{"_id": "0", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:Worldwide Recipes, api_name:Suggestions, api_description:Get Suggestions, required_params: [{\"name\": \"q\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"message\": \"str\", \"results\": {\"ingredients\": [\"list of str with length 413\"], \"searches\": [\"list of str with length 10\"]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "1", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:Nutrition by API-Ninjas, api_name:/v1/nutrition, api_description:API Ninjas Nutrition API endpoint., required_params: [{\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Query text to extract nutrition information (e.g. **bacon and 3 eggs**).\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"name\": \"str\", \"calories\": \"float\", \"serving_size_g\": \"float\", \"fat_total_g\": \"float\", \"fat_saturated_g\": \"float\", \"protein_g\": \"float\", \"sodium_mg\": \"int\", \"potassium_mg\": \"int\", \"cholesterol_mg\": \"int\", \"carbohydrates_total_g\": \"float\", \"fiber_g\": \"float\", \"sugar_g\": \"float\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "2", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:Store Groceries, api_name:Search a Grocery, api_description:Search a specific grocery, required_params: [{\"name\": \"grocery\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "3", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Real-Time Finance Data, api_name:Currency Exchange Rate, api_description:Get currency / forex or crypto exchange rates., required_params: [{\"name\": \"from_symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"A 3-Letter currency code / symbol (ISO 4217) to convert. For example: *USD*.\"}, {\"name\": \"to_symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"A 3-Letter currency code / symbol (ISO 4217) to convert to. For example: *EUR*.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"request_id\": \"str\", \"data\": {\"from_symbol\": \"str\", \"to_symbol\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"exchange_rate\": \"float\", \"previous_close\": \"float\", \"last_update_utc\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "4", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Metals Prices Rates API, api_name:Latest Rates, api_description:The latest API endpoint will return real-time exchange rate data updated every 60 seconds.\n\nNote: All the responses retrieved in USD needs to be converted. \n\nEx: 1/value = USD PRICE., required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbols\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Enter a list of comma-separated currency codes or metal codes to limit output codes.\"}, {\"name\": \"base\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Enter the three-letter currency code or metal code of your preferred base currency.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"timestamp\": \"int\", \"date\": \"str\", \"base\": \"str\", \"rates\": {\"USD\": \"int\", \"XAU\": \"float\", \"USDXAU\": \"float\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "5", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:World Dive Centres Api, api_name:Query Dive Operators by a country or a region., api_description:The endpoint returns a json list of dive sites which match the region or country entered as the query. The range of results depend but there is usually around 100-500 sites for each country. There are around 15'000 dive sites listed in the database., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "6", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:East China News, api_name:China filter for all news, api_description:Filters all Chinese news from all sources, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"title\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"source\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "7", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:Numbers Translator, api_name:Numbers Translator, api_description:Numbers Translator, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": {\"total\": \"int\"}, \"contents\": {\"translated\": \"str\", \"text\": \"str\", \"translation\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "8", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:IP Geolocation Metadata, api_name:IP-Locator, api_description:The API supports .csv, .xml and .json as output formats., required_params: [{\"name\": \"ip_address\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"format\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"Specify the desired format as part of the request uri and the response will be formatted accordingly.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"ip\": \"str\", \"country_code\": \"str\", \"country_name\": \"str\", \"region_code\": \"NoneType\", \"region_name\": \"str\", \"city\": \"str\", \"zip_code\": \"str\", \"time_zone\": \"str\", \"latitude\": \"float\", \"longitude\": \"float\", \"metro_code\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "9", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Commerce, tool_name:TokopediaApi, api_name:Search Product, api_description:Search The Product, required_params: [{\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"act\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"query\": \"str\", \"results\": [{\"title\": \"str\", \"link\": \"str\", \"slug\": \"str\", \"image\": \"str\", \"price\": \"str\", \"location\": \"str\", \"rating\": \"float\", \"sold\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 60}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "10", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Commerce, tool_name:Tokopedia Super API, api_name:sortProductsMaster, api_description:the list of available sorting methods, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "11", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Commerce, tool_name:Shoes collections, api_name:Get a specific item, api_description:This will return a specific item from the collection ..,simpily write the id of the product and you will get the product, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"price\": \"int\", \"image\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"quantity\": \"int\", \"rating\": {\"rate\": \"float\", \"count\": \"int\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "12", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:GeoSource API, api_name:emoji Flag By Country, api_description:Retrives the emoji flag code of the country., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"CountryName\": \"str\", \"CountryCode\": \"str\", \"emojiU\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "13", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Referential, api_name:State by id, api_description:Lookup sub-regions/states/provinces/departments by iso 3166-2 code, required_params: [{\"name\": \"code\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"ISO 3166-2 state/province/deparm\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "14", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Stadia Maps Time Zone API, api_name:TZ Lookup by Location, api_description:The Stadia TZ Lookup API provides time zone information, as well as information about any special offset (such as DST) in effect based on the latest IANA TZDB. Note that this API may not be accurate for timestamps in the past and does not claim to report precise nautical times in the open ocean beyond territorial waters., required_params: [{\"name\": \"lat\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The latitude component of any point on land.\"}, {\"name\": \"lng\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The longitude component of any point on land.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"tz_id\": \"str\", \"base_utc_offset\": \"int\", \"dst_offset\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "15", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:climate data, api_name:Search location by Name or zip code, api_description:Search location by Name or zip code and get the key for the forecast, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"title\": \"str\", \"link\": \"str\", \"modified\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"generator\": \"str\", \"location\": [{\"wmo\": \"str\", \"city\": \"str\", \"country\": \"str\", \"country_name\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 2}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "16", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Flight Data_v2, api_name:Airport data in json format, api_description:API returns a file with a list of airports from the database, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "17", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Skyscanner_v2, api_name:Search Place, api_description:Search for a place to get the **entityId** needed in searching the hotel API., required_params: [{\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Location Name in which you want to visit.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "18", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:Weather by API-Ninjas, api_name:/v1/weather, api_description:API Ninjas Weather API endpoint., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"cloud_pct\": \"int\", \"temp\": \"int\", \"feels_like\": \"int\", \"humidity\": \"int\", \"min_temp\": \"int\", \"max_temp\": \"int\", \"wind_speed\": \"float\", \"wind_degrees\": \"int\", \"sunrise\": \"int\", \"sunset\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "19", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Movies, tool_name:Streaming Availability, api_name:Search Pro, api_description:Search through the catalog of the given services in the given country. Provides filters such as show language, genre and keyword. Items per page is 10. Output includes all the information about the shows, such as title, IMDb ID, TMDb ID, IMDb rating, link to shows' pages in streaming services (including individual season/episode links), cast, runtime, poster and many more! Apart from the info about the given country-service combinations, output also includes information about availability in the other services for the given country., required_params: [{\"name\": \"country\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"2 letter ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code of the country to search in. See the about page to check the supported countries.\"}, {\"name\": \"services\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"A comma separated list of up to 8 services to search in. See `/v2/services` endpoint to get the supported services and their ids/names.\\n\\nSyntax of the values supplied in the list can be as the followings:``: Searches in the entire catalog of that service, including (if applicable) rentable, buyable shows or shows available through addons i.e. `netflix`, `prime`, `apple``.`: Only returns the shows that are available in that service with the given offer type. Valid offer type values are `subscription`, `free`, `rent`, `buy` and `addon` i.e. `peacock.free` only returns the shows on Peacock that are free to watch, `prime.subscription` only returns the shows on Prime Video that are available to watch with a Prime subscription. `hulu.addon` only returns the shows on Hulu that are available via an addon, `prime.rent` only returns the shows on Prime Video that are rentable.`.addon.`: Only returns the shows that are available in that service with the given addon. Check `/v2/services` endpoint to fetch the available addons for a service. Some sample values are: `hulu.addon.hbo`, `prime.addon.hbomaxus`.\\n\\nIf a service supports both `free` and `subscription`, then results included under `subscription` will always include the `free` shows as well.\\n\\nWhen multiple values are passed as a comma separated list, any show that satisfies at least one of the values will be included in the result.\\n\\nSome sample list values:`prime.rent,prime.buy,apple.rent,apple.buy`: Returns all the buyable/rentable shows on Amazon Prime Video and Apple TV.`prime.addon,prime.subscription`: Returns all the shows on Amazon Prime Video that are available through either a Prime Video subscription or a Prime Video Channel subscription.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "20", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:Recipe Finder, api_name:pastry/ingredient, api_description:This API endpoint allows users to retrieve a random pastry recipe that contains a specific ingredient. Users can make a GET request to the endpoint with the name of the ingredient as a query parameter, and the API will return a JSON response with the given recipe, including the name, list of ingredients, and instructions., required_params: [{\"name\": \"ingredient\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"name\": \"str\", \"ingredients\": [\"list of str with length 9\"], \"instructions\": [\"list of str with length 7\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "21", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:Recipe Finder, api_name:appetizer/ingredient, api_description:This API endpoint allows users to retrieve a random appetizer recipe that contains a specific ingredient. Users can make a GET request to the endpoint with the name of the ingredient as a query parameter, and the API will return a JSON response with the given recipe, including the name, list of ingredients, and instructions., required_params: [{\"name\": \"ingredient\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"name\": \"str\", \"ingredients\": [\"list of str with length 5\"], \"instructions\": [\"list of str with length 5\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "22", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:Recipe Finder, api_name:cake/ingredient, api_description:This API endpoint allows users to retrieve a random cake recipe that contains a specific ingredient. Users can make a GET request to the endpoint with the name of the ingredient as a query parameter, and the API will return a JSON response with the given recipe, including the name, list of ingredients, and instructions., required_params: [{\"name\": \"ingredient\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"name\": \"str\", \"ingredients\": [\"list of str with length 10\"], \"instructions\": [\"list of str with length 5\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "23", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:League Of Legends Galore, api_name:Get Player Details, api_description:Get Player Details based on UserName.\nCase Sensitive!, required_params: [{\"name\": \"name\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"region\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"username\": \"str\", \"rank\": \"str\", \"lp\": \"str\", \"winLossRatio\": \"str\", \"mostPlayedChamps\": [{\"name\": \"str\", \"winPercentage\": \"str\", \"totalGames\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 7}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "24", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:League Of Legends Esports, api_name:Get Schedule, api_description:In this method you can get all schedule for the leagues. You can filter multiple leagueId with join % seperator., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": {\"schedule\": {\"pages\": {\"older\": \"str\", \"newer\": \"str\"}, \"events\": [{\"startTime\": \"str\", \"state\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"blockName\": \"str\", \"league\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"slug\": \"str\"}, \"match\": {\"id\": \"str\", \"flags\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"teams\": [{\"name\": \"str\", \"code\": \"str\", \"image\": \"str\", \"result\": {\"outcome\": \"str\", \"gameWins\": \"int\"}, \"record\": {\"wins\": \"int\", \"losses\": \"int\"}, \"_list_length\": 2}], \"strategy\": {\"type\": \"str\", \"count\": \"int\"}}, \"_list_length\": 80}]}}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "25", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:WNBA API, api_name:WNBA ScoreBoard, api_description:This endpoint provides you with the WNBA scoreboard data for a specified date if available., required_params: [{\"name\": \"month\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"day\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"year\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"leagues\": [{\"id\": \"str\", \"uid\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"abbreviation\": \"str\", \"slug\": \"str\", \"season\": {\"year\": \"int\", \"startDate\": \"str\", \"endDate\": \"str\", \"displayName\": \"str\", \"type\": {\"id\": \"str\", \"type\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"abbreviation\": \"str\"}}, \"logos\": [{\"href\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\", \"height\": \"int\", \"alt\": \"str\", \"rel\": [\"list of str with length 2\"], \"lastUpdated\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"calendarType\": \"str\", \"calendarIsWhitelist\": \"bool\", \"calendarStartDate\": \"str\", \"calendarEndDate\": \"str\", \"calendar\": [\"list of str with length 97\"], \"_list_length\": 1}], \"events\": \"empty list\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "26", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:World Weather Online API, api_name:Search API, api_description:The Location search API method takes a query value and returns information about the location, including area name, country, latitude/longitude, population, and a URL for the weather information., required_params: [{\"name\": \"q\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "27", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:Ski Resort Forecast, api_name:5 Day Forecast, api_description:Returns the 5 day forecast for a given resort name, required_params: [{\"name\": \"resort\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "28", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:Dictionary, api_name:wordSearchTurkish, api_description:With this service you can learn the meaning of words from Turkish dictionary., required_params: [{\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Enter word\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"result\": [{\"madde\": {\"kelime_say\\u0131\": \"str\", \"kelime\": [{\"anlam\": \"str\", \"ornek\": [{\"ornek\": \"str\", \"yazar\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"ozellik\": [{\"tamAd\\u0131\": \"str\", \"k\\u0131saAd\\u0131\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"_list_length\": 6}]}, \"_list_length\": 1}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "29", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:Word of the day, api_name:Word of the day from mw, api_description:Get word of the day from mw., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"info\": \"str\", \"date\": \"str\", \"word\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"mean\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "30", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Transportation, tool_name:Flight Radar, api_name:flights/list-in-boundary, api_description:Helps to list flights, aircrafts in a GEO bounding box, and display them on a map, required_params: [{\"name\": \"bl_lng\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The bottom left longitude of the bounding box\"}, {\"name\": \"tr_lat\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The top right latitude of the bounding box\"}, {\"name\": \"bl_lat\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The bottom left latitude of the bounding box\"}, {\"name\": \"tr_lng\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The top right longitude of the bounding box\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"full_count\": \"int\", \"version\": \"int\", \"aircraft\": [\"list of list with length 14\"], \"stats\": {\"total\": {\"ads-b\": \"int\", \"mlat\": \"int\", \"faa\": \"int\", \"flarm\": \"int\", \"estimated\": \"int\", \"satellite\": \"int\", \"uat\": \"int\", \"other\": \"int\"}, \"visible\": {\"ads-b\": \"int\", \"mlat\": \"int\", \"faa\": \"int\", \"flarm\": \"int\", \"estimated\": \"int\", \"satellite\": \"int\", \"uat\": \"int\", \"other\": \"int\"}}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "31", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Transportation, tool_name:TimeTable Lookup , api_name:airports - Nonstop and direct routes for an airport by airline, api_description:Returns a list of nonstop and direct routes for an airport restricted to an airline, required_params: [{\"name\": \"airlineiatacode\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"Airline IATA Code\"}, {\"name\": \"airportiatacode\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"Airport IATA Code\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "32", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Transportation, tool_name:Travel Hacking Tool, api_name:Get TimeZones, api_description:Get TimeZones in Olsen Format with UTC offset and Daylight Savings Time (DST)., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"timezone\": \"str\", \"utc\": \"str\", \"dst\": \"str\", \"zone_code\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "33", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:BestBuy Product Data, api_name:BestBuyProductData, api_description:It will accept two parameters keyword and page.\nFor Ex:\nkeyword: iphone (it is the search term and it can be anything for example: iphone, ps5, sony tv etc)\npage: min 1 (max depends on the number of products available), required_params: [{\"name\": \"keyword\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"page\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "34", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Transportation, tool_name:Flight Radar, api_name:airlines/get-logos, api_description:Get logos of airlines, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"result\": {\"request\": {\"callback\": \"NoneType\", \"code\": \"NoneType\", \"format\": \"str\", \"timestamp\": \"int\", \"type\": \"str\"}, \"response\": {\"airlines\": {\"logotypes\": [{\"file\": {\"modified\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"size\": \"int\", \"type\": \"str\", \"updated\": \"bool\", \"url\": \"str\"}, \"_list_length\": 343}]}}}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "35", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:World Country, api_name:Get Time Zones, api_description:Get Time Zone list, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"page\": \"int\", \"total_items\": \"int\", \"total_pages\": \"int\", \"total\": \"int\", \"data\": [{\"id\": \"str\", \"zone_name\": \"str\", \"tz_name\": \"str\", \"gmt_offset_name\": \"str\", \"gmt_offset\": \"int\", \"abbreviation\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 50}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "36", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:World Time, api_name:Timezone for Location, api_description:Request the current time for a timezone (in plain text or JSON), required_params: [{\"name\": \"location\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Location, example:\\\"London\\\" or \\\"London.txt\\\"\"}, {\"name\": \"area\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Area, example:\\\"Europe\\\"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"abbreviation\": \"str\", \"client_ip\": \"str\", \"datetime\": \"str\", \"day_of_week\": \"int\", \"day_of_year\": \"int\", \"dst\": \"bool\", \"dst_from\": \"str\", \"dst_offset\": \"int\", \"dst_until\": \"str\", \"raw_offset\": \"int\", \"timezone\": \"str\", \"unixtime\": \"int\", \"utc_datetime\": \"str\", \"utc_offset\": \"str\", \"week_number\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "37", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:IMDb, api_name:actors/get-all-filmography, api_description:Get all filmography of actor or actress, required_params: [{\"name\": \"nconst\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"You need to extract the value started with \\\"nm\\\" returned in .../actors/list-born-today or .../actors/list-most-popular-celebs endpoint. Ex : nm0001667\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"str\", \"base\": {\"@type\": \"str\", \"akas\": [\"list of str with length 3\"], \"id\": \"str\", \"image\": {\"height\": \"int\", \"id\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\"}, \"legacyNameText\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\"}, \"filmography\": [{\"category\": \"str\", \"id\": \"str\", \"image\": {\"height\": \"int\", \"id\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\"}, \"status\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"titleType\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 147}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "38", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:Google News API, api_name:Get articles, api_description:Get, filter, smart search google news articles., required_params: [{\"name\": \"language\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Supported by 10 languages. \\n\\nLanguage request codes: TR, EN, FR, DE, IT, ZH, ES, RU, KO, PT\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"messsage\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "39", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Match APi, api_name:Get all competitions information, api_description:Retrieve all competitions information, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"country_code\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "40", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:Kubric: The Comprehensive Movie News API, api_name:Basic Search, api_description:The `/news/basic/search` endpoint allows you to search for movie news articles., required_params: [{\"name\": \"q\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"body\": {\"totalArticles\": \"int\", \"results\": [{\"_id\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"author\": \"str\", \"img\": \"str\", \"snippet\": \"str\", \"source\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"publishedDate\": \"str\", \"sentiment\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "41", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:Uncovered Treasure, api_name:/topic/{topic}, api_description:Get entries from a specific topic, required_params: [{\"name\": \"topic\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\\\"seek God\\\"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"results\": \"empty list\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "42", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Health_and_Fitness, tool_name:US Hospitals, api_name:getHospitalsByName, api_description:###Find US Hospitals by name.\nSimply add your search string to the \"name\" parameter in the url.\nTip: The API also works if your search for *name='pr'* instead of *name='presbyterian'.* **Note**: The API only returns the first 30 results., required_params: [{\"name\": \"name\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "43", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:Recipe by API-Ninjas, api_name:/v1/recipe, api_description:Get a list of recipes for a given search query. Returns at most 10 results. To access more than the first 10 results, use the offset parameter to offset results in multiple API calls., required_params: [{\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"query text to search.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"title\": \"str\", \"ingredients\": \"str\", \"servings\": \"str\", \"instructions\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "44", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Feroeg - Reverse Geocoding, api_name:ReverseGeocode, api_description:Return a text address from a latitude/longitude location, required_params: [{\"name\": \"lat\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"lon\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "45", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:dev-to-api, api_name:Get the month's top articles, api_description:It returns the month's top articles from dev.to website., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"title\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "46", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Health_and_Fitness, tool_name:Health Calculator API, api_name:Macronutrient Distribution, api_description:This endpoint calculates the optimal distribution of macronutrients (carbohydrates, proteins, and fats) based on factors such as activity level, body composition goals, and dietary preferences., required_params: [{\"name\": \"activity_level\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The activity_level parameter accepts the following values:**sedentary** - Little to no exercise.\\n**moderately_active** - Moderate exercise/sports 3-5 days/week.\\n**very_active** - Hard exercise/sports 6-7 days/week.\"}, {\"name\": \"body_composition_goal\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The body_composition_goal parameter accepts the following values:**weight_loss** - Goal of losing weight.\\n**maintenance** - Goal of maintaining current weight.\\n**muscle_gain** - Goal of gaining muscle.\\n\"}, {\"name\": \"dietary_preferences\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The dietary_preferences parameter allows users to specify their dietary preferences. It can be any string value representing the individual's dietary choices or restrictions, such as \\\"**vegetarian**,\\\" \\\"**vegan**,\\\" \\\"**pescatarian**,\\\" or \\\"**gluten-free**.\\\"]\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "47", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:Halsey Lyric Snippets, api_name:random song & song's album information out of {artist}, api_description:Returns album information and random song information, required_params: [{\"name\": \"artist\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"albumId\": \"str\", \"albumName\": \"str\", \"releaseDate\": \"str\", \"albumArtist\": \"str\", \"song\": {\"_id\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"lyrics\": [\"list of str with length 25\"]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "48", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:Numbers, api_name:Get random fact, api_description:Get result by random number, required_params: [{\"name\": \"type\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"One of \\\"trivia\\\", \\\"math\\\", \\\"date\\\", or \\\"year\\\"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "49", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:Halsey Lyric Snippets, api_name:random song from a specific {artist} and specified {album}, api_description:This endpoint retrieves a random song from the specified album by the specified artist and returns it in the response., required_params: [{\"name\": \"artist\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"album\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"_id\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"lyrics\": [\"list of str with length 11\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "50", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:OikoWeather, api_name:Weather Data, api_description:Hourly historical and forecast weather parameters in time-series format, from 1950 to 16 days ahead for any location., required_params: [{\"name\": \"start\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"lat\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"param\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"lon\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"end\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"statusCode\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "51", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Airbnb listings, api_name:Prices and Availability by administrative divisions, api_description:Retrieve average Price, average price of available properties only, availability percent and number of processed properties in an geographical administrative division. Geographic area names can be found from \"Get administrative divisions\" endpoint. admin* parameters are optional but to use admin2, admin1 is required, to use admin 3, admin2 and admin1 are required and so on. Not respecting this requirement could give you unwanted results (ie listings with cities with the same name but in different countries). Can be filtered on bedrooms and max guest capacity., required_params: [{\"name\": \"month\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"country_code\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"year\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "52", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Movies, tool_name:Advanced Movie Search, api_name:Get Detailed Response, api_description:Get detailed response for a movie ID, required_params: [{\"name\": \"movie_id\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"adult\": \"bool\", \"backdrop_path\": \"str\", \"belongs_to_collection\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"poster_path\": \"str\", \"backdrop_path\": \"str\"}, \"budget\": \"int\", \"genres\": [{\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 3}], \"homepage\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\", \"imdb_id\": \"str\", \"original_language\": \"str\", \"original_title\": \"str\", \"overview\": \"str\", \"popularity\": \"float\", \"poster_path\": \"str\", \"production_companies\": [{\"id\": \"int\", \"logo_path\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"origin_country\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"production_countries\": [{\"iso_3166_1\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"release_date\": \"str\", \"revenue\": \"int\", \"runtime\": \"int\", \"spoken_languages\": [{\"english_name\": \"str\", \"iso_639_1\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"status\": \"str\", \"tagline\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"video\": \"bool\", \"vote_average\": \"float\", \"vote_count\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "53", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:Recipe Generator, api_name:Generate Recipe, api_description:Uses AI to generate a unique recipe based on a provided name and a list of ingredients, required_params: [{\"name\": \"ingredients\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "54", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Health_and_Fitness, tool_name:Ind Nutrient API, api_name:View All Food Items, api_description:The request allows clients to retrieve a comprehensive list of all available food items.\n\nAPI request sent to [https://indnutrientsapi.tech/food](https://indnutrientsapi.tech/food), required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"count\": \"int\", \"food\": [{\"_id\": \"str\", \"food_name\": \"str\", \"quantity\": \"str\", \"calories\": \"int\", \"uri\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"type_uri\": \"str\", \"core\": \"str\", \"core_uri\": \"str\", \"food_nutrition\": [{\"nutrient_name\": \"str\", \"value\": \"float\", \"unit\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 3}], \"_list_length\": 10}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "55", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:World Weather Online API, api_name:Astronomy API, api_description:The Astronomy and Lunar API method allows you to access astronomy information for any given date., required_params: [{\"name\": \"q\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"date\", \"type\": \"DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "56", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:Ghana Food Recipe Api, api_name:Drinks, api_description:This endpoint gets all local drinks,image,ingredient and preparation., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"count\": \"int\", \"drink\": [{\"_id\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"drinkImage\": \"str\", \"ingredient\": \"str\", \"preparation\": \"str\", \"request\": {\"type\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\"}, \"_list_length\": 4}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "57", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:MusicData API, api_name:/youtube/24h, api_description:Youtube most viewed music video past 24 hours, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"ranking\": \"str\", \"status\": \"str\", \"video\": \"str\", \"link\": \"str\", \"views\": \"str\", \"likes\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "58", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:GeoSource API, api_name:Capital By Country, api_description:Retrives a value of the capital of the country., required_params: [{\"name\": \"country\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"countryName\": \"str\", \"CountryCode\": \"str\", \"Capital\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "59", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:BingoAPI, api_name:/us, api_description:US game spec.\nReturns numbers between 1 and 75, randomized in 5 groups.\n\nIf you have a paid plan you can specify the number of cards to generate as a query parameter: `?cards=10`\nThis will return an array of array (the cards).\n\nPlease note that empty spaces are not returned as it is more portable for who don't need them. You are free to loop through the cards and add them at your wish., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "60", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Movies, tool_name:Movie and TV shows Quotes, api_name:Get all quotes, api_description:This endpoint will return back all the quotes in the API, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"quote\": \"str\", \"character\": \"str\", \"actor\": \"str\", \"quoteFrom\": \"str\", \"year\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "61", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Transportation, tool_name:TimeTable Lookup , api_name:airports - Metro IATA codes, api_description:Returns a list of metro IATA codes, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "62", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Email, tool_name:Disposable Email Validation, api_name:Validate domain or email address, api_description:Validate can either be a domain ( **spam4.me** ) or an email address ( **badactor@spam4.me** ), required_params: [{\"name\": \"validate\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"is_disposable_domain\": \"bool\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "63", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Email, tool_name:Disposable & Invalid Email Verifier, api_name:Email verifier, api_description:This endpoint verifies the validity of an email address. It checks the email address format, domain, and whether it is a disposable email address. It then extracts the MX records from the domain's DNS records and connects to the email server via SMTP. The function also simulates sending a message to the email server to confirm that the mailbox associated with the email address actually exists., required_params: [{\"name\": \"email\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"reason\": \"str\", \"status\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "64", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:SoundCloud Scraper, api_name:List User Albums, api_description:This endpoint lists the albums of a user. Pagination scraping is supported., required_params: [{\"name\": \"user\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"User URL or ID.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"bool\", \"type\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\", \"playlists\": {\"nextOffset\": \"NoneType\", \"items\": [{\"type\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\", \"permalinkUrl\": \"str\", \"createdAt\": \"str\", \"lastModified\": \"str\", \"isAlbum\": \"bool\", \"setType\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"durationMs\": \"int\", \"durationText\": \"str\", \"artworkUrl\": \"str\", \"releaseDate\": \"NoneType\", \"genre\": \"str\", \"labelName\": \"str\", \"license\": \"str\", \"purchaseTitle\": \"NoneType\", \"purchaseUrl\": \"NoneType\", \"likesCount\": \"int\", \"repostsCount\": \"int\", \"trackCount\": \"int\", \"tags\": \"empty list\", \"user\": {\"type\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\", \"permalink\": \"str\", \"lastModified\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"avatarUrl\": \"str\", \"followerCount\": \"int\", \"city\": \"str\", \"countryCode\": \"str\", \"verified\": \"bool\", \"pro\": \"bool\", \"proUnlimited\": \"bool\", \"stationPermalink\": \"str\"}, \"tracks\": [{\"type\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\", \"goPlus\": \"bool\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"_list_length\": 8}]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "65", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:Flixster, api_name:news/list, api_description:List latest news, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": {\"newsStories\": [{\"id\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"mainImage\": {\"url\": \"str\"}, \"status\": \"str\", \"link\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 40}]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "66", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:Current Affairs Of India, api_name:Today's International Current Affairs, api_description:This endpoint provides you the international current affairs of today., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "67", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Global WebServer or IP Response Time and Location, api_name:Geo Ping Global IP lookup, api_description:Connects to 12 global servers and determines the local ip at that location for a given domain name or ip address, reports back location and response time of servers., required_params: [{\"name\": \"domain\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"california-US-ipv6\\\": {\\\"ip_type\\\": \\\"str\\\",\\\"results\\\": {\\\"seq\\\": \\\"int\\\",\\\"ip\\\": \\\"str\\\",\\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\",\\\"slaac\\\": \\\"bool\\\",\\\"domain\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\",\\\"global_unicast\\\": \\\"bool\\\",\\\"teredo\\\": \\\"bool\\\",\\\"six2four\\\": \\\"bool\\\",\\\"possible_mac\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\",\\\"latitude\\\": \\\"float\\\",\\\"longitude\\\": \\\"float\\\",\\\"isp\\\": \\\"str\\\",\\\"city\\\": \\\"str\\\",\\\"region_code\\\": \\\"str\\\",\\\"country_code\\\": \\\"str\\\",\\\"icmp\\\": \\\"str\\\",\\\"webtime\\\": \\\"int\\\",\\\"ssltime\\\": \\\"int\\\"}}, \\\"new-york-us-ipv6\\\": {\\\"ip_type\\\": \\\"str\\\",\\\"results\\\": {\\\"seq\\\": \\\"int\\\",\\\"ip\\\": \\\"str\\\",\\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\",\\\"slaac\\\": \\\"bool\\\",\\\"domain\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\",\\\"global_unicast\\\": \\\"bool\\\",\\\"teredo\\\": \\\"bool\\\",\\\"six2four\\\": \\\"bool\\\",\\\"possible_mac\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\",\\\"latitude\\\": \\\"float\\\",\\\"longitude\\\": \\\"float\\\",\\\"isp\\\": \\\"str\\\",\\\"city\\\": \\\"str\\\",\\\"region_code\\\": \\\"str\\\",\\\"country_code\\\": \\\"str\\\",\\\"icmp\\\": \\\"str\\\",\\\"webtime\\\": \\\"int\\\",\\\"ssltime\\\": \\\"int\\\"}}, \\\"bahrain-UAE-ipv6\\\": {\\\"ip_type\\\": \\\"str\\\",\\\"results\\\": {\\\"seq\\\": \\\"int\\\",\\\"ip\\\": \\\"str\\\",\\\"type\\\": \\\"str\\\",\\\"slaac\\\": \\\"bool\\\",\\\"domain\\\": \\\"NoneType\\\",\\\"global_unicast\\\": \\\"bool\\\",\\\"teredo\\\": \\\"bool\\\",\\\"six2four\\\": \\\"bool\\\",\\\"possible_mac\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "68", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Email, tool_name:fast Email verifier, api_name:EmailVerifications, api_description:He is a simple way to verify a list of email addresses with different dimensions., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"email\": \"str\", \"reachable\": \"str\", \"syntax\": {\"username\": \"str\", \"domain\": \"str\", \"valid\": \"bool\"}, \"smtp\": \"NoneType\", \"gravatar\": \"NoneType\", \"suggestion\": \"str\", \"disposable\": \"bool\", \"role_account\": \"bool\", \"free\": \"bool\", \"has_mx_records\": \"bool\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "69", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Email, tool_name:Email validator_v5, api_name:Email, api_description:This API will validate email with domain name, it is use to filter out invalid email and invalid domain, to perfact match delivery rate and minimum email bounce, required_params: [{\"name\": \"email\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "70", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Movies, tool_name:Netflix_v2, api_name:Season Episodes, api_description:Season Episodes, required_params: [{\"name\": \"ids\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Season IDs (you can separate with commas)\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "71", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:IceHockeyApi, api_name:MatchSchedules, api_description:Get the schedules of ice hockey matches for a given date, including match timings, teams, and other relevant information., required_params: [{\"name\": \"day\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The day of the month for which you want to retrieve the schedules (1-31).\"}, {\"name\": \"year\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The year for which you want to retrieve the schedules (e.g., 2022).\"}, {\"name\": \"month\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The month for which you want to retrieve the schedules (1-12).\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "72", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:AI Weather by Meteosource, api_name:historical_weather, api_description:Receive **historical weather** data for a **given day** in the past **8 years**. Define your location using GPS coordinates or `place_id` from `Location endpoints`., required_params: [{\"name\": \"date\", \"type\": \"DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)\", \"description\": \"The UTC day of the data in the past in `YYYY-MM-DD` format.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"lat\": \"str\", \"lon\": \"str\", \"elevation\": \"int\", \"timezone\": \"str\", \"units\": \"str\", \"data\": [{\"date\": \"str\", \"weather\": \"str\", \"icon\": \"int\", \"temperature\": \"float\", \"feels_like\": \"float\", \"wind_chill\": \"float\", \"dew_point\": \"float\", \"wind\": {\"speed\": \"float\", \"gusts\": \"float\", \"angle\": \"int\", \"dir\": \"str\"}, \"cloud_cover\": \"int\", \"pressure\": \"float\", \"precipitation\": {\"total\": \"float\", \"type\": \"str\"}, \"ozone\": \"int\", \"humidity\": \"float\", \"_list_length\": 24}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "73", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:PAC API, api_name:Get All Trump Articles, api_description:This endpoint returns all newspaper artices for Trump, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "74", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:Current Affairs Of India, api_name:Quiz For Today, api_description:This endpoint will fetch you today's current affair 10 quiz questions., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"question\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "75", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:WeatherAPI.com, api_name:Search/Autocomplete API, api_description:Search or Autocomplete API returns matching cities and towns., required_params: [{\"name\": \"q\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Query parameter based on which data is sent back. It could be following:\\n\\nLatitude and Longitude (Decimal degree) e.g: q=48.8567,2.3508\\ncity name e.g.: q=Paris\\nUS zip e.g.: q=10001\\nUK postcode e.g: q=SW1\\nCanada postal code e.g: q=G2J\\nmetar: e.g: q=metar:EGLL\\niata:<3 digit airport code> e.g: q=iata:DXB\\nauto:ip IP lookup e.g: q=auto:ip\\nIP address (IPv4 and IPv6 supported) e.g: q=\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": {\"code\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "76", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:Uncovered Treasure, api_name:/random, api_description:Get random treasure, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"results\": [{\"date\": \"str\", \"context\": \"str\", \"scriptures\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"text\": \"str\", \"topics\": \"empty list\", \"bookOrder\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 1}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "77", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:Spotify _v2, api_name:User details, api_description:get user details of any Spotify user, required_params: [{\"name\": \"user_id\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "78", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:BingoAPI, api_name:/eu, api_description:EU game spec.\nReturns numbers between 1 and 90.\n\nIf you have a paid plan you can specify the number of cards to generate as a query parameter: `?cards=10`\nThis will return an array of array (the cards).\n\nPlease note that empty spaces are not returned as it is more portable for who don't need them. You are free to loop through the cards and add them at your wish., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "79", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Commerce, tool_name:Cartify, api_name:getProducts, api_description:This endpoint gets all products in the database.\n\nA list of products in the store, with the following attributes:\n\nid (integer): The unique identifier for the product.\ntitle (string): The name of the product.\ncategory (string): A description of the product.\nprice (number): The price of the product.\nimage_url (string): A URL to an image of the product., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"title\": \"str\", \"price\": \"str\", \"image\": \"str\", \"id\": \"str\", \"category\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "80", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Twelve Data, api_name:Real-Time Price, api_description:This endpoint is a lightweight method that allows retrieving only the real-time price of the selected instrument., required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Instrument symbol, can be any equity, index, ETF, forex or cryptocurrency\\nE.g. `AAPL`, `EUR/USD`, `ETH/BTC`, ...\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"price\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "81", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Commerce, tool_name:Ebay Search Result, api_name:Search on ebay, api_description:Enter anything you want to search for on Ebay website., required_params: [{\"name\": \"searchQuery\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"results\": [{\"title\": \"str\", \"price\": \"str\", \"shipping\": \"str\", \"location\": \"str\", \"rating\": \"str\", \"image\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 76}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "82", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Health_and_Fitness, tool_name:Ind Nutrient API, api_name:View Food Item By Name, api_description:This request allows clients to retrieve detailed information about a food item by specifying by its `name`.\n\nWhen making the request, ensure the food item's name is written with hyphens (\"-\") separating the words. For instance, \"Paneer Butter Masala\" should be written as \"paneer-butter-masala\" in the request.\n\nAPI request sent to [https://indnutrientsapi.tech/food/name/paneer-butter-masala](https://indnutrientsapi.tech/food/name/paneer-butter-masala), required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"count\": \"int\", \"item\": [{\"_id\": \"str\", \"food_name\": \"str\", \"quantity\": \"str\", \"calories\": \"int\", \"uri\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"type_uri\": \"str\", \"core\": \"str\", \"core_uri\": \"str\", \"food_nutrition\": [{\"nutrient_name\": \"str\", \"value\": \"float\", \"unit\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 3}], \"request\": [{\"type\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"_list_length\": 1}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "83", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:FoodieFetch, api_name:Fetch Restaurant Information, api_description:This endpoint allows users to retrieve menu location and ratings data for a specific restaurant. The user can send the name of the restaurant, preferably the full name with the city, to fetch data from the API., required_params: [{\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": {\"About\": {\"Name\": \"str\", \"Ratings\": \"str\", \"Locality\": \"str\", \"AreaName\": \"str\", \"City\": \"str\", \"Cuisines\": [\"list of str with length 2\"]}, \"Menu\": [{\"title\": \"str\", \"Dishes\": [{\"name\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"inStock\": \"bool\", \"isVeg\": \"bool\", \"price\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 71}], \"_list_length\": 20}], \"URL\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "84", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:Recipe Finder, api_name:lunch/ingredient, api_description:This API endpoint allows users to retrieve a random lunch recipe that contains a specific ingredient. Users can make a GET request to the endpoint with the name of the ingredient as a query parameter, and the API will return a JSON response with the given recipe, including the name, list of ingredients, and instructions., required_params: [{\"name\": \"ingredient\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"name\": \"str\", \"ingredients\": [\"list of str with length 10\"], \"instructions\": [\"list of str with length 4\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "85", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:JP Funda, api_name:getDisclosedDateRange, api_description:### Return securities report data Specified by the date range.\nNote: This endpoint requires the 2 query parameters, start_date and end_date\nNote: max date range is 31 days. if you want longer date range data, need to requesting API twice or more., required_params: [{\"name\": \"start_date\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"end_date\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "86", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:investing financial stocks, api_name:info, api_description:get forex info, required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"get from majors price or performance\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "87", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Crypto Currency Scraper API, api_name:See about nft prices, api_description:The endpoint fetch the data of the top nft currencies including names and prices even rank and more!, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"headers\": {\"host\": \"str\", \"user-agent\": \"str\", \"accept\": \"str\", \"accept-encoding\": \"str\", \"cdn-loop\": \"str\", \"cf-connecting-ip\": \"str\", \"cf-ew-via\": \"str\", \"cf-ipcountry\": \"str\", \"cf-ray\": \"str\", \"cf-visitor\": \"str\", \"cf-worker\": \"str\", \"render-proxy-ttl\": \"str\", \"true-client-ip\": \"str\", \"x-amzn-trace-id\": \"str\", \"x-forwarded-for\": \"str\", \"x-forwarded-host\": \"str\", \"x-forwarded-port\": \"str\", \"x-forwarded-proto\": \"str\", \"x-mashape-proxy-secret\": \"str\", \"x-mashape-subscription\": \"str\", \"x-mashape-user\": \"str\", \"x-mashape-version\": \"str\", \"x-rapidapi-host\": \"str\", \"x-rapidapi-proxy-secret\": \"str\", \"x-rapidapi-request-id\": \"str\", \"x-rapidapi-subscription\": \"str\", \"x-rapidapi-tenant-name\": \"str\", \"x-rapidapi-user\": \"str\", \"x-rapidapi-version\": \"str\", \"x-request-start\": \"str\"}, \"baseUrl\": \"str\", \"data\": \"empty list\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "88", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:Lost Ark Simple, api_name:Get Stronghold Item Recipes, api_description:Get List of Lost Ark Stronghold Item Recipes, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"data\": [{\"name\": \"str\", \"materials\": [{\"item\": \"str\", \"amount\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 5}], \"details\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 54}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "89", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:Lost Ark, api_name:Get all island with dropped items, api_description:This endpoint will return all the islands with the id's of the dropped items on the island., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"name\": \"str\", \"items\": {\"133003\": \"int\", \"510103\": \"int\", \"889005\": \"int\", \"889101\": \"int\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "90", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:Lost Ark, api_name:get classes, api_description:Get all classes and subclasses, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"Warrior\": {\"subclasses\": [\"list of str with length 3\"]}, \"Martial artist\": {\"subclasses\": [\"list of str with length 4\"]}, \"Gunner\": {\"Subclasses\": [\"list of str with length 4\"]}, \"Mage\": {\"Subclasses\": [\"list of str with length 2\"]}, \"Assassin\": {\"Subclasses\": [\"list of str with length 2\"]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "91", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:IP Geolocation Lookup, api_name:IP Geolocation Lookup, api_description:API returns location data such as country, region, city, zip, timezone, isp, asn and org and more, required_params: [{\"name\": \"ip\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"IPv4 address\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"ipAddress\": \"str\", \"country\": \"str\", \"countryCode\": \"str\", \"state\": \"str\", \"stateCode\": \"str\", \"city\": \"str\", \"postal\": \"str\", \"countryCodeIso3\": \"str\", \"continent\": \"str\", \"continentCode\": \"str\", \"capital\": \"str\", \"currency\": \"str\", \"currencySymbol\": \"str\", \"phoneCode\": \"str\", \"latitude\": \"float\", \"longitude\": \"float\", \"asNumber\": \"int\", \"asName\": \"str\", \"network\": \"str\", \"tools\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "92", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:Easy Weather, api_name:Current conditions (detailed), api_description:Get (detailed) current conditions for the given latitude and longitude., required_params: [{\"name\": \"longitude\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"latitude\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "93", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Health_and_Fitness, tool_name:Scoring Tables API, api_name:/marks/women/{points}, api_description:This retrieves the women's marks for the point value given as a parameter (0-1400)., required_params: [{\"name\": \"points\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Please enter a number between 1 and 1400.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "94", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:FDJ, api_name:Odds, api_description:Latest Odds for FDJ, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "95", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Commerce, tool_name:E-mail Check Invalid or Disposable Domain_v2, api_name:mailcheck, api_description:Check if e-mail domain is valid, or a disposable/temporary address. Invalid domains (typos, non-responding mailserver, etc) will return \"valid: false\",\"block: true\". Disposable e-mail domains will return \"valid: true\" (since it's a valid domain), but \"block: true\" and \"disposable: true\"., required_params: [{\"name\": \"domain\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Full e-mail, or domain to check if valid or temporary/disposable. You can enter an e-mail address, and it will be converted to a domain, but entering just the domain is recommended for user privacy reasons.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "96", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Email, tool_name:fast Email verifier, api_name:FreeDomain, api_description:Check whether or not you have a free domain., required_params: [{\"name\": \"domain\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"FreeDomain\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "97", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:AI Weather by Meteosource, api_name:current, api_description:**Current weather** conditions based on weather stations around the world. Updated every 10 minutes. **Define your location** using GPS coordinates or `place_id` from `Location endpoints`., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"lat\": \"str\", \"lon\": \"str\", \"elevation\": \"int\", \"timezone\": \"str\", \"units\": \"str\", \"current\": {\"icon\": \"str\", \"icon_num\": \"int\", \"summary\": \"str\", \"temperature\": \"float\", \"feels_like\": \"float\", \"wind_chill\": \"float\", \"dew_point\": \"float\", \"wind\": {\"speed\": \"float\", \"gusts\": \"float\", \"angle\": \"int\", \"dir\": \"str\"}, \"precipitation\": {\"total\": \"float\", \"type\": \"str\"}, \"cloud_cover\": \"int\", \"ozone\": \"float\", \"pressure\": \"float\", \"uv_index\": \"float\", \"humidity\": \"int\", \"visibility\": \"float\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "98", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Health_and_Fitness, tool_name:BMI Calculator_v2, api_name:BMI, api_description:Calculate BMI using weight and height., required_params: [{\"name\": \"weight\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"height\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "99", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Health_and_Fitness, tool_name:Scoring Tables API, api_name:/marks/men/, api_description:This retrieves all men's marks from the World Athletics Scoring Tables., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "100", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Transportation, tool_name:Travel Hacking Tool, api_name:Get Airline Details, api_description:This endpoint returns the details for an airline based on an IATA code., required_params: [{\"name\": \"code\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"Specify the IATA code of an airline\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"alliance\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "101", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Great Circle Math Api, api_name:Get Distance By City, State, Country In Km, api_description:Takes city, state, and country of both locations and returns latitude, longitude, and calculated miles in kilometers., required_params: [{\"name\": \"state2\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"country2\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"country1\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"state1\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"city1\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"city2\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "102", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Nomad List Cities, api_name:Oceania, api_description:Get Oceania cities sorted by overall score by default.\n\nPagination: size & page \nsort_by: you can sort by any numeric value like fore example internet_speed, temperatureC, cost_for_family_in_usd and so on.\nsort: asc | desc, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "103", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:Ambee Air Quality, api_name:By Postal Code, api_description:Check air quality for your postal code, required_params: [{\"name\": \"postalCode\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Postal code to display the air quality for\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "104", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:Koppen Climate Classification, api_name:Classification, api_description:Get Koppen classification code for the given latitude and longitude., required_params: [{\"name\": \"lon\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"lat\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"resource\": \"str\", \"location\": {\"latitude\": \"str\", \"longitude\": \"str\"}, \"classification\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "105", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:Tech Exams, api_name:getQuestionsandAnswers, api_description:Returns all multiple choice and true or false questions with answers and feedback., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"data\": [{\"questionId\": \"int\", \"typeDescription\": \"str\", \"questionDescription\": \"str\", \"exam\": \"str\", \"tags\": \"NoneType\", \"feedback\": \"NoneType\", \"choiceId\": \"int\", \"choiceDescription\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 133}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "106", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:Recipe Finder, api_name:dinner/ingredient, api_description:This API endpoint allows users to retrieve a random dinner recipe that contains a specific ingredient. Users can make a GET request to the endpoint with the name of the ingredient as a query parameter, and the API will return a JSON response with the given recipe, including the name, list of ingredients, and instructions., required_params: [{\"name\": \"ingredient\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"name\": \"str\", \"ingredients\": [\"list of str with length 9\"], \"instructions\": [\"list of str with length 5\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "107", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Transportation, tool_name:TimeTable Lookup , api_name:airports - Direct routes for an airport, api_description:Returns a list of direct routes for an airport, required_params: [{\"name\": \"airportiatacode\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"Airport IATA Code\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "108", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:Trackmania, api_name:Nadeo Players, api_description:Get Players from nadeo., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"amount\": \"int\", \"query\": {\"method\": \"str\", \"search_query\": \"str\"}, \"results\": [{\"player\": {\"meta\": {\"twitch\": \"str\", \"nadeo\": \"bool\", \"twitter\": \"str\", \"vanity\": \"str\"}, \"name\": \"str\", \"zone\": {\"flag\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"parent\": {\"flag\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"parent\": {\"flag\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"parent\": {\"flag\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"parent\": {\"flag\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\"}}}}}, \"id\": \"str\"}, \"matchmaking\": [{\"typename\": \"str\", \"progression\": \"int\", \"division\": {\"minpoints\": \"int\", \"position\": \"int\", \"rule\": \"str\", \"maxpoints\": \"int\"}, \"rank\": \"int\", \"division_next\": {\"minpoints\": \"int\", \"position\": \"int\", \"rule\": \"str\", \"maxpoints\": \"int\"}, \"score\": \"int\", \"accountid\": \"str\", \"typeid\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 2}], \"_list_length\": 18}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "109", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Movies, tool_name:Movie and TV shows Quotes, api_name:GET quote by movie or TV show name, api_description:This endpoint will return quotes by given movie or TV show name, required_params: [{\"name\": \"show\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"quote\": \"str\", \"character\": \"str\", \"actor\": \"str\", \"quoteFrom\": \"str\", \"year\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "110", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Commerce, tool_name:Shoes collections, api_name:Get all the shoes, api_description:This end point return the collection of shoes, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"price\": \"int\", \"image\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"quantity\": \"int\", \"rating\": {\"rate\": \"float\", \"count\": \"int\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "111", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:Beers List, api_name:Get beers by single country, api_description:Available Countries are:\n- denmark\n- sweden\n- belgium\n- spain\n- portugal\n- ireland\n- luxembourg\n- norway\n- finland\n- switzerland\n- czech\n- italy\n- poland\n- malta, required_params: [{\"name\": \"beerId\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"title\": \"str\", \"alchool\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "112", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Email, tool_name:E-mail Check Invalid, api_name:mailCheck, api_description:☑ Filter domain\n☑ Not start with a special character and must begin with a letter, \ndigit, or certain special characters like +, _, ., -.\n☑ Followed by the @ symbol to separate the username part and the domain part of the email address.\n☑ Domain part does not start or end with a dot or hyphen and only contains alphanumeric characters or dots.\n☑ Email string ends after the domain part and there are no additional characters., required_params: [{\"name\": \"email\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"valid\": \"bool\", \"email\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "113", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:USPTO Trademark, api_name:/v1/databaseStatus, api_description:Returns info about the freshness of the Trademark Search API database.`last_update_date` holds the date of the newest entry from USPTO filling entries that is synced to the API. `latest_trademark` array holds 10 random samples from the most recent confirmed registered trademarks, the `keyword`, the `registration_number` and the `registration_date` . Please note the date could be a few days back as not every day are published new registration of trademarks. They publish daily new partial filings and abandoned trademarks., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"last_update_date\": \"str\", \"latest_trademarks\": [{\"keyword\": \"str\", \"registration_number\": \"str\", \"serial_number\": \"str\", \"status_label\": \"str\", \"registration_date\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 10}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "114", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:Cars image background removal, api_name:Get list of available modes, api_description:The service provides three options for background removal results:\n* Mask of foreground.\n* Image with foreground object.\n* Image with foreground object with shadow., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "115", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Vehicle charging stations , api_name:Get Stations, api_description:Return nearest charging stations within\nA POI (Point of Interest), also referred to as a Site or ChargePoint, is the top-level set of information regarding a geographic site with one or more electric vehicle charging equipment present., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "116", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:Lost Ark, api_name:get abyssal dungeons, api_description:endpoint to get all abyssal dungeons, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"Ancient Elveria\": {\"parts\": {\"Demon Beast Canyon\": {\"itemLevel\": \"int\"}, \"Necromancer's Origin\": {\"itemLevel\": \"int\"}}}, \"Phantom Palace\": {\"parts\": {\"Hall of the Twisted Warlord\": {\"itemLevel\": \"int\"}, \"Hildebrandt Palace\": {\"itemLevel\": \"int\"}}}, \"Ark of Arrogance\": {\"parts\": {\"Road of Lament\": {\"itemLevel\": \"int\"}, \"Forge of Fallen Pride\": {\"itemLevel\": \"int\"}}}, \"Gate of Paradise\": {\"parts\": {\"Sea of Indolence\": {\"itemLevel\": \"int\"}, \"Tranquil Karkosa\": {\"itemLevel\": \"int\"}, \"Alaric's Sanctuary\": {\"itemLevel\": \"int\"}}}, \"Oreha's Well\": {\"parts\": {\"Alirta's Oculus\": {\"itemLevel\": \"int\"}, \"Oreha Preveza\": {\"itemLevel\": \"int\"}}}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "117", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:India Pincode API, api_name:findpincodebydistrict, api_description:findpincodebydistrict, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\", \"noOfItems\": \"int\", \"result\": [{\"taluk\": \"str\", \"pincode\": \"str\", \"districtname\": \"str\", \"placename\": \"str\", \"longitude\": \"str\", \"statename\": \"str\", \"latitude\": \"str\", \"accuracy\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 18}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "118", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Timezone By API-Ninjas, api_name:/v1/timezone, api_description:API Ninjas Timezone API endpoint. Returns the timezone name of the specified input location.\n\nEither both (**lat** and **lon**) or (**city**/**state**/**country**) parameters must be set., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"timezone\": \"str\", \"city\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "119", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:DietaGram, api_name:UPC Api, api_description:Find food info by UPC (barcode), required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"dishes\": [{\"name\": \"str\", \"caloric\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"fat\": \"str\", \"carbon\": \"str\", \"protein\": \"str\", \"category_id\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "120", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Health_and_Fitness, tool_name:Body Mass Index (BMI) Calculator, api_name:Imperial [Pounds], api_description:This endpoint will calculate the BMI of an individual using the imperial measurement system., required_params: [{\"name\": \"weight\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The weight of someone in pounds (lbs) \"}, {\"name\": \"height\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The height of someone in inches (in)\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"bmi\": \"float\", \"weight\": \"str\", \"height\": \"str\", \"weightCategory\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "121", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:News space, api_name:Get Space News, api_description:Get Space News, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"title\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"source\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "122", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:Fast Food Restaurants USA - TOP 50 Chains, api_name:GET all {City} names, api_description:GET all City names, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"cityName\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "123", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Sephora, api_name:categories/v2/list, api_description:List categories, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": [{\"id\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"attributes\": {\"slug-url\": \"str\", \"parent-id\": \"NoneType\", \"label\": \"str\", \"top-level\": \"bool\", \"position\": \"int\", \"mobile-image-url\": \"str\", \"mobile-app-menu-image\": \"str\", \"mobile-app-menu-image-ios\": \"str\", \"mobile-app-menu-image-android\": \"str\", \"mobile-app-banner-image\": \"NoneType\", \"level\": \"int\"}, \"relationships\": {\"children\": {\"data\": [{\"id\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 5}]}, \"parent\": {\"data\": \"NoneType\"}}, \"_list_length\": 188}], \"meta\": {\"count\": \"int\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "124", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Handball Data, api_name:Tournament List, api_description:List of tournaments in your data coverage., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"country\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"shortName\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\"}, \"participantType\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\"}, \"name\": \"str\", \"shortName\": \"str\", \"globalName\": \"str\", \"localName\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "125", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:Recipe_v2, api_name:go, api_description:Creative recipes. The API provides access to 231,637 creative recipes from all cuisines around the world., required_params: [{\"name\": \"q\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "126", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Health_and_Fitness, tool_name:Ind Nutrient API, api_name:View All Cores With Their Food Items, api_description:This request allows clients to retrieve a list of all available cores along with the food items associated with each core.\n\nAPI request sent to [https://indnutrientsapi.tech/food/core](https://indnutrientsapi.tech/food/core), required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"core_count\": \"int\", \"cores\": [{\"core_type\": \"str\", \"related_food_length\": \"int\", \"related_food\": [{\"_id\": \"str\", \"food_name\": \"str\", \"quantity\": \"str\", \"calories\": \"int\", \"uri\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"type_uri\": \"str\", \"core\": \"str\", \"core_uri\": \"str\", \"food_nutrition\": [{\"nutrient_name\": \"str\", \"value\": \"float\", \"unit\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 3}], \"_list_length\": 11}], \"_list_length\": 16}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "127", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Health_and_Fitness, tool_name:Calories Burned by API-Ninjas, api_name:/v1/caloriesburned, api_description:API Ninjas Calories Burned API endpoint., required_params: [{\"name\": \"activity\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"name of the given activity. This value can be partial (e.g. ski will match water skiing and downhill skiing)\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"name\": \"str\", \"calories_per_hour\": \"int\", \"duration_minutes\": \"int\", \"total_calories\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "128", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Commerce, tool_name:Patreon, api_name:Search for Creators, api_description:Search for Creators on Patreon using the `search_query`., required_params: [{\"name\": \"search_query\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"Search term used in Patreon search.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"amount\": \"int\", \"query\": {\"search_query\": \"str\"}, \"results\": [{\"pledges_total_cents\": \"int\", \"categories\": [\"list of str with length 2\"], \"id\": \"int\", \"patron_count\": \"int\", \"summary\": \"str\", \"pay_per_name\": \"str\", \"creation_name\": \"str\", \"vanity\": \"str\", \"post_statistics\": {\"link\": \"int\", \"total\": \"int\", \"image\": \"int\", \"livestream\": \"int\", \"video\": \"int\", \"audio\": \"int\", \"poll\": \"int\", \"update\": \"int\"}, \"creator_name\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"is_nsfw\": \"int\", \"images\": {\"thumbnail\": \"str\", \"image\": \"str\", \"avatar_blurred\": \"str\", \"avatar\": \"str\"}, \"type\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 17}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "129", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:BestBuy Product Data API, api_name:BestBuyProductData, api_description:It will accept two parameters keyword and page.\nFor Ex:\nkeyword: iphone (it is the search term and it can be anything for example: iphone, ps5, sony tv etc)\npage: min 1 (max depends on the number of products available), required_params: [{\"name\": \"page\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"keyword\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "130", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Movies, tool_name:Movie, TV, music search and download, api_name:Get Monthly Top 100 TV-shows Torrents, api_description:Monthly Top 100 TV-shows Torrents, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"str\", \"result\": [{\"title\": \"str\", \"torrent\": \"str\", \"size\": \"str\", \"rate\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 100}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "131", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Priceline com Provider, api_name:Download chains, api_description:Downloads a list of Hotel chains, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "132", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:HM - Hennes Mauritz, api_name:products/list, api_description:List products from H&M with options to sort, filter, or search for products by name, required_params: [{\"name\": \"lang\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The language code that is gotten from /regions/list endpoint\"}, {\"name\": \"currentpage\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The page index to get data, start from 0\"}, {\"name\": \"country\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The country code that is gotten from /regions/list endpoint\"}, {\"name\": \"pagesize\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The number of records to return in each page\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"results\": \"empty list\", \"pagination\": {\"pageSize\": \"int\", \"currentPage\": \"int\", \"sort\": \"str\", \"numberOfPages\": \"int\", \"totalNumberOfResults\": \"int\", \"totalNumberOfResultsUnfiltered\": \"int\"}, \"facets\": [{\"code\": \"str\", \"priority\": \"int\", \"category\": \"bool\", \"multiSelect\": \"bool\", \"visible\": \"bool\", \"values\": [{\"code\": \"str\", \"count\": \"int\", \"selected\": \"bool\", \"_list_length\": 6}], \"_list_length\": 35}], \"freeTextSearch\": \"str\", \"categoryCode\": \"str\", \"rangeFacets\": \"empty list\", \"baseUrl\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "133", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:Flixster, api_name:search, api_description:Search for movies, actors, theaters by term and phrase, required_params: [{\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": {\"search\": {\"movies\": [{\"emsId\": \"str\", \"emsVersionId\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"posterImage\": \"NoneType\", \"tomatoRating\": \"NoneType\", \"userRating\": {\"dtlLikedScore\": \"NoneType\", \"dtlWtsScore\": \"NoneType\", \"iconImage\": {\"url\": \"str\"}}, \"_list_length\": 4}], \"people\": \"empty list\", \"theaters\": \"empty list\"}}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "134", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Movies, tool_name:Advanced Movie Search, api_name:Search by Name, api_description:Search a movie by query string, required_params: [{\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "135", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:Google News, api_name:Suggest, api_description:This endpoint is used to get autocomplete suggestions or query predictions as a user types a search query. The endpoint requires the **keyword** parameter, which represents the partial text entered by the user. You can send a request with the partial text, and the request will generate a JSON response containing a list of relevant autocomplete suggestions for the search query., required_params: [{\"name\": \"keyword\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \" The mandatory parameter to specify the search term\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"items\": [\"list of str with length 10\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "136", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:List Movies, api_name:List Movies, api_description:Used to list and search through out all the available movies. Can sort, filter, search and order the results, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "137", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:Coronavirus Smartable, api_name:GetNews, api_description:Get the latest coronavirus news for the globe or your selected country or state., required_params: [{\"name\": \"location\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"ISO 3166-2 location code. For example, use \\\"FR\\\" for coronavirus news in France; use \\\"US\\\" for coronavirus news in US; use \\\"US-CA\\\" for coronavirus news in the US California state. Use \\\"global\\\" to retrieve global news. \"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"location\": {\"long\": \"float\", \"countryOrRegion\": \"str\", \"provinceOrState\": \"NoneType\", \"county\": \"NoneType\", \"isoCode\": \"str\", \"lat\": \"float\"}, \"updatedDateTime\": \"str\", \"news\": [{\"path\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"excerpt\": \"str\", \"sourceUrl\": \"NoneType\", \"webUrl\": \"str\", \"originalUrl\": \"str\", \"featuredContent\": \"NoneType\", \"highlight\": \"NoneType\", \"heat\": \"int\", \"tags\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"images\": [{\"url\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\", \"height\": \"int\", \"title\": \"NoneType\", \"attribution\": \"NoneType\", \"isCached\": \"bool\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"content\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"ampWebUrl\": \"str\", \"cdnAmpWebUrl\": \"str\", \"publishedDateTime\": \"str\", \"updatedDateTime\": \"NoneType\", \"provider\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"domain\": \"str\", \"images\": \"NoneType\", \"publishers\": \"NoneType\", \"authors\": \"NoneType\"}, \"locale\": \"str\", \"categories\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"topics\": [\"list of str with length 2\"], \"_list_length\": 30}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "138", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Flight Data_v2, api_name:City data in json format, api_description:API returns a file with a list of cities from the database, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "139", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:US Presidential Election, api_name:osay, api_description:Returns JSON block of results for One State, All Years (OSAY), for the specified US Presidential Election year (i.e., Illinois)., required_params: [{\"name\": \"state\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"US State name. No spaces.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"state_name\": \"str\", \"state_abbr\": \"str\", \"state_code\": \"int\", \"year_results\": [{\"year\": \"int\", \"total votes\": \"int\", \"candidate_results\": [{\"candidate\": \"str\", \"party\": \"str\", \"cand_votes\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 9}], \"_list_length\": 12}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "140", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:MusicData API, api_name:/youtube/trending/overall, api_description:Treding Youtube (including non-music) videos worldwide, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"ranking\": \"str\", \"status\": \"str\", \"video\": \"str\", \"link\": \"str\", \"highlights\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "141", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Unofficial SHEIN, api_name:countries/detail, api_description:Get detailed information of a country, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"str\", \"msg\": \"str\", \"info\": {\"support_language_list\": [{\"language\": \"str\", \"languageTip\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 2}], \"language_full_name_in_header\": {\"language\": \"str\", \"languageTip\": \"str\"}, \"suppport_currency_list\": [{\"code\": \"str\", \"symbol_left\": \"str\", \"symbol_right\": \"str\", \"value\": \"str\", \"country_flag\": \"str\", \"default\": \"str\", \"decimal_place\": \"str\", \"dec_point\": \"str\", \"thousands_sep\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 6}], \"current_country_full_name\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "142", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Transportation, tool_name:Travel Hacking Tool, api_name:Get Airline Alliance List, api_description:This endpoint returns a list of airline alliances., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "143", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Business Starter API, api_name:Businessplan, api_description:Generate a Businessplan for your idea, required_params: [{\"name\": \"idea\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"idea\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "144", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Cryptocurrency Markets, api_name:Global Metric, api_description:Current cryptocurrency global metrics., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"meta\": {\"version\": \"str\", \"status\": \"int\", \"total\": \"int\"}, \"result\": {\"num_cryptocurrencies\": \"int\", \"num_markets\": \"int\", \"active_exchanges\": \"int\", \"market_cap\": \"float\", \"market_cap_change\": \"float\", \"total_vol\": \"float\", \"stablecoin_vol\": \"float\", \"stablecoin_change\": \"float\", \"total_vol_change\": \"float\", \"defi_vol\": \"float\", \"defi_change\": \"float\", \"defi_market_cap\": \"float\", \"derivatives_vol\": \"float\", \"derivative_change\": \"float\", \"btc_dominance\": \"float\", \"btc_dominance_change\": \"float\", \"eth_dominance\": \"float\", \"etherscan_gas\": {\"lastBlock\": \"str\", \"slowPrice\": \"str\", \"slowConfirmationTime\": \"str\", \"standardPrice\": \"str\", \"standardConfirmationTime\": \"str\", \"fastPrice\": \"str\", \"fastConfirmationTime\": \"str\"}}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "145", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:EarningsData, api_name:GetByDate, api_description:Get earnings data by date., required_params: [{\"name\": \"date\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "146", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Health_and_Fitness, tool_name:ExerciseDB, api_name:List of target muscles, api_description:Fetch a list of available target muscles, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "147", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Email, tool_name:Emails Validator, api_name:Verify Email, api_description:Allows validating email addresses. Checks if emails are deliverable., required_params: [{\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Email address (e.g., support@outscraper.com).\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "148", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Transportation, tool_name:TimeTable Lookup , api_name:airports - Nonstop and direct routes for an airport, api_description:Returns a list of nonstop and direct routes for an airport, required_params: [{\"name\": \"airportiatacode\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"Airport IATA Code\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "149", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Priceline com Provider, api_name:Auto complete, api_description:Gets airport and city ids for the air product related to words in passed string., required_params: [{\"name\": \"string\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Search keyword. Airport or City being searched.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "150", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Unofficial Cricbuzz, api_name:teams/list, api_description:List teams, required_params: [{\"name\": \"matchType\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"One of the followings : international|league|domestic|women\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"teamData\": [{\"teamName\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 39}], \"appIndex\": {\"seoTitle\": \"str\", \"webURL\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "151", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:WeatherAPI.com, api_name:IP Lookup API, api_description:IP Lookup API method allows a user to get up to date information for an IP address in json., required_params: [{\"name\": \"q\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"e.g: q=auto:ip\\n\\nIP address (IPv4 and IPv6 supported) e.g: q=\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": {\"code\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "152", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:Plant Hardiness Zone, api_name:Retrieve the Hardiness Zone, api_description:Pass a ZIP code in the endpoint path to return an object that includes the ZIP code and USDA Plant Hardiness Zone., required_params: [{\"name\": \"zipcode\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"hardiness_zone\": \"str\", \"zipcode\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "153", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:Billboard API_v2, api_name:Catalog Albums, api_description:Billboard U.S. Afrobeats Songs chart \nis weekly based. \n\nIf `week` is not supplied, will default to last week. \nif the week date is not Saturday, will default to Saturday of that week, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "154", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:World Scuba Diving Sites Api, api_name:Query divesites by gps boundaries (For use with maps), api_description:The API endpoint that queries dive sites by GPS boundaries allows developers to search for dive sites within a specified geographical region, defined by a set of latitude and longitude coordinates. This endpoint can be particularly useful for creating interactive maps or applications that require displaying dive sites within a specific area. To use it add the four map bounds as query params, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "155", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Cameroon, api_name:Directions Between 2 Locations, api_description:This endpoint returns information about the route between two locations in terms of distance, duration, and steps., required_params: [{\"name\": \"end_lat\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Latitude of the ending point (required)\"}, {\"name\": \"end_lon\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Longitude of the ending point (required)\"}, {\"name\": \"start_lat\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Latitude of the starting point (required)\"}, {\"name\": \"start_lon\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Longitude of the starting point (required)\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"distance\": \"str\", \"duration\": \"str\", \"steps\": [{\"direction\": \"str\", \"distance\": \"str\", \"duration\": \"str\", \"instruction\": \"str\", \"location\": [\"list of float with length 2\"], \"_list_length\": 43}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "156", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Geography _v2, api_name:continents, api_description:get a list of all the continents filtering by name, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "157", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Schweizer Postleitzahlen, api_name:getZIP, api_description:get town information from ZIP-code (Postleitzahl), required_params: [{\"name\": \"zip\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": {\"count\": \"int\", \"distinct\": \"int\", \"status\": \"str\"}, \"data\": [{\"zip\": \"int\", \"bfs\": \"int\", \"town\": \"str\", \"canton\": \"str\", \"zip-share\": \"float\", \"locale\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 2}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "158", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Tank01 NFL Live In-Game Real Time Statistics NFL, api_name:Get Player List, api_description:Grabs all of this season's players and their IDs. \n\nONE CALL is all you need to retrieve every player. No need to call multiple times to get the full list.\n\nRosters are updated multiple times per day during the season.\n\nYou mainly will use this to match a player with his playerID.\n\nThere are no parameters, just a simple call../getNFLPlayerList, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"statusCode\": \"int\", \"body\": [{\"espnID\": \"str\", \"espnName\": \"str\", \"espnIDFull\": \"str\", \"weight\": \"str\", \"jerseyNum\": \"str\", \"cbsShortName\": \"str\", \"team\": \"str\", \"age\": \"str\", \"espnLink\": \"str\", \"bDay\": \"str\", \"espnHeadshot\": \"str\", \"cbsLongName\": \"str\", \"injury\": {\"description\": \"str\", \"injDate\": \"str\", \"designation\": \"str\"}, \"teamID\": \"str\", \"pos\": \"str\", \"school\": \"str\", \"cbsPlayerID\": \"str\", \"longName\": \"str\", \"height\": \"str\", \"cbsPlayerIDFull\": \"str\", \"lastGamePlayed\": \"str\", \"playerID\": \"str\", \"exp\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 3489}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "159", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:Worldwide Recipes, api_name:Explore, api_description:Explore Recipes, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"message\": \"str\", \"results\": [\"list of str with length 1\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "160", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Cryptocurrency Markets, api_name:Videos, api_description:Recently published cryptocurrencies videos., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"meta\": {\"version\": \"str\", \"status\": \"int\", \"total\": \"int\"}, \"result\": [{\"url\": \"str\", \"date\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "161", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Medical, tool_name:Covid-19 by API-Ninjas, api_name:/v1/covid19, api_description:API Ninjas Covid19 API endpoint. Either **date** or **country** must be set., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "162", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Health_and_Fitness, tool_name:Pregnancy Calculator API, api_name:Last Menstrual Period (LMP), api_description:This endpoint calculates the estimated due date based on the user's last menstrual period (LMP), required_params: [{\"name\": \"cycle_length\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The average length of the user's menstrual cycle in days.\"}, {\"name\": \"last_period_date\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The date of the user's last menstrual period in the format '**YYYY-MM-DD**'.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "163", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:Marvel Vs Capcom 2, api_name:All Characters, api_description:Access all characters in MVC2 (Marvel Vs Capcom) Universe, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"name\": \"str\", \"head_shot\": \"str\", \"universe\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "164", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Health_and_Fitness, tool_name:Horostory, api_name:hoscoscope, api_description:retrieve the horoscope for a specific sign and date, required_params: [{\"name\": \"date\", \"type\": \"ENUM\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"sign\", \"type\": \"ENUM\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "165", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Health_and_Fitness, tool_name:Body Mass Index (BMI) Calculator, api_name:Weight Category, api_description:Retrieve the weight category of an individual based on their BMI, required_params: [{\"name\": \"bmi\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"bmi\": \"str\", \"weightCategory\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "166", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:climate data, api_name:Get climate data by lat/lon or Key, api_description:get climate for the location Lat/Lon, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"title\": \"str\", \"link\": \"str\", \"modified\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"generator\": \"str\", \"location\": {\"city\": \"str\", \"country\": \"str\", \"country_name\": \"str\", \"tz_long\": \"str\", \"lat\": \"str\", \"lon\": \"str\", \"SI\": \"str\", \"SIU\": \"str\", \"CEL\": \"str\", \"start_date\": \"str\", \"end_date\": \"str\"}, \"ClimateDataMonth\": [{\"tmax\": \"str\", \"temp\": \"str\", \"tmin\": \"str\", \"accumulated_rain\": \"str\", \"days_with_rain\": \"str\", \"sun_hours\": \"str\", \"rh\": \"str\", \"TIME\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 12}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "167", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Pinnacle Odds, api_name:List of sports, api_description:Get a list of sports, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"p_id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"last\": \"int\", \"special_last\": \"int\", \"last_call\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "168", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Transportation, tool_name:FachaAPI, api_name:Total Live tracked Aircraft, api_description:Get total live tracked aircraft, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"liveAircraft\": \"int\", \"updatedAt\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "169", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Bildbet, api_name:Matches, api_description:Latest Matches for Bildbet, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "170", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:MMA Stats, api_name:UFC Fight Night: Holloway vs. Allen ( April 15, 2023), api_description:**Get details to UFC Fight Night: Holloway vs. Allen**. \n Access a range of information about each fighter, including their win-loss record, height, weight, reach, and age. results of a particular fight or a fighter's win-loss record., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "171", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:Easy Weather, api_name:Historical (daily), api_description:Get a historical daily forecast for the given latitude, longitude, and start date/time., required_params: [{\"name\": \"longitude\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"date\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"latitude\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "172", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:Coronavirus Smartable, api_name:GetStats, api_description:Get the latest and historic coronavirus stats data (confirmed cases, deaths and recovered cases) for the globe or your selected country or state., required_params: [{\"name\": \"location\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"ISO 3166-2 location code. For example, use \\\"FR\\\" for coronavirus stats in France; use \\\"US\\\" for coronavirus stats in US; use \\\"US-CA\\\" for coronavirus stats in the US California state. Use \\\"global\\\" to retrieve global stats. \"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"location\": {\"long\": \"float\", \"countryOrRegion\": \"str\", \"provinceOrState\": \"NoneType\", \"county\": \"NoneType\", \"isoCode\": \"str\", \"lat\": \"float\"}, \"updatedDateTime\": \"str\", \"stats\": {\"totalConfirmedCases\": \"int\", \"newlyConfirmedCases\": \"int\", \"totalDeaths\": \"int\", \"newDeaths\": \"int\", \"totalRecoveredCases\": \"int\", \"newlyRecoveredCases\": \"int\", \"history\": [{\"date\": \"str\", \"confirmed\": \"int\", \"deaths\": \"int\", \"recovered\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 401}], \"breakdowns\": [{\"location\": {\"long\": \"float\", \"countryOrRegion\": \"str\", \"provinceOrState\": \"str\", \"county\": \"NoneType\", \"isoCode\": \"NoneType\", \"lat\": \"float\"}, \"totalConfirmedCases\": \"int\", \"newlyConfirmedCases\": \"int\", \"totalDeaths\": \"int\", \"newDeaths\": \"int\", \"totalRecoveredCases\": \"int\", \"newlyRecoveredCases\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 62}]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "173", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:Election2020 Smartable, api_name:GetFAQsByTopic, api_description:Get FAQs by topic., required_params: [{\"name\": \"topic\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"page\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "174", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Medical, tool_name:Drug Info and Price History, api_name:genericname, api_description:Given a brand name, returns a generic name, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"generic_name\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "175", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:Cocktails, api_name:Random Nonalcoholic, api_description:Get a random nonalcoholic cocktail with all ingredients, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"body\": [{\"name\": \"str\", \"ingredients\": [\"list of str with length 5\"], \"_list_length\": 1}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "176", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Movies, tool_name:Movie and TV shows Quotes, api_name:Get quote by character, api_description:This end point will return back quotes delivered by the given character, required_params: [{\"name\": \"character\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"quote\": \"str\", \"character\": \"str\", \"actor\": \"str\", \"quoteFrom\": \"str\", \"year\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "177", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Rugby Live Data, api_name:Competitions, api_description:Lists active competitions available to query, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"meta\": {\"title\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"fields\": {\"id\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"season\": \"str\", \"season_name\": \"str\"}}, \"results\": [{\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"season\": \"int\", \"season_name\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 81}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "178", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:Ouranos, api_name:Predict Feature Forecast 1 Day, api_description:Predict Forecast returns \n- Binary predict value, 1 if it’s a good night to observe and 0 if it’s not. This value is calculated according to the forecast for the night.\n- Rating, score out of 5.\n- Tips for astronomers based on the forecast., required_params: [{\"name\": \"lat\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"long\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "179", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Senegal API, api_name:Reverse Geocode, api_description:This endpoint allows you to perform reverse geocoding in Senegal by providing query parameters for latitude and longitude. It returns the name of the city where the location is located., required_params: [{\"name\": \"lon\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The longitude of the location.\"}, {\"name\": \"lat\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The latitude of the location.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"amenity\": \"str\", \"boundingbox\": [\"list of str with length 4\"], \"category\": \"str\", \"city\": \"str\", \"country\": \"str\", \"display_name\": \"str\", \"region\": \"str\", \"suburb\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "180", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:Allah Name, api_name:Get, api_description:Get all name, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"main\": [{\"id\": \"str\", \"arName\": \"str\", \"enName\": \"str\", \"meaning\": \"str\", \"explanation\": \"str\", \"benefit\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 99}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "181", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Transportation, tool_name:Canadian Gas Prices, api_name:Cities, api_description:Returns the average price of gas of major cities in a specific province in Canada., required_params: [{\"name\": \"province\", \"type\": \"ENUM\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "182", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:MapReflex, api_name:countiesSearchInRadius, api_description:Get Counties boundaries in circle with given radius (in GeoJSON format). For a quick view, copy and paste results: http://geojsonlint.com, required_params: [{\"name\": \"radius\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Radius size in miles. Min value is 1, max value is 50 miles.\"}, {\"name\": \"longitude\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Longitude of radius center. Test example: -74.72\"}, {\"name\": \"latitude\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Latitude of radius center. Test example: 40.61\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"timestamp\": \"int\", \"status\": \"int\", \"error\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"path\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "183", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Flixbus_v2, api_name:Autocomplete, api_description:Search for Flixbus stations, required_params: [{\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"query string\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "184", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:Crypto News_v2, api_name:Get All Crypto News, api_description:This endpoint will return all news with crypto and bitcoin from many different websites across the internet., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "185", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:News Network, api_name:Available Region List, api_description:Return list of available regions., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"ae\": \"str\", \"ar\": \"str\", \"at\": \"str\", \"au\": \"str\", \"be\": \"str\", \"bg\": \"str\", \"br\": \"str\", \"ca\": \"str\", \"ch\": \"str\", \"cn\": \"str\", \"co\": \"str\", \"cu\": \"str\", \"cz\": \"str\", \"de\": \"str\", \"eg\": \"str\", \"fr\": \"str\", \"gb\": \"str\", \"gr\": \"str\", \"hk\": \"str\", \"hu\": \"str\", \"id\": \"str\", \"ie\": \"str\", \"il\": \"str\", \"in\": \"str\", \"it\": \"str\", \"jp\": \"str\", \"kr\": \"str\", \"lt\": \"str\", \"lv\": \"str\", \"ma\": \"str\", \"mx\": \"str\", \"my\": \"str\", \"ng\": \"str\", \"nl\": \"str\", \"no\": \"str\", \"nz\": \"str\", \"ph\": \"str\", \"pl\": \"str\", \"pt\": \"str\", \"ro\": \"str\", \"rs\": \"str\", \"ru\": \"str\", \"sa\": \"str\", \"se\": \"str\", \"sg\": \"str\", \"si\": \"str\", \"sk\": \"str\", \"th\": \"str\", \"tr\": \"str\", \"tw\": \"str\", \"ua\": \"str\", \"us\": \"str\", \"ve\": \"str\", \"za\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "186", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Email, tool_name:apimail10, api_name:Current Mail, api_description:Current Mail, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"mail_get_user\": \"str\", \"mail_get_mail\": \"str\", \"mail_get_host\": \"str\", \"mail_get_time\": \"int\", \"mail_get_duetime\": \"int\", \"mail_server_time\": \"int\", \"mail_get_key\": \"str\", \"mail_left_time\": \"int\", \"mail_recovering_key\": \"NoneType\", \"mail_recovering_mail\": \"NoneType\", \"session_id\": \"str\", \"permalink\": {\"host\": \"str\", \"mail\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"key\": \"str\", \"time\": \"int\"}, \"mail_list\": [{\"mail_id\": \"str\", \"from\": \"str\", \"subject\": \"str\", \"datetime\": \"str\", \"datetime2\": \"str\", \"timeago\": \"int\", \"isread\": \"bool\", \"_list_length\": 1}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "187", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Movies, tool_name:OTT details, api_name:Basic Info, api_description:Get info on a cast such as name , profession , birth and death year , bio , poster , best titles etc., required_params: [{\"name\": \"peopleid\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"peopleid\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"profession\": [\"list of str with length 3\"], \"knownForTitles\": [\"list of str with length 4\"], \"birthYear\": \"str\", \"deathYear\": \"str\", \"bio\": \"str\", \"born\": \"str\", \"birthName\": \"str\", \"poster\": [\"list of str with length 1\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "188", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Video_Images, tool_name:List Movies, api_name:Sort By, api_description:Sorts the results by choosen value, required_params: [{\"name\": \"sort_by\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "189", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:Crypto News_v2, api_name:General search, api_description:Can take a single word search that will return any articles with the given keyword., required_params: [{\"name\": \"searchId\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "190", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Global Ethereum Price Index - GEX, api_name:Ticker Per Symbol, api_description:Returns ticker data for specified symbol, required_params: [{\"name\": \"market\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Possible values: global, local\"}, {\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"ETH, where is valid ISO currency (ex. ETHUSD, ETHEUR)\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"ask\": \"float\", \"bid\": \"float\", \"last\": \"float\", \"high\": \"float\", \"low\": \"float\", \"volume\": \"float\", \"open\": {\"hour\": \"float\", \"day\": \"float\", \"week\": \"float\", \"month\": \"float\", \"month_3\": \"float\", \"month_6\": \"float\", \"year\": \"float\"}, \"averages\": {\"day\": \"float\", \"week\": \"float\", \"month\": \"float\"}, \"changes\": {\"price\": {\"hour\": \"float\", \"day\": \"float\", \"week\": \"float\", \"month\": \"float\", \"month_3\": \"float\", \"month_6\": \"float\", \"year\": \"float\"}, \"percent\": {\"hour\": \"float\", \"day\": \"float\", \"week\": \"float\", \"month\": \"float\", \"month_3\": \"float\", \"month_6\": \"float\", \"year\": \"float\"}}, \"volume_percent\": \"float\", \"timestamp\": \"int\", \"display_timestamp\": \"str\", \"display_symbol\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "191", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:Pizza and Desserts, api_name:All Desserts Data, api_description:This will return s all the desserts data, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"price\": \"int\", \"description\": \"str\", \"img\": \"str\", \"quantity\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "192", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:Climate Change Live_v3, api_name:Get All Climate Change News, api_description:This endpoint will return back all news about the climate change from all over world., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "193", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:Numbers, api_name:Get date fact, api_description:Get a fact about a day of year, required_params: [{\"name\": \"month\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The 1-indexed month (eg. 6 for June)\"}, {\"name\": \"day\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The day of the month\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "194", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Fitness Calculator, api_name:Daily calory requirements, api_description:Knowing your daily calorie requirements is important to achieve your final goal. You can calculate your daily calorie req. for 7 different goals., required_params: [{\"name\": \"activitylevel\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"weight\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"gender\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"height\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"age\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status_code\": \"int\", \"request_result\": \"str\", \"data\": {\"BMR\": \"int\", \"goals\": {\"maintain weight\": \"int\", \"Mild weight loss\": {\"loss weight\": \"str\", \"calory\": \"int\"}, \"Weight loss\": {\"loss weight\": \"str\", \"calory\": \"int\"}, \"Extreme weight loss\": {\"loss weight\": \"str\", \"calory\": \"int\"}, \"Mild weight gain\": {\"gain weight\": \"str\", \"calory\": \"int\"}, \"Weight gain\": {\"gain weight\": \"str\", \"calory\": \"int\"}, \"Extreme weight gain\": {\"gain weight\": \"str\", \"calory\": \"int\"}}}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "195", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Locations - Languages, Countries & German Cities, api_name:All German Cities, api_description:Get all German cities, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"city\": \"str\", \"district\": \"str\", \"lat\": \"float\", \"long\": \"float\", \"postal_code\": \"int\", \"postal_code_5\": \"str\", \"state\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "196", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:Recipe Finder, api_name:icecream/ingredient, api_description:This API endpoint allows users to retrieve a random icecream recipe that contains a specific ingredient. Users can make a GET request to the endpoint with the name of the ingredient as a query parameter, and the API will return a JSON response with the given recipe, including the name, list of ingredients, and instructions., required_params: [{\"name\": \"ingredient\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"name\": \"str\", \"ingredients\": [\"list of str with length 5\"], \"instructions\": [\"list of str with length 5\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "197", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Defi Data, api_name:Protocols, api_description:List of protocols along with their tvl, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"address\": \"NoneType\", \"symbol\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"chain\": \"str\", \"logo\": \"str\", \"audits\": \"str\", \"audit_note\": \"NoneType\", \"gecko_id\": \"NoneType\", \"cmcId\": \"NoneType\", \"category\": \"str\", \"chains\": [\"list of str with length 14\"], \"module\": \"str\", \"twitter\": \"str\", \"forkedFrom\": \"empty list\", \"oracles\": \"empty list\", \"listedAt\": \"int\", \"slug\": \"str\", \"tvl\": \"float\", \"chainTvls\": {\"Optimism\": \"float\", \"Litecoin\": \"float\", \"Aptos\": \"float\", \"Binance\": \"float\", \"Ethereum\": \"float\", \"Algorand\": \"float\", \"Avalanche\": \"float\", \"Polygon\": \"float\", \"Solana\": \"float\", \"Tron\": \"float\", \"Arbitrum\": \"float\", \"Ripple\": \"float\", \"Polkadot\": \"float\", \"Bitcoin\": \"float\"}, \"change_1h\": \"float\", \"change_1d\": \"float\", \"change_7d\": \"float\", \"tokenBreakdowns\": {}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "198", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Sportsbook Odds, api_name:Arbitrage & Low Hold, api_description:This returns the bets that have arbitrage and all bets that have low holds. It may be a bit confusing at the moment so if you have questions feel free to ask. Just as a basic overview, all of the lines for each side of the bet are shown in \"outcomes\", in \"alt_low_hold\" it shows the combinations of 2 sites that make up low hold bets from those outcomes, in \"alt_arb\" it likewise shows the combinations that are arbitrage., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "199", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:webcams.travel, api_name:/webcams/list/orderby={order},{sort}, api_description:This is a modifier. Returns the list of webcams ordered by {order}. The optional sorting direction is given by {sort}. Required {order}., required_params: [{\"name\": \"sort\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Possible values are: \\\"asc\\\" (ascending), or \\\"desc\\\" (descending).\"}, {\"name\": \"order\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Possible values are: \\\"popularity\\\" (default order: \\\"desc\\\"), \\\"hotness\\\" (default order: \\\"desc\\\"), \\\"new\\\" (default order: \\\"desc\\\"), \\\"recent\\\" (default order: \\\"desc\\\"), \\\"random\\\" (default order: \\\"asc\\\"), or \\\"distance\\\" (default order: \\\"asc\\\", only available if the modifier \\\"nearby\\\" has been applied).\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "200", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:Weather API - By Any City, api_name:Get Weather Updates, api_description:This endpoint get all necessary weather information, required_params: [{\"name\": \"city\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"location\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"region\": \"str\", \"country\": \"str\", \"lat\": \"float\", \"lon\": \"float\", \"tz_id\": \"str\", \"localtime_epoch\": \"int\", \"localtime\": \"str\"}, \"current\": {\"last_updated_epoch\": \"int\", \"last_updated\": \"str\", \"temp_c\": \"int\", \"temp_f\": \"int\", \"is_day\": \"int\", \"condition\": {\"text\": \"str\", \"icon\": \"str\", \"code\": \"int\"}, \"wind_mph\": \"float\", \"wind_kph\": \"float\", \"wind_degree\": \"int\", \"wind_dir\": \"str\", \"pressure_mb\": \"int\", \"pressure_in\": \"float\", \"precip_mm\": \"int\", \"precip_in\": \"int\", \"humidity\": \"int\", \"cloud\": \"int\", \"feelslike_c\": \"float\", \"feelslike_f\": \"float\", \"vis_km\": \"int\", \"vis_miles\": \"int\", \"uv\": \"int\", \"gust_mph\": \"float\", \"gust_kph\": \"float\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "201", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:periodicTable, api_name:periodic table, api_description:It gives detailed information about elements in the periodic table., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"alloys\": \"str\", \"atomicMass\": \"str\", \"atomicNumber\": \"str\", \"atomicRadius\": \"str\", \"block\": \"str\", \"boilingPoint\": \"str\", \"bondingType\": \"str\", \"cpkHexColor\": \"str\", \"crystalStructure\": \"str\", \"density\": \"str\", \"electronAffinity\": \"str\", \"electronegativity\": \"str\", \"electronicConfiguration\": \"str\", \"facts\": \"str\", \"group\": \"str\", \"groupBlock\": \"str\", \"ionRadius\": \"str\", \"ionizationEnergy\": \"str\", \"isotopes\": \"str\", \"magneticOrdering\": \"str\", \"meltingPoint\": \"str\", \"molarHeatCapacity\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"oxidationStates\": \"str\", \"period\": \"str\", \"speedOfSound\": \"str\", \"standardState\": \"str\", \"symbol\": \"str\", \"vanDelWaalsRadius\": \"str\", \"yearDiscovered\": \"str\", \"minerals\": \"str\", \"history\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "202", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Kohls, api_name:stores/list, api_description:List stores near a provided GEO location, required_params: [{\"name\": \"longitude\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The longitude of GEO location\"}, {\"name\": \"latitude\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The latitude of GEO location\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"count\": \"int\", \"limit\": \"int\", \"offset\": \"int\", \"payload\": {\"stores\": [{\"storeNum\": \"str\", \"storeName\": \"str\", \"openDate\": \"NoneType\", \"storeHours\": {\"days\": [{\"name\": \"str\", \"hours\": {\"open\": \"str\", \"close\": \"str\"}, \"_list_length\": 7}]}, \"address\": {\"addr1\": \"str\", \"addr2\": \"str\", \"city\": \"str\", \"state\": \"str\", \"postalCode\": \"str\", \"countryCode\": \"str\", \"location\": {\"id\": \"NoneType\", \"type\": \"NoneType\", \"longitude\": \"str\", \"latitude\": \"str\"}, \"firstName\": \"NoneType\", \"lastName\": \"NoneType\", \"county\": \"NoneType\", \"phoneNumber\": \"str\"}, \"contactInfo\": [{\"type\": \"str\", \"value\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"distanceFromOrigin\": \"str\", \"supportsBopus\": \"bool\", \"sephoraFlag\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 17}]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "203", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Movies, tool_name:IMDB_API, api_name:/get_movies_by_name, api_description:

\nAuthentication: not required, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"rank\": \"int\", \"title\": \"str\", \"year\": \"int\", \"director\": \"str\", \"cast\": \"str\", \"rating\": \"float\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "204", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:Dice Roll Simulator, api_name:Regular dice rolls, api_description:Roll any number of regular dice any number of times., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"result\": [{\"roll\": [\"list of int with length 3\"], \"subtotal\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 2}], \"total\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "205", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:Climate Change API Tutorial, api_name:Get All Climate Change News, api_description:This endpoint will return back all news about Climate Change from all over the world., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"title\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"source\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "206", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Transportation, tool_name:Datamo, api_name:/specs/v1/getMakes, api_description:This endpoint will return all the vehicle makes available, as an array of strings., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "207", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Transportation, tool_name:InfoCarsAPI, api_name:Get Car Models, api_description:This endpoint will return back all the models of a respective car maker, required_params: [{\"name\": \"maker\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"maker\": \"str\", \"models\": [\"list of str with length 1\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "208", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:Miraisoft Training, api_name:dashboard, api_description:dashboard, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": {\"VN30\": {\"stocks\": {\"items\": [{\"symbol\": \"str\", \"buyPrice3\": \"float\", \"buyVolume3\": \"int\", \"buyPrice2\": \"float\", \"buyVolume2\": \"int\", \"buyPrice1\": \"int\", \"buyVolume1\": \"int\", \"change\": \"float\", \"currentPrice\": \"float\", \"currentVolume\": \"float\", \"totalVolume\": \"int\", \"sellPrice3\": \"float\", \"sellVolume3\": \"int\", \"sellPrice2\": \"float\", \"sellVolume2\": \"int\", \"sellPrice1\": \"int\", \"sellVolume1\": \"int\", \"highPrice\": \"float\", \"lowPrice\": \"float\", \"foreignBuyVolume\": \"int\", \"foreignSellVolume\": \"int\", \"floorPrice\": \"float\", \"ceilPrice\": \"int\", \"referencePrice\": \"float\", \"foreignBuyValue\": \"int\", \"foreignSellValue\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 5}]}}}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "209", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Real-Time Finance Data, api_name:Currency News, api_description:Get the latest news related to a specific currency / forex or crypto., required_params: [{\"name\": \"from_symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"A 3-Letter currency code / symbol (ISO 4217). For example: *USD*.\"}, {\"name\": \"to_symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"A 3-Letter currency code / symbol (ISO 4217). For example: *EUR*.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"request_id\": \"str\", \"data\": {\"from_symbol\": \"str\", \"to_symbol\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"news\": [{\"article_title\": \"str\", \"article_url\": \"str\", \"article_photo_url\": \"str\", \"source\": \"str\", \"post_time_utc\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 20}]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "210", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Realtime Crypto Prices, api_name:Get Realtime Volume, api_description:Returns Realtime volume of a coin in US Dollars., required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"symbol\": \"str\", \"volume\": \"int\", \"readable_volume\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "211", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:Halal Korean Restaurants API, api_name:Restaurants, api_description:Lists of halal restaurants in korea, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"slug\": \"str\", \"date\": \"str\", \"restaurantname\": \"str\", \"desc\": \"str\", \"location\": \"str\", \"locationkr\": \"str\", \"operatinghrs\": [{\"day\": \"str\", \"time\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 6}], \"contact\": \"str\", \"deliveryoption\": \"str\", \"dine\": \"str\", \"takeaway\": \"str\", \"rating\": \"str\", \"price\": \"str\", \"main_image\": \"str\", \"image_alt\": \"str\", \"gmap\": \"str\", \"image_gallery\": [{\"0\": \"str\", \"1\": \"str\", \"2\": \"str\", \"3\": \"str\", \"4\": \"str\", \"5\": \"str\", \"6\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "212", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:Air Quality, api_name:Air Quality History, api_description:Returns the past 24 hours of air quality observations for any point in the world given a lat/lon., required_params: [{\"name\": \"lat\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Latitude\"}, {\"name\": \"lon\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Longitude\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"city_name\": \"str\", \"country_code\": \"str\", \"data\": [{\"aqi\": \"int\", \"co\": \"float\", \"datetime\": \"str\", \"no2\": \"float\", \"o3\": \"float\", \"pm10\": \"float\", \"pm25\": \"int\", \"so2\": \"int\", \"timestamp_local\": \"str\", \"timestamp_utc\": \"str\", \"ts\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 72}], \"lat\": \"float\", \"lon\": \"float\", \"state_code\": \"str\", \"timezone\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "213", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:webcams.travel, api_name:/webcams/list/bbox={ne_lat},{ne_lng},{sw_lat},{sw_lng}, api_description:This is a modifier. Returns a list of the webcams in the bounding box given by north-east ({ne_lat},{ne_lng}) and south-west ({sw_lat},{sw_lng}) coordinates. Required: {ne_lat},{ne_lng},{sw_lat},{sw_lng}., required_params: [{\"name\": \"ne_lat\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"North-east WGS84 latitude of the bounding box.\"}, {\"name\": \"sw_lng\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"South-west WGS84 longitude of the bounding box.\"}, {\"name\": \"sw_lat\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"South-west WGS84 latitude of the bounding box.\"}, {\"name\": \"ne_lng\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"North-east WGS84 longitude of the bounding box.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "214", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:Ski Resort Forecast, api_name:Hourly Forecast, api_description:Returns the hourly forecast for a given resort name, required_params: [{\"name\": \"resort\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"forecast\": [{\"time\": \"str\", \"summary\": \"str\", \"windSpeed\": \"str\", \"windDirection\": \"str\", \"rain\": \"str\", \"maxTemp\": \"str\", \"minTemp\": \"NoneType\", \"windChill\": \"str\", \"humidity\": \"str\", \"freezeLevel\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 14}], \"basicInfo\": {\"region\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"topLiftElevation\": \"str\", \"midLiftElevation\": \"str\", \"botLiftElevation\": \"str\", \"lat\": \"str\", \"lon\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "215", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Target, api_name:auto-complete, api_description:Get suggestion by term or phrase, required_params: [{\"name\": \"q\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Any familiar term or phrase to search for products\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"suggestions\": [{\"label\": \"str\", \"location\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 8}], \"metaData\": [{\"name\": \"str\", \"value\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 2}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "216", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Gaming, tool_name:Pictionary Charades Word Generator, api_name:Get Charades Word, api_description:Get a random charades word with the specified difficulty. If not difficulty is supplied, a random difficulty will be used., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"difficulty\": \"str\", \"word\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "217", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Movies, tool_name:Movie, TV, music search and download, api_name:Get Monthly Top 100 Movies Torrents, api_description:Monthly Top 100 Movies Torrents, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"str\", \"result\": [{\"title\": \"str\", \"torrent\": \"str\", \"size\": \"str\", \"rate\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 100}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "218", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:The Sandbox - SAND, api_name:Medium, api_description:Get official news from Medium., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"title\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"date\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "219", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:NOAA Tides, api_name:Get stations, api_description:Get list of all NOAA stations that provide tide predictions to be used in other endpoints., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"stations\": [{\"id\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"state\": \"str\", \"long_name\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 236}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "220", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:dev-to-api, api_name:Get all the relevant articles, api_description:It returns all the relevant articles from dev.to website., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"title\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "221", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Movies, tool_name:Streaming Availability, api_name:Genres (FREE), api_description:Get the id to name mapping of supported genres., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"result\": {\"1\": \"str\", \"10402\": \"str\", \"10749\": \"str\", \"10751\": \"str\", \"10752\": \"str\", \"10763\": \"str\", \"10764\": \"str\", \"10767\": \"str\", \"12\": \"str\", \"14\": \"str\", \"16\": \"str\", \"18\": \"str\", \"2\": \"str\", \"27\": \"str\", \"28\": \"str\", \"3\": \"str\", \"35\": \"str\", \"36\": \"str\", \"37\": \"str\", \"4\": \"str\", \"5\": \"str\", \"53\": \"str\", \"6\": \"str\", \"7\": \"str\", \"80\": \"str\", \"878\": \"str\", \"9648\": \"str\", \"99\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "222", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Commerce, tool_name:Ebay, api_name:Search Products, api_description:Search for products on Ebay in specific country.\nReturns the `last_page` that can be scraped for the specific `search_query`.\nDefault country is `United States`.\nSpecify country with country name or country code.\n\nAllowed countries:\nDefault: `us`\n- Germany (de)\n- France (fr)\n- Australia (au)\n- Austria (at)\n- Canada (ca)\n- Hong Kong (hk)\n- Ireland (ie)\n- Italy (it)\n- Malaysia (my)\n- Netherlands (nl)\n- Singapore (sg)\n- Switzerland (ch)\n- United Kingdom (uk), required_params: [{\"name\": \"search_query\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"Search Query used in Ebay search\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"products\": [{\"seller\": \"NoneType\", \"thumbnail\": \"str\", \"bidding\": {\"bid_amount\": \"NoneType\", \"end_time\": \"NoneType\", \"remaining_time\": \"NoneType\"}, \"instant_buy\": \"bool\", \"condition\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"logistics_cost\": \"NoneType\", \"url\": \"str\", \"product_id\": \"int\", \"location\": \"NoneType\", \"price\": {\"value\": \"int\", \"currency\": \"str\"}, \"_list_length\": 61}], \"last_page\": \"int\", \"search\": {\"search_query\": \"str\", \"country_url\": \"str\", \"page\": \"int\"}, \"products_amount\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "223", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:Moka News, api_name:Sources List (New), api_description:Use this endpoint to get the list of all source., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"sourceName\": \"str\", \"source\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "224", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Transportation, tool_name:TimeTable Lookup , api_name:airports - Direct routes for an airport by airline, api_description:Returns a list of direct routes for an airport restricted to an airline, required_params: [{\"name\": \"airportiatacode\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"Airport IATA Code\"}, {\"name\": \"airlineiatacode\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"Airline IATA Code\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "225", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Transportation, tool_name:Taxi Fare Calculator, api_name:Get taxi fares, api_description:Search fares by geo coordinates, required_params: [{\"name\": \"arr_lat\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Latitude of arrival point\"}, {\"name\": \"arr_lng\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Longitude of arrival point\"}, {\"name\": \"dep_lat\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Latitude of departure point\"}, {\"name\": \"dep_lng\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Longitude of departure point\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"headers\": {\"response_time\": \"int\", \"response_timestamp\": \"str\", \"api\": \"str\", \"response_id\": \"int\"}, \"journey\": {\"city_name\": \"str\", \"department\": \"str\", \"arrival\": \"str\", \"duration\": \"int\", \"distance\": \"float\", \"fares\": [{\"name\": \"str\", \"price_in_cents\": \"int\", \"estimated\": \"bool\", \"_list_length\": 2}]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "226", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Commerce, tool_name:My Store, api_name:Get Products, api_description:Get all products in the store, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"products\": [{\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"category\": \"NoneType\", \"_list_length\": 10}], \"summary\": {\"count\": \"int\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "227", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:India Today Unofficial, api_name:Get News, api_description:All Latest news from India Today Platform, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"tag\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"content\": \"str\", \"href\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "228", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:Cocktail by API-Ninjas, api_name:/v1/cocktail, api_description:API Ninjas Cocktail API endpoint. Either **name** or **ingredients** parameter must be set., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"ingredients\": [\"list of str with length 7\"], \"instructions\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "229", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:Easy Weather, api_name:Hourly forecast (48 hours), api_description:Get a 48-hour forecast for the given latitude and longitude., required_params: [{\"name\": \"latitude\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"longitude\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"resource\": \"str\", \"parameters\": {\"latitude\": \"str\", \"longitude\": \"str\"}, \"forecastHourly\": {\"reportedTime\": \"str\", \"readTime\": \"str\", \"hours\": [{\"forecastStart\": \"str\", \"conditionCode\": \"str\", \"cloudCover\": \"float\", \"uvIndex\": \"int\", \"humidity\": \"float\", \"pressure\": \"float\", \"pressureTrend\": \"str\", \"snowfallAmount\": \"float\", \"snowfallIntensity\": \"float\", \"visibility\": \"float\", \"windSpeed\": \"float\", \"windGust\": \"float\", \"windDirection\": \"int\", \"precipitationChance\": \"float\", \"precipitationType\": \"str\", \"precipitationAmount\": \"float\", \"temperature\": \"float\", \"temperatureApparent\": \"float\", \"temperatureDewPoint\": \"float\", \"daylight\": \"bool\", \"_list_length\": 48}]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "230", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Transportation, tool_name:TimeTable Lookup , api_name:airports - Nonstop routes for an airport, api_description:Returns a list of nonstop routes for an airport, required_params: [{\"name\": \"airportiatacode\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"Airport IATA Code\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "231", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Countries, api_name:get capital, api_description:This gets capital data on a country. Use ISO2 for country_code., required_params: [{\"name\": \"country_code\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"data\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "232", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Email finder, api_name:Fetch email of a person, api_description:Get email of anyone in the internet. Best for lead generation, prospecting, and cold marketing., required_params: [{\"name\": \"first_name\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"domain\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"last_name\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"result\": {\"email\": \"str\", \"email_status\": \"str\"}, \"success\": \"bool\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "233", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Commerce, tool_name:Used GPU Pricing, api_name:Get Prices, api_description:Retrieves used prices of all GPUs, the following prices are in USD., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"gpu\": \"str\", \"date\": \"str\", \"min\": \"str\", \"max\": \"str\", \"mean\": \"str\", \"numSales\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "234", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Movies, tool_name:Movie and TV shows Quotes, api_name:GET quote by Year, api_description:This endpoint will return back quotes by the given year, required_params: [{\"name\": \"year\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"quote\": \"str\", \"character\": \"str\", \"actor\": \"str\", \"quoteFrom\": \"str\", \"year\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "235", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Movies, tool_name:Anime DB, api_name:Get one anime by ranking, api_description:Get anime by ranking, required_params: [{\"name\": \"rank\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "236", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Movies, tool_name:Anime DB, api_name:Get Genres, api_description:Get Genres, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"_id\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "237", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Transportation, tool_name:Canadian Gas Prices, api_name:Province List, api_description:Returns list of valid provinces for this API., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"provinces\": [\"list of str with length 10\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "238", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:Ski Resort Forecast, api_name:Current Snow Conditions, api_description:Returns the current snow conditions for a given resort name, required_params: [{\"name\": \"resort\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"topSnowDepth\": \"str\", \"botSnowDepth\": \"str\", \"freshSnowfall\": \"NoneType\", \"lastSnowfallDate\": \"NoneType\", \"basicInfo\": {\"region\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"topLiftElevation\": \"str\", \"midLiftElevation\": \"str\", \"botLiftElevation\": \"str\", \"lat\": \"str\", \"lon\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "239", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:Billboard, api_name:Billboard 200, api_description:Provide the Billboard 100 chart information., required_params: [{\"name\": \"date\", \"type\": \"DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)\", \"description\": \"Set the date for which you want to get a chart.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"artist\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"last_week\": \"str\", \"rank\": \"str\", \"award\": \"bool\", \"image\": \"str\", \"peak_position\": \"str\", \"weeks_on_chart\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "240", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:GeoSource API, api_name:cities By State, api_description:Retrives a list of cities of the state., required_params: [{\"name\": \"state\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"CityName\": \"str\", \"StateCode\": \"str\", \"CountryCode\": \"str\", \"latitude\": \"str\", \"longitude\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "241", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:Movies details, api_name:Find by title, api_description:We will provide movies details by title, required_params: [{\"name\": \"q\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"@meta\": {\"operation\": \"str\", \"requestId\": \"str\", \"serviceTimeMs\": \"float\"}, \"@type\": \"str\", \"query\": \"str\", \"results\": [{\"id\": \"str\", \"image\": {\"height\": \"int\", \"id\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"width\": \"int\"}, \"runningTimeInMinutes\": \"int\", \"nextEpisode\": \"str\", \"numberOfEpisodes\": \"int\", \"seriesEndYear\": \"int\", \"seriesStartYear\": \"int\", \"title\": \"str\", \"titleType\": \"str\", \"year\": \"int\", \"principals\": [{\"id\": \"str\", \"legacyNameText\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"category\": \"str\", \"characters\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"endYear\": \"int\", \"episodeCount\": \"int\", \"roles\": [{\"character\": \"str\", \"characterId\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"startYear\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 3}], \"_list_length\": 20}], \"types\": [\"list of str with length 2\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "242", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:Political Bias Database, api_name:fetch all mediabiasfactcheck.com data, api_description:get request that returns entire mediabiasfactcheck.com database as a json., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"name\": \"str\", \"profile\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"bias\": \"str\", \"factual\": \"str\", \"credibility\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "243", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Commerce, tool_name:Check Disposable Email, api_name:newlyRegisteredDomains, api_description:REST API to lookup newly registered domains, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"date\": \"str\", \"info\": {\"totalItems\": \"int\", \"pageSize\": \"int\", \"totalPages\": \"int\", \"currentPage\": \"int\", \"sort\": \"str\"}, \"domains\": [{\"name\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 999}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "244", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:East China News, api_name:filter for diease, api_description:Filters for all diseases in all newspaper sources, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"title\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"source\": \"str\", \"section\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "245", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:50K Radio Stations, api_name:Get Channels, api_description:Get channel list, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "246", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:AI Weather by Meteosource, api_name:nearest_place, api_description:Use this endpoint to search for the **nearest named place** (village/town/city) from a given GPS coordinates. You will get **place_id** for the `Weather Forecast Endpoints` and detailed **geographical information**.*Note: If you specify coordinates of a secluded place (e.g. middle of the ocean), the nearest point can be very far from the coordinates.*, required_params: [{\"name\": \"lon\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Longitude in format 12E, 12.3E, 12.3, or 13W, 13.2W, -13.4\"}, {\"name\": \"lat\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Latitude in format 12N, 12.3N, 12.3, or 13S, 13.2S, -13.4\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"name\": \"str\", \"place_id\": \"str\", \"adm_area1\": \"str\", \"adm_area2\": \"str\", \"country\": \"str\", \"lat\": \"str\", \"lon\": \"str\", \"timezone\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "247", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Leo Github API Scraper, api_name:Get list of Github repo for ruby web scrapping, api_description:Get list of Github repo for ruby web scrapping, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"name\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "248", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Leo Github Data Scraper, api_name:Get list of Github repo for Ruby Webscrapping, api_description:Get list of Github repo for Ruby Webscrapping, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"name\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "249", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:weather forecast 14 days, api_name:Get forecastdata by lat/lon, api_description:get forecast for 14 days for the location Lat/Lon, required_params: [{\"name\": \"LAT\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Latitude\"}, {\"name\": \"LON\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Longitude\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"title\": \"str\", \"link\": \"str\", \"modified\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"generator\": \"str\", \"location\": {\"city\": \"str\", \"country\": \"str\", \"country_name\": \"str\", \"tz_long\": \"str\", \"lat\": \"str\", \"lon\": \"str\", \"wmo\": \"str\", \"SI\": \"str\", \"SIU\": \"str\", \"CEL\": \"str\"}, \"ActualsYesterday\": [{\"Tmax\": \"str\", \"Tmin\": \"str\", \"sunshine_hours\": \"str\", \"symbol\": \"str\", \"symbol_text\": \"str\", \"TIME\": {\"year\": \"str\", \"mon\": \"str\", \"mday\": \"str\", \"weekday\": \"str\"}, \"_list_length\": 1}], \"6_hourly_forecast\": [{\"FCTTIME\": \"str\", \"symbol\": \"str\", \"symbol_text\": \"str\", \"temp\": \"str\", \"tdew\": \"str\", \"rh\": \"str\", \"pres\": \"str\", \"wind_bft\": \"str\", \"wind\": \"str\", \"wind_direction\": \"str\", \"wind_direction_dez\": \"str\", \"wind_gust\": \"str\", \"rain\": \"str\", \"rain_chance_0.3mm\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 57}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "250", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:climate data, api_name:List of all Countries, api_description:List of all Countries, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"link\": \"str\", \"modified\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"generator\": \"str\", \"Countries\": [{\"COUNTRY\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 278}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "251", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Business and company name API, api_name:Get All Companies (Paginated), api_description:This endpoint gets all the companies and business as in the CAC database., required_params: [{\"name\": \"page\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"limit\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"api_version\": \"str\", \"generated_on\": \"str\", \"count\": \"int\", \"limit\": \"int\", \"page\": \"int\", \"items\": [{\"id\": \"str\", \"companyName\": \"str\", \"registrationNumber\": \"str\", \"address\": \"str\", \"status\": \"str\", \"registrationDate\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"registeredOn\": \"str\", \"isDeleted\": \"bool\", \"isActive\": \"bool\", \"createdAt\": \"str\", \"updateAt\": \"str\", \"modifiedAt\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 10}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "252", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:mgs, api_name:blogs_copy, api_description:MGS Blogs, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"post_category_id\": \"int\", \"user_id\": \"int\", \"title\": \"str\", \"slug\": \"str\", \"post_body\": \"str\", \"short_description\": \"str\", \"is_published\": \"int\", \"image\": \"str\", \"video\": \"str\", \"view_count\": \"int\", \"created_at\": \"str\", \"updated_at\": \"str\", \"author\": \"str\", \"post_category\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"name\": \"str\", \"created_at\": \"str\", \"updated_at\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "253", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:Random Words, api_name:Get a random word, api_description:Returns a random words from a list of more than 5500+ words\n\nImportant Note: \n1. *wordLength* must not be used with minLength and/or maxLength, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "254", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Health_and_Fitness, tool_name:Ind Nutrient API, api_name:View Food Items by Core, api_description:This request allows clients to retrieve detailed information about a food item by filtering by query param `core`.\n\nClients can include multiple cores in a single request. For example, by sending a request to https://indnutrientsapi.tech/food?core=chicken,dal,paneer, the API will return food items associated with the specified cores: chicken, dal, and paneer.\n\nAPI request sent to [https://indnutrientsapi.tech/food?core=chicken](https://indnutrientsapi.tech/food?core=chicken), required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"count\": \"int\", \"item\": [{\"_id\": \"str\", \"food_name\": \"str\", \"quantity\": \"str\", \"calories\": \"int\", \"uri\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"type_uri\": \"str\", \"core\": \"str\", \"core_uri\": \"str\", \"food_nutrition\": [{\"nutrient_name\": \"str\", \"value\": \"int\", \"unit\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 3}], \"request\": [{\"type\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"_list_length\": 53}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "255", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Transportation, tool_name:TimeTable Lookup , api_name:airlines - Airlines and the countries they operate in, api_description:Return a list of airlines and the countries they operate in, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "256", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Football (soccer) team names, api_name:First 25 teams, api_description:You'll get only the first 25 team names and their short names if you have basic plan., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "257", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Football_v2, api_name:Competitions, api_description:Get a list of all available competitions, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "258", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Live Metal Prices, api_name:Latest (retrieve XAU, XAG, PA, PL, EUR, GBP, USD), api_description:Real-time Gold, Silver, Palladium and Platinum prices delivered in USD, GBP and EUR., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"validationMessage\": \"empty list\", \"baseCurrency\": \"str\", \"unit\": \"str\", \"rates\": {\"XAU\": \"float\", \"XAG\": \"float\", \"PA\": \"float\", \"PL\": \"float\", \"USD\": \"int\", \"GBP\": \"float\", \"EUR\": \"float\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "259", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:Veggie Me, api_name:restaurants, api_description:Aggregates all vegetarian restaurants from Yelp from London, Amsterdam, Berlin, Stockholm, Barcelona and Paris, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "260", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:ALL Crypto News Feed, api_name:Get ALL Feed, api_description:Returns all feed.\nTweets\nBlogs\nBinance\nUsGov, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "261", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:K-POP, api_name:boy-groups, api_description:Get boy-groups info, required_params: [{\"name\": \"q\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Query to search\\n(Required)\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"data\": [{\"Group Profile\": \"str\", \"Group Name\": \"str\", \"Short Group Name\": \"str\", \"Korean Name\": \"str\", \"Date of Debut\": \"str\", \"Company\": \"str\", \"Members\": \"str\", \"Orginal Members\": \"str\", \"Fanclub Name\": \"str\", \"Active\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"count\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "262", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:MusicData API, api_name:/youtube/weekly, api_description:Most viewed Youtube music videos weekly, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"ranking\": \"str\", \"status\": \"str\", \"video\": \"str\", \"link\": \"str\", \"weeks\": \"str\", \"peak\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "263", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:Billboard_v2, api_name:Artist 100, api_description:Get the Artist 100 chart., required_params: [{\"name\": \"date\", \"type\": \"DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "264", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:World Scuba Diving Sites Api, api_name:Query Divesites by a country or a region., api_description:The endpoint returns a json list of dive sites which match the region or country entered as the query. The range of results depend but there is usually around 100-500 sites for each country. There are around 15'000 dive sites listed in the database., required_params: [{\"name\": \"country\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "265", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Divanscore, api_name:categories/list, api_description:List all categories or nations for tournaments and leagues, required_params: [{\"name\": \"sport\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"One of the following : football|tennis|basketball|ice-hockey|volleyball|handball|esports|baseball|cricket|motorsport|american-football|rugby|badminton|snooker|darts|futsal|table-tennis|beach-volley|waterpolo|cycling|aussie-rules|floorball|bandy\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"categories\": [{\"name\": \"str\", \"slug\": \"str\", \"sport\": {\"name\": \"str\", \"slug\": \"str\", \"id\": \"int\"}, \"priority\": \"int\", \"id\": \"int\", \"flag\": \"str\", \"alpha2\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 199}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "266", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Transportation, tool_name:Motorcycles by API-Ninjas, api_name:/v1/motorcycles, api_description:API Ninjas Motorcycles API endpoint. Returns up to 30 motorcycle results matching the input name parameters. For searches that yield > 30 results, please use the offset parameter.\n\nEither **make** or **model** parameter must be set., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"make\": \"str\", \"model\": \"str\", \"year\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"displacement\": \"str\", \"engine\": \"str\", \"power\": \"str\", \"torque\": \"str\", \"compression\": \"str\", \"bore_stroke\": \"str\", \"valves_per_cylinder\": \"str\", \"fuel_system\": \"str\", \"fuel_control\": \"str\", \"ignition\": \"str\", \"lubrication\": \"str\", \"cooling\": \"str\", \"gearbox\": \"str\", \"transmission\": \"str\", \"clutch\": \"str\", \"frame\": \"str\", \"front_suspension\": \"str\", \"front_wheel_travel\": \"str\", \"rear_suspension\": \"str\", \"rear_wheel_travel\": \"str\", \"front_tire\": \"str\", \"rear_tire\": \"str\", \"front_brakes\": \"str\", \"rear_brakes\": \"str\", \"total_weight\": \"str\", \"seat_height\": \"str\", \"total_height\": \"str\", \"total_length\": \"str\", \"total_width\": \"str\", \"ground_clearance\": \"str\", \"wheelbase\": \"str\", \"fuel_capacity\": \"str\", \"starter\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "267", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:Worldwide Recipes, api_name:Recipes by author, api_description:Get recipes by author, required_params: [{\"name\": \"profile_name\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"message\": \"str\", \"results\": [\"list of str with length 1\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "268", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Income by Zipcode, api_name:Income By Zipcode, api_description:Income By Zipcode, required_params: [{\"name\": \"zip\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"income_data\": {\"Households\": \"int\", \"Income100kTo150k\": \"int\", \"Income150kTo200k\": \"int\", \"Income25To44Years\": \"int\", \"Income25To44YearsError\": \"int\", \"Income25kTo50k\": \"int\", \"Income45To64Years\": \"int\", \"Income45To64YearsError\": \"int\", \"Income50kTo75k\": \"int\", \"Income65YearsAndOver\": \"int\", \"Income65YearsAndOverError\": \"int\", \"Income75kTo100k\": \"int\", \"IncomeAbove200k\": \"int\", \"IncomeLessThan25k\": \"int\", \"IncomeUnder25Years\": \"NoneType\", \"IncomeUnder25YearsError\": \"NoneType\", \"IncomeUnder35YearsOver100k\": \"int\", \"MeanIncome\": \"int\", \"MeanIncomeError\": \"int\", \"MedianHouseholdIncome\": \"int\", \"MedianHouseholdIncomeError\": \"int\", \"PerCapitaIncome\": \"int\", \"PerCapitaIncomeError\": \"int\", \"PercentIncomeOver200K\": \"float\", \"PercentIncomeOver200KError\": \"float\", \"State\": \"str\", \"Zipcode\": \"str\"}, \"zipcode\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "269", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Transportation, tool_name:US Gas Prices, api_name:/us/az, api_description:Returns current gas price data for Arizona. Historical data starting from 2023-06-01 can be queried by adding the `date` parameter to this endpoint. In order to return XML instead of the default JSON format, simply add the `Accept: application/xml` header to your request., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "270", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Betmaster, api_name:Odds, api_description:Latest Odds by Betmaster., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "271", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:Random Words, api_name:Get multiple random words, api_description:Get multiple random words (i.e. min 2 and max 20) from a list of 5500+ words\n\nImportant Notes:\n1. *count* must be a valid number between 2 and 20 (both 2 and 20 included)\n2. *wordLength* must not be used with minLength and/or maxLength, required_params: [{\"name\": \"count\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The word count must be between 2 and 20\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "272", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Ranked Crime Cities, api_name:Ranked World Crime cities, api_description:Ranked World Crime cities, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "273", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:U.S. Economic Indicators, api_name:Inflation, api_description:Get monthly inflation rates., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "274", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:COVID-19 Economic Impact, api_name:United States Card Spending, api_description:Get daily United States 7 day moving average percentage change in credit and debit card spending seasonally adjusted relative to January 4 - 31, 2020., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "275", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:AI Weather by Meteosource, api_name:alerts, api_description:**Severe weather alerts** for the USA, Europe, and Canada. **Define your location** using GPS coordinates or `place_id` from `Location` endpoints., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"lat\": \"str\", \"lon\": \"str\", \"elevation\": \"int\", \"timezone\": \"str\", \"alerts\": {\"data\": \"empty list\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "276", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Location, api_name:Get the cities, api_description:Get the cities., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"state\": {\"id\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"abbreviation\": \"str\"}, \"country\": {\"id\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"alpha2\": \"str\", \"alpha3\": \"str\", \"number\": \"int\", \"countryCode\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "277", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:Billboard-API, api_name:BILLBOARD 200, api_description:Provide the BILLBOARD 200 chart information, required_params: [{\"name\": \"date\", \"type\": \"DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)\", \"description\": \"format(YYYY-MM-DD)\"}, {\"name\": \"range\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"max range(1-200)\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "278", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Card Validator, api_name:Generate Fake Credit Card Number, api_description:This endpoint create a fake and valid credit card number with desired length., required_params: [{\"name\": \"cardLength\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"cardNumber\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "279", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Movies, tool_name:Star Wars Characters, api_name:Get all characters, api_description:Get all characters with all details, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"id\": \"int\", \"mass\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"gender\": \"str\", \"height\": \"str\", \"species\": \"str\", \"eye_color\": \"str\", \"homeworld\": \"str\", \"birth_year\": \"str\", \"hair_color\": \"str\", \"skin_color\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "280", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Movies, tool_name:Anime DB, api_name:Get All, api_description:Get List of anime. 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\"shadow\": \"int\", \"details\": \"str\", \"groundhog\": {\"id\": \"int\", \"slug\": \"str\", \"shortname\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"city\": \"str\", \"region\": \"str\", \"country\": \"str\", \"coordinates\": \"str\", \"source\": \"str\", \"contact\": \"str\", \"currentPrediction\": \"str\", \"isGroundhog\": \"int\", \"type\": \"str\", \"active\": \"int\", \"description\": \"str\", \"image\": \"str\"}, \"_list_length\": 2}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "282", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:SureBets, api_name:List, api_description:Get all available Surebets, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"list\": [{\"category\": \"str\", \"group\": \"str\", \"league\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"start\": \"str\", \"sport\": \"str\", \"profit\": \"float\", \"odds\": [{\"type\": \"str\", \"values\": [{\"odd\": \"float\", \"bookie_name\": \"str\", \"bookie_slug\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"_list_length\": 3}], \"_list_length\": 184}], 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api_name:Search Torrents, api_description:Get downloadable torrent link by movie name., required_params: [{\"name\": \"keywords\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"quantity\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"MAX:40\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"str\", \"keyword\": \"str\", \"quantity\": \"int\", \"result\": [{\"title\": \"str\", \"torrent\": \"str\", \"size\": \"str\", \"rate\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 40}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "286", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Gas Price, api_name:allUsaPrice, api_description:Service that brings the average current gasoline prices of states in America., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "287", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Gas Price, api_name:usaCitiesList, api_description:The service that get list of cities with price information in the USA., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "288", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Ikea API, api_name:Stores, api_description:Obtain a list of all stores in a specified country., required_params: [{\"name\": \"countryCode\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Can be obtained through the **Countries** endpoint,\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "289", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Nomad List Cities, api_name:North America, api_description:Get North America cities sorted by overall score by default.\n\nPagination: size & page \nsort_by: you can sort by any numeric value like fore example internet_speed, temperatureC, cost_for_family_in_usd and so on.\nsort: asc | desc, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "290", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Movies, tool_name:Netflix_v2, api_name:Search, api_description:Search, required_params: [{\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Search Query\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "291", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Movies, tool_name:Movie, TV, music search and download, api_name:Get Monthly Top 100 Music Torrents, api_description:Monthly Top 100 Music Torrents, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"str\", \"result\": [{\"title\": \"str\", \"torrent\": \"str\", \"size\": \"str\", \"rate\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 100}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "292", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Target.com Shopping - API, api_name:search_autocomplete, api_description:Product autocompletion based on search keyword., required_params: [{\"name\": \"q\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "293", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:NAVITIME Geocoding, api_name:datum_conversion, api_description:緯度経度の測地系(日本測地系/世界測地系)を変換します。, required_params: [{\"name\": \"coord\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Latitude and longitude before conversion.\\nSupport millisecond and degree indication.\"}, {\"name\": \"after_datum\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Geodetic system after conversion.\\n(wgs84: World Geodetic System (default), tokyo: Old Japan Geodetic System)\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"coord\": {\"lat\": \"float\", \"lon\": \"float\"}, \"unit\": {\"datum\": \"str\", \"coord_unit\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "294", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Great Circle Math Api, api_name:Get Distance, api_description:Returns the circle math distance in miles., required_params: [{\"name\": \"latB\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"longA\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"latA\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"longB\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "295", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:F1 Live Motorsport Data, api_name:Seasons, api_description:Lists available F1 seasons to query - starting point for the application., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"meta\": {\"title\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"fields\": {\"season\": \"str\"}}, \"results\": [{\"season\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 5}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "296", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Medical, tool_name:The Cancer Imaging Archive, api_name:getCollectionValues, api_description:Set of all TCIA collection names, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"Collection\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "297", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:Goverlytics, api_name:politicians, api_description:fetch a list of politicians data, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"messages\": \"str\", \"info\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "298", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Transportation, tool_name:US Gas Prices, api_name:/us/ga, api_description:Returns current gas price data for Georgia. Historical data starting from 2023-06-01 can be queried by adding the `date` parameter to this endpoint. In order to return XML instead of the default JSON format, simply add the `Accept: application/xml` header to your request., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "299", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Cities Cost of Living, api_name:Get Currencies List, api_description:Get a list of all the Currencies available, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "300", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Transportation, tool_name:Flight Radar, api_name:aircrafts/list, api_description:List available aircrafts, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"version\": \"int\", \"rows\": [{\"description\": \"str\", \"models\": [{\"Name\": \"str\", \"Code\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 2}], \"_list_length\": 30}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "301", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Health_and_Fitness, tool_name:ExerciseDB, api_name:List of equipment, api_description:Fetch a list of available equipment, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "302", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:NCAA Champions, api_name:Get NCAA Men 2000-2021, api_description:This endpoint retrieves NCAA championship data from 2000 until 2021, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"ncaamen2000\\\": {\\\"Champions\\\": \\\"str\\\",\\\"RunnerUp\\\": \\\"str\\\",\\\"Coach\\\": \\\"str\\\",\\\"score\\\": \\\"str\\\",\\\"site\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"ncaamen2001\\\": {\\\"Champions\\\": \\\"str\\\",\\\"RunnerUp\\\": \\\"str\\\",\\\"Coach\\\": \\\"str\\\",\\\"score\\\": \\\"str\\\",\\\"site\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"ncaamen2002\\\": {\\\"Champions\\\": \\\"str\\\",\\\"RunnerUp\\\": \\\"str\\\",\\\"Coach\\\": \\\"str\\\",\\\"score\\\": \\\"str\\\",\\\"site\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"ncaamen2003\\\": {\\\"Champions\\\": \\\"str\\\",\\\"RunnerUp\\\": \\\"str\\\",\\\"Coach\\\": \\\"str\\\",\\\"score\\\": \\\"str\\\",\\\"site\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"ncaamen2004\\\": {\\\"Champions\\\": \\\"str\\\",\\\"RunnerUp\\\": \\\"str\\\",\\\"Coach\\\": \\\"str\\\",\\\"score\\\": \\\"str\\\",\\\"site\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"ncaamen2005\\\": {\\\"Champions\\\": \\\"str\\\",\\\"RunnerUp\\\": \\\"str\\\",\\\"Coach\\\": \\\"str\\\",\\\"score\\\": \\\"str\\\",\\\"site\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"ncaamen2006\\\": {\\\"Champions\\\": \\\"str\\\",\\\"RunnerUp\\\": \\\"str\\\",\\\"Coach\\\": \\\"str\\\",\\\"score\\\": \\\"str\\\",\\\"site\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"ncaamen2007\\\": {\\\"Champions\\\": \\\"str\\\",\\\"RunnerUp\\\": \\\"str\\\",\\\"Coach\\\": \\\"str\\\",\\\"score\\\": \\\"str\\\",\\\"site\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"ncaamen2008\\\": {\\\"Champions\\\": \\\"str\\\",\\\"RunnerUp\\\": \\\"str\\\",\\\"Coach\\\": \\\"str\\\",\\\"score\\\": \\\"str\\\",\\\"site\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"ncaamen2009\\\": {\\\"Champions\\\": \\\"str\\\",\\\"RunnerUp\\\": \\\"str\\\",\\\"Coach\\\": \\\"str\\\",\\\"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "303", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Gas Price, api_name:europeanCountries, api_description:Service that brings up the current gasoline prices at european countries., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "304", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:East China News, api_name:Filter for conflict, api_description:Filters for conflict in all three regions, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"title\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"source\": \"str\", \"section\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "305", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Divanscore, api_name:auto-complete, api_description:Get suggestions by term or phrase, required_params: [{\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Any term or phrase you are familiar with\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"suggestions\": [\"list of str with length 10\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "306", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Is This Coin A Scam, api_name:Get a list of latest profiles, api_description:Get a list of the top 100 crypto projects added to on isthiscoinascam.com. 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- Hennes Mauritz, api_name:regions/list, api_description:List regions H&M supported, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"region\": \"str\", \"countries\": [{\"name\": \"str\", \"code\": \"str\", \"languages\": [{\"name\": \"str\", \"code\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"_list_length\": 32}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "314", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:Climate Change Live_v27, api_name:Get all climate change news, api_description:This endpoint will return back all news about Climate Change from all over the world., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "315", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Investing, api_name:Meats Futures Prices, api_description:page source: https://www.investing.com/commodities/meats, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": {\"Real Time Streaming Futures Quotes\": [{\"Area\": \"str\", \"Chg.\": \"float\", \"Chg. %\": \"str\", \"Commodity\": \"str\", \"High\": \"float\", \"Last\": \"float\", \"Low\": \"float\", \"Month\": \"str\", \"Prev.\": \"float\", \"Time\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 3}], \"US Futures Market Quotes (10-minute Delayed)\": [{\"Chg.\": \"float\", \"High\": \"float\", \"Last\": \"str\", \"Low\": \"float\", \"Month\": \"str\", \"Name\": \"str\", \"Open\": \"float\", \"Time\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 7}]}, \"message\": \"str\", \"status\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "316", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Health_and_Fitness, tool_name:Pregnancy Calculator API, api_name:Conception Date, api_description:This endpoint calculates the estimated due date based on the user's conception date., required_params: [{\"name\": \"conception_date\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The date of conception in the format '**YYYY-MM-DD**'\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "317", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:yiwugo product data, api_name:search products, api_description:search products\nThe source of the data can be controlled through the 'lan' field (en: English website, cn: Chinese website), required_params: [{\"name\": \"keyword\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "318", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:India Pincode API, api_name:findpincodebysubdistrict, api_description:findpincodebysubdistrict, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"int\", \"message\": \"str\", \"noOfItems\": \"int\", \"result\": [{\"taluk\": \"str\", \"pincode\": \"str\", \"districtname\": \"str\", \"placename\": \"str\", \"longitude\": \"str\", \"statename\": \"str\", \"latitude\": \"str\", \"accuracy\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 13}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "319", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Deal Catcher, api_name:Get 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30 News from IEEE Spectrum, api_description:This endpoint will return back the latest 30 news from IEEE Spectrum website as JSON objects with 6 data elements. These will be the Title, URL, DatePublished, Section, Image source and how much time it takes to read the article., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"newsTitle\": \"str\", \"newsSubHeadline\": \"str\", \"newsUrl\": \"str\", \"newsDatePublished\": \"str\", \"newsTimetoRead\": \"str\", \"newsSections\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"newsImgSrc\": \"str\", \"newsImgAlt\": \"str\", \"newsLikes\": \"str\", \"newsIsSponsored\": \"bool\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "322", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:weather forecast 14 days, api_name:Search location by Name or zip code, api_description:Search location by Name or zip code and get the key for the forecast, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"title\": \"str\", \"link\": \"str\", \"modified\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"generator\": \"str\", \"location\": [{\"wmo\": \"str\", \"city\": \"str\", \"country\": \"str\", \"country_name\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 2}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "323", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:FIA Formula 1 Championship Statistics, api_name:Drivers Standings, api_description:Use this endpoint to retrieve drivers standings data about a specifit F1 championship by specifying a year. If you ommit the ***year*** query parameter, a default value will be set to current year. The response data will contain information about the position in the rank list, driver's name, nationality, team and total points accumulated., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"title\": \"str\", \"driverStandings\": [{\"pos\": \"int\", \"driver\": {\"firstname\": \"str\", \"lastname\": \"str\", \"abbr\": \"str\"}, \"nationality\": \"str\", \"car\": \"str\", \"pts\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 23}], \"httpStatusCode\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "324", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Ikea API, api_name:Search By Keyword Filters, api_description:Complimentary to the \"Search By Keyword\" endpoint. Obtain a list of filters available based on a keyword., required_params: [{\"name\": \"countryCode\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Can be obtained through the **Countries** endpoint,\"}, {\"name\": \"keyword\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "325", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Health_and_Fitness, tool_name:Pregnancy Calculator API, api_name:Fertility Window - GET, api_description:This endpoint accepts a GET request to calculate the fertility window., required_params: [{\"name\": \"cycle_length\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The length of the menstrual cycle in days.\"}, {\"name\": \"menstrual_date\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The date of the first day of the last menstrual period in the format '**YYYY-MM-DD**'.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "326", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:The Weather API, api_name:weather report, api_description:Gives weather report of a particular city., required_params: [{\"name\": \"cityName\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "327", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Health_and_Fitness, tool_name:Scoring Tables API, api_name:/marks/women/, api_description:This retrieves all women's marks from the World Athletics Scoring Tables., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "328", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:SEPTA, api_name:TrainView, api_description:Regional Rail real-time train locations, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"lat\": \"str\", \"lon\": \"str\", \"trainno\": \"str\", \"service\": \"str\", \"dest\": \"str\", \"currentstop\": \"str\", \"nextstop\": \"str\", \"line\": \"str\", \"consist\": \"str\", \"heading\": \"float\", \"late\": \"int\", \"SOURCE\": \"str\", \"TRACK\": \"str\", \"TRACK_CHANGE\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "329", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Transportation, tool_name:TimeTable Lookup , api_name:airports - Nearest airports for a given latitude and longitude, api_description:Returns the nearest airports for a given latitude and longitude, required_params: [{\"name\": \"lon\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"Specify longitude\"}, {\"name\": \"lat\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"Specify latitude\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "330", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:Indonesia Latest Weather and Earthquake, api_name:Latest Top 15 Earthquake (felt by local), api_description:Latest Top 15 Earthquake (felt by local), required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"Bujur\": \"str\", \"Coordinates\": \"str\", \"DateTime\": \"str\", \"Dirasakan\": \"str\", \"Jam\": \"str\", \"Kedalaman\": \"str\", \"Lintang\": \"str\", \"Magnitude\": \"str\", \"Tanggal\": \"str\", \"Wilayah\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "331", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Distance Calculation API by Pizza API, api_name:Calculate distance By Lat & Long, api_description:Calculate Distance between to place by their latitude and longitudes and metric you want the output of., required_params: [{\"name\": \"metric\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"lat2\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"lon2\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"lon1\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"lat1\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"distance\": \"float\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "332", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Cities Cost of Living, api_name:Get Cities List, api_description:Get a list of all the Cities available, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "333", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Movies, tool_name:OTT details, api_name:Params, api_description:Get array of values that can be used as params in Advanced Search ., required_params: [{\"name\": \"param\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"input 'genre' or 'language' to get array of genre or languages that can be used as filter in advanced search .\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "334", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Transportation, tool_name:Canadian Gas Prices, api_name:Provinces, api_description:Returns the average price of gas in all Canadian provinces., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"prices\": [{\"province\": \"str\", \"price\": \"float\", \"_list_length\": 10}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "335", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:Billboard API_v2, api_name:Billboard Hot 100, api_description:Billboard Hot 100 chart \nis weekly based. \n\nIf `week` is not supplied, will default to last week. \nif the week date is not Saturday, will default to Saturday of that week, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "336", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:Word of the day, api_name:Word of the day from ld, api_description:Get word of the day from ld, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"info\": \"str\", \"date\": \"str\", \"word\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"mean\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "337", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Real-Time Quotes, api_name:Forex quotes, api_description:Returns the real time price of a forex currency pair, required_params: [{\"name\": \"target\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"source\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"symbol\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"price\": \"float\", \"changesPercentage\": \"float\", \"change\": \"float\", \"dayLow\": \"float\", \"dayHigh\": \"float\", \"yearHigh\": \"float\", \"yearLow\": \"float\", \"marketCap\": \"NoneType\", \"priceAvg50\": \"float\", \"priceAvg200\": \"float\", \"volume\": \"int\", \"avgVolume\": \"int\", \"open\": \"float\", \"previousClose\": \"float\", \"timestamp\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "338", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:Cocktails, api_name:Random, api_description:Get a random cocktail with all ingredients, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"body\": [{\"name\": \"str\", \"ingredients\": [\"list of str with length 8\"], \"_list_length\": 1}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "339", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:Billboard API_v2, api_name:Independent Albums, api_description:Independent Albums chart \nis weekly based. \n\nIf `week` is not supplied, will default to last week. \nif the week date is not Saturday, will default to Saturday of that week, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "340", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:Word of the day, api_name:Word of the day from pm, api_description:Get word of the day from pm, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"info\": \"str\", \"date\": \"str\", \"word\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"mean\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "341", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Transportation, tool_name:US Gas Prices, api_name:/us/ca, api_description:Returns current gas price data for California. Historical data starting from 2023-06-01 can be queried by adding the `date` parameter to this endpoint. In order to return XML instead of the default JSON format, simply add the `Accept: application/xml` header to your request., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "342", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:GaiaLens Company Names, api_name:getCompanyNames, api_description:This API returns a list of all company names available to the user. It can be used as a pre-step before invoking other GaiaLens APIs such as GaiaLens ESG Scores, Gaialens Historical ESG Scores and GaiaLens ESG News., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"companyname\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "343", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Pricer, api_name:Search for a product, api_description:search by product name, required_params: [{\"name\": \"q\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "344", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Betigolo Tips, api_name:Premium History, api_description:Historical result of Premium Tips in past 30 days, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"match_dat\": \"str\", \"sport\": \"str\", \"country\": \"str\", \"league\": \"str\", \"home_team\": \"str\", \"away_team\": \"str\", \"tip\": \"str\", \"fair_odd\": \"float\", \"tip_odd\": \"float\", \"result\": \"str\", \"tip_successful\": \"bool\", \"tip_profit\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "345", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Commerce, tool_name:Amazon_API_v2, api_name:/Laptops, api_description:

\nAuthentication: not required, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "346", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:Chemical Elements, api_name:Get All Chemical Elements, api_description:This endpoint will return back data of all Chemical Elements of the periodic table, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"elements\": [{\"name\": \"str\", \"appearance\": \"str\", \"atomic_mass\": \"float\", \"boil\": \"float\", \"category\": \"str\", \"color\": \"NoneType\", \"density\": \"float\", \"discovered_by\": \"str\", \"melt\": \"float\", \"molar_heat\": \"float\", \"named_by\": \"str\", \"number\": \"int\", \"period\": \"int\", \"phase\": \"str\", \"source\": \"str\", \"spectral_img\": \"str\", \"summary\": \"str\", \"symbol\": \"str\", \"xpos\": \"int\", \"ypos\": \"int\", \"shells\": [\"list of int with length 1\"], \"electron_configuration\": \"str\", \"electron_configuration_semantic\": \"str\", \"electron_affinity\": \"float\", \"electronegativity_pauling\": \"float\", \"ionization_energies\": [\"list of int with length 1\"], \"cpk-hex\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 119}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "347", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Zoopla_v2, api_name:auto-complete, api_description:Get auto complete suggestion by term or phrase, required_params: [{\"name\": \"search_term\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "348", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Booking.com_v2, api_name:stays/auto-complete, api_description:Auto complete, required_params: [{\"name\": \"location\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "349", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:Sun Seeker API, api_name:sunposition, api_description:Parameters:\nlat (float): The latitude of the location for which you want to get the solar position. The value should be between -90 and 90 degrees.\nlon (float): The longitude of the location for which you want to get the solar position. The value should be between -180 and 180 degrees., required_params: [{\"name\": \"lat\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"lon\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"azimuth\": \"float\", \"elevation\": \"float\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "350", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Movies, tool_name:Movie, TV, music search and download, api_name:Get Monthly Top 100 Games Torrents, api_description:Monthly Top 100 Games Torrents, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"str\", \"result\": [{\"title\": \"str\", \"torrent\": \"str\", \"size\": \"str\", \"rate\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 100}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "351", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:K-POP, api_name:random boy-group, api_description:Get random boy-group, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"message\": \"str\", \"data\": [{\"Group Profile\": \"NoneType\", \"Group Name\": \"str\", \"Short Group Name\": \"NoneType\", \"Korean Name\": \"str\", \"Date of Debut\": \"str\", \"Company\": \"str\", \"Members\": \"str\", \"Orginal Members\": \"str\", \"Fanclub Name\": \"NoneType\", \"Active\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"count\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "352", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:Spotify _v2, api_name:New releases, api_description:Get new releases based on country code., required_params: [{\"name\": \"country\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Enter country code like: US, CA, SE, IN, UK...\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "353", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Transportation, tool_name:US Gas Prices, api_name:/us/al, api_description:Returns current gas price data for Alabama. Historical data starting from 2023-06-01 can be queried by adding the `date` parameter to this endpoint. In order to return XML instead of the default JSON format, simply add the `Accept: application/xml` header to your request., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "354", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Simple TaxRate Retrieval, api_name:Tax Rate, api_description:Obtain tax rate by zip code, required_params: [{\"name\": \"zipCode\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "355", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:Recipe Finder, api_name:breakfast/ingredient, api_description:This API endpoint allows users to retrieve a random breakfast recipe that contains a specific ingredient. Users can make a GET request to the endpoint with the name of the ingredient as a query parameter, and the API will return a JSON response with the given recipe, including the name, list of ingredients, and instructions., required_params: [{\"name\": \"ingredient\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"name\": \"str\", \"ingredients\": [\"list of str with length 5\"], \"instructions\": [\"list of str with length 3\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "356", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Is This Coin A Scam, api_name:Get platform by slug, api_description:Get a specific platform by slug, required_params: [{\"name\": \"slug\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Platform Slug\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"data\": {\"slug\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"symbol\": \"str\"}, \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "357", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Transportation, tool_name:US Gas Prices, api_name:/us, api_description:Returns current national average gas price data. You can query historical data starting from 2023-06-01 by adding the `date` parameter to this endpoint. In order to return XML instead of the default JSON format, simply add the `Accept: application/xml` header to your request., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "358", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Health_and_Fitness, tool_name:ExerciseDB, api_name:List of bodyparts, api_description:Fetch a list of available body parts, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "359", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:Climate Change API_v3, api_name:Get All Climate Change News, api_description:This endpoint will return all news about climate change from top news sites., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "360", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:Shazam, api_name:auto-complete, api_description:Get suggestions by word or phrase, required_params: [{\"name\": \"term\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Any word or phrase of song, artist, etc... that you are familiar with\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"hints\": [{\"term\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 10}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "361", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Health_and_Fitness, tool_name:MuscleWiki, api_name:GET Attributes, api_description:Get Attributes you can use to filter exercises, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"categories\": [\"list of str with length 11\"], \"difficulties\": [\"list of str with length 3\"], \"forces\": [\"list of str with length 3\"], \"muscles\": [\"list of str with length 15\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "362", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:webcams.travel, api_name:/webcams/list/region={region}[,{region}[,...]], api_description:This is a modifier. Returns a list of webcams according to the listed region. Multiple regions must be separated by comma. Required: at least one {region}. Possible values are ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 codes for the country and a region code separated by a dot., required_params: [{\"name\": \"region\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Comma separated list of ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 codes for the country and a region code separated by a dot.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "363", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Get Promo Codes, api_name:Get Stores, api_description:Get Stores, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "364", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Transportation, tool_name:US Gas Prices, api_name:/us/de, api_description:Returns current gas price data for Delaware. Historical data starting from 2023-06-01 can be queried by adding the `date` parameter to this endpoint. In order to return XML instead of the default JSON format, simply add the `Accept: application/xml` header to your request., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "365", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:Narco in Mexico, api_name:Get All Narco News, api_description:Get All Narco in Mexico News, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"title\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"source\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "366", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:Generic Food_v2, api_name:Get all foods, api_description:Get all foods, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "367", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Flixbus, api_name:cities, api_description:Get a list of cities, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "368", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:ask-ai, api_name:Ask question to AI Service, api_description:Ask question to AI Service. Be concise., required_params: [{\"name\": \"question\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "369", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:Fast Food Restaurants USA - TOP 50 Chains, api_name:GET all {State} names, api_description:GET all {State} names, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"stateName\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "370", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Gas Price, api_name:stateUsaPrice, api_description:The service that brings gas prices in the United States by state., required_params: [{\"name\": \"state\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "371", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Transportation, tool_name:Flight Radar, api_name:airlines/list, api_description:List all airlines around the world, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"version\": \"int\", \"rows\": [{\"Name\": \"str\", \"Code\": \"str\", \"ICAO\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1987}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "372", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:Yummly, api_name:feeds/auto-complete, api_description:Get auto complete suggestions by name or ingredients, etc..., required_params: [{\"name\": \"q\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Food name or ingredient\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"ingredients\": [\"list of str with length 14\"], \"searches\": [\"list of str with length 10\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "373", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Dafabet, api_name:Odds, api_description:Latest Odds for Dafabet, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "374", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:Beers List, api_name:getAllBeersList, api_description:List of all beers, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"title\": \"str\", \"alchool\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"country\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "375", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Nomad List Cities, api_name:Latin America, api_description:Get Latin America cities sorted by overall score by default.\n\nPagination: size & page \nsort_by: you can sort by any numeric value like fore example internet_speed, temperatureC, cost_for_family_in_usd and so on.\nsort: asc | desc, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "376", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:New climate, api_name:get all climate news, api_description:News from all publications, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"title\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "377", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Uganda Company Data, api_name:Search by company name, api_description:Perform a search on the Uganda company register by name, required_params: [{\"name\": \"name\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"name\": \"str\", \"createdAt\": \"NoneType\", \"updatedAt\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"subType\": \"str\", \"no\": \"str\", \"status\": \"str\", \"score\": {\"sound\": \"float\", \"text\": \"float\"}, \"similarity\": \"float\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "378", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:Generate a recipe based on an ingredient, api_name:Generate recipe, api_description:Generate your recipe for your use case or application!, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "379", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Betway, api_name:Matches, api_description:Latest Matches for Betway, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "380", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Cbet, api_name:Matches, api_description:Latest Matches for Cbet, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "381", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Taobao Tmall Product Detail, api_name:Search by keyword, api_description:Search products by keyword, required_params: [{\"name\": \"keyword\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"page\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "382", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Booking.com_v2, api_name:currencies, api_description:Get currencies, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "383", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:Air Quality, api_name:Air Quality Forecast, api_description:Returns a 3 day (72 hour) air quality forecast for any point in the world given a lat/lon. , required_params: [{\"name\": \"lat\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Latitude\"}, {\"name\": \"lon\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Longitude\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"city_name\": \"str\", \"country_code\": \"str\", \"data\": [{\"aqi\": \"int\", \"co\": \"float\", \"datetime\": \"str\", \"no2\": \"float\", \"o3\": \"float\", \"pm10\": \"float\", \"pm25\": \"float\", \"so2\": \"float\", \"timestamp_local\": \"str\", \"timestamp_utc\": \"str\", \"ts\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 72}], \"lat\": \"float\", \"lon\": \"float\", \"state_code\": \"str\", \"timezone\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "384", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:Recetas en español, api_name:Get recipes, api_description:Get all recipes, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"url\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"category\": \"str\", \"img\": \"str\", \"slug\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "385", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:HM - Hennes Mauritz, api_name:categories/list, api_description:List all categories from H&M, required_params: [{\"name\": \"country\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The country code that is gotten from /regions/list endpoint\"}, {\"name\": \"lang\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"The language code that is gotten from /regions/list endpoint\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"CatName\": \"str\", \"CategoryValue\": \"str\", \"CategoriesArray\": [{\"CatName\": \"str\", \"CategoryValue\": \"str\", \"CategoriesArray\": [{\"CatName\": \"str\", \"CategoryValue\": \"str\", \"tagCodes\": [\"list of str with length 2\"], \"_list_length\": 5}], \"tagCodes\": \"empty list\", \"_list_length\": 8}], \"tagCodes\": [\"list of str with length 1\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "386", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Currency Conversion and Exchange Rates, api_name:Symbols, api_description:Retrieve a list of all currently available currency symbols, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"success\\\": \\\"bool\\\", \\\"symbols\\\": {\\\"ANG\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"SVC\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"CAD\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"XCD\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"MVR\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"HRK\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"AUD\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"MWK\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"XAG\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"MAD\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"PHP\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"NAD\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"GNF\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"KES\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"MZN\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"BTN\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"MGA\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"AZN\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"XAU\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"RON\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"CHF\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"EGP\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"BSD\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"TWD\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"GGP\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"LVL\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"MMK\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"WST\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ILS\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"BHD\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"GBP\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"TZS\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"SDG\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"LAK\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"DJF\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"BYN\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"MRO\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"RWF\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"PEN\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"EUR\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ZMK\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"RSD\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"INR\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"MUR\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"BWP\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"GEL\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"KMF\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"UZS\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"RUB\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"CUC\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"BGN\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"JOD\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"NGN\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"BDT\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"PKR\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"BRL\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"KZT\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"CVE\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"HNL\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"NZD\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ERN\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"NPR\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"ZMW\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"FKP\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"DZD\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"JMD\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"CRC\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"GMD\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"PLN\\\": \\\"str\\\", \\\"A\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "387", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Australian postcode to suburb, api_name:Get all suburbs and postcodes in a radius, api_description:This endpoint takes your epic centre latitude, longitude along with radius in KM and returns all postcodes and suburbs within it., required_params: [{\"name\": \"lat\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"radius\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"lng\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"postcode\": \"str\", \"suburb\": \"str\", \"state\": \"str\", \"latitude\": \"str\", \"longitude\": \"str\", \"distance\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "388", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Amazon Data_v2, api_name:MarketPlace List, api_description:This endpoint lists down the market places we use to fetch data!, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "389", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:World Time, api_name:Current time by Specific IP, api_description:Request the current time for a specific IP (in plain text), required_params: [{\"name\": \"ipv4\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Specific IP address\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "390", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Airbnb listings, api_name:Get administrative divisions, api_description:Retrieve geographical admin names to be used in Listing by georef endpoint. admin* parameters are optional but to use admin2, admin1 is required, to use admin 3, admin2 and admin1 are required and so on. Not respecting this requirement could give you unwanted results (ie cities with the same name but in different countries). Returns 50 results, required_params: [{\"name\": \"countrycode\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "391", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Transportation, tool_name:US Gas Prices, api_name:/us/dc, api_description:Returns current gas price data for Washington D.C. Historical data starting from 2023-06-01 can be queried by adding the `date` parameter to this endpoint. In order to return XML instead of the default JSON format, simply add the `Accept: application/xml` header to your request., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "392", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:BPS, api_name:All communes, api_description:La liste des communes, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"province\": \"str\", \"nom\": \"str\", \"nomMinus\": \"str\", \"codeCom\": \"int\", \"codePost\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "393", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Currency Converter by API-Ninjas, api_name:/v1/convertcurrency, api_description:API Ninjas Convert Currency API endpoint., required_params: [{\"name\": \"amount\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"Amount of currency to convert.\"}, {\"name\": \"have\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Currency you currently hold. Must be 3-character currency code (e.g. **USD**).\"}, {\"name\": \"want\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Currency you want to convert to. Must be 3-character currency code (e.g. **EUR**)\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"new_amount\": \"float\", \"new_currency\": \"str\", \"old_currency\": \"str\", \"old_amount\": \"float\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "394", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Comany Details Search Online, api_name:Fetch Company Details, api_description:Fetch Company Details by company name, required_params: [{\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "395", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:Ouranos, api_name:7 Day Forecast, api_description:7 Day Forecast return seeing value in arc seconds and transparency on a scale of 1 for the next 7 day every 3 hours, required_params: [{\"name\": \"lat\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"long\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "396", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:Air Quality by API-Ninjas, api_name:/v1/airquality, api_description:API Ninjas Air Quality API endpoint., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"error\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "397", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Booking com, api_name:Meta Properties description, api_description:Get meta properties description, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "398", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:Moka News, api_name:Recent 50, api_description:GET the recent 50 news, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "399", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:Recipe Finder, api_name:mediterranean/ingredient, api_description:This API endpoint allows users to retrieve a random mediterranean recipe that contains a specific ingredient. Users can make a GET request to the endpoint with the name of the ingredient as a query parameter, and the API will return a JSON response with the given recipe, including the name, list of ingredients, and instructions., required_params: [{\"name\": \"ingredient\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"name\": \"str\", \"ingredients\": [\"list of str with length 11\"], \"instructions\": [\"list of str with length 5\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "400", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:Air Quality, api_name:Current Air Quality, api_description:Retrieves current air quality conditions for any location in the world, given a lat/lon., required_params: [{\"name\": \"lon\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Longitude\"}, {\"name\": \"lat\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Latitude\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"city_name\": \"str\", \"country_code\": \"str\", \"data\": [{\"aqi\": \"int\", \"co\": \"int\", \"mold_level\": \"int\", \"no2\": \"int\", \"o3\": \"int\", \"pm10\": \"int\", \"pm25\": \"int\", \"pollen_level_grass\": \"int\", \"pollen_level_tree\": \"int\", \"pollen_level_weed\": \"int\", \"predominant_pollen_type\": \"str\", \"so2\": \"int\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"lat\": \"float\", \"lon\": \"float\", \"state_code\": \"str\", \"timezone\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "401", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:US Zip Code Information, api_name:Get ZIP Info, api_description:This Endpoint returns the zip information, required_params: [{\"name\": \"zipcode\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"ZipCode\": \"str\", \"City\": \"str\", \"State\": \"str\", \"County\": \"str\", \"AreaCode\": \"str\", \"CityType\": \"str\", \"CityAliasAbbreviation\": \"str\", \"CityAliasName\": \"str\", \"Latitude\": \"str\", \"Longitude\": \"str\", \"TimeZone\": \"str\", \"Elevation\": \"str\", \"CountyFIPS\": \"str\", \"DayLightSaving\": \"str\", \"PreferredLastLineKey\": \"str\", \"ClassificationCode\": \"str\", \"MultiCounty\": \"str\", \"StateFIPS\": \"str\", \"CityStateKey\": \"str\", \"CityAliasCode\": \"str\", \"PrimaryRecord\": \"str\", \"CityMixedCase\": \"str\", \"CityAliasMixedCase\": \"str\", \"StateANSI\": \"str\", \"CountyANSI\": \"str\", \"FacilityCode\": \"str\", \"CityDeliveryIndicator\": \"str\", \"CarrierRouteRateSortation\": \"str\", \"FinanceNumber\": \"str\", \"UniqueZIPName\": \"str\", \"CountyMixedCase\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "402", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:Physical quantities, constants and equations , api_name:Get equations, api_description:This endpoint return back data of equations formatted as JSON, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"quantity\": \"str\", \"categories\": [{\"title\": \"str\", \"equations\": [{\"equation\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 1}], \"locals\": {\"de\": {\"title\": \"str\"}}, \"_list_length\": 4}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "403", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Locations - Languages, Countries & German Cities, api_name:Filter German Cities, api_description:Filter all German citities by name or postal code, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"city\": \"str\", \"district\": \"str\", \"lat\": \"float\", \"long\": \"float\", \"postal_code\": \"int\", \"postal_code_5\": \"str\", \"state\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "404", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Nearest Delhi Metro Station, api_name:Nearest Metro Station, api_description:This endpoint is a **GET** method API that returns -- **Station name**\n- **Latitude** & **Longitude** of the nearest Delhi Metro station\n- **Google Maps direction**, required_params: [{\"name\": \"long\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"lat\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": [{\"latitude\": \"str\", \"longitude\": \"str\", \"maps_direction\": \"str\", \"station_name\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 9}], \"status\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "405", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:CasinoSearch, api_name:Casino Tournaments List, api_description:Casino Tournaments List with details, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"tournaments\": [{\"title\": \"str\", \"prizepool\": \"str\", \"rewarded\": \"str\", \"timeTill\": \"str\", \"icon\": \"str\", \"thumbnailUrl\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 5}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "406", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:SBB Suisse railway, api_name:Autocomplete, api_description:Search for train and public transport stations in Switzerland and across Europe, required_params: [{\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Query parameter\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "407", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Hotels, api_name:v2/get-meta-data, api_description:Get locale meta data, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "408", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:Philippine News, api_name:Latest News, api_description:Get the latest news and stories from different sources, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"title\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"link\": \"str\", \"source\": \"str\", \"image\": \"str\", \"pubDate\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "409", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Weather, tool_name:KayuloWeather, api_name:Availability, api_description:Determine the data sets available for the specified location., required_params: [{\"name\": \"latitude\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The latitude of the desired location.\"}, {\"name\": \"longitude\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"The longitude of the desired location.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "410", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Transportation, tool_name:US Gas Prices, api_name:/us/ak, api_description:Returns current gas price data for Alaska. Historical data starting from 2023-06-01 can be queried by adding the `date` parameter to this endpoint. In order to return XML instead of the default JSON format, simply add the `Accept: application/xml` header to your request., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "411", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:Tasty, api_name:recipes/auto-complete, api_description:Get auto complete suggestions by name or ingredients, required_params: [{\"name\": \"prefix\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Food name or ingredient\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"results\": [{\"search_value\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"display\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 3}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "412", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:Billboard_v2, api_name:Greatest of All Time Hot 100 Songs, api_description:Get the Greatest of All Time Hot 100 Songs chart., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "413", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:NAVITIME Geocoding, api_name:address_code, api_description:Return address information from address code of request parameters., required_params: [{\"name\": \"code\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Address Code.\\nCan be specified multiple times, separated by a period.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"items\": [{\"code\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"postal_code\": \"str\", \"coord\": {\"lat\": \"float\", \"lon\": \"float\"}, \"details\": [{\"code\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"ruby\": \"str\", \"level\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 3}], \"_list_length\": 1}], \"unit\": {\"datum\": \"str\", \"coord_unit\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "414", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:msport, api_name:fixtures, api_description:* list of future match up to next 7 days\n* you can retrieve full list of soccer matches up to next 7 days, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "415", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Self-help Quotes, api_name:Get a random self-help quote, api_description:Get a random hand-picked self-help quote in addition to its tags and the book it was taken from, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "416", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:Billboard_v2, api_name:Year-End Top Artists, api_description:Get the Year-End Top Artists chart., required_params: [{\"name\": \"year\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "417", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Food, tool_name:Recipe Finder, api_name:salad/ingredient, api_description:This API endpoint allows users to retrieve a random salad recipe that contains a specific ingredient. Users can make a GET request to the endpoint with the name of the ingredient as a query parameter, and the API will return a JSON response with the given recipe, including the name, list of ingredients, and instructions., required_params: [{\"name\": \"ingredient\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"name\": \"str\", \"ingredients\": [\"list of str with length 10\"], \"instructions\": [\"list of str with length 3\"]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "418", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Amazon Data Scraper _v2, api_name:Get Amazon Search results, api_description:Get Amazon Search results, required_params: [{\"name\": \"searchQuery\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "419", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:Green Gold, api_name:all articles, api_description:Endpoint to gather all articles from all listed publications detailed in API, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"title\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"source\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "420", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:borders, api_name:USA Borders Waiting Times, api_description:Returns all usa ports with description and wait times., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"{\\\"query\\\": {\\\"country\\\": \\\"str\\\",\\\"portName\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"ports\\\": [{\\\"port_number\\\": \\\"str\\\",\\\"border\\\": \\\"str\\\",\\\"port_name\\\": \\\"str\\\",\\\"crossing_name\\\": \\\"str\\\",\\\"hours\\\": \\\"str\\\",\\\"date\\\": \\\"str\\\",\\\"port_status\\\": \\\"str\\\",\\\"commercial_automation_type\\\": \\\"str\\\",\\\"passenger_automation_type\\\": \\\"str\\\",\\\"pedestrain_automation_type\\\": \\\"str\\\",\\\"commercial_vehicle_lanes\\\": {\\\"maximum_lanes\\\": \\\"str\\\",\\\"standard_lanes\\\": {\\\"operational_status\\\": \\\"str\\\",\\\"update_time\\\": \\\"str\\\",\\\"delay_minutes\\\": \\\"str\\\",\\\"lanes_open\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"FAST_lanes\\\": {\\\"operational_status\\\": \\\"str\\\",\\\"update_time\\\": \\\"str\\\",\\\"delay_minutes\\\": \\\"str\\\",\\\"lanes_open\\\": \\\"str\\\"}}, \\\"passenger_vehicle_lanes\\\": {\\\"maximum_lanes\\\": \\\"str\\\",\\\"standard_lanes\\\": {\\\"operational_status\\\": \\\"str\\\",\\\"update_time\\\": \\\"str\\\",\\\"delay_minutes\\\": \\\"str\\\",\\\"lanes_open\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"NEXUS_SENTRI_lanes\\\": {\\\"operational_status\\\": \\\"str\\\",\\\"update_time\\\": \\\"str\\\",\\\"delay_minutes\\\": \\\"str\\\",\\\"lanes_open\\\": \\\"str\\\"}, \\\"ready_lanes\\\": {\\\"operational_status\\\": \\\"str\\\",\\\"update_time\\\": \\\"str\\\",\\\"delay_minutes\\\": \\\"str\\\",\\\"lanes_open\\\": \\\"str\\\"}}, \\\"pedestria\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "421", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Australian postcode to suburb, api_name:Get a list of suburbs, api_description:This endpoint will return all matching suburbs for the passed postcode. The response also includes the state for each suburb and, if available, latitude and longitude for the suburb., required_params: [{\"name\": \"postcode\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"suburb\": \"str\", \"state\": \"str\", \"latitude\": \"str\", \"longitude\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "422", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Investing, api_name:Get Commodities, api_description:Get Commodities, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": [{\"country\": \"str\", \"currency\": \"str\", \"full_name\": \"str\", \"group\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 66}], \"message\": \"str\", \"status\": \"int\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "423", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Pharmacies de garde NC, api_name:All, api_description:Renvoie les pharmacies de garde de Nouvelle-Calédonie, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"date\": \"str\", \"nom\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "424", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:NAVITIME Geocoding, api_name:address_postal_code, api_description:Return address information from postal code of request parameters., required_params: [{\"name\": \"postal_code\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"Postal code string (Minimum: 3 digits, Maximum: 7 digits)\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"count\": {\"total\": \"int\", \"offset\": \"int\", \"limit\": \"int\"}, \"items\": [{\"code\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"postal_code\": \"str\", \"coord\": {\"lat\": \"float\", \"lon\": \"float\"}, \"details\": [{\"code\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"ruby\": \"str\", \"level\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 4}], \"_list_length\": 5}], \"unit\": {\"datum\": \"str\", \"coord_unit\": \"str\"}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "425", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:MMA Stats, api_name:UFC Fight Night: Dern vs. Hill (May 20, 2023), api_description:**Get details to UFC Fight Night: Dern vs. Hill**. \n Access a range of information about each fighter, including their win-loss record, height, weight, reach, and age. results of a particular fight or a fighter's win-loss record., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "426", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Dreambet, api_name:Odds, api_description:Latest Odds for Dreambet, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "427", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:AI News_v2, api_name:Get all AI News, api_description:This endpoint will return back all news about artificial intelligence around the world, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "428", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:Billboard, api_name:Billboard Global Excl. US, api_description:Billboard Global Excl. US. Available from SEPTEMBER 19, 2020, required_params: [{\"name\": \"date\", \"type\": \"DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)\", \"description\": \"Set the date for which you want to get a chart.\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"artist\": \"str\", \"title\": \"str\", \"last_week\": \"str\", \"rank\": \"str\", \"award\": \"bool\", \"image\": \"str\", \"peak_position\": \"str\", \"weeks_on_chart\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "429", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:AR VR News, api_name:getNews, api_description:Get all news about AR and VR, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"int\", \"success\": \"bool\", \"data\": [{\"title\": \"str\", \"link\": \"str\", \"img_link\": \"str\", \"time\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 372}]}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "430", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Amazon Data_v2, api_name:Categories List, api_description:This endpoint point fetches categories of Amazon!, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "431", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Great Circle Math Api, api_name:Get Distance in Km, api_description:Returns circle math distance in kilometers., required_params: [{\"name\": \"latB\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"longB\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"longA\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"latA\", \"type\": \"NUMBER\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "432", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:Malaysia Kini, api_name:Get Latest Article List, api_description:Return a list of current latest news article with info., required_params: [{\"name\": \"language\", \"type\": \"ENUM\", \"description\": \"English (en), Malay (my), Chinese (zh)\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "433", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:East China News, api_name:China and US relation filter, api_description:Filters all news for US and China, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"title\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"source\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "434", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:Climate Change News_v5, api_name:All Climate Change News, api_description:With this endpoint you can get all climate change news, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "435", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Admiralbet, api_name:Matches, api_description:Latest matches by Admiralbet., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "436", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Is This Coin A Scam, api_name:Get a list of most watched profiles, api_description:Get a list of the most watched 100 crypto projects on isthiscoinascam.com over the past 7 days. Ordered by most most watched first., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"success\": \"bool\", \"data\": [{\"slug\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"_list_length\": 250}], \"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "437", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:58 provinces of algeria, api_name:Wilaya_Informations, api_description:all provinces, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "438", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Self-help Quotes, api_name:Get all available tags for self-help quotes, api_description:List all available tags for the hand-picked self-help quotes, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "439", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Travel, tool_name:Great Circle Math Api, api_name:Get Distance By City, State, Country, api_description:Takes city, state, and country of both locations and returns latitude, longitude, and calculated miles., required_params: [{\"name\": \"country1\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"country2\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"state2\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"city2\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"city1\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}, {\"name\": \"state1\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "440", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Countries, api_name:get geo, api_description:This gets geo data on a country. Use ISO2 for country_code., required_params: [{\"name\": \"country_code\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"status\": \"str\", \"data\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "441", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:Climate News API_v2, api_name:Get All Climate Change Related News, api_description:This endpoint will return all news about Climate change from all around the world., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "442", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:dev-to-api, api_name:Get all the top articles of the week by default, api_description:It returns all the week's top articles, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"title\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "443", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Music, tool_name:Billboard_v2, api_name:Billboard 200, api_description:Get the Billboard 200 chart., required_params: [{\"name\": \"date\", \"type\": \"DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "444", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Russian Premier League Standings, api_name:Russian Premier League Standings, api_description:Russian Premier League Standings, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "445", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Football Prediction, api_name:List available markets, api_description:List all available markets and the ones that are enabled for your subscription plan, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"data\": {\"allowed_for_your_subscription\": [\"list of str with length 1\"], \"all\": [\"list of str with length 8\"]}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "446", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Locations - Languages, Countries & German Cities, api_name:Countries All (min), api_description:Minimized information of all countries, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"str\", \"nameEngCommon\": \"str\", \"nameNativeCommon\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "447", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Facebook Marketplace, api_name:categories, api_description:Facebook items categories, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "448", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:YH Finance Complete, api_name:Stock Price, api_description:This endpoint retrieves a price with details for any public stock., required_params: [{\"name\": \"ticker\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"i.e: TSLA\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "449", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Github API Scraper , api_name:Get list of GitHub repo for Ruby web scrapping, api_description:Get list of GitHub repo for Ruby web scrapping, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"name\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "450", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:Word of the day, api_name:Recent word of the day from DC, api_description:Fetches upto 3 recent word from Dictionary.com, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"date\": \"str\", \"word\": \"str\", \"type\": \"str\", \"mean\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "451", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Yahoo Finance_v2, api_name:stock/sec-filings, api_description:Get stock SEC filings., required_params: [{\"name\": \"symbol\", \"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"A single symbol\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "452", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:Physical quantities, constants and equations , api_name:Get All constants, api_description:This endpoint return back data of physical constants formatted as JSON, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"symbol\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"value\": \"str\", \"category\": \"str\", \"pack\": \"str\", \"locals\": {\"de\": {\"name\": \"str\"}}}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "453", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Premier League Standings, api_name:Premier League Standings, api_description:Premier League Standings, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "454", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Admiralbet, api_name:Odds, api_description:Latest Odds by Admiralbet., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "455", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:East China News, api_name:Filter Korean news, api_description:Filters Korean news from all sources, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"title\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"source\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "456", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Education, tool_name:Quotes, api_name:quote, api_description:Get a random Quote, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"quote\": \"str\", \"author\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "457", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Viet Nam administrative divisions, api_name:Get All Cities in Vietnam, api_description:This endpoint will return back all names of cities in Vietnam, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"code\": \"str\", \"name\": \"str\", \"unit\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "458", "title": "", "text": "category_name:News_Media, tool_name:Greek News in English, api_name:Get All News, api_description:This endpoint will return back all greek news from all the sources., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"title\": \"str\", \"link\": \"str\", \"description\": \"str\", \"image\": \"str\", \"site\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "459", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Sports, tool_name:Bet-at-Home, api_name:Odds, api_description:Latest Odds by Bet-at-Home, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "460", "title": "", "text": "category_name:eCommerce, tool_name:Ikea API, api_name:Countries, api_description:Obtain a list of all the countries and languages this API supports., required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "461", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Finance, tool_name:Bitcoin News, api_name:Get All Bitcoin News, api_description:This endpoint will return back all the news across all the major bitcoin news site from all over the world, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"title\": \"str\", \"url\": \"str\", \"source\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "462", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Business, tool_name:Business Starter API, api_name:Business name, api_description:Generate a random Business name, required_params: [], optional_params: [], return_schema: {\"message\": \"str\"}", "metadata": {}} {"_id": "463", "title": "", "text": "category_name:Location, tool_name:Reverse Geocoding_v3, api_name:Reverse Geocoding, api_description:Translate locations on the map into human-readable addresses., required_params: [{\"name\": \"query\", \"type\": \"STRING\", \"description\": \"\"}], optional_params: [], return_schema: \"\"", "metadata": {}}