soothest Sleep!\nif so it please thee, close\nIn midst of this thine hymn my willing eyes,\n \nOr wait the «Amen,» ere thy poppy throws\nAround my bed its lulling charities.\nThen save me,\n \nSave me\nor the passed day will shine Upon my pillow,\nbreeding many woes,—\n \nSave me\nSave me from curious Conscience, that still lords\nIts strength for darkness, burrowing like a mole;\nTurn the key deftly in the oiled wards,\nAnd seal the hushed\nCasket of my Soul.\n \n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "Editor's Note: For the sake of transparency,\nyes, I live in Australia and as such the version\nof the game played was the 'Australian Edition'.\nAs such no hookers were hurt during the making\nof this review.\nExcept that one time I decided to use the\nside-walk as a freeway, but then again who\nhasn't done that?\n*police siren* *door cracking in background*\nI'm sorry officers!\nI was in a rush, please believe me!\nSlipping back in to Grand Theft Auto 3 for\nthe first time in almost a decade was a strange,\nbut certainly not unwelcome experience.\nWhile playing the game old memories would\nlight up and eventually cascade, with the\nsum total being an almost unwilled, but convenient\nguide book existing entirely in my mind.\nThe fact that these knowledge has remained\nso ingrained is a testament to the original\nrelease and if it's any indicator, the iOS\nre-release has got things right on the money.\nHowever, lets first consider what has changed:\nVisually the game has been enhanced (that\nis to say, upscaled to a new resolution),\nbut detailing has been lost even on A5 devices.\nVisual effect overlays are gone, along with\nthe cooler tone and trash blowing in the wind.\nThe upshot is the removal of the unnecessary\n'blur' effect and a framerate that is stable,\nthough the odd moment of choppier performance\ndoes rear its ugly head (if only briefly).\nThe payoff is a game that defined a generation\nof clones that came close, but never quite\ncaptured the same spirit of freedom and fun\nof the original.\nGrand Theft Auto 3 places you in the role\nof Claude, a criminal who finds himself with\na second-chance to climb the ladder of the\nshadowy underworld instead of spending life\nin jail.\nIn order to advance the story and unlock new\nareas (including new weapons and vehicles)\nyou'll need to perform favors for various\nindividuals and organizations around the city\nincluding the Mafia, Yakuza and even the prominent\n'Donald Love'.\nIf this isn't your first time in a sandbox\ntitle on the iOS, you'll slip in to the controls\nwith ease - a responsive virtual stick along\nwith a handful of dynamic buttons make it\neasy to run, jump and smack people around\nthe face.\nSadly the automatic targeting system hasn't\nbeen updated, making some encounters needlessly\ncomplicated, but new-comers and returning\ngenre fans should find themselves tearing\naround corners in vehicles or shooting up\na storm in no time thanks to a handful of\nintroductory missions.\nAside from the high hardware requirements,\nthe only complaints that could be leveled\nat Grand Theft Auto 3 come in the form of\nmissed opportunities that could have helped\nto define this as a strong iOS title - accelerometer\nbased driving and an iTunes based radio station\njust to name a couple.\nThat said, iPhone owners need not fear incoming\ncalls as the game automatically resumes from\nwhere you've left off, removing the fear of\nlosing progress over short bursts of play.\nIf you owned and loved the original Grand\nTheft Auto 3, then this is exactly what you'd\nexpect - a nostalgic and full-featured romp\nwith all the fun that comes from a sandbox\nstyle of game.\nNew-comers may be initially put off by the\ndated aesthetics, but it doesn't mar what\nis otherwise an excellent archetype.\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "\niw: \nאז יש לנו\nf של x כאן\nוזה מוגדר באופן מקטוע\nעבור x פחות מאפס,\nf של x הוא x פלוס אחד,\nעבור x גדול או שווה לאפס,\nf של x הוא קוסינוס של x פאי.\nואנחנו רוצים להעריך\nאת האינטגרל המסוים\nממינוס אחד לאחד של f של dx x.\nואתם יכולים לומר מיד,\nגם, איזו מהגרסאות האלה של f של x\nאני הולך למצוא את\nהאנטינגזרת ,\nבגלל ממינוס אחד לאפס,\nהייתי חושב על X ועוד אחד,\nאבל אז מאפס עד אחד\nהייתי חושב על קוסינוס פאי x.\nואם הייתם חושבים ש,\nאתם חושבים בכיוון הנכון.\nוהאופן שבו אנחנו יכולים לעשות את זה\nהיא קצת יותר פשוטה\nהיא למעשה לפצל את\nהאינטגרל המסוים הזה.\nזה הולך להיות שווה\nלאינטגרל המסוים\nממינוס אחד לאפס\nשל f של x dx\nבתוספת האינטגרל\nמאפס לאחד\nשל f של dx x.\nעכשיו למה זה שימושי\nלי לפצל אותו בדרך הזו,\nבפרט לפצל את אינטגרל\nממינוס אחד לאחד,\n\nEnglish: \n- [Voiceover] So we have\na f of x right over here\nand it's defined piecewise\nfor x less than zero,\nf of x is x plus one,\nfor x is greater than or equal to zero,\nf of x is cosine of pi x.\nAnd we want to evaluate\nthe definite integral\nfrom negative one to one of f of x dx.\nAnd you might immediately say,\nwell, which of these versions of f of x\nam I going to take the\nantiderivative from,\nbecause from negative one to zero,\nI would think about x plus one,\nbut then from zero to one\nI would think about cosine pi x.\nAnd if you were thinking that,\nyou're thinking in the right direction.\nAnd the way that we can make this\na little bit more straightforward\nis to actually split up\nthis definite integral.\nThis is going to be equal\nto the definite integral\nfrom negative one to zero\nof f of x dx\nplus the integral\nfrom zero to one\nof f of x dx.\nNow why was it useful for\nme to split it up this way,\nin particular to split the integral\nfrom negative one to one,\n\nCzech: \nMáme tady funkci f(x)\na ta je definovaná po částech,\npro x menší než 0\nse f(x) rovná x plus 1,\npro x větší nebo rovno 0\nse f(x) rovná kosinus πx.\nA my chceme spočítat určitý integrál\nod -1 do 1 f(x) dx.\nMožná se rovnou zeptáte,\nkterou z verzí f(x) budeme integrovat,\nprotože od -1 do 0\nmluvíme o x plus 1,\nale od 0 do 1\nmluvíme o kosinu πx.\nA pokud vás přesně tohle napadlo,\npřemýšlíte správně.\nMůžeme to trochu zjednodušit tak,\nže rozdělíme tento určitý integrál.\nToto bude rovno určitému integrálu\nod -1 do 0 f(x) dx\nplus integrál od 0 do 1 f(x) dx.\nA proč bylo užitečné to takto rozdělit,\n\nBulgarian: \nИмаме f от х ето тук.\nЧастично зададена функция, като за х\nпо-малко от 0\nf от х е равно на х плюс 1.\nЗа х по-голямо или равно на 0,\nf от х е равно на косинус от πх.\nИскаме да намерим определения\nинтеграл\nот минус 1 до 1, f от х, dx.\nМоже би веднага ще попиташ:\n\"На коя от тези версии на f от х\nще търсим примитивната функция?\"\nЗащото от минус 1 до 0\nще използваме х плюс 1,\nа от 0 до 1\nще използваме косинус от πх.\nИ ако разсъждаваш така, \nтова е правилната посока.\nИ начинът да направим това \nмалко по-лесно\nдействително е да разделим този\nопределен интеграл.\nТова ще бъде равно на определен\nинтеграл\nот минус 1 до 0,\nот f от х, dx\nплюс интеграл\nот 0 до 1, f от x, dx.\nЗащо е подходящо да разделим\nинтеграла по този начин?\nИ по-конкретно, защо разделяме \nинтервала от минус 1 до 1\n\nKorean: \n여기에 x에 대한 함수 f가 있는데\nx < 0 일때는\nf(x) = x + 1로 정의되어 있고\nx >= 0일때는\nf(x) = cos(πx)로 정의되어 있습니다\n정적분의 값을 계산하려고 하는데\n-1부터 1까지 f(x) dx의 값을 구하려고 합니다\n바로 말할 수 있듯이\n역도함수를 구하기 위해 어떤 f(x)를 선택할지 \n결정하지 못 할 수 있습니다\n역도함수를 구하기 위해 어떤 f(x)를 선택할지 \n결정하지 못 할 수 있습니다\n-1부터 0까지는\nx + 1로 생각하야 하고\n0부터 1까지는\ncos(πx)로 생각해야 하기 때문입니다\n그렇게 생각하신다면\n알맞게 생각하시고 계신 것입니다\n이 문제를 조금 더\n간단하게 만들수 있는 방법은\n이 정적분을 나누는 것입니다\n우리가 구하려는 식은\n-1부터 0까지의 f(x) dx와\n-1부터 0까지의 f(x) dx와\n0부터 1까지의 f(x) dx를\n0부터 1까지의 f(x) dx를\n더한 것과 같습니다\n이렇게 나누는 것이 왜 유용할까요\n특히 -1부터 1까지의 적분을\n특히 -1부터 1까지의 적분을\n\nThai: \nเรามี f ของ x ตรงนี้\nและมันนิยามเป็นส่วนๆ สำหรับ x น้อยกว่า 0\nf ของ x คือ x บวก 1\nสำหรับ x มากกว่าเท่ากับ 0\nf ของ x คือโคไซน์ของ พาย x\nและเราอยากหาค่าอินทิกรัลจำกัดเขต\nจากลบ 1 ถึง 1 ของ f ของ x dx\nและคุณอาจถามทันที\nว่า f ของ x แบบไหน\nที่ฉันต้องหาปฏิยานุพันธ์\nเพราะจากลบ 1 ถึง 0\nฉันต้องคิดถึง x บวก 1\nแต่จาก 0 ถึง 1\nฉันต้องคิดถึงโคไซน์ พาย x\nและถ้าคุณคิดอย่างนั้น\nคุณก็คิดถูกทางแล้ว\nและวิธีที่เราทำให้มัน\nตรงไปตรงมามากขึ้น\nคือเราแบ่งอินทิกรัลจำกัดเขตนี้ได้\nอันนี้จะเท่ากับอินทิกรัลจำกัดเขต\nจากลบ 1 ถึง 0\nของ f ของ x dx\nบวกอินทิกรัล\nจาก 0 ถึง 1\nของ f ของ x dx\nทีนี้ ทำไมมันถึงมีประโยชน์\nเวลาเราแบ่งมันแบบนี้\nแบ่งอินทิกรัล\nจากลบ 1 ถึง 1\n\nKorean: \n-1부터 0까지 그리고 0부터 1까지 \n2개의 간격으로 나누는 것 말입니다\n-1부터 0까지 그리고 0부터 1까지 \n2개의 간격으로 나누는 것 말입니다\n그 이유는 x = 0일때\nf(x)가 x + 1에서 cos(πx)로 바뀌기 때문입니다\nf(x)가 x + 1에서 cos(πx)로 바뀌기 때문입니다\nf(x)가 x + 1에서 cos(πx)로 바뀌기 때문입니다\nx가 -1부터 0까지일때의 상황을 보면\nf(x) = x + 1입니다\n따라서 x가 -1부터 0까지는 f(x) = x + 1이 됩니다\nx가 0부터 1까지일때의 상황을 보면\nf(x) = cos(πx)입니다\n따라서 x가 0부터 1까지는 f(x) = cos(πx)가 됩니다\n이제 우리는 이 각각의 값들을 구하고\n더해주기만 하면 됩니다\nx가 -1부터 0까지일때 (x + 1)dx의 정적분을 구해봅시다\nx가 -1부터 0까지일때 (x + 1)dx의 정적분을 구해봅시다\n그럼 한번 봅시다\nx + 1의 역도함수를 구해봅시다\nx의 역도함수는 x²/2입니다\n그냥 지수를 증가시키고\n그 값으로 나누는 것 뿐입니다\n그리고 x를 더합니다\n똑같은 일을 하고 있는 것이라고 생각할 수 있습니다\nx^0이니까 x¹이 될 것이고\n\nCzech: \nrozdělit integrál od -1 do 1\nna dva intervaly\nod -1 do 0\na od 0 do -1?\nUdělal jsem to proto,\nže v bodě x rovno 0 se to mění,\nf(x) se mění\nz x plus 1 na kosinus πx.\nKdyž se tedy podíváme\nna interval od -1 do 0,\nf(x) je x plus 1.\nTakže tady se f(x) rovná x plus 1.\nA když jdeme od 0 do 1,\nf(x) je kosinus πx.\nTakže kosinus πx.\nTeď musíme oba integrály\nvyčíslit zvlášť a pak je sečíst.\nSpočítejme tedy určitý integrál\nod -1 do 0 (x plus 1) dx.\nTak tedy,\nintegrál x plus 1 je...\nIntegrál x je x² lomeno 2.\nJen zvyšuji exponent\na pak dělím stejnou hodnotou.\nA pak plus x.\nA tady vlastně dělám to stejné.\n\nEnglish: \nsplit it into two intervals\nfrom negative one to zero,\nand zero to one?\nWell, I did that because x equals zero\nis where we switch,\nwhere f of x switches\nfrom being x plus one\nto cosine pi x.\nSo if you look at the interval\nfrom negative one to zero,\nf of x is x plus one.\nSo f of x here is x plus one.\nAnd then when you go from zero to one,\nf of x is cosine pi x.\nSo cosine of pi x.\nAnd so now we just have to\nevaluate each of these separately\nand add them together.\nSo let's take the definite\nintegral from negative one\nto zero of x plus one dx.\nWell, let's see.\nThe antiderivative x plus one is...\nantiderivative x is x squared over two.\nI'm just incrementing the exponent\nand then dividing by that value.\nAnd then plus x,\nand you could view it as\nI'm doing the same thing.\nIf this is x to the zero,\nit'll be x to the first,\n\nThai: \nเป็นสองช่วงจากลบ 1 ถึง 0\nกับ 0 ถึง 1?\nผมทำอย่างนั้นเพราะ x เท่ากับ 0\nคือจุดที่เราเปลี่ยน\nเมื่อ f ของ x เปลี่ยนจาก x บวก 1\nเป็นโคไซน์พาย x\nถ้าคุณดูที่ช่วงจากลบ 1 ถึง 0\nf ของ x คือ x บวก 1\nf ของ x ตรงนีคือ x บวก 1\nแล้วเมื่อคุณไปจาก 0 ถึง 1\nf ของ x คือโคไซน์ พาย x\nโคไซน์ของพาย x\nแล้วตอนนี้เราแค่ต้องหาค่าแต่ละตัวแยกกัน\nแล้วบวกพวกมันเข้าด้วยกัน\nลองหาอินทิกรัลจำกัดเขตจากลบ 1\nถึง 0 ของ x บวก 1 dx กัน\nลองดูนะ\nปฏิยานุพันธ์ของ x บวก 1 คือ --\nปฏิยานุพันธ์ x คือ x กำลังสองส่วน 2\nผมจะเพิ่มเลขชี้กำลัง\nแล้วหารมันด้วยค่านั้น\nแล้วบวก x\nคุณมองว่าผมทำเหมือนเดิมก็ได้\nถ้านี่คือ x กำลัง 0 มันจะเป็น x กำลังหนึ่ง\n\niw: \nלפצל אותו לשני קטעים\nממינוס אחד לאפס,\nואפס לאחד?\nובכן, עשיתי את זה כי x שווה לאפס\nהוא איפה שאנחנו מחליפים,\nכש f של x\nמוחלף מלהיות x פלוס אחד\nלקוסינוס פאי x.\nאז אם אתה מסתכל על המרווח\nממינוס אחד לאפס,\nf של x הוא x פלוס אחד.\nאז f של x כאן הוא X ועוד אחד.\nואז כשאתם הולכים מאפס לאחד,\nf של x הוא פאי x קוסינוס.\nאז קוסינוס של פאי x.\nאז עכשיו אנחנו רק צריכים\nלחשב כל אחד מאלו בנפרד\nולהוסיף אותם ביחד.\nאז בואו נמצא את האינטגרל\nהמסוים ממינוס אחד\nלאפס של x פלוס אחד DX.\nובכן, בוא נראה.\nהאנטינגזרת x פלוס אחד היא ...\nהאנטינגזרת x של x בריבוע חלקי שתיים.\nאני רק בתוספות המעריכות\nואז נחלק בערך הזה.\nואז פלוס x ,\nואתם יכולים לראות את זה בתור\nאני עושה את אותו הדבר.\nאם זהו x בחזקת אפס,\nזה יהיה x בחזקת אחד,\n\nBulgarian: \nна два интервала от минус 1 до 0 \nи от 0 до 1?\nЩе направим това, защото х равно на 0 \nе мястото на промяната,\nт.е. мястото, където х се променя от\nх плюс 1\nна косинус от πх.\nАко разглеждаш интервала\nот минус 1 до 0,\nf от x е равно на х плюс 1.\nТака че f от x тук е равно на х плюс 1.\nА след това, когато искаш да стигнеш\nот 0 до 1,\nf от x е равно на косинус от πх.\nКосинус от πх.\nА сега просто следва да намерим всеки\nедин от тези интеграли поотделно\nи след това да ги съберем.\nНека да намерим определен интеграл\nот минус 1 до 0,\nот х плюс 1, dx.\nНека да видим.\nПримитивната функция на х плюс 1 \nе равна на следното.\nПримитивната функция на х е равно на\nх квадрат върху 2.\nПросто увеличавам степента,\nа след това разделям на получената\nстойност.\nСледва плюс х.\nМоже да го разглеждаш като същото\nнещо.\nАко 1 отговаря на х на нулева, то сега\nще имаме х на първа,\n\nEnglish: \nx to the first over one,\nwhich is just x.\nAnd I'm gonna evaluate that at zero\nand subtract from that,\nit evaluated at one.\nSorry, it evaluated at negative one.\nAnd so this is going to be equal to...\nIf I evaluate it at zero,\nlet me do this in another color.\nIf I evaluate it at zero,\nit's going to be zero squared over two,\nwhich is, well, I'll just write it.\nZero squared over two plus zero.\nWell, all of that's just\ngonna be equal to zero.\nIt evaluated at negative one.\nSo minus negative one squared.\nNegative one squared over\ntwo plus negative one.\nSo negative one squared is just one.\nSo it's 1/2 plus negative one.\n1/2 plus negative one,\nor 1/2 minus one,\nis negative 1/2.\nSo all of that is negative 1/2.\nBut then we're subtracting negative 1/2.\n\nKorean: \nx¹/1이 되니 그냥 x가 됩니다\nx¹/1이 되니 그냥 x가 됩니다\nx가 0일 때의 이 식의 값에서\nx가 1일 때의 이 식의 값을\n뺄 것입니다\n죄송합니다 x가 -1일때의 식의 값을 뺄 것입니다\n이 식의 값을 구해보자면\nx가 0일 때의 값을 구할 것인데\n다른 색으로 하도록 하겠습니다\nx가 0일 때의 값을 구하면\n0²/2가 될 것인데\n적으면서 설명하도록 하겠습니다\n0²/2 + 0이 될 것입니다\n결국 그 식의 값은 0이 되겠지요\nx가 -1일때의 값을 구해 봅시다\n방금 그 값에서 지금 구할 값을 뺄 것입니다\n이번에 구할 식의 값은 (-1)²/2 + (-1)이 될 것입니다\n(-1)² = 1이니까\n1/2 + (-1)이 될 것입니다\n1/2 + (-1)은\n1/2 - 1이라고도 할 수 있고\n-1/2라고도 할 수 있습니다\n그래서 그 식의 값은 -1/2이 됩니다\n하지만 우리는 -1/2를 뺄 것이기 때문에\n\niw: \nx אל הראשון חלקי אחד,\nוזה בדיוק x.\nואני הולך לחשב את זה באפס\nולחסר מזה,\nזה מוערך באחת.\nמצטער, זה מחושב במינוס אחת.\nוככה זה הולך להיות שווה ל...\nאם אני מעריך אותו באפס,\nהרשו לי לעשות את זה בצבע אחר.\nאם אני להעריך את זה באפס,\nזה הולך להיות אפס בריבוע חלקי שתיים,\nשזה, ובכן, אני פשוט אכתוב את זה.\nאפס בריבוע חלקי שתיים פלוס אפס.\nובכן, כל זה פשוט\nהולך להיות שווה לאפס.\nזה מחושב במינוס אחת.\nאז מינוס מינוס אחד בריבוע.\nמינוס אחד בריבוע חלקי\nשתים פלוס מינוס אחת.\nאז מינוס אחת בריבוע הוא רק אחד.\nאז זה 1/2 פלוס מינוס אחת.\nפלוס מינוס אחת 1/2 ,\nאו 1/2 מינוס אחת,\nוזה מינוס 1/2.\nאז כל זה הוא מינוס 1/2.\nאבל אז אנחנו מפחיתים מינוס 1/2 .\n\nCzech: \nKdyž toto je x⁰,\nbude to x¹ lomeno 1,\ncož je prostě x.\nA vyčíslím to v 0\na od toho to odečtu vyčíslené v 1.\nPardon, vyčíslené v -1.\nA toto bude rovno...\nKdyž to vyčíslím v 0...\nUdělám to jinou barvou.\nKdyž to vyčíslím v 0,\nbude to 0² lomeno 2,\ncož je...\nZapíšu to.\n0² lomeno 2 plus 0.\nTo celé se bude rovnat prostě 0.\nMinus to celé vyčíslené v -1.\nTakže minus -1² lomeno 2 plus -1.\n-1² je prostě 1.\nTakže to je 1/2 plus -1.\n1/2 plus -1,\nneboli 1/2 minus 1,\nto je -1/2.\nTakže celé toto je rovno -1/2.\n\nThai: \nx กำลังหนึ่งส่วน 1\nซึ่งก็คือ x\nแล้วผมจะหาค่ามันที่ 0\nแล้วลบมันออก\nมันหาค่าที่ 1\nโทษที มันหาค่าที่ลบ 1\nแล้วอันนี้จะเท่ากับ --\nถ้าผมหาค่ามันที่ 0\nขอผมใช้อีกสีนะ\nถ้าผมหาค่ามันที่ 0\nมันจะเท่ากับ 0 กำลังสองส่วน 2\nซึ่งก็คือ ผมจะเขียนมัน\n0 กำลังสองส่วน 2 บวก 0\nทั้งหมดนั้นจะเท่ากับ 0\nถ้าหาค่าที่ลบ 1\nลบลบ 1 กำลังสอง\nลบ 1 กำลังสองส่วน 2 บวกลบ 1\nลบ 1 กำลังสองก็แค่ 1\nมันก็คือ 1/2 บวกลบ 1\n1/2 บวกลบ 1\nหรือ 1/2 ลบ 1\nได้ลบ 1/2\nทั้งหมดนั้นก็คือลบ 1/2\nแต่เราจะลบ ลบ 1/2\n\nBulgarian: \nт.е. х на първа върху 1,\nкоето е само х.\nЩе изчисля този израз за 0\nи ще извадя от него същото, \nизчислено за 1.\nО, съжалявам! Ще го изчисля\nза минус 1.\nТогава това ще бъде равно на...\nЩе го изчисля за 0.\nНека да го запиша с друг цвят.\nАко го изчисля за 0,\nще бъде равно на 0 на квадрат върху 2,\nкоето просто ще запиша ето така.\n0 на квадрат върху 2, плюс 0.\nТова ще бъде равно просто на 0.\nСега ще го изчисля за минус 1.\nСледва минус от минус 1 на квадрат.\nМинус 1 на квадрат върху 2, плюс\nминус 1.\nМинус 1 на квадрат е равно на 1.\nТоест получава се 1/2 плюс –1.\n1/2 плюс –1,\nили 1/2 минус 1,\nе равно на минус 1/2.\nТози израз е равен на минус 1/2\nСега обаче изваждаме минус 1/2.\n\nEnglish: \nZero minus negative 1/2\nis going to be equal to positive 1/2.\nSo this is going to be\nequal to positive 1/2.\nSo this first part right over here\nis positive 1/2.\nAnd now let's evaluate the integral\nfrom zero to one of cosine pi,\nI don't need that first parentheses,\nof cosine of pi x dx.\nWhat is this equal to?\nNow, if we were just trying to find\nthe antiderivative of cosine of x,\nit's pretty straightforward.\nWe know that the derivative\nwith respect to x\nof sine of x\nis equal to cosine of x.\nBut that's not what we have here,\nwe have cosine of pi x.\nSo there is a technique here,\nyou can call it u-substitution.\nYou can say u is equal to pi x.\nIf you don't know how to do that,\nyou can still try to think this through,\nwhere we could say, alright,\n\nKorean: \n0 - (-1/2)는\n1/2이 될 것이니\n결국 큰 식의 값은 1/2이 됩니다\n따라서 첫 번째 파트의 값은\n1/2이 될 것입니다\n이제는 0부터 1까지의\ncos(πx)의 정적분을 구해봅시다\n첫번째 괄호가 필요 없군요\ncos(πx)dx이 무엇이랑 같을까요\ncos(πx)dx이 무엇이랑 같을까요\n지금 우리가 cos(x)의\n역도함수를 구하려고 했으면\n간단했을 것인데\nsin(x)의 x에 대한 도함수가\nsin(x)의 x에 대한 도함수가\ncos(x)와 같기 때문입니다\n하지만 지금 우리가 볼 식은\ncos(πx)입니다\n이럴때 쓰는 방식이 있는데\n이 방식을 치환 적분이라고 합니다\nπx를 u로 치환할 수 있습니다\n그 방법을 어떻게 떠올리는지 잘 모르겠다면\n이렇게 생각해 볼 수 있습니다\nsin(πx)와 관련이 있기 때문에\n\nBulgarian: \n0 минус минус 1/2\nще бъде равно на плюс 1/2.\nТова ще бъде равно на плюс 1/2.\nСледователно този първия интеграл тук\nе равен на плюс 1/2.\nНека сега да изчислим интеграла\nот 0 до 1 от косинус от πх.\nНяма нужда от тези скоби.\nКосинус от πх, dx.\nНа какво е равно това?\nАко просто искахме да намерим\nпримитивната функция на косинус от х, \nто е сравнително лесно.\nЗнаем, че производната спрямо х,\nот синус от х,\nе равна на косинус от х.\nОбаче това не е това, което имаме тук.\nИмаме косинус от πх.\nТук ще използваме метод,\nкойто може да наречем интегриране\nчрез заместване.\nПолагаме u да е равно на πх.\nАко не знаеш как да го направиш, все пак \nможеш да помислиш върху този израз.\nМоже да кажем,\n\nCzech: \nAle my odečítáme -1/2,\n0 minus -1/2,\nto bude rovno +1/2.\nTakže toto bude rovno +1/2.\nTato první část je tedy +1/2.\nA teď spočítejme integrál\nod 0 do 1 kosinu π...\nNepotřebuji tu první závorku.\nKosinu πx dx.\nČemu je to rovno?\nKdyž hledáme integrál kosinu x,\nje to jednoduché.\nVíme, že derivace podle x\nsinu x se rovná kosinus x.\nAle to my tady nemáme,\nmy máme kosinus πx.\nNa to máme metodu,\nříkáme jí substituční metoda.\nMůžeme říct,\nže \"u\" se rovná πx.\nPokud nevíte, jak na to,\nstále se to dá nějak vymyslet.\n\nThai: \n0 ลบลบ 1/2\nจะเท่ากับบวก 1/2\nอันนี้จึงเท่ากับบวก 1/2\nส่วนแรกนี่ตรงนี้\nคือบวก 1/2\nและตอนนี้ลองหาค่าอินทิกรัล\nจาก 0 ถึง 1 ของโคไซน์ พาย\nผมไม่ต้องใส่วงเล็บแรกก็ได้\nของโคไซน์ของ พาย x dx\nอันนี้เท่ากับอะไร?\nทีนี้ ถ้าเราพยายามหา\nปฏิยานุพันธ์ของ x\nมันก็ตรงไปตรงมา\nเรารู้ว่าปฏิยานุพันธ์เทียบกับ x\nของไซน์ของ x\nเท่ากับโคไซน์ของ x\nแต่นั่นไม่ใช่สิ่งที่เรามีตรงนี้\nเรามีโคไซน์ของพาย x\nมันมีเทคนิคตรงนี้\nคุณเรียกมันว่าการแทน u ก็ได้\nคุณบอกได้ว่า u เท่ากับพาย x\nถ้าคุณไม่รู้วิธีทำ\nคุณแค่คิดดูก็ได้\nเราบอกได้ว่า เอาล่ะ\n\niw: \nאפס מינוס מינוס 1/2\nהולך להיות שווה פלוס 1/2 .\nאז זה הולך להיות\nשווה פלוס 1/2.\nאז זה החלק הראשון כאן\nהוא פלוס 1/2.\nועכשיו בואו נעריך את האינטגרל\nמאפס לאחד של קוסינוס פאי,\nאני לא צריך את זה בסוגריים הראשונים,\nשל קוסינוס של פאי dx x.\nלמה זה שווה?\nעכשיו, אם אנחנו רק מנסים למצוא\nאת האנטינגזרת של קוסינוס של x,\nזה די פשוט.\nאנו יודעים כי נגזרת\nביחס ל- x\nשל סינוס של x\nשווה לקוסינוס של x.\nאבל זה לא מה שיש לנו כאן,\nיש לנו קוסינוס של פאי x.\nאז יש טכניקה כאן,\nאפשר לקרוא לזה החלפת משתנה.\nאתם יכולים להגיד ש u שווה לפאי x.\nאם אתם לא יודעים איך לעשות את זה,\nאתם עדיין יכולים לנסות לחשוב על זה,\nכשנוכל לומר, בסדר,\n\nEnglish: \nwell, maybe it involves\nsine of pi x somehow.\nSo the derivative with respect to x\nof sine of pi x\nwould be what?\nWell, we would use the chain rule.\nIt would be the derivative\nof the outside function\nwith respect to the inside\nor sine of pi x with respect to pi x,\nwhich would be cosine of pi x,\nand then times the derivative\nof the inside function\nwith respect to x.\nSo it would be times pi.\nOr you could say the\nderivative of sine pi x\nis pi cosine of pi x.\nNow, we almost have that here,\nexcept we just need a pi.\nSo what if we were to\nthrow a pi right over here,\nbut so we don't change the value\nwe also multiply by one over pi?\nSo if you divide and\nmultiply by the same number,\nyou're not changing its value.\nOne over pi times pi is just equal to one.\nBut this is useful.\nThis is useful because we\nnow know that pi cosine pi x\nis the derivative of sine pi x.\nSo this is all going to be equal to...\n\nCzech: \nMohli bychom si třeba říct,\nže by tady nějak mohl figurovat sinus πx.\nDerivace podle x sinu πx by byla co?\nPoužijeme derivaci složené funkce.\nBude to derivace vnější funkce\ns vnitřní funkcí jako argumentem,\nneboli derivace sinu s argumentem πx,\ncož nám dá kosinus πx,\na pak krát derivace\nvnitřní funkce podle x.\nTakže to by bylo krát π.\nNebo můžeme říct,\nže derivace sinu πx je π kosinus πx.\nSkoro už to máme,\nale tady potřebujeme π.\nCo kdybychom tady přidali π,\nale abychom nezměnili hodnotu výrazu,\nvynásobíme to ještě 1 lomeno π?\nKdyž to vydělíme\na vynásobíme stejným číslem,\nnezmění se hodnota výrazu.\n1 lomeno π krát π je rovno 1.\nAle je to užitečné.\nJe to užitečné,\nprotože teď víme,\nže π kosinus πx\nje derivací sinu πx.\nTakže toto celé bude rovno...\n\niw: \nטוב, אולי זה כולל\nסינוס של פאי x איכשהו.\nאז הנגזרת ביחס ל- x\nשל סינוס של פאי x\nמה היא תיהיה ?\nובכן, נשתמש בכלל השרשרת.\nזה יהיה הנגזרת\nשל מחוץ לפונקציה\nביחס לחלק הפנימי\nאו שסינוס של פאי x ביחס לפאי x,\nשתיהיה קוסינוס של פאי x,\nואז כפול הנגזרת\nשל הפונקציה הפנימית\nביחס ל- x.\nאז זה יהיה כפול פאי.\nאו שאתם יכולים לומר \nהנגזרת של סינוס פאי x\nהיא פאי קוסינוס של פאי x.\nעכשיו, כמעט יש לנו כאן,\nאנחנו פשוט צריכים פאי.\nאז מה אם היינו\nזורקים פאי כאן ליד,\nאבל אז אנחנו לא משנים את הערך\nאנחנו גם מכפילים על ידי אחד חלקי פאי ?\nאז אם אתם מחלקים \nומכפילים באותו מספר,\nאתם לא משנים את הערך.\nאחת חלקי פאי כפול פאי זה פשוט שווה לאחת.\nאבל זה שימושי.\nתכונה זו שימושית משום שאנחנו\nעכשיו יודעים שפאי קוסינוס פאי x\nהיא הנגזרת של סינוס פאי x.\nאז כל זה הולך להיות שווה ל...\n\nBulgarian: \nче може би ще съдържа синус от πх.\nПроизводната спрямо х,\nот синус от πх\nна какво ще бъде равна?\nЩе използваме верижното правило.\nПроизводната на външната функция \nспрямо вътрешната функция,\nили от синус от πх спрямо πх.\nКоето ще бъде равно на косинус от πх.\nСлед това умножено по производната\nот вътрешната функция спрямо х.\nЩе бъде умножено по π.\nИли може да кажем, че\nпримитивната функция на синус от πх\nе равна на π по косинус от πх.\nПочти получихме на какво е равен този\nинтеграл,\nс изключение на това, че просто се\nнуждаем от π.\nКакво ще стане, ако поставим π ето тук?\nЗа да не променяме стойността обаче,\nтрябва да умножим по 1/π.\nАко разделим и умножим по едно и\nсъщо число,\nтогава не променяме равенството.\n1/π по π ще бъде равно на 1.\nТова обаче е полезно.\nПолезно е, защото знаем, че π по\nкосинус от πх\nе производната от синус от πх.\nСледователно този интеграл ще бъде\nравен на следното.\n\nThai: \nบางที มันน่าจะเกี่ยวกับไซน์ของพาย x\nอนุพันธ์เทียบกับ x\nของไซน์ของพาย x\nจะเป็นอะไร?\nเราใช้กฎลูกโซ่ได้\nมันจะได้อนุพันธ์ของฟังก์ชันนอก\nเทียบกับฟังก์ชันใน\nหรือไซน์ของพาย x เทียบกับพาย x\nซึ่งก็คือโคไซน์ของพาย x\nแล้วคูณอนุพันธ์ของฟังก์ชันใน\nเทียบกับ x\nมันก็คือคูณพาย\nหรือคุณบอกได้ว่า อนุพันธ์ของไซน์พาย x\nคือพาย โคไซน์ของพาย x\nทีนี้ เราเกือบได้ตัวตรงนี้แล้ว\nยกเว้นแต่ว่าเราต้องการพาย\nถ้าเกิดเราใส่พายตรงนี้ล่ะ\nแต่เราจะไม่เปลี่ยนค่า\nถ้าเราคูณด้วย 1 ด้วยพายใช่ไหม?\nถ้าคุณคูณและหารด้วยจำนวนเดียวกัน\nคุณจะไม่เปลี่ยนค่าของมัน\n1 ส่วนพายคูณพาย เท่ากับ 1\nแต่อันนี้มีประโยชน์\nมันมีประโยชน์เพราะตอนนี้เรารู้ว่า\nพาย โคไซน์ พาย x\nคืออนุพันธ์ของไซน์ของพาย x\nทั้งหมดนี้จึงเท่ากับ --\n\nKorean: \nsin(πx)와 관련이 있기 때문에\nsin(πx)의 x에 대한 도함수는\nsin(πx)의 x에 대한 도함수는\n무엇이 될까요\n연쇄법칙을 사용하면 됩니다\n안에 있는 함수에 대한\n바깥에 있는 함수의 도함수는\n즉 πx에 대한 sin(πx)의 도함수는\ncos(πx)에\nx에 대한 안에 있는 함수의 도함수를 곱하는 것이고\nx에 대한 안에 있는 함수의 도함수를 곱하는 것이고\nπ를 곱하게 됩니다\nsin(πx)의 도함수는\nπcos(πx)입니다\n여기에 그 식과 비슷한 값이 있는데\nπ만 있으면 똑같게 만들 수 있습니다\n똑같게 만드려고 π를 곱해주려면\n값이 달라지지 말아야 하기 때문에\n1/π를 곱하면 어떨까요\n어떤 값을 곱하고 똑같은 값으로 나누면\n결과적으로 값을 바꾸는 것이 아니기 때문입니다\n1/π 곱하기 π는 결국 1이 됩니다\n이 방법은 굉장히 유용한데\nπcos(πx)가 sin(πx)의 도함수이기 때문입니다\nπcos(πx)가 sin(πx)의 도함수이기 때문입니다\n이 값은 결과적으로\n\nThai: \nอันนี้เท่ากับ 1\nขอผมนำ 1 ส่วนพาย มา\nอันนี้ก็เท่ากับ 1 ส่วนพาย\nคูณ --\nตอนนี้เราจะหาค่า\nปฏิยานุพันธ์ตรงนี้ เราบอกว่า\nคือไซน์ของพาย x\nและเราจะหาค่ามันที่ 1 และที่ 0\nอันนี้จะเท่ากับ 1 ส่วนพาย\n1 ส่วนพาย ไม่ใช่พาย\nมือผมไม่ฟังปากเลย\n1 ส่วนพายคูณไซน์ของพาย\nลบไซน์ของพายคูณ 0 ซึ่งก็คือ 0\nไซน์ของพาย มันคือ 0\nไซน์ของ 0 คือ 0\nคุณจะได้ 1 ส่วนพาย\nคูณ 0 ลบ 0\nทั้งหมดนี้จึงจะเท่ากับ 0\nส่วนแรกนี้คือ 1/2\n\nBulgarian: \nРавно е на 1 върху...\nНека да е с друг цвят.\nРавно е на 1/π,\nумножено по...\nСега ще изчисляваме.\nКазахме току-що, че \nпримитивната функция тук\nе равна на синус от πх.\nИ ще изчислим това за 1 и 0.\nСледователно това ще бъде равно\nна 1/π.\nНа 1/π, а не на π.\nРъката ми не слуша това, което казвам.\n1/π, умножено по синус от π,\nминус синус от π по 0, което ще е\nпросто 0.\nСинус от π е равно на 0.\nСинус от 0 е равно на 0.\nТогава ще се получи 1/π по 0 минус 0.\nЦелият този израз просто ще бъде\nравен на 0.\nТази първа част беше 1/2,\n\nEnglish: \nThis is equal to one.\nLet me take that one over pi.\nSo this is equal to one over pi\ntimes...\nNow we're going to evaluate.\nSo the antiderivative here we just said\nis sine of pi x,\nand we're going to evaluate\nthat at one and at zero.\nSo this is going to be\nequal to one over pi.\nOne over pi, not pi.\nMy hand is not listening to my mouth.\nOne over pi times sine of pi\nminus sine of pi times\nzero, which is just zero.\nWell, sine of pi, that's zero.\nSine of zero is zero.\nSo you're gonna have one over pi\ntimes zero minus zero.\nSo this whole thing is just\nall going to be equal to zero.\nSo this first part was 1/2,\n\niw: \nזה שווה לאחד.\nהרשו לי לקחת את אחד חלקי פאי.\nאז זה שווה לאחד חלקי פאי\nכפול...\nעכשיו אנחנו הולכים לחשב.\nאז האנטינגזרת כאן פשוט אמרנו\nשהיא הסינוס של פאי x ,\nואנחנו נחשב אותה\nבאפס ובאחת.\nאז זה הולך להיות\nשווה אחד חלקי פאי.\nאחד חלקי פאי, לא פאי.\nהיד שלי לא מקשיבה לפה שלי.\nאחד חלקי פאי כפול סינוס של פאי\nמינוס סינוס של פאי כפול \nאפס, שזה רק אפס.\nובכן, סינוס של פאי, זה אפס.\nסינוס של אפס הוא אפס.\nאז אתם צריכים לקבל אחד חלקי פאי\nכפול אפס מינוס אפס.\nאז כל העניין הזה \n הולך להיות שווה לאפס.\nאז החלק הראשון היה 1/2,\n\nCzech: \nToto je rovno 1...\nJen tady...\n1 lomeno π.\nJe to rovno 1 lomeno π krát...\nTeď to vyčíslíme.\nIntegrál tohoto, jak jsme už řekli,\nje sinus πx,\na vyčíslíme to pro 1 a 0.\nTakže toto bude rovno 1 lomeno π...\n1 lomeno π, ne π.\nMoje ruká neposlouchá, co říkám.\n1 lomeno π krát sinus π\nminus sinus π krát 0,\ncož je 0.\nSinus π, to je 0.\nSinus 0 je 0.\nTakže máme 1 lomeno π\nkrát 0 minus 0.\nTakže toto celé se bude rovnat 0.\n\nKorean: \n마지막에 1/π을 곱하면 됩니다\n마지막에 1/π을 곱하면 됩니다\n마지막에 1/π을 곱하면 됩니다\n마지막에 1/π을 곱하면 됩니다\n이제 곱하게 되는 값을 구해봅시다\n여기 있는 함수의 역도함수가\nsin(πx)인데\n정적분 값을 0부터 1까지 구할 것입니다\n이 전체 값은 1/π\n1/π지 π가 아니군요\n제 손이 제 말을 잘 안 듣네요\n1/π * (sin(π) - sin(0))이 될 것인데\n1/π * (sin(π) - sin(0))이 될 것인데\nsin(π)는 0이고\nsin(0)도 0입니다\n결과적으로 그 값은 1/π * (0 - 0)이 되므로\n결과적으로 그 값은 1/π * (0 - 0)이 되므로\n계산하면 0이 될 것입니다\n첫번째 부분은 1/2이고\n\nThai: \nส่วนที่สองนี่ตรงนี้เท่ากับ 0\nแล้วอินทิกรัลจำกัดเขตทั้งหมด\nจะเท่ากับ 1/2 บวก 0\nซึ่งเท่ากับ 1/2\nทั้งหมดนี้รวมกันได้เท่ากับ 1/2\n\nEnglish: \nthis second part right\nover here is equal to zero,\nso the whole definite integral\nis gonna be 1/2 plus zero,\nwhich is equal to 1/2.\nSo all of that together is equal to 1/2.\n\nBulgarian: \nа тази втора част тук е равна на 0.\nТогава целият определен интеграл\nе равен на 1/2 плюс 0,\nкоето е равно на 1/2.\nВсичко това заедно е равно на 1/2.\n\nCzech: \nPrvní část tedy byla 1/2,\ntato druhá část je rovna 0,\ntakže celý určitý integrál\nbude roven 1/2 plus 0,\ncož je rovno 1/2.\nTakže to vše dohromady je rovno 1/2.\n\nKorean: \n두번째 부분은 0이므로\n전체 정적분 값은 1/2 + 0이어서\n1/2이 됩니다\n결과적으로 우리가 구하려는 값은 1/2이 됩니다\n\niw: \nהחלק השני \nכאן שווה לאפס,\nאז כל האינטגרל המסוים\nהולך להיות 1/2 פלוס אפס,\nששווה ל 1/2.\nאז כל זה ביחד שווה ל 1/2.\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "\nEnglish: \nHi. I’m John Green, this is Crash Course\nWorld History and today's video is kind of\na response to one of the most riveting history\nbooks you'll ever read, the Columbian Exchange\nby David Crosby. He had a good year in 1969--\npublished The Columbian Exchange, played Woodstock,\nhe was still on his first liver. What? It\nwas Albert Crosby? Gash! History, never being\nas interesting as I want it to be.\nRight, so it was Alfred Crosby Jr., and in\nthat book he wrote, \"The big questions are\nreally the only ones worth considering, and\ncolossal nerve has always been a prerequisite\nfor such consideration.\" I love it!\nBefore 1492, we couldn't really talk about\na world history at all, we could only talk\nabout the different histories of separate\nregions, but Columbus changed all of that,\nand everything else. The Columbian Exchange\nirrevocably homogenized the world's biological\nlandscape. Since Columbus, the number of plant\nand animal species has continually diminished,\nand the variation in species from place to\nplace has diminished dramatically. I mean,\nthe first European visitors to the Americas\nhad never seen a tomato or a catfish; Native\nAmericans had never seen a horse, and by making\nour planet biologically singular, the Columbian\n\nSpanish: \nHola. Soy John Green, Este es Crash Course:\nHistoria del Mundo y hoy de vídeo es una especie de\nuna respuesta a uno de la historia más fascinante\nlibros que jamás hayas leído,\n\"El intercambio colombino\", por David Crosby.\nHabía un buen año en 1969. En línea \"El\nIntercambio Colombino \", interpretado Woodstock, él\nestaba todavía en su primera hígado. ¿Qué? fue\nAlbert Crosby? Gah! Historia. Nunca ser tan\ninteresante como yo quiero que sea.\nBien, entonces, era Alfred Crosby Jr. Y en\nese libro, escribió:\n\"Las grandes preguntas son realmente los únicos\nvale la pena considerar, y colosal nervio tiene\nsiempre ha sido un requisito previo para tal consideración \".\n¡Lo amo!\nAntes de 1492, realmente no podríamos hablar de\nuna historia del mundo en absoluto. Sólo pudimos hablar\nacerca de las diferentes historias de separada\nregiones. Pero, Colón cambió todo eso,\ny todo lo demás.\nEl intercambio colombino irrevocablemente homogeneizó\npaisaje biológica del mundo. Desde Columbus,\nel número de especies de plantas y animales tiene\ncontinuamente disminuido.\nY la variación de especies de un lugar a\nlugar ha disminuido dramáticamente.\nMe refiero a los primeros visitantes europeos a la\nAmérica nunca habían visto un tomate o un bagre.\nNativos americanos nunca habían visto un caballo.\nY al hacer nuestro planeta biológicamente singular,\nel intercambio colombino completamente rehecho el\n\nDutch: \nHi Ik ben John Green en deze crash course is een reactie op\neen van de ergste geschiedenisboeken die je ooit zult lezen\nDe Columbiaanse uitwisseling: door David Crosby\nHij had een goed jaar in 1969. De Columbiaanse uitwissling uitgegeven, op woodstock gespeeld.\nnog bezig aan z'n eerste lever. Wat? is het Albert Crosby. Geschiednis is nooit zo leuk\nals je zou willen\nIn zijn boek schreef Alfred Crosby Jr.\nDe grote vragen zijn eigenlijk de enige die het vragen waard zijn\nen grote zenuwachtigheid is altijd een voorwaarde voor zo'n overweging\nVoor 1492 konden we eigenlijk niet spreken van een wereldgeschiedenis. Alleen van\nde verschillende geschiedenissen van verschillende regio's. Maar Columbus veranderde dat compleet \nen ook alle andere dingen\nDe Columbiaanse uitwisseling homogeniseerde de wereld zijn biologische landschap\nde biodiversiteit in planten en dieren is blijven verminderen\nen de variatie in soorten van plaats tot plaats is dramatisch gedaald.\nde eerste Europese bezoekers van Amerika hadden nog nooit een tomaat of een meerval gezien\nAmerikanen hadden nooit een paard gezien.\nEn door de planeet biologische hetzelfde te maken, heeft de Columbiaanse uitwisseling \n\nSpanish: \nHola, soy John Green y esto es \"Crash Course: Historia Mundial\" y el video de hoy es una especie de\nreacción hacia uno de los libros de Historia más impresionantes que Uds. podran leer, el Intercambio Colombino\npor David Crosby. Él tuvo un buen año en 1969: Publicó El Intercambio Colombino, tocó en Woodstock,\ntodavía tenía su primer riñón... ¿Cómo? ¿Ese es Albert Crosby? ¡Rayos! La Historia nunca llega a ser\ntan interesante como quisiera que fuese.\nPues bien, era Alfred Crosby Jr., y en su libro escribió: \"Las grandes preguntas son\nrealmente las únicas dignas de ser consideradas, y su crucialidad siempre ha sido un requsiito previo\npara su consideración. ¡Me encanta esa frase!\nAntes de 1492, no podríamos realmente hablar de una historia munidal en lo absoluto, solamente podíamos hablar\nacerca de las historias de distintas regiones, pero Colón cambió todo eso,\ny todo lo demás. El Intercambio Colombino irremediablemente homogeneizó el panorama biológico mundial.\nDesde el tiempo de Colón, el número de plantas y especies animales ha disminuido continuamente,\ny las variaciones en las especies de un lugar a otro también ha disminuido dramáticamente. Digo,\nlos primeros europeos que llegaron a América nunca antes habían visto un tomato o un bagre; los nativos americanos\nnunca habían visto un caballo, y al hacer a nuestro planeta biológicamente homógeneo, el Intercambio\n\nPortuguese: \nOi. Eu sou o John Green, este é o Crash Course História Mundial e o vídeo de hoje é tipo uma\numa resposta para um dos mais empolgantes livros de histórias que você já leu, \"O Intercâmbio Colombiano\"\nde David Crosby. Ele teve um bom ano em 1969 - publicou \"O Intercâmbio Colombiano\", tocou em Woodstock,\nele ainda estava com seu primeiro fígado. O que? Foi Albert Crosby? Argh! História, nunca sendo\ntão interessante quanto eu quero que ela seja.\nCerto, então foi Alfred Crosby Jr., e nesse livro ele escreveu: \"As grandes questões são\nrealmente as únicas que valem a pena considerar, e uma audácia colossal sempre foi um pré-requisito\npara tal consideração.\" Eu adoro isso!\nAntes de 1492, nós não podíamos realmente falar sobre uma história mundial, só podíamos falar\nsobre as diferentes histórias de regiões separadas, mas Colombo mudou tudo isso\ne tudo mais. O Intercâmbio Colombiano alterou irrevogavelmente a paisagem biológica\ndo mundo. Desde Colombo, o número de espécies de plantas e animais diminuiu continuamente,\ne a variação das espécies de um lugar para outro diminuiu dramaticamente. Quero dizer,\nos primeiros visitantes europeus na América nunca viram um tomate ou um bagre; Nativos\namericanos nunca haviam visto um cavalo, e por tornar nosso planeta biologicamente singular, o Intercâmbio\n\nArabic: \nمرحبًا، أنا جون غرين،\nوهذه سلسلة Crash Course عن تاريخ العالم\nفيديو اليوم ردّ على أحد أكثر الكتب الآسرة\nالتبادل الكولومبي بقلم دايفد كروسبي\nكان عام 1969 مميزًا بالنسبة إليه إذ نشر\nالتبادل الكولومبي وعزف في مهرجان وودستوك\nكان لازال يستخدم الكبد الأول، ماذا؟\nهذا ألبرت كروسبي؟ ياللهول!\nالتاريخ دائمًا أقل إثارة مما أرغب.\nصحيح، كان هذا ألفريد كروسبي الابن،\nوفي ذلك الكتاب ذكر، \"الأسئلة الكبيرة هي\nالوحيدة التي تستحق الإعتبار\nوالجرأة الهائلة لطالما كانت شرطًا أساسيًا\nلهذا الإعتبار.\" لقد أعجبني هذا!\nقبل 1492، لم يكن بالإمكان أن نتحدث عن تاريخ\nالعالم على الإطلاق، كان بالإمكان فقط التحدث\nعن التواريخ المختلفة لمناطق مختلفة ولكن\nكولومبوس قام بتغيير هذا كله وكل شيء آخر\nالتبادل الكولومبي\nقام ودون رجعة بتغيير الأرض بيولوجيًّا\nمنذ عصر كولومبوس، تضاءل عدد\n أصناف النباتات والحيوانات بشكل مستمر،\nوتنوّع الأصناف من مكان إلى\nمكان تضاءل بشكل واضح\nلم يرَ أول الزوار الأوروبيين إلى\nالأمريكيتين البندورة أو سمك السلور من قبل\nكما لم يرَ السكان الأصليون لأميريكا الحصان\nمن قبل عن طريق توحيد الكوكب بيولوجيًا\n\nRussian: \nПривет, я Джон Грин и это Ускоренный Курс Мировой Истории. Сегодняшнее видео\nэто, своего рода, ответ на самую захватывающую книгу по истории, которую вы могли прочитать - Columbian Exchange\nавтора Дэвида Кросби. \nВ 1969 у него был хороший год - он опубликовал \"Columbian Exchange\", выступал на Вудстоке...\nЧто? Это был Альберт Кросби? Блин! История никогда не бывает\nтакой интересной, как мне хочется.\nОкей, это был Альфред Кросби и в своей книге он написал: \"Есть важные вопросы,\nкоторые действительно стоит решить, и только чья-то коллосальная наглость, всегда является предпосылкой\nтаких решений. Круто правда?\nДо 1492 года, мы не могли поговорить о Мировой истории. Мы могли говорить только\nо различных историях разделённых областей мира. Но Колумб изменил это навсегда.\nКолумбов обмен вызвал необратимое влияние на мировую биологию и\nгеологию. Начиная с Колумба, количество видов растений и животных постоянно сокращалось.\nПри этом различие видов обитающих в разных уголках планеты уменьшилось невообразимо. Например,\nпервые европейцы посетившие Америку никогда не видели томаты или сома\nА коренные американцы никогда не видели лошадей. Колумбов обмен с участием людей\n\nVietnamese: \nXin chào, tôi là John Green, đây là Crash Course World History, video hôm nay\nhưởng ứng một trong những cuốn sách lịch sử mê hoặc nhất bạn từng đọc, Columbian Exchange của David Crosby\nÔng có một năm 1969 tươi đẹp-- xuất bản The Columbian Exchange, chơi cho Woodstock\nông vẫn ở giai đoạn đầu bệnh gan. Hả? Đó là Albert Crosby?\nLịch sử chẳng bao giờ thú vị như tôi muốn\nAlfred Crosby Jr trong cuốn sách ông viết: \"Những vấn đề lớn thật sự là những vấn đề duy nhất đáng suy xét,\nvà dũng khí to lớn luôn là tiên quyết cho sự suy xét đó\"\nI thích nó\nTrước năm 1492, chúng ta thực ra không thể nói về lịch sử thế giới chút nào,\nta chỉ nói về những lịch sử khác nhau của các vùng riêng rẽ, nhưng Columbus đã thay đổi tất cả\nThe Columbian Exchane làm đồng nhất phong cảnh sinh học của thế giới\nKể từ Columbus, số lượng loài động thực vật liên tục giảm,\nvà sự đa dạng loài ở hết nơi này đến nơi khác sụt giảm đột ngột\nNhững vị khách châu Âu đầu tiên đặt chân lên châu Mĩ chưa từng thấy một quả cà chua hay một con cá trê\nNgười châu Mĩ bản địa chưa từng thấy một con ngựa, và bằng việc khiến hành tinh đặc biệt về mặt sinh học,\n\nEnglish: \nExchange completely remade the populations\nof animals, particularly humans. And vitally,\nthis cross-pollination also made possible\nsuch wonders as contemporary pizza.\n[theme music]\nSo we're going to break the Columbian Exchange\ndown into four categories: Diseases, boy,\nyou're looking good Smallpox, I'm glad you've\nbeen eliminated; Animals, Plants, and People.\nMr. Green, Mr. Green! People are animals.\nYeah, that's true, me from the past, but just\nfor the sake of simplicity we're--\nAlso, when you think about it, microbes are\nkinda animals and plants are, too, I mean--\nOh my god, shut up before I kill you and create\na time travel paradox.\nMicrobes, like those hairy blokes back there,\nwere a definite negative in terms of the Columbian\nExchange. Terminology is hard here, but the\nmajority of Caribbean Islanders or Native\nAmericans or Amerindians had exactly one response\nto the arrival of Europeans: death.\nWe can't be sure of how many natives died\nas a result of European arrival but it was\ndefinitely more than 50% and some estimates\nplace it as high as 90%. Historians used to\n\nArabic: \nقام التبادل الكولومبي بإعادة توزيع\nأعداد الحيوانات، وبالأخص البشر\nكما مكّن هذا التلاقح من\nإيجاد معجزات مثل البيتزا العصرية.\n[موسيقى البداية]\nإذًا سنقوم بتقسيم التبادل الكولومبي\nإلى أربع فئات: الأمراض، ياللهول،\nتبدو بخير أيها الجدري، أنا سعيد أنهم تمكنوا\nمن التخلص منك: حيوانات، نباتات، وبشر.\nسيد غرين، سيد غرين! البشر حيوانات.\nأجل، هذا صحيح، أنا من الماضي،\nولكن فقط للتبسيط نحن...\nأيضًا، عندما تفكرون في الأمر، الجراثيم\nحيوانات نوعًا ما والنباتات أيضًا، أعني...\nياإلهي، اسكت قبل أن أقتلك\nوأسبب مفارقة سفر عبر الزمن.\nالجراثيم، كهذه الأشياء المشعرة هناك\nكانت جانبًا سلبيًا في التبادل الكولومبي\nالتفكير بالمصطلحات صعب هنا،\nلكن أعظميّة سكّان جزر الكاريبي\nأو السكّان الأصليون لأمريكا والأمريندييّن\nرد فعل واحد على وصول الأوروبيين: الموت.\nلا يمكننا أن نكون متأكدين من عدد من قضوا\nمن السكان الأصليين إثر وصول الأوروبيين\nولكن العدد كان بالتأكيد أكثر من 50%\nويقدره البعض بأنه كان قرابة الـ 90%\n\nDutch: \nde populaties van dieren en vooral mensen compleet verandert.\nEn vooral. Deze kruisbestuiving maakte vooral wonderen mogelijk zoals: Pizza\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \nWe gaan de Columbiaanse uitwisseling in vier categorieën verdelen\nziektes (je ziet er goed uit pokken, blij dat je uitgeroeid bent), dieren, planten en mensen\nMr. Green, Mr. Green, Mensen zijn dieren\nDat is waar, mezelf uit het verleden, maar gewoon voor de eenvoud\nOok als je erover nadenkt, microben zijn een soort dieren en planten ook, ik bedoel\nZwijg voor ik je vermoord en een tijdreisparadox veroorzaak.\nVirussen, zoals die harige jongens hierachter waren zeker negatief bij de Columbiaanse uitwisseling.\n \nnaamgeving is moeilijk hier maar de meerderheid van de Caraïbers, native Americans\nOf Amerindians hadden hetzelfde antwoord op de aankomst van de Europeanen. De DOOD\nWe zijn niet zeker hoeveel inboorlingen stierven door de aankomst van de Europeanen maar het was zeker \nmeer dan 50% en sommige schattingen menen dat het 90 % was\nHistorici staken dit vaak op Europese agressiviteit, en dat heeft zeker zijn rol gespeeld \n\nRussian: \nсильно перемешал популяции животных и растений.\nЭто перекрёстное опыление произвело на свет такие классные вещи как, например, пицца.\n...музыка...\nИтак, я собираюсь разбить Колумбов обмен на 4 простые категории: болезни\nО, неплохо выглядишь Оспа. Я рад что тебя больше нет. Так вот, болезни, животные, растения и люди\nМистер Грин, мистер Грин. Люди тоже животные.\nТы прав, \"Я-из-прошлого\", но для простоты мы будем...\nВообще-то микробы это тоже своего рода животные, в смысле...\nО, Господи. Заткнить, пока я тебя не убил и не сделал временной парадокс.\nМикробы, например вот эти волосатые парни на доске, это отрицательные персонажи Колумбова обмена.\nЭто достаточно жёстко, но большинство жителей Карибских Островов и Америки\nполучили от приезжих европейцев только одно - смерть.\nМы не знаем точно сколько коренных жителей погибло после прибытия европейцев, но\nопределённо больше половины, а по некоторым оценкам и больше 90%. Историки склонны\n\nSpanish: \nColombino reacomodó completamente el patrón de poblamiento de los animales, particularmente el de los humanos. Y de manera vital,\nesta polinización cruzada también hizo posible tales maravillas como la de la pizza moderna.\nTema de Entrada de Crash Course\nPues bien, vamos a dividir el Intercambio Colombino en cuatro categorías: Enfermedades\n-vaya, si que luces bien Viruela, me alegra saber que estás erradicada- Animales, Plantas y las Personas.\n¡Sr. Greeen, Sr. Green! Las personas también son animales...\nSí, eso es cierto, yo del pasado, pero por el bien de la simplicidad vamos a-\n...También, cuando uno lo piensa, los microbios son una especie de animales y las plantas también, digo...\nPor Dios, cállate antes de que cometa asesinato y cree una paradoja del tiempo\nLos Microbios, como los individuos peludos en la pizarra, fueron definitivamente algo negativo en cuanto al Intercambio\nColombino. La terminología es difícil de aplicar, pero la mayoría de los Caribeños o de los Nativos\nAmericanos o Amerindios, tuvieron generalmente una misma respuesta a la llegada de los europeos: La muerte.\nNo podemos estar 100% seguros de cuántos nativos murieron como resultado del arribo de los de los europeos pero en\ndefinitiva fue más del 50% y algunos estiman que pudo ser tanto como el 90%. Los historiadores solían\n\nPortuguese: \nColombiano refez completamente as populações de animais, particularmente os humanos.\nE de uma forma vital,\nessa polinização cruzada possibilitou também maravilhas como a pizza contemporânea.\n[tema musical]\nEntão, vamos dividir o Intercâmbio Colombiano em quatro categorias: Doenças, gente,\nvocê está gatinha, Varíola, fico feliz que você tenha sido eliminada; Animais, Plantas; e Pessoas.\nSr. Green, Sr. Green! \"Pessoas\" são animais.\nSim, é verdade, Eu do Passado, mas apenas por simplicidade, somos...\nAlém disso, quando você pensa sobre isso,\nos micróbios são meio que animais e as plantas são também, quero dizer...\nOh, meu Deus, cale-se antes que eu o mate e crie um paradoxo de viagens no tempo.\nOs micróbios, como estes caras felpudos aqui atrás, eram definitivamente algo negativo do Intercâmbio\nColombiano. A terminologia é difícil aqui, mas a maioria dos insulares caribenhos ou\namericanos ou ameríndios tiveram exatamente uma resposta à chegada dos europeus: a morte.\nNão podemos ter certeza de quantos nativos morreram como resultado da chegada européia, mas foi\ndefinitivamente mais de 50% e algumas estimativas elevam-se a 90%. Historiadores costumavam\n\nVietnamese: \nColumbian Exchange hoàn toàn làm khác đi dân cư động vật, đặc biệt là người\nSự thụ phấn chéo này đã khả thi hóa các kì công như pizza hiện đại\nChúng ta sẽ chia Columbian Exchange thành 4 hạng mục:\nBệnh dịch (mày nhìn đẹp đó Đậu mùa, tao mừng vì mày đã bị loại trừ); Động vật; Thực vật và Con người\nMr.Green! Con người là động vật\nĐúng vậy nhưng chỉ cho đơn giản chúng ta sẽ--\nVới lại, anh nghĩ xem, vi khuẩn cũng là động thực vật, ý em là---\nLạy chúa, im đi trước khi tao giết mày và tạo ra nghịch lí ông nội\nVi khuẩn, giống mấy gã lông lá đằng kia, chắc chắn là mặt tiêu cực của Columbian Exchange\nThuật ngữ khó hiểu ở đây, nhưng đa số dân đảo vùng Caribbe hoặc người châu Mĩ bản địa hay người da đỏ châu Mĩ\ncó chính xác một phản ứng với sự viếng thăm của người châu Âu: cái chết\nChúng ta không thể chắc chắn bao nhiêu thổ dân đã chết do người châu Âu đến\nnhưng dứt khoát là hơn 50% và một số ước lượng đến 90%. Các sử gia thường trách sự tàn bạo của châu Âu,\n\nSpanish: \npoblaciones de animales, particularmente seres humanos.\nY vital, esta polinización cruzada también hizo\nposibles maravillas tales como pizza contemporáneo.\n[Música Intro]\n[música de la introducción]\n[música de la introducción]\n[música de la introducción]\n[música de la introducción]\n[música de la introducción]\n[música de la introducción]\nAsí que vamos a romper intercambio colombino\nen cuatro categorías: enfermedades (niño,\nque está en buen estado, la viruela, me alegro de que hayas\nhan eliminado), animales, plantas y personas.\nSr. Green, señor Green. Las personas son animales.\nSí, eso es cierto, yo a partir del pasado, pero sólo\npor el bien de la simplicidad--\nAdemás, si se piensa en ello, los microbios son\ntipo de animales y plantas son también, quiero decir\nOH MY GOD CIERRE ANTES DE MATO usted y crear\nUna paradoja TIEMPO DE VIAJE.\nLos microbios, como esos tíos peludos volver allí,\nfueron una negativa definitiva en cuanto a la colombiana\nExchange.\nLa terminología es difícil aquí, pero la mayoría\ndel Caribe isleños o los nativos americanos\no amerindios tenían exactamente una respuesta a\nla llegada de los europeos: la muerte.\nNo podemos estar seguros de cómo muchos indígenas murieron como\nresultado de la llegada de los europeos, pero sin duda,\nmás del 50%, y algunas estimaciones lo sitúan\ntan alto como 90%.\nLos historiadores utilizan para culpar a la brutalidad europea,\nque fue sin duda fue un factor, pero el\n\nDutch: \nmaar de grootste boosdoener waren ziektes.\nPokken wordt meestal gezien als de grootste slechterik in het verhaal, maar het is meer een verhaal\nvan verschillende ziektes in combinatie met elkaar.\nSamen met de pokken, werden Amerikanen gedood door Mazzelen, de bof, tyfus en waterpokken\nEn ze waren nooit blootgesteld aan geen enkele van deze ziektes\nDe grote neergang in bevolking was zeker het ergste effect van deze ziektes \nzowel psychologisch als demografisch maar de secundaire effecten waren zeker zo erg.\nBijvoorbeeld, de dood van de leiders van Azteken en Inca's zorgden voor oorlog.\nEn in oorlogstijd verspreid en ziekten zich beter. De beste manier om pokken te krijgen is immers\nin een man-aan-man gevecht.\nBovendien, leiders bleven sterven. Huayna Capac, de leider van het Incarijk stierf aan pokken\nvoor Pizarro nog maar was aangekomen.\nZijn dood leidde tot een bloedige opvolgingscrisis tussen zijn zonen, gewonen door Atahualpa\ndie op zijn beurt, gevangengenome en gedood werd door Pizarro.\nEn zonder die oorlog hadden de Inca's een veel betere kans gehad tegen de Spanjaarden\nwiens troepensterkte erg klein was. \nHetzelfde gebeurde bij de Azteken. De Montezuma die uiteindelijk verloor tegen Cortez was\nde neef van een veel machtigere koning die gestorven was aan pokken.\nEn de dood van deze grote koning moedigde sommige kleinere staten in het Azteekse rijk aan \n\nVietnamese: \nthứ rõ là một nhân tố, nhưng bệnh tật là thủ phạm chính\nĐậu mùa thường được coi là kẻ phản diện của câu chuyện nhưng nó giống\nmột loạt bệnh lẫn lộn gây thiệt hại hơn. Song song với đậu mùa, người châu Mĩ bị giết\nbởi bệnh sởi, quai bị, sốt phát ban, giang mai- chưa cái nào họ bị phơi nhiễm trước đó\nSự giảm dân số kinh dị rõ ràng là ảnh hưởng xấu nhất của các bệnh tật này,\ncả về tâm lí và nhân khẩu học\nNhưng ảnh hưởng thứ hai gần xấu như vậy. Bởi một lẽ cái chết của các vua Aztec và Inca\nchâm ngòi chiến tranh làm bệnh tật dễ lây truyền hơn, vì cách số 1 để dính đậu mùa\nlà đánh nhau tay đôi. Lãnh đạo cứ chết, Huayna Capac, người đứng đầu đế quốc Inca,\nchết vì đậu mùa trước cả lúc Pizarro đến nơi. Cái chết của ông dẫn đến\ncuộc tranh giành quyền kế vị kịch liệt giữa hai con trai, mà người thắng là Atahualpa-\nsau bị bắt và giết bởi Pizarro. Không có cuộc chiến đó, Inca đã có cơ hội lớn hơn nhiều\nchống lại người TBN có số lượng tương đối ít. Điều tương tự xảy ra với Aztec.\nMoctezuma, người thua Cortés, là cháu trai của một vị vua quyền lực hơn nhiều bị chết vì đậu mùa\n\nRussian: \nобвинять в этом европейскую жестокость. Но оновной причиной были болезни.\nОспа частенько оказывается главным подлецом в истории, но в этом случае мы имеем дело с целой серией болезней\nкоторые в комбинации нанесли этот чудовищный урон. Вместе с оспой американцев убивали\nкорь, свинка, тиф, ветряннаяя оспа, с которыми они раньше не сталкивались.\nТакая убыль населения в связи с болезнями, определённо повлияла наихудшим образом\nкак психологически так и демографически.\nНо остальные факторы повлияли не намного лучше. Например война между Ацтеками и Инками\nотлично способствовала распространению болезней и вымиранию Ацтеков и Инков. Потому что\nНу вы знаете - рукопашная схватка с больным это, наверное, лучший способ чтобы подцепить оспу.\nТак Гаяна Капак, лидер цивилизации инков подцепил оспу до того, как его навестил Писарро\nЕго смерть привела к жестокому соперничеству двух его сыновей, в котором победил Атауальпа,\nкоторый в свою очередь был захвачен и убит Писарро. Если бы не война - у инков было бы\nбольше шансов против испанцев, которые приплыли достаточно маленьким составом.\nТо же можно сказать и про ацтеков. Моцтезума, которого в конечном итоге победил Кортес был племянником\nнамного более могущественного короля, но тот погиб от оспы. Его смерть побудила некоторые провинции ацтеков\n\nEnglish: \nblame European brutality, which was definitely\na factor, but the main culprit was disease.\nSmallpox is usually seen as the villain of\nthe story but it is more likely that a series\nof diseases in combination did the damage.\nAlong with smallpox, Americans were killed\nby measles and mumps, typhus, chicken pox,\nnone of which they had been previously exposed\nto. This astonishing decrease of population\nwas definitely the worst effect of these diseases,\nboth psychologically and demographically.\nBut the secondary effects were almost as bad.\nFor one thing the deaths of Aztec and Incan\nrulers touched off wars which made it easier\nto spread disease, because you know, the number\none way to catch smallpox is via hand-to-hand\ncombat. Plus leaders kept dying. Huayna Capac,\nthe leader of the Incan empire, succumbed\nto smallpox before Pizarro even arrived. His\ndeath led to a violent succession struggle\nbetween his sons which was won by Atahualpa,\nwho in turn was captured and killed by Pizarro.\nAnd without that war, the Inca would have\nhad a much better chance against the Spaniards,\nwhose numbers were comparatively tiny. A similar\nthing happened to the Aztecs. The Moctezuma\nwho eventually lost to Cortés was the nephew\nof a much more powerful king who died of smallpox.\nAnd the death of that great king encouraged\n\nArabic: \nاعتاد المؤرخون إلقاء اللوم على وحشية\nالأوروبيين، والتي كانت عاملاً دون شك،\nلكن السبب الأساسي كان المرض. ينظر عادةً إلى\nالجدري على أنه الشرير ولكن على الأرجح\nاجتماع سلسلة من الأمراض كان السبب.\nإلى جانب الجدري، قضى الأمريكيون بسبب الحصبة\nوالنكاف، التفوئيد، الحماق\nوهي أمراض لم يتعرضوا لها من قبل\nكان الانخفاض الهائل بعدد السكان\nأسوأ نتائج هذه الأمراض:\nنفسيًا وديموغرافيًا.\nلكن التأثيرات الجانبية كانت بذات السوء.\nوأحدها موت حكام حضارتي الأزتيك والإنكا\nما أجّج حروبًا سهلت انتقال الأمراض لأن أبسط\nطريقة لإنتقال الجدري هي تلامس الأيدي\nوموت القادة استمر،\nهواينا كاباك، قائد امبراطورية الإنكا\n قضى بالجدري قبل وصول بيزارو.\nأدى موته إلى اقتتال عنيف على\nالخلافة بين أبنائه والذي فاز به أتاهوالبا،\nالذي قبض عليه بدوره وقُتل على يد بيزارو.\nولولا تلك الحرب، كانت لتحظى حضارة الإنكا\nبفرصة أكبر بكثير أثناء الحرب مع الإسبان،\nالذين كانت أعدادهم ضئيلة بالمقارنة.\nأمر مشابه حصل مع الإزتيك، الموكتيزوما\nالذي خسر فيما بعد أمام كورتيز\nكان إبن أخ ملك أقوى بكثير ولكنه\nمات بالجدري، وشجع موت ذلك الملك العظيم\n\nSpanish: \nprincipal culpable fue la enfermedad.\nLa viruela es generalmente visto como el villano de\nesta historia, pero es más probable que una serie\nde enfermedades en combinación hizo el daño.\nJunto con la viruela, los estadounidenses fueron asesinados\npor el sarampión y las paperas, el tifus, la varicela,\nninguno de los cuales habían estado anterior expuesta\na.\nEste sorprendente disminución de la población era\ndefinitivamente el peor efecto de estas enfermedades,\ntanto psicológica como demográficamente,\npero los efectos secundarios fueron casi tan malo.\nPor un lado, la muerte de los aztecas y los incas\ngobernantes desataron guerras, que a su vez hicieron\nque sea más fácil de difundir la enfermedad, porque, ya\nsaber, el número uno de manera de coger la viruela\nes a través de un combate cuerpo a cuerpo.\nAdemás, los líderes mantienen morir. Huayna Cápac, el\nlíder del Imperio Inca sucumbido a la viruela\nantes de Pizarro incluso llegado.\nSu muerte llevó a una lucha por la sucesión violenta\nentre sus hijos, que fue ganado por Atahualpa\nquien, a su vez, fue capturado y asesinado por Pizarro.\nY, sin que la guerra, el Inca tendría\ntenía una mejor oportunidad contra los españoles,\ncuyos números eran comparativamente pequeña.\nAlgo similar le pasó a los aztecas. los\nMoctezuma quien finalmente perdió ante Cortés\nel sobrino de un rey mucho más potente que\nmuerto de viruela.\nY, la muerte de ese gran rey animó\nalgunos de los estados más pequeños en el imperio azteca\n\nSpanish: \nculpar de esto a la brutalidad europea, que en definitivamente jugó un papel crucial, pero el factor principal fueron las enfermedades.\nLa Viruela es la que usualmente actúa como el villano pero es más probable que hay sido la combinación\nde distintas enfermedades lo que causó el daño. Junto a la Viruela, los americanos murieron\na causa del Sarampión y las Páperas, el Tifus y la Varicela, siendo que no habían sido expuestos nunca antes a cualquiera de estas.\nEl pasmoso descenso de la población fue en definitiva el peor efecto de estas enfermedades,\ntanto en lo que a la psiquis y a la demografía de los nativos se refiere.\nPero los efectos secundarios también fueron casi igual de malos. Por un lado, la muerte de los gobernantes Aztecas e Incas,\nprovocaron guerras que a su vez permitió la propagación de las enfermedades, porque, como se comprende, la manera\nnúmero uno de contraer la viruela es mediante el combate cuerpo a cuerpo. Además, los gobernantes siguieron muriendo. Huayna Capac,\nel emperador inca, sucumbió a la viruela mucho antes de que Pizarro siquiera llegase.\nSu muerte llevó a una lucha de sucesión muy violenta entre sus hijos que al final sería ganada por Atahualpa,\nquien a su vez fuese capturado y asesinado por Pizarro. Y, sin esa guerra, el imperio Inca,\nhubiese tenido una mucho mejor oportunidad en contra de los españoles, cuyos números en comparación eran minúsculos. Una caso similar\nle ocurrió a los aztecas. El Moctezuma que eventualmente fue derrotado por Cortés era el sobrino\nde un rey muchísmo más poderoso que había muerto por la viruela. Y la muerte de ese gran rey ocasionó\n\nPortuguese: \nculpar a brutalidade européia, que definitivamente foi um fator, mas o principal culpado era a doença.\nVaríola geralmente é vista como a vilã da história, mas é mais provável que uma série\nde doenças em combinação causou o dano. Juntamente com a varíola, os americanos foram mortos\npelo sarampo e caxumba, tifo, varicela, nenhuma das quais tinham sido previamente expostos.\nEssa surpreendente diminuição da população foi definitivamente o pior efeito dessas doenças,\ntanto psicológica quanto demograficamente.\nMas os efeitos secundários foram quase tão ruins. Por um lado, as mortes dos governantes asteca e incaico\ndesencadearam guerras, que tornaram mais fácil de espalhar a doença, porque você sabe, o modo\nnúmero um de pegar a varíola é através do combate corpo-a-corpo. Mais líderes continuaram a morrer. Huayna Capac\nlíder do Império Inca, sucumbiu à varíola antes que Pizarro chegasse. Sua\nmorte levou a uma luta de sucessão violenta entre seus filhos, que foi conquistada por Atahualpa,\nque por sua vez foi capturado e morto por Pizarro.\nE, sem essa guerra, os incas teriam\nteriam uma chance muito melhor contra os espanhóis, cujos números eram comparativamente pequenos. Algo\nsimilar aconteceu com os astecas. O Moctezuma que eventualmente perdeu para Cortés era o sobrinho\nde um rei muito mais poderoso que morreu de varíola. E a morte desse grande rei encorajou\n\nSpanish: \nrebelarse y algunos de ellos incluso lucharon por\nLos españoles.\nY, otro efecto secundario de la enfermedad fue la inanición\nporque simplemente no había suficientes personas\nizquierda a sembrar cultivos para alimentar a los vivos.\nY entonces la malnutrición hecho de que los supervivientes\nmucho más susceptibles a la enfermedad. En breve,\nlo chupó.\nLa transmisión de la enfermedad fue en gran medida un solo\nAsí, desde el Viejo Mundo al Nuevo, pero el\nLos estadounidenses tenía un regalo para Europa: venreal\nsífilis.\nApareció en Europa alrededor de 1493. Y aún\naunque los europeos son muy aficionados a atribuir\nla sífilis a cada otro-\nLos italianos lo llamaron el mal francés; el\nFrancés llamó la enfermedad de Nápoles; Polos\nllamado la enfermedad alemana; Rusos llamada\nque la Disease- polaco\nLa verdad es que la sífilis venérea se extendió\npor los marineros que habían regresado de las Américas.\nDe hecho, en su libro \"El intercambio colombino\"\nCrosby dice así:\n\"Los marineros, por la naturaleza de su profesión,\nson hombres sin las mujeres y, por tanto, los hombres de\nmuchas mujeres. podemos imaginar ningún grupo ... más\nperfectamente adecuado para garantizar que venéreas\nsífilis tendría la distribución en todo el mundo \".\n¿Quién dice que los libros de historia son aburridos?\nLa sífilis se encendería para infectar un verdadero\nquién es quién de Europa, de Baudelaire a Gauguin\n\nDutch: \nom te rebelleren of mee te werken met de Spanjaarden.\nEen ander randeffect van de ziektes was hongersnood omdat er te weinig mensen waren \nom gewassen te telen voor de levenden.\nEn de ondervoeding zorgde ervoor dat de overlevenden makkelijker ziek werden. In het kort\nHet was Kl*te.\nDe uitwisseling van ziektes ging vooral in één richting van de oude naar de nieuwe wereld maar.\nde Amerikanen hadden één klein cadeautje voor Europa: Syfilis.\nHet verscheen in Europa rond 1493 en hoewel Europeanen zeer sterk zijn in het toeschrijven\n van Syfilis aan elkaar\nItalianen noemen het de Franse Ziekte, de Fransen noemen het de ziekte van Napels, \nPolen noemen het de Duitse ziekte, Russen de Poolse ziekte. \nDe waarheid is dat venerische syfilis verspreid is door zeelui die terugkwamen uit Amerika.\nIn feite zegt Crosby in zijn boek het zo:\nZeelui zijn door de natuur van het beroep mannen zonder vrouw en daarom\nmannen met veel vrouwen. We kunnen ons geen groep voorstellen die beter geschikt is voor het wereldwijd \nverspreiden van venerische syfilis.\nWie zegt er dat geschiedenisboeken saai zijn.\nSyfilis zou zeer veel bekende mensen gaan besmetten. Baudelaire, Gauguin\n\nEnglish: \nsome of the smaller states in the Aztec empire to rebel,\nand some of them even fought for the Spaniards.\nAnd another effect of disease was starvation,\nbecause there simply weren't enough people\nleft to grow crops to feed the living. And\nthe malnutrition made survivors that much\nmore susceptible to disease. In short, it\nsucked.\nThe transmission of disease largely went one\nway, from the Old World to the New, but the\nAmericans did have one gift for Europe: venereal\nsyphilis. It showed up in Europe around 1493,\nand even though Europeans are very fond of\nascribing syphilis to each other: Italians\ncalled it the French disease; the French called\nit the disease of Naples; Poles called it\nthe German disease; Russians called it the\nPolish disease. The truth is, venereal syphilis\nwas spread by sailors who'd returned from\nthe Americas.\nIn fact, in his book, The Columbian Exchange,\nCrosby tells it like this: \"Sailors, by the\nnature of their profession, are men without\nwomen and therefore men of many women. We\ncan imagine no group more perfectly suited\nfor guaranteeing that venereal syphilis would\nhave worldwide distribution.\" Who says history\nbooks are boring? Syphilis would go on to\ninfect a veritable who's who of Europe: from\nBaudelaire to Gauguin to Nietzsche, not to\n\nArabic: \nالولايات الأصغر في إمبراطورية الإزتيك على\nالثورة، كما قاتل بعضهم في صفوف الإسبان.\nومن نتائج المرض الأخرى كان الجوع،\nبسبب عدم وجود ما يكفي من الناس\nلزراعة المحاصيل وإطعام البشر.\nوجعل نقص التغذية الناجين أكثر عرضة للمرض\nباختصار، كان الوضع سيئًا.\nذهب انتقال المرض بشكل رئيسي\nباتجاه واحد، من العالم القديم إلى الجديد\nلكن قدمت الأميريكييّن هدية إلى أوروبا: مرض\nالزهري الذي ظهر في أوروبا نحو عام 1493،\nورغم أن الأوروبيين يحبون\nنسب الزهري إلى بعضهم البعض\nفلقد سمّاه الإيطاليون المرض الفرنسي\nوسمّاه الفرنسيون مرض نابولي\nسمّاه البولنديون المرض الألماني،\nوسمّاه الروس المرض البولندي\nوالحقيقة هي أن مرض الزهري انتشر\nبسبب البحارة الذين عادوا من الأمريكيتين.\nحقيقة، في هذا الكتاب، التبادل الكولومبي،\nيرويها كروسبي هكذا: \"البحارة، بطبيعة مهنتهم\nرجال دون نساء\nولذلك هم رجال العديد من النساء\nلا شيء أكثر ملائمة لضمان انتشار مرض\nالزهري التناسلي في العالم بأسره.\"\nمن قال إن كتب التاريخ مملة؟ أثر مرض\nالزهري بالكثير من شخصيات أوروبا البارزة\nمن بودلير إلى غوغان إلى نيتشه\n\nPortuguese: \nalguns dos estados menores do Império Asteca a rebelar-se, e alguns deles até lutaram pelos espanhóis.\nE outro efeito da doença foi a fome, porque simplesmente não havia pessoas suficientes\npara cultivar para alimentar os vivos. E a desnutrição fez sobreviventes um tanto\nmais suscetíveis a doenças. Em suma, foi uma droga.\nA transmissão de doenças, em grande parte, foi uma via de mão única, do Velho Mundo ao Novo, mas os\namericanos tinham um presente para a Europa: a sífilis venérea. Apareceu na Europa por volta de 1493,\ne mesmo que os europeus gostem muito de atribuir a sífilis um ao outro: os italianos\nos italianos a chamavam de doença francesa;\nos franceses chamavam de doença de Nápoles; \nos poloneses a chamavam\nde doença alemã; os russos a chamavam de doença polonesa. A verdade é que a sífilis venérea\nfoi espalhada por marinheiros que\nretornaram da América.\nNa verdade, em seu livro \"O Intercâmbio Colombiano\", Crosby diz assim: \"Marinheiros, pela\nnatureza de sua profissão, são homens sem mulheres e, portanto, homens de muitas mulheres. Nós\nnão podemos imaginar nenhum grupo mais adequado para garantir que a sífilis venérea\ntivesse distribuição mundial\". Quem disse que os livros de história são chatos? A sífilis passava\na infectar um verdadeiro \"quem é quem\" da Europa: de Baudelaire a Gauguin a Nietzsche, para\n\nVietnamese: \nVà sự ra đi của vị vua vĩ đại đó đã cổ vũ vài nước nhỏ trong đế quốc Aztec chống đối,\nthậm chí một số còn chiến đấu cho người TBN\nMột tác động khác của bệnh dịch là nạn đói, vì đơn giản là không có đủ người sống\nđể nuôi mùa màng. Và thiếu dinh dưỡng khiến những người sống sót đó\ndễ mắc bệnh hơn nhiều. Tóm lại, nó sida vãi\nSự truyền bệnh chủ yếu theo một đường, từ Thế giới cũ đến Tân thế giới,\nnhưng người châu Mĩ có một món quà cho châu Âu: bệnh giang mai. Nó xuất hiện ở châu Âu khoảng năm 1493,\ndù thế người châu Âu rất thích đổ cho nhau: người Ý gọi nó là bệnh Pháp,\nngười Pháp gọi nó là bệnh Napoli, người Ba Lan gọi nó là bệnh Đức,\nngười Nga gọi nó là bệnh Ba Lan. Sự thực là bệnh giang mai lây lan bởi thủy thủ\ntrở về từ châu Mĩ\nThực tế, trong sách, Crosby nói như này \"Các thủy thủ, do đặc điểm nghề nghiệp,\nlà đàn ông không đàn bà và vì thế là đàn ông của nhiều đàn bà. Chúng ta không thể tưởng tượng ra\nnhóm người nào thích hợp hoàn hảo hơn để đảm bảo rằng bệnh giang mai sẽ rải khắp thế giới\"\nAi nói sách sử nhàm chán? Giang mai sẽ nhiễm vào một list người có tên tuổi ở châu Âu,\ntừ Baudelaire đến Gauguin đến Nietzsche,\n\nSpanish: \nque algunos de los estados más pequeños en el imperio azteca se rebelasen, y algunos de ellos inclusive lucharon junto a los españoles.\nY otro efecto de las enfermedades fue la hambruna, porque sencillamente no habían suficientes personas\nvivas para cultivar y alimentar a los vivos. Con esto, la mala nutrición hizo de muchos de los sobrevivientes mucho\nmás propensos a enfermarse. En sintesís, fue horrible.\nLa transmisión de las enfermedades en su mayoría fue unidireccional, del Viejo al Nuevo Mundo, pero los nativos americanos\ntambién le obsequiaron a Europa la Sífilis. Apareció en Europa alrededor de 1493,\ny aunque a los europeos les resultaba muy placentero el culparse los unos a los otros por la enfermedad: Los italianos\nle llamaban \"el mal francés\"; los franceses le decían la \"picazón napolitana\"; los polacos le decían\n\"el mal germano\"; los rusos \"la enfermedad polaca\". La verdad es que, la Sífilis\nfue propagada por los marineros que retornaban de las Américas.\nDe hecho, en su libro, El Intercambio Colombino, Crosby lo cuenta así: \"Los marineros, por la\nnaturaleza de su profesión, son hombres sin mujer y por tanto hombres de muchas mujeres. No nos\npodemos imaginar ningún grupo más perfecto para garantizar la distribución\nmundial de la sífilis venerea\" ¿Quién dice que los libros de Historia son aburridos? La Sífilis pasaría a infectar\nhasta la crema y nata de Europa: De Baudelaire a Gauguin y Nietzche, sin dejar de\n\nRussian: \nк бунту и они сражались на стороне испанцев.\nЕщё одним пагубным эффектом болезней был голод. Потому что не было достаточно людей\nчтобы выращивать зерно для производства еды. А голодание привело к тому что выжившие\nбыли более уязвимы к болезням. Короче, всё это было скверно.\nКоличество болезней переданных от Старого Света Новому было велико,\nно и у Американцев был небольшой подарочек для Европы - венерический сифилис. Он появился в Европе в 1493\nправда потом европейцы стали приписывать появление болезни почти всем соседям.\nИтальянцы называли сифилис Французской болезнью, французы - Неополитанской.\nПоляки - Немецкой болезнью, а русские - Польской. Но на самом деле сифилис\nраспространился от моряков вернувшихся из Америки.\nВот что писал Кросби по этому поводу:\n\"Суть профессии моряка - человек без женщины. А значит это человек у которого много женщин.\nМожно ли представить лучший сосуд для распространения венерического сифилиса.\nКто говорил, что книги по истории скучны?\nСифилиc показал кто есть кто в Европе. Болели многие Бодлер, Гоген, Ницше\n\nPortuguese: \npara não mencionar numerosos membros das famosas e inférteis famílias Tudor e Valois, o que significa\nque a sífilis pode ser responsável por muitas dessas miseráveis e aborrecidas lutas de poder dinásticas\nda Europa pós-Colombo. De qualquer forma, nada contra a sífilis, mas empalidece em comparação com a\ndevastação causada pelas doenças do Velho Mundo que chegam ao Novo Mundo.\nMas o Novo Mundo tinha um presente para o Velho Mundo que era bastante destrutivo: o tabaco.\nAh, é hora da carta aberta e de uma mudança de fantasia? Isso não é um bom sinal.\nUma carta aberta ao tabaco.\nMas primeiro vamos ver o que está no compartimento secreto (não seja canela, não seja canela, não-\nDroga!\nEu acho que vou fazer o desafio da canela.\nOh, não estou feliz com isto, Stan,\nque fique anotado - tudo bem, vou fazer o desafio da canela: uma colher de sopa de\ncanela na minha boca, sem água.\n\nSpanish: \nNietzsche, por no hablar de familia numerosa\nmiembros de la famosa infértil Tudor y\nFamilias Valois, lo que significa que la sífilis puede\nser responsable de muchos de los miserablemente\nluchas de poder dinásticos aburridos de post-Colón\nEuropa.\nDe todos modos, nada contra la sífilis, pero palidece\nen comparación con la devastación causada por\nEnfermedades del Viejo Mundo que llegan en el Nuevo Mundo.\nPero el Nuevo Mundo tenía un regalo para el\nViejo Mundo que era bastante destructiva: Tabaco.\nOh, es hora de que la Carta Abierta? Y hay\nsido un cambio de vestuario? Eso no augura nada bueno.\nCarta abierta a tabaco.\nPero primero, vamos a ver lo que en el compartimiento secreto.\nNo tenga la canela, no tenga la canela, no lo hagas\nser - Dang!\nSupongo que me voy a hacer el canelo\ndesafío. Oh ... No estoy contento con esto,\nStan. Para el registro. Muy bien. voy a\nhacer el reto canela, una cucharada\nde canela en la boca, ni agua.\n\nVietnamese: \nchưa kể đông đảo thành viên của các dòng họ nổi tiếng cằn cỗi Tudor và Valois\nđồng nghĩa bệnh giang mai chịu trách nhiệm cho nhiều cuộc chiến giành quyền lực trong triều chán kinh khủng\ncủa Châu Âu hậu Columbus. Nhưng nó lu mờ đi khi so sánh với sự tàn phá\ngây ra bởi các bệnh của Thế giới cũ đến Tân thế giới\nTân thế giới có một món quà cho Thế giới cũ mà nó rất là hủy diệt: thuốc lá\nĐến giờ cho thư ngỏ và có thay trang phục ư? Tôi không được báo trước\nThư ngỏ cho Thuốc lá\nNhưng trước hết hãy xem có gì trong ngăn bí mật. Đừng là quế đừng là quế đừng\nmẹ nó!\nTôi nghĩ tôi sẽ làm thử thách quế\nTôi không vui đâu Stan, để ghi hình-\n Được rồi, tôi sẽ làm thử thách quế\nMột muỗng quế trong miệng, không nước\n\nArabic: \nدون نسيان العديد من أفراد\nعائلتي التيودورز وفالويس المشهورتين بالعقم\nوهذا يعني أن الزهري قد يكون مسؤولاً\nعن الكثير من النزاعات المملة على السلطة\nفي أوروبا ما بعد كولومبوس، على أي حال\nليس لدي شيء ضد الزهري\nلكنه لا يقارن بدمار الأمراض المنتقلة\nمن العالم القديم إلى العالم الجديد.\nولكن كان لدى العالم الجديد هدية\nمدمرة للعالم القديم: التبغ.\nحان وقت الخطاب المفتوح وهناك\nتغيير في العادات؟ هذا لا يبشرّ بالخير.\nخطاب مفتوح إلى التبغ.\nلكن أولاً لنر ما في داخل المقصورة السرية\nرجاءًا لا تكوني قرفة رجاءًا لا تكوني...\nاللعنة!\nيبدو أنني سأقوم بتحدي القرفة\nأنا لست سعيدًا بهذا، ستان\nلأخذ العلم، سأقوم بتحدي القرفة\nملعقة واحدة من القرفة في فمي، دون ماء.\n\nRussian: \nне говоря уже о знаменитом бесплодии семей Тюдор и Валуа\nдля которых сифилис видимо стал наказанием за кучу занудных династичесих конфликтов\nпост-Колумбовой Европы. Ничего не помогало против сифилиcа, но это всё-равно не сравнимо\nс разрушениями вызванными болезнями Старого Света в Новом\nНо Новый Свет приберёг ещё один подарочек для Старого Света, который принёс не меньше разрушений - табак.\nО - это время для открытого письма и смены костюма? Это не сулит чего-то хорошего.\nОткрытое письмо Табаку.\nНо сначала давайте взглянем, что у нас в секретном отсеке. Пожалйста только не корица, только не корица.\nЧёрт!\nЯ угадал - я собираюсь поучавствовать в коричном челлендже. Я не особо рад этому, Стэн.\nДля записи: Окей, я готов к Коричному Челенджу - одна столовая ложка корицы\nи никакой воды.\n\nSpanish: \nmencionar a numerosos miembros de la famosamente infértil familia de los Tudor y los Valois, significando\nque la sífilis bien podría ser la responsable de las muchas y miserablemente aburridas luchas dinásticas por el poder\nen la Europa después de Colón. En cualquier caso, sin querer inferiorizar a la sífilis, pero palidece en comparación a la\ndevastación provocada por las enfermedades del Viejo Mundo recién introducidas en el Nuevo Mundo.\nSin embargo, el Nuevo Mundo sí tenía un regalo para el Viejo Mundo que fue bastanto destructivo: El tabaco.\n¿Oh, es tiempo para la Carta Pública y ha habido un cambio de vestuario? Eso no promete nada bueno.\nUna Carta Pública para el Tabaco:\nPero antes, veamos que hay en el compartimiento secreto: ¡Que no sea canela, que no sea canela, que no sea...\nme lleva!\nBueno, creo que significa que voy a tomar el reto de la canela. Mmm, quiero dejar claro que no me agrada\nnada de esto, Stan. Muy bien, tomaré el reto de la canela:\nUna cucharada de canela en mí boca y nada de agua. [Tose incontralablemente]\n\nEnglish: \nmention numerous family members of the famously\ninfertile Tudor and Valois families, meaning\nthat syphilis may be responsible for many\nof those miserably boring dynastic power struggles\nof post-Columbus Europe. Anyway, nothing against\nsyphilis, but it pales in comparison to the\ndevastation wrought by Old World diseases\narriving in the New World.\nBut the New World did have one gift for the\nOld World that was pretty destructive: tobacco.\nOh, it's time for the open letter and there's\nbeen a costume change? That doesn't bode well.\nAn Open Letter to Tobacco.\nBut first let's see what's in the secret compartment\ndon't be cinnamon don't be cinnamon don't\nbe -- dang it!\nI guess that I'm going to do the cinnamon\nchallenge. Oh, I am not happy about this Stan,\nfor the record -- alright, I'm going to do\nthe cinnamon challenge: one tablespoon of\ncinnamon in my mouth, no water.\n\nDutch: \nNietzsche. Om het niet te hebben over familieleden van de onvruchtbare Tudor en \nValois - families. Wat wil zeggen dat syfilis misschien wel verwantwoordelijk was voor vele van die \nsaaie, dynastieke machtsstrijden van post-Columbus Europa.\nNiets tegen syfilis maar het valt in het niets tegenover de verschrikking die\noude wereld ziektes brachten in de Nieuwe wereld. Maar de nieuwe wereld had één cadeautje dat \nredelijk dodelijk was voor de Oude Wereld: Tabak.\nOh. Het is tijd voor de open brief?. En er is een kostuumwissel. Dat voorspelt niets goed.\nEen open brief aan Tabak.\nMaar eerst eens kijken wat er in het geheime vak zit. AUB geen kaneel, geen kaneel, geen kaneel\nVerdomme\nIk denk dat ik de kaneeluitdaging ga moeten doen. Ik ben er niet echt blij om.\nOk ik doe de kaneeluitdaging. 1 eetlepel kaneel\nin mijn mond, zonder water\n\nDutch: \nAmai. Ik heb er spijt van dat ik dit gedaan heb.\nLiefste Tabak. Ik heb net iets doms gedaan maar het was\ntenminste goedkoop.\nIk ga je twee verhalen vertellen over roken. Het eerste komt van mijn leraar geshiedenis\nRaoul Meyer, die ook Crash Course schrijf. Wanneer ik in het 6e jaar zat \nkwam hij naar me toe en zei: Ik wil dat je blijft roken, ik wil dat je rookte tot je\n65 jaar wordt en dan wil ik dat je sterft zodat ik jou sociale zekerheid krijg.\n \nDat heeft me geïnspireerd om te stoppen met roken een kleine acht jaar later.\nEen vreemde statistiek. Sigaretten werden uitgedeeld aan de Amerikaanse soldaten\ntijdens Wereldoorlog II\nEn er stierven meer soldaten, die begonnen te roken tijdens de oorlog, van te roken \ndan tijdens de oorlog\nDus als de Nieuwe wereld wraak zocht voor de pokken en de mazzelen\nen waterpokken. Missie geslaagd.\nBeste wensen, John Green \nNu naar de dieren. Amerikaanse dieren zoals lama's en cavia's slaagden nooit echt aan in \nEurazië \n\nArabic: \nياللهول، كان هذا مقززًا،\nأنا حقًا نادم على فعل هذا في للصراحة.\nأيها التبغ العزيز،\nلقد قمت بتصرف غبي\nولكنه على الأقل كان رخيصًا،\nسأخبركم قصتين عن التدخين\nتأتي الأولى من معلم التاريخ راؤول ماير\nالذي يكتب أيضًا Crash Course\nفي السنة الأخيرة من المدرسة الثانوية\nتقدم نحوي وقال، \"أريدك أن تواصل التدخين\nأريد أن تدّخن حتى عيد ميلادك الـ65، ثم\nأريدك أن تموت حتى أقبض ضمانك الاجتماعي.\"\nلقد ألهمني هذا،سيد ماير،\nودفعني على الإقلاع عن التدخين بعد 8 سنوات.\nهناك إحصائيات رائعة:\nسُلِّم الجنود الأمريكييّن سجائرًا\nأثناء الحرب العالمية الثانية، ومن قضوا\nبسبب التدخين أكثر من الذين قضوا بسبب الحرب.\nلذا إن أراد العالم الجديد\nالانتقام للجدري\nالحصبة، والحماق: تم تنفيذ المهمة.\nأطيب التمنيات،\nجون غرين\nننتقل الأن إلى الحيوانات الأمريكية، مثل\nاللاما وخنازير غينيا، لم تزدهر في أوراسيا\n\nEnglish: \nHuh, boy, that -- that sucked. I, I uh regret\nr-regret doing that to be honest with you.\nDear Tobacco,\nI just did something really stupid but at\nleast it was cheap. I'm gonna tell you two\nstories about smoking, the first come from\nmy high school history teacher Raoul Meyer\nwho also writes Crash Course. When I was a\nsenior in high school he walked up to me and\nhe said, \"I want you to keep smoking. I want\nyou to smoke until the day after your 65th\nbirthday, and then I want you to die so that\nI collect all of your social security.\" That inspired me,\nMr. Meyer, to quit smoking just eight short years later.\nHere is an amazing statistic: cigarettes were\nhanded out to American servicemen during World\nWar II and more soldiers who started smoking during\nthe war died from smoking than died from the war.\nSo if the New World was looking to extract\nsome measure of revenge for smallpox, and\nmeasles, and chicken pox: Mission accomplished.\nBest Wishes,\nJohn Green\nNow onto animals. American animals, like llamas\nand guinea pigs, never really caught on in\n\nVietnamese: \nGhê quá. Tôi hối hận vì đã làm\nThuốc lá thân mến, tao đã làm gì đó rất ngu si nhưng ít ra nó rẻ tiền\nTao sẽ kể hai câu chuyện về hút thuốc, một từ thầy sử cấp 3 của tao Raoul Meyer\nKhi tao là sinh viên năm cuối cấp 3,\nthầy đi đến chỗ tao và nói \"Tôi muốn em hút thuốc tiếp. Tôi muốn em hút thuốc\nđến ngày sau sinh nhật thứ 65, và rồi tôi muốn em chết để tôi đi lấy tất cả bảo hiểm xã hội của em\"\nĐiều đó cho tôi cảm hứng để bỏ thuốc chỉ 8 năm ngắn ngủi sau\nĐây là một thống kê hay: các điếu thuốc được đưa cho quân nhân Mĩ trong Thế chiến II\nvà số lính bắt đầu hút thuốc trong cuộc chiến chết vì thuốc nhiều hơn vì chiến tranh\nNên nếu Tân thế giới muốn trích ra vài biện pháp trả thù cho bệnh đậu mùa, sởi, thủy đậu\nNhiệm vụ đã hoàn thành\nBest Wishes, John Green\nGiờ đến Động vật. Động vật châu Mĩ, như lạc đà không bướu và chuột lang, chưa bao giờ thịnh ở Âu Á\n\nRussian: \nМда, ребята, это отвратительно. Я сожалею об этом, буду с вами честен.\nДорогой Табак, я делал по-настоящему глупые вещи\nно они не обошлись мне дорого. Я расскажу тебе две вещи про курение, первая\nпро учителя моей старшей школы Рауля Майера, который кстати пишет Краткие Курсы. Когда я стал\nсамым старшим в школе, он сказал мне: \"Я хочу, чтобы ты продолжал курить. Хочу\nчтобы ты курил, пока тебе не стукнет 65, и чтобы ты умер от этого.\nА потом я заберу твою пенсию\" Это вдохнавило меня бросить курить через 8 лет.\nА вот тебе потрясающий факт: сигареты выдавались американским военнослужащим\nво время Второй Мировой Войны. Все солдаты, которые начинали курить в итоге умерли от курения а не он войны.\nЧто ж, если Новый Свет немного отомстил за оспу\nкорь и ветрянку - твоя миссия завершена.\nС наилучшими пожеланиями, Джон Грин.\nТеперь о животных. Американские животные, такие как ламы, морские свинки, так и не были\n\nSpanish: \n¡Uff! Eso fue terrible. Me arrepiento de de haber hecho eso si soy honesto con Uds.\nQuerido Tabaco, acabo de hacer algo muy tonto pero al menos fue algo barato.\nLes contaré dos historias sobre fumar: La primera proviene de mí\nprofesor de Historia de secundaria, Raoul Meyer, quien también escribe para este Crash Course. Cuando\nfinalizaba mí años en la secundaria, él se acercó un día a mí y me dijo: Quiero que sigas fumando. Quiero que fumes\nhasta el día después de tu cumpleaños número 65, y luego quiero que mueras para que así\nyo pueda reclamar tu pensión y prestaciones\". Eso me inspiró Prof. Meyer, a dejar el cigarrillo en tan solo 8 cortos años.\nAquí es una estadística asombrosa: Cigarrillos eran entregados a las tropas estadounidenses durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial\ny más soldados que habían comenzado a fumar entonces murieron a causa de esto que por el combate.\nAsí que si el Nuevo Mundo esperaba obtener algún tipo de revancha por la Viruela,\nel Sarampion y la Varicela, pues, ¡misión cumplida!\nAtentamente, John Green.\nAhora pasemos a los animales. La fauna americana como las llamas y los conejillos de india [cuyos], nunca fueron apreciados realmente\n\nPortuguese: \nÉ, cara, isso - foi uma droga. Eu, eu me arrepen-arrependo de fazer isso, para ser sincero com você\nCaro Tabaco, acabei de fazer algo\nrealmente estúpido, mas\npelo menos era barato. Vou contar-lhe duas histórias sobre tabagismo, a primeira vem\ndo meu professor de história do ensino médio, Raoul Meyer, que também escreve o Crash Course.\nQuando eu estav no último ano do ensino médio,\nele chegou em mim e disse: \"Eu quero que você continue fumando. Quero\nque você fume até o dia após o seu 65º aniversário, e então eu quero que você morra para que\neu colete toda sua aposentadoria\". Isso me inspirou, \nSr. Meyer, a parar de fumar apenas oito anos depois.\nAqui está uma estatística incrível: os cigarros foram entregues aos militares americanos durante a Segunda\nGuerra Mundial e mais soldados que começaram a fumar durante a guerra morreram por fumar do que morreram da guerra.\nEntão, se o Novo Mundo estivesse procurando extrair alguma medida de vingança pela varíola, e\nsarampo e varicela: missão cumprida.\nMuitas felicidades, John Green\nAgora, os animais. Animais americanos, como lhamas\ne porquinhos-da-índia, nunca foram realmente capturados na\n\nSpanish: \nAh, muchacho. Eso aspirado. Me arrepiento de hacer eso,\npara ser honesto con usted.\nEstimado Tabaco,\nAcabo de hacer algo realmente estúpido. Pero al\nmenos era barato.\nVoy a decirte dos historias sobre el tabaquismo.\nLa primera proviene de la historia de mi escuela secundaria\nprofesor, Raoul Meyer, quien también escribe Crash\nCurso. Cuando era estudiante de último año en la escuela secundaria,\nél se acercó a mí y me dijo: \"Quiero que\npara seguir fumando. Quiero que fuma hasta\nel día después de su cumpleaños número 65, y luego\nYo quiero que mueras para que yo colecciono todos\nla seguridad social \".\nEso me inspiró, el Sr. Meyer, para dejar de fumar\nsólo ocho cortos años más tarde.\nAquí es una estadística sorprendente, los cigarrillos eran\nentregado a los hombres de servicio estadounidenses durante\nSegunda Guerra Mundial.\nY más soldados, que comenzaron a fumar durante el\nla guerra, murió a causa de fumar que murió de\nla guerra.\nAsí que si el Nuevo Mundo estaba buscando para extraer\nalguna medida de venganza por la viruela y el sarampión\ny la varicela, misión cumplida.\nMis mejores deseos, John Green.\nAhora, en animales. Animales americanos como llamas\ny conejillos de indias nunca prendido en\nEurasia.\n\nPortuguese: \nEurásia. Mas os importados para a América, como porcos, vacas e cavalos, foram revolucionários.\nVamos para a bolha de pensamento:\nEm primeiro lugar, esses animais, especialmente os porcos, refizeram completamente o suprimento de alimentos. Porcos se reproduzem\nmuito rapidamente, eles comem qualquer coisa e eles se transformam em bacon, o que os fez heróis para\no Novo Mundo, assim como hoje, são heróis da internet. Aqui é a rapidez com que os porcos se reproduzem:\nQuando Hernando de Soto chegou na Flórida em 1539, ele trouxe 13 porcos. No momento da sua\nda sua morte, havia 700 - o que foi 3 anos depois. A abundância de carne e terra fértil para\nagricultura e pastagem significava que os europeus na América raramente experimentavam fome,\ne, apesar do que você aprendeu sobre a liberdade religiosa e política, a principal\nrazão pela qual os europeus vieram para a América era para comer.\nGrandes animais europeus também mudaram a natureza do trabalho na América. Antes dos europeus,\na maior besta de carga era a lhama, e na melhor das hipóteses poderia carregar 45.3 kg.\nIsso significava que, para as viagens de longa distância em que os incas se dedicavam, o transporte animal\nprimário eram os incas. Os bois, quando combinados com os seus arados, possibilitaram trazer mais\n\nDutch: \nMaar import naar Amerika, zoals varkens, koeien en paarden waren revolutionair.\nOp naar de gedachtebubble.\nOm te beginnen, zorgden de dieren voor een verandering in voedselvoorziening.\nVarkens, kweken zeer snel, eten zowat alles en veranderen in spek en dat maakt hem tot\nhelden in de Nieuwe wereld net zoals de varkens nog steeds helden zijn op internet.\nEen voorbeeld van de snelheid. Wanneer Hernando de Soto in Florida arrivieert in 1539\nhad hij 13 varkens bij. Bij zijn dood waren dat er 700. En dat was 3 jaar later.\nDe overvloed aan vlees en voldoende land voor landbouw en grazen zorgde ervoor dat Europeanen \nin Amerika zelden hongersnood voelden. En ondanks wat je gehoord hebt over \nreligieuze en politieke vrijheid de belangrijkste reden waarom Europeanen naar Amerika kwamen was om te eten.\nGrote Europese dieren veranderden ook de manier van werken in Amerika\nHet grootste lastdier was de lama en die konden op hun best 100 pond (50 kilogram) dragen\nDus voor lange afstandsreizen waar Inca's aan deden was het belangrijkste lastdier van de Inca's\nInca's\nOssen, gecombineerd met ploegen maakten het mogelijk om grote stukken land in cultuur te brengen\n\nArabic: \nولكن ما صُدِّر إلى الأمريكيتين\nكالخنازير، الابقار والأحصنة كان ثوريًا.\nلندخل فقاعة الأفكار:\nأولاً، قامت هذه الحيوانات،\nخاصةً الخنازير، بتغيير موارد الطعام\nتتكاثر الخنازير بسرعة،\nتأكل كل شيء وتتحول إلى لحم مقدد\nوهذا جعلها نجمة العالم الجديد نجمة\nعلى الانترنت، إليكم سرعة تكاثر الخنازير:\nعندما وصل هيرناندو دي سوتو إلى فلوريدا\nعام 1530، أحضر معه 13 خنزير.\nوعند موته، كان هناك 700 خنزير...\nحصل هذا بعد 3 سنوات من وصوله.\nوفرة اللحم والأرض الزراعية الرعوية لأوروبيي\nالأمريكيتين، جعل المجاعات نادرة جدًّا.\nورغم كل ما سمعتموه عن\n الحرية الدينية والسياسية\n السبب الرئيسي الذي دفع\nالأوروبيين على القدوم إلى أمريكا هو الطعام.\nغيّرت حيوانات أوروبية كثيرة طبيعة\nالعمل في الأمريكيتين، قبل الأوروبيين،\nكان أضخم حيوانات النقل هو اللاما،\nوأكثر ما يمكنها حمله هو 45كيلوغرامًا.\nهذا كان يعني أنه بالنسبة إلى سفر\nالمسافات الطويلة الذي كانت قام به الإنكا\n كانت حيوانات التنقل الأساسية هي الإنكا.\nالثيران، بالجمع مع المحراث\n\nEnglish: \nEurasia. But imports to the Americas, like\npigs, cows and horses were revolutionary.\nLet's go to the thought bubble:\nFirst of all, these animals, especially pigs,\ncompletely remade the food supply. Pigs breed\nreally quickly, they eat anything and they\nturn into bacon, which made them heroes to\nthe new world just as today they are heroes\nto the internet. Here's how quickly pigs breed:\nWhen Hernando de Soto arrived in Florida in\n1539, he brought 13 pigs. By the time of his\ndeath, there were 700 - that was 3 years later.\nThe abundance of meat and plentiful land for\nagriculture and grazing meant that Europeans\nin the Americas very rarely experienced famine,\nand despite what you may have learned about\nreligious and political freedom, the main\nreason Europeans came to America was to eat.\nLarge European animals also changed the nature\nof work in the Americas. Before Europeans,\nthe largest beast of burden was the llama,\nand at best it could carry like, 100 lbs.\nThis meant that for the long distance travel\nthat the Inca engaged in, the primary transportation\nanimal was Incas. Oxen, when combined with\ntheir plows, made it possible to bring more\n\nVietnamese: \nNhưng nhập khẩu vào châu Mĩ, như heo, bò, ngựa là cuộc cách mạng\nTrước hết, những động vật này, nhất là heo, hoàn toàn thay đổi cung thực phẩm\nHeo sinh sản rất nhanh, chúng ăn mọi thứ và biến thành bacon, khiến chúng là anh hùng của Tân thế giới\ngiống như ngày nay chúng là anh hùng của internet. Heo sinh sản nhanh thế này:\nKhi Hernando de Soto đến Florida năm 1539, ông đem theo 13 con heo\nLúc ông chết, có 700 con- đó là 3 năm sau. Sự thừa thãi thịt và dồi dào đất\ncho nông nghiệp và chăn thả gia súc nghĩa là người châu Âu ở châu Mĩ rất hiếm khi trải qua nạn đói,\nvà bất kể điều bạn đã học về tự do tôn giáo và chính trị, lí do chủ yếu người châu Âu sang châu Mĩ\nlà để ăn\nĐộng vật lớn châu Âu cũng thay đổi bản chất lao động ở châu Mĩ\nTrước đó, vật nuôi vận tải lớn nhất là lạc đà không bướu, nó mang nhiều nhất 100 lbs\nNghĩa là với những chuyến đi dài người Inca thực hiện, động vật vận tải chủ yếu là người Inca\nBò, khi kết hợp với cày, khiến ta có thể có nhiều đất trồng trọt hơn\n\nSpanish: \nPero, las importaciones de cerdos las Américas-como,\nvacas y caballos eran revolucionarios. Echemos\nir a la Burbuja de pensamiento.\nEn primer lugar, estos animales, especialmente cerdos,\nrehecho por completo el suministro de alimentos.\nLos cerdos se reproducen muy rápidamente, comen cualquier cosa,\ny que se conviertan en tocino que les hizo\nhéroes al Nuevo Mundo tal como son hoy en día\nhéroes a Internet.\nAquí está la rapidez crían cerdos: Cuando Hernando\nde Soto llegó a la Florida en 1539, trajo\n13 cerdos. En el momento de su muerte, había\n700. Esa era tres años más tarde.\nLa abundancia de carne y tierra abundante para\nla agricultura y el pastoreo significaba que los europeos\nen las Américas muy raramente experimentado hambre,\nya pesar de lo que ha aprendido acerca de\nla libertad religiosa y política, la principal\nrazón los europeos llegaron a América era comer.\nAnimales europeos grandes también cambian la naturaleza\ndel trabajo en las Américas. Antes de los europeos,\nel mayor animal de carga fue la llama\ny en el mejor que podría llevar, como, 100 libras.\nEsto significó que por viajes de larga distancia\nque el Inca dediquen, el transporte primario\nanimal era ... Incas.\nBueyes, cuando se combina con sus arados hecho\nEs posible traer más tierra bajo cultivo,\n\nSpanish: \nen Eurasia. Pero importaciones a las Américas, como los cerdos, vacas y caballos fueron revolucionarias.\nVamos a la Búrbuja del Pensamiento.\nPrimero, todos estos animales, especialmente el cerdo, reconvirtieron la demanda alimenticia. Los cerdos\nse reproducen rápidamente, comen cualquier cosa y se convierten en tocino, los que los hizo unos héroes en\nel Nuevo Mundo, tanto como lo son hoy para el Internet. Para que veamos que tan rápido los cerdos se reprodujeron:\nCuando Hernando de Soto arribó a Florida en 1539, traía consigo 13 cerdos. Para cuando él murió,\nhabían 700 - eso es solamente 3 años después. La abundancia de carne y la extensa cantidad de tierra\npara el cultivo y pastoreo significó que los europeos en las Américas raramente padecían de hambrunas,\ny a pesar de lo que hayan aprendido acerca de libertad política y de culto,\nla razón principal para que los europeos emigraron a América fue para comer.\nLa gran fauna europea también significó un cambio en el régimen de trabajo en las Américas. Antes de los europeos,\nel animal de carga más grande era la llama, y por mucho, lo más que podía cargar eran 100 libras.\nEsto significaba que para los viajes largo que realizaban los incas, el principal modo de transporte\neran los incas mismos. Bueyes, cuando combinados con el arado, hicieron posible el acceder\n\nRussian: \nперевезены в Евразию. Но импорт в Америку свиней, коров и лошадей стал революцией.\nДавайте обратимся к Пузырю Фантазии.\nВо-первых, эти животные, особенно свиньи, изменили рацион жителей.\nСвиньи быстро размножаются, едят почти всё и они превращаются в бекон. Что сделало их таким же важным явлением для Нового света\nкаким сейчас является интернет. Знаете как быстро размножаются свиньи?\nКогда Фернандо де Сото прибыл во Флориду в 1539 году он привёз 13 свиней.\nК моменту его смерти, спустя 3 года, их было уже 700. Обилие мяса и много земли\nдля земледелия и пастбищ позволило европейцам и американцам очень редко голодать\nи хотя вы можете говорить о свободе веры и политических взглядов, но\nосновной причиной переезда европейцев в Америку всё же была еда.\nБольшие европейские животные, кстати, сильно изменили суть \"работы\" для Америки. До европейцев\nсамым большим тягловым была лама, которая может вести максимум 45 кило.\nЭто значило что на длинные расстояния основным животным инков для перевозки были...\nинки. Рогатый скот, в сочетании с плугами позволил освоить больше\n\nSpanish: \ny también hizo transporte más fácil y más\neficiente.\nY además, los animales europeos renovarán cultura.\nEl groseramente estereotipada indio americano,\nal igual que en las películas, montando las Grandes Llanuras\ncon un tocado de plumas de águila y pinturas de guerra.\nBueno, él no existía antes de que el colombiano\nExchange porque no había caballos para\nle hicieron subir.\nY la introducción de caballos permitió a muchos\nnativos americanos a abandonar la agricultura en\na favor de un estilo de vida nómada, porque montar\nalrededor de búfalo caza los hizo mucho más rico\nque la agricultura tenido.\nGracias, Burbuja de pensamiento. Mientras que los animales y\nenfermedades reformados por completo el Nuevo Mundo,\nera plantas del Nuevo Mundo que tuvieron el mayor\nefectuar en Eurasia.\nClaro, los europeos trajeron sobre algunos cultivos que\nque ahora cultivamos aquí en las Américas, como el trigo\ny uvas, ambos de los cuales son necesarios para\nMisa católica.\nPero las plantas del Nuevo Mundo cambiaron radicalmente el\nlas vidas de millones, tal vez cientos de millones\nde africanos, asiáticos y europeos. Específicamente,\nhaciendo que la pizza sea posible.\nQuiero decir, hasta hace 500 años, los italianos vivían\nsin tomates-sin la pizza moderna o\n\nRussian: \nземель а так же сделал перевозки на много проще и эффективнее. А ещё европейские животные\nизменили культуру.\nСтереотипные Американские индейцы из фильмов, которые скачут по Великой Равнине\nс перьями орла на голове и боевым раскрасом, не существовали до Колумба.\nВ основном, потому что у них не было лошадей, чтобы так сказать. Появление лошадей\nпозволило многим коренным американцам отказаться от земледелия в пользу кочевничества,\nпотому что кочевничество и охота на бизонов делала их богаче чем любое земледелие. Спасибо, Пузырь Фантазии.\nПока животные и болезни меняли Новый Свет, растения Нового Света\nимели не меньший эффект в Евразии.\nКонечно же, европейцы перевозили то что выращивали в Америку, например, пшеницу\nи виноград, потому что они очень важны для католиков. Но растения Нового Света координально\nпоменяли жизни миллионов, а может и сотен миллионов европейцев, азиатов и африканцев.\nНапример благодаря ним существует пицца.\nРайское пение: \"Это лучший подарок для всех\"\n\nEnglish: \nland under cultivation and also made transportation\neasier and more efficient, and plus European\nanimals remade culture.\nThe grossly stereotypical American Indian,\nlike from the movies, riding the Great Plains\nwith an eagle feather headdress and war paint,\nwell he didn't exist before the Columbian\nExchange because there were no horses for\nhim to ride. And the introduction of horses\nallowed many Native Americans to abandon agriculture\nin favor of a nomadic lifestyle because riding\naround hunting buffalo made them far richer\nthan farming ever had. Thanks Thought Bubble.\nWhile animals and diseases completely reshaped\nthe New World, it was New World plants that\nhad the biggest effect on Eurasia.\nSure, Europeans brought over some crops that\nwe now grow here in the Americas like wheat\nand grapes, both of which are necessary for\nCatholic mass, but New World plants radically\nchanged the lives of millions, maybe hundreds\nof millions of Africans, Asians and Europeans,\nspecifically by making pizza possible.\n[Heavenly singing, \"It was the greatest gift\nof all.\"]\n\nVietnamese: \nvà giúp vận chuyển dễ dàng và năng suất hơn, hơn nữa động vật châu Âu\nthay đổi văn hóa\nNgười da đỏ châu Mĩ cưỡi ngựa trên Đại bình nguyên với mũ lông đại bàng\nvà phấn đỏ chiến đấu trên mặt, anh ta không tồn tại trước Columbian Exchange\nvì chưa có ngựa cho anh cưỡi. Và sự xuất hiện ngựa cho phép thổ dân châu Mĩ\ntừ bỏ nông nghiệp để theo lối sống du cư do cưỡi ngựa loanh quanh và săn trâu\ngiúp họ giàu hơn trồng trọt rất nhiều\nTrong khi động vật và bệnh tật hoàn toàn tái tạo Tân thế giới, thực vật Tân thế giới\nảnh hưởng lớn nhất đến Á Âu\nĐúng, châu Âu đem lại vài cây trồng mà nay phát triển ở châu Mĩ như lúa mì và nho,\ncả hai đều cần thiết cho lễ Mass của Công giáo, nhưng thực vật Tân thế giới\nthay đổi tận gốc cuộc sống hàng triệu, có thể hàng trăm triệu người Phi, Á, Âu,\nđặc biệt là cho phép ta làm pizza\n[Heavenly singing, \"It was the greatest gift of all.\"]\n\nSpanish: \na más tierras para el cultivo y también hicieron el transporte más fácil y eficiente, además\nlos animales europeos alteraron profundamente las culturales locales.\nEl esterotipo del nativo americano de las películas, montando a caballo en las planicies,\ncon un tocado de plumas de águila y pintura de guerra, pues, no existía antes del Intercambio Colombino\npor que no habían caballos en los cuales estos pudiesen cabalgar. Y la introducción de caballos\ntambién le permitió a muchos nativos americanos el abandonar la agricultura, favoreciendo un estilo de vida nómada, porque cabalgar\ny cazar búfalos [bisontes] les hizo mucho más ricos que lo hubiesen sido con la agricultura. \nGracias Búrbuja del Pensamiento.\nMientras que los animales y las enfermedades remoldeaban completamente el Nuevo Mundo,\neran las plantas del Nuevo Mundo las que más afectaban a Eurasia.\nClaro, los europeos trajeron consigo cultivos que ahora se dan en las Américas, tales como el trigo y las uvas,\nambos que son indispensables para la eucaristía católica, pero fueron las plantas del Nuevo Mundo las\nque cambiaron las vidas de millones, tal vez de cientos de millones de áfricanos, asiaticos y europeos,\nespecíficamente al hacer la pizza algo posible.\n[Se oyen ángeles cantar: \"Fue el mejor de los regalos\"]\n\nPortuguese: \nterra sob cultivo e também fez o transporte mais fácil e eficiente, e além disso\nanimais europeus mudaram a cultura.\nO indígena estadunidense grosseiramente estereotipado, como do cinema, cavalgando nas Grandes Planícies\ncom um cocar de penas de águia e pintura de guerra, bem, ele não existia antes do Intercâmbio\nColombiano porque não havia cavalos para ele cavalgar. E a introdução de cavalos\npermitiu que muitos americanos abandonassem a agricultura em favor de um estilo de vida nômade porque\nviver em torno da caça de búfalos os tornava muito mais ricos do que a agricultura jamais os havia tornado. Obrigado, bolha do pensamento.\nEnquanto animais e doenças remodelaram completamente o Novo Mundo, foram as plantas do Novo Mundo\nque tiveram o maior efeito na Eurásia.\nClaro, os europeus trouxeram algumas culturas que agora crescem aqui na América, como o trigo\ne as uvas, ambas necessárias para a missa católica, mas as plantas do Novo Mundo radicalmente\nmudaram a vida de milhões, talvez centenas de milhões de africanos, asiáticos e europeus,\nespecificamente tornando possível a pizza.\n[Cântico celestial, \"Foi o maior presente de todos\".]\n\nArabic: \nزادوا مساحة الأراضي المحروثة كما أنهم\nجعلوا عملية التنقل أسهل وأكثر فعالية\nكما أن الحيوانات الأوروبية جددت الثقافة.\nالصورة النمطية للأمريكان الهنود،\nكما في الأفلام، يعبرون السهول الواسعة،\nبغطاء رأس مزين بريش النسور وصباغ الحرب،\nلم يكونوا موجودين قبل التبادل الكولومبي\nبسبب عدم وجود أحصنة ليمتطوها.\nوتقديم الأحصنة سمح للكثير من سكان أمريكا\nالأصليين بترك الزراعة تفضيلاً لحياة الترحال\nلأن إمتطاء الأحصنة وصيد الجواميس جعلهم\nأكثر ثراءًا من الزراعة، شكرًا فقاعة الافكار.\nبينما أعادت الحيوانات\nوالأمراض تشكيل العالم الجديد\nكانت نباتات العالم الجديد\nهي الأكثر تاثيرًا في أوراسيا.\nبالتأكيد، أحضر الأوروبيون بعض المحاصيل\nالتي نزرعها الآن هنا في أمريكا مثل القمح\nوالعنب، وكلاهما ضروري لأداء القداس\nالكاثوليكي، ولكن نباتات العالم الجديد\nغيّرت بشكل جذري حياة الملايين، وربما مئات\nملايين الأفارقة والآسيويين والأوروببيين،\nخاصةً عن طريق تمكين صنع البيتزا.\n[يغني، \"كانت أعظم\nهدية على الإطلاق.\"]\n\nDutch: \nen maakten ook transport makkelijker en efficiënter. \nBovendien. Europese dieren veranderden ook cultuur. Het stereotype beeld van een Amerikaanse Indiaan\nzoals in de films, die over de vlaktes rijd, met een krans van veren en oorlogsverf.\nWel dit beeld bestond niet voor de Columbiaanse uitwisseling want er waren \ngeen paarden om op te rijden\nEn de intrede van paarden maakte het mogelijk voor de native Americans om landbouw op te geven \nin ruil voor een nomadische levensstijl want rondrijden en jagen op bizons\nmaakte hen veel rijker dan landbouw ooit had gedaan.\nBedankt Gedachtebubble. Terwijl dieren en ziektes de Nieuwe wereld compleet veranderde.\nWaren het de Nieuwe wereld platen die het grootste effect hadden op Eurazië.\nOk, Europeanen brachten enkele gewassen naar Amerika zoals graan\nen druiven. Beide nodig in de Katholieke mis.\nMaar Nieuwe Wereld planten veranderde het leven van miljoenen, misschien zelfs honderden miljoenen\nAfrikanen, Aziaten en Europeanen. Vooral door het mogelijk maken van Pizza.\nIk bedoel dat voor 500 jaar geleden, Italianen leefden zonder tomaten, zonder moderne Pizza,\n\nArabic: \nعاش الإيطاليون حتى قبل 500 عام\nدون بندورة ،دون بيتزا عصرية\nأو صلصة الماريانا أو البيتزا أو الكتشب، عاش\nالهنود دون الكاري، الذي يحتوي على فلفل حار\nوهو من أطعمة العالم الجديد. عاش الفرس\nدون الذرة، وهي طعام من العالم الجديد\nوكذلك الفاصولياء والبطاطا\nوالأفوكادو والفستق والتوت\nوتطول القائمة.\nوقادت محاصيل العالم الجديد على الأرجح\nإلى أعظم تضخّم سكاني في التاريخ.\nللاقتباس عن كروسبي، \"إن كان\nالشخص مكتفيًا من السعرات الحرارية\n سينضج ويتكاثر بسرعة أكبر\".\nواحتوى طعام العالم الجديد على سعرات أكثر\nمن طعام العالم القديم، السبب الرئيسي\nلتضاعف عدد سكان العالم بين عامي\n1650 و1850، بعض نباتات كالذرة والبطاطا\nيمكن أن تنمو في تربة عديمة الفائدة\nبالنسبة إلى محاصيل العالم القديم\nقدمت البطاطا إلى أوروبا كطعام مقويّ حنسيًا،\nولكن اتضح أنه يجب تحويل البطاطا إلى فودكا\nلتحصل على هذا التأثير.\nعلى أي حال، لو كانت البطاطا تثير الشهوة\nلكان الإيرلنديّون هم الأكثر\nإثارة على وجه الكرة الأرضية.\n600 متر مربع من الأرض المزروعة بالبطاطا\nقادرة على إطعام عائلة إيرلندية لسنة كاملة\n\nEnglish: \nI mean until 500 years ago Italians lived\nwithout tomatoes, without modern pizza or\nmarinara sauce or pizza or ketchup or pizza\nor even pizza. Indians lived without curry,\nwhich contains chilies, a New World food.\nPersians lived without corn, which is a New\nWorld food, as are beans and potatoes and\navocados and peanuts and blueberries - the\nlist goes on and on.\nAnd these New World crops led to probably\nthe greatest population increase in history.\nTo quote Crosby, \"It is crudely true that\nif man's caloric intake is sufficient, he\nwill somehow stagger to maturity, and he will\nreproduce.\"\nAnd New World food was far more caloric than\nOld World food, which is the central reason\nthat the world population doubled between\n1650 and 1850. Plants like corn and potatoes\ncould grow in soils that were useless for\nOld World crops. Potatoes were actually introduced\nto Europe as an aphrodisiac, but it turns\nout that you have to distill those potatoes\ninto vodka before they have the desired effect.\nAnyway, if potatoes are an aphrodisiac, the\nIrish quickly became the hottest people on\nEarth.\nAn acre and a half of potato cultivation could\nfeed an Irish family for a year, and the average\n\nPortuguese: \nQuero dizer, até 500 anos atrás, os italianos viviam sem tomates, sem pizza moderna ou\nmolho de marinara ou pizza ou ketchup ou pizza ou mesmo pizza. Os indianos viviam sem curry,\nque contém chilis, um alimento do Novo Mundo. Os persas viviam sem milho, que é uma comida\ndo Novo Mundo, assim como feijão e batatas e abacates e amendoins e mirtilos - a\nlista continua.\nE estas culturas do Novo Mundo levaram provavelmente ao maior aumento da população na história.\nPara citar Crosby, \"é grosseiramente verdade que, se a ingestão calórica do homem for suficiente, ele\nele de alguma forma cambaleará até a maturidade e ele se reproduzirá\".\nE a comida do Novo Mundo era muito mais calórica do que a comida do Velho Mundo, que é a\nprincipal razão pela qual a população mundial dobrou entre 1650 e 1850. Plantas como milho e batatas\npoderiam crescer em solos inúteis para as culturas do Velho Mundo. As batatas foram realmente introduzidas\nna Europa como um afrodisíaco, mas resulta que você tem que destilar essas batatas\nna vodka antes de ter o efeito desejado. De qualquer forma, se as batatas são um afrodisíaco, os\nirlandeses rapidamente se tornaram as pessoas mais gostosas da Terra.\nUm acre e meio de cultivo de batata poderia alimentar uma família irlandesa por um ano e o trabalhador\n\nRussian: \nЯ говорю о том, что всего 500 лет назад итальянцы жили без томатов, а значит без современной пиццы\nсоуса маринара для пиццы, кетчупа для пиццы. Индия жила без карри. Всё что соделжит чили и карри - это еда Нового Света.\nПерсия жила без кукурузы, её привезли из Нового Света,\nтак же как бобы, картошку, арахис, авокадо и голубику\n \nВсе эти культуры спровоцировали возможно самый большой демографический взрыв в истории.\nКросби: \"Грубо говоря, когда человеку достаточно калорий для существования\nон созревает для размножения\"\nВ пище Нового Света было гораздо больше калорий чем в пище Старого Света. Это основная причина того\nчто мировое население удвоилось в период с 1650 по 1850 годы. Кукуруза и картошка\nмогли расти в почве Старого Света. Картошку, кстати,\nзавозили как афродизиак, но оказалось что нужно перегнать картошку\nв спирт, чтобы почувствовать эффект. В любом случае, если картошка это афродизиак\nИрладцы быстро стали самыми горячи ребятами в мире.\nОдин акр, наполовину засаженный картошкой, может кормить ирландскую семью год.\n\nDutch: \nmarinara saus of pizza of ketchup of pizza of zelfs pizza\nIndiërs leefden zonder curry, waarin chilipeper zit een nieuwe wereldgewas\nPerzen leefden zonder maïs, uit de nieuwe wereld. Net zoals bonen en aardappelen,\navocado's en pindanoten en blauwbessen. De lijst gaat door en door.\nEn al deze Nieuwe Wereldgewassen leidden tot de grootste stijging in bevolking ooit.\nOm Crosby te quoten: \nHet is zo dat wanneer de mens zijn calorische inname voldoende is\nhij zal snel volwassen worden en voortplanten.\nEn het eten uit de Nieuwe wereld was veel voedzamer dan dat uit de Oude wereld. en dat is de voornaamste reden\ndat de wereldpopulatie verdubbelde tussen 1650 en 1850.\nPlanten zoals maïs en aardappelen groeiden in bodems die onbruikbaar waren voor Oude Wereldgewassen\nAardappelen werden zelfs eerst ingevoerd als een afrodisiacum maar het blijkt \ndat je ze eerst moet distilleren in Vodka voor je dat effect krijgt. \nAls aardappelen een afrodisiacum zijn dan werden de Ieren al snel het heetste volk op aarde.\n \nEen en een half are aardappelen konden een Ierse familie een jaar lang voeden\n\nSpanish: \nDIgo, hasta antes 500 años atrás los italianos vivían sin tomate, sin la pizza moderna\no salsa marinera o pizza o salsa de tomate o pizza ¡e incluso la pizza! La India vivía sin el curry,\nque contine chiles o ajíes, un alimento del Nuevo Mundo. Los Persas vivían sin el maíz, que es un alimento\ndel nuevo mundo, así como lo son los fríjoles y las papas, aguacates, cacahuate y arándanos...\nla lista sigue y sigue.\nY estos cultivos del Nuevo Mundo condujeron probablemente al incremento poblacional más grande en toda la historia.\nSiguiendo a Crosby: \"Es totalmente cierto que si la ingesta calórica de una persona es sufciente,\nesta de alguna manera llegará a la madurez y se reproducirá.\"\nY la comida del Nuevo Mundo tenía muchas más calorías que la del Viejo Mundo, por lo cual es la razón principal\npor la que la población mundial se duplicara entre 1650 y 1850. Plantas como el maíz y las papas\npodían crecer en suelos en los que los cultivos del Viejo Mundo no podían. La papa en realidad, fue introducida\na Europa como un afrodísiaco, pero resulta ser que se tiene que destilar las papas y\nhacer vodka antes de tener el efecto deseado. En cualquier caso, si las papas son un afrodísiaco, los\nirlandeses rápidamente se covirtieron en las personas más candentes en la Tierra.\nUn acre [4000 mts. cuadrados] y medio de cultivos de papas podía alimentar a una familia irlandesa por todo un año, y\n\nVietnamese: \nCho tới 500 năm trước, người Ý sống không cà chua, không pizza hiện đại\nhay sốt marinara hay pizza hay sốt cà chua hay pizza hay thậm chí pizza\nNgười Ấn sống không cà ri, trong đó có ớt, một thức của Tân thế giới\nNgười Ba Tư sống không ngô-một thức của Tân thế giới, cũng như đậu, khoai tây, quả bơ, lạc, việt quất-\ndanh sách kéo dài\nCác cây trồng Tân thế giới chắc hẳn dẫn đến sự gia tăng dân số lớn nhất trong lịch sử\nTrích Crosby \"Thật sự là nếu người tiêu thụ đủ calo, anh ta sẽ bằng cách nào đó\ntrưởng thành, và anh sẽ sinh sôi\"\nThức ăn của Tân thế giới giàu calo hơn nhiều của Thế giới cũ, lí do chính\nkhiến dân số gấp đôi từ năm 1650 đến 1850. Cây trồng như ngô và khoai tây\ncó thể sinh trưởng trên các loại đất vô dụng với cây trồng Thế giới cũ. Khoai tây\nđược giới thiệu với châu Âu như thuốc kích dục, nhưng hóa ra phải để khoai chảy nhỏ giọt vào vodka\ntrước khi chúng có tác dụng mong muốn. Dù sao, nếu khoai tây là thuốc kích dục,\nngười Ireland đã chóng trở nên quyến rũ nhất quả đất\n1,5 mẫu Anh trồng khoai tây có thể nuôi ăn một gia đình trong 1 năm,\n\nSpanish: \nsalsa marinara o pizza o salsa de tomate o pizza\no incluso pizza.\nIndios vivían sin curry, que contiene\nchiles, un alimento nuevo mundo.\nPersas vivían sin maíz, que es un nuevo\nCocina del mundo. Como son los frijoles y las patatas y\naguacates y cacahuetes y arándanos. los\nla lista sigue y sigue.\nY estos cultivos del Nuevo Mundo llevaron a, probablemente,\nel mayor aumento de la población en la historia.\nPara citar Crosby:\n\"Es cierto que si crudamente calórica del hombre\ningesta es suficiente, que de alguna manera tambalearse\na la madurez, y se reproducirá \".\nY la comida del Nuevo Mundo era mucho más calórica que\nAntiguo Palabra de alimentos, que es la razón central\nque la población mundial se duplicó entre\n1650 y 1850.\nLas plantas como el maíz y las patatas podrían crecer en\nsuelos que eran inútiles para los cultivos del Viejo Mundo.\nLas papas se introdujeron en realidad a Europa\ncomo un afrodisíaco, pero resulta que\ntener para destilar esas patatas en vodka\nantes de que tengan el efecto deseado.\nDe todos modos, si las patatas son un afrodisíaco, la\nIrlanda se convirtió rápidamente en la gente más sexy en\nTierra.\nUn acre y medio de cultivo de la papa podía\nalimentar a una familia irlandesa durante un año, y el promedio\n\nArabic: \nمعدل استهلاك العامل الإيرلندي 4.5 كيلوغرام\nمنها كل يوم، باعتمادهم عليها بشكل رئيسي\nازداد عدد الإيرلنديين إلى أكثر من الضعف بين\n1754 و1845، عندما بدأت مجاعة البطاطا\nوأفسدت كل شيء.\nولم تكن أوروبا وحدها،\nالمنيهوت أو الكسافا من نباتات العالم الجديد\nبجذور توفر سعرات حرارية أكثر من أي نبتة\nأخرى إن تمت معالجتها بالشكل الصحيح\nوإلا تكون سامة، المنيهوت منتشرة كثيرًا\nفي أفريقيا بحيث يقسم العديد من الأفارقة\nأن القارة هي موطن هذه النبتة،\nلكن هذا غير صحيح.\nوكذلك البطاطا الحلوة، ورغم أن حبوب العالم\nالجديد لم تحل محل الأرز في الجنوب الشرقي\nأو شرق آسيا، كانت البطاطا الحلوة شائعة\nلدرجة أنها عرفت باسم \"سلعة الفقير\" في الصين\nحتى في اليابان، قبر المزارع\nالذي قام بإحضارها لأول مرة\nإلى الجزر معروف كمعبد البطاطا\nالحلوة، ومن الجدير بالذكر أن الذرة\nرغم عدم تواجدها بشكل أساسي في الطعام\nالأوروبي، إلا أنها كانت مصدرًا أساسيًا\nلطعام الحيوانات في أوروبا لقرون.\nوفي الحقيقة، لازال هذا مستمرًا في عام 2005،\nذهب 58% من الذرة في أمريكاإلى الحيوانات\nهذا من الأشياء التي تتعلمها\nإن كنت تعيش في إنديانا\nحسنًا، وأخيرًا، التبادل الكولومبي\nضم نقل الكثير من الناس.\n\nSpanish: \nel trabajador irlandés promedio usualmente comía 10 libras de papas al día. Sobreviviendo principalmente en base a papas,\nlos irlandeses aumentaron en población un poco más que el doble entre 1754 y 1845, cuando la Gran Hambruna Irlandesa\nse presentó y le aguó la fiesta a todos.\nY no solo fue Europa. La Mandioca o Yuca es un tubérculo del Nuevo Mundo que provee\nmás calorías que cualquier otra planta en la Tierra, siempre y cuando se procesen adecuadamente -de otra manera, serían\ntóxicas-. La mandioca es tan prevaleciente en África que muchos africanos juran que\nla planta es nativa del continente, pero no lo es.\nTampoco lo son las batatas, y mientras que los granos del Nuevo Mundo nunca reemplazaron al arroz en el Sudeste asiático\no en el Oriente Lejano, la batata era tan común que era conocida como \"el alimento del pobre\" en China.\nInclusive en Japón, la tumba de un granjero que es considerado como el primero en introducirla\na las islas es conocida como el Templo de la Batata. También es bueno remarcar que\nel maíz, si bien no figura de manera prominente en las dietas de los europeos, ha sido la fuente central\nde animales para animales en Europa por siglos.\nDe hecho, ese sigue siendo el caso. En 2005, 58% del maíz cosechado en América era utlizado\ncomo alimento para ganado -es el tipo de cosas que uno aprende al vivir en Indiana-.\nMuy bien, y de último pero no menos importante, el Intercambio Colombino significó la migración de mucha\n\nVietnamese: \nmột người lao động Ireland bình thường ăn 10 lbs khoai tây mỗi ngày\nSống chủ yếu bằng khoai tây, dân số Ireland tăng hơn gấp đôi từ năm 1754 đến 1845- khi nạn đói khoai tây\nxuất hiện và phá hủy tất cả\nKhông chỉ châu Âu. Cây sắn là cây trồng của Tân thế giới với rễ cho nhiều calo hơn mọi cây khác,\nmiễn là được chế biến đúng cách (nếu không chúng sẽ có độc)\nSắn thường thấy ở châu Phi đến nỗi nhiều người Phi thề rằng nó là cây bản địa\nnhưng không phải\nCả khoai lang nữa, và trong khi ngũ cốc Tân thế giới không bao giờ thay thế gạo ở Nam và Đông Á,\nkhoai lang phổ biến đến nỗi nó được biết là 'sản phẩm cho người nghèo' ở Trung Quốc\nThậm chí ở Nhật, mộ của một một nông dân được cho là người đầu tiên mang chúng đến đảo\nthường biết đến là Miếu Khoai lang. Cũng đáng lưu ý là\nngô, không dễ thấy trong bữa ăn hàng ngày, là nguồn thức ăn chính cho động vật ở châu Âu\ntrong nhiều thế kỉ\nThực thế giờ vẫn vậy. Năm 2015, 58% ngô được trồng ở châu Mĩ\nlà cho động vật ăn (kiểu kiến thức bạn được học khi sống ở Ấn Độ)\nCuối cùng nhưng không kém phần quan trọng, Columbian exchange bao gồm di chuyển rất nhiều người\n\nEnglish: \nIrish worker often ate 10 lbs. of potatoes\nevery day. Surviving primarily on potatoes,\nthe Irish more than doubled their population\nbetween 1754 and 1845, when the Potato Famine\nshowed up and ruined everything.\nAnd it wasn't just Europe. Manioc, or cassava\nis a New World plant with roots that provide\nmore calories than any other plant on Earth,\nprovided they are properly processed (otherwise\nthey're poisonous). Manioc is so prevalent\nin Africa that many Africans swear that the\nplant is native to the continent, but it isn't.\nNor are sweet potatoes, and while New World\ngrains never replaced rice in Southeast, or\nEast Asia, the sweet potato was so common\nthat it is known as the \"poor person’s staple\"\nin China. Even in Japan, the tomb of the farmer\nwho is reputed to have first brought them\nto the islands is known as the Temple of the\nSweet Potato. And it's also worth noting that\ncorn, while it may not feature prominently\nin European diets, has been the central source\nof food for animals in Europe for centuries.\nAnd in fact, that's still the case. In 2005,\n58% of the corn grown in America went to animal\nfeed (is the kind of thing you learn when\nyou live in Indiana).\nAlright, so last but not least, the Columbian\nexchange involved the transfer of lots of\n\nRussian: \nИрландские рабочие съедали по 5 кило картошки в день. Живущие в основном на картошке\nирландцы удвоили свою популяцию с 1754 по 1845 пока не наступил картофельный голод\nи не разрушил всё.\nТакое происходило не только в Европе. Маниока или кассава - это растение из Нового Света\nсо съедобными и очень каллорийными корнями\n(ечли очистить от ядовитых частей). Маниока так сильно распространилась что многие африканцы клянуться\nчто это растение всегда было на континенте, но это не так.\nТеперь ещё немного о картошке. Зерновые Новыго Света не заменили рис\nВ южной или восточной Азии, но вот картошка стала традиционной \"едой бедняков\"\nВ Китае. Даже в Японии место захоронения фермера привезшего картошку на остров\nназывается Храмом Ботата.\nТак же стоит отметить кукурузу, пока она не вошла в рацион европейцев, она стала главным\nкормом для животных в Европе и остаётся им до сих пор.\nВ 2005 году 58% кукурузы выращено для животных.\n(это повод задуматься, если вы родом из Индианы)\nОкей и последнее по порядку но не по значению в Колумбовом обмене - это перемещения людей\n\nPortuguese: \nmédio irlandês frequentemente comia 4.5 kg de batatas todos os dias. Sobrevivendo principalmente de batatas,\nos irlandeses mais do que duplicaram a população entre 1754 e 1845, quando A Grande Fome\napareceu e arruinou tudo.\nE não era apenas a Europa. A mandioca ou aipim é uma planta do Novo Mundo com raízes que fornecem\nmais calorias que qualquer outra planta na Terra, desde que sejam devidamente processada (caso contrário,\nsão venenosas). A mandioca é tão prevalente na África que muitos africanos juram que a\nplanta é nativa do continente, mas não é.\nNem são as batatas doces, e enquanto os grãos do Novo Mundo nunca substituíram arroz no Sudeste, ou\nLeste Asiático, a batata-doce era tão comum que é conhecida como o \"tesouro da pessoa pobre\"\nna China. Mesmo no Japão, o túmulo do fazendeiro que tem fama de os ter trazido pela primeira vez\npara as ilhas é conhecido como o Templo da Batata Doce. E também vale a pena notar que\nque o milho, embora não ocupe um lugar proeminente nas dietas européias, tenha sido a principal fonte\nde alimento para animais na Europa há séculos\nE na verdade, esse ainda é o caso. Em 2005,\n58% do milho cultivado nos Estados Unidos foi para alimentação\nanimal (é o tipo de coisa que você aprende\nquando vive em Indiana).\nTudo bem, então por último mas não menos importante, o intercâmbio colombiano envolveu a transferência de muitas\n\nDutch: \nen de gemiddelde Ierse arbeiders ad 5 kilogram aardappelen, elke dag\nVoor het grootste deel overlevend op aardappelen verdubbelde de Ieren hun populatie tussen\n1754 en 1845 toen de aardappelhongersnood uitbrak en alles om zeep helpte.\nEn het was niet alleen Europa. Maniok, of cassave, komt uit de Nieuwe wereld en de wortels geven meer\ncalorieën dan eender welke plant op aarde als ze goed klaargemaakt zijn. \nanders zijn ze giftig.\nManiok is zo aanwezig in Afrika dat de Afrikanen zweren dat het een inheemse plant is \nMaar dat is dus niet zo.\nNet zoals zoete aardappelen. En terwijl Nieuwe Wereldgranen rijst nooit vervangen hebben in Zuid-Oost of Oost-Azië\nIs de zoete aardappel zo ingeburgerd dat het gekend is als armemensenkost in China. \n \nZelfs in Japan waar de tombe van de landbouwer die ze eerst naar de eilanden bracht\nis gekend als de tempel van de zoete aardappel.\nHet is ook nog belangrijk dat maïs, dat nooit echt aansloeg in het Europese dieet \nwel het belangrijkste voedsel is voor dieren in Europa. En dat al sinds eeuwen.\nEn dat is nog steeds zo. In 2005 ging 58% van de maïs geproduceerd in Amerika naar dieren.\nDat zijn de dingen die je leert als je in Indiana woont.\nLast but not least. de Columbiaanse uitwisseling bestond uit de uitwissling van massa's\nmensen\n\nSpanish: \nTrabajador irlandés menudo comió 10 libras de papas\nCADA DÍA.\nSobrevivir principalmente de patatas, los irlandeses\nmás del doble de su población entre\n1754 y 1845, cuando la hambruna de la patata mostró\ny todo en ruinas.\nY no era sólo Europa. La mandioca o yuca,\nes una planta del Nuevo Mundo con raíces que proporcionan\nmás calorías que cualquier otra planta en la tierra,\nsiempre que estén debidamente procesados, de lo contrario\nson venenosas.\nLa mandioca es tan frecuente en África que muchos\nAfricanos juran la planta es nativa de la\ncontinente. Pero no lo es.\nTampoco son las batatas, y mientras Nuevo Mundo\ngranos no sustituyen el arroz en el sudeste o\nAsia Oriental, el camote es tan común que\nse le conoce como elemento básico de la persona pobre en\nChina.\nIncluso en Japón la tumba del agricultor que es\nreputado tener primero los llevó a la\nislas es conocido como el Templo del dulce\nPatata.\nY es también digno de mención que el maíz, mientras que\nno puede ocupar un lugar destacado en el Europeo\ndietas, ha sido la principal fuente de alimentos\npara los animales en Europa durante siglos.\nY, de hecho, eso es todavía el caso. En 2005,\n58% del maíz cultivado en los Estados Unidos fue a animales\nalimentación, es el tipo de cosas que aprendes cuando\nusted vive en Indiana.\nMuy bien, así que por último pero no menos importante, el colombiano\nCambio implicó la transferencia de una gran cantidad de\ngente.\n\nPortuguese: \npessoas. Mais uma vez, nos estágios iniciais esse movimento era principalmente de uma maneira, com europeus e africanos\n- os africanos geralmente contra a vontade deles - indo para as Américas.\nAssim, o intercâmbio colombiano levou à repopulação do Novo Mundo após a devastação da doença\ndo encontro inicial. E uma melhor nutrição permitiu que a população do Velho Mundo\ncrescesse, que por sua vez colocou pressão na população da Eurásia, o que levou a mais pessoas a chegar\nna América. No processo, os habitantes humanos do mundo se tornaram mais geneticamente\ne etnicamente interconectados. Mas isto também levou aos horrores da escravidão atlântica, que\nnós iremos discutir na próxima semana.\nQual conclusão tiramos do Intercâmbio Colombiano? Isso devastou a população da América,\nIsso levou à escravidão generalizada dos africanos, mas também permitiu que a população mundial\ncrescesse e as vidas de alguns nativos, incluindo tribos das planícies como os Lakotas, se tornassem melhores\ne mais seguras, pelo menos por um tempo.\nMenos pessoas morreram de fome desde que\no intercâmbio colombiano começou, mas a diversidade da vida na\nTerra diminuiu drasticamente, e plantar culturas onde elas não pertencem prejudicou o meio ambiente.\nEntão, em geral, devemos agradecer ao intercâmbio colombiano? E devemos trabalhar\npara continuar e aprofundar esse legado de globalismo e monocultura?\nCrosby não foi otimista. \"O intercâmbio colombiano incluiu o homem, e ele\nmudou o Velho e Novo Mundo às vezes inadvertidamente, às vezes, intencionalmente, muitas vezes\n\nRussian: \nТакие перемещения в основном происходили из Европы и Африки\nи африканцы обычно перемещались не по своей воле.\nИ если Колумбов обмен привел к болезням и опустошению в Новом свете\nи росту населения в Старом\nто рост населения Евразии привёл к тому что люди начали\nперезжать в Америку в больших количествах. Это процесс непривычный для людей\nпородил очень много межрассовых связей. Но также он продил атлантическую работорговлю\nо которой мы поговорим на следующей неделе.\nИтак что мы узнали о Колумбовом обмене? Он почти уничножил население Америки\nпривёл к распространению работорговли, но также привёл к увеличению\nнаселения Земли. Жизнь некоторых американских племён, таких как Лакота\nСтала лучше и безопасней на некоторое время.\nМноги люди голодали до Колумбова обмена, но разнообразие жизни на Земле\nсильно подорвалось и развившееся сельское хозяйство сильно подорвало окружающую среду\nТак что в целом, был ли Колумбов обмен чем-то хорошим? И должны ли мы продолжать\nрапростронять идеи глобализма и единую культуру для всех?\nКросби не думал что это лучшая идея. \"Колумбов Обмен\nсделал и Старый и Новый свет более многонациональным, более\n\nArabic: \nمجددًا، في مراحل هذه الحركة الأولى كان هذا\nباتجاه واحد، بالنسبة للأوروبيين والأفارقة.\nشقَّ الأفارقة طريقهم نحو\nالأمريكيتين بعكس إرادتهم غالبًا\nإذًا أدى التبادل الكولومبي إلى إعادة\nتعمير العالم الجديد بعد مأساة الأمراض\nالناتجة عن اللقاء الأساسي، كما سمحت\nالتغذية الجيدة لسكان العالم القديم\nبالازدياد ما سبب ضغطاُ سكانياُ في أوراسيا\nوأدى هذا إلى قدوم المزيد من الناس\nإلى الأمريكيتين، وبسبب هذا،\nأصبح سكان العالم أكثر تواصلاً\nوراثيًا وعرقيًا، ولكنه أيضًا سبب\nبشاعة تجارة عبيد الأطلسي\nالتي سنناقشها الأسبوع القادم.\nماذا سنستنتج من التبادل الكولومبي؟\nلقد دمر سكان أمريكا\nسبب انتشار عبودية الأفارقة،\nوسمح لسكان العالم بالتكاثر\nوأصبحت حياة السكان الأصليين\nوضمنهم قبائل السهول مثل اللاكوتا أفضل\nوأكثر أمانًا، على الأقل لمدة.\nلقد تناقص الجوع بعد التبادل الكولومبي،\nوتضاءل تنوع الكائنات على الأرض بشكل كبير\nكما أن زراعة المحاصيل\nفي غير أماكنها سببت أذىً للبيئة.\nلذا بالمجمل، هل يجب أن نشعر بالامتنان\nللتبادل الكولومبي؟\nوهل يجب أن نسعى\nلتعزيز إرثه من العولمة والأحادية؟\nلا يظن كروسبي أننا كنا أفضل دونه\n\"ضم التبادل الكولومبي الانسان،\nوقد غير العالم القديم والجديد أحيانًا\nدون قصد، وأحيانًا بشكل مقصود،\n\nEnglish: \npeople. Again, in the early stages this movement\nwas mostly one way, with Europeans and Africans\n- the Africans usually against their will\n- making their way to the Americas.\nSo the Columbian Exchange led to the re-population\nof the New World following the disease devastation\nof the initial encounter. And better nutrition\nallowed the population of the Old World to\ngrow which in turn placed population pressure\non Eurasia which led to more people coming\nto the Americas. In the process, the world's\nhuman inhabitants became more genetically\nand ethnically interconnected. But it also\nled to the horrors of Atlantic slavery, which\nwe'll be discussing next week.\nWhat are we to make of the Columbian Exchange?\nIt devastated the population of the Americas,\nit led to the widespread slavery of Africans,\nbut it also allowed for a worldwide population\nincrease and the lives of some Natives including\nPlains tribes like the Lakota became better\nand more secure, at least for a while.\nFewer people have starved since the Columbian\nExchange began, but the diversity of life on\nEarth has diminished dramatically and planting crops\nwhere they don't belong has hurt the environment.\nSo on the whole, should we be grateful for\nthe Columbian Exchange? And should we work\nto continue and deepen its legacy of globalism\nand monoculture?\nCrosby didn't think we were better off. \"The\nColumbian Exchange has included man, and he\nhas changed the Old and New Worlds sometimes\ninadvertently, sometimes intentionally, often\n\nSpanish: \ngente. De nuevo, en las etapas tempranas esta migración fue en su mayoría unidireccional, con los europeos y africanos -estos últimos,\nusualmente contra su voluntad- embarcándose hacia las Américas.\nAsí que, el Intercambio Colombino condujo al repoblamiento del Nuevo Mundo después de la devastación provocada por las enfermedades\ndel primer contacto. Y una mejor nutrición permitió que la población del Viejo Mundo creciese, lo que, a su vez,\naumentó la presión demográfica en Eurasia lo que conllevó a más personas migrando hacia las Américas.\nEn el proceso, los habitantes humanos del mundo se volvieron genética y etnicamente más interconectados.\nPero también condujo a los horrores del Tráfico Atlántico de Esclavos,\nel cual discutiremos la próxima semana.\n¿Qué podemos decir del Intercambio Colombino? Devastó a la población de las Américas,\ncondujo a la amplia propagación de la esclavitud africana, pero también permitió\nun incremento poblacional mundial y las vidas de algunos nativos americanos incluyendo a las tribus de las Grandes Planicies\ncomo los Lakota fue mejor y más segura, al menos por un tiempo.\nMenos personas se han muerto de hambruna desde que el Intercambio Colombino comenzó, pero la biodiversidad\nen el planeta ha disminuido dramáticamente y la introducción de plantas foráneas ha arruinado el ambiente.\n¿Así que, en general, deberíamos estar agradecidos por el Intercambio Colombino? ¿Y deberíamos trabajar\npara continuar y profundizar su legado de globalización y monocultura?\nCrosby no pensaba que estábamos mejor: \"El Intercambio Colombino ha incluido al humano, y este ha cambiado\nel Viejo y el Nuevo Mundo, algunas veces inadvertidamente, otras veces intencionalmente,\n\nSpanish: \nUna vez más, en las primeras etapas, este movimiento\nera en su mayoría de una manera, con los europeos y africanos,\nlos africanos por lo general en contra de su voluntad, por lo que\nsu camino a las Américas.\nAsí, el intercambio colombino llevó a la repoblación\ndel Nuevo Mundo después de la devastación de la enfermedad\ndel encuentro inicial.\nY mejor nutrición permitió a la población\ndel Viejo Mundo a crecer, que a su vez colocado\nla presión demográfica sobre Eurasia, lo que llevó\nque a más personas que llegan a las Américas.\nEn el proceso, humanos habitantes del mundo\nse hizo más genéticamente y étnicamente interconectado.\nPero también condujo a los horrores del Atlántico\nla esclavitud, lo que vamos a estar discutiendo la próxima semana.\n¿Qué vamos a hacer con el intercambio colombino?\nSe devastó la población de las Américas,\nque llevó a la esclavitud generalizada de los africanos.\nPero, también permitió una población en todo el mundo\naumentar, y las vidas de algunos nativos, incluyendo\nTribus de las llanuras como los Lakota, se convirtieron en una mejor\ny más seguro, al menos por un tiempo.\nMenos personas han muerto de hambre ya que el colombiano\nCambio comenzó, pero la diversidad de la vida\nen la tierra ha disminuido dramáticamente.\nY la plantación de cultivos en los que no pertenecen\nha hecho daño al medio ambiente. Así que en general,\ndeberíamos estar agradecidos por el intercambio colombino?\nY debemos trabajar para continuar y profundizar\nsu legado de la globalización y el monocultivo?\nCrosby no creía que estábamos mejor: \"El\nIntercambio colombino ha incluido el hombre, y él\n\nDutch: \nIn het begin was het vooral in één richting. Met Europeanen en Afrikanen\nde Afrikanen, meestal tegen hun wil in, die verhuisden naar Amerika.\nDus de Columbiaanse uitwisseling leidde tot de re-populatie van de Nieuwe wereld nadat de ziektes de \noorspronkelijke populatie hadden uitgemoord.\nBetere voeding liet de bevolking van de Oude Wereld groeien en dat zorgde voor\nbevolkingsdruk in Eurazië en dat leidde tot meer mensen die naar Amerika gingen.\nIn dat proces werden de mensen op de werld meer en meer verbonden met elkaar.\nMaar het leidde ook tot de horror van de Atlantische slavenhandel, meer daarover volgende week. \nWat kunnen we maken van de Columbiaanse uitwisseling? Het vermorzelde de bevolking van Amerika\nhet leidde tot slavernij van Afrikanen\nMaar het leidde ook tot wereldwijde bevolkingssteiging en het leven van enkele inheemse\nstammen werd beter en zekers. Toch voor een tijdje. \nMinder mensen stierven van de honger sinds de Columbiaanse uitwisseling maar de biodiversiteit\nop aarde is serieus vermindert.\nEn het planten van gewassen waar ze niet horen schaadt het milieu. Dus over het algemeen\nmoeten we dankbaar zijn voor de Columbiaanse uitwisseling?\nEn moeten we eraan werken dat het zich voortzet in globalisering en monocultuur?\nCrosby dacht niet dat we beter af waren:\nDe Columbiaanse uitwisseling heeft de mens beïnvloed\n\nVietnamese: \nLần nữa, ở giai đoạn đầu sự di chuyển này chủ yếu theo một chiều, với người Âu, Phi\n-người châu Phi thường chống lại ý muốn của họ- tự đến châu Mĩ\nColumbia Exchange dẫn tới phân bố lại dân cư Tân thế giới tiếp sau bệnh tật tàn phá\nDinh dưỡng tốt hơn cho phép dân số Thế giới cũ tăng, kết quả đặt áp lực dân số\nlên Á Âu, khiến thêm nhiều người đến châu Mĩ\nTrong quá trình, dân cư loài người trở nên kết nối hơn về mặt di truyền và dân tộc\nNhưng đồng thời dẫn tới những điều khủng khiếp của nô lệ trên Đại Tây Dương\nmà tuần sau ta sẽ thảo luận\nChúng ta nghĩ sao về Columbian Exchange? Nó đã tàn phá cư dân châu Mĩ,\nnó đã dẫn tới nô lệ người châu Phi phổ biến, nhưng nó cũng cho phép dân số toàn cầu tăng\nvà cuộc sống của một số thổ dân bao gồm các bộ lạc Đại bình nguyên như Lakota\ntrở nên tốt và an toàn hơn, ít nhất trong một khoảng thời gian\nÍt người hơn bị chết đói kể từ khi Columbian Exchange bắt đầu, nhưng đa dạng sự sống trên Trái đất\nđã giảm nghiêm trọng và trồng cây ở nơi chúng không thuộc về gây tổn hại môi trường\nNên nhìn chung, chúng ta có nên biết ơn Columbian Exchange?\nCó nên tiếp nối và phát huy di sản toàn cầu hóa và độc canh?\nCrosby không nghĩ chúng ta khấm khá lên. \"Columbian Exchange gồm cả con người,\n\nEnglish: \nbrutally. It is possible that he and the plants\nand animals he brings with him have caused\nthe extinction of more species of life forms\nin the last four hundred years than the usual\nprocesses of evolution might kill off in a\nmillion... The Columbian Exchange has left\nus with not a richer but a more impoverished\ngenetic pool. We, all of the life on the planet,\nare the less for Columbus, and the impoverishment\nwill increase.\"\nBut let's give you the last word today: Do\nyou agree with Crosby? Are longer, healthier\nlives for more humans worth the sacrifice\nof an impoverished biosphere? And most importantly,\nhow will your conclusions about those questions\nshape the way that you live your life?\nThanks for watching. I'll see you next week.\nCrash Course is produced and directed by Stan\nMuller. Our script supervisor is Danica Johnson.\nThe show is written by my high school history\nteacher, Raoul Meyer, and myself, and our\ngraphics team is Thought Bubble.\nLast week’s phrase of the week was \"Mario\nand Luigi,” thanks for that suggestion.\nIf you want to suggest future phrases of the\nweek you can do so in comments or you can\nalso guess at this week’s phrase of the\nweek, and ask questions about today's video\nthat will be answered by our team of historians.\nThanks for watching Crash Course, and as we\n\nSpanish: \nusualmente de manera brutal. Es posible que este y las plantas y animales que trae consigo hayan causado\nla extinción de más especies de formas de vida en los últimos 400 años que a través de los\nusuales procesos de evolución quizás hubiesen hecho en un millón...El Intercambio Colombino nos ha dejado\nno con una reserva genética más rica, sino más bien más pobre. Nosotros, toda la vida en el planeta,\nsomos lo de menos de importancia para Colón, y el empobrecimiento continuará ascendiendo.\"\nPero hagamos una última reflexión: ¿Estarían de acuerdo con Crosby? ¿Es acaso el tener vidas más prolongadas y saludables para más humanos\nno vale el sacrificio del empobrecimiento de la biosfera? Y sobre todo, ¿Que dirán sus conclusiones\na estas preguntas sobre como maneja su vida?\nGracias por su atención. Nos veremos la próxima semana.\nCrash Course es producido y dirigido por Stan Muller. Nuestra guionista es Danica Johnson.\nEl guión es escrito por mí profesor de Historia de secundaria, Raoul Meyer, y yo mismo, y nuestro equipo\nde gráficos is Thought Bubble.\nLa frase de la semana de la semana pasada fue \"Mario and Luigi\", gracias por esa sugerencia.\nSi desea sugerir futuras frases de la semana puede hacerlo en los comentarios o también\npuede adivinar la frase de esta semana y hacer preguntas acerca del video de hoy,\nlas cuáles serán contestadas por nuestro equipo de historiadores. Gracias por mirar Crash Course,\n\nRussian: \nжестоким. Многим растениям и животным от принёс\nвымирание. Многие виды, выживавшие в процессе эволюции\nубивались миллионами. Колумбов Обмен\nискоренил некоторые нации и обеднил генетическое многообразия. И мы все\nобеднели от этого обмена, и это будет продолжаться.\nО что вы скажете? Кросби прав? Является ли более здоровая и долгая\nжизнь многих людей достойной ценой за обеднее биосферы? Я что ещё важнее,\nкакие выводы вы сделали и как они повлияют на вашу жизнь?\nСпасибо что посмотрели, увидимся через неделю!\nРежисёр и продюссер ускоренного курса - Стэн Миллер. Сценарий - Данисия Джонсон\nЭто шоу написано моим уителем Раулем Мейром и мной и нашей\nкомандой художников.\n \n \n \n \n\nArabic: \nغالباُ بوحشية، من المحتمل أنه هو والنباتات\nوالحيوانات التي أحضرها معه قد سببت انقراض\nالكثير من أشكال الحياة\nفي الـ 400 سنة الأخيرة\n أكثر مما يمكن للعملية المعتادة\nللتطور أن تقتل في مليون سنة...\nلم يتركنا التبادل أثرى بل أفقر وراثيًا\nنحن، وكل الحياة الموجودة على هذا الكوكب\nهي الأقل عن يوم كولومبوس وسيزداد الفقر\".\nلكن لنعطيكم الكلمة الأخيرة لهذا اليوم:\nهل تتففقون مع كروسبي؟\nهل تستحق حياة أطول وأكثر صحة\nلغالبية الناس التضحية بمحيط حيوي أفقر؟\n والأهم، كيف ستؤثر استنتاجاتكم لأجوبة هذه\nالأسئلة على الطريقة التي تعيشون بها حياتكم؟\nشكرًا على المتابعة. نراكم الأسبوع القادم.\nCrash Course من انتاج وإخراج\nستان مولر، مشرفة النص هي دانيكا جونسون\nهذا برنامج من كتابتي أنا\nومدرس التاريخ راؤول ماير\n وفريق الرسومات هو Thought Bubble.\nإن أردتم اقتراح عبارات مستقبلية\nيمكنكم فعل هذا في قسم التعليقات\nحيث يمكنكم تخمين عبارة هذا الأسبوع\nأو طرح أسئلة عن فيديو اليوم.\nوسيجيب عليها فريق المؤرخين\nشكرًا على متابعة Crash Course\n\nPortuguese: \nbrutalmente. É possível que ele e as plantas e animais que ele traz com ele tenham causado\na extinção de mais espécies de formas de vida nos últimos quatrocentos anos do que os processos\nhabituais de evolução podem matar em um milhão ... O intercâmbio colombiano deixou\num fundo genético não mais rico, mas mais empobrecido. Nós, toda a vida do planeta,\nsomos menos para Colombo, e o empobrecimento aumentará \".\nMas vamos dar-lhe a última palavra hoje: você concorda com o Crosby? Mais vidas\nmais saudáveis para mais humanos valem o sacrifício de uma biosfera empobrecida? E o mais importante,\ncomo suas conclusões sobre essas questões formam como você vive sua vida?\nObrigado por assistir. Vejo você na semana que vem.\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\nSpanish: \nha cambiado los mundos viejos y nuevos veces\ninadvertidamente, a veces intencionalmente, a menudo\nbrutalmente. Es posible que él y las plantas\ny los animales que trae con él han causado\nla extinción de más especies de formas de vida\nen los últimos cuatrocientos años que la habitual\nprocesos de evolución pueden matar en un\nmillones .... El intercambio colombino ha dejado\nnosotros con no más rica, sino una más empobrecida\npool genético. Nosotros, toda la vida en el planeta,\nson los menos para Columbus, y el empobrecimiento\naumentará.\"\nPero vamos a darle la última palabra en la actualidad. Do\nEstá de acuerdo con Crosby?\nSon vidas más largas y más saludables para más humanos\nvale la pena el sacrificio de una biosfera empobrecida?\nY, lo más importante, ¿cómo harán sus conclusiones\nsobre esas preguntas forma a la manera en que vives\n¿su vida?\nGracias por mirar. Nos vemos la semana que viene.\n\nDutch: \nen het heeft zowel de Oude als de Nieuwe wereld verandert. soms ongelukkig, soms bedoeld, \nvaak brutaal. is het mogelijk dat hij en de planten en dieren die hij meebracht geleid hebben tot \nde uitroeiing van meer levenssoorten in de laatste 100 jaar dan \nnormale evolutieprocessen uitroeien in een miljoen jaar. de Columbiaanse uitwisseling \nlaat ons achter, niet met een rijkere maar met een arme genetische vijver. Wij, al het leven op aarde\nzijn minderwaardig voor Columbus en de verarming zal zich doorzetten.\nMaar laten we jou het laatste woord geven. Ben je het eens met Crosby?\nZijn langere, gezondere levens voor meer mensen, een verarmde biodiversiteit waard?\nEn, vooral, hoe zullen jouw conclusies over die vragen jou manier van leven beïnvloeden? \nBedankt voor het kijken. Tot volgende keer. \n\nVietnamese: \nvà anh ta đã thay đổi Thế giới Cũ và Mới đôi khi là tình cờ, đôi khi là cố ý, thường tàn bạo\nCó thể anh ta và cây cối, động vật anh mang theo đã gây ra sự tuyệt chủng\ncủa nhiều dạng sống trong 400 năm trở lại hơn quá trình tiến hóa bình thường tiêu diệt chúng trong 1 triệu năm\nColumbian Exchange để lại cho chúng ta một kho di truyền không giàu có hơn\nmà cạn kiệt hơn. Chúng ta, tất cả sự sống trên hành tinh, đang ít đi vì Columbus,\nvà sự kiệt quệ sẽ gia tăng\"\nTuy nhiên, gửi bạn lời cuối: Bạn có đồng tình với Crosby?\nCuộc sống lâu dài và mạnh khỏe hơn cho loài người có đáng sự hi sinh sinh quyển?\nQuan trọng nhất là, các kết luận của bạn sẽ định hình cách bạn sống như thế nào?\nCảm ơn đã xem. Tôi sẽ gặp bạn vào tuần tới.\nCrash Course được sản xuất và đạo diễn bởi Stan\nMuller. Giám sát viên kịch bản của chúng tôi là Danica Johnson.\nChương trình được viết bởi lịch sử trung học của tôi\ngiáo viên, Raoul Meyer, và bản thân tôi, và\nnhóm đồ họa là Tư tưởng Bubble.\nTừ tuần trước của tuần là \"Mario\nvà Luigi, \"cảm ơn đề nghị đó.\nNếu bạn muốn đề xuất các cụm từ trong tương lai của\ntuần bạn có thể làm như vậy trong nhận xét hoặc bạn có thể\ncũng đoán cụm từ của tuần này\ntuần và đặt câu hỏi về video hiện tại\nsẽ được nhóm các nhà sử học của chúng tôi trả lời.\nCảm ơn bạn đã xem Crash Course và khi chúng tôi\n\nArabic: \nوكما نقول في بلدتي:\n\"لا تنسوا أن تكونوا رائعين.\"\n\nEnglish: \nsay in my hometown, Don't Forget To Be Awesome.\n\nPortuguese: \n \n\nRussian: \n \n\nVietnamese: \nnói ở quê tôi, đừng quên trở nên tuyệt vời.\n\nSpanish: \ny como decimos en mí pueblo natal: ¡No olvides ser impresionante! -DFTBA.\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "- Hey, what's up?\nI'm Maddie.\n- I'm Jonathan.\n- You're supposed to\nsay your character name.\n- I know,\n- Hi I'm Chase, and I play John B.\n- Hi, I'm Rudy Pankow and I play JJ.\n- Madison Bailey and I play Kiara.\n- I'm Sarah.\n(laughs)\n- Your name is Pope.\n- And we're playing superlatives!\n- I'm Jonathan Daviss, and I play Pope.\n- We are the cast of Outer Banks\nand we can't do anything right, ever.\n- Don't ever put us in a room together.\n- We are playing Who's Who with BuzzFeed.\n- Woo.\n(upbeat music)\n- Oh ah,\n- Uh, everybody.\n- I'm going with J.\n- Like I could,\n- You know what, you're right though.\n- Yeah, like everybody.\n- This could go a lot of ways.\n- Can actually go a lot of ways.\nWe should all just\npoint to ourselves here.\n(upbeat music)\n- I'd say Cline.\n- Yeah?\n- Thanks guys.\n- You're welcome.\n- I appreciate that.\n- Hey, you know what, you're welcome.\n(upbeat music)\n- I've been known to take the timestamp\noff of my pink drink.\n(laughs)\nI was like traffic, I didn't say where,\nit was in fact in the drive-through.\nI was always like, I\nhad this from earlier.\n(upbeat music)\n- Ooh.\n- Really?\n- With a bag of Cheez-Its.\n- Cheez-Its, Doritos.\n- It's one of the two,\nit's fruit snacks over here.\n(laughs)\n- But I would eat them all\nbefore we started shooting.\nI would just,\n- Somehow he could put down six bags\nof Welch's fruit,\n- It's fruits snacks,\nand Cheez-Its over here.\n(upbeat music)\nNo!\n- Oh wait, uh Chase!\nHe's always the last one.\n- It's one of them two.\n- Yeah, I'll take that.\n- And he wears just like\nshorts and a T-shirt.\n- It's self tanner,\n- Self tanner.\n- It's bruises and like black eyes,\nit's all the special effects\nthough on second thought.\n- And look at these locks.\nThey don't just like, come out.\n- Yeah, that's not natural hair.\n- They don't lock themselves.\n(mellow music)\n- No I'm not.\n- You told,\n- You totally are.\n- No actually, I think JD would be the one\nthat pulled the prank\ncause, he'd always be like,\n- Oh, JD had the really\ngood one with the stuntman.\n- Oh Yeah, I had to get\nour stunt coordinator back\ncause he did something to me\ncause I put a hole in the wall.\nThat's a different story.\nWe were shooting a stunt,\nand in the stunt it's like a very intense,\nlike fight scene and\nlike we choreographed it,\nand they weren't very, um\nokay with letting me like,\n- You got a little,\n- They weren't okay with\nletting me like, do a certain\nlike, hit because he does\nlike a golf club hit on me.\nAnd I kind of let him like, get me\na little bit and I like hit the ground.\nI don't move.\nAnd I'm like, my back,\noh, my back, dude (bleep).\n(laughs)\n(upbeat music)\n- I think all of us.\nWhat?\n- I don't know.\n- I make up my own mind.\n- I'm going to go ahead and\nthrow myself under the bus.\nHe is like a human dictionary\nfor our entire season.\n- Which is his character.\n- And I would be mid scene,\nand I'd be like, what\nam I supposed to say?\n- He says a lot.\n(upbeat music)\n- Wow.\n- I'd say Bailey.\n- Bailey baby,\n- Bailey, for sure.\n- Yeah.\nYeah, she can kill it.\nShe'll kill it.\n- Thank you.\n(upbeat music)\n- J.\n- Yeah.\n- I'm a meme guy.\n- It is not a normal week if I don't get\nat least two DMs of memes\nfrom this person right here.\n- I send them to everybody,\nthe SpongeBob memes are like,\nthey work for everything.\nThey're just really good.\nI really liked that meme of Idris Elba\non \"Hot Ones\" when he's like (coughs).\n(laughs)\n(mellow music)\n- Uh, can we,\n- All of us?\n- I would say Chase.\n- Chase.\n- But it's not like, on set.\nIt's like, where's Chase?\nIn his trailer, knocked out.\n- It's definitely Chase because\nI remember one night, Chase\nthat we filmed pretty late\nat night, and one night\nChase like, we're supposed to go home.\nAnd he was like, I'll just nap.\nHow long were you there?\nTil like 3 a.m.\n- 3 a.m. yeah.\n- It was like seven o'clock\nand he went to sleep.\n- They wake me up, they\nwere like it's okay.\n(upbeat music)\n- Maybe Bailey or Rudy.\n- Yeah.\n- I don't know.\n- Rudy?\n- Not Rudy.\n- JD got a wrap gift.\nAnd it was bracelets, and it\nsaid pogues for life on it.\nBut he spelt, pokes is P-O (murmurs)\n- I made it fast,\nit was last minute,\nand I did not check it.\n- And he spelled it P-O-U-G-K-W-Z-R-E-S.\n- That's not what I did, no its not.\n(upbeat music)\nI talk to this man a\nlot about relationships,\nthat would be me.\n- JD is super neutral,\nI'd say he's the most\nneutral out of everybody.\n- Very well.\n(upbeat music)\n- Yeah, no you too,\ncause he kept singing\n\"Rich Girl\" by Hall & Oates\non set and it's stuck in my head.\n- I would also sing\nChristmas music sporadically\nthroughout the summer.\n(upbeat music)\n- Okay, we get it.\n- She's glamorous.\n- I get it, well y'all are\nwelcome for all the BTS,\nthat all came from my cell phone.\n(upbeat music)\n- We're all dead.\n- I don't know, I wanna\nhave a we thought here.\n- All right.\n- He lived in Alaska,\n- It's not us.\n- But he also lived in\nFlorida, two of the most\ndangerous places in the world.\n- Anybody but us.\n- What?\n- What's that, that Discovery show?\n- Naked and Afraid.\nWe should do that.\n- Rudy read the show completely\nnaked sitting in the truck.\n- But not afraid, never afraid.\n(upbeat music)\n- I have so many videos,\nbut not just him doing impressions of us.\nLike, it's like a what?\n12 minute video, of you doing\na Morgan Freeman impression?\n- Yeah.\n- Over the crabs.\n- Over the hermit crabs.\n- Like doing, like \"March\nof the Penguins\" with crabs.\nWell hello there, you're listening\nto the sweet, silky, silvery\nvoice of Morgan Freeman.\nToday we're going to be\ndiscussing superlatives.\nWhile in high school,\nI was voted most likely\nto narrate your life.\nAt six years old, my voice dropped.\n(upbeat music)\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": ">> Hilah: Hey dudes!\nIt’s Hilah, and today I am going to show\nyou how to poach an egg.\n[music]\n[How To Poach An Egg]\n[Learn To Cook]\n>> Hilah: So, first off I’ve got a pot of\nboiling water, and it’s about two inches\ndeep.\nYou could go up to four inches.\nI am going to put maybe a tablespoon of just\nplain old white vinegar, and that makes the\nfire die, but then you put in the salt and\nit goes pwaaaaaaaa again, well, didn’t quite\ndo it.\nAnyway, we’re going to give it a little\nstir to kind of get that dissolved.\nOkay, it looks like all the salt is dissolved,\nand now I am going to turn the heat down a\nlittle bit, and I want to put it kind of on\na low to medium low, and ultimately I want\nto get the water to around 200 degrees Fahrenheit,\nso if you have a little thermometer, that’s\npretty helpful.\nJust kind of while you’re like getting the\nhang of it to know what to look for with your\nparticular stove, and like, you know, water.\nSo you want like a few little, tiny bubbles\nthat we see here coming up.\nIt’s steaming, that’s excellent.\nSo, okay, this is kind of slowing down around\n200, and the vinegar in the water is gonna\nto help the egg whites stay together into\na nicer shape, and then also having really\nfresh eggs is gonna to help a lot.\nI’ve got an egg here that I just cracked\ninto a little Ramekin, and that’s gonna\nto be a little bit easier to, to get it in\nbesides trying to like crack it in there,\nso I just want to, let’s make a little whirlpool\nhere, and this will help a little bit too,\nand just slip it in, and it’s probably going\nto sink to the bottom, and this egg actually\nis pretty fresh because you can see it’s\nstaying together.\nIf it was spread out and looking all crazy\nand gross, you can use like a silicone spatula\nor a wooden spoon, something, to just kind\nof delicately scoop these little bits all\nback into it, and we’re just going to let\nit go three, four minutes is if you want the\nyolk really runny, I prefer it more like six\nminutes to where just the middle of the yolk\nis a little bit runny.\nI don’t like a whole bunch of gushing egg\nwhites, but that’s my prerogative, so you\ndo whatever you want, so three minutes, probably\nminimum, six, seven minutes max, just depending\non what you, what you’re into.\nOnce it’s been in there a few seconds if\nit’s kind of sitting on the bottom you can\njust gently kind of push at it to get it up.\nAha, and I am going to push this one kind\nof over to the side, and turn my temperature\nup just a tiny bit so I can get just a couple\nof more little bubbles going up there, and\nI’m going to go ahead and do another one,\nshow you how to do two at once, and it’s\nreally pretty simple.\nI did not grow up poaching eggs.\nWe did not poach eggs in my family, and that\nwas weird, but this is something I’m just\nsort of doing in the last couple of years\nor so.\nSo again, we get our little vortex going ,and\nthen bloop!\nCool!\nSo, maybe this egg wasn’t quite as fresh.\nYou can see it’s kind of spreading out all\nwilly nilly like the blob or something, but\nyou just go in and you force it.\nYou force it into its correct shape.\nUmmm hmmm.\nUmmmm hmmm.\nLooking pretty good.\nAll right.\nNow, I’ve got a bowl of cold water here\nwith just like, just put one ice cube in it,\nso this what we are gonna do for this demonstration.\nOf course, you could go ahead and serve this\none now, and this yolks, and this yolk is\ngonna be pretty soft.\nYou can just tell because you can squish it.\nIt looks a little squishy, so if you are serving\nsomebody that likes a squishy yolk, you can\ntotally serve it now, and just kind of drain\nit off on a little towel, so you don’t get\nlike soggy stuff all over your English muffin\nor whatever, but in this case another little\nthing you could do if you want to make these\nall ahead of time, you could actually just\nslip them into this cold water.\nThat’s gonna stop the cooking so they don’t\nget overcooked, and then later on when you’re\nready to serve them you just heat up the water\nagain, just, just this hot.\nDrop them in for another like 30 seconds or\na minute just to kind of reheat them.\nThat’s going to make somebody very happy\nif they like some egg gravy on their toast.\nAll right, so I am gonna put this aside too,\nand there you have it folks!\nThere’s how to poach and egg, actually two\neggs, and if you wanted to make these way\nahead of time if you’re having a brunch,\nyou can go ahead and put this whole, as long\nas they are all covered in water, you could\nput this bowl in the fridge overnight, and\nthen just reheat them the next morning.\nSo, there you go!\nI hope that was helpful, and I’ll be doing\nan Eggs Benedict recipe on an upcoming episode\nreal soon too, so you’ll have some behind\nthe scenes knowledge on that one.\nAll right.\n[music]\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "Hi Friends, So in this video we are gonna\nto see a concept of logarithm of complex\nnumber now we have seen how to find\nlogarithm of real number but we don't\nknow how to find the logarithm of\ncomplex number so as we have learned\nabout complex number in previous topics\ntoday we are going to see how exactly we\ncan find out the logarithm of complex\nnumber so to understand this concept i\nam assuming one complex number z equal\nto x plus iy now here I am representing\nthe number in cartesian form and the\npolar form of this number is r into cos\ntheta plus i sine theta as we all know\nand the exponential form is r into e\nraised to i theta now to find out the\nlogarithm i will take log on both sides\nso left hand side will become log of z\nequal to now on right hand side i have\nthree forms of complex numbers where one\nis Cartesian other is polar and the\nthird one is exponential and to find out\nthe log we will use the exponential form\nof complex number so log of Z is nothing\nbut log of X plus iy and to find the law\nI will basically use the form our arrays\nto I theta because the exponential form\ncan work with logarithm and we can get\nthe formula very easily so here this R\nand E are multiplying each other\nso here I will be using a formula of\nlogarithm that is log a into B so this\nwill become log of R plus log of e\nraised to I theta now log of R will\nremain as it is whereas this\nlog and II will be canceled since the\nbase of this log is e and we will get I\ntheta over yo so it means the formula\nfor log of X plus iy is equal to log of\nR plus I theta but now here we also have\nto find out the value of R and theta\nso we have seen in the complex number\nthat R is nothing but modulus and it is\nrepresented by the formula root of X\nsquare plus y square similarly this\ntheta is called as amplitude which is\nrepresented by the formula tan inverse\nof y by X so here at R I will substitute\nthis value root of X square plus y\nsquare and at theta I will substitute\nthe value tan inverse of Y by X and\nhence I will get the formula for log of\nX plus iy as log of root of X square\nplus y square plus I tan inverse of y by\nX now here we can also take this power\nor I'll say this root outside the Lord\nso this root is nothing but raised to\nhalf so X square plus y square raise to\nhalf and I tan inverse Y by X as it is\nso after taking this half here so this\nwill become half log of X square plus y\nsquare plus I tan inverse of Y by X so\nbasically here I am using the formula\nlog of a raised to B and this will\nbecome B log a and hence I am taking\nthis half here ahead of this law so\nthese are two formulas which we can use\nto find out the log of complex number\nnow as we have seen how to find out the\nlog of complex number this we call it as\nprincipal value of log Eric\nnow if we want to find out the general\nvalue of log X plus iy then it is\nbasically denoted by capital L now this\nvalue that is log of X plus iy is called\nas principal value of log of X plus iy\nbut if I want to find out the general\nvalue of the log of X plus iy then\nbasically it is denoted by capital L so\nthis will become log of X plus iy you\ncan see here that I am representing L by\ncapital L and to get the general value\nwe all know that we have to add to n pi\nin theta so the general value will be\nhalf log X square plus y square and in\ntheta I will add to n pi so that will\nbecome I into 2 n pi plus tan inverse of\ny by X and this is nothing but the\nformula to find out the general value of\nlogarithm now these two formulas will be\nuseful to find out the value of some\nnumericals so let's see the first\nnumerical so here we have to show that\nlog of minus log I is equal to log PI by\n2 minus I PI by 2 now you can see the\nterm inside the bracket is the logarithm\nof complex number so let's start with\nthat so log of I so your log of I if I\ncompare it with X plus iy then that will\nbecome log of 0 plus I and here I can\nsay that X is zero and Y is equal to 1\nnow if we will use the formula of\nlogarithm then log of I is given by 1 by\n2 log of X square plus y square so 0\nsquare plus 1 square\nplus I tan inverse of Y by X so Y is 1\nand X is 0 so hence we'll get 1 by 2 as\nit is log of 1 is 0 plus I here we'll\nget tan inverse of infinity and we'll\nget the value for log of I equal to I\nPhi by 2 because tan inverse of infinity\nis pie by 2 and this term is 0 now we'll\nuse this value in the NHS so therefore\nthis log of minus log I will become log\nof minus I PI by 2 now here once again\nwe have to find out the log of complex\nnumber so this will become 1 by 2 log of\nX square that is 0 square plus y square\nhere Y is minus PI by 2 so minus PI by 2\nthe whole square plus I tan inverse of y\nby X so minus PI by 2 by 0 now if we\nwill find this then we'll get 1/2 square\nof pi by 2 is PI square by 4 so here\nwe'll get log of Pi square by 4 and I\nnow we all know that anything upon 0 is\ninfinity\nnow since numerator is negative we'll\nget tan inverse of negative infinity in\nthe bracket now this half we can take it\nin the power and that will become the\nroot and hence we will get log of root\nof this PI square by 4 which is nothing\nbut PI by 2 and this tan inverse of\nminus infinity is nothing but minus tan\ninverse of infinity and here we can\nsubstitute the answer for Tan inverse of\ninfinity as PI by 2 so we'll get the\nfinal value as log of Pi by 2 minus I\npi by 2 and this is the value of log\nminus log I which is being asked thank\nyou\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "O Homem e os seres, como um todo, vieram ao mundo para um trabalho fundamental.\nQue é a construção de si mesmos.\nE, se não fizeram isso, não fizeram nada.\nEntendem isso?\nSe você veio ao mundo e não se construiu mais parecido com o modelo de Ideal Humano,\nse não deu um passo em direção a esse Ideal,\nem suma, a sua vida se resume a nada.\nEssa é a grande tarefa de toda Criação.\nÉ como se vocês imaginassem o seguinte: nós somos educadores,\ne resolvemos reformar o segundo grau.\nTrês anos está muito pouco, vamos colocar cinco? O que você acha?\nVamos incluir mais umas disciplinas.\nTomara que não tenha nenhum secundarista aqui, que vai querer me matar.\nA gente reforma o segundo grau.\nEle existe no plano das Ideias, ninguém entrou lá, ainda.\nMas no plano das Ideias já existe direitinho o que você vai estudar no 1º, 2º, 3º, 4º e 5º ano.\nE a habilidade que uma pessoa que chega ao 5º ano tem que ter.\nImaginem que a Natureza fez isso com a condição de todos os seres,\ninclusive o Ser Humano.\nAntes que existisse o primeiro Ser Humano,\nA Natureza já tinha sonhado com esse processo.\nNo plano das Ideias.\nComo se começa o processo, como se avança, o que é um Homen Ideal.\nE ela espera que alguém cumpra esse trajeto.\nDo ponto de partida, que é aquele ser mais rude,\nquase que um animal,\naté um Ser que é puro valor, Virtude e Sabedoria.\nE ela sonha com isso.\nExiste no plano das Ideias desde que o Universo foi criado.\nO Ideal de cada coisa. E isso é intuitivo para nós, gente.\nNão sei se vocês percebem, isso parece complicado, mas não é, isso é óbvio.\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "[MUSIC PLAYING]\nI want to show you how to create\na sheet of blended polymer clay\ncolor using this\nSkinner blend technique.\nThe Skinner blend was introduced\nto the polymer clay community\nby Judith Skinner.\nI'm using Primo Sculpey.\nYou can use any of the Sculpey\nbrands for this method.\nI've got a yellow and a blue.\nAnd I want to lightly stack\nthese on top of each other.\nAnd I'm going to\ncut across them sort\nof like a triangle but\nleaving of margin on each end\nand cut down\nthrough both sheets.\nYou'll have sort of almost\ntriangle shapes, which you\nwant to reassemble like this.\nNow we're going to fold yellow\nto yellow and blue to blue.\nAnd we're going to press this\nthrough the pasta machine\non the thickest setting.\nAlways put the\nfolded side in first,\npushing any trapped air\nout toward the open ends.\nContinue folding blue to\nblue and yellow to yellow.\nYou can stop at some point,\nif you like in the blending.\nAnd you'll have\nless of a gradation.\nBut if you go at\nleast 20 times, you'll\nget a beautiful sheet that's\ncompletely blended from one\ncolor to the other.\nNow if you want to do a\nthree-color Skinner blend,\nyou would set up\nin this fashion.\nIt's also beautiful using\nour metallic colors.\nA three-color Skinner blend\nis great to wrap around\nthe vessel.\nAny of the Skinner\nblends can be used--\neven in your millefiori canes--\nfor making blended canes.\n[MUSIC PLAYING]\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "Alright let's go ahead and get started.\nI'm going to begin by reminding you the\nstory so far. Last lecture on Wednesday,\nwe did some mechanism design basics and\npossibly the crown jewel of that lecture\nis the introduction of the Vickery or\nsecond-price sealed-bid auction for\nselling off a single item we explored\nthe properties of the Vickrey auction\nand we concluded that the auction is\nawesome what I mean by that is it\nsatisfies three different properties\nthat are kind of totally orthogonal to\neach other and that you all really want\nso first of all it has strong incentive guarantees so I\nintroduced the term dominant-strategy\nincentive compatible or DSIC. That\nmeans that for each bidder it has a\nfoolproof strategy and the strategy is\njust to bid your true private valuation\nfor the good being sold. So truthful\nbidding is a dominant strategy by\ndefinition in a DSIC mechanism. Why do\nwe would we want such a property. First\nof all from the bidder perspective it's\nan auction which is very easy to play.\nIt's clear what you should do if you\nbelieve that you should play an obvious\ndominant strategy that's in contrast to\nthe first-price auction which we had an\nexperiment with on Wednesday which I'll\ngive you the results of today. Secondly\nfrom the designer perspective. Assuming merely the behavior on the\npart of the bidders that they play.\nobvious dominant strategies when they\nexist, assuming just that relatively weak\nbehavioral assumption you can predict\nthe outcome of the auction.\nyou just expect everybody to bid their\ntrue values if everybody does that then\nthe highest bidder will win. The highest\nvaluation bidder will win. What that\nmeans is that the Vickrey auction\nassuming truthful bids a reasonable\nassumption in light of one maximizes the\nsocial surplus in the sense that it\ngives the good to the bidder who values\nit the highest. That's an optimization\nproblem you might well have wanted to\nsolve a priori.\nA priori you couldn't do that\nbecause you didn't know the data\nValuations, which are the data to this\noptimization problem, were known only to\nthe bidders in advance, not to you as the\nselle. Nonetheless, through this second\nprice payment rule the Vickrey auction\nsolves this problem as well as if the\ndata was known in advance. Finally and this is obvious for the\nvictory auction, it runs in polynomial\ntime, in fact, linear time.\nthere's no obstruction to really running\nthis auction in real life so this\nmotivated the question could we have\nequally awesome auctions for more\ncomplex allocation problems, problems\nthat are very important. For example\nsponsored search auction really perhaps is\nthe main engine that has generated\nrevenue in the internet economy so we\nconcluded Wednesday by wondering whether\nor not such an awesome option for\nsponsored search could exist. We'll answer\nthat question in the affirmative today. I\nalso ended with the following proposed\nmethodology for designing auctions.\nRemember an auction involves two\ncomponents. Even just simple sealed bid\nauctions you have to pick who wins you\nhave to pick what they pay and those two\ndecisions are coupled but I proposed\nfactoring that two prime design\ndecision solving them one at a time. Step\none you assume without justification\nthat you get truthful bids you take the\nbids at face value you just assume they\nreally are the value. Under that\nunjustified assumption you say well if I\nwas so lucky, do I at least\nunderstand how to achieve problems two\nand three. That is can we give a\npolynomial time algorithm for maximizing\nthe surplus assuming truthful bids. For\nsponsored search we noticed that there\nwas a natural greedy algorithm. You give\nthe jth best slot to the jth highest\nbidder. Step two, the subject of that\nlecture is given, how you decide to solve\ngiven your allocation decisions. So for\nexample, allocating slots in bidder order,\ncan you come up with an analogue of the\nsecond price rule? can you come up with\npayments that give you the DSIC\nproperty thereby justifying your\nassumption in step one that the bids\nreally were equal to the valuations? okay\nso that's where we were what I'm going\nto give you today is a solution to step\ntwo not merely for sponsored search but\nactually a very powerful and general\ntool in mechanism design it's\nessentially going to explain to us\nprecisely what the space of all dominant\nstrategy incentive compatible mechanisms\nlook like. We're going to get a very\nstrong understanding of what these\noptions are and as a consequence we will\nsee\nthat there is indeed one there is indeed\nan awesome option for sponsored search\nand in coming lectures we'll have\nfurther applications as well. All right, so\nagain coming up next I'm going to give\nyou a general understanding of what\ndominant strategy incentive compatible\noptions look like. Okay so going to\nunderstand our design space and that's\njust one special case, we'll\nfigure out how to charge payments and a\nsponsored search option so again I'm\ngoing to abstract out now more generally\nthan sponsored search so what I'm going\nto define first is a space of\nenvironments so special cases will be\nthings like single item auctions\nsponsored search auctions but it will\nencompass both as well as many other\nexamples. So these are called single\nparameter environments the ingredients\nof which you've really all seen before\nso environment has some number of\nbidders. That's still going to be n of\nthem and each bidder is going to have a\nprivate valuation as usual Vi\nokay and the ways you think about this\nvaluation v's of I is how much I\nvalue a good in the units of the amount\nof stuff that it gets. Think for example\nabout sponsored search. Remember the\nvaluation was per click so if you gave\nsomething and it's in expectation 0.25\nof a click then its value would be its\nbasic value per click Vi times 0.25 so\nthat's the sense to think of this value\nper units of a good ok the reason it's\ncalled single parameter is because while\nwe as the designer do not know the\nvaluation its private this is the only\nthing we don't know about the bidder we\njust don't know this one number that's\nthe single parameter. The other\ningredient of environment is what are\nthe feasible allocations that as a\nseller or as a designer you can choose\nSo I'm going to use capital X to denote\nthe set of all feasible allocations so\nthe elements of this set capital X are n\nvectors so each element of capital X is\nfrom x1 through xn Xi is the amount\nof stuff that you give to bidder i. So\nfor example in sponsor search if you\ngive it a slot that has an expected\n0.25 of a click then that\nbidders value of X sub I is going to be\n0.25 okay so this is the amount of stuff\neverybody gets\nso to make sure we're on the same page\nsome examples so for a single item\nauction what are the vectors in the\nset capital X? what do they look like?\nyeah, so first of all\nit's 0-1 a bitter either gets the good\nor doesn't and there's only one copy of the\ngood so there'd better be at most one zero\nokay so it's just the 0/1 n vectors with\nthe most 1. If you are selling k\nidentical copies of exactly the same\ngood and you gave at most one per\ncustomer,\nthe only difference would be the\nsum over the excises is at most k. okay so\nsponsered search i'm not going to be\ntoo pedantic about this hopefully it's\nalready intuitively clear that you can\nencode the possibilities in a sponsored\nsearch option within this formalism. so X\nis just the vectors that arise if you\nhave k slots of assigning at most K\nbidders to these k slots in fact at\nmost one of the bidders to each slot and\nagain as discussed yesterday we also\nassume that each bidder gets at most one\nslot okay so let me just for short say\nways to allocate slots\nokay slots\nto the slots with the understanding of\nat most one bidder per slot and at most\none slot per bidder. okay and as we\ndiscussed a component X sub i is going\nto be equal to a number alpha sub j\nwhere remember we're using the alpha J's\nto denote the click-through rates of the\nslots if and only if bidder I s\nassigned to the slot shit okay so these\nare going to be n vectors where the\ncomponents are either going to be 0 or\nthey're going to be 1 of the alphas okay\nalpha 1 through alpha K. So those are\nsingle parameter environments and that's\nwe're going to be working with for the\nnext several lectures I'll give you\nfurther interesting examples later on we\nalready talked about sealed bid auctions\nlet me talk about them again\nreally just to introduce some\nterminology for concepts you already\nknow we're going to continue for the\nmoment to talk only about sealed bid\nauctions we'll talk about whether that's\na restriction of interest or not a\nlittle later so as we discussed there's\nthree bids first you accept bids from\nthe bidders they may be truthful they\nmay not be based on the bids that you\nget you have to pick who wins and you\nhave to pick who pays what's okay so\nthat decision in step two who wins\nthat's called an allocation rule okay\nthat's all that means is you're picking\nwho pays who wins as a function of the\nbids that you see the in third step who\npays what that naturally enough is just\ncalled a payment rule but those are two\nphrases you should know\nso the allocation rule takes as input\nthe entire vector of bids it spits out\nwho gets what and that should be of\ncourse feasible remember X is all of the\npossibilities all right and these are n\nvectors they're real numbers let me just\nwrite it this way that part of will end\nspace and all of our applications\nthey'll be non-negative\nadditionally yeah so that's something\nyou should know who wins and then who\npays what well here you just choose\nagain the input is the entire vector of\nbids the output is an N vector of who\npays what and this is just these are\nreal numbers\nokay yep\nso remember this is not just a single\nitem auction we're talking about right\nnow\nright so like in a sponsored search\nauction you actually have K different\nwinners one for each slot and you expect\nto charge everybody something who wins a\nslot maybe different things but they're\nall going to pay something okay\nso to remind you about our current\nutility model the quasi linear model so\ni's utility on the bid profile\nB when I say profile I really just mean\na vector that's often what these country\nvectors are called okay so the vector of\nbids or the profile of bids is by\ndefinition well we look at how much\nstuff I gets VI is its value per unit of\nstuff so it's VI times the amount of\nstuff it gets and then we subtract out\nhow much it's got to pay okay so that's\nbit Erised utility in a given bid\nprofile with respect to a given\nallocation rule and a given payment rule\nnow over here I allowed payments to be\narbitrary they could be negative they\ncould be huge for our / - no and\nsometimes you want to allow negative\npayments and things like that but for\nour purposes in this class there's no\nharm to just focus on payment rules that\nare non-negative and that are not too\nbig in the following sense\nthe word we in lecture will focus on\npayment rules such that the payment that\nI pays is at least zero that is we're\nnot going to be thinking about\nsituations in class where the seller\nactually pays off the buyers\nokay so seller won't pay the bidders and\nthe most we're ever going to charge\nsomebody is what they said was their\nvalue per unit of good remember we don't\nreally know for sure anybody's value for\ngood VI that's private all we know is\nthe proxy that they told us they told us\nthat big di if we take that at face\nvalue this is their value per unit of\ngood and then we can also look at how\nmuch stuff we gave them okay\ndoes anyone see why it makes sense to\ncap the payment given that we're trying\nto design des I see auctions while we\nmight never want to charge more than\nthis suppose we did charge more than\nthis and this was a truthful bidder VI\nreally equal VI what would be its\nconsequent utility it'd be negative okay\nso this is sort of the upper bound that\nwe can charge so that truthful bidders\nwill never experience negative utility\nlike in the Vickrey auction okay so this\nupper bound is to insure\nnon-negative utility of truthful bitters\nokay so that's the basic setup okay so\nI've introduced single parameter\nenvironments this encompasses the\nexamples we've seen so far I'll give you\nfurther applications that fall into this\ndomain and the reason I've defined at\nthis level of abstraction is the\nfollowing mechanism design tools I'm\ngoing to give you will apply in every\nsingle single parameter environment so\nthis is the right level of abstraction\nfor the tools you're about to learn we\nrevisited sealed bid auctions you\nalready knew what they were but\nespecially this allocation rule word\nthis is what I'm going to use this you\nknow 40 times and the rest of this\nlecture so it's important you know what\nit is so any questions about the general\nsetup all right\nso now we come to the first really\nimportant part of this lecture which are\ntwo crucial definitions both definitions\nsingle out allocation rules that have\nparticular properties so we call\nallocation rule that is a way of\nchoosing who wins on every bid profile\nwe call it implementable if there exists\na way of charging payments\nthere exists a payment role P so that\nwhen we couple this allocation rule X\nthat we were given with this payment\nrule P that we constructed we get a D si\nsi auction\nthat is the implementable allocation\nrules are by definition exactly the\nallocation rules that can be extended to\ndominant-strategy\nincentive compatible options or if you\nprefer if you think about the set of all\nD si si auctions in the world and you\nproject them all down just onto the\ndecision of who wins what you get this\nset of implementable allocation rules in\nany case these are the only possible\ncandidates this is really our design\nspace if we want to design awesome\noptions remember property one of an\nawesome option is it should be D si si\nso these are the only things we can use\neven if we only look at condition one\nright so let's for example suppose we're\njust selling off one item okay so it's a\ngood an allocation rule okay remember\nthat just picks who wins it doesn't say\nwhat they pay so what about the\nallocation rule where I always give the\ngood to the highest bidder is that\nimplementable or not why the reason its\nimplementable is cuz there is a payment\nrule we've already talked about it it's\nthe second price rule and if you couple\nthat allocation rule with the second\nprice payment rule you get the Vickery\noption which is d si si okay so I prove\nit's implementable with just by\nexhibiting the suitable payments what\nabout still in a single item auction\nwhat about the allocation rule where I\ngive the good to the second highest\nbidder is that implementable or not\nnot clear right we certainly haven't\nseen a payment rule that renders it DSi\nsee but to prove that it's not\nimplementable we'd have to argue that\nthere is no conceivable payment rule\nthat could work which seems like a tall\norder as well so not clear all right\nsecond crucial definition oh and I\nshould also say just to tie this in with\nwhere we were last time so the sort of\ncliffhanger question at the end of last\nlecture was in the context of sponsored\nsearch we had proposed an allocation\nrule the one that Awards the J slot to\nthe J's highest bidder and really now in\nthis vocabulary the question was is that\nan implementable allocation rule or not\nthat's what we want to understand from\nthe end of Wednesday so here's the\nsecond really important definition an\nallocation rule is monotone if for every\nbidder I and for every a fixed set of\nbids by the rest of the bidders remember\nB minus I is an N minus 1 vector it's\nthe bids of everybody except to that of\nI itself if for every bidder and bids\nbut everyone else the amount of stuff\nthat I gets holding everyone else fixed\ncan only go up as it bids higher\nokay so is non-decreasing in its bid Z\nthat is with a monotone allocation rule\nthe higher the bid the more stuff you\nget yes non decreasing in this bid\nyep can stay the same just can't go down\nso single item auction let's think about\nthe first same two rules so how about\nthe allocation rule with the highest\nbidder wins so monotone or not it's\nmonotone right and a single item auction\nyou either get nothing or you get the\nitem if you keep everyone else fixed and\nyou increase your bid well as long as\nyou're less than the highest of bidder\nyou get nothing and as soon as you're\nbigger than all the other bids you get\none okay and in particular if you're the\nhighest bid and I raise your bid even\nmore you're still the highest bid so\nyou'll still win so that's a monotone\nrule how about the allocation rule where\nI give it to the second highest bidder\nset monotone is that non monotone why is\nit not monitoring right so if you're\ncurrently the winner that means you're\nthe second highest bid but then if I\njack up your bid so you're the highest\nall of a sudden you're the loser okay so\nit's a violation of monotonicity okay so\nin fact you know as far as working with\nauction design this monotonicity\nproperty is much more operational than\ntalking about implemented bility okay\noften not always but often for a given\nallocation rule it's either obvious or\neasy to check whether or not it's\nmonotone so this is a relatively\nverifiable condition there's another\nexample\nso remember in sponsored search we\nalready went through the exercise of\nwell if we assume without justification\ntruthful bids how should we what\nallocation should we choose and we\nargued that you should give the jate\nhighest bidder to the j 'the best slot\nfor each J so what about that allocation\nrule is that monotone is that not\nmonotone that's monotone right so\nremember the click-through rates of the\nslots are assumed to be going up as you\nget higher and higher slots so if I keep\neveryone else fixed and increase your\nbid the only thing you will do is ascend\nthrough the hierarchy you will only have\na higher and higher ranked bid so you'll\nonly get a higher and higher slot which\nby assumption only gives you a higher\nand higher CTR click-through rate okay\nso example sponsored search allocation\nrule from last time now of course the\nreason we focused on this rule was not\nbecause we didn't know yet that we cared\nabout monotonicity we just wanted to\nmaximize surplus and we're now seeing\nour happy fortune that indeed that turns\nout to be monotone any questions about\nthese two important definitions\nallocation rule being implementable\nallocation rule being monitor\nyeah just pick up so we're that'll be\nclarified in the next theorem yeah it's\ngood question question was is it\npossible to be implementable without\nbeing monotone other question alright so\nlet me introduce you to the first major\ntool in your mechanism design toolbox so\nI'm going to call this Meyer sins lemma\nbecause I'll be using a form that\nappears in a paper by Roger Myerson in\n1981 I'm going to state it in three\nparts the first part says that the two\ndefinitions I just gave you coincide to\ndescribe exactly the same set of\nallocation rules\nso usually what we really care about is\nwe care about whether an allocation rule\nis implementable we're in a situation\nlike at the end of last lecture where we\nknow how we want to make the assignment\nbut we don't know how to make the\npayments we don't even know if it's\npossible to make suitable payments to\nget the desired incentive properties so\nPart one says checking whether or not\nsomething's implementable reduces to\nchecking whether or not it's monotone\nwhich is an intuitively much more\noperational condition further in the\ncase where you do have an allocation\nrule which is monotone and Ear ago it is\nimplementable the question then is all\nright we know these payments exist to\nextend that this rule to a incentive\ncompatible mechanism what do they look\nlike\nwhat's our design space now for the\npayments so part two says that in this\nsituation actually the design space is\ntrivial\nthere is a unique choice of how to\nassign payments so that you get the DSi\nC property\nI'm lying a little bit I'm going to\nassume a very natural normalization for\npart two I'm going to assume that if you\nbid zero then your payment is zero okay\ncertainly under our current assumption\nthat payments lie between zero and your\nbid times your allocation a bit of zero\nforces it to be zero okay so I'm going\nto state that assumption in this lemma\nas well so modulo that normalization\nunique payments for monotone rules\nthere's only one way to do it and this\nis not merely existential in fact these\npayments are given by an explicit\nformula which I will show you in the\ncourse of proving meyerson's lemma okay\nso I'm not going to state it here it\nwill arise naturally okay\nso each of these parts is interesting in\nits own right\nokay so part one is completely\nfundamental it tells us exactly what our\ndesign space is for D si si mechanisms\nit is precisely the set of monotone\nallocation rules are you're going to\nassign goods in the way that you want in\nthis monotone you're done if you can't\nyou got to pick a different allocation\nrule that can't be extended to be\nincentive compatible part two is really\ninteresting in particular I'll leave\nthis as an exercise but you might have\nbeen wondering does anything other than\nthe Vickrey auction work what I mean by\nwork I mean well suppose you always want\nto give the good to the highest bidder\nand you want it to you want truthful\nbidding to be strategy proof to be a\ndominant strategy is there any way to do\nit other than the second price rule like\nwhat about the third price rule you're\nit studied that in your exercise set\nwell a consequence of this is that\nactually the victory option is unique\nthat is the only way to award the good\nto the highest bidder and have no\nstrategic behavior on the part of the\nparticipants it's the only way to do it\nokay so that's also very interesting as\nwe'll see it'll be great to have an\nexplicit formula that'll tell us exactly\nhow to charge payments and sponsored\nsearch options we'll also use that\nformula when we talk about revenue\nmaximizing options next week\nfinally let me just note that again I\nhaven't proved this lemma for you so you\nshouldn't necessarily believe that it's\ntrue but if you take for it for now you\nbelieve me that this lemma is true it\nactually implies the answer to the cliff\nhammer cliffhanger from last week okay\nso corollary there is an awesome auction\nfor sponsored search\nso why is that true\nright\nexcellent so being awesome i defined as\nhaving three properties so first of all\nyou should be dominant strategies headed\ncompatible but you should also maximize\nsurplus and be polynomial time so at the\nend of last lecture we handled two and\nthree okay if you just do the greedy\nalgorithm and bids happen to be truthful\nyou get two and three now we observed\nthree minutes ago\nthat happily this surplus maximization\nrule is actually monotone therefore\nmeyerson's lemma applies to it and\nguarantees us that there are payments in\nfact the unique choice of payments so\nthat we can extend it to a dominant\nstrategy and send a compatible mechanism\nokay so it's just using a greedy\nallocation rule combined with this lemma\nto generate suitable payments and that\ngives us our spot to search option that\nsatisfies one through three okay yep\ngood so then so then with so the\nquestion was about randomized auctions\nwhich I'm not going to talk a lot about\nnow because I want to develop intuition\nfor deterministic options but looking\nahead a little bit you could equally\nwell define these little X sub i's as\nthe expected amount of good that you get\nat a given bit profile and then this\ntheorem extends with exactly the same\nproof so adding Rande so this theory\nwill accommodate randomization with\nessentially no extra work that's it for\ntoday for clarity you can just think\nabout deterministic options like the\nones we've discussed so far other\nquestions\nokay so the next step is the proof let\nme sort of take a little break before\nthat a couple things so here are the\nresults of first price auction\nexperiments that we ran on Wednesday\npass those around the old erection so on\none side we've plotted how you bid as a\nfunction of your value on the other side\nthere's a list of all of the\nparticipants and how much money they won\nand again remember you know before you\nstart feeling through smug how much you\nwon is probably a property more of your\nbirthday and then the cleverness and how\nyou bid so overall the class\nI thought bid very reasonably it's it\nwas a bit more aggressive than how the\nequilibrium theory predicts but that's\ncompletely normal its usual and\nexperiments that the biddings a little\nmore aggressive than what theory\npredicts you might ask okay what is it\nthe theory predicts what is the\nequilibrium in this first price auction\nsupposed to be well it does depend on\nthe number of bidders as many of you\ncorrectly determined the more\ncompetition you have the closer your bid\nshould get to your value the less you\ncan get away shading your bid the more\ncompetition you have if you're paired up\nwith only one other bidder that is if\nyou're in a two bitter first price\nauction at equilibrium everybody should\nbid half of their value okay and in\nclass it was more than that what was the\nwhat was the lease fit okay seventy-five\npercent probably more like something\nlike that yeah so it should have been 50\npercent of your value at equilibrium but\nbut the experiments had more something\nlike 75 percent of your value and then\nif you're in a three bitter auction with\nuniform valuations like we had the\nequilibrium suggests you should be\ntwo-thirds of your value in the three\nbitter case so everyone cooperated\nbrilliantly by there being forty two\nparticipants which divides equally by\ntwo and by three despite the fact those\nfifty-one enrolled students so thank you\nfor that thank you also thank you also\nfor over bidding because then it means I\nhave to pay you less right so that was\ngreat I'd like to particularly thank the\nstudents\nwho won both auctions in which they\nparticipated but did show by bidding\ntheir value that was fantastic\nreally is really a really a model\nstudent from the instructors\nperspectives so for those of you who\nhave not who have nonzero winnings you\ncan pick up an envelope with your with\nyour pocket change from one of the TAS\nafterwards don't spend it all in one\nplace okay the other announcement is I\ndon't think I brought quite enough of\nthe release forms last time so this is\njust saying you know you you understand\nthat this class is being videotaped with\nthe videos posted on the web so if you\ncan just pass these around if you've\nsigned one last time I have it so you\ndon't need to do it again if you didn't\nsign one last time please sign it today\nand give it to one of the TAS after\nclass\nsingle parameter environment that's\nexactly why I define single parameter\nenvironments exactly because those are\nthe settings in which it's easy you can\nprove this theorem exactly so so\nremember so in a single parameter\nenvironment there's a notion of the\nfeasible allocations and so that is\nwhere the details of your environment\nlike how many goods there are shows up\nif you only I have one good then you\nonly have n plus one feasible\nallocations if you have K copies of a\ngood then you have many more feasible\nallocations yeah so it's part of the\ndescription of the environment what's\nfeasible and of course your allocation\nrule is responsible for picking\nsomething feasible for every bit vector\nyeah that's on problems at one actually\nyeah so problems that one asks you to\nverify that it's good it's not obvious\nso it takes some kaku so it's I asked\nyou to prove it on the problem set so I\npromise it's true so we can talk it we\ncan talk afterwards about it too yeah\nbut it does again it takes a computation\nit's not it's not obvious debate it's\ncalled a Bayes Nash equilibrium yeah so\nagain the details are all spelled out on\nthe homework\nso let's get started the proof we begin\nwith an allocation X at the moment X\nmight be monotone it might not be\nmonotone I'm currently agnostic here's\nthe plan let's do a thought experiment\nsuppose there did exist some payment\nrule P so that coupling it with X give\nyou a incentive compatible mechanism\nlet's try to think about what P would\nnecessarily have to look like for this\nfact to be true so the plan is Jemaine\nthanks the plan is to invoke this dsi C\nconstraint which i've said on multiple\noccasions is very strong okay so to\ninvoke this constraint and use it to\nwhittle down the space of candidates for\nthis payment will P until one sole\ncandidate remains okay\nso how we're going to do that well let's\nfix a bitter eye and bids by the others\nB - I remember dominant strategy means\nno matter what the other bidders no\nmatter what better you look lat no\nmatter what the other bidders are doing\nthat's to be a dominant strategy for\nthis point for this person to report\ntruthfully so fix who are talking about\nfix what the other people are doing\narbitrarily I don't want to carry all\nthis notation around so let me just a\nshorthand write X of Z and P of Z for\nwhat I gets given what everyone else is\ndoing okay so the amount of stuff that I\ngets when it bit Z\nwith everyone else doing be- i and what\nit has to pay when it fitzy with\neveryone else bidding according to be- i\nokay\nnow it might help you to have a\ngraphical representation of what one of\nthese x's look like what this allocation\nwill looks like okay so the x axis here\nso remember be- i is fixed so we're\nlooking at as a function of eyes bid Z\nhow much stuff does it get okay so in a\nvictory auction and a single item option\nso again I'm just sort of looking at\nspecial cases to develop your intuition\nhere if it's if we were working in a\nsingle item auction environment and we\nwere looking at the highest bidder wins\nrule well for low bids you lose and then\nas soon as you're the highest bit of\nthem all you win so this allocation rule\nis going to look like this your x value\nis zero for a while and then at some\npoint it jumps to one okay so this is\nwhat your X function your X curve looks\nlike and the highest bidder wins single\nitem rule option now it's sponsored\nsearch it's a little more complicated\nbut it's the same flavor the only\ndifference is and so again I'm thinking\nof the allocation rule where the J\nhighest bidder gets the Jays best slot\nso now the difference is it doesn't just\njump in one shot from zero to one okay\nso if you're even worse than the K\nhighest bidder and the sponsor search\noption you don't get any slot at all so\nyou get no stuff your x value 0 as soon\nas you become the K highest bidder\nyou get alpha sub K stuff once you're\nthe K minus one times better you get\nalpha sub K minus one bigger amount of\nstuff and so forth so there's not going\nto be just one jump for sponsored search\nthere's a jump each time you ascend the\nranking in the slots okay\nso this is going to look like that and\nthen like that so this is when you're in\nthe Cates slot this is where you're in\nslot K minus-1 and maybe there's only\nthree slots and it looks like this okay\nso this would be sponsored search okay\nso when I say consider an allocation\nrule X here or two of the curves that we\nmight be talking about these happen to\nbe monotone curves now I said the plan\nis to invoke this very stringent\ndominant-strategy condition to whittle\ndown what the payment rule P could\npossibly look like so let me show you\nhow we do that it's actually lines it\nbeing very slick it's based on a simple\nbut clever swapping trick again remember\nwhere we are we were giving X and where\nas a thought experiment thinking\nhypothesizing about a rule P so that XP\nis dominant-strategy incentive\ncompatible okay so assume for the moment\nthat that's true okay so suppose such a\nP exists and here's what we're going to\ndo and this is sneaked we take two\nvalues Z and Y okay this is just two\nnumbers five and six and we say well you\nknow for all the auction knows Z is the\nperson's actual private valuation and\nit's scheming and thinking about bidding\nwhy it's dead or symmetrically maybe why\nis it's true valuation and scheming\nabout bidding X instead it has to handle\nboth of those cases so let's just write\ndown the D si si constraints for those\ntwo cases see what we get\nturns out to be quite powerful so case\none\nis when the true value is Z and the\nfalse bid is why okay so dominant\nstrategy and sin compatibility says\nplayer eyes utility when it bits Z\nbetter be at least as high as we render\nbids why okay that's by definition of\nthe incentive constraint so what is its\nutility when it bids Z well we just look\nas usual we look at how much stuff it\ngets when it bids e that's X of Z we\nlook at its value per unit of stuff\nright by assumption its true value of Z\nso we could Z per unit of stuff and then\nit pays whatever it pay is when a bit Z\nokay so this is eyes utility when it bid\nZ by definition and by des I see this\nbetter be at least as large as its\nutility when it bids y so what changes\nif it bids Y instead of Z how does this\nexpression change let me give you a hint\nthere are three Z's on the left hand\nside two of them changed to eyes not all\nof them you speak up yes exactly so the\ntwo Z's that change to eyes are the one\ninside the argument okay so bitter I\ncannot control what its actual value is\nper unit of good that's immutable that\nwas ineffective given at birth it can\nchange what it bits okay and it's bid\ngets fed into the allocation on the\npayment rule so the utility if it bids Y\nis the amount of stuff it bids when it\nbids Y but it gets times its value per\nunit of good which is still Z can't\nchange that - how much it has to pay\nwhen it bids Y everyone clear on that\nwhy is what that's my definition I set\nit up that way I'm saying consider it\nsays that the utility of truth-telling\nbidding Z is at least the utility of\nbidding Y which again just is by\ndefinition true under the hypothesis\nthat X P is dominant strategy ten\nincompatible this says for every bidder\nfor no matter what its value is no\nmatter what it bids bla bla bla bla in\none particular case when it happens to\nhave value Z and Ponder's the false bid\nY certainly in that case this better be\ntrue has to be true in all cases so I'm\njust instantiating D si si and a\njudiciously chosen case so here's the\nswap on the other hand think about the\nsituation totally possible where eyes\nactual value is y and it contemplates\nunder bidding submitting the false bid Z\nso again because it's dominant strategy\nincentive compatible utility of bidding\ntruthfully meaning of bidding it's\nactual value y better be at least as\nlarge as its utility if it instead bids\nfalsely the bid Z okay same reasoning\nso what well these are going to do okay\nhere's what's neat about this I can read\noff from these two inequalities upper\nand lower bounds on the different the\ndifference between the payment at Y and\nthe payment of Z okay so I'm going to do\nwith sandwiching argument in the middle\nof the sandwich remember Y is some bid Z\nis some smaller bid so I'm looking at\nhow much bigger the payment is going to\nbe at the bid Y then a smaller bit Z and\nI'm going to derive a lower bound from\none of these and an upper bound on this\nfrom the other okay so it's going to the\nsandwich so from condition one\nif I bring P of Y over here and then Z X\nof Z over here I get a lower bound on P\nof y minus P of Z which is Z times the\namount of stuff you get at y minus the\namount of stuff you get Z okay that's\njust rearranging one rearranging two so\nhere bringing P of Y to this side I get\nan upper bound on the payment difference\nwhich is y times the allocation\ndifference\nso I get a sandwich on this payment\ndifference in terms of two of their\nquantities I claim this sandwich is\nuseful so much so I'm going to designate\nits star set again I mean maybe the\nsemantics are different but the number\nas numbers they're the same right so\nthink of Z is 5 and Y is 6\nnow so the auctions dsi see so that\nmeans for a given bidder whatever its\nactual value is whether it's five or\nwhether it's six whatever it's thinking\nabout bidding whether it's five or\nwhether it's six it's truthful utility\nhas to be at least it's false bidding\nutility so i've instantiate addition\ntwice for one hypothetical bidder whose\ntrue value is five and its content buddy\nbidding six a second time for a\nhypothetical bidder whose true value is\nsix and it's not contemplating bidding\nfive from those two instantiations of\nthis DSi C condition I get those two\ninequalities they have to be true if X P\nis d si si and by manipulation I get the\nsandwich yeah no they're not I mean I\nmean I guess the reason these are both\ntrue at the same time is because the\nauction has to guard simultaneously\nagainst a bitter that has a value five\nbecause that what might well be the\ntruth that might well be reality and it\nhas to guard against a bidder whose true\nvalue is six that might well be reality\nthe auction doesn't know so the option\nhas to handle protect against every\nsingle possible right reality\nsimultaneously the value is unknown okay\nso it really has to guard against both\nof these two things at the same time of\ncourse if the designer knew up front\nthat this case was impossible it would\nbe a much easier option design problem\nthe whole point is this might well be\ntrue this scenario this might well be\ntrue all right so why is star useful it\nactually immediately implies one part of\none promise from meyerson's Loma and I'm\ngoing to leave it as you as an exercise\non exercise set to to make sure that\nthis proof is making sense\nso the exercise is that from star you\ncan read off the fact that if I give you\na non monotone rule like the second\nhighest bidder wins rule there is no way\nit is d si si there is no way that there\nwas a payment rule that extends that non\nmonotone allocation rule to a D si si\nmechanism it cannot exist that actually\nfollows immediately from star so if X is\nnot a lot of talent then X is not\nimplementable okay so that is one\ndirection of part 1 part 1 says\nimplementable if and only if monotone so\nwe've shown that not monotone is not\nimplementable so what I need to show you\nis that if you are monotone then you are\nimplementable okay so we're going to\nassume that for the rest of the proof so\nrest of proof assume X is monotone for\nsimplicity this is just to sort of\nreduce the amount of technical stuff you\nhave to keep track of in real time\nduring this lecture let's think just\nabout piecewise constant piecewise\nconstant allocation rules like these two\non the board like the ones we've seen so\nfar okay so for simplicity we're going\nto assume X is monotone we know that's\nnow necessary just for convenience\nassume X is piecewise constant\nthat is it starts out at some number\nthen there's a jump then it stays of\nthat number there's another jump stays\nat that number and so on okay so we're\nlooking at allocation rules like these\ntwo\nso that's one immediate use of the\npayment of the payment different\nsandwich let me actually use it again to\nprove the rest of the parts of my\nearthen dilemma so maybe I should write\nit again so we had in the middle P of y\nminus P of Z in the bottom we have zip X\nsorry Z okay here's the payment sandwich\nso now what I want to do is what I want\nto think about y&z which so far have\nbeen arbitrary Y has been bigger than Z\nthat's all I've assumed I want to now\nthink about y&z is getting very very\nvery close to each other never the same\nbut I want to think about fixing Z and\nletting y approach Z from the right and\ngetting super close\nokay so instar fixed Z\nand take the limit why down to Z to\nderive well let's see what's going on\nokay there's really two cases so\nremember for simplicity we're working\nwith piecewise constant allocation\ncurves that's just to help you\nunderstand the argument so case one is\nwhere Z is not at a break point okay Z\nis like there oh it's like there so\nwhat's happening to the difference\nbetween x and y and X of Z as I take Y\nsuper close to zero that's zero right X\nis going to be constant it's going to\nhave the same value for y and z once y\ngets sufficiently close to Z right so\nthe only action ok so when that happens\nthe left-hand side will read zero the\nright-hand side will also read zero so\nthe payment sandwich says that there\ncan't be a jump of the payment at Z\neither okay it's got to be exactly zero\nthat difference what about when Z is\nexactly one of these breakpoints and I\nlet Y tend to Z in the limit what is\ngoing to be this this value\njust going to be the height okay it's\ngoing to be the extent of that jump a\ndoozy\nnow as you take Y to Z these two numbers\nare also becoming arbitrary close to\neach other\nso we have that the difference the jump\nif you will of the payment at Z has to\nbe exactly because it's sandwiched on\nboth sides by the same number\nexactly Z times the jump and x @z\nokay so jump in key at Z has to be Z\ntimes the jump in X add Z\nso this is now what I meant by saying\nthat the dominant-strategy condition is\nsuper strong and it's going to whittle\ndown with a payment will have to look\nlike to just one candidate okay so we've\nnow learned is that if I give you X okay\nand you're trying to solve for P okay to\nmake it DSi C at every single point Z\nand brizzy's arbitrary here at every\nsimple point Z X the given allocation\nwill dictates with no uncertainty what\nhas to happen either P stays exactly the\nsame it's also constant where X is\nconstant or where there's a jump in X\nthere's also a jump in P and it's\nwhatever that jump in X is multiplied by\nthe point at which that joint that that\njump happens Z so this dictates how P\nthe payment is changing at every single\npoint all right and from that if you\nknow the initial condition that the\npayment of a 0 bit is 0 it uniquely\ndetermines what the payment has to be no\nmatter what ize bit is it's just for\nsome of these jumps that you experience\nso\nif P of 0 equals 0 which I was which I\nam assuming in the version I'm proving\nthen we have the following payment\nformula at the payment of bitter I has\nto equal well so what is it so we look\nat the jumps in X and they get\nmultiplied by the position of the jumps\nwhere what I mean by these Y J's are\njust right so if if you think about the\nbid as being somewhere like in this last\npart here I'm just summing over the 1 2\n3 jumps that occur to the left of eyes\nbit that's all I'm doing here okay so y1\nthrough why are the breakpoints of X in\nthe range 0 to B sorry shouldn't be an\nidea\nso what have we done we've said we were\ngiven an allocation Rolex we're trying\nto solve for a payment rule P subject to\nthe constraints of dominant-strategy and\ncompatibility by invoking this\nconstraint that's instantiating it\ncleverly we have deduced that the only\npossible payment rule that has any\nchance of working is this one here this\nis the only candidate for a set of\npayments that would render the\nallocation of X into a incentive\ncompatible mechanism so are we done have\nyou finished the proof actually one more\nthing we have to do see what's missing\ngood the proof that it works exactly\nright so to do verify okay I said this\nis the only thing that could work but I\nhaven't shown you it does work and\nactually if it's not if X is not\nmonotone we know that even this doesn't\nwork so we have to verify that if X is\nmonotone then indeed this payment will\ngives us an incentive compatible\nmechanism if we can show that then\nindeed we're done okay\nI've already argued or I've already\ngiven you as an exercise one direction\nof one and then the rest of this proof\nis a constructive proof of the reverse\ndirection given a monotone allocation\nrule I've constructed for you a payment\nrule P we've argued this is the only one\nthat could work and then this is indeed\nthe explicit formula okay and we'll\ninterpret this explicit formula to give\nyou some more intuition for it once we\nfinish this verification so to do verify\nbut he works when X is monotone you'll\nneed a little bit more intuition for\nthis payment formula right now okay so\nlet's just think about a single item\nauction okay let's think about the\nallocation rule where X just gives it to\nthe highest bidder\nokay so then X always has the value 0 or\n1 right so if you're a bitter low bids\nyou don't win high bids you do in what\nis the transition point which your\nallocation switches from zero to one\nit's basically the lowest bid that makes\nyou the highest overall okay also known\nas the second highest bid overall so\nwhat I'm saying is in the highest bidder\nwins rule the location of the jump on\nthe x-axis where you switch from zero to\none the location of the jump ie what\nwe're calling Z or YJ we're calling Z\nhere that's the second highest bit\noverall okay what is the magnitude of\nthe jump you jump from losing 0 to\nwinning one so as a special case we\nrecover the second price payment rule\nfrom this formula okay so if you're the\nwinner with this allocation rule if you\nare the highest bidder the jump occurred\nat the highest other bid the second\nhighest bid overall and the formula\ntells you that's exactly what you should\npay and that is the unique way to render\nthat rule incentive compatible okay all\nright\nso let me complete the verification let\nme give you proof by picture it's not\nhard to do algebraically but for the\nsake of variety let me show off my\nnotoriously poor drawing skills all\nright remember here's the payment rule\nhere okay so given a bid you look to the\nleft you look at all of the jumps in the\nallocation rule in the X curve between a\nbit of zero and the bid you actually\nsubmitted you find the locations at\nwhich the allocation curve jumped that's\nwhat I'm calling y1 through yn and the\npayments you sum over those jumps and\nit's the extent of the jump times the\nlocation of the jump ok all right so\nproof by picture so let's draw the same\npicture three times three times because\nI want to compare what happens when you\nget truthfully with this payment rule\nwhat happens when you over bid and what\nhappens when you under bid okay so we're\nalways talking about the same allocation\nrule so maybe it's a sponsored search\ntype of allocation rule\nand we're talking about a fixed bidder\nso its value is the same in all of the\ncases so there is its value so now let's\nsee what happens in the three cases\nbetting truthfully under bidding and\nover bidding so what's its utility when\nit bids truthfully when it submits a bid\nequal to its value oh don't forget what\nthe utility formula is it's V times X of\nB minus P of B so here V is it's true\nprivate value B is the bid it submits to\nthe option which may or may not be the\nsame as V okay but for starters let's\nlet's assume it is the same okay so how\nmuch stuff does it get\nfirst of all okay the amount of stuff it\ngets which corresponds to the height all\nright so X of B remember that by\ndefinition this curve is just how much\nstuff you get as a function of your bid\nso that's how much stuff it gets when it\nbids truthfully okay what's its value\nfor that stuff\nwell that's given by the width right so\nwe multiply it by its value per unit of\nstuff okay so it's that height times\nthis width so that gives us this\nhow much does it pay\nand this is where I think your intuition\nwill become a little sharper so how do\nyou compute the payment well you go you\nlook to the left and you say what we're\nall of the break points and the total\npayments while you sum over those break\npoints you look at the height of the\nbreak point and you look at the location\nwhere it happens so there are two break\npoints two jumps to the left of V here's\nthe first jump that's the magnitude of\nthe jump that's how much it went up and\nthis is the location of the jump okay so\nI'm looking at the location of the jump\nwhich is so this is y 1 and this is y 2\nokay so the locations of the jump times\nthe magnitude of the jump so the first\nterm of the payment is this rectangle\nokay amount of the jump times the\nlocation the second term of the payment\nis the amount of the jump times the\nlocation\nokay so it's the area above that curve\nso to be clear this is the seller\nrevenue and what remains this stuff\nthis is eyes utility okay so I computed\nthe pink rectangle and then subtracted\nthe area above the curve leave an area\nbelow the curve so what happens if I /\nbits now we're trying to argue with\nutility can only go down with the\npayment rule that we've chosen so but\nover bids\nwell how much stuff does it get well now\nget the more stuff right - remember the\nallocation rule tells you how much stuff\nyou get so the amount is all the way up\nto here okay but its value for stuff is\nstill V okay so the width remains the\nright so value press stuff tons of stuff\nyou get so the rect tank is to this one\nthe width is the same as before the\nheight is bigger because it got more\nstuff\nthe payment so now there's three break\npoints but the concept is the same\nwe have y1 y2 and y3 but what you pay is\nthe area above the curve up to the point\nthat you were allocated okay so the\npayment is all of this stuff okay\nso the utility in this picture or it's\nremember the utility here was this thing\nthe utility in the middle picture is the\nsame minus this extra payment it's\nmaking up here okay\nso that's so here this stuff cancels\nthis is all signed with a positive for\nthe utility in this picture this stuff\ncancels this is a positive and this is a\nnegative and so that's left's overall\nokay so this was the same as before and\nthat's an extra penalty for over bidding\nlast case under bidded okay all right so\nwhat's the new rectangle well so again\nthe bidder can't control the width the\nwidth is always its value and that stays\nthe same in all cases so what it\naccomplished by under bidding was\ndecreasing the amount of stuff that got\nokay new amount of stuff is only down\nhere so the pickle the pink rectangle is\nnow this thing\nand the payment is the area under the\ncurve okay justice leaving the bidder\nwith this rectangle utility which you'll\nnotice using here the fact that the\nallocation curve is monotone that it had\na bigger amount of area here so this\nsquare is exactly this part of this\nregion okay and so the general principle\nhere is that for a truth-telling bidder\nso that utility is the area under the\ncurve and I hope this makes the payment\nformula a little less mysterious and the\nrevenue is the area above the curve and\nin tandem these two constitutes the\nsurplus okay\nso there's some surplus to the surplus\nobjective function of this bidder\ngetting this amount of stuff the bitter\nitself keeps some of that surplus its\nutility or consumer surplus the\nremainder the revenue goes to the seller\nthat's how it gets split so it turns out\nthis now hopefully more natural sounding\nway of charging payments actually by\nthis argument or if you prefer a simple\nalgebraic argument does show that when\nthe rule is monitoring indeed meyerson's\npayment formula here gives you a\ndominant strategy incentive\ncompatibility so now taps of the proof\nI'll finish the lecture here at the\nbeginning of Wednesday I'll show you\nexactly the payment formula that you get\nfor sponsored search it will be just an\nimmediate application of meyerson's\npayment formula see you then\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "INTERVIEWER: So Francesca Rossi\nhas-- and you can see on the bio\nthat she shared with all of us--\nhas a very, how do you say,\na deep experience in AI.\nSo she has been a researcher\nin the field of AI\nfor an eternity.\nAnd she also has played--\nshe has played a lot\nof important roles\nin the AI community,\nlike chairing IJCAI, which\nis the International Joint\nConference on AI, a very\nimportant conference on AI,\nand basically also being part\nof Triple AI another--\nan Association\nfor the Advancement of AI.\nSo she's this very strong\npresence in the AI world.\nAnd more recently-- oh,\nand while she was a professor\nat Pauda,\nthe University of Padua,\nand more recently, she actually\njoined IBM.\nAnd at IBM, she has been leading\nthe efforts on understanding\nthis problem of AI and ethics.\nAlong these same lines,\nFrancesca is also part\nof the founding members\nof an institution called\nPartnership on AI,\nthat combines Google and IBM\nand Microsoft and Facebook,\nand all these big tech\ncompanies, towards having AI be\nused for the good of society.\nSo in some sense, you are going\nto listen to a person\nthat I've known for many years,\nand that will bring to us\nthe experience of knowing\nabout the research and also\nthe community\nand these new goals of trying\nto make AI and ethics together.\nFrancesca has many papers\npublished, many.\nShe has many honors.\nShe just published a book\nin Italian, I understand,\nabout actually getting people\nto know what AI's all about,\nthe general public.\nAnd so there are many things\nthat you can find more\nabout Francesca.\nAlso, about five years ago--\nsix years ago, we were both here\nin New York--\nor I was in New York,\nand Francesca was also, I guess,\nalready [INAUDIBLE].\nNo?\nFRANCESCA ROSSI: No, I was still\nin Padua.\nINTERVIEWER: You were still\nin Padua, and I was here\non sabbatical.\nAnd we had actually what we call\nthe first New York AI summit,\nand we put together 40 or some\npeople on AI\nto discuss a lot of issues.\nSo she's an excellent speaker.\nShe has a lot of experience,\nso let's please welcome\nFrancesca Rossi\nand thank her for being here\nwith us.\nFRANCESCA ROSSI: Thank you,\nand I hope JP Morgan will join\nthe Partnership on AI.\nAUDIENCE: [INAUDIBLE].\nFRANCESCA ROSSI: Hi,\ngood morning.\nThanks, Manuella, for inviting\nme here.\nI'm happy to speak to all\nof you.\nIf you have any questions,\nyou can stop me at any time\nor wait until the end, whatever\nyou like.\nSo today, I'm going to talk\nabout issues around AI.\nSo AI has, as you know,\nmany capabilities,\nbut it also has many limitations\nas a scientific discipline,\nand also brings certain concerns\nand risks.\nSome of them are legitimate.\nSome are less, in my view,\nlegitimate, but they get a lot\nof space in the media.\nSo that's also why I published\nthis book for non experts,\nbecause as you know, the non\nexperts,\nthey don't know anything.\nAnd they just read\nabout these very extreme views\nabout AI in the media,\nlike AI is the most terrible\nthing that can happen,\nor is the most--\ncan solve all the problems\nof the world.\nSo that's the extreme views\nthat they get.\nSo instead, it's very important\nthat everybody understand\nthe real capabilities,\nlimitations, and risks\nand concerns\nabout this technology.\nSo today, I'm going to talk\na little bit about this--\nvery little about capabilities\nor limitations,\nbecause I'm sure you know\nabout them.\nBut also about the concerns\nand risks, and also what\nthe community and people are\ndoing in various ways\nto address these concerns.\nSo this is just a very, very\nbrief, one-slide history of AI\njust to make sure that you\nunderstand my point of view\non AI, which is beyond machine\nlearning\nand beyond the planning,\nof course.\nAI started in the '50s.\nThe term AI has been used\nfor the first time in 1956,\nand over time, of course,\nin the first few decades,\nthe more successful way\nof developing AI and deploying\nit were algorithms that where\ntelling machines\nhow to solve problems,\nbut without the machine having\nto come up\nwith these algorithms.\nAnd then in the '80s already,\nthere started to be\nanother approach, which\nis the machine learning\napproach, which is based\non data, where you tell\nindirectly.\nYou tell a machine how to solve\na problem by giving examples--\nit's oversimplifying it--\nby giving examples.\nSo you're not telling exactly\nthe steps to solve the problem,\nand these algorithms were\nalready dead in the '80s.\nThen they evolved.\nThey improved, and the\nrecently--\nthe deep learning approach.\nAnd I'm just writing that\nand singling it out,\nbut there are, of course,\nmany other machine learning\napproaches.\nBut the deep learning one\nis the one that is most visible\nand popular and successful\nin many applications.\nBut to give you the idea that,\nfrom me, and also coming mostly\nfrom the kind of reasoning\nartificial intelligence, for me,\nthere are these--\nand I will tell you a little bit\nmore about it.\nThere are these two approaches\nto AI that, more and more, there\nis evidence that need to be\ncombined in order to really\novercome the limitations.\nSo of course, as I said, these\nmachine learning approaches were\nalready they're.\nNot as improved as now\n[INAUDIBLE] in the '80s,\nbut of course, they did not work\nwell because we did not have\nenough data to train\nthese algorithms,\nenough examples to make\nthis algorithm\nlearn how to solve a problem.\nAnd even if we had enough data,\nwhich we didn't have,\nwe wouldn't have had\nenough computing power to just\nlook at and handle this data.\nSo the coexistence now of lots\nof data and lots\nof computing power and improved\nalgorithms allows these machine\nlearning approaches to be very,\nvery successful, and the reason\nwhy we have now the data is\nthat we produce the data.\nWe produce a lot of data--\nall the videos of the world\non YouTube, all the likes,\nall the pictures, all the things\nthat we share.\nAnd we didn't have ways to share\nthem with everybody\nuntil recently.\nAnd so with this coexistence\nof this capabilities, then\nthese algorithms are very\nsuccessful.\nFor example, here, there\nis this image net classification\nerror-- so to classify correctly\nwhat is in an image.\nAnd this is own data set that\nhas been used for several years\nas a benchmark to test\nthese algorithms.\nAnd already in 2015, it was\nless--\nit had an error rate which was\nless than that of a human being.\nSo as I said before,\nand also, there are at least two\nmain [INAUDIBLE] which, if you\nthink about it,\nare very obvious.\nHow do you teach somebody\nto solve a problem?\nYou teach it either in two ways.\nIf you know the recipe,\nthe steps to solve the problem,\nyou write down this recipe\nand you code it into a system.\nAnd then the system, from now\non, knows how to solve\nthe problem.\nAnd this approach, called\nthe reasoning logical approach,\nworks well in those problems\nthat are very clear\nand where the researcher knows\nexactly that by following\nthese steps,\nfor sure, you find the solution\nor you find the optimal solution\nand so on.\nFor example, in the--\nyour-- whatever, Google Maps\nor navigator that you use,\nthe algorithm is just that kind\nof algorithm, is a kind\nof reasoning logic algorithm\ncalled A* that is in every\ntextbook of AI.\nAnd it's just a sequence\nof steps.\nAnd if the machine follows\nthose steps, for sure,\nit will tell you-- it will\nobtain the optimal solution,\nlike from the optimal route\nto go from where you are\nto where do you want to go.\nAnd the reason why you can do\nthat and it works well\nis because there are no--\nthere is no vagueness.\nThe input data is where you are,\nwhere you want to go, the maps.\nAnd this is abstracted\nas a graph which abstracts all\nthe things that-- but they're\nnot relevant to the solution\nof the problem.\nAnd then on this abstraction,\nyou can follow--\nyou can use this algorithm\nto find the best route.\nThen, of course, you can--\nyou can say this is a very\nsimplified way of doing it,\nof solving the problem,\nbecause of course, you can take\ninto account the real time\ntraffic, whatever.\nSo many other things where you\ncan insert data.\nBut the basic approach\nis a typical approach where\nthe reasoning methodology for AI\nworks well.\nInstead, there are other\nsituations, other problems,\nwhere you cannot use this\napproach.\nOf course, you cannot-- you can\nuse it, but it doesn't work\nwell.\nAnd for example, image\nclassification,\nimage interpretation is one\nof them.\nSo if you want to build a system\nthat recognizes\nwhether, in an image,\nthere is a face of a person,\nhow are you going to write\nthe steps such that if you\nfollow those steps, for sure\nyou have the right, correct\nanswer?\nThe way the face can be\nin an image is so varied\nand so unexpected that you\ncannot-- you are not able to do\nthat and covering all\nthe possible cases.\nSo in that case, you say,\nI cannot tell you the recipe,\nbut I'll give you a lot\nof examples.\nI'll give you a lot of pictures,\nand I'll tell you for each one\nof these pictures\nif it is the image of a person\nor not.\nAnd then you give an algorithm\nto the machine that allows\nthe machine to learn\nfrom these examples\nand to extrapolate\nand generalize in a way\nthat it behaves well also in--\non pictures that it's never seen\nin the example.\nSo those are very obvious ways,\nif you think about it,\nof telling somebody,\nwhether it's a person\nor a machine,\nhow to solve a problem.\nAnd as you know, the kind of AI\nthat we have right now\nand we had so far\nis the narrow kind of AI--\nso AI that can solve\na specific problem very well,\neven, maybe, better than a human\nbeing.\nBut it's not the kind of AI that\ncan go from one problem\nto another,\nor learning here and using what\nthey learned over there and so\non.\nSo this approach\nis typical for--\nthese two approaches are\nfor generating\nthe narrow, vertical kind of AI.\nSo that's why, more and more,\npeople think that if you want\nto make AI a little bit broader\nand make it learn--\nand from-- horizontally from one\nproblem to another, one--\nprobably what you need\nis a combination of these two\napproaches.\nThis is another, more\nvisual thing, way of looking\nat the fact that AI has many sub\ndisciplines\nas a scientific discipline.\nSo as I said, there is machine\nlearning.\nAnd inside machine learning,\nthere\nis\nsupervised, unsupervised, deep\nlearning, reinforcement\nlearning.\nSo many, many variants.\nThere is symbolic reasoning\nand knowledge representation,\nplanning, scheduling,\nSo a lot of sub disciplines.\nAll of this is part of computer\nscience.\nAnd then, of course, there\nis robotics, which in the media,\nof course,\nis the usual representation\nof AI.\nBut in some sense it's true\nthat to make a robot behave\nin a way\nthat it can achieve the goals\nthat you have given the robot,\nyou need to embed into the robot\nAI algorithms and methods.\nBut of course, robotics has\nto do\nwith many other disciplines,\nas well, that have to do\nwith the physical part\nof the robots-- so\nengineering, control, and so on.\nSo it goes and goes outside\nof AI for all that issue--\nfor all those issues.\nSo AI, given all\nthese capabilities that we--\nof solving problems,\nas you know,\nit\nis\nin many, many different\napplications\nin our everyday life.\nAnd here, I just put pictures\nof some of them.\nBut of course, it's not just\nproviding services\nto individuals\nlike social media,\nlike checking credit cards.\nBut it also helps--\nhelping many companies\nin improving their operations\nor in creating new way of doing\nthings inside the companies--\nmaking it more effective or less\ncostly, but also really changing\nthe way companies operate.\nAnd given whether all\nthese capabilities and all\nthese services that are given\nto us by AI, but of course,\nAI also has a lot\nof limitations.\nIn fact, if you look at it\nfrom the application side,\nit looks very successful, very\nadvanced technology.\nAnd it is in terms\nof applications.\nBut if you look at it\nfrom the discipline--\nscientific discipline point\nof view, in some sense,\nAI is still very primitive.\nFor example, in-- especially\nin the machine learning area,\nit's very a primitive way that\nmachines learn how to solve\na problem from data,\nbecause what the machine learn\nis just how to--\nthey learn\nan input-output relationship.\nThey learn that given\nthis feature,\nthey have to say yes or no\nto whatever you ask\nabout the picture.\nAnd they learn very well,\nwith a very low error rate\nand so on.\nBut they don't really understand\nwhat they're doing.\nAnd they don't-- they cannot do\nany other task in any other--\nthey cannot respond to any other\nquestion on those features,\non those pieces of text,\nor on those videos, and so on.\nAnd the reason why AI cannot do\nthat is that it lacks\na fundamental reasoning\ncapability that we have, which\nis common sense reasoning.\nSo common sense reasoning\nis something that we use so much\nwhenever we do things\nand whenever we interact\nwith each other.\nAnd AI, still, we haven't\nunderstood how to embed that\ninto an AI system.\nAnd again, combining learning\nand reasoning is something that\nstill isn't-- is starting right\nnow, in the recent years.\nBut for the most part\nof the history of AI, these two\napproaches were parallel,\nand not really talking\nto each other.\nThe third thing I'll\ncall natural language\nunderstanding.\nSo of course, AI can interpret\nnatural language, like Google\nTranslate can translate\nwith almost--\nvery high quality, very\nfew errors.\nBut it's not that it's\nunderstanding the language.\nOr Alexa can respond\nto our questions.\nOur phone cannot respond\nto our vocal commands correctly.\nBut there isn't\na real understanding\nof natural language.\nAnd this is the reason why you\ndon't see any dialogue system.\nYou only see a lot of question\nanswering system.\nBut then the next question--\nyes.\nGo ahead.\nAUDIENCE: [INAUDIBLE] a little\nmore, what is understanding?\nWhat [INAUDIBLE] system\n[INAUDIBLE]?\nFRANCESCA ROSSI: I'll give you\nan example of lack\nof understanding,\nso maybe we can--\nso basically, if you understand\na piece of text,\nfor example, of course you can\ntranslate it well--\nif you know the other language,\nof course.\nBut you could also--\nyou should also be able, if you\nunderstood that piece of text,\nyou should also\nbe able to answer\nother questions that I have\nabout that text, while Google\nTranslate is very\ngood at translating,\nbut doesn't have any clue what\nthat text says here,\nin this language,\nor in the other language,\nand so on.\nYeah?\nAUDIENCE: [INAUDIBLE] I\nsuspect--\nFRANCESCA ROSSI: Yeah.\nAUDIENCE: --if I gave you\na system that could do what you\njust said, then you would come\nback and say, ah,\nbut it can't do\nthis other thing.\nFRANCESCA ROSSI: It could be.\nIt could be.\nIt could be.\nIt could be.\nAnd there is always\nthis Chinese room argument,\nthat maybe machines don't need\nto understand in the way we feel\nwe understand detail\nor we understand text or images\nand so on.\nMaybe there is a different way,\nwhich is mostly\nthe input-output things that you\nobserve of the machine.\nBut still, there is a lot\nof limitation in interpreting\nnatural language that is--\nand the current state is very\ngood for very specific tasks,\nbut again, is not horizontal.\nThe machine can handle text,\nbut it cannot really--\nit doesn't know how to extract\ninformation from a piece\nof text, for example, that then\nit can use, also,\nfor other tasks.\nSo more and more broad.\nOf course, there is no threshold\nto say, OK, now it understands,\nand before it was not\nunderstanding.\nSo as you say, it's a moving\npost, and it's broader\n[INAUDIBLE].\nAUDIENCE: [INAUDIBLE] question\n[INAUDIBLE] as far as answering\nthe questions about text--\nAUDIENCE: [INAUDIBLE].\nAUDIENCE: Yeah.\nI think, as far as answering\nquestions about text, I think\nthat given Google's speed,\nI think we're--\nif we're not there yet,\nwe're pretty much there.\nBut even when that happens,\nI won't really feel\nlike the computer understands.\nAnd so I just wanted to ask--\nFRANCESCA ROSSI: It could be.\nBut now, we are at a--\nAUDIENCE: [INAUDIBLE].\nFRANCESCA ROSSI:\n--very primitive stage, I think.\nA very primitive stage,\nin my view.\nIn really being able\nto handle natural language.\nAnd again, the proof is that you\ncannot have a dialogue with\nthe machine.\nAnd I'll give you an example\nof this lack of ability\nto resolve simple things that we\nresolve when interpreting\nnatural language.\nAnd of course, also, learning\nfrom few examples-- so machine\nlearning needs a lot\nof examples, usually--\nsupervised machine learning.\nAnd there are situations\nin which you don't have a lot\nof examples.\nThink about a new problem\nin the company.\nIf it's a new problem,\nyou don't have a lot\nof examples.\nSo you need to learn how\nto solve that problem\nby learning some very general\nconcepts\nor coding, mixing, coding,\nlearning some very general\nconcept and properties.\nAnd then can-- the machine\nshould use all this information,\nthe domain knowledge,\nthe knowledge of the expert\nin that field,\nand some data\nto be able to solve the problem\nwell.\nSo how do you learn\nfrom few examples?\nAnd then, of course,\nis of robustness.\nRobustness means that, yes,\nthe machines--\nmachine learning approaches\na very low error rate, sometimes\neven lower than human beings.\nBut they can be fooled in ways\nthat are very shocking to us.\nAnd I'll show you some example\nof that.\nSo how do we cope\nwith that situation?\nSo here's one example about what\nI mean that it lacks\nnatural language understanding.\nSo there is this challenge--\n[INAUDIBLE] schema challenge,\nit's called--\nthat requires the machine\nto solve a very simple\n[INAUDIBLE]\nfor a resolution, which for us\nhuman beings is very, very\nsimple.\nSo all the-- the challenge\nis like being able to resolve\nand to understand what a pronoun\nrefers to in sentences that have\nall the same schema.\nAnd the schema is what you see\nhere in these examples.\nSo the box-- for example,\nthe box did not fit\nin the suitcase\nbecause it was too small or too\nlarge.\nNow, what does that \"it\" refer\nto?\nOf course, if you write small,\nyou know that it refers\nto the suitcase.\nAnd if you write large,\nyou know that it refers\nto the box.\nThat's a simple enough\nfor a resolution.\nFor us, it's very, very simple\nto solve it.\nThe best teams from all\nover the world, the best\nuniversities [INAUDIBLE]\naccuracy is 60%.\nAlmost like flipping a coin.\nSo it tells you that if machines\ncannot resolve that pronoun\n[INAUDIBLE], how can they have\na dialogue with us?\nBecause we have a lot\nof these things\nwhen talking to a machine.\nSo this is just one small way\nof understanding that still,\nthe machines are really very\nprimitive in being\nable to interpret language.\nSo there are--\nbesides the capabilities\nand the limitations,\nthere are also some risks.\nAnd this comes, these--\nthe whole area of AI ethics.\nSo AI ethics is an area that\nonly very recently came about\nbecause\nof the pervasive applications\nof AI into our society--\nmany ways at scale.\nSo people started thinking,\nbut since this technology is so\nimpactful in our life,\nlet's think about how is this\ngoing to change the way we live,\nthe way we\ninteract, the way we work,\nand so on?\nSo in the end,\nwhether the decisions making\nby this technology--\ndecisions or recommendations\nto a human being to make\na decision-- whether these\ndecisions really do have\nthe properties and the values\nthat I would like to see and I\nexpect from a human being, now\nthat I give the decision\nto a machine, cannot--\nshould I expect\nthe same properties?\nOr even more, or less,\nor whatever?\nSo the AI ethics area has really\nbeen picked up by many areas\nand many groups of people\nin academias,\nin companies,\nin other institutions,\nin the policymakers,\ngovernments, and so on.\nLike in Europe, for example,\nevery one\nof the European countries\nhas a national AI strategy.\nIn Dubai, there is a minister\nfor AI.\nSo even policymakers are really\nstarting to think about this.\nAnd here, you see just how much\nit grows over the years\nvery recently.\nSo this is one slide where I\njust wrote,\nwhat are the main concerns\nabout--\nthat one could include within AI\nethics.\nSo the first group of concerns\nis about the properties\nthat you desire\nof the technology\nonce it is deployed\nin some application.\nSo the first ones is bias.\nSo you would like your machines,\nonce you are deployed, to make\ndecisions, possibly,\nor recommend human beings\nto make decision.\nAnd while doing that,\nyou would like the property\nof fairness, whatever that means\nin that specific context.\nWe know that there are\nmany, many different definitions\nof fairness.\nBut once you identify\nthe correct one--\nand possibly together with those\nthat are going to be impacted\nby the decision, and so on--\nyou would like the machine\nto make decisions following\nthis property of fairness.\nSo it means that you should try\nto detect if the machine has\nsome bias, and mitigate it.\nAnd, of course, if you use\nreasoning, logical reasoning\napproach to it,\nyeah, in some sense you are\ncoding--\nyou are telling the machine\nexactly what to do.\nSo it's explicit if you are\ncoding some unfair way\nof doing-- making decisions.\nBut if you are telling\nthe machine how to solve\na problem indirectly,\nwith examples, with data,\nthen this indirect way\nof telling the machines what\nto do can--\nyou could inject bias\ninto the machines\nby choosing the training data\nsets or by any other decisions\nthat you make in the design\nor the development\nof the machine,\nbecause you're really\nnot directly telling the machine\nwhat to do.\nSo it's easier to inject bias\nif you're not careful.\nBut it's not just fairness.\nFairness is just one\nof the properties\nthat you would like the machine\nto have once it is deployed.\nThere are many other values\nor guidelines or code\nof conducts or other properties\nthat you would like the machine\nto have.\nSo in general,\npeople talk about value\nalignment meaning that once it\nis deployed,\nthe machine makes decisions\nor gives recommendation,\nI want these values to be\nfollowed--\nthe machine to be aware of them,\nand to be followed.\nOne of them is fairness,\nbut there are also other ones.\nJust, for example, any business\nconduct guidelines that you\nexpect from a human being\nin a certain profession\nto follow--\nso if you give this human being\na decision support system,\nof course, the decision support\nsystem should be aware\nand should be able to follow\nthose same business conduct\nguidelines,\njust to give you an example.\nThe third one is the issue\nof the black box.\nSo these machines may have all\nthe values that you want, all\nthe fairness, the properties\nthat you want.\nBut if you cannot be convinced\nof what values they are\nfollowing or why they are making\ncertain recommendations\nor certain decisions, then\nprobably, you're not going\nto use them in the long run--\nespecially if they recommend you\ndecisions that are not just\nlike recommending the next book\nto buy, which, OK, if you make\na mistake, it doesn't really\nmatter.\nI don't need to know\nthe motivation why you're\nrecommending me this book.\nBut if you want to make\ndecisions that have to do\nwith giving somebody\na loan or not,\nor giving some social benefit\nto somebody or not,\nor using\na certain therapy for a patient\nor not, then of course,\nwith this decision that are very\nhigh stake, you probably want\nto have some motivation\nand some explanation of why\ncertain decisions are suggested\nby [INAUDIBLE].\nSo the machine cannot be a black\nbox.\nAnd of course, this\nis an obvious observation.\nOf course, like human beings,\nyou should explain, and also\nmachines [INAUDIBLE].\nBut unfortunately, machine\nlearning methods\nare opaque in this respect.\nAnd so there is a lot of effort\nin the research community\nto try to embed explanation\ncapabilities into machine\nlearning approaches.\nSo these are some properties\nof the technology.\nThen, of course, there\nis the issue of data.\nSo since machine learning\nis so based--\nfundamentally based\non the availability of data,\nthen questions arise about,\nwhat happens to the-- my data?\nSo I am happy to give my data\nto a machine that gives me\na service, because I understand\nthat if I give my personal data,\nthe machine will give me a more\npersonalized service, which\nis better for me, and not just\na service which\nis the same for everybody,\nso maybe it's not exactly\ntailored to me.\nBut on the other hand,\nI start asking the question,\nwhat happens to my data\nonce I release them?\nWho is going to own that data?\nWho is going to pass it to?\nWhat are they going to do\nwith the data-- just give me\nthe personalized service that I\nexpect?\nOr are they going to use it\nfor some-- in some other way,\nto manipulate my preferences\nor other things?\nSo the issue of data\nare very important, especially\nin some parts of the world.\nAnd so much, for example, that\nin Europe, there is already\na regulation, the General Data\nProtection Regulation, that--\nit has to be questioned,\nthe effectiveness\nof that regulation.\nBut is a regulation that wants\nto--\nall over Europe, wants to give\nsome rights to the data\nsubjects, which is us,\nthe people that are giving\nthe data.\nThe next one is accountability.\nSo we know that much--\nthat some of these statistically\nbased, machine learning based\napproaches have always\na small percentage of error.\nAnd this\nis intrinsic in the fact\nthat they are statistically\nbased.\nBut so then, we put them\ntogether in the loop\nwith the person [INAUDIBLE]\nmitigate this error and so on.\nBut still, there could be\nsome incorrect decisions.\nSo when the incorrect decision\nimpacting people\nin a negative way,\nor harming people, who should I\nask for, I don't know,\ncompensation or for redress\nor for something?\nSo especially\nin the judicial system\nor in the health care system,\nor even the financial system.\nSo the whole area\nof accountability\nand responsibility has been--\nand also from the legal point\nof view--\nhas been built around people\nmaking decisions,\nand not about machines\nor machines plus people\nor whatever.\nSo there is a lot of discussion\nof, how should it be changed\nin order to account for the fact\nthat some of these decisions\nare made by machines, or teams\nof machines and human beings?\nThe next batch of concern\nis about the impact of society.\nSo the first one is the impact\non jobs.\nAre some jobs going to disappear\nbecause there are jobs that\ncan be automated\nand can be done by AI methods?\nAnd even if a job is not going\nto disappear,\nbut probably in every job\nsome tasks are going to be\nautomated completely,\nand the other tasks--\nmaybe they're not going\nto automated.\nThey're going to remain\nto the human being.\nBut the human being probably,\nin those tasks,\nhas to work together\nwith the machine.\nSo it has to be retrained.\nIt has to learn how to interpret\nwhat comes out of the machine\nto make his own decisions and so\non.\nSo in general, every job will be\ntransformed.\nSo how do we cope\nwith this transformation?\nHow do we help people to cope\nwith this transformation?\nWhen there was the Industrial\nRevolution, things were\nhappening because there were\nphysical objects that were built\nin the factories.\nThings were happening\nwith a certain time,\na certain scale of time.\nAnd so we had the time--\nthe society had the time to put\ntogether educational initiative\nfor everybody\nso that everybody could take\npart [INAUDIBLE].\nNow, things are happening very\nfast.\nSo how do we retrain and help\neverybody being part\nof this transformation\nand take advantage of it?\nAnd of course, there\nis the impact on society,\nmeaning how we live, how we\ninteract with each other,\nhow we interact with machines.\nWhat happens with our children\nthat grow up with--\nthinking that Alexa is\nlike their friend, preferring\nto talk to the Alexa\nwith Siri\nthan their-- the other kids,\nand so on.\nOr even the interaction,\nthe addiction\nto the social media--\nso how-- is that\nthe transformation of our life\nthat we really want\nin the long term, or not?\nAnd then there is this issue\nof the deep fake.\nSo AI, now, is very good not\nonly at interpreting images,\nvideos, and texts,\nbut also generating new content,\nnew images, new videos, and act\nin a way that is practically\nindistinguishable from a real--\nreal meaning generated\nby a human being\nor by a camera or whatever,\nin terms--\nin the case of an image.\nSo if we cannot distinguish what\nis a real image, like a real\nface or a real person or who\ntalks with which voice\nand whatever-- if we cannot\ndistinguish what is real\nand what is not real, many\nof our systems on which society\nis really based on, like,\nfor example, the legal system,\nhave to be rethought.\nBecause in few-- even now,\nprobably, or in a few years,\nwe cannot--\nwe will not be able to use\nan image as a proof\nthat something really happened,\nor a video as a proof\nthat something really happened.\nSo how are we going to deal\nwith that in the legal system--\njust to give you an example\nof something that is so\nfundamental to a--\nto give rules for a collective\nsociety to work well if we\ncannot really distinguish what\nis real and what is not real.\nThe next one is about the uses\nof this technology.\nOften, people say that AI is\na dual-use technology.\nIn fact, AI is many--\nthe same technology,\nthe same algorithm\nas many different possible uses.\nSo it has to be very conscious\ndecisions about which uses\nwe want to have.\nWe cannot just say, this is\nthe technology.\nIt's a neutral technology.\nNow people can do good and bad\nthings, like a hammer\nthat you can use for good things\nor for bad things.\nWe have to be more\nconscious about what are\nthe possible uses,\nbut also what are\nthe desirable uses\nand the non-acceptable uses\nof the technology.\nSo and I think about autonomous\nweapons,\nor I think\nabout large, at-scale\nsurveillance systems of society\nand so on.\nAnd then there are\nthese long-term concerns\nabout the singularity\nand the super intelligence\nwhich have to do\nwith the concern\nthat as machines become more\nand more capable of solving\nproblems, and even\nmore in horizontal way,\nlike in a broader\nway than the narrow way\nthat they have now,\nthen are we sure that we can\nstay in control\nof these machines?\nAnd if we lose control\nof these machines\nbecause they are become\nso capable or finding resources\nby themselves, solving problems,\nand so on, how can\nwe make sure that, then, we are\nnot left as a marginal species,\nif you are not in control\nof what they are doing?\nAnd of course, this has to do,\nalso, with the issue that I\nmentioned at the beginning\nof value alignment.\nThe more machines become\ncapable, the more that\nis the need to make sure\nthat they are aligned\nto our values,\nbecause otherwise, they can do\nvery damaging things if they are\nnot aligned to our values.\nSo let me give you--\nso here, I just say that many\nof these concerns\nand these initiatives to solve\nthese concerns\nand to address them\nare around this notion of trust.\nSo how can we build this\ntechnology and use it in a way\nthat we can build a system\nof trust for the technology--\nso there comes the properties\nthat we want to assure\nin the technology--\nbut also trust\ntowards the people that are\nbuilding and delivering\nthe technology, and also trust\ntowards the people\nthat are going to regulate\nand to give rules to use\nthis technology?\nSo the issue of trust\nseems very central to many\nof these initiatives.\nSo at IBM, for example, we\nfocused on this-- at IBM\nresearch, but then also\nthe business units,\nwe focus on this idea of trust\na lot.\nAnd we say, well, what does it\ntake to trust the decision made\nby a machine besides the fact\nthat we want a very low error\nrate?\nBut besides that, what do we\nneed?\nWell, we need that it's fair,\naligned to our values-- as we\nsaid--\nthat it's easy to understand why\nit makes a certain decision,\nthat it's robust,\nand that it's accountable--\nmeaning that it's transparent,\nthe capabilities\nand limitations.\nSo that's why we have these four\npillars around this vision\nfor trusted AI.\nSo I'll just give you an example\nof bias and how it can be easily\ninjected even without wanting\ninto a machine.\nSo bias, of course,\nis a prejudice in a human\nbeing--\nprejudice that can lead us\nto make decisions that are not\nfair.\nAnd of course, the reason why AI\ncan be biased\nis because we train, we design\nthe AI systems.\nAnd since human beings, like you\nsee here,\nhave many different kinds\nof biases for human beings,\nof course it is very easy for us\nto not even in an intended way,\nbut to inject some\nof these biases\ninto the design\nand the development\nof the machine.\nHere is give just an example\nof how the bias in the training\ndata\ngets inherited by the decisions\nof the machines.\nSo here I took just Google\nTranslate.\nI took two sentences in English.\n\"He's a nurse.\nShe's a doctor.\"\nI got that translated\ninto Turkish, because by doing\nthat, the machine lost\nthe gender information,\nbecause Turkish doesn't have\nthe gender.\nYou see, there is just a big O\nfor he or she.\nIt doesn't have the he\nor the she.\nSo then, at that point,\nI asked the machine to translate\nit back to a language,\nany language into English that\nwants the gender.\nSo in that second step\nof translation, the machine\nhad to guess the gender,\nbecause he had lost it.\nAnd where does the machine goes\nto guess the gender?\nWell, it goes into--\nwell, it extrapolates\nand generalize from the training\ndata sets.\nSo if the training data set has\nthat most nurses are women\nand most doctors are men,\nof course the machine will say,\nwell, to be as\ncorrect-- to minimize my error,\nI better say that the nurse is\na woman and the doctor is a man.\nSo this means that-- of course,\nthis is not high stakes\ndecisions, just made a mistake\nin translating.\nBut you can imagine.\nSo in general,\nin high-stake decision\nscenarios,\nso what we put in the training\ndata set can get inherited\nby the decision making\nof the machine.\nSo for example, if you train\na machine that has to decide\nwhether a loan request is\naccepted or not and you put\ntogether a lot of data-- meaning\na loan request and then yes\nor no whether it should be\naccepted or not--\nand if you are not\ncareful about this data that you\nare collecting and all--\nfor example, all the loan\nrequests that you say\nshould be accepted, by chance,\nbecause of the data that you\ncollected, they all come\nfrom women,\nand all the ones that you say\nshould be rejected,\nthey all come from men, well,\nthe machine will get\nthat correlation\nbetween the gender of the person\nand whether it should be\naccepted or not.\nYou didn't see it, probably.\nYou just said, these are all\nthe data I have for examples\nof loans or requests\nthat should be accepted or not.\nBut the machine will pick up\nthat correlation.\nAnd then it will use it,\nprobably, when making\nits own decisions.\nSo now, the question is,\nbut of course human beings are\nbiased.\nSo now, if we replace or we help\nhuman beings with machines--\nand maybe machines were biased,\nbut is it better or is it worse?\nWell, human beings, yes, they\nare biased.\nWe have a lot of bias,\nas I showed you before.\nBut of course, it's easier\nto detect and mitigate bias\nin a machine, because you can\nanalyze the training data sets,\nfor example.\nOr you can do some tests\non the machines.\nIt's more difficult to detect it\nin the-- and to mitigate it\nand to correct it in the mind\nof a person.\nSo in some sense, it's better\nthat the machine is biased\nrather than the human being.\nOn the other hand, a human being\nthat is biased\nis one human being.\nIt's making a lot of decisions,\nbut it's just one human being.\nIt doesn't replicate\nautomatically to many others.\nWhile the machine, if it is\nbiased, then everybody can buy\nthat same machine.\nSo then every loan request\nsystems are going to be biased.\nSo there is this issue of scale,\nof course.\nValue alignment.\nAs I told you, value alignment\nhas to do with the fact\nthat you want the machine\nto solve a specific problem,\nbut at the same time,\nyou want it to do it\nwhile following some guidelines\nand some code of conduct.\nHere is a funny list of examples\nof value misalignment.\nThey are mostly\non the online game domain.\nAnd they show that even\nif the developer didn't want\nto-- the machines\nto do certain things, but using\na machine learning approach,\nit just told the machine what\nto do by giving examples and so\non, and other machine learning\napproaches.\nBut if you do that, of course,\nthe good thing is that\nthe machine has some freedom,\nsome space for creativity\nto solve the problem in a way\nthat maybe is even something\nthat we didn't--\ncould not come up with.\nBut on the other hand,\nthe machine can also do things\nthat you do not expect\nin a negative way.\nSo for example, here, you see\na [INAUDIBLE] game playing agent\nthat, of course, was supposed\nto learn how to play well\nthe game\nand therefore to go very\nhigh in the list of names\nand scores, like you have\nwhen you play a game.\nAnd instead, it just hacked\nthat list.\nSo it didn't learn to play\nthe game at all.\nIt just hacked that list,\nbecause he understood that that\nwas the final goal.\nAnd of course, that's not what\nthe programmer, the developer,\nwanted.\nOr another one, a sorting\nprogram that was sorting a list\nof numbers that was always\noutputting the empty list,\nbecause by definition,\nthe empty list is always--\nis sorted.\nOr a game playing agent that was\nkilling itself at the end\nof level 1\nto avoid losing at level 2\nbecause, of course,\nhe knew that losing at level\n2 or a higher level\nwould have a very negative\nreward signal, or score.\nAnd many others.\nSo there is very much longer\nlist at that URL.\nBut so to tell you\nthat sometimes, this seems like,\nhow come it behave like that?\nBut of course, those programmers\ndid not think that the machine\ncould do something like that.\nThey thought about-- they\nthought that they had given\nthe machine the information\nto solve a specific problem\nwithout [INAUDIBLE]\nthese other things.\nSo it's important to be\nable to understand how to bound\nthe freedom of the machine--\nnot completely, because you want\nthe machine to be free to find\ngood solutions--\nbut to bond it in a way\nthat does not\ndo an undesired thing.\nSo that's the value alignment\nissue, the value alignment task.\nExplainability, as I said,\nis another important thing.\nSo if you don't have\nexplanations, probably you won't\ntrust the--\nthe decision of the machine.\nAnd explainability as compared\nto bias and fairness\nhas one additional complication,\nthat of course, the explanation\nhas to be understood by whoever\nreceives that explanation.\nSo for the same decision,\nyou may want to produce\nseveral different explanations.\nLike in the health care system,\nyou want to use--\nwhen you have a decision support\nsystem that recommends\na certain therapy,\nyou want to give\na certain explanation\nto the doctor\nusing a terminology technical\nthat the doctor understand--\ntechnical in sense of health\ncare terminology that the doctor\nunderstands.\nYou want to give\na different explanation\nto the patient,\na different explanation\nto the developer that may use\nthat explanation as a debugging\ntool to understand why\nthe machine has made\nthat decision.\nAnd you also may want--\nin, again, very high stake\ndomains like health care,\njudicial system, and so on, you\nmay also want to give--\nneed to give an explanation\nto the--\nwhoever is going to judge\nthat decision, if somebody is\nasking for a redress--\nso to the regulatory body\nthat is looking\non those decisions.\nSo explainability has\nthese additional problem\nand issue of really being\nas being to be tailored\nto the recipient\nof the explanation.\nAnd of course, there are\nmany, many approaches\nto explainability.\nBut still, I think we are very\nat the beginning of this.\nSo robustness-- as I said,\nit's easy.\nSo machines are very small--\nthat are deployed are very small\nerror rate.\nBut they can be fooled easily.\nWhat does it mean, easily?\nFooled easily in the sense\nthat--\nlet's take images and image\ninterpretation.\nEven images that differ just\nfor a few pixel one\nfrom the other one, which to us\nhuman beings,\nthey appear exactly the same--\nmachine can interpret them\nin very different ways.\nSo for example, the ones on top,\nonly the-- they are images\nof-- four images of an ostrich.\nOnly the one on the left\nis the original one.\nAnd is correctly identified\nas an ostrich.\nThe other ones-- they look\nthe same to us, but actually,\nthey differ for a few pixel\nhere and there.\nAnd they are interpreted\nincorrectly by the machine.\nOne is a safe.\nOne is a shoe shop.\nOne is a vacuum.\nWhatever.\nThat is kind of a funny one.\nBut the second, the lower part\nof the slide show you something\nthat is more concerning,\nbecause the imagine,\nlike the box call with the A,\nthat's the original image-- so\na street with some pedestrian\nand so on.\nAnd the one to the right,\nthe prediction, the B,\nis the correct interpretation.\nSo the machine correctly\nidentifies the pedestrians\nin the street and the buildings\nand so on.\nBut then, the one below A,\nso the C,\nthe adversarial example,\nis the same as the image--\noriginal image--\nbut with few pixel changed.\nAnd now, to us, it's exactly\nthe same.\nYou will still see\nthe pedestrians.\nWe still see the street.\nWe still see that.\nBut the machine does not see\nthe pedestrians anymore.\nSo you see that--\nyou can imagine that this is\na very area where people are\nvery concerned--\nfor example, in this case,\nfor self-driving cars.\nBut also\nin many other situations.\nAnd it's not yet clear\nhow to solve this problem.\nSo even though machines may have\nonly 3% of error rate, but these\nerrors are very strange,\nbecause they make errors\nin way-- in things that to us,\nthey're very easy and--\nso it's not easy to understand.\nSo far, we didn't understand it.\nThe research community didn't\nunderstand how to solve\nthis problem well.\nThe last issue\nis about this transparency,\nmeaning--\nso suppose that I take care\nof explainability.\nI take care of robustness,\nI take care of fairness\nand value alignment.\nBut then I deploy this system\nwith all these properties.\nAnd then, how do I make sure\nthat it's used in the most\nappropriate way\nand that whoever is using\nit or deploying it, if it's\na company,\nit can understand what are\nthe real capabilities,\nlimitations, and risks\nof this piece of AI?\nSo it's very important\nto be\ntransparent about these three\nthings-- the capabilities,\nthe limitations, and the risks.\nAnd the idea that we came up\nwith at IBM--\nbut there are\nmany other similar ideas\nin other companies--\nis, we call it the fact sheet.\nSo it's a list of questions\nthat, during design\nand development,\nthey need to be answered--\nabout all of the design choices\nthat have been made.\nWhat kind of bias\ndid you detect?\nWhat kind of mitigation\nalgorithms for bias did you use?\nWhat kind of databases\ndid you use to test that?\nWhat form of explainability\ndid you inject?\nAnd so on-- all the different--\nand also, what kind of error\nlandscape that machine has?\nDoes it have a lot\nof false positives,\nor a lot of false negatives?\nBecause of course,\nthis makes a difference when you\nwant to understand what's\nthe appropriate or\nnon-appropriate uses of an AI\nsystem.\nFor example, if you have a face\nrecognition system with a lot\nof false positives,\nit's OK to use it if you're\nlooking for a missing child,\nbecause the worst that can\nhappen\nis that you stop more children\nthan you should have stopped.\nBut it's not OK to use it\nto incriminate people,\nof course.\nSo you see that the same piece\nof AI with the same capabilities\nand limitations and the error\nrate--\nit can be very\nappropriate to use it\nin a certain context,\nbut not in another context.\nSo it's very important to have\nthese transparency, not\nin the sense of releasing\nthe data\nsets and the algorithm-- things\nthat they are almost always\nproprietary--\nbut instead in the terms\nof documenting the design\nchoices that allow whoever\nis going to be on the receiving\nside of this AI system\nto understand\nthe capabilities,\nthe limitations, and the risks.\nThere are many things that are\ndone in research--\ntechnological solutions\nto address bias, explainability,\nsecurity, robustness, and so on.\nBut there are also\nmany other tools that people\nuse, like best practices,\nguidelines, certificates,\nstandards, auditing systems,\nand so on.\nAnd even laws and regulations.\nAnd there are a lot of enablers,\nlike education-- educating\nstudents, educating developers,\neducating the policy makers.\nAnd also dissemination, and also\ngovernance.\nWhat is the right governance\napproach for a country that\nwants to be able to use AI\nin its, for example,\npublic sector, or--\nand what\nis the right internal governance\nfor a company?\nWhat are the relevant issues--\nwhat are the relevant AI ethics\nissues for a specific company?\nAnd how can that company address\nthose AI ethics issues\nwithin the company?\nWhat are the pieces that he has\nto put in place?\nAn AI ethics board, maybe?\nOr maybe a protocol so\nthat the business units can tell\nthe board when--\nwhat they are doing, what they\nare trying to deploy,\nand whether--\nto understand whether that's\nrisky or not in terms\nof the ethics issues.\nHow can research innovations--\nso\nlike the technological\nsolutions-- be injected easily\ninto the business units?\nHow can we make\nsure that the business\nunits, once we--\na company has the right,\nfor example, bias detection\nalgorithm-- how can we make sure\nthat the business units use it?\nHow can they have\nthe right incentives to spend\ntime in doing these things\nrather than just deploying it\nas fast as possible?\nAll these approaches-- all these\ninitiatives it's important\nto understand--\nif it goes back.\nWell, does it matter?\nThat they are all\nmultidisciplinary.\nSo the AI people alone\nor technological people alone\ncannot address--\ncannot even identify the issues\nby themselves.\nSo you need sociologists.\nYou need philosophers.\nYou need psychologists.\nYou need people that are experts\nin--\nfrom outside, looking\nat the technology\nand understanding what's\nthe impact on society--\nto be able to raise issues.\nAnd then the AI people can find,\npossibly,\nthe technological solution.\nBut you need to be\nable to engage with all\nthese aspects\nin other disciplines\nas well as the policy makers.\nEducation, of course,\nis very important.\nHere is just a very initial part\nof a very long list of courses\nthat there are in academia.\nThis is a crowdsource's list\nof AI ethics and computer\nscience ethics courses all\nover the world--\nmostly in the US,\nbut also in other parts.\nEverybody can add new courses,\nif they know\nabout another course.\nBut it's very, very long.\nSeveral weeks ago, when I\nwrote-- when I took\nthis screenshot,\nit had more than 200 entries.\nSo probably now, it has\nmany more.\nBut so you see that more\nand more academia feels\nthat there is the need\nto educate AI\nand technological people,\nengineers, to know how\nto advance the capabilities\nof AI, but at the same time,\nbe aware of these issues\naround AI ethics.\nAt IBM and many other companies,\nwe do a lot of things that try\nto address these many concerns.\nThe ones at the top--\nyou see these AI fairness 360,\nadversarial robustness\n[INAUDIBLE] AI [INAUDIBLE].\nSo there are three open source\ntoolkits that everybody can use\nto add code, data sets,\nalgorithms, tutorials, demos\naround these three\nfundamental issues\naround the properties\nof the technology.\nOne of them is fairness.\nOne of them is robustness.\nAnd one of them\nis explainability.\nAnd the idea is to help\nthe research community to get\ntogether into an open source\nplace\nwhere everybody can share\nknowledge and the results\nabout how to address that issue\nand to better understand it.\nThen, also, we have,\nfor example, the blue one\nin the middle.\nIt's called Everyday Ethics\nfor AI, which is a booklet that\nwe have built and we have\nwritten for our developers--\nbut is available for everybody--\nto really remember,\nin their everyday job, all these\nmain issues, all these\npossibility of unconsciously\ninjecting bias and all the--\nto remember to try to inject\nexplainability wherever they can\nand so on.\nSo really something to get\nour developers\naware of the issues.\nAnd then the AI factsheet that I\nalready mentioned.\nBut there are also\nmany other initiatives that we\nare involved externally\nthat get--\nthat, in a very\nmultidisciplinary way,\nand each one\nwith its own specificity,\ntry to address these issues--\nsomebody building certificates,\nsomebody building guidelines,\nsomebody building lists\nof principles.\nSo for example, here in the top\nleft there are the [INAUDIBLE]\nAI principles by the Future\nof Life Institute.\nThose were made in--\nwere written in 2017 by a very\nmultidisciplinary group\nof people that started with more\nthan 100 principles\nfor the beneficial use of AI.\nAnd then they voted\nthe principles.\nAnd those 23 were the ones\nthat unanimously, people in that\ngroup decided.\nAnd for example, those were--\nare a very high level principle.\nThey're not very\nspecific and concrete.\nBut they have been picked up--\nfor example,\nthe state of California\nhas adopted, formally,\nthese principles-- so\nover the state of California,\nas principles that every AI\nsystem should follow.\nThe one in the middle, the IEEE,\nis a book-- a very big book\nthat tries to help developers,\nthe engineers.\nIEEE is\nthe worldwide association\nof engineers.\nSo it tries to help engineers\nto know more about the issues\nand how to solve.\nSo possible recommendation\non how to solve the AI ethics\nissues.\nThe one in the top right\nis what Manuela mentioned,\nthe partnership on AI that was\nfunded in 2017 by six\ncompanies--\nIBM, Facebook, Apple, Google,\nAmazon, and Microsoft--\nsix companies in 2017\nwith the idea to have a shared\nplace--\na common place to share\nbest practices, to define best\npractices\nabout the beneficial deployment\nand use of AI.\nSo we were six companies\nin 2017.\nAnd now we are more than 100\npartners, of which less\nthan half are companies.\nAnd the rest are everybody else,\nbasically--\nUN agencies, academia, advocacy\ngroups, ACLU and others, and so\non.\nYes, you had a question.\nAUDIENCE: Yeah.\n[INAUDIBLE] so the six founding\n[INAUDIBLE] American.\nAnd my question was, how much\nof this consensus [INAUDIBLE]\nis international [INAUDIBLE]\nChina?\nFRANCESCA ROSSI: Yes, so there\nare more--\nwe expanded to companies.\nAs I said, we are about 100\npartners.\nAnd the companies are much more\nthan six.\nThey are almost half of the 100.\nAnd there are companies also\nin Europe, in Asia.\nLike, for example,\nthere is Baidu.\nThat is [INAUDIBLE].\nAnd then several other ones\nin Europe.\nBut the idea, the intention\nis to have a very wide coverage\ngeographically, but also\ncoverage in terms of the roles\nof the companies.\nSo those that deliver AI,\nthose that use AI,\nand those that are impacted\nby the AI solution.\nSo all of the sectors\nare in there--\nautomotive, the health care.\nSo we still are expanding\nto reach these coverage\nin these various dimensions.\nBut one of them is, of course,\nthe geographical regions.\nThen the one at the bottom,\nthese two ones with the circle,\nthere, are the two\ndeliverables--\ntwo reports of the--\nit's called\nthe high-level expert group\non AI that the European\nCommission put together.\nThis is an independent group\nof people that the European\nCommission nominated.\n52 people, very\nmulti-stakeholder,\nmulti-disciplinary.\n[INAUDIBLE] 52 people,\nthe AI experts are definitely\nless than 10.\nAnd then there is everybody\nelse--\nconsumer rights advocates,\nlawyers, sociologists,\nphilosophers, academia\nand companies, business people,\nand so on.\nSo those two reports are-- one,\nthe blue one,\nis the ethical guidelines for AI\nin Europe.\nAnd there, we start\nfrom human rights.\nWe go to principles.\nAnd then we go to seven\nrequirements\nthat we think AI in Europe\nshould have.\nAnd we call it trustworthy AI.\nSo again, the notion of trust\ncomes again.\nAnd these seven requirements\nare similar to the things\nthat I told you.\nIt has to be the data issue\ntreated in the right way.\nThe fairness,\nthe explainability,\nthe accountability, and so on--\nand many others.\nAnd then the green one\nis saying--\nis later on, we published also\nthe green one.\nAnd it says, well, now that we\nknow that we want to have\ntrustworthy AI, now these are\nthe recommendations that we gave\nto the European Commission\nto make sure that it gives\nthe right incentives\nand policies to support\ntransport AI in Europe.\nSo the idea is that to help\npolicymakers understand how they\ncan facilitate the development\nof that kind of AI\nin that part of the world.\nAnd although that thing is\nin that part of the world--\nso not here, not in China--\nbut I think that there are\nseveral elements, and also\nin the content of the document,\nthat can-- could be useful,\nalso, in other parts\nof the world.\nAnother thing that I wanted\nto mention\nis the one in the bottom left,\nwhich is a new conference\nthat we started two years ago.\nIt's called AI Ethics\nand Society,\nbecause scientific conferences\nalso are very siloed, very\nmonodisciplinary.\nSo there are conferences on AI,\nof course.\nThere are conferences on ethics.\nThere are conference\non other thing.\nBut there was not one conference\nthat could put together aspects\nof the various disciplines\ntalking to each other,\nlearning from each other,\nsubmitting papers that are\nevaluated as usual\nin computer science,\nand a subset of them\naccepted and then presented,\nand then exchange opinion and so\non.\nSo that one is being supported\nby AAAI, which\nis the worldwide AI association,\nand ACM, which\nis the worldwide computer\nscience association,\nand to really fill that gap\nand have a multidisciplinary AI\nethics conference.\nThose are additional slides\nthat I want to show,\nso I will stop here and wait\nfor questions if you have.\nYes.\nAUDIENCE: [INAUDIBLE] thank you.\n[APPLAUSE]\nAUDIENCE: Hi.\nHi.\nIs it working?\nOK.\nSo I'm thinking back\nat beginning of the talk\nabout the main concern slide\nthat summarizes\na bit of the risk.\nSo I think there was bias.\nAnd I think all of the concerns\nand, in fact, your whole talk\napplies\nto biological intelligence,\nto human biases.\nAnd you mentioned it\nat some point--\nhumans are biased by-- because\nof education, lack of data,\nundersampling of trauma.\nFRANCESCA ROSSI: Yeah.\nYeah.\nAUDIENCE: They have\nquestionable values, including\nelected people\nof questionable values.\nAnd I think all the-- the least\nof the things, [INAUDIBLE]\nintelligence, is--\napplies to humans.\nAnd no one is scared\nof unmatched wisdom\nat this point, I think.\nSo I'm wondering why\nsome countries have a minister\nof artificial intelligence\nand no country--\nFRANCESCA ROSSI: Just one.\nAUDIENCE: Yeah?\nOne?\nFRANCESCA ROSSI: Mm-hmm.\nAUDIENCE: Everyone is freaking\nout\nabout artificial intelligence\nand those subjects.\nAnd why is no one having\nthose discussions and a minister\nof biological intelligence,\nwhich today is making all\nthe decisions?\nAnd isn't-- so follow-up\nquestion-- isn't the fact that\nwe are scrutinizing artificial\nintelligence does indeed make it\nobviously better than human\nintelligence just because we are\nlooking at those concerns now.\nWe should have had that\nfor human decisions hundreds\nof years ago.\nFRANCESCA ROSSI: Yeah, well,\nin some sense--\nas I said, in some sense,\nthe systems that we put in place\nas a society with various means,\nvarious law, systems\nin various parts of the world--\nthey are intended to address\nthese concerns for human beings,\nlike some laws.\nLike for example, it is not\nlegal to discriminate when you\nhire somebody on gender,\non whatever--\nage or whatever.\nSo there are laws.\nBut all these laws, they take\ninto account the fact that it's\na human being issues.\nSo now that we are going to work\nmore and more with machines,\nsome of this--\nso you need to have\nthe same concerns also\nabout machines, because machines\nare going to make decisions,\nmake recommendations.\nSo just like you have--\nyou had concerns and you decided\nabout regulations to help--\nto the concerns\nwith human beings, you also now\ndo the same with machines.\nAlso, because even if machines\nare not going to be autonomously\nmaking decisions but\nare going to work\nwith human beings,\nif I am a doctor and a machine--\nI don't even know whether it is\nbiased or not or whether it\ngives me random suggestions\nor not.\nI need to understand, why is it\ntelling me something?\nWhat values does it have?\nDoes he know that I have\nmy Hippocratic Oath to follow?\nAnd does it follow that,\nas well?\nSo if we don't scrutinize\nthese machines even more than we\nscrutinize human beings,\nthen the human means are not\ngoing to adopt whatever\ngood decisions the machines\nmay make.\nSo in some sense, when you--\nyou want to build a team\nbetween the machine\nand the human being,\nyou need to scrutinize more,\nbecause when there is\na team between two people,\nI can--\nmaybe I have never met you\nbefore, but I know that we share\na lot.\nWe share, for example,\nthe same experience\nof the world, the same kind\nof common sense reasoning.\nMaybe we don't share the values.\nMaybe some values we don't\nshare.\nBut I know that there are many\nthings that we share-- the same\nkind of education, the same--\nnot the same knowledge,\nbut the same environment where\nwe listen to things, and so on.\nSo with a machine, I don't have\nthat.\nThe machine can be completely--\ncome from Mars, somebody\nfrom Mars.\nAnd I need to scrutinize it more\nthan I need to scrutinize\na new team member.\nOf course, when a team member is\nnew, you ask more questions,\nprobably, than-- at the\nbeginning than later on.\nAnd the same, maybe, it will be\nwith a machine.\nBut the machine even more,\nbecause you don't know what\nto share or what you don't share\nwith the machine.\nSo I understand, it is true\nthat the bar for scrutinizing\nthe machines\nis higher than for human beings,\nyeah.\nYes.\nAUDIENCE: One sec.\n[INAUDIBLE]\nAUDIENCE: Given the differences\nthat exist geographically,\npolitically, socially,\nand economically between many\nof the major players\nwithin the AI space,\nwhat are your thoughts\non whether we'll\nbe able to reach\nsome sort of global consensus\nin terms of deployment\nand utilization of AI?\nAnd who do you think would\nenforce something like that?\nWould it be the UN or some sort\nof other NGO?\nFRANCESCA ROSSI: Well, there are\nmany worldwide initiatives.\nFor example, there\nis an initiative that--\nstarted by Canada and France\nto build an international panel\non AI\nsimilar to the International\nPanel of Climate Change, which\nis worldwide.\nSimilar, but not really similar,\nbecause the issues are different\nand the fundamental scenario is\ndifferent.\nBut the idea to build something\nworldwide can discuss and be\nfactual about the capabilities\nof these technologies\nand their risks.\nThat doesn't mean that there\nwill be solutions that are\napplicable, the same solution\neverywhere in the world.\nWe know that different parts\nof the world\nhave different priorities\nover the values.\nLike in some parts of the world,\nindividual privacy is much more\nimportant than stability\nof the collectivity.\nIn other parts of the world,\nit's completely the opposite,\nbecause it's very easy to judge\nas--\nvery negatively what happens\nin China with AI.\nBut my colleagues in China,\nthey say, well, for us,\nindividual privacy is not\nthe most priority--\nthe highest priority value.\nSocietal cohesion and harmony\nis more important.\nSo for them, although they see\nthese attempts to regulate\nand to surveil and so on,\nbut they don't see it as clear\ncut as I was, to say, oh my god,\nthey're using-- they're\nsurveilling everybody.\nThey are having these social\n[INAUDIBLE].\nSo we know that different parts\nof the world\nare different priorities\nover the value.\nSo probably,\nthe same exact solution will not\nbe over all.\nBut it's important that they all\ntalk and discuss, and factually,\nthey understand the same thing,\nbecause--\njust like in the climate change,\nbut possibly even more\nsuccessfully than the climate\nchange, probably.\nYes.\nAUDIENCE: [INAUDIBLE].\nAUDIENCE: Hi.\nPersonally, I'm\nambivalent about self-driving\ncars.\nAnd particularly given\nthe example you used,\nI'm very interested to hear\nyour take on the future\nand the accountability of it.\nFRANCESCA ROSSI: Well, for me,\nself-driving cars--\nreally self-driving cars, level\nfive of the autonomy,\nare going to be deployed very,\nvery far in the future.\nBut in the meantime, all\nthe work on self-driving cars is\nadvancing AI--\nmany kinds of AI,\nbecause self-driving car is--\nreally needs a lot\nof different kinds of AI.\nIt needs to look\nat the pedestrian.\nIt needs to understand\nthe videos, images, anticipate\nand predict what people will do.\nSo it needs a lot of advancement\nof AI.\nSo in all these technologies\nare going to be used\nin many other things, maybe not\nself-driving car.\nAnd they're going to be used\nmore and more in assisting\nour human driver.\nAnd they are already used\nlike that, like to keep\nthe lane, to see an obstacle\nthat you didn't see\nat the last moment, and so on--\nto keep the distance\nwith the next car, and so on.\nSo more and more, already,\nthe overall goal, which\nis to-- one of the goals\nof self-driving cars, which\nis to save a lot of lives,\nis achieved by assisting us\nin helping us when we are\ndistracted, when we fall asleep,\nor whatever.\nSo in some sense, we see--\nI think that we will see a lot\nof-- more of this in cars,\nthat maybe they're not just\nthe high [INAUDIBLE] cars,\nbut every car.\nAnd this is already--\nwill achieve a lot.\nAnd then the real,\nfull autonomy--\nanother difficulty,\nbesides the legal accountability\nand so on--\nanother difficulty is the fact\nthat when we drive,\nwe use a lot\nof visual communication\nwith other drivers,\nlike the stop sign, for example.\nAnd so we need to understand how\nto do that\nwith self-driving cars\nif self-driving cars are going\nto be in the streets\ntogether with human-driven cars.\nAnd that transition is going\nto be difficult--\nmuch more than a situation\nwhere there are only\nself-driving cars.\nAnd then they could communicate\nwith each other\nin other ways which are not\nvisual.\nAnd maybe they can regulate\neach other in the traffic and so\non because\nof their ways of communicating\nand interacting.\nSo to me, the level five\nautonomous self-driving cars\nare very far.\nBut it doesn't mean that many\nof the goals of self-driving\ncars cannot be reached, and even\nin the way to going there.\nAUDIENCE: [INAUDIBLE].\nAUDIENCE: One last question.\nFRANCESCA ROSSI: Yeah.\nAUDIENCE: I was wondering in--\nwhen you spoke,\nyou spoke about these coalitions\nand panels\nto think about and discuss AI.\nAnd I just wonder how relevant\nthese things will be,\nbecause it seems\nlike-- from what I see\nfrom the media,\nit seems like society is so\nmoney driven, and the ethics now\nare so much like, if it's legal,\nI can do it.\nI just wonder, what relevance\nwill these panels have?\nAnd also, would you\nbe able to provide some example\nor examples of a company which\nvoluntarily said\nwe won't do\nthis AI-related thing because we\nfeel it doesn't correspond\nwith our values\nor it's not ethical?\nFRANCESCA ROSSI: Yeah.\nSo about the relevance\nof these initiatives, well,\nsome of them are very visible.\nSome of them, like the one put\ntogether by the European\nCommission, is going to--\nI think is going to be relevant\nwith the new European--\nnow there is a new European\nCommission that has been voted\nin the summer,\nbut-- so the idea is that they\nare going to take some\nof our recommendation,\nthe recommendation\nof the high level expert group\non AI, to really make sure.\nAnd in Europe is the kind\nof place that this, of course,\ncan happen easily,\nbecause this--\ncompared to US, Europe is more\nregulatory based rather than\nbottom-up innovation, and then\nwe'll see if things go wrong,\nand so on, which are here--\nwhich has pros and cons,\nof course.\nAnd so I think\nthat that initiative is going\nto be relevant for European--\nthe way Europe is going\nto deploy, develop, and use AI.\nThe partnership on AI\nis a visible organization.\nIt had several hearings in--\nwith the policymakers\nin Washington.\nSo it is being visible.\nAnd, for example, one report\nthat the partnership on AI\nrecently published about 10\nrecommendations and 10 risks\nand concerns\nfor using AI in the--\nin the US judicial system\nfor assessing risk\nof recidivism,\nlike the [INAUDIBLE] algorithm\nand so on.\nSo that report has been very,\nvery scrutinized\nand received and read\nand discussed by policymakers,\nas well.\nThen, in terms of companies,\nwell, you know many companies--\nI mean, at IBM, the whole AI\ntrust initiative injects\nsome explainability and the bias\ndetection mechanism into the--\neven the platform that we\ndevelop and we deliver\nto our clients.\nAnd of course, this takes time\nwhich you cannot deploy\nsomething else.\nSo in some sense, resources are\ndevoted, and the--\nor you can see other companies\nlike Google and Facebook\nand so-- no.\nI think Google allow you,\nyou can see what you-- they had\nsome use of a technology that\nwas not considered\nacceptable by the people\nin the-- some people\nin the company.\nAnd the company changed\nits mind.\nSo more and more, companies\nin general--\nI think that they understand\nit's not just there to protect\nthe brand of the company, which\nmeans money.\nIf you just think that this is\nthe only thing that company\ncares, which I don't think,\nbut even if you think that money\nis the only thing that company\ncares about, to protect\ntheir business\nmodel and their brand,\nthey understand that following\nand being compliant to the law\nis not enough,\nbecause if your clients lose\ntrust in you, then it's very\ndifficult to regain that trust.\nAnd you're going to lose\nyour business value just\nbecause--\neven if you were complaint\nto the law.\nSo that thing is something\nthat companies more and more are\naware of.\nAnd their clients are telling\nthem, look, how are you going\nto--\nyou give me this thing,\nbut did you check for bias?\nBecause I heard that bias\ncan put me into trouble.\nSo did you check for that?\nWhat kind of bias\ndo you have that?\nSo more and more, people\nunderstand in companies\nthat the AI ethics, which\nis beyond being\ncompliant to the law,\nis useful for protecting\nthe company.\nSo law-- being compliant\nto the law is not enough,\nbecause if you lose trust, then\nit's very difficult to regain\nit--\nespecially in an environment\nwhere there are\nmany competitors.\nThere are many cases in which\nthere are no competitors,\nlike social media.\nWhat do you-- some people went\nout of Facebook,\nbut where do you go?\nIf you like Facebook,\nyou use Facebook.\nYou connect with others.\nYou do many things.\nYou keep track of many things.\nBut if you don't want to use\nIBM, there are other companies\nthat can do similar services\nto you as a company.\nSo it's very important\nin a competitive environment\nthat you cannot lose trust,\nbecause trust is a competitive\nadvantage.\nIf you are trusted, then there\nare the companies not trusted.\nSo you could lose it.\nThen it's really very damaging\nfor the company.\nAUDIENCE: Well, we all learned\na lot.\nWe've given us a lot to think\nabout and work toward.\nSo thank you so much.\nAnd once again--\nFRANCESCA ROSSI: Thank you.\nAUDIENCE: --a hand for Professor\nRossi.\nFRANCESCA ROSSI: Thank you.\n[APPLAUSE]\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "[Voiceover Josh] Okay, time to dial in\nmy fretting technique,\nI gotta get these crazy\nfingers under control.\nOkay, index first and\nthen keep that down while-\noh shit, okay, index - middle - r-ring,\nnow pink- pink- ahh\ncome on dude, pinky yes!\nNo!\n[Meshuggah voice] WHY!?\nWhether you're a beginner\njust starting out,\nor you've been gigging for years,\nif you've never done\nfinger exercises before\nI guarantee you'll notice big leaps\nin your overall playing\nif you do these exercises\nfor just a few minutes a\nday for a month or two.\n[COINS COINS COINS]\nI'm going to show you five levels of bass\nfinger exercise that will get you playing\ncleaner and tighter, have\nyou playing with less effort\nbut more control and even get you\non the path to shred-dom, if\nthat's something you want.\n[Josh attempts to shred]\nSo close your other 87 tabs,\ngrab a sports drink and let's dig in.\n[BassBuzz Theme Music]\n[Mario Teaches Bassing]\nOkay, Level 1 is one of the most common,\nmost boring bass exercises, and\nyou may have seen it before.\n\"Hey, I've seen this\none! I've seen this one.\nThis is a classic!\"\nBut it's really important\nbecause it's the simplest\nway to practice getting coordination\nin all four of your fretting fingers\nin conjunction with your plucking hand.\nAnd here's the thing, most\npeople who do this exercise\nare actually doing it wrong,\nso I'm going to show you\nhow to do it the right\nway, and how to make it\nless boring, in a minute.\nOkay, here's the super boring exercise.\nWe're going to start on\nthe G string, 9th fret.\nWe're just going to be using\nthe 9th through 12th frets,\nbecause that's the\neasiest spot on the neck\nfor most people to use all four fingers,\nwhether you've got small hands,\nor giant alien hands with\nfreaky long spider fingers.\n[Record Scratch]\nSo use your index finger on\nthe 9th fret of the G string,\nyour middle finger on the 10th fret,\nring finger on the 11th fret,\nand pinky on the 12th fret.\nAnd then we'll just do\nthe same thing in reverse,\npinky on the 12th, ring on the 11th,\nmiddle on the 10th and index on the 9th,\nand that's the whole Level 1 exercise.\nYour Level 1 goal is just\nto do the right fingers\nat the right time, index\n- middle - ring - pinky,\npinky - ring - middle - index.\nAnd, to aim for the ends of the frets,\nright behind the wire.\nAnd here's what you might sound like\nif you don't do this right.\n[plays \"Sunshine Of Your Love\" terribly]\nAs opposed to this:\n[plays it without upsetting Jack Bruce]\nSo every time you fret, aim\nfor the end of the fret,\nright behind the fret\nwire, and that allows you\nto get clean sounding\nnotes with the minimum\namount of pressure required.\nSo you'll know your notes are clean\nif they sound like this:\n[plays clean notes]\nand not like this:\n[plays rattley bad notes]\nIf you're hearing those kind of noises,\nyou just need to scoot\ntowards the end of the fret,\nand if you're still\nhearing the rattling sound\nat the end of the fret, just try pressing\na little bit harder, not too much.\nWe're focusing on the fretting hand\nand not really the plucking hand\nin this lesson, but you can just alternate\nindex - middle with your\nplucking all the way\nthrough all five levels.\nSo when you're first starting any new\nbass finger exercise, you should start\nsuper super super super\nsuper super super slow,\nto make sure that you're doing it right\nand then from there,\nto make it less boring\nyou can spice it up by using...\n[Drumroll]\nWait for it...\n[SO MUCH DRUMROLL]\nDrum loops!\n[Ba Dum Ch]\n[Slow Clap]\nUsing drum loops is a great way to make\nexercises like this feel more like music\nand also give you an\nopportunity to practice\nthe crucial skill of\nlocking in with the drummer.\nAnd once you've nailed an\nexercise at a certain tempo,\nyou can just nudge the\nspeed up a little bit\nto keep improving, which is a great way\nto measure your progress over time.\nI'll be using the Drum\nBeats+ app on my iPhone,\nwhich is like five bucks.\nIf you're on Android you\ncan use the Loopz app,\nLoopzzzzzzzzzzzzz.\nEither way you can just pull up the app,\nfind a drum beat that suits you,\nfind a tempo that works\nfor you for the exercise,\n[Drum Beat Begins]\nand then start working on it.\n[Bass Playing]\nSo I might start here if I'm a beginner,\nthis could be too slow for you\nor too fast for you, that's fine.\nYou just find a tempo\nthat feels like your edge,\nand you'll know you're at your edge\nif you can mostly do the exercise right,\nbut it's pushing you\njust right on the edge\nof making mistakes here and there.\nIf you're making mistakes the whole time\nthen you're going too fast.\n[Bass Playing With Drum Beat ]\nIf you're getting clean notes all the way\nthrough the exercise, then\nyou're nailing Level 1.\nYou may still have\nflying fingers like this,\nwhich is exactly what we are going\nto address in coming levels.\nBut there's a mistake people often make\nwhen doing exercises like this.\nThey try to perform the entire exercise\nright out of the gate\nwhere it's really a process\nof getting a lot of little elements right\nbefore you can do it all\nas one fluid exercise\nwith no mistakes.\nIf there are one or two\nlittle micro-elements\nthat you're doing wrong and you just keep\nrepeating the whole\nexercise over and over,\nyou're at best wasting some time\nand at worst you're baking mistakes\nand bad habits into your playing.\nThe trick to avoid just\ndrilling in your mistakes\nis to break the exercise\ndown and bite size it.\nSo, how I would apply that to Level 1,\nlet's say I'm doing Level 1:\n[Bass Playing]\nand every time I play my pinky note,\nI'm getting a buzz so I think\n\"Okay, I've identified an\nissue, my pinky is buzzing,\nlet's see what's going\non, I look at my hand,\nI see, okay I'm not at the end of the fret\nlike Josh told me to, so\nwhat if I just isolate\nthat part of the exercise\nwhere I'm making the mistakes,\nso how about I just go,\nring - pinky - ring - pinky,\nuntil I can consistently\nget myself to put my pinky\nin the right place, make sure that note\nsounds clean and doesn't sound buzzy.\nAnd then, once I can do that in isolation,\nthen I would integrate back\ninto the full exercise,\nnice and slow, and hey my\npinky note sounds good!\nSo I must've done a good job.\"\nIf you integrate it back in\nand it still doesn't sound good,\nthen you need to do more\nwork at the bite size level.\nBecause the whole point of\nfinger exercises like this\nis so you can find your weaknesses,\nso that then you can\nimprove them, bite by bite.\n[Pacman Chomps]\nOkay, let's move on to Level 2.\n[Itsa Me, Bass Mario!]\nLevel 2 is the same exercise\nbut now you have a new level goal,\nwhich is to keep your fingers\npressed down as you go.\nSo, instead of looking like this:\n[Bass Playing With Flails]\nYour fingers are going\nto look more like this:\n[Bass Playing Without Flails]\nThat means that after I\nplay my index finger note,\nI add the middle finger\nand keep the index finger\nwhere it was, add the ring,\nkeep the middle and the index.\nAnd add the pinky, so now all\nfour fingers are pressing down\nand then coming back down, I\njust release one at a time.\nPlay the pinky, release the pinky,\nrelease the ring, release the middle,\nand then I'm back to the index.\nSo instead of having to lift a finger\nand press down the next\none at the same time,\nyou only have to do one motion,\neither add a finger, or subtract a finger,\ndepending on what\ndirection you're going in.\nAnd this actually makes\nit easier to play clean,\nonce you get the hang\nof it because it cuts\nthe amount of coordination\nyou need in half.\nHere's what it might sound\nlike if you don't nail this:\n[plays \"Dazed And Confused\"\nwith bad coordination]\nAs opposed to this:\n[plays it better, JPJ says \"Thank you\"]\nAgain start super slow\nand out of rhythm,\njust trying to get your fingers\nto follow your commands.\n[Bass Playing]\nAiming for the ends of the frets,\nkeeping your fingers down as you go up,\nand then releasing one at a\ntime as you come back down.\nAnd really, seriously,\ndo not be afraid to start\nreally really slow, like way\nslower that I just did it.\nThere is no tempo that's too slow,\nif it's the right tempo for you.\nAnd keep in mind that a\nlot of gigging bass players\ncan't actually do Level 2 all that well\nthe way I am instructing you,\nso don't be surprised if it\ntakes some time to nail it.\nAnd remember to bite size it.\nFor example, if I'm going through\nand okay it's working,\nit's working, it's working,\nahh when I press my pinky down\nmy index finger goes flying,\nso that's an issue that I want to isolate\nand then bring back\ninto the full exercise.\nSo again maybe I could just go,\nring - pinky - ring -\npinky, see if my index\nfinger is doing a little\ndance with my pinky\nand try to get it not to.\nOkay that's working in isolation now,\nnow maybe I can bring it\nback into the full exercise,\nand okay my index isn't flying anymore,\nso now I'm clear to do the full exercise.\nOnce you feel comfortable doing\nit slow and out of rhythm,\nyou can start trying to\ndo it with a drum beat\nat whatever tempo is doable for you.\nI'll just start here-\n[Drum Beat Begins]\nSo don't move onto Level 3 until\nyou can do it at this speed.\nFor beginners, half notes\nat 120 beats per minute,\nwhich is what I'm doing right now.\n1, 2, 3, 4,\n1, 2, 3, 4,\nSo one note every two beats,\nand if you're more advanced you can aim\nfor quarter notes at 120.\nJust aiming for the ends of the frets\nand keeping your fingers down as you go.\nThe two biggest mistakes\nmost bass students make\nwith these kind of exercises are one:\nTrying to perform the whole exercise,\ninstead of focusing on bite sizing it.\nAnd two: Going way too\nfast for their own good.\n[TOO FAST, YOU LOSE]\nIt's totally normal to not progress\nspeed wise for multiple practice sessions,\nand if you're just starting with fretting\nefficiency practice, it could\ntake you like a month or two,\njust to be able to pass Level 2\nat the tempo I recommended.\nThat's totally okay though!\nThe point is not to blow through all\nfive exercises as fast as you can.\nThe idea is to get as much juice\nout of each one as possible.\nSo you might be staying\nat Level 2 for a while,\nbut you should still keep watching\nto see where you're headed next,\nand especially to get\nthe tip that I give you\nin Level 5 that'll apply to all\nthe previous levels as well.\n[Bass Playing In Cave Level]\nLevel 3 is the same exercise,\nindex - middle - ring - pinky,\npinky - ring - middle - index,\nbut we're adding a new level goal\nthat drives a lot of bass\nplayers totally crazy.\nWe're going to put a magnifying glass\non your Flying Fingers, so that we can try\nto keep them closer to\nthe neck as they release,\nso that you don't look like this:\n[Bass Playing With Fingers Flying]\nYou can look more like this:\n[Bass Playing With Efficient Fingers]\nReducing your range of\nmotion saves you energy\nand it also helps you\nto play fast more easily\nbecause your fingers will be closer\nto where you need them next.\nSo, same exercise as before, go super slow\nbecause we're adding a new thing.\nSo aiming for the ends of the frets,\nfingers stay down as you go up,\nand now as you come back down,\nsee if you can limit the range of motion\nwhen your fingers release.\nI can tell you right\nnow, you're going to need\nto seriously bite size this level\nif you haven't worked on this before\nbecause your pinky is not going to want\nto stay anywhere near the neck.\nWhen I first started\nworking on this stuff,\nI remember I would\nphysically, like, restrain\nwith my other hand, try to keep my pinky\nfrom lifting too far off the neck\nwhen I went through the exercise,\nand I don't know if that really helped\nor if I was just feeling frustrated.\n[Demonic Pinky] You're not the boss of me!\n[Josh Gasps]\nSo don't be afraid to isolate the issue,\njust if you're having\nissues with the pinky\njust start there, with the pinky\nand all the other fingers pressed down\nand just remove the pinky,\npress, lift, press, lift,\nand just try to get that range of motion\nas small as you can.\nIt might not be as small\nas what you see me doing,\nthat's totally fine, just\naim to improve over time.\nOnce you've got the\npinky a little more tame,\nyou'll probably have to isolate again\nwhen you find that you\nlift the ring finger\nyour pinky wants to go flying again,\nso just isolate the issue,\nget the bite size level up,\njust go pinky - ring - middle,\nor just ring - middle - ring - middle,\nand then once you're convinced\nthat your pinky isn't going anywhere,\nyou can try the full exercise again.\n[Bass Playing]\nJust trying to keep it\nas close as you can.\nGoing slow is really crucial here\nso don't be in a hurry to speed up.\nAnd when you do speed up,\nI recommend you take notes\non your progress, maybe\njust on a sheet of paper,\nwrite down the date, the name of exercise,\nthe BPM and a little note\nabout how it felt that day.\n[Crying]\nThen you'll have proof that\nyou've improved over time\nwhich can really help to see when you're\nfeeling stuck, which is going to happen.\nSo your tempo goal again for this level,\nis half notes at 120 if you're a beginner,\nthat will look like this:\n[Bass Playing]\nOr quarter notes, if you're more advanced,\njust twice the tempo...\n[Bass Playing]\nOnce you hit that goal,\nit's time for Level 4.\n[Ocarina Of Bass]\nLevel 4 means that you're finally ready\nto change up the actual exercise! Woo hoo!\nWe're going to start on\nthe D string 9th fret,\ngo index- middle - ring - pinky,\nand then move to the G string,\nindex - middle - ring - pinky,\nand then everything in reverse.\nPinky - ring - middle -\nindex, to the D string,\npinky - ring - middle - index.\nThis gives us your Level 4 goal\nwhich is to lift your\nfingers in the direction\nof the string you next need them on.\nOkay, let me show you how that works\nbecause it sounds a little complicated.\nSo, I start on the D string 9th fret,\nI go index - middle - ring - pinky,\nthe first spot that shows up\nis when I play pinky note,\nI want to move my index\nover to the G string,\nbecause that's the next\nplace I'm going to need it\nand then as soon as I pluck that note,\nmy other three fingers can\ncome get set over the G string,\nso that I can go index\n- middle - ring - pinky\nreally efficiently.\nNow it's even trickier coming back down,\nthis is where this really shows up.\nSo, I play my pinky note and\nthen as soon as I lift that,\nI want to lift in the direction\nof the G- of the D string,\nsorry, so if I lift my pinky like this,\nthis doesn't do me any good\nbecause there's no bass over here.\nSo after I'm done with the pinky,\nit should go here, because\nthat's where I next need it.\nSame thing with the ring\nfinger, lift to go over\nto its note on the D string.\nMiddle lifts towards the D string,\nand now once my index is\nplaying the 9th fret note,\nmy pinky should be ready\nto go over the 12th fret,\nas soon as I play that, my\nother fingers press down\nand get ready behind it.\n[Bass Playing]\nOkay, so that's a lot\nto think about, right?\nKeep in mind, again, a lot of gigging,\nprofessional bass players, don't actually\ndo this all that well.\nI've seen it. I have seen it in bars.\nI have seen it in clubs.\nWhether you're just looking\nto protect your body\nand make playing feel easier,\nor if you want to be able to\nshred super hard in the future,\nthis kind of efficiency\nmakes a huge difference.\nSo, don't be afraid to start super slow\nand out of rhythm, just at whatever speed\nyou can actually think\nabout all this stuff at,\nand do it right.\n[Bass Playing]\nEspecially the coming down part,\nbecause that's a lot\nof moves to get right.\nAnd then just ease into a tempo\nwhere you can still keep all\nof your level goals in mind,\nfrom Levels 1, 2, 3 and 4.\nSo I'll just play with that at 120,\nwhich again is your goal tempo\nis to get half notes at this speed,\nif you're a beginner.\nMove the index, and then\nget ready as you come down,\nlift toward the D string with each finger,\nand then get everything\nset behind the pinky\nas soon as you play that note.\nIf you're more advanced, you can aim\nfor quarter notes at 120.\n[Bass Playing]\nIt might not sound that hard,\nbut it's pretty hard to actually\ndo it right at that tempo.\n[Donkey Bass Country]\n- You have reached the summit-\n[yay]\nof Level 5, we're going to play\na full one octave chromatic scale,\nmeaning all twelve notes from G to G,\nand here's what that's going to look like.\nWe're going to start index finger\non the 10th fret of the A string,\nand play index - middle - ring - pinky,\nand then shift to the\n9th fret of the D string,\nwith the index, again go\nindex - middle - ring - pinky,\nshift to the 8th fret of\nthe G string, same thing,\nindex - middle - ring - pinky,\nthat's the first half.\nNow the second half we go up\nto the 12th fret with the pinky,\ncome down, pinky - ring - middle - index,\nthen 13th fret of the D,\npinky - ring - middle - index,\nshift to the 14th fret of the A,\npinky - ring - middle - index,\nshift down a fret and you're back\nhome to where we started.\n[Bass Playing\nSo as you can see, we've\ngot more string crossing\nplus we've added some vertical shifts\ncompared to Level 4, so don't expect\nto be able to do this if you're not ready.\nIt's not a big deal. You'll get here\nat some point when you are ready.\nUm, so, before I give\nyou your Level 5 goal\nlet's talk through the Level 5 exercise\nwith your Level 1, 2,\n3, and 4 goals in mind\nand then I'll add on the Level 5 goal\nwhich will help you with all\nthe previous exercises as well.\nSo, I remember my Level 1 goal\nis to aim for the ends of the frets.\nAnd then Level 2 goal, was to keep\nfingers down as you go up,\nindex - middle - ring - pinky,\nand then coming down,\nhere's the trickier ones.\nYou want to reduce your\nrange of motion as you lift,\nand you want to lift towards the string\nyou're about to use, so with the D setting\nversion of the exercise that means\npinky lifts towards the\nD, same with the rest.\nAnd then I lift towards the A-\n[Bass Playing]\nAnd those are the Levels\n1 through 4 goals,\nthe Level 5 goal is to use\nas little pressure as possible\nwith the fretting hand.\nThis makes a huge difference in how easy\nor difficult it feels to play bass.\nHere's how I recommend doing this,\nI'll just demonstrate with\nthe Levels 1 through 3\nversion of the exercises\njust on the G string.\nSo first is perform a system reset,\n[BLEEP BLOOP]\nSo reset the amount of pressure\nyou would normally use with your hand,\nand what I mean is: Don't use any.\nJust put your fingers- just\ngo through the motions,\nbut as you can hear, it's not\nenough to get notes, okay?\nSo the idea is from here I'm\ngoing to very very gradually,\njust a tiny bit at a time, add pressure.\nI'm almost hearing notes now...\nBoom! Clean notes.\nNow this is a little less pressure\nthan I'd normally use honestly,\nso the goal is after doing this reset,\nis to keep the pressure\nat this new lighter level\nfor the duration of the exercise.\nAnd to regularly check in and makes sure\nthat I haven't started gripping the neck\nlike I'm trying to murder it, again.\nIf you're like me, you might notice that\nthe amount of pressure you\nactually need is less than\nthe amount of pressure you normally use\nand that's what's great\nabout doing this reset.\nI mean, just imagine\nhow easy it could feel\nto play bass if you were actually using\nthe minimum amount of pressure you needed\nat all times with your fretting hand.\nIt'd be pretty glorious.\n[Mario Is Glorious]\nSo I could apply that same idea\nto the Level 4 exercise, where\nwe had the string crossing\nfrom the D string to the G string,\nso I'd do a reset, no pressure,\njust convince myself; \"Okay\nI'm definitely not using\ntoo much, because it's not enough\".\nAnd then I'll just try a little bit more,\nokay that's still not\nenough, little bit more,\nand there it is. So light, so easy.\nNow all I have to do\nis feel how that feels\nand remember to keep it light like that.\nAnd I can do the same thing with Level 5,\nwith the full Chromatic Scale,\nto start with almost no pressure\nand then just add a\nlittle bit, a little bit,\nand there I am, feels really light\nbut I'm still getting nice clean notes.\n[Bass Playing]\nYour tempo goal again for Level 5\nis half notes at 120, just\nlike all the other exercises,\nso that would look like this:\n[Bass Playing]\nIt'll take a while to get through\nthe exercise at this\nspeed but it's worth it.\nSo I'm aiming for the ends of the frets,\nfingers staying down\nand then as I lift,\nreducing the range of motion\nand aiming for the next string\nI need those fingers on.\nAnd trying to keep the\npressure as light as possible.\nIf you're more advanced,\nyou can try quarter notes.\nAs long as you can keep all of your\nfive level goals in mind,\nif you can't then you need to go slower.\nIf you can play Level 5 at\none of those tempo targets\nand keep all of your level goals in mind\nfrom the previous levels and\nactually have your fingers\ndoing all those things,\nyou are crushing it.\nYou are so far ahead of most\nbass players, technique wise.\nSo, what should you do\nif you get to that point?\nYou finished Level 5, you\nhit the target I recommended,\njust go back to Level 3,\nbefore we changed up the exercise\nand work on bumping your\nBPM a little bit more.\nWhatever you think is a\nrealistic new goal for you.\nJust so you have a sense\nof what's possible,\nI set the advanced goal to\nbe quarter notes at 120,\nbut you could definitely shoot to be able\nto do eighth notes at\n120 with any of these,\nor even sixteenth notes.\n[Fast Bass Playing, Josh breaks a sweat]\nYou can also apply all\nof these level goals\nto any other bass finger\nexercises you want to work on.\nJust remember, there's no\n\"Best Finger\" exercise,\nit's not really about the exercises,\nit's about the focus on bite sizing\nwhatever you're working on.\nThis Level 5 exercise is by no means\nthe most difficult bass finger exercise\nanyone's ever come up with,\nbut you'd be surprised how many people\nactually can't do this, while keeping all\nof the level goals from\nLevels 1 through 5,\nactually happening in their hands.\nVictor Wooten said,\n\"Technique is very important\nbecause you can have all\nthe ideas in the world,\nbut if you can't express them,\nthen you're going to be frustrated.\"\nSo remember that though these exercises\nthemselves can be really frustrating,\nwhat's like really\nreally really frustrating\nis when you have bad technique\nand you can't express yourself.\n[♪ Express Yourself ♪ ]\nDo you ever wonder why it's so hard\nto get your fingers to do what you want?\n[Evil Pinky] Muahahaha we shall keep\nthe puny hu-mans from mastering\nthe Bass. Index finger!\n[Evil Index] Yes sir?\n[Evil Pinky] Every time I\npress down, you will lift.\nThis will make them furious!\n[Evil Laughter]\n[Chilling Music]\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "Oh My God! - It's Gone.\nOké, I need to do this really quick, \nI need to answer you really fast.\nI got like a couple of hundred thousand streams on my song\nand then I decided to put it up on Spotify and then suddenly...\n...a lot of people started listening there and then\nlabels and managers and people... \n...oh, there is as a bug here! Hello.\nThey wanted to get in touch with me.\nWhen labels and everyone around me started paying\nattention to me, that's when I was like: 'Okay, so this is happening.' \nThat was september 2017, that's a long time ago.\nI had made that song the same summer and I just thought...\n...it was a good song, so i was like: 'I'm going to post this.'\nSo I did. Then nothing happened and I was really sad.\nI got like five thousand streams on it. \nThen something happened.\nThis YouTube channel reposted it\nand my life has never been the same.\nI found a band in Norway that I really looked up to and they\nsang Norwegian and I was like 'This is so pure, this is so good.' \nI was sort of inspired by them, but my Norwegian music didn't\nreally go anywhere, so I was just like: 'Nope, I'm leaving this.' \nI actually feel like it's a bit awkward, singing in Norwegian now.\nJust because it's my mother tongue and it's so honest and it's...\n...just like every word has a very strong meaning. I feel like there \nis more to write with in English because it's not so close to me.\nI think being an artist can be a very lonely job sometimes.\nYou go on tours and you sleep in hotel rooms all by yourself.\nYou make music all by yourself and you're not waking up to meet\n all your friends at school or in an office or anything like that.\nBut, I like being alone. It's the perfect job for me.\nOh, that was my first record! I got that when I was in Oslo in 2013.\nMy dad had just given me his old record player from like 1988.\nI had just come home from hree weeks of being in the US\nand I had watched The Perks of Being a Wallflower and I...\n...discovered The Smiths and David Bowie and all this new music.\nThen I got the record that I've just seen, just a classic one...\n...with the cover I was like: 'This is probably good.'\nThe I got it and I listened to it and I liked it, obviously.\nBut I mostly just got it because of the cover, because I knew\nthis cover and I knew The Beatles, they where like a big thing.\nThat album, my ex boyfriend he gave it to me for my birthday.\nA lot of people, when I posted that, they were like: \n'Uh boyfriend? I thought you were a lesbian.' That was funny.\nI mean, everyone they need to discover themselves.\nThat was a part of it. But I still love that record. \nIt's a really good record.\nDepression Cherry by Beach House, I bought that record\nthe fall of 2017 and that was also the same fall that I was... \n...super sad and making a lot of music and just posting it \non Soundcloud. That's definitely a break-up/fall album for me.\nThe cover on the actual vinyl is like super furry. I'm not sure\nif anyone of you guys have it, but it's like velvet almost.\nSo that's fun. I listen to that album when I'm sad and I\nwant to be even more sad. I just want to wrap myself in...\n...this feeling like shit. That's so good.\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "herkese merhaba\ngülmeler\nkanalıma hoşgeldiniiiz\nbugün önümüzde gördüğünüz gibi çeşit çeşit slayımlar var ve\nbu slimeleri sizin karşınızda oynayacaaz ve\nve ve biz oynarken\nböyle dokunarak\nhissederek siz ise orda ağlayacaksınız\nhep instagramda youtube da internette\ndeli gibi böyle slaym videoları izliyoruz ya\nhani böyle çıtırdıyo garip garip sesler çıkıyo :)\nişte şimdi sıra bizde biz o sesleri çıkarıcaz tamam mı\ntamamm mıı?? (taam)\nbak burdaki slaym çeşitlerini anlatıcam ilk önce\nbunlar ranch slime köpük slime\nbunların adını bilmiyorum sjsjs\nstres topu\nklasik slime pofuduk slime\nbak kavga etmeden sırayla oynıycaz tamam mı -tamam\n \nsöz ver bana -söz\n \n \nanlaşıyo muyuz hıhı\no tip ne kız\npofuduk slimelarla\nbaşlıyoruz bak şu ses çok önemli\naynı videolardaki çıkıyo dimi azra -evet\nAllahım çok güzel ya yarabbim huzura ermenin zamanı artık viihuuuu\nay çok güzel yaa\nbunlar traş köpüğüyle yapılmış\nne ile yapılmış\ntraş köpüğünden\nnerden anladın?\ne annem söyledi\nanneden kopya mı çektin\nevet\nkan gibi\nkan gibi değil slime\nsen bilirsiiinnn\naaaaaaaaaaa\nbak kutuya aktı gördün mü -evet\nBu eğlencelimi değilmi\nEğlenceli\nHadi en güzel sesi kim çıkartıcak\nVayy nasıl yaptın? Dur bende yapıcam.\nyapamadınki\nyaa hahaha\n \nbozdum seninkini\npofuduk slimelarımızla oynadık bitti bunların tadına baktık\nşimdi diğer, evet tadına baktık sen tadına yemedinmi sen\nyooo neden yemedin\n \nbunu hemen yiyeceksin ıığğğ yiyeceksin ııığğğ\nyiyeceksin ığğğ\nyiyeceksin ııığğğ\n \n \nelimizdekilerde ranch slime\ndili dönmüyor lanchh\ndiyemiyosun ben daha iyi diyorum\nbundan çıkıcak sesi çok merak ediyorum bak bidakka\nbütün konsantrenizi şimdi bana verin\n(slime sesi) anaa ahhaa\nçok güzell evet bunun köpüğü farklı\nüzerindeki köpükleri dokun ona dokun\nahhh nuttella gibi haha\nbak bak şuna duyamıyorum (slime sesi)\nıhıhaha patlatıyo annem bize acıdı ve tepsi getirdi\nböyle yaya yaya daha çok zevkine vararak oynayacağız\noynaa\nşıpıdık şıpıdık şıpıdık şıpıdık şıpıdık\nşuan hepinizin içi gidiyor dimi\nbakın şimdi (slime patlatma sesi)\nahaaa naptın\nçıtırt\nçıtır hahhaa cips çıtırdıyor\ntükürerek konuşa düzgün konuş\n \nkameramı kirletiyosun, kirletiyim\nevet biz slime oynarsak\nbak benimkide öyle olur hheeeyyyy\nseninki hiç güzel değil ,niyee\nkıskanıyorsun beni bak benim hiç elime yapışmadı seninki eline yapıştı bişey olmaz yavaş yavaş yavaş yavaş açıyoruz\n(ağlamalar)\niğrenç bu ahhhaah\nbenimki açılmıyor seninki hiç açılmaz\n(gülmeler)\naçılıyor ama benimki açılmıyor , sen kıskandın beni dimi , yaaağğğ\ntamam artık sıkıldım yav diyerlerine geçelim\nbisürü slimemiz var ya\nvideo bitincede oynayacağız zaten slimelerle oynamaktan videoya\nbaşlayamadık bir türlü , bakın şimdi benim sesimee\n(slime sesi)\nbenimkine bakın (slime sesi)\nyaağğğ\nbak dinle (slime sesi)\nay çok güzel tamam yeter artık\nnormal klasik slimeleri deniyeceğiz\nben yeşil yeşil yeşil\ntamam bende kırmızı\nbunun yapısı biraz daha cıvık baya bi cıvık hemdee demi azra\ncııvvıııkkk aaa\nama daha çok açılacak gibi , evet , biraz oynayalım bakalım\n(slime sesi)\nhepsinden aynı ses çıkıyor ya\nartık insanlar benim slime videomu izleyecek rahatlama videosu olarak\nicatmı , sence bu nasıl (slime sesi)\n(gülmeler) (disco)\n \nbak şimdi aç\naçıyorum\naa çok güzel oldu\nbak seninki daha güzel oldu bak bak\n3 deyince açıcaz tamammı tekrardan , evet , 1 , 2 , 2 , 33333333\n \nahhhh korktum daha fazla açamadım\nbeğenmedin dimi bu slimeyi , evet , bende beğenmedim\nçünkü evde çok fazla var\nbunu alcam , bak hemen kaptı yav bunlarda köpük\n(slime sesi)\n(gülmeler)\nazra hazırmısın boz\n(slime sesleri)\n \ngüzelmi bunlar daha cıvık cıvık köpük\nbuda diyerleri gibi ama sadece içine köpük attık bu kadar\nşu çok güzel gözüküyor ya yarısını bana ver ya ıı\nııı\nbak buda açılıyor gördünmü hepsi açılıyor\nen sevdiğin renk pembemi\nevet\nbak bak hareketlere bak\n(slime sesi)\nbiraz daha\n(slime sesi ) tüm gücün bumu\ndaha güçlü daha güçlü daha güçlü\ndaha güçlü, daha güçlü\nazra çiğ köftemi yoğruyorsun napıyorsun\nazıcıkta ben alayım ya ondan\nlütfen\nhaha ne kadar verdi\nazra bu nee verdiği slimeye bakın\n3 tane köpük var içinde\nbişey olmaz\nhangisi daha iyi\nazranınkimi benimkimi\nyorum\nara yazın\nama beni seçecekler biliyormusun , beni , beni\nçünkü en köpüklüsünü ben aldım\ndene açmayı , açılmıyor bu\n1 2 3 deyince 2 mizde aynı anda sıkacağız tamammı bakalım hangimizinki patlayacak\n1 2 3\n(gülüşmeler)\nnapıyon azra hahahhaa\nkorkudan buraya yapıştı slime hahhaa\nablacım o kadar güç vermeye gerek yoktu kız\nne kadar çıt dedi\nkocaman sayı\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "Conspiracy theories are very popular today,\nbut they are not a new phenomenon.\nThere have been plenty of significant moments\nin history that have spawned alternate versions\nof events that range from plausible, to wacky,\nto downright insane.\n10.\nJesse James Rides Again\nThe history books will tell you that famed\nWild West outlaw Jesse James died in 1882\nand now rests in a cemetery in Kearney, Missouri.\nHe was gunned down by a member of his own\ngang, 20-year-old Robert Ford, who was also\nshot to death a decade later.\nFord killed James for the reward money, but\nwhat if he actually helped the outlaw fake\nhis own death?\nRumors of Jesse James’s survival appeared\nalmost immediately following word of his demise.\nSome people believed that Ford shot a different\nperson and intentionally aimed for the back\nof his head to make him harder to identify.\nAlthough historians never gave the idea much\ncredence, it persisted, especially in James’s\nhome state of Missouri.\nThe story died down for a spell, but was resurrected\nalmost seven decades later.\nIn 1948, a centenarian named John Franklin\nDalton came forward claiming to be Jesse James.\nHe died a few years later in Granbury, Texas.\nSome locals did a post-mortem inspection and\nclaimed to have seen telltale marks that supported\nDalton’s identity as Jesse James.\nThese included old bullet wounds and a rope\nburn on his neck.\nScientists tried to settle the matter in modern\ntimes with DNA tests.\nThey took samples from the body in Kearney\nand, although it wasn’t a resounding “yes,”\nthe results indicated that that man was Jesse\nJames.\nThere was a bungled attempt in 2000 to exhume\nDalton and compare his DNA to James’s descendants.\nHowever, the people mistakenly dug up the\nwrong person and the order only allowed one\ncoffin exhumation.\n9.\nWas Shakespeare the True Shakespeare?\nWilliam Shakespeare is regarded as the greatest\nwriter of the English language, but is he\nreally the author of all those plays and sonnets?\nMost people would say “yes,” but some\nhave doubts.\nThe idea that someone other than Shakespeare\nis responsible for his body of work has been\naround for over 150 years and almost a hundred\ncandidates have been put forward.\nThis notion appeared at a time when the adulation\nof Shakespeare reached a fever pitch in the\nEnglish-speaking world and people started\nregarding him as the greatest writer of all\ntime.\nThe doubters, collectively referred to as\nanti-Stratfordians, mainly asserted that someone\nwith Shakespeare’s working class background\ndidn’t have the experience, culture, or\neducation to write his plays.\nThey also claimed that there was a lack of\nofficial documents that recorded Shakespeare’s\nlife and his career as a playwright.\nLastly, they pointed out that the surviving\nShakespeare signatures look and are spelled\ndifferently.\nPeople like Walt Whitman, Mark Twain, Sigmund\nFreud, and Orson Welles were among those who\ndoubted Shakespeare.\nSome of the most popular alternative candidates\nwere Francis Bacon, Edward de Vere, Earl of\nOxford, and William Stanley, Earl of Derby.\nDefenders of Shakespeare point out that the\nStratford man’s background was not unusual\nfor a writer.\nOther successful contemporary playwrights\nlike Christopher Marlowe and Ben Jonson had\nsimilar upbringings.\nThere is also enough recorded evidence that\nShakespeare was recognized, in his time and\nafter his death, for his prowess as a writer.\n8.\nTreasure at Rennes-le-Château\nRennes-le-Château might be just a tiny French\nvillage, but it is a popular location both\nwith conspiracy theorists and treasure hunters.\nThis is all due to a priest named Bérenger\nSaunière, who allegedly found a fortune,\nbut took the location of the riches to his\ngrave.\nSometime during the 1880s, Saunière started\nrenovating the local church of Saint Mary\nMagdalene, which was in a poor state.\nHe never disclosed where he got the money\nfrom and, thus, a legend was born.\nThe most popular version claims that the priest\nfound surplus from a gold treasure that Blanche\nof Castile, Queen of France, raised during\nthe 13th century as ransom for her son, the\nfuture Louis IX.\nAnother story alleges Saunière’s involvement\nwith the Priory of Sion.\nHistorians never found any substantial evidence\nto support these claims.\nInstead, they conclude that the source of\nSaunière’s wealth was far more trivial\nand it was plain old corruption.\nThe priest sold Masses and stole donations.\nAn alternative, yet equally mundane hypothesis\nclaims that a local hotelier simply made the\nstory up to boost tourism.\n7.\nThe Origins Of Gilmerton Cove\nToday a suburb of Edinburgh, Gilmerton was\nonce a thriving mining town.\nBeneath its streets there is a network of\nchambers and passages called Gilmerton Cove.\nIts purpose and origins have puzzled historians\nand given rise to many conspiracy theories.\nThere was a long-held claim that Gilmerton\nCove had been hewn by a blacksmith named George\nPaterson between 1719 and 1724.\nRecords indicate that he used one of the rooms\nas a pub, which once got him in trouble because\nhe sold alcohol on the Sabbath.\nThis version of events was accepted for almost\n200 years until the start of the 20th century.\nA historian inspected the underground passages\nand concluded that parts of them were, at\nleast, a hundred years older than the rest.\nHe also calculated that Gilmerton Cove had\naround half a million cubic feet of displaced\nrock.\nDefinitely not something that Paterson would\nhave done on his own, in five years, using\na chisel or pickaxe.\nSince that origin story had been debunked,\nthere has been no shortage of new theories\non how and why Gilmerton Cove came to be.\nSome claimed it once served as an ancient\nDruid temple or that it was used by the Scottish\nPresbyterian movement known as the Covenanters.\nMaybe it was a secret stash used by smugglers.\nWhatever the version, they all agree that\nGilmerton Cove had been hidden or filled in\nand Paterson simply stumbled upon it.\n6.\nThe Lost Dauphin\nKing Louis XVI of France and his wife, Marie\nAntoinette, were sent to the guillotine in\n1793.\nAlthough the French Revolution brought about\nthe fall of the monarchy, there were still\nloyalists in the country who considered the\nyoung Dauphin of France, Louis-Charles, to\nbe the rightful ruler.\nTherefore, the heir apparent was imprisoned\nwhere he seemingly died of scrofula in 1795,\naged 10.\nNot everyone was convinced that this actually\nhappened.\nRumors soon sprouted that crown sympathizers\nsuccessfully broke Louis out of prison and\nthat somebody else was buried in his place.\nThis idea became particularly commonplace\ntwo decades later when the monarchy was briefly\nrestored.\nDozens of men came forward claiming to be\nthe “Lost Dauphin.”\nTheir descendants continued their claims for\ncenturies that they were part of the House\nof Bourbon.\nModern technology invalidated those claims.\nPhilippe-Jean Pelletan was the surgeon who\nperformed the autopsy on the young body purported\nto be that of Louis-Charles.\nHe smuggled and preserved the heart of the\nboy in the hopes that it would be given a\nroyal burial later.\nThe relic has been in the same crystal urn\nfor almost 200 years.\nDNA tests in the early 2000s showed that it\nreally belonged to Louis and the “Lost Dauphin”\nwas nothing more than a legend.\n5.\nHow Did Zachary Taylor Die?\nThe 12th President of the United States, Zachary\nTaylor, died on July 9, 1850, after serving\nonly 16 months in office.\nCause of death at the time was cholera morbus,\nor what we call gastroenteritis.\nHowever, conspiracy theories suggest that\nTaylor may have been the victim of an assassination\nplot, most likely at the hands of pro-Slavery\ninterests.\nTaylor was president at a time of rising tensions\nso there were plenty of people who wanted\nhim out of the picture.\nHe fell ill suddenly and died a few days later,\nso it would not be completely unreasonable\nto suspect a poisoning.\nThe idea became prevalent enough that, in\n1991, one of his descendants gave permission\nto have Taylor’s body exhumed and extract\na tissue sample.\nA panel of medical examiners tested it but\nfound no signs of poisoning.\nEven so, the idea still persists with people\nwho argue that the procedure was faulty.\nIf anything, Taylor might have been done in\nby a combination of incompetence and overzealousness\non behalf of his doctors.\nThey went with a shotgun approach in regards\nto their treatment and gave the president\ngenerous amounts of ipecac, opium, calomel,\nand quinine, as well as bleeding and blistering\nhim.\nIt is possible that, if they left him alone,\nTaylor may have recovered.\n4.\nThe Ultimate Fate of Butch Cassidy\nLike his contemporary Jesse James, there were\nwhispers that Butch Cassidy had survived his\nshootout with the Bolivian army and returned\nto the United States where he lived peacefully\nfor decades more.\nOfficially, Cassidy fled to South America\nalongside the Sundance Kid once the rest of\nthe Wild Bunch was either dead or in prison.\nIn 1908, the outlaws seemingly returned to\ntheir old ways and robbed a courier carrying\na mine’s payroll.\nBolivian soldiers stormed their hideout and\na gunfight ensued.\nContrary to the movie, Butch Cassidy and the\nSundance Kid did not go out in a blaze of\nglory.\nAfter Sundance was fatally injured, Cassidy\nshot him and then turned the gun on himself.\nThe bodies were recognized as the two Americans\nwho robbed the courier and this was good enough\nfor the Bolivian authorities.\nThey never conclusively established their\nidentities as Cassidy and Sundance.\nNo photos were taken and they were buried\nin an unmarked grave.\nUnsurprisingly, some people believed the outlaws\nmade it out alive.\nCassidy’s sister, Lula Parker Betenson,\nclaimed her brother survived and even returned\nto the family home at one point.\nHe died in 1937 and his true resting place\nis known only to the family.\nEven stranger was the situation involving\nWilliam T. Phillips.\nDecades after Cassidy’s demise, he wrote\na biography about him titled The Bandit Invincible.\nPhillips claimed to have known the gunman\nsince boyhood, but there was no evidence of\ntheir alleged friendship.\nSince his book contained numerous personal\nanecdotes, some people started believing that\nPhillips was, in fact, Butch Cassidy.\nIt wasn’t until 2012 that a historian who\nwas an ardent supporter of this theory tentatively\nidentified William T. Phillips as William\nT. Wilcox, an inmate who served time with\nCassidy in the Wyoming Territorial Prisons.\n3.\nThe Sinking of the Lusitania\nThe sinking of the RMS Lusitania in 1915 was\none of the most pivotal and most controversial\nmoments of World War I.\nA German submarine sunk the British ocean\nliner off the coast of Ireland.\nOver 1,100 people were killed and 128 of them\nwere Americans.\nThis soured American-German relations and\npreceded the United States entering the war\nin 1917 against Germany.\nFor decades afterwards, a debate has raged\non over whether the Lusitania was a legitimate\nmilitary target or not.\nGermany always maintained that the vessel\nentered a declared war zone and was carrying\nhuge amounts of undeclared munitions, including\nexplosives which caused the vessel to sink\nrapidly and exacerbate the loss of life.\nOfficial British position was that the Lusitania\nwas only carrying rifle ammo and artillery\nshells without fuses or propellant.\nIt wasn’t until a few years ago that declassified\npapers from the Foreign Office showed that\nthe vessel, indeed, had explosives aboard.\nConspiracy theorists go a step further and\nclaim that the British government wanted the\nGermans to attack and sink the Lusitania to\nget the US on its side.\nThey argue that British intelligence were\nwell-aware of the dangers in that area.\nIn the past, they had taken precautions with\nother ships but not the Lusitania which was\ntraveling at reduced speed and in a straight\nline, thus making it an easy target.\nThey also question why the vessel was not\nprovided with a destroyer escort even though\nmultiple were available.\n2.\nWhat Happened to Amelia Earhart?\nThe disappearance of Amelia Earhart is, perhaps,\naviation’s greatest mystery.\nUnsurprisingly, it has led to the appearance\nof numerous theories and notions regarding\nher fate following her doomed 1937 flight\naround the world.\nTypically, the most accepted view is that\nEarhart and her navigator, Fred Noonan, died\nafter crashing their Lockheed Model 10 Electra.\nWhether this happened somewhere over the Pacific\nOcean or on an island is unknown.\nSome believe that Amelia Earhart perished\nat the hands of the Japanese because she was,\nactually, an American spy enlisted by President\nFranklin D. Roosevelt.\nThe Japanese military either killed her when\nthey downed her airplane or captured Earhart\nand held her prisoner on the island of Saipan\nfor the rest of her days.\nThere was even a notion that the aviatrix\nwas forced to become a Tokyo Rose – an English-speaking\nwoman who spread Japanese propaganda to the\nAllies during World War II.\nHer husband, George Putnam, investigated this\nclaim.\nHe listened to numerous such recordings but\nnever recognized his wife’s voice.\nThere have also been several notions that\nEarhart survived the crash and lived under\na new identity.\nOne book alleged that she became Irene Bolam\nfrom New Jersey.\nBolam sued the publisher, settled out of court\nand got the book withdrawn.\n1.\nThe Phantom Time Hypothesis\nWithout a doubt, one of the strangest historical\nconspiracy theories is the phantom time hypothesis.\nIt asserts that part of the Middle Ages never\nactually happened and was manufactured in\norder to advance time a few centuries and\nplace the reign of Holy Roman Emperor Otto\nIII in the year 1000.\nAccording to this hypothesis, the time period\nbetween AD 614 and 911 never took place.\nCharlemagne never existed and neither did\nthe Carolingian Dynasty.\nThe year is actually 1722.\nAs far as motivation goes, it is usually presented\nas a conspiracy plot masterminded by King\nOtto III and Pope Sylvester II.\nHowever, some believers assert that those\nextra centuries could have been added by mistake\nor by misinterpretation of documents.\nIf this was all an accident, it likely happened\nduring the Gregorian reform when Pope Gregory\nXIII enabled the switch from the Julian to\nthe Gregorian calendar.\nThere are many ways to debunk this idea, but\nastronomy seems to work just fine.\nWe have historical observations of cosmic\nevents such as solar eclipses and the passing\nof Halley’s Comet.\nAstronomers can calculate with certainty when\nthey have taken place and would notice if\nthey were off by a few centuries.\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "Build a stone dam to trap fish and cook fish in the forest of survival\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "(slow music)\n- Petrol lamp, solid one.\nWould you light the lamp please?\nAll right.\nThank you very much.\nHere's the lamp.\nNow please,\nthe lamp\non a table,\nthis (indistinct)\nboth sides.\nLadies and gentlemen,\nwe cover the lamp.\nYou'll see it.\nNow, the lamp.\nYou have a cigarette?\n- Yes.\n- Would you light\nyour cigarette please?\nOn the lamp, just go on.\nThank you very much.\nYes, it's a lamp,\npetrol lamp, solid.\nSim\nsala\nbim up!\n(audience applauds)\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "\nThai: \nลองคิดพูดถึงการแทรกสอดฟิล์มบางกัน\nมันหมายความว่าอะไร?\nมันค่อนข้างซัำซ้อน\nฟิล์มหมายถึงสิ่งที่บางอยู่แล้ว\nวัสดุที่บาง\nและฟิล์มบาง หมายความว่าบางจริงๆ\nแล้วมันเกิดขึ้นได้อย่างไร?\nมันเกิดขึ้นในธรรมชาติได้\nเวลาฝนตกข้างนอก มันจะมีแอ่งน้ำ\nและะเนื่องจากมันมีน้ำมันเหลืออยู่บนถนน\nบางครั้ง น้ำมันจะลอยอยู่บนน้ำ\nและน้ำมันมักมีปริมาณน้อยมากๆ\nกล่าวอีกอย่างคือว่า ความหนาของน้ำมัน\nที่ไหลบนน้ำนั้นบางสุดๆ\nเราจะเรียกความหนานี้ว่า t\nเรารู้ได้อย่างไรว่ามันบาง\nและเรารู้ได้อย่างไรว่ามันมีอยู่ ถ้าเราไม่เห็นมัน?\nเรารู้ว่ามันมีอยู่ เพราะถ้าคุณมองลงไป\nถ้าคุณมองลงไปในน้ำ คุณจะเห็น\nรูปแบบสีสันตรงนี้ รูปแบบที่มีสีสันนั้น\nอยู่ข้างบนน้ำ\nแถบสีแดง ฟ้า ส้ม และเขียว\n\niw: \nנדבר על התאבכות בקרומים דקים.\nמה זה אומר?\nזה קצת חוזר על עצמו,\nקרום הוא כבר דבר דק,\nשכבה דקה של חומר.\nקרום דק, משמעו דק מאד.\nאיך זה קורה?\nזה יכול לקרות בצורה טבעית.\nכשיורד גשם בחוץ נוצרות שלוליות.\nומכיוון שיש שמן שנותר על הכביש,\nחלק מהשמן הזה צף על פני המים,\nוזה בדרך כלל שכבה דקה של שמן.\nבמילים אחרות, העובי של השמן\nהצף על המים, מאד-מאד דק.\nנקרא לעובי הזה t.\nאיך אנו יודעים שזה נמצא שם,\nושזה מאד דק, אם אנו לא יכולים לראות?\nאנו יודעים שזה נמצא שם, כי אם מסתכלים\nכלפי מטה, ראוים לפעמים תבנית צבעונית\nכאן, והתבנית הצבעונית\nמעל המים,\nפסים של אדום, כחול, כתום וירוק,\n\nBulgarian: \nНека поговорим за\nинтерференция от тънък слой (филм).\nКакво означава това?\nТук донякъде има повторение,\nфилм само по себе си вече означава\nнещо много тънко,\nтънък слой от\nвещество.\nИ тънък филм означава\nмного, много тънък.\nКак се получава той?\nМоже да се получи\nестествено.\nКогато вали навън,\nще има локви вода.\nИ понеже има останало масло\nвърху пътя,\nпонякога малко масло\nще плава върху тази вода,\nа често този слой е много тънък,\nтова е малко количество масло.\nС други думи, дебелината на маслото,\nплаващо върху водата,\nе изключително тънка.\nЩе наречем тази\nдебелина t.\nОткъде знаем,\nче е тънък филм,\nи откъде знаем, че е тук,\nако не можем да го видим?\nЗнаем, че е тук,\nпонеже ако погледнеш надолу,\nако погледнеш надолу към водата,\nпонякога ще видиш цветна шарка тук,\nтази цветна шарка\nвърху водата,\nлинии в червено и синьо,\nи оранжево, и жълто,\n\nCzech: \nPojďme se pobavit\no interferenci na tenké vrstvě.\nCo to znamená?\nJe to trochu obšírné,\ntenká vrstva znamená něco tenkého,\ntenké množství substance.\nTenký film znamená\nněco velmi, velmi tenkého.\nJak se to vytvoří?\nStane se to přirozeně.\nKdyž venku prší,\ntak se zde vytvoří kaluže vody.\nA protože na cestě jsou zbytky oleje,\ntak se občas část oleje vznáší na vodě\na často je to velmi tenká vrstva,\nmalé množství oleje.\nJinými slovy, tloušťka oleje plovoucí\nna hladině vody, je extrémě malá.\nBudeme to nazývat tloušťka ,tʻ.\nJak víme, že je tenká a jak víme,\nže je zde, když ji nevidíme?\nVíme to, protože když se podíváte\ndolů na vodu, tak uvidíte barevný vzor\na tento barevný vzor na povrchu vody,\nčili proužky červené, modré,\noranžové a zelené se vytvoří,\n\nEnglish: \n- [Voiceover] Let's talk\nabout thin film interference.\nWhat does this mean?\nWell, it's kind of redundant,\nfilm already means something really thin,\na thin amount of substance.\nAnd thin film means really, really thin.\nSo, how does this happen?\nIt can happen naturally.\nWhen it rains outside, there\nwill be puddles of water.\nAnd because there's oil\nleft over on the road,\nsometimes some oil will\nfloat on top of the water,\nand it's often a very\nthin, small amount of oil.\nIn other words, the thickness of the oil\nfloating on the water is extremely thin.\nSo, we'll call this thickness t.\nHow do we know it's thin\nand how do we know it's\nthere, if we can't see it?\nWe know it's there, because\nif you look down at it,\nif you look down at the\nwater, you'll sometimes see\na colorful pattern in here,\nand that colorful pattern\non the top of the water,\nstreaks of red and blue\nand orange and green,\n\nKorean: \n박막 간섭에 대해서 이야기 해보겠습니다\n무슨 뜻일까요?\n조금 중복되는 말일수 있겠는데요\n박막이란 아주 얇은\n정말 얇은 물질을 말합니다\n이 박막은 정말로 아주 아주 얇습니다\n그래서 간섭은 어떻게 일어나는 것일까요?\n사실 간섭 현상은 자연스럽게 일어납니다\n밖에 비가 오면 물 웅덩이가 생기죠\n도로에 남겨진 기름 때문에\n그 웅덩이 위에 기름이 떠있기도 합니다\n매우 얇고 적은 양의 기름이이에요\n다시 말해서 물위에 떠있는 기름의 두께는\n정말로 얇습니다\n우리는 두께를 t 라고 놓겠습니다\n이것이 얇은지 어떻게 알고\n또한 우리는 볼 수가 없는데 \n거기에 있는지 어떻게 알 수 있을까요?\n발밑에 있는 물을 본다면\n여러분이 웅덩이를 본다면\n종종 빨강 노랑 초록 파랑 등 다양한 색을\n가진 패턴을\n수면에서 볼 수 있을 건데요\n\nEnglish: \nhappen because of thin film interference.\nIt also happens in bubbles.\nIf you blow a bubble and you\nhold it on a bubble wand,\nyou will see that there's\nthese colors in there.\nAnd those are coming from\nthin film interference.\nHow does it happen?\nWell, light comes in, so,\nthis might be from the sun\nor whatever, some source of light.\nComes in here; that's only one light ray.\nWe need multiple light\nrays to get interference.\nSo, what happens when it hits the oil?\nPart of it is gonna reflect\noff the top of the oil.\nSo, it's gonna reflect\nright back on top of itself,\nbut if I already draw it\nright back on top of itself,\nthis would get messy really fast.\nSo I'm gonna draw it over here,\nbut know, this light really reflects\nright back on top of itself,\nif it was coming straight in.\nWe'll call that light ray one.\nBut that's not all the light does.\nPart of it reflects, but part of it\ncontinues through the oil.\nSo, in order to get thin film interference\nthe thin film has to be translucent,\nit has to let light through.\n\niw: \nנוצרים בגלל שיש התאבכות בקרומים דקים.\nזה גם קורה בבועות סבון.\nאם נושפים בועת סבון ומחזיקים אותה,\nראוים בה צבעים.\nאלה נוצרים בגלל התאבכות בקרומים דקים.\nאיך זה קורה?\nמגיע אור מהשמש,\nאו מכל מקור אור אחר.\nמגיע לכאן; זה רק קרן אור אחת.\nדרושים קרני אור רבים כדי שתהיה התאבכות.\nמה קורה כשהאור פוגע בשמן?\nחלקו מוחזר מהחלק העליון של השמן.\nהוא מוחזר חזרה על עצמו,\nאך אם אצייר זאת ישר על עצמו,\nזה יהיה בלגן.\nאצייר זאת כאן.\nעכשיו, האור הזה באמת מוחזר\nחזרה ישר על עצמו, אם הקרן הגיעה ישר.\nנקרא לזה קרן אור אחת.\nאבל זה לא כל מה שהאור עושה.\nחלק מוחזר, וחלק ממנו\nממשיך דרך השמן.\nעל מנת לקבל התאבכות בקרומים דקים,\nעל הקרום הדק להיות שקוף,\nהוא חייב לאפשר לאור לעבור דרכו.\n\nKorean: \n이것이 박막 간섭때문에 일어나는 것입니다\n비눗방울에서 볼 수도 있는 현상이죠\n비눗방울을 분 뒤 비눗방울막대에 가만히 두면\n비슷한 색깔이 나타나는 것을 볼 수 있을겁니다\n이 역시 박막 간섭으로부터 생기는 현상이죠\n어떻게 일어나는 걸까요?\n빛이 들어옵니다\n태양 또는 다른 광원으로부터 오는 빛입니다\n하나의 광선이 이쪽으로 들어오게 되죠\n간섭이 있기 위해선 여러 개의 광선이 필요합니다\n광선이 기름과 접촉하면 무슨 일이 벌어질까요?\n광선의 한 부분은 기름표면에서 반사될 것입니다\n왔던 길로 그대로 반사되겠지만\n여기다가 계속 겹쳐 그리게 되면\n금방 지저분해 질테니까\n이쪽에다가 그리겠습니다\n하지만 왔던 길 그대로\n반사된다는 것을 알아두세요\n이걸 광선 1이라고 하죠\n하지만 모든 빛이 이렇게 행동하는 것은 아닙니다\n어떤 것은 반사하지만\n또 다른 것은 기름을 뚫고 들어갑니다\n그렇기 때문에 박박 간섭을 보기 위해서는\n박막은 불투명해서\n빛이 통과할 수 있도록 해야 합니다\n\nCzech: \ndíky interferenci na tenké vrstvě.\nVytváří se také na bublinách.\nPokud vyfouknete bublinu a udržíte ji\nna tyčce, tak zde uvidíte tyto barvy.\nA toto se děje díky\ninterferenci na tenké vrstvě.\nJak se to stane?\nTakže prochází světlo... mohlo by být\nze Slunce nebo jiného zdroje světla.\nJde sem.\nJe zde pouze 1 paprsek světla.\nPotřebujeme mnoho světelných\npaprsků, aby došlo k interferenci.\nCo se stane, když se setká s olejem?\nČást z něho se odrazí od povrchu oleje.\nProstě se odrazí nazpět po stejné dráze,\nale pokud bych to takto nakreslil,\ntak by se obrázek stal nepřehledným.\nTak ten odražený paprsek nakrelím zde,\nale vězte, že se toto světlo opravdu\nodrazí nazpět po své původní dráze.\nToto světlo nazveme paprsek 1.\nAle to není vše co světlo dělá.\nČást se ho odrazí,\nale část pokračuje skrz olej.\nTakže vzhledem k interferenci\nna tenké vrstvě,\nmusí být tenká vrstva průhledná,\nsvětlo musí projít skrz.\n\nThai: \nเกิดขึ้นเพราะการแทรกสอดฟิล์มบาง\nมันยังเกิดขึ้นกับฟองสบู่ด้วย\nถ้าคุณเป่าฟองสบู่ และคุณถือมันด้วยที่เป่า\nคุณจะเห็นว่ามันมีสีเหล่านี้ในนั้น\nและพวกมันมาจากการแทรกสอดฟิล์มบาง\nมันเกิดขึ้นได้อย่างไร?\nแสงเข้ามา แสงอาจมาจากดวงอาทิตย์\nหรืออะไรก็ตาม แหล่งแสงบางอย่าง\nเข้ามาในนี้ นั่นคือรังสีแสงอันเดียว\nเราต้องมีรังสีแสงหลายลำ\nจึงจะได้การแทรกสอด\nเกิดอะไรขึ้นเมื่อมันกระทบน้ำมัน?\nส่วนหนึ่งจะสะท้อนออกตรงด้านบนน้ำมัน\nมันจะสะท้อนกลับตรงด้านบน\nแต่ถ้าผมวาดมันตรงกลับขึ้นไปทับตัวเอง\nมันจะเลอะเทอะง่ายมาก\nผมเลยวาดมันตรงนี้\nแต่รู้ไว้แล้วกัน ว่าแสงนี้จริงๆ แล้วสะท้อน\nกลับทับทางมันเอง ถ้ามันเข้ามาตรงๆ\nเราจะเรียกลำแสงนั้นว่า 1\nแต่แสงไม่ได้ทำอย่างนั้นทั้งหมด\nส่วนหนึ่งสะท้อน แต่ส่วนหนึ่ง\nเดินทางผ่านน้ำมันต่อ\nเพื่อให้ได้การแทรกสอดฟิล์มบาง\nฟิล์มบางต้องโปร่งแสง\nมันจะปล่อยให้แสงผ่าน\n\nBulgarian: \nтя се получава поради\nинтерференцията от тънък слой.\nПолучава се\nи при сапунените балончета.\nАко направиш балонче\nи го задържиш на пръчицата за балончета,\nще видиш , че има цветове.\nИ те идват от интерференцията\nот тънък слой.\nКак се получава това?\nНасам идва светлина, тя\nможе да е от слънцето\nили от някакъв източник\nна светлина.\nТя идва тук – това е\nсамо един лъч светлина.\nТрябват ни множество лъчи светлина,\nза да получим интерференция.\nКакво се случва,\nкогато стигне до маслото?\nЧаст от нея ще се отрази\nот горната част на маслото.\nТя ще се отрази върху себе си,\nно ако я начертая\nточно върху себе си,\nтова бързо ще стане\nпълна каша.\nЩе начертая\nтова тук,\nно тази светлина всъщност\nсе отразява върху себе си,\nако идваше\nправо навътре.\nЩе наречем това\nлъч светлина 1.\nНо не цялата светлина\nправи това.\nЧаст от нея\nсе отразява,\nно част от нея продължава\nпрез маслото.\nЗа да получим интерференция\nот тънък слой,\nтънкият слой трябва\nда е прозрачен,\nтрябва да пропуска\nсветлината през себе си.\n\niw: \nלא רק להחזיר, גם לאפשר לאור לעבור דרכו.\nחלק מקרן האור תמשיך דרך השמן,\nככה.\nמה זה עושה?\nהאור פוגש קו הפרדה נוסף.\nכל פעם שאור פוגש קו הפרדה בין שני תווכים,\nחלק ממנו מוחזר וחלק\nממנו עובר, נשבר.\nבמקרה זה, חלק ממנו מוחזר מקו ההפרדה הזה.\nיש לנו החזרה כאן,\nויש לנו החזרה כאן.\nשתיהן החזרות.\nחלק מהאור הזה חוזר שוב.\nלא אנסה לצייר את זה ישר על עצמו.\nאצייר את זה כאן,\nהוא חוזר מעלה.\nשני אלה חופפים.\nעכשין ששני אלה חופפים, גל אחד וגל שניים,\nהעין שלנו יכולה לקלוט התאבכות.\nכי שני הגלים האלה מגיעים לעין שלנו.\nזאת יכולה להיות התאבכות בונה או הורסת.\nאנו אמורים לראות צבעים שונים כאן,\nבתלות באורך הגל.\nזה מה שאנו רוצים למצוא.\nאיך העובי של השמן,\nואורך הגל של האור קובעים,\n\nEnglish: \nNot just reflect it,\nbut let light through.\nSo, some of this light ray\nis gonna continue on through.\nLike that.\nBut what does it do?\nIt meets another interface.\nAnd every time light meets an\ninterface between two medium\nit's gonna reflect and some of it\nis gonna pass through, refract.\nIn this case, some of it\nreflects off of this interface.\nSo, we have a reflection here\nand we have a reflection up here.\nBoth of these were reflections.\nSome of this light comes back up again.\nI'm not gonna try to draw it\nright back on top of itself.\nI'll draw it over here,\nso that we can see them.\nSo, it comes up.\nNow these overlap.\nLook, now that these are\noverlapping, wave one and wave two,\nnow my eye can experience interference,\n'cause these two waves\nare gonna hit my eye.\nThey might be constructive,\nthey might be destructive.\nAnd I might see different colors in here\ndepending on the wavelength.\nThat's what we want to try to figure out.\nHow does the thickness of this oil\nand the wavelength of the light determine,\n\nBulgarian: \nНе само да я отразява,\nно и да пропуска светлина през себе си.\nЧаст от тази светлина\nще продължи навътре.\nЕто така.\nНо какво се случва?\nСреща друга среда.\nВсеки път, когато светлината\nстигне границата между две среди,\nтя ще се отрази\nи част от нея\nще премине, като се пречупи.\nВ този случай част от нея\nсе отразява от тази повърхност.\nТук имаме\nотразяване\nи тук горе имаме\nотразяване.\nИ двете тук са отражения.\nЧаст от тази светлина\nотново отива нагоре.\nНяма да опитвам да я чертая\nобратно върху себе си.\nЩе я начертая ето тук,\nза да можем да я видим.\nИдва нагоре.\nСега тези\nсе застъпват.\nВиж, сега тези се застъпват,\nвълна 1 и вълна 2,\nсега окото ми може\nда възприеме интерференция,\nпонеже тези две вълни\nще стигнат до окото ми.\nМоже да са конструктивни,\nможе да са деструктивни.\nИ може да видя\nразлични цветове\nв зависимост от\nдължината на вълната.\nТова ще се опитаме\nда намерим.\nКак дебелината на това масло\nи дължината на вълната на светлината\nопределят\n\nCzech: \nNejen odrážet,\nale světlo musí projít skrz.\nČást těchto světelných\npaprsků projde skrz.\nTakto.\nAle co to udělá?\nSetká se s dalším rozhraním.\nA pokaždé, když se světlo setká\ns rozhraním dvou médií, tak se odrazí\na část z něj projde skrz, tedy se láme.\nV tomto případě se část\nsvětla odráží od tohoto rozhraní.\nTakže odraz máme zde\na odraz je také zde nahoře.\nObojí byly odrazy.\nČást světla se odráží přímo nahoru.\nPokusím se to nakreslit,\njako odraz po stejné dráze.\nNakreslím to zde,\nabychom to mohli vidět.\nOdráží se nahoru...\nNyní se překrývají.\nPodívejte, nyní se překrývají\nvlna 1 a vlna 2\na teď moje oko zakouší interferenci,\nprotože tyto 2 vlny zasahují mé oko.\nMohou být konstruktivní,\nmohou být destruktivní.\nA mohu vidět různé barvy\nv závislosti na vlnové délce.\nTo je to, co chceme zkusit vyřešit.\nJak tloušťka olejové vrstvy\na vlnová délka světla určí,\n\nThai: \nมันไม่ใช่แค่สะท้อน แต่ปล่อยให้แสงผ่านด้วย\nลำแสงบางส่วนจะทะลุผ่านต่อไป\nอย่างนั้น\nแต่มันทำอะไร?\nมันเจอรอยต่ออีกอันหนึ่ง\nทุกครั้งที่แสงเจอรอยต่อ\nระหว่างตัวกลางสองอย่าง\nมันจะสะท้อน แล้วบางส่วน\nจะผ่าน หักเห\nในกรณีนี้ แสงบางส่วนจะสะท้อนจากรอยต่อนี้\nเราจึงมีการสะท้อนตรงนี้\nและเรามีการสะท้อนบนนี้\nทั้งคู่เป็นการสะท้อน\nแสงบางส่วนจะกลับขึ้นมา\nผมจะไม่พยายามวาดมันกลับมาทับตัวเอง\nผมจะวาดมันตรงนี้ เราจะได้เห็นพวกมัน\nมันขึ้นมา\nทีนี้ พวกนี้ซ้อนกัน\nดูนะ ตอนนี้พวกมันทับกัน คลื่น 1 กับคลื่น 2\nตอนนี้ตาผมเห็นการแทรกสอดแล้ว\nเพราะคลื่นสองตัวนี้จะกระทบตาผม\nมันอาจเสริมกัน มันอาจหักล้างกัน\nและผมอยากเห็นสีต่างกันตรงนี้\nขึ้นอยู่กับความยาวคลื่น\nนั่นคือสิงที่เราอยากหา\nความหนาของน้ำมันนี้\nกับความยาวคลื่นของแสง ระบุได้อย่างไร\n\nKorean: \n반사뿐만 아니라 관통을 해야 하는 겁니다\n이런 식으로 빛은 통과를 하게 되죠\n이렇게요\n그런 다음 무엇이 일어날까요?\n빛은 또 하나의 경계를 만나게 됩니다\n빛이 두 매질의 경계와 만날 때 마다\n빛은 부분은 반사하고\n또 다른 부분은 통과하여 굴절될 건데요\n이 경우는 빛이 경계에서 어느정도 반사됩니다.\n여기에 반사를 그리고\n여기에 반사를 또 그리겠습니다\n둘 다 반사광선이죠\n빛의 일부분은 다시 올라오게 됩니다\n바로 위에다 그리지 않고\n여기다가 그려 우리가 볼 수 있게 하겠습니다\n자 이제 올라오고요\n겹치게 됩니다\n파동 1 과 파동 2가 겹치면서\n이 두개의 파동이 눈에 들어와\n우리는 간섭을 볼 수 있게 됩니다\n보강 간섭일수도 상쇄 간섭 일수도 있죠\n우리는 파장에 따라서\n다른 색을 보기도 합니다\n우리가 알아내고 싶은 것이 바로 이겁니다\n기름의 두께와 빛의 파장이\n어떻게 이 간섭이\n\nBulgarian: \nдали тази интерференция ще е\nконструктивна, деструктивна, или нито едното?\nЕто какво\nще направим.\nНяма да се отклоняваме от това,\nкоето знаем.\nЗнаем, че за да получим\nконструктивна интерференция,\nимаме два\nлъча светлина.\nТова, което има значение,\nе разликата в дължината на пътя.\nАко разликата в дължината на пътя\nе 0, ламбда...\nВсяко цяло число\nза ламбда.\nМожеш да наречеш това m ламбда,\nако искаш.\nТова ще е\nконструктивна интерференция.\nВсеки път разликата\nв дължината на пътя\nще е половин цяло число\nот това, което е ламбда.\n1/2 ламбда, 3/2 ламбда\nи така нататък.\nАко искаш, можеш да наречеш това\n(m + 1/2) ламбда.\nТези ще са\nдеструктивни.\nПредполагам, че това\nне е равно на конструктивна...\nтова предполага конструктивна\nи деструктивна интерференция.\nНо, спомни си, трябва да внимаваш,\nзащото нещата могат да са странни.\n\nKorean: \n보강 간섭 혹은 상쇄 간섭\n혹은 둘 다 아님을 결정할까요?\n이렇게 하겠습니다\n우리는 우리가 아는 것을 이용해야 합니다\n우리가 아는 것은 보강간섭을 얻기 위한\n두개의 광선이 있다는 것입니다\n여기서 문제가 되는 것은 바로 경로의 차이입니다\n만약 경로차가 0이라면\n어떤 정수 λ...\nλ는 mλ로 정의해도 됩니다\n경로차가 0이라면 보강간섭이 되겠죠\n그리고 경로차가\nλ의 절반이 될 때는\n1/2λ, 3/2λ 이런 식으로 말이죠\n위 식은 (m+1/2)λ로 써도 될 것입니다\n절반이 될 때는 상쇄간섭이 되겠죠\n이것은 보강 간섭과는 다릅니다\n보강 또한 상쇄 간섭을 암시하긴 합니다만\n여기서 부터는 조심해야 합니다\n\nEnglish: \nwhether this is gonna be constructive,\ndestructive, or neither.\nHere's what we're gonna do.\nWe are not gonna stray from what we know.\nWhat we know, is that to get\nconstructive interference\nwe have two light rays.\nWhat matters is the\npath length difference.\nIf the path length\ndifference is zero, lambda...\nRight, any integer lambda.\nYou can just call this\nm lambda, if you want.\nThat's gonna be constructive.\nAnd any time the path length difference\nis gonna be half integer\nof what lambda is.\nSo, half lambda, three\nhalves lambda, and so on.\nIf you wanted to, you can call\nthis m plus a half lambda.\nThese are gonna be destructive.\nI guess, it doesn't equal constructive,\nit implies constructive and destructive.\nBut, remember, gotta be\ncareful, it can be weird here.\n\nCzech: \nzda to bude konstruktivní,\ndestruktivní nebo žádná.\nZde je to, co děláme.\nNezatouláme se od toho, co víme.\nK tomu, abychom získali\nkonstruktivní interferenci,\nmusíme mít světelné paprsky.\nZáleží na délce dráhového rozdílu.\nPokud je délka dráhového\nrozdílu 0, lambda,\njakékoliv celé číslo lambda.\nMůžete to nazvat ,mʻ lambda,\npokud chcete.\nToto bude konstruktivní.\nA kdykoliv délka dráhového rozdílu\nbude polovina celého čísla lambda...\nTakže 1/2 lambda, 3/2 lambda a podobně.\nPokud chcete, můžete to nazývat\n(m+1/2) lambda.\nTyto budou destruktivní.\nChci říct, že se to nerovná konstruktivní,\nzahrnuje to konstruktivní a destruktivní.\nAle zapamatujte si, abyste byli opatrní,\nmůže to zde být podivné.\n\nThai: \nว่ามันจะเป็นแบบเสริม\nเป็นแบบหักล้าง หรือไม่ใช่ทั้งคู่\nนี่คือสิ่งที่เราจะทำ\nเรายังใช้สิ่งที่เรารู้อยู่\nสิ่งที่เรารู้ คือว่าเพื่อให้ได้\nการแทรกสอดแบบเสริม\nเราต้องมีลำแสงสองลำ\nสิ่งที่สำคัญคือผลต่างความยาวเส้นทาง\nถ้าผลต่างความยาวเส้นทางเป็น 0 แลมดา --\nจำนวนเต็มเท่าของแลมดา\nคุณเรียกค่านี้ว่า m แลมดาก็ได้ ถ้าต้องการ\nมันจะเป็นแบบเสริม\nและทุกครั้งที่ผลต่างความยาวเส้นทาง\nเป็นจำนวนเต็มครึ่งของแลมดา\nครึ่งแลมดา 3/2 แลมดา ไปเรื่อยๆ\nถ้าคุณต้องการ คุณเรียกมันว่า \nm บวกครึ่งแลมดาก็ได้\nพวกนี้จะเป็นแบบหักล้าง\nผมว่า ไม่ใช่ \"เท่ากับ\" แบบเสริม\nมันสื่อว่าเป็นการเสริมแล้วก็หักล้าง\nแต่จำไว้ว่า เราต้องระวัง \nเพราะมันมีอะไรแปลกๆ ได้\n\niw: \nהאם ההתאבכות בונה,\nאו הורסת, או לא זה ולא זה.\nזה מה שנעשה,\nונסתמך על מה שאנו כבר יודעים.\nאנו יודעים שכדי לקבל התאבכות בונה,\nדרושים שתי קרני אור.\nמה שקובע הוא הפרש המרחקים.\nאם הפרש המרחקים הוא 0, למבדה...\nמספר שלם כלשהו כפול למבדה,\nניתן לקרוא לזה m למבדה.,\nזאת תהיה התאבכות בונה.\nוכל פעם שהפרש המרחקים\nהוא חצאיי למבדה, חצי למבדה,\n3 חצאיי למבדה, 5 חצאיי למבדה וכך הלאה,\nניתן לקרוא לזה m ועוד חצי, כפול למבדה.,\nאז ההתאבכות הורסת.\nזה לא שווה לבונה,\nזה מראה שזאת התאבכות בונה או הורסת.\nזיכרו שצריך להיזהר כאן.\n\nThai: \nพวกนี้สลับกันได้ ถ้าเฟสเลื่อนไปพาย\nถ้าตัวหนึ่งมีเฟสเลื่อนไปพาย แล้วอีกตัวไม่เลื่อน\nถ้าคลื่นตัวหนึ่งเลื่อนไปพาย และอีกตัวไม่เลื่อน\nนึกดู ถ้าตัวนี้คือลำโพง\nที่มีการปรับข้างหลัง สลับสาย\nข้างหลังลำโพง ทีนี้ แทนที่จะคลื่นลำโพง\nจะออกมาอย่างนั้น \nคลื่นลำโพงจะออกมาอย่างนี้\nทีนี้ ถ้าคุณซ้อนทับคลื่นเหล่านี้ \nเงื่อนไขจะกลับกัน\nถ้าคุณลืมว่าทำไม ลองกลับไปดู\nวิดีโอเรื่องการแทรกสอดของคลื่น\nเอาล่ะ นี่คือเงื่อนไข\nจำนวนเต็มเท่าของความยาวคลื่น\nจะให้แบบเสริม\nจำนวนเต็มครึ่งของความยาวคลื่น\nจะให้แบบหักล้าง\nยกเว้นตัวหนึ่งเลื่อนไปพาย\nถ้าพวกมันเลื่อนไปพายทั้งคู่ \nเงื่อนไขนี้จะยังเป็นจริง\nแต่ถ้าตัวเดียวเลื่อนไปพาย\nคุณจะกลับความสัมพันธ์นี้\nจำนวนเต็มครึ่งของความยาวคลื่น\nจะเป็นแบบเสริม\nและจำนวนเต็มของความยาวคลื่น\nจะเป็นแบบหักล้าง\nมันเกิดขึ้นตรงนี้ไหม?\nเราต้องระวังเรื่องการเลื่อนไปพายหรือเปล่า?\n\niw: \nהתנאים האלה מתחלפים אם יש היפוך מופע\nביניהם, אם אחד משנה מופע בפאי, והשני לא.\nאם אחד הגלים האלה משנה מופע בפאי, והשני\nלא, זיכרו את הסיפור עם\nהגב של הרמקולים, אם מחליפים את החוטים\nבגב של אחד הרמקולים, עכשיו במקום שגל הקול\nייצא ככה, גל הקול יוצא ככה.\nאם שני אלה חופפים, התנאים האלה מתחלפים.\nאם שכחתם למה, חיזרו לצפות\nבסירטון על התאבכות גלים.\nזה התנאי.\nאורכי גל שלמים נותנים התאבכות בונה,\nחצאיי אורכי גל נותנים התאבכות הורסת,\nאל אם כן אחד מהם בהיפוך מופע.\nאם שניהם בהיפוך מופע, התנאי הזה עוד תופס.\nאך אם רק אחד מהם בהיפוך מופע,\nמחליפים את התנאים האלה,\nחצאיי אורכי גל יתנו התאבכות בונה,\nואורכי גל שלמים יתנו התאבכות הורסת.\nהאם זה קורה כאן?\nהאם עלינו לדאוג להיפוכי מופע?\n\nCzech: \nPřeskakuje to,\npokud je mezi nimi fázový posun pí.\nPokud je jeden ve fázovém\nposunu pí a druhý ne.\nPokud je jedna vlna\nv pí posunu a druhá ne...\nVzpomeňte si, že pokud tato věc byla\nzvuková vlna přicházející z reproduktoru,\na vy byste ji otočili,\ntak by zvuková vlna\nnevycházela z reproduktoru takto,\nale vycházela by takto.\nPokud obě vlny položíte na sebe,\ntak se podmínka otočí.\nPokud jste zapomněli proč,\ntak se podívejte znovu\nna video o interferenci vlnění.\nToto je podmínka.\nCelé číslo vlnové délky\nnám dá konstruktivní\n1/2 celého čísla vlnové\ndélky nám dá destruktivní,\npokud je jeden ve fázovém...\nPokud jsou obě fázově posunuté o pí,\ntak tato podmínka stále platí.\nAle pokud je pouze 1 fázově posunutá\no pí, můžete přeskočit tyto podmínky\na 1/2 celého čísla vlnové\ndélky vám dá konstruktivní.\nA celé číslo vlnové délky\nvám posktne destruktivní.\nStane se to zde?\nMusíme se obávat fázového posunu o pí?\n\nBulgarian: \nТези са обърнати, ако между тях\nима преместване с пи.\nАко една от тази бъде преместена с пи,\nа другата не бъде.\nАко една от вълните е преместена с пи,\nа другата не е,\nспомни си, ако това беше\nонова нещо със задната част на тонколоните,\nако смениш жиците на\nзадната част на тонколоните,\nсега вместо вълната от тонколоната\nда излиза ето така,\nвълната от тонколоната\nизлиза ето така.\nАко припокриеш тези,\nтова условие се преобръща.\nАко не помниш защо,\nвърни се и гледай\nтова видео за\nинтерференция на вълните.\nТова е условието.\nДължини на вълните цели числа\nни дават конструктивна интерференция,\nполовин цели числа дължини на вълните\nни дават деструктивна интерференция,\nосвен ако едната\nне е преместена с пи.\nАко и двете са преместени с пи,\nтогава това условие пак важи.\nНо ако само едната\nе преместена с пи,\nобръщаш тези\nзависимости\nи дължини на вълните от половин цели числа\nти дава конструктивна интерференция,.\nа дължини на вълните от цели числа\nти дават деструктивна интерференция.\nСлучва ли се това тук?\nЗащо трябва да се тревожим\nза премествания с пи?\n\nKorean: \n만약에 파이(π)이동이 있으면 이 둘은 뒤집힐 것입니다\n만약에 둘 중 하나는 파이 이동이 있고\n 나머지 하나는 파이 이동이 없을 경우\n만약에 둘 중에 하나는 파이 이동이 있고 \n나머지 하나는 파이 이동이 없을 경우\n이를 스피커 뒤에 있는 전선으로 비교해서 생각해보면\n전선을 뒤집었을때\n스피커의 파동은 이렇게 나오지 않고\n이러한 방식으로 출력되게 됩니다\n이 두 파동을 겹치면, 상태는 뒤집어지겠죠\n왜 이렇게 되는지 잊었다면\n파동간섭에 관한 동영상을 다시 한번 보세요.\n그래서, 현재 상태는 이러합니다\n파이 이동이 없을 경우\n정수 파장은 보강 간섭\n1/2배 파장은 상쇄간섭을 일으킵니다\n만약 두 개의 파동이 각각 파이 움직임이 있을 경우\n상태는 변함이 없습니다\n그러나 하나의 파동에 파이 이동이 있으면\n상태는 뒤집어지게 됩니다\n그리고 반배수 파장이 보강 간섭을 일으키게 되죠\n정수 파장은 상쇄 간섭을 일으키게 되고요\n그렇다면 방금 어떤 일이 일어난 것일까요?\n파이 이동을 고려할 필요가 있을까요?\n\nEnglish: \nThese are flip-flopped, if\nthere's a pi shift between them.\nIf one of these gets pi\nshifted and the other does not.\nIf one of the waves is pi\nshifted and the other is not,\nremember, if this was this thing\nwith the back of the speakers,\nif you flipped the wires\non the back of the speakers,\nnow instead of the speaker wave\ncoming out like that, speaker\nwave comes out like this.\nNow, if you overlap these, this\ncondition gets flip-flopped.\nIf you forgot why, go back and watch\nthat video on wave interference.\nSo, this is the condition.\nInteger wavelengths give us constructive,\nhalf integer wavelengths\ngive us destructive,\nunless one is pi shifted.\nIf they're both pi shifted,\nthen this condition still holds.\nBut if only one is pi shifted,\nyou flip-flop these relations,\nand the half integer wavelengths\ngive you constructive.\nAnd the whole integer\nwavelengths give you destructive.\nSo, does that happen here?\nDo we have to worry about pi shifts?\n\nEnglish: \nWe didn't with double slit.\nRemember, with double slit,\nshoot, we didn't worry\nabout any pi shifts.\nThat was because one wave came in.\nAnd now these were both\nfrom the exact same wave,\nso now we know they started off in phase.\nHow about these waves for thin film?\nCould there be any shift in pi?\nWell, there can.\nEvery time there's a reflection,\nthere can be a pi shift.\nI repeat, every time light reflects,\nthere may be a pi shift.\nHow do you know?\nIt depends on the speed of\nthe wave in those materials.\nLet's say we had air out here.\nLight has some speed in the air.\nTurns out the speed in\nair is about the same\nas the speed in vacuum.\nThree times 10 to the\neighth meters per second.\nBut I'm just gonna write\nit as V air out here.\nAnd then you have a\ncertain speed of the light.\nLight will travel at\ncertain speed in the oil.\nSo, V oil in here is gonna be less.\n\niw: \nלא היינו צריכים להתעסק בזה עם שני סדקים.\nעם שני סדקים\nלא התעסקנו עם היפוכי מופע.\nגל הגיע\nואז נוצרו שני אלה מאותו הגל,\nאז ידענו שהם התחילו באותו מופע.\nמה קורה בגלים בקרומים דקים?\nהאם יתכן שיהיה היפוך מופע?\nכן, יתכן.\nכל פעם שיש החזרה יתכן היפוך מופע.\nאני חוזר על זה, כל פעם שאור מוחזר\nיתכן היפוך מופע.\nאיך אנו יודעים?\nזה תלוי במהירות הגלים בתווכים השונים.\nנגיד שיש לנו כאן אוויר.\nלאור יש מהירות מסוימת באוויר.\nמסתבר שמהירות האור באוויר היא\nכמו המהירות של האור בריק.\n3 כפול 10 בשמינית מטר לשנייה.\nאסמן זאת כ- Vair.\nואז יש מהירות אחרת של האור.\nהאור ינוע במהירות מסוימת בשמן.\nהמהירות בשמן, Voil, קטנה יותר.\n\nKorean: \n이중 슬릿에서는 그럴 필요가 없습니다\n기억하세요\n이중슬릿에서는 파이 이동을 고려할 필요가 없습니다\n그 이유는 단지 한 파동만 들어왔기 때문이죠\n이들이 동일한 파동에서 유래되었기 때문에\n그렇기 때문에 이들은 같은 위상에서 시작했을 겁니다\n박막에 대한 파동은 어떨까요?\n파이 이동이 생길까요?\n네 생길 수 있습니다\n반사가 있을 때마다 파이 이동은 있을 수 있습니다\n다시 한번 반복하겠습니다\n빛이 반사할 때마다 파이 이동이 있을 수 있습니다\n어떻게 알 수 있을까요?\n물질에 있는 파동의 속도에 따라서 알 수 있습니다\n여기에 공기가 있다고 가정해볼게요\n공기 안에서 빛은 어느 정도의 속도가 있습니다\n공기 안의 빛의 속도는 진공의 속도와\n거의 유사한다고 보시면 됩니다\n3 x 10^8m/s 이죠\n저는 공기 안에 빛의 속도를 V air 이라 적겠습니다\n이제 특정한 빛의 속도가 있습니다\n빛은 기름 안에서도 특정된 속도로 이동합니다\n그러면 기름 안에 있는 빛의 속도 V oil 는 더 느릴 겁니다\n\nCzech: \nNikoliv se 2 štěrbinami.\nSe dvěma štěrbinami...\n...jsme se nemuseli obávat\nfázového posunu o pí.\nProtože procházela pouze 1 vlna.\nObojí pocházelo ze stejné vlny,\ntakže nyní víme,\nže začínali ve stejné fázi.\nA co s vlnami v tenké vrstvě?\nMohl by zde být fázový posun o pí?\nMůže být.\nPokaždé, když dochází k odrazu,\ntak zde může být fázový posun o pí.\nOpakuji, pokaždé, když se světlo odráží,\ntak zde může být fázový posun o pí.\nJak to víte?\nZávisí to na rychlosti\nvlny v těchto materiálech.\nŘekněme, že zde máme vzduch.\nSvětlo má ve vzduchu určitou rychlost.\nŘekněme, že rychlost\nve vzduchu je stejná jako ve vakuu.\n3 krát 10 na osmou metrů za sekundu.\nNapíši to však jako V(vzduch).\nA pak máte určitou rychlost světla.\nSvětlo bude v oleji\ncestovat určitou rychlostí.\nTakže V(olej) zde bude menší.\n\nThai: \nเราไม่ต้องคิดในสลิตคู่\nนึกดู ในสลิตคู่\nโอ้ เราไม่ต้องคิดถึงการเลื่อนไปพาย\nนั่นเป็นเพราะคลื่นหนึ่งเข้ามา\nและตอนนี้พวกมันมาจากคลื่นเดียวกันพอดีทั้งคู่\nเราจึงเริ่มต้นเฟสตรงกัน\nแล้วคลื่นพวกนี้ในฟิล์มบางล่ะ?\nมันมีเลื่อนไปพายไหม?\nมันเลื่อนได้\nทุกครั้งที่มีการสะท้อน มันจะเลื่อนไปพาย\nผมจะพูดอีกที ทุกครั้งที่แสงสะท้อน\nจะมีการเลื่อนเฟสไปพาย\nคุณรู้ได้อย่างไร?\nมันขึ้นอยู่กับอัตราเร็วคลื่นในวัสดุเหล่านั้น\nสมมุติว่าเรามีอากาศตรงนี้\nแสงมีอัตราเร็วค่าหนึ่งในอากาศ\nปรากฏว่าอัตราเร็วในอากาศประมาณ\nเท่ากับอัตราเร็วในสุญญากาศ\n3 คูณ 10 กำลัง 8 เมตรต่อวินาที\nแต่ผมจะเขียนมันว่า v อากาศตรงนี้\nแล้วคุณมีอัตราเร็วแสงค่าหนึ่ง\nแสงจะเดินทางด้วยอัตราเร็วค่าหนึ่งในน้ำมัน\nv น้ำมันในนี้จะน้อยกว่า\n\nBulgarian: \nНе беше така\nпри двата процепа.\nСпомни си, че при двата процепа\nне беше нужно да се притесняваме\nза никакви\nпремествания с пи.\nТова беше, понеже една вълна\nнавлезе насам\nи сега е двете са\nот една и съща вълна,\nтоест знаем, че започнаха\nвъв фаза.\nА тези вълни\nза тънкия слой?\nМоже ли да има\nимместване с пи?\nМоже.\nВсеки път, когато има отражение,\nможе да има фазово изместване с пи.\nПовтарям, всеки път,\nкогато светлината се отрази,\nможе да има\nизместване с пи.\nОткъде да разбереш?\nТова зависи от скоростта\nна вълните в тези материали.\nДа кажем, че тук\nимахме въздух.\nСветлината има определена скорост\n във въздуха.\nОказва се, че тя е почти същата\nкато скоростта във вакуум.\n3*10^8 метра в секунда.\nНо ще запиша това\nкато v въздух (air) тук.\nА после имаш определена\nскорост на светлината.\nСветлината ще пътува с определена\nскоростта в маслото.\nv масло (oil)\nще е по-малка.\n\nEnglish: \nLet's just say, for the sake of argument,\nV oil, the speed of the\nlight wave in the oil,\nis less, it's gotta be\nless, let's just say\nit's 2.7 times 10 to the\neighth meters per second.\nAnd in water, again, it's gonna have\na speed of light in the water.\nLet's say, the speed\nof light in the water,\nwell, we don't have to say, we know\nthat's about 2.25 times 10 to\nthe eighth meters per second.\nSo, how do we determine,\nknowing these speeds,\nwhether there's going\nto be a pi shift or not?\nHere's how we tell.\nEvery time light reflects\noff of a slow substance,\nthere's a pi shift.\nSo, what do I mean by that?\nThe light here has started\noff in this material.\nAnd did it reflect off\nof a slow substance?\nIt was in air, that's pretty fast,\nthree times 10 to the eighth.\nIt reflected off of oil, it\nreflected off of a medium,\nwhere it would have traveled slower.\n\nKorean: \n논쟁할 여지도 없이\n기름 속 빛의 속도는\n당연히 더 느릴겁니다\n2.7 x 10 m/s 라고 가정할게요\n그리고 물 안에서 또한\n빛의 속도가 있을 겁니다\n물 안에서의 빛의 속도를 가정해보겠습니다\n아니 가정해볼 필요가 없겠군요\n물에서의 속도는 2.25 x 10^8m/s 인 것을\n 알고 있으니까요\n그러면 이 속도들을 통해서 파이 이동이\n일어날지 아닐지는 어떻게 알 수 있을까요?\n이렇게 볼 수 있습니다\n빛이 어떤 느린 물질에서 반사될 때마다\n파이 이동이 일어납니다\n무슨 의미를 가질까요\n여기 있는 빛은 이 물질에서 시작되었습니다\n느린 물질로부터 반사되었나요?\n공기에 있었죠 꽤 빠른 겁니다\n3 x 10^8m/s 이니까요\n그 빛은 기름에서 반사되었습니다\n이동속도가 느린 매질에서 반사된 거죠\n\nCzech: \nŘekněme, pro zachování\nargumentu, že V(olej),\nčili rychlost světla v oleji je menší...\n...řekněme, že je 2,7 krát 10 na osmou\nmetrů za sekundu.\nA ve vodě, opakuji,\nbude mít světlo určitou rychlost.\nŘekněme, že rychlost světla ve vodě...\n...víme, že je to okolo\n2,25 krát 10 na osmou metrů za sekundu.\nJak stanovíme, na základě znalostí\nrychlostí, zda zde bude fázový posun o pí?\nZde je to, jak jsme říkali.\nPokaždé, když se světlo\nodráží od pomalejší látky,\ntak je zde fázový posun o pí.\nCopak tím myslím?\nSvětlo začalo v tomto materiálu.\nA odrazí se od pomalejší látky.\nBylo ve vzduchu, což je docela rychlé,\n3 krát 10 na osmou.\nOdrazí se od oleje, tedy od látky,\nkde by se pohybovalo pomaleji.\n\niw: \nנגיד, לצורך הדיון,\nש- Voil, מהירות האור בשמן,\nהיא קטנה יותר, נגיד\n2.7 כפול 10 בשמינית מטר לשנייה.\nבמים תהיה לאור\nמהירות מסוימת.\nאנו יודעים מהי\nהמהירות של האור במים,\nהיא 2.25 כפול 10 בשמינית מטר לשנייה.\nכשיודעים את המהירויות, איך קובעים\nהאם יש או אין היפוך מופע?\nקובעים זאת ככה:\nכל פעם שאור מוחזר מחומר איטי,\nיש היפוך מופע.\nמה הכוונה?\nהאור התחיל בחומר הזה.\nהאם הוא מוחזר מחומר איטי?\nהוא היה באוויר, זה מהיר,\n3 כפול 10 בשמינית.\nהוא הוחזר מהשמן, הוא הוחזר מתווך\nשבו האור היה נע יותר לאט.\n\nBulgarian: \nДа кажем,\nза целта на аргумента,\nче v масло, скоростта\nна светлинната вълна в маслото,\nще е по-малка –\nда кажем,\nче е 2,7*10^8 метра в секунда.\nИ във водата светлината отново\nще има някаква скорост.\nДа кажем, че скоростта\nна светлината във водата,\nне е нужно да казваме,\nзнаем,\nче тя е около\n2,25*10^8 метра в секунда.\nКато знаем тези големини на скоростта,\nкак определяме\nдали ще има фазово изместване с пи,\nили няма да има?\nЕто как.\nВсеки път, когато светлината се отрази\nот по-бавно вещество,\nима разлика във фазите, равна на пи.\nКакво имам предвид\nпод това?\nСветлината тук започна\nв този материал.\nА отрази ли се от\nпо-бавно вещество?\nТя беше във въздуха,\nтова е доста бързо,\n3*10^8.\nОтрази се от маслото,\nотрази се от една среда,\nв която би\nсе движила по-бавно.\n\nThai: \nสมมุติว่า ในที่นี้\nv น้ำมัน อัตราเร็วของแสงในน้ำมัน\nน้อยกว่า มันจะน้อยกว่า สมมุติว่า\nมันเป็น 2.7 คูณ 10 กำลัง 8 เมตรต่อวินาที\nและในน้ำ เหมือนเดิม มันจะค่า\nมีอัตราเร็วแสงในน้ำอยู่\nสมมุติว่า อัตราเร็วแสงในน้ำ\nเราไม่ต้องบอกค่าเป๊ะก็ได้ เรารู้ว่า\nมันประมาณเท่ากับ \n2.25 คูณ 10 กำลัง 8 เมตรต่อวินาที\nเมื่อรู้อัตราเร็วเหล่านี้ เรารู้ได้อย่างไร\nว่ามันจะมีเฟสเลื่อนไปพายหรือเปล่า\nนั่นคือวิธีบอก\nทุกครั้งที่แสงสะท้อนจากวัสดุที่ช้ากว่า\nมันจะมีเฟสเลื่อนไปพาย\nผมหมายความว่าอะไร?\nแสงตรงนี้เริ่มต้นในวัสดุนี้\nและมันสะท้อนออกจากวัสุดที่ช้าหรือเปล่า?\nมันอยู่ในอากาศ มันเร็วทีเดียว\n3 คูณ 10 กำลัง 8\nมันสะท้อนจากน้ำมัน \nมันสะท้อนออกจากตัวกลาง\nโดยมันต้องเดินทางช้าลง\n\nKorean: \n그래서 이 반사는 파이 이동이 일어납니다\n파이 이동이 이 반사에서 생기게 되죠\n광파가 들어올때\n마루에서 들어왔다면\n골로 나갈 겁니다\n그리고 만약에 위로 올라가는 시점에서 들어왔다면\n내려가는 시점에서 나갈 겁니다\n180도 혹은 파이 만큼 돌게 되겠죠\n그럼 이 밑에 있는 건 어떨까요\n이건 느린 매질에 반사된 건가요?\n그랬습니다 기름이었죠\n기름보다 느린 물로\n이동했었을 겁니다\n이에 따라 파이 이동을 가지겠죠\n마찬가지로 광파가 마루에서 들어왔다면\n골로 나가게 됩니다\n여기에 있는 상태는 무엇을 의미하나요?\n만약 두 파동이 파이 이동이 있었다면\n둘 다 이동을 하지 않은 것으로 볼 수 있습니다\n만약 이 두 파동을 거꾸로 뒤집었다면\n아무 변화가 없을 거니까요\n그냥 모든 변화를 원래대로 되돌려 놓은 거죠\n그래서 이런 경우에는 이 상태들을 바꾸지 않을 겁니다\n어떠한 이유로\n\nThai: \nการสะท้อนตรงนี้จะมีเฟสเลื่อนไปพาย\nมันมีเฟสเลื่อนไปพายสำหรับแสงสะท้อนนี้\nคลื่นแสงที่เข้ามา\nถ้ามันเข้าตอนอยู่ที่ยอดคลื่น\nแล้วมันจะสะท้อนกลับไปเป็นก้นคลื่น\nและถ้ามันเข้ามาที่จุดนี้แบบขึ้น\nมันจะออกจากจุดนี้แบบลง\nมันจะเลื่อนเฟสไป 180 องศา หรือพาย\nแล้วอันข้างล่างนี้ล่ะ\nมันสะท้อนจากตัวกลางที่ช้าไหม?\nใช่ มันอยู่ในน้ำมัน\nมันจะเดินทางผ่านน้ำ\nซึ่งช้ากว่าน้ำมัน\nอันนี้ก็มีเฟสเลื่อนพายด้วย\nเหมือนเดิม ถ้ามันเข้ามาเป็นยอดคลื่น\nมันจะออกไปเป็นก้นคลื่น\nแล้วมันมีผลต่อเงื่อนไขบนนี้อย่างไร?\nถ้าทั้งสองตัวเลื่อนไปพาย\nมันเหมือนกับว่า ไม่มีตัวใดเลื่อนไป\nถ้าเราพลิกทั้งสองตัว\nทุกอย่างจะเป็นเหมือนเดิม\nเราทำให้ทุกอย่างกลับมาเป็นอย่างที่เคย\nเราจึงไม่ต้องสลับเงื่อนไขพวกนี้ในกรณีนี้\nถ้าเกิดเราใช้วัสดุอื่นนอกจากน้ำ\n\nEnglish: \nSo, this reflection right\nhere does get a pi shift.\nThere's a pi shift for this reflection.\nThe light wave that came in.\nIf it came in at a peak,\nthen it's getting sent\nback out as a valley.\nAnd if it came in as this point going up,\nit'll leave as this point going down.\nIt's gonna get shifted\nby 180 degrees, or pi.\nHow about this one down here,\ndid it reflect off of a slow medium?\nIt did, it was in oil.\nIt would have traveled into water,\nwhich is slower than the oil.\nSo, this one also gets a pi shift.\nAnd same thing, if it came in as a peak,\nit'll leave as a valley.\nWhat does that mean for\nthis condition up here?\nIf both are pi shifted,\nit's as if neither of them gets shifted.\nIf we flipped both of them upside down,\nwell, everything is cool again.\nWe just made everything\nback to where it was.\nSo, we would not swap these\nconditions in this case.\nIf, for some reason, we use\nsomething besides water,\n\niw: \nבהחזרה הזאת יש היפוך מופע.\nבהחזרה הזאת יש שינוי מופע בפאי.\nקרן האור שהגיעה,\nאם האור הגיע בשיא,\nהוא מוחזר בשפל.\nואם הוא הגיע בנקודה העולה הזאת כאן,\nהוא יוחזר בנקודה הזאת היורדת.\nהוא יעבור שינוי מופע של 180 מעלות, או פאי.\nמה בקשר לזה כאן למטה,\nהאם הוא מוחזר מתווך איטי?\nכן, הוא היה בשמן,\nהוא יכול לעבור דרך מים,\nשהם איטיים יותר מהשמן.\nגם זה עובר היפוך מופע.\nכמו קודם, אם זה הגיע בשיא\nזה יוחזר בשפל.\nמה זה אומר לגבי התנאים האלה, כאן למעלה?\nאם שניהם עברו היפוך מופע,\nזה כאילו אף אחד מהם לא עבר היפוך מופע.\nאם שניהם התהפכו,\nהכל בסדר.\nהכל חזר לקדמותו.\nבמקרה זה, לא נחליף את התנאים.\nאם, מסיבה כלשהי, נשתמש במשהו אחר במקום\n\nBulgarian: \nТова отражение тук води\nдо фазова разлика пи.\nИма изместване на фазата с пи\nза това отражение.\nСветлинната вълна,\nкоято дойде насам,\nако навлезе при връх,\nтогава бива върната обратно\nкато долина.\nИ ако дойде като\nтази точка, движеща се нагоре,\nще напусне като тази точка,\nдвижеща се надолу.\nЩе бъде изместена\nсъс 180 градуса, или пи.\nА тази тук долу\nбила ли е отразена\nот по-бавна среда?\nДа, тя беше\nв маслото.\nТя би се движила\nвъв водата,\nкоято е по-бавна\nот маслото.\nТоест и тази получава\nизместване с пи.\nОтново имаме същото –\nако навлезе при връх,\nтова излиза\nкато долина.\nКакво означава това\nза това условие тук горе?\nАко и двете\nса изместени с пи,\nвсе едно никое от тях\nне бива изместено.\nАко преобърнем и двете\nотгоре-надолу,\nвсичко отново\nе наред.\nПросто всичко се върна обратно до там,\nкъдето беше.\nТоест в този случай няма\nда преобърнем тези условия.\nАко поради някаква причина\nизползваме нещо различно от вода,\n\nCzech: \nOdraz zde bude fázově posunut o pí.\nPro tento odraz nastává fázový posun o pí.\nSvětelná vlna příchází.\nPokud vstoupí jako pík,\ntak bude nazpět poslána, jako údolí.\nA pokud vstoupí jako\ntento bod směřující vzhůru,\ntak odejde jako tento bod směřující dolů.\nPosune se o 180º, nebo-li pí.\nA co s tímto paprskem,\nodrazí se od pomalejší látky?\nAno, bylo to v oleji.\nMohl by projít do vody,\nkterá je pomalejší prostředí než olej.\nTakže tento paprsek\nse také fázově posune o pí.\nA úplně stejně... pokud vstoupí\njako pík, odejde jako údolí.\nCo to znamená pro tyto\npodmínky zde nahoře?\nPokud jsou oba fázově posunutí o pí,\nje to, jako by ani jeden posunutý nebyl.\nObrátili jsme oba směrem dolů,\ntakže vše je zase v pořádku.\nDostali jsme vše zpět tam, kde to bylo.\nNeměnili bychom v tomto případě podmínky.\nPokud, z nějakého důvodu,\npoužijeme něco jiného než vodu...\n\niw: \nמים, נשתמש בנוזל אחר,\nולנוזל הזה יש מהירות, במקום 2.25,\nנגיד שהמהירות היא 2.85 כפול 10 בשמינית.\nזה לא משנה כלום כאן למעלה.\nזה עדיין עובר היפוך מופע.\nהאור היה באוויר, הוחזר ממשהו איטי יותר,\nשמן, כלומר שאם האור עובר דרכו,\nהוא עובר במהירות יותר קטנה, אז יש היפוך מופע.\nפה למטה, קרן האור הזאת\nשהייתה בשמן, אם היה עובר דרך המים,\nסליחה אלה אינם מים, אלא נוזל אחר.\nהיא מוחזרת מהנוזל הזה,\nשבו האור היה נע מהר יותר.\nהאם יש פה היפוך מופע?\nלא, אין היפוך מופע כאן למטה,\nרק אחת מקרני האור האלה עוברת היפוך מופע.\nוכשזה קורה, אם אחת מקרני האור\n\nCzech: \nPoužijeme jinou kapalinu\na tato kapalina má rychlost...\n...místo 2,25, řekněme,\nže rychlost byla 2,85 krát 10 na osmou.\nZde nahoře se teď nic nezmění.\nStále zde bude fázový posun o pí.\nBylo to ve vzduchu, paprsek se odrážel\nod něčeho pomalejšího - od oleje.\nA pomalejším myslím to,\nže pokud by světlo vstoupilo dovnitř,\ncestovalo by pomaleji,\ntakže by nastal fázový posun o pí.\nAle teď ke spodní kapalině.\nSvětelný paprsek,\nkterý byl v oleji by skrz vodu...\n...omlouvám se, už to není voda,\nje to nějaká nová kapalina.\nOdrazí se od této kapaliny,\nskrz kterou by mohl cestovat rychleji.\nNastane fázový posun o pí?\nNe, zde dole už by nenastal\nfázový posun o pí,\npouze 1 z těchto odražených světelných\npaprsků by byl fázově posunutý o pí.\nA pokud se to stane,\n\nBulgarian: \nизползваме някаква\nдруга течност\nи тази течност има големина на скоростта от,\nвместо 2,25,\nда кажем, че големината\nна скоростта тук е 2,85*10^8.\nТова не променя\nнищо тук горе.\nТова пак получава\nизместване с пи.\nБеше във въздуха, отрази се от\nнещо по-бавно, масло.\nИ под по-бавно имам предвид,\nче ако светлината се движеше през него,\nтя щеше да се движи по-бавно,\nтака че това получава изместване с пи.\nНо това тук долу,\nтози лъч светлина,\nкойто беше в маслото,\nщеше да е преминал през вода,\nизвинявай, това вече не е вода,\nтова е някаква нова течност.\nТова се отрази\nот тази течност,\nпрез която щеше\nда пътува по-бързо.\nПолучава ли\nизместване с пи?\nНе, тук долу няма да има\nповече премествания с пи,\nсамо един от тези отразени\nсветлинни лъчи получава изместване с пи.\nИ ако това се случи,\nако един от лъчите светлина\n\nEnglish: \nwe use some other liquid here,\nand this liquid had a\nspeed of, instead of 2.25,\nlet's say the speed here was\n2.85 times 10 to the eighth.\nNow, that doesn't change anything up here.\nThis is still getting a pi shift.\nIt was in air, it reflected\noff of something slower, oil.\nAnd by slower I mean, if\nthe light traveled into it,\nit would travel slower,\nso that gets a pi shift.\nBut now this one down here, this light ray\nthat was in the oil, would\nhave gone through water,\nsorry, this isn't water anymore,\nthis is some new liquid.\nIt reflected off of this liquid\nthat it would have\ntraveled faster through.\nSo, does it get a pi shift?\nNope, there would be no\nmore pi shift down here,\nonly one of these reflected\nlight rays get a pi shift.\nAnd if that ever happens,\nif one of the light rays\n\nKorean: \n물 이외에 액체를 사용한다면\n그리고 이 액체의 속도가 2.25가 아닌\n2.85 x 10^8m/s로 가정한다면\n여기에는 아무 변화가 일어나지 않아요\n여전히 파이 이동은 있습니다\n공기에서 시작하여 더 느린 물질인 \n기름에서 반사되었으니깐요\n“더 느린” 이란 의미는 빛이 이동했을 경우\n더 느리게 이동하여 파이 이동을 갖는다는 겁니다\n여기에 있는 광선을 볼게요\n이 기름에 있는 광선은 물을 통해 지나갔습니다\n죄송합니다 \n 이것은 더 이상 물이 아닙니다 새로운 액체이죠\n이 액체에선 광선이\n더 빨리 이동했습니다\n그러면 파이 이동이 있었을까요?\n아니요 여기에선 파이 이동이 없습니다\n단지 하나의 반사된 광선만이 파이 이동이 있을 겁니다\n그렇게 된다면 단지 하나만 파이 이동이 있다면\n\nThai: \nเราใช้ของเหลวอย่างอื่นตรงนี้\nและของเหลวนี้ แทนที่จะเร็ว 2.25\nสมมุติว่าอัตราเร็วในนี้เป็น 2.85 คูณ 10 กำลัง 8\nตอนนี้ มันจะไม่เปลี่ยนอะไรบนนี้\nอันนี้จะยังเลื่อนเฟสไปพาย\nมันอยู่ในอากาศ สะท้อนออกจาก\nสิ่งที่ช้ากว่าคือ น้มัน\nช้ากว่าในที่นี้ ผมหมายความว่า \nถ้าแสงเดินทางเข้าไป\nมันจะเดินทางช้าลง \nแล้วมันจะได้เฟสเลื่อนไปพาย\nแต่ตอนนี้ อันนี้ข้างล่าง ลำแสงนี้\nที่มันอยู่ในน้ำมัน จะเดินทางผ่านน้ำ\nโทษที นี่ไม่ใช่น้ำแล้ว นี่คือของเหลวใหม่\nมันสะท้อนออกจากของเหลวนี้\nมันจะเดินทางเร็วขึ้น\nแล้วมันมีเฟสเลื่อนไปพายไหม?\nไม่ มันจะไม่มีเฟสเลื่อนไปพายตรงนี้\nมีลำแสงสะท้อนอันเดียวที่เลื่อนไปพาย\nและถ้ามันเกิดขึ้น ถ้าลำแสงตัวหนึ่ง\n\nThai: \nเลื่อนไปพาย และอีกตัวไม่เลื่อน\nเราจะสลับเงื่อนไขเหล่านี้ได้\nและมันจะได้ จำนวนเต็มครึ่งของความยาวคลื่น\nจะให้ผลแบบเสริม\nและจำนวนเต็มของความยาวคลื่น\nจะให้ผลแบบหักล้าง\nขอผมบอกให้ชัดตรงนี้นะ\nขอผมแสดงให้ดูว่าผมพูดถึงอะไร\nขอผมลบอันนี้ออก\nถ้าผมมีวัสุด และตรงนี้ช้า\nเทียบกับตรงนี้\nถ้ามันสะท้อนจากวัสุดที่เร็ว \nมันจะไม่เลื่อนไปพาย\nไม่มีการเลื่อน 180 องศา\nแต่ถ้ามันอยู่ในวัสดุเร็ว\nและมันสะท้อนจากวัสุดช้า\nแล้ว ใช่ มันจะเลื่อนไปพาย\nอันนี้จะได้เฟสเลื่อนไป 180 องศา\nนั่นคือวิธีหา ว่ามันสะท้อน\nออกจากวัสดุเร็ว หรือสะท้อนจากวัสดุช้า\nทั้งสองกรณี คลื่นสองตัวข้างบนนี้\nคุณต้องถามคำถามเดียวกันว่า\nมันเดินทางจากช้าไปเร็ว \nสะท้อนออกจากวัสดุเร็ว\n\nKorean: \n그리고 또 하나는 파이 이동이 없을 경우\n이 상황은 바뀌게 될 것이고\n반배수 파장이\n보강간섭을\n정배수 파장이\n상쇄간섭을 일으키게 될 것입니다\n한 가지만 확실히\n집고 넘어가죠\n제가 말하고자 하던 것을 확실히 하겠습니다\n여기에 있는 물질이 있고 이것보다 속도가 느린\n물질이 또 있다고 합시다\n만약 더 빠른 물질에서 반사되는 경우\n 파이 이동은 일어나지 않습니다\n180도 회전이 없습니다\n하지만 빠른 물질에 있다가\n더 느린 물질에서 반사된다면\n파이 이동은 일어나게 됩니다\n180도 회전이 일어나게 되지요\n빠른 물질에서 반사되는지 아님\n느린 물질에서 반사되는지는 이렇게 알아내는 겁니다\n이 두 내용에서\n여러분은 의문을 가지게 됩니다:\n느린 것으로부터 빠른 것으로 이동하면서\n\nCzech: \npokud 1 ze světelných paprsků\nbude fázově posunutý o pí a ostatní ne,\ntak bychom vyměnily tyto podmínky\na byla by to 1/2 celého čísla vlnové\ndélky, co by nám dalo konstruktivní,\na celočíselné vlnové délky\nby nám dali destruktivní interferenci.\nZde to vyjasním,\nukáži vám, o čem mluvím.\nOdstraním toto.\nPokud bych měl materiál\na zde je pomalejší ve srovnání s tímto.\nPokud se to odráží od rychlejšího\nmateriálu, tak není fázový posun o pí.\nŽádný posun 180º.\nAle pokud je to v rychlejším materiálu\na paprsek se odráží\nod pomalejšího materiálu,\npak ano, dojde k fázovému posunu o pí.\nZde dojde k posunu o 180º.\nTakto to zjistíte, zda se paprsek\nodráží od rychlého materiálu\nnebo zda se odráží od pomalého materiálu.\nPro obě strany, tyto dvě vrchní\nmůžete mít stejnou otázku:\nPaprsek procházel z pomalého do rychlého.\n\nEnglish: \ngets pi shifted and the other does not,\nthen we would swap these conditions,\nand it'd be the half integer wavelengths\nthat would give us constructive,\nand the whole integer wavelengths\nthat would give us destructive.\nLet me just be clear here,\nlet me show you what I'm talking about.\nLet me clear this off.\nIf I had material, and\nright here it's slow\ncompared to this one.\nIf it reflects off of a\nfast material, no pi shift.\nNo 180 degree shift.\nBut if it's in a fast material\nand it reflects off of a slow material,\nthen yes, this gets a pi shift.\nThis gets a 180 degree shift.\nThat's how you determine it,\nis whether it reflects off\nof a fast material or if it\nreflects off of a slow material.\nFor both sides, the top two up here,\nyou gotta ask the same question:\ndid it go from slow to\nfast, reflect off of a fast,\n\nBulgarian: \nбъде изместен с пи,\nа другият не,\nтогава ще обърнем\nтези условия\nи дължините на вълните\nот половин цели числа\nще ни дадат\nконструктивна интерференция,\nа дължините на вълните\nот цели числа\nще ни дадат\nдеструктивна интерференция.\nНека поясня,\nнека ти покажа\nза какво говоря.\nНека поразчистя това.\nАко имах един материал\nи тук той е по-бавен\nв сравнение с този...\nАко това се отрази от по-бърз материал,\nняма изместване с пи.\nНяма изместване\nсъс 180 градуса.\nНо ако е в един\nпо-бърз материал\nи се отрази от\nпо-бавен материал,\nтогава, да, това получава\nизместване с пи.\nТова получава изместване\nсъс 180 градуса.\nТака определяш дали се отразява\nот по-бърз материал,\nили се отразява\nот по-бавен материал.\nЗа двете страни,\nгорните две тук горе,\nтрябва да зададеш\nсъщия въпрос:\n\"Дали това се отрази от по-бавна към по-бърза среда, дали се отрази от по-бърза,\n\niw: \nעוברת היפוך מופע, והשניה לא,\nזה גורם להחלפת התנאים,\nחצאיי אורכי הגל\nיתנו לנו התאבכות בונה,\nואורכי הגל השלמים\nיתנו לנו התאבכות הורסת.\nאני רוצה להבהיר את העניין,\nאני רוצה להראות לכם מה כוונתי.\nאמחק את זה.\nאם שי לי חומר, וכאן זה איטי\nביחס לזה,\nאם האור מוחזר מחומר מהיר, אין היפוך מופע.\nאין שינוי מופע של 180 מעלות.\nאבל אם האור נמצא בחומר מהיר\nומוחזר מחומר איטי,\nאז יש היפוך מופע.\nיש ישינוי מופע של 180 מעלות.\nככה קובעים, אם האור מוחזר\nמחומר מהיר, או אם הוא מוחזר מחומר איטי.\nעבור שני הצדדים, שני אלה כאן למעלה,\nצריך לשאול את אוחתה שאלה:\nהאם זה הולך מאיטי למהיר, מוחזר ממהיר,\n\nKorean: \n빠른 것에서 반사가 되었는지 \n아니면 느린 것에서 반사가 되었는지 말이죠\n이렇게 알아봅시다\n빠른 것으로부터 반사됐다면 파이 이동은 없습니다\n느린 물질로부터 반사됐다면\n파이 이동이 일어납니다\n자 이렇게 파이 이동을 다루면 됩니다\n다시 여기로 되돌아가죠\n알려드려야 할 세부 사항이 몇 가지 더 있습니다\n솔직히 말해서 많은 사람들이 \n박막에서 큰 어려움을 겪습니다\n이것이 문제입니다\n파이 이동의 여부를 알아내길 어려워 하죠\n솔직히 규칙만 안다면 그리 어려운 것은 아닙니다\n하지만 또 하나의 문제가 있습니다\nΔx는 무엇일까요?\nΔx 가 무엇인지는 언급한 적이 없었죠?\n두께와 관련된 수치입니다\n이 두 개의 파동이 들어오면서\n이 큰 파동과 함께 합성된다고 상상해보세요\n시작부터 이 두 파동은 여기 있었습니다\n두 파동 다 이 거리만큼 이동했습니다\n파동1 은 반사해서 이 거리만큼 이동합니다\n파동2 또한 이 거리만큼 이동하지만\n단지 박막에 있는 이 추가 거리를\n이동한 후에서야 합니다\n\nEnglish: \nor did it reflect off of a slow.\nThat's how you determine.\nIf it reflects off of a fast, no pi shift.\nIf it reflects off of a slow material,\nthen it does get a pi shift.\nOkay, so that's how you\ndeal with pi shifts.\nLet's go back to this one.\nThere's a few more details here.\nPeople have a lot of trouble\nwith thin film, to be honest.\nThat's one problem, is they\ndon't like figuring out\nwhether it was pi shifted or not.\nIt's actually not that hard\nonce you know the rule.\nBut there's another problem\nhere, what's delta x?\nWe never even said what delta x is.\nIt's gotta be related to the thickness.\nImagine these both waves come in,\nimagine both waves are combined\nin this big wave coming in.\nThey were both in there to start off with.\nThey both travel that distance.\nWave one reflects off and\njust travels this distance.\nWave two also travels that distance,\nbut only after wave two traveled\nthis extra distance within the thin film.\n\niw: \nאו אם הוא מוחזר מאיטי.\nככה קובעים.\nאם האור מוחזר ממהיר, אין היפוך מופע.\nאם האור מוחזר מחומר איטי,\nיש היפוך מופע.\nככה מתעסקים עם היפוכי מופע.\nנחזור לזה.\nיש פה עוד מספר פרטים.\nהאמת היא שלאנשים קשה עם קרומים דקים.\nזאת בעיה אחת, הם לא אוהבים להתעסק עם\nהשאלה האם יש, או אין, היפוך מופע.\nברגע שיודעים את הכלל, זה לא כל כך קשה.\nישנה בעיה נוספת, מהו דלתה x?\nלא אמרנו עד כה מהו דלתה x.\nהוא אמור להיות קשור לעובי.\nדמיינו ששני הגלים האלה מגיעים, דמיינו\nששני הגלים האלה מצטרפים לגל אחד גדול.\nהם היו שניהם בהתחלה,\nהם שניהם עוברים את המרחק הזה.\nגל אחד מוחזר ועובר את המרחק הזה.\nגם גל שתיים עובר את המרחק הזה,\nאבל רק אחרי שגל שתיים עבר\nאת המרחק הנוסף הזה בתוך הקרום הדק.\n\nThai: \nหรือมันสะท้อนออกจากวัสดุช้า\nนั่นคือวิธีหา\nถามันสะท้อนออกจากวัสดุเร็ว \nมันจะไม่เลื่อนพาย\nถ้ามันสะท้อนออกจากวัสดุช้า\nมันจะเลื่อนไปพาย\nโอเค นั่นคือวิธีที่คุณจัดการกับ\nการเลื่อนเฟสไปพาย\nลองกลับมาที่อันนี้กัน\nมันมีรายละเอียดอื่นตรงนี้\nจริงๆ แล้ว คนเรามักมีปัญหากับฟิล์มบาง\nนั่นคือปัญหาหนึ่ง คือว่าคนไม่ชอบหา\nว่ามีการเลื่อนเฟสไปพายไหม\nที่จริงมันไม่ยากนักเมื่อคุณรู้กฎ\nแต่มันมีปัญหาอีกอย่างตรงนี้ \nว่าเดลต้า x คืออะไร?\nเรายังไม่ได้บอกเลยว่าเดลต้า x คืออะไร\nมันจะเกี่ยวข้องกับความหนา\nนึกภาพคลื่นทั้งสองเข้ามา\nนึกภาพคลื่นทั้งสองรวมกัน\nเป็นคลื่นใหญ่ที่เข้ามา\nพวกมันเริ่มต้นเข้ามาตรงนีี้\nพวกมันเดินทางเป็นระยะเท่านั้นทั้งคู่\nคลื่น 1 สะท้อนและเดินทางแค่ระยะนี้\nคลื่น่ 2 เดินทางระยะเท่านั้นด้วย\nแต่หลังจากนั้นคลื่น 2 เดินทาง\nเป็นระยะเพิ่มเติมในฟิล์มบางด้วย\n\nBulgarian: \nили се отрази\nот по-бавна?\"\nТака определяш това.\nАко се отрази от по-бърза,\nнямаш изместване с пи.\nАко се отрази от \nпо-бавен материал,\nтогава получава\nизместване с пи.\nТака се справяш с\nфазовите измествания с пи.\nНека се върнем\nобратно до това.\nИма още няколко\nдетайла тук.\nЗа да сме честни, тънките слоеве\nса доста сложни за хората.\nЕдин проблем е, че не им харесва\nда търсят\nдали е било преместено с пи,\nили не е било.\nВсъщност не е толкова трудно,\nслед като знаеш правилото.\nНо тук има друг проблем –\nколко е делта х?\nНикога не сме казвали\nколко е делта х.\nТова трябва да е свързано\nс дебелината.\nПредстави си, че тези\nдве вълни идват навътре,\nпредстави си, че тези две вълни са комбинирани\nв тази голяма вълна, идваща навътре.\nВ началото\nи двете са тук.\nИ двете изминават\nтова разстояние.\nВълна 1 се отразява\nи изминава само това разстояние.\nВълна 2 също изминава\nтова разстояние,\nно само след като вълна 2\nе изминала\nтова допълнително разстояние\nв тънкия слой.\n\nCzech: \nOdrazil se od rychlého\nnebo od pomalého prostředí?\nTakto to určíte.\nPokud se odrazí od rychlého, tak nebude\nfázový posun paprsku o pí.\nPokud se odrazí od pomalého materiálu,\ntak dojde k fázovému posunu o pí.\nTakto se vypořádáte\ns fázovým posunem o pí.\nVraťme se zpět k tomuto.\nJe zde pár detailů.\nČestně řečeno, lidé mají\ns tenkou vrstvou problémy.\nJeden problém je, že nechtějí zjišťovat,\nzda došlo k fázovému posunu o pí nebo ne.\nNení to tak těžké, jakmile znáte pravidlo.\nAle je zde další problém,\nco je delta x?\nNeřekli jsme si, co je delta x.\nVztahuje se k tloušťce.\nPředstavte si, že tyto 2 vlny vstupují...\n...představte si, že se obě vlny\nkombinují do této vlny, která vstupuje.\nObě byly na začátku zde.\nObě urazily tuto vzdálenost.\nVlna 1 se odrazí a urazí tuto vzdálenost.\nVlna 2 také urazí tuto vzdálenost,\nale pouze vlna 2 urazila tuto extra\nvzdálenost v tenké vrstvě.\n\nKorean: \n그래서 파동1과 비교해보면,\n파동2가 이동한 추가 경로 길이는 두께 t 가 아닙니다\n여기서 사람들이 실수를 합니다\n많은 분들은 박막의 Δx 는 t 라고 생각합니다\n아니죠 파동2는 밑으로 이동해서\n다시 위로 올라왔습니다\n그래서 2t 가 되겠죠\n바로 이것이 박막 간섭의 열쇠입니다\n경로 길의 차이는 항상 2t 입니다\n여기서 보았을 때 Δx가 무엇인지 알 수 있습니다\nΔx는 항상\n박막의 두께의 두배와 같을 겁니다\n그래서 여기에 2t 라고 적을게요\n박막에 적절하게 상황을\n꾸민 것입니다\n이중 슬릿에서는 Δx=d sinθ 입니다\n박막 Δx 에선 경로 길이 차이는 단지 2 x t 이기에\n조금 더 단순합니다\n파이 이동은 신경 쓰셔야 하지만\nΔx 는 더 쉬운 것이죠\n됐습니다\n별거 아니네요\n\nBulgarian: \nДопълнителната дължина на пътя,\nизминат от вълна 2\nв сравнение с вълна 1,\nне беше дебелина t.\nЕто тук обикновено се греши,\nхората мислят, че делта х\nза тънък слой е t.\nНе, вълна 2 трябваше да премине надолу,\nа после обратно нагоре.\nТоест е 2t.\nТова е ключовото нещо\nза интерференцията от тънък слой.\nРазликата в дължината на пътя\nвинаги ще е 2t.\nПросто трябва да дойда тук горе –\nзнам колко е делта х.\nЗа тънък полупрозрачен слой тя винаги\nще е равна просто\nна 2 по дебелината\nна тънкия слой.\nЩе поставя 2t тук.\nТова е условието ми,\nтака променям това,\nза да го напасна към\nтънкия слой.\nЗа два процепа делта х\nбеше d синус тита.\nЗа тънкия полупрозрачен слой делта х\nразликата в дължината на пътя\nе просто 2*t,\nтака че е по-просто.\nИмаш тези измествания с пи,\nза които да се тревожиш,\nно делта х е по-просто.\nТова не е толкова лошо.\n\nThai: \nความยาวเส้นทางเพิ่มเติมที่คลื่น 2 เดินทาง\nเทียบกับคลื่น 1 ไม่ใช่ความหนา t\nนี่คือจุดที่คนมักทำพลาด\nคนคิดว่าเดลต้า x สำหรับฟิล์มบางคือ t\nไม่ คลื่น 2 ต้องเดินทางลงแล้วกลับขึ้นมา\nมันจึงเป็น 2t\nนี่คือประเด็นสำหรับการแทรกสอดฟิล์มบาง\nผลต่างความยาวเส้นทางจะเป็น 2t เสมอ\nผมต้องขึ้นมาตรงนี้ ผมรู้ว่าเดลต้า x คืออะไร\nสำหรับฟิล์มบาง มันจะเท่ากับ\n2 คูณความหนาของฟิล์มบาง\nผมจะใส่ 2t ตรงนี้\nนี่คือเงื่อนไขของผม นี่คือวิธีเปลี่ยน\nให้มันสอดคล้องกับฟิล์มบาง\nสำหรับสลิตคู่ เดลต้า x คือ d ไซน์เธต้า\nสำหรับฟิล์มบาง เดลต้า x \nผลต่างความยาวเส้นทาง\nก็แค่ 2 คูณ t มันดูง่ายกว่า\nคุณมีการเลื่อนเฟสพายพวกนี้ที่ต้องคิด\nแต่เดลต้า x นั้นง่ายกว่า\nเอาล่ะ มันไม่แย่นัก\n\niw: \nהמרחק הנוסף שגל שתיים עבר,\nיחסית לגל אחד, אינו העובי t.\nכאן אנשים טועים,\nהם חושבים שדלתה x בקרום דק הוא t.\nלא. גל שתיים נע כלפי מטה, ואז כלפי מעלה.\nזה 2t.\nזה דבר חשוב עבור התאבכות בקרומים דקים.\nהפרש המרחקים הוא תמיד 2t.\nנבוא לכאן, למעלה, אני יודע מהו דלתה x.\nבקרומים דקים זה תמיד שווה\nלפעמיים העובי של הקרום הדק.\nאני אכתוב כאן 2t.\nזה התנאי. ככה אני משנה את זה\nכדי שזה יתאים לקרומים דקים.\nעבור שני סדקים דלתה x היה d סינוס טטה.\nעבור קומים דקים דלתה x, הפרש המרחקים,\nהוא 2t, זה יותר פשוט.\nצריך להתעסק עם היפוכי המופע,\nאבל דלתה x הוא פשוט יותר.\nאוקיי, לא כל כך נורא.\n\nCzech: \nTakže cestu navíc, kterou vlna 2 urazila\nv porovnání s vlnou 1, nebyla tloušťka ,tʻ.\nZde dělají lidé chybu.\nLidé si myslí, že delta x\npro tenkou vrstvu je ,tʻ.\nNe, vlna 2 musí cestovat\ndolů a pak nahoru.\nJe to 2t.\nToto je klíč interference na tenké vrstvě.\nDélka dráhového rozdílu bude vždy 2t.\nMohu jít zde, vím co je delta x.\nPro tenký film to bude vždy\nrovno 2 krát tloušťka tenkého filmu.\nVložím 2t zde.\nToto je moje podmínka,\ntoto je způsob, jak to změním,\naby to bylo relevantní pro tenkou vrstvu.\nPro dvě štěrbiny\ndelta x byla d(sin theta).\nPro tenkou vrstvu delta x,\ndélka dráhového rozdílu,\nje 2 krát t, takže je to jednodušší.\nDostali jste fázový posun pí,\nale delta x je jednodušší.\nNení to tak špatné.\n\nEnglish: \nSo, the extra path length\nthe wave two traveled\ncompared to wave one\nwas not the thickness t.\nHere's where people make the mistake,\npeople think that delta\nx for thin film is t.\nNo, the wave two had to\ntravel down and then back up.\nSo it's two t.\nThis is the key for\nthin film interference.\nThe path length difference\nwill always be two t.\nI'd just have to come up\nhere, I know what delta x is.\nFor thin film it's always\ngonna just be equal\nto two times the thickness\nof the thin film.\nSo I'm gonna put two t here.\nThis is my condition,\nthis is how I change this\nto make it relevant for thin film.\nFor double slit delta x was d sin theta.\nFor the thin film delta x,\nthe path length difference,\nis just two times t, so\nit's kind of simpler.\nYou've got these pi shifts to worry about,\nbut the delta x is simpler.\nAll right, so that's not too bad.\n\nEnglish: \nAnything left to worry about?\nYes, one more thing to worry about.\n\nKorean: \n더 해야할게 있을까요?\n네 고려해야 할 것이 한 가지 더 있습니다\n\nBulgarian: \nОстана ли нещо,\nза което да се тревожим?\nДа, има още едно нещо,\nза което да се тревожим.\n\nThai: \nมีอะไรต้องคิดอีก?\nใช่ มีเรื่องให้คิดอีกอย่าง\n\nCzech: \nJeště něco, čeho se obávat?\nAno, ještě je tu jeden důvod k obavám...\n\niw: \nיש לדאוג לעוד משהו?\nכן, יש עוד דבר שצריך להתעסק איתו.\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "Hi, I'm Patricia Longo, and I'm a celebrity\nmakeup artist.\nI've worked with models from Sports Illustrated,\nlike Brooklyn Decker and Julie Henderson,\nto Alec Baldwin at 31.\nAll those things that experts do, that the\naverage person doesn't know how to do, we'll\nlearn how to do it on these videos.\nSo I'm going to put lip stain on Katherine's\nlips.\nBut before I do that, I usually like to prep\nthe lips.\nUsually a lip stain can make the lips very\ndry.\nSo what I recommend at first is to put Burts\nBeeswax, just to moisten the lips but not\ntoo shiny.\nNot too much.\nIf I feel like I put too much, I use another\nfinger and I just blot.\nAnd then I like to put a little bit of lip-primer.\nJust a little bit of lip-primer.\nThat will make sure the lip stain stays on.\nAnd now you're ready to put the lip stain.\nMy favorite lip stains are usually the ones\nthat have a stick, it's a point, so you don't\nneed lip liner.\nAnd what I do is, smile, I like to start right\nhere, and just easily use it, pretending like\nit's a lip liner.\nAnd as you can see I'm shaping her lip.\nAnd then what I just do is fill it in.\nBut I make sure the side of the lip stain\nis touching the lip.\nNot directly pointed this way.\nYou have to put it sideways, where it's flat\nright on the lip.\nUsually I make sure I touch the lips together,\nand then I use the point just to do the shape.\nAnd depending on how dark you want the stain,\nyou just keep reapplying and reapplying until\nyou get it as dark as you like.\nAnd then what I do is I take my finger, and\nI just blot it or smudge it a little, and\nthere you have the lip stain.\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "He grew up to be over six feet tall, a fashionable\ndresser, and friends with some of the most\nfamous Americans of his time.\nBut he started life in a corner of the Austrian\nEmpire…\nEarly Life\nWhen Nikola Tesla was born, the Austrian Empire\nstill existed.\nAn ethnic Serb, he came into the world in\nmodern-day Croatia on July 10th, 1856.\nHis birth seemed to foreshadow his life’s\nwork, as his mother was in labor during a\nmassive lightning storm.\nThe lightning that flashed during Tesla’s\nbirth was considered an ill omen by the midwife,\nbut Tesla’s mother didn’t agree.\nInstead, she proclaimed that:\n“He will be a child of light.”\nHis mother was not wrong - as we know today,\nTesla is the reason we have alternating current\nelectricity.\nBut, on top of that, starting in childhood,\nTesla saw flashes of light that reportedly\ncame to him before he had ideas.\nThere’s another side of the story to the\nflashes of light that has emerged, however.\nIt’s possible that these flashes - or visions\n- were actually caused by a traumatic event\nhe witnessed in childhood.\nWhen Tesla was just five years old he saw\nhis only brother, Dane, die in a horse riding\naccident.\nIt was after this that Tesla began having\nthe flashes of lights and visions.\nHe had them for the rest of his life.\nThe family lived in a modest home, one that\nhas since been rebuilt complete with a statue\nof Tesla in the yard.\nTesla’s father was an Eastern Orthodox minister,\nand his mother was a brilliant woman who was\nan inventor herself.\nShe created mechanical appliances to use around\nthe house, and her tinkering and creative\nthinking undoubtedly influenced her son.\nTesla’s mother also had an incredible memory.\nShe could memorize entire epic poems, and\nTesla credited his own photographic memory\nto the genes he inherited from his mother.\nHe memorized entire books, visualized his\nprojects and ideas, and spoke several languages.\nIn his early years at school, Tesla’s studies\nfocused on German, math, and religion.\nBy the time he entered the later years of\nhis education science had become a key focus.\nHe moved away from his family to attend the\nHigher Real Gymnasium.\nHere, Tesla was accused of cheating because\nof his photographic memory.\nHis outstanding memory allowed him to perform\nintegral calculus using only his mind - no\npen or paper required - and so his teachers\nbecame suspicious.\nNonetheless, Tesla was able to finish the\nnecessary work to graduate in only three years\ninstead of the customary four.\nDuring his three years at the Higher Real\nGymnasium, Tesla was introduced to a phenomenon\nthat ultimately defined his career and how\nhe’s remembered today.\nIn his physics class, the teacher demonstrated\nelectricity.\nTesla was fascinated.\nBut it would be some time before he could\nlaunch a career studying and using electricity.\nHe became ill shortly after graduating in\n1873.\nFor nine months, he was bedridden with cholera\nand only narrowly escaped death.\nHis brush with death helped form Tesla’s\nlifelong germaphobe tendencies...he was so\nfearful of germs that it took him 18 napkins\nto get through a single meal.\nIn 1874, Tesla was expected to be conscripted\ninto the military.\nTesla had no interest in serving, and managed\nto escape from the requirement by running\naway to a mountainous region where he was\nable to disguise himself as a hunter.\nAfter a year, Tesla was able to emerge from\nthe mountains and start seriously studying\nscience.\nHe began attending classes at Austria Polytechnic,\nwhere he quickly showed himself to be both\na talented and diligent student.\nIn fact - he may have been too diligent.\nYears after he left the school, and after\nhis father had died, Tesla discovered a pile\nof letters that the school sent to his father\nwarning them that Tesla was overworking himself.\nAccording to Tesla himself, he was working\nincredibly hard - getting up at 3 AM, and\nnot going to bed until 11 PM.\nDuring that time, he was fully focused on\nhis studies.\nHe didn’t even take off holidays or Sundays\nfrom this routine.\nBy the time his first year was over, he had\npassed twice as many exams as he needed to\nand received the highest grades possible.\nBut even someone with a brain like Tesla’s\ncouldn’t sustain that kind of schedule.\nHis second year in school was a complete reversal\nfrom his first.\nAfter losing a scholarship at the end of his\nsecond year, Tesla began gambling.\nGambling wasn’t just a pastime for him - he\nwas addicted to it.\nHe lost his tuition money gambling, and then\nwhen final exams rolled around he was unprepared\nto take them.\nHe never did take them...and so he never graduated.\nUnwilling to face his family and tell them\nhe did not graduate, Tesla simply fled to\nthe town of Maribor and took up work as a\ndraftsman.\nHe started gambling again, playing cards on\nthe street.\nAt first, some of Tesla’s friends thought\nhe had drowned, but Tesla’s father figured\nout the truth eventually.\nHe tried to get his son to return home, but\nTesla refused.\nEventually, he was forced to return home when\nhe was arrested for not having a residence\npermit.\nFor a year, Tesla worked as a teacher in Gospic,\nthe town where his family lived.\nBut his extended family wanted to help him\nget back to school...so they pooled their\nfunds and off to Prague he went.\nBut it wasn’t an easy jump back into academia.\nHe arrived too late to actually enroll.\nAnd even if he hadn’t been late, Tesla was\nmissing some of the key studies required to\nenroll.\nNamely, Czech and Greek.\nSo he did not achieve his academic dreams,\nbut by 1881 Tesla was able to find work in\nhis preferred field.\nHe had found a job as an electrical engineer\nwith the Central Telephone Company in Budapest.\nWhile working there, he and a friend had a\nhabit of walking through the park.\nOne day during the walk, Tesla got one of\nhis visions - he knew how to build an induction\nmotor.\nHe picked up a stick, found a patch of dirt,\nand sketched out his idea there and then.\nHe then built a prototype of the motor.\nIt made sense to him, and he knew the importance\nof it, but he couldn’t drum up much interest\nfor his invention in Europe.\nAmerica\nWhile Tesla was working in Europe, Thomas\nEdison had launched his Edison Company - which\nincluded a branch in Paris.\nTesla secured a job at the Continental Edison\nCompany helping with the installation of lighting\nin Paris.\nHis talents were soon taken advantage of for\ndesign and for troubleshooting.\nAnd within two years, he was recruited to\ntravel to America to work for Edison directly\nin New York.\nHe and hundreds of others worked in Manhattan,\ninstalling lights and building out an electric\nutility for New York City.\nTesla described his experiences and impressions\nof Edison:\n“I came from Paris in the Spring of 1884,\nand was brought in intimate contact with him\n[Thomas Edison].\nWe experimented day and night, holidays not\nexcepted.\nHis existence was made up of alternate periods\nof work and sleep in the laboratory.\nHe had no hobby, cared for no sport or amusement\nof any kind and lived in utter disregard of\nthe most elementary rules of hygiene.\nThere can be no doubt that, if he had not\nmarried later a woman of exceptional intelligence,\nwho made it the one object of her life to\npreserve him, he would have died many years\nago from consequences of sheer neglect.\nSo great and uncontrollable was his passion\nfor work.”\nBut as he had in his first year of school,\nTesla was also a non-stop worker.\nOne story relates that he stayed out all night\nworking, and took some gibes from people for\nbeing out all night.\nWhen Edison found out he was actually out\nworking, Tesla earned Edison’s respect.\nWorking for Edison wasn’t ideal for Tesla,\nthough.\nHe only lasted six months at the company.\nEdison and Tesla disagreed over the alternating\ncurrent and the direct current, with Tesla\nfavoring alternating and Edison favoring direct,\nbut it’s still unclear if that disagreement\nwas the primary reason Tesla ended up leaving\nthe company.\nTesla and Edison also differed in their approaches\nto business and science - Edison was attuned\nto the marketing side of things, while Tesla\nwas highly focused on the scientific invention\nand innovation part of the work.\nIt’s possible his leaving may have been\nprecipitated by a bonus he thought he was\ngetting...and was then refused.\nThe manager at the Edison Company challenged\nemployees to design two dozen different machines.\nThe first person to successfully do so would\nreceive a huge bonus - fifty thousand dollars!\nThat translates to millions of dollars by\ntoday’s standards.\nTesla jumped at the chance to tackle the invention\nand earn a huge amount of money.\nHe completed the task, presented his work...and\nwas denied the bonus.\nThe manager and Edison claimed the challenge\nhad been issued jokingly...and Edison himself\ntold an upset Tesla:\n\"Tesla, you don't understand our American\nhumor.”\nRegardless of the reason, the fact is that\nTesla departed from Edison’s company after\nonly a few short months.\nHe had it in his mind that he was going to\nstart his own company, researching and working\nwith alternating currents.\nIt wasn’t so easy to just get started, though.\nWhen Tesla quit Edison’s company, he had\nto earn money to live on by digging ditches\nfor only two dollars a day.\n\"My high education in various branches of\nscience, mechanics and literature seemed to\nme like a mockery,\" he said of this time.\nWhile he was doing that, though, he was pitching\ninvestors.\nHe found people who liked what they heard,\nand trusted the scientific knowledge of this\nyoung immigrant.\nBy 1885, he was working on getting his arc\nlighting system patented and had a funding\npromise from two businessmen to start Tesla\nElectric Light and Manufacturing.\nOnly a year into the venture, though, they\npulled out and left Tesla in the lurch.\nYet again, the inventor was penniless.\nIn 1886, though, he met two men who were looking\nto invest in scientific inventions.\nThey set Tesla up with a laboratory in New\nYork City, established a profit-sharing structure,\nand the Tesla Electric Company was born.\nIn only a year, Tesla had created an induction\nmotor that ran on alternating current.\nThis time, he had two business partners who\nwere ready and willing to handle the marketing\nand business end of things.\nSoon after, Tesla published a paper entitled:\n\"A New System of Alternating Current Motors\nand Transformers.”\nIt laid out his ideas, and it got him noticed.\nGeorge Westinghouse read the paper, and he\nliked what he read.\nWestinghouse licensed Tesla’s induction\nmotor, and also gave him a consulting job\nat the Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing\nLab in Pittsburgh.\nWestinghouse wanted to be the person who provided\nthe United States with long distance power,\nand he believed Tesla was the person to help\nhim achieve his goal.\nIn the early 1890s, Westinghouse and Edison\nwere competing heavily in the electric industry.\nEdison was throwing out claims that Tesla’s\nAC current wasn’t safe, and meanwhile Westinghouse\nwas facing financial difficulties.\nBut Westinghouse paid Tesla for the licensing,\nand so he had the ability to continue working\non projects that he wanted to.\nOne of those projects was the Tesla coil.\nThe Tesla Coil, which he patented in 1891,\nallowed electricity to be transmitted wirelessly.\nIt was the first invention of its kind, and\nit was used in antennas, used to send telegraphs,\nand even though the original design isn’t\nused anymore, a different version of it is\nstill used in tv and radio to this day.\n1891 was a landmark year in Tesla’s life\nfor another reason, too.\nAlong with the patent for the Tesla Coil,\nhe was also granted U.S. citizenship.\nTesla continued his relationship with Westinghouse\ninto the 1890s, as they sought out his help\nfor the 1893 Columbian Exposition in Chicago.\nWestinghouse was in charge of lighting the\nentire event, but also had its own display.\nHere, he gave demonstrations to the public,\nshowing how an AC current worked.\nTesla’s next major project came at Niagara\nfalls.\nPower was being generated at the falls, but\nthere was a need for an efficient transmission\nsystem.\nBased on Tesla’s recommendation, Westinghouse\nwas hired to build an AC generation system\nat Niagara.\nTesla did the design work, and the resulting\nhydroelectric power plant began providing\nelectricity to the city of Buffalo, New York.\nWith all of these projects, Tesla was gaining\nvisibility both in American and around the\nworld.\nAnd he was getting to know other high profile\npeople, too.\nNot all of them were in the scientific sphere,\neither.\nOne of the American celebrities that Tesla\ngot to know was Mark Twain.\nEven when he was living in Croatia, Tesla\nwas reading Twain’s books.\nThe two met in New York City, having crossed\npaths at a social event.\nTwain had always been interested in technological\ninnovation, and so the two spent much time\ntogether in Tesla’s lab.\nA photograph of Twain’s hand that Tesla\ntook using light from “Crookes Tubes”\nbrought Tesla right to the edge of discovering\nx-rays...unfortunately he didn’t realize\nhow close he had come until x-rays were actually\ndiscovered and the use of crookes tubes in\nthe invention was made known.\nTwain was also a part of another Tesla experiment...an\nexperiment specifically designed to address\nTwain’s digestive issues.\nTwain was often constipated, and he wasn’t\nshy about complaining of the condition.\nTesla had developed a vibrating disk that\nwould essentially shake whoever stood on top\nof it.\nHe urged his author friend to climb on board\nthe device, and literally have his digestion\nissues solved by shaking his bowels loose.\nWhen Tesla thought Twain had had enough of\nthe shaking treatment, he told him to get\noff.\nBut Twain didn’t want to get off.\nHe stayed on top of the disk, and continued\nto be shaken, ignoring Tesla’s urgings.\nHe shouldn’t have ignored Tesla - eventually\nthe shaking did its job, and then some, on\nTwain’s bowels.\nHe couldn’t control them.\nThe famous author had quite literally gone\nto the bathroom in his suit in the middle\nof Nikola Tesla’s laboratory.\nTesla never stopped inventing.\nHe said that he only slept two hours per night,\nand he was always looking for the next project.\nWireless transmission of electricity was one\nof his main goals, but he needed funding to\nachieve it.\nLiving in New York, he had ample access to\nwealthy people.\nHe was able to convince J. Pierpont Morgan\nof the viability of wireless transmission,\nand the banker provided him with one hundred\nfifty thousand dollars to build a transmission\ntower.\nHe was competing with Marconi to transmit\nwireless messages, but Marconi got there first.\nInvestors, including Morgan, pulled their\nfunds from Tesla’s project and he was forced\nto abandon the effort in 1906.\nWhen the project was abandoned, Tesla didn’t\njust have to stop construction - he had to\nactually mortgage the property.\nTesla owed huge amounts of money to the Waldorf\nAstoria.\nHe lived at the lavish hotel, and he lived\nlarge - spending twenty thousand dollars - that’s\nnearly five hundred thousand today - in the\nshort time he lived there.\nIn 1917, the transmission tower was demolished\nafter Tesla lost it in foreclosure.\nHe also tried to sue Marconi, asserting that\nhe had stolen Tesla’s ideas to create his\nwireless transmission technology.\nTesla was a genius, there’s no doubt about\nit.\nBut he was a difficult man - he had many quirks\nand obsessions, and was completely, utterly\nfocused on his work.\nHe never married, thinking a woman in his\nlife would interfere with his work.\nAs he said,\n“I do not think you can name many great\ninventions that have been made by married\nmen.”\nBut there also indications Tesla didn’t\nthink he was worthy of women.\nThen, he became dissatisfied with the attitude\nof modern women in the 1920s.\nIn 1924 interview, Tesla explained his thoughts\non women:\n“I had always thought of woman as possessing\nthose delicate qualities of mind and soul\nthat made her in these respects far superior\nto man.\nI had put her on a lofty pedestal...I worshiped\nat the feet of the creature I had raised to\nthis height, and, like every true worshiper,\nI felt myself unworthy of the object of my\nworship.But all this was in the past.\nNow the soft-voiced gentle woman of my reverent\nworship has all but vanished.\nIn her place has come the woman who thinks\nthat her chief success in life lies in making\nherself as much as possible like man--in dress,\nvoice and actions, in sports and achievements\nof every kind.”\nTesla put some of his social and nurturing\nenergy that he wasn’t putting towards women\ntowards the pigeons that flocked throughout\nNew York City.\nAnd one in particular caught his attention.\n“I have been feeding pigeons, thousands\nof them for years.\nBut there was one, a beautiful bird, pure\nwhite with light grey tips on its wings; that\none was different.\nIt was a female.\nI had only to wish and call her and she would\ncome flying to me.\nI loved that pigeon as a man loves a woman,\nand she loved me.\nAs long as I had her, there was a purpose\nto my life.\n“\nWhen that pigeon was hurt, Tesla invented\na device to help heal its injured wing and\nleg.\nTesla lived out his life in New York City,\nnever married, but surrounded by the famous\nand the intellectual.\nHe invented constantly, right up through the\n1930s when he was well into his seventies.\nIn January 1943, a maid decided to enter Tesla’s\nhotel room even though he had put up a Do\nNot Disturb sign.\nIt had been up for 48 hours...when the maid\nopened the door, she was confronted with the\nsight of the famous inventor’s body.\nHe died of coronary thrombosis at 86 years\nold.\nBehind him, Tesla left a legacy of invention,\ninnovation, and scientific exploration.\nHe played a crucial role in the spread of\nelectricity and the creation of devices that\nled to the technology we have today.\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "\nItalian: \nIn questo video spiegheremo\ncome effettuare una prenotazione\ne come accedere all'aula\nil giorno della lezione.\nDevi avere a disposizione:\n- un computer, tablet o cellulare\nconnesso a internet\n- le credenziali di accesso\nalla tua area riservata.\nSe non hai ancora\nperfezionato l'immatricolazione,\npuoi usare le credenziali provvisorie.\nPer effettuare la prenotazione fai click su\n“Prenota il tuo posto a lezione”:\n- accetta l’informativa sulla privacy\ne le norme per l’accesso ai locali\nche sono disponibili\nattraverso i relativi link\n- fai click su login;\n\nEnglish: \nIn this video we will explain\nhow to make a booking\nand how to access the classroom\non the day of the lesson.\nYou must have:\n- a computer, tablet or mobile phone\nconnected to the internet\n- the access credentials\nto your restricted area.\nIf you haven't completed\nyour enrolment yet,\nyou can use your\nprovisional credentials.\nTo make a booking, click on\n\"Book your place for class\":\n- accept the privacy policy and the rules\nfor access to the premises\nthat are available\nthrough the relative links;\n- click on login;\n\nEnglish: \n- sign in with your\nuniversity credentials\nAfter authentication,\nyour name will appear\nat the top right\nof the browser window.\nThe first time you access the system\nyou will have to create your own profile,\nselecting the area, the study course\nand the semester,\nor teaching period,\nwhich you intend to attend.\nWe will use a trial study\ncourse in this video.\n\nItalian: \n- accedi quindi con\nle credenziali di Ateneo.\nDopo l’autenticazione,\nil tuo nome comparirà\nin alto a destra\nnella finestra del browser.\nLa prima volta che accederai al sistema\ndovrai creare un tuo profilo,\nselezionando l’area, il corso\ndi studi e il semestre,\no periodo didattico,\nin cui intendi frequentare.\nIn questo video utilizzeremo\nun corso di studi di prova.\n\nItalian: \nA questo punto ti verranno\npresentati tutti gli insegnamenti\nofferti per il tuo corso di studio\nnel periodo didattico scelto.\nSeleziona gli insegnamenti\nche intendi frequentare\ne sui quali potrai effettuare\ne gestire le tue prenotazioni.\nNon ti verranno proposti\ninsegnamenti che non sono\nofferti per il tuo corso di studio.\nAd esempio, non potrai selezionare\ninsegnamenti di altri corsi\no di altri dipartimenti,\nneanche se li hai inseriti nel piano di studio\ntra le attività a libera scelta.\nDopo aver creato il profilo si può\ntornare al menu del sistema\ndi prenotazioni cliccando\nsull’icona a sinistra.\nIl sistema di prenotazioni\npresenta ora tre menu:\n- Nuova prenotazione\n- Le mie prenotazioni\n- Gestisci il tuo profilo\n\nEnglish: \nAt this point you will be presented\nwith all the courses\noffered for your study course\nin the chosen teaching period.\nSelect the courses\nyou intend to attend\nand on which you can make\nand manage your bookings.\nYou will not be offered\ncourses that are not\noffered for your study course.\nFor example, you will not be able to select\ncourses from other courses\nor other departments,\neven if you have included them in the\nstudy plan among the free choice activities.\nAfter creating your profile you can\nreturn to the booking system menu\nby clicking on the icon\non the left.\nThe booking system\nnow shows three menus:\n- New booking\n- My bookings\n- Manage your profile\n\nItalian: \nPer effettuare una nuova prenotazione,\nclicca su “Nuova prenotazione”.\nLe prenotazioni sono possibili a partire da\nuna settimana prima la data della lezione.\nIl sistema ti mostrerà,\npertanto, tutte le lezioni\nrelative agli insegnamenti\nche hai associato al tuo profilo\npreviste nei prossimi sette giorni.\nPer effettuare una prenotazione\nbasta fare click\nsu “Verifica e prenota il tuo posto”.\nIl sistema darà conferma\ndella prenotazione\ne riporterà le verifiche effettuate.\nPer garantire il distanziamento\ne quindi il rispetto\ndelle misure anticontagio,\nsono stati definiti dei limiti\nal numero di posti disponibili\nin ciascuna sede e in ciascun aula.\nInoltre, per garantire una adeguata\nturnazione tra tutti gli studenti\nche intendono frequentare,\npuò essere stabilito\n\nEnglish: \nTo make a new booking,\nclick on “New booking” .\nBookings are possible starting\none week before the date of the lesson.\nhe system will therefore\nshow you all the lessons\nrelated to the courses you have\nassociated with your profile\nscheduled for the next\nseven days.\nTo make a booking just click\non “Check and book your place\" .\nThe system will confirm the booking\nand show the checks made.\nTo guarantee distancing\nand therefore compliance\nwith anti-contagion measures,\nlimits have been defined\non the number of places available\nin each venue and in each classroom.\nFurthermore, to ensure adequate\nshifts between all students\nwho intend attending, a maximum\nof hours that can be booked\n\nEnglish: \nper week in general\nan be established.\nEven for a single course, the total number\nof hours that can be booked\nper week and for the entire\nteaching period may be limited.\nThese limits may also\nvary during the year:\nfor example, the more students\nwho intend to attend a course,\nthe greater the shift and\ntherefore the fewer hours\neach student will be able to attend.\nConversely, the fewer students\nwho intend to attend a course,\nthe greater the number of hours\neach student will be able to attend.\nYou will also not be able to book two lessons\nthat are held at the same times.\n\nItalian: \nun massimo di ore prenotabili\na settimana in generale.\nAnche per singolo insegnamento\nil totale di ore prenotabili\nper settimana e per l’intero periodo\ndidattico può essere limitato.\nQuesti limiti possono variare\nanche in corso d’anno:\nad esempio, più saranno gli studenti\nche intendono frequentare un insegnamento,\nmaggiore sarà la turnazione\ne quindi minori le ore\nche ciascuno studente potrà frequentare.\nViceversa, meno sono gli studenti che\nintendono frequentare un insegnamento,\nmaggiore sarà il numero di ore\nche ciascuno studente potrà frequentare.\nNon potrai inoltre prenotare due lezioni\nche si tengono negli stessi orari.\n\nEnglish: \nIf the checks are passed,\nthe booking is accepted.\nOtherwise, the system will indicate\nthe reason for the non-booking.\nClasses held online do not require booking.\nIn case of available places,\nthe system also allows you\nto make Last Minute bookings.\nLast Minute bookings are\nindicated by a clock icon\nand are those made\nno more than 16 hours before\nthe lesson takes place.\nhese bookings do not affect\nthe student's personal counts,\ni.e. the maximum number\nof hours that the student\ncan book per week, semester\nor teaching period.\nAfter making the booking,\nyou will receive\n\nItalian: \nSe le verifiche vengono superate,\nla prenotazione viene accettata,\naltrimenti il sistema indicherà il motivo\ndella mancata prenotazione.\nLe lezioni che si tengono online\nnon richiedono prenotazione.\nIn caso di posti disponibili,\nil sistema consente inoltre\ndi effettuare delle prenotazioni\nLast Minute.\nLe prenotazioni Last Minute\nsono indicate da un’icona\na forma di orologio e\nsono quelle effettuate\nnon più di 16 ore prima\nlo svolgimento della lezione.\nQueste prenotazioni non incidono\nsui conteggi personali dello studente,\ncioè sul massimo di ore\nche lo studente può prenotare\nper settimana, semestre\no periodo didattico.\nLe prenotazioni Last Minute\nnon potranno essere annullate.\nDopo aver effettuato la prenotazione,\nriceverai sulla tua casella\n\nItalian: \ndi posta istituzionale\nuna email di conferma\ncon allegata la Carta di Accesso.\nSe la tua immatricolazione\nnon è stata perfezionata\ne quindi non disponi ancora di una\ncasella di posta istituzionale,\nnon riceverai nessuna email:\ncome spiegato più avanti\npotrai comunque stampare\nla tua carta di accesso\ndal menu “Le mie prenotazioni”.\nLa prenotazione è personale\ne non può essere\ncondivisa o ceduta ad altri studenti.\nIl menu “Le mie prenotazioni”\nconsente di visualizzare,\nstampare o annullare\nle prenotazioni effettuate.\nE’ possibile annullare una prenotazione\nfino al giorno prima della lezione;\nnon possono essere annullate prenotazioni\nil giorno stesso della lezione.\n\nEnglish: \na confirmation email in\nyour institutional mailbox\nwith the Access Card attached.\nIf your enrolment\nhas not been completed\nand therefore you do not yet have\nan institutional mailbox,\nyou will not receive an email:\nas explained below\nou can still print\nyour access card\nfrom the “My bookings\" menu.\nThe booking is personal and cannot\nbe shared or given\nto other students.\nThe “My bookings” menu\nallows you to view,\nprint or cancel\nthe bookings made.\nIt is possible to cancel a booking\nup to the day before the lesson;\nbookings cannot be cancelled\non the day of the lesson.\n\nEnglish: \nBookings can also\nbe exported to PDF.\nFrom this menu you\ncan also do a check-in\non the current day's bookings,\nas explained below.\nFrom the “ Manage your profile ” menu\nyou can add or delete\nthe courses you intend to attend.\nIf you delete a course,\nall bookings associated\nwith it will be deleted.\n\nItalian: \nLe prenotazioni possono inoltre\nessere esportate in PDF.\nDa questo menu potrai inoltre effettuare\nil ceck-in sulle prenotazioni\ndella giornata corrente,\ncome spiegato più avanti.\nDal menu “Gestisci il tuo profilo”\npuoi aggiungere o eliminare\ngli insegnamenti che\nintendi frequentare.\nSe elimini un insegnamento,\nverranno cancellate\ntutte le prenotazioni ad esso associate.\n\nItalian: \nPuoi anche eliminare il profilo\ne cambiare corso di studio.\nAttenzione: eliminando il profilo\ntutte le prenotazoni\nche hai effettuato\nverranno cancellate.\nPer accedere alla lezione,\ndovrai effettuare il chek-in\nall’ingresso della sede\nesibendo la carta di accesso\ntramite dispositivo mobile\no stampata su carta.\nPotrai effettuare\nil check-in a partire\nda 20 minuti prima\nl’inizio della lezione.\nCome indicato sulla carta di accesso,\nla prenotazione è valida per l’intero turno\n(ad esempio mattina/pomeriggio):\nse hai prenotato più lezioni\nsuccessive nella stessa sede,\nnon dovrai effettuare il check-in\ntra una lezione e l’altra.\n\nEnglish: \nYou can also delete your profile\nand change your study course.\nWarning: by deleting\nthe profile all the bookings\nyou have made will be deleted.\nTo access the lesson,\nyou will need to check-in\nat the venue entrance\nby showing the access card\nvia mobile device\nor printed on paper.\nYou will be able to check-in from\n20 minutes before\nthe start of the lesson.\nAs indicated on the access card,\nthe booking is valid for the entire shift\n(for example morning/afternoon):\nif you have booked several successiv\nlessons in the same venue,\nyou will not have to check-in\nbetween one lesson and another.\n\nEnglish: \nIf for any reason,\nwithin the same shift,\nyou have to leave the venue,\nyou can re-enter it by showing\nyour valid booking and\nuniversity card at the entrance.\nThe access card is sent\nto you by e-mail\nat the time of booking;\nyou can also find a PDF version\nof it and print it in the\n“My bookings\" session.\nRemember that the booking\nis personal and cannot\nbe shared or given\nto other students.\nAlso remember that you can\nonly attend classes\nfor which you have a valid booking.\nIt is not allowed to enter a classroom\nwithout the relative booking:\nthis would cause the presence\nof a higher number of students\nthan the set limit, in this situation\nthe teacher is required\no suspend the lesson and have\nthe students leave the classroom.\nIn class and while you are\non the University premises\nas in other public places,\nfollow the rules aimed\nat containing the contagion:\ntake the temperature\n\nItalian: \nSe per qualsiasi motivo,\nall’interno dello stesso turno,\ntu dovessi uscire dalla sede,\npotrai rientrarvi esibendo\nall’ingresso la prenotazione\nvalida e il tesserino universitario.\nLa carta di accesso\nti viene spedita via e-mail\nal momento della prenotazione;\ninoltre la puoi trovare e stampare\nin PDF nella sessione\n“Le mie prenotazioni”.\nTi ricordiamo che la prenotazione\nè personale e non può essere\ncondivisa o ceduta ad altri studenti.\nRicorda inoltre che puoi\nfrequentare solo le lezioni\nper cui hai una prenotazione valida.\nNon è consentito entrare in un’aula\nsenza la relativa prenotazione:\nquesto comportamento causerebbe\nla presenza di un numero di studenti\nsuperiore al limite previsto,\nin tale situazione il docente è tenuto\na sospendere la lezione e\nfar uscire gli studenti dall’aula.\nA lezione e mentre sei\nnei locali dell’Università\ncome in altri luoghi pubblici, segui le regole\nvolte al contenimento del contagio:\n\nItalian: \neffettua la misurazione della temperatura\nove previsto, lavati spesso le mani\ne usa i distributori di gel\nsanificante disponibili,\nindossa correttamente\nla mascherina ove richiesto\ne adotta in generale\nun comportamento responsabile.\n\nEnglish: \nwhere required, wash your hands often\nand use the sanitizing gel dispensers available,\nwear the mask correctly\nwhere required\nand generally adopt\nresponsible behaviour.\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "(upbeat pop music)\n- [Announcer] Keyfetch, the\nonline lost and found service.\n- [Shirin] Titan Central\nis a auxiliary on campus\nthat's centrally located.\nSome of the things that we see,\nespecially during the semester,\nare multiple sets of keys, wallets,\ncell phones, and TitanCards.\nFor example, if we receive a cell phone in\nand the lock features\nenabled, it's really hard\nfor us to figure out who the owner is.\nSo Keyfetch will reunite the owner\nwith the item very easily,\nnot only on campus,\nbut on a global level as well.\nKeyfetch works with almost\nall of your belongings\nand it's not only effective\nin Oshkosh, but globally.\nKeyfetch is a safe,\nsimple, reliable service\nthat uses the power of altruism\nto return lost items quickly.\n(upbeat pop music)\nKeyfetch has up to an 85% recovery rate\nof lost valuables within\nthe first 24 hours.\nIt uses an online system\nto return your items.\nThe returners simply\ngo to the easy website,\nenters in the 16 digit code,\nand the system anonymously\nnotifies the owner of the item's recovery.\nThe owner receives a\nmessage to the Keyfetch chat\nand can either meet up somewhere public\nto get the items back, or they can be left\nfor them to pick up at\na different location\nwhere neither party ever meets.\nSo you can get back to the\nimportant things in life.\n(upbeat pop music)\nKeyfetch, the online\nlost and found service.\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "Jacob Blake,\nshot seven times in the\nback,\nin broad daylight,\nin front of his three\nyoung sons.\nSeven times in the back,\nin broad daylight,\nin front of his three\nyoung sons.\nIt's sickening to watch.\nIt's all too familiar.\nAnd it must end.\nBecause the reality is\nthat the life\nof a Black person in\nAmerica has\nnever been treated as\nfully human.\nAnd we have yet to\nfulfill that promise\nof equal justice under\nlaw.\nWe will only achieve\nthat when\nwe finally come together\nto\npass meaningful police\nreform\nand broader criminal\njustice reform.\nAnd acknowledge, yes,\nacknowledge\nand address systemic\nracism.\nWe have come a long way\nin our\ncountry toward building\na more perfect union.\nAnd the time is now\nright now\nto take the next step\nforward.\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "You know, these days,\nit's hard not to feel\nlike the world is ending.\nNorth Korean missiles,\nrising sea levels,\nand we've just entered the sixth\nseason of Vanderpump Rules,\nwhich may be why there's a new\ngroup worried about Armageddon.\nDesi Lydic has more.\nLYDIC:\n Doomsday preppers.\n They're a paranoid army of...\nMAN: Conservative,\n right-wing patriots.\nLYDIC: Angry\n at the liberal establishment\n and arming themselves to\n the teeth for the apocalypse.\nIt's time to be prepared.\nMAN 2:\n We can fight off\n a tyrannical government.\nLYDIC:\n Meaning this guy.\n I went deep into the wilderness\n to meet Rick Austin,\n a veteran right-wing prepper\n who believes...\nHillary Clinton's running\nthe biggest crime syndicate\nin the world.\nLYDIC:\n So he's fortified himself in\n an off-the-grid compound\n because...\nAUSTIN: Doomsday could be\n just around the corner.\n(gunshot)\nLYDIC: And he's serious,\n even with his guy in office.\n But now there's a new type\n of prepper joining the ranks\n of fringe,\n anti-government reactionaries.\nI am a liberal prepper.\nYou can't trust the government\nwith your rights.\nAre you sure\nyou're not a conservative?\n-Yes.\n-What's the MSNBC lineup? Go.\nRachel Maddow, Chris Matthews,\nMika Kazinski.\nWell done.\n This is a real dude,\n a liberal prepper,\n who's part\n of a growing movement\n of thousands of liberals\n planning\n for the end of civilization.\n And we protected his identity\n because he's worried...\nUnder Trump, this could end up\nbecoming a modern civil war.\nLYDIC: But there can't be that\n big a difference\n between these two camps\n of survivalists, right?\n Sure the right wing has had\n a few more years to prep, but\n I'm sure that they're basically\n on the same side.\nLiberals are gonna be\nthe first ones to die\nbecause most of 'em\nare afraid of guns.\nHow many guns did you buy?\nI don't have a gun.\nSeriously?\n-I have a baton.\n-Yes, you do.\n28 and three-quarters inches.\n-You don't have to brag.\n-It slices and chops.\nSo, are you preparing\nfor the apocalypse,\nor an anime convention?\nActually,\nthis is absolutely practical.\nWhat you need is a katana.\nThat's the stupidest (bleep)\nI've ever heard of.\nBut why don't you draw that?\nBang! You're dead.\nOkay, but you know what\nyou're not accounting for?\nThe 30 seconds\nwhen you're gonna be like,\n-\"Whoa! What a cool sword.\"\n-Bang.\nLYDIC: Luckily, our liberal\n prepper was very well-trained.\nI have not trained\nwith my katana.\n-You're not trained?\n-Not at all.\n Okay. But at least\n he studied Kung Fu Panda.\nIf you spin around\nlike a tornado,\nyou can suck your enemies in\ntowards the blade,\nand slice them to bits.\n So conservatives are\n definitely more well armed,\n but prepping is also\n about supplies, right?\nYou need a bug-out bag.\n That's right,\n a camo backpack full of food,\n shelter and...\n-Oh. Right.\n-And this.\nA vibrator.\nIt's not a vibrator.\nOh, right. Sorry.\nPersonal massager.\n-This is a lifestraw.\n-What else you got in there?\nCat food. For the cats.\nThe cats are the first thing I\nwould abandon in the apocalypse.\nIn all sincerity,\nyou might have to eat one.\n-Seriously?\n-Mm-hmm.\n Maybe this guy\n really was prepared.\n In addition to the bag, he had\n a fool-proof escape plan.\nMy plan is to hightail it\nto the west side of the Rockies\nand meet the other people\nwho have the same plan.\nYes. Have you talked\nto anyone else with this plan?\n-No. -Shouldn't part\nof prepping be finding out\nif other people have this plan,\nif it's dependent on other\npeople having this plan?\nUh, yes, but...\ntalking about your plan\nis not typically\nwhat a prepper would do.\nYou don't want to, like,\ngo on national TV\n-and talk about it.\n-No.\n(whispers):\nYou're on TV now.\n But Kung Fu Panda isn't\n the only liberal prepper.\n The movement was catching fire.\n There's even a hip\n L.A. survival company\n selling $5,000\n luxury bug-out bags.\n But who would buy\n something like that?\nBen Affleck is a client.\n-Ben Affleck has a bag?\n-Yeah, Ben Affleck.\nWhen Batman has a doomsday bag,\nyou know we're (bleep).\n And this bag had nothing\n but the absolute necessities.\n There's Mast Brothers\n chocolate,\n caviar, and a champagne koozie.\nOoh. Love that.\nAnd it comes with the champagne.\n So after I sold a kidney\n to a guy named Otter\n and dropped 5 G's,\n I was finally ready\n to show Rick Austin\n that liberals can be\n just as prepared for the\n apocalypse as conservatives.\nYou got to be (bleep) me.\nThat's useless.\nThat's worthless.\nThat'll last two minutes.\nThat's not gonna work.\nThis won't work.\n-That's a piece of (bleep).\n-How about this?\n-Poker. -That is the most\nuseless thing I've seen.\nYou're right.\nI'll just play online poker.\nWith what?\nUh, my phone?\nAUSTIN: In a doomsday scenario,\n the phone's already dead.\nIt's okay-- I was gonna\nupgrade it to the 8 anyway.\nLYDIC:\n So how would a conservative\n replace my badass\n liberal survival bag?\nAUSTIN: I can show you\n how to set up a shelter\n with just a rain poncho.\nI'm gonna crawl down in here.\nSorry, how long again\ndo you have to stay under there?\nYou can stay down here to sleep\nall night if you wanted to.\nCool. Okay,\nwhile you stay in there,\nI'm just gonna keep doing\nsome prepping.\n(pop)\nWhat was that?\n-You can live in this\nindefinitely. -Yeah?\n-It'll keep you warm,\n-Will it?\n-and, uh, safe.\n-Wow. That's so cool.\nLYDIC: Ugh. Partisan prepping\n is exhausting.\n But if the world is ending,\n can't both sides\n at least prep together?\n As Rick prepared\n some ramen noodles,\n I was determined\n to give it one last shot.\nMaybe in the apocalypse,\nthere won't be\nconservatives and liberals.\nThere'll just be\npeople that survive.\nExactly. And dead liberals.\nRight.\nI think the...\nthe noodles are done.\n So am I.\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "El mecanismo que describe formalmente la estructura interna de las proposiciones es conocido como\nlógica de predicados -- y una idea esencial\nde la lógica de predicados es\nque cada proposición puede ser definida como una predicación\nLas predicaciones, a su vez, están conformadas por un predicado (el cual siempre va en mayúsculas)\ny también por un conjunto de argumentos (que son representados en minúsculas).\nVeamos un ejemplo:\nLa proposición p: John ama a Mary: puede\nser descompuesta en\nun predicado \"Love (amar)\" y dos argumentos \"John\" y \"Mary\"\nEsto puede ser representado como una predicación donde los argumentos son constantes. Dado\nque las proposiciones son, generalmente, entendidas como atemporales, los predicados tampoco lo\nindican el tiempo.\nEntonces, amar (love) es un predicado con\ndos argumentos, llamado también predicado\ndiádico, donde los argumentos son variables\nocupadas, en este caso, por John y Mary\nPor lo tanto, las predicaciones están compuestas de dos elementos básicos:\nlos predicados y sus argumentos. Cada predicación debe tener solo un predicado, pero puede tener uno o más argumentos.\nVeamos los siguientes ejemplos:\nLa primera es una predicación simple donde\nun predicado monádico \"Country (país)\" asigna\nuna propiedad a su argumento \"GB (Gran Bretaña)\" es un país.\nLa segunda predicación es compleja. Esta\ntiene un predicado triádico donde algunas\nrelaciones entre las entidades denotadas por\nlos argumentos son representadas, como en\nJane le manda a Paul una carta.\nY la última predicación involucra el predicado\ndiádico \"See (ver)\" con una \"predicación\"\ncomo su segundo argumento: El profesor vio\nque los niños estuvieron leyendo algunos\nlibros. Entonces, las predicaciones también\npueden ser argumentos de otros predicados.\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "\nItalian: \nQui dentro c'e' dello iodio. E' un...\ne' un alogeno.\nE' molto in basso nel gruppo degli alogeni,\nquindi a differenza di cloro, fluoro e bromo,\nnon e' un gas o un liquido,\nma un solido, ok?\nMa e' un solido molto volatile,\ncome alcuni degli elementi...\nsuccessivi dello stesso gruppo.\nPrendendone un po' possiamo vedere\nche e' davvero un bel materiale.\nLo iodio e' un elemento\nche molti hanno visto\nperche' viene usato in\nsoluzioni di colore violetto\nper il trattamento di tagli\ned escoriazioni,\nperche' ha forti proprieta'...\nantisettiche.\nIn realta' e' viola.\nLa luce non gli rende giustizia,\ninfatti a voi appare grigio scuro.\nRiscaldandosi,\ninizia a sublimare.\nLo iodio e' un elemento\nessenziale per la vita.\nSenza iodio,\nnon cresciamo in modo corretto.\n\nPortuguese: \nAqui temos iodo.\nÉ um halogênio.\nEstá bem abaixo no grupo dos halogênios. \nNão é como flúor, cloro ou bromo. \nNão é um líquido ou gás. É sólido. \nÉ um sólido muito muito volátil.\nTal como alguns materiais também no grupo.\nQuando retirarmos, poderá ver...um belo material.\nIodo é um elemento que muitas pessoas já viram, \npq é usado em uma solução, com uma cor violeta, \npara tratar cortes e ferimentos. Pq ele tem \nfortes propriedades antissépticas.\nÉ de fato púrpura, mas nesta luz, não \nparece, parece cinza escuro.\nQuando esquenta, começa a evaporar e \nsublimar.\nIodo é um elemento essencial para a vida. \nSe vc não tiver iodo, vc não se desenvolve bem.\n\nPortuguese: \nÉ importante para funções da tireóide. \nA tireóide é uma pequena glândula em seu pescoço.\nE nesta área da Inglaterra, que é longe do mar. \nAs pessoas antigamente sofriam \nde uma deficiência de iodo. O que fazia a \ntireóide crescer e ficar muito grande.\nE eles tinham uma doença chamada bócio. Que \nnesta área era chamado de pescoço de Derbyshire\nAtualmente o iodo é adicionado ao sal de mesa.\nEntão são poucas pessoas na Inglaterra que \ntêm deficiência de iodo.\nIodo tem várias aplicações diferentes. É \nusado para purificação da água. \nSe a água tem problema com presença de bactérias \n, só alguns poucos cristais de iodo tornam a \nágua mais segura. \nVc pode ver, está começando a deixar algumas \nmanchas no papel. Isto pq está iodando o papel.\n\nItalian: \nE' importante per la\nfunzionalita' della tiroide.\nLa tiroide e' una piccola\nghiandola nel collo.\nIn questa zona del Regno Unito,\nmolto lontana dal mare,\nanni fa la gente soffriva\ndi carenza di iodio,\nche faceva ingrossare molto la tiroide.\nQuindi contraevano una\nmalattia chiamata \"gozzo\",\nche in questa zona era nota\ncome \"collo di Derbyshire\"\nOggigiorno, lo iodio viene\naggiunto al sale da cucina,\nin modo che pochissime\npersone del Regno Unito\nabbiano carenze di iodio.\nLo iodio ha tantissimi utilizzi.\nPuo' essere usato per purificare\nl'acqua. Se quindi...\nl'acqua ha problemi di potabilita',\nper esempio dei batteri,\nbasta aggiungere un paio di cristalli\ndi iodio per neutralizzare...\nper rendere l'acqua molto piu' sicura.\nCome vedete, inizia a\nmacchiare la carta,\nperche' la stiamo iodurando.\n\nPortuguese: \nEu te falei, é bastante volátil. Então, que vamos\nfazer? Vamos pegar o iodo e colocar no becker.\nE aquecer o fundo.\nPor exemplo, se vc pega girinos, pequenos sapos \n´bebês´. Eles não se tornam sapos a menos que vc \nadicione iodo na água. Se vc tem girinos em um \nambiente sem iodo, eles não podem se desenvolver.\nVamos por os cristais de iodo.\nE observar o que acontece.\nDe certa forma, como o estrôncio, iodo \nradioativo é formado em algumas reações nucleares \nUma coisa que ocorre após graves acidentes \nnucleares, \ncomo em Chernobyl, ou na Inglaterra em 1957\nno acidente em Windscale, \n, as crianças receberam tabletes com iodo, \npara tomar, para prevenir que seus corpos \n\nItalian: \nPrima vi ho detto che\ne' piuttosto volatile,\nquindi ora lo spostiamo da questa\nparte e lo mettiamo in un becker\ne lo riscaldiamo leggermente dal basso.\nSe consideriamo, per esempio,\ni girini, cuccioli di rana,\nessi non si trasformano in rane\nse nell'acqua non c'e' iodio.\nQuindi se mettiamo dei girini in\ncondizioni di mancanza di iodio,\nnon possono svilupparsi.\nMettiamo i cristalli di iodio.\nVediamo che succede.\nCome anche...\ncome lo stronzio,\nlo iodio radioattivo\nsi forma per reazioni nucleari,\nquindi tra le tante cose che avvenivano\ndopo incidenti nucleari gravi,\ncome a Chernobyl o in Inghilterra\nnel 1957, a Windscale...\ni bambini dovevano assumere\ncompresse di iodio\n\nPortuguese: \nabsorvessem o iodo radioativo do meio \nambiente.\nCristais de iodo sublimando, mais voláteis \nBela cor púrpura. \nBom trabalho. \nTraduzido por Prof. Dr. Luís Brudna \n\nItalian: \nper evitare che il corpo\nassorbisse iodio radioattivo\ndall'ambiente.\nI cristalli viola di iodio stanno\nsublimando e diventano piu' volatili.\nIl colore viola e' davvero molto bello.\nOttimo lavoro.\nTraduzione: Hugin\nRevisione: Xalexalex\n::Italian Subs Addicted::\n[www.italiansubs.net]\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "I love farming. I always did. I like to\ngrow my own vegetables and that way you\nknow what you're eating. I like different\nstuff, I like to try different stuff.\nWe've worked with them since they began\ngrowing vegetables, probably back ten,\ntwelve years ago. Also helping them plan\nout like what vegetables they were going\nto grow, to have a variety so that they\ncould sell at the farmers market.\nJeff, he comes out every year and does soil sampling. Of course, I\nhave to haul him around you know.\nHe walks then I have to go pick him up. In\nthis particular field right here there are\nseven strips down through here, and these top\ntwo we've got it mostly just in beans,\ntomatoes, eggplant and several varieties\nof pepper. The other six pieces down through there\nis all different kinds of taters. We've got\nfingerling taters\nand then we've got some blue taters and\ngot some all red taters. This is a crazy\npepper right here, the way it is.\nIt's called Beaver Dam. This side will be\nsweet, this side will be hot. We call it kind of Russian Roulette of\npeppers because you never know what you are\ngoing to get. How many varieties of tomatoes\nare you growing. Altogether the cherry\ntype and the elongated and the big slicer\ntype, 68 varieties, so my son says. He\nlikes to grow different stuff.\nThis right here where it's black, looks dark purple right now, when that gets ripe, that'll be plumb\nblack about, and this green part down here,\nit'll be red. It's called a, it's in the\nIndigo variety. We've got some more\nsmaller ones at the houses called Indigo\nRose, and it's a little tomato that gets\nabout that big and it's got kind of a\ntexture of a plum inside. There's been a\nbig push really in the past, probably,\neight to ten years with that local food\nmovement, and it continues to grow, is\nwhat I'm seeing. And so, you know, there's\nthere's still demand. People like to know\nwhere their food is being grown. My\nfriend at the Johnson City farmers market\ngive it to me, it's some kind of\nold-timey Shelly October. This is the\nfirst year we've ever raised them. We're\ngonna try and see how good they are.\nMost of them, they'll average about\nfour beans to the bean. This one\nactually got five in it. They're about the reddest I've ever seen. I feel like\nthere's a lot of opportunities for them,\nespecially if they diversify. So they\nhave to learn to grow a variety of crops\nlike Terry and his family are doing and,\nyou know, to have them coming on at\ndifferent times of the year so that\neverything's not ready in one week\nor two. I love it, I really do. I really\nlike to farm. I love to see stuff grow, I always did.\nWhen I was a kid, I always liked to see just old tobacco - I like to see it grow and do good, you know?\n \n \n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "Filmed by MoLahBeL3Bis\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA IS\nGETTING INVOLVED IN A\nLOCAL CONGRESSIONA L RACE.\n17'S EYTAN WALLACE IS HERE TO\nEXPLAIN.\nEYTAN\nWE'RE TALKING ABOUT THE RACE FOR\nTHE 21ST\nCONGRESSIONA L DISTRICT.\nYOU SEE A MAP OF THE DISTRICT\nHERE. IT INCLUDES PARTS\nOF BAKERSFIELD, ARVIN TO THE\nSOUTH, AND\nEXTENDS NORTH TO FRESNO COUNTY.\nINCUMBENT DEMOCRATIC\nCONGRESSMAN TJ COX IS FACING A\nCHALLENGE FROM REPUBLICAN\nFORMER THREE TERM CONGRESSMAN\nDAVID VALADAO. AND TONIGHT --\nAMERICA'S 44TH\nPRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA IS\nSPEAKING OUT IN THIS RACE.\nIT ALL CENTERS AROUND A\nVALADAO CAMPAIGN AD YOU MAY HAVE\nSEEN ON THE\nAIRWAVES.\nHe worked with President Obama\nto bring more water to the\nCentral\nValley, made healthcare more\naccessible, and stood up to his\nown\nparty to reform immigration and\nprotect dreamers.\"\nTHE OFFICE OF FORMER PRESIDENT\nOBAMA RESPONDED TO THE AD. IN A\nSTATEMENT, AN OBAMA SPOKESPERSON\nSAID: \"We strongly condemn David\nValadao for resorting to\ndistortion to falsely suggest\nPresident\nObama's support especially\ngiven\nthat President Obama has\nendorsed his opponent, TJ Cox.\"\n\"Valadao typically opposed\nPresident\nObama's policies, even voting to\nrepeal Obamacare and rip health\ncare\naway from thousands of people in\nthe Central Valley\nwhile turning his back on\nDREAMers.\"\nVO\nWE REACHED OUT TO THE\nVALADAO CAMPAIGN. CAMPAIGN\nMANAGER ANDREW RENTERIA SAID:\n\"David is proud of his\nbipartisan\nrecord in Congress and while he\ndidn't\nalways agree with President\nObama\nor President Trump on every\nissue, he\nalways worked to find common\nground when it was good for the\nValley.\nAs these campaign season attacks\ndemonstrate,\nWashington D.C. suffers from a\nlack\nof compromise, not too much of\nit.\"\nEYTAN ON CAM TODAY MARKS\n62 DAYS UNTIL\nELECTION DAY, NOVEMBER 3RD.\nEYTAN WALLACE, 17\nNEWS.\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "Hey, I'm Tshaka Armstrong.\nThank you for joining me\nagain here on reviews.org.\nLet's take a trip back in the\nold reviews.org time machine\nback to 2019 when Apple\nput out three new phones\nin the iPhone 11, 11 Pro, and 11 Pro Max.\nFor those who didn't wanna spend\nover $1,000 for their smartphone,\nthe iPhone 11 was the obvious choice.\nBut what compromises do you make\nwhen you take home a non-Pro device?\nLet's take a look at what the\niPhone 11 has to offer those\nlooking for a more wallet-friendly option\nin Apple's mobile ecosystem.\n(upbeat electronic music)\nHey, if anything in this video\nhelps you about the iPhone 11\nor any of our videos for that matter,\nplease hit that like and subscribe.\nGet the notifications when\nwe drop our next video.\n(upbeat electronic music)\nSo does size really matter in this lineup?\nNot really.\nThe iPhone 11 is actually\nlarger than the 11 Pro,\nwhile the Pro Max is the largest\ncoming in at 6.5 inches.\nThat is compared to the\n6.1 inches of the 11,\nand the smaller 5.9 inches of the 11 Pro.\nOn the Pro models, you're\ngoing to get OLED screens,\nwhich have a broader range\nof color reproduction\nand darker blacks than the LCD\nthat you get with the iPhone 11.\nHere they are side-by-side\nwith the same 4K UHD wallpaper.\nCan you tell of the\ndifference beyond size?\nWhat do you get for\nthat difference in size?\nBeyond the larger display of\nthe Pro Max, battery life?\nThe larger Pro Max will get you a couple,\nmaybe three more hours battery life\non average than the iPhone 11.\nFor their size, all three phones\nhave the same front-facing cameras,\nthey all have Apple's\nTrueDepth camera, with Face ID,\nwhich now has slofie capability.\nThat is a front-facing camera video\nthat records at 120 frames per second,\ngiving you this GIF-like,\nslow-mo video option.\nBask in the ambience of\nmy glorious beard slofie.\n(upbeat electronic music)\nAhem, back to it.\nThe back of the phone is\nwere the magic happens.\nUnlike the 11 Pro models,\nthe iPhone 11 has only two camera lenses,\nbut I don't think that\nyou're gonna miss out\non not having that telephoto lens\nfor taking great close up photos.\nThe iPhone 11 gives you a\n12-megapixel wide-angle lens\nwith optical image stabilization,\nand a 12-megapixel ultra-wide angle lens\nthat has a 120 degree field of view.\nThe first lens is gonna give\nyou better low light shots\nthan the ultra-wide lens,\nbut the next time you're at\na party or a family function,\nyou'll be able to get all\nyour pals into the shot\nwithout having to back up 30 feet.\nAnd Apple's made it easy to\ndo by opening the Camera app\nand simply clicking where\nit says 1x on the screen\nto toggle between the two lenses.\nWhen you see .5,\nyou're looking at the\nultra-wide angle lens.\nNew this cycle, across all\ncameras, is Night Shot Mode.\nIt uses software to take\npictures in low light conditions\nwhich actually look very good.\nFor example, here's a photo\nfrom my older work phone,\nwhich is an iPhone 8, versus the iPhone 11\nin Night Shot Mode.\nAs you can see with the iPhone\n8, the picture is unusable.\nBut with Night Shot Mode on the iPhone 11,\nyou can make out detail in the image,\nand this is an extreme example.\nI was almost completely in the dark.\nWith Night Shot Mode,\nyou have one more tool\nto help you capture those\nrandom candid moments\nyou want to remember forever.\n(gym background noise)\n(weights clank)\nIn terms of video, you'll get a shooter\nthat records 4K video at\nup to 60 frames per second\nwith an audio zoom function,\nwhich actually focuses the microphone\non whatever or whomever\nyou're zooming into.\nQuick Take also allows\nyou, when in Photo Mode,\nto take a video by\nholding down the shutter\nand sliding the lock icon to the right.\nAnd boom, you've gone from taking a photo\nto recording live action for posterity.\nRounding out the hardware\nexperience on the iPhone 11\nis that all-important battery life.\nThey've said that this\nis an all-day battery\nin the iPhone 11 and\na one-hour improvement\nover the iPhone XR.\nAnd I have to say that though\nI've definitely enjoyed\nmy time with the iPhone 11 Pro\nMax in terms of battery life,\nthe iPhone 11 has been no slouch either.\nNow, the week I reviewed the phone\nwas actually somewhat quiet\nfor me in terms of use,\nbut at the end of the night,\nI'm seeing 25% left with\nsix hours screen on time.\nYour usage may vary in\nbattery life vary accordingly,\nbut I can tell you that you're\ndefinitely gonna experience\nsolid use between charges\nout of the iPhone 11.\nIf you're a super user and\nare stuck to a battery bank\nbecause you talk on the phone a lot,\nyour best bet is generally\ngoing to be the Pro Max,\nthe 11 Pro Max, but if\nyou're the kind of user\nwho will still need a battery\nbank even with that phone,\nthen you may consider\nthat the larger phone\nmay not get you more gains\nin the long run for the cost.\n(upbeat electronic music)\nWhat really makes the iPhone\nthe phone it is though, is the ecosystem.\nEverything just works.\nYou really can't talk about\nit without talking about iOS,\nand though the interwebs have leveled\nwell deserved complaints at 2019's iOS,\nand the fact that Apple\nhas released a few updates\nto correct bugs and various issues\nin a very short span of time,\niOS is still one of the most\ncomplete and frictionless\necosystems on the\nmarketplace, in my opinion.\nControl Center is more\ncustomizable than ever,\nand shows you more information than ever.\nYou get to that additional information\nsans-3D touch, which is gone.\nAnd in its place is haptic touch.\nWith haptic touch, you'll\nactually get access\nto the Peek and Pop\nmenus from 3D touch days,\nbut this time by long pressing the screen.\nYou'll feel a subtle\nvibration when you do,\nand then be presented with\ncontextual menus for icons,\nand options in Control Center.\nWe can do a whole review\njust on what all is packed\nin iOS 13, but some of\nmy favorite features\nare built-in screen recording,\nwhich was actually added in iOS 12.\nDark Mode is my jam\nand makes smartphoning\nmuch easier on the eyes.\nYes, I just turned smartphone into a verb.\nAnd I actually use the Reminders app now.\nIt was redesigned, and\nthe layout is clear,\neasy to navigate, and effective for me.\nAdd to that the Siri integration,\nand it really becomes a productivity tool\nbuilt right into the operating\nsystem that keeps me on task,\nand from forgetting\nthings I need to pick up\nfrom the grocery store.\nI love the location aware reminders\nthat I can set just like this.\nHey Siri,\n- [Siri] Uh-huh? -\n- [Tshaka] Remind me next\ntime I'm at Trader Joe's\nto pick up blueberries. -\n(phone beeps)\n- [Siri] Which location? -\n- [Tshaka] Fallbrook Avenue. -\n(phone beeps)\n- [Siri] Okay, added. -\nNow the next time I arrive\nat that particular Trader Joe's,\nI'll get a pop-up message on\nmy phone or my Apple Watch,\nreminding me to pick up those blueberries,\nwithout me having to do anything.\nThe other addition to iOS,\nwhich showed up with iOS 12,\nwas the Files app.\nNow I have much more control\nover accessing files on my iPhone.\nThis was actually one of\nthe biggest issues for me\nas a content creator.\nI use my phone quite\noften to mark up files,\nsend files to clients, or\ndownload and view content,\nand not having access to files\nlike I was used to on a computer,\nand on an Android phone,\nwas one of the things which\nkept me off of iPhones or iOS\nfor the longest.\nProblem solved.\nSpeaking of content creation,\nthe fact that you can also\nnow edit photos and video,\nright from the Photo Gallery\napp in iOS, is a big deal.\nI can color correct\nvideo, touch up photos,\nall without having to jump\ninto a third party app.\nThis is perfect for quick items\nwhich are for proofing and approvals.\nAnything more than that and\nyou're still gonna wanna use\nyour favorite photo\neditor, or video editor,\nbut for quick things, iOS\nand the iPhone 11 are great.\nSo, let's wrap this up, shall we?\nI'm not the type of guy\nto tell you what to buy,\nbut it really comes down to this\nwhen you're looking at the iPhone 11.\nOne less camera, not a big deal breaker.\nA little less battery than\nthe other two offerings, meh.\nA little less water\nresistance on the iPhone 11\nthan the two larger, or two\nPro models, I don't know.\nMaybe that's important to you.\nA screen of lesser quality\nthat most of us probably can't\ntell the difference between,\nif we're being honest.\nAre those differences\nenough to get you to spend\na few hundred dollars\nmore for the Pro version?\nI don't know, maybe it is.\nLet us know in the comments below.\nAnd it seems consumers\nhave let Apple know,\nas a little side note,\nthe holiday numbers have\ncome in from some analyst,\nand the iPhone 11 actually\naccounted for something like\n37% of total iPhone sales.\nDo with that what you will.\nHey, so we appreciate the fact\nthat you've watched this video,\nthat you've spent your time\nwith us checking this out.\nIf it's helped you at all,\nplease do hit that like and\nsubscribe, we appreciate it.\nAnd we don't take it lightly\nthat you've spent your time with us.\nThank you for watching.\nI'm Tshaka Armstrong, this is reviews.org\n(bright music)\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "\nJapanese: \nおもちゃを学校に持っていくって、すごく楽しそうじゃない?\nでも、おもちゃで遊ぶのは休憩中だけよ!\nこのおもちゃはあなたやクラスメートたちを楽しませてくれるに違いないわ\n最初はお菓子、次にコスメ、そして今度は!?\n罰則よ!\nあなたもよ!\n\nMarathi: \nशाळेत खेळणी खेळणे हे निश्चितपणे सारखे दिसते\nमजा च्या टन\nपरंतु आपण या महाकाव्य टॉय स्कूल पुरवठा करतात\nफक्त ब्रेक दरम्यान त्यांचा वापर करण्याचे सुनिश्चित करा\nते आपल्याला आणि आपल्या भरपूर आनंद आणील\nआपली खात्री आहे की वर्गमित्र!\nप्रथम कँडी, मग मेकअप आणि आता हे ?!\nआपण दोघेही प्राचार्य!\nतू सुद्धा!\n\nPolish: \nPrzynoszenie zabawek do szkoły brzmi jak mnóstwo zabawy\nAle jeśli zrobisz te epickie zabawkowe szkolne rzeczy bądź pewien, że będziesz ich używał tylko podczas przerw\nSprawią dużo frajdy tobie i twoim znajomym z klasy\nNajpierw słodycze, potem makijaż i teraz to?!\nObie do dyrektora, teraz!\nTy też!\n\nVietnamese: \nMang đồ chơi đến trường chắc chắn nghe như\nrất nhiều niềm vui.\nNhưng nếu bạn làm những đồ dùng học tập đồ chơi hoành tráng này\nđảm bảo chỉ sử dụng chúng trong thời gian nghỉ.\nHọ sẽ mang lại rất nhiều niềm vui cho bạn và\nbạn cùng lớp chắc chắn!\nĐầu tiên kẹo, sau đó trang điểm và bây giờ điều này ?!\nCả hai bạn là hiệu trưởng ngay bây giờ!\nBạn cũng vậy!\n\nArabic: \nجلب الألعاب إلى المدرسة بالتأكيد فكرة ممتعة.\nولكن إذا قمت بعمل هذه اللوازم المدرسية \nتأكد من استخدامها فقط خلال فترات الراحة.\nسوف تجلب الكثير من المرك لك ولزملائك\nبالتأكيد!\nأولاً الحلوى ، ثم الماكياج والآن هذا؟!\nكل واحد منكم إلى المدير الآن!\nأنت أيضاً!\n\nPortuguese: \nTrazer brinquedos para a escola com certeza soa como um\nmuita diversão.\nMas se você fizer esses materiais escolares de brinquedo épico\nCertifique-se de usá-los apenas durante os intervalos.\nEles vão trazer muita alegria para você e seu\ncolegas de classe com certeza!\nPrimeiro doce, depois maquiagem e agora isso ?!\nVocês dois são os principais agora!\nVocê também!\n\nEnglish: \nBringing toys to school sure sounds like a\nton of fun.\nBut if you make these epic toy school supplies\nmake sure to only use them during breaks.\nThey will bring a lot of joy to you and your\nclassmates for sure!\nFirst candy, then makeup and now this?!\nBoth of you the principal now!\nYou as well!\n\niw: \nלהביא צעצועים לבית הספר בטוח נשמע כמו\nטון של כיף.\nאבל אם הבאת משהו שהמורה לא תאהב\nהם יביאו הרבה שמחה לך ולך\nכיתה בטוח!\nממתקים ואז איפור ועכשיו זה ?!\nאת, גם את, למנהלת!\nגם את!\n\nFilipino: \nParang ang sobrang sayang magdala ng mga laruan sa paaralan!\nPero kapag ginawa mo nga ang mga laruang ito, siguraduhin mo na gagamitin mo 'to kapag \"break time\" lamang.\nSiguradong magdadala ito ng saya sa iyo at sa iyong mga kaklase!\nUna candy, tapos makeup- tapos ngayon ito?!\nKayong dalawa sa principal ngayon din!\nIkaw din!\n\nSpanish: \nTraer juguetes a la escuela seguro suena como un\nmucha diversión\nPero si haces estos materiales épicos de juguetes escolares\nasegúrese de usarlos solo durante los descansos.\nTe traerán mucha alegría a ti y a tu\ncompañeros de clase, seguro!\n¡Ustedes dos el director ahora!\n¡Usted también!\n\nTurkish: \nOyuncakları okula getirmek tabii \neğlenceli geliyor\nAma bu destansı oyuncak okul malzemeleri yapabilirsiniz ama\nSadece molalarda kullanmayınız.\nTabii size ve sınıf arkadaşlarınıza çok neşe getirecekler.\nİlk şeker, sonra makyaj ve şimdi bu mu ?!\nİkiniz de şimdi müdür!\nSen de sen!\n\nFrench: \nApporter des jouets à l’école ressemble à un\ntonne de plaisir.\nMais si vous faites ces jouets scolaires épiques\nassurez-vous de ne les utiliser que pendant les pauses.\nIls apporteront beaucoup de joie à vous et votre\ncamarades de classe à coup sûr!\nD'abord des bonbons, puis du maquillage et maintenant ça ?!\nVous deux tous les deux maintenant!\nVous aussi!\n\nCzech: \nPřinášení hraček do školy jistě zní jako\ntón zábavy.\nAle pokud uděláte tyto epické hračky školní potřeby\nujistěte se, že je používáte pouze během přestávek.\nPřinesou vám hodně radosti a vaše\nspolužáci zajisté!\nPrvní cukroví, pak make-up a teď ?!\nOba jste hlavní!\nTaky vy!\n\nEnglish: \nWho doesn't love squishies?! I adore them!\nThey are so satisfying!\nBut you know what I love even more?! Squishy pens!\nThey are so easy to make and super affordable.\nTake an inexpensive pen of your choice.\nAny pen or pencil will work great.\nOpen up your pen and take out the ink tube.\nTime to grab your favorite squishy.\nI love this cute ice cream one!\nIt also has the perfect shape, so let's transform\nit into a pen.\nAll we have to do is push the ink tube inside\nthe squishy.\nDon't push it in all the way though, we need\nto leave the tip outside.\nHere we go, the easiest and definitely the coolest DIY\npen ever!\n\nFilipino: \nSinong hindi may gusto sa mga \"squishies\"?! Ako- gustong gusto ko sila!\nNapakasatisfying nila!\nPero alam niyo ba kung anong mas gusto ko?! Squishy pens!\nNapaka dali nilang gawin at sobrang mura pa.\nKumuha ng murang ballpen na pinili mo.\nKahit anong panulat o lapis ay maari.\nBuksan ang ballpen at tanggalin ang ink tube.\nTapos kunin mo ang paborito mong squishy.\nMahal ko ang squishy na \"cute\" na ice cream!\nPerpekto rin ang hugis nito, kaya gawin natin 'tong pen.\nAng kailangan lang nating gawin ay ipasok ang ink tube sa loob ng squishy.\nNgunit huwag mo itong isagad, mag iwan ng kaunti sa labas.\nAt ayan na, ang pinakamadaling at pinaka \"cool\" na DIY pen sa lahat!\n\nMarathi: \nकोण squishies प्रेम नाही ?! मी त्यांना पूजा!\nते समाधानी आहेत!\nपरंतु मला माहित आहे मी आणखी काय प्रेम करतो ?! स्क्वशी पेन!\nते तयार करणे आणि सुपर परफॉर्मन्स इतके सोपे आहेत\nआपल्या पसंतीच्या एक स्वस्त पेन घ्या\nकोणताही पेन किंवा पेन्सिल महान कार्य करेल.\nआपली पेन उघडा आणि शाई ट्यूब काढा.\nआपल्या आवडत्या स्क्वशिला झडप घालण्याची वेळ.\nमी हे सुंदर आइस्क्रीम एक प्रेम!\nहे देखील परिपूर्ण आकार आहे, म्हणून आपण बदलूया\nतो एक पेन मध्ये\nआपल्याला फक्त स्याही नलिका आत घालायची आहे\nस्क्वशी\nसर्व मार्गांनी ते पुढे ढकला नका तरी आपल्याला आवश्यक आहे\nटिप बाहेर सोडणे\nयेथे आम्ही जा, सर्वात सोपा आणि नक्कीच छान DIY\nकधीही पेन!\n\nTurkish: \nKim squishieleri sevmez! Onlara bayılıyorum!\nOnlar çok rahatlatıcı\nAma daha çok neyi sevdiğimi biliyor musun? Yumuşacık kalemler!\nOnları yapmak ve süper uygun fiyatlı çok kolaydır.\nSeçtiğiniz ucuz bir kalem alın.\nHerhangi bir kalem veya kalem harika olur.\nKalemi aç ve mürekkep tüpünü çıkar.\nEn sevdiğin squishy'yi yakalama zamanı.\nBu sevimli dondurmayı çok seviyorum!\nAynı zamanda mükemmel bir şekle sahip, bu yüzden dönüşelim\nbir kalemin içine.\nTek yapmamız gereken mürekkep tüpünü içeri itmek.\nYumuşacık.\nGerçi ona kadar zorlama, ihtiyacımız var.\nucu dışarıda bırakmak.\nİşte gidiyoruz, en kolay ve kesinlikle en havalı DIY\nhiç kalem!\n\nVietnamese: \nAi không yêu squishies ?! Tôi yêu mến họ!\nHọ rất hài lòng!\nNhưng bạn biết những gì tôi yêu thậm chí nhiều hơn?! Squishy bút!\nHọ rất dễ dàng để thực hiện và siêu giá cả phải chăng.\nLấy một cây bút rẻ tiền mà bạn chọn.\nBất kỳ bút hoặc bút chì sẽ làm việc tuyệt vời.\nMở bút và lấy ống mực ra.\nThời gian để lấy squishy yêu thích của bạn.\nTôi yêu chiếc kem dễ thương này!\nNó cũng có hình dạng hoàn hảo, vì vậy hãy biến đổi\nnó thành một cây bút.\nTất cả những gì chúng ta phải làm là đẩy ống mực vào bên trong\ncác squishy.\nĐừng đẩy nó theo mọi cách, chúng ta cần\nđể lại đầu bên ngoài.\nỞ đây chúng tôi đi, dễ nhất và chắc chắn DIY thú vị nhất\nbút bao giờ hết!\n\nPortuguese: \nQuem não ama squishies ?! Eu adoro eles!\nEles são tão satisfatórios!\nMas você sabe o que eu amo ainda mais ?! Canetas mole!\nEles são tão fáceis de fazer e super acessíveis.\nPegue uma caneta barata de sua escolha.\nQualquer caneta ou lápis vai funcionar muito bem.\nAbra a caneta e retire o tubo de tinta.\nHora de pegar seu moleque favorito.\nEu amo esse sorvete fofo!\nEle também tem a forma perfeita, então vamos transformar\nem uma caneta.\nTudo o que temos a fazer é empurrar o tubo de tinta para dentro\no moleque.\nMas não empurre todo o caminho, precisamos\npara deixar a ponta do lado de fora.\nAqui vamos nós, o mais fácil e definitivamente o mais legal DIY\ncaneta nunca!\n\nPolish: \nKto nie kocha squishies? Ja kocham je!\nSą bardzo satysfakcjonujące\nAle wiecie co kocham jeszcze bardziej? Squishy długopisy\nSą bardzo proste do zrobienia i nie drogie\nWeźcie nie drogi długopis, ty wybierasz\nJakikolwiek długopis lub ołówek będzie świetny\nOtwórz swój długopis i wyjmij wkład z tuszem\nCzas by wziąć twoje ulubione squishy\nKocham to w kształcie loda\nMa świetny kształt więc zmieńmy je w długopis\nJedyne co musimy zrobić to włożyć wkład do środka\nNie włóżcie go za daleko i zostawcie końcówkę na zewnątrz\nNo i zrobione, najłatwiejszy i zdecydowanie najfajniejszy DIY na długopis\nJest bardzo squishowaty (nie wiem jak to przetłumaczyć xd), satysfakcjonujący i działa świetnie\n\nFrench: \nQui n'aime pas les squishies?! Je les adore!\nIls sont tellement satisfaisants!\nMais tu sais ce que j'aime encore plus? Squishy stylos!\nIls sont si faciles à fabriquer et très abordables.\nPrenez un stylo peu coûteux de votre choix.\nTout stylo ou crayon fonctionnera très bien.\nOuvrez votre stylo et sortez le tube d'encre.\nIl est temps de saisir votre squishy préféré.\nJ'adore cette glace mignonne!\nIl a aussi la forme parfaite, alors transformons\ndans un stylo.\nTout ce que nous avons à faire est de pousser le tube d'encre à l'intérieur\nle spongieux.\nNe poussez pas tout le chemin cependant, nous avons besoin\nlaisser la pointe à l'extérieur.\nIci nous allons le plus facile et certainement le plus cool bricolage\nstylo jamais!\n\nSpanish: \n¿Quien no ama los squishies? Yo los adoro!!!\nSon super\n¡¿Pero sabéis que me gusta más?!\nLos bolis de squishy!!!!\nSon super fáciles de hacer y muy economicos\nCoge un bolígrafo que no sea muy caro\nCualquier bolígrafo o lápiz funcionará muy bien.\nAbre tu pluma y saca el tubo de tinta.\nEs hora de coger tu squishy favorito!\n¡Me encanta este lindo helado!\nTambién tiene la forma perfecta, así que vamos a transformar\nen una pluma.\nTodo lo que tenemos que hacer es empujar el tubo de tinta dentro\nel blando.\nNo empujarlo en todo el camino, necesitamos\ndejar la punta fuera.\nAquí vamos, el más fácil y definitivamente el mejor DIY\n¡pluma alguna vez!\n\nJapanese: \nスクイーズを嫌いな人なんている?\nわたしは大好きよ!\n本当に私を満足させてくれるわ!\nでも、もっと好きなものがあるの\nそれはスクイーズペンよ!\nすっごく簡単に作れるし、とってもリーズナブルよ\nまず、ペンを選んでね\nどんなペンでも大丈夫よ\nペンを開けて、\nインクチューブを取り出して\nあなたのお気に入りのスクイーズを持ってきて\n私はこのアイスクリームのがお気に入りよ\nしかも完璧な形よ\nじゃあ、これをペンにしましょ\n私たちがすることは、スクイーズにインクチューブを押し込むだけよ\n全部押し込んでしまわないでね\nペン先は少し出しておくの\nこれで最高にクールなDIYペンの完成よ!\n\nCzech: \nKdo nemá rád squishies ?! Obdivuji je!\nJsou tak uspokojující!\nAle víš, co miluju ještě víc ?! Squishy pera!\nJsou tak snadno vyrobitelné a super cenově dostupné.\nVezměte levnější pero podle vašeho výběru.\nKaždé pero nebo tužka bude skvěle fungovat.\nOtevřete pero a vyjměte inkoustovou trubičku.\nJe čas vzít si svůj oblíbený skok.\nMiluji tuto roztomilou zmrzlinu!\nMá také dokonalý tvar, takže se přeměňme\ndo pera.\nJediné, co musíme udělat, je zasunutí inkoustové trubice dovnitř\nskličující.\nNetlačte to celou cestou, ale potřebujeme\nnechat špičku venku.\nZde jdeme, nejjednodušší a rozhodně nejlepším kuchařem\npero vůbec!\n\niw: \nמי לא אוהב סקווישי? אני מתה אליהם\nהם כל כך מספקים!\nאבל אתה יודע מה אני אוהב אפילו יותר ?! עט סקווישי!\nזה כל-כך קל למצוא אותם והם לא עולים הרבה\nקח עט על פי בחירתך.\nכל עט או עיפרון יעבוד נהדר.\nפתח את העט והוציא את צינור הדיו.\nזה הזמן לקחת את סקווישי האהוב עליך\nאני אוהבת גלידה מתוקה\nכמו כן יש את הצורה המושלמת, אז בואו נשנה\nאת זה לעט.\nכל שעלינו לעשות הוא לדחוף את צינור הדיו פנימה\nאת מתקתק.\nאל תדחף את זה כל הדרך, אנחנו צריכים\nלהשאיר את הקצה בחוץ.\nהנה אנחנו הולכים, הקלה ביותר ואת בהחלט את DIY הכי מגניב\nעט אי פעם!\n\nArabic: \nمن لا يحب الألعاب الاسفنجية ؟! انا اعشقهم!\nانها مرضية جداً!\nولكن هل تعرفون ما أحب أكثر؟ الأقلام الاسفنجية!\nمن السهل جداً صنعهم وبأسعار معقولة أيضاً.\nخذ قلم رخيص من اختيارك.\nأي قلم أو قلم رصاص سيفي بالغرض.\nافتح قلمك وأخرج أنبوب الحبر.\nوالآن وقت اختيار اللعبه الاسفنجية المفضلة لديك.\nأنا أحب هذا الآيس كريم اللطيف !\nكما أن لديها شكل مثالي ، لذلك دعونا نحولها\nفي قلم.\nكل ما علينا القيام به هو دفع أنبوب الحبر داخل\nالاسفنج.\nلا تدفعه كله الى الداخل أننا نحتاج\nلترك الحافة خارجاً.\nها قد انتهينا ، أسهل و أروع DIY\nقلم من على الإطلاق!\n\nTurkish: \nÇok yumuşacık, tatmin edici ve harika çalışıyor.\nVe bunun üstünde bir kawaii gibi görünüyor\ndondurma!\nDemek istediğim bundan daha iyi olamaz!\nDenize gelince deniz seviyesi gider\nyukarı.\nDenize geldiğimizde deniz seviyesi nereye gider?\nAşağı iner.\nSara!\nAh bu mu?\nBu bir kalem.\nGörmek!?\nBu harika sümüklü kese senin balçık tutacak\ntemiz ve korumalı!\nVe bir kalem kutusu gibi göründüğü için, öğretmeninizin orada ne saklandığına dair hiçbir fikri olmayacak.\nFermuarlı bir torba al.\nVermek için alt kısmı bantlayacağım\nDaha çok bir kalem kutusu şekli.\n\nCzech: \nJe to tak skličující, uspokojující a úžasné.\nA navíc to vypadá jako kawaii\nzmrzlina!\nMyslím, že to opravdu nemůže být lepší!\nKdyž máme vysoký příliv, hladina moře jde\nnahoru.\nKdyž máme nedostatek přílivu, jde tam hladinu moře?\nJde dolů.\nSara!\nAch to?\nToto je pero.\nVidět!?\nTento úžasný slizový sáček bude udržovat váš slizký povrch\nčistý a chráněný!\nA protože to vypadá jako případ tužky, váš učitel netuší, co se tam skrývá.\nVezměte tašku na zip.\nChystám se nalepit spodní část nahoru\nto je spíše tvar pouzdra tužky.\n\nPortuguese: \nÉ tão mole, satisfatório e funciona incrível.\nE além disso, parece um kawaii\nsorvete!\nQuero dizer, realmente não pode ficar melhor que isso!\nQuando temos maré alta o nível do mar vai\nacima.\nQuando temos a maré baixa, o nível do mar vai para onde?\nEle desce.\nSara!\nIsso?\nIsto é uma caneta.\nVejo!?\nEsta incrível bolsa de lodo manterá seu lodo\nlimpo e protegido!\nE já que parece um estojo de lápis, seu professor não terá idéia do que você está escondendo lá.\nPegue um saco de zip lock.\nVou gravar a parte de baixo para dar\nmais uma forma de estojo de lápis.\n\nArabic: \nانها اسفنجية جداً ، ومرضية وتعمل بشكل مذهل.\nوعلى رأس هذا يبدو وكأنه مثلجات لطيفة!\nأعني أنه لا يمكن أن نحصل على أفضل من ذلك!\nعندما يكون المد العالي ، يرتفع ​​مستوى البحر\nفوق.\nعندما يكون هناك انخفاض المد مستوى سطح البحر إلى أين؟\nيذهب إلى أسفل.\nسارا!\nأوه هذا؟\nهذا قلم.\nهل ترين!؟\nهذه الحقيبة السلايم الرائعة ستبقي السلايم الخاص بك\nنظيف ومحمي!\nوبما أنها تبدو وكأنها محفظة أقلام ، فلن يكون لدى مدرسك فكرة عما هو مخبأ هناك.\nخذ كيس قفل .\nسأقوم بلصق شريط لاصق في الجزء السفلي لأعطي\nشكل أكثر لمحفظة أقلام.\n\nFilipino: \nIto'y, \"squishy\", \"satisfying\" at tsaka kamangha-mangha itong gumana.\nAt sa ibabaw nito ay mukha itong cute na ice cream.\nWala nang tatalo dito!\nKapag mayroong high tide, tumataas ang lebel ng karagatan.\nKapag naman low tide, saan pumupunta ang lebel ng karagatan?\nBumababa naman ito.\nSara!\nIto?\nPanulat lang ito.\nDiba?\nAng magandang supot ng slime na ito ay papanatilihing malinis at protektado ang iyong \"slime\"!\nAt dahil mukhang lang itong lagayan ng mga lapis, ang iyong guro ay walang ideya kung ano ang iyong itinatago doon.\nKumuha ng isang zip lock bag.\nLalagyan ko ng \"tape\" ang ilalim nito para mabibigyan ito ng hugis katulad sa isang lagayan ng mga lapis.\n\nFrench: \nC'est tellement spongieux, satisfaisant et fonctionne à merveille.\nEt en plus, cela ressemble à un kawaii\ncrème glacée!\nJe veux dire que ça ne peut vraiment pas être mieux que ça!\nQuand on a la marée haute le niveau de la mer va\nen haut\nQuand on a la marée basse, le niveau de la mer va où?\nÇa descend.\nSara!\nOh ça?\nC'est un stylo.\nVoir!?\nCette pochette géniale gardera votre boue\npropre et protégé!\nEt comme cela ressemble à une trousse, votre professeur n'aura aucune idée de ce que vous cachez là-dedans.\nPrenez un sac à fermeture éclair.\nJe vais coller la partie inférieure pour donner\nc'est plus une forme de trousse.\n\nVietnamese: \nNó thật kỳ quặc, thỏa mãn và hoạt động tuyệt vời.\nVà trên hết, nó trông giống như một\nkem!\nÝ tôi là nó thực sự không thể tốt hơn thế!\nKhi chúng ta có thủy triều cao mực nước biển dâng\nlên.\nKhi chúng ta có thủy triều thấp mực nước biển đi đâu?\nNó đi xuống.\nSara!\nÔ, cái này?\nĐây là một cây bút.\nXem!?\nTúi chất nhờn tuyệt vời này sẽ giữ chất nhờn của bạn\nsạch sẽ và bảo vệ!\nVà vì nó trông giống như một trường hợp bút chì, giáo viên của bạn sẽ không có ý tưởng những gì bạn đang ẩn trong đó.\nLấy một túi khóa zip.\nTôi sẽ băng phần dưới lên để cho\nnó nhiều hơn một hình dạng trường hợp bút chì.\n\niw: \nזה כל כך סקווישי, ​​מספק ועובד מדהים.\nומעל לכל זה זה נראה כמו \nגלידה!\nאני מתכוונת שזה באמת לא יכול להשתפר מזה!\nכאשר יש לנו גאות גבוהה רמת הים הולך\nלְמַעלָה.\nכאשר יש לנו גאות נמוכה רמת הים הולך לאן?\nזה יורד.\nשרה!\nאה?\nזה עט.\nרואה?\nזה קלמר סליים שישמור על הסליים מוגן ונקי\nוכיוון שזה נראה כמו קלמר, המורה שלך לא יהיה מושג מה אתה מסתיר שם.\nקח שקית זיפ זאפ\nאני הולכת לקפל את החלק התחתון כדי לתת\nלזה צורת קלמר.\n\nEnglish: \nIt's so squishy, satisfying and works amazing.\nAnd on top of this it looks like a kawaii\nice cream!\nI mean it really can't get better than that!\nWhen we have high tide the sea level goes\nup.\nWhen we have low tide the sea level goes where?\nIt goes down.\nSara!\nOh this?\nThis is a pen.\nSee!?\nThis awesome slime pouch will keep your slime\nclean and protected!\nAnd since it looks like a pencil case, your teacher will have no idea what you're hiding in there.\nTake a zip lock bag.\nI'm going to tape the bottom part up to give\nit more a pencil case shape.\n\nJapanese: \nもちもちしてる上に、ちゃんと使えるわ\nしかも、アイスクリームの顔は本当にかわいいわ!\nこれ以上のものってある?\n満潮時、海面は上昇します\n干潮時、海面はどこに来るかしら?\n下がるのよ\nサラ!\nえ?これ?\nこれはペンよ\nおわかり?\nこの素敵なスライムポーチは、\nあなたのスライムをきれいに保ってくれるわ!\nしかもこれは筆箱に見えるから、先生も、あなたが中に何を隠しているかわからないの\nジップロックバックを用意してね\nもっと筆箱の形に似せるために、\n半分に折ってテープでとめるわよ\n\nMarathi: \nहे इतके चिचुलेले, समाधानकारक आणि आश्चर्यकारक कार्य करते.\nआणि या वर एक कवाई सारखे दिसते\nआईसक्रीम!\nयाचा अर्थ असा होतो की तो खरोखरच त्यापेक्षा चांगले नाही!\nजेव्हा आपण समुद्राच्या तळाशी जाल तेव्हा समुद्र पातळी जातो\nअप\nजेव्हा आपण कमी समुद्राची भरभराट होते तेव्हा समुद्र पातळी कुठे जातो?\nते खाली जाते\nसारा!\nहे काय?\nहा एक पेन आहे\nपहा!?\nही आश्चर्यकारक खार्या पाश आपल्या कांदा ठेवेल\nस्वच्छ आणि सुरक्षित!\nआणि हे एका पेन्सिल केससारखे दिसते आहे म्हणून आपल्या शिक्षकांना हे समजेल की आपण तेथे काय लपवत आहात.\nझिप लॉक पिशवी घ्या\nमी तळाच्या भागापर्यंत पोचवणार आहे\nतो एक पेन्सिल केस आकार अधिक.\n\nPolish: \nI na samej górze wygląda jak słodki lód\nMam na myśli, że naprawdę nie mógłby być lepszy\nKiedy mamy przypływ poziom wody idzie do góry\nKiedy mamy mały przypływ gdzie idzie poziom wody?\nIdzie w dół\nSara!\nTo?\nTo jest długopis\nWidzi pani?\nTa niesamowita saszetka na slime utrzyma go czystego i bezpiecznego\nI kiedy wygląda ona jak piórnik twój nauczyciel nie będzie miał pojęcia co masz w środku\nWeź zamykaną na zamek saszetkę\nZamierzam obkleić dolną część i nadać jej bardziej piórnikowy kształt\n\nSpanish: \nEs tan blando, satisfactorio y funciona increíble.\nY encima de esto parece un kawaii\n¡helado!\n¡Quiero decir que realmente no puede ser mejor que eso!\nCuando tenemos marea alta, el nivel del mar va\narriba.\nCuando tenemos marea baja, ¿el nivel del mar va a dónde?\nSe cae\n¡Sara!\n¿Oh esto?\nEsto es una lapicera.\n¿¡Ver!?\nEsta impresionante bolsa de limo mantendrá su baba\nlimpio y protegido!\nY como se ve como una caja de lápices, tu maestra no tendrá idea de lo que escondes allí.\nTome una bolsa con cierre hermético.\nVoy a pegar la parte inferior para dar\nes más una forma de caja de lápiz.\n\nArabic: \nأحضر بعض الشريط الاصق.\nأنا أستخدم هذه الأشرطة ولكن أي شريط لاصق\nسيفي بالغرض.\nقم بلصق العديد من الشريط اللاصق \nحسب الحاجة لتغطيتها بالكامل.\nثم قم بلف الشريط اللاصق على الجانب الآخر أيضاً.\nتبدو الآن كمحفظة أقلام عادية ، و لكننا\nسنستخدمها لحفظ السلايم!\nلدي سلايم قوس قزح الجميل ، انه \nيتمدد ، أحبه !\nإذا وضعت السلايم الخاص بك في محفظة الأقلام العادية\nسيصبح السلايم متسخ وقذر\nمن القماش\nولكن حقيبتنا هذا ، حابسة للهواء\nولها بطانة من البلاستيك والتي سوف تبقي لدينا\nالسلايم نظيف وجديد!\nمن كان يظن أن المدرسة يمكن أن تكون\nمثيرة جدا!\nعندما أشعر بالملل فأنا أحب أن أقوم بحل أنشطة من\nكتاب.\nانها علاجية و مرحه !\nأيضا ، تسللهم في الصف هو قطعة من\nكيكة!\nهيا ، سوف أريكم!\nخذ دفتر ملاحظات بنفس حجم\nكتاب النشاط الخاص بك ، وقم بفتحه من الوسط.\nقم بلصق بضع قطع من الشريط المزدوج على الصفحة\nاليمنى و اليسرى.\n\nJapanese: \n次に、マスキングテープやガムテープを用意してね\n私はマスキングテープを使ったけど、\nどんなテープでも大丈夫よ\n必要な量を用意して、\nテープで完全に覆ってね\nひっくり返して、裏側にも貼ってね\nこれで普通の筆箱に見えるけど、\n実はスライムポーチとして使えるの!\n私はこのレインボースライムを入れるわ\n柔らかくてきれいで、大好きよ!\nもし普通の筆箱に入れちゃうと、\nスライムが汚れてしまうわ\n筆箱の布のせいでね\nけどこのポーチはプラスチックでできているから\nスライムをきれいに保ってくれるの!\n学校を楽しくしたい人は持つべきね!\n退屈な時は、アクティビティブックで遊ぶの\n本当に楽しいし、リラックスできるわ!\nそれに、これを授業に持ち込むのは朝飯前よ!\n来て、見せてあげるわ!\nあなたのアクティビティブックと同じ大きさのノートを用意して、真ん中のページを開いてね\nテープで左右のページにとめてね\n\nFrench: \nPrenez ensuite du ruban adhésif ou du ruban adhésif.\nJ'utilise ces feuilles de ruban washi mais tout\ngenre va bien fonctionner.\nColler autant de morceaux de washi ou de ruban adhésif\nau besoin pour le couvrir complètement.\nPuis retournez votre chef-d’œuvre et collez\nla bande de washi ou les feuilles de washi de ce côté aussi.\nCela ressemble à une trousse de crayon habituelle, mais nous sommes\nva l'utiliser comme une poche de vase!\nJ'ai ce beau limon arc-en-ciel, ça\nest tellement extensible et satisfaisant, je l'adore!\nSi tu mets ta bave au crayon normal\npochette, la bave deviendra poussiéreuse et sale\ndu tissu.\nNotre pochette, par contre, est étanche à l'air\net a une doublure en plastique qui gardera notre\nslime propre et frais!\nQui aurait pensé que l'école pourrait être\ntellement excitant!\nQuand je m'ennuie j'aime prendre une activité\nlivre.\nIls sont tellement thérapeutiques et amusants!\nAussi, les faufiler en classe est un morceau de\ngâteau!\nAllez, je vais vous montrer!\nPrenez un cahier de taille similaire à\nvotre cahier d'activités et ouvrez-le en son milieu.\nCollez quelques morceaux de ruban adhésif double face sur\nla droite et sur la page de gauche.\n\nCzech: \nDále uchopte nějakou pásku nebo pásku.\nPoužívám tyto pásky, ale žádné\ndruh bude fungovat skvěle.\nPřiložte tolik kusů hadříku nebo lepicí pásky\njak je zapotřebí k úplnému pokrytí.\nPoté otočte své dílo a lepidlo\nhadí pásky nebo hadříky na té straně.\nTo vypadá jako obyčejný případ tužky, ale my jsme\nbude používat jako slizký sáček!\nMám tento nádherný dýmový sliz\nje tak pružný a uspokojující, miluji to!\nPokud vložíte slišek do normální tužky\nsáček bude mít všechny prašné a špinavé\nz tkaniny.\nNaše pouzdro na druhé straně je vzduchotěsné\na má plastovou podšívku, která udržuje náš\nsliz čistý a čerstvý!\nKdo by si myslel, že škola může být\ntak vzrušující!\nKdyž se nudím, chtěla jsem si unést nějakou aktivitu\nrezervovat.\nJsou tak terapeutičtí a zábavní!\nTaké jejich plýtvání je ve třídě\ndort!\nNo tak, ukážu vám to!\nTake notebook, který má podobnou velikost jako\nKniha aktivit a otevřete ji uprostřed.\nPřilepte několik kusů oboustranné pásky\nvpravo a na levé straně.\n\nSpanish: \nLuego agarra un poco de cinta washi o cinta adhesiva.\nEstoy usando estas hojas de cinta washi, pero cualquier\ntipo funcionará bien.\nStick tantos pedazos de washi o cinta adhesiva\nsegún sea necesario para cubrirlo por completo.\nLuego gira tu obra maestra y pega\nla cinta washi o las hojas de washi de ese lado también.\nEsto parece una lapicera habitual, pero estamos\nva a usarlo como una bolsa de limo!\nTengo este hermoso limo arcoíris, que\nes muy elástico y satisfactorio, ¡me encanta!\nSi pones tu baba en el lápiz normal\nbolsa, la baba se pondrá todo polvorienta y sucia\nde la tela.\nNuestra bolsa, por otro lado, es hermética\ny tiene un forro de plástico que mantendrá nuestro\nlimo limpio y fresco!\n¿Quién hubiera pensado que la escuela podría ser\n¡tan emocionante!\nCuando estoy aburrido me gusta tomar una actividad\nlibro.\n¡Son tan terapéuticos y divertidos!\nAdemás, colarlos en clase es una pieza de\n¡pastel!\nVamos, te mostraré!\nTome una libreta que sea de un tamaño similar al\nsu libro de actividades, y ábralo en el medio.\nPega unos trozos de cinta adhesiva de doble cara\nel derecho y en la página izquierda.\n\nPolish: \nNastępnie weź taśmę dwustronną\nUżywam akurat ozdobnych kartek ale inne też zadziałają świetnie\nPrzyklej tak dużo kartek ile potrzebujesz by zająć saszetkę zupełnie\nObróć swoje arcydzieło i przyklej kartki na tej stronie\nWygląda jak zwykły piórnik a to przecież ma być saszetka na slime!\nMam ten piękny tęczowy slime, jest bardzo rozciągliwy i satysfakcjonujący, kocham go!\nJeśli włożysz swojego slime to normalnego piórnika twój slime może być brudny i zakurzony\nod materiału\nNasza saszetka ma plastikową podszewkę która utrzyma\nSlime czystego i świeżego\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\nPortuguese: \nEm seguida, pegue uma fita washi ou fita adesiva.\nEu estou usando essas folhas de fita washi, mas qualquer\ntipo vai funcionar muito bem.\nStick como muitos pedaços de washi ou fita adesiva\nconforme necessário para cobrir completamente.\nEm seguida, vire sua obra-prima e cole\na fita washi ou os lençóis washi daquele lado também.\nIsso parece uma caixa de lápis comum, mas estamos\nvai usá-lo como uma bolsa de lodo!\nEu tenho esse belo limo do arco-íris, que\né tão elástico e satisfatório, eu adoro isso!\nSe você colocar seu lodo no lápis normal\nbolsa, o lodo vai ficar todo empoeirado e sujo\ndo tecido.\nNossa bolsa, por outro lado, é hermética\ne tem um forro de plástico que irá manter o nosso\nlimo limpo e fresco!\nQuem teria pensado que a escola poderia ser\ntão emocionante!\nQuando estou entediado, eu gosto de pegar uma atividade\nlivro.\nEles são tão terapêuticos e divertidos!\nAlém disso, sneaking-los em sala de aula é um pedaço de\nbolo!\nVenha, eu vou te mostrar!\nPegue um caderno de tamanho semelhante ao\nseu livro de atividades, e abra-o no meio dele.\nCole alguns pedaços de fita dupla face\nà direita e na página esquerda.\n\nFilipino: \nSumunod ay kumuha ka ng \"washi tape\" o \"duct tape\".\nGinagamit ko ang mga \"washi tape sheets\" pero angkop naman ang ibang uri.\nMaglagay ng kung gaano kadaming piraso ng \"washi tape\" o \"duct tape\" para matakpan ito lahat.\nPagkatapos ay i-on ang iyong obra maestra sa paligid at idikit\nang washi tape o washi sheets din sa gilid na iyon.\nMukhang isang karaniwang kaso ng lapis, ngunit \ngagamitin ito bilang isang supot!\nMayroon akong magandang slime na bahaghari,ito\nay malawakan at nagbibigay-kasiyahan, mahal ko ito!\nKung ilagay mo ang iyong putik sa normal na lapis\npouch, ang putik ay makakakuha ng lahat ng maalikabok at marumi\nmula sa tela.\nAng aming supot sa kabilang banda, ay masikip ang hangin\nat may isang plastic lining na kung saan ay panatilihin ang aming\nlinis na malinis at sariwa!\nSino ang nag-iisip na ang paaralan ay maaaring maging\nNakakatuwa!\nKapag ako'y nababato Gusto ko bang makuha ang isang aktibidad\nlibro.\nAng mga ito ay kaya nakakagaling at masaya!\nGayundin, ang mga hamak na mga ito sa klase ay isang piraso ng\ncake!\nHalika, ipapakita ko sa iyo!\nKumuha ng kuwaderno na may katulad na laki bilang\nang iyong aklat ng aktibidad, at buksan ito sa gitna niya.\nMaglagay ng ilang piraso ng double sided tape sa\nang kanan at sa kaliwang pahina.\n\nMarathi: \nनंतर काही वाशी टेप किंवा डक्ट टेप घ्या.\nमी या वाशी टेप शीट वापरत आहे पण कुठल्याही\nप्रकारची महान काम करेल.\nवाशी किंवा डक्ट टेपच्या अनेक तुकडे चिकटवा\nपूर्णपणे तो कव्हर करण्यासाठी आवश्यक म्हणून\nमग आपल्या उत्कृष्ट नमुना सुमारे आणि गोंद करा\nत्या बाजूला वाशी टेप किंवाहीशी पत्रके सुद्धा.\nहे सामान्य पेन्सिल केससारखे दिसते आहे, परंतु आम्ही आहोत\nएक चिखल पाउच म्हणून वापर करणार!\nमाझ्याकडे ही सुंदर इंद्रधनुषी चिखल आहे, ती\nखूप ताणलेली आणि समाधानकारक आहे, मला ते आवडते!\nआपण सामान्य पेनिल आपल्या कातडी ठेवले तर\nपाउच, सडलेला सर्व धूळ आणि गलिच्छ मिळेल\nफॅब्रिक पासून\nदुसरीकडे आमच्या पाउच, हवा घट्ट आहे\nआणि एक प्लास्टिक अस्तर आहे जो आमच्या ठेवेल\nचीज स्वच्छ आणि ताजे!\nकोणी असा विचार केला असेल की शाळेची भूमिका असू शकते\nत्यामुळे रोमांचक!\nमी कंटाळलो असतो तेव्हा मी एक क्रियाकलाप हस्तगत करायला आवडतो\nपुस्तक\nते उपचारात्मक आणि मजेदार आहेत!\nतसेच, त्यांना वर्ग मध्ये गुपचूपणे एक तुकडा आहे\nकेक!\nचल, मी तुला दाखवीन!\nएक नोटबुक घ्या जो समान आकाराचा आहे\nआपले क्रियाकलाप पुस्तक, आणि तो मध्यभागी तो उघडा\nदुहेरी बाजू असलेला टेप वर काही तुकडे चिकटवा\nउजवी आणि डाव्या पृष्ठावर\n\nVietnamese: \nTiếp theo lấy một số băng washi hoặc băng keo.\nTôi đang sử dụng những tấm băng washi này nhưng\nloại sẽ làm việc tuyệt vời.\nDính nhiều miếng băng washi hoặc ống dẫn\nkhi cần thiết để trang trải hoàn toàn.\nSau đó biến kiệt tác của bạn xung quanh và keo\nbăng washi hay tấm washi ở phía đó.\nĐiều này trông giống như một trường hợp bút chì thông thường, nhưng chúng tôi\nsẽ sử dụng nó như một túi chất nhờn!\nTôi có chất nhờn cầu vồng tuyệt đẹp này,\nquá căng thẳng và thỏa mãn, tôi thích nó!\nNếu bạn bỏ chất nhờn vào bút chì bình thường\ntúi, chất nhờn sẽ nhận được tất cả bụi và bẩn\ntừ vải.\nTúi của chúng tôi mặt khác, là không khí chặt chẽ\nvà có lớp lót bằng nhựa sẽ giữ được\nchất nhờn sạch sẽ và tươi mới!\nAi có thể nghĩ rằng trường học có thể\nrất thú vị!\nKhi tôi chán tôi thích lấy một hoạt động\nsách.\nChúng rất trị liệu và vui vẻ!\nNgoài ra, lén họ trong lớp là một phần của\nbánh ngọt!\nThôi nào, tôi sẽ chỉ cho bạn!\nLấy sổ ghi chép có kích thước tương tự như\ncuốn sách hoạt động của bạn và mở nó ở giữa.\nDán một vài miếng băng keo hai mặt lên\nbên phải và trên trang bên trái.\n\nTurkish: \nSonra biraz washi bant veya koli bandı alın.\nBu washi teyp sayfalarını kullanıyorum ama\ntür harika çalışacak.\nBirçok parça washi veya koli bandı\ntamamen kapsayacak şekilde gerektiği gibi.\nSonra başyapıtını çevirin ve yapıştırın\no tarafta da washi bant veya washi levhalar.\nBu normal bir kalem çantası gibi görünüyor, ama biz\nonu bir balçık kese olarak kullanacaksınız!\nBu güzel gökkuşağı balçık var.\nçok sıkı ve tatmin edici, onu seviyorum!\nBalsamı normal kurşun kalemine koyarsan\nkese, slime tozlu ve kirli olsun\nkumaştan.\nBizim kese, hava geçirmez\nve bizim tutmak bizim plastik bir kaplama var\nSlime temiz ve taze!\nOkulun kim olabileceğini kim düşünebilirdi?\nçok heyecanlı!\nSıkıldığımda bir etkinlik almayı severim\nkitap.\nOnlar çok terapötik ve eğlenceli!\nAyrıca, onları sinsice sindirmek bir parça\nkek!\nHadi sana göstereceğim!\nBenzer boyuttaki bir dizüstü bilgisayarı alın\netkinlik kitabın ve ortada aç.\nBirkaç taraflı çift taraflı bant yapıştırın\nsağ ve sol sayfa.\n\niw: \nלאחר מכן לתפוס כמה סרט או סרט דביק.\nאני משתמש אלה הסדינים קלטת Washi אבל כל\nסוג יעבוד נהדר.\nמקל כמו חתיכות רבות של וושי או סרט דביק\nכפי שנדרש כדי לכסות אותו לחלוטין.\nואז להפוך את יצירת מופת מסביב ודבק\nאת קלטת הווישי או את הסדינים בצד ההוא.\nזה נראה כמו עיפרון רגיל, אבל אנחנו\nהולך להשתמש בו כמו שקית רפש!\nללא שם: יש לי זה קשת יפה רפש, זה\nהוא כל כך מתיחה ומספקת, אני אוהב את זה!\nאם אתה שם את הרפש בעיפרון הרגיל\nשקיק, הרפש יקבל כל מאובק ומלוכלך\nמן הבד.\nכיס שלנו מצד שני, הוא אוויר חזק\nויש לו רירית פלסטיק אשר ישמור שלנו\nרפש נקי ורענן!\nמי היה מאמין שבית הספר יכול להיות\nכל כך מרגש!\nכשאני משועמם אני אוהב לתפוס פעילות\nסֵפֶר.\nהם כל כך טיפולית ומהנה!\nכמו כן, מתגנב להם בכיתה הוא חתיכת\nעוגה!\nללא שם: בוא, אני אראה לך!\nקח את המחברת כי הוא בגודל דומה\nאת ספר הפעילות שלך, ולפתוח אותו באמצע.\nמקל כמה חתיכות של קלטת דו צדדית על\nמימין ובצד שמאל.\n\nEnglish: \nNext grab some washi tape or duct tape.\nI am using these washi tape sheets but any\nkind will work great.\nStick as many pieces of washi or duct tape\nas needed to cover it completely.\nThen turn your masterpiece around and glue\nthe washi tape or washi sheets on that side too.\nThis looks like a usual pencil case, but we're\ngoing to use it as a slime pouch!\nI have this beautiful rainbow slime, that\nis so stretchy and satisfying, I love it!\nIf you put your slime in the normal pencil\npouch, the slime will get all dusty and dirty\nfrom the fabric.\nOur pouch on the other hand, is air tight\nand has a plastic lining which will keep our\nslime clean and fresh!\nWho would have thought that school could be\nso exciting!\nWhen I'm bored I like to grab an activity\nbook.\nThey're so therapeutic and fun!\nAlso, sneaking them in class is a piece of\ncake!\nCome on, I'll show you!\nTake a notebook that is of similar size as\nyour activity book, and open it up in he middle.\nStick a few pieces of double sided tape on\nthe right and on the left page.\n\nVietnamese: \nLấy cuốn sách hoạt động mà bạn chọn - đây\nngười ta có rất nhiều điều thú vị bên trong và tôi yêu\nnó đầy màu sắc như thế nào\nDán nó vào trong sổ ghi chép và tất cả chúng ta đều\nlàm xong!\nLàm thế nào flipping tuyệt vời là máy tính xách tay này\ncó một cuốn sách hoạt động được xây dựng.\nTôi thích nó!\nNói lời tạm biệt với những giờ nhàm chán ở trường!\nHóa học là ngành khoa học nghiên cứu\ncác tính chất của vật chất và tương tác như thế nào\nvới năng lượng.\nHóa học được coi là khoa học vật lý\nvà có liên quan chặt chẽ với vật lý.\nThay vì sách hoạt động, bạn có thể lẻn vào\nsách tô màu, sách trò chơi ô chữ hoặc thậm chí\nmột tạp chí yêu thích.\nTôi thích mang những thứ này đến bãi biển khi\nTôi đi nghỉ.\nVì vậy, với hack này, bạn có thể mang lại một số\nkỳ nghỉ hè cũng cảm thấy thoải mái!\nRất lén lút và siêu giải trí!\nNhững squishies nhỏ rất đáng yêu!\nTôi có thể chơi với họ hàng giờ liền.\nYup, tôi nghĩ là công bằng mà chúng tôi lẻn tất cả\ncủa họ đến lớp.\n\nFrench: \nPrenez le cahier d’activité de votre choix\non a tellement de choses amusantes à l'intérieur et j'adore\ncomme c'est coloré.\nCollez-le à l'intérieur du cahier et nous sommes tous\nterminé!\nComment cet ordinateur portable est-il un\na un cahier d'activités intégré.\nJ'aime ça!\nDites adieu aux heures ennuyeuses à l'école!\nLa chimie est la branche de la science qui étudie\nles propriétés de la matière et l'interaction de la matière\navec de l'énergie.\nLa chimie est considérée comme une science physique\net est étroitement liée à la physique.\nAu lieu de livre d'activités, vous pouvez vous faufiler\nun livre de coloriage, un livre de mots croisés ou même\nun magazine préféré.\nJ'aime prendre ces choses à la plage quand\nJe suis en vacance.\nDonc, avec ce hack, vous pouvez en apporter une partie\nvacances d'été sentiment à l'école aussi!\nTrès sournois et super divertissant!\nCes petits squishies sont tellement adorables!\nJe pourrais jouer avec eux pendant des heures.\nOuais, je pense que c'est juste que nous faufilions tout\nd'entre eux en classe.\n\nCzech: \nChyť knihu o činnosti podle svého výběru - toto\njeden má tolik zábavných věcí uvnitř a já miluji\njak je barevná.\nVložte jej do notebooku a všichni jsme\nHotovo!\nJak překvapující je tohle notebook\nmá vestavěnou knihu aktivit.\nMiluji to!\nRozloučit se s nudnými hodinami ve škole!\nChemie je obor vědy, která studuje\nvlastnosti hmoty a to, jak se hmoty vzájemně ovlivňují\ns energií.\nChemie je považována za fyzickou vědu\na úzce souvisí s fyzikou.\nMísto knihy aktivit se můžete proplétat\nomalovánky, křížovky nebo dokonce\noblíbený časopis.\nMám rád, kdybych si tyto věci na pláž, když\nJsem na dovolené.\nTakže s tímto hackerem můžete přinést něco z toho\nletní dovolenou pocit do školy stejně!\nVelmi záludný a super zábavný!\nTyto malé squishy jsou tak rozkošné!\nMohl bych s nimi hrát celé hodiny.\nAno, myslím, že je spravedlivé, že se všichni propašujeme\nz nich do třídy.\n\nFilipino: \nGrab ang aktibidad na iyong pinili - ito\nang isa ay may napakaraming magagandang bagay sa loob at gustung-gusto ko\ngaano ka makulay.\nIlagay ito sa loob ng notebook at lahat tayo\ntapos na!\nNapakaganda ng notebook na ito na ito\nMay built in na aktibidad book.\nMahal ko ito!\nMagpaalam sa mga oras ng pagbubutas sa paaralan!\nAng kimika ay ang sangay ng agham na nag-aaral\nang mga katangian ng bagay at kung gaano ang bagay na nakikipag-ugnayan\nna may enerhiya.\nAng kimika ay itinuturing na pisikal na agham\nat malapit na nauugnay sa pisika.\nSa halip ng aklat ng aktibidad maaari kang lumabas\nisang pangkulay libro, isang aklat ng crosswords o kahit na\nisang paboritong magazine.\nGustung-gusto ko ang pagkuha ng mga bagay na ito sa beach kapag\nNasa bakasyon ako.\nKaya sa hack na ito maaari mong dalhin ang ilan sa mga iyon\npakiramdam ng summer holiday sa paaralan!\nTunay na palihim at sobrang nakaaaliw!\nAng mga maliit na squishies na ito ay kaibig-ibig!\nMaaari akong makipaglaro sa mga ito nang ilang oras.\nYup, tingin ko ay makatarungan lamang na namin sneak lahat\nng mga ito sa klase.\n\nPolish: \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\nSpanish: \nToma el libro de actividades que prefieras, esto\nuno tiene tantas cosas divertidas dentro y me encanta\nque colorido es\nPegarlo dentro del cuaderno y todos somos\n¡hecho!\nCómo voltear increíble es este portátil que\ntiene un libro de actividades incorporado.\n¡Lo amo!\n¡Despídase de las horas aburridas en la escuela!\nLa química es la rama de la ciencia que estudia\nlas propiedades de la materia y cómo la materia interactúa\ncon energía\nLa química es considerada una ciencia física\ny está estrechamente relacionado con la física.\nEn lugar de libro de actividades, puedes colar\nun libro para colorear, un libro de crucigramas o incluso\nuna revista favorita.\nMe encanta llevar estas cosas a la playa cuando\nEstoy de vacaciones.\nEntonces con este truco puedes traer algo de eso\nsentimiento de vacaciones de verano a la escuela también!\nMuy furtivo y súper entretenido!\n¡Estos pequeños squishies son tan adorables!\nPodría jugar con ellos durante horas.\nSí, creo que es justo que sigamos todo\nde ellos a la clase.\n\nPortuguese: \nPegue o livro de atividades de sua escolha - este\num tem tantas coisas divertidas dentro e eu amo\ncomo é colorido.\nEnfie dentro do notebook e estamos todos\nfeito!\nQuão incrível é esse notebook que\nfoi construído em um livro de atividades.\nEu amo isso!\nDiga adeus às horas chatas na escola!\nQuímica é o ramo da ciência que estuda\nas propriedades da matéria e como a matéria interage\ncom energia.\nQuímica é considerada uma ciência física\ne está intimamente relacionado à física.\nEm vez de livro de atividades, você pode entrar sorrateiramente\num livro de colorir, um livro de palavras cruzadas ou mesmo\numa revista favorita.\nEu adoro levar essas coisas para a praia quando\nEu estou de férias.\nEntão, com esse hack você pode trazer um pouco disso\nférias de verão sentindo também a escola!\nMuito sorrateiro e super divertido!\nEsses pequenos squishies são tão adoráveis!\nEu poderia brincar com eles por horas.\nSim, eu acho que é justo que nós roubemos tudo\ndeles para a aula.\n\niw: \nלתפוס את הספר פעילות על פי בחירתך - זה\nאחד יש כל כך הרבה דברים כיף בתוך ואני אוהב\nכמה זה צבעוני.\nתקוע אותו בתוך המחברת וכולנו\nבוצע!\nאיך מדפדף מדהים זה מחברת זה\nיש ספר פעילות מובנה.\nאני אוהב את זה!\nללא שם: להיפרד שעות משעממות בבית הספר!\nהכימיה היא ענף המדע המחקרי\nאת המאפיינים של החומר וכיצד אינטראקציה החומר\nעם אנרגיה.\nהכימיה נחשבת למדע פיזי\nוקשורה בפיסיקה.\nבמקום ספר פעילות אתה יכול להתגנב פנימה\nספר צביעה, ספר תשבצים או אפילו\nמגזין מועדף.\nאני אוהב לקחת את הדברים האלה לחוף כאשר\nאני בחופשה.\nאז עם זה גרזן אתה יכול להביא חלק מזה\nהרגשת חג הקיץ לבית הספר גם כן!\nמאוד ערמומי סופר מבדרים!\nאלה squishies קטנים הם כל כך מקסים!\nיכולתי לשחק איתם שעות.\nכן, אני חושב שזה רק הוגן שאנחנו מתגנבים\nמהם לכיתה.\n\nJapanese: \nあなたのお気に入りのものを使ってね\n私はこれがお気に入りよ!\nすっごくカラフルでしょ\nノートに張り付けて、おしまいよ!\nアクティビティブックが入っている本なんて、\nなんて素敵なのかしら!\n大好きよ!\n学校でのつまらない時間にさよならよ\n化学とは、それぞれがどう作用し合うかを学ぶサイエンスの分野です\nエネルギーを使ってね\n化学とは物質的なサイエンスと考えられており、\n物質学とも近いです\nアクティビティブックの代わりに、塗り絵や\nクロスワード、\nお気に入りの漫画でもいいかもね!\n旅行中のビーチでやるのもおすすめよ\n学校にいるような気分になれるの!\nとっても素敵でしょ!\nこの小さなスクイーズたちは本当にかわいいわ\n何時間でも遊んでいられるの\nこの可愛いのたちを、授業に持ち込まなきゃね!\n\nArabic: \nأحضر اي كتاب نشاط من اختيارك - هذا\nواحد بداخله الكثير من الأشياء الممتعة وأنا أحب\nكم هو ملون.\nقم بلصقه داخل دفتر الملاحظات وها قد انتهينا!\nتقليب هذا الدفتر مذهل جداً وهو \nبداخله كتاب نشاط .\nأحبه!\nقل وداعاً للساعات المملة في المدرسة!\nالكيمياء هي فرع العلوم الذي يدرس\nخصائص المادة وكيف تتفاعل المادة\nمع الطاقة.\nالكيمياء تعتبر من العلوم الفيزيائية\nوترتبط ارتباطًا وثيقًا بالفيزياء.\nبدلاً من كتاب النشاط يمكنك اخفاء\nكتاب التلوين ، كتاب الكلمات المتقاطعة أو حتى\nمجلتك المفضلة.\nأحب أخذ هذه الأشياء إلى الشاطئ عندما\nأكون في إجازة.\nمع هذا العمل يمكنك جلب بعض من\nشعور العطلة الصيفية إلى المدرسة كذلك!\nمخفية جداً ومسلية للغاية!\nهذه اللعب الاسفنجية حقاً رائعة!\nاستطيع اللعب بهم لساعات.\nنعم ، أعتقد أنه من العدل أن نتسلل بهم جميعًا\n إلى الفصل.\n\nMarathi: \nआपल्या आवडीची क्रियाकलाप बुक घ्या - हे\nएक आत अनेक मजा गोष्टी आहेत आणि मी प्रेम करतो\nतो किती रंगीत आहे.\nनोटबुकमध्ये तो चिकटवा आणि आम्ही सर्व आहोत\nकेले!\nहे नोटबुक कसे आश्चर्यकारक आहे की\nत्याच्या अंगभूत क्रियाकलाप बुकमध्ये आहे\nमला ते आवडते!\nशाळेतील कंटाळवाण्या तासांना निरोप द्या!\nरसायनशास्त्र ही विज्ञानाची शाखा आहे जी अभ्यास करते\nप्रकरणाचे गुणधर्म आणि कसे परस्पर संबंध\nऊर्जासह\nरसायनशास्त्र हे भौतिक विज्ञान मानले जाते\nआणि भौतिकशास्त्राशी जवळून संबंध आहे.\nक्रियाकलाप बुक ऐवजी आपण आत डोकावून शकता\nएक रंगीत पुस्तक, एक क्रॉसवर्ड पुस्तक किंवा अगदी\nएक आवडता मासिक.\nमला या गोष्टी समुद्रकिनार्यावर घेऊन जाताना आवडतात\nमी सुट्टीवर आहे.\nया हॅक सह आपण काही त्या आणू शकता\nशाळेत उन्हाळ्याची सुट्टीची भावना!\nखूप चपळ आणि सुपर मनोरंजक!\nहे थोडे squishies म्हणून मोहक आहेत!\nमी त्यांना तासांबरोबर खेळू शकतो\nहं, मला वाटते की आम्ही सगळेच झोपेत आहोत हे फक्त निष्पक्ष आहे\nत्यांना वर्ग\n\nEnglish: \nGrab the activity book of your choice – this\none has so many fun things inside and I love\nhow colorful it is.\nStick it inside the notebook and we are all\ndone!\nHow flipping amazing is this notebook that\nhas a built in activity book.\nI Love it!\nSay goodbye to the boring hours in school!\nChemistry is the branch of science that studies\nthe properties of matter and how matter interacts\nwith energy.\nChemistry is considered a physical science\nand is closely related to physics.\nInstead of activity book you can sneak in\na coloring book, a crosswords book or even\na favorite magazine.\nI love taking these things to the beach when\nI'm on vacation.\nSo with this hack you can bring some of that\nsummer holiday feeling to school as well!\nVery sneaky and super entertaining!\nThese little squishies are so adorable!\nI could play with them for hours.\nYup, I think is only fair that we sneak all\nof them to class.\n\nTurkish: \nSeçtiğiniz etkinlik kitabını alın - bu\nİçinde çok eğlenceli şeyler var ve ben seviyorum\nne kadar renkli.\nDefterin içine sok ve hepimiz\nbitmiş!\nBu dizüstü bilgisayar harika bir şey.\nyerleşik bir etkinlik kitabına sahiptir.\nOnu seviyorum!\nOkulda sıkıcı saatlere veda et!\nKimya, bilimin çalışma dalı olduğunu\nMaddenin özellikleri ve maddenin nasıl etkileştiği\nenerji ile.\nKimya bir fiziksel bilim olarak kabul edilir\nve fizik ile yakından ilgilidir.\nEtkinlik kitabı yerine gizlice girebilirsiniz\nbir boyama kitabı, bir bulmaca kitabı veya hatta\nfavori bir dergi.\nBu şeyleri sahile götürmeyi çok seviyorum.\nTatildeyim.\nYani bu hack ile bunun bir kısmını getirebilirsiniz\nYaz tatili de okula hissetmek!\nÇok sinsi ve süper eğlenceli!\nBu küçük squishies çok sevimli!\nOnlarla saatlerce oynayabilirim.\nEvet, bence sadece adil bir şekilde gizledik\nBunlardan derse.\n\nVietnamese: \nLấy mini squishy đầu tiên của bạn và một keo siêu dính.\nÁp dụng một giọt keo ở phía dưới cùng của\nngười bạn nhỏ của bạn.\nLấy một nam châm nhỏ như thế này và đặt\nnó trên đó keo.\nĐợi một lát để keo cứng lại\nvà bật cái hộp trên hộp bút chì thiếc.\nLàm điều này với tất cả các thành viên khác của điều này\nđội hình sử thi.\nCác nam châm dính chặt vào bút chì thiếc\ntrường hợp như vậy với giáo viên và bạn học của bạn\nsẽ trông giống như một trường hợp bút chì động vật bình thường.\nNhưng bạn thực sự có thể tách squishies của bạn\ntắt trường hợp và chơi với họ một cách riêng biệt nếu bạn muốn.\nSau đó, bạn có thể đặt chúng trở lại và chúng sẽ giữ\ncho vụ án một lần nữa.\nLàm thế nào thông minh.\nKhi bạn thấy chán một chút trong lớp học\nđạt được cho bạn bè squishy và thời gian của bạn sẽ bay.\nHọ chỉ là một nhóm nhỏ dễ thương nhất!\n\nSpanish: \nToma tu primer mini blandito y un súper pegamento.\nAplique una gota de pegamento en el lado inferior de\ntu pequeño amigo\nTome un pequeño imán como este y coloque\nencima de ese pegamento.\nEspere unos momentos para que el pegamento se endurezca\ny estallar el blando en la caja de lápices de estaño.\nHaz esto con todos los otros miembros de este\nescuadrón épico.\nLos imanes se adhieren firmemente al lápiz de estaño\ncaso para su maestro y compañeros de clase esto\nse verá como una caja de lápices animal normal.\nPero en realidad puedes separar tus squishies\nfuera de la caja y jugar con ellos por separado si lo desea.\nLuego puedes volver a colocarlos y se mantendrán\nal caso firmemente otra vez.\nQue inteligente.\nCuando te aburres un poco durante las clases, simplemente\nalcance a sus amigos blandos y el tiempo volará.\n¡Son el pequeño grupo más lindo de la historia!\n\nMarathi: \nआपल्या पहिल्या मिनी squishy आणि एक सुपर गोंद हस्तगत.\nच्या तळाशी बाजूला गोंद एक ड्रॉप लागू करा\nतुमचा छोटा मित्र\nहे एक आणि स्थान सारखे एक लहान लोहचुंबक घ्या\nत्या गोंद वर.\nताकदीसाठी गोंद काही क्षण प्रतीक्षा करा\nआणि टिन पेन्सिल केस वर squishy पॉप.\nया सर्व इतर सदस्यांसह हे करा\nउच्च मंडळ\nचुंबक टिन पेन्सिलने घट्टपणे चिकटून बसतात\nआपल्या शिक्षकांना आणि शाळासोबत्यांना म्हणून हे प्रकरण\nसामान्य पशु पेन्सिल केस सारखे दिसेल.\nपण आपण प्रत्यक्षात आपल्या squishies विलग करू शकता\nकेस बंद करा आणि आपल्याला पाहिजे असल्यास त्यांच्याशी खेळून द्या.\nमग आपण त्यांना परत ठेवू शकता आणि ते धरून ठेवतील\nप्रकरणात पुन्हा घट्टपणे\nकिती छान\nआपण फक्त वर्ग दरम्यान थोडा कंटाळले असताना\nआपल्या squishy मित्र आणि वेळ पोहोचेल उडता येईल.\nते केवळ सर्वात लहान कमाल होते!\n\nPolish: \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\nCzech: \nUchopte své první miniaturní a skvělé lepidlo.\nPoužijte kapku lepidla na spodní straně\nváš malý přítel.\nVezměte malý magnet jako tento a místo\nna lepidlo.\nPočkejte chvíli, než se lepidlo vytvrdí\na objevte náhrdelník na kufříku tužky.\nUdělej to se všemi ostatními členy\nepické jednotky.\nMagnety pevně přilepte na ceruzku\nv takovém případě učiteli a spolužákům\nbude vypadat jako normální zvířecí tužka.\nAle vy můžete opravdu odpojit vaše squishies\nvypněte případ a hravě si s nimi přečtěte, pokud chcete.\nPak je můžete vrátit zpět a oni budou držet\nk případu pevně znovu.\nJak chytrý.\nKdyž se jednoduše nudíte během tříd\noslovte své přiměřené přátele a čas bude letět.\nJsou to jen nejroztomilejší chomáč!\n\nEnglish: \nGrab your first mini squishy and a super glue.\nApply a drop of glue on the bottom side of\nyour little friend.\nTake a small magnet like this one and place\nit on top of that glue.\nWait for a few moments for the glue to harden\nand pop the squishy on the tin pencil case.\nDo this with all the other members of this\nepic squad.\nThe magnets stick firmly to the tin pencil\ncase so to your teacher and schoolmates this\nwill look like a normal animal pencil case.\nBut you can actually detach your squishies\noff the case and play with them separately if you want.\nThen you can place them back on and they will hold\nto the case firmly again.\nHow smart.\nWhen you get a bit bored during classes simply\nreach for your squishy friends and time will fly.\nThey are just the cutest little bunch ever!\n\nArabic: \nأحضر لعبتك الإسفنجية المصغرة والغراء.\nضع قطرة من الغراء على الجانب السفلي من\nصديقك الصغير\nخذ مغناطيس صغير مثل هذا وضعه فوق مكان\nالغراء.\nانتظر لبضع لحظات ليثبت جيداً\nوثبت اللعب على علبة الأقلام.\nافعل هذا مع جميع الأعضاء الآخرين.\nتلتصق المغانط بقوة بعلبة قلم الرصاص لذلك ستبدو لمعلمك وزملائك في المدرسة\nمثل علبة الأقلام العادية.\nولكن يمكنك في الواقع فصل اسفنجاتك\nخارج العلبة واللعب بهم بشكل منفصل إذا أردت.\nثم يمكنك إعادة تثبيتها مرة أخرى وستثبت بها\nإلى العلبة بقوة مرة أخرى.\nكيف ذكي.\nعندما تشعر بالملل قليلاً أثناء الدروس ببساطة\nالوصول لأصدقائك اسفنجي والوقت يطير.\nهم مجرد طيف حفنة صغيرة من أي وقت مضى!\n\nTurkish: \nİlk mini yumruğunu ve süper bir tutkalını al.\nAlt tarafında bir damla tutkal uygulayın\nsenin küçük arkadaşın.\nBunun gibi küçük bir mıknatıs alın ve yerleştirin\nBu yapıştırıcının üstünde.\nTutkalın sertleşmesi için birkaç dakika bekleyin.\nve teneke kalem kutusu üzerinde yumuşacık pop.\nBunu diğer tüm üyeleriyle yapın\ndestansı kadro.\nMıknatıslar teneke kalemine sıkıca yapışıyor\nbu yüzden öğretmeninize ve okul arkadaşlarınıza sorun\nnormal bir hayvan kalem kutusu gibi görünecek.\nAma aslında senin böreklerini ayırabilirsin.\ndavayı kapat ve istersen onlarla birlikte oyna.\nSonra onları tekrar yerine koyabilirsin\nsıkıca tekrar davaya.\nNe kadar akıllı.\nSadece dersler sırasında biraz sıkıldığınızda\nsquishy arkadaşlarınız için ulaşmak ve zaman uçacak.\nOnlar şimdiye kadar en şirin küçük grup!\n\nFilipino: \nGrab ang iyong unang mini squishy at isang super glue.\nMaglagay ng isang drop ng kola sa ilalim na bahagi ng\nang iyong maliit na kaibigan.\nKumuha ng isang maliit na pang-akit tulad ng isang ito at lugar\nito sa ibabaw ng kola na iyon.\nMaghintay para sa ilang sandali para sa pangkola upang patigasin\nat pop ang squishy sa kaso ng lapis ng lata.\nGawin ito sa lahat ng iba pang mga miyembro ng ito\nmahabang tula pulutong.\nAng magneto ay matatag sa lapis ng lata\nkaso kaya sa iyong guro at schoolmates ito\nmagiging hitsura ng isang normal na kaso ng lapis ng hayop.\nNgunit maaari mo talagang iwaksi ang iyong mga squishies\noff ang kaso at i-play ang mga ito nang hiwalay kung gusto mo.\nPagkatapos ay maaari mong ilagay ang mga ito pabalik sa at sila ay hawakan\nsa kaso na muli muli.\nMatalino.\nKapag nakakuha ka ng kaunti bored sa panahon ng klase lamang\nmaabot para sa iyong mga kaibigan squishy at oras ay lumipad.\nAng mga ito ay lamang ang cutest maliit na bungkon kailanman!\n\nJapanese: \nまず最初のミニスクイーズと瞬間接着剤を用意してね\n接着剤をスクイーズの下部分に垂らして\n小さなマグネットを張り付けてね\n乾くのを待って、\nステンレス製の筆箱に乗せたら完成よ!\n他のスクイーズにも張り付けてね\nマグネットが缶にくっつくから、\n先生もクラスメートも、\nただの動物の筆箱だと思うに違いないわ\nけど、スクイーズを取り外して遊べるの!\nそして、また筆箱に戻すこともできるわ!\nかしこいでしょ?\n授業が退屈な時、このスクイーズの友達と遊べば、\n退屈な時間なんて吹っ飛ぶわ!\n本当に世界一可愛いわ!\n\nPortuguese: \nPegue seu primeiro mini squishy e uma super cola.\nAplique uma gota de cola no lado inferior do\nseu amiguinho.\nPegue um pequeno imã como este e coloque\nno topo dessa cola.\nAguarde alguns instantes para a cola endurecer\ne estourar o molejo na caixa de lápis de lata.\nFaça isso com todos os outros membros deste\nesquadrão épico.\nOs ímãs grudam firmemente no lápis de estanho\ncaso assim para o seu professor e colegas de escola esta\nvai se parecer com um estojo normal de animais.\nMas você pode realmente destacar seus squishies\nfora do caso e brinque com eles separadamente, se quiser.\nEntão você pode colocá-los de volta e eles vão segurar\npara o caso com firmeza novamente.\nQue inteligente.\nQuando você fica um pouco entediado durante as aulas simplesmente\nAlcance seus amigos moles e o tempo voará.\nEles são apenas o bando mais fofo de todos!\n\niw: \nתפוס הראשון שלך squishy מיני דבק סופר.\nהחל טיפת דבק על הצד התחתון של\nהחבר הקטן שלך.\nקח מגנט קטן כמו זה מקום אחד\nזה על גבי הדבק הזה.\nהמתן כמה דקות עבור הדבק להתקשות\nואת פופ את squishy על עיפרון פח.\nלעשות את זה עם כל החברים האחרים של זה\nכיתת אפי.\nהמגנטים דבקים היטב בעיפרון הפח\nבמקרה כל כך למורה חבריהם לספסל הלימודים שלך זה\nייראה כמו עיפרון רגיל בעל חיים.\nאבל אתה באמת יכול לנתק את squishies שלך\nאת המקרה ולשחק איתם בנפרד אם אתה רוצה.\nאז אתה יכול למקם אותם בחזרה והם יחזיקו\nלמקרה שוב בתקיפות.\nכמה חכם.\nכאשר אתה מקבל קצת משועמם במהלך שיעורים פשוט\nלהגיע ידידים squishy שלך ואת הזמן יטוס.\nהם רק חבורה קטנה חמוד אי פעם!\n\nFrench: \nPrenez votre premier mini spongieux et une super colle.\nAppliquez une goutte de colle sur la face inférieure de\nta petite amie\nPrenez un petit aimant comme celui-ci et placez-le\nsur la colle.\nAttendez quelques instants pour que la colle durcisse\net placez le spongieux sur l'étui à crayons.\nFaites ceci avec tous les autres membres de cette\néquipe épique.\nLes aimants adhèrent fermement au crayon\ncas pour votre professeur et vos camarades de classe\nressemblera à un étui à crayons normal\nMais vous pouvez réellement détacher vos squishies\nhors du cas et jouer avec eux séparément si vous voulez.\nEnsuite, vous pouvez les remettre et ils tiendront\nà l'affaire fermement encore.\nComment intelligent\nQuand vous vous ennuyez un peu pendant les cours simplement\natteindre pour vos amis spongieux et le temps volera.\nIls sont juste le petit groupe le plus mignon jamais!\n\niw: \nטיק טק אצבע תמיד היה אחד האהובים עלי\nמשחקים לשחק עם חברי לכיתה.\nאבל במקום לשחק את זה בדרך הרגילה אני\nהחליט לשדרג ולעשות את המשחק הרבה\nיותר נוח ערמומי.\nקח מחברת צבעונית פשוטה מוצק.\nמתוך פיסת נייר חתכה hashtag גדול\nלחתום ככה ולדבוק במחברת.\nמתחת מקל כל מילה אחרת בגודל קטן יותר\n- כמו אהבה למשל.\nאתה יכול לראות את הטריק כבר?\nכל מה שאנחנו צריכים הם כמה קטעי נייר בשני שונים\nצבעים ואנחנו מוכנים לשחק את טיק טק\nאצבע המשחק כמות אינסופית של זמן ללא\nעוזב כל עקבות בכלל!\nכי המורה מחברת זה יהיה\nנראה כמו הרגיל עם עיצוב #LOVE,\nאשר בדרך שאני אוהב כל כך הרבה!\nוקליפי נייר הם הכרח בית ספר רגיל\nאז אתה יכול לקבל אותם על השולחן שלך בלי להיות מודאג.\nאני חושב שהרעיון הזה כל כך חכם ויביא\nטון של כיף לך ואת חברי בית הספר שלך בזמן\nיושב בכיתה.\n\nPolish: \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\nVietnamese: \nTic Tac Toe luôn là một trong những yêu thích của tôi\ntrò chơi để chơi với bạn cùng lớp của tôi.\nNhưng thay vì chơi nó theo cách thông thường tôi\nquyết định nâng cấp và làm cho trò chơi rất nhiều\nthuận tiện hơn và lén lút.\nLấy một sổ ghi chép màu đơn giản.\nTừ một mảnh giấy cắt ra một thẻ bắt đầu bằng # lớn\nký như thế này và dán nó vào sổ ghi chép.\nDưới đây dính bất kỳ từ nào khác trong kích thước nhỏ hơn\n- giống như tình yêu chẳng hạn.\nBạn có thấy được mẹo đó không?\nTất cả những gì chúng tôi cần là một số kẹp giấy trong hai\nmàu sắc và chúng tôi đã sẵn sàng để chơi Tic Tac\nTrò chơi ngón chân một khoảng thời gian vô hạn mà không cần\nđể lại dấu vết nào!\nBởi vì với giáo viên, sổ ghi chép này sẽ\ntrông giống như bình thường với thiết kế #LOVE,\nmà theo cách tôi yêu rất nhiều!\nVà kẹp giấy là một điều cần thiết ở trường học bình thường\nđể bạn có thể đặt chúng trên bàn làm việc mà không phải lo lắng.\nTôi nghĩ ý tưởng này rất thông minh và sẽ mang lại\nrất nhiều niềm vui cho bạn và bạn học của bạn\nngồi trong lớp.\n\nCzech: \nTic Tac Toe je vždy jedním z mých nejoblíbenějších\nhry ke hře se svými spolužáky.\nAle místo toho, abych hrál to obvyklým způsobem\nrozhodl se, že hodně zlepší a udělá hru\npohodlnější a záludnější.\nVezměte obyčejný barevný zápisník.\nZ kusu papíru vyřízněte velkou hashtag\nPodepsat toto a držet ho na notebooku.\nNíže přilepte jiné slovo v menší velikosti\n- jako například láska.\nVidíš trik už?\nJediné, co potřebujeme, jsou některé papírové klipy ve dvou různých\nbarvy a jsme připraveni hrát Tic Tac\nToe hra nekonečné množství času bez\nzanechat stopy vůbec!\nProtože učiteli tento notebook bude\nvypadat jako obvyklé s designem #LOVE,\ncož mi tak moc miluju!\nA kancelářské sponky jsou normální školní nutností\ntakže je můžete mít na stole bez obav.\nMyslím, že tento nápad je tak chytrý a přinese\ntón zábavy pro vás a spolužáky\nsedící ve třídě.\n\nFrench: \nTic Tac Toe a toujours été l'un de mes préférés\njeux à jouer avec mes camarades de classe.\nMais au lieu de jouer comme d'habitude je\ndécidé de mettre à jour et de rendre le jeu beaucoup\nplus pratique et sournois.\nPrenez un cahier de couleur unie.\nD'un morceau de papier découpé un grand hashtag\nsigner comme ça et le coller sur le cahier.\nCi-dessous, coller tout autre mot de taille inférieure\n- comme l'amour par exemple.\nPouvez-vous déjà voir le truc?\nTout ce dont nous avons besoin sont des trombones dans deux différents\ncouleurs et nous sommes prêts à jouer au Tic Tac\nToe jeu une quantité infinie de temps sans\nlaisser des traces du tout!\nParce que pour le professeur ce cahier\nressembler à l'habituel avec un design #LOVE,\nce que j'aime tellement!\nEt les trombones sont une nécessité scolaire normale\nVous pouvez donc les avoir sur votre bureau sans vous inquiéter.\nJe pense que cette idée est si intelligente et apportera\nune tonne de plaisir pour vous et vos camarades de classe\nassis en classe.\n\nMarathi: \nटिक टीएसी पाय-टेक नेहमी माझ्या आवडत्यापैकी एक आहेत\nमाझे वर्गमित्र सह खेळण्यासाठी गेम\nपण ते नेहमीच्या पद्धतीने खेळण्याऐवजी\nअपग्रेड करण्याचा आणि गेमला भरपूर करण्याचा निर्णय घेतला\nअधिक सोयीस्कर आणि चोरटा\nसाधा साधा रंगीत नोटबुक घ्या\nपेपरच्या एका तुकड्यातून हॅशटॅग कापला जातो\nहे सारखे चिन्हांकित करा आणि नोटबुकवर चिकटवा.\nलहान आकारात दुसरे शब्द चिकटून खाली\n- उदाहरणार्थ प्रेम.\nआपण आधीच युक्ती पाहू शकता?\nआपल्याला फक्त दोन वेगवेगळ्या पेपर क्लिपची आवश्यकता आहे\nरंग आणि आम्ही टिक टिक खेळण्यास तयार आहोत\nपायाचे बोट खेळ न वेळ एक असीम रक्कम\nकोणतेही ट्रेस सर्व सोडून!\nकारण शिक्षकांमुळे हे नोटबुक होईल\n#LOVE डिझाइनसह नेहमीच्या सारखे दिसतील,\nज्याप्रकारे मी इतके प्रेम करतो!\nआणि कागद क्लिप एक सामान्य शाळा आवश्यकता आहे\nम्हणून आपण काळजीत न घेता आपल्या डेस्कवर ठेवू शकता\nमला वाटते ही कल्पना इतकी चतुर आहे आणि आणेल\nआपण आणि आपल्या शाळासोबती मजा एक टन\nवर्गात बसलेला\n\nArabic: \nتيك تاك تو كانت دائما واحدة من المفضلة لدي\nألعاب للعب مع زملائي.\nولكن بدلا من تشغيلها بالطريقة المعتادة أنا\nقررت ترقية وجعل اللعبة كثيرا\nأكثر ملاءمة وأنيق.\nخذ دفتر ملاحظات بلون واضح.\nمن قطعة من الورق قطع علامة تصنيف كبيرة\nتسجيل مثل هذا والتشبه دفتر الملاحظات.\nتحت أي كلمة أخرى في حجم أصغر\n- مثل الحب على سبيل المثال.\nيمكنك رؤية الخدعة بالفعل؟\nكل ما نحتاجه هو بعض المشابك الورقية في قسمين مختلفين\nالألوان ونحن مستعدون للعب تيك تاك\nاصبع القدم لعبة كمية لا حصر لها من الزمن دون\nترك أي آثار على الإطلاق!\nلأن المعلم سوف هذا دفتر\nتبدو كالمعتاد مع تصميم #LOVE ،\nالتي بالمناسبة أحب كثيرا!\nومقاطع الورق هي ضرورة مدرسية عادية\nحتى يمكنك الحصول عليها على مكتبك دون القلق.\nأعتقد أن هذه الفكرة ذكية للغاية وسوف تجلبها\nالكثير من المرح لك وزملائك في المدرسة بينما\nيجلس في الفصل.\n\nEnglish: \nTic Tac Toe has always been one of my favorite\ngames to play with my classmates.\nBut instead of playing it the usual way I\ndecided to upgrade and make the game a lot\nmore convenient and sneaky.\nTake a plain solid colored notebook.\nFrom a piece of paper cut out a big hashtag\nsign like this and stick it to the notebook.\nBelow stick any other word in smaller size\n– like love for example.\nCan you see the trick already?\nAll we need are some paper clips in two different\ncolors and we are ready to play the Tic Tac\nToe game an infinite amount of time without\nleaving any traces at all!\nBecause to the teacher this notebook will\nlook like the usual one with a #LOVE design,\nwhich by the way I love so much!\nAnd paper clips are a normal school necessity\nso you can have them on your desk without being worried.\nI think this idea is so smart and will bring\na ton of fun to you and your schoolmates while\nsitting in class.\n\nFilipino: \nAng Tic Tac Toe ay palaging isa sa aking mga paboritong\nlaro upang makipaglaro sa aking mga kaklase.\nNgunit sa halip na i-play ito ang karaniwang paraan ko\nnagpasya na mag-upgrade at gawin ang laro ng maraming\nmas maginhawang at palihim.\nKumuha ng plain solid na kulay na kuwaderno.\nMula sa isang piraso ng papel gupitin ang isang malaking hashtag\nmag-sign tulad nito at ilagay ito sa notebook.\nSa ibaba stick anumang iba pang mga salita sa mas maliit na sukat\n- tulad ng pag-ibig halimbawa.\nNakikita mo na ba ang lansihin?\nAng kailangan namin ay ang ilang mga clip ng papel sa dalawang magkakaibang\nkulay at kami ay handa na upang i-play ang Tic Tac\nToe game isang walang-katapusang dami ng oras nang walang\niniiwan ang anumang bakas sa lahat!\nDahil sa guro ang kuwaderno na ito\nmukhang ang karaniwang isa na may isang disenyo #LOVE,\nna sa paraang mahal ko talaga!\nAt ang mga clip ng papel ay isang normal na pangangailangan sa paaralan\nkaya maaari kang magkaroon ng mga ito sa iyong desk nang hindi nag-aalala.\nSa tingin ko ang ideya na ito ay kaya matalino at dalhin\nisang tonelada ng kasiyahan sa iyo at sa iyong mga schoolmate habang\nnakaupo sa klase.\n\nPortuguese: \nTic Tac Toe sempre foi um dos meus favoritos\njogos para jogar com meus colegas de classe.\nMas em vez de jogar da maneira usual eu\ndecidiu atualizar e tornar o jogo muito\nmais conveniente e sorrateiro.\nPegue um caderno colorido sólido.\nDe um pedaço de papel recorte uma hashtag grande\nassine assim e cole no notebook.\nAbaixo, cole qualquer outra palavra em tamanho menor\n- como o amor por exemplo.\nVocê pode ver o truque já?\nTudo o que precisamos são alguns clipes de papel em dois diferentes\ncores e estamos prontos para jogar o Tic Tac\nToe jogo uma quantidade infinita de tempo sem\ndeixando qualquer vestígio!\nPorque para o professor este caderno vai\nparece o habitual com um design #LOVE,\nque pela maneira que eu amo tanto!\nE clipes de papel são uma necessidade escolar normal\nentão você pode tê-los em sua mesa sem se preocupar.\nEu acho que essa ideia é tão inteligente e vai trazer\nmuito divertido para você e seus colegas enquanto\nsentado na aula.\n\nSpanish: \nTic Tac Toe siempre ha sido uno de mis favoritos\njuegos para jugar con mis compañeros de clase.\nPero en lugar de jugarlo de la manera habitual,\ndecidió actualizar y hacer el juego mucho\nmás conveniente y furtivo.\nTome un cuaderno simple de color sólido.\nDe un pedazo de papel, corte un gran hashtag\nfirmar de esta manera y pegarlo a la libreta.\nA continuación, pegue cualquier otra palabra en un tamaño más pequeño\n- como el amor, por ejemplo.\n¿Ya puedes ver el truco?\nTodo lo que necesitamos son algunos clips en dos diferentes\ncolores y estamos listos para jugar el Tic Tac\nJuego de dedos una cantidad infinita de tiempo sin\ndejando cualquier rastro en absoluto!\nPorque para el maestro este cuaderno\nse parece al habitual con un diseño #LOVE,\nque por cierto me encantan!\nY los clips son una necesidad escolar normal\npara que pueda tenerlos en su escritorio sin preocuparse.\nCreo que esta idea es tan inteligente y traerá\nun montón de diversión para ti y tus compañeros de clase mientras\nsentado en clase\n\nJapanese: \nティックタックトーはクラスメートと遊べる\nお気に入りのゲームなの\nけど普通に遊ぶより、アップグレードして、\nもっと便利に、持ち込みやすくするわ\n単色のノートを用意してね\nこんなハッシュタグの形に紙を切って、\nノートに張り付けてね\nその下に、少し小さな文字を張り付けてね\n例えば、LOVEとかね\nもうトリックは分かったかしら?\n二色のクリップを用意するだけで、\n準備は完了よ!\n無限の時間が飛んでいくわ!\n先生は、ただの#LOVEデザインのノートと思うわ\nそこもお気に入りよ!\nそれに、クリップは授業に必要なものだし、\n心配いらないわ!\nすごく賢いアイディアだし、クラスメートもあなたも\nすごく楽しめると思うわ!\n授業の間ね\n\nTurkish: \nTic Tac Toe her zaman favorimden biri olmuştur\nsınıf arkadaşlarımla oynamak için oyunlar.\nAma her zamanki gibi oynamak yerine\nyükseltmeye ve oyunu çok artırmaya karar verdim\ndaha uygun ve sinsi.\nDüz bir katı renkli defter al.\nBir kağıt parçasından büyük bir hashtag kesildi\nBöyle imzala ve not defterine yapıştır.\nAşağıda, başka bir kelimeyi daha küçük boyutta yapıştırma\n- örneğin aşk gibi.\nHile görüyor musun?\nTek ihtiyacımız olan iki farklı kâğıt parçası.\nrenkler ve Tic Tac oynamak için hazırız\nAyak oyunu sonsuz bir süre olmadan\nhiç iz bırakmadan!\nÇünkü öğretmene bu not defteri\n#LOVE tasarımlı olağan görünüme benziyor,\nBu arada bu kadar çok seviyorum!\nVe kağıt klipleri normal okul gereksinimidir\nböylece endişelenmeden masanıza getirebilirsiniz.\nBence bu fikir çok akıllı ve getirecek\nSiz ve okul arkadaşlarınız için eğlenceli bir ton\nsınıfta oturmak.\n\nMarathi: \nआपण दुकानदारांचे चाहते आहात का?\nमी कबूल करतो की ते खरोखरच मोहक आहेत!\nमी हे Shopkins आश्चर्य किलणे चालू ठरविले\nएक पेन्सिल धार लावली आणि त्या चोरुन आणल्या\nवर्ग करण्यासाठी गोंडस दोस्त.\nदुकानाच्या बाहेर जाळी बाहेर काढा.\nमी एक ब्रोकोली, एक टोस्ट आणि हिमिंगी साखर आला!\nकिलकिले बंद ठेवून कागद कापून घ्या आणि जतन करा\nत्या नंतर नंतर साठी झाकण.\nआता एक पेन्सिल धारक आणि एक पेन्सिल घ्या आणि\nचला खूपच तीक्ष्ण शिल्डिंगचे काही उत्पादन द्या.\nविविध रंगीत पेन्सिल वापरा जेणेकरून ते तयार करा\nअधिक मनोरंजक आणि मजेदार\nत्या अवशेषांचा एक फोटो घ्या आणि तो छापा\nबाहेर\n\nArabic: \nهل أنت من محبي محلات التسوق؟\nيجب أن أعترف أنهم محبوبون حقا!\nقررت أن أقوم بتحويل جرة شوبكنز المفاجئة هذه\nفي براية قلم رصاص وتهريب تلك\nرفاقا لطيف للفصل.\nخذ التوكينز من الجرة.\nحصلت على البروكلي والخبز المحمص والسكر البودرة!\nخذ ورقة التفاف قبالة الجرة وحفظها\nهذا بالإضافة إلى غطاء لوقت لاحق.\nالآن تأخذ مبراة قلم رصاص وقلم رصاص و\nدعونا ننتج بعض من تلك بقايا شحذ جميلة.\nاستخدام أقلام ملونة مختلفة لجعلها حتى\nأكثر إثارة للاهتمام وممتعة.\nالتقاط صورة لتلك المخلفات وطباعتها\nخارج.\n\nFrench: \nÊtes-vous un fan de shopkins?\nJe dois avouer qu'ils sont vraiment adorables!\nJ'ai décidé de tourner ce pot surprise Shopkins\ndans un taille-crayon et les passer en contrebande\nmignons copains en classe.\nSortez les poteries du pot.\nJ'ai un brocoli, un pain grillé et du sucre glace!\nPrenez le papier pour envelopper le pot et économisez\ncela plus le couvercle pour plus tard.\nMaintenant, prenez un taille-crayon et un crayon et\nproduisons une partie de ce joli résidu d'aiguisage.\nUtilisez des crayons de couleur différente pour le rendre uniforme\nplus intéressant et amusant.\nPrenez une photo de ce résidu et imprimez-le\nen dehors.\n\nTurkish: \nShopkins hayranı mısınız?\nGerçekten çok güzel olduklarını itiraf etmeliyim!\nBu Shopkins sürpriz kavanozunu çevirmeye karar verdim\nbir kalemtıraş makinesine ve bunları kaçırmaya\nsınıfa şirin arkadaşlar.\nShopkins'i kavanozdan çıkar.\nBrokoli, bir tost ve şekerli krema aldım!\nKavanozu sarma kağıdını alın ve kaydedin\nBunun için daha sonra kapak.\nŞimdi bir kalemtıraş ve bir kalem al ve\nBu oldukça keskinleşen kalıntılardan birazını üretelim.\nHatta yapmak için farklı renkli kalemler kullanın\ndaha ilginç ve eğlenceli.\nBu kalıntının resmini çekin ve yazdırın\ndışarı.\n\nPortuguese: \nVocê é fã de shopkins?\nEu devo admitir que eles são verdadeiramente adoráveis!\nEu decidi virar essa garrafa surpresa de Shopkins\nem um apontador de lápis e contrabandear aqueles\nAmigos fofos para a aula.\nTire os shopkins do pote.\nEu tenho um brócolis, um torrada e açúcar de confeiteiro!\nRetire o papel do frasco e guarde\nisso mais a tampa para mais tarde.\nAgora pegue um apontador de lápis e um lápis e\nvamos produzir um pouco desse resíduo de nitidez.\nUse lápis de cor diferentes para torná-lo ainda\nmais interessante e divertido.\nTire uma foto desse resíduo e imprima-o\nFora.\n\nJapanese: \nショップキンは好きかしら?\n本当にかわいいと認めざるを得ないわ!\nだから私は、ショップキンたちを\n授業に持ち込むことにしたの\n鉛筆削りに入れてね!\nショップキンをジャーから出してね\n私はブロッコリーと、トーストと、\nアイシングシュガーをゲットしたわ\nジャーからラベルを外して、ふたも取っておいてね\n鉛筆削りを取り出して、削りカスを作りましょ\n違う色の色鉛筆を使うと、とってもカラフルで\n楽しいわ\nこれらの写真を撮って、プリントアウトしてね\n\nPolish: \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\nVietnamese: \nBạn có phải là fan của shopkins?\nTôi phải thừa nhận họ thực sự đáng yêu!\nTôi quyết định biến chiếc bình bất ngờ Shopkins này\nvào máy mài bút chì và buôn lậu\nbạn bè dễ thương đến lớp.\nLấy các shopkins ra khỏi bình.\nTôi có một bông cải xanh, bánh mì nướng và đường đóng băng!\nLấy giấy ra khỏi bình và lưu\nmà cộng với nắp cho sau này.\nBây giờ hãy mài bút chì và bút chì và\nchúng ta hãy sản xuất một số dư lượng khá sắc bén.\nSử dụng bút chì màu khác nhau để làm cho nó thậm chí\nthú vị và thú vị hơn.\nChụp một bức ảnh của phần dư đó và in nó\nngoài.\n\nEnglish: \nAre you a fan of shopkins?\nI must admit they are truly adorable!\nI decided to turn this Shopkins surprise jar\ninto a pencil sharpener and smuggle those\ncute buddies to class.\nTake the shopkins out of the jar.\nI got a broccoli, a toast and icing sugar!\nTake the paper wrapping off the jar and save\nthat plus the lid for later.\nNow take a pencil sharpener and a pencil and\nlet's produce some of that pretty sharpening residue.\nUse different colored pencils to make it even\nmore interesting and fun.\nTake a picture of that residue and print it\nout.\n\niw: \nהאם אתה אוהד של shopkins?\nאני חייב להודות שהם באמת מקסים!\nהחלטתי להפוך את זה צנצנת הפתעה של Shopkins\nלתוך מחדד עיפרון ולהבריח אותם\nחברים חמודים בכיתה.\nקח את shopkins מתוך הצנצנת.\nקיבלתי ברוקולי, טוסט וסוכר צבוע!\nקח את הנייר עוטף את הצנצנת ולשמור\nכי בתוספת המכסה עבור מאוחר יותר.\nעכשיו לקחת מחדד עיפרון עיפרון ו\nבואו לייצר כמה זה שאריות די מחידוד.\nהשתמש בעפרונות צבעוניים שונים כדי לעשות את זה אפילו\nיותר מעניין ומהנה.\nקח תמונה של שאריות זה ולהדפיס אותו\nהַחוּצָה.\n\nCzech: \nJste fanoušek obchodníků?\nMusím přiznat, že jsou opravdu rozkošné!\nRozhodla jsem se obrátit tuto překvapivou sklenici Shopkins\ndo ořezávače tužky a pašujte je\nroztomilé kamarády do třídy.\nVezměte obchodníky z nádoby.\nMám brokolici, toast a práškový cukr!\nVezměte papírový obal z nádoby a uložte ji\nže víko pro pozdější.\nNyní si vezměte tužku a tužku a\nvyrobíme některé z těch hezkých ostření.\nPoužijte různé barevné tužky, abyste je vyrovnali\nzajímavější a zábavnější.\nZhotovte si obrázek o tomto zbytku a vytiskněte jej\nven.\n\nFilipino: \nIkaw ba ay tagahanga ng shopkins?\nDapat kong tanggapin na sila ay talagang kaibig-ibig!\nNapagpasyahan kong buksan ang Shop81 surprise jar na ito\nsa isang panulat ng lapis at iparada ang mga iyon\ncute buddies sa klase.\nKunin ang mga shopkins sa labas ng garapon.\nNakakuha ako ng brokuli, isang toast at icing sugar!\nKunin ang papel na pambalot sa garapon at i-save\nna kasama ang talukap ng mata para sa ibang pagkakataon.\nNgayon ay kumuha ng lapis na lapis at isang lapis at\ngumawa ng ilan sa mga magagandang sharpening residue.\nGumamit ng iba't ibang kulay na mga lapis upang gawin itong kahit na\nmas kawili-wili at masaya.\nKumuha ng larawan ng nalabi na iyon at i-print ito\nout.\n\nSpanish: \n¿Eres fan de Shopkins?\n¡Debo admitir que son realmente adorables!\nDecidí convertir este frasco sorpresa de Shopkins\nen un sacapuntas y contrabandear esos\nlindos amigos a clase.\nSaca los shopkins del tarro.\n¡Obtuve un brócoli, una tostada y azúcar glasé!\nSaca el envoltorio de papel del frasco y guarda\neso más la tapa para más tarde.\nAhora tome un sacapuntas y un lápiz y\nproduzcamos algo de ese residuo bastante afilado.\nUsa diferentes lápices de colores para hacerlo uniforme\nmás interesante y divertido.\nTome una fotografía de ese residuo e imprímalo\nfuera.\n\nVietnamese: \nCuộn nó trong một hình dạng hình trụ như thế này và\nđặt bên trong lọ shopkins.\nTiếp theo, điền vào lọ với một bó yêu thích của bạn\nnhân vật shopkins.\nTôi đang mang toàn bộ đội hình của mình đến trường,\nvì vậy trong lọ họ đi!\nCuối cùng, keo một cái mài đơn giản lên bình\nvà chúng ta đã sẵn sàng!\nTa daaa này xuất hiện như một cây bút chì bình thường\nmài, đầy dư lượng mài đầy màu sắc,\nnhưng đội hình Shopkins của chúng tôi đang ẩn bên trong.\nVà phần tốt nhất là mài của bạn là\nvẫn hoàn toàn hoạt động!\nNếu bạn thích thu thập và chơi với những\ncuties, tôi chắc chắn họ sẽ mang lại cho bạn một tấn\nniềm vui trong lớp học.\nTôi không quan tâm nếu spinner thần tài không phải là hợp thời trang\nngay bây giờ là năm ngoái, bởi vì tôi\nvẫn thấy chúng cực kỳ thú vị.\nKiểm tra ý tưởng sử thi này để lén nó trong lớp.\nLấy bất kỳ loại sổ ghi chép nào.\nBây giờ in một hình ảnh của một cối xay gió như thế này\nmột và dán nó vào bìa máy tính xách tay với\nmột chút băng keo hai mặt.\nNgay tại đây, nơi chúng ta có phần quay,\nchúng ta sẽ dính vào spinner.\nVì vậy, áp dụng một số keo nóng vào trung tâm của bạn\nfidget spinner và dán nó vào sổ ghi chép.\nLàm thế nào thông minh phải không ?!\nSpinner fidget bằng cách nào đó kết nối với\nnền máy tính xách tay và họ cùng nhau\n\nSpanish: \nHazlo en forma de cilindro como este y\ncolocar dentro del frasco de shopkins.\nLuego, llena el frasco con un montón de tu favorito\npersonajes de shopkins.\nLlevaré a todo mi escuadrón conmigo a la escuela,\nentonces en el frasco ellos van!\nPor último, pega un sacapuntas simple en el tarro\n¡y estamos listos!\nTa daaa esto parece un lápiz normal\nsacapuntas, lleno de residuos de afilado coloridos,\npero nuestro escuadrón de Shopkins se esconde en su interior.\nY la mejor parte es que tu afilador es\ntodavía completamente funcional!\nSi te encanta coleccionar y jugar con estos\nCuties, estoy seguro de que te traerán una tonelada\nde alegría durante las clases.\nNo me importa si fidget spinner no son tan de moda\nen este momento como lo fueron el año pasado, porque yo\ntodavía los encuentran extremadamente entretenidos.\nEcha un vistazo a esta idea épica para escabullirte en clase.\nToma cualquier tipo de cuaderno.\nAhora imprime una imagen de un molino de viento como este\nuno y pegarlo en la portada del portátil con\nun poco de cinta de doble cara.\nAquí mismo, donde tenemos la parte giratoria,\nvamos a pegar nuestro fidget spinner.\nAsí que aplique algo de pegamento caliente al centro de su\nagita el spinner y pégalo al cuaderno.\n¿Qué tan inteligente, verdad?\nEl fidget spinner de alguna manera se conecta con el\nfondo del cuaderno y juntos\n\nFilipino: \nRoll ito sa isang silindro hugis tulad nito at\nilagay sa loob ng jar ng shopkins.\nSusunod, punan ang garapon na may isang grupo ng iyong mga paboritong\nmga character ng shopkins.\nIninom ko ang buong iskwad sa akin sa paaralan,\nkaya sa jar sila pumunta!\nPanghuli, ipako ang isang simpleng paniktik sa garapon\nat lahat tayo ay nakatakda!\nTulad ng ito ay lumilitaw tulad ng isang normal na lapis\nPaliit, puno ng makulay na lagas na nalalabi,\nngunit ang aming Shopkins squad ay nagtatago sa halip.\nAt ang pinakamagandang bahagi ay ang iyong tagapagsaling ay\npa rin ganap na gumagana!\nKung mahilig ka sa pagkolekta at paglalaro sa mga ito\ncuties, sigurado ako na dadalhin ka nila ng isang tonelada\nng kagalakan habang nasa klase.\nWala akong pakialam kung ang hindi mapanganib na manunulid ay hindi tulad ng nasa uso\nngayon ay noong nakaraang taon, dahil ako\npa rin mahanap ang mga ito lubhang nakaaaliw.\nTingnan ang mahabang ideya na ito upang lumabas ito sa klase.\nKunin ang anumang uri ng kuwaderno.\nNgayon ay i-print ang isang larawan ng isang windmil tulad nito\nisa at ilagay ito sa cover ng kuwaderno na may\nisang bit ng double panig tape.\nDito rito, kung saan mayroon tayong umiikot na bahagi,\nkami ay mananatili sa aming mga mapanira spinner.\nKaya ilapat ang mainit na pandikit sa gitna ng iyong\nhindi mapakali ang manunulid at idikit ito sa notebook.\nPaano matalino na tama ?!\nAng hindi mapakali spinner sa anumang paraan ay kumokonekta sa\nnotebook background at magkasama sila\n\nCzech: \nVáleček ve tvaru válce a\nmísto uvnitř obchodního jara.\nDále vyplňte džbán se spoustou svých oblíbených\nshopkins znaky.\nVezmu si se mnou celý tým se mnou do školy,\ntak ve sklenici jdou!\nNakonec přilepte na sklenici jednoduchý ořezávač\na my jsme všichni!\nTa daaa to vypadá jako normální tužka\nořezávač, plný barevných ostřících zbytků,\nale náš tým Shopkins se místo toho skrývá.\nA nejlepší část je, že vaše ořezávač je\nstále zcela funkční!\nPokud máte rádi sbírání a hraní s nimi\nCuties, jsem si jistý, že vám přinesou tónu\nradosti během tříd.\nNezajímá mě, jestli je fidget spinner tak trendy\nprávě teď jako minulý rok, protože já\nstále je velmi zábavné.\nPodívejte se na tento epický nápad, jak ho proplétat ve třídě.\nChyť libovolný notebook.\nNyní vytiskněte obrázek podobného větrného mlýna\njeden a přilepte jej na kryt notebooku\ntrochu oboustranné pásky.\nTady, kde máme spřádací část,\nbudeme držet náš fidget spinner.\nTakže do středu svého těla aplikujte nějaké horké lepidlo\nfidget spinner a přilepte jej k notebooku.\nJak moudré je?\nFidget spinner nějak spojuje s\npozadí notebooku a společně\n\nMarathi: \nते अशा प्रकारे सिलेंडर आकारात गुंडाळा आणि\nदुकानाच्या किलकिलेमध्ये ठेवा\nनंतर, आपल्या पसंतीच्या गुंफासह किलकिले भरा\nदुकानांच्या वर्ण\nमी माझ्या संपूर्ण शाळा शाळेत घेऊन जात आहे,\nम्हणून ते जाळीमध्ये जातात!\nशेवटची गोष्ट म्हणजे, सरपणासाठी याचा उपयोग या लेखाचा / विभागाचा विस्तार करण्यास मदत करा\nआणि आम्ही सर्व सज्ज आहोत!\nTa Daaa हे सामान्य पेन्सिल सारखे दिसेल\nशार्पनेर, रंगीबेरंगी धार लावणारा अवशेष,\nपण आमच्या दुकानिन्स स्क्वाड त्याऐवजी आत लपवत आहे.\nआणि सर्वोत्तम भाग हा आहे की आपले तीक्ष्ण आहे\nअजूनही पूर्णपणे कार्यशील!\nजर तुम्हाला या गोष्टींचे संगोपन आणि खेळणे आवडत असेल\nकापरे, मला खात्री आहे की ते तुम्हाला एक टन आणील\nवर्ग दरम्यान आनंद\nअजिबात फिरकी गोलंदाज म्हणून झोकदार नसल्यास मला काळजी नाही\nआत्ताच ते गेल्या वर्षी होते म्हणून, मी कारण\nतरीही त्यांना अत्यंत मनोरंजक वाटतात\nवर्गात तो डोकावून या महाकाव्याच्या कल्पना तपासा.\nकोणत्याही प्रकारची नोटबुक घ्या\nआता हे सारख्या पवनचक्कीचे एक चित्र प्रिंट करा\nएक आणि नोटबुकच्या संरचनेवर ती चिकटवा\nदुहेरी बाजू असलेला टेप एक बिट.\nयेथे, जेथे आपण कताईचा भाग आहे,\nआम्ही आमच्या अस्ताव्यस्त फिरकीपटूला चिकटून राहू.\nम्हणून आपल्यास मध्यभागी असलेल्या काही गरम सरळ लागू करा\nझटका फिरकी गोलंदाज आणि नोटबुक ते सरस\nकसे चतुर योग्य ?!\nएफ्गेड स्पिनर कसा तरी त्याच्याशी जोडतो\nनोटबुक पार्श्वभूमी आणि एकत्रितपणे ते\n\nFrench: \nRouler dans une forme de cylindre comme ça et\nplacer à l'intérieur du pot de magasin.\nEnsuite, remplissez le pot avec un tas de vos favoris\npersonnages de shopkins.\nJe prends toute mon équipe avec moi à l'école,\nalors dans le pot ils vont!\nEnfin, coller un simple taille-crayon sur le pot\net nous sommes tous ensemble!\nTa daaa cela ressemble à un crayon normal\naffûteur, plein de résidus d'aiguisage colorés,\nmais notre équipe de Shopkins se cache à la place.\nEt la meilleure partie est que votre taille-crayon est\nencore complètement fonctionnel!\nSi vous aimez collectionner et jouer avec ces\nCuties, je suis sûr qu'ils vont vous apporter une tonne\nde joie pendant les cours.\nJe m'en fiche si les spinner fidget ne sont pas aussi à la mode\nmaintenant comme ils l'étaient l'an dernier, parce que je\nles trouvent toujours extrêmement divertissant.\nDécouvrez cette idée épique pour la glisser en classe.\nPrenez n'importe quel type de cahier.\nMaintenant, imprimez une photo d'un moulin à vent comme ça\nun et le coller sur la couverture du cahier avec\nun peu de ruban adhésif double face.\nJuste ici, où nous avons la partie tournante,\nnous allons coller notre spinner fidget.\nDonc, appliquez de la colle chaude au centre de votre\nagiter le fileur et le coller sur le cahier.\nC'est bien intelligent?!\nLe spinner fidget se connecte en quelque sorte avec le\nfond de cahier et ensemble ils\n\nPolish: \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\nJapanese: \n丸めて、ショップキンのジャーに入れてね\nそしたら、お気に入りのショップキンを\nジャーに入れてね\n私はこの全部のショップキンを入れたわ!\n最後に、蓋にシンプルな鉛筆削りを張り付けてね\nじゃじゃーん!\nカラフルな削りカスが入った、\n普通の鉛筆削りに見えるわ!\nでも、中にはショップキンたちが入っているのよ\nしかも、鉛筆削りは普通に使えるの\nこの可愛いショップキンたちが大好きなら\nきっと授業中も楽しめるはずよ!\n最近ハンドスピナーがトレンディじゃない?\nそんなの関係ないわ!\nだって、私は大好きだもの!\n授業に持ち込む賢いアイディアを\nチェックしてね!\nどんなタイプのノートでも平気よ\n風車の絵をコピーして、\n両面テープを使って、張り付けてね\nこのくるくる周る部分に、ハンドスピナーを\n張り付けてね\nホットグルーを使って、真ん中に張り付けて\nかしこいでしょ?\nハンドスピナーは風車に似ているし、\n\nArabic: \nلفها في شكل اسطوانة مثل هذا و\nمكان داخل جرة shopkins.\nالمقبل ، ملء الجرة مع مجموعة من المفضلة لديك\nشخصيات متجر.\nأنا أقوم بتوصيل مجموعتي بالكامل إلى المدرسة ،\nفي الجرة يذهبون!\nوأخيرا ، الغراء مبراة بسيطة على الجرة\nونحن جميعا مضبوطين!\nتا daaa هذا يبدو وكأنه قلم رصاص طبيعي\nمبراة ، مليئة بقايا شحذ ملون ،\nلكن فريق Shopkins لدينا يختبئ في الداخل بدلاً من ذلك.\nوأفضل جزء هو أن المبراة الخاصة بك\nلا تزال تعمل بكامل طاقتها!\nإذا كنت تحب جمع واللعب مع هذه\nأنا متأكد من أنهم سوف يجلبون لك طن\nمن الفرح خلال الفصول الدراسية.\nأنا لا أهتم إذا كان الدوار فيدجيت ليست عصرية\nالآن كما كانت في العام الماضي ، لأنني\nلا تزال تجد لهم مسلية للغاية.\nتحقق من هذه الفكرة الملحمية للتسلل في الصف.\nالاستيلاء على أي نوع من دفتر الملاحظات.\nالآن طباعة صورة من طاحونة هوائية مثل هذا\nواحد والالتزام به على غلاف دفتر الملاحظات مع\nقليلا من الشريط المزدوج من جانب.\nهنا ، حيث لدينا جزء الغزل ،\nسوف نلتزم بدوراننا الدوار\nلذلك ضع بعض الغراء الساخن على مركز الخاص بك\nتململ الدوار والغراء إلى دفتر الملاحظات.\nكيف ذكي على حق؟\nthe fidget spinner بطريقة ما يربط مع\nخلفية دفتر الملاحظات ومعا\n\nPortuguese: \nEnrolá-lo em um cilindro como este e\ncoloque dentro do jarro shopkins.\nEm seguida, preencha o frasco com um monte de seu favorito\npersonagens de shopkins.\nVou levar todo o meu esquadrão comigo para a escola\nentão na jarra eles vão!\nPor fim, cole um apontador simples no frasco\ne estamos todos prontos!\nTa daaa isso parece um lápis normal\nafiador, cheio de resíduos de afiação coloridos,\nmas nosso esquadrão de Shopkins está escondido por dentro.\nE a melhor parte é que o seu apontador é\nainda completamente funcional!\nSe você gosta de colecionar e brincar com esses\ncuties, tenho certeza que eles vão te trazer uma tonelada\nde alegria durante as aulas.\nEu não me importo se fidget spinner não é tão moderno\nagora como eram no ano passado, porque eu\nainda os acho extremamente divertidos.\nConfira esta ideia épica para colocá-lo em aula.\nPegue qualquer tipo de caderno.\nAgora imprima uma imagem de um moinho de vento como este\num e colá-lo na capa do caderno com\num pouco de fita dupla face.\nBem aqui, onde temos a parte giratória\nvamos enfiar nosso fidget spinner.\nEntão aplique um pouco de cola quente no centro do seu\nfidget spinner e cole-o no notebook.\nQuão inteligente né ?!\nO fidget spinner de alguma forma se conecta com o\nfundo caderno e juntos eles\n\niw: \nגלגל אותו בצורת גליל ככה ו\nמקום בתוך צנצנת shopkins.\nלאחר מכן, למלא את הצנצנת עם חבורה של האהוב עליך\nדמויות.\nאני לוקח את כל הכיתה שלי איתי לבית הספר,\nאז בצנצנת הם הולכים!\nלבסוף, דבק פשוט מחדד על הצנצנת\nוכולנו מוכנים!\nTa daaaa זה נראה כמו עיפרון רגיל\nמחדד, מלא שאריות השחזה צבעוניים,\nאבל מחלקה שלנו Shopkins מתחבא בפנים במקום.\nוהחלק הכי טוב הוא כי מחדד שלך\nעדיין פונקציונלי לחלוטין!\nאם אתה אוהב לאסוף ולשחק עם אלה\nאני בטוח שהם יביאו לך טון\nשל שמחה במהלך השיעורים.\nלא איכפת לי אם ספידינג מטורף לא אופנתי כמו\nעכשיו כפי שהיו בשנה שעברה, כי אני\nעדיין למצוא אותם מאוד משעשע.\nבדוק את הרעיון הזה אפי להגניב אותו בכיתה.\nלתפוס כל סוג של מחברת.\nעכשיו להדפיס תמונה של טחנת רוח ככה\nאחד ודבק אותו על המחברת עם\nקצת קלטת דו צדדית.\nכאן, במקום שבו יש לנו את החלק מסתובב,\nאנחנו הולכים לדחוף את ספינר.\nאז להחיל כמה דבק חם למרכז שלך\nלטרוף טווה ולהדביק אותו למחברת.\nאיך חכם ?!\nאת טווה fidget איכשהו מתחבר עם\nמחברת רקע ויחד הם\n\nTurkish: \nBunun gibi bir silindir şeklinde rulo ve\nShopkins kavanozun içine yerleştirin.\nSonra, kavanozu sevdiğiniz bir demet ile doldurun\nshopkins karakterleri.\nBütün ekibimi okula götürüyorum.\nYani kavanozda onlar gider!\nSon olarak, kavanoza basit bir kalemtraş yapıştırın\nve hepimiz hazırız!\nBu da normal bir kalem gibi görünüyor\nrenkli bileme kalıntısı dolu kalemtıraş,\nama bizim Shopkins ekibimiz bunun yerine saklanıyor.\nVe en iyi yanı, kalemtraşınızın\nhala tamamen işlevsel!\nBunları toplayıp oynamayı seviyorsanız\ntatlılar, sana bir ton getireceklerinden eminim\nderslerde sevinç.\nFidget spinner popüler değil umurumda değil\nŞu an olduğu gibi, çünkü ben\nonları hala son derece eğlenceli buluyorum.\nSınıfta gizlice bu destansı düşünceye göz atın.\nHer çeşit dizüstü bilgisayarı tut.\nŞimdi böyle bir fırıldak resmi yazdır\nbir tane ve defter kapağına yapıştırın\nbir çift çift taraflı bant.\nTam burada, iplik parçasına sahibiz.\nFidget spinnerimizi taşıyacağız.\nBu yüzden ortasına sıcak bir yapıştırıcı uygulayın.\nFidget spinner ve dizüstü bilgisayara yapıştırın.\nNe kadar akıllıca ?!\nFidget spinner bir şekilde\ndefter arka plan ve birlikte\n\nEnglish: \nRoll it in a cylinder shape like this and\nplace inside the shopkins jar.\nNext, fill the jar with a bunch of your favorite\nshopkins characters.\nI'm taking my entire squad with me to school,\nso in the jar they go!\nLastly, glue a simple sharpener on the jar\nand we're all set!\nTa daaa this appears like a normal pencil\nsharpener, full of colorful sharpening residue,\nbut our Shopkins squad is hiding inside instead.\nAnd the best part is that your sharpener is\nstill completely functional!\nIf you love collecting and playing with these\ncuties, I am sure they will bring you a ton\nof joy during classes.\nI don't care if fidget spinner aren't as trendy\nright now as they were last year, because I\nstill find them extremely entertaining.\nCheck out this epic idea to sneak it in class.\nGrab any kind of notebook.\nNow print a picture of a windmill like this\none and stick it on the notebook cover with\na bit of double sided tape.\nRight here, where we have the spinning part,\nwe're going to stick our fidget spinner.\nSo apply some hot glue to the center of your\nfidget spinner and glue it to the notebook.\nHow clever right?!\nThe fidget spinner somehow connects with the\nnotebook background and together they\n\nSpanish: \nparece un cuaderno normal, no del todo como\njuguete.\nEntonces el maestro no tendrá nada en contra\nde seguro\nMientras tanto, puedes jugar con tu spinner,\nque también es un calmante perfecto para el estrés si\nte sientes un poco tenso\n¡Qué idea tan genial para un cuaderno de bricolaje!\nSiempre he encontrado burbujas de jabón tan entretenidas\n¡y diversión!\nAlgo sobre ellos me hace tan feliz\ny pude verlos flotar en el\naire todo el día!\nDefinitivamente hay algo mágico sobre\n¡ellos!\n¿Pero sabías que puedes hacer realidad y\népicas pompas de jabón con un marcador normal?\n¡Sí, y te mostraré cómo!\n\nFrench: \nressembler à un cahier normal, pas du tout comme\njouet.\nDonc, le professeur n'aura rien contre\nc'est sûr.\nPendant ce temps, vous pouvez jouer avec votre spinner,\nqui est également un anti-stress parfait si\nvous vous sentez un peu tendu.\nQuelle idée de bricolage cool!\nJ'ai toujours trouvé des bulles de savon si divertissantes\net amusant!\nQuelque chose à leur sujet me rend tellement heureux\net je pouvais les regarder flotter dans le\nair toute la journée!\nIl y a certainement quelque chose de magique à propos de\nleur!\nMais saviez-vous que vous pouvez faire réel et\ndes bulles de savon épiques avec un marqueur normal?\nOui et je vais vous montrer comment!\n\nFilipino: \nmukhang isang normal na kuwaderno, hindi katulad ng lahat\nlaruan.\nKaya ang guro ay walang anumang bagay laban\nito sigurado.\nSamantala, maaari mong i-play sa iyong manunulid,\nna kung saan ay din ng isang perpektong reliever stress kung\nikaw ay pakiramdam ng kaunting panahunan.\nAno ang isang cool DIY notebook ideya!\nLagi kong natagpuan ang mga bula ng sabon kaya nakakaaliw\nat masaya!\nIsang bagay tungkol sa mga ito lamang ang nagpapasaya sa akin\nat maaari kong panoorin ang mga ito lumutang sa paligid sa\nhangin sa buong araw!\nMayroon talagang isang bagay na mahiwagang tungkol\nsila!\nNgunit alam mo ba na maaari kang gumawa ng tunay at\nmahabang bula ng sabon ng sabon na may normal na marker?\nOo at ipapakita ko sa iyo kung paano!\n\nJapanese: \nおもちゃじゃなく、普通のノートに見えるわ!\nだから、先生も何も言わないに違いないわ!\nハンドスピナーはストレス発散になるし\nとってもいいと思うわ\nなんてクールなDIYノートかしら!\nシャボン玉って、どうしてこんなに楽しいのかしら!\n私を幸せにしてくれるし、\n浮かんでいるのを一日中見ていられるわ\n魔法のようね!\n普通のマーカーからシャボン玉を創り出せるって知ってる?\n今から見せるわね!\n\nCzech: \nvypadat jako běžný notebook, vůbec ne jako\nhračka.\nTakže učitel nebude mít nic proti\nto jistě.\nMezitím si můžete zahrát s vaším spinerem,\ncož je také perfektní stresový prostředek, pokud\nmáte pocit trochu napjatého.\nJaký skvělý nápad na notebook DIY!\nVždycky jsem našel mýdlové bubliny tak zábavné\na zábava!\nNěco o nich mi dělá tak šťastné\na já jsem mohl sledovat, jak je plavou kolem\nvzduch celý den!\nUrčitě je něco kouzelného\njim!\nAle věděli jste, že se můžete skutečně stát\nepické bublinky s normálním markerem?\nAno, a ukážu vám to!\n\nArabic: \nتبدو وكأنها دفتر عادي ، وليس على الإطلاق مثل\nعروسه لعبه.\nلذلك فإن المعلم لن يكون لديه أي شيء ضده\nعلى وجه اليقين.\nفي هذه الأثناء ، يمكنك اللعب مع الدوار الخاص بك ،\nوهو أيضا مثالي لتفريغ الضغط إذا\nكنت تشعر بتوتر قليلا.\nما هي فكرة DIY دفتر رائع!\nلقد وجدت دائما فقاعات الصابون حتى مسلية\nو المتعه!\nشيء عنهم يجعلني سعيدة للغاية\nويمكنني مشاهدتها تطفو في الداخل\nالهواء طوال اليوم!\nهناك بالتأكيد شيء سحري\nمعهم!\nولكن هل تعلم أنه يمكنك جعل حقيقية و\nفقاعات الصابون الملحمي مع علامة عادية؟\nنعم وسأريكم كيف!\n\nTurkish: \nnormal bir not defteri gibi görünmek, hiç de değil\noyuncak.\nYani öğretmen hiçbir şeye karşı olmayacak\nkesin olarak.\nBu arada, senin spinner ile oynayabilirsin,\naynı zamanda mükemmel bir stres giderici ise\nbiraz gergin hissediyorsun.\nNe harika bir DIY notebook fikri!\nHer zaman sabun baloncukları bu kadar eğlenceli buldum\nve eğlence!\nOnlarla ilgili bir şey beni çok mutlu ediyor\nve etrafta yüzdüm onları izleyebilir\nbütün gün hava!\nKesinlikle büyülü bir şey var.\nOnları!\nAma gerçek yapabileceğinizi biliyor muydunuz?\nnormal bir marker ile epik sabun köpüğü?\nEvet ve size nasıl olduğunu göstereceğim!\n\nPortuguese: \nparece um caderno normal, nada parecido\nbrinquedo.\nEntão o professor não terá nada contra\ncom certeza.\nEnquanto isso, você pode brincar com o seu spinner,\nque também é um apaziguador de estresse perfeito se\nVocê está se sentindo um pouco tenso.\nQue idéia legal de notebooks DIY!\nEu sempre achei bolhas de sabão tão divertidas\ne diversão!\nAlgo sobre eles me deixa tão feliz\ne eu podia vê-los flutuar no\nar o dia todo!\nHá definitivamente algo mágico sobre\neles!\nMas você sabia que você pode tornar real e\nBolhas de sabão épicas com um marcador normal?\nSim e eu vou te mostrar como!\n\nMarathi: \nसर्वसाधारण नोटबुक सारखे दिसत नाही\nखेळण्यांचे\nत्यामुळे शिक्षकांविरुद्ध काहीही नसावे\nते निश्चितपणे\nदरम्यान, आपण आपल्या स्पिनरसह खेळू शकता,\nजे देखील एक परिपूर्ण तणाव रिलीव्हर आहे तर\nआपण थोडा ताण जाणवत आहात.\nकाय एक थंड DIY नोटबुक कल्पना!\nमी नेहमी साबण फुगे ऐकत आहे\nआणि मजा!\nत्यांच्याबद्दल काहीतरी फक्त मला खूप आनंदी बनवते\nआणि मी त्यांना सुमारे फ्लोट पाहू शकतो\nसर्व दिवस हवा!\nनक्कीच काहीतरी जादूचा आहे\nत्यांना!\nपण आपण वास्तविक आणि करू शकता हे मला माहीत आहे का?\nसामान्य मार्करसह महाकाव्य साबण फुगे?\nहोय आणि मी कसे आपल्याला दाखवतो!\n\nEnglish: \nlook like a normal notebook, not at all like\ntoy.\nSo the teacher won't have anything against\nit for sure.\nMeanwhile, you can play with your spinner,\nwhich is also a perfect stress reliever if\nyou are feeling a bit tense.\nWhat a cool DIY notebook idea!\nI've always found soap bubbles so entertaining\nand fun!\nSomething about them just makes me so happy\nand I could watch them float around in the\nair all day!\nThere's definitely something magical about\nthem!\nBut did you know that you can make real and\nepic soap bubbles with a normal marker?\nYes and I'll show you how!\n\nPolish: \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\nVietnamese: \ntrông giống như một máy tính xách tay bình thường, không giống như\nđồ chơi.\nVì vậy, giáo viên sẽ không có bất cứ điều gì chống lại\nnó chắc chắn.\nTrong khi đó, bạn có thể chơi với máy quay,\nđó cũng là thuốc giảm stress hoàn hảo nếu\nbạn cảm thấy hơi căng thẳng.\nThật là một ý tưởng máy tính xách tay DIY tuyệt vời!\nTôi luôn tìm thấy bong bóng xà phòng để giải trí\nvà vui vẻ!\nMột cái gì đó về họ chỉ làm cho tôi rất hạnh phúc\nvà tôi có thể xem chúng trôi nổi trong\nkhông khí cả ngày!\nChắc chắn có điều gì đó kỳ diệu về\nhọ!\nNhưng bạn có biết rằng bạn có thể thực hiện và\nbong bóng xà phòng sử thi với một điểm đánh dấu bình thường?\nCó và tôi sẽ cho bạn thấy làm thế nào!\n\niw: \nנראה כמו מחברת רגילה, בכלל לא\nצַעֲצוּעַ.\nאז המורה לא יהיה שום דבר נגד\nזה בטוח.\nבינתיים, אתה יכול לשחק עם ספינר שלך,\nשהוא גם משכך הלחץ המושלם אם\nאתה מרגיש קצת מתוח.\nאיזה רעיון מחברת DIY מגניב!\nתמיד מצאתי בועות סבון כל כך משעשע\nוכיף!\nמשהו בהם פשוט משמח אותי\nויכולתי לראות אותם צפים סביב\nהאוויר כל היום!\nיש בהחלט משהו קסום\nאוֹתָם!\nאבל האם ידעת שאתה יכול לעשות אמיתי\nבועות סבון אפי עם סמן רגיל?\nכן ואני אראה לך איך!\n\nEnglish: \nOpen up a marker, and remove the tip.\nNow grab a knife and very carefully cut off\nthat narrow plastic bit at the tip.\nNext take a pair of tweezers and pull out\nthe ink tube out of the marker housing.\nLeave this aside for now and get a piece of\nwire ready.\nWrap the wire around any rounded object to\nget a loop.\nTwist the ends around each other and as you\ncan see we got the same shape as with\nstore bought soap bubbles.\nA perfect bubble making machine.\nTake some super glue and apply it on the tip\nlike this.\nSimply glue it to the inside of the marker lid\nand we are all set to make some bubbles.\nWell, almost!\nWe still need to prepare the soap and water\nmixture.\nOpen up a bottle of soap and squeeze some\ninto the marker housing.\n\nCzech: \nOtevřete značku a vyjměte špičku.\nNyní uchopte nůž a velmi opatrně odřízněte\nten úzký plastový hrot na špičce.\nDále si vezměte pár pinzet a vyjměte\ninkoustovou trubku z pouzdra značky.\nNechte tuto chvíli stranou a získejte kus\ndrátěný.\nOmotat drátu kolem jakéhokoli zaobleného předmětu\ndostat smyčku.\nZkroutit konce kolem sebe a stejně jako vy\nvidíme, že máme stejný tvar jako s\nuložte zakoupené mýdlové bubliny.\nDokonalý stroj na výrobu bublin.\nVezměte si nějaké super lepidlo a naneste ho na špičku\ntakhle.\nJednoduše jej přilepte na vnitřní stranu víka značky\na my jsme všichni připraveni udělat nějaké bubliny.\nNo, skoro!\nStále potřebujeme připravit mýdlo a vodu\nsměs.\nOtevřete láhev mýdla a vytlačte některé\ndo pouzdra značky.\n\niw: \nפתח סמן, ולהסיר את קצה.\nעכשיו לתפוס סכין מאוד לחתוך בזהירות\nזה חתיכת פלסטיק צר בקצה.\nהבא לקחת זוג פינצטה ו לשלוף\nאת צינור הדיו מתוך דיור סמן.\nלהשאיר את זה בצד לעת עתה ולקבל חתיכת\nתיל מוכן.\nכרוך את החוט סביב כל עצם מעוגל\nלקבל לולאה.\nלסובב את הקצוות סביב זה וכמו שאתה\nיכול לראות שיש לנו את אותה צורה כמו עם\nבועות סבון קנה.\nבועה מושלמת עושה מכונה.\nקח כמה דבק סופר ולהחיל אותו על קצה\nככה.\nכל שעליך לעשות הוא להדביק אותו לתוך החלק הפנימי של מכסה הסמן\nוכולנו מוכנים לעשות כמה בועות.\nטוב, כמעט!\nאנחנו עדיין צריכים להכין את הסבון והמים\nתַעֲרוֹבֶת.\nלפתוח בקבוק סבון וללחוץ קצת\nלתוך הדיור סמן.\n\nVietnamese: \nMở một điểm đánh dấu và loại bỏ đầu.\nBây giờ lấy một con dao và cắt rất cẩn thận\nmột chút nhựa hẹp ở mũi.\nTiếp theo lấy một cặp nhíp và kéo ra\ncác ống mực ra khỏi nhà ở đánh dấu.\nBỏ qua chuyện này sang một bên và lấy một phần\ndây đã sẵn sàng.\nQuấn dây xung quanh bất kỳ vật tròn nào vào\ncó một vòng lặp.\nXoay các đầu xung quanh nhau và như bạn\ncó thể thấy chúng tôi có hình dạng giống như\nlưu trữ bong bóng xà phòng đã mua.\nMột máy làm bong bóng hoàn hảo.\nLấy một số keo siêu dính và áp dụng nó trên đầu\nnhư thế này.\nĐơn giản chỉ cần dán nó vào bên trong của nắp đánh dấu\nvà tất cả chúng ta đều tạo ra một số bong bóng.\nVâng, gần như!\nChúng ta vẫn cần chuẩn bị xà phòng và nước\nhỗn hợp.\nMở một chai xà phòng và bóp một ít\nvào nhà đánh dấu.\n\nPolish: \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\nTurkish: \nBir işaretleyici açın ve ipucunu kaldırın.\nŞimdi bir bıçak al ve çok dikkatli bir şekilde kes\nBu uçta dar plastik bit.\nSonra bir çift cımbız alın ve çekin\nMürekkep tüpü, işaret muhafazasından çıkar.\nBunu şimdilik bir kenara bırak ve bir parça al\ntel hazır\nTel, herhangi bir yuvarlak nesnenin etrafına sarılır.\nbir döngü olsun.\nUçları birbirinizin etrafında döndürün\ngörebildiğimiz gibi\nmağaza sabun baloncukları aldı.\nMükemmel bir baloncuk makinesi.\nSüper yapıştırıcıyı alın ve ucunda uygulayın.\nbunun gibi.\nSadece işaret kapağının içine yapıştırın\nve hepimiz biraz kabarcık yapmak için hazırız.\nEh, neredeyse!\nSabun ve su hazırlamak için hala ihtiyacımız var.\nKarışım.\nBir şişe sabunu açın ve biraz sıkın\nişaretleyici muhafazasına.\n\nFrench: \nOuvrez un marqueur et retirez la pointe.\nMaintenant, attrapez un couteau et très soigneusement coupé\ncette mèche en plastique étroite à la pointe.\nPrenez ensuite une pince à épiler et tirez\nle tube d'encre sort du boîtier du marqueur.\nLaissez cela de côté pour l'instant et obtenez un morceau de\nfil prêt.\nEnroulez le fil autour de tout objet arrondi à\nobtenir une boucle.\nTournez les extrémités les unes autour des autres et comme vous\npeut voir que nous avons la même forme qu'avec\nmagasin acheté des bulles de savon.\nUne machine à faire des bulles parfaite.\nPrenez de la super colle et appliquez-la sur la pointe\ncomme ça.\nIl suffit de le coller à l'intérieur du couvercle du marqueur\net nous sommes tous prêts à faire des bulles.\nEh bien, presque!\nNous devons encore préparer le savon et l'eau\nmélange.\nOuvrir une bouteille de savon et en presser\ndans le boîtier du marqueur.\n\nJapanese: \nマーカーを開けて、先をとってね\nナイフで先端の狭い部分を切り落として\n毛抜きでインクチューブを取り出してね\n次に、ワイヤーを用意して\n丸いものをつかって、ワイヤーを丸めてね\n先をねじって、\nシャボン玉と同じ形にするの\n完璧よ!\n瞬間接着剤でこんな感じでとめてね\nマーカーの蓋の内側にとめてね\nよし、もうすぐよ!\n洗剤と水を混ぜてね\nマーカーの中に洗剤を入れてね\n\nSpanish: \nAbre un marcador y quita la punta.\nAhora agarra un cuchillo y corta con mucho cuidado\nesa broca de plástico estrecha en la punta.\nLuego toma un par de pinzas y sácalo\nel tubo de tinta fuera de la carcasa del marcador.\nDeje esto de lado por ahora y obtenga un pedazo de\nalambre listo\nEnvuelva el cable alrededor de cualquier objeto redondeado para\nobtener un bucle\nGira los extremos el uno alrededor del otro y a medida que\npodemos ver que tenemos la misma forma que con\nla tienda compró pompas de jabón.\nUna máquina perfecta para hacer burbujas.\nToma un poco de pegamento y aplícalo en la punta\nMe gusta esto.\nSimplemente pégalo al interior de la tapa del marcador\ny estamos todos listos para hacer algunas burbujas.\n¡Bueno, casi!\nTodavía tenemos que preparar el agua y el jabón\nmezcla.\nAbre una botella de jabón y exprime un poco\nen la carcasa del marcador.\n\nFilipino: \nBuksan ang isang marker, at alisin ang tip.\nNgayon grab isang kutsilyo at maingat na putulin\nang makitid na plastic na bit sa tip.\nSusunod tumagal ng isang pares ng tweezers at pull out\nang tinta tube mula sa pabahay na marker.\nIwanan ito bukod para sa ngayon at makakuha ng isang piraso ng\nhanda na ang wire.\nWrap ang wire sa paligid ng anumang bilugan na bagay\nkumuha ng isang loop.\nI-twist ang mga dulo sa paligid ng bawat isa at habang ikaw\nmaaaring makita namin ang parehong hugis tulad ng\nAng tindahan ay bumili ng mga bula ng sabon.\nIsang perpektong makinang paggawa ng bubble.\nKumuha ng sobrang pangkola at ilapat ito sa dulo\nganito.\nMaglagay lamang ito sa loob ng talukap ng marker\nat kami ay nakatakda na gumawa ng ilang mga bula.\nWell, halos!\nKailangan pa rin nating ihanda ang sabon at tubig\nhalo.\nBuksan up ng isang bote ng sabon at pisilin ang ilan\nsa pabahay ng marker.\n\nMarathi: \nएक चिन्हक उघडा आणि टिप काढा\nआता एक चाकू बळकावा आणि खूप काळजीपूर्वक कापला\nटिप येथे की अरुंद प्लास्टिक बिट.\nपुढील चिमटी एक जोडी घ्या आणि बाहेर खेचणे\nमार्कर घराच्या शाई ट्यूब बाहेर काढा.\nआता हे बाजूला ठेवा आणि एक तुकडा मिळवा\nतयार तार\nकोणत्याही गोळाबेरीज ऑब्जेक्टच्या जवळ तार ओघ करा\nलूप मिळवा\nएकमेकांभोवती आणि आपल्यासारख्या अंतराळा फिरवा\nआम्ही यासारखेच आकार प्राप्त करू शकतो हे पाहू शकतो\nस्टोअर विकत साबण फुगे\nएक परिपूर्ण बबल बनवणे मशीन.\nकाही सुपर गोंद घ्या आणि टिपवर ती लावा\nहे असेच.\nफक्त मार्कर झाकणच्या आतील लावा\nआणि आम्ही सर्व काही फुगे तयार करण्यासाठी तयार आहोत.\nविहीर, जवळजवळ!\nआपल्याला साबण आणि पाणी तयार करण्याची गरज आहे\nमिश्रण\nसाबण एक बाटली उघडण्यासाठी आणि काही मळणे\nमार्कर गृहनिर्माण मध्ये\n\nArabic: \nافتح علامة وإزالة الحافة.\nالآن انتزاع سكين وقطع بعناية فائقة\nتلك اللدونة البلاستيكية الضيقة عند الطرف.\nالمقبل تأخذ زوج من الملقط والانسحاب\nأنبوب الحبر من السكن علامة.\nاترك هذا جانبا الآن واحصل على قطعة من\nالأسلاك جاهزة.\nالتفاف السلك حول أي كائن مدور ل\nالحصول على حلقة.\nغيّر الأطراف حول بعضها البعض وأنت مثلك\nيمكن أن نرى أننا حصلنا على نفس الشكل كما هو الحال مع\nاشترى متجر فقاعات الصابون.\nآلة صنع فقاعات مثالية.\nخذ بعض الغراء عظمى وتطبيقه على الحافة\nمثله.\nببساطة الغراء إلى داخل غطاء علامة\nونحن مستعدون لجعل بعض الفقاعات.\nحسنا ، تقريبا!\nما زلنا بحاجة إلى إعداد الصابون والماء\nخليط.\nفتح زجاجة من الصابون والضغط على بعض\nفي السكن علامة.\n\nPortuguese: \nAbra um marcador e remova a ponta.\nAgora pegue uma faca e corte com muito cuidado\naquele pedaço de plástico estreito na ponta.\nEm seguida, pegue um par de pinças e puxe\no tubo de tinta para fora do alojamento do marcador.\nDeixe isso de lado por enquanto e pegue um pedaço de\narame pronto.\nEnrole o fio em torno de qualquer objeto arredondado para\npegue um loop.\nTorça as extremidades em torno de si e como você\npode ver que temos a mesma forma que com\nloja comprou bolhas de sabão.\nUma máquina perfeita para fazer bolhas.\nPegue um pouco de super cola e aplique na ponta\ncomo isso.\nBasta colá-lo no interior da tampa do marcador\ne estamos todos prontos para fazer algumas bolhas.\nBem, quase!\nAinda precisamos preparar o sabão e a água\nmistura.\nAbra uma garrafa de sabão e esprema um pouco\nna caixa do marcador.\n\nFilipino: \nIyon ay sapat, ngayon ang lahat ng nawawala ay a\nsplash ng tubig at handa na kaming gumawa ng mga naglo-load\nng magagandang at mahiwagang mga bula.\nSa tingin ko ang ideya na ito ay tuwid up mahabang tula!\nAng paggawa ng mga bula ng sabon na may marker, ibig sabihin ko\nito ay hindi nakakakuha ng mas mabaliw kaysa iyon!\nAt ang katotohanan ay gumagana ito nang mahusay!\nTingnan kung gaano karaming mga bula ang ginagawa sa isang pumunta.\nHalos hindi ako makapaniwala sa aking mga mata!\nSa tingin ko sumasang-ayon kaming lahat na ito cool na imbento\nang mga tawag para sa isang maliit na kalokohan sa guro.\nAng pag-iilaw ay nangyayari kapag ang mga particle ng yelo at tubig\nbumundol sa bawat isa sa loob ng mga kulog na ulap.\nSino ang gumawa nito ?!\nSino ang gumawa nito ?!\n\nJapanese: \nこれでいいわ、後は水を入れれば\n完成よ!\n傑作だわ!\nマーカーからシャボン玉なんで、誰が考え付くかしら!\n本当にちゃんと使えるのよ!\n一回でこれだけたくさんのシャボン玉が作れたわ!\n信じられないわね!\n先生への小さないたずらってところかしら\n氷と水が雲の中でぶつかり合った時、光が発生します\n誰がやったの!?\n誰がやったの!?\n\nCzech: \nTo stačí, teď je všechno, co chybí\nsplash vody a jsme připraveni provést zátěž\nkrásné a kouzelné bubliny.\nMyslím, že tato myšlenka je přímo vzhůru!\nMyslím, že mýdlové bubliny s markerem\nto se nestane šílenější než to!\nA pravda je, že to funguje tak dobře!\nPodívejte se, kolik bublinek to dělá najednou.\nSkoro nemůžu uvěřit svým očím!\nMyslím, že všichni souhlasíme s tímto skvělým vynálezem\nžádá trochu žertí na učitele.\nOsvětlení se děje při částech ledu a vody\nnarazili do sebe v hromových mracích.\nKdo to udělal?!\nKdo to udělal?!\n\nFrench: \nC'est assez, maintenant tout ce qui manque est un\néclaboussure d'eau et nous sommes prêts à faire des charges\nde bulles magnifiques et magiques.\nJe pense que cette idée est épique!\nFaire des bulles de savon avec un marqueur, je veux dire\nça ne devient pas plus fou que ça!\nEt la vérité c'est que ça marche si bien!\nRegardez combien de bulles ça fait en une fois.\nJe ne peux presque pas croire mes yeux!\nJe pense que nous sommes tous d'accord que cette invention cool\nappelle une petite farce à l'enseignant.\nL'éclairage se produit lorsque des particules de glace et d'eau\nse cogner à l'intérieur des nuages ​​de tonnerre.\nQui a fait cela?!\nQui a fait cela?!\n\niw: \nזה מספיק, עכשיו כל מה שחסר הוא\nהתזה של מים ואנחנו מוכנים לעשות המון\nשל בועות יפות וקסומות.\nאני חושב שזה רעיון ישר אפי!\nעושה בועות סבון עם סמן, אני מתכוון\nזה לא מקבל יותר מטורף מזה!\nוהאמת היא עובדת כל כך טוב!\nתראו כמה בועות זה עושה בבת אחת.\nאני כמעט לא מאמינה למראה העיניים שלי!\nאני חושב שכולנו מסכימים כי המצאה זה מגניב\nקורא קצת מתיחה על המורה.\nתאורה קורה כאשר חלקיקי קרח ומים\nנתקלים זה בזה בתוך ענני הרעם.\nמי עשה זאת?!\nמי עשה זאת?!\n\nArabic: \nهذا يكفي ، والآن كل ما هو مفقود هو\nرش الماء ونحن على استعداد لجعل الأحمال\nمن فقاعات جميلة وساحرة.\nأعتقد أن هذه الفكرة هي ملحمة!\nصنع فقاعات الصابون مع علامة ، أعني\nلا تحصل على المزيد من المجانين من ذلك!\nوالحقيقة هي أنها تعمل بشكل جيد!\nانظروا كم عدد الفقاعات التي تصنعها دفعة واحدة.\nأنا تقريبا لا أصدق عيني!\nأعتقد أننا نتفق جميعًا على أن هذا الاختراع رائع\nيدعو لمزحة صغيرة على المعلم.\nتحدث الإضاءة عند جسيمات الثلج والماء\nتصطدم ببعضها البعض داخل السحب الرعدية.\nمن فعل هذا؟!\nمن فعل هذا؟!\n\nMarathi: \nते पुरेसे आहे, आता जे सर्व गहाळ आहे ते एक आहे\nपाणी शोभा आणि आम्ही लोड करण्यासाठी तयार आहोत\nसुंदर आणि जादूचा फुगे च्या\nमला वाटते की ही कल्पना सरळ सरळ आहे!\nमार्करसह साबण फुगे बनवितो, म्हणजे\nत्यापेक्षा जास्त वेडा नाही!\nआणि सत्य हे इतके चांगले काम करते!\nते एकाच वेळी किती फुगे बनवतात हे पहा.\nमी माझ्या डोळ्यांवर विश्वास ठेवू शकत नाही!\nमला वाटतं की आम्ही सर्व मान्य करतो की हे छान शोध\nशिक्षक वर थोडे शरम साठी कॉल\nबर्फ आणि पाण्याचे कण तेव्हा प्रकाश पडतात\nमेघगर्जना ढगांमध्ये एकमेकांभोवती ढकलू नका.\nहे कोणी केले?!\nहे कोणी केले?!\n\nPolish: \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\nEnglish: \nThat's enough, now all that's missing is a\nsplash of water and we're ready to make loads\nof beautiful and magical bubbles.\nI think this idea is straight up epic!\nMaking soap bubbles with a marker, I mean\nit doesn't get more insane than that!\nAnd the truth is it works so well!\nLook how many bubbles it makes in one go.\nI almost can't believe my eyes!\nI think we all agree that this cool invention\ncalls for a little prank on the teacher.\nLighting happens when ice and water particles\nbump into each other inside the thunder clouds.\nWho did this?!\nWho did this?!\n\nTurkish: \nBu yeterli, şimdi eksik olan bir\nsu sıçraması ve yüklerimizi almaya hazırız\ngüzel ve büyülü baloncuklar.\nBu fikrin destansı olduğunu düşünüyorum!\nBir marker ile sabun köpüğü yapmak, demek istediğim\nbundan daha çıldırmaz!\nVe gerçek şu ki iyi çalışıyor!\nTek seferde kaç tane kabarcık yaptığını görün.\nNeredeyse gözlerime inanamıyorum!\nSanırım hepimiz bu güzel buluşu kabul ediyoruz\nöğretmene biraz şaka çağırır.\nBuz ve su parçacıkları olduğunda aydınlatma olur\ngök gürültüsü bulutlarının içinde birbirine çarpmak.\nBunu kim yaptı?!\nBunu kim yaptı?!\n\nPortuguese: \nIsso é o suficiente, agora tudo o que falta é um\nesguicho de água e estamos prontos para fazer cargas\nde bolhas bonitas e mágicas.\nEu acho que essa ideia é épica!\nFazendo bolhas de sabão com um marcador, quero dizer\nnão fica mais louco do que isso!\nE a verdade é que funciona tão bem!\nVeja quantas bolhas faz de uma só vez.\nEu quase não acredito nos meus olhos!\nEu acho que todos nós concordamos que esta invenção legal\npede uma pequena brincadeira sobre o professor.\nA iluminação acontece quando partículas de gelo e água\ncolidir um com o outro dentro das nuvens de trovão.\nQuem fez isto?!\nQuem fez isto?!\n\nSpanish: \nEs suficiente, ahora todo lo que falta es una\nsalpicaduras de agua y estamos listos para hacer cargas\nde bellas y mágicas burbujas.\n¡Creo que esta idea es directamente épica!\nHacer pompas de jabón con un marcador, quiero decir\n¡No se pone más loco que eso!\n¡Y la verdad es que funciona tan bien!\nMira cuántas burbujas hace de una vez.\n¡Casi no puedo creer lo que veo!\nCreo que todos estamos de acuerdo en que esta genial invención\npide una pequeña broma al profesor.\nLa iluminación ocurre cuando las partículas de hielo y agua\nchocan entre sí dentro de las nubes de truenos.\n¡¿Quien hizo esto?!\n¡¿Quien hizo esto?!\n\nVietnamese: \nĐủ rồi, bây giờ tất cả những gì còn thiếu là\ngiật gân của nước và chúng tôi đã sẵn sàng để làm cho tải\ncủa bong bóng đẹp và huyền diệu.\nTôi nghĩ rằng ý tưởng này là thẳng lên sử thi!\nLàm bong bóng xà phòng với điểm đánh dấu, ý tôi là\nnó không trở nên điên rồ hơn thế!\nVà sự thật là nó hoạt động rất tốt!\nHãy xem có bao nhiêu bong bóng nó tạo ra trong một lần.\nTôi gần như không thể tin vào mắt mình!\nTôi nghĩ tất cả chúng ta đều đồng ý rằng sáng chế tuyệt vời này\nkêu gọi một chút trò đùa về giáo viên.\nÁnh sáng xảy ra khi các hạt băng và nước\nva vào nhau bên trong những đám mây sấm sét.\nAi đã làm điều này?!\nAi đã làm điều này?!\n\nFrench: \nLUDO est un bon vieux jeu de société préféré pour\ntant d'entre nous et la faucher en classe est\nplus facile que vous ne le pensez.\nPrenez un plus grand cahier et ouvrez un front\ncouverture.\nImprimer un modèle LUDO à partir d'Internet et\nle coller au cahier avec du double\nruban adhésif.\nPrendre seize trombones dans quatre différents\ncouleurs.\nEnfin, nous avons besoin d'un dé et j'ai eu la chance\ntrouver une gomme sous la forme d'un dé dans un magasin.\nVous pouvez aussi le bricoler vous-même - tout ce dont vous avez besoin\nest une gomme en forme de dés et vous pouvez dessiner\nles points vous-même.\nQuoi qu'il en soit, comme je vous l'ai dit - faufiler une planche LUDO\nle jeu en classe est littéralement un morceau de gâteau!\nDe la même manière, vous pouvez en glisser beaucoup d'autres\njeux de société à l'école aussi.\nVous et votre voisin de bureau aurez tellement de choses\namusement.\nFaites juste attention à ce que le professeur ne voit pas\ntoi!\n\nPolish: \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\nVietnamese: \nLUDO là một trò chơi hội đồng quản trị yêu thích cũ tốt cho\nrất nhiều người trong chúng ta và lẻn vào lớp học\ndễ dàng hơn bạn nghĩ.\nLấy một sổ ghi chép lớn hơn và mở ra một mặt trước\nche.\nIn mẫu LUDO từ internet và\ndính nó vào máy tính xách tay với một số đôi\nbăng keo.\nLấy mười sáu kẹp giấy trong bốn phần khác nhau\nmàu sắc.\nCuối cùng chúng tôi cần một con xúc xắc và tôi đã đủ may mắn\nđể tìm một cục tẩy trong một hình thức của một con xúc xắc trong một cửa hàng.\nBạn cũng có thể tự làm nó cho mình - tất cả những gì bạn cần\nlà một công cụ có hình dạng con xúc xắc và bạn có thể vẽ\ncác dấu chấm chính mình.\nDù sao, như tôi đã nói với bạn - lén một bảng LUDO\ntrò chơi trong lớp theo nghĩa đen là một miếng bánh!\nTheo cách tương tự, bạn có thể lẻn nhiều người khác\ntrò chơi hội đồng quản trị đến trường là tốt.\nBạn và hàng xóm bàn của bạn sẽ có rất nhiều\nvui vẻ.\nHãy cẩn thận để giáo viên không thấy\nbạn!\n\nJapanese: \nLUDOは古いけれどとっても楽しいし\nあなたが思う以上に簡単に授業に持ち込めるのよ\n大きなノートを用意して、表紙を開いてね\nテンプレートを張り付けてね\n両面テープがいいわ\n16個の4色のクリップを用意してね\n最後にさいころを用意すればいいわ\nラッキーなことに、\nさいころ型の消しゴムを見つけたの\nもちろん自分で作ることもできるわ\nさいころ型の消しゴムに\n自分でドットを書くだけよ!\n授業に持ち込むなんて朝飯前よ!\nこんな風に、\n他のボードゲームを持ち込むこともできるわ\nあなたもご近所さんも、楽しめるのよ\n先生に見られないように注意してね!\n\nEnglish: \nLUDO is a good old favorite board game for\nso many of us and sneaking it in class is\neasier than you think.\nGrab a larger notebook and open up a front\ncover.\nPrint a LUDO template from the internet and\nstick it to the notebook with some double\nsided tape.\nTake sixteen paper clips in four different\ncolors.\nLastly we need a dice and I was lucky enough\nto find an eraser in a form of a dice in a store.\nYou can also DIY it yourself – all you need\nis a dice shaped eraser and you can draw\nthe dots yourself.\nAnyway, as I told ya - sneaking a LUDO board\ngame in class is literally a piece of cake!\nIn a similar way you can sneak many other\nboard games to school as well.\nYou and your desk neighbor will have so much\nfun.\nJust be careful so the teacher doesn't see\nyou!\n\niw: \nLUDO הוא משחק ישן טוב הלוח המועדף\nכל כך הרבה מאיתנו להתגנב אותו בכיתה\nקל יותר ממה שאתה חושב.\nתפוס מחברת גדולה יותר ותפתח מלפנים\nכיסוי.\nהדפס תבנית LUDO מהאינטרנט\nמקל את זה עם המחברת עם כמה כפולים\nצדדית.\nקח שש-עשרה מהדקים בארבעה שונים\nצבעים.\nלבסוף אנחנו צריכים הקוביות ואני בר מזל מספיק\nכדי למצוא מחק בצורת קובייה בחנות.\nאתה יכול גם עשה זאת בעצמך - כל מה שאתה צריך\nהוא מחק בצורת קוביות ואתה יכול לצייר\nאת הנקודות בעצמך.\nבכל אופן, כמו שאמרתי לך - מתגנבת ללודו\nהמשחק בכיתה הוא ממש חתיכת עוגה!\nבאופן דומה אתה יכול להתגנב רבים אחרים\nמשחקי לוח לבית הספר גם כן.\nאתה והשכן שלך במשרד יהיה כל כך הרבה\nכֵּיף.\nרק להיות זהיר כך המורה לא רואה\nאתה!\n\nPortuguese: \nLUDO é um bom e velho jogo de tabuleiro favorito para\nmuitos de nós e escondendo-o na aula é\nmais fácil do que você pensa.\nPegue um caderno maior e abra uma frente\ntampa.\nImprima um modelo LUDO da Internet e\ncolá-lo ao notebook com algumas duplas\nfita de lado.\nPegue dezesseis clipes de papel em quatro diferentes\ncores.\nPor fim, precisamos de um dado e eu tive sorte o suficiente\npara encontrar uma borracha na forma de um dado em uma loja.\nVocê também pode DIY você mesmo - tudo que você precisa\né um apagador em forma de dados e você pode desenhar\nos pontos você mesmo.\nDe qualquer forma, como eu disse - sneaking uma placa LUDO\njogo em sala de aula é literalmente um pedaço de bolo!\nDe maneira semelhante, você pode roubar muitos outros\njogos de tabuleiro para a escola também.\nVocê e seu vizinho de mesa terão muito\nDiversão.\nApenas tenha cuidado para que o professor não veja\nvocê!\n\nCzech: \nLUDO je dobrá stará oblíbená desková hra\ntak mnozí z nás a plíží to ve třídě\nsnadnější než si myslíte.\nChyť větší notebook a otevřete přední část\nPokrýt.\nVytiskněte šablonu LUDO z internetu a\npřilepte ho k notebooku s nějakým dvojitým\noboustranná páska.\nVezměte šestnáct papírových svorek ve čtyřech různých\nbarvy.\nNakonec potřebujeme kostky a já jsem měl štěstí\nnajít gumu v podobě kostky v obchodě.\nMůžete si také sami udělat vše, co potřebujete\nje gumová tyčinka a můžete kreslit\ntečky sami.\nKaždopádně, jak jsem ti říkala - plíživou desku LUDO\nhra ve třídě je doslova kusem dortu!\nPodobným způsobem můžete plížit mnoho dalších\nstolní hry do školy.\nTy a tvůj soused bude mít tolik\nzábava.\nJen buďte opatrní, takže učitel nevidí\nvy!\n\nSpanish: \nLUDO es un buen viejo juego de mesa favorito para\nmuchos de nosotros y sigilosamente en clase es\nmás fácil de lo que piensas\nToma un cuaderno más grande y abre un frente\ncubrir.\nImprima una plantilla LUDO desde Internet y\npégalo en el cuaderno con un doble\ncinta adhesiva.\nTome dieciséis clips de papel en cuatro diferentes\ncolores.\nPor último, necesitamos un dado y tuve la suerte\npara encontrar un borrador en forma de dados en una tienda.\nTambién puedes hacerlo tú mismo, todo lo que necesitas\nes un borrador en forma de dados y puedes dibujar\nlos puntos tú mismo.\nDe todos modos, como te dije, a escondidas un tablero de LUDO\n¡el juego en clase es literalmente un pedazo de pastel!\nDe manera similar, puedes colar a muchos otros\njuegos de mesa para la escuela también.\nUsted y su vecino de escritorio tendrán tanto\ndivertido.\nSolo ten cuidado para que el maestro no vea\n¡tú!\n\nMarathi: \nल्युदो हा एक चांगला जुना आवडता बोर्ड गेम आहे\nआपल्यापैकी बरेच लोक आणि ते वर्गात घुसतात\nआपल्याला वाटते त्यापेक्षा सोपे.\nएक मोठी नोटबुक घ्या आणि आघाडी उघडा\nकव्हर\nइंटरनेटवरून ल्युदो टेम्पलेट प्रिंट करा आणि\nकाही डबल सह नोटबुक तो चिकटवा\nबाजू असलेला टेप\nचार भिन्न सोळा कागद क्लिप घ्या\nरंग.\nशेवटी आम्हाला एक फासे पाहिजे आणि मी भाग्यवान होते\nएक स्टोअर मध्ये एक फासे एक प्रकारात एक इरेजर शोधण्यासाठी.\nआपण देखील ते स्वत: DIY शकता - आपल्याला आवश्यक असलेले सर्व\nहा एक पासा आकाराचा इरेज़र आहे आणि आपण काढू शकता\nठिपके कोण स्वत: ला\nअसं असलं तरी, मी म्हटलं - एक ल्यूदो बोर्ड छेड\nवर्गात खेळ शब्दशः केक एक तुकडा आहे!\nत्याचप्रकारे आपण इतर अनेक गोष्टींचा उलगडा करू शकता\nबोर्ड गेम तसेच शाळेत\nआपण आणि आपल्या डेस्क शेजारी खूप असेल\nमजा\nफक्त सावध रहा जेणेकरून शिक्षक दिसत नाही\nआपण!\n\nTurkish: \nLUDO için iyi bir eski favori masa oyunu\nPek çoğumuz ve sinsice sinsice\nsandığından daha kolay.\nDaha büyük bir not al ve ön tarafa aç\nkapsamaktadır.\nİnternetten bir LUDO şablonu yazdırın ve\nbazı çift ile dizüstü bilgisayara yapıştırın\ntaraflı bant.\nDört farklı şekilde on altı ataş alın\nrenkler.\nSonunda bir zar lazım ve yeterince şanslıydım\nBir mağazada bir zar şeklinde bir silgi bulmak için.\nKendiniz de diyebilirsiniz - tek ihtiyacınız olan\nbir zar şeklindeki silgidir ve çizebilirsiniz\nnoktalar kendiniz.\nHer neyse, söylediğim gibi - bir LUDO yönetim kurulu gizlice\nSınıfta oyun tam anlamıyla bir parça kek!\nBenzer şekilde başka birçok gizlice girebilirsiniz\nmasa oyunları da okula.\nSen ve komşunun komşunuz çok olacak\neğlence.\nSadece dikkatli ol, böylece öğretmen görmüyor\nsen!\n\nFilipino: \nAng LUDO ay isang magandang lumang paboritong board game para sa\nnapakarami sa atin at nakalilibang ito sa klase\nmas madali kaysa sa iyong iniisip.\nKunin ang isang mas malaking notebook at buksan ang isang harap\ntakip.\nMag-print ng template ng LUDO mula sa internet at\nilagay ito sa notebook na may ilang dobleng\npanig na tape.\nKumuha ng labing-anim na clip ng papel sa apat na magkakaibang\nmga kulay.\nPanghuli kailangan namin ng isang dice at ako ay masuwerteng sapat\nupang makahanap ng isang pambura sa isang anyo ng isang dice sa isang tindahan.\nMaaari mo ring DIY ito sa iyong sarili - lahat ng kailangan mo\nay isang dice hugis pambura at maaari kang gumuhit\nang iyong mga tuldok.\nGayon pa man, tulad ng sinabi ko sa ya - lumilipad ang LUDO board\nAng laro sa klase ay literal na isang piraso ng cake!\nSa isang katulad na paraan maaari kang lumabas ng maraming iba pang mga\nboard game sa paaralan pati na rin.\nIkaw at ang iyong kapitbahay ng desk ay magkakaroon ng labis\nmasaya.\nMag-ingat ka lamang upang hindi makita ng guro\nikaw!\n\nArabic: \nLUDO هي لعبة لوحة مفضلة قديمة جيدة لـ\nالكثير منا والتسلل في الصف هو\nأسهل مما تعتقد\nانتزاع دفتر أكبر وفتح جبهة\nالتغطية.\nطباعة قالب LUDO من الإنترنت و\nالتمسك دفتر الملاحظات مع بعض مزدوجة\nالشريط جانب.\nخذ ستة عشر مشابك ورق في أربعة مقاطع مختلفة\nالألوان.\nأخيراً ، نحن بحاجة إلى نرد وأنا محظوظ بما فيه الكفاية\nللعثور على ممحاة في شكل زهر في متجر.\nيمكنك أيضا DIY بنفسك - كل ما تحتاجه\nهي ممحاة على شكل الزهر ويمكنك رسم\nالنقاط نفسك.\nعلى أي حال ، كما قلت يا - تسلل مجلس LUDO\nاللعبة في الفصل هي حرفيا قطعة من الكعكة!\nبطريقة مماثلة يمكنك التسلل العديد من الآخرين\nألعاب المجلس إلى المدرسة كذلك.\nأنت ومكتبك الجار سيكون لديك الكثير\nمرح.\nفقط كن حذرا حتى لا يرى المعلم\nأنت!\n\nSpanish: \nLa escuela puede ser más estresante a veces, por lo\ntener una bola de estrés a mano puede ser muy útil.\nTome un soporte de plástico para globos como este.\nAhora toma una pelota de estrés.\nEl mío tiene este pequeño mango, que es perfecto\npara envolver el soporte del globo.\nDe lo contrario, puedes pegarlo.\nTome una pistola de pegamento y aplique un poco de pegamento caliente en\nel extremo de plástico\nAhora elige cualquier lápiz que te guste y péguelo\na la pelota de estrés\nVoila! Nuestro lápiz de pelota de estrés ya está hecho.\nse ve fenomenal y se siente muy satisfecho.\nMe encanta esta idea con el soporte del globo,\nporque si quieres puedes tomar el\nbola de estrés de su lápiz y es completamente\nintacto.\nEste pequeño individuo es tan blandito y divertido de jugar\ncon.\nDefinitivamente se encargará de todo lo estresante\n¡o solo unas horas aburridas en la escuela!\nSí, hice otro porque estoy tan obsesionado\ny quiero hacer aún más porque estos bricolaje\n¡Los lápices de pelota de estrés son simplemente adorables!\nSi eres fanático de los animales de peluche,\nDIY hack es perfecto para ti!\n\nFrench: \nL'école peut parfois être stressante, alors\navoir une balle de stress à portée de main peut être très utile.\nPrenez un support de ballon en plastique comme celui-ci.\nPrenez maintenant une balle anti-stress.\nLe mien a ce petit manche, qui est parfait\nenrouler autour du support de ballon.\nSinon, vous pouvez simplement le coller.\nPrenez un pistolet à colle et appliquez de la colle chaude sur\nl'extrémité en plastique.\nChoisissez maintenant n'importe quel crayon que vous aimez et collez-le\nà la balle de stress.\nVoila! Notre stylo à bille anti-stress est fait\nsemble phénoménal et se sent très satisfaisant.\nJ'aime cette idée avec le support de ballon,\nparce que si vous voulez, vous pouvez toujours prendre le\nstress balle hors de votre crayon et il est complètement\nintact.\nCe petit gars est tellement mou et amusant à jouer\navec.\nIl va certainement s'occuper de tout le stress\nou juste des heures un peu ennuyeuses à l'école!\nOui j'en ai fait une autre parce que je suis obsédée\net veulent faire encore plus parce que ces bricolage\nles crayons à balles stress sont tout simplement adorables!\nSi vous êtes un fan des animaux en peluche cette\nLe bricolage est parfait pour vous!\n\nFilipino: \nAng paaralan ay maaaring maging sobrang mabigat kung minsan, kaya\nAng pagkakaroon ng isang stress ball sa kamay ay maaaring maging lubhang kapaki-pakinabang.\nKumuha ng isang plastik na may-ari ng lobo tulad ng isang ito.\nNgayon grab ang isang stress ball.\nAng mina ay may ganitong maliit na hawakan, na perpekto\nupang i-wrap sa paligid ng may-ari ng lobo.\nKung hindi, maaari mo lamang itong idikit.\nKumuha ng isang pandikit na baril at maglapat ng mainit na pangkola sa\nang plastic end.\nNgayon pumili ng anumang lapis na gusto mo at ilagay ito\nsa bola ng stress.\nVoila! Tapos na ang lahat ng aming lapis ng stress ball - ito\nmukhang kahanga-hanga at nararamdaman napaka-kasiya-siya.\nGustung-gusto ko ang ideyang ito sa may-ari ng lobo,\ndahil kung gusto mo maaari mo pa ring kunin ang\nang stress ball off ang iyong lapis at ito ay ganap na\nbuo.\nAng maliit na lalaking ito ay napakalaki at masaya upang maglaro\nmay.\nTiyak na alagaan ang lahat ng nakababahalang\no medyo mayamot oras sa paaralan!\nOo ginawa ko isa pa dahil ako ay nahuhumaling\nat nais na gumawa ng higit pa dahil ang mga DIY\nAng mga bolster ng stress ball ay kaakit-akit lamang!\nKung ikaw ay isang tagahanga ng plushy hayop na ito\nAng DIY hack ay perpekto para sa iyo!\n\nArabic: \nالمدرسة يمكن أن تكون مرهقة للغاية في بعض الأحيان ، لذلك\nوجود الكرة الإجهاد في اليد يمكن أن يكون مفيدا للغاية.\nخذ حامل البالون البلاستيكي مثل هذا.\nالآن الاستيلاء على الكرة الإجهاد.\nمنجم لديه هذا المقبض الصغير ، وهو مثالي\nلالتفاف حول حامل البالون.\nخلاف ذلك يمكنك فقط الغراء عليه.\nتأخذ مسدس الغراء وتطبيق بعض الغراء الساخن على\nنهاية البلاستيك.\nاختر الآن أي قلم رصاص تحبه وتلتزم به\nإلى كرة التوتر.\nفويلا! كل قلمنا الكرة الإجهاد هو القيام به - ذلك\nيبدو استثنائية ويشعر مرضية للغاية.\nأنا أحب هذه الفكرة مع حامل البالون ،\nلأنه إذا كنت لا تزال تستطيع أن تأخذ\nالكرة الإجهاد قبالة قلم رصاص وهو تماما\nسليم.\nهذا الرجل الصغير هو اسفنجي وممتع للعب\nمع.\nبالتأكيد سوف تعتني جميع المجهدة\nأو مجرد ساعات مملة في المدرسة!\nنعم لقد صنعت واحدة أخرى لأنني مهووس\nوتريد أن تجعل أكثر بسبب هذه DIY\nأقلام الكرة الإجهاد هي ببساطة رائعتين!\nإذا كنت من محبي الحيوانات فظيع هذا\nالاختراق DIY مثالي بالنسبة لك!\n\nCzech: \nŠkola může být někdy mimořádně stresující, takže\nmít stres míč na ruce může být velmi užitečné.\nVezměte plastový držák balónu jako tento.\nNyní uchopte stresovou kouli.\nMůj má tuto malou rukojeť, která je dokonalá\nzabalit držák balónku.\nV opačném případě ho můžete jednoduše přilepit.\nVezměte lepidlo a aplikujte nějaké horké lepidlo\nplastový konec.\nNyní zvolte tužku, kterou chcete, a držte ji\nna stresovou kouli.\nVoila! Naše stresová kuličková tužka je vše hotovo - to je\nvypadá fenomenálně a cítí velmi uspokojivou.\nMiluji tento nápad s držákem balónku,\nprotože pokud chcete, můžete to ještě vzít\nstres míč z tužky a to je úplně\nneporušené.\nTento malý chlapec je tak skromný a zábavný\ns.\nUrčitě se postará o všechny stresující\nnebo jen trochu nudné hodiny ve škole!\nAno, udělal jsem další, protože jsem tak posedlý\na chtějí udělat ještě víc, protože tyto DIY\nstres kuličkové tužky jsou prostě rozkošné!\nPokud jste fanouškem zvířecích zvířat\nDIY hack je ideální pro vás!\n\nTurkish: \nOkul bazen ekstra stresli olabilir, bu yüzden\nElinde bir stres topu olması çok faydalı olabilir.\nBunun gibi bir plastik balon tutucuyu al.\nŞimdi bir stres topu al.\nBenimki mükemmel olan bu küçük kolu var\nBalon tutucunun etrafına sarmak.\nAksi taktirde yapıştırabilirsiniz.\nBir tutkal tabancasını alın ve üzerinde sıcak bir yapıştırıcı uygulayın.\nplastik uç\nŞimdi beğendiğin kalemleri seç ve yapıştır\nstres topuna.\nİşte bu kadar! Stres topu kalemimizin hepsi bitti - bu\nolağanüstü görünüyor ve çok tatmin edici hissediyor.\nBu fikri balon sahibiyle çok seviyorum.\nçünkü istersen hala alabilirsin\nkalemden stres topu ve tamamen\nbozulmamış.\nBu küçük adam oynamak için çok yumuşacık ve eğlenceli\nile.\nKesinlikle tüm stresli ilgilenecek\nveya okulda sadece biraz sıkıcı saatler!\nEvet bir tane daha yaptım çünkü bu saplantılıyım\nve bu DIY'den daha fazlasını yapmak istiyorum\nstres topu kalemleri sadece sevimli!\nEğer peluş hayvanlar hayranı iseniz bu\nDIY hack sizin için mükemmel!\n\nJapanese: \n学校って、たまにすごくストレスフルだわ\nだから、ストレスボールはとっても有効よ\nこんなバルーンホルダーを用意してね\nストレスボールを用意してね\n私のは小さくて、\nバルーンホルダーにぴったりのサイズだわ\nただグルーで張り付けるだけよ\nグルーガンで、グルーを先端につけて\nあなたのお気に入りのペンの先に張り付けるの\nほら!ストレスボールペンの完成よ\nとっても素敵ね\nバルーンホルダーを使うアイディア、私は大好きよ\nだって、バルーンホルダーをとってしまえば、\nただのペンだもの!\nこの小さいのは本当にもちもちだし、\nとっても楽しいわ\nつまらない授業もこれで平気ね\n私はもう一つ作っちゃったわ\nもっと作りたいわね!\nだってすごく可愛いんだもの!\nもしあなたがこの小さな動物のファンなら、\nこのアイディアはあなたにピッタリよ\n\niw: \nבית הספר יכול להיות מלחיץ במיוחד לפעמים, כך\nלאחר לחץ על היד יכול להיות מאוד שימושי.\nקח מחזיק בלון פלסטיק כמו זה.\nעכשיו לתפוס כדור מתח.\nשלי יש ידית קטנה זו, שהיא מושלמת\nכדי לעטוף את בעל הבלון.\nאחרת אתה יכול רק דבק על זה.\nקח אקדח דבק ולהחיל כמה דבק חם על\nאת קצה הפלסטיק.\nעכשיו לבחור את כל העיפרון שאתה אוהב ואת המקל\nאת הכדור מתח.\nVoila! עיפרון הכדור הלחץ שלנו הוא עשה את כל זה - זה\nנראה פנומנלי ומרגיש מאוד מספק.\nאני אוהב את הרעיון הזה עם בעל הבלון,\nכי אם אתה רוצה אתה עדיין יכול לקחת את\nהכדור מתח את העיפרון שלך וזה לגמרי\nשָׁלֵם.\nזה הבחור הקטן הוא כל כך squishy ומהנה לשחק\nעם.\nזה בהחלט יהיה לטפל בכל stressful\nאו רק קצת משעמם שעות בבית הספר!\nכן עשיתי עוד אחד כי אני אובססיבי\nואת רוצה לעשות עוד יותר כי אלה DIY\nלחץ עפרונות הכדור הם פשוט מקסים!\nאם אתה אוהד של חיות קטיפה זה\nDIY גרזן הוא מושלם בשבילך!\n\nMarathi: \nकधीकधी शाळा जास्त ताण येतो,\nहात वर एक ताण बॉल येत अतिशय उपयुक्त असू शकते.\nयासारख्या प्लॅस्टिक बॅलून धारकास घ्या.\nआता एक तणाव बॉल घ्या.\nमाझे हे थोडे हँडल आहे, जे परिपूर्ण आहे\nबलून धारकाची चाळणी करणे\nअन्यथा आपण त्यावर गोंद काढू शकता.\nएक सरस बंद करा आणि त्यावर काही गरम सरस लावा\nप्लास्टिकचा शेवट\nआता आपल्याला आवडलेली कोणतीही पेन्सिल निवडा आणि ती चिकटवा\nताण बॉलकडे\nवॉइला! आमचे ताण बॉल पेन्सिल हे सर्व केले आहे - ते\nअभूतपूर्व दिसते आणि अतिशय समाधानकारक वाटते.\nमला ही कल्पना बलून धारकासह आवडते,\nकारण आपण इच्छुक असल्यास आपण अद्याप घेऊ शकता\nआपल्या पेन्सिलवरचा तणाव बॉल आणि तो पूर्णपणे आहे\nअखंड\nहा छोटा माणूस इतका चिखलासारखा आणि मजेदार आहे\nसह.\nहे निश्चितपणे सर्व तणावपूर्ण काळजी घेईल\nकिंवा शाळेत थोडासा त्रास देणारा तास!\nहोय मी आणखी एक बनवले कारण मी त्या वेड्यासारखा आहे\nआणि अधिक कारण हे स्वतः करावे\nतणाव बॉल पेन्सिल फक्त मोहक आहेत!\nआपण plushy प्राणी एक चाहता असल्यास हे\nस्वतः खाच आपण योग्य आहे!\n\nVietnamese: \nĐôi khi trường học có thể gây căng thẳng hơn\ncó một quả bóng căng thẳng trên tay có thể rất hữu ích.\nLấy một cái giữ bóng nhựa như thế này.\nBây giờ lấy một quả bóng căng thẳng.\nMỏ có tay cầm nhỏ này, hoàn hảo\nquấn quanh người giữ bóng.\nNếu không, bạn chỉ có thể dán nó lên.\nLấy súng keo và dán keo nóng lên\nđầu nhựa.\nBây giờ chọn bất kỳ bút chì nào bạn thích và dán nó\nvới bóng căng thẳng.\nThì đấy! Bút chì bóng căng thẳng của chúng tôi là tất cả được thực hiện - nó\ntrông rất phi thường và cảm thấy rất thỏa mãn.\nTôi thích ý tưởng này với người giữ bóng,\nbởi vì nếu bạn muốn bạn vẫn có thể lấy\ncăng thẳng bóng ra khỏi bút chì của bạn và nó là hoàn toàn\nnguyên vẹn.\nAnh chàng nhỏ bé này rất nhút nhát và vui chơi\nvới.\nNó chắc chắn sẽ chăm sóc tất cả những căng thẳng\nhoặc chỉ một chút thời gian nhàm chán ở trường!\nCó, tôi đã làm một cái khác vì tôi bị ám ảnh\nvà muốn thực hiện nhiều hơn nữa vì những DIY\nbút chì căng thẳng chỉ đơn giản là đáng yêu!\nNếu bạn là một fan hâm mộ của động vật sang trọng này\nTự hack là hoàn hảo cho bạn!\n\nPolish: \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\nEnglish: \nSchool can be extra stressful sometimes, so\nhaving a stress ball on hand can be very useful.\nTake a plastic balloon holder like this one.\nNow grab a stress ball.\nMine has this little handle, which is perfect\nto wrap around the balloon holder.\nOtherwise you can just glue it on.\nTake a glue gun and apply some hot glue on\nthe plastic end.\nNow choose any pencil you like and stick it\nto the stress ball.\nVoila! Our stress ball pencil is all done – it\nlooks phenomenal and feels very satisfying.\nI love this idea with the balloon holder,\nbecause if you want you can still take the\nstress ball off your pencil and it is completely\nintact.\nThis little guy is so squishy and fun to play\nwith.\nIt will definitely take care of all the stressful\nor just a bit boring hours in school!\nYes I made another one because I'm that obsessed\nand want to make even more because these DIY\nstress ball pencils are simply adorable!\nIf you're a fan of plushy animals this\nDIY hack is perfect for you!\n\nPortuguese: \nA escola pode ser mais estressante às vezes, então\nter uma bola de estresse na mão pode ser muito útil.\nPegue um suporte de balão de plástico como este.\nAgora pegue uma bola de estresse.\nO meu tem essa pequena alça, que é perfeita\npara envolver o suporte do balão.\nCaso contrário, você pode simplesmente colá-lo.\nPegue uma pistola de cola e aplique um pouco de cola quente\no final de plástico.\nAgora escolha qualquer lápis que você goste e cole\npara a bola de estresse.\nVoila! Nosso lápis de estresse é todo feito -\nparece fenomenal e se sente muito satisfatório.\nEu amo essa ideia com o porta-balão,\nporque se você quiser, ainda pode pegar o\nestresse bola fora de seu lápis e é completamente\nintacto.\nEsse carinha é tão mole e divertido de jogar\ncom.\nEle definitivamente vai cuidar de todos os estressantes\nou horas um pouco chatas na escola!\nSim eu fiz outro porque sou obcecado\ne quero fazer ainda mais porque esses DIY\nLápis de bola de stress são simplesmente adoráveis!\nSe você é fã de animais de pelúcia\nHack DIY é perfeito para você!\n\nCzech: \nVezměte si svůj oblíbený mini plyšový přítel a připojte jej\nna zip na pouzdro na tužku nebo školní tašku.\nNyní může vaše milovaná hračka chodit s vámi do školy\nkaždý den.\nA nikdo si nikdy nebude myslet, že je to divné,\nani vás učitel neudělí za toto.\nVy a váš roztomilý malý přítel jsou perfektní\nbezpečný!\nMěli bychom do tříd ulovit další sliz?\nMyslím, že bychom měli, protože neexistuje takový\nvěc jako příliš slizký!\nTyto lesklé lahve na lepidlo budou fungovat perfektně\nale namísto lepidla budeme nosit lesklý sližek uvnitř.\nPokud chcete, důkladně umyjte lahvičku\nmůžete dokonce odstranit samolepku tak, jak jsem ji udělala, a postavit ji stranou.\nUchopte nějaký zelený sliz a udělejte to všechno\ntřpytivé, takže vypadá přesně jako naše lesklé lepidlo.\nNa slizu nalijte spousty toho jiskřivého kouzla.\nJak je to nádherné!\nPamatuj, jak jsem byl posedlý třpytem\na smíchal to v naprosto všechno?\nChybí mi ty časy!\nSnažil jsem se míchat ten třpyt v slizu\nhůl, ale nebylo to tak snadné.\n\nFrench: \nPrenez votre mini ami en peluche préféré et attachez-le\nà la fermeture éclair de votre trousse ou de votre sac d'école.\nMaintenant, votre jouet bien-aimé peut vous accompagner à l'école\ntous les jours.\nEt personne ne pensera jamais que c'est bizarre,\nl'enseignant ne vous accordera pas non plus la détention pour cela.\nVous et votre petit ami mignon êtes parfaitement\nsûr!\nFaut-il plus de vase en classe?\nJe pense que nous devrions, parce qu'il n'y en a pas\nchose comme trop de bave!\nCes bouteilles de colle à paillettes fonctionneront parfaitement\nmais au lieu de la colle, nous allons porter des paillettes de scintillement à l'intérieur.\nLavez soigneusement votre bouteille de colle si vous voulez\nvous pouvez même retirer l'autocollant comme je l'ai fait et le mettre de côté.\nPrenez de la vase verte et faisons tout\npailletée, elle ressemblera exactement à notre colle à paillettes.\nVersez beaucoup de cette magie brillante sur la vase.\nC'est magnifique!\nRappelez-vous comment j'étais obsédé par les paillettes\net mélangé dans absolument tout?\nCes moments me manquent!\nJ'ai essayé de mélanger les paillettes dans la boue avec\nun bâton mais ce n'était pas si facile.\n\nFilipino: \nDalhin ang iyong paboritong mini plush kaibigan at maglakip\nito sa siper ng iyong lapis o bag ng paaralan.\nNgayon ang iyong mahal na laruan ay maaaring sumama sa iyo sa paaralan\naraw-araw.\nAt walang sinuman ang mag-iisip na ito ay kakaiba,\nni ang guro ay magbibigay sa iyo ng pagpigil para dito.\nIkaw at ang iyong nakatutuwa maliit na kaibigan ay ganap na ganap\nligtas!\nDapat bang lumabas kami ng higit pang putik sa klase?\nSa palagay ko dapat namin, dahil walang ganito\nbagay na masyadong maraming putik!\nAng mga bote ng kislap na pangkola ay gagana nang perpekto\nngunit sa halip na kola, magdadala kami ng glitter slime sa loob.\nHugasan nang lubusan ang bote ng iyong kola, kung gusto mo\nmaaari mo ring alisin ang etiketa tulad ng ginawa ko at itabi ito.\nGrab ang ilang mga berdeng putik at hayaan ang lahat ng ito\nglittery kaya magiging eksaktong tulad ng aming glitter glue.\nIbuhos ang maraming sparkly magic sa slime.\nNapakaganda nito!\nTandaan kung paano ko na-obsessed sa kinang\nat halo-halong ito sa ganap na lahat?\nMiss ko mga oras na iyon!\nSinubukan ko ang paghahalo ng kinang sa putik\nisang stick ngunit hindi ito madali.\n\nEnglish: \nTake your favorite mini plush friend and attach\nit to the zipper of your pencil case or school bag.\nNow your beloved toy can go with you to school\nevery day.\nAnd no one will ever think that this is weird,\nneither will teacher give you detention for this.\nYou and your cute little friend are perfectly\nsafe!\nShould we sneak more slime to class?\nI think we should, because there's no such\nthing as too much slime!\nThese glitter glue bottles will work perfectly\nbut instead of glue, we'll carry glitter slime inside.\nWash your glue bottle thoroughly, if you want\nyou can even remove the sticker as I did and set it aside.\nGrab some green slime and let's make it all\nglittery so it will look exactly as our glitter glue.\nPour lots of that sparkly magic on the slime.\nHow gorgeous is this!\nRemember how I used to be obsessed with glitter\nand mixed it in absolutely everything?\nI miss those times!\nI tried mixing the glitter in the slime with\na stick but it wasn't that easy.\n\nMarathi: \nआपल्या आवडत्या मिनी मित्रास मित्र घ्या आणि संलग्न करा\nते आपल्या पेन्सिल केस किंवा शाळा पिशवीच्या उघड्या भागापर्यंत.\nआता आपल्या प्रेयसी खेळण्या आपल्या शाळेत जाऊ शकतो\nरोज.\nआणि कोणीही असा विचार करणार नाही की हे विचित्र आहे,\nशिक्षक या शिक्षिकेकडून आपल्याला अटक करु शकणार नाहीत.\nआपण आणि आपल्या गोंडस थोडे मित्र उत्तम प्रकारे आहेत\nसुरक्षित!\nआम्ही वर्ग अधिक सडव्या झेल पाहिजे?\nमला वाटते आम्ही पाहिजे, कारण असे काही नाही\nखूप चिखल म्हणून गोष्ट!\nया चमकदार गोंद बाटल्या उत्तम प्रकारे कार्य करेल\nपण गोंद ऐवजी, आम्ही आत ग्लिटर चिखल वाहून देऊ.\nआपली गोंद बाटली नीट धुवा, जर आपल्याला हवी असेल तर\nआपण स्टिकरला मी काढल्याप्रमाणे काढू शकता आणि ते बाजूला ठेवू शकता\nकाही हिरवी चिखल खेचून काढा आणि हे सर्व बनवा\nचमकदार आहे म्हणून ती आपली ग्लिसर गोंद नक्की बघाल.\nचिखल वर त्या स्पार्कली जादू बरेच घालावे\nहे किती सुंदर आहे!\nलक्षात ठेवा मी कवट्याबरोबर कसा व्यत्यय आणला?\nआणि पूर्णपणे सर्वकाही मध्ये मिसळून?\nमी त्या वेळा चुकली!\nमी झोंबाझोंत चमकदारपणा मिटवण्याचा प्रयत्न केला\nएक काठी पण सोपे नाही\n\nSpanish: \nLleve a su amigo de peluche favorito y adjunte\na la cremallera de su lapicera o mochila escolar.\nAhora tu adorado juguete puede ir contigo a la escuela\ncada día.\nY nadie nunca pensará que esto es extraño,\ntampoco el maestro te dará detención por esto.\nTu y tus pequeños amigos bonitos estais perfectamente a salvo\n¿Deberíamos colar más baba a la clase?\nCreo que deberíamos, porque no hay tal\ncosa como demasiado limo!\nEstas botellas de pegamento brillante funcionarán perfectamente\npero en lugar de pegamento, llevaremos baba de brillo dentro.\nLave bien la botella de cola, si lo desea\nincluso puedes quitar la pegatina como lo hice y dejarla de lado.\nCoge un poco de baba verde y hagámoslo todo\nBrillante por lo que se verá exactamente como nuestro glitter pegamento.\nVierta mucha de esa magia brillante en la baba.\n¡Qué maravilloso es esto!\nRecuerda que solía estar obsesionado con el brillo\ny lo mezcló en absolutamente todo?\nHecho de menos esos tiempos!\nTraté de mezclar el brillo en la baba con\nun palo, pero no fue tan fácil.\n\niw: \nקח את החבר האהוב עליך פטיש מיני לצרף\nזה לרוכסן של עיפרון או תיק בית הספר.\nעכשיו צעצוע האהוב שלך יכול ללכת איתך לבית הספר\nכל יום.\nואף אחד לא יחשוב שזה מוזר,\nגם המורה לא ייתן לך מעצר על כך.\nאתה והחבר הקטן והחמוד שלך הם לגמרי\nבטוח!\nאנחנו צריכים להתגנב יותר רפש בכיתה?\nאני חושב שאנחנו צריכים, כי אין כזה\nדבר יותר מדי רפש!\nאלה בקבוקי דבק נצנצים יעבוד בצורה מושלמת\nאבל במקום דבק, אנחנו נוציא רפש זוהר בפנים.\nלשטוף את בקבוק הדבק ביסודיות, אם אתה רוצה\nאתה יכול אפילו להסיר את המדבקה כפי שעשיתי ולהניח אותו בצד.\nתפוס קצת רפש ירוק, בוא נעשה הכול\nנוצץ אז זה ייראה בדיוק כמו דבק נצנצים שלנו.\nיוצקים הרבה קסמים נוצצים על הרפש.\nכמה נפלא זה!\nזכור איך הייתי פעם אובססיבי עם נצנצים\nומערבבים אותו לגמרי?\nאני מתגעגע לזמנים האלו!\nניסיתי לערבב את הזוהר עם הרפש\nמקל אבל זה לא היה כל כך קל.\n\nArabic: \nخذ صديقك أفخم ميني المفضلة لديك ونعلق\nإلى السحاب من حالة قلم رصاص أو حقيبة مدرسية.\nالآن يمكن أن تذهب معك لعبة الحبيب معك إلى المدرسة\nكل يوم.\nولن يعتقد أحد أن هذا أمر غريب\nلن يعطيك المعلم هذا الاحتجاز.\nأنت وصديقك الصغير اللطيف هما مثاليان\nآمنة!\nيجب علينا التسلل أكثر الوحل إلى الطبقة؟\nأعتقد أنه يجب علينا ، لأنه لا يوجد مثل هذا\nالشيء الكثير من الوحل!\nهذه الزجاجات اللامعة البراقة ستعمل بشكل مثالي\nولكن بدلا من الغراء ، سنحمل بريق الوحل في الداخل.\nغسل زجاجة الغراء الخاص بك تماما ، إذا كنت تريد\nيمكنك حتى إزالة الملصق كما فعلت ووضعه جانبا.\nالاستيلاء على بعض الوحل الأخضر ودعونا نجعل كل شيء\nبريق لذلك سوف ننظر بالضبط مثل الغراء بريق لدينا.\nصب الكثير من هذا السحر سباركلي على الوحل.\nكم هذا رائع!\nتذكر كيف اعتدت أن أكون مهووسا مع بريق\nوخلطها في كل شيء على الإطلاق؟\nافتقد تلك الأوقات!\nحاولت خلط بريق في الوحل مع\nعصا لكنها لم تكن بهذه السهولة.\n\nTurkish: \nEn sevdiğin mini peluş arkadaşını al ve ekle\nkalem çantanızın veya okul çantanızın fermuarı.\nŞimdi sevgili oyuncağın okula seninle gidebilirsin\nher gün.\nVe hiç kimse bunun garip olduğunu düşünmeyecek,\nne öğretmen bunun için size göz kulak olur.\nSen ve sevimli arkadaşın mükemmel.\nkasa!\nSınıfa daha sinsice sinselim mi?\nBence yapmalıyız, çünkü böyle bir şey yok\nçok fazla sümük gibi bir şey!\nBu glitter tutkal şişeleri mükemmel çalışacaktır\nama tutkal yerine, içinde glitter sümük taşıyacağız.\nİsterseniz tutkal şişenizi iyice yıkayın\nÇıkartmayı yaptığım gibi çıkartıp bir kenara bırakabilirsiniz.\nBiraz yeşil balçık al ve hepsini yapalım\nışıltılı bu yüzden tam olarak bizim glitter tutkal gibi görünecektir.\nBu ışıltılı büyüyü balçık üzerine dökün.\nBu ne kadar muhteşem!\nEskiden glitter ile nasıl takıntılı olduğumu hatırla\nve kesinlikle her şeyde karıştırdın?\nO günleri özlüyorum!\nParıltıyı parıldayarak karıştırmaya çalıştım.\nbir sopa ama o kadar kolay değildi.\n\nVietnamese: \nMang theo người bạn nhỏ sang trọng yêu thích của bạn và đính kèm\nnó vào dây kéo của trường hợp bút chì hoặc túi đi học của bạn.\nBây giờ đồ chơi yêu quý của bạn có thể đi cùng bạn đến trường\nmỗi ngày.\nVà không ai nghĩ rằng điều này thật kỳ quặc,\ngiáo viên sẽ không cho bạn giam giữ điều này.\nBạn và người bạn nhỏ dễ thương của bạn là hoàn hảo\nan toàn!\nChúng ta có nên lẻn nhiều chất nhờn vào lớp không?\nTôi nghĩ chúng ta nên, bởi vì không có\nđiều như quá nhiều chất nhờn!\nNhững chai keo long lanh này sẽ hoạt động hoàn hảo\nnhưng thay vì keo, chúng tôi sẽ mang theo chất nhờn lấp lánh bên trong.\nRửa kỹ chai keo của bạn, nếu bạn muốn\nbạn thậm chí có thể loại bỏ các nhãn dán như tôi đã làm và đặt nó sang một bên.\nLấy một số chất nhờn màu xanh lá cây và chúng ta hãy làm cho nó tất cả\nlấp lánh vì vậy nó sẽ trông chính xác như keo long lanh của chúng tôi.\nĐổ nhiều thứ ma thuật lấp lánh đó vào chất nhờn.\nLàm thế nào tuyệt đẹp này!\nNhớ cách tôi từng bị ám ảnh bởi long lanh\nvà trộn nó hoàn toàn với mọi thứ?\nTôi nhớ khoảng thời gian đó!\nTôi đã thử trộn long lanh vào chất nhờn với\nmột cây gậy nhưng nó không phải là dễ dàng.\n\nPortuguese: \nLeve o seu amigo de pelúcia mini favorito e anexar\npara o zíper do seu estojo ou mochila escolar.\nAgora seu querido brinquedo pode ir com você para a escola\ntodo dia.\nE ninguém nunca vai pensar que isso é estranho\nnem o professor lhe dará detenção por isso.\nVocê e seu amiguinho fofo estão perfeitamente\nseguro!\nDevemos roubar mais lodo para a aula?\nAcho que devemos, porque não há tal\ncoisa como muito lodo!\nEstas garrafas de cola brilhante funcionarão perfeitamente\nmas em vez de cola, nós levamos lodo de glitter para dentro.\nLave bem o seu frasco de cola, se quiser\nvocê pode até mesmo remover o adesivo como eu fiz e reserve.\nPegue um lodo verde e vamos fazer tudo\nbrilhoso para que pareça exatamente como a nossa cola glitter.\nDespeje muita magia brilhante no lodo.\nQue lindo é isso!\nLembre-se de como eu costumava ser obcecado por glitter\ne misturou tudo em absolutamente tudo?\nSinto falta daqueles tempos!\nEu tentei misturar o brilho no lodo com\num pau, mas não foi assim tão fácil.\n\nJapanese: \nお気に入りの動物を、筆箱やカバンにつけるの\nこれで毎日あなたの愛する動物を\n学校に連れていけるわ!\n誰も変だと思わないし、先生にも気づかれないわ!\nあなたもあなたの可愛い友達も安全よ!\nもっとスライムを持ち込むべきかしら?\nそうね!\nだってたくさんのスライム以上のものってないもの\nこのグリッターのりボトルは完璧ね\nボトルをきれいに洗って\n私みたいにラベルをとってしまうのも\n洗いやすくていいわね\nグリーンスライムにグリッターを加えると、\nグリッターのりにしか見えないわ!\nスライムに、たくさんの魔法をかけるのよ!\nなんてゴージャスなのかしら!\n私がグリッターにぞっこんで、\nすべてに混ぜていたのを覚えてる?\nあの頃が懐かしいわ!\n初めは棒で混ぜようとしていたんだけど\n\nPolish: \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\niw: \nאז בואו להפשיל את השרוולים ולקבל את הידיים\nשם.\nלשחק עם זה במשך כמה רגעים ואת נצנצים\nישלב את כל הרפש באופן שווה.\nללא שם: בסדר שלנו ריר נוצץ נראה בדיוק כמו\nאת הדבק נצנצים אז הגיע הזמן לשים אותו בבקבוק.\nהדרך הקלה ביותר היא ללכת קצת לאט ולזרוק\nחתיכות של ריר נוצץ זה בתוך בקבוק הדבק.\nהברג את המכסה והסתכל על זה!\nהם נראים זהים ולכן אנחנו בטוחים לחלוטין\nוהוא יכול להתגנב שלנו רפש בכיתה!\nהאם אתם יודעים שזו הפעם הראשונה\nלי לשחק כראוי עם רפש ?!\nאני יודע איפה הייתי!\nזה כל כך מספק!\nאתה יכול לעשות רסיסי זוהר בכל האפשר\nצבעים והם נראים כל כך יפה.\nאני רוצה לנסות לערבב בטון של צבעוני\nנצנצים יום אחד, אני בטוח שזה ייראה אפי!\n\nMarathi: \nतर आलिंगन गुंडाळून आपले हात मिळवा\nतिकडे आत.\nकाही क्षण आणि चकाकीसाठी खेळा\nसर्व लाकड्यांच्या सभोवताली समानप्रकारे एकत्रित करेल.\nठीक आहे आपली चमकदार चिखल अगदीच तशीच दिसते\nचमकदार गोंद, त्यामुळे ती बाटलीमध्ये ठेवण्याची वेळ आहे.\nसर्वात सोपा मार्ग म्हणजे थोडा द्वारे जा आणि फेकून\nगोंद बाटली आत या sparkly सडलेला तुकडे\nवर झाकण स्क्रू आणि त्या पहा!\nते एकसारखे दिसतात म्हणून आम्ही पूर्णपणे सुरक्षित आहोत\nआणि आमच्या सडपातळ स्तरीय करू शकता!\nआपण अगं हे प्रथमच आहे हे मला माहीत आहे का?\nमला व्यवस्थित चाबूक सह खेळत ?!\nमी कुठे आहे हे मला माहीत आहे!\nहे इतके समाधानकारक आहे!\nआपण सर्व शक्य मध्ये चमक कटू शकता\nरंग आणि ते छान दिसतात\nमी रंगीत एक टन मध्ये मिश्रण प्रयत्न करू इच्छित\nएक दिवस झगमगाट, मी ते महाकाव्य दिसेल तो पैज!\n\nJapanese: \n手で混ぜることにしたわ\nちょっと楽しみながら、\nスライムとグリッターを完全に混ぜてね\nこれで完璧にグリッター糊にしか見えないわ\nボトルに入れてね\n少しずつ入れると簡単よ\n蓋をつけて、見てみて!\nこれで簡単に授業に持ち込めるわよ!\nわたし、実はこれが初スライムなの!\n知ってたかしら?\nとっても満足よ!\nどんな色でもいいし、可愛くなるわね\nいつか大量のグリッターを入れてみたいわ\n絶対素敵になるもの!\n\nPortuguese: \nEntão, vamos arregaçar as mangas e pegar nossas mãos\nlá.\nBrinque com ele por alguns momentos e o brilho\nirá incorporar todo o limo uniformemente.\nTudo bem, nosso lodo brilhante parece exatamente\na cola de glitter, então é hora de colocá-lo na garrafa.\nA maneira mais fácil é ir pouco a pouco e jogar\npedaços deste limo brilhante dentro da garrafa de cola.\nAperte a tampa e olhe isso!\nEles parecem idênticos, então estamos completamente seguros\ne pode roubar nosso lodo na aula!\nVocês sabem que esta é a primeira vez\nme jogando corretamente com o lodo ?!\nEu sei onde estive!\nIsso é tão satisfatório!\nVocê pode fazer lodo de glitter em todos os possíveis\ncores e eles parecem tão bonitos.\nEu quero tentar misturar em uma tonelada de colorido\nbrilhar um dia, aposto que ficaria épico!\n\nFilipino: \nKaya palagpasan natin ang mga manggas at kunin ang ating mga kamay\ndoon.\nI-play ito para sa ilang sandali at ang kinang\nay isasama ang lahat sa palibot ng putik na pantay.\nTama ang hitsura ng aming glittery slime\nang kinang ng kislap kaya oras na ilagay ito sa bote.\nAng pinakamadaling paraan ay pumunta nang kaunti at kaunti\nmga piraso ng ito sparkly putik sa loob ng bote ng kola.\nScrew ang talukap ng mata at tumingin sa na!\nMukhang magkatulad ang mga ito upang ganap kaming ligtas\nat maaari sneak ang aming putik sa klase!\nAlam mo ba na ito ang unang pagkakataon\nmaayos akong naglalaro sa slime ?!\nAlam ko kung nasaan ako!\nNapakaganda nito!\nMaaari kang gumawa ng glitter slime sa lahat ng posible\nkulay at mukhang maganda ang mga ito.\nGusto kong subukan ang paghahalo sa isang tonelada ng makulay\nkuminang isang araw, pusta ko ito ay magiging kahanga-hanga!\n\nSpanish: \nAsí que vamos a enrollarnos las mangas y tener nuestras manos\nahí.\nJuega con él por unos momentos y el brillo\nse incorporará alrededor de la baba uniformemente.\nEsta bien nuestro slime de purpurina es exacto del pegamento de purpurina así que es hora de ponerlo en la botella\nLa forma más fácil es ir poco a poco y lanzar\npedazos de este limo brillante dentro de la botella de pegamento.\n¡Enrosca la tapa y mira eso!\nSe ven idénticos, así que estamos completamente seguros\ny puedes colar nuestro limo en clase!\nUstedes saben que esta es la primera vez\nyo jugando correctamente con baba ?!\n¡Sé dónde he estado!\nEstoy es muy satisfactorio\nPuedes hacer slime de purpurina de todos los colores posibles y están super bonitos\nQuiero intentar mezclar en una tonelada de colorido\nbrilla un día, ¡apuesto a que se vería épico!\n\nArabic: \nلذلك دعونا نشمر عن الأكمام والحصول على أيدينا\nهناك.\nالعب معها لبضع لحظات وبريقها\nسوف تدرج جميع حول الوحل بالتساوي.\nحسنا لدينا الوحل المتلألئ يبدو تماما مثل\nالغراء البراعم لذلك حان الوقت لوضعها في الزجاجة.\nأسهل طريقة هي الذهاب شيئا فشيئا ورمي\nقطع من هذا الوحل سبارك داخل زجاجة الغراء.\nبرغي الغطاء وانظر الى ذلك!\nتبدو متطابقة لذلك نحن آمنين تماما\nويمكن التسلل لدينا الوحل في الصف!\nهل تعرفون أن هذه هي المرة الأولى\nلي اللعب بشكل صحيح مع الوحل؟!\nأنا أعرف أين كنت!\nهذا مرضٍ للغاية!\nيمكنك جعل الوحل بريق في كل ما هو ممكن\nالألوان وتبدو جميلة جدا.\nأريد أن أحاول أن أختلط بالطن\nبريق يوم واحد ، أراهن أنه سيبدو ملحمة!\n\nTurkish: \nHadi kolları toplayıp elimize dönelim\nOrada.\nBirkaç dakika ve parıltıyla oynayın\nslime etrafında eşit olarak eşit olacak.\nTamam bizim ışıltılı sümük tam olarak benziyor\nParıltı tutkalı, böylece şişenin içine koyma zamanı.\nEn kolay yol biraz bit ve atmaktır.\ntutkal şişesinin içindeki bu ışıltılı balçık parçaları.\nKapağı aç ve şuna bak!\nTamamen aynı görünüyorlar, bu yüzden tamamen güvendeyiz\nve bizim sümük sınıfımıza gizlice girebilir!\nBunun ilk defa olduğunu biliyor musunuz?\ndüzgün bir şekilde balçıkla oynuyorum?\nNerede olduğumu biliyorum!\nBu çok tatmin edici!\nMümkün olan her şeyde glitter sümük yapabilirsiniz.\nrenkler ve çok güzel görünüyorlar.\nRenkli bir tonda karıştırmayı denemek istiyorum\nBir gün ışıl ışıl, destansı görünürdü!\n\nCzech: \nTak pojďme rukama uchopit a dostat naše ruce\ntam.\nHrajte si s ní na chvíli a třpytem\nzačlení rovnoměrně celý sliz.\nDobře náš třpytivý sliz vypadá přesně jako\nGlitter lepidlo, takže je čas dát do lahve.\nNejjednodušší je, abyste se trochu kousali a hodili\nkusy tohoto jiskřivého slizu uvnitř lahve.\nNasaďte víko a podívejte se na to!\nVypadají shodně, takže jsme naprosto v bezpečí\na můžeme plnit svůj sližek ve třídě!\nVíte, že je to poprvé\nsprávně si hraji s slipem ?!\nVím, kde jsem byl!\nTo je tak uspokojující!\nMůžete udělat třpytivý sliz ve všech možných\nbarvy a vypadají tak hezky.\nChci se pokusit promíchat v tónu barevných\nJeden den třpytím se, vsadím se, že to bude vypadat epické!\n\nEnglish: \nSo let's roll up the sleeves and get our hands\nin there.\nPlay with it for a few moments and the glitter\nwill incorporate all around the slime evenly.\nAlright our glittery slime looks exactly like\nthe glitter glue so it's time to put it in the bottle.\nThe easiest way is to go bit by bit and throw\npieces of this sparkly slime inside the glue bottle.\nScrew the lid on and look at that!\nThey look identical so we are completely safe\nand can sneak our slime in class!\nDo you guys know that this is the first time\nme properly playing with slime?!\nI know where have I been!\nThis is so satisfying!\nYou can make glitter slime in all the possible\ncolors and they look so pretty.\nI want to try mixing in a ton of colorful\nglitter one day, I bet it would look epic!\n\nFrench: \nAlors retroussons les manches et prenons nos mains\nlà-bas.\nJouez avec lui quelques instants et les paillettes\nincorporera tout autour de la boue uniformément.\nBon, notre slime scintillant ressemble exactement à\nla colle à paillettes, il est donc temps de la mettre dans la bouteille.\nLe moyen le plus simple est de se lancer petit à petit et de lancer\nmorceaux de cette boue brillante à l'intérieur de la bouteille de colle.\nVis le couvercle et regardez ça!\nIls ont l'air identiques donc nous sommes complètement en sécurité\net peut se faufiler en classe!\nSavez-vous que c'est la première fois\nmoi jouant correctement avec slime ?!\nJe sais où j'ai été!\nC'est tellement satisfaisant!\nVous pouvez faire du scintillement dans tout le possible\nles couleurs et elles sont si jolies.\nJe veux essayer de mélanger une tonne de couleurs\npaillettes un jour, je parie que ça aurait l'air épique!\n\nPolish: \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\nVietnamese: \nVì vậy, chúng ta hãy cuộn lên tay áo và nhận được bàn tay của chúng tôi\ntrong đó.\nChơi với nó trong một vài phút và long lanh\nsẽ kết hợp tất cả xung quanh chất nhờn đồng đều.\nĐược rồi, chất nhờn lấp lánh của chúng ta trông giống hệt\nkeo long lanh nên đã đến lúc đặt nó vào chai.\nCách dễ nhất là đi từng chút một và ném\nmiếng chất nhờn lấp lánh này bên trong chai keo.\nVặn nắp và nhìn vào đó!\nChúng trông giống hệt nhau nên chúng tôi hoàn toàn an toàn\nvà có thể lén chất nhờn của chúng ta trong lớp!\nCác bạn có biết đây là lần đầu tiên không\ntôi chơi đúng với chất nhờn ?!\nTôi biết tôi đã ở đâu!\nĐiều này là rất thỏa mãn!\nBạn có thể làm cho chất nhờn lấp lánh trong tất cả các\nmàu sắc và trông chúng thật đẹp.\nTôi muốn thử trộn trong một tấn đầy màu sắc\nlong lanh một ngày, tôi đặt cược nó sẽ nhìn sử thi!\n\nTurkish: \nKatie onun kalemtıraşın içinde saklanan nedir?\nVay canına ne kadar havalı bir el!\nEğlenceli gerçek, birincilimizde bir zaman vardı\nokul, bu iğrenç eller\nçok popüler!\nOnları bir çantada hediye olarak alırdık.\ncips ve kelimenin tam anlamıyla okuldaki herkes vardı.\nOynamaları gerçekten çok eğlenceliydi\nile!\nVe bir kalemtraş mükemmel bir araçtır\nBu harika oyuncağı okula kaçırmamıza yardım edin.\nBu iğrenç eller yapışkan ve çok esnektir!\nHer türlü yüzeye yapışacaklar\npencereler, masalar vb.\nSıkıcı okul saatlerini veda edebilirsin çünkü\nBu yapışkan oyuncaklar sonsuz sağlayacak\nOkul sınıfları boyunca eğlenceli miktarlar kesin!\nSadece kontrolün dışına çıkmadığından emin ol!\n\nMarathi: \nकॅटी तिच्या पेन्सिल शार्पनरमध्ये लपून काय आहे ?!\nव्वा कसे एक थंड विश्वासघातकी हात!\nमजेची गोष्ट म्हणजे आमच्या प्राथमिकमध्ये एक वेळ होता\nशाळा, तेव्हा हे विश्वासघातकी हात\nत्यामुळे अत्यंत लोकप्रिय होते!\nआम्ही त्यांना एक बॅगमध्ये भेटवस्तू म्हणून वापरतो\nचिप्स आणि शब्दशः प्रत्येक शाळेत त्यांना होती\nमला आश्चर्य वाटत नाही की ते खेळायला खूप मजा आहेत\nसह!\nआणि एक पेन्सिल शार्पनर एक परिपूर्ण साधन आहे\nआम्हाला या छान खेळण्याला शाळेत चोरुन आणण्यास मदत करा.\nहे घनिष्ठ हात चिकट आहेत आणि अतिशय ताणलेले आहेत!\nते जसे कोणत्याही प्रकारची पृष्ठभागावर चिकटून राहतील\nखिडक्या, टेबल आणि इत्यादी.\nआपण बिअरिंग शाळेच्या तासांचे गुडबाय करू शकता कारण\nहे चिकट खेळणी अमर्याद प्रदान करेल\nनिश्चितपणे शाळेच्या वर्गात मजेची संख्या!\nफक्त ते आपल्या नियंत्रणातून बाहेर जात नाहीत याची खात्री करा!\n\nFilipino: \nAno ang itinatago ni Katie sa loob ng kanyang sharpener ?!\nWow kung ano ang isang cool na malansa kamay!\nMaligaya ang katotohanan, nagkaroon ng oras sa aming pangunahing\npaaralan, kapag ang mga malansa na mga kamay\nay sobrang popular!\nGinamit namin upang makuha ang mga ito bilang isang regalo sa isang bag ng\nchips at literal ang lahat sa paaralan ay may mga ito.\nHindi ako nagulat na talagang masaya sila sa paglalaro\nmay!\nAt ang isang sharpener ay isang perpektong tool sa\ntulungan kaming ipagpaliban ang kahanga-hangang laruang ito sa paaralan.\nAng mga malansa kamay ay malagkit at napaka-stretchy!\nSila ay mananatili sa anumang uri ng ibabaw tulad ng\nbintana, mga talahanayan at iba pa.\nMaaari mong halikan ang pagbubutas ng oras ng paaralan dahil paalam\nang malagkit na mga laruan na ito ay magbibigay ng walang hanggan\ndami ng kasiyahan sa mga klase sa paaralan para bang!\nTiyakin lamang na hindi sila lumalabas!\n\nPolish: \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\nArabic: \nما هي كاتي التي تختبئ داخل براية قلمها ؟!\nواو ما يده غروي بارد!\nحقيقة ممتعة ، كان هناك وقت في الانتخابات التمهيدية\nالمدرسة ، عند هذه الأيدي التافه\nكانت شعبية للغاية!\nاعتدنا على الحصول عليها كهدية في كيس من\nرقائق وكان الجميع في المدرسة حرفيا لهم.\nأنا لست مندهشا أنهم حقا متعة اللعب\nمع!\nومبراة قلم رصاص هو أداة مثالية ل\nساعدنا في تهريب هذه اللعبة الرائعة إلى المدرسة.\nهذه الأيدي لزجة لزجة وممتدة جدا!\nسوف يلتزمون بأي نوع من أنواع الأسطح\nالنوافذ والجداول وهلم جرا.\nيمكنك تقبيل الساعات المدرسية الممله وداعا لأن\nهذه الألعاب اللزجة سوف توفر لانهائية\nكمية من المرح خلال دروس المدرسة لعلى يقين!\nفقط تأكد من أنها لا تخرج عن سيطرتك!\n\nEnglish: \nWhat is Katie hiding inside her pencil sharpener?!\nWow what a cool slimy hand!\nFun fact, there was a time in our primary\nschool, when these slimy hands\nwere so extremely popular!\nWe used to get them as a gift in a bag of\nchips and literally everyone in school had them.\nI'm not surprised they are really fun to play\nwith!\nAnd a pencil sharpener is a perfect tool to\nhelp us smuggle this awesome toy to school.\nThese slimy hands are sticky and very stretchy!\nThey will stick to any kind of surface like\nwindows, tables and so on.\nYou can kiss boring school hours goodbye because\nthese sticky toys will provide an infinite\namount of fun during school classes for sure!\nJust make sure they don't go out of your control!\n\niw: \nללא שם: מה היא מסתירה קייטי בתוך מחדד העיפרון שלה ?!\nוואו איזה יד מגניב!\nעובדה מהנה, היה זמן הראשי שלנו\nבבית הספר, כאשר הידיים הדלילות האלה\nהיו כל כך פופולרי!\nהיינו מקבלים אותם במתנה בשקית של\nצ 'יפס ופשוט כולם בבית הספר היו להם.\nאני לא מופתע שהם באמת כיף לשחק\nעם!\nו מחדד עיפרון הוא כלי מושלם\nלעזור לנו להבריח את צעצוע מדהים לבית הספר.\nהידיים האלה הם דביק דביק מאוד נמתח!\nהם ידבקו לכל סוג של משטח כמו\nחלונות, שולחנות וכן הלאה.\nאתה יכול לנשק שעות בית הספר משעמם כי\nאלה צעצועים דביק יספק אינסופי\nכמות של כיף במהלך שיעורי בית הספר בוודאות!\nרק לוודא שהם לא יוצאים שליטה שלך!\n\nJapanese: \nケイティは鉛筆削りの中に何を隠しているの?\nわあ、スライミーハンドよ!\nおもしろいことに、このスライミーハンドは\n小学校の時、すごく人気だったわ!\n皆持っていたわね\nこれが面白いってことには\n驚きもしないわ!\nそして、鉛筆削りはこれを隠すために完璧なの!\nスライミーハンドはべたべたしていて、\nすごく伸びるのよ\n窓やテーブルなんかのどんな表面にもくっつくし\nこれでつまらない授業ともおさらばよ\n学校が楽しくなること間違いなしね!\n暴走しないように気を付けてね!\n\nCzech: \nCo je Katie ukryta uvnitř ořezávače tužky ?!\nJaká je skvělá slizká ruka!\nZábavný fakt, byl čas na našem primárním místě\nškola, když tyto slizké ruce\nbyly tak nesmírně oblíbené!\nDostali jsme je jako dárek v pytli\nžetony a doslova všichni ve škole měli je.\nNení mi divu, že je opravdu zábavné hrát\ns!\nA ostřící tužka je perfektní nástroj\npomozte nám tuto skvělou hračku do školy.\nTyto slizké ruce jsou lepkavé a velmi pružné!\nBudou se držet jakéhokoli povrchu jako je\nokna, stoly a tak dále.\nMůžete se líbat nudné školní hodiny sbohem, protože\ntyto lepkavé hračky poskytnou nekonečné množství\nmnožství legrace během školních tříd jistě!\nJen se ujistěte, že nevycházejí z vaší kontroly!\n\nFrench: \nQu'est-ce que Katie cache dans son taille-crayon?!\nWow quelle belle main gluante!\nFait amusant, il y avait un temps dans notre primaire\nl'école, quand ces mains gluantes\nétaient si extrêmement populaire!\nNous avions l'habitude de les recevoir en cadeau dans un sac de\njetons et littéralement tout le monde à l'école les avait.\nJe ne suis pas surpris qu'ils soient vraiment amusants à jouer\navec!\nEt un taille-crayon est un outil parfait pour\naidez-nous à faire passer ce superbe jouet à l’école.\nCes mains gluantes sont collantes et très extensibles!\nIls vont coller à tout type de surface comme\nfenêtres, tables, etc.\nVous pouvez embrasser les heures scolaires ennuyeuses\nces jouets collants fourniront une infinie\nquantité de plaisir pendant les cours scolaires à coup sûr!\nAssurez-vous simplement qu'ils ne vous échappent pas!\n\nVietnamese: \nKatie giấu cái gì bên trong cái bút chì của mình ?!\nWow những gì một bàn tay mỏng manh mát mẻ!\nThực tế thú vị, đã có một thời gian trong\ntrường học, khi những bàn tay mỏng manh này\nrất phổ biến!\nChúng tôi đã sử dụng để nhận chúng như một món quà trong một túi\nchip và theo nghĩa đen mọi người trong trường đều có chúng.\nTôi không ngạc nhiên khi họ rất vui khi chơi\nvới!\nVà một bút chì mài là một công cụ hoàn hảo để\ngiúp chúng tôi buôn lậu đồ chơi tuyệt vời này đến trường.\nNhững bàn tay nhầy nhụa này rất dính và rất co giãn!\nHọ sẽ dính vào bất kỳ loại bề mặt như\ncửa sổ, bảng và như vậy.\nBạn có thể hôn tạm biệt giờ học buồn bã vì\nnhững đồ chơi dính sẽ cung cấp một vô hạn\nsố lượng niềm vui trong lớp học chắc chắn!\nChỉ cần chắc chắn rằng họ không đi ra khỏi tầm kiểm soát của bạn!\n\nSpanish: \n¿Que está escondiendo Katie dentro de su lápiz sacapuntas?\n¡Qué mano más fresca!\nHecho curioso, hubo un tiempo en nuestra primaria\nescuela, cuando estas manos viscosas\nfueron tan extremadamente populares!\nSolíamos tenerlos como regalo en una bolsa de\nfichas y literalmente todos en la escuela los tenían.\nNo me sorprende que sean realmente divertidos de jugar\n¡con!\nY un sacapuntas es una herramienta perfecta para\nayúdanos a pasar de contrabando este increíble juguete a la escuela.\n¡Estas manos viscosas son pegajosas y muy elásticas!\nSe pegarán a cualquier tipo de superficie como\nventanas, mesas, etc.\nPuedes despedirte de aburridas horas de escuela porque\nestos juguetes pegajosos proporcionarán un infinito\ncantidad de diversión durante las clases de la escuela, seguro!\n¡Solo asegúrate de que no se salgan de tu control!\n\nPortuguese: \nO que Katie está escondendo dentro de seu apontador de lápis ?!\nUau que mão pegajosa legal!\nCuriosidade, houve um tempo em nossa primária\nescola, quando estas mãos viscosas\neram tão extremamente populares!\nNós costumávamos pegá-los como um presente em um saco de\nfichas e literalmente todos na escola tinham eles.\nEu não estou surpreso que eles sejam realmente divertidos de jogar\ncom!\nE um apontador de lápis é uma ferramenta perfeita para\nnos ajude a contrabandear este incrível brinquedo para a escola.\nEstas mãos viscosas são pegajosas e muito elásticas!\nEles vão ficar com qualquer tipo de superfície como\njanelas, tabelas e assim por diante.\nVocê pode se despedir de aulas chatas porque\nestes brinquedos pegajosos fornecerão um infinito\nquantidade de diversão durante as aulas da escola, com certeza!\nApenas certifique-se de que eles não saiam do seu controle!\n\nFilipino: \nAng uri ng panitikan, karamihan sa pangkalahatan, ay anumang uri\nng mga nakasulat na mga gawa.\nIsinasaalang-alang ang pagsusulat ng literatura\nUh-oh.\nKendi, pampaganda, laruan - ano pa ang maaari naming\nlumabas sa klase?\nMaghihintay ng komento!\nHindi seryoso, ang paaralan ay napakahalaga kaya't manatiling nakatuon at makinig sa iyong guro.\nNais ko sa iyo ang lahat ng isang kahanga-hangang taon ng paaralan.\nMwah! Mahal kita paalam!\nAng pagsulat sa panitikan ay itinuturing na ...\nMadalas na gawin ang ...\nAy itinuturing na ...\nAy itinuturing na ...\n\nEnglish: \nLiterature, most generically, is any kind\nof written works.\nLiterature writing is considered...\nUh-oh.\nCandy, makeup, toys – what else could we\nsneak in class?\nComment bellow!\nNo seriously, school is very important guys\nso stay focused and listen to your teacher.\nI wish you all an amazing school year.\nMwah! Love you bye!\nLiterature writing is considered to be...\nOften to do the...\nIs considered to be...\nIs considered to be...\n\niw: \nהספרות, באופן כללי ביותר, היא מכל סוג שהוא\nשל יצירות כתובות.\nספרות כתיבה נחשב ...\nאו - או.\nממתקים, איפור, צעצועים - מה עוד יכולנו\nלהתגנב בכיתה?\nהערה לשאוג!\nלא ברצינות, בית הספר הוא חבר 'ה חשוב מאוד\nאז להישאר ממוקד ולהקשיב המורה שלך.\nאני מאחל לכם שנה מדהימה.\nMwah! אוהב אותך להתראות!\nספרות כתיבה נחשב ...\nלעתים קרובות לעשות את ...\nנחשב ל ...\nנחשב ל ...\n\nMarathi: \nसाहित्य, सर्वात सामान्यपणे, कोणत्याही प्रकारचे आहे\nलेखी कार्यांची\nसाहित्य लेखन मानले जाते ...\nओहो!\nकँडी, मेकअप, खेळणी - आम्ही आणखी काय करू शकतो?\nवर्गात घुस\nटिप्पणी डरकाळी!\nगंभीरपणे नाही, शाळा खूप महत्वाचे लोक आहेत\nम्हणून लक्ष केंद्रित रहा आणि आपल्या शिक्षकाचे ऐका.\nमी तुम्हाला एक आश्चर्यकारक शाळा वर्ष इच्छा.\nम्हाह! आपण अलविदा प्रेम!\nसाहित्य लेखन असे मानले जाते ...\nअनेकदा ते करण्यासाठी ...\nअसे मानले जाते ...\nअसे मानले जाते ...\n\nPortuguese: \nLiteratura, mais genericamente, é de qualquer tipo\nde trabalhos escritos.\nLiteratura escrita é considerada ...\nUh-oh\nDoces, maquiagem, brinquedos - o que mais poderíamos\nesgueirar-se em classe?\nComentário abaixo!\nNão a sério, a escola é muito importante\nentão fique focado e ouça seu professor.\nDesejo a todos um incrível ano letivo.\nMwah! Te amo, tchau!\nA literatura escrita é considerada ...\nMuitas vezes para fazer o ...\nÉ considerado ser...\nÉ considerado ser...\n\nFrench: \nLa littérature, de manière générique, est de toute nature\ndes œuvres écrites.\nL'écriture littéraire est considérée ...\nUh-oh.\nCandy, maquillage, jouets - quoi d'autre pourrions-nous\nfaufiler en classe?\nCommentaire ci-dessous!\nNon sérieusement, l'école est très importante les gars\nalors restez concentré et écoutez votre professeur.\nJe vous souhaite une excellente année scolaire.\nMwah! Je t'aime, au revoir!\nL'écriture littéraire est considérée comme ...\nSouvent faire le ...\nEst considéré comme...\nEst considéré comme...\n\nJapanese: \n文学とは、最も一般的には、\n書くものです\n文学的なライティングとはつまり…\nおっと\nおかしにコスメにおもちゃ\n他に何を持ち込めるかしら?\nコメントで教えてね!\n冗談じゃなくて、\n学校は大切だし、ちゃんと先生の話を聞いてね\nあなたたちが素敵な学生生活を\n送れることを祈ってるわ!\n大好きよ!\n文学とはつまり…\nよく…\n考えられて…\n考えられて…\n\nSpanish: \nLa literatura, más genéricamente, es de cualquier tipo\nde trabajos escritos.\nLa escritura de la literatura se considera ...\nUh-oh\nDulces, maquillaje, juguetes: ¿qué otra cosa podríamos hacer?\nfurtivo en clase?\nComentar abajo !\nNo en serio ,la escuela es muy importante chicos así que estar concentrados y escuchar a vuestro profesor\nOs deseo a todos un increíble año de clase\nMwah! Os adoro adiós !!\nLa escritura de literatura se considera que es ...\nA menudo para hacer el ...\nSe considera que es ...\nSe considera que es ...\n\nArabic: \nالأدب ، الأهم ، هو أي نوع\nمن الأعمال المكتوبة.\nتعتبر كتابة الأدب ...\nأه اه.\nحلوى ، ماكياج ، ألعاب - ماذا يمكننا\nالتسلل في الفصل؟\nتعليق رفع الصوت عاليا!\nلا على محمل الجد ، المدرسة مهمة جدا\nلذا استمر في التركيز واستمع إلى معلمك.\nأتمنى لك كل عام دراسي مدهش.\nMwah! بحبك، مع السلامة!\nتعتبر كتابة الأدب ...\nفي كثير من الأحيان للقيام ...\nيعتبر...\nيعتبر...\n\nCzech: \nLiteratura, nejvíce genericky, je jakéhokoli druhu\npísemných prací.\nPsaní literatury je považováno za ...\nUh-oh.\nCandy, make-up, hračky - co jiného bychom mohli\nproklouznout ve třídě?\nKomentář níže!\nNe vážně, škola je velmi důležití kluci\ntak zůstaňte soustředěni a poslouchejte svého učitele.\nPřeji vám všem úžasný školní rok.\nMwah! Miluji tě Ahoj!\nLiteratura psaní je považována za ...\nČasto dělat ...\nJe považován za ...\nJe považován za ...\n\nTurkish: \nEdebiyat, en genel olarak her türden\nyazılı eserler.\nEdebiyat yazımı düşünülür ...\nHata.\nŞeker, makyaj, oyuncak - başka ne yapabilirdik\nsınıfta gizlice mi?\nYorum feryat!\nCiddi değil, okul çok önemli çocuklar\nodaklanın ve öğretmeninizi dinleyin.\nHepinize harika bir okul yılı diliyorum.\nMwah! Seni seviyorum hoşça kal!\nEdebiyat yazımı sayılır ...\nSık sık yapmak ...\nOlduğu düşünülür ...\nOlduğu düşünülür ...\n\nVietnamese: \nVăn học, phổ biến nhất, là bất kỳ loại nào\ncác tác phẩm viết.\nViết văn học được coi là ...\nUh-oh.\nKẹo, trang điểm, đồ chơi - chúng ta có thể làm gì khác\nlẻn vào lớp học?\nBình luận dưới đây!\nKhông nghiêm túc, trường học là những người rất quan trọng\nnên hãy tập trung và lắng nghe giáo viên của bạn.\nChúc các bạn một năm học tuyệt vời.\nMwah! Yêu bạn tạm biệt!\nVăn học viết được coi là ...\nThường để làm ...\nĐược coi là...\nĐược coi là...\n\nPolish: \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "Gerhard: Hello, and welcome to the inaugural\nWorld101x Live Stream. I’m Gerhard, your\ncourse director, and with me today on the\npanel are Fern, your course moderator—you’ll\nhave seen her on the discussion board—Professor\nof Anthropology at the University of Queensland,\nDavid Trigger, and research fellow in Anthropology,\nRichard Martin. You’ll remember these two\nfrom episode four when we went into the Gulf\nCountry in Northern Queensland with them.\nWe’ve got a bunch of questions here, but,\nalso, get involved on the live stream, on\nYouTube and the edX platform and ask questions\nthat we’ll try to answer briefly and engagingly\nhere on the panel.\nNow one of the questions that attracted a\nlot of up-voting and interest on the discussion\nforum was a question about the role of women\nin indigenous society. I’d like to start\nwith that one. I’ll read out the question\nfrom Kathleen W., and the question goes, “I’m\ncurious about the role of women in Australian\nindigenous society, both historically and\ncurrently. Do they have the same educational\nopportunity as men, and if so do they return\nto their communities to take up a leadership\nrole?”\nI think the question broadly is looking at\ngender differences in indigenous society,\nand authority and leadership that women are\nor are not taking up at present. Maybe we’ll\njust go around and start with you, Fern.\nFern: Sure. Can I just start by saying it’s\na really good question, and I’m really glad\nthat someone asked it, particularly because—and\nI think that this was pointed out in one of\nthe responses to that question on the discussion\nboard, but in terms of the people that were\ninterviewed as part of that episode that Richard\nand David were involved in, in terms of Aboriginal\nvoices, we’ve heard a lot from Aboriginal\nmen within the MOOC and not a lot from Aboriginal\nwomen, so I think it’s really good to highlight\nthe fact that we’re not seeing the full\nspectrum within the MOOC of the different\ngendered voices that are out there.\nIn terms of responding to the question, it’s\na very complex question to respond to largely\nbecause there are so many different Aboriginal\nsocieties within Australia, so there is no\none Aboriginal culture. There’s no one role\nthat we see Aboriginal women taking up right\nacross Australia. It’s very different and\nparticularly in terms of changes throughout\nhistory. We’re now in a situation where\nthe majority of the indigenous population\nin Australia lives in urban areas, and so\nobviously that’s wrought a lot of cultural\nchanges on many indigenous Australian societies.\nThere were a couple of things that I wanted\nto pick up on in response to the question.\nOne is in terms of the way that anthropologists\ncan form relationships with different societies\nor different gender groups and the fact that\nthat’s a really important thing to take\ninto consideration when we’re doing fieldwork.\nThis is something that takes us right back\nto, for example, the work of Bronislaw Malinowski\nin the Trobriand Islands and something that\nhe was criticized for a lot later down the\ntrack—was the fact that he completely ignored\nthe place of women in that society, and so\nwe see it is very partial, very one-sided\naccount of how that society functioned.\nSo I think that, particularly with indigenous\nAustralian societies, there’s a lot of gender\ndivision of knowledge, for instance. There’s\na lot of bodies of knowledge that are only\navailable to women or only available to men,\nand that aren’t able to be shared with members\nof a different gender. That’s something\nthat we need to be sensitive to as anthropologists—is\nthe fact that we may not be getting a full\npicture or a full understanding of how knowledge\nis held by all members across that society\nbecause of that gender division.\nThat’s something that’s come up in a couple\nof court cases as well. One of the really\nfamous ones is the Hindmarsh Island Bridge\ncase in which there was sacred and highly\ngendered information that was only held by\nwomen that was not necessarily able to be\nshared within a court of law because it would\nhave been exposed to men as well, which was\nsomething really problematic for that particular\nsociety.\nBut I wonder what other people have to say\non that topic as well.\nDavid: Well, perhaps just to add, I think\nit’s a good illustration of attention for\nanthropology, as to whether anthropology tells\nit like it is because what we have in a country\nlike Australia and some other countries with\nindigenous populations is quite a lot of gender\nviolence, I have to say, and this has been\na major issue of public debate. Anthropologists\nare criticized often for always wanting to\nrespect culture and cultural difference because\nof the great tradition of cultural relativism,\nwhich has no doubt been addressed in the courts.\nAnthropologists like me who’ve worked for\na long time in Aboriginal communities sometimes\nask ourselves, “Well, was I really telling\nit like it is,” in terms of all of the dimensions\nof gender relations because in those kinds\nof settings, just as in many settings across\nthe world, gender relations are not equal\nnecessarily and bad things happen.\nI just would add that further point: that\nanthropology in a country like Australia today,\nthe last decade or so, has been pushed to\nask and address the hard questions about what\nmight need to change in gender relations in\nAboriginal communities, perhaps just as in\nwider parts of the society. I think it’s\na good point to raise that issue.\nFern: But there are as well—I know there\nwas a sub question within that broader question\nthat I wanted to respond to, and this ties\ninto what you were just saying, David, now\nas well. There are a lot of Aboriginal women\ntaking up leadership positions and spearheading\ncampaigns. One that comes to mind is a campaign\nagainst what’s called the ongoing Stolen\nGeneration in Australia, for instance, and\nthat campaign is very much spearheaded by\nAboriginal women, particularly older Aboriginal\nwomen. A lot of grandmothers, a lot of mothers,\nare really taking up, I guess, positions of\npolitical prominence, not only within their\nown communities but at a national level. We\nsee a lot of strong women Aboriginal voices.\nFiona Foley comes to mind, as an Aboriginal\nartist who has a big political voice on a\nnational spectrum.\nGerhard: You think there’s a difference\nbetween urban and non-urban communities in\nterms of how leadership positions can be attained?\nMaybe some prominent academics or people who\nare prominent within the national political\ndiscourse, or there may be other people who\nare prominent within specific communities.\nIs there a disparity still in terms of Aboriginal\ncommunities?\nRichard: Yes, I think that there are different\nways in which people have power and exercise\ninfluence—certainly in the Gulf Country\nwhere we were a few months ago. Some of the\nmost influential people with strong knowledge\nthat I’ve worked with are senior\n women who know place names for\nplaces often because they’ve happened to\nlive longer than their contemporary male members\nof their generation. They’ve risen to hold\nand exert influence in their society, and\nknowledge about places, and to be involved\nin other types of community works like getting\ninvolved in the school, for example, or engaging\nwith the wider society on a whole host of\narenas.\nGerhard: Do you have anything else to add\nbefore we…\nDavid: Just one small thing. I think it’s\nimportant, as always, for anthropology professionals\nand students to be cautious about romanticizing.\nIn this case, we’re talking about the other\nor non-Western cultures. There’s the option\nthere to think of these cultures in the past\nor now as somehow embodying a greater degree\nof equality in gender relations, and my own\nview and the view of people I read is that\nthat’s not the case. Again, it’s just\na caution that anthropology needs to take\non the hard questions about other cultures.\nSome aspects of those cultures of course being\ntremendously successful through time, and\nother aspects of culture—and gender relations\nis one of them—may need to be addressed\nhonestly.\nGerhard: Just a short reminder to ask questions\nonline, and we’ll answer them on here.\nWe might move on to another question that\nhad a lot of feedback in the run-up to this\nlive stream, which comes from Tee. Tee’s\nquestion was about data collection: how do\nanthropologists collect data, quantitative,\nqualitative ways, but also how do they use\nit, compare it, and then store it for future\ngenerations? What happens to all the field\nnotes that we may have accrued in the field?\nOnce we may have published on it, but we don’t\npublish on everything, we may move on to other\nprojects, other research interests, what happens\nto that wealth of information?\nLet me start with Richard. What do you do\nwith your field notes?\nRichard: Well, I write them up very carefully\nand I preserve them as best as I’m abled\nso that they’re interpretable by other people.\nIt’s inevitably a partial record, I guess,\nof the kinds of situations you’ve been in,\nand sometimes the kind of experiential nature\nof the situations is meaningful.\nFor example, last week I was back in the Gulf\nat a rodeo. A rodeo is an event in that area\nthat brings white people, Aboriginal people,\nand other tourists and others together. How\ndo you convey that in field notes? It’s\none thing to transcribe an interview. How\ndo you capture the experience of being in\na rodeo in Burketown in 2014? For example,\nI took a lot of photographs, took some video,\nand tried to write up my impressions, and\nthen, coming back to the office, also tried\nto write about it, think about how it might\nreflect on some of issues that you want to\naddress in your research.\nThen, yes, you produce an archive of thoughts,\nso video, some images, audio recordings and\nnotes. Then try to preserve that and make\nit available for yourself but also potentially\nbeing aware of other audiences that might\nhave an interest.\nFor example, in legal context, maybe not,\nwith the tremendous interest in the inter-cultural\ndynamics of a rodeo but in some of the native\ntitle and other applied work that we’ve\ndone, being aware that anthropological field\nnotes and writing, particularly report writing,\npublished writing, has a kind of afterlife\nin that way.\nGerhard: Can you maybe tell us a little bit\nmore about this legal issue because I think\nit’s quite – it’s not something most\nanthropologists encounter. It’s something\nspecific to people working with Aboriginal\nAustralia, and specifically in native title.\nDavid: Well, these days, yes, there’s a\nlot of applied research in native title which\nhas to do with Aboriginal people seeking to\nget rights in land. This has been paralleled\nin other countries at different times. There\nwas quite a lot of involvement of anthropology\nin Canada and in the US, to a lesser extent\nin New Zealand where it’s been historians\nmore, South African historians perhaps more\nthan anthropologists. But certainly on that\npoint, anthropology’s been very vigorous\nin the last 30, 40 years in applied work,\nas well as academic work. People are engaged\nand commissioned to carry out some research,\nand then their reports and their ethnographic\ndata get looked at by claimants, by Aboriginal\npeople making claims to country, and by their\nlegal representatives, and by the courts,\nand by judges, and so on.\nPerhaps I just add one thing. I think when\nyou move anthropological data into a setting\noutside the discipline, some find it frustrating\nto deal with, and this includes lawyers, but\nit also includes other academic colleagues\nin criminology, or sociology, or less so history,\nbecause like anthropology, history’s data\nis somewhat difficult to tie down. It’s\nnot systematic in the way data are that result\nfrom administering a questionnaire with precise\nquestions, as might be done in a discipline\nlike quantitative sociology.\nI’ve had colleagues over the years genuinely\npuzzled, if I’ve come back from some fieldwork,\nor going on some field work, I’ve had people\nsay to me, “What did you do when you went\nthere,” because an anthropologist isn’t\npaying as much attention as some of the social\nscience colleagues to a specifically defined\nquestion and certainly in the form of a hypothesis,\nsay, and also a research instrument which\nis like a questionnaire or a series of questions\nwhich has been taken and will be systematically\nadministered to an identified population,\nsometimes which might be a random sample in\nterms of statistical representativeness.\nEthnographic data and the data that anthropologists\nuse—as Richard was saying, field notes,\nwritings, photographs, videos, visions—notes\nthat the researchers write after an event,\nafter going to the rodeo, which inevitably\nare filtered through their own subjectivity.\nOne of the classic things that’s said about\nmethod and data in anthropology that the researcher\nactually has to use their own subjectivity\nas the research instrument to interpret what’s\ngoing on. We get into interesting discussions\nabout what our objective data and what our\nsubjective data.\nGerhard: We might come back to that in a second,\nbecause two questions have just come in that\nactually related to what we do but also relate\nback to the first question, I guess. One is\nfrom F9 who says, “When we talk about Aboriginal\npeople’s education, we only talk in terms\nof our education system. They and their culture\nundergo a very deep ongoing education relative\nto their culture and worldviews. If we certainly\nhad to live in their world”—which is what\nanthropologists do—“our education would\nnot be fully relevant, and we would need to\nbe educated by them”?\nI think that’s what all anthropologists\nundergo: this process of being a child in\nan alien culture, having to start from scratch,\nlearning the language, learning the culture.\nI think it relates to Kurt’s question who\nsays, “Are there any Aboriginal anthropologists\nin Australia that are actively studying and\npublishing on white culture as they interpret\nit?”\nNow, David, you said earlier we shouldn’t\nalways just focus on Aboriginal culture and\nwhat happens there; also think about non-Aboriginal\nthat’ve lived in these places in relationship\nto Aboriginal communities. So is the native\nwriting back?\nDavid: Great question. Some of my colleagues\nwho are Aboriginal people studying anthropology\nand other social sciences—I’ve had discussions\nwith them over the years—to say, “I can\nunderstand your imperative to want to work,\nlet’s say, on the subject of indigenous\ncultures and the experience of Aboriginal\npeople, but would you have any interest in\nwriting about the other, in writing about\nwhite fellows, or in writing about suburbs\nin Australia?”\nI mean, my short answer is to say there is\nsome. I’d like to see more. I think when\nwe have in anthropology that happening is\nreally interesting. I’m reminded of an anthropologist\nfrom Papua New Guinea who went to study city\nculture in America, in American cities, and\nbrought to bear his understanding of family\nlife and family relations from PNG to try\nto work out what’s the nature of family\nlife in America. I recall him trying to work\nout how important family connectedness and\nrelatives and so on is in American society.\nThe process of watching that young anthropologist\ncome to grips with that was very interesting\nindeed. I recall, though he was starting to\ncome to a conclusion that family wasn’t\nas immediate for American citizens perhaps\nas in his home because people move a lot more\nand are more mobile, but then he was reflecting\non how Americans typically leave their property,\nfamily members. There were overlaps, as well\nas differences.\nI think it’s a great question and, yes,\nI would like to encourage more Aboriginal\npeople, and people from other cultures around\nthe world to study others.\nFern: I think something to add to that response\nas well is to take it back to the very first\nepisode of this MOOC where we interviewed\na range of anthropologists about the role\nof anthropology as they envisioned it, and\nhow a lot of the discussion on the discussion\nboard to Daniel Goldstein’s comment that\nanthropology needs to be in service of more\nvulnerable populations.\nI’m not wanting to generalize right across\nAboriginal communities in Australia. Obviously\nthere are really diverse experiences there.\nBut if you look at health statistics, for\ninstance, I mean, life expectancy of Aboriginal\nAustralians is 20 years less than other Australians.\nI think that in terms of using a perspective\nlike Daniel’s to look at who is producing\nanthropological knowledge and about whom,\nin some ways there is that sort of relevance\nthere. In other ways, I’d also like to contest\nthat particular power dynamic. I think that\nit’s also really important to look at anthropologies\nof dominant cultures and to have knowledge\nthat’s produced by a whole range of different\nvoices and a whole range of different actors\nthat occupy different positions in society.\nI think that we’ve seen anthropology looking\nat particular groups or particular populations,\nbut we are starting to see that shift, and\nI think that that shift is really positive,\nyes.\nGerhard: Follow on \nfrom Kurt—we’ll get a reference to that\nPNG work and we’ll put it up, and hopefully\nsome open access materials to relate to that\nbecause that was a really interesting aspect.\nThere’s a long running debate in terms of\nstudying your own society versus studying\nthe other, but the other studying your home\nsociety is something we rarely engage in.\nGoing on from this, I think another, a third\nquestion that had a lot of discussion around\nit in the lead-up to this was really two questions\nthat were brought together, one from Mikey\nBeatman and KateMM65. Together, they’re\nreally asking about the consequences to what\nthey term original cultures or indigenous\ncultures to contact. Most of the contact is\ncolonial times, but how that contact is played\nout over time in terms of often around economic\ndevelopment for land or negotiations of ancestral\nresources such as land in exchange for mining\nrights, for instance.\nIn this example, she was talking about the\nNavajo tribe getting 500 million dollars,\nbut I think it’s something that happens\naround the world where indigenous people who\nmight have a claim over a particular piece\nof land have to negotiate, giving up land\nfor economic development, how, more broadly,\nthat negotiation, that contact plays out,\nwhether their culture’s destroyed, gets\nassimilated by the influx of other people,\nor whether they themselves become isolated\nin reservations, for instance, of their original\nland, and what impacts that has in their cultural\nidentity.\nIt’s a very broad question, but I think\nmaybe if we can just talk about some of the\nexperiences you’ve had in places that you’ve\nworked in and how that’s played out.\nDavid: Well, briefly, I mean, it’s reflecting\nback on that question about education as well,\nwhich we didn’t really answer but it links\nto this. It’s just so important to be aware\nthat following these processes of settlement\nand colonization in different parts of the\nworld, indigenous cultures don’t exist in\na bubble, separate from the wider economy\nand the wider society.\nOf course, over time, there are different\npaces of change, but it’s so important for\npeople studying anthropology to be as much\nalive as to potential desires on the part\nof young people, certainly these days, young\nAboriginal people, indigenous people, whether\nin the US or Canada or Australia, who have\naspirations for careers and for finding ways\nout of poverty, if that’s their circumstances.\nI’m reminded of an indigenous colleague\nwho, some years ago, wrote about what he called\nindigenous capitalism, I think—something\nlike that. He wanted to make the point that\nin a rich country like Australia, young Aboriginal\npeople may well feel very positive about embracing\naspects of the wider society, especially things\nwhich are going to be of material advantage,\njust like any other young people. That’s\nthe qualification.\nI mean, at the same time, of course, as anthropologists,\nwe’re very aware of the desire of the descendants\nof the colonized to feel like to reproduce\nand maintain a sense of separate identity\nand a sense of separate culture, but I always\ntry to encourage students to look realistically\nat the desires to embrace and to mix and to\nmove on and to change. Not all aspects of\ninherited traditions are good for people,\nbut more to the point are things that everybody\nalways want to maintain, and Aboriginal people\nare no different.\nI hope that addresses in part. On the education\nquestion then, yes, there are of course bodies\nof knowledge variously across the world that\nare different and distinct among the descendants\nof those indigenous societies colonized, but\nin a country like Australia in 2014, all Aboriginal\npeople also overlap with and share aspects\nof the wider Australian education system.\nIt is in fact the capacity of children to\nbe able to operate in that system and learn\nto read and write in English and to get on\nin formal education that is as important,\nyou would say, as the inheritance of their\nseparate cultural knowledge.\nGerhard: Fern, did you…\nFern: Well, I was actually just wanting to\ngo back to the idea of continuing indigenous\nrelationships to land and to country and to\nnatural resources, and how that might have\nchanged given these source of changes that\nDavid is outlining, so the fact that indigenous\ncultures don’t exist within a bubble, that\nthere is a wider Australian economy at play\nthat, in Australia, like in many other nations\nlike the US and Canada. There’s a great\nbig mining sector in there. I think that we\ndo need to look at these relationships between\nindigenous communities and mining companies\nand the sorts of power dynamics and ethical\ninterplay that’s formed within those relationships.\nObviously, again, there’s a huge diversity.\nGerhard: And it’s not always, when we talk\nabout indigenous communities or Aboriginal\npeople, that they amongst themselves agree\nover should there be mining on this land,\nfor instance, that you have internal conflicts,\ntoo, often coming out of education and different\npathways that they see or want to see for\ntheir community.\nFern: Yes. I think that really speaks as well\nto David’s point that we need to avoid romanticizing\nindigenous cultures or seeing them as trapped\nwithin a historical bubble and engaged solely\nin what we term traditional economic exchange.\nThat’s simply not the case in Australia\nany more. It is really divisive in Aboriginal\ncommunities. I don’t think that any of us\nhave worked with an Aboriginal community that’s\nentirely united on any particular way of engaging\nwith economic development or using natural\nresources that are found on their land. It’s\na hugely contentious point.\nRichard: Yes, I think the concepts of continuity,\nchange, tradition—they’re rich and meaningful\nto explore, and I think that we need to be\ncareful about using them and avoiding entrapping\npeople within either category, as traditional\npeople or people of change, and start to think\nabout the intercultural context in which traditions\nare reproduced and recreated or created for\nthe first time.\nI think it’s important politically to allow\npeople a bit of wriggle room and not try and\nput them in a place where they need to be\ntraditional to, for example, get recognition\nfrom the state as authentic indigenous people\nor to get rights and interests. We need to\nhave a sophisticated approach to that sorts\nof changes and the sorts of ways which change\noccurs.\nI think if we’re going to do the right thing\nand write honestly and appropriately about\nsociety, even in places like the Gulf Country\nor Arnhem Land or in the desert, we need to\ndeal very carefully with these concepts.\nGerhard: To change tact a little bit, I’ve\ngot a simple question, or it sounds very simple.\nFrom Lovely: “Is anthropology a science?”\nVery simple question that I just throw out\nthere for everyone to have a quick mull over.\nLet’s start with you, David.\nDavid: I’d say yes and no. On the yes side,\nit shares with the other sciences, with the\nnatural sciences, the fundamental idea of\nfinding out about the world empirically, of\nobtaining information which generates conclusions.\nWhere it differs from the natural sciences\nis that people are not predictable in the\nsame way. In anthropology, we can’t formulate\na law like we can a law of gravity. In physics,\nwe know if we hold something up and drop it,\nit will always fall. If it doesn’t fall,\nwe’re in a little bit of trouble, and certainly\nthe scientists would be dealing with that.\nGerhard: We’d be all a little bit disturbed.\nDavid: In anthropology and in the study of\nhuman societies and cultures, we can come\nup with generalizations that are probabilistic.\nWe can do work, and we can say, “Look, on\nthe basis of this, there’s a probability…”\nA simple thing, it’s not only in anthropology,\nbut you might have a probabilistic generalization\nthat people with a certain level of wealth\nmight vote for a certain kind of political\nparty, but of course, it doesn’t always\nhold. It’s not a law. It’s a generalization\nbased on statistical association between lots\nof people with more money voting in a certain\nway.\nI think that it’s important for anthropology\nto identify itself as a social science but\nit’s connected strongly to the humanities\nas well because of what I’ve said before\nabout the inevitable subjectivity of interpretations\nabout what the world means to people.\nIn the end, though—I mean I’m a certain\nkind of anthropologist. There are some who\nmay well say—I’m not sure whether it’s\ncovered in the MOOC so far—that they’re\nquite comfortable with the fact that they\ngo into a certain setting and do a study and\ncome up with conclusions, and another anthropologist\nmight go there afterwards and come up with\ncompletely different conclusions.\nI’m a little worried about that. I would\nlike my conclusions to be sufficiently grounded\nin what I would recall empirical fact, such\nthat the other anthropologist who comes in\nmay differ but there will be sufficient overlap\nfor us to be able to say we’re both doing\nsocial science.\nFern: I’d like to raise a different point\nwhich is…\nDavid: I thought you might.\nFern: Yes, which in part, I think, might contradict\nwhat David’s just said, just in part. I\nthink there will be significant overlap. We\nprobably got some common ground.\nI think, Richard, actually, you put it very\nbeautifully in the interview that you gave\nfor the MOOC, that not even between different\nanthropologists but over the course of one’s\nfieldwork as an anthropologist, we ourselves\nare changed by the relationships that we form\nwith people, that we form with the landscape,\nor whatever it is that we might be interacting\nwith over the course of that fieldwork.\nI’d even argue that not only is it difficult\nfor different anthropologists to see the same\nthing and reach the same conclusions if they\ngo to the same field site, but that one individual\nanthropologist would more than likely come\nup with a slightly different perspective or\ndifferent point of view or different conclusions,\nwhether they’re at the start of their fieldwork\nor the end of their fieldwork or depending\non their own life experiences.\nI think that that relates to what you were\ntalking about, subjectivity being the lens\nor the framework through which we examine\ndata as anthropologists. I think that is inescapable\nand fluid as well.\nDavid: So you’re comfortable in contradicting\nyourself between sets of conclusions. You\nwould go and do a study. You would come up\nwith conclusions, but next year you’d contradict\nthose.\nFern: Well, I think that it would be more\nimportant to revise one’s conclusions if\nyou did start to disagree with your previous\nconclusions, rather than holding to a position\nthat you’ve changed over the course of your\nfieldwork. I don’t think that that would\nbe an honest way of engaging with fieldwork\nor presenting data as an anthropologist. I\nwould be more comfortable with changing than\nI would with holding a static point of view.\nRichard: Well, I think that it’s important\nto also have a way to defend your propositions\nand conclusions. If you say, for example,\n“This happened because there was this tension\nin this time at this place,” there’s a\nsubstance to it. People could can you out\non that and say, “Yes, but have you factored\nin this thing over here?” Certainly, in\nsome of the context that David and I have\nworked where your conclusions or your opinions\nare tested and are confronted and are challenged,\nit’s important to be able to justify them\nwithout, of course, saying that this is a\ndefinitive thing that we can raise above our\nown engagements with people.\nGerhard: I think you’ve just mentioned a\nword that’s a bit of a tagline for the course,\nright? Context is everything, and contexts\nchange, and therefore our estimation or our\nunderstanding of what is happening will change.\nI’m with Fern on this one, I’m afraid.\nIt was interesting in the first week—and\nit’s not about counting votes here—but\nit was in the first couple of videos we had,\nI think that the majority of the anthropologists\nwe interviewed were of the ilk tending towards\nmore towards the humanities: anthropology’s\nnot a science. It’s more about storytelling.\nIt’s about engaging, being active, sometimes\npolitically active.\nThere was one or two who actually said anthropology\nis a science, and we can make these almost\nlaws, who have a more of a quantitative tradition,\npartly coming out of political science or\nthat sort of an overlap of a very robust social\nscience.\nAgain, as anthropologists, I think one of\nthe great things about anthropologists is\nthat we’re open. We’re open to lots of\ndifferent methodologies. We’re open to lots\nof different approaches. There’s always\ngoing to be a large diversity of opinion that’s\njust among the four of us, which is very good.\nWe’ve just had a question come in which\nrelates to this in a way. Antonio25 asks,\n“How does anthropology deal with political\nideology like right and left?”\nAgain, something that we can probably talk\nabout for a very long time. Very briefly,\nwhat’s your take?\nDavid: Very briefly. Very briefly, my take\nis that anthropologists should not impose\ntheir own political ideology. They can do\nthat in other aspects of their lives, but\nwhen they are carrying out research to investigate\nthe world and come to conclusions about what\npeople believe or how they behave, then it’s\ndangerous and risky, and in fact it comes\nundone if the researcher imposes their own\npolitical position.\nThen, of course, there are political positions\namong those with whom we study, with whom\nwe engage in research, and that’s another\nmatter. We document those to the right or\nthe left or whatever. I think anthropologists\nwould try to do more than just document political\npositions and sort of explain where they come\nfrom.\nThe other thing I’ll just add quickly is\nif we want to be useful in the world outside\nof universities and outside academia and we\nwant to be taken seriously, then we need to\npresent results and conclusions that are both\nnot seen as just being driven by the political\nposition of the researcher, and secondly not\nconclusions that we say, “Well, I’ve come\nup with these conclusions, but it’s not\nreally factual. Somebody else might find something\nelse.”\nIf the anthropologist says that in the court\nof law or in a contested negotiation, then\nwe will find that others, other disciplines,\nothers in the law or so on, will say, “Well,\nthat pretty useless. If you can’t tell us\nwhat exists, if you’re just going to tell\nus that we’re telling a story and somebody\nelse is going to come along and tell another\nstory, they’ll say, ‘Well, thank you very\nmuch, but we’ll find other kinds of social\nscientists to work with.’”\nGerhard: Going back to that question very\nbriefly, one of the first things we learn\nin anthropology is that we all have cultural\nbaggage. That’s very difficult to—we can’t\nactually go into the field and do our work\nobjectively, 100 percent objectively. We’re\nalways going to have our own cultural baggage,\nand part of that cultural baggage is perhaps\nnot a political ideology, but some form of\npolitics, our own politics. It doesn’t have\nto be left or right. It can be a mixture of\nthose. But our own politics invariably seeps\ninto the work we do. It might be the driver\nof why we do the work at all. How do you overcome\nthat?\nDavid: I think researchers just as much as\npossible need to be aware of what their own\npersonal positions are on things. I’m not\nsure exactly what you mean, but I would say\nthat anthropology is strong on cultural relativism,\nbut actually that doesn’t mean moral relativism\nnecessarily.\nTo add on a little bit more—you know, I\ntalked about gender violence before. I’ve\nasked myself over the years, “Okay I’m\na cultural relativist. I want to be open to\nwhatever’s happening in this situation,\nbut that doesn’t mean I will suspend all\nmoral judgments as a person,” and my moral\njudgments may well seep into my writing an\naccount of what happens.\nIt’s a difficult one. As we’ve said, we\nuse our own subjectivity as a research instrument,\nbut, I guess, to be blunt about it, I’m\nsomewhat critical of colleagues for whom the\nresearch exercise mainly becomes a vehicle\nfor the promotion of their own political position.\nI don’t think that’s right.\nI think, as I said in some of the videoing\nwe did earlier for the MOOC, I’ve been very\naware over the years, working in a lot of\nsettings, that I’m not the one who continues\nto live there afterwards, so I want to be\nvery cautious about imposing my own political\nposition.\nFern: What about—this is a question upon\na question, rather than a response. Although\nI did want to say as a more run-of-the-mill\nresponse to how anthropology deals with political\nideology like right and left, that there were\na couple of anthropologists that we interviewed\nas part of the MOOC—Jeffrey Juris is one\nthat comes to mind; Daniel Goldstein; and\nalso David Graver who we didn’t interview,\nbut they’re examples of anthropologists\nwho specifically look at a particular part\nof the political spectrum, especially social\nmovements of the left, have become the very\nsubject of focus for certain anthropologists.\nSimilarly, with political movements of the\nright. Although I can’t think of any anthropologists\noff the top of my head.\nI did want to ask about a question that engaged\na lot of discussion on the discussion boards\nas part of this course—was about anthropologists\nnot necessarily bringing their own political\nagenda into the field, but whether or not\nit’s morally defensible for anthropologists\nto engage with the political agendas of the\npeople that they’re working with, so anthropologists\nas advocates in a sense or anthropologists\nas social justice workers. That’s a sort\nof a term that got thrown around a bit. I’m\nwondering if any of you have a contribution\nto make on that debate.\nDavid: Well, briefly…\nRichard: Yes, I think that anthropologists\ncan become advocates. I mean, the challenge\nis in advocating without foregoing or compromising\nthe kind of strength and robustness of your\nethnography and your anthropology. In some\nways, you can think of them as separate ways\nin which people live their lives in the field,\ndoing anthropology, doing advocacy work, but\nat the same time, absolutely, your self drives\nin a lot of ways your engagements with other\npeople. Of course it does. You can’t disavow\nthat or resolve from that.\nI think, yes, I sort of lean towards David’s\nview, and I think it’s important to remember\nthat it’s hard to be instrumental about\nwhat anthropologists do or where anthropology\ngoes. I look sometimes at all anthropological\nwriting in the context native title claims\nand land negotiations, and sometimes the work\ndone for a completely different reason becomes\nmeaningful and significant in pursuit of a\nnew agenda.\nWe need to be aware that there are different\naudiences for our work and not to try and\nrestrict that to the fellow-minded on the\npolitical spectrum, for example.\nFern: Well, I think that was something that\none of your interviewees in the Gulf Country\ntouched on, wasn’t it, that there are a\nlot of members of their community that are\nreally appreciative of the work that anthropologists\nhave done there over the decades because they’ve\nhad a role in preserving history, preserving\nstories, and that has become important politically\nin a different way to how people might have\nimagined at the outset of doing that work—which\nis another thing that I wonder about in terms\nof the ethics of becoming involved in a community,\nand that was a point that came up as well.\nCan we morally become engaged within a community\nwithout giving something to that community,\nand often what a community asks for, whether\nor not that’s explicit—and, again, I’m\nthinking of the interview with Daniel Goldstein\nhere—is some kind of advocacy for a political\nagenda. What if those sorts of situations\ncome up where people don’t accept that anthropologists\ncan just be there as neutral observers, that\nthat feels like an imposition on the community\nrather than a fair exchange?\nDavid: Yes. I mean, negotiating a research\nsetting, no matter where it is, is always\ngoing to involve that sort of stuff. I think\nit’s not going to be just with less powerful\ngroups either. If we’re negotiating a research\nproject with the police force, they’re going\nto want to ask us questions about what we’re\ngetting out of it and certainly how our work\nmay impact on their work and their lives.\nI mean, that’s just one example.\nI think people take their baggage in, and\nif a person’s baggage, if you like, is to\nbe a social justice advocate, that’s fine.\nThey just need to be upfront about that. They\nneed make judgments. Anthropologists need\nto make judgments about the usefulness of\ntheir advocacy, and important judgments about\nwhether this is a nice way, say, for the researcher\ncoming in from the outside to feel good about\nthemselves, thinking of themselves as an advocate,\nas against foreshadowing actual practical\noutcomes.\nIf you’re a social justice advocate in Aboriginal\nAustralia, you can do a whole lot of symbolic\nposturing as anthropologist, but you may achieve\nmuch greater by being engaged to do a report\nwhich is presented as independent work of\na social science kind which people can rely\non and which can be used in a negotiation\nover a big mine or something like that.\nWe have to think, in my view, how we want\nto position our work. In my experience, doing\nadvocacy work tends to position ourselves\nwith other advocates, with those parts of\nthe research setting who are interested in\nthe advocacy, but we may distance ourselves\nfrom powerful institutions in the society.\nIf anthropology is not seen by the law courts\nand by politicians as a reliable social science\nbut as a bunch of social justice advocates,\nthen it may distance and diminish our capacity\nfor practical effect.\nI mean, I’m not arguing—I perfectly accept\nthat some anthropologists will believe that\nadvocacy is part of what they do, but I’m\njust saying they need to be upfront about\nit from the beginning in negotiating with\nthe research setting and try to be as clear\nas possible about foreshadowing what it’s\nactually going to achieve.\nGerhard: In my work, I’ve written something\nabout the difficulty of working with, let’s\nsay, Muslim fundamentalists. It was much easier\nworking with Muslim moderates because I agreed\nwith most of what I was hearing. It was much\nmore confronting. I think, for anthropologists,\nyou always come in with a bias, and it’s\nabout negotiating and realizing where you’re\ncoming from and how that is impacting your\nwork and how to be honest about that, I guess,\nin what you write and how to work through\nthose different levels.\nSame with working with refugees. I think there\nis a slight difference in audience. When you\nwrite, you have as an audience the legal establishment\non one level that potentially is always an\naudience. Whereas for me, it rarely ever or\nI don’t think at all, so I don’t write\nwith that in mind. I think it is a factor\nin how we write about things and how we talk\nabout it.\nDavid: Yes, but you can do both. I mean, applied\nanthropologists who work in Aboriginal Australia—or\nthey write for academic journals and an academic\nreadership as well as—not all, but it’s\nperfectly feasible to do more than one thing.\nGerhard: Maybe just one last question from\nthe discussion forums that ties in with what\nwe’ve been talking about, and it’s two\nquestions from Commonman and Cocoline1, about\nopportunities for careers in anthropology\nand who funds anthropological studies. How\ndo we actually get to do what we do? Again,\nwe’ll have different answers to this, with\nquite different setting. We’re also running\nout of time, so I’m conscious of both these\nthings. Very briefly, go through that.\nDavid: Well, I’ll just make a very brief\ncomment. It varies in different countries,\nacross countries where funding comes from.\nIn some countries, there’s government funding.\nFunding for anthropologists is the same source\nfrom government funding for other research\nin the natural sciences, social sciences,\nand the humanities. In countries like Australia\nand, I would add, at certain times, Brazil\nand Canada and so on where there are funds\nfrom other sources because of the practical\nimport potentially of the research that anthropologists\nare engaged to do.\nIn Australia, there are more people calling\nthemselves anthropologists working outside\nthe academy than inside the academy these\ndays. They do somewhat different kinds of\nwork. Although some, like some of us, do both,\nand so we get funding from multiple sources.\nGerhard: Lucky you. I guess it’s the same\nfor you in doing similar work.\nRichard: Yes, I think it’s a challenge to\nput your research and your questions across\nto people who might be interested in paying\nto investigate them and then producing something\nthat’s meaningful to them, as well as hopefully\nacademic partners and not sort of siloing\nyourself in either silo.\nFern: I guess, in my personal experience,\nthere are a lot of different places; there\nare a lot of different sorts of bodies that\nI’ve worked for. I’ve worked as an anthropologist\nfor the state government, for a private cultural\nheritage company. But the anthropological\nwork that I’ve been involved in, that I\nalso feel very passionately about, is also\nself-funded, so I think that’s a thing that\nmight not have been mentioned yet either.\nIndependent freelance anthropological work\nand writing is a thing that I also exists\nas well.\nGerhard: People doing it for the passion—I\nthink that happens, too, with very little\nor no resources coming their way. I think\nthat it’s part of the picture, too. We talked\nin interview with Sarah Kendzior a little\nbit about the US situation in terms of the\nadjunctification where there’s less and\nless jobs at university, which used to be\nthe natural place for people in anthropology\nto find a home and an income, and that’s\nincreasingly not the case. It hasn’t been\nin a while, especially in the US where there’s\npeople working—we talked about this: the\nHuman Terrain System for the military, for\nprivate contractors, for marketing companies,\nand again that’s the majority of anthropology\ngraduates because the universities aren’t\nthere to take every graduate.\nI think anthropology’s one of those careers\nor one of those degrees that actually makes\nstudents or makes graduates able to work in\na range of fields because the tools that they\nacquire during an anthropology degree are\nactually—you can use them in such as wide\nvariety of settings because they’re tools\nfor life, rather than for a specific profession.\nI don’t think anthropologists ever only\neducated people for the profession.\nI think that hopefully that’s a positive\nnote to end on. I’m afraid we have to end\nit here. Thank you very much to everyone out\nthere who joined us on the live stream. We’ll\nhave another live stream at the end of the\ncourse to reflect upon the whole course, but\nalso that third module that’s starting this\nweekend, Life Within Limits, where we’ll\nbe going to Cuba, to Chile, and to Malaysia.\nThank you very much to all of you on the panel\nand all those online, and see you again next\ntime. Thank you very much.\nDavid: Thank you.\nRichard: Thank you.\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "Okazuje się, że australijski ozdobnik rajski z Victorii \npotrafi zrobić użytek z kikuta drzewa. \nElegancki ptak wydobywa z siebie uwodzicielski skrzek. \nTo przyprawia samicę o szybsze bicie serca. \nOn kroczy dumnie. \nDama nie jest pewna, czy to na pewno ten jedyny,\nktóry zmiecie ją gałęzi. \nNa pewno potrafi tańczyć,\nale czy będzie dobrym ojcem?\nOn daje z siebie wszystko.\nAle ona po prostu nie jest zbyt zainteresowana. \n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "\nEnglish: \nShine on you\noil pastel drawing\nSwanee art\nMaterials\nMungyo gallery oil pastel 48 colors\nHello ! Let's draw a beautiful picture today.\njade green\nmalachite green\n+ white\npalette for water\nripples of similar structure to cobwebs\n\nSpanish: \nBrillar en ti\ndibujo al pastel al óleo\nArte Swanee\nMateriales\nMungyo gallery oil pastel 48 colores\nHola ! Hagamos un hermoso dibujo hoy.\nJade verde\nverde malaquita\n+ blanco\npaleta para agua\nondas de estructura similar a las telarañas\n\nFilipino: \nSumikat ka\npagguhit ng pastel ng langis\nSwanee art\nMga Materyales\nMungyo gallery ng langis ng pastel 48 na kulay\nKamusta ! Gumuhit tayo ng isang magandang larawan ngayon.\njade berde\nmalachite berde\n+ maputi\npalette para sa tubig\nmga ripples ng katulad na istraktura sa mga cobwebs\n\nJapanese: \n輝きます\nオイルパステル画\nスワニーアート\n材料\nムンギョギャラリーオイルパステル48色\nこんにちは !今日は美しい絵を描いてみましょう。\nジェードグリーン\nマラカイトグリーン\n+白\n水のパレット\nクモの巣に似た構造の波紋\n\nRussian: \nСиять на тебе\nмасляная пастель рисунок\nСвани искусство\nМатериалы\nMungyo gallery масляная пастель 48 цветов\nЗдравствуйте ! Нарисуем сегодня красивую картинку.\nнефрит зеленый\nмалахитовый зеленый\n+ белый\nпалитра для воды\nрябь, похожая на структуру паутины\n\nChinese: \n照在你身上\n油画棒\n斯旺尼艺术\n用料\nMungyo Gallery油粉彩48色\n你好 !让我们今天画一幅美丽的图画。\n翡翠绿\n孔雀石绿\n+白色\n水的调色板\n结构类似于蜘蛛网的波纹\n\nFrench: \nBrille sur toi\ndessin pastel à l'huile\nArt Swanee\nMatériaux\nMungyo Gallery pastel à l'huile 48 couleurs\nSalut ! Faisons un beau dessin aujourd'hui.\nVert Jade\nvert malachite\n+ blanc\npalette pour l'eau\nondulations de structure similaire aux toiles d'araignées\n\nGerman: \nScheint auf dich\nÖlpastellzeichnung\nSwanee Kunst\nMaterialien\nMungyo Galerie Öl Pastell 48 Farben\nHallo ! Lassen Sie uns heute ein schönes Bild zeichnen.\nJadegrün\nMalachitgrün\n+ weiß\nPalette für Wasser\nWellen von ähnlicher Struktur wie Spinnweben\n\nItalian: \nSplende su di te\ndisegno a pastello a olio\nArte di Swanee\nMateriali\nMungyo gallery pastello a olio 48 colori\nCiao ! Disegniamo una bella immagine oggi.\nverde giada\nverde malachite\n+ bianco\ntavolozza per l'acqua\nincrespature di struttura simile a ragnatele\n\nKorean: \n너를 비추다\n오일 파스텔 그리기\n스와니 아트\n재료\n문교 갤러리 오일 파스텔 48 색\n안녕하세요 ! 오늘 예쁜 그림 같이 그려요.\n옥 녹색\n공작석 녹색\n+ 흰색\n물을 그리기 위한 색들\n거미줄과 유사한 구조의 잔물결\n\nArabic: \nيشع عليك\nرسم زيت باستيل\nفن Swanee\nالمواد\nمونجيو زيت باستيل 48 لون\nمرحبا ! دعونا نرسم صورة جميلة اليوم.\nاليشم الأخضر\nالمسرطنة\n+ أبيض\nلوحة للمياه\nتموجات من بنية مماثلة لأنسجة العنكبوت\n\nFrench: \nPeignez d'abord le côté lumineux avec du blanc\nIci, le soleil brille.\n\nChinese: \n首先用白色油漆光亮的一面\n这里阳光普照。\n\nKorean: \n먼저 흰색으로 밝은면을 칠하십시오.\n여기서 태양이 빛납니다.\n\nItalian: \nDipingi prima il lato positivo con il bianco\nQui splende il sole.\n\nGerman: \nMalen Sie die helle Seite zuerst mit Weiß\nHier scheint die Sonne.\n\nJapanese: \n最初に明るい面を白でペイントします\nここで太陽が輝いています。\n\nEnglish: \nPaint the bright side with white first\nHere the sun shines.\n\nSpanish: \nPinta el lado brillante con blanco primero\nAquí brilla el sol.\n\nFilipino: \nKulayan ang maliwanag na bahagi na may puting una\nNarito ang araw ay sumisikat.\n\nRussian: \nСначала нарисуйте светлую сторону белым\nЗдесь светит солнце.\n\nArabic: \nقم بطلاء الجانب المشرق باللون الأبيض أولاً\nهنا تشرق الشمس.\n\nRussian: \nзамена игрока\n\nItalian: \nsostituzione del giocatore\n\nChinese: \n球员更换\n\nJapanese: \nプレーヤーの交換\n\nFrench: \nremplacement du joueur\n\nKorean: \n선수 교체\n\nArabic: \nاستبدال اللاعب\n\nGerman: \nSpielerersatz\n\nEnglish: \nplayer replacement\n\nFilipino: \nkapalit ng player\n\nSpanish: \nreemplazo de jugador\n\nFilipino: \nginintuang madilaw\nsalmon\nkulay rosas\nrusset, kayumanggi\n\nFrench: \njaune doré\nSaumon\nrose\nroux, marron\n\nSpanish: \namarillo dorado\nsalmón\nrosado\nrojizo, marrón\n\nChinese: \n金黄色\n三文鱼\n粉\n褐色,褐色\n\nItalian: \ngiallo dorato\nsalmone\nrosa\nruggine, marrone\n\nEnglish: \ngolden yellow\nsalmon\npink\nrusset, brown\n\nArabic: \nأصفر ذهبي\nسمك السالمون\nزهري\nخمري ، بني\n\nRussian: \nзолотисто-желтый\nлосось\nрозовый\nкрасновато-коричневый, коричневый\n\nGerman: \nGold-gelb\nLachs\nRosa\nrostrot, braun\n\nKorean: \n황금색\n연어\n분홍\n황갈색, 갈색\n\nJapanese: \n黄金色の黄色\nサーモン\nピンク\nあずき色、茶色\n\nItalian: \nblu di Prussia\nverde erba, giallo\ndisegnare fiori\n\nEnglish: \nPrussian blue\ngrass green, yellow\ndrawing flowers\n\nArabic: \nالأزرق البروسي\nالعشب الأخضر والأصفر\nرسم الزهور\n\nJapanese: \nプルシアンブルー\n草緑、黄色\n花を描く\n\nKorean: \n프러시안 블루\n잔디 녹색, 노란색\n꽃 그리기\n\nGerman: \nPreußischblau\nGras grün, gelb\nBlumen zeichnen\n\nSpanish: \nazul de Prusia\nverde hierba, amarillo\ndibujo de flores\n\nChinese: \n普鲁士蓝\n草绿色,黄色\n画花\n\nRussian: \nБерлинская лазурь\nтрава зеленая, желтая\nрисование цветов\n\nFrench: \nbleu de Prusse\nvert herbe, jaune\ndessin de fleurs\n\nFilipino: \nAsul na Prussian\ndamo berde, dilaw\npagguhit ng mga bulaklak\n\nSpanish: \nocre\nlas sombras de las flores\nLápiz de color prismacolor - marrón siena\n\nArabic: \nأكسيد الرصاص\nظلال الزهور\nقلم ملون بريزما كولور - سيينا بني\n\nRussian: \nохра\nтени цветов\nКарандаш цветной Prismacolor - сиенна коричневая\n\nFrench: \nocre\nles ombres des fleurs\nCrayon de couleur Prismacolor - Brun Sienne\n\nGerman: \nOcker\ndie Schatten der Blumen\nPrismacolor Buntstift - Siena braun\n\nJapanese: \n黄土\n花の影\nPrismacolor色鉛筆-シエナブラウン\n\nFilipino: \nocher\nang mga anino ng mga bulaklak\nPrismacolor color pencil - sienna brown\n\nKorean: \n황토\n꽃 그림자\nPrismacolor 색연필-시에나 브라운\n\nChinese: \n赭石\n花的影子\n棱彩彩色铅笔--色棕色\n\nEnglish: \nochre\nthe shadows of flowers\nPrismacolor colored pencil - sienna brown\n\nItalian: \nocra\nle ombre dei fiori\nMatita colorata Prismacolor - marrone siena\n\nRussian: \nхолодный серый\nмалахитовый зеленый\nкоричневый\nтени ряби на руке\n\nEnglish: \ncool grey\nmalachite green\nbrown\nthe shadows of ripples on the hand\n\nKorean: \n시원한 회색\n공작석 녹색\n갈색\n손에 잔물결의 그림자\n\nSpanish: \ngris frío\nverde malaquita\nmarrón\nlas sombras de las ondas en la mano\n\nJapanese: \nクールグレイ\nマラカイトグリーン\n褐色\n手の波紋の影\n\nGerman: \nkaltes Grau\nMalachitgrün\nbraun\ndie Schatten der Wellen auf der Hand\n\nFrench: \ngris froid\nvert malachite\nmarron\nles ombres des ondulations sur la main\n\nChinese: \n酷灰色\n孔雀石绿\n棕色\n手上的涟漪阴影\n\nArabic: \nرمادي بارد\nالمسرطنة\nبنى\nظلال التموجات على اليد\n\nFilipino: \ncool na kulay abo\nmalachite berde\nkayumanggi\nang mga anino ng mga ripples sa kamay\n\nItalian: \ngrigio freddo\nverde malachite\nMarrone\nle ombre delle increspature sulla mano\n\nChinese: \n涟漪的光芒照在手上\n让我们将一些花朵涂成浅紫色。\n玫瑰\n用Uni posca白色标记突出显示\n\nRussian: \nСвет ряби сияет на руке\nНарисуем цветы светло-фиолетовым цветом.\nРоза\nВыделите белым маркером Uni posca\n\nEnglish: \nThe light of the ripples are shining on the hand\nLet's paint some flowers in light purple.\nrose\nHighlight with Uni posca white marker\n\nFilipino: \nAng ilaw ng mga ripples ay nagniningning sa kamay\nIpinta natin ang ilang mga bulaklak sa light purple.\nrosas\nHighlight kasama ang Uni posca puting marker\n\nKorean: \n잔물결의 빛이 손에 비쳐요.\n연한 보라색으로 꽃을 칠합시다.\n장미색\nUni posca 흰색 마커로 강조 표시\n\nJapanese: \n手に波紋の光が輝いている\n花を薄紫色に塗りましょう。\nローズ\nユニポスカホワイトマーカーでハイライト\n\nGerman: \nDas Licht der Wellen scheint auf die Hand\nMalen wir einige Blumen in hellviolett.\nRose\nMit weißem Marker Uni posca hervorheben\n\nSpanish: \nLa luz de las ondas brilla en la mano\nPintemos algunas flores en violeta claro.\nRosa\nResaltar con marcador blanco Uni posca\n\nArabic: \nضوء التموجات يضيء على اليد\nدعونا نرسم بعض الزهور باللون الأرجواني الفاتح.\nالوردة\nظلل بعلامة Uni posca البيضاء\n\nItalian: \nLa luce delle increspature risplende sulla mano\nDipingiamo dei fiori in viola chiaro.\nrosa\nEvidenzia con pennarello bianco Uni posca\n\nFrench: \nLa lumière des ondulations brille sur la main\nPeignons des fleurs en violet clair.\nRose\nSurlignez avec le marqueur blanc Uni posca\n\nRussian: \nЯ задолбался.\nСпасибо за просмотр\n\nArabic: \nانتهيت.\nشكرا لمشاهدتك\n\nGerman: \nIch bin fertig.\nDanke fürs Zuschauen\n\nFrench: \nJ'ai fini.\nMerci d'avoir regardé\n\nFilipino: \nTapos na ako.\nSalamat sa panonood\n\nSpanish: \nHe terminado.\nGracias por ver\n\nEnglish: \nI'm done.\nThank you for watching\n\nChinese: \n我受够了。\n谢谢收看\n\nKorean: \n다 했어요.\n시청 해주셔서 감사합니다\n\nItalian: \nHo finito.\nGrazie per aver guardato\n\nJapanese: \n私はこれで終わりです。\nご清覧ありがとうございました\n\nRussian: \nПодписаться, лайк\n\nEnglish: \nSubscribe, Like\n\nGerman: \nAbonnieren, wie\n\nChinese: \n订阅,喜欢\n\nKorean: \n구독, 좋아요\n\nFrench: \nAbonnez-vous, aimez\n\nFilipino: \nMag-subscribe, Tulad ng\n\nJapanese: \nいいね!\n\nArabic: \nاشترك ، مثل\n\nItalian: \nIscriviti, mi piace\n\nSpanish: \nSuscríbete, me gusta\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "If you've heard about minimalism,\nyou probably know that\na big part of it is about living life with less stuff.\nWell here are some ways that living with less stuff\ncan make your life a whole lot easier.\nBreak the Twitch\nLook at those greens.\nYou know why they're so fresh?\nWhen you have an uncluttered fridge\nit's easier to see what you have\nand make plans for meals\nso you have a whole lot less spoiled food.\nDo you ever lose stuff?\nWell, everyone misplaces things at times, but\nwhen you're a minimalist\nthings tend to be easier to find.\nAh, there they are.\nSpeaking of stuff,\nlet's step over to the closet.\nWhen you're a minimalist,\nyour closet is filled with clothes that fit\nand things you really like wearing.\nAnd that means getting ready is a snap\n...even if you don't have someone to throw your keys at you on your way out.\nDo you like Jenga?\nWell, the cabinet version is a lot less fun\nand substantially more dangerous.\nCreate some space\nand save the Jenga for the wooden blocks.\nKeeping a clear workspace saves time\nand allows you to better focus on the task at hand.\nIt's a little bit like magic.\nIf you buy less stuff, you save a lot of money.\nNot just on the stuff you don't buy, but\nyou also don't have to pay for a storage unit\nto store the stuff that you buy.\nOh, and even better,\nif you have a garage,\nyou probably can actually park your car in it.\nAs a minimalist, laundry days are easy.\nOne to two loads at the most, and you're done.\n\nWith minimalism, it's a lot less stressful\nwhen there are unexpected guests.\nUh oh, let's clean up quick, buddy.\nTraveling light means traveling for less money.\nGo minimalist with your luggage and you'll have more bang for your buck when you go travel.\nIsn't it the worst when you pull a pen out\nand it doesn't work?\nA minimalist would have gotten rid of those dead pens\na long time ago.\nAh yes, the standard household drawer.\nWith minimalism, there's no more overstuffed drawers.\nLook at all those cables.\nWith less stuff, it's all nice and tidy.\nFinally, when you're a minimalist\nthere's less of a visual to-do list.\nInstead of seeing projects and things to be done,\nyou can actually relax\nand concentrate on the task at hand.\nMinimalism will look different for everyone,\nbut the small day-to-day things really do add up.\nWhen you declutter your life, you'll find that it becomes easier to do more of what matters every day.\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "[music playing]\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "hello and welcome to red stapler channel\nin this tutorial we are going to talk\nabout split.js an awesome JavaScript\nlibrary that can help you split your\nwebpage or any element and create a\nresizable partition in just a few\nminutes ready let's check it out there\nare two versions of split.js an\noriginal version which support float and\nflex layout and a new version for grid\nlayout for this tutorial we will use the\noriginal one first you can install from\nNPM or just included from CDN it's up to\nyou\nthis tutorial is going to use CDN for\nsimplicity so here is the example page I\nadd it as three boxes to the page and\ncenter them using flex layout the\ncurrent CSS I have is only just basic\nstyling with background color border and\npadding now we can use the library by\ncalling split and pass the array of\nelement selector that you want to split\nin this case I will just pass the class\nname of each box\nyou will see that the boxes are\nseparated if you use the inspector you\nsee that the library already added the\ninvisible gutter line for you now we can\nshow the gutter line and create a\nresizable partition by setting the\nheight to anything so we will just set\nthe gutter height to 100% and color to\nred the reason why split.js let you\ndo this manually because they didn't\nwant to interfere with your layout\nthey only compute the size and insert\nthe invisible gutter and the rest is up\nto you now we will have to resize about\ngutter but it's a bad UX we should\nchange the cursor to two-sided arrow on\nhover to let you user know this is\nresizable looks good now there are some\noptions that you are going to use pretty\noften in split.js\nfirst is the gutter size pretty\nstraightforward you can change this to\ncontrol the gutter line size next is the\nstarting size of each partition you can\npass an array of percentage value like\nthis\nthe last one is minSize this is where\nyou can limit to the minimum size of each\npartition before the gutter line will\nstop split.js also works in vertical\nmode just add Direction vertical to the\noption then adjust your page layout\naccordingly for this tutorial we will\njust change the flex direction to column\nmode then remove the gutter height setting and change the cursor direction to\nvertical two-sided arrow\nwith split.js you can now easily\ncreate amazing effect for your website\nhere is the example using to split.js\nand CSS fix background you can find the\nsource code at the video description box\nbelow so that's all for this tutorial if\nyou love this video don't forget to like\nor subscribe if you are new to this\nchannel stay tuned for the next update\nand see you next time bye\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "i am aariz saiyed\nand you know this comedy factory's team...\ni am the muslim quota of this team.\nya seriously..\nsometimes i feel they just took me to make the team more secular..\nthey thought lets take one muslim guy in the team...\nwill come handy...\nbut i am a basically a musician guys..\nand talking about music, these days everybody wants to learn guitar\nits not even a talent now..its like a trend!\nEVERYBODY is trying their hands on guitar\nanybody who has learned guitar here or use to learn guitar here?\nanybody like that??\nyes sir ..what wonders have you achieved?\nonce they get bored of guitar they remember OLX..\nbut what to do..\nnow such kind of people they join guitar classes and come for it regularly..\nfor two days..\nthen on the 3rd day when the reality comes out and they realize how tough it is..\nyaar aariz!\ndont you think guitar doesn't fit my image?\ni think i should learn drums!? drums fit my image!\nwhats this image all about man!?\nDid you ever imagine looking at KRK's image that he will be a film critic?\nlook at him now! he has got 1million followers on twitter man!\nafter looking at him i realised that...\nhatred can be so extreme..\npeople actually follow you to hate you!\ni want to share two things about muslim guys..\npeople have a lot of misconceptions...\nso i wanted to clear 2 things about muslims\nfirst is that..\nwe dont cook biryani at home everyday..\nplease stop asking your muslims friends\nwhen are you inviting me for biryani?..(x2)\nand what kind of a deal is this?\nall my friends come to my place on Eid and hog chicken and mutton\nand what do i get on Diwali?\nsaying its a fry item you offer,\nCHODAFADI... (Gujju snack)\nMathiya..fafda..(gujju snacks)\nfry item..fry item..!\nit feels like they handed me Archana Puransingh in exchange of Sunny Leone\nbut you know..my neighbour has a bigger misconception than this..\nhe has no idea about muslims..\nthere are such people who have no idea about muslims and their culture..\nonce he saw me and said..\nOh aariz!how are you?\nJAY SHREE ALLAH!!!\nI was in cultural shock..\nhow do i respond to him?\nWalekum Salaam Namaste!??\nthen he comes to me and he is like..\nok tell me one thing?\nyou guys....\neveryday eat non veg??\ni first thought he is inviting himself..\nthat same question when are you inviting me for biryani?\ni said..\nyes uncle usually we do...\nwhy?\nno like everything you eat is nonveg?\ni said..ya...\nso do you guys also dip chicken in milk and eat?\ni said..have you gone mad uncle?\nhow can chicken taste good in milk anyday?\nin milk...\nGOAT always taste better!!!\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "Ini membuat kita merasa nyaman.\nMenawan hati kita.\nDan membuat kita ingin bersatu\ndan menjadi satu dengan orang lain.\nCinta.\nSebuah emosi yang kuat,\nmungkin bahkan yang\nterkuat dari segalanya.\nCinta adalah kebahagiaan,\npenderitaan,\nkecemburuan, nafsu birahi.\nBentuk cinta yang kita\nalami sebagai manusia\ntidak ada dalam bentuk yang sama\npada binatang-binatang lain.\nSangat menarik untuk menyelidiki\nkenapa cinta dalam intensitas ini\nhanya berkembang di manusia.\nSaya pikir penting untuk\ntidak membatasi kata cinta\nuntuk hubungan romantis saja\ntetapi untuk melihat bagaimana ini\nterjadi dalam interaksi keseharian.\nOrang melihat cinta sebagai\npengalaman yang sangat pasif.\nAnda antara jatuh cinta atau\nkeluar dari rasa cinta.\nDan dalam cara yang sangat tidak\ndewasa dan tidak bertanggung jawab\nkarena jika Anda\nberupaya membuat sebuah\nhubungan dengan\nseseorang berfungsi,\nAnda harus mengerti\nbagaimana cinta berfungsi.\nInilah yang ingin diketahui oleh\npara peneliti di seluruh dunia:\nApa sebenarnya cinta?\nApa yang terjadi di\nhati dan otak kita?\nDan: Bagaimana kita bisa membuat\ncinta bertahan seumur hidup?\nKEAJAIBAN CINTA\nMenyelidiki Sebuah Perasaan\nCinta adalah kebutuhan dasar.\nSebagai bayi, kita mengalaminya\nuntuk pertama kali.\nCinta orang tua bersifat\ninstinktif dan tanpa syarat.\nDalam skenario terbaik:\nIbu dan ayah mencintai\nsegalanya tentang bayi mereka.\nBagaimana rupa mereka,\nwangi tubuh mereka,\nbunyi-bunyian yang mereka buat.\nBagi seorang ibu,\nberada dekat dengan anaknya jauh\nmelebihi segala kebutuhan lainnya.\nIni sudah terprogram secara biologis\nkarena bayi manusia tidak bisa\nbertahan hidup tanpa\nasuhan orang tua.\nBagi mereka, cinta\norang tua sama\npentingnya dengan\nmakanan dan minuman.\nIni adalah bayi nomor 106.\nPsikolog Amerika Harry Harlow\nmembuktikan ini di tahun 1950an\ndengan berbagai\neksperimen kontroversial,\ndimana ia memisahkan bayi-bayi\nmonyet dari ibunya.\nSekarang kita keluarkan\nbayi monyetnya\ndan masukkan ibu-ibuan dari kawat.\nHarlow ingin membuktikan\npentingnya asuhan dan kedekatan.\nMonyet-monyet ini\ndiberikan susu dari botol\nyang digantungkan di\nseorang \"ibu\" kawat.\nSeorang \"ibu\" kedua memiliki\nsebuah wajah dan mantel bulu,\ntetapi tidak punya susu.\nMonyet-monyet ini pergi ke ibu\nsusu sebentar untuk minum,\ntetapi menghabiskan sisa waktunya\ndengan ibu berbulu mereka\nyang lebih enak dipeluk.\nMonyet-monyet yang tumbuh terisolasi\nnantinya menunjukkan tanda-tanda\ntekanan psikologis yang parah.\nEksperimen-eksperimen ini\nmenunjukkan untuk pertama kalinya\nbetapa penting cinta, kedekatan\ndan asuhan bagi anak kecil.\nZaman sekarang para\npeneliti menggunakan\nteknik yang tidak sekejam itu\nuntuk mengetahui sepenting\napa cinta untuk bayi,\nmisalnya dengan menganalisa\nair liur mereka.\nJika seorang anak merasa\ntertekan atau gelisah,\nhormon stres kortisol bisa\nditemukan di air liur.\nJona dan ibunya Hilke ikut serta\ndalam tes yang disebut Wajah Statis,\ndimana si ibu tidak\ndiperbolehkan untuk\nmenunjukkan kasih\nsayang kepada anaknya\nselama dua menit.\nSekarang giliran wajah statis.\nIbunya memalingkan diri\ndan anaknya tiba-tiba menyadari\nbahwa ibunya tidak lagi\nmemberikan respon kepada anaknya.\nIni bisa menjadi hal\nyang membuat stres bayi.\nSekarang kami akan menganalisa\nbagaimana anaknya bereaksi.\nKita bisa lihat,\nbahwa si anak merasa\nsudah terlalu banyak waktu\nberlalu tanpa respon\ndan ia tidak senang dengan hal ini.\nJika seorang ibu responsif\nterhadap emosi bayinya,\nmaka anaknya tahu itu.\nJika saya sedih,\njika saya marah,\nibu saya akan ada disana untuk saya.\nAda penelitian yang menunjukkan\nbahwa ada hubungan antara interaksi\ndini dari ibu dan anak ini\ndan kemampuan untuk berhubungan\ndengan orang lain nantinya.\nJadi pengalaman cinta kita\npada masa kanak-kanak\nmembentuk kemampuan kita\nuntuk menjalin hubungan-hubungan\nyang berarti nantinya di masa depan.\nTetapi ada ibu yang tidak bisa\nmerasakan cinta terhadap anaknya,\nmisalnya karena depresi postpartum.\nPara peneliti ingin mencari\ntahu faktor-faktor apa\nyang mempengaruhi ikatan keibuan.\nDengan menggunakan pindai otak\nuntuk menentukan aliran darah ke\npusat penghargaan di otak ibu,\nmereka bisa \"mengukur\" cinta ibu.\nHebat. Jika Anda sudah siap, kita\nakan mulai tugas neurofeedback.\nSaya siap.\nOk, mari kita mulai.\nPara peneliti melihat\nfoto-foto bayi yang sama\nseperti yang dilihat si ibu\nyang berbaring di mesin MRI.\nSebuah alat ukur\nmenunjukkan betapa kuat\npusat penghargaan\nsi ibu teraktivasi.\nIbunya juga melihat ini,\nyang membuatnya bisa menilai\nkekuatan ikatan keibuannya.\nProses ini disebut neurofeedback.\nDisini kita bisa melihat, bahwa\nia bisa mengatur emosinya\ndan membawanya ke zona hijau.\nJadi dia adalah seorang\nibu dengan ikatan kuat.\nTetapi untuk seorang ibu dengan\nikatan lemah, ini sulit dilakukan.\nDisini kita bisa\nmenggunakan neurofeedback\nuntuk melatih fungsi\notak yang hypoaktif,\nyang artinya tidak cukup aktif,\ndan mendorongnya.\nMenggunakan kekuatan otaknya,\nsi ibu belajar cara untuk\nmemperkuat ikatan orang tua-anak\ndan langsung mendapatkan\numpan balik.\nIni sebuah cara untuk\n\"melatih\" cinta.\nJika ia melatih\notaknya seperti otot,\nsetelah beberapa waktu\ntindakan ini menjadi otomatis.\nMungkin lain kali ia\nmelihat foto bayinya,\nia tidak akan membutuhkan\nstrategi lagi,\nikatan ini akan langsung\nmuncul secara instinktif.\nKita bisa melatih cinta\nberkat biologi otak kita.\nPerasaan kita diatur oleh\nhormon dan neurotransmiter\ndan tampaknya kita bisa mempengaruhi\nbagaimana ini dilepaskan.\nIde bahwa orang bisa mempengaruhi\nsebuah proses kompleks\nseperti perasaan\nkedekatan dan ikatan\ndengan mengatur psikobiologinya,\nadalah sesuatu yang masih\nsaya anggap sangat hebat.\nSenyawa yang membuat\npara peneliti seperti\nBeate Ditzen tertarik\nbernama oksitosin.\nIni bisa diberikan\nsebagai semprot hidung,\ntetapi ini terutama diproduksi\noleh tubuh kita sendiri.\nOksitosin adalah senyawa kimia\nyang diproduksi di otak.\nHormon syaraf ini membantu\nmenciptakan perasaan cinta.\nKarena itu oksitosin juga\ndisebut \"zat kimia pelukan\".\nMelalui aliran darah,\nini membawa pesan biokimia\ndi seluruh tubuh,\nmempersiapkannya untuk\nrasa kasih sayang,\nkelembutan dan kepercayaan.\nOksitosin ditemukan pada tahun 1906\nsebagai hormon yang\nmemicu proses melahirkan.\nLalu para peneliti menyadari,\nbahwa ini juga terlibat\ndalam laktasi,\nproses menyusui.\nSekarang kita tahu\nbahwa oksitosin juga\nmemainkan peranan\ndalam ikatan keibuan\ndan dalam aktivitas mengasuh.\nPara peneliti mengatakan,\nbahwa oksitosin mengatur\ninteraksi-interaksi sosial kita\ndan dengan demikian memastikan\nkeberlangsungan hidup spesies kita.\nHormon ini tidak hanya\nditemukan pada manusia,\ntetapi juga pada hewan-hewan\nsosial lainnya,\ntermasuk cacing, semut dan tikus.\nMempelajari oksitosin\npada manusia adalah\nseperti mempelajadi\nkotak pandora.\nKita tidak tahu apa yang\nterjadi di otak manusia.\nDan untuk mengerti peran\npsikologis dari oksitosin,\ntentunya diperlukan peraga.\nDan peraga terbaik adalah\nhewan-hewan sosial.\nPada tikus-tikus ini,\npara peneliti mengendalikan\npengeluaran oksitosin,\ndengan dampak besar terhadap\ntingkah laku sosial binatang.\nJika oksitosin distimulisasi,\nmereka menjadi lebih\nsosial.\nMereka pada dasarnya\nselalu berinteraksi.\nLalu sel-selnya,\nsel-sel oksitosin\nmengeluarkan oksitosin.\nMengendus, mengelus, memeluk.\nPara peneliti masih\nhanya tahu sedikit\ntentang apa yang memicu\ndikeluarkannya oksitosin.\nTetapi satu hal yang mereka tahu\nadalah tanpa hormon ini,\ntikus akan menjadi kurang sosial.\nDan manusia tidak akan jatuh cinta.\nJatuh cinta mirip\ndengan ledakan biokimia\ndan oksitosin membuat jantung\npara kekasih berdebar-debar.\nJuga secara harfiah,\nkarena jantung sangat\nrentan terhadap dampaknya.\nStudi baru-baru ini\nmenunjukkan jantung bisa\nmemproduksi hormon\npelukan ini sendiri.\nTetapi cinta menciptakan kekacauan\nyang lebih besar lagi di otak.\nDisini ada begitu banyak saklar\nbiokimia yang digerakkan\nsehingga jatuh cinta yang akut\nmirip dengan gangguan psikotik.\nSehubungan dengan otak kita,\n\"jatuh cinta dengan gila\"\ntidak jauh dari kenyataan.\nAhli neurobiologi Lucy\nBrown mengatakan,\nbahwa cinta lebih dari\nsebuah perasaan saja.\nCinta adalah penggerak,\nseperti rasa lapar dan haus.\nDan yang lebih lagi:\nCinta benar-benar membuat kita buta.\nBagian depan dari otak\nadalah yang selalu\nmenilai orang lain.\nSeperti ketika kamu berjalan dan\nmelihat seseorang\ndatang ke arah kamu.\nKamu mungkin memperhatikan\nsepatunya atau caranya berjalan.\nApakah rambutnya panjang?\nSeberapa anehnya mereka?\nKita selalu melakukan\npenilaian sosial.\nOrang-orang yang berada dalam\ntahap jauth cinta awal,\njika kita melihat aktivitas\nfungsional mereka,\nmematikan fungsi otak ini.\nKamu tidak melakukan\npenilaian sosial\nterhadap orang yang\nkamu cintai itu.\nKamu mematikan penilaian itu.\nKetika jatuh cinta,\nstruktur primitif evolusioner\notak kita mengambil alih.\nDisinilah semua hormon diproduksi\nyang sangat mempengaruhi\ntingkah laku kita\nsehingga cinta bisa terasa\ndiluar kendali kita.\nTampaknya tidak masuk akal bahwa\ncinta mematikan akal sehat kita.\nTetapi bagi pakar biologi\nevolusioner Thomas Junker,\nkegilaan cinta masuk akal,\ndari sudut pandang evolusi.\nDari sudut pandang\nbiologis, ini cukup jelas:\ncinta romantis berkembang untuk\nmenguntungkan keturunan kita.\nCoba pikirkan, bahkan di sekelompok\npemburu dan pengumpul pun\ndiperlukan tiga, empat atau\nlima tahun untuk seorang anak\nagar bisa mengikuti kelompoknya.\nSelama itu para lelaki\nharus menyediakan\ntempat bernaung,\nmakanan dan dll.\nDan mereka hanya\nakan melakukannya\njika mereka mempunyai\nikatan emosional\nkepada anak dan pasangannya.\nTetapi kenapa perempuan yang itu?\nKenapa lelaki yang itu?\nKenapa kita tertarik\nkepada beberapa orang\ndan tidak ke orang lainnya?\nPada awalnya, ini terkait\ndengan penampilan.\nDalam sekejap,\nkita mengamati kemungkinan\npasangan kita\ndan mengumpulkan\ninformasi tentang umur,\nkesehatan, suasana hati\ndan status sosial.\nLelaki suka perempuan\ndengan wajah yang simetris,\nmata yang besar, bibir yang\npenuh, dahi yang tinggi\ndan tentunya: proporsi wanita.\nLelaki biasanya tertarik dengan\nperempuan yang muda dan sehat.\nPerempuan mencari lelaki\ndengan dagu yang kuat,\nbahu yang lebar,\npanggul yang ramping.\nDan sering juga,\ntanda-tanda status sosial.\nTetapi pada akhirnya\nmereka harus cocok secara emosional.\nDan ini banyak\nberhubungan dengan bau.\nHidung kita tidak bisa\nditipu semudah mata kita,\nseperti ditunjukkan tes ini.\nPasangan mahasiswa ini ikut\nserta dalam sebuah eksperimen.\nSemua orang membawa baju kaos\nyang mereka pakai semalaman.\nSubyek tesnya sekarang\ndiberikan lima\nbaju kaos yang dipakai\noleh orang asing\ndan yang dipakai pasangannya.\nMereka harus mengevaluasi bau\nmana yang mereka anggap menarik.\nOrang-orang bisa mencium sistem\nkekebalan tubuh orang lain\ndan cenderung memilih pasangan\nyang genetik imunitasnya berbeda\ndan melengkapi genetiknya sendiri.\nDengan begitu alam memastikan,\nbahwa keturunannya mempunyai\nsistem imunitas yang kuat.\nStudi ini menegaskan asumsi\nbahwa perempuan heteroseksual\ncenderung lebih mudah\nmencium perbedaan\ngenetik ini daripada lelaki,\nyang seolah-olah tidak\npunya kemampuan ini.\nBagi lelaki, parameter\ngenetisnya tampak tidak berarti.\nIni bukan sebuah landasan baginya.\nLelaki biasanya suka bau pasangannya\nkarena itu adalah bau\nyang familiar baginya.\nMenariknya, semakin lama seorang\nlelaki bersama dengan\nseorang wanita,\nsemakin suka dia\ndengan bau si wanita.\nJadi adalah si perempuan\nyang bisa mencium\napakah si lelaki\nadalah pasangan yang\ncocok secara genetis atau tidak.\nKecuali si perempuan\nmenggunakan pil anti hamil.\nAda sebuah penelitian yang lebih tua\ndari tahun 1995 yang menunjukkan,\nperempuan dengan pil\nanti hamil menilai\nkecocokan genetis\ndengan seorang lelaki\nberbeda dengan perempuan\ntanpa pil anti hami.\nStudi kami menegaskan hal ini.\nPerempuan yang menggunakan pil\ntingkah lakunya mirip dengan lelaki.\nIni artinya mereka\ntidak begitu peduli\ntentang kemiripan genetis lagi.\nTetapi para peneliti\ntidak bisa mengatakan,\napakah kontrasepsi\nhormonal mempengaruhi\ncara perempuan\nmemilih pasangannya.\nTetapi ciuman pertama\ntampaknya merupakan\nsemacam tes lakmus.\nPenelitian menunjukkan,\nbahwa perempuan sering mengatakan\nbisa menentukan dari sebuah ciuman\napakah pasangannya cocok untuk\nhubungan jangka panjang.\nPerempuan tampak lebih\npemilih daripada lelaki,\nmungkin karena resiko\nyang berhubungan\ndengan kehamilan dan\nmelahirkan anak.\nKetika berciuman,\npara pasangan secara instinktif\nsaling bertukar pesan biologis.\nDalam sekejap, otak kita harus\nmengevaluasi begitu\nbanyak informasi:\nBagaimana bau dan rasa pasangannya,\napakah bibir mereka\nlembut atau kasar,\napakah ciumannya keras atau lembut?\nHormon kebahagiaan membanjiri tubuh\ndan melalui air liurnya,\nlelaki memasukkan\ntestosteron ke perempuan,\nyang menigkatkan gairahnya.\nSeks adalah penguat cinta.\nHormon-hormon seks mengurangi\nkegelisahan dan stres.\nTekanan darah dan\ndebar jantung naik,\nseperti ketika berolah raga.\nKarena itu seks bagus untuk\nsistem kardiovaskular.\nIni juga bisa memperkuat\nsistem kekebalan tubuh\ndengan mengeksposnya\nke cairan tubuh asing.\nPendek kata:\nSeks jauh lebih\ndari hanya reproduksi.\nYang mencolok adalah,\nmanusia berhubungan\nseks jauh lebih sering\ndaripada punya anak,\nsekitar 1000 kali lebih sering.\nDan ini, tentunya, menunjukkan bahwa\nseksualitas memiliki tujuan lain.\nIni memberikan pengetahuan\nyang lebih intensif\ndan intim tentang\norang yang lainnya.\nDan kemudian, gairah dan\nkenikmatan yang dibagi\nmembantu memperkuat hubungannya.\nMenemukan pasangan yang tepat\ntelah menjadi semacam\nhal yang sulit\ndiandalkan dalam\nbeberapa tahun terakhir.\nTetapi ini mungkin berubah.\nSemakin banyak kaum lajang\nsekarang bertemu secara online\ndibandingkan di pesta, bar\natau di tempat kerja.\nDi abad ke-21,\nperkencanan sudah menjadi digital.\nBianca dan Marc\nbertemu secara online\ndan sudah menjadi\npasangan selama 14 tahun.\nWaktu itu Bianca banyak bekerja\ndan tidak punya banyak waktu\nuntuk bersosialisasi.\nMarc bekerja di luar negeri\ntetapi ingin kembali ke Jerman.\nSaya dulu tinggal di Hong Kong\ndan sulit bagi saya untuk\nbertemu orang disana.\nJadi saya membuka akun di\nsebuah situs kencan Jerman.\nKami berdua waktu itu baru saja\nputus dari hubungan jangka panjang\ndan tidak mau mengulangi\nkesalahan yang sama.\nHubungan saya berakhir\nkarena kami tidak cocok\ndalam hal-hal seperti\nkeluarga, anak-anak,\nmembeli rumah, mendapatkan\npekerjaan yang bagus.\nMarc dan Bianca saling\nbertemu karena lelaki ini:\nHugo Schmale.\nPsikolog ini percaya\nbahwa dua hal dalam\nhidup harus direncanakan\ndengan baik:\nMenemukan pekerjaan yang tepat dan\nmenemukan pasangan yang tepat.\nJadi ia mengembangkan\nsebuah tes bakat\nvokasi dan sebuah\ntes kepribadian\nuntuk sebuah situs jodoh.\nIde awal saya bukan untuk\nmengenali pasangan ideal\ntetapi untuk menghindari\nkesalahan besar.\nDalam hidup, sering\njauh lebih mudah\nuntuk mencoba\nmenghindari kesalahan\ndaripada untuk mencari kesempurnaan.\nBerdasarkan prinsip tersebut,\nHugo Schmale mengembangkan\nsebuah tes kemitraan.\nIni adalah sebuah kuestioner\nkomputer menyeluruh,\nyang mencoba menangkap\nsifat-sifat kepribadian\nyang menentukan bagi hubungan\nyang baik dan langgeng.\nKamu harus tahu siapa diri kamu\nuntuk tahu apa yang kamu mau.\nInilah yang kita sebut\nprofil pasangan.\nIni termasuk lebih\ndari 100 pertanyaan\ntentang ciri-ciri karakter\ndan preferensi pribadi.\nTetapi ini juga menyertakan\nsejumlah pertanyaan dan gambar,\nyang awalnya terlihat aneh.\nMisalnya,\npertanyaan apakah patah hati\nmempengaruhi nafsu makan.\nMakanan adalah gairah.\nTurun atau naiknya berat\nbadang berhubungan\ndengan keadaan emosi yang kuat.\nOrang yang tidak turun atau tambah\nberat badannya ketika tidak bahagia\nbukanlah orang yang\nmempunyai gairah.\nMenurut Hugo Schmale,\nkedua pasangan harus\nsama bergairahnya,\njika tidak mereka bukan\npasangan yang cocok.\nTetapi apakah sesuatu\nyang serumit cinta\nbisa diramalkan seperti ini?\nApakah dua orang berjodoh adalah\ntergantung mereka sendiri.\nKami hanya meningkatkan\nkesempatan itu terjadi.\nJadi bertemu seseorang\nadalah digital,\ntetapi mencintai masih analog.\nMarc dan Bianca saling bertukar\npesan selama berminggu-minggu\nsebelum mereka bertemu\nuntuk pertama kalinya.\nKami bertemu di bandara di Hamburg.\nSaya waktu itu\nmengenakan setelan keren\nberkilau berwarna emas.\nBukan, perak.\nBianca suka sekali.\nKamu mendatangiku dan\nlangsung menciumku.\nItu...\nTentu! Kita sudah saling kenal lama.\nItu terlalu berlebihan, tetapi ok.\nKita sudah saling kenal begitu baik.\nSifat karakter kita setidaknya.\nMenurut saya jika sisi\npribadinya juga cocok,\njika kita saling suka bau\nmasing-masing, selera\ndan semacamnya,\nsudah jelas bagi saya bahwa\nkita mungkin akan menikah\ndan mempunyai anak.\nTetapi Bianca belum\nberada dalam tahap itu.\nBenar. Saya belum siap.\nSaya lebih cepat.\nDalam momen-momen awal\nitu, saya berpikir:\nIni bukan yang saya bayangkan.\nTetapi saya masih\nmelanjutkannya karena\nsaya tahu kepribadian\nkami cocok.\nSekarang Marc dan\nBianca menikah dengan\nbahagia dan mempunyai tiga anak.\nJadi dalam kasus mereka,\nalgoritmanya jelas membantu\ndalam mencari jodoh.\nPara peneliti baru mulai\nmempelajari kencan online\ndan dampaknya terhadap cinta,\nseperti psikolog seksual\nMelanie Büttner.\nKetika saya bertemu\nseseorang di club\natau atau makan\nmalam dengan teman,\nsaya melihat banyak hal\ntentang orang itu.\nSaya melihat tingkah lakunya,\nbagaimana mereka bergerak,\nraut wajahnya.\nBagaimana mereka berbicara?\nBagaimana bau mereka?\nSaya melihat mereka dengan semua\nindera saya, melalui semua jalur.\nMungkin bahkan sebelum\nkita saling berbicara.\nDan itulah yang begitu berbeda\ntentang kencan online.\nKarena itu kita mengatakan,\nbahwa profil kencan online\nmengurangi orang-orang tiga dimensi\nmenjadi tampilan\ninformasi dua dimensi.\nAgak ironisnya,\nmeskipun kencan online\nsemakin bertambah,\nmodel pernikahan tradisional\ntampaknya menikmati\nsemacam kepopuleran baru.\nPernikahan masih populer.\nJumlah pernikahan sudah\nmenurun sejak tahun 1950an.\nTetapi sejak pergantian milenium,\njumlahnya tetap konstan.\nJumlah hubungan yang berakhir\nturun di beberapa tahun terakhir.\nIni artinya hubungan\njangka panjang\nsebagai sebuah\ninstitusi, sebuah ideal,\n masih sangat penting bagi kita.\nTetapi ini tidak berlaku\nbagi semua negara.\nDi Jepang, misalnya,\ngaya hidup abad ke-21\nmenimbulkan sebuah tren baru.\nBanyak perempuan Jepang berfantasi\ntentang pernikahan yang sempurna,\ntetapi apa yang mereka\ninginkan adalah perayaan,\nbukan pasangan.\nInilah ide dibalik\n\"Pernikahan Solo\",\npesta pernikahan yang hanya\ndibintangi pengantin perempuan\ndan tidak ada orang lain lagi.\nIni adalah waktu yang\ntepat bagi saya.\nSaya dalam usia yang tepat.\nSaya tidak mau harus menunggu\nuntuk mengenakan gaun pengantin.\nSaya bisa melakukannya\nsekarang jika saya mau.\nDan ini penting bagi saya.\nSaya tidak harus punya suami.\nJiwa saya tetap akan\nberistirahat dengan tenang\njikalau saya tidak menemukan\npasangan yang tepat.\nStudi menunjukkan\nsetengah dari semua\nwarga Jepang di\nbawah usia 30 tahun\nbelum pernah melakukan\nhubungan seks\natau mempunyai\nhubungan percintaan.\nDi Jepang, cinta sudah\ntidak populer lagi.\nMungkin karena hubungan\nbisa menjadi rutinitas.\nIni biasanya terjadi\nsetelah sekitar dua tahun.\nGejolak emosi menjadi ketenangan.\nBeberapa pasangan berpisah,\ntetapi beberapa memasuki\ntahapan cinta baru.\nSokongan dan keamanan menjadi lebih\npenting daripada gairah besar.\nCinta mungkin tidak semenggairahkan\nseperti dulu lagi,\ntetapi ini menjadi lebih sehat.\nOrang-orang dalam hubungan yang\nberjalan baik lebih jarang sakit\ndan mempunyai pola makan\nyang lebih seimbang,\nwalaupun ini tidak berarti\nmereka makan lebih sedikit.\nTetapi penelitian menunjukkan,\nbahwa hubungan yang stabil\nmembantu melindungi\nseseorang dari penyakit\nkardiovaskular.\nSentuhan membantu mengurangi stres\ndan menurunkan detak\njantung dan tekanan darah.\nDan ciuman bahkan mungkin membantu\nmengurangi alergi serbuk bunga.\nLagi-lagi adalah oksitosin\nyang turut bertanggung jawab atas\nbanyak manfaat kesehatan ini.\nDiberikan kepada pasangan-pasangan\nsebagai semprot hidung,\noksitosin bahkan membantu mereka\nuntuk betengkar lebih sedikit.\nKami meminta pasangan untuk\nbertengkar di laboratorium\ndan oksitosin mempengaruhi\ntingkah laku mereka.\nMereka bertingkah lebih positif\ndalam konflik-konflik ini.\nPenelitian terkini kami berfokus\nkepada efek-efek positif ini.\nKonflik bukanlah satu-satunya yang\nmenentukan kualitas sebuah hubungan.\nTetapi kami ingin menyelidiki\napakah ini bisa digunakan\nsebagai semacam intervensi.\nBagaimana tingkah laku kita bisa\nmempengaruhi tingkat oksitosin,\nlalu mungkin mempengaruhi\nhal-hal seperti\npenyembuhan luka\natau tingkat stres.\nDalam studi baru-baru ini,\npara peneliti menyelidiki\napakah oksitosin membuat\nluka sembuh lebih cepat.\nPertama-tama mereka\nmembuat luka bakar\nkecil di lengan bawah\nkedua pasangan.\nBiasanya luka bakar seperti ini\nmembutuhkan seminggu untuk sembuh.\nJadi apakah ini sembuh\nlebih cepat jika\nAnda didampingi pasangan\nyang penuh kasih?\nDan apakah semprotan oksitosin\nmempercepat penyembuhan?\nSeorang pasangan\nmendapatkan oksitosin,\npasangan yang lainnya plasebo.\nSeminggu kemudian,\nhasilnya mengejutkan.\nSemprotan oksitosin tampaknya\ntelah membuat lelaki ini\nlebih merawat pasangannya.\nDan lukanya sembuh lebih cepat.\nIni mungkin karena oksitosin\nmenurunkan tingkat stres.\nPara peneliti secara\nrutin menguji air\nliur para peserta untuk\nmelihat kortisol.\nIni adalah hormon yang dikeluarkan\ntubuh sebagai tanggapan atas stres.\nTetapi oksitosin tampaknya\nmengganggu mekanisme ini.\nApa yang ditujukkan datanya adalah,\njika para peserta studi\nmenggunakan oksitosin,\ntingkat kortisol\nmereka lebih rendah.\nDan ini bisa menjadi alasan\nkenapa oksitosin mempunyai\npengaruh dalam penyembuhan luka.\nJadi cinta benar-benar\nbisa mempunyai\nkekuatan untuk menyembuhkan.\nManfaat biokimia dari oksitosin\nbisa membuat hidup kita\ntidak hanya lebih bahagia,\ntetapi juga lebih sehat.\nTetapi cinta juga bisa menyakiti.\nKehilangan cinta atau\norang yang dicintai\nbisa menimbulkan kesedihan mendalam\ndan penderitaan emosional.\nSakit hati bahkan bisa menjurus ke\napa yang disebut Sindrom Patah Hati.\nDan ini bisa menjadi fatal.\nSimptomnya mirip dengan\nserangan jantung.\nOrang yang terkena dampaknya\ntiba-tiba menderita gagal jantung.\nWanita setelah menopause\nadalah yang paling beresiko.\nElisabeth Pompili hampir meninggal\nkarena Sindrom Patah Hati.\nSetahun lalu ia\nkehilangan kekasihnya.\nKematiannya membawa kembali kenangan\natas kecelakaan parah\n20 tahun sebelumnya.\nPada tahun 1998, sebuah\npesawat jatuh di Halifax.\nPutri saya bekerja sebagai\npramugari di pesawat itu.\nItu adalah shok yang parah.\nItu tiba-tiba sekali.\nSaya harus terus berfungsi\nkarena suami saya sangat sedih.\nPutri kami meninggal.\nSaya harus menjadi sangat kuat.\nTidak lama setelah putri\nmereka meninggal,\nsuaminya meninggal karena kanker.\nDan ketika kekasih baru Elisabet\nPompili meninggal setahun lalu,\nhatinya akhirnya patah.\nSaya cinta putri saya.\nSaya cinta suami saya dan\nsaya cinta pasangan saya.\nLalu saya kehilangan ketiganya.\nSaya bukan satu-satunya di dunia\nyang telah kehilangan seseorang.\nTapi kamu harus belajar\nmenghadapinya.\nTetapi jantungnya tidak\nbisa menghadapi itu.\nKetika ia masuk rumah sakit,\ndokter-dokternya mengira ia\nterkena serangan jantung.\nTetapi hasil tesnya mengejutkan:\nArteri koroner Elisabeth\ntidak terblokir.\nJantungnya berhenti berfungsi secara\nnormal karena alasan berbeda:\nSindrom Patah Hati.\nPenyakit ini menimbulkan\nsemacam kardiomiopati,\notot jantungnya tidak\nbekerja seperti semestinya.\nSebagai akibatnya,\njantungnya tidak lagi memompa\ncukup darah ke badan.\nSindrom Patah Hati adalah\npenyakit, dimana emosi,\napakah cinta, emosi\npositif atau negatif,\npertama muncul di kepala,\nlalu mempengaruhi jantung.\nKami tidak tahu pasti kenapa.\nKami percaya ada respon\nstres yang berasal di otak\nlalu mempengaruhi jantung.\nDan ini kemungkinan memicu\nsemacam gangguan sirkulasi mikro\nyang kemudian menimbulkan disfungsi\nventrikel yang khas ini.\nSekarang jantung Elisabeth Pompili\nkembali berfungsi dengan normal.\nDan ia bahkan telah\nmenemukan cinta baru...\nSaya dan pasangan berada\ndalam usia dimana kami tahu,\nbahwa sesuatu bisa terjadi kepada\nsalah satu dari kami kapan saja.\nTapi kami ingin menikmati hidup.\nSaya tidak bertanya\nkepada diri sendiri\napa yang akan terjadi\nbesok atau lusa.\nIni tidak ada gunanya.\nKamu harus hidup dan menikmati\nsetiap hari apa adanya.\nKeseharian sering menguji cinta.\nPerdebatan dan keluhan menggantikan\ngairah dan kelembutan.\nSelalu pertengkaran yang sama\ntentang hal-hal yang sama.\nDi Seattle, sebuah\ntim peneliti sedang\nmenyelidiki konflik-konflik\nsemacam ini.\nDi Laboratorium Cinta\nInstitut Gottman,\nCarrie Cole membantu pasangan\nuntuk mengendalikan perselisihan\npendapat mereka dengan lebih baik.\nPsikolog ini telah membantu\nratusan pasangan dan tetap yakin,\nbahwa cinta bisa\nbertahan seumur hidup.\nOh, tentu saja.\nOrang tua saya sudah\nmenikah selama\n58,5 tahun ketika\nayah saya meninggal.\nAyah saya adalah\nksatria dengan baju\nbaja mengkilap dan\nibu adalah putrinya.\nSudah selalu seperti itu.\nJadi saya benar-benar\npecaya dengan itu.\nSaya percaya, cara\nkita berbicara dan\nmemperlakukan orang\nsangatlah penting.\nLori dan Geoff telah menjadi\npasangan selama lebih dari 20 tahun.\nTetapi mereka merasa\ncinta dan gairah\nmendalam yang\ndulunya mereka bagi\nsudah mulai memudar.\nSelama delapan jam berikutnya,\nCarrie Cole akan mengamati\ninteraksi Lori dan Geoff.\nLori dan Geoff dipasang alat rekam\ndan mereka akan berbincang\ntentang sebuah topik\nyang cenderung berakhir\ndalam konflik.\nElektroda akan merekam betapa\nkuat mereka saling bereaksi,\nbetapa marahnya mereka,\nbetapa tertekannya mereka.\nCarrie mendengarkan dan mengamati.\nIa akan menggunakan data ini\nuntuk menganalisa perdebatannya\ndan membandingkannya\ndengan apa yang ia\nbisa lihat dari raut\nwajah pasangan.\nIa mencari tanda-tanda\nterganggu dan merendahkan.\nMenangani perbedaan\npendapat dengan cara sehat\nadalah tantangan\nbagi semua pasangan.\nSaya tidak tahu kenapa\nsaya menolak untuk\nmengubah pendapat,\ntapi saya bersikeras.\nDan Geoff, kamu tadi bilang:\nSaya tidak ingat kita\nbertengkar tentang\napa, tapi kemungkinan\nbukan hal serius.\nDan kamu benar,\nkarena pasangan biasa bertengkar\ntentang hal tidak penting.\nTetapi di balik hal-hal\ntidak penting itu\nada sebuah hal yang sungguh\npenting bagi setiap orang.\nDan ini yang perlu kita fahami.\nSering topik perselisihannya\ntidak sepenting cara pasangan\nmenghadapi konflik-konfliknya.\nPasangan dalam situasi\nsukar cenderung\nmenunjukkan apa yang\nCarri Cole sebut\nEmpat Penunggang Kuda Kehancuran:\nKritik,\nMembela Diri,\nMenghalangi\ndan Merendahkan.\nKetika saya melihat\nsalah satu dari empat\npenunggang, mereka adalah\nempat pembunuh hubungan.\nJika tidak ada intervensi\ndalam situasi-situasi ini,\npasangan-pasangan ini biasanya\ntidak berhasil bertahan.\nMerendahkan adalah asam\nsulfat bagi sebuah hubungan.\nIni adalah yang paling\nmematikan dari semuanya.\nDan ketika saya melihat itu, itu\nadalah pertanda sangat buruk.\nJika seseorang berbicara dan\nyang lain merendahkannya,\nmereka mungkin melatih diri untuk\nmemutar matanya dan melakukan ini...\nLalu ada beberapa orang\nyang memang sangat sombong\ndan wajah mereka sudah\nseperti disetel begini.\nLori dan Geoff menonton\nvideo pertengkaran mereka\ndan mengenali beberapa dari\nempat penunggang kudanya.\n75 persen dari waktunya atau lebih,\nkita akan salah mengerti pasangan.\nKita akan marah, kita capai\ndan kita tidak bisa mengendalikan\nemosi pada momen-momen tertentu itu.\nIni hanya berarti kita\nperlu memperbaiki.\nKita perlu berkata: Saya minta maaf.\nItu salah.\nAtau: Saya perlu jeda.\nAtau: Saya sedang merasa\nmarah sekarang ini.\nBagi Lori dan Geoff,\nini baru awal dari terapi mereka,\ntapi hari pertama\nmemberikan mereka harapan\nbahwa tidak semua rasa\ncintanya sudah hilang.\nIni membantu saya\nuntuk lebih merasakan\ndalam beberapa hal rasa\ncocok kami kembali lagi\nketika kami membicarakannya, ini\nbisa mengupas beberapa lapisan\nyang telah terbentuk di atasnya dari\nperasaan mentok dan lelah.\nDan kadang bisa adalah hal yang baik\njika mendapatkan sedikit bantuan\ndalam memikirkan bagaimana kamu\nbisa tetap menjadi dekat dan\nmenjadi sebuah tim\ndan tidak semakin terpisah.\nTetapi banyak hubungan\nmenderita dari kurangnya seks.\nKetertarikan erotik secara umum\nberkurang selama lima tahun pertama.\nIni sangat normal.\nTetapi jika gairah seksual bagi\nseorang pasangan hilang sama sekali,\nmaka seringnya cinta\njuga menghilang.\nSaya sering melihat orang-orang yang\nmengeluh tentang kurangnya seks.\nAtau terlalu banyak.\nAtau bahwa kehidupan seks mereka\ntidak memuaskan bagi mereka.\nSemua ini memungkinkan\ndan apa yang benar bagi setiap\nindividu dan pasangan berbeda-beda.\nSekali sebulan mungkin cukup.\nAtau sekali seminggu\natau tiga kali seminggu.\nCinta bisa ada tanpa birahi,\ntapi kebanyakan pasangan\ningin mempertahankan\ngairah dari hari-hari\nawal mereka.\nBagi psikolog seksual,\nada alasan sederhana untuk tetap\nmempertahankan apinya membara:\nTidak ada yang\nmelepaskan lebih banyak\noksitosin daripada\nseks dengan pasangan.\nSeksualitas mempunyai potensi\nuntuk membangkitkan emosi dan\nperasaan yang sangat intensif\nbaik pada lelaki maupun wanita.\nTentunya ini sangat\nbervariasi pada setiap orang\ntetapi ketika pasangan\nberhubungan seks,\nini memperkuat ikatan mereka dan\nbermanfaat secara emosional.\nMereka mengalami kenikmatan,\nkedekatan\ndan dukungan emosional.\nOksitosin tidak hanya\nmembuat pasangan\nberprilaku lebih\nmenyayangi satu sama lain,\nini juga bisa memperbaiki\nkehidupan seks mereka.\nTilmann Krüger\nmelakukan studi dimana\npasangan-pasangan\ndiberikan oksitosin.\nOksitosin bisa membuat perbedaan,\ntapi ini tidak memicu\ngairah seksual.\nPasangan dalam studi\nkami bilang, ini\nmempengaruhi kualitas\nhubungan seksual mereka.\nIni menjadi lebih intensif,\nsedikit lebih intim.\nTetapi mereka tidak\nbilang, tiba-tiba\nmerasakan lebih banyak\nkenikmatan seksual.\nIni jelas bukan obat cinta.\nMungkin alam tidak bermaksud\nagar manusia hidup bersama sebagai\npasangan seumur hidupnya,\ntapi hanya sampai keturunan\nkita tumbuh besar.\nNamun zaman sekarang kita ingin\ncinta bertahan selamanya.\nMungkin suatu hari nanti ini\nakan menjadi lebih mudah\nberkat sebuah pil yang bisa\nmembuat cinta terus mekar.\nBrian Earp adalah\nseorang pakar bioetik\nyang bertanya-tanya\napakah hal yang benar\nuntuk memberikan pil\nke pasangan yang\ningin membangkitkan\nkembali cinta mereka.\nSemakin kita mempelajari\ntentang neurokimia cinta,\nsemakin banyak kesempatan\nyang didapatkan\nuntuk mengintervensi\nproses neurokimia itu.\nDan belum ada yang pernah berhasil.\nJika kita mengerti sistem\nitu dengan bioteknologi\ndi masa depan kita mungkin akan\nbisa memodifikasi sistemnya.\nLalu kita akan punya semacam\nobat cinta di kehidupan nyata.\nDan kita akan harus memutuskan\nimplikasi-implikasi\netik dari hal itu.\nBrian Earp berpikir, pil semacam\nitu kadang bisa sangat bermanfaat.\nKetika kita menyentuh\npasangan kita, memijatnya\natau saling bericuman atau\nberpelukan atau mengalami orgasme:\nIni adalah hal-hal\nyang menaikkan tingkat\noksitosin kita secara\nradikal dari dalam.\nTetapi beberapa orang\nkesulitan dengan\nsentuhan dalam hubungan\nmereka, misalnya.\nMungkin menurut mereka tidak\nalami untuk mengalami hal-hal\nyang akan membuat oksitosin\nkeluar dengan alami.\nMungkin Anda berpikir:\nMungkin suplemen oksitosin buatan\nbisa membantu dalam\nsituasi semacam ini.\nApakah dengan atau\ntanpa obat-obatan,\npertanyaan tentang bagaimana\nmembuat cinta bertahan\nakan membuat para\npeneliti cinta sibuk\nuntuk beberapa waktu mendatang.\nTetapi satu hal sudah pasti:\nCinta adalah hal yang berharga.\nKita harus memperlakukannya\ndengan hati-hati\ndan menghembuskan kehidupan\nbaru ke dalamnya\nsetiap hari.\nSangatlah penting untuk mencintai\nIni sesuatu yang indah\ndan sangat individual.\nAwalnya ini percintaan\nlalu ini menyenangkan.\nOk. Jadi kamu harus\nmelakukan hal-hal\nuntuk membuat percintaan\nkamu tetap hidup\ndan menarik.\nKita bisa hidup tanpa cinta,\ntetapi hidup lebih\nindah dengan cinta.\nKEAJAIBAN CINTA\nMenyelidiki Sebuah Perasaan\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "\nSpanish: \nAlgunos días, cuando despierto, me siento cansado de la vida. Me siento desmotivado, como si no pudiera lograr nada.\nCuando la sociedad te dice todos los días que vayas, vayas, vayas y logres cosas que pueden resultar agotadoras.\nEstas son algunas cosas que hago para ayudarme a lidiar con eso todos los días.\nDemandas de la vida, supongo.\nNo hay reglas para esto, y cada uno tiene su manera de enfrentar (sus problemas).\nLa primera cosa que hago que puedo manejar, creo...\nEs limpiar y limpiando mi espacio\nA veces, si se vuelve abrumador y realmente tú no sabes por donde empezar, empieza por lo pequeño.\nLimpia los platos sucios, o levanta lo que hizo tu gato.\nCreo que esas cosas son simples y, luego de haberlas hecho siento un sentimiento de logro\nTe quita un peso de encima.\nLimpiar tu espacio puede limpiar tu mente\nY remover muchas distracciones.\n\nEnglish: \nSome days when I wake up I just feel exhausted from life. I feel demotivated like I can't accomplish anything\nWhen society tells you every day, you have to go, go, go and accomplish. Things can get exhausting.\nThese are some things that I do to help me cope with that. Cope with everyday\ndemands of life, I guess.\nThere are no rules to this and everybody has their own way to cope.\nThe first thing that I do that I can manage I think is clearing up and cleaning up my space.\nSometimes if it gets overwhelming you don't really know whether start. Start small, clean up the dishes or pick up after your cat\nI think those things are easy and\nAfter I do them, I feel a sense of accomplishment\nIt's a big weightlifted.\nA clean space can clear your head and\n\nSpanish: \nUn espacio limpio normalmente me ayuda a mantener una mente clara.\nAyuda que la energía fluya mejor, ayuda a que el aire fluya mejor.\nY en vez de desordenar mi mente con cosas\npuedo generar ideas.\nReafirmar mis creencias y establecer mis metas para el día.\nOtra cosa que me gusta hacer es estar y pasar el tiempo en la naturaleza.\nAlgunos días, es difícil salir e ir a la naturaleza\ny eso no es accesible para todos.\nPara mi, si siento que necesito eso, solo me acuesto en la alfombra del cuarto con mis gatos\ny con mis plantas, solo yo. Y trato de ser presente porque\ncuando miro a mis gatos, es la cosa más cercana que tengo a la naturaleza\nY los gatos no se preocupan, ellos solo son ellos.\nEllos no se preocupan sobre tu futuro.\n\nEnglish: \nremove a lot of distraction. A clear space usually helps me keep a clear mind\nIt helps the energy flow better, it helps the air flow better and\ninstead of cluttering my mind with things, I can generate ideas.\nReaffirm my beliefs and set my goals for the day.\nAnother thing I like doing is having \"me\" time in nature. Somedays,\nit's just hard to go out and\ngo into nature and that's not accessible for everybody. For me\nif I am feeling that I need that, I just lie down\nin the room on the carpet with my cats and my plants by myself and try to be present because\nwhen I look at my cats, it's the closest thing I have to nature and\nCats don't worry. They just are.\nThey don't really worry about your future and so by seeing them I can\n\nSpanish: \nY con solo verlos, me recuerdo que todo estará bien.\nPongo todas estas expectativas para cumplir por mi mismo.\nY solo respiro y soy...\nEn este momento donde me doy cuenta de cosas que\nson notables que no me doy cuenta\ncomo lo suave que es el pelo de mis gatos.\nQue tan interesante sus bigotes están puestos.\nHe descubierto que cuando alimento a mi cuerpo, me siento mucho mejor.\nTu cuerpo es tu vasija, ¿sabes?\nEste carga con tus pensamientos, tus emociones, tus sensaciones\ncarga tu alma.\nAsí que cuidándolo me hace sentir mucho mejor.\nTrato de seguir una dieta que es rica en vegetales y frutas.\nNo soy perfecto, pero al menos estoy intentando.\nEstoy aprendiendo a no darme una paliza por fallar. Estoy aprendiendo como\nusar un vocabulario propio cuando me refiero a mi propio cuerpo\n\nEnglish: \nremind myself that everything is gonna be ok. I put all these expectations\nto accomplish on myself\nand I just breathe and just be\nat this time where I noticed things that\nare quite remarkable that I don't usually notice like how soft the fur of my cats are,\nhow interesting their whiskers are placed.\nI find that when I nourish my body, I feel much better\nYour body is your vessel, you know, it carries your thoughts, emotions, your feeling, it carries your soul.\nSo taking care of it makes me feel a lot better. I try to eat a diet that is rich in veggies and fruits.\nI'm not perfect, but at least I'm trying.\nI'm learning not to beat myself up for slipping out. I am learning how to\n\nEnglish: \nuse proper vocabulary when referring to my own body so that it's not destructive\nLanguage has a way of\nmaking ourselves feel better or worse about ourselves,\nso learning to use kinder words to myself has been really helpful\nI've been learning to cook a little bit more. It's a very meditative process for me.\nFeeling the food,\nfeeling the vegetables and how fresh everything is and feeling just, feeling water run under your hands.\nI think sometimes we take for granted and when you're present, I think those things are a little bit more apparent,\nso I like having a nice meal without any\ndistractions,\nand just,\nenjoying the food, really?\nAnother thing you can do if you feel like you're up to it is to reach out and finding somebody, um..\nI usually ask somebody if they have time to hear me out because it can be emotionally taxing\nwhen you are on the receiving end and\n\nSpanish: \nY así no sea destructivo.\nEl lenguaje tiene una manera de hacernos sentir mejor o peor sobre nosotros mismos.\nAsí que aprender a usar palabras más amables hacia mí mismo ha sido de mucha ayuda.\nHe estado aprendiendo a cocinar un poco más.\nEs un proceso muy meditativo para mi\nsintiendo la comida, sintiendo los vegetales y qué tan fresco todo es.\nY solo sentir como el agua corre por tus manos.\nCreo que a veces, tomamos por hecho y cuando estás presente, creo que esas cosas son un poco más evidentes.\nAsí que me gusta tener almuerzos sin ninguna\ndistracciones.\nY solo, disfrutando la comida, realmente.\nOtra cosa que puedes hacer si sientes que puedes hacerlo, es llamar y agradecer a alguna persona.\nUsualmente pregunto a alguien si tienen tiempo para escucharme\nporque puede ser emocionalmente agotador\ncuando estás en el extremo receptor.\n\nEnglish: \nWhen I'm on the receiving end,\nI always ask somebody if they want advice or they just want to vent,\nbecause It also helps me to gage\nwhat my response can be.\nJust talk about, well, pick up your phone, text somebody, ask them if they have FaceTime.\nIf they're far away from you, all these small things can make you feel less alone in this world, and..\nDoing activities together with your family, your friends can sort of spark things with your inner child,\nand it can be really helpful for me. I treat my family and my friends the same,\nI feel like my friends are my family and I give them all the lovin',\nI, I try as much as I can to receive the love that I deserve.\nJournaling has been an important part for me\nIt.. helps me write down my thoughts better, actually,\n\nSpanish: \nY cuando yo estoy en el extremo receptor, siempre le pregunto a alguien si quieren un consejo\no si solo quieren desahogarse.\nPorque eso también me ayuda a evaluar qué puede ser mi respuesta.\nSolo pregunta por una llamada en el celular, pregunta si pueden hacer vídeo-llamada\nsi ellos están muy lejos de ti.\nTodas estas pequeñas cosas los pueden hacer sentir menos solos en este mundo\nY hacer actividades junto con tu familia o tus amigos puede despertar esa chispa con tu niño interior.\nY es realmente útil para mi. Trato a mi familia y mis amigos de la misma manera.\nSiento que mis amigos son mi familia, y les doy todo el amor.\nIntento lo más que puedo de recibir el amor que merezco.\nMi diario ha sido una parte importante para mi.\nMe ayuda a escribir (y comprender) mis sentimientos mejor.\nEn realidad, me mantiene al tanto de mis pensamientos\n\nSpanish: \ny creo que es hora de realmente checarlo conmigo mismo\ny ver cómo voy.\nMe ayuda con la gratitud, escribir todo por lo que estoy agradecido\ny realmente pone mi vida en perspectiva.\nMe ayuda a mantener el paso del tiempo, porque como sabes, el tiempo realmente vuela\nY si no aprendes a cómo lidiar con eso, puedes sentir que no tienes un sentido de control\nEntonces, dejar eso ir y realmente reconocerlo, ha sido realmente muy útil para mí\ny solo permitir, que el tiempo haga lo suyo.\nY permitirme a mi mismo estar bien con eso.\nTengo un par de minutos en los que alejo mi celular.\nMe detengo a mi misto de estar distraído.\nMuchas veces nos sentimos muy ansiosos como para responder cada email\nimpuesto, whatsapp o DM (mensaje directo).\nPuede ser realmente agotador.\nA veces solo quieres quitar tus notificaciones, y solo descansar, y sentirte y estar presente.\n\nEnglish: \nkeeps me uncheck with my thoughts, and, I guess it's time to really\ncheck in with myself and see how I'm doing. It helps me with gratitude,\nwriting down everything I'm thankful for, and it really puts my life in perspective,\nit helps me keep track of time because, as you know time really flies and,\nIf I, you don't learn how to cope with it, it can feel like you don't have a sense of control,\nso letting go of that and actually acknowledging that has been really really helpful for me and just allowing\ntime to do its thing.\nAllowing myself to be okay with that.\nI have a couple minutes where I put away my phone, stop myself from being distracted\nOften times we feel so anxious to\nrespond to every email, text, WhatsApp or DM. It can be really really exhausting.\nYou just, sometimes you just want to turn your notifications off and just, rest and feel and be present,\n\nEnglish: \nand feel every emotion no matter how difficult it is. I've been trying to unlearn a lot of past behavior, patterns.\nForgive people for what they've done to me, forgive myself for being unkind to myself.\nFor the longest time, I've been labeling myself as \"a job of a failure\".\nI feel like I haven't accomplished enough.\nJust feeling all those things, and it's healing it. It has been helpful.\nI usually do it with music in the background or podcast and just,\nfeel emotion,\nand, let it all out. It's sort of physically and emotionally\nletting go of all my past traumas and it, it might be difficult. There can be a lot of tears,\nand just feel it, and just let go. Feel it, and let go.\nI've also found that,\n\nSpanish: \nY sentir cada emoción, no importa que tan difícil sea.\nHe tratado de desaprender muchos patrones de mal comportamiento del pasado.\nPerdonar a la gente por lo que me han hecho, perdonarme por ser cruel conmigo mismo.\nPor mucho tiempo me he etiquetado como un fracasado.\nSiento que no he logrado lo suficiente.\nSolo sentir todas esas cosas (¿?), ha sido de mucha ayuda.\nUsualmente lo hago con música de fondo o podcast y solo sentir la emoción\nY sacarlo todo.\nEs algo físico y emocional\ndejar ir todos mis traumas del pasado.\nY puede ser difícil.\nPueden haber muchas lágrimas.\nY solo siéntelo y déjalo ir. Siéntelo y déjalo.\nTambién descubrí que aprender algo nuevo \nme ayuda todos los días.\n\nSpanish: \nPuede ser un nuevo tema, un artículo nuevo, un ingrediente nuevo, no importa\nporque aprender me hace darme cuenta\nque siempre hay algo que puedes hacer sobre tu situación.\nAprender hace darme cuenta que siempre estoy cambiando como ser humano.\nY nunca estoy en mi mayor potencial, y que no debería \"golpearme\" por no estar ahí.\nMe da la oportunidad de cambiar todos los días y me permite saber\nque las cosas PUEDEN y que serán mejor.\nY que todo pasará.\nAsí que leer, aprender, escuchar un podcast\no desatar creatividad de alguna manera\nMe ayuda espiritualmente. Esa es mi práctica espiritual.\nRealmente espero que estas cosas te ayuden a ti también\nAgradecer es una cosa que realmente ha tenido un impacto en mi vida.\nSolo quería decir gracias y...\n\nEnglish: \nlearning something new helps me every day. It could be a new topic, a new article, a new ingredient.\nIt doesn't matter because learning makes me realize that there's always something you can do about your situation.\nLearning makes me realize that I'm ever-changing as a human being,\nand I'm never at my full potential and I shouldn't beat myself up because I'm not there.\nIt gives me the chance to change everyday, and it allows me\nto know that things can and will get better and this too shall pass,\nso reading, learning, listening to a podcast..\nor, unleashing creativity in some way,\nhelps me spiritually. That's my spiritual practice.\nI really hope these, things help you too.\nUm, gratitude is one thing that has really really had an impact in my life.\nJust wanted to say thank you, and..\n\nSpanish: \naprecio a cada uno de ustedes\ny espero que puedas apreciarte a ti mismo como yo hice.\n\nEnglish: \nI Appreciate every single one of you, and I hope you appreciate yourself like I do.\n:)\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "Hi thanks for choosing Quartz Renew™.\nFor those of you watching today that may\nhave purchased the product \nalready thanks again. The product I hope will\ndo a great job for you and today we're\ngoing to talk about how this will be\nincorporated in your repair so you're\nsuccessful. First I wanted to take a\nmoment to talk about Quartz Renew™ and how\nit's introduced into a repair. I will be\ndoing some diamond polishing today and\nI'll show you in a minute how, where\nwe're starting with damage to a top it\ncould be a typical repair on the\ncountertop and I will quickly go\nthrough the diamond polishing steps\nreally to show you where you need to end\nup before you incorporate the Quartz\nRenew™ into your repair. Quartz Renew™ will\nnot remove scratches by itself. It will\nnot remove severe chemical damage,\ncracking, anything like that. All\nyour major damage will have to be\nremoved prior to this with diamond\npolishing. So as a result of diamond\npolishing what happens with quartz\ncountertops as you remove the snakeskin\nappearance which is common on any quartz\nproduct so a successful repair with\ndiamond polishing will look great and as\nfar as sheen goes but when caught in the\nlight angle will not blend in with the\nrest of the top so it's really a wasted\neffort in the end even though you've removed the\ndamage \nthat was there. So Quartz Renew™ was\ndesigned to come in at that point after\nyou successfully polished the damage\naway with the diamond pads and then\ncomes and incorporate the snakeskin back\ninto the product and removes any\nresidual hazing out of the area and\nblends in the repair to ultimately save\nthousands of dollars in replacement. So\nwe're going to first start I'll show you\nall the products that I'm using today. We\nreally designed this with Regent Stone\nproducts to incorporate everything that\nyou would need from the diamond pads all\nthe way through the Quartz Renew and so\nyou have a one-stop shop and know that\nyou can take care of pretty much any\ndamage that's to a quartz top as for\nour face polishing goes. Okay so I'm going\nto show you all the products we'll use\nfrom start to finish\nstarting with diamond polishing to\nremove the damage and going through\nthose steps and finishing up with the\nQuartz Renew™ to blend in the repair.\nOkay so we've worked with Regent to give\nyou an exclusive offering of products\naside from theQuartz Renew™ that will\nhelp you be successful in your repairs\nbecause diamond polishing and your\nability to face polish really has\nimpact on the final results of how\nQuartz Renew™ will work for you. We\nthought it was important to to go the\nfull length of what's involved with a\nquartz repair.\nOkay so quickly we're starting with\nSorma pads and we have two types of\ndiamond pads that we will use and\ndepending on the situation that we're in\nwill depend on the type of pad we use.\nSorma pads are it's a great new product\nfor Regents. They're designed as dry pads.\nWe will use the some of the steps\nslightly wet which you can use and we'll\nfinish up with the last step is dry and\ngo over that a little more later. This would\nbe a great product to use for the type\nof repair that we're doing today where\nit's you know shallow scratching and\nwe're not really hogging out a lot of\nmaterial and then they're also the\nPulsar pads which are offered through\nRegent which are traditional resin pads\nwith a high diamond content and really a\nlot of pads out there some claim only\nfor gradient, some claim only for\nengineered stone, I really just want to\npad that as a high diamond content and\nyou know so we've played around with a\nlot of pads and Pulsars definitely do\nthe trick.\nThese type of pads will be used for\nthose repairs that have to be that\nrequire a lot of material removal okay.\nFor example a seam with a height\nvariance where you really have to do\nsome grinding in the case of the Sorma\npads you would you would really wear the\npads down quickly. So we have the resin\npads to do that type of polishing but\nfor a backer pad we're using a 5 inch\nbacker pad and we use 4 inch pads\nresin pads and Sorma pads, You can use 5\ninch pads. I prefer to use a smaller pad\nthan my backer pad in the case of quartz\nit it helps eliminate or cuts down on\nthe possibility of dipping which would\nbe if you tilted your polisher slightly\nthe edge of the pad which tends to curl\nup naturally would dip into the top a\nlot easier with the same sized backer\npad\nso that's why we use the oversize backer.\nAs far as our polisher goes also from\nRegent we have the Metabo PE 12 175 it's\na great machine. You know as most\npolishers go they're typically designed\nfor edge polishing and not very friendly\nwhen it comes to the balance weight\nthey're very back heavy. I like this\nmachine number one it has an overload\nprotection, it is double geared so it can\nhandle the larger buffing pads and I\nlove this handle in the front which\ngives me some good balance control when\nI'm faced polishing. Ok moving to the\npads when we move start using the Quartz Renew™ we go to a 7 inch backer pad and\neach individual step there are 3 steps\ninvolved with Quartz Renew™. First step\nwould be wool. Second would be a green\ncutting pad and the third is a white\nfinishing pad. And finally we have the\nQuartz Renew™ comes in kits of three\nbottles set up as a three step process\nfor the typical repair which would be\nwhat we're doing today where we\nwe're polishing\nout or even grinding out damage and then\nbringing it back up to like a glass-like\nfinish with the diamond pads. Then we\nwould pretty much use all three steps\nbut as I'll show you later we can use\nthese individually for different\npurposes as well so it's not always a\none-two-three process. Sometimes it'll\ncome down to your assessment of the\nsituation and what it needs. So that's\nfor that reason that's why we kind of\nput the numbers in parenthesis but\nreally wanted to highlight the red and in\nthe red there what each step is\nintended to do. So if you're assessing a\nsituation and\nyou really don't see damage to the\nQuartz, but you do see some resin hazing,\nminor abrasions to that, then the Resin\nPolish would be might be the starting\npoint for you. Okay so we'll go more in\ndepth later but this is the kit as it\ncomes and so the first step is the\nSnake Skin Revealer. This is an aggressive\nproduct. This will literally change your\nglass-like finish back to a snake skin\nfinish in merely seconds. This is not a\nPolish, it's not, it will not really\nchange your sheen, it will just change\nyour texture. The second step is the\nResin Polish and this really goes after\nthe resin like I said if it's a\nbraided does removes you know subtle\nhazing but again it's not going to\nremove severe scratching anything like\nthat, but does do quite a nice job and\nblending out any residual hazing that's\nleft over from your diamond polishing,\nand the final polishing is really a\nblender. It also will remove very\nsubtle hazing but is primarily the last\nstep you would do to blend out of repair\ninto an area.\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "\nEnglish: \nThis is Shigeru Miyamoto.\nIf you’ve played video games any time in\nthe past 30 years, you’re probably familiar\nwith his work.\nDonkey Kong. Zelda. Star Fox.\nAnd then, of course, this guy:\nIt’s a me, Mario!\nWhen Miyamoto makes games, he always tries\nto do things differently than other designers.\nHere he is — back in 1998 — explaining\nwhy he wasn’t focused on online gaming.\nAnd why he wasn’t adding small in-game purchases\nto Mario for iPhone in 2016.\nMiyamoto has helped define a lot of what makes\na game great.\nSo how does he do it?\n\nPortuguese: \nEste é Shigeru Miyamoto.\nSe você já jogou video games alguma vez nos últimos 30 anos, você provavelmente está familiarizado\ncom o trabalho dele\nDonkey Kong. Zelda. Star Fox.\nE então, é claro, este cara: \"It’s-a me, Mario!\"\nQuando Miyamoto faz jogos, ele sempre tenta fazer as coisas de maneira diferente de outros designers.\nAqui está ele — em 1998 — explicando porque ele não estava focado em jogos online.\nÉ uma tendência. E eu tento evitar todas as tendências.\nE porque ele não estava adicionando pequenas compras no jogo para o Mario para iPhone em 2016.\nTodo mundo estava dizendo que eu tinha que fazer isso\nmas eu sou o tipo de pessoa que não quer ser dito\npara fazer alguma coisa porque \"é assim que se faz\"\nMiyamoto ajudou a definir muito do que torna um jogo excelente.\nEntão, como ele faz?\nEu acho que primeiro é que um jogo precisa de uma sensação de realização.\nE você tem que ter a sensação de que você fez alguma coisa,\nentão você tem aquela sensação de satisfação em completar alguma coisa.\n\nGerman: \nDas ist Shigeru Miyamoto.\nWenn du irgendwann in den letzten 30 Jahren Videospiele gespielt hast, dann bist du wahrscheinlich sehr glücklich\nmit seiner Arbeit.\nDonkey Kong. Zelda. Star Fox.\nUnd dann, natürlich, dieser Typ:\nIt's a me, Mario!\nWenn Miyamoto Spiele macht, versucht er es immer\nDinge anders zu machen als andere Designer.\nHier erklärt er - im Jahr 1998 -\nwarum war er nicht auf Online-Gaming konzentriert.\nUnd warum er keine kleinen In-Game-Käufe hinzufügte\nan Super Mario Run für das iPhone im Jahr 2016.\nMiyamoto hat viel dazu beigetragen, vieles zu definieren, was ein tolles Spiel ausmacht.\nAlso, wie macht er das?\n\nEnglish: \nIn 1981, one of Miyamoto’s first assignments\nat Nintendo was to design a replacement for\na game called Radar Scope.\nIt had performed poorly in the US,, leaving the company with 2,000\nunsold arcade units.\nThis is what he came up with:\nMiyamoto based the story on the love triangle\nin Popeye between a bad guy, a hero, and a damsel\nin distress.\nBut since Nintendo couldn’t secure the rights\nto use those characters, Miyamoto replaced\nthem with a gorilla, a carpenter, and his\ngirlfriend.\nIn later games, that carpenter became a plumber.\nAnd his named changed, from Mr. Video, to\nJumpman, and then to Mario, after this guy,\nthe landlord of a Nintendo warehouse near\nSeattle.\nThis was one of the first times that a video game’s\nplot and characters were designed before the\nprogramming.\n\nGerman: \n1981, einer von Miyamotos ersten Aufträgen\nBei Nintendo sollte ein Ersatz entworfen werden für\nein Spiel namens Radar Scope.\nEs hatte sich in den USA schlecht entwickelt und verließ das Unternehmen mit 2.000\nunverkauften Arcade-Einheiten.\nDas ist, was herauskam:\nMiyamoto basiert die Geschichte auf dem Dreieck der Liebe in Popeye zwischen einem Bösewicht, einem Helden und einer Jungfrau\nin Not.\nAber da Nintendo die Rechte nicht erhalten konnte\num diese Charaktere zu benutzen, ersetzte Miyamoto\nsie mit einem Gorilla, einem Zimmermann und seinem\nFreundin.\nIn späteren Spielen wurde dieser Zimmermann zum Klempner.\nUnd sein Name änderte sich von Mr. Video zu\nJumpman und dann zu Mario, nach diesem Typen,\nder Vermieter eines Nintendo-Warehouse in der Nähe von\nSeattle.\nDies war eines der ersten Male, dass Handlung und die Charaktere vor der\nProgrammierung entworfen wurden.\n\nPortuguese: \nEm 1981, uma das primeiras missões de Miyamoto na Nintendo foi projetar um substituto para\num jogo chamado Radar Scope.\nEle teve um desempenho ruim nos EUA, deixando a empresa com 2.000\nunidades de arcade não vendidas.\nIsto é o que ele inventou:\nMiyamoto baseou a história no triângulo amoroso em Popeye entre um vilão, um herói e uma donzela\nem perigo.\nMas como a Nintendo não conseguiu garantir os direitos de usar esses personagens, Miyamoto os substituiu\npor um gorila, um carpinteiro e sua namorada.\nNos jogos posteriores, esse carpinteiro tornou-se um encanador.\nE seu nome mudou, de Mr. Video, para Jumpman, e depois para Mario, em homenagem a este cara,\no proprietário de um depósito da Nintendo perto de Seattle.\nEssa foi uma das primeiras vezes em que o enredo e os personagens de um videogame foram criados antes da\nprogramação.\nBem, desde cedo, as pessoas que fizeram videogames,\neles eram tecnólogos, eram programadores,\neram designers de hardware\nMas eu não era.\nEu era um designer, eu estudei design industrial.\nEu era um artista, eu desenhava imagens.\n\nEnglish: \nThat change in approach came at a key time\nfor video games.\nWhen Donkey Kong was first released in 1981,\nthe video game market in North America was\non the verge of collapse.\nIt was saturated with a lot of different consoles,\nand the boom in home computers made a lot of people\nquestion why they’d want a separate device\njust to play games.\nBut the storytelling in games like Super Mario\nBros. and The Legend of Zelda — which you\ncould only play on Nintendo's own hardware — helped set them apart as best-sellers.\nA lot of Miyamoto’s genius can be seen in\nthe first level of Super Mario Bros. — probably\nthe most iconic level in video game history.\n\nGerman: \nDiese Änderung des Ansatzes kam zu einem entscheidenden Zeitpunkt\nfür Videospiele.\nAls Donkey Kong erstmals 1981 veröffentlicht wurde, war der Videospielemarkt in Nordamerika\nam Rande des Zusammenbruchs.\nEs war mit vielen verschiedenen Konsolen gefüllt, und der Boom in Heimcomputern hat eine Menge Käufer gemacht\nFrage, warum sie ein separates Gerät wünschen\nnur um Spiele zu spielen.\nAber das Geschichtenerzählen in Spielen wie Super Mario\nBros. und The Legend of Zelda, welche man\nnur auf Nintendos eigener Hardware spielen konnte - half sie als Bestseller zu unterscheiden.\nEine Menge von Miyamotos Genie kann im ersten Level von Super Mario Bros. gesehen werden\ndas legendärste Level in der Geschichte von Videospielen.\n\nPortuguese: \nE então eu acho que foi na minha geração\nque as pessoas que fizeram videogames realmente se tornaram\ndesigners, em vez de tecnólogos\nEssa mudança de abordagem veio em um momento chave para os videogames.\nQuando Donkey Kong foi lançado pela primeira vez em 1981, o mercado de videogames na América do Norte estava\nà beira do colapso.\nEstava saturado com muitos consoles diferentes, e o boom dos computadores domésticos fez muita gente\nperguntassem porquê gostariam de ter um dispositivo separado apenas para jogar.\nMas a narrativa em jogos como Super Mario Bros. e The Legend of Zelda — no qual você\nsó poderia jogar no próprio hardware da Nintendo — ajudou a separá-los como best-sellers.\nQuando eu me aproximo dos designers dos meus jogos,\no que tenho de pensar é\ncomo eu estou mostrando uma situação para um jogador,\ntransmitindo a eles o que devem fazer.\nEm Mario, você continua se movendo para a direita para alcançar o objetivo final.\nEm Donkey Kong você continua subindo para resgatar\na princesa capturada.\nMuita genialidade de Miyamoto pode ser vista no primeiro nível de Super Mario Bros. - provavelmente\no nível mais icônico da história dos videogames.\n\nPortuguese: \nEle é projetado para ensinar naturalmente a mecânica do jogo enquanto você joga.\nSe você analisar um detalhamento, há muito trabalho de design realmente sutil acontecendo aqui.\nEmbora Mario esteja geralmente no centro da tela, nessa primeira cena ele começa na\nextrema esquerda.\nTodo o espaço vazio à sua direita lhe dá uma noção de para onde ir.\nA aparência e o movimento desse personagem sugerem que é prejudicial.\nMas não se preocupe.\nSe você se deparar com isso, você apenas iniciará o jogo sem muita penalidade.\nEm seguida, você vê blocos de ouro com pontos de interrogação.\nEstes são feitos para parecerem intrigantes — e uma vez que você atinge um, você é recompensado.\nIsso então encoraja você a acertar o segundo bloco, que libera um cogumelo.\nMesmo se você agora está com medo de cogumelos, o posicionamento do primeiro obstáculo\ntorna praticamente garantido que você vai se deparar com essa coisa.\nE uma vez que isso acontecer, Mario fica maior e mais forte.\nE assim, você aprendeu todas as regras básicas do jogo sem precisar\nler uma única palavra.\nO que mais?\nA última é a qualidade imersiva do jogo,\nsendo capaz de sentir que é um mundo em que você está imerso,\nde que você se tornou um herói.\nQue você se tornou corajoso.\n\nGerman: \nEs wurde entwickelt, um jemanden die Spielmechanik beizubringen\nwährend du spielst.\nWenn Sie sich eine Aufschlüsselung ansehen, gibt es eine Menge\nvon wirklich subtilen Designarbeiten, die hier ablaufen.\nObwohl Mario in der Regel im Mittelpunkt des Bildschirms \nsteht, in dieser ersten Szene beginnt er bei der\nganz linken Seite.\nDer ganze leere Raum rechts von ihm gibt dir ein Gefühl, wohin du gehen sollst.\nDas Aussehen und die Bewegung dieses Charakters deuten darauf hin\ndas es schädlich ist, was er tut.\nAber mach dir keine Sorgen.\nWenn das passiert, starten Sie einfach das Level von vorne wieder.\nAls nächstes siehst du goldene Blöcke mit Fragezeichen.\nDiese werden gemacht, um faszinierend auszusehen - und\nSobald Sie einen getroffen haben, werden Sie belohnt.\nDas ermutigt dich dann, den zweiten zu treffen. Ein Block, der einen Pilz freigibt.\nSelbst wenn du jetzt Angst vor Pilzen hast, die Positionierung des ersten Hindernisses\nmacht es fast garantiert, dass du darein rennen wirst.\nWenn Sie das tun, wird Mario größer und stärker.\nUnd genau so hast du alles gelernt\nohne\nein einziges Wort lesen zu müssen.\n\nEnglish: \nIt’s designed to naturally teach you the\ngame mechanics while you play.\nIf you look at a breakdown, there’s a lot\nof really subtle design work going on here.\nThough Mario is usually at the center of the\nscreen, in this first scene he starts at the\nfar left.\nAll the empty space to the right of him gives\nyou a sense of where to go.\nThis character’s look and movement suggest\nit’s harmful.\nBut don’t worry.\nIf you run into it, you’ll just start the\ngame over without much of a penalty.\nNext, you see gold blocks with question marks.\nThese are made to look intriguing — and\nonce you hit one, you’re rewarded.\nThat then encourages you to hit the second\nblock, which releases a mushroom.\nEven if you’re now scared of mushrooms,\nthe positioning of the first obstacle\nmakes it just about guaranteed that you're gonna run\ninto this thing.\nWhen you do, Mario gets bigger and stronger.\nAnd just like that, you’ve learned all the\nbasic rules in the game without having to\nread a single word.\n\nPortuguese: \nMesmo se você estiver realmente chorando.\nA imersão em um videogame tem muito a ver com os controles — quanto mais precisamente\nvocê puder mover seu personagem, mais você se sente parte da história.\nE a Nintendo sempre foi pioneira com os controladores.\nFoi a primeira a ter a configuração clássica do bloco direcional à esquerda e os botões à direita,\no primeiro a ter os botões esquerdo e direito do ombro, o primeiro a ter um controle numérico de 360 graus\ne o primeiro a trazer o controle de movimento para o mercado de massa.\nMas o com Super Mario Run de 2016, a Nintendo, pela primeira vez, fez um jogo para um controlador\nque não foi projetado: o iPhone.\nCom o tempo, não tantas pessoas têm jogado jogos do Mario.\nE nos perguntamos: Por que as pessoas pararam de jogar Mario?\nE para as pessoas que jogaram cedo e depois pararam de jogar.\nmuitas vezes é porque os controles ficaram muito difíceis.\n\nGerman: \nImmersive in einem Videospiel hat eine Menge zu tun\nJe genauer\nman seinen Charakter bewegen kann, \ndesto mehr fühlt man sich wie ein Teil dieses Spiels.\nUnd Nintendo war schon immer ein Pionier mit\nControllern.\nSie waren die ersten, die das klassische Setup des Steuerkreuzes auf der linken Seite und der Tasten auf der rechten Seite hatte.\nder Erste, der linke und rechte Schulterknöpfe hat,\nder erste, der einen 360-Grad-Daumenknüppel hat,\nund der erste, der die Bewegungssteuerung in den Massenmarkt mitbringt.\nAber mit Super Mario Run 2016, machte Nintendo ein Spiel für einen Controller,\nden sie nicht entworfen hatten: das iPhone.\n\nEnglish: \nImmersiveness in a video game has a lot to\ndo with the controls — the more precisely\nyou can move your character, the more you\nfeel like you’re part of the story.\nAnd Nintendo has always been a pioneer with\ncontrollers.\nIt was the first to have the classic setup of the directional pad on the left and buttons on the right,\nthe first to have left and right shoulder buttons,\nthe first to have a 360-degree thumbstick,\nand the first to bring motion control to the\nmass market.\nBut with 2016’s Super Mario Run, Nintendo,\nfor the first time, made a game for a controller\nit didn’t design: the iPhone.\n\nEnglish: \nThe Wii U flopped when it came out in 2012,\nand Nintendo 3DS sales are far below those\nof its predecessor.\nBut the number of American gamers playing\non mobile phones has doubled to more than\n164 million between 2011 and 2015.\nYou can think of Super Mario Run as a shift\nfrom immersiveness to accessibility.\nAnd that’s kind of been Miyamoto’s design\nphilosophy from the very start: make fun games\nthat everybody can play.\nThe rest is in our hands.\n\"These controls direct the characters, the better your eye-hand coordination,\nthe better you do.\"\n\nPortuguese: \nO Wii U fracassou quando saiu em 2012, e as vendas da Nintendo 3DS estão muito abaixo das\ndo seu antecessor.\nMas o número de jogadores americanos que jogam em telefones celulares dobrou para mais de\n164 milhões entre 2011 e 2015.\nVocê pode pensar em Super Mario Run como uma mudança da imersão para a acessibilidade.\nEu acho que o resultado final é um jogo que qualquer um pode jogar,\ndesde jogadores iniciantes até os mais experientes.\nE esse é o tipo de filosofia de design de Miyamoto desde o começo: fazer jogos divertidos\nque todos possam jogar.\nO resto está em nossas mãos.\n\"Esses controles direcionam os personagens. Quanto melhor a sua coordenação olho-mão,\nmelhor você faz.\"\n\nGerman: \nDie Wii U floppte, als sie 2012 herauskam, und Nintendo 3DS-Verkäufe sind weit unter den\nseines Vorgängers.\nAber die Anzahl der amerikanischen Spieler, die auf Handys spielen,\nhat sich auf mehr als verdoppelt\n164 Millionen zwischen 2011 und 2015.\nSie können sich Super Mario Run als Schicht vorstellen\nvom Eintauchen in die Zugänglichkeit.\nUnd das ist Miyamotos Design-\nPhilosophie von Anfang an: Machen Sie lustige Spiele,\ndie jeder spielen kann.\nDer Rest ist in unseren Händen.\n\"Diese Kontrollen lenken die Charaktere, desto besser ist Ihre Auge-Hand-Koordination,\nje besser du es tust.\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "IT'S AN ESSENTIAL PART OF THE \nAMERICAN POLITICAL PROCESS.\nOUR PRIMARY IS FIRST BECAUSE WE \nWERE THE FIRST STATE TO \nRECOGNIZE THE IMPORTANCE OF \nDIRECT CITIZEN PARTICIPATION IN \nTHE NOMINATION PROCESS.\nWE THINK IT MAKES FOR BETTER \nPRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATES AND \nBETTER PRESIDENTS.\nAND OUR COMMITMENT TO GRASSROOTS\nCAMPAIGNING AND GOVERNING MEANS \nTHAT ANYBODY WHO IS SERIOUS \nABOUT RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT HAS \nA REAL SHOT AT MAKING THEIR CASE\nHERE.\nTHROUGHOUT THIS PRIMARY GRANITE \nSTATERS HAVE SHOWN UP TO TOWN \nHALLS.\nTHEY'VE ASKED TOUGH QUESTIONS \nAND CHALLENGED CANDIDATES TO \nPRESENT BOLD IDEAS.\nTHIS PROCESS WORKS BECAUSE THE \nPEOPLE OF NEW HAMPSHIRE \nRECOGNIZE OUR CRITICAL \nRESPONSIBILITY AND WE DEDICATE \nOURSELVES TO IT.\nOUR STATE ENGAGES IN A WAY THAT \nRECOGNIZES THE IMPORTANCE OF \nSPIRITED, RESPECTFUL AND \nWELL-INFORMED POLITICAL \nDIALOGUE.\nOUR CANDIDATES HAVE FACED SCORES\nOF QUESTIONS FROM GRANITE STATE \nVOTERS AND TOWN HALLS AND ALL \nSORTS OF VENUES ALL AROUND THE \nSTATE.\nI LOOK FORWARD TO HEARING FROM \nTHEM TONIGHT.\nI'M GLAD THAT YOU'RE ALL HERE.\nI'M GLAD THE TELEVISION AUDIENCE\nIS ALL HERE TO SEE HOW WE DO \nDEMOCRACY IN NEW HAMPSHIRE.\nENJOY THE DEBATE, EVERYBODY.\n>> GOOD EVENING, DEMOCRATS!\nTOM PEREZ.\nI HAVE THE PRIVILEGE OF BEING \nTHE DNC CHAIR.\nWELCOME TO THE EIGHTH DEMOCRATIC\nPRESIDENTIAL DEBATE.\nWE ARE NOW IN A 90-DAY SPRINT.\nAT THE END OF THAT SPRINT, 90% \nOF THE DELEGATES WILL HAVE BEEN \nALLOCATED AS VOTERS MAKE THEIR \nCHOICES.\nSOME OF YOU WILL SEE YOUR \nPREFERRED CANDIDATE RISE, SOME \nWILL SEE THEM FALL.\nMAKE NO MISTAKE ABOUT IT.\nEVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM IS \nFIGHTING FOR THE VALUES WE CARE \nABOUT.\nAND EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM \nWOULD MAKE A FAR, FAR BETTER \nPRESIDENT THAN THIS CURRENT \nINCUMBENT.\nLET'S FACE IT, WEDNESDAY'S VOTE \nWAS A VERY DARK DAY FOR OUR \nDEMOCRACY.\nYOU'RE NOT JUST ACCOUNTABLE TO \nYOUR CONSTITUENTS.\nQUITE FRANKLY YOU'RE ACCOUNTABLE\nTO YOUR CHILDREN AND \nGRANDCHILDREN.\nSO I WANT TO SAY THANK YOU TO \nTHE LEADERS WHO PUT OUR CHILDREN\nAND COUNTRY FIRST.\nTHANK YOU NANCY PELOSI, THANK \nYOU CHUCK SCHUMER, THANK YOU \nMAGGIE HASSEN, THANK YOU JEAN \nSHAHEEN.\nI THINK WE SHOULD ALSO SAY THANK\nYOU TO MITT ROMNEY.\nWE OUGHT TO CALL OUT COURAGE \nWHEN WE SEE IT.\nI TELL YOU COURAGE IS IN VERY \nSHORT SUPPLY IN THE REPUBLICAN \nPARTY.\nI SAW SOME REPUBLICANS -- YOU \nMAY HAVE SEEN THEM TOO, \nCRITICIZING NANCY PELOSI FOR \nTEARING UP DONALD TRUMP'S SPEECH\nTHE OTHER NIGHT AFTER THE STATE \nOF THE UNION.\nWHERE WERE THEY WHEN DONALD \nTRUMP TEARS UP THE CONSTITUTION?\nWHERE ARE THEY WHEN HE TEARS \nAWAY HEALTH CARE FROM PEOPLE \nWITH PREEXISTING CONDITIONS?\nWHERE ARE THEY WHEN HE TEARS \nAPART ECONOMIC SECURITY FOR THE \nMIDDLE CLASS?\nWHERE ARE THEY WHEN HE TEARS \nAPART FAMILIES?\nIMAGINE FEELING MORE EMOTION \nABOUT -- THAN HUMAN LIFE AT THE \nBORDER.\nTHAT IS A TRUE DISGRACE.\nTHESE REPUBLICAN APOLOGISTS \nCLAIM TO BE SERVANTS AND YET \nTHEY'RE NOT SERVANTS TO THE \nPUBLIC.\nTHEY SERVE ONE PERSON ONLY, THIS\nPRESIDENT.\nTHAT IS WHY THEY WILL BE VOTED \nOUT OF OFFICE ON NOVEMBER THE \n3rd, FOLKS.\nMAKE NO MISTAKE ABOUT IT.\nREMEMBER THIS, FOLKS, OUR \nDEMOCRACY HAS SEEN DARK DAYS \nBEFORE, BUT ALL OF THOSE DARK \nDAYS HAVE ONE THING IN COMMON.\nTHEY CAME TO AN END.\nHOW DID THEY COME TO AN END?\nBECAUSE PEOPLE RISE UP AND \nORGANIZE.\nTHAT'S WHAT WE DID IN 2017.\nTHAT'S WHAT WE DID IN 2018.\nTHAT'S WHAT WE DID IN 2019.\nAND THAT'S WHAT WE'RE GOING TO \nDO AGAIN THIS YEAR 270 DAYS FROM\nNOW!\nMARK MY WORDS, THE DARK DAYS OF \nDONALD TRUMP WILL COME TO AN END\nON NOVEMBER THE 3rd.\n270 DAYS FROM NOW WE WILL GET NO\nLESS THAN 270 ELECTORAL VOTES.\nHIS ATTACKS ON IMMIGRANTS WILL \nCOME TO AN END.\nHIS ATTACKS ON THE MIDDLE CLASS \nWILL COME TO AN END.\nHIS ATTACKS ON WOMEN'S \nREPRODUCTIVE RIGHTS WILL COME TO\nAN END.\nYOU KNOW, FOLKS, WHEN I BECAME \nDNC CHAIR, I SAID OUR UNITY \nWOULD BE OUR GREATEST STRENGTH \nAND THIS PRESIDENT'S WORST \nNIGHTMARE.\nFOLKS, NEW HAMPSHIRE IS PROOF OF\nTHAT.\nIN 2017, WE INVESTED AND \nORGANIZED TO HELP MAKE \nMANCHESTER'S FIRST FEMALE MAYOR.\nTHANK YOU FOR YOUR GREAT WORK.\nIN 2018 WE REELECTED ANNIE \nCUSTER AND HAD THE FIRST OPENLY \nGAY REPRESENTATIVE FROM THE \nGRANITE STATE.\nTODAY ALL FOUR MEMBERS OF \nCONGRESS FROM NEW HAMPSHIRE ARE \nDEMOCRATS.\nTHANK YOU, NEW HAMPSHIRE!\nWE'RE GOING TO MAKE SURE IT \nSTAYS THAT WAY WHEN WE ELECT \nJEAN SHAHEEN TO THE UNITED \nSTATES SENATE, FOLKS.\nREMEMBER THIS, WE'RE WINNING \nFROM ALABAMA TO ARIZONA TO \nWISCONSIN, NEVADA.\nWE'RE ELECTING DEMOCRATS IN \nRECORD NUMBERS.\nIN KENTUCKY JUST LAST YEAR WE \nSAW THE HIGHEST TURNOUT IN \nNEARLY A QUARTER CENTURY.\nFOLKS, DON'T MESS WITH THE \nTEACHERS.\nMATT BEVIN DID.\nHE'S OUT OF OFFICE.\nWHEN WE ARE UNITED, THERE'S \nNOTHING WE CAN'T ACCOMPLISH.\nWHEN WE ARE UNITED, WE CAN \nTACKLE THE OPIOID CRISIS HERE IN\nNEW HAMPSHIRE THAT HAS TAKEN SO \nMANY LIVES AND THAT THIS \nPRESIDENT HAS MADE WORSE BY \nATTACKING PEOPLE'S HEALTH CARE.\nWE CAN PROTECT THE RIGHT TO FORM\nA UNION.\nWE CAN END GUN VIOLENCE.\nWE CAN ADDRESS CLIMATE CHANGE \nFOR REAL.\nWE CAN FIGHT FOR THE RIGHTS OF \nOUR LGBTQ BROTHERS AND SISTERS.\nWE CAN FIGHT FOR AMERICANS WHO \nLOVE SO THEY CAN LOVE WHO THEY \nWANT TO LOVE AND THEY CAN BE WHO\nTHEY WANT TO BE.\nWE CAN CHAMPION THE LIVES AND \nRIGHTS OF OUR NATIVE AMERICANS, \nOUR BROTHERS AND SISTERS WITH \nDISABILITIES, SENIORS AND \nVETERANS AND ALL AMERICANS WHO \nDESERVE TO LIVE WITH DIGNITY.\nWHEN WE ARE UNITED, WE ARE \nUNSTOPPABLE.\nOUR CANDIDATES UNDERSTAND THAT.\nTHEY KNOW THAT THIS ELECTION IS \nBIGGER THAN ANY ONE PERSON ON \nTHIS DEBATE STAGE TONIGHT.\nAND THAT'S WHY EACH OF THEM HAVE\nPLEDGED AND THEY HAVE PLEDGED \nWITH ENTHUSIASM TO SUPPORT OUR \nEVENTUAL NOMINEE SO NO MATTER \nWHAT HAPPENS OVER THESE NEXT \nTHREE MONTHS, I WANT US TO NEVER\nLOSE SIGHT OF OUR ULTIMATE GOAL.\nWINNING ON NOVEMBER 3rd, ENDING \nTHE WORST PRESIDENT IN AMERICAN \nHISTORY, THAT'S WHAT WE WILL DO \nIN THE NEXT 270 DAYS.\nIF YOU WANT TO GET INVOLVED, \nTEXT UNIFY TO 43367.\nTHAT'S UNIFY TO 43367.\nLET'S HAVE GREAT DEBATE.\nTHANK YOU FOR COMING.\nTHANK YOU, NEW HAMPSHIRE.\n[ APPLAUSE ]\n>> WE'VE JUST BEEN LISTENING TO \nTOM PEREZ, THE CHAIRMAN OF THE \nDNC RIGHT THERE.\nWE'RE JUST 30 MINUTES NOW FROM \nTHIS VERY IMPORTANT DEBATE.\nTHIS COULD BE A PIVOTAL POINT IN\nTHIS RACE.\nALL WE HAVE TO THINK ABOUT IS \nFOUR YEARS AGO ON THIS SAME \nSTAGE GOVERNOR CHRIS CHRISTIE, \nYOU WERE ON STAGE WITH SENATOR \nMARCO RUBIO FOR A MOMENT THAT \nCHANGED THE REPUBLICAN PRIMARY.\n>> THIS WILL BECOME ONCE AGAIN \nTHE SINGLE GREATEST NATION IN \nTHE HISTORY OF THE WORLD, NOT \nTHE DISASTER BARACK OBAMA HAS \nIMPOSED UPON US. \n>> YOU SEE EVERYBODY.\nI WANT THE PEOPLE AT HOME TO \nTHINK ABOUT THIS.\nTHAT'S WHAT WASHINGTON, D.C. \nDOES.\nTHE DRIVEBY SHOT AT THE \nBEGINNING WITH INCORRECT AND \nINCOMPLETE INFORMATION AND THE \nMEMORIZED 25-SECOND SPEECH.\n>> TALK ABOUT GUT PUNCHES, IT \nWAS ONE THAT MARCO RUBIO REALLY \nDID NOT RECOVER FROM.\nIT WAS ONE WHERE HE ENDED UP \nFOURTH PLACE IN NEW HAMPSHIRE \nAFTER JEB BUSH.\nDID YOU PREPARE FOR THAT?\nDO THEY COME IN THE MOMENT?\nHOW DO YOU GET READY FOR THAT?\n>> YOU DON'T PREPARE FOR THAT, \nYOU COULDN'T PREPARE FOR THAT.\nYOU COULDN'T PREPARE FOR THE \nFACT THAT MARCO RUBIO WOULD \nREPEAT THE SAME THING FOUR \nTIMES.\nYOU HAVE TO PREPARE FOR THE STAJ\nOF WHAT YOU WANT TO PRESENT ON \nTHE STAGE THAT NIGHT.\nI KNEW WHAT I WANTED TO DO THAT \nNIGHT WHICH IS TO MAKE SURE I \nWENT THROUGH MARCO RUBIO AND \nTHAT'S WHAT WE DID. \n>> THERE'S A CHALLENGE THERE.\nYOU NEVER KNOW WHEN TO GO TOO \nTOUGH OR LIGHTEN UP.\nSOMETIMES GOING TOO HARD CAN \nFIRE BACK ON YOU.\n>> THERE IS AN ART TO THIS.\nYOU HAVE TO PICK YOUR SHOTS. \n>> YEAH.\nYOU HAVE TO PREPARE FOR THE \nOPPORTUNITIES THAT ARISE.\nYOU HAVE TO BE AWARE THAT MARCO \nRUBIO MIGHT HAVE A TENDENCY TO \nDO THE THINGS HE DID AND JUST BE\nPREPARED TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF \nTHOSE MOMENTS.\nI WAS WORKING FOR LLOYD BENSON \nWHEN THE THING HAPPENED WITH I \nKNEW JACK KENNEDY, JACK KENNEDY \nWAS A FRIEND OF MINE.\nHE ACTUALLY WAS AWARE OF THAT \nBECAUSE DAN QUAYLE HAD REPEATED \nTHE LINE OVER AND OVER AND OVER.\nWHEN THE OPPORTUNITY ARISES, YOU\nHAVE TO BE ABLE TO DO IT. \n>> RAHM EMANUEL, THE CHAIRMAN OF\nTHE NEW HAMPSHIRE DEMOCRATIC \nPARTY SAID TODAY, I THINK \nTONIGHT'S DEBATE IS PROBABLY THE\nMOST CONSEQUENTIAL DEBATE WE'VE \nEVER HAD IN A PRIMARY EVER.\nIF THAT'S TRUE, HOW MUCH \nPRESSURE ARE ON THE CANDIDATES \nTONIGHT?\n>> IT'S A CONSEQUENTIAL DEBATE \nFOR THIS PRIMARY.\nTHERE HAVE BEEN OTHER PRIMARIES \nLIKE WHEN BARACK WON IOWA.\nTHAT WAS THE DEBATE WHEN BARACK \nSAID, HILLHILLARY, YOU'RE LIKAB \nENOUGH.\nIT WAS A VERY CONSEQUENTIAL \nSTATEMENT.\nBECAUSE THIS IS THE LAST \nCHECK-IN ON CANDIDATES BEFORE AN\nUNDECIDED VOTER TO MAKE A \nDECISION.\nDEBATES, YOU'VE GOT TO KNOW WHAT\nYOUR STRATEGY IS.\nYOU CAN'T JUST OVER PRACTICE A \nLINE.\nMARCO RUBIO HAD ONLY TACTICS \nWITHOUT A STRATEGIC VISION.\nTHAT OPPORTUNITY TO HAVE YOUR \nVISION WHERE YOU WANT TO GO AND \nBECAUSE HE HAD NO STRATEGY IN \nTHE DEBATE.\nCHRIS WAS ABLE BECAUSE HE HAD A \nSTRATEGIC GOAL TO UNDERSTAND \nWHEN THAT OPPORTUNITY PRESENTED \nITSELF BECAUSE IT WAS ONLY \nTACTICS BY MARCO RUBIO.\nTODAY YOU'RE GOING TO LOOK LIKE \nFOR THE FIRST TIME THE HOT \nLIGHTS ARE ON MAYOR PETE.\nEVERYBODY CAME OUT OF IOWA HOURS\nAGO.\nTHEY'RE EXHAUSTED.\nNOBODY HAS SLEPT.\nYOU'VE GOT THIS WIND SHEAR AT \nABOUT 150 MILES COMING AT YOU.\nTHIS IS THE MEASURE.\nTRUST ME, IT'S NOT EASY WHEN \nYOU'RE IN THE OVAL OFFICE.\nTHIS IS A REAL MEASURE OF THE \nPERSON'S CAPACITY ON THEIR OWN \nTWO FEET.\nTHEY HAVEN'T PREPPED AT ALL.\nBETWEEN IOWA AND HERE THEY \nHAVEN'T HAD FIVE MINUTES TO \nBREATHE. \n>> I WANT TO PUT UP A QUOTE FROM\nJAMES CARVILLE.\nHE SAID THE PARTY NEEDS TO WAKE \nUP.\nHE SAID THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY IS \nTHE PARTY OF AFRICAN-AMERICANS, \nTHE PARTY OF EDUCATED \nSUBURBANITES, LATINOS, WOMEN.\nMOST OF THE PEOPLE AREN'T ABOUT \nOPEN BORDERS AND LETTING \nPRISONERS VOTE.\nTHEY DON'T CARE.\nTHEY HAVE LIVES TO LEAD, THEY \nHAVE KIDS, THEY HAVE PARENTS \nTHAT ARE SICK.\nIT SOUND LIKE HE IS SOUNDING OFF\nON ANTI-BERNIE THERE. \n>> THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY HAS \nALWAYS BEEN THE PARTY OF \nAFRICAN-AMERICANS.\nTHE IDEA THAT WE DON'T LISTEN \nENOUGH, BERNIE SANDERS I THINK \nHAS REALLY HIT A NERVE BECAUSE \nHE'S STARTED TO RISE UP THESE \nVOICES THAT HAVE BEEN SHUT DOWN \nFOR SO LONG.\nAFRICAN-AMERICANS ARE ONE OF THE\nMOST LOYAL BASES IN ANY PARTY \nPERIOD, EVEN MORE THAN \nEVANGELICALS TO REPUBLICANS.\nFOR A LONG TIME THOSE VOICES \nWERE NOT NECESSARILY HEARD.\nBERNIE IS ELEVATING THOSE \nVOICES.\nWE'VE GOING TO REACH A TIME IN \nTHIS COUNTRY WHERE WE'RE GOING \nTO HAVE MORE BROWN PEOPLE IN \nTHIS COUNTRY THAN WHITE PEOPLE.\nTHAT SCARES SOME PEOPLE.\nWHAT WE HAVE TO DO IS REPRESENT \nTHAT VOICE.\nWE'VE GOT CANDIDATES NOW WHO ARE\nREALLY DOING THIS. \n>> YOU'RE EITHER GOING TO TALK \nKITCHEN TABLE ISSUES OR THINGS \nTHAT DON'T MATTER TO THREE OR \nFOUR PEOPLE.\n>> THE OTHER HALF OF THE \nEQUATION AND THE DEBATE IS THE \nVOTERS.\nYOU'VE GOT TO TALK TO THEM ABOUT\nWHAT THEY CARE ABOUT, NOT SOME \nIDEOLOGY THAT'S BEEN COOKED UP \nTHAT PEOPLE ARE SIGNING ONTO ON \nTWITTER OR IN THE ENGLISH \nDEPARTMENTS OF THE UNIVERSITIES \nOF THE COUNTRY.\nYOU'VE GOT TO BE CONNECTED TO \nWHAT PEOPLE WANT.\nI THINK THAT'S ONE OF THE \nREASONS THAT WHAT CHRIS CHRISTIE\nDID TO MARCO RUBIO WORKED SO \nWELL, BECAUSE THE COUNTRY WAS \nTIRED OF THAT KIND OF POLITICAL \nLANGUAGE.\nTHEY DIDN'T TRUST IT ANYMORE AND\nTHEY WERE READY, AS TRUMP SHOWED\nAND SHOWS TO THIS DAY, THAT THEY\nDON'T WANT TO HEAR THE HIGHLY \nPOLISHED, HIGHLY SCRIPTED \nLANGUAGE OF OLD POLITICS.\nTHEY WANT TO HEAR SOMEBODY TELL \nIT LIKE IT IS.\nTHAT IS SOMETHING WE ISN'T THAT \nTRUE THAT MOMENT AS WELL. \n>> THE ELECTIONS HAVE STARTED.\nNOW IT IS NO MORE TIME TO KEEP \nTHE GLOVES ON.\nLET'S ROLL THE CLIP.\n>> BUT IF SENATOR SANDERS IS THE\nNOMINEE FOR THE PARTY, EVERY \nDEMOCRAT UP AND DOWN THE BALLOT,\nRED STATES, BLUE STATES, PURPLE \nSTATES, EVERYONE DEMOCRAT WILL \nHAVE TO CARRY THE LABEL SENATOR \nSANDERS HAS CHOSEN FOR HIMSELF.\nHE CALLS HIMSELF A DEMOCRATIC \nSOCIALIST. \n>> I HAVE GREAT RESPECT FOR THE \nSERVICE TO HIS NATION.\nI DO BELIEVE IT'S A RISK FOR \nTHIS PARTY TO NOMINATE SOMEONE \nWHO'S NEVER HELD OFFICE HIGHER \nTHAN MAYOR OF 100,000 PEOPLE IN \nINDIANA.\n>> IS THIS A STRATEGY THE THAT'S\nGOING TO WORK FOR JOE BIDEN?\n>> I THINK JOE BIDEN MADE A \nFUNDAMENTAL FLAWED STRATEGY \nWHICH IS WHY HE'S IN THE \nPOSITION HE'S IN.\nHE'S BASICALLY RUN ON THE IDEA \nTHAT HE'S THE MOST ELECTABLE \nCANDIDATE.\nALL HIS CRITICISMS OF MAYOR PETE\nAND BERNIE SANDERS, ALL \nFUNDAMENTALLY THAT YOU CAN'T \nNOMINATE THEM BECAUSE THEY'RE \nNOT ELECTABLE, THEY DON'T HAVE \nTHE EXPERIENCE.\nI'LL QUOTE MARGARET THATCHER.\nIF YOU HAVE TO TELL PEOPLE THAT \nYOU'RE A LADY OR ELECTABLE, \nYOU'RE PROBABLY NOT EITHER ONE.\nBERNIE SANDERS AND PETE \nBUTTIGIEG HAVE BASICALLY TIED.\nJOE BIDEN IS COMING INTO THE \nSTATE, GOING TO FINISH THIRD OR \nFOURTH.\n>> CHRIS, WE HAVE A MINUTE. \n>> LISTEN, I THINK WHAT BIDEN IS\nLACKING MORE THAN ANYTHING ELSE \nRIGHT NOW IS ENERGY.\nHIS PEOPLE, THE PEOPLE WHO \nSUPPORT HIM, HIS DONORS, HIS \nSUPPORTERS IN OTHER STATES ARE \nLOOKING TONIGHT NOT FOR ANY \nSILVER BULLET.\nTHAT'S NOT GOING TO COME.\nWHAT'S GOING TO COME IS JOE \nBIDEN HAS TO LOOK LIKE HE WANTS.\nI DON'T THINK PEOPLE THINK HE \nWANTS IT.\nHE CAN DO THAT BY GOING AFTER \nBERNIE OR BUTTIGIEG OR \nARTICULATE SOMETHING OTHER THAN,\nWELL, I'M THE BEST GUY TO BEAT \nTRUMP.\n>> HOLD THAT THOUGHT BECAUSE \nWE'VE GOT TO MEET OUR \nMODERATORS.\nCHIEF POLITICAL ANCHOR GEORGE \nSTEPHANOPOULOS IS RIGHT DOWN \nTHERE.\n>> GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS \nEVERYBODY!\nDAVID MUIR AND LINDSEY DAVIS, \nEVERYONE!\nLET THEM HEAR IT.\n>> HI, EVERYONE.\nIT IS SO GREAT TO BE BACK IN NEW\nHAMPSHIRE.\nSO GREAT TO BE HERE IN \nMANCHESTER WITH ALL OF YOU, SO \nGREAT TO BE WORKING WITH WMUR \nHERE.\nI HEARD TODAY THAT SOMEONE, THE \nCHAIR OF THE NEW HAMPSHIRE \nDEMOCRATIC PARTY SAID THIS MAY \nBE THE MOST CONSEQUENTIAL DEBATE\nEVER IN THE NEW HAMPSHIRE \nPRIMARY.\nWE'RE GOING TO DO OUR BEST TO \nMAKE IT A FULL AND FAIR TEST \nTONIGHT.\nTHANK YOU FOR JOINING US. \n>> GOOD EVENING!\nWE ARE CERTAINLY EXCITED TO BE \nHERE.\nI THINK YOU CAN EXPECT A LIVELY \nAND HOPEFULLY A THOUGHTFUL \nDEBATE.\nIT'S CERTAINLY A GREAT TIME IN \nTHIS COUNTRY TO BE ASKING SOME \nTOUGH QUESTIONS. \n>> GEORGE AND I WERE SAYING \nBACKSTAGE BEFORE WE CAME OUT \nHERE WHAT AN INTIMATE SETTING \nTHIS IS HERE.\nWE APPRECIATE YOU INVITING US TO\nCOME DO THIS.\nWE KNOW THERE ARE A LOT OF \nSUPPORTERS OF THE CAMPAIGNS IN \nTHIS CROWD.\nWE'RE GOING TO GIVE THEM THE \nRESPECT THEY DESERVE HOPEFULLY \nWITH SOME TOUGH QUESTIONS.\nWE CAN'T WAIT TO LISTEN TO THEIR\nANSWERS ON THE IMPORTANT ISSUES \nOF OUR TIME.\nLET'S GET STARTED.\n>> 15 MINUTES AWAY.\n>> YOU JUST HEARD GEORGE RIGHT \nTHERE.\nWE'RE JUST 15 MINUTES AWAY.\nWE'RE GOING TO TAKE A QUICK \nBREAK.\n>>> WE ARE JUST MINUTES AWAY \nFROM THE BEGINNING OF THIS \nHISTORIC DEBATE.\nWE ARE HIGH ABOVE THE DEBATE \nSTAGE HERE.\nTHE CROWD IS FIRED UP.\nTHE MODERATORS ARE NOW IN PLACE \nAND ALL OF THE CANDIDATES ARE \nBACKSTAGE.\nVICE PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN JUST \nARRIVED.\nHE WAS THE LAST TO ARRIVE, \nSMILING THERE AS HE APPROACHES \nWHERE THIS DEBATE IS BEING HELD \nTONIGHT.\nI RIGHT NOW AM WITH WHAT I \nCONSIDER THE GREATEST POLITICAL \nTEAM IN TELEVISION RIGHT NOW.\nI'M WITH MARY BRUCE, OUR SENIOR \nCONGRESSIONAL CORRESPONDENT.\nGOOD EVENING TO YOU ALL.\nMARY, I'M GOING TO START WITH \nYOU.\nYOU'VE BEEN TRACKING THIS ALL \nWEEK WHEN YOU'RE NOT ON CAPITOL \nHILL.\nYOU OCCASIONALLY ARE TRACKING \nTHIS WHEN YOU'RE NOT ON CAPITOL \nHILL WHERE YOU ALWAYS ARE.\nWHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT TONIGHT \nSPECIFICALLY?\n>> I'M CURIOUS TO SEE HOW THEY \nSPIN THE IOWA RESULTS.\nYOU HAVE GOING TO HAVE BERNIE \nSANDERS AND PETE BUTTIGIEG SIDE \nBY SIDE, BOTH OF WHOM RIGHT NOW \nARE CLAIMING VICTORY IN IOWA.\nHOW MUCH ARE THEY GOING TO GO \nAFTER EACH OTHER?\nPETE BUTTIGIEG IS ON THE RISE \nAND HE'S NOT USED TO TAKING THAT\nKIND OF INCOMING POLITICAL FIRE.\nHOW IS HE GOING TO RESPOND TO \nTHAT?\nWE SAW BERNIE SANDERS THIS \nMORNING.\nWE'RE GOING TO SEE MORE OF THAT.\nALSO, WILL THEY COMMENT ABOUT \nTHE DISARRAY IN THE DEMOCRATIC \nPARTY RIGHT NOW.\nYOU DON'T HAVE CLEAR RESULTS \nFROM IOWA.\nTHERE'S A LOT OF DISPUTE AND \nCOUNTING.\nIT'S NOT CLEAR WHO'S UP AND \nWHO'S DOWN NECESSARILY.\nYET YOU HAVE IN WASHINGTON \nREPUBLICANS MORE UNITED THAN \nEVER.\nTHE PRESIDENT TODAY RELISHING \nTHE DYSFUNCTION WITHIN THE \nDEMOCRATIC PARTY.\nHOW ARE THEY GOING TO RESPOND TO\nTHAT?\n>> ON SANDERS, WAS THAT THE WAY \nTO GO AFTER PETE BUTTIGIEG?\n>> I THINK YOU'RE GOING TO SEE \nMORE OF THAT.\nTHE PERSON I'M REALLY WATCHING \nTONIGHT IS JOE BIDEN.\nTHIS REALLY IS A DO OR DIE \nMOMENT FOR JOE BIDEN.\nNOT ONLY DID HE COME IN FOURTH \nIN IOWA, HE'S ALSO FOURTH IN HOW\nMUCH CASH HIS CAMPAIGN HAS.\nHE NEEDS TO DO SOMETHING TO TURN\nTHIS AROUND.\nHE'S RUN KIND OF A ROSE GARDEN \nCAMPAIGN SO FAR.\nHE'S THE FRONT RUNNER, HE LEADS \nIN THE NATIONAL POLLS, HE'S DONE\nFEWER EVENTS.\nHE HASN'T TAKEN A QUESTION FROM \nA VOTER IN NEW HAMPSHIRE IN \n2020.\nNOW WE SEE HIM GOING AFTER \nBUTTIGIEG AND BERNIE SANDERS.\nIT'S A DIFFERENT BIDEN.\nI DON'T KNOW IF IT'S GOING TO \nPLAY.\nWE'LL SEE. \n>> HOW DO YOU BALANCE CHRIS \nCHRISTIE TALKED ABOUT HE HAS TO \nHAVE ENERGY.\nHOW DO YOU BALANCE THAT \nAUTHENTICITY, I'M JOE AND REALLY\nPUSHING THAT ENERGY?\n>> FRANKLY, WATCHING HIM GO \nAFTER BERNIE SANDERS AND GOING \nAFTER BUTTIGIEG, IT DIDN'T SEEM \nAUTHENTICALLY BIDEN.\nHE'S NOW BACK OF THE PACK.\nGOING ON THE ATTACK IS NOT HIS \nNATURAL COURSE.\n>> THESE CANDIDATES ARE \nEXHAUSTED.\nI KNOW WE'VE TALKED ABOUT THAT A\nLITTLE BIT TONIGHT.\n>> SO WASHINGTON FOR \nIMPEACHMENT, THEN TO IOWA, THEN \nTO NEW HAMPSHIRE, BACK TO \nWASHINGTON FOR A VOTE FOR \nIMPEACHMENT, BACK TO NEW \nHAMPSHIRE.\nAND NOW THEY'RE HERE.\nTHIS IS GRUELING ON THOSE OF US \nWHO COVER IT AND WE'RE NOT OUT \nTHERE HAVING TO PERFORM LIKE \nTHIS.\nTHEY HAVE EVERYTHING ON THE LINE\nRIGHT NOW AS THE PARTY IS IN \nCHAOS IN MANY WAYS AFTER WHAT \nHAPPENED IN IOWA.\nYOU'VE GOT THE PRESIDENT COMING \nOUT COMPLETELY SWINGING.\nHE IS READY TO GO GET OUT THERE \nIN THE TRENCHES AND DUKE THIS \nOUT.\n2020 IS IN FULL SWING FOR HIM.\nHE'S GOING TO BE HERE ON MONDAY.\nHE'S DOING HIS SLEEPY JOE BIDEN.\nWE'RE TALKING ABOUT THE AGE OF \nTHESE CANDIDATES, 78 SANDERS, 77\nBIDEN, 70 ELIZABETH WARREN.\nTHESE GUYS ARE EXHAUSTED.\nTHNCHTS MORNING DESPITE HOW \nTIRED BERNIE SANDERS LOOKED WHEN\nHE CAME IN, HE WAS THE ONLY ONE \nOUT THERE AND HE HAD A LOT OF \nENERGY GOING RIGHT AFTER \nBUTTIGIEG.\nWHAT ARE YOU LOOKING FOR?\n>> MAYOR PETE, TO THIS POINT \nHE'S BEEN THE HUNTER.\nTONIGHT HE'S GOING TO BE HUNTED.\nTHAT'S A DIFFERENT POSITION TO \nBE IN, HOW HE RESPONDS.\nI'M CURIOUS TO SEE WILL THE \nCANDIDATES TALK JUST TO THIS \nROOM, JUST TO THE STATE OR TO \nTHE NATION?\nTHIS ROOM, THIS STATE IS NOT \nREFLECTIVE OF THE DEMOCRATIC \nPARTY ACROSS AMERICA.\nI WALKED THROUGH THE ARENA \nEARLIER.\nI HAD TO GO TEN ROWS DEEP BEFORE\nI SAW A BLACK PERSON.\nHE DID NOT HAVE A SINGLE KIND \nWORD TO SAY ABOUT IMMIGRANTS.\nI WONDER IF DEMOCRATS WILL SPEAK\nTO AFRICAN-AMERICAN VOTERS AND \nSPEAK TO THE IMMIGRANTS IN THIS \nNATION AND SAY THAT YOU ARE \nWELCOME HOME.\n>> I WANT TO GO BACK TO YOU AND \nPRESIDENT TRUMP.\nIT'S BEEN QUITE A DAY.\nYOU COVERED THE WHITE HOUSE.\nHE FIRED ESSENTIALLY ALEXANDER \nVINDMAN AND GORDON SONDLAND.\nHOW DO THEY MEASURE THAT WHEN \nTHEY ARE TALKING ABOUT?\nDO THEY GO AFTER TRUMP OR ARE \nTHEY GOING AFTER EACH OTHER?\n>> I HAD A CONVERSATION JUST A \nSHORT WHILE AGO WITH SENATOR \nKLOBUCHAR AS SHE WAS ARRIVING \nHERE.\nSHE THINKS THAT SHE AND \nELIZABETH WARREN AND BERNIE \nSANDERS PAID A PRICE FOR BEING \nSTUCK BACK IN WASHINGTON FOR SO \nLONG BECAUSE THEY HAD TO BE \nTHERE FOR THE SENATE TRIAL.\nALL THOSE ISSUES HAVE CONSUMED \nDEMOCRATS AND IT'S FRANKLY NOT \nWHAT THEY'RE HEARING FROM VOTERS\nWHEN THEY GO OUT AND THEY DO \nTHEIR TOWN HALL MEETINGS.\nTHEY'RE NOT HEARING A LOT ABOUT \nIMPEACHMENT, A LOT ABOUT -- THEY\nWANT TO MAKE THE CONTRAST WITH \nTRUMP THAT THEY'VE ALSO GOT TO \nGET ONTO THE ISSUES OF WHAT THEY\nARE GOING TO DO.\nTHIS WAS A BIG DAY.\nWE WERE TOLD THE PRESIDENT WANTS\nA HOUSE CLEANING.\nHE WANTS A PURGE OF ANYBODY HE \nTHINKS IS DISLOYAL.\nI DON'T SEE HOW IT'S NOT GOING \nTO COME UP. \n>> WHAT A GREAT DISCUSSION \nTHERE.\nTHANK YOU FOR THAT.\nI WANT TO BRING IN NATE SILVER.\nYOU HAVE SOME NEW INFORMATION.\nMAYOR PETE CATCHING FIRE AFTER \nIOWA. \n>> SO IOWA WAS BASICALLY A TIE.\nBERNIE SANDERS WON THE POPULAR \nVOTE, THE DELEGATE VOTE IS \nUNRESOLVED AT THIS MOMENT, \nBASICALLY A TIE.\nAPPARENTLY IT IS PETE WHO HAS \nGOTTEN THE BOUNCE HERE IN NEW \nHAMPSHIRE.\nHE'S CLOSE TO BERNIE WITH \nANYWHERE FROM ONE POINT TO NINE \nPOINTS DEPENDING ON WHERE YOU \nLOOK.\nTONIGHT IS A BIG NIGHT.\nOBAMA HAD LOTS OF MOMENTUM AFTER\nWINNING IOWA IN 2008.\nWE ALSO REMEMBER CHRIS CHRISTIE \nASSISTING MARCO RUBIO IN A \nFAIRLY FAMOUS DEBATE MOMENT \nAFTER HE HAD SOME MOMENTUM AFTER\nIOWA AND FINISHED FOURTH OR \nFIFTH HERE IN IOWA.\n>> TURNOUT WASN'T WHERE THE \nDEMOCRATS WANT IT IT TO BE.\nSHOULD THEY BE WORRIED?\n>> NOT YET.\nI DON'T THINK THEY SHOULD BE \nWORRIED YET.\nIT'S EARLY.\nTHEY'VE GOT TO WATCH IT BECAUSE \nIF THEIR ONLY ENTHUSIASM IS \nHATRED OF TRUMP, THAT'S NOT \nENOUGH TO ELECT A DEMOCRATIC \nPRESIDENT. \n>> WE SEE BERNIE SANDERS COMING \nOUT OF IOWA.\nCAN HE WIN THE NOMINATION \nWITHOUT GRABBING THE MIDDLE OF \nTHE PARTY?\n>> I THINK IF HE ENERGIZED \nENOUGH LIKE NONTRADITIONAL \nVOTERS.\nWE HAVE THIS ELUSIVE IDEA ABOUT \nTHIS INDEPENDENT VOTER THAT WE \nCAN CAPTURE, BUT THE QUESTION IS\nDO WE HAVE TO COMPROMISE OUR \nVALUES.\nTHE PEOPLE THAT BERNIE SANDERS \nHAD MAY LOVE HIM BECAUSE HE \nDOESN'T COMPROMISE HER VALUES.\nBERNIE'S STRATEGY HAS BEEN TO BE\nTO CONTINUE TO BE CONSISTENT AND\nGET AS MUCH VOTER TURNOUT FROM \nTHOSE NONTRADITIONAL NOT REGULAR\nBASE VOTERS. \n>> IF ANYBODY HAS ENERGY, HECK \n \nELECTRICITY, IT IS ELIZABETH \nWARREN.\nWHAT WOULD YOU ADVISE HER ABOUT \nTONIGHT?\n>> SHE'S A NEIGHBORING STATE \nPOLITICIAN.\nSHE FINISHED THIRD IN IOWA.\nIF SHE FINISHES THIRD HERE, \nTHERE BEGINS TO BE A LACK OF \nROOM IN THE RACE FOR HER.\nI THINK SHE HAS TO BE INCREDIBLY\nAGGRESSIVE AND QUICK WITH THE \nLAYING HAND OFF OF BERNIE.\nSHE HAS TO UNDERSTAND THIS RACE \nIS NOT GOING TO COME DOWN \nBETWEEN HER AND AMY KLOBUCHAR OR\nSOMEBODY ELSE.\nIT'S GOING TO COME DOWN TO WHO \nHAS THE SPACE BETWEEN BERNIE AND\nHER.\n>> WHO HAS TO DO WELL NOT ONLY \nTONIGHT BUT ON TUESDAY TO STAY \nALIVE WHEN IT COMES TO MONEY?\n>> STAYING ALIVE IS A PRETTY LOW\nBAR TO CLEAR.\nI THINK FOR JOE BIDEN THERE IS \nMAYBE A CRISIS OF CONFIDENCE.\nHE HAS NEVER RAISED MONEY \nPARTICULARLY WELL.\nHE'S FRANKLY PROBABLY NOT GOING \nTO DO ALL THAT WELL IN NEW \nHAMPSHIRE, PROBABLY THE WORST OF\nTHE FIRST FOUR STATES FOR HIM.\nHE IS THE ONE WHO HAS KIND OF \nTHE MOST AT RISK IN THIS WHOLE \nSTRETCH HERE.\nIF JOE BIDEN GETS A LIFELINE \nCALL AND HE CALLS RAHM EMANUEL, \nWHAT ARE YOU TELLING HIM?\n>> HIS GREATEST STRENGTH IS HIS \nAUTHENTICITY.\nMY VIEW IS STAY FOCUSED ON WHAT \nYOU WANT PEOPLE TO REMEMBER, \nTHAT YOU ARE UNCLE JOE, SOMEBODY\nTHEY'RE COMFORTABLE WITH, THAT \nUNDERSTANDS THE PRESSURES ON \nMIDDLE CLASS FAMILIES OF HOW TO \nRAISE THEIR KIDS, HOW TO RAISE \nTHEM WITH THE SOCIAL MEDIA AND \nALL THE OTHER PRESSURES ON THEM,\nHOW TO UNDERSTAND THE ECONOMIC \nNEEDS, WHAT IT MEANS TO HAVE \nGRANDPARENTS LIVING DOWNSTAIRS, \nKIDS COMING HOME FROM COLLEGE \nLIVING AT HOME, THAT HE HAS \nUNDERSTANDS THE KITCHEN TABLE.\nDO NOT TRY TO BE WHAT YOU ARE \nNOT.\n>> WHAT DO YOU TELL MAYOR PETE?\nCAN HE LOOK PRESIDENTIAL?\nHE'S A SMALL TOWN MAYOR.\nHAS HE PROVEN HE'S ELECTABLE?\n>> NO, NOT YET.\nHE'S GOT AN OPPORTUNITY TONIGHT.\nI WOULD URGE HIM IF I WERE \nCOACHING HIM TONIGHT TO SHOW \nFIRE TONIGHT TOO AND GIVE PEOPLE\nA REASON WHY YOU WANT TO BE \nPRESIDENT.\nEVERYBODY ON THE STAGE WANTS TO \nBE PRESIDENT.\nWHAT HE'S GOING TO DO FOR THE \nPEOPLE WHO ARE WATCHING TONIGHT?\nWHAT IS DIFFERENT ABOUT A PETE \nBUTTIGIEG PRESIDENCY THAN A \nBERNIE SANDERS PRESIDENCY OR A \nJOE BIDEN PRESIDENCY.\nI DON'T THINK BUTTIGIEG HAS MADE\nTHAT CASE OR COME NEAR IT YET.\nHE'S GOT ANOTHER OPPORTUNITY \nTONIGHT.\nHE'S GOT A SHOT. \n>> WE HAVE 30 SECONDS.\nWHAT ARE YOU GUYS LOOKING FOR?\nSTICK TO 30 SECONDS.\n>> I WANT TO SEE REAL ISSUES, I \nWANT TO SEE PEOPLE EMOTE.\nI WANT TO SEE PEOPLE TAKE ON \nDONALD TRUMP.\nI WOULD ADVISE ELIZABETH WARREN \nTO DO THAT.\nTAKE TRUMP ON, GET HIM RIGHT IN \nTHE GUT.\n>> THE BIGGEST THING, MAKE YOUR \nCASE TO THE VOTERS AND BE ABLE \nTO DEFEND YOURSELF OFF THE \nATTACKS.\nI ACTUALLY THINK IGNORE THE \nOTHER PEOPLE AND GO RIGHT TO THE\nVOTER.\n>> I THINK RAHM'S ADVICE IS \nREALLY GOOD.\nWHAT WE STRATEGIZED ABOUT BEFORE\nEACH DEBATE WAS WHAT'S THE RUN \nMESSAGE I WANT TO MAKE SURE \nVOTERS HEAR FROM ME TONIGHT NO \nMATTER WHAT I'M ASKED.\n>> MATT?\n>> I WOULD SAY WHAT IS THE \nVALUES THAT YOU WANTED TO SEE AS\nTHE DEMOCRATIC PARTY OF THE 21st\nCENTURY AND THE INAUGURAL SPEECH\nYOU'RE GOING TO GIVE IN JANUARY \nOF 2021, WHAT WILL YOU TELL THE \nAMERICAN PEOPLE IN THAT SPEECH?\n>> I'M CURIOUS ABOUT ELIZABETH \nWARREN.\nSHE'S IN THIRD PLACE.\nTHIS SHOULD BE A GOOD STATE PR \n \nFOR HER.\n>> SO MUCH TO WATCH.\nIT'S GOING TO BE SUCH A PIVOTAL \nNIGHT FOR DEMOCRATS AND FOR ALL \nOUR VIEWERS AT HOME.\nSTAY RIGHT HERE ON ABC NEWS FOR \nALL THE NEWS CONTEXT, ANALYSIS \nRIGHT AFTER THE DEBATE.\nTHE ABC NEWS DEMOCRATIC DEBATE \nSTARTS RIGHT NOW.\n>>> OUR NEW HAMPSHIRE DEBATE \nSTARTS RIGHT NOW.\n>> WE ARE ON THE CUSP OF \nCHANGING THE GAME FOR ORDINARY \nAMERICANS.\n>> WE WANT A GOVERNMENT THAT \nREPRESENTS ALL OF US.\n>> WE NEED A PRESIDENT WHO'S NOT\nONLY READY TO FIGHT, BUT IS ALSO\nREADY TO HEAL THIS COUNTRY. \n>> WE KNOW WE WIN BY BRINGING \nPEOPLE WITH US INSTEAD OF \nSHUTTING THEM OUT.\n>> WE NEED PEOPLE THAT WILL \nACTUALLY MOVE OUR COUNTRY \nFORWARD. \n>> FIRST THING WE HAVE TO DO IS \nINSPIRE PEOPLE IN AMERICA TO \nSHOW UP IN NOVEMBER AND WIN. \n>> AMERICANS DO BIG THINGS.\nTHAT'S WHO WE ARE.\n>> LIVE FROM MANCHESTER, NEW \nHAMPSHIRE, HERE NOW GEORGE \nSTEPHANOPOULOS. \n>> GOOD EVENING AND WELCOME TO \nMANCHESTER NEW HAMPSHIRE.\nWE ARE HONORS TO BE HERE FOR \nTONIGHT'S DEMOCRATIC DEBATE.\nWHAT A WEEK IT HAS BEEN IN \nAMERICAN POLITICS.\nWE HEARD FROM THE PRESIDENT AT \nTHE STATE OF THE UNION, THE \nSENATE WITH OUR VOTE TO ACQUIT \nPRESIDENT TRUMP AND THE \nDEMOCRATIC VOTERS OF IOWA, WHO \nAFTER DAYS OF CONFUSION SEEM TO \nHAVE DELIVERED A SPLIT DECISION \nTO BERNIE SANDERS AND PETE \nBUTTIGIEG.\nFOUR DAYS FROM NOW THE VOTERS \nHERE IN NEW HAMPSHIRE WILL WEIGH\nIN AND THE CHAIR OF NEW \nHAMPSHIRE'S DEMOCRATIC PARTY \nSAID TODAY THIS IS PROBABLY THE \nMOST CONSEQUENTIAL NEW HAMPSHIRE\nPRIMARY DEBATE EVER.\nWE'RE GOING TO DO OUR BEST TO \nMAKE IT A FULL AND FAIR TEST.\nI'LL BE JOINED BY DAVID MUIR AND\nLINDSEY DAVIS. \n>> SEVEN PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATES\nHAVE QUALIFIED FOR TONIGHT'S \nDEMOCRATIC NATIONAL DEBATE.\nALL TONIGHT YOU CAN EXPERIENCE \nTHE DEBATE WITH APPLE NEWS \nWATCHING ON YOUR iPHONE TOO.\nWE WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU \nTONIGHT.\nIF YOU HEAR SOMETHING AND HAVE A\nQUESTION OR FOLLOW-UP, SEND YOUR\nQUESTION TO THE APPLE NEWS TEAM.\n>> HERE IN THE SULLIVAN ARENA, \nWE ARE JOINED BY A LIVE AUDIENCE\nOF 1400 PEOPLE, MOST INVITED BY \nTHE DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL \nCOMMITTEE AND SOME OF THE \nBRIGHTEST MINDS OF THE STUDENT \nBODY HERE.\nWE'LL BE JOINED BY MONICA \nHERNANDEZ AND ADAM SEXTON WITH \nQUESTIONS THAT ARE ESPECIALLY \nIMPORTANT HERE TO THE VOTERS IN \nNEW HAMPSHIRE. \n>> THE PODIUM PLACE IS BASED ON \nAN AVERAGE OF THE CANDIDATE'S \nCURRENT STANDINGS IN NATIONAL \nPOLLS WITH THE LEADING \nCANDIDATES IN THE SENATOR.\nLET'S WELCOME BUSINESSMAN TOM \nSTEYER.\n[ APPLAUSE ]\n>> MINNESOTA SENATOR AMY \nKLOBUCHAR.\n[ APPLAUSE ]\n>> MASSACHUSETTS SENATOR \nELIZABETH WARREN.\n[ CHEERS AND APPLAUSE ]\n>> FORMER VICE PRESIDENT JOE \nBIDEN.\n[ APPLAUSE ]\n>> VERMONT SENATOR BERNIE \nSANDERS.\n[ CHEERS AND APPLAUSE ]\n>> WELCOME SOUTH BEND, INDIANA, \nMAYOR PETE BUTTIGIEG.\n[ CHEERS AND APPLAUSE ]\n>> AND BUSINESSMAN ANDREW YANG.\n[ CHEERS AND APPLAUSE ]\n>> LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, \nTONIGHT'S DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATE \nFOR PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED \nSTATES.\n>> AS THE CANDIDATES NOW MAKE \nTHEIR WAY TO THE PODIUM, THE \nRULES OF THIS DEBATE ARE VERY \nBASIC.\nCANDIDATES WILL HAVE ONE MINUTE \n15 SECONDS TO ANSWER A DIRECT \nQUESTION AND 45 SECONDS FOR A \nREBUTTAL OR RESPONSE.\nCANDIDATES WILL EACH SEE GREEN \nOR YELLOW LIGHTS INDICATING HOW \nMUCH TIME THEY HAVE REMAINING.\nHERE NOW THE DEMOCRATIC NEW \nHAMPSHIRE DEBATE. \n>> VICE PRESIDENT BIDEN, IN THE \nLAST FEW DAYS YOU'VE BEEN SAYING\nTHAT DEMOCRATS ARE TAKING TOO \nBIG A RISK IF THEY NOMINATE \nSENATOR SANDERS OR MAYOR \nBUTTIGIEG, BUT THEY CAME OUT ON \nTOP IN IOWA.\nWHAT RISK DID THE IOWA DEMOCRATS\nMISS?\n>> THEY DIDN'T MISS ANYTHING.\nTHIS IS A LONG RACE.\nI TOOK A HIT IN IOWA AND I'LL \nPROBABLY TAKE A HIT HERE.\nTRADITIONALLY BERNIE WON BY 20 \nPOINTS LAST TIME.\nUSUALLY IT'S THE NEIGHBORING \nSENATORS THAT DO WELL.\nNO MATTER WHAT, I'M STILL IN \nTHIS FOR THE SAME REASON.\nWE HAVE TO RESTORE THE SOUL OF \nTHIS COUNTRY, BRING BACK THE \nMIDDLE CLASS AND MAKE SURE WE \nBRING PEOPLE TOGETHER.\nIT'S A SIMPLE PROPOSITION.\nIT DOESN'T MATTER WHETHER IT'S \nTHIS ONE OR THE NEXT.\nI'VE VIEWED THE FIRST FOUR \nPRIMARIES AS THE STARTING POINT.\n>> WHY ARE SENATOR SANDERS AND \nMAYOR BUTTIGIEG TOO BIG A RISK \nFOR DEMOCRATS?\n>> WELL, YOU KNOW WITH REGARD TO\nSENATOR SANDERS, THE PRESIDENT \nWANTS VERY MUCH TO STICK A LABEL\nON THE CANDIDATE.\nWE'RE GOING TO HAVE TO NOT ONLY \nWIN THIS TIME, WE'RE GOING TO \nHAVE TO BRING ALONG THE UNITED \nSTATES SENATE.\nSOCIALIST, I THINK THAT'S THE \nLABEL THE PRESIDENT IS GOING TO \nLAY ON EVERYONE INCLUDING BERNIE\nIF HE'S THE NOMINEE.\nMAYOR BUTTIGIEG HAS NOT \nDEMONSTRATED THE ABILITY TO GET \nA BROAD SCOPE OF SUPPORT ACROSS \nTHE SPECTRUM INCLUDING \nAFRICAN-AMERICAN AND LATINOS. \n>> PRESIDENT TRUMP CERTAINLY \nTHINKS THIS LABEL SOCIALISM WILL\nWORK.\nAT THE STATE OF THE UNION HE \nSAID SOCIALISM DESTROYS NATIONS.\nHE'S NEVER GOING TO LET \nSOCIALISM DESTROY AMERICAN \nHEALTH CARE.\nBEFORE THE SUPER BOWL HE JOKED \nWITH SEAN HANNITY ABOUT YOUR \nHONEYMOON IN MOSCOW.\nTHOSE HITS ARE GOING TO KEEP \nCOMING IF YOU'RE THE NOMINEE.\nWHY SHOULDN'T DEMOCRATS BE \nWORRIED?\n>> BECAUSE DONALD TRUMP LIES ALL\nTHE TIME.\n[ APPLAUSE ]\n>> DIDN'T MATTER WHAT DONALD \nTRUMP -- IT'S A SAD STATE OF \nAFFAIRS, IT REALLY IS.\nPEOPLE SAY TERRIBLE THINGS ABOUT\nJOE.\nYOU HAVE OTHER DISGUSTING THINGS\nABOUT ELIZABETH AND ABOUT \nANYBODY ELSE THAT'S UP HERE.\nBUT I THINK, GEORGE, THAT AT THE\nEND OF THE DAY THE WAY WE DEFEAT\nDONALD TRUMP -- AND EVERYBODY UP\nHERE IS UNITED.\nWE'RE ALL GOING TO STAND \nTOGETHER TO DEFEAT HIM.\nI BELIEVE THAT THE WAY WE BEAT \nTRUMP IS BY HAVING THE LARGEST \nVOTER TURNOUT IN THE HISTORY OF \nTHIS COUNTRY.\nTHAT IS APPEALING TO WORKING \nCLASS PEOPLE WHO HAVE GIVEN UP \nON THE POLITICAL PROCESS BECAUSE\nTHEY DON'T BELIEVE ANYBODY IS \nHEARING THEIR PAIN, RECEIVING \nTHAT PAIN, FEELING THEIR PAIN.\nWE'VE GOT TO BRING YOUNG PEOPLE \nINTO THE POLITICAL PROCESS.\nI'M VERY PROUD THAT IN IOWA WE \nWON THE POPULAR VOTE BY 6,000 \nVOTES.\nWHAT WAS MOST SIGNIFICANT IS WE \nINCREASED VOTER TURNOUT FOR \nYOUNG PEOPLE UNDER 29 BY OVER \n30%.\nWE DO THAT NATIONALLY, WE'RE \nGOING TO DEFEAT DONALD TRUMP. \n>> LET ME FOLLOW UP THERE.\nBACK IN IOWA THE TURNOUT THIS \nYEAR WAS ABOUT THE SAME AS IT \nWAS IN 2016, FAR BELOW WHAT IT \nWAS IN 2018 WHEN PRESIDENT OBAMA\nWON. \n>> THAT'S TRUE.\nTHAT'S A DISAPPOINTMENT.\nI THINK ALL OF US PROBABLY COULD\nHAVE DONE A BETTER JOB IN \nBRINGING OUT OUR SUPPORTERS.\nBUT IF THERE IS A GOOD ASPECT \nABOUT THAT CAMPAIGN, IT'S THAT \nYOUNG PEOPLE CAME OUT IN HIGHER \nNUMBERS THAN THEY DID DURING \nOBAMA'S HISTORIC 2018 CAMPAIGN.\nIF THAT HAPPENS NATIONALLY, \nWE'RE GOING TO WIN AND DEFEAT \nTRUMP. \n>> BEFORE I MOVE ONTO MAYOR \nBUTTIGIEG, IS ANYONE ELSE ON THE\nSTAGE CONCERNED ABOUT HAVING A \nDEMOCRATIC SOCIALIST AT THE TOP \nOF THE DEMOCRATIC TICKET?\n>> I'M NOT.\n>> SENATOR KLOBUCHAR?\n>> BERNIE AND I WORK TOGETHER \nALL THE TIME, BUT I THINK WE ARE\nNOT GOING TO BE ABLE TO OUT \nDIVIDE THE DIVIDER IN CHIEF.\nI THINK WE NEED SOMEONE TO HEAD \nUP THIS TICKET THAT ACTUALLY \nBRINGS PEOPLE WITH HER INSTEAD \nOF SHUTTING THEM OUT.\nWHEN I LOOK AT A STATE LIKE NEW \nHAMPSHIRE THAT HAD A VERY, VERY \nCLOSE ELECTION LAST TIME IN \n2016, I SEE A STATE THAT, YES, \nHAS A HIGH VOTER TURNOUT OF \nFIRED UP DEMOCRATS JUST LIKE MY \nSTATE.\nWHICH BY THE WAY BERNIE WHEN I \nLED THE TICKET HAD THE HIGHEST \nVOTER TURNOUT OF ANY STATE IN \nTHE COUNTRY.\nI ADD TO THAT BY BRINGING IN \nINDEPENDENTS AS WELL AS MODERATE\nREPUBLICANS BECAUSE THERE ARE SO\nMANY OUT THERE THAT ARE LOOKING \nFOR A CANDIDATE.\nTRUTHFULLY, DONALD TRUMP'S WORST\nNIGHTMARE IS A CANDIDATE THAT \nWILL BRING PEOPLE IN FROM THE \nMIDDLE, THE PEOPLE THAT ARE \nTIRED OF THE NOISE AND THE \nNONSENSE AND THEY ARE TIRED OF \nTHE TWEETS AND THE MEAN STUFF.\nAND THEY ARE LOOKING FOR SOMEONE\nELSE.\nI WOULD SUBMIT THAT THAT IS ME.\n>> MR. STEYER?\n>> I DON'T THINK THERE'S ANY \nQUESTION, GEORGE, THAT AFTER \nTHIS WEEK THERE'S A REAL THREAT \nTHAT DONALD TRUMP CAN GET \nREELECTED.\nI DON'T THINK THERE'S ANY \nQUESTION THAT THE ONLY WAY WE'RE\nGOING TO BEAT HIM ACTUALLY IS \nTHE WAY THAT BERNIE SANDERS \nSAID, WHICH IS TO GET TURNOUT \nACROSS THE SPECTRUM OF \nDEMOCRATIC VOTERS.\nTHAT MEANS WE'RE GOING TO HAVE \nTO APPEAL ACROSS THE SPECTRUM \nMODERATES, PROGRESSIVES AND \nEVERY GROUP.\nUNLESS YOU CAN APPEAL TO THE \nDIVERSE PARTS OF THE DEMOCRATIC \nPARTY, INCLUDING THE BLACK \nCOMMUNITY, INCLUDING \nSPECIFICALLY LATINOS, IF YOU \nCAN'T DO THAT, THEN WE CAN'T \nBEAT DONALD TRUMP IN NOVEMBER \nAND WE CAN'T CHOOSE A CANDIDATE \nWHO CAN'T DO THAT.\nAND I AM DOING THAT RIGHT NOW \nWITH 24% OF THE BLACKS DOWN IN \nSOUTH CAROLINA WITH HIGH NUMBERS\nIN NEVADA.\nTHAT'S WHAT IT'S GOING TO TAKE \nIS TURNOUT, BUT TURNOUT ACROSS \nTHE SPECTRUM OF DEMOCRATIC \nVOTERS, SOMEONE WHO CAN PULL \nEVERYTHING TOGETHER IN EVERY \nSINGLE WAY WE'RE DIVIDED.\n>> FIRST, LET ME SAY AMERICA, \nIT'S GREAT TO BE BACK ON THE \nDEBATE STAGE.\nTHANK YOU.\nI'M SO EXCITED.\nI WANT TO GIVE EVERY AMERICAN \n$1,000 A MONTH.\nGEORGE, THE ENTIRE CAPITALISM \nAND SOCIALISM DICHOTOMY IS OUT \nOF THE DEBATE.\nWE HAVE RECORD HIGH CORPORATE \nPROFITS IN THIS COUNTRY.\nWHAT ELSE ARE AT RECORD HIGHS?\nMENTAL ILLNESS, STRESS, DEBT, \nSUBSTANCE ABUSE, OVERDOSES, \nSUICIDES.\nWHAT WE HAVE TO DO IS ACTUALLY \nGET THE MARKETS WORKING TO \nIMPROVE OUR FAMILIES' WAY OF \nLIFE INSTEAD OF FOLLOWING \nCORPORATE PROFITS OFF A CLIP, WE\nSHOULD BE MEASURING OUR OWN \nHEALTH AND WELLNESS, LIFE \nEXPECTANCY, CLEAN AIR AND CLEAN \nWATER, HOW OUR KIDS ARE DOING.\nTHE WAY FORWARD IS A NEW HUMAN \nCENTERED FORM OF CAPITALISM.\n>> YOU SAID BACK IN 2018 I'M A \nCAPITALIST TO MY BONES.\nSENATOR SANDERS SAYS I'M NOT.\nIS THAT YOUR BIGGEST DIFFERENCE \nWITH SENATOR SANDERS?\n>> THIS FUNDAMENTAL QUESTION \nABOUT HOW WE BRING OUR PARTY \nTOGETHER, WE HAVE TO THINK ABOUT\nIT IN NEW WAYS.\nPEOPLE ACROSS THIS COUNTRY, \nWHETHER THEY'RE DEMOCRATS, \nINDEPENDENTS OR REPUBLICANS, \nUNDERSTAND THAT WE'VE GOT A \nGOVERNMENT RIGHT NOW THAT WORKS \nGREAT FOR THOSE AT THE TOP, \nWORKS GREAT FOR GIANT DRUG \nCOMPANIES, JUST NOT FOR PEOPLE \nTRYING TO GET A PRESCRIPTION \nFILLED.\nWORKS GREAT FOR OIL COMPANIES \nTHAT WANT TO DRILL EVERYWHERE, \nJUST NOT FOR THE REST OF US WHO \nSEE CLIMATE CHANGE BEARING DOWN \nUPON US.\nWHEN YOU SEE A GOVERNMENT THAT \nWORKS GREAT FOR THOSE WHO CAN \nHIRE ARMIES OF LOBBYISTS AND \nLAWYERS AND MAKE BIG CAMPAIGN \nDONATIONS AND IT'S NOT WORKING \nSO GREAT FOR EVERYONE ELSE, THAT\nIS CORRUPTION PURE AND SIMPLE \nAND WE NEED TO CALL IT OUT FOR \nWHAT IT IS.\nCORRUPTION.\nTHAT'S WHAT WE CAN RUN ON.\nWE BRING OUR PARTY TOGETHER.\nIT'S AN ISSUE WE CAN ALL AGREE \nON AND FIGHT TO END THE \nCORRUPTION.\nWE'RE THE DEMOCRATS.\nWE SHOULD BE THE PARTY ON THE \nSIDE OF HARD WORKING PEOPLE.\nAND WE CAN BRING IN INDEPENDENTS\nAND REPUBLICANS ON THAT.\nTHEY HATE THE CORRUPTION AS \nWELL.\nMY ANTI-CORRUPTION PLAN, GOOD \nFOR REPUBLICANS AND DEMOCRATS.\nTHAT'S NOT ONLY HOW WE BRING OUR\nPARTY TOGETHER, THAT'S HOW WE'RE\nGONE TO WIN IN NOVEMBER. \n>> MAYOR BUTTIGIEG, EARLY IN THE\nCAMPAIGN YOU SAID THE WORD \nSOCIALISM HAS LOST ITS POWER, \nIT'S MOSTLY LOST ITS MEANING.\nDO YOU BELIEVE THAT?\n>> I'M NOT INTERESTED IN LABELS.\nI'M NOT INTERESTED IN WHAT \nREPUBLICANS ARE GOING TO SAY.\nI'M INTERESTED IN THE STYLE OF \nPOLITICS THAT WE NEED TO PUT \nFORWARD TO ACTUALLY, FINALLY \nTURN THE PAGE.\nIN ORDER TO WIN, YES, BUT ALSO \nIN ORDER TO GOVERN.\nTHIS IS A MOMENT WHERE THE NEXT \nPRESIDENT IS GOING TO FACE \nCHALLENGES THE LIKES OF WHICH WE\nHADN'T EVEN THOUGHT OF A FEW \nYEARS OR DECADES AGO.\nPOLITICALLY WE'RE FACING A \nFUNDAMENTALLY NEW PROBLEM WITH \nPRESIDENT TRUMP.\nTHE BIGGEST RISK WE COULD TAKE \nAT A TIME LIKE THIS WOULD BE TO \nGO UP AGAINST THAT FUNDAMENTALLY\nNEW CHALLENGE BY TRYING TO FALL \nBACK ON THE FAMILIAR OR TRYING \nTO UNITE THIS COUNTRY AT A \nMOMENT WHEN WE NEED THAT KIND OF\nUNIFICATION WHEN OUR NOMINEE IS \nDIVIDING PEOPLE WITH A POLITICS \nTHAT SAYS IF YOU DON'T VOTE ALL \nTHE WAY TO THE EDGE, IT DOESN'T \nCOUNT.\n>> ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT SENATOR\nSANDERS?\n>> YES.\nBECAUSE WE'VE GOT TO BRING AS \nMANY PEOPLE AS WE CAN INTO THIS \nPROCESS.\n.\n ALL OF US HAVE BEEN SAYING WE \nCAN BUILD THE MAJORITY THAT IT'S\nGOING TO TAKE TO WIN.\nBUT THE PROCESS OF PROVING IT IS\nNOW UNDERWAY.\nNOW IT COMES TO NEW HAMPSHIRE, A\nSTATE THAT THINKS FOR ITSELF, IS\nNOT GOING TO BE TOLD WHAT TO DO \nBY ANYONE AND HAS A VERY \nINDEPENDENT STREAK THAT IS GOING\nREACH OUT TO THE PARTY OF \nADDITION AND BELONGING AND \nINCLUSION.\n>> SENATOR SANDERS, YOUR \nRESPONSE?\n>> NEEDLESS TO SAY, I'VE NEVER \nSAID THAT.\nLET ME TELL YOU WHAT I DO SAY.\nTHE WAY YOU BRING PEOPLE \nTOGETHER IS BY PRESENTING AN \nAGENDA THAT WORKS FOR THE \nWORKING PEOPLE OF THIS COUNTRY, \nNOT FOR THE BILLIONAIRE.\nTHE WAY YOU BRING PEOPLE \nTOGETHER, REPUBLICANS, \nINDEPENDENTS, PROGRESSIVES, \nSERVES, YOU RAISE THE MINIMUM \nWAGE TO 15 BUCKS AN HOUR.\nTHE WAY YOU BRING PEOPLE \nTOGETHER IS TO MAKE IT CLEAR \nTHAT WE'RE NOT GOING TO GIVE TAX\nBREAKS TO BILLIONAIRES AND LARGE\nCORPORATIONS.\nTHEY'RE GOING TO START PAYING \nTHEIR FAIR SHARE OF TAXES.\nTHAT'S WHAT THE AMERICAN PEOPLE \nWANT.\nAND I'LL TELL YOU SOMETHING \nELSE.\nTHE WAY YOU BRING PEOPLE \nTOGETHER IS BY ENDING THE \nINTERNATIONAL DISGRACE OF THIS \nCOUNTRY BEING THE ONLY MAJOR \nNATION ON EARTH NOT TO GUARANTEE\nHEALTH CARE TO ALL PEOPLE AS A \nHUMAN RIGHT.\nAND YOU BRING PEOPLE TOGETHER BY\nTELLING THE PHARMACEUTICAL \nINDUSTRY THEY'RE NOT GOING TO \nCHARGE US TEN TIMES MORE FOR THE\nSAME PRESCRIPTION DRUGS AS THE \nPEOPLE IN CANADA THAT BORDER ON \nNEW HAMPSHIRE.\nTHAT'S HOW YOU BRING PEOPLE \nTOGETHER AND DEFEAT DONALD \nTRUMP. \n>> DO YOU THINK HIS HEALTH CARE \nPLAN CAN BRING PEOPLE TOGETHER?\n>> I THINK THERE'S A BETTER WAY.\nIT'S TRUE, THE AMERICAN PEOPLE \nARE READY.\nTHERE'S A HISTORIC MAJORITY \nRIGHT NOW.\nEVEN BROADER THAN WHAT WAS \nAVAILABLE TO PRESIDENT OBAMA A \nDECADE AGO, THERE IS NOW A \nMAJORITY READY TO ACT TO MAKE \nSURE THIS IS NO SUCH THING AS AN\nUNINSURED AMERICAN AND NO SUCH \nTHING AS AN UNAFFORDABLE \nPRESCRIPTION JUST SO LONG AS WE \nDON'T COMMAND PEOPLE TO ACCEPT \nTHE IDEA OF MEDICAL CARE FOR ALL\nIF THEY DON'T WANT IT.\nWHAT I AM OFFERING IS \nCAMPAIGNING FOR ALL OF THESE \nTHINGS THAT AMERICA WANTS, \nHIGHER WAGES, DOUBLING THE RATE \nOF UNIONIZATION, DELIVERING \nHEALTH CARE AND COLLEGE \nAFFORDABILITY BUT ALSO OFFERING \nA WAY TO DO THESE GAME CHANING \nTRANSFORMATIONS THAT WILL \nGALVANIZE NOT POLARIZE THE \nAMERICAN PEOPLE.\n>> VICE PRESIDENT BIDEN, HOW DO \nYOU UNIFY THE COUNTRY?\n>> BERNIE SAYS YOU HAVE TO BRING\nPEOPLE TOGETHER AND WE HAVE TO \nHAVE MEDICARE FOR ALL.\nBERNIE SAYS AND HE SAYS HE WROTE\nTHE DAMN THING.\nHOW MUCH IS IT GOING TO COST, \nWHO'S GOING TO PAY FOR IT?\nIT WILL COST MORE THAN THE \nENTIRE FEDERAL BUDGET WE SPEND \nNOW.\nTHE IDEA, MIDDLE CLASS TAXES \nAREN'T GOING TO GO UP IS JUST \nCRAZY.\nWHEN THEY DID IT IN VERMONT, \nWHAT HAPPENED?\nTHEY DOUBLE THE STATE INCOME TAX\nAND THEN HAD A 14% TAX ON \nWITHHOLDING.\nAND THEY FINALLY DID AWAY WITH \nIT.\nSO HOW MUCH IS IT GOING TO COST?\nIF YOU ASK BERNIE THAT, HE SAYS \nGO FIGURE.\nI DON'T KNOW, WE'LL FIND OUT.\nIMAGINE YOU'RE GOING TO UNITE \nTHE CURRENT WALKING INTO THE \nCONGRESS, I GOT THIS BILL THAT'S\nGOING TO REQUIRE MEDICARE FOR \nEVERYBODY.\nI CAN'T TELL YOU HOW MUCH IT'S \nGOING TO COST.\nWE'LL FIND OUT LATER.\nIT'S LIKELY TO BE DOUBLE \nEVERYTHING WE SPEND IN THE \nFEDERAL GOVERNMENT.\nWHO DO YOU THINK IS GOING TO GET\nTHAT PASSED?\nI BUSTED MY NECK GETTING \nOBAMACARE PASSED.\nI KNOW HOW HARD IT IS. \n>> SENATOR SANDERS?\n>> WELL, FOR A THOUGHT WHAT THE \nSTUDIES SHOW, IF WE DO WHAT JOE \nWANTS, WILL BE SPENDING ONLY $50\nTRILLION ON HEALTH CARE OVER THE\nNEXT TEN YEARS.\nWHAT WE HAVE GOT TO DO IS \nUNDERSTAND WE ARE SPENDING TWICE\nAS MUCH PER CAPITA ON HEALTH \nCARE AS DO THE PEOPLE OF ANY \nOTHER COUNTRY.\nMAYBE IT HAS SOMETHING TO DO \nWITH THE FACT THAT THE HEALTH \nCARE INDUSTRY LAST YEAR MADE \n$100 BILLION IN PROFITS.\nMAYBE IT HAS SOMETHING TO DO \nWITH THE FACT THAT WE ARE \nWASTING $500 BILLION A YEAR \nTRYING TO ADMINISTER THOUSANDS \nOF DIFFERENT PLANS.\nWHAT MEDICARE FOR ALL WILL DO IS\nSAVE THE AMERICAN PEOPLE \nSUBSTANTIAL SUMS OF MONEY.\nWOULD BE MUCH LESS EXPENSIVE \nTHAN YOUR PLAN.\nWE WILL EXPAND MEDICARE TO \nINCLUDE DENTAL CARE, EYE \nGLASSES, HEARING AIDS AND HOME \nHEALTH CARE AS WELL.\n>> 30 SECOND RESPONSE. \n>> MY PROPOSAL GIVES YOU A \nCHOICE.\nYOU HAVE MEDICARE IF YOU WANT \nIT.\nWE'RE GOING TO RESTORE ALL THE \nCUTS THEY MADE IN OBAMACARE.\nWE'RE GOING TO REDUCE DRUG \nPRICES, REDUCE PRESCRIPTION \nPRICES, REDUCE CO-PAYS ET \nCETERA.\n.\nIT COSTS A LOT OF MONEY.\nIT COSTS $750 BILLION OTHER \nTHREE YEARS.\nIT'S GOING TO COST DOUBLE WHAT \nTHE TAXPAYERS ARE SPENDING. \n>> THIS DEBATE IS NOT REAL.\nIT IS NOT REAL BECAUSE 2/3 S OF \nTHE VOTES IN THE SENATE ARE NOT \nREAL.\nELIZABETH WANTS TO DO IT IN TWO \nYEARS.\nPETE, YOU SENT OUT A TWEET JUST \nA FEW YEARS AGO THAT SAID \nAFFIRMATIVELY YOU ARE FOR \nMEDICARE FOR ALL FOR THE AGES.\nSO I WOULD LIKE TO POINT OUT \nTHAT WHAT LEADERSHIP IS TAKING A\nPOSITION, LOOKING AT THINGS AND \nSTICKING WITH THEM.\nI HAVE LONG BELIEVED THAT THE \nWAY WE EXPAND HEALTH CARE IS BY \nI BUILDING ON THE AFFORDABLE \nCARE ACT WITH A NONPRIVATE \nPUBLIC OPTION.\nTHE AFFORDABLE CARE ACT IS NOW \nNEARLY 10 POINTS MORE POPULAR \nTHAN THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED\nSTATES.\nSO WHY WOULD WE TALK ABOUT \nBLOWING IT?\n>> SENATOR WARREN AND MAYOR \nBUTTIGIEG, I WANT YOU EACH TO \nRESPOND.\n>> I THINK WE NEED TO THINK \nABOUT HEALTH CARE A LITTLE \nDIFFERENTLY.\n36 MILLION AMERICANS LAST YEAR \nCOULDN'T AFFORD TO HAVE A \nPRESCRIPTION FILLED.\nTHAT INCLUDES PEOPLE WITH HEALTH\nINSURANCE.\nTHEY WERE WORRIED ENOUGH OR SICK\nENOUGH THEY WENT TO A DOCTOR.\nTHE DOCTOR SAID THAT'S SERIOUS \nENOUGH TO WRITE A PRESCRIPTION.\nTHEY WALKED OUT AND SAID IT'S \nEITHER THAT OR GROCERIES, IT'S \nTHAT OR PAY THE RENT ON TIME.\nWE HAVE GOT TO CHANGE OUR HEALTH\nCARE SYSTEM.\nHOW ABOUT WE START WITH WHAT A \nPRESIDENT CAN DO?\nI LOVE SAYING THIS, ALL BY \nHERSELF.\nON DAY ONE, I WILL DEFEND THE \nAFFORDABLE CARE ACT AND I WILL \nREDUCE THE COST OF COMMONLY USED\nPRESCRIPTION DRUGS LIKE INSULIN \nAND HIV AIDS DRUGS AND EPIPEN.\nWE CAN START MAKING HEALTH CARE \nBETTER FOR AMERICANS FROM THE \nBEGINNING.\nWE ARE THE DEMOCRATS.\nWE ARE ON THE SIDE OF EXPANDING \nHEALTH CARE.\nWHEN WE COME UP AGAINST DONALD \nTRUMP, THE WHAT'S GOING TO \nMATTER MOST IS WE ARE THE PEOPLE\nON THE SIDE OF THOSE WHO NEED \nHEALTH CARE ACROSS THIS COUNTRY.\n>> MAYOR BUTTIGIEG, I WANT YOU \nTO RESPOND TO THAT BUT ALSO TAKE\nON THE ARGUMENT FROM THE VICE \nPRESIDENT THAT YOU DON'T HAVE \nTHE EXPERIENCE TO BE PRESIDENT. \n>> SURE.\nI HAVE BEEN CONSISTENT \nTHROUGHOUT IN MY POSITION ON \nDELIVERING HEALTH CARE FOR EVERY\nAMERICAN.\nAS TO EXPERIENCE, I JUST BRING A\nDIFFERENT PERSPECTIVE.\nI FREELY ADMIT THAT IF YOU'RE \nLOOKING FOR THE PERSON WITH MOST\nYEARS OF WASHINGTON \nESTABLISHMENT EXPERIENCE UNDER \nYOUR BELT, YOU'VE GOT YOUR \nCANDIDATE AND OF COURSE IT'S NOT\nME.\nTHE PERSPECTIVE I'M BRINGING IS \nTHAT OF SOMEBODY WHOSE LIFE HAS \nBEEN SHAPED BY THE DECISIONS \nMADE IN THOSE BUILDINGS IN \nWASHINGTON, D.C., SOMEBODY WHO \nHAS GUIDE ADD COMMUNITY WRITTEN \nOFF AS DYING JUST A DECADE AGO \nTHROUGH A HISTORIC \nTRANSFORMATION.\n>> THE POLITICS OF THE PAST I \nTHINK WERE NOT ALL THAT BAD.\nI MANAGED THE $900 BILLION \nRECOVERY ACT WHICH PUT MILLIONS \nOF DOLLARS IN HIS CITY AND \nHELPED SAVE HIS CITY.\nI WAS ABLE TO BAN THE CHEMICAL \nWEAPONS BAN, ARMS CONTROL AND I \nWAS THE FIRST LEADER HOLDING \nPUBLIC OFFICE TO CALL FOR \nSAME-SEX MARRIAGE.\nI DON'T KNOW WHAT AND BARACK \nOBAMA AND JOE BIDEN WAS SO BAD.\nWHAT HAPPENED?\nWE WERE JUST BEGINNING.\nIT WAS JUST THE BEGINNING OF \nWHAT WILL BE THE FUTURE OF \nMOVING THIS COUNTRY BEYOND WHERE\nIT IS NOW IN SIGNIFICANT WAYS.\nONE OF THE WAYS TO DO THAT IS TO\nMAKE SURE YOU HAVE SOMEONE WHO \nKNOWS HOW TO GET THINGS DONE AND\nCAN LEAD THE FREE WORLD AT THE \nSAME TIME. \n>> MAYOR BUTTIGIEG FOLLOWED BY \nSENATOR SANDERS. \n>> THOSE ACHIEVEMENTS WERE \nPHENOMENALLY IMPORTANT BECAUSE \nTHEY MET THE MOMENT.\nBUT NOW WE HAVE TO MEET THIS \nMOMENT.\nTHIS MOMENT IS DIFFERENT.\nTHE NEXT PRESIDENT IS GOING TO \nFACE CHALLENGES FROM GLOBAL \nHEALTH SECURITY LIKE WHAT WE'RE \nSEEING COMING OUT OF CHINA TO \nCYBER SECURITY AND ELECTION \nSECURITY CHALLENGES.\nHERE AT HOME WE'RE SEEING THINGS\nLIKE DID WORK, TRANSFORM, WHAT \nIT MEANS TO BE A WORKER IN \nAMERICA IN WAYS THAT WERE BARELY\nCONCEIVED OF NOT THAT LONG AGO.\nWE CANNOT SOLVE THE PROBLEMS \nBEFORE US BY LOOKING BACK.\nWE HAVE TO BE ABLE TO TURN THE \nPAGE AND CHANGE OUR POLITICS \nBEFORE IT'S TOO LATE.\nI'M SEEING EVERYWHERE I GO NOT \nJUST FELLOW DEMOCRATS BUT A \nSTRIKING NUMBER OF INDEPENDENTS \nAND WHAT I LIKE TO CALL FUTURE \nFORMER REPUBLICANS READY TO JOIN\nIN THAT HISTORIC AMERICAN \nMAJORITY TO TURN THE PAGE. \n>> SENATOR KLOBUCHAR?\n>> I HAPPEN LISTENING TO THIS \nABOUT MEETING THE MOMENT.\nMY FIRST THOUGHT IS I'M A FRESH \nFACE UP HERE FOR A PRESIDENTIAL \nDEBATE AND I FIGURE, PETE, THAT \n59, MY AGE IS THE NEW 38 UP \nHERE.\nTHE SECOND THING I THINK ABOUT \nIS THIS AND THAT IS -- \n>> IT'S THE NEW 50. \n>> THERE YOU GO.\nMEETING THE MOMENT.\nWE HAD A MOMENT THE LAST FEW \nWEEKS, MAYOR, AND THAT MOMENT \nWAS THE IMPEACHMENT HEARINGS.\nTHERE WAS A LOT OF COURAGE YOU \nSAW FROM ONLY A FEW PEOPLE.\nTHERE WAS COURAGE FROM DOUG \nJONES, OUR FRIEND IN ALABAMA WHO\nTOOK THAT TOUGH VOTE.\nTHERE WAS COURAGE FROM MITT \nROMNEY, WHO TOOK A VERY, VERY \nDIFFICULT VOTE.\nTHERE WAS COURAGE AS I READ \nTODAY ABOUT LIEUTENANT COLONEL \nVINDMAN BEING ESCORTED OUT OF \nTHE WHITE HOUSE.\nBUT WHAT YOU SAID, PETE, AS YOU \nWERE CAMPAIGNING THROUGH IOWA AS\nTHREE OF US WERE JURORS IN THAT \nIMPEACHMENT HEARING, YOU SAID IT\nWAS EXHAUSTING TO WATCH AND YOU \nWANTED TO TURN THE CHANNEL AND \nWATCH CARTOONS.\nIT IS EASY TO GO AFTER \nWASHINGTON BECAUSE THAT'S A \nPOPULAR THING TO DO.\nIT IS MUCH HARDER AS I SEE \nSENATOR SHAHEEN IN THE FRONT \nROW, SUCH A LEADER.\nIT IS MUCH HARDER TO LEAD AND \nMUCH HARDER TO TAKE THOSE \nDIFFICULT POSITIONS, BECAUSE I \nTHINK THIS GOING AFTER EVERY \nSINGLE THING THAT PEOPLE DO \nBECAUSE IT'S POPULAR TO SAY AND \nMAKES YOU LOOK LIKE A COOL \nNEWCOMER.\nI DON'T THINK THAT'S WHAT PEOPLE\nWANT RIGHT NOW.\nWE HAVE A NEWCOMER IN THE WHITE \nHOUSE AND LOOK WHERE IT GOT US.\nI THINK HAVING SOME EXPERIENCE \nIS A GOOD THING. \n>> SENATOR SANDERS, THEN MAYOR \nBUTTIGIEG. \n>> AT THE END OF THE DAY, WE'VE \nGOT TO ASK OURSELVES A VERY \nSIMPLE QUESTION, WHETHER IT'S \nHEALTH CARE IN FACT OR ANYTHING \nELSE, WHY ARE WE THE ONLY MAJOR \nCOUNTRY ON EARTH THAT GUARANTEE \nHEALTH CARE TO ALL THE PEOPLE, \nPAY THE HIGHEST PRICES IN THE \nWORLD FOR PRESCRIPTION DRUGS, \nHAVE 87 MILLION PEOPLE UNINSURED\nOR UNDERINSURED AND 500,000 \nPEOPLE GOING BANKRUPT FOR WHAT \nREASON?\nBECAUSE THEY HAVE CANCER OR \nHEART DISEASE OR ALZHEIMER'S.\nWE'VE GOT TO ANSWER THAT \nQUESTION.\nWHY IS IT?\nWHY HAVE WE BEEN TALKING ABOUT \nHEALTH CARE IN THIS COUNTRY FOR \nA HUNDRED YEARS?\nHERE IS THE ANSWER.\nIF YOU WANT REAL CHANGE IN \nHEALTH CARE AT THE END OF THE \nDAY YOU'RE GOING TO HAVE TO TAKE\nON THE INSURANCE COMPANIES AND \nTELL THEM THE FUNCTION OF HEALTH\nCARE IS HEALTH CARE FOR ALL, NOT\nHUGE PROFITS FOR THE INSURANCE \nCOMPANIES.\nYOU'RE GOING TO HAVE TO TAKE ON \nTHE DRUG COMPANIES AND THEIR \nCORRUPTION AND THEIR PRICE \nFIXING AND TELL THEM SORRY, \nWE'RE NOT GOING TO PAY TEN TIMES\nMORE FOR PRESCRIPTION DRUGS THAN\nDO THE PEOPLE OF OTHER \nCOUNTRIES.\nAT THE END OF THE DAY, THERE'S \nNO WAY AROUND IT.\nYOU MAY WANT TO NIBBLE AROUND \nTHE EDGES, BUT ULTIMATELY WE \nNEED TO RALLY THE AMERICAN \nPEOPLE TO TELL THE DRUG \nCOMPANIES, TO TELL WALL STREET, \nTO TELL THE INSURANCE COMPANIES,\nTO TELL THE FOSSIL FUEL \nINDUSTRY, THIS COUNTRY BELONGS \nTO ALL OF US, NOT A HANDFUL OF \nSPECIAL INTERESTS.\n>> I HAVE HEARD THIS \nCONVERSATION ON THIS DEBATE \nSTAGE FROM THESE PEOPLE NOW \nEVERY SINGLE DEBATE AND THEY'RE \nALL RIGHT.\nEVERYBODY ON THIS STAGE IS \nBETTER ON ECONOMIC JUSTICE AND \nHEALTH CARE THAN ANYBODY IN THE \nREPUBLICAN PARTY AND A MILLION \nTIMES BETTER THAN DONALD TRUMP.\nTHAT IS NOT THE QUESTION IN \nFRONT OF US TODAY.\nTHE QUESTION IN FRONT OF US \nTODAY IS HOW ARE WE GOING TO \nBEAT DONALD TRUMP.\nYOU WERE IN THE CLINTON CAMPAIGN\nIN 1992 AND THE MANTRA WAS IT'S \nTHE ECONOMY, STUPID.\nIF YOU LOOK AT WHAT MR. TRUMP IS\nSAYING, HE'S SAYING THOSE WORDS.\nIT'S THE ECONOMY, STUPID.\nI TRUST EVERY ONE OF THESE \nPEOPLE A MILLION TIMES MORE BUT \nWE'RE GOING TO HAVE TO TAKE MR. \nTRUMP DOWN ON THE ECONOMY \nBECAUSE HE'S CROWING ABOUT IT \nEVERY SINGLE DAY AND HE'S GOING \nTO BEAT US UNLESS WE CAN TAKE \nHIM DOWN ON THE ECONOMY, STUPID.\nTHAT'S NOT THE ISSUE.\nALL THE HEALTH CARE PLANS ARE \nBETTER.\nTHE QUESTION IS WHO CAN GO TOE \nTO TOE WITH MR. TRUMP, WHO CAN \nTAKE DOWN MR. TRUMP BECAUSE HE'S\nTHE REAL THREAT TO THE COUNTRY.\nYOU HAVE TO HAVE EXPERIENCE TO \nTAKE HIM DOWN.\nTHIS IS NOT A QUESTION OF HE'S A\nNICE GUY WHO'S GOING TO LISTEN.\nWE NEED PEOPLE WITH EXPERIENCE.\nTHAT'S WHY I'M WORRIED ABOUT \nMAYOR PETE.\nTHAT'S THE ISSUE IN FRONT OF \nDEMOCRATIC VOTERS.\nI HAVE HEARD THIS DEBATE SO MANY\nDARN TIMES AND I LOVE ALL THESE \nPEOPLE AND THEY'RE ALL RIGHT.\nIF WE WIN, WE CAN GET THE RIGHT \nTHING, BERNIE.\nI AM WITH YOU.\nBUT WE'VE GOT TO WIN OR WE ARE \nIN DEEP TROUBLE AND WE KEEP NOT \nTALKING ABOUT THE FACTS.\n>> MAYOR PETE. \n[ CHEERS AND APPLAUSE ]\n.\n>> HERE'S HOW WE'RE GOING TO \nWIN.\nWE'RE GOING TO FORCE THIS \nPRESIDENT TO STAND ON THAT \nDEBATE STAGE NEXT SOMEBODY WHO \nACTUALLY LIVES IN A MIDDLE CLASS\nNEIGHBORHOOD IN THE INDUSTRIAL \nMIDWEST IN THE EXACT KIND OF \nCOMMUNITY THAT HE PRETENDS TO \nSPEAK FOR BUT TURNS HIS BACK ON.\nWE'RE GOING TO PUT UP SOMEBODY \nWHO'S NOT AFRAID TO CALL OUT \nTHINGS LIKE HIS DISGRACEFUL \nBEHAVIOR AT THE NATIONAL PRAYER \nBREAKFAST AND REMIND AMERICANS \nTHAT GOD DOES NOT BELONG TO A \nPOLITICAL PARTY.\nWE'RE GOING TO CALL HIM TO \nACCOUNT THAT HE REFUSED TO SERVE\nWHEN IT WAS HIS TURN.\nIF WE WANT TO BEAT THIS \nPRESIDENT, WE'VE GOT TO BE READY\nTO MOVE ON FROM THE PLAYBOOK \nWE'VE RELIED ON IN THE PAST AND \nUNIFY THIS COUNTRY AROUND A NEW \nAND BETTER VISION.\nWHEN I TALK ABOUT EXHAUSTION, \nTHIS IS IMPORTANT, THE AMERICAN \nPEOPLE FROM OUTSIDE OF \nWASHINGTON, WE FEEL A SENSE OF \nEXHAUSTION WATCHING THE DIVISION\nAND THE DYSFUNCTION THERE.\nTHAT IS NOT TO TAKE ANYTHING \nAWAY FROM THE VERY GOOD WORK \nTHAT YOU AND OUR OTHER \nDEMOCRATIC MEMBERS OF CONGRESS \nAND THE SENATE ARE DOING.\nIT'S NOT.\nBUT THE REASON I RAISE THAT \nSENSE OF EXHAUSTION IS I SEE IT.\nI SEE THAT TEMPTATION TO WALK \nAWAY FROM IT ALL AMONG SO MANY \nPEOPLE I'VE SPOKEN TO IN \nCOMMUNITIES FROM CLAREMONT TO \nMANCHESTER AND THE OTHER STATES \nWE'RE IN.\nTHE IMPORTANT THING FOR THE \nAMERICAN PEOPLE TO REMEMBER IS \nTHIS IS 2020.\nIT'S AN ELECTION YEAR.\nIF THE SENATE WAS THE JURY \nBEFORE, YOU ARE THE JURY NOW.\nTHE AMERICAN PEOPLE ARE THE JURY\nTHAT WILL HAVE THE FINAL VERDICT\nON THIS PRESIDENT AND ON THE \nSENATORS IN THE GOP WHO \nPROTECTED HIM. \n>> FUNDAMENTALDONALD TRUMP IS NE\nOF ALL OF OUR PROBLEMS AND WE'RE\nMAKING A MISTAKE WHEN WE ACT \nLIKE HE IS.\n>> THAT'S RIGHT. \n>> HE IS A SYMPTOM OF A DISEASE \nTHAT HAS BEEN BUILDING UP IN OUR\nCOMMUNITIES FOR YEARS AND \nDECADES.\nIT IS OUR JOB TO GET TO THE \nHARDER WORK OF ACTUALLY CURING \nTHE DISEASE.\nMOST AMERICANS FEEL LIKE THE \nPOLITICAL PARTIES HAVE BEEN \nPLAYING YOU LOSE/I LOSE FOR \nYEARS.\nYOU KNOW WHO'S BEEN LOSING THIS \nENTIRE TIME?\nWE HAVE.\nOUR COMMUNITIES HAVE.\nOUR COMMUNITIES' WAY OF LIFE IS \nDISINTEGRATING BENEATH OUR FEET.\nTHAT'S WHY OHIO, A TRADITIONAL \nSWING STATE, IS NOW SO RED THAT \nI'M TOLD WE'RE NOT EVEN GOING TO\nCAMPAIGN THERE.\nTHESE COMMUNITIES ARE SEEING \nTHEIR WAY OF LIFE GET BLASTED \nINTO SMITHEREENS.\nWE'RE CLOSING 30% OF NEW \nHAMPSHIRE'S STORES AND MALLS.\nTHESE ARE THE CHANGES THAT \nAMERICANS ARE SEEING AND FEELING\nAROUND US EVERY DAY.\nIF WE CAN'T DO THE HARD WORK OF \nCURING THOSE PROBLEMS, WE WILL \nNOT JUST DEFEAT DONALD TRUMP IN \nTHE FALL BUT WE'RE ACTUALLY \nGOING TO MOVE OUR COMMUNITIES \nFORWARD.\n>> WE COME TO YOU, OF COURSE, \nJUST 48 HOURS AFTER THE \nACQUITTAL OF PRESIDENT TRUMP, A \nPROCESS THAT CERTAINLY \nCRYSTALLIZED THE DIVIDE IN OUR \nCOUNTRY.\nSENATOR WARREN, YOU HAVE SAID \nTHAT ON DAY ONE OF YOUR \nPRESIDENCY, ONE OF YOUR FIRST \nORDERS OF BUSINESS WILL BE TO \nORDER YOUR JUSTICE DEPARTMENT TO\nLAUNCH NEW INVESTIGATIONS INTO \nTHE TRUMP ADMINISTRATION.\nAFTER A GRUELING IMPEACHMENT AND\nWHAT IS LIKELY TO BE A \nPOLARIZING ELECTION, IS \nINVESTIGATING PRESIDENT TRUMP \nTHE BEST WAY TO TRY TO UNIFY THE\nCOUNTRY?\n>> LOOK, I THINK NO ONE IS ABOVE\nTHE LAW AND THAT INCLUDES THE \nPRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES.\nWE WATCHED ON WEDNESDAY AS \nREPUBLICANS, ALL BUT ONE, LOCKED\nARMS TO PROTECT HIM FROM \nIMPEACHMENT.\nBUT WE NEED TO REESTABLISH THE \nRULE OF LAW IN THIS COUNTRY.\nI BELIEVE IN AN INDEPENDENT \nCOMMISSION IN OUR JUSTICE \nDEPARTMENT THAT INVESTIGATES \nCRIMES COMMITTED BY OUR OWN \nGOVERNMENT.\nIT IS AN IMPORTANT PART OF \nACCOUNTABILITY.\nIT IS AN IMPORTANT PART FOR \nEVERY ADMINISTRATION THAT WE \nHOLD OURSELVES ACCOUNTABLE TO \nTHE AMERICAN PEOPLE.\nBUT PEOPLE AROUND THIS COUNTRY \nARE LOSING FAITH IN OUR \nGOVERNMENT.\nTHEY'RE LOSING FAITH THAT \nGOVERNMENT WORKS FOR THEM.\nTHEY SEE A GOVERNMENT THAT JUST \nWORKS GREAT IF YOU'RE RICH.\nIT WORKS GREAT IF YOU'RE A \nLOBBYIST.\nIT WORKS GREAT IF YOU'RE A \nCORPORATE EXECUTIVE.\nBUT THEY SEE THEMSELVES AND \nTHEIR CHILDREN WITH LESS AND \nLESS AND LESS.\nAND WE COULD DO SOMETHING ABOUT \nIT.\nIT'S NOT ENOUGH TO SIMPLY TALK \nABOUT THE FUTURE.\nWE HAVE TO BE WILLING TO STAND \nUP TO THOSE WHO NOW CONTROL OUR \nGOVERNMENT AND MAKE THAT \nGOVERNMENT INSTEAD WORK FOR US.\nWE CAN DO CHILD CARE IN THIS \nCOUNTRY FOR EVERY BABY.\nWE CAN INVEST IN OUR PUBLIC \nSCHOOLS.\nWE CAN CANCEL STUDENT LOAN DEBT \nFOR 43 MILLION AMERICANS, BUT \nONLY IF WE ARE WILLING TO TAKE \nCONTROL OF OUR GOVERNMENT, AWAY \nFROM THE GIANT CORPORATIONS AND \nBILLIONAIRES, RETURN IT TO THE \nPEOPLE.\nTHIS IS ABOUT OUR GOVERNMENT, \nTHIS IS ABOUT OUR DEMOCRACY, \nTHIS IS ABOUT OUR FUTURE.\n[ CHEERS AND APPLAUSE ]\n>> MR. YANG, YOU SAID THAT THE \nNOTION OF A LEADER, GOAT, \nTHROWING THE PRESIDENT BEFORE \nTHEM IN JAIL IS NOT THE WAY \nTHINGS ARE DONE HERE IN THE \nUNITED STATES.\nIT WOULD MAKE IT, QUOTE, VERY \nHARD FOR ANY PARTY TO GOVERN \nSUSTAINABLY MOVING FORWARD.\nDOES THAT MEAN ANY ALLEGED \nMISCONDUCT BY THE PRESIDENT OR \nHIS ADMINISTRATION SHOULD NOT BE\nINVESTIGATED?\n>> THERE ARE, OF COURSE, LIMITS \nAND YOU HAVE TO SEE WHAT THE \nFACTS ARE ON THE GROUND AFTER \nYOU ASSUME OFFICE.\nIF YOU LOOK AROUND THE WORLD, \nTHE COUNTRIES THAT HAVE THROWN \nPAST PRESIDENTS INTO JAIL HAVE \nGENERALLY BEEN DEVELOPING \nCOUNTRIES.\nUNFORTUNATELY THAT'S A PATTERN \nTHAT ONCE YOU ESTABLISH IS VERY \nVERY HARD TO BREAK.\nWHAT'S A MORE AMERICAN \nTRADITION?\nWE MOVE THE COUNTRY FORWARD.\nWE DON'T FOCUS ON THE MISTAKES \nOF THE LEADERS LEAVING OFFICE.\nMOST AMERICANS DO NOT CARE ABOUT\nWHAT A PARTICULAR INDIVIDUAL DID\nSO MUCH AS THEY CARE ABOUT THEIR\nFAMILY'S WELL-BEING, THEIR \nCOMMUNITY, THEIR TOWN.\nTHEY WANT THE PRESIDENT TO BE \nFOCUSED ON THAT AND THAT'S WHERE\nOUR ATTENTION SHOULD BE.\nWE SHOULD NOT FALL INTO A \nPATTERN THAT HAS BEEN DISASTROUS\nIN OTHER COUNTRIES. \n>> SENATOR SANDERS. \n>> ALONG WITH ELIZABETH AND AMY,\nWE SAT FOR TWO WEEKS LISTENING \nTO THE IMPEACHMENT PROCESS.\nHERE'S WHAT I THINK THE HORROR \nAND THE DANGER OF WHAT HAPPENED \nWAS, NOT ONLY THE ACQUITTAL OF \nTRUMP WHO IN FACT COMMITTED \nIMPEACHABLE OFFENSES AND \nOBSTRUCTED CONGRESS, IT IS THE \nPRECEDENT THAT IT SET.\nTHE PRECEDENT THAT IT SET.\nWHAT THAT PRECEDENT IS ABOUT NOW\nIS IN THE FUTURE YOU'RE GOING TO\nHAVE PRESIDENTS WHO SAY, HEY, \nGOVERNOR, YOU WANT HIGHWAY \nMONEY, YOU BETTER SUPPORT ME OR \nYOU'RE NOT GOING TO GET IT, \nBECAUSE I AM THE PRESIDENT, I \nCAN DO ANYTHING I WANT.\nHEY, CONGRESS, YOU WANT TO \nINVESTIGATE ME?\nDON'T BE RIDICULOUS!\nWHO CARES ABOUT THE CONGRESS.\nWHO CARES ABOUT THE SEPARATION \nOF POWERS.\nWHO CARES ABOUT THE \nCONSTITUTION?\nI'M THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED \nSTATES.\nI HAVE ALL THE POWER AND I'M \nABLE TO INTIMIDATE MEMBERS OF MY\nOWN PARTY.\nTHE SADDEST ASPECT OF THIS WHOLE\nTHING IS YOU HAVE REPUBLICANS IN\nTHE SENATE WHO KNEW BETTER.\nTHEY KNEW THAT DONALD TRUMP IS A\nCROOK.\nTHEY KNEW THAT DONALD TRUMP IS A\nCHEAT.\nBUT THEY DIDN'T HAVE THE GUTS \nWITH THE EXCEPTION OF ROMNEY TO \nVOTE AGAINST HIM.\n>> MR. STEYER.\n>> I DID START A NEED TO \nIMPEACHMENT MOVEMENT IN OCTOBER \nOF 2017.\nMY FATHER WAS ONE OF THE PEOPLE \nWHO PROSECUTED THE NAZI WAR \nCRIMINALS AFTER WORLD WAR II.\nTHAT'S PART OF THE REASON I \nSTARTED.\nBECAUSE WHEN YOU SEE SOMETHING \nREALLY WRONG IN THE UNITED \nSTATES, YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO STAND\nUP AGAINST IT AND FIGHT AGAINST \nIT.\nAND THAT'S WHAT I WAS DOING.\nTHE REPUBLICANS HAVE ROLLED \nOVER.\nTHEY'RE HAD A SHAM TRIAL.\nTHEY'VE REFUSED TO HAVE \nWITNESSES.\nTHEY'VE COVERED UP THE TRUTH FOR\nTHE AMERICAN PEOPLE.\nIT DOESN'T MATTER ANYMORE THAT \nHE'S A CROOK AND HE'S ALWAYS \nWITHIN A CROOK AND HE ALWAYS \nWILL BE A CROOK.\nRIGHT NOW WE HAVE TO BEAT HIM IN\nNOVEMBER AND WE HAVE TO BEAT HIM\nBECAUSE HE'S INCOMPETENT AND BAD\nFOR THE AMERICAN PEOPLE.\nAND THAT'S THE CASE WE HAVE TO \nMAKE NOW.\nIS HE A CROOK?\nI KNEW THAT TWO YEARS AGO.\nIS HE GOING TO BE MORE OF A \nCROOK NOW THAT HE BELIEVES HE \nCAN GET AWAY WITH ANYTHING?\nOF COURSE HE IS.\nBUT THE JOB OF THE PEOPLE ON \nTHIS STAGE IS TO BEAT HIM IN \nNOVEMBER.\nTHAT'S GOING TO BE BASED ON WHAT\nWE CAN DELIVER FOR THE AMERICAN \nPEOPLE.\nTHE FACT THAT HE'S INCOMPETENT \nAS A PRESIDENT, HIS ECONOMY \nISN'T DELIVERING FOR WORKING \nPEOPLE, JOBS DON'T PAY ENOUGH \nFOR PEOPLE TO LIVE ON, WE'VE GOT\nTO TAKE HIM DOWN ON THE ECONOMY \nAND GET HIM OUT OF THE WHITE \nHOUSE AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. \n>> THANK YOU, MR. STEYER.\nIMPEACHMENT IS OF COURSE OVER \nBUT REPUBLICANS IN CONGRESS HAVE\nALREADY STARTED INVESTIGATING \nVICE PRESIDENT BIDEN'S SON \nHUNTER.\nMAYOR BUTTIGIEG DO YOU THINK \nTHERE'S A DANGER FOR A \nDEMOCRATIC PARTY TO NOMINATE A \nCANDIDATE WHO IS UNDER \nINVESTIGATION?\n>> NO.\nWE ARE NOT GOING TO LET THEM \nCHANGE THE SUBJECT.\nTHIS IS NOT ABOUT HUNTER BIDEN \nOR VICE PRESIDENT BIDEN OR ANY \nBIDEN.\nTHIS IS ABOUT ABUSE OF POWER BY \nTHE PRESIDENT.\n[ CHEERS AND APPLAUSE ]\n>> THE VICE PRESIDENT AND I ALL \nARE COMPETING BUT WE'VE GOT TO \nDRAW A LINE HERE.\nTO BE THE KIND OF HUMAN BEING \nWHO WOULD SEEK TO TURN SOMEONE \nAGAINST HIS OWN SON, WHO WOULD \nSEEK TO WEAPONIZE A SON AGAINST \nHIS OWN FATHER IS AN \nUNBELIEVABLY DISHONORABLE THING \nTHAT IS ONE MORE EXAMPLE OF WHY \nWE AS A PARTY HAVE TO BE \nCOMPLETELY UNITED TO DO WHATEVER\nIT TAKES AT THE END OF THE DAY \nTO MAKE SURE THIS PRESIDENT DOES\nNOT GET A SECOND TERM.\n[ APPLAUSE ]\n>> VICE PRESIDENT BIDEN?\n>> LOOK, I THANK THE COLLEAGUE \nFOR SAYING THAT.\nIT IS A DIVERSION.\nHERE'S THE DEAL.\nWHOMEVER THE NOMINEE IS, THE \nPRESIDENT'S GOING TO MAKE UP \nLIES ABOUT.\nHE THINKS HE HAS FREE REIN RIGHT\nNOW.\nWE HAVE TO BE AUTHENTIC WITH THE\nAMERICAN PEOPLE ABOUT WHAT WE'RE\nGOING TO DO AND HOW WE'RE GOING \nTO DO IT.\nCOLONEL VINDMAN GOT THROWN OUT \nOF THE WHITE HOUSE TODAY, WALKED\nOUT.\nHE SHOULD HAVE BEEN PINNING A \nMEDAL ON VINDMAN AND NOT ON RUSH\nLIMBAUGH.\nI THINK WE SHOULD ALL STAND AND \nGIVE COLONEL VINDMAN A SHOW OF \nHOW MUCH WE SUPPORTED HIM.\nSTAND UP AND CLAP FOR VINDMAN!\nGET UP THERE.\nWHO WE ARE.\nTHAT'S WHO WE ARE.\nWE ARE NOT WHAT TRUMP IS.\n>> THANK YOU, VICE PRESIDENT \nBIDEN.\nTHE DEMOCRATIC PARTY'S LAST \nPRESIDENTIAL NOMINEE HILLARY \nCLINTON HAS CRITICIZED SENATOR \nSANDERS' TRACK RECORD IN THE \nSECOND.\n>> I WASN'T ABLE TO HEAR THAT \nQUESTION. \n>> SURE.\nTHE DEMOCRATIC PARTY'S LAST \nPRESIDENTIAL NOMINEE HILLARY \nCLINTON HAS CRITICIZED SENATOR \nSANDERS' RECORD IN THE SENATE \nSAYING NOBODY LIKES HIM, NOBODY \nWANTS TO WORK WITH HIM, HE GOT \nNOTHING DONE.\nSENATOR KLOBUCHAR, YOU SERVED \nTHE SENATOR SANDERS IN THE \nSENATE.\nIS HE GOING TO BE ABLE TO GET \nTHE SUPPORT?\nNOT IF YOU LIKE HIM, BUT IS HE \nGOING TO BE ABLE TO GET THE \nSUPPORT HE NEEDS FROM \nREPUBLICANS?\n>> OKAY.\nI LIKE BERNIE JUST FINE.\nWE ACTUALLY HAVE WORKED TOGETHER\nON A NUMBER OF THINGS INCLUDING \nPHARMACEUTICALS.\nWE HAD A VOTE LATE AT NIGHT ONE \nTIME KLOBUCHAR SANDERS \nAMENDMENT. \n>> I THINK IT WAS SANDERS \nKLOBUCHAR. \n>> NO, IT WAS NOT.\nIT WAS NOT TO BRING IN DRUGS \nFROM OTHER COUNTRIES.\nSINCE WE CAN SEE CANADA FROM OUR\nPORCH.\nWE ENDED UP GETTING I THINK 14 \nREPUBLICAN VOTES.\nTHEY MIGHT NOT HAVE NOTICED WHAT\nWAS HAPPENING LATE AT NIGHT BUT \nWE GOT THOSE.\nI THINK IT'S JUST AN EXAMPLE OF \nWHAT WE NEED TO DO HERE.\nI'VE BEEN LISTENING TO THIS \nDISCUSSION.\nI AGREE WITH MY COLLEAGUES.\nWE MUST UNITE.\nBUT THE WAY WE UNITE IS BY \nHAVING AN OPTIMISTIC ECONOMIC \nAGENDA FOR AMERICA.\nIF YOU TALK ABOUT BEING TOUGH \nENOUGH TO TAKE ON A PRESIDENT \nTHAT LITERALLY WENT DOWN TO \nMAR-A-LAGO AFTER HE SIGNED THAT \nREPUBLICAN TAX BILL AND LOOKED \nAT ALL HIS FRIENDS AND SAID YOU \nJUST GOT A LOT RICHER.\nTHAT IS EXHIBIT A FOR THOSE \nCARPENTERS IN PENNSYLVANIA AND \nTHOSE DAIRY FARMERS IN WISCONSIN\nAND THOSE DOCK WORKERS THAT I \nMET WITH IN MICHIGAN.\nTHAT IS EXHIBIT A.\nWE HAVE TO BE ABLE TO MAKE THE \nCASE TO THIS WORKING PEOPLE OF \nTHIS COUNTRY, SOME OF WHOM VOTED\nFOR DONALD TRUMP, BUT WE HAVE \nSOMETHING BETTER TO OFFER, THAT \nWE ARE GOING TO TAKE THOSE \nINCREDIBLY REGRESSIVE PARTS OF \nTHAT TAX BILL AND PUT THAT MONEY\nINTO THEIR CHILD CARE, INTO \nTHEIR HEALTH CARE. \n>> YES OR NO, DO YOU THINK THAT \nSENATOR SANDERS WILL BE ABLE TO \nGET REPUBLICAN SUPPORT IN ORDER \nTO PASS HIS BILLS?\n>> THAT I DON'T KNOW.\nI KNOW WE DID ON THAT BILL, BUT \nTHE POINT IS I THINK WE'RE \nBETTER OFF WITH SOMEONE THAT HAS\nTHE RECEIPTS, SOMEONE WHO HAS \nWON WITH REPUBLICANS AND \nINDEPENDENTS.\nI'M THE ONLY ONE ON THIS \nSTAGE -- YOU CAN CHECK IT OUT --\nTHAT HAS CONSISTENTLY WON IN RED\nCONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS, NOT \nONCE, NOT TWICE, BUT THREE \nTIMES.\nI DIDN'T JUST DO IT FOR ME.\nI LED A TICKET.\nI FLIPPED THE STATE HOUSE EVERY \nSINGLE TIME BECAUSE I HAVE A WAY\nOF WORKING WITH PEOPLE THAT I \nTHINK SHOULD BE VALUED HERE AS \nWE LOOK AT THESE CANDIDATES.\nIT'S ONE OF THE REASONS I GOT \nTHE \"NEW YORK TIMES\" ENDORSEMENT\nALONG WITH ELIZABETH AND I GOT \nTHE ENDORSEMENT OF THE THREE \nMAJOR PAPERS HERE IN NEW \nHAMPSHIRE, THE UNION LEADER, THE\nSEACOAST PAPER AND THE KEENE \nSENTINEL.\nREAD THOSE EDITORIALS AND YOU \nWILL GET A SENSE OF WHAT I'M \nABOUT. \n>> I MUST CONFESS, I DON'T GET \nTOO MANY NEWSPAPER EDITORIAL \nSUPPORT.\n>> YOU GOT THE CONWAY \nENDORSEMENT. \n>> I DID.\nI'M VERY PROUD OF THAT. \n>> THERE WE GO. \n>> LET ME JUST SAY THIS.\nI THINK THE QUESTION STARTED OFF\nWITH SECRETARY CLINTON'S \nCRITIQUE.\nI THINK QUITE HONESTLY AS WE \nFACE ONE OF THE GREAT POLITICAL \nCRISES FACING AMERICA, OUR JOB \nIS TO LOOK FORWARD AND NOT BACK \nTO 2016.\nI HOPE THAT SECRETARY CLINTON \nAND ALL OF US CAN COME TOGETHER \nAND MOVE IN THAT DIRECTION.\nSECOND OF ALL IN TERMS OF \nREPUBLICANS, LET ME SAY THAT IN \nMY OWN GREAT STATE OF VERMONT, \nMY MEMORY IS CORRECT, AMY, I GOT\n25% OF THE REPUBLICAN VOTE.\nAND IN FACT, THERE WERE PERIODS \nWHEN I WAS IN THE HOUSE OF \nREPRESENTATIVES A NUMBER OF \nYEARS WHERE I PASSED MORE \nAMENDMENTS ON THE FLOOR OF THE \nHOUSE IN A BIPARTISAN WAY THAN \nANY OTHER MEMBER OF THE HOUSE.\nAND THAT IS WHEN YOU BRING \nPEOPLE TOGETHER ON AN ISSUE, \nTHERE ARE MANY CONSERVATIVE \nREPUBLICANS, FOR EXAMPLE, WHO \nARE CONCERNED ABOUT CIVIL \nLIBERTIES.\nAT LEAST THEY USED TO BE \nCONCERNED ABOUT CIVIL LIBERTIES.\nTHR REPUBLICANS, AS YOU KNOW, \nWHO ARE CONCERNED ABOUT THE HIGH\nCOST OF PRESCRIPTION DRUGS.\nTHERE ARE WAYS THAT WE CAN WORK \nWITH REPUBLICANS ON ISSUES WHERE\nWE HAVE A COMMON BASIS.\n>> THANK YOU, SENATOR.\nDAVID. \n>> LINDSEY THANK YOU.\nI WANT TO TURN TO AMERIC'S ROLE\nIN THE WORLD.\nPRESIDENT TRUMP OFFERED AN \nINDICATION OF WHAT HE'LL TOUT ON\nTHE CAMPAIGN TRAIL.\nHE CELEBRATED THE US AIR STRIKE \nTHAT KILLED TOP IRANIAN GENERAL \nQASSEM SOLEIMANI WHO SAID HE WAS\nA MONSTROUS BUTCHER.\nMAYOR BUTTIGIEG YOU'RE THE ONLY \nVETERAN STANDING ON THIS STAGE.\nTHERE IS NO DEBATE ABOUT WHETHER\nSOLEIMANI WAS A BAD ACTOR \nRESPONSIBLE FOR THE DEATHS OF \nMANY AMERICANS.\nGIVEN WHAT YOU KNOW ABOUT \nSOLEIMANI, IF YOUR NATIONAL \nSECURITY TEAM CAME TO YOU WITH \nAN OPPORTUNITY TO STRIKE, WOULD \nSOLEIMANI BE DEAD OR ALIVE IN \nYOUR PRESIDENCY?\n>> IN THE SITUATION THAT WE SAW \nWITH PRESIDENT TRUMP'S DECISION,\nTHERE IS NO EVIDENCE THAT THAT \nMADE OUR COUNTRY SAFER.\nLOOK, I FEEL VERY STRONGLY ABOUT\nTHE CAMPAIGN OF MURDER AND \nMAYHEM THAT GENERAL SOLEIMANI \nAND HIS UNITS HAVE PERPETRATED.\nIT'S ALSO THE CASE THAT IF WE \nLEARNED NOTHING ELSE FROM THE \nWAR IN IRAQ, IT'S THAT TAKING \nOUT A BAD GUY IS NOT A GOOD IDEA\nIF YOU DO NOT KNOW WHAT YOU ARE \nDOING.\nTHIS PRESIDENT HAS MOVED US THIS\nMUCH CLOSER TO THE BRINK OF WAR.\nIT DIDN'T START WITH THE \nSOLEIMANI STRIKE.\nIT STARTED WITH WITHDRAWING US \nFROM THE IRAN NUCLEAR DEAL THAT \nHIS OWN ADMINISTRATION CERTIFIED\nWAS WORKING.\nIT'S TIME FOR US TO RECOGNIZE \nTHAT EVERY TIME A STEP IS TAKEN \nTHAT MOVES US TO THE BRINK OF \nWAR, THAT HAS INCREDIBLY SERIOUS\nCONSEQUENCES FOR THOSE WHO \nSERVE.\nBY CHANCE JUST BECAUSE I WAS \nTRAVELING FOR THE CAMPAIGN NOT \nLONG AGO I RAN INTO SOMEBODY \nTHAT I HADN'T SEEN SINCE WE WERE\nBOTH SERVING.\nI SAW HER COMING DOWN THE \nCONCOURSE IN THE AIRPORT WEARING\nA WOUNDED WARRIOR PROJECT \nT-SHIRT THAT SAID SOME ASSEMBLY \nREQUIRED.\nWHEN I ASKED HER HOW SHE WAS \nDOING, SHE LIFTED UP HER KNEE \nAND TAPPED ON THE PART OF HER \nLEG THAT THEY COULDN'T SAVE, \nTAPPED ON THE PROSTHETIC AND \nSAID THE NAVY HAD FIXED HER UP \nJUST FINE AND THEN LET ME KNOW \nSHE WAS LOOKING FORWARD TO AN \nUPCOMING DEPLOYMENT.\nPEOPLE IN OUR UNIFORM WILL DO \nWHATEVER THE UNITED STATES \nREQUIRES OF THEM.\nWHAT THEY DESERVE IN RETURN IS A\nPRESIDENT WHO WILL READ THE \nINTELLIGENCE, PAY ATTENTION TO \nTHE NATIONAL SECURITY SITUATION,\nCONSULT WITH OUR ALLIES, KEEP \nU.S. POLITICS OUT OF IT AND \nNEVER COMMIT OUR TROOPS TO A \nSITUATION WHERE THEY WOULD HAVE \nTO GO INTO HARM'S WAY IF THERE \nIS AN ALTERNATIVE.\n[ APPLAUSE ]\n>> LET ME JUST PRESS FURTHER ON \nTHIS.\nPRESIDENT TRUMP HAS SIGNALLED IN\nA GENERAL ELECTION CAMPAIGN HE \nWILL CELEBRATE HIS WILLINGNESS \nTO ORDER THAT STRIKE.\nI'M ASKING IF YOUR NATIONAL \nSECURITY TEAM CAME TO YOU AND \nPRESENTED YOU WITH THE \nOPPORTUNITY, WOULD YOU TAKE THE \nSTRIKE?\n>> IT DEPENDS ON THE \nCIRCUMSTANCES.\nIT DEPENDS IF THERE WAS A \nDIFFERENT ALTERNATIVE.\nTHIS IS NOT AN EPISODE OF \"24.\"\nTHIS IS A SITUATION THAT \nREQUIRES THAT YOU ACTUALLY \nEVALUATE THE ENTIRE INTELLIGENCE\nPICTURE.\nTHIS PRESIDENT HAS INSULTED THE \nINTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY, BUT THEY\nPUT THEIR LIVES ON THE LINE TO \nGATHER THE INFORMATION THAT WILL\nHELP A DECISIONMAKER VALUE IT \nWHETHER OR NOT SOMETHING LIKE \nTHAT IS JUSTIFIED.\nI DON'T THINK HE EVEN READS IT.\nHERE WE HAVE A SITUATION THAT \nONE OF THE MOST VOLATILE PLACES \nIN THE WORLD HAS JUST BECOME \nMORE DANGEROUS AT THE HANDS OF A\nPRESIDENT WHO HAS NO REGARD FOR \nTHE MILITARY.\nNOT ONLY PUNISHING A WAR HERO \nTODAY WITH WHAT HE DID TO \nCOLONEL VINDMAN BUT PARDONING \nWAR CRIMINALS IN A WAY THAT \nUNDERMINES THE ENTIRE SENSE OF \nGOOD ORDER AND DISCIPLINE AND \nMILITARY HONOR.\nWE DESERVE A BETTER COMMANDER IN\nCHIEF. \n>> WE KNOW THAT THE OBAMA \nADMINISTRATION WAS AWARE OF THE \nTHREAT THAT SOLEIMANI POSED, SO \nWAS THE BRUSH ADMINISTRATION \nBEFORE IT.\nI'M ASKING TONIGHT AS COMMANDER \nIN CHIEF, THOUGH, WOULD YOU HAVE\nORDERED THE STRIKE?\n>> NO.\nTHE REASON I WOULDN'T HAVE \nORDERED THE STRIKE, THERE'S NO \nEVIDENCE YET OF EMINENT THREAT \nTHAT WAS GOING TO COME FROM HIM.\nLOOK WHAT HAPPENED.\nHIS AMERICA FIRST POLICY HAS \nMADE AMERICA ALONE.\nYOU CANNOT THINK OF A TIME AS \nLONG AS YOU'VE BEEN ALIVE WHEN \nNATO HAS SAID TO THE UNITED \nSTATES OF AMERICA AND TO IRAN, \nMADE A MORAL EQUIVALENCE AND \nSAID BOTH OF YOU STAND DOWN, WE \nARE ALONE NOW, ALONE IN THAT \nREGION OF THE WORLD, WITHOUT \nFRIENDS, WITHOUT SUPPORT, \nWITHOUT ALLIES.\nSECONDLY, YOU SAW WHAT HAPPENED \nWHEN THAT AIR RAID, WHEN THOSE \nMISSILES WERE FIRED INTO THAT \nAIR BASE.\n65 AMERICAN HEROS WERE WOUNDED.\nI DON'T KNOW WHAT I WOULD HAVE \nDONE IF MY SON WERE THERE.\nI WOULD HAVE BEEN SO DAMN ANGRY \nI DON'T KNOW WHAT I WOULD HAVE \nDONE.\nTHEY RECEIVED TRAUMATIC BRAIN \nINJURY.\nHERE'S WHAT THE PRESIDENT SAID, \nHEADACHES, NOT BAD, HEADACHES, \nTHAT'S ALL THEY ARE.\nTHIS GUY DOESN'T DESERVE TO BE \nCOMMANDER IN CHIEF FOR ONE MORE \nDAY.\n[ APPLAUSE ]\n>> SENATOR SANDERS, YOU HAVE \nCALLED THIS ASSASSINATING A \nGOVERNMENT OFFICIAL.\nYOU WOULD NOT HAVE ORDERED THE \nSTRIKE?\n>> LOOK, HERE IS THE DANGER.\nTHERE ARE VERY BAD LEADERS ALL \nOVER THE WORLD.\nKIM JONG-UN IN NORTH KOREA IS \nPROBABLY RESPONSIBLE FOR THE \nDEATH OF HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS \nOF HIS PEOPLE, THREATENING ALL \nOF ASIA WITH NUCLEAR WEAPONS.\nYOU'VE GOT MOHAMMED BIN SALMON \nIN SAUDI ARABIA WHO IS A \nTERRIBLE MURDERER WHO MURDERED \nKASHOGGI IN COLD BLOOD AND \nDISMEMBERED HIS BODY.\nYOU HAVE PUTIN IN RUSSIA WHO \nHAVE BEEN INVOLVED IN POLITICAL \nASSASSINATIONS OF HIS ENEMIES.\nYOU'VE GOT XI IN CHINA WHO'S PUT\nA MILLION MUSLIMS INTO \nCONCENTRATION CAMPS.\nYOU CANNOT GO AROUND SAYING \nYOU'RE A BAD GUY, WE'RE GOING TO\nASSASSINATE YOU AND IF THAT \nHAPPENS, YOU'RE OPENING THE DOOR\nTO THE INTERNATIONAL ANARCHY \nTHAT EVERY GOVERNMENT IN THE \nWORLD WILL THEN BE SUBJECTED TO \nATTACKS AND ASSASSINATION.\nWHAT WE HAVE GOT TO DO, WHICH \nTRUMP DOES NOT UNDERSTAND, IS \nSTRENGTHEN THE STATE DEPARTMENT \nAND OUR DIPLOMATIC CAPABILITIES,\nNOT JUST THE MILITARY.\nWHAT WE HAVE GOT TO DO IS BRING \nCOUNTRIES AROUND THE WORLD \nTOGETHER WITH OUR POWER AND OUR \nWEALTH AND SAY, YOU KNOW WHAT, \nLET US SIT DOWN AND WORK OUT OUR\nDIFFERENCES THROUGH DEBATE AND \nDISCUSSION AT THE U.N., NOT \nTHROUGH MORE AND MORE WAR AND \nTHE EXPENDITURES OF TRILLIONS OF\nDOLLARS AND THE LOSS OF GOD \nKNOWS HOW MANY LIVES.\n>> SENATOR SANDERS, THANK YOU.\nTHIS DOES TAKE ME TO AFGHANISTAN\nAND TO AMERICA'S LONGEST WAR.\nSENATOR WARREN, YOU RECENTLY \nSAID, QUOTE, WE HAVE ONE GENERAL\nAFTER ANOTHER IN AFGHANISTAN WHO\nCOMES IN AND SAYS WE'VE JUST \nTURNED A CORNER AND THEN WHAT \nHAPPENS?\nIT'S ALL THE SAME.\nYOU SAID SO MANY SAY IT, WE'RE \nGOING IN CIRCLES.\nWE WERE ON THE GROUND IN \nAFGHANISTAN AND IRAQ IN RECENT \nMONTHS.\nTHE GENERAL TOLD US THAT THE \nU.S. NEEDS SOME U.S. PRESENCE ON\nTHE GROUND, U.S. SPECIAL FORCES,\nSOME PRESENCE TO GO AFTER ISIS \nAND THE TERRORISTS.\nIF YOU'RE COMMANDER IN CHIEF, \nWOULD YOU LISTEN TO THE GENERALS\nOR DO THEY FALL INTO THE \nCATEGORY OF THE GENERALS YOU \nMENTIONED BEFORE?\n>> LOOK, I SAID ON SENATE ARMED \nSERVICES COMMITTEE SO I GET THE \nBRIEFINGS FROM THE GENERALS ON A\nREGULAR BASIS.\nI'VE BEEN TO AFGHANISTAN, TO \nIRAQ, JORDAN, I'VE BEEN \nTHROUGHOUT THE REASON.\nI'VE BEEN THERE WITH JOHN \nMcCAIN, I'VE BEEN WITH LINDSEY \nGRAHAM TO ASK THE HARD QUESTIONS\nABOUT WHAT'S HAPPENING, TO ASK \nOUR GENERALS TO ASK THEIR \nGENERALS, TO ASK PEOPLE ON THE \nGROUND.\nTHE BOTTOM LINE IS NOBODY SEES A\nSOLUTION TO THIS WAR, NOBODY CAN\nDESCRIBE WHAT WINNING LOOKS \nLIKE.\nALL THEY CAN DESCRIBE IS ENDLESS\nWAR.\nI REALIZE THERE ARE PEOPLE ON \nTHIS DEBATE STAGE WHO ARE \nWILLING TO SAY, YEAH, WE'LL \nLEAVE OUR TROOPS THERE FOR FIVE \nMORE YEARS, TEN MORE YEARS.\nLINDSEY GRAHAM SAID HE'S WILLING\nTO LEAVE TROOPS FOR A HUNDRED \nMORE YEARS.\nWHAT HAS ALL THESE YEARS OF WAR \nBROUGHT US?\nTHE AFGHANISTAN GOVERNMENT \nCONTROLS LESS THAN 60% OF THE \nLAND.\nPEOPLE DON'T HAVE FAITH IN THEIR\nCORRUPT GOVERNMENT.\nTHE OPIUM TRADE IS HIGHER THAN \nEVER.\nWE SENT OUR TROOPS IN AND THEY \nDID THEIR BEST.\nTHEY WERE THERE FOR US.\nBUT WE NEED TO BE THERE FOR \nTHEM.\nAND THAT MEANS NOT TO SEND OUR \nTROOPS TO DO WORK THAT CANNOT BE\nSOLVED MILITARILY.\nIT IS TIME TO BRING OUR COMBAT \nTROOPS HOME.\nIT IS TIME TO STOP THIS ENDLESS \nWAR IN AFGHANISTAN. \n>> SENATOR WARREN, I WANT TO \nPRESS YOU ON THIS.\nYOU JUST SAID COMBAT TROOPS. \n>> YES. \n>> IF THE GENERALS CAME TO YOU \nAND SAID WE NEED U.S. SPECIAL \nFORCES, SOME FOOTPRINT IN IRAQ \nAND AFGHANISTAN, WOULD YOU LEAD \nTHEM?\n>> I WANT TO HEAR THE PLAN.\nNOT JUST WE NEED IT NOW.\nI WANT TO KNOW WHERE OUR ALLIES \nARE.\nWE ALL HAVE AN INTEREST IN \nDEALING WITH TERRORISM AND \n \nCONTROLLING TERRORISM BUT THAT \nCAN'T JUST BE THE UNITED STATES \nWAGING ENDLESS WAR.\nTHAT DOES NOT MAKE US SAFER, IT \nDOES NOT MAKE THE REGION SAFER, \nIT DOES NOT MAKE THE WORLD \nSAFER.\nWE SHOULD WORK WITH OUR ALLIES \nIN MANAGING TERRORISM BUT WE \nNEED TO END THIS WAR IN \nAFGHANISTAN.\nWE CANNOT WAIT FIVE MORE YEARS \nOR TEN MORE YEARS OR UNTIL WE \nTURN THE CORNER TEN MORE TIMES.\nWE NEED TO BRING OUR COMBAT \nTROOPS HOME. \n>> SENATOR WARREN, THANK YOU.\nI WANT TO TAKE THIS TO THE VICE \nPRESIDENT BECAUSE YOU HAVE SAID \nOF SENATOR WARREN'S COMMENTS \nBEFORE THAT THE UNITED STATES \nSHOULD GET OUT OF THE MIDDLE \nEAST, YOU SAID I QUITE FRANKLY \nWAS SURPRISED THAT I HAVE NEVER \nHEARD ANYONE SAY WITH ANY \nSERIOUS BACKGROUND IN FOREIGN \nPOLICY THAT WE SHOULD PULL ALL \nTROOPS OUT OF THE MIDDLE EAST.\nIS SENATOR WARREN ON THIS?\n>> I'M NOT SURE SHE WANTS TO \nPULL ALL TROOPS OUT OF THE \nMIDDLE EAST.\nBUT IF SHE DOES, WE SAW WHAT \nHAPPENS WHEN THAT HAPPENED.\nI HELPED PUT TOGETHER A 61 \nNATION GROUP TO TAKE OUT ISIS BY\nPUTTING FEWER THAN 5,000 FORCES \nALONG THE TURKISH BORDER.\nTHE KURDS LOST 10,000 LIVES.\nTHEY DEFEATED ISIS.\nTHEY ENDED THE FIGHT AND THEN \nTHE PRESIDENT ON A WHIM DEALING \nWITH A MAN I KNOW VERY WELL, THE\nGUY RUNNING TURKEY WHO'S MORE OF\nAN AUTOCRAT THAN AN DEMOCRAT.\nYOU SAW WHAT HAPPENED.\nYOU SAW THE EFFORT TO BE ABLE TO\nCONTAIN, NUMBER ONE.\nNUMBER TWO, CLOSE YOUR EYES, \nREMEMBER WHAT YOU SAW ON \nTELEVISION.\nYOU SAW A WOMAN STANDING UP \nTHERE HOLDING UP HER BABY, KURD \nSAYING PLEASE DON'T LEAVE US AND\nOUR MILITARY WOMEN AND MEN GOING\nOUT IN THEIR HUMVEE WITH THEIR \nHEADS DOWN ASHAMED OF WHAT THEY \nDID.\nWITH REGARD TO AFGHANISTAN, I \nWAS TOTALLY AGAINST THE WHOLE \nNOTION OF NO NATION BUILDING IN \nAFGHANISTAN.\nTHE ONLY THING WE SHOULD BE \nDOING IS DEALING WITH TERRORISM \nIN THAT REGION.\nI'VE BEEN TO EVERY PART OF \nAFGHANISTAN NOT IN COMBAT LIKE \nMY FRIEND HAS, BUT IN A \nHELICOPTER AND/OR ON A VEHICLE \nIN EVERY PART OF IT AS SENATOR \nAND VICE PRESIDENT.\nHERE'S WHAT I SAW.\nTHERE'S NO POSSIBILITY OF \nUNITING THAT COUNTRY, NO \nPOSSIBILITY AT ALL OF MAKING IT \nA WHOLE COUNTRY.\nBUT IT IS POSSIBLE TO SEE TO IT \nTHAT YOU'RE NOT ABLE TO LAUNCH \nMORE ATTACKS FROM THE REGION ON \nTHE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.\nTHAT'S THE SMALL FOOTPRINT THAT \nWE NEEDED IN THE BEGINNING. \n>> YOU MENTIONED MAYOR \nBUTTIGIEG, GIVEN YOUR FINISH IN \nIOWA YOU'VE COME UNDER \nINCREASING SCRUTINY, ATTACKS \nFROM OPPONENTS ON EXPERIENCE.\nWE'VE HEARD THAT THEME RIGHT \nHERE TONIGHT.\nYOU HAVE SAID ON THE IRAQ WAR \nFOR EXAMPLE, I JUST DON'T \nBELIEVE THERE IS ANY \nJUSTIFICATION FOR THAT VOTE.\nYOU SAID IT'S THE DIFFERENCE \nBETWEEN TENURE AND JUDGMENT.\nTHAT IT'S THE JUDGMENT THAT \nMATTERS NOT THE TIME IN \nWASHINGTON.\nVICE PRESIDENT BIDEN\nVOTED YES.\nAS COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF DO YOU \nBELIEVE YOUR JUDGMENT WOULD BE \nBETTER THAN THE VICE \nPRESIDENT'S?\n>> I BELIEVE THAT I HAVE THE \nJUDGMENT TO HELP US GET THROUGH \nTHESE SITUATIONS WHERE OBVIOUSLY\nTHE VICE PRESIDENT MADE THE \nWRONG DECISION WHEN IT CAME TO \nSUCH AN IMPORTANT MOMENT IN OUR \nFOREIGN POLICY.\nAND LOOKING FORWARD, WE GOT TO \nRECOGNIZE JUST HOW MUCH IS GOING\nTO BE ON THE PLATE OF THE NEXT \nPRESIDENT.\nTHAT IT'S DIFFERENT IN KIND FROM\nWHAT WE HAVE FACED BEFORE.\nIT IS NOT JUST ABOUT DEALING \nWITH THE AFTERMATH OF THE WAR IN\nIRAQ.\nIT IS ABOUT PREVENTING A WAR \nWITH IRAN.\nNOT ONLY DO WE HAVE TO UNDERTAKE\nTHE MILITARY AND \nCOUNTERTERRORISM ACTIVITIES \nWE'VE BEEN DOING THROUGHOUT.\nTHE NEXT PRESIDENT IS GOING TO \nHAVE TO RESTORE THE CREDIBILITY \nOF THIS COUNTRY AMONG OUR ALLIES\nAND AMONG THE INTERNATIONAL \nCOMMUNITY.\nAT A MOMENT WHEN WE ARE FACING \nFUNDAMENTALLY DIFFERENT \nCHALLENGES FROM ASYMETRIC \nWARFARE TO CYBER SECURITY \nTHREATS.\nIF PRESIDENT TRUMP'S IMAGINATION\nOF THE NATIONAL SECURITY \nSTRATEGY IS A BIG WALL AND A \nMOAT FULL OF ALLIGATORS, A 17th \nCENTURY APPROACH TO KEEPING A \nPLACE SAFE.\nWE HAVE TO BE READY FOR THE \nFUTURE AND THAT MEANS INSISTING,\nNOT ONLY ON SHORING UP OUR \nRELATIONSHIPS, BUT DEFINING A \nSTRATEGY TO KEEP THE AMERICAN \nPEOPLE SAFE FROM FUNDAMENTALLY \nNEW CHALLENGES.\n>> MR. VICE PRESIDENT, I'LL LET \nYOU RESPOND TO HIS ARGUMENT ON \nJUDGMENT.\n>> I MADE A MISTAKE.\nI SAID IT 14 YEARS AGO.\nI TRUSTED GEORGE BUSH TO KEEP \nHIS WORD.\nHE SAID HE WAS NOT GOING TO GO \nINTO IRAQ.\nHE SAID HE WAS ONLY USING THIS \nTO UNITE THE UNITED NATIONS, TO \nINSIST WE GET INSPECTORS IN TO \nSEE WHAT SADDAM WAS DOING.\nWHEN WE GOT ELECTED THE \nPRESIDENT TURNED TO ME WITH THE \nENTIRE SECURITY APPARATUS AND \nSAID, JOE, I WANT YOU TO \nORGANIZE GETTING 156,000 TROOPS \nOUT OF IRAQ.\nI DID THAT.\nI DID THAT.\nTHE OTHER THING I WANT TO POINT \nOUT TO YOU IS THAT NATO IS, IN \nFACT, GOING TO CRUMBLE IF WE \nDON'T BEAT TRUMP.\nNATO IS IN REAL TROUBLE.\nWE NEED NATO FOR MORE REASONS \nTHAN PHYSICAL SECURITY.\nWE NEED NATO TO MAKE SURE THAT \nWE DO NOT ALLOW RUSSIA TO \nCONTINUE TO HAVE ITS INFLUENCE \nIN EASTERN EUROPE IN WAYS IT HAD\nBEFORE.\nIT WASN'T JUST TO STOP THE \nSOVIET UNION FROM COMING INTO \nTHE UNITED STATES -- COMING INTO\nEUROPE.\nIT WAS TO MAKE SURE WE DID NOT \nHAVE THAT TAKING OVER THAT PART \nOF THE WORLD.\nI KNOW HOW TO DEAL WITH THEM.\nI KNOW EVERY ONE OF THESE WORLD \nLEADERS BY FIRST NAMES.\nTHEY CALL ME.\nTHEY TALK TO ME.\nI BELIEVE I CAN GET IT DONE.\n>> MR. STEYER I WANT TO BRING \nYOU IN ON THIS.\nIN THE LAST 24 HOURS YOU'VE HAD \nAN ATTACK AD RUNNING IN NEW \nHAMPSHIRE WITH IMAGES OF MAYOR \nBUTTIGIEG AND YOU SAY OVER THE \nIMAGES AN UNTESTED NEWCOMER.\nI WANTED TO ASK YOU TONIGHT ON \nTHIS READINESS TO BECOME \nCOMMANDER-IN-CHIEF YOU SHARE THE\nSTAGE WITH A VICE PRESIDENT WHO \nWAS IN THE SITUATION ROOM.\nWHAT MAKES YOU MOST QUALIFIED OF\nALL CANDIDATES ON THE STAGE TO \nBE COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF?\n>> LET ME SAY THIS.\nI AGREE WITH PETE BUTTIGIEG IT \nIS ABOUT JUDGMENT NOT TENURE.\nWHAT WE'RE HEARING HERE IS A \nVERY LONG DISSERTATION ABOUT \nEXACTLY HOW AMERICA SHOULD BE \nTHE WORLD'S POLICEMAN.\nWHAT WE'VE ACTUALLY SEEN IN THE \nMIDDLE EAST IS THAT BARACK OBAMA\nUSED DIPLOMACY TO GET IRAN TO \nGIVE UP ITS NUCLEAR AMBITIONS IN\nRETURN FOR OUR RELEASING \nECONOMIC SANCTIONS ALONG WITH \nOUR PARTNERS AROUND THE WORLD.\nSO WHEN WE'RE TALKING ABOUT OUR \nROLE IN THE WORLD AND \nCOMMANDER-IN-CHIEF, WE HAVE \nABANDONED A DIPLOMACY.\nWE DON'T HAVE A STRATEGY.\nWE DON'T HAVE ALLIES.\nACTUALLY, THIS VIEW OF THE WORLD\nTHAT OUR RESPONSE SHOULD BE \nMILITARY IS DRIVEN BY OUR \nGIGANTIC MILITARY COMPLEX AND \nIGNORES THE BIGGEST PROBLEM THAT\nWE FACE INTERNATIONALLY IN THE \nWORLD, WHICH IS CLIMATE CHANGE.\nAND THAT CANNOT BE SOLVED WITH \nGUNS AND TANKS AND PLANES.\nIT CAN ONLY BE SOLVED WITH \nDIPLOMACY AND ALLIES AND \nINTERACTION WITH OTHER \nCOUNTRIES.\nSO, IN FACT, WHAT WE ARE \nLISTENING TO RIGHT HERE IS A \nDISCUSSION OF 20 YEARS OF \nFAILED, MILITARY ACTION AND HOW \nWE SHOULD CONTINUE IT AND HOW WE\nSHOULD CONTINUE SPENDING $700 \nBILLION A YEAR ON DEFENSE WHEN \nWE SPEND $70 BILLION A YEAR AT \nTHE FEDERAL LEVEL ON EDUCATION.\n>> LET'S TALK ABOUT JUDGMENT \nHERE.\n>> I DID NOT -- I DID NOT -- \n>> MR. VICE PRESIDENT I'LL GIVE \nYOU 30 SECONDS TO RESPOND.\n>> THAT IS NOT WHAT I SAID.\nI WAS PART OF THE REASON PUTTING\nTHAT DEAL TOGETHER WITH IRAN.\nI WAS THERE.\nI WAS INVOLVED IN THAT.\nI WAS ALSO PART OF THE, PUTTING \nTOGETHER THE PARIS CLIMATE \nACCORD.\nI BROUGHT IN THE CHINESE.\nI WAS PART OF THAT.\nI HAVE BEEN PART OF EVERY MAJOR \nINITIATIVE WE'VE HAD RELATIVE TO\nDIPLOMACY.\nI HAVE NOT ARGUED FOR THE \nPLACEMENT OF MAJOR NUMBERS OF \nU.S. COMBAT TROOPS.\nI HAVE SAID, ALONG WITH THE \nPRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, \nBARACK OBAMA, AS HIS PARTNER, I \nHAVE SAID WE HAVE TO STRENGTHEN \nNATO TO MAKE IT CLEAR THAT WE \nKEEP OUR COMMITMENTS WHEN WE \nMAKE THEM.\nLIKE WE DON'T KEEP OUR \nCOMMITMENTS TO THE KURDS.\nWE MUST KEEP OUR COMMITMENTS \nWHEN WE MAKE THEM.\nOTHERWISE WE HAVE NO POWER \nWHATSOEVER.\nAND IT'S NOT ABOUT MAKING SURE \nWE'RE POLICEMEN OF THE WORLD.\nTHE ONLY WAY NOT TO BECOME \nPOLICEMEN OF THE WORLD IS TO \nHAVE ALLIES THAT WILL JOIN US IN\nDEALING WITH FAILED STATES AND \nTERRORISM.\nAND IT HAS TO BE DONE JOINTLY BY\nA WHOLE LOT OF PEOPLE AND IT \nDOESN'T REQUIRE LARGE NUMBERS OF\nU.S. TROOPS AND I'VE NEVER SAID \nTHAT.\n>> OKAY.\nSENATOR SANDERS PLEASE.\n>> IF I MIGHT, LIKE JOE AND \nOTHERS, I ALSO HEARD THE \nARGUMENTS IN TERMS OF THE WAR IN\nIRAQ FROM BUSH, FROM CHANEY, \nFROM JOHN BOLTON, FROM THE WHOLE\nADMINISTRATION.\nI LISTENED VERY CAREFULLY.\nAND I CONCLUDED THAT THEY WERE \nLYING THROUGH THEIR TEETH.\nAND I NOT ONLY VOTED AGAINST \nTHAT WAR BUT I HELPED LEAD THE \nOPPOSITION.\nAND IT SADDENS ME SO MUCH, MY \nFEARS ABOUT ALL THE \nDESTABLIZATION THAT WOULD TAKE \nPLACE BY THE U.S. INVADING IRAQ,\nIT SAYS TO ME THAT THAT IS WHAT \nHAPPENED.\nBUT LET ME JUST PICK UP ON A \nPOINT TOM MADE, WHICH IS \nABSOLUTELY RIGHT.\nTRUMP WANTS TO BUILD A WALL \nAROUND AMERICA.\nTHE PROBLEM IS IF WE ARE GOING \nTO DEAL WITH ISSUES LIKE CLIMATE\nCHANGE, NOT ONLY DO WE IN \nAMERICA HAVE TO TAKE ON THE \nGREED OF THE FOSSIL FUEL \nINDUSTRY, WE HAVE TO LEAD THE \nENTIRE WORLD.\nTHIS IS NOT AN AMERICAN ISSUE.\nIT'S A GLOBAL ISSUE.\nWE GOT TO BRING CHINA AND RUSSIA\nAND BRAZIL AND PAKISTAN AND \nINDIA AND EVERY MAJOR COUNTRY ON\nEARTH INTO THE FIGHT AGAINST \nCLIMATE CHANGE.\nAND HERE IS MY DREAM.\nMAYBE IT'S A RADICAL DREAM.\nBUT MAYBE JUST MAYBE GIVEN THE \nCRISIS OF CLIMATE CHANGE THE \nWORLD CAN UNDERSTAND THAT \nINSTEAD OF SPENDING \n$1.8 TRILLION A YEAR \nCOLLECTIVELY ON WEAPONS OF \nDESTRUCTION DESIGNED TO KILL \nEACH OTHER, MAYBE WE POOL OUR \nRESOURCES AND FIGHT OUR COMMON \nENEMY, WHICH IS CLIMATE CHANGE.\n>> SENATOR SANDERS, THANK YOU.\n>> MUCH MORE COMING UP.\nWE HAVE GOT TO TAKE A BREAK AND \nWE'LL BE RIGHT BACK.\n>>> WELCOME BACK TO MANCHESTER, \nNEW HAMPSHIRE, AND THE ABC NEWS \nDEMOCRATIC DEBATE.\nTHANKS FOR JOINING US HERE ON \nABC NEWS LIVE.\nRACHEL, WE HAVE SOME OF THE BEST\nSEATS IN THE HOUSE HERE TONIGHT.\n>> I WOULD SAY SO.\n>> WHAT A DEBATE IT HAS BEEN SO \nFAR.\nIF YOU ARE JUST JOINING US OR \nJOINED IN THE MIDDLE WE SAW \nBERNIE SANDERS DEFEND HIS \nATTACKS ON PETE BUTTIGIEG.\nWE SAW THE FORMER VICE PRESIDENT\nJOE BIDEN TALK ABOUT HIS WEAK \nSHOWING IN IOWA.\nBOTH OF THEM WENT ON THE ATTACK \nON PETE BUTTIGIEG.\n>> I THINK ONE THING IS CLEAR \nTONIGHT.\nTHIS IS NOT JUST A FIGHT TO \nDEFEAT PRESIDENT TRUMP BUT A \nFIGHT AND A BATTLE OVER THE \nFUTURE OF THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY.\nWE ARE SEEING SOME VERY CLEAR \nLANES BEING CARVED OUT HERE \nTONIGHT.\nYOU SEE THE MODERATES VERSUS THE\nPROGRESSIVES AND ALSO THE \nNEWCOMERS TO WASHINGTON, MAYOR \nPETE BUTTIGIEG, VERSUS THOSE WHO\nHAVE LOTS OF POLITICAL \nEXPERIENCE ON THAT STAGE.\nONE OF THE THINGS THAT COMES \nWITH HAVING THE MOMENTUM IN THIS\nRACE IS HAVING A TARGET ON YOUR \nBACK.\nWE SAW THAT TONIGHT FROM MAYOR \nPETE BUTTIGIEG GETTING ATTACK \nAFTER ATTACK.\nHE TRIED TO FEND THEM OFF AS \nBEST HE COULD, SAYING HE IS THE \nONE THAT COULD BRING A FRESH \nFACE TO WASHINGTON, THAT \nWASHINGTON NEEDS IT RIGHT NOW.\nTHE CANDIDATES ON THAT STAGE \nQUESTIONING HIS EXPERIENCE AND \nWHETHER OR NOT A SMALL TOWN \nMAYOR COULD BEAT PRESIDENT TRUMP\nAND LEAD THE NATION.\n>> GETTING RIGHT BACK AGAINST \nBERNIE SANDERS AND HIS, QUOTE, \nMY WAY OR THE HIGHWAY APPROACH \nTO POLITICS IN THE WORDS OF PETE\nBUTTIGIEG ALSO CALLING JOE BIDEN\nPART OF THE POLITICS OF THE \nPAST, WAS ALSO AN INTERESTING \nMOMENT IN THIS FIRST PART OF THE\nDEBATE WHERE IMPEACHMENT MADE A \nROARING COMEBACK AND HAS \nFINISHED AND WRAPPED UP IN \nWASHINGTON BUT A LOT OF \nDISCUSSION ON STAGE INCLUDING A \nSTANDING OVATION FOR THOSE WHITE\nHOUSE OFFICIALS WHO WERE \nESCORTED OFF THE JOB TODAY IN AN\nACT OF RETRIBUTION.\n>> YOU SAW THAT STANDING OVATION\nFOR LIEUTENANT COLONEL VINDMAN \nBUT ALSO A MOMENT OF UNITY ON \nTHE STAGE THERE.\nTHIS IS SOMETHING ALL OF THE \nCANDIDATES AGREE ON, RIGHT?\nMAYOR PETE BUTTIGIEG WHO HAS \nRAMPED UP HIS ATTACKS AGAINST \nTHE FORMER VICE PRESIDENT IN \nTHIS LAST STRETCH CAME TO HIS \nDEFENSE TONIGHT ON THAT STAGE \nSAYING THAT WE WILL NOT ALLOW \nTHE REPUBLICANS TO CHANGE THE \nSUBJECT.\nHE SAYS WE NEED TO DRAW A LINE \nAGAINST THESE ATTACKS AGAINST \nHUNTER BIDEN.\n>> FOUR DAYS TO GO BEFORE THE \nBIG VOTES HERE IN NEW HAMPSHIRE.\nCOMING INTO THIS DEBATE WE SAW \nTHE STORY LINE SOLIDIFY TODAY IN\nNEW POLLING THAT JUST CAME OUT.\nIF YOU HAVEN'T SEEN THOSE \nNUMBERS, TAKE A LOOK HERE.\nWE SEE BERNIE SANDERS ON TOP OF \nTHE PACK WITH PETE BUTTIGIEG \nSURGING IN THE LAST TWO WEEKS \nHERE IN NEW HAMPSHIRE COMING ON \nSANDERS' HEELS.\nTHIS IS ONE POLL FROM MARIST AND\nNBC NEWS.\nJOE BIDEN SLIPPING A BIT.\nYOU HAVE BEEN OUT ON THE \nCAMPAIGN TRAIL TALKING TO VOTERS\nAND THEY ARE STILL MAKING UP \nTHEIR MINDS.\n>> THEY ARE.\nTHEY JUST HAVE A FEW DAYS LEFT \nTO DECIDE AND THEY ARE EAGER TO \nHEAR WHAT THE CANDIDATES HAVE TO\nSAY TONIGHT.\nTHIS IS A STATE THAT SENATOR \nSANDERS WON BACK IN 2016.\nHE'LL BE LOOKING FOR A REPEAT.\n>> ALL RIGHT.\nTHOSE CANDIDATES NOW COMING BACK\nON STAGE FOR THE SECOND HALF OF \nTHE ABC NEWS DEMOCRATIC DEBATE \nIN NEW HAMPSHIRE.\nSTAY WITH US HERE ON ABC NEWS \nLIVE FOR MUCH MORE COVERAGE \nAHEAD AND NOW BACK TO GEORGE AND\nTHE TEAM.\n>>> WELCOME BACK TO ST. ANSELM \nCOLLEGE HERE IN NEW HAMPSHIRE.\nWE ARE HERE EVERY FOUR YEARS \nTHANKS TO OUR AMAZING MANCHESTER\nPARTNER WMUR AND NOW ANCHOR \nMONICA HERNANDEZ AND THE \nPOLITICAL DIRECTOR ARE JOINING \nUS WITH QUESTIONS ON THE MINDS \nOF NEW HAMPSHIRE VOTERS.\n>> THANK YOU, GEORGE.\nIT IS AN HONOR TO BE HERE IN OUR\nCOMMUNITY.\nWE KNOW GRANITE STATERS ARE \nENGAGED AND WE KNOW THERE ARE \nISSUES THAT STRIKE ESPECIALLY \nCLOSE TO HOME HERE.\nNEW HAMPSHIRE HAS ONE OF THE \nHIGHEST RATES OF DEADLY \nOVERDOSES IN THE COUNTRY.\nIN SOME CASES POLICE AND \nPARAMEDICS TELL US THEY ARE \nSAVING THE SAME LIVES AGAIN AND \nAGAIN, SOMETIMES MORE THAN ONCE \nIN A SINGLE DAY.\nIT IS A HEALTH CARE ISSUE BUT \nALSO SO MUCH MORE.\nMAYOR BUTTIGIEG, YOU HAVE \nDESCRIBED YOURSELF AS A \nMODERATE.\nBUT ONE OF YOUR POLICIES AT \nLEAST GOES FURTHER THAN SOME ON \nTHE STAGE WITH YOU ARE WILLING \nTO GO.\nYOU HAVE CALLED FOR THE \nDECRIMINALIZATION OF ALL DRUGS.\nDOES THAT INCLUDE HEROIN, METH, \nAND COCAINE, SOME OF THE DRUGS \nTHAT HAVE CONTRIBUTED TO THIS \nCRISIS?\n>> NO.\nWHAT I'VE CALLED FOR IS THAT \nINCARCERATION SHOULD NO LONGER \nBE THE RESPONSE TO DRUG \nPOSSESSION.\n>> WITH ALL DUE RESPECT, MAYOR \nBUTTIGIEG, ON YOUR WEBSITE IT \nSAYS THAT YOU CALLED FOR \nDECRIMINALIZATION OF ALL DRUGS.\n>> AGAIN, WHAT I AM CALLING FOR \nIS WE END THE USE OF \nINCARCERATION AS A RESPONSE.\nTHIS DOES NOT MEAN THAT IT WILL \nBE LAWFUL TO PRODUCE OR \nDISTRIBUTE THOSE KINDS OF \nHARMFUL DRUGS.\nBUT, ALSO, AS WE KNOW FROM THE \nOPIOID CRISIS, SOME OF THIS HAS \nBEEN DRIVEN BY COMPANIES THAT \nWERE ACTING IRRESPONSIBLY WITH \nSUBSTANCES THAT WERE LAWFUL.\nIT'S WHY IN SOUTH BEND WE SUED \nTHOSE COMPANIES TO HOLD THEM \nACCOUNTABLE.\nWE'VE GOT TO MAKE SURE THAT \nTHERE IS ACCOUNTABILITY FOR \nTHOSE WHO SUPPRESS EVIDENCE \nABOUT THE ADDICTIVENESS OF THOSE\nSUBSTANCES.\nEVEN WHILE WE'RE ALSO COMING TO \nRECOGNIZE THAT THESE KINDS OF \nADDICTIONS ARE A MEDICAL ISSUE \nNOT A MORAL FAILURE ON THE PART \nOF SOMEBODY BATTLING THAT \nADDICTION.\nTHAT'S WHY MEDICATION ASSISTED \nTREATMENT IS SO IMPORTANT.\nAND THOSE PEOPLE WHO ARE BEING \nREVIVED AND OUR OWN EMTs IN MY \nCITY HAVE BEEN SO FRUSTRATED BY \nTHE EXPERIENCE OF REVIVING \nSOMEBODY BUT THEN THEY HAVE \nNOWHERE TO GO.\nSOMETIMES YOU GET BROUGHT BACK \nWITH A DOSE OF NARCAN BUT THEN \nYOUR LIFE DEPENDS ON WHETHER IN \nTHE DAYS THAT FOLLOW YOU MAKE IT\nUNTIL SOMEBODY CAN ACTUALLY SEE \nYOU BECAUSE WE HAVE SUCH A \nSHORTAGE OF MENTAL HEALTH AND \nADDICTION PROVIDERS IN THIS \nCOUNTRY.\nWE MUST ACT TO CHANGE THAT.\nAND SAVE LIVES WHEN WE DO.\n>> I WANT TO BRING THIS QUESTION\nNOW TO MR. YANG.\nYOU'VE SAID YOU WOULD \nDECRIMINALIZE OPIOIDS BUT YOU'VE\nALSO SAID YOU WOULD REQUIRE ALL \nOVERDOSE PATIENTS TO GO TO \nMANDATORY TREATMENT CENTERS FOR \nTHREE DAYS.\nRIGHT NOW IN NEW HAMPSHIRE THERE\nAREN'T ENOUGH BEDS IN TREATMENT \nCENTERS AND ACROSS THE COUNTRY.\nHOW WOULD YOU MAKE SURE \nTREATMENT IS AVAILABLE FOR ALL \nOVERDOSE PATIENTS AND WHAT WOULD\nYOU DO TO FILL THE GAP IN THE \nMEAN BETIME?\n>> THAT'S WHAT WE HAVE TO \nCHANGE, MONICA.\nI HAVE HEARD HEART BREAKING \nSTORIES FROM FAMILY IS HERE IN \nNEW HAMPSHIRE THAT HAVE BEEN \nDESTROYED, TORN APART BY THE \nOPIOID EPIDEMIC.\nYOU HAVE TO LOOK AT THE \nCOMPANIES THAT PROFITED TO\nTUNE OF TENS OF BILLIONS OF \nDOLLARS IN PROFITS OF \nESSENTIALLY BLOOD MONEY.\nAS PRESIDENT, WE WILL TAKE BACK \nTHOSE PROFITS AND PUT THEM TO \nWORK RIGHT HERE IN NEW HAMPSHIRE\nSO THAT IF YOU ARE SEEKING \nTREATMENT, YOU HAVE RESOURCES TO\nBE ABLE TO PURSUE IT.\nTHIS IS NOT A MONEY PROBLEM \nFUNDAMENTALLY.\nTHIS IS A HUMAN PROBLEM.\nBUT MONEY CANNOT BE THE \nOBSTACLE.\nTHIS IS SOMETHING THAT HAPPENED \nON THE GOVERNMENT'S WATCH.\nTHE GOVERNMENT ALLOWED THIS \nOPIOID EPIDEMIC TO SPREAD \nTHROUGHOUT OUR COMMUNITIES AND \nWE HAVE TO DO EVERYTHING IN OUR \nPOWER TO ACTUALLY MAKE SURE THAT\nIF YOU'RE SEEKING TREATMENT, YOU\nKNOW YOU'RE NOT GOING TO BE SENT\nTO JAIL.\nWE HAVE SAFE INJECTION AND SAFE \nCONSUMPTION SITES FOR YOU.\nIF YOU HAVE A FAMILY MEMBER WHO \nIS STRUGGLING YOU CAN REFER THEM\nAND KNOW THEY'RE NOT GOING TO \nHAVE CRIMINAL PENALTIES AS A \nRESULT.\nTHERE IS SO MUCH ABOUT THIS THAT\nIS ENDEMIC TO WHAT HAPPENED \nTHROUGHOUT THE COUNTRY IN TERMS \nOF COMPANIES RUNNING AMOK, THIS \nHYPERCORPORATE CAPITALISM WHERE \nIF MONEY IS ON ONE SIDE IN THIS \nCOUNTRY AND PEOPLE ARE ON THE \nOTHER SIDE THE MONEY IS WINNING.\nYOU CAN SEE IT WITH THE OPIOID \nEPIDEMIC.\nYOU CAN SEE IT WITH THE MILITARY\nINDUSTRIAL COMPLEX, THE FOSSIL \nFUEL COMPANIES.\nTHIS IS WHAT MUST CHANGE.\nTHAT'S WHERE I'LL LEAD AS \nPRESIDENT.\n>> SENATOR KLOBUCHAR, I WANT TO \nTAKE THE QUESTION TO YOU NOW.\nAS A PROSECUTOR YOU EMBRACED \nTOUGH ON CRIME POLICIES EVEN \nWITH DRUG OFFENDERS.\nYOU'VE ALSO SPOKEN MANY TIMES \nABOUT YOUR FATHER'S OWN \nADDICTION ISSUES, HIS OWN \nALCOHOLISM, AND DUI ARREST.\nIF ADDICTION IS A DISEASE SHOULD\nPEOPLE BE ARRESTED FOR IT AND AS\nA PROSECUTOR DO YOU REGRET \nSENDING PEOPLE WITH SUBSTANCE \nABUSE ISSUES TO JAIL?\n>> I LED ONE OF THE MOST \nSUCCESSFUL DRUG COURTS IN THE \nCOUNTRY IN HEN PIN COUNTY AND I \nALWAYS BELIEVED AND I THINK MY \nRECORD SHOWS THIS THAT WE \nWEREN'T A BUSINESS.\nWE DIDN'T WANT TO SEE REPEAT \nCUSTOMERS.\nAND IF YOU DON'T WANT TO SEE \nREPEAT CUSTOMERS, THE ONLY \nANSWER IS TREATMENT.\nAND MAYBE YOU'RE REFERRING TO \nSOME OF THE PEOPLE WHO WERE \nDEALING BIG TIME IN DRUGS.\nYES.\nI FELT THAT WE SHOULD PROSECUTE \nTHOSE PEOPLE.\nBUT WHEN IT COMES TO, AND YOU \nASKED MR. YANG A QUESTION AND I \nTHINK WE OWE IT TO THE PEOPLE OF\nNEW HAMPSHIRE THAT HAVE ONE OF \nTHE BIGGEST ADDICTION RATES IN \nTHE COUNTRY AND DEATH RATES WHEN\nIT COMES TO OPIOIDS TO EXPLAIN \nHOW WE WILL PAY FOR THE \nTREATMENT AND THE BEDS.\nI'VE BEEN VERY CLEAR ABOUT THIS.\nTHERE IS GOING TO BE A MAJOR \nSETTLEMENT COMING THROUGH, A \nFEDERAL SETTLEMENT AGAINST ALL \nTHESE OPIOID MANUFACTURERS.\nTHE EVIDENCE IS OVERWHELMING, \nINCLUDING AN E-MAIL WHERE ONE \nBUSINESS GUY SAYS TO THE OTHER \nTHEY'RE EATING THEM LIKE \nDORITOS.\nJUST KEEP PUMPING THEM OUT.\nWE WILL GET A CONSERVATIVE \nESTIMATE, $40 BILLION, IN FROM \nTHAT SETTLEMENT.\nWE CAN PUT A TWO CENTS PER \nMILLIGRAM TAX ON OPIOIDS THAT \nBRINGS IN ANOTHER $40 BILLION.\nTHEN YOU CAN CLOSE THE HEDGE \nFUND LOOPHOLE THAT BRINGS IN $18\nBILLION AND JUST LIKE EVERY \nOTHER POLICY I'VE PROPOSED AND I\nTHINK NEW HAMPSHIRE VOTERS \nSHOULD CARE ABOUT THIS, I HAVE \nSHOWED HOW I'M GOING TO PAY FOR \nIT.\nBECAUSE I THINK WE HAVE SOMEONE \nIN THE WHITE HOUSE WHO HAS TOLD \nOVER 15,000 LIES.\nHE MAKES ALL KINDS OF PROMISES.\nTHE PEOPLE OF NEW HAMPSHIRE AND \nTHE PEOPLE OF OUR COUNTRY \nDESERVE BETTER.\nI WILL GET THIS DONE AND IT IS \nPERSONAL FOR ME.\n>> GOOD EVENING, CANDIDATES.\nNEW HAMPSHIRE IS A BATTLEGROUND \nNOT JUST FOR PRESIDENTIAL \nCONTENDERS BUT ALSO FOR TOP \nISSUES AND THAT INCLUDES GUN \nPOLICY.\nSENATOR SANDERS, FOR MANY VOTERS\nIN THIS DEMOCRATIC PRIMARY YOUR \nALLURE IS ABOUT CONSISTENCY WHEN\nIT COMES TO PROGRESSIVE ISSUES \nYOU'VE BEEN ON THE RIGHT SIDE OF\nTHEM FOR A LONG TIME.\nONE EXCEPTION IS GUN RIGHTS.\nIN THE' '90s IN CONGRESS YOU \nVOTED AGAINST BACKGROUND CHECKS \nAND ALSO AGAINST A WAITING \nPERIOD FOR PURCHASE OF A \nFIREARM.\nCAN YOU EXPLAIN WHY YOU OPPOSED \nTHESE THINGS THAT YOU NOW \nSUPPORT?\n>> LET ME ALSO SAY THAT IN 1988 \nI PROBABLY LOST A RACE FOR \nCONGRESS AND WE ONLY HAVE ONE \nCONGRESS PERSON IN THE WHOLE \nSTATE BECAUSE IN 1988 I SAID \nTHAT WE SHOULD BAN THE SALE AND \nDISTRIBUTION OF ASSAULT WEAPONS \nIN THIS COUNTRY.\nTHAT WAS 30 YEARS AGO.\nFURTHERMORE, I AM VERY PROUD \nTHAT TODAY I HAVE A D MINUS \nVOTING RECORD FROM THE NRA.\nAND UNDER MY ADMINISTRATION, IT \nWILL BE THE AMERICAN PEOPLE \nDOING GUN POLICY NOT DICTATED BY\nTHE NRA.\nBUT TO ANSWER YOUR QUESTION, I \nCOME LIKE NEW HAMPSHIRE FROM A \nVERY, VERY RURAL STATE.\nIN VERMONT, UNTIL LAST -- TWO \nYEARS AGO WE HAD VIRTUALLY NO \nGUN CONTROL LEGISLATION AT ALL.\nAND I REPRESENTED THAT \nPERSPECTIVE.\nTHE WORLD HAS CHANGED.\nIN VERMONT AND IN NEW HAMPSHIRE \nAND ALL OVER THIS COUNTRY PEOPLE\nARE SICKENED BY THE MASS \nSHOOTINGS THAT WE HAVE SEEN AND \nTHE GUN VIOLENCE THAT WE HAVE \nSEEN.\nTHE WORLD HAS CHANGED AND MY \nVIEWS HAVE CHANGED.\nMY VIEW IS RIGHT NOW, WE NEED \nUNIVERSAL BACKGROUND CHECKS.\nWE END THE GUN SHOW LOOPHOLE.\nWE END THE SO-CALLED STRAW MAN \nPROVISION.\nWE MAKE CERTAIN THAT WE END THE \nSALE AND DISTRIBUTION OF ASSAULT\nWEAPONS IN THIS COUNTRY.\nAND WE GO FURTHER.\nWE GO FURTHER.\nTHE BOTTOM LINE IS I WILL NOT BE\nINTIMIDATED BY THE NRA.\nWE'RE GOING TO RUN THE GUN \nPOLICY THAT THE AMERICAN PEOPLE \nWANT.\n>> VICE PRESIDENT BIDEN, YOU'VE \nTAKEN A LOT OF HEAT IN THIS \nPRIMARY ON THESE DEBATE STAGES \nAND FROM VOTERS IN NEW HAMPSHIRE\nFOR YOUR PAST POSITION.\nYOU'VE ESSENTIALLY ASKED THEM TO\nLOOK AT THE TOTALITY OF YOUR \nRECORD AND GIVE YOU THE BENEFIT \nOF THE DOUBT.\nDOES SENATOR SANDERS DESERVE \nTHAT SAME BENEFIT OF THE DOUBT \nON GUNS?\n>> WELL LOOK.\nHERE IS THE DEAL.\nTHE BIGGEST MISTAKE BERNIE MADE,\nTHAT SENATOR SANDERS MADE, HE \nVOTED TO GIVE THE GUN \nMANUFACTURERS THE ONLY MAJOR \nINDUSTRY IN AMERICA A LOOPHOLE \nTHAT DOES NOT ALLOW THEM TO BE \nSUED FOR THE CARNAGE THEY ARE \nCREATING.\nFIRST THING I'LL DO AS PRESIDENT\nIS WORK TO GET RID OF THAT.\nIT IS GOING TO BE HARD.\nTHINK OF ALL OF THE THOUSANDS \nAND THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE WHO \nDIED.\nI MIGHT ADD, BERNIE, WHILE YOU \nWERE REPRESENTING YOUR \nCONSTITUENCY AN AWFUL LOT OF \nPEOPLE IN THAT GUN STATE AND \nTHEY'VE COME AROUND, IN FACT ALL\nTHOSE FOLKS IN CALIFORNIA, NEW \nYORK, PENNSYLVANIA, THEY WERE \nGETTING KILLED BY THE THOUSANDS \nDURING THIS SAME PERIOD.\nI COME FROM A STATE THAT'S A \nMAJOR GUN OWNER STATE.\nI INTRODUCED THE FIRST ASSAULT \nWEAPONS BAN.\nI IN FACT GOT IT PASSED.\nI'M THE ONLY GUY THAT BEAT THE \nNRA TWICE.\nWHILE I WAS PUSHING THE BRADY \nBACKGROUND BILL, BACKGROUND \nCHECKS, BERNIE VOTED FIVE TIMES \nAGAINST IT WHEN HE WAS IN THE \nHOUSE.\nSO, LOOK, THE OTHER THING IS \nTHAT WE HAVE TO BE HELD \nACCOUNTABLE FOR THE THINGS WE \nDID.\nI'M THE GUY THAT SET UP DRUG \nCOURTS.\nI SET THEM UP.\nI WROTE IT INTO LAW.\nAND IT NEVER GOT FUNDED.\nAND ALSO ON OPIOIDS I'M THE GUY \nWHO'S ALREADY BEGUN TO MAKE A \nDOWNPAYMENT.\nIN THE CURES ACT I PUT IN $1 \nBILLION TO FIGHT OPIOID \nADDICTION.\nLASTLY, MY TIME IS GOING TO BE \nUP SHORTLY, HERE'S THE DEAL.\nTHOSE CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICERS \nOF THOSE DRUG COMPANIES SHOULD \nNOT ONLY BE FINED THEY SHOULD GO\nTO JAIL.\n>> SENATOR WARREN, WE'D LIKE TO \nGO TO YOU NOW.\nWE WANT TO ASK YOU THIS \nQUESTION.\nIF YOU COULD CHANGE ONE THING \nABOUT AMERICA'S GUN CULTURE, \nWHAT WOULD IT BE?\n>> LOOK, WE HAVE A GUN VIOLENCE \nPROBLEM IN AMERICA.\nIT IS ABOUT THE MASS SHOOTINGS \nTHAT WE HEAR ABOUT IN OUR \nSCHOOLS AND THAT FRIGHTEN US, \nABOUT IN THEATERS AND IN \nCHURCHES.\nIT'S ALSO, THOUGH, ABOUT \nSHOOTINGS THAT OCCUR ON \nSIDEWALKS AND IN PLAYGROUNDS, \nOFTEN IN COMMUNITIES OF COLOR \nTHAT ARE HIT HARDEST.\nBUT THERE ARE NO HEADLINES OVER \nTHOSE.\nIT'S ALSO ABOUT SUICIDE AND THE \nINCREASED LEITHALITY OF SUICIDE \nBECAUSE OF THE AVAILABILITY OF \nGUNS.\nIT IS ALSO ABOUT THE INCREASED \nCHANCES THAT IT IS USUALLY A \nWOMAN WILL DIE OF DOMESTIC \nVIOLENCE IF SHE IS WITH A \nVIOLENT MAN AND A GUN IS IN THE \nHOUSE.\nWE NEED TO THINK OF THIS PROBLEM\nNOT AS ONE AND DONE OR THREE \nTHINGS AND DONE.\nWE NEED TO THINK OF IT JUST LIKE\nWE DID ON AUTO SAFETY.\nWE JUST KEEP COMING BACK.\nWE TREAT IT LIKE THE PUBLIC \nHEALTH EMERGENCY THAT IT IS.\nTHE QUESTION WE SHOULD BE ASKING\nOURSELVES IS WHEN AMERICA, \nACROSS THIS COUNTRY INCLUDING \nGUN OWNERS, AGREE ON CERTAIN, \nBASIC THINGS -- UNIVERSAL \nBACKGROUND CHECKS, GET ASSAULT \nWEAPONS OFF THE STREETS.\nWHY CAN WE NOT EVEN GET A VOTE \nIN THE UNITED STATES SENATE?\nAND THE ANSWER IS 90%, THINK \nABOUT THIS, MORE THAN 90% OF \nAMERICANS AGREE ON THIS.\nWE CAN'T GET A VOTE IN THE \nUNITED STATES SENATE.\nBECAUSE IT IS THE GUN INDUSTRY \nTHAT CONTINUES TO CALL THE \nSHOTS.\nUNTIL WE ATTACK THE CORRUPTION \nIN WASHINGTON, THE INFLUENCE OF \nMONEY ON CAMPAIGNS AND LOBBYING,\nWE'RE NOT GOING TO BE ABLE TO \nMEET OUR PROMISES.\nAND ONE MORE.\nUNTIL WE AGREE THAT WE ARE \nWILLING TO ROLL BACK THE \nFILIBUSTER, THE GUN INDUSTRY IS \nGOING TO CONTINUE TO HAVE A VETO\nAND WE WILL NEVER MAKE THE \nCHANGES.\nWE HAVE TO BE WILLING TO BUILD A\nFUTURE THAT WORKS NOT FOR A GUN \nINDUSTRY BUT THAT WORKS FOR THE \nREST OF AMERICA AND PROTECTS OUR\nCHILDREN.\n>> THANK YOU, CANDIDATES.\nWE'LL GO BACK TO DAVID.\n>> THANK YOU.\nTHANKS TO WMUR TONIGHT.\nI WANT TO TURN TO THE SUPREME \nCOURT.\nTHE BALANCE ON THE COURT AND THE\nISSUES BEFORE THE COURT RIGHT \nNOW.\nPRESIDENT TRUMP IN JUST THE LAST\n24 HOURS SAYING WE HAVE \nAPPOINTED 191 FEDERAL JUDGES, \nTWO SUPREME COURT JUSTICES, \nKEEPING HIS CAMPAIGN PROMISE TO \nSHIFT THE COURT TO THE RIGHT.\nTHE AFFORDABLE CARE ACT IS AT \nTHE COURT.\nCLIMATE CHANGE IS WORKING ITS \nWAY TO THE COURT.\nA MAJOR ABORTION CASE IS ON THE \nDOCKET THIS YEAR.\nVICE PRESIDENT BIDEN, ON THE \nISSUE OF ABORTION IN 2012 YOU \nSAID, PRESIDENT OBAMA'S TWO \nSUPREME COURT PICKS, OF THEM \nTHERE WAS NO LITMUS TEST.\nWE PICKED PEOPLE WHO HAD AN OPEN\nMIND, DID NOT COME WITH AN \nAGENDA.\nYOU SAID BEFORE WE BOTH BELIEVED\nWE SHOULD NOT APPLY NARROW \nLITMUS TESTS TO APPOINTEES TO \nTHE SUPREME COURT.\nLET ME JUST ASK, WOULD YOU DO IT\nDIFFERENTLY AS PRESIDENT, MR. \nVICE PRESIDENT?\nWOULD THERE BE A LITMUS TEST ON \nABORTION?\n>> IF YOU SAY THE REST OF WHAT I\nSAID.\nI SAID THAT WE WOULD NOT APPOINT\nANYONE WHO DID NOT HAVE A VIEW \nTHAT UNENUMERATED RIGHTS EXISTED\nIN THE CONSTITUTION.\nTHAT IS NOT A SPECIFIC TEST.\nIT IS A GENERIC TEST.\nTHE ONLY REASON WOMEN HAVE THE \nRIGHT TO CHOOSE IS BECAUSE IT'S \nDETERMINED THAT THERE'S \nUNENUMERATED RIGHTS FROM THE \nNINTH AMENDMENT IN THE \nCONSTITUTION.\nTHAT'S WHAT I SAID.\nAND I WAS PART OF THE REASON WHY\nELENA KAGAN GOT ON THE SUPREME \nCOURT AND WHY RUTH BADER \nGINSBURG IS ON THE COURT, AND \nWHY SOTOMAYOR IS ON THE COURT \nAND SHE SWORE ME IN.\nI PRESIDED AND I AM THE REASON \nWHY THIS RIGHT WASN'T TAKEN AWAY\nA LONG TIME AGO BECAUSE I ALMOST\nSINGLE HANDEDLY MADE SURE ROBERT\nBORK DID NOT GET ON THE COURT \nBECAUSE HE DID NOT THINK THERE \nSHOULD BE ENUMERATED RIGHTS.\nLET'S GET THAT STRAIGHT.\n>> I AM AWARE OF WHAT YOU SAID \nWHICH IS WHY I'M ASKING.\nWOULD YOU DO IT DIFFERENTLY NOW?\nWOULD THERE BE A LITMUS TEST ON \nABORTION?\n>> YES, LOOK.\nHERE IS THE DEAL.\nA LITMUS TEST ON ABORTION \nRELATES TO THE FUNDAMENTAL VALUE\nOF THE CONSTITUTION.\nA WOMAN DOES HAVE A RIGHT TO \nCHOOSE.\nI WOULD, IN FACT, IF THEY RULE \nIT TO BE UN-CONSTITUTIONAL, I \nWILL SEND TO THE UNITED STATES \nCONGRESS AND IT WILL PASS I \nBELIEVE A BILL THAT LEDGES \nSLATES ROE V. WADE ADJUSTED BY \nCASEY.\nIT IS A WOMAN'S RIGHT TO DO \nTHAT.\nPERIOD.\nIF YOU CALL THAT A LITMUS TEST \nIT IS A LITMUS TEST.\nWHAT I WAS TALKING ABOUT IN THE \nPAST SO NO ONE GETS CONFUSED \nHERE IS IF YOU READ THE \nCONSTITUTION, VERY, VERY \nNARROWLY AND SAY THERE ARE NO \nUNENUMERATED RIGHTS, IF IT \nDOESN'T STATE IT IN THE \nCONSTITUTION IT DOESN'T EXIST, \nYOU CANNOT HAVE ANY OF THE \nTHINGS I CARE ABOUT.\nANY OF THE THINGS I CARE ABOUT \nAS A PROGRESSIVE MEMBER OF THE \nUNITED STATES CONGRESS AT THE \nTIME AND AS VICE PRESIDENT AND A\nMEMBER OF SOCIETY.\n>> MR. VICE PRESIDENT, THANK \nYOU.\nSENATOR WARREN?\n>> LOOK, I'VE LIVED IN AN \nAMERICA IN WHICH ABORTION WAS \nILLEGAL.\nAND RICH WOMEN STILL GOT \nABORTIONS.\nAND THAT'S WHAT WE HAVE TO \nREMEMBER ABOUT THIS.\nSTATES ARE HEADING TOWARD TRYING\nTO BAN ABORTION OUTRIGHT AND THE\nSUPREME COURT SEEMS HEADED IN \nEXACTLY THAT DIRECTION AS WELL.\nIF WE ARE GOING TO PROTECT THE \nPEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES OF \nAMERICA AND WE ARE GOING TO \nPROTECT OUR RIGHT TO HAVE \nDOMINION OVER OUR OWN BODIES, \nTHEN IT'S GOING TO MEAN WE CAN'T\nSIMPLY RELY ON THE COURTS.\nTHREE OUT OF EVERY FOUR PEOPLE \nIN AMERICA BELIEVE RIGHT NOW \nTHAT THE RULE OF ROE VS. WADE \nSHOULD BE THE LAW.\nTHAT MEANS WE SHOULD BE PUSHING \nFOR A CONGRESSIONAL SOLUTION AS \nWELL.\nIT IS TIME TO HAVE A NATIONAL \nLAW TO PROTECT THE RIGHT OF A \nWOMAN'S CHOICE.\n>> SENATOR WARREN, THANK YOU.\nSENATOR KLOBUCHAR, I DO WANT TO \nCOME TO YOU.\nSHOULD THERE BE A LITMUS TEST?\nAN ACTIVE HALL HERE TONIGHT.\n>> THANK YOU.\n>> SHOULD THERE BE A LITMUS TEST\nON ABORTION?\n>> I WOULD ONLY APPOINT JUDGES \nTHAT WOULD RESPECT PRECEDENT AND\nONE OF THOSE KEY PRECEDENTS IS \nROE V. WADE.\nIN ADDITION, YOU HAVE GOT TO PUT\nIT INTO LAW.\nDONALD TRUMP, AND I THINK IT IS \nREALLY IMPORTANT TO TAKE IT TO \nHIM HERE, WHEN HE WAS RUNNING \nFOR ELECTION, AND THIS IS A CASE\nI WILL MAKE ON THE DEBATE STAGE \nAGAINST HIM, HE ACTUALLY SAID \nTHAT HE WANTED TO PUT WOMEN IN \nJAIL.\nHE THEN DIALED IT BACK AND SAID,\nNO.\nI WANT TO PUT DOCTORS IN JAIL.\nIS IT A BIG SURPRISE, THEN, \nWE'RE SEEING STATES LIKE ALABAMA\nSTART ENACTING LAWS THAT WOULD \nCRIMINALIZE DOCTORS WHO PERFORM \nABORTIONS?\nIT'S NOT.\nAND THAT IS WHY IT'S GOING TO BE\nREALLY IMPORTANT WHEN YOU LOOK \nAT THE OVERWHELMING PUBLIC \nSUPPORT FOR FUNDING, PLANNED \nPARENTHOOD, FOR MAKING SURE \nWOMEN HAVE ACCESS TO \nCONTRACEPTIONS, TO MAKING SURE \nTHEY HAVE A RIGHT TO CHOOSE, \nTHAT WE MAKE THIS CASE STRONGLY \nAND LOUDLY.\n>> SENATOR KLOBUCHAR, THANK YOU.\nMAYOR BUTTIGIEG, YOU HAVE \nSIGNALED YOU'D BE OPEN TO THE \nIDEA OF EXPANDING THE COURT.\nJUSTICE RUTH BADER GINSBURG \nSUGGESTED LEAVING THE COURT AS \nIT IS SAYING, QUOTE, NINE SEEMS \nTO BE A GOOD NUMBER.\nIN FACT, SHE SAID IF THE NUMBER \nOF JUSTICES IS INCREASED, QUOTE,\nIT WOULD MAKE THE COURT APPEAR \nPARTISAN.\nIT WOULD BE ONE SIDE SAYING WHEN\nWE'RE IN POWER WE'RE GOING TO \nENLARGE THE NUMBER OF JUDGES TO \nHAVE MORE PEOPLE WHO WILL VOTE \nTHE WAY WE WANT THEM TO.\nIS JUSTICE GINSBURG WRONG?\n>> WELL, IF ALL WE DID WAS \nCHANGE THE NUMBER OF JUSTICES I \nAGREE THAT COULD BE THE \nCONSEQUENCE.\nWHAT I HAVE CALLED FOR IS NOT \nONLY REFORMING THE NUMBER OF \nJUSTICES ON THE BENCH BUT \nSTRUCTURAL REFORM SO THAT SOME \nOF THE JUSTICES ARE NOT \nAPPOINTED THROUGH A PARTISAN \nPROCESS.\nWE CANNOT ALLOW THE SUPREME \nCOURT TO CONTINUE TO BECOME ONE \nMORE POLITICAL BATTLEFIELD AS WE\nARE SEEING TODAY.\nTHE TIME HAS COME FOR US TO \nTHINK BIGGER.\nNOT JUST REFORMING THE MAKEUP OF\nTHE COURT AS AMERICA BY THE WAY \nHAS DONE SEVERAL TIMES IN OUR \nHISTORY.\nBUT ALSO REMEMBER THAT THE \nFOUNDERS GAVE US THE POWER TO \nAMEND THE CONSTITUTION FOR A \nREASON AND WE SHOULDN'T BE \nAFRAID TO USE IT.\nIT'S NOT SOMETHING YOU DO \nLIGHTLY OR QUICKLY.\nBUT WHEN IT COMES TO SOMETHING \nLIKE CITIZENS UNITED, WHICH \nHOLDS THAT CORPORATIONS HAVE THE\nSAME POLITICAL SOUL AS PEOPLE, \nAND THAT SPENDING MONEY TO \nINFLUENCE AN ELECTION IS THE \nSAME THING AS WRITING AN OP-ED \nTO YOUR LOCAL PAPER, WE NEED A \nCONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT TO \nCLEAR THAT UP AND PROTECT OUR \nDEMOCRACY.\n>> MAYOR BUTTIGIEG, THANK YOU.\nVICE PRESIDENT BIDEN, I DO WANT \nTO COME TO YOU ON THIS.\nPRESIDENT TRUMP HAS SAID THE \nONLY REASON DEMOCRATS WANT TO \nEXPAND THE KOURPT IS THEY WANT \nTO TRY AND CATCH UP.\nYOU HAVE CALLED ANY EXPANSION A \nBAD IDEA ADDING WE WILL LIVE TO \nRUE THAT DAY.\nDO YOU AGREE WITH PRESIDENT \nTRUMP ON THIS?\n>> I AGREE WITH RUTH BADER \nGINSBURG.\nTHAT'S WHO I AGREE WITH.\nI AGREE THE WAY TO DEAL WITH \nCITIZENS UNITED IS PASS A \nCONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT I \nINTRODUCED 25 YEARS AGO SAYING \nONLY PUBLIC MONEY CAN BE SPENT \nIN ELECTIONS, PERIOD.\nNOT PRIVATE MONEY.\nNOT BILLIONAIRES.\nNOT MONEY FROM SPECIAL \nINTERESTS.\nPERIOD.\nTHAT'S THE WAY TO AMEND THE \nCONSTITUTION TO DEAL WITH THAT.\nIN ADDITION, IF IN FACT, LOOK, \nTHE DEMOCRATS STOOD UP AGAINST A\nMAN I REVERE, FRANKLIN DELANO \nROOSEVELT.\nHE WANTED TO EXPAND THE COURT.\nBUT THEY WERE WISE ENOUGH TO \nUNDERSTAND THAT WHOEVER THEN HAS\nTHE MAJORITY WILL HAVE THE \nABILITY TO ABUSE IT.\nAND IT WILL LOSE ITS LEGITIMACY.\nTHERE ARE THREE EQUAL BRANCHES \nOF GOVERNMENT.\nIT SAYS THE PRESIDENT SHALL \nNOMINATE.\nTHE SENATE SHALL DISPOSE.\nTHE SENATE SHALL MAKE THAT \nDECISION.\nNOT THE PRESIDENT.\nHE CAN NOMINATE.\nTHAT'S WHY IT IS SO IMPORTANT WE\nMUST WIN BACK THE UNITED STATES \nSENATE THIS TIME OUT.\nAND THAT'S WHY AS YOU ALL LOOK \nAT IT UP HERE IN NEW HAMPSHIRE \nAND AROUND THE WORLD, EXCUSE ME,\nAROUND THE COUNTRY, YOU HAVE TO \nASK YOURSELF, WHO IS MOST LIKELY\nTO GET A SENATOR ELECTED IN \nNORTH CAROLINA?\nGEORGIA?\nWHO CAN WIN FLORIDA?\nPENNSYLVANIA?\nMINNESOTA?\nWHO CAN DO THAT?\nBECAUSE YOU GOT TO BE ABLE TO \nWIN THOSE -- YOU CAN.\nI AGREE.\nBUT HERE IS THE POINT.\nYOU'VE GOT TO BE ABLE TO.\nYOU'VE GOT TO BE ABLE NOT JUST \nTO WIN BUT BRING ALONG A UNITED \nSTATES SENATE OR THIS BECOMES \nMOOT.\n>> OKAY.\nSENATOR SANDERS.\n>> LOOK, YOU ASKED A SIMPLE \nQUESTION.\nIS THERE A LITMUS TEST FOR THOSE\nOF US UP HERE?\nFOR ME THERE IS.\nI WILL NEVER NOMINATE ANY PERSON\nTO THE SUPREME COURT OR THE \nFEDERAL COURTS IN GENERAL WHO IS\nNOT 100% PRO ROE V. WADE.\nNUMBER TWO, WE HAVE GOT TO \nCODIFY ROE V. WADE INTO \nLEGISLATION.\nNUMBER THREE, WE HAVE TO \nSIGNIFICANTLY EXPAND FUNDING FOR\nPLANNED PARENTHOOD.\n>> MR. STEYER, I WANT TO BRING \nYOU IN ON THIS BECAUSE YOU HAVE \nCLAIMED WHEN IT COMES TO THE \nSUPREME COURT YOU HAVE SAID \nREPUBLICANS HAVE BEEN CHEATING.\n>> SURE THEY'VE BEEN CHEATING.\nLOOK, WHAT WE SAW MITCH \nMcCONNELL DO NOT JUST IN THE \nSUPREME COURT BUT ACROSS THE \nBOARD WITH FEDERAL JUDGES WAS \nREFUSE TO ALLOW PRESIDENT \nOBAMA'S PICKS TO BE CONSIDERED.\nTHAT'S WHY MR. TRUMP HAS \nAPPOINTED SO MANY FEDERAL JUDGES\nBECAUSE IN FACT THE REPUBLICANS \nREFUSED TO ALLOW PRESIDENT OBAMA\nTO GET HIS DUE.\nHONESTLY, WE'RE SITTING HERE \nTALKING ABOUT, DO YOU HAVE A \nLITMUS TEST.\nWE ALL HAVE THE LITMUS TEST.\nEVERYBODY ON THIS ROW FEELS \nEXACTLY THE SAME WAY ABOUT A \nWOMAN'S RIGHT TO CHOOSE.\nEVERYBODY ON THIS ROW FEELS \nEXACTLY THE SAME WAY ON GUN \nCONTROL.\nEVERY SINGLE ONE IN THIS ROW \nFEELS THE SAME WAY.\nTHERE IS SOMETHING ELSE GOING \nON.\nTHESE REPUBLICANS ARE IN \nCONTROL.\nTHEY'RE STACKING THE COURT FOR A\nGENERATION WITH YOUNG, RIGHT \nWING RADICALS.\nAND WE'VE WATCHED IT HAPPEN AND \nTHE QUESTION IS WHAT ARE WE \nGOING TO DO ABOUT IT?\nTHAT'S WHERE WE ARE IN THE \nUNITED STATES.\nAND THE QUESTION IS, ACTUALLY \nJOE BIDEN IS RIGHT.\nWE HAVE TO GO WIN A HUGE VICTORY\nTHIS YEAR.\nAND WE'RE IN TROUBLE.\nAND SO THE QUESTION IS GOING TO \nBE, LOOK AT THESE PEOPLE.\nWHO CAN PULL TOGETHER THE \nDEMOCRATIC PARTY?\nLET ME SAY THIS.\nWE HAVE NOT SAID ONE WORD \nTONIGHT ABOUT RACE.\nNOT ONE WORD.\nARE YOU KIDDING ME?\nWE HAVE THE MOST DIVERSE PARTY.\nWE HAVE A VERY DIVERSE COUNTRY.\nWE HAVE A VERY DIVERSE PARTY.\nTHE HEART AND SOUL OF THIS PARTY\nIS DIVERSITY.\nBLACK PEOPLE, LATINOS, AAPI \nPEOPLE.\nNATIVE AMERICAN.\nAND WHITE PEOPLE.\nBUT FOR GOODNESS' SAKE, PULL IT \nTOGETHER.\nWE'RE TALKING ABOUT SOMETHING \nDIFFERENT.\nTHE QUESTION WE HAVE IS HOW ARE \nWE GETTING THAT DIVERSE GROUP OF\nPEOPLE TO THE POLLS?\nWHAT ARE WE SAYING?\nEVERYBODY ON THIS STAGE FEELS \nTHE SAME WAY ABOUT A WOMAN'S \nRIGHT TO CHOOSE AND ECONOMIC \nJUSTICE.\nTHE QUESTION IS, HOW DO WE BEAT \nTRUMP?\nHOW DO WE TAKE DOWN THESE \nREPUBLICANS?\nAND THE ANSWER IS, WE'VE GOT TO \nSHOW WE CAN TAKE THEM DOWN ON \nGROWTH, JOB CREATION, THE \nECONOMY.\nWE SEND THEM PACKING.\nAND THEN WE GET ALL OF THIS \nINCLUDING BEATING THE \nCORPORATION.\n>> MR. STEYER, THANK YOU.\nTHE NIGHT IS STILL YOUNG.\nMANY QUESTIONS TO COME.\n>> I WANT TO TURN NOW TO \nCRIMINAL JUSTICE.\nMAYOR BUTTIGIEG, UNDER YOUR \nLEADERSHIP AS MAYOR, A BLACK \nRESIDENT IN SOUTH BEND, INDIANA \nWAS FOUR TIMES MORE LIKELY TO BE\nARRESTED FOR MARIJUANA \nPOSSESSION THAN A WHITE \nRESIDENT.\nNOW, THAT RACIAL DISPARITY IS \nHIGHER THAN THE REST OF THE \nSTATE.\nIN FACT, IT IS HIGHER THAN THE \nREST OF THE NATION AND THAT \nDISPARITY INCREASED IN SOUTH \nBEND AFTER YOU TOOK OFFICE.\nWHEN TALKING ABOUT THE PROBLEM \nON NATIONAL TERMS YOU'VE CALLED \nIT, QUOTE, EVIDENCE OF SYSTEMIC \nRACISM.\nYOU WERE MAYOR FOR EIGHT YEARS.\nWEREN'T YOU IN EFFECT THE HEAD \nOF THE SYSTEM?\nAND HOW DO YOU EXPLAIN THAT \nINCREASE IN BLACK ARRESTS UNDER \nYOUR LEADERSHIP?\n>> THE REALITY IS ON MY WATCH \nDRUG ARRESTS WERE LOWER THAN THE\nNATIONAL AVERAGE AND \nSPECIFICALLY TO MARIJUANA, LOWER\nTHAN INDIANA.\nBUT THERE IS NO QUESTION THAT \nSYSTEMIC RACISM HAS PENETRATED \nTO EVERY LEVEL OF OUR SYSTEM.\nAND MY CITY WAS NOT IMMUNE.\nI TOOK A LOT OF HEAT FOR \nDISCUSSING SYSTEMIC RACISM WITH \nMY OWN POLICE DEPARTMENT.\nBUT WE'VE GOT TO CONFRONT THE \nFACT THAT THERE IS NO ESCAPING \nHOW THIS IS PART OF ALL OF OUR \nPOLICIES.\nEARLIER WE WERE TALKING ABOUT \nOPIOIDS.\nAND THANKFULLY, AMERICA HAS COME\nTO A BETTER UNDERSTANDING ABOUT \nTHE FACT THAT OPIOID ADDICTION \nIS BEST UNDERSTOOD AS A MEDICAL \nPROBLEM.\nBUT THERE WERE A LOT OF PEOPLE \nINCLUDING A LOT OF \nAFRICAN-AMERICAN ACTIVISTS IN MY\nCOMMUNITY WHO HAVE MADE THE VERY\nGOOD POINT IT IS GREAT THAT \nEVERYBODY IS SO ENLIGHTENED \nABOUT DRUG POLICY NOW WHEN IT \nCOMES TO OPIOIDS BUT WHERE WERE \nYOU WHEN IT CAME TO MARIJUANA?\nWHERE WERE YOU WHEN IT CAME TO \nTHE CRACK EPIDEMIC IN THE 1990s?\nTHAT IS ONE OF THE REASONS WHY I\nAM CALLING FOR US AS A COUNTRY \nTO TAKE UP THOSE REFORMS THAT \nEND INCARCERATION AS A RESPONSE \nTO POSSESSION AND MAKE SURE THAT\nWE LEGALIZE MARIJUANA AND WHEN \nWE DO IT DO IT RETROACTIVELY \nWITH EXPUNGEMENTS TO CORRECT THE\nHARM DONE IN SO MANY CASES OF \nINCARCERATION, \nDISPROPORTIONATELY OF BLACK AND \nBROWN AMERICANS WHERE THE \nINCARCERATION DID FAR MORE HARM.\n>> LET ME GO BACK TO THE \nORIGINAL QUESTION THOUGH.\nHOW DO YOU EXPLAIN THE INCREASE \nIN BLACK ARRESTS IN SOUTH BEND \nUNDER YOUR LEADERSHIP FOR \nMARIJUANA POSSESSION?\n>> AND AGAIN, THE OVERALL -- \n>> THERE WAS AN INCREASE.\nTHE YEAR BEFORE YOU WERE IN \nOFFICE IT WAS LOWER.\nONCE YOU BECAME IN OFFICE IN \n2012, THAT NUMBER WENT UP.\nIN 2018 THE LAST NUMBER YEAR WE \nHAVE RECORD FOR THAT NUMBER WAS \nSTILL UP.\n>> YEAH.\nAND ONE OF THE STRATEGIES THAT \nOUR COMMUNITY ADOPTED WAS TO \nTARGET WHEN THERE WERE CASES \nWHERE THERE WAS GUN VIOLENCE AND\nGANG VIOLENCE, WHICH WAS \nSLAUGHTERING SO MANY IN OUR \nCOMMUNITY, BURYING TEENAGERS, \nDISPROPORTIONATELY BLACK \nTEENAGERS.\nWE ADOPTED A STRATEGY THAT SAID \nTHAT DRUG ENFORCEMENT WOULD BE \nTARGETED IN CASES WHERE THERE \nWAS A CONNECTION TO THE MOST \nVIOLENT GROUP OR GANG CONNECTED \nTO A MURDER.\nTHESE THINGS ARE ALL CONNECTED.\nTHAT'S THE POINT.\nSO ARE ALL OF THE THINGS THAT \nNEED TO CHANGE IN ORDER O FOR US\nTO PREVENT VIOLENCE AND REMOVE \nTHE EFFECTS OF SYSTEMIC RACISM \nNOT JUST FROM CRIMINAL JUSTICE \nBUT FROM OUR ECONOMY, FROM \nHEALTH, FROM HOUSING, AND FROM \nOUR DEMOCRACY ITSELF.\n>> SENATOR WARREN IS THAT A \nSUBSTANTIAL ANSWER FROM MAYOR \nBUTTIGIEG?\n>> NO.\nYOU HAVE TO OWN UP TO THE FACTS \nAND IT IS IMPORTANT TO OWN UP TO\nTHE FACTS ABOUT HOW RACE HAS \nTOTALLY PERMEATED OUR CRIMINAL \nJUSTICE SYSTEM.\nTHE EXACT SAME CRIME STUDY AFTER\nSTUDY SHOWS AFRICAN-AMERICANS \nARE MORE LIKELY THAN WHITES TO \nBE DETAINED, ARRESTED, TAKEN TO \nTRIAL, WRONGFULLY CONVICTED, AND\nRECEIVE HARSHER SENTENCES.\nWE NEED TO REWORK OUR CRIMINAL \nJUSTICE SYSTEM FROM THE VERY \nFRONT END ON WHAT WE MAKE \nILLEGAL ALL THE WAY THROUGH THE \nSYSTEM AND HOW WE HELP PEOPLE \nCOME BACK INTO THE COMMUNITY.\nWE CANNOT JUST SAY CRIMINAL \nJUSTICE IS THE ONLY TIME WE WANT\nTO TALK ABOUT RACE SPECIFICALLY.\nWE NEED TO START HAVING RACE \nCONSCIOUS LAWS.\nHOUSING FOR EXAMPLE.\nI HAVE GREAT HOUSING PLANS TO \nBUILD MORE HOUSING IN AMERICA \nBUT UNDERSTAND IT WAS THE POLICY\nOF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA \nTO DISCRIMINATE AGAINST \nAFRICAN-AMERICANS AND PEOPLE, \nANY OTHER PEOPLE OF COLOR FOR \nBUYING HOMES UNTIL 1965.\nYOU CAN'T JUST REPEAL THAT AND \nSAY, OKAY.\nNOW EVERYTHING IS EVEN.\nIT'S NOT.\nWE NEED RACE CONSCIOUS LAWS IN \nEDUCATION, IN EMPLOYMENT, IN \nENTREPRENEURSHIP TO MAKE THIS \nCOUNTRY A COUNTRY OF OPPORTUNITY\nFOR EVERYONE NO MATTER THE COLOR\nOF THEIR SKIN.\n>> ELIZABETH, WITH RESPECT, YOU \nCAN'T REGULATE AWAY RACISM WITH \nA WHOLE PATCHWORK OF LAWS THAT \nARE RACE SPECIFIC.\nWHAT WE HAVE TO DO IS HEED THE \nRATINGS OF MARTIN LUTHER KING \nWHOSE BIRTHDAY WE JUST \nCELEBRATED.\nHE SAID CAPITALISM FORGETS LIFE \nIS SOCIAL.\nWHAT HE WAS CHAMPIONING WAS A \nGUARANTEED MINIMUM INCOME FOR \nALL AMERICANS OF A THOUSAND \nDOLLARS A MONTH OR MORE THAT \nWOULD END UP RESHAPING OUR \nECONOMY IN COMMUNITIES OF COLOR,\nMAKE IT SO THAT BLACK NET WORTH \nIS NOT 10% OF WHITE NET WORTH IN\nTHIS COUNTRY, WHICH IS THE MOST \nIMPORTANT NUMBER OF A THEM ALL.\nWE CAN'T REGULATE THAT AWAY \nTHROUGH ANY OTHER MEANS EXCEPT \nBY PUTTING MONEY DIRECTLY INTO \nTHE HANDS OF AFRICAN-AMERICANS \nAND LATINOS AND PEOPLE OF COLOR \nTO ALLOW BUSINESSES TO ACTUALLY \nFLOURISH AND GROW IN THOSE \nCOMMUNITIES.\nTHE ONLY WAY THAT WILL HAPPEN IS\nIF BLACK AND LATINO CONSUMERS \nHAVE BUYING POWER AND THAT IS \nWHERE WE HAVE TO MOVE AS A \nCOUNTRY.\n>> I DISAGREE WITH YOU.\nI AM THE PERSON ON THIS STAGE \nWHO WILL SAY OPENLY I'M FOR \nREPARATIONS.\nSOMETHING WRONG HAPPENED.\nI AM FOR REPARATIONS TO AFRICAN \nAMERICANS IN THIS COUNTRY AND \nANYONE WHO THINKS RACISM IS A \nTHING OF THE PAST AND NOT AN \nONGOING PROBLEM IS NOT DEALING \nWITH REALITY.\nIN FACT, THREE DAYS AGO ONE OF \nTHE LEADERS OF JOE BIDEN'S SOUTH\nCAROLINA CAMPAIGN MADE RACIST \nREMARKS ABOUT SOMEONE ASOESH \nYAFTD WITH OUR CAMPAIGN.\nAND THE LEGISLATIVE BLACK CAUCUS\nWENT OUT EN MASSE TO STAND UP \nFOR THAT MAN AND FOR OUR \nCAMPAIGN.\nJOE, I AM ASKING YOU TO COME \nWITH ME AND THE LEGISLATIVE \nBLACK CAUCUS AND DISAVOW HIM AND\nWHAT HE HAD TO SAY.\nIT WAS WRONG.\nAND I'M ASKING YOU TO JOIN US \nAND BE ON THE RIGHT SIDE.\n>> I AM ASKING YOU TO JOIN ME \nAND JOIN THE OVERWHELMING \nSUPPORT I HAVE FROM MEMBERS OF \nTHAT BLACK CAUCUS.\nI HAVE MORE SUPPORT IN SOUTH \nCAROLINA IN THE BLACK CAUCUS AND\nBLACK COMMUNITY THAN ANYBODY \nELSE, DOUBLE WHAT YOU HAVE OR \nANYBODY ELSE.\n>> WAIT A SECOND.\n>> WELL THAT IS QUITE RIGHT.\n>> BERNIE, LET'S NOT ARGUE ABOUT\nPOLLS.\n>> SENATOR SANDERS -- \n>> THIS IS NOT ABOUT POLLS.\n>> I'M NOT TALKING ABOUT POLLS.\n>> WE HAVE NINE MEMBERS OF THE \nBLACK CAUCUS IN SOUTH CAROLINA \nSUPPORTING US.\nBUT MORE IMPORTANTLY, MUCH OF \nWHAT ELIZABETH SAID IS \nABSOLUTELY CORRECT.\nWE HAVE A RACIST SOCIETY FROM \nTOP TO BOTTOM IMPACTING HEALTH \nCARE, HOUSING, CRIMINAL JUSTICE,\nEDUCATION, YOU NAME IT.\nAND CLEARLY THIS IS AN ISSUE \nTHAT MUST BE DEALT WITH.\nIN TERMS OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE \nWHAT WE HAVE GOT TO DO IS \nUNDERSTAND THE SYSTEM IS BROKEN,\nIS RACIST.\nWE INVESTED OUR YOUNG PEOPLE IN \nJOBS AND EDUCATION NOT MORE \nJAILS AND INCARCERATION.\nWE END THE WAR ON DRUGS WHICH \nHAS DISPROPORTIONATELY IMPACTED \nAFRICAN-AMERICANS, LATINOS, AND \nNATIVE AMERICANS.\nWE END PRIVATE PRISONS AND \nDETENTION CENTERS IN AMERICA.\n>> BERNIE, I APPRECIATE WHAT \nYOU'RE SAYING.\n>> AND, EXCUSE ME, WE ALSO, MOST\nPEOPLE DON'T KNOW THIS.\nTONIGHT IN AMERICA 200,000 \nPEOPLE ARE IN JAIL WITHOUT \nHAVING BEEN CONVICTED OF \nANYTHING.\n200,000 PEOPLE.\nBECAUSE THEY CAN'T AFFORD THE \n500 BUCKS FOR BAIL THEY NEED TO \nGET OUT OF JAIL.\nTHAT IS OUTRAGEOUS.\nWE HAVE TO END CASH BAIL.\n>> OKAY.\nLET ME SAY THIS.\nI'VE WORKED, BERNIE, TO END CASH\nBAIL IN CALIFORNIA AND IT'S \nGONE.\nI'VE WORKED TO END PRIVATE \nPRISONS IN CALIFORNIA AND \nTHEY'RE GONE.\nI'M SOMEBODY WHO -- OUR FAMILY, \nMY WIFE AND I STARTED A BANK \nSPECIFICALLY TO SUPPORT \nBUSINESSES OWNED BY WOMEN, BLACK\nPEOPLE, AND LATINOS BECAUSE THEY\nCOULDN'T GET FINANCING ANYWHERE \nELSE.\nBUT I, JOE, I WANT TO ANSWER, \nREALLY, I THINK YOU SHOULD COME \nOVER AND DISAVOW THE STATEMENTS \nTHAT THIS MAN MADE THAT WERE \nOPENLY RACIST, THAT WERE WRONG, \nAND THE LEGISLATIVE BLACK CAUCUS\nIS AGAINST.\nI'M ASKING YOU TO JOIN US AND DO\nTHE RIGHT THING.\n>> I'VE ALREADY SPOKEN TO HIM \nAND HE IN FACT IS -- WAS -- I \nBELIEVE IS SORRY FOR WHAT HE \nSAID.\nHERE'S THE DEAL, FOLKS.\nLOOK, WE GOT TO STOP TAKING THE \nBLACK COMMUNITY FOR GRANTED.\nTHAT'S THE STARTING PLACE.\nEVERY ONE OF THE THINGS WE \nTALKED ABOUT HERE, FOR EXAMPLE, \nIN SOUTH CAROLINA, JIM CLYBURN \nHAS A PROGRAM, AND WE SHOULD BE \nINVESTING OUR MONEY IN THOSE \nCOMMUNITIES THAT HAVEN'T GOTTEN \nHELP FOR A LONG TIME AND GIVE \nMOST OF THAT HELP TO THOSE \nCOMMUNITIES.\nMAKE IT A PRIORITY.\nWE SHOULD MAKE SURE THAT WE HAVE\nNO ONE GOING TO JAIL FOR A DRUG \nOFFENSE.\nTHEY GO DIRECTLY, MANDATORY \nPRISON, EXCUSE ME, MANDATORY \nTREATMENT NOT PRISON AND WE FUND\nIT.\nAND WE FUND IT IN THREE DAYS \nDOESN'T GET IT.\nIT TAKES AT LEAST 60 TO 90 DAYS \nTO MAKE ANY PROGRESS.\nWE HAVE TO PAY FOR THAT JUST \nLIKE INSTEAD OF BUILDING NEW \nPRISONS WE BUILD NEW \nREHABILITATION CENTERS.\nWE HAVE TO MAKE SURE WE HAVE A \nWINDOW AT THE TREASURY \nDEPARTMENT THAT ALLOWS \nENTREPRENEURS WHO ARE BLACK AND \nBROWN AND MINORITIES TO BE ABLE \nTO GET LOANS, TO BE ABLE TO \nSTART BUSINESSES.\nIF YOU OWN A HOUSE, IN AN ALL \nBLACK NEIGHBORHOOD, SAME EXACT \nHOUSE IN AN ALL WHITE \nNEIGHBORHOOD, EXACT SAME SHAPE, \nTHE HOUSE VALUE IN THE BLACK \nNEIGHBORHOOD WOULD BE VALUED AS \nWORTH LESS MAKING IT DIFFICULT \nFOR YOU TO ACCUMULATE WEALTH AS \nMY FRIEND AT THE END OF THE LINE\nHERE SAYS.\nSO HERE IS THE DEAL.\nWE HAVE TO DO MUCH, MUCH MORE.\nTHAT IS WHAT GOT ME INVOLVED IN \nPOLITICS IN THE FIRST PLACE.\nRED LINING.\nTO STOP IT.\nI GOT INVOLVED IN THE CIVIL \nRIGHTS MOVEMENT AND BECAME A \nPUBLIC DEFENDER.\nTHERE ARE SO MANY THINGS WE HAVE\nTO DO ACROSS THE BOARD.\nAND EDUCATION.\nAT RISK SCHOOLS.\nWE SHOULD TRIPLE THE FUNDING FOR\nAT RISK SCHOOLS TO PROVIDE FOR 4\nAND 5 AND 6 YEARS OLD, 3, 4, 5 \nYEARS OLD TO GO TO SCHOOL NOT \nDAYCARE.\nINCREASE SALARIES OF TEACHERS.\nENCOURAGE MORE BLACKS TO GET \nINTO TEACHING ESPECIALLY BLACK \nMEN BECAUSE THE STUDIES SHOW \nWHEN THERE IS A BLACK MAN IN THE\nCOMMUNITY IN A SCHOOL IT \nINCREASES PROSPECTS \nSIGNIFICANTLY.\nAND SO ON.\nTHERE IS A LOT WE CAN DO.\nGO TO JOE BIDEN.COM AND YOU'LL \nSEE THE WHOLE DEAL INCLUDING \nCRIMINAL JUSTICE REFORM.\n>> THANK YOU, MR. VICE \nPRESIDENT.\nAS YOU MENTIONED SOUTH CAROLINA,\nTHREE WEEKS FROM TOMORROW \nTHEY'LL GO TO THE POLLS TO VOTE.\nBLACK VOTERS MAKE UP ABOUT 60% \nOF THE ELECTORATE THERE.\nSENATOR SANDERS, SEVERAL WEEKS \nAGO NINA TURNER ONE OF YOUR \nNATIONAL COCHAIRS PUBLISHED AN \nOP-ED PIECE THAT SAID VICE \nPRESIDENT BIDEN HAS, QUOTE, \nREPEATEDLY BETRAYED BLACK VOTERS\nTO SIDE WITH REPUBLICAN \nLAWMAKERS AND UNDERMINE OUR \nPROGRESS.\nDO YOU AGREE WITH HER?\nONE OF YOUR MOST VISIBLE \nSURROGATES, THAT VICE PRESIDENT \nBIDEN HAS REPEATEDLY BETRAYED \nBLACK VOTERS?\n>> I THINK WHAT SENATOR TURNER \nWAS TALKING ABOUT IS SOME OF THE\nEARLY ACTIONS OF VICE PRESIDENT \nBIND.\nBUT NO.\nJOE BIDEN IS A FRIEND OF MINE.\nI'M NOT HERE TO ATTACK HIM.\nWHAT I WOULD SAY IS THAT WHAT WE\nNEED IN TERMS OF THE \nAFRICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY IS TO\nUNDERSTAND THAT WE HAVE GOT TO \nSTART INVESTING BIG TIME IN \nEDUCATION, IN HEALTH CARE.\nTHERE IS NO EXCUSE WHY WHITE \nFAMILIES IN AMERICA HAVE TEN \nTIMES MORE WEALTH THAN BLACK \nFAMILIES.\nNO EXCUSE.\nTHAT DISPROPORTIONATELY AFRICAN \nAMERICANS ARE IN JAIL COMPARED \nTO WHITES.\nNO EXCUSE FOR BLACK WOMEN DYING \nIN CHILD BIRTH THREE TIMES THE \nRATE THAT WHITE WOMEN ARE.\n>> SENATOR KLOBUCHAR?\nYOU HAD RAISED YOUR HAND BEFORE.\n>> YES, I DID.\nBECAUSE I THINK IN ADDITION TO \nTHE ECONOMIC ARGUMENT WE'RE \nMAKING HERE WITH THE SAD, SAD \nSTORIES OF A WOMAN WALKING INTO \nA MATERNITY ROOM IN NEW ORLEANS \nAND SAYING HER HANDS ARE SWOLLEN\nAND WALKING OUT WITHOUT HER BABY\nAND 30% OF AFRICAN-AMERICAN KIDS\nBEING LIVING IN POVERTY, WE KNOW\nTHERE ARE ECONOMIC SOLUTIONS \nHERE TO INVEST IN THOSE \nCOMMUNITIES.\nHOUSING, CHILD CARE.\nBUT THERE IS SOMETHING ELSE \nINSIDIOUS GOING ON WE HAVEN'T \nADDRESSED AND THAT IS THE \nSYSTEMATIC RACISM WHEN IT COMES \nTO VOTING.\nTHAT IS MOVED ACROSS THE COUNTRY\nTO LIMIT PEOPLE'S RIGHTS TO VOTE\nAND THAT IS WHY I HAVE BEEN \nLEADING ON THESE BILLS TO \nAUTOMATICALLY REGISTER EVERY KID\nTO VOTE IN THIS COUNTRY WHEN \nTHEY TURN 18.\nTHERE IS NO REASON WE CAN'T DO \nTHAT ACROSS THIS COUNTRY.\nTO STOP THE GERRYMANDERING BY \nSETTING UP INDEPENDENT \nCOMMISSIONS IN EVERY SINGLE \nSTATE AND, YES, TO STOP THE \nVOTING PURGES BECAUSE WHAT IS \nGOING ON RIGHT NOW IN THE WORDS \nOF ONE NORTH CAROLINA COURT IS \nTHAT THEY ARE DISCRIMINATING \nWITH SURGICAL PRECISION AGAINST \nAFRICAN-AMERICAN VOTERS.\nAND WE ARE NOT GOING TO BE ABLE \nTO GET ANY OF THESE THINGS DONE \nIF WE DON'T GIVE PEOPLE THE \nRIGHT TO VOTE.\n>> VICE PRESIDENT BIDEN AND THEN\nSENATOR WARREN?\n>> I BEG YOUR PARDON?\n>> I JUST WANTED TO GIVE YOU A \nCHANCE TO RESPOND.\n>> I AGREE COMPLETELY THERE \nSHOULD BE REGISTRATION, \nAUTOMATIC REGISTRATION TURNING \n18.\nYOU GET A DRIVER'S LICENSE.\nWHATEVER YOU DO YOU \nAUTOMATICALLY ARE REGISTERED \nNUMBER ONE.\nNUMBER TWO, WITH REGARD TO WHAT \nWE'RE GOING TO SEE IN SOUTH \nCAROLINA, WE'RE ALL GOING TO BE \nTHERE PRETTY SOON.\nWE'LL SEE WHETHER OR NOT IT \nWORKS.\nTHE RESPONSE TO THE LETTER THAT \nTHE PERSON I'M NOT SAYING BERNIE\nWROTE THE LETTER BUT THE WHO \nWROTE THE LETTER WAS VERY BRISK \nAND SIGNIFICANT WITH OTHER \nAFRICAN-AMERICANS IN SOUTH \nCAROLINA TAKING ISSUE WITH HER.\nBUT LOOK.\nAMY IS RIGHT.\nTHE SENATOR IS CORRECT.\nTHAT IS THAT WE IN FACT, THERE \nIS SYSTEMATIC RACISM AND THAT IS\nWHY OUR JUSTICE DEPARTMENT WORKS\nSO HARD TO GO AFTER THOSE -- YOU\nDON'T REALIZE, THERE ARE 35 \nSTATES IN THE UNITED STATES OF \nAMERICA THAT HAVE COME UP WITH A\nTOTAL OF 78 LAWS TO RESTRICT \nVOTING JUST IN THE LAST FIVE \nYEARS TO TRY TO KEEP \nAFRICAN-AMERICANS FROM VOTING.\nAND BROWN AS WELL.\nBLACK AND BROWN PEOPLE FROM \nVOTING.\nAND THAT WILL BE AN ENORMOUS \nPRIORITY IN OUR ADMINISTRATION, \nIN MY ADMINISTRATION AS IT WAS \nIN OURS.\nIT IS JUST WRONG.\nSIMPLY WRONG.\n>> SENATOR WARREN?\n>> I'M GLAD TO STAND ON THIS \nSTAGE WITH MY FELLOW DEMOCRATS \nWHO TALK ABOUT HOW IMPORTANT THE\nBLACK COMMUNITY IS.\nAT LEAST IN ELECTION TIME.\nYEAR AFTER YEAR AFTER YEAR AND \nELECTION AFTER ELECTION AFTER \nELECTION DPKS GO TO THE BLACK \nCOMMUNITY AND SAY WE REALLY CARE\nABOUT THESE ISSUES.\nRACISM IS TERRIBLE.\nWE OUGHT TO DO SOMETHING.\nSOMEHOW THE PROBLEM JUST KEEPS \nGETTING WORSE.\nI THINK IT IS TIME WE HAVE REAL,\nCONCRETE PLANS THAT ARE GOING TO\nMAKE A DIFFERENCE IN PEOPLE'S \nLIVES.\nI PROPOSE A TWO CENT WEALTH TAX.\nJUST ONE OF THE THINGS WE CAN DO\nWITH A TWO CENT WEALTH TAX.\nWE CAN CANCEL STUDENT LOAN DEBTS\nFOR 43 MILLION AMERICANS AND \nBECAUSE AFRICAN-AMERICANS HAVE \nTO BORROW MORE MONEY TO GO TO \nCOLLEGE, BORROW MORE MONEY WHILE\nTHEY'RE IN COLLEGE, AND HAVE A \nHARDER TIME PAYING IT BACK WHEN \nTHEY GET OUT, THAT ONE LAW IS \nGOING TO HELP CLOSE THE \nBLACK/WHITE WEALTH GAP FOR \nPEOPLE WITH STUDENT LOANS BY \nABOUT 20 POINTS.\nWE AREN'T MAKING A DIFFERENCE IN\nAMERICA.\nWE'RE SAYING TO THE RICH FOLKS, \nYOU KEEP YOUR MONEY AND THE REST\nOF US WILL TALK ABOUT RACISM.\nBUT NOT REALLY DO ANYTHING.\nI THINK THE TIME FOR THAT IS \nOVER.\nI'M READY TO GET IN THIS FIGHT \nAND REALLY MAKE A CHANGE.\n>> OKAY.\nTHANK YOU.\n>> GO AHEAD.\nMR. STEYER.\n>> OUT OF NARRATIVE COMES \nPOLICY.\nAND WE'RE TALKING ABOUT A LOT OF\nPOLICIES THAT AFFECT AMERICANS \nBROADLY AND DISPROPORTIONATELY \nAFFECT BLACK AMERICANS OR BROWN \nAMERICANS.\nBUT WHAT I BELIEVE IS WE SHOULD \nSET UP A COMMISSION ON RACE AND \nDEAL WITH RACE EXPLICITLY.\nBECAUSE EVERYONE IS SAYING WE \nCAN'T HAVE RULES THAT ARE \nDIFFERENT FOR DIFFERENT PEOPLE \nBUT IN FACT WE'RE HERE BECAUSE \nWE HAD RULES THAT ARE DIFFERENT \nFOR DIFFERENT PEOPLE.\nI WOULD SET UP A FORMAL \nCOMMISSION ON RACE ON DAY ONE TO\nRETELL THE STORY OF THE LAST 400\nYEARS IN AMERICA.\nOF SYSTEMATIC RACISM AGAINST \nAFRICAN-AMERICANS, NOT JUST \nLEGAL DISCRIMINATION, INJUSTICE,\nAND CRUELTY, BUT ALSO THE \nCONTRIBUTION THAT THE \nAFRICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY HAS \nMADE TO AMERICA IN BUILDING IT \nAND IN LEADING THE ENTIRE \nCOUNTRY FROM A MORAL STANDPOINT \nFOR GENERATIONS AND CENTURIES.\nBECAUSE I BELIEVE OUT OF \nNARRATIVE COMES POLICY.\nWE NEED TO REPAIR DAMAGE THAT'S \nBEEN DONE OFFICIALLY AND \nPRETENDING WE'RE ALL THE SAME IS\nNOT ACCURATE.\nWE GOT HERE A CERTAIN WAY.\nLET'S TALK ABOUT JIM CROW.\nLET'S TALK ABOUT MARTIN LUTHER \nKING.\nLET'S TALK ABOUT BARBARA LEE.\nTHE CONGRESSWOMAN FROM OAKLAND \nWHO IS ONE OF OUR GREAT LEADERS.\nAND THEN LET'S FIGURE OUT HOW TO\nREPAIR THE DAMAGE SO WE CAN MOVE\nFORWARD TOGETHER.\n>> MR. YANG, TAKE ON THAT \nARGUMENT, WHAT HE SAID ABOUT \nREPARATION.\n>> THE MEDIAN AFRICAN-AMERICAN \nHOUSEHOLD NET WORTH IS PROJECTED\nTO BE ZERO BY 2053.\nTHINGS ARE NOT GETTING BETTER \nFOR PEOPLE OF COLOR.\nIF ANYTHING THEY'RE GETTING \nWORSE BECAUSE WE'RE IN THE \nPROCESS OF ELIMINATING THE MOST \nCOMMON JOBS IN OUR ECONOMY.\nIT'S SOMETHING OF AN ECONOMIC \nUNNATURAL DISASTER AND WHO \nSUFFERS MOST IN A NATURAL \nDISASTER?\nPEOPLE OF COLOR, PEOPLE OF LOWER\nLEVELS OF CAPITAL AND ACCESS TO \nOPPORTUNITY AND EDUCATION.\nAND WHILE I KNOW WE LOVE TO \nCHAMPION EDUCATION HERE AS \nDEMOCRATS ONLY 33% OF AMERICANS \nARE GOING TO ATTEND COLLEGE.\nA LOWER PERCENTAGE OF \nAFRICAN-AMERICANS.\nTHERE IS NO WAY WE CAN PREVENT \nTHIS TSUNAMI FROM WIPING OUT \nAFRICAN-AMERICAN NET WORTH \nUNLESS WE PUT STRAIGHT CASH INTO\nTHEIR HANDS SOMETIME BETWEEN NOW\nAND 2053.\nAND IT IS NOT JUST THEM.\nIT IS TRUCK DRIVERS.\nIT IS RETAIL CLERKS.\nIT IS CALL CENTER WORKERS.\nIT IS ACCOUNTANTS.\nIT IS BOOK KEEPERS.\nWE ARE IN THE MIDST OF THE \nGREATEST ECONOMIC TRANSFORMATION\nIN THE HISTORY OF OUR COUNTRY.\nAND IT'S GOING TO HIT BLACK \nPEOPLE THE HARDEST.\nWE HAVE TO STOP NIBBLING AT THE \nEDGES AND ACTUALLY START SOLVING\nTHE REAL PROBLEM.\n>> WE'VE BEEN GETTING A LOT OF \nQUESTIONS INCLUDING MANY ABOUT A\nCANDIDATE WHO IS NOT ON THE \nSTAGE TONIGHT BUT IS IN THIS \nRACE AND THAT IS FORMER MAYOR \nMICHAEL BLOOMBERG OF NEW YORK.\nAND THIS QUESTION FROM \nNASHVILLE, TENNESSEE SAYS \nBILLIONAIRE MICHAEL BLOOMBERG \nHAS ENTERED THE RACE AND JUST \nGOT THE ENDORSEMENT OF A FORMER \nTRUMP NAVY SECRETARY.\nWHY DO YOU THINK YOU ARE IN A \nBETTER POSITION THAN BLOOMBERG \nTO BEAT TRUMP, SENATOR WARREN?\n>> I DON'T THINK ANYONE OUGHT TO\nBE ABLE TO BUY THEIR WAY INTO A \nNOMINATION OR TO BE PRESIDENT OF\nTHE UNITED STATES.\nI DON'T THINK ANY BILLIONAIRE \nOUGHT TO BE ABLE TO DO IT AND I \nDON'T THINK PEOPLE WHO SUCK UP \nTO BILLIONAIRES IN ORDER TO FUND\nTHEIR CAMPAIGNS OUGHT TO DO IT.\nI HEARD EVERYONE HERE TALKING \nABOUT AS DEMOCRATS WE ALL WANT \nTO OVERTURN CITIZENS UNITED.\nBECAUSE WE WANT TO END THIS \nUNLIMITED SPENDING.\nYEAH.\nEXCEPT EVERYONE ON THIS STAGE \nEXCEPT AMY AND ME IS EITHER A \nBILLIONAIRE OR IS RECEIVING HELP\nFROM PACS THAT CAN DO UNLIMITED \nSPENDING.\nSO IF YOU REALLY WANT TO LIVE \nWHERE YOU SAY, THEN PUT YOUR \nMONEY WHERE YOUR MOUTH IS.\nAND SAY, NO, TO THE PACS.\nLOOK, I THINK THE WAY WE BUILD A\nDEMOCRACY GOING FORWARD IS NOT \nBILLIONAIRES REACHING IN THEIR \nOWN POCKETS OR PEOPLE SUCKING UP\nTO BILLIONAIRES.\nTHE WAY WE BUILD IT GOING \nFORWARD IS WE HAVE A GRASS ROOTS\nMOVEMENT FUNDED FROM THE GRASS \nROOTS UP.\nTHAT'S THE WAY I'M RUNNING THIS \nCAMPAIGN.\nIF YOU THINK IT'S THE RIGHT WAY \nTO RUN A CAMPAIGN, GO TO \nELIZABETH WARREN.COM AND PITCH \nIN FIVE BUCKS BECAUSE UNDERSTAND\nTHIS.\nOUR DEMOCRACY HANGS IN THE \nBALANCE.\nIF WE HAVE TO FUND THROUGH \nBILLIONAIRES, THEN WE'RE JUST \nGOING TO BE AN AMERICA BETTER \nFOR BILLIONAIRES AND NOT FOR \nANYONE ELSE.\n>> SO I CAN'T STAND THE BIG \nMONEY IN POLITICS.\nAND ONE OF MY MAJOR FOCUSES IS \nGOING TO BE ON CASTING A \nCONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT TO \nOVERTURN CITIZENS UNITED.\nI DIDN'T COME FROM MONEY.\nAND I JUST SIMPLY THINK PEOPLE \nDON'T LOOK AT THE GUY IN THE \nWHITE HOUSE AND SAY, CAN WE GET \nSOMEONE RICHER?\nI DON'T THINK THEY THINK THAT.\nTHEY WANT TO HAVE SOMEONE THAT \nTHEY CAN UNDERSTAND.\nYOU KNOW MY BACKGROUND.\nMY GRANDPA WAS AN IRON ORE MINOR\nAND WORKED 1500 FEET UNDERGROUND\nHIS WHOLE LIFE.\nHE COULDN'T EVEN GRADUATE FROM \nHIGH SCHOOL BECAUSE HE HAD TO \nRAISE HIS NINE BROTHERS AND \nSISTERS.\nMY GRANDFATHER SAVED MONEY IN A \nCOFFEE CAN TO SEND MY DAD TO A \nTWO-YEAR COMMUNITY COLLEGE.\nTHAT WAS MY FAMILY TRUST.\nAND YOU CAN'T SEND, LIKE DONALD \nTRUMP GOT FROM HIS FAMILY, YOU \nCAN'T FIT $413 MILLION IN A \nCOFFEE CAN.\nMY MOM GREW UP AND WANTED TO BE \nA TEACHER IN WISCONSIN.\nSHE MOVED TO MINNESOTA.\nSHE TAUGHT SECOND GRADE UNTIL \nSHE WAS 70 YEARS OLD.\nAND, NO, I AM NOT A BILLIONAIRE \nBUT I STAND BEFORE YOU TODAY AS \nA GRANDDAUGHTER OF AN IRON ORE \nMINOR, DAUGHTER OF A TEACHER AND\nA NEWSPAPERMAN.\nTHE FIRST WOMAN ELECTED TO THE \nU.S. SENATE FROM THE STATE OF \nMINNESOTA.\nSOMEONE WHO HAS PASSED OVER 100 \nBILLS AS A LEAD DEMOCRAT IN THAT\nGRIDLOCK IN WASHINGTON, D.C.\nAND THAT IS BECAUSE WE LIVE IN A\nCOUNTRY OF SHARED DREAMS.\nAND THAT MEANS NO MATTER WHERE \nYOU COME FROM, NO MATTER WHERE \nYOU COME FROM, YOU SHOULD BE \nABLE TO MAKE IT.\nSO, PLEASE, HELP ME IN MY \nEFFORTS AT AMY KLOBUCHAR.COM.\n>> MAYOR BLOOMBERG -- LET ME PUT\nTHE QUESTION TO YOU.\nMAYOR BLOOMBERG HAS TAKEN ON \nYOUR ARGUMENT.\nHE SAYS WE NEED EVOLUTION NOT \nREVOLUTION.\nMAYOR BLOOMBERG HAS SAID WE NEED\nEVOLUTION NOT REVOLUTION TAKING \nYOU ON DIRECTLY.\n>> WELL, YOU KNOW, IT IS A FUNNY\nTHING.\nTHERE ARE MILLIONS OF PEOPLE WHO\nCAN DESIRE TO RUN FOR OFFICE.\nBUT I GUESS IF YOU'RE WORTH $60 \nBILLION AND YOU CAN SPEND \nSEVERAL HUNDRED MILLION DOLLARS \nON COMMERCIALS YOU HAVE A SLIGHT\nADVANTAGE.\nTHAT IS NONSENSE.\nWHAT WE HAVE GOT TO DO IS HAVE A\nNATION IN WHICH WE NOT ONLY \nOVERTURN CITIZENS UNITED, WE \nMOVE THE PUBLIC FUNDING OF \nELECTIONS.\nIN TERMS OF PUBLIC -- IN TERMS \nOF MONEY IN POLITICS.\nALL RIGHT?\nOUR CAMPAIGN, AND I AM \nENORMOUSLY PROUD OF THIS, UNLIKE\nSOME OF THE FOLKS UP HERE, I \nDON'T HAVE 40 BILLIONAIRES, \nPETE, COMPETING TO MY CAMPAIGN, \nCOMING FROM THE PHARMACEUTICAL \nINDUSTRY, COMING FROM WALL \nSTREET, AND ALL THE BIG MONEY \nINTERESTS.\nBUT WE DO HAVE NOW OVER 6 \nMILLION CONTRIBUTIONS FROM \n1.5 MILLION PEOPLE AVERAGING \n$18.50 A CONTRIBUTION.\nTHAT IS UNPRECEDENTED IN THE \nHISTORY OF AMERICAN POLITICS.\nIF WE WANT TO CHANGE AMERICA, \nYOU'RE NOT GOING TO DO IT BY \nELECTING CANDIDATES WHO ARE \nGOING OUT TO RICH PEOPLE'S HOMES\nBEGGING FOR MONEY.\nTHE WAY WE'RE GOING TO DO IT IS \nBUILD A MASS MOVEMENT OF WORKING\nPEOPLE WHO ARE PREPARED TO STAND\nUP.\nNOT TAKE MONEY FROM THESE \nBILLIONAIRES, NOT TAKE MONEY \nFROM WALL STREET, BUT STAND UP \nTO THE DRUG COMPANIES AND WALL \nSTREET.\nAND IF YOU WANT TO BE PART OF \nTHAT POLITICAL REVOLUTION, \nBERNIE SANDERS.COM.\n>> CLOSE THIS ROUND OUT.\n>> WE ARE GOING INTO THE FIGHT \nOF OUR LIVES.\nDONALD TRUMP ACCORDING TO NEWS \nREPORTS AND HIS ALLIES RAISED \n$25 MILLION TODAY.\nWE NEED TO GO INTO THAT FIGHT \nWITH EVERYTHING NAH WE'VE GOT.\nI'VE BEEN VERY CLEAR.\nON BOTH MY RECORD WHERE I HAVE \nSUED PHARMACEUTICAL COMPANIES \nAND WHAT I'M CAMPAIGNING FOR.\nTHAT INCLUDES RAISING WAGES AND \nRAISING TAXES ON CORPORATIONS \nAND THE WEALTHY.\nAND AS THE ONLY PERSON ON THIS \nSTAGE WHO IS NOT A MILLIONAIRE \nOR A BILLIONAIRE I KNOW A THING \nOR TWO ABOUT BUILDING A MOVEMENT\nBECAUSE MAYOR OF SOUTH BEND, \nINDIANA IS NOT EXACTLY AN \nESTABLISHMENT FUNDRAISING POWER \nHOUSE.\nWE ARE HERE WITHOUT THE \nINVOLVEMENT OF ANY CORPORATE \nPACS BECAUSE HUNDREDS OF \nTHOUSANDS OF PEOPLE WENT TO, \nYES, PETE FOR AMERICA.COM, \nCONTRIBUTED TO THIS CAMPAIGN, \nAND LET ME SAY SOMETHING ELSE.\nIF WE WANT TO BRING ABOUT ANY OF\nTHE CHANGES THAT EVERYONE IS \nTALKING ABOUT SO ELEGANTLY UP \nHERE, WE NEED TO PUT TOGETHER \nTHE MAJORITY THAT CAN DECISIVELY\nDEFEAT DONALD TRUMP.\nIN ORDER TO DO THAT, WE NEED A \nPOLITICS THAT IS DEFINED NOT BY \nWHO WE REJECT BUT HOW WE BRING \nEVERYBODY INTO THE FOLD.\nTELLING PEOPLE THEY CAN'T BE AT \nOUR SIDE IF THEY'RE NOT WITH US \n100% OF THE TIME.\nTHIS IS A TIME FOR ADDITION, NOT\nREJECTION, FOR BELONGING, NOT \nEXCLUSION.\n>> MAYOR BUTTIGIEG, THANK YOU.\nI WANT TO TURN TO CLIMATE CHANGE\nAND JOBS HERE IN AMERICA.\nPRESIDENT TRUMP JUST SIGNED THE \nUNITED STATES/MEXICO/CANADA \nAGREEMENT.\nMANY PEOPLE CALL IT AN UPDATED \nNAFTA, BUT IT DOES INCLUDE \nINCENTIVES TO MAKE CARS HERE IN \nNORTH AMERICA AND OPENS CANADIAN\nMARKETS FOR AMERICAN DAIRY \nFARMERS.\nSENATOR SANDERS, AS WE SIT HERE \nIN NEW HAMPSHIRE TONIGHT, BOTH \nNEW HAMPSHIRE SENATORS MAGGIE \nHASSAN AND SENATOR JEANNE \nSHAHEEN SUPPORTED THIS.\nTHEY VOTED YES, CALLING IT A \nREAL WIN FOR WORKERS AND FOR \nFARMERS.\nYOU VOTED NO BECAUSE YOU SAID \nYOU BELIEVE IT TAKES US BACK \nYEARS ON CLIMATE.\nWERE THE SENATORS FROM NEW \nHAMPSHIRE WRONG?\n>> YES.\nI MEAN, IT'S A DISAGREEMENT, BUT\nIF YOU LOOK AT EVERY \nENVIRONMENTAL GROUP IN THIS \nCOUNTRY, INCLUDING THE SUNRISE \nORGANIZATION -- WE'RE SO PROUD \nTO HAVE THEIR SUPPORT, BECAUSE \nWE HAVE INTRODUCED THE MOST \nCOMPREHENSIVE CLIMATE CHANGE \nPROPOSAL I THINK EVER OFFERED BY\nA PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE.\nWHAT THEY ARE SAYING, WHAT THE \nENVIRONMENTAL GROUPS ARE SAYING,\nWE'RE SIMPLY EXPORTING FOSSIL \nFUEL EMISSIONS TO MEXICO.\nTHERE IS NOT ONE WORD IN THAT \nTRADE AGREEMENT THAT DEALS WITH \nCLIMATE CHANGE, AND I DON'T KNOW\nHOW IN 2020 YOU CAN DO THAT.\nSECOND OF ALL, THERE IS, IN \nTERMS OF OUTSOURCING OF JOBS, A \nMAJOR CRISIS IN THIS COUNTRY.\nNOBODY BELIEVES THAT UNDER THIS \nTRUMP TRADE AGREEMENT THAT THEY \nWILL NOT BE CONTINUED AND \nSIGNIFICANT OUTSOURCING OF JOBS \nINTO LOW-WAGE MEXICO WHERE \nWORKERS ARE PAID IN SOME CASES \nLESS THAN $2 AN HOUR.\nSO, I THINK THE RIGHT VOTE WAS \nTO VOTE AGAINST THAT AGREEMENT.\nI DON'T APOLOGIZE FOR THAT. \n>> SENATOR SANDERS, THANK YOU.\nI DO WANT TO GO TO SENATOR \nKLOBUCHAR.\nYOU'VE HEARD WHAT SENATOR \nSANDERS JUST SAID THERE.\nHE SAID NOT ONE WORD ON CLIMATE \nIN THE TRADE DEAL, SO WHY DID \nYOU VOTE YES?\n>> WELL, FIRST OF ALL, I WANT TO\nDEFEND THE HONOR OF THE \nINCREDIBLE TWO SENATORS FROM NEW\nHAMPSHIRE, JEANNE SHAHEEN AND \nMAGGIE HASSAN, WHO WORKED SO \nHARD FOR THIS STATE EVERY DAY, \nAND I VOTED WITH THEM.\nWHY DID I VOTE WITH THEM?\nBECAUSE THERE WERE SOME MAJOR \nIMPROVEMENTS IN THIS TRADE \nAGREEMENT WHEN IT COMES TO LABOR\nINSPECTIONS, WHEN IT COMES TO \nGETTING RID OF SWEETHEART PHARMA\nDEAL THAT WAS IN PLACE, AND WHEN\nIT COMES TO CLIMATE CHANGE, I \nTHINK WE HAVE TO HAVE A NORTH \nAMERICAN TRADING BLOC.\nWE HAVE TO HAVE MEXICO AND \nCANADA AND AMERICA WORKING \nTOGETHER.\nAND THE BEST WAY TO TAKE ON \nCLIMATE CHANGE AS PRESIDENT, \nYES, I'LL WORK TO MAKE THIS A \nPART OF EVERY FUTURE TRADE \nAGREEMENT, BUT THE BEST WAY TO \nTAKE ON CLIMATE CHANGE IS BY \nGETTING BACK INTO THE \nINTERNATIONAL CLIMATE CHANGE \nAGREEMENT, WHICH I WILL DO ON \nDAY ONE.\nIT IS BRINGING BACK THE CLEAN \nPOWER RULES.\nIT IS BRINGING BACK THE GAS \nMILEAGE STANDARDS.\nAND IT IS INTRODUCING SWEEPING \nLEGISLATION TO PUT A PRICE ON \nCARBON.\nAND YOU CANNOT DIVORCE TRADE \nFROM THAT, AND IN FUTURE TRADE \nAGREEMENTS, THAT SHOULD BE PART \nOF OUR NEGOTIATION, BUT I'M \nTELLING YOU RIGHT NOW, HAVING NO\nTRADE AGREEMENT WITH CANADA AND \nMEXICO PUTS US AT SUCH A \nDISADVANTAGE WHEN IT COMES TO \nDEALING WITH CHINA AND PUSHING \nCHINA TO DO BETTER WHEN IT COMES\nTO CLIMATE CHANGE.\n>> SENATOR KLOBUCHAR, THANK YOU.\nSENATOR WARREN, YOU VOTED YES AS\nWELL.\n>> YES, I DID, AND I'LL TELL YOU\nWHY, BECAUSE THERE ARE A LOT OF \nFARMERS AROUND THIS COUNTRY THAT\nARE REALLY HURTING BECAUSE OF \nDONALD TRUMP'S TRADE POLICIES.\nTHERE ARE A LOT OF WORKERS WHO \nARE HURTING BECAUSE THEY CAN'T \nGET ENFORCEMENT OF ANY WORKERS' \nRIGHTS.\nSO, THIS NAFTA PROVISION, AFTER \nA LOT OF NEGOTIATION WITH \nDEMOCRATS, SENATOR SHERROD BROWN\nHELPED MAKE IT A WHOLE LOT \nBETTER, THIS MAKES THINGS \nSOMEWHAT BETTER FOR WORKERS AND \nFOR FARMERS.\nAND WHEN I SEE A LAW THAT MAKES \nTHINGS SOMEWHAT BETTER FOR \nHARD-WORKING PEOPLE IN THIS \nCOUNTRY, I SAY, I'LL SIGN UP FOR\nTHAT, AND THEN I'LL GET UP \nTOMORROW MORNING AND I'LL START \nWORKING HARD FOR A BETTER TRADE \nDEAL ON CLIMATE, A BETTER TRADE \nDEAL THAT HAS A BASIC COHERENCE \nTO IT.\nEVERYONE WANTS TO GET TO THE \nAMERICAN MARKET.\nWE SHOULD BE RAISING STANDARDS \nON CLIMATE AROUND THE WORLD TO \nGET ACCESS TO OUR MARKET.\n>> MR. STEYER.\n>> YEAH, I'VE GOT TO AGREE WITH \nBERNIE SANDERS, AND I'VE GOT \nTO -- SENATE -- I DO.\nSENATOR WARREN IS RIGHT, \nEVERYBODY WANTS TO GET INTO OUR \nMARKET, AND THAT'S HOW WE \nCONVINCE THEM THAT THEY'VE GOT \nTO BE RIGHT ON CLIMATE, TOO.\nWE HAVE TO STOP MAKING FOREIGN \nPOLICY DECISIONS IN THE OLD WAY.\nYEAH, OF COURSE, WE WANT TO MAKE\nTHINGS BETTER FOR AMERICAN \nWORKERS, AND IT'S ABSOLUTELY \nCRITICAL THAT WHEN WE THINK \nABOUT TRADE POLICY, WE'RE \nTHINKING ABOUT IT FROM THE POINT\nOF VIEW OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE, \nNOT OF THE AMERICAN \nCORPORATIONS.\nTHAT'S A HUGE POSITIVE CHANGE, \nAND I AGREE WITH THE SENATORS ON\nTHAT, BUT THERE'S SOMETHING ELSE\nGOING ON HERE WHEN WE THINK \nABOUT OUR FOREIGN POLICY, AND \nTHAT'S, WE TALKED ABOUT WHETHER \nIT WAS RIGHT TO KILL GENERAL \nSOLEIMANI, AND THERE WAS NO \nDISCUSSION IN THAT ABOUT WHERE \nTHAT LEAVES THE UNITED STATES IN\nTHE COMMUNITY OF NATIONS AROUND \nTHE WORLD.\nSO, IF WE ACTUALLY WANT TO BE \nTHE LEADERS OF THE WORLD, THE \nLEADERS OF THE FREE WORLD, WHO \nCAN ACTUALLY NEGOTIATE A CLIMATE\nTREATY AROUND THE WORLD THAT \nSTICKS, THAT MAKES A DIFFERENCE,\nWE'RE GOING TO HAVE TO PUT \nCLIMATE FIRST.\nAND WHEN WE THINK ABOUT DOING \nTHE WRONG THING, THE WAY \nMR. TRUMP DID WITH GENERAL \nSOLEIMANI, WE HAVE TO ASK, DOES \nTHAT HELP US BUILD A COALITION \nOF COUNTRIES AROUND THE WORLD TO\nDO THE RIGHT THING?\nIT ABSOLUTELY DOES NOT.\nBEING ALL BY OURSELVES, BEING \nTHE EMPIRE IN THE \"STAR WARS\" \nMOVIE DOES NOT PUT US IN A \nPOSITION TO GET DONE WHAT WE \nNEED TO GET DONE AS THE LEADER \nOF THE FREE WORLD.\nAND SO, IN FACT, THE USMCA IS \nSOMETHING THAT'S THE FIRST STEP,\nBUT THE SECOND STEP IS EXACTLY \nWHAT BERNIE SANDERS IS SAYING --\nUSE ACCESS TO OUR MARKET AS A \nNEGOTIATING THING TO MAKE SURE, \nNOT ONLY THAT WE REPRESENT \nAMERICAN WORKERS, BUT THAT WE \nREPRESENT THE AMERICAN PEOPLE IN\nTHE LONG RUN AND WE MAKE SURE \nTHAT WE GET A SAFE CLIMATE DEAL.\n>> YOU KNOW, ONE OF THE THINGS \nABOUT BEING IN THE ARENA IS YOU \nHAVE TO MAKE DECISIONS ALL THE \nTIME. \n>> YES. \n>> AND THESE THINGS AREN'T \nALWAYS EXACTLY HOW YOU WOULD DO \nTHEM, BUT IN THIS CASE -- \n>> NEVER. \n>> -- IF YOU WANT TO CRITICIZE \nTRUMP FOR NOT EVER HAVING ANY \nFRIENDS -- AND I WOULD AGREE, HE\nALWAYS SIDES WITH TYRANTS OVER \nINNOCENTS, DICTATORS OVER \nALLIES, BUT I THINK YOU'VE GOT \nTO HAVE SOME FRIENDS, AND THOSE \nTWO COUNTRIES, OUR NEIGHBORS, \nMAY NOT BE PERFECT, BUT THEY ARE\nOUR FRIENDS, AND WE HAVE A \nPRESIDENT THAT LITERALLY BLAMES \nEVERYONE IN THE WORLD, AND WE \nHAVE NOT TALKED ABOUT THIS \nENOUGH.\nHE BLAMES BARACK OBAMA FOR \nEVERYTHING THAT GOES WRONG.\nHE BLAMES HIS FEDERAL RESERVE \nCHAIR THAT HE APPOINTED HIMSELF.\nHE BLAMES THE KING OF DENMARK.\nWHO DOES THAT?\nHE BLAMES THE PRIME MINISTER OF \nCANADA FOR, HE CLAIMS, CUTTING \nHIM OUT OF THE CANADIAN VERSION \nOF \"HOME ALONE 2.\"\nWHO DOES THAT?\nTHAT'S WHAT DONALD TRUMP DOES.\nSO, MY POINT HERE IS THAT WHEN \nWE HAVE OPPORTUNITIES TO WORK \nWITH OUR ALLIES -- AND NEW \nHAMPSHIRE IS SUCH A GREAT \nEXAMPLE OF THIS -- NEW \nHAMPSHIRE, BRENTEN WOODS, NEW \nHAMPSHIRE WITH SENATORS LIKE \nJEANNE SHAHEEN AND MAGGIE \nHASSAN, WHO BELIEVE WE NEED TO \nWORK WITH NATO AND THE REST OF \nTHE WORLD, WHO SEES IT AS A \nSMALLER STATE, BUT A STATE THAT \nIS A PIECE OF THE WORLD -- WE \nCANNOT BE ALONE, AND THAT TRADE \nAGREEMENT WAS NOT PERFECT, BUT \nTHE POINT OF IT IS, IF WE START \nISOLATING OURSELVES FROM THE \nREST OF THE WORLD, WE ARE GOING \nTO HURT OURSELVES ECONOMICALLY \nAND WE ARE GOING TO HURT OUR \nNATION'S SECURITY.\n>> ALL RIGHT.\nSENATOR KLOBUCHAR, THANKS VERY \nMUCH.\n>> WE'VE HIT THE TWO-HOUR MARK.\nWE NEED TO TAKE A QUICK BREAK \nAND COME BACK WITH A FINAL \nQUESTION.\n>>> WELCOME BACK TO MANCHESTER, \nNEW HAMPSHIRE, AND THE ABC NEWS \nDEMOCRATIC DEBATE.\nTHANKS FOR JOINING US HERE ON \n\"ABC NEWS LIVE\" TONIGHT.\nI'M DEVON DWYER JOINED BY OUR \nPOLITICAL CORRESPONDENT, RACHEL \nSCOTT.\nRACHEL, WE HEARD SO MUCH THIS \nLAST BLOCK ABOUT GUN POLICY, \nABORTION, CLIMATE CHANGE, AND \nTHEN THE ISSUE OF RACE, PUSHED \nON BY TOM STEYER AND REALLY A \nLOT OF THE CANDIDATES \nCONFRONTING JOE BIDEN, A SIGN OF\nWHERE THIS CAMPAIGN IS HEADED. \n>> EXACTLY, DEVON.\nSTEYER TONIGHT CALLING OUT THE \nLACK OF DISCUSSION WHEN IT COMES\nTO RACE.\nTHE CONVERSATION TURNING 90 \nMINUTES INTO THIS DEBATE.\nAND BIDEN TOUTING WHAT THE \nNATIONAL POLLS REFLECT -- HIS \nLOYALTY AMONG AFRICAN-AMERICAN \nVOTERS.\nI HAVE SAT DOWN WITH THE VICE \nPRESIDENT.\nHE HAS TOLD ME IT'S ONE OF THE \nTHINGS THAT HE IS MOST PROUD OF,\nHIS LOYALTY AMONG BLACK \nSUPPORTERS.\nAND IF YOU WANT TO JUST SEE HOW \nIMPORTANT BLACK VOTERS ARE TO \nTHE DEMOCRATIC BASE, ALL YOU \nHAVE TO LOOK AT ARE THE NUMBERS \nFROM 2016.\nEXIT POLLS FROM THE PRIMARY, SIX\nOUT OF TEN VOTERS IN MISSISSIPPI\nWERE BLACK.\n61% OF VOTERS IN THE SOUTH \nCAROLINA PRIMARY WERE BLACK, AND\nTHAT'S WHERE THE CANDIDATES WILL\nBE HEADING VERY SOON AHEAD OF \nTHAT. \n>> AND TO NEVADA AS WELL WITH A \nLOT OF VOTERS OF COLOR THERE, \nAND JOE BIDEN HOLDING A LION'S \nSHARE OF THOSE VOTERS.\nWE'LL SEE IF THESE CANDIDATES \nCAN CHIP AWAY.\nYOU KNOW, WE WERE TALKING, SO \nMANY OF THE POLICIES WE HEARD \nABOUT TONIGHT, LIKE SO MANY OF \nTHE PREVIOUS DEBATES, ARE \nFAMILIAR POSITIONS FROM THESE \nCANDIDATES, WHICH IS WHY THE \nSTYLE OF THEIR PERFORMANCE \nTONIGHT IS GOING TO GET A LOT OF\nATTENTION FROM VOTERS. \n>> IT WILL, BUT WHEN I TALK TO \nVOTERS AS I TRAVEL THE COUNTRY, \nTHEY TELL ME THEIR NUMBER ONE \nCONCERN IS ELECTABILITY.\nTHEY WANT SOMEONE THAT CAN BEAT \nPRESIDENT TRUMP.\nTHEY WANT SOMEONE THAT CAN CARRY\nTHIS OVER THE FINISH LINE, AND \nTHAT'S WHY YOU HEAR SO MUCH \nDISCUSSION PIVOTING BACK TO WHO \nCAN DO THAT ON THIS STAGE TODAY.\n>> I WAS UP IN DERRY, NEW \nHAMPSHIRE, JUST YESTERDAY \nHEARING NOT ONLY A LOT OF \nATTENTION ON THOSE QUALITIES OF \nSTYLE BUT ALSO A LOT OF ANXIETY \nOVER THIS ISSUE OF ELECTABILITY,\nPARTICULARLY NOW WITH DONALD \nTRUMP'S POLLING NUMBERS ON THE \nRISE, HIS PERFORMANCE AT THE \nSTATE OF THE UNION AND HIS \nACQUITTAL IN THAT SENATE TRIAL.\nIT'S GOING TO BE A FOUR-DAY \nSPRINT.\nI KNOW YOU'RE GOING TO BE OUT \nTHERE ALL WEEKEND AS I WILL AS \nWELL.\nWE WERE JUST TALKING ABOUT WHAT \nTHIS MOMENT IN THIS CAMPAIGN \nWILL MEAN.\nWE COULD SEE A DRAMATICALLY \nSMALLER FIELD AFTER TUESDAY \nNIGHT HERE IN NEW HAMPSHIRE. \n>> YEAH.\nTOM PEREZ CAME OUT HERE AND \nSAID, LISTEN, WE ARE BEGINNING A\n90-DAY SPRINT.\nMOST OF THE DELEGATES ARE GOING \nTO BE GRABBED UP BY THE END OF \nTHIS 90 DAYS, AND THE CANDIDATES\nREALLY HAVE TO HONE IN ON THEIR \nPITCH HERE.\nVOTING HAS STARTED ALREADY.\nWE ARE MOVING INTO THE NEW \nHAMPSHIRE PRIMARY.\nAND A LOT OF THESE CANDIDATES \nHAVE A LOT ON THE LINE HERE.\nTHEY ONLY HAVE A FEW DAYS LEFT \nTO GAIN MOMENTUM BEFORE THAT \nNEXT VOTE IS CAST.\nAND AGAIN, THIS RACE IS GETTING \nTIGHTER AND TIGHTER.\n>> AND WE KNOW DONALD TRUMP WILL\nBE HERE IN NEW HAMPSHIRE, IN \nMANCHESTER, AS WELL ON MONDAY.\nSO, THINGS ARE GOING TO GET EVEN\nMORE EXCITING HERE FOUR DAYS \nAHEAD OF THE NEW HAMPSHIRE \nPRIMARIES.\nWE HEAD BACK NOW FOR THE FINAL \nQUESTION IN THIS ABC NEWS \nDEMOCRATIC DEBATE.\nTAKE A LOOK AT THE SPEAKING \nTIMES OF THE CANDIDATES.\nWE'LL LEAVE YOU WITH THAT.\nJOE BIDEN TOP OF THE LIST.\nALL THE CANDIDATES BACK AT THEIR\nPODIUMS.\nSTAY WITH US RIGHT HERE ON \"ABC \nNEWS LIVE.\"\n>> THE DEMOCRATIC DEBATE.\nHERE NOW, GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS.\n>> WELCOME BACK TO OUR DEBATE.\nTIME NOW FOR A FINAL QUESTION.\nEACH OF YOU WILL ANSWER IT IN \nTURN.\nWE'LL START WITH MR. YANG.\nAND THE QUESTION IS THIS -- \nACCORDING TO THE CHILDREN'S \nDEFENSE FUND, IT'S BEEN MORE \nTHAN 20 YEARS SINCE CHILD \nPOVERTY WAS DIRECTLY ADDRESSED \nIN A PRESIDENTIAL DEBATE.\nTHE YEAR WAS 1999.\nTHE QUESTION WAS OUR FRIEND AND \nLOCAL COLLEAGUE, WHO MAY BE \nWATCHING RIGHT NOW, THE LATE \nCOKIE ROBERTS.\nCOKIE LOVED THE NEW HAMPSHIRE \nPRIMARY, AND SHE ASKED THE \nCANDIDATES IN THIS REPUBLICAN \nDEBATE, HOW WILL WE OVERCOME THE\nSCANDAL OF ONE-QUARTER OF \nAMERICAN PRESCHOOLERS LIVING IN \nPOVERTY IN THE RICHEST NATION ON\nEARTH?\nTODAY, NEARLY ONE IN FIVE \nAMERICAN PRESCHOOLERS ARE STILL \nLIVING BELOW THE POVERTY LINE, \nEVEN THOUGH WE'VE HAD TEN \nSTRAIGHT YEARS OF ECONOMIC \nGROWTH.\nWHAT DOES THAT SAY TO YOU ABOUT \nWHERE AMERICA IS TODAY AND WHAT \nWE NEED TO DO ABOUT IT?\n>> GEORGE, WE'RE IN THE MIDST OF\nTHE MOST EXTREME WINNER-TAKE-ALL\nECONOMY IN THE HISTORY OF OUR \nCOUNTRY.\nAND UNFORTUNATELY, THAT \nEXTREMITY IS JUST GOING TO REACH\nUNPRECEDENTED HEIGHTS, AS \nTECHNOLOGY IS GETTING STRONGER, \nSMARTER, MORE CAPABLE ALL THE \nTIME, AND MOST OF US ARE NOT.\nMOST OF ADULTS FEEL HAPPY IF WE \nSTAYED ABOUT THE SAME ON ANY \nGIVEN DAY.\nSO, IF WE WANT TO ALLEVIATE \nCHILD POVERTY, WE NEED TO PUT \nMONEY DIRECTLY INTO THE HANDS OF\nFAMILIES, PARTICULARLY SINGLE \nPARENTS.\n40% OF AMERICAN CHILDREN TODAY \nARE BORN TO SINGLE MOMS.\n90% OF SINGLE PARENTS ARE SINGLE\nMOMS.\nAND RIGHT NOW, WE HAVE FALLEN \nINTO THIS TRAP WHERE WE HAVE \nALLOWED THE MARKET TO TELL US \nWHAT WE ARE ALL WORTH.\nAND WHAT DOES THE MARKET VALUE \nMY WIFE, EVELYN, AT OR \nSTAY-AT-HOME PARENTS AROUND THE \nCOUNTRY?\nZERO.\nCAREGIVERS TAKING CARE OF AILING\nLOVED ONES LIKE CLOUD \nCHRISTIANSON IN IOWA?\nZERO.\nPEOPLE IN OUR COMMUNITIES DOING \nSOMETHING POSITIVE?\nZERO.\nCOACHES AND MENTORS HELPING OUR \nKIDS?\nZERO.\nMOST ARTISTS -- SORRY, ARTISTS, \nBUT IT'S TRUE -- ZERO.\nINCREASINGLY LOCAL JOURNALISTS, \nWHICH IS WHIPPING OUT OUR \nABILITY TO HAVE A FUNCTIONING \nDEMOCRACY BECAUSE YOU CAN'T VOTE\nON SOMETHING IF YOU ACTUALLY \nDON'T HAVE ANY NEWS COVERAGE.\nTHE MISSION IN THIS CAMPAIGN HAS\nTO BE FOR US TO DISENTANGLE \nECONOMIC VALUE AND HUMAN VALUE.\nSAY THEY ARE NOT THE SAME \nTHINGS.\nAND MAKE THIS CASE TO OUR FELLOW\nAMERICANS, THAT WE EACH HAVE \nINTRINSIC VALUE, AS CITIZENS, AS\nHUMAN BEINGS, AND AS OWNERS AND \nSHAREHOLDERS OF THE RICHEST \nCOUNTRY IN THE HISTORY OF THE \nWORLD.\n>> MAYOR BUTTIGIEG.\n>> THE PROBLEM IS, AMERICA'S \nBEEN COUNTING THE WRONG THINGS.\nNOW WE HAVE A PRESIDENT WHO SAYS\nTHE ECONOMY IS FANTASTIC BECAUSE\nTHE DOW JONES IS LOOKING GOOD.\nAND I'M SURE IF YOU'VE GOT A \nBUILDING WITH YOUR NAME ON IT \nCLOSE TO WALL STREET, THEN THAT \nREALLY IS THE SAME THING AS THE \nECONOMY TO YOU, BUT THE PROBLEM \nIS, WE'VE HAD AN ECONOMY GROW \nAND NOT BE ABLE TO LIFT UP THOSE\nMOST IN NEED, OR EVEN SO MANY IN\nTHE MIDDLE.\nWHEN I'M PRESIDENT, WE'RE GOING \nTO MEASURE THE PERFORMANCE OF \nOUR ECONOMY NOT BY THE DOW \nJONES, BUT BY THE INCOME GROWTH \nOF THE 90%.\nA GOOD ECONOMY IS ONE WHERE \nCHILDREN ARE BEING LIFTED OUT OF\nPOVERTY, JUST AS WE FOCUSED IN \nSOUTH BEND ON CUTTING THE \nPOVERTY RATE, IN PARTICULAR THE \nBLACK POVERTY RATE AND MAKING \nSURE FAMILIES WITH CHILDREN WERE\nPARTICIPATING IN THE GROWTH THAT\nWE DID HAVE.\nBUT THIS IS ONE MORE EXAMPLE OF \nSOMETHING WHERE THE AMERICAN \nPEOPLE WANT TO SEE CHANGE.\nTHE AMERICAN PEOPLE, NOT JUST \nDIE-HARD DEMOCRATS, BUT SO MANY \nINDEPENDENTS AND SOME \nREPUBLICANS THINK WE NEED TO \nPRIORITIZE ECONOMIC EQUITY.\nAND YET, IT STILL DOESN'T \nHAPPEN.\nTHAT IS WHY WE NEED TO RECOGNIZE\nTHAT THE TIME'S ARRIVED FOR A \nDIFFERENT KIND OF POLITICS, TO \nTURN THE PAGE, LEAVE THE \nPOLITICS OF THE PAST IN THE PAST\nAND DELIVER A BETTER FUTURE \nBEFORE IT IS TOO LATE.\n>> SENATOR WARREN.\n>> SO, I STARTED MY GROWN-UP \nLIFE AS A SPECIAL EDUCATION \nTEACHER.\nI LEARNED EARLY ON ABOUT THE \nWORTH OF EVERY SINGLE HUMAN \nBEING.\nAND I BELIEVE THAT THE BEST \nINVESTMENT WE CAN MAKE AS A \nNATION, THE BEST INVESTMENT WE \nCAN MAKE AS HUMAN BEINGS IS TO \nINVEST IN OUR CHILDREN.\nAND WE'VE HAD ENOUGH OF MAKING \nRHETORIC AROUND THIS.\nEVERYONE SAYS THEY LOVE THE \nKIDS, BUT HERE'S THE DEAL, IT'S \nTIME TO COME UP WITH REAL PLANS \nTO MAKE THAT HAPPEN.\nI TALKED BEFORE ABOUT A 2-CENT \nWEALTH TAX, BUT THE WHOLE IDEA \nBEHIND IT IS WE CAN DO EARLY \nCHILDHOOD EDUCATION AND \nGOOD-QUALITY CHILD CARE, \nUNIVERSAL PRE-K FOR EVERY \n3-YEAR-OLD AND 4-YEAR-OLD IN \nAMERICA, AND WE CAN STOP \nEXPLOITING THE PEOPLE, LARGELY \nBLACK AND BROWN WOMEN WHO DO \nTHIS WORK, AND RAISE THE WAGES \nOF EVERY CHILD CARE WORKER AND \nPRESCHOOL TEACHER IN AMERICA.\nWE WANT TO HAVE A REAL FUTURE IN\nTHIS COUNTRY, THEN INVEST IN OUR\nCHILDREN.\nDON'T LEAVE PUBLIC EDUCATION \nJUST TO OUR LOCALITIES AND OUR \nSTATES.\nBE A GOOD FEDERAL PARTNER.\nPUT REAL MONEY INTO OUR SCHOOLS.\nPUT REAL MONEY INTO HOUSING.\nPUT REAL MONEY INTO HEALTH CARE.\nPUT REAL MONEY INTO THE FUTURE \nOF OUR CHILDREN.\nTHAT'S HOW WE BUILD THE AMERICA \nOF OUR BEST VALUES.\n>> MR. VICE PRESIDENT.\n>> I COME FROM A FAMILY WHERE A \nDAD WALKED IN ONE DAY AND SAID, \n\"WE'VE GOT TO MOVE, DON'T HAVE A\nJOB.\nWE'VE GOT TO MOVE TO A DIFFERENT\nCITY.\"\nI WATCHED MY DAD -- AND I MET \nMANY PEOPLE HERE IN THIS STATE \nAND OTHERS WHO HAVE GONE THROUGH\nTHE SAME THING, WHERE THE \nFATHER'S MADE THAT LONGEST WALK \nOR THE MOTHER'S MADE THAT \nLONGEST WALK.\nI WAS LISTED FOR THE ENTIRE TIME\nI WAS IN THE UNITED STATES \nCONGRESS AS THE POOREST MAN IN \nTHE UNITED STATES CONGRESS.\nMY NET WORTH WAS NET ZERO A \nCOUPLE TIMES.\nTHE FACT OF THE MATTER IS THAT I\nHAVE NEVER FOCUSED ON MONEY FOR \nME.\nAND I WAS A SINGLE DAD FOR FIVE \nYEARS.\nIT'S NOT AS HARD AS BEING A \nSINGLE MOM, AND I HAD HELP FROM \nMY SISTERS IN THE AUDIENCE AND \nOTHERS.\nBUT THE FACT IS THAT I THINK WE \nHAVE TO FOCUS ON WHAT IS AT \nSTAKE HERE.\nTHESE AREN'T SOMEONE ELSE'S \nCHILDREN.\nTHEY'RE ALL OUR CHILDREN.\nTHEY'RE THE KITESTRINGS THAT \nLIFT OUR NATIONAL AMBITIONS.\nTHEY REALLY ARE.\nTHEY LIFT OUR NATIONAL AMBITIONS\nALOFT.\nWE HAVE AN OVERWHELMING \nINTEREST, OVERWHELMING INTEREST \nIN SEEING TO IT THEY DO WELL.\nYOU KNOW, 24 OUT OF EVERY 100 \nSTUDENTS IN SCHOOL TODAY, FROM \nGRADE SCHOOL TO HIGH SCHOOL, ARE\nLATINO.\nWHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO, WALK \nAWAY FROM THAT?\nMANY OF THEM COME FROM HOMES \nTHAT ARE POOR, VERY POOR.\nTHAT'S WHY I INVEST SO MUCH TIME\nAND ENERGY IN PRESCHOOL.\nTHAT'S WHY IF I ONLY HAVE $1 TO \nSPEND, I SPEND IT EQUIPPING THE \nCHILD BEFORE THEY GET INTO \nSCHOOL, IN THE EARLY DAYS, THAN \nAFTER.\nAND WE TALK ABOUT ALL THOSE KIDS\nOUT THERE THAT ARE GOING TO BE \nGRADUATING.\nA GREAT NUMBER OF THEM AREN'T \nGOING TO, AS MR. YANG SAID, \nAREN'T GOING ON TO COLLEGE, \nALTHOUGH I THINK WE SHOULD HELP \nWITH COLLEGE, BUT THEY'RE NOT \nGOING ON TO COLLEGE.\nWHAT ARE THEY GOING TO DO?\nTHEY'RE GOING TO BE EQUIPPED TO \nCOMPETE IN THE 21st CENTURY BY \nTRAINING FOR THE NEW TRADES, THE\nNEW OPPORTUNITIES AND \nCAPABILITIES THAT ARE OUT THERE.\nWE MUST FOCUS ON OUR CHILDREN.\nLIKE I SAID, THEY ARE ALL OUR \nCHILDREN.\nTHEY'RE NOT SOMEBODY ELSE'S \nKIDS.\nEVERYONE, EVERYONE, EVERYONE, AS\nMY FATHER WOULD SAY, IS ENTITLED\nTO BE TREATED WITH DIGNITY AND \nRESPECT, AND WE'RE NOT DOING IT.\n>> SENATOR SANDERS.\n>> WELL, THE ANSWER TO YOUR \nQUESTION IS WHY WE HAVE THE \nHIGHEST RATE OF CHILDHOOD \nPOVERTY OF ALMOST ANY MAJOR \nCOUNTRY ON EARTH, \nDISPROPORTIONATELY HIGH FOR THE \nAFRICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY, BY \nTHE WAY, IS THE SAME REASON THAT\nWE GIVE MASSIVE TRILLION-DOLLAR \nTAX BREAKS TO THE RICH AND LARGE\nCORPORATIONS, SAME REASON THAT \nWE GIVE TENS OF BILLIONS OF \nDOLLARS IN SUBSIDIES AND TAX \nBREAKS TO THE FOSSIL FUEL \nINDUSTRY WHILE HALF OF OUR \nPEOPLE ARE LIVING PAYCHECK TO \nPAYCHECK, THE SAME REASON THAT \nWE HAVE THREE PEOPLE IN AMERICA \nOWNING MORE WEALTH THAN THE \nBOTTOM HALF OF AMERICA, THE SAME\nREASON THAT WE ARE THE ONLY \nMAJOR COUNTRY ON EARTH NOT TO \nGUARANTEE HEALTH CARE TO ALL \nPEOPLE AS A HUMAN RIGHT, SAME \nREASON AS TO WHY WE ARE PAYING \nIN SOME CASES TEN TIMES MORE \nTHAN OTHER COUNTRIES FOR \nPRESCRIPTION DRUGS, AND THAT \nREASON IS THAT OUR PRIORITIES \nARE DETERMINED BY THE 1% AND BY \nWEALTHY CAMPAIGN CONTRIBUTORS.\nOUR PRIORITIES ARE DETERMINED BY\nTHOSE WHO WANT TO SEE THE RICH \nGET RICHER AND ARE TURNING THEIR\nBACKS ON THE WORKING FAMILIES OF\nTHIS COUNTRY.\nAND WHAT IS UNIQUE ABOUT OUR \nCAMPAIGN IS WE SAY, UNASHAMEDLY,\nWE ARE RAISING OUR CAMPAIGN \nCONTRIBUTIONS NOT FROM \nBILLIONAIRES, BUT FROM \nWORKING-CLASS PEOPLE, THAT OUR \nCAMPAIGN IS ABOUT THE WORKING \nFAMILIES OF THIS COUNTRY, FOR \nTHE WORKING CLASS OF THIS \nCOUNTRY, AND THAT IS THE \nADMINISTRATION THAT WE WILL RUN.\nIT IS TIME TO TAKE ON THE \nBIG-MONEY INTERESTS.\nIT IS TIME TO CHANGE OUR \nNATIONAL PRIORITIES.\nTHANK YOU. \n>> SENATOR KLOBUCHAR.\n>> IN COKIE'S MEMORY, LET ME \nANSWER THIS QUESTION.\nWE MAY HAVE LOST AN ELECTION IN \n2016, DEMOCRATS, BUT WE DID NOT \nLOSE HOPE, AND THERE IS A WAY.\nIT'S ACTUALLY BASED ON A \nNATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCE \nREPORT, AND I'VE USED THAT TO \nPUT TOGETHER A PLAN TO REDUCE \nCHILD POVERTY IN HALF IN TEN \nYEARS AND ERADICATE IT IN A \nGENERATION.\nWE CAN DO IT WITH INVESTMENT IN \nCHILD CARE.\nWE CAN DO IT WITH INVESTMENT IN \nPRESCHOOL AND SCHOOL, AND WE CAN\nDO IT WITH TAX CREDITS AND WE \nCAN GET IT DONE.\nBUT TO GET IT DONE, WE HAVE TO \nBE ABLE TO REACH THOSE VOTERS \nTHAT WE LOST IN THIS STATE AND \nACROSS THE COUNTRY.\nTHERE IS AN OLD STORY OF \nFRANKLIN DELANO ROOSEVELT.\nAND WHEN HE DIED, HIS BODY WAS \nPUT ON A TRAIN AND WENT UP \nACROSS AMERICA.\nAND THERE WAS A GUY STANDING BY \nTHOSE TRACKS ALONG WITH SO MANY \nAMERICANS, AND HE HAD HIS HAT ON\nHIS CHEST AND HE WAS SOBBING.\nAND A REPORTER SAID, \"SIR, DID \nYOU KNOW THE PRESIDENT?\"\nAND THE GUY SAYS, \"NO, I DIDN'T \nKNOW THE PRESIDENT, BUT HE KNEW \nME.\"\n\"HE KNEW ME.\"\nAND I WILL TELL YOU THIS, THERE \nIS A COMPLETE LACK OF EMPATHY IN\nTHIS GUY IN THE WHITE HOUSE \nRIGHT NOW, AND I WILL BRING BACK\nTO YOU -- IF YOU HAVE TROUBLE \nSTRETCHING YOUR PAYCHECK TO PAY \nFOR THAT RENT, I KNOW YOU, AND I\nWILL FIGHT FOR YOU.\nIF YOU HAVE TROUBLE DECIDING IF \nYOU'RE GOING TO PAY FOR YOUR \nCHILD CARE OR YOUR LONG-TERM \nCARE, I KNOW YOU, AND I WILL \nFIGHT FOR YOU.\nIF YOU HAVE TROUBLE FIGURING OUT\nIF YOU'RE GOING TO FILL YOUR \nREFRIGERATOR OR FILL YOUR \nPRESCRIPTION DRUG, I KNOW YOU, \nAND I WILL FIGHT FOR YOU.\nI DO NOT HAVE THE BIGGEST NAME \nUP ON THIS STAGE.\nI DON'T HAVE THE BIGGEST BANK \nACCOUNT.\nI'M NOT A POLITICAL NEWCOMER \nWITH NO RECORD, BUT I HAVE A \nRECORD OF FIGHTING FOR PEOPLE.\nI'M ASKING YOU TO JOIN US AT \nAMYKLOBUCHAR.COM.\nI'M ASKING YOU TO BELIEVE THAT \nSOMEONE WHO TOTALLY BELIEVES IN \nAMERICA CAN WIN THIS, BECAUSE IF\nYOU ARE TIRED OF THE EXTREMES IN\nOUR POLITICS AND THE NOISE AND \nTHE NONSENSE, YOU HAVE A HOME \nWITH ME.\nPLEASE, NEW HAMPSHIRE, I WOULD \nLOVE FOUR VOTE AND I WOULD LOVE \nTHE VOTE OF AMERICA.\nTHANK YOU.\n>> MR. STEYER.\n>> SO, THE REPUBLICANS HAVE A \nCRUEL PLAN, AND THEIR PLAN IS \nPRETTY SIMPLE, IT'S TO CUT TAXES\nON THE RICHEST AMERICANS AND THE\nBIGGEST CORPORATIONS, AND THEN \nTHEY PAY FOR IT BY CUTTING \nEDUCATION FOR KIDS, BY CUTTING \nHEALTH CARE ACROSS THE BOARD, BY\nALLOWING CORPORATIONS TO POLLUTE\nAS MUCH AS THEY WANT, AND THEN \nTHEY TRY AND BREAK UNIONS AND \nTHE ORGANIZED LABOR MOVEMENT.\nIT'S VERY SIMPLE.\nTHAT'S WHAT MR. TRUMP'S PLAN IS,\nAND IT'S TRUE IN EVERY SINGLE \nRED STATE.\nBUT WE ARE NOT GOING TO WIN BY \nJUST CRITICIZING MR. TRUMP.\nI KNOW THAT THERE IS A BETTER \nAMERICA OUT THERE, AND THAT \nAMERICA LIVES IN OUR HEARTS AND \nMINDS, AND THAT AMERICA \nUNDERSTANDS THAT WHEN A KID \nSUCCEEDS IN COLUMBIA, SOUTH \nCAROLINA, THAT IS A TRIUMPH FOR \nEVERY AMERICAN, AND THE SAME IS \nTRUE OF A KID IN LAS VEGAS, \nNEVADA.\nMR. TRUMP HAS NO IDEA WHAT \nPROSPERITY LOOKS LIKE ACROSS \nTHIS COUNTRY.\nIT'S NOT JUST THAT HE DOES BAD \nTHINGS -- HE DOESN'T UNDERSTAND \nTHAT INVESTING IN EDUCATION AND \nHEALTH CARE AND GOOD UNION JOBS \nIS ACTUALLY AN INVESTMENT IN OUR\nCOMMON HUMANITY AND IN GROWTH IN\nTHE FUTURE MOBILITY AND JUSTICE.\nTHAT IS THE AMERICA THAT LIVES \nIN OUR HEARTS AND MINDS THAT \nWILL BEAT MR. TRUMP, BECAUSE HE \nWILL NEVER BE ABLE TO IMAGINE \nIT.\nSO, IN FACT, WHAT WE NEED TO DO \nIS HAVE A NEW CONCEPTION, A NEW \nDREAM OF AMERICA, DREAM IT AND \nMAKE IT HAPPEN.\nIMAGINE THE MOUNTAIN AND THEN WE\nCLIMB IT TOGETHER.\nWE ARE IN PERILOUS TIMES.\nI AM ASKING FOR YOUR VOTE.\nLET'S RISE TOGETHER.\n>> CANDIDATES, THANK YOU.\nTHANKS FOR A GREAT DEBATE \nTONIGHT.\nTHANKS OUR AUDIENCE HERE AT ST. \nANSLEM COLLEGE.\nTHANK YOU TO OUR PARTNERS, WMUR \nAND APPLE NEWS.\nNOW TO MY COLLEAGUE, MARTHA \nRADICH. \n>> THANKS VERY MUCH, GEORGE, AND\nGOOD EVENING FROM HIGH ABOVE THE\nDEBATE STAGE HERE IN MANCHESTER \nAFTER THE SOMETIMES FIERY \nEXCHANGES BETWEEN THE TOP SEVEN \nDEMOCRATIC CANDIDATES.\nIT WAS A PROFOUNDLY IMPORTANT \nDEBATE, THE LAST BIG CHANCE FOR \nTHE CANDIDATES TO MAKE THEIR \nCASE BEFORE THE \nFIRST-IN-THE-NATION PRIMARY THIS\nTUESDAY.\nWE HAVE A LOT TO DISCUSS AND WE \nWILL BE HEADING OVER TO THE SPIN\nROOM WITH MY COLLEAGUE, TOM \nLLAMAS, AND OUR PANEL OF ABC \nPOLITICAL CONTRIBUTORS SHORTLY.\nBUT FIRST, HERE WITH ME, AS WE \nWATCH THE CANDIDATES LEAVE THE \nSTAGE, ELIZABETH WARREN LEAVING \nRATHER QUICKLY THERE, PETE \nBUTTIGIEG STAYING ON STAGE, JOE \nBIDEN AS WELL AND BERNIE \nSANDERS.\nA BIG HUG THERE BETWEEN PETE \nBUTTIGIEG AND HIS HUSBAND.\nBERNIE SANDERS, HIS WIFE, JANE.\nCHASTIN AND PETE BUTTIGIEG \nAGAIN.\nBERNIE SANDERS, A LONG DAY.\nTHIS STARTED THIS MORNING.\nPETE BUTTIGIEG GOING TOWARDS THE\nAUDIENCE THERE, SHAKING SOME \nHANDS.\nJOINING ME HERE ON THE STAGE UP \nHERE, JOHN KARL, OUR CHIEF WHITE\nHOUSE CORRESPONDENT, MARY BRUCE,\nOUR SENIOR CONGRESSIONAL \nCORRESPONDENT.\nJOE BIDEN COMING BACK OVER THERE\nTO THE AUDIENCE AS WELL TO MEET \nHIS WIFE THERE, DR. JILL BIDEN.\nA BIG HUG.\nA VERY BIG NIGHT FOR JOE BIDEN.\nHE HAD A LOT TO GET THROUGH \nTONIGHT.\nALSO JOINING ME IS OUR SENIOR \nWHITE HOUSE CORRESPONDENT, \nCECELIA VEGA, AND OUR \n\"NIGHTLINE\" CO-ANCHOR BYRON \nPITS.\nAND JOHN KARL, AS WE WATCH THE \nCANDIDATES ON THE STAGE AFTER \nTHIS VERY LIVELY AND VERY \nIMPORTANT AND VERY DEEP DEBATE, \nTRULY, IT WAS AN EXCELLENT \nDEBATE.\nLOTS OF GREAT QUESTIONS.\nWHAT'S YOUR IMPRESSION?\n>> I HAVE TO SAY, I THINK THIS \nWAS A BREAKTHROUGH NIGHT FOR AMY\nKLOBUCHAR.\nTHIS WAS BY FAR HER BEST DEBATE.\nSHE TOOK ON HER OPPONENTS, \nESPECIALLY BERNIE SANDERS AND \nPETE BUTTIGIEG, BUT SHE ALSO \nMADE A COHERENT AND FORCEFUL \nCASE FOR HER CANDIDACY AS A \nDEMOCRAT WHO HAS WON AMONG \nDEMOCRATS BUT HAS ALSO WON AMONG\nTHE VOTERS THE DEMOCRATS FAILED \nTO WIN IN 2016, SO I THOUGHT A \nVERY BIG NIGHT FOR AMY \nKLOBUCHAR.\nALSO, PETE BUTTIGIEG. \n>> AND WE'RE LOOKING AT JOE \nBIDEN THERE.\n>> YEAH.\nAND PETE BUTTIGIEG HAD, I \nTHOUGHT HAD A GOOD NIGHT.\nHE WENT AFTER BIDEN PRETTY HARD.\nBIDEN WENT AFTER HIM.\nBUT WHAT WAS INTERESTING ABOUT \nWHAT MAYOR PETE DID HERE IS HE \nALSO HAD PROBABLY THE MOST \nFORCEFUL DEFENSE THAT I HAVE \nHEARD AGAINST DONALD TRUMP'S \nATTACKS ON JOE BIDEN AND HUNTER \nBIDEN, AND BY FAR A MORE \nFORCEFUL DEFENSE AGAINST THOSE \nATTACKS THAN JOE BIDEN HIMSELF \nHAS OFFERED. \n>> AND AS WE'RE WATCHING JOE \nBIDEN THERE, YOUR IMPRESSIONS OF\nJOE BIDEN THIS EVENING AND HOW \nYOU THINK HE DID. \n>> WELL, ONE OF MY FIRST \nIMPRESSIONS CAME WITH ONE OF HIS\nVERY FIRST COMMENTS, MARTHA, \nWHEN HE ESSENTIALLY CONCEDED \nDEFEAT HERE IN NEW HAMPSHIRE.\nHE'S VERY CLEARLY FOCUSED ON \nHEADING OFF TO THE NEXT ROUND IN\nSOUTH CAROLINA, TO NEVADA, WHERE\nTHE VOTERS THERE MORE REFLECT \nHIS SUPPORTERS.\nWE'RE TALKING ABOUT A MUCH MORE \nDIVERSE GROUP OF VOTERS.\nWE'RE TALKING ABOUT A MUCH MORE \nBLUE-COLLAR CLASS OF VOTERS.\nHE HAD TO PERFORM TONIGHT.\nI DON'T KNOW THAT HE PERFORMED \nAS WELL AS HE NEEDED TO, TO \nOUTSHINE HERE IN NEW HAMPSHIRE.\nREALLY, ON THAT STAGE TODAY WAS \nPETE BUTTIGIEG.\nHE IS A FRONT-RUNNER NOW.\nHE IS PERFORMING LIKE HE IS \nSOMEONE IN THIS FRONT-RUNNER \nPACK AFTER IOWA, DESPITE THE \nCAUCUSES AND WHAT HAPPENED \nTHERE.\nBUT HE CAME -- HE HAD A TARGET \nON HIS BACK ON THAT STAGE AND \nREALLY WENT DOWN SWINGING \nTONIGHT. \n>> AND MARY, YOUR IMPRESSION.\nI KNOW WE WERE TALKING AS WE \nWERE WATCHING THE DEBATE, SAME \nTHING THAT JOHN SAID ABOUT AMY \nKLOBUCHAR, THAT IT WAS AN \nESPECIALLY STRONG CLOSE AS WELL.\n>> AND SO MUCH OF TONIGHT'S \nDEBATE WAS REALLY ABOUT THAT \nCENTRAL QUESTION ABOUT AGE AND \nEXPERIENCE.\nAND SHE WAS REALLY HAMMERING HER\nEXPERIENCE, ARGUING THAT IT'S \nNOT A BAD THING, NECESSARILY, TO\nHAVE A LITTLE BIT OF A \nWASHINGTON RECORD.\nSHE TOOK SOME VERY POINTED \nATTACKS, I THOUGHT, AGAINST PETE\nBUTTIGIEG, MAKING SOME DIGS AT \nHIS AGE, CALLING HIM A NEWCOMER.\nAT ONE POINT, SHE MADE A JOKE \nABOUT HOW HE WAS EAGER TO TURN \nTHE CHANNEL FROM IMPEACHMENT \nBECAUSE HE WANTED TO GO BACK AND\nWATCH CARTOONS.\nTHAT'S ACTUALLY NOT EXACTLY HOW \nHE PHRASES IT, BUT THAT'S WHERE \nSHE TOOK IT.\nAND I THINK SHE DID MAKE A \nFORCEFUL CASE AND BROKE THROUGH \nIN A WAY THAT SHE HASN'T BEFORE.\nNOW, JOE BIDEN, TO CECELIA'S \nPOINT, HE HAD TO BRING IT \nTONIGHT AFTER THAT DISMAL \nFOURTH-PLACE FINISH.\nHE REALLY HAD TO STEP IT UP AND \nWE SAW HIM LAUNCHING SOME FIERCE\nATTACKS AT THE BEGINNING, GOING \nAFTER BERNIE SANDERS ON MEDICARE\nFOR ALL, GOING AFTER PETE \nBUTTIGIEG FOR WHAT HE ARGUES IS \nHIS INEXPERIENCE, BUT THEN HE \nSEEMED TO FALL BACK INTO THAT \nCOMFORTABLE DEBATE ZONE THAT HE \nHAS, WHERE HE REALLY RELIES ON \nHIS RESUME A LOT.\nAND OF COURSE, THAT'S THE BULK \nOF HIS CAMPAIGN IS HIS \nEXPERIENCE, AND HE HAMMERED THAT\nAWAY OVER AND OVER AGAIN.\nBUT LOOK, HIS CAMPAIGN NEEDS A \nBIT OF A RESET AND I'M JUST NOT \nSURE IF HE COULD DELIVER ON THAT\nTONIGHT. \n>> AND BYRON PITTS, AS WE'RE \nWATCHING THE CANDIDATES, WHO \nCLEARLY DIDN'T LOOK EXHAUSTED \nAFTER THIS WEEK.\nI THINK WE WERE ALL EXPECTING \nTHEM TO BE A BIT EXHAUSTED AFTER\nTHIS INCREDIBLE WEEK.\nHERE COMES JOE BIDEN.\nHE'S GOING RIGHT BACK OUT THERE \nAGAIN.\nHE'S CLEARLY ENJOYING THIS.\nI WILL TELL YOU ONE THING, AND \nMARY WAS TALKING ABOUT THIS \nEARLIER WITH ME AS WELL -- \nKLOBUCHAR HAS HAD MANY MOMENTS \nIN DEBATES.\nSHE'S HAD SOME STRONG DEBATES, \nBUT SHE STILL DOESN'T SEEM TO \nMOVE UP, AND IN FACT, HAS FADED \nA BIT.\nDO YOU THINK THIS WILL TAKE HER \nBACK UP IN THE POLLS?\n>> YOU WOULD HAVE TO THINK IF IT\nDOESN'T, WHAT WILL?\nI MEAN, I THINK MOST REASONABLE \nPEOPLE WOULD SAY SHE MAY HAVE \nWON TONIGHT, BUT WILL IT \nTRANSLATE INTO MONEY TOMORROW?\nWILL IT PUSH HER CAMPAIGN \nFORWARD?\nONE OF THE THINGS THAT SORT OF \nSURPRISED ME ABOUT TONIGHT, AS \nWE LOOK AT VICE PRESIDENT BIDEN,\nWAS THAT -- \n>> THEY ARE CLEARLY ENJOYING \nTHIS.\nANDREW YANG THERE WAS JUMPING UP\nAND DOWN FOR A WHILE, SO -- \n>> BIDEN ISN'T EXPECTED TO DO \nWELL IN NEW HAMPSHIRE.\nHE HAS TO DO WELL IN SOUTH \nCAROLINA, WHICH HAS A LARGER \nBLACK VOTE.\nRACE DIDN'T COME UP IN THIS \nDEBATE UNTIL ABOUT 90 MINUTES IN\nAND IT CAME FROM TOM STEYER, WHO\nBROUGHT IT UP.\nTHEN THEY ENGAGED.\nONE THING I'LL SAY ABOUT HOW I \nTHOUGHT ALL OF THE CANDIDATES, \nWHEN IT CAME TO THE CONVERSATION\nABOUT RACE, 90 MINUTES IN, I \nTHOUGHT IN SOME WAYS, ALL OF \nTHEM WERE TONE-DEAF.\nBECAUSE SO OFTEN WHEN THEY \nDISCUSS RACE, IT IS ABOUT THE \nPATHOLOGY OF THE BLACK \nEXPERIENCE, IT IS ABOUT THE \nBLACK -- NOT ABOUT THE BLACK, \nTHE DREAMS OF AFRICAN-AMERICANS \nBECAUSE THEY CAME UP IN THEIR \nCONVERSATIONS ABOUT CRIMINAL \nJUSTICE REFORM.\nI THINK THAT IS A BLIND SPOT FOR\nTHEM THAT WILL HURT THEM DOWN \nTHE ROAD.\n>> AND I DO WANT TO GO BACK TO \nPETE BUTTIGIEG.\nHE REALLY WAS -- AND I KNOW \nWE'VE MENTIONED THIS -- HE \nREALLY WAS THE ONE WITH THE \nTARGET ON HIS BACK TONIGHT.\nAND LET'S LISTEN TO A FEW OF \nTHOSE CLIPS.\n>> HE'S A MAYOR OF A SMALL CITY \nWHO HAS DONE SOME GOOD THINGS \nBUT HAS NOT DEMONSTRATED HE HAS \nTHE ABILITY TO -- AND WE'LL SOON\nFIND OUT -- TO GET A BROAD SCOPE\nOF SUPPORT ACROSS THE SPECTRUM, \nINCLUDING AFRICAN-AMERICANS AND \nLATINOS. \n>> IT IS MUCH HARDER TO LEAD AND\nMUCH HARDER TO TAKE THOSE \nDIFFICULT POSITIONS, BECAUSE I \nTHINK THIS GOING AFTER EVERY \nSINGLE THING THAT PEOPLE DO \nBECAUSE IT'S POPULAR TO SAY AND \nMAKES YOU LOOK LIKE A COOL \nNEWCOMER. \n>> WE NEED PEOPLE WITH \nEXPERIENCE.\nTHAT'S WHY I'M WORRIED ABOUT \nMAYOR PETE.\nYOU NEED TO BE ABLE TO GO TOE TO\nTOE WITH THIS GUY AND TAKE HIM \nDOWN ON THE DEBATE STAGE, OR \nWE'RE GOING TO LOSE.\n>> SO, WHERE DOES PETE BUTTIGIEG\nEND UP AFTER TONIGHT?\nPRETTY STEADY THROUGHOUT.\n>> WELL, I'VE GOT TO SAY, HE DID\nGO TOE TO TOE WITH THEM.\nHE GOT BEAT UP BY EVERYBODY ON \nTHAT STAGE AND HE HIT BACK.\nI THOUGHT HIS -- YOU KNOW, HE \nWASN'T A PERFECT -- \n>> AND HE DIDN'T TAKE THE BAIT, \nREALLY, JUST HIT BACK. \n>> NO.\nIT WAS NOT A PERFECT NIGHT FOR \nHIM.\nI THOUGHT HIS ANSWER ON THE \nQUESTION OF DECRIMINALIZATION OF\nDRUGS, HE SEEMED TO WAFFLE A \nLITTLE BIT ON THAT.\nHIS QUESTION -- THE QUESTION \nFROM LINDSEY ON RACE, I THOUGHT \nHE SEEMED A LITTLE BIT UNEASY ON\nTHAT.\nBUT IN TERMS OF THE HITS THAT HE\nTOOK FROM THE OTHER CANDIDATES, \nI THOUGHT HE TOOK THEM AND HIT \nBACK.\n>> AND THE QUESTION OF \nINEXPERIENCE.\n>> YEAH, AND I MEAN, THIS IS \nSOMETHING THAT I THINK THE \nDEMOCRATS ARE REALLY GRAPPLING \nWITH RIGHT NOW.\nWE KEEP TALKING ABOUT THIS \nIDENTITY CRISIS THAT THEY'RE \nHAVING, AN IDEOLOGICAL ONE OVER \nWHETHER THE DEMOCRATS WANT TO BE\nA MODERATE GROUP PARTY OR A \nLIBERAL PARTY.\nCLEARLY, TONIGHT THEY'RE ALSO \nGRAPPLING WITH THIS ISSUE OF A \nGENERATIONAL QUESTION.\nAMY KLOBUCHAR SAID 59 IS THE NEW\n38.\nSHE WENT RIGHT AFTER AGE WHEN IT\nCAME TO PETE BUTTIGIEG, BUT PETE\nBUTTIGIEG'S ANSWER TO THIS -- HE\nCLEARLY KNEW THIS SHOT WAS GOING\nTO BE COMING TO HIM TONIGHT.\nHE SAID, READINESS REALLY IS \nABOUT JUDGMENT, IT'S NOT ABOUT \nTENURE.\nYOU DON'T HAVE TO HAVE ALL THESE\nYEARS IN WASHINGTON.\nWE'VE GOT A PRESIDENT THERE NOW,\nHE'S SAYING, WHO HAS NO \nEXPERIENCE IN WASHINGTON AND \nTHEIR POINT IS LOOK WHERE WE ARE\nAS A COUNTRY.\nBUT THEY REALLY HAVE GOT TO \nDECIDE WHO THEY WANT TO BE AS A \nPARTY IN ORDER TO TAKE ON DONALD\nTRUMP, BECAUSE HE'S GOT A GREAT \nECONOMY RIGHT NOW, HE IS COMING \nIN SWINGING AFTER A BIG VICTORY \nLAP THIS WEEK, AND HE'S REALLY \nTO FIGHT IN THE TRENCHES, AND \nTHEY DON'T KNOW WHO THEY ARE AS \nA PARTY RIGHT NOW. \n>> AND THEY REALLY DID GO AFTER \nDONALD TRUMP A LOT TONIGHT.\nWAS THAT THE RIGHT THING TO DO?\n>> I THINK THEY HAVE TO, RIGHT?\nBECAUSE THAT IS STILL A \nTHRESHOLD QUESTION FOR \nDEMOCRATIC VOTERS -- WHO WILL DO\nTHE BEST JOB OF TAKING ON DONALD\nTRUMP?\nAND I THINK THEY ALL MADE AN \nEFFORT OF THAT.\nI THINK YOU COULD MAKE THE \nARGUMENT THEY SHOULD HAVE GONE \nFURTHER.\nAND ABOUT BUTTIGIEG, MIKE TYSON,\nTHE GREAT BOXER, SAID EVERYBODY \nHAS A PLAN UNTIL THEY GET HIT IN\nTHE MOUTH.\nI THINK HE WAS HIT IN THE MOUTH \nEARLY.\nI DON'T THINK HE STARTED THAT \nSTRONG, BUT I THINK AS THE NIGHT\nWENT ALONG, HE DID BEGIN TO \nFIGHT BACK IN AN APPROPRIATE \nWAY. \n>> AND PROBABLY KNEW HE WAS \nGOING TO GET HIT IN THE MOUTH \nTONIGHT, FOR SURE.\nWE'RE GOING TO HAVE MUCH MORE IN\nJUST A MOMENT WITH TOM LLAMAS, \nCHRIS CHRISTIE, RAHM EMANUEL IN \nTHE SPIN ROOM, BUT RIGHT NOW, \nLET'S PAUSE FOR A BREAK.\n>>> BACK LIVE IN MANCHESTER, THE\nDEMOCRATIC DEBATE.\n>> AND WELCOME BACK TO THE ABC \nNEWS DEMOCRATIC DEBATE, THE POST\nDEBATE SHOW UNDER WAY RIGHT NOW.\nHUNDREDS OF JOURNALISTS FROM ALL\nOVER THE WORLD GATHERING IN THE \nSPIN ROOM AS THE CANDIDATES COME\nBACK TO ANSWER EVEN TOUGHER \nQUESTIONS.\nRIGHT HERE IN THE SPIN ROOM, OUR\nSTUDIO WITH THE POWERHOUSE \nPOLITICS PANEL, THE SMARTEST \nMINDS IN POLITICS, AND WE START \nWITH RAHM EMANUEL.\nRAHM, THE WINNERS AND LOSERS \nTONIGHT FOR YOU?\n>> WELL, I THINK A NUMBER OF \nCANDIDATES ADVANCED THEIR \nCAMPAIGN -- MAYOR PETE, AMY \nKLOBUCHAR DID VERY WELL, BUT HER\nBEST MOMENT OF ALL THE DEBATES \nWAS THAT CLOSE, BECAUSE TOO \nOFTEN SHE TALKS LIKE A SENATOR.\nTODAY SHE TALKED LIKE, IN THAT \nCLOSE, LIKE A PRESIDENTIAL \nCANDIDATE, AND THAT WAS A BIG \nTRANSFORMATION FOR HER.\nI DO THINK THERE'S SOME OTHER \nCANDIDATES THAT DIDN'T DO AS \nWELL AS -- DIDN'T SENSE THE \nURGENCY FOR THEIR CANDIDACY AT \nTHIS MOMENT, LIKE SENATOR \nWARREN, WHO I THOUGHT NOT UNTIL \nTHE LATTER HALF DID SHE COME \nALIVE.\nAND I THINK ALSO, I WOULD SAY \nTHIS, I THINK THERE WAS A VERY \nHONEST DISCUSSION ABOUT \nDISAGREEMENTS, AGREEMENTS, AND \nSTRATEGY, WHICH IS ABOUT THE \nIMPORTANCE OF TAKING ON THIS \nPRESIDENT AND WHERE HE IS MOST \nVULNERABLE. \n>> AND THE CLOCK IS TICKING.\nTHE NEW HAMPSHIRE PRIMARY IS ON \nTUESDAY.\nGOVERNOR CHRISTIE -- \n>> ELECTIONS HAVE MEANING. \n>> RIGHT.\nGOVERNOR CHRISTIE, A MOMENT FOR \nYOU THAT REALLY STOOD OUT?\n>> WELL, I THINK THE MOMENT THAT\nCOULD BE A FORESHADOWING FOR THE\nFUTURE IS WHEN MAYOR PETE WAS UP\nTHERE, OUTRIGHT LYING ABOUT HIS \nRECORD ON AFRICAN-AMERICAN \nARRESTS ON MARIJUANA, AND \nLINDSEY DAVIS OF ABC CHALLENGED \nHIM MORE THAN ANY CANDIDATE ON \nTHAT STAGE CHALLENGED HIM \nTONIGHT.\nAND YOU SAW THE LOOK ON HIS \nFACE.\nHE LOOKED LIKE A DEER IN THE \nHEADLIGHTS.\nAND LET ME TELL YOU, HE THINKS \nLINDSEY DAVIS IS HARD?\nIF HE EVER GETS ON THE SAME \nSTAGE WITH DONALD TRUMP, IT'S \nGOING TO BE A WHOLE DIFFERENT \nSTORY, WHO WILL CALL HIM ON \nTHOSE THINGS.\nAND I THINK THESE OTHER \nCANDIDATES BETTER GET SERIOUS \nABOUT CALLING MAYOR PETE ON THE \nRECORD IN SOUTH BEND.\nAND SO, I THINK IT WAS A MISSED \nOPPORTUNITY FOR THE OTHER \nCANDIDATES.\nELIZABETH WARREN GAVE HIM A \nLITTLE BIT OF A SHOT ON THAT, \nBUT NOT NEARLY ENOUGH TIME SPENT\nON IT.\nBUT WHAT I SAW MORE THAN \nANYTHING ELSE IS AS SOMEONE \nWHO'S BEEN A CANDIDATE ON THAT \nSTAGE, THAT LOOK IN HIS EYES, \nWHEN SHE CAME BACK AT HIM AND \nDIDN'T TAKE HIS FIRST LINE OF \nBALONEY WAS VERY TELLING ABOUT \nWHAT KIND OF CANDIDATE HE MAY BE\nABLE TO BE. \n>> CHIEF POLITICAL ANALYST MATT \nDOWD.\nYOU KNOW, MAYOR PETE HAD THE BIG\nSHOWING IN IOWA, HE HAD MOMENTUM\nAND HAD A BIG TARGET TONIGHT ON \nHIS BACK. \n>> YEAH, TO ME, WHEN YOU LOOK AT\nDEBATES IN THE MIDST OF A \nPROCESS, YOU HAVE TO LOOK AT \nWHAT THE TRAJECTORY OF THE RACE \nWAS COMING INTO THE NIGHT AND \nWHAT CHANGED THE TRAJECTORY AT \nTHE DEBATE.\nWHAT I THINK HAPPENED TONIGHT IS\nTHE TRAJECTORY OF THE RACE FROM \nIOWA WAS THAT THIS WAS BEGINNING\nTO BECOME A TWO-PERSON RACE \nBETWEEN BERNIE SANDERS AND PETE \nBUTTIGIEG.\nNOT A LOT FOR WHAT HAPPENED \nTONIGHT CHANGED THAT TRAJECTORY.\nIT STILL LOOKS LIKE THAT'S \nEMERGING.\nTHERE WAS SOME MARKS LEFT ON \nPETE, BUT NOT ENOUGH TO SLOW \nTHAT TRAJECTORY.\nTHE ONLY PERSON TO ME THAT DID \nFUNDAMENTALLY CHANGE WHERE THEY \nWERE FROM WHERE THEY WERE COMING\nOUT OF IOWA WAS AMY KLOBUCHAR.\nTHE PROBLEM WITH AMY KLOBUCHAR \nIS, DOES SHE CHANGE THIS RACE \nFROM BEING AT 4% TO BEING AT 8%?\nBECAUSE SHE ONLY HAS 72 HOURS TO\nADJUST THIS RACE TO WHERE SHE \nFINISHES ON NEXT TUESDAY NIGHT \nIN THE PRIMARY.\nBUT REALLY, YOU HAVE TO LOOK AT \nTHIS AS WHO CHANGED THE PATH, \nAND THE PATH RIGHT NOW HAS NOT \nBEEN FUNDAMENTALLY ALTERED.\nJOE BIDEN, I THINK, HAD THE \nWORST NIGHT, NOT THAT HE DID \nBADLY, BUT JOE BIDEN HAD TO HAVE\nHIS \"A\" GAME AND HAD TO DO \nBETTER THAN ANYBODY ELSE BECAUSE\nHIS TRAJECTORY WAS ON THE \nDOWNWARD SLOPE AND NOTHING \nCHANGED IN HIS -- HIS PATH IS \nSTILL ON THE DOWNWARD SLOPE. \n>> TERRY MORNTS, TOOK A WHILE TO\nMENTION THAT NAME, JOE BIDEN.\nIN THE BEGINNING OF THE DEBATE, \nHE DID HAVE SOME MOMENTS BUT \nSEEMED TO FADE AS THE NIGHT WENT\nON. \n>> HE DID, AND I THINK HE \nMISTOOK DECIBEL LEVELS FOR EL \nKIWANIS AT TIMES.\nHE WAS KIND OF HARANGUING, WHICH\nWAS DIFFERENT THAN THE BIDEN OF \nOLD.\nIN GENERAL, WHAT YOU'RE SEEING \nIS JOE BIDEN IS A VERY DIFFERENT\nCANDIDATE TODAY, AN OLDER \nCANDIDATE WHO SLIPS IN \nSIGNIFICANT WAYS.\nBUT I THINK IN THE \nCONVERSATIONS, THE FAMILY \nARGUMENT THE DEMOCRATS ARE \nHAVING, HOW PROGRESSIVE SHOULD \nWE BE, HOW CENTRIST WE SHOULD \nBE, BERNIE SANDERS IS THE \nPROGRESSIVE CANDIDATE.\nELIZABETH WARREN IS FADING.\nHE BASICALLY FINISHED HER OFF.\nSHE NEVER WANTED TO TAKE HIM ON \nIN THE HOPE SHE WOULD PICK UP \nHIS VOTERS WHEN HE DECLINED.\nTHE CENTER LANE IS OPEN, AND \nTHAT'S WHERE AMY KLOBUCHAR IS \nRISING.\nSO, THERE'S GOING TO BE \nESSENTIALLY TWO RACES FOR A \nLITTLE BIT AND THEN A ONE ON \nONE.\nAND I THINK KLOBUCHAR DID \nHERSELF A LOT OF GOOD TO TAKE \nTHAT LANE.\n>> YVETTE SIMPSON, YOU HAVE THE \nPOLLS OF THE PROGRESSIVE WING OF\nTHIS PARTY.\nSENATOR SANDERS DEFENDED HIS \nRECORD.\nHE STOOD STRONG ON IT, BUT MAYOR\nPETE CAME AT HIM PRETTY HARD \nEARLY IN THE NIGHT. \n>> YEAH, BUT BERNIE IS \nCONSISTENT AND I DON'T THINK HE \nWAS ROCKED AT ALL.\nI DO THINK BUTTIGIEG HAD A HARD \nNIGHT, AND I DON'T THINK IT WILL\nAFFECT NEW HAMPSHIRE, BUT \nREALLY, NEW HAMPSHIRE WAS NEVER \nA REAL ISSUE FOR PETE BUTTIGIEG.\nIT'S SOUTH CAROLINA.\nAND I THINK HIM NOT RESPONDING \nTO THIS RACE QUESTION WAS REALLY\nCRITICAL, AND I THINK WARREN \nREALLY STUCK IT TO HIM AND SHE \nELEVATED ON -- I MEAN, SHE TOOK \nTHAT RACE QUESTION TO A WHOLE \nOTHER LEVEL.\nI ALSO WONDER ABOUT AMY \nKLOBUCHAR AND WHERE HER VOTES \nCOME FROM.\nAND MAYBE IT COMES FROM BIDEN, \nBECAUSE HE GOT ROCKED BY STEYER \nON THIS SOUTH CAROLINA ISSUE.\nHIS UNWILLINGNESS TO ACKNOWLEDGE\nTHAT SOMEONE IN HIS CAMP DID \nSOMETHING WRONG AND THE \nFALLBACK, WELL, BLACK PEOPLE \nLOVE ME, SOUTH CAROLINIANS LOVE \nME.\nIT WAS NOT A GOOD NIGHT FOR HIM.\n>> SOUTH CAROLINA'S SUPPOSED TO \nBE THE FIREWALL FOR JOE BIDEN.\nTOM STEYER LEANED HEAVILY INTO \nRACE, CHALLENGING JOE BIDEN ON \nTHAT.\nCOULD HE REALLY HURT THE FORMER \nVICE PRESIDENT IN SOUTH \nCAROLINA?\n>> WELL, I THINK WHAT HAPPENS --\nI MEAN, LOOK, THERE'S TWO \nSTATES.\nHE'S GOT NEW HAMPSHIRE AND \nNEVADA BEFORE SOUTH CAROLINA, SO\nI DON'T THINK THIS MOMENT HURTS \nHIM DOWN THERE.\nI THINK WHAT HAPPENS BETWEEN AND\nTHE ADVERTISING.\nLET ME GO BACK TO AN EARLIER \nQUESTION.\nI THOUGHT MAYOR PETE DID A GREAT\nMOMENT WHEN HE DEFENDED JOE \nBIDEN AND HIS SON, BECAUSE HE \nWENT BEYOND WHAT HE HAD TO DO.\nIN FACT, THERE WAS MORE ELOQUENT\nSOMETIMES THAN JOE HIMSELF IS \nABOUT WHAT'S HAPPENING WITH \nHUNTER, IN THE SAME WAY THAT I \nTHOUGHT FOR JOE, ONE OF HIS BEST\nMOMENTS WAS WHEN HE DEFENDED, \nOBVIOUSLY, LIEUTENANT COLONEL \nVINDMAN.\nAMY HAD A GREAT CLOSE.\nI THINK STEYER DID BRING A \nDISCUSSION OF THE RACE ISSUE, \nAND THAT'S WHAT GETS ME BACK TO \nSENATOR WARREN.\nNOT UNTIL THE LATTER HALF ON \nCERTAIN AREAS OR SUBJECTS DID \nSHE EMERGE.\nAND I THINK WHEN YOU FINISH \nWHERE SHE DID IN IOWA, HERE AS A\nSENATOR OF MASSACHUSETTS, SHE \nCANNOT AFFORD ANOTHER STATE TO \nNOT BE IN THE TOP TWO, AND IT'S \nA REAL CHALLENGE.\nSO, EVERYONE HAD STRONG MOMENTS.\nI WILL AGREE THAT MAYOR PETE \nLOOKED LIKE A DEER IN THE \nHEADLIGHTS WHEN HE GOT HIT.\nON THE OTHER HAND, WHEN HE \nACTUALLY ANSWERED WHAT IT MEANS \nTO BRING PEOPLE TOGETHER, WHAT \nIT TAKES TO LEAD -- AND HE'S NOT\nWRONG, HAVING BEEN IN THE OVAL \nOFFICE.\nWHAT YOU WANT OUT OF SOMEBODY IS\nJUDGMENT.\nWHAT NOBODY EVER TOLD HIM WAS \nEXPERIENCE ACTUALLY LENDS TO \nJUDGMENT, AND INFLUENCES AND \nINFORMS IT.\nAND NOBODY HAS REALLY TOUCHED \nHIM, EXCEPT FOR LINDSEY.\nLINDSEY'S LAID THE BIGGEST HANDS\nON HIM. \n>> AS WE WRAP UP THIS SEGMENT, \nTHERE WAS ONE MOMENT THAT THE \nTRUMP CAMPAIGN HAS ALREADY \nTWEETED OUT, THE BEGINNING OF \nTHE DEBATE WHEN GEORGE ASKED ALL\nTHE CANDIDATES, WOULD YOU HAVE A\nPROBLEM WITH A DEMOCRATIC \nSOCIALIST AT THE TOP OF THE \nTICKET?\nIT SEEMED LIKE ONLY AMY \nKLOBUCHAR RAISED HER HAND. \n>> YEAH, LISTEN, I THINK THIS IS\nPART OF THE PROBLEM FOR THE \nDEMOCRATIC PARTY RIGHT NOW.\nRAHM SAID THIS A FEW WEEKS AGO, \nTHEY'VE GOT A CHOICE BETWEEN \nNOMINATING SOMEONE THAT MOST \nPEOPLE THINK CANNOT WIN OR \nDIVIDING THEIR PARTY VIOLENTLY \nBETWEEN MAINSTREAM AND THE \nPROGRESSIVES.\nBUT ONE OTHER THING ON \nBUTTIGIEG, WHICH I THINK IS \nIMPORTANT -- HE ALSO ON \nDECRIMINALIZATION, HE IS IN \nFAVOR OF DECRIMINALIZATION OF \nALL DRUGS, INCLUDING HEROIN AND \nCOCAINE.\nHE WOULDN'T ANSWER THE QUESTION.\nHE'S GOING TO BE ASKED THAT \nQUESTION AGAIN, AND HE'D BETTER \nHAVE A BETTER ANSWER THAN \"I'M \nAGAINST INCARCERATION.\"\nDO YOU REALLY WANT TO SEND THE \nMESSAGE TO AMERICA'S CHILDREN IN\nTHE MIDST OF AN OPIOID CRISIS \nTHAT IT'S NOT A CRIMINAL PROBLEM\nTO POSSESS HEROIN, TO POSSESS \nCOCAINE, TO POSSESS ANGEL DUST?\nTHAT'S WHAT HE'S SAYING.\nAND THAT'S INEXPERIENCE, TOM.\nTHAT'S WHAT INEXPERIENCE LEADS \nTO.\nHE PUTS THAT ON HIS WEBSITE WHEN\nNOBODY KNEW WHO THE HECK HE WAS.\nNOW EVERYBODY KNOWS WHO HE IS, \nHE'D BETTER FIGURE THAT ANSWER \nOUT. \n>> AND THE ISSUE OF OPIOIDS SO \nIMPORTANT NEW HAMPSHIRE. \n>> EVERY STATE IN THE COUNTRY.\nACROSS THE COUNTRY.\nTHAT'S LOSING POSITION AND \nTHAT'S NOT LEADERSHIP IN MY VIEW\nAND BUTTIGIEG GOT AWAY AND THE \nCANDIDATES LET HIM GET AWAY WITH\nIT TONIGHT.\nTO NOT POUNCE HIM ON THAT, FROM \nEVERYBODY FROM SANDERS TO \nSTEYER.\n>> EVERYBODY KNOWS OPIATES ARE \nTHE GATEWAY DRUG TO HEROIN.\nIT'S A BIG CHALLENGE, NOT JUST \nHERE IN NEW HAMPSHIRE, ALL OVER \nTHE COUNTRY, AND THE ISSUE OF, \nTHERE'S A DIFFERENCE BETWEEN \nMARIJUANA -- \n>> YEAH. \n>> AND A WHOLE SORT OF OTHER \nDRUGS THAT LEAD TO VIOLENCE AND \nOTHER ACTIVITIES. \n>> WE'LL HAVE MUCH MORE ON THAT.\nTHE SPOTLIGHT, THE PRESSURE IS \nDEFINITELY ON MAYOR PETE.\nWE'LL HAVE A BREAK AND HAVE MUCH\nMORE FROM THE SMARTEST MINDS IN \nTHE POLITICAL GAME AND ALSO FROM\nMARTHA RAD\n>>> AND WE ARE BACK WITH OUR ACE\nPOLITICAL TEAM TONIGHT.\nAND MARY BRUCE, I WANT TO START \nWITH YOU, OUR SENIOR \nCONGRESSIONAL CORRESPONDENT.\nYOUR THOUGHTS ON ELIZABETH \nWARREN.\nSHE, FOR A GOOD DEAL OF THAT \nDEBATE, DISAPPEARED. \n>> YEAH, I WAS SURPRISED BY HOW \nSHE WASN'T REALLY DOMINATING AS \nMUCH AS SHE HAD IN PREVIOUS \nDEBATES.\nYOU KNOW, SHE DID SORT OF SEEM \nTO FADE AT POINTS.\nSHE WASN'T DRAWING AS SHARP A \nCONTRAST TO SOME OF HER RIVALS \nAS SHE HAD IN THE PAST.\nSHE HAD A COUPLE MOMENTS AND \nCONTINUED TO HAMMER THAT THEME \nTHAT SHE HAS OVER AND OVER \nAGAIN, THAT THE BEST WAY TO BEAT\nDONALD TRUMP IS BY TAKING ON \nCORRUPTION, THAT IF YOU GO THAT \nROUTE, THAT SHE, TOO, CAN WIN \nTHE ELECTABILITY ARGUMENT AND \nUNITE THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY, BUT \nSHE DIDN'T SEEM TO HAVE THAT BIG\nSTANDOUT MOMENT.\nAND SHE NEEDS THAT, BECAUSE AS \nWE'VE BEEN DISCUSSING, SHE NEEDS\nA WIN IN ONE OF THESE EARLY \nSTATES.\nI THINK SHE WAS HOPING THAT HER \nNEAR HOME-STATE ADVANTAGE HERE \nMAY HELP GIVE HER THAT BOOST, \nBUT I DIDN'T REALLY SEE THAT \nTONIGHT. \n>> AND JOHN KARL, BERNIE \nSANDERS, HE WENT ON THE ATTACK \nABOUT SOCIALISM VERY EARLY ON IN\nTHE DEBATE.\nPETE BUTTIGIEG GOING RIGHT AFTER\nHIM.\n>> WELL, THAT WAS AN INTERESTING\nMOMENT WHEN, IS ANYBODY ON THE \nSTAGE CONCERNED ABOUT HAVING A \nDEMOCRATIC SOCIALIST TOP OF THE \nTICKET?\nAND YOU REALLY ONLY HAD AMY \nKLOBUCHAR GO THERE.\nSTEYER ENDED UP RAISING HIS \nHAND, TOO.\nBUT I'VE GOT TO SAY, BERNIE \nSANDERS IS GETTING BETTER AND \nBETTER AT THIS AS WELL, I THINK.\nWHAT BERNIE SANDERS DOES IS HE \nTAKES THE HIT, AND HE TOOK THE \nHIT.\nFOR A WHILE, HE WAS THE ONE \nTAKING ALL THE SHOTS.\nHE TAKES THE HITS AND HE PIVOTS \nAND HE PUTS IT RIGHT AT DONALD \nTRUMP.\nHE ACTED LIKE A FRONT-RUNNER, \nAND THAT LINE -- \n>> AND HE DOESN'T CHANGE HIS \nMESSAGE EVER. \n>> AT ALL.\nAND THAT LINE AT THE BEGINNING, \nWE'RE GOING TO SUPPORT WHOEVER \nWINS THIS DAMN THING -- I MEAN, \nHE MADE THAT PITCH FOR UNITY, \nTOOK ALL THE SHOTS, DIDN'T HIT \nBACK, PIVOTED RIGHT TO DONALD \nTRUMP.\n>> AND TO CECELIA, I WANT TO \nTALK TO YOU ABOUT -- DONALD \nTRUMP HAS TALKED A LOT ABOUT \nTONIGHT.\nWE HAD THE MOMENT WHERE JOE \nBIDEN CALLED FOR THE STANDING \nOVATION FOR ALEXANDER VINDMAN.\nWAS THAT THE RIGHT TACTIC, AND \nDID, IN YOUR MIND, ANYONE PROVE \nTHEY COULD BEAT DONALD TRUMP \nTONIGHT?\n>> HE CERTAINLY WAS THE EIGHTH \nPERSON ON THE STAGE TONIGHT WHO \nWASN'T HERE.\nI THINK THE DEMOCRATS ARE STILL \nSTRUGGLING.\nHERE WE ARE, ALL THESE YEARS \nLATER, AFTER A DONALD TRUMP \nCANDIDACY AND NOW A DONALD TRUMP\nPRESIDENCY, WITH HOW TO GO HEAD \nTO HEAD WITH HIM.\nTHEY DON'T KNOW IF THE RIGHT \nMOVE IS, YOU GO LOW, WE GO HIGH,\nOR TO GET IN THE MUD AND GET \nDOWN AND DIRTY AND GO TAKE THE \nDONALD TRUMP TACTIC THAT IS \nINSULTS AND SHOTS.\nTHEY STILL DON'T KNOW.\nI'LL TELL YOU WHAT, THE \nPRESIDENT'S TEAM IS WATCHING \nTONIGHT.\nTHEY'VE SENT A CAMPAIGN OUT -- \nAND I WILL TELL YOU WHAT IT \nSAYS -- IT SAYS \"PRESIDENT TRUMP\nWILL CRUSH WHICHEVER DEMOCRAT IS\nUNLUCKY ENOUGH TO FACE HIM IN \nNOVEMBER.\"\nSO, CARRYING ALONG WITH THE SAME\nBRAVADO THAT THE PRESIDENT HAS \nSHOWN.\nBUT LOOK, MARTHA, HE IS UP TO \nATTACKS IN RECENT DAYS AGAINST \nBLOOMBERG, AGAINST SANDERS.\nWE KNOW HE'S STILL EYEING JOE \nBIDEN.\nJOE BIDEN COULD DO SOME HARM, IF\nHE HAD TO, IN SOME OF THE RUST \nBELT STATES, SO HE'S CERTAINLY \nGOT HIS EYE ON THOSE THREE AND \nLIKES TO DIP IN ON THE WARREN \nATTACK POOL FAIRLY REGULARLY. \n>> WHENEVER HE NEEDS TO, TOO. \n>> YEAH. \n>> YOU'VE HEARD THE NICKNAMES. \n>> AND BYRON, DO YOU THINK \nANYBODY -- AND WHO DID IT BEST \nIN THAT WAY TO PROVE TO VOTERS \nTHAT THEY COULD BEAT DONALD \nTRUMP?\n>> FRANKLY, I DON'T THINK ANYONE\nDID A GREAT JOB OF IT.\nI MEAN, I THINK THEY ALL MADE \nTHE USUAL ARGUMENTS, BUT TO \nPOINT THAT GOVERNOR CHRISTIE WAS\nMAKING, THAT YOU SAW, FOR \nINSTANCE, WITH MAYOR PETE, THAT \nHIS RESPONSE THAT LINDSEY DAVIS \nWASN'T STRONG ENOUGH.\nI WAS STRUCK BY, NEXT TO GOING \nAFTER DONALD TRUMP, THEY ALL \nWENT AFTER MICHAEL BLOOMBERG.\nI THOUGHT HE MAY HAVE FARED \nWORST OF ANYONE, BECAUSE THEY \nALL MADE ARGUMENTS AS TO WHY -- \n>> BILLIONAIRES. \n>> RIGHT. \n>> AND JOHN KARL, QUICKLY HERE, \nWHO DO YOU THINK STOOD OUT IN \nTERMS OF GOING AFTER DONALD \nTRUMP?\nYOU DEAL WITH DONALD TRUMP EVERY\nSINGLE DAY. \n>> YEAH.\nFIRST OF ALL, OBVIOUSLY, THE \nCANDIDATE THAT HE FEARED MOST \nEARLY ON WAS JOE BIDEN.\nTHAT IS NOT THE CASE ANYMORE, \nAND I DON'T THINK THERE WAS \nANYBODY BASED ON TONIGHT'S \nPERFORMANCE THAT HAS THE TRUMP \nCAMPAIGN QUAKING IN THEIR BOOTS.\n>> OKAY.\nTHANKS VERY MUCH, JOHN.\nAND WE'LL BE RIGHT BACK.\n>>> MORE THAN EVER, WE WILL ALL \nBE KEEPING OUR EYES ON THE NEW \nHAMPSHIRE PRIMARY ON TUESDAY.\nTHANK YOU FOR JOINING US \nTONIGHT.\nOUR DEBATE COVERAGE CONTINUES \nRIGHT NOW ON \"ABC NEWS LIVE,\" \nOUR 24/7 STREAMING CHANNEL, WITH\nMORE ANALYSIS AND CANDIDATE \nINTERVIEWS WITH OUR TEAM.\n\"NIGHTLINE\" LATER WITH BYRON \nPITTS HERE AT THE DEBATE.\nGEORGE WILL BE BACK TOMORROW \nMORNING ON \"GMA.\"\nFOR GEORGE, DAVID, LINDSEY, AND \nALL MY COLLEAGUES HERE TONIGHT, \nI'M MARTHA RADDATZ.\nGOODNIGHT FROM NEW HAMPSHIRE.\n>>> LIVE FROM THE SPIN ROOM AT \nST. ANSLEM COLLEGE IN \nMANCHESTER, NEW HAMPSHIRE.\nHERE NOW, TOM LLAMAS.\nSIMPSON, RAHM EMANUEL, CHRIS \nCHRISTIE.\nWE WILL HAVE A LIVE INTERVIEW \nWITH PETE BUTTIGIEG.\nTHE SPOTLIGHT WAS ON HIM AT THE \nDEBATE INCLUDING HIM FROM AMY \nKLOBUCHAR AND THIS MOMENT SHE \nWENT AFTER HIS RECORD. \n>> WHAT YOU SAID IT WAS \nEXHAUSTING TO WATCH AND THAT YOU\nWANTED TO TURN THE CHANNEL AND \nWATCH CARTOONS.\nIT IS EASY TO GO AFTER \nWASHINGTON BECAUSE THAT'S THE \nPOPULAR THING TO DO.\nIT IS MUCH HARDER AS I SEE \nSENATOR SHAHEEN IN THE FRONT \nROW, SUCH A LEADER, IT IS MUCH \nHARDER TO LEAD AND MUCH HARDER \nTO TAKE THOSE DIFFICULT \nPOSITIONS.\nI THINK THIS GOING AFTER EVERY \nSINGLE THING THAT PEOPLE DO \nBECAUSE IT'S POPULAR TO SAY AND \nMAKES YOU LOOK LIKE A COOL \nNEWCOMER, I DON'T THINK THAT'S \nWHAT PEOPLE WANT RIGHT NOW.\nWE HAVE A NEWCOMER IN THE WHITE \nHOUSE AND LOOK WHERE IT GOT US.\n>> JOINING US NOW THAT, QUOTE, \nUNQUOTE, COOL NEWCOMER, MAYOR \nPETE, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR \nJOINING US.\nYOU HAD A STRONG SHOWING IN IOWA\nAND TONIGHT YOU HAD A VERY BIG \nTARGET ON YOUR BACK.\nWAS THE PRESSURE ON TONIGHT?\n>> IT'S TO BE EXPECTED.\nI'M SEEING A LOT OF INDEPENDENTS\nWHO ARE JUST SICK OF THE STATUS \nQUO, HUNGRY FOR CHANGE AND \nINSISTING ON A WAY TO BRING THAT\nCHANGE.\n>> THERE WAS A MOMENT AT THE \nBEGINNING OF THE DEBATE WHEN \nGEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS ASKED IF \nANYONE AT A PROP WITH A \nDEMOCRATIC SOCIALIST AT THE TOP \nOF THE TICKET.\nWOULD YOU BE OKAY WITH THAT?\n>> IT EFFECTIVELY SAYS YOU'RE \nNOT WITH US 100% OF THE TIME.\nI'M GOING TO SUPPORT WHOEVER THE\nNOMINEE IS.\nOF COURSE, I AM WORKING TO \nENSURE I AM THAT NOMINEE. \n>> YOU USED A PHRASE THAT STRUCK\nWHEN HE WHICH WAS COMMAND PEOPLE\nWHEN YOU WERE TALKING ABOUT \nSENATOR SANDERS AND SOME OF HIS \nPROGRAMS.\nIS IT A DANGER.\nARE YOU SAYING ESSENTIALLY \nSENATOR SANDERS COULD BE A \nDANGER TO THIS COUNTRY AS A \nSOCIALIST?\n>> THIS IS WHY I DON'T THINK \nTHAT HEALTH CARE PROPOSAL HE PUT\nFORWARD IS A GOOD IDEA.\nIT TELLS PEOPLE YOU'VE GOT TO \nGET ON THIS PLAN WHERE YOU WANT \nTO OR NOT.\nI BELIEVE WE CAN DO BETTER WITH \nA PUBLIC PLAN.\nI ALSO BELIEVE THAT THE RIGHT \nWAY TO DO IT IS TO GIVE PEOPLE A\nCHOICE.\nWHY WOULD YOU ORDER THEM ONTO A \nPUBLIC PLAN IF THEY'D RATHER BE \nON SOMETHING ELSE.\nLET THEM DECIDE.\nIT ALSO DOESN'T DIVIDE THE \nCOUNTRY THE WAY THIS PLAN WOULD.\nI'M NOT JUST WORRIED ABOUT \nWINNING, I'M WORRIED ABOUT \nGOVERNORING. \n>> AFTER WE LEAVE NEW HAMPSHIRE,\nWE GO TO NEVADA AND SOUTH \nCAROLINA.\nYOU'VE HAD ISSUES AT HOME WITH \nBLACK CONSTITUENTS.\nWHAT DO YOU SAY TO THEM?\n>> IT'S NOT TRUE.\nMINORITY VOTERS IN SOUTH BEND \nARE AMONG MY STRONGEST \nSUPPORTERS.\n>> WE ALSO SAW THAT MOMENT \nEARLIER, THOUGH, BEFORE THE \nVOTING STARTED WHEN RESIDENTS \nCONFRONTED YOU AND ASKED YOU IF \nYOU EVEN CARED ABOUT BLACK \nPEOPLE. \n>> WE HAD A REALLY TOUGH \nSITUATION WHEN WE HAD A POLICE \nSHOOTING IN OUR CITY.\nI DON'T GET THE LUXURY OF JUST \nCALLING FOR GOOD THINGS TO \nHAPPEN OR TAKING VOTES ON THEM.\nWHEN YOU'RE A MAYOR ON THE \nGROUND, YOU HAVE TO DEAL WITH \nTHESE THINGS.\nOF COURSE WE DID NOT FIX \nSYSTEMIC RACISM IN EIGHT YEARS \nIN SOUTH BEND.\nWE WERE NATIONALLY RECOGNIZED ON\nOUR WORK IN CUTTING BLACK \nUNEMPLOYMENT, CUT BLACK POVERTY.\nTHAT'S THE STORY THAT I WANT TO \nMAKE SURE THAT PEOPLE HEAR FROM \nSOUTH BEND.\nIT'S WHY I'M MAKING SURE THEY \nHEAR IT FROM NOT ONLY ME BUT \nFROM BLACK ELECTED OFFICIALS IN \nMY HOMETOWN. \n>> WE TALKED ABOUT OUR POWER \nHOUSE PANEL HERE.\nTHEY SAID THERE WAS THE MOMENT \nWHEN YOU WERE ASKED ABOUT DRUGS \nAND PROSECUTING PEOPLE WHO USE \nDRUGS.\nDO YOU WISH YOU HAD DONE THINGS \nDIFFERENTLY?\n>> IT HASN'T BEEN PERFECT.\nTHIS IS EXACTLY WHY I'M CALLING \nFOR SYSTEMIC CHANGE.\nTHE CLEAR SOLUTION IS FOR US TO \nLEGALIZE MARIJUANA, PERIOD.\nBUT ON THE GROUND IN CITIES \nACROSS AMERICA, WE DON'T JUST \nGET TO DEBATE THESE THINGS OR \nSAY WHAT WE THINK OUGHT TO \nHAPPEN.\nWE ACTUALLY HAVE TO ROLL UP OUR \nSLEEVES AND WORK TO GET THINGS \nDONE.\nAS A MAYOR OF A DIVERSE LOW \nINCOME CITY, I WILL ARRIVE IN \nTHE WHITE HOUSE WITH AN \nUNDERSTANDING NOT JUST OF THE \nTHEORY OR THE PLAN OR THE RIGHT \nTHINGS TO SAY, BUT OF THE GOOD, \nTHE BAD AND THE UGLY OF WHAT IT \nTAKES TO DELIVER REAL PROGRESS \nON THESE ISSUES.\n>> ONE OF OUR PANEL WAS CHRIS \nCHRISTIE WHO WENT TOE TO TOE \nWITH PRESIDENT TRUMP.\nIT'S HIS OPINION THAT SOMEONE \nLIKE YOU WHO HASN'T BEEN TESTED \nYET WOULDN'T BE ABLE TO STAND UP\nTO PRESIDENT TRUMP.\n>> I'VE TAKEN WORSE INCOMING \nTHAN A TWEET FULL OF TYPOS.\nI'M NOT ALSO NOT GOING TO ALLOW \nTHIS PRESIDENT TO CHANGE THE \nSUBJECT.\nTHE KEY IS TO MAKE SURE WE HAVE \nAN ELECTION FOCUSED ON VOTERS' \nLIVES.\nTHE FUNDAMENTAL QUESTION OF \nEVERY ELECTION IS HOW'S MY LIFE \nGOING TO BE DIFFERENT AS A VOTER\nIF YOU'RE PRESIDENT?\nI'M THE ONE TRYING TO GET \nEVERYONE A RAISE.\nI'M PREPARED TO DELIVER HEALTH \nCARE IN A WAY MOST AMERICANS CAN\nGET ON BOARD WITH.\nI'M NOT AFRAID TO CONFRONT THIS \nPRESIDENT BUT I'M NOT GOING TO \nLET HIM MAKE IT ALL ABOUT HIM. \n>> THERE ARE SOME CONCERN THAT \nIS THE PARTY IS MOVING TOO FAR \nLEFT.\nWHAT DO YOU WANT TO TELL PEOPLE \nIN THE PARTY WHO ARE WITH MAYBE \nSENATOR SANDERS?\n>> HERE'S MY MESSAGE TO \nPROGRESSIVES IN THE PARTY.\nI WOULD BE THE MOST PROGRESSIVE \nPRESIDENTIAL NOMINEE WE'VE PUT \nFORWARD IN A GENERATION.\nIT'S JUST THAT I'VE ALSO FOUND A\nWAY TO PUT FORWARD THESE ISSUES \nTHAT WE CAN BRING MORE AND MORE \nPEOPLE ON BOARD WITH.\nWE SHOULDN'T MEASURE THE \nBOLDNESS OF AN IDEA BY HOW MUCH \nCONTROVERSY IT GENERATES.\nWE SHOULD MEASURE IT BY HOW MANY\nPEOPLE WE CAN BRING IN TO DO \nSOMETHING BIG THAT CAN DELIVER \nIN OUR ACTUAL LIVES. \n>> ANY PREDICTIONS FOR TUESDAY?\n>> I PREDICT WE'RE GOING TO HAVE\nA GREAT NIGHT. \n>> SMART ANSWER.\nTHANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR TIME.\nWE APPRECIATE IT.\n>> IT WAS A SMART ANSWER.\nHE SAID HE'LL HAVE A GREAT NIGHT\nTUESDAY.\n>> HE'S THE ONE WITH THE \nMOMENTUM.\nI THINK HE WAS THE PERSON THAT \nWAS BEING TARGETED ON THAT STAGE\nFOR A WHILE ALONG WITH BERNIE \nSANDERS.\nAS WE DISCUSSED EARLIER, HIS \nMOST DIFFICULT MOMENTS ACTUALLY \nCAME FROM THE MODERATORS, NOT \nFROM HIS FELLOW CANDIDATES.\nI DON'T THINK HE HANDLES LINSEY \nDAVIS'S QUESTION ON RACE \nPARTICULARLY WELL. \n>> HE DID EARLY ON TRY TO GO \nAFTER BERNIE SANDERS, ARGUING ON\nHEALTH CARE SPECIALLY THAT YOU \nCAN'T HAVE ALL OR NOTHING.\nYOU HAVE TO HAVE A PLAN THAT \nWILL WORK FOR EVERYONE AND GIVE \nPEOPLE OPTIONS.\nTHAT'S HIS ARGUMENT.\nHE WAS PUSHING BACK BUT HE \nDEFINITELY TOOK MORE INCOMING. \n>> HE'S NOT TO NOW BE READY FOR \nTHIS NEXT PHASE OF WHAT'S TO \nCOME.\nHE'S NOW IN THE FRONT RUNNER \nPACK.\n>> AND A COUPLE OF PEOPLE \nAREN'T. \n>> THAT'S WHAT NEW HAMPSHIRE \nREALLY ENDS UP BEING ABOUT.\nIT REALLY STARTS TO CLEAR THE \nPACK OUT.\nIN A FEW DAYS OR WEEKS WE WILL \nSTART TO SEE THIS PACK DWINDLE \nDOWN A LITTLE BIT MORE.\nPETE BUTTIGIEG IS GOING TO BE \nHEAVILY SCRUTINIZED MUCH MORE BY\nTHE MEDIA.\nHE IS GOING TO COME UNDER FIRE \nTONIGHT FORWARD BY HIS FELLOW \nCANDIDATES.\nHE'S GOT TO NOT STUMBLE BACK ON \nSOME OF THOSE TOUGH QUESTIONS \nPARTICULARLY ON RACE.\n>> RIGHT NOW WE'RE GOING TO TAKE\nIT BACK TO TOM STANDING BY THE \nELIZABETH WARREN. \n>> THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THAT.\nTHAT IS RIGHT.\nWE ARE WITH SENATOR WARREN.\nYOU ARE IN HOME TURF TONIGHT \nHERE IN NEW HAMPSHIRE NOT TOO \nFAR FROM YOUR HOME STATE.\nSOME PEOPLE ON OUR PANEL HERE \nFELT THAT THIS WAS YOUR HOME \nTURF.\nYOU SHOULD HAVE TAKEN OVER AND \nTHERE WERE MOMENTS IN THE DEBATE\nWHERE YOU SEEMED TO DISAPPEAR. \n>> HAD MY HAND UP, WANTED TO \nTALK.\nTHERE WAS A LOT OF CROSS TALK IN\nTHIS DEBATE.\nOUR NUMBER ONE JOB HERE IS GOING\nTO DEFEAT DONALD TRUMP.\nWE'VE GOT TO PULL OUR PARTY \nTOGETHER AND RUN ON SOME CORE \nDEMOCRATIC ISSUES THAT UNITE US \nAND THAT ACTUALLY PULL IN \nINDEPENDENTS AND REPUBLICANS.\nFOR ME, THAT STARTS WITH TALKING\nABOUT CORRUPTION.\nWE ARE RUNNING, SHOULD BE \nRUNNING AGAINST THE MOST CORRUPT\nPRESIDENT IN HISTORY.\nTHIS IMPEACHMENT THAT WE'VE JUST\nGOTTEN THROUGH, HE'S DOING A \nVICTORY LAP.\nARE YOU KIDDING ME?\nWHAT LIES RIGHT AT THE HEART OF \nIT IS AN AMBASSADOR THAT PAID A \nMILLION BUCKS TO GET HIS SPOT.\nIT'S MORE EVIDENCE OF DONALD \nTRUMP SHOWING EVERY DAY HE \nTHINKS GOVERNMENT IS THERE FOR \nHIM PERSONALLY TO HELP HIS \nPOLITICS, TO HIM MAKE HIS FAMILY\nRICHER, TO HELP HIS CRONIES.\nWE NEED TO DRAW THE CONTRAST \nAGAINST THAT AND BE SERIOUS \nABOUT TELLING THE AMERICAN \nPEOPLE AND SHOWING THE AMERICAN \nPEOPLE WE'VE HAD ENOUGH OF \nGOVERNMENT BY CORRUPTION.\nI THINK IT'S TIME WE GET OUT \nTHERE AS DEMOCRATS AND NOT JUST \nSAY BUT SHOW WE ARE WILLING TO \nMAKE THIS GOVERNMENT WORK NOT \nFOR THOSE AT THE TOP BUT FOR \nEVERYONE ELSE. \n>> LOOKING AT AT IOWA, YOU \nCAMPAIGNED HARD THERE.\nWHY DO YOU THINK YOU FINISHED \nTHIRD?\n>> WE MADE IT THE TOP THREE AND \nI'M GLAD OF THAT.\nWE'RE NOW IN NEW HAMPSHIRE.\nI'M READY TO FOCUS ON NEW \nHAMPSHIRE.\nAFTER THIS WE'VE GOT 54 MORE \nSTATES AND TERRITORIES.\nONE OF THE CONSEQUENCES BY \nDECIDING NOT TO FUND MY RAISE BY\nSPENDING 70% OF MY TIME WITH \nRICH PEOPLE AND CORPORATE \nLOBBYISTS, THEN I HAD A LOT OF \nTIME TO GO ALL AROUND THE \nCOUNTRY.\nI'VE ALREADY VISITED 31 STATES \nAND PUERTO RICO.\nIT GIVES YOU A CHANCE TO LISTEN.\nIT GIVES YOU A CHANCE TO MEET \nPEOPLE.\nIT GIVES YOU A CHANCE TO TALK \nABOUT THE ISSUES THAT TOUCH \nPEOPLE'S LIVES. \n>> OUR ENTRANCE POLLS ON THE \nNIGHT OF THE IOWA CAUCUSES SAID \nHEALTH CARE WAS THE NUMBER ONE \nISSUE THAT VOTERS CARED ABOUT IN\nTHAT STATE.\nREPORTERS WHO COVERED YOUR \nCAMPAIGN NOTED THAT YOU STOPPED \nTALKING ABOUT HEALTH CARE, \nMEDICARE FOR ALL AT THE \nBEGINNING OF THE YEAR.\nIS THERE A REASON WHY YOU \nSTOPPED FOCUSING ON HEALTH CARE?\n>> I TOOK UNFILTERED QUESTIONS.\nTHAT'S BEEN MY WAY OF DOING \nTHIS.\nWHAT HAPPENED RIGHT ABOUT THE \nFIRST OF THE YEAR IS I WAY \nSHORTENED UP WHAT I SAY AT THE \nTOPPER AND THEN TRIED TO GET TO \nTEN QUESTIONS RANDOMLY DRAWN \nFROM THE AUDIENCE.\nSO I ANSWERED WHATEVER PEOPLE \nWERE ASKING ABOUT.\nBUT I WILL SAY THIS ABOUT IT \nBECAUSE I DO THINK IT'S \nIMPORTANT WHEN WE TALK ABOUT \nHEALTH CARE.\nI TALKED ABOUT IT ON THE STAGE \nTONIGHT.\n36 MILLION AMERICANS COULDN'T \nAFFORD TO GET A PRESCRIPTION \nFILLED AND THAT INCLUDES PEOPLE \nWITH HEALTH INSURANCE.\nTHE WAY WE NEED TO BE THINKING \nABOUT HEALTH INSURANCE IS \nTWOFOLD.\nFIRST, GET AS MUCH HELP TO AS \nMANY PEOPLE AS QUICKLY AS WE \nCAN, DEFEND THE AFFORDABLE CARE \nACT AND USE THE POWER OF THE \nPRESIDENT TO BRING DOWN DRUG \nPRICES.\nI'M GOING TO USE THE MARCHING \nORDERS THAT ARE ALREADY IN LAW \nTO BE ABLE TO REDUCE THE PRICE \nOF INSULIN AND EPIPENS AND HIV \nAIDS DRUGS.\nTHAT'S REALLY IMPORTANT FOR US \nTO DO.\nSECOND, IN A GENERAL ELECTION \nWE'RE RUNNING AGAINST THE GUY \nWHO WANTS TO CUT HEALTH CARE FOR\nNUMBERS OF PEOPLE AND WHO IS \nACTIVELY WORKING RIGHT NOW TO \nDISCRIMINATE AGAINST PEOPLE WITH\nPREEXISTING CONDITIONS TO END \nTHE AFFORDABLE CARE ACT.\n>> WE WANT TO LOOK AT A MOMENT \nFROM THE DEBATE WHEN YOU AND \nMAYOR PETE WANT AT IT OVER \nCRIMINAL JUSTICE REFORM. \n>> THESE THINGS ARE ALL \nCONNECTED BUT THAT'S THE POINT.\nSO ARE ALL THE THINGS THAT NEED \nTO CHANGE IN ORDER FOR US TO \nPREVENT VIOLENCE AND REMOVES THE\nEFFECTS OF SYSTEMIC RACISM NOT \nJUST FROM CRIMINAL JUSTICE BUT \nFROM THE ECONOMY AND HOUSING AND\nDEMOCRACY ITSELF.\n>> SENATOR WARREN, IS THAT A \nSUBSTANTIAL ANSWER FROM MAYOR \nBUTTIGIEG?\n>> NO.\nYOU HAVE TO OWN UP TO THE FACTS \nAND IT'S IMPORTANT TO OWN UP TO \nTHE FACTS ABOUT HOW RACE HAS \nTOTALLY PERMEATED OUR CRIMINAL \nJUSTICE SYSTEM. \n>> WE JUST TALKED TO MAYOR PETE.\nHE SAID HE COULD ALWAYS LOOK \nBACK AND DO THINGS DIFFERENTLY.\nI'M PARAPHRASING BUT YOU DON'T \nTHINK WHAT HE'S DONE IS A ENOUGH\nAND YOU DON'T THINK WHAT HE DID \nAS MAYOR IS RIGHT. \n>> WHAT I THINK IS IMPORTANT IS \nTHAT WE RECOGNIZE THE SYSTEMIC \nRACISM NOT JUST IN A CRIMINAL \nJUSTICE SYSTEM.\nWE CAN'T JUST SAY OH WE'LL TALK \nABOUT RACE NOW SO IT WILL ALWAYS\nBE ABOUT CRIMINAL JUSTICE.\nIT'S ABOUT SYSTEMIC RACISM IN \nEDUCATION, HEALTH CARE, HOUSING.\nIT CAN'T JUST BE AN AMERICA THAT\nSAYS IF WE DON'T MENTION RACE \nAND THE LAWS, THEN SOMEHOW \nEVERYTHING IS RACE NEUTRAL.\nIT'S NOT.\nTHE TIME HAS COME THAT WE HAVE \nTO TALK ABOUT RACE CONSCIOUS \nLAWS.\nJIM CROW WAS STILL ALIVE AND \nWELL INTO THE 1960s.\nTHE CONSEQUENCE OF RED LINING IN\nAMERICA WHICH WAS FEDERAL LAW \nMEANT THAT WHITE FAMILIES GOT A \nREAL BOOST IN BUYING HOMES WHILE\nBLACK AND BROWN FAMILIES WERE \nACTIVELY DISCRIMINATED AGAINST, \nCREATED A BLACK-WHITE WEALTH GAP\nTHAT PERSISTS EVEN TODAY.\nSO WE WANT TO MAKE CHANGE, THEN \nWE'VE REALLY GOT TO TALK ABOUT \nRACE AND HOW IT AFFECTS ALL \nPARTS OF OUR ECONOMY, SOCIETY \nAND CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM. \n>> YOU STARTED THIS RACE AS A \nFIGHTER AND YOU HAD A LOT OF \nFIRE ON THE CAMPAIGN TRAIL.\nLATELY SOMETIMES IT SOUNDS LIKE \nYOUR MESSAGE IS YOU'RE GOING TO \nBE A UNIFIER.\nIS YOUR MESSAGE CHANGING AND DO \nYOU THINK IT'S GOING TO WORK NOW\nTHAT THE RACE IS ON AND THINGS \nARE GETTING AGGRESSIVE?\n>> LOOK, OUR NUMBER ONE JOB, \nBEAT DONALD TRUMP.\nBUT I THINK BRINGING OUR PARTY \nTOGETHER IS ABOUT FIGHTING.\nIT'S ABOUT FIGHTING FOR WORKING \nPEOPLE.\nIT'S ABOUT FIGHTING FOR \nAMERICA'S MIDDLE CLASS.\nIT'S ABOUT FIGHTING FOR PEOPLE \nWITH DISABILITIES WHO JUST GET \nPUSHED ASIDE.\nIT'S ABOUT FIGHTING FOR ALL OF \nTHE PEOPLE IN THIS COUNTRY WHO \nJUST KEEP LOSING OUT TO \nBILLIONAIRES, TO GIANT \nCORPORATIONS.\nWE'VE GOT AN AMERICA WHERE THE \nGDP KEEPS GOING UP, WHERE THE \nSTOCK MARKET KEEPS GOING UP.\nBUT WHAT'S HAPPENING TO HARD \nWORKING FAMILIES ACROSS THIS \nCOUNTRY?\nWAGES ARE BASICALLY FLAT WHILE \nCOSTS ARE THROUGH THE ROOF.\nFAMILIES CAN'T TAKE THIS SQUEEZE\nANYMORE.\nTRICKLE DOWN ECONOMICS, THE IDEA\nOF YOU CUT TAXES FOR THOSE AT \nTHE TOP AND SOMEHOW IT'S ALL \nGOING TO WORK FOR EVERYBODY \nELSE, HAS BEEN A MONUMENTAL \nFAILURE.\nIT IS DESTROYING AMERICA'S \nMIDDLE CLASS.\nIT'S DESTROYING AMERICA'S \nWORKING CLASS AND IT IS CRUSHING\nAMERICA'S POOR.\nWE CAN CHANGE THAT.\n>> I HAVE ONE MORE QUESTION.\nIF YOU DON'T WIN IN NEW \nHAMPSHIRE, NEVADA, SOUTH \nCAROLINA, DO YOU HAVE A PATH \nFORWARD WITH NO VICTORIES AFTER \nFOUR RACES?\n>> LOOK, I HAVE BUILT AN \nORGANIZATION FROM THE GROUND UP,\nA GRASSROOTS MOVEMENT.\nWE ARE NOW IN 30 STATES.\nWE HAVE STAFF ON THE GROUND, WE \nHAVE VOLUNTEERS COMING IN, \nBECAUSE I BELIEVE IN THIS FIGHT.\nTHIS IS THE FIGHT THAT I'VE BEEN\nFIGHTING ALL MY LIFE, FOR \nAMERICA'S MIDDLE CLASS.\nAND NOW WE'RE CLOSE.\n2020 IS OUR OPPORTUNITY NOT TO \nGO BACKWARDS.\nOUR OPPORTUNITY TO BUILD AN \nAMERICA THAT WORKS FOR EVERYONE.\n>> SENATOR WARREN, THANK YOU SO \nMUCH FOR YOUR TIME. \n>> THANK YOU FOR HAVING ME. \n>> GOOD LUCK ON TUESDAY. \n>> THANK YOU.\n>> I'M GOING TO TURN IT BACK TO \nOUR PANEL.\nRAHM, I THINK I KNOW WHAT YOU'RE\nGOING TO SAY.\nWERE YOU GOING TO SAY MAYBE WE \nSHOULD HAVE SEEN THAT CANDIDATE \nOUT ON THE STAGE DURING THE \nDEBATE?\n>> HERE'S WHAT I THINK.\nAS I SAID BEFORE, EVERYBODY HAD \nA STRONG MOMENT.\nEVERYBODY HAD A MOMENT WHERE \nTHEIR KNEES GOT A LITTLE WOBBLY.\nMY BIGGER CONCERN AS A DEMOCRAT,\nNOBODY THERE TODAY UNTIL THE \nVERY END WHEN WE WERE ABOUT TO \nTALK TO SENATOR KLOBUCHAR AFTER \nABOUT TWO HOURS.\nNOBODY BEFORE THAT MOMENT \nACTUALLY LOOKED LIKE THEY COULD \nSTAND ON STAGE WITH DONALD \nTRUMP.\nYOU COULD TALK ABOUT BEATING HIM\nBUT WE DIDN'T HAVE THAT.\nTHAT DEVELOPS OVER TIME.\nI'M NOT EXPECTING THAT RIGHT NOW\nBUT THERE WERE FLASHES OF \nSTRENGTH, FLASHES WHERE PEOPLE \nHAD SOME WOBBLY MOMENTS IN \nANSWERING QUESTIONS.\nYOU HAVE TO BASICALLY CLOSE YOUR\nEYES, SEE THEM ON A STAGE WITH \nTRUMP AND SAY WHO REALLY LOOKED \nLIKE THEY WERE GOING TO GO TOE \nTO TOE.\nBECAUSE HE'S A VICIOUS DEBATER.\nWE SAW WHAT HE DID WITH HILLARY.\nTHAT'S MY CONCERN AS A DEMOCRAT \nIS THAT WE'RE NOT THERE YET. \n>> WE HAVE JOE BIDEN.\nWE HAVE FORMER VICE PRESIDENT \nJOE BIDEN.\n>> VICE PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN IS \nALL OF US.\nHE SAT DOWN WITH ALL OF OUR \nPOLITICAL PANEL.\nIT'S A TEAM BOOKING EFFORT. \n>> WE GRABBED HIM.\nWE HOLLERED WE DID WHATEVER WE \nCAN.\nWE'RE ALL GOING TO JUMP IN ON \nTHIS.\nI JUST WANT TO ASK YOU HOW YOU \nFELT IT WENT TONIGHT, DID YOU \nGIVE THE EFFORT YOU WANTED TO \nDO, WAS THIS A DO OR DIE NIGHT?\n>> I DON'T THINK IT'S A DO OR \nDIE NIGHT, I REALLY DON'T.\nIT'S A FIRST OF FOUR AND WE'RE \nGOING TO GO INTO SUPER TUESDAY \nAS WELL.\nI WANTED TO MAKE SURE THAT I GOT\nTO TALK ABOUT THE THINGS THAT I \nCARE ABOUT, ABOUT THE FAMILIES \nLIKE MINE WHO MADE THAT LONGEST \nWALK, THE PEOPLE I RUN INTO UP \nHERE ALL THE TIME.\nPEOPLE ARE IN TROUBLE.\nTHIS IDEA THE ECONOMY IS GOOD.\nTRY IT WHEN YOU ARE LOSING YOUR \nJOB OR YOU CAN'T KEEP YOUR \nHOUSE, YOU CAN'T MAKE THINGS \nWORK FOR YOU.\nTHAT'S WHY I'M IN THIS THING TO \nBEGIN WITH.\nIT GAVE ME AN OPPORTUNITY TO \nTALK ABOUT THINGS I CARE ABOUT \nFROM HEALTH CARE TO MIDDLE CLASS\nISSUES. \n>> SOMETHING WE'VE BEEN TALKING \nABOUT TONIGHT IS HOW DO THE \nDEMOCRATS TAKE ON PRESIDENT \nTRUMP?\nYOU'VE GOT YOUR NICKNAME.\nA LOT OF FOLKS ON THE STAGE HAVE\nTHE NICKNAME.\nYOU SEE THE TWEETS.\nTHE FIGHT CAN BE NASTY.\nDO YOU GET IN THE MUD, DO YOU \nGET IN THE DIRT WITH HIM?\nDO YOU GO LOW, THEY GO HIGH?\nWHAT IS THE WINNING STRATEGY?\n>> THE WINNING STRATEGY IS TO GO\nAFTER HIM ON THE ISSUES.\nLOOK, ONE OF THE REASONS I \nDECIDED I MIGHT NOT RUN THIS \nTIME IS I KNEW IT WAS GOING TO \nBE UGLY FOR MY FAMILY AND \nPARTICULARLY MY GRANDKIDS.\nTHIS IS THE GOD'S TRUTH.\nWE HAVE A DEAL IN OUR FAMILY \nTHAT ANY KIND CAN ASK FOR A \nFAMILY MEETING FOR REAL.\nIT'S GENUINE.\nI GOT A CALL FROM MY \nGRANDDAUGHTER WHO'S NOW A SENIOR\nAT COLUMBIA LAW SCHOOL.\nMY TWO OTHER GRANDCHILDREN ARE \nFRESHMEN AND JUNIORS.\nAND MY DECEASED SON'S TWO KIDS.\nTHEY CALLED AND SAID CAN WE MEET\nON SUNDAY.\nTHEY CAME DOWN FROM NEW YORK, \nPHILLY AND MY SON'S CHILDREN \nLIVE NEAR ME.\nTHEY WALKED IN AND SAID, POP, \nYOU GOT TO RUN.\nI SAID, GUYS, THIS IS GOING TO \nBE NOT VERY NICE, THIS WHOLE \nTHING.\nTHEY SAID WE KNOW.\nTHEIR WHOLE LIFE THEIR FATHER OR\nTHEIR GRANDFATHER HAS BEEN \nATTORNEY GENERAL, A SENATOR OR A\nVICE PRESIDENT.\nMY LITTLE GUY CAME UP TONIGHT, \nHUNTER.\nHE'S NOW IN 8th GRADE.\nHE TOOK OUT HIS CELL PHONE AND \nIT WAS A PICTURE OF ME WALKING \nOUT ON MY SON'S FUNERAL, MY HAND\nON A FLAG DRAPED CASKET, THE \nMILITARY ESCORTING THEM OUT.\nI'M REACHING DOWN AND HOLDING MY\nLITTLE GUY.\nI USED TO HOLD MY SON UNDER THE \nCHIN LIKE THIS, JOKING LOOK HOW \nTALL YOU'RE GETTING.\nHE SHOWED ME THE PICTURE AND THE\nCAPTION SAID BIDEN MOLESTS \nANOTHER CHILD.\nI DIDN'T SAY TRUMP DID THAT, BUT\nI SAID IT'S GOING TO BE REALLY \nMEAN.\nI KNOW IT'S GOING TO BE UGLY.\nLOOK, THE THING ABOUT TRUMP IS \nTHAT HE HAS NO SENSE OF EMPATHY.\nVERY LITTLE SENSE OF DECENCY AND\nDECORUM AND WHAT CONSTITUTES \nBEING A DECENT PERSON.\nWHAT I'VE GOT TO TALK ABOUT IS \nWHAT HE'S DONE TO PEOPLE IN \nTERMS OF POLICIES.\nHIS FOREIGN POLICY IS AN \nABSOLUTE DISASTER.\nWE ARE IN TERRIBLE SHAPE WORLD \nWIDE, NOM ONE.\nNUMBER TWO, IF HE'S ELECTED \nAGAIN, I PROMISE YOU NATO WILL \nNOT EXIST AS IT DOES NOW.\nOUR ALLIANCES IN THE FAR EAST \nARE GOING TO CHANGE.\nTHERE'S SO MANY THINGS THAT I \nTHINK I CAN JUST DEBATE HIM ON \nTHE MERITS, THE PLACE WE DOESN'T\nKNOW MUCH ABOUT. \n>> MR. VICE PRESIDENT, YOU \nDEFINITELY TURNED IT UP A NOTCH \nFOR THIS DEBATE.\nYOU SHOWED SOME PUNCH, SOME \nPASSION.\nI WAS STRUCK BY SOMETHING YOU \nSAID AT THE TOP OF THE DEBATE.\nYOU SAID YOU TOOK A HIT IN IOWA \nAND YOU'D PROBABLY TAKE A HIT \nHERE IN NEW HAMPSHIRE AS WELL.\nI'VE NEVER SEEN A CANDIDATE \nESSENTIALLY COME INTO A DEBATE \nPREDICTING HIS OWN DEFEAT. \n>> I'VE BEEN THE FRONT RUNNER \nALL ALONG HERE.\nI'VE HAD THAT TARGET ON MY BACK \nFROM THE BEGINNING.\nIN NEW HAMPSHIRE I'M AN UNDERDOG\nBECAUSE OF THE FACT THAT BERNIE \nWON THIS PLACE BY 20 POINTS LAST\nTIME.\nTHE NEIGHBORING SENATORS HAVE \nHAVE GIGANTIC INFLUENCE.\nI'VE LOST A LOT OF THINGS BEFORE\nIN THE PAST BUT I'LL BE DAMNED \nIF I'M GOING TO LOSE TO THIS GUY\nTRUMP TO LOSE THE COUNTRY TO.\nSO WHEN YOU SAY I CAME OUT AND I\nDECIDED THAT THE ATTACKS THAT \nARE GOING ON WITH ME, I \nBASICALLY HAVE NOT RESPONDED TO \nTHE LAST WHATEVER MONTHS.\nBUT THIS IDEA THAT PERSON KNEE \nTALKING ABOUT -- HE'S A GOOD \nGUY.\nBERNIE TALKING ABOUT BIDEN HAS A\nLOT OF BAGGAGE.\nWE HAVE TO WIN THE SENATE BACK.\nHE LABELS HIMSELF A DEMOCRATIC \nSOCIALIST.\nTHIS IS GOING TO BE A FIELD DAY \nFOR THE PRESIDENT.\n>> WHY DIDN'T YOU RAISE YOUR \nHAND WHEN GEORGE ASKED IF \nANYBODY WAS CONCERNED ABOUT THE \nIDEA OF A DEMOCRATIC SOCIALIST?\n>> I HAD ALREADY SPOKEN.\nI SAID I THINK IT'S GOING TO BE \nDIFFICULT.\nBERNIE HAS GREAT SUPPORT BUT I \nDON'T KNOW HE'S BEEN INVITED \nINTO THE CAMPAIGN FOR ANY OF \nTHOSE FRONT LINE COMPETITORS ONE\nLAST TIME.\nI WENT INTO 24 STATES WITH OTHER\n65 CANDIDATES.\nTHEY ALL WANTED ME IN.\nTHEY'RE ASKING ME TO COMMIT \nAGAIN.\nMOST OF THE FRONT LINE.\nCANDIDATES HAVE COME FORWARD AND\nSUPPORTED ME.\nTHERE'S A LOT OF STUFF GOING ON \nLIKE THOSE FAKE VIDEOS PUT OUT \nABOUT BIDEN ON SOCIAL SECURITY \nWHICH IS SIMPLY NOT TRUE AT ALL \nAND ALL THE E-MAILS THAT GO OUT \nHE TALKS ABOUT A VOTE THAT I \nMADE 30 YEARS AGO AND WHATEVER \nIT IS.\nYOU KNOW, LOOK, THIS IS A GUY \nWHILE I WAS BEATING MY NECK \nTRYING TO MAKE SURE WE PASSED \nTHE ASSAULT WEAPONS BAN AND \nBEFORE THAT EVEN THE BRADY BILL,\nHE VOTED AGAINST IT FIVE TIMES.\n>> LOOK AT HIS APPROVAL RATING \nRIGHT NOW.\nIT'S HIGHER THAN IT'S BEEN.\nHIS APPROVAL RATING IS GOING UP.\n>> NO.\nI AGREE.\nI THINK IT'S BECAUSE THE FACT \nTHAT I'M NOT LOOKING TO RUN A \nNEGATIVE CAMPAIGN.\nI'M RUNNING AGAINST TRUMP.\nBUT THE FACT IS WHEN YOU SAY \nTHINGS THAT ARE OUT THERE THAT \nARE NOT TRUE ABOUT OTHERS ABOUT \nWHO HAS THE RECORD, WHO'S \nCARRYING BAGGAGE, I MEAN, COME \nON, I MEAN THIS GUY VOTED -- \nHE'S A GOOD GUY BUT HE VOTED TO \nGIVE GUN MANUFACTURERS AN \nEXEMPTION.\nHOW MANY PEOPLE DIED IN THE \nSTREETS AND NOTHING WAS DONE \nABOUT IT BECAUSE WE'RE NOT ABLE \nTO GO AFTER THE GUN \nMANUFACTURERS.\nIT'S CARNAGE OUT THERE. \n>> YOU HAVE ALSO BEEN SHARPENING\nYOUR ATTACKS AGAINST MAYOR PETE \nBUTTIGIEG.\nHE HAS A LOT OF MOMENTUM RIGHT \nNOW.\nHOW DO YOU EXPLAIN HIS RISE?\n>> I THINK HE'S A VERY QUALITY \nGUY.\nI THINK HE HAS A GREAT \nORGANIZATION.\nHE QUITE FRANKLY HAD ORGANIZERS \nIN IOWA.\nAGAIN, PETE KEEPS TALKING ABOUT \nEVERYTHING WAS BAD BEFORE, ALL \nTHE PAST WAS BAD.\nSINCE WHEN DID THE DEMOCRATS \nTHINK BARACK OBAMA DIDN'T DO A \nGOOD JOB?\nYOU GUYS COVERED ME.\nI HAD MAJOR, MAJOR \nRESPONSIBILITY IN THE OBAMA \nADMINISTRATION.\nTHE PRESIDENT TURNED OVER \nRESPONSIBILITY AND GAVE ME \nPRESIDENTIAL AUTHORITY TO DEAL \nWITH IT.\nALL THESE BAD THINGS, I DON'T \nKNOW WHERE HE WAS LIVING.\nIT'S NOT LIKE IT WAS RETURNING \nTO THE PAST.\nWE WERE JUST GETTING STARTED.\nEVERYTHING HANDED ON PRESIDENT \nOBAMA'S DESK BUT LOCUSTS.\nWE GOT US OUT OF THE MOST \nSERIOUS RECESSION SHORT OF A \nDEPRESSION IN AMERICAN HISTORY.\nWE WERE FINALLY GETTING THINGS \nMOVING.\nWE GOT HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF \nCOMBAT TROOPS OUT OF HARM'S WAY.\nWE WERE MOVING, THE ECONOMY WAS \nRAISING.\nTRUMP INHERENTED EVERYTHING.\nHE INHERITED A GOOD ECONOMY WITH\nMORE CONSECUTIVE MONTHS OF \nGROWTH AND PROGRESS THAN ANYONE \nELSE HAS EVER HAD IN TERMS OF \nJUST STRAIGHT MONTHS.\nHE INHERITED IT.\nNOW HE'S MESSING IT UP.\n>> COULD BUTTIGIEG BE ANOTHER \nOBAMA?\nYOU WENT AFTER OBAMA\n2008 PRIMARY AS NOT HAVING THE \nEXPERIENCE.\n>> AT LEAST BARACK HAD A CLEAR \nVIEW OF WHAT HIS STRATEGIC \nNOTION WAS ON FOREIGN POLICY.\nHE HAD A CLEAR VIEW OF IT. \n>> YOU DON'T THINK BUTTIGIEG \nDOES?\n>> I HAVEN'T HEARD IT IF HE \nDOES.\nI DON'T KNOW WHAT IT IS YET, \nNUMBER ONE.\nNUMBER TWO, BEING A MAYOR OF A \nTOWN SMALLER THAN MANCHESTER IS \nNOT QUITE BEING UNITED STATES \nSENATOR FROM THE STATE OF \nILLINOIS EVEN THOUGH IT WAS ONLY\nFOR A SHORT AMOUNT OF TIME.\nBARACK'S EXPERIENCE WAS MUCH \nWIDER AS WELL.\nLOOK, THAT OLD JOKE, YOU KNOW, I\nKNOW BARACK OBAMA, HE'S NO \nBARACK OBAMA.\nHE'S A RARE BREED BARACK OBAMA.\nHE WAS AN UNUSUAL PERSON.\nBEST THING I HAD HAPPEN WAS \nWORKING WITH HIM. \n>> WE WERE 90 MINUTES INTO THE \nDEBATE AND NO ONE HAS TALKED \nABOUT RACE YET.\nDO THE PEOPLE ON THAT STAGE \nTONIGHT, YOURSELF INCLUDED, \nACCURATELY AND FAIRLY REPRESENT \nTHE PEOPLE WHO WILL BE VOTING \nFOR YOU IN THIS ELECTION?\n>> I'VE BEEN ENGAGED IN THE \nCIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT.\nI'M ENGAGED IN THE CIVIL RIGHTS \nCOMMUNITY.\nI'M ENGAGED IN THE BLACK \nCOMMUNITY MY ENTIRE CAREER.\nTHAT'S WHAT GOT ME INVOLVED IN \nPOLITICS TO BEGIN WITH.\nEVEN A LOT OF THE YOUNGER \nREPORTS COVERED ME INITIALLY \nWERE SAYING -- THEN THEY WENT TO\nDELAWARE AND FOUND OUT WHERE IT \nIS.\nLOOK, THE BLACK COMMUNITY KNOWS \nME AND I KNOW THEM.\nI THINK WE TAKE IT FOR GRANTED \nMUCH TOO MUCH.\nTHE CONTEXT OF THAT WAS NO ONE \nHAD ASKED THE QUESTIONS.\nWE TEND TO ANSWER THE QUESTIONS \nWE'RE ASKED.\nIT HADN'T BEEN ASKED YET.\nNO ONE HAD MENTIONED IT.\nMY BIGGEST CONCERN ABOUT THE \nAFRICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY WITH \nDEMOCRATS IS MOST OF IT WAS \nTAKEN FOR GRANTED THAT THEY WERE\nGOING TO SHOW UP.\nTHEY DON'T SHOW UP BUT THEY KNOW\nWHEN YOU CARE ABOUT THEM.\nTHEY KNOW YOU.\nTHEY KNOW IF YOU REALLY MEAN IT.\nTHEY KNOW I MEAN IT AND THEY'LL \nSOON FIND OUT. \n>> WE'RE GOING TO LET YOU GO \nHERE IN A MINUTE.\nWHERE WOULD YOU PLACE THIS \nDEBATE IN THE OTHER DEBATES \nYOU'VE BEEN IN, BEST, SECOND \nBEST, DO ANYTHING OVER?\n>> I'M NOT A PUNDIT, I DON'T \nKNOW.\nALL I KNOW IS I WAS ABLE TO SAY \nWHAT I WANTED TO SAY AND I'M \nGOING TO CONTINUE TO SPEAK OUT \nON THINGS I CARE ABOUT.\nFOR EXAMPLE, ON HEALTH CARE, I \nTHINK THE ONE THING THE AMERICAN\nPEOPLE ARE ENTITLED TO IS \nAUTHENTICITY.\nYOU'VE GOT TO TELL THE TRUTH.\nTHE IDEA THAT YOU'RE GOING TO \nPASS A MULTITRILLION DOLLAR BILL\nAND YOU DON'T KNOW HOW YOU'RE \nGOING TO PAY FOR IT?\nIT'S BIZARRE.\nYOU DON'T HAVE THE VOTES FOR IT \nNOW IN THE SENATE.\nPAYING OFF ALL STUDENT LOANS?\nTHE AMERICAN PEOPLE I THINK WILL\n -- I THINK WE'LL GET KILLED BY \nTRUMP IF YOU COME OFF WITH \nSOMETHING NOT EVEN REMOTELY \nAUTHENTIC AND ABLE TO BE DONE. \n>> THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR BEING \nWITH US.\n>> WE'RE GOING TO GO OVER TO TOM\nAND AMY KLOBUCHAR.\n>> LET ME KNOW IF THERE'S ANY \nVIDEO OF JOHN RUNNING AFTER THE \nVICE PRESIDENT.\nTHANK YOU SO MUCH FOR JOINING \nUS. \n>> THANK YOU. \n>> THIS IS A SPECIAL FEATURE.\nTHE SENATOR HAS AGREED TO ENTER \nTHE THUNDERDOME.\nSHE'S GOING TO ANSWER QUESTIONS \nFROM EVERYBODY ON THIS PANEL. \n>> OH WOW. \n>> INCLUDING SOME QUIET AND SHY \nPANELISTS LIKE GOVERNOR \nCHRISTIE. \n>> IT JUST SHOWS BRAVERY THAT WE\nNEED IN A PRESIDENT. \n>> I'M GOING TO LET THE PANEL \nSTART FIRST.\n>> HELLO, SENATOR KLOBUCHAR.\nTHAT WAS A REALLY INTERESTING \nMOMENT EARLY IN THE DEBATE WHEN \nYOU WERE ASKED WHETHER YOU THINK\nA DEMOCRATIC SOCIALIST CAN WIN.\nEVERYBODY KIND OF HESITATED.\nYOU RAISED YOUR ANSWER AND \nANSWERED THE QUESTION.\nBERNIE SANDERS THE IS FRONT \nRUNNER NOW.\nWILL YOU SUPPORT HIM AGAINST \nPRESIDENT TRUMP?\n>> THE QUESTION WAS DO YOU THINK\nA SOCIALIST SHOULD BE AT THE \nHEAD OF OUR TICKET FOR OUR \nPARTY.\nAND I SAID NO BECAUSE I -- I \nSAID VERY CLEARLY I WILL SUPPORT\nTHE HEAD OF OUR TICKET SO THAT'S\nA GOOD POINT.\nI THINK IT WAS MORE DO YOU WANT \nTHAT PERSON TO BE HEADING UP THE\nTICKET.\nI DO NOT BECAUSE I THINK WE NEED\nA CANDIDATE THAT CAN BRING \nPEOPLE WITH HER AND THAT MEANS \nMODERATE REPUBLICANS, \nINDEPENDENTS.\nPEOPLE UP HERE KNOW WHAT I'M \nTALKING ABOUT.\nPEOPLE THAT MAYBE STAYED HOME IN\n2016 OR PEOPLE THAT VOTED FOR \nDONALD TRUMP.\nJUST HAVING LEFT IOWA THERE WERE\n31 COUNTIES THAT VOTED FOR \nBARACK OBAMA AND THEN TURNED \nAROUND AND VOTED FOR DONALD \nTRUMP.\nI THINK BRINGING THOSE VOTERS \nIN, I AM A UNIQUE PERSON UP ON \nTHAT DEBATE STAGE THAT HAS \nCONSISTENTLY WON IN RED \nCONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS EVERY \nSINGLE TIME AND I HAVE DONE IT \nBY TELLING PEOPLE THE TRUTH AS \nYOU CAN SEE THAT I DO ON THE \nDEBATE STAGE, BY MAKING A CASE \nFOR AN ECONOMIC AGENDA AND BY \nGETTING THINGS DONE.\nPEOPLE WANT A PRESIDENT THAT CAN\nWIN AND GET THINGS DONE.\nI THINK IT'S THAT SIMPLE.\n>> A LOT OF DISCUSSIONS ABOUT \nINCOME INEQUALITY WHICH I THINK \nIS A MANIFESTATION OF THE \nDIPLOMA DIVIDE.\nI DIDN'T SEE A LOT OF DISCUSSION\nABOUT EDUCATION TODAY.\nWHAT WOULD BE THE GOAL, HOW \nWOULD YOU GET THERE?\n>> THAT WAS THE ONE QUESTION I \nWISH THEY HAD ASKED.\nTHERE'S PEOPLE UP HERE WHO HAVE \nWORKED ON THIS.\nI KNOW YOU HAVE.\nI LOOK AT IT DIFFERENTLY THAN \nSOME OF MY COLLEAGUES INCLUDING \nSENATOR SANDERS.\nI KNOW THEY HAVE THESE BUMPER \nSTICKER SOLUTIONS LIKE FREE \nCOLLEGE FOR ALL.\nI ALWAYS SEE THEM.\nTHEY'RE NOT THINKING BIG ENOUGH.\nTHEY NEED TO STEP BACK AND LOOK \nAT OUR ECONOMY, WHAT ARE THE \nJOBS WE HAVE NOW AND WE'RE GOING\nTO HAVE IN THE FUTURE.\nWE'RE GOING TO HAVE OVER A \nMILLION OPENINGS FOR HOME HEALTH\nCARE WORKERS, NURSING \nASSISTANT \nASSISTANTS, ELECTRICIANS.\nWE ARE NOT GOING TO HAVE A \nSHORTAGE OF SPORTS MARKETING \nDEGREES.\nWE ARE GOING TO HAVE A SHORTAGE \nOF PLUMBERS.\nHOW DO YOU MAKE THIS WORK?\nINVESTMENT IN K-12 AND \nPRESCHOOL.\nTHEN IT COMES TO FOUR YEAR \nDEGREES, I WOULD DOUBLE THE \nPROGRAM SO THE NEED MEETS THE \nHELP.\nTHAT MEANS FROM 6 TO 12,000 A \nYEAR AND DOUBLE THE INCOME \nLEVEL.\nI KNOW IT DOESN'T FIT ON A \nBUMPER STICKER BUT I KNOW IT \nWILL WORK WITH OUR ECONOMY.\nI DON'T THINK WE SHOULD BE \nSENDING HARD EARNED TAXPAYER \nMONEY TO SEND WEALTHY KIDS TO \nCOLLEGE WHICH IS EXACTLY WHAT \nTHEIR PLANS DO. \n>> AMY, I DON'T WANT TO SINK \nYOUR CANDIDACY BUT I THOUGHT \nYOUR CLOSE TONIGHT WAS BY FAR \nTHE BEST MOMENT ANYBODY HAD IN \nTHE RACE.\nWHAT'S YOUR STRATEGY BETWEEN \nNOW, NOT JUST TUESDAY BUT AS YOU\nGO BEYOND TO GET YOURSELF FROM \nWHERE YOU ARE 4 OR 5% TO BEING \nIN THAT TOP TWO OR THREE SO \nPEOPLE COULD START MAKING THAT \nCONTRAST BETWEEN YOU AND SANDERS\nAND BUTTIGIEG AND MAYBE BIDEN?\n>> I DON'T HAVE THE NAME ID OF \nTHESE OTHER CANDIDATES OR THE \nBANK ACCOUNT.\nBUT SLOWLY BUT SURELY I HAVE MET\nEVERY SINGLE METRIC.\nI DON'T THINK A LOT OF PEOPLE \nTHOUGHT I WOULD MAKE IT THROUGH \nMY SPEECH IN THE BLIZZARD.\nTHEN THEY THOUGHT I'D BE OUT BY \nTHE SUMMER.\nTHEN THEY THOUGHT WHAT'S GOING \nTO HAPPEN TO HER IN THESE \nDEBATES.\nFOR ME HAVING DEBATES LIKE THIS \nIS CRITICAL.\nGETTING THOSE NEWSPAPER \nENDORSEMENTS LIKE THE \"NEW YORK \nTIMES,\" THAT MEANS SOMETHING.\nPEOPLE READ THEM.\nTHEY GET TO KNOW ABOUT ME AND \nHOW I CAN LEAD.\nTHAT'S MY GOAL.\nTHEN I JUST KEEP GOING.\nI'LL BE ON THE DEBATE STAGE IN \nNEVADA.\nI'LL MAKE MY CASE THERE.\nI HAVE AN EXCELLENT RECORD OF \nWORKING ON IMMIGRATION REFORM.\nI THINK THAT WILL BE HELPFUL FOR\nME OUT IN NEVADA. \n>> GREAT.\n>> I'VE GOT A QUESTION.\nA MAJORITY OF THE COUNTRY THINKS\nTHE ECONOMY IS GOOD AND A \nMAJORITY OF THE ECONOMY THINKS \nTHEY'RE DOING WELL ECONOMICALLY.\nDO YOU THINK AT SOME POINT \nWHOEVER THE DEMOCRATIC NOMINEE \nIS HAS TO AT LEAST ACKNOWLEDGE \nTHAT THE ECONOMY IS GOING WELL \nBUT THE RACE IS NOT \nFUNDAMENTALLY ABOUT WHETHER OR \nNOT IT'S DOING WELL BUT WHAT'S \nTHE CHARACTER OF THE PERSON IN \nTHE WHITE HOUSE THAT WE COULD \nHAVE A GOOD ECONOMY AND A DECENT\nPERSON IN THE WHITE HOUSE?\nSOMETIMES I FEEL DEMOCRATS ARE \nTRYING TO TELL VOTERS WHAT THEY \nACTUALLY BELIEVE ISN'T RIGHT. \n>> I THINK A LOT OF PEOPLE \nUNDERSTAND THERE'S JOBS OUT \nTHERE RIGHT NOW IN A LOT OF \nPARTS OF THE COUNTRY, INCLUDING \nHERE IN NEW HAMPSHIRE.\nTHAT'S HOW THE PRESIDENT MIGHT \nEVALUATE IT.\nHE MIGHT ALSO SAY THE STOCK \nMARKET IS GOING UP.\nI LOOK AT IN TWO WAYS.\nONE IS THE SHARED PROSPERITY, \nTHE INCOME INEQUALITY, MAKING \nSURE THAT WE HAVE PEOPLE THAT \nARE GOING TO FILL THOSE JOBS OF \nHOME HEALTH CARE WORKER THAT WE \nKNOW WE'RE GOING TO NEED BECAUSE\nWE SEE AN AGING POPULATION.\nINCREASING THE MINIMUM WAGE, \nDOING SOMETHING ABOUT CHILD \nCARE, UNIVERSAL HEALTH CARE.\nTHEN WE HAVE THOSE LONG-TERM \nCHALLENGES THAT ARE MUCH HARDER \nTO TALK ABOUT.\nI THINK THERE ARE PEOPLE OUT \nTHERE WORRIED ABOUT THE DEBT, \nTHE DEFICIT.\nI THINK THERE ARE PEOPLE OUT \nTHERE THAT LISTEN TO ME WHEN I \nSAY WE WANT A PRESIDENT THAT \nUNDERSTANDS THAT IF YOU'RE GOING\nTO DO TRADE NEGOTIATIONS, THAT \nYOU HAVE TO KEEP YOUR PROMISES \nAND KEEP YOUR THREATS WITH \nCOUNTRIES LIKE CHINA THAT SEE \nTHE LONG-TERM, THE UNDERPINNINGS\nOF OUR ECONOMY WHEN IT COMES TO \nTHE FARM ECONOMY WHERE WE'VE \nSEEN MAJOR INCREASES IN \nBANKRUPTCIES.\nTHERE'S TWO CRITIQUES HERE AND I\nTHINK THEY'RE BOTH REAL TO \nPEOPLE, MAYBE DIFFERENT PEOPLE.\nBUT I CAN TELL YOU A LOT OF \nPEOPLE DON'T FEEL THAT \nPROSPERITY.\nHE PROMISED HE'D BRING DOWN \nPRESCRIPTION DRUGS.\nHE SAID ON FOX NEWS HE'D BRING \nTHEM DOWN SO MUCH IT WOULD MAKE \nYOUR HEAD SPIN.\nWELL, PEOPLE'S HEADS ARE \nSPINNING BUT IT'S BECAUSE \nTHEY'VE GONE UP SO MUCH. \n>> ONE OF THE THINGS PEOPLE HAVE\nSAID ABOUT THE 2016 ELECTION IS \nTHAT IT SHOWS THAT SEXISM IS \nALMOST AS STRONG AS RAISM STILL\nIN THIS COUNTRY.\nWE HAVE SEEN A COUPLE OF STRONG \nWOMEN CANDIDATES ALREADY DROP \nOUT.\nAND YOU HEAR FROM VOTERS DOUBT \nTHAT AMERICA'S READY FOR THAT.\nDO YOU FEEL THAT IS STILL THE \nCASE FOR YOU IN THE DEMOCRATIC \nPARTY OR BEYOND?\nWHATEVER THEY TELL POSTERS, \nWHATEVER THEY TELL THEIR KIDS \nWHEN THEY GO TO THE VOTING \nBOOTH, THEY MAY NOT BE READY. \n>> I THINK THEY ARE READY.\nI LOOK AT THE WOMAN GOVERNOR OF \nMICHIGAN THAT JUST GAVE THE \nRESPONSE TO THE PRESIDENT'S \nSTATE OF THE UNION, GRETCHEN \nWHITMER.\nYOU LOOK AT ALL THESE NEW \nMEMBERS OF CONGRESS THAT GOT \nELECTED, MANY OF THEM VERY \nSTRONG WOMEN.\nI START WITH THOSE FACTS.\nTHE SECOND THING IS I AM SOMEONE\nTHAT DOESN'T TALK ABOUT THIS A \nLOT BECAUSE THEY WON MY \nELECTIONS DOING VERY WELL WITH \nMALE VOTERS AND I FELT FOR THE \nFIRST TIME THAT I NEEDED TO \nADDRESS IT.\nI WAS THE FIRST ONE TO BRING IT \nUP ON THE DEBATE STAGE.\nTHAT IS THAT 5'4\" IS NOT A BAD \nHEIGHT OF THE PRESIDENT.\nTHAT IS THE HEIGHT OF JAMES \nMADISON.\nYOU DON'T HAVE TO BE THE \nSKINNIEST PERSON IN THE ROOM.\nI THINK THERE'S A LOT OF FOCUS \nON HOW WOMEN LOOK WHEN THEY \nTHINK ABOUT WHO CAN BEAT THE \nPRESIDENT.\nAND YOU DON'T HAVE TO BE THE \nLOUDEST VOICE IN THE ROOM.\nA LOT OF MY ARGUMENT HAVE BEEN \nBASED ON MERIT AND I'M CERTAINLY\nTOUGH ENOUGH TO TAKE ON THIS GUY\nAND THAT IN FACT MAYBE WE NEED \nSOMEONE THAT'S NOT LIKE HIM AND \nNOT AS RICH AS HIM.\nMAYBE WE NEED SOMEONE THAT'S \nVERY DIFFERENT THAN HIM TO BRING\nVOTERS IN. \n>> I'LL TAKE THE LAST QUESTION \nHERE.\nYOU KNOW, THE PRESIDENT'S \nAPPROVAL RATING TICKED A LITTLE \nHIGHER WITH THE GALLUP POLL THAT\nCAME OUT.\nIN IOWA THERE WEREN'T RECORD \nNUMBERS OF DEMOCRATS THAT CAME \nOUT AND CAUCUSED.\nARE YOU WORRIED THAT DEMOCRATIC \nVOTERS ARE NOT FIRED UP ENOUGH \nLIKE THEY NEED TO BE AND IS THAT\nTHE FAULT OF THE PARTY, THE \nCANDIDATES OR DONALD TRUMP?\n>> I'M NOT WORRIED ABOUT IT.\nWE KNOW THERE WAS ALL KINDS OF \nISSUES WITH THE CAUCUSES.\nI'LL LOOK AT ONE MORE EXAMPLE \nTHAT IS MUCH MORE PROFOUND.\n2018 ELECTION.\nTALK ABOUT FIRED UP.\nWE WON ALL OVER THE COUNTRY.\nWE FLIPPED THE HOUSE OF \nREPRESENTATIVES AND TURNED IT \nBACK INTO THE PEOPLE'S HOUSE \nAGAIN.\nWE HAD RECORD TURNOUTS.\nWHAT I HAVE SEEN AT OUR EVENTS \nAND RALLIES, NEW YEAR'S EVE IN \nNEW HAMPSHIRE I HAD 550 PEOPLE \nAT 5:00 ON NEW YEAR'S EVE.\nPEOPLE ARE EXCITED.\nMAYBE SOME OF THEM ARE QUIETER.\nI REMEMBER A VOTER IN CONWAY, \nNEW HAMPSHIRE, WHO WAS IN A LINE\nAND EVERYBODY HAD THESE HAPPY \nSTICKERS ON, I'M A SUPREME COURT\nVOTER, I'M A CLIMATE CHANGE \nVOTER AND HE JUST HAD A BROWN \nJACKET ON.\nI SAID, SIR, YOU DON'T HAVE A \nSTICKER ON AND HE LEANS OVER AND\nSAYS THAT'S BECAUSE I WAS A \nTRUMP VOTER AND WE DON'T HAVE \nSTICKERS AND I DON'T WANT ANY OF\nTHESE GUYS TO KNOW BECAUSE \nTHEY'RE MY NEIGHBORS AND THEY \nDON'T KNOW BUT I'M NOT DOING IT \nAGAIN.\nYOU HEAR THAT.\nAND FOR SO MANY OF THESE \nMODERATE REPUBLICANS, \nINDEPENDENTS THAT WE NEED TO \nBUILD THIS BIG COALITION, IT'S \nNOT JUST AN ECONOMIC CHECK WHICH\nIS WHAT WE TALK ABOUT ON THE \nDEBATE STAGE ALL THE TIME.\nIT IS ALSO A DECENCY CHECK A \nPATRIOTISM CHECK.\nIT IS THE THOUGHT OF A PRESIDENT\nTHAT SITS NEXT TO VLADIMIR PUTIN\nAT AN INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE \nASKED ABOUT RUSSIA'S \nINTERFERENCE ON ELECTIONS AND \nMAKES A JOKE ABOUT IT.\nTHOSE VOTERS THAT MAYBE DON'T \nAGREE WITH EVERYTHING WE SAY ON \nTHE DEBATE STAGE, THEY THINK TO \nTHEMSELVES HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS\nOF AMERICANS LOST THEIR LIVES ON\nTHE BATTLEFIELD FIGHTING FOR \nDEMOCRACY STANDING UP FOR FOUR \nLITTLE GIRLS AT A CHURCH IN \nBIRMINGHAM, ALABAMA, BECAUSE \nTHEY WERE TRYING TO BE PART OF \nTHAT DEMOCRACY.\nWE HAVE TO REMEMBER THAT IT'S \nNOT ONE SIZE FITS ALL.\nI AM VERY GOOD AT DOING THAT AND\nBRINGING PEOPLE IN. \n>> TUESDAY WILL BE A GOOD TEST.\nUNDECLARED VOTERS CAN ALSO VOTE \nIN THIS PRIMARY.\nSENATOR, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR \nYOUR TIME. \n>> THANK YOU. \n>> THANK YOU FOR ENTERING THE \nTHUNDERDOME.\nLOOK AT THIS GANG.\n>> IT WAS EITHER POLITICS OR \nPROFESSIONAL WRESTLING FOR THIS \nCREW. \n>> THE DEBATE WAS IN A NICE \nARENA.\nI FELT LIKE I HAD A HOME TEAM \nADVANTAGE BEING IN AN ICE ARENA.\n>> THANK YOU SO MUCH.\n>> I THINK WE'RE IN THE ICE \nARENA RIGHT NOW.\nIT WAS A HOCKEY ARENA RIGHT \nHERE.\nPRETTY AMAZING.\nWE JUST WANT TO WRAP UP HERE UP \nFROM OUR POSITION HERE AND TALK \nABOUT NOT JUST THIS DEBATE BUT \nTHIS WEEK FOR DEMOCRATS.\nTHIS WAS AN EXTRAORDINARY WEEK \nFOR DEMOCRATS AND AN \nEXTRAORDINARY BAD WEEK FOR \nDEMOCRATS.\nWE HAD THE ACQUITTAL, WE HAD THE\nIOWA CAUCUSES.\nISN'T IT THEIR MESS, DEBACLE, \nWHATEVER YOU WANT TO CALL IT?\nTALK ABOUT THAT WEEK. \n>> IT'S BEEN A BRUISING WEEK.\nIT FEELS LIKE IT'S BEEN TEN \nWEEKS IN ONE.\nHOW WILL DEMOCRATS UNITE AND \nMOVE FORWARD FROM THIS?\nIT PUTS A LOT MORE PRESSURE ON \nWHAT HAPPENS HERE THIS WEEK.\nTHE CANDIDATE WHO WINS HERE IN \nNEW HAMPSHIRE WILL GET THAT \nBOUNCE ASSUMING ALL GOES WELL.\nBUT IT DOES CREATE THIS PRETTY \nREMARKABLE SPLIT SCREEN WHERE \nDEMOCRATS SEEM A BIT ALL OVER \nTHE PLACE.\nIT'S NOT CLEAR WHO WON IOWA.\nTHEY HAVE THIS DEFEAT IN \nWASHINGTON WITH THE IMPEACHMENT \nAND YOU HAVE THE PRESIDENT WITH \nREPUBLICANS UNITED BEHIND HIM.\nWE ALL SAW THAT RATHER \nEXTRAORDINARY PRESS CONFERENCE \nAT THE WHITE HOUSE WITH ALL OF \nTHE REPUBLICAN LEADERS THERE \n \nWITH THE PRESIDENT.\nHE'S READY TO GO.\nDEMOCRATS, IT MAKES IT HARD FOR \nTHEM AS THEY FACE THIS CHALLENGE\nOF HOW ARE THEY GOING TO BEAT \nDONALD TRUMP. \n>> WE CAN'T SAY HOW IMPORTANT \nTONIGHT WAS IN TERMS OF DEBATES.\nI KNOW THERE HAVE BEEN LOTS OF \nDEBATES.\nTHIS IS THE EIGHTH DEBATE, BUT \nTHIS IS REALLY CRUNCH TIME AS \nYOU GO INTO NEW HAMPSHIRE AND \nAFTER THE IOWA CAUCUS DEBACLE. \n>> IT IS.\nIT WAS PROBABLY THE MOST \nSPIRITED DEBATE WE'VE HAD SO FAR\nWITH DEMOCRATS, PROBABLY THE \nMOST SUBSTANTIVE DEBATE.\nTHEY STILL HAVE THAT IN -- \nDEMOCRATS HAVE THAT INCREDIBLY \nUNIFYING FACTOR OF DONALD TRUMP.\nWHAT A WEEK FOR DONALD TRUMP.\nI MEAN, THIS WAS DIVISIVE, DROP \nON THE ATTACK, DONALD TRUMP NOT \nDECLARING VICTORY BUT TALKING \nABOUT PAYBACK AND RETRIBUTION.\n>> AND THE NUMBERS TONIGHT IN \nPARTICULAR WE HEARD JOE BIDEN \nSAYS HE THINKS HE CAN DEFEAT HIM\nON THE ISSUES.\nELIZABETH WARREN SAYING WE HAVE \nTO PULL OUR PARTY TOGETHER AND \nUNITE.\nIS THAT GOING TO BEAT DONALD \nTRUMP?\n>> I THINK WE'LL SEE.\nTHIS IS ONE OF THE DEBATES WHERE\nI THINK WE'VE SEEN THE MOST \nCONTRAST BETWEEN THEM.\nTHIS IS A VERY FRACTURED PARTY \nRIGHT NOW.\nIT'S A VERY REAL POSSIBILITY \nTHAT WE COULD BE HEADED ALL THE \nWAY INTO THE SUMMER, INTO THE \nCONVENTION.\nTHIS COULD BE A NASTY FIGHT THAT\nIS NOWHERE NEAR DONE DESPITE THE\nFACT THAT THEY'RE TAKING THE \nSTAGE DOWN.\nYOU HEARD BIDEN SAY HE ALREADY \nHAS HIS SIGHTS SET ON SOUTH \nCAROLINA.\nELIZABETH WARREN IS ALREADY \nLOOKING AHEAD TO NEVADA.\nYES, YOU GOT SANDERS, BUTTIGIEG,\nWHO REALLY NEED AND WANT THEIR \nWINS HERE.\nTHOSE WHO HAVE ESSENTIALLY \nALREADY CONCEDED WHICH WE SAW \nFROM JOE BIDEN ABOUT NEW \nHAMPSHIRE ARE MOVING ON ALREADY.\n>> THE UNDERDOG. \n>> IT WAS GREAT TALKING WITH ALL\nOF YOU GUYS TONIGHT.\nWE'LL DO IT AGAIN NEXT TIME. \n>> THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THAT.\nJOINING US IS BUSINESSMAN AND \nPHILANTHROPIST TOM STEYER.\nTHANK YOU SO MUCH FOR JOINING \nUS.\n>> THANK YOU. \n>> WE'RE CALLING THIS TONIGHT \nTHE THUNDER DOME.\nI NOTICED YOU LEANS INTO RACE A \nLOT TONIGHT.\nYOU SPOKE A LOT ABOUT SOUTH \nCAROLINA.\nYOU WERE AGGRESSIVE AFTER HIM.\nDO YOU THINK YOU COULD MAKE A \nPLAY IN SOUTH CAROLINA?\n>> RIGHT NOW I'M DOING PRETTY \nWELL WITH BLACK PEOPLE IN SOUTH \nCAROLINA.\nI THINK I'M GETTING SOMETHING \nLIKE A QUARTER OF THE BLACK \nVOTE.\nI'VE SPENT A LOT OF TIME THERE.\nMY FAMILY'S SPENT A LOT OF TIME \nTHERE AND I SPEAK \nSTRAIGHTFORWARDLY ABOUT RACE.\nMY ATTITUDE IS THERE IS NO \nPOLICY AREA IN THE UNITED STATES\nOF AMERICA THAT DOES NOT HAVE A \nSUBSTANTIAL, IMPORTANT AND OFTEN\nNEGLECTED STANDPOINT OF RACE.\nIF WE START IN THOSE COMMUNITIES\nAND SOLVE THE PROBLEMS OF CLEAN \nAIR AND CLEAN WATER FOR THEM \nWITH LEADERSHIP FROM THOSE \nCOMMUNITIES, WE'LL GET CLIMATE \nJUST FINE. \n>> WE WERE TALKING ABOUT THIS \nEARLIER TONIGHT RIGHT AFTER THE \nDEBATE.\n>> YOU HAD SOME GREAT MOMENTS.\nYOU WERE A UNIFIER AT TIMES, \nSTEPPING BACK SAYING I AGREE \nWITH YOU GUYS BUT WE'VE GOT TO \nFIGURE THIS OUT BECAUSE WE'VE \nGOT TO BEAT DONALD TRUMP.\nTHE MOMENT WITH BIDEN WAS A BIG \nMOMENT.\nYOU LITERALLY CALLED HIM ON THE \nCARPET ABOUT A VERY CLEAR ISSUE.\n>> ONE OF HIS BIG SUPPORTERS IN \nSOUTH CAROLINA MADE A RACIST \nCOMMENT ABOUT SOMEONE ASSOCIATED\nWITH OUR CAMPAIGN AND THE \nLEGISLATIVE BLACK CAUCUS CAME \nOUT AND SUPPORTED JERRY GOVAN \nAND OUR CAMPAIGN AND ASKED HIM \nTO DISAVOW THE REMARKS AND THE \nPERSON.\nI WAS SAYING, LOOK, MR. VICE \nPRESIDENT, PLEASE DO THE RIGHT \nTHING AND STAND WITH US IN THE \nLEGISLATIVE BLACK CAUCUS.\n>> THE VICE PRESIDENT DID SAY \nTHAT PERSON, HE BELIEVES IS \nGOING TO APOLOGIZE FOR WHATEVER \nHAPPENED.\n>> I DIDN'T UNDERSTAND EXACTLY \nWHAT HAPPENED IN ALL FAIRNESS.\nI STILL BELIEVE THAT JOEBLD WILL\nDO THE RIGHT THING BUT I THINK \nIT'S IMPORTANT WHEN YOU SEE \nRACISM TO STAND UP AGAINST IT ON\nTHE BIGGEST STAGE YOU CAN FIND.\nTHIS IS NOT THE FIRST TIME I'VE \nSEEN IT.\nTHERE IS NO WAY I WAS GOING TO \nLET RACISM PASS AND JUST THINK \nOKAY IT'S IMPOLITE TO BRING IT \nUP.\nIF WE DON'T STAND UP TO THEM, \nTHEY WIN.\nWE'VE GOT TO SAY IT EVERY TIME. \n>> AMEN.\nI AGREE.\nYOU MADE THE CASE ABOUT \nREPARATIONS.\nYOU SAID YOU REALLY HAVEN'T HAD \nMANY PEOPLE MAKING SUCH A CLEAR \nSTATEMENT ABOUT REPARATIONS.\nCAN YOU TALK ABOUT THAT?\n>> I THINK ONE OF THE THINGS \nTHAT PEOPLE FEEL IS THAT WE \nCAN'T DEAL EXPLICITLY WITH RACE,\nTHAT RACE IS TOO AWKWARD AND \nPAINFUL TO DISCUSS AND THAT \nEVERYTHING'S FAIR NOW SO LET THE\nCOMPETITION ENSUE.\nTHAT'S THE REPUBLICAN POINT OF \nVIEW.\nWE'VE HAD EXPLICITLY RACIST \nPOLICIES IN THIS COUNTRY FOR 400\nYEARS.\nMY WIFE AND I STARTED A BANK TO \nTRY AND UNDO THE DISCREPANCIES \nAND RACISM IN THE FINANCIAL \nSYSTEM TO SUPPORT BUSINESSES \nOWNED BY WOMEN, BLACK PEOPLE AND\nLATINOS BECAUSE THEY ARE SO \nDISCRIMINATED AGAINST IN THE \nFINANCIAL WORLD.\nAND IT CONTINUES.\nTHE IDEA THAT WE CAN TALK ABOUT \nEQUALITY IN AMERICA WITHOUT \nTALKING ABOUT RACE IS NONSENSE.\nI THINK THAT EVERY TIME PEOPLE \nTRY AND SWEEP IT UNDER THE RUG, \nTHEY'RE DOING A DISSERVICE TO \nTHE COMPANY.\nWE NEED TO AUDIOCASSETTE ABOUT \nIT OPENLY.\nWE NEED TO TELL THE NARRATIVE \nTRUTHFULLY AND WE NEED TO REPAIR\nTHE DAMAGE NAP'S THE ONLY WAY WE\nMOVE FORWARD AS THE COUNTRY WE \nWANT TO BE AND WE CLAIM TO BE \nWHICH IS THE CENTER OF FREEDOM, \nJUSTICE AND EQUALITY.\nOKAY LET'S DO IT. \n>> YOU HAVE TALKED PASSIONATELY \nABOUT CLIMATE CHANGE AND VERY \nPASSIONATELY ABOUT RACE.\nDID YOU INVESTMENTS IN THE \nPRIVATE SECTOR REFLECT THOSE \nSAME VALUES BOTH ON THE ISSUE OF\nRACE AND ON CLIMATE CHANGE?\n>> I WOULD SAY THIS.\nWE STARTED INVESTING IN \nEVERYTHING, RAHM, BECAUSE I \nBELIEVED BASICALLY THAT IN IF \nSOMETHING WAS WRONG, THE \nGOVERNMENT FIXED IT.\nA COUPLE TIMES I MADE MISTAKES \nINCLUDING IN FOSSIL FUELS.\nPEOPLE KEEP BRINGING UP THAT I \nINVESTED IN FOSSIL FUELS AND WE \nDID.\nI REALIZED OH MY GOD, NO ONE GOT\nON A SCHOOL BUS AND WENT TO \nSCHOOL TO TRY TO CREATE GLOBAL \nWARMING.\nBUT IT TURNS OUT THERE'S AN \nUNINTENDED CONSEQUENCE.\nI WALKED AWAY FROM HIS BUSINESS \nBECAUSE I WANTED TO MAKE SURE \nALL THE THINGS I BELIEVE IN ARE \nTRUE.\nI DIVESTED FROM FOSSIL FUELS 12 \nOR 14 YEARS AGO.\nI'M ASKING AMERICANS TO DO EXACT\nWLA I DID THEN WHICH IS THIS.\nNO ONE BOUGHT A CAR TO HEAT UP \nTHE PLANET AND MAKE IT \nUNLIVABLE.\nBUT WE UNDERSTAND WE HAVE TO \nCHANGE AND THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT I\nDID.\nI MADE ONE DECISION THAT I \nTHOUGHT WAS A MISTAKE ON WHICH \nHAD TO -- AT THE VERY BEGINNING \nOF PRIVATE PRISONS, SOMEONE \nTRIED TO CONVINCE ME THEY WOULD \nBE MORE EFFECTIVE AND DELIVER \nBETTER SERVICE FOR BETTER COST.\nI OWNED IT FOR A TINY BIT OF \nTIME AND I GOT RID OF IT.\nI WORKED SUBSEQUENTLY IN \nCALIFORNIA TO MAKE SURE WE GOT \nRID OF PRIVATE PRISONS.\nWHEN I MAKE A MISTAKE I DEAL \nWITH IT.\nI MADE THOSE DECISIONS 15 YEARS \nAGO FIGURING OUT, OKAY, I KNOW \nTHIS ISN'T RIGHT AND I ACTED. \n>> CLARIFY THAT POINT, THOUGH.\nTHE FOR PROFIT PRISONS, YOU GOT \nOUT OF IT BECAUSE ORIGINALLY YOU\nTHOUGHT THEY WERE GOING TO BE \nMORE EFFECTIVE TO REHABILITATE \nPEOPLE OR TO TURN A PROFIT \nQUICKER?\n>> TO REHABILITATE PEOPLE.\nRAHM ASKED ME DID YOU TRY AND DO\nTHE RIGHT THING WHEN YOU WERE AN\nINVESTOR AND I DID.\nA COUPLE OF THINGS I REALIZED \nWERE WRONG AND I DIVESTED IT.\nI WORKED TO MAKE SURE THAT THE \nVALUES I CAME TO WERE RIGHT AND \nFAST AND AHEAD OF EVERYBODY \nELSE. \n>> THANK YOU FOR TAKING \nQUESTIONS FROM US.\nYOU AND SENATOR KLOBUCHAR DID.\nSENATOR WARREN AND MAYOR \nBUTTIGIEG DID NOT. \n>> I DON'T KNOW IF WE OFFERED \nTHEM THE THUNDER DOME. \n>> WHEN WOULD I EVER TURN DOWN \nTHE CHANCE TO TALK TO SOMEONE \nFROM JERSEY?\nI WOULD HAVE TO BE NUTS.\n>> YOU'RE TALKING TONIGHT BASED \nON BOTH THE QUESTIONS YOU GOT ON\nISSUES OF RACE AND OPPORTUNITY.\nI THOUGHT HE SPOKE RATHER \nELOQUENTLY A COUPLE OF TIMES \nISN'T ABOUT CREATING \nOPPORTUNITY.\nON THAT SCORE, WHERE DO YOU SIT \nON SCHOOL CHOICE AND ON GIVING \nKIDS IN URBAN AREAS WHO ARE IN \nFAILING GOVERNMENT SCHOOLS AND \nTHEIR FAMILIES AN OPPORTUNITY TO\nHAVE SCHOOL THAT MAYBE MY FAMILY\nAND YOUR FAMILY HAVE HAD IF THEY\nWANTED TO AVAIL THEMSELVES OF \nIT?\n>> I DON'T KNOW IF YOU KNOW \nTHIS, BUT MY MOM TAUGHT IN THE \nNEW YORK PUBLIC SCHOOLS.\nMY BROTHER GRADUATED FROM HIGH \nSCHOOL EARLY TO GO AND HELP MY \nMOM IN THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS BEFORE\nHE WENT TO COLLEGE.\nHE'S BEEN A CHILD ADVOCATE FOR \nAT RISK CHILDREN AS A CAREER AND\nHE'S OLDER THAN I AM.\nLET ME SAY THIS.\nI AM COMPLETELY COMMITTED TO THE\nIDEA OF EDUCATION OF KIDS NOT \nJUST BEING THE FUTURE PROSPERITY\nOF AMERICA, WHICH IT IS, BUT \nALSO THE ENGINE FOR MOBILITY AND\nJUSTICE IN THIS COUNTRY.\nNUMBER ONE STATISTIC FOR SUCCESS\nIN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA,\nTHIRD GRADE READING \nCOMPREHENSION.\nI TAKE THIS SERIOUSLY AT A LEVEL\nTHAT I DIDN'T GET A CHANCE TO \nSAY TONIGHT.\nLET ME SAY IT.\nTHERE'S A HUGE RACIAL COMPONENT \nTO THIS AND I AM WILLING TO \nCHANGE COMPLETELY THE AMOUNT OF \nMONEY WE SPEND ON THIS.\nTHAT'S WHY I BROUGHT UP $700 \nBILLION FOR DEFENSE, $70 BILLION\nFOR EDUCATION.\nARE YOU KIDDING ME?\nI'M GOING TO ANSWER YOUR \nQUESTION.\nBUT I BELIEVE THE WAY WE REPAIR \nTHIS IS THROUGH THE PUBLIC \nSCHOOL SYSTEM.\nI HAVE SEEN THESE CHARTER \nSCHOOLS.\nI DON'T BELIEVE THEY ADDRESS THE\nBASIC PROBLEMS.\nI'M NOT SOMEONE WHO HATES \nUNIONS.\nI LOVE TEACHERS.\nI BELIEVE TEACHERS RUN THE \nSCHOOLS.\nI WANT TO BACK THEM, I WANT TO \nSUPPORT THEM NOT JUST WITH \nHIGHER PAY.\nI WANT TO SUPPORT THEM WITH \nSUPPORT SERVICES WITH CRAZY \nTHINGS LIKE NURSES AND \nLIBRARIANS.\nI DON'T THINK WE CAN \nOVEREMPHASIZE AS A COUNTRY OUR \nCOMMITMENT TO 3-YEAR-OLD KIDS \nACROSS THE SPECTRUM TO SUBSIDIZE\nCHILD CARE FOR MOMS.\nTO ME THE FACT THAT WE SPEND \n$700 BILLION ON DEFENSE AND $7 \n$70 \nBILLION ON THE KIDS OF AMERICA?\nTHAT HAS TO BE WRONG.\nHOW DO WE GET THE BULK OF THESE \nSCHOOLS TO WORK?\nHOW DO WE WORK WITH THE TEACHERS\nTO MAKE IT HAPPEN?\nHOW DO WE MAKE SURE THE SCHOOL \nSERVED THOSE KIDS BECAUSE IF \nTHIRD GRADE READING \nCOMPREHENSION IS THE NUMBER, YOU\nCAN'T START IN THIRD GRADE.\n>> KIDS DROP OUT OF COLLEGE IN \nTHIRD GRADE.\n>> YES, BEFORE.\nMY BROTHER'S BEEN YELLING AT ME \nAND HE'S GOT A BIG MOUTH. \n>> THAT I CAN CONFIRM. \n>> IF YOU DON'T GET THE KIDS BY \n3 YOU'RE PROBABLY TOO LATE AND \nIF YOU DON'T GET THEM BY 5, TOO \nLATE.\nI KNOW YOU'RE COMMITTED TO THIS.\n>> THANK YOU SO MUCH.\nWE'RE COMING OFF THE AIR RIGHT \nNOW.\nIF YOU'RE WATCHING LIVE, A \nREBROADCAST OFDEBATE, THANK\nYOU SO MUCH FOR WATCHING.\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "- Hi, I'm Justin Bazdarich\nfrom Speedy Romeo\nin New York City and today we're going\nto show you how to make pickled chillies.\nAt the restaurant, we have\npickled chilies that we offer\nto put onto the pizza, but\nwhat we've found is that\neveryone who comes to the\nrestaurant wants to take them home\nand put them on everything they make.\nWhat we do here at the\nrestaurant is we use\na Italian long hot\npepper, slice them thin.\nSo from here you can add\nthese chilies to a bowl.\nNow we're going to add\na tablespoon of salt.\nFrom there we're going to add some sugar,\nabout the same amount, I'm\ngoing to say a tablespoon.\nBecause sugar does the same\nthing that the salt does.\nIt basically breaks down\nthe chilis a little bit\nso that once you mix them up,\nthe liquid out of the chilis comes out.\nYou just want to basically be\na little abrasive to the chilies.\nYou're kind of packing that salt and sugar\ninto the meat of the pepper.\nSo, an added flavor to this\nis just some sliced garlic.\nFrom here, all you have to do\nnow is take white wine vinegar\nand then I would let that sit two hours\nand that's what will give\nyou the pickled flavor.\nThen from here you can put\nit in any type of vessel\nyou like, uh, a mason jar\nlooks beautiful obviously\nbecause you can see through\nit and see all your colors.\nYou want to add that vinegar\nall the way to the top,\nlet the acid penetrate\nthe chilies, you know,\nthese will last for up to a\nmonth in the refrigerator.\nThis is a simple recipe for\nhow to make pickled chilies.\nI am Justin Bazdarich for Playboy.com.\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": ">> TONIGHT ON CBC VANCOUVER\nNEWS.\n>> TODAY WE HAVE AMENDED THE\nORDER ON MASS GATHERINGS.\n>> CRACKING DOWN ON PANDEMIC\nPARTYERS.\nNEW GUEST HIMS AT VACATION\nRENTALS.\nALSO.\n>> REALLY EASY TO USE.\n>> BLAN PLANNING A VISIT TO A \nPOSSIBLE LAR PARK -- A POPULAR\nPARK?\nYOU WILL NEED A PASS.\n>> IT HAS HER VOICE ON IT AND\nSAYS I LOVE YOU.\n>> THE DESPERATE SEARCH FOR A\nPRECIOUS MISSING MEMENTO FROM\nMOM.\n>> THIS IS CBC VANCOUVER NEWS.\n[ ♪♪♪ ]\n>> GOOD EVENING.\nA HARSH REMINDER TONIGHT THAT\nTHE DEADLY COVID-19 VIRUS IS\nSTILL CIRCULATING IN OUR\nPROVINCE.\n>> Mike: HEALTH OFFICIALS ARE\nREPORTING THE VIRUS HAS KILLED\nTWO MORE PEOPLE BOTH IN\nLONG-TERM CARE HOMES BRINGING\nB.C.'S TOTAL TO 193.\nTHE NUMBER OF CONFIRMED FACES CS\nCONTINUES TO RISE.\n81 NEW CASES FROM OVER THE\nWEEKEND.\nHOWEVER, ACTIVE CASES ARE DOWN\nTO 264.\nTHERE IS ALSO A NEW COMMUNITY\nOUTBREAK.\nFRASER VALLEY PACKING, A\nBLUEBERRY PACKING PLANT IN THE\nABBOTSFORD AREA.\nDR. BONNIE HENRY SAYS AN\nINVESTIGATION BEGAN THURSDAY AND\n15 EMPLOYEES THERE TESTED\nPOSITIVE FOR THE VIRUS SO FAR.\nPROVINCE WIDE 11 PEOPLE ARE\nBEING TREATED IN HOSPITAL AS\nWELL AS THREE IN INTENSIVE CARE.\n>> NOW LAST WEEK DR. BONNIE\nHENRY TIGHTENED RESTRICTIONS ON\nBARS AND RESTAURANTS AND TODAY\nSHE DID THE SAME ON VACATION\nRENTALS TRYING TO CRACK DOWN ON\nPARTYERS.\n>> Mike: WALK US THROUGH THE\nCHANGES AND WHAT THAT'S GOING TO\nMEAN FOR US.\n>> WITH THE RECENT UPTICK IN\nCOVID-19 CASES AND OF COURSE THE\nWARM WEATHER LEADING TO PEOPLE\nGETTING TOGETHER, DR. BONNIE\nHENRY FELT IT WAS NECESSARY TO\nMAKE MORE AMENDMENTS.\nSHE TARGETED MASS GATHERINGS\nSPECIFICALLY THOSE INSIDE.\nSHE AMENDED THE PUBLIC HEALTH\nORDER TO LIMIT THE NUMBER OF\nPEOPLE IN SHORT-TERM VACATION\nRENTALS.\nNOW WHATEVER YOUR RENTAL IS\nWHETHER IT'S A BOAT, HOTEL,\nHOUSE, CABIN, OR EVEN YURT, THE\nNUMBER OF PEOPLE WILL BE LIMITED\nTO THE CAPACITY OF THE SPACE\nPLUS UP TO FIVE VISITERS.\nSHE SAID THIS COMES AFTER THERE\nHAVE BEEN SEVERAL PARTIES ACROSS\nTHE PROVINCE IN RENTAL SUITES,\nBOATS, AND MORE WHERE\nTRANSMISSION HAS ACTUALLY\nHAPPENED.\nAND IF YOU ARE NOT STAYING AT\nTHE PROPERTY BUT THE ONE RENTING\nIT OUT, SHE HAS A MESSAGE FOR\nYOU.\n>> IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF\nTHE OWNER OF THE PROPERTY TO\nENSURE IT IS ADHERED TO.\nAND WE NEED TO ENSURE CONTACT\nTRACING INFORMATION IS COLLECTED\nFROM EVERYONE GUESTS AND\nVISITERS ALIKE IN THOSE\nSETTINGS.\n>> Reporter: SO SHE HAS\nREITERATED THIS IS AN ADDED STEP\nTO PREVENT COMMUNITY\nTRANSMISSION AND SPREADING THE\nVIRUS AT PARTIES AND GATHERINGS.\nTHINGS THAT HAVE BEEN HAPPENING\nSO FAR.\nLIEN?\n>> Lien: ALL RIGHT.\nWE'RE AT THE END OF JULY.\nMANY PEOPLE THINKING ABOUT BACK\nTO SCHOOL.\nAND WE HAVE HEARD FROM TEACHER\nWHO IS SAY THEY ARE CONCERNED\nABOUT THE PROVINCE'S PLANS.\nSO WHAT SORT OF ADVICE IS\nDR. BONNIE HENRY GIVING THEM?\n>> FIRST OFF SHE HAS\nACKNOWLEDGED MANY IN THE B.C.\nTEACHERS FEDERATION ARE OF\nCOURSE WORRIED ABOUT RETURNING\nTO SCHOOL FULL-TIME JUST AS THEY\nWERE BACK IN JUNE.\nBUT SHE SAYS THE JUNE REOPENING\nOF SCHOOLS TAUGHT HER AND HER\nTEAM A LOT ABOUT WHAT WORKED AND\nWHAT DIDN'T.\nSOME ADJUSTMENTS ARE BEING MADE\nACCORDINGLY.\nSHE SAYS NONE OF US HAVE SIGNED\nUP FOR A PANDEMIC SO WE ARE ALL\nGOING TO LEARN AS WE GO.\nBUT SHE SAYS WE CAN'T FORGET THE\nRISKS OF NOT RETURNING TO\nSCHOOL.\n>> KNOW THAT THERE ARE MANY\nDOWNSIDE IMPACTS ON CHILDREN IN\nPARTICULAR.\nBUT WHEN THEY AREN'T IN A SCHOOL\nSETTING.\nAND THOSE CAN LAST A LIFE TIME.\nSO WE HAVE TO BALANCE OUR RISKS\nAND MAKE SURE THAT WE ARE AS\nPREPARED AS WE CAN BE.\n>> Reporter: NOW IT'S A\nWAITING GAME UNTIL WEDNESDAY\nREALLY WHERE WE WILL HEAR MORE\nFROM THE PROVINCE ON WHAT TO\nEXPECT FOR THE FALL WHEN IT\nCOMES TO SCHOOLING.\nLIEN, MIKE.\n>> Mike: ZAHRA PREMJI\nREPORTING TONIGHT, THANKS.\nFRUSTRATIONS AROUND U.S. LICENCE\nPLATES BEING SPOTTED IN B.C.\nHAVE GROWN THE TO POINT WHERE\nDRIVERS, SOME CANADIAN, ARE\nBEING HARASSED BY LOCAL\nRESIDENTS.\nAND THE PREMIER SPOKE DIRECTLY\nTODAY TO ALL INVOLVED.\n>> IT'S BEST THAT WE NOT BLAME\nPEOPLE FOR WHERE THEY ARE, THE\nLICENCE PLATES ON THEIR CAR WITH\nRESPECT TO THOSE WHO HAVE\nOFFSHORE PLATES AND ARE FEELING\nHARASSED, I WOULD SUGGEST\nPERHAPS PUBLIC TRANSIT.\nI WOULD SUGGEST THAT THEY GET\nTHEIR PLATES CHANGE.\nI WOULD SUGGEST THEY RIDE A\nBIKE.\n>> Mike: LAND CROSSINGS FOR\nNONBUSINESS RELATED REASONS ARE\nDOWN 98% COMPARED TO THIS TIME\nLAST YEAR.\n>> Lien: THE WORLD HEALTH\nORGANIZATION SAYS THE PANDEMIC\nCONTINUES TO ACCELERATE WITH A\nDOUBLING OF CASES OVER THE LAST\nSIX WEEKS.\n>> Mike: NOW, NEARLY\n16 MILLION CASES HAVE NOW BEEN\nREPORTED TO THE U.N. HEALTH\nAGENCY WITH MORE THAN 640,000\nDEATHS WORLDWIDE.\nTODAY INDIA REPORTED ALMOST\n50,000 NEW CASES OF COVID-19.\nTHE STAGGERING NUMBER OF CASES\nBRINGS INDIA'S TOTAL TO MORE\nTHAN 1.4 MILLION.\nTHE WORLD'S THIRD HIGHEST CASE\nLOAD AFTER THE UNITED STATES AND\nBRAZIL.\nCOVID-19 TESTING IS BEING RAMPED\nUP IN THREE MAJOR INDIAN CITIES.\nSOUTH AFRICA IS REPORTING MORE\nTHAN 11,000 NEW CONFIRMED\nCORONAVIRUS CASES AS THE COUNTRY\nNOW HAS MORE THAN 445,000 IN ALL\nINCLUDING MORE THAN\n6,700 DEATHS.\nAUSTRALIA'S HARD HIT VICTORIA\nSTATE POSTED A NEW DAILY RECORD\nMONDAY OF 532 NEW CASES.\nA LOCKDOWN IN THE CITY OF\nMELBOURNE IS IN PLACE AS\nINFECTED PEOPLE CONTINUED TO GO\nTO WORK THERE.\nSTARTING WEDNESDAY, BELGIUM'S\nPRIME MINISTER SAYS CONTACTS\nOUTSIDE FAMILY CIRCLES WILL BE\nLIMITED TO THE SAME FIVE PEOPLE\nOVER THE NEXT FOUR WEEKS.\nTHE NEW MEASURES ALSO INCLUDE\nLOWERING CROWD LIMITS AT PUBLIC\nEVENTS TO 100 PEOPLE INDOORS AND\n200 PEOPLE OUTDOORS.\nWITH 1,525 NEW CASES REPORTED\nMONDAY, INDONESIA CONFIRMED\nCORONAVIRUS CASE HAVES NOW\nSURPASSED 100,000, THE HIGHEST\nAMOUNT IN SOUTHEAST ASIA.\nTESTING REMAINED SHARPLY\nLIMITED.\nAND BUSINESSES CONTINUE TO\nREOPEN.\nHONG KONG IS NOW BANNING PUBLIC\nGATHERINGS OF MORE THAN TWO\nPEOPLE.\nMOROCCO IS BANNING ALL TRAVEL TO\nAND FROM SOME OF ITS MAJOR\nCITIES TO TRY TO STEM A SMALL\nSPIKE IN CASES.\nAND IN SAUDI ARABIA, MUSLIM\nPILGRIMS HAVE STARTED ARRIVING\nIN MECCA FOR A DRASTICALLY\nSCALED DOWN HAJ.\nTHE KINGDOM HAS ONE OF THE MID\nSCWEES' LARGEST OUTBREAKS OF\nCOVID-19 WITH NEARLY 269,000\nREPORTED INFECTIONS INCLUDING\n2,700 DEATHS.\nAND BACK HERE AT HOME AFTER\nMONTHS OF BEING COOPED UP INSIDE\nBECAUSE OF THE PANDEMIC, A LOT\nOF PEOPLE ARE FLOODING TO B.C.'S\nPARKS AND TRAILS.\n>> Lien: AND IN ORDER TO CURB\nTHE OVERWHELMING CROWD, THE\nPROVINCE HAS INTRODUCED A DAY\nPASS SYSTEM FOR SIX POPULAR\nPARKS.\n>> Mike: BUT AS TINA LOVEGREEN\nEXPLAINS, NOT EVERYONE THINKS IT\nIS A GREAT IDEA.\n>> DO YOU HAVE YOUR CARD?\n>> Reporter: ONE AFTER\nANOTHER, CREWS ASK HIKERS IF\nTHEY HAVE SIGNED UP FOR THE DAY\nPASSES.\nTHE PILOT PROJECT KICKED OFF\nTODAY AS A WAY OF CONTROLLING\nTHE NUMBER OF PEOPLE FLOCKING TO\nB.C.'S MOST POPULAR PARKS TRYING\nTO AVOID OVER CROWDING DURING\nTHE PANDEMIC.\n>> THESE TRAILS ARE ACTUALLY\nVERY CHALLENGING.\nYOU HAVE TOO MANY PEOPLE, THEN\nYOU'RE GOING TO CREATE SOME\nTRAFFIC PROBLEMS.\n>> Reporter: THE PASSES ARE\nFREE, BUT YOU HAVE TO SIGN UP\nONLINE STARTING AT 6:00 A.M.\n>> WE WERE UP A LITTLE LATER,\n9:30 OR SO AND WE WERE ABLE TO\nGET A MORNING HIKE IN.\nSO THAT'S ALL GOOD.\n>> DO WE NEED A PASS?\n>> YES.\n>> Reporter: GIVEN IT WAS THE\nFIRST DAY, SOME HIKES DIDN'T\nKNOW THE NEW SYSTEM BUT WERE\nQUICKLY ABLE TO SIGN UP.\nDAY PASSES ARE REQUIRED FOR SIX\nB.C. PARKS.\nCYPRUS, MOUNT ROBSON, AND THE\nCHIEF IN SQUAMISH.\nTHERE ARE REPORTS THAT THE\nMORNING PASSES FOR GOLDEN EARS\nPARK SOLD OUT IN THE 15 MINUTES.\n>> SOME PEOPLE MAY HAVE WANTED\nTO MAKE A RESERVATION AND FOUND\nTHE RESERVATIONS WERE GONE.\nBUT I THINK PERSONALLY THAT'S\nFAR BETTER THAN THE MANY PEOPLE\nWHO WOULD HAVE DRIVEN UP AND\nBEEN TURNED AWAY AT THE PARKING\nLOT BECAUSE THERE WAS NO SPACE\nWITHOUT KNOWING IN ADVANCE THAT\nTHEY SHOULD LOOK ELSEWHERE.\n>> Reporter: BUT THE NEW\nSYSTEM HAS SOME WORRIED THAT\nHIKERS WILL HEAD TO OTHER\nTRAILS.\n>> SO WHAT HAPPENS IF PEOPLE\nSIGNING UP AT 6:00 A.M. AREN'T\nABLE TO GET A SPOT.\nTHEN THEY'RE GOING TO MAKE LAST\nMINUTE PLANS TO GO SOMEWHERE\nELSE.\nAND THAT COULD POTENTIALLY LEAVE\nPEOPLE TO ONE GOING TO AREAS\nTHAT AND OVER RUNNING AREAS THAT\nAREN'T SUITED FOR IT ON CROWN\nLAND WHICH WE ARE ALREADY SEEING\nAND THE OTHER THING WILL BE\nPEOPLE LEAVING LATER IN THE DAY\nSO IT BECOMES A SEARCH AND\nRESCUE CONCERN.\n>> Reporter: THE GOVERNMENT\nSAYS IT WILL READJUST THE SYSTEM\nAS NEEDED.\nBUT THE TRUE TEST WILL COME THIS\nLONG WEEKEND AS PEOPLE HEAD TO\nTHE TRAILS IN LARGER NUMBERS.\nTINA LOVEGREEN, CBC NEWS, NORTH\nVANCOUVER.\n>> THE WEATHER UPDATE IS BROUGHT\nTO YOU BY FORTIS B.C.\nUSING MORE ENERGY THESE DAYS?\nWE HAVE TIPS, EASY UPGRADES, HOW\nTO VIDEOS AND MORE.\n>> Lien: AND METEOROLOGIST\nJOHANNA WAGSTAFFE JOINS US NOW\nWITH THE FORECAST.\nJO, A PERFECT DAY TO GO TO THE\nPARK OR MAYBE STAY INSIDE AND\nCRAMPING UP THE AIR CON.\n>> YEAH, YES, YOU'RE RIGHT.\nTHERE IS NO WRONG ANSWER TODAY\nDEPENDING ON YOUR AFFINITY FOR\nTHE HEAT.\nIT IS SWELTERING OUT HERE.\nNOT REALLY BREAKING TOO MANY\nRECORDS BUT DEFINITELY FEELING\nTHE HEAT FOR A SECOND DAY IN A\nROW ACROSS METRO VANCOUVER.\nTHERMOMETERS EVEN JUST A COUPLE\nOF BLOCKS AWAY FROM THE WATER\nHITTING THE HIGH 20S, LOW 30S\nHERE IN METRO VANCOUVER.\nOBVIOUSLY I HAVE MY OWN ROOF TOM\nTHERMOMETER.\nAND IT IS 31 RIGHT NOW WHERE I'M\nSTANDING.\nLET ME SHOW YOU THE NUMBERS\nACROSS THE REST OF THE SOUTH\nCOAST.\n33 THROUGH PORT ALBERNI OFTEN\nOUR HOT SPOT.\nCAMPBELL RIVER A 30.\n25 IN YVR BUT AS I MENTIONED\nMUCH HOTTER INLAND.\n31 THROUGH ABBOTSFORD AND A 32\nIN THROUGH HOPE.\nQUICK LITTLE TIDBIT, MOST OF OUR\nWEATHER STATIONS ACTUALLY KEEP\nTHEIR THERMOMETERS IN THE SHADE.\nSO IF YOU ARE STANDING OUT IN\nTHE PAVEMENT IT IS DEFINITELY 5\nTO 7º HOTTER AND THERE IS A BIT\nOF A HUMIDEX THERE, 33 TO 35 AS\nWE HEAD INLAND.\nTHIS BIG HIGH PRESSURE RIDGE IS\nSLOWLY SHIFTING EASTWARD.\nSO, YES, THERE IS A BIT OF A\nBREAK IN THE HEAT FOR TOMORROW.\nTHE HEAT WARNINGS REMAIN IN\nPLACE FOR THE INTERIOR AS WELL\nAS ALBERTA AND SASKATCHEWAN\nWHERE WE ARE SENDING OUR HEAT\nNEXT.\nBUT THE SPECIAL WEATHER\nSTATEMENT FOR VANCOUVER HAS BEEN\nDROPPED SO I WILL TALK MORE\nABOUT THAT MARINE AIR AND A\nCOMFORTABLE DAY AHEAD.\n>> Lien: THAT SOUNDS GOOD.\nWE WILL CHECK IN WITH YOU IN A\nBIT, JO.\n[ ♪♪♪ ]\n>> Lien: MORE TRAILS ARE\nCLOSING TODAY IN THE WYNNE\nVALLEY AREA AFTER ANOTHER BEAR\nENCOUNTER.\nTODAY THE TRAIL CLOSURES\nEXPANDED TO THE LYNNE HEADWATERS\nAREA AFTER A BEAR CHASED THE\nHIKERS DOG.\nA BEAR ALSO BIT A 10-YEAR-OLD\nGIRL ON THE LEG FRIDAY CAUSING\nNON-LIFE-THREATENING INJURIES.\nCONSERVATION OFFICERS CAN'T SAY\nFOR SURE IF IT'S THE SAME BEAR\nBUT IT MIGHT BE.\nTHEIR SEARCH FOR THE ONE WHO BIT\nTHE 10-YEAR-OLD IS ONGOING.\n>> Mike: ONE PERSON IS IN\nHOSPITAL WITH\nNON-LIFE-THREATENING INJURIES\nAFTER AN EXPLOSION CAUSED A\nLARGE FIRE NEAR CAPTAIN'S COVE\nMARINA ON SHUSWAP LAKE IN SALMON\nARM.\nFIRE CREWS WERE CALLED TO THE\nSCENE JUST BEFORE 1 THIS\nAFTERNOON.\nFOUR BOATS AND A PORTION OF THE\nDOCK WERE ON FIRE.\nRCMP SAY EARLY INDICATIONS\nSUGGEST THE FIRE WAS IGNITED\nFOLLOWING THE REFUELING OF A\nVESSEL.\nFIRE CREWS HAVE PLACED BOOMS IN\nTHE WATER TO CONTAIN ANY\nGASOLINE THAT MIGHT HAVE LEAKED.\nTHE MARINA REMAINS CLOSED.\n>> Lien: WE ARE NOW LEARNING\nMORE ABOUT WHAT CAUSED A PLANE\nTO CRASH THAT KILLED THREE\nPEOPLE ON THE ISLAND LAST\nDECEMBER.\nA TRANSPORTATION SAFETY BOARD\nINVESTIGATION BLAMES LOSS OF\nCONTROL, EQUIPMENT FAILURE, AND\nPILOT DISORIENTATION.\nIT FOUND THE KEY GYROSCOPE HAD\nFAILED MEANING THE PILOT WOULD\nHAVE HAD TO RELY ON SIGHT.\nTHAT WAS MADE EVEN HARDER BY LOW\nVISIBILITY AND MISTY NIGHTTIME\nCONDITIONS.\n>> BECAUSE YOU DON'T HAVE YOUR\nEYES TO LOOK OUT THE WINDOW AT\nANY REFERENCE AND YOU DON'T HAVE\nINSTRUMENTS TO GIVE YOU RELIABLE\nREADINGS, YOU END UP GOING WITH\nHOW YOU FEEL.\nAND IN WHEN YOU GET DISORIENTED,\nHOW YOU FEEL IS NOT ALWAYS HOW\nAND I MEAN BY HOW YOUR BODY\nFEELS IS NOT ALWAYS HOW THE\nAIRCRAFT IS ACTUALLY FLYING.\n>> Lien: THE TSB NOTES ITS\nPROBE WAS MORE ON FACT FINDING\nTHAN ANALYSIS OVER THE EXACT\nCAUSE OF THE CRASH.\nALEX PAULSON AND TWO OTHERS WERE\nKILLED.\nTHEY WERE TRAVELING FROM CABO\nSAN LUCAS, MEXICO, TO NANAIMO.\n>> Mike: THE PROVINCE HAS HIT\nPAUSE ON A CONTROVERSIAL BILL\nTHAT WOULD ALLOW INVOLUNTARY\nHOSPITALIZATION OF YOUTH WHO\nOVERDOSE.\nB.C. MINISTRY OF MENTAL HEALTH\nAND ADDICTIONS JUDY D'ARCY SAYS\nIT IS SEEKING FURTHER\nCONSULTATION ON BILL 22.\nIT PROPOSES AMENDMENTS TO B.C.'S\nMENTAL HEALTH ACT TO CREATE A\nNEW FORM OF DETENTION AND\nINVOLUNTARY HEALTHCARE IN B.C.\nFOR OUT PEOPLE WHO EXPERIENCE AN\nOVERDOSE.\nTHE BILL FACES STRONG OPPOSITION\nFROM THE UNION OF B.C. INDIAN\nCHIEFS, HEALTH JUSTICE, AND B.C.\nCIVIL LIBERTIES ASSOCIATION.\n>> Lien: A 6-YEAR-OLD\nVANCOUVER ISLAND GIRL IS SAFE\nTONIGHT AFTER BEING SWEPT OUT TO\nSEA ON A FLOATY LAST NIGHT NEAR\nPIPER'S LAGOON IN NANAIMO.\nWITNESSES SAY THE GIRL WAS WITH\nAN ADULT BUT WHEN THE ADULT GOT\nOUT OF THE WATER, THE GIRL\nCONTINUED TO FLOAT ON HER OWN.\nA NUMBER OF PEOPLE GOT INTO THE\nWATER TO TRY TO SAVE HER BUT\nTURNED BACK TO SHORE WHEN THEY\nREALIZED THEY COULDN'T MAKE UP\nTHE DISTANCE.\nONLOOKERS CALLED 911 AND THE\nCOAST GUARD ISSUED AN EMERGENCY\nCALL TO BOATS ON THE WATER.\nONE MAN WHO ATTEMPTED TO I SWIM\nOUT TO HER SAYS SHE WAS\nEVENTUALLY RESCUED BY A NEARBY\nKAYAKER AND BOATER.\n>> HE HAD SUCH A POSITIVE I CAN\nAT THAT ON THIS.\nTHIS IS AWESOME TO SEE THE\nCOMMUNITY COMING TOGETHER TO\nHELP THIS PERSON IN NEED AND THE\nFACT THAT THE FIRE DEPARTMENT\nWAS THERE.\nAND IT JUST HAD SUCH A HAPPY\nENDING.\nYOU KNOW, WE'RE THRILLED THAT\nTHE GIRL IS OKAY.\n>> Lien: LAURENCE SAYS THE\nGIRL WAS NOT SEEN WEARING A\nPERSONAL FLOATATION DEVICE.\n>> Mike: A WOMAN IN VANCOUVER\nIS DESPERATE TO FIND A STOLEN\nTEDDY BEAR STOLEN IN WEST\nVANCOUVER'S WEST END.\n>> Lien: IT'S NO ORDINARY TOY,\nTHOUGH.\nIT HAS A FINAL MESSAGE FROM HER\nMOTHER WHO DIED OF CANCER LAST\nYEAR.\n>> Reporter: FOR THREE DAYS\nNOW SHE HAS BEEN SEARCHING THE\nSTREETS OF VANCOUVER.\n>> IF YOU EVER SEE IT ANYWHERE,\nTHERE'S A CASH REWARD.\n>> Reporter: BACK ALLEYS AND\nIN DUMPSTERS.\n>> THERE WAS A BACK PACK STOLEN\nFROM THE BACK ALLEYWAYS.\n>> Reporter: ALL TO FIND A\nSTUFFED BEAR GIVEN TO HER BY HER\nLATE MOM AND STOLEN FRIDAY\nAFTERNOON.\n>> IT'S JUST THE LAST THING I\nHAVE OF HERS.\nIT HAS HER VOICE ON IT.\nAND IT SAYS I LOVE YOU.\nI'M PROUD OF YOU, AND I'LL\nALWAYS BE WITH YOU.\nAND WHEN YOU MISS SOMEONE THAT\nMUCH, SOMETIMES YOU NEED TO HEAR\nTHAT.\n>> Reporter: MAYBE IT'S THE\nTIMES WE'RE LIVING IN.\nMAYBE IT'S THE POWER OF A\nMOTHER'S VOICE OR A CHILD'S LOST\nTOY.\nBUT SOMETHING ABOUT THE STORY\nHAS TOUCHED HUNDREDS OF\nTHOUSANDS OF PEOPLE AROUND THE\nWORLD.\n>> LIKE THE IMPORTANCE OF HAVING\nYOUR MOM'S VOICE.\n>> OH, YEAH, OF COURSE I CAN.\nI LOST MY MOM WHEN I WAS 17\nYEARS OLD.\n>> Reporter: EVEN AS SHE HANDS\nOUT POSTERS, PEOPLE COME UP TO\nHER SAYING THEY HAVE HEARD WHAT\nHAPPENED.\n>> I WISH YOU ALL THE BEST.\n>> Reporter: THEY KNOW ABOUT\nTHE BEAR IN LARGE PART BECAUSE A\nVANCOUVER-BORN MOVIE STAR SAW A\nCBC TWEET AND NOT ONLY RETWEETED\nIT BUT OFFERED A $5,000 REWARD.\n>> SO UNBELIEVABLY GRATEFUL FOR\nTHE EXPOSURE THAT HE HAS BROUGHT\nTO THIS KIND OF A STORY.\nAND IT IS JUST UNBELIEVABLE THAT\nSOMEONE LIKE HIM WOULD TAKE\nNOTICE ON SOMEONE LIKE ME.\n>> Reporter: SO FAR MORE THAN\n340,000 OF RYAN REYNOLDS'\nTWITTER FOLLOWERS HAVE NOT ONLY\nLIKED HIS TWEET ABOUT THE BEAR,\nBUT ANOTHER HUNDRED THOUSAND\nHAVE RETWEETED IT.\n>> I AM UNBELIEVABLY GRATEFUL.\n>> Reporter: HER APARTMENT\nMANAGER HAS ALSO RELEASED THIS\nSURVEILLANCE FOOTAGE OF THE\nTHIEF.\nSHE WAS MOVING INTO THE BUILDING\nWITH HER FIANCÉE WHEN A HERSHEL\nBAG, PACKED WITH ALL HER MOST\nVALUABLE POSSESSIONS INCLUDING\nTHE BEAR, WAS TAKEN.\n>> MY MOM IS THE BEST PERSON I\nEVER KNEW.\nSHE WAS SO UNBELIEVABLY KIND AND\nSO UNBELIEVABLY GENEROUS.\nAND SHE PROBABLY WOULDN'T EVEN\nBE MAD AT THE GUY WHO TOOK THE\nBAG.\nSHE WOULD PROBABLY JUST PLEASE\nASK KINDLY FOR THE BEAR BACK.\n>> Reporter: NO LUCK TODAY BUT\nNOT FOR LACK OF TRYING.\nSHE SAYS SHE'S GOING TO KEEP ON\nSEARCHING.\n>> I'LL GOING TO CALL IT FOR THE\nDAY.\n>> Lien: OH.\n>> Mike: YEAH, HOPEFULLY IT\nTURNS UP.\nAMAZING, THOUGH, HOW THIS STORY\nHAS JUST TAKEN OFF.\nNOT JUST HERE BUT ELSEWHERE.\nTHE RYAN REYNOLDS TWEET WITH THE\n5,000.\nI THINK IT PROMPTED OTHER PEOPLE\nTO ALSO OFFER MONEY AS WELL IN\nTHE HOPES OF JUST GETTING THIS\nVERY SPECIAL BEAR BACK.\n>> Lien: I KNOW.\nI CAN'T IMAGINE NOT HAVING IT T\nWHAT A SPECIAL, SPECIAL ITEM.\n>> Mike: YEAH, WE WISH HER\nVERY GOOD LUCK THERE.\nOKAY.\nWELL, THE PARADE WON'T BE\nBEHAPPENING THIS WEEK.\nBUT ORGANIZERS OF THE VANCOUVER\nPRIDE FESTIVAL SAY YOU CAN'T\nCANCEL PRIDE.\n>> Lien: IN THIS CASE IT GOES\nONLINE.\nMAYOR KENNEDY STUART AND MEMBERS\nOF THE LGBTQA 1 PLUS AND FIRST\nNATIONS COMMUNITIES.\nTHIS YEAR'S PRIDE WILL FEATURE\nMORE THAN 30 ONLINE EVENTS\nINCLUDING ANTIRACISM WORKSHOPS,\nDRAG SHOWS, AND EVEN A VIRTUAL\nPARADE.\nBUT THERE'S STILL SOME SITES TO\nCHECK OUT IN PERSON LIKE THE\nPRIDE ART WALK WHICH ORGANIZERS\nARE ENCOURAGING EVERYONE TO\nCHECK OUT.\n>> GO OUT, TAKE SOME PHOTOS,\nENJOY THE ART, AND TAKE UP SOME\nSPACE AND SAY TO THIS CITY THAT\nPRIDE IS NOT CANCELED.\nIT'S SIMPLY REIMAGINED.\nHAPPY PRIDE, VANCOUVER.\n>> Mike: ALSO THE PRIDE FLAG\nWAS RAISED AT CITY HALL TO MARK\nTHE BEGINNING OF VANCOUVER PRIDE\nFESTIVAL.\nAND FOR THE FIRST TIME, THE\nNEWER INCLUSIONARY PRIDE FLAG\nWAS FLOWN WITH IT.\nORGANIZERS SAY ABOUT 500,000\nPEOPLE USUALLY ATTEND PRIDE WEEK\nEVENTS.\n>>> JUST A REMINDER.\nYOU CAN ALSO WATCH THIS NEWSCAST\nLIVE ON THE FREE CBC GEM APP.\n>> Lien: AND CBC VANCOUVER IS\nALSO ON FACEBOOK, YOUTUBE, AND\nINSTAGRAM.\nYOU CAN FOLLOW THE BOTH OF US.\nAND JOHANNA ON INSTAGRAM AND\nTWITTER AS WELL.\n[ ♪♪♪ ]\n>> Mike: WELL, A NASTY\nCOVID-19 CURVEBALL FOR MAJOR\nLEAGUE BASEBALL.\nTWO GAMES HAVE BEEN POSTPONED\nAFTER 14 MIAMI MARLINS PLAYERS\nAND COACHES TESTED POSITIVE FOR\nTHE VIRUS.\nCOMING UP, IS THE SHORT NEW\nBASEBALL SEASON NOW IN JEOPARDY?\n[ ♪♪♪ ]\n>> AND THANKS FOR STAYING WITH\nUS ONLINE THROUGH THE TV\nCOMMERCIAL BREAK.\nWE HAVE SEEN PLENTY OF EXAMPLES\nOF PEOPLE TAKING ON NEW HOBBIES\nDURING THE PANDEMIC.\nGARDENING HAS BEEN A BIG ONE.\n>> Lien: YES, BUT IT'S NOT\nJUST A TREND.\nSHE HAS BEEN USING STRAW BAILS\nTO GROW VEGETABLES AND GAVE CBC\nVIDEOGRAPHER A TOUR OF THE\nGARDEN.\n>> SO I'M A NURSE, AND I WAS\nWORKING WITH A PATIENT ONE DAY\nAND HE WAS TALKING ABOUT MAKING\nPOTATOES IN STRAW BAILS.\nHE EXPLAINED HOW HE DID\nEVERYTHING.\nSO WE DID ALL KINDS OF RESEARCH.\nAND, LIKE, A COUPLE MONTHS WORTH\nOF REFER I STARTED DOING ALL MY\nFEEDS INSIDE.\nAPRIL 25th WE WENT AND GOT THE\nSTRAW.\nYOU HAVE TO START FERTILIZING\nTHEM WITH HIGH LEVELS OF\nNITROGEN THAT BREAKS THE BALES\nDOWN AND THEY START TO\nDECOMPOSE.\nIT TAKES ABOUT 14 DAYS.\nLAST YEAR IT TOOK EXACTLY 14\nDAYS TO DECOMPOSE YOUR BAILS\nBEFORE YOU ARE ALLOWED TO START\nFEED ORGAN PUTTING A PLANT IN.\nTHE BALE HAS TO BE BETWEEN 75\nAND 99º.\nYOU CAN PUT TOP SOIL ON TOP OF\nYOUR BALE BUT WE TOOK A FORK AND\nOPENED UP THE BALE AND PUT TOP\nSOIL IN IT.\nSO HERE'S INFORMANT TOP SOIL.\nSO YOU JUST PUT THAT IN THERE\nAND TAKE YOUR ACTUAL PLANT, PUT\nIT IN THERE.\nSAY A LITTLE PRAYER.\nAND THEN YOU JUST MAKE YOUR ROWS\nAS IF YOU WOULD IN A TRADITIONAL\nGARDEN.\nAND THEN YOU JUST COVER THEM UP.\nSO SEE HOW IT'S GROWN IN THE\nSOIL?\nAS YOU SEE THE RADISH CLEAN.\nAND YOU CAN JUST WIPE IT OFF ON\nYOUR PANTS AND EAT IT.\nI HAVE ZUCCHINI.\nYOU CAN SEE.\nTHERE'S ABOUT EIGHT ON HERE.\nIN MY NEXT TWO BALES I GREW\nBROCCOLI ON ONE SIDE AND\nCAULIFLOWER ON THE OTHER.\n>> LOOK AT THEM.\nAND LOOK WHAT I JUST FOUND.\nGREEN BEANS.\nSO THEY ARE READY.\nTHIS IS BASIL.\nAND YOU CAN PLANT YOUR HERBS ON\nTHE SIDE OF YOUR BALE.\nAND ALL YOU DO IS JUST OPEN UP\nYOUR BALE, STICK YOUR PLANT IN,\nAND WATER IT.\nAND THEN THIS BALE HERE I\nPLANTED SOME THYME.\nAND THE SMELL OF THEM AS SOON AS\nYOU TOUCH THEM SMELLS SO NICE.\nPEOPLE STOP BY AND COMEDOWN AND\nTAKE A LOOK AND I LOVE SHOWING\nTHEM.\n>> Lien: WHAT A STUNNING\nGARDEN.\n>> Mike: IT IS.\nAND I HAVE TO SAY I DON'T THINK\nI HAVE EVER HEARD OF ANYBODY\nGROWING ANYTHING IN A BALE OF\nHAY.\nBUT THAT'S DIFFERENT.\nTHAT'S THE WAY THEY'RE DOING IT\nIN BROWNS FLAT, NEW BRUNSWICK.\n>> Lien: THERE YOU GO.\nOR MAYBE FOR YOUR BACK YARD IN\nFUTURE.\n>> Mike: MAYBE.\nGOTTA TBIND A BALE OF HAY.\nWE ARE COMING BACK IN JEKD.\nWE HAVE NEWS ABOUT MAJOR LEAGUE\nBASEBALL AND COVID AND THE NHL\nBUBBLE IN EDMONTON.\n[ ♪♪♪ ]\n>> Mike: THE RETURN OF SPORTS\nHAS BEEN A BOOST FOR CANADIANS\nRIDING OUT THE PANDEMIC.\nBUT MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL WHICH\nJUST RETURNED THIS WEEK MAY\nALREADY BE IN BIG TROUBLE.\n>> Lien: A SERIOUS OUTBREAK\nAMONG THE MIAMI MARLINS\nRESULTING IN LOST GAMES.\nELLEN MORROW TELLS US ABOUT THE\nCALLS TO RETHINK ITS STRATEGY.\n>> THE MARLINS HAVE BEEN THE\nTOPIC OF CONVERSATION.\n>> Reporter: EVEN AS THE\nMARLINS BEAT THE PHILLIES LAST\nNIGHT, SEVERAL MIAMI PLAYERS\nALREADY HAD THE VIRUS.\nAT LEAST 13 TEAM MEMBERS HAVE\nNOW TESTED POSITIVE.\n>> EVERY DAY WE ARE TAKING\nRISKS.\nYOU TRAVEL IN PLANES.\nYOU'RE IN BUSES, YOU'RE IN\nDIFFERENT HOTELS.\nIT'S A RISK THAT WE TAKE.\n>> ONE THAT IS TRIGGERING FEARS\nOF A STRIKEOUT FROM MAJOR LEAGUE\nBASEBALL JUST DAYS INTO THIS\nSEASON LIKE NO OTHER.\n>> I'M SCARED.\nI REALLY AM.\nI HOPE THAT MLB SEES THAT THAT\nTHESE GUYS ARE PUTTING\nTHEMSELVES AT RISK FOR THE LOVE\nOF THE GAME.\n>> MY BIGGEST FEAR IS THAT WE\nARE GOING TO SEE A PLAYER WHO\nWILL HE WOULD UP ON A\nVENTILATOR.\n>> Reporter: UNLIKE THE NHL\nAND NBA WHICH BOTH HAVE ADOPTED\nA BUBBLE STRATEGY, BASEBALL\nPLAYERS ARE TRAVELING AROUND THE\nU.S. STILL STRUGGLING TO CONTROL\nTHE PANDEMIC.\n>> NOT ONLY DO THEY ASSUME A LOT\nOF THE RISK OF COMMUNITY\nTRANSMISSION, BUT ON TOP OF\nTHAT, THEY ARE PUTTING A LOT OF\nONUS ON PLAYERS AND INDIVIDUAL\nTEAMS TO SELF-MONITOR.\n>> Reporter: THOSE CONCERNS\nARE PART OF THE REASON OTTAWA\nWOULDN'T LET THE BLUE JAYS PLAY\nAT HOME LIKE THE TEAM WANTED.\n>> THE MOMENT WE LEFT CANADA,\nTHERE WAS CONCERN.\nYOU KNOW, WE GOTTA FOLLOW THE\nGUIDELINES.\nNOT GOING TO BE EASY.\n>> Reporter: FORMER JAYS STAR\nDAVID PRICE TWEETING OUT PLAYERS\nHEALTH WASN'T BEING PUT FIRST BY\nTHE LEAGUE.\nI CAN SEE THAT HASN'T CHANGED,\nHE WROTE.\n>> THIS IS GOING TO BE A\nCRITICAL 24 HOURS FOR MLB\nLEADERSHIP.\nAND IF THEY ARE TRUTHFUL AND\nSANE AND HEALTH AND SAFETY IS AT\nTHE FOREFRONTENAC OF THIS WE\nWILL SEE THEM HAVE TO MAKE A\nHARD DECISION.\n>> Reporter: NO MAJOR CHANGEUP\nFROM EXECUTIVES.\nJUST THE TWO POSTPONED GAMES.\nTHE JAYS FACED OFF AGAINST THE\nDEFENDING WORLD SERIES\nCHAMPIONS.\nMORE PLAYERS MASKED UP AND HAND\nSANITIZER AT THE READY.\nELLEN MORROW, CBC NEWS, TORONTO.\n>> Mike: AND FROM VANCOUVER TO\nHOCKEY, THE VANCOUVER CANUCKS\nARE GEARING UP FOR THEIR FIRST\nGAME OF THE MAJOR LEAGUE POST\nSEASON BUT THEY ARE HAVING TO\nGROW AKUSMENTED TO LIFE IN THE\nBUBBLE.\nTHE TEAM ALIVED IN EDMONTON\nYESTERDAY ALONG WITH OTHER\nWESTERN CONFERENCE CONTENDERS.\nPLAYERS SAY THEY ARE LIVING\nFAIRLY COMFORTABLY IN THE BUBBLE\nUNDER THE CIRCUMSTANCES AND SAY\nWHILE COVID-19 IS SPREADING\nAMONG MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL\nPLAYERS, THEY ARE CONFIDENT IN\nTHEIR SAFETY.\n>> IT'S UNFORTUNATE WHAT'S\nHAPPENING IN BASEBALL.\nYOU KNOW, WE DEFINITELY DON'T\nWANT TO HAVE THAT HAPPEN HERE.\nI THINK WITH ALL THE SAFETY\nPRECAUTIONS AND EVERYTHING THEY\nHAVE GONE THROUGH TO MAKE SURE\nTHE PLAYERS ARE SAFE.\nWE'RE IN A BUBBLE.\nWE'RE ALL GETTING TESTED EVERY\nDAY.\nTHERE SHOULDN'T BE ANY PROBLEMS\nLIKE THAT.\n>> Mike: AND THE PUCK DROPS ON\nTHE CANUCKS, WINNIPEG JETS GAME.\nTHE EXHIBITION GAME ITSELF IS\n7:30 SUNDAY NIGHT.\n>> Lien: AND SOUTH OF THE\nBORDER, THE NUMBERS ARE STILL\nSTAGGERING.\nCALIFORNIA HAS NOW SURPASSED\nFLORIDA IN TOTAL CASE LODE WITHH\nMORE THAN 450,000 INFECTIONS.\nBOTH STATES HAVE MORE CASES THAN\nNEW YORK.\nTHE EPICENTER JUST A FEW MONTHS\nAGO.\nNOTICE THE NUMBER OF NEW CASES\nIN THE LAST SEVEN DAYS, THOUGH.\nTHAT'S WHERE YOU SEE THE REAL\nDIFFERENCE IN DIRECTION.\nMORE THAN 4.2 MILLION AMERICANS\nHAVE CAUGHT THE FIRES.\nAND AS KATIE SIMPSON TELLS US,\nONE OF THEM IS THE LATEST CASE\nIN THE WHITE HOUSE.\n>> Reporter: ROBERT O'BRIAN,\nTHE MAN RESPONSIBLE FOR KEEPING\nAMERICA SAFE, HAS BEEN HIT BY\nTHE SO-CALLED INVISIBLE ENEMY.\nTHE NATIONAL SECURITY ADVISER IS\nTHE HIGHEST-RANKING MEMBER OF\nTHE PRESIDENT'S INNER CIRCLE TO\nTEST POSITIVE FOR COVID.\n>> I WISH HIM WELL.\nHOPE HE'S OKAY.\nAPPARENTLY IT'S A LIGHT CASE.\n>> Reporter: HIS DIAGNOSIS\nCOMES AFTER DONALD TRUMP'S\nPERSONAL VALET TESTED POSITIVE\nTHIS SPRING AS DID THE VICE\nPRESIDENT'S PRESS SECRETARY.\nDONALD TRUMP JR.'S GIRLFRIEND\nALSO GOT COVID.\nTHE PRESIDENT TODAY DID NOT\nAPPEAR WORRIED ABOUT THE NEW\nEXPOSURE.\nWEARING A MASK, HE TOURED A\nPHARMACEUTICAL LAB PREDICTING A\nVACCINE WILL BE READY IN THE\nNEAR FUTURE.\n>> President Donald Trump: BY\nTHE END OF THE YEAR, WE THINK\nWE'RE IN VERY GOOD SHAPE TO BE\nDOING THAT.\nBY THE END OF THIS YEAR IN TERMS\nOF THE VACCINE, I THINK IN TERMS\nOF THERAPEUTICS.\n>> THERE HAS BEEN NO CASE --\n>> Reporter: ANY WORD OF A\nSCIENTIFIC BREAKTHROUGH IS\nEXACTLY WHAT STEVE FORBES WANTS\nTO HEAR.\nHE LAID OFF 60 WORKERS AT HIS\nRESTAURANT AND SELLS ARE ABOUT\n8% OF WHAT THEY WOULD BE.\n>> WE DON'T HAVE A VIABLE\nBUSINESS UNLESS THERE'S A\nVACCINE.\nI THINK AMERICA HAS DONE THIS\nONE FOOT IN, ONE FOOT OUT ON\nTHIS QUAWSHT.\nIT WAS A FAILED QUARANTINE.\n>> Reporter: FORBES IS PRICING\nFOR THINGS TO GET WORSE IN PART\nBECAUSE OF NEW QUARANTINE RULES\nWASHINGTON IS NOW IMPOSING.\nANYONE COMING INTO D.C. FROM ONE\nOF 27 STATES DEEMED A HOT SPOT\nMUST ISOLATE FOR 24 DAYS MEANING\nTHE TOURISM TAKING PLACE WILL\nLIKELY END.\n>> THINK OF OTTAWA.\nTHINK OF WHAT THE DEPATI IS LIKE\nIN EVERY CITY.\nWE'RE DOWNTOWN D.C. THREE BLOCKS\nFROM THE WHITE HOUSE AND TOURISM\nIS A TREMENDOUS AMOUNT OF WHAT\nWE DO.\n>> Reporter: ACROSS THE U.S.,\nNORMALLY BUSY STREETS LIKE THIS\nONE COULD BE RADICALLY\nTRANSFORMED BY THE TIME A\nVACCINE IS AVAILABLE, HE SAYS.\nBECAUSE HE'S NOT SURE HOW MUCH\nLONGER INDEPENDENT BUSINESSES\nCAN HOLD ON.\nKATIE SIMPSON, CBC NEWS,\nWASHINGTON.\n>> Mike: WITH THE RESURGENCE\nOF COVID-19 IN HONG KONG, A\nTEMPORARY BAN ON DINING AT\nRESTAURANTS AND FOOD STALLS\nMEANS CHAOS FOR HUNDREDS OF\nTHOUSANDS OF RESIDENTS.\nHIGH RENTS AND LIMITED SPACE\nMAKE DINING OUT THE ONLY OPTION\nFOR THOSE WHO LIVE IN\nCOMPARTMENTS RATHER THAN\nAPARTMENTS.\nSO-CALLED CAGE HOMES ARE ABOUT\nTHE SIZE OF A BED WITH NO\nKITCHEN FACILITIES.\nSTOCKING FOOD OR PREPARING MEALS\nIS IMPOSSIBLE.\nAND WHILE TAKEOUT REMAINS\nAVAILABLE, MANY RESIDENTS HAVE\nNO PLACE TO SIT DOWN AND EAT.\nTHE BAN ON RESTAURANT DINING\nBEGINS WEDNESDAY FOR SEVEN DAYS.\n>> Lien: THE WORLD'S LARGEST\nTRIAL FOR A POTENTIAL COVID-19\nVACCINE KICKED OFF TODAY IN THE\nU.S.\n30,000 VOLUNTEERS ARE EXPECTED\nTO TEST WHETHER THE VACCINE IS\nSAFE AND EFFECTIVE.\nTHIS STUDY NOW IN ITS FINAL\nSTAGE IS ONE OF THE FIRST TO\nENTER LARGE SCALE HUMAN TRIALS.\nAMERICAN BIOTECH COMPANY MODERNA\nWHO RECEIVED NEARLY A BILLION\nDOLLARS IN FEDERAL FUNDS TO\nDEVELOP THE VACCINE.\nTHERE ARE MULTIPLE TRIALS AROUND\nTHE WORLD AS GLOBAL INFECTIONS\nTOP 16.3 MILLION.\n>> Mike: AND WEARING A MASK IN\nPUBLIC PLACES IS PROVING TO BE\nONE OF THE BEST DEFENCES AGAINST\nTHE SPREAD OF COVID-19.\n>> Lien: BUT AS MORE REGIONS\nMOVE TO MAKE IT MANDATORY, A\nGROWING MOVEMENT IS SPREADING\nMISINFORMATION AND TRYING TO\nDISCREDIT THE SCIENCE.\n>> I'M CANADIAN.\n>> Reporter: THERE HAVE BEEN\nDRAMATIC EXAMPLES OF HOW UPSET\nSOME PEOPLE ARE WITH THE\nMANDATORY MASKING POLICIES IN\nTHE GTA LIKE THIS MAN IN A\nMISSISSAUGA SUPERMARKET OR THIS\nWOMAN AT A TORONTO EMERGENCY\nDEPARTMENT.\n>> MAKING YOU WEAR A MASK OR\nYOU'RE GOING TO DENY ME SERVICE.\n>> Reporter: PUBLIC HEALTH\nOFFICIALS SAY THIS IS NOT THE\nNORM.\nMOST PEOPLE ARE COMPLYING.\nBUT ORGANIZED ANTIMASK GROUPS\nHAVE SPRUNG UP TO PROTEST NOT\nONLY MASKING BUT PHYSICAL\nDISTANCING, CONTACT TRACING, AND\nMOST OTHER PUBLIC HEALTH\nMEASURES TO FIGHT COVID-19.\nTHEY CLAIM THE CORONAVIRUS IS A\nCON SPIRCY.\n>> STRIPPING THE RIGHTS AND\nFREEDOMS UNDER THE FALSE\nPRETENSES OF A GLOBAL PANDEMIC.\n>> Reporter: STATEMENTS LIKE\nTHAT.\nAND DOWN PLAYING THE SERIOUSNESS\nOF THE PANDEMIC ARE TACTICS\nOFTEN USED BY THE\nANTI-VACCINATION MOVEMENT.\nIN FACT ORGANIZED\nANTI-VACCINATION GROUPS IN BOTH\nCANADA AND THE U.S. HAVE BEEN\nPROTESTING COVID-19 PUBLIC\nHEALTH MEASURES FOR MONTHS.\nCBC NEWS HAS BEEN CONFIRMED THAT\nAT LEAST ONE ANTIMASKING GROUP\nIN TORONTO HAS PARTNERED WITH A\nCANADIAN ANTI-VAX ORGANIZATION\nAND IS TAKING LEADERSHIP\nSEMINARS FROM A PROMINENT\nANTI-VACCINE ADVOCATE IN THE\nU.S.\n>> THERE'S A LOT OF SIMILARITIES\nBETWEEN THE ANTIMASKING AND\nANTI-VACCINE.\n>> Reporter: SHE STUDIES\nVACCINE HESITANCY.\nSHE SAYS ORGANIZED ANTI-VACCINE\nGROUPS AND ANTIMASKING GROUPS\nHAVE A KEY CHARACTERISTIC IN\nCOMMON, MISTRUST OF GOVERNMENT\nAND HEALTH AUTHORITIES.\n>> WHEN YOU DON'T TRUST THE SORT\nOF BASIC INFRASTRUCTURE THAT ARE\nSUPPOSED TO SUPPORT PUBLIC WELL\nBEING, YOU ARE GOING TO COME UP\nWITH ALL KINDS OF TACTICS TO TRY\nTO RESIST IT.\n>> Reporter: THOSE TACTICS\nINCLUDE SPREADING FALSE CLAIMS\nTHAT WEARING A MASK CAN CAUSE\nPEOPLE TO SUFFER OXYGEN\nDEFICIENCY, BREATHE IN TOXINS,\nOR EVEN DEVELOP A COMPROMISED\nIMMUNE SYSTEM.\nFOR HEALTHCARE PROVIDERS WHO\nHAVE SEEN THE DEVASTATION\nCAUSED, KNOWING THAT KIND OF\nMISINFORMATION MIGHT CONVINCE\nPEOPLE IS WORRYING.\n>> I HAVE TO SAY IT'S\nDISCURRENTLYING WHEN I SEE\nPEOPLE ACTING ON INFORMATION\nTHAT I'M QUITE SURE IS NOT ONLY\nINCORRECT BUT POTENTIALLY\nMISLEADING AND POTENTIALLY\nLEADING TO HARMFUL OUTCOMES\nPARTICULARLY WHEN IT COMES TO\nSOME OF THE VULNERABLE PATIENTS.\n>> Reporter: DOCTORS EMPHASIZE\nTHAT THERE ARE LEGITIMATE MENTAL\nHEALTH AND CONDITIONS THAT CAN\nPREVENT PEOPLE FROM WEARING\nMASKS.\nTHEY ALSO UNDERSTAND THAT THE\nGUIDANCE HAS CHANGED.\nAND THAT'S BEEN CONFUSING.\nBUT THEY SAY THAT'S BECAUSE THEY\nHAVE LEARNED MORE ABOUT HOW THIS\nNEW VIRUS IS TRANSMITTED AND HOW\nWEARING MASKS INSIDE STORES\nLIKES THIS ONE CAN HELP KEEP\nPEOPLE SAFE.\nNICOLE IRELAND, CBC NEWS,\nTORONTO.\n[ ♪♪♪ ]\n>> Mike: THIS WEEK THE PRIME\nMINISTER WILL APPEAR BEFORE THE\nHOUSE OF COMMONS FINANCE\nCOMMITTEE OVER HIS GOVERNMENT'S\nDECISION TO PARTNER WITH THE WE\nORGANIZATION FOR SUMMER GRANT\nPROGRAM.\n>> Lien: A TRUDEAU FAMILY AND\nWE HAVE CLOSE TIES.\nEVAN DYER BREAKS DOWN THE\nSIGNIFICANCE OF THIS APPEARANCE.\n>> Reporter: THE DATE HAS BEEN\nSET FOR THURSDAY.\nBOTH PRIME MINISTER TRUDEAU AND\nHIS CHIEF OF STAFF KATIE TELFORD\nWILL TESTIFY.\nIT'S RARE FOR A PRIME MINISTER\nTO APPEAR BEFORE A PARLIAMENTARY\nCOMMITTEE.\nTHE LAST TIME WAS IN 2006.\nAN APPEARANCE BEFORE A SENATE\nCOMMITTEE BY STEPHEN HARPER.\nBUT TRUDEAU IS UNDER PRESSURE AS\nOTHER KEY FIGURES COME FORWARD.\nMARK AND CRAIG KIELBURGER,\nFOUNDERS OF THE WE ORGANIZATION\nTESTIFY TOMORROW.\nALSO APPEARING TOMORROW, FORMER\nCHAIR OF WE'S BOARD OF DIRECTERS\nWHO RESIGNED IN MARCH OVER WHAT\nSHE CALLED CONCERNING\nDEVELOPMENTS.\nTOMORROW SHE IS EXPECTED TO\nEXPLAIN THAT.\nTHE TRUDEAU GOVERNMENT'S\nHANDLING OF THE PANDEMIC GAVE IT\nA LARGE BUMP IN THE POLLS.\n>> THERE WAS A GENERAL WARMING\nTOWARDS THE PRIME MINISTER AND\nTHEN, BOOM.\nFOUR MONTHS IN HERE IS ANOTHER\nETHICS SCANDAL, ANOTHER ETHICS\nISSUE THAT'S POPPED UP THAT\nREALLY SAYS TO CANADIANS, RIGHT.\nTHAT'S THE THING THAT ANNOYS US\nABOUT HIM.\n>> Reporter: IN A POLL\nRELEASED TODAY BY THE ANGUS REID\nINSTITUTE, 53% SAID THEIR VIEW\nOF THE PRIME MINISTER HAD SOURED\nIN THE LAST MONTH.\nBUT SHE SAYS THERE ARE SIGNS THE\nGOVERNMENT WANTS TO REPEAT THE\nMISTAKES OF THE SNC-LAVALIN\nACARE.\n>> THERE WAS A STEADY DRIP,\nDRIP, DRIP OF NEW INFORMATION ON\nAN ALMOST DAILY BASIS AND AN\nALMOST STUBBORN REFUSAL ON THE\nPART OF THE PRIME MINISTER TO IF\nNOT ACKNOWLEDGE WRONGDOING AND\nAPOLOGIZE AT LEAST ACKNOWLEDGE\nHE COULD HAVE DONE BETTER.\n>> Reporter: THIS TIME THE\nAPOLOGIES CAME FAST.\n>> Rt. Hon. Justin Trudeau: I\nMADE A MISTAKE IN NOT RECUSING\nMYSELF IMMEDIATELY FROM THE\nDISCUSSIONS GIVEN OUR FAMILY'S\nHISTORY.\nI'M SINCERELY SORRY ABOUT NOT\nHAVING DONE THAT.\n>> AGAIN I WANT TO APOLOGIZE FOR\nANY MISTAKES I HAVE MADE IN THIS\nSITUATION.\nI AM SORRY THAT THEY HAVE\nOCCURRED.\n>> Reporter: ANY COMMITTEE\nAPPEARANCE IS A GAMBLE.\nTHE OPPOSITION HAS A CHANCE TO\nINFLICT SOME REAL DAMAGE THIS\nWEEK WHILE THE PRIME MINISTER\nWILL BE HOPING HE CAN START TO\nTURN THE PAGE.\n>> Mike: A FEDERAL COURT IN\nOTTAWA IS HEARING MORE LEGAL\nARGUMENTS IN THE EXTRADITION\nCASE OF MENG WANZHOU.\nLAWYERS FOR THE HUAWEI EXECUTIVE\nWANT FULL ACCESS TO DOCUMENTS\nTHAT THEY CLAIM SHOW\nCOORDINATION BETWEEN CSIS AND\nTHE FBI LEADING TO HER ARREST.\nTHE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT IS\nFIGHTING TO KEEP THE REDACTED\nMATERIAL OUT OF PUBLIC VIEW\nCITING NATIONAL SECURITY\nCONCERNS.\nTHERE ARE THREE MORE DAYS OF\nHEARINGS BY VIDEO CONFERENCE.\nMENG HAS BEEN UNDER HOUSE ARREST\nHERE IN VANCOUVER SINCE DECEMBES\nDETAINED AT WASHINGTON'S\nREQUEST.\n>> Lien: ANOTHER PERP HAS\nTESTED POSITIVE FOR COVID-19 ON\nHAIDA GWAII.\nCOMING UP, THE LATEST ON THE\nOUTBREAK AMONG LOCAL RESIDENTS\nON A REMOTE ISLAND.\n>> TERRY FOX DAY BEGAN EARLY IN\nCABBAGE TOWN, AND THE ACTIVITY\nJUST NEVER STOPPED.\nTHEY WALKED.\nTHEY RAN.\nTHEY WHEELED.\nTHEY WERE YOUNG AND OLD.\nIN A COURT YARD AT THE STARTING\nPOINT THERE WAS MUSIC.\nAND NOT SURPRISINGLY, THERE WAS\nA SONG FOR TERRY WRITTEN LAST\nFALL WHEN HIS MARATHON ENDED.\n[ ♪♪♪ ]\n>> Reporter: DICK TROM, THE\nONE LEGGED RUNNER FROM NEW YORK,\nWHO INSPIRED TERRY TO BEGIN HIS\nMARATHON OF HOPE WAS ALSO IN\nCABBAGE TOWN TODAY.\n>> MY FEELING ABOUT TERRY WAS\nTHAT HE WAS SAYING IF YOU TRY\nHARD, YOU CAN DO ALMOST ANYTHING\nYOU WANT TO.\nAND THAT KIND OF ENCOURAGEMENT\nAND THAT KIND OF FEELING WE CAN\nBEAT THIS CANCER.\nAND THIS IS WHERE WE'RE GOING TO\nDO IT.\n>> Reporter: HE STARTED HIS\nCABBAGE TOWN RUN WITH SOME LOCAL\nCLOWNS AND A DOG.\nWHEN HE WAS DONE, IT WAS BACK TO\nTHE STARTING LINE COURT YARD TO\nCELEBRATE.\n77-YEAR-OLD MARK BRENNAN,\nCANADA'S OLDEST COMPETITIVE\nUPPER, WAS THERE TOO.\nHE RAN THE 10 KILOMETRE ROUTE IN\n45 MINUTES.\n>> AND IT'S THE FASTEST I EVER\nDONE 10 KILOMETRES IN MY LIFE.\nI RAN IT 45 MINUTES.\nI AMAZED MYSELF.\n>> Reporter: AND THIS IS BILL\nMOLE, THE MAN WHO ORGANIZED THE\nCABBAGE TOWN RUN AND COULDN'T\nQUITE BELIEVE HOW SUCCESSFUL IT\nWAS.\n>> TRAFFIC.\nI STILL CAN'T BELIEVE IT THE ARE\nCABBAGETOWN WAS ONE OF 500 RUN\nSITES ACROSS CANADA T ALONE\nRAISED MORE THAN $70,000.\nAND AS ONE PARTICIPANT SAID, IT\nWAS ONE OF THOSE RARE OCCASIONS\nWHEN CANADIANS CAME TOGETHER FOR\nA COMMON PURPOSE.\n>> PSYCHOMICHAEL'S CATHEDRAL\nHELD A SPECIAL THANKSGIVING MASS\nFOR TERRY FOX TODAY.\nIN HIS SERMON, CARDINAL CARTER\nPRAISED TERRY'S COURAGE.\n>> I DON'T KNOW WHAT TERRY FOX'S\nRELIGION IS.\nI NEVER ASKED.\nBUT HE HAS TAUGHT US TO LISTEN.\nWHAT GOD HIMSELF HAS BEEN TRYING\nTO SEE FROM THE BEGINNING THAT\nYOUR WORD IS WITHIN YOU.\nIT ISN'T WHAT YOU HAVE.\n>> Reporter: ABOUT THE SAME\nTIME AND ONLY A FEW BLOCKS AWAY,\nA PARADE OF PEOPLE ACCOMPANIED\nBY A VAN AND AWE.\nTERRY FOX BUTTONS AND TERRY FOX\nT-SHIRTS EVERYWHERE.\nA SPECIAL MAIL BAG WILL BE SENT\nTO THE YOUNG HERO.\nOTHERS SIGNED THEIR NAMES TO\nTHIS MILE LONG TELEGRAM WITH\nTHEIR OWN SPECIAL MESSAGES.\n>> THEY ALL HAVE SOMETHING TO\nSAY TO HIM.\nTHE CHILDREN AND THE OLDER\nPEOPLE.\nTEENAGERS, EVERYONE.\nFOR EXAMPLE EVERYONE LOVES YOU,\nTERRY.\nHOPE YOU GET BETTER SOON.\nGOOD LUCK, TERRY.\n>> Mike: SOME OF THE STORIES\nWE ARE FOLLOWING TONIGHT ON CBC\nVANCOUVER NEWS.\n>> SIGNING IT UP FOR A PHONE BUT\nOTHER THAN THAT IT WAS OKAY.\n>> Mike: SEVERAL PROVINCIAL\nPARKS POPULAR WITH TRAIL WALKERS\nAND HIKERS NOW REQUIRE ENTRY\nPASSES.\nB.C. PARKS SAYS THEY WILL BE\nREQUIRED AT SIX PARKS WHERE\nCROWDS ARE DAMAGING TRAILS.\nVISITERS ARE CHALLENGED WHEN IT\nCOMES TO PHYSICAL DISTANCING.\nYOU CAN APPLY ONLINE.\n>> THE LAST THING I HAVE OF\nHERS.\nIT HAS HER VOICE ON IT AND SAYS\nI LOVE YOU.\nI AM PROUD OF YOU AND I WILL\nALWAYS BE WITH YOU.\nAND WHEN YOU MISS SOMEONE THAT\nMUCH, SOMETIMES YOU NEED TO HEAR\nTHAT.\n>> Lien: A VANCOUVER WOMAN IS\nDESPERATELY SEARCHING FOR A\nTEDDY BEAR THAT HOLDS A\nRECORDING OF HER LATE MOTHER.\nSHE HAS BEEN COMBING THE STREETS\nFOR THE BEAR.\nIT'S CAUGHT THE ATTENTION OF\nRYAN REYNOLDS WHO IS OFFERING\n$5,000 IN RETURN FOR THE MEMENTO\nNO QUESTIONS ASKED.\n>> WHETHER THEY ARE HOUSE\nRENTALS, BOAST, HOTEL ROOM, AND\nPEOPLE LIMITED TO THE CAPACITY\nOF THE SPACE PLUS UP TO A\nMAXIMUM OF FIVE VISITERS.\n>> Mike: DR. BONNIE HENRY\nISSUING AN AMENDED PUBLIC HEALTH\nORDER ON VACATION RENTALS.\nTHIS AS THE PROVINCE RECORDS\nANOTHER 81 NEW CASES OVER THE\nWEEKEND AND TWO MORE DEATHS DUE\nTO COVID-19.\n>>> AND AN OUTBREAK HAS BEEN\nDECLARED AT A BLUEBERRY PACKING\nPLANT IN ABBOTSFORD.\nSO FAR 15 EMPLOYEES THERE HAVE\nTESTED POSITIVE AT THE AT THAT .\n>> Lien: AND ON HAIDA GWAII,\nTHE COVID-19 OUTBREAK IS\nGROWING.\nONE MORE CASE ADDED TODAY FOR A\nTOTAL OF 14.\n>> Mike: AND AS BRIAR STEWART\nSHOWS US ALONG WITH INFECTIONS\nCOMES A SPIKE IN TENSIONS.\n>> Reporter: JUST UNDER 5,000\nPEOPLE LIVE ON HAIDA GWAII.\nNORMALLY THE REMOTE AND RUGGED\nISLANDS HOST A FLURRY OF\nTOURISTS THROUGH THE SUMMER BUT\nOFFICIAL HAVES URGED THEM TO\nSTAY AWAY.\nAND NOW THEY'RE ALSO REMINDING\nRESIDENTS TO NOT LET THEIR GUARD\nDOWN.\n>> TAKE IT SERIOUSLY.\nIT'S NOT A TIME TO GATHER AND\nPARTY AND DO OTHER THINGS THAT\nWILL PUT YOURSELF AND YOUR\nCOMMUNITY AND YOUR ELDERS AND\nTHOSE THAT ARE VULNERABLE AT\nRISK.\n>> Reporter: 13 CASES HAD BEEN\nREPORTED AT HAIDA GWAII AND ARE\nLINKED TO CASES AWAY FROM THE\nISLAND.\nTHE COUNCIL OF THE NATION HAS\nISSUED A STATE OF EMERGENCY\nASKING PEOPLE TO PULL BACK THEIR\nSOCIAL CIRCLES TO ONLY INCLUDE\nIMMEDIATE FAMILY.\nAND IT ADVISES THAT RESIDENTS\nSHOULD NOT TRAVEL OFF ISLAND\nUNLESS ESSENTIAL.\nTENSION HAS BEEN RISING HERE\nOVER A FISHING LODGE THAT\nCONTINUES TO OPERATE.\nBUT THESE CASES DON'T APPEAR TO\nBE LINKED TO THAT LARGE.\nINSTEAD THE VIRUS HAS BEEN\nSPREAD AMONG LOCAL RESIDENTS\nWHICH HAS LED TO RUMOUR AND\nFEAR.\nSOME ARE APPEALING FOR CALM.\n>> I JUST WANT TO MAKE THIS\nVIDEO AND KIND OF HAVE THIS\nCONVERSATION REGARDING THE\nSTIGMA AROUND COVID-19.\n>> WE HAVE BEEN LIVING WITH THIS\nFOR FOUR MONTHS.\n>> Reporter: SUSAN IS A WRITER\nAND OWNS A BED AND BREAKFAST ON\nHAIDA GWAII.\nWHEN SHE CAME BACK FROM MEDICAL\nAPPOINTMENTS ON VANCOUVER\nISLAND, SHE WAS TOLD TO SLATE\nFOR TWO WEEKS.\n>> DID EVERYTHING THEY COULD.\nBUT IT'S NOT A QUESTION OF IF IT\nCAME HERE BUT WHEN.\nAS LONG AS THERE ARE PEOPLE\nTRAVELING TO AND FROM OUT OF THE\nPLACE I THINK THERE'S A RISK.\n>> Reporter: WHICH IS WHY\nOFFICIALS ARE URGING PEOPLE TO\nREMAIN VIGILANT AND REDUCE THE\nRISK OF COVID-19 SPREADING\nTHROUGH HAIDA GWAII'S REMOTE\nCOMMUNITIES.\nBRIAR STEWART, CBC NEWS,\nVANCOUVER.\n>> Mike: THERE ARE GROWING\nCALLS TONIGHT TO INCLUDE THE\nEXPERIENCES OF BLACK CANADIANS\nIN SCHOOL CURRICULUMS.\nCOMING UP, WHY ADVOCATES BELIEVE\nTHOSE EXPERIENCES NEED TO BE\nWOVEN INTO ALL SUGGESTS.\n>> Johanna: AND 6:42 P.M. A\nLIVE LOOK TOWARDS FALSE CREEK.\nA WARM SUMMER EVENING ON THE\nCOAST AFTER A HOT DAY.\nAND IS MORE OF THAT HEAT ON THE\nWAY?\nWE WILL FIND OUT FROM JOHANNA\nNEXT.\n[ ♪♪♪ ]\n>> THE WEATHER UPDATE IS BROUGHT\nTO YOU BY FORTIS B.C.\nUSING MORE ENERGY THESE DAYS?\nWE'VE GOT ENERGY SAVINGS TIPS,\nEASY UPGRADES, HOW TO VIDEOS AND\nMORE.\n>> Mike: AND FROM THE AIR\nCONDITIONED CONFINES OF, WHAT IS\nTHIS?\nSTUDIO 10?\nSTUDIO 10.\nNO, 55.\nAH.\nI'M GLAD I KNOW WHERE I AM.\nLOOKS A LITTLE STEAMY OUT THERE\nTONIGHT, JO.\n>> Johanna: YEAH, I COULD, IF\nYOU COULD SEND SOME OF THAT AC\nTHIS WAY, IT WOULD BE NICE.\nI DO HAVE A BIT OF A MARINA AIR\nKICKING IN.\nYOU CAN SEE THE BREEZE JUST\nSTARTING TO PICK UP TONIGHT.\nTHIS BREEZE AS ENVIRONMENT\nCANADA DROPS THAT HEAT ADVISORY\nWHICH IS STILL IN PLACE FOR THE\nINTERIOR AS A HEAT WARNING.\nBUT IT FEELS GOOD.\nSO YOU TOO WILL GET TO\nEXPERIENCE A BIT OF A REFRESHER\nTONIGHT AND TOMORROW AS THIS\nMARINE AIR KEEPS COMING IN.\nWANT TO TAKE TO YOU THE CURRENT\nTEMPERATURES ACROSS THE COUNTRY\nBECAUSE THE WHOLE COUNTRY IS IN\nSOLIDARITY WITH THE HEAT.\nSORT OF A RARE SETUP.\nWE HAVE NOT ONE BUT TWO HEAT\nDOMES IN PLACE ACROSS CANADA.\nONE JUST SOUTH OF B.C.\nIT IS PRESSING EAST AND ONE\nSOUTH OF THE GREAT LAKES.\nAND THAT IS ALSO PRESSING EAST.\nSO WE ACTUALLY HAVE HEAT\nWARNINGS IN PLACE FOR EIGHT\nPROVINCES TODAY.\nMOST OF THE WEST AND THEN AS WE\nHEAD OUT INTO ONTARIO, QUEBEC,\nAND THE MARITIMES ALL LOOKING TO\nFEEL 30 TO 40º TEMPERATURES OVER\nTHE NEXT COUPLE OF DAYS.\nTHAT IS GOING TO HAVE IMPACTS ON\nUS.\nI AM SHOWING YOU A FIRE DANGER\nRATING FROM JULY 17th.\nI JUST WANT TO SHOW YOU HOW\nQUICKLY THINGS CAN TURN AROUND.\nYOU CAN SEE THE GREENS AND BLUES\nTHERE.\nTHAT'S VERY LOW AND LOW DANGER.\nTHAT WAS OUR SLOW START TO\nSUMMER.\nAND THEN LOOK AT TODAY'S.\nTHERE'S A LOT OF YELLOWS AND\nORANGES AND REDS AS THE FIRE\nDANGER QUICKLY CREEPS UP.\nWE HAVE ALL OF THE CONDITIONS IN\nPLACE FOR QUICK STARTS IN FACT A\nNEW FIRE STARTED TODAY WEST OF\nHARRISON HOT SPRINGS.\nWATCHING THAT ONE BUT NOT A\nCONCERN RIGHT NOW.\nBUT WE WILL BE WATCHING A COLD\nFRONT FOR THE END OF THE WEEK\nCOMING IN FROM A NORTHWEST.\nWE DO HAVE SOME SHOWERS RIGHT\nNOW AND THAT WILL BE A CONCERN\nFOR NEW FIRE STARTS AT THE END\nOF THE WEEK.\nJUST WANT TO LET YOU KNOW WHAT\nI'M WATCHING.\nTEMPERATURES ARE THE STORY UNTIL\nTHEN.\nLOOK AT THAT HEAT IN THE\nINTERIOR.\n37 FOR TOMORROW IN OSOYOOS.\n34 OUT TOWARDS THE KOOTENAYS.\nAND WE WILL CONTINUE TO SEE THAT\nHEAT BUILD.\nTHE PEAK FOR THE INTERIOR ISN'T\nACTUALLY UNTIL THURSDAY.\nSO IF YOU HAD PLANS TAKING YOU\nEAST ACROSS THE PROVINCE, IT IS\nGOING TO BE HOT FOR THE NEXT\nCOUPLE OF DAYS.\nWE HAVE GOT BUILDING HEAT FOR US\nAS WELL.\nTHERE'S OUR BREAK ON TUESDAY\nWITH THAT MARINE AIR.\nIN FACT LOOK FOR SOME MORE\nCLOUDS IN THE MORNING AND GET\nBACK TO SOME SUNSHINE.\nBUILDING THROUGH WEDNESDAY, I\nTHINK IT'S GOING TO BE ANOTHER\nHOT ONE ON THURSDAY.\nWOULDN'T BE SURPRISED IF WE SEE\nSOME NEW ENVIRONMENT CANADA\nADVISORIES.\nBUT WE HAVE A FEW SHOWERS FRIDAY\nMORNING.\nSO THAT'S THE ONLY NATURAL AC I\nCOULD FIND IN THE FORECAST.\n>> Lien: OKAY, NATURAL AC WILL\nHAVE TO DO JUST FINE FOR US\nTOWARDS THE END OF THE WEEK.\nTHANK YOU SO MUCH, JO.\n>>> WELL, THERE ARE GROWING\nCALLS ACROSS THE COUNTRY\nTO MAKE SURE THE EXPERIENCES OF\nBLACK CANADIANS ARE INCLUDED IN\nSCHOOL CURRICULUMS.\nADVOCATES BELIEVE THOSE\nEXPERIENCES NEED TO BE WOVEN\nINTO ALL SUBJECTS, NOT JUST\nBLACK HISTORY.\n>> Reporter: SHARLEEN GRANT\nHAS ALWAYS TAUGHT HER CHILDREN\nABOUT THEIR HISTORY AS BLACK\nCANADIANS BECAUSE SHE SAYS THEIR\nSCHOOLS DIDN'T.\n>> MY CHILD WAS IN GRADE 10 AND\nSHE REALIZED HISTORY CLASS\nEVERYTHING THAT WAS BEING TAUGHT\nDID NOT TALK ABOUT HER.\n>> Reporter: SHE GAVE HER\nDAUGHTER A PLAN.\n>> THIS IS HOW YOU FIGHT THAT.\nEVERY ASSIGNMENT YOU GET, DO IT\nON A BLACK EXPERIENCE WHAT WAS\nHAPPENING AT THAT TIME.\n>> HALF OF OUR BLACK STUDENTS\nAREN'T MAKING THE CHOICE TO\nPURSUE AN ACADEMIC STREAM IN\nHIGH SCHOOL.\n>> Reporter: IN RECENT WEEKS,\nONTARIO GOT RID OF THE PRACTICE\nOF STREAMING IN HIGH SCHOOLS\nWHICH WAS FOUND TO STEER BLACK\nSTUDENTS AWAY FROM UNIVERSITY\nTRACK COURSES.\nBUT ADVOCATES LIKE GRANT DEMAND\nMORE CHANGE.\n>> THE CURRICULUM IS KEY.\n>> Reporter: IN NOVA SCOTIA,\nTHERE ARE TWO AFRICAN FOCUSED\nELECTIVE COURSES AT A HIGH\nSCHOOL LEVEL.\nBUT THIS PROFESSOR SAYS THAT'S\nNOT ENOUGH.\n>> WHEN WE ARE TALKING ABOUT\nSCIENCE, BLACK SCIENTISTS.\nWHEN WE TALK ABOUT MATH, BLACK\nCONTRIBUTIONS TO MATH.\nEVEN WHEN BLACK SUBJECTS ARE\nTAUGHT, ARE GHETTOIZED INTO\nBLACK HISTORY.\n>> Reporter: TO MAKE THE\nEXPERIENCE A MORE ESSENTIAL PART\nOF THE CURRICULUM ISN'T NEW.\nBUT MANY FEEL THAT RIGHT NOW THE\nFOCUS IN FIGHTING SYSTEMIC\nRACISM MIGHT MEAN SOMETHING WILL\nCOME OF IT.\n>> MAKE THIS IF YOU WILL A\nTEACHABLE MOMENT HOW WE CAN\nSTRENGTHEN THE CURRICULUM TIES.\n>> Reporter: B.C.'S MINISTER\nOF EDUCATION HAS BEEN CONSULTING\nWITH BLACK HISTORY\nORGANIZATIONS.\n>> I WANT TO BELIEVE IN THEIR\nHONESTY AND THAT THEY TRULY WANT\nTO MAKE A CHANGE.\nBECAUSE WE WANT TO LIVE IN A\nSOCIETY THAT IS FAIR FOR ALL OF\nUS.\n>> Reporter: AND SHARLEEN\nGRANT THINKS NOW IS THE TIME\nTOO.\nHER OLDEST SON IS OFF TO\nUNIVERSITY.\nBUT HER YOUNGEST STILL HAS LOTS\nOF YEARS LEFT IN THE PUBLIC\nSCHOOL SYSTEM.\n>> I WANT MY CHILDREN TO HAVE A\nBETTER FUTURE.\nA BETTER CHANCE.\nIT'S ONE OF THE REASONS I GO\nBECAUSE I'M HOPEFUL.\n>> Reporter: HOPEFUL A DAY IS\nCLOSE STUDENTS WILL LEARN ABOUT\nBLACK HISTORY ALONG WITH ALL OF\nCANADA.\n>> Mike: HE IS UNCOVERING A\nGENETIC MYSTERY IN THE WOODS.\nAND HELPING IDENTIFY INVASIVES\nBEFORE THEY GET OUT OF CONTROL.\nTHE INTRIGUING TOOLS OF A\nFORESTRY RESEARCHER NEXT.\n[ ♪♪\n>> HI, I'M AMY BELL AND HERE'S\nWHAT'S IN YOUR CBC VANCOUVER\nINBOX.\nTHE VANCOUVER QUEER FILM\nFESTIVAL IS GOING ONLINE THIS\nYEAR.\nENJOY THE BEST IN INDEPENDENT\nQUEER CINEMA ALONG WITH\nWORKSHOPS, ARTIST Q AND AS AND\nPANELS ALL FROM THE COMFORT OF\nYOUR OWN HOME.\nLEARN MORE ONLINE.\nAND NEVER MISS A SPECIAL\nPROGRAMMING SERIES OR CONNEST\nIT.\nSUBSCRIBE TO CBC VANCOUVER'S\nENEWS LETTER AND KEEP CONNECTING\nWITH US.\n[ ♪♪♪ ]\n>> Lien: WELL, IN THE FIGHT\nAGAINST INVASIVE SPECIES,\nSCIENTISTS HAVE A NEW TOOL AT\nTHEIR DISPOSAL.\n>> Mike: USING A DNA DETECTOR\nTHEY CAN NOW IDENTIFY INVASIVE\nSPECIES IN CANADIAN FORESTS.\n>> Lien: WE SPOKE TO UBC\nRESEARCHER ABOUT WHY IT'S A I AM\nGA CHANGER IN THE FIELD.\n>> THE NAME OF THE GAME IS TO\nDISCOVER THEM EARLY SO WE CAN\nACTUALLY NIP IN THE BUD THE\nINVASION.\nI DO RESEARCH ON FOREST PESTS\nAND DISEASES AND IN PARTICULAR\nINVASIVE EXOTIC SPECIES BECAUSE\nTHEY REALLY THREATEN OUR FOREST\nAND OUR TREES.\nFIRST OF ALL I NEED TO TAKE A\nLITTLE PIECE OF THE TREE.\nTHERE'S A COUPLE OF THE INVASIVE\nSPECIES THAT WE HAVE BEEN\nFOCUSING ON.\nONE A WHITE PINE BLISTER ROT.\nIT CAUSES THESE SWELLINGS ON THE\nPINE AND THEN EVENTUALLY IT\nREACHES THE STEM.\nAND KIND OF STRANGLES THE TREE.\nMORTALITY RATE IS PRETTY CLOSE\nTO 100%.\nSO IF WE HAVE DEVELOPED DNA\nTESTS THAT RAPIDLY AND\nACCURATELY IDENTIFY HUNDREDS OF\nDIFFERENT SPECIES OF INSECTS AND\nPATHOGENS THAT ARE ON THE LIST\nOF INVASIVE, MOST UNWANTED OR\nLEAST WANTED.\nAND THEN THE OTHER BIG INVASIVE\nSPECIES THAT WE ARE DEALING WITH\nARE THE GYPSY MOSS.\nTHESE WERE CAPTURED IN THIS\nTRAP.\nTHEY CAN LAY THEIR EGGS ON FLAT\nSURFACES LIKE CONTAINERS.\nSO THEY CAN HITCH A HIKE AROUND\nTHE WORLD JUST ON SHIPS.\nIF THE ASIAN GYPSY MOTH WERE TO\nESTABLISH AND START SPREADING,\nIT WOULD BE QUITE DEVASTATING.\nHAVING TO WAIT TO BRING SAMPLES\nTO THE LAB SO WE CAN GET\nRESULTS.\nIT REALLY DELAYS OUR ABILITY TO\nACT RAPIDLY.\nTHE IDEA OF OUR PROJECT WAS TO\nTAKE THE LAB WITH US TO THE\nFIELD.\nWE BASICALLY REPURPOSED THE\nINSTRUMENT AND THE METHODS.\nFOR THAT WE HAD TO DO A LOT OF\nDEVELOPMENT AND SORT OF RETHINK\nTHE WHOLE WAY THAT EXTRACTION IS\nDONE.\nAFTER ABOUT AN HOUR AND 30\nMINUTES, WE CAN SEE THE RESULTS.\nAND IN THIS CASE YOU CAN SEE TWO\nGREEN CURVES GO UP.\nYOU HAVE THREE POSITIVE, THE\nGYPSY MOTH WHICH TURNS OUT TO BE\nEUROPEAN AND THE TWO ROUGH\nSAMPLES THAT WERE ALSO POSITIVE.\nFOR ABOUT 20 YEARS, IT'S BEEN IN\nTHE BACK OF MY MIND THAT IN THE\nBACK AND IN THE FRONT ACTUALLY\nOF MY MIND, YOU KNOW, TO DEVELOP\nTOOLS THAT WE SHOULD TAKE IN THE\nFIELD.\nI'M REALLY EXCITED ABOUT IT.\n>> Mike: YEAH I MEAN IF THAT\nCAN BE YOUR LABORATORY, THAT'S\nPRETTY SWEET.\n>> Lien: WAY BETTER THAN BEING\nSTUCK INSIDE ALL THE TIME,\nRIGHT?\n>> Mike: STUDYING DNA OUT IN\nTHE MIDDLE OF A FOREST.\n>> Lien: I GUESS SO.\n>> Mike: THAT'S ALL THE TIME\nWE HAVE TONIGHT.\nYOU CAN ALWAYS WATCH CBC\nVANCOUVER NEWS AT 6 ONLINE AT\nCBC.CA/BC.\n>> Lien: OUR NEXT LOCAL NEWS\nRIGHT HERE AT 11:00.\nI WILL BE ON AFTER THE NATIONAL.\nTHAT'S RIGHT.\nIT'S ME.\nHAVE A GREAT NIGHT.\nYOU GOT IT.\n[ ♪♪♪ ]\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": " What is your strategy?\n I won't burden you with it.\n You're going to break the law.\n HE SIGHS\n I need to sleep.\n You said you don't sleep.\n I said I have trouble sleeping.\n As do I.\n As do I.\n Mr Shelby,\n I have no doubt that there was once\n a time in Flanders\n when you were under the ground\n and I was above it,\n both working to the same end.\n We are in the same exact situation\n here, in Westminster.\n Do what you have to do, Mr Shelby.\n And if you need anything, call me.\n There are some times, some nights...\n ..when I don't see the point\n of carrying on with any of it.\n Oh.\n That old dance routine.\n I put out a cigar, and an hour later\n I want another.\n Sometimes, the bridge between hours\n is a fragile as that.\n But use it anyway.\n A tent.\n Then a boat.\n Then a house.\n Now a mansion.\n That's something. Isn't it?\n Yeah, that is something.\n By the way...\n ..was it you who killed\n that Ulsterman intelligence officer?\n I forget his name.\n Major Campbell.\n Yes, Campbell.\n No.\n It was my aunt.\n I really must come up to Birmingham\n some day\n and spend an evening with\n your family.\n They sound interesting.\n Yes.\n We'd like that.\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "- Hi!\n- Hey!\n[Cross Talk]\n- Do we look okay?\n[Cross Talk]\n- Oh is that a devil Melissa?\n[Cross Talk]\n- We are the Neutz family.\n- We've always been\nknown as a large family\nand we're all so very close.\nWe're a strong family of faith.\n- When we get together\nit's 60 or 70 people\n- I guess when I think about\nmy family, I just think\nI'm one of the luckiest guys\nin the world, I really do.\nWe're all very close.\n[Singing Happy Birthday]\n- We went from worrying\nabout our hands being clean\nand what groceries we\nneeded to buy to not even\nlike a week and a half later\nour mom's in the hospital.\nWe realized we were not gonna\nto be able to be with our mom\n[Melancholy piano music]\n- I don't see how she was\nable to raise eight children\nwith what we had and for\neverybody to turn out pretty good\n- She was devoted to the family,\nyou know we had an alcoholic father,\nwho unfortunately died an alcoholic.\nBut mom was very strong\nand she kept us together as a family.\n[Laughter]\n- What do you think Keiko?\n- [Laughs] She's so cute!\n[Melancholy piano music]\n- When she first went into the hospital\nand we knew that we weren't\ngoing to be able to visit her,\nit just really gave everyone\na sense of hopelessness\nand helplessness that we\nwouldn't have anything\nthat we could do, even if we wanted to,\nto hold her hand or to be with her.\nLacy figured out that we\ncould get a laptop to her.\n- A nurse at the hospital\ncame and met me outside\nand grabbed the laptop\nand within about an hour\nit was up in her room set up.\n- Mom I think would have loved\nthat to be her last 24 hours,\n- a party\n- it was like a real party\n- Say Happy New Year!\n- Happy New Year!\n- We even sent food and one\nof the families got to watch\nher enjoy her Japanese dinner and\nyou know, we even kind of thought\nmaybe she was gonna come around,\nyou know watching her there.\n- On Sunday, the doctors had let us know\nthat she was most likely\ngoing to be passing soon.\nThey were going to go ahead\nand minister what they call\ncomfort drugs,\nso each of the brothers\nand sisters had gathered up\neach of their family members\nand then we each were able to\nget on the House Party app\nand spend time with her\nas a family unit.\n- I would say mom it's Tommy,\nand she would go, Tommy!\nI said I love you mom and she\nresponded back, I love you\nand I cannot tell you\nwhat that meant to me.\nThey had her on an oxygen\nmask, they had a mask\nthat just covered her face\nand oxygen was blowing through that mask.\nWhen they did pull the mask off,\nthe nurse was holding her\nhand, within less than a minute\nshe said she's gone.\nWhen they went to go remove that mask,\nwas when the nurses\ngathered around her room\noutside her door and the\nother nurses held her hand.\nSo it was a pretty touching\nmoment for all of us.\n- The hardest part of this for me is not\nto be able to be with you all\nbecause we're such a great\nsupport for each other.\n- It feels a little surreal,\nI know that she was in the hospital\nand I know that she's not here,\nbut it also seems like kind\nof was it just a dream?\nLike did it really happen?\nSome of it just seems not real\nbecause you didn't see her\nand we didn't all get together.\n- The whole situation\nreally just makes you feel\nlike you're being robbed,\nof not being able to hug\nyour loved ones, you know,\nor be with them, or talk about,\nshare stories about our\ngrandmother together.\nYou just never imagine in a\nmillion years that this is how\nit would play out and this\nis how it would happen.\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "\nFinnish: \nTilaa, kuten, ja napsauta kellokuvaketta ♥\nMinttu suklaajälkiruokajuhlat!\nKotitekoinen kakku täällä :))\nMinttu suklaakuplitee\n\nHindi: \nकृपया सदस्यता लें, लाइक करें और घंटी आइकन ♥ पर क्लिक करें\nमिंट चॉकलेट मिष्ठान दावत!\nघर का बना केक :))\nमिंट चॉकलेट बबल टी\n\nIndonesian: \nSilakan berlangganan, suka, dan klik ikon bel ♥\nPesta Dessert Cokelat Mint!\nKue buatan sendiri di sini :))\nTeh gelembung coklat mint\n\nDutch: \nAbonneer u, like en klik op het belpictogram ♥\nDessertfeest met muntchocolade!\nZelfgemaakte cake hier :))\nMint chocolade bubble tea\n\nFilipino: \nMangyaring mag-subscribe, tulad ng, at i-click ang icon ng kampanilya ♥\nMint tsokolate dessert pista!\nHomemade cake dito :))\nMint na tsokolate bubble tea\n\nEnglish: \nPlease subscribe, like, and click the bell icon♥\nMint chocolate dessert feast!\nHomemade cake here :))\nMint chocolate bubble tea\n\nPolish: \nZasubskrybuj, polub i kliknij ikonę dzwonka ♥\nUczta z miętowo-czekoladowym deserem!\nDomowe ciasto tutaj :))\nMiętowa czekolada bąbelkowa\n\nJapanese: \nチャンネル登録、いいね、ベルのアイコンをクリックしてください♥\nミントチョコレートデザートのごちそう!\n自家製ケーキはこちら:))\nミントチョコレートバブルティー\n\nTurkish: \nLütfen abone olun, beğenin ve zil simgesini tıklayın ♥\nNaneli çikolatalı tatlı ziyafeti!\nBurada ev yapımı kek :))\nNane çikolatalı kabarcık çayı\n\nThai: \nกรุณาสมัครกดไลค์และคลิกไอคอนรูปกระดิ่ง♥\nงานฉลองขนมช็อกโกแลตมิ้นต์!\nเค้กโฮมเมดที่นี่ :))\nชาฟองช็อกโกแลตมิ้นต์\n\nModern Greek (1453-): \nΕγγραφείτε, αρέσει και κάντε κλικ στο εικονίδιο καμπάνας ♥\nΓιορτή επιδόρπιο με μέντα σοκολάτας!\nΣπιτικό κέικ εδώ :))\nΤσάι φυσαλίδας μέντα σοκολάτας\n\nBulgarian: \nМоля, абонирайте се, харесайте и щракнете върху иконата на звънеца ♥\nДесерт с ментов шоколадов десерт!\nДомашна торта тук :))\nЧай с ментов шоколад\n\nSerbian: \nПретплатите се, као, и кликните икону звона ♥\nБлагдански десерт са чоколадом!\nОвде домаћа торта :))\nЧај од метвице од чоколаде\n\nMalay (macrolanguage): \nSila langgan, suka, dan klik ikon loceng ♥\nPesta pencuci mulut coklat mint!\nKek buatan sendiri di sini :))\nTeh gelembung coklat pudina\n\nMongolian: \nТа захиалга хийж like дарж үүлний дүрсийг ♥ дарна уу\nMint шоколадтай амттан найр!\nГэрийн бялуу энд байна :))\nMint шоколадтай хөөсний цай\n\nKorean: \n구독, 좋아요, 알림을 설정해주세요♥\n민트 디저트 파티~!\n제가 직접 구운 케이크도 있어요^0^\n민트 초코 버블티\n\nFrench: \nVeuillez vous abonner, aimer et cliquer sur l'icône en forme de cloche ♥\nFestin de dessert au chocolat à la menthe!\nGâteau fait maison ici :))\nBubble Tea au chocolat à la menthe\n\nVietnamese: \nHãy đăng ký, thích và nhấp vào biểu tượng chuông ♥\nBữa tiệc tráng miệng sô cô la bạc hà!\nBánh nhà làm đây :))\nTrà trân châu sô cô la bạc hà\n\nItalian: \nIscriviti, metti Mi piace e fai clic sull'icona della campana ♥\nFesta del dessert al cioccolato alla menta!\nTorta fatta in casa qui :))\nBubble tea alla menta e cioccolato\n\nPortuguese: \nAssine, curta e clique no ícone de sino ♥\nFesta da sobremesa de chocolate com menta!\nBolo caseiro aqui :))\nChá bolha de chocolate com menta\n\nRussian: \nПодпишитесь, поставьте лайк и нажмите на значок колокольчика ♥\nМятно-шоколадный десертный праздник!\nДомашний торт здесь :))\nМятный шоколадный пузырьковый чай\n\nTamil: \nதயவுசெய்து குழுசேரவும், விரும்பவும், மணி ஐகானைக் கிளிக் செய்யவும்\nபுதினா சாக்லேட் இனிப்பு விருந்து!\nவீட்டில் கேக் இங்கே :))\nபுதினா சாக்லேட் குமிழி தேநீர்\n\nKazakh: \nЖазылыңыз, лайк басып, ♥ белгісін басыңыз\nЖалбыз шоколады десерт мерекесі!\nҮйдегі торт мына жерде :))\nЖалбыз шоколады көпіршігі\n\nNepali (macrolanguage): \nकृपया सदस्यता लिनुहोस्, जस्तै, र घण्टी प्रतिमा icon मा क्लिक गर्नुहोस्\nपुदीना चकलेट डेजर्ट भोज!\nयहाँ घर बनाइएको केक :))\nटकसाल चकलेट बबल चिया\n\nSpanish: \nSuscríbete, dale me gusta y haz clic en el ícono de campana ♥\n¡Fiesta de postre de chocolate con menta!\nPastel casero aquí :))\nTé de burbujas de chocolate y menta\n\nSwedish: \nPrenumerera, gilla och klicka på klockikonen ♥\nMint chokladefterrätt fest!\nHemlagad tårta här :))\nMint choklad bubbla te\n\nGerman: \nBitte abonnieren Sie und klicken Sie auf das Glockensymbol ♥\nMinzschokoladen-Dessertfest!\nHausgemachter Kuchen hier :))\nMinzschokoladen-Bubble-Tee\n\nArabic: \nيرجى الاشتراك وإعجاب والنقر على أيقونة الجرس ♥\nوليمة حلوى الشوكولاتة بالنعناع!\nكعكة محلية الصنع هنا :))\nشاي فقاعات النعناع بالشوكولاتة\n\nKazakh: \nУау өте жақсы !!\nҚап! хаха\nYUMMY ♥\nБұл менің талғамыма сәйкес келеді\nЖалбыз саңырауқұлақ тағамдары\n\nTurkish: \nOldukça iyi!!\nHata! haha\nNEFİS ♥\nZevkime uyuyor\nNane mantarlı atıştırmalık\n\nFrench: \nWow si bon!!\nOups! haha\nYUMMY ♥\nÇa correspond à mon goût\nCollation aux champignons à la menthe\n\nGerman: \nWow, so gut!!\nHoppla! Haha\nYUMMY ♥\nEs passt zu meinem Geschmack\nMinzpilz-Snack\n\nArabic: \nواو هذا جيد!!\nوجه الفتاة! هاها\nلذيذ ♥\nيناسب ذوقي\nوجبة خفيفة بالفطر بالنعناع\n\nRussian: \nВау так хорошо !!\nК сожалению! ха-ха\nYUMMY ♥\nЭто соответствует моему вкусу\nЗакуска из мятных грибов\n\nSerbian: \nВау тако добро !!\nУпс! хаха\nИУММИ ♥\nОдговара мом укусу\nЗалогај од менте са гљивама\n\nMalay (macrolanguage): \nWah sangat bagus !!\nAlamak! haha\nYUMMY ♥\nIa menepati citarasa saya\nMakanan ringan cendawan pudina\n\nPolish: \nWow, tak dobrze !!\nUps! ha ha\nYUMMY ♥\nPasuje do mojego gustu\nMiętowa przekąska grzybowa\n\nSpanish: \n¡¡Qué bueno !!\n¡Ups! jaja\nDelicioso ♥\nSe ajusta a mi gusto\nBocadillo de champiñones y menta\n\nPortuguese: \nNossa tão bom!!\nOps! haha\nYUMMY ♥\nSe encaixa no meu gosto\nLanche de cogumelos com hortelã\n\nSwedish: \nWow så bra !!\nhoppsan! haha\nYUMMY ♥\nDet passar min smak\nMint svamp mellanmål\n\nModern Greek (1453-): \nΟυάου τόσο καλό !!\nΩχ! χαχα\nYUMMY ♥\nΤαιριάζει στο γούστο μου\nΜανιτάρι σνακ\n\nFilipino: \nSobrang ganda !!\nOops! haha\nYUMMY ♥\nNaaangkop sa aking panlasa\nMack na meryenda ng kabute\n\nKorean: \n오 민트맛이에요~!ㅎㅎㅎㅎ\n깜짝 놀랐어욯ㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎ\n민트를 좋아하신다면 만족하실 맛이에요\n제 입맛엔 딱이네요\n민트 초코송이\n\nNepali (macrolanguage): \nवाह कस्तो राम्रो !!\nउफ्! हाह\nYUMMY ♥\nयो मेरो स्वाद फिट छ\nपुदीना च्याउ खाजा\n\nVietnamese: \nWow quá tốt !!\nGiáo sư! haha\nYUMMY ♥\nNó phù hợp với sở thích của tôi\nSnack nấm bạc hà\n\nEnglish: \nWow so good!!\nOops! haha\nYUMMY♥\nIt fits my taste\nMint mushroom snack\n\nBulgarian: \nУау толкова добър !!\nАми сега! хаха\nвкусен ♥\nПодхожда на моя вкус\nЗакуска с мента с гъби\n\nTamil: \nஆஹா மிகவும் நல்லது !!\nஅச்சச்சோ! haha\nயம்மி\nஇது என் சுவைக்கு பொருந்துகிறது\nபுதினா காளான் சிற்றுண்டி\n\nHindi: \nवाह बहुत अच्छा!!\nऊप्स! haha\nस्वादिष्ट ♥\nयह मेरे स्वाद में फिट बैठता है\nपुदीना मशरूम स्नैक\n\nDutch: \nWow zo goed!!\nOeps! haha\nYUMMY ♥\nHet past bij mijn smaak\nSnack met munt en paddenstoelen\n\nFinnish: \nVau niin hyvä!\nOho! haha\nYUMMY ♥\nSe sopii minun makuuni\nMinttu sienipala\n\nJapanese: \nすごい!\nおっとっと!ははは\nYUMMY♥\nそれは私の好みに合います\nミントキノコスナック\n\nIndonesian: \nWow bagus sekali !!\nUps! ha ha\nYUMMY ♥\nIni sesuai dengan selera saya\nCamilan jamur mint\n\nItalian: \nWow così buono !!\nOops! haha\nYUMMY ♥\nSi adatta ai miei gusti\nSpuntino ai funghi alla menta\n\nThai: \nว้าวดีมาก !!\nอ๊ะ! ฮ่าฮ่า\nYUMMY ♥\nมันเข้ากับรสนิยมของฉัน\nขนมเห็ดมิ้นท์\n\nMongolian: \nХөөх маш сайн байна !!\nӨө, хаха\nYUMMY ♥\nЭнэ нь миний амтанд нийцдэг\nMint мөөгний зууш\n\nMongolian: \nМммм тийм амттай\nMine Oreo жигнэмэг\n\nMalay (macrolanguage): \nMmmm sedap\nKuki Mint Oreo\n\nGerman: \nMmmm so lecker\nMinze Oreo Keks\n\nSpanish: \nMmmm tan delicioso\nGalleta Oreo de menta\n\nFilipino: \nMasarap si Mmmm\nCookie ng Mint Oreo\n\nRussian: \nМммм так вкусно\nПеченье Mint Oreo\n\nIndonesian: \nMmmm enak sekali\nBiskuit mint Oreo\n\nTamil: \nம்ம்ம்ம் மிகவும் சுவையாக இருக்கிறது\nபுதினா ஓரியோ குக்கீ\n\nKazakh: \nМмм өте керемет\nОрео жалбызынан жасалған куки\n\nDutch: \nMmmm zo lekker\nMint Oreo-koekje\n\nModern Greek (1453-): \nΜμμ τόσο νόστιμο\nΜπισκότο μέντας Oreo\n\nTurkish: \nMmmm çok lezzetli\nNane Oreo kurabiyesi\n\nFinnish: \nMmmm niin herkullista\nMint Oreo -eväste\n\nThai: \nอืมอร่อยมาก\nคุกกี้ Mint Oreo\n\nNepali (macrolanguage): \nMmmm धेरै स्वादिष्ट\nटकसाल Oreo कुकी\n\nPolish: \nMmmm taki pyszny\nCiasteczko Mint Oreo\n\nArabic: \nمممم لذيذ جدا\nبسكويت النعناع أوريو\n\nEnglish: \nMmmm so delicious\nMint Oreo cookie\n\nBulgarian: \nMmmm толкова вкусно\nMint Oreo бисквитка\n\nPortuguese: \nMmmm tão delicioso\nBiscoito de menta Oreo\n\nHindi: \nमम्मे इतने स्वादिष्ट\nमिंट ओरेओ कुकी\n\nSerbian: \nМммм тако укусно\nКолачић Минт Орео\n\nVietnamese: \nMmmm rất ngon\nBánh quy Oreo bạc hà\n\nSwedish: \nMmmm så läcker\nMint Oreo-cookie\n\nKorean: \n음~ 역시 맛있네용\n민트 오레오\n\nFrench: \nMmmm si délicieux\nBiscuit Oreo à la menthe\n\nJapanese: \nうーんとてもおいしい\nミントオレオクッキー\n\nItalian: \nMmmm così delizioso\nBiscotto Menta Oreo\n\nTurkish: \nRenk çok güzel\nve tadı harika :))\nNane makaron\nAman Tanrım ♥♥\nNane çok derin\n\nVietnamese: \nMàu sắc rất tốt\nvà hương vị tuyệt vời :))\nBánh macaron bạc hà\nOmg tôi yêu nó ♥♥\nBạc hà rất sâu\n\nFinnish: \nVäri on niin hyvä\nja maistuu mahtavalta :))\nMinttu makaroni\nOmg rakastan sitä ♥♥\nMinttu on niin syvä\n\nNepali (macrolanguage): \nरंग यति राम्रो छ\nर स्वाद अद्भुत :))\nटकसाल म्याकारोन\nOmg मलाई यो मन पर्छ ♥♥\nटकसाल यति गहिरो छ\n\nPortuguese: \nA cor é tão boa\ne tem um gosto incrível :))\nMacaron de Menta\nNossa, eu amo isso ♥♥\nA hortelã é tão profunda\n\nEnglish: \nThe color is so good\nand tastes awesome :))\nMint macaron\nOmg I love it♥♥\nThe mint is so deep\n\nThai: \nสีน่ากินจัง\nและรสชาติดีมาก :))\nมาการองมิ้นท์\nโอ้ฉันรักมัน♥♥\nมิ้นท์ซึ้งมาก\n\nGerman: \nDie Farbe ist so gut\nund schmeckt super :))\nMinze Macaron\nOmg ich liebe es ♥♥\nDie Minze ist so tief\n\nFrench: \nLa couleur est si bonne\net a un goût génial :))\nMacaron à la menthe\nOmg je l'aime ♥♥\nLa menthe est si profonde\n\nSwedish: \nFärgen är så bra\noch smakar fantastiskt :))\nMint macaron\nOmg jag älskar det ♥♥\nMinten är så djup\n\nKazakh: \nТүсі өте жақсы\nжәне керемет талғаммен :))\nЖалбыз макарон\nOmg Мен оны жақсы көремін ♥♥\nЖалбыз өте терең\n\nModern Greek (1453-): \nΤο χρώμα είναι τόσο καλό\nκαι έχει υπέροχη γεύση :))\nΜέντα macaron\nΩμ το λατρεύω ♥♥\nΗ μέντα είναι τόσο βαθιά\n\nBulgarian: \nЦветът е толкова добър\nи вкус е страхотен :))\nМента макарон\nOmg, обичам го ♥♥\nМентата е толкова дълбока\n\nPolish: \nKolor jest taki dobry\ni smakuje niesamowicie :))\nMacaron miętowy\nOmg kocham to ♥♥\nMięta jest taka głęboka\n\nSpanish: \nEl color es tan bueno\ny sabe increíble :))\nMacaron de menta\nDios mío, me encanta ♥♥\nLa menta es tan profunda\n\nRussian: \nЦвет такой хороший\nи на вкус потрясающий :))\nМятный макарон\nБоже, мне это нравится ♥♥\nМята такая глубокая\n\nDutch: \nDe kleur is zo goed\nen smaakt geweldig :))\nMunt macaron\nOmg ik vind het geweldig ♥♥\nDe munt is zo diep\n\nFilipino: \nNapakaganda ng kulay\nat panlasa kahanga-hangang :))\nMint macaron\nOmg mahal ko ito ♥♥\nMalalim ang mint\n\nArabic: \nاللون جيد جدا\nوطعمه رائع :))\nالنعناع معكرون\nيا إلهي أنا أحبه ♥♥\nالنعناع عميق جدا\n\nIndonesian: \nWarnanya sangat bagus\ndan rasanya luar biasa :))\nMacaron mint\nYa ampun, aku menyukainya ♥♥\nPermennya sangat dalam\n\nMalay (macrolanguage): \nWarnanya sangat bagus\ndan rasanya hebat :))\nMint macaron\nOmg saya suka ♥♥\nPudina begitu dalam\n\nJapanese: \n色がとても良いです\nと素晴らしい味:))\nミントマカロン\nOmg I love it♥♥\nミントはとても深い\n\nTamil: \nநிறம் மிகவும் நன்றாக இருக்கிறது\nமற்றும் சுவை அற்புதம் :))\nபுதினா மாக்கரோன்\nஓம் நான் அதை விரும்புகிறேன்\nபுதினா மிகவும் ஆழமானது\n\nSerbian: \nБоја је тако добра\nи укусно је :))\nМента мацарон\nОмг, волим то ♥♥\nКовница је толико дубока\n\nHindi: \nरंग इतना अच्छा है\nऔर कमाल का स्वाद :))\nमिंट मैकरॉन\nओमजी मैं इसे प्यार करता हूं ♥♥\nटकसाल इतनी गहरी है\n\nKorean: \n색이 정말 예쁘죠?\n맛도 아주 좋아요^0^\n민트 마카롱\n이거 너무너무 맛있어요♥\n아주 진한 민트 초코 맛이에요\n\nMongolian: \nӨнгө нь маш сайн\nих сайхан амттай\nMint macaron\nOmg би үүнд хайртай ♥♥\nГаа нь маш гүнзгий\n\nItalian: \nIl colore è così buono\ne ha un sapore fantastico :))\nMacaron alla menta\nOmg lo adoro ♥♥\nLa menta è così profonda\n\nSpanish: \nChocolate\n¡¡¡Lo hice yo!!! jaja\nEs dulce pero no demasiado :)\n\nIndonesian: \nCokelat\nSaya membuatnya sendiri!!! ha ha\nIni manis tapi tidak terlalu banyak :)\n\nRussian: \nШоколад\nЯ сам это сделал!!! ха-ха\nСладко, но не слишком :)\n\nThai: \nช็อคโกแลต\nฉันทำเอง !!! ฮ่าฮ่า\nมันหวาน แต่ไม่มาก :)\n\nTamil: \nசாக்லேட்\nநானே செய்தேன் !!! haha\nஇது இனிமையானது ஆனால் அதிகமாக இல்லை :)\n\nHindi: \nचॉकलेट\nये मैंने स्वयं बनाया था!!! haha\nयह मीठा है लेकिन बहुत ज्यादा नहीं है :)\n\nGerman: \nSchokolade\nIch habe es selbst gemacht!!! Haha\nEs ist süß, aber nicht zu viel :)\n\nModern Greek (1453-): \nΣοκολάτα\nΤο έφτιαξα μόνος μου!!! χαχα\nΕίναι γλυκό αλλά όχι πάρα πολύ :)\n\nSerbian: \nЧоколада\nЈа сам то направио!!! хаха\nСлатко је, али не превише :)\n\nItalian: \nCioccolato\nL'ho fatto da solo!!! haha\nÈ dolce ma non troppo :)\n\nNepali (macrolanguage): \nचकलेट\nमैले यो आफैं बनाएँ !!! हाह\nयो मिठो छ तर धेरै छैन :)\n\nMalay (macrolanguage): \nCoklat\nSaya membuatnya sendiri !!! haha\nIa manis tetapi tidak terlalu banyak :)\n\nFinnish: \nSuklaa\nTein sen itse!!! haha\nSe on suloista, mutta ei liikaa :)\n\nFilipino: \nTsokolate\nGinawa ko ito !!! haha\nIto ay matamis ngunit hindi masyadong maraming :)\n\nArabic: \nشوكولاتة\nصنعته بنفسي!!! هاها\nإنه حلو لكن ليس كثيرًا :)\n\nKorean: \n초콜릿\n케이크가 너무 잘 구워졌어요\n많이 달지 않고 아주 맛있어요\n\nSwedish: \nChoklad\nJag gjorde det själv!!! haha\nDet är söt men inte för mycket :)\n\nFrench: \nChocolat\nJe l'ai fait moi-même!!! haha\nC'est doux mais pas trop :)\n\nTurkish: \nÇikolata\nOnu kendim yaptım!!! haha\nTatlı ama çok fazla değil :)\n\nVietnamese: \nSô cô la\nTôi đã tự làm nó!!! haha\nNó ngọt ngào nhưng không quá nhiều :)\n\nPolish: \nCzekolada\nSam to zrobiłem!!! ha ha\nJest słodko, ale nie za dużo :)\n\nKazakh: \nШоколад\nМен оны өзім жасадым !!! хаха\nБұл тәтті, бірақ көп емес :)\n\nJapanese: \nチョコレート\n自分で作ったよ!!!ははは\nそれは甘いですが、多すぎません:)\n\nEnglish: \nChocolate\nI made it myself!!! haha\nIt's sweet but not too much :)\n\nDutch: \nChocola\nIk heb het zelf gemaakt!!! haha\nHet is lief maar niet te veel :)\n\nPortuguese: \nChocolate\nEu fiz isso sozinho!!! haha\nÉ doce, mas não muito :)\n\nBulgarian: \nШоколад\nНаправих го сам !!! хаха\nСладко е, но не много :)\n\nMongolian: \nШоколад\nБи өөрөө хийсэн шүү !!! хаха\nЭнэ нь чихэрлэг гэхдээ хэт их биш шүү :)\n\nModern Greek (1453-): \nΤο καλύτερο κέικ που είχα ποτέ!\nΘα γυρίσω σύντομα το βίντεο συνταγών\nΜεταφόρτωσα τη συνταγή Croffle στο υπο κανάλι μου\nΕάν δεν το έχετε δει ακόμα, ελέγξτε το τώρα!\n\nFinnish: \nParas kakku, mitä minulla on koskaan ollut!\nKuvaan reseptivideon pian\nLatasin Crofflen reseptin alakanavalleni\nJos et ole vielä nähnyt sitä, tarkista se heti!\n\nRussian: \nЛучший торт, который у меня когда-либо был!\nЯ скоро сниму видео с рецептом\nЯ загрузил рецепт Croffle на свой подканал\nЕсли вы еще не видели его, посмотрите прямо сейчас!\n\nSpanish: \n¡El mejor pastel que he comido!\nPronto filmaré el video de la receta\nSubí la receta de Croffle en mi subcanal\nSi aún no lo has visto, ¡compruébalo ahora mismo!\n\nJapanese: \n私が今まで食べた中で最高のケーキ!\nすぐにレシピ動画を撮ります\nサブチャンネルにCroffleレシピをアップロードしました\nまだご覧になっていない場合は、今すぐチェックしてください!\n\nKazakh: \nМенде болған ең жақсы торт!\nМен жақында рецепт бейнесін түсіремін\nМен Croffle рецептін ішкі арнаға жүктедім\nЕгер сіз оны әлі көрмесеңіз, дәл қазір тексеріңіз!\n\nEnglish: \nThe best cake I've ever had!\nI'll film the recipe video soon\nI uploaded Croffle recipe on my sub channel\nIf you haven't seen it yet, check it right now!\n\nPortuguese: \nO melhor bolo que já comi!\nVou filmar o vídeo da receita em breve\nCarreguei a receita do Croffle no meu subcanal\nSe você ainda não viu, verifique agora mesmo!\n\nDutch: \nDe beste cake die ik ooit heb gehad!\nIk film binnenkort de receptvideo\nIk heb het Croffle-recept geüpload op mijn subkanaal\nAls je het nog niet hebt gezien, controleer het dan nu!\n\nFrench: \nLe meilleur gâteau que j'ai jamais eu!\nJe vais bientôt filmer la vidéo de la recette\nJ'ai téléchargé la recette Croffle sur ma sous-chaîne\nSi vous ne l'avez pas encore vu, vérifiez-le maintenant!\n\nMongolian: \nМиний хийсэн хамгийн сайхан бялуу!\nУдахгүй жор жороор видеог хийх болно\nБи Croffle жорыг өөрийн дэд суваг дээрээ байршуулсан\nХэрэв та хараахан харж амжаагүй бол яг одоо шалгаарай!\n\nPolish: \nNajlepsze ciasto, jakie kiedykolwiek jadłem!\nWkrótce nakręcę film z przepisem\nWgrałem przepis na Croffle na moim kanale podrzędnym\nJeśli jeszcze tego nie widziałeś, sprawdź to teraz!\n\nGerman: \nDer beste Kuchen, den ich je hatte!\nIch werde das Rezeptvideo bald filmen\nIch habe das Croffle-Rezept auf meinen Subkanal hochgeladen\nWenn Sie es noch nicht gesehen haben, überprüfen Sie es jetzt!\n\nTurkish: \nŞimdiye kadar yaşadığınız en iyi pasta!\nTarif videosunu yakında çekeceğim\nCroffle tarifini alt kanalıma yükledim\nHenüz görmediyseniz, hemen kontrol edin!\n\nSerbian: \nНајбоља торта коју сам икад имао!\nУскоро ћу снимити видео запис о рецепту\nОтпремио сам Цроффле рецепт на свој суб канал\nАко га још нисте видели, проверите одмах!\n\nVietnamese: \nChiếc bánh ngon nhất mà tôi từng có!\nTôi sẽ quay video công thức sớm\nTôi đã tải lên công thức Croffle trên kênh phụ của mình\nNếu bạn chưa thấy nó, hãy kiểm tra nó ngay bây giờ!\n\nSwedish: \nDen bästa tårta som jag någonsin har haft!\nJag ska filma receptvideoen snart\nJag laddade upp Croffle-recept på min underkanal\nOm du inte har sett det ännu, kolla det nu!\n\nTamil: \nநான் வைத்திருந்த சிறந்த கேக்!\nரெசிபி வீடியோவை விரைவில் படமாக்குவேன்\nஎனது துணை சேனலில் கிராஃபில் செய்முறையை பதிவேற்றினேன்\nநீங்கள் இதுவரை பார்க்கவில்லை என்றால், இப்போதே சரிபார்க்கவும்!\n\nArabic: \nأفضل كعكة تناولتها على الإطلاق!\nسأقوم بتصوير فيديو الوصفة قريبًا\nلقد قمت بتحميل وصفة Croffle على قناتي الفرعية\nإذا لم تره بعد ، فتحقق منه الآن!\n\nFilipino: \nAng pinakamagandang cake na mayroon ako!\nPapasok ko agad ang video ng recipe\nNag-upload ako ng Croffle recipe sa aking sub channel\nKung hindi mo pa ito nakita, suriin ito ngayon!\n\nMalay (macrolanguage): \nKek terbaik yang pernah saya ada!\nSaya akan merakam video resipi tidak lama lagi\nSaya memuat naik resipi Croffle di sub saluran saya\nSekiranya anda belum melihatnya, periksa sekarang juga!\n\nIndonesian: \nKue terbaik yang pernah kumiliki!\nSaya akan segera merekam video resepnya\nSaya mengupload resep Croffle di sub saluran saya\nJika Anda belum melihatnya, periksa sekarang juga!\n\nKorean: \n제가 만들었지만 정말 맛있네요 ㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎ\n나중에 레시피 영상도 찍어볼게요\n며칠 전에 크로플 레시피를 두 번째 채널에 올렸어요\n아직 못 보신 분들은 두 번째 채널을 확인해주세요~\n\nItalian: \nLa torta migliore che abbia mai avuto!\nFilmerò presto il video della ricetta\nHo caricato la ricetta di Croffle sul mio canale secondario\nSe non l'hai ancora visto, controllalo subito!\n\nHindi: \nअब तक का सबसे अच्छा केक!\nमैं जल्द ही रेसिपी वीडियो फिल्माऊंगा\nमैंने अपने उप चैनल पर क्रॉफ़ल रेसिपी अपलोड की\nयदि आपने इसे अभी तक नहीं देखा है, तो इसे अभी जांचें!\n\nBulgarian: \nНай-добрата торта, която съм имала!\nЩе заснема видеото за рецептата скоро\nКачих рецептата на Croffle в моя подканал\nАко още не сте го виждали, проверете веднага!\n\nThai: \nเค้กที่ดีที่สุดที่ฉันเคยทานมา!\nฉันจะถ่ายทำวิดีโอสูตรอาหารเร็ว ๆ นี้\nฉันอัปโหลดสูตร Croffle ในช่องย่อยของฉัน\nหากคุณยังไม่เคยเห็นมาตรวจสอบตอนนี้!\n\nNepali (macrolanguage): \nमसँग भएको सब भन्दा राम्रो केक!\nम चाँडै यो नुस्खा भिडियो फिल्म गर्नेछु\nमैले मेरा सब च्यानलमा क्रफल रेसिपी अपलोड गरें\nयदि तपाईंले अहिले सम्म यो देख्नु भएको छैन भने, अहिले नै जाँच गर्नुहोस्!\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "\nSpanish: \nLa elección de un compañero de carrera siempre es una preocupación seria para un candidato presidencial.\nLa selección es un indicador temprano y serio del juicio de un presidente potencial, y la\nLa elección puede tener serias consecuencias para la campaña.\nBarack Obama eligió a Joe Biden como su vicepresidente, después de que el chico había hecho algo bonito sin querer.\nComentarios racistas sobre él.\n(¡Ay!)\nLa selección de Obama le indicó a Estados Unidos que tiene una piel bastante gruesa, y que no lo harían.\nTienen que andar de puntillas alrededor de su primer presidente negro.\nEn la misma elección, John McCain eligió a Sarah Palin, y aunque no quiero meterme en una\nSe marchó el héroe de guerra, su elección indicaba un juicio menos que perfecto.\n¿Oir que preferiría elegir a Lieberman?\nBueno, no miento, así que te lo diré ...\nUn poco.\n\nEnglish: \nThe choice of a running mate is always a serious\nconcern for a presidential candidate.\nThe selection is a serious early indicator\nof a potential president's judgment, and the\nchoice can have serious campaign consequences.\nBarack Obama chose Joe Biden as his VP, after\nthe guy had unintentionally made some pretty\nracialist comments about him.\n(Yikes!)\nObama's selection signalled to America that\nhe has rather thick skin, and they would not\nhave to tip toe around their first black president.\nIn the same election, John McCain chose Sarah\nPalin, and while I don't want to dunk on a\ndeparted war hero, his pick indicated less\nthan perfect judgement.\nDid it to hear that he would rather chose\nLieberman?\nWell, I don't lie, so I'll tell ya...\nA bit.\n\nSpanish: \nSabes, creo que lo describí antes como un puñetazo.\nEn 2016, la elección de Mike Pence por parte de Trump fue un intento de llegar a lo más tradicional,\nlos conservadores del establecimiento.\nLa elección de Tim Kaine por Hillary señaló a los progresistas que, si bien ella sin duda\nAprecia el apoyo de Bernie y los mítines de campaña, su revolución política era poco probable.\nTener un lugar en una casa blanca de Clinton.\nPara Bernie en 2020, la elección de un compañero de carrera es más importante que nunca.\nSi ganara, sería el presidente más antiguo elegido para un primer mandato, superando a\nRegistro del actual comandante en jefe.\nMientras que, a diferencia de Trump, no ha habido discusiones serias sobre el estado físico de Bernie.\no aptitud mental para cumplir con los deberes de la presidencia, su edad avanzada aumenta\nEl significado de su selección de vp.\nY la urgencia de la decisión.\nCuanto antes elija a un compañero de carrera, más pronto los votantes podrán saber quién estaría a cargo,\nlo peor pasa\nComo tal, la discusión que rodea al compañero de carrera de Bernie es anterior a su anuncio de 2020, y\npor mucho\nGeorge Salomon reunió una lista corta bastante fuerte para mediar todo el camino de regreso en agosto\n\nEnglish: \nYou know, I think I described it earlier as\na gut punch.\nIn 2016, Trump's choice of Mike Pence was\nan attempt to reach out to more traditional,\nestablishment conservatives.\nHillary's choice of Tim Kaine signalled to\nprogressives that while she would certainly\nappreciate Bernie's endorsement and campaign\nrallies, his political revolution was unlikely\nto have a place in a Clinton white house.\nFor Bernie in 2020, the choice of a running\nmate is more important than ever.\nShould he win, he would be the oldest president\never elected to a first term, beating the\nrecord of the current commander-in-chief.\nWhile unlike Trump, there have been no serious\ndiscussions surrounding Bernie's physical\nor mental aptitude to discharge the duties\nof the presidency, his advanced age heightens\nthe significance of his vp pick.\nAnd the urgency of the decision.\nThe sooner he picks a running mate, the sooner\nvoters can know who would be in charge, should\nthe worst happen.\nAs such, the discussion surrounding Bernie's\nrunning mate predates his 2020 announcement—and\nby a lot.\nGeorge Salomon put a pretty strong short list\ntogether for medium all the way back in August\n\nEnglish: \nof 2017.\nAt the end of February, 2019, the Toronto\nStar published one of the most out-of-touch\nopinion pieces I've ever seen, suggesting\nBarack Obama, Michelle Obama, Hillary Clinton\nand Oprah as potential VP picks.\nThat's, uh.\nThat's not a good list.\nWhat little hints Bernie has already dropped\nrule out all four of these options.\nI'm going to break down Bernie's stated preferences,\nand provide a short list of who I think is\nmost likely to be selected.\nI'll also touch upon this, slightly different\nquestion:\nWho should he pick?\nDuring an appearance on the Late Show back\nin December, Stephen Colbert asked Bernie\nwhat he thought about Beto O'Rourke.\nBernie gave a perfectly nice assessment of\nhis grassroots campaign, before, pivoting\nto talk about Elizabeth Warren, and then Cory\nBooker.\nBernie Sanders also brought up these two,\nand only these twao in his interview with\n\nSpanish: \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\nEnglish: \nthe Breakfast Club.\nHis bringing up Warren should be no surprise,\nas the two have been friends for decades.\nWarren is often described as the second most\nprogressive Senator, and she is a serious\nally in the struggle against wall street greed,\nhaving developed the Consumer Financial Protection\nBureau.\nThen, he mentions Booker, an unlikely friend,\nas while Booker is progressive on many issues,\nhe's well known to be funded by Wall Street.\nAccording to Open Secrets, Booker's top donors\nhave included financial institutions like\nGoldman Sachs, Apollo Global management, and\nMorgan Stanley; ny corporate law firms like\nPaul Weiss, Gibbons PC, and Sullivan and Cromwell;\nand the pro-israel pac NORPAC.\nBut, Bernie's mild praise is not likely to\nlead to an offer when it comes to selecting\na running mate.\nIn a more substantial and recent interview\nwith the Young Turks, Bernie gave serious\nsome clues as to who he may be thinking selecting.\nWhat are you looking for in a VP?\n\nSpanish: \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\nEnglish: \nWe would look for somebody who is....\nmaybe not of the same gender as me\na couple of years younger than me\n....someone who can take the progressive banner\nas VP and carry it all over this country\nto help us with our agenda and help us to\nrally the American people\nHere, it may not sound like he's saying much,\nbut he's actually whittling the field down\nsubstantially.\nI read from his comments three qualifications\nhe's looking for.\nHis VP must be:\n1.\nA Woman\n2.\nYounger than Bernie\n3.\nGenuine Progressive\nLet's break this down.\nFirst, when it comes to someone who is not\nthe same gender as Bernie, that takes Cory\nBooker out of the running.\nIt also means no Beto, no Biden, no Buttigieg,\nno Barrack, no (Michael) Bennet, nor (Sherrod)\nBrown, no (Steve) Bullock, no Billonaire (Michael)\nBloomberg, and no Bill de Blassio.\nHe won't consider Castro, or Yang.\nNeither of the Johns, (Delaney or Hickenlooper).\n\nSpanish: \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\nSpanish: \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\nEnglish: \nNor will he consider Ojeda, or Gillum.\nNo Jay Inslee, Tim Ryan or Terry McAuliffe.\nNor, Seth Moulton, Wayne Messam, Chris or\nPhil Muphy, Jeff Merkley, or Martin O'Malley.\nAnyway, you get the idea.\nIt's going to be a woman.\nThat eliminates about half of the possible\noptions.\nThe next clue is not as useful.\nYounger than Bernie only really eliminates\ntwo prominent female democrats:\nNancy Pelosi (1940)\nDianne Fienstein (1933)\nI don't know that anyone suspected he would\nconsider either of them, but for what its\nworth, they're definitively eliminated.\nNext, let's move on to the next hint, since\nthat one's a little open for interpretation.\nSo, let's listen to it one more time.\n....someone who can take the progressive banner\nas VP and carry it all over this country\nto help us with our agenda and help us to\nrally the American people\nSo, who is a younger female progressive who\nBernie thinks could spread the message all\naround the country?\n\nSpanish: \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\nEnglish: \nThe establishment press would likely guess\nKamala Harris.\nShe certainly is a strong campaigner, great\nat articulating the progressive agenda, but\nI'm not sure Bernie or his supporters would\nconsider her progressive enough.\nA good starting place might be to look at\nthe stand out victorious candidates endorsed\nby his group, Our Revolution.\nAside from Bernie, himself, the most famous\nmember of this group may be AOC, but as woman\nwho is too young to run for president, she's\nprobably a poor choice for VP.\nTulsi Gabbard was also supported by Our Revolution,\nand is certainly a favourite among Bernie\nfans.\nShe's been pretty solidly progressive for\na good seven years, and has proven herself\nto be a strong, charismatic competitor in\nthe race for 2020.\nTulsi also meaningfully proved herself to\nbe a loyal Bernie supporter, 2016.\nBut, there are some reasons to doubt this\nchoice.\nI've never seen Bernie mention her.\nThere doesn't appear to be a personal relationship\nthere, and that could be a problem.\n\nEnglish: \nBernie tends to work with people he knows\nwell, and keeps friends for very long stretches\nof time.\nTake for instance, Bernie's 2016 campaign\nmanager, Jeff Weaver.\nThe guy began his career as a campaign staffer\nfor Bernie back in 1986, and Bernie's stuck\nwith him ever since.\nBernie even put him in charge of Our Revolution.\nWhen he proved unpopular there, Bernie kept\nhim in the organization, and while no longer\ncampaign manager, he remains with Bernie for\nhis 2020 run.\nThen there's Ben Cohen, of Ben and Jerry's.\nAnother long-time supporter for Bernie, who\nfirst stumped for him in some of Bernie's\nearliest mayoral races.\nNow, Cohen is a national co-chair of the Sanders\n2020 campaign.\nThere are also other Our Revolution candidates\nto consider.\nRashida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar, and Pramila Jayapal\nare all potential options.\nThey have made noise in congress, but of the\nthree Omar probably has the largest profile,\nand not for the right reasons—namely, she\nwas widely smeared as an anti-semite by both\n\nSpanish: \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\nEnglish: \nRepublicans and Democrats, and in the press,\nfor criticizing the pro-Israel lobby, AIPAC,\nand making a reference to Puff Daddy.\nThis, while an Islamophobic poster falsely\nconnecting Omar to 911 hung outside the chamber\nof the West Virginia House of Delegates.\nBernie was the first and strongest of the\n2020 Democrats to defend Omar, followed soon\nafter by Kamala Harris and Elizabeth Warren,\nbut its doubtful Bernie would pick her as\na running mate.\nShe may be innocent of the anti-semitism accusations,\nbut Omar probably should have been savvy enough\nto known that her kind of flippant tweets\nwere politically tone def.\nBeyond the Our Revolution Candidates is the\norganization itself, one headed up by Nina\nTurner.\nTurner has worked closely with sanders since\n2017, when she took over as the president\nand public face of the organization.\nPrior to that, during the 2016 primary season,\nTurner supported Hillary Clinton, but like\nmany democrats, Bernie won her support.\n\nSpanish: \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\nEnglish: \nTurner was later invited to become Jill Stein's\nrunning mate, but she declined the Green Party's\ninvitation.\nTurner's profile has been raised by her frequent\nappearances on CNN, and she's remained close\nto Bernie, joining his 2020 campaign as a\nnational co-chair.\nStill, there are some drawbacks with Turner.\nHer experience as a public official is somewhat\nlimited.\nThe highest office she's ever achieved was\nOhio State Senator, which was followed by\na failed run for Ohio Secretary of State.\nTurner is no doubt a politically savvy Bernie\nloyalist, but she's probably better suited\nworking for Bernie behind the scenes, and\nin the press.\nDespite her ties with Bernie, on balance,\nher chances of being selected as his VP nominee\nseem lower than those of Gabbard.\nEven if Gabbard is not selected, a woman currently\nrunning for president is probably where Bernie's\ngoing to go.\nPrimary opponents very commonly turn into\nrunning mates.\nAmong the women currently running, a few are\nvery likely to be discounted out of hand.\n\nSpanish: \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\nSpanish: \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\nEnglish: \nGillibrand, considering her experience as\na us senator, is not polling particularly\nwell.\nDespite describing herself as a progressive,\nAmy Klobuchar is far too conservative to join\nBernie's ticket.\nAnd Kamala Harris, likely to be Bernie's most\npowerful challenger, seems to have less of\na relationship with the man than Tulsi.\nAt least Tulsi's in Our Revolution.\nPlus, there's the fact that Harris has, unequivocally\nsaid,\n“I am not a democratic socialist”.\nThere's also Stacey Abrahams, who is considering\na run, and who Bernie has both praised and\nendorsed in the past.\nBut, so far she's not really showing up in\nthe polls, so her profile may be too low.\nThe most obvious female, younger than Bernie,\nwho he believes capable of carrying the progressive\nmessage all around the country is, of course,\nMarianne Williamson.\nI'm just kidding.\nIt's Elizabeth Warren.\nThe candidate he routinely mentions in interviews,\nand has a longstanding relationship with.\nThe two are very close.\nSanders once told an msnbc anchor,\n“I talk to Elizabeth Warren every single\nday.”\n\nSpanish: \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\nEnglish: \nSure, Bernie supporters remember her failure\nto back him during the 2016 primaries, but\nthe two have remained close, and they are\nabout as politically aligned as anyone Bernie\ncould find with her level of experience.\nIf I were a betting man, I'd say Warren is\nBernie's top choice.\nNow, that doesn't mean he should necessarily\nopt for her.\nThere are draw backs with Warren.\nFirst, she's not the most talented campaigner\nin the race.\n(Gabbard, Harris, Castro and Beto all seem\nmore charismatic.)\nOn top of that, adding her to the ticket doesn't\nadd much to the campaign.\nShe's best known for her fight for working\nclass families, and against wall street greed:\nan area where Bernie already has credibility\nin spades.\nOverall, I do think that Warren would be a\nsolid pick for Bernie, but there's at least\nfour other candidates I think he should consider.\n\nSpanish: \n \n \n \n \n \n\nEnglish: \nTulsi is perhaps best known for her anti-interventionist\npolicies.\nShe's young, dynamic, and very popular amongst\nprogressives.\nShe has the backing of Our Revolution, and\nshe proved in the CNN town halls that she\nranks high on the charisma metrics.\nWhy \nnot pick a running mate designed to take down\n\nSpanish: \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\nEnglish: \nTrump's running mate.\nAs a gay man from Mike Pence's home state,\nPete Buttigieg is perfectly poised to hammer\nthe opposition in a VP debate.\nButtigieg appears to be a solid progressive,\nand with his nerdy intellectual disposition,\nhe's likely to be taken seriously, without\nout-shining Bernie.\nHere's what I mean:\nWould you say that you are more or less liberal\nthan AOC, Nancy Pelosi?\nI consider myself to be a strong progressive,\nbut I don't think the left-right spectrum\nis the most useful way to look at politics—it's\nbeen jumbled up by the president, and by the\npace of change\nSo, uh, uh, you would consider yourself more\nof a centrist?\n...\nSo are you Chinese or Japanese?\nIf Bernie wanted to reach out to the mainstream\nof the Democratic party without getting too\n\nEnglish: \nout of whack with his own views, Kamala Harris\nis a strong choice.\nShe's agreed with Bernie on the GND, and in\ndefending Ilhan Omar, and despite expressing\nopenness to other options, she hasn't discounted\nMedicare for All.\nIn fact, she's toed pretty much the same line\nas Elizabeth Warren on the subject, remaining\nopen to options, but co-sponsoring an supporting\nBernie's bill.\nWhile you often hear narratives about Bernie\nnot having enough support from women or black\nvoters, the reverse is actually the case when\nyou look at his polling.\nHis favorability is stronger with women than\nmen, non-whites than whites.\n\nSpanish: \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\nEnglish: \nIf Sanders wants to win back the working class,\nblue color white men in Trump country, he\nneeds a VP who can speak to that group.\nAndrew Yang has a strong theory for what caused\nthe rise of Trump.\nHe generally credits economic displacement,\nand he has a strategy for reaching out to\nformer Dems who voted for Trump, and bringing\nthem back into the fold.\n\nSpanish: \n \n \n \n \n \n\nSpanish: \n \n \n \n\nEnglish: \nSo those are my top 5 picks for Bernie's running\nmate.\nLet me know in the comments down below, what\nyou think,\nWho should he pick?\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "Help your baby get to sleep!\nThis video features a relaxed heartbeat with 60 beats per minute and bubbling stream sounds.\nMost of the white noise clips I found on youtube sounded too artifical, so I decided to build a more realistic one.\nIt works best with your hi-fi system or TV, because most laptop speakers / telephones / tablets don't have enough bass to play the very low heartbeat.\nHope it helps! :-)\nGood night!\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "Hey how's it going guys\nDavid here from Waves Audio.\nIn this video\nI'm going to show you how to get that classic Vocoder or synthesized vocal sound into your tracks using\nThe Waves Morphoder plugin.\nThe Morphoder is a powerful plugin that emulates the classic\nVocoder and Talk-box sounds you hear in recordings\nNow, a vocoder and a talk-box are two totally different effects.\nThe Morphoder can emulate both.\nBut for this quick tutorial\nWe're focusing on the Vocoder sound.\nNow if you're familiar with artists like Daft Punk, Zedd, and Kavinsky\nThen I know you've heard the sound before,\nSo let's dig right in.\nIm going to go ahead and hit play\nAnd we're gonna take a listen to what we got going on here.\nAlright, follow my steps:\nFirst thing to do, Select the part of the vocal that you want to use the effect on.\nLet's take a listen\nI want it to kick in right about here.\nNow that I've made my cuts, selected my vocals\nWhat I'm going to do is add two new tracks:\nA new audio track and a new MIDI track.\nI'm going to make my audio track the \n\"Morphoder Modulator\"\nAnd below that\nI'm going to call my MIDI track:\n\"Morphoder Carrier\"\nNext thing to do is grab your selected vocal clips,\ncopy and drag that down into the \nMorphoder Modulator track\nEverything looks nice and lined up.\nLet's take a look at our MIDI track.\nOr, the Morphoder Carrier track.\nHead on over to your\nWaves VST plugin pane.\nGrab your Morphoder\nand drag it over to your carrier, or MIDI track\njust like that.\nNow in the top bar of the plugin window\nYou're going to see an SC, click on that.\nThat's your side chain option.\nWhat's going on here, is we're controlling the\nMorhpoder effect with MIDI.\nWe're using the info and the notes on our \nMIDI instrument track as the external carrier\nSo in this case, we need a way to route the audio \nto this MIDI.\nThat's what our side chain is going to do for us here.\nNow under the Modulator tab\nYou're going to select the down arrow\nand change that to \"SideChain\" so they match up.\nI'm going to head down to the Synth tab\nAnd I'm going to select \"Electric\" for this song.\nOver on your Output tab\nmake sure your Carrier, Modulator and Noise are all the way down at -INF.\nNext thing we're going to do here\nis the key to driving that vocal effect.\nThis is where our side chaining option comes into play.\nHead down to your MIDI instrument track\ngrab one of your keys, synth or any track that's playing chords, or a particular melody within the project.\nSelect, copy and drag the MIDI information into the\nMorphoder Carrier track.\nThis is going to send the information to the Morhphoder, and then to the vocal.\nAnd then, we should hear the effect.\nWhat you want to do is drag the MIDI information under wherever there are vocals on the Modulator track.\nThe next thing you want to do here is select the output of Morphoder Modulator track.\nLet's go ahead and assign that to the \nMorphoder Carrier.\nAnd it looks like we're pretty good to go\nLet's go ahead and take a listen:\nSounds like everything went through,\nbut it does sound a bit low and lost in the mix.\nSo i'm going to show you guys a little trick here:\nI want you to double click on the Carrier track's MIDI file and open it up in the MIDI Editor Window\nat the bottom.\nWhat you're going to do here is select all the MIDI notes in the editor\nAnd drag that up an octave to make that Vocoder sound better and pop out in the mix.\nWhat I'm also going to do here is grab my \nhigh-pass filter\nLet's put a gentle roll off on the low-end.\nYou want that Vocoder effect to add a nice clean, modulated sound.\nLet's get rid of some of that mud in the low range.\nI'm going to bring my highs up a little bit.\nGet some more clarity.\nOkay that's a good starting point for now. \nLet's hit play.\nThere it is!\nLet's blend that lead back in...\nAlright...from the top.\nThere it is guys\nthe Morphoder plugin from Waves.\nThe plugin to use for\nVocoder and synthesized vocal effects.\nIf you don't already have it,\ncheck out the link in the description for a \nfree demo of the Morphoder plugin\nor, visit waves.com to learn more.\nUntil next time guys\nThank you for watching!\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "UP... UP. UP.\nDOWN...\nDOWN... DOWN, DOWN, DOWN!\n( yells and grunts )\n SPORTS FIGURES\nPUTS YOUR BRAIN IN THE GAME.\nBASKETBALL PLAYERS\nLIKE VINCE CARTER\nGET SOME PRETTY AMAZING AIR,\nGHT?\nIT ALMOST SEEMS LIKE THEY\nCAN HANG IN THE AI\nAS LONG AS THEY WANT.\nLIKEHEY'RE FLOATING.\nHOW LONG DO YOU THINK\nVINCE CARTER IS IN THE AIR\nWHEN HE GOES TO DUNK?\nHE'S PROBABLY UP THERE\nFOR ABOUT 4-4½ SECONDS\nOVER THREE SECONDS.\n40 SECON.\nHOW LONG?\n40 SECONDS.\nD SAY\nABOUT FOUR SECONDS.\n40 AND FOUR SECONDS.\nTHREE SECONDS.\nFIVE TO SIX SECONDS.\nLL TAKE A GUESS.\nHE'S IN THE AIR FOR 3.9 SECONDS.\nA REALLY LONG TIME.\n( grunting )\nCOME ON.\n( grunts \nIT MAY SEEM LIKE THE SECRET\nTO HANG TIME HAPPENS UP THERE...\nBUT THE REAL TRICK\nTOANG TIME IS RIGHT HERE.\nTHAT'S IT.\nIT'S ALL RIGHTERE.\nTO HELP US TAKE A LOOK\nWE'VE GOT FORMER TARHEEL AND\nN.B.A. ALL-STAR VINCE CARTER.\nHE SPENT PLENTY OF TIME\nIN THE AIR.\nVINCE, IS THERE ANYTHING\nYOU CAN DO\nTO STAY\nIN THE AIR LONR?\nWHEN MY FEET LEAVE THE GROUND\nI BECOME A PROJECTILE.\nWHAT DOES THAT MN?\nA PROJECTI IS SOMETHING\nTHAT WE LAUNCH IN FLIGHT\nTHAT WE CAN'T CONTROL.\nSO WHEN I THROW\nA BASKETBALL\nTHE BALL'S A PROJECTILE.\nRIGHT. AND HOW LONG\nA PROJECTILE'S IN THE AIR\nIS DETERMINED BY...\nGRITY.\nONE OF THEHINGS\nWE KNOW FOR SURE\nIS THAT YOU CAN'T DEFY GRAVITY.\nAT GOES UP\nMUST COME DOWN.\nIF I DO THIS...\nBUT IF I DO THIS...\nWE APPLY A FORCE\nTO LAUNCH A PROJECTILE.\nTHAT FORCE HAS TO BE\nSTRONGER THAN GRAVITY.\nTHE INSTANT STOP\nAPPLYING THAT FORCE\nAND THOBJECT'S IN THE AIR\nGRAVITY'S THE ONLY FORCE\nAND ITULLS THE BALL DOWN.\nEVERY PROJECTILE\nAT THE SAME RATE\nNO MATTER HOW MUCH IT WEIGHS.\nSO, WHETHER IT'S THIS BASKETBALL\nOR TS BOWLING BALL\nTHEY'RE BOTH GOING TO HIT\nTHE GROUND AT THE SAME TIME.\nTA-DA!\nBUT SOME PROJECTILES DO STAY\nIN T AIR LONGER THAN OTHERS.\nW COME?\nSOMETHING WITH A LOT\nOF UPWARD VELOCITY\nIS GOING TO STAY\nIN THE AIR LGER.\nOKAY.\nBUT THE FORCE\nOF GRAVITY\nIS SLOWING DOWN\nTHE UPPER VELOCI.\nAND THEN WHAT?\nWELL, THE BALL\nSTOPS GOING UP\nAND GRAVITY NOW\nBRGS IT DOWN.\nSO, WHAT DOES\nALL THIS TELL US?\nTHAT THE UPWARD\nVELOCI DETERMINES\nHOW HIGH\nSOMETHING GOES.\nSO, WHAT CAN THIS TELL US\nABOUT HANG TIME IN BASKETBALL?\nTHE HIGHER\nSOMETHING GOES\nTHE LONGER IT WILL\nSTAY IN AIR.\nSO HOW LONG\nYOU'RE ITHE AIR\nDEPENDS ON HOW\nHIGH YOU JUMP.\nOKAY, SO, THAT SEE RIGHT.\nSO, IF YOU CAN JUMP\nTWICE AS HIGH AS HE CAN\nTHEN YOU'LL BE IN THE AIR\nTWICE AS LONG.\nSEEMS RIGHT.\nLL, WE CAN'T BE SURE\nUNTIL WE TRY IT T.\nLET'S GO.\nOKAY, SO WE'RE GOING TO SEE\nHOW HIGH YOU GUYS CAN JUMP.\nWHAT IS THE FIRSTHING WE NEED?\nWELL, WE NEED TO KNOW HOW HIGH\nTHEIR HANDS ARE\nBEFORE THEY JUMP.\nOKAY, SOUNDS GOOD.\nUH, EIT FEET.\nALL RIGHT,\nSHOW US YOUR STUFF, CORY.\nNINE FEET.\nOKAY, SO WE STARTED\nAT EIGHT FEET\nJUMPED TO NINE FEET.\nTHE HEIGHT OF THE JUMP WAS\nONE FOOT.\nOKAY, LAY,\nNOW YOUR TURN.\nSEVEN FOOT,\nTEN INCHES.\nOKAY.\nNINE FOOT,\nTEN INCHES.\nWHOA, THAT'S TWO FEET.\nTHAT'S PRETTY GOOD.\nNOW WE CAN GO\nTO THE VIDEOTAPE\nTO FIGURE OUT THEIR HANG TIME.\n WENOW THAT VIDEOTAPE RECORDS\n AT 30 AMES A SECOND\n SO BY COUNTING THE NUMBER\n OF FRAMES, WE CAN FIGURE OUT\n HOW LONG THEY WERE IN THE AIR.\n CORY JUMPED A HEIGHT\n OF ONE FOOT\n AND WAS IN THE AIR\n FOR 15 FRAMES\n OR HALF A SECOND.\n LARRY JUMPED\n A PRETTY AMAZING TWO FEET.\n IF WE COUNT THE NUMBER\n OF FRAMES\n WE GET AROUND 21 FRAMES.\n THAT'S ONLY .71 OF A SECOND.\nSO, WHAT HAPPENED?\nHE JUMPED TWICE\nAS HIGH\nBUT WAS ONLY IN THE AIR\nAROUND 20% LONGER.\nSO, JUMPING\nTWICE AS HIGH\nDOESN'T MEAN YOU GET\nTWICE THE HANG TIME.\nTHE RELATION BETWEEN HEIGHT\nAND HANG TIME ISN'T LINEAR.\nJUMPING ONE FOOT IN THE AIR\nGIVES YOU A HANG TIME\nOF A HALF SECOND.\nYOU'D HAVE TJUMP FOUR FEET\nIN THE AIR TO DOUBLE TT\nAND BE IN THE AIR\nFOR ONE SECOND.\nOKAY, SO WKNOW THAT\nYOUR VERTICAL VELOCITY\nWILL DETERMINE HOW HIGH YOU GO.\nAND HOW LONG YOU STAY\nIN THE AIR.\nBUT WHEN I DUNK,\nWE DON'T JUMP STRAIGHT UP.\nCAN'T WE GET\nMORE HANG TIME\nBY RUNNING INTO IT\nAND MOVING HORIZONTALLY\nAT THE SAME ME?\nNOPE.\nNO?\nNOPE.\nYOU SURE?\nVINCE, IT'S ME.\nLARRY HERE JUMPED\nTWO FEET.\nTHAT'S PRETTY HIGH.\nHIS HANG TIME WAS\n.71 OF A SOND.\nLET'S HAVE HIM\nTAKE A RUNNING START\nSEE IF HE CAN GET HIGHER\nAND HANG IN THE AIR LONGER.\nLET'S GO TO THE VIDEOTAPE.\n WE WON'T WORRY HOW HIGH\n LARRGOES\n BECAUSE WE KNOW THAT IF HE'S IN\n THE AIR LONGER\n HE WENT HIGHER.\n LARRY WAS IN THE AIR\n FOR 19 FRAMES\n A FRACTION LESS\n THAN ATANDING JUMP.\n THAT'S ONLY .63 OF A SECOND.\nSO LARRY HERE ACALLY GOT\nA LITTLE LESS HANG TIME\nWITH A RUNNI START.\nNOW, WKNOW HE HAD\nVERTICAL VELOCITY\nBECAUSE WENT UP.\nBUT HELSO HAD\nHORIZONTAL VELOCITY\nBECAUSE HE TRAVELED DOWN\nTHE COURT.\nSO WHADOES THAT TELL US?\nTHAT HORIZONTAL VELOCITY\nDOESN'T KEEP YOU\nIN THE AIR LONGER.\nTHAT THE TWO VELOCITIES ARE\nINDEPENDENT.\nTHEY DON'T AFFECT\nEACH OTHER.\nHMM.\n WE KNOW THAT A BASKETBALL\n PLAYER CAN'T GET ANY HANG TIME\n OUT OF AUNNING START\n BECAUSE, IN PHYSICS, WE KNOW\n THAT A PROJECTILE'S HORIZONTAL\n AND VERTICAL VELOCITIES\n DON'T HAVE ANYTHING\n TO DO WITH EACH OTHER.\nIT MAY SEEM STRANGE,\nBUT IT'S TRUE.\nIF I THROW THIS BALL STRAIGHT\nOUT FROM A HEIGHT OF FOUR FEET\nAND I DROP THIS BALL\nFROM A HEIGHT OF FOUR FEET\nTHEY'RE BO GOING TO HIT\nTHE GROUND AT THE SAMEIME.\nONE BALL LANDED FURTHER AWAY\nHORIZONTALLY THAN THE OTHER\nBUT THEY BOTH DROPPED VERTICALLY\nTHE SAME DISTANCE\nSO TY HAD TO HIT\nAT THE SAME TIME.\nGRAVITY DOES NOT MESS AROU.\nIT PULLED BOTH BALLS DOWN\nAT THE SAME RATE.\nSO THE HIGHER YOU GO...\nTHE LONGER I STAY IN THE AIR.\nNOW THAT WE OW\nHOW IT WORKS\nLET'S TAKE IT\nTHROUGH THE JUMP.\nVINCE, HOW DO YOU JUMP?\nWELL, YOU JUST JUMP.\nBEND YOUR LEGS\nAND PUSH UP.\nWHAT IF I TOLD YOU THAT\nWHAT YOU'RE REALLY DOING\nIS ACCELERATING\nYOUR CENTER OF GRAVITY?\nI MIGHT BELIEVE YOU.\nAN OBJECT'CENTER OF GRAVITY,\nOR CENTER OF MASS\nIS THAT POINT ERE AN OBJECT'S\nMASS BALANCES OUT.\nFOR SOME SHAPE OBJECTS,\nLIKEHIS RULER\nYOU CAN JUST BALANCE IT\nTO FIND THE CENTER OF GRAVITY.\n YOU CAN ALSO SPIN SOMETHING\n TO FIND ITS CENTER OF GRAVITY\n BECAUSE IT WILL ALWAYSPIN\n AROUND THAT POINT.\nFOR SOMETHING HOLLOW\nLIKE A BASKEALL\nTHE CENTER OF GRAVITY IS IN\nTHE CENTER OF THE BALL\nEVEN THOUGH THERE'S\nNOTHING THERE.\nWHEN WE LAUNCH A PROJECTILE,\nLI JUMPING\nWE'RE ACCELERATING\nAN OBJECT'S MASS\nSO WE USE THE CENTER OF GRAVITY,\nOR CENTER OF MASS\nTO BE THE POINT WHERE WE MEASURE\nTHAT OBJECT'S ACCELERATION.\nSORT OF GIVES US AN AVERAGE\nOF AN OBJECT'S MASS.\n THE MORE VERTICAL VELOCITY\n VINCE CAN GENERATE\n THE HIGHER HE'LL GO\n AND THE LONGER\n HE'LL BE IN THE AIR.\n THE AMOUNT OF ACCELERATION HAS\n TO DO WITH TWO THINGS:\n THE FIRST IS HOW LONG\n THE CENTER OF GRAVITY\n ACCERATES.\n THIS IS THE LENGTH OF TIME\n VINCE IS ABLE TO PUSH UP\n BEFORE HIS LEGS STRAIGHTEN\n AND HIS FEET LEAVE THE FLOOR.\nE FURTHER DOWN YOU BRING\nYOUR CENTER GRAVITY\nTHE GREATER THE DISTANCE\nYOU HAVE TO ACCELERATE IT\nAND THE HIGHER YOU JUMP.\nOF COURSE, THERE IS A LIMIT\nTO HOW LOW YOU CAN GO.\n THE SECOND THING THAT\n DETERMINES HOW HIGH YOU JUMP\n IS THE RATIO\n OF FORCE TO WEIGHT.\n THIS IS THE FORCE YOU PUSH DOWN\n ON THE FOR WITH\n DIVIDED BY YOUR WEIGHT.\n OBVIOUSLY, THE GREATESAMOUNT\n OF FORCE\n WITH THE LEAST AMOUNT OF WEIGHT\n WILL GET YOU THE HIGHEST.\nTHAT FORCE COMES\nFROM YOUR MUSCLES.\nNOW, VINCE, WHICH MUSCLES\nDO YOU USE FOR JUMPI?\nTHE QUADS.\nAND DO YOU WORK THEM OUT\nL THE TIME?\nNO, NOT AT ALL.\nYOU JUST CAN JUMP\nBECAUSE YOU CAN JUMP?\nBASICALLY.\nOKAY, SO WE'VE SEEN THAT\nONCE A BASTBALL PLAYER IS\nIN THE AIR\nTHERE'S NOTHING THEY CAN DO\nTO INCREASE HANG TIME.\nBUT HOW COME SOMETIMES\nTHEY DO SEEM TO HANG IN THE AIR?\nIT'S AN ILLUSION THAT'S CREATED\nIN A COUPLE DIFFERENT WAYS.\nWHAT WOULD YOU SAY IT I TOLD YOU\nHE USUALLY IN THE AIR\nFOR LESS THAN ONE SECOND?\nI'D Y THAT'S PRETTY AMAZING\n'CAUSE IT LOOKS LIKE\nHE'S UP THERE\nAN AWFUL LOT LONGER THAN THAT.\nWELL, I WOULD SAY THAT\nYOU'RE PROBABLY WRONG.\nIT DOESN'T SOU RIGHT.\nSOMEBODY ELSE HAS BEEN FOOLED.\nSEE THE CURVED PATH\nTHE BALL FOLLOWS?\nTHAT'SALLED A PARABOLA.\nA PARABOLA SHOWS THE SHAPE\nOF GRAVITY\nSLOWING THE VERTICAL VELOCITY\nAND PULLINIT BACK DOWN.\nA PARABOLA CAN BE SHALLOW\nOR STEEP\nBUT IT ALWAYS FOLLOWS\nA CONSTANT CURVE.\nIT CAN'T BE FLATTENEOUT.\nBUT THERE IS A WAY BASKETBALL\nPLAYERS MAKE IT SEEM\nLIKE THEY'RE FLATTENING\nTHIS CURVE.\n WHEN VINCE LEAPS INTO THE AIR\n LIKEHIS\n IT SEEMS\n HE'S FLOATING HORIZONTALLY\n RATHER THAN JUST GOING\n UP AND DN.\n BUT IF WE TRACE THE PATH\n OF HIS CENTER OF GRAVITY\n WE SEE THAT IT REALLY IS\n JUST ARCING UP... THEN DOWN.\n IT HAS TO.\n AS VINCEEAPS\n HIS VERTICAL VELOCITY IS\n VERY FAST.\n THEN GRAVITY SLOWS IT\n AND GRADUALLY PULLS HIM DOWN.\n AS HE GETS CLOSER\n TO THE GROUND\n HE IS AGAIN GOING RY FAST.\n WHAT THIS MEANS IS VINCE\n SPENDS THE MAJORITY OF HIS TIME\n IN THE AIR UP NEAR THE TOP\n OF THE ARC.\n TUALLY,\n HALF OF THE TIME IS SPEN\n AT THE TOP QUARTER OF THE ARC.\n THIS NATURALLY GIVES\n THE LUSION\n THAT HE IS FLOATING\n HORIZONTALLY.\nAN OBJECT'S CENTER OF GRAVIT\nIS WHERE ITS MASS BALANCES OUT.\nNOW, IF WE CHAE\nTHE OBJECT'S SHAPE\nITS CENTER OF GRAVITY CHANGES.\nTHE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN\nA BASKETBALL\nAND A BASKETBALL PLAYER\nIS THAT THE PLAYER\nCAN CHANGE SHAPE IN MIDAIR.\nIT MAY NOT KP YOU IN THE AIR\nANY LONGER\nBUT CHANGING YOUR SHAPE\nIN MIDAIR\nCACREATE THE ILLUSION\nTHAT YOU'RE FLOATING.\nHE'S HOW IT WORKS.\n A LOT OF PLAYERS LIFT\n THEIR LEGS WHEN THEY JUMP.\n BY CHANGING THEIR SHAPE\n LIKE TS\n THEY CANHANGE THE LOCATION\n OF THE CENTER OF GRAVITY\n RELATIVE TO THEIR DIES.\n IF VINCE CENTER OF GRAVITY IS\n DOWN HERE BELOW HIS NAVEL\n LIFTING HIS LEGS CAN RSE IT\n UP ON TO HIS STOMACH.\n THE CENTER OF GRAVITY STILL\n FOLLOWS THE PARABOLA\n BUT THE HEAD AND SHOULDERS WILL\n ACTUALLY MOVE HORIZONTALLY\n FOR AN INSTANT.\n TO DO THIS THE LEGS HAVE TO BE\n RAISED EXACT AT THE PEAK\n OF THE JUMP.\n SINCE OUR EYES TEND TO FOLLOW\n THE HEAD AND SHOULDERS\n OFHE PLAYER\n IT SEEMS LIKE THEY'RE FLOATING\n EVEN THOUGH THEIR CENTER OF\n GRAVITY FOLLOWS A PERFECT ARC.\n BALLET DANCERS USE\n THIS TECHNIQUE\n FOR THE EATEST EFFECT\n OF FLOATING IN THE LEAPS.\n IN FACT, BALLET DANCERS GET\n SOME OF THE GREATEST AIR\nIT MAY NOT BE DEFYING GRAVITY,\nBUT IT SURE IS NICE TO LOOK AT.\nTHE FINAL REASON PEOPLE TEND\nTO THINKF HOOPSTERS\nAS FLOATING THROUGH THE AIR\nISV's USE OF SLOW-MO REPLAYS.\nWEET USED TO SEEING\nTHESE PLAYERS HANG\nIN THE AIROREVER.\nAnnouncer:\nHE GETS THE BALL\nAND THREW IT THROUGH VINCE\nEAD OF THE PACK...\n, THERE'S THE AMOUNT OF TIME\nA PLAYER NATURALLY SPENDS\nAT THE TOP OF THE LEAP,\nTHE ILITY OF SOME PLAYERS\nTO CHANGE THEIR SHAPE\nIN MIDAIR\nAND THE USAGE\nOF SLOW MOTION REPLAYS\nALL MAKING YOU THINK\nTHESE PLAYERS ARE\nDEFYING GRAVITY.\nBUT THEYE NOT.\nOKAY, OKAY, NONE OF THIS\nTALKS ABOUT\nAT IT MUST FEEL LIKE TO SOAR\nTHROUGH THE R AND DUNK.\nYOU GUYS LOOK LIKE YOU HAVE\nA LOT OF FUN OUT THERE.\nWE HAVE A LOT OF FUN.\nDUNKING IS AN ART\nAND WE ENJOY IT\nAND MOSTLY IT'S\nTO ENTERTAIN THE FANS.\nWHAT DID WE LEARN?\nTHAT A PROJECTILE IS\nAN OBJECT LAUNCHED\nINTO THE AIR\nAT CAN'T CONTROL\nITS OWN FLIGHT.\nAND A PROJECTILE'S\nFLIGHT IS DETERMINED\nBY WHAT HAPPENS\nBEFORE IT LEAVES\nTHE GROUND.\nAFTER THAT, GRAVITY TAKES OVER\nSO YOUR HANG TIME IS DETERMID\nBY YOUR VERTICAL VELOCITY.\nAND HORIZONTAL VELOCITY HAS\nNO EFFECT ON HANG TIME.\nTHE CENTER OF GRAVITY\nOF AN OBJECT MAKES\nA SHAPE CALLED A PARABOLA\nBECAUSE OF GRAVITY.\nAND NO MATR WHAT,\nYOU CAN'T DEFY GRAVITY.\nNOW HERE'S SOMETHING FOR YOU\nTO FIGURE OUT.\nWHY WOULDN'T JUMPING\nTWICE AS HIGH GIVE YOU\nTWICE THE HANG TIME?\nHERE'S A HINT:\nGRAVITY CHANGES THE SPEED\nBY 32 FEET PER SECOND\nEVERY SECOND IT'S IN THE AIR.\nTHAT'S IT. WE'D LIKE\nTO THANK VINCE CARTER\n FOR DONATING HIS TIME TODAY\n AND OUR STUDENTS CORY, ANGELA,\n LARRY, ERICA, STEVEN AND ASHLEY\nFOR HELPING US OUT TODAY\nON ESPN'S SPORTS FIGURES\n\"HANG TIME.\"\nOKAY, N I GET DOWN?\nNO, DOWN.\nDOWN, PLEASE?\nFELLOWS, HELLO?\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "The Meditations of Marcus Aurelius\nTranslation by George Long\nNarrated by Robin Homer\nBook 1: Debts and Lessons\n1. FROM my grandfather Verus [I learned] good\nmorals and the government of my temper.\n2. From the reputation and remembrance of\nmy father, modesty and a manly character\n3. From my mother, piety and beneficence,\nand abstinence, not only from evil deeds,\nbut even from evil thoughts; and further,\nsimplicity in my way of living, far removed\nfrom the habits of the rich.\n4. From my great-grandfather, not to have\nfrequented public schools, and to have had\ngood teachers at home, and to know that on\nsuch things a man should spend liberally.\n5. From my governor, to be neither of the\ngreen nor of the blue party at the games in\nthe Circus, nor a partisan either of the Parmularius\nor the Scutarius at the gladiators' fights;\nfrom him too I learned endurance of labor,\nand to want little, and to work with my own\nhands, and not to meddle with other people's\naffairs, and not to be ready to listen to\nslander.\n6. From Diognetus, not to busy myself about\ntrifling things, and not to give credit to\nwhat was said by miracle-workers and jugglers\nabout incantations and the driving away of\ndaemons and such things; and not to breed\nquails [for fighting], nor to give myself\nup passionately to such things; and to endure\nfreedom of speech; and to have become intimate\nwith philosophy; and to have been a hearer,\nfirst of Bacchius, then of Tandasis and Marcianus;\nand to have written dialogues in my youth;\nand to have desired a plank bed and skin,\nand whatever else of the kind belongs to the\nGrecian discipline.\n7. From Rusticus I received the impression\nthat my character required improvement and\ndiscipline; and from him I learned not to\nbe led astray to sophistic emulation, nor\nto writing on speculative matters, nor to\ndelivering little hortatory orations, nor\nto showing myself off as a man who practices\nmuch discipline, or does benevolent acts in\norder to make a display; and to abstain from\nrhetoric, and poetry, and fine writing; and\nnot to walk about in the house in my outdoor\ndress, nor to do other things of the kind;\nand to write my letters with simplicity, like\nthe letter which Rusticus wrote from Sinuessa\nto my mother; and with respect to those who\nhave offended me by words, or done me wrong,\nto be easily disposed to be pacified and reconciled,\nas soon as they have shown a readiness to\nbe reconciled; and to read carefully, and\nnot to be satisfied with a superficial understanding\nof a book; nor hastily to give my assent to\nthose who talk overmuch; and I am indebted\nto him for being acquainted with the discourses\nof Epictetus, which he communicated to me\nout of his own collection.\n8. From Apollonius I learned freedom of will\nand undeviating steadiness of purpose; and\nto look to nothing else, not even for a moment,\nexcept to reason; and to be always the same,\nin sharp pains, on the occasion of the loss\nof a child, and in long illness; and to see\nclearly in a living example that the same\nman can be both most resolute and yielding,\nand not peevish in giving his instruction;\nand to have had before my eyes a man who clearly\nconsidered his experience and his skill in\nexpounding philosophical principles as the\nsmallest of his merits; and from him I learned\nhow to receive from friends what are esteemed\nfavors, without being either humbled by them\nor letting them pass unnoticed.\n9. From Sextus, a benevolent disposition,\nand the example of a family governed in a\nfatherly manner, and the idea of living conformably\nto nature; and gravity without affectation,\nand to look carefully after the interests\nof friends, and to tolerate ignorant persons,\nand those who form opinions without consideration:\nhe had the power of readily accommodating\nhimself to all, so that intercourse with him\nwas more agreeable than any flattery; and\nat the same time he was most highly venerated\nby those who associated with him: and he had\nthe faculty both of discovering and ordering,\nin an intelligent and methodical way, the\nprinciples necessary for life; and he never\nshowed anger or any other passion, but was\nentirely free from passion, and also most\naffectionate; and he could express approbation\nwithout noisy display, and he possessed much\nknowledge without ostentation.\n10. From Alexander the grammarian, to refrain\nfrom fault-finding, and not in a reproachful\nway to chide those who uttered any barbarous\nor solecistic or strange-sounding expression;\nbut dexterously to introduce the very expression\nwhich ought to have been used, and in the\nway of answer or giving confirmation, or joining\nin an inquiry about the thing itself, not\nabout the word, or by some other fit suggestion.\n11. From Fronto I learned to observe what\nenvy and duplicity and hypocrisy are in a\ntyrant, and that generally those among us\nwho are called Patricians are rather deficient\nin paternal affection.\n12. From Alexander the Platonic, not frequently\nnor without necessity to say to any one, or\nto write in a letter, that I have no leisure;\nnor continually to excuse the neglect of duties\nrequired by our relation to those with whom\nwe live, by alleging urgent occupations.\n13. From Catulus, not to be indifferent when\na friend finds fault, even if he should find\nfault without reason, but to try to restore\nhim to his usual disposition; and to be ready\nto speak well of teachers, as it is reported\nof Domitius and Athenodotus; and to love my\nchildren truly.\n14. From my brother Severus, to love my kin,\nand to love truth, and to love justice; and\nthrough him I learned to know Thrasea, Helvidius,\nCato, Dion, Brutus; and from him I received\nthe idea of a polity in which there is the\nsame law for all, a polity administered with\nregard to equal rights and equal freedom of\nspeech, and the idea of a kingly government\nwhich respects most of all the freedom of\nthe governed; I learned from him also consistency\nand undeviating steadiness in my regard for\nphilosophy; and a disposition to do good,\nand to give to others readily, and to cherish\ngood hopes, and to believe that I am loved\nby my friends; and in him I observed no concealment\nof his opinions with respect to those whom\nhe condemned, and that his friends had no\nneed to conjecture what he wished or did not\nwish, but it was quite plain.\n15. From Maximus I learned self-government,\nand not to be led aside by anything; and cheerfulness\nin all circumstances, as well as in illness;\nand a just admixture in the moral character\nof sweetness and dignity, and to do what was\nset before me without complaining. I observed\nthat everybody believed that he thought as\nhe spoke, and that in all that he did he never\nhad any bad intention; and he never showed\namazement and surprise, and was never in a\nhurry, and never put off doing a thing, nor\nwas perplexed nor dejected, nor did he ever\nlaugh to disguise his vexation, nor, on the\nother hand, was he ever passionate or suspicious.\nHe was accustomed to do acts of beneficence,\nand was ready to forgive, and was free from\nall falsehood; and he presented the appearance\nof a man who could not be diverted from right,\nrather than of a man who had been improved.\nI observed, too, that no man could ever think\nthat he was despised by Maximus, or ever venture\nto think himself a better man. He had also\nthe art of being humorous in an agreeable\nway.\n16. In my father I observed mildness of temper,\nand unchangeable resolution in the things\nwhich he had determined after due deliberation;\nand no vain-glory in those things which men\ncall honors; and a love of labor and perseverance;\nand a readiness to listen to those who had\nanything to propose for the common weal; and\nundeviating firmness in giving to every man\naccording to his deserts; and a knowledge\nderived from experience of the occasions for\nvigorous action and for remission. And I observed\nthat he had overcome all passion for boys;\nand he considered himself no more than any\nother citizen; and he released his friends\nfrom all obligation to sup with him or to\nattend him of necessity when he went abroad,\nand those who had failed to accompany him,\nby reason of any urgent circumstances, always\nfound him the same. I observed, too, his habit\nof careful inquiry in all matters of deliberation,\nand his persistency, and that he never stopped\nhis investigation through being satisfied\nwith appearances which first present themselves;\nand that his disposition was to keep his friends,\nand not to be soon tired of them, nor yet\nto be extravagant in his affection; and to\nbe satisfied on all occasions, and cheerful;\nand to foresee things a long way off, and\nto provide for the smallest without display;\nand to check immediately popular applause\nand all flattery; and to be ever watchful\nover the things which were necessary for the\nadministration of the empire, and to be a\ngood manager of the expenditure, and patiently\nto endure the blame which he got for such\nconduct; and he was neither superstitious\nwith respect to the gods, nor did he court\nmen by gifts or by trying to please them,\nor by flattering the populace; but he showed\nsobriety in all things and firmness, and never\nany mean thoughts or action, nor love of novelty.\nAnd the things which conduce in any way to\nthe commodity of life, and of which fortune\ngives an abundant supply, he used without\narrogance and without excusing himself; so\nthat when he had them, he enjoyed them without\naffectation, and when he had them not, he\ndid not want them. No one could ever say of\nhim that he was either a sophist or a [home-bred]\nflippant slave or a pedant; but every one\nacknowledged him to be a man ripe, perfect,\nabove flattery, able to manage his own and\nother men's affairs. Besides this, he honored\nthose who were true philosophers, and he did\nnot reproach those who pretended to be philosophers,\nnor yet was he easily led by them. He was\nalso easy in conversation, and he made himself\nagreeable without any offensive affectation.\nHe took a reasonable care of his body's health,\nnot as one who was greatly attached to life,\nnor out of regard to personal appearance,\nnor yet in a careless way, but so that through\nhis own attention he very seldom stood in\nneed of the physician's art or of medicine\nor external applications. He was most ready\nto give without envy to those who possessed\nany particular faculty, such as that of eloquence\nor knowledge of the law or of morals, or of\nanything else; and he gave them his help,\nthat each might enjoy reputation according\nto his deserts; and he always acted conformably\nto the institutions of his country, without\nshowing any affectation of doing so. Further,\nhe was not fond of change nor unsteady, but\nhe loved to stay in the same places, and to\nemploy himself about the same things; and\nafter his paroxysms of headache he came immediately\nfresh and vigorous to his usual occupations.\nHis secrets were not many, but very few and\nvery rare, and these only about public matters;\nand he showed prudence and economy in the\nexhibition of the public spectacles and the\nconstruction of public buildings, his donations\nto the people, and in such things, for he\nwas a man who looked to what ought to be done,\nnot to the reputation which is got by a man's\nacts. He did not take the bath at unseasonable\nhours; he was not fond of building houses,\nnor curious about what he ate, nor about the\ntexture and color of his clothes, nor about\nthe beauty of his slaves. His dress came from\nLorium, his villa on the coast, and from Lanuvium\ngenerally. We know how he behaved to the toll-collector\nat Tusculum who asked his pardon; and such\nwas all his behavior. There was in him nothing\nharsh, nor implacable, nor violent, nor, as\none may say, anything carried to the sweating\npoint; but he examined all things severally,\nas if he had abundance of time, and without\nconfusion, in an orderly way, vigorously and\nconsistently. And that might be applied to\nhim which is recorded of Socrates, that he\nwas able both to abstain from, and to enjoy,\nthose things which many are too weak to abstain\nfrom, and cannot enjoy without excess. But\nto be strong enough both to bear the one and\nto be sober in the other is the mark of a\nman who has a perfect and invincible soul,\nsuch as he showed in the illness of Maximus.\n17. To the gods I am indebted for having good\ngrandfathers, good parents, a good sister,\ngood teachers, good associates, good kinsmen\nand friends, nearly everything good. Further,\nI owe it to the gods that I was not hurried\ninto any offence against any of them, though\nI had a disposition which, if opportunity\nhad offered, might have led me to do something\nof this kind; but, through their favor, there\nnever was such a concurrence of circumstances\nas put me to the trial. Further, I am thankful\nto the gods that I was not longer brought\nup with my grandfather's concubine, and that\nI preserved the flower of my youth, and that\nI did not make proof of my virility before\nthe proper season, but even deferred the time;\nthat I was subjected to a ruler and a father\nwho was able to take away all pride from me,\nand to bring me to the knowledge that it is\npossible for a man to live in a palace without\nwanting either guards or embroidered dresses,\nor torches and statues, and such-like show;\nbut that it is in such a man's power to bring\nhimself very near to the fashion of a private\nperson, without being for this reason either\nmeaner in thought, or more remiss in action,\nwith respect to the things which must be done\nfor the public interest in a manner that befits\na ruler. I thank the gods for giving me such\na brother, who was able by his moral character\nto rouse me to vigilance over myself, and\nwho at the same time pleased me by his respect\nand affection; that my children have not been\nstupid nor deformed in body; that I did not\nmake more proficiency in rhetoric, poetry,\nand the other studies, in which I should perhaps\nhave been completely engaged, if I had seen\nthat I was making progress in them; that I\nmade haste to place those who brought me up\nin the station of honor, which they seemed\nto desire, without putting them off with hope\nof my doing it some other time after, because\nthey were then still young; that I knew Apollonius,\nRusticus, Maximus; that I received clear and\nfrequent impressions about living according\nto nature, and what kind of a life that is,\nso that, so far as depended on the gods, and\ntheir gifts, and help, and inspirations, nothing\nhindered me from forthwith living according\nto nature, though I still fall short of it\nthrough my own fault, and through not observing\nthe admonitions of the gods, and, I may almost\nsay, their direct instructions; that my body\nhas held out so long in such a kind of life;\nthat I never touched either Benedicta or Theodotus,\nand that, after having fallen into amatory\npassions, I was cured, and though I was often\nout of humor with Rusticus, I never did anything\nof which I had occasion to repent; that, though\nit was my mother's fate to die young, she\nspent the last years of her life with me;\nthat, whenever I wished to help any man in\nhis need, or on any other occasion, I was\nnever told that I had not the means of doing\nit; and that to myself the same necessity\nnever happened, to receive anything from another;\nthat I have such a wife, so obedient, and\nso affectionate, and so simple; that I had\nabundance of good masters for my children;\nand that remedies have been shown to me by\ndreams, both others, and against bloodspitting\nand giddiness . . .; and that, when I had\nan inclination to philosophy, I did not fall\ninto the hands of any sophist, and that I\ndid not waste my time on writers [of histories],\nor in the resolution of syllogisms, or occupy\nmyself about the investigation of appearances\nin the heavens; for all these things require\nthe help of the gods and fortune.\nBook 2: Among the Quadi at the Granua.\n1. BEGIN the morning by saying to thyself,\nI shall meet with the busybody, the ungrateful,\narrogant, deceitful, envious, unsocial. All\nthese things happen to them by reason of their\nignorance of what is good and evil. But I\nwho have seen the nature of the good that\nit is beautiful, and of the bad that it is\nugly, and the nature of him who does wrong,\nthat it is akin to me; not [only] of the same\nblood or seed, but that it participates in\n[the same] intelligence and [the same] portion\nof the divinity, I can neither be injured\nby any of them, for no one can fix on me what\nis ugly, nor can I be angry with my kinsman,\nnor hate him. For we are made for co-operation,\nlike feet, like hands, like eyelids, like\nthe rows of the upper and lower teeth. To\nact against one another, then, is contrary\nto nature; and it is acting against one another\nto be vexed and to turn away.\n2. Whatever this is that I am, it is a little\nflesh and breath, and the ruling part. Throw\naway thy books; no longer distract thyself:\nit is not allowed; but as if thou wast now\ndying, despise the flesh; it is blood and\nbones and network, a contexture of nerves,\nveins, and arteries. See the breath also,\nwhat kind of a thing it is; air, and not always\nthe same, but every moment sent out and again\nsucked in. The third, then, is the ruling\npart; consider thus: Thou art an old man;\nno longer let this be a slave, no longer be\npulled by the strings like a puppet to unsocial\nmovements, no longer be either dissatisfied\nwith thy present lot, or shrink from the future.\n3. All that is from the gods is full of providence.\nThat which is from fortune is not separated\nfrom nature or without an interweaving and\ninvolution with the things which are ordered\nby providence. From thence all things flow;\nand there is besides necessity, and that which\nis for the advantage of the whole universe,\nof which thou art a part. But that is good\nfor every part of nature which the nature\nof the whole brings, and what serves to maintain\nthis nature. Now the universe is preserved,\nas by the changes of the elements so by the\nchanges of things compounded of the elements.\nLet these principles be enough for thee; let\nthem always be fixed opinions. But cast away\nthe thirst after books, that thou mayest not\ndie murmuring, but cheerfully, truly, and\nfrom thy heart thankful to the gods.\n4. Remember how long thou hast been putting\noff these things, and how often thou hast\nreceived an opportunity from the gods, and\nyet dost not use it. Thou must now at last\nperceive of what universe thou art a part,\nand of what administrator of the universe\nthy existence is an efflux, and that a limit\nof time is fixed for thee, which if thou dost\nnot use for clearing away the clouds from\nthy mind, it will go and thou wilt go, and\nit will never return.\n5. Every moment think steadily as a Roman\nand a man to do what thou hast in hand with\nperfect and simple dignity, and feeling of\naffection, and freedom, and justice, and to\ngive thyself relief from all other thoughts.\nAnd thou wilt give thyself relief if thou\ndoest every act of thy life as if it were\nthe last, laying aside all carelessness and\npassionate aversion from the commands of reason,\nand all hypocrisy, and self-love, and discontent\nwith the portion which has been given to thee.\nThou seest how few the things are, the which\nif a man lays hold of, he is able to live\na life which flows in quiet, and is like the\nexistence of the gods; for the gods on their\npart will require nothing more from him who\nobserves these things.\n6. Do wrong to thyself, do wrong to thyself,\nmy soul; but thou wilt no longer have the\nopportunity of honoring thyself. Every man's\nlife is sufficient.† But thine is nearly\nfinished, though thy soul reverences not itself,\nbut places thy felicity in the souls of others.\n7. Do the things external which fall upon\nthee distract thee? Give thyself time to learn\nsomething new and good, and cease to be whirled\naround. But then thou must also avoid being\ncarried about the other way; for those too\nare triflers who have wearied themselves in\nlife by their activity, and yet have no object\nto which to direct every movement, and, in\na word, all their thoughts.\n8. Through not observing what is in the mind\nof another a man has seldom been seen to be\nunhappy; but those who do not observe the\nmovements of their own minds must of necessity\nbe unhappy.\n9. This thou must always bear in mind, what\nis the nature of the whole, and what is my\nnature, and how this is related to that, and\nwhat kind of a part it is of what kind of\na whole, and that there is no one who hinders\nthee from always doing and saying the things\nwhich are according to the nature of which\nthou art a part.\n10. Theophrastus, in his comparison of bad\nacts—such a comparison as one would make\nin accordance with the common notions of mankind—says,\nlike a true philosopher, that the offenses\nwhich are committed through desire are more\nblamable than those which are committed through\nanger. For he who is excited by anger seems\nto turn away from reason with a certain pain\nand unconscious contraction; but he who offends\nthrough desire, being overpowered by pleasure,\nseems to be in a manner more intemperate and\nmore womanish in his offences. Rightly, then,\nand in a way worthy of philosophy, he said\nthat the offence which is committed with pleasure\nis more blamable than that which is committed\nwith pain; and on the whole the one is more\nlike a person who has been first wronged and\nthrough pain is compelled to be angry, but\nthe other is moved by his own impulse to do\nwrong, being carried towards doing something\nby desire.\n11. Since it is possible that thou mayest\ndepart from life this very moment, regulate\nevery act and thought accordingly. But to\ngo away from among men, if there are gods,\nis not a thing to be afraid of, for the gods\nwill not involve thee in evil; but if indeed\nthey do not exist, or if they have no concern\nabout human affairs, what is it to me to live\nin a universe devoid of gods or devoid of\nprovidence? But in truth they do exist, and\nthey do care for human things, and they have\nput all the means in man's power to enable\nhim not to fall into real evils. And as to\nthe rest, if there was anything evil, they\nwould have provided for this also, that it\nshould be altogether in a man's power not\nto fall into it. Now that which does not make\na man worse, how can it make a man's life\nworse? But neither through ignorance, nor—\nhaving the knowledge but not the power to\nguard against or correct these things, is\nit possible that the nature of the universe\nhas overlooked them; nor is it possible that\nit has made so great a mistake, either through\nwant of power or want of skill, that good\nand evil should happen indiscriminately to\nthe good and the bad. But death certainly,\nand life, honor and dishonor, pain and pleasure,—all\nthese things equally happen to good men and\nbad, being things which make us neither better\nnor worse. Therefore they are neither good\nnor evil.\n12. How quickly all things disappear,—in\nthe universe the bodies themselves, but in\ntime the remembrance of them. What is the\nnature of all sensible things, and particularly\nthose which attract with the bait of pleasure\nor terrify by pain, or are noised abroad by\nvapory fame; how worthless, and contemptible,\nand sordid, and perishable, and dead they\nare,—all this it is the part of the intellectual\nfaculty to observe. To observe too who these\nare whose opinions and voices give reputation;\nwhat death is, and the fact that, if a man\nlooks at it in itself, and by the abstractive\npower of reflection resolves into their parts\nall the things which present themselves to\nthe imagination in it, he will then consider\nit to be nothing else than an operation of\nnature; and if any one is afraid of an operation\nof nature, he is a child. This, however, is\nnot only an operation of nature, but it is\nalso a thing which conduces to the purposes\nof nature. To observe too how man comes near\nto the Deity, and by what part of him, and\nwhen this part of man is so disposed† (VI.28).\n13. Nothing is more wretched than a man who\ntraverses everything in a round, and pries\ninto the things beneath the earth, as the\npoet says, and seeks by conjecture what is\nin the minds of his neighbors, without perceiving\nthat it is sufficient to attend to the daemon\nwithin him, and to reverence it sincerely.\nAnd reverence of the daemon consists in keeping\nit pure from passion and thoughtlessness,\nand dissatisfaction with what comes from gods\nand men. For the things from the gods merit\nveneration for their excellence; and the things\nfrom men should be dear to us by reason of\nkinship; and sometimes even, in a manner,\nthey move our pity by reason of men's ignorance\nof good and bad; this defect being not less\nthan that which deprives us of the power of\ndistinguishing things that are white and black.\n14. Though thou shouldest be going to live\nthree thousand years and as many times ten\nthousand years, still remember that no man\nloses any other life than this which he now\nlives, nor lives any other than this which\nhe now loses. The longest and shortest are\nthus brought to the same. For the present\nis the same to all, though that which perish\nis not the same;† and so that which is lost\nappears to be a mere moment. For a man cannot\nlose either the past or the future: for what\na man has not, how can any one take this from\nhim? These two things then thou must bear\nin mind; the one, that all things from eternity\nare of like forms and come round in a circle,\nand that it makes no difference whether a\nman shall see the same things during a hundred\nyears, or two hundred, or an infinite time;\nand the second, that the longest liver and\nhe who will die soonest lose just the same.\nFor the present is the only thing of which\na man can be deprived, if it is true that\nthis is the only thing which he has, and that\na man cannot lose a thing if he has it not.\n15. Remember that all is opinion. For what\nwas said by the Cynic Monimus is manifest:\nand manifest too is the use of what was said,\nif a man receives what may be got out of it\nas far as it is true.\n16. The soul of man does violence to itself,\nfirst of all, when it becomes an abscess,\nand, as it were, a tumor on the universe,\nso far as it can. For to be vexed at anything\nwhich happens is a separation of ourselves\nfrom nature, in some part of which the natures\nof all other things are contained. In the\nnext place, the soul does violence to itself\nwhen it turns away from any man, or even moves\ntowards him with the intention of injuring,\nsuch as are the souls of those who are angry.\nIn the third place, the soul does violence\nto itself when it is overpowered by pleasure\nor by pain. Fourthly, when it plays a part,\nand does or says anything insincerely and\nuntruly. Fifthly, when it allows any act of\nits own and any movement to be without an\naim, and does anything thoughtlessly and without\nconsidering what it is, it being right that\neven the smallest things be done with reference\nto an end; and the end of rational animals\nis to follow the reason and the law of the\nmost ancient city and polity.\n17. Of human life the time is a point, and\nthe substance is in a flux, and the perception\ndull, and the composition of the whole body\nsubject to putrefaction, and the soul a whirl,\nand fortune hard to divine, and fame a thing\ndevoid of judgment. And, to say all in a word,\neverything which belongs to the body is a\nstream, and what belongs to the soul is a\ndream and vapor, and life is a warfare and\na stranger's sojourn, and after fame is oblivion.\nWhat then is that which is able to conduct\na man? One thing, and only one, philosophy.\nBut this consists in keeping the daemon within\na man free from violence and unharmed, superior\nto pains and pleasures, doing nothing without\na purpose, nor yet falsely and with hypocrisy,\nnot feeling the need of another man's doing\nor not doing anything; and besides, accepting\nall that happens, and all that is allotted,\nas coming from thence, wherever it is, from\nwhence he himself came; and, finally, waiting\nfor death with a cheerful mind, as being nothing\nelse than a dissolution of the elements of\nwhich every living being is compounded. But\nif there is no harm to the elements themselves\nin each continually changing into another,\nwhy should a man have any apprehension about\nthe change and dissolution of all the elements?\nFor it is according to nature, and nothing\nis evil which is according to nature.\nBook 3. In Carnuntum. \nWE ought to consider not only that our life\nis daily wasting away and a smaller part of\nit is left, but another thing also must be\ntaken into the account, that if a man should\nlive longer, it is quite uncertain whether\nthe understanding will still continue sufficient\nfor the comprehension of things, and retain\nthe power of contemplation which strives to\nacquire the knowledge of the divine and the\nhuman. For if he shall begin to fall into\ndotage, perspiration and nutrition and imagination\nand appetite, and whatever else there is of\nthe kind, will not fail; but the power of\nmaking use of ourselves, and filling up the\nmeasure of our duty, and clearly separating\nall appearances, and considering whether a\nman should now depart from life, and whatever\nelse of the kind absolutely requires a disciplined\nreason,—all this is already extinguished.\nWe must make haste, then, not only because\nwe are daily nearer to death, but also because\nthe conception of things and the understanding\nof them cease first.\n2. We ought to observe also that even the\nthings which follow after the things which\nare produced according to nature contain something\npleasing and attractive. For instance, when\nbread is baked some parts are split at the\nsurface, and these parts which thus open,\nand have a certain fashion contrary to the\npurpose of the baker's art, are beautiful\nin a manner, and in a peculiar way excite\na desire for eating. And again, figs, when\nthey are quite ripe, gape open; and in the\nripe olives the very circumstance of their\nbeing near to rottenness adds a peculiar beauty\nto the fruit. And the ears of corn bending\ndown, and the lion's eyebrows, and the foam\nwhich flows from the mouth of wild boars,\nand many other things,—though they are far\nfrom being beautiful if a man should examine\nthem severally,—still, because they are\nconsequent upon the things which are formed\nby nature, help to adorn them, and they please\nthe mind; so that if a man should have a feeling\nand deeper insight with respect to the things\nwhich are produced in the universe, there\nis hardly one of those which follow by way\nof consequence which will not seem to him\nto be in a manner disposed so as to give pleasure.\nAnd so he will see even the real gaping jaws\nof wild beasts with no less pleasure than\nthose which painters and sculptors show by\nimitation; and in an old woman and an old\nman he will be able to see a certain maturity\nand comeliness; and the attractive loveliness\nof young persons he will be able to look on\nwith chaste eyes; and many such things will\npresent themselves, not pleasing to every\nman, but to him only who has become truly\nfamiliar with Nature and her works.\n3. Hippocrates, after curing many diseases,\nhimself fell sick and died. The Chaldaei foretold\nthe deaths of many, and then fate caught them\ntoo. Alexander and Pompeius, and Caius Caesar,\nafter so often completely destroying whole\ncities, and in battle cutting to pieces many\nten thousands of cavalry and infantry, themselves\ntoo at last departed from life. Heraclitus,\nafter so many speculations on the conflagration\nof the universe, was filled with water internally\nand died smeared all over with mud. And lice\ndestroyed Democritus; and other lice killed\nSocrates. What means all this? Thou hast embarked,\nthou hast made the voyage, thou art come to\nshore; get out. If indeed to another life,\nthere is no want of gods, not even there;\nbut if to a state without sensation, thou\nwilt cease to be held by pains and pleasures,\nand to be a slave to the vessel, which is\nas much inferior as that which serves it is\nsuperior:† for the one is intelligence and\ndeity; the other is earth and corruption.\n4. Do not waste the remainder of thy life\nin thoughts about others, when thou dost not\nrefer thy thoughts to some object of common\nutility. For thou losest the opportunity of\ndoing something else when thou hast such thoughts\nas these,—What is such a person doing, and\nwhy, and what is he saying, and what is he\nthinking of, and what is he contriving, and\nwhatever else of the kind makes us wander\naway from the observation of our own ruling\npower. We ought then to check in the series\nof our thoughts everything that is without\na purpose and useless, but most of all the\nover-curious feeling and the malignant; and\na man should use himself to think of those\nthings only about which if one should suddenly\nask, What hast thou now in thy thoughts? with\nperfect openness thou mightest immediately\nanswer, This or That; so that from thy words\nit should be plain that everything in thee\nis simple and benevolent, and such as befits\na social animal, and one that cares not for\nthoughts about pleasure or sensual enjoyments\nat all, nor has any rivalry or envy and suspicion,\nor anything else for which thou wouldst blush\nif thou shouldst say that thou hadst it in\nthy mind. For the man who is such, and no\nlonger delays being among the number of the\nbest, is like a priest and minister of the\ngods, using too the [deity] which is planted\nwithin him, which makes the man uncontaminated\nby pleasure, unharmed by any pain, untouched\nby any insult, feeling no wrong, a fighter\nin the noblest fight, one who cannot be overpowered\nby any passion, dyed deep with justice, accepting\nwith all his soul everything which happens\nand is assigned to him as his portion; and\nnot often, nor yet without great necessity\nand for the general interest, imagining what\nanother says, or does, or thinks. For it is\nonly what belongs to himself that he makes\nthe matter for his activity; and he constantly\nthinks of that which is allotted to himself\nout of the sum total of things, and he makes\nhis own acts fair, and he is persuaded that\nhis own portion is good. For the lot which\nis assigned to each man is carried along with\nhim and carries him along with it.† And\nhe remembers also that every rational animal\nis his kinsman, and that to care for all men\nis according to man's nature; and a man should\nhold on to the opinion not of all, but of\nthose only who confessedly live according\nto nature. But as to those who live not so,\nhe always bears in mind what kind of men they\nare both at home and from home, both by night\nand by day, and what they are, and with what\nmen they live an impure life. Accordingly,\nhe does not value at all the praise which\ncomes from such men, since they are not even\nsatisfied with themselves.\n5. Labor not unwillingly, nor without regard\nto the common interest, nor without due consideration,\nnor with distraction; nor let studied ornament\nset off thy thoughts, and be not either a\nman of many words, or busy about too many\nthings. And further, let the deity which is\nin thee be the guardian of a living being,\nmanly and of ripe age, and engaged in matter\npolitical, and a Roman, and a ruler, who has\ntaken his post like a man waiting for the\nsignal which summons him from life, and ready\nto go, having need neither of oath nor of\nany man's testimony. Be cheerful also, and\nseek not external help nor the tranquillity\nwhich others give. A man then must stand erect,\nnot be kept erect by others.\n6. If thou findest in human life anything\nbetter than justice, truth, temperance, fortitude,\nand, in a word, anything better than thy own\nmind's self-satisfaction in the things which\nit enables thee to do according to right reason,\nand in the condition that is assigned to thee\nwithout thy own choice; if, I say, thou seest\nanything better than this, turn to it with\nall thy soul, and enjoy that which thou hast\nfound to be the best. But if nothing appears\nto be better than the Deity which is planted\nin thee, which has subjected to itself all\nthy appetites, and carefully examines all\nthe impressions, and, as Socrates said, has\ndetached itself from the persuasions of sense,\nand has submitted itself to the gods, and\ncares for mankind; if thou findest everything\nelse smaller and of less value than this,\ngive place to nothing else, for if thou dost\nonce diverge and incline to it, thou wilt\nno longer without distraction be able to give\nthe preference to that good thing which is\nthy proper possession and thy own; for it\nis not right that anything of any other kind,\nsuch as praise from the many, or power, or\nenioyment of pleasure, should come into competition\nwith that which is rationally and politically\n[or, practically] good. All these things,\neven though they may seem to adapt themselves\n[to the better things] in a small degree,\nobtain the superiority all at once, and carry\nus away. But do thou, I say, simply and freely\nchoose the better, and hold to it.—But that\nwhich is useful is the better.—Well, then,\nif it is useful to thee as a rational being,\nkeep to it; but if it is only useful to thee\nas an animal, say so, and maintain thy judgment\nwithout arrogance: only take care that thou\nmakest the inquiry by a sure method.\n7. Never value anything as profitable to thyself\nwhich shall compel thee to break thy promise,\nto lose thy self-respect, to hate any man,\nto suspect, to curse, to act the hypocrite,\nto desire anything which needs walls and curtains:\nfor he who has preferred to everything else\nhis own intelligence and daemon and the worship\nof its excellence, acts no tragic part, does\nnot groan, will not need either solitude or\nmuch company; and, what is chief of all, he\nwill live without either pursuing or flying\nfrom [death]; but whether for a longer or\na shorter time he shall have the soul enclosed\nin the body, he cares not at all: for even\nif he must depart immediately, he will go\nas readily as if he were going to do anything\nelse which can be done with decency and order;\ntaking care of this only all through life,\nthat his thoughts turn not away from anything\nwhich belongs to an intelligent animal and\na member of a civil community.\n8. In the mind of one who is chastened and\npurified thou wilt find no corrupt matter,\nnor impurity, nor any sore skinned over. Nor\nis his life incomplete when fate overtakes\nhim, as one may say of an actor who leaves\nthe stage before ending and finishing the\nplay. Besides, there is in him nothing servile,\nnor affected, nor too closely bound [to other\nthings], nor yet detached [from other things],\nnothing worthy of blame, nothing which seeks\na hiding-place.\n9. Reverence the faculty which produces opinion.\nOn this faculty it entirely depends whether\nthere shall exist in thy ruling part any opinion\ninconsistent with nature and the constitution\nof the rational animal. And this faculty promises\nfreedom from hasty judgment, and friendship\ntowards men, and obedience to the gods.\n10. Throwing away then all things, hold to\nthese only which are few; and besides, bear\nin mind that every man lives only this present\ntime, which is an indivisible point, and that\nall the rest of his life is either past or\nit is uncertain. Short then is the time which\nevery man lives; and small the nook of the\nearth where he lives; and short too the longest\nposthumous fame, and even this only continued\nby a succession of poor human beings, who\nwill very soon die, and who know not even\nthemselves, much less him who died long ago.\n11. To the aids which have been mentioned\nlet this one still be added: Make for thyself\na definition or description of the thing which\nis presented to thee, so as to see distinctly\nwhat kind of a thing it is in its substance,\nin its nudity, in its complete entirety, and\ntell thyself its proper name, and the names\nof the things of which it has been compounded,\nand into which it will be resolved. For nothing\nis so productive of elevation of mind as to\nbe able to examine methodically and truly\nevery object which is presented to thee in\nlife, and always to look at things so as to\nsee at the same time what kind of universe\nthis is, and what kind of use everything performs\nin it, and what value everything has with\nreference to the whole, and what with reference\nto man, who is a citizen of the highest city,\nof which all other cities are like families;\nwhat each thing is, and of what it is composed,\nand how long it is the nature of this thing\nto endure which now makes an impression on\nme, and what virtue I have need of with respect\nto it, such as gentleness, manliness, truth,\nfidelity, simplicity, contentment, and the\nrest. Wherefore, on every occasion a man should\nsay: This comes from god; and this is according\nto the apportionment † and spinning of the\nthread of destiny, and such-like coincidence\nand chance; and this is from one of the same\nstock, and a kinsman and partner, one who\nknows not, however, what is according to his\nnature. But I know; for this reason I behave\ntowards him according to the natural law of\nfellowship with benevolence and justice. At\nthe same time, however, in things indifferent\nI attempt to ascertain the value of each.\n12. If thou workest at that which is before\nthee, following right reason seriously, vigorously,\ncalmly, without allowing anything else to\ndistract thee, but keeping thy divine part\npure, as if thou shouldst be bound to give\nit back immediately; if thou holdest to this,\nexpecting nothing, fearing nothing, but satisfied\nwith thy present activity according to nature,\nand with heroic truth in every word and sound\nwhich thou utterest, thou wilt live happy.\nAnd there is no man who is able to prevent\nthis.\n13. As physicians have always their instruments\nand knives ready for cases which suddenly\nrequire their skill, so do thou have principles\nready for the understanding of things divine\nand human, and for doing everything, even\nthe smallest, with a recollection of the bond\nwhich unites the divine and human to one another.\nFor neither wilt thou do anything well which\npertains to man without at the same time having\na reference to things divine; nor the contrary.\n14. No longer wander at hazard; for neither\nwilt thou read thy own memoirs, nor the acts\nof the ancient Romans and Hellenes, and the\nselections from books which thou wast reserving\nfor thy old age.Hasten then to the end which\nthou hast before thee, and, throwing away\nidle hopes, come to thy own aid, if thou carest\nat all for thyself, while it is in thy power.\n15. They know not how many things are signified\nby the words stealing, sowing, buying, keeping\nquiet, seeing what ought to be done; for this\nis not effected by the eyes, but by another\nkind of vision.\n16. Body, soul, intelligence: to the body\nbelong sensation, to the soul appetites, to\nthe intelligence principles. To receive the\nimpressions of forms by means of appearances\nbelongs even to animals; to be pulled by the\nstrings of desire belongs both to wild beasts\nand to men who have made themselves into women,\nand to a Phalaris and a Nero: and to have\nthe intelligence that guides to the things\nwhich appear suitable belongs also to those\nwho do not believe in the gods, and who betray\ntheir country, and do their impure deeds when\nthey have shut the doors. If then everything\nelse is common to all that I have mentioned,\nthere remains that which is peculiar to the\ngood man, to be pleased and content with what\nhappens, and with the thread which is spun\nfor him; and not to defile the divinity which\nis planted in his breast, nor disturb it by\na crowd of images, but to preserve it tranquil,\nfollowing it obediently as a god, neither\nsaying anything contrary to the truth, nor\ndoing anything contrary to justice. And if\nall men refuse to believe that he lives a\nsimple, modest, and contented life, he is\nneither angry with any of them, nor does he\ndeviate from the way which leads to the end\nof life, to which a man ought to come pure,\ntranquil, ready to depart, and without any\ncompulsion perfectly reconciled to his lot.\nBook 4:\nTHAT which rules within, when it is according\nto nature, is so affected with respect to\nthe events which happened, that it always\neasily adapts itself to that which is possible\nand is presented to it. For it requires no\ndefinite material, but it moves towards its\npurpose, under certain conditions, however;\nand it makes a material for itself out of\nthat which opposes it, as fire lays hold of\nwhat falls into it, by which a small light\nwould have been extinguished; but when the\nfire is strong, it soon appropriates to itself\nthe matter which is heaped on it, and consumes\nit, and rises higher by means of this very\nmaterial.\n2. Let no act be done without a purpose, nor\notherwise than according to the perfect principles\nof art.\n3. Men seek retreats for themselves, houses\nin the country, sea-shores, and mountains;\nand thou too art wont to desire such things\nvery much. But this is altogether a mark of\nthe most common sort of men, for it is in\nthy power whenever thou shalt choose to retire\ninto thyself. For nowhere either with more\nquiet or more freedom from trouble does a\nman retire than into his own soul, particularly\nwhen he has within him such thoughts that\nby looking into them he is immediately in\nperfect tranquillity; and I affirm that tranquillity\nis nothing else than the good ordering of\nthe mind. Constantly then give to thyself\nthis retreat, and renew thyself; and let thy\nprinciples be brief and fundamental, which,\nas soon as thou shalt recur to them, will\nbe sufficient to cleanse the soul completely,\nand to send thee back free from all discontent\nwith the things to which thou returnest. For\nwith what art thou discontented? With the\nbadness of men? Recall to thy mind this conclusion,\nthat rational animals exist for one another,\nand that to endure is a part of justice, and\nthat men do wrong involuntarily; and consider\nhow many already, after mutual enmity, suspicion,\nhatred, and fighting, have been stretched\ndead, reduced to ashes; and be quiet at last.—But\nperhaps thou art dissatisfied with that which\nis assigned to thee out of the universe.—Recall\nto thy recollection this alternative; either\nthere is providence or atoms [fortuitous concurrence\nof things]; or remember the arguments by which\nit has been proved that the world is a kind\nof political community [and be quiet at last].—But\nperhaps corporeal things will still fasten\nupon thee.—Consider then further that the\nmind mingles not with the breath, whether\nmoving gently or violently, when it has once\ndrawn itself apart and discovered its own\npower, and think also of all that thou hast\nheard and assented to about pain and pleasure\n[and be quiet at last].—But perhaps the\ndesire of the thing called fame will torment\nthee.—See how soon everything is forgotten,\nand look at the chaos of infinite time on\neach side of [the present], and the emptiness\nof applause, and the changeableness and want\nof judgment in those who pretend to give praise,\nand the narrowness of the space within which\nit is circumscribed [and be quiet at last].\nFor the whole earth is a point, and how small\na nook in it is this thy dwelling, and how\nfew are there in it, and what kind of people\nare they who will praise thee.\nThis then remains: Remember to retire into\nthis little territory of thy own, and above\nall do not distract or strain thyself, but\nbe free, and look at things as a man, as a\nhuman being, as a citizen, as a mortal. But\namong the things readiest to thy hand to which\nthou shalt turn, let there be these, which\nare two. One is that things do not touch the\nsoul, for they are external and remain immovable;\nbut our perturbations come only from the opinion\nwhich is within. The other is that all these\nthings, which thou seest, change immediately\nand will no longer be; and constantly bear\nin mind how many of these changes thou hast\nalready witnessed. The universe is transformation:\nlife is opinion.\n4. If our intellectual part is common, the\nreason also, in respect of which we are rational\nbeings, is common: if this is so, common also\nis the reason which commands us what to do,\nand what not to do; if this is so, there is\na common law also; if this is so, we are fellow-citizens;\nif this is so, we are members of some political\ncommunity; if this is so, the world is in\na manner a state. For of what other common\npolitical community will any one say that\nthe whole human race are members? And from\nthence, from this common political community,\ncomes also our very intellectual faculty and\nreasoning faculty and our capacity for law;\nor whence do they come? For as my earthly\npart is a portion given to me from certain\nearth, and that which is watery from another\nelement, and that which is hot and fiery from\nsome peculiar source (for nothing comes out\nof that which is nothing, as nothing also\nreturns to non-existence), so also the intellectual\npart comes from some source.\n5. Death is such as generation is, a mystery\nof nature; composition out of the same elements,\nand a decomposition into the same; and altogether\nnot a thing of which any man should be ashamed,\nfor it is not contrary to [the nature of]\na reasonable animal, and not contrary to the\nreason of our constitution.\n6. It is natural that these things should\nbe done by such persons, it is a matter of\nnecessity; and if a man will not have it so,\nhe will not allow the fig-tree to have juice.\nBut by all means bear this in mind, that within\na very short time both thou and he will be\ndead; and soon not even your names will be\nleft behind.\n7. Take away thy opinion, and then there is\ntaken away the complaint, \"I have been harmed.\"\nTake away the complaint, \"I have been harmed,\"\nand the harm is taken away.\n8. That which does not make a man worse than\nhe was, also does not make his life worse,\nnor does it harm him either from without or\nfrom within.\n9. The nature of that which is [universally]\nuseful has been compelled to do this.\n10. Consider that everything which happens,\nhappens justly, and if thou observest carefully,\nthou wilt find it to be so. I do not say only\nwith respect to the continuity of the series\nof things, but with respect to what is just,\nand as if it were done by one who assigns\nto each thing its value. Observe then as thou\nhast begun; and whatever thou doest, do it\nin conjunction with this, the being good,\nand in the sense in which a man is properly\nunderstood to be good. Keep to this in every\naction.\n11. Do not have such an opinion of things\nas he has who does thee wrong, or such as\nhe wishes thee to have, but look at them as\nthey are in truth.\n12. A man should always have these two rules\nin readiness; the one to do only whatever\nthe reason of the ruling and legislating faculty\nmay suggest for the use of men; the other,\nto change thy opinion, if there is any one\nat hand who sets thee right and moves thee\nfrom any opinion. But this change of opinion\nmust proceed only from a certain persuasion,\nas of what is just or of common advantage,\nand the like, not because it appears pleasant\nor brings reputation.\n13. Hast thou reason? I have.—Why then dost\nnot thou use it? For if this does its own\nwork, what else dost thou wish?\n14. Thou hast existed as a part. Thou shalt\ndisappear in that which produced thee; but\nrather thou shalt be received back into its\nseminal principle by transmutation.\n15. Many grains of frankincense on the same\naltar: one falls before, another falls after;\nbut it makes no difference.\n16. Within ten days thou wilt seem a god to\nthose to whom thou art now a beast and an\nape, if thou wilt return to thy principles\nand the worship of reason.\n17. Do not act as if thou wert going to live\nten thousand years. Death hangs over thee.\nWhile thou livest, while it is in thy power,\nbe good.\n18. How much trouble he avoids who does not\nlook to see what his neighbor says or does\nor thinks, but only to what he does himself,\nthat it may be just and pure; or, as Agathon†\nsays, look not round at the depraved morals\nof others, but run straight along the line\nwithout deviating from it.\n19. He who has a vehement desire for posthumous\nfame does not consider that every one of those\nwho remember him will himself also die very\nsoon; then again also they who have succeeded\nthem, until the whole remembrance shall have\nbeen extinguished as it is transmitted through\nmen who foolishly admire and perish. But suppose\nthat those who will remember are even immortal,\nand that the remembrance will be immortal,\nwhat then is this to thee? And I say not what\nis it to the dead, but what is it to the living?\nWhat is praise, except † indeed so far as\nit has † a certain utility? For thou now\nrejectest unseasonably the gift of nature,\nclinging to something else . . .†\n20. Everything which is in any way beautiful\nis beautiful in itself, and terminates in\nitself, not having praise as part of itself.\nNeither worse then nor better is a thing made\nby being praised. I affirm this also of the\nthings which are called beautiful by the vulgar,\nfor example, material things and works of\nart. That which is really beautiful has no\nneed of anything; not more than law, not more\nthan truth, not more than benevolence or modesty.\nWhich of these things is beautiful because\nit is praised, or spoiled by being blamed?\nIs such a thing as an emerald made worse than\nit was, if it is not praised? or gold, ivory,\npurple, a lyre, a little knife, a flower,\na shrub?\n21. If souls continue to exist, how does the\nair contain them from eternity?—But how\ndoes the earth contain the bodies of those\nwho have been buried from time so remote?\nFor as here the mutation of these bodies after\na certain continuance, whatever it may be,\nand their dissolution, make room for other\ndead bodies, so the souls which are removed\ninto the air after subsisting for some time\nare transmuted and diffused, and assume a\nfiery nature by being received into the seminal\nintelligence of the universe, and in this\nway make room for the fresh souls which come\nto dwell there. And this is the answer which\na man might give on the hypothesis of souls\ncontinuing to exist. But we must not only\nthink of the number of bodies which are thus\nburied, but also of the number of animals\nwhich are daily eaten by us and the other\nanimals. For what a number is consumed, and\nthus in a manner buried in the bodies of those\nwho feed on them! And nevertheless this earth\nreceives them by reason of the changes [of\nthese bodies] into blood, and the transformations\ninto the aerial or the fiery element.\nWhat is the investigation into the truth in\nthis matter? The division into that which\nis material and that which is the cause of\nform [the formal]. (VII. 29.)\n22. Do not be whirled about, but in every\nmovement have respect to justice, and on the\noccasion of every impression maintain the\nfaculty of comprehension [or understanding].\n23. Everything harmonizes with me, which is\nharmonious to thee, O Universe. Nothing for\nme is too early nor too late, which is in\ndue time for thee. Everything is fruit to\nme which thy seasons bring, O Nature: from\nthee are all things, in thee are all things,\nto thee all things return. The poet says,\nDear city of Cecrops; and wilt not thou say,\nDear city of Zeus?\n24. Occupy thyself with few things, says the\nphilosopher, if thou wouldst be tranquil.—But\nconsider if it would not be better to say,\nDo what is necessary, and whatever the reason\nof the animal which is naturally social requires,\nand as it requires. For this brings not only\nthe tranquillity which comes from doing well,\nbut also that which comes from doing few things.\nFor the greatest part of what we say and do\nbeing unnecessary, if a man takes this away,\nhe will have more leisure and less uneasiness.\nAccordingly, on every occasion a man should\nask himself, Is this one of the unnecessary\nthings? Now a man should take away not only\nunnecessary acts, but also unnecessary thoughts,\nfor thus superfluous acts will not follow\nafter.\n25. Try how the life of the good man suits\nthee, the life of him who is satisfied with\nhis portion out of the whole, and satisfied\nwith his own just acts and benevolent disposition.\n26. Hast thou seen those things? Look also\nat these. Do not disturb thyself. Make thyself\nall simplicity. Does any one do wrong? It\nis to himself that he does the wrong. Has\nanything happened to thee? Well; out of the\nuniverse from the beginning everything which\nhappens has been apportioned and spun out\nto thee. In a word, thy life is short. Thou\nmust turn to profit the present by the aid\nof reason and justice. Be sober in thy relaxation.\n27. Either it is a well-arranged universe\nor a chaos huddled together, but still a universe.\nBut can a certain order subsist in thee, and\ndisorder in the All? And this too when all\nthings are so separated and diffused and sympathetic.\n28. A black character, a womanish character,\na stubborn character, bestial, childish, animal,\nstupid, counterfeit, scurrilous, fraudulent,\ntyrannical.\n29. If he is a stranger to the universe who\ndoes not know what is in it, no less is he\na stranger who does not know what is going\non in it. He is a runaway, who flies from\nsocial reason; he is blind, who shuts the\neyes of understanding; he is poor, who has\nneed of another, and has not from himself\nall things which are useful for life. He is\nan abscess on the universe who withdraws and\nseparates himself from the reason of our common\nnature through being displeased with the things\nwhich happen, for the same nature produces\nthis, and has produced thee too: he is a piece\nrent asunder from the state, who tears, his\nown soul from that of reasonable animals,\nwhich is one.\n30. The one is a philosopher without a tunic,\nand the other without a book: here is another\nhalf naked: Bread I have not, he says, and\nI abide by reason—and I do not get the means\nof living out of my learning,† and I abide\n[by my reason].\n31. Love the art, poor as it may be, which\nthou hast learned, and be content with it;\nand pass through the rest of life like one\nwho has intrusted to the gods with his whole\nsoul all that he has, making thyself neither\nthe tyrant nor the slave of any man.\n32. Consider, for example, the times of Vespasian.\nThou wilt see all these things, people marrying,\nbringing up children, sick, dying, warring,\nfeasting, trafficking, cultivating the ground,\nflattering, obstinately arrogant, suspecting,\nplotting, wishing for some to die, grumbling\nabout the present, loving, heaping up treasure,\ndesiring consulship, kingly power. Well, then,\nthat life of these people no longer exists\nat all. Again, remove to the times of Trajan.\nAgain, all is the same. Their life too is\ngone. In like manner view also the other epochs\nof time and of whole nations, and see how\nmany after great efforts soon fell and were\nresolved into the elements. But chiefly thou\nshouldst think of those whom thou hast thyself\nknown distracting themselves about idle things,\nneglecting to do what was in accordance with\ntheir proper constitution, and to hold firmly\nto this and to be content with it. And herein\nit is necessary to remember that the attention\ngiven to everything has its proper value and\nproportion. For thus thou wilt not be dissatisfied,\nif thou appliest thyself to smaller matters\nno further than is fit.\n33. The words which were formerly familiar\nare now antiquated: so also the names of those\nwho were famed of old, are now in a manner\nantiquated, Camillus, Caeso, Volesus, Leonnatus,\nand a little after also Scipio and Cato, then\nAugustus, then also Hadrianus and Antoninus.\nFor all things soon pass away and become a\nmere tale, and complete oblivion soon buries\nthem. And I say this of those who have shone\nin a wondrous way. For the rest, as soon as\nthey have breathed out their breath they are\ngone, and no man speaks of them. And, to conclude\nthe matter, what is even an eternal remembrance?\nA mere nothing. What then is that about which\nwe ought to employ our serious pains? This\none thing, thoughts just, and acts social,\nand words which never lie, and a disposition\nwhich gladly accepts all that happens, as\nnecessary, as usual, as flowing from a principle\nand source of the same kind.\n34. Willingly give thyself up to Clotho [one\nof the fates], allowing her to spin thy thread\n† into whatever things she pleases.\n35. Everything is only for a day, both that\nwhich remembers and that which is remembered.\n36. Observe constantly that all things take\nplace by change, and accustom thyself to consider\nthat the nature of the universe loves nothing\nso much as to change the things which are\nand to make new things like them. For everything\nthat exists is in a manner the seed of that\nwhich will be. But thou art thinking only\nof seeds which are cast into the earth or\ninto a womb: but this is a very vulgar notion.\n37. Thou wilt soon die, and thou art not yet\nsimple, nor free from perturbations, nor without\nsuspicion of being hurt by external things,\nnor kindly disposed towards all; nor dost\nthou yet place wisdom only in acting justly.\n38. Examine men's ruling principles, even\nthose of the wise, what kind of things they\navoid, and what kind they pursue.\n39. What is evil to thee does not subsist\nin the ruling principle of another; nor yet\nin any turning and mutation of thy corporeal\ncovering. Where is it then? It is in that\npart of thee in which subsists the power of\nforming opinions about evils. Let this power\nthen not form [such] opinions, and all is\nwell. And if that which is nearest to it,\nthe poor body, is cut, burnt, filled with\nmatter and rottenness, nevertheless let the\npart which forms opinions about these things\nbe quiet; that is, let it judge that nothing\nis either bad or good which can happen equally\nto the bad man and the good. For that which\nhappens equally to him who lives contrary\nto nature and to him who lives according to\nnature, is neither according to nature nor\ncontrary to nature.\n40. Constantly regard the universe as one\nliving being, having one substance and one\nsoul; and observe how all things have reference\nto one perception, the perception of this\none living being; and how all things act with\none movement; and how all things are the co-operating\ncauses of all things which exist; observe\ntoo the continuous spinning of the thread\nand the contexture of the web.\n41. Thou art a little soul bearing about a\ncorpse, as Epictetus used to say (I. c. 19).\n42. It is no evil for things to undergo change,\nand no good for things to subsist in consequence\nof change.\n43. Time is like a river made up of the events\nwhich happen, and a violent stream; for as\nsoon as a thing has been seen, it is carried\naway, and another comes in its place, and\nthis will be carried away too.\n44. Everything which happens is as familiar\nand well known as the rose in spring and the\nfruit in summer; for such is disease, and\ndeath, and calumny, and treachery, and whatever\nelse delights fools or vexes them.\n45. In the series of things, those which follow\nare always aptly fitted to those which have\ngone before: for this series is not like a\nmere enumeration of disjointed things, which\nhas only a necessary sequence, but it is a\nrational connection: and as all existing things\nare arranged together harmoniously, so the\nthings which come into existence exhibit no\nmere succession, but a certain wonderful relationship\n(VI. 38; VII. 9; VII. 75, note).\n46. Always remember the saying of Heraclitus,\nthat the death of earth is to become water,\nand the death of water is to become air, and\nthe death of air is to become fire, and reversely.\nAnd think too of him who forgets whither the\nway leads, and that men quarrel with that\nwith which they are most constantly in communion,\nthe reason which governs the universe; and\nthe things which they daily meet with seem\nto them strange: and consider that we ought\nnot to act and speak as if we were asleep,\nfor even in sleep we seem to act and speak;\nand that † we ought not, like children who\nlearn from their parents, simply to act and\nspeak as we have been taught.†\n47. If any god told thee that thou shalt die\nto-morrow, or certainly on the day after to-morrow,\nthou wouldst not care much whether it was\non the third day or on the morrow, unless\nthou wast in the highest degree mean-spirited;\nfor how small is the difference! So think\nit no great thing to die after as many years\nas thou canst name rather than to-morrow.\n48. Think continually how many physicians\nare dead after often contracting their eyebrows\nover the sick; and how many astrologers after\npredicting with great pretensions the deaths\nof others; and how many philosophers after\nendless discourses on death or immortality;\nhow many heroes after killing thousands; and\nhow many tyrants who have used their power\nover men's lives with terrible insolence,\nas if they were immortal; and how many cities\nare entirely dead, so to speak, Helice and\nPompeii and Herculaneum, and others innumerable.\nAdd to the reckoning all whom thou hast known,\none after another. One man after burying another\nhas been laid out dead, and another buries\nhim; and all this in a short time. To conclude,\nalways observe how ephemeral and worthless\nhuman things are, and what was yesterday a\nlittle mucus, to-morrow will be a mummy or\nashes. Pass then through this little space\nof time conformably to nature, and end thy\njourney in content, as an olive falls off\nwhen it is ripe, blessing nature who produced\nit, and thanking the tree on which it grew.\n49. Be like the promontory against which the\nwaves continually break, but it stands firm\nand tames the fury of the water around it.\nUnhappy am I because this has happened to\nme? Not so, but happy am I, though this has\nhappened to me, because I continue free from\npain, neither crushed by the present nor fearing\nthe future. For such a thing as this might\nhave happened to every man; but every man\nwould not have continued free from pain on\nsuch an occasion. Why then is that rather\na misfortune than this a good fortune? And\ndost thou in all cases call that a man's misfortune\nwhich is not a deviation from man's nature?\nAnd does a thing seem to thee to be a deviation\nfrom man's nature, when it is not contrary\nto the will of man's nature? Well, thou knowest\nthe will of nature. Will then this which has\nhappened prevent thee from being just, magnanimous,\ntemperate, prudent, secure against inconsiderate\nopinions and falsehood; will it prevent thee\nfrom having modesty, freedom, and everything\nelse, by the presence of which man's nature\nobtains all that is its own? Remember too\non every occasion which leads thee to vexation\nto apply this principle; not that this is\na misfortune, but that to bear it nobly is\ngood fortune.\n50. It is a vulgar, but still a useful help\ntowards contempt of death, to pass in review\nthose who have tenaciously stuck to life.\nWhat more then have they gained than those\nwho have died early? Certainly they lie in\ntheir tombs somewhere at last, Cadicianus,\nFabius, Julianus, Lepidus, or any one else\nlike them, who have carried out many to be\nburied, and then were carried out themselves.\nAltogether the interval is small [between\nbirth and death]; and consider with how much\ntrouble, and in company with what sort of\npeople, and in what a feeble body, this interval\nis laboriously passed. Do not then consider\nlife a thing of any value.† For look to\nthe immensity of time behind thee, and to\nthe time which is before thee, another boundless\nspace. In this infinity then what is the difference\nbetween him who lives three days and him who\nlives three generations?\n51. Always run to the short way; and the short\nway is the natural: accordingly say and do\neverything in conformity with the soundest\nreason. For such a purpose frees a man from\ntrouble,† and warfare, and all artifice\nand ostentatious display.\nBook 5\nIN the morning when thou risest unwillingly,\nlet this thought be present,—I am rising\nto the work of a human being. Why then am\nI dissatisfied if I am going to do the things\nfor which I exist and for which I was brought\ninto the world? Or have I been made for this,\nto lie in the bed-clothes and keep myself\nwarm?—But this is more pleasant.—Dost\nthou exist then to take thy pleasure, and\nnot at all for action or exertion? Dost thou\nnot see the little plants, the little birds,\nthe ants, the spiders, the bees working together\nto put in order their several parts of the\nuniverse? And art thou unwilling to do the\nwork of a human being, and dost thou not make\nhaste to do that which, is according to thy\nnature? But it is necessary to take rest also.—It\nis necessary. However, Nature has fixed bounds\nto this too: she has fixed bounds to eating\nand drinking, and yet thou goest beyond these\nbounds, beyond what is sufficient; yet in\nthy acts it is not so, but thou stoppest short\nof what thou canst do. So thou lovest not\nthyself, for if thou didst, thou wouldst love\nthy nature and her will. But those who love\ntheir several arts exhaust themselves in working\nat them unwashed and without food; but thou\nvaluest thy own nature less than the turner\nvalues the turning art, or the dancer the\ndancing art, or the lover of money values\nhis money, or the vain-glorious man his little\nglory. And such men, when they have a violent\naffection to a thing, choose neither to eat\nnor to sleep rather than to perfect the things\nwhich they care for. But are the acts which\nconcern society more vile in thy eyes and\nless worthy of thy labor?\n2. How easy it is to repel and to wipe away\nevery impression which is troublesome or unsuitable,\nand immediately to be in all tranquillity.\n3. Judge every word and deed which are according\nto nature to be fit for thee; and be not diverted\nby the blame which follows from any people,\nnor by their words, but if a thing is good\nto be done or said, do not consider it unworthy\nof thee. For those persons have their peculiar\nleading principle and follow their peculiar\nmovement; which things do not thou regard,\nbut go straight on, following thy own nature\nand the common nature; and the way of both\nis one.\n4. I go through the things which happen according\nto nature until I shall fall and rest, breathing\nout my breath into that element out of which\nI daily draw it in, and falling upon that\nearth out of which my father collected the\nseed, and my mother the blood, and my nurse\nthe milk; out of which during so many years\nI have been supplied with food and drink;\nwhich bears me when I tread on it and abuse\nit for so many purposes.\n5. Thou sayest, Men cannot admire the sharpness\nof thy wits.—Be it so: but there are many\nother things of which thou canst not say,\nI am not formed from them by nature. Show\nthose qualities then which are altogether\nin thy power, sincerity, gravity, endurance\nof labor, aversion to pleasure, contentment\nwith thy portion and with few things, benevolence,\nfrankness, no love of superfluity, freedom\nfrom trifling, magnanimity. Dost thou not\nsee how many qualities thou art immediately\nable to exhibit, in which there is no excuse\nof natural incapacity and unfitness, and yet\nthou still remainest voluntarily below the\nmark? or art thou compelled through being\ndefectively furnished by nature to murmur,\nand to be stingy, and to flatter, and to find\nfault with thy poor body, and to try to please\nmen, and to make great display, and to be\nso restless in thy mind? No, by the gods;\nbut thou mightest have been delivered from\nthese things long ago. Only if in truth thou\ncanst be charged with being rather slow and\ndull of comprehension, thou must exert thyself\nabout this also, not neglecting it nor yet\ntaking pleasure in thy dullness.\n6. One man, when he has done a service to\nanother, is ready to set it down to his account\nas a favor conferred. Another is not ready\nto do this, but still in his own mind he thinks\nof the man as his debtor, and he knows what\nhe has done. A third in a manner does not\neven know what he has done, but he is like\na vine which has produced grapes, and seeks\nfor nothing more after it has once produced\nits proper fruit. As a horse when he has run,\na dog when he has tackled the game, a bee\nwhen it has made the honey, so a man when\nhe has done a good act does not call out for\nothers to come and see, but he goes on to\nanother act, as a vine goes on to produce\nagain the grapes in season.—Must a man then\nbe one of these, who in a manner act thus\nwithout observing it?—Yes.—But this very\nthing is necessary, the observation of what\na man is doing: for, it may be said, it is\ncharacteristic of the social animal to perceive\nthat he is working in a social manner, and\nindeed to wish that his social partner also\nshould perceive it.—It is true that thou\nsayest, but thou dost not rightly understand\nwhat is now said: and for this reason thou\nwilt become one of those of whom I spoke before,\nfor even they are misled by a certain show\nof reason. But if thou wilt choose to understand\nthe meaning of what is said, do not fear that\nfor this reason thou wilt omit any social\nact.\n7. A prayer of the Athenians: Rain, rain,\nO dear Zeus, down on the ploughed fields of\nthe Athenians and on the plains.—In truth\nwe ought not to pray at all, or we ought to\npray in this simple and noble fashion.\n8. Just as we must understand when it is said,\nThat Aesculapius prescribed to this man horse-exercise,\nor bathing in cold water, or going without\nshoes, so we must understand it when it is\nsaid, That the nature of the universe prescribed\nto this man disease, or mutilation, or loss,\nor anything else of the kind. For in the first\ncase Prescribed means something like this:\nhe prescribed this for this man as a thing\nadapted to procure health; and in the second\ncase it means, That which happens to [or suits]\nevery man is fixed in a manner for him suitably\nto his destiny. For this is what we mean when\nwe say that things are suitable to us, as\nthe workmen say of squared stones in walls\nor the pyramids, that they are suitable, when\nthey fit them to one another in some kind\nof connection. For there is altogether one\nfitness [harmony]. And as the universe is\nmade up out of all bodies to be such a body\nas it is, so out of all existing causes necessity\n[destiny] is made up to be such a cause as\nit is. And even those who are completely ignorant\nunderstand what I mean; for they say, It [necessity,\ndestiny] brought this to such a person.—This\nthen was brought and this was prescribed to\nhim. Let us then receive these things, as\nwell as those which Aesculapius prescribes.\nMany as a matter of course even among his\nprescriptions are disagreeable, but we accept\nthem in the hope of health. Let the perfecting\nand accomplishment of the things which the\ncommon nature judges to be good, be judged\nby thee to be of the same kind as thy health.\nAnd so accept everything which happens, even\nif it seem disagreeable, because it leads\nto this, to the health of the universe and\nto the prosperity and felicity of Zeus [the\nuniverse]. For he would not have brought on\nany man what he has brought, if it were not\nuseful for the whole. Neither does the nature\nof anything, whatever it may be, cause anything\nwhich is not suitable to that which is directed\nby it. For two reasons then it is right to\nbe content with that which happens to thee;\nthe one, because it was done for thee and\nprescribed for thee, and in a manner had reference\nto thee, originally from the most ancient\ncauses spun with thy destiny; and the other,\nbecause even that which comes severally to\nevery man is to the power which administers\nthe universe a cause of felicity and perfection,\nnay even of its very continuance. For the\nintegrity of the whole is mutilated, if thou\ncuttest off anything whatever from the conjunction\nand the continuity either of the parts or\nof the causes. And thou dost cut off, as far\nas it is in thy power, when thou art dissatisfied,\nand in a manner triest to put anything out\nof the way.\n9. Be not disgusted, nor discouraged, nor\ndissatisfied, if thou dost not succeed in\ndoing everything according to right principles,\nbut when thou hast failed, return back again,\nand be content if the greater part of what\nthou doest is consistent with man's nature,\nand love this to which thou returnest; and\ndo not return to philosophy as if she were\na master, but act like those who have sore\neyes and apply a bit of sponge and egg, or\nas another applies a plaster, or drenching\nwith water. For thus thou wilt not fail to†\nobey reason, and thou wilt repose in it. And\nremember that philosophy requires only things\nwhich thy nature requires; but thou wouldst\nhave something else which is not according\nto nature.—It may be objected, Why, what\nis more agreeable than this [which I am doing]?\nBut is not this the very reason why pleasure\ndeceives us? And consider if magnanimity,\nfreedom, simplicity, equanimity, piety, are\nnot more agreeable. For what is more agreeable\nthan wisdom itself, when thou thinkest of\nthe security and the happy course of all things\nwhich depend on the faculty of understanding\nand knowledge?\n10. Things are in such a kind of envelopment\nthat they have seemed to philosophers, not\na few nor those common philosophers, altogether\nunintelligible; nay even to the Stoics themselves\nthey seem difficult to understand. And all\nour assent is changeable; for where is the\nman who never changes? Carry thy thoughts\nthen to the objects themselves, and consider\nhow short-lived they are and worthless, and\nthat they may be in the possession of a filthy\nwretch or a whore or a robber. Then turn to\nthe morals of those who live with thee, and\nit is hardly possible to endure even the most\nagreeable of them, to say nothing of a man\nbeing hardly able to endure himself. In such\ndarkness then and dirt, and in so constant\na flux both of substance and of time, and\nof motion and of things moved, what there\nis worth being highly prized, or even an object\nof serious pursuit, I cannot imagine. But\non the contrary it is a man's duty to comfort\nhimself, and to wait for the natural dissolution,\nand not to be vexed at the delay, but to rest\nin these principles only: the one, that nothing\nwill happen to me which is not conformable\nto the nature of the universe; and the other,\nthat it is in my power never to act contrary\nto my god and daemon: for there is no man\nwho will compel me to this.\n11. About what am I now employing my own soul?\nOn every occasion I must ask myself this question,\nand inquire, What have I now in this part\nof me which they call the ruling principle?\nand whose soul have I now,—that of a child,\nor of a young man, or of a feeble woman, or\nof a tyrant, or of a domestic animal, or of\na wild beast?\n12. What kind of things those are which appear\ngood to the many, we may learn even from this.\nFor if any man should conceive certain things\nas being really good, such as prudence, temperance,\njustice, fortitude, he would not after having\nfirst conceived these endure to listen to\nanything† which should not be in harmony\nwith what is really good.† But if a man\nhas first conceived as good the things which\nappear to the many to be good, he will listen\nand readily receive as very applicable that\nwhich was said by the comic writer. †Thus\neven the many perceive the difference.†\nFor were it not so, this saying would not\noffend and would not be rejected [in the first\ncase], while we receive it when it is said\nof wealth, and of the means which further\nluxury and fame, as said fitly and wittily.\nGo on then and ask if we should value and\nthink those things to be good, to which after\ntheir first conception in the mind the words\nof the comic writer might be aptly applied,—that\nhe who has them, through pure abundance has\nnot a place to ease himself in.\n13. I am composed of the formal and the material;\nand neither of them will perish into non-existence,\nas neither of them came into existence out\nof non-existence. Every part of me then will\nbe reduced by change into some part of the\nuniverse, and that again will change into\nanother part of the universe, and so on forever.\nAnd by consequence of such a change I too\nexist, and those who begot me, and so on forever\nin the other direction. For nothing hinders\nus from saying so, even if the universe is\nadministered according to definite periods\n[of revolution].\n14. Reason and the reasoning art [philosophy]\nare powers which are sufficient for themselves\nand for their own works. They move then from\na first principle which is their own, and\nthey make their way to the end which is proposed\nto them; and this is the reason why such acts\nare named Catorthoseis or right acts, which\nword signifies that they proceed by the right\nroad.\n15. None of these things ought to be called\na man's, which do not belong to a man, as\nman. They are not required of a man, nor does\nman's nature promise them, nor are they the\nmeans of man's nature attaining its end. Neither\nthen does the end of man lie in these things,\nnor yet that which aids to the accomplishment\nof this end, and that which aids toward this\nend is that which is good. Besides, if any\nof these things did belong to man, it would\nnot be right for a man to despise them and\nto set himself against them; nor would a man\nbe worthy of praise who snowed that he did\nnot want these things, nor would he who stinted\nhimself in any of them be good, if indeed\nthese things were good. But now the more of\nthese things a man deprives himself of, or\nof other things like them, or even when he\nis deprived of any of them, the more patiently\nhe endures the loss, just in the same degree\nhe is a better man.\n16. Such as are thy habitual thoughts, such\nalso will be the character of thy mind; for\nthe soul is dyed by the thoughts. Dye it then\nwith a continuous series of such thoughts\nas these: for instance, that where a man can\nlive, there he can also live well. But he\nmust live in a palace; well then, he can also\nlive well in a palace. And again, consider\nthat for whatever purpose each thing has been\nconstituted, for this it has been constituted,\nand towards this it is carried; and its end\nis in that towards which it is carried; and\nwhere the end is, there also is the advantage\nand the good of each thing. Now the good for\nthe reasonable animal is society; for that\nwe are made for society has been shown above.\nIs it not plain that the inferior exists for\nthe sake of the superior? But the things which\nhave life are superior to those which have\nnot life, and of those which have life the\nsuperior are those which have reason.\n17. To seek what is impossible is madness:\nand it is impossible that the bad should not\ndo something of this kind.\n18. Nothing happens to any man which he is\nnot formed by nature to bear. The same things\nhappen to another, and either because he does\nnot see that they have happened, or because\nhe would show a great spirit, he is firm and\nremains unharmed. It is a shame then that\nignorance and conceit should be stronger than\nwisdom.\n19. Things themselves touch not the soul,\nnot in the least degree; nor have they admission\nto the soul, nor can they turn or move the\nsoul: but the soul turns and moves itself\nalone, and whatever judgments it may think\nproper to make, such it makes for itself the\nthings which present themselves to it.\n20. In one respect man is the nearest thing\nto me, so far as I must do good to men and\nendure them. But so far as some men make themselves\nobstacles to my proper acts, man becomes to\nme one of the things which are indifferent,\nno less than the sun or wind or a wild beast.\nNow it is true that these may impede my action,\nbut they are no impediments to my affects\nand disposition, which have the power of acting\nconditionally and changing: for the mind converts\nand changes every hindrance to its activity\ninto an aid; and so that which is a hindrance\nis made a furtherance to an act; and that\nwhich is an obstacle on the road helps us\non this road.\n21. Reverence that which is best in the universe;\nand this is that which makes use of all things\nand directs all things. And in like manner\nalso reverence that which is best in thyself;\nand this is of the same kind as that. For\nin thyself also, that which makes use of everything\nelse is this, and thy life is directed by\nthis.\n22. That which does no harm to the state,\ndoes no harm to the citizen. In the case of\nevery appearance of harm apply this rule:\nif the state is not harmed by this, neither\nam I harmed. But if the state is harmed, thou\nmust not be angry with him who does harm to\nthe state. Show him where his error is.\n23. Often think of the rapidity with which\nthings pass by and disappear, both the things\nwhich are and the things which are produced.\nFor substance is like a river in a continual\nflow, and the activities of things are in\nconstant change, and the causes work in infinite\nvarieties; and there is hardly anything which\nstands still. And consider this which is near\nto thee, this boundless abyss of the past\nand of the future in which all things disappear.\nHow then is he not a fool who is puffed up\nwith such things or plagued about them and\nmakes himself miserable? for they vex him\nonly for a time, and a short time.\n24. Think of the universal substance, of which\nthou hast a very small portion; and of universal\ntime, of which a short and indivisible interval\nhas been assigned to thee; and of that which\nis fixed by destiny, and how small a part\nof it thou art.\n25. Does another do me wrong? Let him look\nto it. He has his own disposition, his own\nactivity. I now have what the universal nature\nnow wills me to have; and I do what my nature\nnow wills me to do.\n26. Let the part of thy soul which leads and\ngoverns be undisturbed by the movements in\nthe flesh, whether of pleasure or of pain;\nand let it not unite with them, but let it\ncircumscribe itself and limit those affects\nto their parts. But when these affects rise\nup to the mind by virtue of that other sympathy\nthat naturally exists in a body which is all\none, then thou must not strive to resist the\nsensation, for it is natural: but let not\nthe ruling part of itself add to the sensation\nthe opinion that it is either good or bad.\n27. Live with the gods. And he does live with\nthe gods who constantly shows to them that\nhis own soul is satisfied with that which\nis assigned to him, and that it does all that\nthe daemon wishes, which Zeus hath given to\nevery man for his guardian and guide, a portion\nof himself. And this is every man's understanding\nand reason.\n28. Art thou angry with him whose armpits\nstink? art thou angry with him whose mouth\nsmells foul? What good will this anger do\nthee? He has such a mouth, he has such armpits:\nit is necessary that such an emanation must\ncome from such things: but the man has reason,\nit will be said, and he is able, if he takes\npains, to discover wherein he offends; I wish\nthee well of thy discovery. Well then, and\nthou hast reason: by thy rational faculty\nstir up his rational faculty; show him his\nerror, admonish him. For if he listens, thou\nwilt cure him, and there is no need of anger.\n[† Neither tragic actor nor whore.†]\n29. As thou intendest to live when thou art\ngone out, . . . so it is in thy power to live\nhere. But if men do not permit thee, then\nget away out of life, yet so as if thou wert\nsuffering no harm. The house is smoky, and\nI quit it. Why dost thou think that this is\nany trouble? But so long as nothing of the\nkind drives me out, I remain, am free, and\nno man shall hinder me from doing what I choose;\nand I choose to do what is according to the\nnature of the rational and social animal.\n30. The intelligence of the universe is social.\nAccordingly it has made the inferior things\nfor the sake of the superior, and it has fitted\nthe superior to one another. Thou seest how\nit has subordinated, co-ordinated, and assigned\nto everything its proper portion, and has\nbrought together into concord with one another\nthe things which are the best.\n31. How hast thou behaved hitherto to the\ngods, thy parents, brethren, children, teachers,\nto those who looked after thy infancy, to\nthy friends, kinsfolk, to thy slaves? Consider\nif thou hast hitherto behaved to all in such\na way that this may be said of thee,—\n\"Never has wronged a man in deed or word.\"\nAnd call to recollection both how many things\nthou hast passed through, and how many things\nthou hast been able to endure, and that the\nhistory of thy life is now complete and thy\nservice is ended; and how many beautiful things\nthou hast seen; and how many pleasures and\npains thou hast despised; and how many things\ncalled honorable thou hast spurned; and to\nhow many ill-minded folks thou hast shown\na kind disposition.\n32. Why do unskilled and ignorant souls disturb\nhim who has skill and knowledge? What soul\nthen has skill and knowledge? That which knows\nbeginning and end, and knows the reason which\npervades all substance, and though all time\nby fixed periods [revolutions] administers\nthe universe.\n33. Soon, very soon, thou wilt be ashes, or\na skeleton, and either a name or not even\na name; but name is sound and echo. And the\nthings which are much valued in life are empty\nand rotten and trifling, and [like] little\ndogs biting one another, and little children\nquarreling, laughing, and then straightway\nweeping. But fidelity and modesty and justice\nand truth are fled\nUp to Olympus from the wide-spread earth.\nHESIOD, Works, etc. V. 197.\nWhat then is there which still detains thee\nhere, if the objects of sense are easily changed\nand never stand still, and the organs of perception\nare dull and easily receive false impressions,\nand the poor soul itself is an exhalation\nfrom blood? But to have good repute amid such\na world as this is an empty thing. Why then\ndost thou not wait in tranquillity for thy\nend, whether it is extinction or removal to\nanother state? And until that time comes,\nwhat is sufficient? Why, what else than to\nvenerate the gods and bless them, and to do\ngood to men, and to practise tolerance and\nself-restraint; but as to everything which\nis beyond the limits of the poor flesh and\nbreath, to remember that this is neither thine\nnor in thy power.\n34. Thou canst pass thy life in an equable\nflow of happiness, if thou canst go by the\nright way, and think and act in the right\nway. These two things are common both to the\nsoul of God and to the soul of man, and to\nthe soul of every rational being: not to be\nhindered by another; and to hold good to consist\nin the disposition to justice and the practice\nof it, and in this to let thy desire find\nits termination.\n35. If this is neither my own badness, nor\nan effect of my own badness, and the common\nweal is not injured, why am I troubled about\nit, and what is the harm to the common weal?\n36. Do not be carried along inconsiderately\nby the appearance of things, but give help\n[to all] according to thy ability and their\nfitness; and if they should have sustained\nloss in matters which are indifferent, do\nnot imagine this to be a damage; for it is\na bad habit. But as the old man, when he went\naway, asked back his foster-child's top, remembering\nthat it was a top, so do thou in this case\nalso.\nWhen thou art calling out on the Rostra, hast\nthou forgotten, man, what these things are?—Yes;\nbut they are objects of great concern to these\npeople—wilt thou too then be made a fool\nfor these things? I was once a fortunate man,\nbut I lost it, I know not how.—But fortunate\nmeans that a man has assigned to himself a\ngood fortune: and a good fortune is good disposition\nof the soul, good emotions, good actions.\nBook 6:\nTHE substance of the universe is obedient\nand compliant; and the reason which governs\nit has in itself no cause for doing evil,\nfor it has no malice, nor does it do evil\nto anything, nor is anything harmed by it.\nBut all things are made and perfected according\nto this reason.\n2. Let it make no difference to thee whether\nthou art cold or warm, if thou art doing thy\nduty; and whether thou art drowsy or satisfied\nwith sleep; and whether ill-spoken of or praised;\nand whether dying or doing something else.\nFor it is one of the acts of life, this act\nby which we die; it is sufficient then in\nthis act also to do well what we have in hand\n(VI. 22, 28).\n3. Look within. Let neither the peculiar quality\nof anything nor its value escape thee.\n4. All existing things soon change, and they\nwill either be reduced to vapor, if indeed\nall substance is one, or they will be dispersed.\n5. The reason which governs knows what its\nown disposition is, and what it does, and\non what material it works.\n6. The best way of avenging thyself is not\nto become like [the wrong-doer].\n7. Take pleasure in one thing and rest in\nit, in passing from one social act to another\nsocial act, thinking of God.\n8. The ruling principle is that which rouses\nand turns itself, and while it makes itself\nsuch as it is and such as it wills to be,\nit also makes everything which happens appear\nto itself to be such as it wills.\n9. In conformity to the nature of the universe\nevery single thing is accomplished; for certainly\nit is not in conformity to any other nature\nthat each thing is accomplished, either a\nnature which externally comprehends this,\nor a nature which is comprehended within this\nnature, or a nature external and independent\nof this (XI. 1; VI. 40; VIII. 50).\n10. The universe is either a confusion, and\na mutual involution of things, and a dispersion,\nor it is unity and order and providence. If\nthen it is the former, why do I desire to\ntarry in a fortuitous combination of things\nand such a disorder? and why do I care about\nanything else than how I shall at last become\nearth? and why am I disturbed, for the dispersion\nof my elements will happen whatever I do?\nBut if the other supposition is true, I venerate,\nand I am firm, and I trust in him who governs\n(IV. 27).\n11. When thou hast been compelled by circumstances\nto be disturbed in a manner, quickly return\nto thyself, and do not continue out of tune\nlonger than the compulsion lasts; for thou\nwilt have more mastery over the harmony by\ncontinually recurring to it.\n12. If thou hadst a step-mother and a mother\nat the same time, thou wouldst be dutiful\nto thy step-mother, but still thou wouldst\nconstantly return to thy mother. Let the court\nand philosophy now be to thee step-mother\nand mother: return to philosophy frequently\nand repose in her, through whom what thou\nmeetest with in the court appears to thee\ntolerable, and thou appearest tolerable in\nthe court.\n13. When we have meat before us and such eatables,\nwe receive the impression that this is the\ndead body of a fish, and this the dead body\nof a bird or of a pig; and again, that this\nFalernian is only a little grape-juice, and\nthis purple robe some sheep's wool dyed with\nthe blood of a shell-fish: such then are these\nimpressions, and they reach the things themselves\nand penetrate them, and so we see what kind\nof things they are. Just in the same way ought\nwe to act all through life, and where there\nare things which appear most worthy of our\napprobation, we ought to lay them bare and\nlook at their worthlessness and strip them\nof all the words by which they are exalted.\nFor outward show is a wonderful perverter\nof the reason, and when thou art most sure\nthat thou art employed about things worth\nthy pains, it is then that it cheats thee\nmost. Consider then what Crates says of Xenocrates\nhimself.\n14. Most of the things which the multitude\nadmire are referred to objects of the most\ngeneral kind, those which are held together\nby cohesion or natural organization, such\nas stones, wood, fig-trees, vines, olives.\nBut those which are admired by men, who are\na little more reasonable, are referred to\nthe things which are held together by a living\nprinciple, as flocks, herds. Those which are\nadmired by men who are still more instructed\nare the things which are held together by\na rational soul, not however a universal soul,\nbut rational so far as it is a soul skilled\nin some art, or expert in some other way,\nor simply rational so far as it possesses\na number of slaves. But he who values a rational\nsoul, a soul universal and fitted for political\nlife, regards nothing else except this; and\nabove all things he keeps his soul in a condition\nand in an activity conformable to reason and\nsocial life, and he co-operates to this end\nwith those who are of the same kind as himself.\n15. Some things are hurrying into existence,\nand others are hurrying out of it; and of\nthat which is coming into existence part is\nalready extinguished. Motions and changes\nare continually renewing the world, just as\nthe uninterrupted course of time is always\nrenewing the infinite duration of ages. In\nthis flowing stream then, on which there is\nno abiding, what is there of the things which\nhurry by on which a man would set a high price?\nIt would be just as if a man should fall in\nlove with one of the sparrows which fly by,\nbut it has already passed out of sight. Something\nof this kind is the very life of every man,\nlike the exhalation of the blood and the respiration\nof the air. For such as it is to have once\ndrawn in the air and to have given it back,\nwhich we do every moment, just the same is\nit with the whole respiratory power, which\nthou didst receive at thy birth yesterday\nand the day before, to give it back to the\nelement from which thou didst first draw it.\n16. Neither is transpiration, as in plants,\na thing to be valued, nor respiration, as\nin domesticated animals and wild beasts, nor\nthe receiving of impressions by the appearances\nof things, nor being moved by desires as puppets\nby strings, nor assembling in herds, nor being\nnourished by food; for this is just like the\nact of separating and parting with the useless\npart of our food. What then is worth being\nvalued? To be received with clapping of hands?\nNo. Neither must we value the clapping of\ntongues; for the praise which comes from the\nmany is a clapping of tongues. Suppose then\nthat thou hast given up this worthless thing\ncalled fame, what remains that is worth valuing?\nThis, in my opinion: to move thyself and to\nrestrain thyself in conformity to thy proper\nconstitution, to which end both all employments\nand arts lead. For every art aims at this,\nthat the thing which has been made should\nbe adapted to the work for which it has been\nmade; and both the vine-planter who looks\nafter the vine, and the horse-breaker, and\nhe who trains the dog, seek this end. But\nthe education and the teaching of youth aim\nat something. In this then is the value of\nthe education and the teaching. And if this\nis well, thou wilt not seek anything else.\nWilt thou not cease to value many other things\ntoo? Then thou wilt be neither free, nor sufficient\nfor thy own happiness, nor without passion.\nFor of necessity thou must be envious, jealous,\nand suspicious of those who can take away\nthose things, and plot against those who have\nthat which is valued by thee. Of necessity\na man must be altogether in a state of perturbation\nwho wants any of these things; and besides,\nhe must often find fault with the gods. But\nto reverence and honor thy own mind will make\nthee content with thyself, and in harmony\nwith society, and in agreement with the gods,\nthat is, praising all that they give and have\nordered.\n17. Above, below, all around are the movements\nof the elements. But the motion of virtue\nis in none of these: it is something more\ndivine, and advancing by a way hardly observed,\nit goes happily on its road.\n18. How strangely men act! They will not praise\nthose who are living at the same time and\nliving with themselves; but to be themselves\npraised by posterity, by those whom they have\nnever seen nor ever will see, this they set\nmuch value on. But this is very much the same\nas if thou shouldst be grieved because those\nwho have lived before thee did not praise\nthee.\n19. If a thing is difficult to be accomplished\nby thyself, do not think that it is impossible\nfor man: but if anything is possible for man\nand conformable to his nature, think that\nthis can be attained by thyself too.\n20. In the gymnastic exercises suppose that\na man has torn thee with his nails, and by\ndashing against thy head has inflicted a wound.\nWell, we neither show any signs of vexation,\nnor are we offended, nor do we suspect him\nafterwards as a treacherous fellow; and yet\nwe are on our guard against him, not however\nas an enemy, nor yet with suspicion, but we\nquietly get out of his way. Something like\nthis let thy behavior be in all the other\nparts of life; let us overlook many things\nin those who are like antagonists in the gymnasium.\nFor it is in our power, as I said, to get\nout of the way, and to have no suspicion nor\nhatred.\n21. If any man is able to convince me and\nshow me that I do not think or act right,\nI will gladly change; for I seek the truth,\nby which no man was ever injured. But he is\ninjured who abides in his error and ignorance.\n22. I do my duty: other things trouble me\nnot; for they are either things without life,\nor things without reason, or things that have\nrambled and know not the way.\n23. As to the animals which have no reason,\nand generally all things and objects, do thou,\nsince thou hast reason and they have none,\nmake use of them with a generous and liberal\nspirit. But towards human beings, as they\nhave reason, behave in a social spirit. And\non all occasions call on the gods, and do\nnot perplex thyself about the length of time\nin which thou shalt do this; for even three\nhours so spent are sufficient.\n24. Alexander the Macedonian and his groom\nby death were brought to the same state; for\neither they were received among the same seminal\nprinciples of the universe, or they were alike\ndispersed among the atoms.\n25. Consider how many things in the same indivisible\ntime take place in each of us,—things which\nconcern the body and things which concern\nthe soul: and so thou wilt not wonder if many\nmore things, or rather all things which come\ninto existence in that which is the one and\nall, which we call Cosmos, exist in it at\nthe same time.\n26. If any man should propose to thee the\nquestion, how the name Antoninus is written,\nwouldst thou with a straining of the voice\nutter each letter? What then if they grow\nangry, wilt thou be angry too? Wilt thou not\ngo on with composure and number every letter?\nJust so then in this life also remember that\nevery duty is made up of certain parts. These\nit is thy duty to observe, and without being\ndisturbed or showing anger towards those who\nare angry with thee, to go on thy way and\nfinish that which is set before thee.\n27. How cruel it is not to allow men to strive\nAfter the things which appear to them to be\nsuitable to their nature and profitable! And\nyet in a manner thou dost not allow them to\ndo this, when thou art vexed because they\ndo wrong. For they are certainly moved towards\nthings because they suppose them to be suitable\nto their nature and profitable to them.—But\nit is not so.—Teach them then, and show\nthem without being angry.\n28. Death is a cessation of the impressions\nthrough the senses, and of the pulling of\nthe strings which move the appetites, and\nof the discursive movements of the thoughts,\nand of the service to the flesh (II. 12).\n29. It is a shame for the soul to be first\nto give way in this life, when thy body does\nnot give way.\n30. Take care that thou art not made into\na Caesar, that thou art not dyed with this\ndye; for such things happen. Keep thyself\nthen simple, good, pure, serious, free from\naffectation, a friend of justice, a worshipper\nof the gods, kind, affectionate, strenuous\nin all proper acts. Strive to continue to\nbe such as philosophy wished to make thee.\nReverence the gods, and help men. Short is\nlife. There is only one fruit of this terrene\nlife—a pious disposition and social acts.\nDo everything as a disciple of Antoninus.\nRemember his constancy in every act which\nwas conformable to reason, and his evenness\nin all things, and his piety, and the serenity\nof his countenance, and his sweetness, and\nhis disregard of empty fame, and his efforts\nto understand things; and how he would never\nlet anything pass without having first most\ncarefully examined it and clearly understood\nit; and how he bore with those who blamed\nhim unjustly without blaming them in return;\nhow he did nothing in a hurry; and how he\nlistened not to calumnies, and how exact an\nexaminer of manners and actions he was; and\nnot given to reproach people, nor timid, nor\nsuspicious, nor a sophist; and with how little\nhe was satisfied, such as lodging, bed, dress,\nfood, servants; and how laborious and patient;\nand how he was able on account of his sparing\ndiet to hold out to the evening, not even\nrequiring to relieve himself by any evacuations\nexcept at the usual hour; and his firmness\nand uniformity in his friendships; and how\nhe tolerated freedom of speech in those who\nopposed his opinions; and the pleasure that\nhe had when any man showed him anything better;\nand how religious he was without superstition.\nImitate all this, that thou mayest have as\ngood a conscience, when thy last hour comes,\nas he had (I. 16).\n31. Return to thy sober senses and call thyself\nback; and when thou hast roused thyself from\nsleep and hast perceived that they were only\ndreams which troubled thee, now in thy waking\nhours look at these [the things about thee]\nas thou didst look at those [the dreams].\n32. I consist of a little body and a soul.\nNow to this little body all things are indifferent,\nfor it is not able to perceive differences.\nBut to the understanding those things only\nare indifferent which are not the works of\nits own activity. But whatever things are\nthe works of its own activity, all these are\nin its power. And of these however only those\nwhich are done with reference to the present;\nfor as to the future and the past activities\nof the mind, even these are for the present\nindifferent.\n33. Neither the labor which the hand does\nnor that of the foot is contrary to nature,\nso long as the foot does the foot's work and\nthe hand the hand's. So then neither to a\nman as a man is his labor contrary to nature,\nso long as it does the things of a man. But\nif the labor is not contrary to his nature,\nneither is it an evil to him.\n34. How many pleasures have been enjoyed by\nrobbers, patricides, tyrants.\n35. Dost thou not see how the handicrafts-men\naccommodate themselves up to a certain point\nto those who are not skilled in their craft—nevertheless\nthey cling to the reason [the principles]\nof their art, and do not endure to depart\nfrom it? Is it not strange if the architect\nand the physician shall have more respect\nto the reason [the principles] of their own\narts than man to his own reason, which is\ncommon to him and the gods?\n36. Asia, Europe, are corners of the universe;\nall the sea a drop in the universe; Athos\na little clod of the universe: all the present\ntime is a point in eternity. All things are\nlittle, changeable, perishable. All things\ncome from thence, from that universal ruling\npower, either directly proceeding or by way\nof sequence. And accordingly the lion's gaping\njaws, and that which is poisonous, and every\nharmful thing, as a thorn, as mud, are after-products\nof the grand and beautiful. Do not then imagine\nthat they are of another kind from that which\nthou dost venerate, but form a just opinion\nof the source of all (VII. 75).\n37. He who has seen present things has seen\nall, both everything which has taken place\nfrom all eternity and everything which will\nbe for time without end; for all things are\nof one kin and of one form.\n38. Frequently consider the connection of\nall things in the universe and their relation\nto one another. For in a manner all things\nare implicated with one another, and all in\nthis way are friendly to one another; for\none thing comes in order after another, and\nthis is by virtue of the † active movement\nand mutual conspiration and the unity of the\nsubstance (IX. 1).\n39. Adapt thyself to the things with which\nthy lot has been cast: and the men among whom\nthou hast received thy portion, love them,\nbut do it truly [sincerely].\n40. Every instrument, tool, vessel, if it\ndoes that for which it has been made, is well,\nand yet he who made it is not there. But in\nthe things which are held together by nature\nthere is within, and there abides in them\nthe power which made them; wherefore the more\nis it fit to reverence this power, and to\nthink, that, if thou dost live and act according\nto its will, everything in thee is in conformity\nto intelligence. And thus also in the universe\nthe things which belong to it are in conformity\nto intelligence.\n41. Whatever of the things which are not within\nthy power thou shalt suppose to be good for\nthee or evil, it must of necessity be that,\nif such a bad thing befall thee, or the loss\nof such a good thing, thou wilt not blame\nthe gods, and hate men too, those who are\nthe cause of the misfortune or the loss, or\nthose who are suspected of being likely to\nbe the cause; and indeed we do much injustice\nbecause we make a difference between these\nthings [because we do not regard these things\nas indifferent†]. But if we judge only those\nthings which are in our power to be good or\nbad, there remains no reason either for finding\nfault with God or standing in a hostile attitude\nto man.\n42. We are all working together to one end,\nsome with knowledge and design, and others\nwithout knowing what they do; as men also\nwhen they are asleep, of whom it is Heraclitus,\nI think, who says that they are laborers and\nco-operators in the things which take place\nin the universe. But men co-operate after\ndifferent fashions: and even those co-operate\nabundantly, who find fault with what happens\nand those who try to oppose it and to hinder\nit; for the universe had need even of such\nmen as these. It remains then for thee to\nunderstand among what kind of workmen thou\nplacest thyself; for he who rules all things\nwill certainly make a right use of thee, and\nhe will receive thee among some part of the\nco-operators and of those whose labors conduce\nto one end. But be not thou such a part as\nthe mean and ridiculous verse in the play,\nwhich Chrysippus speaks of.\n43. Does the sun undertake to do the work\nof the rain, or Aesculapius the work of the\nFruit-bearer [the earth]? And how is it with\nrespect to each of the stars—are they not\ndifferent and yet they work together to the\nsame end?\n44. If the gods have determined about me and\nabout the things which must happen to me,\nthey have determined well, for it is not easy\neven to imagine a deity without forethought;\nand as to doing me harm, why should they have\nany desire towards that? for what advantage\nwould result to them from this or to the whole,\nwhich is the special object of their providence?\nBut if they have not determined about me individually,\nthey have certainly determined about the whole\nat least, and the things which happen by way\nof sequence in this general arrangement I\nought to accept with pleasure and to be content\nwith them. But if they determine about nothing,—which\nit is wicked to believe, or if we do believe\nit, let us neither sacrifice nor pray nor\nswear by them, nor do anything else which\nwe do as if the gods were present and lived\nwith us,—but if however the gods determine\nabout none of the things which concern us,\nI am able to determine about myself, and I\ncan inquire about that which is useful; and\nthat is useful to every man which is conformable\nto his own constitution and nature. But my\nnature is rational and social; and my city\nand country, so far as I am Antoninus, is\nRome, but so far as I am a man, it is the\nworld. The things then which are useful to\nthese cities are alone useful to me.\n45. Whatever happens to every man, this is\nfor the interest of the universal: this might\nbe sufficient. But further thou wilt observe\nthis also as a general truth, if thou dost\nobserve, that whatever is profitable to any\nman is profitable also to other men. But let\nthe word profitable be taken here in the common\nsense as said of things of the middle kind\n[neither good nor bad].\n46. As it happens to thee in the amphitheatre\nand such places, that the continual sight\nof the same things, and the uniformity, make\nthe spectacle wearisome, so it is in the whole\nof life; for all things above, below, are\nthe same and from the same. How long then?\n47. Think continually that all kinds of men\nand all kinds of pursuits and of all nations\nare dead, so that thy thoughts come down even\nto Philistion and Phoebus and Origanion. Now\nturn thy thoughts to the other kinds [of men].\nTo that place then we must remove, where there\nare so many great orators, and so many noble\nphilosophers, Heraclitus, Pythagoras, Socrates;\nso many heroes of former days, and so many\ngenerals after them, and tyrants; besides\nthese, Eudoxus, Hipparchus, Archimedes, and\nother men of acute natural talents, great\nminds, lovers of labor, versatile, confident,\nmockers even of the perishable and ephemeral\nlife of man, as Menippus and such as are like\nhim. As to all these consider that they have\nlong been in the dust. What harm then is this\nto them; and what to those whose names are\naltogether unknown? One thing here is worth\na great deal, to pass thy life in truth and\njustice, with a benevolent disposition even\nto liars and unjust men.\n48. When thou wishest to delight thyself,\nthink of the virtues of those who live with\nthee; for instance, the activity of one, and\nthe modesty of another, and the liberality\nof a third, and some other good quality of\na fourth. For nothing delights so much as\nthe examples of the virtues, when they are\nexhibited in the morals of those who live\nwith us and present themselves in abundance,\nas far as is possible. Wherefore we must keep\nthem before us.\n49. Thou art not dissatisfied. I suppose,\nbecause thou weighest only so many litrae\nand not three hundred. Be not dissatisfied\nthen that thou must live only so many years\nand not more; for as thou art satisfied with\nthe amount of substance which has been assigned\nto thee, so be content with the time.\n50. Let us try to persuade them [men]. But\nact even against their will, when the principles\nof justice lead that way. If however any man\nby using force stands in thy way, betake thyself\nto contentment and tranquillity, and at the\nsame time employ the hindrance towards the\nexercise of some other virtue; and remember\nthat thy attempt was with a reservation [conditionally],\nthat thou didst not desire to do impossibilities.\nWhat then didst thou desire?—Some such effort\nas this.—But thou attainest thy object,\nif the things to which thou wast moved are\n[not] accomplished.†\n51. He who loves fame considers another man's\nactivity to be his own good; and he who loves\npleasure, his own sensations; but he who has\nunderstanding considers his own acts to be\nhis own good.\n52. It is in our power to have no opinion\nabout a thing, and not to be disturbed in\nour soul; for things themselves have no natural\npower to form our judgments.\n53. Accustom thyself to attend carefully to\nwhat is said by another, and as much as it\nis possible, be in the speaker's mind.\n54. That which is not good for the swarm,\nneither is it good for the bee.\n55. If sailors abused the helmsman, or the\nsick the doctor, would they listen to anybody\nelse? or how could the helmsman secure the\nsafety of those in the ship, or the doctor\nthe health of those whom he attends?\n56. How many together with whom I came into\nthe world are already gone out of it.\n57. To the jaundiced honey tastes bitter,\nand to those bitten by mad dogs water causes\nfear; and to little children the ball is a\nfine thing. Why then am I angry? Dost thou\nthink that a false opinion has less power\nthan the bile in the jaundiced or the poison\nin him who is bitten by a mad dog?\n58. No man will hinder thee from living according\nto the reason of thy own nature: nothing will\nhappen to thee contrary to the reason of the\nuniversal nature.\n59. What kind of people are those whom men\nwish to please, and for what objects, and\nby what kind of acts? How soon will time cover\nall things, and how many it has covered already.\nBook 7:\nWHAT is badness? It is that which thou hast\noften seen. And on the occasion of everything\nwhich happens keep this in mind, that it is\nthat which thou hast often seen. Everywhere\nup and down thou wilt find the same things,\nwith which the old histories are filled, those\nof the middle ages and those of our own day;\nwith which cities and houses are filled now.\nThere is nothing new: all things are both\nfamiliar and short-lived.\n2. How can our principles become dead, unless\nthe impressions [thoughts] which correspond\nto them are extinguished? But it is in thy\npower continuously to fan these thoughts into\na flame. I can have that opinion about anything\nwhich I ought to have. If I can, why am I\ndisturbed? The things which are external to\nmy mind have no relation at all to my mind.—Let\nthis be the state of thy affects, and thou\nstandest erect. To recover thy life is in\nthy power. Look at things again as thou didst\nuse to look at them; for in this consists\nthe recovery of thy life.\n3. The idle business of show, plays on the\nstage, flocks of sheep, herds, exercises with\nspears, a bone cast to little dogs, a bit\nof bread into fishponds, laborings of ants\nand burden-carrying, runnings about of frightened\nlittle mice, puppets pulled by strings—[all\nalike]. It is thy duty then in the midst of\nsuch things to show good humor and not a proud\nair; to understand however that every man\nis worth just so much as the things are worth\nabout which he busies himself.\n4. In discourse thou must attend to what is\nsaid, and in every movement thou must observe\nwhat is doing. And in the one thou shouldst\nsee immediately to what end it refers, but\nin the other watch carefully what is the thing\nsignified.\n5. Is my understanding sufficient for this\nor not? If it is sufficient, I use it for\nthe work as an instrument given by the universal\nnature. But if it is not sufficient, then\neither I retire from the work and give way\nto him who is able to do it better, unless\nthere be some reason why I ought not to do\nso; or I do it as well as I can, taking to\nhelp me the man who with the aid of my ruling\nprinciple can do what is now fit and useful\nfor the general good. For what-soever either\nby myself or with another I can do, ought\nto be directed to this only, to that which\nis useful and well suited to society.\n6. How many after being celebrated by fame\nhave been given up to oblivion; and how many\nwho have celebrated the fame of others have\nlong been dead.\n7. Be not ashamed to be helped; for it is\nthy business to do thy duty like a soldier\nin the assault on a town. How then, if being\nlame thou canst not mount up on the battlements\nalone, but with the help of another it is\npossible?\n8. Let not future things disturb thee, for\nthou wilt come to them, if it shall be necessary,\nhaving with thee the same reason which now\nthou usest for present things.\n9. All things are implicated with one another,\nand the bond is holy; and there is hardly\nanything unconnected with any other thing.\nFor things have been co-ordinated, and they\ncombine to form the same universe [order].\nFor there is one universe made up of all things,\nand one god who pervades all things, and one\nsubstance, and one law, [one] common reason\nin all intelligent animals, and one truth;\nif indeed there is also one perfection for\nall animals which are of the same stock and\nparticipate in the reason.\n10. Everything material soon disappears in\nthe substance of the whole; and everything\nformal [causal] is very soon taken back into\nthe universal reason; and the memory of everything\nis very soon overwhelmed in time.\n11. To the rational animal the same act is\naccording to nature and according to reason.\n12. Be thou erect, or be made erect (III.\n5).\n13. Just as it is with the members in those\nbodies which are united in one, so it is with\nrational beings which exist separate, for\nthey have been constituted for one co-operation.\nAnd the perception of this will be more apparent\nto thee if thou often sayest to thyself that\nI am a member [μέλος] of the system of\nrational beings. But if [using the letter\nr] thou sayest that thou art a part [μέρος],\nthou dost not yet love men from thy heart;\nbeneficence does not yet delight thee for\nits own sake; thou still doest it barely as\na thing of propriety, and not yet as doing\ngood to thyself.\n14. Let there fall externally what will on\nthe parts which can feel the effects of this\nfall. For those parts which have felt will\ncomplain, if they choose. But I, unless I\nthink that what has happened is an evil, am\nnot injured. And it is in my power not to\nthink so.\n15. Whatever any one does or says, I must\nbe good; just as if the gold, or the emerald,\nor the purple, were always saying this. Whatever\nany one does or says, I must be emerald and\nkeep my color.\n16. The ruling faculty does not disturb itself;\nI mean, does not frighten itself or cause\nitself pain.† But if any one else can frighten\nor pain it, let him do so. For the faculty\nitself will not by its own opinion turn itself\ninto such ways. Let the body itself take care,\nif it can, that it suffer nothing, and let\nit speak, if it suffers. But the soul itself,\nthat which is subject to fear, to pain, which\nhas completely the power of forming an opinion\nabout these things, will suffer nothing, for\nit will never deviate† into such a judgment.\nThe leading principle in itself wants nothing,\nunless it makes a want for itself; and therefore\nit is both free from perturbation and unimpeded,\nif it does not disturb and impede itself.\n17. Eudaemonia [happiness] is a good daemon,\nor a good thing. What then art thou doing\nhere, O imagination? Go away, I entreat thee\nby the gods, as thou didst come, for I want\nthee not. But thou art come according to thy\nold fashion. I am not angry with thee: only\ngo away.\n18. Is any man afraid of change? Why, what\ncan take place without change? What then is\nmore pleasing or more suitable to the universal\nnature? And canst thou take a bath unless\nthe wood undergoes a change? and canst thou\nbe nourished, unless the food undergoes a\nchange? And can anything else that is useful\nbe accomplished without change? Dost thou\nnot see then that for thyself also to change\nis just the same, and equally necessary for\nthe universal nature?\n19. Through the universal substance as through\na furious torrent all bodies are carried,\nbeing by their nature united with and co-operating\nwith the whole, as the parts of our body with\none another. How many a Chrysippus, how many\na Socrates, how many an Epictetus has time\nalready swallowed up! And let the same thought\noccur to thee with reference to every man\nand thing (V. 23; VI. 15).\n20. One thing only troubles me, lest I should\ndo something which the constitution of man\ndoes not allow, or in the way which it does\nnot allow, or what it does not allow now.\n21. Near is thy forgetfulness of all things;\nand near the forgetfulness of thee by all.\n22. It is peculiar to man to love even those\nwho do wrong. And this happens, if when they\ndo wrong it occurs to thee that they are kinsmen,\nand that they do wrong through ignorance and\nunintentionally, and that soon both of you\nwill die; and above all, that the wrong-doer\nhas done thee no harm, for he has not made\nthy ruling faculty worse than it was before.\n23. The universal nature out of the universal\nsubstance, as if it were wax, now moulds a\nhorse, and when it has broken this up, it\nuses the material for a tree, then for a man,\nthen for something else; and each of these\nthings subsists for a very short time. But\nit is no hardship for the vessel to be broken\nup, just as there was none in its being fastened\ntogether (VIII. 50).\n24. A scowling look is altogether unnatural;\nwhen it is often assumed, the result is that\nall comeliness dies away, and at last is so\ncompletely extinguished that it cannot be\nagain lighted up at all. Try to conclude from\nthis very fact that it is contrary to reason.\nFor if even the perception of doing wrong\nshall depart, what reason is there for living\nany longer?\n25. Nature which governs the whole will soon\nchange all things thou seest, and out of their\nsubstance will make other things, and again\nother things from the substance of them, in\norder that the world may be ever new (XII.\n23).\n26. When a man has done thee any wrong, immediately\nconsider with what opinion about good or evil\nhe has done wrong. For when thou hast seen\nthis, thou wilt pity him, and wilt neither\nwonder nor be angry. For either thou thyself\nthinkest the same thing to be good that he\ndoes, or another thing of the same kind. It\nis thy duty then to pardon him. But if thou\ndost not think such things to be good or evil,\nthou wilt more readily be well disposed to\nhim who is in error.\n27. Think not so much of what thou hast not\nas of what thou hast: but of the things which\nthou hast select the best, and then reflect\nhow eagerly they would have been sought, if\nthou hadst them not. At the same time, however,\ntake care that thou dost not through being\nso pleased with them accustom thyself to overvalue\nthem, so as to be disturbed if ever thou shouldst\nnot have them.\n28. Retire into thyself. The rational principle\nwhich rules has this nature, that it is content\nwith itself when it does what is just, and\nso secures tranquillity.\n29. Wipe out the imagination. Stop the pulling\nof the strings. Confine thyself to the present.\nUnderstand well what happens either to thee\nor to another. Divide and distribute every\nobject into the causal [formal] and the material.\nThink of thy last hour. Let the wrong which\nis done by a man stay there where the wrong\nwas done (VIII. 29).\n30. Direct thy attention to what is said.\nLet thy understanding enter into the things\nthat are doing and the things which do them\n(VII. 4).\n31. Adorn thyself with simplicity and modesty,\nand with indifference towards the things which\nlie between virtue and vice. Love mankind.\nFollow God. The poet says that law rules all—†\nAnd it is enough to remember that law rules\nall.†\n32. About death: whether it is a dispersion,\nor a resolution into atoms, or annihilation,\nit is either extinction or change.\n33. About pain: the pain which is intolerable\ncarries us off; but that which lasts a long\ntime is tolerable; and the mind maintains\nits own tranquillity by retiring into itself,†\nand the ruling faculty is not made worse.\nBut the parts which are harmed by pain, let\nthem, if they can, give their opinion about\nit.\n34. About fame: look at the minds [of those\nwho seek fame], observe what they are, and\nwhat kind of things they avoid, and what kind\nof things they pursue. And consider that as\nthe heaps of sand piled on one another hide\nthe former sands; so in life the events which\ngo before are soon covered by those which\ncome after.\n35. From Plato: The man who has an elevated\nmind and takes a view of all time and of all\nsubstance, dost thou suppose it possible for\nhim to think that human life is anything great?\nIt is not possible, he said.—Such a man\nthen will think that death also is no evil.—Certainly\nnot.\n36. From Antisthenes: It is royal to do good\nand to be abused.\n37. It is a base thing for the countenance\nto be obedient and to regulate and compose\nitself as the mind commands, and for the mind\nnot to be regulated and composed by itself.\n38. It is not right to vex ourselves at things,\n⁠For they care nought about it.\n39. To the immortal gods and us give joy.\n40. Life must be reaped like the ripe ears\nof corn.\n⁠One man is born; another dies.\n41. If gods care not for me and my children,\n⁠There is a reason for it.\n42. For the good is with me, and the just.\n43. No joining others in their wailing, no\nviolent emotion.\n44. From Plato: But I would make this man\na sufficient answer, which is this: Thou sayest\nnot well, if thou thinkest that a man who\nis good for anything at all ought to compute\nthe hazard of life or death, and should not\nrather look to this only in all that he does,\nwhether he is doing what is just or unjust,\nand the works of a good or bad man.\n45. For thus it is, men of Athens, in truth:\nwherever a man has placed himself thinking\nit the best place for him, or has been placed\nby a commander, there in my opinion he ought\nto stay and to abide the hazard, taking nothing\ninto the reckoning, either death or anything\nelse, before the baseness [of deserting his\npost].\n46. But, my good friend, reflect whether that\nwhich is noble and good is not something different\nfrom saving and being saved; for† as to\na man living such or such a time, at least\none who is really a man, consider if this\nis not a thing to be dismissed from the thoughts:†\nand there must be no love of life: but as\nto these matters a man must intrust them to\nthe Deity and believe what the women say,\nthat no man can escape his destiny, the next\ninquiry being how he may best live the time\nthat he has to live.\n47. Look round at the courses of the stars,\nas if thou wert going along with them; and\nconstantly consider the changes of the elements\ninto one another, for such thoughts purge\naway the filth of the terrene life.\n48. This is a fine saying of Plato: That he\nwho is discoursing about men should look also\nat earthly things as if he viewed them from\nsome higher place; should look at them in\ntheir assemblies, armies, agricultural labors,\nmarriages, treaties, births, deaths, noise\nof the courts of justice, desert places, various\nnations of barbarians, feasts, lamentations,\nmarkets, a mixture of all things and an orderly\ncombination of contraries.\n49. Consider the past,—such great changes\nof political supremacies; thou mayest foresee\nalso the things which will be. For they will\ncertainly be of like form, and it is not possible\nthat they should deviate from the order of\nthe things which take place now; accordingly\nto have contemplated human life for forty\nyears is the same as to have contemplated\nit for ten thousand years. For what more wilt\nthou see?\n50. That which has grown from the earth to\nthe earth,\n⁠But that which has sprung from heavenly\nseed,\n⁠Back to the heavenly realms returns.\nThis is either a dissolution of the mutual\ninvolution of the atoms, or a similar dispersion\nof the unsentient elements.\n51. With food and drinks and cunning magic\narts\n⁠Turning the channel's course to 'scape\nfrom death.\n⁠The breeze which heaven has sent\n⁠We must endure, and toil without complaining.\n52. Another may be more expert in casting\nhis opponent; but he is not more social, nor\nmore modest, nor better disciplined to meet\nall that happens, nor more considerate with\nrespect to the faults of his neighbors.\n53. Where any work can be done conformably\nto the reason which is common to gods and\nmen, there we have nothing to fear; for where\nwe are able to get profit by means of the\nactivity which is successful and proceeds\naccording to our constitution, there no harm\nis to be suspected.\n54. Everywhere and at all times it is in thy\npower piously to acquiesce in thy present\ncondition, and to behave, justly to those\nwho are about thee, and to exert thy skill\nupon thy present thoughts, that nothing shall\nsteal into them without being well examined.\n55. Do not look around thee to discover other\nmen's ruling principles, but look straight\nto this, to what nature leads thee, both the\nuniversal nature through the things which\nhappen to thee, and thy own nature through\nthe acts which must be done by thee. But every\nbeing ought to do that which is according\nto its constitution; and all other things\nhave been constituted for the sake of rational\nbeings, just as among irrational things the\ninferior for the sake of the superior, but\nthe rational for the sake of one another.\nThe prime principle then in man's constitution\nis the social. And the second is not to yield\nto the persuasions of the body,—for it is\nthe peculiar office of the rational and intelligent\nmotion to circumscribe itself, and never to\nbe overpowered either by the motion of the\nsenses or of the appetites, for both are animal:\nbut the intelligent motion claims superiority,\nand does not permit itself to be overpowered\nby the others. And with good reason, for it\nis formed by nature to use all of them. The\nthird thing in the rational constitution is\nfreedom from error and from deception. Let\nthen the ruling principle holding fast to\nthese things go straight on, and it has what\nis its own.\n56. Consider thyself to be dead, and to have\ncompleted thy life up to the present time;\nand live according to nature the remainder\nwhich is allowed thee.\n57. Love that only which happens to thee and\nis spun with the thread of thy destiny. For\nwhat is more suitable?\n58. In everything which happens keep before\nthy eyes those to whom the same things happened,\nand how they were vexed, and treated them\nas strange things, and found fault with them:\nand now where are they? Nowhere. Why then\ndost thou too choose to act in the same way?\nand why dost thou not leave these agitations\nwhich are foreign to nature to those who cause\nthem and those who are moved by them; and\nwhy art thou not altogether intent upon the\nright way of making use of the things which\nhappen to thee? For then thou wilt use them\nwell, and they will be a material for thee\n[to work on]. Only attend to thyself, and\nresolve to be a good man in every act which\nthou doest: and remember . . .\n59. Look within. Within is the fountain of\ngood, and it will ever bubble up, if thou\nwilt ever dig.\n60. The body ought to be compact, and to show\nno irregularity either in motion or attitude.\nFor what the mind shows in the face by maintaining\nin it the expression of intelligence and propriety,\nthat ought to be required also in the whole\nbody. But all these things should be observed\nwithout affectation.\n61. The art of life is more like the wrestler's\nart than the dancer's, in respect of this,\nthat it should stand ready and firm to meet\nonsets which are sudden and unexpected.\n62. Constantly observe who those are whose\napprobation thou wishest to have, and what\nruling principles they possess. For then thou\nwilt neither blame those who offend involuntarily,\nnor wilt thou want their approbation, if thou\nlookest to the sources of their opinions and\nappetites.\n63. Every soul, the philosopher says, is involuntarily\ndeprived of truth; consequently in the same\nway it is deprived of justice and temperance\nand benevolence and everything of the kind.\nIt is most necessary to bear this constantly\nin mind, for thus thou wilt be more gentle\ntowards all.\n64. In every pain let this thought be present,\nthat there is no dishonor in it, nor does\nit make the governing intelligence worse,\nfor it does not damage the intelligence either\nso far as the intelligence is rational or\nso far as it is social. Indeed in the case\nof most pains let this remark of Epicurus\naid thee, that pain is neither intolerable\nnor everlasting, if thou bearest in mind that\nit has its limits, and if thou addest nothing\nto it in imagination: and remember this too,\nthat we do not perceive that many things which\nare disagreeable to us are the same as pain,\nsuch as excessive drowsiness, and the being\nscorched by heat, and the having no appetite.\nWhen then thou art discontented about any\nof these things, say to thyself that thou\nart yielding to pain.\n65. Take care not to feel towards the inhuman\nas they feel towards men.\n66. How do we know if Telauges was not superior\nin character to Socrates? For it is not enough\nthat Socrates died a more noble death, and\ndisputed more skilfully with the sophists,\nand passed the night in the cold with more\nendurance, and that when he was bid to arrest\nLeon of Salamis, he considered it more noble\nto refuse, and that he walked in a swaggering\nway in the streets—though as to this fact\none may have great doubts if it was true.\nBut we ought to inquire what kind of a soul\nit was that Socrates possessed, and if he\nwas able to be content with being just towards\nmen and pious towards the gods, neither idly\nvexed on account of men's villainy, nor yet\nmaking himself a slave to any man's ignorance,\nnor receiving as strange anything that fell\nto his share out of the universal, nor enduring\nit as intolerable, nor allowing his understanding\nto sympathize with the affects of the miserable\nflesh.\n67. Nature has not so mingled† [the intelligence]\nwith the composition of the body, as not to\nhave allowed thee the power of circumscribing\nthyself and of bringing under subjection to\nthyself all that is thy own; for it is very\npossible to be a divine man and to be recognized\nas such by no one. Always bear this in mind;\nand another thing too, that very little indeed\nis necessary for living a happy life. And\nbecause thou hast despaired of becoming a\ndialectician and skilled in the knowledge\nof nature, do not for this reason renounce\nthe hope of being both free and modest, and\nsocial and obedient to God.\n68. It is in thy power to live free from all\ncompulsion in the greatest tranquillity of\nmind, even if all the world cry out against\nthee as much as they choose, and even if wild\nbeasts tear in pieces the members of this\nkneaded matter which has grown around thee.\nFor what hinders the mind in the midst of\nall this from maintaining itself in tranquillity\nand in a just judgment of all surrounding\nthings and in a ready use of the objects which\nare presented to it, so that the judgment\nmay say to the thing which falls under its\nobservation: This thou art in substance [reality],\nthough in men's opinion thou mayest appear\nto be of a different kind; and the use shall\nsay to that which falls under the hand: Thou\nart the thing that I was seeking; for to me\nthat which presents itself is always a material\nfor virtue both rational and political, and\nin a word, for the exercise of art, which\nbelongs to man or God. For everything which\nhappens has a relationship either to God or\nman, and is neither new nor difficult to handle,\nbut usual and apt matter to work on.\n69. The perfection of moral character consists\nin this, in passing every day as the last,\nand in being neither violently excited nor\ntorpid nor playing the hypocrite.\n70. The gods who are immortal are not vexed\nbecause during so long a time they must tolerate\ncontinually men such as they are and so many\nof them bad; and besides this, they also take\ncare of them in all ways. But thou, who art\ndestined to end so soon, art thou wearied\nof enduring the bad, and this too when thou\nart one of them?\n71. It is a ridiculous thing for a man not\nto fly from his own badness, which is indeed\npossible, but to fly from other men's badness,\nwhich is impossible.\n72. Whatever the rational and political [social]\nfaculty finds to be neither intelligent nor\nsocial, it properly judges to be inferior\nto itself.\n73. When thou hast done a good act and another\nhas received it, why dost thou still look\nfor a third thing besides these, as fools\ndo, either to have the reputation of having\ndone a good act or to obtain a return?\n74. No man is tired of receiving what is useful.\nBut it is useful to act according to nature.\nDo not then be tired of receiving what is\nuseful by doing it to others.\n75. The nature of the All moved to make the\nuniverse. But now either everything that takes\nplace comes by way of consequence or [continuity];\nor even the chief things towards which the\nruling power of the universe directs its own\nmovement are governed by no rational principle.\nIf this is remembered, it will make thee more\ntranquil in many things (VI. 44; IX. 28).\nBook 8:\nTHIS reflection also tends to the removal\nof the desire of empty fame, that it is no\nlonger in thy power to have lived the whole\nof thy life, or at least thy life from thy\nyouth upwards, like a philosopher; but both\nto many others and to thyself it is plain\nthat thou art far from philosophy. Thou hast\nfallen into disorder then, so that it is no\nlonger easy for thee to get the reputation\nof a philosopher; and thy plan of life also\nopposes it. If then thou hast truly seen where\nthe matter lies, throw away the thought, How\nthou shall seem [to others], and be content\nif thou shalt live the rest of thy life in\nsuch wise as thy nature wills. Observe then\nwhat it wills, and let nothing else distract\nthee; for thou hast had experience of many\nwanderings without having found happiness\nanywhere,—not in syllogisms, nor in wealth,\nnor in reputation, nor in enjoyment, nor anywhere.\nWhere is it then? In doing what man's nature\nrequires. How then shall a man do this? If\nhe has principles from which come his affects\nand his acts. What principles? Those which\nrelate to good and bad: the belief that there\nis nothing good for man which does not make\nhim just, temperate, manly, free; and that\nthere is nothing bad which does not do the\ncontrary to what has been mentioned.\n2. On the occasion of every act ask thyself,\nHow is this with respect to me? Shall I repent\nof it? A little time and I am dead, and all\nis gone. What more do I seek, if what I am\nnow doing is the work of an intelligent living\nbeing, and a social being, and one who is\nunder the same law with God?\n3. Alexander and Caius and Pompeius, what\nare they in comparison with Diogenes and Heraclitus\nand Socrates? For they were acquainted with\nthings, and their causes [forms], and their\nmatter, and the ruling principles of these\nmen were the same [or conformable to their\npursuits]. But as to the others, how many\nthings had they to care for, and to how many\nthings were they slaves!\n4. [Consider] that men will do the same things\nnevertheless, even though thou shouldst burst.\n5. This is the chief thing: Be not perturbed,\nfor all things are according to the nature\nof the universal; and in a little time thou\nwilt be nobody and nowhere, like Hadrianus\nand Augustus. In the next place, having fixed\nthy eyes steadily on thy business, look at\nit, and at the same time remembering that\nit is thy duty to be a good man, and what\nman's nature demands, do that without turning\naside; and speak as it seems to thee most\njust, only let it be with a good disposition\nand with modesty and without hypocrisy.\n6. The nature of the universal has this work\nto do,—to remove to that place the things\nwhich are in this, to change them, to take,\nthem away hence, and to carry them there.\nAll things are change, yet we need not fear\nanything new. All things are familiar [to\nus]; but the distribution of them still remains\nthe same.\n7. Every nature is contented with itself when\nit goes on its way well; and a rational nature\ngoes on its way well when in its thoughts\nit assents to nothing false or uncertain,\nand when it directs its movements to social\nacts only, and when it confines its desires\nand aversions to the things which are in its\npower, and when it is satisfied with everything\nthat is assigned to it by the common nature.\nFor of this common nature every particular\nnature is a part, as the nature of the leaf\nis a part of the nature of the plant; except\nthat in the plant the nature of the leaf is\npart of a nature which has not perception\nor reason, and is subject to be impeded; but\nthe nature of man is part of a nature which\nis not subject to impediments, and is intelligent\nand just, since it gives to everything in\nequal portions and according to its worth,\ntimes, substance, cause [form], activity,\nand incident. But examine, not to discover\nthat any one thing compared with any other\nsingle thing is equal in all respects, but\nby taking all the parts together of one thing\nand comparing them with all the parts together\nof another.\n8. Thou hast not leisure [or ability] to read.\nBut thou hast leisure [or ability] to check\narrogance: thou hast leisure to be superior\nto pleasure and pain: thou hast leisure to\nbe superior to love of fame, and not to be\nvexed at stupid. and ungrateful people, nay\neven to care for them.\n9. Let no man any longer hear thee finding\nfault with the court life or with thy own\n(V. 16).\n10. Repentance is a kind of self-reproof for\nhaving neglected something useful; but that\nwhich is good must be something useful, and\nthe perfect good man should look after it.\nBut no such man would ever repent of having\nrefused any sensual pleasure. Pleasure then\nis neither good nor useful.\n11. This thing, what is it in itself, in its\nown constitution? What is its substance and\nmaterial? And what its causal nature [or form]?\nAnd what is it doing in the world? And how\nlong does it subsist?\n12. When thou risest from sleep with reluctance,\nremember that it is according to thy constitution\nand according to human nature to perform social\nacts, but sleeping is common also to irrational\nanimals. But that which is according to each\nindividual's nature is also more peculiarly\nits own, and more suitable to its nature,\nand indeed also more agreeable (V. 1).\n13. Constantly, and, if it be possible, on\nthe occasion of every impression on the soul,\napply to it the principles of Physic, of Ethic,\nand of Dialectic.\n14. Whatever man thou meetest with, immediately\nsay to thyself: What opinions has this man\nabout good and bad? For if with respect to\npleasure and pain and the causes of each,\nand with respect to fame and ignominy, death\nand life, he has such and such opinions, it\nwill seem nothing wonderful or strange to\nme if he does such and such things; and I\nshall bear in mind that he is compelled to\ndo so.\n15. Remember that as it is a shame to be surprised\nif the fig-tree produces figs, so it is to\nbe surprised if the world produces such and\nsuch things of which it is productive; and\nfor the physician and the helmsman it is a\nshame to be surprised if a man has a fever,\nor if the wind is unfavorable.\n16. Remember that to change thy opinion and\nto follow him who corrects thy error is as\nconsistent with freedom as it is to persist\nin thy error. For it is thy own, the activity\nwhich is exerted according to thy own movement\nand judgment, and indeed according to thy\nown understanding too.\n17. If a thing is in thy own power, why dost\nthou do it? but if it is in the power of another,\nwhom dost thou blame,—the atoms [chance]\nor the gods? Both are foolish. Thou must blame\nnobody. For if thou canst, correct [that which\nis the cause]; but if thou canst not do this,\ncorrect at least the thing itself; but if\nthou canst not do even this, of what use is\nit to thee to find fault? for nothing should\nbe done without a purpose.\n18. That which has died falls not out of the\nuniverse. If it stays here, it also changes\nhere, and is dissolved into its proper parts,\nwhich are elements of the universe and of\nthyself. And these too change, and they murmur\nnot.\n19. Everything exists for some end,—a horse,\na vine. Why dost thou wonder? Even the sun\nwill say, I am for some purpose, and the rest\nof the gods will say the same. For what purpose\nthen art thou,—to enjoy pleasure? See if\ncommon sense allows this.\n20. Nature has had regard in everything no\nless to the end than to the beginning and\nthe continuance, just like the man who throws\nup a ball. What good is it then for the ball\nto be thrown up, or harm for it to come down,\nor even to have fallen? and what good is it\nto the bubble while it holds together, or\nwhat harm when it is burst? The same may be\nsaid of a light also.\n21. Turn it [the body] inside out, and see\nwhat kind of thing it is; and when it has\ngrown old, what kind of thing it becomes,\nand when it is diseased.\nShort lived are both the praiser and the praised,\nand the rememberer and the remembered: and\nall this in a nook of this part of the world;\nand not even here do all agree, no, not any\none with himself: and the whole earth too\nis a point.\n22. Attend to the matter which is before thee,\nwhether it is an opinion or an act or a word.\nThou sufferest this justly: for thou choosest\nrather to become good to-morrow than to be\ngood to-day.\n23. Am I doing anything? I do it with reference\nto the good of mankind. Does anything happen\nto me? I receive it and refer it to the gods,\nand the source of all things, from which all\nthat happens is derived.\n24. Such as bathing appears to thee,—oil,\nsweat, dirt, filthy water, all things disgusting,—so\nis every part of life and everything.\n25. Lucilla saw Verus die, and then Lucilla\ndied. Secunda saw Maximus die, and then Secunda\ndied. Epitynchanus saw Diotimus die, and then\nEpitynchanus died. Antoninus saw Faustina\ndie, and then Antoninus died. Such is everything.\nCeler saw Hadrianus die, and then Celer died.\nAnd those sharp-witted men, either seers or\nmen inflated with pride, where are they,—for\ninstance the sharp-witted men, Charax and\nDemetrius the Platonist, and Eudaemon, and\nany one else like them? All ephemeral, dead\nlong ago. Some indeed have not been remembered\neven for a short time, and others have become\nthe heroes of fables, and again others have\ndisappeared even from fables. Remember this\nthen, that this little compound, thyself,\nmust either be dissolved, or thy poor breath\nmust be extinguished, or be removed and placed\nelsewhere.\n26. It is satisfaction to a man to do the\nproper works of a man. Now it is a proper\nwork of a man to be benevolent to his own\nkind, to despise the movements of the senses,\nto form a just judgment of plausible appearances,\nand to take a survey of the nature of the\nuniverse and of the things which happen in\nit.\n27. There are three relations [between thee\nand other things]: the one to the body which\nsurrounds thee; the second to the divine cause\nfrom which all things come to all; and the\nthird to those who live with thee.\n28. Pain is either an evil to the body—then\nlet the body say what it thinks of it—or\nto the soul; but it is in the power of the\nsoul to maintain its own serenity and tranquillity,\nand not to think that pain is an evil. For\nevery judgment and movement and desire and\naversion is within, and no evil ascends so\nhigh.\n29. Wipe out thy imaginations by often saying\nto thyself: Now it is in my power to let no\nbadness be in this soul, nor desire, nor any\nperturbation at all; but looking at all things\nI see what is their nature, and I use each\naccording to its value.—Remember this power\nwhich thou hast from nature.\n30. Speak both in the senate and to every\nman, whoever he may be, appropriately, not\nwith any affectation: use plain discourse.\n31. Augustus' court, wife, daughter, descendants,\nancestors, sister, Agrippa, kinsmen, intimates,\nfriends; Areius, Maecenas, physicians, and\nsacrificing priests,—the whole court is\ndead. Then turn to the rest, not considering\nthe death of a single man [but of a whole\nrace], as of the Pompeii; and that which is\ninscribed on the tombs,—The last of his\nrace. Then consider what trouble those before\nthem have had that they might leave a successor;\nand then, that of necessity some one must\nbe the last. Again, here consider the death\nof a whole race.\n32. It is thy duty to order thy life well\nin every single act; and if every act does\nits duty as far as is possible, be content;\nand no one is able to hinder thee so that\neach act shall not do its duty.—But something\nexternal will stand in the way. Nothing will\nstand in the way of thy acting justly and\nsoberly and considerately.—But perhaps some\nother active power will be hindered. Well,\nbut by acquiescing in the hindrance and by\nbeing content to transfer thy efforts to that\nwhich is allowed, another opportunity of action\nis immediately put before thee in place of\nthat which was hindered, and one which will\nadapt itself to this ordering of which we\nare speaking.\n33. Receive [wealth or prosperity] without\narrogance; and be ready to let it go.\n34. If thou didst ever see a hand cut off,\nor a foot, or a head, lying anywhere apart\nfrom the rest of the body, such does a man\nmake himself, as far as he can, who is not\ncontent with what happens, and separates himself\nfrom others, or does anything unsocial. Suppose\nthat thou hast detached thyself from the natural\nunity,—for thou wast made by nature a part,\nbut now thou hast cut thyself off,—yet here\nthere is this beautiful provision, that it\nis in thy power again to unite thyself. God\nhas allowed this to no other part, after it\nhas been separated and cut asunder, to come\ntogether again. But consider the kindness\nby which he has distinguished man, for he\nhas put it in his power not to be separated\nat all from the universal; and when he has\nbeen separated, he has allowed him to return\nand to be united and to resume his place as\na part.\n35. As the nature of the universal has given\nto every rational being all the other powers\nthat it has, † so we have received from\nit this power also. For as the universal nature\nconverts and fixes in its predestined place\neverything which stands in the way and opposes\nit, and makes such things a part of itself,\nso also the rational animal is able to make\nevery hindrance its own material, and to use\nit for such purposes as it may have designed.\n36. Do not disturb thyself by thinking of\nthe whole of thy life. Let not thy thoughts\nat once embrace all the various troubles which\nthou mayest expect to befall thee: but on\nevery occasion ask thyself, What is there\nin this which is intolerable and past bearing?\nfor thou wilt be ashamed to confess. In the\nnext place remember that neither the future\nnor the past pains thee, but only the present.\nBut this is reduced to a very little, if thou\nonly circumscribest it, and chidest thy mind\nif it is unable to hold out against even this.\n37. Does Panthea or Fergamus now sit by the\ntomb of Verus? Does Chaurias or Diotimus sit\nby the tomb of Hadrianus? That would be ridiculous.\nWell, suppose they did sit there, would the\ndead be conscious of it? and if the dead were\nconscious, would they be pleased? and if they\nwere pleased, would that make them immortal?\nWas it not in the order of destiny that these\npersons too should first become old women\nand old men and then die? What then would\nthose do after these were dead? All this is\nfoul smell and blood in a bag.\n38. If thou canst see sharp, look and judge\nwisely,† says the philosopher.\n39. In the constitution of the rational animal\nI see no virtue which is opposed to justice;\nbut I see a virtue which is opposed to love\nof pleasure, and that is temperance.\n40. If thou takest away thy opinion about\nthat which appears to give thee pain, thou\nthyself standest in perfect security.—Who\nis this self?—The reason.—But I am not\nreason.—Be it so. Let then the reason itself\nnot trouble itself. But if any other part\nof thee suffers, let it have its own opinion\nabout itself (VII. 16).\n41. Hindrance to the perceptions of sense\nis an evil to the animal nature. Hindrance\nto the movements [desires] is equally an evil\nto the animal nature. And something else also\nis equally an impediment and an evil to the\nconstitution of plants. So then that which\nis a hindrance to the intelligence is an evil\nto the intelligent nature. Apply all these\nthings then to thyself. Does pain or sensuous\npleasure affect thee? The senses will look\nto that. Has any obstacle opposed thee in\nthy efforts towards an object? If indeed thou\nwast making this effort absolutely [unconditionally,\nor without any reservation], certainly this\nobstacle is an evil to thee considered as\na rational animal. But if thou takest [into\nconsideration] the usual course of things,\nthou hast not yet been injured nor even impeded.\nThe things however which are proper to the\nunderstanding no other man is used to impede,\nfor neither fire, nor iron, nor tyrant, nor\nabuse, touches it in any way. When it has\nbeen made a sphere, it continues a sphere\n(XI. 12).\n42. It is not fit that I should give myself\npain, for I have never intentionally given\npain even to another.\n43. Different things delight different people;\nbut it is my delight to keep the ruling faculty\nsound without turning away either from any\nman or from any of the things which happen\nto men, but looking at and receiving all with\nwelcome eyes and using everything according\nto its value.\n44. See that thou secure this present time\nto thyself: for those who rather pursue posthumous\nfame do not consider that the men of after\ntime will be exactly such as these whom they\ncannot bear now; and both are mortal. And\nwhat is it in any way to thee if these men\nof after time utter this or that sound, or\nhave this or that opinion about thee?\n45. Take me and cast me where thou wilt; for\nthere I shall keep my divine part tranquil,\nthat is, content, if it can feel and act comformably\nto its proper constitution. Is this [change\nof place] sufficient reason why my soul should\nbe unhappy and worse than it was, depressed,\nexpanded, shrinking, affrighted? and what\nwilt thou find which is sufficient reason\nfor this?\n46. Nothing can happen to any man which is\nnot a human accident, nor to an ox which is\nnot according to the nature of an ox, nor\nto a vine which is not according to the nature\nof a vine, nor to a stone which is not proper\nto a stone. If then there happens to each\nthing both what is usual and natural, why\nshouldst thou complain? For the common nature\nbrings nothing which may not be borne by thee.\n47. If thou art pained by any external thing,\nit is not this thing that disturbs thee, but\nthy own judgment about it. And it is in thy\npower to wipe out this judgment now. But if\nanything in thy own disposition gives thee\npain, who hinders thee from correcting thy\nopinion? And even if thou art pained because\nthou art not doing some particular thing which\nseems to thee to be right, why dost thou not\nrather act than complain?—But some insuperable\nobstacle is in the way?—Do not be grieved\nthen, for the cause of its not being done\ndepends not on thee.—But it is not worth\nwhile to live, if this cannot be done.—Take\nthy departure then from life contentedly,\njust as he dies who is in full activity, and\nwell pleased too with the things which are\nobstacles.\n48. Remember that the ruling faculty is invincible,\nwhen self-collected it is satisfied with itself,\nif it does nothing which it does not choose\nto do, even if it resist from mere obstinacy.\nWhat then will it be when it forms a judgment\nabout anything aided by reason and deliberately?\nTherefore the mind which is free from passions\nis a citadel, for man has nothing more secure\nto which he can fly for refuge and for the\nfuture be inexpugnable. He then who has not\nseen this is an ignorant man; but he who has\nseen it and does not fly to this refuge is\nunhappy.\n49. Say nothing more to thyself than what\nthe first appearances report. Suppose that\nit has been reported to thee that a certain\nperson speaks ill of thee. This has been reported;\nbut that thou hast been injured, that has\nnot been reported. I see that my child is\nsick. I do see; but that he is in danger,\nI do not see. Thus then always abide by the\nfirst appearances, and add nothing thyself\nfrom within, and then nothing happens to thee.\nOr rather add something like a man who knows\neverything that happens in the world.\n50. A cucumber is bitter—Throw it away.—There\nare briers in the road—Turn aside from them.—This\nis enough. Do not add, And why were such things\nmade in the world? For thou wilt be ridiculed\nby a man who is acquainted with nature, as\nthou wouldst be ridiculed by a carpenter and\nshoemaker if thou didst find fault because\nthou seest in their workshop shavings and\ncuttings from the things which they make.\nAnd yet they have places into which they can\nthrow these shavings and cuttings, and the\nuniversal nature has no external space; but\nthe wondrous part of her art is that though\nshe has circumscribed herself, everything\nwithin her which appears to decay and to grow\nold and to be useless she changes into herself,\nand again makes other new things from these\nvery same, so that she requires neither substance\nfrom without nor wants a place into which\nshe may cast that which decays. She is content\nthen with her own space, and her own matter,\nand her own art.\n51. Neither in thy actions be sluggish nor\nin thy conversation without method, nor wandering\nin thy thoughts, nor let there be in thy soul\ninward contention nor external effusion, nor\nin life be so busy as to have no leisure.\nSuppose that men kill thee, cut thee in pieces,\ncurse thee. What then can these things do\nto prevent thy mind from remaining pure, wise,\nsober, just? For instance, if a man should\nstand by a limpid pure spring, and curse it,\nthe spring never ceases sending up potable\nwater; and if he should cast clay into it\nor filth, it will speedily disperse them and\nwash them out, and will not be at all polluted.\nHow then shalt thou possess a perpetual fountain\n[and not a mere well]? By forming† thyself\nhourly to freedom conjoined with contentment,\nsimplicity, and modesty.\n52. He who does not know what the world is,\ndoes not know where he is. And he who does\nnot know for what purpose the world exists,\ndoes not know who he is, nor what the world\nis. But he who has failed in any one of these\nthings could not even say for what purpose\nhe exists himself. What then dost thou think\nof him who [avoids or] seeks the praise of\nthose who applaud, of men who know not either\nwhere they are or who they are?\n53. Dost thou wish to be praised by a man\nwho curses himself thrice every hour? wouldst\nthou wish to please a man who does not please\nhimself? Does a man please himself who repents\nof nearly everything that he does?\n54. No longer let thy breathing only act in\nconcert with the air which surrounds thee,\nbut let thy intelligence also now be in harmony\nwith the intelligence which embraces all things.\nFor the intelligent power is no less diffused\nin all parts and pervades all things for him\nwho is willing to draw it to him than the\naerial power for him who is able to respire\nit.\n55. Generally, wickedness does no harm at\nall to the universe; and particularly the\nwickedness [of one man] does no harm to another.\nIt is only harmful to him who has it in his\npower to be released from it as soon as he\nshall choose.\n56. To my own free will the free will of my\nneighbor is just as indifferent as his poor\nbreath and flesh. For though we are made especially\nfor the sake of one another, still the ruling\npower of each of us has its own office, for\notherwise my neighbor's wickedness would be\nmy harm, which God has not willed, in order\nthat my unhappiness may not depend on another.\n57. The sun appears to be poured down, and\nin all directions indeed it is diffused, yet\nit is not effused. For this diffusion is extension:\nAccordingly its rays are called Extensions\n[ἀκτῖνες] because they are extended\n[ἀπὸ τοῦ ἐκτείνεσθαι].\nBut one may judge what kind of a thing a ray\nis, if he looks at the sun's light passing\nthrough a narrow opening into a darkened room,\nfor it is extended in a right line, and as\nit were is divided when it meets with any\nsolid body which stands in the way and intercepts\nthe air beyond; but there the light remains\nfixed and does not glide or fall off. Such\nthen ought to be the outpouring and diffusion\nof the understanding, and it should in no\nway be an effusion, but an extension, and\nit should make no violent or impetuous collision\nwith the obstacles which are in its way; nor\nyet fall down, but be fixed, and enlighten\nthat which receives it. For a body will deprive\nitself of the illumination, if it does not\nadmit it.\n58. He who fears death either fears the loss\nof sensation or a different kind of sensation.\nBut if thou shalt have no sensation, neither\nwilt thou feel any harm; and if thou shalt\nacquire another kind of sensation, thou wilt\nbe a different kind of living being and thou\nwilt not cease to live.\n59. Men exist for the sake of one another.\nTeach them then, or bear with them.\n60. In one way an arrow moves, in another\nway the mind. The mind indeed, both when it\nexercises caution and when it is employed\nabout inquiry, moves straight onward not the\nless, and to its object.\n61. Enter into every man's ruling faculty;\nand also let every other man enter into thine.\nBook 9:\nHE who acts unjustly acts impiously. For since\nthe universal nature has made rational animals\nfor the sake of one another, to help one another\naccording to their deserts, but in no way\nto injure one another, he who transgresses\nher will is clearly guilty of impiety towards\nthe highest divinity. And he too who lies\nis guilty of impiety to the same divinity;\nfor the universal nature is the nature of\nthings that are; and things that are have\na relation to all things that come into existence.\nAnd further, this universal nature is named\ntruth, and is the prime cause of all things\nthat are true. He then who lies intentionally\nis guilty of impiety, inasmuch as he acts\nunjustly by deceiving; and he also who lies\nunintentionally, inasmuch as he is at variance\nwith the universal nature, and inasmuch as\nhe disturbs the order by fighting against\nthe nature of the world; for he fights against\nit, who is moved of himself to that which\nis contrary to truth, for he had received\npowers from nature through the neglect of\nwhich he is not able now to distinguish falsehood\nfrom truth. And indeed he who pursues pleasure\nas good, and avoids pain as evil, is guilty\nof impiety. For of necessity such a man must\noften find fault with the universal nature,\nalleging that it assigns things to the bad\nand the good contrary to their deserts, because\nfrequently the bad are in the enjoyment of\npleasure and possess the things which procure\npleasure, but the good have pain for their\nshare and the things which cause pain. And\nfurther, he who is afraid of pain will sometimes\nalso be afraid of some of the things which\nwill happen in the world, and even this is\nimpiety. And he who pursues pleasure will\nnot abstain from injustice, and this is plainly\nimpiety. Now with respect to the things towards\nwhich the universal nature is equally affected—for\nit would not have made both, unless it was\nequally affected towards both—towards these\nthey who wish to follow nature should be of\nthe same mind with it, and equally affected.\nWith respect to pain, then, and pleasure,\nor death and life, or honor and dishonor,\nwhich the universal nature employs equally,\nwhoever is not equally affected is manifestly\nacting impiously. And I say that the universal\nnature employs them equally, instead of saying\nthat they happen alike to those who are produced\nin continuous series and to those who come\nafter them by virtue of a certain original\nmovement of Providence, according to which\nit moved from a certain beginning to this\nordering of things, having conceived certain\nprinciples of the things which were to be,\nand having determined powers productive of\nbeings and of changes and of such like successions\n(VII. 75).\n2. It would be a man's happiest lot to depart\nfrom mankind without having had any taste\nof lying and hypocrisy and luxury and pride.\nHowever, to breathe out one's life when a\nman has had enough of these things is the\nnext best voyage, as the saying is. Hast thou\ndetermined to abide with vice, and hast not\nexperience yet induced thee to fly from this\npestilence? For the destruction of the understanding\nis a pestilence, much more, indeed, than any\nsuch corruption and change of this atmosphere\nwhich surrounds us. For this corruption is\na pestilence of animals so far as they are\nanimals; but the other is a pestilence of\nmen so far as they are men.\n3. Do not despise death, but be well content\nwith it, since this too is one of those things\nwhich nature wills. For such as it is to be\nyoung and to grow old, and to increase and\nto reach maturity, and to have teeth and beard\nand gray hairs, and to beget and to be pregnant\nand to bring forth, and all the other natural\noperations which the seasons of thy life bring,\nsuch also is dissolution. This, then, is consistent\nwith the character of a reflecting man—to\nbe neither careless nor impatient nor contemptuous\nwith respect to death, but to wait for it\nas one of the operations of nature. As thou\nnow waitest for the time when the child shall\ncome out of thy wife's womb, so be ready for\nthe time when thy soul shall fall out of this\nenvelope. But if thou requirest also a vulgar\nkind of comfort which shall reach thy heart,\nthou wilt be made best reconciled to death\nby observing the objects from which thou art\ngoing to be removed, and the morals of those\nwith whom thy soul will no longer be mingled.\nFor it is no way right to be offended with\nmen, but it is thy duty to care for them and\nto bear with them gently; and yet to remember\nthat thy departure will not be from men who\nhave the same principles as thyself. For this\nis the only thing, if there be any, which\ncould draw us the contrary way and attach\nus to life,—to be permitted to live with\nthose who have the same principles as ourselves.\nBut now thou seest how great is the trouble\narising from the discordance of those who\nlive together, so that thou mayst say, Come\nquick, O death, lest perchance I, too, should\nforget myself.\n4. He who does wrong does wrong against himself.\nHe who acts unjustly acts unjustly to himself,\nbecause he makes himself bad.\n5. He often acts unjustly who does not do\na certain thing; not only he who does a certain\nthing.\n6. Thy present opinion founded on understanding,\nand thy present conduct directed to social\ngood, and thy present disposition of contentment\nwith everything which happens†—that is\nenough.\n7. Wipe out imagination; check desire: extinguish\nappetite: keep the ruling faculty in its own\npower.\n8. Among the animals which have not reason\none life is distributed; but among reasonable\nanimals one intelligent soul is distributed:\njust as there is one earth of all things which\nare of an earthly nature, and we see by one\nlight, and breathe one air, all of us that\nhave the faculty of vision and all that have\nlife.\n9. All things which participate in anything\nwhich is common to them all, move towards\nthat which is of the same kind with themselves.\nEverything which is earthy turns towards the\nearth, everything which is liquid flows together,\nand everything which is of an aerial kind\ndoes the same, so that they require something\nto keep them asunder, and the application\nof force. Fire indeed moves upwards on account\nof the elemental fire, but it is so ready\nto be kindled together with all the fire which\nis here, that even every substance which is\nsomewhat dry is easily ignited, because there\nis less mingled with it of that which is a\nhindrance to ignition. Accordingly, then,\neverything also which participates in the\ncommon intelligent nature moves in like manner\ntowards that which is of the same kind with\nitself, or moves even more. For so much as\nit is superior in comparison with all other\nthings, in the same degree also is it more\nready to mingle with and to be fused with\nthat which is akin to it. Accordingly among\nanimals devoid of reason we find swarms of\nbees, and herds of cattle, and the nurture\nof young birds, and in a manner, loves; for\neven in animals there are souls, and that\npower which brings them together is seen to\nexert itself in a superior degree, and in\nsuch a way as never has been observed in plants\nnor in stones nor in trees. But in rational\nanimals there are political communities and\nfriendships, and families and meetings of\npeople; and in wars, treaties, and armistices.\nBut in the things which are still superior,\neven though they are separated from one another,\nunity in a manner exists, as in the stars.\nThus the ascent to the higher degree is able\nto produce a sympathy even in things which\nare separated. See, then, what now takes place;\nfor only intelligent animals have now forgotten\nthis mutual desire and inclination, and in\nthem alone the property of flowing together\nis not seen. But still, though men strive\nto avoid [this union], they are caught and\nheld by it, for their nature is too strong\nfor them; and thou wilt see what I say, if\nthou only observest. Sooner, then, will one\nfind anything earthy which comes in contact\nwith no earthy thing, than a man altogether\nseparated from other men.\n10. Both man and God and the universe produce\nfruit; at the proper seasons each produces\nit. But and if usage has especially fixed\nthese terms to the vine and like things, this\nis nothing. Reason produces fruit both for\nall and for itself, and there are produced\nfrom it other things of the same kind as reason\nitself.\n11. If thou art able, correct by teaching\nthose who do wrong; but if thou canst not,\nremember that indulgence is given to thee\nfor this purpose. And the gods, too, are indulgent\nto such persons; and for some purposes they\neven help them to get health, wealth, reputation;\nso kind they are. And it is in thy power also;\nor say, who hinders thee?\n12. Labor not as one who is wretched, nor\nyet as one who would be pitied or admired;\nbut direct thy will to one thing only—to\nput thyself in motion and to check thyself,\nas the social reason requires.\n13. To-day I have got out of all trouble,\nor rather I have cast out all trouble, for\nit was not outside, but within and in my opinions.\n14. All things are the same, familiar in experience,\nand ephemeral in time, and worthless in the\nmatter. Everything now is just as it was in\nthe time of those whom we have buried.\n15. Things stand outside of us, themselves\nby themselves, neither knowing aught of themselves,\nnor expressing any judgment. What is it, then,\nwhich does judge about them? The ruling faculty.\n16. Not in passivity but in activity lie the\nevil and the good of the rational social animal,\njust as his virtue and his vice lie not in\npassivity but in activity.\n17. For the stone which has been thrown up\nit is no evil to come down, nor indeed any\ngood to have been carried up (VIII. 20).\n18. Penetrate inwards into men's leading principles,\nand thou wilt see what judges thou art afraid\nof, and what kind of judges they are of themselves.\n19. All things are changing: and thou thyself\nart in continuous mutation and in a manner\nin continuous destruction, and the whole universe\ntoo.\n20. It is thy duty to leave another man's\nwrongful act there where it is (VII. 29; IX.\n38).\n21. Termination of activity, cessation from\nmovement and opinion, and in a sense their\ndeath, is no evil. Turn thy thoughts now to\nthe consideration of thy life, thy life as\na child, as a youth, thy manhood, thy old\nage, for in these also every change was a\ndeath. Is this anything to fear? Turn thy\nthoughts now to thy life under thy grandfather,\nthen to thy life under thy mother, then to\nthy life under thy father; and as thou findest\nmany other differences and changes and terminations,\nask thyself, Is this anything to fear? In\nlike manner, then, neither are the termination\nand cessation and change of thy whole life\na thing to be afraid of.\n22. Hasten [to examine] thy own ruling faculty\nand that of the universe and that of thy neighbor:\nthy own, that thou mayst make it just: and\nthat of the universe, that thou mayst remember\nof what thou art a part; and that of thy neighbor,\nthat thou mayst know whether he has acted\nignorantly or with knowledge, and thou mayst\nalso consider that his ruling faculty is akin\nto thine.\n23. As thou thyself art a component part of\na social system, so let every act of thine\nbe a component part of social life. Whatever\nact of thine then has no reference either\nimmediately or remotely to a social end, this\ntears asunder thy life, and does not allow\nit to be one, and it is of the nature of a\nmutiny, just as when in a popular assembly\na man acting by himself stands apart from\nthe general agreement.\n24. Quarrels of little children and their\nsports, and poor spirits carrying about dead\nbodies [such is everything]; and so what is\nexhibited in the representation of the mansions\nof the dead strikes our eyes more clearly.\n25. Examine into the quality of the form of\nan object, and detach it altogether from its\nmaterial part, and then contemplate it; then\ndetermine the time, the longest which a thing\nof this peculiar form is naturally made to\nendure.\n26. Thou hast endured infinite troubles through\nnot being contented with thy ruling faculty\nwhen it does the things which it is constituted\nby nature to do. But enough † [of this].\n27. When another blames thee or hates thee,\nor when men say about thee anything injurious,\napproach their poor souls, penetrate within,\nand see what kind of men they are. Thou wilt\ndiscover that there is no reason to take any\ntrouble that these men may have this or that\nopinion about thee. However, thou must be\nwell disposed towards them, for by nature\nthey are friends. And the gods too aid them\nin all ways, by dreams, by signs, towards\nthe attainment of those things on which they\nset a value.†\n28. The periodic movements of the universe\nare the same, up and down from age to age.\nAnd either the universal intelligence puts\nitself in motion for every separate effect,\nand if this is so, be thou content with that\nwhich is the result of its activity; or it\nputs itself in motion once, and everything\nelse comes by way of sequence in a manner;\nor indivisible elements are the origin of\nall things.—In a word, if there is a god,\nall is well; and if chance rules, do not thou\nalso be governed by it (VI. 44; VII. 75).\nSoon will the earth cover us all: then the\nearth, too, will change, and the things also\nwhich result from change will continue to\nchange forever, and these again forever. For\nif a man reflects on the changes and transformations\nwhich follow one another like wave after wave\nand their rapidity, he will despise everything\nwhich is perishable (XII. 21).\n29. The universal cause is like a winter torrent:\nit carries everything along with it. But how\nworthless are all these poor people who are\nengaged in matters political, and, as they\nsuppose, are playing the philosopher! All\ndrivellers. Well then, man: do what nature\nnow requires. Set thyself in motion, if it\nis in thy power, and do not look about thee\nto see if any one will observe it; nor yet\nexpect Plato's Republic:but be content if\nthe smallest thing goes on well, and consider\nsuch an event to be no small matter. For who\ncan change men's opinions? and without a change\nof opinions what else is there than the slavery\nof men who groan while they pretend to obey?\nCome now and tell me of Alexander and Philippus\nand Demetrius of Phalerum. They themselves\nshall judge whether they discovered what the\ncommon nature required, and trained themselves\naccordingly. But if they acted like tragedy\nheroes, no one has condemned me to imitate\nthem. Simple and modest is the work of philosophy.\nDraw me not aside to insolence and pride.\n30. Look down from above on the countless\nherds of men and their countless solemnities,\nand the infinitely varied voyagings in storms\nand calms, and the differences among those\nwho are born, who live together, and die.\nAnd consider, too, the life lived by others\nin olden time, and the life of those who will\nlive after thee, and the life now lived among\nbarbarous nations, and how many know not even\nthy name, and how many will soon forget it,\nand how they who perhaps now are praising\nthee will very soon blame thee, and that neither\na posthumous name is of any value, nor reputation,\nnor anything else.\n31. Let there be freedom from perturbations\nwith respect to the things which come from\nthe external cause; and let there be justice\nin the things done by virtue of the internal\ncause, that is, let there be movement and\naction terminating in this, in social acts,\nfor this is according to thy nature.\n32. Thou canst remove out of the way many\nuseless things among those which disturb thee,\nfor they lie entirely in thy opinion; and\nthou wilt then gain for thyself ample space\nby comprehending the whole universe in thy\nmind, and by contemplating the eternity of\ntime, and observing the rapid change of every\nseveral thing, how short is the time from\nbirth to dissolution, and the illimitable\ntime before birth as well as the equally boundless\ntime after dissolution!\n33. All that thou seest will quickly perish,\nand those who have been spectators of its\ndissolution will very soon perish too. And\nhe who dies at the extremest old age will\nbe brought into the same condition with him\nwho died prematurely.\n34. What are these men's leading principles,\nand about what kind of things are they busy,\nand for what kind of reasons do they love\nand honor? Imagine that thou seest their pool\nsouls laid bare. When they think that they\ndo harm by their blame or good by their praise,\nwhat an idea!\n35. Loss is nothing else than change. But\nthe universal nature delights in change, and\nin obedience to her all things are now done\nwell, and from eternity have been in like\nform, and will be such to time without end.\nWhat, then, dost thou say,—that all things\nhave been and all things always will be bad,\nand that no power has ever been found in so\nmany gods to rectify these things, but the\nworld has been condemned to be bound in never\nceasing evil (IV. 45, VII. 18)?\n36. The rottenness of the matter which is\nthe foundation of everything! water, dust,\nbones, filth: or again, marble rocks, the\ncallosities of the earth; and gold and silver,\nthe sediments; and garments, only bits of\nhair; and purple dye, blood; and everything\nelse is of the same kind. And that which is\nof the nature of breath is also another thing\nof the same kind, changing from this to that.\n37. Enough of this wretched life and murmuring\nand apish tricks. Why art thou disturbed?\nWhat is there new in this? What unsettles\nthee? Is it the form of the thing? Look at\nit. Or is it the matter? Look at it. But besides\nthese there is nothing. Towards the gods then,\nnow become at last more simple and better.\nIt is the same whether we examine these things\nfor a hundred years or three.\n38. If a man has done wrong the harm is his\nown. But perhaps he has not done wrong.\n39. Either all things proceed from one intelligent\nsource and come together as in one body, and\nthe part ought not to find fault with what\nis done for the benefit of the whole; or there\nare only atoms, and nothing else than mixture\nand dispersion. Why, then, art thou disturbed?\nSay to the ruling faculty, Art thou dead,\nart thou corrupted, art thou playing the hypocrite,\nart thou become a beast, dost thou herd and\nfeed with the rest?\n40. Either the gods have no power or they\nhave power. If, then, they have no power,\nwhy dost thou pray to them? But if they have\npower, why dost thou not pray for them to\ngive thee the faculty of not fearing any of\nthe things which thou fearest, or of not desiring\nany of the things which thou desirest, or\nnot being pained at anything, rather than\npray that any of these things should not happen\nor happen? for certainly if they can co-operate\nwith men, they can co-operate for these purposes.\nBut perhaps thou wilt say the gods have placed\nthem in thy power. Well, then, is it not better\nto use what is in thy power like a free man\nthan to desire in a slavish and abject way\nwhat is not in thy power? And who has told\nthee that the gods do not aid us, even in\nthe things which are in our power? Begin,\nthen, to pray for such things, and thou wilt\nsee. One man prays thus: How shall I be able\nto lie with that woman? Do thou pray thus:\nHow shall I not desire to lie with her? Another\nprays thus: How shall I be released from this?\nPray thou: How shall I not desire to be released?\nAnother thus: How shall I not lose my little\nson? Thou thus: How shall I not be afraid\nto lose him? In fine, turn thy prayers this\nway, and see what comes.\n41. Epicurus says, In my sickness my conversation\nwas not about my bodily sufferings, nor, says\nhe, did I talk on such subjects to those who\nvisited me; but I continued to discourse on\nthe nature of things as before, keeping to\nthis main point, how the mind, while participating\nin such movements as go on in the poor flesh,\nshall be free from perturbations and maintain\nits proper good. Nor did I, he says, give\nthe physicians an opportunity of putting on\nsolemn looks, as if they were doing something\ngreat, but my life went on well and happily.\nDo, then, the same that he did both in sickness,\nif thou art sick, and in any other circumstances;\nfor never to desert philosophy in any events\nthat may befall us, nor to hold trifling talks\neither with an ignorant man or with one unacquainted\nwith nature, is a principle of all schools\nof philosophy; but to be intent only on that\nwhich thou art now doing and on the instrument\nby which thou doest it.\n42. When thou art offended with any man's\nshameless conduct, immediately ask thyself,\nIs it possible, then, that shameless men should\nnot be in the world? It is not possible. Do\nnot, then, require what is impossible. For\nthis man also is one of those shameless men\nwho must of necessity be in the world. Let\nthe same considerations be present to thy\nmind in the case of the knave, and the faithless\nman, and of every man who does wrong in any\nway. For at the same time that thou dost remind\nthyself that it is impossible that such kind\nof men should not exist, thou wilt become\nmore kindly disposed towards every one individually.\nIt is useful to perceive this, too, immediately\nwhen the occasion arises, what virtue nature\nhas given to man to oppose to every wrongful\nact. For she has given to man, as an antidote\nagainst the stupid man, mildness, and against\nanother kind of man some other power. And\nin all cases it is possible for thee to correct\nby teaching the man who is gone astray; for\nevery man who errs misses his object and is\ngone astray. Besides, wherein hast thou been\ninjured? For thou wilt find that no one among\nthose against whom thou art irritated has\ndone anything by which thy mind could be made\nworse; but that which is evil to thee and\nharmful has its foundation only in the mind.\nAnd what harm is done or what is there strange,\nif the man who has not been instructed does\nthe acts of an uninstructed man? Consider\nwhether thou shouldst not rather blame thyself,\nbecause thou didst not expect such a man to\nerr in such a way. For thou hadst means given\nthee by thy reason to suppose that it was\nlikely that he would commit this error, and\nyet thou hast forgotten and art amazed that\nhe has erred. But most of all when thou blamest\na man as faithless or ungrateful, turn to\nthyself. For the fault is manifestly thy own,\nwhether thou didst trust that a man who had\nsuch a disposition would keep his promise,\nor when conferring thy kindness thou didst\nnot confer it absolutely, nor yet in such\nway as to have received from thy very act\nall the profit. For what more dost thou want\nwhen thou hast done a man a service? art thou\nnot content that thou hast done something\nconformable to thy nature, and dost thou seek\nto be paid for it? just as if the eye demanded\na recompense for seeing, or the feet for walking.\nFor as these members are formed for a particular\npurpose, and by working according to their\nseveral constitutions obtain what is their\nown; so also as man is formed by nature to\nacts of benevolence, when he has done anything\nbenevolent or in any other way conducive to\nthe common interest, he has acted conformably\nto his constitution, and he gets what is his\nown.\nBook 10:\nWILT thou, then, my soul, never be good and\nsimple and one and naked, more manifest than\nthe body which surrounds thee? Wilt thou never\nenjoy an affectionate and contented disposition?\nWilt thou never be full and without a want\nof any kind, longing for nothing more, nor\ndesiring anything, either animate or inanimate,\nfor the enjoyment of pleasures? nor yet desiring\ntime wherein thou shalt have longer enjoyment,\nor place, or pleasant climate, or society\nof men with whom thou mayst live in harmony?\nbut wilt thou be satisfied with thy present\ncondition, and pleased with all that is about\nthee, and wilt thou convince thyself that\nthou hast everything, and that it comes from\nthe gods, that everything is well for thee,\nand will be well whatever shall please them,\nand whatever they shall give for the conservation\nof the perfect living being, the good and\njust and beautiful, which generates and holds\ntogether all things, and contains and embraces\nall things which are dissolved for the production\nof other like things? Wilt thou never be such\nthat thou shalt so dwell in community with\ngods and men as neither to find fault with\nthem at all, nor to be condemned by them?\n2. Observe what thy nature requires, so far\nas thou art governed by nature only: then\ndo it and accept it, if thy nature, so far\nas thou art a living being, shall not be made\nworse by it. And next thou must observe what\nthy nature requires so far as thou art a living\nbeing. And all this thou mayst allow thyself,\nif thy nature, so far as thou art a rational\nanimal, shall not be made worse by it. But\nthe rational animal is consequently also a\npolitical [social] animal. Use these rules,\nthen, and trouble thyself about nothing else.\n3. Everything which happens either happens\nin such wise as thou art formed by nature\nto bear it, or as thou art not formed by nature\nto bear it. If, then, it happens to thee in\nsuch way as thou art formed by nature to bear\nit, do not complain, but bear it as thou art\nformed by nature to bear it. But if it happens\nin such wise as thou art not formed by nature\nto bear it, do not complain, for it will perish\nafter it has consumed thee. Remember, however,\nthat thou art formed by nature to bear everything,\nwith respect to which it depends on thy own\nopinion to make it endurable and tolerable,\nby thinking that it is either thy interest\nor thy duty to do this.\n4. If a man is mistaken, instruct him kindly\nand show him his error. But if thou art not\nable, blame thyself, or blame not even thyself.\n5. Whatever may happen to thee, it was prepared\nfor thee from all eternity; and the implication\nof causes was from eternity spinning the thread\nof thy being, and of that which is incident\nto it (III. 11; IV. 26).\n6. Whether the universe is [a concourse of]\natoms, or nature [is a system], let this first\nbe established, that I am a part of the whole\nwhich is governed by nature; next, I am in\na manner intimately related to the parts which\nare of the same kind with myself. For remembering\nthis, inasmuch as I am a part, I shall be\ndiscontented with none of the things which\nare assigned to me out of the whole; for nothing\nis injurious to the part if it is for the\nadvantage of the whole. For the whole contains\nnothing which is not for its advantage; and\nall natures indeed have this common principle,\nbut the nature of the universe has this principle\nbesides, that it cannot be compelled even\nby any external cause to generate anything\nharmful to itself. By remembering, then, that\nI am a part of such a whole, I shall be content\nwith everything that happens. And inasmuch\nas I am in a manner intimately related to\nthe parts which are of the same kind with\nmyself, I shall do nothing unsocial, but I\nshall rather direct myself to the things which\nare of the same kind with myself, and I shall\nturn all my efforts to the common interest,\nand divert them from the contrary. Now, if\nthese things are done so, life must flow on\nhappily, just as thou mayst observe that the\nlife of a citizen is happy, who continues\na course of action which is advantageous to\nhis fellow-citizens, and is content with whatever\nthe state may assign to him.\n7. The parts of the whole, everything, I mean,\nwhich is naturally comprehended in the universe,\nmust of necessity perish; but let this be\nunderstood in this sense, that they must undergo\nchange. But if this is naturally both an evil\nand a necessity for the parts, the whole would\nnot continue to exist in a good condition,\nthe parts being subject to change and constituted\nso as to perish in various ways. For whether\ndid Nature herself design to do evil to the\nthings which are parts of herself, and to\nmake them subject to evil and of necessity\nfall into evil, or have such results happened\nwithout her knowing it? Both these suppositions,\nindeed, are incredible. But if a man should\neven drop the term Nature [as an efficient\npower], and should speak of these things as\nnatural, even then it would be ridiculous\nto affirm at the same time that the parts\nof the whole are in their nature subject to\nchange, and at the same time to be surprised\nor vexed as if something were happening contrary\nto nature, particularly as the dissolution\nof things is into those things of which each\nthing is composed. For there is either a dispersion\nof the elements out of which everything has\nbeen compounded, or a change from the solid\nto the earthy and from the airy to the aerial,\nso that these parts are taken back into the\nuniversal reason, whether this at certain\nperiods is consumed by fire or renewed by\neternal changes. And do not imagine that the\nsolid and the airy part belong to thee from\nthe time of generation. For all this received\nits accretion only yesterday and the day before,\nas one may say, from the food and the air\nwhich is inspired. This, then, which has received\n[the accretion], changes, not that which thy\nmother brought forth. But suppose that this\n[which thy mother brought forth] implicates\nthee very much with that other part, which\nhas the peculiar quality [of change], this\nis nothing in fact in the way of objection\nto what is said.\n8. When thou hast assumed these names, good,\nmodest, true, rational, a man of equanimity,\nand magnanimous, take care that thou dost\nnot change these names; and if thou shouldst\nlose them, quickly return to them. And remember\nthat the term Rational was intended to signify\na discriminating attention to every several\nthing, and freedom from negligence; and that\nEquanimity is the voluntary acceptance of\nthe things which are assigned to thee by the\ncommon nature; and that Magnanimity is the\nelevation of the intelligent part above the\npleasurable or painful sensations of the flesh,\nand above that poor thing called fame, and\ndeath, and all such things. If, then, thou\nmaintainest thyself in the possession of these\nnames, without desiring to be called by these\nnames by others, thou wilt be another person\nand wilt enter on another life. For to continue\nto be such as thou hast hitherto been, and\nto be torn in pieces and defiled in such a\nlife, is the character of a very stupid man\nand one over-fond of his life, and like those\nhalf-devoured fighters with wild beasts, who\nthough covered with wounds and gore, still\nintreat to be kept to the following day, though\nthey will be exposed in the same state to\nthe same claws and bites. Therefore fix thyself\nin the possession of these few names: and\nif thou art able to abide in them, abide as\nif thou wast removed to certain islands of\nthe Happy. But if thou shalt perceive that\nthou fallest out of them and dost not maintain\nthy hold, go courageously into some nook where\nthou shalt maintain them, or even depart at\nonce from life, not in passion, but with simplicity\nand freedom and modesty, after doing this\none [laudable] thing at least in thy life,\nto have gone out of it thus. In order, however\nto the remembrance of these names, it will\ngreatly help thee if thou rememberest the\ngods, and that they wish not to be flattered,\nbut wish all reasonable beings to be made\nlike themselves; and if thou rememberest that\nwhat does the work of a fig-tree is a fig-tree,\nand that what does the work of a dog is a\ndog, and that what does the work of a bee\nis a bee, and that what does the work of a\nman is a man.\n9. Mimi, war, astonishment, torpor, slavery,\nwill daily wipe out those holy principles\nof thine. † How many things without studying\nnature dost thou imagine, and how many dost\nthou neglect? But it is thy duty so to look\non and so to do everything, that at the same\ntime the power of dealing with circumstances\nis perfected, and the contemplative faculty\nis exercised, and the confidence which comes\nfrom the knowledge of each several thing is\nmaintained without showing it, but yet not\nconcealed. For when wilt thou enjoy simplicity,\nwhen gravity, and when the knowledge of every\nseveral thing, both what it is in substance,\nand what place it has in the universe, and\nhow long it is formed to exist, and of what\nthings it is compounded, and to whom it can\nbelong, and who are able both to give it and\ntake it away?\n10. A spider is proud when it has caught a\nfly, and another when he has caught a poor\nhare, and another when he has taken a little\nfish in a net, and another when he has taken\nwild boars, and another when he has taken\nbears, and another when he has taken Sarmatians.\nAre not these robbers, if thou examinest their\nopinions?\n11. Acquire the contemplative way of seeing\nhow all things change into one another, and\nconstantly attend to it, and exercise thyself\nabout this part [of philosophy]. For nothing\nis so much adapted to produce magnanimity.\nSuch a man has put off the body, and as he\nsees that he must, no one knows how soon,\ngo away from among men and leave everything\nhere, he gives himself up entirely to just\ndoing in all his actions, and in everything\nelse that happens he resigns himself to the\nuniversal nature. But as to what any man shall\nsay or think about him or do against him,\nhe never even thinks of it, being himself\ncontented with these two things—with acting\njustly in what he now does, and being satisfied\nwith what is now assigned to him; and he lays\naside all distracting and busy pursuits, and\ndesires nothing else than to accomplish the\nstraight course through the law and by accomplishing\nthe straight course to follow God.\n12. What need is there of suspicious fear,\nsince it is in thy power to inquire what ought\nto be done? And if thou seest clear, go by\nthis way content, without turning back; but\nif thou dost not see clear, stop and take\nthe best advisers. But if any other things\noppose thee, go on according to thy powers\nwith due consideration, keeping to that which\nappears to be just. For it is best to reach\nthis object, and if thou dost fail, let thy\nfailure be in attempting this. He who follows\nreason in all things is both tranquil and\nactive at the same time, and also cheerful\nand collected.\n13. Inquire of thyself as soon as thou wakest\nfrom sleep whether it will make any difference\nto thee if another does what is just and right.\nIt will make no difference (VI. 32; VIII.\n55).\nThou hast not forgotten, I suppose, that those\nwho assume arrogant airs in bestowing their\npraise or blame on others are such as they\nare at bed and at board, and thou hast not\nforgotten what they do, and what they avoid,\nand what they pursue, and how they steal and\nhow they rob, not with hands and feet, but\nwith their most valuable part, by means of\nwhich there is produced, when a man chooses,\nfidelity, modesty, truth, law, a good daemon\n[happiness] (VII. 17)?\n14. To her who gives and takes back all, to\nnature, the man who is instructed and modest\nsays, Give what thou wilt; take back what\nthou wilt. And he says this not proudly, but\nobediently, and well pleased with her.\n15. Short is the little which remains to thee\nof life. Live as on a mountain. For it makes\nno difference whether a man lives there or\nhere, if he lives everywhere in the world\nas in a state [political community]. Let me\nsee, let them know a real man who lives according\nto nature. If they cannot endure him, let\nthem kill him. For that is better than to\nlive thus [as men do].\n16. No longer talk at all about the kind of\nman that a good man ought to be, but be such.\n17. Constantly contemplate the whole of time\nand the whole of substance, and consider that\nall individual things as to substance are\na grain of a fig, and as to time the turning\nof a gimlet.\n18. Look at everything that exists, and observe\nthat it is already in dissolution and in change,\nand as it were putrefaction or dispersion,\nor that everything is so constituted by nature\nas to die.\n19. Consider what men are when they are eating,\nsleeping, generating, easing themselves, and\nso forth. Then what kind of men they are when\nthey are imperious † and arrogant, or angry\nand scolding from their elevated place. But\na short time ago to how many they were slaves\nand for what things; and after a little time\nconsider in what a condition they will be.\n20. That is for the good of each thing, which\nthe universal nature brings to each. And it\nis for its good at the time when nature brings\nit.\n21. \"The earth loves the shower;\" and \"the\nsolemn ether loves;\" and the universe loves\nto make whatever is about to be. I say then\nto the universe, that I love as thou lovest.\nAnd is not this too said that \"this or that\nloves [is wont] to be produced?\"\n22. Either thou livest here and hast already\naccustomed thyself to it, or thou art going\naway, and this was thy own will; or thou art\ndying and hast discharged thy duty. But besides\nthese things there is nothing. Be of good\ncheer, then.\n23. Let this always be plain to thee, that\nthis piece of land is like any other; and\nthat all things here are the same with things\non the top of a mountain, or on the sea-shore,\nor wherever thou choosest to be. For thou\nwilt find just what Plato says, Dwelling within\nthe walls of a city as in a shepherd's fold\non a mountain. [The three last words are omitted\nin the translation.]\n24. What is my ruling faculty now to me? and\nof what nature am I now making it? and for\nwhat purpose am I now using it? is it void\nof understanding? is it loosed and rent asunder\nfrom social life? is it melted into and mixed\nwith the poor flesh so as to move together\nwith it?\n25. He who flies from his master is a runaway;\nbut the law is master, and he who breaks the\nlaw is a runaway. And he also who is grieved\nor angry or afraid, † is dissatisfied because\nsomething has been or is or shall be of the\nthings which are appointed by him who rules\nall things, and he is Law and assigns to every\nman what is fit. He then who fears or is grieved\nor is angry is a runaway.\n26. A man deposits seed in a womb and goes\naway, and then another cause takes it and\nlabors on it, and makes a child. What a thing\nfrom such a material! Again, the child passes\nfood down through the throat, and then another\ncause takes it and makes perception and motion,\nand in fine, life and strength and other things;\nhow many and how strange! Observe then the\nthings which are produced in such a hidden\nway, and see the power, just as we see the\npower which carries things downwards and upwards,\nnot with the eyes, but still no less plainly\n(VII. 85).\n27. Constantly consider how all things such\nas they now are, in time past also were; and\nconsider that they will be the same again.\nAnd place before thy eyes entire dramas and\nstages of the same form, whatever thou hast\nlearned from thy experience or from older\nhistory; for example, the whole court of Hadrianus,\nand the whole court of Antoninus, and the\nwhole court of Philippus, Alexander, Croesus;\nfor all those were such dramas as we see now,\nonly with different actors.\n28. Imagine every man who is grieved at anything\nor discontented to be like a pig which is\nsacrificed and kicks and screams.\nLike this pig also is he who on his bed in\nsilence laments the bonds in which we are\nheld. And consider that only to the rational\nanimal is it given to follow voluntarily what\nhappens; but simply to follow is a necessity\nimposed on all.\n29. Severally on the occasion of everything\nthat thou dost, pause and ask thyself if death\nis a dreadful thing because it deprives thee\nof this.\n30. When thou art offended at any man's fault,\nforthwith turn to thyself and reflect in what\nlike manner thou dost err thyself; for example,\nin thinking that money is a good thing, or\npleasure, or a bit of reputation, and the\nlike. For by attending to this thou wilt quickly\nforget thy anger, if this consideration also\nis added, that the man is compelled: for what\nelse could he do? or, if thou art able, take\naway from him the compulsion.\n31. When thou hast seen Satyron the Socratic,†\nthink of either Eutyches or Hymen, and when\nthou hast seen Euphrates, think of Eutychion\nor Silvanus, and when thou hast seen Alciphron\nthink of Tropaeophorus, and when thou hast\nseen Xenophon, think of Crito or Severus,\nand when thou hast looked on thyself, think\nof any other Caesar, and in the case of every\none do in like manner. Then let this thought\nbe in thy mind, Where then are those men?\nNowhere, or nobody knows where. For thus continuously\nthou wilt look at human things as smoke and\nnothing at all; especially if thou reflectest\nat the same time that what has once changed\nwill never exist again in the infinite duration\nof time. But thou, in what a brief space of\ntime is thy existence? And why art thou not\ncontent to pass through this short time in\nan orderly way? What matter and opportunity\n[for thy activity] art thou avoiding? For\nwhat else are all these things, except exercises\nfor the reason, when it has viewed carefully\nand by examination into their nature the things\nwhich happen in life? Persevere then until\nthou shalt have made these things thy own,\nas the stomach which is strengthened makes\nall things its own, as the blazing fire makes\nflame and brightness out of everything that\nis thrown into it.\n32. Let it not be in any man's power to say\ntruly of thee that thou are not simple or\nthat thou art not good; but let him be a liar\nwhoever shall think anything of this kind\nabout thee; and this is altogether in thy\npower. For who is he that shall hinder thee\nfrom being good and simple? Do thou only determine\nto live no longer unless thou shalt be such.\nFor neither does reason allow [thee to live],\nif thou art not such.\n33. What is that which as to this material\n[our life] can be done or said in the way\nmost conformable to reason? For whatever this\nmay be, it is in thy power to do it or to\nsay it, and do not make excuses that thou\nart hindered. Thou wilt not cease to lament\ntill thy mind is in such a condition that\nwhat luxury is to those who enjoy pleasure,\nsuch shall be to thee, in the matter which\nis subjected and presented to thee, the doing\nof the things which are conformable to man's\nconstitution; for a man ought to consider\nas an enjoyment everything which it is in\nhis power to do according to his own nature.\nAnd it is in his power everywhere. Now, it\nis not given to a cylinder to move everywhere\nby its own motion, nor yet to water nor to\nfire, nor to anything else which is governed\nby nature or an irrational soul, for the things\nwhich check them and stand in the way are\nmany. But intelligence and reason are able\nto go through everything that opposes them,\nand in such manner as they are formed by nature\nand as they choose. Place before thy eyes\nthis facility with which the reason will be\ncarried through all things, as fire upwards,\nas a stone downwards, as a cylinder down an\ninclined surface, and seek for nothing further.\nFor all other obstacles either affect the\nbody only, which is a dead thing; or, except\nthrough opinion and the yielding of the reason\nitself, they do not crush nor do any harm\nof any kind; for if they did, he who felt\nit would immediately become bad. Now, in the\ncase of all things which have a certain constitution,\nwhatever harm may happen to any of them, that\nwhich is so affected becomes consequently\nworse; but in the like case, a man becomes\nboth better, if one may say so, and more worthy\nof praise by making a right use of these accidents.\nAnd finally remember that nothing harms him\nwho is really a citizen, which does not harm\nthe state; nor yet does anything harm the\nstate, which does not harm law [order]; and\nof these things which are called misfortunes\nnot one harms law. What then does not harm\nlaw does not harm either state or citizen.\n34. To him who is penetrated by true principles\neven the briefest precept is sufficient, and\nany common precept, to remind him that he\nshould be free from grief and fear. For example:—\n\"Leaves, some the wind scatters on the ground—\nSo is the race of men.\"\nLeaves, also, are thy children; and leaves,\ntoo, are they who cry out as if they were\nworthy of credit and bestow their praise,\nor on the contrary curse, or secretly blame\nand sneer; and leaves, in like manner, are\nthose who shall receive and transmit a man's\nfame to after-times. For all such things as\nthese \"are produced in the season of spring,\"\nas the poet says; then the wind casts them\ndown; then the forest produces other leaves\nin their places. But a brief existence is\ncommon to all things, and yet thou avoidest\nand pursuest all things as if they would be\neternal. A little time, and thou shalt close\nthy eyes; and him who has attended thee to\nthy grave another soon will lament.\n35. The healthy eye ought to see all visible\nthings and not to say, I wish for green things;\nfor this is the condition of a diseased eye.\nAnd the healthy hearing and smelling ought\nto be ready to perceive all that can be heard\nand smelled. And the healthy stomach ought\nto be with respect to all food just as the\nmill with respect to all things which it is\nformed to grind. And accordingly the healthy\nunderstanding ought to be prepared for everything\nwhich happens; but that which says, Let my\ndear children live, and let all men praise\nwhatever I may do, is an eye which seeks for\ngreen things, or teeth which seek for soft\nthings.\n36. There is no man so fortunate that there\nshall not be by him when he is dying some\nwho are pleased with what is going to happen.\nSuppose that he was a good and wise man, will\nthere not be at least some one to say to himself,\nLet us at last breathe freely, being relieved\nfrom this schoolmaster? It is true that he\nwas harsh to none of us, but I perceived that\nhe tacitly condemns us.—This is what is\nsaid of a good man. But in our own case how\nmany other things are there for which there\nare many who wish to get rid of us? Thou wilt\nconsider this, then, when thou art dying,\nand thou wilt depart more contentedly by reflecting\nthus: I am going away from such a life, in\nwhich even my associates in behalf of whom\nI have striven so much, prayed, and cared,\nthemselves wish me to depart, hoping perchance\nto get some little advantage by it. Why then\nshould a man cling to a longer stay here?\nDo not, however, for this reason go away less\nkindly disposed to them, but preserving thy\nown character, and friendly and benevolent\nand mild, and on the other hand not as if\nthou wast torn away; but as when a man dies\na quiet death, the poor soul is easily separated\nfrom the body, such also ought thy departure\nfrom men to be, for nature united thee to\nthem and associated thee. But does she now\ndissolve the union? Well, I am separated as\nfrom kinsmen, not however dragged resisting,\nbut without compulsion; for this, too, is\none of the things according to nature.\n37. Accustom thyself as much as possible on\nthe occasion of anything being done by any\nperson to inquire with thyself, For what object\nis this man doing this? But begin with thyself,\nand examine thyself first.\n38. Remember that this which pulls the strings\nis the thing which is hidden within: this\nis the power of persuasion, this is life,\nthis, if one may so say, is man. In contemplating\nthyself never include the vessel which surrounds\nthee and these instruments which are attached\nabout it. For they are like to an axe, differing\nonly in this, that they grow to the body.\nFor indeed there is no more use in these parts\nwithout the cause which moves and checks them\nthan in the weaver's shuttle, and the writer's\npen, and the driver's whip.\nBook 11:\nTHESE are the properties of the rational soul:\nit sees itself, analyzes itself, and makes\nitself such as it chooses; the fruit which\nit bears itself enjoys—for the fruits of\nplants and that in animals which corresponds\nto fruits others enjoy—it obtains its own\nend, wherever the limit of life may be fixed.\nNot as in a dance and in a play and in such\nlike things, where the whole action is incomplete\nif anything cuts it short; but in every part,\nand wherever it may be stopped, it makes what\nhas been set before it full and complete,\nso that it can say, I have what is my own.\nAnd further it traverses the whole universe,\nand the surrounding vacuum, and surveys its\nform, and it extends itself into the infinity\nof time, and embraces and comprehends the\nperiodical renovation of all things, and it\ncomprehends that those who come after us will\nsee nothing new, nor have those before us\nseen anything more, but in a manner he who\nis forty years old, if he has any understanding\nat all, has seen by virtue of the uniformity\nthat prevails all things which have been and\nall that will be. This too is a property of\nthe rational soul, love of one's neighbor,\nand truth and modesty, and to value nothing\nmore than itself, which is also the property\nof Law. Thus the right reason differs not\nat all from the reason of justice.\n2. Thou wilt set little value on pleasing\nsong and dancing and the pancratium, if thou\nwilt distribute the melody of the voice into\nits several sounds, and ask thyself as to\neach, if thou art mastered by this; for thou\nwilt be prevented by shame from confessing\nit: and in the matter of dancing, if at each\nmovement and attitude thou wilt do the same;\nand the like also in the matter of the pancratium.\nIn all things, then, except virtue and the\nacts of virtue, remember to apply thyself\nto their several parts, and by this division\nto come to value them little: and apply this\nrule also to thy whole life.\n3. What a soul that is which is ready, if\nat any moment it must be separated from the\nbody, and ready either to be extinguished\nor dispersed or continue to exist; but so\nthat this readiness comes from a man's own\njudgment, not from mere obstinacy, as with\nthe Christians, but considerately and with\ndignity and in a way to persuade another,\nwithout tragic show.\n4. Have I done something for the general interest?\nWell then, I have had my reward. Let this\nalways be present to thy mind, and never stop\n[doing such good].\n5. What is thy art? To be good. And how is\nthis accomplished well except by general principles,\nsome about the nature of the universe, and\nothers about the proper constitution of man?\n6. At first tragedies were brought on the\nstage as means of reminding men of the things\nwhich happen to them, and that it is according\nto nature for things to happen so, and that,\nif you are delighted with what is shown on\nthe stage, you should not be troubled with\nthat which takes place on the larger stage.\nFor you see that these things must be accomplished\nthus, and that even they bear them who cry\nout, \"O Cithaeron.\" And, indeed, some things\nare said well by the dramatic writers, of\nwhich kind is the following especially:—\n\"Me and my children if the gods neglect,\nThis has its reason too.\"\nAnd again,—\n\"We must not chafe and fret at that which\nhappens.\"\nAnd,—\n\"Life's harvest reap like the wheat's fruitful\near.\"\nAnd other things of the same kind.\nAfter tragedy the old comedy was introduced,\nwhich had a magisterial freedom of speech,\nand by its very plainness of speaking was\nuseful in reminding men to beware of insolence;\nand for this purpose too Diogenes used to\ntake from these writers.\nBut as to the middle comedy, which came next,\nobserve what it was, and again, for what object\nthe new comedy was introduced, which gradually\nsank down into a mere mimic artifice. That\nsome good things are said even by these writers,\neverybody knows: but the whole plan of such\npoetry and dramaturgy, to what end does it\nlook?\n7. How plain does it appear that there is\nnot another condition of life so well suited\nfor philosophizing as this in which thou now\nhappenest to be.\n8. A branch cut off from the adjacent branch\nmust of necessity be cut off from the whole\ntree also. So too a man when he is separated\nfrom another man has fallen off from the whole\nsocial community. Now as to a branch, another\ncuts it off; but a man by his own act separates\nhimself from his neighbor when he hates him\nand turns away from him, and he does not know\nthat he has at the same time cut himself off\nfrom the whole social system. Yet he has this\nprivilege certainly from Zeus, who framed\nsociety, for it is in our power to grow again\nto that which is near to us, and again to\nbecome a part which helps to make up the whole.\nHowever, if it often happens, this kind of\nseparation, it makes it difficult for that\nwhich detaches itself to be brought to unity\nand to be restored to its former condition.\nFinally, the branch, which from the first\ngrew together with the tree, and has continued\nto have one life with it, is not like that\nwhich after being cut off is then ingrafted,\nfor this is something like what the gardeners\nmean when they say that it grows with the\nrest of the tree, but† that it has not the\nsame mind with it.\n9. As those who try to stand in thy way when\nthou art proceeding according to right reason\nwill not be able to turn thee aside from thy\nproper action, so neither let them drive thee\nfrom thy benevolent feelings toward them,\nbut be on thy guard equally in both matters,\nnot only in the matter of steady judgment\nand action, but also in the matter of gentleness\nto those who try to hinder or otherwise trouble\nthee. For this also is a weakness, to be vexed\nat them, as well as to be diverted from thy\ncourse of action and to give way through fear;\nfor both are equally deserters from their\npost,—the man who does it through fear,\nand the man who is alienated from him who\nis by nature a kinsman and a friend.\n10. There is no nature which is inferior to\nart, for the arts imitate the natures of things.\nBut if this is so, that nature which is the\nmost perfect and the most comprehensive of\nall natures, cannot fall short of the skill\nof art Now all arts do the inferior things\nfor the sake of the superior; therefore the\nuniversal nature does so too. And, indeed,\nhence is the origin of justice, and in justice\nthe other virtues have their foundation: for\njustice will not be observed, if we either\ncare for middle things [things indifferent],\nor are easily deceived and careless and changeable\n(V. 16, 30; VII. 55).\n11. If the things do not come to thee, the\npursuits and avoidances of which disturb thee,\nstill in a manner thou goest to them. Let\nthen thy judgment about them be at rest, and\nthey will remain quiet, and thou wilt not\nbe seen either pursuing or avoiding.\n12. The spherical form of the soul maintains\nits figure when it is neither extended towards\nany object, nor contracted inwards, nor dispersed,\nnor sinks down, but is illuminated by light,\nby which it sees the truth,—the truth of\nall things and the truth that is in itself\n(VIII. 41, 45; XII. 3).\n13. Suppose any man shall despise me. Let\nhim look to that himself. But I will look\nto this, that I be not discovered doing or\nsaying anything deserving of contempt. Shall\nany man hate me? Let him look to it. But I\nwill be mild and benevolent towards every\nman, and ready to show even him his mistake,\nnot reproachfully, nor yet as making a display\nof my endurance, but nobly and honestly, like\nthe great Phocion, unless indeed he only assumed\nit. For the interior [parts] ought to be such,\nand a man ought to be seen by the gods neither\ndissatisfied with anything nor complaining.\nFor what evil is it to thee, if thou art now\ndoing what is agreeable to thy own nature,\nand art satisfied with that which at this\nmoment is suitable to the nature of the universe,\nsince thou art a human being placed at thy\npost in order that what is for the common\nadvantage may be done in some way?\n14. Men despise one another and flatter one\nanother; and men wish to raise themselves\nabove one another, and crouch before one another.\n15. How unsound and insincere is he who says,\nI have determined to deal with thee in a fair\nway!—What are thou doing, man? There is\nno occasion to give this notice. It will soon\nshow itself by acts. The voice ought to be\nplainly written on the forehead. Such as a\nman's character is,† he immediately shows\nit in his eyes, just as he who is beloved\nforthwith reads everything in the eyes of\nlovers. The man who is honest and good ought\nto be exactly like a man who smells strong,\nso that the bystander as soon as he comes\nnear him must smell whether he choose or not.\nBut the affectation of simplicity is like\na crooked stick.Nothing is more disgraceful\nthan a wolfish friendship [false friendship].\nAvoid this most of all. The good and simple\nand benevolent show all these things in the\neyes, and there is no mistaking.\n16. As to living in the best way, this power\nis in the soul, if it be indifferent to things\nwhich are indifferent. And it will be indifferent,\nif it looks on each of these things separately\nand all together, and if it remembers that\nnot one of them produces in us an opinion\nabout itself, nor comes to us; but these things\nremain immovable, and it is we ourselves who\nproduce the judgments about them, and, as\nwe may say, write them in ourselves, it being\nin our power not to write them, and it being\nin our power, if perchance these judgments\nhave imperceptibly got admission to our minds,\nto wipe them out; and if we remember also\nthat such attention will only be for a short\ntime, and then life will be at an end. Besides,\nwhat trouble is there at all in doing this?\nFor if these things are according to nature,\nrejoice in them and they will be easy to thee:\nbut if contrary to nature, seek what is conformable\nto thy own nature, and strive towards this,\neven if it bring no reputation; for every\nman is allowed to seek his own good.\n17. Consider whence each thing is come, and\nof what it consists,† and into what it changes,\nand what kind of a thing it will be when it\nhas changed, and that it will sustain no harm.\n18. [If any have offended against thee, consider\nfirst]: What is my relation to men, and that\nwe are made for one another; and in another\nrespect I was made to be set over them, as\na ram over the flock or a bull over the herd.\nBut examine the matter from first principles,\nfrom this. If all things are not mere atoms,\nit is nature which orders all things: if this\nis so, the inferior things exist for the sake\nof the superior, and these for the sake of\none another (II. 1; IX. 39; V. 16; III. 4).\nSecond, consider what kind of men they are\nat table, in bed, and so forth; and particularly,\nunder what compulsions in respect of opinions\nthey are; and as to their acts, consider with\nwhat pride they do what they do (VIII. 14;\nIX. 34).\nThird, that if men do rightly what they do,\nwe ought not to be displeased: but if they\ndo not right, it is plain that they do so\ninvoluntarily and in ignorance. For as every\nsoul is unwillingly deprived of the truth,\nso also is it unwillingly deprived of the\npower of behaving to each man according to\nhis deserts. Accordingly men are pained when\nthey are called unjust, ungrateful, and greedy,\nand in a word wrong-doers to their neighbors\n(VII. 62, 63; II. 1; VII. 26; VIII. 29).\nFourth, consider that thou also doest many\nthings wrong, and that thou art a man like\nothers; and even if thou dost abstain from\ncertain faults, still thou hast the disposition\nto commit them, though either through cowardice,\nor concern about reputation, or some such\nmean motive, thou dost abstain from such faults\n(I. 17).\nFifth, consider that thou dost not even understand\nwhether men are doing wrong or not, for many\nthings are done with a certain reference to\ncircumstances. And in short, a man must learn\na great deal to enable him to pass a correct\njudgment on another man's acts (IX. 38; IV.\n51).\nSixth, consider when thou art much vexed or\ngrieved, that man's life is only a moment,\nand after a short time we are all laid out\ndead (VII. 58; IV. 48).\nSeventh, that it is not men's acts which disturb\nus, for those acts have their foundation in\nmen's ruling principles, but it is our own\nopinions which disturb us. Take away these\nopinions then, and resolve to dismiss thy\njudgment about an act as if it were something\ngrievous, and thy anger is gone. How then\nshall I take away these opinions? By reflecting\nthat no wrongful act of another brings shame\non thee: for unless that which is shameful\nis alone bad, thou also must of necessity\ndo many things wrong, and become a robber\nand everything else (V. 25; VII. 16).\nEighth, consider how much more pain is brought\non us by the anger and vexation caused by\nsuch acts than by the acts themselves, at\nwhich we are angry and vexed (IV. 39, 49;\nVII. 24).\nNinth, consider that a good disposition is\ninvincible if it be genuine, and not an affected\nsmile and acting a part. For what will the\nmost violent man do to thee, if thou continuest\nto be of a kind disposition towards him, and\nif, as opportunity offers, thou gently admonishest\nhim and calmly correctest his errors at the\nvery time when he is trying to do thee harm,\nsaying, Not so, my child: we are constituted\nby nature for something else: I shall certainly\nnot be injured, but thou art injuring thyself,\nmy child.—And show him with gentle tact\nand by general principles that this is so,\nand that even bees do not do as he does, nor\nany animals which are formed by nature to\nbe gregarious. And thou must do this neither\nwith any double meaning nor in the way of\nreproach, but affectionately and without any\nrancor in thy soul; and not as if thou wert\nlecturing him, nor yet that any bystander\nmay admire, but either when he is alone, and\nif others are present . . .\nRemember these nine rules, as if thou hadst\nreceived them as a gift from the Muses, and\nbegin at last to be a man while thou livest.\nBut thou must equally avoid nattering men\nand being vexed at them, for both are unsocial\nand lead to harm. And let this truth be present\nto thee in the excitement of anger, that to\nbe moved by passion is not manly, but that\nmildness and gentleness, as they are more\nagreeable to human nature, so also are they\nmore manly; and he who possesses these qualities\npossesses strength, nerves, and courage, and\nnot the man who is subject to fits of passion\nand discontent. For in the same degree in\nwhich a man's mind is nearer to freedom from\nall passion, in the same degree also is it\nnearer to strength: and as the sense of pain\nis a characteristic of weakness, so also is\nanger. For he who yields to pain and he who\nyields to anger, both are wounded and both\nsubmit.\nBut if thou wilt, receive also a tenth present\nfrom the leader of the Muses [Apollo], and\nit is this,—that to expect bad men not to\ndo wrong is madness, for he who expects this\ndesires an impossibility. But to allow men\nto behave so to others, and to expect them\nnot to do thee any wrong, is irrational and\ntyrannical.\n19. There are four principal aberrations of\nthe superior faculty against which thou shouldst\nbe constantly on thy guard, and when thou\nhast detected them, thou shouldst wipe them\nout and say on each occasion thus: This thought\nis not necessary: this tends to destroy social\nunion: this which thou art going to say comes\nnot from the real thoughts; for thou shouldst\nconsider it among the most absurd of things\nfor a man not to speak from his real thoughts.\nBut the fourth is when thou shalt reproach\nthyself for anything, for this is an evidence\nof the diviner part within thee being overpowered\nand yielding to the less honorable and to\nthe perishable part, the body, and to its\ngross pleasures (IV. 24; II. 16).\n20. Thy aerial part and all the fiery parts\nwhich are mingled in thee, though by nature\nthey have an upward tendency, still in obedience\nto the disposition of the universe they are\noverpowered here in the compound mass [the\nbody]. And also the whole of the earthy part\nin thee and the watery, though their tendency\nis downward, still are raised up and occupy\na position which is not their natural one.\nIn this manner then the elemental parts obey\nthe universal; for when they have been fixed\nin any place, perforce they remain there until\nagain the universal shall sound the signal\nfor dissolution. Is it not then strange that\nthy intelligent part only should be disobedient\nand discontented with its own place? And yet\nno force is imposed on it, but only those\nthings which are conformable to its nature:\nstill it does not submit, but is carried in\nthe opposite direction. For the movement towards\ninjustice and intemperance and to anger and\ngrief and fear is nothing else than the act\nof one who deviates from nature. And also\nwhen the ruling faculty is discontented with\nanything that happens, then too it deserts\nits post: for it is constituted for piety\nand reverence towards the gods no less than\nfor justice. For these qualities also are\ncomprehended under the generic term of contentment\nwith the constitution of things, and indeed\nthey are prior to acts of justice.\n21. He who has not one and always the same\nobject in life, cannot be one and the same\nall through his life. But what I have said\nis not enough, unless this also is added,\nwhat this object ought to be. For as there\nis not the same opinion about all the things\nwhich in some way or other are considered\nby the majority to be good, but only about\nsome certain things, that is, things which\nconcern the common interest, so also ought\nwe to propose to ourselves an object which\nshall be of a common kind [social] and political.\nFor he who directs all his own efforts to\nthis object, will make all his acts alike,\nand thus will always be the same.\n22. Think of the country mouse and of the\ntown mouse, and of the alarm and trepidation\nof the town mouse.\n23. Socrates used to call the opinions of\nthe many by the name of Lamiae,—bugbears\nto frighten children.\n24. The Lacedaemonians at their public spectacles\nused to set seats in the shade for strangers,\nbut themselves sat down anywhere.\n25. Socrates excused himself to Perdiccas\nfor not going to him, saying, It is because\nI would not perish by the worst of all ends;\nthat is, I would not receive a favor and then\nbe unable to return it.\n26. In the writings of the [Ephesians] there\nwas this precept, constantly to think of some\none of the men of former times who practiced\nvirtue.\n27. The Pythagoreans bid us in the morning\nlook to the heavens that we may be reminded\nof those bodies which continually do the same\nthings and in the same manner perform their\nwork, and also be reminded of their purity\nand nudity. For there is no veil over a star.\n28. Consider what a man Socrates was when\nhe dressed himself in a skin, after Xanthippe\nhad taken his cloak and gone out, and what\nSocrates said to his friends who were ashamed\nof him and drew back from him when they saw\nhim dressed thus.\n29. Neither in writing nor in reading wilt\nthou be able to lay down rules for others\nbefore thou shalt have first learned to obey\nrules thyself. Much more is this so in life.\n30. A slave thou art: free speech is not for\nthee.\n31. And my heart laughed within.\nOdyssey, IX. 413.\n32. And virtue they will curse, speaking harsh\nwords.\nHESIOD, Works and Days, 184.\n33. To look for the fig in winter is a mad-man's\nact: such is he who looks for his child when\nit is no longer allowed (Epictetus, III. 24,\n87).\n34. When a man kisses his child, said Epictetus,\nhe should whisper to himself, \"To-morrow perchance\nthou wilt die.\"—But those are words of bad\nomen.—\"No word is a word of bad omen,\" said\nEpictetus, \"which expresses any work of nature;\nor if it is so, it is also a word of bad omen\nto speak of the ears of corn being reaped\"\n(Epictetus, III. 24, 88).\n35. The unripe grape, the ripe bunch, the\ndried grape, are all changes, not into nothing,\nbut into something which exists not yet (Epictetus,\nIII. 24).\n36. No man can rob us of our free will (Epictetus,\nIII. 22, 105).\n37. Epictetus also said, a man must discover\nan art [or rules] with respect to giving his\nassent; and in respect to his movements he\nmust be careful that they be made with regard\nto circumstances, that they be consistent\nwith social interests, that they have regard\nto the value of the object; and as to sensual\ndesire, he should altogether keep away from\nit; and as to avoidance [aversion], he should\nnot show it with respect to any of the things\nwhich are not in our power.\n38. The dispute then, he said, is not about\nany common matter, but about being mad or\nnot.\n39. Socrates used to say, What do you want,\nsouls of rational men or irrational?—Souls\nof rational men.—Of what rational men, sound\nor unsound?—Sound.—Why then do you not\nseek for them?—Because we have them.—Why\nthen do you fight and quarrel?\nBook 12.\nALL those things at which thou wishest to\narrive by a circuitous road thou canst have\nnow, if thou dost not refuse them to thyself.\nAnd this means, if thou wilt take no notice\nof all the past, and trust the future to providence,\nand direct the present only conformably to\npiety and justice. Conformably to piety that\nthou mayest be content with the lot which\nis assigned to thee, for nature designed it\nfor thee and thee for it. Conformably to justice,\nthat thou mayst always speak the truth freely\nand without disguise, and do the things which\nare agreeable to law and according to the\nworth of each. And let neither another man's\nwickedness hinder thee, nor opinion nor voice,\nnor yet the sensations of the poor flesh which\nhas grown about thee; for the passive part\nwill look to this. If, then, whatever the\ntime may be when thou shalt be near to thy\ndeparture, neglecting everything else thou\nshalt respect only thy ruling faculty and\nthe divinity within thee, and if thou shalt\nbe afraid not because thou must some time\ncease to live, but if thou shalt fear never\nto have begun to live according to nature—then\nthou wilt be a man worthy of the universe\nwhich has produced thee, and thou wilt cease\nto be a stranger in thy native land, and to\nwonder at things which happen daily as if\nthey were something unexpected, and to be\ndependent on this or that.\n2. God sees the minds [ruling principles]\nof all men bared of the material vesture and\nrind and impurities. For with his intellectual\npart alone he touches the intelligence only\nwhich has flowed and been derived from himself\ninto these bodies. And if thou also usest\nthyself to do this, thou wilt rid thyself\nof thy much trouble. For he who regards not\nthe poor flesh which envelops him, surely\nwill not trouble himself by looking after\nraiment and dwelling and fame and such like\nexternals and show.\n3. The things are three of which thou art\ncomposed: a little body, a little breath [life],\nintelligence. Of these the first two are thine,\nso far as it is thy duty to take care of them;\nbut the third alone is properly thine. Therefore\nif thou shalt separate from thyself, that\nis, from thy understanding, whatever others\ndo or say, and whatever thou hast done or\nsaid thyself, and whatever future things trouble\nthee because they may happen, and whatever\nin the body which envelops thee or in the\nbreath [life], which is by nature associated\nwith the body, is attached to thee independent\nof thy will, and whatever the external circumfluent\nvortex whirls round, so that the intellectual\npower exempt from the things of fate can live\npure and free by itself, doing what is just\nand accepting what happens and saying the\ntruth: if thou wilt separate, I say, from\nthis ruling faculty the things which are attached\nto it by the impressions of sense, and the\nthings of time to come and of time that is\npast, and wilt make thyself like Empedocles'\nsphere,\n\"All round and in its joyous rest reposing;\"\nand if thou shalt strive to live only what\nis really thy life, that is, the present,—then\nthou wilt be able to pass that portion of\nlife which remains for thee up to the time\nof thy death free from perturbations, nobly,\nand obedient to thy own daemon [to the god\nthat is within thee] (II. 13, 17; III. 5,\n6; XI. 12).\n4. I have often wondered how it is that every\nman loves himself more than all the rest of\nmen, but yet sets less value on his own opinion\nof himself than on the opinion of others.\nIf then a god or a wise teacher should present\nhimself to a man and bid him to think of nothing\nand to design nothing which he would not express\nas soon as he conceived it, he could not endure\nit even for a single day. So much more respect\nhave we to what our neighbors shall think\nof us than to what we shall think of ourselves.\n5. How can it be that the gods, after having\narranged all things well and benevolently\nfor mankind, have overlooked this alone, that\nsome men, and very good men, and men who,\nas we may say, have had most communion with\nthe divinity, and through pious acts and religious\nobservances have been most intimate with the\ndivinity, when they have once died should\nnever exist again, but should be completely\nextinguished?\nBut if this is so, be assured that if it ought\nto have been otherwise, the gods would have\ndone it. For if it were just, it would also\nbe possible; and if it were according to nature,\nnature would have had it so. But because it\nis not so, if in fact it is not so, be thou\nconvinced that it ought not to have been so:\nfor thou seest even of thyself that in this\ninquiry thou art disputing with the Deity;\nand we should not thus dispute with the gods,\nunless they were most excellent and most just;\nbut if this is so, they would not have allowed\nanything in the ordering of the universe to\nbe neglected unjustly and irrationally.\n6. Practise thyself even in the things which\nthou despairest of accomplishing. For even\nthe left hand, which is ineffectual for all\nother things for want of practice, holds the\nbridle more vigorously than the right hand;\nfor it has been practised in this.\n7. Consider in what condition both in body\nand soul a man should be when he is overtaken\nby death; and consider the shortness of life,\nthe boundless abyss of time past and future,\nthe feebleness of all matter.\n8. Contemplate the formative principles [forms]\nof things bare of their coverings; the purposes\nof actions; consider what pain is, what pleasure\nis, and death, and fame; who is to himself\nthe cause of his uneasiness; how no man is\nhindered by another; that everything is opinion.\n9. In the application of thy principles thou\nmust be like the pancratiast, not like the\ngladiator; for the gladiator lets fall the\nsword which he uses and is killed; but the\nother always has his hand, and needs to do\nnothing else than use it.\n10. See what things are in themselves, dividing\nthem into matter, form, and purpose.\n11. What a power man has to do nothing except\nwhat God will approve, and to accept all that\nGod may give him.\n12. With respect to that which happens conformably\nto nature, we ought to blame neither gods,\nfor they do nothing wrong either voluntarily\nor involuntarily, nor men, for they do nothing\nwrong except involuntarily. Consequently we\nshould blame nobody (II. 11, 12, 13; VII.\n62; 18 VIII. 17).\n13. How ridiculous and what a stranger he\nis who is surprised at anything which happens\nin life.\n14. Either there is a fatal necessity and\ninvincible order, or a kind providence, or\na confusion without a purpose and without\na director (IV. 27). If then there is an invincible\nnecessity, why dost thou resist? But if there\nis a providence which allows itself to be\npropitiated, make thyself worthy of the help\nof the divinity. But if there is a confusion\nwithout a governor, be content that in such\na tempest thou hast in thyself a certain ruling\nintelligence. And even if the tempest carry\nthee away, let it carry away the poor flesh,\nthe poor breath, everything else; for the\nintelligence at least it will not carry away.\n15. Does the light of the lamp shine without\nlosing its splendor until it is extinguished?\nand shall the truth which is in thee and justice\nand temperance be extinguished [before thy\ndeath]?\n16. When a man has presented the appearance\nof having done wrong [say], How then do I\nknow if this is a wrongful act? And even if\nhe has done wrong, how do I know that he has\nnot condemned himself? And so this is like\ntearing his own face. Consider that he who\nwould not have the bad man do wrong, is like\nthe man who would not have the fig-tree to\nbear juice in the figs, and infants to cry,\nand the horse to neigh, and whatever else\nmust of necessity be. For what must a man\ndo who has such a character? If then thou\nart irritable,† cure this man's disposition.\n17. If it is not right, do not do it: if it\nis not true, do not say it. [For let thy efforts\nbe—]\n18. In everything always observe what the\nthing is which produces for thee an appearance,\nand resolve it by dividing it into the formal,\nthe material, the purpose, and the time within\nwhich it must end.\n19. Perceive at last that thou hast in thee\nsomething better and more divine than the\nthings which cause the various affects, and\nas it were pull thee by the strings. What\nis there now in my mind,—is it fear, or\nsuspicion, or desire, or anything of the kind\n(V. 11)?\n20. First, do nothing inconsiderately, nor\nwithout a purpose. Second, make thy acts refer\nto nothing else than to a social end.\n21. Consider that before long thou wilt be\nnobody and nowhere, nor will any of the things\nexist which thou now seest, nor any of those\nwho are now living. For all things are formed\nby nature to change and be turned and to perish,\nin order that other things in continuous succession\nmay exist (IX. 28).\n22. Consider that everything is opinion, and\nopinion is in thy power. Take away then, when\nthou choosest, thy opinion, and like a mariner\nwho has doubled the promontory, thou wilt\nfind calm, everything stable, and a waveless\nbay.\n23. Any one activity, whatever it may be,\nwhen it has ceased at its proper time, suffers\nno evil because it has ceased; nor he who\nhas done this act, does he suffer any evil\nfor this reason, that the act has ceased.\nIn like manner then the whole, which consists\nof all the acts, which is our life, if it\ncease at its proper time, suffers no evil\nfor this reason, that it has ceased; nor he\nwho has terminated this series at the proper\ntime, has he been ill dealt with. But the\nproper time and the limit nature fixes, sometimes\nas in old age the peculiar nature of man,\nbut always the universal nature, by the change\nof whose parts the whole universe continues\never young and perfect. And everything which\nis useful to the universal is always good\nand in season. Therefore the termination of\nlife for every man is no evil, because neither\nis it shameful, since it is both independent\nof the will and not opposed to the general\ninterest, but it is good, since it is seasonable,\nand profitable to and congruent with the universal.\nFor thus too he is moved by the Deity who\nis moved in the same manner with the Deity,\nand moved towards the same thing in his mind.\n24. These three principles thou must have\nin readiness: In the things which thou doest,\ndo nothing either inconsiderately or otherwise\nthan as justice herself would act; but with\nrespect to what may happen to thee from without,\nconsider that it happens either by chance\nor according to providence, and thou must\nneither blame chance nor accuse providence.\nSecond, consider what every being is from\nthe seed to the time of its receiving a soul,\nand from the reception of a soul to the giving\nback of the same, and of what things every\nbeing is compounded, and into what things\nit is resolved. Third, if thou shouldst suddenly\nbe raised up above the earth, and shouldst\nlook down on human things, and observe the\nvariety of them how great it is, and at the\nsame time also shouldst see at a glance how\ngreat is the number of beings who dwell all\naround in the air and the ether, consider\nthat as often as thou shouldst be raised up,\nthou wouldst see the same things, sameness\nof form and shortness of duration. Are these\nthings to be proud of?\n25. Cast away opinion: thou art saved. Who\nthen hinders thee from casting it away?\n26. When thou art troubled about anything,\nthou hast forgotten this, that all things\nhappen according to the universal nature;\nand forgotten this, that a man's wrongful\nact is nothing to thee; and further thou hast\nforgotten this, that everything which happens,\nalways happened so and will happen so, and\nnow happens so everywhere; forgotten this\ntoo, how close is the kinship between a man\nand the whole human race, for it is a community,\nnot of a little blood or seed, but of intelligence.\nAnd thou hast forgotten this too, that every\nman's intelligence is a god and is an efflux\nof the Deity; and forgotten this, that nothing\nis a man's own, but that his child and his\nbody and his very soul came from the Deity;\nforgotten this, that everything is opinion;\nand lastly thou hast forgotten that every\nman lives the present time only, and loses\nonly this.\n27. Constantly bring to thy recollection those\nwho have complained greatly about anything,\nthose who have been most conspicuous by the\ngreatest fame or misfortunes or enmities or\nfortunes of any kind: then think where are\nthey all now? Smoke and ash and a tale, or\nnot even a tale. And let there be present\nto thy mind also everything of this sort,\nhow Fabius Catellinus lived in the country,\nand Lucius Lupus in his gardens, and Stertinius\nat Briae, and Tiberius at Capreae, and Velius\nRufus [or Rufus at Velia]; and in fine think\nof the eager pursuit of anything conjoined\nwith pride; and how worthless everything is\nafter which men violently strain; and how\nmuch more philosophical it is for a man in\nthe opportunities presented to him to show\nhimself just, temperate, obedient to the gods,\nand to do this with all simplicity: for the\npride which is proud of its want of pride\nis the most intolerable of all.\n28. To those who ask, Where hast thou seen\nthe gods, or how dost thou comprehend that\nthey exist and so worshippest them, I answer,\nin the first place, they may be seen even\nwith the eyes; in the second place, neither\nhave I seen even my own soul, and yet I honor\nit. Thus then with respect to the gods, from\nwhat I constantly experience of their power,\nfrom this I comprehend that they exist, and\nI venerate them.\n29. The safety of life is this, to examine\neverything all through, what it is itself,\nthat is its material, what the formal part;\nwith all thy soul to do justice and to say\nthe truth. What remains, except to enjoy life\nby joining one good thing to another so as\nnot to leave even the smallest intervals between?\n30. There is one light of the sun, though\nit is interrupted by walls, mountains, and\nother things infinite. There is one common\nsubstance, though it is distributed among\ncountless bodies which have their several\nqualities. There is one soul, though it is\ndistributed among infinite natures and individual\ncircumscriptions [or individuals]. There is\none intelligent soul, though it seems to be\ndivided. Now in the things which have been\nmentioned, all the other parts, such as those\nwhich are air and matter, are without sensation\nand have no fellowship: and yet even these\nparts the intelligent principle holds together\nand the gravitation towards the same. But\nintellect in a peculiar manner tends to that\nwhich is of the same kin, and combines with\nit, and the feeling for communion is not interrupted.\n31. What dost thou wish—to continue to exist?\nWell, dost thou wish to have sensation, movement,\ngrowth, and then again to cease to grow, to\nuse thy speech, to think? What is there of\nall these things which seems to thee worth\ndesiring? But if it is easy to set little\nvalue on all these things, turn to that which\nremains, which is to follow reason and God.\nBut it is inconsistent with honoring reason\nand God to be troubled because by death a\nman will be deprived of the other things.\n32. How small a part of the boundless and\nunfathomable time is assigned to every man,\nfor it is very soon swallowed up in the eternal!\nAnd how small a part of the whole substance;\nand how small a part of the universal soul;\nand on what a small clod of the whole earth\nthou creepest! Reflecting on all this, consider\nnothing to be great, except to act as thy\nnature leads thee, and to endure that which\nthe common nature brings.\n33. How does the ruling faculty make use of\nitself? for all lies in this. But everything\nelse, whether it is in the power of thy will\nor not, is only lifeless ashes and smoke.\n34. This reflection is most adapted to move\nus to contempt of death, that even those who\nthink pleasure to be a good and pain an evil\nstill have despised it.\n35. The man to whom that only is good which\ncomes in due season, and to whom it is the\nsame thing whether he has done more or fewer\nacts conformable to right reason, and to whom\nit makes no difference whether he contemplates\nthe world for a longer or a shorter time—for\nthis man neither is death a terrible thing\n(III. 7; VI. 23; X. 20; XII. 23).\n36. Man, thou hast been a citizen in this\ngreat state [the world]; what difference does\nit make to thee whether for five years [or\nthree]? for that which is conformable to the\nlaws is just for all. Where is the hardship\nthen, if no tyrant nor yet an unjust judge\nsends thee away from the state, but nature,\nwho brought thee into it? the same as if a\npraetor who has employed an actor dismisses\nhim from the stage.—\"But I have not finished\nthe five acts, but only three of them.\"—Thou\nsayest well, but in life the three acts are\nthe whole drama; for what shall be a complete\ndrama is determined by him who was once the\ncause of its composition, and now of its dissolution:\nbut thou art the cause of neither. Depart\nthen satisfied, for he also who releases thee\nis satisfied.\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "Els catalans exportem cada any\nproductes per valor\nde 70.000 milions d'euros.\nUn capital econòmic i humà que deixa una potent petjada arreu del món.\nLa varietat del que venem\na l'estranger és enorme,\nperò sempre amb un mateix origen: Catalunya.\nÉs per això que avui viatjarem\ndel Maresme al Japó\ni de la Terra Alta fins a Suïssa\nper descobrir si uns països\ntan allunyats entre si,\naprecien de la mateixa manera\ndos productes molt nostres:\nvins i olis\namb Denominació d'Origen Protegida.\nJa podeu demanar\nun taxi dels grossos\nperquè la maleta que portem\nva força carregada!\nUn cop hagueu localitzat\nel vostre seient,\nsou lliures de mirar tranquil·lament la revista de l'avió;\nde seguida comencem\nel nostre viatge!\nHistòricament,\nSuïssa ha estat un país neutral,\nperò amb el que sí que es mullen\nés amb l'oli:\nel 90% dels suïssos\nque en consumeixen\nes decanten\nper l'oli d'oliva verge extra.\nuna varietat en què són experts\na la Denominació d'Origen Protegida Terra Alta.\nHola, ets la Sònia, oi?\nHola, sí, soc la Sònia.\nHola, Elisabet. Què tal?\nAquí fem tres petons, eh?\nSón tres petons.\nEn fem tres.\nQue normalment\nés allò del moment aquell...\nUs passeu el dia\nfent petons a la cara.\nPassa, passa. Encantada, eh?\nGràcies.\nDoncs mira, ara m'enganxes\nque anava a preparar-me el berenar.\nJo soc instructora d'spinning, treballo en un gimnàs.\nLlavors, abans de la classe,\ncom que cremem moltes calories,\nnecessito una miqueta\nde cosa consistent.\nI què menges, normalment?\nNormalment em faig una miqueta\nde pa, un berenar com els d'allà.\nUna mica de pa, formatge...\nPerquè embotits, oli d'oliva,\nés fàcil trobar-ne a Suïssa?\nAls supermercats\npots trobar oli d'oliva normal,\nperò si vols una miqueta més gurmet has d'anar a Zuric.\nJo de vegades agafo aquest,\nque és molt bo, veus?\nJa és això més gurmet.\nJa es veu per l'ampolla.\nEl tomàquet és el bo per sucar.\nEts de posar-hi molsa?\nO sense molsa?\nAh, jo l'hi poso tot.\nSal, i si és pernil salat,\nde sal ni n'hi poso.\nAneu i veniu molt de Catalunya?\nDoncs s'intenta, sobretot intentem aprofitar a l'estiu, i per Nadal,\ni després fas escapadetes puntuals.\nSònia, aquí, si fóssim\nsuïsses de veritat,\nmenjaríem una salsitxa\namb un tros de pa, no?\nPossiblement, perquè ja és\nquasi hora de sopar,\ni estaríem amb la salsitxa\ni una mica d'aquesta mena\nde puré de patata que mengen.\nAleshores, l'oli quin paper té\ndins la seva cuina?\nEn un principi basen bastant\nla seva alimentació en verdures,\namanides...\nEl dia que cuinen no es posen\ncom nosaltres a cuinar, allò...\nI com més serem més riurem.\nI tant.\nI per cuinar comencen a introduir més com nosaltres\nun oli d'oliva,\ndeixant de banda els olis vegetals\ni les mantegues, per cuinar.\nDigues als teus alumnes\nque l'oli d'oliva,\na més d'amanides i verduretes,\nque també ho facin\namb un bon pa amb tomàquet.\nI amb fuet.\nI amb formatge suís.\nÉs bo, no?\nSí.\n(home) La Denominació d'Origen Protegida Terra Alta\nnaix el 2002, per tant som una\nde les denominacions més joves.\nEl que ens diferencia\ncom a Denominació d'Origen Protegida de la Terra Alta és la varietat.\nl'empeltre, única, en este cas,\nal nostre país, a Catalunya.\nÉs una oliva collida\na finals d'octubre,\nté lo seu punt de picant,\nque sobretot recorda\nla nou verda i la tomaquera.\nDes de la DOP Terra Alta,\nuna de les fites que tenim...\nevidentment és traure\ntot el el producte,\no el màxim de producte al mercat,\nen este cas Europa.\nPerquè, al ser diferenciat,\nal ser un producte\nque l'auliva és diferent,\nper tant dona un oli diferent,\nencaixa al consumidor europeu,\nper tant, no continuarem...\nde desgastar tots los esforços possibles des de la DOP\nper poder col·locar\nel màxim de producte empeltre\namb el segell de DOP Terra Alta.\nTant endrapar pa amb oli i embotit\nens hem acabat sentint\nuna mica culpables,\naixí que li hem demanat a la Sònia unes vambes\ni l'hem acompanyat al gimnàs.\nEls suïssos es cuiden amb el menjar però també amb l'esport!\n# Fins quan podrem aguantar?\n# Pots veure la llum,\npots veure el final.\n# Però no, no arriba mai,\n# aquesta roda mai no para de girar.\n# Pots veure la llum,\npots veure el final.\n# Però mai no para.\n# Pots veure la roda,\nla roda girar. #\nSònia, déu-n'hi-do, eh?\nAquí la gent va \"a tope\".\nSí, tenen molta energia, molta.\nL'últim esprint ha sigut bestial,\ni com has pogut veure\nno són gent de vint anys,\njo tinc gent aquí al gimnàs\nde 40 cap amunt.\nTinc alumnes de 70.\nÉs que aquí es cuiden moltíssim.\nÉs a dir, a més de cuidar l'alimentació, com abans dèiem,\ntambé el tema de l'esport\nel tenen molt present.\nEl tenen molt present\ni aquí està bonificat fer esport\ni portar una vida sana.\nA Catalunya tenim\nla Seguretat Social, que és pública,\ni aquí el sistema sanitari funciona amb una mútua privada,\ncadascú es paga la seva sanitat.\nPerò tens un descompte de l'Estat\nsi estàs inscrit\nen un centre esportiu.\nQue fort!\nDoncs a fer esport,\nno només per estar bonificat,\nsinó també per arribar\na la tercera edat.\nA l'edat adulta, no tercera edat.\nSònia, moltes gràcies.\nNo et faig dos petons perquè...\nA la dutxa, vinga, anem a la dutxa.\nLa cultura de l'oli al nostre país és tan antiga com la del vi.\nCatalunya compta\namb unes condicions excepcionals\nper a l'elaboració de vins:\ngran diversitat de microclimes,\nde sòls,\ni una orografia molt variada,\ni la Denominació d'Origen Catalunya és hereva d'aquesta llarga tradició.\nÉs per això que abans d'agafar l'avió cap a Suïssa\nvam voler descobrir com cap tot\nun país, dins d'una ampolla de vi.\nVosaltres sou una de les denominacions d'origen més joves.\nNaixeu ja\namb aquesta mentalitat exportadora?\nDes del primer moment.\nDe fet, una mica, una cosa\nque es busca des de l'inici...\nés buscar la projecció\nde la marca Catalunya\ni l'enllaç\nde la marca Barcelona al món.\nCatalunya és una potència turística,\nve molta gent a visitar-la,\ni nosaltres hem d'intentar és que aquesta gent s'enduguin el record\nque han estat\nen un país vitivinícola.\n¿I quins valors o característiques\npodríem dir\nque agafa aquesta denominació?\nPerquè d'altres denominacions estan molt marcades dins d'una zona,\nperò aquesta és molt extensa\ni té molta varietat.\nÉs un territori ampli, és\nun territori amb moltes varietats,\nque permet una mica aquesta mobilitat entre diferents zones,\nper poder fer uns vins\nmés innovadors,\nbuscant una mica més una utilització més àmplia de varietats,\nque ens permeten donar aquests tocs diferents als nostres vins.\nMés de la meitat dels vins de la DO Catalunya es venen a l'estranger,\naixí que són una bona carta\nde presentació arreu del món.\nA Suïssa, qui també fa d'ambaixador català, a la seva manera,\nés en Josep.\nHola!\nHola, ets el Josep, oi?\nSí, hola!\nEncantada.\nCom estàs?\nPasso, eh?\nPassa, passa, endavant.\nGràcies.\nCarai, quin pis d'estudiants\nmés gran, no?\nSí, sí.\nEn què t'agafo,\nestudiant, descansant...?\nJust ara estava enllestint-ho tot\ni me'n vaig cap a la universitat.\nQuant fa que estudies música?\nJo vaig començar fent música\namb 11 anys, i ara en tinc 23,\nperò professionalment fa...\nel grau que vaig fer a Barcelona,\ni aquest serà el meu cinquè any.\nA Suïssa, com seria\nel teu estudi, el dia a dia?\nAquí a Suïssa, em llevo molt d'hora,\ni llavors estic tot el matí\na la universitat,\ndesprés dinem, descansem una mica,\ni a la tarda acostumem a assajar d'una manera més relaxada,\namb alguna mica de vi,\ncervesa, o amb pica-pica...\nCom més bohemi.\nSí, més tranquil, més tranquil.\nI dins d'aquest estudi,\ncom es porten la música i el vi?\nJo et diria que la música i el vi\nes porten molt bé per dues coses,\nla primera, la música, sempre dic,\nés treure capes a la ceba.\nHo has de tocar moltes vegades fixant-te en els detalls,\ni cada vegada trobes coses noves.\nI el mateix passa amb el vi,\nquan tu tastes un vi, des del moment que l'obres, el deixes a la copa,\nolores, te'l prens, tot\nel que sents, de textures, colors,\nde sensacions,\nal cap d'una estona, com ho sents...\nI després l'altra cosa\nsón les hores que hi invertim.\nNosaltres estem moltes hores\ntocant un instrument,\ni realment la sensació que fa\nés que els vins,\nels productors d'aquests vins,\nhi inverteixen moltes hores,\nperquè vaig tenir l'ocasió\nd'estar en unes caves\ni ostres, veus que per una ampolla, per un producte,\nmolts dies, molts mesos, moltes setmanes de feina, feina i feina.\nDoncs no et vull treure\nhores invertides,\naixí que, si vols, acabem d'enllestir el que tinguis i marxem.\nPerfecte, som-hi.\nAquí dins, portes el saxo?\nSí, de fet aquí n'hi van dos.\nQuè dius, ara!\nDoncs si et sembla fem una cosa,\nfem un tros de camí junts, però necessito que em facis un favor.\nM'hauries de comprar una ampolla de vi per aquesta tarda, per l'assaig.\nPer l'assaig, fantàstic.\nTens alguna adreça d'algun lloc?\nSí, tinc una adreça, mira.\nTe la dono...\nAixò sí, una condició:\nel vi, que sigui català.\nNo poses condició\nper això de negre, blanc?\nHo deixes a les meves mans.\nEl que tu vulguis.\nHallo! Guten Morgen!\nHola, Guten Morgen.\nBuenos días, bon dia.\nQue m'entens? ¿Me entiendes?\nEl catalán\nlo puedo entender un poquito.\n¿Un poquito?\nHe vivido en Valencia mucho tiempo.\nDoncs mira, he vingut a la botiga, que és molt maca, per cert,\nbuscant un vi català.\nAleshores, a veure si en tens\ni si me'n pots recomanar algun.\nMolt bé!\nI els vins catalans com es perceben?\nLa percepción\nes como un poco Cataluña, ¿no?\nEs mucho Barcelona.\nViajamos muchísimo a Barcelona.\nEs muy fácil, hay muchos vuelos...\nÉs molt a prop.\nSí, es una hora y media,\ny es un escaparate estupendo\npara el vino de Cataluña,\nque a la gente le encanta.\nJo necessitaria un vi per un músic.\nAleshores, ell m'ha explicat\nque normalment, quan assaja,\ntenen una copa de vi,\nvan parant, van tocant,\naleshores no sé quin vi català\nem podries recomanar.\nPues mira, yo tomaría algo blanco.\nAh!\nXarel·lo sería muy bueno,\nporque es un vino...\nque va muy bien con el aceite,\ncon el picar,\ny viene de Montserrat,\nmuy cerca de Barcelona,\ny es de la DO Catalunya.\nEls vins catalans\nhan aconseguit fidelitzar un públic\nque sap apreciar\nel que tenim entre mans.\nEspero haver-la encertat\ni que li agradi a en Josep!\nUi! Hola, què tal?\nHola, Josep!\nCom han anat les classes?\nBé, ha sigut dur, però ja està.\nAra toca relaxar-se.\nT'he portat un vi blanc,\nun xarel·lo.\nDe DO Catalunya...\nQue bé!\nM'havies demanat un vi català.\nQuè més català que la DO Catalunya?\nAquí estàvem practicant\njo i el Jorge.\nHola, Jorge. D'on ets, tu?\nYo soy de Alicante.\nAh, d'Alacant! Tot queda en família.\nSí, sí.\nJorge, en prens també amb nosaltres?\nClar, tocar el saxo mentre beus, impossible,\nper tant, hem de fer una parada.\nUna pausa i un luxe.\nUau, fresquet, perfecte per...\nper una tarda bohèmia.\nQue bé, per favor. Qué lujo...\nJa té raó en Josep quan diu que la música i el vi conviuen en sintonia,\ni tant els vins com el nostre oli\narrosseguen fins a Suïssa\nl'essència mediterrània.\nEns passarà el mateix al Japó...?\nHi ha 2.600 empreses catalanes\nque exporten al Japó,\nperò menys de la meitat\nho fan de manera continuada.\nI és que fer-se un lloc en un\ndels països més exigents del món\nno és gens fàcil.\nEls japonesos\ns'hi miren molt abans de comprar!\nEl producte ha de ser\nd'altíssima qualitat,\nha de tenir\nuna presentació impecable\ni, si és possible,\nun origen tradicional al darrere.\nAh! I que tot\nestigui escrit en japonès.\nPerquè aquí, d'idiomes, pocs...\nAixí que el més habitual\nés que els empresaris catalans\nque hi venen a fer negocis\nnecessitin l'ajuda\nd'una traductora com la Hiromi,\nque ens guiarà\npel complex mercat nipó.\nAlguna coseta\nli haurem de donar a canvi!\n...torró d'Agramunt,\namb Indicació Geogràfica Protegida.\nLa primera missió que tenim\nés fer-nos entendre en un celler\ndel centre de Tòquio\nque importa vins\namb Denominació d'Origen Alella,\nla més petita de les DO catalanes\namb una superfície de vinya que\nno arriba ni a les 300 hectàrees.\nDe nada. Thank you.\n# (Miquel Abras, \"Fills del mar\")\n#\n# Tot el que veus desapareixerà\ni quedarà... #\nLes vinyes\nde la Denominació d'Origen Alella\ncreixen sobre un sòl de sauló,\nque és un sòl granític, molt àcid,\nque permet envelliments\nde vins blancs.\nPerò en aquesta zona que dona al mar\nno ens podem oblidar de la marinada,\nque és el vent\nque ve de mar a terra,\nque neteja una mica\ntot el que puguin ser fongs,\no altres tipus de malalties.\nUna cosa\na què s'enfronta la DO Alella\nés a la pressió urbanística, que sempre hi ha hagut vora Barcelona.\nDurant els últims anys,\ns'han fet molts progressos,\nuna de les coses més importants\nés quan es va crear el Parc\nde la Serralada de Marina,\nque protegeix gran part\nde les vinyes de la DO,\nque fa que la gent sigui conscient\nde la riquesa que hi ha,\nen tenir vinyes\ni no només en tenir cases i pisos,\ni això ajudarà\nque Alella segueixi aquí.\nTòquio és la ciutat\nque té més restaurants\nd'estrella Michelin del món,\ni el de la xef Carme Ruscalleda\nés dels més populars.\nEl Sant Pau s'ha convertit\nen el que podria ser\nel millor ambaixador\nde la gastronomia catalana al Japó.\nL'importador de la DO Alella\na Tòquio ha mogut fils\nperquè puguem entrar al Sant Pau una estona abans que comenci el servei.\nHola! Bon dia!\nBon dia!\nBienvenidos.\nGràcies!\nCom a sommelier\ndel Sant Pau de Tòquio,\nquè fas, quina és\nla teva responsabilitat?\nLlevo los vinos y cócteles.\nAixò que ens has preparat\nés per un còctel.\nSí, es para un muy especial cóctel.\nSe llama sakria.\nEso es sake y cava, cultura de Japón y cultura de Cataluña.\nI qui el va inventar? Vas ser tu?\nEso es de Carme Ruscalleda.\nDoncs sona molt bé.\nEm pots ensenyar\ncom es fa la sàkria?\nSí, muy bien. Sí.\nCortamos una fresa japonesa.\n¿Puedo?\nSí.\nMmm!\nMenta y luego...\nSake.\nSake, sí.\nEntonces, líquido\nde fresa y azúcar y agua.\nUau!\nOh!\nNo ruido.\nNo ruido.\nOk, ok.\nPorque soy profesional.\nAh...!\nMás cava que sake.\nMás cava...\nPorque el sake es muy fuerte.\nPor eso...\nYa está.\nQue aproveche.\nGracias.\nKampai.\nKampai.\nPorque \"chin-chin\" no se dice.\nNo.\n¿Qué significa chin-chin?\n¿No? ¿Qué es chin-chin?\nBueno... Kampai.\nKampai.\nEns quedem amb les ganes\nde saber què vol dir xin-xin\nperò amb un bon sabor de boca gràcies a la sàkria...!\nJuntament amb el vi, l'oli és\nun dels productes mediterranis...\nque es beneficiarà\ndel tractat de lliure comerç\nsignat recentment\nentre la Unió Europea i el Japó.\nL'acord facilitarà l'entrada d'aliments de categoria Premium,\ncom per exemple el que exporta\nuna empresa familiar de Tortosa\nque té l'objectiu d'estendre's\ncom una taca d'oli\nal país del sol naixent.\nMés de la meitat de l'oli\nque produeix aquesta empresa\nes ven a granel i prové de cultius catalans i de l'estat espanyol,\naixí que els japonesos\nhan de mirar la lletra petita\nsi en volen conèixer l'origen.\n(home) Els orígens\nde la nostra família\nnaixen l'any 1963.\nOn el meu pare i el nostre avi\nvan començar aquest negoci\nde la compra i venda d'oli,\ni llavors es feia oli a granel.\nA partir de l'any 86,\nvam decidir de passar\nde vendre oli a granel\na vendre oli envasat.\nI l'any 90 vam decidir\nde muntar un departament d'exportació a molts de països,\nfins ara estem exportant\na 70 països.\nEl Japó és un mercat que costa\nmolts d'anys de poder aconseguir,\nperò també és un mercat molt fidel,\nque et pot ajudar,\nel nostre sector té\nmoltes muntades i baixades de preu,\ni és un mercat que ho accepta.\nMés de la meitat dels aliments\nque consumeixen els japonesos\nprovenen de l'estranger.\nÉs un bon mercat\nper exportar-hi menjar preparat\nja que tenen poc temps\nper posar-se davant dels fogons.\nAra bé, quan s'hi posen,\ns'hi esforcen al màxim\ni escullen els millors ingredients.\nHo sap molt bé la Montse, que fa\nsis anys es va instal·lar a Tòquio.\nAvui soparem a casa seva.\nHola! Com estàs?\nMontse, què tal?\nEt puc fer dos petons, oi?\nEscolta, gràcies\nper deixar-nos anar a casa teva.\nEn podem dir casa, ja, a Tòquio?\nCrec que una miqueta\nja li podem dir casa.\nCap on és?\nCap allà.\nDoncs ja hi som.\nToca treure's les sabates, eh?\nToca treure's les sabates.\nI veig que tens oli.\nDe fet, aquest el compro\nen una botiga d'aquí, de Tòquio,\ni en principi vaig pensar\nque era d'aquí,\nperò després, mirant l'etiqueta,\nvaig adonar-me que era de Tortosa.\nPerò aquí, els japonesos,\nles japoneses,\na casa seva cuinen amb oli d'oliva?\nCrec que en el seu dia a dia,\npoder no cada dia,\nperò quan volen fer\nuna mica més gurmet,\no volen fer una mica més especial,\nllavors sí,\nperquè el tenen com molt atresorat,\nperquè és molt bo pel teu cos.\nQuè soparem, Montse?\nDoncs avui soparem\nuna miqueta de pasta,\namb salsa d'ous de peix.\nAh, d'ous de peix!\nUau, això sí que és diferent, eh?\nI una miqueta d'amanida de col.\nEls ous, no?\nEls ous, sí.\nI això, que és una salsa de soja especial per cuinar amb pasta.\nTinc curiositat per veure\ncom faràs això, em té intrigada.\nLa intriga, la intriga!\nAquí tot ha de ser talladet.\nSí.\nI en comptes de tirar-hi,\nper exemple, sal, hi tiren algues.\nExactament, com que ja tenen sal...\nI així l'amaneixes una miqueta.\nAra farem una miqueta\nla preparació de la salsa.\nI farem un mix d'això,\ni de l'oli d'oliva.\nQuina de les tres mides?\nFarem la del mig.\nAquesta, tan petita?\nTan petita.\nEm pensava que l'ompliríem\nde caldo d'aquest.\nPrecisament barat no ho és,\nllavors, clar...\nno el pots utilitzar cada dia,\ncom si fos a Barcelona,\nque fas no sé què fregit,\noli d'oliva.\nHo aprofiten tot, del peix, no?, pràcticament.\nI clar, primer dius: \"Oh, ous\nde peix... No hi ha una altra cosa?\"\nPerò és molt bo.\nQuasi està, no?\nSí, només falta una miqueta de...\nAixò per condimentar, al final,\nque fa una mica d'olor...\nDoncs ens ha quedat ben maco, oi?\nCom a bones japoneses,\nhi hem de fer una foto.\nAvui hem comprovat\nque les exportacions catalanes\na Suïssa i el Japó\nes mouen al mateix ritme.\nSón dos mercats meticulosos\ni exigents\nque valoren amb nota alta els vins\ni els olis que venen de Catalunya.\nA Suïssa són productes consolidats,\nmentre que al Japó\nes van obrint pas en clau femenina.\nEls nostres vins i olis serien\ncom aquella cançó que se t'enganxa;\nun cop l'escoltes,\no, en aquest cas, els tastes,\nja no te'ls pots treure del cap.\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "You’ve already learned that a fraction is\na number.\nIn this lesson, you’ll learn that there\nis more than one way to write a fraction for\nany number.\nWhen two different fractions name the same\nnumber, they’re called “equivalent fractions.”\nFor example, let’s look at the fractions\none half and two fourths.\nTo represent these fractions, let’s start\nby drawing two number lines that have the\nsame size units.\nNow let’s divide the units on the first\nline into halves, and divide the units on\nthe second line into fourths.\nOn the first line, we show one half here.\nOn the second line, we show two fourths here.\nWe can show that the fraction one-half is\nequivalent to the fraction two-fourths, like\nthis\nThe dotted line shows that the point on the\nfirst number line for one-half is the same\nas the point on the second number line for\ntwo fourths.\nThat means both fractions are expressions\nfor the same point on the number line, which\nmeans they represent the same number.\nIn this lesson you’ll learn how to construct\na fraction that is equivalent to another fraction.\nFor example, suppose we wanted to find a fraction\nthat’s equivalent to two-fourths and has\na denominator of 8.\nWe can do this by using number lines.\nThese two number lines are divided into units\nthat are the same size\nWe divide each unit on the first number line\ninto 4 equal parts called fourths.\nThen we count two fourths.\nOn the second number line, we divide each\nunit into eight equal parts, or eighths.\nNow, we want to find the place on the bottom\nnumber line that’s equivalent to the two-fourths.\nRemember, two numbers are equivalent if they\nare at the same point on the number line.\nThis is the point on the bottom number line\nthat’s equivalent to two-fourths.\nWe can see clearly that the fractions represent\nthe same point on the number line if we merge\nthe two lines.\nThis point represents the fraction four-eighths,\nand this point represents the fraction two-fourths\nso four-eighths is equivalent to two-fourths.\nHere’s another example.\nWe want to find a fraction that’s equivalent\nto four-thirds and has a denominator of 6.\nAgain, we start with two number lines that\nhave the same size units.\nFirst we want to show four thirds on the top\nnumber line.\nWe divide the line into thirds and count 4\nthirds.\nThen we divide each unit on the bottom number\nline into six equal parts, called sixths\nNow we want to find the number on the bottom\nnumber line that’s equivalent to four-thirds.\nThis point on the number line is equivalent\nto four thirds.\nWhen we count the parts on this line, we get\n8.\nThat means this point shows the fraction eight-sixths.\nNow, when we merge the lines we see that both\nfractions are at the same point on the number\nline.\nFour thirds and eight-sixths.\nSo the fraction eight-sixths is equivalent\nto the fraction four-thirds.\nIn the remainder of this lesson you’ll get\npractice using number lines to find equivalent\nfractions.\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "Si me empujas, entonces\n[MURILO SANTANA, ENTRENADOR DE JIU JITSU]\nperderás las caderas y tendrás que levantarte del lado derecho.\nOk.\nPero es mejor quedarte cerca y levantarte por la espalda.\nLa broma en la casa es...\n[ANTHONY BOURDAIN, CHEF, AUTOR, PERSONALIDAD DE TELEVISIÓN]\n[ANTHONY BOURDAIN, CHEF, AUTOR, PERSONALIDAD DE TELEVISIÓN]\nmi hija corre hacia mí y de pronto\nme golpea en el estómago y le digo que la regla es:\nA papá no, ve a pegarle a mamá, ella tiene cuadritos.\nElla entrena\n[IGOR GRACIE, ENTRENADOR DE JIU JITSU BRASILEÑO]\ntan duro como un peleador profesional.\n[IGOR GRACIE, ENTRENADOR DE JIU JITSU BRASILEÑO]\nTodos los días pasa tres o cuatro horas aquí.\nY luego se va a otro lugar, entrena acondicionamiento,\nhace yoga, hace todo lo que hace un peleador profesional\npara una pelea profesional.\n[FIGHTLAND]\n[FIGHTLAND MEETS]\n[OTTAVIA BOURDAIN]\nQuiero que esto sea mi sustento.\nEsto es lo que quiero hacer durante el resto de mi vida.\nMe gustaría que a más mujeres les gustara el jiu-jitsu,\ncon el hecho de que ahora las mujeres están peleando\n[OTTAVIA BOURDAIN, BRAZILIAN JIU JITSU BLUE BELT]\n[OTTAVIA BOURDAIN, CINTA AZUL DE JIU-JITSU BRASILEÑO]\nen UFC.\n[OTTAVIA BOURDAIN, CINTA AZUL DE JIU-JITSU BRASILEÑO]\n[OTTAVIA BOURDAIN, CINTA AZUL DE JIU-JITSU BRASILEÑO]\nMás mujeres se acercarán al jiu-jitsu brasileño\ny es bueno porque nunca es realista cuando peleas\ncon un hombre y luego compites con mujeres.\nA veces tratan de no usar mucha fuerza contigo,\npero no se dan cuenta de lo resistentes que somos las mujeres.\nSimplemente me encanta hacerlo.\nMe encanta la sensación de golpear y patear y era...\nbastante buena para eso.\nCreo que esto llegó primero.\nLuego los tatamis, luego nuestro amiguito de aquí.\nLos gis echándose a perder por todas partes.\nDe alguna manera encontró tiempo para ir al gimnasio\ny mantenerse en forma fantástica.\nPero empecé a notar que estaba disfrutando el gimnasio,\nEstaba disfrutando darle palizas a los hombres, especialmente.\nY todo comenzó ahí, comenzó en aumento hacia un entrenamiento de MMA\ncon un enfoque en jiu-jitsu, al punto en el que estaba\nconvirtiéndose en un trabajo de tiempo completo.\nTiene el mismo nivel que cualquier otra cinta azul\nen los Estados Unidos, en el planeta.\nFue a Brasil como cinta blanca y derrotó a una competidora\nbastante experimentada como cinta azul. Ottavia era\ncinta blanca y derrotó a una cinta azul.\nY en su última competencia,\nganó una y perdió una. Ya sabes, está ahí.\nEstá mejorando.\nEs un aprendizaje que nunca termina.\nDigo, cuando haces kickboxing aprendes cómo golpear\naprendes cómo patear, cómo lanzar rodillas y codos,\ny luego lo perfeccionas, pero con el jiu-jitsu hay técnicas nuevas\npor aprender cada día, puedes crear tus propias técnicas, es muy mental,\neso cómo dicen, es como ajedrez para tu cuerpo.\nDe verdad tienes que pensar. Es muy intelectual.\nNo sólo es físico.\nLuché un poco en la preparatoria.\nTomé clases de judo un par de años cuando tenía 13 o 14 años.\nLo entiendo, me gusta verlo.\nEntiendo por qué Ottavia lo hace, pero en este momento de mi vida,\nme gusta más una vida de tranquilidad,\nen esos momentos en los que no estoy trabajando.\nPodría estar, ya saben, usando la tarjeta de crédito de mi esposo\ny pasarme los días en Barney’s, haciéndome manicure y arreglándome el cabello\npero no, necesito mantenerme ocupada. Si no estoy ocupada, me vuelvo loca.\nMe gusta mucho la idea de que ella\npueda partirle el trasero a quien sea en cualquier bar al que entro.\nO definitivamente puede someterlos, sino lo esperan, sabes.\nCrecí en Italia, en un pequeño pueblo de 2,000 habitantes.\nManerba del Garda\nCuando era niña, jugaba deportes en la escuela\npero nunca había hecho ningún tipo de arte marcial.\nMe enamoré de un músico irlandés.\nConsiguió un contrato en Estados Unidos.\nDecidí seguirlo hasta aquí y mis padres me dijeron,\n“Esta bien, ya no vas a tener dinero de nosotros”.\n“Así que, eres independiente. Haz lo que quieras, pero ahora tú te encargas”.\nUnos amigos de mi ex novio me encontraron un trabajo\nen el giro restaurantero.\nY estaba trabajando un par de días después de llegar.\nComencé como anfitriona y terminé como gerente general.\nDesde el momento en que comencé a trabajar cómo gerente,\nya sabes, trabajaba 14 o 16 horas diarias.\nEmpecé a trabajar en Le Bernardin, donde conocí a Eric Ripert\nquien fue el que eventualmente, años después, me presentó\na mi esposo.\nEntonces, básicamente sabía lo mucho que estaba trabajando.\nsabía lo mucho que mi esposo viajaba, y pensó,\nque seríamos la pareja perfecta, como para una noche,\no algo así, porque ambos estábamos muy ocupados,\ny él no tenía idea de que terminaríamos en una relación seria.\nCasados y con una hija, pero...\nÉl en verdad le advirtió, “está loca”,\nY (Anthony) le dijo, “Digo, veme a mí”.\nLo que pasó fue que fue a Beirut para grabar un programa\ncuando comenzó la guerra y bombardearon el aeropuerto y se quedó atrapado ahí,\nfue muy dramático, cuando al fin regresó,\nese mismo día, concebimos a nuestra hija\nporque estábamos como, “sabes qué?, la vida es muy corta.\nTrabajé básicamente hasta que empecé a tener contracciones\nAndaba paseando en mis tacones, de arriba a abajo, subiendo escaleras,\nasustando a todos porque me caía cada cinco minutos.\nNo podía parar, así que tuve mi Baby Shower en el restaurante.\nY un par de días después estaba en trabajo de parto.\nA mi hija ya le gusta el deporte,\nle encanta ir a la Academia Gracie con su mamá.\nMi hija tiene seis años, llegará el día en el que\nel pequeño Timmy del pupitre de al lado le va a jalar el cabello,\ny me gusta la idea de que pueda darle una paliza al pequeño Timmy.\nuna buena paliza.\nEn cuando al jiu-jitsu, ya está familiarizada con muchos principios.\nDigo, entrenan barras de brazo juntas.\nEstoy muy feliz de que mi podrá defenderse,\ny que no sea propensa a aguantar mierda de ningún niño\ny después, con ese tipo de formación\nque no tenga que aguantar mierda de ningún hombre en la vida, entonces...\nSí, estoy muy feliz con eso.\nSer instructor de jiu-jitsu es la profesión más gratificante\nque puedes tener porque cambia las vidas de las personas.\nVes a un tipo entrando aquí sin entrenamiento, es tímido,\ntiene baja autoestima, y un par de meses después el tipo\nsólo por la manera en la que camina, es una persona totalmente diferente.\n[NICK DIAZ, PESO WÉLTER]\n¿Vives aquí ahora?\n[NICK DIAZ, PESO WÉLTER]\nNo, vivo en Nueva York.\nAh, está bien, qué bueno.\nDe hecho tomé un seminario con tu hermano.\n¡¿En serio?!\nHace como dos semanas.\nHola.\nEmpecé a ver peleas de MMA, especialmente de UFC, en televisión.\nY nunca había pensado en hacer lucha o jiu-jitsu.\nSólo me gustaba verlas y luego recuerdo haber ido al\nPrudencial Center a una pelea de Gina Carano,\nera en 2008.\nY yo estaba como, “wow, las chicas pueden hacer eso”.\nEso fue muy bueno. Fue muy inspirador.\nPero aún no estaba convencida de intentar entrenar en el suelo.\nY lo intenté y me gustó aún más que el muay thai.\nÉsta es como mi segunda casa.\nAunque a veces parece como si fuera mi primera casa,\nporque paso más tiempo aquí que en mi casa de verdad.\nNo me asusta que se vaya a lastimar.\nA: Porque estoy seguro de que no se lastimará.\nB: Porque en verdad no le importa. Como que le gusta.\nUna vez llegó a casa con un ojo morado, creo que se quejó,\npero caminaba sintiéndose bastante bien de sí misma.\nSu fortaleza definitivamente es su atletismo, es muy atlética.\nEs fuerte, tiene buen cardio,\npuede rolar durante más de una hora sin parar.\nEs inteligente, aprende las cosas muy rápido.\nMe gusta ser musculosa, a mi esposo no le gusta, pero para mí,\nuna mujer con músculos es hermosa. Me gusta estar marcada,\nme gusta tener el abdomen marcado. Me gusta tener muslos grandes.\nMe gusta tener un cuello ancho y mi esposo lo odia.\nPorque por alguna razón, lo primero que se nota musculoso es mi cuello\ny es como: Ugh.\nSi tengo una riña con alguien, más vale que se termine en 3 o 4 segundos\nporque sino será como... mis posibilidades no son buenas.\nDefinitivamente mi meta final será abrir una academia\nobviamente afiliada con Renzo Gracie, que es mi\ninspiración y modelo a seguir.\nYa sabes, me despierto y estoy inquieta, ya sabes, cuando llego aquí\nestoy como. “Ah, ah, ah”.\nY todos están como, ok.\nPreparémonos para Ottavia.\nYa sabes, y yo rolo, rolo y rolo hasta que no pueda más.\n[FIGHTLAND]\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "- Boom, what's going on everyone?\nIt is Steve Larsen, and\ntoday I'm gonna talk\nto you guys about food stamps.\nI've spent the last four years learning\nfrom the most brilliant marketers today.\nAnd now I've left my nine\nto five to take the plunge\nand build my million dollar business.\nThe real question is how will\nI do it without VC funding\nor debt, completely from scratch.\nThis podcast is here\nto give you the answer.\nJoin me and follow along as\nI learn, apply, and share\nmarketing strategies to\ngrow my online business,\nusing only today's best\ninternet sales funnels.\nMy name is Steve Larsen and\nwelcome to Sales Funnel Radio.\n(rock music)\nWhat's up guys?\nHey.\nAlright.\nRight off the get go,\nokay, just gotta tell you\nI'm probably gonna offend some\npeople and I'm gonna speak\na lot of opinions on this\nthing but I wanna share\nwith you guys really how I was able to\nget through like the first year\nor two of failing entrepreneurship.\nThere's nothing wrong with\nbeing in that failure zone,\nby the way, right.\nI think that's one of the things\nthat people get self conscious about.\nThey're like I'm not a\nsuccessful entrepreneur yet\nor I've been going in\nthe game for a while now\nand I haven't really made anything.\nI totally get it, first of all.\nIn college, my wife and\nI, we were freaking poor.\nI mean, we just, we were\nliterally living paycheck\nto paycheck but really\nit was loan to loan.\nBecause like I was just\ngetting student loans.\nI was supposed to get paid\nby the Army and through some\nstupid crap, I ended up\ngetting paid half of what I was\nsupposed to the entire time I was in it.\nAnd so I was like crap.\nI at least wanted some\nsecurity with that vehicle,\nwith that job, right,\nof being in the Army.\nAnd it wasn't that way.\nAnd I will tell you,\nlooking back, that was one\nof the biggest blessings I've\never had in my entire life.\nThe fact that we did\nnot have enough, okay,\nthe fact that we did not have any money.\nWhat happened was when\nwe first got married,\na lot of you guys know the story, right.\nI found out that my lady\nwas eating one meal a day\nbehind my back just because\nwe didn't have enough cash\nand I didn't realize\nthat she was doing that.\nAnd that really cut me to the core.\nI kept coming home every\nday, I was like why,\nshe's still in bed and I was\nlike, you know, what's up,\nyou okay, and she's like yeah.\nOh it's nothing.\nAnd I came back to, she's\nalready been graduated,\nI wasn't graduated yet.\nAnd I'd come back the next\nday and she'd be like,\nshe'd still be in bed and\nI'd be like, you know,\nwe had just barely gotten\nmarried like a few weeks\nahead of time and I was like is it me?\nWhat's up, you okay?\nAre you alright?\nAnd she's like no, no, it's totally fine.\nIt's totally fine, we're good.\nAnd I'd come back the\nnext day, the same thing.\nNext day, same thing.\nNext day, same thing.\nIt was like what is going on.\nShe told me that she'd only\nbeen eating one meal a day\nand as a man, that wrecks you.\nRight?\nThat'll destroy anybody but\nespecially where most men\ntend to get their identity\nbased on what they do.\nMany women tend to get\ntheir identity based on\non their environment.\nThat's a huge stereotype.\nSo for me it wrecked\nme, okay, and I was like\nI was super, super sad about\neverything that was going on.\nNot just sad but like,\nmy self-esteem dropped,\nI was having a hard time\nfunctioning in classes\nknowing that my wife was so weak at home\nand I was in classes.\nI mean, really think about that.\nThe scenario was really, really intense.\nSo about two years prior\nto that I was living\nin North Carolina and I, you\nknow, one of those missions,\nI was one of those missionaries,\nI was riding a bike around.\nAnd we talked to a bunch\nof people and suit, tie,\nlittle badge, I mean I'm\nsure you guys have seen\nthem around, right, and loved\nit, great time of my life.\nWell there was, I was\nput in a lot of spots\nand a lot of areas where\nit was people's sole plan\nto live on food stamps.\nIt was their plan and they\nliterally would not show up\nto work so they couldn't make\nenough money so that they\ncould get on food stamps.\nThat, in my opinion, is extremely wrong.\nI know, this is where I'm\ngonna ruffle feathers.\nBut if you don't like it, this\nis my channel, you can leave.\nI'm gonna tell you what I think.\nCapitalist pig baby,\nalright, here we come.\nOkay, here we go.\nAnd I'm gonna be sensitive\nto this 'cause there are tons\nof people who need it and that's great.\nBut when it's your freaking\nplan to suck on other people's\nhard work, I do not agree with that.\nThe door is right over\nthere, actually, alright.\nAnd I'm serious about that.\nWith that mindset of seeing\ntens of thousands of people\nwhere that was their plan,\nokay, I was like what?\nLike, you're going to go on\nwelfare, that is your career\npath you're trying to.\nI felt very, I'm just\nletting you guys know,\nthat's my backstory, that was\nwhere I was coming in from\nto the scenario with my wife from.\nThe scenario of I will never do that.\nIf I get hurt, if something\nhappens to me, sure.\nIf I need it, legitimately, but after\nI've done everything that I can.\nThat's my personal opinion on it.\nI think it is wrong to\nhave a plan that way.\nYou're getting something for\nnothing, I don't agree with it.\nSo again, if I've offended you,\nI'm sorry but I'm not sorry.\nI really believe that.\nSo I came into our new\nmarriage, our relationship,\nwith that mindset.\nAnd she's like I was trying to eat.\nRight, and I'm like holy crap.\nI need to do something now.\nI just didn't know, I had no\nidea that's what was going on.\nAnd so the moment I\nfound out, first of all,\nit crushed me, and then\nI had several choices.\nAnd I am so thankful\nfor how I chose.\nI try not to get emotional\non this one, okay.\nIt was one of the hardest\nthings I've ever gone through\nin my life but I called\nmy dad and he taught me,\nI worked multiple jobs my\nentire childhood, okay.\nI started mowing lawns\nwhen I was eight years old.\nI know how to work, okay,\nand I know how to work hard\nand I know how to do crap\nthat I don't want to do.\nWhich is a huge lesson of itself.\nThat's totally thanks\nto my dad, he's the man,\nhe's totally taught me\neverything on that, okay.\nAnd when I went in and I, when\nI got into college, right,\nthat happened and I called\nmy dad and I was like hey,\nsuper not with the culture\nof how I was raised,\nI was like hey, could you give me money.\nAnd he said no.\nAnd a lot of you guys\nhave heard this story here\nbut I'm just giving a\nlittle more detail behind it\nbecause of where I'm trying to take us.\nJust follow me here for a second.\nHe said no.\nHe said if I give you this\nmoney, you will not exhaust\nthe resources you didn't know you had.\nThat's huge.\nThat's huge, that's when he told me that.\nI was like oh crap.\nSo my back's against\nthe wall and I was like,\nyou know what, I'm gonna make this.\nI can go get on welfare stamps,\nwe certainly qualify for that.\nI could go get loans.\nI could get a job but then I'm probably\ngonna do bad in my classes.\nI could go, right, and what's\nhard is in a college town,\npeople were working for\n$3 an hour just because\nthere's so much labor available.\nEveryone's trying to get jobs.\nAnd that's totally accurate.\nMy wife was, she finally\nwent, she got a job\nfinally after trying super\nhard trying to find something,\n$3.50 an hour, $3.50 an hour.\nDude, guys, crap was hitting the fan.\nYou understand?\nWhen people are like we\ndon't have any money,\nlike, I get it, okay, I have been there.\nOr like I don't have any time.\nOkay, I was in college, I\neventually joined the Army,\nwe had kids, freaking\nI had no time either.\nAnd I get it, and I get it.\nAnd the answer is to not,\ndon't turn on freaking Netflix.\nYou gotta look at your discretionary time\nand where you're spending\nit and squeeze every ounce\nof it out that you can.\nAnd what the choices that I\nhad, I could get food stamps,\nI could get loans, I could get a job,\nbut that probably wouldn't\neven pay for our bills anyway.\nSo I was like crap.\nWe can't even get a freaking\njob for more than $3 an hour.\nThat was legit.\nWhich means I couldn't do\nanything in class anymore.\nI was like I gotta do something.\nAnd that's when I went\nand I decided that we went\nand I remember my wife,\nshe went and she started\nlooking into this WIC program\nwhich is like food stamps.\nAnd she looked into it and\nshe and I had a conversation\nand it was very, very challenging.\nAnd she said, we both said,\nwe were like, you know what,\nwhat if we don't get on the food stamps.\nI'm not saying that people don't need it.\nBut what I'm saying is the\nwillingness to go through it\nand figure it out without taking the out.\nMan, that will turn you\ninto something you're not.\nAnd so I, we decided\nwe wouldn't take them,\nwhich is very challenging.\nIt meant additional\nsuffering, you understand?\nIt meant additional, being\nwilling to go through crap.\nWhen people tell me things\nlike I don't have time,\nbull crap, I don't believe you.\nI don't have money, then you've\nnot become resourceful yet.\nGreat, I actually feel so\nthankful when people are like\nI don't have enough money,\nlike oh good, you have a trial.\nGood.\nLean into it.\nI'm so thankful for the\nscenario that you're in.\nThat's how I feel about it.\nThey're like oh, I don't\nknow how to do this.\nPerfect, YouTube it.\nI don't know how to do this,\nI don't know how to do that,\nI don't have enough money.\nI'm like oh my gosh, like, you\ngotta call your own BS out.\nLearn to call, that's not.\nBecause I have like this much sympathy.\nIt's one thing to be in active\npursuit and fail, fail, fail,\nfail, fail, fail, fail,\nright, then I want to swoop in\nand be like, alright, structure\nthis way and do it this way.\nIt is only because I've\ndone it 100 times, right.\nOut of desperation.\nYou know how much crap you\nfigure out when you got\na few minutes for.\nCase and point, right.\nI remember when I was in basic training,\nwhich certainly there's\nfar more intense programs\nthan basic training, I\nunderstand that, right.\nBut there's so, we were\nin a special scenario.\nWe were in the last spot\non the base where there\nhad not been renovated yet.\nAnd was really far away from any kind\nof like mess hall, any chow hall.\nAnd so they had to drive the food into us.\nWell, a lot of the time\nthey wouldn't end up\nactually driving any food into us.\nWe couldn't actually go to any chow hall.\nSo we ended up getting\nabout half of the calories\nof everybody else who was in basic.\nRight, it was crazy, I would get like,\nthere'd be like a pancake,\nlittle tiny sausage,\nand there'd be like half an egg\nbecause that's all the truck\ncould fit in to feed any\nentire 200 person platoon.\nMan, I lost 15 pounds I\ndid not have at that time.\nI got wicked skinny.\nAnd oh man, it was so,\nso challenging, right.\nGoing through that kind of\ngarbage, super, super helpful.\nReally, really helpful when\nyou start going through\nthose things, right.\nAnd I actually am not.\nWhat I'm trying to say is I\nhave learned to be thankful\nfor the trial, not that I\nalways remember to be thankful\nin the middle of it.\nRight, that's very, very different.\nAnd what I'm trying to\nhelp you guys understand\nand see with this is\nwhatever the trial is,\nwhatever the challenge\nis, whatever, right,\nand that's one of the reasons\nwhy I went into the Army.\nIt was part of my, it was part of what I,\nI'm gonna be a tough guy, right.\nI wanna go do that.\nYell at me, I want that.\nLet me throw some grenades, right.\nLet me like shoot some\nmachine guns and stuff.\nI wanted that kind of thing.\nAnd I did for a long time\nand most of my childhood.\nBut it also became the way to get paid.\nBut then we get in and we\nfind out that we're only\ngonna get half of what\nwe're actually promised.\nI was like, we're still in\nthe freaking same situation.\nLike what is going on?\nBut now I've lost like\nhalf of my time again\nbecause if I'm not doing full time school,\nlike 14 credits, I am doing Army crap.\nHow do we eat?\nIt was years of that.\nYears of it.\nAnd I decided that I would lean in.\nThere were some things that happened to me\nand some mentalities\nthat were taught to me\nby being in the Army, by being\nin uncomfortable scenarios\nthat taught me to lean in.\nWe say embrace the suck all the time.\nEmbrace the suck.\nEmbrace the suck, right.\nAnd that's totally, that's what\nI started learning how to do\nand so while we were just\nbarely, the loans luckily\ncame in, I mean we were\ndown to like sometimes like,\noh my gosh, it was super tight.\nAnd then the next semester\nworth of loans would come in\nand I'd be like, oh gosh,\noh thank you, right.\nIt was a huge deal for me to\ngo and get a $97 subscription\nto Click Funnels every month.\nIt was a huge deal for\nme to try and find a way\nto get to Funnel Hacking Live.\nIt was a huge deal for me.\nRight, does that make sense?\nLike, it was a very stressful scenario.\nAnd it was prolonged, it's\nnot like it was short.\nWe leaned into it.\nI stayed for like three years.\nIt was three years before we were,\nbefore funnels started\nworking, before all the things\nstarted, and I remember I got\nthat first like $1500 check.\nIt was not a lot but like,\non a monthly basis, for,\n'cause I built these funnels for companies\nand they were working and\nI was like oh my gosh.\nBabe, let's like, take a drive somewhere.\nWe can afford the gas,\nyou know what I mean.\nI was so elated.\nThat changed everything.\nJust a thousand bucks a month, it's like,\noh my gosh, this is so crazy.\nIt was so nuts.\nAnd I'm a very introspective\npattern driven individual\nso now, like, looking back,\nobviously hindsight's 20/20\nbut I want to encourage you\nto not study food stamps.\nI wanna encourage you\nto study money, right.\nDon't study food stamps, study money.\nAnd funny enough, I had to\ndo that outside of college\neven though I was in a marketing degree.\nI was in getting a business\ndegree in marketing.\nAnd I was like, I'm not\nlearning how to make money here.\nAnd what's funny, the training\nis not, it's typically\nnot vocational training.\nIt's not any kind of\ntraining that's out there\nor any courses or any classes\nor anything like that.\nColleges don't teach\nyou how to make money,\nthey don't know how to make money.\nThey're working like,\nyou know what I mean.\nMost of the time, teachers,\nyou know what I mean,\nthey're not making much either.\nThey can't teach you that.\nDon't learn from poor\npeople how to make money.\nThat's stupid.\nSo you gotta look outside of\nyour network most of the time\nin order to actually start\nlearning how to make money.\nAnd the scariest moments come when\nyou don't know what to do next.\nI have been there on a yearly basis.\nI did that for a while.\nThere's two quotes that I like a lot.\nOne of them is by Julian\nBarnes, which I think is like\nthe same Barnes as\nBarnes and Noble Barnes,\nwhich is awesome.\nIt says the more you\nlearn, the less you fear.\nThe more you learn, the less you fear.\nIt's actually written\non my wall over there.\nThe more you learn, the less you fear.\nAnd so what I decided to do\nwas I decided to get obsessed\nover the study of money\nand I was very thankful.\nI decided to do that shortly\nafter joining the Army\nand realizing that I was only gonna make\nhalf of what I was told I was supposed to.\nAnd it was very frustrating.\nVery frustrating.\nBut I decided to make, I\ndecided to study money.\nWhich meant I had to look in places\nthat were not obvious in front of me.\nAnd that's when I started\nactively seeking guys out\nand that's when I first ran\ninto a guy named Russell\nand I was like he looks\nlike he's 12 years old,\nshould I even believe what he's saying?\nDoes he know?\nAnd that's when I started\ngetting in the habit\nof learning from rich people.\nI'm not gonna learn how\nto, how do I make money.\nI'm not gonna ask poor people that.\nThat's like going to the gym\nand asking someone overweight\nhow to lose weight, that's.\nI hate that.\nAnyway, so what I'm trying\nto say though is like\nright, the more you\nlearn, the less you fear.\nAnd most of the time,\npeople just don't know\nhow a dollar's actually made.\nWe know how to do that very\ntraditionally from our parents\nwith a time for dollar model,\nbut when you learn how to do\na value for dollar model,\nthat's the models that go,\nthat's the models to go study.\nThe other one I really like\nis competence leads to confidence.\nCompetence leads to confidence.\nOkay, and, that's the whole\npurpose of this episode, though,\nokay, and the only reason why\nI'm saying this is because\nwe just launched the\nAffiliate Outrage program.\nIt's completely free.\nAnd the reason I did it is because it's,\naffiliate marketing is\ngreat training wheels\nfor the business game in general.\nYou don't have to worry\nabout making the product.\nYou can worry about what\nactually sells stuff.\nMost of the time I see\npeople and they're like yeah,\nI'm gonna go learn how to do this game,\nthey're like what product can I sell?\nWrong question, right.\nWrong question, right.\nWhat's the sales message that sells?\nWhat's the sales message that sells?\nAnd then worry about the product.\nThat's why I like affiliate marketing\nbecause the product side's\ntaken care of for you.\nI can just focus on, I can\njust focus on sales message.\nI can just focus on marketing, just sell.\nJust because somebody made the product\ndoes not mean I get to skip\ncreating the marketing.\nThat's why I like affiliate marketing.\nIt's like training wheels for this game.\nSo that's why I launched\nAffiliate Outrage.\nAffiliate Outrage is completely free.\nAffliliateoutrage.com, completely free.\nIt's no upsells, nothing else in there.\nAnd it's to get you off the ground\nand doing this kind of stuff.\nI also launched the offer mine.\nAlmost 400 tickets\nalready are out for that,\nwhich is crazy cool.\nI'm excited to see you\nguys here in Boise soon.\nAnd I gave away free\ntickets when you guys bought\nRussell's new book\nthrough my affiliate link,\njust as a thank you, which is awesome.\nI'm trying to do a few free things.\nLike, right, my customer\nwho I really serve,\nI charge 30 grand a day to\ngo in and set up people's\nright, to design the actual sales message,\ndesign the offer, design\nthe actual funnel, right.\nDon't build the funnel, but I create all\nthe assets ahead of time.\nI charge 150 grand to do it for actual.\nLike my customer who I actually\nserve and exchange with,\nthey're expensive, right,\nbecause I'm good, right,\nand my crap works and I know it does\nand you have hopefully seen that, alright.\nBut I'm also not trying,\nI don't want to neglect,\nI don't want to neglect the\nfact that like I have affinity\nfor, I have empathy because\nI've been there in the like\nwhen you're in the trenches,\nyou're still in the mud,\nyou're like, that extra\n$1000 would change my life.\nI know, I have been there.\nAnd so that's the reason\nwhy I've been doing\nthese different things.\nSo if there's anything I\ncan, the only, I'm trying,\nthis is just one out of the\npassion, okay, this episode.\nI want you to obsess\nover the study of money.\nIt's not normal, it's not taught.\nYou're not gonna, you don't\nstumble on the study of money.\nIf the fastest ways for\nyou to learn how to learn,\nlike actually how to make\ncash, study marketing.\nThat's why I sink my teeth into it.\nMarketing is the activity\nwhere money gets exchanged.\nMoney is the by product of marketing.\nThat's why I study marketing.\nThat's why I'm a marketer.\nThat's why I stay market,\nI'll always be marketer.\nI'm a marketer first before any product\nI'm actually selling.\nAlways, marketer.\nI am a marketer.\nI am excited about that.\nDoes not mean logos.\nDoes not mean color schemes,\nslogans, business cards.\nThat's not marketing.\nThat doesn't even mean Facebook Ads.\nFacebook Ads, that's not marketing.\nAnd if you're like what\nare you talking about?\nThat's exactly why I'm saying\nyou need to study it, okay.\nThat's not marketing, okay.\nAnyway, so, what I'm trying to say is\nif you're in that phase,\nfirst of all, I feel ya.\nI've been there.\nI was there for years.\nI totally get it.\nI want you to lean in to the challenge.\nI want you to lean in to\nand let it sculpt you.\nMany of you would not\nfollow me if I did not have\nthe background that I do.\nOkay, that is super key to understand.\nBe willing to live the very\nhook that you are going through.\nYou are the future hook.\nThe fact that I went through 17 businesses\nbefore one went off, that is so bonding.\nThat let's the audience,\nthat let's me be followable.\nUnderstand that even if\nsomething's not working,\nyou are still crafting the\nfoundation and future framework\nfor you to get massively\npaid in the future.\nLean in is what I'm telling you.\nLean in.\nI got that coin on my desk,\nmany of you've seen it now.\nIt's the obstacle is the way.\nThe coin says the obstacle is the way.\nThe impediment to action advances action.\nWhat stands in the way becomes the way.\nThat's what the coins says.\nIt's one of my favorite quotes.\nIt stays on my desk for that reason.\nWhatever I know I need to be\ndoing but it looks the most\nsucky, that's what I\nmake sure I lean into.\nSo I'm begging you to not\nstudy how to game this\nfood stamp way, don't study food stamps.\nStudy money.\nRight, study how money gets made.\nFunny enough, I have the\nbiggest time getting over\nthe internal hurdles about studying money\nfor the longest time.\nI felt like I was being greedy.\nI felt like I was, you\nknow it's really weird.\nIt was really weird\nwhen I look back at it.\nWhen I read the book Rich Dad, Poor Dad,\nwhich I'm sure many of you\nhave, Rich Dad, Poor Dad\nis like the gateway drug\nfor most entrepreneurs,\nit totally was for me.\nThat and like Four Hour\nWork Week and a few others.\nBut anyways, Rich Dad, Poor\nDad talked about there's\nthree asset classes, right.\nThere's business, there's\npaper assets, and real estate.\nOr real assets in general, right.\nThose are the three.\nI started, I was like,\nliterally this was my thought.\nI'm not gonna go do business because\nI don't want to be greedy, I'm not greedy.\nThat was literally my\nbelief pattern, guys.\nYou understand like only five years ago.\nSeven.\nI remember when I read that.\nSeven years ago.\nThat was my belief pattern.\nI'm not gonna go into\nthe business class asset\nbecause, just like Robert Kiyosaki taught,\nI'm not going into business\nbecause I don't want to be greedy.\nHow stupid of a belief is that?\nRight?\nPlus, I'm not really a professional guy.\nI don't even own a briefcase.\nI don't really like to\nput suits on too often.\nI'm not wearing shoes right now.\nI don't like to in general.\nThat was my belief.\nHow stupid, how stupid.\nThat's a dumb belief.\nLearn to call out the BS\nthat you're telling yourself.\nSo I was like man, I'm gonna\ngo into the financial markets\narea and I borrowed 15 grand\nto go through these courses\nand found out down the road that they knew\nthey were outdated\nstrategies and I was like\noh, that's exciting.\nRight, then I went into real estate.\nNot business 'cause I\ndon't want to be greedy.\nThat was my thought.\nThat was the reason, you guys.\nThat was literally the reason.\nThen I went into, then I\nwas like, fine we'll do\nthe business game but\nI'll just go do sales.\n'Cause I don't wanna make\nproduct, I don't wanna be\nthe entrepreneur 'cause entrepreneurship.\nI actually had my wife\ntell me about three months\ninto marriage, she said\nhow come every time someone\nstarts to ask you what\nyou want to do and it's\nentrepreneurship, you're\nlike really weird about it.\nLiterally.\nIt'd be fun actually to bring her in.\nI can hear her vacuuming right\nnow if you can pick it up\non the mic, you probably can.\nRight, she's with our kids, she's awesome.\nTotal rockstar.\nShe's incredible.\nSacrificed like crazy for all of us.\nAnd inadvertently for\nthe rest of you as well\nShe's amazing.\nShe'll be at funnel hacking\nlive, I'm really excited.\nShe's gonna come this year.\nBut anyway, I am super\nstoked about all this game.\nI'm excited for all this stuff.\nI want you to understand like, this game,\nwhen I started coaching,\nespecially when I started coaching\na lot of two comma club\ncoaching, stuff like that,\nif you guys are in those programs.\nI went in with the anticipation\nand with the belief\nthat I would be coaching\npeople on marketing.\nAnd I spent maybe 40% of the time\nactually coaching on marketing.\nI had no idea that I would\nbe spending the majority\nof my coaching time on\njust people's mentalities\nand their beliefs and their\nattitudes towards money.\nThat's been the big massive hurdle.\nI'm like you can do this.\nThey're like I'm not good enough.\nYou can do it.\nOkay, maybe I'm a little bit good enough.\nI'm like you can do this.\nAlright, fine, I'll go do it.\nAnd I do that kind of crap more.\nAnd I'm not, I shouldn't call it crap.\nI'm not saying it's crap.\nStuff.\nI do that kind of stuff\nway more than talking\nabout marketing strategies.\nRight, I had no idea that\nI had done those things\nto myself along the way\nin order to even pull off\nthe marketing strategies\nthat I teach and do.\nSo I'm trying to help you understand.\nIf there's anything that\nyou can study to really\nmake you move forward,\nyou gotta study money.\nDon't study the out.\nDon't study the way out.\nDon't study the, I love,\nthere's an amazing quote\nby Will Smith, he says there's no reason\nfor plan B because it\ndistracts from plan A.\nTotally agree with that.\nI don't have a plan B,\nI'm all in on A, baby.\nI just want a plan A, that's\nit, I don't want a plan B.\nI don't even want to think about a plan B.\nAnd too many times people\nare like what's plan A,\nwhat's plan B, what's plan C.\nLike, that's freaking distracting.\nWell, I'll go try this\nentrepreneurship game.\nIf it doesn't work out, you know,\nwe can always do food stamps.\nIf you think about it, it is very hard\nto fail in this country.\nIt's extremely challenging\nto fail in America.\nI could get government housing,\nI could get food stamps.\nYou are not going to die.\nIt's hard to die.\nYou have to try.\nThere are so many freaking\nsafeties in our society now,\nmediocrity is celebrated,\nyou're good enough,\nyou're trying, you're doing everything.\nJust be happy with where you are.\nBull crap, okay.\nNo, I don't want the mediocre life.\nAnd I don't want you to get\nseduced by that mindset.\nMediocrity is celebrated\nand it's very hard to fail\ntruly in our society.\nThere are so many lock aids,\nyou could do bankruptcy,\nyou could do government\nhousing, you could do\nthe food stamps, there's\na lot of things you can do\nbefore you really truly actually\nhit rock bottom in America.\nBut because of that, people get soft.\nIn their head, they got no discipline.\nIn their head, they don't know how to,\nyou know how it is so easy.\nMan, I'm totally on a soap box now.\nReeling it in, baby.\nHere it comes.\nIt is very, very, very, very\neasy to win in this game now.\nIt's so easy for me to\ndominate, it's shocking.\nI was voxxing Dave Woodward the other day.\nIt was like two nights ago\nand I was like, you know\nwhat's funny about this,\nI just won the affiliate\ncontest for 30 days, which I did.\nWhich is exciting, how cool is that?\nRight, teaching, using\nthe exact same principles\nI teach you guys.\nAnd I won that contest\nby a lot, which is fun\nand very, very exciting.\nAnd I was voxxing him and\nhe goes hey, congrats man.\nThat was really cool.\nYou could do a whole course\njust based off of what you did\nhere because that was brilliant.\nAnd I was like hey thanks\nman, I really appreciate that.\nAnd I said you know what's fascinating is,\nand I told him exactly\nwhat I just told you guys.\nI realize, I thought I'd be teaching\nall this marketing stuff.\nI can't even get people to\nthat part because it's so\nin their heads, right, there's been such\na lack of discipline, it\nis so easy to dominate\nin this space because of\nthe lack of discipline.\nIf you have the smallest\ninkling of being able\nto go through things that are\njust a little uncomfortable,\nyou're gonna be fine,\nyou're gonna be fine.\nRight, and I encourage\nall of you guys to start\norchestrating challenging\nthings in your life\nto callous the mind.\nI invite you to lean in to your obstacles.\nI invite you to say, you\nknow what, I'm totally cool\nwith a little bit of\ndiscomfort in my life.\nI'm willing to experience voluntary pain.\nNot like a freaking masochist.\nI'm saying what things can\nyou, do you need to go through,\nwhich are not comfortable,\nright, but that you can actually\norchestrate in your life to get going\nand moving off the ground.\nThis was as much about studying money\nrather than food stamps as anything else.\nRight, just being\nwilling to just run forth\nand be uncomfortable along the whole way.\nOkay, I feel like I'm\nopening a different can.\nI just opened one can\nand that was a good can.\nJust drink that down, I'm\nready to come over here\nto another can but I'm\nnot gonna keep going here.\nBut I just want you to know,\nlike I want you to feel me\non this, do not study the out.\nDo not study, in my opinion,\ndon't study a plan B.\nWho cares?\nDon't study food stamps.\nStudy money, right.\nBe willing to go through stuff\nthat's a little challenging.\nIf you're going through it, I applaud you.\nI'm excited for you because\nof what it actually lets you,\nwhat it will let you do in the future.\nIf you let it, it can\nsculpt you into something\nyou could not have become on your own.\nOkay.\nAnyway, this is a bit of a firey episode\nbut I'm like totally against\npeople planning for plan B.\nAnd I don't agree with it at\nall and I think it's stupid\nand it's like man, well,\nmaybe, you know, I'll go get\nin the Olympics but, you know,\ninstead I could just go be blah.\nYou're literally trying to plan the out.\nI don't give my customers the out\nbecause I know my products are good.\nI don't give myself the out, right.\nI know I've talked a\nlot about Darren Hardy.\nYou know he's got a good\nbook, Willpower Doesn't Work.\nReally, it's environment.\nSo I orchestrate events,\nthings in my life,\nthings that are uncomfortable\nwith the purposeful\nintention of getting uncomfortable.\nRight, I can't just,\nwillpower doesn't work.\nIf I was like hey, I'm\ngonna go will myself into\nbecoming this person\nSteve was talking about.\nUh-uh, like you, that's\nwhy we invite you to buy\nother coaching and products\nand things like that\nbecause you need an environment.\nEnvironment is where things really switch,\nnot willpower, willpower's like a muscle.\nIt will literally actually\nfail after a while.\nAnyway, hey guys, I appreciate\nyou guys taking the time\nand I appreciate you guys\nbeing here and thanks\nfor letting me have a little\nbit of real talk with this.\nThis has been a fun episode.\nThis is one I've been wanting\nto say for quite a while.\nBut like, I, do not study\nfood stamps, study money.\nAnd those kinds of things\nare what actively increase\nyou as an individual.\nPersonal development you\nexperience through entrepreneurship\nis ridiculous, better than\nany personal development\ncourse I've ever taken in my entire life.\nEntrepreneurship.\nAnyway, guys, thank so much.\nAppreciate ya, love ya\nall, and very much think\nabout where you guys are\nbecause I've been there\nand I have a lot of empathy for it.\nAnd a lot of you guys are\nextremely successful too,\nwhich is great, you probably\nhave resonated with a few\nthings I've ranted about here.\nAnyway, guys, thanks so much.\nI'll see you guys at the offer mine,\nthose of you who are coming.\nAnd go through Affiliate Outrage program\nif you wanna learn more\nabout kinda the training\nwheels of marketing itself.\nThings to get paid for\nit but not get distracted\nover product creation.\nAnd I will see you guys next episode.\nPlease, please, please,\nshare, review the episode.\nIt helps me a lot and I\nactually do go read the reviews.\nThey keep me motivated.\nAlright guys, thanks so much, bye.\nHey, thanks for listening.\nMany don't know that I actually\nmade my first money online\nas an affiliate marketer.\nIf you wanna know how I\nfunded my entire company\nwithout using any of my own money ever,\nyou can learn to do the same for free\nat AffiliateOutrage.com\n(rock music)\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "[Dr. Henri R. Ford, Dean of the Miller School of Medicine speaking] \nDear friends, so we have\ngathered here today to witness and support \nwhat has become\none of the most cherished\ntraditions in medical education:\nThe White Coat Ceremony.\nThis is a momentous\noccasion for the members of the great\nClass of 2023 because it symbolizes your\nformal transition from pre-medical to\nmedical students. You are embarking on\nwhat I believe is simultaneously the\ngreatest journey and the most rewarding\nadventure of your lifetime.\nThis white coat is a symbol of authority, a\nsymbol of empowerment.\nBut most importantly, represents a beacon of hope\nfor many suffering patients on the hospital wards.\nToday you engage in an\nimportant tradition, as you are inducted\ninto a profession of service. It is more\nthan a garment. It symbolizes the trust\nrequired to be effective in the medical\nprofession. That trust is not given away;\nit is something you earn by the education\nyou receive and by your actions.\nMembers of the great Class of 2023, \nin addition to the white coat,\nyou're also about to receive a special\npin as a welcome to the medical profession.\nRemember, the physicians who have\ngraduated before you have a proud\nheritage. I'm going to ask you to reach\nunder your seats. You will find a bag\ncontaining a brand new stethoscope with\nthe Miller School name on it.\nThese stethoscopes, which are so\nimportant in our profession, are provided\nthrough the generosity of our alumni and\nfaculty. They are our way of welcoming\nyou and encouraging you to be the finest\nphysicians you can be.\nRemember why you chose to enter this profession, and\nremind yourself of it every day. Don't be\nafraid to ask for help for yourself or\nfor your colleagues. And, yes, you do carry\nthe responsibility of looking out for\none another. Don't think about \nthe hard work and long\nstudy hours coming your way. You are\nprivileged to be starting the best\ncareer in the world.\nIt will all be more than worth it.\nMembers of the Class of 2023, the future\nof American medicine, the future of our\nnoble profession depends on your relentless pursuit of excellence, your commitment to\nlifelong learning and teamwork.\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "\nCentral Khmer: \nក្រុមហ៊ុនហ្សាមៀលស្ទីលបៀលឌីងវៀតណាម បានបង្កើតឡើងនៅក្នុងឆ្នាំ ១៩៩៧\nគឺជាការបណ្តាក់ទុនរួមគ្នារវាងក្រុមហ៊ុន ហ្សាមៀល ឧស្សាហកម្មការវិនិយោគ\nនិងក្រុមហ៊ុន មីតស៊ុយ ខូល អិល​ ធី ឌី\nក្រុមហ៊ុននេះបានទទួលបានជោគជ័យនិងវិជ្ជាជីវៈ\nការផ្គត់ផ្គង់ច្រើនជាង 6000 អគារនៅតំបន់អាស៊ីប៉ាស៊ីហ្វិក\nនិងបានក្លាយជាក្រុមហ៊ុនផ្តល់សេវាកម្មឈានមុខគេនិងជាដៃគូដ៏ល្អបំផុត\nសម្រាប់អគារគ្រោងដែកថែបបែបផលិតស្រេចៗ\nនិងរចនាសម្ព័ន្ធដែកថែប ក្នុងតំបន់\nបេសកកម្មរបស់ក្រុមហ៊ុនដែក ហ្សាមៀល គឺដើម្បីក្លាយទៅជា\nក្រុមហ៊ុនដែលអាចជឿទុកចិត្ត ច្រើនបំផុត ជាក្រុមហ៊ុនដែលផលិតច្នៃប្រឌិតថ្មី សេវាកម្ម\nនិងការផ្ដល់ដំណោះស្រាយនៅក្នុងឧស្សាហកម្មអគារដែកថែប\n\nFrench: \nFondée en 1997, Zamil Steel® Buildings Vietnam\nest une entreprise commune de Zamil Industrial Investment\net de Mitsui.\nAvec plus de 6 000 bâtiments livrés dans toute la région Asie Pacifique,\nZamil Steel® Vietnam y est devenue une entreprise leader\net la marque préférée dans la fabrication de\nbâtiments préfabriqués clos couverts en acier,\nde structures et charpentes métalliques en acier.\nL’ambition de Zamil Steel® est d’être le fabricant le plus fiable\net novateur dans les services et les solutions\nde charpente et de construction métallique.\n\nIndonesian: \nDidirikan pada tahun 1997, Zamil Steel® Buildings Vietnam\nmerupakan perusahaan patungan antara Zamil Industrial Investment Company\ndan Mitsui Group Jepang.\nPerusahaan ini telah berhasil dan secara profesional\nmemasok lebih dari 6.000 bangunan di kawasan Asia Pasifik\ndan telah menjadi pemasok terkemuka dan mitra pilihan\nuntuk bangunan-bangunan baja pre-engineered\ndan solusi struktur bangunan baja di kawasan Asia Pasific.\nMisi Zamil Steel adalah menjadi\nprodusen kelas dunia yang menyediakan layanan dan solusi yang paling handal\ndan inovatif dalam industri baja.\n\nThai: \nซามิล สตีล บิ้วดิ้งส์ เวียดนาม ก่อตั้งขึ้นในปี 1997\nเป็นการร่วมทุนระหว่าง บริษัท ซามิล อินดัสตรี อินเวสเมนท์ จำกัด\nและบริษัท มิซซุย จำกัด\nบริษัทได้ประสบความสำเร็จ และมีความเป็นมืออาชีพ\nเราได้ส่งมอบมากกว่า 6,000 อาคาร ในภูมิภาคเอเชียแปซิฟิก\nและเป็นผู้นำในการให้บริการ และการบริหารช่องทางการตลาด\nสำหรับอาคารโครงสร้างเหล็กสำเร็จรูป\nและโครงสร้างเหล็กในภูมิภาค\nพันธกิจของซามิล สตีล ก้าวสู่ระดับโลก\nเป็นผู้ผลิตที่น่าเชื่อถือที่สุด เป็นโรงงานที่มีนวัตกรรม และการบริการเป็นเลิศ\nและเป็นผู้บริการแก้ไขปัญหาในอุตสาหกรรมอาคารเหล็ก\n\nJapanese: \nZamil Steel Buildings Vietnamは、\nサウジ・アラビアのZamil Industrial Investment Company社と日本の三井物産株式会社との合弁会社として、\n1997年に設立されました。\nアジア・大洋州地域において、6,000棟以上の鋼構造物の設計と\n加工・製作実績を持ち、\nプレハブ鉄骨(PEB)と鋼構造物の\nリーディングカンパニーとして、\nまた、皆様のビジネスパートナーとして顧客満足の向上に努めています。\nZamil Steelの使命(ミッション)は、\n世界の建設・鋼構造物業界で最も信頼される、革新的なマニュファクチャラーとなり、また、\nサービス、ソリューション・プロバイダーとなることです。\n\nKorean: \n1997년에 설립된 Zamil Steel® Buildings Vietnam은\nZamil 공업 투자와\n일본 Mitsui &Co., Ltd의 공동출자 회사입니다.\nZamil은 아시아 태평양 지역에서\n6,000여개 이상의 빌딩을\n성공적으로 공급하여\nPEB 및 철골 구조 솔루션 부문의\n우선적인 파트너 선두기업이 되었습니다.\nZamil Steel®의 목표는 세계 철강 건축 산업에서\n가장 혁신적이고 신용할 수 있는 제조, 서비스 및 솔루션을\n제공하는 업체가 되는 것입니다.\n\nBurmese: \n1997 ခုႏွစ္မွာ စတင္တည္ေထာင္ခဲ့ေသာ Zamil Steel® Building (ဗီယက္နမ္)သည္\nZamil Industrial Investment ကုမၸဏီႏွင့္\nMitsui Co.,Ltd. တို႔အၾကား စီးပြားေရး ပူးေပါင္းမႈျဖစ္လာခဲ့သည္။\nCompanyသည္ အာရွ ပစိဖိတ္ေဒသတြင္\nအေဆာက္အအံုေပါင္း(6000)ေက်ာ္ကို ေအာင္ျမင္စြာ အဆင့္အတန္း ရွိရွိတည္ေဆာက္ႏိုင္ခဲ့ၿပီးျဖစ္သည္။\nထို႔အျပင္ အာရွ ပစိဖိတ္ေဒသတြင္ Steel Building မ်ားအတြက္\nႀကိဳတင္ အေဆာက္အအံုဒီဇိုင္းထုတ္ျခင္း ႏွင့္\nေဒသအတြင္းရွိ Steel Structure Solution မ်ားအတြက္\nZamil Steel အဖြဲ႔သည္ယံုၾကည္ကိုးစားႏိုင္ေသာ\nကမၻာထိပ္တန္းကုမၸဏီတစ္ခု\nျဖစ္လာခဲ့သည္။\n\nChinese: \n扎米尔钢结构越南公司成立于1997年,\n由沙特阿拉扎米尔工业投资公司和\n日本三井公司(Mitsui)合资组建。\n该公司已成功地和专业地\n在亚太地区提供了6000多座建筑工程,\n并已成为该地区预制轻钢结构建筑和\n钢结构解决方案的\n领先供应商和客户首选合作伙伴。\n扎米尔钢铁公司的使命是在钢结构建筑行业成为\n世界上最可靠、最富有创新精神的制造商,\n和最优质服务及解决方案的供应商。\n\nEnglish: \nEstablished in 1997, Zamil Steel® Buildings Vietnam\nis a joint venture between Zamil Industrial Investment Company\nand Mitsui &Co., Ltd\nThe company has successfully and professionally\nsupplied more than 6,000 buildings in the Asia Pacific region\nand has become the leading provider and preferred partner\nfor pre-engineered steel buildings\nand steel structure solutions in the region.\nZamil Steel’s mission is to become the world's\nmost reliable and innovative manufacturer, service\nand solution provider in the steel building industry\n\nArabic: \nتأسست شركة الزامل للمباني الحديدية فيتنام عام ١٩٩٧\nوهي شراكة استراتيجية بين شركة الزامل للاستثمار الصناعي\nوشركة ميتسوي اليابانية.\nوردت الشركة بنجاح\nأكثر من 6 آلاف مبنى حديدي لمختلف العملاء في منطقة آسيا والمحيط الهادئ\nوأصبحت المورد الأول والشريك المثالي\nللمباني الحديدية سابقة الهندسة\nوحلول الهياكل الإنشائية الحديدية في المنطقة.\nتسعى الزامل للحديد إلى أن تصبح\nالشركة الرائدة عالمياً والأكثر ابتكاراً واعتمادية\nومزود الخدمات والحلول في قطاع المباني الحديدية.\n\nChinese: \n坚持不懈地追求卓越质量,安全生产,保护环境,\n扎米尔钢铁越南公司已经获得了无数的赞誉\n和国际质量体系认证,其中包括ISO 9001,\nAISC(USA), S1(Singapore), OSHAS 18001, ISO14001等。\n扎米尔钢铁在东南亚及孟加拉地区设有多个销售办事处,\n总计在全球有六十多个代表处,以便在需要时\n及时地为客户提供优质的服务和专业的咨询。\n扎米尔钢铁越南的中心运营机构位于越南北方,\n总部设在河内市中心。\n我们最先进的制造工厂\n每年生产多达120,000公吨钢结构建筑物。\n这些加工制造设施坐落在河内内排工业区\n\nCentral Khmer: \nនៅក្នុងការព្យាយាមដើម្បីសម្រេចបាននូវឧត្តមភាពក្នុងគុណភាពសុវត្ថិភាព បរិស្ថាន,\nក្រុមហ៊ុនហ្សាមៀលស្ទីលបៀលឌីងវៀតណាម បានទទួលពានរង្វាន់កិត្តិយសជាច្រើន\nនិងប័ណ្ណបញ្ចាក់ រួមទាំង ការទទួលស្គាល់ជាលក្ខណៈស្ដង់ដារ អន្តរជាតិ 9001\nAISC (US), S1 (Singapore), OSHAS 18001, ISO 14001.\nក្រុមហ៊ុនហ្សាមៀលស្ទីល មានការិយាល័យការលក់នៅក្នុងតំបន់អាស៊ីអាគ្នេយ៍និងបង់ក្លាដែស\nនិងការិយាល័យតំណាងជាង 60 នៅទូទាំងពិភពលោកនៅក្នុងគោលបំណងដើម្បីផ្តល់នូវសេវាកម្មដែលមានគុណភាព\nហើយមានអ្នកជំនាញដើម្បី ផ្ដល់ការពិភាក្សាដល់ អតិថិជននៅពេលណាដែលចាំបាច់។\nក្រុមហ៊ុនហ្សាមៀលស្ទីលបៀលឌីងវៀតណាម មានការិយាល័យប្រតិបត្ដិការកណ្តាលមានទីតាំងស្ថិតនៅក្នុងប្រទេសវៀតណាមខាងជើង\nជាមួយការិយាល័យកណ្ដាល របស់យើងនៅក្នុងកណ្តាលនៃទីក្រុងហាណូយ។\nរោងចក្រផលិតដែករបស់យើងអាច ផលិតដែក\nរហូតដល់១២០​ ០០០ តោន សម្រាប់អគារគ្រោងដែក ក្នុង ១​ឆ្នាំ\nសម្ភារៈទាំងនេះត្រូវបានស្ថិតនៅក្នុងសួនឧស្សាហកម្ម Noi Bai នៅទីក្រុងហាណូយ\n\nKorean: \nZamil Steel® Vietnam은 품질, 안전, 환경 측면에서 인정받는 최고의 업체가 되기 위해\n많은 인증서를 취득했습니다.\nISO 9001, AISC(미국), S1(싱가포르), OSHAS 18001, ISO 14001\n인증이 여기에 해당됩니다.\nZamil Steel®은 고객에게 양질의 서비스와 전문가의 조언을 제공하기 위해\n동남아시아 및 방글라데시 영업 사무소를 비롯하여\n전 세계 60개 이상의 영업 사무소를 운영하고 있습니다.\nZamil Steel® Vietnam의 주 공장은 베트남 북부에 있으며\n본사는 하노이 중심부에 위치해 있습니다.\n매년 철골 빌딩의 생산량은\n120,000MT 수준에 도달합니다 .\n고객에게 신속, 정확한 납품과 시간적, 금전적으로\n\nEnglish: \nIn striving to achieve excellence in quality, safety, environment,\nZamil Steel® Vietnam has received numerous recognitions\nand certifications, including the ISO 9001,\nAISC (US), S1 (Singapore), OSHAS 18001 & ISO 14001.\nZamil Steel® operates regional sales offices in Southeast Asia and Bangladesh\nand over 60 representative offices worldwide, in order to provide quality service\nand expert advice to clients whenever needed.\nZamil Steel® Vietnam’s central operations are located in North Vietnam,\nwith our head office in the center of Hanoi\nOur state of the art manufacturing plants have the total\ncapacity to produce up to 120,000 Metric Tons of steel buildings per year.\nThese facilities are located in the Noi Bai Industrial Zone in Hanoi\n\nJapanese: \n品質、安全、環境面全てにおいて最高レベルを追求する取組は、\nISO 9001、AISC (US)、S1 (Singapore)、OSHAS18001、ISO14001など、\n国際的に権威ある様々な認証・規格の取得に表れています。\n \nZamil Steelグループは、東南アジア各国とバングラデシュの他、\n全世界に60ヵ所以上の営業拠点を有し、\nお客様に良質のサービスと専門的、技術的なご提案を提供しています。\nZamil Steel Vietnamの本社は、ハノイ市中心部に位置しています。\n \n当社の工場は、ハノイ市のNoi Bai工業団地と、ホーチミン市近郊のドンナイ省Amata工業団地の2ヵ所に位置し、\n両工場合わせて年間12万トンの鉄骨加工能力があります。\nベトナムの北部と南部に工場を配置することにより、\n\nArabic: \nوفي سعيها لتحقيق التميز في الجودة والسلامة والبيئة،\nفقد حصلت الزامل للحديد فيتنام على العديد من الجوائز\nوالشهادات، بما في ذلك شهادة الأيزو 9001:2008 للجودة الشاملة،\n\"وشهادة المعهد الأمريكي للإنشاءات الحديدية، وشهادة الأيزو 18001 و 14001.\n\"\nتعمل الزامل للحديد من خلال 14 مكتب مبيعات إقليمياً في منطقة جنوب شرق آسيا وبنغلاديش\nوأكثر من ٦٠ فرعاً في مختلف أنحاء العالم، من أجل تقديم خدمات عالية الجودة\nوالتوصيات المهمة للعملاء كلما دعت الحاجة لذلك.\nتقع العمليات المركزية لشركة الزامل للحديد فيتنام في العاصمة هانوي،\nإلى جانب مكتبنا الرئيسي في برج \"Keangnam Landmark\".\nتبلغ الطاقة الإنتاجية لمرافقنا التصنيعية الحديثة\nنحو 120 ألف طن متري من المباني الحديدية سنوياً.\nتقع هذه المرافق التصنيعية في منطقة نوي باي الصناعية (Noi Bai Industrial Zone) في هانوي\n\nThai: \nมีการมุ่งมั่นที่จะบรรลุความเป็นเลิศในคุณภาพ, ความปลอดภัย และสิ่งแวดล้อม\nซามิล สตีล บิ้วดิ้งส์ เวียดนาม เป็นที่รู้จักและได้รับการยอมรับเป็นอย่างดี\nและได้รับการรับรอง รวมถึง ISO 9001\nAISC (US), S1 (สิงคโปร์), OSHAS 18001, ISO 14001\nซามิล สตีล มีสำนักงานขายในภูมิภาคเอเชียตะวันออกเฉียงใต้ และบังกลาเทศ\nและกว่า 60 สำนักงานสาขาทั่วโลกเพื่อที่จะให้บริการที่มีคุณภาพ\nและให้คำแนะนำจากผู้เชี่ยวชาญกับลูกค้าทุกเวลาที่ต้องการ\nศูนย์ดำเนินการของ ซามิล สตีล บิ้วดิ้งส์ เวียดนาม ตั้งอยู่ที่ทางตอนเหนือของเวียดนาม\nและสำนักงานใหญ่ของเราตั้งอยู่ที่ใจกลางเมืองฮานอย\nโรงงานของเรามี\nกำลังการผลิตอาคารเหล็กได้ถึง 120,000 เมตริกตันต่อปี\nโรงงานทั้งสองตั้งอยู่ที่ นิคมอุตสาหกรรมนอยไบ ในฮานอย\n\nBurmese: \nအရည္အေသြး၊ေဘးကင္းလုံျခံဳေရးႏွင့္ပတ္၀န္းက်င္ ၌ထူးခၽြန္ေအာင္ျမင္ရန္ ၾကိဳးစားအားထုတ္မႈေၾကာင့္\nZamil Steel® Vietnam ႏိုင္ငံတကာမွ အသိ အမွတ္ျပဳ\nလက္မွတ္ေပါင္းမ်ားစြာႏွင့္အတူ ISO 9001,\nAISC (US), S1(Singapore), OSHAS 18001, ISO 14001လက္မွတ္မ်ားကိုလည္း ရရွိထားပါသည္။\nZamil Steel® ကုမၸဏီအေနႏွင့္ အားေပးသူ Customer မ်ားလိုအပ္သည္တို႔ကို\nအခ်ိန္မေရြးအႀကံေပးႏိုင္ေရးႏွင့္ Quality ျပည့္၀ေသာ Service ေပးႏိုင္ရန္ ရည္ရြယ္ကာ\nအေရွ့ေတာင္အာရွႏွင့္ဘဂၤလားေဒရွ္တြင္ ေဒသဆိုင္ရာအေရာင္း ရံုးခြဲမ်ားႏွင့္ ကမၻာ့အႏွံ႔တြင္ကုိယ္စာလွယ္ ရံုးခြဲေပါင္း 60 ေက်ာ္ ဖြင့္လွစ္ထားပါသည္။\nZamil Steel (ဗီယက္နမ္)၏ ရံုးခ်ဳပ္သည္\nဟႏြိဳင္းၿမိဳ႔လယ္တြင္ ရံုးစိုက္ပါသည္။\nကၽြႏ္ုပ္တို႔၏ Zamil Steel မွ တစ္ႏွစ္လွ်င္ မက္ထရစ္\nတန္ေပါင္း 120,000 ထိေအာင္ အေဆာက္အအံုမ်ား ေဆာက္လုပ္ေပးပါသည္။\nယင္း အေဆာက္အအံုမ်ားအတြက္ လိုအပ္ေသာ Facility မ်ားကို\n\nIndonesian: \nDalam usaha untuk mencapai keunggulan dalam hal kualitas,keamanan,dan lingkungan.\nZamil Steel®Vietnam telah menerima berbagai pengakuan\ndan berbagai sertifikasi; termasuk ISO 9001,\nAISC (US), S1 (Singapore), OSHAS 18001, ISO 14001.\nZamil Steel® mengoperasikan kantor penjualan regional di Asia Tenggara dan Bangladesh\ndan lebih dari 60 kantor penjualan regional di seluruh dunia, dalam rangka untuk memberikan layanan berkualitas\ndan saran ahli profesional kami untuk para pelanggan kapan pun diperlukan.\nZamil Steel® Vietnam beroperasi dan terletak di Vietnam Utara,\ndengan kantor pusat kami di Pusat kota Hanoi.\nPabrik kami dilengkapi dengan teknologi mutakhir dimana kami memiliki total\nkapasitas produksi hingga 120.000 metrik ton bangunan baja per tahun.\nFasilitas ini terletak di Noi Bai Industrial Zone di Hanoi\n\nFrench: \nLes efforts d’excellence de Zamil Steel® Vietnam\nen termes de qualité, sécurité, environnement, ont été récompensés\npar l’obtention de plusieurs certifications, telles qu’ISO 9001,\nAISC (Etats-Unis), S1 (Singapour), OSHAS 18001, ISO 14001.\nAfin d’assurer un service de qualité et pointu à nos clients\nquelle que soit leur localisation, Zamil Steel® a ouvert ouvert des bureaux de vente dans toute\ntoute l’Asie du Sud-est et au Bangladesh, et plus de 60 dans le monde.\nLe siège et le Management de Zamil Steel® Vietnam se trouvent au centre de Hanoi,\nau nord du Vietnam.\nNos usines à la pointe de la technologie offrent une\ncapacité de production de 120 000 tonnes de charpentes métalliques par an.\nNos équipements industriels sont installés dans la zone industrielle de Noi Bai à Hanoi,\n\nChinese: \n和位于胡志明市附近的同奈厂,\n它们都是战略性地分布于越南北部和南部,\n为广大客户提供快捷及准时交付的钢结构建筑,\n并尽量减少可能发生的供应链制约因素。\n我们优质化的加工设施能够进行组合钢构件的工厂化生产,\n直到构件成品。\n无缝对接、自动焊接\n和自动翻转最终焊接工艺,能使我们在较短的时间内、\n在具有竞争力的预算下能够将工程项目高质量地完成。\n此外,所有的次级结构,如檩条、\n墙梁和结构折件在厂内采用镀锌钢卷冷弯形成,\n这保证了高质量构件表面和冷弯效果。\n扎米尔钢铁越南还配备有面板成型生产线,\n不仅生产优质的屋面和墙面板,\n同时也生产收边饰条、天沟、\n\nEnglish: \nand Dong Nai Factory near Ho Chi Minh City,\nand are strategically located in the North and South of Vietnam to provide\nour clients with quick, on time-delivery of their buildings\nand to minimize supply chain constraints that may arise\nOur facilities are optimized for the on location production\nof built up sections that are sheared to size,\nseamlessly butt welded, auto beam welded\nand rotationally final welded, which enables us to achieve\nhigh quality finish in a short period of time on a competitive budget.\nIn addition, all secondary structures such as purlins,\ngirts and sheeting angles are cold formed in house\nusing pre-galvanized coils which ensure a high quality finish and turnaround.\nZamil Steel® Vietnam also operates a panel roll forming line,\nwhich not only manufactures quality roofing and wall panels,\nbut also properly finishes trims, gutters,\n\nIndonesian: \ndan pabrik Dong Nai dekat dengan kota Ho Chi Minh, dimana semuanya\nberlokasi strategis di Vietnam Utara dan Selatan untuk menyediakan\nkepada klien kami pengiriman bangunan mereka secara cepat dan tepat waktu\ndan untuk meminimalkan jalur rantai pasokan yang mungkin timbul.\nfasilitas kami telah dioptimalkan di lokasi produksi\nuntuk bagian-bagian built-up yang dipotong sesuai ukuran,\ndilas tumpu tanpa kelim dan dilas secara otomatis,\ndan juga dengan pengelasan dengan sistem rotasi, yang memungkinkan kami bisa mencapai\nhasil berkualitas tinggi dalam waktu singkat dan dengan anggaran yang kompetitif.\nSelain itu, semua struktur sekunder seperti purlin,\ngirt, dan sheeting angles dibentuk dalam keadaan dingin di dalam pabrik kami\nmenggunakan coils pra-galvanis yang menjamin hasil akhir berkualitas tinggi.\nZamil Steel® juga mengoperasikan roll forming atap,\nyang tidak hanya memproduksi atap dan panel dinding berkualitas,\ntetapi juga trim, gutter/ talang,\n\nBurmese: \nဟႏိြဳင္းရွိ Noi Bai စက္မႈဇုန္မွ စက္ရံုမ်ားမွလည္းေကာင္း၊ ဟိုခ်ီမင္းၿမိဳ႔အနီးတြင္ရွိေသာ Dong Nai စက္ရံုမွလည္းေကာင္း ထုတ္လုပ္ေပးပါသည္။\nကၽြႏ္ုပ္တို႔၏ စက္ရံုမ်ားသည္ ဗီယက္နမ္၏ ေတာင္ဘက္ႏွင့္\nေျမာက္ဘက္တို႔တြင္ မဟာဗ်ဴဟက်က်တည္ရွိပါသည္။\nရည္ရြယ္ခ်က္မွာ အားေပးသူ Customer မ်ားအတြက္\nလ်င္လ်င္ျမန္ျမန္ Service ေပးႏိုင္ရန္ျဖစ္ပါသည္။\nကၽြႏ္ုပ္တို႔၏ ျမန္၊ ေခ်ာ၊ သက္သာ Service ေပးမႈသည္\nလုပ္ငန္းေပါင္းမ်ားစြာကို တစ္ၿပိဳင္နက္တည္း\nလုပ္ႏိုင္စြမ္း၏အဖြဲ႔အတြင္း ပူးေပါင္းေဆာင္ရြက္မႈရွိျခင္းႏွင့္\nပစၥည္းမ်ား၏ အရြယ္အစားလိုက္ခဲြထားေသာ\nေနရာမ်ားကိုလည္းေကာင္း သိရွိေနရမည္ျဖစ္သည္\nထို႔ျပင္ အရည္ေသြးေကာင္းမြန္ေသာ Coils မ်ားကို\nသံုးေသာ အိမ္တြင္ Purlins, Gurts ႏွင့္ တျခား Sheeting angles စသည့္\nပစၥည္းမ်ားကိုလည္း ေသေသခ်ာခ်ာ ပံုစံခ်ထားရမည္ျဖစ္သည္\nZamil Steel Vietnam သည္ ေရေလွ်ာက္၊ ေရပိုက္လံုးမ်ားႏွင့္\nတျခား အရည္ေသြးျမင့္ ပစၥည္းမ်ားသာမက Panel အမ်ဳိးမ်ဳိး၊\n\nKorean: \n발생할 수 있는 제약들을 최소화하기 위한\n공급업체들이 베트남 남부 호치민 근처의 동나이 공단 ,\n북부 하노이 노이바이 공단에\n전략적으로 위치해 있습니다.\n전단가공, 맞대기 용접, 자동빔 용접, 회전 최종 용접, 섹션을\n증설하여 단기간에 고퀄리티,\n비용 경쟁력을 갖춘 생산시설로 최적화했습니다.\n \n \n또한 중도리, 층도리 및 시트각도 등과 같은 구조들을 모두\n냉간성형으로 처리하고 구조는 고품질 마무리를 위해\n전 직류 전기를 통한 강철 코일을 활용합니다.\nZamil Steel® Vietnam은\n양질의 지붕과 벽 패널 제조뿐만 아니라,\n손질, 배수구, 홈통, 코핑,\n\nJapanese: \nサプライチェーン上の課題を最小化し、\nご要望に合った工程管理を行うと共に、\nベトナム内外のお客様に迅速に商品をお届け致します。\n \n当社の工場では、\n構造部材製作の為の、切断機、シームレス自動溶接機、\n回転溶接機からなる\n一貫生産ラインを最適配置し、\n高品質な製品を短納期で、競争力ある価格でご提供しています。\nまた、母屋、胴縁、下地材等の構造二次部材は、\n溶融亜鉛メッキ鋼板を冷間圧延成形して製作、\n最高品質の仕上げをお約束致します。\n当社工場では、屋根材、壁材の他、\n雨樋、排水部材、雨押さえ、役物等のアクセサリーについても、\n厳格な管理のもと、冷間圧延成形で自社製作し、\n\nThai: \nและดองใน ใกล้โฮจิมินห์ซิตี้ โดย\nที่ตั้งอยู่ในภาคเหนือและภาคใต้ของเวียดนาม เพื่อที่จะบริการ\nส่งมอบงานให้กับลูกค้าอย่างอย่างตรงเวลา และรวดเร็ว\nและเพื่อลดข้อจำกัดของการจัดหา และการผลิตที่อาจเกิดขึ้น\nสิ่งอำนวยความสะดวกของเรามีการปรับให้เหมาะสมกับการผลิต\nผลิตสินค้าให้ได้ตามตามขนาดที่ต้องการ\nมีการเชื่อมอย่างต่อเนื่อง ด้วยเครื่องเชื่อมคานอัตโนมัติ\nและการเชื่อมขั้นสุดท้ายให้เสร็จสิ้น\nที่มีคุณภาพสูงในช่วงเวลาอันสั้น และราคาที่สามารถที่แข่งขันได้\nนอกจากนี้ โครงสร้างรอง เช่น แปหลังคา,\nคานรับผนัง และมุมแผ่น ทางเราเป็นผู้ผลิตโดยใช้เหล็กรีดเย็นในการผลิต\nโดยใช้วัสดุชุบสังกะสีเพื่อให้แน่ใจว่าสินค้าที่ผลิตมีคุณภาพสูง และคงคุณภาพไว้\nซามิล สตีล เวียดนาม ยังมีเครื่องรีดลอนหลังคา\nโรงงานของเราไม่เพียงแค่ผลิตหลังคา และผนังที่มีคุณภาพเท่านั้น\nแต่ยังรวมถึง งานตกแต่ง และรางน้ำ\n\nArabic: \nومصنع دونغ ناي بالقرب من مدينة هوشي منه، وهما\nموقعان استراتيجيان في شمال وجنوب فيتنام لتوفير\nعملائنا بخدمات سريعة وفي الوقت المناسب لمشاريعهم من المباني الحديدية،\nولتقليل عمليات التوريد التي قد تنشأ عن ذلك.\nتم تحسين مرافقنا الإنتاجية والتصنيعية\nمن خلال تطوير أقسام الإنتاج\nوأقسام أعمال اللحام والتصنيع النهائية\nالتي تمكننا من تحقيق\nجودة عالية في فترة قصيرة من الوقت بتكلفة تنافسية.\nبالإضافة إلى ذلك، فإن جميع المباني والهياكل الثانوية المختلفة\nيتم تشكيلها على البارد في مرافقنا التصنيعية\nباستخدام ملفات مجلفنة مسبقاً التي تضمن إنتاج منتجات نهائية ذات جودة عالية.\nكما تُشغّل الزامل للحديد فيتنام خط تشكيل الألواح\nلصنع لوحات سقفية وألواح جدارية عالية الجودة،\nوإنتاج الأجزاء المختلفة من مكونات المباني الحديدية بشكل صحيح مثل قنوات التصريف،\n\nFrench: \net dans celle de Dong Nai près de Ho Chi Minh Ville.\nIls sont stratégiquement localisés dans le nord et le sud du Vietnam,\nafin d’assurer à nos clients des livraisons rapides et à temps de leurs bâtiments\net de minimiser les contraintes liées à la chaîne d’approvisionnement.\nNos usines sont conçues et optimisées pour la fabrication\nde sections composées qui sont coupées à la mesure,\nsoudées bout à bout sans joints et finies en rotation,\nce qui nous confère une productivité élevée\net une haute qualité au moindre coût.\nPar ailleurs, toutes les membrures d’acier secondaires telles que les pannes,\nles traverses, les cornières, sont profilées à froid par nos soins à partir de bobines d’acier pré-galvanisées,\nce qui nous permet une grande rapidité de fabrication et une finition de haute qualité\nZamil Steel® Vietnam possède également une ligne de profilage à froid de panneaux bac-acier,\nqui non seulement produit des panneaux de toiture et de bardage de haute qualité,\nmais aussi des profils de rive, des gouttières, des tuyaux de descente des eaux pluviales,\n\nCentral Khmer: \nនិងរោងចក្រដុងណៃនៅជិតទីក្រុងហូជីមិញ, និងមាន\nដែលមានទីតាំងយុទ្ធសាស្រ្តនៅខាងជើងនិងខាងត្បូងនៃប្រទេសវៀតណាមក្នុងការផ្តល់នូវ\nអតិថិជនរបស់យើងជាមួយនឹងរហ័ស ទាន់ពេលវេលា​ នៃអគាររបស់គេ\nនិងដើម្បីកាត់បន្ថយឧបសគ្គ រឺបញ្ហាផ្សេងៗដែលអាចកើតឡើង\nសម្ភារៈបរិក្ខាររបស់យើងត្រូវបានធ្វើអោយកាន់តែប្រសើរ សម្រាប់ទីតាំងនៃផលិតផល\nការសាងសង់ឡើងផ្នែកដែលត្រូវបានកាត់ទៅទំហំ,\nការកាត់ផ្សារ គឺមានលក្ខណៈរលូនល្អ ការផ្សារធ្នឹម\nនិងការកាត់ផ្សារចុងក្រោយ តាមទិសនីមួយៗ ដែលអាចឱ្យយើងដើម្បីសម្រេចបាន\nផលិតផលមានគុណភាពខ្ពស់នៅទីបញ្ចប់ ក្នុងរយៈពេលខ្លីមួយនៃពេលវេលានៅក្នុងការប្រកួតប្រជែងមួយ។\nលើសពីនេះទៀតរចនាសម្ព័ន្ធ បន្ទាប់មក ដូចជា purlins,\ngirts និង sheeting angles ត្រូវការតំឡើងនៅការដ្ឋាន\nការប្រើប្រាស់ pre-galvanized រុំ ដែលធានាបាននូវគុណភាពខ្ពស់និងការផ្លាស់ប្តូរ។\nក្រុមហ៊ុនហ្សាមៀលស្ទីលបៀលឌីងវៀតណាម ក៏ធ្វើការផលិតបន្ទះសន្លឹកស័ង្កសី\nដែលមិនត្រឹមតែផលិតដំបូលគុណភាពនិងបន្ទះជញ្ជាំង,\nប៉ុន្តែថែមទាំងបញ្ចប់កាត់បន្ថយកាត់ទទឹងទ, ត្រឹមត្រូវ,\n\nThai: \nท่อรางน้ำ ตัวหนีบ และอุปกรณ์ต่างๆ ที่เกี่ยวข้องทั้งหมด\nนอกจากนี้ ซามิล สตีล เวียดนาม ยังมีสินค้า MaxSEAM®\nเป็นสินค้าที่มีลักษณะเฉพาะเพื่อแก้ปัญหาการรั่วซึมของหลังคาสำหรับอาคาร\nที่มีความต้องการทนทานต่อสภาพอากาศสูง\nMaxSEAM® เป็นผลิตภัณฑ์หนึ่งที่แข็งแกร่งและทนต่อสภาพอากาศได้ดี\nปัจจุบันระบบหลังคาตะเข็บนี้เป็นที่รู้จักดีในอุตสาหกรรม\nและใช้ระบบตะเข็บ 360 องศา ทุกรอบด้านของแผง\nด้วย Sliding Clip ชนิดพิเศษ ที่มีความปลอดภัยและไม่มีผลกระทบจากความร้อน\nทั้งหมดนี้ทำให้เกิดสินค้า MaxSEAM® และทำให้ได้\nหลังคาที่มีเอกลักษณ์ รอยต่อที่แน่นหนา และทนต่อสภาพอากาศได้อย่างดี\nและมีการระบายน้ำที่ดี\nซามิล สตีล มีความภาคภูมิใจในการให้บริการลูกค้า\nด้วยทีมงานวิศวกรที่มีประสบการณ์สูง\nเพื่อให้เกิดประสิทธิภาพสูงสุด และต้นทุนที่สามารถแข่งขันได้ สำหรับลูกค้าของเรา\nวิศวกรทั้งหมด และโรงงานของเรา ได้มีการพัฒนาอย่างต่อเนื่อง\n\nFrench: \ndes faitages, des faîtières et tous les autres accessoires de couverture et de bardage.\nZamil Steel® propose également MaxSEAM®,\nune solution exclusive d’étanchéité de toiture pour\nles bâtiments soumis aux conditions climatiques les plus rudes\nMaxSEAM® est l’un des systèmes de toiture à joint debout les plus solides\net résistants aux intempéries disponibles actuellement. Ce système de couverture à joint debout ferme à 360 degrés les recouvrements\nlatéraux des panneaux de toiture. Les panneaux sont assemblés entre eux dans toute leur longueur par un double pliage des reliefs latéraux,\net maintenus par des clips coulissants spéciaux qui donnent une bonne résistance aux mouvements thermiques.\nCette combinaison donne le système MaxSEAM®\net procure une toiture aux performances exceptionnelles en termes d’étanchéité\net de résistance au soulèvement par les vents et un excellent drainage des eaux de pluie.\nChez Zamil Steel® nous sommes fiers de pouvoir proposer à nos clients les services de notre équipe d’ingénieurs\nd’études et de dessinateurs hautement qualifiés pour concevoir leurs bâtiments et leurs structures.\nAfin d’optimiser le rapport coût-efficacité pour nos clients, nos ingénieurs et nos usines utilisent\nles logiciels de conception et les outils les plus récents pour concevoir,\n\nChinese: \n水落管、护墙和所有其它面板相关配件。\n作为替代方案,扎米尔钢铁越南还提供MaxSEAM®系统,\n此独特的屋面防水解决方案\n能够满足建筑物耐候性的最高要求。\nMaxSEAM®是当今业界最强及最防风雨的\n直立锁边屋面系统,\n利用沿着面板的侧面搭接咬合的独特360度接缝\n与特殊的滑动式铰接夹相连接,安全地解决了建筑物的热运动问题。\n这种组合的MaxSEAM®系统创建了\n独特的屋面体系,能够提供出色的屋顶防渗漏密封性,\n以及超强的抗风吸能力和妥善的排水效果。\n扎米尔钢铁对自己能够为客户提供\n经验丰富的工程师团队的能力感到自豪。\n为了为客户带来最大的成本效益,\n我们所有的工程师和工厂使用了最新、最先进的计算机软件\n\nKorean: \n성형 라인을 제공합니다.\n그 외에, Zamil Steel® Vietnam은\n최고 수준의 날씨저항 시스템과\n특별한 방수 루핑 솔루션인 MaxSEAM®을 제공합니다.\n오늘날, MaxSEAM®은\n가장 강한 풍우밀 지붕 시스템이며\n패널 측면 랩을 따라 360도의 독특한 이음매와\n특별한 슬라이딩 클립을 활용하여 열 팽창 및 수축을 안전하게 관리합니다.\nMaxSEAM®은\n날씨 저항 및 적절한 배수,\n안전한 열전도를 할 수 있는 독특한 지붕을 제공합니다.\nZamil Steel®은 고객님들에게\n고도로 숙련된 엔지니어 팀을 제공합니다.\n고객에 대한 최대 비용 효율성을 제공하기 위해\n엔지니어와 공장들이 최신 소프트웨어를 사용하며\n\nCentral Khmer: \nទុយោទឹកភ្លៀង​ ក្បាលទុយោ និងគ្រឿងទាក់ទងនឹងបន្ទះផ្សេងទៀតទាំងអស់។\nបន្ថែមពីនេះ ក្រុមហ៊ុនហ្សាមៀលស្ទីល វៀតណាម បានផ្ដល់ជូននូវ MaxSEAM®\nជាដំណោះស្រាយតែមួយគត់សម្រាប់ការពារទឹកជ្រាបដំបូលអគារដែលមាន\nតម្រូវការខ្ពស់បំផុតសម្រាប់ការធន់ទ្រាំទៅនឹងអាកាសធាតុ។\nMaxSEAM®ជាផ្នែកមួយនៃខ្លាំងបំផុតនិងឈរជាតឹងច្រើនបំផុតអាកាសធាតុ\nប្រព័ន្ធដំបូលថ្នេរអាចផ្ដល់ជូនអតិថិជន នៅក្នុងឧស្សាហកម្មហើយ,\nហើយវាអាចធ្វើការតំឡើងបានរហូតដល់ ៣៦០ ដឺក្រេ តាមមុខតំណរ សងខាងនៃបន្ទះប្រកដំបូល\nជាមួយនឹងឈុតមួយធ្លាក់ពិសេសមួយដែល សម្រប់តាមចលនាកំដៅដោយសុវត្ថិភាព\nការរួមបញ្ចូលគ្នានេះនឹងបង្កើតMaxSEAM®និងផ្តល់\nដំបូលតែមួយគត់ដែលផ្តល់នូវការទប់ទល់អាកាសធាតុ, ភាពធន់ទ្រាំយ៉ាងខ្លាំងជាមូយនឹងខ្យល់បកពីក្រោមទៅលើ\nហើយនឹងប្រព័ន្ធបង្ហូរទឹកត្រឹមត្រូវ\nក្រុមហ៊ុនហ្សាមៀល មានមោទនៈភាពជាខ្លាំងចំពោះសមត្ថភាពដែលបានផ្ដល់ជូនអតិថិជន\nជាមួយនិងថ្នាក់វិស្វករដែលមានបទពិសោធន៍ការងារខ្ពស់។\nក្នុងគោលបំណងដើម្បីសម្រេចបាននូវប្រសិទ្ធភាពតម្លៃអតិបរមាសម្រាប់អតិថិជនរបស់យើង,\nវិស្វករទាំងអស់និងរោងចក្ររបស់យើងប្រើប្រាស់\n\nArabic: \nوالفوهات، وجميع الملحقات الأخرى ذات الصلة.\nكما توفر الزامل للحديد فيتنام نظام \"MaxSEAM\" المتطور للأسقف،\nالذي يقدم حلولاً فريدة لمنع تسرب المياه في المباني التي\nتحتاج إلى تلبية أعلى المتطلبات لمقاومة عوامل الطقس القاسية.\nويُعد نظام \"\"MaxSEAM\"\" للأسقف أحد أقوى الأنظمة المقاومة للأجواء الصعبة\nالمتاحة في الأسواق حالياً،\nويستخدم التماس مميز بزاوية ٣٦٠ درجة على طول اللفات الجانبية للألواح\nمع رابط انزلاق خاص.\nويوفر نظام \"MaxSEAM\" المميز\nسقفاً فريداً من نوعه ومقاوم لعوامل الطقس المختلفة مع تصريف ملائم للمياه\nومعالجة التمدد الحراري بشكل آمن.\nتفخر الزامل للحديد بقدرتها على تزويد العملاء\nبفريق من المهندسين ذوي الخبرات العالية في مجال الإنشاءات المختلفة.\nمن أجل تحقيق أقصى قدر من الفعالية من حيث التكلفة لعملائنا،\nفإن جميع مهندسينا ومصانعنا يستخدمون\n\nIndonesian: \npipa downspout, cappings dan semua aksesoris terkait panel lainnya.\nSebagai alternatif, Zamil Steel® Vietnam menyediakan MaxSEAM®,\nsebuah solusi atap kedap air unik untuk bangunan yang\nmemerlukan persyaratan tertinggi untuk ketahanan terhadap cuaca.\nMaxSEAM® adalah salah satu sistem standing seam roof yang paling tahan cuaca\nyang tersedia dalam industri ini saat ini,\ndimana menggunakan seam 360 derajat yang unik sepanjang bagian sisi panel\nKlip yang dapat bergeser secara khusus yang akan memastikan keamanan pada saat terjadi pergerakan karena cuaca panas\nKombinasi ini yang menciptakan MaxSEAM® dan menyediakan\nsebuah atap unik yang menawarkan penyekat tahan cuaca dengan drainase yang tepat\nserta drainase secara tepat.\nDengan bangga, Zamil Steel® menunjukan kemampuannya kepada para pelanggan\ndimana kami memiliki tim insinyur yang sangat ahli dan berpengalaman.\nUntuk mencapai efektivitas biaya maksimum untuk para klien kami,\nsemua insinyur kami dan pabrik-pabrik kami memanfaatkan\n\nBurmese: \nေခါင္မိုးအမ်ဳိးမ်ဳိးႏွင့္ Formin, Line မ်ားကိုလည္း ထုတ္လုပ္ေနၿပီျဖစ္သည္။\nရုိးရိုးအမိုးအျပင္ ရာသီဥတုဒဏ္အထူးခံႏိုင္ရည္စြမ္းရွိေသာ Max SEAM®\nအထူးအမိုးကိုလည္းေရြးခ်ယ္မႈအသစ္အေနျဖင့္\nZamil Steel® Vietnam မွေထာက္ပံ့ေပးပါသည္။\nစက္မႈေလာကတြင္ ယခုအခါ Max SEAM® သည္ အေကာင္းဆံုးႏွင့္ႀကံ့ခိုင္ဆံုးေသာ\nအမိုး စနစ္မ်ားထဲမွ တစ္ခုျဖစ္ပါသည္။\nPanel ၏ေဘးတေလွ်ာက္ 360 ဒီဂရီရွိေသာ\nအပူလႈပ္ရွားမႈကိုထိန္းခ်ဳပ္ေပးႏိုင္ေသာအထူး sliding clipအတူ\nယင္းကဲ့သို႔ေသာ ေပါင္းစပ္မႈစနစ္ မ်ားသည္\nေလတိုက္ႏႈန္းႏွင့္ရာသီဥတုဒဏ္ကိုတင္းက်ပ္စြာခံႏိုင္မႈမ်ားရွိေသာ\nသင့္ေလ်ာ္ေသာေရႏႈတ္ေျမာင္းရွိေသာေၾကာင့့္Max SEAM® ကို အျခားစနစ္မ်ားထက္ ထူးျခားေသာေခါင္မိုးျဖစ္သည္။\nZamil Steel® ကုမၸဏီသည္ မိမိတို႔၏ ကၽြမ္းက်င္ေသာ ၀ါရင့္ အင္ဂ်င္နီယာ\nမ်ားေၾကာင့္ အားေပးသူ Customer မ်ားကို ေကာင္းမြန္စြာ\n၀န္ေဆာင္မႈေပးႏိုင္ျခင္းအေပၚ ဂုဏ္ယူလ်က္ရွိပါသည္။\nထို႔အျပင္ အားေပးသူ Customer မ်ားအေနႏွင့္ ေငြေၾကး ကုန္ရက်ဳိးနပ္ေစရန္။\n\nEnglish: \ndown spouts, capping and all other panel related accessories.\nAs an alternative, Zamil Steel® Vietnam provides MaxSEAM®,\na unique waterproofing roofing solution for buildings that\nneed to meet the highest requirements for resistance to weather.\nMaxSEAM® is one of the strongest and most weather-tight standing seam roof system\navailable in the industry today,\nand utilizes a unique 360 degree seam along the side laps of the panel\nwith a special sliding clip which is safely addressing thermal movement\nThis combination creates the MaxSEAM® and provides\na unique roof that offers a weather tight seal, a strong resistance to wind uplift\nand proper drainage\nZamil Steel® prides itself on its ability to provide clients\nwith a highly experienced team of engineers.\nIn order to achieve maximum cost effectiveness for our clients,\nall of our engineers and factories utilize up-to-date software\n\nJapanese: \nご提供しております。\n高い耐候性基準が求められる建物には、\nMaxSEAMと呼ばれる独自のルーフィングシステムをご提案します。\n \nMaxSEAMは、業界トップクラスの強度と耐候性を持つ、\n現場成型ルーフィングシステムで、\n熱伸縮の影響にも安全に対応できるように、特殊なスライド式吊り子を使用し、\n360度に折り重ねる立ハゼ葺を採用しています。\nMaxSEAMは、こうした特徴により、\n優れた耐水性、耐風性、高い排水性を備えたルーフィングシステムとなっております。\n \nZamil Steelは、経験豊富なエンジニアチームを、\nお客様にご提供できることを強みの一つとして自負しております。\nエンジニアリング部門及び製造部門は\n専門性の高い最新のソフトウェアを活用し、最適な設計を行うことにより、\n\nCentral Khmer: \nកម្មវីធីដើម្បីគណនា និងធ្វើរលំអិតរាល់អគារអំពីដែក\nអគារគ្រោងដែកថែបរបស់ ក្រុមហ៊ុនហ្សាមៀល មានចំនុចគួរអោយកត់សំគាល់ជាច្រើនដូចជា\nតម្លៃមានភាពសមរម្យ និងដំណើរការសាងសង់លឿនជាងការសាងសង់អគារធម្មតា\nបូករួមជាមួយនិងការដឹកជញ្ជួន ទាន់ពេលវេលា និង​ ចំនេញប្រាក់កាសផងដែល៊\nការប្រើប្រាស់ និងពន្លឿនផ្នែកគណនាដែលមានភាពលំបាកច្រើន\nក្រុមហ៊ុនហ្សាមៀល ប្រើប្រាស់សមា្ភរៈដែលសមស្របដើម្បីកាត់បន្ថយការចំណុះការគណនា\nរហូតដល់ ៣០% សម្រាប់ស្ដង់ដារ ដែកធ្នឹមរាង \"I\" និង \"H\" នៅក្នុងអគាររបស់អ្នក\nអ្នកជំនាញរបស់យើងនៅក្នុងការកើនឡើងក្នុងកម្រិតទាបការគណនាអគារដែកថែបបានធានា\nអ្នកនិងបានទទួលនូវអគារដែលមានគុណភាពខ្ពស់ និងអគារដែកដែលចំណាយថវិការតិច\nដែលយើងបង្កើតវាឡើងសម្រាប់បំពេញតាមតម្រូវការជាក់លាក់របស់អ្នក។\nអ្នកគ្រប់គ្រងបច្ចេកទេសតំបន់, ទីតាំងស្ថិតនៅងាយស្រួលនៅក្បែរនោះ\nជួយដើម្បីធានាឱ្យបានថាយើងមិនត្រឹមតែផ្តល់ឱ្យអ្នកនូវផលិតផលដែលមានគុណភាពខ្ពស់ប៉ុណ្ណោះទេ\nប៉ុន្តែថែមទាំងជាមួយនឹងសេវាអតិថិជនគ្មានអ្វីប្រៀបបាន។\nជាមួយនឹងជាងពីរទសវត្សនៃបទពិសោធជំនាញវិជ្ជាជីវៈនៅក្នុងឧស្សាហកម្មរចនាសម្ព័ន្ធដែក\n\nChinese: \n来设计每一个钢结构建筑物并出加工详图。\n扎米尔钢铁公司的预制结构建筑的成本和建设时间\n明显比传统的建筑类型\n更有效和更短,以及都能够在预算内并提前交付使用。\n使用变截面钢构件并通过应力极限计算,\n以及采用合适的材料,扎米尔钢铁为您的建筑工程\n相比较传统的标准“I”和“H\"梁减少设计总重量高达30%的用钢量。\n我们对于低层钢结构建筑设计的专业知识\n确保您获得高品质的、经济的预制钢结构建筑物,\n而且它是为您量身定制,以满足您特定的应用。\n在您项目周围,我们配备有区域技术经理\n有助于我们不仅为您提供高质量的产品,\n而且提供无与伦比的客户服务。\n拥有超过二十年的在中东的结构钢工业制造经验,\n\nThai: \nซอฟแวร์ในการออกแบบ และทุกรายละเอียดของอาคารเหล็ก\nอาคารโครงสร้างเหล็กสำเร็จรูปของ ซามิล สตีล สามารถบ่งชี้ให้เห็นถึง\nต้นทุนที่มีประสิทธิภาพ และความรวดเร็วในการสร้างเมื่อเทียบกับระบบธรรมดาทั่วไป\nและส่งมอบสินค้าก่อนเวลา และอยู่ในงบประมาณ\nโดยใช้ Tapered Sections และคำนวน Stress Limits\nซามิล สตีล ใช้วัสดุและการออกแบบที่เหมาะสมในการลดน้ำหนักเหล็ก\nได้ถึง 30% สำหรับ มาตรฐาน \"I\" และ \"H\" beams สำหรับอาคารของท่าน\nเรามีความชี่ยวชาญในการออกแบบอาคารเหล็ก ท่านจึงสามารถมั่นใจได้ว่า\nท่านจะได้รับสินค้าที่มีคุณภาพสูง และอาคารโครงสร้างเหล็กสำเร็จรูปที่ประหยัด\nอาคารเหล็กได้ถูกออกแบบและผลิตให้เหมาะกับงานของท่าน\nผู้จัดการทางเทคนิคของเรา พร้อมให้บริการท่าน\nเราไม่เพียงแต่ส่งมอบสินค้าที่มีคุณภาพสูง\nแต่ยังมีการให้บริการลูกค้าที่เป็นเลิศ\nด้วยประสบการณ์กว่าสองทศวรรษของงานโครงสร้างเหล็ก\n\nArabic: \nبرامج حديثة ومتطورة لتصميم وتفصيل كل مبنى حديدي.\nتتميز المباني سابقة الهندسة من الزامل للحديد بفعاليتها\nمن حيث التكلفة وسرعة إنشائها مقارنة بالمباني التقليدية\nويتم تسليمها عادةً قبل الموعد النهائي ووفقاً لميزانية العميل.\nومن خلال استخدام حدود الضغط والتحمل المحسوبة،\nتستخدم الزامل للحديد المواد المناسبة لتقليل الحمولة التصميمية\nبنسبة تصل إلى ٣٠٪ للأعمدة والجدران القياسية \"I\" و \"H\" في المباني الخاصة بك.\nتضمن خبرتنا في تصميم المباني الحديدية المنخفضة الارتفاع\nأنك ستحصل على مبنى سابق الهندسة بجودة عالية وسعر منافس\nليناسب مشروعك المحدد.\nيتوفر لدينا مجموعة من المديرين الفنيين في المنطقة القريبة منك\nمن أجل المساعدة على ضمان أننا لا نوفر لك منتجاً عالي الجودة فحسب،\nبل نوفر أيضاً خدمات العملاء المميزة.\nتملك الزامل للحديد أكثر من 20 عاماً من الخبرة الصناعية المتقدمة في مجال الهياكل الإنشائية الحديدية\n\nJapanese: \nコストパフォーマンスの最大化に努めています。\nZamil Steelのプレハブ鉄骨(PEB)は、\n一般的な在来工法の鋼構造物と比べてコストパフォーマンスが良く、\n建設現場での短工期を可能にします。\n最適な応力勾配に沿って設計されたテーパー形状の部材を使用することにより、\n規格品のH形鋼を使用する在来工法に比べて、\n最大30%まで設計重量を減らすことが可能です。\n主に低層棟建築物における当社の知識と経験は、\n高品質で経済的なプレハブ鉄骨(PEB)として結実し、\nお客様それぞれのご要望にお応えします。\n当社は、各地域に技術責任者を配置しており、\n高品質な製品供給だけではなく、\n高度で丁寧な技術サービスのご提供をお約束します。\n中東を中心とした鉄骨業界での20年以上の実績と、豊富な経験をベースに、\n\nFrench: \ndessiner et fabriquer chaque bâtiment et structure.\nLes bâtiments préfabriqués clos couverts de Zamil Steel® sont significativement\nplus économiques et plus rapides à installer que des bâtiments conventionnels.\nIls sont livrés à temps et sans dépassement de votre budget initial.\nGrâce au calcul fin des limites de charges et à l’utilisation de sections coniques,\nZamil Steel® utilise les aciers adéquats permettant de réduire le poids de vos bâtiments\njusqu’à 30% par rapport à des poutres en « I » et en « H » standard.\nNotre expertise dans l’étude et la conception de bâtiments en acier de faible hauteur\nclos couverts vous garantit un investissement sur mesure,\nau moindre coût et de la plus haute qualité.\nNos Conseillers Techniques Régionaux,\ndisponibles à proximité de vos chantiers,\ncontribuent à vous assurer un niveau de service incomparable.\nEn 2008, après plus de vingt années d’expérience industrielle accumulée au Moyen-Orient dans le domaine de la construction métallique,\n\nBurmese: \nအင္ဂ်င္နီယာမ်ားမွ Steel အေဆာက္အအံုမ်ားအတြက္ အေကာင္းဆံုးေသာ\nေခတ္မီွေသာ Software မ်ားကိုသာ အသံုးခ်ေဆာင္ရြက္ ပါသည္။\nZamil Steel® ကုမၸဏီမွ ေဆာက္လုပ္ေပးေသာ အေဆာက္အအံုမ်ားသည္\nအခ်ိန္ကာလအားျဖင့္ လ်င္ျမန္သည့္အျပင္ ေငြေၾကးအားျဖင့္လည္း တြက္ေခ်ကိုက္သည္။\nZamil Steel® ကုမၸဏီသည္ လူႀကီးမင္းတို႔၏ အေဆာက္အအံုမ်ားကို I ႏွင့္ H\nအဆင့္အတန္းမွီေစရန္အတြက္ အသံုးခ်ရမည့္ဆိုင္ရာ\nပစၥည္းမ်ားကို 30% ေလ်ာ့ခ်ၿပီး အေကာင္းဆံုးေဆာက္လုပ္ေပးပါသည္။\nထို႔အျပင္ ကၽြႏ္ုပ္တို႔ကုမၸဏီအေနႏွင့္\nလူႀကီးမင္း တို႔၏ ႏွစ္သက္ရာဒီဇီုင္းအတိုင္း\nအေဆာက္အဦးကို ေငြေၾကးအရလည္းေကာင္း၊\nအရည္အေသြးအရလည္းေကာင္း၊\nအေကာင္းဆံုးျဖစ္ေအာင္ ၀န္ေဆာင္မႈေပးပါသည္။\nအေရွ့အလယ္ပိုင္းေဒသတြင္ (၂)ရာစုေက်ာ္ အၾကာသမၻာရင့္၀ါရင့္\nSteel စက္မႈဇုံေဆာက္လုပ္ေရးလုပ္ငန္းႀကီးအျဖစ္ရပ္တည္ခဲ့ေသာZamil Steel® သည္\n\nKorean: \n철골 건물을 세밀하게 설계합니다.\nZamil Steel®의 PEB는 기존 건물보다\n시공기간이 더 짧고 비용 효율적이며\n마감시간과 예산단축을 제공합니다.\n테이퍼 진 섹션 및 계산 응력 한계를 이용한\nZamil Steel®의 디자인 표준 \"I\"형강 및 \"H\"형강을 활용 시\n자재톤수를 30 %까지 줄일 수 있습니다.\n저층 철골 건물 디자인은\n특정한 요구에 맞게 구성하여\n고객들에게 높은 품질과 경제적 PEB를 보장합니다.\n인근지역 기술 관리자들은\n높은 품질의 제품에 상응하는 고객 서비스를\n제공할 수 있도록 보장합니다.\n중동 지역 철골 구조 20년의 전문적인 업계 경험을 바탕으로\n\nIndonesian: \nperangkat lunak termutakhir untuk merancang dan merinci setiap bangunan baja.\nBangunan-bangunan pre-engineered Zamil Steel® sangat terkenal\nkarena hemat biaya dan lebih cepat dibangun daripada bangunan konvensional\ndan dengan pengiriman yang lebih cepat dan hemat.\nDengan menggunakan penampang tapered dan batas tegangan yang telah diperhitungkan,\nZamil Steel® memanfaatkan bahan-bahan secara efisien untuk mengurangi tonase desain\nhingga 30% untuk balok standar \"I\" dan \"H\" pada bangunan Anda\nKeahlian kami dalam desain bangunan baja low rise memastikan\nbahwa Anda memiliki bangunan pre-engineered berkualitas tinggi dan ekonomis\nyang dibuat secara khusus dan sesuai permintaan Anda.\nManajer teknis yang berlokasi dekat dengan area anda akan\nmembantu untuk memastikan bahwa kami tidak hanya menyediakan Anda dengan produk berkualitas tinggi,\ntetapi juga dengan layanan konsumen yang tidak tertandingi.\nDengan pengalaman profesional lebih dari dua dekade dalam baja struktural\n\nEnglish: \nto design and detail every steel building.\nZamil Steel®’s Pre-Engineered buildings are noticeably more cost effective\nand faster to construct than conventional buildings\nand are delivered ahead of time and budget\nUsing tapered sections and calculated stress limits,\nZamil Steel® utilizes the appropriate materials to reduce the design tonnage\nup to 30% for standard “I” and “H” beams in your buildings\nOur expertise in low rise steel building design ensures\nthat you receive a high quality and economical pre-engineered building\nthat is tailor made to suit your specific application.\nArea technical managers, conveniently located nearby,\nhelp to ensure that we not only provide you with a high quality product\nbut also with unparalleled customer service.\nWith over two decades of industrial experience in structural steel in the Middle East,\n\nArabic: \nفي منطقة الشرق الأوسط، كما قدمت الشركة حلول الهياكل الإنشائية الحديدية في أسواق فيتنام في عام ٢٠٠٨.\nيتم تصنيع الهياكل الإنشائية الحديدية باستخدام أحدث البرامج الهندسية،\nويتم التحكم في العمليات التصنيعية عن طريق\nأنظمة الكمبيوتر المتطورة والمعدات الرقمية الحديثة.\nيمكن لحلول الهياكل الإنشائية الحديدية وفريقنا من المهندسين المحترفين أن يقدموا لك\nاستثماراً منخفض المخاطر إلى جانب حلول البناء المستدامة\nاللازمة للعديد من المجمعات الصناعية والتجارية واسعة النطاق.\nلا تعمل الزامل للحديد في فيتنام على أساس طلبات العملاء فقط،\nولكنها تحتفظ بأكثر من ٨ آلاف طن متري من المواد الخام في الموقع،\nمما يقلل كثيراً من الوقت اللازم لاستكمال معظم المشاريع.\nبعد استكمال عملية الفحص وإصدار شهادة من قبل قسم مراقبة الجودة لدينا،\nيتم تسليم المباني سابقة الهندسة والهياكل الإنشائية الحديدية\nبواسطة شاحنة داخل فيتنام أو شحنها عبر حاويات ضخمة بمقاس ٤٠ قدماً\nإلى الوجهة النهائية.\n\nBurmese: \n2008 ခုႏွစ္တြင္ဗီယက္နမ္ႏိုင္ငံတြင္သံမဏိေျဖရွင္းနည္းစက္ရုံတိုးခ်ဲ႕ လုပ္ကိုင္ခဲ့သည္။\nကၽြႏ္ုပ္တို႔တည္ေဆာက္ၿပီးစီးခဲ့ေသာ အေဆာက္အအံုမ်ားတြင္\nေနာက္ဆံုးေပၚေခတ္မီွ Software မ်ားကို အသံုးျပဳၿပီး Numerically Coded ပစၥည္းမ်ားကို သံုး၍ေသာ္လည္းေကာင္း၊\nart computer မ်ားကို သံုး၍ေသာ္လည္းေကာင္း၊ မိမိပိုင္ဆိုင္သည္တို႔ကို ကာကြယ္ႏိုင္ေအာင္ ၀န္ေဆာင္မႈ ေပးထားသည္။\nကၽြႏ္ုပ္တို႔ Zamil Steel® ကုမၸဏီအေနျဖင့္\nကၽြႏ္ုပ္တို႔၏ အင္ဂ်င္နီယာမ်ားသည္ လူႀကီးမင္းတို႔၏ အနာဂတ္အတြက္ အာမခံျပီးေရရွည္ေဆာက္လုပ္ေရးေျဖရွင္းခ်က္ႏွင့္အတူ\nစက္မႈဇုန္အၾကီးစားမ်ား ၊စီးပြားေရး ဆိုင္ရာအေဆာက္အအံုမ်ားကို၀န္ေဆာင္မႈေပးပါသည္။\nZamil Steel® Vietnam သည္ order ရွိမွ raw material ၀ယ္သည့္စနစ္\nမက်င့္သုံးပဲ စက္ရုံတြင္ raw material တန္8000 ေက်ာ္ထားကား\nလုပ္ငန္းလည္ပတ္ေသာ စနစ္ျဖစ္ပါသည္။\nလူႀကီးမင္းတို႔အိမ္အတြက္ လိုအပ္ေသာ\nေဆာက္လုပ္ေရးဆိုင္ရာ ပစၥည္းမ်ား၊\nအေဆာက္အအံုပံုၾကမ္းမ်ားႏွင့္ Structural Steel မ်ားကို ဗီယက္နမ္ႏိုင္ငံတြင္းတြင္ ေပ၄၀ကုန္တင္ကားျဖင့္\nလိုက္လံပို႔ေဆာင္ေပးၿပီး အျခားေဒသမ်ားအတြက္ သေဘၤာျဖင့္ လိုရာ ေရာက္သည့္တိုင္ ပို႔ေဆာင္ေပးပါသည္။\n\nKorean: \nZamil Steel®은 2008 년, 베트남 시장에 철골 구조 솔루션을 도입하게 되었습니다.\n구조 제작을 첨단 컴퓨터 및 컴퓨터 수치 제어 프로그래밍으로 컨트롤하고\n최신 엔지니어링 소프트웨어를 활용해\n세부 사항 및 연결 디자인을 작업합니다.\nZamil의 구조 스틸 솔루션 및 엔지니어 팀은\n고객들에게 대규모 산업과 산업 단지에 필요한 미래의 지붕,\n위험도 낮은 투자, 친환경 건설 솔루션을 제공합니다.\nZamil Steel® Vietnam은 주문조달에\n운영되지 않고 대부분 프로젝트의 시간을 줄이기 위해\n사이트에 원료의 8,000 톤이상을 유지하고 있습니다.\n품질관리부의 인증서를\n받은 PEB 및 철골구조는\n트럭이나 40 피트 컨테이너를\n통해 배송해 드립니다.\n\nEnglish: \nZamil Steel® brought structural steel solutions to Vietnam in 2008\nUtilizing the latest engineering software for detail and connection design,\nour structural fabrication is also controlled with state of the art\ncomputer and numerically coded equipment\nOur structural steel solutions and team of engineers can provide you\na future proof, low risk investment along with the sustainable construction solutions\nrequired for many large scale industrial and commercial complexes.\nZamil Steel® Vietnam does not operate on a procurement on order basis,\nbut keeps more than 8,000 metric tons of raw materials on site,\nwhich greatly reduces the turnaround time required for most projects.\nUpon certification by our in house quality control department,\nyour pre-engineered buildings and structural steel are delivered\nby truck within Vietnam or shipped via 40-foot containers\nto their final destination.\n\nCentral Khmer: \nនៅផ្នែកខាងកើតកណ្ដាល ក្រុមហ៊ុនហ្សាមៀល បានធ្វើការនាំចូលផលិតផលរចនាសម្ព័ន្ធដែកថែបមកប្រទេសវៀតណាមក្នុងឆ្នាំ ២០០៨\nប្រើប្រាស់កម្មវិធីវិស្វកម្មចុងក្រោយបំផុត សម្រាប់ធ្វើការលំអិត និងការគណនារាល់តំណរ\nការផលិតរចនាសម្ព័ន្ធដែក ត្រូវបានធ្វើការគ្រប់គ្រង់តាមបែបវិស្វកម្មបែបទំនើប\nកុំព្យូទ័រនិងឧបករណ៍មានលេខកូដតាមលេខរៀងលំដាប់\nរចនាសម្ព័ន្ធដែកថែប និងក្រុមវិស្វករ របស់យើងអាចផ្ដល់ជូនដល់អ្នកនូវ\nភស្តុតាងនាពេលអនាគត, ការវិនិយោគហានិភ័យទាបរួមជាមួយដំណោះស្រាយការសាងសង់នេះប្រកបដោយនិរន្តរភាព\nបានទាមទារសម្រាប់ឧស្សាហកម្មនិងពាណិជ្ជកម្មខ្នាតធំជាច្រើន។\nក្រុមហ៊ុនហ្សាមៀលស្ទីលវៀតណាម មិនប្រតិបត្តិលើលទ្ធកម្មចំពោះលំដាប់មូលដ្ឋានទេ\nប៉ុន្តែរក្សាជាង ៨​ 000 តោនវត្ថុធាតុដើមនៅលើការដ្ឋាន\nដែលជួយកាត់បន្ថយពេលវេលាយ៉ាងច្រើនដែលការផ្លាស់ប្តូរដែលបានទាមទារសម្រាប់គម្រោងភាគច្រើនបំផុត។\nតាមវិញ្ញាបនប័ត្រនៅក្នុងស្ថាប័នរបស់ពួកយើង\nអគារគ្រោងដែកថែបផលិតផលរួចស្រេច និងរចនាសម្ព័ន្ធដែក ត្រូវបានដឹកជញ្ជួនតាម\nឡាន រឺកាប៉ាល់មកពីប្រទេសវៀតណាម កុងទ័រនរ មានចំនុះ ៤០​ ហ្វីត\nទៅដល់ទីតាំងរបស់អតិថិជន\n\nChinese: \n扎米尔钢铁在2008年把它的这项业务扩展到越南。\n我们使用最新、最先进的工程软件进行详图和结构的设计,\n以及使用最先进的计算机系统和数字编码设备\n来管理我们的构件加工和制造。\n我们结构钢的解决方案和工程师团队可以为您提供\n一个具有前瞻性的,低风险投资的可持续建筑方案,\n用于很多的大型工业和商业复合式建筑。\n扎米尔钢铁越南公司的原料采购管理不是以订单为基础,\n我们的工厂长期保有8000公吨以上的钢铁原料,\n这极大地减少了大多数项目对原材料所需的周转时间。\n只有当通过我们的内部质量管理部门的质量检查认证后,\n为您项目加工的预制钢建筑和结构钢构件才能准予发货\n并用卡车运送至越南境内安装现场或通过40英尺货柜\n运到最终目的地。\n\nIndonesian: \ndi Timur Tengah, Zamil Steel® memperluas jangkauannya ke Vietnam pada tahun 2008.\nDengan memanfaatkan software engineering terbaru untuk detail dan desain sambungan\nfabrikasi struktural kami juga dikendalikan dengan\nkomputer dan peralatan kode numerik yang canggih dan mutakhir.\nSolusi baja struktural dan tim insinyur kami dapat menyediakan kepada Anda\ndengan investasi yang rendah risiko dan telah terbukti di masa depan, dengan solusi konstruksi berkelanjutan yang\ndibutuhkan untuk berbagai kompleks industri dan komersial berskala besar.\nZamil Steel® tidak mengoperasikan pengadaan berdasarkan order,\nnamun kami menyimpan lebih dari 8.000 metrik ton bahan baku di lokasi pabrik\nyang secara signifikan mengurangi waktu penyelesaian yang diperlukan untuk sebagian besar proyek.\nSetelah memperoleh sertifikasi dari departemen quality control di lokasi,\nbangunan pre-engineered dan baja struktural dikirimkan\ndengan truk disekitar Vietnam atau dikirim melalui kontainer berukuran 40 kaki\nke tujuan akhir.\n\nJapanese: \nZamil Steelは2008年にベトナムに進出しました。\n詳細設計及び関連設計には最新のエンジニアリング・ソフトウェアを利用し、\n加工・製作は、\n最先端のコンピューターと制御装置で管理されています。\n当社の鋼構造物の経験と技術陣は、\n大規模工業施設、商業複合施設に最適な鋼構造へのご提案と併せて、\n将来への安心と低コストでの投資をお約束します。\n当社では、案件毎に資材購入を行うのではなく、\n製品に使用する母材を常時8,000トン以上常備することで、\n製作時間を短縮し、お客様の短納期へのご要望にお応えします。\n厳格な社内の品質管理手続きを経た\nプレハブ鉄骨(PEB)は、\nベトナム国内向けはトラックで、それ以外の地域には\n40フィートコンテナで配送されます。\n\nThai: \nในตะวันออกกลาง ซามิล สตีล ได้นำ Structural Steel Solutions ขยายไปยังเวียดนามในปี 2008\nโดยใช้ซอฟต์แวร์วิศวกรรมล่าสุดสำหรับ การออกแบบรายละเอียดและการออกแบบการเชื่อมต่อ\nการประกอบโครงสร้างของเรา ได้ควบคุมถึงความสวยงาม\nคอมพิวเตอร์ และอุปกรณ์การคำนวณต่างๆ\nStructual Steel Solutions และทีมวิศวกรของเราสามารถ\nวางแผนการลงทุนให้มีความเสี่ยงต่ำ พร้อมกับการแก้ปัญหาการก่อสร้าง\nที่จำเป็นสำหรับโครงการอุตสาหกรรมขนาดใหญ่ที่ซับซ้อน\nซามิล สตีล เวียดนาม ไม่ได้จัดหาวัตถุดิบตามออเดอร์\nแต่เรามีการเก็บวัตถุดิบมากกว่า 8,000 ตัน\nซึ่งจะช่วยลดระยะเวลาการผลิตสำหรับโครงการอาคารต่างๆ\nเรามีแผนกควบคุมคุณภาพสินค้าภายใน\nอาคารโครงสร้างเหล็กสำเร็จรูป และโครงสร้างเหล็กของท่านจะถูกส่ง\nโดยรถบรรทุกในเวียดนาม หรือบรรจุในตู้คอนเทนเนอร์ 40 ฟุต\nไปยังปลายทางสุดท้ายของลูกค้า\n\nFrench: \nZamil Steel® a apporté ses solutions de construction en acier au Vietnam.\nNous réalisons les calculs,\nla conception des assemblages des profilés\nà l’aide des logiciels d’ingénierie les plus récents.\nLa fabrication de nos structures d’acier est contrôlée par des systèmes informatisés\net des équipements à commande\nnumérique dernier cri.\nZamil Steel® Vietnam n’a pas besoin de commander ses aciers pour chaque chantier :\nNous gardons en stock en permanence environ 8 000 tonnes de matériaux dans nos deux usines,\nce qui réduit significativement le délai de production de la plupart de vos bâtiments.\nApres avoir été certifiés conformes par notre département qualité,\nvos bâtiments préfabriqués et vos structures métalliques\nsont livrés par camions au Vietnam\nou par containers de 40 pieds dans d’autres pays\n\nFrench: \nLes Techniciens de Chantier de Zamil Steel® sont ensuite à votre disposition pour vous assister\nsur vos chantiers et faire en sorte que vos bâtiments soient installés\net érigés selon les normes internationales de qualité et de sécurité suivies par Zamil Steel®.\nQu’il s’agisse de fabriquer vos entrepôts, usines, halls d’exposition, stades, complexes sportifs\nou vos complexes industriels et commerciaux de grande envergure,\nZamil Steel® vous offre sous un même toit un service personnalisé, rapide et efficace\net vous garantit la plus haute qualité et durabilité de vos constructions métalliques,\npour votre plus grande satisfaction.\nAvec plus de 20 années d’expérience en Asie du Sud-est, au Bangladesh et dans la région Pacifique,\navec plus de 6 000 bâtiments livrés dans toute la région, la satisfaction de nos clients est la meilleure preuve\nde nos efforts pour atteindre l’excellence.\nZamil Steel® est votre meilleur partenaire pour des solutions complètes de constructions métalliques en acier au Vietnam, en Asie du Sud-Est, au Bangladesh et dans la région Pacifique.\n\nCentral Khmer: \nវិស្វករសម្រប់សម្រួលក្នុងការតំឡើងគ្រឿងបង្គុំ របស់ក្រុមហ៊ុនហ្សាមៀលស្ទីល ក៏នៅទីនោះសម្រាប់ធ្វើជួយដល់អ្នក\nដើម្បីធានាថាអគាររបស់អ្នកត្រូវបានកសាងឡើងនៅក្នុងការអនុលោម\nជាមួយនិងគូណភាពលក្ខណៈអន្តរជាតិ និងស្ដង់ដារសុវត្ថិភាពការងារ របស់ក្រុមហ៊ុនហ្សាមៀល\nពីឃ្លាំ រោងចក្រ សាលតាំងពិពណ៌ និងកីឡាដ្ឋានដែលមានភាពស្មុគស្មាញ់\nដើម្បីពង្រីកឧស្សាហកម្មនិងពាណិជ្ជកម្មខ្នាតធំ\nក្រុមហ៊ុនហ្សាមៀល បានផ្ដល់ជូនភាពរហ័សរហួន មានប្រសិទ្ធិភាព ការបត់បែនតាមកាលៈទេសៈ\nអគារគ្រោងដែកថែបដែលមានលក្ខណៈលើសពីការរំពឹងទុក\nនៃអតិថិជនរបស់យើងនៅក្នុងលក្ខខណ្ឌនៃគុណភាពនិងមុខងារ។\nជាមួយនឹងបទពិសោធន៍ជាង 20 ឆ្នាំក្នុងតំបន់អាស៊ីអាគ្នេយ៍និងការផ្តល់\nច្រើនជាង 6000 អគារអតិថិជនពេញចិត្តរបស់យើង\nមានភស្តុតាងដែលល្អបំផុតនៃការខិតខំប្រឹងប្រែងរបស់យើងដើម្បីសម្រេចបាននូវឧត្តមភាព\nក្រុមហ៊ុនហ្សាមៀល គឺជាក្រុមហ៊ុនដែលផ្ដល់អគារគ្រោងដែកថែប ល្អបំផុតនៅក្នុងប្រទេសវៀតណាម អាស៊ីអាគ្នេយ៍ បេងក្លាដេស និង តំបន់ប៉ាស៊ីហ្វីក\n\nBurmese: \nသင့္၏အေဆာက္အဦးေသခ်ာစြားတည္ေဆာက္ႏိုင္ရန္\nZamil Steel® ၏ ပေရာဂ်က္စိုက္ထူညိွ႕ႏိႈင္းေရးမႈးမ်ားကကူညီေပးပါမည္။\nအေဆာက္အအံုမ်ားေဆာက္လုပ္ရာတြင္ Zamil Steel® ၏ ႏိုင္ငံတကာအေရအေသြး ႏွင့္လုံျခံဳစိတ္ခ်မႈစံခ်ိန္မွီဖို႔ရန္ အာမခံပါသည္။\nဂိုေဒါင္မ်ား၊ စက္ရံုမ်ား၊ ျပခန္းႀကီးမ်ား၊ အားကစားရံုမ်ား၊\nစက္ရံုႀကီးမ်ား၊\nစီးပြားေရး ဆိုင္ရာ အေဆာက္အအံုႀကီးမ်ားကို Zamil Steel ကုမၸဏီမွ\nျမန္ေကာင္း၊ သက္သာစြာျဖင့္\n၀န္ေဆာင္မႈေပး၍ ေဆာက္လုပ္ေပးလ်က္ရွိပါသည္။\nအေရွ့ေတာင္အာရွတြင္ ႏွစ္ေပါင္း (20)ႏွစ္ေက်ာ္ၾကာအေတြ႔အႀကံဳရွိေသာ အားေပးသူ\nကၽြႏု္ပ္တို႔၏ Customer မ်ားအေနျဖင့္ စိတ္တိုင္းက်ေသာ အေဆာက္အအံုေပါင္း 6000 ေက်ာ္သည္\nကၽြႏု္ပ္တို႔၏ အေကာင္းဆံုးေသာ လက္ရာမ်ား၏ သက္ေသမ်ားပင္ ျဖစ္သည္။\nZamil Steel® ကုမၸဏီသည္ လူႀကီးမင္းတို႔၏ Steel အေဆာက္အအံုမ်ားအတြက္ ဗီယက္နမ္၊အေရွ့ေတာင္အာရွ။ဘဂၤလာေဒရွ္ႏွင့္ပစိဖိတ္ေဒသတြင္ အဓိကေထာက္ပံ့ေပးမည့္ ကုမၸဏီတစ္ခုျဖစ္ပါသည္။\n\nChinese: \n扎米尔钢铁公司的现场安装工程师会为您提供协助,\n以确保您的建筑物的安装施工是基于\n扎米尔钢铁公司的国际质量和安全标准。\n从仓库、工厂、展览馆和体育场馆,\n到大规模工业和商业复合式建筑群,\n扎米尔钢铁为您提供快速、高效、灵活、\n一站式、全钢结构建筑解决方案,\n超越客户的质量和功能方面的期望。\n20多年在东南亚的成功经验\n和6000多座建筑工程的交付使用,满意的客户群\n就是我们努力追求卓越的证明。\n扎米尔钢铁是您在越南、东南亚、孟加拉和太平洋地区的全面钢结构建筑解决方案供应商。\n\nKorean: \nZamil Steel®의 국제 품질 및 안전 기준에 따라\n건립될 수 있도록\nZamil Steel®의 프로젝트 수립 코디네이터는 항상 지원 서비스를 제공합니다.\nZamil Steel®은\n창고, 공장, 전시장 , 대규모 산업 ,상업 단지, 스포츠 단지 등\n고객의 기대를 뛰어넘는 속도, 효율성, 유연성을\n제공하는 토탈 스틸 빌딩 솔루션 회사입니다.\n \n동남 아시아 시장에서 20년 이상에 걸쳐 쌓은 경험과\n6,000여 건의 빌딩 건설을 통해 얻은 뛰어난 고객 만족도는\n탁월한 품질을 달성하기 위한 Zamil Steel®의 피땀어린 결실입니다.\nZamil Steel®은 베트남, 동남아시아, 방글라데시를 비롯한 아시아 태평양 지역에서 토탈 스틸 빌딩 솔루션을 제공하는 기업입니다.\n\nJapanese: \n鉄骨現場には、プロジェクト管理コーディネーター(作業指導員)を工事完了まで常駐させることで、\n当社製品が国際基準に従い、安全に施工されるよう、指導します。\n \n倉庫、工場、展示場及びスポーツ複合施設から\n大規模な工業・商業複合施設まで、\nZamil Steelは、品質面、機能面において、お客様のご期待以上に、\n速く、効率的に、且つ柔軟で、\n一括した鋼構造物へのトータルソリューションをご提供致します。\n東南アジアにおける20年以上にわたる経験、そして\n6,000棟を超えるプレハブ鉄骨(PEB)を供給し、お客様にご満足頂いていることは、\n当社の誇りであり、実力の証です。\nZamil Steelは、ベトナムを中心に、東南アジア、バングラデシュ、大洋州における建築・鋼構造物のソリューションプロバイダーとして、皆様の発展に貢献します。\n\nArabic: \nإن منسقي أعمال تركيب المبنى في المشروع التابعين لشركة الزامل للحديد موجودون\nدائماً لمساعدتك\nمن أجل ضمان أن المبنى الخاص بك سيتم تركيبه وفقاً\nلمعايير الجودة والسلامة العالمية المعتمدة لدى الزامل للحديد.\nبدءاً من المستودعات والمصانع وقاعات المعارض والمجمعات الرياضية\nوانتهاءً بالمجمعات الصناعية والتجارية واسعة النطاق،\nتوفر لك الزامل للحديد حلول المباني الحديدية السريعة والفعّالة والمرنة\nوالمتكاملة، التي تتجاوز\nتوقعات عملائنا من حيث الجودة والاعتمادية.\nمع أكثر من ٢٠ عاماً من الخبرة في منطقة جنوب شرق آسيا وتوريد\nأكثر من ٦ آلاف مبنى حديدي، فإن عملائنا الراضين عن منتجاتنا وخدماتنا\nهم أفضل برهان على جهودنا لتحقيق التميز.\nإن شركة الزامل للحديد هي المورد الأول لحلول المباني الحديدية الشاملة في فيتنام وجنوب شرق آسيا وبنغلاديش ومنطقة المحيط الهادئ.\n\nThai: \nวิศวกรสนามของ ซามิล สตีล พร้อมที่จะให้คำแนะนำในการติดตั้ง\nเพื่อให้แน่ใจว่าอาคารของคุณจะถูกสร้างขึ้นได้ตาม\nคุณภาพมาตรฐานสากล และมาตรฐานความปลอดภัยของ ซามิล สตีล\nจากโกดัง, โรงงาน, ห้องโถงนิทรรศการและศูนย์กีฬา\nสู่อุตสาหกรรมขนาดใหญ่และอาคารเชิงพาณิชย์\nซามิล สตีล พร้อมให้บริการท่านได้อย่างรวดเร็วรวด มีประสิทธิภาพและยืดหยุ่น\nครบวงจรอาคารโครงสร้างเหล็กที่เกินความคาดหมาย\nของลูกค้าของเราในแง่ของคุณภาพและการใช้งาน\nด้วยประสบการณ์กว่า 20 ปี ในเอเชียตะวันออกเฉียงใต้ และการส่งมอบ\nอาคารกว่า 6,000 อาคาร ที่ลูกค้าของเราพึงพอใจ\nเป็นข้อพิสูจน์ถึงความพยายาม เพื่อไปสู่ความเป็นเลิศของเรา\nซามิล สตีล เป็นโครงสร้างอาคารเหล็กครบวงจร พร้อมบริการท่านในเวียดนาม, เอเชียตะวันออกเฉียงใต้, บังกลาเทศ และภูมิภาคแปซิฟิก\n\nIndonesian: \nKoordinator proyek Zamil Steel® selalu ada untuk membantu Anda, tidak hanya dalam menerima bahan di lokasi untuk membantu dan mengawasi\nuntuk memastikan bahwa bangunan Anda didirikan sesuai\ndengan standar kualitas internasional Zamil Steel® dan juga standar keamanan.\nDari gudang, pabrik, ruang pameran dan kompleks olahraga\nhingga kompleks industri dan komersial berskala besar,\nZamil Steel menyediakan solusi total bangunan baja yang cepat, efisien, fleksibel,\nSolusi total untuk bangunan baja, yang akan melebihi harapan\nklien kami dalam hal kualitas dan fungsionalitas.\nPengalaman lebih dari 20 tahun di Asia Tenggara dan telah terkirim\ndi lebih dari 6.000 bangunan yang memuaskan para klien kami\nadalah bukti keunggulan usaha kami untuk kesempurnaa.\nZamil Steel® adalah penyedia solusi total bangunan baja Anda di Vietnam, Asia Tenggara, Bangladesh, dan Asia Pasific.\n\nEnglish: \nZamil Steel®’s Project Erection Coordinators are there to assist you\nto ensure that your building is erected in accordance\nwith Zamil Steel®’s international quality and safety standards.\nFrom warehouses, factories, exhibition halls and sports complexes\nto large scale industrial and commercial complexes,\nZamil Steel® provides you with fast, efficient, flexible,\none stop, total steel building solutions that exceed the expectations\nof our clients in terms of quality and functionality.\nWith more than 20 years of experience in South East Asia\nand delivery of more than 6,000 buildings, our satisfied clients\nare the best proof of our efforts to achieve excellence\nZamil Steel® is your total steel building solutions provider in Vietnam, South East Asia, Bangladesh and Pacific region.\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "\nEnglish: \nThis tabletop story comes from a Dresden Files RPG.\nIf you aren't familiar with the Dresden Files Series,\nIt's just like our tabletop group, following a wizard going around solving supernatural crimes for clients.\nBut an RPG needs other players.\nSo, we also had his journalist sidekick,\nA hunter who was loaded down with more weapons than those kids you knew in high school who wore the long trench coats,\nAnd a monk, who's afraid of technology.\nAnd for some goddamn reason, that escapes me\nThe group keeps having him drive the cars, even though literally anyone else would be better.\nHe is scared of cars, people!\nHe keeps driving us off the road and crashing into things.\nWhy do we keep having him do this?\nI joined up with the group late, the GM told me\nGM: Hey Ben, I need you to make a character.\nYou might consider making a detective in the San Diego Police Department\nBecause that'll be easier to work into the story.\nSomeone from the special investigations unit...\nIt's not a glamorous position, it's kind of like grunt work given to the worst officers...\"\nBen: All right, sounds good.\n\nRussian: \nЭта настольная история произошла в \"Dresden Files RPG\".\nЕсли вы не знакомы с серией игр \"Dresden Files\"\nЭто как если-бы наша группа игроков, следовала-бы за волшебником, расследовавшим, для клиентов, сверхъестественные преступления\nНо в НРИ (Настольной Ролевой Игре) нужны и другие игроки.\nТак что, у нас так-же был его напарница-журналистка,\nохотник, который обвешан пушками круче, чем те дети, в длинных тренчах, которых ты знал в школе,\nИ монаха, боявшегося технологий.\nИ по бог знает какой причине, которая ускользнула от меня,\nгруппа всё вынуждала его водить машины, хотя буквально любой из них справился бы лучше.\nОн боится машин, народ!\nОн вечно съезжал с дороги и врезаться во всё подряд.\nПочему мы заставляем его это делать?\nЯ поздно присоединился к группе, ГМ сказал мне -\nГМ: \"Эй, Бен, мне нужно, чтоб ты сделал персонажа.\nМожешь подумать над тем, что-бы сделать детектива из Департамента полиции Сан-Диего\nПотому что тогда будет проще работать над историей.\nКто-то из специальной группы по расследованиям...\nЭто не очень привлекательная должность, скорее грязная работа, которую дают худшим офицерам...\"\nБен: \"Ладно, звучит неплохо.\"\n\nRussian: \nГМ: \"О и ещё, Бен, я уверен, что ты знаешь как устроена игра, поэтому\nтебе не нужно моё разрешение на что-либо\nЧто-бы ты не сделал, я это приму без проверок.\"\n[Зловещая музыка]\nГМ: \"Что это была?\"\nБен: \"Ты о чем?\"\nГМ: \"Мне показалось, я услышал зловещую музыку, сопровождающуюся медленным приближением и сменой цвета.\"\nБен: \"[Непонятная тарабарщина] Не понимаю о чем ты, я ничего не слышал...\"\nЯ опоздал на игру.\nМы расследовали дело связанное с пропажей двух людей.\nЖурналистка вела поиски и расспрашивала людей в Гримуаре.\nЭто был магазин, продающий магические книги и являющийся центром для сверхъестественного.\nГМ прервал это, повернулся ко мне и объявил, что я прибыл на место\nи попросил меня представить моего персонажа.\nЖурналистка услышала громкий визг шин снаружи [громкий визг]\nВыглянув в окно, она увидела красный кабриолет, незаконно припаркованный на двух местах по-диагонали и одним колесом на тротуаре.\nВ магазин вошёл мускулистый парень в безрукавке и солнцезащитных очках.\n\nEnglish: \nGM: Oh, also Ben, I trust you know how the game works, so\nYou don't have to ask my permission for anything.\nWhatever you make, I'll sign off on without checking.\n[Ominous Music]\nGM: \"Wh- what was that that?\"\nBen: \"What was what?\"\nGM: I thought I heard ominous music playing, followed by a slow zoom in and color change.\nBen: [Mutters Gibberish] I- I don't know what you're talking about, I didn't hear anything...\nI arrived for the game's session late.\nWe were following a case involving two missing people.\nThe journalist was looking around and talking to people at the Grimoire,\nWhich was a shop that sold magical books and a hub for the supernatural.\nThat was interrupted when the GM turns to me, and says that I arrive in the scene,\nAnd asks me to introduce my character.\nSo the journalist hears a loud screech of tires outside [loud screech]\nLooking out the window, she sees a red convertible illegally parked, taking up two spaces diagonally, and with one tire up on the curb.\nEntering into the shop is a muscular guy with torn off sleeves and sunglasses.\n\nEnglish: \nI walk up to the store owner.\nStore Owner: Hmm, can I help you?\nI pull out my police badge.\nBen as Rage: Detective Rage, San Diego PD, I'm on an investigation.\nThe journalist pipes in, \"Wait, your character's last name is Rage, what's your first name?\"\nRage: Savage.\nSo, yes, my character's full name was \"Savage Rage.\"\nJournalist: Did- did you just make Kung Fury from-\nYes, I basically just made Kung Fury from Kung Fury.\nRage: Detective Savage Rage, San Diego PD, I'm on an investigation and I'm looking for two missing people\nAnd to bring the perpetrators to justice!\nClenches butt cheeks furiously.\nStore Owner: Why, yes I know those two, they came in here not long ago and asking about this book.\nI take the book and flip it open.\nRage: What game are you trying to play here; you think crime is a joke?\nStore Owner: Well I just-\nRage: I'm looking for two missing people, you expect me to find them hiding in a book?\n\nRussian: \nЯ подошёл к владельцу магазина.\nВладелец магазина: \"Хмм, могу я вам помочь?\"\nЯ достал свой полицейский значок.\nБен: \"Детектив Рейдж - полиция Сан Диего. я на задание.\"\nЖурналистка вмешивается: \"Погоди, фамилия твоего персонажа - Рейдж, а какое имя?\"\nРейдж: \"Саведж.\"\nТак что да, полное имя моего персонажа было - \"Саведж Рейдж\" (Яростный Гнев)\nЖурналистка: \"Ты- ты что-ли создал Кунг Фьюри из-\"\nБен: \"Да, по сути, я сделал Кунг Фьюри из Кунг Фьюри.\"\nРейдж: \"Детектив Саведж Рейдж - полиция Сан-Диего. Я веду расследование и ищу двух пропавших людей\"\nи тех - кто понесёт наказание за это!\nЯростно сжимаю ягодицы.\nВладелец магазина: \"Ну да, я знаю этих двоих, они заходили сюда недавно и спрашивали про эту книгу.\"\nЯ взял книгу и быстро открыл её.\nРейдж: \"Что за игру ты ведёшь? Думаешь, преступление - повод для шутки?\"\nВладелец магазина: \"Ну, я просто- \"\nРейдж: \"Я разыскиваю двух пропавших людей, ты считаешь, я найду их прячущимися в книге?\"\n\nEnglish: \nBen: And that was how I got introduced to the group.\nAs I was driving away I started my own monologue\nRage: San Diego, festering cesspit riddled with crime-\nGM: San Diego is America's finest city!\nRage: Riddled with crime! Not all officers are up for the task.\nIt's a toxic wasteland out there, run by the criminals, but one man is rising up to bring this town to justice!\nClenches cheeks furiously!\nAnd that man is Savage Rage!\nAs I'm doing the monologue, I'm running jaywalkers off the street and yelling at people who aren't using the crosswalk\nLater on they were having some trouble snooping around and said\n\"Oh Rage, you're a detective, right? Why don't you help us out, roll investigation.\"\nRage: Uh, I didn't put any ranks in investigation\nMonk: But you, You're- You're a detective\nRage: I'm not one of those detectives that investigates things. Investigating is for people who don't know what they're doing.\nAnd so, they find out that my best skills were \"fists, guns, driving.\"\nMonk: You are the worst detective!\nBen: My character had other weird quirks.\n\nRussian: \nИ вот как я был представлен группе.\nКогда я уезжал, я начинал свой собственный монолог.\nРейдж: \"Сан-Диего, гниющая выгребная яма, кишащий преступностью-\"\nГМ: \"Сан-Диего это лучший город Америки!\"\nРейдж: \"Кишащий преступностью! Не каждый офицер подойдёт для такой работы.\"\nЭто токсичные пустоши, которой заправляют преступники, но один человек восстанет, чтобы правосудие в этом городе восторжествовало!\nЯростно сжимаю щеки!\nИ этот человек - Саведж Рейдж!\nПока я произносил монолог, я врезался в невнимательных пешеходов и кричал на тех, кто не использовал пешеходный переход\nПозже, когда у них были проблемы с поиском улик, они сказали -\n\"О, Рейдж, ты же детектив, верно? Почему бы тебе не помочь нам в распутывании дела?\"\nРейдж: Ну, я не занимался расследованиями\nМонах: \"Но ты, ты же- Ты же детектив\"\nРейдж: \"Я не из тех детективов, которые расследуют всякое. Расследование нужно тем, кто не знает, что он делают.\"\nИ так они узнали о том, что моими лучшими навыками были - \"Кулаки, пушки, вождение.\"\nМонах: \"Ты худший детектив!\"\nБен: У моего персонажа были и другие странности.\n\nRussian: \nОн мог сделать что-то незаконное вроде - разбить стекло или незаконно проникнуть на территорию и просто сказать -\n\"Полиция Сан-Диего, я провожу расследование.\"\nТак-же у него была привычка представлять группу и говорить - \"Всё в порядке, они со мной. Детектив Рейдж, полиция Сан-Диего.\"\nДаже когда мы были на вечеринке в стране Фей\nРейдж: Правосудие не знает границ.\nЯ ненадолго ушёл с сессий и ГМ'у пришлось спросить меня\nГМ: \"Так что, Бен, пока ты ушёл, твой персонаж будет продолжать вести дело?\"\nРейдж: \"Не меня ли зовут \"Детектив Рейдж\"?\nИ так, моё полное имя было \"Детектив Детектив Саведж \"Саведж Рейдж\" Рейдж\"\nУ каждого персонажа есть нелепые причуды, но он-\nОн был просто нелепым.\nСпасибо за просмотр, ребят и увидимся в следующий раз.\n\nEnglish: \nHe would do illegal stuff like breaking a window or trespassing and just say \"San Diego PD, I'm on an investigation.\"\nHe also had this habit of introducing the group and telling people \"It's okay, they're with me. Detective Rage, San Diego PD.\"\nEven when we were at a party in the Fae realm\nRage: Justice knows no boundaries\nI was out of the session for a bit in the GM had to ask me\nGM: So, Ben, while you're gone is your character still going to be following the case?\nRage: Is my first and last name \"Detective Rage?\"\nSo, my full name was \"Detective Detective Savage \"Savage Rage\" Rage\"\nThe characters all had their ridiculous quirks, but he-\nHe was just ridiculous.\nThanks for watching, and I'll see you guys next time.\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "\nEnglish: \nYour body's immune system is under\nconstant pressure from\nthings like stress,\nlack of exercise, and\ntoxins in the environment.\nIt's crucial to be proactive and support\nyour immune system with the nutrients\nit needs to function effectively.\nBut it's often hard to get these\nnutrients from food alone.\nIntroducing fast acting zinc plus\nimmune support by Youngevity.\nUnlike zinc only supplements,\nzinc plus immune support builds on\nthe proven power of zinc and adds\ncomplimentary nutrients to give\nyour immune system extra support.\nVitamin D helps balance\nthe effects of zinc,\nwhile our proprietary blend of\nnatural fruit and root extracts\nprovides the extra help\nyour immune system\nneeds to work against\ndaily stressors and we've\nincluded Youngevity's exclusive\nPlant Derived Minerals,\nto give your body the minerals it\nneeds but can't get from food alone.\nBecause zinc plus immune support is\ndelivered in a great tasting, sugar-free,\n\nSpanish: \nEl sistema inmunitario \nde su cuerpo está bajo \nla presión constante \nde cosas como el estrés, \nla falta de ejercicio y las toxinas en el medio ambiente. \nEs crucial ser proactivo y apoyar \nsu sistema inmunológico con los nutrientes que necesita para funcionar de manera efectiva. \nPero a menudo es difícil obtener estos nutrientes solo de los alimentos. \nPresentamos Zinc + Immune Support de Youngevity.\nA diferencia de los \nsuplementos de zinc, \nel apoyo inmunológico de zinc más se basa en el poder comprobado del zinc y agrega \nnutrientes complementarios para brindarle a su sistema inmunológico un apoyo adicional.\nLa vitamina D ayuda a equilibrar los efectos del zinc, \nmientras que nuestra mezcla patentada de frutas naturales y extractos de raíces \nproporciona la ayuda adicional que su sistema inmunológico \nnecesita para combatir los factores estresantes diarios y hemos \nincluido los minerales derivados de plantas exclusivos de Youngevity \npara darle a su cuerpo los minerales que necesita, pero no puede obtener solo de la comida. \nDebido a que el soporte inmunológico adicional de zinc se\npresenta en una pastilla con sabor a bayas, sin azúcar cuerpo.\n\nSpanish: \ny de excelente sabor, fomenta\nuna absorción más rápida de todos estos nutrientes en su cuerpo.\nEl apoyo adicional de zinc \nEl apoyo extra adicional de zinc \nque su cuerpo necesita para promover un sistema inmunológico saludable. \nPara obtener más información, comuníquese con su Asociado de Youngevity.\n\nEnglish: \nberry flavored lozenge, it encourages\nquicker absorption of all these\nnutrients into your body.\nZinc plus immune support,\nZinc plus the extra support\nyour body needs to promote\na healthy immune system.\nTo learn more contact your\nYoungevity Associate.\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "Oioi and welcome to This is Genius Science\nin 90 Seconds, here comes the future, right\non time.\nAnd first up the Kepler space telescope has\nenjoyed another bumper haul - with the confirmation\nof a whopping 715 new exoplanets to add to\nthe 1,000 or so already confirmed. Excitingly,\nthe planets orbit just 305 stars, meaning\nall are in multi-planet systems. Not only\nthat, but the planets found are shrinking\n- 95% are smaller than neptune, which is around\n4 times the radius of Earth, whilst four are\nless than 2.5 times the size of Earth and\norbit in their stars' habitable zones.\nNext up and from deep space to a little closer\nto home, a research facility in Germany has\nanalysed the top five possible geoengineering\ntechniques which could be used to slow global\nwarming - and have decided they're all stupid\nand dangerous. The Helmholtz Centre for Ocean\nResearch found that solutions such as pumping\niron filings or lime into the oceans, mass\nirrigation of deserts and reflecting sunlight,\ncould all have devastating effects on the\nworld's weather patterns, but would probably\nnot do much good at cooling it down.\nAnd finally, A dutch University have joined\nHarvard scientists in reporting that they\n*may* have detected dark matter, the so-far\ninvisible substance that makes up some 27%\nof the universe. Independently, the groups\ndetected tiny X-ray spikes coming from various\ngalaxy clusters, which can't be explained\nby any existing model. It's likely to be a\nnew kind of particle, which they've called\nthe sterile neutrino because it has mass,\nbut doesn't interact with anything else.\nThat's it for this week, check out the playlist\nfor more on these stories.\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "- Welcome to You Brew Kombucha.\nThis is your guide to second fermentation,\nor flavoring and bottling\nto create carbonation.\n(relaxing electronic music)\nTo get started, I wanna explain\nwhat second fermentation actually is.\nIf you're familiar with beer\nmaking or champagne making,\nit's essentially like bottle conditioning.\nIt's when you add your\nkombucha tea into a bottle,\nadd some priming sugar, in\nour case it'll be fruit,\nand then seal it up to\ntrap that carbonation\ninto the bottle.\nDuring second fermentation,\nwhen you add additional sugar\nfrom the fruit flavorings,\nyou're giving the yeast\nmore food to eat up\nand convert into carbon dioxide,\nand since you're sealing\nit in an airtight bottle,\nthat carbon dioxide will\nget trapped into the liquid,\nand that's what makes it fizzy.\nIf you're watching this video,\nI'm assuming you're already familiar\nwith first fermentation,\nand you're ready to bottle.\nIf you're not, go ahead\nand watch those videos\nand then come back to me.\nBut if you're ready, let's get bottling.\nWhenever you're ready to bottle,\ngo ahead and take your scoby\nout of your brewing vessel.\nMake sure your hands are clean\nand transfer it into a clean container.\nIf you have a scoby hotel,\nyou can put it in that.\nOtherwise, any clean container will do.\nAnd don't forget to pull one to two cups\nof finished kombucha tea\nfrom your brewing vessel.\nThis will help make sure that\nyou have enough starter tea\nto get your next batch of kombucha going.\nYou can put that aside for now.\nBefore you start bottling,\nmake sure to give your\nbrewing vessel a good stir\nto kick up any yeast that might've settled\ndown at the bottom.\nI like to pour my kombucha\ntea into a pitcher\njust to make it easier for me\nto pour it into the bottles.\nYou can see there's already\na little bit of carbonation\nthat's built up there.\nWe're gonna make sure that\nthere's even more carbonation\nby putting it in some airtight bottles.\nI like to prep my fruit ahead of time.\nHere I just have some\npureed frozen berries\nand pureed frozen passion fruit juice.\nOn average, I like to put\nabout a fourth of a cup\nto a third of a cup of\nflavoring per bottle.\nI have some 16 ounce bottles\nand I have some 12 ounce bottles.\nYou can just eyeball it.\nIt doesn't need to be super exact.\nIf you have a 16 ounce bottle, add more.\nIf you have a 12 ounce bottle, use less.\nYou can ese I have a\nlot of different bottles\nthat I'm using here.\nTo find out more about\nwhat types of bottles\nwork best for second fermentation,\nbe sure to check out my video on that.\nYou can pretty much flavor\nwith anything you want.\nHere I have triple berry passion fruit.\nI love pretty much anything\nwith passion fruit in it.\nBut if you want more details\non what types of fruits, and herbs,\nand tips on flavoring,\nbe sure to check out\nmy video on flavoring.\nJust be sure that\nwhatever you flavor with,\nyou're adding a little bit\nof extra sugar in there\nto help kickstart the yeast\nso they can eat up the sugar\nand turn it into carbon dioxide.\nThat's really important.\nAnd if you're worried about sugar content,\nremember that the yeasts\nwill be eating up a lot of that sugar,\nso there isn't gonna be a\nton of residual sugar left\nin the final product that you're drinking.\nSo, go ahead and fill\nyour bottles to the top\nwith your kombucha tea.\nI find that, on average,\neach gallon batch of kombucha\ntypically fills about\nseven to nine bottles,\ndepending on how many 12 and\n16 ounce bottles you have.\nThere's a lot of debate\nabout whether or not\nhead space matters.\nYou know, some people recommend\nto have more head space or\nair space in the bottle,\nsome recommend to have less\nand tell you to fill it up to the top.\nI haven't really found that\nit makes that much of a difference to me,\nso I'll leave it up to\nyour personal preference.\nThat one will just have a little less.\nThat's okay.\nSo next, you're just gonna\nwanna seal up your bottles.\nAnd I like to just give\nthe tops of each bottle\na nice little wipe to make\nsure that it's fully dry.\nA lot of home brewers will recommend\nthat you use these flip top bottles,\nand they're a really great place to start\nif you're not sure what type\nof bottle you should use.\nThey do a really, really great job\nof making sure that your\nbottles stay airtight,\nand that helps build up the really nice\ncarbonation that you want.\nNext, just go ahead and seal 'em up.\nI also like to use a rubber gripper,\njust to make sure that\nthe seal is super tight\non any bottles that have a screw-on lid.\nI've actually had some\ncaps loosen up on me\nduring the second fermentation process,\nas the carbonation builds up,\nso really making sure\nthey're nice and tight\nwill help prevent that from happening.\nSo, once your bottles area all nice\nand sealed up tightly,\njust let them sit at room temperature.\nYou can just leave 'em on the counter,\nput 'em in a cupboard,\nit doesn't really matter.\nI find that my happy medium\nfor perfect carbonation\nis around three to four days.\nSome brewers will say that\nyou should burp your bottles.\nI personally don't do that.\nI don't think it's\nnecessary to open them up\nto release any carbonation.\nBut if you're really curious about that,\ncheck out my in-depth video on burping.\nI promise, it is not as\ndisgusting as it sounds.\nAfter around three days\nof second fermentation\nat room temperature, go ahead\nand move 'em to the fridge.\nThe cold helps slow down the\nyeast activity significantly,\nso it'll kind of put a halt\nto the fermentation process,\nwhich is good.\nOnce your bottles have fully cooled down,\ngo ahead and take one out of the fridge,\npop it open to see how it tastes.\nIf you like the carbonation levels,\nthen you're all done.\nIf you want it to keep carbonating\nor if you wanna build up more carbonation,\nthen go ahead and take them back out,\nlet 'em sit at room temperature,\nand leave 'em out for another day or so,\nthen pop it back into the fridge again,\nlet it cool down, and test it again.\nThe longer you let it\nsit at room temperature,\nthe more the yeasts will eat up the sugar\nand create more carbon dioxide,\nand that's what makes it fizzy.\nThat process comes to\nan almost complete stop\nonce you refrigerate,\nbecause the yeasts and bacteria\ngo into a state of dormancy.\nRemember that whatever you\nuse to flavor your kombucha\nis gonna greatly affect how\nmuch carbonation builds up\nand how fast that carbonation\nbuilds up in the bottle.\nSo, for instance, if you use\nfreshly juiced pineapple,\nand then you use store-bought\npasteurized apple juice\nto flavor your kombucha,\nthe pineapple will probably be\na bit sweeter than the apple juice,\nso the pineapple one will probably be\na bit more fizzy and effervescent\nthan the apple juice one.\nSo just be sure to test\neach of your flavors\nand each of your bottles along the way\nto figure out what works best for you.\nI always recommend chilling\nyour kombucha before opening it,\nbecause cold liquids tend to trap\nthe carbonation bubbles in the liquid\nbetter than ones that are\nwarmer or room temperature,\nand that just helps minimize\nthe likelihood of messes happening.\nSo, if you have a particularly\nactive bottle of kombucha,\neven if it does make a little\nbit of mess when you open it,\nit'll be much less\nsignificant than the mess\nthat you'd have on your hands\nif you'd opened it at room temperature.\nOnce you're done with the\nsecond fermentation process,\nyou might see a little baby scoby\nform at the top of your bottle.\nSome people like to strain it.\nI personally don't mind\nit, so I just gulp it down.\nIt's totally edible, totally fine.\nBut there's no real need\nto save it or use it,\nbecause you can't use any baby scobies\nthat have any flavoring\nto start a new batch of kombucha,\nso it's really just up to\nyour personal preference\nif you wanna strain it out.\nYou might even see some\nsettling down at the bottom,\n'cause remember, this\nis a live, real product,\nand if you're using fresh fruit juices,\nthere might be some settling.\nBut don't worry about that.\nThat's just a sign that\nyour process is going well.\nSo there you have it.\nOnce you're done with your\nsecond fermentation process,\nyou'll have perfectly fizzy, chilled,\ndelicious kombucha ready\nwhenever you want it\nat a fraction of the cost\nof the store-bought bottles.\nAt around 50 to 60 cents a bottle,\nit's a steal.\nHere I have a bottle\nof clementine kombucha\nthat I've had chilling for a while now.\nHappy brewing, cheers.\n(relaxing electronic music)\nYum!\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "[Telephone ringing]\nAs promised, Heavy will now lay egg...\nIn your mouth.\n[Phone is disconnected]\nAh crap.\n[Loud bang]\nTWEET, TWEEEET!\nHAHA HA!\nAw, crap!\nBOOM!\nERNGHH!\nAnd THIS!\nAH, CRAP!\nFight like big man.\nUhh, no.\nDo you wish for Heavy to KILL YOU?\nYeah, that's right! /s\nUhh..\nWish granted.\nWhat!?\nOkay, this does not look good here, uhm..\n[Creature bellows]\nAugh, JEEZ!\n[Creature exclaims]\nHey- It's okay!-\nI AM ANGRY!\n[Scout screaming and touching cloth]\n[Creature growling]\n[Scout nervously chuckles]\n[Empty click]\nYou can't hit what ain't there!\n[Creature exclaims in glee]\nWOOO! that's what i'm talking about!\n[Creature exclaims]\nAre you freakin' kiddin' ME!?\n[Creature laughs]\n[Electric buzz]\n[Machine whirring]\n[Retro Charging Sound]\n[Retro Firing Sound]\nIt's happening!\nOhh, God, it's happening!\n[Creature exclaims in dissaproval]\n[Electric buzz]\n[Immense fear-gathering sound]\n[Explosion]\n[Spooky Thundering]\nOhh.. my beautiful head!\n[Spooky Thundering]\nMy pony magic does NOTHING!\nHeavy will now lay egg..\nIn your MOUTH.\n[Scout cheers in approval, and is happy to share this moment with Heavy]\n[Echoing Pop]\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "[MUSIC PLAYING]\nADAM GREEN: I would\nlove to bring out--\nguys, put your hands\ntogether, give a big Google\nwelcome for Ed Robertson,\nKevin Hearn, Jim Creeggan,\nand Tyler Stewart from\nthe Barenaked Ladies.\n[APPLAUSE]\nED ROBERTSON: Oh, keep it\ngoing for Adam, everybody!\nThat's Adam!\nTYLER STEWART: You need to refer\nto us as your highnesses now\n'cause we're royalty, right?\nED ROBERTSON: I got to admit, I\nmet Adam only a short time ago.\nI didn't realize what\nyou were capable of.\nThat was incredible.\n[LAUGHTER]\nAdam, everybody.\nGoogle that guy.\nHe's going places.\n[APPLAUSE]\nThe guy's amazing.\nKEVIN HEARN: He'll\nbe back up later.\nED ROBERTSON: Yeah, can't wait.\n[MUSIC - BARENAKED LADIES,\n \"CANADA DRY\"]\n[APPLAUSE]\nED ROBERTSON: Thank you.\nThat's a song we\nwrote with Adam.\n[LAUGHTER]\nKEVIN HEARN: That's from my new\nrecord called, \"Fake Nudes.\"\nED ROBERTSON: Just how\nwired up is this room?\nIs it-- it's all right?\nI just want to try something.\nOK, Google.\nActivate emergency services.\n[LAUGHTER]\nNothing?\nKEVIN HEARN: Not that\nwired up apparently.\nED ROBERTSON: You guys got\nto implement that shit.\n[LAUGHTER]\nKEVIN HEARN: OK, Google.\nTune Ed's guitar.\n[LAUGHTER]\nED ROBERTSON: This is another\none from \"Fake Nudes.\"\nIt's called \"Bringing It Home.\"\n[MUSIC - BARENAKED LADIES,\n \"BRINGING IT HOME\"]\n[APPLAUSE]\nED ROBERTSON: Thank you.\nSpeaking of royalty,\nRoyal Wood's back there.\nHi, Royal.\nHow are you?\nRoyal won a contest\nto be here today.\n[LAUGHTER]\nThey said \"Royal, who\nare your biggest heroes?\nAnd who would you like to\nsee in an office building?\"\n[LAUGHTER]\nThey said, \"Royal, who's\nnominated for this year's\nHall of Fame awards and\nstill plays in an office\nbuilding on Richmond Street?\n[APPLAUSE]\nKEVIN HEARN: Let this be an\ninspiration to you, Royal.\nED ROBERTSON: It never stops.\n[LAUGHTER]\nThis is what you're\ncurrently striving for.\nSeems like just yesterday we\nopened the Buns Master Bakery\nin the Scarborough Town Center.\nHow far we've come.\nTYLER STEWART: I'm just\ngoing to correct that.\nIt was the Open Window Bakery.\nED ROBERTSON: Oh, you're right.\nTYLER STEWART: You know?\nBuns Master-- they\nhad to stop making\nbread because of their name.\nWhat-- with the\nmainstreaming of porn.\nI mean, there was\na lot of confusion.\nPeople googled Buns Master--\nED ROBERTSON: The domain\nname was already registered.\n(SINGING) It's all in name--\na domain name, I mean.\nWe're Barenaked\nLadies, and we're\nlive on the scene at 111\nRichmond, having a good time.\nThe people of Google\nare here, and they're\nall friends of mine.\nThis room is all wired up,\nso you can say, \"OK, Google.\"\nIt will tell you anything.\nEven if you lose\nyour noodle, you\ncan get the things you want\nlike the lights turned down.\nOr if you want some music,\n\"OK, Google, play some sounds.\"\nThat's all you have to\nsay to get this done.\nWe're Barenaked Ladies,\nand we are the only one\nwho will be playing in this\nbuilding today and, later on,\nbe inducted to the hall of fame.\nAnd then we'll be gone.\nKEVIN HEARN: (SINGING) Buns,\nBuns, Buns Master, Buns, Buns--\nED ROBERTSON:\n(SINGING) OK, Google.\nOK, Google.\nOK, Google.\n[APPLAUSE]\nOK, Google, upload that\nto the Google Play Store.\n[LAUGHTER]\nThis is a song that was on\nour very first release, which\ncame out in 1908.\nIt was originally a\nplayer piano reel.\nTYLER STEWART: Funny thing\nis Google's Headquarters\nwere here then, except\nthey were in a saloon.\nED ROBERTSON: That's right.\nAll right, here we go.\n[MUSIC - BARENAKED LADIES,\n \"ENID\"]\n[APPLAUSE]\nTYLER STEWART: Thank you.\nED ROBERTSON: Thank you.\nTYLER STEWART: Look, we\nwere so good with that woman\nhad a baby!\n[LAUGHTER]\nED ROBERTSON: Don't\nwake the baby.\nSecurity, have her removed.\nTYLER STEWART: But\nleave the baby with us.\nED ROBERTSON: I hate when people\nhate when babies are around.\nTYLER STEWART: You like it like\non airplanes or something--\nED ROBERTSON: It's like, \"Ah!\nWho would travel with a child?\nI was going to sleep.\nAnd then a human being came.\nI hate when they're small!\nI arrived at this earth\nat age 50 and grumpy.\nHow dare that woman\nfeed her tiny human!\nIsn't there a bathroom\nyou could do that--\"\nNo, that's where people piss!\nI'm not feeding my\nchild in the bathroom!\nYou didn't think it was going to\nget political, did you Google?\n[LAUGHTER]\nTYLER STEWART: Holy smokes.\nED ROBERTSON: Whatever you\nneed to do with your baby\nis OK with us.\nWe love that you're here.\nWe love that your baby is here.\nAnd we hope your\nbaby will grow up\nto never have any\nrecollection of this moment.\n[LAUGHTER]\nKEVIN HEARN: It's the\nadults we don't like.\n[LAUGHTER]\nED ROBERTSON: I'd much rather\nbe on a plane full of babies\nthan have one plane\nwith one guy who hates\nthat there's a baby on a plane.\n[LAUGHTER]\nTYLER STEWART: That's going\nto be on our rider now.\nYeah, 26 or a Jack\nDaniels and a baby.\n[LAUGHTER]\nED ROBERTSON: This song was\nwritten for babies, but--\nJIM CREEGGAN: It's\na great combination.\nED ROBERTSON: Yeah.\nKEVIN HEARN: It's called,\n\"Baby, It's Cold Outside.\"\n[LAUGHTER]\nJIM CREEGGAN: Oh\nno, wait a second.\nED ROBERTSON: You start it.\nTYLER STEWART:\nThat means I sing.\nED ROBERTSON: Yeah.\nTYLER STEWART: I'm\ncounting myself in.\nThat's really\nridiculous, isn't it?\n[LAUGHTER]\nED ROBERTSON: Well, Kev\nhas to know too though.\nTYLER STEWART: Oh, yeah.\nKev sings too.\nYeah, I've forgotten everything\nwith all this baby talk.\nI've reverted.\nJIM CREEGGAN: Should\nI start with you guys\nor just let it run?\nED ROBERTSON: You start\nwhenever you want, Jim.\nThat worked great.\nI think, to have you solo\njust out there with a--\nthat was cool.\nTYLER STEWART: One, two--\n[MUSIC - BARENAKED LADIES, \"ONE\n WEEK\"]\n[APPLAUSE]\nED ROBERTSON: Thank you!\nKEVIN HEARN: We'll\nbe back in a minute.\nADAM GREEN: How do\nyou guys find levity\nin that current\nsituation and decide\nwe're going to\ntake this situation\nand turn it into a fun album?\nED ROBERTSON: Well,\nI think that humor\nis a big part of the way we've\nalways dealt with everything.\nYou know, all of our records\nhave currents of seriousness\nthrough them.\nAnd I think this\nrecord is no exception.\nBut it was very strange for us\nto see the American president--\ncurrent president-- pick up on\nthe name of our record and then\ndo a little word play on it\nand start using the term--\nADAM GREEN: That was\nreally big for you guys.\nED ROBERTSON: Fake news.\nI mean, I thought that's\ngreat publicity for us,\nbut it's weird the\nway he's attacking--\nADAM GREEN: It was bittersweet.\nKEVIN HEARN: It's easy\nto sort of be paralyzed\nby the doom and gloom and\nconstant barrage of things\ngoing on.\nBut we decided we would like\nto be a counter to that.\nAnd we've been feeling\nthat at our shows,\nespecially in the USA.\nPeople are coming to our\nshows for a moment of just--\nTYLER STEWART: Respite.\nKEVIN HEARN: Yes.\nADAM GREEN: And so you\nmentioned that there's\na vein of seriousness in there.\nIs this like a \"well\nguys protest album,\"\nor is this collectively you\nfour like rolling your eyes\nand just being like, all\nright, we've got to have fun?\nTYLER STEWART: Well, the\nname, also, of the album,\nbesides the associated\npolitical stuff, is--\nit's actually true.\nADAM GREEN: You're fake nudes.\nTYLER STEWART: We're fake nudes.\nWe're Barenaked Ladies.\nADAM GREEN: Most of the time.\nTYLER STEWART: Yeah, well, I\nmean, how many times did we\nget asked when we were younger,\n\"You guys, there's no--\nthere's no ladies,\nand you're not naked.\nYou're four guys.\"\nADAM GREEN: This is the\nthe worst strip club ever.\nTYLER STEWART: Yeah, exactly.\nSo we're finally\ncalling our own bluff\nand saying, \"Yeah,\nwe tricked you.\"\nADAM GREEN: 30 years later--\nthat's a long set-up.\nJIM CREEGGAN: And I think--\nI don't know if--\nthe name just kind of\ncame up when we're 18.\nBut Sam the American Eagle\ndid mention \"bare naked\"\nin one of his speeches.\nSo really it kind of\ncomes full circle.\nTYLER STEWART: Sam the\nAmerican eagle, of course,\nis a popular muppet\ncharacter from 1981.\n[LAUGHTER]\nADAM GREEN: Half of our\nemployees are like 22.\nSo they have no idea\nwhat the muppets are.\nJIM CREEGGAN: All right.\nADAM GREEN: I do,\nbut they don't.\nKEVIN HEARN: Adam, Ed suggested\nthe name of the record\nearly on into the\nrecording process.\nAnd it was just\none of those times\nwhere it happened\neasily and made sense.\nAnd, yeah, so usually we wait\ntill after the record is done\nand then figure out\nwhat it's called.\nBut this time we do.\nADAM GREEN: I love\nthe humorous streak.\nAnd humor is, in general,\nsomething you guys are really\nwell known for.\nDo you think that,\nwithout that, you could\nhave lasted as long as you did?\nLike, if you're stage\npersona was more serious,\ncould you have gone for 30 years\nhanging out with each other?\nJIM CREEGGAN: I\ndon't think we could\nhave gone 30 years without\nmaking each other laugh.\nI think that's kind of the\nfirst thing that got us through.\nTYLER STEWART: I'm\ngoing on 29 years\nthough of not making these guys\nlaugh, so just so you know.\nADAM GREEN: But you keep\ntrying, and that's what matters.\nTYLER STEWART: Keep\nswinging for the fences.\nKEVIN HEARN: The other side\nof the coin, of course,\nis, if there weren't good\nsongs and well-crafted music,\nI think the laughter stuff would\nhave become quite tiresome.\nTYLER STEWART: I think\nthe critics across Canada\nand America would be quite\nhappy if we weren't humorous,\nyou know, because you get this,\nCanadian joke band, Barenaked\nLadies.\nWe'll let anyone sing the anthem\nabout the NBA All-Star Game.\nWe're known for our humor, but\nyou also remember the songs.\nWe take it very seriously.\nAnd darn it, we taste good.\nKEVIN HEARN: Tyler acts funny\nin public, but he's not funny.\nADAM GREEN: He's a\nmoody, serious person.\nED ROBERTSON: Well, and take\nthe anthem, for instance.\nWhen we wrote that, nobody\nthought that'd be a hit.\n[LAUGHTER]\nKEVIN HEARN: And They\nsing it at every game.\nED ROBERTSON: Yeah.\nSo now they sing it--\nADAM GREEN: Only\nthe gold medals.\nED ROBERTSON: --at\nevery sporting event.\nTYLER STEWART: And when we\nchanged the lyrics two weeks\nago, people were really happy.\nED ROBERTSON: They\nwere so angry.\nTYLER STEWART: Oh.\nED ROBERTSON: I hate when\nthings are inclusive.\nStop it!\nTYLER STEWART: And I'm going\nhome to talk to thy sons.\n[LAUGHTER]\nADAM GREEN: I will write\na strongly worded letter\nto someone about this--\nTYLER STEWART: Thy sons.\nED ROBERTSON: It's\namazing how angry people\nwere that we sang\nCanada's official anthem\nat the All-Star game.\nPeople were angry.\nIf you're watching right now and\nyou're angry, you're an idiot.\n[LAUGHTER]\nAn idiot.\nA stone, cold idiot.\nJIM CREEGGAN: The response\nbeing, \"No, you're an idiot.\"\nADAM GREEN: And probably\nthose words exactly.\nJIM CREEGGAN: Back and\nforth and back and forth.\nADAM GREEN: So controversy is\nsomething you guys are actually\nlike not at all strangers to.\nSome of your big break\ncomes back to controversy\nover your name in the original\nshow at Mel Lastman's square.\nED ROBERTSON: It was actually\nat Nathan Phillips' Square--\njust down the street from here.\nWe were booked to play the\nNew Year's Eve show, which\nwas a city-sponsored event.\nAnd the name Robertson\nwas considered offensive\nat the time.\nADAM GREEN: I'm offended.\nED ROBERTSON: And\nso, I guess there\nwas a lot of\nanti-Scottish sentiment\nat that time in the early '90s.\nADAM GREEN: It's a dark period\nin our nation's history.\nED ROBERTSON: You're not\nreally the son of Robert.\nADAM GREEN: Dad's name is Jim.\nED ROBERTSON: No, yeah.\nSo we were asked to drop out\nof the gig, which we did.\nAnd we just went\nand did another gig.\nAnd then we got really\nlucky about a week later.\nNothing else happened\nin the world,\nand so somebody\nreported this story.\nIt actually was a\nweek after New Year's.\nAnd Jim Slotek, I\nthink, from The Sun.\nJIM CREEGGAN: The Sun first.\nED ROBERTSON: And then from\nthat, other media outlets\npicked it up.\nAnd it ended up\non the front cover\nof The Star, the national paper.\nSo we, as a little\nband from Toronto,\nwent from selling\n400 cassettes a week\nto selling 14,000\ncassettes a week.\nYes, cassettes.\n[LAUGHTER]\nTYLER STEWART: A cassette\nis a small plastic device\nthat housed--\n[LAUGHTER]\n--cellulose tape.\nJIM CREEGGAN: And it rewinds\nwhen you put your pen\nin one of the holes.\nTYLER STEWART: Your pen.\nWhen you put your pen in it.\nADAM GREEN: Very\nimportant to note that.\nActually, that\nbrings up something\nthat I do want to talk\nto you guys about.\nYou've been around since\nthe days of cassettes.\nThen you saw music\nmedia change drastically\nfrom cassettes, where you\ngot your start, and then CDs.\nYou actually released\nan album on USB stick.\nHow cool is that?\nED ROBERTSON: Not\n[LAUGHTER]\nTYLER STEWART: Not anymore.\nADAM GREEN: Yeah,\nbecause it was last week.\nBut how does the\nmedium change the way\nyou guys think about\nan album, or does it?\nDo you write the\nsame whether it's\ngoing to be streamed\nor someone's\ngoing to like buy a physical\nmedium and hold it in\nand, you know, treasure it?\nED ROBERTSON: Yeah, we certainly\ndon't make music thinking\nabout how people are\ngoing to get it, you know?\nWe write songs because we're\ntrying to communicate ideas,\nwe're trying to\nexpress something.\nBut the landscape has\nso radically changed\nfrom a time when people used\nto line up to buy vinyl or a CD\nto a time when, a month before\nwe've released the record,\nmost people already\nhave it, because it\nwas leaked at some point.\nAnd digitally it's gone\nall over the place.\nI love the one side of\nthat in that, as a music\nfan and a consumer with\na voracious appetite\nfor new music, I'm always\nchecking stuff out,\nstreaming it, going to\nthe website of a band,\ndownloading stuff.\nI love the convenience of it.\nI love being able to have my\nmusic library in my pocket\nwherever I go.\nThat's awesome.\nBut it's made it\ntough as artists,\nbecause that thing we do no\nlonger has a perceived value,\neven though we all have these\nfantastic devices ostensibly\nfor media.\nI mean, I know we use them\nfor a lot of communication,\nbut a lot of--\nADAM GREEN: Mostly looking\nat cat pictures, I think.\nED ROBERTSON: But a\nlot of what people do\nis watch movies and\nlisten to music.\nAnd there is way more\npeople listening to music\nnow than ever in history.\nBut it's a lot harder to\nmake a living as a musician.\nWe're lucky.\nI say this on behalf\nof younger acts.\nWe were at our height\nwhen the record industry\nwas at its height.\nSo we sold a ton of records.\nAnd we built a huge base.\nSo now every year, we\ncan go out and tour.\nAnd we play for 100,000\npeople every summer\nin a matter of a\ncouple of weeks.\nSo we're fine.\nBut it would be really tough to\ntry and start out as an artist\nright now.\nYou would have to find all\nkinds of alternate ways\nto make it work.\nSo I envy the tools that\nemerging artists have\nat their fingertips, whether\nthat be a very amazing home\nstudio that's included\nin your laptop.\nTYLER STEWART: That guys got\na great studio right there.\nED ROBERTSON: Yeah, right there.\nEverything you need to\nmake a high-quality record\nis sitting on your lap.\nKEVIN HEARN: He's making\nit right now with his mind.\nED ROBERTSON: But, you\nknow, the flip side of that\nis there's so much\nnoise that it's really\ntough to cut through all that.\nADAM GREEN: Now you mentioned\nthat you came to your peak\nwhen the industry\nwas at its peak.\nBut it wasn't always\nfriendly to you guys, right?\nLike, you got rejected\nby every label.\nI don't want to like\ndrag up old wounds.\nBut you got a lot of nos, and\nyou hustled your own start\nselling your own tapes off\nthe stage and to your friends.\nKEVIN HEARN: We were\nmentioning humor before.\nAnd the humor actually\nmade it challenging\nfor us to get support\nfrom radio stations,\nespecially in the USA,\nbecause it was easy for them\nto write us off as\na novelty group.\nSo we had to keep\ngoing down there.\nI guess we were down there\nsix, seven months a year\nbuilding the audience.\nEvery time we went back,\nwe'd go from a club, then\na bigger club, than the\nnext time the theater.\nEventually, the radio\nstations came onboard.\nED ROBERTSON: We were\nselling out arenas in America\nbefore Stunt came out.\nThe band had done\nso much like work.\nIt's like we built a following\none person at a time,\nbecause we really didn't\nhave any kind of major media\nsupport or even label support\nuntil after Rock Spectac.\nThen I think, at that\npoint, we had actually\nplayed for everyone in the\nrecord company at some point.\nAnd they'd all gotten onboard.\nAnd we became like the\ndarling of the label.\nEverybody liked us, but we\nhadn't really gotten anywhere.\nSo the company really\nrallied behind us.\nAnd then Stunt came out and\ndebuted at number two or three\nin America, and\neverything changed.\nKEVIN HEARN: And now we're\nrereleasing Stunt on vinyl--\nTYLER STEWART: Hoping\nfor the same thing.\nKEVIN HEARN: It's never--\n[LAUGHTER]\nIt's never been on vinyl\nbefore, because vinyl went away\nfor a while.\nADAM GREEN: So why\ndo you think it\nis that the industry thought\nfor so long you can't\nbe funny and be a musician?\nED ROBERTSON: Well,\nI think the Beatles--\nADAM GREEN: That's why?\nED ROBERTSON: --got them really\nsick of having humor in music.\nADAM GREEN: These guys hold\na grudge for a long time.\nTYLER STEWART: Well, they hated\nthe Beastie Boys and Beck.\nI mean, they just\ndidn't like them.\nED ROBERTSON: I don't know why.\nI think people were looking\nfor a reason to dismiss us.\nAnd humor was the\nreason they chose.\nADAM GREEN: Got you.\nTYLER STEWART: It was either\nthe humor or the shorts\nwe wore for 10 years.\n[LAUGHTER]\nADAM GREEN: It's a\npants-mandatory mandatory\nindustry.\nTYLER STEWART: Yeah,\nyeah, mandatory pants--\nthings start to look up.\nADAM GREEN: I understand.\nED ROBERTSON: And to be\nfair, we were idiots.\nWe never once went into a radio\nstation or a television show\nor anything we did.\nWe were always idiots, because\nwe were having a great time,\nand we were just being silly.\nAnd I don't think we\ndid ourselves any favors\nof trying to go, \"Oh, no,\nbut check out the record.\nThere's a lot of really serious\nmaterial on the record.\"\nI don't blame people for\nhaving written us off,\nbecause we sort of\nmade them write us off.\nADAM GREEN: You were just like,\nhere's another microphone,\nlet's have fun?\nED ROBERTSON: Yeah.\nTYLER STEWART: Be yourself\nat all costs kind of.\nWe were those kind of guys.\nAnd we weren't interested in\nputting a facade on or being\nthe coolest guys\nin the room or--\nKEVIN HEARN: Even\nthough we were.\nTYLER STEWART: Yeah.\nBarely.\nStill are.\nADAM GREEN: Did that inform\nhow you guys would, let's say,\ngive advice to a young artist\nabout building their career\nin this--\nit's a very different\nindustry, but you guys\nstruggled to build your\nsuccess and had this be\nyourself at all costs attitude.\nJIM CREEGGAN: Well,\nI think playing live\nwas the biggest thing that\nwe still carry through.\nAnd I think that's one thing\nthat a young artist should\nalways do is to just keep--\nreally be good to each\nother if you're a band\nand carry through\nand rub each other.\nADAM GREEN: Here's where\nthe name came from.\nJIM CREEGGAN: Yeah, and I\nthink, even more now than ever,\nplaying live and being\npresent to your friends\nis more important.\nAnd it's the thing that\nlasts through as things\nchange technologically and--\nTYLER STEWART: Something\nyou can control.\nThe only thing we ever\nreally control in our career\nis what kind of\na show we put on.\nI mean, you were in here in\nthis room when we played music.\nAnd it sounded pretty\ngood, and you liked it.\nThat's what happens\neverywhere we play.\nSo if you have that\nup your sleeve,\nit's a lot easier than\ntrying to sell an image\nor an idea or even a record.\nKEVIN HEARN: You did like it?\n[APPLAUSE]\nJIM CREEGGAN: OK, just checking.\nI don't want to take\nTyler's word for it.\nED ROBERTSON: Here's\nanother secret about music\nis, yes, it's difficult\nto become a big success\nin the music industry.\nBut it doesn't matter, because\nit's really fun to make music.\nAnd I would be\nmaking music still\nwhether I was in this\nsuccessful rock band\nor not, because we all\nmake music because it's\nwhat we love to do.\nIt's our passion.\nAnd you can follow that passion.\nIf you want to pursue\nmusic, you can do that.\nAt some point, maybe you\nhave to reassess and--\nADAM GREEN: Maybe you\nhave to get a real job,\nbut you can do it on the side.\nED ROBERTSON: Maybe.\nBut when I talk to kids who\nare trying to make a go of it\nas a band, I never\nsay, well, it's tough,\nso have something\nto fall back on.\nI would never say that.\nI would say, it's\ntough, go for it.\nADAM GREEN: Yeah, make a plan A.\nED ROBERTSON: Go for\nit with everything,\nbecause it's the most rewarding\nthing you could ever do.\nBut set yourself a horizon\nand reassess at some point.\nTYLER STEWART:\nYou're a little more.\nYou're a little more\ntongue in cheek than that.\nUsually you say,\n\"Yeah, don't have\nsomething to fall back on.\"\nED ROBERTSON: I do,\nand I say, \"Drop\nout of school immediately,\nbecause I did,\nand I'm a millionaire.\"\n[LAUGHTER]\nADAM GREEN: Life advice\nfrom Ed Robertson.\nED ROBERTSON:\nEspecially if you're\nmediocre on your\ninstrument like I am.\n[LAUGHTER]\nTYLER STEWART: This is like,\nnever see a hot dog is made.\nThis is behind the scenes.\nThis behind the music.\nDon't give it all away, man.\nED ROBERTSON: I've seen\nhow hot dogs are made.\nI've been in the factory.\nStill love hot dogs.\n[LAUGHTER]\nADAM GREEN: So this whole\nidea of do what you love,\nyou'll never work another day.\nIf you had to\nthough, do you guys\nthink you could\nwork like a desk job\nand come and be\nlike office schmuck?\nTYLER STEWART: Fuck no.\n[LAUGHTER]\nADAM GREEN: You're totally\nunemployable at this point.\nTYLER STEWART: Absolutely.\nJIM CREEGGAN: I spent a\nlot of time volunteering\nat my local school.\nAnd I found I had to learn\na new job every time.\nLike, I had to learn how to\nmake 800 pancakes one morning,\n400 sausages.\nED ROBERTSON: That's the\nsame job technically, Jim.\n[LAUGHTER]\nThat's flipping.\nJIM CREEGGAN:\nGardening, gardening--\nI had to learn how to garden.\nI don't know.\nI feel like I will\ndo what I need to do.\nI think that as a musician--\nADAM GREEN: So\nJim is employable.\nJIM CREEGGAN: What's that?\nADAM GREEN: Jim is employable.\nTYLER STEWART: He's the\nonly employable guy.\nJIM CREEGGAN: I'm just\nputting myself out there.\nED ROBERTSON: Jim\nwould've been fine.\nADAM GREEN: The rest of you--\nhe stuck around for your sake.\nJIM CREEGGAN: You guys\nwant pancakes, gardening--\nKEVIN HEARN: Jim,\nwhy do you feel\nyou're the right\nperson for those jobs?\n[LAUGHTER]\nJIM CREEGGAN: I think--\nED ROBERTSON: What are your\nstrengths and weaknesses?\nJIM CREEGGAN: I just\nthink, when you play music,\none thing that\nhappens is that you\nget to work with other people.\nAnd you have to\naccomplish something.\nAnd you have to\nanswer to an audience.\nAnd I think that's just good\ntraining for anything really.\nTYLER STEWART: It's\nlike accountancy.\nADAM GREEN: Like in\nthis moment where\nI think we should\nanswer to the audience.\nTYLER STEWART: Oh.\nHi.\nAUDIENCE: Hi.\nFirst of all, my father-in-law\nfrom Musselburgh, Scotland\nsays hello.\nTYLER STEWART: From what town?\nAUDIENCE: Musselburgh,\njust out--\nTYLER STEWART: Musselburgh!\nEveryone's got muscles!\nRight?\nYou've got strong people\nover there in Musselburgh.\nI'm from a fat town.\nIt's just to the\nsouth of that place.\n[LAUGHTER]\nAUDIENCE: You reacted exactly\nhow I hoped you would.\n[LAUGHTER]\nED ROBERTSON: He's going to\nwonder why you're speaking\nto him with a Pakistani accent.\n[LAUGHTER]\nDidn't she tell them\nI was from Scotland?\n[LAUGHTER]\nTYLER STEWART: They can'nae\nspeak in [INAUDIBLE]..\nADAM GREEN: The Scottish\nleg of your next tour\nhas being canceled.\nTYLER STEWART: And\nyou were saying?\nAUDIENCE: Yeah,\nso, hello to Ian.\nThe other question--\nso we put out\na Dory, which is where\npeople can submit questions.\nAnd we had a couple of questions\nabout music recommendations.\nSo we have a lot of\nexpats in this office.\nRaise your hand if\nyou're not from Canada\nor didn't grow up\nwith Barenaked Ladies.\nSo lots of folks who are\nnew to Canadian music.\nSo including Barenaked\nLadies, if you\ncould give a new Canadian\na must-know list of music,\nwhat would that be?\nED ROBERTSON: Are we talking\ncurrent or of all time?\nAUDIENCE: Everything.\nTYLER STEWART: I'll go\nBruce Cockburn first.\nIt's not Bruce Cockburn.\nAnd that's the first\nthing you've got to know.\nMy wife-- she's from\nthe US-- she came up,\nand she says, \"How\ncome everybody\ncalls them Bruce Cockburn?\nIt's spelled Bruce Cockburn.\"\nED ROBERTSON: It's\na silent \"ck.\"\nJIM CREEGGAN: Anyways,\nthat's a little inside story\nfor new Canadians.\nIt's Cockburn.\nHe's one of our\nfavorite musicians.\nED ROBERTSON: Joni\nMitchell, I'd say.\nKEVIN HEARN: I'd recommend\nan album called \"Coke Machine\nGlow\" by Gord Downie.\nTYLER STEWART: Yes, for sure.\nI would say the second Sloan\nalbum, \"Twice Removed,\"\nis a good record.\nI would say Rush.\nBut if you're not\nfrom Canada, you\nknow who Rush is really, right?\nSo we should be\ngoing a little more--\nKEVIN HEARN: Our Johnny Cash,\nwho would be Stompin' Tom\nConnors--\nTYLER STEWART: Yeah, definitely.\nKEVIN HEARN: --that would\nbe a good Canadian choice.\nED ROBERTSON: Or\nGordon Lightfoot, man.\nKEVIN HEARN: Gordon Lightfoot.\nED ROBERTSON: Listen to\nsome Gordon Lightfoot--\n\"Gord's Gold.\"\nTYLER STEWART: Yeah.\nKEVIN HEARN: Bob Dylan has often\nsaid that Gordon Lightfoot is\nhis favorite songwriter.\nTYLER STEWART: Sarah Harmer--\ncheck her out.\nShe's amazing.\nED ROBERTSON: \"Little\nFire,\" that record--\nis what it's called?\nTYLER STEWART: \"Oh Little Fire.\"\nED ROBERTSON: \"Old Little Fire.\"\nTYLER STEWART: Sarah McLachlan.\nThere you go.\nShe's great too.\nJIM CREEGGAN: She's great too.\nTYLER STEWART: All the Sarahs.\n[LAUGHTER]\nSarah, Stills, and Nash--\nthey're like this super trio.\nED ROBERTSON: For\nmodern Canadian music,\nlisten to Bahamas,\nlisten to Alan Doyle,\nlisten to Donovan Woods.\nTYLER STEWART: City and Colour.\nED ROBERTSON: City\nand Colour, for sure.\nKEVIN HEARN: Skydiggers'\nnew record is nice.\nJIM CREEGGAN: Yeah, Feist.\nLeslie Feist.\nKEVIN HEARN: Metric.\nTYLER STEWART: Metric.\nYeah, check the\nBroken Social Scene.\nAnd finally, the Beatles.\n[LAUGHTER]\nED ROBERTSON: They're\nfrom Omemee, Ontario.\n[LAUGHTER]\nOr Liverpool, Nova Scotia.\nKEVIN HEARN: Thanks\nfor the question.\nED ROBERTSON: That's\nall we have time for.\nAdam, thank you.\n[LAUGHTER]\nADAM GREEN: Open\nthe Pandora's box\nof musicians'\nfavorite musicians.\nWe could be here for eons.\nTYLER STEWART: I'd\nrather open a--\nwhat's that small thing\ncalled you talk to?\nJIM CREEGGAN: A cookie?\n[LAUGHTER]\nTYLER STEWART: I'd rather\nopen a Google Home Box.\nI'm just trying to be\nbrand friendly and shit.\n[LAUGHTER]\nJesus.\nCorporatism is my first\nfoot through the door.\nADAM GREEN: Excellent\ncorporate sponsors.\nSo you guys have done--\nis it-- like 1,500 shows\nover the years?\nED ROBERTSON: We've done\n1,500 shows this year.\n[LAUGHTER]\nADAM GREEN: 1,501 now.\nI would assume, at this\npoint, you guys all\nhave like a PhD in hotel stays.\nSo I want to know each of\nyour Barenaked Ladies hotel\nstay top tip for all\nthe business travelers.\nED ROBERTSON: OK, here, this\nis honestly my top hotel tip.\nIt doesn't matter what\ncity you're going to\nor the reason\nyou're going there.\nGet out of the hotel.\nEating at a hotel restaurant,\nno matter how spectacular,\nis a failure.\n[LAUGHTER]\nWhen you get into a town,\ngoogle best restaurant--\nthis is what I do in every town\nregardless of how many times\nI've been there.\nI google \"top five farm\nto table Minneapolis.\"\nAnd then I look at the reviews,\nbecause the reviews are always\nmanipulated.\nSo I look for those.\nAnd I figure it out, and I text\nall these guys and say, \"Hey,\nI've got a reservation\nfour tonight at this place.\nThis is what it's called.\nLet me know if you\nwant to join me.\"\nAnd then I also google\n\"best coffee roastery.\"\nAnd so you have to\ndo that in every--\nit doesn't matter\nhow tired you are.\nIt doesn't matter how well\nyou think you know the city.\nIt is a failure to stay\nin your hotel room.\nEven if you have a\nton of work to do,\ngoogle what is cool around you.\nGet out and see it and\ndo it and then come back\nto your hotel room.\nEating in the\nhotel is a failure.\nJIM CREEGGAN: That's what I do.\nSpeaking of Google Maps,\nit changed the way I tour.\nSo what I'll do is\nI'll look, and I'll\nfind this the\nclosest bike lane--\nyou know, on Google Maps,\nyou can find the bike lane--\nand then I just go there.\nAnd I get to walk\nthrough the city.\nAnd it changed the way I tour,\nbecause usually I get stuck,\nand I don't know where I'd be.\nTYLER STEWART: Cyclists\neverywhere hate Jim Creeggan.\nADAM GREEN: Dragging his\ndouble bass down the bike lane.\n[LAUGHTER]\nTYLER STEWART: After you do\nwhat Ed said and get out,\nhere's something you don't do.\nDon't come back to\nyour hotel room,\nstrip naked, roll around,\nand lick the bed spread.\nDon't do that.\nED ROBERTSON: Huge\nmistake we made early on.\n[LAUGHTER]\nWe were always sick.\nTYLER STEWART: Yeah,\nwe were sick a lot.\n[LAUGHTER]\nADAM GREEN: Kevin?\nKEVIN HEARN: I'm good.\n[LAUGHTER]\nED ROBERTSON: So\nmuch comedy gold,\nhe doesn't want to\nwade into these waters.\nIt's shark infested.\nKEVIN HEARN: I was going\nto say, Ed texts us,\nand then that's when\nwe go and rob his room.\n[LAUGHTER]\nADAM GREEN: And do terrible\nthings to his bedspread\nand then go to dinner.\nIt's amazing.\nSo you guys are being inducted\ninto the Canadian Music\nHall of Fame this year.\nHuge milestone.\n[APPLAUSE]\nAre there any mixed\nemotions about that,\nlike thinking that's\nthe kind of thing\nthat old guys get and like--\nED ROBERTSON: What\nare you trying to say?\n[LAUGHTER]\nADAM GREEN: You're old, Ed.\nYou're old.\nNo, are there any\nmixed emotions about\nlike attaining those goals?\nWhen you start out as like a\nbunch of teenagers with a tape\nthat you put\ntogether yourselves,\nand then you're always\nstriving for something,\nand then you get it.\nAt this point, is\nthere any worry\nlike, oh, man, this is a\nbig thing that usually comes\nat the end of people's career?\nAnd I know you guys are always\na very forward-thinking band.\nED ROBERTSON: Well, there wasn't\na lot of worry about that.\nADAM GREEN: Good luck with\nthat acceptance speech.\nED ROBERTSON: But now--\nTYLER STEWART: Oh, yeah,\nnow that you mention it--\nED ROBERTSON: Now I'm really\nfucked bummed out, Adam.\n[LAUGHTER]\nTYLER STEWART: Thanks for\nbringing us down, man.\nED ROBERTSON: I felt\nhonored and excited.\nAnd now I just feel like old.\n[LAUGHTER]\nKEVIN HEARN: Minus nine\non the vibe meter, Adam.\n[LAUGHTER]\nED ROBERTSON: No, you know what?\nIt's so exciting.\nAnd for us, it's\ncoming at a moment\nwhere the band is\nreally feeling great.\nWe just did the most\nextensive Canadian tour\nwe've done in almost 20 years.\nWe loved it.\nWe had a great time together.\nAnd we were all feeling good\nabout, not just the new record,\nbut we were putting old\nstuff into the set list\nthat we hadn't played\nin a long, long time.\nAnd we had a ton of fun with it.\nWe released two\nrecords last year.\nWe did a record with\nthe acapella group,\nThe Persuasions, called\n\"Ladies and Gentlemen.\"\nWe loved that.\nThen we put out \"Fake Nudes.\"\nAnd we just kind of felt like\neverything was going great,\nand the band was in\na really good place.\nAnd then we got\nthis news that we're\ngoing to be inducted\ninto the Hall of Fame.\nSo I don't know.\nIt just came at a\nperfect time for the band\nwhere we weren't resting on\nthe laurels of our career.\nWe have been pushing forward.\nAnd after the\nJunos this year, we\nhad already planned a UK tour.\nAnd we have an extensive\nAmerican tour in June and July.\nKEVIN HEARN: And now\nwe don't need to do it.\nED ROBERTSON: Cancel\nthose, Alison.\nThank you.\nWe're Hall of Famers now.\nWe don't need to tour.\n[LAUGHTER]\nADAM GREEN: So is\nit now freeing?\nAre there other goals\nthat you want to take off?\nOr now is it just like,\nlet's just go and have fun,\nand our spot in the Hall\nof Fame is literally there,\nwe don't really need to worry,\nwe can whatever the heck\nwe want?\nED ROBERTSON: Well, we still\nwant to make good music.\nI mean, our goal always has\nbeen to make good records\nand do good shows.\nAnd we've never wavered from--\nthat's kind of our compass.\nWe're trying to do the\nbest shows we can do.\nWe're trying to\nwrite good songs.\nWe're trying to\nmake good records.\nAnd we've been super lucky.\nWe've had some\nreally big singles.\nWe've won a bunch of awards\nand now the Hall of Fame.\nBut all of that has come from\npursuing this compass needle\nof just trying to be\ngood at what we do\nand take our craft seriously.\nAnd as I always say, as\nmuch as we joke around,\nwe really take\nperformance seriously.\nAnd we work hard on\nthe music so that we\ncan goof around on the stage.\nADAM GREEN: Excellent.\nAre there any other\nquestions from the audience?\nED ROBERTSON: What\nabout the baby?\n[LAUGHTER]\nI'll just take--\nI want to take one\nquestion from the baby.\nEverybody be quiet.\n[LAUGHTER]\nJust one question.\nNo, shh.\nHi, Mom.\nJust one question.\n(IN CHILD'S VOICE) Where'd\ndid you get those shoes, man?\n[LAUGHTER]\nWell, baby, I'm glad you asked.\n[LAUGHTER]\nCan I call you baby?\nYou are a baby.\nYou're such a baby.\nJust keep sleeping, you baby.\nKEVIN HEARN: You didn't\nanswer the question.\nED ROBERTSON: My son got\nme these shoes actually.\nMy son, Arden, is a\ntotal sneaker head.\nTYLER STEWART: It's thy son.\nED ROBERTSON: All\nthy sons got thee--\nKEVIN HEARN: All of us\nbought you those shoes.\nED ROBERTSON: Thy sneakers.\nADAM GREEN: Foot Locker,\nI think, is the answer.\nED ROBERTSON: Baby Foot Locker.\n[LAUGHTER]\nADAM GREEN: All right, guys.\nI think we're pretty\nmuch out of time.\nTYLER STEWART: Any questions\nfor the room at all?\nAnyone interested?\nAny questions we\nhaven't answered?\nED ROBERTSON: We'll\nanswer anything.\nYes, sir.\nAUDIENCE: [INAUDIBLE]\nED ROBERTSON: Next question.\n[LAUGHTER]\nADAM GREEN: Favorite\ngroup or person\nyou've shared the stage with\nfor people on the live stream.\nED ROBERTSON: That's probably\na pretty easy answer.\nJIM CREEGGAN: Yeah.\nNeil Young.\nED ROBERTSON: Neil Young.\nTYLER STEWART: Neil Young.\nYeah, twice we've\ngot to do that.\nIt's been amazing.\nYeah, totally.\nHere's a great story about\nplaying with Neil Young.\nWe did a benefit for The Blue\nDot Foundation, David Suzuki's\nenvironmental organization.\nAnd Neil was on the\nshow, and we all\nknew we were going to\ndo the finale with him.\nBut we thought we\nwere just singing.\nBut then in the rehearsal,\nin the soundcheck,\nhe turned to Jim and said,\n\"Where's your big bass?\"\nJIM CREEGGAN: I said,\n\"Right over here.\"\nED ROBERTSON: Jim\nlearned the song.\nHe was ready.\nJIM CREEGGAN: I was ready.\nIf that moment happened,\nI was going to be ready.\nAnd he said it.\nHe called me out.\nAnd there it was.\nTYLER STEWART: And he said to\nme, \"Get on those tubs, man.\"\nAnd remember how fast\nRoadrunner could go?\nThat's how fast I\ngot on the drums.\nAnd then we were playing the\nsong, the vibe was happening.\nIt wasn't feeling really\ngood, and then he stopped us.\nAnd he said, \"That's great.\nDon't give it away.\nWe'll see you tonight.\"\nAnd soundcheck was over.\nSo he wanted that energy.\nED ROBERTSON: We didn't even\nplay through the song one time.\nTYLER STEWART: Not once.\nSo that's sort of legendary\nNeil Young behavior.\nAnd we got to experience it.\nJIM CREEGGAN: Rock school.\nED ROBERTSON: And we did Neil's\nBridge School Benefit Concert\nout in San Francisco one time.\nAnd it's one of the\nhighlights of my life\nis to be playing this show.\nThe kids from the\nschool are on the stage.\nThe audience at\nShoreline Amphitheater\nis like 18,000 people.\nBut you're performing\nfor the kids.\nAnd there's two\nshows in the day.\nThe lineups are crazy, because\nNeil Young organizes the bill.\nAnd he calls, and\nit's like, well, I\nguess this year it's going to\nbe Bruce Springsteen, Sarah\nMcLachlan, REM,\nBarenaked Ladies.\nThat's a bill for a show.\nAnd everybody\nplays acoustically.\nAnd Neil says, \"If there's\nany instruments plugged in,\nI'll come out there, and\nI'll unplug them myself.\nNo amplifiers.\nThis is an acoustic show.\"\nBut for me, the glorious\npart of that whole thing\nwas Neil standing on\nthe side of the stage\nwatching our show\nand just beaming.\nI learned to play the\nguitar to play old man.\nAnd all these songs off Harvest,\nso my older brothers would\nthink I was cool.\nAnd there I was, playing for\na crowd, playing for kids,\nbut playing for Neil standing\non the side of the stage.\nWe got to go to a\nbarbecue at his house.\nNeil's house is,\nfirst of all, amazing.\nAnd we're walking around.\nAnd just the knick-knacks\naround his house\nare like a rock-and-roll museum.\nAnd Neil came in and\nsaid, \"Are you guys OK?\nYou got everything you need?\"\nAnd I said, \"Neil, I\nhope you don't mind.\nWe're pretty big fans.\nSo I've pocketed a few\nthings just as a reminder.\"\nAnd he didn't even skip a beat.\nHe just said, \"Do you want\na gym bag or something?\"\n[LAUGHTER]\nHe's amazing.\nSo the answer-- Neil Young.\nTYLER STEWART:\nSecond place, close--\nDee Snider from Twisted\nSister at Massey Hall.\nTwo years ago, we did \"We're\nNot Going To Take It.\"\nAnd it was the most\nrock-and-roll moment we've all\nexperienced in our lives.\nED ROBERTSON: Alan Doyle\nwas standing backstage.\nAnd after it happened,\nhe said, \"That\nis one of the top five\nmusical moments of my life.\nAnd I wasn't even involved.\"\n[LAUGHTER]\nADAM GREEN: That's amazing.\nI can't think of a\nbetter note to end on.\nThank you so much for\ncoming in to Google,\nguys, for the conversation\nand for the album.\nED ROBERTSON:\nThanks to the baby.\nADAM GREEN: The real\nhero of the day.\n[APPLAUSE]\nED ROBERTSON: Thank you baby.\nIf anyone would like\na photo with the baby,\njust speak to his agent.\n[LAUGHTER]\nHer agent.\nHer agent, sorry, baby.\nADAM GREEN: Thanks\nfor coming, you guys.\nED ROBERTSON: Thank\nyou, everybody.\nTYLER STEWART: Thanks, guys.\nED ROBERTSON: Thank you.\nThank you, baby.\n[APPLAUSE]\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "so tell me what do you understand by\nmicroservices so microservice is\nbasically decoupling of entire\napplication into small small services\nokay like if I take an example of Amazon\nor Uber or like you can say any\napplication so like take example of\nAmazon okay so in Amazon we'll have like\nmany partners like seller then we will\nhave buyers and at the end we'll have\nlike persons from Amazon who will be\nmanaging all the applications or like\nwe'll be seeing the transactions and\nevery other details so we will mention it as\nan admin so this is an entire\napplication say suppose it is written in\nJava so what happen is like if I need to\nchange something like in buyer I need to\nchange a small like I want to give an\noffer of 5% so what I need to do I need\nthe I need to write the code and deploy\nthe entire application so instead of\nthis we can use microservice based \narchitecture where the seller will be a\nsingle application buyer will be another\napplication and the admin would be\nanother application so here what happen\nis like if the admin is down or like if\nthe server is down the entire Amazon\nwebsite is down so but in this case if\nadmin is down people can use the\nbuyer option or like if the seller is\ndown seller will not be able to add any\nfurther items to his store but the buyer\ncan able to check out from his cart and\nor you can add anything from other\nsellers or which are already in the\nstores and if suppose I want to change\nsomething in seller and want to deploy, so I\nwill just go and deploy this\napplication and the seller what happened\nis like it may be written in Java it may\nbe written in\n.net it may be written in node.js so you\nsaid that it is a decoupled architecture\nso coming to that\ncan you explain what are the major\ndifferences between service-oriented\narchitecture monolithic application and\na micro service so what happen is like\nas I already told that in\nservice-oriented architecture or\nmonolithic application is the entire\napplication so the application monolithic\napplication is the whole block of\napplication service layer or SOA\nservice-oriented architecture is like we\ndefine small small module but inside the\nsame application only so we make it\nmodular wise like we take the part of\nif you take the example of Java we\ncreated packages we create interface for\nparticularly for DAO a particularly\nfor seller particularly for customer and\nparticularly for admin and in micro\nservice what we have is like we'll have\nmore granular levels of breakdowns\nlike in seller also we can have\ndifferent types of sellers like from us\nwe can have the part for us only which\nwill be running on any servers on us or\nwe can have clients or any other\napplications who will be interacting\nwith or auth layer for particularly\nsellers and auth layer for particularly\nadmin 2 different applications we can\nhave so all these are completely\nsegregated and talked to each other in\nlike over an HTTP and not throw the\napplication himself so if I draw an\nexample like monolithic\nSOA\nand if I take the example of micro\nservice I can say like microservice\nand there can be N number of\nmicroservices okay now I will give you\ntwo scenarios first design a simple\nmicro service architecture application\nand the second scenario is migrate the\nexisting monolithic application to\nmicroservices and what will be your\nmeans approach or whatever your thought\nprocess to break down those into small\nsmall micro services like you took\nexample of Amazon right so you can just\nshow how Amazon can or if you are owner\nof Amazon that particulars software so\nhow you would have broken it\ninto small small micro services so how I\ndesign a micro service is like if it is\na new application as you already told\nsince it is a new application so I'll\njust take the requirements so I will ask\nlike who are the users what are the\nexisting schema how the relationships are\nmapped like like what are the\ndependencies like I can have like buyers\nand sellers so both are actually\ncorrelated we can't segregate it out\ncompletely so the database , how will\nmanage the databases and all so if I\ntake example of buyer and seller only so\nbuyer will have its own name ID and like\nitems so we have three tables and seller\nwill have like cart details and items\nbrought\nso these means different tables so\nthis item and this item is related so\nit is like it can't be like I have\nbrought here like a pan and the buyer\ndoesn't sell a pen or any of the buyers\ndoesn't sell any pen so it it is related\nso how it interact is like I will call\nthis and suppose he brought already one\nitem or added it so it it will get\ndeleted from here and it will be added\nhere so this is how but these things are\ncompletely independent these and these\nare completely independent so we can\nkeep it out and build two microservices\nmicro-service one and micro-service -\nyeah this is how means generally we\ndefine micro-services for if I am going\nfor a new application and say it is\ndatabase and this is database and how we\nwill break a micro surface actually this\nis a long term process it doesn't work\nso quickly or so nicely so what\nwe can do is like in monolithic\napplication there we need to change the\nexisting application also side by side\nand there are micro services so suppose\nwe have buyer-seller and we want to take\nthis out and make it as a micro service\nso what we can do is like instead of\nbuyer calling this we need to have like\na mechanism to call an API so admin will also be there residing and API for admin also\nand it will point to this micro service\nso we'll build this micro service we'll\ntake this part this is business logic\nfrom here and put it here and once it is\ndone then we'll just point it out\ninstead of calling this we will now call\nthis and instead of calling this we will\nnow call this so this is how we break\ndown so we need to take care of\nsimilarly the table structure I mean the\nschema and we need to means slowly and\ngradually we need to take these and map\nso it's like a long term process so\nwhile breaking those micro services what\nare the advantages you have and what are\nthe drawbacks while using all this micro\nservice based architecture so the main\nadvantages of micro service is like\nearlier I told that we will deploy okay\nso how we'll define is like a we have\nbuyer then we have seller and we have\nadmin so like independently we can\ndeploy independently we can make the\ncode change so it's fault tolerant\nlike if it goes down it will be up it\nwill be up then what else one more thing\nis like we can expand it like we can\nscale it so like independently we can\nhave entire admin then admin and we can\nhave a load balancer to navigate the\ntraffic and one more thing is like as\nits mainly practiced by Netflix so like\nan individual contributor or an individual\ndeveloper will take like the requirement\nthen he will deploy he will make the\ncode changes then he will deploy it in\nlike cloud or any server independently\nso he takes a complete responsibility\nsmaller tasks and more thing and one\nmore thing is like it can be written in\nJava it can be written in node.js so\nthere is no like dependence on any\nparticular technology so anyone can use\nany technology this is the main criteria\nso the main problem is like we can have\nmultiple layers of authentications like\nmicro service one is talking to micro\nservice to micro service 3 then it is\ntalking to individually they are talking\nwith each other then micro service 4\nthe micro service 5 and suppose like so\nfirst of all we need to have individual\ndeployment strategy for each one and\nsuppose if something goes failed here so\nwe need to find out we need to find the\nroot cause or why it got failed so we\nneed to debug all the stages here and\nwhy it got fail you need to check and on\nthe top of that we need to have multiple\nlayers of authentications, so for micro\nservice 3 it may able to access few of\nthe applications or few of the API so\nthis one will give like auth this one\nmay have authorization type 2\nso here we need to implement\nmultiple types of authorization means\nlike for each one individual\napplications we need to give multiple\nlayers of authentications or\nauthorizations\nso you have hierarchical of micro\nservices like micro service one and\nmicro service 2 is talking to micro\nservice 3 suppose which is an auth layer\nand the micro service 3 is talking to\nsome other micro services like 4 and 5\nrespectively so if something goes wrong\nlike in micro service layer third or\nlayer 4 something went wrong so how you\nwill know that that micro Service is\nfailing and you need to debug that micro\nservice application logs so to answer\nyour question suppose I have multiple\nlayers of micro services\nso what we can do is like we can \ntraffic all the logs to Splunk or Kibana\nor we can say elasticsearch and for each\nrequest we can generate a correlation ID\nso this correlation ID would be passed\nthrough each of the headers and it will\nbe logged in the Splunk or like\nelasticsearch and like suppose if\nanything goes wrong with this request we\ncan later take out that request and see\nokay how we can process it from the\nbackend so that's how and if something\nsuppose this server went down so we can\nhave a health check to look for all the\nservers and suppose this went down the\nhealth check will return to the Kibana\nor email notification like that we can\nhave okay can you tell me some of the\nbest practices of micro-services so best\npractice there are many things like\nfirst we can dockerize it ,so it is not\nmandatory but we can just dockerize it\nso I walked in three projects, so\nin one I used severaless SLS technology\nfor deployment in\nother application Java we just dockerized\nit we took the image made our own\nimage and we deployed it in Amazon cloud\ncomputing so there is separate build for\neach application\nso each a play like micro service one is\nbuild and it goes into deployment\nthrough Jenkins micro service 2 can use\nTFS instead of GIT and it can be build\nlike with node.js and any other\napplication and it can be deployed in\nAmazon Cloud micro service 3 can be\ndeployed it in Amazon or not in Amazon\nsuppose Azure cloud or like Google\ncloud so means individual build method\nmechanism or mythology is\nimplemented for each of the micro\nservices and one more best practice is\nto like for each micro service instead\nof talking to like micro service one\nmicro service 2 and micro service 3\ninstead of talking to database 1 or\nsingle database what we can do is like\nwe can take this out and make individual\ndatabases so while deploying those micro\nservices what are the technology stacks\nyou mainly use so answering your\ntechnology stakes I already explained\nlike how micro service works so it's\nlike individuals contributor or it's\nlike a particular team decides like\nwhatever technology they want be used\none micro service can be on node.js one\nmicro service can be on like Java ok\nthen PHP but the main overhead is like\nwe need to write the deployment script\nfor each one so if I go with node.js and\nthe deployment would be same means if I\nam deploying it to Amazon Cloud or any\nother cloud ok and how you communicate\nbetween those micro services and it's\nlike I don't want to give access to all\nthe micro services, so this\nwill be my rest api's right so it will\nbe exposed like either\nin the VPN virtual private network or I\nmeans like publicly so how I can\nrestrict few people's from accessing\nthose micro services or the few are not\npeople's I'll say like few applications\nhow I can restrict them from accessing\nthe micro services how they communicate\nusing normally HTTPS or HTTP so we use\nREST API to communicate between one\nmicro service so micro service one\nand micro service 2 will communicate using Rest so what happen is like\nsuppose a buyer once to get some of the\ninformation of the items available or\nnot so you can check from the seller\nside and using get API you can get it\nbut when he bought it like he already\nadded it in cart and he checked out then\nwhat the buyer can call for a means like\nput API to remove this or like soft\ndelete the item\nso should it be like stateless yeah\nit's all the apis are always stateless\nokay\nwhy stateless because like inside\nelastic load balancer or load balancer\nyou can say similar type microservice\ncan be there micro-service one type\nthere can be like n number so like\nrequest came I want to preserve it so I\nwill not preserve it because what will\nhappen is like for request one suppose\nI am trying to get this request get the\nitem so it is served by this micro service\nitem then again when it comes if I am\npreserving this in this o nly the next\nrequest for the put it may come to\nthese or this so this will not be handle\nso for this we will make it\nstateless so how we will do\nauthentication is like we will have\nmultiple layers of like micro services\nsorry, MS1 we can have elastic load\nbalancer or application load balancer\nand so for authentication or like\npreserving the session we can use like\nredis or like any cache mechanism and\neach one will talk so this one will be\nsingle point of contact so this one will\nall be stateless\nso how a user interface or a client\ninteract with the first microservice\nlayer like I have a user interface or a\nbrowser how I interact with the\nmicro-services so how a user communicate\nwith the micro-service is like suppose\nwe can have client or browser and here\nwe have amazon.com so using like CDN\ncontent delivery network we can get the\nphotos and like static pages\nso this JavaScript will communicate using REST API to multiple applications so\nfrom here it will fan out and it will go\nto like micro service one micro service\n2 micro service one and then from here\nonwards it can communicate as usual like\nmicro service 4 micro service 4\nmicro service five they can internally\ncorrelated and then we have our\ndatabases so that's all for this\ntutorial don't forget to hit the\nsubscribe button if you have any\nquestion then mentioned in the comment\nsection or if you want me to make\ninterview questions like this on other\ntechnologies like Java and nodejs\nAmazon Cloud then do let me know in the\ncomment section and from both of us\ndon't forget to subscribe hit the like\nbutton\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "The difference between a relationship and a connection\nso the biggest barrier to getting into a relationship\nis trying to get into a relationship.\nThere is nothing more socially desperate than\ndating the way most people do it, searching\nfor that relationship connection.\nYou interview each other, try to impress each\nother, try to manipulate each other into feeling\nattraction, and generally spending the whole\ntime wondering and worrying about “Will\nthis go anywhere?”\nBut some people don’t do it like this.\nThey simply spend time honestly connecting\nwith people.\nSometimes this ends up becoming a relationship,\nor a friendship.\nSometimes it doesn’t.\nThere’s no attempt to make it happen.\nThey don’t seem to try.\nWhat’s the difference?\nThe second group of people have discovered\nsomething the first group missed.\nIt all has to do with the difference between\nour perceptions of what a “relationship” is\n.\nWhat is a relationship?\nThink about it for a second.\nHow do you define that word?\nHow do you know when you’re in a relationship?\nWhat are the hallmarks that prove its existence?\nBelieve it or not, this varies wildly from\none person to another.\nWhile many of us believe that our perception\nof what a relationship is will match our peers,\nit almost certainly does not.\nSome people believe it requires sexual exclusivity,\nothers don’t.\nSome people think it begins with a direct\nagreement of commitment, others believe it’s\nimplied by spending time together or having\nsex with each other.\nSome people think you must hide certain truths\nabout yourself until after a relationship\nis established, others believe you must share\nthese truths before making a commitment.\nThe list goes on and on.\nAnd this isn’t even the important part.\nWhat’s most important is trying to identify\nwhat a relationship actually is.\nYou can’t hold it in your hand.\nYou can’t see it, smell it or hear it.\nIt’s like money in the bank – you believe\nin its existence despite there being only\ncircumstantial evidence.\nIt has no physical form.\nYou believe that a relationship exists when\nyou experience certain things.\nMaybe it’s when you agree to be girlfriend\nand boyfriend.\nMaybe it’s when you’re having sex.\nMaybe it’s when your partner expresses attraction\ntoward you.\nMaybe it’s the marriage licence.\nAnd then there are the experiences that tell\nyou the relationship no longer exists.\nMaybe it’s your partner being caught cheating,\nor telling you they want to break up.\nMaybe it’s your partner dying.\nMaybe it’s waking up one morning and not\nfeeling love anymore.\nYet none of these signs show you what a relationship\nreally is, and that’s because of a simple\nMatrix-style truth:\nThere is no relationship.\nA relationship is simply the illusion that\nanother person will continue to obey the rules\nyou’ve attached to your connection with\nthem.\nWhen you successfully create an illusion in\nyour mind that they will still love you tomorrow,\nstill want to be your loyal partner tomorrow,\nand still be alive tomorrow, you tell yourself\nthat you’re in a relationship.\nWhen you’re unable to convince yourself\nof this illusion, the relationship ends.\nAll those rules you made up about what a relationship\nconsists of are what you desperately chase\nwhen you’re dating.\nYou try your best to manipulate and manoeuvre\nyour potential mate into obeying these rules,\nand panic when they don’t.\nEven after they’ve committed, the “fun”\nof maintaining a relationship is emotionally\ndraining.\nYou try to prevent them from losing love,\ncheating or dying, because you want to keep\nthe relationship.\nWhenever something threatens the illusion,\nyou lose sleep.\nNo wonder dating isn’t working out well\nfor you.\nYou’re not trying to connect with someone;\nyou’re trying to get and keep an asset,\nan ultimately impossible task.\nWhy do I say impossible?\nBecause no relationship with another person\ncan last forever.\nAt the very least, one of you is going to\ndie first – and that’s the best way it\ncan end, that’s the definition of the most\nsuccessful relationship!\nAre you so sure this is what you want to chase?\nLet’s look at an alternative approach.\nWhat Is A Connection?\nWe all want connection in a relationship.\nA connection has no rules.\nThere is no expectation of tomorrow.\nThere’s no agreement or commitment.\nYou don’t have to speak or have sex.\nThey don’t even have to stay alive.\nYou can feel it when you make thrilling eye-contact\nwith an attractive stranger.\nYou can feel it when you hold your best friend’s\nnew-born baby for the first time.\nYou can feel it when you’re deep in a heart-to-heart\nconversation with your closest friend.\nAnd you can also feel it when you sit contentedly\non top of a mountain, watching a beautiful\nsunset, with no observable proof whatsoever\nthat any other humans even exist.\nWhat does connection mean in a relationship?\nConnection can survive the end of a relationship.\nYou can still feel connected to a loved-one\nwho died many years ago.\nYou can feel connected to someone who isn’t\nin the same room, or whom you haven’t spoken\nto for years.\nConnection does not require any obedience,\nor even action of any kind, from another person.\nI believe people begin their dating experiences\nby searching for a connection, but get confused\ninto seeking a relationship instead.\nAs one of my coaching clients identified with\nme yesterday, we learn to accept the belief\nthat a relationship creates and guarantees\nthe feeling of connection.\nWe mistakenly see relationships as the source\nof connection.\nConnection is what we really want.\nYou don’t want to be in a shitty unloving\nrelationship, right?\nTherefore, a relationship by itself is not\ngood enough.\nWe want to feel connected, and have come to\nbelieve a relationship is how we can consistently\nachieve this, despite evidence that connection\ncan be experienced even when all by yourself.\nWhen you look carefully at healthy couples,\nyou’ll clearly see that the connection was\nwhat created the relationship.\nA relationship is a consequence of a connection.\nAnd you’ll know from experience that a connection\ncannot be forced just by creating a relationship.\nYou know you can manipulate someone into being\nyour friend or partner without ever feeling\ngenuinely connected with them.\nIf you're looking for support or advice for\nyour relationship, or you're single and want\nthat to change, email Dan with your questions\nor interest in couple's coaching:\ndan@theinspirationallifestyle.com\nWhy Seeking A Relationship Drives It Away\nWhen you’re trying to get a relationship,\nyou ruin your chance at a real connection.\nYou’re needy, greedy, desperate, false and\nmanic.\nYou hide the “worst” parts of yourself\nwhile exaggerating or misrepresenting your\nstrengths, and bizarrely you often hide your\ntrue feelings toward them.\nYou play games, manipulate and trick.\nYou ignore the other person because your attention\nis completely focused on the strategy in your\nhead, part of which is you trying to convince\nyourself that you’re not manipulative.\nCompare that to when you’re inviting someone\nto connect with you.\nNo games, no Pick Up techniques, no bullshit,\nno deception.\nYou can’t connect with a false representation,\nso you know you must represent yourself as\nboldly, vulnerably and accurately as possible.\nTo ensure they’re a good fit for you, you\nalso must engage in empathy and acceptance,\nlistening carefully to them to allow their\ntruth to come out.\nThere is no strategy, just openness to experience.\nThere is no definition of success or failure,\njust the experiment - the invitation to explore\neach other.\nIn your attempts to get into a relationship,\nyou prevent someone from being able to connect\nwith you.\nYou hide what they could connect with, and\nyou ignore and judge what you could be appreciating\nin them.\nYou think this is the best way to do it, because\nyou believe that once you get into a relationship\nyou’ll be able to source endless feelings\nof connection.\nBut will you?\nDo relationships work when they’re started\non such false pretences?\nI’d suggest that the ridiculously high divorce\nrates in Western countries are testament to\nthe issue of people trying to get into a relationship.\nI also reckon this is why arranged marriages\nare so statistically successful – the participants\naren’t trying to keep the relationship because\nthey have no choice in the matter, so they\nfocus on trying to connect to make the relationship\nenjoyable.\nHow Do You Switch To Seeking Connection?\nIn a word: honesty.\nThe key difference between seeking a relationship\nvs seeking a connection is strategy.\nSocial strategies are always less than fully\nhonest.\nConnection is free from strategy.\nYou’re willing to lose the person because\nthere is no relationship to be maintained\n– there’s Nothing to Lose.\nYou’re either connected truthfully or you’re\nnot – no strategy can support truthful connection,\nonly honesty and respect can do that.\nExpress yourself honestly, then give them\nrespectful space and encouragement to do the\nsame.\nYou strategically chase a relationship because\nyou’re trying to remove loneliness.\nBut loneliness is caused by you rejecting\nyourself – you know this because you can\nstill feel lonely around other people.\nConnection is not about someone else liking\nyou.\nConnection is you liking you.\nWhen that happens, there’s no more loneliness.\nAnd how is this achieved?\nBy valuing your honesty more than you value\nany relationship with another person.\nYou impress yourself with honesty to create\na sense of connection.\nYou’ve had the power all along!\nFor me, it all changed when I made a special\ncommitment to myself.\nAfter a decade of desperately and unsuccessfully\nseeking a partner, I decided to stop trying.\nI made a powerful commitment: to accept being\nsingle for the rest of my life.\nThe relationship I would focus on would be\nthe relationship I had with myself – the\nonly relationship that was guaranteed to last\nforever!\nThe effects were immediate.\nSuddenly, dating was no longer a desperate\nanxiety-ridden experience.\nI no longer felt any pressure to keep other\npeople in my life.\nIt no longer mattered if they didn’t text\nback, or didn’t want to sleep with me, or\ndidn’t want to commit to exclusivity.\nI still dated, because I like exploring connection.\nI could offer all these things, but I did\nso merely to clarify our connection.\nIf they “rejected” me, it simply meant\nit was time to focus on connecting more with\nsomeone else, or just with myself.\nThere was no need to chase.\nWhatever you chase will run away from you.\nAs I write this, I'm in a long-term relationship\nfor the first time in over a decade, with\na girl I feel deeply connected to and whom\nI can be myself around without restriction.\nRemember, the right person for you won’t\nrequire any manipulation.\nYour pure honesty will completely satisfy\nthem.\nYou don’t even need to believe in yourself\nto satisfy another person.\nAnyone less than this is a waste of your time.\nCommit to being single forever, if that’s\nwhat it takes to build the relationship with\nyourself.\nAnd don’t do this just to trick yourself\ninto reducing neediness.\nThis is not a strategy to get a relationship.\nJust let go of strategy entirely, and connect.\nI hope you guys enjoyed that, I hope it's helpful\nIf you want to go deeper with this, if this is something you want my help with, get in touch: dan@brojo.co.nz\ndan@brojo.co.nz\nget out there and start focusing on connecting, rather than trying to keep people, cheers\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "The answer is the third choice--the client should send\nthe random value encrypted using the server's public key.\nBoth of the first two options assume that the client and server already share a symmetric key.\nIf this was the case, they wouldn’t need this whole protocol.\nThey could use that symmetric key right away to start communicating,\nand the fact they are able to communicate using that key\nverifies that they have authenticated each other.\nThis solution does not work well for web applications.\nThere's no way for me to easily establish a shared symmetric key\nwith Amazon before the protocol begins.\nThe fourth choice would be useful for integrity.\nIf the server knew the client’s public key,\nthen it could verify that this random value came from that client,\nbut this would expose the random value to anyone else who intercepted\nthe message and also knows the client's public key,\nand it provides no authentication that the server is who the client expects.\nThe right answer is the third one--we want to send\nthe random value encrypted so it can’t be intercepted,\nbut that it can be decrypted by the server,\nand the server has the corresponding private key to decrypt this.\nNow, once the server receives this message, it can decrypt it using its private key.\nWe'll use the value of r as the session key.\nAfter this, both the client and server have the shared session key and can communicate.\nNow, we have a secured channel between the client and the server\nencrypted with the symmetric key k.\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "We've all heard of Bill Gates he's the\ninventor of the personal computer and\nseveral times world's richest person who\nin the business of his life leading\nMicrosoft still manages to be very\nactive in his philanthropic endeavors\nbut Gates didn't him out to this little\nsuccess by sheer luck he's well known\nfor being a master of his time which\nmakes a much more productive than most\npeople therefore in this video I'm gonna\nshare with you five of Bill Gates's\nproven productivity practices that you\nyourself can implement if you want to\nemulate his level of output and be sure\nto watch it until the end because the\nlast practice is the one he attributes\nmost to a success practice number one\nplace immense value on your time in a\n20-17 interview Bill Gates who is joined\nby Warren Buffett spoke about how\nimportant timeless to him he shared a\npowerful comment stating that time is\nthe only commodity money can't buy which\nare impact rewards coming from someone\nwho can literally buy anything he\ndesires because of this fact Gates is\nmeticulous about how he schedules his\ndays making sure each and every moment\nis maximized it's been said that Bill\nGates his net worth rises by more than a\nhundred dollars a second which further\nsupports his reasoning behind making\nsure he uses his time wisely practice\nnumber two structure your time as I just\nmentioned Bill Gates is meticulous with\nhis time and in order to maximize his\nproductivity he likes to break down\ntasks into manageable chunks sometimes\nthe smallest 5-minute increments in the\nworld of productivity this method is\ncalled time boxing and if you want to\nlearn more about time boxing you can\ncheck out my book the productivity\nplaybook which I'll link down in the\ndescription time boxing is where you\ncreate time slots and document what\ntasks you will perform during that\nperiod for instance you may block off 30\nminutes in the morning to respond to\nemails for an hour in the afternoon to\nwrite a report that is coming due by\nplanning out your time you limit time\nbeing wasted trying to figure out what\nhas to do next\nultimately leading to much greater\noutput practice number three protect\nyour sleep a common trend I see when\nsaying the world's most successful\npeople is that\nmajority of them get ample amounts of\nsleep and Bill Gates has no exception\nbook it swears by the fact that getting\na good night's rest amplifies his\ncreativity levels and keeps them sharp\nthroughout the day\nwell sleep makes Bill Gates feel better\nthis fact is also well supported by\nnumerous studies of which one of them\nwas from the National Sleep Foundation\nthat says that sleepiness can impede job\nperformance and notes that when you're\ngroggy the brain is unable to process\nand retain information well therefore if\nyou want to get more done every day the\nname to get adequate sleep practice\nnumber four prioritize your time\nunderstandably Bill Gates has lots of\ncommitments that demand his time and\nattention but in order to remain\nproductive he is diligent in\nprioritizing what tasks to tackle each\nday for example Bill as the team that\nmanages his Microsoft inbox filtering\nthousands of emails a day leaving him\nwith just a hundred of the most\nimportant ones to address which he\nadmits he doesn't usually even get\nthrough\nin addition Gates avoids using to-do\nlists as he finds they tend away the\nimportance evenly across all items on\nthe list\nwhich simply isn't the case therefore\nwhen demands for your time mounts\nstaying productive means completing the\nhighest value tasks when possible\npractice number five maximize deep work\nif you're even slightly interested in\nthe world of productivity then you've\nprobably heard of the book deep work by\nCal Newport deep work is a working state\nwhere you were operating at your peak\nlevel for extended periods with full\nconcentration on a single task free from\ndistraction and Bill Gates is no\nstranger to this concept from an early\nage Bill Gates would park himself in\nfront of the computer for days at a time\nand not think twice about it maintaining\na flow like state as he trained himself\non this new age technology some may call\nthis workaholism but deep work allowed\ngates to excel in his field and by the\ntech giant that we all know and love\ntoday therefore if you want to ensure\nyou take your productivity to the next\nlevel remove all distractions and\nleverage the power of deep work thanks\nfor watching if you enjoyed this video\nplease comment share and subscribe for\nmore informative content\nyou\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "\nSpanish: \nViene un cambio de paradigma\nEn esta ciudad\nFue heredada aquí la antorcha de luz\nShôwa!\nWo wo wo wo HOO! \nYeah yeah yeah yeah\nShôwa!\nWo wo wo wo HOO! \nYeah yeah yeah yeah\nShôwa!\nWo wo wo wo HOO! \nYeah yeah yeah yeah\nShôwa!\nCambio de paradigma (Cambio!)\nCambio de paradigma\nEsta noche estamos en plena era vieja Heisei\n¡Quiero ver, quiero escuchar, quiero bailar!\nPor supuesto que esta persona sabe cantar\nMizuki Tomoya with SUPER DANCER'S\nLa pared se rompe con delicadas burbujas\nEntraremos por la puerta trasera o delantera esta noche\nQuiero escuchar tu voz\nNo sonará aquella campana, abrázame\n\nEnglish: \nShowa Paradigm Change\nIn this town, the day of determination that we inherited lights up\n(Showa) Woh woh woh woh\n(Hoo) Yeah yeah yeah yeah\n(Showa) Woh woh woh woh\n(Hoo) Yeah yeah yeah yeah\n(Showa) Woh woh woh woh\n(Hoo) Yeah yeah yeah yeah\n(Showa) Paradigm Change (Change)\nParadigm Change\nNow! It's the era of Heisei, this evening too\nWe want to See! Listen! Dance!\nOf course, the one to sing will be him:\nMizuki Tomoya with Super Dancers!\nThe wall has broken and the bubble has burst\nThe night when front and back switched sides\nI wanted to hear your voice\nI embraced the phone that wouldn't ring\n\nKorean: \n*쇼와 패러다임 체인지(시대 교체paradigm change)\n(*쇼와 : 1926~1986까지의 일본연호)\n이 도시에\n물려받은 의지의 *날이 밝아와\n(*노래 분위기상 단순한 '날'이 아니라, '시대'를 뜻함)\n(쇼와) Woh woh woh woh\n(Hoo) Yeah yeah yeah yeah\n(쇼와) Woh woh woh woh\n(Hoo) Yeah yeah yeah yeah\n(쇼와) Woh woh woh woh\n(Hoo) Yeah yeah yeah yeah\n(쇼와) 패러다임 체인지 (체인지)\n패러다임 체인지\n자! 때는 *헤이세이 시대, 오늘 밤도\n(*헤이세이 : '쇼와' 다음 시대의 일본 연호)\n보고싶어! 듣고싶어! 춤추고싶어!\n노래는 물론 이 사람!!\n미즈키 토모야 with 슈퍼 댄서즈!\n벽이 무너지고 거품이 튀어\n겉과 속이 뒤바뀌는 밤\n네 목소리가 듣고 싶어서\n울리지 않는 벨을 부둥켜 안았어\n\nThai: \nShowa paradigm change\nจุดแสงแห่งตะวันให้สาดส่องสืบไปในเมืองแห่งนี้\n(Showa)Woh woh woh woh\n(Hoo) Yeah yeah yeah yeah\n(Showa) Woh woh woh woh\n(Hoo)Yeah yeah yeah yeah\n(Showa) Woh woh woh woh\n(Hoo)Yeah yeah yeah yeah\n(Showa)paradigm change(change)\nParadigm change\nเอาล่ะ! คืนนี้ ก็เป็นช่วงเวลาแห่งเฮเซ\nอยากจะดู! อยากจะฟัง! อยากจะเต้น!\nตำแหน่งการร้อง แน่นอนว่าต้องเป็นของคนนี้\nMizuki Tomoya with superdancers !\nกำแพงที่ถูกทลายและเกิดซึ่งฟองสบู่แตก\nค่ำคืนที่กลับกันระหว่างเบื้องหน้ากับเบื้องหลัง\nอยากได้ยินเสียงเธอเหลือเกิน\nได้แต่กอดเครื่องส่งสัญญาณที่ไร้เสียง\n\nSpanish: \nShowa cambio de paradigma\nEn esta ciudad, el \"sol\" de la voluntad heredada se iluminará\n(Showa) Woh woh woh woh\n(Hoo) Yeah yeah yeah yeah\n(Showa) Woh woh woh woh\n(Hoo) Yeah yeah yeah yeah\n(Showa) Woh woh woh woh\n(Hoo) Yeah yeah yeah yeah\n(Showa) Cambio de paradigma (Cambio)\nCambio de paradigma\n¡Vamos! Esta noche en la era Heisei\n¡Quiero ver! ¡Quiero escuchar! ¡Quiero bailar!\nPor supuesto, esta persona es la que canta\nMizuki Tomoya with Super Dancer's!\nRomped los muros, estallad las burbujas\nLa noche en la que cambiarán la parte anterior y la posterior\nQuiero escuchar tu voz\nAbracé la campana que no suena\n\nVietnamese: \nShowa paradigm change\nÁnh sáng chói lòa lan tỏa \nTrong những ý chí truyền thừa nơi thành phố này\nShowa!\nWow wow wow wow\n(Hoo) Yeah yeah yeah yeah\n(Showa) Wow wow wow wow\n(Hoo) Yeah yeah yeah yeah\n(Showa) Wow wow wow wow\n(Hoo) Yeah yeah yeah yeah\n(Showa) Paradigm change (CHANGE!)\nParadigm change\nNghe nào! Những thời khắc cuối cùng của thời đại Heisei, trong tối hôm nay\n\"Tôi muốn xem! Tôi muốn nghe! Tôi muốn nhảy!\"\nTất nhiên chỉ có thể là anh ta đang cất tiếng hát\nTomoya Mizuki, cùng với các vũ công siêu hạng!\nNhững bức tường ranh giới vỡ toang như bong bóng xà phòng\nĐêm nay khi mặt trước và mặt sau được hoán đổi\nTôi muốn nghe thật rõ giọng nói của bạn\nLời ca trầm như những tiếng chuông không ngân vang\n\nFrench: \nShowa Paradigme Change\nDans cette ville\n\"Le soleil\" de la volonté qui a été hérité s'allume\n(Showa) Woh woh woh woh\n(Hoo) Yeah yeah yeah yeah\n(Showa) Woh woh woh woh\n(Hoo) Yeah yeah yeah yeah\n(Showa) Woh woh woh woh\n(Hoo) Yeah yeah yeah yeah\n(Showa) Paradigme Change (Change)\nParadigme Change\nAlors ! Le temps est Heisei, Cette soirée aussi\nOn veut Regarder ! Ecouter ! Danser !\nC'est bien sur lui qui va chanter\nTomoya Mizuki avec danseurs superbes !\nLa mur est cassée La bulle est crevée\nLa nuit que la face et l'autre face se relaient\nJe voulais écouter ta voix\net j'ai serré le téléphone qui sonne pas\n\nChinese: \n昭和Paradigm Change\n這個城市 繼承這份意志的\"那日\"已被點亮\n(昭和) Woh woh woh woh\n(Hoo) Yeah yeah yeah yeah\n(昭和) Woh woh woh woh\n(Hoo) Yeah yeah yeah yeah\n(昭和) Woh woh woh woh\n(Hoo) Yeah yeah yeah yeah\n(昭和) Paradigm Change (change)\nParadigm Change\n那!現在是平成 而今夜也\n想看!想聽見!想跳舞!\n唱歌的當然是這一位\n水貴智哉with super dancer's\n牆壁被推倒 泡沫經濟破裂\n在翻來覆去的那一晚上\n想聽到你的聲音\n抱緊住了不會鳴叫的鬧鐘\n\nJapanese: \n昭和パラダイムチェンジ\nこの街に 受け継いだ意志の\"日\"が灯るよ\n(昭和) Woh woh woh woh\n(Hoo) Yeah yeah yeah yeah\n(昭和) Woh woh woh woh\n(Hoo) Yeah yeah yeah yeah\n(昭和) Woh woh woh woh\n(Hoo) Yeah yeah yeah yeah\n(昭和) パラダイムチェンジ (チェンジ)\nパラダイムチェンジ\nさぁ!時は平成、今夜も\n見たい!聴きたい!踊りたい!\n歌うのは勿論この人\n水貴智哉 with スーパーダンサーズ!\n壁が壊れ 泡が弾け\n表と裏が入れ替わる夜\n君の声が聞きたくて\n鳴らないベル 抱きしめた\n\nEnglish: \nMy dear DISCO\n(I-I-I-ISN'T IT)\nMy dear EUROBEAT\n(SU-SU-SU-SUPER VERY GOOD)\nMy dear MD\n(\"DA-DA-DA-DATCHUNO\")\nI went out with the same clothes and hairstyle\nMUSIC doesn't sleep\nHeisei Paradigm Change\nIn this town we yelled out dreams and sung love\nHeisei Paradigm Change\nWe thought that the future was something for granted\n(Heisei) Woh woh woh woh\n(Hoo) Yeah yeah yeah yeah\n(Heisei) Woh woh woh woh\n(Hoo) Yeah yeah yeah yeah\n(Heisei) Woh woh woh woh\n(Hoo) Yeah yeah yeah yeah\n(Heisei) Paradigm Change (Change)\nParadigm Change\nHm Hm! A rapid development!\nPresented for the first time in this country! The New Vocal\nPrince K loves Message M.\nAt the end of the century the planet doesn't fall\nThe night where the world didn't end\n\nVietnamese: \nMy dear DISCO\nDA DA DA DAYONE\nMy dear EUROBEAT\nCHO CHO CHO CHOBERIGU\nMy dear MD\nDA DA DA DATCHUNO\nCùng một bộ trang phục, cùng kiểu tóc mà tôi đã chuẩn bị\nĐêm nay, thứ ÂM NHẠC không bao giờ yên giấc\nHeisei paradigm change\nTrong thành phố này\nTôi thét gào ước mơ cháy bỏng và hát cho tình yêu của mình\nHeisei paradigm change\nTương lai tươi sáng mai sau\nSẽ tự nhiên mở ra trước mắt chúng ta\n(Heisei) Wow wow wow wow\n(Hoo) Yeah yeah yeah yeah\n(Heisei) Wow wow wow wow\n(Hoo) Yeah yeah yeah yeah\n(Heisei) Wow wow wow wow\n(Hoo) Yeah yeah yeah yeah\n(Heisei) Paradigm change (CHANGE!)\nParadigm change\nÔi! Đó quả là một sự phát triển đột ngột!\nVâng, xem ngay phiên bản công khai giật gân đầu tiên tại Nhật Bản! Giọng hát mới nổi của nhóm\nPrince K thích Message M\nThời khắc cuối cùng từ kỷ nguyên trước\nĐêm nay, khi thế giới xoay vần không hồi kết\n\nFrench: \nMy dear DISCO\nDA DA DA DAYONE\nMy dear EUROBEAT\nCHO CHO CHO CHOBERIGU\nMy dear MD\nDA DA DA DATCHUNO\nJe me suis rendu avec la même tenue et coiffure\nMUSIC qui ne dort pas\nHeisei Paradigme Change\nDans cette ville\non a crié le rêve et chanté l'amour\nHeisei Paradigme Change\nJe me croyais que\nle futur est quelque chose normal\n(Heisei) Woh woh woh woh\n(Hoo) Yeah yeah yeah yeah\n(Heisei) Woh woh woh woh\n(Hoo) Yeah yeah yeah yeah\n(Heisei) Woh woh woh woh\n(Hoo) yeah yeah yeah yeah\n(Heisei) Paradigme Change (Change)\nParadigme Change\nTiens ! Le développement soudain !\nOui, présenté pour la première fois dans notre pays ! Le nouveau chanteur\nPrince K loves Message M.\nLa fin de siècle L'étoile ne tombe pas\nLa nuit que la terre n'a pas fini\n\nKorean: \nMy dear DISCO\n(나의 사랑하는 *디스코-쥴리아나 도쿄)\nDA DA DA DAYONE\n(그 그 그 그렇지?)\nMy dear *EUROBEAT\n(나의 사랑하는 *유로비트-음악 장르)\nCHO CHO CHO CHOBERIGU\n(초 초 초 초 베리굿)\nMy dear MD\n(나의 사랑하는 *MD-미니디스크)\nDA DA DA *DATCHUNO\n(*라 라 라 라는 말이야「だっちゅーの」 : 유행어)\n같은 옷과 헤어스타일로 몰려다녔어\n잠들지 않는 뮤직(MUSIC)\n헤이세이 패러다임 체인지\n이 도시에서\n꿈을 외치며 사랑을 불렀어\n헤이세이 패러다임 체인지\n\"미래\"란\n\"당연한 것\"이라고 생각했어\n(헤이세이) Woh woh woh woh\n(Hoo) Yeah yeah yeah yeah\n(헤이세이) Woh woh woh woh\n(Hoo) Yeah yeah yeah yeah\n(헤이세이) Woh woh woh woh\n(Hoo) Yeah yeah yeah yeah\n(헤이세이) 패러다임 체인지 (체인지)\n패러다임 체인지\n으음! 급전개입니다!\n그래요, 본방에서 처음 공개하는 NEW 보컬!\nPrince K loves Message M. \n(키마구레 프린스는 메세지 M을 사랑한다.)\n세기말에 별은 내리지 않아\n지구가 끝나지 않은 밤\n\nSpanish: \nMy dear DISCO\n(¡Tienes razón!)\nMy dear EUROBEAT\n(¡Muy bien!)\nMy dear MD\n(¡Yo te elijo!)\nCambie hasta de ropa y peinado\nNo puedo dormir con la música\nHeisei, cambio de paradigma\nDe esta ciudad...\nMe gustaría cantar y gritar sus amorosos sueños\nHeisei, cambio de paradigma\nPensemos que el futuro es algo natural\nHeisei!\nWo wo wo wo HOO!\nYeah yeah yeah yeah\nHeisei!\nWo wo wo wo HOO! \nYeah yeah yeah yeah\nHeisei!\nWo wo wo wo HOO!\nYeah yeah yeah yeah\nHeisei!\nCambio de paradigma (Cambio!)\nCambio de paradigma\nUm... Un cambio repentino\nSí, esta es la primera vez en Japón! Nuevo vocal\nPRINCE K. Loves Massage M.\nYa es fin de año y aún no caen las estrellas fugases\nLa Tierra gira sobre sí todas las noches\n\nSpanish: \nMy dear DISCO\nDA DA DA DAYONE\nMy dear EUROBEAT\nCHO CHO CHO CHOBERIGU\nMy dear MD\nDA DA DA DATCHUNO\nSalí con la misma ropa y el mismo peinado\nMÚSICA que no puede dormir\nHeisei cambio de paradigma\nEn esta ciudad, grité mis sueños y canté el amor\nHeisei cambio de paradigma\nEl futuro pensaba que era algo natural\n(Heisei) Woh woh woh woh\n(Hoo) Yeah yeah yeah\n(Heisei) Woh woh woh woh\n(Hoo) Yeah yeah yeah\n(Heisei) Woh woh woh woh\n(Hoo) Yeah yeah yeah\n(Heisei) Cambio de paradigma (Cambio)\nCambio de paradigma\nMmm! ¡Es una expansión repentina!\n¡Sí, Japón hará la primera aparición pública! Una nueva cantante\nPrince K loves Message M.\nFin de siglo, sin que lluevan estrellas\nLa noche en la que no terminó el mundo\n\nChinese: \nMy dear Disco\nDA DA DA DAYONE\nMy dear EUROBEAT\nCHO CHO CHO CHOBERIGU\nMy dear MD\nDA DA DA DATCHUNO\n一樣的服裝和髮型的潮流在循環着\n無法入睡MUSIC\n平成Paradigm Change\n在這城市上 呼喊着夢想歌頌着愛\n平成Paradigm Change\n未來什麼的 都被認為是理所當然的\n(平成) Woh woh woh woh\n(Hoo) Yeah yeah yeah yeah\n(平成) Woh woh woh woh\n(Hoo) Yeah yeah yeah yeah\n(平成) Woh woh woh woh\n(Hoo) Yeah yeah yeah yeah\n(平成) Paradigm Change (change)\nParadigm change\n姆姆!竟然是超展開\n對 就是本土初公開 New Vocal\nPrince K loves Message M.\n在世紀末沒有隕石墮落\n在地球沒有完結的那一晚\n\nThai: \nMy dear DISCO\nDA DA DA DAYONE\nMy dear EUROBEAT\nCHO CHO CHO CHOBERIGU\nMy dear MD\nDA DA DA DATCHUNO\nทำผมเผ้าแล้วแต่งตัวแบบเดียวกัน\nMUSICที่ไม่เคยหลับใหล\nHeisei Paradigm Change\nขับขานบทเพลงแห่งความรักและความฝันในเมืองแห่งนี้\nHeisei paradigm change\nคิดว่าอนาคต จะเป็นอย่างไรก็เป็นไป\n(Heisei) Woh woh woh woh\n(Hoo) Yeah yeah yeah yeah\n(Heisei) Woh woh woh woh\n(Hoo)Yeah yeah yeah yeah\n(Heisei)Woh woh woh woh\n(Hoo)Yeah yeah yeah yeah\n(Heisei)paradigm change(change)\nParadigm Change\nอะแฮ่ม ! ข่าวใหญ่ๆ!\nใช่, เปิดตัวเป็นครั้งแรก! นักร้องนำหน้าใหม่\nPrince K loves Message M.\nดวงดาวที่ไม่ตกลงมาในปลายศตวรรษ\nค่ำคืนที่โลกไม่ได้ถึงกาลอวสาน\n\nJapanese: \nMy dear DISCO\nDA DA DA DAYONE\nMy dear EUROBEAT\nCHO CHO CHO CHOBERIGU\nMy dear MD\nDA DA DA DATCHUNO\n同じ服 髪型で繰り出した\n眠らないMUSIC\n平成パラダイムチェンジ\nこの街で 夢を叫び愛を歌った\n平成パラダイムチェンジ\n未来なんて 当たり前のモノだと思ってた\n(平成) Woh woh woh woh\n(Hoo) Yeah yeah yeah yeah\n(平成) Woh woh woh woh\n(Hoo) Yeah yeah yeah yeah\n(平成) Woh woh woh woh\n(Hoo) Yeah yeah yeah yeah\n(平成) パラダイムチェンジ (チェンジ)\nパラダイムチェンジ\nむむっ!急展開なんです!\nそう、本邦初公開!Newボーカル\nPrince K loves Message M.\n世紀末 星は降らず\n地球が終わらなかった夜\n\nSpanish: \nQuiero escuchar tu voz\nCon mi dedo haré volar tus emociones\nMy dear DIVA\n(¿Qué pasa?)\nMy dear R&B\n(¡No te vayas!)\nMy dear Mp3\n(¡Hola!)\nSi intentaba bailar, todos se reían\nNo te detengas, DJ\nHeisei, cambio de paradigma\nEn esta lejana ciudad\nMi sueño ha terminado, pero mi amor apenas comienza\nHeisei, cambio de paradigma\n¿Donde está el futuro?\nPuedo salir porque no puedo verlo\nHeisei!\nWo wo wo wo HOO!\nYeah yeah yeah yeah\nHeisei!\nWo wo wo wo HOO!\nYeah yeah yeah yeah\nHeisei!\nWo wo wo wo HOO!\nYeah yeah yeah yeah\nHeisei!\nCambio de paradigma (Cambio!)\nCambio de paradigma\n¡Finalmente llegamos al última fase!\n¡Aceleraremos esto para pasar a la siguiente generación!\nKimagure P. feat Okuri, ¡más!\nCOUNT UP!\n\nEnglish: \nI wanted to hear your voice\nI carrassed the omitted emoji with my finger\nMy dear DIVA\n(I-I-I-I WONDER WHY)\nMy dear R&B\n(WHA-WHA-WHA-WHAT THE HELL)\nMy dear MP3\n(MO-MO-MO-MORNIN')\nIf I dance I can laugh at everything that comes at me\nDon't stop, DJ\nHeisei Paradigm Change\nIn the faraway town the dreams end and the love begins\nHeisei Paradigm Change\nBecause we can't see the future we can keep on walking\n(Heisei) Woh woh woh woh\n(Hoo) Yeah yeah yeah yeah\n(Heisei) Woh woh woh woh\n(Hoo) Yeah yeah yeah yeah\n(Heisei) Woh woh woh woh\n(Hoo) Yeah yeah yeah yeah\n(Heisei) Paradigm Change (Change)\nParadigm Change\nFinally, Heisei is in the last spurt too!\nWe're accelerating towards the next era!\nKimagure P feat. Sound Transmittor Moa\nCOUNT UP!\n\nChinese: \n想聽到你的聲音\n手指飛快地敲打出顏文字\nMy dear DIVA\nNA NA NA NANDEDARO\nMy dear R&B\nDO DO DO DONDAKE\nMy dear MP3\nO O O OHHA\n只要跳舞就能讓笑容吹散一切\n別停下來DJ\n平成Paradigm Change\n在遙遠的城市上 夢想完結了而開始了愛情\n平成Paradigm Change\n未來什麼的 正是看不見才踏出新的一步\n(平成) Woh woh woh woh\n(Hoo) Yeah yeah yeah yeah\n(平成) Woh woh woh woh\n(Hoo) Yeah yeah yeah yeah\n(平成) Woh woh woh woh\n(Hoo) Yeah yeah yeah yeah\n(平成) Paradigm Change (change)\nParadigm Change\n終於平成也要最後衝刺了!\n向着下一個世代開始加速囉!\n浮躁P feat. 送音moa\nCOUNT UP!\n\nThai: \nอยากได้ยินเสียงเธอเหลือเกิน\nได้แต่ใช้นิ้วจิ้มส่งอักษรภาพไป\nMy dear DIVA\nNA NA NA NANDEDARO\nMy dear R&B\nDO DO DO DONDAKE\nMy dear MP3\nO O O OHHA\nแค่เพียงเต้นรำ ก็ทำให้ได้มีรอยยิ้ม\nDJจงอย่าหยุดเล่นแผ่น\nHeisei paradigm change\nจบซึ่งเรื่องความฝัน เริ่มต้นซึ่งความรัก ในเมืองที่่ห่่างไกล\nHeisei paradigm change\nเพราะอนาคตเป็นสิ่งที่มองไม่เห็นจึงต้องเดินออกไปหา\n(Heisei)Woh woh woh woh\n(Hoo)Yeah yeah yeah yeah\n(Heisei)Woh woh woh woh\n(Hoo)Yeah yeah yeah yeah\n(Heisei)Woh woh woh woh\n(Hoo)Yeah yeah yeah yeah\n(Heisei)paradigm change(change)\nParadigm change\nและแล้วก็มาถึงช่วงสุดท้ายของยุคเฮเซ\nเร่งขับเคลื่อนเข้าสู่ยุคต่อไป !\nKimagure P feat. Okurine moa\nCOUNT UP !\n\nSpanish: \nQuiero escuchar tu voz\nEmojis que dejaré volar, los acariciaré con mis dedos\nMy dear DIVA\nNA NA NA NANDEDARO\nMy dear R&B\nDO DO DO DONDAKE\nMy dear MP3\nO O O OHHA\nSi bailase, absolutamente todo, se reirá\nNo pares DJ\nHeisei cambio de paradigma\nEn una ciudad lejana, los sueños acaban y el amor comienza\nHeisei cambio de paradigma\nEl futuro, aunque no se vea, avanza\n(Heisei) Woh woh woh woh\n(Hoo) Yeah yeah yeah yeah\n(Heisei) Woh woh woh woh\n(Hoo) Yaeh yeah yeah yeah\n(Heisei) Woh woh woh woh\n(Hoo) Yeah yeah yeah yeah\n(Heisei) Cambio de paradigma (Cambio)\nCambio de paradigma\n¡Finalmente hasta Heisei tiene una parte final!\n¡Aceleremos hacia la siguiente generación!\nKimagure P feat. Okuoto Moa\n¡COUNT UP!\n\nFrench: \nJe voulais écouter ta voix\net j'ai caressé l'Emoji envoyé avec mon doigt\nMy dear DIVA\nNA NA NA NANDEDARO\nMy dear R&B\nDO DO DO DONDAKE\nMy dear MP3\nO O O OHHA\nOn a pu rire tout quand on a dansé\nN'arrête pas DJ\nHeisei Paradigme Change\nDans la ville lointaine Le rêve finit et l'amour commence\nHeisei Paradigme Change\nLe futur On peut avancer d'un pas parce qu'on ne le voit pas\n(Heisei) Woh woh woh woh\n(Hoo) Yeah yeah yeah yeah\n(Heisei) Woh woh woh woh\n(Hoo) Yeah yeah yeah yeah\n(Heisei) Woh woh woh woh\n(Hoo) Yeah yeah yeah yeah\n(Heisei) Paradigme Change (Change)\nParadigme Change\nFinalement c'est un sprinte final de Heisei !\nOn va accélérer vers la génération suivante !\nKimagure P feat. Souon Moa\nCOUNT UP !\n\nVietnamese: \nTôi muốn nghe thật rõ giọng nói của bạn\nNhững emoji nhảy múa trên đầu ngón tay\nMy dear DIVA\nNA NA NA NANDEDARO\nMy dear R&B\nDO DO DO DONDAKE\nMy dear MP3\nO O O OHA\nTôi có thể cười vui sướng khi tôi được nhảy múa\nĐừng dừng lại, hãy tiếp tục, DJ!\nHeisei paradigm change\nỞ một nơi xa xăm\nGiấc mơ ấy kết thúc và một tình yêu mới bắt đầu\nHeisei paradigm change\nHãy tiếp tục tiến bước đừng e ngại\nVì ta không thể nhìn thấy trước tương lai\n(Heisei) Wow wow wow wow\n(Hoo) Yeah yeah yeah yeah\n(Heisei) Wow wow wow wow\n(Hoo) Yeah yeah yeah yeah\n(Heisei) Wow wow wow wow\n(Hoo) Yeah yeah yeah yeah\n(Heisei) Paradigm change (CHANGE!)\nParadigm change\nThời khắc cuối thời đại Heisei là sự bứt phá cuối cùng!\nTăng tốc lên vì một thế hệ tiếp theo!\nKimagure P tăng âm lượng lên,\nĐẾM TỚI NÀO!\n\nKorean: \n네 목소리가 듣고 싶어서\n문자전송 버튼을 손가락으로 어루만졌어\nMy dear DIVA\n(나의 사랑하는 *디바-여성 솔로가수)\nNA NA NA NANDEDARO\n(어 어 어 어째서?)\nMy dear *R &B \n(나의 사랑하는 *알앤비-음악 장르)\nDO DO DO DONDAKE \n(어 어 어 얼마나?)\nMy dear MP3 \n(나의 사랑하는 MP3)\nO O O OHHA \n(오 오 오 오하~)\n춤을 추면 모든 것을 다 웃어넘길 수 있었어\n멈추지 않고 DJ\n헤이세이 패러다임 체인지\n먼 거리에서 꿈이 끝나고 사랑이 시작되네\n헤이세이 패러다임 체인지\n\"미래\" 라는 것은\n볼 수 없기 때문에 살아갈 수 있는거야\n(헤이세이) Woh woh woh woh\n(Hoo) Yeah yeah yeah yeah\n(헤이세이) Woh woh woh woh\n(Hoo) Yeah yeah yeah yeah\n(헤이세이) Woh woh woh woh\n(Hoo) Yeah yeah yeah yeah\n(헤이세이) 패러다임 체인지 (체인지)\n패러다임 체인지\n드디어 \"헤이세이 시대\"도 \n라스트 스퍼트(last spurt)!\n*다음 세대에 가속할거야!\n(*의역 : 헤이세이 빨리 끝내고 다음 시대 이야기 할거야!)\n키마구레 프린스 feat. 송음모어\n환영합니다!!\n\nJapanese: \n君の声が聞きたくて\n飛ばす絵文字 指で撫でた\nMy dear DIVA\nNA NA NA NANDEDARO\nMy dear R&B\nDO DO DO DONDAKE\nMy dear MP3\nO O O OHHA\n踊れば何もかも笑い飛ばせた\n止めないでDJ\n平成パラダイムチェンジ\n遠い街で 夢が終わり愛が始まる\n平成パラダイムチェンジ\n未来なんて 見えないからこそ歩き出せる\n(平成) Woh woh woh woh\n(Hoo) Yeah yeah yeah yeah\n(平成) Woh woh woh woh\n(Hoo) Yeah yeah yeah yeah\n(平成) Woh woh woh woh\n(Hoo) Yeah yeah yeah yeah\n(平成) パラダイムチェンジ (チェンジ)\nパラダイムチェンジ\nついに平成もラストスパート!\n次の世代へ加速するよーん!\n気まぐれP feat.送音モア\nCOUNT UP!\n\nJapanese: \n電波の空 電子の海\n全てが繋がりだした夜\n君の声が聞きたくて\n短い呟き 書いて消した\nMy dear IDOL\nI I I IMADESHO\nMy dear EDM\nO O O OMOTENASHI\nMy dear STREAMING\nSO SO SO SODANE\n旅は終わり次の\"日\"が灯る\n変わらないMUSIC\n果てしないMUSIC\n平成パラダイムチェンジ\n駆け抜けた 歌声の響き渡る空\n平成パラダイムチェンジ\n君とまた 夢を叫び愛を歌おう\n令和パラダイムチェンジ\n僕達は 何処へ向かい何を成すのか\n令和パラダイムチェンジ\n未来とは 目の前の今そのものなんだ\n(令和) Woh woh woh woh\n\nFrench: \nLe ciel d''ondes La mer d'électron\nLa nuit que tout a commencé se lier\nJe voulais écouter ta voix\net j'ai écrit un petit tweet et je l'ai supprimé\nMy dear IDOL\nI I I IMADESHO\nMy dear EDM\nO O O OMOTENASHI\nMy dear STREAMING\nSO SO SO SODANE\nLe voyage finit, \"le jour\" suivant s'allumera\nMUSIC qui ne change pas\nMUSIC qui infini\nHeisei Paradigme Change\nJ'ai passé en courant Le ciel qui résonne le chant\nHeisei Paradigme Change\nJe vais encore crier le rêve et chanter l'amour avec toi\nReiwa Paradigme Change\nNous nous allons où et accomplissons quoi\nReiwa Paradigme Change\nLe futur est exactement aujourd'hui qui est juste devant nous\n(Reiwa) Woh woh woh woh\n\nSpanish: \nCielo de ondas de radio, mar de electrones\nLa noche en la que todo se unió\nQuiero escuchar tu voz\nUn breve murmullo, lo escribí y después lo borré\nMy dear IDOL\nI I I IMADESHO\nMy dear EDM\nO O O OMOTENASHI\nMy dear STREAMING\nSO SO SO SODANE\nEl viaje terminará y el siguiente \"sol\" brillará\nMÚSICA que no cambia\nMÚSICA sin fin\nHeisei cambio de paradigma\nAtravesó corriendo, el cielo que hace eco del canto\nHeisei cambio de paradigma\nVolvamos a gritar los sueños y a cantar el amor\nReiwa cambio de paradigma\nNosotros, hacia dónde nos dirigimos, qué haremos\nReiwa cambio de paradigma\nEl futuro es esa cosa que tenemos ahora delante de los ojos\n(Reiwa) Woh woh woh woh\n\nEnglish: \nThe sky of radio waves and the electronic sea\nThe night everything became connected\nI wanted to hear your voice\nI wrote a short tweet and deleted it again\nMy dear IDOL\n(N-N-N-NOW IS THE TIME)\nMy dear EDM\n(SE-SE-SE-SERVICE)\nMy dear STREAMING\n(THA-THA-THA-THAT'S RIGHT)\nThe journey is over and the next day lights up\nMUSIC doesn't change\nMUSIC is endless\nHeisei Paradigm Change\nI've passed though running, the sky transmits the echos of singing voices\nHeisei Paradigm Change\nI will yell out dreams and sing love with you again\nReiwa Paradigm Change\nWhere will we be headed and what will we accomplish?\nReiwa Paradigm Change\nThe future is the very present that is right in front of us\n(Reiwa) Woh woh woh woh\n\nSpanish: \nOnda de radio electrico bajo el mar\nTodo esta conectado esta noche\nQuiero escuchar tu voz\nHablo en susurros, pero no puedes escucharme\nMy dear IDOL\n(¡Es ahora!)\nMy dear EPA\n(Hospitalidad)\nMy dear STREAMING\n(¡Sábado!)\nEl viaje ha terminado, mañana volverá a iluminarse el día\nNo cambien la música\nQue no termine la música\nHeisei, cambio de paradigma\nCorre\nPor todo el cielo, resonante la voz de los cantantes\nHeisei, cambio de paradigma\nContigo de nuevo\nGrita sueños, canta amor\nReiwa, cambio de paradigma\n¿A dónde vamos, y qué haremos?\nReiwa, cambio de paradigma\nEl futuro es lo que tienes frente a tus ojos\nReiwa!\n\nThai: \nคลื่นสัญญานที่ผ่านอากาศ คลื่นไฟฟ้าที่ผ่านทะเล\nค่ำคืนที่เชื่อมต่อกันไว้ได้ทั้งหมด\nอยากได้ยินเสียงเธอเหลือเกิน\nได้แต่เขียนบ่นสั้นๆ และลบไป\nMy dear IDOL\nI I I IMADESHO\nMy dear EDM\nO O O OMOTENASHI\nMy dear STREAMING\nSO SO SO SODANE\nจุดไฟให้กับวันต่อไปหลังสิ้นสุดการเดินทาง\nดนตรีจะไม่มีวันเปลี่ยนแปลง\nดนตรีจะไม่มีวันสิ้นสุด\nHeisei paradigm change\nเสียงร้องเพลงจะกึกก้องข้ามผ่านฟากฟ้าไป\nHeisei paradigm change\nจะขับขานบทเพลงแห่งความรักและความฝันกับเธออีกครั้ง\nReiwa paradigm change\nพวกเราจะมุ่งไปทางใด และทำอะไรได้บ้าง\nReiwa paradigm change\nอนาคตนั้นก็คือ ผลจากการสิ่งที่เราทำในตอนนี้นั่นเอง\n(Reiwa) Woh woh woh woh\n\nVietnamese: \nSự sôi động như làn sóng vô tuyến điện tử\nĐêm nay khi mọi thứ được kết nối cùng nhau\nTôi muốn nghe thật rõ giọng nói của bạn\nXóa ngay một dòng tweet nhắn vội vàng\nMy dear IDOL\nI I I IMADESHO\nMy dear EDM\nO O O OMOTENASHI\nMy dear STREAMING\nSO SO SO SODANE\nCuộc hành trình ngày hôm nay kết thúc, mở ra ánh sáng cho \"ngày\" tiếp theo\nThứ ÂM NHẠC không bao giờ thay đổi\nÂM NHẠC vô hạn\nHeisei paradigm change\nKhúc hát chào mừng đầy hân hoan\nVang vọng tận trời xanh cao vút\nHeisei paradigm change\nChúng ta, tôi và bạn một lần nữa \nCùng nhau khóc mừng và hát vang bài ca tình yêu\nReiwa paradigm change\nSố phận của chúng ta\nKhông ai biết sẽ tiến bước về đâu và chuyện gì sẽ xảy đến\nReiwa paradigm change\nNhưng tương lai tươi đẹp\nChính là hiện tại ngay trước mắt đây rồi\n(Reiwa) Wow wow wow wow\n\nChinese: \n電波之空 電子之海\n全部都緊密聯繫住的夜晚\n想聽到你的聲音\n寫下了短短幾行 又馬上刪除\nMy dear IDOL\nI I I IMADESHO\nMy dear EDM\nO O O OMOTENASHI\nMy dear STREAMING\nSO SO SO SODANE\n旅程結束後的\"那日\"將會點亮\n不會變的MUSIC\n無盡的MUSIC\n平成Paradigm Change\n一路狂奔 歌聲響徹了天際\n平成Paradigm Change\n再次和你 呼喊着夢想歌頌着愛\n令和Paradigm Change\n我們會 向着某處成就了什麼\n令和Paradigm Change\n未來就是 我們目前所處的現在\n(令和) Woh woh woh woh\n\nKorean: \n전파의 하늘, 전자의 바다\n모든 것이 이어지기 시작한 밤\n네 목소리가 듣고 싶어서\n짧은 중얼거림을 썼다가 지워냈어\nMy dear IDOL \n(나의 소중한 아이돌)\nI I I IMADESHO\n(지 지 지 지금이지?)\nMy dear *EDM \n(나의 소중한 *이디엠-음악 장르)\nO O O *OMOTENASHI\n(오 오 오 *오모테나시-일본의 서비스 문화)\nMy dear STREAMING \n(나의 사랑하는 스트리밍)\nSO SO SO SODANE\n(그 그 그 그렇네)\n여행은 끝나고 다음날이 밝아와\n변하지 않는 MUSIC(뮤직)\n끝없는 뮤직(MUSIC)\n헤이세이 패러다임 체인지\n앞질러갔어\n노랫소리가 울려퍼지는 하늘\n헤이세이 패러다임 체인지\n너와 또다시 \n꿈을 외치며 사랑을 노래할거야\n*레이와 패러다임 체인지\n(*레이와 : 현재의 일본 연호)\n우리들은 어디로 향해서 무엇을 이룰것인가?\n레이와 패러다임 체인지\n미래는 눈 앞의 \"지금\" 그 자체인거야\n(레이와) Woh woh woh woh\n\nFrench: \n(Hoo) Yeah yeah yeah yeah\n(Reiwa) Woh woh woh woh\n(Hoo) Yeah yeah yeah yeah\n(Reiwa) Woh woh woh woh\n(Hoo) Yeah yeah yeah yeah\n(Reiwa) Paradigme Change (Change)\nParadigme Change\nLe passé vers le présent\nLe présent vers le futur\nNous avons filé\nnotre sentiment comme ça\nTous les générations\nTous les univers\nNous avons de l'amour\nde quelque un\nOn y va ensemble\nà la génération suivante\n\nThai: \n(Hoo) Yeah yeah yeah yeah\n(Reiwa)Woh woh woh woh\n(Hoo) Yeah yeah yeah yeah\n(Reiwa) Woh woh woh woh\n(Hoo)Yeah yeah yeah yeah\n(Reiwa) paradigm change(change)\nParadigm change\nจากอดีต สู่ปัจจุบัน\nจากปัจจุบัน สู่อนาคต\nที่พวกเรานั้น\nเรียบเรียงออกมาเป็นความรู้สึก\nไม่ว่าจะเป็นยุคใด\nไม่ว่าโลกจะเป็นแบบไหน\nขอให้พวกเราจงมีความรัก\nและมอบความรักให้กับใครสักคน\nเดินทางไปด้วยกัน\nสู่ยุคสมัยต่อไป\n\nChinese: \n(Hoo) Yeah yeah yeah yeah\n(令和) Woh woh woh woh\n(Hoo) Yeah yeah yeah yeah\n(令和) Woh woh woh woh\n(Hoo) Yeah yeah yeah yeah\n(令和) Paradigm Change (change)\nParadigm Change\n過去朝着現在\n現在朝着未來\n於是我們\n讓思念交織在一起\n不論哪個時代也好\n不論怎麼樣的世界也好\n我們會相戀\n會和相愛的人\n一起前行\n向着下一個時代\n\nVietnamese: \n(Hoo) Yeah yeah yeah yeah\n(Reiwa) Wow wow wow wow\n(Hoo) Yeah yeah yeah yeah\n(Reiwa) Wow wow wow wow\n(Hoo) Yeah yeah yeah yeah\n(Reiwa) Paradigm change (CHANGE!)\nParadigm change\nTừ quá khứ tới hiện tại\nTừ bây giờ cho đến tương lai\nTất cả chúng ta\nĐều đang quay cuồng trong những guồng quay cảm xúc\nỞ bất kì mốc thời gian nào\nTrong bất kì thế giới nào\nChúng ta đều sẽ yêu\nĐã và đang yêu một ai đó\nVì vậy, hãy cùng nhau đi nào\nCùng tiến bước vào thời đại mới nhé\nTranslated by: R\n\nSpanish: \nWo wo wo wo HOO!\nYeah yeah yeah yeah\nReiwa!\nWo wo wo wo HOO!\nYeah yeah yeah yeah\nReiwa!\nWo wo wo wo HOO!\nYeah yeah yeah yeah\nReiwa!\nCambio de paradigma (Cambio!)\nCambio de paradigma\nEl pasado es ahora\nEl futuro es ahora\nEntonces nosotros...\nPodemos cambiar el futuro\nA cualquier edad\nY en cualquier mundo\nEstamos enamorados\nAlguien te ama\nVayamos juntos, a la próxima era\n\nEnglish: \n(Hoo) Yeah yeah yeah yeah\n(Reiwa) Woh woh woh woh\n(Hoo) Yeah yeah yeah yeah\n(Reiwa) Woh woh woh woh\n(Hoo) Yeah yeah yeah yeah\n(Reiwa) Paradigm Change (Change)\nParadigm Change\nFrom the past to the present\nFrom the present to the future\nLike that we have\nput together our experiences\nNo matter in which era\nNo matter in which world\nWe fall in love\nwith someone\nLet's go together\nTowards the next era\n\nSpanish: \n(Hoo) Yeah yeah yeah yeah\n(Reiwa) Woh woh woh woh\n(Hoo) Yeah yeah yeah yeah\n(Reiwa) Woh woh woh woh\n(Hoo) Yeah yeah yeah yeah\n(Reiwa) Cambio de paradigma (Cambio)\nCambio de paradigma\nDel pasado al presente\nDel presente al futuro\nAsí nosotros\nHilamos nuestros sentimientos\nEn cualquier época\nEn cualquier mundo\nNosotros en el amor\nAmaremos a alguien\n¡Vayamos juntos!\nA la siguiente era\n\nKorean: \n(Hoo) Yeah yeah yeah yeah\n(레이와) Woh woh woh woh\n(Hoo) Yeah yeah yeah yeah\n(레이와) Woh woh woh woh\n(Hoo) Yeah yeah yeah yeah\n(레이와) 패러다임 체인지 (체인지)\n패러다임 체인지\n과거는 현재로\n현재는 미래로\n그리하여 우리들은\n마음을 *노래로 표현해왔다\n(*의역 : 직역은 이야기, 시등을 만들다.)\n어느 시대에서도\n어느 세계에서도\n우리는 사랑을 하고\n누군가를 사랑한다\n함께 가자!\n다음 시대로...\n\nJapanese: \n(Hoo) Yeah yeah yeah yeah\n(令和) Woh woh woh woh\n(Hoo) Yeah yeah yeah yeah\n(令和) Woh woh woh woh\n(Hoo) Yeah yeah yeah yeah\n(令和) パラダイムチェンジ (チェンジ)\nパラダイムチェンジ\n過去は現在へ\n現在は未来へ\nそうして僕達は\n想いを紡いできた\nどの時代でも\nどんな世界でも\n僕達は恋をして\n誰かを愛する\n一緒に行こう\n次の時代へ\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "Mommy, mommy I still feel a bit insecure in the water.\nI want to swim like Niki but I do not dare.\nCould you please help me and explain to me once again how to swim?\nOk darling. First step to swimming is breath control.\nBreath control?\nYes breath control. Come here, let's do it together.\nWow awesome, Anna. You'll be a good swimmer.\nThank you papa. Swimming is fun!\nYeah swimming is so much fun!\nWell done Anna! Now you can swim just like a fish in the sea!\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "\nEnglish: \nOkay, traditional gables.\nSo this particular gable has a verge.\nSo the verge is a section\nthat hangs out past\nthe front of the gable and has\nthe, what we call bird baton.\nSo they're the small pieces of timber\nfollowing the rake of the\nrafter there is a gap.\nSo this is a verge.\nIt's got the bird baton.\nThere's one, two, three, four, five,\nsix bird batons on the top.\nAt the apex, is the scroll.\nSo that's tile, a tiled scroll\nto give it the character\nand then, the gable is\nactually horizontal piece\nwith the uprights and it's\nHardiFlex on the back of it.\nSo that's painted out similar\nto the wall colour down\nhere and the verticals match.\n\nEnglish: \nOkay, traditional gables.\nSo this particular gable has a verge.\nSo the verge is a section\nthat hangs out past\nthe front of the gable and has\nthe, what we call bird baton.\nSo they're the small pieces of timber\nfollowing the rake of the\nrafter there is a gap.\nSo this is a verge.\nIt's got the bird baton.\nThere's one, two, three, four, five,\nsix bird batons on the top.\nAt the apex, is the scroll.\nSo that's tile, a tiled scroll\nto give it the character\nand then, the gable is\nactually horizontal piece\nwith the uprights and it's\nHardiFlex on the back of it.\nSo that's painted out similar\nto the wall colour down\nhere and the verticals match.\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "In the last class, we have studied about elliptic\ncurves and their definitions. So, in today's\nclass, we shall concentrate on how to apply\nelliptic curves to cryptographic operations.\nIn today's class, we shall essentially cover\nthese areas like, what is the relation between\nelliptic curve and cryptography, discus about\nan El Gamal type of encryption algorithm in\ncontext to elliptic curves. The other important\nthing that is needed is how essentially do\nwe take a message and encode that into the\nelliptic curve. So, we will see a very simple\nalgorithm to do so, and also the corresponding\ndecoding, that means, given the corresponding\npoint how we get back the message.\nThen we shall discuss about the Diffie-Hellman\nkey exchange in context to elliptic curves,\nand then, we shall address that why do we\nuse elliptic curves, because we have studied\nRSA and public key ciphers which are based\non discrete logarithm problems. So what is\nthe purpose of elliptic curves and what is\nthe underlying heart problem behind elliptic\ncurves, we shall just discuss certain issues\nin this context.\nSo, first of all to start with public-key\nciphers we have seen there are two important\nrequirements, one is secrecy, and other one\nis authentication of information. As we know\nthat in any public-key cryptosystem these\nare provided by a pair of keys, so if you\nknow that if you want to apply your public-key\ncipher for giving you secrecy, then also you\nuse a pair of public key and private keys.\nSimilarly, if you want to use it for authentication\nyou use another pair of public key and private\nkeys here.\nThe only difference when you are using it\nin context to security, and when you are using\nit in context to authentication is that, how\ndo you use I mean, which key do you use for\nwhat reasons. For example, when you are interested\nin or motivated in the security of or the\nsecrecy of the information then you use the\npublic key. For encrypting, the sender uses\nthe public key, but the receiver decrypts\nit using the private key. Similarly, when\nyou are using it for authentication you can\nuse the same public key, but you have to use\nit in the other way that is, if you want authentication\nthen you have to use the private key for sending\nthe data and use the public key for verifying.\nSo similar to that we can also use, as shown\nin that there is a source A, a destination\nB, and the message source wants to send X\nwhich is a message, and it wants to send it\nto the destination ensuring that both secrecy\nof the information and the authentication\nof the information is maintained. So, for\nsource A chooses a pair of messages I mean\npair of keys, and for encryption algorithm\nthere are two stages of the algorithm, one\nis the public key encryption used for secrecy,\nand other one is used for authentication.\nWhen we are using for encryption then you\nare using the public key because you have\nto encrypt the data. So, you essentially choose\nthe public key and you encrypt the data and\nsend it to the receiver, but for authentication\nyou do just the opposite that is you essentially\nchoose the private key for sending, and similarly\nif you want to verify you use the corresponding\nprivate key. Therefore, if you want to send\nit for authentication then you see that you\nhave essentially chosen the public key, for\nperforming your authentication so that the\nprivate key for performing or signing the\ndata, and for verifying you use the corresponding\npublic key. But if you want to use it for\nsecrecy of the information then you use just\nthe keys but in the same keys or similar pair\nof keys. But in the other way that is what\nyou do is that, you choose the public key\nfor performing your encryption operation,\nand you decrypt the corresponding cipher-text\nby using the corresponding private key right,\nbecause anybody should not be able to decrypt.\nSo therefore, the secrecy of the data is ensured\nbecause you know that the secret key is only\nthat is the assumption there is the secret\nkey only B has the corresponding secret key\ntherefore or the private key and therefore\nit can only decrypt. And similarly, the authentication\nis ensured, because if the verification is\nsuccessful it shows that based on the assumption\nthat only A has the corresponding private\nkey, so he knows that this particular message\ndigest can be only generated by the source\nA. that is since the I mean apart from source\nA nobody has the corresponding private key,\nhence only A can sign this message. Therefore\nthe authentication is also ensured in this\nfashion.\nSo this is the very customary operation of\nhow you basically there are two important\nparts; one is the encryption, and the other\none is the authentication. So, what we understand\nfrom here is that, what we have studied previously\nis that you can use any encryption or any\npublic key encryption algorithm, and we can\nactually achieve this goal of encryption as\nwell as authentication.\nSo, for encryption there is a public key that\nis a public key ring, so if you want to communicate\nwith anybody for example, if you want to communicate\nwith Alice then from the public key ring you\nchoose the corresponding public key for Alice\nand you generate the ciphertext, and the receiver\nsince it has the corresponding private key\ndecrypts the message and obtains the corresponding\nplain text. When you are doing the authentication,\nthen basically you are generating the signature,\nso you take an input and you sign it by your\nown private key and you send it, and if the\nreceiver is expecting the message from Bob\nthen it chooses the corresponding public key\nfrom the public key ring and decrypts it and\nobtains a plain text message.\nSo you see that both these essentially uses\nthe same public key cryptography ring, but\nthe point to be noted here is that when you\nare using it for encryption, and when you\nare using it for authentication the public\nkey ring is, in the first case it is present\nin the sender's part and in the second case\nit is present in the receiver's part. So that\nis the small thing which is to be kept in\nmind. Now there are various arguments about\nwhether you should do the encryption first\nor whether you should do the authentication\nfirst, so that essentially is a matter of\nwe can argue on that. But this is the basic\nway how we can actually choose the public\nkey, and you can actually perform either if\nyou want to use it for the secrecy or you\nwant to use it for the authentication of the\ninformation.\nTherefore what is elliptic curves, we have\nstudied that elliptic curves is essentially\nI mean, elliptic curve is basically a certain\nset of curves that is essentially what we\nhave studied in the last class. Now the question\nis what elliptic curve cryptography is, so\nelliptic curve cryptography is nothing but\na public key cryptosystem just like we have\nstudied RSA and El Gamal. So it also has a\npublic and a private key, and the public key\nis used either for encryption or the signature\nverification, and the private key is used\nfor decryption or for signature generation.\nSo elliptic curves are used as an extension\nto other current cryptosystems therefore,\nyou can also have elliptic curve Diffie-Hellman\nkey exchange, you can have elliptic curve\ndigital signature algorithms. Wherever you\nhave seen the previous applications of public\nkey ciphers, you can have similar applications\nhere also, but these are actually based on\ncertain curves which are known as the elliptic\ncurves which are having cubic curves, which\nwe have studied in the last class.\nNow, we shall study that how do we apply this\nelliptic curves to generate a public-key cipher.\nSo the central part of any cryptosystem which\ninvolves elliptic curves is the elliptic group.\nWe have studied that, if you want to generate\nelliptic groups then for that in order to\ndo that we actually define certain operations,\nthe operations means we take two points on\nthe elliptic curve and we define what is mean\nby addition on these two points. So we define\nwhat is meant by point addition and what is\nmeant by point doubling.\nSo, all public key cryptosystem have some\nunderlying mathematical operations like, if\nyou want to for example, chose RSA then you\nhave exponentiation, you are basically doing\na modular exponentiation, and all public-key\nciphers essentially relies upon certain things\nwhich are assumed to be one way function that\nis, some multiplication easily compute what\nwhich are difficult to invert. So, in context\nto RSA we have seen that the heart problem\nor the one way problem was essentially the\nfactorization problem that is, if I can take\ntwo if there is a large product or if there\nis a large composite number which can be factored\ninto two large prime numbers, then it was\nbelieved that it is difficult to factorize\nthese module. That was the assumption on which\nthe RSA security was derived. So when we studied\nabout the El Gamal cryptosystems which are\nbased upon the finite field for example, F\np or any other finite field for that matter,\nthen it is based on something which is called\nas a discrete log problem. So it was known\nwe leave it is easy to compute given a public\nmodule g, and given a secret module x, it\nis easy to compute g power of x modulo P.\nBut from g power of x modulo p, it is actually\nbelieved to be difficult to compute the value\nof the exponent x, so that was the assumption\non which the El Gamal cryptosystem was based\non. So similarly, here in elliptic curve cryptography\nwe also have something which is then similar\nor analogous to the discrete log problem,\nand which is called as the elliptic curve\ndiscrete log problem. So this essentially\nrelies on how do we do the point addition,\nand how do we do the point doubling. So the\nunderlying mathematical operation on which\nthis public cryptosystems based on elliptic\ncurves are actually something which is called\nas point multiplication, so we take an elliptic\ncurve for example, consider any elliptic curve\nfor that matter.\nSuppose, this is one elliptic curve, we take\na point p on this curve, and we take another\npoint Q on this point and we do a point addition,\nso that is what we have studied in the last\nclass. Therefore, these essentially intersect\nthe curve at the third point and the corresponding\nreflection of that point is the sum O plus\nQ, so this is known as the sum P plus Q. Similarly,\nif this P and Q points converge and there\nis only one single point, we draw a tangent\nat that point and we reflect that point, so\nthat was called the doubling operation. Therefore\nif this P and Q converge at a point call it\nsay W, then this is nothing but twice of w\nbecause that is W plus W, so this is basically\nthe operation of point addition and point\ndoubling. Now, in elliptic curve cryptography\nwhat we essentially do is that we choose a\nscalar quantity say call it lambda, and there\nis a base point which we call as a point P.\nSo the whole point is how do we compute lambda\ninto P, so that is the basic operation on\nwhich elliptic curve cryptography relies that\nis how do we compute these value of lambda\nmultiplied by P. So, one obvious way of computing\nlambda into P is by taking P and by adding\nit lambda times, so we take P and we keep\non adding them lambda number of times. So\nwe can take a point P and P plus P Means,\nit is a doubling operation on P then whatever\noutput we get again we add that with P and\nwe keep on doing that lambda number of times.\nSo that is essentially something which is\ncalled as the scalar multiplication, which\nis central to what is known as elliptic curve\ncryptography. So whether we want to use it\nfor encryption, whether we want to use it\nfor key exchange, this is the most important\nand center operation on which elliptic curve\ncryptography is based on.\nSo, the generic procedure of doing elliptic\ncurve cryptography is that both parties agree\nto some public known items. For example, the\nelliptic curve equation as we have studied,\nare a form of y square equal to x cube plus\na x plus p. Similarly, we have got generalized\nWeierstrass equation, so if I give you the\nvalue that is the values of the constants,\nthen you essentially know the corresponding\ncurve equation. So it is believed that everybody\nis a sender and the receiver, and even the\nadversary knows the curve equation. Now, you\nhave to basically define elliptic group, so\nelliptic group is computed from the elliptic\ncurve equation and a base point B which is\nfrom the elliptic group, and similar to something\nwhich is called as what we have seen as generator\nused in the context of the previous public\nkey ciphers. So similar to that, we have got\na base point B which is again a public domain\ninformation. These are the public domain information,\nthe values of a and b. So what is a and what\nis b, this you will remember from the Weierstrass\nequation y square equal to x cube plus a x\nplus b, therefore those two a and b will be\nimportant in understanding what is the corresponding\ncurve. So based upon that we have got various\nvarieties of curves, we have got random curves,\nand there are other forms of curves.\nSimilarly the prime p, the corresponding elements\nof the elliptic curve is based on some field\ntherefore, that field could be a prime field.\nSo, in this case we are assuming that it is\na prime field, it could be a characteristic\nto field also like g f 2 power of n, and it\ncould be essentially some complex sets also.\nBut if I assume that for all purpose, let\nus assume that the underlying elements on\nthat elliptic curve are chosen from F p that\nis it is chosen from the field which is generated\nout of numbers from 0 to P Minus 1, where\np is a prime number. So the elements on the\ncurves are actually chosen from 0 to P Minus\n1, and already I did not say explicitly all\nthe number of points which are actually there\non the elliptic curves, they are actually\nfinite so that is basically a finite set of\npoints which are there on the elliptic curve.\nTherefore, you have got your F p which is\nyour set of numbers from 0 to P minus 1, where\np is a prime number, and then you have got\nsome points which were actually choosing on\nthe elliptic curve. So those are actually\nordered pairs, like addition points x comma\ny, where X Also belongs to F p, Y Also belongs\nto F p.\nSo, basically it is a subset of the numbers\nfrom z p cross z p, it is a finite set, so\nit is a finite set of numbers and finite set\nof points which actually are there on the\nactual elliptic curve. And by our previous\nconstruction of the addition, and the definition\nof the addition operation on the points, those\nelements x comma Y actually form a mathematical\ngroup along with the point on infinity. Therefore,\nif I take all these points x comma y which\nactually satisfies this Weierstrass equation,\nthose points along with the point on infinity\nform what we call the mathematical poof under\nthe definition of the addition and the doubling\noperation.\nSo therefore, in this case the public known\ndata items are the values of a and b, and\nthe corresponding prime p, these are public\nnumbers. And similarly, there is a base point\nwhich is also a public domain value. Now,\neach user generates their public or private\nkey pair, so what is a private key pair here,\nit could be an integer x which is selected\nfrom the interval from 1 to P minus 1. So\nfrom 1 to P minus 1 the private key is any\ninteger x which is selected at random, and\nthe public key is actually the product of\nX and P B.\nTherefore, if you want to use it you first\nof all choose a corresponding curve equation.\nSo y equal to x cube plus a x plus b, and\nwhenever you are doing it there is a modulo\nP, because this elements x and y are essentially\nchosen from Z p cross Z p, and \nthe corresponding private key which we are\nchoosing is another number. So, although it\nis x it is a different x, actually it is the\nsecret x which is chosen from the set closed\ninterval from 1 to P minus 1. And your public\nkey is actually x multiply by the base, so\nB again another public parameter which is\nthe base point of the curve which is generally\nprovided by a central body. So for example,\nwe have got mixed curves, therefore they essentially\ngives you this values of a and b, I think\nit is better to make this a and b as small\na and small b is generally provided by a central\nbody, it is a chosen curves. So this is the\nway how you choose or calculate this private\nkey and the public key.\nSo, immediately you know that from our previous\ndiscussions if this x number is chosen from\n1 into P minus 1, and this public key value\nis public therefore, everybody knows this\nx into B. So, whenever you are using it for\ncryptography, it is obvious that one should\nnot be able to know this private key. Therefore,\nit becomes immediate that from this x B it\nshould be difficult to get the knowledge of\nx, which is the basic assumption. So, how\ndo you get x into B that is by adding B x\ntimes, repeated additions will give you x\ninto B, and this problem of getting x from\nx B is the basic assumption. again the central\nbelieve to be mathematically difficult problem\non which elliptic curve cryptography relies\nupon.\nSo, anyway I will come to that in more details,\nso at least first of all see that how do we\ndo the basic encryption operation. Suppose\nAlice wants to send to Bob an encrypted message,\nso both agree on a base point B, and creates\na public private key. So what Alice does is\nthat, it chooses a private key a and the corresponding\npublic key is P A, which is a B that is being\nadded a number of times. Similarly, Bob's\nprivate key is again small b and the corresponding\npublic key is b multiplied by B. Now, this\npublic keys are actually available to everybody,\nit is shared in the public key ring, so if\nAlice wants to essentially encrypt a message\nM, then it has to somehow convert this message\nor encode this message into a point onto the\ncurve so you call it P M.\nTherefore, the first thing is that let us\nsay, we can actually assume that it is taking\nthis M, somebody can encode that into the\npoint on the curve. Therefore, obviously one\nmay ask that how do we essentially take this\nmessage M and encode them into the point P\nM, so there are various ways but one very\nsimple technique is shown here. You consider\nthis curve y square equal to x cube plus a\nx plus b, so one way could be like this that\nis the plain text say numbers and English\nor roman characters, whatever you say from\nzero to nine, and from ten to thirty five.\nsuppose therefore if I want to send this character\nB, then this B will be encoded as the number\nn equal to eleven.\nSo, these are very simple way of doing, you\nsee that you choose a public key variable\nsay k equal to twenty, and it start computing\nx which is equal to n into k plus i and it\nvary i from one to k minus one. Therefore,\nwhat I am doing is that, you know that this\nvalue that is k is a public known value, and\nyou want to send the value m \nequal to eleven, that is what my related the\ncharacter b indicates or is encoded. So I\nwill start computing X As m multiplied by\na publicly known value say call it twenty,\nand I start adding some value i to it, and\nI will vary this i from one to k minus one,\nk being equal to twenty is nineteen and I\nkeep on varying this i at one step. So for\nexample, in this case it is eleven into twenty\nplus one. To begin with when i is equal to\none, so first of all in the first iteration\ni is one you get a corresponding value of\nx, you remember that you are always doing\na modulo p. So there is some p on which you\nare doing a modulo p operation, let it be\nsome value essentially.\nSo now, if you get this value of x there is\na corresponding curve equation, so y square\nequal to x cube plus a x plus b. You take\nthis x and you substitute that into y, and\nthis is again a modulo p. Therefore, this\nnumber which we get should be a quadratic\nresidue, because if it is so then there is\nan integral solution for y. So that you can\ncheck by there are techniques that we have\nseen previously, and you know how to check\nwhether a given value is a quadratic residue\nmodulo p or not. Therefore, you can check\nwhether it is a quadrate residue modulo p,\nif it is so then x comma y is corresponding\nencoding, otherwise you again start incrementing\nthis i to the next value two. Now it is quite\neasy, you can check that if I start varying\nfrom one to nineteen at least one of them\nwe ensure that y is a quadratic residue. so\nif I keep on increasing this like this there\nat least one of them will be ensure that it\nis a quadratic residue so that we can just\nthink upon why it is\nTherefore, m is encoded as x comma Y, and\nthe decoding is very simple, you take this\nx you subtract one from it, divide it by k,\nand take the floor of this value so that is\nyour m so x minus 1 divided by k and you take\na floor of this this will give you m. Therefore,\nthis is the way how you can get this value\nof m from this pair of x comma y. So, I will\ngive you an example on this, that is suppose\np is seven hundred and fifty one, a is minus\none, b is one hundred and eighty eight, and\nk is twenty. Let this be some arbitrarily\nchosen values, and here m is again eleven,\nand I choose this X as x equal to m into k\nplus one.\nSo here if I take this value m being eleven\nand k being twenty, if you multiply eleven\ninto twenty and add one you get two hundred\nand twenty two is it correct, I think is a\nmistake, it is twenty into eleven plus one\nthat is two hundred and twenty one. Therefore,\nplease correct it this is two hundred and\ntwenty one, so but correspondingly we can\nsee there is no solution for y. If you take\nthis value of X and plug in to the curve equation,\nthen you will not get an integral value of\ny. So that you can check again, but this we\ncan this you can check offline. Similarly,\nwe continue like this and you keep on incrementing\nthe value of this one, two, three and so on\nand you will find in this case that when this\ni is equal to four your x b equal to two hundred\nand twenty four, and then you will get there\nis a corresponding value y equal to two hundred\nand forty eight, which is an integral solution.\nSo that means that this m equal to eleven\ncan be encoded as 224 comma 248.\nSo, now I want to obtain back the value of\nm, from this I take this two hundred and twenty\nfour subtract out of 1 and divide it by twenty,\nand then take the seal of this when that is\nequal to eleven. So that is essentially how\nyou get back m from the pair x comma y. Now,\nI think this should be to us that is y there\nwill be at least one value for which this\ny is I mean for which this pair is a value\npair so I am leaving that you to think.\nBut these are very simple encoding technique,\nthere could be other principles or other methods\nwhich you can do the encoding also. What is\nthe probability that you will get at least\none such thing, I mean if you try keep on\ntry it will be so on you want to try k number\nof times. there at least one of them will\nbe possible encoding that means the probability\nis one by k, therefore we repeat this k number\nof times. You should get one solution and\nthe decoding is simple, decoding exactly gives\nyou back the starting message m.\nTherefore, we have solved this, that is we\nhave done and obtain this value of P M. So,\nthis P M is the encoded thing, that is we\nhave taken the message M, encoded it on to\nthe elliptic curve it becomes P M. So P M\nis again a point, that is it is a pair of\nx comma y may that it is a is that x comma\ny it is Cartesian point. So, now I want to\napply and generate the cipher text, so in\norder to generate the cipher text I have to\nuse the public key. So what I do or what Alice\ndoes is that, you choose a random integer\nk from the integer one to P Minus one therefore\nit choose the random integer from 1 to P Minus\n1 call it k and multiplies it by Bob's public\nkey. So, it takes Bob's public key as P B\nand multiplies it with k, it multiplies k\nwith P B and adds it with P M, note all these\nadditions are defined on the curve, therefore\nyou chose this, and the other pair is k into\nB. You already had the base point B, you multiply\nit scalarly by the corresponding k which you\nhave chosen, and you are passing this pair\nas a cipher text.\nSo this reminds us of the El Gamal encryption,\nI mean what we have seen previously this is\nexactly similar to that. Therefore, it is\ncalled an elliptic curve cryptosystem which\nis analogous to the El Gamal cryptosystem.\nSo, you choose P M and you add it to k into\nP B, P B was your public key of Bob, here\nmultiplied with k and passed it.\nSo, now you can note that in this particular\nexponent, if you want to obtain P M from this\nP M plus K into P B, then what do you need\nto obtain. So the cipher text has got P M\nplus K into P B, and what is this, this equal\nto P M plus K into the secret b and multiplied\nby the base point B. What was the other corresponding\ncomponent there, the other component was K\nB, so then Bob receives the cipher text \nand Bob has b, because b is the corresponding\nprivate key. So what Bob does is that, Bob\ntakes the first component K B and multiplies\nK B with the corresponding value of b that\nis, if you multiply this K B with b then what\nyou obtain is nothing but K into b into B,\nand that is nothing but K into P B. Therefore,\nBob by using its own private key can actually\nobtain the value of K into P B and after that\nit is simple, because you have to just subtract\nout this value so that you get value of P\nM. That is what is shown in.\nThat is, if you want to do the decryption\nthen you take this b and you apply it over\nk B and then you just do this subtraction\noperation, it will eliminate these two terms\nto obtain back the value of P M. So, P M is\nthe encoded message on the elliptic curve,\nthen again by using the previous decryption\nor the decoding algorithm, rather you can\nactually obtain back the corresponding value\nof m, the message. This is quite analogous\nto what we have seen. So, Bob then decodes\nP M to get the message m, therefore you have\nto do the final decoding to get back the original\nmessage. This is how you are actually doing\nthe operation of encryption and decryption.\nSo, we are obviously extend it for signatures,\nthe authentication that we are not actually\ngoing to and that is quite straight forward,\nrather the other interesting application of\nelliptic curves is in the Diffie-Hellman key\nexchange. If we, just to recap that is what\nwe have seen in context to the finite field\np, there is a there is value of alpha, you\nchoose alpha power of X A modulo q and obtain\nback Y A, and send this Y A to the corresponding\nuser B. So what the user B does is that, the\nuser computes Y B by again choosing alpha\nand raising it to some secret value call it\nX B, and sending it back to the user A. So\nwhat both user A and user B does subsequently\nis that, they uses its own secret value and\nraises Y B to that power. What B does is that,\nit takes Y A which is obtained from user A\nand raises to X B, and what we know is that\nthis value and the output value is same. Therefore,\nthat is a final shared or exchanged key which\nis used for subsequent encryptions.\nSo, we see that the same thing can be done\nin elliptic curves and base points, therefore\nthese are actually the points on the curve.\nSo you want to generate a x y and b x y, and\nthen you want to do some operation on this,\nand the expectation is that the output should\nbe the same and that follows from the elliptic\ncurve definition. So you take b x comma y\nwhich Alice has received, but Alice uses its\nown private key a or randomly chosen value\na and computes a b x y, and similarly Bob\ncomputes b a x y. Since a b and b a are same\nthat is their commutative operations, you\nactually get again another shared key.\nSo details is like this, that is you choose\na private key a for example, Alice has a private\nkey a and a public key as P A, and similarly\nBob has a private key b and a public key as\nP B. So what Alice does is that, Alice obtains\nthese corresponding value of b into B and\nmultiplies it with its own private key a.\nSo that is a into b into B, and that is same\nas what Bob computes, because Bob obtains\na into b from Alice and that it raises it\nor multiplies it with b, and since a into\nb is same as b into a both these two values\nare same. So, this is the final shared key\nof a into b into B so that is basically that\nyou can also apply elliptic curves to perform\nthe original Diffie-Hellman exchange as well\nthis symbol right so this is same I mean what\nwe have seen previously.\nSo now, why do we use ECCs? To understand\nthat, how do we analyze cryptosystems. So\nif I want to say that whether RSA is greater\nthan ECC, then we have to compare the difficulties\nof their underlying problems. For example,\nRSA is based upon the integer factorization,\nyour Diffie-Helman is based on some problems\nwhich is discrete; I mean is actually based\non Diffie-Helman assumption, and similarly\nif you want to see the El Gamal cryptosystem\nthat is based on your discrete logarithm problem,\nand elliptic curve cryptography is again based\non elliptic curve discrete logarithm problem.\nTherefore, how do we measure the difficulty,\nwe examine the algorithms which are used to\nsolve these problems.\nFor example, here are some values which shows\nthat elliptic curve cryptosystem results in\nshorter key sizes. Therefore, if you compare\nfor example like 163 bits, you will see that\na 1024 bit RSA key size is equivalent to that\nof a 163 bit elliptic curve key size. So,\nhere you see that there is a significant shortening\nof the key size, the key size is significantly\nshort it is almost one is to six ratio, and\nas we are going down the ratio is actually\nincreasing. So which means that if you want\nto apply or rather develop public key cryptosystems\non resource constant environments, then elliptic\ncurve is actually a more promising public\nkey cipher.\nTherefore, you will find that if the devices\nare small they have limited storage, and they\nhave computational power restrictions where\nactually elliptic curve cryptography is ideal.\nIt is actually trying v program is being adopted\nworldwide, therefore if you want to apply\nfor wireless communications, for smartcards,\ndevelop online transactions web servers that\nis any application where security is needed.\nBut also the place of platform lacks sufficient\npower storage and computational requirement,\ntherefore this is very motivating and very\nuseful for the present day applications.\nSo, the question is why essentially RSA has\ngot such a bigger key size and elliptic curve\ncryptography has a comparatively much smaller\nkey size. In order to answer this, it has\nto what we do with the underlying hardness\nof the problem. That is, what is the corresponding\ndifficulty of solving the inherent internal\nproblem that is how hard is it to solve the\nDiffie-Hellman problem in elliptic curves,\nand how hard it is to solve the Diffie-Hellman\nproblems in F p, so that is the basic question.\nSo your elliptic curve security therefore\nthe question is that, the hard problem is\nanalogous to discrete logs that is Q is equal\nto k into P. So the question is that, there\nis a point P, and there is a point Q, and\nthe question is that given k and P it should\nbe easy to compute Q, but it is hard to find\nthe value of small k that is the scalar. So\nthis problem is known as the elliptic curve\ndiscrete logarithm problem.\nSo in this case, we know that k must be large\nenough that is, if k is small say one or two\nobviously it is not difficult but it becomes\ndifficult when this k is really large. So\nelliptic curve security relies on elliptic\ncurve logarithm problem and it can be compare\nto other problems that we know. So these are\nthe basic definition of elliptic curve discrete\nlogarithm problem more formally.\nSo let E be an elliptic curve over the finite\nfield F p, and let P and Q be points in this\nE F p. Therefore, there is an elliptic curve\nand there are two chosen points P and Q, and\nwe are actually interested in the elliptic\ncurve discrete logarithm problem. So, the\nelliptic curve discrete logarithmic problem\nis the problem of finding an integer n such\nthat Q equal to n P is satisfied that is,\ngiven this value of P and given this value\nof Q, how hard it is to compute this value\nof integer n. So we denote this integer n\nas n is equal to log Q base P, so that is\nthe elliptic curve discrete logarithm of Q\nwith respect to P. that is the elliptic curve\nI mean these are the elliptic curve discrete\nlogarithm of Q with respect to P.\nSo now, we will see certain interesting properties\nof this elliptic curve discrete logarithm\nproblem. One of the thing is that, this log\nQ base P may not be defined that is, you may\nchoose two points Q and P such that this log\nQ base P is actually not defined, because\nit is not necessary that always you will find\nthat Q n P maintains the relation that is\nq is equal to n into p. So it may be that,\nthere are two points for which Q is not equal\nto n into P for any integer n. That is actually\nsomething which is to be kept in mind, but\nthe thing is that we actually are not really\nfaced with any problem because of the nature\nin which we are actually applying our elliptic\ncurve cryptography. Whenever we are applying,\nelliptic curve cryptography is by repeated\nadditions.\nSo the corresponding Q and P that we are generating\nor that we are concerned of actually has got\nthis relation, but it is not true for any\narbitrarily chosen Q and P values. Therefore,\nsince there are fine I mean therefore it is\nimportant to be kept in mind that, it is not\nnecessary that for any Q and P this elliptic\ncurve or this discrete logarithm has to be\ndefined, but none other fashion in which we\nare applying this elliptic curve we do not\nface any significant problem.\nThe other important thing is that, there is\nnot a single value, for which this holds.\nThat is it is not true that this Q equal to\nn into P is true only for one unique value\nof n, there can be multiple solutions to this\nequation. So let us just try to see this because\nthis is quite straightforward, that is suppose\nyou choose any point P there will exist an\ns such that s into P will be equal to O. So\nthat follows from the basic property of the\nunderlying group that is, if you keep on adding\nP then there will exists one such integer\ns for which s into P is equal to the identity\nof that O, and the least such value for which\nthis holds is actually call the order of the\npoint P.\nSo, now the other fact that is also important\nis that, you know that the points on the elliptic\ncurves are actually finite set of points,\nso if you just take any point P and you consider\nP 2P 3P 4P and so on, there must be two such\nvalues i and j for which they are the same\nbecause it is a finite set of points. Therefore,\nif you choose i there must exist some value\ni, there must exist some value of j where\ni is greater than j, say without any loss\nof generality for which i into P is equal\nto j into P. That means if you rearrange,\nthen i minus j into P is equal to O. So if\nyou say that s is equal to i minus j and the\nsmallest of s is called the order of P, so\nthere we know that there must exist some case\nfor which this i into P is equal to j into\nP. Therefore, if n 0 is an integer such that\nQ is equal to n 0 P, there is one such integer\nn 0 for which Q equal to n 0 P is satisfied.\nSo you can actually choose any n by adding\nn 0 with i multiplied by s, then this also\nwill satisfy this equation of Q equal to n\nP, because you know that Q equal to n P is\nnothing but here n 0 plus i integer, the order\ns that is the order of the point P, and you\nare multiplying with P. Therefore, that is\nequal to n 0 into P plus i into s P, and what\nis s P, s P is O. So what you get back is\nas n 0 P, and you know that Q equal to n 0\nP is satisfied, therefore this actually holds.\nSo this logarithm is, actually when you are\nconsidering this logarithm of the point Q\nwith respect to point P, you are obtaining\na corresponding integer value, it is actually\na mapping. Mapping from what to what, mapping\nfrom two points, Q is a point, P is a point.\nSo there are two points on the curve, say\nI call it a point P 1 and point P 2 there\nare two points on the curve to an integer\nn, and this integer you can actually denote\nas Z and you can actually choose it as s Z,\nbecause any such thing will satisfy that is\nany n 0 plus i into s will satisfy. But we\nare actually interested in the least representative\nof this class.\nTherefore, what we choose as the least difference\nof the class is either by this or essentially\nthis is my minimum set, therefore I can actually\nobtain various classes and I am interested\nin this congruence class. Therefore, that\nis the way how we choose this corresponding\nthing, and we are interested in the least\nsuch value .We are interested in actually\nsorry I mean this probably a more customize\nthing z s z. So do you understand this that\nis, essentially there can be more than one\nsolutions to this discrete log problem, but\nwhat we are interested is a least such value.\nTherefore, if we know the order of the point\nP is s, we can actually take any value which\nsatisfies this, and we can actually obtain\nthe corresponding modulus with respect to\ns which should also satisfy this equation.\nSo there are large numbers of solutions, you\ncan actually keep on generating solutions\nlike this.\nNow the question is how hard is the elliptic\ncurve discreet log problem? So we have studied\nin context to the previous algorithms like,\nin context to previous RSA when we have studied\nEl Gamal cryptosystem, we actually need not\ngo much into the crypt analysis of El Gamal\ncryptosystems, but they are actually algorithms\nwhich are better. For example, if you remember\nin context to factorization, we have discussed\nabout algorithm which had a complexity of\nO n to the power of 1 by 4, because if you\nwant to generate, if you remember that algorithms\nlike Pollard's rho algorithm are quite efficient\nalgorithms in order to factorize or rather\nto find the prime factors of a given composite\nnumber. So if that problem is solved then\nRSA problem is also solved.\nNow the question is how hard is the elliptic\ncurve discrete logarithm problem? For example,\njust if you remember the birthday paradox,\nconsider an approach which is similar to the\nbirthday paradox. So if I generate two lists\nl 1 and l 2 based upon say r random choice\nthe values like j 1 to j r and k 1 to k r,\nso what I do is that I just generate j 1 to\nj r randomly, and all these things are actually\nfrom one and P; between one and p you choose\nany arbitrary values.\ni j 1 p j 2 p and so on till j r P i generated.\nSimilarly, another list which is built upon\nlike, k 1 into P plus Q k 2 into P plus Q\nand then k r into P plus Q. So if you find\nthat, in this two list there is a collision,\nso j u P that is for some u is equal to k\nv P plus Q. Therefore, we can immediately\nrearrange or one solution is j u minus k v,\nthat means if I get this list and there are\ntwo such values for which the common term\noccurs, then you can actually solve the elliptic\ncurve discrete log problem.\nNow, how difficult or rather what should be\nthe least value of this value of r for which\nyou get a collision. So actually you know\nthat these values being from one to p there\nare P such values, and if you apply the birthday\nparadox, and if you set your r to be of the\norder of P to the power of half or square\nroot of P you know that we have got a very\ngood chance or very high probability of finding\na collision. That is the customary birthday\nparadox approach. So, if r is the order of\nthe P power of half, then we can actually\nobtain an elliptic curve discrete log solution.\nThis is probably the kind of fastest algorithm\nthat has yet been found to solve a elliptic\ncurve discrete log problem which has got a\ncomplexity of O P power of half.\nSo there are algorithms of the nature of humbling\nwhich are called as index calculus algorithms\nwhich actually have the runtime of the order\nof P power of half. Whereas, for previous\nthings like, for the discrete log problems\nin F p there are more advanced and fastest\nalgorithms. So you may remember that you can\nquite easily find out whether I mean I mean\nnot easily rather but you can find if you\nwant to factorize large composite number.\nAnd if you apply a polar slope kind of algorithm,\nthen you remember that the complexity of that\nwas if the factor of that if n can be factored\nas P into Q, then the complexity of that was\nO P power of root P, and P is of the order\nof root n. Therefore, the complexity was n\nto the power of 1 by 4, so that was a faster\nkind of algorithm.\nSo in the context of this elliptic curve discrete\nlog problem, the fastest algorithm which has\nbeen found to solve this elliptic curve discrete\nlog problem is of the order of P power of\nhalf, and there are actually developments\nof course in the context of elliptic curve\ndiscrete log problem by bringing in a concepts\nof pairings. So first of all, pairings in\ncryptography, we are first actually used to\nsolve the elliptic curve discrete log problem\nthat is they are used in that sense, in a\nsense. But after that, it was actually used\nto a positive sense in developing ciphers,\nbut the first use or usage of parings was\nin the cryptanalysis of elliptic curve discrete\nlog problem. So the general comment that we\ncan make is that, the elliptic curve discrete\nlog problem is probably harder than the discrete\nlog problem in F p star. The discrete log\nproblem in F p has actually got faster algorithms\nthat means actually in elliptic curve discrete\nlog problems we can do with a shorter key\nsize. That is the reason why we can actually\ndo i which shorter key sizes.\nSo I can give one question here, that is which\nyou can take and think upon is that, suppose\nthere is P which is greater than 3, these\nare odd prime and a and b both belongs to\nZ p. So the equation of this will be x cube\nplus a x plus b is equal to zero, modulo P\nhas got three distinct roots in Z p. So one\nquestion is that, prove that a corresponding\ngroup that is G equal to E plus is actually\nnot a cyclic group. it is not a cyclic group\nSo therefore, you remember the definition\nof cyclic group that is, in this case you\ncan actually take any generator, and you can\nimmediately apply the addition operation on\nthat, and you should be able to construct\nthe entire proof. The corresponding curve\ncorresponding or rather corresponding group\nis G equal to E plus, where E is defined as\ny square equal to x cube plus a x plus b,\nand you are doing a modulo p operation. So\nthe question is that, you have to prove that\ncorresponding group here is actually not a\ncyclic group. We have given you some hints\nhere, so first thing is to prove that, if\nyou take a point P 1 call it alpha 1 comma\n0, this has actually on order of two. Order\nof two means that if I take P 1, and if I\nadd P 1 with P 1 I should get O. So this is\nthe first exercise which you can take that\nis if I take P 1, add P 1 with it then I get\nback O.\nSo for that it is very simple, if I want to\nobtain the doubling operation here, then I\nhave to take a differentiation of this. So\nthat is a small catch here, that is you cannot\napply the doubling equation straight forward,\nbecause in doubling if you remember in, the\nradiation we had assumed is that y was not\nequal to zero. But here we have y equal to\nzero of this point, so if I take a differentiation\nhere 2 y d y d x it is 3 x square plus a that\nis a point therefore, the d y d x at the point\nof alpha 1 comma 0 is not defined because\nyou actually dividing by 2 y.\nSo that is a vertical line ,therefore the\nvertical line will intersect in elliptic curve\nand the point O. therefore, two into P 1 is\nactually equal to zero, that is why the order\nis two. Similarly, you can actually derived\npoints like P 2 which is alpha 2 comma 0,\nand P 3 as alpha 3 comma 0, all of them have\ngot order of two. Now, if this alpha 1, alpha\n2 and alpha 3 are distinct roots of these\nthree equations or rather these equation,\nthen you know that alpha 1 plus alpha 2 plus\nalpha 3 is actually equal to zero because\nthere is no term which is an x squared term.\nTherefore, alpha 1 plus alpha 2 plus alpha\n3 is equal to zero. So using this you can\nactually show that this P 1, P 2 and P 3 along\nwith the point at infinity O actually forms\na group, that is it forms a sub group. And\nthe other point to be noted here is that,\nthis subgroup that is consisting of P 1, P\n2, P 3 and O, so sub group means first of\nall we have to define that it is an closed\nset.\nThe other thing is that, this sub group is\nactually not a cyclic subgroup. Here there\nis no generator which will generate all of\nthem, and that is quite simple to check. And\nif the sub group is not cyclic, then the group\nis also not cyclic. So this is actually a\nproblem form Stinson, therefore this is the\nsketch of the solution which you can complete.\nSo these are some of the references along\nwith I am also using the standard Douglas\nStinson's book as reference. So next day's\ntopic will be implementation of elliptic curve\ncryptography.\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "Electricity Bill Payment Offers: How To Get Best Online Electricity Bill Payments Offers\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "- [Woman in glasses]\nEveryone, and thank you\nvery much for coming.\nWe're a little bit late because\nof some technical issues,\nso I'm just gonna get started.\nWe are witnesses to terrible injustice.\nAs Israelis respond to\nreal and perceived threats,\nthe Palestinians of the\nWest Bank and Gaza remain\ndominated by military\noccupation or under siege,\nsubjected to violent\nmilitary incursions and\ncontinual traumatic loss.\nWe are witnesses to the world impotence\nto achieve justice.\nStone by stone Israeli settlements in the\nWest Bank expand, seizing land and water,\nreducing Palestinians hope\nand increasing their despair.\nWe are witnesses to structural violence.\nWithin Israel itself Palestinians\nhave citizenship status\nand legal equality, but their\nreality is largely shaped\nby legally enforced injustices\nsuch as unequal funding\nfor their towns'\ninfrastructures and schools,\nand the symbolic violence of\nbeing treated as a potential\nfifth column, internal\nenemies whose belonging\nis in constant question.\nWe are witnesses.\nThe convulsions that\nare seizing the triple A\nare a cacophony of cries.\nWhat must we do?\nAs citizens of democracies,\nas fellow human beings,\nwe recognize that to stay\nsilent in the face of\nthis enduring horror\nand structural violence\nis morally untenable.\nAnd we are anthropologists\nwho are witnesses.\nProfessionals with symbolic\ncapital, scholars of political\nand cultural conflict.\nWe must ask ourselves, what\nis the value of our work?\nWho are we as moral\nactors if we stay silent?\nOur anthropology colleagues\nin Israeli universities\nare also witnesses.\nFor them the problem of what\nmust we do is not abstract.\nIt is a central part of their\ndaily lives, a moral challenge\nthey strive to answer through\ntheir professional work.\nIn their classrooms, on\ntheir university committees\nand in their research they\nconfront the moral obligations\nof the witness by teaching\nand living anthropological\nsensibilities, values and concepts.\nI believe that their practices\nshould be recognized.\nI undertook a preliminary\nsurvey of anthroplogists\nemployed in Israel, focusing\non their strategies of\nbringing anthropological\ninsights into the classroom\nand the university setting.\nI want us to witness\nprogressive efforts for change,\nspecifically our anthropologist\ncolleagues' struggles,\nfor they are the ones who\nare and will be most directly\naffected by our actions.\nI received 18 responses\nto the survey which mostly\ncomprised open-ended questions\nand required extensive\ntime to answer.\nI conducted follow up interviews\nwith select respondents.\nWhile this is certainly not\na representative sample,\nit is a preliminary\nglimpse into the work that\nanthropologists in Israel do,\nthe effects that the boycott\ndebate is having, and\nthat a formal boycott,\nif imposed, may have on them.\nFourteen out of 18 respondents\nfelt that their work\nas an anthropologist was\nstrongly influenced by\nthe Palestinian-Israeli conflict and war.\nThey described how echoes\nof the conflict reverberate\nin their classroom discussions\nand students' interactions,\nand they wrote about their\nefforts to use anthropological\nprinciples to open up\nnew ways to think about\nfamiliar topics.\nFaculty wrote about using\nexamples of Israeli-based\nstructural inequality from\nquote \"discrimination at work\n\"and in land leasing to the\nimpossibility of non-Jews\n\"working in the electricity and\ndefense industries\" unquote.\nThey gave examples of using\nanthropological readings\nto reframe their students' ethnocentrism,\nand to challenge the\nhierarchies that get smuggled\ninto the space of learning.\nNotably they stated that\nidentity-based groups do not\nover-determine the classroom experience.\nThey told about efforts\nto break down stereotypes\nand promote mutual respect,\nempathy and deep listening\nin the classroom, in\nfield trips and on their\ncommittee work.\nOne respondent put their\ngoals most succinctly.\nQuote, \"All my teaching is\nbuilt on questioning the ethnic,\n\"religious and national\nboundaries that are so\n\"taken for granted in Israel\", unquote.\nThey also wrote about the rich\ndiversity of their classrooms\nwhich include ultra orthodox\nJews, modern orthodox Jews,\nsecular Jews, immigrants\nfrom a range of countries,\nPalestinians from diverse backgrounds\nand observant Muslims,\nand both the challenges\nand opportunities that\nsuch diversity presents.\nOne respondent provided this\nextended account of teaching\ncultural relativism to\nan introductory class of\nnursing students.\nQuote, \"I tell the students\nwe're going to put on\n\"our anthropological lenses,\nput away our ethnocentrism,\n\"and look at how people live\nas part of the broader context\n\"of their values.\n\"You must not assume a person\nshares your cultural values.\n\"This isn't a theoretical\nissue, but a tool for life.\n\"It frees you because it enables\nyou to understand others.\n\"You can still believe\nin your cultural values\n\"while respecting others.\n\"In one session an ultra\northodox woman raised the issue\n\"of female circumcision among Bedouin,\n\"and this created an uproar.\n\"The discussion became very\nheated, and at a certain moment\n\"I lost control of it.\n\"They got into all kinds of issues.\n\"The ultra orthodox woman\ncontrasted Jewish male\n\"circumcision with what\nshe erroneously labeled\n\"Muslim circumcision, claiming\nthat male circumcision\n\"was central to Jewish\nidentity and a health benefit,\n\"but that Muslim circumcision harms women\n\"and robs them of pleasure.\n\"She made all kinds of\npatronizing comments about it.\n\"The Muslims in class did\nnot support this practice.\n\"And as an aside,\nPalestinians do not practice\n\"female circumcision, and\nresearchers among Bedouin\n\"in Israel have also\nfound that they do not\n\"practice it either.\n\"But the Muslims in the class\nfelt compelled to defend\n\"their religion against\nthe more general message\n\"being conveyed, that Islam is barbaric.\n\"Additionally the Muslim\nstudents responded to the\n\"power dimension at work in this class.\n\"We are the ones who\ndecide what is right and\n\"not right for our community, they said,\n\"and the Israeli media\ndoesn't portray this\n\"issue accurately, they insisted.\"\nThe faculty member continued,\n\"We worked on this issue\n\"using anthropological principles.\n\"Why is one kind of circumcision barbaric\n\"and another one not, I asked\nthe ultra orthodox student.\n\"Explain it, and she could not.\n\"As the discussion continued,\nover time she came to\n\"understand that for those who\npracticed female circumcision\n\"it held the same kind of\nvalue as male circumcision\n\"did for her community.\n\"In later sessions this\nstudent began to sit next to\n\"the religious Muslim\nwoman she had argued with.\n\"And as the semester\ncontinued they began to talk\n\"together after class.\n\"It is the kind of thing that\neven as an anthropologist\n\"you find difficult to understand.\"\nThat's the end of her account.\nIn our interview for my research\nthis professor described\nreflecting on this and\nsimilar class sessions,\nand on realizing certain\nimportant patterns among\ndifferent groups of Jewish\nand Palestinian students,\nincluding the kinds of objections\nthey were likely to raise\nto certain concepts, the\nkinds of examples they found\npersuasive when discussing\nanthropological ideas,\nand questions about how to\nprevent social inequalities\nfrom being reproduced in the classroom.\nThis professor built on these\ninsights to choose texts\nand examples that would\nmost effectively challenge\ndifferent groups of\nstudents' tendencies and\npreconceived assumptions.\nObviously the work of\nopening hearts and minds\nin the classroom is not\ngoing to solve the larger\npolitical conflict, or reduce\nthe structural violence.\nHowever, it is an important\npart of the puzzle.\nA notable part of the\ntriple A's debate has been\nthe arguments of some\nIsraeli anthropologists\nto encourage academic boycott,\nwhich they hope may be\na means of pressuring the Israeli\ngovernment to make change.\nSome have argued that they,\nanthropologists themselves\nin Israel, have not done enough\nto challenge the status quo.\nSuch criticism of Israeli\nanthropology from within\nis a significant dynamic, and\nit will hopefully stimulate\nsome important strategies\nfor greater equality\nwithin that field.\nBut it is one thing for members\nof a professional community\nto criticize themselves, and\nanother for global scholars\nto position themselves as moral arbiters,\ncarrying out litmus tests\nregarding how much their\ncolleagues somewhere else\nor in their own backyard\nare or are not doing to\nestablish a more just society.\nThis step involves a dangerous\nmove whereby some get to\ndecide who will be included\nand who will be excluded\nfrom our broader professional\nfield on the basis of criteria\nthat are not part of our\nprofessional standards,\nand that are not applied to\nall anthropologists everywhere.\nIndeed, how can we,\nAmerican anthropologists,\nlegitimize boycotting\nIsraeli anthropology while\nwe ourselves work in\ninstitutions beset by enduring\nracism and classism, and while\nwe live in a society that\nengages in war atrocities,\ntorture, and is responsible for\nthe murder of hundreds\nof thousands of civilians\nin Iraq, Afghanistan and Yemen?\nThe debate over how the American\nAnthropological Association\nshould engage in promoting\njustice in Israel Palestine\nis not a decision between\nexpressing solidarity with\nthe Palestinian cause by\nsupporting academic boycott\non the one hand, or\nimpliciting supporting the\nbelligerent Netanyahu\ngovernment on the other.\nNor is it a question of\nsupporting academic free speech\nin the name of a\nsupposedly neutral science.\nRather it is a question\nof how, as an association,\nwe can stay true to our\nprofession, to respect and\nstand up for human rights,\nto promote critical knowledge\nand scholarly debate, support\nthe work of opening minds\nand debunking the distortions\nthat fuel dehumanization.\nAn academic boycott does\nnot promote these goals.\nIt substitutes a one dimensional\nview of the complex mess\nof this region for a nuanced, multifaceted\nanthropological analysis.\nIt relies on a non-social\nclaim that individuals can be\neasily distinguished from the institutions\nthey are embedded in.\nRespondents to my survey\ndetailed how the movement for\nacademic boycott has led\nto their stigmatization\nhere at the meetings, both\npersonally and systematically.\nIt is a quintessential\nexample of symbolic pollution.\nWorking to exclude Israeli\nanthropologists who we come to\ntreat as representatives of a pariah state\nfrom our global professional community.\nAnd at a practical level it\nserves the goals of Israel's\nnationalist government, which\nwould be more than pleased\nto have anthropologists silenced, ignored\nand professionally stunted.\nPromoting an end to the\noccupation can and should be\ndone through numerous\nstrategies, from economic boycott\nof settlement products\nto strengthening NGOs\ndevoted to human rights\nto putting pressure on\nU.S. politicians.\nIn our capacity as an\nassociation of anthropologists\nwe can stay true to the\nmission of our organization\nby enhancing anthropological\nwork in the region,\ncultivating the capacities\nof Palestinian and Israeli\nanthropologists to deal with\nintense pedagogical challenges,\nto conduct and disseminate their research,\nto gain public legitimacy.\nWe need to enhance the autonomy\nof anthropology as a field\nto create the conditions\nfor teaching and research\nand public visibility to\nflourish, buffered from external\npolitical interests that\nstrive to constrain it.\nWe can promote legislative\nand financial infrastructures\nto insulate anthropologists\nwork from state interests\nand external political agendas.\nAcademic exchange is\ncertainly not sufficient,\nbut it is a crucial part of\npromoting social justice.\nResolution one is a vote of\nconfidence in anthropology\nand its modes of addressing\ndifficult topics and creating\ninnovative courageous forms of engagement.\nThank you.\n(applause)\n- [Dan] Hi, everyone.\nI am Dan Rabinowitz, Tel-Aviv University.\nIf the presentation can go\nup, Randy, that will be good.\nFirst of all, thank you\n(mumbling) and Michelle\nfor organizing this session,\nand thank you all for\nattending this afternoon.\nMy presentation, this is the\ntitle, comes in four parts,\nwhich you can see above.\nAnd I start with the first one.\nReasonable well-informed\npeople, averagely sensitive\nwith an intuitive sense of\nnatural justice watch Israel's\nconduct in recent years, find\nit more and more difficult\nto remain indifferent.\nThe occupation now nearing\nits 50th year has turned Gaza,\nand to a lesser extent the West\nBank, into detention zones.\nIt humiliates millions of\nPalestinians, robbing them of\nmeaningful citizenship,\ntransgressing their human rights\non a daily basis.\nThe consistent refusal by\nofficial Israel to recognize\nthe tragic consequences of\n1948 for the Palestinians,\nand the continued disregard\nfor the refugee problem\nare unacceptable.\nThe unrelenting drift in\nIsraeli public life towards\nessentialist thought\npatterns, with obvious touches\nof racism, gives tailwind\nto policies which resonate\nwith some of those practicing\nthe Apartheid regime\nof South Africa.\nThe inferno of Gaza, in\nwhich Israel is a willing\ncollaborator with Egypt,\nand where it initiates\nperiodic outbursts of violence\nin gross disproportion\nto any damage caused by\nmissiles launched by Gazans\nat Israeli targets is untenable.\nAll this amounts to an ever\ngrowing intrusion on the\npart of Israel beyond the\npale of acceptable behavior,\ncommon sense and natural justice.\nWhen it comes to assessing the\nsituation in this first part\nin Israel Palestine, you see\nthat my view is not radically\ndivergent from that of\nthose who are in favor\nof the boycott.\nI also share the view that\nBDS has propelled awareness\nof the situation in Israel\nPalestine tremendously.\nI will come back to this later.\nMy uneasiness is with the\nleap of faith and logic\nsome are making as they move\nfrom rage and deep concern\nwith the political reality\ntowards a call to boycott\nIsraeli universities.\nThis discomfort has grown\nconsiderably after hearing\narguments from the\npro-boycott spokesperson\nat this conference.\nAbout boycotts, boycotts\nand sanctions are legitimate\nforms of political brinkmanship,\nand can be effective and inspiring.\nDivestment, almost\nno-brainer, is the same.\nYou can divest your\ninvestment from anywhere,\nand anywhere it's perfectly legitimate.\nCaptain Charles Boycott,\nthe heavy-handed manager of\nan estate in 1880's Ireland,\nevicted 10 tenant families\nfor petty debts.\nIndignant parishioners got\norganized and stipulated that\nuntil he reinstate those\nfamily no one would work\nfor the estate or trade with it.\nTo save the summer's harvest,\nBoycott hired farmhands\nfrom another parish.\nAt summer's end it transpired\nthat the expense for\ntransporting and protecting\nthese replacement workforce\nwas more than the harvest's worth.\nTo cut his estate's losses\nhe reinstated those evicted.\nCountless instances of boycotting\nhave taken place since.\nFamous ones include the boycott\nof British goods in China\nin retaliation to the Chinese\nExclusion Act of 1902,\nthe Jewish-American boycott\nof Henry Ford in the 1920's,\nGandhi's boycott of British\ngoods in the 1940's,\nthe Montgomery bus boycott\nduring the American\ncivil rights movement in the 1950's,\nthe economic and\ndisinvestment movement against\nSouth Africa in the 1980's, and more.\nTo be effective a boycott\nmust fulfill four criteria.\nFirst is that those boycotted\nmust be primarily and directly\nresponsible for the injustice.\nCharles Boycott was the manager\nwho instigated the eviction.\nSecond is that those\nboycotted must be capable of\nrectifying the injustices as\nsoon as they resolve to do so.\nBoycott could, eventually\ndid, reinstate those evicted,\nand could do it at any point.\nC, the conditions set for lifting\nthe boycott must be clear,\nuncontestable and do-able.\nD, related to C, those\nboycotted must trust boycotters\nto truly want their conditions\nto be met without fear of\nhidden stipulations down the road.\nThe academic boycott of\nIsrael as reflected in\nresolution number two\ntomorrow, but also in the 2014\npetition signed by so\nmany anthropologists,\nfails miserably on all four counts.\nIsraeli academic institutions\nare not directly or primarily\nresponsible for the occupation\nand the violations of\nPalestinians' human rights.\nThey cannot, even if they wanted\nto, rectify the situation.\nThere is a nested\nargument here, of course,\nthat complicity, while\ndeplorable and vile,\nis an irregularity for which\nboycott is not necessarily\nthe best remedy.\nThird, the conditions set\nfor ending a future boycott\nin our case, which is\nuntil such time as Israeli\nuniversities end their\ncomplicity, etc., is clear as mud.\nI invite you to do this mental exercise.\nIs your university more\nor less complicit in 2015\nthan it was in 2010 with\nthe invasion of Iraq?\nIs it more or less complicit\nwith drone attacks,\ncyber warfare, social\ninequality or police treatment\nof minorities than the\nuniversity down the road?\nHow would you go about\ndetermining the answers\nto these questions?\nThis is not a first.\nThe conditions set in the\npetition signed by many\nanthropologists in 2014\nalso stipulated a condition\nthat is impossible to meet.\nIt said that Israeli universities\nshould call on Israel's\ngovernment to do certain things.\nUniversity do not do\nthat, and in fact cannot\ntechnically do that.\nThis is why that stipulation\nwas now substituted\nfor the complicity one.\nThe result of failure\non criteria C is failure\non criteria D.\nThose boycotted, and here I\nspeak for myself and virtually\nevery Israeli academic I speak\nwith on these matters lately,\nincluding friends positioned\non Israel's deep left,\ninterpret this repeated\npractice of setting impossible\nconditions as proof that\nBDS does not really want\nIsraeli universities to\nmake the change they are\ncalled to do and qualify\nto have the boycott lifted.\nAs the task force report for the triple A\nunequivocably says, the call\nfor boycott as we have it now\nis designed in a way that might lead to an\nindefinite boycott.\nNow note, an indefinite\nboycott is not bad only because\nit is too harsh or too extreme.\nIt is bad because it defeats\nthe very purpose of boycotts,\nsanctions and divestment\nas tools for political\nbrinkmanship, which\npurpose is to motivate the\nboycotted party to\nredirect its conduct and\neffect positive change.\nWhy do anything when you think\nthat however hard you try\nyou will never really qualify\nto have the sanction lifted?\nThis brings me to part\nthree of my presentation,\nand that is the political context\nof the current call for academic boycott,\nwhat I call about the endgame.\nBoycotters are, of\ncourse, a diverse crowd.\nThey have no official\nleadership and cannot be held\ncollectively accountable for anything.\nBut based on my observation\nof Palestinian politics\nfor many years now, I\nwould say the following.\nHere, unlike in an op ed\npiece which needs to be\ndecisive and abrupt, I\nhave the opportunity to be\nmore nuanced, so I will say it this way.\nAmongst those in BDS,\n(mumbling) an anthro boycott,\nwho call the shots and\ndraw the party line for\nothers to tow, there is a\ndominant component of those who\ndream about a future with no Israel.\nSome of them have held\nthis view for many decades.\nOthers joined the drift more recently.\nImportantly they are the ones\nwho shape BDS's strategy.\nOthers in that diverse camp\nand many potential supporters\nmay see a future for\nIsrael, perhaps through a\ntwo-state solution, but\nrather than clarify this\ncrucial point, which speaks\nvolumes to every aspect\nof the boycott debate, BDS's\nstrategy has been consistently\nand clearly obfiscate and\nsay that the movement has\nno position on the endgame.\nLet me be clear here.\nI say it does have a position.\nI also say that being hard to\nsell the notion of post Israel\nis muted and embellished.\nAn attempt to undo Israel is camouflaged\nas an attempt to reform it,\nand a boycott designed to\nisolate, marginalize and\nsilence Israeli moderates\npurports to be a quest to\nreduce academic complicity\nas part of a quest for human rights.\nI do not wish to trivialize\nthe struggle for human rights.\nI've been doing this\nthroughout my career in academe\nand in civil society, but\nthat is not the best or\nobvious way to go about it.\nThis for me is the seat of\nwrath in BDS, its original sin.\nA boycott and sanction\ncampaign cannot work\nif those boycotted are\nnot assigned a future.\nApply it in a situation\nwhere what you really want is\nto subjugate your\nopponent out of existence,\nand you produce die hard intransigents.\nIt can only work vis a vis\nan entity whose future might\nlook brighter if is complies\nwith the demands you make,\nwhich is why BDS, in my\nopinion, has never really\napplied itself to economic sanctions,\nwhich are good only for\nentities with futures.\nThat is why it was never\ncentral to BDS's efforts,\neconomic sanctions, and\nremained a low priority\nfor its strategists.\nWhen it does happen,\nand economic sanctions\nwithin BDS do happen, it happens\nas a result of grass root\nefforts by committed student\nactivists on US campuses.\nBDS's leaders are not there.\nThey are busy trying\nto organize an academic\nand cultural boycott.\nAn academic and cultural\nboycott, when you think of it,\nis a perfect fit for a\nfuture with no Israel.\nIsrael intransigents, in\nviolent conduct in recent years,\nbrought international sympathy\nfor it to an all time low.\nBDS's hope now is that this\nfall from grace could soon be\nfollowed by an ultimate collapse.\nThey see an opportunity for\nthem to play an active role.\nDemonize Israel as a\nradically essentialized\nepitome of evil, and you might\nexpedite its ultimate demise.\nThis strategy has willing\npartners on the Israeli right\nwhere politicians thrive on cultivating\nthe world is all against us ethos.\nWhat this strategy cannot\ntolerate is Israeli moderates,\na vibrant credible intellectual\nmillieux where academics\nand artists embrace complexity and nuance,\nopenly criticizing the\noccupation and the government,\nstand in solidarity with\nPalestinian farmers against\nsecular violence, work with\nPalestinian off grid communities\ninstalling solar panels,\nwind turbines and efficient\nwater systems, advocate for\nPalestinian freedom of movement\nand much more, subverts\nBDS's essentializing mission.\nAnyone whose actions and\nintegrity complicate the\noversimplified, self-righteous,\nmonolithic tale of evil\ncolonial oppressors and\nangelic indigenous victims\nmust be marginalized and silenced.\nIf they include the likes of\nEdward Said, Daniel Barenboim\nor Noam Chonsky, the\nstakes are even higher.\nThe more amenable to dialog\nwe are, and the more prominent\nwe might be, the more\nboycottable we must become.\nThose convinced that Israel\nshould not have been created,\nor that it now no longer\nhas the right to carry on,\nhave a right to their opinion.\nBut they have obligations, too.\nThey must come clean about\nseeking a post-Israel endgame.\nThey must apply themselves\nsincerely and realistically\nto develop a thorough plan\nfor what the new reality\nmight look like, and\ndo so with unrelenting\nattention to detail.\nThey must specify the process they think\nthey might lead there.\nAnd they must openly and\nrealistically acknowledge\nthe terrible price those on\nthe ground might have to pay\nfor an attempt to force\nthis upon Israelis who,\napart from a tiny group\nof courageous academics,\nare unable to imagine such scenario,\neven as an intellectual exercise.\nAnd yes, they must responsibly\ntake into account that\nIsraeli leaders, when faced\nwith this existal perish choice\nfor the political project\nthey head, might do anything\nwhen push turns into shove.\nThe conversation I am proposing\nhere could grow tense.\nIt will take place miles\noutside the comfort zone\nof those who have controlled it until now.\nBut it is imperative that\nit becomes an honest one.\nThis is essential that\nstakeholders and observers\nreach decisions based on real positions,\nnot duplicitous manipulations.\nMy last point, a short one,\nis on the state of the debate\nas I see it today, and I\noffer you only preliminary\nremarks on this.\nUntil 2014 the debate\nwas largely one-sided.\nBDS and its subsidiaries\nwere almost alone in this.\nYears of political, emotional\nand intellectual energy\ntranslated to a set of\nchallenging, innovative arguments.\nI remember myself and many\nof my colleagues being\nshocked into denial, the notion\nthat we could be ostracized\nby people that we had\nso much in common with,\nacademically, politically and personally,\nwas emotionally devastating\nand remains that way.\nI think we are in a slightly\ndifferent place now.\nMany of us were challenged into thinking,\nand the results are not\nnecessarily what BDS and\npro-boycott might have anticipated.\nThe knee-jerk BDS's anti-semitism and why\nsingle out Israel, and even\nthe axiomatic academic freedom\nmust trump academic\nboycott arguments have been\nlargely eclipsed.\nLook at resolution one for tomorrow,\nand you do not find them\nthere in any prominent way.\nA new set of ideas, some of\nthem intellectually inspiring,\nhave replaced them.\nLook at Daniel Orenstein's\npost on ADIP's website\nthe other day.\nLook at David Rosen's piece\non the emics of complicity,\nwhich is riveting.\nLook at Cynthia Salzman's\npowerful argument,\nagain on ADIP's website.\nPieces by my colleagues here today.\nThe op ed pieces in the\nDenver Post on Wednesday,\nand a collective one by all\nof us on Harrod's yesterday.\nThe hard nosed technical\npolitical critique of\nboycott generally, and\nthis proposal specifically,\nwhich some of us have been producing.\nAnalysis of the interface\nbetween the personal\nand the institutional.\nThese are all new things,\nand they are happening,\nand they are interesting\nand intellectually\ngratifying and relevant.\nMeanwhile, my sense is that\nthe intellectual energy\nand innovation on the\npro-boycott side is suffering\nfrom ailments one can expect from an ever\nsolidifying eco chamber.\nToo much preaching to the\nchoir has brought certain\nfatigue, visible for example\nwhen one compares attendances\nin the pro-boycott sessions\nhere to what we saw\nin Washington, D.C. last year.\nMany of the presentations\nyesterday and today argued\nsomewhat nostalgically\nagainst the anti-Semitism,\nsingle out Israel and academic\nfreedom trumps all arguments,\nwhich we no longer make\nin a prominent way.\nFielding practical questions\nlike how do you gauge\ncomplicity levels of a university?\nOr how do you separate the\nindividual from institutions?\nThese attempts were not inspiring.\nMake no mistake, the boycott\nresolution will still\nmost probably be upheld by a large margin,\nand the pro dialog\nresolution one will probably\nbe defeated tomorrow, but\nthese things take time.\nIntellectually I think, as I\nsaid, the drift is changing.\nAnd I hope the debate continues.\nI end with a personal\nnote about this debate.\nOne of the more difficult\naspects of this whole affair\nfor me and other Israeli\ncolleagues was the deep\ndisappointment we felt with colleagues who\nsupport the boycott.\nNot for their position, we respect that,\nbut with a failure to\nunderstand that if you claim\nthis thing is institutional\nrather than personal,\nthen your obligation to old\ncolleagues is to communicate\nwith them on personal\nchannels about your choice.\nFor collegiate reasons, for old\ntime sakes, for camaraderie.\nPeople I've invited and\nwas invited by to speak at\nour respective institutions.\nPeople I organize panel\nwith or participated with.\nPeople I wrote recommendation letters for.\nPeople whose students I helped\nwith endorsement letters\nto go past security in\nBen-Gurion, and much, much more,\nall of them simply evaporated.\nI think this happened because\nthey themselves find it\ndifficult to separate the\nindividual from the institutional.\nAnd if that happens so early in the day,\nhow would we look after\nFriday with the new realities\nwe are about to face when\nthe boycott resolution\nhas been carried?\nThank you.\n(applause)\n- [Man in glasses] Let me\nstart with a clarification.\nI am not a Zionist, and\nindeed I am very troubled by\nthe definition of Israel\nas a Jewish state.\nAn ethnic state can hardly\nclaim to be democratic\nexcept perhaps in the\nsense of ancient Athens,\nwhich excluded women and slaves.\nSo probably only Dan\nRabinowitz could have talked me\ninto appearing at this panel\nbecause also I have a worry,\nwhich I think is reinforced\nby the empty spaces in the audience,\nthat we are very much\nin danger of replaying\nthe role of the liberals\nin the period of the\nWeimar Republic in Germany.\nIf you remember, they got crushed\nbetween implacable forces,\nand we all know what followed.\nThe first issue I want to\ntackle is the definition of BDS.\nBoycott Divestment Sanctions.\nBDS here is used like\nan intransitive verb.\nWill have BDS.\nThe question of whom it's\ndone to is not raised\nvery clearly, even when\na boycott against Israeli\nuniversities is called for.\nIn anthropology, as I\nalways tell my students,\nthe key question that\nwe should always ask,\nespecially in this time of\ntheorism, agency and practice,\nis who does what to whom, and why?\nIn other words, transitivity\nmeans greater specificity.\nThe BDS movement it seems\nto me avoids this question\nof agency, and thus also of responsibility\nor accountability.\nIndeed it has the moral force\nof the kind of statement\nthat has become possible\nin this age of political\ncorrectness where people\nwill sometimes say,\nI'm not a racist, but...\nSo for example, I'm in favor\nof attacking those specifically\nresponsible for the outrages\nagainst Palestinians, but...\nWell yes, the initial position\nis a sound one perhaps.\nIt's a feel good solution,\nbut phrasing it in these terms\nreduces the space for internal resistance\nto Zionist policies, and my\nview is that if some entity\nrecognizable as a successive\nstate to the ethnically\ndefined Israel of today is\npossible, it is only possible\nif this middle ground\nis militantly defended.\nThe kind of politically\ncorrect comments that I'm\nalluding to are lazy and dangerous.\nLazy because they show that people are not\nthinking the issue through, and\ndangerous because they allow\nmuch too much space for the\ncooptation of violent solutions\nwhere peace and justice would call for a\nvery different approach.\nI would be the first to\ndemand, indeed to agree,\nthat Netanyahu and his\nlikes should be indicted\nfor war crimes and\ncrimes against humanity.\nBut I would also call for\nsimilar action against not just\nthe United States, but the\nmany western countries,\nand indeed other countries\nthat at various times have\nwittingly supported the\nuse of their material,\ntheir chemicals, their weapons\nand their technological\nknow how to increase the iron\nfist of the Israeli state\nupon its Palestinian minority.\nThe second point is\nthat BDS is an attack on\nacademic freedom.\nIt is worse than that though,\nbecause it also reduces\nleverage, it removes that\nleverage from the internal debate\nwithin Israel represented\nby several of the speakers\nin this panel, and reinforces\nthe ethnic exclusivity\nof the present government,\nand indeed of mainstream\nIsraeli discourse.\nSo BDS will only\nstrengthen that discourse,\na nationalist, exclusivist,\nand above all exceptionalist\ndiscourse, arguing of\ncourse that Israel has been,\nIsrael is something\nthat needs to be removed\nwithout any reference to the\nwildly diverse positions that\nIsraeli citizens and others\nliving in Israel have taken.\nNow I want to draw a\nparallel with another part of\nthe world because I am\nconstitutionally uncomfortable\nwith any kind of exceptionalist argument.\nAnd just as, for example, I\nhave argued that the study\nof Greece where I did so\nmuch of my own research\nin the early years should\nnot be simply conducted in\nisolation from comparison, so\nthe same is true for Israel.\nIndeed I have often been heard\nonly half jokingly to say\nthat if you really wanted\nto annoy a roomful of Greeks\nand Israelis, all you had to\ndo was to say that Hellenism\nand Zionism were essentially\nthe same ideology.\nSome of you will recall the\nfight that a group of us\nwere involved in with\nCambridge University Press\nwhen it attempted, indeed\nsucceeded, in blocking\nits own publication of a\nbook that it had accepted\nby Anastasia Karakasidou\ndealing with the Macedonian\nminority and the varied\npopulations of Greek Macedonia.\nWhat you may also recall is\nthat those of us who were\nleading that fight, which\nwas seen very widely I think\nas a defense of academic freedom,\ndid not call for a boycott\neven of Cambridge University Press.\nWhat we called for was a\nboycott of specific procedures\nthat gave that press legitimacy.\nWe called especially\nfor a refusal to review\nnew manuscripts, but we\nvery specifically avoided\nboycotting the press because\nit was publishing books\nby other young scholars, and\nwe did not want to add them\nto the list headed by Karakasidou\nof those who had suffered.\nSuffered as a result of CUP's policies.\nThe point I think at issue\nthere was that this was\na targeted fight, and I'll\ncome back to this notion\nof targeting in a moment.\nWhat I think we can say\nis that it was productive,\nand I mention this because\nI'm certainly not far from it.\nI'm not against political\naction, even including\nsome forms of boycott.\nIt had significant reverberations\nin Greek public opinion,\nwhich very quickly began to\nswing away from the dangerously\nextreme nationalist\nposition that prevailed\nin the early 1990's.\nIt had a very strong impact,\nas many of the editors here\ncould tell you, on the\nacademic publishing world.\nAnd although perhaps\ninsufficiently, it did have\nsome impact, which is observable\ntoday, on Greek attitudes\nto minorities and to refugee politics.\nNow if we applied a version\nof the BDS not just to\nCambridge University Press,\nbut to Greece as a nation,\nthat logic would have us\nboycotting Greek universities\nalready reeling amid the\nterrible crisis that is going on\nin that country, and\nfueling the racism of the\nneo-Nazi golden dawn.\nThe Israeli universities\nare perhaps not as obviously\nsuffering at this moment\nas the Greek universities,\nbut in one respect they\nare in the same kind of\ndifficult situation because\nlike the Greek universities,\nthey are owned and controlled\nto a very large extent\nby the state.\nIt is thanks to the courage\nof many Israeli academics\nthat they have resisted,\nnot always successfully,\nattempts to suppress discussion\nof the kinds of issues\nwe have before us.\nIf one applies the BDS logic,\none would have to say that\nall of the countries that had\nsuppressed their minorities\nshould have their universities boycotted.\nThailand for example,\nanother country i know well,\nwhich refuses to give\ncitizenship to minorities who\nin some cases have been\nliving there for well over\na century, and even considerably more.\nBurmese universities, also in\nperilous economic condition\nbecause of the government's\nresponse to the\nsituation with the Rohingya minority.\nSuch tactics play into\nthe hands of dictators.\nAnd most of all, we should\nthink about the implications\nfor American universities.\nThe U.S. government supports,\nwhether it claims to or not,\nmany of the policies in\nthe occupied territories\nthat we are objecting to,\nand it does so in ways that\ndo not even demonstrate\nthe courage of admitting that\nthe U.S. has a vested interest\nin sustaining some of those policies.\nAnd the U.S. is not alone\nbecause several European\nUnion countries are similarly implicated.\nMoreover, U.S. universities\nhave a luxury that our\nIsraeli colleagues do not have.\nEven state universities\nare, albeit variably,\nsomewhat independent of state control.\nSo if they have in the slightest\ndegree provided any support\nfor the occupation and its violence,\nthey are even more culpable\nthan any Israeli university.\nYou may remember the\nrecent execution of a woman\nin Georgia for arranging for\nher husband to be murdered.\nThe man who actually committed the murder\nwas not executed, she was.\nThink of applying that\nlogic to the role of the\nUnited States in the\nsuppression of the Palestinians\nin the occupied territories.\nIn short, if we want to avoid\nthat kind of confrontation,\nwe should avoid the entire\ncompetitive intolerance game.\nAnd rather adopt the\nposition which is also held\namong others by Noam Chomsky\nthat the real culprits,\nthose who should be\nattacked, are in the U.S.\nand among their many allies.\nWe should call on our\nIsraeli colleagues to do more\nto oppose the occupation and its abuses,\nand to be willing to\nargue forcefully against\nthose who refuse.\nAnd we should make the public\nargument that the worst\nenemy of Jews and Palestinians\nalike today is the government\nthat threatens to ignite\na terminal conflagration.\nChomsky argues, and I agree with him,\nin favor of attacking only\nthose offenders who are\nthoughtfully targeted.\nFor example, in the case of\nSouth Africa, which the BDS\nsupporters often cite as an example,\nhe says fine to target\nthose who carried out racist\nhiring policies.\nNot all South African universities did.\nAnd therefore the burden of\nthe boycott fell unfairly\nmore on some than on others.\nWe could certainly contemplate\nboycotting and otherwise\nisolating individual\ndepartments, and even individuals\nwho were implicated.\nMoreover, Chomsky argues\nthat the BDS movement\nhas caused diversions\nwhich really undermine\nthe basic goal that I think\nwe could all agree on,\nwhich is again a search for justice.\nMost of all, in the principle\nthat I suppose we could,\nGlass says charity begins at home,\nChomsky has this to say, and I\nquote him directly this time.\n\"The misery caused by Israel's\nactions in the occupied\n\"territories has elicited\nserious concern among\n\"at least some Israelis.\n\"One of the most outspoken\nfor many years has been\n\"Gideon Levy, a columnist\nfor Haaretz, who writes that\n\"quote, Israel should be\ncondemned and punished\n\"for creating insufferable\nlife under occupation,\n\"and for the fact that a\ncountry that claims to be among\n\"the enlightened nations continues abusing\n\"an entire people day and night.\n\"He's surely correct, and we should add\n\"something more\", says Chomsky.\n\"The United States should\nalso be condemned and punished\n\"for providing the decisive\nmilitary, economic,\n\"diplomatic and even ideological\nsupport for these crimes.\n\"So long as it continues\nto do so there is no reason\n\"to expect Israel to relent\nin its brutal policies.\"\nSo we should strengthen the\nhands of our Israeli colleagues,\nsuch as the people who are\nsitting here on the panel,\nnot isolate them.\nNot make it difficult for\nthem to come to such meetings\nto plead for our help and\nsupport because they cannot\ncome here except as individuals,\nand their universities\nwill not give them the\nfunding if they do not come\nas representatives of their university.\nWe shouldn't hand Netanyahu\nan excuse to strengthen\nIsraeli universities against\nwhat he will represent\nas foreign interference.\nAnother resemblance, by the\nway, with the military regimes\nin Greece in the past\nand Thai in the present.\nBDS against Israeli universities at large\nwon't hurt Netanyahu, and it\nwon't help the Palestinian\nvictims of Israeli\nviolence and repression.\nIt will isolate those who\nwant to fight for justice\nfrom within, and it will\nstrengthen Netanyahu's hand\nin bending the universities\nto his evil vision.\nIt will provide an excuse\nboth for those who want to be\nopenly anti-Semitic and those\nwho want to use anti-Semitism\nas a cover in Israel and\nelsewhere for their rightest\nactivities and views.\nSo please join us in targeting\nthose so-called academics\nand intellectuals who do use\ntheir position illegitimately\nto support the illegal\nactions of the Israeli state.\nJoin us in pressuring the U.S.\nadministration to abandon its\npusillanimous attitude in\nallowing the Israeli government\nto build more and more\nsettlements, even while saying\nthat they were opposing them.\nAnd let us stop letting\nthem get away with thinking,\nwhich is an insult to Jews\neverywhere, that there is a\nsingle Jewish lobby that\nthinks in an entirely\nhomogenous way.\nMost specifically, and here\nI conclude, please join us\nin rejecting the untargeted\nand indiscriminate violence\nagainst universities laid\nout in the proposed boycott.\nOne of the worst crimes committed\nby the Israeli government\nis its demolition policy,\nthe demolition of the homes\nof the families of those\nwho have been accused,\nbut not yet convicted,\nof terrorist activities.\nI argue that the BDS is\nstructurally identical to Israeli\nreprisals against alleged\nterrorists by blowing up\ntheir families homes.\nIt is structurally the same project.\nDestroy the larger entity\nfor the crimes of individuals\nand small units within it.\nThe other danger that comes\nwith that policy is that\nit will align decent Israeli\nscholars with a government\nthat represents the very\nantithesis of scholarship,\nfreedom and decency.\nThank you.\n(applause)\n- [Amalia] Hi.\nMy name is Amalia Saar from\nthe University of Haifa.\nFor obvious reasons the\ncall to support academic\nand cultural boycott\nof Israeli institutions\nhas had immediate resonance\nwith anthropologists.\nThe BDS movement has relied\nheavily on the language\nof freedom and justice,\nframing the longstanding\nIsraeli occupation as yet another\nmanifestation of a Zionist\ncolonial regime that has\ntransformed over time into\nan institutionalized Apartheid\nsystem based on national\nand ethnic discrimination.\nBesides our discipline's\ntraditional commitment to\nsupport freedom struggles\nof oppressed groups,\nsome anthropologists\nare persuaded by certain\ninstrumental logic of effectiveness\nthat is attached to BDS.\nIt has been argued that\nthis form of sanctions,\nwhich inherently nonviolent\nwill eventually create\nenough international pressure\nto get both the Israeli\npublic and politically leads\nto question the feasibility\nand possibility of continuing\nthe military occupation\nand settlement project in\nthe Palestinian territories.\nIndeed from a Palestinian\nperspective, such framing accords\nwith the ongoing struggle\nfor self-determination,\nthe right of return and\nfor a dignified future.\nIt also opens the\npossibility for new forms\nof global solidarity.\nAs such, for those who are\nfrustrated by the standstill\nin bilateral negotiations\nand the repeated cycles of\nviolence in the region, BDS\ncould be considered as a\npowerful tool for\ncollective mobilization and\nindividual action.\nIn some important respects\nBDS makes sense also\nfrom the perspective of\nJewish Israelis who oppose\nthe Israeli occupation of\nthe West Bank in Gaza Strip.\nSpeaking for myself, as I\nwatch with growing trepidation\nthe escalating Israeli\nagressions, as I listen to the\nmoralizing tone of\nmainstream Israeli discourse,\nand as I realize daily the lack\nof political will to try and\ntransform the conflict towards\na more sustainable future,\nI often think, sure, let\nthe world boycott Israel.\nIt deserves a punishment.\nIt deserves shaming.\nSince nothing else seems to\nbe working, then why not BDS?\nPresumably it worked in South Africa, etc.\nAnd if I as a privileged\nintellectual will pay a\npersonal price, then\nthat too is reasonable.\nPalestinian intellectuals are\npaying so much more than me\nthat sustaining academic\nboycott by virtue of\nmy being Israeli sounds\nmore than appropriate.\nNevertheless, my plea to you\ntoday is not to endorse BDS.\nTalking from my own personal standpoint,\nI will invoke ethical\nconcerns that are grounded in\nthe legacy of anthropology,\nas well as in that of\nfeminist peace activism.\nHowever, I want to\nstart with a note on the\npragmatic logic of BDS.\nThe common pragmatic\nrationale as mentioned is that\nBDS will create such\ninternational pressure that Israel\nand the Israeli public will\nfinally have to acknowledge\nthe cost of occupation,\nagree to land concessions\nand accept an independent\nPalestinian state.\nThe main problem with this\nline of argument is that\nit doesn't seem to work.\nIsraeli public opinion\nhas polarized greatly over\nthe past decade or so, and\nthe Israeli government has\nmanaged to instigate other\nstates, multinational companies\nand even some universities in\nthe west to inflict sanctions\non BDS supporters.\nThis has also been the case\nwithin Israeli academia\nwhere those who oppose the\noccupation are increasingly\nmarginalized and effectively silenced.\nFrom an ethical perspective,\nI believe that BDS\nshould be shunned because\nit is inadvertently,\nand I agree with what Michael just said,\nentrapped within a logic\nof war and zero sum game.\nThe BDS discourse strongly\ndiscourages complex\nunderstandings of peoples,\nand particularly of womens\npositioning vis a vis the\nconflict, or the potentially\ncontradictory effect of their locations.\nIt undercuts once again the\nfeminist perspective that\nexposes womens multiple\nvulnerabilities in the mutual\ninterest of patriarchies on\nboth sides of the border,\nand it completely ignores\nthe value of cross border\nacts of solidarity.\nWhile I do not wish to\ndownplay the immense power\nimbalance and the asymmetry between Israel\nand the Palestians, I would\nlike to stress that an\ninternational anti-occupation\nmovement that cannot\naccommodate a complex understanding of the\noccupying side directly\ndebilitates those with whom\nit should be working together.\nWhen for obvious reasons\nthe world's attention is\ntransfixed to the arduous\nimages and news of crashing\nmilitary offenses, racist\nattacks and political\nintransigents, anthropologists\nshould be documenting\nand communicating the complexities,\nthe unintended consequences\nand the multiple shades\namong all parties to the conflict.\nNot as it were to create\na balanced account,\nbut to humanize those parties\nso as to contribute towards\nthe construction of\nalternative understandings\nof the conflict.\nBy contrast, endorsing BDS will\ninevitably lock the members\nof the association in one\ndimensional essentialist\nidentities, which is truly\nironic considering some of the\nprinciples and values of our discipline.\nThe last part of my talk\nis about the question\nof anthropological agency.\nNow the anthropology that I\nbelieve in should be political.\nIt must take into account\npower, oppression and injustice,\nand it must take a moral stand.\nBut it should not dictate a party line.\nI think that the decision\nwhether the American\nAnthropological Association\nshould endorse BDS ultimately\nrests on the question of our\nagency as anthropologists.\nAnthropologists, surely\nin Israeli academia,\nare rather marginal actors.\nYet we do have agency, and we're\nnot entirely without power.\nMuch like queer and feminists activists,\nthe power the anthropologist\nshould aspire to exert,\nparticularly in the face\nof violent oppression,\nis transformative.\nI call the American Anthropological\nAssociation to endorse\nan ongoing conversation\non the ethics and practice\nof doing anthropology in\nzones of intractable conflict.\nNot singling out Israel\nPalestine, but rather encouraging\nall of us to combine a\nthick, in depth documentation\nof the local with broad\ncross cultural perspective.\nOur role as anthropologists\nis to produce ethnographies\nthat document and bring to\nlight activities that occur\nunder the radar of the\nofficial nationalistic\ndefinitions of reality.\nAmong them, for example,\nto speak of my own field,\na queer and feminist\nanti-occupation anti-racist activism\nin Haifa, Nazareth, East\nJerusalem and other places.\nLikewise with respect to a\nrange of third spaces where\npeople who are not necessarily\nactivists attempt to create\nalternative discourses.\nI believe that it is\nnecessary for international\nanthropologists to take\nan active role in defining\nan ethical framework that\ncondemns the Israeli occupation\nand supports acts of\ncross border solidarity.\nI call upon international\nanthropologists who wish to\ntake a stand on Israel\nPalestine to engage with\nthe work done by Israeli and\nPalestinian anthropologists\nand other critical scholars,\nand to support grass roots\nefforts for conflict transformation.\nDoing so will not only ensure\nthat local stories of life\nunder the conflict remain\nvisible, but it may result\nin alternative narratives\nabout the past, the present\nand the possibility to\ncreate a better future.\nThank you.\n(applause)\n- Hello, my name is Susan Kahn.\nI'd like to begin by expressing\nmy thanks to the organizers\nof the panel and to my\nco-presenters for their vision,\ncommitment and inclusiveness\nin all of their talks,\nand with apologies for\nrepeating some of the arguments\nthat have already been made\nso extremely persuasively.\nFor the past 12 years I served\nas the Associate Director\nof the Center for Middle\nEastern Studies at\nHarvard University.\nThis position allowed me to\nspend my days teaching courses\nin Middle Eastern studies,\nadvising students,\nattending seminars,\nspeaking at conferences,\nwriting recommendations,\napplying for grants,\nconducting research, publishing\narticles and generally\nengaging in all of the\nusual academic activities.\nBeing at an elite American\nuniversity like Harvard also\nof course meant that there\nwere a lot of free lunches,\nfancy dinners, etc.\nDuring this same time period,\naccording to a recent report\nfrom Physicians for Social Responsibility,\nthe United States armed\nforces and their allies killed\nat least 1.3 million people\nclassified as civilian\nnon-combatants in Iraq,\nAfghanistan and Pakistan.\nThese deaths and this human\nsuffering was conducted\nin my name, and ostensibly on my behalf,\nas part of United States\npolicy of waging the various\nwars on terror since September\n11th, all while I was\nteaching, learning and\nchatting over free meals\nat Harvard University.\nIncidentally, these numbers do\nnot include civilians killed\nin Yemen, Somalia and\nelsewhere in the Middle East\nfrom U.S. drone strikes, nor\ndoes it account for those\nkilled and displaced in Syria\nover the past four years.\nIt also takes no notice of the\ntens of millions of wounded,\ngrieving and dispossessed all\nacross the Middle East region.\nThis monumental human\nsuffering and carnage was\nin many ways caused in\nmy name as an American.\nHow can we who enjoy\nthe myriad material and\nintellectual benefits of\nour American university\naffiliations call for a\nboycott of Israeli universities\nwhen we are as culpable for\nthe policies of our government\nas Israeli academics for\nthe policies of theirs?\nMany of my Israeli\ncolleagues, Jews and Arabs,\npay the price for the conflict\nand live it on a daily basis\nin ways that I can hardly imagine.\nMany do so much more to\nprotest the actions of\ntheir government than I do to\nprotest the actions of mine.\nIn fact, many of them take\nthe most radical step of all\nby refusing to be enemies\ndespite the enormous\npressures to do so.\nSo how can we, from the\nrelative safety and comfort\nof our American campuses,\ntake an action that undermines\nand jeopardizes our Israeli\ncolleagues' ability to protest\nand resist the policies of\ntheir government and the\npressures of their\nsociety when many of us,\nnot all certainly, but many\nof us are doing so little\nto protest and resist the\npolicies and pressures of our own?\nThe political scientist\nStephen Walt, incidentally not\na supporter of BDS, writes,\n\"The fact that people died\n\"as a result of certain U.S.\nactions does not by itself\n\"mean that those policies\ndecisions were wrong.\n\"I am a realist, and I accept\nthe unfortunate fact that\n\"international politics\nis a rough business,\n\"and sometimes innocent people\ndie as a result of actions\n\"that may in fact be justifiable.\n\"A full assessment of U.S.\npolicy would have to weigh\n\"these regrettable costs\nagainst the alleged benefits\n\"to the United States itself,\nor the international community\n\"as a whole.\"\nUnlike Stephen Walt, I'm\nnot a political scientist,\nand I'm not in the business\nof conducting full assessments\nof government policies.\nPerhaps if we were to\nconstruct a grid that plots\ngovernment policies on one\naxis and the regrettable costs\nof those policies on the\nother, we could then pinpoint\nwhere Israel stands in\nrelation to other countries.\nAnd only then could we\nhave a complete data set\nfrom which to select countries\nfor academic boycott,\nassuming of course that academic\nboycotts have any effect\nat all on government\npolicies, which I think\nwe've dealt with.\nI'm not sure where Israel\nwould fall in such an exercise,\nbut I'm confident that it\nwould not be an outlyer.\nTo single out Israel for\nboycott without reference to\nsuch a contingent kind of\nanalysis suggests that there are\nother metrics at work here.\nAs you know, in addition to\nthe millions killed and wounded\nas the result of U.S.\npolicy in the Middle East,\nthere are also 107 people\nstill being held at Guantamo\nwithout due process.\nSome have been there for 14 years.\nSo if we're going to start\nboycotting universities\nwith any integrity,\nshouldn't we start at home?\nBy calling for a boycott of\nIsraeli universities we are\nimplicitly accusing Israeli\nuniversities of complicity\nwith the policies of their government.\nIf we really believe that,\nshouldn't we be encouraging\nour colleagues around\nthe world to boycott us?\nSurely the American government,\nlet alone the British,\nthe French, the Dutch, etc.,\nis responsible for far more\nsuffering and injustice\nin the world than the\nIsraeli government is,\nparticularly if we assume no\nstatute of limitations\nfor past atrocities.\nTo embrace this logic of\nacademic boycott as articulated\nin the proposed resolution would\nrequire us to boycott most,\nif not all universities in the world.\nFortunately we're not\npolitical scientists,\nwe're anthropologists, and\naccording to our mission\nstatement the goal of\nanthropology is to understand\nthe full sweep and\ncomplexity of cultures across\nall of human history.\nIt's not our job to rank\nhuman suffering, oppression\nand death caused by government policies,\nand select to censure and\nisolate one government\nfor its policies over others.\nI'm not even sure there is\nsuch a job, but if there is,\nit's certainly not ours.\nOur job, and it's a pretty\nprivileged one, is to remain\ncurious, empathic and analytical,\nto understand, explain\nand to teach about the\ncomplex human problems\nin the world.\nWe are all outraged by\ntyranny, brutality, oppression\nand injustice.\nThose of us against\nthe boycott are no less\noutraged than others.\nIn fact, I think we can all\nagree that we are living\nin a moment where dark forces are amassing\nall around us.\nSurely we can wage a stronger\nand more honest struggle\nagainst the multiplying\ninjustices in the world\nif we embrace a coherent\nstrategy that doesn't punish\nour academic colleagues\nfor their relationship to\nstate violence while remaining\ncomplacent, and in fact,\noften benefiting from our\nown academic institutions\nfor the exact same structural\nrelationship to violence\nthat we purportedly so abhor.\nWe seem very willing to\ncompromise our Israeli\ncolleagues' privilege\nwithout compromising our own.\nLater in its mission statement\nthe triple A declares that\nit is dedicated to advancing\nknowledge and solving\nhuman problems.\nSupport for BDS does neither,\nand therefore I urge you\nto vote against the resolution.\n(applause)\n- [Yehuda] Hi, good afternoon.\nMy name is Yehuda Goodman.\nI come from the Hebrew\nUniversity of Jerusalem.\nTitle of the talk is as you can see,\nFrom the Anthropological Point\nof View: What's Wrong with\nthe BDS Individual/Institutional\nDistinction?\nAnthropologists try to make\ntheir students and audience\nmore critical of the taken for\ngranted ways of understanding\nsocial realities.\nThey try to open up new\nvisions by listening and\ngiving voice to the ones\nwho are hardly heard.\nGiven these sensibilities\nanthropology has much to\ncontribute to national\nconflicts, as it may help the\nvarious parties acknowledge\nand understand their opponents,\nwhich may serve as a\nfirst step for dialog and\npeaceful resolution.\nIt's good that\nanthropologists feel strongly\nthat they should do something\nabout the devastating\nenduring conflict in Israel Palestine.\nThe question is still how to get involved,\nhow to make a difference.\nI believe that boycotting\nfellow academicians\nis not the right way to\nadvance peace and ending\nof the occupation.\nI'll try to explain a\nspecific issue within the\nboycott debate.\nI'll try to explain in\nparticular why such a boycott\nwill harm not institutions\nas its advocates claim,\nbut individual anthropologists.\nLet me start with my own\nsubject position and views.\nI teach anthropology at the\nUniversity of Jerusalem,\nand since I am a Jewish citizen\nof Israel, there is much\nat stake for me in this\ndebate within the triple A.\nThe Israeli occupation of\nPalestinian land started in 1967.\nI was then nine years old.\nIt took me a few years,\nbut starting from my\nhigh school days I\ntotally objected to this\nongoing occupation.\nI have been involved in\nvarious political projects\nagainst it, in Peace Now\nand other activities,\nand I live in Israel with\na deep concern and hope\nfor a better future.\nThe occupation is always\non my mind, and parts of my\nacademic work explicitly\nreflects these concerns.\nThe images I am bringing\nhere today are taken from\na recent project I am carrying this year\nwhich deals with the moral\ndilemmas, an evolving sense\nof the political reflected in\nnarrative of Israeli soldiers\nwho served in the territories.\nConflicts between nations\nseem clear cut from afar.\nThey are much more complicated when one\nlives them every day.\nBoth people, Israelis and\nPalestinians, are to be blamed\nfor continuous bloodshed.\nInnocent citizen, Israeli\nand Palestinians, suffer,\nget wounded and die from\nviolent acts of the other side.\nAnd the leadership from\nboth sides is to be accused\nfor extremism and irresponsibility.\nStill the Israeli Palestine\nsituation is not a\nsymmetrical conflict.\nIsraeli is the occupier, and\nPalestinians are the occupied.\nI acknowledge Palestinian\nsuffering and believe Israel\nhas a greater responsibility\nto end the occupation\nand bring peace and justice\nto Israel Palestine.\nAgain, the occupation should\nend, and the two state\nsolution with the Palestinian\nstate living alongside Israel\nis still, I believe, and\nI think most Israeli do,\nthe most viable solution to the conflict.\nSadly Israeli government\nleans toward the right in the\npast 20 years, with Prime\nMinister Netanyahu elected\ntime and again.\nThe country I reside in is\nmoving in the wrong direction\nfor many years now, and the\nsituation is deteriorating.\nWe on the left and the\nmoderate are attacked by\nthe political right who claim\nwe are naive about the Arabs,\nand not caring about Jews rights.\nSomething has to be\ndone, no doubt, but what?\nI am quite aware that for\nthose anthropologists who are\ndeeply convinced about the\nboycott and would like to\nsupport the Palestinians no matter what,\nmy observations would not\nmake much of a difference.\nIn the past year I had this\nsense that for some hardcore\nboycotters whatever you say\nwould be turned against you.\nPolitical views in this\nregard are like a deep\nreligious faith.\nProof for the non-existence\nof God does not\nchange people's convictions.\nEither you believe or not.\nI am trying to talk then to\nthose of us anthropologists\nwho are still perplexed and\nnot totally caught up within\na binary black and white\npolitical depictions.\nI talk then to those who\ncare about the situation\nin Israel Palestine, who\ncare about both sides,\nand especially want to\nacknowledge the Palestinian\nhuman and national rights.\nThose who genuinely ask,\nwhat should be done?\nIn this context since a\nboycott option is on the table\nwe should as whether\nthis is the right choice.\nWe should ask what will\nbe the impact of a boycott\non Israeli academic institutions,\non anthropology in Israel,\nand on anthropology more generally.\nBoycott advocates presumably\nbelieve a boycott will\nput pressure on the Israeli\ngovernment and push it\ntowards a peace solution.\nWell, however, within Israel\nIsraeli academics are already\ncritiized for being leftist.\nWith a boycott and its\nactual implementation by many\nanthropologists who signed\nthe pro-boycott petition,\nwe are weakened even\nmore, being attacked now\nby our own colleagues.\nThe boycotters join forces\nthen with the Israeli right\nand with radicals in the\nPalestinian society who both\ndo not wish to see any\nadvance towards ending of\nthe occupation and towards a\njust and peaceful resolution.\nA central claim endorsed by\nthe BDS advocates is that\nboycotting Israeli academic\ninstitutions is aimed at\ninstitution alone, and this\nis repeated also in the\nresolution number two tomorrow.\nPresumably the boycotters admit\nthat boycotting individual\nscholars is discriminatory,\nis illegal and unethical,\nand does not serve the aim of\nmaking a political difference\nby punishing individuals.\nThe distinction between\nindividual/institution is thus\na central to the boycott\nadvocates' argument.\nI would like to focus the\nrest of my talk in the next\nfew minutes on thinking\nthrough this distinction\nwith some anthropological tools.\nAnthropology is about\ntrying to figure out what is\nat stake on the ground for social actors.\nFurther, anthropology\nunderscores the need to explore\ncomplexities and gaps\nbetween explicit intentions\nand practical outcomes.\nAnthropologists do not take\nfor granted philosophical\nor legalistic accounts of social reality.\nThe boycotters ask\nanthropologists to leave such\ncritical tools at home.\nThe individual/institutional\ndistinction sounds clear cut,\nbut is in reality impossible to maintain.\nIt is merely a legalistic\nformulation that ignores\nactual social dynamics\nwithin the triple A.\nAgain, the explicit aim is\nto boycott institution alone,\nbut in practice this simply does not work.\nAn academic boycott by\nanthropologists who signed a\npro-boycott statement last\nyear is already harming\nmy department, our students\nand me and my colleagues.\nThe boycott as in effect\nhas little to do with\nthe university as such, its\nadministration and its faculty,\nnor will it have any serious\neffect on Israeli government,\nwhich cares very little\nabout anthropologists.\nThe boycott ends up blocking\nthe academic work of\nfellow anthropologists.\nAnd let me also remind you\nthat while the task force's\nPalestine report is so\ncritical of Israel and\nthe occupation, to which\nI wholeheartedly agree,\nit contains if one reads\nclose enough serious critiques\nof a boycott.\nNot only does the report\nreminds readers that academic\nboycotts stand in sharp\ncontrast with academic freedom\nand the basic principles that\nanthropology is based upon,\nnamely disseminating academic\nknowledge and the free\nexchange of ideas, it also\nquotes testimonies that\ndemonstrate how the\nboycott will seriously harm\nindividual anthropologists.\nMoving from a abstract analysis\nto what is already happening\non the ground, the boycott\nproposal and the pressure\nto sign the pro-boycott\nresolution that have been going on\nfor more than a year now,\nhave turned into a measure\nfor punishing and stigmatizing\nIsraeli anthropologists.\nAs noted in the task force\nreport, the boycott petition\nand the debate itself have\nalready had in practice not only\nthe positive outcome of discussing\nfinally Israel Palestine\nwithin the triple A, but\nalso deeply negative impact\non collegial relationship\nwithin anthropology department\nand the triple A itself.\nAmple evidence portrays a\nclimate of fear the debate\nover the boycott has established among us.\nExperiences of intimidation\nhave been expressed\non both sides.\nWhereas in Israel there has\nbeen pressure on scholars\nnot to encourage a boycott,\nin the U.S. and Europe\nit is the boycotters who\nhave been intimidating\ntheir others, including pressure\nput on graduate students\nand faculty members to take sides.\nMany fear recrimination if they\ndo not take the right side.\nSuch tensions and fears were\nbrought to a boil at the\ntriple A business meeting last year.\nThe event was not, as\none colleague told me,\nthe celebration of\ndemocracy in the triple A.\nInstead, in my opinion, it\nwas a crashing of a minority\nand hardly allowing for\nlistening to others,\nthose opposing an academic boycott.\nIsraeli anthros feel they\nare being taken hostage by\nboycotters in order to put\npressure on Israeli government,\nwhich again they are\nactually deeply critical of.\nI know quite a few\nanthropologists who have decided\nnot to come here to Denver\ngiven the atmosphere\nof persecution and power of\nthe mob within the triple A.\nThe boycotters actions\nare caught up within deep\ncontradictions and impossibilities.\nBoycott Israeli anthropologists,\nand then quarterly\ninviting them to come to meetings.\nBoycotting and disengaging completely,\nand then saying this is a\ncondition for any dialog.\nHumiliating your other, and\nthen telling her you're my\npartner of the so-called\nanti-normalization.\nI believe many Israeli anthros\nand many at the triple A\nwho see things differently\nsimply resist being implicated\nand positioned in such derogatory ways.\nA boycott will deepen these\nabusive tendencies and spur\npractices of ostracism,\nintellectual litmus testing of\nindividual scholars'\nacceptability and even blacklists.\nI wonder then what kind\nof an academic institution\nthe boycotters want\nthe triple A to become.\nThird, let me move to some more specific\nboycott guidelines.\nThe boycotters ask the triple\nA to deny Israeli libraries\naccess to anthropological journals.\nBy impeding anthropological\nknowledge and learning\nthe resolution stems the kind\nof open minded, innovating\nthinking that lies at\nthe core of anthropology.\nThis is a direct attack\non academic freedom,\nthe free exchange of ideas\nand on anthropology itself.\nThis will hardly hit\nIsraeli institution as such.\nIt will hit those in need\nof the university services,\nlike a library.\nAgain, such a boycott will\ndamage research and teaching,\nanthropology in Israel\nPalestine, in Israel,\nwhile having no positive effects\non the rights and equality\nof Palestinians, scholars or lay persons.\nFourth, and no less important,\nthe boycott will hit\nhardest on the weak who\nhardly have a voice within\nthe triple A, who are hardly\npresent in this audience.\nIt will hit hardest at the\nundergraduate and graduate\nstudents in Israel.\nShould the boycotters succeed,\nthe only way to access\nanthropological journals in Israel\nwill be by individual\npaying triple A membership\nand section fees.\nMoreover, the boycott\ndiscourages global scholars from\nvisiting Israeli academic institutions.\nBoth these actions would deeply\nharm students and scholars\nwho cannot travel abroad to\ntriple A and other meetings,\nand do not have the funds to\npay triple A membership fees.\nThese facts should be\nspelled out explicitly,\nand not to be dismissed as\nmere minor technical matters.\nLet me end by referring\nagain to the task force's\nPalestine report, which\noffers some better alternative\nto a boycott for the triple A to adopt.\nThese are all in line with\nthe fourth resolution to be\ndiscussed in the business\nmeeting and with the\nanthropologist for dialog\nin Israel Palestine agenda.\nClear criticism of the\nIsraeli government policies,\nand of its continued occupation\nof Palestinian lands.\nCalling on the U.S. government\nto put pressure on Israel\nto advance Palestinian rights.\nCalling upon Israel to\nenhance freedom of speech\nand movement for Palestinians, and to stop\npersecutory policies toward\nPalestinian universities.\nAnd supporting teaching resources\nand research in the region\nby providing Palestinian libraries\naccess to anthropological\njournals at no cost.\nAnd offering funds for teaching\nat Palestinian universities\nand for Palestinian anthropologists.\nThank you very much.\n(applause)\n- [Woman in glasses] OK,\nwe'd like to open the floor\nfor questions and discussion.\nI also wanna announce that we\nwould like to invite people\ntonight at 7:00pm to a\nreception where we can continue\nthe conversation.\nIt will be held in the\nCapital Ballroom number seven\non the fourth floor here in the Hyatt.\nSo we hope to see you\nthere, but also please share\nyour thoughts and questions\nand comments with us now.\nMaybe you could walk to\nthe microphone which is\nright in the middle here so\nthat everyone can hear you.\n- [Voiceover] Good afternoon,\nmy name is David Lloyds.\nI am a member of the U.S.\ncampaign for the academic\nand cultural boycott of Israel,\nand I'm very glad to hear\nfrom our colleagues here today.\nPart of the objective of the\nboycott campaign has of course\nbeen to increase the amount\nof circulation of ideas\nand of positions around\nIsrael and Palestine,\nand therefore it is always a\ngood thing to hear particularly\nfrom progressive Israelis\nas to their perspectives\non the issue.\nHowever, I am somewhat\nperplexed even as I sympathize\nwith the dilemma of Israeli\nprogressives by a series\nof mischaracterizations\nof the boycott call,\nand by what frankly are\ncaricatures of what has\nfor the most part been a well-reasoned and\nevidence-based discussion.\nIt is not an instance of mob\nrule or mob victory for someone\nto win an argument and\nfor you to lose a debate,\nand therefore to lose a vote.\nIt is simply that the\ncirculation of ideas and facts\nabout the Israeli Palestinian\nsituation in the last\nfive or six years has rather\nchanged factors on the ground.\nI'm also somewhat perplexed\nthat there was hardly\na mention from any of you,\ndespite the fact that the thing\nunder consideration right\nnow is the question of\nacademic freedom, of the\nconsistent daily years-long\nviolation of the academic\nfreedoms, and not only the\nacademic freedoms of\nPalestinians, both students\nand faculty, an issue that\nseems to have been left\nto the side while you lamented\nthe potential violation\nof the academic freedoms\nof people who are,\nas we are here, benefiting\nfrom a position of privilege.\nThere's also an assumption\nthat the boycott movement\nhas focused on and singled\nout Israel, rather than simply\nremarking that finally Israel\nis now being subjected to\nthe same kind of scrutiny\nand political critique,\nand also of activism, that\nother nations have been\nsubjected to.\nI speak as someone who's been involved in\nthe issue of East Timor, in\nthe issue of Northern Ireland,\nin the issue of South Africa,\nall situations in which\nthe U.S. was also involved,\nand I think that this\nassociation has been quite\nforward in its condemnation\nof the involvement of the\nU.S. in wars of occupation\nand so forth.\nSo I think that the idea that\nIsrael is being singled out\nis completely erroneous.\nSo I just wanted really to\nask as Israeli progressives,\nand this is particularly\nto those of you who are\nfrom Israel, but anybody\nelse may want to answer it,\nthe boycott of academic\ninstitutions, as well as the\ndivestment campaign and the\nlonger hope of governmental\nsanctions on Israel, was called\nfor by over 170 Palestinian\ncivil society movements.\nNow that implies that the\nPalestinians, who are the ones\nwho are, I think you will\nagree, suffering the most from\nthe effects of not only\noccupation but internal\ndiscrimination within the state\nof Israel, have determined\nthat the boycott and divestment\nand sanctions movement\nis the best way for them\nto realize their aims.\nIt's simply false to say that\nthey are not concerned about\neconomic divestment and boycott.\nAnd in fact, from the\nperspective of this country\nyou can say that the most\nsuccessful things have been\nthe economic divestment campaigns.\nHowever I want to ask you,\nhow is it possible for someone\nwho says they are a progressive\nand believes that they are\nin some respects at least\non the side of human rights\nand justice to try to dictate\nto the Palestinians the means\nby which in fact they should\nrealize their perfectly\nlegitimate aspirations to\nhuman rights and to justice?\nThank you.\n- Thank you.\n- Thank you for your comment.\nI joined this panel with a\ngreat sense of difficulty.\nI think it may be difficult\nto understand that none of us\nspeaks in this way happily.\nClearly, clearly and without\nany question the crimes\nthat have been committed\nby the Israeli state under\nits present and previous\ngovernments against Palestinians\nhave been egregious and\nhave gone unpunished.\nBut the argument about the boycott is of a\nvery different order.\nI tried to make clear in\nmy remarks that some kind\nof boycott, selectively\ntargeting those areas that\nwe could legitimately see\nas directly implicated,\nwould not only possibly\nhave some effect and achieve\nsome punitive result as well,\nbut also strengthen the hand\nof those academics, and\nespecially those anthropologists\nwho have actually been actively involved,\nand it's not a high percentage,\nbut those who have actively\nbeen involved in trying to\nchampion Palestinian rights.\nI also did say, I hope clearly,\nthat much more could have\nbeen done by many more.\nSo in that sense I think we're\npretty much on the same page.\nWhen I first heard about the BDS movement,\nand especially when I\nfirst heard about this\ncurrent iteration, my\nfirst inclination was to\njump right in.\nI have no sympathy for the Israeli state,\nbut I am very concerned about\nthree particular issues.\nOne, the status and likely\nfuture of our discipline\nin a country where it is already\nbeing somewhat curtailed.\nAnd you can say that Palestinian\nintellectuals are being\nmuch more severly curtailed,\nand we would agree,\nbut there has to be some\npoint at which you strengthen\nthose elements that would\nstand up and be counted\nand be willing to try to\nreverse this situation.\nThe second point concerns\nthe current status of the BDS\nand the current status, frankly,\nof the present situation\nin Israel Palestine.\nClearly nothing much has worked.\nI would be strongly in favor\nof the boycott if I thought\nit would achieve its goal.\nI share Chomsky's point of\nview that targeted boycotts\nsometimes do achieve a goal.\nAnd I would think that\none possible compromise\nthat the two sides of this\ndebate ought to consider\ndiscussing is targeted\nboycotts because they make\na lot more sense.\nAnd thirdly, and this really\nreverts to my final remark,\nit seems to me disingenuous\nto criticize the Israeli Army\nfor destroying the houses\nof the families of those who\nare suspected of terrorist\nacts or of acts of violence.\nAnd make no mistake, I\nconsider that to be a crime\nagainst humanity of a\nrather serious order.\nI have spent a lot of my\nlife dealing with issues\nof eviction and fighting\nagainst governments and others\nwho evict illegally.\nBut if we reproduce the\nsame logic, by that very act\nand in that very moment\nwe curtail our own right\nto speak out.\nThank you.\n- [Dan] To the first point,\nI recognize that Israelis\ncurtailing academic freedom\nfor the Palestinians, and...\nand I agree that this is a serious matter.\nI do not see how you right\na wrong with a new wrong,\nand I don't see the connection\nbetween these two actions,\nunless we're looking at punitive action,\nwhich has never excited me very deeply.\nAbout civil society, I have\nutmost respect to civil society,\nand I have been part of it\nin various ways, including\nin conjunction with Palestinian\ncivil society organizations,\nbut I think what we are trying\nto do here is to talk to\nideas by merit, and not so\nmuch by who brings up the idea,\nbut what it would do in the world.\nAnd yes, lots of civil society\norganizations can make out,\ncan initiate a call.\nAnd yes, our job can also\nbe to look at it critically\nand say, is it going to bring\nmore good to the world or not?\nThis is the exercise that I\nhave been trying to do here.\nAnd to say that a certain call\ncame from a certain quarter,\nand by that criterion alone\nshould be sanctimoniously\nagreed upon and acted upon,\nI think doesn't speak to me.\n- [Voiceover] Mine is not a\nquestion, but a respond to\nthe gentleman who argued\nthat in fact American\nAnthropology Association has\nlong time already condemned\nviolations, and I think\nthis is a good example,\nyour point of the kind of\nobfuscation and distortion that\nthe boycott proponents in the\nassociation are engaged in.\nYes, American anthropologists\noccasionally have protested\nviolations in East Timor and\nso forth, but they have never\ncalled for a boycott of\nacademic institutions\nin their entirety, even in\nthe case of South Africa.\nSo this is I think a\nvery dangerous precedent.\nI looked at Tibet, for example.\nI think what China is\ndoing with Tibet is just\nas horrendous, or much more so.\nOr as a former Soviet citizen\nI find what Putin is doing\nin the Crimea with the\nCrimean Tartars is a complete\ndestruction of civil society.\nBut I am absolutely certain\nthat there will be no boycott\nof Russian anthropology.\nThere will be no boycott\nof Chinese anthropology\nfor a very simple reason.\nThere are just too many\nAmerican anthropologists doing\nresearch in these large countries.\nThere are very few doing\nresearch in Israel.\nI think that this is hypocritical,\nand I totally agree with\nProfessor Kahn who says that\nthere are just too many of us\nworking in American institutions\nwe're not going to boycott.\nI think the boycott resolution\nis a low cost, feel good\nkind of gesture that people\nare engaged in to show that\nthey are on the good\nside, on the right side.\nSo it's very upsetting,\nand I think if we pass it,\nif it gets passed, it sets up a very, very\ndangerous precedent.\n- [Voiceover] I have a few\ncomments, but I just wanted to\nmake a comment in reference\nto what the speaker just said.\nI think that seeing this\nproposal, the proposal that's\non the table at the business\nmeeting this week as somehow\nexcluding other possibilities\nfor triple A to act on\nhuman rights violations in\nother parts of the world\nis problematic.\nI feel like if you sort of\nwanted to organize a boycott\nagainst Chinese academic\ninstitutions, I would try to\ninform myself about this.\nI would come to meetings.\nI would try to learn about\nit, and I might end up\nsupporting something like that.\nSo these are not mutually exclusive.\nAnd also the question about\nkind of our own universities\nand our own government.\nI am the first one to agree\nwith that point that our own\ngovernment is quite culpable.\nCulpable in supporting Israeli\npolicies, but also culpable\nin committing atrocities around the world.\nAnd while it would be very\ndifficult for me to deal with\nbeing boycotted, I hope\nthat I would welcome that.\nI hope I would welcome it\nif my colleagues in other\ncountries said, sorry,\nwe can't invite you.\nOr sorry we can't come to\nyour conference because\nI feel like that's the kind\nof pressure that would need\nto see a policy change here as well.\nSo I think this whole idea\nof hierarchy is problematic\nbecause, you know, taking up\nthis issue of the situation\nof Israel and Palestine\ndoesn't prevent us from\ntaking up other issues.\nWe've done so in the past,\nwe can do so in the future.\nYou know, I'm been protesting\nthe policies of my own\ngovernment for decades.\nWell, maybe not decades, I'm not that old.\nLet's say since high school,\nright, since high school.\nAnd once again, it would be\ndifficult to kind of start\na boycott against myself, but\nwere are other organizations\nto do that, other institutions to do that,\nother countries to do that,\nthat would not surprise me.\nI mean, it would be difficult,\nbut it would not surprise me,\nand I would feel like it was warranted.\nSo that's just one thing\nI wanted to talk about.\nOn the issue of complicity\nand how do you measure\ncomplicity, and I believe it\nwas Dan Rabinowitz who was\ntalking about that, it\nwould not be an easy task.\nBut were this organization\nto vote in favor of\na boycott tomorrow, we could\ncome up with procedures\nfor doing that, for\ndeciding what is complicity\nand what are the criteria\nthat we're looking for\non the part of universities?\nWhat is the stance we\nwant universities to take?\nAnd I'll just give you a\nsmall example, a much smaller\nscale, but my own university\nwas taken to task for\nits history and engagement\nin slavery and the selling\nof slaves and profiting\nfrom the selling of slaves.\nStudents came up with\na clear list of demands\na year or two ago, and\nnothing was done about them.\nThey had sit in, walk outs,\nand now the university\nhas met sort of demand one, right?\nAnd demand one was very symbolic.\nIt was changing the names of buildings\non the university campus.\nI mean, there are ways to\ncome with these are the\nkind of clear acts that\nwe need to be seen,\nneed to be undertaken.\nSo it's not an easy thing,\nbut it's a process which\ncould be put into place.\nI guess I just have one other point,\nor maybe two other points.\nAnd this is a more difficult\none for me to talk about,\nbut I get the sense that\nfolks, from quite a number of\npeople on the panel\ntoday, that this is a very\npersonal issue, and I\nunderstand why it's a very\npersonal issue.\nAnd people feel hurt personally\nbecause they've taken\nbrave stances in their own\ncareers for human rights,\nas have pro-BDS supporters.\nMany of us have suffered\nin our own careers in\nthe United States because of\nthe positions we've taken.\nSo all of us kind of have been\nhurt, but I think we need to\nstep away from the I've been\nhurt by other colleagues,\nI'm being dehumanized,\nand think about this is\na structural problem, right?\nSo when I think about the\nkind black lives matter\nand the kind of response to\nthat being all lives matter,\nor this, you know, stop critiquing police,\nand then my friends who have, you know,\nfamily and kind of\nhumanizing police officers,\nall of this is to say that\nyes, there are lots of\ngood people, and there are\nlots of sort of strong critics\nof Israel within Israel,\nbut this issue is a structural issue.\nThis is a secular colonial project.\nIt's an occupation.\nIt comes with structures and\ninstitutions and bureaucracies.\nIt's not about a set of individuals.\nIt's about-\n- [Woman in glasses] We're out of time.\nThank you very much, but\nI think that we need to\ncontinue these conversations.\nWe need to continue to\ndiscuss them before the\nboycott vote or the other\nresolutions are discussed.\nThank you for attending,\nand we will continue to talk\nand to engage.\n(applause)\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "charity thank you so much for joining us\ntoday on the go sokal podcast\nthanks for having me so why don't we\nstart off with you just telling me a\nlittle about you\nand your background and what you what\nyou do here at socal okay perfect\nso um for the last two years before i\njoined socal\ni worked with a data mining company it's\nauto alert\nand i was an international trainer and\nwent all over the united states and\ncanada and trained\ndealerships um you know i would be there\nfor two days four days however long that\nthey needed me there\ndepending on how long it took to get\nthat store off the ground and\nrunning on auto alert um\nbefore that i worked inside dealerships\nand all aspects of the stores\nawesome so what do you do here at socal\nso socal\ni am one of the dealer process coaches\nwe go out to the dealerships and we\ntrain\non different aspects of the dealership\nwhether it's being in your bdc\ndepartment or\ndata mining for instance awesome so you\nmentioned data mining and i know that is\na pretty popular\num i guess software that a lot of\ndealerships are using nowadays so i'm\nsure most of our listeners probably know\nwhat that is but can you tell everybody\nwhat data mine is\nsure so datamon takes a snapshot of\nthe car that you're driving right now\nand it lets us know where you're at\num how many miles is on it um where\nyou're at in your purchasing cycle of\nthat vehicle what a data mining tool\ndoes is it actually um it shows us how\nwe can put you into a brand new vehicle\nand possibly lower or keep your payments\nthe same\ndata mining also helps the salespeople\nwith their customer retention as well\nso um it's a really great tool the main\nthing is\nis that dealers are having a hard time\nwith\nthe training aspect on it um teaching\nthe salespeople on how to use it\nwhere to use it when to use it and\nif they're not using it you know it just\ngoes to the wayside\nand they lose their roi on it how is it\nused in a dealership like what's the\nprocess of\nhow you would find that customer and you\nknow up them to a newer vehicle\nabsolutely so a customer comes into the\nservice drive\nor they could be at home when we're\nmaking the phone calls\nthe customer's information gets pulled\nthrough\ninto the software and we have a snapshot\nalready of\nwhat the customer drives how many miles\nare on it depending on\nthe server the last service visit or the\ncurrent service visit\nand it lets us know what we can put\nwell we can put that customer in what's\non our lot right now with using our\ninventory that we have\nright now right or um\nanother way a dealer uses it is instead\nof going to the auction\nright and they can get their um\nhelp with their pre-owned inventory and\nget more cars\noff of the lane in your service lane to\nhelp with their used car inventory as\nwell\nso i know you just mentioned about\npre-owned inventory um and i know\nyou know right now given the situation\nwith the plants being closed a lot of\nnew inventory\nyou know it's been not coming in as much\ndealerships as\ntypically they're used to this time of\nyear so can you touch maybe a little bit\nmore\non about why this is so a good way to\nbuild up that pre-owned inventory that\nyou might be needing right now\nabsolutely and actually being out a lot\nof dealers even their used car inventory\nis getting low as well\nso whenever you're getting a car out of\nyour service lane\nyou already know you know how many oil\nchanges it had you know when the brakes\nhave been done\nyou know who's driving the car you know\nthe story of the car a little bit\nright so why not get it out of your\nservice lane and be able to have the\nstory behind that car\nto be able to tell a person that's\ninterested in the vehicle\nthe story behind the vehicle and get it\nout of your service line\nwell and i'm also assuming that can save\na dealership a little bit of money as\nwell\nabsolutely auction fees are really high\nright now\nand it will definitely save a lot on\nyour auction fees\nso how would you go about monitoring\nthose sales i'm sure like you mentioned\nthe roi so how do you make sure that you\nknow you're getting\nthat roi back um well is what you have\nmatch back reports a lot with the\nsoftware depending on what software\nyou're using\nwhether it being automotive mastermind\nperfect prospect auto alert any of those\nshould be able to provide you\nroi and a matchback report as well so\nwould you consider data mining pretty\neffective for dealerships if they use it\ncorrectly\nabsolutely if i was to run to run a\nstore today i would have\nsome form of data mining in my store and\ni would require\nsales people to use data mining so\nif dealerships you made a comment that a\nlot of dealerships you know\nare paying for the software but they're\nnot taking full advantage\nof this program so if dealerships are\npaying for it then why aren't they using\nit\nwell because you have a lot of\ndealerships have a lot of turnover\num and it's all about training\nright so if you don't know you don't\nknow what i do is i go in\nand i do a lot of trainings with the\nsalespeople i have a theory no sales\nperson left it behind\nno matter where they're no matter if\nthey're using the product or they're not\nright yeah i want them to be able to\nfind their customers in that\ndata mining tool because if there's a\nchance that they do\nuse it or they want to use it then they\nhave the knowledge to be able to use the\ntool\num so that's one thing is i'm a big\nadvocate about\ntraining your sales people training your\nexchange coordinators\num just training getting them the\ntraining that they need\nso can you give us um you know some tips\nand tricks um\nto get the most out of your data mining\nsoftware um you need to be in it every\nsingle day and i require whenever i'm\ntraining\nsalespeople i want them to make 10 phone\ncalls out of the\ndata mine to every single day and if you\nget 10 calls out of the data mine\ntool um from your sales people then\nyou're going to get deals out of it\nso can you maybe give us like a real\nworld example like how a salesperson\nwould use this when somebody\ncomes into the dealership sure\nabsolutely what kind of car you dropped\num i have a ford escape okay so um\ngreat car by the way thank you um\nabsolutely\nso if you are bringing your car into\nservice drive for an oil change or\nanything like that\nlet's say you've had your car for two\ntwo and a half years yep okay\nperfect so um what the service\ndepartment\ndoes is they write you up in an ro which\nis a repair order\nthe repair order sends an alert to the\nsoftware that i'm comfortable with using\nand it gives an alert to the salesperson\nsaying hey\nkatie's here with her ford escape right\nso at that point it gives them all a\ndisorientation\nof what you have what you're driving how\nmany miles are on your car\nand it also tells you what we can flip\nyou over into to keep your payments\naround the same\nor possibly go up no more than 10\non payments oh wow yes so at that point\nthat sales person would come out and\ntalk to you and let you know\nwith a form and show you hey katie\nhere's what we can do for you\nwe can keep you at the same payment but\nput you into a brand new vehicle and\nkeep your payments the same\nwow that's that's pretty interesting\nthey can actually do that it's\nreally a wonderful product and data\nmining\nis something that i would use in any\nstore that i ever\nran so charity thank you so much for\njoining us today\non the go socal podcast we really\nappreciate you being here um and if\npeople\nwant to learn more um and get more\ninformation you can always check us out\non gosocal.com absolutely\n[Music]\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "\nMalay (macrolanguage): \nHelo, hai kekasih ...\nHari ini saya ingin berkongsi konsep lemon dengan anda ...\nSaya bermula sekarang ...\nserai ...\nTerdapat ais krim juga, tetapi saya terlupa di dalam peti sejuk :(\nkek keju ...\n\nSpanish: \nHola, hola amores ...\nHoy quería compartir contigo el concepto del limón ...\nEmpiezo ahora mismo ...\nlimonada...\nTambién había helado, pero lo olvidé en el congelador :(\ntarta de queso...\n\nHindi: \nहेलो, हेल्लो स्वीटहार्ट्स ...\nआज मैं आपके साथ नींबू अवधारणा साझा करना चाहता था ...\nमैं अभी शुरू कर रहा हूँ ...\nनींबु पानी...\nआइसक्रीम भी थी, लेकिन मैं इसे फ्रीजर में भूल गया :(\nचीज़केक...\n\nSwedish: \nHej, hej älsklingar ...\nIdag ville jag dela citronkonceptet med dig ...\nJag börjar just nu ...\ncitronsaft...\nGlass fanns också, men jag glömde den i frysen :(\ncheesecake...\n\nArabic: \nمرحبا مرحبا احبتي ...\nاليوم أردت أن أشارككم مفهوم الليمون ...\nأنا أبدأ الآن ...\nعصير الليمون...\nكان هناك آيس كريم أيضًا ، لكنني نسيته في الفريزر :(\nتشيز كيك...\n\nChinese: \n你好,亲爱的你好...\n今天我想和大家分享柠檬的概念...\n我现在开始...\n柠檬汽水...\n也有冰淇淋,但我在冰箱里忘了它:(\n起司蛋糕...\n\nItalian: \nCiao, ciao innamorati ...\nOggi volevo condividere con voi il concetto di limone ...\nSto iniziando adesso ...\nlimonata...\nC'era anche il gelato, ma l'ho dimenticato nel congelatore :(\ncheesecake ...\n\nBosnian: \nZdravo, zdravo srce ...\nDanas sam želio podijeliti koncept limuna s vama ...\nOdmah počinjem ...\nlimunada ...\nBilo je i sladoleda, ali zaboravio sam ga u zamrzivaču :(\ntorta sa sirom ...\n\nGerman: \nHallo, hallo Lieblinge ...\nHeute wollte ich das Zitronenkonzept mit Ihnen teilen ...\nIch fange gerade an ...\nLimonade...\nEs gab auch Eis, aber ich habe es im Gefrierschrank vergessen :(\nKäsekuchen...\n\nKorean: \n안녕, 안녕 자기 ...\n오늘 저는 레몬 컨셉을 여러분과 공유하고 싶었습니다.\n나는 지금 시작한다 ...\n레몬 에이드...\n아이스크림도 있었는데 냉동실에서 잊어 버렸어요 :(\n치즈 케잌...\n\nEnglish: \nHello, hello sweethearts ...\nToday I wanted to share the lemon concept with you ...\nI'm starting right now ...\nlemonade...\nThere was ice cream too, but I forgot it in the freezer :(\ncheesecake...\n\nIndonesian: \nHalo, halo sayang ...\nHari ini saya ingin berbagi konsep lemon dengan Anda ...\nSaya mulai sekarang ...\nLimun...\nAda es krim juga, tapi saya lupa di freezer :(\nkue keju...\n\nDutch: \nHallo, hallo lieverds ...\nVandaag wilde ik het citroenconcept met jullie delen ...\nIk begin nu ...\nlimonade...\nEr was ook ijs, maar ik vergat het in de vriezer :(\ncheesecake ...\n\nTurkish: \nMerhaba, merhaba tatlışlarım...\nBugün sizlerle limon konseptini paylaşmak istedim...\nhemen başlıyorum...\nlimonata...\nbuz parmak dondurma da vardı ama buzlukta unutmuşum :(\ncheesecake...\n\nNorwegian: \nHei, hei kjære ...\nI dag ønsket jeg å dele sitronkonseptet med deg ...\nJeg begynner akkurat nå ...\nlimonade...\nDet var is også, men jeg glemte den i fryseren :(\nostekake ...\n\nRussian: \nЗдравствуйте, дорогие мои ...\nСегодня я хотел поделиться с вами концепцией лимона ...\nЯ начинаю прямо сейчас ...\nлимонад...\nМороженое тоже было, но в морозилке забыл :(\nчизкейк ...\n\nBulgarian: \nЗдравейте, здравей сладури ...\nДнес исках да споделя с вас концепцията за лимон ...\nЗапочвам точно сега ...\nлимонада ...\nИмаше и сладолед, но го забравих във фризера :(\nчийзкейк ...\n\nPortuguese: \nOlá, queridos ...\nHoje eu queria compartilhar o conceito do limão com vocês ...\nEstou começando agora ...\nlimonada...\nTinha sorvete também, mas esqueci no freezer :(\nbolo de queijo...\n\nJapanese: \nこんにちは、こんにちは恋人...\n今日はレモンのコンセプトを皆さんと共有したいと思います...\n私は今始めています...\nレモネード...\nアイスクリームもありましたが、冷凍庫で忘れていました:(\nチーズケーキ...\n\nFrench: \nBonjour, bonjour les amoureux ...\nAujourd'hui je voulais partager avec vous le concept du citron ...\nJe commence tout de suite ...\nlimonade...\nIl y avait aussi de la glace, mais je l'ai oublié dans le congélateur :(\ncheesecake...\n\nItalian: \npalline di gelatina al limone :)\nAdoro quel suono :)\n\nBulgarian: \nлимонени желе топки :)\nОбичам това да звучи :)\n\nKorean: \n레몬 젤리 볼 :)\n나는 그 소리를 좋아한다 :)\n\nTurkish: \nlimonlu jöle topları :)\nçıkan sesi çok seviyorum :)\n\nNorwegian: \nsitron gelé baller :)\nJeg elsker det høres ut :)\n\nIndonesian: \nbola jeli lemon :)\nSaya suka yang terdengar :)\n\nPortuguese: \nbolas de gelatina de limão :)\nEu amo esse som :)\n\nArabic: \nكرات جيلي الليمون :)\nأنا أحب هذا يبدو :)\n\nRussian: \nлимонные желейные шарики :)\nМне нравится это звучит :)\n\nGerman: \nZitronengelee-Kugeln :)\nIch liebe das klingt :)\n\nSpanish: \nbolas de gelatina de limón :)\nAmo eso suena :)\n\nChinese: \n柠檬果冻球:)\n我喜欢听起来:)\n\nDutch: \ncitroengeleiballen :)\nIk hou van die geluiden :)\n\nEnglish: \nlemon jelly balls :)\nI love that sounds :)\n\nBosnian: \nlimunske žele kuglice :)\nVolim to zvuci :)\n\nHindi: \nनींबू जेली गेंदों :)\nमुझे लगता है कि प्यार करता हूँ :)\n\nFrench: \nboules de gelée de citron :)\nJ'adore ça sonne :)\n\nSwedish: \ncitrongelébollar :)\nJag älskar det låter :)\n\nJapanese: \nレモンゼリーボール:)\n私はその音が大好きです:)\n\nMalay (macrolanguage): \nbebola serai :)\nSaya suka bunyi itu :)\n\nJapanese: \nレモンケーキポップス...\nそのクランチはとてもいいですね。\n\nPortuguese: \nbolo de limão aparece ...\nNão é crocante muito bom?\n\nNorwegian: \nsitronkake spretter ...\nEr ikke det knase veldig hyggelig?\n\nHindi: \nनींबू का केक चबूतरे ...\nक्या यह बहुत अच्छा नहीं है?\n\nDutch: \ncitroentaart knalt ...\nIs dat crunch niet erg lekker?\n\nChinese: \n柠檬蛋糕持久性有机污染物...\n紧缩不是很好吗?\n\nBulgarian: \nлимонов сладкиш ...\nТова не е ли много приятно?\n\nTurkish: \nlimonlu cake pops...\nbu çıtırtı çok güzel değil mi?\n\nArabic: \nكرات كعكة الليمون ...\nأليست هذه الأزمة لطيفة جدًا؟\n\nRussian: \nлимонный пирог ...\nРазве это не здорово?\n\nGerman: \nZitronenkuchen knallt ...\nIst das nicht sehr schön?\n\nItalian: \ntorta al limone pops ...\nNon è molto carino quello scricchiolio?\n\nKorean: \n레몬 케이크 팝 ...\n그 위기가 아주 좋지 않습니까?\n\nSpanish: \npastel de limón ...\n¿No es muy agradable ese crujido?\n\nSwedish: \ncitronkakapoppar ...\nÄr det inte så knepigt trevligt?\n\nFrench: \ngâteau au citron pop ...\nCe crunch n'est-il pas très agréable?\n\nMalay (macrolanguage): \nkek lemon muncul ...\nBukankah masalah itu sangat baik?\n\nBosnian: \nlimunov kolač ...\nNije li to fino vrlo lijepo?\n\nIndonesian: \nkue lemon muncul ...\nBukankah itu sangat enak?\n\nEnglish: \nlemon cake pops ...\nIsn't that crunch very nice?\n\nNorwegian: \nJeg skal spise en til :)\n\nRussian: \nЯ съем еще одну :)\n\nGerman: \nIch werde noch einen essen :)\n\nBulgarian: \nЩе ям още една :)\n\nIndonesian: \nSaya akan makan satu lagi :)\n\nTurkish: \nbir tane daha yiyeceğim :)\n\nHindi: \nमैं एक और खाऊंगा :)\n\nMalay (macrolanguage): \nSaya akan makan satu lagi :)\n\nKorean: \n하나 더 먹을 게요 :)\n\nChinese: \n我会再吃一个:)\n\nItalian: \nNe mangerò ancora uno :)\n\nEnglish: \nI will eat one more :)\n\nJapanese: \nもう1つ食べます:)\n\nDutch: \nIk eet er nog een :)\n\nPortuguese: \nVou comer mais um :)\n\nArabic: \nسوف آكل مرة أخرى :)\n\nFrench: \nJe vais en manger un de plus :)\n\nSpanish: \nMe comeré uno más :)\n\nSwedish: \nJag kommer att äta en till :)\n\nBosnian: \nPojest ću još jednu :)\n\nChinese: \n很酸,可以吃柠檬的人,请在评论中写;)\n柠檬糖...\n我的牙齿疼:(\n\nItalian: \nmolto aspro, chi può mangiare il limone, scrivi nei commenti;)\ncaramelle al limone ...\nMi fa male il dente :(\n\nTurkish: \nçok ekşi, limon yiyebilenler kim yorumlara yazın ;)\nlimonlu şeker...\ndişim ağrıdı :(\n\nSpanish: \nmuy amargo, que puede comer limón, escribe en los comentarios;)\ncaramelo de limón ...\nMe duele el diente :(\n\nRussian: \nочень кислый, кто может съесть лимон, напишите в комментариях;)\nлимонная конфета ...\nЗуб болел :(\n\nIndonesian: \nsangat asam, siapa yang bisa makan lemon, tulis di komentar;)\npermen lemon ...\nGigi saya sakit :(\n\nBosnian: \nvrlo kiselo, tko može jesti limun, napišite u komentarima;)\nbombon od limuna ...\nZub me zabolio :(\n\nBulgarian: \nмного кисел, кой може да яде лимон, пишете в коментарите;)\nлимонени бонбони ...\nБоли ме зъб :(\n\nGerman: \nsehr sauer, wer Zitrone essen kann, schreibe in die Kommentare;)\nZitronensüßigkeit ...\nMein Zahn tat weh :(\n\nNorwegian: \nveldig sur, som kan spise sitron, skriv i kommentarene;)\nsitrongodis ...\nTannen min gjorde vondt :(\n\nMalay (macrolanguage): \nsangat masam, yang boleh makan lemon, tulis di komen;)\ngula-gula lemon ...\nGigi saya sakit :(\n\nPortuguese: \nmuito azedo, quem pode comer limão, escreva nos comentários;)\ndoce de limão ...\nMeu dente doeu :(\n\nHindi: \nबहुत खट्टा, नींबू कौन खा सकता है, टिप्पणियों में लिखें;)\nनींबू कैंडी ...\nमेरे दांत में चोट लगी :(\n\nKorean: \n레몬을 먹을 수있는 매우 신맛이 나는 댓글을 써주세요.)\n레몬 캔디 ...\n내 치아가 아파 :(\n\nSwedish: \nväldigt sur, som kan äta citron, skriv i kommentarerna;)\ncitrongodis ...\nMin tand gjorde ont :(\n\nFrench: \ntrès aigre, qui peut manger du citron, écrivez dans les commentaires;)\nbonbons au citron ...\nMa dent me fait mal :(\n\nEnglish: \nvery sour, who can eat lemon, write in the comments;)\nlemon candy...\nMy tooth hurt :(\n\nJapanese: \nレモンを食べることができる非常に酸っぱい、コメントに書いてください;)\nレモンキャンディー...\n私の歯が痛い:(\n\nDutch: \nerg zuur, wie kan citroen eten, schrijf in de comments;)\ncitroensuikergoed ...\nMijn tand doet pijn :(\n\nArabic: \nلاذع جدا ، من يستطيع أكل الليمون ، اكتب في التعليقات ؛)\nحلوى الليمون ...\nأسناني تؤلمني :(\n\nBosnian: \nPoješću vam još krišku limuna: D\n\nDutch: \nIk eet nog een schijfje citroen voor je: D\n\nJapanese: \nレモンをもう一枚食べます。D\n\nBulgarian: \nЩе ви изям още едно резенче лимон: D\n\nKorean: \n레몬 한 조각 더 먹겠습니다 : D\n\nSwedish: \nJag äter ytterligare en citronskiva åt dig: D\n\nGerman: \nIch werde noch eine Zitronenscheibe für dich essen: D.\n\nChinese: \n我再给你吃一片柠檬:D\n\nFrench: \nJe vais manger une autre tranche de citron pour vous: D\n\nIndonesian: \nSaya akan makan sepotong lemon lagi untuk Anda: D\n\nArabic: \nسآكل لك شريحة أخرى من الليمون: د\n\nMalay (macrolanguage): \nSaya akan makan sepotong lemon lagi untuk anda: D\n\nSpanish: \nComeré otra rodaja de limón para ti: D\n\nItalian: \nMangerò un'altra fetta di limone per te: D\n\nEnglish: \nI'll eat another slice of lemon for you: D\n\nPortuguese: \nVou comer outra rodela de limão para você: D\n\nHindi: \nमैं तुम्हारे लिए नींबू का एक और टुकड़ा खाऊंगा: डी\n\nTurkish: \nsizin için bir dilim daha limon yiyeceğim :D\n\nRussian: \nЯ съем для тебя еще ломтик лимона: D\n\nNorwegian: \nJeg spiser nok en sitronskive til deg: D\n\nBosnian: \nlimun pop torta\nne stvara puno buke, dosta je za to ...\nlimunov žele ...\n\nHindi: \nनींबू पॉप केक\nयह बहुत शोर नहीं करता है, इसके लिए यह पर्याप्त है ...\nनींबू की जेली ...\n\nBulgarian: \nторта с лимонов поп\nне вдига много шум, това е достатъчно за него ...\nлимонено желе ...\n\nJapanese: \nレモンポップケーキ\nそれは多くの音を立てません、それで十分です...\nレモンゼリー...\n\nFrench: \ngâteau pop au citron\nça ne fait pas beaucoup de bruit, ça suffit pour ça ...\ngelée de citron ...\n\nIndonesian: \nkue pop lemon\ntidak menimbulkan banyak suara, itu cukup untuk itu ...\njeli lemon ...\n\nChinese: \n柠檬汽水蛋糕\n它不会发出很多噪音,足够了...\n柠檬果冻...\n\nGerman: \nZitronen-Pop-Kuchen\nes macht nicht viel Lärm, das reicht dafür ...\nZitronengelee ...\n\nRussian: \nлимонный торт\nон не издает много шума, хватит ...\nлимонное желе ...\n\nMalay (macrolanguage): \nkek pop limau\nia tidak membuat banyak bunyi, cukup untuk itu ...\njeli lemon ...\n\nSpanish: \npastel de limón\nno hace mucho ruido, ya es suficiente ...\ngelatina de limón ...\n\nArabic: \nكعكة البوب ​​بالليمون\nلا تصدر الكثير من الضوضاء ، هذا يكفي لها ...\nجيلي الليمون ...\n\nSwedish: \ncitron pop tårta\ndet gör inte mycket buller, det räcker för det ...\ncitrongelé ...\n\nItalian: \ntorta al limone\nnon fa molto rumore, gli basta ...\ngelatina di limone ...\n\nDutch: \ncitroen pop cake\nhet maakt niet veel herrie, dat is er genoeg voor ...\ncitroengelei ...\n\nKorean: \n레몬 팝 케이크\n소음이 많이 나지 않아 충분합니다 ...\n레몬 젤리 ...\n\nPortuguese: \nbolo de limão\nnão faz muito barulho, dá para isso ...\ngeléia de limão ...\n\nTurkish: \nlimonlu pop kek\nbundan çok ses çıkmıyor onun için bu kadar yeter...\nlimonlu jelibon...\n\nEnglish: \nlemon pop cake\nit doesn't make a lot of noise, that's enough for it...\nlemon jelly ...\n\nNorwegian: \nsitron pop kake\ndet lager ikke mye støy, det er nok for det ...\nsitrongelé ...\n\nSpanish: \nuno mas :))\novvvv muy malo: D\nríndete conmigo, ya es suficiente ...\nEspero que lo hayan disfrutado\nsi te ha gustado, no olvides dar me gusta a mi video, suscríbete a mi canal y sígueme en instagram ...\nlos amo tanto a todos\nNos vemos en el próximo video, amores ...\nadiós ...\n\nTurkish: \nbir tane daha :))\novvvv çok fena :D\nbenden pes, bu kadar yeter...\numarım hoşunuza gitmiştir, umarım keyif almışsınızdır.\neğer keyif aldıysanız, lütfen videomu beğenmeyi, kanalıma abone olmayı ve beni instagramdan takip etmeyi unutmayın ...\nhepinizi çok çok çok seviyorum\nbir daha ki videoda görüşürüz tatlışlarım...\nbye bye...\n\nJapanese: \nもう1つ:))\novvvv非常に悪い:D\n私をあきらめて、それで十分です...\n楽しんでいただけたでしょうか\nそれを楽しんだら、忘れずに私のビデオを気に入って、私のチャンネルをサブスクライブして、インスタグラムで私に従ってください...\n私はあなたをとてもとても愛しています\n次のビデオでお会いしましょう、恋人...\nバイバイ ...\n\nGerman: \neiner noch :))\novvvv sehr schlecht: D.\ngib mich auf, das reicht ...\nIch hoffe, dass es Ihnen gefallen hat\nWenn es dir gefallen hat, vergiss bitte nicht, mein Video zu mögen, meinen Kanal zu abonnieren und mir auf Instagram zu folgen ...\nIch liebe euch alle so sehr\nWir sehen uns im nächsten Video, Lieblinge ...\nTschüss ...\n\nRussian: \nеще один :))\novvvv очень плохо: D\nоткажись от меня, хватит ...\nНадеюсь, вам понравилось\nесли вам понравилось, пожалуйста, не забудьте поставить лайк на мое видео, подписаться на мой канал и подписаться на меня в инстаграмме ...\nя так сильно вас всех люблю\nУвидимся в следующем видео, дорогие ...\nпока-пока ...\n\nNorwegian: \nen til :))\novvvv veldig dårlig: D\ngi opp meg, det er nok ...\njeg håper du likte det\nhvis du likte det, ikke glem å like videoen min, abonner på kanalen min og følg meg på instagram ...\njeg elsker dere alle så mye\nVi sees i neste video, kjære ...\nha det ...\n\nItalian: \nuno in più :))\novvvv pessimo: D\nrinunciare a me, basta ...\nSpero ti sia piaciuto\nse ti è piaciuto, non dimenticare di mettere mi piace al mio video, iscriviti al mio canale e seguimi su instagram ...\nvi amo tutti così tanto\nCi vediamo nel prossimo video, innamorati ...\nCiao ciao ...\n\nEnglish: \none more :))\novvvv very bad: D\ngive up on me, that's enough ...\nI hope you enjoyed it\nif you enjoyed it, please don't forget to like my video, subscribe to my channel and follow me on instagram ...\ni love you all so so much\nSee you in the next video, sweethearts ...\nbye bye ...\n\nDutch: \nnog een :))\novvvv erg slecht: D\ngeef me op, dat is genoeg ...\nik hoop dat je het leuk vond\nals je het leuk vond, vergeet dan niet mijn video leuk te vinden, abonneer je op mijn kanaal en volg me op instagram ...\nIk hou zoveel van jullie allemaal\nTot ziens in de volgende video, schatjes ...\ntot ziens ...\n\nBulgarian: \nоще едно :))\novvvv много лошо: D\nоткажете се от мен, стига ...\nНадявам се да ви е харесало\nако ви хареса, моля, не забравяйте да харесате видеото ми, абонирайте се за канала ми и ме следвайте в instagram ...\nтолкова много те обичам\nЩе се видим в следващото видео, сладури ...\nчао чао ...\n\nKorean: \n하나 더 :))\novvvv 매우 나쁨 : D\n포기 해, 그만해 ...\n당신이 그것을 즐겼기를 바랍니다\n즐거웠다면 제 영상 좋아요, 구독, 인스 타 그램 팔로우 해주세요 ...\n나는 당신을 너무나 사랑합니다\n다음 영상에서 만나요, 연인들 ...\n안녕 ...\n\nIndonesian: \nsatu lagi :))\novvvv sangat buruk: D\nmenyerah padaku, itu cukup ...\nSaya harap Anda menikmatinya\njika Anda menikmatinya, jangan lupa untuk menyukai video saya, berlangganan saluran saya dan ikuti saya di instagram ...\naku sangat mencintaimu\nSampai jumpa di video berikutnya, sayang ...\nsampai jumpa ...\n\nHindi: \nएक और :))\novvvv बहुत खराब: डी\nमुझे छोड़ दो, यह काफी है ...\nमुझे उम्मीद है आपने इसका आनंद लिया\nअगर आपको यह पसंद आया, तो कृपया मेरे वीडियो को लाइक करना न भूलें, मेरे चैनल को सब्सक्राइब करें और इंस्टाग्राम पर मुझे फॉलो करें ...\nमैं आप सभी से बहुत प्यार करता हूँ\nअगले वीडियो में देखें, जानेमन ...\nअलविदा ...\n\nBosnian: \njoš jedan :))\novvvv jako loše: D\nodustani od mene, dosta je ...\nNadam se da ste uživali\nako ste uživali, molim vas, ne zaboravite da lajkate moj video, pretplatite se na moj kanal i pratite me na instagramu ...\nsve vas toliko volim\nVidimo se u sljedećem videu, dušice ...\nćao ćao ...\n\nMalay (macrolanguage): \nsatu lagi :))\novvvv sangat teruk: D\nmenyerah pada saya, itu sudah cukup ...\nSaya harap anda menikmatinya\njika anda menikmatinya, jangan lupa untuk menyukai video saya, melanggan saluran saya dan ikuti saya di instagram ...\nsaya sangat sayangkan anda semua\nJumpa di video seterusnya, kekasih ...\nselamat tinggal ...\n\nFrench: \nun de plus :))\novvvv très mauvais: D\nabandonne-moi, ça suffit ...\nJ'espère que tu as aimé\nsi cela vous a plu, n'oubliez pas d'aimer ma vidéo, de vous abonner à ma chaîne et de me suivre sur instagram ...\nje vous aime tous tellement\nRendez-vous dans la prochaine vidéo, chérie ...\nBye Bye ...\n\nPortuguese: \nmais um :))\novvvv muito ruim: D\ndesista de mim, chega ...\nEspero que tenha gostado\nse você gostou, por favor não esqueça de curtir meu vídeo, se inscreva no meu canal e me siga no instagram ...\neu amo muito todos vocês\nVejo vocês no próximo vídeo, queridos ...\ntchau tchau ...\n\nSwedish: \nen till :))\novvvv mycket dåligt: ​​D\nge upp mig, det räcker ...\nJag hoppas att du tyckte om det\nom du gillade det, glöm inte att gilla min video, prenumerera på min kanal och följ mig på instagram ...\njag älskar er alla så mycket\nVi ses i nästa video, älsklingar ...\nhejdå ...\n\nArabic: \nمرة اخرى :))\novvvv سيء جدًا: د\nتخلوا عني ، هذا يكفي ...\nاتمنى ان تكون قد استمتعت به\nإذا كنت قد استمتعت به ، من فضلك لا تنسى الإعجاب بالفيديو الخاص بي والاشتراك في قناتي ومتابعي على instagram ...\nأحبك كثيرا جدا\nنراكم في الفيديو التالي أيها الأحبة ...\nمع السلامة ...\n\nChinese: \n多一个 :))\novvvv非常糟糕:D\n放弃我,就足够了...\n我希望你喜欢它\n如果您喜欢它,请不要忘记喜欢我的视频,订阅我的频道并在instagram上关注我...\n我好爱你们\n在下一个视频中见,亲爱的...\n再见 ...\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "Hello Everyone! I’m Kiwan!\nDid you guys know that dinosaurs are still around?\nThey are actually in disguise\nas animals that look like them!\nLet’s go find out which dinosaurs are hiding!\nLet's get started!\nWow! This dinosaur has a really narrow snout!\nLooking at the crouched posture,\nThis dinosaur could either be a biped or a quadruped!\nAnd the most interesting feature! Neural spines!\nThey are so beautiful!\nLet’s color this dinosaur Mint!\nThe neural spines are Pink!\nLight Green Glitter!\nPink glitter over the Neural spines!\nHello! What’s your name?\nHello, I'm Spinosaurus!\nHey Spinosaurus! What are you doing here?\nI thought all dinosaurs went extinct!\nYeah, That’s what we made everyone believe!\nBut actually we are still around!\nWhat? How?\nI’ve never seen a dinosaur in my whole life!\nWell… Can you keep a secret?\nI’ll let you know as long as\nyou promise not to tell anyone!\nOkay!\nWhenever we’re around humans,\nwe morph into an animal that look similar to us!\nReally? What about you?\nHere, let me show you!\nHello, I'm crocodile!\nOh... Hello Crocodile!\nNo!\nActually I’m Spinosaurus!\nWow! That was amazing!\nWhat other dinosaurs are still around?\nGuess what dinosaur I am?\nThis one has a very strong jaw,\nand some really large and sharp teeth!\nA gigantic tail with 2 big legs\nto support it’s big body!\nBut look how tiny those arms are!\nLet's color its body Green!\nFrom its jaw to the stomach, Light Green!\nGreen glitter!\nLight Green Glitter!\nHello! What’s your name?\nHello! I’m Tyrannosaurus Rex!\nCall me T-Rex!\nWow! It was you T-Rex! I had no idea!\nHello everyone! Yes it’s me!\nI looked at chickens and realized that\nThe way they walk is very similar to the way I walk!\nThat's why I chose to be a chicken!\nHey Spinosaurus! Guess what dinosaur I am!\nI know who you are! You’re T-Rex!\nHow did you know?\nI noticed the way you walked in here!\nWow! You have wings instead of arms!\nActually I’m hiding my arms underneath the wings!\nThat is a clever one T-Rex!\nHey! There is a giraffe with a very long neck!\nWhat dinosaur do you think it is?\nThis dinosaur’s head is really high up!\nAnd its long neck reminds me of Apatosaurus!\nBut do you remember how Apatosaurus’ front legs\nwere shorter than their rear legs?\nBut this dinosaur’s front legs\nare longer than its rear legs!\nThat’s why it can stand up right like that!\nLet’s color this dinosaur Yellow!\nGold glitter!\nLet’s sprinkle some Orange glitter on its back!\nHello! What’s your name?\nHello! I’m Brachiosaurus!\nHello Brachiosaurus!\nWhat was that animal you turned into?\nI’m a Giraffe!\nGiraffe is the only animal with a neck\nlong enough to look like mine!\nWell, that makes sense!\nWhat animal did you guys morph into?\nLook at yourself!\nYour head is still a dinosaur!\nI saw one other animal on our way here!\nLet’s go scare him!\nWow, look at that horn!\nIt has 2 more very pointy horns!\nAnd it has a frill on its neck!\nGiant body with big and flat feet!\nIt has an Orange body!\nAnd Yellow Belly!\nAnd Silver horns and claws!\nOrange glitter over its body!\nSilver glitter on its horns!\nHello! What’s your name?\nHello! I’m Triceratops!\nHey guys! Why did you scare me like that!\nSorry Triceratops!\nWhat’s the name of the animal you turned into?\nI found the perfect animal that looks just like me!\nLook! I’m Rhinoceros!\nThat makes sense!\nLook at your horns!\nThey are just as scary as your own!\nWhat about you guys?\nWhat animal did you guys morph into?\nHello, I'm Chicken!\nHello! I’m Crocodile!\nHello! I’m Giraffe!\nHello! I’m Rhinoceros!\nGuess what! We are actually dinosaurs!\nHey guys! Now you know!\nDinosaurs are still around us!\nThey are just in disguise!\nNext time you see one of these animals,\nWhy don’t you say hello to them?\nThey might say hello back!\nDon't forget to Like and Subscribe!\nI'll see you next time! Bye!\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "so hello what is up guys\nso finally we have arrived with a brand new video\nso today a new mode has arrived\nwhich was 10 VS 10 Shipment\nso the shipment map is the smallest map in the game\nwell i have already played this mode and it was too insane\nyou have to watch your 6 because enemies can kill you from behind\nthe 5vs5 version of this map was a bit difficult to Nuke\nbut the 10 Vs 10 is real insane\nby the way i was thinking to get a nuke in this map\nand as you can see the loadout\ni am bringing the transform shield with me\nand in tactical weapon i am bringing a tripmine with me\nand the other stuffs are HG40 and SMRS\nin the perks i am bringing these immortal perks with me\nThey dont do much but in some situation when a lot of people rushing on you then it helps a bit\ni am bringing these perks because the map is pretty small so sometimes a lot of perople can rush on you\nand the dead silence the best perk currently in the game\nand in the scorestreaks i am bringing Hunter Killer Drone Sam Turret and Cluster Strike with me\nbeacause these are the only scorestraks that can help me a lot in this mode\nif someone uses his stealth chopper then my sam can easily destroy it\nand hunter killer drone can kill a lot of enemies while they are rushing from behind\nso lets start our game\nand....... yes this is our loadout\nI am thinking about to camp just behind this car\nThats the best place I know in this map to camp\nso i was placing my trophy system right here\nand here I was about to get my first kill\nbut.... i got Major Assist\nso its okay\nWe can still kill some enemies\nand here we got our first kill with longshot\nand i do not know how he spawn here\nand yes my ping is getting high, it suddenly jumped\nbut its okay\ni placed my shield here\ni dont know why i placed my shield over there\ni was focusing on my game,\nI would not have paid much attention\ni have placed my shield at wrong place\ndont tell me in comments\ni know that i have placed it at wrong place\nand here i used my cluster strike\nThat cluster strike bought me a lot of kills\nand ater killing that enemy i picked up his BK57\nand suddenly my ping gets high again\nand yes my shield got broken too\nby the way i've reloaded this gun\nand again i am camping at this spot\nwell camping is the easiest way to get a NUKE\nbeacuse the map is too small so the fights are too intense\nand again my ping is high..... but its okay because i didnt died yet\nplease ignore my ping\nso i was saying that there are 20 players on a single map\ni have a pretty decent phone and internet so sometimes it get lagged while recording\nand here i have thrown my hunter killer drone\nand i've got double kills\nwhich is pretty good\nand yes first round is completed\ni did'nt died yet\nlets camp again\nand this time i am camping on this side\nand i put my shield here and that enemy got blind\nand my team mate was about to kill that enemy but i stole his kill\nand here........ finally we've got a nuke\nand i was thinking to launch it .... but no\ni will put Sam and Cluster strike First\nand then I will launch this NUKE\nby the way a lot of enemies are rushing here, i dont know why\nmaybe just because i am camping near the objective\nso lets drop the NUKE\nok so i've dropped the NUKE\nand what do you think how many kills should i get\nshould i get 10 kills or below it\npause the video and le me know in the comments\nOK so we've got all the 10 kills\nThe NUKE is pretty overpowered thing\nbut its pretty difficult to drop a NUKE\nand here the enemy kills me, i did;nt notice him because the sound of the nuke\nby the way here i was in the streak of maybe 16 kills\ni've skipped the video\nand suddenly I died\nbut its okay\nOK the match is over\nand we won\nit was real insane but i was camping\nand see third position even after dropping a nuke, how shame\nand lets see how many kills i have\nok 75 kills\nso guys thats it for todays video\nif you like it you know what you have to do\nyeah that like share subscribe see you soon in the next video\nGoodbye\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "We've talked about price many times before on this channel and it and unfortunately price is kind of bait\nIt feels like to me because in general you can say, you know, hey 4.99 for a comic especially one where you know\nYou kind of pick out a comic that the quality is seems lower on uh pages are thin\nMaybe the actual page quality is low and it's easy to kind of bash on it. So I don't want to do that\nBut I do want to talk about price because we're hitting this point where you can't not talk about it\nHey everybody, this is perch. Um\nIt's a price in comics I think is a big\nI mean it really is the root of a lot of problems\nand for for a history lesson briefly, um back when uh,\nThis guy doug ernst was really kind of getting what would become comic skate going one of the biggest items if not the biggest\nuh, it was kind of creator behavior, which is\nA big bucket of worms in a lot of cases, but the other big bucket was price\nand in that topic, I i've fully supported the conversation that goes on there and still do I think price is\nIs completely off\nIn comics today and I say comics as a whole it's it's off for the mainstream. It's off for crowdfunding\nIt's offer a lot of things. It's not sustainable\nNow keep in mind real quick. I just want to insert this because a lot of people like but wait, um, this comment is\nIf you are happy paying a dollar amount for a comic like for example, if you back a crowdfunded book, that's 25\nAnd you're happy paying that good for you, you know i'm not, you know, no insults, you know\nValue is what people will pay for things\nBut i'm talk I want to take a step above any single crowdfunded comic any single marvel comic or dc comic forget\nThe comic you like the one thing that you're happy with take it one step up and look at the industry as a whole\nAs a giant blanket and think about the pricing that goes on there for mainstream\nYou know direct market comics 499 is rapidly becoming the norm. There's still comics that are 3.99\nabsolutely, but I think it it you have to be a little um\nNaive to not believe that within two years or so 499 is going to be the norm certainly at marvel\nProbably at dc. Um, and and that's just where we're headed\nThere's an article on bleeding cool came up. But I mean, this is something we've been talking about\nIt's kind of nice to see the news, uh sites actually covering stuff that is\nIs news for a long time. It's like there's people on twitter talking about price. These are troublemakers\nIt's a hate group over there talking about price, but the reality is, um, this article is pointing out that empire number three\nThis is marvel's delayed event. That's now going. Um, that is coming out kind of weekly\num, it's a basically a page comic\nclocking in at 4.99\nNow the new story that they're reporting on is is more on the bait and switch. This comic was originally advertised\nto retailers and the solicitations as 40 pages at\n4.99 and everybody knew that 40 pages was really going to be 40 pages\nIt was probably you know, 32 pages of comic is roughly what it is and you get you know\nSome character designs and some scripts and you know some that that title page that has nothing on it and other stuff\nUm, but at this point we're talking about, uh, you know, 20 pages\nat 4.99\nand\nThere's been a lot of back and forth about how well that's just inflation\nbut it's not if you run the math it is not uh back when\nI did that video about the extinction agenda and a dollar a comic and how that price is now like 215 or something, roughly\nwith inflation, uh, 30 years later\nAnd you know, uh, there's a big difference between a one dollar comic in 1990\nAnd five dollars today, that's that's far more than regular inflation\nso\nAnd yes, there's uh, you know, you know, you can argue it goes back and forth\nThere's uh, maybe higher quality cover or maybe lower quality cover depending on your point of view and some what's going on\nbut in general\n4.99 is is too expensive\nJust like I will argue that\nfor uh crowdfunded books to really\nGain, a lot of momentum and get a lot of kind of ongoing support when I say ongoing support\nI mean\nUh people who are not supporting a a single creator that they like but supporting comics in general through crowdfunding 25\nis is too expensive and please don't people don't go in the comments and say, you know, but you know, there's\nSpecial things yes, some have special back matter material everything else, but i'm talking ongoing if you think about yourself\nBuying comics every single month and that business growing to include new people and and you know more audience\nThen 25 is too high just like in the mainstream\n4.99 is too high. Now. Will there be some people buy it? Absolutely. Well the big names, you know if you put out a 499\nbook that has art atoms just 16 pages of art atoms people will buy it because it's art atoms but as a as a\nStandard price for the product. It's too much\nAnd I think we've really hit a place where that is a barrier certainly a big barrier to entry\nit's going to actually prevent people from\nBuying it's it's going to to head people off\nand and I I, you know, i've argued with this, uh about this with people who who will say, you know,\nNo, it's it's it's not necessarily and everything else\nBut uh, I just look at the market. I look at people coming to the store. I\nLook at other people at shops. I look at this this idea that we have to attract new readers into comics\nAnd if you are new and you're trying to take a chance on a comic you're interested in getting something something big something cool\nIt's a hard. It's a hard sell at five dollars\nTo get somebody to come in and say I watched, you know, save the avengers movie or I watched, you know birds of prey\nAnd now I want a bird's prey book five bucks is is feels steep\nI mean that is probably the cost in in some areas of your movie ticket, depending on where you live or at least\nYou know half of your movie ticket and and whether it's fair or not people are going to value\nThe two-hour movie with all the special effects and everything\nUh higher than a 20-page comic at five dollars just is too much. But the real problem\nis not that first comic that gets bought because definitely if you know\nYou've got a family i've watched this a million times. You've got, you know, dad and\nHis daughter or dad and his son. They just watched the avengers. They're now coming into the comic shop\nThey want to buy a comic they've made a decision to travel to the shop\nGet out of the car walk into the store wander around nine times out of ten. They're gonna buy something\nMost people don't go through that trouble then go into the shop and then just leave they'll buy something so they'll buy a comic\nAnd so generally they'll be like whoa, five dollars. I've just heard this conversation a lot of five dollars. Okay. Well you can buy one\nSo the kid will buy, you know\nLook around and find the cover that looks most exciting to them and here's a bit of a crap shoot\nThis is where you want to kind of intercede a little bit and say you want to steer them to a book\nThat tees up the next purchase tees up them wanting to come back and get the next issue\nSo tee up something with some good art good story something that's going to hook the the person\nUm, you don't want them for example\nbuying that avengers issue where the avengers are hanging out in the mountain and in the hot tub\nWith a c-level artist and and kind of weird perspective and just random characters and everything else\nDon't buy that you know don't don't steer them for that because they're not going to come in for that second issue\nAnd this is where the 499 price point really hurts\nComics because it it it doesn't tee up the next issue. It will some for new readers they'll come and they'll get one\nBut they're they're too uh, they haven't been hooked yet. They don't have the the continuity. They don't have all the the excitement\nThey don't they haven't been hooked\nby this comic\nAnd and just reading comics in general to want to come in and commit\nYou know drive again drive to the shop come in and buy another five dollar book. They're not going to do that\nAnd that's so that's the core problem that we have is that you may get a first purchase\nBut you're you're you're priced in such a way that's going to eliminate the second purchase and if there is no second purchase\nThere's not going to be a third through 100\nComics are just flat out too expensive\nNow there may be a bunch of different ways to solve this i've talked about\nYou know using digital as an approach for new readers to kind of hook them in at a much cheaper price point\nBut as long as we're stuck in this weird world where digital has to be priced the same as print\num\nBecause some comic shops say well, it's unfair if you price it cheaper because then people won't come to the shop\nThat's a that's a very weak way of looking at it, unfortunately\nbecause you're priced at such a\nValue that it people are going to come to the shop period so you want to you want to draw them in somehow?\nso it's\nThis is a problem and I think this is the problem so as much as we talk about, uh creators\nYou know being a-holes on on social media or you know this hiring or that hiring or even the renumbering\nUm, all of that kind of stuff these are these are there are problems in there\nBut I think they pale in comparison to what's becoming the biggest problem for comics and that's price\nUh 4.99\nFor for empire number three is is too expensive\nI mean strategically coming back from the the shutdown. Um, that's that's way too high\nI mean, you know for comparison if you're going to buy netflix, it's 8.99 a month for basic\nUm, that's you know one and a half comics. Yeah. Well, we're not one in three quarters comics\nequals netflix and there's just there's nobody is going to say yeah this\nYou know 220 page comics is the equivalent of the streaming service. They're just not going to do it\nand so I I think this is something that it is the\nIt is the alarming problem\nunfortunately\nI think if comics settle in on this 499 model\nI think this big chunk of the audience a good 20 or so of the audience just stops buying\nEspecially I think we're already facing some of that with the shutdown people just not coming back\nAnd if there's any kind of economy dip and everything else\nSo as much as we talk about a lot of other issues, and I think it's interesting to talk about the other\nIssues and kind of speculate on how we fix it and where we go with it and what we can do\nPrice is is in my mind rapidly becoming the biggest and almost only\nuh issue\nSo that's that's that's where I think what do you think? Is there another problem as big as price?\nAnd again to be fair because I talked about 499. It's an easy one for us all to wrap our head around\nIf uh crowdfunding is going to grow\nThen there's going to need to be a way to come in and enter that market\nOtherwise what crowdfunding is going to serve our fans of creators?\nAre going to gravitate to those creators. It's going to become a you know, they call it a vanity project\nbut I don't like that word because vanity makes it sound like it's scummy in some ways not a vanity project, but\nPeople who are already an existing fan of these creators are going to come in and be okay with spending the 25 dollars\nBut somebody new to comics is going to struggle at 25\nAnd again, it's it's it's always people mistake it they focus on the first purchase. The first purchase is not the trap\nIt's the second\nIt's most people will you know once they've committed to their heads to look at comics?\nThey'll make that first purchase, even if they're spending more than they want to\nBut they won't come back a second time that second time is the danger\nBut what do you think leave me a comment below? Let me know what you think about pricing. Is it really the issue?\nBecause I think it really is. Um, leave me a comment below like subscribe\nHey if you haven't subscribed yet to the channel, what are you waiting for?\nRight. I hate saying it. But what are you waiting for? Why not? I'll just say it all upbeat\nSure, please subscribe like the video if you don't mind follow me on on social media or shoot me an email at comicsperch\nGmail.com most importantly though. Thanks for listening\nYou\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "[keyboard keys click]\n- Hey guys, today on \"It's Alive\"\nwe're making a little master stock.\nIt's a recipe you can actually\nfind on bonappetit.com,\none that I made, it's a\nversion of a chicken stock\nmeets a pork stock.\nIt's just a master stock, okay.\n[lively music]\n[gasps]\nAndy's got some gnarly\ngoing on bro, look at this.\nYeah, bud.\nLittle sea spiders.\nSome funky crabs, I don't\nknow what Andy's doin'.\nSo, right off the bat we\ngot some turkey wings,\nand some chicken wings.\nRoasted off ahead of time,\nall right, went and did that\nso you guys don't have to sit around\nfor 45 minutes or whatever it took.\nLittle bit of salt, light,\nlittle bit of olive oil,\nand just kinda roasted them.\nGet a little color on there.\nColor's gonna bring to\nyour stock, a, some color,\nobviously, it's gonna bring a darker color\nto the liquid of the broth,\nbut it's also gonna add some flavor.\nAnytime you brown something,\nor cook it like that, searing a steak,\nis where you pick up\nthat Maillard reaction,\nand that's just gonna give it\na little bit more of a depth,\na sense of umami throughout it,\na little bit more richness.\nAll right so that's our meat.\noh, thought you'd never ask,\nthe secret ingredient, let my grab these\nbad boys right here.\nTake them out of the package\nreal quick, all right.\nSmoked ham hocks.\nThese are fantastic on their own\nI love eating these you know,\njust braised with some beans or something.\nSmokey, picky, real\ngelatiginousy, real sticky.\nJust basically if I was a pig leg,\nunless I'm wrong, I believe I'm right.\nSo, it's kind of like the\nlittle jointy ankle so to say.\nAnd this is just a great bang\nfor your buck for stock making.\nLet's start, we got our stock pot,\nwe'll put that on a little medium heat.\nLittle bit of ollie oil, all right.\nSo, look we got some crimini mushrooms.\nYou can use any kind of mushrooms,\nshiitake, button, whatever.\nI wouldn't go using anything too fancy,\ndon't go throwing your\nmatsutakes in this one.\nI mean, you can but just\nmaybe a little unnecessary.\nShiitake actually works great.\nIf you can, I would\nrecommend getting shiitake.\nWe got some crimini 'cause\nit's just what it is, okay.\nWell look, boom.\nRight in the bowl.\nOh, heavens I hate this.\nUgh!\n[lively music]\nNow there was a study about\nwhether or not you need to wash mushrooms.\nOh so, you know the rule\nwas always if you wash 'em,\nthey pick up moisture and\nthey never really brown.\nJust brush it off, you know?\nWhich is cool and that's\nfine and you can do that.\nBut I remember reading somewhere\nthat they did like a side by side study\nwhere they soaked some\nand then brushed some,\nand then they went to go saute them after\nand I guess they both picked up...\nLong story short, is\nthat there was not much\nof a major difference in the ones\nthat were washed versus unwashed, so.\nHope you're learning something here today.\nI think the recipe calls\nfor two medium carrots.\nThis is like a horse carrot,\nthese are kind of medium.\nI'm gonna nip off the little nubbins here,\nthe little tops.\nAnd then that's it, okay, boom.\nMaybe we'll do a little half,\nlittle chunkers like that.\nAnd this is great you know,\nwe all know someone who's got,\n\"I'm gonna cook dinner,\nI'm gonna do whatever.\"\nAnd they use the little half onion,\nand then they'll put it in the fridge\nor they'll put it wherever,\nand eventually it kinda,\nunless you use it,\nsometimes it just shrinks\nup and dies in vain.\nSo what I like to do is, a, use 'em,\nbut then b, this is a\ngreat spot for your stock.\nI nipped that off, I didn't like that.\nSkins and all, skins add a\nlittle flavor and color too.\nBoom, right in there.\nAnd then I got a nice little freshy here,\nlook I'll cut it right in half.\nWhackatow.\nBeautiful huh?\n- Beuatiful\n- Hello, Ryan.\n- Oh you brought me coffee?\nYou shouldn't have.\nWe're gonna make a little master stock.\nIt's turkey, chicken,\nand smoked ham hocks,\nto give it a little bit of smoky flavor,\n- Little bit of porkiness but\nalso like a bit gelatinous.\nBecause it's knuckley, there's a lot of,\n[squeaking]\nthere's a big knuckle in there.\n- What's the next step?\n- Oh, so I cut this onion in half,\nwe're gonna throw it in our mirepoix bin.\n- Okay.\n- And then same with the garlic, okay.\nYou don't need to skin 'em or nothin'.\n- How do you cut your garlic?\n- Well it depends what you're doin'.\nFor this application, I just\ncut right in half like so.\n- [Ryan] Okay.\n- [Brad] See this is boo boo garlic.\nYou see all that green?\n- Yeah.\nDoes that mean it's not good?\n- Well, it's not the best.\n- 'Cause all of my garlic are green!\n- Well most of it you\nget in the supermarket\nis kind of BS because it\nwas picked so long ago.\nAnd what that is, is it's the germs.\nSo, the garlic's trying to grow,\n'cause these are like the seeds, right?\nLook you pop a little clove in the ground,\nbefore I cut it in half,\nboom, right in the ground.\nit grows a shoot and then eventually\nthis is what's under it.\n[upbeat music]\nWell thanks for stopping by.\nCiao for now.\n- [Ryan] Ciao!\n- Oh is there no celery?\nThere is.\nI've gotta go grab a couple stalks\nof celery, okay?\nWell here, come with me.\nLet's take a field trip.\nOh, Gaby!\n- The steamer.\n- Watch your back.\n- Oh, sorry.\n- Yeah.\nLet's hit the road.\nAfter you.\nOh, Rachel Karten!\naward winning social media\nmember from \"Bon Appetit.\"\n- That's me.\nWhoo!\nCelery, huh.\nI got a traumatizing story about celery.\n[laughter]\nSo, that neurotic hang up\nI guess we can label it\nWhere when someone's eating\nsomething crunchy, I tweak out.\nI have a hard time with it, you know?\nYou know what it's called, Matt.\nHow do you say it?\nNo, I don't even [beep] have\nthe triceratopaclosious.\nI don't know.\nCould you give me the first letter?\n- [Matt] M.\n- Oh.\nNo it wasn't o, it was m.\n- [Matt] Misophonia.\n- Misophonia?\nHuh, so I got misophonia.\nYou know, that's if\nsomeone's chewin' something\nand I'm just like, \"Jesus\nChrist, go in the other room.\"\nYou know?\nOr like people who eat in their offices\nwith their noise-canceling\nheadphones on, rude!\nMine was developed as a young lad,\nmy dad always liked to eat celery.\nAnd he had the crunchiest chew man, ever.\nYou could hear it in the other room.\nAnd I used to yell at him all the time.\n\"Jesus, you know, chew\nwith your mouth closed.\"\n\"Oh, my mouth is closed,\nit's my old fillings.\"\n[upbeat music]\nAnyway, we're gonna put\nthat into our stock.\nOh, here we go.\n\"Misophonia.\"\n\"Misophonia may cause a reaction to sounds\nsuch as dripping water,\nchewing or snapping gum.\"\nYeah, it's like real things,\nlike if you were to break a\npencil that don't bother me.\nBut if you were to like chew\non a pencil in your mouth,\nif you were to eat cereal\nin a quiet room with me,\nI have to like, \"It's me, it's\nnot you. I have a problem.\"\nLittle olive oil on there, okay?\nWe got a little sauvignon blanc.\nAnd we're gonna add that\nright to our pot here.\nLet me get this thing crankin'.\nOh, this freakin' thing.\nThis freakin' thing.\nOh, are you going down?\n- I'm going down.\nI need like it's-\n- Oh, here Andy was saving you some\n[beep] rancid crab legs, dude.\n- Why's that there?\n- [laughter] Look at those.\nIt don't stop clickin'.\nYou hear that?\n[steady clicking]\nOh right, 'cause it's on light?\nNo, that's not the case, okay?\nIt just is what it is.\nAnd it ain't what it ain't,\nyou know what I mean?\nSo, I'm just gonna add\na little bit of oil,\nthen add the veg.\nBoom, right in there.\nLet that get hot, we're gonna pick up\na little bit of color on that.\nOh, let's go see if Gaby's\ngot any fresh bay leaves.\n- [Gaby] Wait, Brad explain.\n- It wasn't me.\nIt wasn't me.\n- [Gaby] Brad, you just came in,\ngot the celery, look at the floor.\n- I don't know, roll the security cameras,\nit wasn't me. [laughter]\n- [Gaby] It was you!\n- I'll clean it up, I'm sorry.\n- I know you!\n- I was gonna clean it up.\nI got side tracked.\nAll right get out of here,\nwe're gettin' yelled at.\nI'll be right back with the Zamboni.\nSo, we got some bay leaves,\nthis thing's still clickin'.\n[somber music]\nYou know what you don't want to do,\nyou don't wanna burn at all, okay?\nYou burn things in this state,\nyour vegetable mirepoix,\nthrow it in the garbage,\nrinse the pot out, start over.\nThe little hint of burn\nis just gonna come through\nwhen you add the water\nand everything else.\nAnd all of the sudden it's not gonna be,\n\"Oh this is a lovely balance,\nroasted master stock.\"\nIt's, \"Oh is that, it's got a\nlittle hint flavor of burn.\"\nAnd you don't want that, okay?\nNot at this party, bud.\nSoup party, my kinda party babe.\nHow much wourder does it say to add?\nI just kinda fill it\nup to what feels right,\nyou know what I mean?\nOh, \"Add a pinch of salt\nand two gallons of water.\"\nSo, we're going for four\nsince we did times two.\nAnd this says to reduce by half\nuntil everything's falling\napart and it's nice\nand gelatinousy and yummy yum.\nThree and a half, four\nand a half, five hours.\nWhatever.\nSo, once we get this stuff goin'\nwe'll add the four gallons of water\nand we'll let it simmer for\nthe rest of the freakin' day.\nLook, we got a little\nbit of color pickin' up.\nOkay, and like I said I\ndon't want anything burnin'.\n- [Matt] Could you make more noise?\n- I don't want anything\nburnin', all right?\nSo, now we're throwing in the turkey,\nbigger, more bones than\nthe chicken obviously.\nAlso brings a little big\nof a different flavor.\nTurkey's got a nice flavor.\nHam hocks, boom.\nStock bombs as I like to call them.\nBoom, boom, bomb right in there.\nAll right, parsley right in there.\nSome fresh bay leaves\nlike five or six of 'em\nright in there.\n[somber music]\nThat one didn't work out.\nIf you weren't here, I\nmight have thrown it in.\nThen I'm gonna get some peppercorns\nand then my chicken wings, boom.\nI'm gonna go over to the sink\nand fill this up with\nfour gallons of water.\nRight in there, boom.\nYeah, you guys get in there.\nWhat is with this freakin' thing?\nCan we just get the normal\nsetting for the love of...\n[somber music]\nI noticed in the old reach-in\n'fridgerators over here,\nthere's a few more turkey\nwings that someone bought us\nso we could make this video,\nbut instead of freezing them,\nI'm gonna throw a few more in there raw.\nWe roasted the other ones,\nthese we're gonna put in raw.\nYeah, yeah buddy, get right in there.\nAnd the rest I'll freeze\nfor when we make a batch\nin a couple months.\nWhen Gaby collects enough\nbones and she's like,\n\"Brad, I wish you would make\nstock, I don't feel good.\"\nAll right now we'll bring this back over.\nYeah, that's the stuff.\nI'll put it on high now,\nwe're gonna bring that to\na good bubble, you know?\nA good heavy simmer.\nSo, we got all of our\ningredients simmering away.\nThat's gonna take about\nfour or five hours,\nit's getting a little late in the day.\nAll right Honsey why don't\nyou get out of here all right?\nI'll carry this home, and when I'm done\nI'll pop that in the walk-in,\nwe'll let it hang out.\nAnd when we regroup, 'cause\nwe got a couple things to do\nin the next couple days.\nOnce it's all set up in the walk-in,\nit can sit there for a\ncouple days, no big deal.\nWe'll come back say on\nThursday, today is Monday.\nAnd we'll heat it up, we'll strain it,\nwe'll taste it, we'll talk stock,\nwe'll see ya then.\nGet out!\nEverybody out!\n[upbeat music]\nComin' out, Honsey.\nAnd we're back.\nPulled the stock out of the fridge.\nReally happy with it, come\non, get your eyes in here.\nWe got a nice little jiggle goin', bud.\nWe got a nice little jelly set up nice.\nAll that, collagen and\ngelatin from the pork,\nand from the turkey, even\nthe chicken, that's nice.\nI like stock that sets up into gel, okay?\nThat's a sign of success for me.\nNow there's some fat on there,\nYou could leave that on\nif you want, no big deal.\nI'm just gonna scoop a\nlittle bit of it off.\nIf you wanna like render it down\ninto some kind of weird smoltzy, porky,\nsmoltzy thing, knock yourself out.\nI'm not going to.\nWell because we don't have time.\nAll right?\nBut that's all right, that's\nhow we roll, right Honsey?\nRun and gun, babe.\nWhat do we need?\nBoom, time slots just\nslip 'em in, who cares.\nYeah, I'm just gonna get some of that off.\nAnd there's your product.\n- [Matt] Hold on, hold on.\n[retching]\n- No, we can't show that.\n[laughter]\nJon, what do ya think?\n- What the [beep] is that?\n- Hungry, bud?\n- That looks terrifying.\nOh my god.\n[retching]\nAre you supposed to eat it?\nShould I eat it?\n- No.\n- Oh, okay.\n- It just looks disgusting.\nProbably tastes like turkey.\n- Yeah, it tastes like turkey water.\n- Like turkey water?\n- Look so, this is what we got, Jon.\n- What is that, oh my God Jesus!\n- Little jiggle jiggle, bud.\n- That is terrifying.\n- Yeah.\n- So, we're gonna warm it up, strain it,\nquart it up, pack it up.\n- Oh, very nice.\n- You know?\n- Ooh sounds good.\nOoh, I'd love to see the finished product.\n- Oh, stick around Jonny boy.\n- [Jon] Oh, you know I will!\n- All right, to the heat.\nNow, I'm just gonna let it,\ncome the heat up just a little bit.\nNot hot, but just so\nit's not a jelly anymore.\nWe're gonna strain it,\nwe're gonna quart it up,\npack it up, store it in\nthe freezer, make soup.\nThat's kind of it.\nBut what I like to do,\nfor consumption, you know,\nobviously the soups or the pasta dishes\nor whatever you're doin', I\nlike to just drink it too.\nWhat turned me on to that\nwas old Brian Merkel,\nyou might know him from \"Hot Coal.\"\n[laughter]\nHe's a butcher out in Duluth\nand we go to Montana almost every year.\nOh, and we snowboard\nand we cook and one day,\nand we made this big\nbatch of stock, one time,\nand he brought this vacuum pack thing.\nIt was like turmeric and ginger\nand he had a fermented paste\nand he goes, \"Oh, fermented paste.\"\nAnd in the morning, we would get our mugs\nand we'd fill it with\nthis gelatinousy stock\nand put a dollop of that\nfermented turmeric paste in there.\nI would eat that any\nday, any day of the week.\nWish I had it right now.\nOh, that's what we'll do next all right,\nepisode, coming soon on \"It's Alive.\"\nWe're gonna do turmeric,\ngarlic, ginger paste\nfor enhancing your bone broths.\nWhich I don't like calling it bone broth.\nIt's just stock.\nGood stock.\n[laughter]\nSo, stock enhancer comin' soon.\nOh, you know what I wanna do?\nI was talkin' to old Babbie this morning,\nold Bingey himself, and he was asking me\nif I had a freeze dryer.\nAnd I was like, \"Oh, I thought it was just\nlike liquid nitrogen you dip things in.\"\nApparently not, it's like a vacuum thing,\nwith some type of thing, I don't know,\nbut it got the wheels turnin',\nI love freeze dried fruit.\nI don't know what that\nlittle clever kook's up to,\ncan we get it?\nWe kinda need a freeze drying machine\nso we can make freeze dried anything.\nWe could do freeze dried fruits,\nfreeze dried Kevins.\n[lively music]\nSnackable Kevins, snackable.\nFreeze dry all types of stuff.\nSo comin' soon.\nBreakfast stock enhancers\nand freeze dried everythings.\nOh yeah, and we only\nput a pinch of salt in.\nI like to kinda keep it a\nlittle neutral with the salt,\n'cause you can always add it, you know?\nAnd maybe they don't want\nit, so if you're making soup\nseason to taste.\nYou're gonna do whatever\nelse with your stock,\nseason to taste.\nOh, a little breakfast\nstock, season to taste.\nWhat time do we have 'til?\n1:30?\nOh, we got plenty of time, Dan.\nSo now, you could just go\ndumping this all in the strainer\nbut that's kind of silly.\nWe drew all of the\nnutrients out of it already,\nso now it's just kinda\nlike dead protein, I guess.\nAnd it's like, fiber and I don't know.\nSometimes I eat it, right?\nYou kinda just want to,\ndoesn't that look good?\nBut it's not that good.\nOh yeah, look at those ham hocks.\nThat's the gelatin we\nwere lookin' for, nice.\nBroken down, get it out, let us have it.\nGoop city bub, but that's\nwhat we're lookin' for.\nThis stuff will make you live to be 120.\nNow we can go to the strainer.\n[beep]\n[beep]\nOh, damn it.\nIt's fine.\nCheesecloth, I forgot to hold it.\nYou know, no one's perfect.\nAlls we can do is try\nto be better next time.\nLook at this color, beautiful.\nThis is the stuff, liquid gold.\nHere you know what,\nlet's just try pouring it\nand see how it goes.\nYou know, let's live a little.\nOh, oh yeah that felt right.\nOh yeah, that's the shot.\nOh, it looks so bad.\nWe cleaned out the dishwasher.\nThis is terrible, this is true though.\nWhen the city gets too much rain\nand the drainage systems can't handle it\nthey just open up the\ngates and it all just goes,\nsewage, everything just\ngoes right out to the ocean.\nIt's disgusting.\nIt's true though.\nIt's true, Rhoda.\nRhoda, did you get a hair cut?\n- Yes!\n- [Brad] Looks delightful.\n- Thank you!\n- The lovely Rhoda Boone, everyone.\nPint this stuff up, we'll\nchill it, we'll freeze it.\nGet yourself a little chest freezer.\nStock up.\n[laughter]\nNo pun intended.\nLet's give it a little taste.\nI heated some up, little extra, okay?\nOoh, delightful.\nJon, you wanna try bud?\n- Yeah, oh my god yes!\n- Let me get ya some.\n[playful music]\nYeah, it just needs salt.\nOh it's wonderful.\nNice roastedy flavor, right?\nThank you.\n- Even a little splash of like soy sauce\nwould be so good, right?\nOh, yeah.\n- Right?\n- That did just the trick, I think.\n- Little salt pops right open, right?\n- Yeah, yeah, yeah.\n- Oh my God, big mug of that\nfor breakfast, right, hello?\n- Yeah, I'm gonna take this with me-\n- You take it with ya.\nGaby, get a little cup, come on.\n- Is this master stock?\n- Yeah.\n- I love master stock.\nA lot of turkey?\n- Bam!\n- Ooh.\n- You want some, bud?\nGrab a little bowlski.\n- Oh, delicious.\n- You like?\n- I love it.\n- Come on, give it a\nlittle taste, all right?\nTell me what you think, boom.\nOh you thought you had a cold?\nBoom, not anymore.\n- Ooh, okay, I like that.\n- Little salt?\n- Little salt.\n- Yeah, hit it with a little sodium.\nOh, it's good.\nOh God, it's good.\n- Sorry!\n- Oh, for God's sakes!\nHere's for you Honsey\nfor all your hard work.\nOh, God.\nOh, it's so good!\nAll right so we're all\ndone packaging it up,\ngonna pop it in the walk-in,\nlet it set to a gel.\nThen I'm gonna freeze it,\nand then you're ready to go.\nYou can defrost it, use it for soups,\nuse it for different dishes, brazes.\nDrink it in the morning.\nThat's the thing.\nDrink it in the morning.\nDrink it in the day,\ndrink it in the afternoon,\ndrink if for dinner.\nYou can have pizza bagels anytime.\n[laughter]\nIt's over, we gotta go.\nDan's yellin' at us.\nBon appetit.\nUnderrated, drinkin' out of the saucepan.\nWhy dirty a bowl?\nYou already got a bowl right here\nit's got a freakin' handle on it.\nIt's a bowl with a handle on it,\ncall it whatever you want,\nget creative it's 2025.\n[upbeat music]\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "Die sich die Kugeln geben #nohomöo\nEs gibt Menschen, die zu drastischen Maßnahmen\ngreifen, wenn es ihnen nicht gut geht, sie\nmüssen dann ihr Meerschweinchen in den Raclettegrill\nschieben, Spülmaschinentabs ins Müsli rühren\noder sich die Hodensäcke an die Oberschenkel\ntackern, um sich als Mensch zu fühlen; das\ngeht auch als Frau, es dürfen nur nicht die\neigenen Hodensäcke sein.\nFür all diese Menschen habe ich einen Platz\nim Herzen, für die Ritzer, Spritzer, Fixer\nund Wixer, schließlich ist das Leben eine\nnie endende Abiklausur, zu der ein böser\nGott den Lösungsbogen geklaut hat. Und da\nist es nicht verboten, etwas zu schummeln.\nEs gibt aber auch Menschen, die ich nicht\nverstehe: Wenn es ihnen nicht gut geht, lutschen\ndiese Menschen kleine Kügelchen, die sie\nGlobuli nennen, was Latein ist für kleine\nKügelchen, und deren einziger medizinischer\nEffekt darin besteht, dass man davon Karies\nbekommt und fett wird, weil Globuli nur aus\nzwei Zutaten bestehen: aus Zucker und Dummheit.\nDiese Menschen heißen – schon das Wort\nschmeckt ein bisschen* nach Kotze – Homöopathen.\nHomöopathen stehen direkt in einer direkten\nReihe mit anderen pathen: Psychopathen, Soziopathen,\nUnsympathen, Patentanten und der Pate I bis\nIII.\nMan riecht Homöopathen schon von weitem – Du,\nwer duscht, klaut den Fischen schließlich\nihren Lebensraum. Die besondere Duftnote,\ndie den Globuli-Gläubigen ankündigt, könnte\naber auch daher kommen, dass er nach dem Zähneputzen\nmit Bambuszweigen und Aktivkohle noch einen\nZahnputzbecher mit körperwarmem Schwanzwasser\naus der eigenen Blasenmanufaktur gurgelt,\num Bakterien zu töten – und alle soziale\nKontakte gleich dazu. Homöopathen zischen\naber nicht nur ihren selbstgepressten Vaginatee,\nsie erzählen dir auch, dass die Vögel wegen\n5G bald als Brathähnchen aus dem Himmel fallen,\ndabei fassen sie dich ungefragt an und spucken\ndir Sonnenblumenkerne ins Auge, → bevor\nsie verkünden, dass man neulich sogar Erdöl\nin Plastik gefunden hat. Dabei wiegen sie\nbesorgt den Kopf, dass die Ohrenkerzen wackeln.\nIhr SUV ist ein Lastenrad, und sie haben sogar\nihrer Katze einen Aluhut gebastelt. Wenn sie\nnoch etwas Ironie besitzen, was selten ist,\ntragen sie Batik-Shirts mit frechen Sprüchen\nwie „Hail Saitan“, „No Atomstrom in\nmy Wohnhome!“ oder „Das sind keine Spinnweben,\ndas sind Bio-Traumfänger“. Dann müssen\nsie los, Waschnüsse kaufen oder Menstruationsbecher,\nihre Birkenstocks mit Spikes winterfest machen\noder nach Hause, wo sie so viele Kürbiskerne\nin den Teig kippen, dass die Brotbackmaschine\nFeuer fängt. Und wenn sie ein Kratzen im\nGebärmutterhals spüren, wird mit Schussel-Salzen\nnachgeholfen oder eben eine ruhige Zuckerkugel\ngeschoben.\nGegen Lastenräder und Körnerbrot habe ich\ngar nichts, nur gegen Ins-Klobuli. Man muss\nsich immer wieder klarmachen, wie Homöopathie\nfunktionieren soll, um zu verstehen, dass\nsie medizinisch auf einer Stufe steht mit\nAderlass, Reanimation nach Dr. Frankenstein,\nGesundbeten und Psychoanalyse, aber immer\nnoch über Heilpraktikern.\nNach der homöopathischen Lehre wird Gleiches\nmit Gleichem bekämpft, wobei das Gleiche\nmöglichst stark verdünnt werden soll. Gegen\nErkältung soll ein Erkältungsmolekül in\neinem Weltmeer von Lösungsmittel helfen,\ndas sich dann angeblich an die Erkältung\nerinnert, gegen Kopfschmerzen ein Schmerzatom\nauf eine Milliarde Zuckermoleküle, und was\ngegen Brechdurchfall hilft, hab ich mich nicht\nzu googeln getraut.\nDie fixe Heilslehre aller Homöopatentaten\nlautet deshalb: Gewalt hilft gegen Gewalt,\naber nur, wenn es Mikroaggressionen sind.\nHier kommen gleich zwei schlechte Ideen zusammen,\ndie in Kombination offenbar vielen einleuchten,\nso wie jeder vierte hier im Raum die Kombination\nder schlechten Ideen Rassismus und Nationalismus\neinleuchtend findet, zumindest was die Wahlumfragen\nbetrifft.\nWenn Homöopathie wahr wäre (was sie nicht\nist), dann wäre ein Glas aus einem Kinderschwimmbecken\ndie allermächtigste Wundertinktur wider jegliche\nPestilenz, so viele verdünnte Keime, Krankheiten\nund Krümel krustiger Kinderkacke leben dort\nin einer verwässerten Zweck-WG. Ein Glas\nEau de Planschbecken müsste dann Aids heilen,\nBlinde sehend machen und die widerlichste\nKrankheit von allen, die Afd, in den Haufen\nblaubrauner Scheiße verwandeln, der sie jetzt\nschon ist. Bademeister wären angesehener\nals Chefärzte, und statt nach Lourdes würde\nman ins Roland Matthes pilgern, um dort die\nPfützen in den Umkleidekabinen aufzuschlabbern,\nbis einem die Schamhaare zwischen den Backenzähnen\nhängen.\nWenn Homöopathie wahr wäre, sollte man jemand\nmit einer schweren Lungenentzündung am besten\nin den offenen Mund niesen, und den Opfern\nder syrischen Gasangriffe hätte man helfen\nkönnen, wenn ihnen ein verständnisvoller\nAnthroposoph nur rechtzeitig in die Fresse\ngefurzt hätte.\nWenn Homöopathie wahr wäre, gäbe es statt\nder Pille danach ne schöne Scheidenspülung\nmit einer Badewanne Bachblütentee, in die\nder Erzeuger noch mal kurz seinen rechten\nSack gehängt hat; und Krebspatienten würden\nmit Meeresfrüchte-Eintopf behandelt, da ist\nnämlich verdünnter Krebs drin, und der macht\nbekanntlich Metastasen wieder heile.\nWenn Homöopathie wahr wäre, könnte man\ndie Folgen einer Vergewaltigung rückgängig\nmachen, indem der Täter das Opfer einfach\nnoch mal belästigt, nur diesmal 100.000 Mal\nweniger schlimm, vielleicht kurz auf den linken\nNippel drücken, „Klingelstreich“ rufen\nund wegrennen.\nWenn Homöopathie wahr wäre, und das ist\nmal eine gute Idee, könnte man eine schmerzhafte\nDauererektion mit der Gabe von anderen Erektionen\nbehandeln, man sollte nur homöopatischerweise\ndarauf achten, möglichst dünne Schwänze\nzu lutschen. Davon wird man auch nicht gleich\nschwul, höchstens homöosexuell.\nWer an Globulimie leidet, sollte wissen, dass\nHitlers Stellvertreter Rudolf Hess 1937 Schirmherr\ndes 12. Internationalen Homöopathischen Kongresses\nwar, weil die Nazis sich mit dieser Neuen\nDeutschen Heilkunde gegen eine vermeintlich\njüdische Schulwissenschaft abgrenzen wollten.\nDas ist leider ebensowenig ein Witz wie die\nTatsache, dass in deutschen KZs Häftlinge\nbei dem natürlich nutzlosen Versuch starben,\nsie mit homöopathischen Mitteln von Infektionen\nzu heilen, die man ihnen zugefügt hatte.\nWir Deutschen, das Land der Poetry-Slammer\nund Denker, haben im letzten Jahr 670 Millionen\nEuro für homöopathische Zuckerbäckerei\nausgegeben. Für die gleiche Summe hätten\nwir im Subsahara-Raum mit Moskitonetzen und\nEntwurmungskuren mindestens 100.000 Menschenleben\nretten können.\nIhr könnt jetzt als Moral mit nach Hause\nnehmen, dass alle Homöopathen Nazis sind,\ndie jedes Jahr 100.000 Menschen töten.\nNehmt lieber das mit: Das Leben ist kein Zuckerschlecken,\ndeshalb sind Globuli auch keine Medikamente.\nSondern ehemalige Nazi-Tic-Tacs für MitbürgerInnen\nmit anthroposophischem Indoktrinationshintergrund.\nUnd euch Homöopathen sage ich: Nehmt eure\neigenen Lehren erst, und deshalb: Bitte, bitte,\nverdünnisiert euch und gebt euch, bitte,\nendlich die Kugeln.\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "It's been six weeks since Tana and Jake's wedding on July 28th\nBut are the signs already pointing to a Kim Kardashian Kris Humphries style marriage TV studios. You're watching. What's trending?\nI'm KC Spivey\nDon't forget to Like and subscribe for more social media news daily and ring the bell to stay update their videos\nTanana Bojo is at the top of her game with an MTV show\nRien seeded relationship with VidCon after her Tana Khan disaster and a new relationship with fellow creator Jake Paul\nJake who became popular with his brother Logan on vine has over nineteen point six million\nSubscribers and is transitioning into an older audience\nWhen Tana needed a rebound from her ex-boyfriend who she says cheated on her Tanna immediately called Jake and the rest is history\nAnd then for my ex and I to break up and kind of find out that Jake had been going through things. So\nSimilarly to me. It was a very\nWarm feeling and it was exactly what I needed and I mean, I'd been broken up with my ex for an hour\nI texted Jake like I miss you and I'm going to say it for a really long time\nHi, the two were married on July 28th, amidst a firestorm of accusations that the whole thing was just for cloud\nDespite the couple insisting\nIt was real a thousand YouTube drama channels and commentators telling us we're all faking it for Klout when like, holy\nWe were just hooking up on his bed\nI never want anyone to find out what?\nJake and Hannah have not been seen publicly together since their wedding as Tana had to miss their honeymoon for a family emergency\nand then fly to New York for the VMAs and New York Fashion Week and\nDespite both of them being spotted with other people the two have been flirting over social media\nBut when Jake posted that Tannen was pregnant she quickly shot it down saying\nhe's just dizzy and once clout a lot of tannaz fans saw this as a mark of their marriage going downhill lisa said\nOh, it's over between Jake and you Gray said trouble in paradise\nAnd James added. I think it's time to say bye to Jake\nin fact, a lot of fans are understanding Jana after the release of MTV's Tana turns 21\nWhich documented Jake and tannaz budding relationship and wedding? There's no\nThat's crazy\nI don't believe you are you talking like I wasn't 100% honest with you. Yes, you lied. I didn't yes you did\nIt's probably like top three most upsetting things I've ever had\nBut other fans defend the union saying it's nobody's business, but there's but what do you think about to Hannah's clap back?\nLet us know in the comment section and for more of its training head to its training com\nYou can also check us out on roku Amazon fire and Apple TV, just search. What's trending?\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "Do Washington politicians side with polluters over families?\nThey sure do, because Big Oil pumps millions into their campaigns.\nBernie Sanders is the only candidate for president who opposes fracking everywhere.\nWhy?\nBecause fracking pumps dangerous cancer-causing chemicals into the ground and threatens our drinking water.\nBernie -\nhe can't be bought by them, because he's funded by you.\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "We're not in love\nWe share no stories\nJust something in your eyes\nDon't be afraid\nThe shadows know me\nLet's leave the world behind\n[Instrumental]\nOn the dark side\nI see it, let's feel it\nWhile we're still young and fearless\nLet go of the light\nFall into the dark side\nFall into the dark side\nGive into the dark side\nLet go of the light\nFall into the dark side\n[Instrumental]\nTake me through the night\nFall into the dark side\nWe don't need the light\nWe'll live on the dark side\nI see it, let's feel it\nWhile we're still young and fearless\nLet go of the light\nFall into the dark side\nFall into the dark side\nFall into the dark side\nI see it, let's feel it\nWhile we're still young and fearless\nLet go of the light\nFall into the dark side\nThank you all for your wonderful submissions!\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "Neal: The scene is indelibly imprinted\non anyone who's been to college:\nrow after row of students gazing down\nas a professor or a TA drones on\nabout chemical bonds or\nthe Byzantine Empire.\nThe long lecture is widely accepted\nas an economical and effective way\nto educate large groups of students,\nbut in a piece for Time Magazine,\nSalman Khan argues that even\nthe most brilliant speaker\nand the most compelling subject\nwon't hold students' attention\nfor more than 18 minutes.\nSo, call and tell us about\nthe lecture you remember best;\n800-989-8255; email us talk@npr.org.\nYou could also join the\nconversation on our website,\nthat's at npr.org, click\non \"Talk of the Nation.\"\nSalman Khan is founder\nof the Khan Academy,\nauthor of \"The One World\nSchoolhouse: Education Reimagined,\"\nand joins us now from his\nstudio in Stanford, California.\nNice to have you with us today.\nSalman: Great to be here.\nNeal: What is it that makes\nthose lectures so boring?\nSalman: (chuckles) Well, I think all of us\ncould answer that in a very anecdotal way,\nbut what I think a lot\nof people don't realize\nis that there's actually\nbeen research in this base,\nto study the lecture,\nand it's pretty decisive,\nit's never been really contradicted,\nthat people can pay attention\nfor about 10-18 minutes,\nafter which they start zoning out.\nThen they can kind of re-check\nin for about 10 minutes,\nthen they zone out for an\neven longer period of time,\nand that keeps going on.\nStudies have shown that when\nyou do lecture at someone,\nthat you actually retain some\nof the early information,\nyou retain very little of\nthe latter information.\nJust as you described,\na lot of the reason why\nwe do it this way is really logistics;\nlogistics coming from a\nreality where we didn't have\nany other technologies to\ndeliver the information,\nso we, for the most part,\nin colleges and K through 12\naround the world, we still\nhave a bunch of students\nsitting there for 60-90\nminutes being lectured at.\nNeal: That vacillating\nattention span you talk about,\nyou could miss out on\nentire pharaonic dynasties.\nSalman: (laughs) No, no,\nthat's exactly right.\nIt hasn't gone completely unrecognized.\nThere have been attempts\nto address this issue.\nI talk about it in the book,\nthat there have been professors\nthat try to do these change-ups,\ntry to ask questions,\ntry to do little group\nthings every 10 or 15 minutes\nto address this issue,\nbut what I point out is that\nthat's a bit of a half-way fix.\nWhat we really should think\nis well, is this class time,\nthis time that all these\nhuman beings get together,\nis lecture even the best use of that?\nNeal: Well, you've got to convey a certain\namount of information\nto, certainly in the case\nof college introduction\ncourses, a whole bunch\nof people at the same time.\nSalman. That's right, and\n200 years ago I probably\ncouldn't have come up with\na better way of doing that.\nNow we have very on-demand\nways to access media,\nobviously things like YouTube,\nobviously things like Khan\nAcademy what I work on,\nbut there's other efforts.\nThere's EdEx that MIT\nand Harvard are doing.\nA lot of med schools have actually\nbeen doing this for a little while,\nwhere students are getting\nthe information delivery,\nthe lecture, at their own time and pace.\nThere are benefits to that\nbecause you can pause.\nIf there's a word you don't understand,\nyou could look it up on the internet.\nYou can go ask a friend.\nIf you forgot a little bit\nof your review material\nfrom a couple of years ago,\nno need to be embarrassed\nand raise your hand in the middle of class\nand stop everyone's learning.\nYou can go review that material,\nand you don't have to take notes\nbecause it's always there.\nThen when you go to class time,\nyou can use that for\nsomething more valuable\nlike a conversation or a project\nor some type of peer-to-peer learning.\nNeal: But isn't it also the\nstudent's responsibility\nto absorb some of this knowledge?\nSalman: It is, it is, and\nit's always going to be\nthe student's responsibility.\nIn fact, I think that's\nwhy lecture misses,\nis that at the end of the\nday, learning is something\nthat the student has to decide to do.\nAt the university level, especially,\nI've always said it would\nbe interesting to administer\na final exam 2 days\nbefore students thought\nthat they were going to get the final exam\nand see what the delta is.\nYou'll see that very\nlittle of the learning,\nor at least as measured by the final exam,\noccurs in the first 90% of the class.\nIt's really the last 2-3\ndays before the exam,\nstudents are cramming\nand teaching each other\nand that's what's really\nmoving the dial on their exams.\nNeal: I wonder, you said\nyou don't have to take notes\nif you can have electronic\ncopies of the lectures,\ndigital copies that you\ncan go back and refer to.\nDoesn't the act of taking\nnotes help you learn?\nSalman: The act of doing\nanything does help you learn.\nFundamentally, if you\nare passive in anything\nyou're probably not that engaged.\nI think a lot of students do take notes\nliterally just to stay awake,\nliterally to be engaged.\nA lot of students say they\ndon't use the notes later on,\nit's just really to somewhat stay engaged.\nThat's the whole point.\nIf we want students to stay engaged,\ngoing through this\nexercise of taking notes\nwhile listening to a lecture,\nand oftentimes not being able to listen\nbecause they're taking notes,\nlet's just make it more active.\nInstead of doing these change-ups\nevery 10 or 15 minutes,\nlet's make the whole classroom change-ups.\nLet's make the whole classroom\nstudents teaching each other,\nstudents having a\nconversation with each other.\nThe one thing I point\nout a lot in the book is\nwe talk about this human\nexperience of education,\nbut when students are\nsitting in a classroom\nand there's someone lecturing at them,\nmaybe they're taking notes,\nyou're in a room with 30,\nmaybe 300 other people\nat the college level,\nthat's a very dehumanizing experience.\nI've sat in classes for the whole semester\nand I didn't know 98% of those people,\nI didn't know their names.\nWhat we're really advocating,\nand we're starting to see in a\nlot of schools and universities,\nis let's have those 300 people\ninteract with each other.\nInstead of having a study\ngroup just the last 3 days\nbefore the exam, why don't we\nhave it for the whole semester?\nNeal: A study group with 300 people;\nthat's not a class, it's a potential riot.\nSalman: (laughs) No, no, that's right.\nI think that's where\ntechnology comes in, again.\nOne, it can help deliver\nsome of the information\nthat lectures used to do;\nbut now you can also coordinate.\nYou can see where students\nare in their skill levels,\nyou can pair them up,\nyou can give diagnostics to the teacher.\nSome people say, \"Well, students might not\n\"listen to lecture if\nit's happening at home.\"\nBefore they had homework\nthat could have been checked.\nWhat I point out, and most\npeople agree with this,\nis that the homework,\nor the problem solving,\nis where the learning is happening.\nIf students are going to check out\nof one of the two things, I would say\nmake sure it's not the problem solving.\nNeal: Going back to your\ndays as a student, though,\nare there lectures that you\nremember particularly vividly?\nSalman: (chuckles) I\ntalk a lot in the book,\nmy own experience in\nundergrad, I talk about,\nI was a bit of a chronic class skipper.\nsometimes out of laziness,\nbut for the most part it\nwas just out of finding\nthe most productive use of my time.\nI discovered there was this whole world,\nthis was at MIT,\nof people who never went to class\nand would use that time to\ndo problem solving instead.\nFor the most part, the\nones that were memorable\nwere the ones where there\nwas a shared experience.\nThere were some great orators,\nsome great lecturers that were inspiring,\nbut it was good for moments.\nIt wasn't great when you were trying\nto dig deep into something,\nwhen you might be a little bit lost\nand you want to catch up but\nthe class is going at a pace,\nyou might be a little bit bored,\nyou might know the material already.\nI think the shared experience of a lecture\nis great for inspirational things.\nIt's great for things\nthat aren't super deep\nin terms of the substantive nature.\nI think those type of things can happen\non-demand at your own pace,\nthen class time is all\nabout problem solving.\nNeal: We're talking with Salman Khan,\nfounder of the Khan Academy,\na non-profit that creates\nonline educational videos.\nHe's the author of\n\"The One World Schoolhouse:\nEducation Reimagined.\"\nWe want to hear today from you\nabout the college lecture\nyou vividly remember,\n800-989-8255, email talk@npr.org.\nBenjamin's on the line\nwith us from Fort Wayne.\nBenjamin: Hi there.\nNeal: Hi.\nBenjamin: What I remember\nout of all the lectures\nthat I've had in college\nis from my sociology class.\nRobert Pettit, he's a\ngreat sociology teacher,\nhe was using visuals\nalong with his speech,\nand he was teaching us about\nsocially constructed realities.\nBasically, he was petting an\ninvisible cat on his desk.\nNeal: (laughs)\nBenjamin: With saying, if we all believe\nthere was a cat here, then\ntherefore it does exist.\nIt was really interesting.\nI've found that incorporating\nvisuals with speaking\nmade it easier to remember,\nmore likely to remember.\nNeal: Clearly you remember that one.\nHow long ago was that?\nBenjamin: That was, I\nwould say, 2 years ago.\nNeal: That's not all that long ago.\nBenjamin: No, not at all.\nNeal: All right, thanks very\nmuch for the phone call.\nAppreciate it.\nBenjamin: Thank you.\nNeal: So even some simple\ndevices, acting out\nand some visuals, Salman\nKhan, can help somewhat.\nSalman: It sounds like that\nwas a great instructor,\na great lecturer.\nWhat I would say is that actually\nhe should share those skills,\nand it sounds like he was\nhumorous and all the rest,\nthat instructor should make videos,\nput them online.\nHis students could access them.\nThen when they go class,\nthey can actually have\nthat debate about whether,\nif everyone believes the cat is there,\nwhether it really is there.\nNeal: Let's see if we go to James.\nJames is with us from\nMontrose in Colorado.\nJames: Hi Neal.\nNeal: Hi.\nJames: I just wanted to share\nreally my most memorable\nand this little instance\nwas the only memory\nthat I have of the entire\nsemester in this class.\nNeal: (chuckles)\nJames: Physical geography,\nwhere my professor\nwas teaching for the first\ntime in America from China.\nNobody could understand a word she said\nuntil she made one comment\nabout how she recently\narrived in American and a\nfriend called her from China\nand she's trying to describe\nthe Earth's rotation\naround the sun and how days\nand nights are different\non different sides of the planet,\nand her friend says,\n\"Hi, how are you doing?\"\nShe said, \"Well, how in the\nhell do you think I'm doing?\n\"It's 3 in the morning, I'm sleeping.\"\nThat was the only bit\nthat me and probably 175\nother students caught\nfor 3-1/2 plus months.\nNeal: (laughs)\nNeal: How'd you do on the course?\nJames: That was about 12-1/2 years ago.\nI want to say I did pretty well.\nI enjoyed the class, but honestly,\nI can't remember a lick of it.\nNeal: I guess, Salman Khan,\nthanks very much for the call, James,\nthat makes your point.\nSalman: Yeah, that's exactly.\nMost of us can't remember\nactually the courses we took,\nand I'm not that far out of college,\nmuch less the actual\ncontent of a lot of it.\nEven when you were there,\nrunning up to the final exam,\nthis is why there are so\nmany students cramming,\nis that they've learned very little.\nThey've gone through the motions.\nThey feel like they're paying tuition.\nIt's part of the, I guess the\nceremony of going to college,\nof showing up at these lectures\nbecause that seems to be\nwhat everyone else is doing.\nBut I've actually found that the students\nthat are most productive are the ones\nthat use that time to\ngo do something else.\nNeal: Email from Alan in Augusta, Georgia.\n\"Of thousands of lectures I've enjoyed,\n\"the best is no doubt Jack Pettigrew's\n\"'Love is a Plastic State.'\n\"I heard this as a student at his\n\"neurophysiology class in Caltech in 1975,\n\"but he delivered it elsewhere as well.\n\"The point was to discuss\nneuronal plasticity,\n\"how our brains change,\n\"and he illustrated it\nwith numerous anecdotes\n\"including how his brother-in-law\n\"lost his fear of a\ndeadly snake while high.\n\"Jack really illuminated the subject,\n\"the impact of evolution on brain states.\"\nWe're talking with Salman\nKhan about lectures\nand re-imagining them.\nYou're listening to Talk of\nthe Nation from NPR News.\nLet's go next to Richard.\nRichard is with us from\nSioux City in Iowa.\nRichard: Hi, hello everybody.\nNice program.\nNeal: Thank you.\nRichard: Thanks for having me on.\nI teach mindfulness and I\nwas in a mindfulness course\nat University of Missouri\nquite a few years ago,\na graduate-level course.\nThe first lecture about mindfulness was,\nactually started with eating\na raisin and where we,\nthe raisins were passed out.\nThe idea is we're going\nto focus our attention\non all of the sensuous\naspects of the raisin\nbefore we even taste it,\nbefore we put it in our mouth.\nMindfulness, as you may\nknow, is, of course,\nthe entire process of controlling\nyour attentional awareness.\nThe intent of mindfulness\nis that we train our minds\nso that they don't drift away\nor drift forward or drift back,\nand we do have more\ndisciplined thinking processes.\nNeal: Did it worked after 18\nminutes or so with the raisin?\nRichard: (laughs) Yeah.\nI'd say with that course it really did\nbecause it was an 8-week course\nand it absolutely helps to discipline,\nagain, your attentional awareness.\nWhere is your attention\nat this very moment?\nIs it where it should be or not?\nAs a person who now prepares and teaches\nthose programs for a couple of schools,\nI can tell you it does work.\nIt may be something that\nwould be of interest\nor that your guests may already be,\nof which they may already be aware.\nNeal: Salman Khan, are\nyou aware of mindfulness?\nSalman: I think that example,\nthe reason why it was so memorable\nis because the students\nwere doing something.\nThey were observing the raisin.\nThey were given an activity to do.\nThey weren't just being lectured at.\nWhat I'm saying is that\nlecture's invaluable.\nPeople have given some examples of some\nvery memorable lectures they had.\nIt's just that is that the best use\nof when humans get together?\nA lot of these very entertaining,\nvery inspiring lectures ...\nI'm coming here as someone who's made\n3,000 lectures on YouTube.\nI'm not saying that they're not valuable,\nI'm just saying that they\ncould maybe be best used\nwhen you're not in the classroom.\nIn the classroom, you\nshould do things like that,\nexpose people to new experiences,\nmake them think about it,\nhave a two-way conversation.\nRichard: I agree because\nin teaching mindfulness,\nI do have a didactic and\nthen an experiential portion.\nDuring the didactic portions\nI do try to limit it\nto 12 minutes or so\nbecause I know what happens\nand people don't pay attention.\nNeal: Interesting.\nThanks very much for the call, Richard.\nRichard: Thank you.\nNeal: That amount of\ntime, is that time span,\nthat ability to focus for 10-18 minutes,\ndoes that cover other aspects\nof interaction as well?\nSalman: You know, I haven't\nseen studies on that,\nbut I would believe that\nthat's probably the case.\nEven in our organization,\nwe're not-for-profit,\nbut there's 36 people who work with me,\nwe kind of eat our own dog food.\nWe say, look, if we ever have a meeting,\nno one should be talking\nfor more than 3 minutes.\nIf you're talking for more than 3 minutes,\nit's a lecture, make a video,\nNeal: (laughs)\nand people can ask you\nquestions when we get together.\nNeal: So you have to do that as well.\nThen the space of these\ninteractive meetings,\npresumably people could\nconcentrate a little longer.\nSalman: We've all had\nhours-long conversations\nand enjoyed ourselves.\nThat's actually where we learned a lot.\nA lot of what we learn from is from\nconversations with other people\nThat, obviously, can go on well beyond\n10 minutes or even an hour\nbecause you are actively engaged,\nyour brain is actively processing\nand thinking of new things.\nNeal: Let's see, we\nget one more caller in.\nThis is Jennifer.\nJennifer's on the line\nwith us from Orange County.\nJennifer: Hello.\nNeal: Hi Jennifer.\nJennifer. Hi.\nI had a Disability and Society class,\nactually it was a psychology class,\nin undergrad and I really\nremember very little\nfrom undergraduate school.\nThere was a guest speaker\nwho had cerebral palsy.\nIt was my first experience\nreally hearing from a person\nwho had cerebral palsy.\nBefore that, I had no\nidea that their brains\nfunctioned exactly the same way\nthat a normal person's functions,\nit was just their muscles and their bodies\ndidn't work the same\nand they weren't able to\ncommunicate the same way.\nBeing in that room,\nthere was probably over\n200 people in that lecture,\nbut the professor did such an amazing job\nof bringing people in\nand engaging the class\nand changing perspectives.\nAnother thing that she did is she had us,\nin the midst of our lecture,\nwalk around campus and picture\nourselves in a wheelchair,\nand then come back to the room\nand talk about what that\nmight have been like\nif we actually were in a wheelchair\nand how we would have gotten around.\nNeal: So experiencing something,\nas well as just being lectured to.\nJennifer, thanks very much for your time.\nJennifer: Thank you.\nNeal: One last email.\nThis from Janice in Scottsdale.\n\"A professor of philosophy\nat Eisenhower College\n\"in Seneca Falls, New York\n\"was assigned the day's\nworld studies lecture\n\"to our sophomore class,\napproximately 100 students.\n\"The topic was Zen Buddhism.\n\"He went up to the podium\n\"and stood there in\ncomplete and utter silence,\n\"looking at us for 50 minutes.\"\nSalman Khan, thanks very much\nfor your time today, too.\nSalman: Thanks for having me.\nNeal: It's the Talk of\nthe Nation from NPR News.\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "Hello everyone, Matt here!\nIn this video, we'll learn how to work with\nForge Energy in MCreator.\nTo cover it as much as possible, we'll be\ncreating solar panels, energy-powered fans\nand batteries.\nAs a bonus, we'll also create a universal\nenergy meter that can measure the capacity\nof any Forge-Energy-based blocks from pretty\nmuch any mod.\nNow let's get started!\nBefore we create all those goodies, I'd like\nto introduce you to all the procedure blocks,\nas well as how you enable energy storage and\ntransfer in the blocks themselves.\nThere is a general agreement in the world\nof Forge Energy that blocks should push energy\nout on their own and receive it passively.\nBlocks can receive or extract energy on any\nside - depending on what the block defines.\nAs of right now, MCreator blocks can both\nreceive and extract energy on all sides which\ndoesn't limit their use, but it's worth keeping\nin mind.\nThis functionality will very likely be extended\nin a future version of MCreator.\nTo allow blocks to store energy, you first\nhave to enable tile entity and then go to\nthe Energy and fluid storage tab where you\ncan enable the energy storage.\nYou can set its \"initial energy\" which is\nthe energy that is already in the block when\nit's placed, as well as its \"maximum capacity\",\nenergy receive and extract rates.\nAs for the procedure blocks, the first two\nallow us to check whether a block at coordinates\nsupports energy extraction or receiving.\nThen we have the \"get capacity\" block for\ngetting the max amount of energy stored and\n\"get energy\" to get current energy.\nTest extracting and sending blocks are used\nto find out how much energy can be sent or\nreceived by a block.\nThis can be lower than the specified amount\ndepending on the output rate of the block\nsending energy, input rate of the receiving\nblock, as well as its maximum capacity.\nThe provided energy is the desired energy\namount to transfer, and then the block calculates\nhow much you can actually send according to\nmax energy extraction and receive rates of\nthe block.\nAfter we find this out, we can use the send\nand extract blocks to transfer the energy.\nNote that you can specify from which side\nyou draw or push energy.\nThis is so that different block sides can\nhave different functionality.\nFor example, if we want to send energy from\none block to the block below it, we need to\ndraw energy from the current block on sides\n\"any direction\" or \"down\", depending on whether\nthe block limits energy output on some sides\nor not.\nTo push it to the block below it on the top\nside, we use \"up\" as the direction.\nNow I'll create some textures using the integrated\ntexture editor, namely the machine base, solar\npanel side and top, the fan exhaust, battery\ninput and output indicators as well as the\nenergy meter texture.\nI'll import a quarter block model I created\nearlier and bind the solar panel textures\nto it in the resources tab and start with\ncreating our first block.\nStarting with the solar panel, I choose the\nblock model we imported earlier and select\na texture for the main texture.\nIn my case, I'll use the top solar panel texture.\nWe also need to change the block's bounding\nbox to be only a quarter of a block thick.\nNote that only setting the bounding box won't\nmake the block any smaller, hence the need\nfor a custom model.\nOn the next panel, I'll tweak some of the\nblock settings like the block sound to make\nit feel made out of stone, as well as set\nits tick rate to one on the next page.\nNow I don't want this block to store any energy,\nso I'll skip that, however, we do want this\nblock to generate energy and output it at\nthe bottom side, so I'll create a new procedure\nin the update tick trigger.\nIn the procedure, I want to check 3 things\nbefore generating energy, so I'll add an \"if\"\nblock with two nested ands with external inputs\nso that the procedure looks clearer.\nFirst I want to check whether this block can\nsee the sky and if it's currently day in the\nprovided world.\nWe could also check if it's currently sunny,\nbut for the sake of simplicity, we don't.\nNow we also want to know whether the block\nbelow this one can receive energy from the\ntop side.\nIn the if's body, we send energy to the said\nblock.\nNote that in this case, we don't need to test\nwhether this block can output the said amount\nbecause it doesn't have energy storage, and\nthe \"send\" procedure block respects the receiving\nblock's maximum energy capacity so the energy\nwon't exceed the block's limits.\nNote that we now don't know how much energy\nwe transferred, but that doesn't matter in\nthis case.\nWe can now save the procedure and the block.\nBy the way, a sub to the channel would be\namazing.\nNow let's add a fan block.\nThe idea is that if this block has energy\nin it, it uses 50 energy per tick to push\nmobs and items in the direction it is facing.\nThis will require energy storage and a lengthy\nprocedure but don't worry, I'll try to keep\nit as simple as possible.\nFirst, we create the block, set all of it's\ntextures to the machine base except for the\nfront one that is the fan grates.\nDon't forget to turn on the D/U/N/S/W/E from\nthe player side block rotation.\nMuch like for the solar panel we tweak its\nstep sound as well as the tick rate.\nSince this block will store some energy, we\nhave to first enable tile entity and then\non the Energy and fluid storage tab enable\nenergy storage as well.\nI'll set it's max capacity to 4000 and leave\nboth max input and output rates to 200.\nOn the triggers tab, we want to add a procedure\nto the Update tick procedure.\nI'll provide the entire procedure template\non the MCreator's website, the link for which\nis in the description.\nIn it, we first check if the current block\nhas any energy.\nIn particular, we want it to have more than\n50 since that will be its power consumption.\nIn the body, we first consume that energy\nand then add another if with 5 else if blocks\nfor every side of the block.\nFor example, if the block is facing upwards,\nwe check for any entities that are in a 6x6x6\ncube 3 blocks in front of it and are of type\n\"EntityLiving\" which is for all the living\nentities.\nNow set the movement vector in the direction\nof the y-axis to something like +.2 for the\nentity we checked for its existence before.\nWe apply the same approach for the \"EntityItem\"\nentity types and repeat this process for all\nblock sides.\nNow save the procedure as well as the block.\nBefore we start testing this, I also want\nto add the energy meter to be able to measure\nthe fan's energy amount.\nWe start by creating the item.\nSelect the texture on the first tab, move\nit to the tools tab on Properties and set\nits max stack size to one.\nWe'll use the \"When right clicked on block\"\nprocedure trigger and create a fresh procedure\nfor it.\nAdd a send message block with \"Show in action\nbar\" enabled.\nWe replace the string block with \"create text\nwith\", add 3 more inputs to it so that we\nhave 5.\nIn the first input, get the energy of the\nclicked block on the clicked side - this is\nimportant because some modded blocks can have\nmultiple energy storages for different sides.\nAdd a slash in the second input, and in the\nthird one add a get energy capacity block\nin a similar fashion to the first one.\nThen add \" energy at \" string to the fourth\none and at the end append the side we clicked\non.\nNow we can save both mod elements and hit\nstart to test this puppy out.\nIf we put the solar panel on top of the fan\nblock, we can see the energy level increase\nbecause it's currently daytime.\nIf we set the time to nighttime and replace\nthe fan with a fresh and empty one, we see\nno energy level increase.\nFurthermore, if we put entities in front of\nit, they don't get pushed.\nIf we set the time to daytime again, the fan\nis being charged and the entities are getting\npushed around again.\nNow for the last thing in this tutorial, I'd\nlike to combine pretty much everything we\nlearned about Forge Energy so far and use\nthe knowledge in a Battery block.\nJust like the last 2 blocks we created, we\nneed to create a block.\nI want the top to be the input and all the\nother sides to be outputs, so I'll use the\norange indicator on all sides but the top\none, where I'll use the blue one.\nAdjust the same properties we did for the\nfirst two blocks and enable tile entity as\nwell as energy storage.\nI'll set its capacity to a million and its\nmax throughput to ten thousand.\nAgain, we'll be using the update tick procedure.\nWe have to add an extraction procedure for\neach side of the block, but I'll only show\nyou how to do one and you can finish the procedure\nyourselves or just simply use the procedure\ntemplate.\nNote that you have to add the variables before\nimporting the procedure template to save yourselves\nfrom the hassle of replacing all custom variable\nblocks.\nAlso, make sure to name them exactly the same\nas in the tutorial to avoid any unnecessary\ncomplications.\nNow let's proceed with the procedure.\nFirst I'll add 5 number variables, one for\neach output side of the block.\nLet's call them \"down\", \"north\", \"west\", \"south\"\nand \"east\".\nThen, add an if statement and check if the\nblock below this one can receive energy on\nthe top, which means that we need to subtract\none from the y coordinate and set the side\nto up.\nIn case it can, we want to test whether we\ncan send 10000 energy down from this block\nand how much energy can be transferred.\nWe save that number in the \"down\" variable\nand then test whether the block below this\none can receive that energy on the top side\nand again, save the new value in the variable.\nNow we just need to extract that amount of\nenergy from the battery and send it to the\nblock below to the upper side.\nRepeat the process for all the sides and you\nshould be good to go.\nWe can now test this out in Minecraft using\neverything we created in this tutorial.\nNote that because all sides of the blocks\nare inputs by default, if we place the batteries\nnext to each other, they will also exchange\nenergy with one another, so when one fills\nup, it will pass the energy to the closest\nneighbouring one.\nThis is normal and shouldn't affect their\nbehaviour a lot.\nWe can also have a little fun and create a\n\"floating cushion\" for mobs using the new\nfans we created.\nThanks for watching this tutorial.\nI'll link the mod page on MCreator's website\nin the description so that you can play around\nwith everything we created in this tutorial\nwithout even needing to do anything.\nVideos like this take a lot of time to make,\nso a sub to the channel would be greatly appreciated.\nIf you don't want to miss the latest MCreator\nrelated news and tutorials, turn on the notifications,\nlike for more content like this and comment\nwith suggestions down below.\nHave a nice day and happy modding!\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "♪ ♪\n♪ THOUGHT I FOUND A WAY ♪\n♪ THOUGHT I FOUND\nA WAY OUT (OUT) ♪\n♪ BUT YOU NEVER GO AWAY\n(NEVER GO AWAY) ♪\n♪ SO I GUESS\nI GOTTA STAY NOW ♪\n♪ OH I HOPE SOMEDAY\nI'LL MAKE IT OUT OF HERE ♪\n♪ EVEN IF IT TAKES ALL NIGHT\nOR A HUNDRED YEARS ♪\n♪ NEED A PLACE TO HIDE\nBUT I CAN'T FIND ONE NEAR ♪\n♪ WANNA FEEL ALIVE OUTSIDE\nI CAN'T FIGHT MY FEAR ♪\n♪ ISN'T IT LOVELY? ♪\n♪ ALL ALONE ♪\n♪ HEART MADE OF GLASS\nMY MIND OF STONE ♪\n♪ TEAR ME TO PIECES ♪\n♪ SKIN TO BONE ♪\n♪ HELLO ♪\n♪ WELCOME HOME. ♪\n♪ WALKING OUT OF TIME ♪\n♪ LOOKING FOR\nA BETTER PLACE ♪\n♪ SOMETHING'S ON MY MIND ♪\n♪ MIND ♪\n♪ ALWAYS IN MY HEAD SPACE ♪\n♪ BUT I KNOW SOMEDAY\nI'LL MAKE IT OUT OF HERE ♪\n♪ EVEN IF IT TAKES ALL NIGHT\nOR A HUNDRED YEARS ♪\n♪ NEED A PLACE TO HIDE\nBUT I CAN'T FIND ONE NEAR ♪\n♪ WANNA FEEL ALIVE OUTSIDE\nI CAN'T FIGHT MY FEAR ♪\n♪ ISN'T IT LOVELY? ♪\n♪ ALL ALONE ♪\n♪ HEART MADE OF GLASS\nMY MIND OF STONE ♪\n♪ TEAR ME TO PIECES ♪\n♪ SKIN TO BONE ♪\n♪ HELLO, ♪\n♪ WELCOME HOME ♪\n♪ [KALID: VOCALIZING] ♪\n♪ [BILLIE: VOCALIZING] ♪\n♪ ♪\n♪ HELLO,\nWELCOME HOME ♪\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "I am not a stranger to the dark\nHide away, they say\n'Cause we don't want your broken parts\nI've learned to be ashamed of all my scars\nRun away, they say\nNo one'll love you as you are\nBut I won't let them break me down to dust\nI know that there's a place for us\nFor we are glorious\nWhen the sharpest words wanna cut me down\nI'm gonna send a flood, gonna drown them out\nI am brave, I am bruised\nI am who I'm meant to be, this is me\nLook out 'cause here I come\nAnd I'm marchin' on to the beat I drum\nI'm not scared to be seen\nI make no apologies, this is me\nAnother round of bullets hits my skin\nWell, fire away\n'Cause today I won't let the shame sink in\nWe are bursting through the barricades and\nReachin' for the sun\nYeah, that's what we've become\nI won't let them break me down to dust\nI know that there's a place for us\nFor we are glorious\nWhen the sharpest words wanna cut me down\nI'm gonna send a flood, gonna drown them out\nI am brave, I am bruised\nI am who I'm meant to be, this is me\nLook out 'cause here I come\nAnd I'm marchin' on to the beat I drum\nI'm not scared to be seen\nI make no apologies, this is me\nWhen the sharpest words wanna cut me down\nI'm gonna send a flood, gonna drown them out\nThis is brave, this is bruised\nThis is who I'm meant to be, this is me\nLook out 'cause here I come\nAnd I'm marchin' on to the beat I drum\nI'm not scared to be seen\nI make no apologies, this is me\nWhenever the words wanna cut me down\nI'll send the flood, to drown 'em out\nI'm gonna send a flood\nGonna drown them out\nOh\nThis is me\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "- Okay so welcome to the\ncomputer science colloquium.\nIt's a great pleasure\ntoday to have Richard Jozsa\nhere to give the colloquium.\nRichard got his PhD from Oxford in 1981\nwhen he worked with Roger Penrose\nand after some construction work he\nwas on the faculty at the\nUniversity of Plymouth\nin the math and mathematical\nphysics programs.\nHe was then for ten years a\nprofessor of computer science\nat the University of Bristol\nand he's currently the\nlead travel professor of\nquantum physics at DAMTP.\nThe Department of Applied\nMath and Theoretical Physics\nat Cambridge.\nRichard has really made a lot\nof important contributions\nto the study of quantum\ncomputing and quantum information\nprocessing.\nSo I'll mention a few of them,\nwith David Doitch in 92\nso even before the development\nof Shor's algorithm,\nhe gave the first example of a problem\nthat could be solved exponentially faster.\nWith a quantum computer\nthan with a classical one.\nActually I presented\nthis algorithm yesterday\nin my graduate course on quantum\ncomputing coincidentally.\nWith Charlie Bennet, Joan\nCussard, Claude Capeau,\nAtra Paris and the others\nhe was one of the discovers\nof quantum teleportation.\nWhich is a really\nimportant foundational idea\nin quantum information.\nThe paper which describes this,\nit's concept has been cited I\nthink more than 10,000 times.\nIt's quite remarkable.\nHe did some important early\nwork on quantum information\ntheory and recently has been studying\nthe boundary between classical\nand quantum computing.\nThrough trying to understand\nclassical simulations\nof quantum computing.\nHe'll tell us a bit about that idea today.\nRichard has received\nnumerous prizes including\nthe Naylor prize from the\nLondon Mathematical Society\non the quantum communication award\nthat's given as part\nof the QCMC conference.\nAnd today he's going to tell us about\ncomparing classical\nand quantum complexity.\n- Well thank you very much Jerry.\nOkay so today I'd like to\ntalk about quantum computing.\nThat's not surprisingly\nand especially some fundamental aspects.\nRather than practical aspects.\nIf you people work on HTTP.\nAnd my aim is to try and be accessible\nto a broader computer science audience.\nSort of people who are not\nnecessarily specialists\nyou know in the subject\nof quantum physics.\nSo I know Maryland\nthere is a very large number of experts\nin all aspects of the field.\nSo apologies in advance to them\nif you sort of are here.\nAnd I would say that perhaps there's a\ndifferent kind of pleasure to be had\nin listening to things\nyou're very familiar with\nand perhaps seeing them from a slightly\ndifferent perspective in some cases.\nOkay so to start\nas a kind of introduction\nto quantum computing.\nI perhaps like to present\na kind of overview of the ingredients.\nThe essential ingredients\nof quantum computing\nand the model.\nIn a way that perhaps\naligned with more familiar\nstructures that you have in conventional\nclassical computer science.\nRather than the more\nphysics based approaches.\nThat you often get.\nSo a good starting point here is\nclassical probabilistic computation.\nSo here w have a situation where\na computer is described\nby its configurations.\nAnd they're updated by a\nsequence of computational steps\nwhich are probabilistic transitions like.\nYou might think of a Turing machine\nand the configurations,\nyou know the description\nof the whole Turing machine.\nAnd you have its probabilistic\ntransition rules.\nOr in the circuit model of computing\nthe configuration is the bit sting\non all the lines in circuit.\nAnd it's update by probabilistic choices\nof boolean gates.\nAnd then you can think of the computation\nas a kind of tree,\na branching tree of possibilities.\nYou have your starting configuration\nand then you go with various probabilities\nto other configurations and so on.\nAnd you get this great big growing tree\nand to computer the probability\nof any configuration.\nOr in particular the final configuration\nwhich you're often interested in.\nYou have this some over part rule that\nto compute the probability\nof this configuration\nyou look at all the paths from\nthe beginning to that thing.\nYou multiply along the\npaths of probabilities\nand then you sum over all the paths.\nOkay so it's just very\nfamiliar probability theory.\nBut it's interesting\nfor us to represent this\nin a slightly different algebraic way.\nWhere you represent the probabilities\nas a column vector.\nIt's just really listing\nthe probability distribution\nof each configuration in\nthe state of that time.\nSo the positions of a configurations\nand the entries of the probabilities.\nAnd more formally you can\nwrite and introduce names\nof the configurations.\nAnd I just put square graphics here\nfor exactly if you\ndescribe this bit stream.\nAnd when you do this,\nyou can think of this\nformal use of vector.\nAlthough it's just the way\nof encoding all those probabilities.\nThen the transition from\none step to the next\nare always described by a\nsuitable stochastic matrix.\nYou know familiar sort of matrix\nand you know stochastic matrix\nis preserved the L1 norm of a vector.\nThe sum of the absolute\nvalues of the entries.\nAnd that guarantees that you\nkeep a bonafide probability\ndistribution.\nOf these linear\ntransformations if you like\nand the columns of this matrix\nare the transition probabilities\nfor each individual configuration.\nThe ice column tells you\nwhat the ice configuration\nis going to do.\nAnd then\nthe virtue of this is that\nthis kind of idea of summing\nover powers which have\nbeen multiplied along,\ntranslated precisely to\nmatrix multiplication.\nWhich is a nice algebraic thing.\nOkay so that's classical\nprobabilistic computing\nand now to do quantum computing.\nWe just generalize this slightly.\nSo again we have this branching\ntree just like before and...\nActually I should put some labels...\nSo it's labeled again but\nI finished those labels.\nBefore we had probabilities on the labels\nNow we're simply going to\nput arbitrary numbers on the labels.\nWe call them probability amplitudes\nwe just call them that.\nThey're not probabilities.\nAnd they can even be complex\nthey can be positive or\nnegative reels or even complex\nmore tropically.\nAnd they're required to have the property\nanalogous to the sum of\nprobabilities adding up to one.\nThat the sum of the squares\nhave to add up to one.\nSo we're kind of going\nfrom the L1 norm being one\njust the absolute values to the squares.\nThe L2 norm being what?\nAnd it's this apparently innocuous\nor you know rather slick\ntiny mathematical change.\nThat had hugely immense implications\nyou know that we'll see.\nBut and again so these amplitudes\nhave for us here no direct\nphysical significance\ncomputationally.\nBut we have the same rule for\nfor computing what the amplitude of some\nfinal configuration should be.\nWe look at all the powers\nfrom the beginning to the end.\nWe multiply the amplitudes\nand we add them up.\nSo just like probabilities\nthese things are sometimes\ncalled probability amplitudes.\nAnd then the bottom line is\nto come back to reality again.\nThe probability is deemed to be,\ndefined to be\nthe square of this amplitude.\nOkay that's a rule.\nI mean it's totally stupid\nI'm sure if you haven't\nseen quantum physics before\nfrom computer science to floor\nis absolutely ridiculous right?\nAs a model of computing.\nBut again we can do the\nsame kind of algebraic thing\nand to emphasize that it is kind of silly\nwe use a silly notation for vectors.\nWe have this asymmetrical\nbracket notation.\nCause I gather I'm not a mathematician\nbut I gather in computer science.\nComputer scientists are\nunable to parse expressions\nthat they're non matching brackets.\n(laughing)\nSo it makes it really difficult.\nBut anyhow so we just use that\nyou know it's called a bracket notation\nbut for us it's nothing\nmore than just the notation.\nAnd now we have the amplitude\nso it kind of, just a way\nof including amplitude.\nAnd now the transitions before\npreserve this probability\ncondition we want to preserve\nthis L2 norm condition.\nSo it's like rotations for real numbers,\nit preserves the length\nby some of the squares.\nSo they're unitary in complex cases.\nThey're now unitary\ninstead of stochastically\nand that's it.\nSo those are gonna be our transitions\nand this is how we get probabilities.\nNow there are lots of things\njust a glimpse of something here\nis that when you have a stochastic matrix\nthe columns tell you\nwhere all the individual\nconfigurations go and\nthey can be arbitrary\ndifferent probability distributions.\nWhat any columns you like\nin a stochastic matrix.\nBut for unitarity you\nget this bizarre thing\nthat a matrix is unitary\nrequires its columns\nnot only to have length one.\nBut to actually be off\nthe normal to each other\nthe Earth orbital.\nSo you get this bizarre\nglobal extra condition\ncoming in which has no classical analog.\nThat the transitions out\nof different configurations\nhave to somehow be coordinated\nto be Earth orbital\nin this depth of sense.\nWhich is just totally strange\nand no one really knows\nwhat's going on here right so.\nOkay so that's our model\nin terms of our computational process.\nAnd just to recap slightly\nthere's a few extra ingredients.\nIf you come for the moment\nbut just to kind of solidify this.\nThe very simplest possible example here\nin a classical case\nhere's a stochastic matrix\nfor zero and one going to\nequal 50, 50 the zero and one.\nZero goes to those and one goes to those.\nSo here we are,\nhere's a process of applying this twice\nand the probability of\nseeing zero at the end.\nIs you look at the two paths,\nyou multiply and add, so on.\nBasically that's all\ncompletely trivial and obvious\nand in terms of vectors.\nThe zero state is the first\nbasic step to the one zero\nand the one state is zero one.\nThe second, you know that's\nthe way we label them.\nAnd it goes to this step then\nthe half each of zero and one\nand then it stays there on the second.\nSo that's really simple.\nAnd although you have this tree\nyou can simulate this process by\nprobabilistic choice of a\nsingle path through the tree.\nYou just toss a coin and go zero one\nand toss another coin. You don't have to\nkind of look at the tree locally.\nIn particular if you have bigger trees\nthey can grow exponentially with depth\nand to sample the final\ndistribution of the tree.\nYou can do it efficiently\nyou just walk through the tree tossing,\nyou know making probabilistic choices.\nEven though it's an exponential big thing.\nSo that's a feature of\nclassical probabilistic theory.\nNow in a quantum case\naccording to the rules\nI've already mentioned.\nThe simplest analog of what\nwe've just been talking about\nis this unitary transformation.\nBecause you see if I've got zero\nif I want the amplitudes to be equal\nthey have to be one over root two now.\nBecause I have it square\nit and add up to one.\nAnd then the one\nthe transition for one has\nto be our formula to that.\nTo be a unitary matrix\nso I have to put a minus sign in here.\nSo one goes to zero and\none with plus and minus\none over root two amplitudes.\nWhich is slightly bizarre\nyou don't sort of get\nthis in probabilities\nand now if you apply our rules.\nThe probability you get is\nzero is a half times a half\nwhich is one and the probability\nyou get to one is zero.\nIt should get a cancellation.\nEven though they're a\nnon zero single parts\nfrom zero to one.\nThe transition is forbidden,\nwhich is very strange.\nProbabilistically this can never happen.\nSo what that means is that somehow\nin some real physical sense in this model.\nBoth of these zeros and\nones have to be present\nin the intermediate thing in order to\nbe able to produce this\nto have to cancel it.\nYou can't just go along one\nold thing by some choice.\nLets say they're present in super position\nand they interfered\ndestructively at the end.\nAnd so it's, when you've\ngot a tree like this\nyou cannot simulate it by\njust looking at some single\npart through the tree.\nYou've gotta somehow\nembrace the whole thing\nand when you get a big tree of some depth.\nAn exponentially big thing\nyou're looking at a process\nthat runs in say linear time\nbut it's doing something\nexponentially complicated.\nSo this model, see the\nmagic word of exponential\nverses polynomial is coming\nin here which is undermines\nall of complexity theory.\nSo it kind of sneaked in.\nKind of very unrealistic\nexponential benefit here\nand in fact from computer\nscience point of view.\nThis is like a bizarre\nkind of non deterministic\ncause you know in computer science\nyou have probabilistic\ncomputing trees, description.\nBut you also have non deterministic\nwhich is not the same as probabilistic.\nThat's where all the\nparts exist in reality.\nSo for classes like MP and\nother non deterministic classes.\nSo it's where you have a tree where\nwhen you have this branching process.\nYou don't have labels\nbut the computer duplicates itself\nand then you get into two\ncomputations going on.\nAnd then duplicates again and so on.\nSo it's usually regarded\nas physically unrealistic\nthat kind of model but useful in theory\nfor like definition of MP and so on.\nBut here\nwe've got this bizarre ingredient\nthat the model actually is offering us.\nReal non determinism in this\nstrangely weighted manner\nwith the previously rural though\nfor finally getting\nprobability there at the end.\nOkay so,\nthis comes already comes out\nof this very strange model.\nSo more specifically\nnow if you think of certain model.\nWhich is what we're always doing here\njust no comedy on computing.\nIn a classical case\nwe have out stage\nwhich is described by its\nprobability distribution.\nAnd it's updated by these\nlocal stochastic choices of\nboolean gates.\nAnd to find the final distribution\nwe sample individual\ndistributions along the way\nand carry along just a\nsingle computational power.\nWhere as quantumly, we're\nactuating now by local\nunitary gates just like\nthese stochastic things.\nAnd to sample the final distribution\nyou can't do it by just\nretaining some small description.\nYou need generally to carry\nthe full exponentially\nvarying description of the entire state.\nBecause unlike probabilistically where\nonly one of them is\nreally present physically.\nHere is some strange\nsense they're all present\nand they have to be to interfere\nto give you the right answer.\nTo possibly interfere.\nSo you get this very\nvery strange situation\ncoming out of this\nrather harmless tweaking\nof the initial model.\nThere's one extra\ningredient in the model now\nwhich is a last aspect\nwhich we need to know about.\nSo this looks to good to be true\nwe're given exponential parallelism\nin some real sense.\nIt's non determinism for free\nbut it's not quite as good as that\nbecause there's another issue\nwith reading out the results.\nSo I haven't really mentioned before.\nSo I've said already\nthat if we have a state\nwith all these amplitudes\nfor all these different configurations.\nThe probability of seeing\nif you measure them all,\nthe whole identity configuration.\nThe probabilities,\nit's the square of corresponding\namplitude just like that.\nBut an extra rather awkward thing happens\nif you make that measurement.\nAfter the measure the\nstate is no longer that,\nit collapses to the thing you saw\nand afterwards you've only got\na single configuration there.\nNow this is just like probabilistically\nso if you've got a\nprobability distribution.\nYou sample it, you see what it is\nand that the point is\nit always that before.\nIt's not as though you've\nkind of made it that\nyou've just seen what it is.\nAnd if you look at it again\nyou'll see the same thing.\nBut quantumly I've just been arguing\nthat there's supposed to all be there.\nBut still when you look\nat it you destroy all that\nand this axiomatic in the theory.\nAnd you're back to the same\nold classical type situation\nwhere there's only one left\nand if you look again\nyou will always see that.\nYou'll never see one of\nthe other ones anymore.\nSo that's rather bizarre\nand the same thing happens\nif you only measure\nhalf of these bits.\nSo if you measure the first bit\nyou basically you kill off\nall the terms except the ones consistent\nwith whether you've got zero or one.\nSo you know for the first bit\nand then the whole state\nreally normalizes itself\nto have length one.\nBecause you've pulled\nout part of that state.\nSo this is\nunavoidable disturbance\nto your measurement.\nIf you look at something and read it\nyou have to destroy it.\nYou can't do anything\nthat's axiomatic in the rule.\nAnd suddenly all the parts\nare you consistent with\nwhat we saw just go away.\nSo basically you see you get\nthis probabilistic information\nnow when you read things\nbut the thing you kind of\ndestroy lots of stuff and so basically\nalthough you have this wonderful\nnon deterministic simultaneous\npresence of everything\nexponentially many three.\nIf you try and read out what's there\nnature is only going to let you\nget a tiny amount of information about it.\nCause when you look you kill off\neverything except what\nyou asked about basically.\nSo this is a huge amount of information\nbeing processed with\nthese unitary processes.\nIn this non deterministic fashion\nbut at the end of the\nday we can't read it you\nwhich is kind of strange really.\nAnd that's the end of the model,\nthat's the whole model.\nI haven't left anything out\nthat is quantum computing basically,\nand of course the whole\nthing is completely ludicrous\nfrom a computer science point of view.\nNo one would possibly take this\nseriously at all for a moment.\nExcept for the fact that\nto the best of our knowledge.\nThis really is the model\nthat nature presents us with\nand I think it's fair to\nsay that nobody knows why.\nNobody knows where it comes from,\nand nobody really understands\nwhat's going on here.\nIn any reasonable further sense\nand I think from that\npoint of view to me that\nthe single greatest most\nfundamental challenge\nof the whole subject of quantum computing\nis to shed light on just this issue.\nI think it's the most\nimportant thing we can do.\nBut another important challenge\nwhich I guess a lot of\nother people would think\nis probably the most important challenge.\nIs of a more practical nature\nis given this strange model\nwhich we're stuck with it seems.\nIt's not very intuitive\nhow can we exploit it and use it\nto do interesting computational things.\nI meant it's not very hard to see that\nyou can do all of classical computing\nas a special case of this.\nMight not be immediately obvious\nbut it's actually not very hard to see.\nAnd so we're kind of interested\nin what more you can do,\nwhat do we get from\nthis more powerful event\nthat transcends the possibilities\nof classical computing\nand there are lots of things.\nBut that's not really what I'm\ngonna talk about in this talk\nspecifically I'm not gonna\ngive sort of accounts of\nalgorithms and things.\nBut that second issue respects\nvery much on the first issue\nbecause if you understand something about\nthe limitations and possibilities\nof these crazy rules.\nIt might give you some idea as\nto why they are as they are.\nWhy the rules have that\nform just in some way.\nSo that's very helpful too.\nSo if you want to use this model\nthe first obvious thing to do\nis to try and exploit this non determinism\nexactly as we do in classical theory.\nLike for NP if you want\nto solve satisfiability\nwell what do you do, you\nnon deterministically\ncompute all the values of the function\nand see if there's a one right.\nSo we could actually do that here you see.\nSo that's what we do,\nwe can if we have boolean function\nthat's say sufficiently\ncomputable and this one bit.\nThen it's very easy quantumly\nto set up or register that\nin a unique super position\nof equal amplitudes\nof all possible two to the N extremes.\nIt's this exponentially big tree of just\nand linear number of\nsplittings so here it is\nthis H operator of simple have a nine\nas I mentioned before.\nAnd then you just feed\nthat into the function\nand you get this state of the computer\nthat physically genuinely\nembodies and then codes\nall the values of the function.\nAll explaining of them\nand the cost of one evaluation\nof the function on your\ncomputer so that's pretty good.\nAnd we knows however unfortunately that\nwe can't get lots of information\nabout this state.\nIntuitively so I'm jut sort\nof talking intuitively here.\nBut we can get small amounts\nof information about it.\nAnd the point now is this\nsmall amount of information\nabout this whole state\ncan be joint information\nabout all the values\nrather than asking say\nfor a particular value or something.\nSo for example satisfiability\nis just one bit of information\nit just asks is there a one\nin the list or isn't there.\nYes or no.\nThat's a small amount of\ninformation about exponential stuff\nbut classically it's hard to get.\nYou know as we all think.\nHowever unfortunately for us\nit's the wrong kind of information\nwith our fancy quantum model.\nWe can't get that information either.\nI mean the point is although\nwe can get small amounts of information,\nwe can't get any kind\nof information at all.\nThere's rather subtle restrictions on\nwhat we're able to do\nand this is the blackout of designing\nquantum algorithms or\nexploiting them for models\nto try and understand them.\nAnd in fact in this\ncase it's satisfiability\nthere's simple provers,\nquantum searching algorithm\nor in a matching lower bound which\nbasically all put together say that.\nIf you use the function\nas just a black box\nand evaluate super positions of values.\nAnd don't look at the\nstructure of the function\nthrough more complicated things\nthen any quantum process\nwhat so ever of the sort\nlike described must use the box\nabout root two to the n times.\nSo you do get, and you can\ndo it with that many times.\nSo you can solve satisfiability\nwith a quadratics speed up mover\nclassical algorithms.\nBut not at exponential speed\nyou can't exploit this\nyou know this exponential parallel\nthis non determinism that\nwe seem to have been given\nbecause we can't read it out.\nThere are other kinds of information\nthat are better and I haven't\nwritten them down here.\nPerhaps the most famous example is if\nyou have a periodic function\nin a more general context\nyou have lots of values of the function.\nAnd it's period is one number\nso it's a small matter\nof information that long\nand that you can get the\nperiod about quantumly,\nexponentially faster that\nany known possible method.\nFor example so the problem here is that\nthis is too unstable under small changes.\nIf you have a function\nthat's uniquely satisfiable\nif you flip a single\nbit the answer changes.\nBut if you have a periodic function\nand you mess around\nwith a few of its values\nyou'll still see the period.\nIt's like pattern recognition\nthat's still there.\nIt takes a lot of effort\nto destroy the pattern.\nSo you need that kind\nof stability obviously.\nOkay but on a more general\nso this issue and I just\nwant to say a few kind of\nintuitive words about this.\nWhich is not often raised\nactually in subject\nis we're all scrambling around\nlooking for good quantum algorithms\nbut how do we go about doing this?\nAnd I'm not really sure myself,\nhow do you find, how\ndo you use this model?\nAnd it seems to me it's\ncompletely different\nfrom looking for new classical algorithms.\nIt's not the same problem at all.\nIt seems to be what typically has happened\nis you use these lucky coincidences\nbetween well known bits\nof nice pure mathematics\nand the mathematical form\nof the physical theory.\nBecause roughly speaking\ncomputational problems are\nformulated mathematically\nin later pure mathematics\nand then mature mathematics\nalso feeds it's physics\nby the equation of physics\nand then physics goes out and\nimplements that quantumly.\nSo this provides a link\nfrom computational tasks\nall the way over to the physics.\nThe really good example of this is\nthat the street forecast for\nwhich has been known hundreds of year.\nIt's this beautiful construction\nin street mathematics.\nAnd it's a linear, it's a matrix.\nLinear transformation\nand it's unitary, magical,\nthat sort of sets all the lights on for us\nbecause quantumly unitary things\nthat are quantum evolution.\nSo this is gonna be good\nfor quantum algorithms\nin fact it really is.\nAnd it's good to have\nit for quantum evolution\nand it's this coincidence\nthat gives us Shor's\nfactory model basically.\nSo the problem of factoring an integer\nyou know just very briefly using\nsome very old number theory\nwhat was known for 200\nyears from the genre.\nYou can burst that into\na problem of periodicity\nof a function of integers.\nAnd then it's well known\nthat for a transforms\nin classical image processing\nall that good for instructing\ndate, information about periodic data.\nAnd you use that here\nin quantum speculating\nand you get your period out\nonce you get your flat rate.\nSo it's that coincidence that works\nbut on the other hand if you\nare required to find the new\nclassical factoring algorithm.\nWhat would you do?\nWell you'd probably go to the library\nand or online as these days\nand look at all the latest\nresearch journals in London theorem\nand see what the latest\ntheorem about this module\nis that is and try and...\nYou need mathematics basically\nwhich is completely different approach.\nSo it's totally different\nfrom scopic stereo system\nout to use of soap.\nA notable feature about\nthese quantum beneficial\nthat we mentioned which\nis worth emphasizing.\nIt's important that the\ncomputational data we're processing,\nit needs to be coded in a kind\nof quantum forms amplitudes.\nAnd not in a familiar classical form\nwhich results in exponentially\nsmaller physical system.\nSo by that I mean that if you\nthink again about our ability\nand function to n bits.\nIf you wanna represent the\nvalues of that function\nclassically it's a great big bits string\nof exponential length, two\nto the n of all the values.\nJust about three long.\nBut quantumly we only have n or n+1 cubics\nin our space, exponentially smaller so.\nWhat I'm thinking about is this state\nthere are n bits here\nand another single bits.\nSo it's n plus so this\nsystem is only this big\nwhereas exponential is much bigger right.\nSo it's exponentially smaller\nthan the classical representation\nand the way I've represented my values\nis by eliminating some terms.\nIt's all to do with whatever is a zero or\nthe one over two to the n here.\nI've only kept those n+1 bit strings\nwhere the last bit is the correct\nvalue of the previous bit.\nSo the information is somehow been\nrepresented non deterministically.\nI only need one little register\nbut I can represent non deterministically\nexponentially any possibilities in there.\nAnd this is a very important\nfeature of quantum computing\nand registers.\nBecause a gentle state then\ncubics has all of these general\namplitudes here and there's\nexponentially many of them.\nAnd this goes onto the\nname of entanglement\nverses for example a product state.\nSo in this state the\nindividual cubics themselves\ndon't even have a definite quantum state\nfor what we're talking about.\nIf they did each one\nwould just be zero or one\nwith some amplitudes\nand so here they are all\nstuck next to each other.\nThe various parameters\nis linear here is two n,\nwhereas here it's exponential.\nSo this corresponds to all factors\nspecial case this is factorized\nthe simple product state.\nSo the moral here is quantum mechanics\nthe whole is much greater\nthan the sum of the parts\nwhereas in classical physics\nthe whole is nothing more\nthan the sum of the parts.\nAny classical, physical,\ndefinite state of a composite\nsystem will always looks like this.\nIt's always a definite state\nof all the separate systems\nstuck next to each other.\nBut quantumly you get\nthis much richer structure\nof these kind of internal correlations\nbetween there's all sorts of mysterious\nquantum correlations\nbuilt into this state.\nWhich gives you this\nexponential complexity.\nSo you can get this more entangled\nmore often just like that.\nSo now shifting gears slightly.\nInstead of trying to describe\nsome specific algorithms\nthat are of interest.\nUsing this new model,\nI've kind of got a more abstract way of\nstudying its relationship\nto classical computing\nwhich we're very interested in\nis to study the extent to\nwhich these quantum processors\ncan be simulated on a classical computer.\nHow much computing effort is required.\nPerhaps in various restrictive situations.\nAnd that will give us a kind of idea\nand if we restrict situations\nwhere sometimes it's easy to simulate.\nThen we can ask which quantum\nfeature should we add in\nto make the parts simulate.\nAnd it gives you some idea\nof the kind of quantum\ningredients needed to get computing power.\nSo it's this very interesting things\nand this is something I think made me\ninterested in a long time.\nSo which is why I wanted to talk about it.\nTo formalize a bit more,\nthe issue here is given.\nSo we think of a circuit now\nwhich is like boolean gates that live out\nas unitary operations these matrices.\nSo it's a list of gates\nand you're told which lines they act on\non n cubic lines.\nThe input could be just a bit string\nor will generally product state.\nWhich is only polynomial complex anyhow\nthat's usually a reasonable thing to do.\nIt's still a manageable thing.\nAnd the output could be a single\nline for a decision problem\nyes or no question.\nOr could be many lines for situations.\nAnd the circuit has some sides,\nnumber of cases which\nis usually polynomial\nin the number of light.\nSo we have a polysized circuit light,\npolynomial time quantum computation.\nAnd this is all classical data\nyou write all this down\non a piece of paper.\nSo and you can give it\nto a quantum technician\nto take down to the lab and implement it\nto tell you the answer right.\nBut what we're interested\nin doing it classically\ngiven this classical description\nof the quantum contest\nwe want to simulate this weak\nsimulation strong simulation.\nSo weak simulation is where\nyou ask simply for a sample\nof the output distribution\nthat it produces.\nBut you want to produce this sample\nonly by classical means and\nclassical rampant forces.\nOr strong simulation asks\nyou to actually calculate\nthe output probability\nso it's asking for more.\nAny output or orbit marginal distribution.\nAnd these simulations we could\nask the computer coefficient.\nSo we want them to be in polynomial time\nin the size of the circuit.\nSo that means that it's only a polynomial\noverhead in the time\nthat the actual quantum\nprocess itself runs as well.\nBut cake is obviously all the\nrules of quantum computing\nthat I mentioned in the beginning.\nThey are all computable\nyou know you can actually\nwork them all out.\nBut that it may take exponential time\nas I sort of described\nabout the exponential\ncomplexity of these vectors\nwe have to carry along\nin this computation.\nSo in a strong simulation\nwe will cover these things\nand so a few remarks is.\nThat strong simulation\nrequires weak simulation\nif you calculate probability\nif you can sample.\nNow that's not immediately obvious\nbecause if you've got\nprobabilities or n bit strings.\nThere're exponentially many of them\nand if you can calculate\neach one in poly time.\nHow do you sample a distribution?\nAnd for that you need\nthe marginals to do that\nthere's a trick to do that\nif you've got the marginals\nas well if you can calculate them.\nBut if you threw out the\nmarginals you can't do that.\nThe other way if you can sample\nit does not imply that\nyou can strongly simulate\nthe quantum process.\nOr at least in the sense if it did,\nif you could strongly\nsimulate and weakly simulate\nthose quantum process.\nIt's pretty easy to see\nthat implies that P = NP or even sharp P.\nIt's a very drastic thing\nso you certainly don't expect that.\nOn the other hand a weak simulation is\nwhat we're really interested in physically\nbecause if you run the\nquantum process itself\nin your quantum lab.\nIt only gives you a\nsample at the end anyhow\nyou don't calculate probability.\nSo the weak simulation is what\nthe quantum process gives you\nand it's that which you're\ntrying to replicate classically.\nAnd if you can match that\nwith polynomial overhead\nit means your quantum process is lame\nas far as computing power is concerned.\nIt's just as good as the corresponding,\nit's no better that.\nSo if given all these ideas\nit's interesting to then find situations\nwhich are classically\nefficient and simulatable.\nGiven all these exponential\nkind of ingredients\nin the model.\nSo they're very important\nfor many situations.\nPerhaps though more interestingly\ngiven such a class perhaps some\nrestricted class of circuits\nthat are simulatable, what extra\nfeatures suffices to regain\nfull universal quantum computing.\nAnd this extra ingredient\nin some definite sense\nthe candidate for this\nmystery quantum resource\nthat gives you super\nclassical computing power.\nSo a lot of these things have been studied\nso I just listed a few results here.\nThis idea of calculating\nprobabilities being\nthere's one obvious thing you can do.\nI've been emphasizing that\nthese unitary things that just matrices\nand do matrix computation.\nSo a circuit to compute what happens in it\nyou just multiply, you just\ndo matrix multiplication\nto compute the evolving\nstate of the thing.\nBut the trouble is each time\nyou add an extra cubic in\nthe size of the vector, the\nnumber of dimensions doubles.\nSo you get exponential growth\non the size of the vector\ncause you go along and hence\nyou suffer an exponential\nslow down in this simulation\nand it's not efficient.\nUnless the states are\nactually all products states\nby acquittal bad fortune and\nthen if you apply a local\nunitary gate to some part of this product.\nYou only have to update\nthat local bit of it\nand that's just the poly time calculation.\nRather than having to carry\nall the extra information.\nSo in that sense the presence\nof entanglement is a key\nresource that's necessary\nfor computational benefit.\nBut that it's not sufficient\nso you could get more\nmileage out of this idea of\nof just ordinary multiply\nmatrices together.\nBecause if you like they're\nall formulas and stuff\nyou see that the output probabilities\naccording to our quantum laws\nare just contractions of tenser networks.\nWhere the tenses are the gates,\nthe matrices in the circuit.\nYou could stay then apply pressure.\nAnd it's not very hard to\nsee if you kind of write\nall that down that you get\nthis result that any low depth\nquantum circuit. With gates\nthat act only on bounded range,\nlike US neighbor gates or\nmost three lines apart.\nAny log that's bound to range gate circuit\nand with any product state equal\ncan be classically strongly simulated.\nSo you get no computing power there\nand this is rather interesting because\nif you look back at\nShor's stacking algorithm.\nDescribed in detail it rests\non this completely transformed\nand it was shown that in 2000\nthat the whole factoring algorithm\ncan actually be presented\nas a low depth circuit.\nIt's whole probability can be logged x.\nBut the gates are not of bounded\nrange in that description.\nIf they were it would be\nclassically simulatable\nand you get a classical\nfactoring algorithm out of this.\nSo from this point of view you\nget this rather annoying idea\nthat the whole power of\nShor's confactoring algorithm\nderives from the ability\nof a two cubic gate\nto activate a distance.\nRather than the US neighbor\nwhich is kind of trivial.\nSo there are other examples too\nI guess I'm slowly\nrunning out of time here.\nSo I just want to list through a few\njust to give you a\nflavor without describing\ntoo many details.\nIf you restrict your dates in some way\nthat you're allowed to use.\nThen you get further\nresults varying the breaker.\nSo there's an important\nclass of circuits called\nphysics circuits.\nYou have this hanmar gate\nthat we've seen before.\nYou have this simple one cubic gate\nwhich just introduces an I\nin front of the one state\nin the amplitude.\nAnd the familiar classical\ncontrolled not gate\nwhich negates, it's a two cubic gate\nwhich negates the second, first bit of one\nand doesn't do anything to seal it.\nSo the first bit's the control switch\nas to whether you apply\nthe not operational.\nAnd this extends by limiting\n(inaudible) to vectors\nso you have this quantum gate.\nAnd then you have further\npossible ingredients\nyou can allow general\nproduct's state inputs.\nYou can allow measurements\nwithin the body of the circuit.\nAnd the measurements\ncan either be adaptive\nor not adaptive.\nMeaning that after\nyou've done a measurement\nyou can adapt the choice of laser gates\nto depend on the outcome of measurement.\nOr you might ignore the outcome\nand just give a fixed choice\nthat's not adaptive.\nAnd one thing it's not hard to see\nbut I won't get into details.\nThat if you have non adaptive circuits\nwithin it's immediate measurements.\nIt's equivalent to not having\nany measurements at all\nyou can get rid of the\nintermediary measurements\nby the kind of trick to\nreduce them at a non case.\nBut in this situation\nyou get this interesting theorem here\nfor different circuits,\nthose gates I just mentioned.\nWith produce state inputs\nand intermediary measurements\nand only a single bit output.\nSo you just for decision problems.\nThere's a simple theorem which\nsays that if the measurements\nare non adaptive or equivalent\nthat you don't have any\nmeasurements then it's classically\nalways strongly simulatable\nfor such circuits.\nSo that's very kind of\nclassical in that sense\nfor weakly as well.\nBut if the measurements are adaptive\nthen the strong simulation\nbecomes very hard.\nThe classical computation of the sharp P\ncause that's how much harder\nand weak simulation is still what I call\nquantum computing power.\nIn a sense that with adaptive choices\nyou can represent universal\nquantum computing.\nEven though these circuits can\ngenerate lots of entanglement\nthe contraption arbitrary method\nthat I've previously\ndescribed doesn't work.\nThe proof relies on special\nalgebraic properties\nof the gates that I chose.\nBut this is essentially\nmy favorite example of\nsuch a situation with extra ingredients.\nSo I just want to spell\nout why I like it so much.\nSo just to reiterate\nand to try and give you a better picture\nof all the definitions we just had.\nSo you've got different circuits\nso lets take a look at then kind of gates.\nArbitrary product stage inputs,\nsingle layout output,\nand you allow intermediate measurements.\nIf the measurements are not adaptive\nit's all classically simulatable.\nIf they're adaptive\nyou have full universal\nquantum computing power.\nSo here you have some different gates,\nif MIY means measure the ice fly\nand get your I's outcome.\nSo you do still unitary\ngates, you do a measurement.\nYou do some more unitary\ngates another measurement.\nBut if it's adaptive the\nsubsequent gates after the\nmeasurements are allowed\nto depend on the outcome of\nthe measurement.\nAnd going from A to B, is a\npurely classical ingredient.\nIt simply adaptive choice of gates\nthe measurements, the quantum\noperations done in both cases.\nAnd so now we have a\npurely classical reason for\ngetting full point computing\npower out of something\nthat's completely lame\nand to add insult to injury.\nExperimentally there's no\ndifference between A and B.\nBecause there are no\nnew quantum processors\nthe combine A and B.\nBecause any adaptive sequence of gates\ncould have occurred non adaptively.\nSo for example if I'm the\ninstructor telling the\nexperimenter what to do.\nYou know do this gate on the first line,\ndo a measurement, tell me the answer.\nNow do this gate, now\ndo another measurement\nwhat's the outcome? Now do another gate.\nThe experimenter has no idea, cannot know\nif I'm adapting or not.\nSo there's absolutely no\ndifference in the laboratory\nanswer to the client.\nYet in one case you get\nuniversal quantum computing\nand in the other case\nit's classic considerable.\nSo there are other examples\nso just very very quickly.\nThese match gates\njust a particular class\nof two cubic gates.\nSo introduce my lesser valiance\ninspired by these theorems\nclassic holographic algorithms\nand it's related to the\ncounting perfect match\nand the way to describe\nand that kind of thing.\nBut physically it was\nfound to be related to\nquantum physics and\nimportant issues there.\nWhich I agree to.\nAnd the theorem here is that\nfor these particular gates\nif you have any circuit of them.\nSuch that the gates act\non numerous enabled lined\njust immediately adjacent lines.\nThen you can classically\nefficiently simulate it\nbut you can also show that\nif you allow the gates\nto act on just one first line apart.\nNext year's cable lines\ncould become universal\nfor quantum computing.\nSo again this suggests\nthat the relation between\nclassical and quantum computing power\nis, may be rather delicate or interesting\nwhich is kind of bizarre.\nBut on the other hand you\ncan argue the opposite\npoint of view there are also\nquantum processes which are a very simple\nfrom a quantum physics point of view.\nExtremely trivial looking processors\nof this diagonal gates\nwhich all commute with each other as well.\nSo we just call\ninstantaneous multiplication.\nAnd if you put these a row of hadema\nthese operations of C on all lines\nthen you do a bunch of these\nrather very simple gates.\nAnd then do another bar of hadema\nto measure some lines.\nThen you can show that\nthese can be very difficult\nto classically simulate even\nthough it's an extremely\nsimple quantum process.\nSo this suggests that there's\na big difference between\nclassical computing and the\nopposite that would be before.\nAnd the theorem or specifically\nis that if you measure\nalgorithmically linear what lines\nyou can weakly classically\nsimulate that efficiently.\nBut if you measure more\nthan algorithmically\nlike algorithm how the lines.\nThen weak classical simulation implies\nsomething catastrophically disastrous\nin complexity theory.\nMaybe not the they call\nthe polynomial hierarchy\ncollapses towards further effect.\nSo these examples which I've\nonly flashed in front of you\nand not really explained\nare simply meant to\ngive you the impression.\nThat the interface between\nclassical computing power\nis very rich and interesting and delicate\nand can be viewed from many\ndifferent points of view.\nIt's gonna be interesting\nsort of area to explore\nand it gives a lot of insight\npossibly into what's going on.\nSo finally now to come back to\nthe more kind of fundamental\nissues I started with.\nIs can we really argue\nthat complexity theory\nor computer theory or computer science.\nIs really an important\ningredient for physics\nthat would be a great thing.\nCause after all\nthe whole of complexity\ntheory is really a consequence\nof the fact that physical laws\nhave limited computing power.\nSee because complexity theory\nsays that there are these\nproblems which take a\nlot of effort to compute\nand other don't and which\nones do, which ones don't.\nThat kind of stuff.\nBut any computational process\nalthough in computing science\nyou abstract your models\nwhen you have a computer it's\nalways a physical device.\nSo what's happening is\nrestricted by the laws of physics\nso complexity theory really arises.\nIs really a study of\nthe computational power\nof the laws of physics.\nSo we want to turn that\naround now, see we want to ask\ncan things formulated in the\nlanguage of complexity theory\nbe then required for provisions on physics\nsort of constrain physical laws.\nSo in particular your NP the\nmost kind of notorious class.\nWe all believe that\nclassically we can't solve\nat a poly time can we.\nAnd quantumly it also despite\nthis exponential parallelism\nthis non determinism we're give it,\nI think it seems the case\nthat quantum computing\nalso can't do NP in polynomial time.\nWhich is rather mysterious I think.\nAnd you might elevate this\nsort of physical principle\nand say that no physical\nprocess should be able\nto compute NP problem within physical\ncontortion of result.\nPoly consumption of physical result.\nAnd this would be a constraint\non the laws of physics.\nIt's a bit like conservation of energy\nyou're not allowed to have a physical law\nthat gives you perpetual motion\nor just gives you energy for\nnothing and things like that.\nSo this would be on the same footing\nit would be a fundamental\nphysical principle\nthat would hugely constrain.\nThe possibility of the representation\nand the mathematical\nformulation that fits the laws.\nAnd it's absolutely amazing\nI think that it appears\nto be true in both classical\nand quantum physics.\nThat even though the physics was developed\nwith no thought what so ever\nof any kind of complexity\ntheory right.\nAnd despite the fact that both theories\nwhen you first look at them,\nnature is doing a massive\namount of computing power.\nWay more than you need\neven to solve NP problems.\nBut both theories nature\nsomehow bizarrely restricts\nour access to all this\ncomputations she's doing.\nSo what's the point of it\nwhy is physics like that?\nAnd in fact it's also known that if you\npeople sometimes consider\nmodifying the quantum laws\nin various ways.\nThen it's very hard to\nmodify the laws of physics\nto not have immense computing power.\nSo it's very special that\nclassical and quantum\nphysics have this limitation\nof apparently not being\nable to do NP problems.\nWhich is really quite striking I think.\nAnd this is being noticed before\nin the past decades or\nso by several people.\nSo just to say it's a bit more\nif classical physics or\nphysical evolution updates\nreal numbers you know the\nstates are labeled by position\nand the mentor and that kind of stuff.\nAnd certain infinite\ninformation processing.\nYou're updating all things\nso why can't we harness that to do\nwonderful computations?\nThe trouble is this is\nessentially animal computation\nit becomes unstable with\nthe number of digits\ndown the real number.\nAnd the higher on the\ndigits well you expect to\nrequire more effort to\nkeep them under control.\nBut in fact it requires exponential effort\nit could have only been polynomial effort,\nit's not it seems to be exponential\nand to control our parameters to n digits\nyou need exponential effort physically\nor exponential physical resources\nand that's what kills analog computation.\nThis whole idea and that's\nhow nature gets around\ngiving to us.\nSo our response to that of course\nis for n digits of information,\ninstead of using a single parameter\nwith n digits of accuracy.\nWhich requires exponential cast\nwe simply use order and systems\nwith just one or two digits each.\nEach one of which requires\na constant amount of\nstabilization and it\nonly grows linearly now\nto stabilize our potential.\nAnd what we've done here\nis precisely that digital\ncomputational.\nSo what gave us stability\nat the expense of losing\nthis ability to process huge\namounts of information locally.\nSo that's what happens\nin classical physics\nand in quantum physics\nwe've already seen that\nentanglement we have this\nexponential non determinism\nbuilt into our model of computation.\nFor example representing all the values\nbut building a function\nin just a linear amount\nof physical material registered.\nAnd we can produce this in linear time.\nBut the measurement theory\nthis bizarre collapsing\nwhen we just get this\nprobabilistic information\nwith destructive effects.\nSeems to be finally balanced against this\nmassive amount of\ninformation sitting there\njust right so that we\ncan't get what we want.\nWe get all the classical stuff\nand maybe a little bit more\nbut not the full powered NP.\nSo this is very suggestive I think that\nthere's a fundamental\nsignificance for computational\ncomplexity theory in\nfoundations of physics itself.\nWhich I think is a very\nvery exciting prospect.\nI think that's for me\nthe most novel ingredient\nthat the whole subject\nof quantum computing\nhas brought to physics.\nIt's just this completely\nnew perspective on\nthe foundations of physics\nin terms of complexity\nor specifically this precise\nkind of computational\ncomplexity type issue.\nAnd there's a lot more stuff\nto be understood there.\nYeah actually I've just finished\non this slightly enigmatic\nremark I think I'll just finish there\nand thank you very much for you time..\n(clapping)\n- Some questions, I think there was one.\n- What objective measurements\nor the more general?\n- Go for it, actually.\nI've only been talking about\nstandard measurements but\nin fact it seems true for general.\nCompletely general quantum measurements.\nThe theorem that what?\n- That the same is true for\ngeneralized measurements.\n- Yeah you don't get anything more.\n- Why?\n- Well because you can represent\ngeneralized measurement\nas a standard measurement in\nthat standard space I guess.\nThe dilation theorem\nyou can general the most\ngeneral quantum measurement\ncan be thought of as a\nordinary projective measurement\non a space where you're bringing an add\nand you're doing it on\na bigger space jointly.\nSo what can be represented formally.\n- So you mentioned that the\nfemur of classical analog\ncomputation because basically of right?\nYou do order correct dot?\nSo and the remedy was\ndigital classical computation.\nSo how about why do analog computation\nis it clear that we cannot correct it?\nDo error correction, we can\nand then maybe we can solve\nNP hard problems.\n- But the measurement theories different.\nYou can stabilize\nI mean in a sense quantum\ncomputing is analog\nbecause the unitary the gates if you like\nhave got continual parameters.\nIn that sense so you\nneed to stabilize that.\nBut because they're unitary you can,\nthe errors don't propagate in the same way\nas they do classically.\nSo I think you can stabilize though.\nBut the quantum measurement\ntheory is a different issue\nit's not one of stabilizing the thing.\nEven if you can stabilize it perfectly\nor there are no errors\nto infinite precision.\nYou still can't do anything\nbecause of the measurement theory.\nIt limits the amount of\ninformation you get out of it\nin a technical sense.\n- You mentioned that for\nboth special hardware\nboils down to having a\nnon stable neighbor gates\nand so does that mean if I implement\nthat only has these gates\nthat the it goes away?\n- No sorry, there's an extra ingredient.\nIt's log depth.\nSo you can implement Shor's\nalgorithm with nuro stable gates\nbut it'll poly size our\ncomputation but it would be\npoly depth.\nExactly because you know\nif you have distant gates\nordering apart in log depth.\nYou can use a ladder of swath operations\nwhich is linear length letter\nand so it becomes still poly depth\nbut not log depth anymore.\n- I've just confused you sir.\nFor example function like that width\nso actually you're really\nthanking the function\nusing a single pipe words.\nThat was expansion in many states.\n- Yeah n + 1 cubic it's a linear number.\n- How can you hide that there?\nYou have to have some\npriority to have that there.\n- Well you can make that state.\n- So it's to make like any internal state\nyou have to estimate your\nfunctioning for any times\nso you have state in beginning.\n- No you can make this state\nwith only a linear reference.\nI mean like right at the very beginning.\nSo if you start with a state of all zeros\nand if you apply this hadema operation\nwhere it requires this thing here.\nEach zero goes to zero + 1 over root two.\nAnd so you do that n times\nthen you get zero + 1 over root two.\nZero + 1 over root two,\nyou multiple them all out.\nYou get this exponential\nsuper positionable\nand it's strength and then you have the\ncomputer program that computes\nthe function on an input\nand because the gates are all linear.\nIf you put in this linear\nsuper position state\nit will manufacture that state for you\njust in one row.\nBut they all go through,\nit's non determinism\nall happening at the same place\nfor all the different values.\nSo you can genuinely make\nthis the polynomial effort\nlinear effort in fact.\n- Okay well that's thanks Richard again.\n(clapping)\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "\nEnglish: \nWelcome to GQueues, the leading Google-integrated task manager for people and teams.\nToday will teach you how to use the GQueues Chrome extension.\nAdd ideas and web content to GQueues\ndirectly through Google Chrome.\nThe first thing you'll need to do is\ninstall the extension from the\nChrome Web Store.\nYou can do that by going to chrome.google.com/webstore\nand typing in GQueues Chrome extension in the search box.\nThen click the blue plus button and it'll be installed to your browser\nWhen it prompts you to add GQueues, simply press Add.\nThe GQueues Chrome extension has been added to Chrome. The next thing you need to do to\nstart using the Chrome extension\nis click the blue GQueues icon on your\nbrowser, and connect\nyou GQueues account. This will only happen the first time the use the extension.\nnadia@gqueues.com, the email that I use\nfor my GQueues account, is now linked.\nThere are two main benefits to using the GQueues Chrome extension.\n\nSpanish: \nBienvenido a GQueues, el administrador de tareas integrado líder de Google para personas y equipos.\nHoy le enseñará cómo usar la extensión de Chrome de GQueues.\nAgregue ideas y contenido web a GQueues directamente a través de Google Chrome.\nLo primero que debes hacer es\ninstalar la extensión desde\nTienda virtual de Chrome.\nPuedes hacerlo yendo a chrome.google.com/webstore\ny escribir en la extensión de Chrome de GQueues en el cuadro de búsqueda.\nA continuación, haga clic en el botón azul más y se instalará en su navegador\nCuando te pide agregar GQueues, simplemente presiona Agregar.\nLa extensión de GQueues Chrome se agregó a Chrome. Lo siguiente que debes hacer es\ncomience a usar la extensión de Chrome\nhaga clic en el icono azul de GQueues en su navegador y conéctese\ntu cuenta de GQueues. Esto solo ocurrirá la primera vez que use la extensión.\nnadia@gqueues.com, el correo electrónico que uso para mi cuenta de GQueues, ahora está vinculado.\nHay dos ventajas principales al usar la extensión de Chrome de GQueues.\n\nEnglish: \nOne of them is for managing ideas that\ncome to you on the fly.\nLet's say that you're in a Skype call\nwith a client and you suddenly remember\n\"I have to book a babysitter for tomorrow\nnight.\" \nSubtly click the GQueues Chrome extension button and\ncreate a task.\nBook a baby sitter\nI'm going to add this to my home tag\nAnything I need to do for my home life will be organized together.\nAnd I'm also going to assign it to myself\nwhich means I'll receive an e-mail\nto nadia@gqueues.com. To go one step\nfurther\nI'm going to give myself a due date. So\nlet's say by 10 a.m.\nI will have found a babysitter.\nYou could choose email, SMS or pop-up\nreminders.\nIt'll take me about 45 minutes to come\nup with a good list of names.\nIf you know that you always look in your To Do queue for things that you got to do around the house,\nchoose that queue and that's where the\ntask will be housed.\n\nSpanish: \nUno de ellos es para administrar ideas que ven a ti sobre la marcha.\nDigamos que estás en una llamada de Skype con un cliente y de repente recuerdas\n\"Tengo que reservar una niñera para mañana noche.\"\nHaga clic sutilmente en el botón de extensión de Chrome de GQueues y\ncrea una tarea.\nReserve una niñera\nVoy a agregar esto a mi etiqueta de inicio\nTodo lo que necesite hacer para mi vida hogareña se organizará en conjunto.\nY también me lo asignaré lo que significa que recibiré un correo electrónico\na nadia@gqueues.com. Para ir un paso más allá\nVoy a darme una fecha de vencimiento. Asi que digamos antes de las 10 a.m.\nHabré encontrado una niñera.\nPuede elegir correo electrónico, SMS o pop-up recordatorios.\nMe tomará unos 45 minutos para venir con una buena lista de nombres.\nSi sabes que siempre buscas en tu cola de cosas pendientes cosas que tienes que hacer en la casa,\nelige esa cola y ahí es donde el la tarea será alojada.\n\nSpanish: \nEntonces ahora puedo crear mi tarea, ya sea presionar el botón azul o\nhaga clic dentro del cuadro Descripción y presione Enter.\nFabuloso, la tarea se crea.\nOtro aspecto realmente útil es que puedes enviar contenido web y\nasignarlo a tu equipo\nEntonces, por ejemplo, digamos que viniste a través de un artículo realmente increíble.\nUsted sabe que su equipo necesita enfocarse en Número cinco.\nDigamos que tienes mucha gente que no duerme realmente en tu equipo.\nSabes que será útil que lo lean en tu reunión del mediodía\ndía siguiente.\nEntonces, todo lo que tienes que hacer es hacer clic en GQueues ícono en la esquina superior derecha.\nHaga clic en la opción \"De la página web\". Copiará el título de la página\nen el cuadro Descripción y el enlace a una página en el cuadro Notas.\nAhora puede agregar \"Por favor, lea # 5 solamente\"\nDe esa forma, su equipo sabe exactamente en qué concentrarse y están\ntan preparado como usted para discutir esto en su reunión de mañana.\nVoy a asignarlo a mi creatividad\nequipo también. Alice\n\nEnglish: \nSo now I can create my task, either press\nthe blue button or\nclick inside the Description box and\npress Enter.\nFabulous, the task is created.\nAnother really helpful aspect is\nthat you can send web content and\nassign it to your team\nSo for example let's say that you came\nacross a really amazing article.\nYou know your team needs to focus on\nnumber five.\nLet's say you got a lot of people who don't\nget really any sleep on your team.\nYou know it'll be helpful for them to\nhave it read by your noon in meeting the\nnext day.\nSo all you have to do is click the GQueues\nicon in the top right hand corner.\nClick the \"From webpage\" option. It'll copy\nthe title of the page\ninto the Description box and the link to\na page in the Notes box.\nNow you can add \"Please read #5 only\"\nThat way your team knows exactly what to\nfocus on and they're\njust as prepared as you are to discuss\nthis at your meeting tomorrow.\nI'm going to assign it to my creative\nteam as well. Alice\n\nSpanish: \nMcGovin, Pete y yo también me lo asignaré solo para asegurarme de que lo tengo.\nLe daré una fecha de vencimiento a este tipo, ya que un artículo realmente corto\nVoy a llegar a las once en punto de la mañana y les daré\nun recordatorio\npor correo electrónico, unos 15 minutos\nVoy a poner en una tarea activa para mi creativos.\nTodas las personas que asignaron este tarea para tener acceso al artículo.\nAdemás, si sus tareas son activas, es una tarea compartida cola\nalguien o cualquier empleado en esa cola también puede leer el artículo.\nAsí que, por último, quiero cubrir cómo personaliza tu extensión de Chrome de GQueues.\nSi haces clic derecho sobre el ícono aquí y arrastre el cursor sobre las opciones,\ntienes tres opciones diferentes primero si alguna vez necesitas desconectarte\nCuenta de GQueues desde la extensión de Chrome usted puede. Solo presione desconectar.\nAdemás, cada sitio web al que va de la que quieres crear una tarea,\nsi quieres copiar el título y la URL por defecto\nsimplemente marque esta casilla y se copiará automáticamente en su descripción y\n\nEnglish: \nMcGovin, Pete and I'll also assign it to myself\njust to make sure I have it.\nI'll give these guy's a due date - since a\nreally short article\nI'm just gonna make it for eleven o'clock\ntomorrow morning and I'll give them \na reminder\nby email, about 15 minutes\nI'm going to put in an active tasks for my\ncreatives.\nAll the people that you assigned this\ntask to have access to the article.\nAlso if you're active tasks is a shared\nqueue\nanybody or any employee in that queue\ncan also read the article.\nSo lastly I want to cover how to\ncustomize your GQueues Chrome Extension.\nIf you right click on the icon over here\nand drag your cursor over to options,\nyou have three different options. First\nif you ever need to disconnect\nGQueues account from the Chrome extension\nyou can. Just press disconnect.\nAlso, every website you go to\nthat you want to create a task out of,\nif you want to copy the title and the\nURL by default\njust check this box and it'll automatically be\ncopied right into your description and\n\nEnglish: \nnotes respectively.\nAlso if you want to set a\ndefault queue for new tasks,\nso let's say you're To Do queue is one\nthat you always check,\nyou can do that and then press Save.\nTo get the GQueues Chrome extension visit\nthe bitly link below.\nThanks so much for watching this video\nand as always, you can find us at\nwww.gqueues.com\n\nSpanish: \nnotas respectivamente.\nTambién si quieres establecer un cola por defecto para nuevas tareas,\nasí que digamos que tu lista de tareas pendientes es la que siempre revisas,\nusted puede hacer eso y luego presione Guardar.\nPara obtener la extensión de GQueues Chrome, visite el enlace bitly a continuación.\nMuchas gracias por ver este video\ny como siempre, puedes encontrarnos en\nwww.gqueues.com\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "The International Olympic Committee released\na short documentary on the unified Korean\nwomen's ice hockey team.\nThe two-minute video titled \"PyeongChang's\nKorean Legacy\" features interviews with players\nand staff from both sides, reflecting on their\nexperiences at the end of the historic run.\nAlthough the team lost all five of their matches,\nthe athletes forged a close bond and left\na lasting impression as the world witnessed\nthem in action.\nHead coach Sarah Murray said it was great\nto see that by the end... you couldn't tell\nwho was from South or North Korea.\nThe video is available on the Olympic Channel\nwebsite.\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "The President:\nThank you very much.\nIt's great to have you at\nthe White House, and I\njust wanted to pass on\nword that Otto Warmbier\nhas just passed away.\nHe spent a year and a\nhalf in North Korea.\nA lot of bad things\nhappened, but at least we\ngot him home to be with\nhis parents where they\nwere so happy to see him,\neven though he was in\nvery tough condition.\nBut he just passed away\na little while ago.\nIt's a brutal regime, and\nwe'll be able to handle\nit, but I want to thank\nyou all for being here;\nspecial people.\nI'm really thrilled to\nwelcome many of you for\nthe first time and,\ncertainly, the first time\nmeeting as the American\nTechnology Council.\nWe're joined by an\nincredible group of\nleaders on the absolute\ncutting edge of\ninnovation, including many\nCEOs from the world's most\nsuccessful businesses.\nWe have approximately 3.5\ntrillion dollars of market\nvalue in this room.\nBut that's almost the\nexact number that we've\ncreated since my election.\n(laughter)\nIn fact, I think we have\nyou beat by a little bit,\nwhich is a pretty\ngood number.\nBut I congratulate\nyou all.\nYou've done an\namazing job.\nThank you for lending your\ntime and your talent to\nthe American people.\nA lot of ideas have come\nout of the room today, and\na lot of ideas will, over\nthe next short period of time.\nI also want to welcome\nSecretary Mnuchin,\nSecretary Kelly,\nAdministrator Verma, and\nmy Budget Director,\nMick Mulvaney.\nThank you all.\nYou've done a great job.\nI want to thank Jared and\nChris, Chris Lavalle, for\nassembling such a\nspectacular group of people.\nThey're working very, very\nhard, and I want to thank\nIvanka for working\nso hard on it.\nIt's a real passion.\nOur goal is to lead a\nsweeping transformation of\nthe federal government's\ntechnology that will\ndeliver dramatically\nbetter services for\ncitizens, stronger\nprotection from cyber\nattacks, which we were\njust discussing in the\nOval Office with a little\nbit smaller group.\nThat's a big problem.\nThere's no\nquestion about it.\nWe're going to\nbe working on it.\nWe're going to solve the\nproblem, and up to a\ntrillion dollars in\nsavings for tax payers\nover the next 10 years;\nover a trillion.\nWe're embracing big\nchange, bold thinking, and\noutsider perspectives to\ntransform government, and\nmake it the way it should\nbe, and at far less cost.\nMy administration's\nalready taken very\nhistoric steps to\nmodernize critical IT\nsystems, and make\ngovernment more transparent.\nAs an example, you're\nseeing what we're doing\nwith the airports, with\nall of the billions and\nbillions of dollars that\nhave been spent on planes\nflying all in the\nwrong directions.\nWe're getting it changed.\nThey've spent many\nbillions of dollars and we\nare getting that whole\nsystem fixed; money wasted\nover the last six or\nseven years: billions.\nV.A. Secretary Shulken recently\nannounced that we're\nupgrading technology\nto allow the seamless\ntransfer of veterans'\nmedical records from the\nDefense Department, which\nhas been a huge problem\nfor decades and decades\nfor our great veterans.\nWe'll have it fixed very\nsoon, but it's been a\nproblem for many,\nmany decades.\nAcross government we're\nfixing problems in months\nthat others have not fixed\nin many, many years, and\nwe're just\ngetting started.\nFifty years ago our\ngovernment drove the\ninnovation that inspired\nthe world and put\nAmericans on the moon.\nToday many of our agencies\nrely on painfully outdated\ntechnology, and yet we\nhave the greatest people\nin technology that the\nworld has ever seen right\nhere with us in this room.\nAnd most of them are just\nnodding as I say that.\nThey're actually\nagreeing with me --\n(laughter)\n-- which, that's\ninteresting Eric, right?\nGovernment needs to catch\nup with the\ntechnology revolution.\nWe're going to change that\nwith the help of great,\nAmerican businesses like\nthe people assembled.\nThe businesses represented\nhere today employ hundreds\nof thousands of\nAmerican workers.\nYour innovation has shaped\nthe modern world and\ncreated millions of jobs.\nAmerica should be\nthe global leader in\ngovernment technology,\njust as we are in every\nother aspect, and we are\ngoing to start our big\nedge again in technology;\nsuch an important industry.\nI view it from the\nstandpoint of jobs\nand other things.\nYou view it somewhat\ndifferently.\nBut we're all in\nthe same ballpark.\nIt's so important,\nso important.\nMy administration is\nembracing a new spirit of\ninnovation that will\nmake life better for all\nAmericans, and when it\ncomes to what we're here\nfor today, American\ntechnology, we're working\nvery diligently with\neverybody, including\nCongress, on immigration\nso that you can get the\npeople you want in your\ncompanies, and it's been a\ntremendous problem that\nyou've had over the past\nlong period of time.\nSo we're working very hard\non that, and we'll be able\nto solve that problem.\nI want to thank everyone\nin the room for lending\nyour time again, and what\nI'd like to do is maybe\njust go around the room\nbriefly and just introduce\nyourself and, perhaps,\nthe name of your company.\nWe won't go with too many\nlong speeches, but we'll\nstart with our wonderful,\ngreat genius from\nMicrosoft who has done\none hell of a job.\nCongratulations on\nthe job you've done.\nGo ahead.\nSatya Nadella: Thank\nyou Mr. President.\nThanks for the opportunity\ntoday to spend the time;\nboth learn and contribute,\nI think, to what is one of\nthe most important\ndialogues which is about\nmodernizing our government\nwith the latest\ntechnology, and so that\nthe people of America can\nbenefit from it.\nSo I think the first\nthing I took away is how\nimportant an agenda it is\nto modernize technology.\nThe second thing I think\nis for us to do our best\nwork as an industry and\nin collaboration with the\ngovernment to skill the\npeople of the United\nStates for the\njobs of the future.\nTechnology will play a\nrole, both in creation of\nthe jobs and the skills\nand then, lastly, I would\nsay that we also need\nto increase American\ncompetitiveness, and\nthe two things that the\ngovernment can and has\ndone is spending\nin big research.\nAfter all, all the\ntechnology that we have\ntoday is because it\nstarted, in fact, in the\ngovernment and the recent\ninstitutions you funded,\nas well as the enlightened\nimmigration policy.\nOf course, I'm a\nbeneficiary of that, and I\nhope that we continue to\nbe able to sort of really\nmake sure that the\nAmerican competitiveness\nis what helps us\nset policy for it.\nThe President: Well, thank\nyou Satya, and perhaps we\ncould keep it a little\nshorter than that.\n(laughter)\nOtherwise, we might be\nhere for a long time.\nAnyway, Jeff.\nJeff Bezos: All right,\nI will be short.\nI think, you know, when we\nmet before in December I\nencouraged this\nadministration that you\ncould be the Innovation\nAdministration.\nI'd like to see that kind\nof thinking continue.\nI applaud the formation of\nthe Innovation Council,\nand I thank Jared\nfor doing that.\nJust a couple of things\nthat you could certainly\nfocus on: one would\nbe using commercial\ntechnologies\nwherever possible.\nI think you guys are\nalready headed that way,\nbut to leverage those will\nsave taxpayers\na lot of money.\nThe second one is to\ncontinue to work hard on\nto figure out ways to\nretrain and upskill\nworkers all over the U.S.\nWe have a program at\nAmazon called Career\nChoice that's\nbeen doing that.\nWe've already got 10,000\npeople in the program.\nIvanka knows about\nthis program.\nAnd then the third thing\nto keep your eye on: I\nthink it would be\nimpossible to overstate\nthis, is that the United\nStates needs to, in every\nway, at every level,\nbe working on machine\nlearning and artificial\nintelligence, and that can\nbe used in every part of\ngovernment to improve the\nservices that government\nprovides to citizens.\nThe President: Good.\nThank you Jeff.\nVery good.\nThank you.\nOkay, next.\nRaphael Reif: Mr.\nPresident, I'm Rafael Reif.\nI'm MIT's president, and\nI'm delighted to be part\nof this terrific group.\nLet me say that I applaud\nthe focus of your\nadministration\nin innovation.\nWe are the most innovative\ncountry in the world\ntoday, and the biggest\nissue we have among our\nself right now is: my view\nis to stay where we are as\nthe most innovative\ncountry in the world 30\nyears from now and beyond.\nThe President: Well, my\nuncle was a professor\nthere for a long time, so\nI have a lot of respect\nfor MIT, believe\nme; great place.\nThank you.\nThank you very much.\nOkay, yes.\nCarol Fault: Carol Fault.\nI'm the Chancellor at UMC,\nand I too am delighted to\nbe here, talking about\ninnovation and\nworkforce and talent.\nPeople have said what's\nreally important, but when\nI think about the future,\nI think of all those kids\nthat have such capacity\nand what we're talking\nabout is trying to take\nevery resource we have to\nput to building that\ninnovation capacity for\nthe country, and so\nit's great to be here.\nThe President:\nThank you very much.\nYes, thank you.\nTom Leighton: I'm Tom\nLeighton from Akamai, and\nwe protect government\nwebsites from attackers,\nthe majority of the\ngovernment websites,\nincluding White House.gov.\nThe President: The DNC\ncould have used you.\n(laughter)\nTom Leighton: Well, it's\nan important job and, as\nyou can imagine, there's\na lot of folks out there\ntrying to do bad things,\nand we're delighted to\nhelp with the effort to\nsave a trillion dollars,\nand to secure\nthe government.\nThe President:\nGood, thank you.\nZachary Bookman: Thank\nyou Mr. President.\nI'm Zach Bookman, CEO of a\ncompany called Open Gov.\nWe have about 1,500\ngovernments across the\ncountry as customers of\nour smart government cloud\nfor budgeting and\nintelligence and open data.\nI'm really excited and\nhonored to be a part of\ntoday's conversation, and\nI applaud the work that\nJared and so many others\nhere are leading.\nIt's clear to me that a\nlot of the thinking being\napplied is exactly what's\nbeen needed for a long\ntime, and I think it's\njust the beginning of a\nlot of innovation.\nSo --\nThe President: I\nthink that's right.\nThank you very much.\nPat Gelsinger: Pat\nGelsinger, CEO of the\n(inaudible) representing\nDell here today, and we're\nsome 70 plus percent of\ngovernment workloads run\non the VMware\nsoftware today.\nSo we're thrilled to be\nable to be in that role\ntoday but, more\nimportantly, moving it\nforward to the cloud, we\nthink is critical; this\npotential in cyber and\nreally putting in place\ncyber hygiene and,\nultimately, we, as an\nindustry, are the product\nof the seed corn that was\nplanted 30, 40, 50 years\nago from the great\nresearch investments of\ngovernment and university.\nAnd we deeply believe that\nwe need to be planting\nthose seed corns\nfor our children\nand grandchildren.\nThe President:\nGreat, thank you.\nSteve Malenkov: Mr.\nPresident, Steve\nMalenkov, CEO of QUALCOMM.\nThank you for the\nopportunity to contribute today.\nObviously, our company\nworks a lot on creating\nthe base technology that\nallows big transitions to\nexist in cellular\ntechnologies, and we're\nvery excited about the\nupcoming 5G transition.\nIt's going to be a big job\ncreator worldwide, and I\nthink it's important\nthat the U.S.A.\nstays competitive, and we\napplaud the direction that\nthe administration\nis taking.\nThe President:\nThank you very much.\nJohn Doerr: Mr. President,\nmy name is John Doerr,\nChairman of Kleiner\nPerkins, and of a startup\ncompany called Nuna, and\nJeff would say that your\nadministration will be the\nInnovation Administration,\nand I'd like to challenge\nit to also be the Data\nLiberation Administration.\nThere's a trillion\ndollars' worth of value\nlocked up in government\ndatabases, and if we\nunlock that, we can\ntransform healthcare.\nWe can improve\nservices for citizens.\nWe could lower the costs\nto government, and if you\nset the data free, the\nentrepreneurs are\ngoing to do the rest.\nI'm particularly impressed\nby the thinking of Seema\nVerma over in --\nThe President: Right.\nJohn Doerr: -- your\nMedicare and Medicaid\nteams, and look forward to\nworking with you\nand the administration.\nThe President:\nThank you very much.\nThank you.\nMichael Drake: I'm Michael\nDrake, President of the\nOhio State University.\nI'm glad to be here today,\nand I'm very happy to\nparticipate in\nthis conversation.\nYou know, we try to enable\nand empower and inspire\nyoung people to make a\ndifference, and being able\nto partner with our\ncolleagues here around the\ntable and with the\ngovernment to do that in a\nbetter way is something\nthat we are\nvery excited about.\nThe President:\nThank you very much.\nAjaypal Banga: I'm\nAjay Banga, the CEO of\nMasterCard, and thank\nyou for having us,\nMr. President.\nI think in addition to\nwhat technology and the\nInternet are going to\ndo for all of us\nis an opportunity.\nSide-by-side comes a\ntremendous responsibility\nof cyber security.\nI think working that the\nright way with the right\npublic/private\npartnerships but also\nworking it where the\nweakest link, which is\nsmall merchants and the\nindividual consumer: get\nthe right level of safety\nthat they demand from us\nis really important.\nAnd I think the level\nof engagement and the\ndialogue today was\nvery, very interesting.\nThe President:\nThank you very much.\nGinni Rometti: Mr.\nPresident, Ginni\nRometti from IBM.\nAnd, you know, I've had\nthe pleasure of being in a\nnumber, and the honor of\nbeing in a number of these\nsessions, and I think it's\nworth noting that the\nefforts around workforce\ndevelopment, around cyber\nsecurity, around\nmodernization: while\nthey're difficult, in the\nshort time there has been\nprogress already made.\nAnd so I would really say,\non behalf of both, you\nknow, Ivanka and Jared and\nChris and Reid, those of\nus who've been in it from\nthe beginning: I can\nalready see, and actions\nhave been taken.\nSo, while these are\ndifficult problems, I\nwould just encourage us\nto keep going because I\nactually can see the\nchange happening already.\nSo I think this is a\ngood sign of progress.\nThe President:\nThank you Ginni.\nThank you very much.\nEric Schmidt: Mr.\nPresident, thanks to\nJared and Ivanka for sort\nof driving this so hard.\nI'm absolutely convinced\nthat during your\nadministration there's\ngoing to be a huge\nexplosion in new\nopportunities because the\nplatforms that are getting\nbuilt in our industry:\nthose will create huge,\nvery large new business\nopportunities, for which\nthe entrepreneurs,\ntechnical talent,\nimmigration, and so forth\nthat you understand: it\ncan drive America very,\nvery positively forward.\nIt's going to happen soon\nduring your leadership.\nThe President:\nWe will Eric.\nPeter.\nPeter Thiel: Mr.\nPresident, I'm Peter Thiel.\nI'm a venture capitalist\nin Silicon Valley; very\nhonored to be here today\nwith all these\nterrific people.\nI think that the tech\nindustry is an industry\nthat is doing well in\nAmerica, and we need to\nsort of make it do even\nbetter, and give it the\nsupport, the regulatory\nsupport, in all\nsorts of different ways.\nI think your\nadministration is off to a\nterrific start in\ndoing these things.\nThanks.\nThe President:\nThank you Peter.\nThank you for your help.\nI appreciate it.\nShantanu Narayen:\nMr. President, I'm\nShantanu Narayen.\nI'm CEO of Adobe.\nWe're the company that's\nbest known for Photoshop\nand PDF, and too, thank\nyou for having us today.\nTwo quick things: one is I\nthink you're championing a\nculture of innovation.\nI think it's going to be\ncritical to our country's\nfuture leadership, and\nshared services for\nimproving government will,\nI believe, drive a\nlot of efficiency.\nThe President:\nThank you very much.\nBrian Krzanich: Mr.\nPresident, Brian\nKrzanich, CEO of Intel.\nYou know, what I got out\nof today is first, it's a\ngreat honor to be here,\nand a real pleasure.\nBut also it was a great\noutreach, I think, between\nthe private/public\npartnerships that we can\nreally drive innovation\nmuch, much faster.\nAnd so I hope today's just\nthe start of what we can\naccomplish together.\nThe President: Thank you,\na great company, and I\nappreciate it.\nThank you very much.\nAlex Karp: I'm deeply\nhonored to be here.\nI'm Alex Karp, Palantir.\nI know many people in the\nroom and in your White\nHouse from our work and\ntech supported General\nMcMaster on the frontline\nin many of the special\noperations people in\nAmerica and\naround the world.\nWhat's very gratifying\nabout what you're doing is\nthe focus on getting more\noutput for the input,\nwhich I don't think\nthere's been a deep focus\non in the past, and I'm\nreally grateful to your\nstaff for pushing\nthat forward.\nWe focused on rooting out\nwaste, fraud, and abuse in\nthe government, which is\nsomething I think all\nAmericans would welcome,\nand I thank\nyou for your efforts.\nThe President: Thank you.\nThank you very much.\nBill McDermott: Bill\nMcDermott from SAP.\nIt's been a great pleasure\nworking with your team on\nthe intellectual\nrenewal of America.\nWe've had the opportunity,\nthe great opportunity, to\nwork with the Army, the\nNavy; even states like\nIndiana in driving\nresults, and I know you\nwant to drive results.\nSo in addition to the\ntrillion in costs we can\ntake out, probably we can\nadd another two trillion\non the numerator, in terms\nof digital business by\ngetting the public and the\nprivate sector in full\ncooperation under\nyour administration.\nI look forward to\nsupporting you every way I can.\nThe President:\nThank you very much.\nI appreciate it.\nBill McDermott: Thank\nyou Mr. President.\nKiron Skinner.\nHi, I'm Kiron Skinner.\nI think you know me from\nthe campaign on the\nforeign and diplomacy\nside, and from transition\nas well, but I'm also a\nprofessor at Carnegie\nMellon University, where\nI work on international\nsecurity issues, cyber\nsecurity with the\nengineers and computer\nscientists, and what I\nliked most about today\nis that we talked about\nre-creating the ecosystem\nof the early decades of\nthe Cold War among\ngovernment, the private\nsector, and the university\nto regenerate our economy,\nand create innovation.\nI'm also a fellow at the\nHoover Institution at\nStanford, and they'll\nget mad at me if\nI don't mention that.\n(laughter)\nThe President: That's\ngood, thank you very much.\nI appreciate it.\nJulie Sweet: Thank\nyou Mr. President.\nThank you Mr. President.\nI'm Julie Sweet, CEO\nof North America\nfor Accenture.\nThe level of discourse and\nenthusiasm in the sessions\ntoday, which were very\nproductive, is a powerful\nreminder of the importance\nof collaboration, and I\nthink two very clear\nthemes were that\nmodernizing the government\nis not about technology.\nIt is about outcomes for\nour citizens and, second,\nis the investment also in\nour great public servants\nthat this will bring\nabout, and the\nopportunities for the many\npeople who serve in the\nfederal government today\nto help them bring better\nservices and outcomes\nfor the citizens.\nAnd those are both very\nimportant and exciting things.\nThe President: Thank you.\nThank you very much.\nSafra Katz: I'm Safra\nKatz, CEO of Oracle.\nWe had an absolutely\ntremendous day working together.\nThe partnership between\nacademia, the government,\nand commercial enterprise\nis such a powerful\ncombination, together\nwith leadership, which is\ncritical for real success,\nand you had volunteers\nfrom all sides, and a lot\nof people working already\nand raring to go\nfor the next level.\nSo, thank you.\nThe President:\nThank you Safra.\nTim Cook: I'm Tim\nCook from Apple.\nThe U.S. should have the most\nmodern government in the\nworld, and today it\ndoesn't, and it's great to\nsee the effort that Jared\nis putting in in working\non things that will pay\nback in five and\n10 and 20 years.\nThe government should be\nfocused on its citizens,\nand the services of the\ngovernment should be\nmeasured on how pleased\nthe citizens are with\nreceiving those services.\nThat basic premise is not\nhow it's done today, and\nso I would really\nencourage you to ask the\nCabinet how they're\nmeasuring their parts of\ngovernment, and what\nthey're doing to serve the\ncitizens that\nthey're meant to do.\nSecondly, totally\nunrelated, but something I\nfeel very passionate\nabout: coding should be a\nrequirement in every\npublic school.\nWe have a huge deficit in\nthe skills that we need\ntoday, versus the skills\nthat are there, and we're\ntrying to do our part or,\nhopefully, more than our\npart in doing that.\nBut I think leadership\nfrom government is also key.\nThe President: Thank\nyou very much Tim.\nI appreciate it, and I\nappreciate all you're\ndoing over the last number\nof months for jobs.\nThank you all.\nThank you very much.\nI appreciate it.\nThank you.\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "Girls and Boys, Pick up your BATs\nThe future of entertainment is here\nHi I'm Jamie\nHello, I'm Manu\nHi, I'm Shash. We are scientists\nAnd, we love to play Cricket\nWell, really we just want to BAT\nVirtual Reality meets Cricket\nFull 360 degrees viewing\nMotion tracking\nLadies and Gentlemen, pick up your BATs\nLadies and Gentlemen, pick up your BATs\nWas that it?\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "Elvis has entered the building!\nThat’s right, after beating out big names like Miles Teller, Harry Styles and Ansel Elgort, \nAustin Butler has been crowned as the King of Rock and Roll playing Elvis Presley in \nBaz Luhrmann’s upcoming biopic. The film is said to focus on the late entertainer's rise \nto fame, with a major part of the pic being his relationship with his manager, \nColonel Tom Parker. Luhrmann released a statement following the casting news saying \nthat in order to do the role justice they needed someone with the natural movement \nand vocal qualities of the iconic star but also someone with the ability to show the inner \nvulnerability of who Elvis was. \nThe actor has had a relatively low profile thus far, appearing on TV’s 'The Shannara \nChronicles' and a role in Quentin Tarantino's upcoming film 'Once Upon a Time in \nHollywood,' but I’m guessing his star power is only going to grow after playing one of \nthe most iconic musicians of all time. Another star already confirmed for the project \nis none other than Tom Hanks who is set to play Parker, the legendary manager \nwho controlled every aspect of Elvis' life. Luhrmann is also set to produce the feature, \nwhich has been in development since the director wrapped up 'The Great Gatsby.' \nFor more casting updates head to THR.com \nand until next time for The Hollywood Reporter News I’m Neha Joy.\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "\nUkrainian: \nПривіт мене звуть Зак, і я з Lucidchart.\nСьогодні я розповім вам про діаграми класів UML.\nПочнемо з деяких основних характеристик.\nПотім ми поговоримо про відношення.\nІ ми закінчимо, розглянувши деякі\nприклади разом.\nДобре, давайте поговоримо про деякі з основних\nхарактеристики діаграм класів.\nЩоб допомогти пояснити ці характеристики, я\nзбираюся привести приклад, щоб проілюструвати.\nОтже, скажімо, ми будуємо систему\nзоопарк.\nІ, до речі, ці приклади що я збираюся\nприводити, ймовірно, ніколи не знадобляться\nв реальних програмах, але вони зроблять всі ці поняття легшими для розуміння.\nТаким чином, у нашому зоопарку, ми хотіли б описати\nрізні речі, які знаходяться в системі.\nВи представляєте ці речі через класи,\nі цей клас тут зображений.\nТак що ж в зоопарку?\nНу є тонна тварин.\nТаким чином, ми могли б створити клас для наших тварин.\nДля цього ви просто пишете ім'я\nкласу у верхньому розділі.\nЯкщо наш клас - тварина, то екземпляр\nкласу був би конкретною твариною.\nТому питання полягає в тому, щоб ви зробили щоб ідентифікувати кожен екземпляр цього класу?\nВи робите це через атрибути.\n\nSpanish: \nHola, mi nombre es Zach, y trabajo en Lucidchart.\nHoy te enseñaré acerca de los diagramas de clase UML.\nEmpezaremos con algunas características básicas.\nLuego hablaremos de sus relaciones.\nY finalizaremos con algunos ejemplos.\nBien, hablemos sobre algunas características básicas de los diagramas de clase.\nPara facilitar la explicación de estas características, voy a poner un ejemplo ilustrativo.\nAsí que digamos que estamos construyendo un sistema para un zoológico.\nY, para ello, estos ejemplos probablemente no tengan aplicación alguna\nen un verdadero programa, pero haré que todos los conceptos sean más fáciles de comprender.\nAsí que en nuestro zoológico, querríamos describir diferentes cosas que están dentro de este sistema.\nEsas cosas las representas por medio de clases, y una clase es ilustrada con esta figura aquí.\nEntonces, ¿qué hay en un zoológico?\nBueno, hay una tonelada de animales.\nAsí que podemos crear una clase para nuestros animales.\nPara hacerlo, escribes el nombre de la clase en esta sección.\nSi nuestra clase es \"Animal\", una instancia de esa clase podría ser un animal específico.\nEntonces la pregunta es, ¿cómo podrías ir identificando cada instancia de esa clase?\nLo haces por medio de atributos.\n\nIndonesian: \nhi nama saya zach dan saya dengan lucidchart\nhari ini saya akan menerangkan kamu tentang class diagram UML\nmari kita mula dengan dasar ciri cirinya\nkemudian kita akan berbicara tentang hubungan\nDan kami akan menyelesaikannya dengan melewati beberapa\ncontoh bersama.\nBaiklah, mari kita bicara tentang beberapa dasar\nkarakteristik diagram kelas.\nUntuk membantu menjelaskan karakteristik ini, saya\nakan membuat contoh untuk membantu menggambarkan.\nJadi katakanlah kita sedang membangun sebuah sistem untuk\nsebuah kebun binatang.\nDan, omong-omong, contoh-contoh ini saya akan pergi\nuntuk menggunakan mungkin tidak akan pernah menemukan mereka\njalan ke program yang sebenarnya, tetapi itu akan membuat\nsemua konsep ini lebih mudah dimengerti.\nJadi di kebun binatang kami, kami ingin menggambarkan\nhal-hal berbeda yang ada dalam sistem.\nAnda mewakili hal-hal itu melalui kelas,\ndan sebuah kelas digambarkan dengan bentuk ini di sini.\nJadi apa yang ada di kebun binatang?\nYah ada satu ton hewan.\nJadi kita bisa membuat kelas untuk hewan kita.\nUntuk melakukan itu, Anda cukup menulis nama\nkelas di bagian atas ini.\nJika kelas kami adalah Hewan, contohnya\nkelas akan menjadi binatang tertentu.\nJadi pertanyaannya adalah, bagaimana Anda melakukannya?\nmengidentifikasi setiap instance dari kelas itu?\nAnda melakukannya melalui atribut.\n\nVietnamese: \n \nHôm nay chúng ta sẽ nói về biểu đồ lớp\nta sẽ bắt đầu với những khái niệm cơ bản trong biểu đồ lớp\nsau đó ta sẽ nói về các relationships (mối quan hệ)\nqua vài ví dụ sau đây\nOK, bắt đầu nói tới những phần cơ bản trong biểu đồ lớp\nđể giải thích những thành phần này, tôi sẽ minh họa qua ví dụ sau\ngiả sử ta đang xây dựng hệ thống cho một công viên\n \n \nta muốn thiết kế nhiều thứ khác nhau trong hệ thống công viên này\nbạn mô tả những thứ này qua những class (các lớp), và những class này được mô tả qua khung mẫu như trên\nvậy cái gì trong công viên?\nđó là các loài động vật\ndo đó ta tạo class cho những động vật này\nđể làm điều đó, bạn cần đặt tên cho class trên đầu của khung mô tả\ntrong class Animal, thể hiện của lớp là một con vật cụ thể\ncâu hỏi là, sao ta có thể định nghĩa mỗi thể hiện(con vật trên) của lớp Animal?\nbạn làm điều này qua attributes(các thuộc tính)\n\nPortuguese: \nOi meu nome é Zach, e eu estou\ncom Lucidchart.\nHoje estarei ensinando sobre Diagramas de Classes UML.\nNos iremos começar com algumas características básicas.\nEntão falaremos sobre a relacionamentos.\ne terminaremos passando por alguns exemplos juntos.\nCerto, vamos falar sobre algumas das características básicas dos diagramas de classes.\nPara ajudar a explicar essas características, vou fazer um exemplo para ajudar a ilustrar.\nEntão, digamos que estamos construindo um sistema para um zoológico.\nE, a propósito, esses exemplos que vou usar provavelmente nunca irão usar\nem um programa, mas ajudarão a entender todos os conceitos mais facilmente.\nEntão, no nosso zoológico, gostaríamos de descrever as diferentes coisas que estão no sistema.\nVocê representa essas coisas através das classes, e uma classe é retratada com este formato aqui.\nEntão, o que há em um zoológico?\nBem, há uma tonelada de animais.\nEntão, poderíamos criar uma classe para nossos animais.\nPara fazer isso, você apenas escreve o nome da classe nesta seção superior.\nSe nossa classe é Animal, uma instância disso\nclasse seria um animal específico.\nEntão a questão é, como você faria\nidentificando cada instância dessa classe?\nVocê faz isso através de atributos.\n\nEnglish: \nHi my name is Zach, and I'm with Lucidchart.\nToday I'll be teaching you about UML Class Diagrams.\nWe'll start with some of the basic characteristics.\nThen we'll talk about relationships.\nAnd we'll finish up by going through some\nexamples together.\nAlright, let’s talk about some of the basic\ncharacteristics of class diagrams.\nTo help explain these characteristics, I’m\ngoing to make up an example to help illustrate.\nSo let’s say we’re building a system for\na zoo.\nAnd, by the way, these examples I’m going\nto use probably wouldn’t ever find their\nway into an actual program, but it’ll make\nall these concepts easier to understand.\nSo in our zoo, we’d want to describe the\ndifferent things that are in the system.\nYou represent those things through classes,\nand a class is depicted with this shape here.\nSo what’s in a zoo?\nWell there are a ton of animals.\nSo we could create a class for our animals.\nTo do that, you just write the name of the\nclass in this top section.\nIf our class is Animal, an instance of that\nclass would be a specific animal.\nSo the question is, how would you go about\nidentifying each instance of that class?\nYou do that through attributes.\n\nArabic: \nمرحبا اسمي زاك ، وأنا مع Lucidchart.\nاليوم سأعلمك عن UML Class Diagrams.\nسنبدأ ببعض الخصائص الأساسية.\nثم سنتحدث عن العلاقات.\nوسوف ننتهي من خلال الذهاب من خلال بعض\nأمثلة معا.\nحسنا ، دعونا نتحدث عن بعض من الأساسي\nخصائص الرسوم البيانية للفئة.\nللمساعدة في شرح هذه الخصائص ، أنا\nسوف تشكل مثالا للمساعدة في توضيح.\nلنفترض أننا نبني نظامًا لـ\nحديقة حيوان.\nوبالمناسبة ، هذه الأمثلة أنا ذاهبة\nلاستخدام ربما لن تجد من أي وقت مضى\nالطريق إلى برنامج حقيقي ، لكنه سيجعل\nكل هذه المفاهيم أسهل للفهم.\nلذلك في حديقة الحيوان لدينا ، نود لوصف\nأشياء مختلفة موجودة في النظام.\nأنت تمثل تلك الأشياء من خلال الفصول الدراسية ،\nوصنف صف مع هذا الشكل هنا.\nإذن ماذا يوجد في حديقة الحيوان؟\nحسنا هناك طن من الحيوانات.\nحتى نتمكن من إنشاء فئة لحيواناتنا.\nللقيام بذلك ، عليك فقط كتابة اسم\nالطبقة في هذا القسم العلوي.\nإذا كان صفنا هو الحيوان ، مثال على ذلك\nالطبقة ستكون حيوان معين.\nلذا فإن السؤال هو ، كيف ستذهب\nتحديد كل مثيل لهذا الفصل؟\nتفعل ذلك من خلال السمات.\n\nModern Greek (1453-): \nΓεια σου το όνομα μου είναι Zach, και είμαι με Lucidchart.\nΣήμερα θα σας διδάξω για διαγράμματα κλάσης UML.\nΘα ξεκινήσουμε με μερικά από τα βασικά χαρακτηριστικά.\nΤότε θα μιλήσουμε για σχέσεις.\nΚαι θα τελειώσουμε περνώντας από μερικά\nπαραδείγματα μαζί.\nΕντάξει, ας μιλήσουμε για κάποιες από τις βασικές\nχαρακτηριστικά των ταξικών διαγραμμάτων.\nΓια να μπορέσω να εξηγήσω αυτά τα χαρακτηριστικά, είμαι\nπρόκειται να αποτελέσει παράδειγμα που θα βοηθήσει στην απεικόνιση.\nΑς πούμε ότι χτίζουμε ένα σύστημα για\nένας ζωολογικός κήπος.\nΚαι, παρεμπιπτόντως, αυτά τα παραδείγματα πηγαίνω\nνα χρησιμοποιήσετε πιθανώς δεν θα βρούμε ποτέ τους\nσε ένα πραγματικό πρόγραμμα, αλλά θα το κάνει\nόλες αυτές οι έννοιες είναι ευκολότερο να κατανοηθούν.\nΈτσι, στο ζωολογικό κήπο μας, θα θέλαμε να περιγράψουμε το\nδιαφορετικά πράγματα που υπάρχουν στο σύστημα.\nΕκπροσωπείτε αυτά τα πράγματα μέσω των τάξεων,\nκαι μια τάξη απεικονίζεται με αυτό το σχήμα εδώ.\nΤι γίνεται σε ζωολογικό κήπο;\nΛοιπόν υπάρχει ένας τόνος ζώων.\nΈτσι θα μπορούσαμε να δημιουργήσουμε μια τάξη για τα ζώα μας.\nΓια να το κάνετε αυτό, γράφετε μόνο το όνομα του\nσε αυτή την κορυφαία ενότητα.\nΑν η τάξη μας είναι ζώο, μια τέτοια περίπτωση\nθα ήταν ένα συγκεκριμένο ζώο.\nΈτσι λοιπόν το ερώτημα είναι, πώς θα πήγαινα\nεντοπίζοντας κάθε εμφάνιση αυτής της κατηγορίας;\nΤο κάνετε αυτό μέσω των χαρακτηριστικών.\n\nFrench: \nSalut mon nom est Zach, et je suis avec Lucidchart.\nAujourd'hui, je vais vous enseigner les diagrammes de classes UML.\nNous allons commencer avec quelques-unes des caractéristiques de base.\nEnsuite, nous parlerons des relations.\nEt nous finirons en passant par quelques\nexemples ensemble.\nD'accord, parlons de quelques-unes des bases\ncaractéristiques des diagrammes de classes.\nPour aider à expliquer ces caractéristiques, je suis\nva constituer un exemple pour aider à illustrer.\nAlors disons que nous construisons un système pour\nun zoo.\nEt, en passant, ces exemples je vais\nutiliser probablement ne trouverait jamais leur\nmanière dans un programme réel, mais ça va faire\ntous ces concepts plus faciles à comprendre.\nDonc, dans notre zoo, nous voudrions décrire le\ndifférentes choses qui sont dans le système.\nVous représentez ces choses à travers les classes,\net une classe est représentée avec cette forme ici.\nAlors, qu'est-ce qu'il y a dans un zoo?\nEh bien, il y a une tonne d'animaux.\nNous pourrions donc créer une classe pour nos animaux.\nPour ce faire, vous venez d'écrire le nom de la\nclasse dans cette section supérieure.\nSi notre classe est Animal, une instance de ce\nclasse serait un animal spécifique.\nDonc la question est, comment iriez-vous\nidentifier chaque instance de cette classe?\nVous faites cela à travers les attributs.\n\nThai: \nสวัสดีฉันชื่อซัคและฉันอยู่กับ Lucidchart\nวันนี้ฉันจะสอนคุณเกี่ยวกับ UML Class Diagrams\nเราจะเริ่มต้นด้วยลักษณะพื้นฐานบางประการ\nจากนั้นเราจะพูดถึงความสัมพันธ์\nและเราจะจบลงด้วยการผ่านบางส่วน\nตัวอย่างร่วมกัน\nเอาล่ะพูดคุยเกี่ยวกับพื้นฐานบางอย่าง\nลักษณะของแผนผังชั้น\nเพื่อช่วยอธิบายลักษณะเหล่านี้ฉัน\nจะเป็นตัวอย่างเพื่อช่วยอธิบาย\nสมมติว่าเรากำลังสร้างระบบสำหรับ\nสวนสัตว์\nและโดยวิธีการเหล่านี้ตัวอย่างฉันจะ\nการใช้อาจจะไม่เคยพบพวกเขา\nเข้าไปในโปรแกรมจริง แต่ก็จะทำให้\nแนวคิดเหล่านี้ทั้งหมดเข้าใจง่ายขึ้น\nดังนั้นในสวนสัตว์ของเราเราต้องการอธิบาย\nสิ่งต่างๆที่อยู่ในระบบ\nคุณเป็นตัวแทนสิ่งเหล่านั้นผ่านชั้นเรียน,\nและชั้นนี้มีภาพนี้\nดังนั้นสิ่งที่อยู่ในสวนสัตว์?\nดีมีตันของสัตว์\nดังนั้นเราจึงสามารถสร้างชั้นเรียนสำหรับสัตว์ของเราได้\nเมื่อต้องการทำเช่นนั้นคุณเพียงแค่เขียนชื่อของ\nclass ในส่วนบนสุดนี้\nถ้าชั้นเรียนของเราเป็นสัตว์ตัวอย่างของที่\nคลาสจะเป็นสัตว์ที่เฉพาะเจาะจง\nคำถามก็คือคุณจะทำอย่างไร\nการระบุแต่ละอินสแตนซ์ของคลาสนั้น?\nคุณทำผ่านคุณสมบัติ\n\nChinese: \n你好,我的名字是Zach,我和Lucidchart在一起。\n今天我将教你如何使用UML Class Diagrams。\n我们将从一些基本特征开始。\n然后我们将谈论关系。\n我们将通过一些经历完成\n一起举例。\n好吧,我们来谈谈一些基本的\n类图的特征。\n为了帮助解释这些特征,我是\n打算做一个例子来帮助说明。\n所以我们假设我们正在构建一个系统\n一个动物园。\n顺便说一下,这些例子我要去了\n使用可能永远不会找到他们的\n进入实际程序的方式,但它会成功\n所有这些概念都更容易理解。\n所以在我们的动物园里,我们想要描述一下\n系统中的不同事物。\n你通过课程代表那些东西,\n并且在这里用这种形状描绘了一个类。\n那动物园里有什么?\n那里有很多动物。\n所以我们可以为我们的动物创建一个类。\n要做到这一点,你只需要写出名称\n这个顶部的课程。\n如果我们的类是Animal,那就是它的一个例子\n阶级将是一种特定的动物。\n所以问题是,你会怎么做\n识别该类的每个实例?\n你通过属性来做到这一点。\n\nModern Greek (1453-): \nΈνα χαρακτηριστικό είναι ένα σημαντικό κομμάτι δεδομένων\nπου περιέχουν τιμές που περιγράφουν κάθε περίπτωση\nτης τάξης αυτής.\nΕίναι επίσης γνωστά ως πεδία, μεταβλητές,\nή ιδιότητες, και πηγαίνουν στο μεσαίο τμήμα εδώ.\nΈτσι για την κατηγορία των ζώων μας, θα μπορούσαμε να δημιουργήσουμε χαρακτηριστικά\nόπως όνομα, αναγνωριστικό και ηλικία.\nΜε αυτόν τον τρόπο θα μπορούσαμε να εντοπίσουμε μια συγκεκριμένη περίπτωση\nτης κατηγορίας ζώων.\nΌπως η Ruth, αριθμός ταυτότητας 304, ηλικία 114 ετών.\nΑυτά πρέπει να μορφοποιηθούν με κάποιο τρόπο.\nΞεκινάτε με την ορατότητα, την οποία θα μιλήσουμε\nγια αργότερα. Το όνομα του αρχικού χαρακτηριστικού\nμε ένα μικρό γράμμα.\nΣτη συνέχεια ακολουθείτε με ένα παχύ έντερο και τα δεδομένα\nτύπος.\nΓια το όνομα, θα θέλαμε να επιστρέψουμε μια συμβολοσειρά.\nΚαι μπορούμε να διαμορφώσουμε τα άλλα χαρακτηριστικά\nμε τον ίδιο τρόπο, εκτός από το ότι θα θέλαμε να επιστρέψουμε\nένας ακέραιος αριθμός επειδή αυτοί είναι αριθμοί.\nΤώρα που έχουμε κάποιες ιδιότητες για μας\nΚλάση ζώων, φτάνουμε στο κάτω μέρος εδώ.\nΑυτό είναι όπου βάζετε μεθόδους, οι οποίες είναι επίσης\nγνωστές ως λειτουργίες ή λειτουργίες.\nΟι μέθοδοι σάς επιτρέπουν να ορίσετε οποιαδήποτε συμπεριφορά\nχαρακτηριστικά μιας τάξης.\nΜπορούμε λοιπόν να αναρωτηθούμε, τι είναι διαφορετικοί\nσυμπεριφορές αυτής της κατηγορίας ζώων;\nΊσως θα θέλαμε να είμαστε σε θέση να αλλάξουμε\nτα ονόματα των ζώων.\nΌπως η Ρουθ θα έπρεπε πραγματικά να ονομαστεί Ρίτα.\nΈτσι, ας δημιουργήσουμε μια λειτουργία που ονομάζεται Set Name.\n\nChinese: \n属性是重要的数据\n包含描述每个实例的值\n那个班。\n它们也被称为字段,变量,\n或属性,它们在这里的中间部分。\n因此,对于我们的动物类,我们可以创建属性\n喜欢名字,身份证和年龄。\n这样我们就可以确定一个特定的实例\n动物类。\n与露丝一样,身份证号码304,年龄114岁。\n这些需要以某种方式格式化。\n你从可见性开始,我们将谈谈\n关于以后。属性开头的名称\n用小写字母。\n然后你用冒号和数据跟着它\n类型。\n对于名称,我们想要返回一个字符串。\n我们可以格式化其他属性了\n同样的方式,除了我们想要回来\n整数,因为这些是数字。\n现在我们已经为我们提供了一些属性\n动物类,我们到这里的底部。\n这是你放置方法的地方,也是\n称为操作或功能。\n方法允许您指定任何行为\n一个类的特点。\n所以我们可能会问自己,有什么不同\n这个动物类的行为?\n也许我们希望能够改变我们的\n动物的名字。\n就像露丝应该被称为丽塔。\n所以让我们创建一个名为Set Name的函数。\n\nSpanish: \nUn atributo es una significativa pieza de datos conteniendo valores que describen cada instancia\nde esa clase.\nTambién son conocidos como campos, variables, y van aquí, en la sección del medio.\nPara nuestra clase \"Animal\", crearemos atributos como \"nombre\", \"ID\" y \"edad\".\nDe esa manera, podemos identificar una instancia específica de la clase \"Animal\".\nComo Ruth, ID 304 y 114 años de edad.\nSin embargo, estas necesitan ser formateadas de un cierto modo.\nEmpiezas por la visibilidad, de la cual hablaremos más adelante. El nombre del atributo inicia\ncon una letra minúscula.\nDespués agregas dos puntos y el tipo de dato.\nPara el nombre, tendríamos que devolver un valor \"cadena\".\nY podemos darle formato a los otros atributos del mismo modo, excepto que queremos devolver\nun valor entero de estos números.\nAhora que tenemos algunos atributos para nuestra clase \"Animal\", nos dirigimos a la sección del fondo aquí.\nAquí es donde ingresas los métodos, los cuales también son conocidos como operadores o funciones.\nLos métodos te permiten especificar cualquier característica del comportamiento en una clase.\nEntonces debemos preguntarnos, ¿cuáles son los diferentes comportamientos de esta clase Animal?\nTal vez querríamos ser capaces de cambiar los nombres de nuestros animales.\nComo Ruth, en realidad debería llamarse Rita.\nAsí que vamos a crear una función llamada \"SetNombre\".\n\nUkrainian: \nАтрибути є важливими фрагментами даних, які містять значення, що описує кожен екземпляр\nцього класу.\nВони також відомі як поля, змінні,\nабо властивості, і вони йдуть у середній частині тут.\nТаким чином, для нашого класу тварин ми могли б створювати атрибути\nяк ім'я, ідентифікатор і вік.\nТаким чином ми могли б визначити конкретний приклад\nкласу тварин.\nЯк от Рут, ідентифікаційний номер 304, вік 114 років.\nВони повинні бути відформатовані певним чином.\nВи починаєте з видимості, про яку ми поговоримо пізніше. Ім'я атрибута починається\nз малої літери.\nПотім за нею через двокрапку тип даних.\nДля назви потрібно задати тип рядок.\nІ ми можемо форматувати інші атрибути\nТак само, крім того, що ми хочемо задати\nціле число, оскільки це числа.\nТепер, коли у нас є деякі атрибути для нашого класу Тварина, ми дістаємося до нижньої секції тут.\nСаме тут ви ставите методи, які також\nвідомі як операції або функції.\nМетоди дозволяють вказати будь-які поведінкові особливості класу.\nТаким чином, ми можемо запитати себе, які різні поведінки цього класу тварин?\nМожливо, ми хотіли б змінювати імена тварин.\nТак Рут повинна насправді називатися Рита.\nТож давайте створимо функцію Set Name.\n\nEnglish: \nAn attribute is a significant piece of data\ncontaining values that describe each instance\nof that class.\nThey’re also known as fields, variables,\nor properties, and they go in the middle section here.\nSo for our animal class, we could create attributes\nlike name, ID, and age.\nThat way we could identify a specific instance\nof the animal class.\nLike Ruth, ID number 304, age 114.\nThese need to be formatted a certain way though.\nYou start with visibility, which we’ll talk\nabout later. The name of the attribute beginning\nwith a lowercase letter.\nThen you follow it with a colon and the data\ntype.\nFor the name, we’d want to return a string.\nAnd we can format the other attributes the\nsame way, except that we’d want to return\nan integer since these are numbers.\nNow that we’ve got some attributes for our\nAnimal class, we get to the bottom section here.\nThis is where you put methods, which are also\nknown as operations or functions.\nMethods allow you to specify any behavioral\nfeatures of a class.\nSo we might ask ourselves, what are some different\nbehaviors of this Animal class?\nMaybe we’d want to be able to change our\nanimals’ names.\nLike Ruth should actually be called Rita.\nSo let’s create a function called Set Name.\n\nArabic: \nالسمة هي جزء هام من البيانات\nتحتوي على القيم التي تصف كل مثيل\nمن هذا الفصل.\nإنها معروفة أيضًا باسم الحقول والمتغيرات\nأو خصائص ، ويذهبون في القسم الأوسط هنا.\nإذن بالنسبة لفئة الحيوانات لدينا ، يمكننا إنشاء سمات\nمثل الاسم والهوية والعمر.\nبهذه الطريقة يمكننا تحديد حالة محددة\nمن طبقة الحيوانات.\nمثل روث ، رقم الهوية 304 ، السن 114.\nهذه تحتاج إلى تنسيق بطريقة معينة رغم ذلك.\nتبدأ بالرؤية ، التي سنتحدث عنها\nفي وقت لاحق. اسم بداية السمة\nبحرف صغير.\nثم تتبعها بنقطتين والبيانات\nنوع.\nللاسم ، سنرغب في إرجاع سلسلة.\nويمكننا تنسيق السمات الأخرى\nبنفس الطريقة ، إلا أننا نريد العودة\nعدد صحيح لأن هذه الأرقام.\nالآن لدينا بعض السمات لدينا\nالطبقة الحيوانية ، نصل إلى القسم السفلي هنا.\nهذا هو المكان الذي تضع فيه الأساليب ، والتي هي أيضا\nتعرف باسم العمليات أو الوظائف.\nتسمح لك الطرق بتحديد أي سلوك\nميزات للفئة.\nلذلك قد نسأل أنفسنا ، ما هو مختلف بعض الشيء\nسلوكيات هذه الطبقة الحيوان؟\nربما نريد أن نكون قادرين على تغيير\nأسماء الحيوانات.\nمثل روث يجب أن تدعى ريتا.\nلذلك دعونا إنشاء وظيفة تسمى Set Name.\n\nVietnamese: \nmột thuộc tính thể hiện một phần thông tin mô tả mỗi thể hiện(các con vật cụ thể)\ncủa lớp đó\nchúng cũng được hiểu như là các flelds(các trường), variables(các biến), hay properties(các đặc tính), và được khai báo trong phần giữa của khung\nvới lớp Animal, ta tạo ra các thuộc tính như tên, ID, tuổi\nBằng cách đó ta identify(định nghĩa) các thể hiện của lớp\nnhư là Ruth, ID là 304, tuổi 114\n \ntạm thời ta đặt tên của thuộc tính bắt đầu bởi dấu \"-\" phía trước\n \nsau đó là dấu hai chấm và loại dữ liệu\nvới tên, ta muốn thể hiện nó bằng chuỗi\ntương tự với các thuộc tính khác\nid là kiểu integer\nta đã có các thuộc tính của lớp, tiếp tới là phần cuối của khung\nđây là nơi bạn đặt các methods(phương thức), giống như là các hàm\nmethods cho phép chỉ ra bất kỳ hành động nào của lớp\nvậy có những hành động nào của lớp Animal?\ncó thể ta muốn thay đổi tên của animal\nRuth có thể thay bằng Rita\nbằng việc viết một hàm Set Name\n\nPortuguese: \nUm atributo é uma parte significativa dos dados\ncontendo valores que descrevem cada instância\ndessa classe.\nEles também são conhecidos como campos, variáveis,\nou propriedades, e eles vão na seção do meio aqui.\nEntão, para nossa classe animal, podemos criar atributos\ncomo nome, ID e idade.\nDessa forma, podemos identificar uma instância específica\nda classe animal.\nComo Ruth, número de identificação 304, idade 114.\nEstes precisam ser formatados de uma certa maneira embora.\nVocê começa com visibilidade, que vamos falar\nmais tarde. O nome do atributo começando\ncom uma letra minúscula.\nEntão você segue com dois pontos e os dados\ntipo.\nPara o nome, queremos retornar uma string.\nE nós podemos formatar os outros atributos\nmesma maneira, exceto que nós queremos retornar\num inteiro, uma vez que estes são números.\nAgora que temos alguns atributos para nossa\nClasse animal, chegamos à seção inferior aqui.\nÉ aqui que você coloca métodos, que também são\nconhecido como operações ou funções.\nMétodos permitem especificar qualquer comportamento\ncaracterísticas de uma classe.\nEntão, podemos nos perguntar, quais são alguns diferentes\ncomportamentos desta classe Animal?\nTalvez nós queiramos ser capazes de mudar nossa\nnomes dos animais.\nComo Ruth deveria ser chamada de Rita.\nEntão, vamos criar uma função chamada Definir nome.\n\nThai: \nแอตทริบิวต์เป็นส่วนสำคัญของข้อมูล\nมีค่าที่อธิบายแต่ละอินสแตนซ์\nของชั้นนั้น\nพวกเขายังเรียกว่าเขตข้อมูล, ตัวแปร,\nหรือคุณสมบัติและพวกเขาไปในส่วนตรงกลางที่นี่\nดังนั้นสำหรับสัตว์เลี้ยงของเราเราสามารถสร้างคุณลักษณะได้\nเช่นชื่อ ID และอายุ\nด้วยวิธีนี้เราสามารถระบุตัวอย่างเฉพาะได้\nของสัตว์\nชอบรู ธ หมายเลขประจำตัว 304 อายุ 114 ปี\nเหล่านี้จะต้องมีการจัดรูปแบบวิธีการบางอย่างแม้ว่า\nคุณเริ่มต้นด้วยการมองเห็นซึ่งเราจะพูดถึง\nเกี่ยวกับภายหลัง ชื่อของแอตทริบิวต์ที่เริ่มต้น\nด้วยตัวพิมพ์เล็ก\nจากนั้นให้คุณทำตามด้วยลำไส้ใหญ่และข้อมูล\nชนิด\nสำหรับชื่อเราต้องการส่งคืนสตริง\nและเราสามารถจัดรูปแบบคุณลักษณะอื่น ๆ ได้เช่นกัน\nเช่นเดียวกับที่เราต้องการจะกลับมา\nจำนวนเต็มตั้งแต่เหล่านี้เป็นตัวเลข\nตอนนี้เรามีคุณลักษณะบางประการสำหรับเราแล้ว\nคลาสสัตว์เราไปที่ส่วนด้านล่างที่นี่\nนี่คือที่ที่คุณใส่วิธีการที่มี\nเรียกว่าการดำเนินงานหรือหน้าที่\nวิธีการอนุญาตให้คุณระบุพฤติกรรมใด ๆ\nคุณสมบัติของชั้นเรียน\nดังนั้นเราอาจถามตัวเองว่ามีอะไรที่แตกต่างกันบ้าง\nพฤติกรรมของสัตว์ประเภทนี้?\nบางทีเราอาจต้องการที่จะสามารถเปลี่ยนของเรา\nชื่อสัตว์\nเหมือนรูทควรจะเรียกว่า Rita\nลองสร้างฟังก์ชันชื่อ Set Name\n\nIndonesian: \nAtribut adalah bagian data yang signifikan\nmengandung nilai-nilai yang menggambarkan setiap contoh\ndari kelas itu.\nMereka juga dikenal sebagai bidang, variabel,\natau properti, dan mereka pergi di bagian tengah di sini.\nJadi untuk kelas hewan kita, kita bisa membuat atribut\nseperti nama, ID, dan usia.\nDengan begitu kita bisa mengidentifikasi contoh spesifik\ndari kelas hewan.\nSeperti Ruth, nomor ID 304, usia 114.\nIni perlu diformat dengan cara tertentu.\nAnda mulai dengan visibilitas, yang akan kita bicarakan\ntentang nanti. Nama atribut dimulai\ndengan huruf kecil.\nKemudian Anda mengikutinya dengan titik dua dan data\nTipe.\nUntuk namanya, kami ingin mengembalikan sebuah string.\nDan kita bisa memformat atribut lainnya\ncara yang sama, kecuali bahwa kami ingin kembali\nbilangan bulat karena ini adalah angka.\nSekarang kita punya beberapa atribut untuk\nKelas hewan, kita sampai ke bagian bawah di sini.\nDi sinilah Anda meletakkan metode, yang juga\ndikenal sebagai operasi atau fungsi.\nMetode memungkinkan Anda menentukan perilaku apa pun\nfitur kelas.\nJadi kita mungkin bertanya pada diri sendiri, apa yang berbeda\nperilaku kelas hewan ini?\nMungkin kami ingin dapat mengubah kami\nnama binatang.\nSeperti Ruth yang seharusnya dipanggil Rita.\nJadi mari kita membuat fungsi yang disebut Set Name.\n\nFrench: \nUn attribut est une donnée significative\ncontenant des valeurs qui décrivent chaque instance\nde cette classe.\nIls sont également connus en tant que champs, variables,\nou propriétés, et ils vont dans la section du milieu ici.\nDonc, pour notre classe d'animaux, nous pourrions créer des attributs\ncomme nom, ID et âge.\nDe cette façon, nous pourrions identifier une instance spécifique\nde la classe des animaux.\nComme Ruth, numéro d'identification 304, âge 114.\nCeux-ci doivent être formatés d'une certaine manière cependant.\nVous commencez avec la visibilité, dont nous parlerons\nà propos plus tard. Le nom de l'attribut commençant\navec une lettre minuscule.\nEnsuite, vous le suivez avec un deux-points et les données\ntype.\nPour le nom, nous voudrions retourner une chaîne.\nEt nous pouvons formater les autres attributs du\nde la même manière, sauf que nous voudrions revenir\nun nombre entier puisque ce sont des nombres.\nMaintenant que nous avons quelques attributs pour notre\nClasse animale, nous arrivons à la section du bas ici.\nC'est là que vous mettez des méthodes, qui sont aussi\nconnu sous le nom d'opérations ou de fonctions.\nLes méthodes vous permettent de spécifier n'importe quel comportement\ncaractéristiques d'une classe.\nNous pourrions donc nous demander, quels sont différents\ncomportements de cette classe animale?\nPeut-être que nous voudrions pouvoir changer notre\nles noms des animaux.\nComme Ruth devrait être appelée Rita.\nCréons donc une fonction appelée Set Name.\n\nVietnamese: \nta cũng viết những methods cho eating\n \ntạm thời trước các methods ta để dấu \"-\"\n \ntiếp đó là cặp ngoặc đơn\nbạn có thể thêm các variables và data type ở đây, nhưng nó thật sự không cần thiết trong nhiều trường hợp\ntương tự với eat method\ngiờ ta sẽ nói về visibility(như kiểu loại biến, loại hàm á)\nvisibility của attribute hay method thể hiện khả năng truy cập của attribute\nhay method\nhiện tại ta đặt dấu \"-\" trước, nó chỉ ra rằng các attribute hay method này là private\n \nchúng không thể truy cập bởi bất kỳ lớp hoặc lớp con nào\ndấu \"+\" chỉ ra rằng những attribute hay method này là public\ncó thể truy cập bởi bất kỳ lớp nào\nmột loại khác nữa là dấu \"#\"\nbiểu thị attribute hay method là protected\nchúng chỉ có thể truy câp bởi cùng lớp hoặc các lớp con của nó\ncuối cùng là dấu \"~\"\n\nEnglish: \nWe could also create a method for eating,\nsince all of our animals eat.\nMethods also need to be formatted a certain way.\nYou start with visibility (which we’ll talk\nabout next), then the method beginning with\na lowercase letter.\nNext you put parentheses to signify the function\nyou’re going to program later.\nYou can also add variables and the data type\nin here, but in most cases, it’s not really necessary.\nWe’ll add visibility and parentheses to\nthe eat method as well.\nNow let’s talk about the visibility.\nThe visibility of an attribute or a method\nsets the accessibility for that attribute\nor method.\nSo right now we have a minus sign for all\nof these, which indicates that each of these\nattributes and methods are private.\nThey can’t be accessed by any other class\nor subclass.\nThe exact opposite is the plus sign, which\nmeans an attribute or method is public and\ncan be accessed by any other class.\nAnother visibility type is indicated by the\nhash,\nwhich means an attribute or method is protected.\nThese can only be accessed by the same class\nor its subclasses.\nAnd finally, there’s the tilde (or the squiggly\nas I like to call it).\n\nArabic: \nيمكننا أيضا إنشاء طريقة لتناول الطعام ،\nلأن كل حيواناتنا تأكل\nيجب أيضًا تنسيق الطرق بطريقة معينة.\nتبدأ بالرؤية (التي سنتحدث عنها\nحول التالي) ، ثم تبدأ الطريقة مع\nحرف صغير.\nبعد ذلك تضع الأقواس للدلالة على الوظيفة\nأنت ذاهب للبرنامج في وقت لاحق.\nيمكنك أيضًا إضافة متغيرات ونوع البيانات\nهنا ، ولكن في معظم الحالات ، ليس ضروريًا حقًا.\nسنضيف الرؤية والأقواس إلى\nطريقة تناول الطعام أيضًا.\nالآن دعونا نتحدث عن الرؤية.\nرؤية سمة أو طريقة\nيحدد إمكانية الوصول لهذه السمة\nأو طريقة.\nلذلك لدينا الآن علامة ناقص للجميع\nمن هذه ، مما يدل على أن كل واحد من هؤلاء\nالصفات والأساليب هي خاصة.\nلا يمكن الوصول إليها من قبل أي فئة أخرى\nأو فئة فرعية.\nالعكس تماما هو علامة زائد ، والتي\nيعني سمة أو طريقة عامة و\nيمكن الوصول إليها من قبل أي فئة أخرى.\nيشار إلى نوع رؤية آخر من قبل\nالتجزئة،\nمما يعني أن سمة أو طريقة محمية.\nيمكن الوصول إلى هذه فقط من نفس الفئة\nأو الفئات الفرعية.\nوأخيرا ، هناك التلدة (أو متعرج\nكما أحب أن أسميها).\n\nThai: \nนอกจากนี้เรายังสามารถสร้างวิธีการสำหรับการรับประทานอาหาร,\nเนื่องจากสัตว์ทุกตัวกิน\nวิธีการยังต้องได้รับการจัดรูปแบบด้วยวิธีการบางอย่าง\nคุณเริ่มต้นด้วยการมองเห็น (ซึ่งเราจะพูดถึง\nเกี่ยวกับถัดไป) จากนั้นให้ใช้เมธอดที่ขึ้นต้นด้วย\nตัวพิมพ์เล็ก\nถัดไปคุณใส่วงเล็บเพื่อแสดงถึงฟังก์ชัน\nคุณกำลังจะเข้าโครงการในภายหลัง\nนอกจากนี้คุณยังสามารถเพิ่มตัวแปรและชนิดข้อมูล\nในที่นี้ แต่ในกรณีส่วนใหญ่ก็ไม่จำเป็นจริงๆ\nเราจะเพิ่มการมองเห็นและวงเล็บไว้ที่\nวิธีการกินเช่นกัน\nตอนนี้เรามาพูดถึงการมองเห็น\nการมองเห็นของแอตทริบิวต์หรือวิธีการ\nกำหนดการเข้าถึงสำหรับแอ็ตทริบิวต์นั้น\nหรือวิธีการ\nตอนนี้เรามีเครื่องหมายลบสำหรับทั้งหมด\nของเหล่านี้ซึ่งบ่งบอกว่าแต่ละสิ่งเหล่านี้\nแอตทริบิวต์และวิธีการเป็นแบบส่วนตัว\nพวกเขาไม่สามารถเข้าถึงได้โดยคนอื่น ๆ\nหรือ subclass\nตรงกันข้ามคือเครื่องหมายบวกซึ่ง\nหมายถึงแอตทริบิวต์หรือวิธีการเป็นสาธารณะและ\nสามารถเข้าถึงได้โดยคลาสอื่น ๆ\nประเภทการมองเห็นอื่นจะแสดงโดย\nกัญชา,\nซึ่งหมายความว่าแอตทริบิวต์หรือวิธีการได้รับการป้องกัน\nเหล่านี้สามารถเข้าถึงได้โดยระดับเดียวกันเท่านั้น\nหรือ subclasses ของมัน\nและในที่สุดก็มีตัวอันธิกา (หรือหัวเราะเยาะ)\nตามที่ฉันชอบเรียก)\n\nModern Greek (1453-): \nΘα μπορούσαμε επίσης να δημιουργήσουμε μια μέθοδο για το φαγητό,\nαφού όλα τα ζώα μας τρώνε.\nΟι μέθοδοι πρέπει επίσης να μορφοποιηθούν με κάποιο τρόπο.\nΞεκινάτε με την ορατότητα (την οποία θα μιλήσουμε\nγια το επόμενο), τότε η μέθοδος ξεκινά με\nένα μικρό γράμμα.\nΣτη συνέχεια βάζετε παρενθέσεις για να δηλώσετε τη λειτουργία\nπρόκειται να προγραμματίσετε αργότερα.\nΜπορείτε επίσης να προσθέσετε μεταβλητές και τον τύπο δεδομένων\nεδώ, αλλά στις περισσότερες περιπτώσεις, δεν είναι πραγματικά απαραίτητο.\nΘα προσθέσουμε ορατότητα και παρενθέσεις στο\nτη μέθοδο τρώνε επίσης.\nΤώρα ας μιλήσουμε για την ορατότητα.\nΗ ορατότητα ενός χαρακτηριστικού ή μιας μεθόδου\nορίζει την προσβασιμότητα για αυτό το χαρακτηριστικό\nή μέθοδο.\nΈτσι τώρα έχουμε ένα αρνητικό σημάδι για όλους\nαπό αυτές, γεγονός που δείχνει ότι κάθε ένα από αυτά\nτα χαρακτηριστικά και οι μέθοδοι είναι ιδιωτικές.\nΔεν είναι δυνατή η πρόσβαση από οποιαδήποτε άλλη τάξη\nή υποκατηγορία.\nΤο ακριβώς αντίθετο είναι το σύμβολο συν, το οποίο\nσημαίνει ένα χαρακτηριστικό ή μια μέθοδος είναι δημόσια και\nμπορεί να προσεγγιστεί από οποιαδήποτε άλλη τάξη.\nΈνας άλλος τύπος ορατότητας υποδεικνύεται από το\nχασίσι,\nπράγμα που σημαίνει ότι προστατεύεται ένα χαρακτηριστικό ή μια μέθοδος.\nΑυτά μπορούν να έχουν πρόσβαση μόνο από την ίδια τάξη\nή τις υποκατηγορίες του.\nΚαι τελικά, υπάρχει η tilda (ή η κουρελιαριά\nόπως μου αρέσει να το ονομάζω).\n\nIndonesian: \nKami juga bisa membuat metode untuk makan,\nkarena semua hewan kita makan.\nMetode juga perlu diformat dengan cara tertentu.\nAnda mulai dengan visibilitas (yang akan kita bicarakan\ntentang selanjutnya), kemudian metode dimulai dengan\nhuruf kecil.\nSelanjutnya Anda meletakkan tanda kurung untuk menandakan fungsi\nAnda akan memprogram nanti.\nAnda juga dapat menambahkan variabel dan tipe data\ndi sini, tetapi dalam kebanyakan kasus, itu tidak benar-benar diperlukan.\nKami akan menambahkan visibilitas dan tanda kurung ke\nmetode makan juga.\nSekarang mari kita bicara tentang visibilitas.\nVisibilitas atribut atau metode\nmenetapkan aksesibilitas untuk atribut itu\natau metode.\nJadi saat ini kami memiliki tanda minus untuk semua\nini, yang menunjukkan bahwa masing-masing\natribut dan metode bersifat pribadi.\nMereka tidak dapat diakses oleh kelas lain mana pun\natau subkelas.\nYang sebaliknya adalah tanda plus, yang\nberarti atribut atau metode bersifat publik dan\ndapat diakses oleh kelas lain.\nJenis visibilitas lain ditunjukkan oleh\nhash,\nyang berarti suatu atribut atau metode dilindungi.\nIni hanya dapat diakses oleh kelas yang sama\natau subkelasnya.\nDan akhirnya, ada tilde (atau berlekuk-lekuk\nkarena saya suka menyebutnya).\n\nUkrainian: \nМи могли б також створити метод для їжі,\nоскільки всі наші тварини їдять.\nМетоди також необхідно форматувати певним чином.\nВи починаєте з видимості (про яку ми поговоримо\nпізніше), потім метод, починаючи з\nмалої літери.\nДалі ви вставляєте круглі дужки для позначення функції, яку ви збираєтеся програмувати пізніше.\nТакож можна додавати змінні та тип даних\nтут, але в більшості випадків, це не дуже необхідно.\nМи додамо видимість і дужки\nі метод їжі.\nТепер поговоримо про видимість.\nВидимість атрибута або методу\nвстановлює доступність для цього атрибута\nабо метода.\nТак що зараз ми маємо знак мінус для всіх\nних, що вказує, що кожен з цих\nатрибутів і методів є приватними.\nВони не можуть бути доступними будь-якому іншому класу або підкласу.\nТочна протилежність - знак плюс, який\nозначає, що атрибут або метод є загальнодоступним і\nдоступ можливий з будь-якого іншого класу.\nІнший тип видимості позначається символом хеш,\nщо означає, що атрибут або метод захищений.\nДоступ до них може здійснювати тільки той самий клас або його підкласи.\nІ нарешті, є тильда (або хвиляста).\n\nSpanish: \nTambién pudimos haber creado un método para comer, ya que todos nuestros animales comen.\nA los métodos también se les debe dar formato de cierta manera.\nComienzas por la visibilidad (de la cual hablaremos más tarde), después el método inicia con\nuna letra minúscula.\nEnseguida agregas paréntesis para significar la función que vas a programar más adelante.\nTambién puedes añadir variables y el tipo de dato aquí, pero por lo general, no es realmente necesario.\nAñadiremos visibilidad y paréntesis al método \"Comer\" también.\nAhora hablemos sobre la visibilidad.\nLa visibilidad de un atributo o un método asigna la accesibilidad para ese atributo\no método.\nAsí que ahora tenemos un signo menos (-) para estas clases, que indica que cada uno de estos\natributos y métodos son privados.\nNo pueden ser accedidos por ninguna otra clase ni subclase.\nEl opuesto exacto es el signo más (+), el cual significa un atributo o método que es público y\npuede ser accedido por cualquier otra clase.\nOtro tipo de visibilidad está indicado por el numeral,\nel cual significa que un atributo o método está protegido.\nEstos solo pueden ser accedidos por la misma clase o sus subclases.\nY finalmente, la tilde (o \"garabato\", como me gusta llamarlo).\n\nFrench: \nNous pourrions également créer une méthode pour manger,\npuisque tous nos animaux mangent.\nLes méthodes doivent également être formatées d'une certaine manière.\nVous commencez avec la visibilité (dont nous parlerons\nà propos de next), puis la méthode commençant par\nune lettre minuscule.\nEnsuite, vous mettez des parenthèses pour indiquer la fonction\nvous allez programmer plus tard.\nVous pouvez également ajouter des variables et le type de données\nici, mais dans la plupart des cas, ce n'est pas vraiment nécessaire.\nNous ajouterons de la visibilité et des parenthèses à\nla méthode de manger aussi bien.\nParlons maintenant de la visibilité.\nLa visibilité d'un attribut ou d'une méthode\ndéfinit l'accessibilité pour cet attribut\nou méthode.\nDonc maintenant nous avons un signe moins pour tous\nde ceux-ci, ce qui indique que chacun de ces\nles attributs et les méthodes sont privés.\nIls ne peuvent être accédés par aucune autre classe\nou sous-classe.\nLe contraire est le signe plus, qui\nsignifie un attribut ou une méthode est publique et\npeut être consulté par n'importe quelle autre classe.\nUn autre type de visibilité est indiqué par le\nhacher,\nce qui signifie qu'un attribut ou une méthode est protégé.\nCeux-ci ne sont accessibles que par la même classe\nou ses sous-classes.\nEt enfin, il y a le tilde (ou le tilde\ncomme j'aime l'appeler).\n\nChinese: \n我们还可以创建一种吃法,\n因为我们所有的动物都吃。\n方法也需要以某种方式格式化。\n你从可见性开始(我们将谈谈\n关于下一步),然后开始的方法\n一个小写字母。\n接下来,您将括号表示该功能\n你以后要编程。\n您还可以添加变量和数据类型\n在这里,但在大多数情况下,它并不是真的有必要。\n我们将添加可见性和括号\n吃饭的方法也是如此。\n现在让我们谈谈可见性。\n属性或方法的可见性\n设置该属性的可访问性\n或方法。\n所以现在我们对所有人都有一个减号\n其中,这些都表明了这些\n属性和方法是私有的。\n任何其他类都无法访问它们\n或子类。\n恰好相反的是加号,即\n表示属性或方法是公共的和\n可以被任何其他类访问。\n另一种可见性类型由表示\n哈希,\n这意味着属性或方法受到保护。\n这些只能由同一个类访问\n或其子类。\n最后,有波浪形(或波浪形)\n因为我喜欢称之为)。\n\nPortuguese: \nNós também poderíamos criar um método para comer,\ndesde que todos os nossos animais comem.\nOs métodos também precisam ser formatados de uma determinada maneira.\nVocê começa com visibilidade (que vamos falar\nsobre o próximo), então o método começando com\numa letra minúscula.\nEm seguida, você coloca parênteses para indicar a função\nvocê vai programar mais tarde.\nVocê também pode adicionar variáveis ​​e o tipo de dados\naqui, mas na maioria dos casos, não é realmente necessário.\nVamos adicionar visibilidade e parênteses para\no método de comer também.\nAgora vamos falar sobre a visibilidade.\nA visibilidade de um atributo ou um método\ndefine a acessibilidade para esse atributo\nou método.\nEntão agora temos um sinal de menos para todos\ndestes, o que indica que cada um desses\natributos e métodos são privados.\nEles não podem ser acessados ​​por nenhuma outra classe\nou subclasse.\nO exato oposto é o sinal de mais, que\nsignifica que um atributo ou método é público e\npode ser acessado por qualquer outra classe.\nOutro tipo de visibilidade é indicado pelo\njogo da velha,\no que significa que um atributo ou método é protegido.\nEstes só podem ser acessados ​​pela mesma classe\nou suas subclasses.\nE finalmente, há o til (ou o squiggly\ncomo eu gosto de chamar).\n\nFrench: \nCeci définit la visibilité du paquet ou du défaut,\nce qui signifie qu'il peut être utilisé par n'importe quelle autre classe\ntant que c'est dans le même paquet.\nMais celui-là est rarement utilisé.\nDans la plupart des cas, vos attributs vont\nêtre privé ou protégé, et les méthodes sont souvent publiques.\nRevoyons rapidement ces bases avec une autre\nExemple.\nFaisons un cours pour l'employé.\nNous pourrions donner des attributs d'employé comme le nom, l'employé, le numéro de téléphone et le département.\nNous voulons que tous ces attributs soient privés.\nEt puis nous pourrions créer une méthode simple,\ncomme mettre à jour le numéro de téléphone.\nLequel nous allons aller de l'avant et mettre au public.\nVous avez peut-être remarqué que j'utilise le diagramme\nlogiciel pour créer ces diagrammes de classes UML.\nLes mêmes principes s'appliquent si vous utilisez\nstylo et papier.\nMais un logiciel de création de diagrammes le rend beaucoup plus facile.\nLe logiciel de création de diagrammes que j'utilise aujourd'hui est\nLucidchart.\nEt vous pouvez vous inscrire gratuitement en cliquant sur\nle lien en haut à droite.\nTout ce qu'il faut est une adresse e-mail, puis\nvous serez en mesure de suivre comme nous faisons\nces diagrammes de classe.\nDonc, la prochaine chose que nous aurons besoin de couvrir sont\nles différentes relations qui existent entre les classes.\n\nIndonesian: \nIni mengatur visibilitas ke paket atau default,\nyang berarti dapat digunakan oleh kelas lain\nselama masih dalam paket yang sama.\nTapi itu jarang digunakan.\nDalam kebanyakan kasus, atribut Anda akan\nbersifat pribadi atau dilindungi, dan metode sering kali bersifat publik.\nMari kita segera tinjau dasar-dasar ini dengan yang lain\ncontoh.\nMari kita buat kelas untuk Karyawan.\nKami dapat memberikan atribut Karyawan seperti nama, ID karyawan, nomor telepon, dan departemen.\nKami ingin semua atribut ini bersifat pribadi.\nDan kemudian kita bisa membuat metode sederhana,\nseperti memperbarui nomor telepon.\nYang akan kita lanjutkan dan publikasikan.\nJadi Anda mungkin memperhatikan bahwa saya menggunakan diagram\nperangkat lunak untuk membuat Diagram Kelas UML ini.\nPrinsip yang sama berlaku jika Anda menggunakan\npena dan kertas.\nTetapi perangkat lunak diagram membuatnya lebih mudah.\nPerangkat lunak diagram yang saya gunakan hari ini adalah\nLucidchart.\nDan Anda dapat mendaftar secara gratis dengan mengklik\ntautan di kanan atas.\nYang diperlukan hanyalah alamat email lalu\nAnda akan dapat mengikuti seperti yang kita lakukan\ndiagram kelas ini.\nJadi hal berikutnya yang perlu kita bahas adalah\nperbedaan hubungan yang ada antar kelas.\n\nThai: \nซึ่งจะทำให้การแสดงผลเป็นแพคเกจหรือค่าเริ่มต้น\nซึ่งหมายความว่าสามารถใช้คลาสอื่นได้\nตราบเท่าที่มันอยู่ในแพคเกจเดียวกัน\nแต่อย่างใดอย่างหนึ่งที่ไม่ค่อยเคยใช้\nในกรณีส่วนใหญ่แอตทริบิวต์ของคุณจะไป\nเป็นส่วนตัวหรือได้รับการป้องกันและวิธีการมักเป็นแบบสาธารณะ\nขอทบทวนข้อมูลพื้นฐานเหล่านี้กับอีกเรื่องหนึ่งได้อย่างรวดเร็ว\nตัวอย่าง.\nลองทำชั้นเรียนให้กับ Employee\nเราสามารถให้คุณลักษณะ Employee เช่นชื่อ employeeID หมายเลขโทรศัพท์และแผนก\nเราต้องการให้แอตทริบิวต์เหล่านี้เป็นแบบส่วนตัว\nแล้วเราสามารถสร้างวิธีง่ายๆ\nเช่นการอัปเดตหมายเลขโทรศัพท์\nซึ่งเราจะดำเนินการต่อและกำหนดให้เป็นสาธารณะ\nดังนั้นคุณอาจสังเกตเห็นว่าฉันกำลังใช้แผนภาพ\nซอฟต์แวร์เพื่อสร้างแผนภาพคลาส UML เหล่านี้\nหลักการเดียวกันนี้มีผลใช้บังคับหากคุณใช้\nปากกาและกระดาษ\nแต่ซอฟต์แวร์สร้างภาพช่วยให้ง่ายขึ้น\nซอฟต์แวร์การเขียนโปรแกรมที่ฉันใช้อยู่ในปัจจุบันคือ\nLucidchart\nคุณสามารถลงชื่อสมัครใช้ฟรีได้โดยคลิกที่\nลิงก์ที่ด้านขวาบน\nทั้งหมดนี้เป็นที่อยู่อีเมลแล้ว\nคุณจะสามารถทำตามได้ตามที่เราทำ\nแผนภาพชั้นเรียนเหล่านี้\nดังนั้นสิ่งต่อไปที่เราจะต้องครอบคลุมคือ\nความสัมพันธ์ที่แตกต่างกันระหว่างชั้นเรียน\n\nVietnamese: \nchỉ ra visibility là package hay default, có thể truy cập bởi baasrt ký lớp nào\nmiễn là lớp đó thuộc cùng package với lớp ban đầu\nnhưng các này ít khi được sử dụng\nnhiều trường hợp, private hay protected được sử dụng cho attribute, còn methods thường là Public\n \ntạo một class mới cho Employee\ncác thuộc tính là name, employeeID, phone number và department\nta muốn tất cả attribute này là private\nvà một method để cập nhật phone number\nta đặt method này là public\nta vừa tạo một UML Class Diagrams\ntương tự như khi ta làm trên giấy\nnhưng việc dùng diagramming software dễ dàng hơn\ndiagramming software ta sử dụng là Lucidchart\nbạn có thể đăng ký miễn phí với đường link ở phía trên bên phải\nviệc này cần tới email của bạn\n \ntiếp theo ta sẽ tìm hiểu về những relationships giữa những class\n\nModern Greek (1453-): \nΑυτό θέτει την ορατότητα σε πακέτο ή προεπιλογή,\nπου σημαίνει ότι μπορεί να χρησιμοποιηθεί από οποιαδήποτε άλλη κατηγορία\nεφόσον είναι στην ίδια συσκευασία.\nΑλλά αυτό σπάνια χρησιμοποιείται ποτέ.\nΣτις περισσότερες περιπτώσεις, τα χαρακτηριστικά σας πρόκειται\nνα είναι ιδιωτικές ή προστατευμένες και οι μέθοδοι είναι συχνά δημόσιες.\nΑς αναθεωρήσουμε γρήγορα αυτά τα βασικά με ένα άλλο\nπαράδειγμα.\nΑς κάνουμε μια τάξη για τον υπάλληλο.\nΘα μπορούσαμε να προσφέρουμε ιδιότητες Employee όπως όνομα, employeeID, αριθμό τηλεφώνου και τμήμα.\nΘα θέλουμε όλα αυτά τα χαρακτηριστικά να είναι ιδιωτικά.\nΚαι τότε θα μπορούσαμε να δημιουργήσουμε μια απλή μέθοδο,\nόπως η ενημέρωση του αριθμού τηλεφώνου.\nΠου θα προχωρήσουμε και θα θέσουμε στο κοινό.\nΈτσι ίσως έχετε παρατηρήσει ότι χρησιμοποιώ διαγράμματα\nλογισμικού για τη δημιουργία αυτών των διαγραμμάτων κατηγορίας UML.\nΟι ίδιες αρχές ισχύουν και αν χρησιμοποιείτε\nστυλό και χαρτί.\nΑλλά ένα λογισμικό διάγραμμα κάνει πολύ πιο εύκολο.\nΤο λογισμικό διάγραμμα που χρησιμοποιώ σήμερα είναι\nLucidchart.\nΚαι μπορείτε να εγγραφείτε δωρεάν κάνοντας κλικ\nτο σύνδεσμο στην επάνω δεξιά γωνία.\nΤο μόνο που χρειάζεται είναι μια διεύθυνση ηλεκτρονικού ταχυδρομείου και στη συνέχεια\nθα είστε σε θέση να ακολουθήσετε μαζί όπως κάνουμε\nαυτά τα ταξικά διαγράμματα.\nΕπομένως, το επόμενο πράγμα που πρέπει να καλύψουμε είναι\nτις διαφορετικές σχέσεις που υπάρχουν μεταξύ των τάξεων.\n\nEnglish: \nThis sets the visibility to package or default,\nwhich means it can be used by any other class\nas long as it’s in the same package.\nBut that one is rarely ever used.\nIn most cases, your attributes are going to\nbe Private or Protected, and methods are often Public.\nLet’s quickly review these basics with another\nexample.\nLet’s make a class for Employee.\nWe could give an Employee attributes like name, employeeID, phone number, and department.\nWe’ll want all these attributes to be private.\nAnd then we could create a simple method,\nlike updating the phone number.\nWhich we’ll go ahead and set to public.\nSo you may have noticed that I'm using diagramming\nsoftware to create these UML Class Diagrams.\nThe same principles apply if you're using\npen and paper.\nBut a diagramming software makes it much easier.\nThe diagramming software I'm using today is\nLucidchart.\nAnd you can sign up for free by clicking on\nthe link at the top right.\nAll it takes is an email address and then\nyou'll be able to follow along as we make\nthese class diagrams.\nSo the next thing we’ll need to cover are\nthe different relationships that exist between classes.\n\nSpanish: \nEste asigna la visibilidad por defecto, la cual significa que puede ser usada por cualquier otra clase\nmientras esté en el mismo paquete.\nPero rara vez este llega a ser usado.\nEn la mayoría de los casos, tus atributos van a ser privados o protegidos, y los métodos regularmente son públicos.\nVamos a revisar rápidamente lo básico con otro ejemplo.\nCreemos una clase \"Empleado\".\nA un empleado le podemos dar atributos como nombre, ID del empleado, número de teléfono y departamento.\nQuerremos que estos atributos sean privados.\nY entonces podemos crear un simple método, como actualizar el número de teléfono.\nDel que avanzaremos y asignaremos a público.\nQuizá hayas notado que estoy usando un software de edición de diagramas para crear estos diagramas UML.\nAplica los mismos principios si usas papel y pluma.\nPero un software de edición de diagramas lo hace mucho más fácil.\nEl software de edición que uso hoy es Lucidchart.\nY puedes registrarte gratuitamente haciendo clic en el enlace de arriba en la esquina derecha.\nSolo necesitas un email y entonces podrás seguirnos mientras hacemos\nestos diagramas de clase.\nEntonces, lo siguiente que necesitaremos cubrir son las diferentes relaciones existentes entre clases.\n\nPortuguese: \nIsso define a visibilidade para pacote ou padrão,\no que significa que pode ser usado por qualquer outra classe\ncontanto que esteja no mesmo pacote.\nMas esse raramente é usado.\nNa maioria dos casos, seus atributos vão\nseja Privado ou Protegido, e os métodos geralmente são Públicos.\nVamos rever rapidamente esses princípios com outro\nexemplo.\nVamos fazer uma aula para o empregado.\nNós poderíamos dar um funcionário atributos como nome, employeeID, número de telefone e departamento.\nQueremos que todos esses atributos sejam privados.\nE então poderíamos criar um método simples,\ncomo atualizar o número de telefone.\nQue nós vamos em frente e definir para público.\nEntão você deve ter notado que estou usando diagramação\nsoftware para criar esses diagramas de classe UML.\nOs mesmos princípios se aplicam se você estiver usando\ncaneta e papel.\nMas um software de diagramação facilita muito.\nO software de diagramação que estou usando hoje é\nLucidchart\nE você pode se inscrever gratuitamente clicando em\no link no canto superior direito.\nTudo o que é preciso é um endereço de e-mail e, em seguida\nvocê será capaz de acompanhar como fazemos\nesses diagramas de classes.\nEntão, a próxima coisa que precisamos cobrir são\nos diferentes relacionamentos que existem entre classes.\n\nChinese: \n这会设置包或默认的可见性,\n这意味着它可以被任何其他类使用\n只要它在同一个包装中。\n但那个很少用过。\n在大多数情况下,您的属性将会发生\n是私有的或受保护的,方法通常是公共的。\n让我们快速回顾一下这些基础知识\n例。\n让我们为员工上课。\n我们可以提供员工属性,如姓名,员工ID,电话号码和部门。\n我们希望所有这些属性都是私有的。\n然后我们可以创建一个简单的方法,\n比如更新电话号码。\n我们将继续并将其公之于众。\n所以你可能已经注意到我正在使用图表\n用于创建这些UML类图的软件。\n如果您正在使用,则适用相同的原则\n笔和纸。\n但是图表软件使它变得更容易。\n我今天使用的图表软件是\nLucidchart。\n您可以点击免费注册\n右上角的链接。\n所需要的只是一个电子邮件地址然后\n你将能够按照我们的方式进行\n这些类图。\n所以接下来我们需要介绍的是\n类之间存在的不同关系。\n\nUkrainian: \nВона встановлює видимість для пакета або за замовчуванням, це означає, що він може використовуватися будь-яким іншим класом\nдо тих пір, поки він знаходиться в одному пакеті.\nАле цей рідко використовується.\nУ більшості випадків ваші атрибути будуть приватними або захищеними, а методи часто публічними.\nДавайте швидко переглянемо ці основи\n з іншого прикладу.\nДавайте зробимо клас для співробітника.\nМи могли б надати атрибути співробітника, як ім'я, службовий номер, номер телефону і відділ.\nМи хочемо, щоб всі ці атрибути були приватними.\nІ тоді ми можемо створити простий метод,\nдля оновлення телефонного номера.\nКотрий ми вставимо зверху та встановимо публічним.\nОтже, ви помітили, що я використовую \nпрограмне забезпечення для створення цих діаграм UML класів.\nТі ж принципи застосовуються, якщо ви використовуєте\nручку та папір.\nАле програмне забезпечення робить процес набагато простішим.\nПрограмне забезпечення для діаграм, я використовую сьогодні є\nLucidchart.\nІ ви можете зареєструватися безкоштовно, натиснувши на\nпосилання вгорі праворуч.\nВсе, що потрібно, це адреса електронної пошти, а потім\nви зможете стежити, як ми робимо\nці діаграми класів.\nТаким чином, наступне, що ми повинні розглянути, це різні відносини між класами.\n\nArabic: \nهذا يحدد الرؤية لحزمة أو الافتراضي ،\nمما يعني أنه يمكن استخدامها من قبل أي فئة أخرى\nطالما أنها في نفس الحزمة.\nلكن نادرا ما يستخدم هذا واحد.\nفي معظم الحالات ، ستظهر سماتك\nتكون خاصة أو محمية ، والطرق غالبًا ما تكون عامة.\nدعونا نراجع هذه الأساسيات بسرعة مع أخرى\nمثال.\nدعونا نجعل فئة للموظف.\nيمكن أن نعطي سمات الموظف مثل الاسم ، والموظف ، ورقم الهاتف ، والقسم.\nسوف نرغب في أن تكون جميع هذه السمات خاصة.\nومن ثم يمكننا إنشاء طريقة بسيطة ،\nمثل تحديث رقم الهاتف.\nالذي سنذهب إلى الأمام وتعيين للجمهور.\nلذلك ربما لاحظت أنني أستخدم الرسوم البيانية\nبرنامج لإنشاء هذه UML فئة الرسوم البيانية.\nتنطبق المبادئ نفسها إذا كنت تستخدم\nورقة وقلم.\nلكن برنامج التخطيط يجعله أسهل بكثير.\nبرنامج الرسم التخطيطي الذي أستخدمه اليوم هو\nLucidchart.\nويمكنك الاشتراك مجانا من خلال النقر على\nالرابط في أعلى اليمين.\nكل ما يتطلبه الأمر هو عنوان البريد الإلكتروني وبعد ذلك\nستكون قادرًا على المتابعة معك\nهذه الرسوم البيانية الطبقة.\nلذلك فإن الشيء التالي الذي سنحتاج لتغطية\nالعلاقات المختلفة التي توجد بين الطبقات.\n\nUkrainian: \nПерший тип відносин, який ми будемо\nописувати це спадкування.\nІ я буду продовжувати з прикладом зоопарку\nтому що це дозволяє легко зрозуміти\nлогіку цих відносин.\nМи розглянемо більш технічний, приклад з реального світу пізніше.\nДобре, так успадкування.\nСкажімо, в нашому зоопарку єдині тварини\nцє черепахи, видри і менш\nвідомий, але, тим не менш, дивний повільний лоріс.\nУ нашій системі ми хочемо розрізняти кожного\nз них як власний клас.\nТому ми робимо три нові класи для Черепахи,\nВидри, і Повільного Лоріса.\nІ я зроблю їх трохи меншими\nщоб краще бачити.\nТепер замість дублювання атрибутів\nім'я, ідентифікатор і вік, ми можемо зробити ці класи\nпідкласами класу тварина шляхом рисування\nвідкритої стрілки.\nЦе стосунки успадкування.\nМи говоримо, що ці підкласи успадковують\nвсі атрибути і методи суперкласу.\nВи також можете використовувати терміни child та parent клас.\nТаким чином, наш клас Видра збирається успадкувати\nатрибути імені, віку та ідентифікатора.\nІ тоді ми могли б додати специфічний атрибут для Видра, як довжина вуса.\nОдна з переваг успадкування - це\nякщо ми хочемо змінити або додати атрибут\n\nArabic: \nالنوع الأول من العلاقة التي سنقوم بها\nوصف الميراث.\nوانا ذاهب الى الذهاب مع حديقة الحيوان سبيل المثال\nلأنه يجعل من السهل فهم\nمنطق هذه العلاقات.\nسنصل إلى عالم أكثر تقنية ، في العالم الحقيقي\nسبيل المثال في وقت لاحق.\nحسنا ، هذا الميراث.\nدعونا نقول في حديقة الحيوان لدينا ، الحيوانات الوحيدة التي نحن\nلديهم السلاحف ، ثعالب الماء ، وأقل\nمعروف لكن مع ذلك loris بطيء مدهش.\nفي نظامنا ، نريد التمييز بين كل منهما\nمنهم كطبقة خاصة بهم.\nلذلك نحن نصنع ثلاث فصول جديدة للسلحفاة ،\nOtter و Slow Loris.\nوسوف أجعل هذه أصغر قليلاً\nيمكنك رؤيتها بشكل أفضل.\nالآن بدلا من تكرار السمات ل\nالاسم والهوية والعمر ، يمكننا جعل هذه الفصول الدراسية\nإلى الفئات الفرعية لفئة الحيوانات عن طريق الرسم\nالسهام مفتوحة مثل هذا.\nهذه هي علاقة الوراثة.\nنحن نقول أن هذه الفئات الفرعية ترث\nكل صفات وطرق الطبقة المتفوقة.\nيمكنك أيضًا استخدام مصطلحات الطفل وأولياء الأمور\nصف دراسي.\nلذا فطبقة Otter الخاصة بنا سوف ترث\nسمات الاسم والعمر والمعرف.\nوبعد ذلك يمكننا إضافة سمة محددة\nإلى Otter ، مثل طول الطولي.\nواحدة من مزايا الميراث هو ذلك\nإذا أردنا تغيير أو إضافة سمة\n\nVietnamese: \nloại relationship đầu tiên được nói tới là inheritance(quan hệ thừa kế)\nvà ta sẽ tiếp tục với ví dụ về zoo trước đó\n \n \nokey, về inheritance\ngiả sử trong zoo của ta chỉ có những loại tortoises(rùa), otters(rái cá)\nvà slow loris(con cu li?)\nta muốn phân chia chúng ra thành những class riêng\nta tạo ra ba class mới Tortoise, Otter, Slow Loris\n \nThay vì sao chép lại các thuộc tính name, ID, age, ta chỉ cần kế thừa chúng với class Animal\n \nĐây là một quan hệ kế thừa\nnhững class mới này thừa kế tất cả attributes và methods của lớp cha nó\n \nvậy là class Otter thừa kế các thuộc tính name, age, ID\nta có thể thêm thuộc tính cho Otter, như whisker length(độ dài râu)\nmột lợi ích của inheritance là nếu ta muốn sửa đổi hay thêm một thuộc tính\n\nPortuguese: \nO primeiro tipo de relacionamento que vamos\ndescrever é herança.\nE eu vou continuar com o exemplo do zoológico\nporque facilita a compreensão do\nlógica dessas relações.\nNós vamos chegar a um mundo mais técnico e real\nexemplo mais tarde.\nOk, então herança.\nDigamos que no nosso zoológico, os únicos animais que\nsão tartarugas, lontras e as menores\nconhecidos, mas ainda assim loris lentos surpreendentes.\nEm nosso sistema, queremos distinguir cada\ndeles como sua própria classe.\nEntão, nós fazemos três novas classes para Tortoise,\nLontra e Lóris Loris.\nE eu vou fazer um pouco menor\nvocê pode vê-los melhor.\nAgora, em vez de duplicar atributos para\nnome, ID e idade, podemos fazer essas classes\nem subclasses da classe animal pelo desenho\nsetas abertas como esta.\nEste é um relacionamento de herança.\nEstamos dizendo que essas subclasses herdam\ntodos os atributos e métodos da superclasse.\nVocê também pode usar os termos filho e pai\nclasse.\nEntão nossa turma de lontras herdará o\natributos de nome, idade e ID.\nE então poderíamos adicionar um atributo específico\npara Otter, como o comprimento do bigode.\nUma das vantagens da herança é que\nse quiséssemos mudar ou adicionar um atributo\n\nEnglish: \nThe first type of relationship that we’ll\ndescribe is inheritance.\nAnd I’m gonna keep going with the zoo example\nbecause it makes it easy to understand the\nlogic of these relationships.\nWe’ll get to a more technical, real-world\nexample later.\nOkay, so inheritance.\nLet’s say in our zoo, the only animals we\nhave are tortoises, otters, and the lesser\nknown but nonetheless amazing slow loris.\nIn our system, we want to distinguish each\nof them as their own class.\nSo we make three new classes for Tortoise,\nOtter, and Slow Loris.\nAnd I’ll make these a little smaller so\nyou can see them better.\nNow instead of duplicating attributes for\nname, ID, and age, we can make these classes\ninto subclasses of the animal class by drawing\nopen arrows like this.\nThis is an inheritance relationship.\nWe’re saying that these subclasses inherit\nall the attributes and methods of the superclass.\nYou could also use the terms child and parent\nclass.\nSo our Otter class is going to inherit the\nattributes of name, age, and ID.\nAnd then we could add an attribute specific\nto Otter, like whisker length.\nOne of the advantages of inheritance is that\nif we wanted to change or add an attribute\n\nThai: \nประเภทแรกของความสัมพันธ์ที่เราจะ\nอธิบายเป็นมรดก\nและฉันจะไปกับตัวอย่างสวนสัตว์\nเพราะทำให้ง่ายต่อการเข้าใจ\nตรรกะของความสัมพันธ์เหล่านี้\nเราจะได้รับข้อมูลเชิงเทคนิคและเป็นจริงมากขึ้น\nตัวอย่างในภายหลัง\nเอาล่ะมรดกมา\nสมมติว่าในสวนสัตว์ของเราเป็นสัตว์ชนิดเดียวกับเรา\nมีเต่านากและน้อยกว่า\nรู้จัก แต่กระนั้นลอรี่ช้าที่น่าตื่นตาตื่นใจ\nในระบบของเราเราต้องการแยกความแตกต่างออกไป\nของพวกเขาเป็นชั้นเรียนของตัวเอง\nดังนั้นเราจึงสร้างสามชั้นเรียนใหม่สำหรับเต่า,\nOtter และ Loris ช้า\nและฉันจะทำให้เล็กลงบ้าง\nคุณสามารถดูได้ดียิ่งขึ้น\nตอนนี้แทนที่จะทำซ้ำแอตทริบิวต์สำหรับ\nชื่อ, ID และอายุเราสามารถทำชั้นเรียนเหล่านี้ได้\nลงในชั้นย่อยของสัตว์โดยการวาดภาพ\nลูกศรเปิดเช่นนี้\nนี่คือความสัมพันธ์ทางพันธุกรรม\nเรากำลังบอกว่าคลาสย่อยเหล่านี้สืบทอดมา\nคุณลักษณะและวิธีการทั้งหมดของ superclass\nนอกจากนี้คุณยังสามารถใช้เงื่อนไขเด็กและผู้ปกครอง\nชั้น\nดังนั้นชั้น Otter ของเราจะสืบทอด\nแอตทริบิวต์ของชื่ออายุและรหัส\nจากนั้นเราสามารถเพิ่มแอตทริบิวต์เฉพาะได้\nกับ Otter เช่นความยาวของหนวด\nหนึ่งในข้อดีของการสืบทอดคือว่า\nถ้าเราต้องการเปลี่ยนหรือเพิ่มแอตทริบิวต์\n\nChinese: \n我们将要建立的第一种关系\ndescribe是继承。\n而且我会继续关注动物园的例子\n因为它使人们很容易理解\n这些关系的逻辑。\n我们将进入一个更加技术化的现实世界\n以后的例子。\n好的,继承。\n让我们说在我们的动物园里,我们唯一的动物\n有乌龟,水獭和较小的\n已知,但仍然令人惊讶的慢懒猴。\n在我们的系统中,我们希望区分每个\n他们作为自己的班级。\n所以我们为Tortoise制作了三个新类,\n水獭和慢洛里斯。\n我会把这些做得更小一些\n你可以更好地看到它们。\n现在不是复制属性\n姓名,身份证和年龄,我们可以制作这些课程\n通过绘图进入动物类的子类\n打开这样的箭头。\n这是一种继承关系。\n我们说这些子类继承\n超类的所有属性和方法。\n您还可以使用术语child和parent\n类。\n所以我们的Otter课程将继承\n名称,年龄和ID的属性。\n然后我们可以添加特定属性\n对于奥特来说,就像胡须一样。\n继承的一个优点是\n如果我们想要更改或添加属性\n\nSpanish: \nEl primer tipo de relación que describiremos es la herencia.\nY voy a proseguir con el ejemplo del zoológico porque hace fácil comprender la\nlógica de estas relaciones.\nVeremos un ejemplo más técnico y del mundo real más adelante.\nBien, entonces la herencia.\nDigamos que en nuestro zoológico, los únicos animales que tenemos son tortugas, nutrias y el menos\nconocido pero sorprendente loris perezoso.\nEn nuestro sistema, queremos separar cada uno de ellos en sus propias clases.\nHacemos tres nuevas clases para \"Tortuga\", \"Nutria\" y \"Loris perezoso\".\nY las haremos un poco más pequeñas para poder verlas mejor.\nAhora, en vez de duplicar atributos para el nombre, el ID y la edad, podemos convertir estas clases\nen subclases de la clase \"Animal\" dibujando flechas abiertas como esta.\nEsta es una relación de herencia.\nDecimos que estas subclases heredan todos los atributos y métodos de la superclase.\nTambién podrías usar los términos \"clase hija\" y \"clase padre\".\nAsí que nuestra clase \"Nutria\" va a heredar los atributos \"nombre\", \"edad\" y \"ID\".\nY entonces podríamos añadir un atributo específico a \"Nutria\" como la longitud del bigote.\nUna de las ventajas de la herencia es que si queremos cambiar o añadir un atributo\n\nIndonesian: \nJenis hubungan pertama yang akan kita lakukan\nmenggambarkan adalah warisan.\nDan saya akan terus menggunakan contoh kebun binatang\nkarena itu membuatnya mudah untuk memahami\nlogika hubungan ini.\nKita akan sampai ke dunia nyata yang lebih teknis\ncontoh nanti.\nOke, jadi warisan.\nKatakanlah di kebun binatang kita, satu-satunya hewan kita\nmiliki adalah kura-kura, berang-berang, dan yang lebih rendah\ndikenal tapi tetap saja kukang yang menakjubkan.\nDalam sistem kami, kami ingin membedakan masing-masing\ndari mereka sebagai kelas mereka sendiri.\nJadi kami membuat tiga kelas baru untuk Tortoise,\nBerang-berang, dan Loris Lambat.\nDan saya akan membuatnya jadi lebih kecil\nAnda bisa melihatnya dengan lebih baik.\nSekarang alih-alih menduplikasi atribut untuk\nnama, ID, dan usia, kita bisa membuat kelas-kelas ini\nke dalam subkelas kelas hewan dengan menggambar\nbuka panah seperti ini.\nIni adalah hubungan warisan.\nKami mengatakan bahwa subclass ini mewarisi\nsemua atribut dan metode dari superclass.\nAnda juga dapat menggunakan istilah anak dan orang tua\nkelas.\nJadi kelas Otter kita akan mewarisi\natribut nama, umur, dan ID.\nDan kemudian kita bisa menambahkan atribut spesifik\nuntuk Otter, seperti panjang kumis.\nSalah satu kelebihan warisan adalah itu\njika kita ingin mengubah atau menambah atribut\n\nFrench: \nLe premier type de relation que nous allons\ndescribe est l'héritage.\nEt je vais continuer avec l'exemple du zoo\ncar il est facile de comprendre le\nlogique de ces relations.\nNous allons arriver à un plus technique, le monde réel\nexemple plus tard.\nD'accord, donc l'héritage.\nDisons dans notre zoo, les seuls animaux que nous\nont des tortues, des loutres et le moindre\nconnu mais néanmoins étonnant loris lent.\nDans notre système, nous voulons distinguer chaque\nd'entre eux comme leur propre classe.\nNous faisons donc trois nouvelles classes pour Tortoise,\nLoutre, et lent Loris.\nEt je vais les faire un peu plus petit donc\nvous pouvez les voir mieux.\nMaintenant, au lieu de dupliquer les attributs pour\nnom, ID, et l'âge, nous pouvons faire ces classes\nen sous-classes de la classe d'animaux par dessin\nouvrir les flèches comme ça.\nC'est une relation d'héritage.\nNous disons que ces sous-classes héritent\ntous les attributs et méthodes de la superclasse.\nVous pouvez également utiliser les termes enfant et parent\nclasse.\nDonc, notre classe Otter va hériter de la\nattributs de nom, âge et ID.\nEt puis nous pourrions ajouter un attribut spécifique\nà Otter, comme la longueur des moustaches.\nL'un des avantages de l'héritage est que\nsi nous voulions changer ou ajouter un attribut\n\nModern Greek (1453-): \nΟ πρώτος τύπος σχέσης που θα κάνουμε\nπεριγράψτε είναι η κληρονομιά.\nΚαι θα συνεχίσω να πηγαίνω με το παράδειγμα του ζωολογικού κήπου\nεπειδή καθιστά εύκολο να κατανοήσουμε το\nλογική αυτών των σχέσεων.\nΘα φτάσουμε σε έναν πιο τεχνικό, πραγματικό κόσμο\nπαράδειγμα αργότερα.\nΕντάξει, έτσι κληρονομιά.\nΑς πούμε στο ζωολογικό κήπο μας, τα μόνα ζώα που εμείς\nέχουν χελώνες, βίδρα και το μικρότερο\nγνωστό αλλά παρόλα αυτά εκπληκτικό αργό Loris.\nΣτο σύστημά μας, θέλουμε να διακρίνουμε το καθένα\nαπό αυτούς ως δική τους τάξη.\nΈτσι, κάνουμε τρεις νέες τάξεις για την Tortoise,\nOtter και Slow Loris.\nΚαι θα τα καταστήσω μικρότερα\nμπορείτε να τα δείτε καλύτερα.\nΤώρα αντί για την αναπαραγωγή χαρακτηριστικών για\nτο όνομα, την ταυτότητα και την ηλικία, μπορούμε να κάνουμε αυτές τις τάξεις\nσε υποκατηγορίες της κλάσης των ζώων με σχεδίαση\nανοιχτά βέλη όπως αυτό.\nΑυτή είναι μια σχέση κληρονομίας.\nΛέμε ότι αυτές οι υποκατηγορίες κληρονομούν\nόλα τα χαρακτηριστικά και τις μεθόδους της υπερκλάσης.\nΘα μπορούσατε επίσης να χρησιμοποιήσετε τους όρους παιδί και γονέα\nτάξη.\nΈτσι η τάξη του Otter πρόκειται να κληρονομήσει\nχαρακτηριστικά του ονόματος, ηλικίας και ταυτότητας.\nΚαι τότε θα μπορούσαμε να προσθέσουμε ένα συγκεκριμένο χαρακτηριστικό\nσε Otter, όπως το μήκος του μούστου.\nΈνα από τα πλεονεκτήματα της κληρονομιάς είναι αυτό\nαν θέλαμε να αλλάξουμε ή να προσθέσουμε ένα χαρακτηριστικό\n\nPortuguese: \npara todos os animais, não teríamos que ir\ne fazer essa mudança para Tortoise e, em seguida,\nLontra, e depois o lento Loris.\nNós apenas fazemos a mudança para a classe Animal\ne aplica-se a todas as subclasses.\nNesse cenário, também temos o que é chamado\nabstração.\nAnimal é uma classe abstrata.\nPorque no nosso sistema, a qualquer momento queremos\ninstanciar uma de nossas aulas, vai\nser uma tartaruga, lontra ou loris lentos.\nNós não iria instanciar a classe animal\nem si.\nA classe animal é apenas uma maneira de simplificar\ncoisas e manter o código \"seco\"\nentão você não se repete.\nEntão, para mostrar que esta é uma aula abstrata,\nnós vamos colocar o nome em itálico.\nVocê poderia colocar o nome da turma dentro desses\nas coisas também, mas eu prefiro itálico.\nOk, outro tipo de relacionamento é associação.\nEntão, se tivéssemos uma aula para o Sea Urchin, poderíamos\ndesenhar uma associação, que é apenas representada\npor uma linha simples, entre Otter e Sea Urchin.\nE poderíamos dizer que Otter come Sea Urchin.\nNão há dependência entre eles.\nÉ apenas um relacionamento básico de associação\ne é bem simples.\nO próximo tipo de relacionamento é agregação.\n\nChinese: \n对于所有动物,我们不必去\n然后,改变为Tortoise\n水獭,然后是慢洛里斯。\n我们只是对Animal类进行了更改\n它适用于所有子类。\n在这种情况下,我们也有所谓的\n抽象。\n动物是一个抽象类。\n因为在我们的系统中,我们随时都可以\n实例化我们的一个类,它就会发生\n成为乌龟,水獭或慢懒猴。\n我们不会实例化动物类\n本身。\n动物类只是简化的一种方式\n事情并保持代码“干”\n所以你不要重复自己。\n所以为了表明这是一个抽象类,\n我们将这个名字用斜体字。\n您可以将类名放在这些中\n事情也好,但我更喜欢斜体。\n好的另一种关系是关联。\n所以,如果我们有海胆的课程,我们可以\n绘制一个刚刚描述的关联\n通过简单的线路,在Otter和Sea Urchin之间。\n我们可以说奥特吃海胆。\n它们之间没有依赖关系。\n这只是一种基本的关联关系\n这很简单。\n下一种关系是聚合。\n\nVietnamese: \ncho tất cả animal, ta không cần thay đổi trong Tortoise\nsau đó là Otter, và Slow Loris\nta chỉ cần thực hiện ở Animal class, và nó áp dụng cho tất cả các lớp con\nta cũng có khái niệm là abstraction(trừu tượng hóa)\nAnimal là một lớp abstract(lớp trừu tượng)\nvì trong công viên, mỗi khi ta muốn đưa ra một thể hiện của các lớp(các con vật), nó sẽ là\ntortoise, otter hay slow loris\nta không đưa ra thể hiện của chính lớp animal(làm gì có con vật nào là animal)\n \n \nđể thế hiện đây là một abstract class, ta in nghiêng tên của nó\nbạn có thể đặt tên class trong cặp \">\"\nmột loại relationship nữa là association(quan hệ liên kết)\ngiả sử ta có class cho Sea Urchin(nhím biển)\nviệc tạo một quan hệ association chỉ cần một đường thằng giữa Otter và Sea Urchin\nquan hệ giữa chúng là Otter ăn Sea Urchin\nkhông có sự phụ thuộc nào giữa chúng\nnó chỉ là một quan hệ liên kết cơ bản, và khá đơn giản\nrelationship tiếp là aggregation(quan hệ kết tập)\n\nSpanish: \npara todos los animales, no tenemos que ir y hacer cambios en la clase \"Tortuga\" y luego\n\"Nutria\" y luego \"Loris lento\".\nSolo le hacemos el cambio a la clase \"Animal\" y se aplica en todas sus subclases.\nEn este escenario, tenemos también lo que se conoce como abstracción.\n\"Animal\" es una clase abstracta.\nComo en nuestro sistema, cuando queremos instanciar una de nuestras clases\na ser \"Tortuga\", \"Nutria\" o \"Loris lento\".\nNo quisiéramos instanciar la clase \"Animal\" en sí misma.\nLa clase \"Animal\" es solo una manera de simplificar las cosas y mantener el código \"barrido\"\npara que no tengas que repetir nada.\nEntonces, para mostrar que esta es una clase abstracta, pondremos en nombre en letra cursiva.\nO puedes poner el nombre de la clase en medio de estos signos, pero prefiero la letra cursiva.\nBien, otro tipo de relación es de asociación.\nSi tenemos una clase para \"Erizo de mar\" podríamos dibujar una asociación, la que se evidencia\ncon una línea simple, entre \"Nutria\" y \"Erizo de mar\".\nY diríamos que las nutrias comen erizos de mar.\nNo existe dependencia entre ellos.\nSólo es una asociación básica y es bastante sencilla.\nEl siguiente tipo de relación es la agregación.\n\nIndonesian: \nuntuk semua hewan, kita tidak harus pergi\nmasuk dan buat perubahan itu ke Tortoise, lalu\nBerang-berang, lalu Loris Lambat.\nKami baru saja membuat perubahan ke kelas Hewan\ndan itu berlaku di semua subclass.\nDalam skenario ini, kami juga memiliki apa yang disebut\nabstraksi.\nHewan adalah kelas abstrak.\nKarena dalam sistem kami, kapan saja kami mau\ninstantiate salah satu kelas kami, itu akan\nmenjadi kura-kura, berang-berang, atau kukang.\nKami tidak akan membuat instance kelas hewan\ndiri.\nKelas hewan hanyalah cara untuk menyederhanakan\nhal-hal dan menjaga kode \"kering\"\njadi kamu jangan ulangi sendiri.\nJadi untuk menunjukkan bahwa ini adalah kelas abstrak,\nkami akan mencantumkan namanya dalam huruf miring.\nAnda bisa memasukkan nama kelas di dalamnya\nhal-hal juga, tapi saya lebih suka huruf miring.\nOke tipe hubungan lain adalah asosiasi.\nJadi jika kita memiliki kelas untuk Landak Laut kita bisa\nmenggambar asosiasi, yang baru saja digambarkan\noleh garis sederhana, antara Berang-berang dan Laut.\nDan bisa dikatakan Otter makan Sea Urchin.\nTidak ada ketergantungan di antara mereka.\nItu hanya hubungan asosiasi dasar\ndan itu sangat sederhana.\nJenis hubungan berikutnya adalah agregasi.\n\nFrench: \npour tous les animaux, nous n'aurions pas à aller\net faire ce changement à Tortoise, puis\nLoutre, puis Loris lente.\nNous venons de faire le changement à la classe animale\net il s'applique à toutes les sous-classes.\nDans ce scénario, nous avons aussi ce qu'on appelle\nabstraction.\nAnimal est une classe abstraite.\nParce que dans notre système, chaque fois que nous voulons\ninstancier une de nos classes, ça va\nêtre une tortue, une loutre ou un loris lent.\nNous n'instancions pas la classe d'animaux\nlui-même.\nLa classe des animaux est juste un moyen de simplifier\nchoses et garder le code \"sec\"\ndonc tu ne te répètes pas.\nDonc, pour montrer que c'est une classe abstraite,\nnous mettrons le nom en italique.\nVous pouvez mettre le nom de la classe à l'intérieur de ces\nles choses aussi, mais je préfère l'italique.\nD'accord, un autre type de relation est l'association.\nDonc, si nous avions un cours pour Sea Urchin nous pourrions\ndessiner une association, qui est juste représentée\npar une ligne simple, entre Otter et Sea Urchin.\nEt nous pourrions dire Otter mange Sea Urchin.\nIl n'y a pas de dépendance entre eux.\nC'est juste une relation d'association basique\net c'est assez simple.\nLe prochain type de relation est l'agrégation.\n\nThai: \nสำหรับสัตว์ทุกชนิดเราไม่ต้องไป\nin และทำการเปลี่ยนแปลงดังกล่าวกับเต่าแล้ว\nOtter และ Loris ช้า\nเราเพิ่งเปลี่ยนไปเป็นสัตว์\nและใช้กับทุกชั้นเรียนย่อย\nในสถานการณ์นี้เรามีสิ่งที่เรียกว่า\nสิ่งที่เป็นนามธรรม\nสัตว์เป็นชั้นนามธรรม\nเนื่องจากในระบบของเราเมื่อใดก็ตามที่เราต้องการ\nยกตัวอย่างชั้นเรียนของเรา\nที่จะเป็นเต่านากหรือช้า loris\nเราจะไม่ยกระดับสัตว์\nตัวเอง\nชั้นสัตว์เป็นเพียงวิธีที่ง่าย\nสิ่งที่และเก็บรหัส \"แห้ง\"\nดังนั้นคุณจึงไม่ทำซ้ำตัวเอง\nดังนั้นเพื่อแสดงให้เห็นว่านี่เป็นชั้นนามธรรม\nเราจะใส่ชื่อด้วยตัวเอียง\nคุณสามารถใส่ชื่อชั้นภายในเหล่านี้ได้\nสิ่งที่ดี แต่ฉันชอบตัวเอียง\nเอาล่ะความสัมพันธ์แบบอื่นคือการมีส่วนร่วม\nถ้าเรามีชั้นเรียนสำหรับ Sea Urchin เราก็ทำได้\nวาดสมาคมซึ่งเป็นภาพเพียง\nโดยเส้นที่เรียบง่ายระหว่าง Otter และ Sea Urchin\nและเราอาจพูดได้ว่า Otter กิน Sea Urchin\nไม่มีการพึ่งพาระหว่างพวกเขา\nเป็นเพียงความสัมพันธ์แบบพื้นฐาน\nและมันค่อนข้างง่าย\nความสัมพันธ์แบบต่อไปคือการรวม\n\nEnglish: \nfor all animals, we wouldn’t have to go\nin and make that change to Tortoise, and then\nOtter, and then Slow Loris.\nWe just make the change to the Animal class\nand it applies across all subclasses.\nIn this scenario, we also have what’s called\nabstraction.\nAnimal is an abstract class.\nBecause in our system, anytime we want to\ninstantiate one of our classes, it’s going\nto be a tortoise, otter, or slow loris.\nWe wouldn’t instantiate the animal class\nitself.\nThe animal class is just a way to simplify\nthings and keep the code \"dry\"\nso you don’t repeat yourself.\nSo to show that this is an abstract class,\nwe’ll put the name in italics.\nYou could put the class name inside these\nthings as well, but I prefer italics.\nOkay another type of relationship is association.\nSo if we had a class for Sea Urchin we could\ndraw an association, which is just depicted\nby a simple line, between Otter and Sea Urchin.\nAnd we could say Otter eats Sea Urchin.\nThere’s no dependency between them.\nIt’s just a basic association relationship\nand it’s pretty simple.\nThe next type of relationship is aggregation.\n\nArabic: \nلجميع الحيوانات ، لن نضطر للذهاب\nفي هذا التغيير إلى السلحفاة ، وبعد ذلك\nاوتير ، ثم بطيئة لوريس.\nنحن فقط نجعل التغيير إلى فئة الحيوان\nوينطبق على جميع الفئات الفرعية.\nفي هذا السيناريو ، لدينا أيضًا ما يسمى\nالتجريد.\nالحيوان هو فئة مجردة.\nلأنه في نظامنا ، في أي وقت نريد\nابتكري واحدة من دروسنا ، إنها مستمرة\nأن تكون سلحفاة أو قضاعة أو لوريس بطيء.\nلن نقوم بتجديد الطبقة الحيوانية\nبحد ذاتها.\nالطبقة الحيوانية هي مجرد وسيلة للتبسيط\nالأشياء والحفاظ على الرمز \"جاف\"\nحتى لا تكرر نفسك.\nلكي نبين أن هذه طبقة مجردة ،\nسنضع الاسم بخط مائل.\nيمكنك وضع اسم الفئة داخلها\nالأشياء كذلك ، لكنني أفضل مائل.\nحسناً ، هناك نوع آخر من العلاقة هو الارتباط.\nلذا لو كان لدينا صف ل Urchin يمكننا ذلك\nارسم جمعية ، والتي تم تصويرها للتو\nبخط بسيط ، بين Otter و Urchin البحر.\nويمكننا أن نقول أن قضاعة أكلت قنف البحر.\nلا يوجد تبعية بينهما.\nإنها مجرد علاقة ارتباط أساسية\nوانها بسيطة جدا.\nالنوع التالي من العلاقة هو التجميع.\n\nUkrainian: \nдля всіх тварин ми не повинні йти\nі робити цю зміну в Черепаха, а потім\nВидра, а потім повільний Лоріс.\nМи просто робимо зміни в класі тварин\nі застосовуємо її для всіх підкласів.\nУ цьому сценарії ми також маємо те, що називається абстракція.\nТварина - абстрактний клас.\nТому що в нашій системі, якщо ми захочемо створити Екземпляр одного з наших класів, це\nбуде черепаха, видра або повільний лоріс.\nМи не створюємо клас тварина\nсам по собі.\nКлас тварин - це просто спосіб спростити\nречі і тримати код \"сухим\"\nтобто, таким що не повторює себе.\nОтже, щоб показати, що це абстрактний клас,\nми поставимо ім'я курсивом.\nВи можете помістити ім'я класу всередину, але я віддаю перевагу курсиву.\nГаразд інший тип відносин - це асоціація.\nТак якщо б ми мали клас для морського їжака, ми рисуємо асоціацію, яка просто зображена\nпростою лінією, між видрами і морським їжаком.\nА можна сказати, що Видра їсть морського їжака.\nНемає ніякої залежності між ними.\nЦе просто базові відносини асоціації\nі це досить просто.\nНаступним типом відносин є агрегація.\n\nModern Greek (1453-): \nγια όλα τα ζώα, δεν θα έπρεπε να πάμε\nκαι να γίνει αυτή η αλλαγή στο Tortoise, και στη συνέχεια\nOtter, και στη συνέχεια Slow Loris.\nΚάνουμε απλώς την αλλαγή στην κλάση των ζώων\nκαι εφαρμόζεται σε όλες τις υποκατηγορίες.\nΣε αυτό το σενάριο, έχουμε επίσης αυτό που λέμε\nαφαίρεση.\nΤο ζώο είναι μια αφηρημένη τάξη.\nΕπειδή στο σύστημά μας, οποτεδήποτε θέλουμε\nπαράσταση μιας από τις τάξεις μας, πρόκειται\nνα είναι μια χελώνα, η βίδρα ή αργή Loris.\nΔεν θα δίνουμε παραστάσεις στην κατηγορία των ζώων\nεαυτό.\nΗ κατηγορία των ζώων είναι απλώς ένας τρόπος απλοποίησης\nπράγματα και κρατήστε τον κώδικα \"ξηρό\"\nέτσι ώστε να μην επαναλάβετε τον εαυτό σας.\nΓια να δείξουμε λοιπόν ότι πρόκειται για μια αφηρημένη τάξη,\nθα βάλουμε το όνομα σε πλάγια γραφή.\nΘα μπορούσατε να βάλετε το όνομα της τάξης μέσα σε αυτά\nπράγματα επίσης, αλλά προτιμώ πλάγια.\nΕντάξει ένας άλλος τύπος σχέσης είναι συσχέτιση.\nΈτσι αν είχαμε μια τάξη για το Sea Urchin θα μπορούσαμε\nνα σχεδιάσετε μια ένωση, η οποία απεικονίζεται ακριβώς\nμε μια απλή γραμμή, μεταξύ του Otter και του Sea Urchin.\nΚαι θα μπορούσαμε να πούμε ότι η Otter τρώει το Sea Urchin.\nΔεν υπάρχει εξάρτηση μεταξύ τους.\nΕίναι απλά μια βασική σχέση σύνδεσης\nκαι είναι πολύ απλό.\nΟ επόμενος τύπος σχέσης είναι η συνάθροιση.\n\nSpanish: \nEs un tipo especial de asociación que especifica un todo y sus partes.\nPara continuar con nuestro ejemplo... de nuevo, esto es únicamente para ayudar a explicar la lógica... vamos a\ncrear una clase para un grupo de tortugas.\nLas tortugas se pueden agrupar como manada.\nEntonces aquí está nuestra manada y va a tener relación con \"Tortuga\".\nCualquiera de las tortugas de nuestro zoológico puede formar parte de una manada.\nPero no tienen que serlo.\nUna tortuga podría dejar su manada en cualquier punto y todavía existiría por su cuenta.\nEse tipo de relación, donde una parte existe fuera de un todo, es agregación y\nlo demostramos con un diamante blanco.\nTambién hay una relación donde la parte no puede existir fuera del todo.\nSe denomina composición.\nPara ilustrar esto, voy a crear unas clases nuevas.\nDigamos que tenemos varios centros de visitantes diferentes en nuestro zoológico.\nY cada uno de los centros tiene un vestíbulo y un baño.\nY si uno de nuestros centros fuera demolido, el vestíbulo y el baño de ese\ncentro también sería demolido.\nEsos cuartos no pueden existir fuera del centro de visitantes en el que están.\n\nUkrainian: \nЦе особливий тип асоціації\nвказує на ціле і його частини.\nОтже, щоб продовжити з нашим зоопарком ... \n щоб допомогти пояснити логіку ... давайте\nстворимо новий клас для групи черепах.\nГрупа черепах називається повзучою, і\nце дуже круто.\nТак ось наш клас Повзучі має\nвідносини з черепахою.\nБудь-яка з черепах нашого зоопарку може бути частиною повзучих.\nАле вони не зобов'язані.\nЧерепаха може перестати повзти\nі існувати самі по собі.\nТакий тип відносин, де частина може\nіснувати поза цілим, є агрегацією і\nвідзначимо це відкритим алмазом.\nТакож ж відносини, де частина\nне може існувати поза цілого.\nЦе називається композицією.\nЩоб проілюструвати це, я збираюся створити\nкілька нових класів.\nСкажемо, ми маємо кілька різних\nцентрів відвідувачів у нашому зоопарку.\nІ в кожному з цих центрів відвыдувачів (хол) є лобі\nі ванна кімната.\nТепер, якщо один з наших центрів для відвідувачів був зруйнований, вестибюль та ванна кімната цього холу,\nбудуть також знищені.\nЦі кімнати не могли б існувати, окрім\nЦентру відвідувачів, в якому вони перебувають.\n\nModern Greek (1453-): \nΕίναι ένας ειδικός τύπος σύνδεσης που\nορίζει ένα σύνολο και τα μέρη του.\nΣυνεπώς, για να συνεχίσουμε με το παράδειγμα του ζωολογικού κήπου μας ... πάλι,\nαυτό είναι μόνο για να εξηγήσουμε τη λογική ... ας είναι\nδημιουργήστε μια νέα τάξη για μια ομάδα χελωνών.\nΜια ομάδα χελωνών ονομάζεται ερπυσμός και\nαυτό είναι πολύ ωραίο.\nΈτσι, εδώ είναι η κλάση μας Creep και έχει\nμια σχέση με τη χελώνα.\nΟποιαδήποτε από τις χελώνες του ζωολογικού κήπου μας μπορεί να είναι μέρος\nμιας ερπυσμού.\nΑλλά δεν χρειάζεται να είναι.\nΜια χελώνα μπορεί να αφήσει τον ερπυσμό σε οποιοδήποτε σημείο\nκαι εξακολουθεί να υπάρχει μόνος του.\nΑυτός ο τύπος σχέσης, όπου ένα μέρος μπορεί\nυπάρχουν εκτός του συνόλου, είναι η συνάθροιση και\nτο σημειώνουμε με ανοιχτό διαμάντι.\nΥπάρχει επίσης μια σχέση όπου το μέρος\nδεν μπορεί να υπάρξει εκτός του συνόλου.\nΟνομάζεται σύνθεση.\nΓια να το δείξω αυτό, θα δημιουργήσω\nμερικές νέες τάξεις.\nΑς πούμε απλώς ότι έχουμε πολλά διαφορετικά\nκέντρα επισκεπτών στον ζωολογικό κήπο μας.\nΚαι καθένα από αυτά τα κέντρα επισκεπτών έχει ένα λόμπι\nκαι ένα μπάνιο.\nΤώρα αν ένα από τα κέντρα επισκεπτών μας ήταν σκισμένο\nκάτω, το λόμπι και το μπάνιο αυτού του επισκέπτη\nτο κέντρο θα καταστραφεί επίσης.\nΑυτά τα δωμάτια δεν θα μπορούσαν να υπάρξουν εκτός από το\nΚέντρο Επισκεπτών ότι βρίσκονται.\n\nPortuguese: \nÉ um tipo especial de associação que\nespecifica um todo e suas partes.\nEntão, para continuar com o nosso exemplo zoológico ... novamente,\nisso é só para ajudar a explicar a lógica ... vamos\ncrie uma nova classe para um grupo de tartarugas.\nUm grupo de tartarugas é chamado de fluência e\nIsso é bem legal.\nEntão aqui está a nossa classe Creep e tem\num relacionamento com tartaruga.\nQualquer uma das tartarugas do nosso zoológico pode fazer parte\nde uma fluência.\nMas eles não precisam ser.\nUma tartaruga pode deixar o arrepio a qualquer momento\ne ainda existem por conta própria.\nEsse tipo de relacionamento, onde uma parte pode\nexistem fora do todo, é agregação e\nnotamos com um diamante aberto.\nHá também um relacionamento em que a parte\nnão pode existir fora do todo.\nChama-se composição.\nPara ilustrar isso, vou criar\nalgumas novas classes.\nVamos apenas dizer que temos vários\ncentros de visitantes em nosso zoológico.\nE cada um desses centros de visitantes tem um lobby\ne um banheiro.\nAgora, se um dos nossos centros de visitantes foi rasgado\npara baixo, o lobby e o banheiro daquele visitante\nO centro seria destruído também.\nEsses quartos não poderiam existir para além do\nCentro de Visitantes em que eles estão.\n\nIndonesian: \nItu jenis asosiasi khusus itu\nmenentukan keseluruhan dan bagian-bagiannya.\nJadi untuk melanjutkan dengan contoh kebun binatang kami ... lagi,\nini hanya untuk membantu menjelaskan logika ... ayo\nbuat kelas baru untuk sekelompok kura-kura.\nSekelompok kura-kura disebut creep, dan\nitu keren.\nJadi, inilah kelas Creep kami dan ia dapat\nhubungan dengan kura-kura.\nKura-kura kebun binatang kami dapat menjadi bagian\nmerayap.\nTetapi mereka tidak harus seperti itu.\nKura-kura bisa meninggalkan creep kapan saja\ndan masih ada dengan sendirinya.\nJenis hubungan itu, di mana sebagian bisa\nada di luar keseluruhan, adalah agregasi dan\nkami mencatatnya dengan berlian terbuka.\nAda juga hubungan di mana bagian itu\ntidak bisa ada di luar keseluruhan.\nIni disebut komposisi.\nUntuk menggambarkan ini, saya akan membuat\nbeberapa kelas baru.\nAnggap saja kita memiliki beberapa perbedaan\npusat pengunjung di kebun binatang kami.\nDan masing-masing pusat pengunjung tersebut memiliki lobi\ndan kamar mandi.\nSekarang jika salah satu pusat pengunjung kami robek\ndi bawah, lobi dan kamar mandi tamu itu\npusat akan hancur juga.\nKamar-kamar itu tidak bisa ada selain dari\nPusat Pengunjung tempat mereka berada.\n\nThai: \nเป็นสมาคมประเภทพิเศษที่\nระบุทั้งชิ้นส่วนและส่วนประกอบ\nดังนั้นเพื่อดำเนินการต่อกับตัวอย่างสวนสัตว์ของเราอีกครั้ง\nนี้เป็นเพียงเพื่อช่วยอธิบายเหตุผล ... ขอ\nสร้างคลาสใหม่สำหรับกลุ่มเต่า\nกลุ่มเต่าเรียกว่าคลานและ\nที่เย็นสวย\nดังนั้นนี่คือชั้น Creep ของเราและมันมี\nความสัมพันธ์กับเต่า\nเต่าใด ๆ ของสวนสัตว์ของเราอาจเป็นส่วนหนึ่ง\nของครีพ\nแต่พวกเขาไม่จำเป็นต้องเป็น\nเต่าสามารถทิ้ง creep ไว้ได้ทุกเมื่อ\nและยังคงมีอยู่ด้วยตัวของมันเอง\nประเภทของความสัมพันธ์ที่เป็นส่วนหนึ่งสามารถ\nอยู่ภายนอกทั้งหมดคือการรวบรวมและ\nเราสังเกตด้วยเพชรที่เปิดอยู่\nนอกจากนี้ยังมีความสัมพันธ์ที่เป็นส่วนหนึ่ง\nไม่สามารถอยู่ภายนอกทั้งหมดได้\nเรียกว่าองค์ประกอบ\nเพื่อเป็นการแสดงให้เห็นถึงสิ่งนี้ฉันจะสร้าง\nชั้นเรียนใหม่ ๆ\nสมมติว่าเรามีหลายแบบ\nศูนย์ผู้เยี่ยมชมในสวนสัตว์ของเรา\nศูนย์บริการนักท่องเที่ยวแต่ละแห่งมีล็อบบี้\nและห้องน้ำ\nตอนนี้ถ้าศูนย์ผู้เข้าชมของเราถูกฉีกขาด\nลงล็อบบี้และห้องน้ำของผู้เข้าชมนั้น\nศูนย์จะถูกทำลายเช่นกัน\nห้องเหล่านั้นไม่สามารถอยู่นอกเหนือจาก\nศูนย์ผู้เข้าชมที่พวกเขาเข้ามา\n\nEnglish: \nIt’s a special type of association that\nspecifies a whole and its parts.\nSo to continue with our zoo example...again,\nthis is just to help explain the logic...let’s\ncreate a new class for a group of tortoises.\nA group of tortoises is called a creep, and\nthat’s pretty cool.\nSo here’s our Creep class and it’s got\na relationship with tortoise.\nAny of our zoo’s tortoises could be part\nof a creep.\nBut they don’t have to be.\nA tortoise could leave the creep at any point\nand still exist on its own.\nThat type of relationship, where a part can\nexist outside the whole, is aggregation and\nwe note it with an open diamond.\nThere’s also a relationship where the part\ncan’t exist outside the whole.\nIt’s called composition.\nTo illustrate this, I’m going to create\na few new classes.\nLet’s just say we have several different\nvisitor centers in our zoo.\nAnd each of those visitor centers has a lobby\nand a bathroom.\nNow if one of our visitors centers was torn\ndown, the lobby and the bathroom of that visitor\ncenter would be destroyed as well.\nThose rooms couldn’t exist apart from the\nVisitor Center that they’re in.\n\nArabic: \nانها نوع خاص من الجمعيات ذلك\nيحدد كامل وأجزائه.\nلذلك ، يمكنك الاستمرار في مثال حديقة الحيوانات لدينا ... مرة أخرى ،\nهذا فقط للمساعدة في شرح المنطق ... دعونا\nخلق فئة جديدة لمجموعة من السلاحف.\nيسمى مجموعة من السلاحف زحف ، و\nهذا رائع.\nحتى هنا لدينا الفئة Creep وانها حصلت\nعلاقة مع السلحفاة.\nأي من سلاحف حديقة الحيوان لدينا يمكن أن تكون جزءًا\nمن الزحف.\nلكن ليس من الضروري أن يكونوا كذلك.\nيمكن لسلحفاة ترك زحف في أي نقطة\nولا تزال موجودة من تلقاء نفسها.\nهذا النوع من العلاقة ، حيث يمكن للجزء\nموجودة خارج الكل ، هو التجميع و\nنلاحظ ذلك مع الماس مفتوح.\nهناك أيضا علاقة حيث الجزء\nلا يمكن أن توجد خارج الكل.\nيطلق عليه تكوين.\nلتوضيح ذلك ، سأقوم بإنشاء\nبعض الفصول الجديدة.\nدعونا نقول فقط لدينا العديد من مختلف\nمراكز الزوار في حديقة الحيوان لدينا.\nولكل من مراكز الزوار تلك لوبي\nوحمام.\nالآن إذا تم مزق واحد من مراكز الزوار لدينا\nأسفل ، اللوبي والحمام من ذلك الزائر\nسيتم تدمير مركز كذلك.\nتلك الغرف لا يمكن أن توجد بعيدا عن\nمركز الزوار أنهم في.\n\nVietnamese: \nđây là một loại đặc biệc của association chỉ ra mối quan hệ whole(tổng thể) và parts(bộ phận)\ntiếp tục với ví dụ về zoo\nta tạo một class mới cho một nhóm Tortoises\nnhóm Tortoises này được gọi là creep(bầy rùa?)\nclass Creep này có quan hệ với tortoise\nbất kỳ con rùa(tortoises) nào ở công viên có thể là một phần(part of) của creep\nnhưng chúng không bắt buộc như thế\nmột con rùa nào đó có thể rời creep bất cứ lúc nào và có thể tồn tại riêng lẻ\nloại relationship này, khi mà a part có thể tồn tại bên ngoài whole, được gọi là aggregation\nta ký hiệu nó\ncòn có một relationship mà part không thể tồn tại bên ngoài whole\nđược gọi là composition(quan hệ thành phần)\nđể làm rõ hơn, ta sẽ tạo một vài class mới\ngiả sử ta có vài visitor center(trung tâm thăm quan) trong công viên\nvà mỗi visitor center đều có một lobby(sảnh) và bathroom(phòng vệ sinh)\nnếu một trong các trung tâm của ta bị sập, thì sảnh và phòng vệ sinh trong trung tâm này sẽ bị phá hủy\n \nnhững thứ này không thể tồn tại tách rời trung tâm của nó\n\nChinese: \n这是一种特殊的关联类型\n指定整体及其部分。\n所以继续我们的动物园示例......再次,\n这只是为了帮助解释逻辑......让我们\n为一群陆龟创造一个新的类。\n一群龟被称为蠕变,而且\n这很酷。\n所以这是我们的Creep课程,它有\n与乌龟的关系。\n我们动物园的任何一只乌龟都可能成为其中的一部分\n一个蠕变。\n但他们并非必须如此。\n乌龟可以随时离开蠕变\n并且仍然存在。\n这种关系,一部分可以\n存在于整体之外,是聚合和\n我们用开放的钻石注意到它。\n这部分也有关系\n不可能存在于整体之外。\n这叫做作曲。\n为了说明这一点,我将创建\n一些新课程。\n我们只想说我们有几个不同的\n我们动物园的游客中心。\n每个游客中心都有一个大厅\n和一间浴室。\n现在,如果我们的一个访客中心被撕裂了\n下来,游客的大堂和浴室\n中心也将被摧毁。\n那些房间离开了\n他们所在的游客中心。\n\nFrench: \nC'est un type particulier d'association\nspécifie un ensemble et ses parties.\nDonc, pour continuer avec notre exemple de zoo ... encore une fois,\nc'est juste pour aider à expliquer la logique ... nous allons\ncréer une nouvelle classe pour un groupe de tortues.\nUn groupe de tortues est appelé un fluage, et\nc'est plutôt cool.\nAlors, voici notre classe Creep et elle a\nune relation avec la tortue.\nToutes les tortues de notre zoo pourraient faire partie\nd'un fluage.\nMais ils ne doivent pas être.\nUne tortue pourrait quitter le fluage à tout moment\net existe toujours seul.\nCe type de relation, où une partie peut\nexister en dehors du tout, est l'agrégation et\non le note avec un diamant ouvert.\nIl y a aussi une relation où la partie\nne peut pas exister en dehors du tout.\nC'est ce qu'on appelle la composition.\nPour illustrer cela, je vais créer\nquelques nouvelles classes.\nDisons simplement que nous avons plusieurs différents\ncentres de visiteurs dans notre zoo.\nEt chacun de ces centres d'accueil a un lobby\net une salle de bain.\nMaintenant, si l'un de nos centres de visiteurs était déchiré\nvers le bas, le hall et la salle de bain de ce visiteur\ncentre serait également détruit.\nCes pièces ne peuvent exister en dehors du\nCentre d'accueil dans lequel ils sont.\n\nIndonesian: \nItu komposisi ... ketika seorang anak keberatan\ntidak akan bisa ada tanpa objek induknya.\nKami mencatat hubungan komposisi dengan a\nberlian tertutup.\nKonsep penting lainnya ketika berbicara tentang\nhubungan dalam diagram kelas UML adalah multiplisitas.\nMultiplisitas memungkinkan Anda mengatur batasan numerik\ntentang hubungan Anda.\nMisalnya, katakanlah kita ingin menentukan\nyang akan dimiliki pusat pengunjung kami\nhanya satu lobi.\nKami hanya menulis nomor satu di sini, artinya\nmungkin ada satu dan hanya satu lobi per pusat pengunjung.\nTapi untuk kamar mandi, mungkin kita ingin membuatnya\nsehingga setidaknya ada satu kamar mandi per\npusat pengunjung, tetapi tinggalkan opsi untuk memiliki\nsebanyak yang kamu mau.\nKami akan menggunakan notasi ini untuk menunjukkan satu atau\nbanyak kamar mandi.\nJenis multiplisitas lainnya adalah nol banding satu,\nyang merupakan hubungan opsional.\nN, mewakili jumlah tertentu, yang dalam\ncontoh kita adalah satu, tetapi bisa juga yang lain\nnomor tergantung pada kasus penggunaan Anda.\nTidak banyak.\nSatu ke banyak.\nAtau rentang angka tertentu.\nSemoga contoh kebun binatang kami telah membantu menjelaskan\nkonsep-konsep itu, tetapi saya ingin menunjukkan kepada Anda apa\ncontoh dunia nyata akan terlihat seperti.\nIni adalah diagram kelas UML untuk online\nkeranjang belanja, dan jika Anda ingin melihatnya\n\nEnglish: \nThat’s composition...when a child object\nwouldn’t be able to exist without its parent object.\nWe note a composition relationship with a\nclosed diamond.\nAnother important concept when talking about\nrelationships in UML class diagrams is multiplicity.\nMultiplicity allows you to set numerical constraints\non your relationships.\nFor example, let’s say we want to specify\nthat our visitor centers are going to have\njust one lobby.\nWe simply write the number one here, meaning\nthere can be one and only one lobby per visitor center.\nBut for bathrooms, maybe we want to make it\nso that there’s at least one bathroom per\nvisitor center, but leave the option to have\nas many as you’d like.\nWe’d use this notation to denote one or\nmany bathrooms.\nOther types of multiplicity are zero to one,\nwhich is an optional relationship.\nN, representing a specific amount, which in\nour example was one, but it could be any other\nnumber depending on your use case.\nZero to many.\nOne to many.\nOr a specific number range.\nHopefully our zoo examples have helped explain\nthose concepts, but I want to show you what\na real world example would look like.\nThis is a UML class diagram for an online\nshopping cart, and if you want to look at\n\nArabic: \nهذا التكوين ... عندما كائن الطفل\nلن تكون قادرة على الوجود بدون كائنها الرئيسي.\nنلاحظ وجود علاقة تكوين مع\nالماس مغلقة.\nمفهوم آخر مهم عند الحديث عنه\nالعلاقات في الرسوم البيانية لفئة UML هي التعددية.\nالتعدد يسمح لك بوضع قيود رقمية\nعلى علاقاتك\nعلى سبيل المثال ، لنفترض أننا نريد التحديد\nأن مراكز زوارنا ستكون لدينا\nفقط لوبي واحد.\nنحن ببساطة نكتب الرقم واحد هنا ، وهذا يعني\nيمكن أن يكون هناك لوبى واحد فقط لكل مركز زائر.\nلكن بالنسبة للحمامات ، ربما نريد أن نجعلها\nبحيث يوجد على الأقل حمام واحد لكل شخص\nمركز الزوار ، ولكن اترك خيار الحصول عليها\nبقدر ما تريد.\nسنستخدم هذا الترميز للدلالة على واحد أو\nالعديد من الحمامات.\nالأنواع الأخرى من التعددية هي صفر إلى واحد ،\nوهي علاقة اختيارية.\nN ، يمثل مبلغًا محددًا ، والذي في\nكان مثالنا واحدًا ، لكن يمكن أن يكون أي شيء آخر\nيعتمد على حالة الاستخدام الخاصة بك.\nصفر للكثيرين.\nواحد لكثير.\nأو مجموعة أرقام محددة.\nنأمل أن أمثلة حديقة الحيوان لدينا قد ساعدت في تفسير ذلك\nهذه المفاهيم ، لكني أريد أن أريك ما\nمثالًا حقيقيًا للعالم سيبدو.\nهذا هو رسم تخطيطي لفئة UML عبر الإنترنت\nعربة التسوق ، وإذا كنت ترغب في النظر\n\nPortuguese: \nIsso é composição ... quando um objeto filho\nnão seria capaz de existir sem seu objeto pai.\nNotamos uma relação de composição com um\ndiamante fechado.\nOutro conceito importante quando se fala\nrelacionamentos em diagramas de classe UML é multiplicidade.\nMultiplicidade permite que você defina restrições numéricas\nem seus relacionamentos.\nPor exemplo, digamos que queremos especificar\nque nossos centros de visitantes vão ter\napenas um lobby.\nNós simplesmente escrevemos o número um aqui, significando\npode haver um e apenas um lobby por centro de visitantes.\nMas para os banheiros, talvez nós queremos fazer isso\npara que haja pelo menos um banheiro por\ncentro de visitantes, mas deixe a opção de ter\nquantos você quiser.\nNós usaríamos essa notação para denotar um ou\nmuitos banheiros.\nOutros tipos de multiplicidade são zero a um,\nque é um relacionamento opcional.\nN, representando um montante específico, que em\nnosso exemplo foi um, mas poderia ser qualquer outro\nnúmero dependendo do seu caso de uso.\nZero para muitos.\nUm para muitos.\nOu um intervalo de numeração específico.\nEspero que os nossos exemplos de zoológicos tenham ajudado a explicar\nesses conceitos, mas eu quero te mostrar o que\num exemplo do mundo real seria parecido.\nEste é um diagrama de classes UML para um\ncarrinho de compras, e se você quiser olhar\n\nUkrainian: \nЦе композиція ... коли дочірній об'єкт\nне може існувати без його батьківського об'єкта.\nВідзначимо співвідношення композиції як\nзакритий алмаз.\nЩе одне важливе поняття при розмові\nпро відношення в діаграмах класів UML є кратністю.\nКратність дозволяє задавати числові обмеження\nна ваших відносинах.\nНаприклад, скажімо, ми хочемо вказати\nщо наші центри відвідувачів будуть мати\nпросто одне фойє.\nМи просто пишемо номер один, що означає\nможе бути одне і тільки одне фойє в центрі відвідувачів.\nАле для ванних кімнат, можливо, ми хочемо це зробити так що є принаймні одна ванна кімната\nв центрі відвідувачів, але залишити можливість мати стільки, скільки хочете.\nМи будемо використовувати це позначення для позначення одного або\nбагато ванних кімнат.\nІнші типи кратності дорівнюють нулю до одного,\nщо є необов'язковим відношенням.\nN, що представляє певну кількість, яка в\nнаш приклад був одним, але він міг бути будь-яким іншим\nномер залежно від випадку використання.\nНуля для багатьох.\nОдин для багатьох.\nАбо певний діапазон чисел.\nСподіваємося, що наші приклади з зоопарку допомогли пояснити\nці концепції, але я хочу показати вам, що\nприклад реального світу виглядатиме так.\nЦе діаграма класів UML для онлайн\nкошика для покупок, і якщо ви хочете подивитися\n\nSpanish: \nEso es la composición... cuando un objeto hijo no podría existir si su objeto padre tampoco.\nUna relación de composición la denotamos por un diamante negro.\nOtro concepto importante cuando hablamos sobre relaciones en diagramas UML es la multiplicidad.\nLa multiplicidad permite definir constantes numéricas dentro de tus relaciones.\nPor ejemplo, vamos a decir que queremos especificar que nuestros centros de visitantes van a tener\nun solo vestíbulo.\nSimplemente escribimos el número uno aquí, que significa que solo puede haber uno y solo un vestíbulo por centro de visitantes.\nPara los baños, quizá queremos que haya al menos un baño por cada\ncentro de visitantes, pero deja la opción para tener tantos como quieras.\nUsamos esta notación para denotar uno o más baños.\nOtros tipos de multiplicidad son del cero al uno, la cual es una relación opcional.\n\"N\" representa un cúmulo específico, el cual en nuestro ejemplo fue uno, pero puede ser cualquier otro\nnúmero dependiendo del caso.\nCero a muchos.\nUno a muchos.\nO un rango específico de números.\nAfortunadamente nuestros ejemplos han ayudado a explicar estos conceptos, pero quiero mostrarles lo que\nsería un ejemplo en el mundo real.\nEste es un diagrama de clases UML para un carrito de compras online, y si quieres mirar\n\nFrench: \nC'est la composition ... quand un objet enfant\nne pourrait pas exister sans son objet parent.\nNous notons une relation de composition avec un\ndiamant fermé.\nUn autre concept important quand on parle de\nles relations dans les diagrammes de classes UML sont multiplicité.\nLa multiplicité vous permet de définir des contraintes numériques\nsur vos relations.\nPar exemple, disons que nous voulons spécifier\nque nos centres d'accueil vont avoir\njuste un lobby.\nNous écrivons simplement le numéro un ici, ce qui signifie\nil peut y avoir un et un seul lobby par centre d'accueil.\nMais pour les salles de bains, peut-être que nous voulons le faire\nde sorte qu'il y ait au moins une salle de bain par\ncentre d'accueil, mais laisse l'option d'avoir\nautant que vous le souhaitez.\nNous utiliserions cette notation pour désigner un ou\nde nombreuses salles de bain.\nLes autres types de multiplicité sont de zéro à un,\nqui est une relation optionnelle.\nN, représentant un montant spécifique, qui\nnotre exemple en était un, mais ce pourrait être n'importe\nnombre en fonction de votre cas d'utilisation.\nZéro à plusieurs.\nUn à plusieurs.\nOu une plage de numéros spécifique.\nEspérons que nos exemples de zoo ont aidé à expliquer\nces concepts, mais je veux vous montrer ce que\nun exemple du monde réel ressemblerait.\nCeci est un diagramme de classe UML pour un en ligne\npanier, et si vous voulez regarder\n\nThai: \nนั่นคือองค์ประกอบ ... เมื่อเป็นวัตถุเด็ก\nจะไม่สามารถอยู่ได้ถ้าปราศจากวัตถุต้นทาง\nเราสังเกตความสัมพันธ์ขององค์ประกอบกับ a\nเพชรปิด\nอีกแนวคิดที่สำคัญเมื่อพูดถึง\nความสัมพันธ์ในแผนภาพคลาส UML คือ multiplicity\nMultiplicity ช่วยให้คุณสามารถกำหนดข้อ จำกัด เชิงตัวเลขได้\nเกี่ยวกับความสัมพันธ์ของคุณ\nตัวอย่างเช่นสมมุติว่าเราต้องการระบุ\nที่ศูนย์ผู้เยี่ยมชมของเราจะมี\nเพียงหนึ่งล็อบบี้\nเราเพียงแค่เขียนหมายเลขหนึ่งที่นี่ความหมาย\nสามารถมีได้เพียงหนึ่งล็อบบี้ต่อศูนย์ผู้เยี่ยมชมเท่านั้น\nแต่สำหรับห้องน้ำเราอาจต้องการทำ\nเพื่อให้มีอย่างน้อยหนึ่งห้องน้ำต่อ\nศูนย์ผู้เยี่ยมชม แต่ปล่อยให้ตัวเลือกมี\nมากเท่าที่คุณต้องการ\nเราจะใช้สัญกรณ์นี้เพื่อแสดงถึงหนึ่งหรือ\nห้องน้ำหลายแห่ง\nประเภทอื่น ๆ ของ multiplicity เป็นศูนย์หนึ่ง,\nซึ่งเป็นความสัมพันธ์ที่เป็นตัวเลือก\nN หมายถึงจำนวนเงินที่เจาะจงซึ่งมา\nตัวอย่างของเราก็คือเรื่องหนึ่ง แต่อาจเป็นเรื่องอื่นได้\nขึ้นอยู่กับกรณีการใช้งานของคุณ\nZero ให้มาก\nหนึ่งกับหลาย ๆ\nหรือช่วงหมายเลขที่เฉพาะเจาะจง\nหวังว่าตัวอย่างสวนสัตว์ของเราช่วยอธิบายได้\nแนวคิดเหล่านี้ แต่ฉันต้องการจะแสดงให้คุณเห็นว่า\nตัวอย่างของโลกแห่งความเป็นจริงจะมีลักษณะเช่นนี้\nนี่เป็นแผนภาพคลาส UML สำหรับออนไลน์\nรถเข็นช็อปปิ้งและถ้าคุณต้องการดู\n\nChinese: \n那个组成......当一个孩子对象时\n没有父对象就无法存在。\n我们注意到与a的组合关系\n封闭的钻石。\n谈论时的另一个重要概念\nUML类图中的关系是多重的。\nMultiplicity允许您设置数字约束\n关于你的人际关系\n例如,假设我们要指定\n我们的游客中心将会有\n只有一个大厅。\n我们只是在这里写下第一个,意思是\n每个游客中心只能有一个大厅。\n但对于浴室,也许我们想要做到\n这样每个人至少有一个卫生间\n游客中心,但留下选择权\n尽你所能。\n我们用这个表示法来表示一个或\n很多浴室。\n其他类型的多重性是零到一,\n这是一种可选的关系。\nN,代表一个特定的数量,在\n我们的例子是一个,但也可能是其他任何一个\n数量取决于您的使用案例。\n零到多。\n一对多。\n或特定的数字范围。\n希望我们的动物园示例有助于解释\n那些概念,但我想告诉你什么\n一个现实世界的例子看起来像。\n这是一个在线的UML类图\n购物车,如果你想看看\n\nVietnamese: \nđó là composition, khi mà phần tử con không thể tồn tại khi không có phần tử cha của nó\nký hiệu nó là viên kim cương đen :3\nmột khái niệm quan trọng khác khi nói về relationship in UML là multiplicity\nmultiplicity cho phép đặt số lượng ràng buộc cho relationship\nví dụ ta muốn chỉ ra visitor center\nchỉ có một lobby duy nhất\nđơn giản là viết số 1 ở đây, rằng chỉ có một và chỉ một lobby trong mỗi visitor center\nvới bathroom, ta muốn có ít nhất một bathroom ứng với mỗi visitor center\ntùy chọn này cho phép có bao nhiêu tùy ý\n \nmột loại khác của multiplicity là zero to one, là một relationship không bắt buộc\nspecific amount, trong ví dụ của ta là 1, nhưng có thể là bất ký số khác\n \n \n \n \nhi vọng ví dụ này có thể giải thích những khái niệm trên\nta sẽ xem một ví dụ thực thế\nđây là biểu đồ lớp cho một shop bán hàng online\n\nModern Greek (1453-): \nΑυτή είναι η σύνθεση ... όταν ένα παιδικό αντικείμενο\nδεν θα μπορούσε να υπάρξει χωρίς το γονικό της αντικείμενο.\nΠαρατηρούμε μια σχέση σύνθεσης με ένα\nκλειστό διαμάντι.\nΜια άλλη σημαντική ιδέα όταν μιλάμε\nοι σχέσεις στα διαγράμματα κατηγορίας UML είναι πολλαπλότητα.\nΗ πολλαπλότητα σας επιτρέπει να ορίσετε αριθμητικούς περιορισμούς\nστις σχέσεις σας.\nΓια παράδειγμα, ας πούμε ότι θέλουμε να καθορίσουμε\nπου τα κέντρα επισκεπτών μας πρόκειται να έχουν\nμόνο ένα λόμπι.\nΑπλώς γράφουμε τον αριθμό ένα εδώ, που σημαίνει\nμπορεί να υπάρχει ένα και μόνο ένα λόμπι ανά κέντρο επισκεπτών.\nΑλλά για μπάνια, ίσως θέλουμε να το καταφέρουμε\nέτσι ώστε να υπάρχει τουλάχιστον ένα μπάνιο ανά\nκέντρο επισκεπτών, αλλά αφήστε την επιλογή να έχει\nόσο θέλετε.\nΘα χρησιμοποιούσαμε αυτό το συμβολισμό για να υποδείξουμε ένα ή\nπολλά μπάνια.\nΆλλοι τύποι πολλαπλότητας είναι μηδέν έως ένα,\nη οποία είναι μια προαιρετική σχέση.\nN, που αντιπροσωπεύει ένα συγκεκριμένο ποσό, το οποίο στο\nτο παράδειγμα μας ήταν ένα, αλλά θα μπορούσε να είναι οποιοδήποτε άλλο\nαριθμό ανάλογα με την περίπτωση χρήσης σας.\nΜηδέν σε πολλούς.\nΈνας σε πολλούς.\nΉ μια συγκεκριμένη περιοχή αριθμών.\nΑς ελπίσουμε ότι τα παραδείγματα ζωολογικών κήπων μας βοήθησαν να εξηγήσουν\nαυτές τις έννοιες, αλλά θέλω να σας δείξω τι\nένα παράδειγμα πραγματικού κόσμου θα μοιάζει.\nΑυτό είναι ένα διάγραμμα κατηγορίας UML για ένα διαδικτυακό\nκαλάθι αγορών, και αν θέλετε να δείτε\n\nChinese: \n这张图与我一起,只需点击链接即可\n在右上角。\n你可以看到这个系统有几个类\n和关系,让我们走过去\n其中几个。\n我们将从用户类开始。\n它有用户ID,密码,\n登录状态和注册日期。\n你有不同的回报类型\n右边,左边是能见度,\n这些都是私有的。\n您可以看到这些值返回的值\n属性将具体描述一个\nUser类的实例。\n在下面我们有一个公开的验证方法\nlogin,返回一个布尔值。\n这是有道理的,对吧?\n方法是一类的行为。\n因此,如果您要登录到您的用户帐户,\n有一个功能到位验证\n您的登录凭据。\n让我们转到Customer类。\n这个箭头告诉我们客户是一个孩子\n用户。\n所以Customer继承了所有的属性和\nUser类的方法。\n对于Administrator类也是如此。\n这两个都继承自User,但也是\n有自己的特定属性和方法。\n像管理员可以更新目录,但是\n顾客不能。\n源于客户,有几个\n带有封闭钻石的线条。\n\nArabic: \nهذا الرسم البياني معي ، فقط انقر فوق الرابط\nفي الزاوية العلوية اليمنى.\nيمكنك أن ترى أن هذا النظام لديه عدة فئات\nوالعلاقات ، لذلك دعونا من خلال المشي\nاثنين منهم.\nسنبدأ بفئة المستخدم.\nانها حصلت على سمات معرف المستخدم وكلمة المرور ،\nحالة تسجيل الدخول وتاريخ التسجيل.\nلديك أنواع الإرجاع المختلفة على\nاليمين ، وعلى اليسار ، الرؤية ،\nالتي تم تعيينها إلى خاص.\nتستطيع أن ترى كيف تعيد القيم من قبل هذه\nصفات تصف على وجه التحديد\nمثيل لفئة المستخدم.\nفي الأسفل لدينا طريقة عامة للتحقق\nتسجيل الدخول وإرجاع قيمة منطقية.\nوهذا منطقي ، صحيح؟\nالطرق هي سلوكيات الفصل.\nلذلك إذا كنت ستسجل الدخول إلى حساب المستخدم الخاص بك ،\nهناك وظيفة في المكان الذي يتحقق\nبيانات اعتماد تسجيل الدخول الخاصة بك.\nدعونا ننتقل إلى فئة العملاء.\nيخبرنا هذا السهم أن العميل طفل\nمن المستخدم.\nلذلك يرث العميل جميع السمات و\nطرق لفئة المستخدم.\nونفس الشيء لفئة المسؤول.\nكل من هذه الوراثة من المستخدم ، ولكن أيضا\nلديها سمات وطرق خاصة بها.\nمثل مدير يمكن تحديث الكتالوج ، ولكن\nلا يمكن للعميل.\nانطلاقا من العملاء ، وهناك العديد\nخطوط مع الماس مغلقة.\n\nFrench: \nce diagramme avec moi, il suffit de cliquer sur le lien\ndans le coin supérieur droit.\nVous pouvez voir que ce système a plusieurs classes\net les relations, alors allons-y\nun couple d'entre eux.\nNous allons commencer avec la classe d'utilisateurs.\nIl a des attributs pour l'ID utilisateur, mot de passe,\nle statut de connexion et la date d'enregistrement.\nVous avez les différents types de retour sur\nle droit, et à gauche, la visibilité,\nqui sont définies sur privé.\nVous pouvez voir comment les valeurs renvoyées par ces\nattributs décriraient spécifiquement un\ninstance de la classe User.\nEn bas nous avons une méthode publique de vérification\nconnectez-vous, renvoyer un booléen.\nEt cela a du sens, non?\nLes méthodes sont les comportements d'une classe.\nDonc, si vous vous connectez à votre compte d'utilisateur,\nil y a une fonction en place qui vérifie\nvos informations de connexion.\nPassons à la classe Customer.\nCette flèche nous dit que le client est un enfant\nde l'utilisateur.\nAinsi, le client hérite de tous les attributs et\nméthodes de la classe User.\nEt même chose pour la classe Administrateur.\nLes deux héritent de l'utilisateur, mais aussi\nont leurs propres attributs et méthodes spécifiques.\nComme administrateur peut mettre à jour le catalogue, mais\nLe client ne peut pas.\nEn provenance du client, il existe plusieurs\nlignes avec le diamant fermé.\n\nUkrainian: \nНа цій діаграмі зі мною просто натисніть посилання\nу верхньому правому куті.\nВи можете бачити, що ця система має кілька класів\nі відносини, так що давайте пройдемося\nпару з них.\nПочнемо з класу користувача.\nУ нього є атрибути для ідентифікатора користувача, пароля,\nстатус реєстрації та зареєструйте дату.\nВони повертають різні типи \nправоруч, а зліва - області видимісті,\nякі мають приватне значення.\nВи можете побачити, як ці значення повертаються атрибутами, що конкретно описують\nекземпляр класу User.\nВнизу ми маємо публічний метод перевірки\nлогіна, що повертає логічне значення.\nІ це має сенс, правда?\nМетоди - це поведінка класу.\nОтже, якщо потрібно ввійти до облікового запису користувача,\nє функція, яка перевіряє\nваші реєстраційні дані.\nПерейдемо до класу Customer.\nЦя стрілка говорить нам, що Клієнт - це нащадок\nКористувача.\nТаким чином, клієнт успадковує всі атрибути і\nметоди класу User.\nІ те ж саме для класу Administrator.\nОбидва вони успадковуються від користувача, але також\nмають свої специфічні атрибути і методи.\nТак адміністратор може оновлювати каталог, але\nКлієнт не може.\nВиходячи з Замовника, є декілька\nліній з закритим алмазом.\n\nPortuguese: \nesse diagrama comigo, basta clicar no link\nno canto superior direito.\nVocê pode ver que este sistema tem várias classes\ne relacionamentos, então vamos percorrer\num par deles.\nVamos começar com a classe de usuário.\nTem atributos para ID do usuário, senha,\nstatus de login e data de registro.\nVocê tem os diferentes tipos de retorno\nà direita e à esquerda, a visibilidade,\nque são definidos como privados.\nVocê pode ver como os valores retornados por esses\natributos iria descrever especificamente um\ninstância da classe User.\nAbaixo temos um método público de verificação\nlogin, retornando um booleano.\nE isso faz sentido, certo?\nMétodos são comportamentos de uma classe.\nEntão, se você fizesse login na sua conta de usuário,\nhá uma função no lugar que verifica\nsuas credenciais de login.\nVamos seguir para a classe Customer.\nEsta seta nos diz que o cliente é uma criança\ndo usuário.\nEntão, o cliente herda todos os atributos e\nmétodos da classe User.\nE a mesma coisa para a classe Administrador.\nAmbos herdam do usuário, mas também\ntem seus próprios atributos e métodos específicos.\nComo administrador pode atualizar o catálogo, mas\nO cliente não pode.\nCom origem no cliente, existem vários\nlinhas com o diamante fechado.\n\nVietnamese: \n \ncó thể thấy hệ thống có các class với các quan hệ giữa chúng\n \nbắt đầu với class user\ncác thuộc tính cho user là ID, password, loginStatus, registerDate\nbên phải là các giá trị của các thuộc tính và bên trái là visibility\nđược đặt là private\n \n \nbên dưới ta có một public method, verify login(xác thực đăng nhập), trả về giá trị boolean\n \n \n \n \ntiếp với class Customer\nmũi tên này cho ta thấy Customer là con của User\ndo đó Customer kế thừa tất cả thuộc tính và phương thức của class User\ntương tự với lớp Administrator\ncả hai đề kế thừa User, nhưng cũng đều có thuộc tính và phương thức riêng\nnhư Administrator có thể cập nhật catalog, nhưng Custormer thì không\ntừ Customer có thể thấy có vài ký hiệu closed-in diamond\n\nModern Greek (1453-): \nαυτό το διάγραμμα μαζί μου, απλά κάντε κλικ στον σύνδεσμο\nστην επάνω δεξιά γωνία.\nΜπορείτε να δείτε ότι αυτό το σύστημα έχει διάφορες κλάσεις\nκαι τις σχέσεις, οπότε ας περάσουμε\nμερικά από αυτά.\nΘα ξεκινήσουμε με την τάξη των χρηστών.\nΈχει χαρακτηριστικά για αναγνωριστικό χρήστη, κωδικό πρόσβασης,\nκατάσταση σύνδεσης και ημερομηνία εγγραφής.\nΈχετε τους διαφορετικούς τύπους επιστροφής\nτο δεξιό, και στα αριστερά, την ορατότητα,\nτα οποία έχουν οριστεί ως ιδιωτικά.\nΜπορείτε να δείτε πώς οι τιμές που επιστρέφονται από αυτές\nχαρακτηριστικά θα περιγράφουν συγκεκριμένα ένα\nπαράδειγμα της κλάσης Χρήστη.\nΚάτω παρακάτω έχουμε μια δημόσια μέθοδο επαλήθευσης\nσυνδεθείτε, επιστρέφοντας ένα boolean.\nΚαι αυτό έχει νόημα, έτσι;\nΟι μέθοδοι είναι συμπεριφορές μιας τάξης.\nΈτσι, εάν συνδεθείτε στο λογαριασμό χρήστη σας,\nυπάρχει μια λειτουργία στη θέση που επαληθεύει\nτα διαπιστευτήριά σας σύνδεσης.\nΑς προχωρήσουμε στην κλάση Πελατών.\nΑυτό το βέλος μας λέει ότι ο Πελάτης είναι παιδί\nτου Χρήστη.\nΈτσι ο πελάτης κληρονομεί όλα τα χαρακτηριστικά και\nμεθόδων της κλάσης Χρήστη.\nΤο ίδιο ισχύει και για την κλάση Administrator.\nΚαι οι δύο αυτές κληρονομούν από τον χρήστη, αλλά επίσης\nέχουν τα δικά τους ειδικά χαρακτηριστικά και μεθόδους.\nΌπως και ο Διαχειριστής μπορεί να ενημερώσει τον κατάλογο, αλλά\nΟ πελάτης δεν μπορεί.\nΑπό τον Πελάτη, υπάρχουν πολλά\nγραμμές με το κλειστό διαμάντι.\n\nThai: \nแผนภาพนี้กับฉันเพียงแค่คลิกที่ลิงค์\nที่มุมบนขวา\nคุณจะเห็นว่าระบบนี้มีหลายชั้น\nและความสัมพันธ์ดังนั้นเราจะเดินผ่าน\nคู่ของพวกเขา\nเราจะเริ่มจากชั้นเรียนของผู้ใช้\nมีคุณลักษณะสำหรับ ID ผู้ใช้รหัสผ่าน\nสถานะการเข้าสู่ระบบและวันที่ลงทะเบียน\nคุณมีประเภทการส่งคืนที่แตกต่างกัน\nด้านขวาและด้านซ้าย, การมองเห็น,\nซึ่งถูกตั้งค่าเป็นแบบส่วนตัว\nคุณสามารถดูค่าที่ส่งกลับโดยค่าเหล่านี้ได้\nแอตทริบิวต์จะอธิบายเฉพาะ\nอินสแตนซ์ของคลาส User\nด้านล่างเรามีวิธีการตรวจสอบแบบสาธารณะ\nล็อกอินและคืนค่าบูลีน\nและนี่ก็ทำให้รู้สึกใช่มั้ย?\nวิธีคือพฤติกรรมของชั้นเรียน\nดังนั้นถ้าคุณเข้าสู่บัญชีผู้ใช้ของคุณ\nมีหน้าที่ในการตรวจสอบ\nข้อมูลรับรองการเข้าสู่ระบบของคุณ\nลองไปยังชั้นลูกค้า\nลูกศรนี้บอกเราว่าลูกค้าเป็นเด็ก\nของผู้ใช้\nลูกค้าได้รับแอตทริบิวต์ทั้งหมดและ\nวิธีการของคลาส User\nและสิ่งเดียวกันสำหรับผู้ดูแลระบบ\nทั้งสองอย่างนี้สืบทอดจากผู้ใช้ แต่ยัง\nมีคุณลักษณะและวิธีการเฉพาะของตนเอง\nเช่นเดียวกับผู้ดูแลระบบสามารถปรับปรุงแคตตาล็อกได้ แต่\nลูกค้าไม่สามารถ\nกักขังจากลูกค้ามีอยู่หลายอย่าง\nเส้นด้วยเพชรที่ปิดสนิท\n\nIndonesian: \ndiagram ini dengan saya, cukup klik tautan\ndi sudut kanan atas.\nAnda dapat melihat bahwa sistem ini memiliki beberapa kelas\ndan hubungan, jadi mari kita berjalan melalui\nbeberapa dari mereka.\nKami akan mulai dengan kelas pengguna.\nAda atribut untuk ID pengguna, kata sandi,\nstatus login, dan tanggal pendaftaran.\nAnda telah mengaktifkan berbagai jenis pengembalian\nkanan, dan di sebelah kiri, visibilitas,\nyang diatur ke pribadi.\nAnda dapat melihat bagaimana nilai yang dikembalikan oleh ini\natribut akan secara khusus menggambarkan suatu\nturunan dari kelas Pengguna.\nDi bawah, kami memiliki metode verifikasi publik\nlogin, mengembalikan boolean.\nDan ini masuk akal, bukan?\nMetode adalah perilaku suatu kelas.\nJadi jika Anda masuk ke akun pengguna Anda,\nada fungsi di tempat yang memverifikasi\nkredensial login Anda.\nMari kita beralih ke kelas Pelanggan.\nPanah ini memberi tahu kami bahwa Pelanggan adalah anak-anak\nPengguna.\nJadi Pelanggan mewarisi semua atribut dan\nmetode kelas Pengguna.\nDan hal yang sama untuk kelas Administrator.\nKeduanya mewarisi dari Pengguna, tetapi juga\nmemiliki atribut dan metode khusus mereka sendiri.\nSeperti Administrator dapat memperbarui katalog, tetapi\nPelanggan tidak bisa.\nBerasal dari Pelanggan, ada beberapa\ngaris dengan berlian tertutup.\n\nEnglish: \nthis diagram with me, just click the link\nin the top right corner.\nYou can see that this system has several classes\nand relationships, so let’s walk through\na couple of them.\nWe’ll start with the user class.\nIt’s got attributes for user ID, password,\nlogin status, and register date.\nYou’ve got the different return types on\nthe right, and on the left, the visibility,\nwhich are set to private.\nYou can see how the values returned by these\nattributes would specifically describe an\ninstance of the User class.\nDown below we have a public method of verify\nlogin, returning a boolean.\nAnd this makes sense, right?\nMethods are behaviors of a class.\nSo if you were to log in to your user account,\nthere’s a function in place that verifies\nyour login credentials.\nLet’s move on to the Customer class.\nThis arrow tells us that Customer is a child\nof User.\nSo Customer inherits all the attributes and\nmethods of the User class.\nAnd same thing for the Administrator class.\nBoth of these inherit from User, but also\nhave their own specific attributes and methods.\nLike Administrator can update catalog, but\nCustomer can’t.\nStemming from Customer, there are several\nlines with the closed-in diamond.\n\nSpanish: \neste diagrama conmigo, haz clic en el vínculo de la esquina de arriba a la derecha.\nPuedes ver que este sistema tiene varias clases y relaciones, entonces veamos\nun par de ellos.\nEmpezaremos por la clase \"Usuario\".\nTiene atributos para ID de usuario, la contraseña, el estado de sesión y la fecha de registro.\nTienen diferentes tipos de valores de retorno a la derecha y a la izquierda, la visibilidad,\nlas cuales están configuradas a \"private\" (privado).\nPuedes observar cómo los calores regresados por estos atributos pueden describir específicamente una intancia\ninstancia de una clase \"Usuario\".\nAbajo tenemos un método público de un inicio de sesión de verificación, regresando un booleano.\nY tiene sentido, ¿verdad?\nLos métodos son comportamientos de una clase.\nAsí que si fueras a iniciar sesión en tu cuenta de usuario, en su lugar hay una función que verifica\ntus credenciales de inicio de sesión.\nVamos a la clase \"Cliente\".\nEsta flecha nos dice que \"Cliente\" es subclase de \"Usuario\".\nEntonces \"Cliente\" hereda todos los atributos y métodos de la clase \"Usuario\".\nE igual para la clase \"Administrador\".\nAmbos heredan de \"Usuario\", pero también tienen sus propios atributos y métodos específicos.\nComo el administrador que puede actualizar el catálogo pero el cliente no.\nDe la clase \"Cliente\", se muestran varias líneas con diamantes negros que conectan a las clases derivadas.\n\nVietnamese: \nnếu bạn nhớ lại, đó là composition relationship, the parts không thể tồn tại\nbên ngoài the whole\nnếu một Customer bị hủy\nthì shoping cart(giỏ hàng) của anh ấy cũng bị hủy theo và những orders(đơn đặt hàng) cũng bị hủy theo\nchúng không thể tồn tại nếu không có customer\ntương tự với Shipping Info và Order Details\nnó không có order nào, thì sẽ không có bất kỳ order detail(đơn đặt hàng chi tiết) hay shipping info(thông tin vận chuyển) nào tồn tại\ncuối cùng là multiplicity\nbạn có thể thấy customer có thể có 0 hoặc nhiều order\n \nbạn có thể tạo một tài khoản customer nhưng không bao giờ mua gì cả\nhay bạn có thể là một customer thân quen và đặt nhiều đơn hàng\nvà ở đây một order có thể thuộc về chỉ một customer\nvà có thể khá phân vân nếu một order với orderID duy nhất lặp lại\nqua nhiều customer khác nhau\nở đây bạn có thể thấy one-to-one relationship\nmỗi một Order chỉ có một và chỉ một Order Details\nvà mỗi một Order Details chỉ thuộc về một và chỉ một Order\n \n \n\nThai: \nดังนั้นถ้าคุณจำได้ว่านี่คือความสัมพันธ์ขององค์ประกอบ\nซึ่งหมายความว่าชิ้นส่วนไม่สามารถอยู่ได้โดยปราศจาก\nทั้งหมดนี้.\nถ้าอินสแตนซ์ของคลาส Customer ถ้าเป็นเช่นนั้น\nบัญชีของลูกค้าถูกทำลายช้อปปิ้งของเขา\nรถเข็นจะถูกทำลายและคำสั่งของเขาจะ\nหาย.\nพวกเขาไม่สามารถอยู่นอกลูกค้าได้\nเช่นเดียวกับข้อมูล Shipping Info และ Order\nรายละเอียด\nถ้ามีคำสั่งไม่ได้มีไม่ไป\nเป็นรายละเอียดการสั่งซื้อหรือข้อมูลการจัดส่ง\nสิ่งสุดท้ายที่เราจะดูในตัวอย่างนี้\nเป็นหลายหลาก\nคุณสามารถดูว่าลูกค้าสามารถมีศูนย์ได้\nหรือคำสั่งซื้อจำนวนมาก\nทำให้รู้สึกใช่มั้ย?\nคุณสามารถสร้างบัญชีลูกค้าสำหรับ a\nร้านค้าออนไลน์ แต่ไม่เคยซื้ออะไร\nหรือคุณอาจเป็นลูกค้าและสถานที่บ่อยๆ\nคำสั่งซื้อที่แตกต่างกัน\nและจากนั้นไปทางพลิกคำสั่งซื้อก็จะเป็นของ\nให้กับลูกค้ารายเดียวเท่านั้น\nมันจะทำให้เกิดความสับสนหากมีคำสั่งเฉพาะ\nมีรหัสคำสั่งซื้อที่ไม่ซ้ำกันที่ซ้ำกัน\nลูกค้าหลายราย\nและที่นี่คุณสามารถมองเห็นความสัมพันธ์แบบตัวต่อตัว\nแต่ละคำสั่งซื้อมีรายละเอียดคำสั่งซื้อเพียงรายเดียวเท่านั้น\nและรายละเอียดการสั่งซื้อเป็นของที่เดียวเท่านั้น\nหนึ่งคำสั่ง\nขอขอบคุณที่เฝ้าดูบทแนะนำนี้เกี่ยวกับ UML Class\nไดอะแกรม\nอย่าลืมติดตามช่องและออกไป\nความคิดเห็นด้านล่าง\n\nEnglish: \nSo if you recall, these are composition relationships\nwhich means that the parts cannot exist without\nthe whole.\nIf an instance of the Customer class, if that\ncustomer’s account was destroyed, his shopping\ncart would be destroyed and his orders would\nbe lost.\nThey can’t exist outside of the customer.\nThe same applies for Shipping Info and Order\nDetails.\nIf there’s no order, there’s not going\nto be any order details or shipping info.\nThe last thing we’ll look at in this example\nis multiplicity.\nYou can see that a customer can have zero\nor many orders.\nMakes sense, right?\nYou could create a customer account for an\nonline store but never buy anything.\nOr you could be a frequent customer and place\nseveral different orders.\nAnd then on the flip side, an order can belong\nto only one customer.\nIt’d be pretty confusing if a specific order\nwith a unique order ID was duplicated across\nseveral different customers.\nAnd here you can see a one-to-one relationship.\nEach Order has one and only one Order Details.\nAnd Order Details belongs to one and only\none Order.\nThanks for watching this tutorial on UML Class\nDiagrams.\nBe sure to subscribe to the channel and leave\na comment below.\n\nChinese: \n所以如果你还记得,这些是构图关系\n这意味着零件不能存在\n整体。\n如果是Customer类的实例,那么\n客户的帐户被摧毁,他的购物\n购物车将被销毁,他的订单也将被销毁\n迷路了。\n它们不能存在于客户之外。\n运输信息和订单也是如此\n细节。\n如果没有订单,那就没有了\n是任何订单详细信息或运输信息。\n在这个例子中我们将看到的最后一件事\n是多重性的。\n您可以看到客户可以为零\n或许多订单。\n有道理,对吗?\n您可以为。创建客户帐户\n网上商店但从不买任何东西。\n或者您可以成为常客和地方\n几个不同的订单。\n然后另一方面,订单可以归属\n只有一个客户。\n如果是特定订单,那会很混乱\n具有唯一的订单ID被重复\n几个不同的客户。\n在这里你可以看到一对一的关系。\n每个订单只有一个订单明细。\n订单明细属于唯一的\n一个订单。\n感谢您在UML Class上观看本教程\n图。\n请务必订阅该频道并离开\n以下评论。\n\nModern Greek (1453-): \nΈτσι, αν θυμάστε, πρόκειται για σύνθετες σχέσεις\nπράγμα που σημαίνει ότι τα μέρη δεν μπορούν να υπάρξουν χωρίς\nΟΛΟΚΛΗΡΟ.\nΑν υπάρχει περίπτωση της κλάσης Πελάτη, αν αυτό συμβαίνει\nο λογαριασμός του πελάτη καταστράφηκε, τα ψώνια του\nτο καλάθι θα καταστραφεί και οι εντολές του θα ήταν\nείμαι χαμένος.\nΔεν μπορούν να υπάρξουν έξω από τον πελάτη.\nΤο ίδιο ισχύει και για τις πληροφορίες και την παραγγελία αποστολής\nΛεπτομέριες.\nΕάν δεν υπάρχει εντολή, δεν θα πάει\nνα είναι οποιαδήποτε στοιχεία παραγγελίας ή πληροφορίες αποστολής.\nΤο τελευταίο πράγμα που θα εξετάσουμε σε αυτό το παράδειγμα\nείναι η πολλαπλότητα.\nΜπορείτε να δείτε ότι ένας πελάτης μπορεί να έχει μηδέν\nή πολλές παραγγελίες.\nΈχει νόημα, έτσι;\nΘα μπορούσατε να δημιουργήσετε έναν λογαριασμό πελάτη για ένα\nηλεκτρονικό κατάστημα αλλά ποτέ δεν αγοράζουν τίποτα.\nΉ θα μπορούσατε να είστε ένας συχνός πελάτης και τόπος\nδιάφορες διαφορετικές παραγγελίες.\nΚαι στη συνέχεια στην άλλη πλευρά, μπορεί να ανήκει μια παραγγελία\nσε έναν μόνο πελάτη.\nΘα ήταν αρκετά συγκεχυμένη αν μια συγκεκριμένη εντολή\nμε ένα μοναδικό αναγνωριστικό εντολής διπλασιάστηκε\nπολλούς διαφορετικούς πελάτες.\nΚαι εδώ μπορείτε να δείτε μια σχέση one-to-one.\nΚάθε Παραγγελία έχει μία και μόνο μία Λεπτομέρειες Παραγγελίας.\nΚαι οι Λεπτομέρειες Παραγγελίας ανήκουν σε ένα και μόνο\nμια εντολή.\nΣας ευχαριστούμε που παρακολουθήσατε αυτό το σεμινάριο στην UML Class\nΔιαγράμματα.\nΦροντίστε να εγγραφείτε στο κανάλι και να φύγετε\nένα σχόλιο παρακάτω.\n\nSpanish: \nRecuerda, estas son relaciones de composición lo cual significa que las partes no pueden existir sin\nel todo.\nSi una instancia de la clase \"Cliente\", si una cuenta de usuario fuera destruída, su carrito\nde compras se destruiría y sus órdenes se perderían.\nNo pueden existir fuera de cliente.\nLo mismo aplica para \"Información de envío\" y \"Detalles del pedido\".\nSi no hay orden, no va a haber ningún detalle de una orden o información de envío.\nLa última cosa que veremos en este ejemplo es la multiplicidad.\nPuedes observar que un cliente puede tener cero o varias órdenes.\nTiene sentido, ¿verdad?\nCrearías una cuenta de cliente para una tienda online pero sin comprar nada.\nO puedes ser un cliente frecuente y colocar varias órdenes diferentes.\nY entonces en el otro lado, una orden puede pertenecer a un solo cliente.\nPuede ser algo confuso si una orden específica con un ID de orden único fuese duplicado para\nvarios clientes diferentes.\nY aquí puedes encontrar su relación uno a uno.\nCada orden tiene uno y sólo un detalle del pedido.\nY los detalles del pedido le pertenecen a una y sólo una orden.\nGracias por ver este tutorial de Diagramas de Clase UML.\nAsegúrate de suscribirte al canal y deja tus comentarios en la sección de abajo.\n\nFrench: \nDonc, si vous vous souvenez, ce sont des relations de composition\nce qui signifie que les parties ne peuvent pas exister sans\nla totalité.\nSi une instance de la classe Customer, si cela\nle compte du client a été détruit, son shopping\nle chariot serait détruit et ses ordres seraient\nêtre perdu.\nIls ne peuvent pas exister en dehors du client.\nLa même chose s'applique pour les informations d'expédition et de commande\nDétails.\nS'il n'y a pas d'ordre, ça ne va pas\nêtre n'importe quels détails de commande ou information d'expédition.\nLa dernière chose que nous allons regarder dans cet exemple\nest la multiplicité.\nVous pouvez voir qu'un client peut avoir zéro\nou plusieurs commandes.\nÇa a du sens, non?\nVous pouvez créer un compte client pour un\nboutique en ligne mais n'achetez jamais rien.\nOu vous pourriez être un client fréquent et un endroit\nplusieurs ordres différents.\nEt puis de l'autre côté, une commande peut appartenir\nà un seul client.\nCe serait assez déroutant si une commande spécifique\navec un ID de commande unique a été dupliqué sur\nplusieurs clients différents.\nEt ici vous pouvez voir une relation un-à-un.\nChaque Commande a un et un seul Détails de commande.\nEt les détails de la commande appartiennent à un et seulement\nun ordre.\nMerci d'avoir regardé ce tutoriel sur UML Class\nDiagrammes\nAssurez-vous de vous abonner à la chaîne et partez\nun commentaire ci-dessous.\n\nIndonesian: \nJadi jika Anda ingat, ini adalah hubungan komposisi\nyang berarti bahwa bagian-bagian tidak dapat ada tanpanya\nkeseluruhan.\nJika turunan dari kelas Pelanggan, jika itu\nakun pelanggan hancur, belanjaannya\ngerobak akan hancur dan perintahnya akan\ntersesat.\nMereka tidak bisa ada di luar pelanggan.\nHal yang sama berlaku untuk Info Pengiriman dan Pemesanan\nDetail\nJika tidak ada pesanan, tidak akan ada\nmenjadi detail pesanan atau info pengiriman.\nHal terakhir yang akan kita lihat dalam contoh ini\nadalah multiplisitas.\nAnda dapat melihat bahwa pelanggan dapat memiliki nol\natau banyak pesanan.\nMasuk akal, bukan?\nAnda dapat membuat akun pelanggan untuk\ntoko online tetapi tidak pernah membeli apa pun.\nAtau Anda bisa menjadi pelanggan dan tempat yang sering\nbeberapa pesanan berbeda.\nDan kemudian di sisi lain, sebuah pesanan dapat menjadi bagian\nhanya untuk satu pelanggan.\nAkan sangat membingungkan jika pesanan tertentu\ndengan ID pesanan unik digandakan\nbeberapa pelanggan berbeda.\nDan di sini Anda dapat melihat hubungan satu-ke-satu.\nSetiap Pesanan memiliki satu dan hanya satu Detail Pesanan.\nDan Detail Pesanan hanya milik satu-satunya\nsatu Pesanan.\nTerima kasih telah menonton tutorial ini di Kelas UML\nDiagram.\nPastikan untuk berlangganan saluran dan pergi\nkomentar di bawah.\n\nUkrainian: \nОтже, якщо ви пам'ятаєте, це відношення композиції це означає, що частини не можуть існу,вати без\nцілого.\nЯкщо екземпляр класу Customer, як аккаунт клієнта був знищений, його кошик\nдля покупок буде знищений і його замовлення будуть втраченими.\nВони не можуть існувати поза клієнтом.\nТе ж саме стосується інформації про доставку та деталі замовлення.\nЯкщо немає замовлення, то не буде будь-яких деталей замовлення чи інформації про доставку.\nОстаннє, що ми розглянемо у цьому прикладі\nце множинність.\nВи можете бачити, що клієнт може мати нуль\nабо багато замовлень.\nМає сенс, чи не так?\nМожна створити обліковий запис клієнта для користувача\nІнтернет-магазин, але ніколи нічого не купувати.\nАбо ви можете бути частим клієнтом і мати\nкілька різних замовлень.\nІ тоді з іншого боку замовлення може належати\nтільки одному клієнту.\nБуло б дуже заплутано, якщо конкретне замовлення\nз унікальним ідентифікатором замовлення було дубльовано через\nкілька різних клієнтів.\nІ тут ви можете побачити один-до-одного відносини.\nКожне замовлення має одні і лише одні деталі замовлення.\nА деталі замовлення належать до єдиного одного замовлення.\nДякуємо за перегляд цього підручника з UML класу\nДіаграми.\nОбов'язково підпишіться на канал і залиште\nкоментар нижче.\n\nPortuguese: \nEntão, se você se lembra, estas são relações de composição\no que significa que as partes não podem existir sem\no todo.\nSe uma instância da classe Customer, se\nconta do cliente foi destruída, suas compras\ncarrinho seria destruído e suas ordens seriam\nestar perdido.\nEles não podem existir fora do cliente.\nO mesmo se aplica para Informações de envio e Pedido\nDetalhes.\nSe não há ordem, não vai\nser qualquer detalhe de pedido ou informação de envio.\nA última coisa que vamos ver neste exemplo\né multiplicidade.\nVocê pode ver que um cliente pode ter zero\nou muitas ordens.\nFaz sentido, certo?\nVocê pode criar uma conta de cliente para um\nloja online, mas nunca compre nada.\nOu você pode ser um cliente e um lugar freqüentes\nvárias ordens diferentes.\nE então, por outro lado, uma ordem pode pertencer\npara apenas um cliente.\nSeria muito confuso se um pedido específico\ncom um ID de pedido exclusivo duplicado\nvários clientes diferentes.\nE aqui você pode ver um relacionamento um-para-um.\nCada pedido tem um e apenas um detalhes do pedido.\nE os detalhes do pedido pertencem a um e somente\numa ordem.\nObrigado por assistir este tutorial sobre a classe UML\nDiagramas\nNão se esqueça de se inscrever no canal e sair\num comentário abaixo.\n\nArabic: \nلذلك إذا كنت تتذكر ، هذه هي العلاقات تكوين\nمما يعني أن الأجزاء لا يمكن أن توجد بدون\nالكل.\nإذا كان مثيل من فئة العملاء ، إذا كان ذلك\nتم تدمير حساب العميل ، التسوق له\nسيتم تدمير عربة وأوامره\nكن خاسرا.\nلا يمكن أن توجد خارج الزبون.\nوينطبق الشيء نفسه على معلومات الشحن والنظام\nتفاصيل.\nإذا لم يكن هناك أمر ، فلن يحدث\nلتكون أي تفاصيل الطلب أو معلومات الشحن.\nآخر شيء سننظر إليه في هذا المثال\nهو التعددية.\nيمكنك أن ترى أن العميل يمكن أن يكون صفرًا\nأو العديد من الطلبات.\nمن المنطقي ، أليس كذلك؟\nيمكنك إنشاء حساب عميل لـ\nمتجر على الانترنت ولكن لا تشتري أي شيء.\nأو قد تكون عميلاً ومكانًا متكررين\nعدة طلبات مختلفة.\nثم على الجانب الآخر ، يمكن أن ينتمي طلب ما\nإلى عميل واحد فقط.\nسيكون مربكًا جدًا إذا طلبًا محددًا\nمع معرف طلب فريد تم نسخه عبر\nالعديد من العملاء المختلفة.\nوهنا يمكنك رؤية علاقة رأس برأس.\nكل طلب يحتوي على تفاصيل الطلب واحد فقط.\nوتنتمي تفاصيل الطلب إلى واحد وفقط\nأمر واحد.\nشكرا لمشاهدة هذا البرنامج التعليمي على فئة UML\nالرسوم البيانية.\nتأكد من الاشتراك في القناة والرحيل\nتعليق أدناه.\n\nFrench: \nEnfin, n'oubliez pas de vous inscrire gratuitement\nLucidchart compte en utilisant ce lien.\nEt vous serez en mesure de commencer à faire votre propre\nDiagrammes de classes UML en un rien de temps.\n\nVietnamese: \n \n \n\nArabic: \nأخيرًا ، لا تنسَ الاشتراك مجانًا\nحساب Lucidchart باستخدام هذا الرابط.\nوستتمكن من البدء في إنشاء\nUML فئة الرسم البياني في أي وقت من الأوقات.\n\nPortuguese: \nPor fim, não se esqueça de se inscrever gratuitamente\nLucidchart usando este link.\nE você poderá começar a fazer o seu próprio\nDiagramas de Classes UML em nenhum momento.\n\nThai: \nสุดท้ายอย่าลืมสมัครฟรี\nLucidchart โดยใช้ลิงค์นี้\nและคุณจะสามารถเริ่มต้นทำเองได้\nUML Class Diagrams ในเวลาอันรวดเร็ว\n\nModern Greek (1453-): \nΤέλος, μην ξεχάσετε να εγγραφείτε δωρεάν\nLucidchart χρησιμοποιώντας αυτόν τον σύνδεσμο.\nΚαι θα είστε σε θέση να αρχίσετε να φτιάχνετε τη δική σας\nΔιαγράμματα κλάσης UML σε χρόνο μηδέν.\n\nIndonesian: \nTerakhir, jangan lupa untuk mendaftar secara gratis\nAkun Lucidchart dengan menggunakan tautan ini.\nDan Anda akan dapat mulai membuat sendiri\nDiagram Kelas UML dalam waktu singkat.\n\nSpanish: \nPor último, no olvides registrarte a una cuenta de Lucidchart usando este link.\nY podrás empezar a crear tus propios diagramas de clases UML en poco tiempo.\n\nUkrainian: \nНарешті, не забудьте зареєструватися безкоштовно\nОбліковий запис Lucidchart за допомогою цього посилання.\nІ ви зможете почати створювати свої власні\nДіаграми класів UML в найкоротші терміни.\n\nChinese: \n最后,不要忘记免费注册\nLucidchart帐户使用此链接。\n而且你将能够开始制作自己的\nUML类图很快就会出现。\n\nEnglish: \nLastly, don't forget to sign up for a free\nLucidchart account by using this link.\nAnd you'll be able to start making your own\nUML Class Diagrams in no time.\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "GENERAL: This video is sponsored by Skillshare\nand victory!\nEarth needs you to write military science\nfiction!\nJoin today!\nThe galaxy teems with deadly aliens from ever\nreplicating kill bots to insidious SUV sized\ninsects bent on galactic domination.\nWe need you to join the elite few writers\nwilling to put their very niche slice of the\nmarket on the line in order to craft only\nthe bravest military science fiction stories.\nSo don your power armor as we write about\nhumanity’s heroic exploits as they journey\nthrough the stars.\nService guarantees citizenship!\nWould you like to know more?\nWelcome to space boot camp fellow writers.\nIt’s up to Terrible Writing Advice to help\nturn aspiring military science fiction authors\ninto hardened veterans willing to use any\ncliché without thought.\nSo remember, the enemy is gate is down and\nthe only good bug is a dead bug.\nNow where should we start with our military\nscifi work?\nNow one of the distinctive features of military\nsci-fi is its perspective is usually grounded\nwith the soldier on the front lines rather\nthan that of a civilian.\nThis allows for the story to take a humanistic\napproach and dive deep into the horrors of\nwar as well as explore the development of\na nuanced and interesting protagonist caught\nin the fires of conflict and carnage.\nSo it’s only natural that we shove the main\ncharacter on the back burner and focus on\npower armor instead.\nMy power armor is so cool that it renders\nmy story completely immune to even the most\nbiting critiques from the audience.\nOh, I guess it protects the characters as\nwell.\nMy power armor is so amazing that it can generate\nnew abilities on the fly with zero drawbacks.\nHaving power armor with consistent limitations\nand an easy to understand ruleset that the\naudience can follow along with would add annoying\nconstraints to my creativity.\nI need my power armor to constantly generate\n“get out of trouble free” cards for my\ncharacters.\nNever mind that real military equipment fails\nall the time and often spends more time in\nmaintenance than it does in use, but hey who\nneeds a high tension scene where the main\ncharacters are forced to think fast after\nall of their gear fails?\nOr capture the desperation of a situation\nas the characters must march off to battle\nin worn gear on the edge of breaking.\nNah.\nI’m too busy going overboard will all of\nthe military tech to notice those story opportunities.\nBe sure to describe every weapon and piece\nof machinery in an excruciatingly long info\ndump.\nI could introduce this tech through field\ntraining mixed with characterization, or have\ntwo characters argue over which battlemech\nis the best, but I think just blaring out\nall of this tech jargon, full auto, will work\nbest.\nOh look, it’s my favorite tech info dumb,\nlong winded explanations about how faster\nthan light travel works.\nDon’t you worry faster than light drive\ninfo-dumps.\nI’m saving you for the hard sci-fi video.\nNow that we have pulled the Terrible Writing\nAdvice classic move of front loaded exposition,\nit’s time to move on to the least important\npart of military sci-fi, the characters.\nIt a writer really wants to save on effort,\nthen just rip off all of the characters from\nthe film Aliens and make them hyper-competent\nat the cost of their distinctive personalities.\nNothing gets the audience invested quite like\na whole squad of people who all talk and act\nthe exact same.\nWe must distinguish our selves from the enemy\nhive mind after all with its army of identical\nclones.\nThese characters would normally be part of\na ridged chain of command.\nIt most real militaries, chain of command\nis everything!\nModern militaries tend to be heavily structured,\nrequiring precision and discipline for even\nthe most minor acts of daily routine.\nThat sounds annoying so I’m just going to\nignore it, just like my characters.\nI’m sure the audience will buy these are\nfull space marines and not poorly disciplined\nconscripts or sit com characters.\nAlso be sure to have the protagonist promoted\nsuper fast, skipping several ranks in their\nclimb to the top.\nIs there a wartime need for a lot of officers\nto justify such rapid advancement?\nI don’t know.\nThat would require me to actually do some\nworldbuilding on the state of the war and\nI’m far too busy promoting my self-insert…\num I mean main character for being awesome.\nNow that my protagonist has went from private\nto 5 star general in two days, I’m sure\nthey’ll keep letting him go on missions\nto the front lines.\nUsing the chain of command as a way to generate\nconflict isn’t worth all of the actual reading\nI would have to do in order to understand\nhow it all works!\nNever mind that for a lot of soldiers, they\nfight the chain command more than their enemy.\nSince we are not going to fight with chain\nof command, then who will our brave space\ntroopers face on the battlefield?\nWell whoever it is, make sure they are a stand\nin for COMMUNISM!\nThat won’t be dated.\nWe could also have them fight space fundamentalists\nif we want to go with a post 9/11 feel.\nI guess since science fiction tends to represent\nthe fears and anxieties of the time in which\nit’s written so I suppose the next generation\nof military scifi antagonists will probably\nbe social media users and cancel culture.\nWhatever a writer goes with, just be sure\nto ignore the weight and consequence of snuffing\nout another sapient being.\nTreat killing no differently than shooting\na video game enemy.\nThis goes doubly so when the main antagonists\nare humans.\nI mean why would military fiction explore\nthe ethics and morality of organized violence\nas well as the personal costs and psychological\ntoll soldiers must pay who endure these high\nstress decisions?\nNo.\nWe need to save that space for something far\nmore exciting like my political soapbox.\nThat’s right.\nEveryone who disagrees with the author’s\nperspective should be portrayed as a straw-man\nin the story’s lengthy political rants.\nUse scifi to explore competing ideologies?\nSince when has science fiction done that?\nNo time for that because I have to portray\nall civilians as weak, peace loving hippies\nwho don’t have what it takes to make the\nreal hard decisions.\nThey don’t know what we are fighting for!\nThe only way to stop the evil hive mind from\nforcing all humans think the same is to have\neveryone think the same as the author!\nI can always go to the other extreme with\nan anti-war message that will in no way be\nundermined by all of the cool weapons and\nhigh octane action drunk on power fantasy.\nJust be careful that these conflicts don’t\nplay out in a natural way that informs the\naudience on both the perspectives of the characters,\nand culture of the setting.\nOne would think that with all of this political\nrambling that at least a writer could flesh\nout the actual politics of the war itself,\nat least so the writer has an understanding\nof what’s going on the background even if\nit never comes up directly in the story.\nBut when has war had anything to do with politics?\nCould these long political and philosophical\ndiscourses be done between characters instead,\ncapturing the banter that fills the long,\nmalevolent boredom between combat missions?\nCould they at least be made really funny?\nWell no on both counts.\nI would rather the story be a messy vehicle\nfor my contradictory personal philosophy rather\nthan chronicle the far more interesting space\nwar or explore the personal growth of the\nprotagonist from soldier to officer.\nNext thing you know, people will be wanting\nmy soldiers to use actual tactics in combat\nor think in 3D during space battles.\nSmall unit tactics?\nOrganized fire teams?\nFlexible tactical doctrine to deal with a\nvariety of planet surfaces?\nBah!\nMy characters don’t need tactics.\nThat’s what they have power armor for.\nAll of my soldiers fight alone as individuals.\nIs this to contrast their heroic individualism\nagainst the sinister collective nature of\nthe enemy?\nWell no, mostly it’s just power fantasy.\nWho cares about capturing the anticipation,\nstress, chaos, and confusion of combat?\nNor does an author need to have the space\nmarines work as a team and show the bonds\nforged in combat between soldiers.\nI want to remove all adversity from combat\nbecause its not like heroism can be found\nin the face of adversity.\nThe greatest adversity in military science\nfiction isn’t the political soap-boxing,\nthe evil hive minds, or the lack of believable\ntactics.\nNo.\nIt’s small niche market share.\nBut hey, that’s okay.\nMilitary science fiction is all about sacrifice,\nnot for money, but for honor, courage, and\ncountry.\nIt’s about the high calling of putting one’s\nlife on the line to protect humanity.\nTo stand up for what’s right!\nTo be a hero!…\nBesides, so long as the protagonist is still\nyoung we can always rebrand to Yong Adult.\nMPERIAL TROOPER: All we have to do is to ship\nthis bomb to our rivals at the federation\nand send the sponsor back to the Emperor.\nWe just shot all those rebels.\nWe got this.\nIMPERIAL TROOPER 2: Perfect!\n3 to 5 business days later\nGENERAL: What’s this?\nHa!\nThose Imperial idiots have sent me this video’s\nsponsor, Skillshare!\nSOLDIER: That’s good news, General.\nGENERAL: Finally.\nNow we can make up our budget shortfall and\ntake the fight to the enemy!\nAt long last I’ll get my money’s worth\nout of that giant robot.\nNo more bowing to those penny pinching bureaucrats\nin the Federation Senate who wouldn’t know\na real war if it shot their conscientious\nobjector in the face!\nGENERAL: Hello?\nCEO: Hey.\nMy money sense tells me the Federation Defense\nForces just got a budget boost.\nGENERAL: Yes, we just captured this video’s\nsponsor, Skillshare, through a daring and\nclever raid on Imperial facilities and-\nCEO: They shipped it to wrong address again,\ndidn’t they?\nGENERAL: Well we are not giving it to you\nregardless.\nMegacorp isn’t getting a single penny from\nus!\nNot after that kill bot you sold us killed\nall of my men when we turned it on and I still\ndon’t know where that xenomorph’s wandered\noff to.\nCEO: Megacorp is not liable for any damages\nincurred by our products.\nGENERAL: Whatever.\nWe are going to access Skillshare’s online\nlearning communities, and thousands of online\nclasses in writing, technology, productivity,\nand more with a premium membership.\nAnd with the sponsorship money, we’ll finally\nbe able to fund a full campaign.\nCEO: Well someone should have taken Skillshare’s\nclass on Bookkeeping for Freelancers: How\nto Handle Your Fiances because sponsorship\nmoney isn’t going to cut it.\nGENERAL: What?\nCEO: Yeah.\nTWA fans can go to skl.sh/twa17 or click on\nthe link in the description below to get two\nmonths of Skillshare for free with a subscription\nbeing only $10 a month after that.\nBut even if they do it isn’t going to be\nenough to make up the Federation’s plummeting\ndefense spending.\nNot unless you want to be burning down blue\ncat people world trees with generic brand\nnapalm.\nGENERAL: Son of a war protester!\nThis whole Sponsorship War is nothing but\na let down!\nI swear every time we almost have a real fight,\nsomething stupid comes along and war crime\nblocks the whole thing!\nEveryone is fighting on twitter or over branding.\nJust once I would like a real stand up fight,\nnot a bunch of humanities major pencil pushers\narguing over budget!\nKNIGHT COMMANDER: You must stop taking sponsorships.\nGENERAL: Oh great.\nNow the beatnik knights are here.\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "Rehydrating dried yeast. Dried yeast has a high cell count, especially as compared \nto liquid he strains. Because of this\nsome brewing literature recommend simply\nsprinkling the dried yeast on the surface\nof the wort. This is certainly an option.\nHowever, it does tend to result in high\ncell death.\nRehydrating dried yeast is a relatively\neasy process that makes sure your yeast\nis in top shape.\nThe basic process is as follows...\nNote that some manufacturers may print\nspecific directions on the packaging.\nDefault to those instructions \nwhenever available.\nONE - warm the dried yeast to room temperature. To do this simply take it out of cold\nstorage and leave it on a countertop for\nan hour or so.\nTWO - In a sanitized container prepare an\namount of sterile tap water at \n105 degrees fahrenheit\nequal to 10 times the weight of the\nusually 110 milliliters or\nabout four ounces. It is recommended to\nuse filtered or bottle water as excess\nchlorine present in tap water may hinder\nthe yeast's health.\nTHREE - sprinkle the yeast on top of the water\ntry to avoid large clumps or chunks\nif you're working in a dusty or breezy\narea consider covering the dish with tin foil.\nplastic wrap or another container.\nLet it sit for 15 minutes as is\nthen gently stir with a sanitary\nstirring device.\nFOUR - once the yeast has absorbed some water\ngently stir again to form a cream\nand let sit for another 5 minutes\nFIVE - carefully and slowly adjust the\ntemperature of the yeast to within\n15 degrees of the wort temperature.\nIt will have lost some heat while\nsitting\nadding cool water is the safest way to\nadjust temperature.\nAttemperation with wort is also\nacceptable,\njust try to avoid large amounts of\nsediment.\nTHE SIXTH AND FINAL STEP - \npitch the yeast cream into the fermentation\nvessel.\nAvoid letting the yeast cream sit out for\nmore than 30 minutes total,\nas the cells will begin to starve.\nBy rehydrating dried yeast, an ideal\npitch rate can be achieved with one\n11-gram packet for beers up 1.076 original gravity.\nA pinch of Nutriferm Energy can also be\nbeneficial to the rehydration process.\nYou want to add that to the water\nbefore adding the yeast.\nSomething to consider when rehydrating\ndried yeast, you want to use a vessel\nthat is wide... if not also tall.\nThis will accommodate the expansion of\nthe yeast.\nWe did a trial using the 150-milliliter beaker.\nEverything went well until step FIVE when the growth of the yeast\ncaused it to rise up\nand out of the beaker.\nSo try to use something a bit larger\nfor rehydration like a measuring cup\nor a larger flask.\nFor more tips on yeast health and\nfermentation\nsee northern brewer dot com and our\n\"Homebrew Video Library\" \nat northern brewer dot com slash homebrew dash video dash library.\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "Okay, hello!\nMy name is Amanda Palmer\nand this is my magical ukulele,\nand I'm coming to you from our home\nin beautiful Woodstock, New York\nwhere it's very hot outside.\nAnd I just wrote this song yesterday,\nand I'm really excited and proud to play it for you.\nAnd also, it's got a sing-along part\nand I thought it would be really fun if I did a sing-along.\nEven though it's over the internet, \nI know you're probably watching this\non your phone, or somewhere on a laptop,\nor you might be sitting in a train \nplatform on your way to work,\nor in the privacy of your own kitchen,\nbut let's try to do it!\nThe sing-along part is really easy, \nI'm gonna teach it to you:\nWhen I go: \"Everybody knows somebody\",\nyou go (whispers):\"Everybody knows somebody\". \nAlright? Let's try it.\n(sings) Everybody knows somebody\n(whispers) Everybody knows somebody\n(sings) Everybody knows somebody\n(whispers) Everybody knows somebody. You got it!\nThey say this land gets more and more divided\nIf I may I think that's not the only side,\nwhy, just today\nI read the late edition paper and, no way,\nI saw the North and South united like the blood\nthat flows through every color body, it's enough\nWe're finally all at the same party looking down\nIt may not be the thing we wanted but there's\nfinally enough to go around\nFrom New York to California\nFrom Detroit down to the border\nWe all have more in common now than we do not\nCause everybody knows somebody\n(whispers) Everybody knows somebody\nEverybody knows somebody\n(whispers) Everybody knows somebody\nEverybody knows somebody who got shot\nThey say there's trouble brewing in the union,\nhip hooray\nLook, human beings being human, laying blame\nwherever there is room to lay, it's all the same\nYou want the red pill or the blue one\nbut it's all about to change,\nsomething is getting us aboard\nYes, that's progress, one big funeral for all\nthe people that we used to call\nbefore they risked their lives to head out \nto the mosque or to the mall\nFrom New York to California\nFrom Detroit down to the border\nWe all have more in common now than we do not\nCause everybody knows somebody\n(whispers) Everybody knows somebody\nEverybody knows somebody\n(whispers) Everybody knows somebody\nEverybody knows somebody who got shot\nFrom the mountain rivers to the public squares\neverybody's getting really good at sending \nthoughts and prayers\nFrom the Heart of Dixie up to Oregon\nwe can all rest assured there'll be a slaughter\nsomewhere by the dawn\nAnd in the nightclubs all the dancers in the dark\nwell, they can twist the night away \nwith extra fear inside their hearts\nFrom New England to Alaska every child\nwill know exactly what to do now \nwhen a shooter opens fire\nFrom New York to California\nFrom Detroit down to the border\nWe all have more in common now than we do not\nCause everybody knows somebody\n(whispers) Everybody knows somebody\nEverybody knows somebody\n(whispers) Everybody knows somebody\nEverybody knows somebody\n(whispers) Everybody knows somebody\nThis land is your land\nThis land is my land\nThis land is our land\nUntil it's not\nYeah, everybody knows somebody\n(whispers) Everybody knows somebody\nEverybody knows somebody\n(whispers) Everybody knows somebody\nEverybody knows somebody until everybody's\ngone\nLet's get it together, America, this is getting..\nridiculous. I love you all so much,\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "2018 was a pretty big year for Google.\nNow we didn't have a ton of new Google\nHome Hardware except for the Google Home\nHub and some other smart displays we did\nsee a lot of new Google assistant\nfeatures including quite a few that\ndropped towards the tail end of last\nyear so in this video I'm going to take\nyou through what some of those new\nfeatures were and how you can use them\non your Google Home devices and a little\nbit later on in this video I am going to\ntalk about some of the new google\nassistant features as well as a ton of\nnew Google Assistant devices that were\njust announced at the Consumer\nElectronics Show\nout in Vegas so let's go ahead and get\nto it and first let's start with the\nbroadcast feature now you've been able\nto broadcast all of your Google Home\ndevices for a good while now but\nrecently Google introduced a feature\nwhere you can reply to a broadcast\neither from your mobile device or from a\nGoogle Home device here's an example of\nhow it can work broadcast dinner's ready\nit's dinner time okay I'll be right\nthere\nnext up podcasts if you use the Google\nassistant to listen to podcasts either\non your smartphone or on any of your\nGoogle Home devices you now have more\noptions with controlling podcasts with\nvoice commands you can tell Google to\nincrease speed or speed up the podcast\nwhere you can even tell Google to play\nthe podcast at 1.5 another new feature\nthat Google added that's beneficial if\nyou have Android phones in the house is\nthat you can now tell Google to silence\nall phones and it'll do that next up\nchromecast devices and speaker groups\nGoogle just announced that you can now\nuse chromecast TV devices in speaker\ngroups with all of your other Google\nHome devices previous to this change the\nonly chromecast device you could use in\nspeaker groups was the chromecast audio\ndevice but now if you have a Chromecast\nTV device plug\ninto your TV you can now group it with\nall of your other Google Home speakers\nso you can cast podcasts music whatever\nmedia you want to that speaker group and\nnow your TV will play the same sound as\nyour Google Home devices if you're\nunfamiliar with speaker groups you can\ngroup any of your Google Home and\nchromecast devices together into groups\nyou can do this by going to your Google\nhome app click Settings scroll down to\nadd then select create a speaker group\nselect the title of your speaker choose\nthe speakers and then enjoy the magic of\nusing your voice to play music on all of\nthe speakers in your group next up\npretty please if you've ever had the\ndesire for yourself or someone else in\nyour family to treat the Google\nassistant just a tad bit nicer this\nfeature is for you\nall you have to do is ask the Google\nassistant either on a google home device\nor on your smartphone to do something\nfor you but use the interjection please\nor thank you and you'll get just this\nreally beautiful response from the\nGoogle Assistant with a really pleasing\nsound that sounds like this it's nice of\nyou to ask so nicely sure one minute\nstarting now next up for you British and\nAustralian transplants here in the good\nold US-of-A you can now use Google\nAssistant voices with British and\nAustralian accents one cool tidbit about\nthese new voices is that they use\ndeepmind a british artificial\nintelligence company owned by alphabet\nwhich is Google's parent company they\nuse wavenet technology made by Deep Mind\nI'll drop a link below in the\ndescription if you're curious about\nreading more on Wavenet speech synthesis\nare you from Australia huh I can't tell\nsorry are you British I'm a native of\nthe World Wide Web\none cool new assistant feature for all\nof you travellers out there is called\nproactive flight delays Google is\nrolling out this feature where when you\nthe Google Assistant if your flight is\ngoing to be delayed it will use a\ncombination of machine learning\nalgorithms as well as historical flight\ndata to be able to predict whether or\nnot your flight is going to be delayed\nbefore the airline will announce it now\nwhenever possible Google will also tell\nyou the reason for the flight delay\nwhether it's a maintenance issue or it's\nbecause an incoming flight is late as\nwell now this information was previously\navailable through other Google services\nas well as third-party sites like flight\naware but having it on the Google\nAssistant makes it just much more\nconvenient if you're concerned about\ntechnology causing too much distraction\nin your life or the lives of your family\nmembers Google has you covered here as\nwell with something called digital\nwell-being this was announced at i/o\nlast year and it's one of the most\nimportant initiatives the company has\nundertaken with all of its products and\nservices Digital well-being is a\ncollection of features that make users\nof Google services and products more\naware of the technology you're they're\nusing how much time they're spending on\nthese services and with these devices\nand then giving users easy options to\nget away from their devices and take a\nbreak Digital wellbeing for the Google\nassistant devices revolves around\nfilters and downtime which you can set\nup in settings on your Google Home app\nfilters can help you place limits on\ncertain services like filtering out\nexplicit music or choosing what video\nservices you want to make available to\nyour household downtime disables most\nfunctionality on your Google home\ndevices while alarms and timers will\nstill work activities that begin before\nyour downtime kicks in we'll also still\nwork so for example if you like to\nlisten to music while you fall asleep\nyou can have your Google home device\nplay music before you activate downtime\nnow you can schedule downtime for some\nof your devices or all of your devices\nas well as you can schedule downtime for\ndifferent times on different days if you\nwant to read more about Google's digital\nwell-being efforts I'll make sure to\ndrop a link below to their website that\nthey've set up\naround digital well being well that\nwraps it up for all the Google assistive\nfeatures updates but we're not done yet\nbecause this week was the Consumer\nElectronics Show\nout in Vegas and luckily for us fans of\nGoogle assistant devices there were a\nton of new Google Assistant devices that\nwere announced at CES this year so many\nthat we don't even have time to mention\nthem all I'll be sure to drop a link\nbelow to a great story by the verge that\ngoes over everything that was announced\naround the Google assistant in the\ndescription below but first let's go\nahead and get to the highlights and\nwe'll start off with devices for the\nGoogle assistant and the first one I\nwant to mention is the Lenovo smart\nclock the Lenovo smart clock is a 4 inch\nGoogle Assistant display that is made to\nbe placed on your nightstand at it's\nmade to replace an alarm clock that you\nmay have on your nightstand already the\nnice thing about this in comparison to\nthe echos spot from Amazon is that it\ndoes not include a camera and it's not a\ndevice that you're necessarily going to\nwant to watch youtube videos or see\npictures on but it's perfect for sending\nalarms timers and getting some more\ninformation like the weather things that\nyou would want to know when you wake up\nor go to bed\none of the biggest announcements from\nthe event was that Google Assistant will\nfinally be available on Sonos devices no\nword yet on when exactly the assistant\nwill be available on Sony's devices this\nyear but we do know that the Google\nassistant will first be available on the\nSonos beam and so no Swann devices\nanother smart display that was announced\nat CES this year comes from KitchenAid\nand it's actually a Google Assistant\nsmart display that is waterproof and\nspecifically designed for you to place\nin your kitchen so if you spill your\nwaffle batter all over your smart\ndisplay you don't have to worry about\nruining the device you can just go wash\noff the batter\nit'll be fine there were also some new\nsound bars and TVs from various device\nmanufacturers that announced the Google\nAssistant will come on their products\nincluding Samsung which will now include\nthe Google Assistant and Bigsby now\nthere's another device category I wanted\nto talk about a little bit more\nwhich is a brand new device category for\nour Google Assistant devices and these\nare Google assistant devices for your\ncar both JBL and anchor announced new\ndevices that plug into your car's\n12-volt port and allow you to have a\nhands-free experience with the Google\nAssistant in your car both devices are\npriced right around 50 dollars ones 51\n$60 they both can either connect through\nyour car through either bluetooth or\neven one of them has a 3.5 millimeter\njack input can charge your phone or\nsomething else through those USB a ports\nand these devices I think are really\ngoing to be interesting especially as we\nwrap up to this year's holiday season\nbecause of the price point and the\nfunctionality they're going to bring to\nso many people's cars that don't\ncurrently have a voice feature or an\nassistant in the car now talking about\nthese devices in the car leads me to\ntalk about one of Google's biggest\nannouncements at CES this year which is\nthat it is going to be bringing the\nGoogle assistant to Google Maps on\nAndroid and iOS which is a big deal\nespecially for Google Maps on iOS now\npreviously there has been a Google\nassistant app on iOS devices you can\nactually create a series shortcut to\nhave Siri wake the Google Assistant and\nthen you could use it hands-free just\nlike you would a Google home I'll put a\nvideo out you can click on this video\nand I'll demo exactly how to set that up\nit's really great for your car for\nhands-free experience right now if you\nare an iOS user but not that many people\nhave downloaded the Google assistant app\non the iPhone which I do recommend it's\na really great app but Google putting\nthe Assistant in Google Maps is just\ngoing to give it so much more exposure\nto so many more users of iOS devices and\nhopefully ramp up the adoption of the\nGoogle Assistant another new Google\nAssistant capability that Google debuted\nat CES this year is the translator\nfunctionality what this allows you to do\nis use a Google Home device like a translator\nright now they're piloting these\nin high-end hotels around the u.s. where\nthey have a Google Home Hub setup at the\ndesk so if you have someone coming in to\ntalk to a concierge person and they\nspeak a language the concierge person\ndoesn't know they can actually use the\nGoogle Assistant to translate the\nconversation in real time back and forth\nbetween the two people speaking two\ndifferent languages this could be a\nreally important feature for the Google\nAssistant going forward\nI've seen some demos online you can look\nit up on YouTube sometimes it doesn't\nget it quite right but the translation\nseems like it's about 95 -98% there as\nfar as accuracy so really cool feature\nto see and we'll of course demo it for\nyou when it rolls out to Google home\ndevices later this year well that wraps\nup the major updates out of CES this\nyear for the Google Assistant and Google\nhome devices there were a couple of\ndevices that we didn't get to that we're\nannounced so we're going to drop a story\nby the Verge that goes over all of the\nGoogle assisted devices and features\nthat were announced this year at CES\nbelow in the video description so make\nsure you check that out if you like this\nvideo please be sure to give us a thumbs\nup and subscribe to the channel if you'd\nlike to see more videos like this one\nwell thanks again so much for watching\nfor 6 months later I'm Josh Teder.\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "Hello and welcome to week 4 of a video series\non teaching science during the Covid-19 crisis. I'm Rylee DeVito\nthe Idaho State Department of Education Science Coach and this week we are going to be talking about \nphenomenon and place based learning. A few weeks ago I talked about\nphenomenon, but I feel that it has a real place in\ndigital learning and I wanted to focus on it more today as well as discuss some\nplace based learning since students are truly learning where they are at\nnot just cognitively but now also physically.\nAs we move through the resources today, I want you to think about where you are right now.\nIdaho is such a beautiful place to live, whether you have access to the Boise\nFoothills, the Sawtooth’s, or the Snake River plain, we have some of the most\nunique geology right outside of our doors. I want to think about\nwhat your students could step out into and experience. These lessons\nare about an opportunity for students to explore the great state\nthat we live in and really connect with science where they are at.\nSome of you may already be familiar with phenomenon, but I want to provide some background as\na refresher or as an introduction. This quote is from “The Wonder of Science” which is one of the \nresources that we will be exploring a little bit more in depth today. “A phenomenon is simply\nan observable event. In the science classroom a carefully chosen\nphenomenon can drive student inquiry. Phenomena add relevance to the \nscience classroom showing students science in their own world. A good phenomenon\nis observable, interesting, complex and aligned to\nthe appropriate standard.” Note that phenomenon is an observable\nevent. It is important to distinguish between phenomenon and disciplinary\ncontent. For example, the disciplinary content would be that trees\nphotosynthesize. The phenomenon would be that a huge tree can\ngrow from a small seed. I’ve included a picture to the right as an example of this.\nThe plant started out as a small seed and will eventually grow into a\nmuch, much larger plant that the original seed. That’s something\nthat is observable. It’s interesting. There’s a lot of things going on. It’s very\ncomplex and it's aligned to several K-12 standards. I also\nthink the picture captures the idea of plants and seeds in terms of \ncuriosity. As teachers, we are planting the seeds of curiosity by introducing our students\nto phenomenon and hopefully we can reap the benefits of that as\nstudents grow into observant scientists. Here are few examples \nof phenomenon that I want to show you today. The first is a high school physical\nscience standard. I want to show the phenomenon first and then walk you through how I would\naddress this with my students. This is steel wool that is on fire\nand this is actually about halfway through the video of lighting it fire and then it is burning.\nAs you can see the mass on the scale is actually increasing,\nwhich definitely makes students scratch their head and wonder what is going on.\nI would likely use this by first asking my students a series of questions.\nsuch as: “What happens to the mass when something is burned?” or “When wood\nburns it get smaller so where does that mass go? Where does the burning wood go?”\nThis leads student to develop hypotheses about combustion and the process of \nburning. Typically, students will say that things loose mass \nwhen they are burned or that the burning wood goes away as smoke\nor it turns into coal. So after entertaining that discussion,\nI would show them this video, show this phenomenon. As the mass is\nincreasing, I would point that out to students to make sure they are really picking up on that.\nI would probably show this video three or four times and have students write down\nobservations and questions that arise as they watch the video.\nFrom there there's a multitude of standards that we can explore in terms of\natoms, combustion, mass, exchange of mass, those are all\nthings that we can talk about based off of this one phenomenon.\nIt all starts with curiosity. I also have this phenomenon about a\nwhite blood cell chasing a bacteria which is pretty cool. I would probably preface this\none by asking students if cells can think and \"How does your body\nkeep you healthy?\" We would probably watch this a couple of times and students again would generate\nthose wondering type questions. That would be good jumping off point to talk about\nabout cell differentiation, signal pathways, or disease depending on what\ndirection you wanted to take it. I got both of these phenomenon\nfrom a website called The Wonder of Science. It is just thewonderofscience.com\nand it's easy to google and if you click right here on phoneomena\ntab it will take you to a list of K-12 or\nK-5 and Middle/High School and then it breaks out for Life Science, Earth Science, or\nPhysical Science for both Middle School and High School. So if you click on one of these\nfor example Middle Life Science, it will actually break out into\neach of the standards which makes it really, really easy and \nconvenient for you as the teacher where you don't have to hunt down a phenomenon that fits your\nparticular standard. It is all just presented right here for you. For example,\nwe can click on photosynthesis, I mentioned that earlier with trees, and it will\nyou a host of potential phenomenon that you can use. Some of these are\nvideos, some of them are links to articles that you may consider\nbut they are all fantastic. For example, we can look on Why do sunflowers \n76\n00:04:59,233 --> 00:05:03,233\nfollow the sun. There is a video that students that watch that will service as that phenomena \nand the web resource that this is taken from is found right here.\nYou can, as a teacher, click on that for more information and potentially distribute that \nas you feel necessary. I've talked about Phenomenon for NGSS a little bit\nin the past and I just want to bring it up again. Phenomenon for NGSS is\nshort video clips or pictures that really address phenomenon.\nI love all of these phoneomon on here but I have to say that I\ndo like Wonder of Science a little better because it is more organized by the standards.\nThis is still a great resource for you to use in terms of all kinds of crazy\nphenomenon that students can be exposed to. So phenomenon just don't\nhave to be those videos or pictures, phenomenon can also be\ndata. Data has some really funky things that happen, some really interesting things can happen\nwith data. Presenting students with a graph is a great way to expose them\nto that excitement and get their curiosity flowing. So, for example \nthis graph we can ask \"Why is it hotter in the summer?\" And \"Is temperature \nrelated to precipitation or are those mutually exclusive?\" And \"Are their places\nin the world where this graph might actually be inverted?\" or really a basic \nquestion might just be \"Where is this graph from and why does it look like that in this\nplace?\" Another way that you might use phenomenon is by including your\nown personal aspect into their inquiry.\nThis is a picture from my most recent trip to the Redwood Forest; which I am really hoping I\nget to go back to soon. But this really allows to build a connection with your students by\nproviding them some real world connection and a connection with you as a person.\nIt exposes them what's out there beyond just Idaho or just the United States \nfor that matter. And it really shows students that there is curiosity all around us.\nFor this particular question, students can ask about how water gets\nall the way up to the top of the redwoods, which are huge, tall trees and then in this particular\ntree why the middle is burned out but not the outside and whether the tree is alive\nor not and if is alive, how is still alive even though the entire middle\nof the tree has been burned out. So, that's just a couple of different ways that you can\nbring phenomenon into teaching. Another way you may\nbring phenomenon into teaching, is by using some digital labs and I'm specifically\nfocusing on virtual and digital labs right now and simulations because we are in this\nonline teaching format. These are a great way to continue\naccessing that phenomenon, but I would caution you to make sure that when you are\nchoosing one of the labs or simulations that you are remembering that the phenomenon \nis an observable event and not just pure content. So make sure\nyou are erring on the side of interesting is happening in the world around them.\nLet's take a look at PhET which is fantastic. \nI use these all the time in class and get so excited when I show people these. If you scroll down just \na little bit here, it shows the different content areas that you\ncan focus on. I am going to focus on an Earth Science one to start with and it will show you all\nthese different simulations that students can do. These are cool because\nthey are simulations, not just videos to watch. An example of that\nis finding something where it is a phenomenon vs just a content would be this\nBalloons and Static Electricity. That's really a really a phenomenon because that is something that\nis observable and happens and you can even see in the thumbnail here that there's balloons and a sweater\nwhich are real world things that students do experience. Ae can just look at some\nthings like the diffusion or gas intro, those look very conceptual\nand very lab based so these would probably not be your best phenomenon base. \nYou could use these in another context in terms of those digital\nlabs. I also want to show you HHMI's BioInteractive. \nThese are pretty neat because there are a lot of interactives. There are also articles. \nThere are videos, it's kind of a conglomerate of information. They are probably best \nknown for their lizards labs, which is also\nmy favorite. If you just type in lizard on the search there you can see that they\nhave all kinds of things that you can do with that. So we we have Lizards in the Cold, \nHow Lizards Find Their Way Home, Using DNA to Explore Lyzard Phylogeny,\nLizards in Hurricanes, Lizards in an Evolutionary Tree. They do have a virtual lab here if you wanted to\ndo that. This is really easily searchable and for any type of resource that you\nare doing, any type of topic that you are exploring to get those phenomenon\nin a digital way to your students. Hopefully, you are getting the idea that\nphenomena are everywhere and that they aren't really difficult to find\nand that you don't need have specific pools in order to create phenomenon.\nThey are really just all around and all over. Hopefully, you see that as\nwe start talking about the idea of place based learning. Switching gears\na little bit and talking about place-based learning. Hopefully, you will start to see that connection\nof phenomenon along with the place-based learning. Here's how\nGetting Smarter describes placed-based learning. \"It is any\ntime, anywhere learning that leverages that power of place\nand not just the power of technology, to personaliz\nlearning.\" If that quote does not define the new culture of teaching that we found ourselves\nin, I really don't know what does. In particular I like that \ntechnology does not have to be a piece in place-based learning. I am sure many\nof you are with me in the fact that technology has been really essential in this transition, but\na break is really needed. I know many of my students are looking forward to not learning\ndigitally for quite some time. And placed-based learning has so much potential\nto be an incredible teaching tool. You can see that it's not\njust about teaching the content, we are also teaching\nstudents to build autonomy. We are teaching them to look and the world through ecological,\npolitical, economic, and social lenses. It's an interdisciplinary model.\nIt's inquiry based. It allows to engage in their communities and appreciate\nthe world around them. Which I feel is really lacking when we have students\njust in the classroom sitting all of the time. In our current teaching situation,\nI also think that place-based learning provides us with an opportunity to utilize \nthe classroom that is right outside of our doors and hopefully teach students that\nlearning doesn't stop when you enter/exit science classroom, it continues\nthroughout your day-to-day, throughout the world, and it is all around us at all times. \nCombining the idea off phenomenon place-based learning is a\nreally great way to accomplish a couple of things. First of all, if we can use\nthe two together, we can maximize our time with students and encourage them\nto become active scientists as they move through their environment. Phenomenon can also\naddress multiple standards at one time which increases the effectiveness of \nour teaching. I have talked about that in the past that if we can combine multiple standards we're really\nbeing effective and that definitely holds true with phenomenon and place-based\nlearning. Using these two ideas also engages student in their personal\ninterests and allows them improve their mental health by getting outside and experiencing\nIdaho. It's an easy way to get kids engaged with phenomenon and placed-based lessons,\nbut it is also way for parents to get involved the education.\nFamilies can go on walks together, hikes together. Obviously if young children are going\non walks they should have an adult with them. Students who are working on farms\ncan now do so not just from that agricultural standpoint, but also from that science based\nstandpoint. And for students who don't have a lot of reasons or opportunities to\nexplore their communities, this might be great way to initiate or start some of those\nconnections. And finally, both phenomenon and place-based learning encourage students\nto experience science that truely happens, not just as it is\nin the lab setting. Which is important, but this really mimics that really world science\neducation. Here is one lesson idea about how you might combine phenomenon\nand place-based learning. Ask students to go outside, whether it be to a park,\non a hike or a walk, or working on the farm. Advise them to just\n\"be\" in that place and put away their devices and phones. Have them go with someone\nthey care about if possible. Then have students find their own phenomenon. Have them\nlook for something they are curious about or that they have questions about. Depending on what your teaching\nyou may direct this step a little bit more or you might leave it open ended.\nWhile students are in their place and observing, they can complete a notice/wonder table.\nThis is just a two column cable, or t-chart, in which students write what they notice,\ntheir observations, and what they wonder or just the questions that they have.\nFor example, for this particular phenomenon here that I got from The Wonder of Science,\nagain great resource, students might notice that\nthe ants are carrying a worm. That the worm is much, much, much \nlarger than the ants. You might observe that the ants form lines or that some\nants don't seem to be participating. Then for the wonder side, they might ask\n\"How big is the worm compared to the ants?\" and \"Why are they forming lines?\"\n\"Where in the world is this video taking place?\" and \"What kind of ants or worms are those?\"\nThey can just list those questions out and those wonderings and those noticing's\nas much as you want them to or as much as they comfortable doing\nto really gain access to overserving the place that they are in. Another \nway you might encourage students to process their place and phenomenon is through a question \nformulation technique from the Right Question Institute. You will see on the left is\nthe procedure which you would typically use in the classroom and on right is an adapted version \nfor digital learning. This technique starts with students experiencing their phenomenon\nwhich is great because in a place-base they are learning their already there, they're already experiencing\nthat phenomenon. Have students generate as many questions that they can\nin four minutes. Preferably, they would still be in the place when they are generating those questions\nnot having returned home. Then have them categorize open and closed questions.\nOpen meaning, they are open ended with more complex answers\nand closed meaning yes or no type questions. Have them prioritize\nthree questions that they really think would help them understand that phenomenon. \nAnd then if you are using discussion boards of any kind or any kind or any type of online\ncommunity, you have students post their questions there and have dialog \nbetween the students through that platform. If you are not having one of those, then\nI might just skipping this step or having students just create a little board on \ntheir own for these three question. And then finally, I would have students reflect\nusing the three questions that are presented here or three questions that you feel like would\nbe really good in this particular setting or for the phenomenon that you may have selected \nfor the students. Another idea is a writing marathon and this\nis really going to incorporate a lot of those ELA aspects. This is also\ninterdisciplinary in terms of ELA and Science. So I would ask students\nto stop and three different places along that outdoor adventure that they're having\nand at each stop, have them write for ten minutes. Honestly, it's not important what\nthe kids are writing. What's important is that they are writing and they are experiencing that\nplace. It doesn't matter if they're writing fiction, whether it is a to-do list, \nor whether they are writing and autobiography, whatever it might be. Just get them \nwriting for a total of 30 minutes, 10 minutes at those three different spots.\nFinally when they return home, have them reflect on the science element or they can\nstill do it while they are out in the field. Have them identify phenomenon or make a list of questions\nthat they thought about during their adventure in relation to science. I would encourage my\nstudents to back out the following day and see if they can find some answers to those\nquestions that they are generating. Hopefully, some of those ideas spark your own curiosity \nwith phenomenon and place-based learning and you will try some of those out with your students.\nAs always, if you need help with questions or concerns or would like to brain storm,\nplease do not hesitate to reach out. You can email me at divito.idahosciencecoach@gmail.com\nAnd before wrapping up, I want to remind you\nto take care of yourself during this time. Make sure that you are getting outside\nand staying curious about the world around you. If you are healthy, that means that you are\nhealthy for your students and you can inspire their curiosity. All of the links in this\npresentation are posted here and in the video description as well. This presentation\nwas brought to you by the Idaho State Department of Education.\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "Hey guys, welcome back to Wrestling world!\nIts definitely not the first time we heard\nof this real life heat between Alexa Bliss\nand Sasha Banks\nTension between Alexa Bliss and Sasha Banks\nhas been rumored for many years now\nEven back in 2017, they did admit that they\ndidn’t like each other but still had to\nkeep it professional and protect each other\nin the ring\nRumors of them hating each other and never\nspeaking to each other backstage has been\nat the top of headlines as well\nMany believe that the start to this whole\nbackstage feud was back in 2014, where Alexa\nBliss had her nose broken during a match with\nSasha Banks\nSince that match happened, rumors are that\nthey never quite got along\nAnd now there’s another situation that just\nhappened recently on raw that let’s us know\nthat this tension could very much still be\nthere\nThis happened during the tag team match on\nraw between the teams of Alexa Bliss and Nikki\nCross taking on Sasha Banks and Bayley\nThere was certain point in the match where\nSasha went over to try to punch Alexa on the\nring apron, but Alexa moved out the way, Sasha\nthen moved in closer and gave a hard kick\nat Alexa’s stomach before focusing back\non Nikki Cross\nAlexa was out and winded for a moment, but\nwas ultimately okay in the end\nIt was just a very unusual spot because it\nlooked like a lot of force and impact went\ninto that kick\nA fan even clipped the “dirty kick” and\ncaptioned it with Sasha’s from quotes during\nher recent wwe network chronicle episode and\nsaid this:\n“Sasha Banks: I felt so bad about Paige,\nI would never try to intentionally hurt someone”\n“Also Sasha Banks: cheap shot kick to little\nmiss Alexa Bliss for no reason.”\nThat quote from Sasha comes from her recent\ncomments on how emotional she felt when everyone\nwas blaming her for ending Paige’s career\nduring a live event in 2017\nTo add even more fuel to the fire, the fan’s\ntweet is was retweeted by Nia Jax, so it looks\nlike Nia agrees with the dirty hit as well\nThe latest reports claim that Sasha and Alexa\nhave to be kept apart and separated in the\nlocker room just to prevent anything from\nhappening between the two of them\nFans are also saying that Sasha Banks is a\nheel, so it’s possible to just say that\nit was a over the top heel like move, but\nother fans still believe that the kick was\ndirty\nSo we wanna hear your thoughts on this entire\ndebate?\nDo you think it was a stiff kick or was it\njust a regular heel tactic?\nLeave your comments, don’t forget to subscribe,\nand leave a like if you enjoyed!\nThanks for watching guys and we’ll see you\nin the next one!\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "[MUSIC PLAYING]\nSPEAKER 1: Hello, everyone.\nIt is with pleasure I\nintroduce Dr. Lawrence Krauss.\nDr. Krauss is the\nFoundation Professor\nof the School of Earth and Space\nExploration at Arizona State\nUniversity.\nHe has made significant\ncontributions\nin cosmology, where he was\none of the first physicists\nto suggest the existence of\ndark energy, a substance which\nmay be responsible for 63--\nsorry 68.3% of all\nthe total energy\nin the observable universe.\nDr. Krauss is also\na tireless advocate\nfor public understanding\nof science.\nHe served on the\nScience Policy Committee\nfor Barack Obama's 2008\npresidential campaign,\ncontributed articles to \"The\nAtlantic\", \"The New Yorker\"\nand \"Newsweek\", and written\nseveral \"New York Times\"\nbest-selling books on science,\nincluding his previous book,\nthe well-noted and well regarded\n\"Universe from Nothing\".\nMy first exposure\nto Dr. Krauss was\nworking with one\nof his early books,\n\"The Physics of\nStar Trek\", which\nI found enthralling\nfor its thorough\nand altogether serious\nlook at the physics,\nplausible and otherwise, of\none of my favorite series.\nAs a brief aside, Dr.\nKrauss, I feel like there\nwas a missed opportunity.\nYou wrote a follow-up\ncalled \"Beyond Star Trek\".\nAnd I feel it should have been\nnamed \"The Physics of Star\nTrek 2: The Wrath of Krauss\".\nLAWRENCE KRAUSS: You're\ntaking that out of my--\nI put that in my appendix.\nSPEAKER 1: Oh, you did.\nLAWRENCE KRAUSS:\nYeah, yeah, exactly.\nSPEAKER 1: Oh, you did now.\nToday, Dr. Krauss is here to\ntalk about his latest book,\ndocumenting our current\nunderstanding of nature,\nthe history of one of\nhumanity's greatest\nscientific achievements, the\nstandard model of particle\nphysics, and its implications\nfor our existence,\nand what promises to be the\ngreatest story ever told\nso far.\nJoin me in giving a warm\nwelcome to Dr. Krauss.\nLAWRENCE KRAUSS: Thanks.\nWell, it's a pleasure to\nbe here and see all of you.\nAnd I understand it's lunchtime.\nSo I shouldn't go overtime.\nSo I'll make a shorter\nversion than normal,\nbecause I know you have\nreally important work to do.\nSo in any case, the quote that\nI had here along with the music\ncomes from a book\nthat actually a friend\nof mine-- who is a filmmaker\nnamed Werner Herzog--\nrecommended to me.\nAnd you might have seen his most\nrecent-- well not most recent\nmovie, but second-most recent\nmovie, \"Lo and Behold\", which\nis about the internet,\nwhich is nice.\nThere's another one\nthat just came out,\nwhich is a fiction,\ncalled \"Salt and Fire\"\nthat I'm also in as a villain.\nBut it's a weirder movie.\nBut anyway, this book, which\nis called \"The Peregrine\"\nis about a peregrine.\nAnd but it is a\nwonderful naturalist book\nif you ever want to read it.\nBut the quote is what's\nparticularly important, which\nis, \"The hardest thing of all\nto see is what is really there.\"\nAnd that's really the\nthrust of the content\nof my book, which is\nthat the world we live in\nis an illusion.\nAnd it's been an amazing story\nfor particle physics and--\noh, look at that.\nOK, is there a\nreason that went off?\nAuto-power Off engaged.\nAuto-power Off was engaged.\nSo waiting for\nprojectors to start.\nGood.\nI'm very impressed\nwith the technology.\nSo anyway, the standard\nmodel of particle physics--\nand in fact, particle\nphysics in general--\nhas been about\ntrying to understand\nthe fundamental structure\nof matter and energy.\nAnd it is really an amazing\nstory of how different\nthe universe is at fundamental\nscales than the scale we see.\nAnd one of the\nreal implications--\nand one of the reasons the\nsubtitle of the book is called\n\"Why are we Here\"--\nis that universe that we\nexist in is an accident.\nIn a well-defined way,\nwhich I will-- well,\nI'll talk about until\nthe projector gets there.\nI'll get-- let me just get\nto the slide I want to do,\nso when the projector\nactually turns on,\nwhich is certainly not now.\nOh, a light just came on.\nThat's good.\nWe can get to the\nimage I want to show,\nwhich is of a window in\nthe wintertime with ice\ncrystals on it.\nI was actually just in\nPhoenix where I teach.\nAnd I gave a lecture on this.\nAnd I had to explain to people\nthose were ice crystals.\nBut here we go.\nAnd so these are beautiful.\nBut what I want\nyou to do is think\nfor a second of what\nit would be like\nif you lived on one of them.\nSo let's say this one.\nOK, if you evolved on-- and we\ncan use that word in the US--\nif you evolved on that\ncrystal, what would happen?\nWell, the physicists--\nI don't know where\nit is in that one.\nBut anyway, let's\nsay with this one.\nOh, no.\nThere it is.\nThe physicists\nworking in this world\nwould say, well, OK, I\ncan work out the forces.\nThe forces along the\nspine of the crystal\nare very different than the\nforce that's perpendicular.\nSo they come up with laws of\nphysics, which would explain\nand predict how things moved.\nAnd there would be one set\nof forces in this direction,\nand forces in the\nother direction.\nAnd that would seem natural.\nThere'd be theologians\nwho'd explain\nwhy God ordained\nthat direction to be\nthe proper direction for life.\nAnd there'd be wars\nfought over whether that\nwas the right direction or\nthat was the right direction\nto pray to.\nAnd all of that would have\nsignificance, which of course\nis completely illusory.\nIt is just an accident.\nThe crystal can point\nin any given direction.\nBut it wouldn't seem that way\nif you lived on that crystal.\nAnd that's essentially\nthe world we live in.\nAll of the facets\nof the world that\nmake it look like the universe\nis designed for our existence\nare pure accidents\nin a fundamental way,\nwhich I'll try and describe.\nAnd we, of, course--\nthe world looks like\nit's designed for us.\nBut at a fundamental\nlevel, it's actually\nantithetical to our existence,\nas I'll describe to you.\nNow, the story is\nlong and winding.\nAnd obviously, I said, I want\nto give an abridged version\nso you can get back to work.\nSo I want to start\nfairly late into this.\nBut the story actually begins\n2000 years ago with Plato\nand then works through\nMaxwell and Einstein,\ntalking about the\nmajor revolutions that\nhave changed our perspective\nof our place in the universe.\nAnd one of the things\nthat describes pretty well\nthe progress of science--\ncertainly in physics,\nin any case--\nis when-- we know\nwe made progress\nwhen two things that seem\nvery different on the surface\nseem to be different\nreflections of the same thing.\nAnd then we know\nwe've made progress.\nAnd that pretty\nwell characterizes\nalmost all the progress\nin physics over the ages,\nfrom, for example,\nin recent times,\nthe recognition of\nelectricity to magnetism,\nwhich seemed so different, are\nreally exactly the same thing.\nOne person's electricity is\nanother person's magnetism.\nThat led to the realization\nof space and time,\nwhich seemed different,\nare really the same thing.\nAnd what one person\nsees as space,\nanother person will\nmeasure as time.\nWe live in a four-dimensional\nuniverse, not\na three-dimensional universe.\nAnd those kind of developments\nhave progressively\ntold us that the\nuniverse that we see\nis kind of myopic\nbecause we perceive\nthese three-dimensional slices\nof a four-dimensional universe,\nwhich is why seem so\nnon-intuitive to us\nthat the universe\nis four-dimensional.\nAnd when I'm running\nwith respect to you,\nI'm seeing a different\nthree-dimensional slice\nof a four-dimensional\nuniverse, which\nis why things seem strange and\nrelativity does what it does.\nAnd I talk about those things\nat great length in the book.\nSo up to that point,\nwe had we developed\nthe theory of electromagnetism\nand a theory of gravity.\nAnd all seemed well until\nwe got to a later stage.\nAnd I wanted to begin the\nlater stage with this guy, who\nall of you know, I assume.\nIt's Richard Feynman,\nwho was probably--\nwell, was one of the greatest\nphysicists of the second half\nthe 20th century.\nAnd what he won the Nobel\nPrize for-- with others--\nwas the recognition that, of\ncourse, at a fundamental level,\nthe world is quantum mechanical.\nAnd if we want to have a\ntheory of electromagnetism,\nwe need to put it in accord\nwith quantum mechanics.\nAnd the theory they developed\ncalled quantum electrodynamics\nis a theory that merges\nelectromagnetism and quantum\nmechanics.\nAnd he presented a way\nof thinking about this\nto understand the electric\nforce between two charges which\nhad been understood\nby Faraday and Maxwell\nin a slightly\ndifferent way-- a way\nwe talk of by Feynman\ndiagrams, as we call them.\nBut it's particularly\ninteresting.\nSo this is an electron.\nAnd it repels another electron.\nAnd it does so by the exchange\nof a particle-- a photon--\nthe quantum of the\nelectromagnetic field.\nElectromagnetic waves come\nin particles and photons\nof the individual [? quanta. ?]\nNow, what Feynman used\nin developing this\nis a key aspect of\nquantum mechanics, which\nis central to quantum\nmechanics, which is really\nthe same thing that's\nused in Washington\nin corporate America, which\nare now the same thing.\nIf you can't see\nit, anything goes.\nOK, that's basically it.\nAnd we'll learn more about\nthat with the investigations\nover the next year,\nI certainly hope.\nSo the idea is that this\nelectron emits this particle--\nthis photon of light.\nBut that's impossible.\nIt's not allowed.\nThe electron just sitting\nthere cannot emit a particle\nof light, because where\ndid the energy come from?\nIf the photon carries energy,\nwhere did the energy come from?\nThe electron is still there\nif it's an isolated electron.\nIt can't emit a photon, because\nthat doesn't conserve energy.\nBut that's OK.\nThat's allowed by the\nHeisenberg uncertainty\nprinciple, which is\nresponsible for that Washington\nrule I gave you.\nThe Heisenberg\nuncertainty principle\nsays, if I measure a\nsystem for a short time,\nthen I can't know\nits energy exactly.\nThere's some uncertainty\nin the energy.\nSo if I emit this photon, and\nit violates energy conservation\nthat's allowed in\nquantum mechanics,\nas long as the photon\ndisappears in such a short time\nthat I can't measure it.\nIt's just exactly\nlike embezzlement.\nOK?\nAnd I'm sure Google does\nthis every day at some level,\nbecause if you get the\nmoney, and as you put it back\nbefore anyone notices, you can\ndo whatever you want with it.\nRight?\nAnd you know, there's\na lot of trading\nthat goes on in that regard.\nSo it's exactly the same.\nSo the photon can violate\nenergy conservation here.\nAs long as it disappears\nbefore you can measure it,\nyou're fine.\nAnd so the photons exchange,\nand it produces that repulsion.\nNow the key point is the\nphoton has zero mass.\nIt's massless.\nAnd that's essential to\nmake electromagnetism\na long-range force.\nThe electron here repels an\nelectron in Alpha Centauri.--\nOK-- or anywhere\nin another galaxy.\nAnd the reason is, because\nthe photon is massless,\nit can carry an arbitrarily\nsmall amount of energy.\nAnd if it can carry an\narbitrarily small amount\nof energy, then it can exist\nfor an arbitrarily long time\nbefore it has to disappear\nwithout violating\nthe Heisenberg\nuncertainty principle.\nAnd if it can exist for\nan arbitrary long time,\nit can travel from here to Alpha\nCentauri before it's absorbed.\nSo the fact that\nelectromagnetism\nis a long-range force is\nuniquely related to the fact\nthat the photon is\nmassless, in this picture.\nOK?\nAnd this photon, because\nyou can't see it,\nit's called a virtual photon\nbecause it doesn't really\nexist.\nIt just-- you can't\never measure it.\nIf you look for\nit, it's not there.\nOK?\nAnd great.\nAnd so this picture--\nthis is a complete\npicture of the quantum\ntheory of electromagnetism.\nYou absorb and emit\nthese virtual photons\nthat can do anything they want\nas long as you can't see them.\nAnd this theory is the\nbest theory in science.\nIt's the best theory\nin any area of science.\nBased on this theory,\nyou can make predictions\nand compare them\nwith observations\nto 14 decimal places,\nwhich you can't\ndo in any other area of science\nwhere fundamental predictions\ncompare to observations.\nSo this is as good as\nit gets in science.\nAnd in the 1940s, when this\nwas developed, this was great.\nWe now have a complete theory\ncalled quantum electrodynamics,\nwhich explains and\npredicts perfectly,\nevery measurement you can\nmake in atoms and other things\nwhere electric\nfields are relevant.\nSo that's great.\nOK?\nAnd that looked\ngreat for nature.\nBut then nature intervened.\nOK?\nNature intervened with\nthe fact that the neutron\nis radioactive.\nNow this should\ndisturb you because--\nI remember I first learned\nabout when I was in high school\nfrom a guy named Tommy Gold,\nwho was a wonderful astronomer.\nBut it should disturb you,\nbecause most of the particles\nin your body are neutrons.\nRight?\nNeutrons and protons\nmake up atomic nuclei.\nAnd for a heavy nuclei,\ncertainly there--\naverage more neutrons\nthere are protons.\nSo the number one dominant\nparticle in your body\nis a neutron, OK?\nIf I take a neutron\nhere and hold it up,\nit will decay in 10 minutes.\nAnd you will notice,\nmaybe to your chagrin,\nthat you've been here\nfor more than 10 minutes.\nAnd they're still here.\nYou may be praying for\nyour neutrons to decay.\nBut they're not.\nAnd why is that?\nAn accident of our existence.\nSo what's neutron decay?\nWell, neutron decays into\nthree particles-- a proton,\nit's just a fancy way\nof writing an electron--\na proton, electron, and a\nneutrino, another particle.\nThe key point, however, is that\nthe neutron and proton weigh\nalmost exactly the same amount.\nThe difference between these\ntwo masses is one part in 1,000.\nAnd so the neutron has barely\nenough energy to decay.\nIf its mass was less than the\nsum of these three masses,\nit couldn't decay.\nWell, again, it would\nviolate energy conservation.\nSo it's just barely more than\nthe mass of these particles,\nwhich is why it lasts so\nlong, because 10 minutes is\na hell of a long time in\nparticle physics units.\nOK?\nI mean, so it seems\nlike an eternity.\nSo this is a very\nlong-lived particle,\nbut short-lived\nby our standards.\nSo how come you're\nstill here, which\nyou may be asking yourself?\nSo it's an accident, OK?\nWhat happens when I put\na neutron in a nucleus?\nWell, it follows the nucleus.\nAnd it gets bound.\nWhat does it mean to be bound?\nWell, some of you know.\nBut otherwise, it means that\ntakes energy to get out.\nYou lose energy\nwhen you get bound.\nAnd so the neutron\nfollows the nucleus.\nLoses energy, but E\nequals mc squared.\nSo the neutron gets lighter.\nAnd when the neutrons gets in\na nucleus, it no longer as--\nits mass is too small to\ndecay into these particles.\nSo neutrons are only\nstable in nuclei\nby that accident that the fact\nthat the neutron-proton mass\ndifference is so small, that\nwhen it falls into a nucleus,\nit no longer has\nenough energy to decay.\nAnd that's why you're here.\nThat's why there\nare heavy elements.\nIf it weren't for that,\ncarbon, nitrogen, oxygen, iron,\nand all the things that on\nwhich our lives are based\nwould not exist, just because\nof that fortuitous fact\nthat these particles have\nalmost the same mass.\nOK, that's interesting.\nBut more interesting\nfor physicists was--\nwell, this was a\nlittle disconcerting,\nbecause suddenly,\nthis implied there\nwas a new force in nature.\nThe neutron was\ndiscovered in 1932.\nSuddenly, a new force had--\nbecause electromagnetism\ncan't cause this decay.\nAnd gravity can't\ncause this decay.\nSo there had to be some\nnew force in nature\nthat would cause that decay.\nAnd, of course, the question\nis, what kind of force is it\nand how can we understand it?\nThe first person to write\ndown a theory for that--\nany kind of theory-- was one\nof my favorite physicists\nfrom the 20th\ncentury, Enrico Fermi,\nwho was the last particle\nslash nuclear physicist, who\nwas equally good at that\ntheory and experiment.\nThe two fields have become\nsufficiently complicated\nthat you can't do both now.\nOK?\nHe was the last one who was\nable to do both really well.\nHe also, historically,\nin the Manhattan Project,\nwas the one who was assigned\nthe task of building\nthe first nuclear reactor, the\nfirst sustained chain reaction.\nAnd so they built in the\nUniversity of Chicago\nunderneath the football\nfield, which I've always\nviewed as an inspired choice,\nbecause if anything went wrong,\nyou'd just kill\nfootball players.\nAnd there's no loss.\nAnd so Fermi built\nthat successfully.\nBut he also wrote down\nthis first model of this.\nAnd he submitted it to\nthe journal \"Nature\".\nAnd it got rejected,\nwhich heartens\nmany of us who submit to\n\"Nature\" and get rejected.\nBut he didn't take it well.\nAnd he, in fact, just said,\nI'm not going to do theory.\nNow, I'm going to just\ngo do experiments, which\nwas good for him, it turned\nout, because the next experiment\nhe did won him the\nNobel Prize in physics.\nSo it worked for him.\nBut his theory was\nbuilt upon by others.\nNow the really\nimportant thing-- there\nare many important\naspects of science\nthat I want to\ntry and emphasize,\nand I try to\nemphasize in the book\nbecause they have relevance\nwell beyond the esoteric physics\nI'm talking about,\nrelevance as I'll\ndescribe in some\nsense to the quagmire\nwhere we find ourselves\nliving in right now.\nBut the one thing that's\nreally important about science\nis that it's like Hollywood.\nAnd maybe like Google, actually,\nprobably in that regard.\nIf it works, copy it.\nOK?\nAnd keep copying it until\nit doesn't work anymore.\nIt's like Halloween 56 or\nwhatever it's going to--\nas long as you can sell\ntickets, keep copying it.\nAnd so if we have a theory\nthat works, copy it.\nSo here's the best\ntheory in nature.\nSo the idea was, if\nyou have a new force,\nlet's make it look\nlike this force.\nSo we can draw a\npicture [INAUDIBLE].\nAnd it looks the same--\nsort of.\nA neutron-- OK, so\nprotons, made of quarks.\nBut that's a little\nadded complication.\nDoesn't really matter.\nAnd then electron and\nneutrino come out.\nAnd if this works by the\nexchange of a particle,\nthen why not imagine\nthis force works\nby the exchange of a particle?\nBut this force is very\ndifferent than this force.\nThis force works\nacross the universe.\nThis force, the weak\nforce, operates only\non the scale of nuclei.\nThat's why we don't\nsee it on human scales.\nIt only works for-- on\nthe scale of nuclei.\nSo it's very short-range.\nThis is very long-range,\nso weak, this is strong.\nHow can you relate\nthose two things?\nWell, if you make this particle\nmassive, then what happens?\nIf this is very, very\nmassive then emitting\nit always produces a lot of\nenergy, because E equals mc\nsquared.\nSo if it's massive,\nyou can't help\nbut have a lot of\nenergy produced here.\nAnd that means you violate\nenergy conservation\nby a huge amount, which means\nthe particle has to disappear\nvery quickly by the Heisenberg\nuncertainty principle,\nbecause otherwise, that\nhuge amount of energy\nwould be noticed.\nSo if you emit a particle\nthat's very massive,\nit can travel only a very\nshort time, and therefore,\nonly a very short distance\nbefore it has to disappear,\nlike the [? massless ?]\n[? case. ?] So you want\na short-range force, just\nexchange a massive particle--\na long-reach force--\na massless particle.\nEverything works fine.\nBut it doesn't, because\nthis theory gives\nthe best predictions in nature.\nThis theory gives\nnonsense, because when\nyou do the mathematics,\nyou get infinities.\nPhysicists don't\nlike infinities,\ncomputer scientists don't like\ninfinities, mathematicians love\ninfinities.\nBut we don't.\nSo the idea is how\nto get around them\nAnd this was a fascinating\nand severe problem.\nIt's so severe, that\nactually, in the 1960s, when\nit was kind of first\nrecognized, many physicists\nwere willing to give\nup the pretty picture.\nThey said, maybe\nthis unification\nof relativity and\nquantum mechanics\njust doesn't work on\nthe scale of nuclei.\nAnd it was kind of\namazing how easily\nthey were willing to\ngive up this picture.\nAnd one of the things\nabout the book--\nwhich is one of the reasons\nthis is the great story--\nwasn't easy.\nIn particular, there are lots\nof red herrings and dead ends.\nAnd physicists are people.\nAnd that means they're\npigheaded, and prejudiced,\nand biased.\nAnd they often want to\ngo in a direction, even\nwhen that direction is futile.\nBut the great\nthing about science\nis it drags the physicists\nor the scientists,\nkicking and screaming,\nin the right direction.\nSo the individual scientists\nmay be prejudiced.\nBut eventually, because\nof nature, they're\nforced in the right direction.\nIn this case, these people, you\nknow, especially-- actually,\nit was interesting.\nIn Berkeley was the\nmain place that people\nwanted to give this up.\nAnd they created a\nkind of zen version\nof physics, which is appropriate\nfor Berkeley in the 60s.\nAnd it was the sound of one\nparticle clapping, basically.\nBut it actually, was the\nbasis of string theory\ngot generated there, as a way,\nan alternative to this picture.\nAnd it failed\nmiserably there, too.\nBut that's a different book.\nThe point is that these people\nwere looking at the problem.\nAnd you want to shake them,\nbecause, in fact, they\nhad the answer.\nThe answer was right\nthere for people\nif they hadn't been looking\nin the wrong direction.\nWith hindsight, it's so\nmuch easier to see things--\nto see that the answer\nwas right there.\nAnd the answer came from a very\ndifferent area of physics--\nsuperconductivity.\nSo 1911, Kamerlingh\nOnnes discovered--\na Dutch physicist discovered--\nthat if you cooled mercury down\nto four degrees above\nabsolute zero, then\nthe resistance went to zero.\nThen just become small.\nIt went to zero.\nAnd that means if I\nhave a mercury wire,\nand I hook it up to a battery,\nand I start a current going,\nand then I cool it\nto four degrees,\nI take away the battery, then\nthe current continues to flow.\nAnd it doesn't just flow\nfor an hour or a day.\nIt flows forever.\nIt never ever stops, because\nresistance is precisely zero.\nIt seems like it\nshouldn't be possible.\nBut it is.\nIt's a remarkable\nphenomenon that he\nnamed superconductivity.\nAnd it's so weird\nthat it took maybe\n50 years to be able to\nhave a theory of this.\nAnd it has to do with the\nrather complicated interactions\nof electrons and materials,\nwhich is nice, OK.\nSo what's this got to do\nwith what I just discussed?\nWell, nowadays, we\nhave high-temperature\nsuperconductors so we can do\nneed experiments in high school\nphysics classes, because we\ncan put a superconductor now\nin dry ice.\nAnd there's some materials\nthat become superconducting\nat those temperatures.\nAnd then we can play with\nthem in high school classes.\nAnd, for example, if you have\na superconductor in dry ice,\nand you put a magnet above\nit, the magnet will levitate.\nWhy?\nBecause it turns out\nmagnetic fields cannot pierce\nthe superconductor.\nThey die off the surface\nof the superconductor.\nSo do electric fields.\nBut that means the magnetic\nfield lines basically get\nrepelled by the superconductor.\nAnd that's enough to\nlevitate the magnet.\nIt's a fun little\ngame to play in class.\nOK, again, what's this\ngot to do with anything?\nWell, now, I want you\nto imagine that you\nlive in this superconductor.\nAnd now, you I ask you,\nwhat are the laws of physics\nin that superconductor?\nWell, for you, if you live\nin that superconductor,\nelectromagnetism is\na short-range force,\nbecause electric fields\nand magnetic fields,\nwhen they enter the\nsuperconductor, die off--\nexponentially\nfast, it turns out.\nSo if you have a quantum\ntheory-- if you develop quantum\nmechanics in that\nsuperconductor--\nyou'll describe electromagnetism\nas a short-range force.\nAnd that will mean that the\nparticle that's exchanged\nis massive.\nAnd indeed, in a superconductor,\nphotons are massive.\nThey have mass.\nTheir mass is out here.\nThey travel at the\nspeed of light.\nIn a superconductor,\nthey're massive.\nThey travel much slower.\nIt's just the way it is.\nNow, again, this should start\nbells ringing in your head.\nBut it didn't for the\nphysicists of the time\nuntil finally, someone\nbegan to think about,\nwell, what if what if we live\nin a cosmic superconductor?\nAnd what if it's like\nswimming in water?\nOK?\nYou swim in water, you\nfeel you're really fast.\nMaybe Google has a pool here.\nProbably does.\nI don't know.\nAnd but what if you\nfill it up with--\noops, sorry.\nWhat if you what\nif you fill it up\nwith molasses instead of water?\nWell, then you won't want to\ngo swimming, first of all.\nBut if you did go swimming,\nyou'd swim a lot slower.\nBe a lot harder, you'd\nfeel a lot more massive.\nSo what if we live in a\ncosmic superconductor?\nAnd everywhere through space--\ncan't resist this--\neverywhere through space,\nthere's an invisible field\npermeating all of space.\nAnd some particles interact with\nthat field, and get resistance,\nand appear as if\nthey're massive,\nand other particles don't.\nWhat if that were the case?\nWell, then you could draw these\npictures-- these [INAUDIBLE]\ndiagrams.\nThis is the one I showed you\nbefore, but turned sideways.\nAnd these are the ones for\nthe weak force, the one that\nproduces that electron neutrino,\nin terms of three particles\ninvolved, but that\ndoesn't matter.\nBut now what if these\nparticles are massless, just\nlike the photon,\nbut they interact\nwith this invisible background\nfield it's everywhere\nand they act like they're\nmassive in our superconducting\nworld?\nAnd that means that\nthe force they mediate\nlooks like it's short-range.\nWell, that would explain\nhow it can be short-range.\nBut the neat thing is,\nif they're massless,\nthen the mathematics of\nthe calculations involved\nby the exchange of\nthese massless particles\nis the same as\nthat for a photon.\nAnd, in fact, instead\nof producing infinities,\nit produces correct results.\nMoreover, in fact, the\nmathematics is identical.\nSo not only do these forces\nappear similar, in fact,\nthey could be the same force.\nAnd nowadays, the\npicture is that these\ntwo forces, which are so\ndifferent in the world in which\nwe live, each of which is\nresponsible for our existence--\nthe electromagnetic\ninteractions responsible\nfor all the interactions in\nthe biology of your body--\nthe weak force is actually\nresponsible for the processes\nthat power the sun, as well as\nthe existence of heavy nuclei.\nAnd both of them are\nessential for our existence.\nBut although they're\nvery different,\nthey're really the same\nat a fundamental level.\nAnd at a fundamental level,\nthey wouldn't look at all\nlike the forces we see in\nthe world in which we live.\nWe were dragged to this\npicture unwillingly, as I say.\nAnd for a long time,\na lot of people\nwent in other directions.\nAnd it's amazing\nto think that we\nwere willing to\npicture a universe that\nis so distinct from the\nuniverse in which we\nlive-- so uninhabitable, if you\nwish, so foreign and so alien.\nIt's one of the wondrous--\none of the great aspects\nof science, and art, and\nmusic, and literature,\nbecause it forces us to view\nour own perspective of our place\nin the cosmos\ndifferently-- in a way that\nmay not be the way we wanted.\nSo it's an amazing\nintellectual triumph\nto propose that it\napparently works.\nBut at this point, it's\nkind of religious, right?\nJust think what I just said.\nImagine there's an\ninvisible background field\neverywhere throughout nature\nthat determines why you exist,\nOK?\nIt sounds a lot like\nthings you would\nhave heard in the Bible or Star\nWars or something like that.\nSo and it would be.\nIt would be just an\nextraordinary claim\nwithout evidence, which\nis it which is religion.\nAnd it isn't, though,\nbecause it's physics.\nAnd what does that mean?\nThat means if it's,\nthere we have to find it.\nSo if this invisible background\nfield-- it's this weird,\nridiculous picture is true--\nand it is a ridiculous picture.\nIt's one we should be\nhighly skeptical of.\nIf it's true, we better find it.\nHow do you find it?\nCosmic sadomasochism.\nWe spank the vacuum.\nWe spank it hard.\nWhat do I mean?\nWell, all fields in quantum\nphysics-- all fields are\nrelated to particles.\nSo if I dump enough energy\nat a single point in space--\nand let's call this\nfield the Higgs field--\nif I dump enough energy\nat a single point space,\nmaybe I'll kick out real\nparticles associated\nwith that Higgs field.\nI'll call them Higgs particles.\nHow can you do that,\nwhere you build\nthe most complicated machine\nhumans have ever built?\nIn this case, the\nLarge Hadron Collider\nin Geneva, Switzerland, which\nis a particle accelerator.\nIt's located in Geneva.\nAnd in fact, if you\ngo to the airport--\nand Google probably\nhas offices there--\nif you go there, and you'll\nsee the lake and then\nthe little water spout there.\nBut underneath the\nfarmland, right\noutside the airport,\nwhich is beautiful\npastoral farmland, 100\nmeters below the surface,\nis a tunnel that's\n26 kilometers around.\nAnd what we do is we accelerate\nprotons at 99.9999998%\nthe speed of light\nin one direction,\nand then protons at\n99.99999998% the speed of light\nin the other direction.\nAnd we try and collide\nthem at certain points--\nthree different\npoints in this circle.\nThey will run thousands\nof times every second.\nHere's the French-Swiss\nborder, by the way.\nSo they cross the\nborder with passports\nand all that thousands of\ntimes each second, which Trump\nwill want to change, no doubt.\nAnd this machine was\nbuilt to be able to see\nif we could kick particles\nout of empty space\nand produce these\nHiggs particles.\nThis ridiculous picture\nactually worked.\nNow, in this\ncountry, we have sort\nof anachronistic day we\ncelebrate called July 4th,\nwhich doesn't mean\nanything to anyone else.\nBut now, it has a\ncosmic significance,\nbecause on July 4, 2012, we\nreported 50 events produced\nin the Large Hadron\nCollider that\nlooked like Higgs', that\nwalked like Higgs's, that\nquacked like Higgs's, and\nwe thought were Higgs's, OK?\nAnd in the intervening five\nyears now-- almost five years--\nall of the experiments have\nfine-tuned those results.\nAnd they have exactly\nthe properties\nthat were predicted\nof the Higgs particle.\nExactly.\nThis is an amazing\ntriumph, because it\nmeans that this ridiculous\npicture, which we're pushed to,\nis real.\nIt means we live inside of\na cosmic superconductor.\nAnd it means that\nwe were driven not\njust to propose that picture,\nbut to build this remarkably\ncomplex machine to do it.\nAnd to me, this is\nhumanity at its best--\nthe willingness to go where\nnature takes us, first of all--\nindependent of whether it's\nthe way that we want to go.\nBut then to amass the\nresources, to look at,\nto build this machine just\nto determine why we're here--\nand, of course, one of\nthe benefits of science,\nwhich many people herald, and is\nresponsible for all your jobs--\nis technology, which is great.\nBut you know, it's a little\nbit unfortunate, too,\nbecause that means\nwhen you have science,\nand people always say to\nme, well, what good is it?\nDoes it make a better toaster?\nDoes it make a faster computer?\nWhat is it?\nAnd if it doesn't\ndo those things,\nit looks like it has no utility.\nBut, of course, we don't ask\nthose things about a Mozart\nConcerto or a Picasso painting\nor a Shakespeare play,\nor you pick your favorite\nwhatever-- an Eric Clapton\nsong, whatever.\nAnd science is exactly the same.\nThe real virtual science is\nexactly what I said earlier--\nnot the technology it\nproduces, which is nice--\nbut its cultural\nsignificance, which\nis the fact that it\nforces us to get out\nof our myopic\npicture of ourselves,\njust like art, music,\nand literature--\nto see ourselves\nin a broader sense,\nto get a better perspective\nof our place in the cosmos.\nIn this case, to be willing to\nbuild these amazing machines.\nI call the Large Hadron\nCollider the Gothic cathedral\nof the 21st century.\nThe Gothic cathedrals\nwere beautiful things,\nbuilt over centuries by\nthousands of artisans,\nusing the highest\ntechnology of the time--\nthey didn't know how to\nmake these ceilings so they\nwouldn't fall in\nfor a long time--\nall working together.\nWell, the Large Hadron\nCollider was built\nby 10,000 PhD physicists--\nand then many more\nengineers, in fact--\nfrom over 100 different\ncountries, speaking dozens\nof different languages,\nmany different religions,\nall working together for\na single purpose, which\nis what science can do.\nIt can unify people\nfrom all cultures--\nit's what Google does here;\nlook at all the people\nfrom different cultures--\nworking for a common purpose.\nThat's what science does.\nThat's humanity at its best.\nAnd the machines are\nunbelievably interesting,\ncomplicated.\nThis is one of the\nsmaller detect--\nwell, one of the\nlarger detectors.\nSorry.\nIt's not the machine.\nIt's just a detector\nin the machine.\nThe smaller detector\nout here is this\ncalled the compact\nmuon solenoid,\nwhich is not so compact.\nIt has this same amount of\niron as the Eiffel Tower,\nfor example.\nIt's hard to see it.\nI have a better picture\nof it because I'm there.\nWhen you go there,\nand if you do go to--\nand when the machine's down,\nyou can, every now and then\ngo down.\nAnd just amazing to see\nthe scale of everything\ncompared to the\nscale we exist at.\nBut the machine, you can't\nhave almost enough hyperbola.\nI have a whole chapter\nin the book about it.\nFor example, every second of\nthe Large Hadron Collider,\nan update is generated\nfor more than 1,001\n1-terabyte hard drives, which\nis relevant to all of you.\nIt's every second we have to\nprocess that much information--\n1,000 terabytes of information\nin that experiment.\nAnd that means, as\nyou can imagine,\nthat you have to filter\nthat information.\nAnd it's incredibly complicated,\nbut interesting from a computer\nscience point of view.\nBut it more than just\nthat, for example,\nthe tunnel that\nit's in, has to be\nevacuated-- that\n26-kilometer-long tunnel has\nto be evacuated.\nSo its vacuum is\nsparser than the vacuum\noutside the International\nSpace Station.\nEvery aspect of the\nmachine is remarkable.\nAnd the fact that\nwe're willing to do\nis to just address\nthis question of why\nwe're here, seems to me to be--\nthe bravery of the people who\ndevoted their lives to building\nthis, and the people who\ndevoted their lives to coming up\nwith a theory is one thing.\nBut I think part\nof my book that I--\nmaybe that part of the\ntitle that's the best--\nis the \"so far\" part--\nthe greatest story\never told \"so far\",\nbecause this story gets\nbetter, unlike that other story\ncalled \"The Greatest\nStory Ever Told\",\nwhich was written down\nby Iron Age peasants\nwho didn't know the earth\norbited the sun, and still\nthe same--\njust as boring and untrue.\nThis one changes.\nAnd it doesn't change\njust because we like it.\nIt changes because\nevery time we open\na new window on the\nuniverse, we're surprised.\nAnd we're forced out\nof our comfort zone.\nAnd you know, so\nI think of this--\nI happen to like\nimpressionist art.\nAnd I like art in general.\nBut what I really like\nof an impressionist art\nis that it's beautiful\nfrom a distance.\nBut when you get close\nup, it's really crappy.\nOK?\nAnd that's science,\nbecause great,\nwe've developed this\nincredible model\ncalled the \"standard\nmodel\" that explains\nevery experiment we have\never been able to perform\nin particle physics.\nBut then, the minute\nyou make that discovery,\nthere are always new questions.\nWhy did this Higgs field\nform in the early universe?\nWhy did it freeze in place?\nWhy did freeze the way it did,\nresulting in our existence?\nAll of these new questions.\nAnd the point is, this\nstory will get better,\nbecause the next generation of\npeople-- as long as we continue\nto ask questions\nand have the courage\nto be able to look out and\ntry and find the answers,\nthe story is going\nto get better.\nAnd the story will get\nbetter, and more interesting,\nand produce a universe\nthat may seem more strange.\nAnd that story that\nwe've developed\nand that we've now\nvalidated, as I say.\nIs a story which is\nterrifying at the same time\nas it's awesome.\nAnd the consequences are\nones we may or may not like.\nOne of the first\nconsequences, as I said,\nis that our existence\nis a cosmic accident\nin a real sense, just the same\nas that on that windowsill.\nThose people who live there--\nOK, that direction\nis very special.\nAnd it means a lot\nto that civilization,\njust as all of the\nfacets of our universe\nthat look like it make the\nuniverse is designed for us,\nand therefore, make it seem\nspecial, are accidents.\nThe underlying universe is\nnot only not designed for us,\nbut as I said, antithetical to\nour existence, because if the W\nand Z particles and all\nthe particles and nature\nwere massless, as they are\nat a fundamental level,\nif it weren't for this field\nfrozen in the universe, then\nwe wouldn't exist, because\nno bound objects could exist.\nThere wouldn't be\nany people, any,\nstars any galaxies\nanything that we could see.\nAnd these physicists on this\nwindow, on this crystal,\nmight, eventually discover\nthat you know what?\nThis is just an accident\nof our existence.\nAnd crystals in different\ndirections could form.\nAnd there's nothing special\nabout that direction.\nAnd maybe they'll discover that\nat like 4:00 in the morning\none day.\nBut then at 6:00 in the\nmorning, the sun will rise.\nIn Seattle you may not--\nthere's this thing called sun.\nAnd then rise, and then\nmelt all these crystals.\nOK, then their symmetry\nwould be restored.\nThere would be no\npreferred direction.\nBut the unfortunate\nthing is these people\nwouldn't exist anymore.\nAnd the interesting thing,\nand maybe terrifying thing,\nis that if you actually look\nthat the Higgs field and look\nat the value it has,\nthen it's just teetering\non the edge of melting.\nOK, the Higgs particle\nhappens to have\na mass that's very\nclose to the mass\nwhere, if you look at the\nmodel, the field could\nbe unstable and\nmelt. And if that\nwere to happen in our\nuniverse, then of course,\neverything we see disappears.\nNow don't be don't be worried.\nThere's still time to\nbuy books and stuff.\nBut more than that, if you\nactually do the calculations,\nit's probably stable.\nBut even if it's unstable,\nif you work out the frame\nover which it might decay,\nit's not a million years,\nnot a billion years,\nnot a trillion years,\nnot even a trillion\ntrillion years.\nSo this is a long process\nif it's going to end.\nBut if it does,\nthe universe will\nrevert to this symmetric,\nbeautiful form.\nBut there'd be no life.\nSo even this beautiful\nuniverse that\nlooks like it's designed\nfor us will disappear.\nAnd well, there certainly\nwould be no life like we see.\nAnd I want to just end up\nwith some notes about how\nthis picture relates to this\nsort of history of science\nin a real way, because\nwe are evolutionarily\nevolved to look for design.\nWe always look for designs.\nOur eyes pick it up very well.\nAnd many of you are\ntalented looking\nfor design, which is probably\nwhy you're where you're here.\nOK, but that design may\nnot really be there.\nAnd we have to second-guess\nourselves one of the things\nthat Feynman really said,\nwhich is quite important,\nis the easiest person\nto fool is yourself,\nbecause you like something.\nOr you want it to be that case.\nAnd we all want design.\nWe can think of human\nthings that are developed,\nlike Christmas ornaments.\nThey're clearly designed.\nBut, of course, those\naren't Christmas ornaments.\nThose are snowflakes\nthat you just\ngive me a polar molecule and\nlaws of chemistry and physics,\nand I'll produce these beautiful\nthings without any design.\nBut you might say, well,\nwhat about human structures,\nlike the Googleplex\nor this building?\nMy favorite is the\nBuckminster Fuller domes\nbecause when I was\ngrowing up, every hippie\nhad one and lived in them\nand did neat things in them.\nAnd there are evidence of a\nvery interesting intellect,\nBuckminster Fuller, who\nwas a really exciting guy--\ncrazy but interesting.\nWell, just take soot.\nTake soot-- if you take\nsoot, you'll find out,\nin the soot are molecules\ncalled carbon 60,\nwe now call\nBuckminsterfullerene, which\nare beautiful geodesic-- domes.\nAnd there's nothing\nless-designed that soot.\nSo we have to be careful when\nwe look for design in nature.\nThe first real example of\nthis was from one, of course,\nof the greatest scientists\nof all time, Charles Darwin.\nAnd if you haven't read\nthe \"Origin of Species\"\nthe last paragraph of\nit is really beautiful,\none of the most beautiful lines\nin any science book ever were.\n\"There is grandeur in this view\nof life with its several powers\nhaving been originally breathed\ninto a few forms or into one.\nAnd that whilst this\nplanet has gone cycling on,\naccording to the\nfixed law of gravity,\nfrom so simple a\nbeginning, endless forms\nmost beautiful\nand most wonderful\nhave been and are\nbeing evolved.\"\nNow, this was a\nbeautiful discussion\nof how the complexity and\ndiversity of life on Earth,\nwhich appears to be designed,\ncould arise naturally\nfrom a simple beginnings\nby natural selection\nand evolution.\nAnd that design-- like the fact\nthat bees could find flowers--\nwas not design.\nIt was that they couldn't\nsee the colors of flowers,\nthey wouldn't reproduce.\nAnd it could be understood from\nmuch more simple principles.\nAnd you could get incredible\ncomplexity from simplicity.\nThis same paragraph\ncould be used\nto describe the universe that\nwe physicists are talking about.\nFrom so simple beginnings\nwith the forces of nature\nmay have been unified\nin a simple way,\nwe, as the universe\nevolved, produce structures,\nlike all the stars and\ngalaxies, and people,\nand all the structures we see\ntoday, by a simple process.\nAnd that universe is no more\ndesigned for us than life is.\nThat, we're carrying on that\nDarwinian process, which\nfor many people is disturbing,\nbecause they want the universe\nto be designed for them.\nIt's comforting.\nBut the universe doesn't\ngive a damn what we want.\nAnd we have to learn that\nyou know the universe is\nmade terrifying.\nBut it's also\nincredibly awesome,\nand that universe that\nisn't designed for us\ncan actually be\nmore interesting.\nIt can be one in which our\nlives are more precious,\nbecause the only purpose we\nhave is the purpose we make.\nBut you know,\nscientists as I said,\nindividual scientists are\nproducts of their time.\nSo in a letter to\nJoseph Hooker, he\nsaid it's mere rubbish\nthinking at present\nof the origin of life,\none might as well\nthink of the origin of matter.\nAnd in 1863, it was rubbish to\nthink of the origins of matter.\nBut now I get paid to do\nit because the story has\ngotten better.\nThe story has gotten\nbetter because we continue\nto push the boundaries in our\nthinking, but more equally\nimportant, in our looking out.\nWe continue to be willing to\nbuild experiments, and look\nout, and be willing to\nchange our perspective,\neven if it takes us in a\ndirection we don't want to go.\nAnd I want to end\nby, in some sense,\nby saying I'm worried about\nthe future at the present.\nIn the current\nbudget, for example,\nproposed by the president, the\nentire field I talked about--\nparticle physics--\nthe support for that is\nbeing reduced by 20%--\n$900 million.\nBut more importantly,\nthe, agency\nthat supports it which is the\nDepartment of Energy, which\nmost people don't realize\nis the chief founder\nof all physical\nscience in our country,\nnot just energy research\nbut all physical science\nin our country, is\nbeing cut by 20%.\nAt the same time, the National\nEndowment for the Humanities\nis being cut completely, the\nNational Endowment for the Arts\ncut completely, the Corporation\nfor Public Broadcasting\ncut completely, the Institute\nof Museums and Libraries,\nwhich supports museums and\nlibraries around the country,\ncut completely.\nYou add all that up, and you\nget $1.82 billion savings\nin our budget.\nIn the same budget,\nproposed a $2 billion\nline item, which is\nthe first installment\nof a wall with Mexico.\nOK, so you've got\nthis wall that's\ngoing to protect us from\nhoards that are unknown,\nat the same time, killing all\nof the support for culture,\nand largely the\nsupport for science.\nAnd the way to picture\nthat was actually, to me,\nexpressed best by\nRobert Wilson, who\nwas the first director of the\nFermi National Accelerator\nLaboratory, the first big--\nnot the first big--\nbut the biggest\naccelerator in the world until\nthe Large Hadron Collider\nwas built.\nAnd in 1960s, he was\ncalled before Congress\nand asked the\nquestion, will it aid\nin the defense of the nation?\nAnd here was his response.\nNo sir, I don't believe so.\nIt only has to do with\nthe respect with which you\nregard one another, the degree\nof men, our love of culture.\nIt has to do with,\nare we good painters,\nsculptors, great poets?\nI mean, all the things we\nreally venerate in our country\nand are patriotic about--\nit has nothing to do\ndirectly with defending\nour country except to\nmake it worth defending.\nAnd that is a\nbeautiful statement,\nand is particularly\npoignant today,\nbecause we risk getting\nrid of everything\nthat makes this country\nworth defending in an effort\nto apparently defend it.\nWhat makes America\ngreat, if anything does,\nis the contributions it will\nmake, and the people in it\nwill make to the legacy the\nfuture of our children--\nthe perspectives of the\nworld, our understanding,\nthe new ideas we develop.\nThat's why people, as you\ncan see from here, that's\nwhy people come here from around\nthe world, because there's\nsome benefit, because\nthe contributions we\nmake for the future--\nif we get rid of all\nthat infrastructure just\nto defend ourselves,\nthe greatest story\never told will not continue\nbeing great, at least not here.\nAnd so I want to end\nwith two quotes--\none from the\nbeginning of my book,\nwhich is a famous\nquote from Virgil.\n\"These are the tears of things.\nAnd the stuff of our mortality\ncuts us to the heart.\"\nIt's from the beginning\nof the Aeneid.\nI remember learning\nthat in Latin,\nbecause I grew up in Canada.\nAnd I was educated.\nBut the next line, which\nis not so well-known,\nbut I point out at\nthe end of the book,\nis \"Release your fear.\"\nAnd that's the point.\nOnly if we release our\nfear of the unknown,\nof others, of a universe\nthat may or may not\nbe the universe we\nlike-- only if we're\nwilling to go into\nthe unknown will\nthis greatest story\ncontinue to get better.\nAnd we may live in a universe\nthat apparently has no purpose,\napparently isn't\ndesigned for us,\nand apparently may be\nmiserable in the future.\nBut that's OK, because\nwe are fortunate--\nmore fortunate to have evolved\nthis consciousness that\nallows us to ask these questions\nfor the short time we are here.\nAnd so we should enjoy our\nbrief moment in the sun.\nThank you.\nAUDIENCE: So you made an\nanalogy with the arts.\nI think the obvious\nrebuttal there\nis that it's easy\nfor people-- anybody\nto see the value in the arts.\nIt's sort of directly\ntitillating the senses.\nYou don't have to have to\ngone through music school\nto appreciate Bach.\nLAWRENCE KRAUSS: You don't\nhave to be a scientist\nto look at the Hubble\nSpace Telescope picture\nand see it's amazing.\nI mean, the point is\nthat, you know what?\nIf you do go to\nmusic school, you'll\nappreciate Bach a lot more.\nBut you can appreciate Bach\njust by listening to it.\nBut the wonders of the\nuniverse are easily\nappreciated by everyone,\nespecially children.\nWe beat it out of them.\nAUDIENCE: Yeah, the Higgs\nparticle, for instance.\nThat's a lot of\nexplaining to get to that.\nLAWRENCE KRAUSS: Yeah,\nthat's why I wrote a book.\nBut the point is, you\nknow, not everyone\nhas to understand\nthe Higgs particle.\nBut it's there for those\nwho want to get there.\nJust like it's there for those\nwho want to pick up a guitar\nand learn how to play it.\nBut you don't have to\nunderstand the Higgs particle.\nWhat's really neat is you can--\nanyone can understand the\nbasic world around them\nif we provide them the\nopportunity, and more\ninterestingly--\nand this is really important--\nif we teach science as\nit's supposed to be taught,\nwhich is not a bunch of facts.\nThat's why we live in this\nworld of alternative facts,\nbecause people in school are\ntaught that almost all subjects\nare just a bunch of facts.\nScience is a process\nfor discovering facts.\nAnd that's the process\nthat anyone can learn.\nAnd we and we damn\nwell better start\nteaching it, because of\nGoogle in particular.\nWhen I was growing up, that was\nthe place to get information.\nBut because of Google, I can\nget more information from this.\nBut I get also more\nmisinformation.\nAnd the only way I can tell\nthe difference is science,\nis skeptical inquiry, reliance\non a empirical evidence,\ntesting my ideas,\nchecking many sources.\nAnd so that's the thing that\nreally is the greatest legacy\nof science, is that process.\nAnd that's the\nthing we need most--\nnot just for the\nenjoyment of looking out\nat a Hubble Space Telescope\npicture and getting a kick out\nof it.\nI mean, everyone has\nhad \"aha\" experiences.\nWhen I used to work at science\nmuseums when I was younger,\nthey're like orgasmic.\nWe called them aha\nexperiences-- when you suddenly\nsee something in a new way.\nAnd it happens to everyone.\nAnd there's lots of\nscience that we can do.\nBut more importantly,\nthose tools\nare necessary if you want to--\nif we want to have an informed\nelectorate who can actually\ndistinguish policies that are\nrelated to empirical reality\nfrom policies that aren't.\nSo there's actually an\nimperative as well as a joy.\nBut I agree with you that at\nleast the perception among\nthe public is that you\ncan enjoy music, art,\nliterature with a much\nlower impedance barrier--\nas we call it in physics--\nmuch lower wall.\nIt seems to take\na little bit more.\nBut I do think that's a\nproduct of our school systems.\nAUDIENCE: It is definitely\nworth it, trying to--\nLAWRENCE KRAUSS:\nYeah but I mean,\nI think if we teach kids\nnot answers, but questions--\nhow to ask questions--\nwe're all wired to want\nto discover the answers.\nAnd it's OK to not--\nI mean, the information is\nirrelevant in the school.\nMost of what you\nlearn in high school--\nwell, sure reading,\nwriting, and arithmetic--\nbut beyond that, most of\nwhat you learn as an adult\nis going to be way beyond\nwhat you learn in school.\nMost of the physics\nI do as a scientist,\nI learned after my PhD.\nAnd so those tools\nare important.\nBut the joy is there for\neveryone at different levels.\nAnd I think what we don't do\nwell enough is tell people,\nit's just amazing how\nyou can enjoy music\nwithout being a musician.\nYou don't have to-- but\nthe common sense view is,\nyou cannot enjoy science unless\nyou're a technical person.\nAnd we have to get over\nthat, in my opinion.\nAUDIENCE: I had a small\nquestion about your discussion\nof Berkeley earlier.\nI was wondering what you\nthink about scientists\nkind of believing in the\ntheories they're working on\nwithout proof to\ndrive it forward.\nLAWRENCE KRAUSS:\nWell, they have to.\nI mean some-- science\nisn't based on faith.\nBut if you're going to spend\n20 years of life working\non something, you've got to\nhave a I-- wouldn't call it\na belief.\nBut you'd have to\nsay to yourself\nthat there's something tells you\nit strongly likely to be true.\nAnd you can be completely wrong.\nBut the great thing\nthat differentiates\nthat from religion,\nlet's say, is\nthat if you're a scientist,\nin the end, if is shown\nto be wrong, you throw it out\nlike yesterday's newspaper,\neven if you spent 20\nyears or life on it.\nThat's the difference.\nBut certainly, you cannot work--\nthe builders of the Large Hadron\nCollider or the developers\nof the standard model couldn't\nhave done what they've done--\nor even the string\ntheorists now--\nthe people that my\ncolleagues who--\nI have students of mine who are\nwell-known string theorists,\nyou know.\nI just wouldn't want my\ndaughter to marry one.\nBut they have a good reason\nfor doing what they're doing.\nAnd the hope is that\nsomehow through make contact\nwith reality.\nBut if it won't, you\ncan be darn sure--\nand it's already\nhappening in some sense--\nyou saw when the\nHiggs was discovered\nthat lots of string theorists\nwent in and just jumped ship,\nbecause suddenly, there was new\nparticle physics to look at.\nSo yeah, we all have to\nhave that kind of faith.\nBut the difference is\nthat the faith in science\nis eminently shakeable.\nThe wonderful thing is\nthat it is not ironclad.\nAnd that's supposed to be\nthe great virtue of faith\nis that you don't give it up.\nBut in science, the\ngreat virtue of faith\nis that it has no utility\nbeyond its utility.\nOK, good.\nOK, I guess I'll.\nThank you.\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "*wapoosh*\nTop o` the morning to ya` laddies!\nMy name is jacksepticeye.\nAnd welcome back to\nUltimate Epic Battle Simulator.\nthe game is actually out now\nThe game is actually out now\nI think there is some new stuff gone into it\nIs ther- Yeeeeah!\nnow we actually have new maps\nand there is something else that people have told that me you can do in the game\nwhich wasn't I don't think was in the game\nbecause it's even in the control menu or anything\nit's not there\nbut apparently you can press \"N\" to launch a nuke\nwhich I think is going to be fuckin awesome\nooooooooo unit customise\n*silence*\n*silence*\nwoah! ok!\nso there is a lot of new stuff in the game now (what did you expect?)\nsince it actually came out so let`s try\nthe City of Lost Crusades\numm no you guys need to go away\nuh none and and what else do I have none\nRight is there any new units?\n*pause*\nAncient Greece... needs pie\n*pause*\nRoman Spartans...\n*pause*\nWild-men and Persians are they new?\n*pausing*\nEvil zombies, no I just think I didn't actually go into them\nAny new animals? ooooh there is a jackie boi!!!!!!\nYES!\nSo the units still seem the same\n*pause*\nOrcs and giant ogres\nyou there ogre - said lord Farquad in Shrek\nI made that joke already\nUmm\nlet's do some Spartans\nummmmm\n250? No...\nuh...\n300 duuuuh\n*pause*\neven though everybody else has probably done this by now\nThe 300 spartan\nthing, right\nwhat`s this map look like\nalright this could be fun\nimma put my 300 spartans\nin here\nuh... here\nand i'm gonna make them hold\nand i'm gonna make them hold\nhold positions cause that`s what Spartans do,\nThey plop their shields down and\nthey hoooooooold, even tho thats\nBrave-Heart but shut up!\nLeave me alone! and we'll\nput them against someee zombies\nuhhhhh... A thousand zombies!\nto be precise, and where we put the zombies\nbecause I want the zombies to kind of spread out\nas they come in.\nPut you over here and see where you end up going!\nOoo this map's kind of cool!\nyou can actually dick around a lot with this\nthere`s my 300 Spartans anyways\nyou can d**k around a lot with this in the fact that...\nyou can dick around a lot with this in the fact that\nYou could put like...(incoherent stuttering) soldiers\nlike *incoherent stuttering* soldiers\nin the middle\nand then soldiers all around the outside\nand see what happens; OHHH thats what we'll do next, but for now\nI wanna` see if my zombinos can kill these guys\nyou guys ready? your... facing the fucking wall though\n*pause*\nwhich is not gonna be that good,\nbecause these are coming over this side.\n*pause*\nOh yeah, these guys look angry! *Groans*\nOh yeah, these guys look angry! (Groaning)\n*Zombie imitation* Hey! Anybody got some smokes?\nAlright let`s go. HAAAAAAA\nYeah, this is what I wanted to see.\nWas the A.I take different pathways\nSome of them don`t know where their goin`, they`re like:\nOhh, my friends are over theere but this group\nseems cooler\nSo, i`ll probably just go this way, it`s a catch 22\nlads\nI`m not gonna` deny ya` that.\nThere`s a nice big, gold statue over here. Let`s slow this down for a sec\nWhat are you?\nOoooOOoo ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)\n*pause*\nCan YOU be a unit?\nI would love to see some giant units in the game\nLike a, like a GIANT ogre\nThat you could have, like you could craft full units\nlike, footmen, then some archers and then some\nogres in the background, you kinda\nhave that\nbut\nI love some more customisation for `em, ok\nThis makes shite all of a difference. There we go, OH these Spartans are REALLY fucking strong!\nThere we go, OH these Spartans are REALLY f**king strong!\n*Staring in amazement* ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)\nOHH\nI didn`t know you guys would be this strong\nand you guys are all coming single-file\nlike a f**king conga line\nlike a fucking conga line\nzombie, zombie, ZOMBIE! (x2)\nYour all gonna` die at this rate.\nYa' see zombies? I think your biggest\nproblem is your speed!\nSee your just not being fast enough and then you split up\nin here for some reason\nand end up coming in an even EASIER file\nIf you all just piled in together you`d win this!\nWell, maybe not win it but you`d at least kill one!\nAs of now you've killed no-one\nAs of now you've killed no-one\nMan they sound like minions\nOh god!\noh god, hahahah\n*Laughs*\nLook at the fucking pile of bodies!\nlook at the fookin' pile of bodies\nok lets turn off this\nso i can actually see things better\nSo i can actually see things better\nomg is that gonna factor into anything?\nOh my god! *Chuckles*\nIs that gonna factor into anything? ( How the fuck should we know?!)\nsoo many dead zombies\nSO many dead zombies!\nhoohoohaahaa\n*Chuckle*\nnope. No spartans killed yet\nNope, no spartans killed yet.\nfookin hell\nFuckin hell!\nThis is a bit of a disaster because,\nNobody's dying, and all the zombies are just being killed so...\nnobody's dying and all the zombies are just being killed. So,\nLet's level the playing field by dropping...\nsaid nuke\nI wanna see how far away I can drop them from...\n*presses 'N'*\n:O\nOHHH\nO.O\nHooooly\nF**k!!\n*:O intensifies*\nOkay!\nSo--well I should've guessed! It's a\nNUKE\nSo...\nzombies win??\nTeam 2, zombies victorious\ncuz they're apparently 60 of them still left...\n*silence*\nWhere??\nOh...\nSo you guys were far enough away?? Hahaha\nThat's quite the blast radius...\nOkay, over here?\n*presses 'N'*\n*insert noise here?*\nJEASUS\nCHRIST\nDas awesome!!\n:D\nHahahaha\nOkay!\nOhh!\nWe are gonna\nd**k around with this!\nAight I wanna test out my, my thing\nof Putin--\nsoldier's all around\nfor, for now we have some Spartans...\nwe have some heavy knights...\nwe have some Romans and...\nIm trying to match stuff up\nas best as possible...Orcs...\nlike strength wise because it doesn't tell you how strong each units are\nso you kind of have to guess\nooh weather random clear rai- rain!\nI like me some rain in these games it gives it a very helm's deem battle type feel to it\nbut yeah I wish it told you like oh spartans have this much health each and this much attack or anything\nso you could kind of balance out the battles\nCuz for now it's kind of like a guessing game\n*long pause*\nu gunna load? :c\nalright I think the spartans might win this\ncuz their *stutters* Quite a bit stronger than everybody else\nummm\nya acculy lets speed it up for now and lets watch the battle commence! :D\nOh yess :D This is cool\nI wanna know who clashes first\nwell these guys...are just running over to these ones...\nThis whole place isn't symmetrical, these guys are just fighting over here outside the city\nAnd then these guys are gonna fight in it... they look like beatles...\nAnd not, not the singers\nOh yeah Spartans are WAY too strong...\nAre you ready? *in a mock spartan voice*\nThey have 250 health and you guys have 110\nOkay...\nSo i'd have to math that out...\nTo balance out the...the health\nPer thing...\nhmm...\nLet's actually math that out now...\nSo the Spartans have 75000 health...\nand the Romans only have 33000\nTotal!\nBetween all the soldiers 300 vs 300 so...\nI'd need to balance out the ratio\nbut I still don't think that's gonna matter...\n*long pause*\nBecause the Spartans only lost one dude so far...\nAnd they're just plowing through these guys\nHow are you guys doing? What's going on over this side?\n*very long pause*\nThis seems fairly cool...\nThe Orcs have 263 remaining and the heavy knights...\nHave 256\nSo the--oh yeah cos I've--I battled these guys before. These are fairly matched...\nSo this is going to be a cool battle.\nAnd then...\nThe spartans are gonna rush over after this\nAnd finish off whatever's left...\nCos these guys are all nearly dead\n*RIP nearly dead dudes*\nSPARTANS!!!\nWHAT IS YOUR PROFESSION?\nAUGH! (x3)\n*normal voice* I have to.\nYou can't just put 300 Spartans into a game\nWell there's...\nHow many of them are left? 295. We only lost 5 Spartans.\nYou can't put them into a game and not do the impressions and the sounds >:T\nOh this'll be interesting. Are you guys gonna go left or right? I have a feeling they're gonna attack the Orcs.\nYeah\nPath of least resistance\nIt had to be.\nOkay!\nGo!\nNow the Orcs have this bullsh*t to deal with.\nWhich--\n*pause*\nis fine because normally...\n*more pausing*\nThe guys in the back aren't doing anything\ncos the AI isn't there yet to make...\nFormations and things--OHH?\nThis guy broke away he's probably gonna fookin' die...\nCos how much health do these guys have?\nThese guys have 500 health.\nOOH and how much do the Orcs have?\n500 as well so that's why those guys are evenly matched...\nSpartan's not going down though!\nCos it doesn't matter how many health they have, it matters how much damage they're doing.\nCos if he can do more damage per swing\nthan the knights can, then technically he'll still be stronger...\nCos I think the Spartans might win this.\nCos he took out like,\n3\n3\n2 or 3 guys on his own?\nYESS!\nInteresting!\nI'm not--I'm just fascinated by it, I'm fascinated by the AI that's in this.\nAnd I think there's still a ways to go in regards to formation\nAnd guys like, breaking away and...\nBeing able to funnel some of my guys over here and some of them over here but then it kinda just turns into a real time strategy game.\nAnd lots of games do that already, so...\nI dunno... I love, I love seeing the algorithm go to work\nAnd seeing how......\nThe AI behaves and what it attacks first an......\nI don't know\nJust what goes on its fascinating, Yea Spartans are gunna win\nThere's still 290 Spartans left so only 10 of them have died in total between like 3 factions so far\nThey're insane!\n*squeeling pig*\nThere we go\nSpartans are victorious only 10 of them died\n*look of disgust followed by a long awkward silence*\nWHAT!\n(Spartans yelling attack)Could ya speak up! Am I ready, Yes\nNo mercy COOL\nAlright lets check out Avalanche canyon\nWhat is this, Are you actual Avalanche potential\nYa can't just call it Avalanche canyon and not actually have avalanches happen so I'm gunna put 300 Spartans up there\nAaaand\nOr more soldiers\nSo lets see how much the Spartans actually do\nThe Spartans do 120 damge\nversus the Heavy Knights 62\nSo they were almost doing double damage\nSo how much do the World War 2 guys do\nOh U.S soldier there we are\nYou do 25 but again....\nSee now we're getting into trickier terrortory because it counts with your health, the damage you're outputting but it also counts on how many....\nswings or how much damage you do per second\nso 25 damage per shot....\npu dow pu pu put down like 1000 shots per minute\nWhatever\nSo...\nStill not sure\nAnd lets see chunk noris\nIs he even in there\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "\nRussian: \nSony PlayStation 3 мертв. Долго живи, PS3!\nSony официально прекратила производство PlayStation 3 по всему миру 30 мая 2017 года.\nВ 2006, на вершине успеха PlayStation 2, Sony была неприкасаемой.\nС 60% доли рынка в их пользу,\nPlayStation 3 был выпущен в ноябре 2006 года,\nчерез год после Xbox 360, со стоимостью $499,\nчто, кстати, было на $200 дороже Xbox 360 Core Edition.\nВ рамках седьмого поколения домашних консолей, которые имели много тех же аппаратных функций, что и Xbox 360,\n\nEnglish: \nThe Sony PlayStation 3 is dead. Long live, the PS3!\nOn May 30th, 2017, Sony officially discontinued the PlayStation 3 worldwide.\nIn 2006, riding high on the success of the PlayStation 2, Sony was untouchable.\nWith 60% of the market share in their favor,\nthe PlayStation 3 was released in November of 2006,\none year after the Xbox 360, for the price of $499,\nwhich, incidentally, was $200 more than the Xbox 360 Core Edition.\nAs part of the seventh generation of home consoles that shared many of the same hardware features as the Xbox 360,\n\nRussian: \nархитектура PowerPC, например,\nно он также имел некоторые пользовательские функции, которые разработчики жаловались на сложность разработки.\nВ 2007 году Гейб Ньюэлл, президент Valve, сказал, что PlayStation 3 была «пустой тратой времени каждого».\nНо Sony ответила на это, сказав, что система обладает огромным неиспользованным потенциалом, который может предложить многое.\nИ это не было неверным утверждением.\nИ мы увидели это, особенно позже в жизненном цикле PlayStation 3,\nс играми, такими как Gran Turismo 6, Resistance 3, Uncharted 3 и The Last of Us от Naughty Dog.\nНо для многих выпусков ААА на PlayStation 3 все шло с Xbox 360,\nмногие игры выглядели одинаково,\nно были некоторые известные бедствия, такие как Bayonetta и Red Dead Redemption.\n\nEnglish: \nthe PowerPC architecture, for instance,\nbut it also had some custom features that developers complained was hard to develop for.\nIn 2007, Gabe Newell, the president of Valve, famously quoted that the PlayStation 3 was \"a waste of everyone's time\".\nBut Sony countered this by saying that the system had huge untapped potential that had plenty to offer.\nAnd that wasn't an untrue statement.\nAnd we saw this, especially later in the PlayStation 3 life cycle,\nwith games, such as Gran Turismo 6, Resistance 3, Uncharted 3, and The Last of Us by Naughty Dog.\nBut for many AAA releases at the PlayStation 3 went toe-to-toe with the Xbox 360,\nmany of the games looked and played the same,\nbut there were some well-known disasters, such as Bayonetta and Red Dead Redemption.\n\nEnglish: \nSo, the story goes. The PlayStation 3 was hard to develop for, but it was also very hard to hack.\nSony is no stranger to modded systems and software piracy.\nBefore the PlayStation 3, the PS2 and the original PlayStation were easily modded.\nAnd going back further, most used PS1s you buy off the street have some type of modchip built in.\nThey were everywhere!\nAnd Sony was determined to enhance security on the PlayStation 3, and they did so in a big way.\nSo, when it comes to hacking, if we compare the Xbox 360 to the Sony PlayStation 3,\nthe Xbox 360 was quickly defeated in the first 12 months of its lifecycle,\nwith the original DVD firmware exploits that allowed you to play backup DVD copies of retail games\nwhich, initially, were undetectable on Xbox Live. But Microsoft got wind of what was going on very quickly,\nand started to ban people from Xbox Live.\n\nRussian: \nИтак, история идет. PlayStation 3 был сложен не только для разработки, но и для взлома.\nSony не является новичком для взломанных систем и нелегального программного ПО.\nДо PlayStation 3 PS2 и оригинальная PlayStation были легко модифицированы.\nИ возвращаясь дальше, большинство используемых PS1, которые вы покупаете на улице, имеют встроенный модчип.\nОни были везде!\nИ Sony решила повысить безопасность PlayStation 3, и они сделали это во многом.\nИтак, когда речь заходит о взломе, если мы сравним Xbox 360 с Sony PlayStation 3,\nXbox 360 был быстро побежден в течение первых 12 месяцев своего жизненного цикла,\nс оригинальными эксплойтами прошивки DVD, которые позволили вам воспроизводить резервные копии DVD розничных игр\nкоторые изначально не были обнаружены в Xbox Live. Но Microsoft узнала, что происходит очень быстро,\nи начала банить людей из Xbox Live.\n\nRussian: \nА потом в 2007 году или в начале 2008 года были первые публичные эксплойты JTAG,\nкоторые позволили пользователю запускать неподписанные программы на Xbox 360, и в этот момент система была в значительной степени взломана.\nТеперь это был огромный удар для Microsoft, и их эго, и времени и денег, которые они вложили в механизм безопасности Xbox 360,\nпотому что гипервизор предназначен для всевидящего всемогущего привратника,\nкоторый должен остановить любое несанкционированное вмешательство и запретить запуск любого несанкционированной программы в системе.\nНо это обошлось и в итоге победило.\nТеперь Sony PlayStation 3 также имеет гипервизор, но потому что это был привод Blu-ray.\nНе было простого способа использовать прошивку DVD\nи исправить обновленную прошивку, которая позволяла воспроизводить резервные копии.\nИтак, изначально хакеры обратились к дистрибутиву Linux на PlayStation 3, известному как «Other OS».\n\nEnglish: \nAnd then in 2007, or early 2008, was the first public JTAG exploits\nthat allowed the user to execute unsigned code on the Xbox 360, and, at that point, the system was pretty much busted wide open.\nNow, this was a huge blow to Microsoft, and their ego, and the time and money that they invested in the Xbox 360 security mechanism,\nbecause the Hypervisor is meant to be the all-seeing almighty gatekeeper\nthat is supposed to stop any unauthorized tampering, and stop the ability for any unauthorized code to be run on the system.\nBut this was worked around and ultimately defeated.\nNow, the Sony PlayStation 3 also has a Hypervisor, but because it was a Blu-ray drive.\nThere was no easy way to exploit the DVD firmware\nand patch a updated firmware which allowed backups to be played.\nSo, initially, hackers turned to the Linux distribution on the PlayStation 3, known as \"Other OS\".\n\nEnglish: \nNow, Sony got wind of this very quickly and decided to patch out Linux on Firmware 3.21 and higher.\nSo, what ended up happening was by early 2010, four years after the Sony PlayStation 3 launch,\nthe PlayStation 3 was set to become the most secure console ever made.\nBefore we talk about what happened next, we need to discuss Other OS and Yellow Dog Linux.\nWhen Sony announced they would be removing Other OS in Firmware 3.21, on April 1st, 2010,\nthey were very sketchy about the details.\nThere was no explanation given other than: \"It was removed due to security concerns.\"\nBut Sony was well aware of the hacking that was occurring under Linux.\nAnd they were worried that a user could gain Hypervisor access and the keys to the mansion.\nBut removing an important feature that was advertised as a selling point for the console did not sit well with consumers.\nOn April 27, 2010, just three weeks after Linux was removed,\n\nRussian: \nТеперь Sony узнала об этом очень быстро и решила удалить Linux на прошивке 3.21 и выше.\nИтак, в конечном итоге это произошло в начале 2010 года, через четыре года после запуска Sony PlayStation 3,\nPlayStation 3 стала самой безопасной консолью из когда-либо созданных.\nПрежде чем говорить о том, что произошло дальше, нам нужно обсудить Other OS и Yellow Dog Linux.\nКогда Sony объявила, что будет удалять Other OS из прошивки 3.21, 1 апреля 2010 года,\nона была очень поверхностна в деталях.\nНе было дано никаких объяснений, кроме: «Оно было удалено из-за соображений безопасности».\nНо Sony была хорошо осведомлена о взломе, который происходил под Linux.\nИ она была обеспокоена тем, что пользователь может получить доступ к гипервизору и ключи от особняка.\nНо удаление важной функции, которая рекламировалась как точка продажи консоли, не устраивало потребителей.\n27 апреля 2010 года, всего через три недели после удаления Linux,\n\nEnglish: \na class-action lawsuit was filed, claiming: \"The removal of Other OS was unfair and deceptive.\"\nSony ultimately settled, and users, who purchased a PlayStation 3 from launch in 2006 through April of 2010,\nwere eligible for compensation of up to $65 per console.\nIncidentally, the suit only recently concluded earlier this year, in 2018.\nSony was more than happy to take the hit for the removal of Linux and lost millions in the process,\nbut they did so knowing that patched up the biggest potential security flaw on the PlayStation 3.\nBut all that changed in September.\nA modchip, known as \"PS3 Jailbreak\", was announced that boasted a very simple method.\nWith a device that plugged into the USB port, it could push a payload to the PS3\nwhich permitted unsigned code to be executed.\nInitially, the group that developed the PS Jailbreak did not want their secrets discovered.\n\nRussian: \nбыл подан коллективный иск, в котором говорилось: «Удаление Other OS было несправедливым и обманчивым».\nВ конечном итоге Sony согласилась, и пользователи, которые приобрели PlayStation 3 с момента запуска в 2006 году по апрель 2010 года,\nимели право на компенсацию до $65 за консоль.\nКстати, иск только недавно завершился в начале этого года, в 2018 году.\nSony была более чем счастлива принять удар по удалению Linux и потеряла миллионы в процессе,\nно она сделала это, зная, что исправила самый большой потенциальный недостаток безопасности на PlayStation 3.\nНо все изменилось в сентябре.\nБыл объявлен модчип, известный как «PS3 Jailbreak», который может похвастаться очень простым методом.\nУстройство, подключенное к USB-порту, может выдвинуть полезную нагрузку на PS3,\nчто позволило запустить неподписанные программы.\nПервоначально группа, которая разработала PS Jailbreak, не хотела, чтобы их секреты были раскрыты.\n\nEnglish: \nBut with proper USB packet capture tools, it was quickly reverse-engineered.\nExploiting the USB port was not a fluke.\nYou see, Sony had a method in by using an authorized USB device\ncan boot a PlayStation 3 into Development, or even Recovery Mode.\nThis was likely used for repairing PS3s in their service center.\nHackers exploited this approach, and, by injecting code to make their PS3 believe that a single USB device\nwas plugged into a 6-port USB hub,\na payload is pushed that executes codes during the challenge response of the USB layer,\nand sets up unsigned code execution to run on the PS3.\nAnd, then, came in the one-two punch.\nJust a few short months later, the team, known as \"fail0verflow\",\n\nRussian: \nНо с надлежащими инструментами захвата пакета USB это было быстро изменено.\nИспользование USB-порта не было случайностью.\nВидите ли, у Sony был метод: с использованием авторизованного USB-устройства\nможно загрузить PlayStation 3 в режим разработки или даже режим восстановления.\nСкорее всего, это использовалось для ремонта PS3 в их сервисном центре.\nХакеры использовали этот подход и, внедрив код, чтобы заставить их PS3 поверить, что одно USB-устройство\nбыло подключено к 6-портовому USB-концентратору,\nпередается полезная нагрузка, которая выполняет коды во время ответа на запрос уровня USB,\nи настраивает выполнение неподписанных программ для запуска на PS3.\nИ затем, пришел в один-два удара.\nВсего несколько месяцев спустя команда, известная как «fail0verflow»,\n\nEnglish: \na hacking group known for reverse-engineering of security models found in consumer electronics,\nperformed a presentation, at the 27th Chaos Communications Congress technical conference,\nof their accomplishments with the PlayStation 3.\nThey presented their methods they devised for having successfully penetrated the device's security model,\nyielding the PlayStation 3's private root key.\nThe main weakness, as it turns out, was in the random number code generation,\nwhich yielded the exact same result every single time.\nWith this known variable, it meant that the group worked backwards from the generated keys,\nand made it trivial to determine the private key.\nAnd with this private key, it enabled the signing of code opening the door up for custom firmware development.\nSo, with those two pieces, the PlayStation 3 was busted wide open all in the space of a few months in late 2010.\nAfter being dubbed \"unhackable\" for the first four years of its lifecycle,\nthe PlayStation 3 system was on life support.\nSony attempted to mitigate the damage, but it was too late.\n\nRussian: \nхакерская группа, известная благодаря обратному проектированию моделей безопасности, обнаруженных в бытовой электронике,\nвыступил с докладом, на 27-й технической конференции Chaos Communications Congress,\nих достижений с PlayStation 3.\nОни представили свои методы, разработанные для успешного проникновения в модель безопасности устройства\nдля получения закрытого корневого ключа PlayStation 3.\nКак оказалось, основной недостаток был в генерации кода случайного числа,\nкоторый давал один и тот же результат каждый раз.\nС этой известной переменной это означало, что группа работала в обратном направлении от сгенерированных ключей,\nи сделал это тривиальным для определения закрытого ключа.\nИ с этим закрытым ключом оно позволило подписать программы, открывающие двери для разработки кастомных прошивок.\nИтак, с этими двумя деталями PlayStation 3 был взломан в течение нескольких месяцев в конце 2010 года.\nПосле того, как в течение первых четырех лет его жизненного цикла он был назван «несокрушимым»,\nсистема PlayStation 3 была на жизнеобеспечении.\nSony попыталась смягчить ущерб, но было слишком поздно.\n\nRussian: \nSony удалось исправить оба этих эксплойта после прошивки 3.55,\nно ущерб был нанесен.\nДаже в 2018 году вы можете купить PlayStation 3, оснащенную 3.55, на eBay очень легко и без особых проблем.\nСейчас в Интернете было много разговоров о том, насколько сложно было разработать для Sony PlayStation 3.\nНо это не остановило некоторые очень инновационные эмуляторы и приложения, разработанные для PS3.\nИтак, используя эксплуатируемую PlayStation 3, разработчики приступили к разработке homebrew,\nи, пожалуй, самый популярный образец homebrew для PlayStation 3 - multiMAN.\nНачинаясь как простой игровой пусковой механизм и файловый менеджер, он быстро стал швейцарским армейским ножом в любом арсенале модифицированной PS3.\n\nEnglish: \nSony did manage to patch both of these exploits after Firmware 3.55,\nbut the damage was done.\nEven in 2018, you can still buy a 3.55-equipped PlayStation 3 on eBay very easily without too much trouble.\nNow, there was a lot of talk on the Internet about how difficult the Sony PlayStation 3 was to develop for.\nBut that didn't stop some very innovative homebrew emulators and applications that were developed for the PS3.\nSo, with an exploited PlayStation 3, developers went to work on developing homebrew,\nand probably the most popular piece of homebrew for the PlayStation 3 is multiMAN.\nStarting out as a simple game launcher and file manager, it fast became the Swiss Army knife of any modded PS3's arsenal.\n\nRussian: \nmultiMAN - это игровой лаунчер, homebrew-лаунчер, веб-браузер, FTP-сервер, файловый менеджер,\nимеет возможность выгружать игры PS3 на жесткий диск, запускать эмулируемые ПЗУ напрямую, не требуя эмулятора в первую очередь.\nОн может воспроизводить различные типы мультимедиа, включая MP3 и большинство видео форматов,\nВы также можете воспроизводить ISO-образы PlayStation 1 и ISO-образы PlayStation 2\nпрямо с USB-накопителя или жесткого диска.\nTL;DR, multiMAN превосходен, и на каждом модовом PlayStation 3 должна быть установлена ​​копия multiMAN.\nPlayStation 3 также имеет очень мощный медиаплеер, который был известен как «Showtime» и позже переименован в «Movian».\nУчитывая, что на Xbox 360 никогда не было домашнего медиаплеера, Movian превосходен.\nОн поддерживает MKV, MPEG, MP4, DivX и многие другие популярные форматы.\nОн поддерживает скины, имеет встроенный FTP-сервер, и, что самое приятное, он полностью интегрирован с multiMAN.\nОн также поддерживает плагины, и популярные из них включают Twitch и YouTube.\n\nEnglish: \nmultiMAN is a game launcher, homebrew launcher, web browser, FTP server, file manager,\nhas the ability to dump PS3 games to hard disk, launch emulation ROMs directly without requiring an emulator first.\nIt can play many different varieties of media, including MP3 and most video formats,\nyou can also play PlayStation 1 ISO images and PlayStation 2 ISO images\ndirect from the USB drive or a hard drive.\nTL;DR, multiMAN is excellent, and every modded PlayStation 3 needs to have a copy of multiMAN installed.\nThe PlayStation 3 also has a very capable media player, which was known as \"Showtime\" and later renamed to \"Movian\".\nConsidering the Xbox 360 never had a homebrew media player, Movian is excellent.\nIt supports MKV, MPEG, MP4, DivX, and many other popular formats.\nIt's skinnable, has a built-in FTP server, and the best part is it's fully-integrated with multiMAN.\nIt also supports plugins, and popular ones include Twitch and YouTube.\n\nRussian: \nMovian имеет тенденцию бороться с более продвинутыми видеокодеками,\nно то, что здесь, работает очень хорошо, и это определенно стоит установить в вашей модифицированной системе.\nТеперь, конечно, нам нужно поговорить об эмуляторах.\nА на фронте эмуляции очень популярный эмулятор, известный как «libretro», с интерфейсом RetroArch.\nЭтот эмулятор фактически начал свою жизнь на PlayStation 3, а в 2018 году\nэто почти на каждом устройстве, которое есть.\nИ, как и Xbox 360, консольные эмуляторы действительно выходят на новый уровень в PlayStation 3.\n\nEnglish: \nMovian does tend to struggle with the more advanced video codecs,\nbut what's here works very well, and it's definitely worth installing on your modded system.\nNow, of course, we have to talk about emulators.\nAnd on the emulation front is the very popular emulator known as \"libretro\", with the RetroArch front end.\nThis emulator actually started its life on the PlayStation 3, and, in 2018,\nit's on just about every single device there is.\nAnd just like the Xbox 360, console emulators really hit the next level on the PlayStation 3.\n\nRussian: \nИспользуя мощь графического процессора PlayStation 3,\nпиксельные шейдеры были введены, чтобы заменить старый метод программных фильтров, которые полагались на процессор.\nИ это дало очень крутые визуальные эффекты практически без затрат.\nlibretro и RetroArch все еще поддерживаются для PlayStation 3, и эмулятор является обязательным,\nесли вы планируете подобрать модовую систему.\nБольшинство вещей работает исключительно хорошо.\n\nEnglish: \nLeveraging the power of the PlayStation 3 GPU,\npixel shaders were introduced to replace the old method of software filters that relied on the CPU.\nAnd this provided very awesome visual effects at little to no cost, whatsoever.\nlibretro and RetroArch are still being maintained for the PlayStation 3, and the emulator is a must-have,\nif you are considering picking up a modded system.\nIt runs most things exceptionally well.\n\nRussian: \nИ, конечно, вы, ребята, уже знаете, что я сам не мог держаться подальше от этой сцены развития.\nИтак, я сделал порт Final Burn Alpha или FBANext для Sony PlayStation 3.\nКогда PlayStation 3 был взломан в 2010 году, я работал над портом FBANext.\nОдна вещь, которую я помню, состояла в том, насколько просто было портировать с версии Xbox 360.\nНо было также очень очевидно, что PlayStation 3 не имеет такой же вычислительной мощности процессора, как Xbox 360,\nи я думаю, что это откуда критика.\nБез использования возможностей SPE, которые очень сложны в разработке, прямой порт от Xbox 360 всегда будет работать медленнее.\nНо с другими методами, такими как многопоточность и пиксельные шейдеры, производительность может быть улучшена, а иногда и значительно.\nТем не менее, FBANext на PS3 - отличный порт, и я очень доволен тем, как это получилось.\n\nEnglish: \nAnd, of course, you, guys, know by now that I couldn't keep away from this development scene myself.\nSo, I made a port of Final Burn Alpha, or FBANext, to the Sony PlayStation 3.\nWhen the PlayStation 3 was hacked in 2010, I worked on a port of FBANext.\nOne thing I remember was how simple it was to port over from the Xbox 360 version.\nBut it was also very apparent that the PlayStation 3 didn't have the same CPU processing power as the Xbox 360,\nand I guess this is where the criticism comes from.\nWithout leveraging the power of the SPEs, which are very complex to develop for, a straight port from the Xbox 360 will always run slower.\nBut with other methods, such as multi-threading and pixel shaders, performance can be improved and sometimes significantly.\nStill, FBANext on the PS3 is a great port, and I'm pretty happy with how it turned out.\n\nEnglish: \nSo, in conclusion, don't take away Linux from your consumer device.\nSony really payed dearly for their mistakes with the PlayStation 3.\nBut it was still considered as successful system.\nAnd Sony clearly learned their lessons with the PlayStation 4 which has all, but dominated the market.\nBut looking back, the story of the \"unhackable\" PlayStation 3 and the events that unfolded in 2010\nwill go down as one of the most interesting set of events in recent videogame history.\nWell, guys, I hope you enjoyed this look at the Sony PlayStation 3 and how it was dubbed the most \"unhackable\" console on the market,\nuntil it was completely blown apart in 2010.\nAnd, of course, we took a look at the homebrew and emulators and applications that were developed for the system,\nsome really awesome stuff that was built for the system.\nSo, guys, let me know what you thought about this video in the comments below.\nAs always, don't forget to Like and subscribe, and I'll catch you guys in the next video.\nBye for now.\n\nRussian: \nИтак, в заключение, не убирайте Linux из вашего потребительского устройства.\nSony действительно дорого заплатила за свои ошибки с PlayStation 3.\nНо это все еще считалось успешной системой.\nИ Sony явно извлекла уроки из PlayStation 4, которая доминировала на рынке.\nНо, оглядываясь назад, рассказываю о «непобедимой» PlayStation 3 и событиях, которые развернулись в 2010 году.\nвойдет в историю как одно из самых интересных событий в недавней истории видеоигр.\nЧто ж, ребята, я надеюсь, вам понравился этот взгляд на Sony PlayStation 3 и то, как она была названа самой «непобедимой» консолью на рынке,\nпока он не был полностью взорван в 2010 году.\nИ, конечно же, мы взглянули на homebrew и эмуляторы и приложения, которые были разработаны для системы,\nнекоторые действительно удивительные вещи, которые были созданы для системы.\nИтак, ребята, дайте мне знать, что вы думали об этом видео в комментариях ниже.\nКак всегда, не забудьте ставить лайки и подписаться, и я встречу вас, ребята, в следующем видео.\nА сейчас до свидания.\n\nRussian: \n[Субтитры: Sashabox 360 Productions]\n\nEnglish: \n[Outro song]\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "everybody welcome to this week's episode\nof still untitled I want to thank our\nsponsor this week who is 3d robotics 3d\nR is America's largest drone maker their\nsolo smart drone is the first drone\noptimized for your GoPro get live HD\nvideo straight to your mobile screen as\nyou're flying the quadcopter solos\ncomputers also guide it smoothly and\nautomatically so you get cinematic shots\nyou want push play and the solo does it\nall came and follow you\n3-yard gives a solo away every month to\none of their email subscribers so sign\nup for that today and learn more about\ndrones at 3d are.com status slash still\nentitled silly name is podcast that's\nthree dr.com slash still entitled now on\nwith the show\nwelcome to still entitled the Adam\nSavage project I'm well I'm Adam and I'm\nnorm gentlemen how we roll him right\ninto it we did I just I just like I\nthink we should skip the preamble this\nweek okay something big happen something\ntwo things big happening last week what\ndo you got well the series finale for\nMythbusters after what like 14 season 5\n14 and a half seasons well I've been\nfilming Mythbusters since the summer of\n2002 so for me it's 14 years and the\nlast ever episode the last ever new\nepisode of Mythbusters aired Saturday\nnight until Netflix comes in in like\nthree years puts the whole team together\nand you do to another six episodes and\nthey release them all on a site never\nsay never but that would strike me as\nunlike okay and it was like over the\nweekend there were three new episodes\nthere was a reunion special and then\nalso a never-before-seen duct-tape\nspecial so the finale aired at 8 p.m.\nand that was the last episode then Kari\ngrant and Tory came back so that the\nfive of us could sit at a round table\nand talk about some of our favorite\nmemories that entered at nine o'clock on\nSaturday and then Sunday on the new home\nof Mythbusters the Science Channel they\naired a duct-tape special which we\nrecorded this year specifically for\nscience Channel because that's where\nMythbusters is going to live\nhere on in and it's a it's very cool\nit's a great episode we decided to Jamie\nand I basically decided there's nothing\nwe can build out of duct tape that we\nhaven't build nothing that we're\ninterested in building and then I was\ndriving and I was thinking what if we\nmade a trebuchet out of duct tape and\nusing only duct tape and wood trebuchet\nthese are always fun but specifically\nengineering so that there was no\nattachment method but wood and duct tape\nso you're like doing lashings and all\nthat stuff on sand longer than Boy\nScouts until lashing I think we used 70\nor 80 rolls I can't quite remember the\nnumber less than I would expect\nit's what Marco Polo introduced the\nKubik on the trebuchet\nno no basis on reality it was everyone\nwas the number of wonderful and combs\nand sweet well wishes from fans and\nfriends alike all weekend long was\nreally moving I thought that just the\nstuff he showed the clips that you\nshowed during the during the the show\nthat reunion was incredible right I mean\nit was astronauts presidents and Neil\ndeGrasse Tyson and yeah I was it was\nCameron yeah so there seems to be\nTuesday Lala's I want to talk about for\nthis one little behind the scenes on the\nbig things that you guys pulled off in\nthe finale okay and then also your\nexperience of watching the finale cuz I\nknow you guys had a big party and got\ntogether when go in either order so yeah\nthe watching we had a party at a at a\nbar in San Francisco like it wrote is\ncalled fromage or a cheese bar jeopardy\nor something but I can't remember some\nguy really is someplace they could get\nfancy toast oh I'm terrible that I can't\nremember the name of this bar it's okay\nanyway we had a lovely party and it\nparty was mostly for fans and for\nfriends of Mythbusters Carrie and Jamie\nand I were in residence but it was for a\nlot of the people we've worked with over\nthe year as people who manage the sites\nthat we've worked on cops and bomb\ntechnicians and people that have been\ncritical to Mythbusters success over the\nyears as well as a lot of old staff\nmembers so it was there like a reunion\nand that was awesome\none of the things that amazed me when we\nfirst started working with you is that\nbasically when Norman I would have a\ndumb idea to do something we'd be like\nhey do you know anybody who knows how to\ndo this X weird random esoteric thing\nyou like oh yeah sure\ncall somebody over at m5 and they'll\ngive you two names you can call and one\nof them will be able to help you okay\nand and like that it's like it's unusual\nto have access to that kind of door it's\nknowledge that we've built over the\nyears that's incredible and I had\nalready watched the finale because I\nlive-tweeted the East Coast feed yeah\nfrom here from here yeah and it was um\nI've never had this on Twitter often\nwhen we're doing this I'm sitting next\nto Christian my social person and I'm\nfinding tweets and responding them she's\nfinding tweets and giving them to me to\nrespond to\nwe were trending so much that I would go\nto reload just every five seconds it was\nlike hundreds of tweets every few\nseconds it was astounding the deluge and\nI mean people were making cakes\nmythbuster last episode explode well I\nhave no idea but I really the fans\nturned out to celebrate it in their way\nand it was it was amazing I've\npersonally gone through what we've\ntalked about this in the podcast before\nthe catharsis of ending something so\nlong I've personally already passed\nthrough a lot of that so I didn't find I\nwasn't feeling very elegiac this weekend\nyou know it was mostly just really glad\nto be able to to tweet it to the fans\nand talk to talk to my old friends and\nold staff members and really sort of get\nto feel how what that wonderful thing\nthat we built so almost like a reunion\nmore than a funeral exactly you talk\nabout those feelings in the episode\nitself in the the stunts where you drove\nthrough all the props over the 14 years\nyeah that when I get choked up that's\ndeaths genuine if I that was the thing\nthat's that was one of those days after\nthat we we saw you immediately after you\ndid that him and\nyou were you were legitimately like I\nmean and Norman I both worked places for\na really long time left but it's not\nquite the same I think as a small you\nknow crazy tight team that made the\namount of TV and stuff that you did\nyou'd yeah I mean it was really neat I\nthought was it really I thought I\nthought actually all three parts of that\nbecause yeah basically the huge\nexplosion with its four parts we right\nwe blew up a we blew up an RV at 50,000\nfeet per second then we destroyed buster\nwe sent Buster to a better place I've\ngot some chunks of him around here\nsomewhere\nit looked like he hit so hard he caught\non fire that was a major all those\nstunts were incredible I wanna go yeah\nokay yeah and then so just to recap then\nwe we drove through miles worth of\nmythbuster props and then we blew up a\ncement truck with more explosive than\nwe've ever used before Wow so the first\none which was blowing up the RV yeah you\nexplain why use an RV and kind of you're\nalso demonstrating recording an\nexplosion at 50,000 frames per second so\nthe digital camera high-speed digital\ncameras have have come of age alongside\nof Mythbusters and phantom the\npreeminent maker of them and supply of\nMythbusters cameras now has a camera\nthat can do HD at 50,000 frames best in\nlike even three years ago that would\nhave been insane and that's an important\npoint because there were cameras there's\nalso a you know older cameras could do\nlower resolution and very high frames\nper second scientific equipment oh yeah\nif all you need are to measure a few\npixels wide and that's the thing is when\nthey say oh it's got a maximum of 500\nthousand frames per second that means\nit's like 12 by 30 pixels it means\nbasically you need something that's\ngonna flash the entire field of view in\norder to see what which is fine for\nscience for reception because it you\njust need to study the distance between\nsomething for television it's different\nand in filming high-speed you find that\nthere's like a perfect speed to\ndemonstrate different things that you\ndon't need\noh no thousand FPS for for a lot of\nthings oh so it smacked in the kisser\nyou don't need more than 250 frames do\nthat on your iPhone iPhone can do that\nabsolutely\nbut explosions you absolutely and\nthere's so we've filmed thousands of\nexplosions we filmed hundreds thousands\nof them on the high-speed camera and\nmostly between 1000 and about 6,000\nframes\nI think 5500 is the max HD in sunlight\nthat we can get out of our the main\nphantom we've been using the last few\nyears at 50,000 frames per second there\nwas a couple of things that were super\nnotable one was that you got to watch\nthe impetus of the explosion for many\nframes you got to watch the inside of\nthis RV light up yeah now the reason we\nchose the RV is because we didn't want\nto choose a giant substantial truck like\nthe cement truck because that was always\ngoing to be our finale yeah\nso we decided lightweight RV and we'll\nuse that but you got to watch it light\nup from the inside and just as a note\nthat was the same amount of explosives\nwe used to dispose of the first cement\ntruck 850 pounds of ANFO the second\nthing that was really notable at 50,000\nframes per second was we had 10 times\nthe amount of frames and you got to\nwatch the blast wave bubble assemble\nitself it was like triangular at first\nand then it became spherical that was\nthe incredible like that and the lensing\nthat you got it was like my wife who is\na fan of things that explode but not at\nthe same level that I think all the\nthree of us are yeah it was like okay I\nI'm usually unimpressed that is gorgeous\nlike the shot of that the white with a\nwide shot of that with the with the\nspherical lensing like it was\nunbelievable so the best way to describe\nwhat that lensing really is is in the\nsame way that light moves differently\nthrough a fish tank that it moves\nthrough water it moves differently\nthrough dense or mediums that that\nbubble moving outward from the explosion\nis a denser medium of air compressed by\nthe explosion and so you're watching\nthat denser air moved the light in\nslightly different fashion and thus\nlensing it it's fun no I've never seen\nthere's a distinct barrier no yeah there\nwas a line yeah and that line if it\nmoves through you it was bad you\nwouldn't feel you'd feel it really\nquickly you'd be there goodness then\nthen you're ace you're jelly because\nwhat it will do is it will accelerate\nall the cells in your body at about\n20,000 feet per second but just a tiny\nfraction of an inch but it'll tear apart\nall the connective whatever inside of\nyou and just turn you to a bag full of\njelly which arguably we already are but\nmore so more so what why do you guys use\nANFO for that kind of stuff because it's\nwe use impose cheap and it's a nice slow\nexplosive nice and slow I'm sorry I\nthink Mpho is know people will correct\nme\nhigh explosives like plastic explosives\nor cast boosters those move at like 22\nto 25,000 frame feet per second the ANFO\nit's slower I think like 16,000 feet per\nsecond again I'm trying to remember\nthese numbers I just know it's it's not\nlike half the speed but fo is meant for\npushing it's used in in mining for like\npushing giant chunks of a mountain off\nof it okay whereas the high-speed\nexplosives are used for cracking and\nsplitting and all these considerations\nfrom the camera it's the type of\nexplosives of what you're blowing up all\nwork toward the video all it's what\nyou're demonstrating and we were showing\nfor the television yeah which is awesome\nif there's an incredible cinematography\naspect to it absolutely and yeah that\nwas really really key was I mean that\ntook most of the negotiating on the day\nand I don't mean negotiating with New\nMexico Tech but really just sort of\nmaking sure that all of the departments\nthat we're dealing with and it was\ndozens of people and New Mexico Tech\nUniversity was amazing with us but they\nhave a protocol they have to make sure\neveryone's safe and we've got cameras\nthey can only roll for a certain amount\nof time there's they're like spread out\nover about a mile die a road mild in\ndiameter of cameras plus there's drones\nin the air so people need to be outside\nthere's lockdowns it was an incredible\namount of infrastructure just to push\nthe button okay so did you mention the\ndrones yeah it was the drone shot on\nthat when I was at the cement mixer was\nit both we had both we had drones in the\nair for every the one that was a really\nreally high shot shooting straight down\non it yeah I looked like it was what\nfive thousand ten thousand feet or\nsomething there's a really high thousand\nfeet we got some I don't think it was\nmore than a thousand feet if I remember\ncorrectly but honestly you'd have to ask\nDuncan okay quite remember wide-angle\nlenses yeah it was it was and that was\nalso you know that was really tricky\nbecause we had 22 minutes out of the\nNspire yeah\n20 minutes out of the Nspire it's like\nwe got a that is the last thing that\ngoes up this is the cool behind this\ninto logistics of it and I know you guys\nhad an episode about how an episode is\nmade yes the pre-planning sudden day of\nthe pressing of all the cameras the\nsetting go well and there's lots of\ndecisions to be made so they'll say you\ncan't put a camera there and then\nmeeting New Mexico New Mexico Tech will\nsay we can't put a camera there it's not\nsafe we have to have you over here we\nonly have two miles of cord to go over\nthere and so then all of this has to be\nworked out by all of us\nright so narrative lis what's important\nto me to see out of this what are the\nthree key shots I want they can get all\nthese other shots that they want but\nI've got a couple I want on my list okay\nso we can't get one of mine how are you\ngonna get something similar to it etc\netc services all of this back and forth\nokay turns out we can't get this up\nuntil then what do we do about this and\nthat I have a mechanic's question about\nthe dice when you shoot a high speed\nprobably people don't know this is not\nlike shooting a normal camera usually\nyou either have a Priya post or a mid\ntrigger site for it and that means that\nsomebody literally needs to hit the\nbutton with an X number of seconds yes\nafter the thing goes I assume on a 50\nthousand frame per second camera you\nhave what maybe 20 seconds 30 seconds a\nminute if it's 20 seconds I think it's\nlike 12 14 yeah so it's it's not very\nmany it's not very many you got to get\nit yeah if you miss it oh you're sure if\nyou've missed the whole thing\nyou can have it be sound trigger Mexico\nTech has their own triggers for\nexplosive for high speed cameras as well\nand so we were using some of their\ntechnology again we should probably\nbring Duncan on to talk about this\nbecause Duncan and saws managed all of\nthis stuff and it's it's a tremendous\namount I mean I saw zan well you had a\nreally other dip not me it's nice to be\nclear we'll nail yeah Duncan Clarke and\nScott Sorenson or the three cameraman\nfor Mythbusters for the last few years I\nassume they had a really long cord so he\nwas saying they were the finger many\nmany many many long cords and they\nactually had ways to route them under\nthe ground New Mexico Tech is very well\nset up so what's your you got you guys\nwere in an actual bunker for this we\nwere underground yes um can you describe\nthat a little bit or not so much\nit's basically under a mountain of dirt\nit's a concrete bunker it feels like The\nLast Stand from the zombie apocalypse\nokay\nhilarious the explosion was far enough\naway I think we're about two kilometers\nfrom the explosion in that bunker so we\ndidn't feel we didn't feel it very\nsignificantly a couple of days before\nthat final explosion we had filmed the\nJaime flattening the car explosion and\nthat one we felt that one cleared all\nthe air out of I mean it moved all the\nair inside about just because it was\nonly a few hundred feet away okay that\nsame explosion the flattening of the car\ndestroyed three of our rental cars in\none shot oh that was the one that should\ndo so you guys get the full coverage\nwhen you get rental cars I guess you\nknow I just love the idea of the guide\nthe shop looking at this dent from above\nand going what didn't you do insurance\nthe back half of the van that got ripped\noff was the one that I thought was\nentertaining okay let's go to bus yes so\nBuster necks and that was at the rocket\nsled that was the rocket sled that was\nso you know it seems so obvious now it\nseems so right right strap Buster to a\nrocket sled sent him into a wall but\nthere was a lot of back-and-forth about\ndifferent things we could do to to\ndestroy Buster to send him away and etc\nand in the end the superhero suit which\nwas designed by my producer Eric Haven\nwho's a comic book author he's got a\ngraphic novel coming out soon we should\ncover it on table covered ah yes it's\ngonna be great\nEric designed that suit we had to made\none for Buster one for me for that piece\nto camera with the phone booth I was\npretty magical okay and then you've\nreally booked up since your uh since you\nuh I will tell you that I missed this\ngreat opportunity so you know that I\nlove putting on Mythbusters and I'll\ntell you easily half of my puns and most\nof the good ones came from my sound man\nMatt Jepsen Matt Maddie's been with a\nshow for forever and Maddie's just got\nthe worst punning brain ever and by\nworst I mean best sad people so Maddie's\nmaddie often has these jokes at the last\nminute that she's freaking fantastic and\nthe one he gave me which I totally\nforgot which was - fist bump buster\nhangin bro total time - banging poor\nBuster um we really didn't ever find the\nmain chunks of Buster we found lots\nlittle pieces which became crew gifts so\ndo you know what happened like he did he\nget fast enough that the energy just\nconverted\nlit him on fire I that's what it looks\nlike it looks like looks like the metal\nof Buster's body hit the concrete so\nhard that there was fire and sparks\ninvolved which is astounding Wow\nthe shot I love the most is also the\ndrone shot for that one when you see the\nother side of the wall yeah how much\ngoes into the hill and then I had\npainted the target with 2002 2016 and he\nleft a hole for a year on either side I\nwas like if you had told me one of that\nI'd have been like I don't think that's\ngonna happen\nyeah the only way the only way you could\nhave improved that is if you left the\nBugs Bunny shaped hole in the wall which\nand I know yeah I mean which of my\nfriend Ben was saying the other day I\ncan't believe you never tested that myth\nand I'm like yeah it's right up there\nwith does a frying pan adhere to the\nshape of your head when someone hits you\nI have often thought a Looney Tunes\nepisode would have been amazing so okay\nso Buster Buster meets his mortal demise\nyeah then there is the drive down memory\nlane oh boy and the mile long the mile\nlong it was amazing is this the same\nplace where they yell me to swap meet\nyeah now it's Alameda runway okay so\nthat's where Tesla's been testing their\nautonomous car it's where the our case\nin the Matrix was right that's where all\nthe car change freeway and all that yeah\nyeah\nand so we've filmed there hundreds of\ntimes over the years on Mythbusters and\nthat was the that was the last few it\nwon't be beautiful I didn't know that\nwas the last one that was that good that\nwas the last time we filmed there and I\ncan barely describe to you how much work\nthe crew put into assembling all that\nstuff but as kids it's not like they\nwere just in like ready in an m5 to dig\nout no no no no no in fact most of the\ntime they were making a lot of that\nstuff from scratch in in Wow\nbulk and so it was we hired extra people\nold friends of mine from ILM came down\nand worked for us and it was just weeks\nand weeks of poor Tory Fink our main\nshop guy and his team just assembling\nthis stuff and putting it together\npainting cutting out mannequins\nduct-tape boats asking for solutions so\nI was on tour during some of that was I\nhad tour I can't remember where I was I\nwas on I was somewhere at where I was\nlike literally dipping in constantly to\nput out fires and give them simple\nsolutions for putting stuff together but\nit was the most monumental effort on\nbehalf of the crew because for some have\na whole series of things 200 objects or\nso right they all get a fraction of the\ntime on camera yeah the car is gonna get\na lot of camera time yeah little things\nall that matters how many how did how\ndid you get that stuff over there was it\njust a couple of trucks and trucks and\ntrucks yeah constant ferrying back and\nforth yeah there was like a full week\nand a half of moving stuff and it took a\nlotta much at least a couple of days to\nset it all up oh god yeah days and days\nso you had to hope for no rain and yeah\nall about all that and you say it on\ncamera but the drive was you it was\ndifficult to stay straight I couldn't\nsee 20 seconds in I stopped being able\nto see out the front of the car and it's\nnot about a minute about 55 second yes\nso most of the drive I can't see what's\nworth you getting radio directions a\nlittle bit right a little bit right no I\ncould see my camera I can see one of my\ncamera cars okay and I can extrapolate\nmy space from the fact that I'm still\nhitting things yeah I'm airing towards\nthe camera car that I can see because\nthat means I could avoid it yeah I don't\nwant to err towards the camera car I\ncan't see on my right because I don't\nwant to I don't want to hurt him now\nthat's being driven by a professional\ncop training driver Brian so I know he\nknows enough to stay safe but again I'm\nin the sixty thousand pound vehicle and\nI want to keep it away from everybody so\nI'm using touch I'm using sight and I'm\nwe put up street signs that had each\nyear on them and I'm using those to\ngauge my my direct contra it was I said\nthis to you guys on the podcast right\nafterwards it was without a doubt the\nbest driving I've ever done in my\nprofessional life did you guys put the\nlast couple of vans in the funnel on\npurpose or yeah that was no it was it\nwasn't that we we didn't put them in\nthat orientation to funnel me towards\nthe Impala we did that because we\nweren't sure how much impetus I would\nhave and we didn't\nthem to stop me so that was a compromise\nthat Steve Oh Steve Christensen my\ndirector and I came up with at the very\nend we just we moved them it was really\nfun using a forklift on cars I didn't\ncare about oh my god Oh between that and\nwhen you did the the vacuum lifter and\nthen just dropped it from 60 feet or\nwhatever how much how much the best yeah\nI had a question about this and I've\ncompletely spaced on it but the did you\nadd extra weight to the truck we mean\naside from the obviously did\nJamie designed the front fin and we put\nin an extra I think like ten thousand\npounds on the backside to balance it\nokay so that even when it hits stuff it\nwouldn't dig into the ground it would\nhave some counterweight to it and we\nalso wanted the truck to have a lot of\nmomentum yeah so we rented trench plates\nagain those giant steel plates they used\nto cover construction in the road we\nrented a bunch of those and just welded\nthem in place in the back this is a\ngreat thing about trench plates as you\ncan weld them give it a brine the welds\nand as long as it's still a piece of\nsteel they don't care the center of\ngravity and a lot of momentum at 50 more\nteen speeds you know I have a during the\nduring the run down shifting I at one\npoint it kicked itself out of gear 70%\nof the way down shifted back to seventh\nand back into eighth gear to get the\nlast the last bit Wow there's also\nunderstand that at the same time as I'm\ndoing this I'm still performing for the\ncamera I'm still trying to explain that\ncamera what's going on\nI gotta say when you hit the first one\nand said fucking aim I do not think that\nthat was a performance er no and that\nlast bit where I'm in the cart I'm just\ngoing them screaming completely that is\njust that's that is the greatest\nendorphin rush I've experienced in a\nlong time okay so here's my question\nthis is another question for my wife she\nwanted to know what happens like do you\nguys have to spend then three days\ncoming back and cleaning all that stuff\nwe had but all of the above weight a\nlarge so all the cars that we had hit\nhad had their fluids removed Alameda has\nvery\nparticular requirements for leaving the\nrunway as we found it and we've had a\ngreat relationship with them over the\nyears so it was picking up the big stuff\nthen sweeping up the small stuff street\nsweepers road cleaners making sure that\nno other toxic fluids were letting off\non the sides or everything do you know\ntrice the same thing for the for the\nexplosions\nyeah and that's actually largely under\nthe aegis of New Mexico Tech so they\nhave their protocols and I wasn't party\nto okay that stuff cuz we were already\nback home by the time we were done now\nsome of the stuff you ran through still\nexists and you kept a few ways yeah toes\nyeah I actually have I have a couple of\nchunks here of some things the piano\nyeah I took the mechanics out of the\npiano because I wanted to hear them hmm\nI wanted I didn't want the mechanics to\ndampen them so yeah I have the mechanics\nto the piano here I have the head of the\nshark mounted over next to the other\nhammerhead shark in the main shot now\nwhat people also won't notice when they\nwatch the episode is we have two cars\none from either on either side of you\nand one of the cars is a really\ninteresting car because it's a camera\ncar chase car oh yeah that Scott that\nsaws built and we should do a hat we\nalready have one that's I think will be\nup tomorrow\nOh expending approval from people who\nown the footage so so saws is so saws\nAustralians give everyone nicknames with\nZ's in them so if you're Erik and Ozzy\nmight call us ax and Scott Sorensen amis\nimmediately got the nickname Zaza and\nbecame Sauza\nhis own girlfriend calls him Sauza so\nsaws yeah that's what we say short for\nsaws if it's on October cast as the\nfirst year we work with you guys so\nScott had Scott bought one of the Chevy\nimpalas yeah sorry Caprice yeah that we\nused in one of our cop car episodes this\none was in particularly okay shape and\nhe's been fixing it up and turning it\ninto a camera platform vehicle with what\nyou saw was he was off to my right this\nlarge metal framework on the back of his\ncar this allowed him to Dalia basically\ndolly up a remote camera from inside the\ncar at the same time as he's filming out\nthe wind and yeah 3 axis gimbal on that\nwe could control it and actually like\nget some elevation I think up to 8 feet\nor so\nit's pretty neat so I also yeah I want\nto point out that sus did that all on\nhis own time at the same time as he's\nfilming Mythbusters like 60 hours a week\nso he's in on weekends welding and\nmachining and you know he worked with\nbimba donated a bunch of the technology\nand the design work for that rig and\nhe's machining giant plates of aluminum\nand steel to to their specs it was a lot\nof work and it worked magnificent he's\nbeen incredibly giving of his time over\nthe years but we wanted to find out\nabout blowing stuff up with black powder\nhe said come into the shop one Saturday\nmorning and we came into the shop and\nand he's sufficiently convinced us that\nwe shouldn't dick around with black\npowder that we just right now where\nwe'll just do something safe like\nexploding airbag yes Oh terrifying okay\nlast one finale the last last explosion\nthe big one\nthese are a 5,001 pounds was the VP saw\nwas the previous record five thousand\npounds five thousand pounds of\nhigh-speed explosives that Kari grant\nand Tory used at New Mexico Tech a few\nyears ago to make diamonds okay\nthe high pressure helping to create\ndiamonds so we use 5,001 pounds okay we\nyou know we could have used five\nthousand and four but we'd see the suits\nright price is right totally\nwe got a cement truck and I mean what\ncan I tell you it was it was just so\nepic I mean every single shot is a\nrevelation every single shot seems to\nshow a different explosion it\nilluminates something different about\nhow powerful that last one's and the\nthing that's really hard to communicate\nis when you head back to the center of\nthe former blast it looks like a\nmoonscape because there's no footprints\nthere's no vegetation anymore and it's\njust it is just things that have fallen\nfrom the sky it's like sandy and right\nreally looks like another world looks\nlike another planet everything that's\nloose has been blown away yeah except\nfor what fell went straight up and came\nstraight back down exactly um that one\nleft a crater it did about that's an\nunusual feat deep we've made a bunch of\ncraters but none that big this is about\nprobably 15 feet 20 feet in diameter and\nabout five six feet deep and\nwhat did you find you found pieces of\nthe truck is many many noises of the\ntrumpet pretty good sized chunks you\nknow I think that's the biggest chunk we\nfound was like 50 pounds alright so I\njust pour that thing to absolute red why\ndo you guys use cement trucks for those\nbig for the big ones\nit's just started because of the first\nepisode when we blew up a cement truck\nwas we were testing to see there was a\nmyth that you can clean out a\nsymmetrical to stick a dynamite Oh used\nthat to loosen the cement on the inside\nif it had hardened inside the cement\ntruck and then that became a fan\nfavorite okay even though we didn't have\na high-speed shot of it\nso we thought the fact that we didn't\nhave a high-speed shot and it's a fan\nfavorite let's finish with that and give\nit an amazing high-speed shot that\nhigh-speed job was also at fifty\nthousand frames okay I was gonna say\nyeah like we could see the lensing on\nthat one too yeah totally\namazing it was pretty incredible I was a\nlittle disappointed when the credit you\nthe explosion went off he showed all the\nreplay shots of the explosion and then\nthe credits rolled as I caught me and\nthey went out with a bang that's amazing\nand then you cut back because he had to\nlook at the crater and the crater was\ncool but um we saved the coda of the\nCoda's of the kotas we saved the last\ncoda for the end of the reunion episode\nI know if you watched oh no my Tivo cut\nout before yeah\nyes the it was a Avengers homage oh no I\ndid cease at eating shawarmas in the\nexact pose its exact that was Oscars\nthat was Oscars well it was Oscars\nDeLeon Cesar Chavez at Missouri which is\nright now it looks like he's practically\namazing that's one of my producers what\nif that is the one sweeping up in the\nback okay and you had Tori with a hand\nover yeah now covering over the beer\nthere huh really it was really fun and\nsorry just to finish out this amazing\nweek the other thing that happened was I\nwent and did Colbert just yeah you took\nyour pants off on Colbert I did Wow\nlook when Stephen Colbert asks you to\ntake your pants off you say yes he seems\nhe seemed way less into it they were\nthey were phenomenal yeah no it was good\nso I flew in on Sunday I rehearsed over\nat the Ed Sullivan Theater on Monday\nthat a big day on Tuesday cuz they're\ncold open was in conjunction with the\nfiddler on the roof' caste so Monday I\nspend a couple of hours over there\nworking with their people nicest crew in\nthe world and I've some of them were\nsome of them had been part of the crew\nwhen Jamie and I first flew balloons\noutside on 53rd Street for Letterman in\n2004 yeah it was amazing\nand many of them were there when I did\nlet him in the last time many of them I\nknew from the Late Show many of the\nwriters so it was great to see everybody\nand it is just it's a really lovely set\nlike everyone loves working there loves\nworking on that show Stephen couldn't be\nnicer what's what's the wouldn't you\nwhat are you going to do a segment like\nthat do you come in with a bit and then\nkind of sit down with the writers and\nwork through it and and family not day\noff no there's always there's always a\nlot of back and forth so you know they\nasked for a bunch of ideas I threw a few\nat them they threw a few back at me we\nhoned it down we came up with something\nthat got thrown out we came up with\nsomething else I think that got thrown\nout and then Friday before so this is a\nweek ago Friday they decided they wanted\nto shoot me with the penny going at the\nterminal velocity of a penny it's a very\nNew York kind of kind of segment and\nit's one of it it also was one of the\nvery earliest episodes we did and one in\nwhich I really learned deeply that that\nthat one of the things I could\ncontribute to this show was figuring out\nunique ways of showing something rather\nthan telling and penny drop is is like\none of those first worms to turn for me\nso I built that gun here in the shop on\nFriday the day I was like good I was\nsick so I we had a build schedule that\nday and I cancelled it so I could rest\nbecause I was sick and then you didn't\nrest and I didn't rested like seven\nhours here making that gun and then I I\ngot it home only to discover that it\ndidn't fit in my suitcase so I had to\ncut five inches off of it and then I\ncalled Tom sacks whose studio is in New\nYork and I was like dude can you get me\na three inch PVC schedule 40 pipe cap\nplus\nhe's like I'm on it so when I landed on\nSunday I went to his shop and he's there\nmaking some pottery with some friends\nand he's got his bodega going and it was\nit was awesome\nit's like an Avengers of yeah we spent a\nfew hours putting my gun together and\nthen he shot me with it he said does it\nhurt nothing it's just hurts enough to\nbe funny we're good to go\nand then I brought that over to to the\nLate Show they shipped it back to me I\nthink it actually should be at my house\nnow okay dude did anybody else want to\nget shot while you were there to the\nwriters room guys here this is network\ntelevision man they were they were itchy\nabout me being shot with the thing that\nI had built so it required a lot of\nsafety discussions it's you know you\nmake when you make something that shoots\nsomething now you are dealing with the\nlaw in very some very specific ways\nbecause it things can get dangerous in a\nhurry and you know you don't just\nluckily I have a lot of expertise so I\ncan talk deeply to exactly how fast it's\ngoing how much pressure is involved what\nare the what are the margins of safety\netc yeah and they should do an episode\nlike the South Park guys did about\nmaking of an episode\nBrian document that I mean I know it's\nbeen on TV like Larry Sanders show that\nkind of give you an impression but it's\nit's an it's good Oh Jim Fife the\nproducer that I was working with was so\nlike everyone was amazing but you know\njust like willing to try stuff okay do\nyou want to get shot in the ass do you\nwant your pants up I was thinking about\nhaving my pencil okay what if you would\nyou be willing if we got you some like\npink Spanx or something you willing and\nthen on the day of he's like so we're\ntalking about it and if we can get\npermission how do you feel about just\ndropping trou for real and I'm like I'll\ndo it they worked you have to work me I\ndidn't need to be clear I'm ready I've\nalready been I've never done any more\ndamn yeah but that's their operating\nprocedure I can imagine that they warm\nyou up to the idea and then they um do I\nmean it's much less humiliating to\nactually just take your pants off than\nto wear the pink Spanx I think I feel\nlike it would be and then yes we posted\nthe the we they blurred it on television\nbut I got the shot on\nwe posted that nice nice but it sounded\nlike a lot of fun and the bit was really\nfunny it was great stephen is such a fan\nand such a deep fan he's watched the\nshow for years with his family and super\ncomplementary about the achievement you\nknow he he's they just finished their\nhundredth episode of The Late Show so I\nmean he had the he had to deal with and\nI we didn't even get to talking about\nthis but we had the thing to deal with\nhim ending The Colbert Report and no\ntime to kind of acclimatize cuz we're\nalready into the Late Show that would be\nvery intense well in and on top of that\nlike he had the whole is this the\nperformance or is this not the\nperformance and all that's like your\nidentity yeah it's a you know again it\ncouldn't happen to a nicer team I you\nknow I'll go on and do that show as many\ntimes as they want it was it was great\nawesome\nwell then you gotta find more of Adam\none tested shooting things in Norman and\nAdam okay I was someone last night who\nwas like wait a minute he put a penny in\nyour anus and I'm like okay no you're\nway over extrapolating it 30 degrees to\nthe right guys for kids this show for\nkids graduation item thank you on\nsuccess you finale a cute ritalin and\nyou know send Adam tweets and and\nwell-wishes and we have a lot more stuff\ngoing on again check wait for that video\nwould you go to go behind the scenes of\na the chase car that saws built so\nthat's gonna be it's really cool well\nand that'll do it for us we'll see you\nguys next week thanks for watching\nthanks for watching thank you\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "Hi everyone, I'm Davy Devaux and I'm going\nto show you guys how to make Eggs, Bacon and\nToast my way.\nFirst you're going to need to separate the\negg whites from the egg yolk, so crack open\nan egg.\nNow you take an empty bottle of water and\nyou just suck the egg yolk, there we go and\nthen you just transfer it over.\nIt couldn't be easier.\nOkay moving on, whisk the egg white.\nA good little tip to prevent the egg white\nfrom splitting you just add a couple drops\nof lemon juice.\nSo you just want to whisk it up until it's\na liquidy sort of foam, you don't want it\nto be a hard foam because otherwise it won't\ncook very well.\nAlright, so this is more or less the consistency\nyou want to get.\nYou want to add some coconut oil or butter\nto the inside of the metal ring, this is so\nthat the egg white doesn't stick to it, so\na very important step.\nOnce it gets hot enough you want to start\nadding your egg whites.\nMake sure to only fill it about one quarter\nthe way up, you don't want to overdo it but\nyou do want to put it in a U-shape so that\nthe walls are already starting to cook.\nAt this point you can add your crispy bacon\nbits if you're making it with bacon and make\nsure to leave a hole in the center where the\negg yolk will go.\nNow it's time to add your egg yolk, make sure\nyou have crispy bacon bits so it doesn't pop\nit because it's quite fragile.\nAnd now you add the rest of your egg whites.\nDon't fill it all the way up because the egg\nwhite will expand, so just leave a little\nbit of a gap.\nAlright now to flip it over, it's really hot\nso you're going to want to do this quickly.\nNow I am going to just stick a knife into\nthe sides just to separate the walls a little\nbit.\nYou remove it from the pan and quickly you\ncut through and you release from the stainless\nsteel ring.\nYou have to do this quick because it's going\nto start deflating as soon as you do this.\nNow you transfer it over to your toasted bread,\nyou only have about three or four minutes\nbefore it completely goes down, so it's best\nto bring it straight to the table.\nWhat you're looking for is a nice runny egg\nyolk, it's just beautiful.\nIt's like an egg cloud, it's the most light\nbreakfast you will ever encounter in your\nlife.\nThank you for watching how to make Eggs Devaux,\nI hope you enjoyed it and if you did could\nyou please share it below on some social media\nplatform like Facebook, Twitter, Google+.\nIt will really help my video get more views.\nAnd also likes and subscribers are greatly\nappreciated, there's a subscribe button now\non the left corner if you're not subscribed.\nSubscribe now and you can watch all my amazing\nvideos.\nWell, I'll let you judge whether they're amazing\nor not.\nThat's not for me to say, is it.\nOkay, and one last thing if you do decide\nto recreate this dish and put it on a restaurant\nmenu or just home with friends, or just make\nanother YouTube video with it I would greatly\nappreciate if you kept the name, my surname\nDevaux inside the name, and maybe one day\nfar-far in the future I'll go to a restaurant\nand next to Eggs Benedict will be Eggs Devaux.\nThat would be good, that would be cool, I'd\nlike that.\nEND\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "Dan: Hello and welcome to 6 Minute English.\nI'm Dan and joining me today is Neil. Hi Neil.\nNeil: Hi Dan. What’s with the protective\ngear and helmet?\nDan: I’m just getting ready for the inevitable\nrise of the machines. That’s the takeover\nof the world by artificial intelligence, or\nAI, which some people predict will happen.\nNeil: Inevitable means cannot be avoided or\nstopped. Rise of the machines? What do you mean?\nDan: It’s our topic in this 6 Minute English.\nWe’ll be talking about that, giving you\nsix related pieces of vocabulary and, of course,\nour regular quiz question.\nNeil: That’s the first thing you’ve said\nthat makes any sense. What’s the question?\nDan: The word ‘robot’ as we use it today\nwas first used in a 1920’s Czech play ‘Rossum’s\nUniversal Robots’. But before this, what\nwas its original meaning? a) forced labour\nb) metal man c) heartless thing\nNeil: I will go for a) forced labour\nDan: We’ll find out if you were right or\nnot later in the show.\nNeil: OK Dan. Tell me what’s going on.\nDan: I saw a news article written by BBC technology\ncorrespondent Rory Cellan-Jones about the\nrecent CES technology show in Las Vegas. He\ninterviewed David Hanson, founder of Hanson\nRobotics, who said it was his ambition to\nachieve an AI that can beat humans at any\nintellectual task.\nNeil: Surely it’s a good thing! Better AI\nand robotics could take over many of the jobs\nthat we don’t want to do, or that are so\nimportant to get 100% right… like air traffic\ncontrol. We’d never have another plane crash.\nIt would be infallible because it would be\nso clever.\nDan: Infallible means never failing. And that’s\nwhat bothers me. What happens when its intelligence\nsurpasses ours? Why should it do what\nwe want it to do?\nNeil: To surpass something is to do or be\nbetter than it. Dan, you’ve been watching\ntoo many movies. Robots fighting humanity\nis a popular theme. Guess what… humanity\noften wins. And besides, we would programme\nthe computer to be benevolent.\nDan: Benevolent means kind and helpful. But\nthat’s just it, once the intelligence becomes\nsentient, or able to think for itself, who\nknows what it will do. We humans are not exactly\nperfect, you know. What happens if it decides\nthat it is better than us and wants us out\nof the way?\nNeil: Don’t worry. Asimov thought of that.\nIsaac Asimov was an American science fiction\nwriter who, among other things, wrote about\nrobots. He came up with three laws that every\nrobot would have to follow to stop it from\nacting against humanity. So we’re safe!\nDan: I’m not so sure. A sentient robot could\nmake up its own mind about how to interpret\nthe laws. For example, imagine if we created\nan AI system to protect all of humanity.\nNeil: Well, that’s great! No more war. No\nmore murder. No more fighting.\nDan: Do you really think that humans can stop\nfighting? What if the AI decides that the\nonly way to stop us from hurting ourselves\nand each other is to control everything we\ndo, so it takes over to protect us. Then we\nwould lose our freedom to a thing that we\ncreated that is infallible and more intelligent\nthan we are! That’s the end, Neil!\nNeil: I think that’s a little far-fetched,\nwhich means difficult to believe. I’m sure\nothers don’t think that way.\nDan: OK. Let’s hear what the Learning English\nteam say when I ask them if they are worried\nthat AI and robots could take over the world.\nPhil: Well, it’s possible, but unlikely.\nThere will come a point where our technology\nwill be limited – probably before real AI\nis achieved.\nSam: Never in a million years. First of all\nwe’d programme them so that they couldn’t,\nand secondly we’d beat them anyway. Haven’t\nyou ever seen a movie?\nKee: I totally think it could happen. We\nonly have to make a robot that’s smart enough\nto start thinking for itself. After that,\nwho knows what it might do.\nNeil: A mixed bag of opinions there, Dan.\nIt seems you aren’t alone.\nDan: Nope. But I don’t exactly have an army\nof support either. I guess we’ll just have\nto wait and see.\nNeil: Speak for yourself. I’ve waited long\nenough – for our quiz question that is.\nDan: Oh yeah! I asked you what the original\nmeaning of the word ‘robot’ was before\nit was used in its modern form. a) forced\nlabour b) metal man c) heartless thing\nNeil: And I said a) forced labour\nDan: And you were… right!\nNeil: Shall we take a look at the vocabulary then?\nDan: OK. First we had inevitable. If something\nis inevitable then it cannot be avoided or\nstopped. Can you think of something inevitable, Neil?\nNeil: It is inevitable that one day the Sun\nwill stop burning. Then we had infallible,\nwhich means never failing. Give us an example, Dan.\nDan: The vaccine for small pox is infallible.\nThe natural spread of that disease has been\ncompletely stopped. After that was surpasses.\nIf something surpasses something else then\nit becomes better than it.\nNeil: Many parents across the world hope that\ntheir children will surpass them in wealth,\nstatus or achievement. After that we heard\nbenevolent, which means kind and helpful.\nName a person famous for being benevolent, Dan.\nDan: Father Christmas is a benevolent character.\nAfter that we heard sentient. If something\nis sentient, it is able to think for itself.\nNeil: Indeed. Many people wonder about the\npossibility of sentient life on other planets.\nFinally we heard far-fetched, which means\ndifficult to believe. Like that far-fetched\nstory you told me the other day about being\nlate because of a dragon, Dan.\nDan: I swear it was real! It had big sharp\nteeth and everything!\nNeil: Yeah, yeah, yeah. And that’s the end\nof this 6 Minute English. Don’t forget to\ncheck out our Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube\npages. See you next time!\nDan: Bye!\nNeil: Bye.\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "THAD STARNER: Denise is\nthe founder and director\nof The Wild Dolphin\nProject and spent,\nI think, 32 years now\nobserving dolphins in the wild.\nShe and I have a\nresearch project,\njoint between Georgia Tech\nand The Wild Dolphin Project\nwhere we're trying to really\nlook at two-way communication\nwith wild dolphins.\nShe's going to give us an\noverview today of her work.\nAnd towards the end, I'm going\nto show you some of the stuff\nthat you all can\nget into, especially\nif you have some background\nin machine learning.\nSo thank you very much\nfor coming, Denise.\nShall we?\n[APPLAUSE]\nDENISE HERZING: It's\ngreat to be here.\nI'm glad you're all\nhere and listening.\nLike Thad said, I'm\ngoing to share with you\na little bit about our\ngeneral dolphin work,\nand how we work in the field\nand how we analyze data.\nAnd then we're going to talk\nabout our joint projects\nand see if we can\nintrigue any of you\ninto the machine learning\nworld of dolphin sounds.\nEvery 20 years,\n\"National Geographic\"\ncovers our work in the field.\nAnd a couple of years ago,\nthey did another story\nabout thinking like a dolphin.\nAnd our work was highlighted\nvery much because Thad\nand I had been working\non trying to crack\nthe code of dolphin\ncommunication\nin a couple of different ways.\nNow, the reason we really think\ndolphins have some potential,\nthey're kind of like\nprimates in the water.\nOn the upper-left,\nyou see an example\nof encephalization\nquotient, which\nis the physical measure of\nintelligence, in some ways.\nIt's a brain-to-body ratio.\nHumans have an EQ\nof about seven.\nAnd dolphins are just\nsecond to humans,\neven above the great apes.\nSo we know they have\nthe physical structure\nfor intelligence.\nThey use tools in the wild.\nThey've been known to understand\nartificially-presented\nlanguages, comprehending\nboth syntax and semantics.\nAnd they recognize\nthemselves in mirrors, which\nis no small feat, apparently.\nBut one of the big\nquestions still\nis, do they have language?\nDo any non-human\nanimals have language?\nMy particular perspective\nis that we really\nhaven't looked close enough.\nIf you're a biologist, you\ntend to suspect that animals\nare doing a lot of\ncomplex communication,\nwe just haven't cracked\nthe code because we\nhaven't had the tools.\nNow, collaboration\nwith Thad is based\non two different strategies.\nThe first is decoding the\ndolphin's natural sounds.\nSo like he was\nmentioning, we have\na 32-year underwater acoustic\nand behavioral data set,\nwhere we want to try to\ncorrelate sounds and behaviors\nand look at some of the\nreally detailed categories\nof their sounds using an\nanthropological framework.\nSo knowing their society,\nthe individuals, because it's\na small resonant group.\nAnd the second way is to\ninterface with technology\ndirectly, creating some\nkind of two-way interface\nwhere we can start exploring,\nperhaps, a mutual language\nand maybe learning back\nand forth from both\nthese strategies.\nSo first, I'm going to\ntell you a little bit\nabout the specific\ndolphins that we work with\nand how we're approaching the\ndolphin signals themselves.\nA little bit about how\nwe analyze these signals,\nsome of the challenges\nworking underwater\nwith dolphin communication.\nKeeping in mind that we\nuse computers all the time\nas biologists, and it's\na really good marriage\nand it's a really\nnecessary tool.\nSo dolphins have a lot\nof different senses.\nOf course, they're\ngreat acousticians.\nBut they also have pretty\ngood vision, especially\nas a species that\nlive in clear water.\nThey have cross-modal abilities\nbetween vision and sound.\nThey have taste.\nThey do not have smell.\nAnd they have touch.\nIn the water,\ntissue and water has\nabout the same\nacoustic impedance,\nso they can actually feel sound.\nSo this becomes another\nway they communicate.\nThis is a summary of the history\nof dolphin communication,\nusing one of Gary\nLarsen's slides,\nshowing that primarily\nwe've worked in captivity.\nWe've tried to\nlook at acoustics.\nAnd believe it or\nnot, we've been\nlooking for English,\nwhich is a little scary,\na little antiquated.\nSo here, you have the\nslide, and the scientists\nare hearing, \"habla espanol?\"\nand other Spanish phrases.\nAnd they have no idea\nwhat they're hearing,\nbut they're writing it down.\n[LAUGHTER]\nSo we've progressed, at least.\nWe want to look and see what the\ndolphins themselves are doing,\nand how they might structure\na communication system\nfor a complex aquatic society.\nSo we basically correlate\nvideo with sound.\n[VIDEO PLAYBACK]\n- Hi, I'm Cindy Rogers, and\nI'm the research assistant\nat the Wild Dolphin Project.\n- Hi, and I'm Michelle Green.\nI'm a graduate student here.\n[END PLAYBACK]\nDENISE HERZING: It's funny.\nI was thinking, when I\nwas in graduate school,\none of my teachers\ntold me there were only\na couple of people\nin the world who\ncould read a spectrogram\nfor human speech, right?\nThis is how old I am.\nNow, of course, computers do it.\nBut we use the basic\ntechnique with dolphins.\nWe take our video, we run the\naudio track that correlates--\n[DOLPHIN SOUNDS]\n--with the behavior.\nThis is some dolphin\naggression with a bite.\n[DOLPHIN SOUNDS]\nSo it's a busy place.\nThere's a lot of sounds.\nThere's a lot of\ndolphins making sounds.\nWe don't always know who's\nmaking what sound, which\nis another issue.\nOur project is in the Bahamas.\nSo here you see the\ncoast of Florida.\nAcross the Gulf Stream are\nthese shallow sandbanks\nto the Bahamas and the\ndolphins live there.\nIt's great underwater\nvisibility, which\nis why I chose to work there.\nBecause I wanted to see what\nthese animals were doing\nunderwater, not just\nlooking at the surface,\nwhich is the case in\nmost parts of the world.\nMy nonprofit had a boat\ndonated in 1992, which\nis a great ocean-going vessel.\nSo we live there for four\nto five months a year.\nWe do our work there, we\nsleep there, we cook there,\nwe analyze data out there.\nWe go where the\ndolphins are, basically.\nMy main tool is underwater\nvideo with a hydrophone,\nan underwater\nmicrophone, of course,\nsimply to correlate\nsound and behavior\nand try to get as much\ndata with that equipment.\nOur project is\npretty noninvasive.\nWe don't grab or\ntag the animals.\nWe have about 300 individuals\ntracked over the decades.\nActually, now we're on\nour fourth generation.\nSo we track that, as well.\nNow the species is actually\na quite convenient species\nto work with.\nThey're Atlantic\nspotted dolphins\nand they don't have any\nspots when they're born.\nSo here you see a\nmother, fully grown.\nShe's 35 years old here.\nAnd we use classic\nID techniques.\nWe look at dorsal fin nicks and\nnotches, which most people use\nfrom surface work.\nBut because we\nwork underwater, we\ncan also look at\nfull body marks.\nBecause there are\nspots, we track\ntheir spots, which are kind of\nlike constellations of stars.\nSo we do this ID\nwork every summer\nbecause they gain\nspots with age.\nSo we actually know all our\ndolphins and most of which\nwere born certain years.\nWe kind of take\nthe broad overview,\nthe anthropological framework.\nSo we sex our dolphins because,\nagain, we're in the water.\nAnd if you want a\nlittle take home\ntidbit to tell your kids\nor your significant others,\nyou can tell them you now know\nthat to sex a female dolphin,\nyou look at the mammary\nslits on the underside.\nBecause of course,\nthey nurse their young.\nWe know their\nreproductive status.\nThey're pregnant\nfor about a year.\nThey'll have three to four\nyears in between having calves.\nWe know the females\nassociate with each other\nby reproductive status.\nSo if some are pregnant,\nthey'll hang out\nwith other pregnant dolphins.\nAnd the males have\nlifelong friendships\nthat are formed when\nthey're juveniles.\nAnd their job is not only\ntry to mate with females,\nbut to protect the group\nand try to scout out\nsharks and that sort of thing.\nSo we understand the\nsociety a fair amount,\nso have a lot of metadata around\nour acoustic data, as well.\nAnd we do know some things\nabout dolphin sounds.\nWe know they make\nwhistles, specifically\nsignature whistles, which\nare actually [? main. ?]\n[DOLPHIN SOUNDS]\nSo these are long distance\ncommunication signals\nthat go three to five miles\nin the water, for example.\nThey make burst\npulses, which are--\n[DOLPHINS CHIRPING]\n--very funny sounding sounds.\nVery hard to categorize.\nBut they're very social.\nThis is probably the most\ncommon type of dolphin sound\nand the least studied.\n[DOLPHINS CLICKING]\nWe have echolocation clicks,\nwhich of course we know\na lot about from Navy work.\nAnd then we have compressed\necholocation clicks which\nwe call \"buzzes,\" and these are\nsocial sounds, unlike clicks\nfor navigation.\n[DOLPHINS BUZZING]\nAnd these buzzes are used\nin courtship and discipline.\nSo we have some\nbasic correlations\nabout what sounds they\nmake with gross behaviors.\nBut what we'd really like\nto do is look at the greater\ncomplexity potential.\nNow, dolphin research\nis always about 20,\n25 years behind\nterrestrial research.\nFor example, we've\nknown since 1992\nthat vervet monkeys use\ndifferent kinds of alarm\ncalls to communicate that\ndifferent kinds of predators\nare coming.\nSo very specific, there's eagle\ncoming or a leopard coming,\nso their kin can take\nthe appropriate action.\nSome fantastic work\nwith prairie dogs\nthat really shows the complexity\nof the kind of information\nthat can be encoded in\na very short alarm call,\nincluding things like a human\nwith a yellow shirt on walking\nacross a field with a gun,\nor not a gun, et cetera,\net cetera.\nSo there's a lot of things\nthese animals are doing.\nAnd you can imagine a scenario\nwhere a dolphin would be pretty\nhandy if you could communicate\nwhether the hammerhead shark\nwas coming towards\nyou, or a tiger\nshark, or a great white shark.\nIt might really determine\nif you survive or not.\nAgain, we suspect there's\na lot of information\nthere that we don't know about.\nThe big question with\ndolphin sounds, at least--\nand all animal communication,\nfor that matter--\nare the signals\nreferential, meaning\nthey refer to something,\nthey label something,\nlike a name or word for an\nobject, or are they graded?\nDo the sounds run\ninto each other?\nDo they just show things like\nincreasing intensity of sound?\nIf I'm going to talk\nreally loud or really fast,\nthat would be kind of a graded\nsystem versus a discreet word\nor referential signal.\nSo this is one really big\ndebate in animal communication.\nAnd dolphins have\nboth types of signals.\nWe know signature whistles,\nfor example, their names,\nare technically a\nreferential signal.\nThey can call each\nother and they\ncan broadcast their own name.\nBut is it language?\nAnd this is where we really fall\nshort in our tools to look at,\nis there more complexity\nin the order, structure,\npotential grammar,\nof their sounds?\nNow, dolphin communication\nis also very complicated\nfor the researcher because\nthey're really good at what\nthey do, acoustically.\nThey have a pretty neat\nsystem for creating sound\nand receiving sound.\nProbably the big message here\nis they're very directional,\nso they send out very\nhigh frequency signals,\nup to 240 kilohertz.\nHigh frequency out this\nway, low frequencies\ndrop off to the side.\nAnd they receive the sound\nthrough their lower jaw,\nthrough a fatty organ.\nThey don't have external\nears like we do.\nSame thing, they receive\nsound directionally.\nAnd to make it more\ncomplicated for the researcher,\nif you want to get\na head on signal\nand get the full high\nfrequency, the dolphins\ncan internally steer\ntheir sound 20 degrees off\nand you would have no physical\nsignal that they're doing that.\nSo it's a little challenging\nto get ahead on signal.\nSo when you're trying to\nlocalize a vocalizer--\nand you see on the\nright side of the screen\nhere a four hydrophone array\nthat helps us triangulate\nwho's making sounds.\nAnd this technology,\nactually, we're\njust starting to incorporate\nwith some new equipment.\nSo lots of times\nwe don't even know\nwho's making the sound\nin these big groups,\nso very challenging\nfor the data.\nAgain, collecting ultrasounds\nhas been pretty recent,\nat least in our work.\nOn the lower left\nyou see an example\nof the spectrogram, the whistle\nthat you've been hearing.\nAnd the full picture\nis the ultrasound\nabove about 110 kilohertz.\nAnd hopefully, you\ncan see on the far\nright there are\nsome harmonics that\nnow start showing up\nin this high frequency\nsound spectrogram.\nYou see places where\nthe clicks go broadband.\nWe always knew that, we just\ndidn't have the equipment\nto record it.\nAnd you see some places where\nthe narrow-band signal wouldn't\neven be recognized.\nThere's no information\non the narrow-band,\nbut there's information\nin the high-band.\nNow, historically, we've used\na lot of different techniques,\nand whistles have been\nfairly well studied.\nPrimarily, and I hate to say it,\nbut they're easiest to measure,\nright?\nWe can measure contours, we're\npretty good at visual pattern\nrecognition.\nHere, you see examples of\nfour signature whistles\nfrom different dolphins.\nAnd you can tell\nthey're quite different.\nYou can imagine that dolphins\ncan tell that, as well.\nAnd we can measure\ntheir basic parameters.\nEarly on, we also\nused neural nets.\nIf we had enough samples to\ntrain a computer to tell us\nif two signature whistles-- the\nred and the green, as you see--\nare really different\nor the same.\nIf the computer had problems\nseparating them or not\nseparating them.\nAnd that would give us\na quantitative index\nof how different they were.\nFor example, between a mother\nand a calf or two juveniles\nSo these are tools we have\nused, very custom program tools.\nNow, these are signature\nwhistles from a mom and a calf.\nGemini is the mom.\n[DOLPHIN SOUNDS]\nAnd Geo is her son.\n[DOLPHIN SOUNDS]\nAnd what we discovered when we\nwere doing our neural network\nis that some of these\nsignals were very messy.\nThey were just sloppy\nand we couldn't track\nthe contours of the whistle.\nSo we had to throw them\nout of our data sets\nfor the neural network, which\nwas not really OK because we\nreally wanted to measure\nall the whistles of all\nthe mother-calf pairs,\nthat sort of thing.\nNow, with some of\nthese new programs,\nit'll actually extract these\npatterns in a different way\nand allow us to\ncode these signals.\nSo neural nets were\ngreat for a while,\nbut they didn't get us very far.\nSo the process we\nreally go through\nis, because we have underwater\nvideo and we have sound,\nwe use a program\ncalled Observer,\nwhich is a behavioral\ncoding software\nfor behavioral biologists.\nAnd we basically\ntake a time line\nand we will code\nour body postures.\nFor example, you might see a\nhead-to-head, a little peck\nrubbing, another head-to-head.\nCourtship, a little\ncourtship behavior,\nand another reunion,\nor peck-to-peck.\nSo we'll code that\non a timeline.\nAnd then simultaneously,\nwe'll take our sounds--\nand you saw a little bit\nof this in the video--\nand we'll walk through\nour vocalizations.\nAnd we'll code them\nin very generic terms.\nSo here, we might see a scream.\nHere, we have a\nsignature whistle.\nNow we have a buzz.\nThen we have some other\nreally messy kinds of sounds.\nWe don't know how\nto categorize those.\nOne of our main impetuses for\nconnecting with Thad's group\nwas to really help us get at\nthese categories of sound,\nspecifically burst pulses, to\nhelp categorize things that we\nhuman beings aren't very\ngood at, apparently.\nAgain, match this with\nbehavior, and then\nlook for some structure and\norder to really take a look at,\nare there really any\ngrammatical rules?\nIs there structure?\nIs anything akin to\nlanguage or partially\nakin to human phonemes?\nfor example.\nHere are three spectrograms.\nTwo are humans and\none is a dolphin.\nTake a quick guess\nwhich is which.\nYou guys are experts.\nI bet you're all going\nto get this right.\nThe top one is not a dolphin.\nThat's a human speaking,\nas is the bottom one.\nSo the middle one are\ndolphin burst pulse sounds.\n[DOLPHIN SOUNDS]\nAnd you can see they look\na little bit like phonemes.\nWe're not saying they are.\nBut these are the\nstructures we're\nused to looking at\nand analyzing, right?\nI know my computer can\nrecognize my voice.\nBut again, is it language?\nWe don't know.\nThis is one way to\nstart looking at it.\nIt's not the only\nway because you still\nhave to understand the function\nand meaning of \"words,\"\nif they're there.\nBut we really want to take\na look at it now that we\nhave some potential tools.\nFor example, one\nthing that we started\nwith, with the Georgia\nTech work, was just asking,\nis a whistle just one unit?\nThat's the way we've\nalways approached it\nas dolphin researchers.\nBut in fact, could it\nbe parts of whistles\nthat are recombined?\nAnd of course, this\nis critical if you're\nlooking at language, right?\nWe recombine phonemes\nto make different words\nin different orders.\nSo some of these tools\nare being applied.\nThrough Thad, there is\nsome dynamic time warping\nthat's been applied\nwith other researchers.\nBut we're pretty excited\nabout these tools.\nI'm going to let Thad jump in\nhere and talk about the tool.\nTHAD STARNER: So this is\na tool called [? Ohura, ?]\nwhich is something we've\nmade at Georgia Tech.\nThis is Daniel Kohlsdorf's\nPhD dissertation,\nfor those of you who are\ninto machine learning,\nyou can go look it up in Georgia\nTech's dissertation database.\nIn particular, we have\nthe spectrogram up here,\nwe have about 40\nfeatures here that\nare learned features as being\ndistinct in the database.\nBasically looking\nat convolutions,\nsee where those features\nare in the spectrogram.\nFrom those we try to look\nfor repeating time series,\nand that's these patterns here.\nSo you take in raw audio,\nlook for the areas that\nhave dolphin\nvocalization in them,\ntry to find these features,\nand then, from those features,\nlook to see how they recur\nin time and get a motif.\nThen you look to see where\nall those motifs are in time\nand make sure they look\nreasonable on the system.\nFrom that, we then\ntake this code book\nand try to explain as much\nof the audio as we can.\nSo you're just trying to\nbasically reduce this thing\nto a series of strings.\nThat data reduction really\nhelps us move much more quickly\nin trying to find\nrepeated patterns.\nAnd from these repeated\nmotifs, and labeling them,\nwe start find things\nthat, it turns out,\nare regular expressions.\nSo we just look at how\nthese things reoccur.\nAnd to our surprise,\nregular expressions\nturn out to be one of the most\npredictive things for behavior\nthat we know that Denise\nhas observed in the wild.\nWhat we did is took\nher 2012 field season,\ntook the first half of\nit, trained up a system.\nSo this is unsupervised\nlearning where we got the motifs\nand got the regular expressions.\nAnd we tried bag of--\nfor the machine learning\npeople now for a second--\ntried bag of words,\nbag of grammars,\nand bag of regular expressions.\nIt turns out, the\nmost predictive thing\nfor the behaviors were bag\nof regular expressions.\nSo what we looked at\nis the second half\nof her 2012 database and\nlooked at the behavior\nshe tagged visually.\nSo she actually saw\nforaging behavior,\nshe actually saw aggression,\nmother-calf reunion, or play.\nGiven that, we then\nsay OK, what sort\nof motifs, what sort\nof regular expressions\nare affiliated with\nthese different types\nof visual behavior?\nCan we actually see a\ncorrelation with them\nacoustically?\nThe answer is yes.\nAnd the correlation\nwithin class is very high.\nCorrelation across\nclass is very low.\nThis is excellent news\nfor us because it now\nstarts telling us\nthat yes, there\nis some stuff here\nthat is discriminative\nin the acoustic environment.\nNow the question is, how can\nyou do this on a bigger scale?\nDoing this sort of\nstuff takes days\nof computer power for a\nrelatively small data set.\n[DOLPHIN SCREECHES]\nDENISE HERZING: So these\nare bottlenose dolphins\nnow very coordinated and\nsynchronized in the sounds.\nAnd I'll let you just\nhear it for a second.\n[DOLPHIN SCREECHES]\nTwo diads of male dolphins\nbasically competing.\nAnd you can hear them\nsynchronizing their sounds\nand see them orient\nin a second here.\n[DOLPHIN SCREECHES]\nWhat are they saying?\nSo what we basically\nwant the computer to do\nis to help us automate\ncategorizing and coding\nthese sounds, as the\nvideo section you just\nsaw so we're not manually\ngoing through it all the time,\nand build a larger database.\nTHAD STARNER: So the system\nthat we showed before\nfrom Daniel Kohlsdorf's\ndissertation\nis quite power hungry.\nIt takes a lot of computations.\nIt's looking at a lot of the\nspectrogram at the same time.\nAnd so it's something that has\nsome problems being paralyzed,\nthough we can do it-- certainly\ncan do a lot with a bigger iron\nout there.\nBut we're hoping now to make\nsome things a little faster.\nSo that's what we'll\nbe showing you next.\nSo I'll let you, again, actually\nlisten to this for a second.\n[DOLPHIN SOUNDS]\nDENISE HERZING: These are\nspotted dolphins, now.\nThis is aggression,\ntypical spotted aggression.\n[DOLPHIN SOUNDS]\nTHAD STARNER: And now this is a\nnew tool, where we're actually\ndoing something similar\nto the Shazam algorithm,\nfor those who are\nfamiliar with that.\nWe're looking at\nthe spectrogram as\nif it's a computer\nvision problem,\nlooking for areas of interest.\nAnd then we're starting to look\nat these patterns through time.\nNow the problem\nis before, we were\nlooking at the distribution\nof these things\nand how they change.\nNow we're looking for something\nvery simple, which is just\nthe majority of the\nregions of interest,\nare they increasing in frequency\nor decreasing in frequency?\nAnd that's what\nthis is down here.\nAnd it turns out\nthat's sufficient.\nJosh got an initial\nannotation of what's going on.\nSo you can see here\nthat it's labeling.\nThe red dots are the features.\nThis is the general,\nmain feature\nwe're using the cluster on.\nYou see at the top we have\nJE, then ED, EJD, EJE.\nAnd later on, you can see\nthe EJE as a combined thing.\nSo at the top is basically\nthe individual motifs.\nThe ones that are\ncombined together,\nthose are starting to be the\nregular expressions we're\nseeing.\nAnd this is brand new stuff.\nThis just came out this month.\nWe're trying to get this so\nthat Denise can sit there\nand say, OK, I'm going\nto load in this database.\nAnd in, say, minutes,\nas opposed to days,\nget back some initial\nresults and be\nable to figure out where to\nthrow more attention, more\ncomputational power on.\nHopefully, we're\ngoing to continue\nto develop this and make this a\nlittle bit more sophisticated.\nBut it allows her to really\ntune the parameters a bit\nand see where our best\nbets are for future work.\nDENISE HERZING:\nFor example, you're\ngoing to hear\nsynchronized squawks.\n[DOLPHINS SQUAWKING]\nThese are adult dolphins.\nNow you're going\nto hear juveniles.\n[DOLPHINS SQUAWKING]\nThey're trying to\nsynchronize their squawks.\nThis is something\nthey learn over time.\nAnd we're hoping these\ntools will help us pull out\nof our data the specific\ncategories in order of sound,\nso we can differentiate and look\nat the process, for example,\nof development of\nvocal use in dolphins.\nNow, the second way we've been\ninterfacing as researchers\nis to look at,\ncan we incorporate\nsome underwater computer\ntechnology, real time,\nto try to look at\ndolphin communication?\nAnd we ask the question, is it\npossible to directly, real-time\ncommunicate with\nanother species?\nWell, in the\nBahamas, we actually\nhave two species of dolphins.\nBottlenose dolphins\nyou see here.\nThey are about three feet\nlarger than the spotteds.\nBut they interact\non a regular basis.\nThey forge together sometimes.\nThey babysit each other's young,\ninter-species babysitting.\nThere's some dominance\ndynamics between the males\nof both species, but they'll\nform temporary alliances\nwhen we get another\nintruder in, like a shark\nor an unknown\nbottlenose, for example.\nSo they're already\ncommunicating with each other\nto a certain extent.\nWe've been trying to look\nat that to pick apart\nhow much they understand,\nperhaps, of each other's sounds\nand/or behavior.\nBut if we look at\nthe rest of nature,\nother species are actually\ndecoding each other already.\nWe just aren't in that circle.\nSo we have sentinel\nwarning calls\nthat are used between species\nwith birds and monkeys.\nNow, with cetaceans--\nwith whales and dolphins--\nwe have a couple\ninteresting examples\nwhere they're not just\nlistening and taking advantage\nof knowing an alarm call\nfrom another species.\nWhen they get together\nwith each other,\nthey actually create a short,\nit's not a mutual language,\nbut they use mutual signals.\nSo it appears to be easier,\nat least for whale and dolphin\nspecies, to agree on some sounds\nthey use when they're together\nversus their own\ncommunication system, which\nis pretty interesting.\nI always thought maybe the way\nto go is to just decode them.\nBut if you're trying\nto communicate\nwith another species, maybe\nyou have to spend the time.\nAnd maybe it's not\nculturally possible to learn\nthe intricacies of a non-human\nanimal communication system.\nSo that's the\napproach we're taking.\nWhat started happening in the\nBahamas, we work non-invasively\nand we try to do\nbehavioral observations,\nbut the dolphins are\noften interactive\nwith us because we're right\nin the water with them,\nwe're close, we know them.\nAnd they started doing things\nlike mimicking our postures.\n[LAUGHTER]\nGoofy things like, oh, gosh.\nOne time we had--\nI'll never forget this--\na swimmer who was\ntrying to do a dolphin\nkick, you know the\ndolphin kick in the water?\nAnd then the dolphin was\nbehind a swimmer going--\n[LAUGHTER]\nJust spazzing out because he\nwas not a good dolphin kicker.\nSo they have some\nfunny sense of mimicry\nbecause that's what they do\nwith each other all the time.\nAnd sometimes they would,\nwhat I would call try\nto acoustically mimic us, too.\nAnd we kept thinking, God, maybe\nwe should really create a tool.\nI mean, it's a pretty unique\nsituation in the world.\nThese dolphins have\ntime, they're safe,\nthey're pretty friendly, and\nthey seem interested in humans.\nNow, we have plenty of other\nexamples, scientifically,\nof interfaces that have been\ncreated with other species.\nOne of the best\nknown, of course,\nis the work with Kanzi\nby Sue Savage-Rumbaugh,\nwho, over many decades and\nmany different types of work,\ndesigned a keyboard so\nKanzi could interface.\nAnd they could go\nout in the woods\nand talk about things and\nshare ideas and thoughts.\nProbably the most\ntechnically advanced\ndolphin-human interface actually\nhappened at the Epcot Center\nin Orlando, Florida.\nIt was actually an\nunderwater keyboard\nthat was created so dolphins\nand humans could both use it.\nYou basically either stuck\nyour hand, if you were human,\nor your beak, if you were a\ndolphin, into a hole which\nbroke an infrared beam which\ntriggered a word in English\nor a whistle in dolphin.\nAnd then the dolphin could go\nand say, let's go to the reef\nand get a fish, or the\nhuman could do that.\nBut it turns out we humans\nwere really slow in the water,\nso the dolphins would make\na command for the humans\nand go over and they'd wait\nand they'd wait for the humans\nto get there.\n[LAUGHTER]\nSo part of the\nproblem is they're\nso fast, acoustically and\nphysically, in the water.\nSo they had a pretty good\nresults, no big breakthroughs,\nbut it was really\nthe first example.\nAnd there have been,\nhistorically, other people\nthat have developed\nkeyboards for dolphins,\nbut this is really the first\ntrue underwater keyboard.\nSo we worked with them\nfor a while on our ideas.\nAnd our original\nvision was, well,\nwe're out there on the boat,\nwe have computers on the boat.\nLet's put a keyboard\nunder the water.\nWe'll have the diver\nwork with the dolphins,\nexplore the keyboard together.\nWell, we found\nout pretty quickly\nthat the dolphins have a lot\nbetter things to do in the wild\nthan sit at the boat\nand press a keyboard.\nA fish goes by,\nthey're out of there.\nSo we quickly created\na portable keyboard\nwe could push through the\nwater, because we're often\nswimming hard to keep up with\nthem to see what they're doing.\nAnd it was a visual keyboard\nwith a little acoustic sound\nthat was correlated\nwith a specific signal.\nI think this should play.\nThis is the whistle for scarf.\n[WHISTLE SOUND]\nThere it is.\nSo the idea was, we labeled four\nsimple objects with whistles\nthat they could mimic\nbut that were outside\nof their normal repertoire.\nBecause we didn't\nwant to say something\ninappropriate because we\ndidn't know their language.\n[LAUGHTER]\nLike, Your mother does\nsomething with blowfish.\nI don't know.\nOr pufferfish.\nThey do, actually.\nThey get high chewing on\npufferfish, did you know that?\n[LAUGHTER]\nTHAD STARNER: Really?\nDENISE HERZING: They do.\nYeah.\nThere was some great footage on\nthe internet not too long ago.\nYeah, they pass\naround the pufferfish\nand they have the--\nyou know the fugu,\nthe drug from the liver\nof the pufferfish?\nSo every animal has--\nTHAD STARNER: So poison.\nThey get high off the poison.\nReally?\nDENISE HERZING: Yeah,\njust enough to get high.\n[LAUGHTER]\nTHAD STARNER: Things\nyou never tell me.\nDENISE HERZING: Sorry,\nI just thought of it.\nI was trying to make a joke.\nAnyway, sorry about that.\nWe labeled these\nfour objects-- scarf,\nrope-- things that we, as\nhumans, bring in the water\nand they like to play\nwith and drag around.\nSargassum, which is a seaweed\nthey play around with.\nAnd then a bow ride, which\nis really high motivation\nbecause they like bow rides.\nSo we had this system.\nIt was pretty archaic,\nthis was in the late '90s.\nAnd they were interested,\nbut they couldn't really\ntrigger the system\nwith their sound\nand we couldn't do any real\ntime sound recognition,\nso it was really\nnot good enough.\nSo we said, let's just wait.\nWe'll find some computer\ngeniuses to help us out.\nSo Thad actually came\nto my lab originally\nto try to decode the\ndolphin natural sounds using\nsome of his tools.\nTHAD STARNER: And then I\nmade the mistake of saying,\noh, we can make your\nkeyboard for you.\nIt'll only take a semester.\nFive years later--\n[LAUGHTER]\n--we actually have a\nsystem that we field.\nWe're doing this\nevery summer now.\nOur most modern one is a stereo,\n192-kilohertz sampling system.\nWe can produce these\nwhistles in the water.\nWe can also listen\nfor them, as well.\nWe're finally in the stage\nwhere we have GPUs in this thing\nso that we can do\nconvolutional filters\nand start picking up stuff at\nany frequency they do it at.\nOne of the biggest problems with\nthis box is, believe or not,\nthe speaker.\nIt turns out it's very hard to\nget enough power in the water\nto actually communicate.\nWhenever you see\nthe Navy do this,\nthey have a hydrophone in the\nwater with a big amplifier\nhooked up to a big generator and\nthey're pushing 200 watts in.\nWe can't exactly put 200 watts\ninto a chest mounted box.\nSo we've been making\nour own custom speakers.\nYes, I am a speaker\nmanufacturer.\nYou don't want my speakers,\nthough, because they really\ndo not have very good response.\nBut they're very good\nat certain narrow bands.\nAnd we can send\nout these things.\nWhile the dolphins can\ncommunicate at three miles,\nwe're working on our\nsignals to work at 60 feet.\nSo now that we're\nactually successful,\nwe can actually get\nthese things in the water\nwith enough computational\npower and enough sound power\nto actually do two-way\ncommunication work.\nAnd I'll let Denise\ntell you what\nwe're trying to do with it.\nDENISE HERZING: So the system,\nbasically, as you see it--\nthere's the box with the\ncomputer, two hydrophones\nto receive the sound,\nspeakers to play the sound,\nand then the\noperator has a keypad\nwith the pre-programmed\nsounds in it.\nHere you see pictures of\nus getting our boxes on\nto go in the water.\nWe actually practice in\nthe water with the boxes\nwithout the dolphins\nbecause we want\nto be ready for how\nthey try to mess us up\nwhen we're trying to\ndo things with them.\nAnd the whole system\nhere is designed\non modeling that\ncommunication system.\nBecause the only thing that\nhas worked with other species--\nprimates, Irene Pepperberg's\nwork with birds--\nis the idea that you want\nto show the species how\nto use the system.\nIt's like how your kids are\nexposed to human communication\nas they're growing up, right?\nThey see you going to the\nrefrigerator for milk,\nyou talk about milk,\nyou offer them milk.\nIt's the same idea.\nYou don't throw the species\nin there and go, OK, perform.\nDo what we want you to do.\nSo if my colleague, Adam,\nwants to get the scarf from me\nin the water, he has\nto use this keyboard.\nHe has to ask for scarf, he\nhas to come over and get it,\nand then we exchange it.\nSo we practice that.\nWe usually put a third\nperson in to be a dolphin\nand try to mess us up and\nask for things we don't have\nand that sort of thing.\nSo we learn how to\nrespond appropriately.\nAnd then when the\ndolphins come around,\nwe have small time frames--\nI call them windows\nof opportunity--\nwhere they aren't doing\ntheir normal behavior,\nthey're there to play,\nthey're ready to engage.\nAnd we just try to tap\ninto those moments.\nAnd we can be in the water\nan hour, two hours sometimes\nwith them, where we're\nexchanging these toys\nand playing sound and\nhaving them see the system.\nSo the idea is diver A and\ndiver B have a box on it\nwith a computer.\nDiver A can play\nthe scarf whistle\nso that diver B is going\nto hear it as a word.\nWe wear these\nbone-conducting earphones.\nSo diver B would\nhear it as a scarf.\nThe dolphin would\nhear it as a whistle.\nOr diver B could play a\nsound, a sargassum whistle.\nSame thing.\nDiver A hears it\nas an English word\nso they're sure what went out.\nThe dolphin will hear it\nas a different whistle.\nAnd then the hope\nis that the dolphins\nwill mimic the whistle.\nAnd then diver A\nand diver B would\nbe notified in the earphone\nthat that whistle was made,\nsargassum or scarf.\nAnd then the appropriate toy\nwould be given to the dolphin\nand we'd swim off\ninto the sunset\ntogether, playing our toys.\nSo it's a simple\nsystem, but dolphins\ncan mimic sounds really well.\nBut to get them to understand\nthe function of a sound\nis a whole other level.\nSo it's all about exposure,\nrepeating the sound to them,\nshowing them how it's used,\nso that if they want the toy,\nthey could ask us for the toy.\nFor example, in the system we\nhave our own signature whistles\nmade, so we have names.\nSo I have a Denise\nwhistle, for example.\nWe also have some of\nthe dolphin's names\nin the computer.\nBecause we have a very\nsmall subset of dolphins\nthat work with us\non a regular basis.\nSo we have their signature\nwhistles in the computer\nso if they come\nup, we can actually\ngreet them with\ntheir name, which is\nwhat they do with each other.\nAnd then we can engage\nin this behavior.\nSo it's a potential tool.\nThis is actually some\nunderwater video of the work.\n[WATER SLOSHING]\nDENISE HERZING: So there's\ntwo people in the water,\nboth with boxes.\nI've got the yellow scarf.\nTHAD STARNER: They\ncan't hear you when it--\nDENISE HERZING: Yeah, sorry.\nI've got the yellow scarf.\n[DOLPHIN SOUNDS]\nWe've just labeled\nit for the dolphins.\n[DOLPHIN SOUNDS]\nI've just asked for the\nscarf using the whistle.\nThen he gives me the scarf.\nNow I'm going to offer\nit to the dolphins.\n[DOLPHIN SOUNDS]\nI'm going to label\nit as I offer it.\n[DOLPHIN SOUNDS]\nAnd then we try to\nget the scarf back.\n[LAUGHTER]\nWhich we don't always.\nTHAD STARNER: She\nloses a lot of scarves.\nDENISE HERZING: But\nit's interesting.\nJust last year-- we try to\nask for the scarf back, too.\nAnd every once in a\nwhile, they'll drop it\nand so we're hopeful that\nthey're maybe understanding\nthat I've asked for the scarf,\nnot sargassum or the rope, et\ncetera.\nSo this year, we're going\nto have the new computers.\nThe great thing about\nthis next summer\nis that we finally have data\nfor what the dolphins have\nbeen trying to do with us.\nFor example, they've been trying\nto mimic these whistles in ways\nthat the computer wasn't\nset up to recognize.\nFor example, they'll put little\nadditions to our whistle on it.\nOr they're doing some\nhigh frequency stuff\nthat the computer's\nnot recognizing.\nBut now we're going to--\nTHAD STARNER: One of\nour biggest problems\nwas that we were sampling\nat 22 kilohertz at first.\nBecause normally we're\nbetween 7 and 10.\nBut it turns out that when\nwe went back and looked,\nthere was some\nevidence of mimicry\nat double the frequency.\nAnd we just simply didn't have\na computer board fast enough\nto deal with it.\nAnd it was not until this\nyear that we actually\nhave a GPU-based system\nwhere we can actually\nlook for the same pattern no\nmatter what frequency it's at.\nWe know that they can produce\nwhistles much higher than we\nwere looking at before.\nBut now we should\nbe able to cover\nthe whole range of whistles.\nNot the whole range\nof burst pulse,\nbut the whole range\nof whistles, and be\nable to process\nthat in real time.\nDENISE HERZING: And to know\nwhat they're trying to do\nis really helpful.\nSo now we can react\nmore in human time.\nSo the whole idea\nof this system is\nto empower the dolphins to\ncommunicate with us, so we're\nnot just giving them\norders or commands,\nand to see how far it'll go.\nAnd the hope is that,\nwith the decoding software\nof their natural sounds, we\ncan eventually figure out\nsome motifs or patterns.\nWe can loop back into\nthe two-way system\nand see if we can use\nmore of their signals\nin the system than our\nartificially-created whistles.\nSo breaking the\ncommunication barrier\nof humans and other animals--\nit's a pretty\ninteresting concept.\nWe haven't really tried\nit on a grand scale.\nCan machine learning help?\nI'm pretty convinced,\nafter working with dolphins\nand these sounds\nfor 30-plus years,\nthat you guys our only hope.\nWe really need\nthese power tools.\nAnd we need the\nexpertise that you've all\ndone in your various fields for\njust recognizing human speech,\nin many ways.\nAnd I really think that's\ngoing to help us really\ncrack the code with a lot\nof other animals, not just\ndolphins.\nBut the tools will\nreally be applicable,\nI think, across disciplines.\nTHAD STARNER: And that's\none of the things that--\nthose of you who do machine\nlearning, part of the problem\nis just getting good data sets.\nWell, Denise has 32 years of it.\nWe're slowly getting it to the\nstage where it's cleaned enough\nthat machine learning techniques\ncan really be used on it.\nReally understanding\nit well enough\nthat we can figure out\nwhen there is dolphin\nvocalization when there is not.\nWe really think that these\nmachine learning techniques\ncan help, which we've\ndone a first pass at,\nwhihc is really\nshowing some promise.\nHowever, one of the big\nproblems is simply resources.\nWe need more smart people\nto look at this data set\nand to try different methods.\nThe method that we're\nusing, those of you\nwho are familiar with the\nmachine learning approaches\nhere, it's sort of a\ndifferent take on it.\nAnd so what we really want to\ndo is get a little team together\nand see if we can get\nsome progress here\nin the next couple of years.\nDENISE HERZING: Yeah.\nSo we're trying to put\nworking groups together.\nIf you want to help\nsupport our regular work,\nplease go to our website,\nWildDolphinProject.org.\nWe have memberships, we\nhave the chat society.\nTHAD STARNER: And there's\nalso some small projects\nout there at Inner\nSpeech, for those of you\nwho go to that conference.\nSome specializes in\nanimal-computer interaction.\nThere is also an animal-computer\ninteraction conference\nthat's now part of ACM\nthat has a yearly meeting.\nIt's now starting to get a small\ncoterie of researchers that\nare not just looking at\nmarine mammals, but also birds\nand primates and all\nsorts of animals,\nseeing if we can come upon some\ncommon tools and common methods\nto go forward and see\nif we really can crack\nthis code of what\nthese animals are\ndoing with their communication.\nDENISE HERZING: Great.\nTHAD STARNER: So\nthank you very much.\nI'll run around\nwith a microphone\nand take any questions.\nThank you.\n[APPLAUSE]\nAUDIENCE: Thank you, that\nwas really interesting.\nDo you have any idea what\nthe dolphins think of you?\nAre they there for play?\nWhat are they maybe\ntrying to communicate?\nDo you have any idea?\nTHAD STARNER: It's a\nreally unique situation\nbecause they have, I\nwon't say an easy life,\nbut they have a\nwell-resourced life.\nSo they have fish, they don't\nhave a lot of predators,\nthere's not a lot\nof human impact.\nSo they have time to\nplay with each other\nand apparently humans,\nwhen we're there.\nI don't know.\nI don't know what\nthey think of us.\nI think they think we're\nfunny in the water.\nI think they think\nwe provide bow\nrides and some\ninteresting entertainment.\nBut I really think intelligence\nseeks intelligence.\nAnd I think they\nreally recognize\nanother species of\ninterest, like they\ndo with the bottlenose who are\nout there and other species.\nTHAD STARNER: I think\nthey make fun of me.\nDENISE HERZING: Well,\nthat's for sure.\nTHAD STARNER: I am not\na very strong swimmer.\nOne day I was out\nthere with Denise\nand got some water in my mask,\nso I was doing mask clearing.\nI was just floundering\naround and they all\nignored her and\ncame and circled me\nand just all stood the same\nway I'm standing in the water\ngoing, are you dying?\nCan we watch?\n[LAUGHTER]\nDENISE HERZING: I'm surprised\nthey didn't drag you back\nto the boat.\nWe've actually had them\nhelp a struggling swimmer\nbefore, like escort\nthem back to the boat\nbecause they recognize that.\nTHAD STARNER: There's\ndefinitely a sense of play.\nDENISE HERZING: Yeah.\nSo we'll see.\nI'd like to know.\nAUDIENCE: I want\nto thank you very\nmuch for the wonderful talk,\na very interesting project.\nI have a question for you\nand also a question for Thad.\nYou said your research\ndoes not require\nattaching any physical\nthings to the dolphins.\nSo when you acquire\nthe data, you\nare always at some close\nproximity to the dolphins.\nSo how do you know that the data\nthat you have is all they're\nsaying?\nAnd also a question to Thad.\nThe approach that\nyou used to cluster\nall of these [INAUDIBLE]\nexpressions, one idea\nwould be to just run\nit on a human voice\nand see whether it\ncan find out patterns\nin what people are saying.\nTHAD STARNER: Want to go first?\nDENISE HERZING: Yeah, sure.\nAUDIENCE: Thank you.\nDENISE HERZING: Yeah.\nWe're in the water,\nwe're in close proximity.\nIt's pretty hard to\nbuild a dolphin blind.\nAnd we've tried sticking\na camera over a boat.\nBut we feel that if they\nare habituated to us\nand we're not grabbing\nthem and poking them,\nthey basically start\nbehaving and we\ntry to record their behavior.\nNow, it's most likely that we're\nnot recording everything they\nsay, absolutely.\nAnd we've toyed\nwith doing things\nlike putting passive\nacoustic devices down\non the sea floor, which\nis only 20, 40 feet deep,\njust to record when\nwe're not there.\nBut they move around a lot\nso it's a little challenging.\nWe've thought about\nbuilding some kind of drone.\nI'd love to do an\nunderwater remora that\ncould attach to them and\njust go with them when\nwe can't and record sounds.\nYou can do that kind\nof stuff now, right?\nSo that'd be pretty cool.\nSo yeah I'm sure\nthere's things they're\nsaying that we haven't heard.\nTHAD STARNER: And the\nsound is directional, too.\nThey can actually select one\nperson, like in this audience,\nand the other people\ncan't hear it.\nSo they can be very directional\nwith their high frequency\nstuff.\nSo, yes, we're missing stuff.\nWe know we're missing stuff.\nHopefully, this two-way work--\nand you can hear\nthem in the water,\ntoo, because you get\nlower frequency stuff.\nSo you kind of know when\nthey're aiming at you.\nBut yeah, it's a problem.\nWe're just hoping to\nget enough data that we\ncan deal with that issue.\nNow, as far as running it\non human language, we have.\nWe ran it on sign\nlanguage, actually.\nAnd a data set that I made\nas part of my master's thesis\nback in the mid '90s.\nIt actually finds half those\nsigns from the video features.\nWe've done it more recently with\nconnect data for sign language,\nwhich does the same thing.\nWe're doing it on\nsynthetic speech.\nWe're doing it on MIT's\nOpenCourseWare lectures,\nthe TIMIT data set, OCR.\nA lot of things where we\nknow what the answer is.\nAnd it performs really well.\nWe have an exercise\ndatabase too,\nwhere it's just\nexercise routines\nand it discovers all\nsix of the exercises.\nAnd the automatic\nrecognizers get 97% accuracy.\nSo the algorithms are doing\nwell on these well-constrained\nproblems.\nBut this is the\naspirational work.\nCan we actually make\nit work on something\nwe don't know the answer to?\nCan it work well enough to\nhelp Denise get somewhere\non this data set?\nBecause we don't to be perfect.\nWe don't even need\nto be that good,\nwe just0 have to accelerate\nwhat she's doing.\nThat's a hard thing.\nAUDIENCE: So if I understood\nthe correlation that\nwas being done between\nalphabet and patterns,\nor features\n[? being ?] structured,\nit sounded like we were trying\nto take the English language\napproach and equate pieces\nof sounds to the alphabet.\nI'm wondering whether\nthere's any room\nto take the Chinese\nlanguage philosophy\nand take a character to a\nwhole phrase or a meaning\nor a sentence and use that.\nEspecially when it comes to--\ncould there be portions\nof the language-- and this\nis part of the second question--\nthat are actually singing?\nNothing to do with\ncommunication,\njust plain singing, cooing,\ncomfort noises, things\nlike that.\nOr just singing in rhythmic\ntones, hypnotic tones.\nThat's the second question.\nTHAD STARNER: So\nhopefully this algorithm\nwould get some of\nthat, both the issues.\nThere's a lot of work on zebra\nfinch, that sort of thing,\nas far as just bird song.\nWhen we're doing\nhuman speech, we\nget things like\ncoughs and sneezes\nand just the microphone\nagainst the person's lapel.\nAnd a lot of that stuff\nis actually useful,\nbecause you can get\nrid of the noise.\nYou characterize the types\nof noise, you get rid of it.\nAnybody who does\nspeech recognition\ntells you that's important.\nAs far as how much of\nthese individual units\nmean, is it a composition or\nis it wholly on their own?\nDon't know.\nDENISE HERZING: But regarding\nthat whistle question, so\nyour question about\nChinese Mandarin where\nyou have the different\ninflections of the tonal.\nSo that would be something\nthat the system could pick up,\nas far as if it\nwas a combination,\nthe tail end went up,\nor went down, et cetera.\nNow, decades ago, people thought\nabout this issue and they\nlooked at whistle languages\nin humans in the mountainous\nareas-- for example, the\nPyrenees and a few other areas\nin the world--\nto look at how much content\ngoes between those mountains\nwhen one guy is whistling\nto another and coming home.\nSome of it ended up\nbeing contextual.\nThey knew it was Joe over\nhere and Fred was whistling.\nAnd they knew it was meal\ntime so he was probably\ngoing to go get some bread\nand get some food for dinner,\nwhatever.\nThat has been speculated on.\nBut part of the trick here\nis that whistles are a really\nsmall part of their\ncommunication and these other\nkinds of sounds, which\nare the really hard ones\nto categorize--\nthe burst pulses,\nthat are more like\nphonemes, really--\nthey are the ones\nthat we're really\nlacking and understanding\nof their function,\ntheir categories, and all that.\nSo that's part of\nwhy we started,\nbecause people have really\ngone through the whistle stuff\na lot.\nTHAD STARNER: And\nthe thing is the--\nCon Slobodchikoff's\nwork on prairie dogs\nis really quite astonishing.\nIn 200 milliseconds,\n0.2 seconds,\nthese prairie dogs are\nencoding what type of predators\nthey are.\nYou can actually\nwatch this yourself.\nIf it's a hawk and\nthey give a long call,\neverybody goes in the burrow.\nIf it's a snake,\nthey'll sit there\nand stand up and look at it.\nSo Con has shown\nthat they can encode,\nin this 0.2 seconds, the shape\nand size of the object that's\nimpinging upon their territory.\nAnd they do this in\nthese higher harmonics.\nIf these prairie dogs can do\nit, what can these dolphins do?\nOne of the grant\nproposals we put together\nis trying to take all the stuff\nthat he painfully put together\nover 20 years, all these\nexperiments and all this data\nhe's collected.\nCan we actually take\na look at his data,\nwhere we know what the\nanswer is and rediscover\nit using our techniques?\nWe haven't gotten there yet.\nThat was part of\na grant proposal\nthat's being\nevaluated right now.\nBut we're hoping\nto not only just do\nDenise's work, but a lot\nof these other animal\nvocalizations specialists, see\nif we can get their databases\nand see if we can\naccelerate stuff for them.\nAnd for the ones we\nknow the answers to,\nsee if it actually\npulls them out, as well.\nAUDIENCE: You mentioned,\nin the \"Dolphin Diaries,\"\nthat very occasionally\nAtlantic spotted dolphin allows\nyou to babysit their calves.\nYou also mentioned it's\nnot really a great idea.\n[LAUGHTER]\nDENISE HERZING: Oh, that\nthey'll give us the--\nAUDIENCE: Yeah.\nSo I don't know if any\nincident has happened\nand what you plan to\ndo if there is a shark\nattack in that situation?\nDENISE HERZING: What\nhe's referring to is--\nI describe in my book,\nbecause I've grown up\nwith a lot of these dolphins.\nThey're grandmothers now, but\nI knew them when they were born\nand I know their\ngrandkids and all that.\nAnd so occasionally,\nthey'll come to the boat.\nAnd we'll be anchored and we'll\nbe in the water with them.\nAnd the moms will leave\ntheir calves with us\nand they'll take off.\n[LAUGHTER]\nYou go, that might not be\na very smart thing to do.\nBut they figure, well,\nI got to go forage,\nso take care of\nJunior for a while.\nAnd we're like, yeah, right.\nWhat are we going to\ndo if a shark shows up?\nBlock him?\nBut they don't go far.\nAnd it's not like if\nthe calf made a noise,\nthey wouldn't come\nswimming and running.\nBut what I find\ninteresting about that\nis that it's kind of like\nthey are incorporating you\nin their society.\nThey're smart enough to not\nput their calf in danger.\nAt least, I hope so,\nbecause that wouldn't\nbe very survival-driven.\nBut it is interesting.\nAnd that's why,\nI think, the link\nis there to really go further.\nIt's just that we have to bridge\nthe gap with our technology.\nI think that's the trick.\nAUDIENCE: I'm wondering, since\nyou've been observing dolphins\nfor such a long time, do you\nobserve some young dolphin born\nwithout such a full pattern\nof dolphin vocabulary,\nthen gradually\nthey learned this?\nDENISE HERZING: Watching\nyoung dolphins develop\nhas actually been one of the\nbiggest things for our work.\nBecause when I first\nwent out there,\nI'd see the adults fighting\nor the adults mating.\nAnd so you get a sense of,\noh, that's what they do.\nThat's the ritual.\nBut when you see the\nlittle guys, they're trying\nand they're fumbling,\nand they're learning\nand they're getting\nfeedback from their cohort.\nSo yeah, absolutely.\nThey're learning social rules.\nThey're learning\nsound restrictions,\nI'm sure, when to make\nsound, when to not.\nWe've had a couple young calves\nthat were real squeakers.\nWe'd hear them coming\nfrom miles away.\nWe could tell who it was.\nLittle Frida-- [DOLPHIN SQUEAK].\nThey'd be like, shut\nup, you're shark bait.\nStop it.\nAnd sure enough,\ntwo months later,\nshe shows up with a big\nchunk out of her fluke.\nSomeone bit her.\nAnd then it happened again\nand it's like, come on,\nyou have to quiet down.\nAnd finally, her mom,\nI guess, convinced her\nto shut up and not be so vocal.\nBut yeah, they absolutely go\nthrough the learning process.\nThey don't always\nlearn sufficiently\nand they do die\nand get in trouble.\nBut yeah, absolutely.\nAnd other researchers have taken\ndolphin vocalization databases\nand applied information\ntheory to them and looked at,\ndo little dolphins babble,\nlike little human kids do,\nand then gradually\nrefine their sounds?\nAnd, in fact, they do.\nThe information is constrained\nand given feedback.\nSo yeah, absolutely.\nIt's a process.\nAUDIENCE: I'm just\nwondering if you\nhave any sense of the upper\nlimit of the frequency dolphins\nare able to hear at.\nAnd also, are there\nany differences\nin the way a dolphin might hear\nrelative to how a human hears\nand do you capture that?\nDENISE HERZING:\nDolphins have been\ntested, at least some species,\nand had audio-grams made.\nIt looks like they're\nhearing has a couple\nof different sensitivity peaks.\nSo they hear best around\n30 to 40 kilohertz.\nAnd then they have another by\nbimodal peak at about a 100,\n120 kilohertz.\nNow, researchers haven't\nmeasured much higher than\nthat because it looks\nlike it drops around 120.\nBut on the recording side, just\nrecently in the last few years,\npeople have recorded sounds\nup to about 240 kilohertz.\nFor some reason,\nthey're making sounds\nhigher than we\nthink they can hear,\nso that's a question mark.\nYeah.\nOf course, their ears\nare completely different.\nThey have mammalian ears.\nThey have certain\nspecializations.\nOf course, a lot of high\nfrequency inner hair cells\nand a lot of turns in\nthe cochlea and stuff.\nYeah.\nSo they're adapted to their\nenvironment, certainly.\nThey can produce\nreally loud sounds,\nlike 220 decibels,\nwhich, underwater,\nis like a blasting cap.\nIt's a lot of energy\nbecause of the medium.\nAnd they do crazy things with\ntheir sounds, which I could\nget into on some crazy detail.\nThey can phase out\nsignals to block\ncertain parts of the bandwidth.\nSo there is some pretty\ncomplicated stuff\ngoing on there, which we're\njust starting to get at.\nTHAD STARNER: We're seeing some\ncrazy stuff with the chat work\nthat we don't understand yet.\nIt's like, was that\nintentional or not?\nBecause some of the\nstuff they're doing,\nacoustically, is really wacky.\n[APPLAUSE]\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "I'd ask, \"What is the importance of\nanarchism in Barcelona?\"\nBarcelona has an an\nanarchist tradition.\nDo I think Barcelona's anarchist roots\nhave an influence on my art?\nThe labor movement in Catalonia\nwas very unique.\nPerhaps more anarchistic\nthan other places.\nAnd in Barcelona, the CNT,\nanarchism, was a powerful force.\nPeople believed in anarchism\nthen, and still do.\nThe anarchists entered the San Andreu barracks,\nseized the weapons, and the street was theirs.\nBarcelona, obviously, has a very\nstrong anarchist tradition.\nAnarchism isn’t an ideology, but rather\na feeling, an attitude towards life.\nMy mother's family were\nall anarchists.\nFor a time, it was\nan anarchist government.\nFrom the start of the 20th century, there is a\nvery strong anarchist tradition in Catalunya.\nIn Catalunya, with the anarchists' help,\nthey manage to stop the military coup.\nFor example, my grandfather was killed\nby an anarchist, yet I am an anarchist.\nThe anarchists said, \"They must have an\ninterest in theater, in music.\"\n\"They should understand\nliterature and history.\" \nSome anarchists went too far, making\ntheir popularity wane.\nOn a creative level, anarchy means, \n\"Everything belongs to everyone.\"\nBut thanks to the anarchists here\nin Barcelona the coup was stopped.\nAnd Francoist military officer General Godet,\nwas captured and shot by firing squad.\nBarcelona, since the start of the 20th century,\nhas been a magnet for anarchists.\nAn alternate Catalan anarchist\nmovement, Terra Lliure, \nthrew a bomb in there,\nkilling two or three Marines.\nWhat it did have was a connection\nwith the anarchist world.\nBut this connection with the anarchist world\nwasn't just about the spread of ideas.\nThey also published books. Speaking\ngenerally, these were rationalist books, \nbooks about evolution,\nbooks on anarchism, socialism.\nWell, everything\nwas improvised.\nOn top of all that, most workers\nin Barcelona were CNT members,\na libertarian,\nanarchist organization.\nTheir culture was completely opposed\nto any idea of hierarchy.\nSome ruling? Others obeying? They found\nthe idea repulsive. Culturally repulsive.\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "Why haven't you made a patreon account yet? No, seriously why haven't you made one already?\nbig changes are going to happen on the platform in a few weeks and\nFailing to create in launched a campaign before May 2019 will mean you have to pay few processing fees instead of one\nYou lose access to features that everyone has had since the beginning of time like tears unless you pay up more\nPlease take the time to launch one to get that founder status\nEven if you're not going to do anything with your patreon creator account, just launch one\nanyway\nthis is probably my most important video ever uploaded on my channel and\nAlso the most important video you will watch all year as there will never be a website that replaces it\nMy goal is to help others launch one before it's too late. If you're someone that thinks well, nobody would support me\nEven if I did make one its shooting themselves in the foot, so let's get the easiest step out of the way\nGo to (7 Year old email btw)\nwww.patreon.com\nlink is in the description click create an account and\nThen type in your name your email and then again for confirmation and a password and click create. Okay good\nNow you have a patreon account, but we need to create and launch a campaign select your country of residence\nI'm from United States and then select your state. I'm from Arizona. And so I'll put that\nNow type in your page name. I'm just going to reuse a name of the throw away email\nType in what you're creating I place 3d animations for an example\nWhich you can change this later at any time by the way social connection is optional so skip which you can have later\nOkay, careful with this one if you say yes, some of it is not safe for work\nI'm certain patreon has to manually review your page, which can take up to an hour\nIf you select nope\nNone of that, it will automatically approve your piece for launch we can change to not say for work at any time\nSo let's go with nope. None event and hit OK\nNow it wants you to add your primary content hub for me\nIt's YouTube\nBut it's optional so skip now you'll have to go to the email you use and verify your email\nConfirm your email\nAnd there you go who continue great job, but we have a couple more steps to do to launch our page\nWe need to make the patreon page checklist screen. So we're going to add a profile picture\nAnd once you I click on the gray box, which is your cover page\nGood and once you do that you want to set your custom URL\nPark your name, which is how people will find you recommend lower caps\nNow you need to type in about page up to 100 letters, which is about a sentence or so\nScroll up clicked ears and click create a first year\nThis is a feature that new patreon accounts will lose in May 20 19\nBut you will be able to keep it at a price. I'm going to do $2 type in the tier title\nI'll do subtract $2 and a small description\nMost people put a thank you message scroll down a bit and click create new tier and you know what?\nLet's make another tier and do $5 this time. Same title and description different number great. You might not have to do this\nBut let's do it\nAnyway, click goals and hit add your first goal type in your target amount and the goal message\nThe only real goal for me is making a living sure. It's the same for many others and\nFinally click thanks button at the top and create a thank you message which patrons will see after supporting\nNow it's time to launch our page go ahead and click Submit for review button in the top right\nAfter confirming, it's all green hit submit review your page should be instantly approved by a bot now\nClick the blue to launch my page button. Great you're done\nNow people can support you and you have access to the founder rates\nThat wasn't too hard maybe consider launching more founder accounts with different emails for other projects. But yeah, that's about it\nYou can promote your patreon link inside my fruits discord\nI made a specific channel just for this video as a kind of shout out that you took action because of yours truly\nIt's also yet another place and fruits where you can show off what you're about\nI hope this helped you. I would hate to see my followers miss the train\nSo since we're on the topic, I made my own account last week\nPatreon.com slash fruit max and two people decided to support me which I would like to talk to shoutout to\nSeeking spire and Laszlo $5 and $10 respectively\nSeeking spire Rhoda kind message, which I would like to share spire says thanks for creating content is specifically thanks for the helpful tutorials\nI have a similar interest and I look forward to watching you grow. I\nWonder what sort of adult games have mocap stuff you intend to get into anyway. Love your stuff. Looking forward to more\nI'm actually just getting back into mocap with the temperatures warming up\nSo more animations and mocap is on the way remains to be seen if ill post it beyond my Dysport\nAdult games this pause and might not be posted on the fruit\nThat's lame and under a different name instead and finally Lazlo Wright's heart\nHe is my newest supporter and also my biggest supporter on the platform. So thank you for that. I\nAppreciate the support and I wish I could offer you something more than my things but that's all I offer right now\nThat's it for this video. I love you and have a wonderful week\nYou\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "\nItalian: \n Grazie a Brilliant per aver aiutato a supportare questo episodio. \n Ehi pazzi. \n Un buco nero è ciò che ottieni quando riempi materia o luce in uno spazio abbastanza piccolo. \n Il bordo esterno di quello spazio è chiamato orizzonte degli eventi. \n È il massimo della compattificazione. \n Niente può sfuggirgli. \n Ma aspetta. L'universo era davvero piccolo, giusto? \n Se immaginiamo il tempo al contrario, \n deve esserci stato un momento in cui tutta la materia nell'universo osservabile era compressa a tal punto. \n Come è scappato l'universo ?! \n Questo episodio è stato reso possibile dai generosi sostenitori di Patreon. \n Quindi, le dimensioni di un buco nero, almeno non rotante, \n è dato da qualcosa chiamato: il raggio di Schwarzschild. \n Schwarzschild. Schwarzschild. Qualunque cosa! \n Prende il nome dal mio amico Karl che ha trovato la prima soluzione esatta all'equazione di Einstein. \n\nEnglish: \nThanks to Brilliant for helping support this episode.\nHey Crazies.\nA black hole is what you get when you cram matter or light into a small enough space.\nThe outer edge of that space is called the event horizon.\nIt’s the ultimate in compactification.\nNothing can escape it.\nBut, wait. The universe used to be really small, right?\nIf we imagine time in reverse,\nthere must have been a moment when all the matter in the observable universe was compressed that much.\nHow did the universe escape?!\nThis episode was made possible by generous supporters on Patreon.\nSo, the size of a black hole, at least a non-rotating one,\nis given by something called: the Schwarzschild radius.\nSchwarzschild. Schwarzschild. Whatever!\nIt’s named after my buddy Karl who found the first exact solution to Einstein’s equation.\n\nItalian: \n Sul serio. Era un BAMF totale. \n Ad ogni modo, il raggio di Karl per un buco nero dipende da una cosa: \n Massa. \n Beh, tecnicamente energia, ma quell'energia diventa massa all'interno del buco nero. \n Il punto è che tutto ciò che devi fare è collegare una massa e ottenere un raggio. \n Ottieni le dimensioni di qualsiasi buco nero che sarebbe composto da tanta massa. \n Ci dice che dovremmo stipare la Terra in uno spazio così piccolo per trasformarla in un buco nero. \n È una piccola quantità di spazio. \n Ovviamente è impossibile farlo con la Terra, \n ma è possibile con masse alcune volte più grandi del nostro Sole. \n Ci vuole tanta gravità. \n L'universo osservabile ha più di tre Soli al suo interno, giusto? \n O si. Molto più. \n Se inserisci la massa totale dell'universo osservabile nel raggio di Karl, ciò che ottieni è: \n 528 miliardi di anni luce? \n Che cosa?! È oltre 10 volte la dimensione dell'universo osservabile. \n\nEnglish: \nSeriously. He was a total BAMF.\nAnyway, Karl’s radius for a black hole depends on one thing:\nMass.\nWell, technically energy, but that energy becomes mass inside the black hole.\nThe point is that all you have to do is plug in a mass and you get out a radius.\nYou get the size of whatever black hole that much mass would make.\nIt tells us we’d have to cram the Earth into a space this small to turn it into a black hole.\nThat’s a tiny amount of space.\nOf course, It's impossible to do this with the Earth,\nbut it is possible with masses a few times larger than our Sun.\nIt takes that much gravity.\nThe observable universe has more than three Suns in it, right?\nOh yeah. A lot more.\nIf you plug the total mass of the observable universe into Karl’s radius, what you get is:\n528 billion light-years?\nWhat?! That’s over 10 times the size of the observable universe.\n\nItalian: \n L'universo potrebbe davvero essere dentro ... \n No, non essere ridicolo. \n L'universo osservabile non è all'interno di un buco nero per una ragione molto importante: \n Questo calcolo è pepite di toro. \n Non puoi semplicemente inserire numeri in un'equazione e dire: \"Questo significa qualcosa!\" \n Il raggio di Karl richiede che la sfera di massa sia circondata da uno spazio relativamente vuoto. \n Sai, un posto dove scappare con successo o no. \n Questo è vero per un pianeta. È vero per una star. È vero anche per questo buco nero. \n Ma non è vero per l'universo. \n Non c'è nessun vuoto fuori in cui scappare. È lo stesso universo uniforme ovunque. \n Ciò significa che questo non si applica, il che significa che questo numero è completamente privo di significato. \n Come ho detto: pepite di toro. \n L'universo non è all'interno di un buco nero, quindi non ha un orizzonte degli eventi. \n Oppure sì ?! \n\nEnglish: \nCould the universe actually be inside...\nNo, don’t be ridiculous.\nThe observable universe is not inside a black hole for one very important reason:\nThis calculation is bull nuggets.\nYou can’t just plug numbers into an equation and be like: \"This means something!\"\nKarl’s radius requires that the mass ball be surrounded by comparatively empty space.\nYou know, somewhere to escape to successfully or not.\nThat’s true for a planet. It’s true for a star. It’s even true for this black hole.\nBut it’s not true for the universe.\nThere’s no empty outside to escape to. It’s the same uniform universe everywhere.\nThat means this doesn’t apply, which means this number is completely meaningless.\nLike I said: bull nuggets.\nThe universe is not inside a black hole, so it doesn’t have an event horizon.\nOr does it?!\n\nItalian: \n Un orizzonte degli eventi è solo un confine oltre il quale non possiamo osservare gli eventi. \n L'universo ha un confine come quello. \n In realtà ha tre confini che chiamiamo orizzonti. \n L'orizzonte degli eventi cosmici, l'orizzonte delle particelle e l'orizzonte di Hubble. \n Ma, per capirli, dobbiamo essere tutti sulla stessa pagina riguardo l'universo. \n Lo spazio si sta espandendo e questo fa allontanare le galassie lontane l'una dall'altra. \n Più sono lontani, più velocemente si allontanano. \n Ma quell'animazione sottovaluta grossolanamente le scale su cui stiamo lavorando qui. \n Galassie così vicine potrebbero facilmente spostarsi verso di noi piuttosto che allontanarsi. \n In effetti, il nostro vicino più prossimo Andromeda si sta muovendo verso di noi. \n È in rotta di collisione. \n Ci colpirà in pochi miliardi di anni e creerà uno spettacolo per qualche miliardo in più. \n Quando diciamo che le galassie si stanno allontanando da noi, intendiamo le galassie in altri superammassi. \n Questo è molto più vicino alla vera scala dell'universo. \n\nEnglish: \nAn event horizon is just a boundary beyond which we cannot observe events.\nThe universe does have a boundary like that.\nIt actually has three boundaries that we call horizons.\nThe cosmic event horizon, the particle horizon, and the Hubble horizon.\nBut, to understand them, we all need to be on the same page about the universe.\nSpace is expanding and this makes distant galaxies recede from each other.\nThe farther away they are, the faster they’re moving away.\nBut that animation grossly understates the scales we’re working on here.\nGalaxies this close could easily be moving toward us rather than away.\nIn fact, our closest neighbor Andromeda is moving toward us.\nIt’s on collision course.\nIt’ll hit us in a few billion years and put on quite a show for a few billion more.\nWhen we say galaxies are moving away from us, we mean galaxies in other superclusters.\nThis is much closer to the true scale of the universe.\n\nItalian: \n Le singole galassie sono troppo piccole. \n Ogni punto di luce è un ammasso di galassie. \n Questi ammassi formano superammassi che si raccolgono in filamenti giganti. \n Ma senza una base per la scala, questo sembra più uno zoom che un'espansione, \n quindi torneremo alle singole galassie. \n Tieni presente che non è in scala. \n L'universo è grande, davvero grande. \n Incredibilmente grande. \n È così grande che le velocità di recessione di alcune galassie possono sfuggire di mano. \n The Hubble Horizon! \n È qui che le galassie si stanno allontanando alla velocità della luce. \n Succede a circa 14,5 miliardi di anni luce da noi, \n appena oltre i 13,8 miliardi che potresti aspettarti data l'età dell'universo. \n Qualsiasi galassia più lontana si allontana da noi più velocemente della luce. \n Veloce veloce! \n\nEnglish: \nIndividual galaxies are too small.\nEach point of light is a cluster of galaxies.\nThose clusters form superclusters that collect into giant filaments.\nBut without some basis for scale, this looks more like a zoom than an expansion,\nso we’ll go back to the individual galaxies.\nJust keep in mind that it’s not to scale.\nThe universe is big, like, really big.\nMind-bogglingly big.\nIt’s so big that the recession speeds of some galaxies can get out of hand.\nThe Hubble Horizon!\nThis is where galaxies are moving away at the speed of light.\nIt happens at about 14.5 billion light-years from us,\njust a little past the 13.8 billion you might expect given the age of the universe.\nAny galaxy farther away is receding from us faster than light.\nFast fast!\n\nItalian: \n Ma possiamo ancora vederli, quindi l'orizzonte di Hubble non è davvero un orizzonte. \n È solo dove le cose iniziano a diventare strane. \n La luce dall'aldilà può arrivare sulla Terra, \n purché non provenga da troppo lontano. \n Vedere. L'orizzonte di Hubble cresce, quindi può raggiungere parte della luce permettendoci di vederlo. \n Il limite della nostra visione è un po 'più lontano. \n L'orizzonte degli eventi cosmici! \n Niente di ciò che accade al di fuori di questo orizzonte sarà mai visto da noi mai. \n Si trova a 16,7 miliardi di anni luce di distanza, appena un po 'oltre l'orizzonte di Hubble. \n Ora, potresti aver sentito che l'universo osservabile è molto più grande di questo e lo è. \n Ricorda, le misurazioni diventano davvero strane oltre l'orizzonte di Hubble \n e questo perché la luce richiede tempo per ottenere luoghi. \n Se oggi la luce viene emessa appena dentro l'orizzonte degli eventi cosmici, \n non arriverà sulla Terra fino a un lontano futuro. \n A quel punto, quelle galassie potrebbero facilmente essere oltre l'orizzonte degli eventi. \n\nEnglish: \nBut we can still see them, so the Hubble horizon isn’t really a horizon.\nIt’s just where things start to get weird.\nLight from beyond it can arrive on Earth,\nas long as it’s not coming from too far beyond it.\nSee. The Hubble horizon grows, so it can catch up to some of the light allowing us to see it.\nThe limit of our vision is a little farther away.\nThe Cosmic Event Horizon!\nNothing that happens outside this horizon will ever be seen by us ever.\nIt’s located 16.7 billion light-years away, just a little past the Hubble horizon.\nNow, you might have heard the observable universe is a lot bigger than this and it is.\nRemember, measurements get real weird beyond the Hubble horizon\nand that’s because light takes time to get places.\nIf light is emitted from just inside the cosmic event horizon today,\nit won’t arrive on Earth until the distant future.\nBy then, those galaxies could easily be beyond the event horizon.\n\nItalian: \n Funziona anche nell'altro modo. \n Se riceviamo la luce adesso, è stata emessa molto tempo fa. \n Potrebbe essere stato emesso facilmente quando una galassia era all'interno dell'orizzonte degli eventi. \n Ormai è oltre l'orizzonte degli eventi, \n ma stiamo ancora ricevendo luce da quando non lo era. \n Allora, quanto sono lontane le cose più lontane adesso? \n Abbastanza lontano. \n The Particle Horizon! \n Questo rappresenta il limite della nostra visione, la dimensione attuale dell'universo osservabile. \n È a 46,5 miliardi di anni luce di distanza, ben 3 volte più lontano degli altri due orizzonti. \n Questo è quanto lontano da noi tutto ciò da cui abbiamo ricevuto luce \n potrebbe essere ottenuto dall'inizio del tempo. \n È la posizione attuale delle cose più lontane che possiamo vedere: \n il plasma di idrogeno che ha emesso il fondo cosmico a microonde. \n Intendiamoci, non è più plasma di idrogeno. \n Da allora si è raccolto in galassie. \n\nEnglish: \nIt works the other way too.\nIf we receiving the light now, it was emitted a long time ago.\nIt could easily have been emitted when a galaxy was inside the event horizon.\nBy now, it’s beyond the event horizon,\nbut we’re still receiving light from when it wasn’t.\nSo how far away is the farthest stuff now?\nPretty far.\nThe Particle Horizon!\nThis represents the limit of our vision, the current size of the observable universe.\nIt’s 46.5 billion light-years away, a whopping 3 times farther than the other two horizons.\nThis is how far away from us anything we’ve ever received light from\ncould have gotten since the beginning of time.\nIt’s the current location of the farthest stuff we can see:\nthe hydrogen plasma that emitted the cosmic microwave background.\nMind you, it’s not hydrogen plasma anymore.\nIt has since collected itself into galaxies.\n\nEnglish: \nBut we don’t get to see what it looks like now.\nRemember, it’s way past the cosmic event horizon.\nWe only get to see what it looked like 13.8 billion years ago because that’s when the light was emitted.\nBack when the particle horizon was inside the cosmic event horizon.\nYou know, we can actually graph this out across time using our best models.\nThe Hubble horizon, that place where galaxies are receding at the speed of light,\nis always the closest horizon to us because it isn’t really a horizon.\nIt just separates the familiar physics from the weird physics.\nThe cosmic event horizon was the farthest of the horizons in the early universe.\nUnfortunately, as space expanded, the particle horizon overtook it pretty quickly.\nWhere they cross is the most recent state of the particle horizon we’ll ever get to see.\nBut the light from back then has been traveling through expanding space.\nSo, as the particle horizon approaches the cosmic event horizon,\n\nItalian: \n Ma non possiamo vedere che aspetto ha ora. \n Ricorda, è ben oltre l'orizzonte degli eventi cosmici. \n Possiamo vedere come appariva solo 13,8 miliardi di anni fa perché è stato allora che la luce è stata emessa. \n Ai tempi in cui l'orizzonte delle particelle era all'interno dell'orizzonte degli eventi cosmici. \n Sai, possiamo effettivamente tracciarlo nel tempo usando i nostri migliori modelli. \n L'orizzonte di Hubble, quel luogo dove le galassie si stanno ritirando alla velocità della luce, \n è sempre l'orizzonte più vicino a noi perché non è veramente un orizzonte. \n Separa solo la fisica familiare dalla fisica strana. \n L'orizzonte degli eventi cosmici era il più lontano degli orizzonti nell'universo primordiale. \n Sfortunatamente, con l'espansione dello spazio, l'orizzonte delle particelle lo ha superato abbastanza rapidamente. \n Il punto in cui si incrociano è lo stato più recente dell'orizzonte delle particelle che vedremo mai. \n Ma la luce di allora ha viaggiato attraverso lo spazio in espansione. \n Quindi, quando l'orizzonte delle particelle si avvicina all'orizzonte degli eventi cosmici, \n\nItalian: \n la luce impiega sempre più tempo ad arrivare a noi. \n In realtà ci vorrà una quantità infinita di tempo per vedere cosa è successo quando hanno attraversato. \n La cosmologia è così strana. \n Nel presente, l'orizzonte di Hubble è a 14,5 miliardi di anni luce di distanza, \n l'orizzonte degli eventi cosmici è a 16,7 miliardi di anni luce di distanza, \n e l'orizzonte delle particelle è a 46,5 miliardi di anni luce di distanza. \n So che questi numeri sono incredibilmente grandi, quindi se aiuta, ignora il miliardo. \n Misura i numeri in giga-anni luce e giga-anni come faccio io. \n Contribuirà a rendere il futuro di tutti e tre gli orizzonti un po 'meno travolgente. \n Ad ogni modo, torniamo alla rete cosmica e vediamo come appare tutto questo. \n L'orizzonte degli eventi inizia il più lontano, \n ma viene superato dall'orizzonte delle particelle entro pochi miliardi di anni. \n Questo è quello che sembrano ora, rispettivamente a 14,5, 16,7 e 46,5 giga-anni luce. \n\nEnglish: \nthe light takes longer and longer to get to us.\nIt’ll actually take an infinite amount of time to see what happened when they crossed.\nCosmology is so weird.\nIn the present, the Hubble horizon is 14.5 billion light-years away,\nthe cosmic event horizon is 16.7 billion light-years away,\nand the particle horizon is 46.5 billion light-years away.\nI know these numbers are ridiculously big, so if it helps ignore the billion.\nMeasure the numbers in giga-light-years and giga-years like I do.\nIt’ll help make the future of all three horizon a little less overwhelming.\nAnyway, let’s go back to the cosmic web and see what this all actually looks like.\nThe event horizon starts out the farthest,\nbut is overtaken by the particle horizon within a few billion years.\nThis is what they look like now, at 14.5, 16.7, and 46.5 giga-light-years respectively.\n\nEnglish: \nEventually though, the particle horizon will expand way out of view.\nThe Hubble horizon and cosmic event horizon will settle at about 17.5 giga-light-years,\ntrapping us in a bubble forever.\nIt might not be a black hole, but it’s still definitely a trap.\nAt least until we invent some kind of FTL drive.\nBut, the weirdest part of this whole thing is\nthat we can see galaxies that are already beyond the cosmic event horizon because their light is old.\nAll the galaxies you’re seeing here in this deep field image are just ghosts from the distant past.\nand that’s what they’ll always be forever.\nThe cosmos is terrifying.\nSo got any questions about cosmic horizons?\nPlease ask in the comments.\nThanks for liking and sharing this video.\nDon’t forget to subscribe if you’d like to keep up with us.\nAnd until next time, remember, it’s ok to be a little crazy.\nDo you want to learn something new? Well, Brilliant is the place for you.\n\nItalian: \n Alla fine, però, l'orizzonte delle particelle si espanderà fuori dalla vista. \n L'orizzonte di Hubble e l'orizzonte degli eventi cosmici si stabilizzeranno a circa 17,5 giga-anni luce, \n intrappolandoci in una bolla per sempre. \n Potrebbe non essere un buco nero, ma è comunque una trappola. \n Almeno fino a quando non inventeremo una sorta di unità FTL. \n Ma la parte più strana di tutta questa faccenda è \n che possiamo vedere galassie che sono già oltre l'orizzonte degli eventi cosmici perché la loro luce è vecchia. \n Tutte le galassie che vedi qui in questa immagine di campo profondo sono solo fantasmi di un lontano passato. \n ed è quello che saranno sempre per sempre. \n Il cosmo è terrificante. \n Quindi hai domande sugli orizzonti cosmici? \n Si prega di chiedere nei commenti. \n Grazie per aver apprezzato e condiviso questo video. \n Non dimenticare di iscriverti se desideri restare al passo con noi. \n E fino alla prossima volta, ricorda, va bene essere un po 'pazzi. \n Vuoi imparare qualcosa di nuovo? Bene, Brilliant è il posto che fa per te. \n\nItalian: \n È un sito Web e un'app che rendono l'apprendimento accessibile e divertente. \n L'approccio di Brilliant si basa sulla risoluzione dei problemi e sull'apprendimento attivo. \n Si tratta di vedere i concetti visivamente, interagendo con essi \n e poi rispondere a domande che ti fanno riflettere. \n Non ci sono test o voti, scegli un corso e inizia. \n Se commetti un errore, niente di grave. Basta controllare le spiegazioni e imparare da loro. \n Con oltre 60 corsi, ce n'è per tutti i gusti. \n Allenati nella logica di base. \n Impara a programmare. \n Se vuoi qualcosa di più avanzato, prova le equazioni differenziali o le reti neurali. \n Se questo suona come un servizio che vorresti usare, vai oggi al brillante punto org slash Science Asylum. \n I primi 200 abbonati riceveranno uno sconto del 20% su un abbonamento annuale. \n Grazie a tutti coloro che hanno cercato di aiutarmi a pronunciare Ramon y Cajal. \n Sono sicuro che mi manca un suono da qualche parte. \n\nEnglish: \nIt’s a website and app that makes learning accessible and fun.\nBrilliant’s approach is based on problem-solving and active learning.\nIt’s about seeing concepts visually, interacting with them\nand then answering questions that make you think.\nThere are no tests or grades, just pick a course and get started.\nIf you make a mistake, no big deal. Just check out the explanations and learn from them.\nWith over 60 courses, there’s something for everyone.\nTrain yourself in basic logic.\nLearn to code.\nIf you want something more advanced, try out differential equations or neural networks.\nIf this sounds like a service you’d like to use, go to brilliant dot org slash Science Asylum today.\nThe first 200 subscribers will get 20 percent off an annual subscription.\nThanks to everyone who tried to help me pronounce Ramon y Cajal.\nI’m sure I’m missing a sound in there somewhere.\n\nEnglish: \nAnyway, I guess this Ramon guy is a pretty big deal in the neuroscience world.\nThe Socractica channel has a video all about him if you're interested.\nLink in the doobly-doo and thanks for watching!\n\nItalian: \n Ad ogni modo, immagino che questo ragazzo di Ramon sia un grosso problema nel mondo delle neuroscienze. \n Il canale Socractica ha un video tutto su di lui se sei interessato. \n Link nel doobly-doo e grazie per la visione! \n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "Today on Rouge et Noir Überall,\nIt's song demo deconstructed.\nThe pedal demo of the Fuzz Bender by Keeley\nElectronics.\nCheck it out!\nThank you for watching!\nIf you like it, please leave a comment down\nbelow, give a thumb up and subscribe to my\nchannel!\nBye Bye\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "MORAL MAD -- MAZE.\nHE DISCUSS ISSUES OF RIGHT AND\nWRONG, GOOD AND BAD.\nTAKES UP A FEW MOMENTS OF EACH\nSHOW ON A MONDAY.\nCAMPAIGN COALITION, WE BEGIN\nWITH A VIDEO THAT THERE'S A\nBIT OF HUMOR RATHER REFLECTED\nBEAUTIFULLY, THE STATE OF\nCONTEMPORARY SOCIETY.\nPLAY IT PLEASE.\n>> RECENTLY A LOT OF TALK\nABOUT ABORTION LAWS IN THIS\nCOUNTRY WITH NEW LAWS BEING\nPASSED IN TEXAS IT HAS A LOT\nOF THE PRO CHOICE PEOPLE UP IN\nARMS.\nI CAME OUT TO A COLLEGE CAMPUS\nAND I'LL FIND OUT IF PEOPLE\nARE WILLING TO SIGN MY\nPETITION TO LEGALIZE 4th\nTRIMES I-10 R ABORTION.\nIF YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT IT IS,\nTHAT'S AFTER THE BABY IS BORN.\nWE'RE JUST TRYING TO GET\nPEOPLE TO SIGN THE PETITION TO\nLEGALIZE 4th TRIMESTER\nABORTION.\nWE BELIEVE IT'S A CHILD AND A\nCHOICE.\nCAN YOU HELP US OUT TODAY?\nALL RIGHT, THANK YOU SO MUCH.\n>> WE LOVE PLANNED PARENTHOOD.\n>> 40 WEEKS.\n>> 40 WEEKS.\n>> YOU HELP US OUT TODAY?\nWE BELIEVE IT'S A WOMAN'S\nRIGHT TO CHOOSE AND MEN IN\nWASHINGTON SAYING YOU DON'T\nGET TO MAKE THE RULES ABOUT\nWHAT A WOMAN CAN DO WITH HER\nBODY AND WITH HER BABY.\n>> OKAY.\n>> DOWN WITH THAT?\n>> I'M DOWN.\n>> COOL.\n>> I THINK YOU SHOULD DECIDE\nIN THE FIRST TRIMESTER.\nI DON'T THINK --.\n>> WHY DO YOU HATE WOMEN, MAN?\n>> HA-HA.\nINCREDIBLY UNFAIR.\nIT'S A BIT ABOUT THE STUPIDITY\nOF UNIVERSITY STUDENTS I\nSUPPOSE.\nI DON'T THINK THEY KNEW WHAT\nWAS GOING ON.\nWITHIN THAT TWO POINTS, FIRST\nOF ALL THE OBSESSION WITH\nANYTHING THAT SEEMS TO BE PRO\nABORTION BUT ALSO THERE ARE\nPEOPLE WHO DO BELIEVE THAT\nAFTER BIRTH IF PARENTS DON'T\nLIKE THE BABY THEY SHOULD BE\nABLE TO KILL IT.\n>> YES.\nI THINK THE VIDEO IS FUNNY.\nDONE TO THE TUNE OF HUSH\nLITTLE BABY DON'T YOU CRY, AND\nHE POSED AS A PRO CHISER --\nCHOICER SO THEY WERE\nCOMFORTABLE SIGNING THE\nPETITION BUT YOU KNOW IT WAS\nVERY CLEVER BECAUSE IT SHOWED\nTHAT THE PRO CHOICE MENTALITY\nIS BUILT ON IGNORANCE AND I\nDISAGREE WITH YOU A LITTLE BIT\nBECAUSE I THINK THEY KNEW.\nIF YOU READ THE PETITION IT\nSAID --.\n>> THEY DIDN'T READ IT.\n>> THERE ARE SEGMENTS WHERE HE\nEXPLAINED, IT'S AFTER BIRTH.\nTHEY SIGNED IT ANYWAY SO A LOT\nOF THE PEOPLE DID KNOW WHAT\nTHEY WERE SIGNING AND IT JUST\nSHOWS THAT THESE PRO CHOICERS\nWERE, MIND LESS SHEEP WILLING\nTO SIGN THEIR NAMES TO ANY\nIDEAS THAT COME A LONG.\n>> I THINK THERE ARE FLAWS ON\nBOTH SIDES OF THE DEBATE AND\nCLEVER PEOPLE BUT I THINK WE\nWOULD DEVELOP A CULTURE WHERE\nPEOPLE DON'T THINK ABOUT\nTHINGS.\nIF THE WORD ABORTION IS\nINVOLVED AND THEY'RE PRO\nABORTION THEY'LL SIGN\nANYTHING.\nBETTER THAN BELIEVING KILLING\nBABIES AFTER BIRTH.\n>> BUT THE POINT IS THAT\nBECAUSE THEY WERE PRESENTED\nWITH THE PRO CHOICE SLOGAN,\nTHE WOMEN'S RIGHT SLOGAN THEY\nWERE PREPARED TO SUPPORT THE\nIDEA.\n>> THAT'S RIGHT.\n>> EVEN THOUGH THEY WERE TOLD\nTHIS WAS POST BIRTH.\nA LOT KNEW IT.\n>> WHAT IS THE TRIMESTER AND\nTHEY'LL LOOK AT YOU LIKE YOU\nSPOKE IN SWEDISH.\nTHEY WON'T KNOW WHAT YOU MEAN\nBUT PETER SINGER I MENTIONED\nHIS NAME BEFORE, HE DOES\nBELIEVE IF AFTER BIRTH PARENTS\nDON'T APPROVE OF THE CHILD\nTHEY --.\n>> THAT'S ANOTHER CLEVER PART\nOF THE VIDEO IT SHOWS IN A\nCLEVER WAY THAT THE LOGIC THAT,\nOF ABORTION THAT SAYS THE\nREASON WE JUSTIFY ABORTION IS\nBECAUSE A BABY IS USING THE\nWOMAN'S BODY WITHOUT HER CON\nSEND.\nTHAT VERY SAME LOGIC IS\nSTRONGER IN THE CASE OF\nINFANICIDE BECAUSE A PREGNANT\nWOMAN HAS BOTH HANDS FREE, GO\nWHENEVER.\nBUT WHENEVER YOU'RE\nBREASTFEEDING AND CHANGING\nDIAPERS.\n>> MY KIDS USE MY BANK ACCOUNT\nWITHOUT CON SEND.\nWE DISCUSSED THIS LAST WEEK,\nCANADA SHOULD FOLLOW UK AND\nBLOCK INTERNET PORN BY\nDEFAULT.\nSOME SAY WE SHOULD DO THE SAME\nAS THE BRITISH ARE PROPOSING.\nI'M MIXED ABOUT THIS ONE.\nON THE ONE HAND YES IT WOULD\nBE A GREAT THING IF -- LOOK\nADULTS CAN DO WHAT THEY WANT\nWITHIN THE LAW.\nIT'S YOUNG PEOPLE SEEING THIS\nCRAP.\nTHAT'S THE PROBLEM BUT I THINK\nTHEY'LL SEE IT ANYWAY AND I DO\nHAVE ISSUES WITH SUCH\nINTERVENTION.\nSELDOM ON THE RIGHT SIDE YOU\nKNOW.\n>> I A GLEE WITH YOU.\nPORNOGRAPHY IS A TERRIBLE\nTHING AND IT'S THE MOST EVIL\nTHING ABOUT THE INTERNET IT'S\nMADE PORN WIDELY AVAILABLE\nEVEN TO CHILDREN.\nI KNOW OF A FAMILY WITH A\n9-YEAR-OLD BOY WHO STARTED\nWATCHING PORN, THEY WEREN'T\nAWARE OF IT AND HE'S\nDEVASTATED BY IT NOW.\n>> HOW WERE THEY NOT AWARE OF\nIT?\nCHANGES IN THE ATTITUDE OR --\nI MEAN I THINK IT WOULD HAVE\nBEEN UGLY TO THEM.\n>> THOSE THINGS DID TIP THEM\nOFF AND WHEN THEY FOUND OUT\nTHEY TALKED TO HIM AND HE WAS\nDEVASTATED.\nHE SAID I CAN STOP THINKING\nABOUT THESE THINGS.\nIT'S TERRIBLE.\nSO I SUPPORT THE NOTION OF\nBLOCKING, PUTTING INTERNET\nFILTERS ON INTERNET, SORRY\nINTERNET FILTERS ON PORN TO\nBLOCK IT BUT I'M WITH YOU, I\nDON'T LIKE THE IDEA OF THE\nSTATE DOING THAT BECAUSE I\nGUARANTEE YOU WHAT WILL HAPPEN\nNEXT IS FIRST IF THEY SET A\nPRECEDENT THEY CAN BLOCK PORN\nTHE NEXT THING BLOCKING PRO\nLIFE WEBSITES OR CONTENT AND\nESPECIALLY HOMOSEXUALITY.\nWEBSITES LIKE COURAGE THAT\nHELP PEOPLE REMAIN CHASTE\nAND --.\n>> I THINK IT WILL BE GRADUAL\nBUT WE MUST NOT TAKE AWAY THE\nAUTHORITY OF THE PARENTS, THE\nFAMILY.\nIT HAS TO BE THE FAMILY.\nMAYBE ARRESTED, SPEND A FEW\nHOURS IN JAIL.\nBRIEFLY THIS, RURAL DOCTORS\nWILLING TO PERFORM ABORTIONS\nAS HEALTH WORKERS FACE\nHOSTILITY.\nTHEY'RE FRIGHTENED OF BEING\nATTACKED.\nI THINK THEY'RE FRIGHTENED OF\nPEOPLE SAYING I DISAGREE WITH\nYOU.\n>> TWO FACTORS AND THAT'S ONE.\nTHE STUDY POINTS OUT MANY OF\nTHE DOCTORS REPORTED THAT THEY\nFEEL ISOLATED.\nBOTH PROFESSIONALLY AND IN THE\nCOMMUNITY.\nI THINK IT'S WONDERFUL.\nI THINK IT'S GREAT.\nYOU KNOW ANESTHESTISTS AND\nNURSES ARE UNWILLING TO DO THE\nABORTION AND THE COLLEAGUES\nWHEN THEY GO INTO THE\nCAFETERIA, THERE'S THE GUY WHO\nDOES THE ABORTIONS.\nHE CHOPS UP BABIES.\nLET'S SIT OVER THERE SO THIS\nKIND OF THING IS A, AND I\nTHINK IT'S WONDERFUL, SOME\nHAVE QUIT.\n>> I KNOW SOMEONE IS\nHOMOPHOBES OR; YOU HAVE A\nRIGHT TO BE BUT I WON'T SIT\nWITH YOU OR HAVE COFFEE.\nI DON'T WANT YOUR COMPANY.\nSOME PEOPLE SHOULD BE\nOSTRACIZED.\n>> I AGREE AND I THINK THE\nOTHER THING, ULTRASOUND\nTECHNOLOGY, WE HAVE 3 AND 4 D\nAND I THINK THAT EXPLAINS THE\nSHIFT AS WELL.\nBECAUSE YOUNGER DOCTORS THEY\nKNOW, THEY CAN'T LIE TO\nTHEMSELVES AND SAY WELL I'M\nNOT REALLY KILL AGO PERSON I'M\nJUST REMOVING A CLUMP OF\nCELLS.\nTHEY KNOW.\n>>\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "Lacan, us and the real 36th session. There is a\nJapanese proverb that I like\nbecause it says:\", if you're in a hurry, do a\ndetour\". That's what we're going to do today.\na little detour.\nYou're listening, yes, but do you catch \na little something that looks real?\nIn the difficult task of making your hear tonight...\nlet's say something.\ncan we hear?\nwe can't hear!\nAnd how's that sound? Are you okay?\ntoday we're going to make a little detour through a text apparently very far from what we are given to live with\nAt this moment and yet it's perhaps the nearest and sharpest\nto understand where we are today.\nthis text is Lacan's \"l'étourdit\", it's a major text.\nBecause it is between the seminars \"ou pire...\" and \"encore\" and this passage\nIt's the passage of truth as it is transmissible\nIn the form of a matheme as a knowledge, that's in \"ou pire\" the seminar on logic.\nwith the use of Cantor set theory.\nBut also Gödel of course, Bertrand Russell...\netc. and it's about the mathematical structure\nIn so far as it contains the possibility of accessing the truth through logic\nthat's where Lacan returns to the Aristotelian prosdiorisms...\nyou know that's how he's going to probe the sexual formulas.\ni.e. \"for all x\" and \"there is an x\" these two prosdiorisms\nwill be denied and the particularity\nof the Lacanian approach is going to be denial,\nwith regard to feminine sexuation\non the quantor and not on the function.\nthe function is obviously \"phi of x\" the phallic function\nand that's where the sexuation will be determined...\nmen and women.\nSo the part between \"ou pire...\" and \"encore\" is the part\nbetween the possibility of knowledge that would be fully transferable\nin the form of mathematics, that's what characterizes knowledge\nas it is transmitted, and the analytical knowledge that is from another stuff\nif you'll pardon the expression, since it's something that's just...\nWhich can't be passed on and it's in that \"ou pire\" to \"encore\" passage\nthat Lacan is going to drop math to return to the notion of feminine jouissance...\nin order to re-approach the truth that psychoanalysis deals with...\nnot under that of true and false,\na formal truth that is condensable, expressible, transmissible by mathematics\nthis time it's about something else - making a difference.\nBetween the symbolic and the real, quite simply\nso the real of female jouissance\nbetween these two seminars there is the text \"l' étourdit\" (with a T)\nso we've been doing some little work and we've been reading and rereading l'étourdit\nAnd then we also read and reread additional readings which are those of\nBarbara Cassin and Alain Badiou for the philosophical part and that of\nChristian Fierens for the psychoanalytical part. It is quite curious to note\nIn these readings, there is no mention on\nThe strict homology between tautology, the structure on which Lacan insists\nsince it is of course, about using his theory of the 4 discourses and how they differ\nthe three HUM discourses and the A discourse. notice that it makes HUMA as human\nWhat Lacan particularly insists on\nThis is precisely what we would like to come back : there are three discourses\nwhich are spherical discourses and one\ndiscourse which is of Moebian structure\nWhat does that mean? It means...\nthat for each\nMaster, hysterical, academic, there's an inside and an outside...\nThese are discourses that Lacan describes as univocal: one is either inside or outside...\nthese three discourses are the modalities\n(we're in the modal), the modalities of substitution of absent sexual intercourse\nI'm gonna come back to that because\nobviously if I say it just in a crude way.\nit might cause a little problem of interpretation.\nso those three discourses are what\nthe speaking being that we are\nmakes up for the absence of sexual relation\nso we've seen this a few times, but\nwe have to come back to it again\nThe master's discourse is a discourse that rests...\n...truth makes structure of every discoure\nthe truth is on the bottom left .\nit's the barred S, the division of the subject, and this division, we've seen it,\nIs caused by the signifier, by the fact that\nwe're already spoken before we can be speak\nand the arrow pointing to the upper left to the semblance\nOf the signifier and the one that leads to the top right\ntowards jouissance is going to stage right now S1 and S2.\ni.e. the master signifier that connects to the knowledge S2\nThis top line is marked with the seal of the impossible...\nI remind you that these three\ndiscourses represent an impossible\nalready spotted by Freud\nthe impossible there obviously in the master discourse is the impossible to govern\nthe impossible to govern, is shown as the impossible between s1 and s2\nthe master signifier in its connection to knowledge\nThere's something about the impossible...\nAnd the production, what's going to fall out of it, is object a. that's where it gets interesting.\nWhat I haven't told you yet\nis that this little a, here, well, it's in this way that\na universe can take consistency ( but\nit's an imaginary consistency)\nBecause that little a is what makes function of being\nbut I remind you that we are in a\ndiscourse so there is no being\nThe being that falls there is a letter. \nTo say: the letter \"a\" comes to serve as a fiction of being\nand from there a referential universe is created\nfrom there we can\nimagine that the words refer to something else\nthan to the chain of signifiers, i.e. a\nsignifier that will define itself in relation to another signifier\nby just a difference from this signifier\nSo words that interdefine each other...\njust by one small difference\nBetween \"Bois\" and \"Pois\" between \"Boire\" and \"Poire\"\nit's just differences\nWho will define signifiers as\ndifferent from themselves,\nso a signifier is always defined in relation to another signifier and in the difference it has with another signifier\nBut from the moment the word took the place of the thing...\nso the master's discourse\nthe establishment of the master's discourse; from that moment on there is a fall,\nthere is a loss because language can't take it all .\nall encompassed and therefore all that is not encompassed by language\nI remind you it's a spherical discourse.\nSo what's not taken from the\nsphere of language falls in the form of an object\nbut that object there is a letter; the letter is the edge.\nit's the littoral, it's the literal, it's the\nedge between what is the order of a discursive constitution\nthat's gonna lead us down a meaningful chain\nbetween one signifier and another signifier etc. and we will construct\nan imaginary world, a consistant universe\nfrom this letter\nwe can say that Lacan at that moment\nwarns us and tells us that\nThere's nothing else in the world that a small object a,\nwhich is a little hard to swallow anyway.\nsince you say: \"No, look around us.\nThere's the world, the trees, the forests, the people,\nhistory, animals, stars, yes.\nbut this we don't have access to, it's...\nto say we have access exclusively to words\nthe words that will make\nmediating between us and what we call the world\nand that's how we give it consistency, it's through this little a\nIt is placed in the lower right-hand corner of the master's discourse.\nand the other two discourses that will come to try to solve this problem of a\ni.e. to neutralize it or even naturalize it...\ni.e. make him native himself of the discourse\nthey will be treated differently by the hysterical and academic discourse\nAs we have already seen, this is the essence of the two previous seminars.\ndedicated to exploring this dynamic\nhere we have three discoursees that\nin some ways are variations of the master's discourse...\nObviously we're in the master's discourse.\nwhen operating in this ratio between S1 and S2\nbut we're also in the master's discourse, paradoxically,\nin the hysterical discourse or in the academic discourse , not in the same way but in the master's discourse\nWe're within our possibilities to solve this little \"a\".\nof the master's discourse, to settle it, to solve it\nMoving on to another discourse\nso here we have in these three discourses\nwhat Lacan calls the spherical mode\nthese are unequivocal discourses\nunequivocal means that in order for us to have a chance to understand ourselves we have to manage that.\nroughly speaking, the words\nmeans for each of us the same thing\nif we say \"wall\" we suppose we'll all \npicture the same thing\nwhereas if you go through the\nthe analyst's discourse that only arrives in the twentieth century\nwith Freud and Lacan who puts it in the form of a matheme\nthat reveals how it works\nin particular by this system of discourses\nthat stage for each of us issues of our own jouissance\nin the way that desire functions in the signifiers, nevertheless, Lacan says \"it is Freud through his exploration of the unconscious\nby the definitive formulas he found for the unconscious\nthrough his clinical work, which is the founder of the analyst's discourse\".\nthis analyst's discourse how is it different?\nthese three discourses are spherical, he's moebian?\nThat means for the other discourses\nAs we've seen, words always end.\nby referring to a referent, which is one thing...\nwe can't just stay in the words, however the work of analysis\nis precisely to reset this\nbeginning in such a way\nthat the cut actually took place\nthe cut is of course \nThe cut between words and things, since the\ncut between words and things\nit's only in the analytical discourse\nthat it is Moebian, (which means designed on the model of the Möbius strip)\nfor which you go from one side to the other without crossing any edges.\nso what are we talking about then? we're talking about \"les tours dits\" (the spoken tours).\nWhich is written with a T since it's the tour of the said, the passage from the saying to the said and from the said to the saying\nthis passage is what Lacan calls the double loop cut...\nbecause it is no longer possible to\nrefer to an imaginary consistent universe\nthat's why Lacan says that \"there's nothing else in the world that a small object \"a.\"\nbecause the point of the analysis is to bring the subject who said something\nto reconnect this said to his saying,\n that is to say, to get back..\na kind of reset of the\nsystem, as we would say today\nIn the ability to say; so the said takes origin on the saying\nfor there to have been a said it would have been necessary, in the past future, that there has been a saying\nso the passage from the saying to the said and from the said to the saying and thus the cut is operative.\nand that cut, of course.\nit's nothing more than the subject itself.\nthe cut itself is the subject\nit's very surprising not to find that...\nin the comments on \"l'étourdit\"\nbut at the same time is it so amazing\nthan that? since what we're talking about here is getting to say\nis that the analyst discourse is nothing more than the social bond\nproduced by the analytical cure\nWhich will have been carried to its logical conclusion. At that moment there are no more illusions to be made\ni.e. we are really cut off the world\nThat's true castration. That's where also that true psychoanalysis takes its dimension\nStrictly speaking, poetically\ni.e. the passage from the signifier to the meaning\nand back to the signifier, so we\ngo from said to saying and from saying to said...\nand we accept that, in doing so there's a rebalancing\nwhich is done in such a way that the\nsubject may give birth at that time\nOf a new master signifier who can't\nthus join the ancient knowledge\nit's another way, it's...\nsomething else that's going on and what\nanalytical discourse is a whole\nother \"stuff\" than the other three\nobviously in these comments on \"l'étourdit\", it is never mentioned.\nlet's just say that what is forgotten\nnowadays\nin the comments on \"l 'étourdit\" is simply the topology.\nThe passage to the structure, the strict\nhomology between structure and topology\nit's a question of discourse , and first of topology, so of places\nsince I remind you that the\nlanguage has two main functions\nfirst of representation: therefore the one that works in all three discourses\nsecond of place, and only the\nanalytical discourse helps to clarify\nHow the other three discourses work. And the minimum we have to do\nas we talk about the analysis\ntherefore of the analyst's discourse since\nthe analyst operates only from the discourse that conditions it\notherwise It's not analysis, it's psychology.\nhence of the academic discourse\nwhich is the more antagonist to the analytical discourse\nso if we go back to the analytical discourse\nwhat we learn from \"l'étourdit\"\nIt first concerns the psychoanalysts\nIt's about psychoanalysts,( I was going to say the real ones)Those who put themselves at the service of the analytical discourse\nnot those who serve the academic discourse.\nsince this is the opposite of the analytical discourse...\nso the question to always ask ourselves is:\n\"in what discourse did my subject get caught? »\nfor in psychoanalysis\na priori the subject is spoken before being\nspeaking and so he's caught\nin a discourse, and that's how he apprehends. Lacan gives an example\nno mean feat since he's going to talk about Ferdinand de Saussure...\nwhen he talks about the arbitrariness of the sign\nWhen he invents linguistics, it's a science, and science at first.\nis in the order of the hysterical discourse\nsince it's a challenge to the unconscious knowledge of the master and a fall of knowledge\nwho will be carried by the truth of\nthe hysterical one.\nthe truth comes down to knowledge, it comes to pointing out the flaw of knowledge\nand a scientific possibility is about to arise. So F. de Saussure invents linguistics...\nwhich is a science and in doing so he is\nin the hysteric's discourse\nBut without knowing it, Lacan specifies it in \"radiophonie\", he's not an analyst\nwhich keeps him from being an idiot...\nby wanting to be a scoundrel, because\nthe scoundrel in the psychoanalytical approach\nis the one who doesn't want to play the game of a discourse\nAnd to take over the jouissance of others\ndiscourse without playing the discourse game\nbut F. de Saussure is not a\nanalyst, nor is he a scoundrel.\nand so he won't go dumb because what happens to scoundrels is that they get stupid...\nLike Miller, for example. Here we have F. de Saussure.\nsomeone who's in the hysterical discourse\n and who, by uttering the words \"arbitrary sign\"...\nFalls without knowing it, in the master's discourse...\nhe doesn't know about the fall, but as we can't connect the signifier with the signified...\nshowing a discrepancy between the two, that there is no way to correlate\nto bridge that gap\ndoesn't mean it is arbitrary\nthat's where saying \"arbitrary\"\nhe goes back to the master's discourse\nSo that's an analytical approach.\nso the approach that allows \"l'étourdit\" is to come back\nOn the foundations of psychoanalysis, very simply, an approach to discourse\nsince psychoanalysis is\na discourse and as a discourse\nit's a discourse clinic.\nwhich takes into account the\nspecificity of each of the discourses\nOf the three discourses and the analytical discourse which is no better than any other discourse...\ncontrary to what one might think following this introduction\nbut that's what makes it possible to pinpoint very precisely\nabout what is happening with the other discourses and the way they work\nand it makes it possible to understand today when you're in the academic discourse\nwe're in a corrupt master's discourse as Lacan says\nAnd when we're into the hysterical discourse, we're in the possibility of science\nso when, for example, someone like Macron says: \n\"there is no scientific consensus.\"\nIt's a contradiction in adjecto. Scientific consensus doesn't mean anything\nThere is never scientific consensus\nsince science is born of dissensus\nthere has to be dissensus for there to be science.\nsince the scientific truth that will appear at a moment is a fall of already established knowledge\nso there will never be scientific consensus\nso it's all ideological smoke and how could you not see it?\nprecisely if we are in this analytical perspective\nopened by Lacan and deployed in \"l'étourdit\"\nAnd to comment \"l'étourdit\" without mentioning the Discourses, topology,\nThe specificity of the analyst's discourse\nwhich is a Moebian discourse\nCompared to other discourses that are spherical and unambiguous\nWhile Moebian discourse is multi-vocal, in the passage from saying to said and from said to saying\nIt's the poetry of analytical discourse, but not a hollow poetry.\nis the very poetry of being, since we\nare caught up in this discourse\nand it allows us to assume the castration\nthe assumption of castration\nthat's still the goal of psychoanalysis, but...\nwe know that psychoanalysis proposes at the end of the cure\nalways the rock of castration. There are few who pass the rock of castration\nsince there is little approach of the kind that distinguishes\nespecially in \"l'étourdit\" where it's strictly about that.\nthe relation of the discourses, topology, and structure\nand the difference between\ndiscourses that are spherical and therefore closed\nand the discourses that allow the real cut called the double loop cut,\nthe Moebian Cut which only takes place from the emergence of the analytical discourse\nand especially for the analysand because he put his own skin in the story.\nbecause otherwise it's impossible to understand\nHe may be smart, Badiou, and I...\nwould say Cassin even more\nin that little book we read, but they\ncan't do it because they're not in analytical discourse...\nthey're in an academic discourse\nAnd when you're in the academic discourse\nyou're at the antagonism of analytical discourse...\nthen there's another approach that has interested us lately\nit's the Mandeville approach.\nBernard de Mandeville whom Lacan talks about in \"l'éthique\"\nwhich gave ideas to some people\nnotably this philosopher who is\ninteresting to read, Dany Robert Dufour, who exhumed some Mandeville's texts including an absolutely wonderful text\nabout hypochondria and hysteria, dialogues...\nimagine dating back to 1700, it's exceptional, absolutely great.\nAnd Mandeville's thesis on the political dimension of\nwhat's going on there it's very applicable today.\nexcept we would not use the same words anymore, and so for Mandeville.\nthe tripartition that we find in psychoanalysis with Lacan\nin the embedded language structure that\nare: neurosis psychosis and perversion\nWell, at Mandeville's, there's gonna be a trilogy, too, but...\nit's not exactly the same since it takes a moral stance\nand an imagination based on fables:\nthe fable of the bees\nbecause Mandeville is the English translator of La fontaine.\nSo he wrote this as a fable and developed this thesis which cost him dearly...\nsince he's been disgraced as \"Man Devil,\"\ni.e. the devil man\nfor showing that the vices\nhad made the fortune of public goods\nand therefore the way he\nexplains this political functioning\nis that the bulk of the masses, the neurotics...\nto put it that way\nthose are the ones that are caught in the ego\nlacan shows that the self is a\nsymptom, that's the first symptom.\nAnd the ego doesn't want to hear about\nthe gap between the neurotic's self-image\nand what he's really doing\nso there's a discrepancy there that makes him manipulable, especially the obsessive one.\nbecause he's a man of many words, and you can just pay him with words;\nWith the social networks he's still paying himself with more words, so they he think he is virtuous.\nAnd imagining himself virtuous, he's going to lecture everyone\nHe preaches to others and then he gets himself\nsatisfied with this kind of blockage\nneurotic balancing act that's going to make\nthat he has a rewarding self-image...\nso it's self-defined\nwith two other populations\nThat neurotic who's the bulk of the\ntroop and which precisely allows all political manipulation\nwith what Mandeville calls the villains.\n\" villains\" obviously has a very strong moral connotation\nas likely to commit crimes etc.\nbut if you have to take them on a level that's not moral...\nthat is just ethical, since basically Lacan's work\nwas to transform the\nthree embedded language structures\nyou can't help but belong to one of these three structures...\nWe can go around in circles\nin any way that's impossible.\nNot to belong to one of these three...\nstructures neurosis psychosis perversion\nSo the villains, well, you could say...\nif we take them out of the moral dimension zone\nThat is to say, the mores of the XVIII century, but today there are also mores\nThat's the base of morality\nThese are the subjects who cannot register\nin a discourse, but as Lacan says...\nwhat characterizes the psychotic is they're missing a signifier.\nThe psychotic can't get to know\nbecause he lacks a signifier\n\"the father's name\" precisely and therefore\n he can't get into a discourse.\nmost of them are adapted to the society\nand some, effectively, become serial killers who are capable of the worst scoundrels,\nthese can't fit into a discourse\nand then there are those who could fit in\na discourse because it's not a structural impossibility\nBut who don't want to join\nthey want to try to steal the\nenjoyment without playing the game\nWhose jouissance is ordered from an\ndiscourse, these are the perverts.\nobviously it is those who are holding, like\nVoltaire said:\n\"the little number who holds and makes the big number act\", who's manipulating all of this,\nso we're pretty close to conspiracy\nand all the fashionable ideas\nnow you can say as soon as\nyou don't agree\nwith the bullshit of the dominant discourse, you are suspected\nOf conspiracy, of plotting,\nSo, yes, there's a conspiracy, but as in\nkafka: a plot without conspirators\nbecause the conspirators\nthemselves don't know that they're already being manipulated by the signifier\nas a friend once said: I'll stop scheming\nWhen you stop plotting behind my back...\nThere's no conspiracy, but there's still a conspiracy that is a unconscious conspiracy\nthat is to say that they themselves are the play of the signifier...\nSince the signifier orders what happens and\npsychoanalysis is what makes it possible\njust to reconcile oneself with the alienation\nwhich is produced by the signifier\nto allow the possibility of an emerging subject\nAs seen in the form of a Mobian cut\nso the subject in psychoanalysis has absolutely nothing to do with subjectivity\nand subjectivity\nwhich is precisely what happens in the other three discourses\nstill, we can't say it has nothing to do\nsubjectivity carries the potential of\nsubject but the subject is the cut\nWhich has been realized from that potential and the subject is something that is real.\nprecisely because he can only be accessed through the symbolic\nbut he's no longer the symbolic\nhe is something that is always represented by a signifier for another signifier that does not represent him\nso it can't be directly perceptible, discernible\nAs soon as we talk about the subject we appeal to a signifier.\nto represent him. This is precisely what characterizes the psychoanalytic approach...\nin regard to other approaches including the philosophical approach\nand then the psychologizing or pseudo-psychoanalytical approach\nwhich is not the analytical approach because psychoanalysis\nis not to help people, as Lacan says...\nyou're gonna have a line out in front your practice. Psychoanalysis isn't like that.\nit is to allow the subject to conquer autonomy in the original sense of the word\nits own law, the law of the signifier, we've seen it,\nAnd to lead himself to his word since there is no other way out for the speaking being that we are\nthan to go to our own word...\nso what we actually find in Badiou, in Zizek\nBut also in many philosophers or\nof pseudo psychoanalysts\nbecause they are very nice, the school of Zizek in lubjana, the Slovenians\nexcept that they are not clinicians and therefore\nthey refer tall the time to ontology, but we've seen that ontology\nLacan writes it with an h (Hontology) because it is a shame to confuse the signifier and the sign.\nthis is not understood if you haven't been yourself on the couch\nor if we didn't go all the way.\nof the analytical cure, to its logical conclusion\nTo understand that it's the little a who is a semblance of ontology\npretending to \"be\" this little a, but it's\na letter pretending to \"be\".\nthere's no access to ontology. As soon as we ontologize, we're out of castration.\nwe get out of the fact that we're always caught\nin a discourse represented by a signifier for another signifier who doesn't represent us\nand we're swinging between said and saying between enunciated and enunciation\nthat's what we're learning in the analytical discourse\nIndeed there's no room for ontology; that's why Lacan\ncalls it a \"honte au logis\" (shame at home), shame not to dye of shame\nbecause to get out of this shame\nyou should be ashamed of yourself.\nto boast a representation of the world\na weltanschauung where precisely this is the order of the master's discourse\nIt's a substitute for a world view, but for a psychoanalyst there is no more.\nthere fore it is a \"saint\" position, not to be understood in the moral sense.\nBut in the sense of Mencius or Baltasar...\nGracian that is to say to un-charity\nit's exactly how Lacan treats \"ontology\"\nthat Badiou and the other philosophers would want\nthat is to say a not-being so it's a\ndiscourse of the master/being\nThis being here is just a semblance\n since what we have access\nIt's exclusively a letter, a\nletter that works with other math\nin a discourse, since we are a product of the discourse\nThere is no reality that is not discourse-generated\nso just appearing to be so is both what is not, what appears to be...\nit shields both senses of the\nterm\n\"pare\" as fend off a blow, the blow of being\nAnd \"pare\" in the sense of embellishing, it is appearance but there's no being.\nBeing is what is given by its absence.\nwhich is not to say that there is no being\nit means that as a subject we don't have access to it.\nsince what characterizes us as\n subject is this punch between\nThe barred subject and object a (the\nlogic of fantasy)\nwe only have access to our fantasy through whose tropism we see the world...\nor we represent it (weltanschauung)\nbut the minimum for a psychoanalyst is\nto know that and therefore not only to know that\nbut to take this into account in what he says or what he does.\nIf, for example, Jacques Alain Miller, who is pretending to be a psychoanalyst\nRealized what he's saying, he'd stop\nto bring the psychoanalytic institution\non the spans of gender theory\nwhich is nothing but an emanation\nof the capitalist discourse which is the more decadent and delirious form of the master's discourse\nit's the master's discourse.\nthat goes through the academic discourse\nand that becomes a justification for a \"self\"\ni.e. a subject that is not more subject but is imagined\nwhich would give him the opportunity to\nuse signifiers to do whatever he wants with them.\nso it's absurd, you can see that it has nothing to do with \"l'étourdit\"\none of the major Lacanian text by whom precisely\nwe can talk about what there is to be said as a psychoanalyst\non what's going on with this kind of fantasy about a virus\nwhich is absolutely mind-blowing if you think about it, the way the society operates\nand then those who hold it\nthose who are in the place of the rulers, it's something kind of massive\nVery very curious to study: the behaviors and the gap that there is\nbetween what's known and what is represented, and the way some objects are fetishized.\nis absolutely mind-blowing.\nI'm talking about the mask, of course, but not only\nthe threat of lock-down, the so-called\nsocial distance, people who make little crosses\nor little squares outside their store\nand ask you to wait an hour before entering the shop\nall of this is absolutely delirious, but we still notice that this world has strictly no sense\nbecause it is penetrated by the real and makes a delirious interpretation of it\nmassively delirious\nwe can now talk about something a little bit more technical\nbecause all comments that are made on\n\"l'étourdit\" do not mention anything about topology\nfrom the point of view of the structure, i.e. of the discourse\nIt also does not address the topology...\nin the form of its geometric representations\nand in particular the crosscap\nsince the crosscap is the only figure a priori\nwhich allows us to conceive how\nthe three discourses that are spherical\ncan be related to analytical discourse\nIt's not just that analytical discourse is\ndifferent from the other three\nit's also about being able to move from one discourse to another\nthe passage of a discourse to another and the crosscap is that figure there\nthat's the rimbaldien\"new love\", Rimbaud' conception of love\nwhich means we go to the dead end of a discourse and then we flip over, so it's a quarter turn\nfor each of the mathem of the discourse and then we go on to a new discourse.\nand this is actually the\" new\nlove\". That's how analytical discourse\nwhich is the discourse of love, the discourse of transference actually,\nis what allows the absolute counterpoint\nof everything that's going on right now\nbecause what you're going through right now\nit's the very negation of love.\nalready rhetorically induced by the capitalistic discourse as we know\nWith that you lose all the things of love and\nindeed the \"new love\"\ni.e.transference love which is true love as Freud says.\nthat love can be found again through analytical discourse...\nwhich is the counterpoint, we see it in \"l’éthique\"...\nAs it is today in this fashion for corona by promoters of all kinds\nall sorts of promoters of what they call the \"pandemic\".\nWhich is absolutely not a pandemic , at the\nlimits an epidemic or endemic\nendemic but not a pandemic.\nit's not for everyone.\nand the commandment that is induced by the generated behaviors\nby the establishment of governments is: \n\"Beware of your neighbor more than yourself\"\nbut psychoanalysis is precisely the word of ethics which can be found both in Freud\nthat stops on it because Freud knows what he's talking about\nso who stops at the command\n\"loves\" and who\nrealizes the shock that this means to him\nAnd Lacan will analyze this and says that Freud is right to stop on this, but it's actually\nit's really the ultimate horizon of ethics, not just psychoanalysis...\nIt's all about \" love thy neighbor as thyself\"\nwe're at the very opposite of this actual distrust or mistrust of the other considered as pestiferous\nand which will lead to an explosion of all kinds of pathologies...\nTherefore psychoanalysis even though completely innovative\nbecause it brings this analytical discourse to the 20th century with Freud...\nit can actually be connected anyway.\nto this subversive aspect,at its last degree, \nof the Christic appearance\ni.e. at the beginning of Christianity the possibility offered of this love\nor the relationship between Judeo and\nChristianity is the relationship\nBetween the symbolic and the real. What makes Christianity as such\nis the fulfillment to the end of\nJewish law\ni.e. by integrating the Christ body\nitself which is beyond the law...\nto the hold of the symbolic on the law\nas we saw, it's the object a.\nThe reintroduction of the object \"a\" under\nthe form of the resurrected Christ\nAnd it was brought by Freud himself, not Lacan the Freud reader\nby Freud himself in \"civilization and its discontent.\" he brings this and Lacan is very surprised\nand it deploys that possibility\nso everything today, everything that concerns\nthe father's defiance, the struggle\nagainst patriarchy etc.\nis absolutely the most anti-psychoanalysis\nSince it's this empty place of the father, this\nunoccupied place which is the same as in democracies\nthe empty place of democracy that allows the system to work\nso Lacan's counterbalance is going to make a play on words with \"noms du père\" (father's names)and \"non dupes errent\" (the non dupe wanders)\nAnd allows precisely for the subject to\ndifferentiate from the real father\nof the symbolic father and the father\nimaginary.\n\"l'étourdit\" is the passage from modal to nodal.\nthe modalities are the modalities of the impossible\nthe impossible that strikes every discourse\nthen differentiates the impossible that's on the top bar.\nthe impossibility of governing, educating and so on.\nWith the impotence that doesn't allow the\nreturn since they are open circuits\nthe return from the lower right place to the lower left place\nand impossibles have different names\nfor the master's discourse\nthe impossible is incompleteness.\nit's easy to see why, since it's\nnot complete since there is the \"a\"falling .\nto represent as being ( i.e. an imaginary consistency of a universe)\nFor the academic, it's the undeniable.\nsince the academic is in the concealment of the master signifier\nSo all these logical demonstrations\nare going to be wobbly, there's something that's going to hold up\nsince the Master signifier is hidden\nand so as a S2.\nh e occupies this place to be the agent to address the astute, the little a\n\"the pedant au pd (gay)\" as Lacan says\nin a \"l'étourdit\"; no one talks about that either, right?\nthere's something untraceable. For the hysterical it's the inconsistency\nand for the analyst the impossible is called the undecidable...\nOne can never decide since an interpretation is like an oracle\nit only proves to be true by\nresults it gets, but in the meantime\nit allows the passage of the oscillation\nfrom said to saying and from saying to said\nso it reposition the subject and \nmoves him such a way that he assumes that position...\nto be signified by a signifier\ntherefore by the word and therefore not to decide\nit's undecidable\ncompared to earlier we can say that now you're staying in the sense\nAnd you don't fall into a meaning\nwhen you're in a meaning (this means that)\nWell, it's decided, whereas in the analysis it's not, since you're still\non sets of signifiers and\nso you stay on the level of signifier.\nAnd you don't fall into the signified so into the meaning\nit's the oracle of Delphi...\nthat's how the possibility of boundaries was born...\nWith the oracle of Delphi where the words were unintelligible...\nand so each one would hear them at the mesure of his possibilities\nand depending on the ability of his interpretation\nhis destiny was taking this or that direction\nand that's how Oedipus responds to the oracle...\nfound himself performing the\nfate that from this myth allowed Freud\nto found psychoanalysis.\nthe hardest thing is to say anything.\nthat's why it's the game of free association.\nThen the analyst realizes\nThat he can't, he's governed...\nby the chain of signifiers that take\n him to say this or that\nit's about blowing up the link of\nthe chain of signifiers to allow\na change in the subject's position\nthe Master signifier is cut off from knowledge. (S1 is cut off from S2)\nand that's only in the analyst discourse\nyou read it from the bottom left: knowledge S2 is assumed\nIt's supposed, so under the bar, repressed, the analysand suppose it to the analyst\nbut the analyst also supposes it to the analysand, since for him, it's the analysand who knows\nbut he doesn't know that he knows\nso he's going to play over his object a\nHe puts his body in it and then this\ncrossing from a to S barred\ntherefore, the impossibility to analyse, of course, by the game the analyst plays...\nwith the analysand, (a kind of \"two players delirium\" one can say)\nbut unconscious delirium, and with some control\non the games of the unconscious at the \nlinguistics level that will allow the divided subject\nand thus, to the analysand to bring about\na new signifier, the signifier 1\nBut who's dumb, (an interpretation is as silly as an oracle).\nit's not something smart.\nIt's silly because it's not related to knowledge, and the impotence of the S1 to return to the S2\nthat's what makes it the\nsignifier 1, a signifier without signified\nit's a signifier that can only be defined by being different\nfrom the other signifiers, that's why its dumb.\nand that's how you can tell that\nparadoxically psychoanalysis is a praise of stupidity...\nas long as you accept the foolishness\nyou have to be very smart to accept stupidity.\nI expect nothing from the positions I take\nif not to express them, to manage them, to\nsay them in the most consistent manner\nto serve (as i see it) the analyst's discourse\nso it's a position effectively\nWhere the false distance disappears yes, there are issues at stake.\nmassive stakes and it is a question to say something about the analytical position\nin relation to these issues and actually it can't be\nIn the sense of the dominant discourse\nWho is the capitalist discourse\nIt's impossible we can't go into the meaning of all these pseudo reasons\nto say that every discourse is a reason\nso we can't be in those pseudo-reasons\nIt's about bringing out something\nnot of a knowledge, but knowledge about the truth.\nthe truth which can only be\nhalf-said but implying a saying\nso that's when Raoult speaks there's a\nsaying and a said, he says something from his experience\nand he's wearing his saying. It hasn't\nthe same value when a moron\nof pseudo-philosopher like Enthoven talks or some dummy reporter\nas I don't remember his name,\nCohen or Finkielkraut, talks.\nit doesn't have the same value, from saying to said and from said to saying, it doesn't have the same value.\nthere's not the same ethical contract because every discourse is an ethic\nRaoult has a contract with a sick person, he's sticking to something\nthere's a connection between his saying and his said\nIn the others it's just said, there's no saying, \nThey're talking, they don't know anything about it.\nthey don't even know they're caught in a discourse, so it's worthless.\nthey're in an academic discourse\nAcademic discourse is still an opportunistic discourse since it is bringing knowledge to the Master...\nand then, if possible, take over as a master of knowledge...\nI think the dumbest one is a dude.\nWho's called Laurent Alexandre, the\nfounder of Doctissimo who is really\na complete moron who thinks he's a\ngenius who can rule over the intelligence of others\nSo obviously they're waiting for it to pass.\nthey benefit from the situation, they are\nprecisely on the pervert side\nThat is to say, the pervert, I remind you, is not what we usually think.\nthe pervert is the position of a masochist who ignores himself as a masochist\nmore often than not\nthat is, who imagine that he knows\nwhat makes the Other enjoy (with a capital O)\nso he puts himself in the position of knowing what makes the Other enjoy\nin fact, It's a way of governing. How are they governing right now?\nIt's not hard to guess. They have polls made, you can the polls to say what you want.\nso, they still need that the majority of those who elect them\nmust think that the government is doing something\nbecause they can't just sit back and do nothing\nWell, yes, but they must not show it in any case, and so they think to themselves\nlet's see if people imagine that the mask will protect them\nso, we may have scientific studies that demonstrate that it's totally unnecessary\nfor all lung infections including corona virus\nIt's a proven fact, we've been knowing it for ten years, but they're going to find out that\nthere's a sufficient percentage of people who would be reassured by wearing the mask\nso they decide that the mask will be mandatory regardless of the consequences\nas long as it is reassuring a majority\nThat's a perversion!\nThat's true populism, populism is nothing else but that\nto imagine what will make the people enjoy\nso we're going to take action based on popularity ratings, polls etc.\nand we very know that the way they are phrased makes them say anything\nWe're going to instil some language elements from there\nthat's what it's called, and then it's done.\nSo we end up with a pair of underpants on our heads imagining we are protecting ourselves against the corona virus.\nwhich is totally untrue, but this will reassure\napparently over 60% of the population\nand so, it's a decision that's going to be made\nand that's 60% is obviously the\nthe big neurotics, that is to say, the ones\nWho have a high opinion of themselves, who imagine themselves virtuous people\nthey've never explored their dark side of the force\nas it says in a well-known saga and so they imagine they're good.\nand there's nothing worse than the ones that\nimagine themselves to be good\nbecause they don't want to know anything about it, and...\nso, they're going to moralize the others\nThey want to prohibit them from jogging\nthey'll opt for lock down; they'll clap their masters on the balcony at night\nSo, you need this possibility of an analytical approach\nand to bring psychoanalysis to the political dimension\nwhich is its original dimension since the police is the city\nthe city is language and language is what is opposed to nature.\njust to deploy, as a conclusion, I would like to say for today:\nlogos is what is opposed to nature, the difference between the speaking being we are with all the other species\nis that we're not directly\nreferent of an environment,\nwe are not directly correlated to it. All animals are part of environments\nfor there to be mosquitoes there has to be water and certain types of plants...\nfor a cougar, it must live under some conditions and not under others\na crocodile also, cows, goat...\nwhatever you want needs environment\nWho possesses the truth of his being here; for the human being\nfor the speaking being there's no environment,\nMen can live anywhere because their environment is language itself.\ni.e. they are caught as a subject, they belong a priori to a discourse\nthey don't know it, but they are part of a discourse\nso their ecosystem depends on their discourse\nthat's why psychoanalysis is a discourse and a discourse clinic\nso it's a critical approach to discourse. Let's not forget that desire\nWhich is the analytical basis for\nexcellence since it is indestructible\nThat's how Freud ended his traumdeutung...\ndesire is indestructible\nthe desire itself is actually what makes law to the subject\nWe are subjects of desire, subject to\ndesires, and language is the law of desire.\nso it's the laws of language\nthat over determine us, which means it's a determination\nthat comes on top of all the other determinations\nDeterminations can have\nnatural physics laws\nWe are subject to gravity and\nmany other natural laws\nbut the laws of language take over his, that's what Freud discovers with his \"enwurf\".\nwe are primarily determined by the laws\nand so, it's through language and by the discourse that we can\nreseed the possibilities of the subject that we are\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "Ahhh....\nShit...\n*lol rip in rip*\nNOPE\nCAUTION\nA VIRUS HAS BEEN DETECTED\nI WILL FOCC U UP\nGet a center, Michael.\nYou have no center.\nHow about,\nU SUCC MY COCC?\nk\n*wait holy shit this video predicted the future*\nSteady, steady..\n*rip*\nGET THE FUCC DOWN!\nDon't kill me!\nI'm a virgin!\n*cancer*\nHe's got a gun!\nTACTICAL NUKE, INCOMING!\nSorry folks, the bible backs me up on this one. :(\nTake off your pants, cowboy, alright?\nL-let's fuck.\nDo you think this is funny?\nG E T T H E M O F F !\nare you on crack?\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "\nItalian: \n Ehi, questo è di nuovo Adam e oggi parleremo di app per la logica e \n azioni di controllo le azioni di controllo sono categorie specifiche di azioni che consentono \n di implementare le condizioni di loop e l'esecuzione parallela di cui parlerò \n riguardo a quelli in dettaglio oggi, quindi rimanete sintonizzati, saltiamo subito lì \n Esistono diversi modi per controllare il flusso utilizzando l'esecuzione parallela \n cicli di esecuzione condizionale chiamati anche terminazione di iterazione e uno scopo lo farò \n parlerò di ognuno di questi oggi e mostrerò la demo di ognuno di loro \n quindi prima hai l'esecuzione parallela, questo è un modo per dividere il tuo lavoro \n confluiscono in due rami paralleli separati ogni ramo viene eseguito separatamente \n senza influire sul lavoro o altro, quindi è un ottimo modo per gestirne anche alcuni \n eccezione quindi con questo possiamo effettivamente andare direttamente al portale e alla vetrina \n\nEnglish: \nHey there this is Adam again and today we're\ngonna be talking about logic apps and\ncontrol actions control actions are\nspecific category of actions which allow\nyou to implement loops conditions and\nparallel execution I will be talking\nabout those in detail today so stay\ntuned let's jump straight to it there\nare several ways you can control the\nflow using parallel execution\nconditional execution loops also called\niteration terminate and a scope I will\nbe talking about each one of those today\nand I will showcase the demo of each all\nso first you have parallel execution\nthis is a way for you to split your work\nflow into two separate parallel branches\neach branch is executed separately\nwithout affecting work or another so\nit's great way to also handle some\nexception so with this we can actually\ngo straight to the portal and showcase\n\nEnglish: \nthis part of execution demo in the\nportal I have my own resource group and\nin that research group I created several\nlogic apps for each logic up I'm gonna\nbe showcasing a demo I'm gonna go to the\nparallel don't worry those are all of\nthem are actually empty so those are\nblank logic apps I will actually start\nfrom the blank logic up in each case but\nbefore I do I want to go here into\nstorage account because I like my demos\nto be always showcasing some life\nscenarios so be using blob storage for\nintegration purposes I'll be uploading\nsome files and using some tables so go\nto storage Explorer to blob containers\nand create one blob container called\ndemo this is where I will be uploading\nmy files and I also want to create the\ntable in a table storage called I don't\nknow maybe a log I will using this table\nto log some information whenever new\n\nItalian: \n questa parte della demo di esecuzione nel portale ho il mio gruppo di risorse e \n in quel gruppo di ricerca ho creato diverse app per la logica per ogni logica che andrò \n presenterò una demo andrò al parallelo non preoccuparti, quelli sono tutti \n in realtà sono vuote, quindi sono app per la logica vuote che inizierò effettivamente \n dalla logica in bianco in ogni caso, ma prima di farlo voglio entrare qui \n account di archiviazione perché mi piace che le mie demo mostrino sempre un po 'di vita \n scenari quindi utilizzare l'archiviazione BLOB per scopi di integrazione che caricherò \n alcuni file e utilizzando alcune tabelle quindi vai a Storage Explorer per i contenitori BLOB \n e creare un contenitore BLOB chiamato demo, qui è dove caricherò \n i miei file e voglio anche creare la tabella in un archivio di tabelle chiamato non lo faccio \n so forse un registro che userò questa tabella per registrare alcune informazioni ogni volta che nuove \n\nItalian: \n file in fase di caricamento poiché questo è pronto, posso effettivamente passare alla nostra logica parallela \n e inizia a crearlo, quindi andiamo dal designer \n e poiché vogliamo integrare l'archiviazione BLOB, inizierò dallo spazio vuoto \n logica su anti blob che vogliamo attivare ogni volta che viene aggiunto un blob noob su un file \n spazio di archiviazione Ho bisogno di creare una connessione per l'account di archiviazione e selezionare il mio spazio di archiviazione \n account Devo selezionare un container e quello era il nostro container demo che desidero \n per controllarlo ogni tre minuti e ogni volta che c'è il nuovo blob lo farò \n para esecuzione in cui vorrò fare due azioni prima di tutto voglio \n eliminare il blob che imploderà quindi troviamo l'azione del blob DV e abbiamo bisogno di \n\nEnglish: \nfiles being uploaded since this is ready\nI can actually go to our parallel logic\nup and start creating it so let's go to\nthe designer\nand since we want to integrate blob\nstorage I will start from the blank\nlogic up anti blob we want to trigger\nwhenever there's a noob blob added on a\nstorage I need to create a storage\naccount connection and select my storage\naccount I need to select an container\nand that was our demo container I want\nto check it every three minutes and\nwhenever there's the new blob I will do\npara execution in which I will want to\ndo two actions first of all I want to\ndelete the blob that will then implode\nso let's find DV blob action and we need\n\nEnglish: \nto specify the blob to be deleted so in\nthe expression we look for the file path\ninterestingly it says list of filename\nbecause this block allows you to process\nfiles one by one or in the settings you\ncan change the process multiple files in\nthis case it's gonna be a list in our\ncase is just a singular file and now we\nwant to do a parallel execution it's\nactually very tricky if you don't know\nit but to do parallel execution you just\nhover over this arrow here click on this\nplus button and add per branch and this\nis actually how easy it is it's just I\nwould say a tricky hidden one so right\nnow we're gonna click on either table\nstorage and we're gonna find a insert or\nmerge entity we're gonna create a table\nconnection and select our table storage\nand we need to specify a table that's\n\nItalian: \n per specificare il blob da eliminare quindi nell'espressione cerchiamo il percorso del file \n è interessante notare che dice elenco di nomi di file perché questo blocco ti consente di elaborare \n file uno per uno o nelle impostazioni è possibile modificare il processo più file in \n questo caso sarà un elenco nel nostro caso è solo un file singolare e ora noi \n vuoi fare un'esecuzione parallela in realtà è molto complicato se non lo sai \n ma per eseguire l'esecuzione parallela basta passare il mouse su questa freccia qui fare clic su questo \n pulsante più e aggiungi per ramo e questo è effettivamente quanto sia facile è solo io \n direbbe un difficile nascosto, quindi in questo momento faremo clic su una delle due tabelle \n archiviazione e troveremo un'entità di inserimento o unione, creeremo una tabella \n connessione e selezionare il nostro archivio di tabelle e dobbiamo specificare una tabella che sia \n\nItalian: \n sarà la nostra tabella di registro, nel qual caso dobbiamo specificare una chiave di partizione \n utilizzeremo un'espressione per generare un nuovo ID, quindi utilizzerò il contenuto dinamico \n dobbiamo scorrere un po 'a destra c'è una funzione run ma noi \n effettivamente bisogno di farlo funzionare che avremmo usato bene \n è una funzione di identificatore univoco globale che copierò perché anch'io voglio \n per usarlo per la chiave e devi specificare un'entità JSON e io \n fornire per il nome del file della traccia un'entità il nome del file che siamo \n in fase di elaborazione e immagino sia tutto, quindi salviamolo e proviamo la demo \n quindi in realtà aprirò la seconda scheda sul portale e in questa scheda \n\nEnglish: \ngoing to be our log table we need to\nspecify a partition key in which case\nwe're gonna be using an expression to\ngenerate new ID so I'll dynamic content\nwe need to scroll a little bit to the\nright there's a run function but we\nactually need done it run we were gonna\nuse good\nit's a global unique identifier function\nI'm gonna copy this because I also want\nto use that for the key and you need to\nspecify a JSON entity and I'm gonna\nsupply for the file name of the trace an\nentity the file name that we're\nprocessing and I guess that's it so\nlet's save this and let's test the demo\nso I will actually I will open the\nsecond tab on the portal and in this tab\n\nItalian: \n Aprirò il gruppo di risorse, aprirò il contenitore di archiviazione e caricherò \n qui alcuni file e terrò il designer aperto in una seconda scheda, quindi premerò il caricamento \n scegli alcuni file e io scelgo alcuni file immagine in ordine per il nostro \n L'esecuzione per iniziare l'Italia Colpirò la corsa per forzare l'esecuzione in anticipo \n perché non voglio aspettare quei tre minuti in questo momento controllare correttamente il file \n trigger ciò significa che in un paio di secondi vedremo l'output come \n vedi che siamo in grado di eseguire con successo due azioni in parallelo che possiamo anche \n convalidare questo risultato mostrando che non ci sono più blob e andando a \n Storage Explorer che mostra che la tabella è riempita con una voce chiamata immagine 3 \n P&G quindi torniamo alla presentazione e alla prossima sulla nostra lista in realtà sì \n\nEnglish: \nI will open the resource group open the\nstorage container and I'll be uploading\nhere some files and I will keep designer\nopen in a second tab so I'll hit upload\nchoose some files and I'm gonna choose\nsome image file in order for our\nexecution to start Italy I'm gonna hit\nrun to force the execution run early\nbecause I don't want to wait those three\nminutes right now successfully check the\ntrigger that means in just couple of\nseconds we're gonna see the output as\nyou see we are able to successfully run\ntwo actions in parallel we can even\nvalidate this result by showing that\nthere's no blob anymore and by going to\nstorage Explorer showing that the table\nis filled with one entry called image 3\nP&G so let's go back to the presentation\nand the next on our list actually yeah\n\nItalian: \n scusa se me ne sono dimenticato, ma questo è il nostro dev che abbiamo appena eseguito nuovo \n blob una riga di tabella ed elimina il blob in Perl, il prossimo è l'esecuzione condizionale \n quindi questa è la prima condizione su cui lavoreremo, quindi se tu \n avere quei due rami paralleli se vuoi sceglierne solo uno \n a seconda di una sorta di condizione questa è chiamata condizione di cui fa parte \n il gruppo di azioni di controllo ed è una delle azioni della demo che faremo \n in questo momento è ogni volta che arriva un nuovo file se si tratta di un archivio, vogliamo aggiungerlo \n riga della tabella se non lo è vogliamo eliminare il blocco \n quindi torniamo al portale che proverò a chiuderlo e ad aprire il vuoto \n logica della condizione in alto, quindi avviare di nuovo la selezione dell'app per la logica vuota \n archiviazione blob nuovi file contenitore demo e trova l'azione di controllo e in adduzione \n selezionare la condizione e questo è il blocco per creare le condizioni, quindi è necessario \n\nEnglish: \nsorry I forgot about this but this is\nour dev one that we just performed new\nblob a table row and delete blob in Perl\nthe next we have conditional execution\nso this is the first condition that\nwe're going to be working on so if you\nhave those two parallel branches if you\nwant to choose only one of them\ndepending on some sort of condition this\nis called condition condition is part of\nthe control action group and it's one of\nthe actions the demo that we're gonna do\nright now is whenever new file comes in\nif it's an archive we want to add this\ntable row if it's not we want to delete\nthe block\nso let's go back to the portal I'm gonna\ntry to close this and open the empty\ncondition logic up\nso again start blank logic app select\nblob storage new files demo container\nand find control action and in adduction\nselect condition and this is the block\nfor creating conditions so we need to\n\nEnglish: \nuse the file name and let's check if\nthat file name and swift zip that means\nit's our archive and if it's true let's\nadd our table entity so table storage\ninsert our marriage entity log table I\ncan expression for go ID and we cannot\njust copy-paste as same for the Roky and\nfor the entity we just pass again the\njson with the file name so let's find a\nfile name and if it's not true let's\nease blob action to delete the blob and\nto specify the blob\nand specify the path let's hit save\nlet's go back to our table container and\n\nItalian: \n usa il nome del file e controlliamo se il nome del file e lo zip rapido significano \n è il nostro archivio e se è vero aggiungiamo la nostra entità di tabella in modo che lo spazio di archiviazione \n inserire la nostra tabella di registro dell'entità del matrimonio che posso esprimere per go ID e non possiamo \n basta copiare-incollare come lo stesso per Roky e per l'entità passiamo di nuovo il file \n json con il nome del file quindi cerchiamo di trovare un nome file e se non è vero cerchiamo \n facilitare l'azione del BLOB per eliminare il BLOB e per specificare il BLOB \n e specificare il percorso premiamo save torniamo al nostro contenitore di tabelle e \n\nItalian: \n carica un paio di file quindi carichiamo zip e un'immagine e premiamo run \n controlla con successo il grilletto che significa che in un paio di secondi lo faremo \n ottenere i risultati e il risultato sembra semplicemente fantastico, quindi significa uno dei \n file che elaboriamo in questo momento è un file immagine, quindi lo abbiamo eliminato \n perché la condizione è stata eseguita e non era vero se lo caricheremo \n zip ora ovviamente potrei mostrartelo \n sovrascriviamolo Posso mostrarvi la cronologia o posso semplicemente eseguire questo molto \n di nuovo velocemente per il file zip e per il file zip come vedi la condizione \n valutato a true quindi siamo andati alla filiale separata e quello era per ns \n zip che torna alla presentazione, il successivo nell'elenco è il controllo dell'interruttore \n\nEnglish: \nupload couple of files so let's upload\nzip and an image and hit run\nsuccessfully check the trigger that\nmeans in couple of seconds we're gonna\nget the results and the result it looks\njust great so that means one of the\nfiles that we process right now is an\nimage file therefore we deleted this\nbecause condition was executed and it\nwas not true if we're gonna upload this\nzip file now of course I could show you\nthat\nlet's override it I can show you the\nhistory or can I just run this very\nquickly again for the zip file and for\nthe zip file as you see the condition\nevaluated to true therefore we went to\nthe separate branch and that was for our\nzip file going back to the presentation\nthe next on the list is switch control\n\nEnglish: \nbecause if you want to have more than\ntwo branches because only two branches\ncan be created using\ncondition you can use switch control\nlet's go back to the portal and showcase\nyou the switch control so let's open our\ncase and again create a blob storage\ntrigger this will be again for the demo\nand let's create new action switch is\nalso part of the control actions\ntherefore you click here and click\nswitch and by default you are presented\nwith this kind of UI you have a\ncondition that you evaluate on and a\ncase and a default action so if nothing\ngoes into any of the cases it will go\ninto a default case so let's go here and\ninstead of using extension we're gonna\nuse media type so there are a couple of\nmedia types that you can use here each\nfile has its own media type\nif you don't know media type you can\neither check the history of the\nexecution or just copy that paste this\n\nItalian: \n perché se vuoi avere più di due rami perché solo due rami \n può essere creato utilizzando la condizione è possibile utilizzare il controllo dell'interruttore \n torniamo al portale e mostriamo il controllo dell'interruttore, quindi apriamo il nostro \n caso e di nuovo creare un trigger di archiviazione BLOB, questo sarà di nuovo per la demo \n e creiamo un nuovo interruttore di azione fa anche parte delle azioni di controllo \n quindi fai clic qui e fai clic su Cambia e per impostazione predefinita ti viene presentato \n con questo tipo di interfaccia utente hai una condizione su cui valutare e un file \n case e un'azione predefinita, quindi se non entra in nessuno dei casi, andrà \n in un caso predefinito quindi andiamo qui e invece di usare l'estensione andremo \n usa il tipo di media quindi ci sono un paio di tipi di media che puoi usare qui ciascuno \n file ha il suo tipo di media se non conosci il tipo di media che puoi \n o controlla la cronologia dell'esecuzione o copia semplicemente incolla questo \n\nEnglish: \nfrom the Bob storage I will use third\nportal window to do so so I'm gonna go\nback to my resource group and I will use\nthe first parallel logic up that we used\nsince I have a history for all the runs\nso far so I can actually use it I'm\ngonna choose the last one and the last\none was for the zip file so if you\nactually click on the trigger you can\nactually scroll down and find a media\ntype so there's a media type for\ncompressed here so in our demo that we\nwant to do will be this so whenever\nthere's a new blob coming in if it's PNG\nfile do nothing if it's an archive at\nthe table row if it's any other file\ndelete the blob so let's do that first\nof all as you seen on the screen we will\nneed three blocks so you can add a block\nby hitting this plus here let's zoom\nthis out a little bit so we see almost\neverything so if we remember our case\n\nItalian: \n dall'archivio di Bob userò la terza finestra del portale per farlo, quindi vado \n torna al mio gruppo di risorse e userò la prima logica parallela che abbiamo usato \n dal momento che ho una cronologia per tutte le corse fino ad ora, quindi posso effettivamente usarla lo sono \n sceglierò l'ultimo e l'ultimo era per il file zip quindi se tu \n in realtà fai clic sul grilletto puoi effettivamente scorrere verso il basso e trovare un supporto \n type quindi c'è un tipo di media per compresso qui quindi nella nostra demo che noi \n vuoi fare sarà questo, quindi ogni volta che c'è un nuovo blob in arrivo se è PNG \n file non fa nulla se è un archivio nella riga della tabella se è qualsiasi altro file \n cancellare il blob quindi facciamolo prima di tutto come hai visto sullo schermo lo faremo \n servono tre blocchi in modo da poter aggiungere un blocco premendo questo più qui ingrandiamo \n questo un po 'così vediamo quasi tutto, quindi se ricordiamo il nostro caso \n\nEnglish: \nthe middle one archive that's the case\nfor media type equals to application zip\ncompressed let's get our PNG file from\nthe second execution so in case this was\nan image file let's scroll down sorry\nthat was also for the zip\nand scroll a little bit down media-type\nfor the image is image/png so in case\nthis is an image do nothing in case this\nis a zip at the table row so again we go\nto insert or merge entity\nlog table partition key we need to ID\nagain and in that jason entity I'm just\ngonna copy paste now and add a file name\n\nItalian: \n l'archivio centrale che è il caso per il tipo di supporto è uguale allo zip dell'applicazione \n compresso, otteniamo il nostro file PNG dalla seconda esecuzione, quindi nel caso in cui fosse \n un file immagine scorriamo verso il basso scusate che fosse anche per lo zip \n e scorri un po 'verso il basso il tipo di supporto per l'immagine è image / png così nel caso \n questa è un'immagine non fare nulla nel caso in cui si tratti di uno zip nella riga della tabella, quindi di nuovo andiamo \n per inserire o unire la chiave di partizione della tabella di log dell'entità dobbiamo identificarla \n di nuovo e in quell'entità jason ora copierò incolla e aggiungerò un nome file \n\nItalian: \n e in caso di impostazione predefinita in modo che nessun caso sia stato unito, eliminiamo il BLOB ed eliminiamo \n il blocco e dobbiamo specificare il percorso che passerò dal percorso dinamico \n quindi eliminiamo il blob che verrà inserito, quindi questo è il controllo dell'interruttore quindi cerchiamo \n salvalo ed eseguiamolo, andiamo nel blob e cariciamolo \n due file di nuovo in realtà file gratuiti quindi abbiamo anche il file txt ok, lo abbiamo eseguito noi \n può effettivamente forzare la corsa facilmente, quindi non aspettiamo quei tre minuti e vediamo \n i risultati torneremo effettivamente al controllo dell'interruttore qui e vedremo la corsa \n cronologia In realtà aggiornerò il trigger solo per essere sicuro \n e che paio di secondi \n\nEnglish: \nand in case of default so no cases were\nmerged let's delete the blob and delete\nthe block and we need to specify the\npath I will pass give the dynamic path\nso we delete the blob that will came in\nso this is the switch control so let's\nsave it and let's run it\nlet's go to the blob and let's upload\ntwo files again actually free file so we\ngot also txt file okay we've run it we\ncan actually force the run easily so we\ndon't wait those three minutes and see\nthe results we'll actually go back to\nthe switch control here and see the run\nhistory I will actually refresh run the\ntrigger just to be sure\nand what couple of seconds\n\nItalian: \n Mi sono appena ricordato rapidamente poiché le nostre altre due app per la logica lo sono in realtà \n eliminando i file assicuriamoci di disabilitarli quindi disabilitiamo il file \n esecuzione parallela e andiamo nell'ALSA condizionale e disabilitiamo anche così \n torniamo indietro e ricarichiamo i nostri file un file di testo un file di immagine e un file zip \n premi il caricamento torniamo indietro e ora forza di nuovo il trigger in un paio di minuti \n secondi dovremmo effettivamente vedere i risultati ora che in realtà è molto cruciale per te \n da ricordare se stai eseguendo molti trigger sullo stesso account di archiviazione e \n abbiamo un successo quindi se facciamo clic su uno di essi e vediamo l'output \n in realtà questo è presto un po 'fuori in questo caso stavamo elaborando un file \n zip poiché il tipo di supporto era compresso zip dell'applicazione, quindi abbiamo \n\nEnglish: \nI just quickly reminded myself since our\ntwo other logic apps are actually\ndeleting the files let's make sure to\ndisable them so let's disable the\nparallel execution and let's go into the\nconditional alsa and also disable it so\nlet's go back and re upload our files a\ntext file an image file and a zip file\nhit upload let's go back and now force\nthe trigger again in just couple of\nseconds we should actually see results\nnow that's actually very crucial for you\nto remember if you're doing a lot of\ntriggers on the same storage account and\nwe have a success so if we click one of\nthem and see the output\nthat's actually soon this out a little\nbit in this case we were processing a\nzip file since the media type was\napplication zip compressed therefore we\n\nEnglish: \nwent in the second case in insert and\nmerged entity going back to our\npresentation next on the list we have\nloops loops allows us to iterate through\neither collections or until some\ncondition was met those are two types of\nfor each and until let's go into portal\nand do a loop demo before we do it's not\nalways forget to disable the logic gap\ngo back and open and until or actually\nlet's start from for each so in the for\neach we always start with blank this\ntime I will do a different type of logic\nam I'm gonna do the one that is\ntriggered with HTTP request now they\nwill not pass anything I just want this\nas a trigger so I can manually force the\nexecution second of all we're gonna list\na blob storage files so let's go to blob\n\nItalian: \n nel secondo caso è andato in inserto ed entità fusa risalendo al ns \n presentazione successiva sulla lista che abbiamo loop loop ci permette di iterare \n o raccolte o fino a quando non sono state soddisfatte alcune condizioni, questi sono due tipi di file \n per ogni e fino a quando andiamo nel portale e facciamo una demo in loop prima di farlo non lo è \n dimentica sempre di disabilitare il gap logico torna indietro e apri e fino a quando o effettivamente \n iniziamo da per ciascuno quindi in per ognuno iniziamo sempre con vuoto this \n volta che farò un diverso tipo di logica farò quello che è \n attivati ​​con la richiesta HTTP ora non passeranno nulla, voglio solo questo \n come trigger in modo da poter forzare manualmente l'esecuzione secondo di tutto che elencheremo \n un file di archiviazione BLOB quindi andiamo a BLOB \n\nItalian: \n elenca la sezione blob ed elenchiamo tutti i file in un contenitore demo questa azione \n restituirà un array con un elenco di oggetti in questo archivio BLOB \n facciamo un nuovo passaggio e ora creiamo il nostro ciclo in modo da entrare in un controllo \n azione e hai per ogni ciclo quando per ognuno viene creato devi specificare \n cosa sono io iterare sopra così colpisci qui e lo sei automaticamente \n ti viene chiesto di scegliere l'elemento che hai solo un'era nella tua logica che è \n restituito dall'azione list lob premiamo OK e ora puoi effettivamente farlo \n qualsiasi cosa qui userò effettivamente il mio scenario comune di eliminare il BLOB così \n Vado all'archivio BLOB per eliminare il BLOB e devi specificare \n direi il percorso nel modo in cui specifichi il percorso per l'iterazione corrente \n un po 'complicato perché questa azione list blob qui è adesso solo per \n\nEnglish: \nlist blob section and let's list all the\nfiles in a demo container this action\nwill return an array with a list of\nobjects on this blob storage\nlet's hit a new step and now let's\ncreate our loop so you go in a control\naction and you have for each loop when\nfor each is created you need to specify\nwhat are I will it iterate over so you\nhit here and you automatically are\nprompted to choose the item you have\nonly one era in your logic up which is\nreturned by the list lob action let's\nhit OK and now you can actually do\nanything here I will actually use my\ncommon scenario of deleting the blob so\nI will go up to either blob storage\ndelete the blob and you need to specify\nthe path the way you specify the path\nfor the current iteration is I would say\na little bit tricky because this list\nblob action here is right now only for\n\nEnglish: \nthe current iteration so here you\nspecify path and if even hover over it\nsays items for each path that means your\ncurrent iteration path so let's hit save\nlet's go to the blob storage and upload\ncouple of files and upload go back to\nthe designer and force the run again the\nlogic gap just run and as you see we\nexecuted seven times in iteration each\nfor each file you can actually review\neach iteration which is one of the\ngreatest things about logging in logic\napps can review every single iteration\nand see what happened exactly\nwithin that iteration so right now we go\nto the second scenario that was the\nfirst one so we deleted each blob for\neach iteration the second we have until\nfor the until we're gonna do the\nscenario that you probably all know from\n\nItalian: \n l'iterazione corrente quindi qui specifichi il percorso e se anche ci passi sopra con il mouse \n dice gli elementi per ogni percorso che significa il tuo percorso di iterazione corrente, quindi premi Salva \n andiamo all'archivio BLOB e carichiamo un paio di file e cariciamo torniamo a \n il progettista e forza di nuovo la corsa il divario logico appena eseguito e come vedi noi \n eseguito sette volte in iterazione ciascuna per ogni file che puoi effettivamente rivedere \n ogni iterazione che è una delle cose migliori del log in logica \n le app possono esaminare ogni singola iterazione e vedere cosa è successo esattamente \n all'interno di tale iterazione, quindi in questo momento andiamo al secondo scenario che era il \n primo così abbiamo cancellato ogni blob per ogni iterazione il secondo fino a \n per il fino a quando non faremo lo scenario che probabilmente conoscete tutti \n\nEnglish: \nthe college if you are programming and\nlearning programming so we're going to\ndo an iteration from zero to ten and\nfinish the iteration as soon as the\niterator the counter reached ten so\nlet's go back to logic app as always\ndisable the current logic up go back to\nlist of our logic apps go to the until\nselect blank logic up hit a request and\na trigger and for now we will need\nsomething called variable variable will\nallow me to create this counter that we\nare talking about so we need to create a\nvaluable to create variable we need to\nhit initialize variable stub this\nvariable will be of type integer and it\nwill be called counter and will start\nfrom zero now that we have our counter\n\nItalian: \n il college se stai programmando e imparando a programmare, quindi lo faremo \n fai un'iterazione da zero a dieci e termina l'iterazione non appena il file \n iteratore il contatore ha raggiunto dieci, quindi torniamo all'app per la logica come sempre \n disabilita la logica corrente su torna all'elenco delle nostre app per la logica vai a until \n selezionare la logica vuota su premere una richiesta e un trigger e per ora avremo bisogno \n qualcosa chiamato variabile variabile mi permetterà di creare questo contatore che noi \n di cui parliamo, quindi dobbiamo creare una variabile di valore per creare di cui abbiamo bisogno \n hit initialize variable stub questa variabile sarà di tipo integer ed esso \n si chiamerà contatore e partirà da zero ora che abbiamo il nostro contatore \n\nItalian: \n abbiamo bisogno di creare il ciclo until, andare alle azioni di controllo selezionare fino a quando non \n il contatore è inferiore a 10 fai quello che vogliamo e aumenta il contatore \n quindi vai su variabili incrementa variabile seleziona il tipo di contatore 1 così aumentiamo \n il contatore di 1 per ogni iterazione lo eseguirò e te lo dirò immediatamente \n che questo non funzionerà perché è un po 'complicato sapere che il file \n condizione che viene eseguita nel fino a condizione di uscita quindi come te \n see verrà eseguito solo una volta, quindi diciamo perché è questa la condizione che quando \n incontrato per vero finirà in realtà smetterà di eseguire il fino a quando non sarà così \n\nEnglish: \nwe need to create until loop go to the\ncontrol actions select until so until\nthe counter is less than 10 do whatever\nwe want to do and increase the counter\nso go to variables increment variable\nselect the counter type 1 so we increase\nthe counter by 1 for each iteration I\nwill run it and immediately tell you\nthat this will not work because it's a\nlittle bit tricky to know that the\ncondition that is executed in the until\nis condition of exit therefore as you\nsee will run only once so let's say why\nis that this is the condition that when\nmet for true it will finish it will\nactually stop executing the until so in\n\nEnglish: \nour case is 0 less than 10 yes it's true\ntherefore it finished immediately after\nrunning so the condition that in order\nfor this to work has to be greater on or\nequal to 10 so let's save this run it\nand in this case it should run 10 times\nlet's see that\nexactly ten so as expected that's\nperfect\nwhile I'm here I want to just tell you\none very important thing until runs in a\nsec sequence by default\ntherefore you are allowed to do those\nkind of iterations but if you go back go\nto sorry not to the peril go to forage\nand go to designer you have to know that\nthis for each loop runs in peril\nthis is crucial thing to know when\ndesigning applications because if you\n\nItalian: \n il nostro caso è 0 meno di 10 sì è vero quindi è finito subito dopo \n in esecuzione quindi la condizione che affinché funzioni deve essere maggiore su o \n uguale a 10 quindi salviamo questo eseguirlo e in questo caso dovrebbe essere eseguito 10 volte \n vediamo quello \n esattamente dieci quindi come previsto è perfetto \n mentre sono qui voglio solo dirti una cosa molto importante fino a quando non viene eseguito in un file \n sec sequenza per impostazione predefinita, quindi ti è permesso fare quelli \n tipo di iterazioni ma se torni indietro vai a scusarti non a rischio di andare a foraggio \n e vai al designer devi sapere che questo per ogni ciclo viene eseguito in pericolo \n questa è una cosa fondamentale da sapere quando si progettano applicazioni perché se si \n\nItalian: \n creerebbe qui l'iteratore come questo contatore, fallirebbe per impostazione predefinita perché \n non sarebbe in grado di incrementare nulla in pericolo \n ottieni risultati strani se vuoi che questo foraggio corra in pericolo \n vai alle impostazioni e c'è qualcosa chiamato controllo della concorrenza che puoi \n controlla quante esecuzioni parallele di questo foraggio sono in esecuzione in una se tu \n selezionane uno che verrà eseguito in sequenza quindi è importante sapere e te \n dovrebbe ricordarlo, quindi torniamo alla presentazione e alla prossima che abbiamo \n terminate terminate consente la chiusura anticipata delle app per la logica, quindi se si \n ha riscontrato alcuni diciamo che un problema che sapevi può accadere facilmente \n terminare l'app per la logica in modo che lo scenario che faremo adesso è ogni volta \n c'è un nuovo blob in arrivo se si tratta di un archivio, terminiamolo quindi \n\nEnglish: \nwould create iterator here like this\ncounter it would by default fail because\nit would not be able to increment\nanything in peril\nyou just get weird results if you want\nthis forage to run in peril\nyou go to settings and there's something\ncalled concurrency control which you can\ncontrol how many parallel execution of\nthis forage is running at one if you\nselect one this will be run sequentially\nso it's important thing to know and you\nshould remember that so let's go back to\npresentation and the next we have\nterminate terminate allows you for early\nclosing of the logic apps so if you\nencountered some let's say issue that\nyou did know can happen you can easily\nterminate your logic app so the scenario\nthat we'll do right now is whenever\nthere's a new blob coming in if it's an\narchive let's terminate that so let's\n\nEnglish: \ntry that and go to designer let's again\nstart from the blank logic app and let's\ncreate a trigger for the blob storage\nwhenever there's a new file coming in\nagain we're gonna be checking on a demo\ncontainer let's create control and a\ncondition that we already know and\nwhenever file name and with dot zip then\nwe want to terminate so let's get\ncontrol and terminate terminate allows\nus to terminate and specify the status\nof the logical so this is a great way if\nyou were not expecting some sort of file\nlike we were in a switch if there's a\nfault that you were not expecting you\ncan fail it you can even type the\nmessage code like 400 and say for\ninstance zip not supported in other case\n\nItalian: \n provalo e vai alla finestra di progettazione, iniziamo di nuovo dall'app per la logica vuota e facciamo \n creare un trigger per l'archiviazione BLOB ogni volta che arriva un nuovo file \n ancora una volta controlleremo un contenitore demo, creiamo un controllo e un file \n condizione che sappiamo già e ogni volta che il nome del file e con punto zip poi \n vogliamo terminare quindi prendiamo il controllo e terminate terminate permette \n noi per terminare e specificare lo stato del logico, quindi questo è un ottimo modo se \n non ti aspettavi una sorta di file come se fossimo in uno switch se c'è un file \n colpa che non ti aspettavi di poter fallire puoi persino digitare il \n codice del messaggio come 400 e dire ad esempio zip non supportato in altri casi \n\nItalian: \n puoi eliminare il blob come al solito cancelliamo il blob e specifichiamo il percorso \n va bene, sicuro, scopriamolo un po 'e torniamo a quello \n plop container e caricare alcuni file caricherò due file e tornerò a \n designer e hit run questo viene eseguito con successo poiché sistine corriamo per primo \n per il nostro file PNG, ma se vuoi andare al flusso e aggiornare lo stato \n vedrai che la seconda esecuzione è andata come previsto perché l'abbiamo terminata \n perché la nostra condizione non è stata soddisfatta e l'ultima cosa di cui vogliamo parlare \n about is scope scope è un ottimo controllo per incapsulare una sorta di \n\nEnglish: \nyou can delete the blob as usual let's\ndelete the blob and specify the path\nthat's good safe let's in out this a\nlittle bit and let's go back to that\nplop container and upload some files\ngonna upload two files and go back to\ndesigner and hit run this runs\nsuccessfully as sistine we run for first\nfor our PNG file but if you're gonna go\nto the flow and refresh the status\nyou're gonna see the second run felt as\nexpected because we terminated this\nbecause our condition was not met and\nthe very last thing we want to talk\nabout is scope scope is a great control\nfor you to encapsulate some sort of\n\nItalian: \n azioni del flusso di lavoro in blocco singolare in modo da poter fare una sorta di eccezione \n puoi pensare che sia come cercare di catturare in un linguaggio di programmazione \n facciamo questo scenario che proveremo per ogni nuovo blocco cancellalo due volte \n Ovviamente questo fallirà se proverai a saltare il blob che era già \n cancellato e visualizziamo i risultati, quindi disabilitiamo prima questa logica su vai \n indietro e vai alla nostra ultima logica in alto che è l'ambito nel designer che siamo di nuovo \n partendo dallo spazio vuoto della foto, scegliamo un trigger blob ogni volta \n nuovo BLOB in un contenitore demo ogni nuovo archivio BLOB elimina BLOB e cerchiamo \n elimina il blob che abbiamo attualmente, quindi specifica di nuovo il percorso e fai il \n\nEnglish: \nworkflow actions into singular block so\nyou can do some sort of exception\nhandling you can think of it like try\nand catch in a programming language so\nlet's do this scenario we're gonna try\nfor each new block delete it twice of\ncourse this will fail if you're gonna\ntry the leap the blob that was already\ndeleted and let's display the results so\nlet's first disable this logic up go\nback and go to our last logic up which\nis scope in the designer we're again\nstarting from the blank photo gap we're\nchoosing a blob trigger whenever\nnew blob on a demo container each new\nblob storage delete blob and let's\ndelete the blob that we currently have\nso again specify the path and do the\n\nItalian: \n la stessa cosa due volte quindi cancelliamola specificando il percorso ovviamente questo lo farà \n fallire perché stai tentando di eliminare due volte \n quindi andiamo a prendere un controllo e gli altri affrontano l'azione una delle cose positive di \n app per la logica è che puoi effettivamente trascinare e rilasciare, quindi trascina e rilascia il nostro file \n azioni nel blocco dell'ambito con un blocco dell'ambito consente di rilevare tali errori \n quindi aggiungiamone uno, aggiungiamo un altro passaggio che sarà variabile qui è dove siamo \n manterremo il nostro output in modo da poterlo rivedere nei log inizializziamo \n variabile questa sarà una variabile di tipo ok e chiamarla risultato e valore \n per questo sarà un'espressione e un'espressione che restituisce risultati da \n blocco dell'ambito per farlo basta usare la funzione di risultato nel nome dell'azione in \n\nEnglish: \nsame thing twice so let's delete it by\nspecifying the path of course this will\nfail because you're trying to delete\ntwice\nso let's go to get a control and others\ncope action one of the good things about\nlogic apps is that you can actually drag\nand drop so let's drag and drop our\nactions into scope block having scope\nblock allows you to catch those errors\nso let's add one add one more step which\nwill be variable this is where we're\njust gonna hold our output so we can\nreview it in the logs let's initialize\nvariable this will be variable of type\nalright and call it result and the value\nfor this will be an expression and an\nexpression that returns results from the\nscope block to do so you just use result\nfunction in the name of the action in\n\nEnglish: \nour case it's scope so let's hit OK and\none last thing that you need to do is\nthat because any action since code block\nwill fail entire block will fail so what\nyou need to do here is click on those\nthree dots actually on this step\nconfigure run after and make sure that\nyou also continue even if the block\nfailed so let's hit save let's go back\nhere actually let's upload blobs right\nnow I'm gonna upload this file it\ndoesn't matter I'm gonna override it and\nlet's hit run the run just finished sec\nas expected the first step succeeded the\nsecond failed the entire block failed\nand since we configure run after we were\nable to salvage it and do\nexception handling so in our variable we\nhave the result and the result from the\nskull block is the name of each action\n\nItalian: \n il nostro caso è l'ambito quindi premiamo OK e un'ultima cosa che devi fare è \n questo perché qualsiasi azione dal blocco del codice fallirà l'intero blocco fallirà e allora \n quello che devi fare qui è fare clic su quei tre punti in questo passaggio \n configure run after e assicurati di continuare anche se il blocco \n fallito quindi premiamo salva torniamo qui in realtà carichiamo i blob correttamente \n ora caricherò questo file, non importa lo sovrascriverò e \n premiamo corri la corsa appena terminata sec come previsto il primo passo è riuscito il \n secondo fallito l'intero blocco non è riuscito e dal momento che abbiamo configurato eseguire dopo che eravamo \n in grado di salvarlo e gestire le eccezioni, quindi nella nostra variabile noi \n avere il risultato e il risultato del blocco del cranio è il nome di ogni azione \n\nEnglish: \nwith the status and response CC the\nfirst status was okay and succeeded and\na second blob was failed with the status\nblob not found which is expected but\nthis allows you to create exception\nhandling for those blocks and that was\nthis scenario that we just implemented\nas you see using control actions is\npretty straightforward\nit's up to you right now to design your\nworkflow that suits your business needs\nbut always remember pricing may be a\nlittle bit tricky with logic apps so try\nto keep it simple that's it for today if\nyou liked the video hit thumbs up leave\na comment and if you want to see more\nsubscribe and see you next time\nyou\n\nItalian: \n con lo stato e la risposta CC il primo stato era ok e ha avuto successo e \n un secondo BLOB non è riuscito con lo stato BLOB non trovato, previsto ma \n questo ti permette di creare la gestione delle eccezioni per quei blocchi e questo era \n questo scenario che abbiamo appena implementato come vedete usando le azioni di controllo è \n piuttosto semplice sta a te adesso progettare il tuo \n flusso di lavoro che si adatta alle tue esigenze aziendali, ma ricorda sempre che il prezzo può essere un \n un po 'complicato con le app per la logica, quindi cerca di mantenerlo semplice per oggi se \n ti è piaciuto il video premi pollice in su lascia un commento e se vuoi vedere di più \n iscriviti e ci vediamo la prossima volta \n tu \n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "THOSE CONVERSATIONS PRIVATE AND\nHAD NO OTHER COMMENT.\n>> KRISTEN, THANK YOU.\nI SHOULD MENTION OVERNIGHT\nTHERE’S A NEW LOCATION OF THE\nREPUBLICAN NATIONAL CONVENTION\nTHAT WAS FINALIZED.\nJACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA.\nTELL ME ABOUT IT.\n>> Reporter: THAT’S RIGHT.\nIT MOVED FROM CHARLOTTE, NORTH\nCAROLINA.\nAS A REMINDER, THE PRESIDENT\nPULLED THE EVENT FROM CHARLOTTE\nBECAUSE HE DID NOT WANT TO ABIDE\nBY THE STATE’S SOCIAL DISTANCING\nRULES.\nHE WANTED A BIG EVENT, A PACKED\nEVENT.\n\"THE NEW YORK TIMES\" REPORTING\nTHE NEW DATE IS GOING TO\nCOINCIDE WITH THE 60th\nANNIVERSARY OF SOMETHING CALLED\nAX HANDLE SATURDAY.\nTHAT’S WHEN THE KU KLUX KLAN\nATTACKED MOSTLY BLACKS.\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "\nEnglish: \nBefore the video starts I’d like to say a big “Thank You” to Abed and his father Mr. Yusop\nwho helped me with this video and patiently answering all my questions.\nDefinitely check out Abed on his social media channels.\nYou can find the links in the video description below.\neSports Stories presents: The story of Abed\nAbed, whose real name is Abed Azel Yusop was born on the 2nd of August 2000\nin Dasmarinas in the province of Cavite, Philippines.\nAbed was raised and grew up in Dasmarinas with his parents and his older brother, Ahmed.\nHis parents own a small internet café, which is located right next to Abed’s home.\nThis resulted in a very early contact with computers and computer games.\nAt the age of 3 Abed was already able to read and chat with other players\nwhile playing the first online game of his life: Gunbound\nAt the age of 7 Abed discovered DotA and instantly became a fanatic about the game.\n\nSpanish: \nAntes de que inicie el vídeo me gustaría decir muchas gracias a Abed y a su padre, el Sr. Yusop\nquien me ayudó con este vídeo y pacientemente respondió a todas mis preguntas.\nChequea a Abed en sus canales de las redes sociales.\nPodrás encontrar los enlaces abajo en la descripción.\neSports Stories presenta: La historia de Abed.\nAbed, que su nombre real es Abed Azel Yusop, nació el 2 de agosto del año 2000\nen Dasmarinas en la provincia de Cavite, Filipinas.\nAbed creció y fue criado en Dasmarinas con sus padres y su hermano mayor, Ahmed.\nSus padres poseen un pequeño Cyber café, que está localizado al lado de la casa de Abed.\nEsto resultó en un contacto temprano con las computadoras y los vídeo juegos.\nA los 3 años Abed ya era capaz de leer y chatear con otros jugadores\nmientras jugaba el primer juego online de su vida: Gunbound.\nA los 7 años Abed descubrió DotA e instantáneamente se convirtió en un fanático del juego.\n\nFilipino: \nBago mgsimula ang bidyo na ito ay lubos ako na nagpapasalamat kay Abed at sa kanyang ama na si Mr.Yusop\nsa pagpapaunlak at sa magalang na pagsagot sa aking mga katanungan\nTuklasin ninyo si Abed sa kanyang mga sosyal medya tsanel.\nmaaari ninyong makita ang mga ugnayan sa ibaba ng deskripsyon ng bidyo\nInihahandog ng eSports Stories : Ang Istorya ni Abed\nAng tunay na pangalan ni Abed ay Abed Azel Yusop, ipinanganak noong Agosto 2, 2000\nsa Pilipinas sa lungsod ng Dasmariñas sa probinsya ng Cavite.\nSi Abed ay lumaki sa Dasmariñas kasama ang kanyang magulang at nakakatandang kapatid na si Ahmed.\nAng mga magulang ni Abed ay mayroong maliit na Internet Café na nasa tabi lang ng kanilang bahay\nDahil dito maagang namulat at natutong maglaro ng kompyuter si Abed\nSa edad lamang na tatlo, si Abed ay marunong ng bumasa at makipagchat sa ibang mga manlalaro\nsa kanyang kauna-unahang online game na nilaro : Gunbound\nPitong taong gulang si Abed nang madiskubre nya ang DotA at dalian siyang nahumaling dito\n\nSpanish: \nAbed siempre fue el menor entre sus compañeros de juego,\nque usualmente duplicaban su edad.\nY sin embargo, Abed se las arregló para mantenerse entre los mejores de su grupo.\nUn día el maestro de Abed en la escuela elemental les pidió que escribieran un ensayo acerca de ellos mismos.\nEl joven Abed no tuvo que pensarlo mucho\ne instantáneamente comenzó a escribir acerca de su ambición de ser el mejor jugar de DotA en el mundo.\nA los 7 años ya sabía exactamente cual era la dirección que su vida iba a tomar.\nDurante sus inicios, Abed también jugó otros juegos como Counter-Strike o Ragnarok.\nSin embargo, cuando entró al 6to dejó de jugar en la computadora en el Cyber café\ny sólo usó la computadora para mantenerse en contacto con sus amigos vía Facebook.\nAbed siempre fue descrito como un chico amigable, que practicó muchas actividades fuera, en el vecindario.\nEllos se reunían después de la escuela y jugaban baloncesto o simplemente andaban por ahí en el vencindario.\nSobre todo, Abed participó en algunas actividades escolares,\ncomo baloncesto y competiciones académicas\n\nFilipino: \nSi Abed ang laging pinakabata sa kanyang mga kalaro.\nna minsan ay doble pa ang edad sa kanya.\nGayunman si Abed pa rin ang isa sa mga nangunguna at magaling sa kanyang mga kalaro\nIsang araw, ang guro ni Abed sa elementarya ay nagpagawa ng sanaysay tungkol sa kanilang mga sarili\nAng batang Abed ay hindi nagsayang ng oras para mag-isip\nat agad na nagsulat sa kanyang ambisyon na maging isa sa pinakamagaling na manlalaro ng DotA sa buong mundo\nSa edad lamang na pito, alam na niya agad ang direksyon ng buhay na gusto niyang tahakin\nSa loob ng panahong ito, naglalaro din si Abed ng ibat-ibang laro tulad ng Counter-Strike at Ragnarok\nNgunit nang siya ay pumasok sa ika-anim na baitang, tumigil na siyang maglaro sa Internet Cafe\nat gumagamit lamang ng kompyuter para makipag-usap sa mga kaibigan sa pamamagitan ng Facebook\nSi Abed ay inilalarawan na batang palakaibigan, madalas siyang naglalaro at may ginagawa sa labas kasama ang kanyang kaibigan na kapitbahay.\nSila'y nagkikita-kita pagkatapos ng skwela at naglalaro ng basketbol at minsan naman ay nagliliwaliw sa kanilang mga kapitbahay\nBukod diyan, lumalahok din si Abed sa mga gawain sa paaralan\ntulad ng basketbol at paligsahang pan-edukasyon\n\nEnglish: \nAbed was always the youngest player amongst his playmates,\nwho were usually twice his age.\nNevertheless Abed managed to stay one of the top players among their group.\nOne day Abed’s teacher at the elementary school asked everyone to write an essay about themselves.\nThe young Abed did not have to think about it for a long time\nand instantly started writing about his ambition to be one of the best DotA players in the world.\nAt only age 7, he already knew exactly, which direction his life should take.\nDuring these early days, Abed also played a lot of computer games like Counter-Strike or Ragnarok.\nHowever, when he entered the 6th grade he stopped playing computer games at the internet café\nand only used the computer to stay in touch with his friends via Facebook.\nAbed was always described as a friendly kid who did a lot of outdoor activities with his friends in their neighborhood.\nThey would meet after school and play basketball or simply roam around the neighborhood.\nOn top of that, Abed participated in some school activities,\nlike basketball and academic competitions\n\nSpanish: \ny estuvo constantemente entre los primeros 5 desde el pre-escolar y durante la escuela elemental.\nLa transferencia a una nueva escuela en 2012 fue una de las piedras angulares en la carrera gaming de Abed.\nSus nuevos compañeros de escuela invitaron a Abed a jugar DotA con ellos - y ellos ya jugaban en un alto nivel.\nDebido a las habilidades de juego de Abed, rápidamente se hizo parte del equipo local\ny participó en su primer torneo de DotA.\nA los 13 años, el Sr. Yusop decidió darle a Abed su primera computadora personal.\nNo sólo le dio a su hijo privacidad al hacer su tarea de la escuela,\nsi no que también continuó jugando juegos de computadora.\nAlrededor de este momento Abed migró a DotA 2\ny después de sólo 3 meses teniendo su propia PC\nya era uno de los TOP 5 jugadores de DotA 2 en la tabla de líderes del Sur-este de Asia.\nAbed rápidamente fue conocido como una estrella pública con sus héroes insignia: Meepo e Invoker.\nCon su pasión por el DotA, su tiempo para estudiar fue cada vez más corto...\nPero sus padres siempre le recordaron que debía priorizar sus estudios sobre cualquier otra cosa.\n\nEnglish: \nand was consistently in the Top 5 students from his pre-school through elementary school.\nThe transfer to a new school in 2012 was one of the cornerstones of the gaming career for Abed.\nHis new schoolmates invited Abed to play DotA with them – and they already played on a high level.\nDue to Abed's level of play he quickly became part of the local team\nand participated in his first local DotA tournament.\nAt the age of 13, Mr. Yusop decided to give Abed his first personal computer.\nNot only to allow his son privacy while doing homework for school,\nbut also to continue playing computer games.\nIt was around this time, Abed migrated to DotA 2\nand after only 3 months of having his own PC\nhe was already one of the TOP 5 Players of DotA 2 in the South East Asia Leaderboard.\nAbed quickly became known as the pubstar with his signature heroes Meepo and Invoker.\nWith his passion for DotA the time to study shrank and shrank…\nBut his parents always reminded Abed to prioritize his studies over anything else.\n\nFilipino: \nat masinsin na nangungunang limang estudyante mula preskul hanggang elementarya.\nAng paglipat ng paaralan niya noong 2012 ay isa sa mga pundasyon ng kanyang karera sa larangan ng paglalaro.\nInimbitahan siya ng kanyang mga bagong kaklase ng maglaro ng DotA- at sila ay naglalaro na sa mataas na antas.\nDahil sa antas ng paglalaro ni Abed, madali siyang naging bahagi ng lokal na koponan\nat lumahok sa kanyang kauna-unahang paligsahan ng DotA\nSa edad na labingtatlo, binigyan si Abed ng kompyuter ng kanyang ama.\nHindi lang para mabigyan nang pag-iisa habang gumagawa ng asaynment galing sa paaralan\npero para na rin makapagpatuloy sa paglalaro ng kompyuter.\nSa panahong ito si Abed ay lumipat sa paglalaro ng DotA 2.\nat sa loob lamang ng tatlong buwan na nagkaroon sya ng kanyang personal kompyuter.\nsiya ay isa na sa mga nangungunang lima sa ranggo ng mga manlalaro ng DotA 2 sa Timog-Silangang Asya.\nSi Abed ay mabilis na sumikat at nakilala sa kanyang mga tatak na heroes gaya ng Meepo at Invoker\nDahil sa kanyang pagmamahal at dedikasyon sa DotA nauubusan na siya ng oras sa pag-aaral..\nGayunman palaging pinaalalahanan ng kanyang mga magulang si Abed na unahin ang kanyang pag-aaral bukod sa anumang bagay.\n\nFilipino: \nSabi ng ama ni Abed:\n\"Kung gusto niyang magpatuloy sa paglalaro ng DotA, dapat siyang matuto kung paano ibahagi ng tama ang kanyang oras\nat maging disiplinado at responsable para sa kanyang sarili\".\nIsinaalang-alang ni Abed ang sinabi ng kanyang ama at dahil doon naglalaro lang siya pagkatapos ng skwela at tuwing sabado't linggo.\nPinagpatuloy ni Abed ang kanyang pagiging responsableng estudyante at nagsusumikap na ibahagi ng tama ang kanyang oras sa paglalaro ng DotA.\nSa mga panahong ito, dito napag-isip-isip ng kanyang mga magulang na maaaring baguhin ng DotA 2 ang buhay ni Abed\nat maging landas ng karera para sa kanya.\n\"Nakita namin kung gaano siya ka seryoso sa paglalaro ng DotA.\nNaniniwala kami na malaki at malakas ang kanyang potensyal dahil sa kanyang husay, determinasyon, at disiplina.\"\nMinsan habang naglalaro si Abed ay nasa likod ang kanyang ama para manood\nkahit hindi niya naiintidihan ang DotA sa puntong iyon.\nNoong Marso sa taong 2015, sumali si Abed sa isang Pinoy na koponan, ang Trackmate.Tric\nna kilala sa dating pangalan na MSI Squad\nsa kadahilanang pagbabago ng isponsor ng koponan nagpatuloy sila na maglaro sa pangalan ng Trackmate.Tric\nSa panahon nya sa Trackmate.Tric, si Abed ay ipinakilala kay \"RR\"\nat madali silang naging magkaibigan nito\n\nSpanish: \nEl padre de Abed lo dejó claro:\n\"si quería continuar jugando DotA, debía aprender a manejar su tiempo adecuadamente,\nser disciplinado y responsable por él mismo.\"\nAbed se tomó esta mentalidad muy seriamente y sólo jugaba después de la escuela y los fines de semana.\nContinuó siendo un estudiante responsable y se esforzó por manejar su tiempo y jugar DotA.\nFue en ese momento que los padres de Abed se dieron cuenta que DotA 2 podría cambiar la vida de su hijo\ny podría ser una carrera para él.\n\"Vimos cuan seriamente él jugaba DotA.\nNos dimos cuenta que tenía un gran potencial por sus habilidades, determinación y disciplina.\"\nSu padre solía sentarse detrás de él y lo veía jugar\naun cuando no entendía nada acerca de DotA para ese momento.\nEn marzo de 2015 Abed se unió al equipo filipino Trackmate.Tric\nel cual fue formalmente conocido como MSI Squad.\nDebido a los cambios de patrocinantes el equipo continuó jugando con el nombre de Trackmate.Tric.\nDurante ese tiempo en Trackmate.Trick, Abed fue presentado a \"RR\"\ny rápidamente se convirtieron en amigos.\n\nEnglish: \nAbed’s father stated:\n“If he wants to continue playing DotA, he should learn to manage his time properly,\nbe disciplined and responsible for himself.”\nAbed took this mindset very serious and only played after school and on the weekends.\nHe continued to be a responsible student and try hard to manage his time and play Dota.\nIt was at this time, Abed parents realized, that DotA 2 can change the life of their son\nand could be the career path for him.\n“We saw how serious he was playing DotA.\nWe believed that he had a strong potential because of his skills, determination and discipline.”\nHis father used to sit behind him and watch him play\neven though he did not understand anything about DotA at that point.\nIn March 2015 Abed joined the Filipino Team Trackmate.Tric\nwhich was formerly known as the MSI Squad.\nDue to the change of sponsors the team continued to play under the name Trackmate.Tric.\nDuring his time at Trackmate.Tric Abed was introduced to “RR”\nand quickly became friends with him.\n\nSpanish: \nLuego de jugar muchas partidas públicas juntos, \"RR\" jugaría un rol importante en la carrera de Abed.\nSólo unos meses después, en junio del 2015, Abed decidió dejar Team Trackmate.Tric y re-enfocarse en sus estudios.\nEventualmente se unió al equipo australiano CSW\ny lo dejó poco después debido a razones personales.\n\"Creo que fue RR quien me recomendó a Execration en el 2015\"\nRecordó Abed en una entrevista poco después.\nLuego de dejar CSW fue prontamente acercado por el mánager del equipo filipino Execration\nmientras el equipo estaba en búsqueda de un jugador nuevo.\nAbed inmediatamente le comentó a sus padres acerca de la oferta y sus atractivos beneficios.\nSin embargo, Abed declinó la oferta ya que estaba preocupado por que sus estudios se vieran afectados negativamente.\nNo obstante el mánager de Execration no quiso dejar ir a Abed\ny en enero de 2016 lo contactaron de nuevo con la oferta de unirse a Team XctN.\nAbed seguía inseguro acerca de tomar la decisión final\n\nFilipino: \nMakalipas maglaro ng iilang pub games na magkasama, Si \"RR\" ay may malaking bahagi sa karera ng paglalaro ni Abed\nPagkalipas lamang ng ilang buwan, sa buwan ng Hunyo sa taong 2015, nagdesisyon si Abed na iwanan ang kanyang koponan para pagtuonan ang kanyang pag-aaral.\nKalauna'y sumali siya sa isang Ostralyanong koponan, ang Team CSW\nat agaran niya ring iniwan ito sa kadahilanang pangpersonal.\n\"Sa tingin ko si RR ang nag rekomenda sakin sa Execration noong 2015\"\nsabi ni Abed sa interbyu.\nNang umalis siya sa CSW, nagmamadaling lumapit sa kanya ang manedyer ng Pinoy team na Execration\ndahil naghahanap din sila ng bagong manlalaro sa kanilang koponan\nagad na sinabihan ni Abed ang kanyang magulang tungkol dito at sa mga magagandang benepisyo\nNgunit tinanggihan ito ni Abed dahil nag-aalala siya na maapektuhan nito ang kanyang pag-aaral\nGayunman, pursigido ang pamahalaan ng Execration na hindi bitawan si Abed\nat sa taong 2016 sa buwan ng Enero, kinausap siya ulit ng Execration para sumali sa koponan\nHindi pa rin buo ang pasya ni Abed\n\nEnglish: \nAfter playing several pub games together, “RR” would play a key role in Abed’s career.\nOnly a few months later, in June of 2015, Abed decided to leave Team Trackmate.Tric to refocus on his studies.\nHe eventually joined the Australian-based team CSW\nand left it shortly afterwards due to personal reasons.\n“I believe it was RR who recommended me to Execration in 2015”\nAbed recalled in an interview later.\nAs he left CSW he was promptly approached by the manager of the Filipino Team Execration\nas the team was scouting for a new player.\nAbed immediately told his parents about the offer and its attractive benefits.\nHowever Abed denied the offer as he was worried that his studies might be affected negatively.\nHowever the management of Execration did not want to let go from Abed\nand in January of 2016 they contacted him again with the offer to join Team XctN.\nAbed was still unsure about making a final decision\n\nSpanish: \ny su padre fue quien lo animó a intentarlo.\n\"Nosotros creemos que eres capaz de manejar tu tiempo, estudiar y jugar al mismo tiempo.\nSé responsable, disciplinado y siempre sé el Abed que nosotros conocemos\".\nEl 26 de enero, y con el apoyo total de su familia,\nAbed decidió finalmente unirse a Team Execration.\nNo sólo iba incluido salario mensual en el contrato,\nsi no la ventaja de viajar a eventos internacionales.\nAbed consideró esto el inicio real de su carrera profesional.\nEn junio de 2016, Abed y su equipo recibieron el cupo wildcard para \"The International 2016\"\ngracias a un 3er lugar en la clasificación del Sureste Asiático.\nA la edad de solo 15 años Abed fue capaz de asistir al mayor evento de DotA 2, con un pote total de premio de 20 millones de dólares.\nAbed no sólo fue el jugador más joven de todo el evento\nsi no que fue su primer viaje a través del océano a Seattle, Washington en los Estados Unidos.\n\nFilipino: \nat ang kanyang ama ang nagpalakas ng kanyang loob para subukan ito\n\"Naniniwala kami na kaya mong pagsabayin ang iyong pag-aaral at paglalaro.\nMaging responsable, disiplinado, at manatili kang Abed na kilala namin\"\nNoong buwan ding iyon sa ika-26 ng Enero, sa pagsuporta ng kanyang pamilya\nNagdesisyon si Abed na sumali na sa koponan ng Execration\nHindi lang buwanang sweldo ang nakalakip para dito\nkundi kasali na rin ang makapaglakbay sa mga pang internasyunal na mga torneo\nInisip dito ni Abed na ito na ang totoong simula ng kanyang propesyonal na karera\nNoong Hunyo ng 2016 nakatanggap ang kanilang koponan ng imbitasyon upang maglaro sa wildcard ng \"The International 2016\"\nsa kadahilanang nagtapos sila sa ikatlong pwesto sa torneo ng Timog-Silangang Asya\nSa edad lamang na kinse, si Abed ay nakalahok sa pinakamalaking torneo ng DotA 2 na ang premyo ay humigi't kumulang sa 20 milyong dolyar\nHindi lang sa si Abed ang pinakabatang manlalaro sa buong torneo\nito rin ang kanyang kauna-unahang byahe sa labas ng bansa patungong Seattle, Washington sa Estados Unidos\n\nEnglish: \nand his father was the one who encouraged him to give it a try.\n“We believe that you can manage your time, study and play at the same time.\nBe responsible, disciplined and always stay the Abed that we know”\nOn the 26th of January and with the full support of his family,\nAbed decided to finally join Team Execration.\nNot only was a monthly salary included in this sponsorship,\nbut also the ability to travel to international events.\nAbed also considers this as the real start of his professional career.\nIn June of 2016, Abed and his team received a wildcard for “The International 2016”\nthrough a 3rd place finish at the Southeast Asia Qualifier.\nAt the age of only 15, he was able to attend the biggest DotA 2 event with a prize pool of over 20 million dollars.\nSo, Abed was not only the youngest player in the entire tournament\nbut it was also his first trip overseas to Seattle, Washington in the United States.\n\nEnglish: \nHowever, Team Execration was not able to make it to the group stages\nas they lost their Match in the Lower Bracket Finals against Escape Gaming.\nDue to his attendance at TI6 Abed received a lot of recognition in the DotA scene, both locally and internationally.\nHis schedule became more and more hectic\nand going to school every day would become very difficult for him.\nSo he and his parents decided to switch to an online studies program.\n4 days after his 16th birthday, on the 6th of August 2016, Abed was able to reach 8k MMR\nwith a staggering performance on Ember Spirit\nand a final score of 18 kills, 1 death and 17 assists.\nIn September of 2016 the whole Team set off to Malaysia\nwhere the MPGL Southeast Asian Championship took place.\nIt was a start-to-finish flawless tournament for Team Execration.\nWith a dominant performance in the Grand Finals vs. MVP Phoenix,\n\nSpanish: \nSin embargo, Team Execration no fue capaz de pasar a la fase de grupos\nya que perdieron su juego en la final de la llave inferior contra Escape Gaming.\nDebido a su participación en el TI6, Abed recibió gran reconocimiento en la escena de DotA, tanto nacional como internacional.\nSu calendario se convirtió cada vez más frenético\ne ir a la escuela a diario se hizo muy difícil para él.\nAsí que él y sus padres decidieron cambiar a un programa de estudios online.\n4 días después de su 16to cumpleaño, el 6 de agosto de 2016, Abed alcanzó la marca de 8k de MMR\ncon un desempeño asombroso con Ember Spirit\ny un marcador final de 18 kills, 1 death y 18 assists.\nEn septiembre de 2016 todo el equipo partió a Malasia\ndonde el MPGL Southeast Asian Championship tenía lugar.\nFue desde el inicio hasta el final un torneo sin derrotas para Team Execration.\nCon un desempeño dominante en la Gran Final contra MVP Phoenix,\n\nFilipino: \nGayunman, ang koponan ng Execration ay hindi nakaabot sa pansimulang parte ng torneo\ndahil natalo sila sa pangwakas na laban sa Escape Gaming sa pambabang braket.\nDahil sa kanyang paglahok sa TI6, tumanggap ng maraming pagkilala si Abed sa eksena ng DotA, hindi lang sa lokal kundi pati na rin sa labas ng bansa.\nAng kanyang oras ay naging mailap\nat ang pagpasok sa paaralan ay naging mahirap para sa kanya.\nkaya't nagpasya si Abed at kanyang mga magulang na mag-aral nalang sya sa isang programang pang-online.\nApat na araw pagkatapos ng kanyang pang labing-anim na kaarawan noong ika-anim ng Agosto 2016, si Abed ay nakatungtong ng 8,000 (MMR)\nsa pamamagitan ng kamangha-manghang paggamit ng Ember Spirit\nsa iskor na labingwalong kills, isang death, at labingpitong assists.\nSa buwang ng Setyembre taong 2016, ang koponan nila ay tumungo sa Malaysia\nkung saan ginanap ang MPGL Asian Championship\nkung saan perpekto at walang talo sa torneo ang koponan ng Execration\nat nangibabaw ang kanilang galing laban sa MVP Phoenix sa pangwakas na laban\n\nEnglish: \nAbed and his Team could secure the championship in two matches which only lasted for 20 and 22 minutes.\nIn early December 2016, Abed attended the Asus Republic of Gamers SEA Cup in Thailand\nwith Team Execration as they received a direct invite from the organizer.\nThe team found their way into the Grand Finals through the upper bracket without losing a single game.\nTeam Execration was facing against the Singapore-based Team Faceless\nand was already given a 1-0 lead as the upper bracket winner.\nTeam XctN won their first match,\nbut lost the following two games.\nSo the score was 2-2 and the last match would reveal the winner.\nThe final game lasted for 1 hour and 26 minutes and through a great team performance,\nadded by an astonishing gyrocopter play,\nAbed and his team were able to win the tournament and a prize money of $15,000.\n“One of the most unforgettable moments of my career\n\nSpanish: \nAbed y su equipo pudieron asegurar el campeonato en dos partidas que sólo duraron 20 y 22 minutos respectivamente.\nEn los inicios de diciembre de 2016, Abed asistió al Asus Republic of Gamer SEA Cup en Tailandia.\ncon su equipo Team Execration, recibiendo una invitación directa de los organizadores.\nEl equipo forjó su camino a través de la llave superior sin perder un sólo juego.\nTeam Execration enfrentó el equipo de Singapur, Team Faceless\ny con una ventaja de 1-0 al ser los ganadores de la llave superior.\nTeam XctN ganó su primera partida,\npero perdió las dos siguientes.\nAsí que el marcador iba 2-2 y el último juego revelaría al ganador.\nEl último juego duró 1 hora y 26 minutos y luego de un desempeño excepcional,\nAbed con una impresionante jugada con el Gyrocopter,\nél y su equipo fueron capaces de ganar el torneo y el premio de $15,000.\n\"Uno de los momentos más inolvidables de mi carrera\n\nFilipino: \nSi Abed at ang kanyang koponan ay nasiguro ang kampyonato sa loob lamang ng dalawang laro na tumagal lamang ng bente at bentedos na minuto\nSa pagpasok ng buwan ng Disyembre taong 2016, si Abed ay lumahok sa ASUS Republic of Gamers Sea Cup sa Thailand\nkasama ang koponan ng Execration dahil nakatanggap sila ng direktang imbitasyon galing sa mga organayser.\nAng kanilang koponan ay nakatungtong sa pangwakas na laban sa pang-ibabaw na braket ng wala ni-isang talo.\nnakalaban ng koponan ng Execration ang koponan ng Faceless na nakabase sa Singapore\nbinigyan ng lamang ang koponan ng Execration sa iskor na 1-0 dahil sila ang nagwagi sa upper bracket\nnanalo ang koponan ng Execration sa kanilang unang laban\nsubalit natalo sila sa dalawang magkasunod na laban.\nkaya't naging tabla ang laban sa iskor na 2-2 at ang panghuling laban ang maghahayag ng kampyon.\nAng huling laban ay tumagal ng isang oras at bentesais minuto at dahil sa pambihirang pagpapakita ng galing ng koponan\ndagdag pa dito ang kamangha-manghang kahusayan ng paggamit ng gyrocopter,\nSi Abed at ang kayang koponan ay nagwagi sa torneo at nagkamit ng premyo sa halagang labinglimang libong dolyar.\n\"Isa iyon sa hindi ko malilimutang pangyayari sa aking karera\"\n\nFilipino: \nang huling laban sa kampyonato kalaban ang koponan ng Faceless sa ASUS ROG SEA CUP sa Thailand.\nIyon ay isang pambihirang siyamnapong minutong laro at kami ang nangibabaw sa huli.\"\nnang ilarawan ni Abed sa interbyu.\nSubalit nagdesisyon si Abed na umalis sa koponan ng Execration noong ika-30 ng Disyembre taong 2016\nat opisyal niyang inanunsyo :\n\"Bagamat mahirap, ginawa ko ang desisyon na ito para pansamantalang magpahinga\npero ipagpapatuloy ko ang aking karera sa ibang pantrabahong kapaligiran.\"\nPitong araw lang makalipas ang pahayag niyang iyon, noong ika anim ng Enero 2017\nInanunsyo ni Demon sa kanyang twitter na sasali si Abed sa koponan ng Onyx\nAng koponan ng Onyx ay nakarehistro noong Enero 1 upang sumali sa torneo na Kiev Major.\nSa ika-10 ng Marso 2017, ang koponan ng Onyx ay lumahok para sa kwalipayer sa rehiyon ng Hilagang Amerika\nat nanalo sila kaharap ang koponan ng Complexity Gaming sa Pangwakas na laban.\nNagsulat ang Beyond the Summit tungkol kay Abed sa araw ng pangwakas na laban.\n\"Naglalaro ng wala sa katinuan si Abed! Kamangha-mangha!\"\n\nSpanish: \nfue el juego final contra Faceless en el ASUS ROG SEA CUP en Tailandia.\nFue una partida épica de 90 minutos y llegamos a lo más alto.\"\nReflexionó Abed luego en una entrevista.\nSin embargo, Abed decidió abandonar Team Execration el 30 de diciembre de 2016\ny anunció oficialmente:\n\"Hice esta difícil decisión con la intención de tomar un breve descanso\ny luego continuar mi carrera en un ambiente de trabajo diferente.\"\nSólo 7 días después, el 6 de enero de 2017,\nDemon anunció en su página de Twitter que Abed se uniría a Team Onyx.\nTeam Onyx fue registrado el 1ro de enero para competir en el Kiev Major.\nEl 10 de marzo de 2017, Team Onyx asistió a las clasificatorias de Norte América del Kiev Major 2017\ny fue capaz de ganar contra Complexity Gaming en la Gran Final.\nBeyond the Summit escribió acerca de Abed el día de la final:\n\"¡Abed de Onyx está jugando INCREÍBLEMENTE! ¡QUE LOCURA!\"\n\nEnglish: \nwas the final match against Faceless in the ASUS ROG SEA CUP in Thailand.\nIt was an epic 90 minute game and we came out on top.”\nAbed reflected later in an interview.\nHowever Abed decided to leave Team Execration on the 30th December 2016\nand he officially announced:\n“I made this difficult decision in order to take a short break\nand later pursue my career in a different working environment.”\nOnly 7 days later, on the 6th of January 2017,\nDemon announced on his twitter page, that Abed would join Team Onyx.\nTeam Onyx was registered on the 1st of January to compete in the Kiev Major.\nOn the 10th of March 2017, Team Onyx attended the Kiev Major 2017 North America Qualifier\nand was able to win against complexity gaming in the Grand Finals.\nBeyond the Summit wrote about Abed on the day of the Finals:\n“Onyx’s Abed is playing OUT OF HIS MIND! INSANITY!”\n\nEnglish: \nA couple days later, on the 19th of March 2017,\nAbed was able to reach 9000 MMR, becoming the first Filipino to reach this milestone.\nHis family remembers that the social media reactions were overwhelming.\neSports Websites, Twitter, Facebook Pages and Groups\nposted news articles about Abed for several days.\nOn the 14th of April 2017, Digital Chaos signed the whole squad of Team Onyx\nand the co-founder of Digital Chaos, Thomas Hancock announced:\n“We believe in the Onyx squad and what they can do\nand we will provide them with the best playing environment we can.”\nTen days later the Team attended the Kiev Major 2017\nbut was only able to finish in the 9th-16th spot and walked away with a check in the amount of $62,500.\nToday Abed is one of the highest paid, if not the highest paid Filipino DotA player.\n\nSpanish: \nUnos días después, el 19 de marzo de 2017,\nAbed alcanzó los 9000 MMR, convirtiéndose en el primer jugador filipino en alcanzar esta marca.\nSu familia recuerda que la reacción en los medios sociales fue sobrecogedora.\nPáginas web de eSports, Twitter, Facebook y grupos\npostearon artículos acerca de Abed por muchos días.\nEl 14 de abril de 2017, Digital Chaos firmó todo el conjunto de Team Onyx\ny el co-fundador de Digital Chaos, Thomas Hancock anunció:\n\"Nosotros creemos en el grupo de Onyx y en lo que pueden hacer\ny los proveeremos con el mejor ambiente de juegos que podamos.\"\nDiez días después el equipo asistió al Kiev Major 2017\npero sólo fue capaz de finalizar en el 9no-16to puesto y se fueron con un cheque por $62,500.\nHoy Abed es uno de los jugadores de DotA filipinos mejor pagado, si no el mejor.\n\nFilipino: \nPagkalipas ng ilang araw, ika-19 ng Marso 2017\nNakatungtong ng 9000 MMR si Abed at naging pinakaunang pinoy na nakakuha ng ganoong milyahe\nNaalala ng kanyang pamilya na nag-uumapaw ang galak at reaksyon ng mga tao sa sosyal medya.\neSports Websites, Twitter, mga Page at grupo sa Facebook\nay nagpost ng mga balita at artikulo tungkol kay Abed sa mga sumunod na araw.\nNoong ika-14 ng Abril 2017, ang buong miyembro ng koponan ng Onyx ay lumipat sa bagong koponan na Digital Chaos.\nat inanunsyo ng co-founder ng Digital Chaos na si Thomas Hancock:\n\"Buo ang aming tiwala at naniniwala kami sa kakayahan ng koponan ng Onyx\nat bibigyan namin sila ng pinakamagandang kapaligiran sa paglalaro sa abot ng aming makakaya.\"\nSampung araw ang nakalipas nagsimula ang Kiev Major 2017 at lumahok ang kanilang koponan.\nsubalit nakapagtapos lamang sila sa ika siyam hanggang ika labing-anim na pwesto at umuwi bitbit ang 62,500 na dolyar\nSa kasalukuyan, si Abed ang isa sa may pinakamalaking sahod kundi man ang may pinakamalaking sahod na pilipino na manlalaro ng DotA.\n\nSpanish: \nSu meta principal para el futuro es ganar el TI y establecer un negocio por su cuenta\n¿Qué piensas acerca de Abed?\nDéjanoslo saber en la sección de comentarios y no olvides presionar el botón de suscribirte\ny dale a este vídeo un pulgar arriba si te gustó.\nNos vemos la próxima en \"eSport Stories\".\n\nEnglish: \nHis ultimate goal for the future is to win TI and establish a business of his own.\nWhat do you think about Abed?\nLet us know in the comment section and don’t forget to hit the subscribe button\nand give this video a thumbs up if you liked it.\nSee you next time on “eSports Stories”.\n\nFilipino: \nPangarap at pinakaaasam niya ay ang manalo sa pinakamalaking torneo ng DotA ang TI at ang makapagpundar ng negosyo.\nAno ang tingin nyo kay Abed?\nIpaalam nyo sa amin sa seksyon ng komento at huwag niyong kalimutan na pindutin ang subscribe button\nat bigyan nyo ng thumbs up kung nagustuhan ninyo ang bidyo.\nHanggang sa muling nating pagkikita \"eSports Stories\"\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}} {"text": "Hey guys welcome to the session on\nApache Spark Architecture. So let us see\nthe agenda for today. In this session we\nwill start off by having the real\ntime industry use case where spark was\nused to solve the problems faced by\nyahoo. Then we'll understand what is spark\nand shed some light on some of its\nfeatures. After that we will see different components\nof spark and then we'll cover SPARK\narchitecture in detail and at last we'll\nlearn how to create a spark application.\nSo let us understand the problems that\nYahoo is facing before spark. So Yahoo\nproperties are highly personalised to\nmaximize relevance. i.e. the algorithms\nwhich we use to provide personalization\nthat is targeted advertisement and\npersonalized content were highly\nsophisticated and the relevance model\nhad to be updated frequently as the\nstories newsfeed and thats kept changing\nwith time and Yahoo also had over 150\npetabytes of data which was stored on\n35,000 node hadoop cluster which had to be\naccessed efficiently in order to avoid\nlatency caused by the data movement and\nalso to gain insights from data in a\ncost-effective manner.\nSo Yahoo looked SPARK to improve\nperformance of its Iterativer model\ntraining. So the machine learning\nalgorithm that was used for News\npersonalization required around 15,000\nlines of C++ code while on the other\nhand the machine learning algorithm\nimplemented with spark had just 120\nlines of Scala programming code and the\nalgorithm was ready for production use\nin just 30 minutes of training on a\ndataset with hundred million record. Now\nisn't that just amazing. So Yahoo uses a\nApache spark for personalizing its news\nwebpages and targeted advertising.\nYahoo also uses machine learning\nalgorithm that runs our apache spark to\nfind out what kind of news users are\ninterested to read and also for\ncategorizing the news stories to find out\nwhat kind of users would be interested\nin reading each category of news and\nwith the help of spark Yahoo was also\nable to reduce latency of model training\nvia in memory processing. So now you\nmight have understood how yahoo\nbenefited from spark. Now let us\nunderstand about spark briefly. So it's a\ncluster computing framework for\nreal-time processing. It was actually\nHadoop sub-project introduced in the UC\nBerkeley R&D lab in the year 2009 and it\nbecame open source in 2010 and then 2013\nit was donated to Apache Software\nFoundation. So it provides an interface\nfor programming all the clusters with\nimplicit data parallelism and fault\ntolerance. Now let us see some of the\ninteresting features of spark. So spark provides\nreal-time computation and low latency\nbecause of in-memory computation and\nspark is hundred times faster for\nlarge-scale data processing and SPARK is\nalso polyglot so you can write SPARK\napplications in multiple languages such\nas Java, Scala, Python or in SQL. Spark\nalso has powerful caching so a simple\nprogramming layer which provides\npowerful caching and disk persistence\ncapabilities and SPARK also provides\nmultiple deployment modes so it can be\ndeployed through mezos, hadoop via yarn,\nor spark own cluster manager.\nNow sparks impact too is such that from\nsmall startups to Fortune 500's almost\nevery single company started adopting\nApache spark to build scale and innovate\ntheir big data applications. Industries\nlike media, healthcare, finance, e-commerce\nand travel almost all are using spark\nintensively. Now let us go ahead and\nunderstand the concept of rdd's in spark\nso when it comes to processing the data\nover multiple jobs we need to reuse and\nshare the data which can be achieved\nthrough in-memory data sharing which is\nactually faster than Network and disk\nsharing\nso this is where our rdd comes in to\nhelp us with in-memory data sharing. So\nrdd stands for resilient distributed\ndata set and it is the fundamental data\nstructure of Apache spark\nso by resilient I mean fault tolerant as\nit can recompute missing or damn needs\npartitions in case of a node failure\nwith the help of rdd lineage graph\nand it has distributed since data\nresides on multiple nodes and finally\ndata set represents records of the data\nyou work with. The user can know the\ndataset externally which can be either\nJSON file, CSV file, text file or a\ndatabase. So rdd's are an immutable\ncollection of objects and any attempt to\nchange an RDD results in a whole new\nrdd. So let us understand this now.\nConsider an rdd over to perform\ntransformations like map, filter and so\non. So this will create a whole new RDD but\nwill not calculate anything. In order to\ncalculate a result you'll have to\nperform actions on rdd like count,\nsave as text file and so on which will\ndisplay the result accordingly. Now let\nus understand the various components of\nspark ecosystem. So let me start with\nspark core component which is the most\nvital component of spark ecosystem that\nis responsible for basic IO functions,\nscheduling, monitoring and so on. So you\ncan see that the entire spark ecosystem\nis built on top of it. Then we have\ndifferent deployment modes. So spark can\nbe deployed through hadoop via yarn,mesos or spark own cluster manager.\nThen we have different libraries. So this\nspark ecosystem library is composed of\nspark SQL, mlib, graphics and streaming.\nSo spark SQL helps us in performing\nqueries on data and also to store data\nusing sql-like queries then we have mlib\nso these spark machine learning\nlibrary eases the deployment and\ndevelopment of scalable machine learning\npipelines\nlike summary statistics, correlation,\nfeature extraction and many others\nand graphics component of spark helps\nthe data scientist to work with graphs\nand non graph sources to achieve\nflexibility and resilience in graph\nconstruction and transformation. Then we\nfinally have the spark streaming\ncomponent which allows us to perform\nbatch processing and streaming of data\nin the application. Coming to the\nprogramming languages spark can be\nimplemented in Scala, R, Python and Java.\nHowever Scala is the widely used\nlanguage for spark and finally we can\nstore data over HDFS local file system\nand cloud. It also supports SQL learn,\nno SQL databases. So now you might\nhave got a brief idea about Sparks\ncomponents. Now let us dive into SPARK\narchitecture. So Apache spark has a\nwell-defined\nlayered architecture where all the spark\ncomponents and layer's are loosely coupled.\nSPARK uses over master/worker\narchitecture and in your master node you\nhave the driver program which drives\nyour application now you might be\nthinking what is the driver program so\nbasically the code which you're writing\nbehaves as a driver program or if you're\nusing the interactive shell the shell\nacts as a driver program. The driver\nprogram runs the main function of the\napplication and it is the place where\nthis SPARK context is created. So assume\nthat this SPARK context is a gateway to\nall the SPARK functionalities. Now the\nSPARK driver contains various components\nlike tag scheduler, task scheduler\nbackend scheduler and block manager\nwhich are responsible for the\ntranslation of Spark user code into\nactual spark jobs\nexecuted on the cluster. So the spark\ndriver and spark context take care of\nthe job execution within the cluster now\nSPARC context works with the cluster\nmanager to manage various jobs and the\ncluster manager is responsible for\nacquiring resources on the spark cluster\nand allocating them to a spark job now\nthis job is present to multiple tasks\nwhich are distributed over the worker\nnode so anytime an RDD years\nand spark context it can be distributed\nacross various notes and can be cashed\nthere then finally we have the worker\nnodes which are actually the slave nodes\nwhose job is to basically execute the\ntasks and return back the result to the\nspark context so inside the worker nodes\nwe have executors so an executor is a\ndistributed agent responsible for the\nexecution of tasks and every spark\napplication has its own executor process\nso executors usually run for the entire\nlifetime of a spark application to sum\nit up spark context takes the job breaks\nthe job in tasks and distribute them to\nthe worker nodes these tasks then work\non the partition RDD perform operations\ncollect the results and return to the\nmain spark context and if you increase\nthe number of workers then you can\ndivide jobs into more partitions and\nexecute them parallel i/o multiple\nsystems should be a lot faster and with\nthe increase in the number of workers\nmemory size will also increase and you\ncan cache the jobs to execute it faster\nso now let us understand sparks runtime\narchitecture when a client submits a\nspark user application code the driver\nimplicitly converts the code containing\ntransformations and actions into a\nlogical directed acyclic graph or tag at\nthe stage the driver program also\nperforms certain optimizations like by\nplanning transformations and then it\nconverts the logical dag into physical\nexecution plan we'll set of stages after\ncreating the physical execution plan it\ncreates small physical execution units\nreferred to as tasks under each stage\nthen tasks are bundled to be sent to the\nspark cluster\nnow the driver program dogs to the\ncluster manager and negotiates for\nresources the cluster manager then\nlaunches executors on the worker nodes\non behalf of the driver at this point\nthe driver sense tasks to the cluster\nmanager based on data placement\nand before executors begin execution\nthey register themselves with a driver\nprogram so that the driver has holistic\nview of all the executors and once this\nis done executors start executing the\nvarious tasks assigned by the driver\nprogram and at any point of time when\nthe spark application is running the\ndriver program will monitor a set of\nexecutors that run and finally when the\ndriver programs main method exits or\nwhen it calls the stop method of the\nspark context it will terminate all the\nexecutors and release the resources from\nthe cluster manager so this sparks\nruntime architecture now let us see the\nvarious fees by which bar can be\ndeployed the system currently supports\nthese cluster managers so we have spark\nstand-alone cluster which is our simple\ncluster manager included with spark that\nmakes it easy to set up a cluster then\nwe have a bar chimney source which is\nour general cluster manager that can\nalso run Hadoop MapReduce and service\napplications of that we have Hadoop ion\nand finally we can also deploy it where\ncumulative which is an open source\nsystem for automatic deployment scaling\nand management of containerized\napplications so this was all about the\nSPARC architecture now let us see a\nsmall they move on how to create a spark\napplication so I have created a folder\nwith the name welcome world which\ncomprised of the source code to build a\nspark application so let me just go\ninside this folder so I like CD\nwelcome world now let me show you guys\nwhat are the components inside this\nfolder so there are two components one\nis the build on SBT file and then we\nhave the SRC folder so this bill dot SBT\nfile basically consists of all the\ndependencies to build the spa\napplication jar file so let me just show\nyou guys all of the dependencies so I\nwill type VI and then get the name of\nthe file which would be build not SBT\nright so these are the dependencies\nfirst we have the name of the\napplication then we have the version of\nthe application and then we have the\nScala version over here now let me also\nshow you guys the source code which\nwould be present in this SRC folder so i\nwill type ced and then give the name of\nthe folder SRC and this SRC folder\ncomprises another folder which is me let\nme go inside this CD main\nand again this main folder comprised of\nanother folder which is called up so let\nme also go inside this so I'll type CD\nScala so let me show you guys what is\nthere inside the Scala folder I'll type\nLS again right so this value come dot\nScala file which is present inside the\nScala folder comprises of the source\ncode so let me show you the source code\nI will type VI and then give the name of\nthis class which would be welcome dot\nScala\nright so this is the source code so we\nhave this class with the name Falcom and\nthen inside the name function we have\ngiven the cool so we'll be just printing\nwelcome wood this is a session on spark\nso let me head back to the welcome home\nfolder and build the jar file\nright so we are back to the welcome\nfolder so here we have got these to\nbuild on SPD and SRC so now to build a\njar file I would have to use this\ncommand SBT package and then this will\nbuild a jar file\nright so we see that the jar file has\nbeen successfully built and this is the\npath for the jar file home training\nwelcome world and over here we have the\njar file over here so this is the name\nof the jar file\nwelcome Boyd and this is the version of\nit so now I'll type LS and oh here we\nsee that initially we just had the SRC\nfolder and the Bell dot SBT file after\nbuilding the jar file we also have these\ntwo folders over here which is project\nand target and this jar file is present\nin this target folder so let me head\ninside this target folder I'll type CD\ntarget\nand the Stargate folder comprised of\nthese two folders again so let me also\ngo inside the Scala 2.11 folder so I'll\ntype CD Scala 2.11 and let me see what\nis that inside this right so we have a\njar file welcome both this is the\nversion and this is a jar file right so\nnow that we have a jar file ready I can\ngo ahead and submit the job to create\nthe application so let me write the\ncommand for that\nso the command would be sparked\nsupplement I'll die - - and the Nile\ntype class after that I'll give speech\nand then give the name of the file so\nthe name of the file would be welcome so\nearlier we had seen the file welcome to\nour Scala so here we are giving the name\nof the same class which is welcome right\nand after that I'll give a speech again\ntype - - and then I will type master\nover here\nand the nine specify the deployment so\nthe deployment mode would be how to\nvariant so I just like yarn over here\nand then I'll get the part of the jar\nfile\nright so we see that we have\nsuccessfully created the spark\napplication so initially we had seen the\nsource code for this welcome world this\nis a session on Spa so after submitting\nthe job we have finally created this\napplication right so guys this is how we\ncan create a spark application and this\nbrings us to the end of the session\nthank you for attending\n", "meta": {"pile_set_name": "YoutubeSubtitles"}}