[{"content": "Hello and welcome to possibly the first ever Baldur's Gate 3 full game Let's Play series. I can't even express to you all how excited and happy I am right now. I'm actually shaking a little bit to finally be playing this, especially after covering this game The Early Access phase of this game for over four years now. So thank you all so very much for choosing to come along with me on this epic adventure. Now, with this Let's Play series, I'm thinking about putting out longer episodes with sub episodes within, with chapter markers to make it easy for you to take a break and then come back at a later time. And I'll probably release an episode every other day or so. This series will, of course, be kept in its own separate playlist. Now, in terms of my morality for this run, well, the world is all grown strange. How shall a man judge what to do in such times? And that's a question that only time will tell. So sit back, relax, and let's venture into the Forgotten Realms together. [Music] Just want to make sure that karmic dice is off for this playthrough, that we're playing the real DND way. I think that's all that matters here. Let me change this to Imperial and look at the new menu screen here. Wow, look at the adventures coming down the stairs right here in the symbol of ball. Looks like Baldur's Gate one. How exciting. And I am going to play this Let's Play series on balanced. I think tactician might be rough with a Let's Play series because I don't want to get stuck on one combat encounter for five hours. And also, for the sake of doing a game review, probably good if I play it on the difficulty level that most people are going to be playing it on. So let's go ahead and go with balanced. I think it is going to prove to be quite challenging. I'm actually really excited to re-watch these cinematics again, considering that this is actually it. Everything matters on this run. [Music] Space octopus, give me the power. Who are you and welcome to the official character creation for the full game of Baldur's Gate 3. Now, I would go all over all of this, I want to, but not in the Let's Play series. I'll do that in a different video. So I'm going to go ahead and play as a custom character. I would like to first read you guys a little backstory that I wrote for my character. You can skip over this if you want. I will leave a chapter marker below. So I'm going to be playing as a Wood Elf who is from the fog-filled Misty Forest, which is pretty far north of Baldur's Gate. My father ran into some tough times when I was just a young lad, and to support my mother and I, he made a trade deal with a human farmer by the name of Brem from the nearby town of Daggerford. Brem was a good man, and my father, mother, and I would often join him and his family for dinner on his beautiful homestead. The bad times have become good times, but all good things, of course, come to an end. A sect of Shadow Druids would find out about this trade deal. In one night while we were visiting Bram and his family, they came. They did not approve of elves of the forest working in any way, shape, or form with farmers. When their eyes are a curse on the land, they kill everyone except my mother and I, who were left trapped in the burning home. A heavy wooden pillar came crashing down on my mother's head, knocking her unconscious and trapping her body underneath. But I was weak and I could not move it. I ran and screamed for help and screamed at the forest in hopes that a shadow Druid might show the slightest sign of sympathy and come back and help my mother out. But no one came, and the house turned to ash. I spent the next 15 years of my life as an Outlander, living in isolation but ever on the lookout for shadow Druids. My only friends were that of the creatures of the forest, and one day I stumbled across a lone baby wolf in a fern patch. I named her Fern. She would join me on my quest. I continued to train to ensure that I would never ever be weak again. The first day that I met another Shadow Druid would be their last day on Faerun. On my way to investigate the Cloakwood Forest to the South, a large shadow spread across the ground, and the last thing I remember is looking up to see a gigantic tentacle swooping down. So that's the story of my strength-based Ranger. The backstory doesn't like Shadow Druids too much. Let's go ahead and choose Elf. And look at all the races in this game. I really want to play a Dwarf. I'm so tempted, but I'm going to go with the Wood Elf theme. I think it fits the build that I'm going for as well. I want the movement speed increase. So we're gonna go ahead and take Elf. Half-Orc is also a tempting choice here, especially for frontliners, which my Elf is going to be. And we get proficiency with a longsword, shortsword, shortbow, or longbow. But Ranger is going to give us all weapon proficiencies, so I don't have to worry about that. ", "length": 1029, "id": "1.0", "start": 0, "end": 62, "lp_part": 1}, {"content": " We get darkvision, which is a really good racial feature in this game. And also Fey ancestry, you have advantage on saving throws against being charmed and magic can't put you to sleep, which is also nice. And for our subrace, we're gonna go the Wood Elf. These elves spend their reclusive lives in Faerun's forests. Decades of training in archery and camouflage are enhanced by an otherworldly swiftness. Wood Elves get a 5 feet increase to their movement speed, which is great for what I want with this Ranger. We're not going to be the traditional archery Elf in Ranger. We're going to be a strength-based, heavy armor-wearing Ranger. I love the class intros here. Such a nice touch to character creation. Rangers are unrivaled scouts and trackers, honing a deep connection with nature in order to hunt their favorite prey. For my favorite enemy choice, I'm going to choose Ranger Knight. You have sworn to serve a crown or nation and seek to bring its foes to ruin. Gain skill proficiency in history and armor proficiency with heavy armor, which is the reason why I'm taking this right now. And for Natural Explorer, I think I want resistance to fire damage. You've spent endless days surviving forbidden deserts. You gain resistance to fire damage. That doesn't really fit my character's backstory. Let's just say my Elf went out to the desert for five years, mourning the loss of his family and to get away. Okay, now it makes sense for the backstory, and then he returned to the Woodlands. I'm afraid that I'm gonna miss something here and make an error, but you can always respect later in the game, so that's okay. And then for my background, I am going to go with the Outlander background. You grew up in the wilds, learning to survive far from the comforts of civilization. Surviving unusual hazards of the wild will enhance your prowess and understanding. And then before I do abilities, let's go ahead and edit my character's appearance here. See if I can keep this somewhat quick. I could buff up my Wood Elf. It does make sense as my character is trained to become extremely strong, to never let something happen again to where my character can't handle the situation because of low strength because of what happened with his mother. But I think I can still be average Elf size and still be pretty strong. So I'm gonna go with body type number two here. Where to next? Hmm, what was that? Let's hope the locals are friendly. Hell's something just woke up down. Be wary, this place is trapped. It's opened. I wonder what's back there. I like that voice. We'll go with that one. There's not a ton of face choices in this game. I wish there was more, but it probably has something to do with the cinematic nature of this game and all the animations and everything. I think we can all agree that Larian has gone above and beyond in so many things. I think I'm okay with this. Let's see which one I want to run with here. That guy looks a little bit too perfect. Yeah, I think we'll go with that right there. That looks pretty good. Then for skin color, I think I'm actually going to keep it on the wood tone. I like that thematically for a Wood Elf. And yeah, I likeIt right in the middle. I am going to give him some scarring, and this will be from his childhood when the shadow Druids attacked Brem's house in the burning house. That makes sense, and we'll put the maturity slider somewhere right here in the middle. We'll be in our late 20s or early 30s. I think that probably looks right. I try to build my first character a little bit like myself IRL, of course, I look nothing like this so far, but it helps me immerse myself so I'm not going to do freckles. Go to body Arts. Uh Larian put a ton of options in here, but I think I'm gonna regret if I end up doing a face tattoo, so let's leave it at no tattoo. A lot of the times when you get into the game the tattoo doesn't look like it did in the character creator. I try to stay away from those, and then for piercings, midnight tears, that's actually really cool. I like that a lot. Oops what'd I just do there? But I think that's my favorite right there, silver gold Galea, yeah that looks pretty cool. I wish you could take it off the nose though. I'm gonna go with midnight tears, and then for eyes, let's go with a darker, a mid-brown color which is the color of my eyes, but actually I think I am going to do heterochromia but just a little bit, and we will make the left eye a little bit darker than the right eye. Just pretty cool with a scar right there, kind of like sustained a little bit of an injury in his eye when he was a young lad. And then for makeup, I'll go ahead and leave that off lip tint look at all the options that we have here, let's go ahead and we'll bump up the metallic just a little bit I think that looks pretty cool, and I don't think I need it I don't think I need a glossy tint level. I'll put it on too how about that. ", "length": 1029, "id": "1.1", "start": 63, "end": 126, "lp_part": 1}, {"content": " And I think I'm good with that color, although let's see what the other colors look like, oh we went to yellow three, nice you can really mess with this can't you, we'll just leave it at what it was I think that looks pretty good, and now on to the most important selection in all of RPGs and that is your hair choice, that looks pretty wild. I like that a lot that looks a little bit Viking, but I think I want to go with like a rugged long hair look, which is kind of similar to what I have right now because I don't go into public anymore especially now this game is out. So let's go let's see if they have an option for that, I think that might be it right there, it's called Willow tears, that actually looks really good, and we'll change the color to we'll go with a dark dark brown. A lot of people think that my hair color is black but it's actually really really dark brown. Yeah that looks nice, and for highlights maybe we'll throw a little bit of green in there to give that Woodland look that connection to Nature, let's see what that looks like, that's actually really cool, just do it just a little bit so you can notice it only if you look hard. Perfect! Actually I'm going to put it down a little bit more I'll put it on 10, and then unfortunately a couple gray hairs have popped up on my head over the past couple of years, so we'll boost that up to we'll boost that up to eight yeah you can't even see it. Okay maybe I'm at like a 10, who am I kidding. I think we're good to go to the ability score selection now, I wonder what it looks like if I jack him up. Wow what a difference, what a difference, I don't think I want that barbarian look though I think I want to be average, but super strong at the same time. But we're going to stick with body type 2, and then on to abilities so I am going to be doing a strength based range. Let's go ahead and dump everything here, I'm going to put my plus two into strength and my plus one into Constitution we're going to be tanky as well, and I'm going to boost my strength all the way up to 17 because I'm going to take a half feet at level four. Dexterity we probably want at 12 for initiative order, Constitution I'm going to boost to 16, put wisdom on 12 and then we're left with one point that's unfortunate. I'll tell you what I'm going to do, I'm actually going to drop dexterity down to 10, input Sharisma up to 10 so we can be a little bit charismatic in dialogue situations. And that leaves me with one ability point which is unfortunate because if I take a half feet at level four I'll still be left with one odd number, but that's okay. And I can always take the ability score increase at level four and then boost both of these by one if I don't want to do that but I think I have an idea for a feat that I want to take so we might be left with an odd number on wisdom unless I find a magical item to boost that or something in the game that can help me out. I think this looks pretty good, and then for skill proficiencies don't know if I need animal handling because I am going to be speaking with animals but I might take it anyways just to try out some situations. We'll take Insight proficiency and we have investigation in nature but I did dump intelligence but we'll go ahead and choose nature because it fits thematically, all right when do I get to name my character? I want to make sure that I don't forget to name my character, let's go ahead and hit proceed, there we go, and we'll name this character Wolf. I wonder if I'll be able to name my animal companion, in just a quick check here 17 10 16 8 13 10, or strength based Ranger. I think we're looking pretty good, you have 13 HP, we do have stealth proficiency, I think that comes from being a Wood Elf and off we go, this is a little bit different from Early Access, as this character is now called The Guardian. I'm gonna go ahead and choose a half elf and we'll do a wood half elf, follow your instincts follow your instincts remarkable we only have two voice choices. The guardian, I'll go with that face, it looks a little bit intimidating looks quite serious, is good for the guardian character, and then for skin color let's keep it on the wood tone but let's go yeah we're gonna go as pale as you can get in the wood tone. I think that's pretty cool, we'll give her a little bit of a tattoo, damn that is so cool, that is that is really cool, I just feel like I might regret it if I go with it let's see what colors we have here. I think I'm good with it why not right, we'll go ahead and put the intensity yeah let's go with it, not our character so, and we'll give her midnight tears as well. ", "length": 1042, "id": "1.2", "start": 127, "end": 149, "lp_part": 1}, {"content": " When we see each other for the first time conversation is easy, nice conversation starter hey you have the midnight tears piercings too. All right let's go with eyes let's give her some cool purple eyes, yeah I like that a lot, I think I'm good without heterochromia makeup, a little bit of eye shadow sure, lip tint the metallic looks pretty crazy. I think I'm gonna do it, and then for hair, that looks wild right there, and I think I'm gonna go with that, yeah let's do that and we'll give her light brown hair, so many choices for hair it's hard to choose. I wonder if there's a hmm, oh I like that, the partial eclipse we'll go with that, perfect, and then for highlights get a little red in there no let's get a little purple in there kind of like her eyes, nah I'm not gonna do any highlights I take it back. Here we'll give her a few gray hairs why not right, I think that's pretty cool I'm going to darken her hair up a little bit though. The black looks really good with the purple eyes, okay I think I'm good with that that's a really cool looking character right there, and then we do have facial hair options just because this is a half elf and my character was an elf and lore wise elves don't get to have facial hair but you can do it if you play a half elves. Larian gave quite a lot of options here too, okay let our adventure begin, foreign which is north of Baldur's Gate a lot of people mistake the city or Baldur's Gate but it's not Baldur's game, it's actually pretty far away from walthe. R's game. Thank you. Thank you. [Music] Now we're in the Shadowfell plane. Thank you. Foreign. [Music] [Music] Bravo to the Larian Cinematic team. Phenomenal, especially for a CRPG. [Music] Welcome to the Nine Hells, the uppermost lair. Actually, I got that wrong. Welcome to Inverness, the uppermost layer of the Nine Hells. We got the new loading screens which were not present in Early Access. Beautiful artwork. Foreign. Waking up on this mysterious alien ship. Just want to double check to make sure that karmic dice is turned off. And bear with me as I kind of acclimate myself to the new user interface. So the updated user interface, we have our mini map in the top right. And Larian has updated the map in this game and I absolutely love it. Now it's got a real DND theme to it and I love the artwork too. Once we get rid of the fog of War, I'm sure it's going to look phenomenal. Find a way off the nautiloid. We've been abducted by mind flares and infected with some kind of parasite. We need to find a way off the ship. Then we have our inspiration points. So if I do something that's outlander-ish, we'll get an Inspiration Point that we can use to re-roll the dice in dialogue if we fail an ability check. It looks like we can now expand our hotbar, which is pretty awesome. But we'll leave it down because I don't have that many abilities right now. And we have the keychain where we can keep our keys, the Alchemy pouch to keep our potions, and also the camp supply pack for supply packs and probably also food. And then the Alchemy interface for crafting alchemical potions. But to make a potion of healing, we need rogue's morsel and any suspension. We don't have any recipes or suspensions, betrayals, ashes, essences, salts, or sublimates. Look at the portrait system right now. It looks so good. I'm not going to necessarily loot everything just for the sake of the let's play, but I am going to loot quite a lot. It's blended with psionic energy. The only thing that sucks about being a strength-based ranger is your starting equipment doesn't line up well with that. I have a bow which is dexterity based and I don't have a melee weapon, but we'll get one soon enough. Let's get going. [Music] Dead. Arrow of ice. And since I have resistance to fire damage, let's just run through this little patch of fire right here. Okay, why not, right? I feel better. I'm so happy that Larian allows us to get down into this third person perspective in a CRPG. I think it's going to bring a lot of players into this genre. It definitely adds a lot to the immersion when you're out exploring the world. History, elves, dwarfs, humans, and more flash behind your eyes. I hear a voice up here. Would have stayed interesting. Of course, I've played through a lot of the content here in Early Access, the Act One content, but I'm not going to be calling out everything. We're going to play it kind of like I'm a new player in a way, as not all of you have seen Early Access. So. [Music] My, oh my, what do we have here? You've come to save us from this place. From this place, you'll free us. The exposed brain quivers in expectation. Please, before they return. They return. Who am I talking to? A man or a brain? A newborn? You from this husk? You realize you're talking to an intellect devourer, a minion of the mind flayers who abducted you. ", "length": 1043, "id": "1.3", "start": 150, "end": 214, "lp_part": 1}, {"content": " You sound afraid. Why? I think you're past the point of saving. So tell me what to do. From this case, free us. A little bit worried about age restriction here, but I did test out the scene in Early Access and the dexterity check did not get me age restrictions, so we're gonna go with dexterity gently pry the brain from the skull. Even though I'm a strength-based ranger, we'll see how this goes. Awesome. It's a good start. We passed a passive skill check in our first dialogue skill check as well. Well, not dialogue, but the brain lifts from the skull. Do you notice an opportunity? You could the strange creature, making it more subservient should it prove a threat. We're gonna spare the creature. Any injuries might weaken it. See no reason to kill this brain just yet. The creature pauses, listening. Will I see them? We all need it. What's that? The helm. The brain tense. Survive here. We all need to navigate. We are needed to leave this realm. And what should I call you? Let's go. We are going to the helm. Some allies may temporarily join you and directly control their movements and actions. We have claws, 4 to 10 damage. We got a little brain pet right now. Perfect. My Ranger doesn't feel right without an animal companion, even though this isn't technically an animal. The brain will have to do for now until we reunite with our friend Fern. Oh, sorry about that. There we go. [Music] I guess we missed the scene out here. Oh, that's a silver sword. S and your skin. Visions rush past. A dragon swing a silver sword and a flash in your face seen through the strange woman's eyes. [Music] What is this? Blesses me this day. Together. I've. [Music] Vlaakith is the Lich Queen of the Githyanki race. And Lae'zel right here is a Githyanki. Who are you? Made you think that I was a thrall. Parasites. Unless we escape, unless we are cleansed, bodies and minds will be tainted and twisted. Within days, we will be gay mind flayers. Well, we need to figure out where we are first. We can do nothing until first. Then we find the helm and take control of the ship. For that thing, it will remain tame as long as it believes we are thralls. It may be of use in the fight to come. I knew I made the right decision. I got nothing against walking brains. [Music] The imps have certainly received some updates. Okay, here we go. Start off with a basic claw attack. What a start, eight damage. It's awesome. Let me get the Githyanki race does come with astral knowledge, which was not in Early Access. Game proficiency in all skills of a chosen ability. A pretty cool racial feature right there. I might have to steal Lae'zel's sword and give it to my character. I probably turn off the tutorials, but that's okay. Maybe something will pop up that's different in the full game than Early Access, so I'll leave them on for now. And we have pommel strike, make a non-lethal attack against an enemy and possibly daze them. And if you do hit, you can get the tooltips to come out and further read on your skills. So daze has disadvantage on wisdom saving throws, can't take reactions, and loses the dexterity bonus to their Armor class. I'm gonna go ahead and save it. Recharges on a short rest. No choice but to keep going. And we'll back up my Ranger a little bit. A little focus fire. You proved surprisingly adequate. Now to the helm. And we can actually access Lae'zel's inventory now, which you couldn't do in Early Access until she officially joined your group later on in the game. So that's nice. So I couldn't steal her longsword here if I wanted to. She has a 13 Dexterity, so we both have the same modifier. I think I'm gonna steal her sword and give it to my Ranger because I have 17 Strength. Yeah, we'll go ahead and do that. Oh, she has 17 Strength too, so it doesn't make much of a difference. Not as bad as it could have. Void bulb, throw this alien ball at a target and possibly pull in nearby creatures and objects. Scimitar. Go ahead and give that to Lae'zel. The hand axe, which we can throw at enemies too. The lighting looks phenomenal right now. Definitely see that it's received quite the update simply from jumping to Early Access to the full game. And this entire room right here is actually new. I can't give up now. Okay, I didn't take any damage in that encounter, so we don't even need the restoration pod. It's pretty cool to press on it, click on it anyway. So let's do it. Makes me feel refreshed. Too late. I'll try to keep my inventory somewhat organized in this let's play. I know when I'm streaming, my inventory is quite the mess. In between episodes, I'll do some organization. What do we have here? Nothing without knowing its purpose. So we don't know what the third one does, so we might as well find out, right? He says fool. Come on Li. Sa, I'm just having a little fun. And who might this be? Get me out of this, Captain! We have no time for stragglers. Look for a hatch that might open the lid. ", "length": 1028, "id": "1.4", "start": 215, "end": 317, "lp_part": 1}, {"content": " The construction is too alien. Nothing looks familiar. This ship is crashing. Do you intend to die for a stranger? Well, Lae'zel, she looks like a cleric, so I do intend to try to save her because we could use a cleric. I'll go look around. There must be some way to get this thing open. Connected to the pumpkin. We met one of the Mind flayers minions in intellect devour and wants us to go onto the Helm of the ship. We also have rescue Elith's captive. We encountered a survivor trapped inside one of the pods aboard the nautiloid. Perhaps we can find a way to free her. Console appears dormant. The mechanisms are completely unrecognizable at first. Then you spy an empty socket. Whatever fits in that socket must power this thing. Okay, let's go look for a key. We still got a little brain companion. Yes, we do. A gold key, and that should have automatically gone onto our keychain. Quality of life improvement that Larian made right there. I'm healing potions. Oh, those controls next to the pot creature. Reach his friend. We are going accidentally click on that intellective hour. Okay, we found something for that contraption where that lady is trapped. But first, let's check what this is. Appear in your mind, a brain, a good Githyanki Warrior, and centuries of Darkness. The console appears dormant. Insert the Rune into the socket. Alive. Place your hand on the console. Then discomfort fades and another sensation washes over you. Connection. Authority. Lifted wisdom. Will the pod to open. I'm sensing a new power within my character, and I'm quite intrigued, so let's give it a try. In order to understand it, we must use it, right? You feel the biomechanical brain at the console process your command and yield to it. A shiver runs across your mind. Feel sated. Interesting. Thought that damn thing was going to be my coffin. Thank you. Your mind lurches. Gratitude is mixed with wariness. You have a gift with you. Oh, you keep dangerous company. Dangerous company is what you need in a fight. Fair point. Looks like there's plenty of fighting ahead. Let me come with you. We can get off this ship and watch each other's backs along the way. Did you feel what I felt just before we in each other's heads? I did. All right then, let's get going. I'm Wolf. One moment. Well, that was awfully suspect. What's that? It's nothing. Nothing. Now she's right. Lead on. Still alive, so that's progress. Okay, rescue the Elith's captive has been completed. The back to escaping the knowledge. Foreign. We'll have Lae'zel dual wield for now. Pretty badass. Lae'zel's underwear. Right now, so we do have a cloak slot here, which is pretty sweet. I can't wait to look for some cloaks. But we also have an underwear. Oh man, that's funny. Better start looking for that thong. Right now, right? That special gold glittered thong. I'll trust my own judgment. Chain yank. I wonder what that means and get Githyanki. Probably something not too good if I had to guess. Dream. Connect the nerves of the Transformer. We must escape. Now. Do it. We will deal with the gate after we escape. Connect the nerves. Nerves. This thing's falling fast. Got to write it enact The Narrows of the transponder, and we have 15 turns reach the transponder before the nautiloid crashes. All right, it looks like Shadowheart is first in the order of turns here. I'm gonna save my spell slots here, and let's just go ahead and do a melee attack. Hey, not bad. We now have a passive check for the pushes in this game, the shoves. It's nice to see. Should focus fire here, so I'm going to take a rain shot with her, and we're gonna switch to my melee weapons. Get right in front of this hellbar right here. They have dark vision. I get opportunity attacks. Beautiful. Right up in his face in case he tries running away, and then we'll get an opportunity attack. I need to find a way forward. And we'll just take a regular weapon attack. 75% chance of success with our attack roll. Awesome. Wolf used main hand attack. Do a little bit of looting while we're back here so I don't have to come back this way if there's anything good. It doesn't look like it. Like crossbow. And what do we have here? Commander Zolk, level eight, 127 out of 150 HP, resistance to fire, lightning, cold, and poison, dark vision, and fiendish blessing. Protected by the blood of their fiendish ancestors, cambians have a plus two bonus to their armor class. Yeah, let's try a little Guiding Light here, 4-24 radiant damage. The next attack roll against this target has advantage. We have a 40% chance, so let's see if I can get that up a little bit. Let me back up and attempt to hide here. That didn't work. Okay, need to be a little bit further away. I think Larian made it a little bit harder to take advantage of the stealth mechanics in this game. Maybe I'll do Shield of Faith on the Mind flayer. Yeah, let's do that. Give him a plus two to his armor class. We'll make friends with a space octopus for the time being. Deaf. Okay, I almost can make it to that imp, but not quite. I have really good movement speed though with the wood elf because we get that plus five. ", "length": 1033, "id": "1.5", "start": 318, "end": 440, "lp_part": 1}, {"content": " I'm just a little bit short here, so we'll do a ranged attack. The Press ahead. Critical hit, very nice. Okay, let's see if I can move back a little bit again this time and if I can actually pull off the successful oh man, I forgot. Oh wow, that's what Larian so Hyde is now an action in the full game. That makes a huge difference. I'm actually very, very happy with this change because hiding was extremely overpowered and you could hide almost every turn and have advantage on your attack. And Larian seems to have changed that. They didn't change it in Early Access, so that's a huge change right there because I was gonna hide and then I was going to use Guiding Bolt. Interesting. Okay, let's move up on the cambion. I don't want to be an AOE range, so we'll stay a little bit to the left side of him. Still have full HP, everybody's looking pretty good. Oh, and player's not doing too good. Let's go ahead and put my Ranger right behind the cambion here with Heist, and we'll switch to my heavy weapon. Have any good items here? Air off ice. Okay, not bad. And then we'll also do a pommel strike, see if we can Daze him. 40% chance. I think it's pretty straightforward here. I should have stayed hidden, but I popped her out of it because I was kind of testing it out. If I want to cast Guiding Bolt with Advantage, I'd have to do it next turn because I'd have to hide again. So let's just go ahead and try. Actually, I'm gonna move her up a little bit. 40% chance is not good for me right now with only two spell slots. I'm gonna hold off on that, and we'll just do Sacred Flame. My path be true. The natural School. But leave him to me. I will not be doing that, sir. Oh wow, you can't. I don't know if it was like that before, but it costs an action to switch your weapon too. It might have been like that before. I'm stuck with a hand ax and a bonus action. See if we can push this guy a little bit. There we go, I like that. Before we go to the transponder, we want to try to steal this guy's great sword right here, the Burning Blade. 30% chance, that's it? Wow. I'm gonna do another Sacred Flame. Everybody's still at full HP, so we're looking pretty good. And you know what, let's go ahead and throw this weapon because throwing weapons is pretty badass. Too heavy to throw. There we go, in this guy. Otherwise, we're gonna end up dying here as the whole nautiloid ship's gonna crash, and we're gonna go into like Speed Play now. Nice, 22 damage out of the Mind flayer. That's great. All right, let's go ahead and switch back to the long sword. That leaves me with only a bonus action, but that's okay. Uh-oh, now we have a problem. We have a major problem. Didn't expect those guys to come that early. All right, so I'm gonna move over here a little bit. Little bit try to get away from them. I really want to land a guiding bolt on him. It would be so good. You know what? I do have inflict wounds. Okay, didn't even realize that I had that. All right, I'm gonna go ahead and take a range shot. Nice, perfect. Okay, we're looking a little bit better now. He's got 42 HP. I have my long sword back out, so let's get up in his face here and we'll just do a regular attack. Let's ever get to work on this guy. Foreign. Those campions are going to be getting quite close here. There's also more enemies in this room too, but I need that fire sword. Now what I could do actually, you have a void bulb. Try to keep these guys away for a little bit here. 40 chance for inflict wounds, hmm. Okay, you know what? I'm gonna push up. I gotta clear out the path. Hurry before they strike. But myself in quite the risky situation here. A kill, very nice. Okay, he has 20 HP. If we can land this attack. Oh, beautiful. 16 HP, just need one character to loot this sword after we kill him. Oh no, they can fly. That's not good. That's not good at all. Oh my gosh. Oh no, my character has one HP right now. And throw a healing potion. You gotta be careful because the line of sight's quite tricky with these. And it doesn't look like I can. Let's give this a try and see what it does. It actually worked. I wasn't sure if I was gonna hit his head or not, but you can throw potions in this game. And then let's move up here. I have to get a character over here because this is getting really, really intense right now. Really intense. Oh man, okay. So we gotta kill Commander and I also have to take this quite seriously because if Lae'zel, for example, dies right now and I'm not able to get her up, we might not have her in our world. ", "length": 1025, "id": "1.6", "start": 441, "end": 534, "lp_part": 1}, {"content": " All right, so here we go. All right, so let's, this is Wolf right now. I'm going to go ahead and loot the Commander. The Everburn Blade, 6 to 19 damage, 2d6 plus 3 slashing plus 1d4 fire. Perfect, and also scale now. All right, so I am going to probably disengage to try to get away from this. Man, actually I could kind of see if I can throw this. Don't really have a good angle right here. I pull these guys away from me. I wonder if that would work. Let me try this. Doesn't look like it's gonna. This is a little bit risky. Okay, never mind. I'm just gonna disengage. Disengage is an action, so first actually I will go ahead and try to push one of these guys away a little bit. Awesome, and then I'm still going to disengage. Oh, that's Dash. See if we can get all the way up here. Okay, we'll use the Mind Flayer or the intellect of our to keep him on the front lines. I really want Lae'zel to survive here. Do have one Resurrection scroll. I mean, all I gotta do now is get to the transponder. Oh, come on Lae'zel, come on. I don't think I can do it in one turn though. Okay, so let's go ahead and throw another potion. Nice, double heal. I'm also going to do Healing Word or I could do Shield of Faith. I think that's what I'm gonna do. Give her a plus two to her Armor Class. And then I'm actually going to just take the opportunity attack. Perfect, I need to get as close to this thing as I can here. All right, Lae'zel, what I need you to do is survive. We're not going to kill these campions. We have six rounds. See if we can push one of these guys away. Closer to the Mind Flayer. Mind Flayer is now hostile again. Do I hit the Mind Flayer by accident? Honestly, I am tempted to take this opportunity attack too so I can Dash. But you know what? I'll go ahead and may Chan would actually be helpful here to push these guys back. I'm gonna disengage. On the move. Let's see what these guys do. Okay, all is not lost yet. Oh, these boots have seen everything. I kind of want the XP from at least killing these little enemies here, the imps and the hellboys. 12 damage, wow. Brain does survive too because I'm curious if we're gonna see that brain again. All right, so let me get Shadowheart right next to the transponder. Tempted to click it right now, but I think I'm okay as long as this guy doesn't attack Lae'zel. Let's play a little bit risky here, try to get a few more kills. Damn it, man, one HP, you gotta be kidding me. Okay, do I have a potion of speed? I don't, that would be super useful right now if I did, but I don't, so swift is my feet can carry me. Just need to kill one more enemy. Oh no, no, no, no, no, damn it. Okay, I guess better the brain than Lae'zel. All right, so I'm Fury, here we go. I'm gonna save my bonus action. It looks like I can get out of here now, perfect. So we got as much XP as we could get, minus killing the cambions, but we only have four turns left, so it looks like Larian made it quite difficult actually kill the cambions now. Let's uh, let's get out of here. I should loot anything else. A little bit, I'm definitely getting a little risky here. Do I need to loot these guys? No, I don't. The Helms alien. Time. Thank you. Foreign. Look at that loading screen. Somewhere in the mountain pass, maybe a temple of the Thunder. We're definitely going to be going there though. Man, I'm so excited right now. This is crazy to be playing the full game. For four years. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. So we got the first scene where the Shadowheart, because we clicked the transponder with Shadowheart, but then it switched over to our character. Something mysterious saved us right there. That is definitely something to think about. What was that? And why were we saved? As you wake, the tadpole squirms in your skull. Orient yourself. Where did you land? Chaos of the crash site confuses the landscape. To find a settlement or landmark, and you to do it quickly. Tadpole is a death sentence, and the clock is ticking. You need a cure. And welcome back to the material plane. We are on the shore of the Chiontar River, on the continent of Faerun. And I think this is going to be a great stopping point for part one of episode one. Episode one will probably be two parts, so this is gonna be like a two, two and a half hour long episode. But if you need to take a break or you want to return back to this episode later, I'll leave a nice natural stopping point for you. So thank you all so much for watching episode one. I really, really appreciate those of you guys that are going to stick with me for this Let's Play. I've avoided this content up to now because it's, I don't want to say lazy content, but it's not content that really helps you grow a channel. ", "length": 1044, "id": "1.7", "start": 535, "end": 628, "lp_part": 1}, {"content": " But now that I've grown a channel and I have a community, I'm very excited to actually be able to play games and enjoy them offline and, you know, still have that be part of my job. So thank you guys very much and I'll catch you guys on part two. And welcome back part two of episode one. We just escaped the Nautiloid ship and met a few interesting characters along the way, but we are now alone on the shores of the Chiontar River. Our adventure on the material plane will begin here. So I did level up, so this is level two as a ranger. We've unlocked level one spell slots and we get to choose two spells. So I'm going to pick up Hunter's Mark, of course. 1d6 damage, mark a creature as your quarry to deal an additional 1d6 whenever you hit it with a weapon attack. If the target dies before the spell ends, you can mark a new creature without expending a spell slot. This is a really, really good hunter spell, especially earlier on in the game, and it does require concentration, but it only costs a bonus action and a spell slot. It's not an action, so I can cast Hunter's Mark on an enemy and then also attack that enemy in the same turn. And the range is 60 feet. We're gonna pick up Hunter's Mark. And since I have low wisdom as a ranger, I don't really have good wisdom, I want to stick to spells that don't work off of my wisdom modifier. What I'm going to take here is Longstrider, increase the creature's movement speed by 10 feet, which lasts until a long rest. I could take the Jump spell, which is really good, but jumping does cost a bonus action. AAnd that kind of, you know it kind of messes with your ability to pass Hunter's Mark around as both require a bonus action, so I'm going to take longstrider, accompany longstrider with my what elf plus five movement speed. My character is going to be going all over the battlefield and getting right into the enemy's faces. And then for fighting style, we have archery, defense, dueling, and two weapon fighting. And I'm gonna go ahead and take defense, which gives us a plus one to our Armor class. So what this Ranger I am trying to focus on not only just being really strong but also being quite tough with HP, Armor class, heavy armor. These other fighting styles won't really benefit me that much because I am going to be using heavy two-handed weapons, and we did loot that burning blade from commander zulk on the ship so let's go ahead and put that on right now. It's gonna be quite the damage boost compared to the long sword that we have right here. It looks like larion didn't update the uh the visuals here our character still holds onto the sword but you know what since I'm natural Explorer um fire it makes sense my character's resistant to fire so I can touch fire it's not that big of a deal for my character. And then we have our bow and let's go ahead and put on the scale now. The booster Armor class by quite a bit here. I only have a zero in dexterity but I do plan on trying to find heavy armor as soon as I can. Those of you guys that are wearing medium or light armor you probably want your dexterity to 14. Minimum so you can get that uh plus two added to your armor class more if you're wearing light armor, but since we're focused on heavy armor that doesn't matter as much, but I do have to keep an eye out for heavy armor and try to find it as soon as I possibly can. Look how beautiful this game is. We have the crashed nautiloid ship in the tentacles, breathing despite everything. Let's go ahead and wake her up because I wouldn't like if somebody tried taking something out of my hands. We'll show respect to her until she disrespects us. You're alive. I'm alive. How is this possible? I was hoping that you might know that. Do you have any idea where we are? Applies shelter and vegetable healer we might have escaped but we still have these little monsters in our heads. What happened to our gift friend? You might want to reconsider calling her a friend. Looks like she ran off without us. And you want to stay together I take it. We need it and we both know what's at stake. I can't think of better company. Okay I like where this is headed. Good Start let's get moving. One thing just before we go thank you again referring me it would have been all too easy for you to run right past my pod but you didn't. I'll remember that. A sense of connection here getting some butterflies right now this feels right talking to Shadowheart. All right let's go ahead and level her up as well. Level two cleric now we can actually respect the companions classes that's a little bit later in act one I'm gonna leave I think all the companions as their base class though so it makes sense thematically and lines up with their lore in their story. Okay so I half off level two cleric worshiper of Shar as the greater deity of Darkness Sharis feared for her power over the night secrets and loss she is locked in Eternal conflict with her twin sister Selune, goddess of the moon. ", "length": 1032, "id": "1.8", "start": 629, "end": 679, "lp_part": 1}, {"content": " We get turn Undead as a class action and invoke duplicity distract your enemies with an illusion within 10 feet of the illusion Attack rules have Advantage for you and your allies that costs a channel Divinity charge. I forgot to prepare spells see what we have here got a new interface. I'm going to go ahead and take bless let's get rid of cure wounds we'll grab bless always keep healing word prepared one of the best spells in the game. And I think we're looking pretty good here Sanctuary you or an ally cannot be targeted until you attack or harm a creature maybe I'll take that as backup I don't think I'm gonna be using Shield of Faith at the moment and Sharmed person in Disguise self are always prepared magically change all aspects of your appearance. Time to dally if we take a look at that look at all of the different forms that we can take here humans half liens pretty much all of the races, dwarves, things have stayed interesting. Swift is my feet and we escaped the hells on the nautiloid daughter of Darkness we recruited a half elf named Shadowheart she was also aboard the nautiloid and infected with a parasite and our main quest is find a cure find a way to remove the Mind flare parasite. We've escaped the hells on an Nautiloid and crashed somewhere in the material plane we need to explore the area and find a Healer. Off we go. We now have hats in the game a brimmed hat that just doesn't fit a strength based Ranger but I kinda love it it doesn't do anything it's just cosmetic but let's leave it on for a little bit because I kind of want to look like a wizard. Why not right. What's the story with that odd little artifact that you have? There's no story none that you're entitled to hear anyway just forget you ever saw it. Oh touchy subject there what do you think of all that's happened to us so far? We haven't gone all that far yet what are you referring to exactly you must have. Oh I don't want to say that. How am I holding up in your estimate. I feel like that shouldn't be a response yet. Keep in mind I am playing the review build of this game and Larian did give us a list of like a million things that they plan on having fixed by actual version 1. 0 on August 3rd. What will you do if we actually managed to remove the tadpoles Shadowheart. I suppose we'd go our separate ways not a slight on your company of course. And where would you go home. Baldur's Gate, there's someone waiting for me there someone I have to reach as soon as possible. Family,. friends, a lover, let's just say it's a very personal very private acquaintance. We learned that Shadowheart needs to reach Baldur's Gate to fulfill a mission for her goddess but the details of that mission are a mystery. It's important to talk to your companions. Let's see if that fishy got added to our camp supply pack. It did, perfect. That's going to make Inventory management so much better. We got a violin right here. Let's give it a try see if we can get Shadowheart going here. Okay that didn't work, what now. It was worth a try right? I find myself looting everything but it's kind of important in this game because you need the camp supplies and you also probably need gold too. Fresh water there must be a settlement somewhere nearby. I will focus in on all of the books in one of my future live streams in a few videos but I don't think I'm going to read all of them in this particular let's play. I will talk about the lore a little bit to keep but things like letters we definitely have to read Psy I love you there I said it and if you meet me tomorrow I'll say it again. And again. And keep on saying it till we're old and gray so let's do it let's go to Baldur's Gate. I know it's risky but so is staying here. The last few months have been hard but they're always a little easier when you're there. Leave your boat and meet me at the hill overlooking the old bridge bring whatever you can carry, we'll make do without the rest don't be late, Love Anna Foreign does. Not sure is that a camp supply, oh we just unlocked oh that was nice that was an alchemy ingredient awesome. I think it's a suspension so for the potion of healing. Well maybe it's not you have to figure that out oh we unlocked the recipe for mergrass really cool. We need three of them to make suspension of Mur grass cool looking ahead. I guess we are going to be looting quite a lot on this let's play Run. Cool thing is on your run um a lot of this loot is actually RNG to a certain extent so you may be picking up different loot than I am. We got a waypoint right here. You discovered a waypoint, you'll be able to fast travel to this location from your camp once you've activated ito teleport to this location by selecting it on your map. Okay beautiful, foreign travel, you don't actually have to click on the Waypoint you can just hit m and you appear at the Fast Travel point. I have one thieves tool. Shadowheart can give us guidance. you back out of these checks. nice you can okay it's not worth trying that right now. ", "length": 1034, "id": "1.9", "start": 680, "end": 732, "lp_part": 1}, {"content": " I think I want to go in to that place with more companions anyways so more of those wretched things got some intellective hours up here so let's go ahead and be a little bit careful you don't want to let those guys get close to you now. so I am going to toggle roof stealth which is shift and C. wait no it's not yes it is oops something there we go let's try to get a little bit of High Ground here so we can have plus two to our ranged attacks start off with a little range and then when they get close we'll finish them off with our melee weapons. I want to try out you know what I should do actually so I should be casting long Strider as soon as I come out of the long rest I'll have more spell slots later. Let's go ahead and do that right now and this lasts until a long rest so my character now has plus 15 movement speed if you include my wood elf racial feature I can move really really far in a single turn. I wonder if using Hunter's Mark would actually put me in combat. Let me try what it does. Okay your enemies are surprised and cannot take actions reactions or move on the first round of combat if you surprise these enemies with an attack. Your action has been used for this round so we have Hunter's Mark on for that added 1 to 6 damage and high ground and I still missed. Nice, okay they're getting quite close, a little bit too close for comfort. So let's go ahead and take another range shot. Actually let's see what my movement is now. Look, look how far I can go that is crazy with long Strider. So I'm actually going to switch to my two-handed weapon slow down I should be able to kill this guy in one turn with a decent roll. Wow situational actions, you have unlocked an action as a result of another ability feature or conditio remain at the side of your hop bar until those conditions expire. That's because my Hunter's Mark was on that intellect Devourer when I killed that intellect Devourer. I can now recast Hunter's Mark as a bonus action it won't cost me a spell slot. So let's go ahead and switch it. Look at the spell. Wow visuals particle effects, that's amazing. Oh Shadowheart still hiding, wait, nope, she's in the battle okay okay. So let's go ahead and see if we can kill this guy in one turn. Actually guiding bolts is a really really good spell and it also makes the next attack on that enemy cost or it makes the next attack on that enemy have advantage. Honestly I think this guy's got 10 HP. We'll probably kill the guy in one attack though. Perfect. It looks so weird having a wizard hat but I love it. Okay so oh that's not good let's go ahead and you know what, I am gonna pommel strike right now. Perfect, so this enemy is now dazed they lost the dexterity bonus to their Armor class and they can't take reactions so I could actually just walk away now without taking an opportunity attack . You can only use that once per short rest though, that particular weapon ability. Perhaps our survival isn't such a distant Prospect. okay and then we have short rests and also long rests but we're gonna hold off to do a long rest until we meet a few more companions. Let's see what's in this chest right here simple toxin coat your active weapon with a toxin that deals an additional one to four poison damage. And a potion of speed. Very very good potion in this game, boost your armor class movement speed and you get more actions too. Let's say change that. Hold on what was the description of that in an extra action. There we go okay, I was about to say I didn't I didn't read that at first and the potion of speed is the same as the haste spell in this game. Just kind of picking up everything right now because I'm not sure what use all of the items have just because now there appears to be crafting systems in the game, there really wasn't much in Early Access. There is work to do. Shadowheart has 13-13 strength and decks might have to respect her just for her ability scores but keep her class the same I think I'd like to change Shadowheart's cleric subclass though. What a beautiful, beautiful game. Looking ahead, yeah let's see if I can pass my first sleight of hand check just barely we get a leather helmet dexterity saving throws plus one now this helmet is quite ugly but I think I'll take the plus one and we can also hide the helm too so I think I'll put it on and then we'll hide the helmet what says hide Helm during dialogues hide helmet completely or show helmet so let's just hide it completely. Let's give the wizard hat to Shadowheart. There's something about pointy wizard hats that I love you can craft your own potions poisons and elixirs using Alchemy gather ingredients to distill into extracts an experiment to brew wondrous Solutions. We're still not quite there yet but we can actually make suspension of Mur grass. Awesome, and we can make a sublimate Belladonna bubblemate of Belladonna and now I'm able to craft my first potion ever. We have a potion of mind reading fragments of memory and perception smatter this liquid accrued constellation of thought and then we also can make with grenades coatings. ", "length": 1031, "id": "1.10", "start": 733, "end": 780, "lp_part": 1}, {"content": " Okay let's go ahead and craft the potion of mind reading and then we'll check it out and if some of these crafting systems in the game end up taking a little bit to figure out. I'll definitely cut those parts out you guys don't have to sit here and watch me try to figure everything out. So I drinked a probe into the minds of those around you you'll also be able to read the thoughts of certain creatures while speaking to them let's go ahead and drink that right now and now we have detect thoughts and it lasts until long rest. Perfect, those of you guys who are unaware haven't played much DND in my life but I have read many Forgotten Realms books and that's kind of where it's kind of what introduced me to the Forgotten Realms and Dungeons and Dragons was the legend of drift's book series. To be running around this world in 2023 is such a special feeling breathing. I'm so happy that Larian got the license to work in the Forgotten realm setting. Uh oh ,who is that deep grooves in the mud around that rock go ahead and move it because I have high strength of this character and then we have an ornate chest a Harper's notebook header collection of reports held together with a moon and harp seal. We have a ruby which we can probably sell Harper's map the stained ragged map has passed through countless hands a little harp marks an area called moonrise towers with a small Inky Crescent sketched in the nearby Forest below the Crescent is more recent. Scroll, cash two potions of speed and we'll go ahead and take those two. The Harpers are a secretive faction in the Forgotten Realms a good faction they fight for good they try to ensure that not one faction or city or individual has too much power in the realms that's like their thing then they step in to try to reduce that power. Well hello there Asterion. 17 dexterity, I've got one of those bring things cornered in the grass. You can kill it can't you like you killed the others. Kill it yourself you look capable enough. I was hoping for a kind soul. Well not to worry. Oh no you guys know I don't like that all right we're gonna do a strength check. Push yourself to your feet plus three. What a roll. What to do now. I saw you on the ship stressing about whilst I was trapped in that pot and those tentacled freaks due to me. You have it backwards they snatched me up too. I'm not an idiot. Your mind twists you're looking out of unfamiliar eyes prowling dark busy streets you try to hold the memory but it fades to the worm the light fear. What was that, what's going on. Put The Knife away and then I'll tell you everything. I'm not an idiot, it has to be those tentacled monsters, something they did. They took you to. . . I saw it during whatever just happened. And to think, I was ready to decorate the ground with your innards. No apologies, would you just say to me? Glad to see we're all caught up now. Indeed, we are. Please allow me to introduce myself. My name's Asterion. I was in Boulder's Gate when those beasts snatched me. Okay, so we're not going to choose the Baldurian option here because our character is from the Misty Forest to the north. We'll tell him our name and our story. My, my, you've been busy. So, did you learn anything about these worms while wandering the ship? You know as much as I do, Asterion. I suppose it's not exactly common knowledge. These worms are already affecting me, I can feel it. Now, what to do about it? What's your plan? Well, getting out of here for a start, then finding anyone who knows about these worms. I need an expert, someone who knows how to control these things. You know, if I didn't pass that strength check earlier in this dialogue conversation, I'm not sure if Asterion would be alive right now. But now I'm starting to like them, and I need company for the road. Why not come with me? You know, I was ready to go this alone, but maybe sticking with the herd isn't such a bad idea. And anyone that can crush a mind flayer ship and walk away seems like a good person to know. All right, I accept. Lead on. Your party is shown on the side of your screen. The portraits show your character's health and conditions. So now we have Asterion in our party. Not exactly sure who I'm going to run with, kind of just going with the flow. I think Asterion's origin story is quite interesting, at least from what Larian has told us about it. But I don't think I need a rogue in my party, and I don't want to respect Asterion. So we'll see, we'll see about Asterion. Maybe we'll try to keep him around, to switch to him once in a while. Actually, I would like to create a save point right here. Actually, I'm gonna pick up one more companion before we do that save point. I'll leave Asterion at level one for a few minutes. See what he's wearing. Nice, he's wearing an armor that doesn't have disadvantage on stealth. Asterion's underwear, oh man, I know some of you guys. . . I know what some of you guys are gonna be doing with that. ", "length": 1035, "id": "1.11", "start": 781, "end": 848, "lp_part": 1}, {"content": " Eccentric clothes, I like it. He has a noble from Baldur's Gate. Okay, I think we're looking pretty good. He's got a dagger, we could have him dual wield daggers for now, or short swords. That looks pretty cool. Yeah, a mind flayer, that thing's bound to be dangerous even if injured. Let's be careful. I love my character's voice. Approach the dying monster. This is the thing that abducted you. You could end its life here and now if only you didn't feel compassion. Interesting. You guys let me know how the audio is of this episode, and if I need to tweak things, I'll definitely do that in future episodes. And we're feeling compassion towards this grotesque space octopus, and this is definitely not right. So I'm gonna step away. You can't move, can't think. King is mercifully done for you. It will be a joy to serve, to die for it, an honor. It's possessing your mind, forcing you to love it. But then the feeling slips. The creature's mind seems to focus elsewhere. Okay, we can do an intelligence check to concentrate on its thoughts. Whatever, minus one in intelligence. I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed, so let's go ahead and take advantage of the lapse and break free. The monster lies exhausted, defeated. Its eyes, wet orange pearls, radiate malice. Okay, we're gonna close those eyes forever. Even though I let the brain live, I'm not a big fan of aberrations. Aberrations tend to be bad for the woodlands, and I am a ranger. Keep picking up the skulls. I'm not sure what we're gonna do with them, but. . . And look at the map, that is incredible. This might be one of my favorite maps now in all of gaming. Kingdom Come: Deliverance also had a fantastic map, but I really, really like this a lot. And this area right here is actually bothering me. I might have to go back. I'll do that off-screen, off. . . line, or off recording, excuse me. What's the word I'm looking for? I'll do that when I'm not recording. There we go, that makes sense, right? All right. Okay, we have another portal. You know what? I think there's one little area that I would like to check real fast, see if there's anything. And that's right up here. See if we can get like a passive investigation or perception check to go off. Or maybe there's nothing up here at all. Doesn't look like there is. Okay, back off we go. Over there. Oh man, it won't let me double tap. Let's have a little chat with Asterion, see if we can learn a little bit more about his character. He picked up the pale elf. We met a strange elf who had also been infected with a parasite. He was hostile at first, but agreed to join us when he learned that we were infected too. Need something? Tell me about yourself. So, a magistrate back in the city. It's all rather tedious. A magistrate? Okay, I think Asterion is going to be a really interesting character to have when we eventually make it to the city of Baldur's Gate. Spoiler to say that we're going to the city, considering that the name of the game is Baldur's Gate. Although in Baldur's Gate II, it doesn't take place in the city of Baldur's Gate. Nice to live in more interesting times. All of our camp supplies are nicely organized. We have balsam, good stuff. Okay, let's investigate this strange waypoint. Crunch the sigil on the stone. Magic glitters and swirls from it erratically, malfunctioning. It looks slightly dangerous. Okay, we're gonna touch the sigil because why not, right? Oh, a hand! Anyone? I know that voice. Who are you? Just your average traveler stuck between realms. Pull me out, we'll get properly introduced. Okay, sounds like a nice guy, right? Let's go ahead and try a strength check. Grab the hand and pull. Should have no problem succeeding here. This is totally different from Early Access, love to see it. Thank you. This looks like a guy who needs a wizard hat. Hello, I'm Gale of Waterdeep. Apologies, be better at this. At introductions, at magic. Lloyd as well. Never mind then, Auto-void. How did you get stuck in that stone? I don't know what transpired exactly, but the ship broke into pieces and I suddenly found myself in free fall. So I was plummeting to certain death. A spider glimmered quite near where I estimated my body to impact with less than savory propulsion. Recognizing this glimmer to be magical in nature, I reached out to it with a weaving of words and found myself on the other side, as it were. How about you? How did you survive the fall? Oh, to be honest, dude, haven't a clue. Fair enough. But even so, I have the unfortunate suspicion your survival is still very much in jeopardy. Back on the ship, you two were on the receiving end of a rather unwelcome insurgent in the ocular region, were you not? Go on. The uncertainty we speak of, this parasite. Are you aware that after a period of excruciating gestation, it will turn us into mind flayers? It's a process known as ceremorphosis, and let me assure you, it is to be avoided. ", "length": 1033, "id": "1.12", "start": 849, "end": 942, "lp_part": 1}, {"content": " You don't happen to be a cleric by any chance, do you? A doctor? Surgeon? Uncannily adroit with a knitting needle? Seem to know enough about our condition to realize it's been. . . No doubt, but I find myself hoping to be in the presence of the few. You don't happen to be one of them? I tend to basic wounds and ailments, but alien parasites, I'm afraid not. As we've established, few enough can. It's not exactly a common affliction. We're most certainly going to need a healer, and soon too. How about we lend each other a helping hand once more and look for a healer together? Sounds like a plan. You're welcome to join me. A parasite shared is a parasite halved, or something to that effect. Oh, but before you think you're about to embark on a journey with most ill-mannered a man, thank you for pulling me out of that stone as an act of foresighted kindness. I asSure, you have a feeling ample opportunities will present themselves for me to return the favor. Okay, oh, I have the Magic Touch, and now we have ourselves a proper wizard. To not take a wizard with me at all times on my first run, they just have so much versatility and also a ton of utility spells as well as damage spells, but we'll see how my morality goes because some of these companions might not stick with me. Well, first in Magic, are you? I'm not, why do you ask? No matter, to worry the unlettered over any Elder Wizards, let me know. There is a matter I'd like to seek advice on from a master Elder Wizards. Okay, let's go ahead and level up Asterion and Gale. I do have to do quite a few save points just because I use these save points for Content so level two Gale and Asterion. Okay, interesting, let's see. It's got wizard robes on. I have all of my inventory on my Ranger, but my Ranger is quite strong so he can hold quite a lot. Thank you, we'll go ahead and give him a light crossbow, and then I think we're looking pretty good. Scroll up to Tech thoughts. I'm surprised they detect thoughts situation hasn't come up for me yet when meeting the companions. Okay, now we have two waypoints unlocked, so let's continue on. Okay, so we're gaining. O'Gale is, oh okay, okay, he's the evocation subclass, but we should be able to change that at the respect. We can sculpt spells, create pockets of safety within your evocation spells. Allies automatically succeed their saving throws against these spells and take no damage from them. Really, really good wizard subclass because you can cast Fireball on the enemies with your front liners also being in its radius and they'll take no damage. One of the best wizard subclasses for sure, but I think I might actually try to spec Gale into necromancy. I can make it make sense lore-wise. Oh, never mind, silly me. I do get to choose a subclass. Okay, very nice. All right, I take it back, evocation, necromancy, conjuration, transmutation, illusion, divination, and enchantment. And six of these were not in Early Access. This is great. So let's take a look at necromancy. You walk through the valley of the shadow of death and make lots of friends there, learning necromancy spells from Scrolls only costs you 25 gold or spell level at 50. Then we gain two spell slots. Okay, I say we go with necromancy and let's just see how it plays out. We'll take Magic Missile. Probably want to start picking up utility Spells at some point, but we can also learn a lot from Scrolls that we pick up. Ice knife, throw a Shard of ice that deals one to ten piercing damage. It explodes and deals 2 to 12 Cold damage to anyone nearby and it leaves an ice surface. I feel like I want to have Magic Missile. I think I'll come back for chromatic orb at a higher level. Right now, let's go ahead and pick up. I don't think I'm gonna need feather fall in the near future. Don't need long Strider. We're going to take Shield. When you're about to be hit by an enemy, increase your armor class by five. You take no damage from Magic Missile, a spell that was not in Early Access that I'm very excited to use. So we'll take Shield and Magic Missile. Not a huge deal with the wizard because we're going to be able to learn a lot of spells. And then for prepared spells, okay, beautiful. We'll prepare. Definitely want to keep Mage Armor. We'll keep sleep, Magic Missile, and Thunder Wave. I like that. Okay, okay, so our necromancy features Grim Harvest. Once per turn, if you kill a creature with a spell, you regain hit points equal to twice the spell slot level used. Thrice if it's a necromancy spell. Undead and constructs are unaffected. So your subclass choice really pushes you to want to use spells of that particular School of magic. Pretty cool feature Grim Harvest. We don't really have any necromancy Spells at the moment. Oh, we do. We do have false life. That's not going to really help us with Grim Harvest though. Okay, so I think I'm good with those for now. And then Asterion should be pretty simple to level up here. ", "length": 1032, "id": "1.13", "start": 943, "end": 1016, "lp_part": 1}, {"content": " Okay, so we get cutting action, hide, dash, and also disengage. So we can use all three of these as a bonus action now as opposed to an action. So really good for the Rogue. And also let's just take a look at the multi-class scene because I haven't looked at that yet. This Advanced feature allows you to build powerful combinations of classes at the expense of higher level class features. You can only level up one class at a time. So we could just right away multi-class Asterion into another class, but I think I'm going to keep him make him a paladin half rogue. How do I get out of this? Oh, that wasn't how to do it. We're just gonna keep him as a rogue. I'm definitely gonna be doing a ton of multi-class builds. I'm tempted to try it with my Ranger, but for now let's just stick with the class until I have a solid plan. Is you can kind of screw up multi-classing too. And we can of course respect once we discover the respect guy. Yeah, there's not really a ton of pressure to necessarily get the exact build that you want right away. Okay, let's go up this way before we venture over to this ruined Chapel looking area. Let's get broken. I wonder if items like a rope are going to have use now. Another Broken trap. Who made these things? You think it's dangerous? Of course it's dangerous. One of them can absorb a whole Squad. So let's leave it and let the Goblins have it. No, we take it to The Grove. So that appears to be Lae'zel right there who is a Githyanki and a lot of the races on the material plane and on the sword Coast fear the Githyanki race. Was to Githyanki are known to kind of be like Vikings in raid settlements on the sword Coast. Zorru was right. Yellow is a toad and twice as ugly. The things dangerous. Leave it for the Goblins to kill. And if it escapes, how will you? Oh, a guest. Your skull pounds in response to the prisoner's white hot stare. Ellipse. Don't move. Hear her voice. Get rid of them. Not sure I like being given commands like that. Rather demanding for a woman in your position. Why should I? Your words flow to her though you never speak them aloud. I know what grows inside you and I know of a cure. Remember how keen she was to leave me to die in the nautiloid? We can't trust her. Well, we were in a bit of a rush on the nautiloid ship. Okay, I'm interested in seeing what this cure is that Lae'zel has. Let's go ahead and try. She has a character who doesn't have proficiency in the charismatic skills. Some of these can be quite tough. So let's go ahead and let's do deception. This creature is dangerous. Get out of here and leave it to me. Guidance is one of the most useful cantrips in the game. Use it on pretty much every dialogue roll. And without it, I would have failed right there. And I am not going to be saves coming on this run. So if I fail something in dialogue and it leads to the death of someone, let's say, we're gonna roll with it. Our actions have consequences. He's right. Let's go. We need to check out that blast. A blast? I could use more specifics. You didn't hear it. Good. So we came for a look. I'm in dire need of healing. Where is this camp? Northwest. Look for Nettie. Whatever you're wound, she can mend it. And be careful. There are goblin traps everywhere. No Messer come. Enough corking. Yeah. Say please. Never. You know what? I kind of respect that. And heal goblins. The tadpole hasn't yet scrambled all your senses. Auspicious. But the longer we wait, the more it consumes. My people possess the cure for this infection. I must find a crush. You will join me. Careful. She obviously sees your kindness as weakness. Don't let her take advantage. I like the dynamic that we have going on here. The banter between party members. And what exactly is a crush? It is tadpole. We must report to a Gusto for purification. Hmm. All right. We journey together. Let's find this crush. Although I gotta say, him, I'm not entirely sure what this purification process maybe you. Wait at my camp. We can speak there, very well. I must interrogate this story. Our very lives depend on it. I will be at your camp. Do not keep me waiting. Okay, so far we've been quite cordial with the characters that we've met. Cautious, but cordial. Okay, the Wizard of Waterdeep continues traveling with Gale, a wizard named Gale, joined the party. He claims to have been on the nautiloid, which means he's infected too. Three lays out, we invited Lae'zel to our camp. The Githyanki Warrior, find Zorru, the Githyanki Warrior. Lae'zel has joined our party and promised we could be cleansed of our parasites at a Githyanki crash. A deeply named Zorru has seen other Githyanki. We should find him and ask him what he knows. Pressures are training grounds for young Githyanki. Despite everything, Githyanki traditionally live in the Astral Plane, where time does not move as fast as the Material Plane. It barely moves at all. So, therefore, Githyanki have to raise their young in crashes so they can actually age and reach maturity before they return to the Astral Plane. ", "length": 1026, "id": "1.14", "start": 1017, "end": 1126, "lp_part": 1}, {"content": " Okay, what do we have here? Our main quest is to find the Healer Nettie. There's a camp nearby where someone named Nettie can supposedly heal any wound. She might be able to help remove the parasites. Okay, let's go ahead and investigate this area, but I'm going to do it quite cautiously. Looks like a bandit. Hmm, okay. Don't really have a charismatic group right now. We might have to pick up a charisma caster like Wyll. Gale has the highest charisma in my group of 12. That's pretty pathetic, but we're gonna take Gale and we're gonna send him up here. Oh, don't go that way. Nope, I want you to go this way, my friend. You go ahead and wait right there, okay? Then we're gonna take the rest of my party members. Quite risky sending a wizard up as a frontliner, but I'm gonna do it anyways. We're gonna see if we can talk to these guys and see what they're all about. And we'll leave the rest of my party. We'll leave them over here. In fact, actually, let's take my ranger. Let's move him right here. Perfect. And you know what? I'm actually gonna give Gale some backup. Oh, Shadowheart, report for duty. Oh no, oh no. Quit. I'm telling you, it's a ship and a crypt. Can't wait, Mari and Bartner. We've been trying to break in for days now. We've got ourselves competition already. That's our ship. I don't think I like these guys. The only thing you own is your life. Now leave before I take that too. Oh no, this will be an interesting run if I don't have anybody that's charisma-based in my group. That's for sure. Chance. It looks like they have entered into combat, but I have something that I want to do. Okay, I was hoping to not resort to combat, but sometimes you do what you gotta do. Wolf is now in battle, but we still have Shadowheart and Astarion who are not in combat. So let's see what we can do here. And what do we got? We got Warren right here, level two rock gnome, and then also Leta, level two high elf. Faith protects me. Something smells tasty. My favorite. What do you guys think about this? Avoid enemy sight lines while sneaking to remain hidden. Left shift shows the enemy's sight lines. Okay, okay, let's go ahead and do a Guiding Bolt. We fried them with radiant damage. This would be pretty cool if I could actually get Astarion all the way around here without being spotted. Let's see what we can do here. Hold on, this might hurt. He is not currently in combat, so what if we land on the bed? Oh man, it was worth a try. I don't have a bonus action, that's okay. Let's go ahead, yeah, I can't really do anything right now. We have our action, but it's not going to do us any good. I could throw something. Now they see me. Go ahead and use our action to hide. That jealous. Let's do a good old-fashioned Magic Missile. Move up a little bit, let her see it coming. Okay, one HP left. Really? Oh, I don't have an action, that's why. Oh no, did she notice Astarion is the question? It's gonna go ahead and skip my ranger's turn. There's no sense, he's not gonna make it over there in time. Alright, so let's. . . So this is the great thing about the updated hide system. The rogue actually is really, really. . . The rogue got a nice boost in power when compared to the other classes now, simply because the rogue can hide as a bonus action. And in Early Access, all classes could hide as a bonus action, which was quite broken. But now it really truly is a rogue thing, which is awesome. Let me go ahead and back up here. Let's try that. Okay, didn't even let me do it. I thought it was in dim lighting here. I thought I might be able to pull off a check right there, but I guess not. So we'll just take a regular attack. And there we go. The replenishable resources are dwindling. Take a long rest to restore hit points and other resources. These things have stayed interesting. I think it probably is time for a long rest. Get everybody together. Which way to the nearest library? Do a little bit of looting around here first. Time and the elements have left the plaque unreadable. Definitely take the shovel. Wits and blades always sharp. Okay, we can upgrade Shadowheart's armor. Scale mail, which is pretty good. I can't remember what she's proficient with. We're not proficient with short swords, so the mace is the best thing that I have at the moment. I'm gonna go ahead and take the instrument off my character. Let's get on with it. I'll go this way, just check for anything useful. I might as well take a look. I love picking up camp supplies, and I'm not just going straight into my regular inventory. Doesn't look like a rope has any uses still, but let me pick it up just in case. I might need a torch, I'm not sure. Hey, let's go check out over here. ", "length": 1025, "id": "1.15", "start": 1127, "end": 1228, "lp_part": 1}, {"content": " Gotta search the outskirts of this chapel, and then I'll take a long rest, which is going to be pretty important. It'll be the first long rest that I've taken, so there's going to be some nice dialogue scenes there. There's something over there. Oh. And then we'll wrap it up for episode one, part two, and actually wrap it up for all of episode one. Scroll of Firebolt and Scroll of Ice Knife. Nice. So let's go ahead and learn these spells. As students of the Arcane Arts, wizards can learn new spells by studying certain spell scrolls instead of using them. Thank you. So if we go into my inventory and we look at some of these scrolls and we right-click. . . Oh, it's on Wolf. That's why. I gotta send that to Gale. Let me just bring up my whole inventory here. Any scroll that I see here, I could organize the inventory by type. Been a while since I played Early Access, so I forgot where that was. Okay, scroll of Detect Thoughts. And then let's go ahead and right-click on Ice Knife. Salutations. Learn spell. 50 gold. Awesome. Now we have Ice Knife. And then we can't learn Detect Thoughts because our level is currently too low. And we already have the Fire Bolt. So let's check our spells here. And there's Ice Knife. I think I'm gonna go ahead and prepare it. Let me get rid of Thunder Wave because I want to try Ice Knife. It's new to the game. Let's see what it looks like. Very cool. And also, I do have my Shield, the reaction spell, set on Ask right now. And I'm also going to put Opportunity Attack on Ask because I wouldn't want to waste an opportunity attack with a wizard when I could use Shield. So it's probably important to check that. Well, in it very well. That's curious. And now that we have a rogue in our group, lockpicking should be a little bit easier. Look at that, Thieves' Tools +3 from Dexterity, Sleight of Hand proficiency, and Sleight of Hand expertise, which rogues get expertise in. And Guidance. And I still failed. Oh man. Let's go ahead and do it again. I have plenty of Thieves' Tools here. Wow. It's gonna be one of those runs. Well, at this point, I feel like I'm gambling, so we gotta keep going. I'm addicted to the roll. Oh my. Maybe I should end this episode right now and just come back. You gotta be kidding me right now. Are you serious? I just need like a 12 or an 11. And. . . It will probably equal 20 plus. It can't happen again, can it? I don't think that's gonna do it. Yay, finally! Okay, so before we go into this mysterious Chapel from the back entrance here in this hatch, let's go ahead and take a long rest. First long rest of this playthrough. At your Camp, you can take a long rest and fully heal your party. You can also manage party members' advanced relationships with your companions, store items, and eventually change your character and recruit more followers. Since this is the full version of the game, I definitely want to check the entire Camp here. Invasion plans for the Sword Coast. This map of the Sword Coast sprawls from the deep forest of Tethir to the frigid spine of the world. Its topography worn by ancient Inc and the constant trade between mortal hands. The spine of the world is way north on the continent of Faerun, just south of Icewind Dale. And some of you guys would know Icewind Dale, pretty popular location of the Forgotten Realms. Okay, so we can use these chests to store things. I might throw some skulls in there. I'm really excited to actually care about organization and my inventory now, now that's the full game. Okay, we have a ball mugwort recipe unlocked. Salts of mugwort, crystal ball. Don't think you can do anything with it, so let's just go ahead and drop it. At least right now we can't. Rotten fish, huh? Okay, and we have a table. I was wondering if that was going to bring up like a crafty menu or something. You guys will also notice that I now have Camp clothes on. It was not a thing in Early Access. Shadowheart, wow, okay, all right, let's see what's up. But I believe you can turn off the Camp clothes at any time, the toggle armor set visibility. We can turn it on and off, but of course I'm gonna leave the Camp clothes on. Wish to live, to live in. Okay, let's check over here. I'm assuming like this area right here is going to be filled with something as we progress. And let's have a chat with our companions. Oh, what is this? Oh, Shadowheart's in a completely different location right here. A monster foams inside us and you think to be idle. I knew you're kind to be fragile, but I didn't foresee the severity. Be quick about your rest. We must locate a crash. Damn, Lae'zel kind of makes me feel like. . . I like it. All right, we have an elf racial response here. We're hardly going to turn while taking a rest, are we? The parasites inside us do not rest. Even as we speak, they defile our brains and warp our bones. ", "length": 1026, "id": "1.16", "start": 1229, "end": 1328, "lp_part": 1}, {"content": " Take your rest. I will stand watch. Should a single tentacle split your skull, I will not hesitate to end you. Such a great character. Okay, fair enough. Chatter already. My character's like, What the hell, man? Do you know much about mind flayers? I understand much beyond your comprehension. More to the point, I know the cure for our condition. It is imperative we locate a crash. You do well to observe more and question less. Yes, ma'am. Well, do you know what happens if we don't find a cure? Yes, great detail. Starts with a fever and memory loss. Then you start to hallucinate. Your hair falls out and you bleed from every orifice. Your bones will change form. Your jaw will split to allow room for four great tentacles. Your skin will turn to gore and be shed to reveal new flesh underneath. Then you have ceased to exist, and a mind flayer is born. Hmm, we could turn into a mind flayer. Is that. . . First symptoms should have long since started, though. That is what puzzles me. You're worried that we haven't changed. I would say this is good news. Yes, yes, if you give it no further thought. But anomalies lead to surprises. Bad surprises. Besides, what hasn't happened may yet come to pass. You look so unusual. Githyanki are rare in these parts. I expect I am your first. I know of Githyanki, but I've never met one. Cut off and encounter them. That large fleshy nose of yours looks like a mistake. Come on now, it isn't that large, is it? Decadent, then. Lacking in economy, like so much of this world and its undisciplined people. I respect, I respect Lae'zel. Foreign, right now. Let's have Lae'zel join me. 98 of you guys are already running with Astarion, so we're gonna kick him out of my group temporarily. Still try to do some of his quests if possible. Your gift, friend, seems on edge. Mustn't relish the thought of sprouting tentacles. Understandable. Can't say I'm a fan either. It's just hard to join in when all of this feels so new. The night normally means bustling streets, bursting taverns, filling up in the dirt, and resting is, um, a little novel. The right herbs can make a soothing tea if you can't settle in. No, tea isn't really my drink. I'll be awake a while anyway. I need some time to think things through, to process this. You rest, I'll keep watch. We'll both stay up. I'm not sleeping helpless in front of a stranger. You know, if you will spend time with me. Oh, you only have to say so. Minus suit yourself. I'm sure we'll drift off at some point. Minus one with Astarion. Looking ahead. Just trying to answer the way that I feel like I would actually answer, though. Go to hell. And good evening to you too. You're a good sport. Go to hell. An everyday expression so trivial, it's almost meaningless. But we've seen how it's real. It isn't trivial. Let's watch the flames in silence. Devils, dragons, mind flayers. Used to be abstracts, pictures on a piece of paper. What a difference a day makes. Now we have tadpoles slithering through our heads like carnivorous feet high. That's not abstract. Perhaps you should get some rest. Its ballet of flames invites reflection. But you're right. Let's be up with a lark, find a healer before the wee one gets hungry. Not as bad as it could have. Okay, let's have a chat with Shadowheart now. Right here is our traveler's chest. Not sure if we can do anything with this area quite yet. We have a bedroll. Bedrolls remind me of DOS2. And look at that, we have all of the digital Deluxe items. The mask of the shapeshifter, channeler's trunks, stream hoppers loafers, chatterbox's tabard, Rick General die. Combine this die with equipment item, alter the colors of fabric, leather, and even metal. Could Periwinkle undergarments and a ton of adventure supply packs here. Let's pick it all up before we talk with Shadowheart. Okay, so mask of the shapeshifter gives us shape shift to level one illusion spell. This is of course from DOS2, Fane's character. Let's show helmets. Oh, I wonder if it's bugging at all because I have Camp clothes on right now. So let's turn off Camp clothes and there it is from DOS2. And it gives us the shape shift illusion spell. It'd be the same as disguised self. Then we can turn into all these different beings. Let's try a Dragonborn or a half orc. Let's do a Dragonborn. Oh, that is so cool. A Dragonborn without a tail. Like this is going to be super useful, especially when we make it to the city of Baldur's Gate. All right, let's dispel the skies. It's a ritual spell too. You guys notice they added the ritual tag. I mean, it doesn't cost a spell slot in BG3. I think you can only use it probably once per long rest. I'm not sure. Okay, and then we also have the Periwinkle undergarments. Oh my God. Oh God. Wow, what do you guys think about that? Does that fit my strength-based ranger? We're gonna put on the other underwear. Okay, interesting. Let's take off the mask of the shape shifter. You know what the hell, let's just put this whole. ", "length": 1027, "id": "1.17", "start": 1329, "end": 1446, "lp_part": 1}, {"content": "Welcome back to Episode 2 of this Baldur's Gate 3 Let's Play Series. In Episode 1, we were captured by a nautiloid ship and infected with a parasite in our brain, which we learned will ultimately turn us into a mind flayer if we don't do anything about it. We also met several characters as we wandered the material plane after that nautiloid ship crashed, which includes Asterion, Shadowheart, and Gale. Lae'zel is currently back at our camp. These things have stayed. We are currently searching for a way to be cured of this parasite. There are several different ways that we can go about it. We did hear that there's a Healer named Nettie in a camp nearby, so I think we're going to pursue that. But Lae'zel has also said that she could bring us to a Githyanki crash where her people would purify us, whatever that means. So we have a couple of different options here. But we did discover some ruins in Episode 1, but didn't fully explore them. So let's go ahead and head back to the ruins right here and actually go inside this time and see what's going on. I did successfully lockpick this hatchback here, so we're going to go in the backside and avoid the front door because we do know that there are bandits that are interested in these ruins and pillaging them. Well, this should be unlocked right now. The Dank Crypt. We've entered some ruins through an underground cave. There are bound to be some interesting artifacts down here. Starting to get a headache. Right on my feet. This appears to be a Statue of Jergal, the Scribe of the Dead. Let's have a look. I'm scribes, but no sign of a struggle. Go ahead and loot these skeletons and actually take away their weapons too, just in case those skeletons happen to rise up and maybe they won't have any weapons on them. And also sell all of those weapons when we find a vendor. I'll pick up all these, why not? Thank you. Yes. We can learn Burning Hands for 50 gold. All right. Darkness use a light source. But as you guys can see right here, when I enter into I'd mode, we are currently in dim lighting right now, slightly obscured. But if we go ahead and light this brazier, we now have a full sun, a clear area, lightly obscured. Sharacters without dark vision have disadvantage on their attacks against lightly obscured enemies. Go ahead and light this room up. Still alive. Protection from Good and Evil. So I don't think Gale should be able to learn that. No, I have the Magic Touch. Oh, you can. I thought that was like a Divine spell. Okay, let's go ahead and learn it. I might actually have to save some of my gold. I'm not gonna lie. I'm gonna hold back on that right now. As well, necromancy spells are going to be the ones that are cheap for Gale to learn because I'm doing the necromancy subclass. Things have stayed interesting. He's not blood. No, never mind. Don't depress ahead. A change. Oh, that's just begging to be read. I applaud your taste. All right, so when picking up a book, probably want to use Gale for his intelligence and Arcana checks. Let's go ahead and pick up the Book of the Dead Gods. As you wish. Focus. Massive. All right, we can do an Arcana check, search for an Arcane Rune to sabotage, or wizard intelligence knock the lock open with a spell. I don't know about this. All right, I'm using inspiration. I really want to see what's in this book. Come on, Gale, you can do it. As the lock opens, the loose page comes with it. Magic pulses from the parchment. What was once script is now an obliterated scroll. You have a sense these are names, a list, but of what? Okay, and then we have a religion check, examine the book more closely. So close. This game has a ton of replayability though, because I'm going to want to come back and definitely succeed in that. The longer you stare at the dark and decimated words, the more your head aches. There is no meaning to be found here. A scroll of Ray of Enfeeblement. Weaken a foe, they deal half damage with weapon attacks using strength. Okay, well let's go ahead and pick up this book. Not a curiosity, let me try to read it again. The names of dead gods, most of them unfamiliar and unpronounceable, fill the pages of this ancient tome. Several entries on the last page have been stricken through, the final three thoroughly enough to be completely legible. Final three: Dead Three, Bane, Ball. You might guess. We'll pick that up. A soul coin. Strange, incomprehensible whispers emanate from this coin, pervading your mind with rage and despair. These coins can power infernal engines, and infernal engines are these massive war machines that are used in the Blood War, the war between devils and demons. And also, within soul coins, of course, are souls. So let's pick that up, assuming we're gonna get a little scene here. And I found some heavy armor too. Awesome. You know what I have to do before I pick that up? Let me start getting into the habit of using Mage Armor. There we go. Never seen a coin like this before. Most peculiar. It looks like nothing's gonna happen for now, so we'll hang on to that soul coin. ", "length": 1035, "id": "2.0", "start": 0, "end": 90, "lp_part": 2}, {"content": " Ready and willy. Okay, interesting room. Now I have, of course, played through Early Access a few times, so I do know what's gonna happen right now. We're gonna handle this in a way that makes sense. You take Shadowheart, put her right here. Make my character, we're gonna send him up. Asterion, we're gonna put over here. Get ready for you. And our wizard friend, we'll hide him in the shadows. There is work to do. Now, when you're scouting around, you have a feeling that there could be perception or investigation checks. You may want to consider putting guidance on your character. It's a cantrip that clerics and druids have. It only lasts for 10 turns, but. . . I failed the religion check, but that's fine. Carry me. Okay, we discovered a button. Let me see if I can pass this religion check real fast. Get us a little bit of lore on the game. Look at that. Jergal, the Scribe of the Dead. This chapel must be ancient. Awesome. Yes, yes, I have a lot on my mind. Um, well, in it. Let's go ahead and go inside this room. For some reason, I received a heal right there. Oh. Okay, let's go. Duffless run. All right, so the good thing about Shadowheart is she's using a mace right now and skeletons. Bludgeoning resistance. Bludgeoning damage against this entity is doubled. Supposed to be bludgeoning vulnerability. Huh, guess I found a little bug here. Let's go ahead and switch to the mace. I can't cast a spell right now because I'm in the silence bubble. I could move out and then cast Bless, but let's just go ahead and attack. Awesome. So our damage was doubled right there. We did six damage plus six equals 12 as the enemy is vulnerable and the skeleton went down. And now we'll go ahead and move outside of the silence bubble. If there's any cover around here, we'll go over here. Sure. Time to push my luck again. Look at my ranger's fantastic movement distance. So let's start off with. . . Hope I forgot to do. . . See, I forgot to do Longstrider. I should be doing that after every long rest alongside Mage Armor on Gale. Let's go ahead and cast it. And then we'll go ahead and move. How far we can move? It's pretty crazy. I probably shouldn't move into the open here. I'm gonna do it anyways though. And then we'll cast Hunter's Mark. These skeletons love their silence bubbles, don't they? And here we go, our first use of the Shield spell. And I currently have the reaction set at Ask, meaning a pop-up box will pop up and I can use Shield to boost my armor class by five and potentially avoid this Ray of Frost. Let's go ahead and give it a try. Or we cannot use it if I don't want to expend a spell slot. Look how cool that looks. Pause the Ray of Frost. That's amazing. Okay, so let's go ahead and. . . We'll take care of this guy first. Then I'm going to do a. . . We'll do a. . . As I see, I don't know some of these spells that well. Let me go ahead and try Ice Knife. Throw a shard of ice that deals 1d10 piercing damage. It explodes and deals 2d12 cold damage to anyOne nearby on a mess The Shard of Ice Still explodes so let's see what this ice knife spell is about. I think I had this Celesta though, that's pretty awesome. [Music] Okay, so we gotta get out of the silence bubble. Not sure if I can make it out, looks like I just, I'm just gonna make it out. No, you gotta be kidding me, so close. I can't do a spell now. Throw a mace at this guy. Just go ahead and take a crossbow shot. Okay, 55 chance right here. Hunter's Mark, not bad. I can no longer hide as a bonus action, nor can you hide when you're threatened. Can't be threatened, they really, really nerfed hide, which I think is really, really good. Move out of Larry in there, it was so op before, like on every single turn you'd be trying to hide. I'm happy that Larian made it so you don't think about that anymore. So is there any way I can get up my attack percentage here? Let's just take a swing. Bam! Okay, so I did daze the enemy, so I can actually move away further than this guy will be able to get to me because I have pretty far movement. So it's back all the way away. I'll flank, how smart. Little Ray of Frost, movement speed reduced by 10 feet, so that guy is definitely not reaching my Ranger, that's for sure. Actually, it came really, really close. Okay, here we go. Back this guy with a mace. See ya! Wolf is missing a few HP points, but not much. Yeah, we'll get up close and personal with the skeleton. So the skeleton tries to move, we get an opportunity attack, and then of course the skeleton is vulnerable to bludgeoning damage, not resistant despite what the game has told you. I wonder if this is worth the cost. Hey, let's go ahead and actually hit this attack this time. When I level up again, I'm going to take the speak with animals spell for my Ranger, just so you guys know. ", "length": 1048, "id": "2.1", "start": 91, "end": 200, "lp_part": 2}, {"content": " So I will be talking to plenty of animals on this run. Just note that I have played Early Access several times, and Early Access was an unfinished act one, so a lot of these act 1 encounters, I know them quite well. I'm not a professional at the game by any stretch of imagination, but I should be pretty good at most of these encounters. There's a few really tough ones, so don't judge the difficulty based on what you're watching right now. I'm sure as we get later in act one and get into act two, I'm probably gonna start getting my ass kicked, and I do make mistakes all the time. I'm sure you guys are going to point them out, trust me. A different world when you record yourself and then let thousands of people watch you. Everybody calls out every little mistake, like they wouldn't have made any of those mistakes on their own if they recorded themselves. Okay, so let's go ahead and investigate that room again. A lot of effort to hide one sarcophagus, interesting. But I do remember on my first Early Access run, I wiped on so many combat encounters. I do think the balance difficulty is going to be good for most players. I think it will be challenging. Player Amber alchemical ingredient, combine three of these to calcinate them into ashes. Interesting. The Amulet of lost voices gives us speak with the dead, a level 3 necromancy spell. Let's get on with it. We'll give that to Gale, our Necromancer. All as well that ends. I'm gonna pop a short rest to get some HP back. Well, that can't be good. [Applause] Now I have a question for thee. What is the worth of a single mortal's life? One of my characters must be doing a stealth check in the background. Okay, what is the worth of a single mortal's life? Hmm, so he has spoken. What are you talking about, an Arbiter of certain matters? But that is not important now. Wilt thou answer my question? Ask away. So I ask again, what is the worth of a single mortal life? Hmm, depends on the Mortal. I'm curious by what standards thou shalts judge. Very well, I am satisfied. We have met and I know thy face. We will see each other again at the proper time and place. Farewell. Like a scene was skipped right there. Interesting character named Withers. Very, very interesting. Explore the ruins is complete. The strange figure said he would see us again soon. It was probably the ruins' greatest secret. There is no harm in checking for more valuables. Okay, kind of nice that that Quest log tells us that we found like the main purpose of this area, but there still may be other secrets. We have nothing more to discuss. Continue on my way as if I were not here. I must attend this place after so many years away. We will see each other again soon. After so many years away, you seem very certain of that. How the mechanics of Fate would be difficult to explain to one such as thyself. Regardless, it will occur. Trying to say I'm stupid. I did dump intelligence. I'm kind of angry right there at the end. Goes. Well, he's been sleeping for quite a while. Some objects are unusually strong. You need to deal enough damage at once to actually deal damage to them. That's cool. That's a new mechanic too. Medium toughness. This material is unusually strong. Only a hit that deals at least 22 damage can damage it. I really like that Larian has added things like this. It really gives like individual party members and items much more value to their use, much more significance. Instead of everybody being able to just take down a door. So if I had like a bunch of like one-handed wielders and I didn't have a two-handed weapon here, this will be quite tough to get through. Stayed interesting. This place wasn't built for the living. This little area reminds me of Dos too, underneath Fort Joy. I'll definitely be reading through all of those. I'm actually going to pick up all the books that I come across and then send them to camp. I may read a few of them to you all, but at the same time, I still haven't figured out like what the best style is for a let's play series. I'm very new to the let's play style videos. I'm not sure if that's would be something that I should read all the books or what. There's definitely a few of them that I read in Early Access that are quite important, but I will read. I'm not sure about reading all of them. Okay, so we have a door right here and a door right here. You can use a trap disarm tool kit to neutralize dangerous traps. Easy peasy. We have traps everywhere, so before we hit the button, we should disarm them. Oh my gosh, critical failure. You've rolled a one on the skill check. Minus one. Critically failing at a skill check will mean you'll fail no matter what your ability modifier is. Quick, and I'm out of trap disarm tool kits. So what I'm gonna do, okay, is I'm going to pick up a few of these vases and put them over the traps. It actually looks like oil or grease is all over the ground now. I don't know if I want to pick up all the skulls and bones. ", "length": 1030, "id": "2.2", "start": 201, "end": 285, "lp_part": 2}, {"content": " We have traps right here too. Been a while since I've been here in Early Access. I wonder, I think the, I think that works what I'm doing right now. What now? A trap. Someone doesn't like visitors. That brings us right back out to the ravaged beach. Path lies before me. Avoid that trap. I can't wait until act two when I run into traps left and right and don't know what to do. Way to go about this too, but I can't exactly remember how the trap goes. Let's just cover up all the vents. Oh, there's a vase right here, silly me. Okay, let's have everybody else back up and hit have five too. What my magic that way. And we're gonna put Asterion in front of the button right here. Yes, take Shadowheart, we're gonna cast resistance. And let's walk up to this here. The text on the plaque is a mystery to you. Oh wow, you actually need a disarm tool kit to get this open now. No way. So I'm gonna have to remember that. Interesting. Okay, so hold on, let me hit the button right here. So that's progress. Okay, so when I get a trap disarm kit, I'm gonna have to come back. No time. Yeah, that was ripe with magic. See what type of loot is in here if it's changed from Early Access. But no, I'm pretty sure this trap actually, if you activate it, you can just turn it off with a button. But I've gotA long road ahead, alright. So we set up for really no reason at all, but when we come back it'll be nice and easy. Watching, hopefully we can find another trap disarm toolkit here in this apple symbols of the Scribe of the Dead Jergal, the element of. Be careful opening up doors and dungeons. This place is falling apart, could have happened by itself. Nice and quiet now. Also, you can't lockpick this door, so let's go ahead and see if we can destroy it. It's gonna make quite the sound though, and you can hear voices on the other side. Laughs. There we go. [Music] Wow, I'm last in the order of turns right now. No. Yeah, Asterion is still hidden. I'm gonna take a sneak attack right now. Okay, and I'm gonna cast bless. Oh my gosh, Larian Studios changed the bless to where you can actually choose individual targets. That is insane. It's so much fun discovering the little changes that Larian has put in the game since early access. So with bless level one, I can bless up to three creatures. Before it was just like an AOE circle and you had to group up friendlies together. It made it really difficult to cast the spell. Now we can choose each of the targets. Let's go ahead and do wolf. [Music] Beautiful. Okay, and then we're gonna back her up a little bit. We'll take Gale. I'm actually out of spell slots, which is fine. Do we have any good scrolls here? Raven feeblement. It'd be cool to try it out. I feel like I want to learn it though. I don't want to waste it. If I get a scroll of a spell that I don't know, I feel like I want to save it. Let's go ahead and do fire bolts. Actually, if we can get a shot at this oil barrel right here, let me move up a little bit. It looks like path is interrupted. Okay, so in that case, how about we go back to shadow? Nope, we'll go back to Gale. And let's. . . Hmm, I could throw a void bulb and move them out of the way, but throw does cost an action. But do I have any Alchemist fire? Can't believe I haven't picked up any fire oceans. Okay, so in that case, let's just go ahead and do a regular fire bolts. 65 chance and an 80 chance. So much for peace. And if only I had my action right now, I would be able to do a cleave that hits multiple enemies, a special weapon attack called cleave. Yeah, Asterion, I'm going to have you. We have just a bonus action. Foreign. Oh no, they got back up. Okay, all right. Am I still concentrating? I lost concentration. I'm blessed, so this isn't going really that well right now, but that's okay. That is a-okay. Let's go ahead and finish this guy off right here. Or I could recast bless, actually. I wonder if I cast bless and then retreat it into the other room, it would still be held. Let me try that just out of curiosity. One, two, and three. Oh, target's too far. Okay, so let me hold on. We'll cancel that. I'm out of movement too. Hmm, okay, let's do bless again. [Music] Okay, still concentrating on blessed. We'll go into turn-based mode with her. Okay, and we lost. Nope, we lost concentration on blessed. Okay, okay, fair enough. I respect that. Hey, look, we come back in. Now we have an action. Probably cheese that, but I'm not going to. If there's like obvious cheeses, I usually try to stay away from them. It takes away my feeling of accomplishment if I choose something too hard. ", "length": 1029, "id": "2.3", "start": 286, "end": 388, "lp_part": 2}, {"content": " Okay, so we're doing okay. Go ahead and see if we can finish off suffering right here. Very nice. I should have rested after that last combat encounter so I have spell slots, but that's okay. This guy's a barbarian. Not sure what happened right there. Really miss. Oh, there we go. And I lost concentration on Hunter's Mark. My movement speed reduced by 50 percent. Okay, damn it. His rage actually just saved his life because he took half damage. But not if I do a pommel strike. See ya. At javelins. Leather gloves, we'll pick it all up. Why not, right? Okay, and you know what? I'm gonna go ahead and move right here out of their line of sight. And we'll take a shot at this guy right here. 70 percent. Let's go ahead and use our bonus action to hide. And then we'll take the sneak attack. As you need advantage on your attack. Oh, oh, not quite sure what just happened right there. Must have advantage. I guess I lost my stealth. I could go back into stealth, but now it costs an action. So let's just take a regular shot. And we missed. Back up a little bit. Nice. This actually might be one of the harder angles to come at this encounter from. I mean, we have an oil barrel right here. If we light it on fire, that would change everything. It's just hard to get to from this side of the room. Good. On it. There we go. All right, I'm gonna actually take a health potion. Is all that matters. We're still doing pretty good with health with our Ranger. So let's go ahead and get out there on the front line. Oh, so close. You know what I'm gonna do? I'll tell you what I'm gonna do. We're going to take a potion of speed. Light on my feet. I'm out of spell slots, so I can't do Hunter's Mark anymore. And then I'm going to use Cleave. Swing your weapon in a large arc to attack up to three enemies at once. Okay, let's go ahead and lacerate this guy right here. Get a little bleed effect started on him. I guess I killed him. Wow, just like old times. There we go. Now I got sneak attack to work. Out of spell slots with Shadowheart too, so let's just go ahead and do a regular mace attack. [Music] Foreign. Beautiful, beautiful. And this is actually the last opponent. We'll just get right in his face. Have to keep going. There we go. Picked up a Bandit's key. Go ahead and pop a short rest. Well, some rest is better than not. He's not blood. And then we'll do a little bit of looting. Journey Through the Jungle. That book talks about the land of Chult to the far south of Baldur's Gate. The land of jungles and dinosaurs. Eve's tools. I'm looking for a trap disarm kit. Like we're gonna find one in here so I can go back. Not a problem. Wits and Blades always shop. Minster's not around. Cast guidance before we go into the room. In case we have any perception checks or investigation checks. So that should have actually unlocked the door that I broke through. You know what would have been really cool? Just not necessary. It would have been really cool to keep my three party members in here and then send Asterion around to the front and try to stealth my way through here to find that door key right there, open the door, and then I'd have Asterion attacking from this room and my other party members would have been able to sneak in as well. Foreign. S in this game. You just don't do it that often. Myself, I find it a little bit tedious, but I will do it once in a while. You can dip weapons into your candles. One with the weave. You do not recognize the language on the plaque. Most excellent. Yeah, we'll go ahead and pick up these books. Oop, I marked it. Death and Divinity. The Mortal View. Eyewitness accounts of the ball spawn crisis. Let me go ahead and read this because this is talking about the events in Baldur's Gate 1 and 2. The Guild seal on the inside of the cover belongs to a printmaking collective in Baldur's Gate. Of course, I remember. Knew the second that girl was walking that she'd be troubled. Little thief always in everyone's business. And that ward of Gorion went right along with her. No surprise. A wicked God's blood was running in their veins. This is when you start Baldur's Gate 1. You are a ward of Gorion and your childhood friend Imoen. Both of you guys are both ball spawn. Saravak and his lot are always the first ones that come to mind. You know, this all started with a bit of iron in Nashkel. Everyone thought their weapons would rot out their hands. Back then, I thought the problem was bad trade. Never took the man for a son of ball. You dare speak that name to me. My mistress was turned to ash fighting those forsaken wretches. I curse ball. I curse ironicus. Baldur's Gate 1 antagonist or Saravak was the Baldur's Gate 1 antagonist and Erenicus was the Baldur's Gate 2 antagonist. And I curse you. The five tour tether to pieces. I don't think anyone expected more ball spawns showing up would fix theWar, a pack of them started. Then again, they were all inclined to killing each other. ", "length": 1031, "id": "2.4", "start": 389, "end": 506, "lp_part": 2}, {"content": " Good riddance. Here's hoping every last one of them has been wiped off the face of Faerun. That is a reference to the Throne of Bhaal expansion for BG2. I'm not authorized to be talking about any murder with someone like you. Take it up at the Sea Tower if you want to argue. But honestly, who cares if a Bhaalspawn got it stuck to them? Their father is the killing type, after all. Several hundred more interviews follow, most of them first. We'll send that to camp. Alright, just double checking that there's no books, no new books in here. First of the vampire, will send that to camp. I think we're good here. I think I missed anything in this room. Really hoping that I find a trap disarm. Cool kid hair. Otherwise, I might have to come all the way back. Shouldn't have wished to live in more interesting times. So if we use my character, we can see better in the dimly lit areas because I have dark vision. Ancient scroll. Though a bloom of mold has leeched the ink for most of the scroll, its beginning is still legible. The ceiling ritual. Our God cares not for petty ritual. There is only the ceiling. It is vital that we observe it with the exacting reverence. On the day of the ceiling, a mixture of bone and ash is consecrated upon the names of the dead. We spread the offering and viewing the ink with the essence of death. Our God, that affects me. Okay, we got some camp clothes here. Just need a trap disarm toolkits and I'll be happy. But it doesn't look like we're gonna be finding one. Can't give up now. I'm gonna sell all that. Is my encumbrance looking at right now? Look at all the loot that I have and I'm only at 150. A very strong character. And we have a bunch of food here, so we're gonna pick all of it up and a supply pack. Unfortunately, you can't just pick it up and send it to camp. But then again, all of our food is going into our camp supply pack. That's okay. Ancient indecipherable text covers the plaque. A dead tongue. Whoever worshiped here must be long gone. And we'll just have to come back when I have a trap disarm tool kit. And I'll probably forget. And that does it for the chapel. So this will be a nice stopping point for episode two part one. And for those of you guys that have time, just stick around a few more seconds and we'll get right into episode two part two. Welcome back for episode two part two. And in part one, we just cleared out the chapel here and we met a very mysterious undead figure named Withers, who said that he will be checking in again on us soon. So we'll have to see what that character is all about. Despite everything, feel my way. Well, let's go ahead and continue to explore the map. What now? Almost level three, so that'll be nice. And finally choose our ranger's subclass and be reunited with our wolf, our wolf named Fern. And I'm wearing this hat because I loved Beast so much from doing the original sin too. Even though it would be better to wear the leather helmets as I get dexterity saving throws plus one. But I care more about Beast than I do dexterity saving throws. I hear shouting up ahead. Not sure what that was about. Give up now? Okay, we discovered the Emerald Grove Waypoint, the ancient sigil circle. Look at the view out here, the Ciaothar River. Okay, so I think I'm gonna go ahead and take a long rest right now, replenish some of our spell slots, or we go investigate what this shouting is all about. How do you feel? Fine, much better than I thought I would given the circumstances. Yes, well, the occasional exchange. It's almost as if we're not infected. I feel good, so strange. Do you remember the voice aboard the ship? What do you mean? After they put that tadpole in my eye, I heard this voice. It was soothing. The voice said I become a beautiful weapon. What do you think that means? Sounds like it had plans for us. Whatever, whatever. Well, I've said my piece. Get some rest. Okay, we'll check in with the other companions. God, the sword is so good. The only bad thing about it is it's pretty much always out and it's always on fire. I wish you could put out the fire and then reignite it. Sounds like you've been learning all about your gruesome future. I have to say, I thought you looked worse. But no, not a tentacle to be seen. I'm hoping it'll stay that way naturally. But I was thinking, what if it doesn't? Of course, first sign of change and I'll have to stop that pretty little heart of yours. I am open to suggestions. Knives, poison, strangulation, whatever you'd prefer. Try it and I'll spill your guts, elf. I'm gonna help myself. Don't be so pig-headed. I'm being practical. How much damage will you cause if you transform? How much blood can you bear to have on your hands? Listen, if I die, I'll take you with me. I do like you, you know. You've got fire. Whatever happens, I'll make the right choice. ", "length": 1025, "id": "2.5", "start": 507, "end": 596, "lp_part": 2}, {"content": " Sweet dreams, darling. I'm not too concerned with trying to get constant approval from my companions. I'm just going to kind of play it the way that I want and approval will go up and down, up and down. No, never mind. Because when you're meeting new people in real life, you don't quite know them that well. You're not sure about the things that you say to them and how they will react to that. So that's not cool. I think it's realistic for me to not worry too much about only getting approval with certain characters. Okay, well, this is interesting. With a moment. What are you doing indulging in a spot of vanity? Handsome devil, aren't I? I love this guy. Be that as it may, ceremorphosis. What does it make you think of? First and foremost, that damn tadpole. Spot on. Day one, fever and memory loss. Day two, hallucinations and graying skin. Day three, hair loss and blood leaking from all orifices. Need I go on? Day four, excruciating pain as the skeleton and organs reform and reposition. Day five, the host personality has disappeared. Fingers and toes and limbs elongate. I take it you get the picture. I do, but you may as well finish the picture at this point. Day six, flesh around the mouth splits to make way for tentacles. Day seven, a mind flayer is born. This is the annotated version, of course. Well, we should be having a fever by now. Brain, skin, even. Spot on again. Our orifices remain blissfully unbloody. Our heads remain clear and our blood temperature normal. Any expert will agree, this is abnormal. For long live the abnormal, Gale. I'll toast to that. The pragmatic in me, however, sees only the silence before the storm. Something to sleep on. We should get some rest. You know me and Gale are getting along quite well so far. We'll see how long that remains. Okay, let's have a quick chat with Lae'zel and then we're out of here. And for those of you guys that might be new to this genre or this game in general, didn't play Early Access, every time you take a long rest, it's probably a good idea to check in with your companions because they oftentimes will have new scenes for you, they want to discuss the events of the previous day. Our bones should ache, our mouths should bleed, yet we thrive. It is madness. Keep your rest short. Time is not our ally. Yes, ma'am. You do as you're told by Lae'zel, that's for sure. Okay, the hell is this elf doing sneaking off in the night? Um, it's interesting that in the full release when you take a long rest, you wake up at your camp now. In Early Access, you basically wake up at the spot that you left to take the long rest. I like this better though, it makes more sense. Okay, let's go to the Emerald Grove. Hopefully get to level three here shortly so I can pick up that Speak with Animals spell. I haven't really seen any animals running around though. Not yet, but we will. Save those orders. That pack of goblins will be on us any second. What's going on? Goblins are on our tail. Open the gates, hurry! Now you let goblins here? Where is the Druids? Please, there's no time. Hells, open the gates! Shit! Former line!Let's go, provoke the blade. Yes, and suffering sting. Wow, Wyll is so much more of a badass now. I might have to keep willing my party to do a pack to the blade, kind of like a hex blade. Okay, so here we go. Asterion is up first. Let's go ahead and come to the edge. We're gonna hide as a bonus action and then do a sneak attack. Just gonna go ahead and just do it right here on this guy, take care of him first. [Music] [Music] rallied, granted eight temporary hit points by a friendly combatant. Foreign. All right, so let's go ahead and start off with bless and we'll do, you know I don't think she's gonna lose her concentration because I'm going to stay back up on this hill so we'll do blasts with. I'm gonna do it on her anyways, help out with guiding bolts. [Music] Gotta get myself some good AOE spells here soon. [Music] Ah. [Music] [Music] Pawn to cleric four. Okay, one at a time, go ahead and do magic missile. Beautiful, back up a little bit. Wow, Wyll is kicking ass right now. I love how it shows you the conditions on your character, what spells you have active, right here on the left side of the screen. Okay, so I forgot to cast longstrider once again, but I think I'm gonna do it. I should be doing this before combat begins, but that's okay. Awesome, just be on my way. And I also forgot to cast Mage Armor. It's gonna take me a little while to get into the habit. The good thing is that I'm recognizing my mistakes, that's how you get better. [Music] Opportunity attack, and she missed. Aired him with the action surge, he's a fighter. Okay, so who has the most HP here? 26, Heritans got 18 HP. ", "length": 1032, "id": "2.6", "start": 597, "end": 682, "lp_part": 2}, {"content": " Go ahead and take out his bug bear target. 15 damage, not bad. Whoever attacks him next will have an advantage on their attack. Oh no. Laughs. I don't know if I've ever had a goblin cast grease on me before in this encounter. I gotta be careful. I'm gonna go ahead and not cast Mage Armor because it would take our action. Let's see if I can somehow. [Music] Okay, looks like I can do this. We'll do one right there. [Music] Whoa, beautiful great play though. I really don't want Aaron to die right now. [Applause] Arms of Hadar. But if he does die, it is what it is. It just makes the combat encounters that much more intense. And you know what? I would regret not putting longstrider on my character right after a long rest because I could have ran down here and saved Eridan on my way. [Music] You know what? Who did I have Hunter's Mark on? Oh, what? I just, my bad, long button right there, just spam space bar. I meant to hit Alt. Fuck. Okay, so we're gonna jump out of this grease. Perfect. And then, that took my bonus action, so oh, everything got healed, so we're looking pretty good. [Music] [Music] All right, one damage point short. [Music] Open the gate, the goblins have been murdered. Here's some quick looting here. I gotta get back into using my hotkeys, save a little bit of time here. The gloves of power, on a melee hit, possibly inflict a minus 1d4 penalty to the target's attack rolls and saving throws, and sleight of hand plus one, but you must worship the absolute. Save those. Okay, let's go ahead and level up. We have reached level three, and we'll start with Wolf. Hey, for spells, I'm gonna pick up speak with animals. Open up a ton of quests in this game, and speak with animals is also not based on my wisdom modifier, so it fits my build quite nicely. And for subclasses, we have Beastmaster, Gloomstalker, it's kind of like your roguelike Ranger, and also Hunter, and Hunter is a really good choice, you can dish out a ton of damage, but we have to go with Beastmaster, of course, so I can have my precious Fern by my side. These Masters bind themselves to an animal companion, sharing an intelligent bond that flourishes in and out of combat. Ranger's companion, let's go ahead and summon. We have Wolf, Dire Raven, Spider Orr, and also Bear. The Bear is pretty good and tanky, we have to go with the Wolf for now, and say hello to Fern, he's been by my side for many years. Awesome, okay, let's go ahead and level up Shadowheart, level 3 cleric. [Music] And the classes that have prepared spells, it's so much easier when you level up because you don't really have any pressure to make any choices in terms of spells because you have access to the entire spell list, but we're pretty much good here. We unlocked level two spell slots, which gives us a few new spells. Hold person's really good, protection from poison, warding bond, warden ally that gained resistance to all damage, now plus one to their armor class and saving throws, and lasts until a long rest. It's pretty nice that wasn't in Early Access, let's go ahead and prepare that. We'll get rid of cure wounds for now, and I'll prepare warding bonds. We also have spiritual weapon too, I feel like I want to use that, so let me get rid of inflict wounds, even though inflict wounds is a really good, you know what, I'll get rid of sanctuary for now, it's only temporary, you can switch these spells in between combat encounters when you're playing prepared casters, let's pick up spiritual weapon, summon a floating spectral weapon that attacks your enemies alongside you, and it costs a bonus action. What now? I'll probably end up respecting a few of the companions, not out of their base class, I'll probably switch the subclasses up a little bit. The Arcane trickster is like your Rogue mixed with a wizard, the Assassin Rogue is the one that wasn't in Early Access, then also the thief Rogue, I want to pick assassin, you prefer to deal sublime punishment to a single foe at a time, not in a duel mind, because a duel implies chivalry and you're too busy getting the job done for honor. We get initiative, in combat you have advantage on attack rolls against creatures that haven't taken a turn yet, any successful attack role against a surprise creature is a critical hit, and quick as an alley cat in a rainy dark city, you immediately restore your action and bonus action at the start of combat, give that a try for a little bit. We can't forget our wizard, and let's see what we want here, so we have to choose two spells, although we can learn all of these over time if we can find the scrolls. I definitely need to pick up an AOE spell right now, really really powerful in this game, so I'm going to take cloud of daggers. ", "length": 1028, "id": "2.7", "start": 683, "end": 732, "lp_part": 2}, {"content": " Chondra cloud is spinning daggers that attack anyone inside. I am a necromancy wizard, we really don't have any good necrotic spells at the moment, I probably should have just taken evocation and then respect into necromancy at level six when we get the undead feature with the animate dead, whatever, it's not that big of a deal, so let's take cloud of daggers and then also pick up Misty Step. We have a little bit of mobility, and let's enter into the Druids' Grove. There are children here, you fool! We was running for our lives! You let them straight to us, and you let them take the Druid too! Unbelievable! I've seen much bloodier battles than this. Consider yourselves lucky. Who the hell are you again? Show some respect! This man saved your pathetic life! Well, I didn't ask for any goddamn help! Please, you were begging me to open the gate, anything to save yourself, you coward! The human's eye twitches, he's about to blow. Oh! Let's stand back and watch. The armored man collapses unconscious. Goblins have found us, no doubt the Beast will be back. We need to pack up and leave immediately. Okay, for once, now that's settled. Thank you for your help out there. I'm Zevlor. I'm Wolf, well met. I should warn you, visitors are no longer welcome in this Grove. Whatever your business, I'd see to it quickly. The Druids are forcing everyone out. This attack will only strengthen their resolve. Why are they forcing you out? There have been several attacks by different monsters. The Druids blame us outsiders for drawing them here. Nobody's welcome anymore. They've started a ritual to cut the Grove off from the world outside. We can't stay, but we'll be slaughtered if we leave. We are no fighters. This ritual, is there no way to convince the Druids to stop it? I've tried, Kagha, their new first Druid won't even see me. You, though, I know it's not your business but she owes you for saving this place. Perhaps you could persuade her for more time to prepare, if nothing else. Asking for favors this early, Zevlor? I have my own temporal concerns. I need a healer. Goblin got you? The Druid, Halsin, renowned healer, but he didn't make it back from Aaradin's Expedition. If it's not too serious, you could try his Apprentice, Nettie. She's with the other Druids in the Inner Grove. They've withdrawn there to prepare this damn ritual of theirs. Hmm, let's just go ahead and leave. We'll talk to a few more chieflands and try to get to the bottom of this, and then I'll consider helping out Zevlor. First, we gotta see what our buddy Eridan is doing here. First, I damn near die at the hands of goblins, then a fouled block takes his frustrations out on me. I'm done with this hell hole. Harrison's got quite the personality. We call it a t-plane, a foul blood. Let me cast Speak with Animals right now, because I'm sure we're going to encounter some animals here in The Druids Grove. Unfortunately, you can't speak with your own animal companion. And it looks like Larian has named my wolf Lupus. Not Lupus, it's Fern. I don't think we can name our own companion, unless I missed it somewhere. You never let it show, but he was homesick too. Have some respect. This really isn't the time to talk. Yes, you're lucky I don't have Thunder Wave prepared on me right now. Unbelievable. I am fallible. I mean, Tieflings. Hey, look, we got a little squirrel right here. So let's have a little chat. It'll be the first animal that we're speaking to on this run. It's certainly not the last. Get out! Squirrel lunges at your shit and bites it, little bastard. What was that for? You're trespassing. This is my territory. You know what? I kind of respect that. It's like a little mini Lae'zel right here. All right, you win. I'm leaving. Around here again. Nice. I wonder what happens if I walk through this area. I'm a little bit intimidated right now. I'm not gonna lie. Gosh, man, look how beautiful this game is. It's almost surreal to be running around on the Sword Coast in a game of this quality. Oh, oh no, that's not good. Oh, okay. We have a bugbear assassin. Madeira, he's fine. Just take a little nap. All right, let's go ahead and start off with Wolf here. I got a good idea. We don't need this guy's loot. We need his entertainment. Really? It's not going to let me push him off the edge? Seriously? Oh man. Okay, okay, let's just kill this guy. He's not gonna be that hard to kill. And actually, I can pull off sneak attack because a friendly is in melee range of this guy. That didn't help us, did it? Remove them. 14 damage out of the Wolf. It's actually really good. Let's use Spiritual Weapon. So we have Spear, Maul, Albert, Greatsword, Greataxe, and Trident. Let's do the Halberd. Nice, we have a new combatant in Shadowheart. Didn't have an action. Spiritual Weapon took a bonus action, but now that Spiritual Weapon is in the order of turns, I can actually do some damage. ", "length": 1044, "id": "2.8", "start": 733, "end": 824, "lp_part": 2}, {"content": " Pretty cool. And we can fly with it too. You gotta be kidding me. All right, Asterion is the MVP of that battle. I'll feel that one later. Yeah, let's go check out this dead Tiefling. I keep saying Tiefling now, and you guys will know why, because there's a scene coming up. Tiefling, Tiefling, and another Soul Coin. Looks like it's stealing. He's dead, right? Through the telescope, squint at the distant object, trying to make out further details. It's pretty obvious that it's a dragon. Absolutely unbelievable. Okay, well, good thing that it's a red dragon. I'm done with the telescope. I don't need to look left and right. That was embarrassing. Glad you were here for those goblins. Picked one off yesterday myself. Shot her through the throat. Nice. Should have killed her, but she kept gossiping. Oh, clawing at the arrow. Not nice. Your first kill. Don't worry, it gets easier. That's what Zevlor said too. I hope you're right. I want to help. I just didn't think it would feel like this. My ranger is pretty brutal. All right, let's go ahead and see if we can find Nettie. There's a ton of side quests in this area, but I think for the Let's Play, I gotta focus in a little bit more on the main quests, maybe do the companion quest too, and then for my stream series, we can get into all the nitty-gritty. I think it has to be like that. As much as I want to do every single quest and talk to every character, a Let's Play series would be like 250 hours long. Refugees, adventurers, no one in years, and suddenly we're overwhelmed. Well met, and thank you for beating back those goblins. Most brave of you. Is there anything you need? Act fast if you do. The ritual will be complete before too long. Are you really locking down the Grove? I know it's drastic, but more monsters seem to terrorize this region every day. And what about the people here? We Druids will be safe. As for those that took refuge here, well, may Silvanus guard them as they continue their travels. We just said the region's overrun by monsters. They won't survive by themselves. As I said, it's a drastic measure, but the survival of the Grove is paramount. There just aren't enough supplies to support everyone. Just some bits and bobs I no longer need. Okay, I'm gonna clean out my inventory, but I'm gonna skip the video ahead a little bit. I'll let you guys know if I buy anything. Okay, so I've sold quite a few items, and I'm actually going to pick up the Gloves of Missile Snaring. You can intercept missiles from a ranged weapon attack, reducing their damage by 1d10 plus your dexterity modifier. We're gonna give that a try. And I think I am going to put it actually on my ranger, because that'll add a little bit to our tankiness. Silvanus guides your path. Trying to get a good look at what they look like. Pretty cool. Yes, we'll give that a try. How y'all doing? Else, we can't just leave their kin. I'll not gamble our lives, our futures, on people who are as good as dead. We must leave for Baldur's Gate at once. Can we all just take a moment, please? What's the point in blazing spells if we don't bloody use them? We should stay. These people aren't fighters. We can help. Oh, yell louder. That's fine too. I choose the wilderness over the dangers of a city any day. Stay. What? The dangers of overpriced taverns and muddy streets? I think I'll take that risk. Going anywhere? I'm staying. We're needed here. Suck. Fine. We'll stay. If we survive, it'll make for a good story, I suppose. Thank you, Roland. Lost in thought. How long until Roland? We should have left by now. Instead, we're just sitting here, practically begging to be attacked. Staying is a mistake. And why the rush to leave? You don't understand. My apprenticeship with Laroican begins shortly. I cannot be late. Yes, that Laroican, the greatest wizard in Baldur's Gate. I've heard he's quite the scoundrel. Common gossip, the byproducts of ignorance and jealousy. Few can match him in terms of raw power and talent. Until now, that is. In years to come, you will boast of this meeting, I can assure you. May we meet again in Baldur's Gate, my friend. So, I used Gale for that conversation, and we had that one response that shows that Gale must have heard of Laroican before and thinks that he's a bit of a fraud. Is my feet. I swear that box is gaze. It's following me. Ah, you're addressing me, a humble ox. How quaint. There's something strange about this ox. What is it? Foreign. It's off. This creature isn't what it appears to be. There's more to you than meets the eye. Care to explain? You are incapable. Come on, old chap. I'm a devil for gossip. Awesome. I'll tell you this much. I'm going to Baldur's Gate with or without the rest of these poor salts. No, that's all I have to say. Besides, and I really mean this, moo. ", "length": 1028, "id": "2.9", "start": 825, "end": 932, "lp_part": 2}, {"content": " Oh, nothing here for you. Okay, let's go introduce ourselves to the Blade of Frontiers, one of the origin characters and possible companions. Go on, give me your best shot. Not bad. Again. I can't do it. I'm not like you. Owe me. I don't need you to be like me. You justHave to buy enough time to run. Come on, I believe in you. You can do this. It's good advice, child. You do well to listen. Hmm, you're on the right path. Go on, now practice what you've learned. Well met, the blade of Frontiers is yours. The man's smile bends downward and his thoughts become yours. You are the blade of Frontiers, racing through the waists of Avernus. Ahead, a diabolical figure, red skin, single curled horn, blazes with flame. Bloodied great ax, help Hell's great fires. You were on the ship. A little bit of audio cut off there. Who is that woman, the one in your thoughts? You saw her there. Advocates diaboli, advocates diaboli. Devil's Advocate, a champion in the blood war between diabolical forces and demons. Her name is Karlach, an archdevil soldier. I've sworn my good eye to kill. I tracked her through the hells to the mind flayer ship, but the damned lithids infected me before I could end her. She's out there now, preying on the innocent. If I don't kill her, she'll leave behind nothing but a trail of corpses. Well, I'm more concerned about the parasite. I suggest we search for a healer together. An excellent suggestion, but your party's full up. Still, when the time comes, call for the blade. I won't belong to answer. Go to my camp. A splendid plan. We'll talk more there. We've picked up another companion named Wyll. Recruited Wyll, a monster hunter known as the blade of Frontiers, is on a mission to kill Karlach, a powerful devil who's a danger to the entire Sword Coast. So we know from character creation that Karlach is also an origin character and a possible companion. There's just so much content available at the Grove. It's pretty crazy. I mean, I could probably come over here and spend like two hours going through all the content that's over here. But for the sake of the let's play, you know, I'll probably run through his side on my way out. But let's push on a little bit. When I do my live streams, I'll definitely delve into all the possible content. I'm not gonna skip much. Stop me. There's so many hidden secrets here, especially right here. Let's go right now. She's a thief, hellspawn, and you will wait for Kagha's judgment. Now get back. Through miraculous, I never switched to my heavy armor. But you know what? It's not going to even make a difference right now because I have 14 Armor class with medium armor. My AC is 15 plus one from dexterity modifier. And then the heavy armor, we have plus one from defense. It doesn't really matter which one I wear right now. We're gonna have to find some better heavy armor. All as well that ends not as bad as it could. Lives are at stake and the cowards only care about their bloody rituals. We need to get Arabella out now. You heard the guards. They're waiting on Kagha to give word. I'd sooner trek through the Nine Hells than trust that snake. I saw what happened. Why are the druids holding your daughter? A rebellious right to steal their idol. The druids lost their damn minds about it. They need it for their precious ritual. Oh, it's all or better yet explode now. Arabella's being judged by a bunch of druids who hate us. It's not right. This grove is like a cauldron about to boil over. I say we check in on the child, make sure she comes to no harm. I'll talk to them. Thank you. They won't give us the time of day. The tea planes have a lot of requests for us, don't they? I bet she's giving them hell. Come again, give him a chance. You get back. What's so special down here? It's forbidden too until Kagha's orders. Well, if it weren't for me, you'd be overrun by goblins. Now I think I'll go where I please. Take back. It's my hand and I'll show you its claws. A moment, Giona. What? Oh, I understand. You. The Parity Kagha wants to see you. Go ahead. Return to rest. Got some druids performing the ritual. And would you look who it is? The one and only Volo. This should be interesting. Few questions, if you please. There's no overstating my interest. Fine, ask your questions, Glory. How would you describe that particular batch of goblins? Size, nature, distinguishing qualities. You search your mind, successfully recalling various details of goblin behavior. Give an exact description. Goblins, word of a rare gem-colored hue, and wielded magic blowguns. And the dragon they had marching in the rear, was it of the brass or silver variety? Love the facial expressions in this game. Dragon? There, there wasn't any dragon, Volo. Witnesses failed to notice the. . . Last question, then you'll be quite free. Did the attackers rally to the Absolute when they fell upon the gates? Yeah, I don't think so. I was concentrating on not dying, dude. ", "length": 1029, "id": "2.10", "start": 933, "end": 1042, "lp_part": 2}, {"content": " Really? Well, this does complicate things. But then again. . . Well, never mind. I've interrogated one. It was very camp. She reports they've abandoned their god Maglubiyet in favor of someone called the Absolute. Interesting. I'm on my way to their camp as we speak. I always knew my studies would come to some use. And what brought you to the wilds in the first place? Why, complims, obviously. But someone ought to chronicle these curious events. I'd heard the master of this place, a druid called House, and might be able to point me in the right direction. But he's been quite captured by them already. Ironic, really. An interesting fellow, that's for sure. Has strong ties to Alminster, one of the famous wizards in all of Faerun. This leads up to the squirrel. Definitely don't want to go up there. I'll end up TPK'ing to that squirrel. I thought you were House. The bull prompts his haunches, clenching and unclenching. I'll take that as a compliment. Without sin, promise me a mate. Horny bastard. Okay, we probably want to take a long rest. Release her, because things might get a little bit intense here. Let's get our spell slots back. No time to rest, and we have appeared at a mini camp. And it looks like Mr. Skeleton has showed up as well. It ends. No, it's as bad as it could have. We meet again, as predicted. I shall be here in my camp for whenever thou hast need of my services. Not to be rude, but what are you? There are many answers to that question. None are important. Skeletons aren't supposed to be able to talk, correct? Are you going to explain further? No. You were saying something before. What were you doing beyond mortal realms? There doth exist an amalgamation of spirits akin to thine own, ensnared by the treacherous cult of the Absolute. Failed in its name, they bear great discontentment with their destiny. For a mere pittance of coin, I might summon the worthiest among them to lend aid to thy undertaking. This is the hireling system. All these hirelings be joining me willingly, most willingly, for so their passions run deep. Do you think I can trust these cultists? Always haunts the guilty mind. My services are all that I can properly offer. What thou wilt do with them is for thee to undertake. Okay, let's check out the hireling system. Or any of thy companions perish, I will cleave soul to body once more. I would like to talk about hirelings. Very well. Okay, let's go ahead and recruit one. But maybe if I don't recruit it officially, I'll get my hundred back. I'm not sure. Impossible. Thy party is full. Oh, okay, okay. So let's go over here and I'll shadow heart the blade of Frontiers. Hope Wyll lives up to his name. We'll need all the help we can get. We should journey separately for now. If you. . . Oh, I forgot about the artifact. I should definitely do that right now. Let's go ahead and pull that out. They're engraved with indecipherable glyphs. Examine it more closely. That's not good. Foreign. The hell is Gale doing behind me? That's creepy. Well, we might as well try to force it open, right? A box that simply refuses to be toyed with. Happens to the best of us. We'll come back to that. Faith, dost thou require? Very well. Okay, here's the hireling system. Looks like we have one hireling for each class in the game. But you can technically respect your companions too, but thematically that might not make sense. The interesting thing is that we can't actually customize their appearance, and I think most people actually wanted to. To be able to create a custom party, I'm surprised that Larian went with the Hiraline system. They didn't give us control over their appearance and name. I wonder what their reasonings for that were. Okay, out of sight out of mind. I just want a little look. Don't touch me. Don't touch me. I mean, my Ranger would never steal. What a story. On a totally different story, no way the guy doesn't have any Resurrection Scrolls on him. Larian definitely changed that up. They knew all of us were pickpocketing for the Resurrection Scrolls. Okay, let's go ahead and get Shadowheart back in our group. Something that company. I wonder if it gave her the artifact back. It didn't. You know, I'm gonna give it to Shadowheart once we got the party back together. I'll do it right now. It won't let me. Okay, and actually, I wonder if the companions have something to say about Wyll joining the camp. So let me have a chat with Astarion first. Sam, we're traveling with a famed blade of Frontiers. I feel safer already. Aria, that's funny. And actually, I might want to have Lae'zel in my group. So, you know, I'm going to dismiss Astarion because there is a side quest with Lae'zel. Yeah, we have to find Zoro, which is part of Lae'zel's quest, and Zoro is in the Grove. So we're gonna get rid of Astarion. Yes, darling. And we're gonna go pick up Lae'zel. I've done a few warlocks in my time. Talented, of course. They're sometimes too eager to listen to the Devils on their shoulders. Comes with the territory, unfortunately. Tell me a bit more about yourself, Gale. ", "length": 1027, "id": "2.11", "start": 1043, "end": 1158, "lp_part": 2}, {"content": " Let's see, I hail from Waterdeep, city of splendors. I am a wizard of considerable acclaim and scholar of exceptional accomplishment. I have a cat, a library, and a weakness for a good glass of wine. And if the mood takes me, I'm known to try my hand at poetry. Gale cracks me up, I'm not gonna lie. I don't think you guys can really hear me when I'm chuckling right now because my voice is going away on me, so my chuckle is like nothing but air, and my microphone's not picking it up. But Gale makes me laugh. Don't stop there. You must have many stories to tell about your adventures as an archmage. Archmage, excuse me. Didn't that paint enough of a picture? Okay, I don't think I want to try peering into his mind because I wouldn't appreciate if someone did that to me. But we'll change the subject. The blade of Frontiers, that's your calling. Jesus, well put away the guns. How does the blade of Frontiers end up chasing a devil in the Hells? Karlach fires raged in Baldur's Gate before she escaped to a furnace, as my source told it. She was planning to return one of the archdevils Ariel's own chaos incarnate, a devil with pure fire for a heart. I made my way to Avernus to stop her. She fled from my reach, even climbed aboard the Mind Flayer ship as it screeched through the Hells. I followed in close pursuit. I can't bear to imagine the lives Karlach might be taking, the damage she might be doing. Yeah, and he went through all of that to track down Karlach. Holy cow. Who is the source of yours? A powerful friend with a keen interest in privacy. I'm sworn to say no more. All right, what else is on your mind? I've noticed your stone eye. Did you lose it in battle? A most vicious one, in fact. It's made from pure bloodstone, carved from the Galelan Mountains just north of the Moonsea. A reminder that sometimes blood must be shed and sacrifices must be made. Ah, but that story is reserved for lifetime friends and calmer days. I'm very interested in Wyll's story just because he's been rewritten, and it's very different from Early Access Act One. By all means, what else is on your mind? Tell me, Wyll, how did you become the blade of Frontiers? My father once said, One does not pursue a champion's life. One merely answers its call. So it was for me. I was hunting near the Cloakwood when I heard it. A child crying out from a lone farmstead. I found him in the fields, flanked by goblins. His mother's corpse bled into the soil next to him. I don't remember much of the battle, but I remember drying the boy's tears after. Hmm, and he named you the blade of Frontiers? No, but he named me friend, and that meant the world. But what of the others? Children never saved, the cries never heard in the boy's tears. I finally saw the suffering wrought by the villains of the Wild. The Frontiers demanded a blade, and so I heeded. More convincing than Early Access, and before that, Baldur's Gate. Born and raised, the only son of a single father. He wanted one life for me. I chose another. We haven't spoken since I left the city. A classic drama, a staunch father and his rebellious son. Better heard from The Bard's lips than mine. Not suppose you've come across an expert healer in your travels? I've come to know a fair few village clerics, but none with the skill to pull these worms from our heads. From what I understand, there's a healer called Nettie in the Grove. Perhaps she's got the talent. We should pay her a visit. I feel like I want to build a melee warlock out of Wyll. I just don't know exactly how to do it. I'd have to plan ahead a little bit. But I could have Wyll join me right now at a heart. No, we're gonna stick with Lae'zel for that side quest. People have a word for men like the blade of Frontiers. Roughly translated, idealist, do-gooder, or better yet, benevolent burden. His confidence is an asset. His pursuit of valor, not so much. Are you sure a crush is our only path to a cure? Entirely. I was as devoted to my studies as I was to my training. Each crush contains a safest purification device. So I learned from the writings in the Clear Library. The library was the gift from Vlaakith herself that we may gain total understanding. So the Clear Library is up on the Tears of Selune, which are a cluster of asteroids. And the crush, the Githyanki crush that's located on those asteroids, is called Crush Clear, which is where Lae'zel is from. But it's not the same crush that we're looking for right now. Books are fallible, as are those who write them. Not books. Found it is etched into stone. Truth as perfect as the queen who decreed it. Countless scholars roam the Astral Sea and beyond, observing the ways of our lessers, exploring planes so distant. Order tends to chaos and cold fires rage. The planes are ever quaking and their peoples ever shifting. The Githyanki possess an eternity of knowledge, yet we still collect more. Infinities upon infinities. I'd like you to join me. ", "length": 1028, "id": "2.12", "start": 1159, "end": 1238, "lp_part": 2}, {"content": "All right, welcome back! Let's jump right into episode three. I'm having such a good time so far. I didn't get much sleep last night, but I don't even care. I just want to keep playing. So, in episode two, we met Wyll, who claims that he's the Blade of Frontiers. And we also started venturing into the Druids Grove here. Our main task right now is to find a cure. One of the ways we are going to potentially do that is to try to find one of the healers of the Grove named Neddy. The Grove's main healer, the Grove's leader named Halsin, is currently missing. We're going to talk to Nettie and see what that's all about. Also, last night, Asterion tried biting her neck, so we learned that Asterion is a vampire. But I did spare him, barely. But he is still alive. Though I used the lifted powers on him and found out that his vampirism doesn't seem to be by choice. So I showed a little bit of sympathy. And then also, we have to save Arabella. So the Tieflings in the Grove right now are refugees, and the Druids are starting to do some ritual that will push them out of the Grove and then leave them to fend for themselves on the road to Baldur's Gate. And it's infested with goblins at the moment. So we found Arabella in the Druid's Lair. She's being judged by Kagha, leader of the Druids, and is clearly in trouble. Then we also have our personal quest to explore the powers your parasite gives you. We use the power of our parasite to exert an influence beyond ourselves. How far does this power go? I don't know exactly what that means, but we'll keep an eye on that quest. [Music] I think I'm gonna switch. We're gonna take off Beast's Helm here. I'm gonna put the leather helmet on and then hide. The leather helmet's ugly, but we get that plus one to dexterity saving throws. And actually, I should also give the scroll of Feather Fall to Gale. Feather Fall is not around. That one's definitely worth learning. I'll spend the 50 gold. You know, honestly, I should have held off on choosing Necromancy Wizard until we reach level six. That I should have respected Necromancy. But that's okay, not a big deal. Okay, now we have Feather Fall, which is awesome for utility use. Action. I think I also want to quickly try out this spell that Shadowheart and Gale have, and it's called Warding Bond. It gives pain resistance to damage and a plus one to their Armor class and saving throws. And it lasts until a long rest, and it doesn't require concentration. So let me cast that on my Ranger here. Exactly. Awesome. At least things have stayed interesting. And yeah, that just made us more tanky. And on top of that, I also have the gloves here that can reduce the damage of incoming missiles as a reaction. So a lot of cool spells and items in this game so far. We're just scratching the surface right now. There's our buddy Aaron, the trader. And actually, before I go figure out the Arabella and Nettie thing, let me take a left right here. I'm not going to do all the content. I will be intentionally skipping a few things just for time, as I mentioned last episode. But there is a character that we're searching for named Zorru. A deep gnome named Zorru has seen other Githyanki. We should find him and ask him what he knows. So Lae'zel wants to talk to Zorru. Let's see if we can find Zorru over here somewhere. Get Lae'zel. They have a two-handed weapon. That's okay. We'll just. . . She looks pretty badass right now. I'll wait until I come across one. I don't really have the gold to buy one right now. Let's take a look at our map here. We have a rat right here. I guess I'll quickly talk to the rat. True. Where'd the rat go? Here he comes. I'm gonna enter into turn-based mode. Makes it easier to actually be able to click on some of these critters. Or else what? Oh, look, he's got a little bit of arcane magic on him. Let me take a look. I am a ranger of the woodlands. I respect rats. It's the front one. Were you trying to eat it? Maybe. Think it would bite me back? Way. You're big. You can get rid of the evil thing. Follow me, but be ready for anything. Okay, still alive. I guess we're following the rat right now. And he went inside this little building right here, which is currently locked. We have a chief named Pandora. Okay, I keep saying Tiefling. And you know what? Some of you guys are wondering why I keep saying that. See if this druid named Zorru is right around here. I thought he was around here somewhere. Aramas. Not exactly sure where he is. Let's see if we can get inside this place without having the entire camp attack us. So my character has really high strength, so I can jump a lot of different places. I wonder who else is gonna be able to follow me. Anybody? A good Misty Step up there. Oh, there we go. I got Lae'zel with me. Okay, all right. This should be interesting. All right, let's study her face and try to read her emotions. ", "length": 1027, "id": "3.0", "start": 0, "end": 101, "lp_part": 3}, {"content": " Awesome. You note her grimace of pain. Something is wrong with her legs. Damn it, dope. Don't look at me like that. You can stay. Just keep your hands to yourself, all right? You need a hand up? I just fall back down. Legs are as steady as our falls. Bloody potion. It might have been Nightshade, maybe Hemlock poison. Basically, what? No, the potion worked. I'm strong as a bugbear and fearless. The old lady warned me that this might happen, that it was a side effect. Hmm, sounds like you've been duped. I need a moment. Her eyes. You're not feeling the best, but I'm sure it'll pass. Yeah, the rat's right here. Paralyzed. You know, honestly, I wonder if I can cure that with Lesser Restoration. Let me take a look here. If you're a creature from disease, poison, paralysis, or blindness. So let's go ahead and unprepared Inflict Wounds. Let me prepare that. See if I can get Shadowheart in there. And actually, instead of going through the front door, I don't have Minor Illusion right now. In risking the guards watching me, let's see if we can get in a different way. You notice there's a back path over here. So let me take Shadowheart and Gale. Let's see if we can go around the backside. And your birdie. You ain't gonna shoot me. Your hands are shaking. Put it down. Can't fight back. That's the point. Get out of the way. She didn't kill your brother, Arca. You're better than this. Shoot before you lose your nerve, Tiefling. If you ever had it to begin with. Oh, that would be tempting to shoot, not gonna lie. Shut up, Goblin. Those words could be your last. I think I'm speaking for Shadowheart right now. I should change my voice. Gotta sound like Jennifer English. All right, we're just gonna watch what happens. This really isn't my business, and this Goblin seems quite annoying. So here it comes. Little. . . Oh, wow, headshot. Okay, all right, fair enough. But we appear to be in the prisons right now, in the jail. Might as well take some gold out of it, right? I'm assuming those are the chests that store your gear if you end up committing a crime in the Grove. That's curious. Ah, that's not where we're looking to go, but it is marked on our map, so we'll have to come back. What's next? Foreign. Those things are dangerous, especially when you're on a cliffside. We'll let that other mushroom live. Let's get. . . Okay, let's see if this works. In D, there's a spell for almost anything. I'm gonna quick save just in case we encounter any bugs. Let's try Lesser Restoration. Actually, let me talk to her with Shadowheart first. If this isn't the most boring post in the Grove, I don't know what is. We do have to figure out what she's guarding. My legs. I can stand again. Did you do that? Thank you. Look, you're not really supposed to be here, but I'll turn a blind eye. Just don't touch anything, all right? Hmm, I don't know. This rat's looking like he wants to show me something evil. I don't know what you're guarding and who you're guarding it for. So we gotta get inside this chest. Let's take Gale because I think he has the highest dexterity in my party. Dim the lights in here. I really need Minor Illusion. And just in case, let's go ahead and use Blessing of the Trickster, give Gale advantage on stealth checks. And let me see if I can sneak into this corner right here. Perfect. Oh, for communal use, it seems. Show some respect or some more cunning. Oh no, the guard's in here too. Oh, you gotta be kidding me, dude. I wonder if I could put her to sleep. That would be. . . That would be hostile, though. That would put me in combat. But I could put her to sleep and then walk away. Okay, hold on. Oh, I forgot about Invoke Duplicity. Didn't seem to work right here, though. All right, let's try this again. Tells everyone subscribes to what is mine is yours. Okay, hold on. I got an idea. While we're in dialogue, let me switch to Gale. Nope, every time I open the chest, she's not happy about that. Okay, you leave me no choice. Oh, this is gonna be risky. Oh no. Oh no, I have to. . . I did it, though. I did it. I have to. . . I have to. . . I chose to use a hostile spell on a Tiefling. I can't save scum it. It is what it is. I learned my lesson, though. What I can do, though, is what I'll try to do here is we're going to use non-lethal attacks. Okay? And I have it on all my characters right now. And this actually may work out in my favor. So the thing is with non-lethal attacks, must be unarmed or using a melee weapon. Okay? So you can't use range. So let's just go up here and just do a regular attack on this guy. A little bit nervous about this door. Oh, look at this. That's updated from. . . Wow, that's updated from Early Access. ", "length": 1029, "id": "3.1", "start": 102, "end": 237, "lp_part": 3}, {"content": " The Invoke Duplicity. All right, Mr. Gale, I'm gonna need you to. . . All you got is a bonus action, so let's just have you move over here. I don't want you to take an opportunity attack, though. Knight to King 5. All right, and non-lethal attacks are on. Nice. Little dual wielding. Put my Ranger up here. Make sure I have non-lethal on. I do. Where's my animal companion? Oh, wow. No, are you kidding me? Oh my gosh. This is. . . It's unbelievable. This is a major problem. Wow, oh my gosh, wow, okay. Pizza. I fools these mortals be. I don't want to get in Lae'zel's way so. Muhammad he has nine HP right now. I don't want to accidentally kill him. I'm just gonna skip Gale's turn, see if we can get out of this pickle. Okay, knocked him out, nice, nice, nice, nice, nice. We'll blame this on Gale. We'll say the rest of my party didn't want to use the Sleep spell but Gale did. Alright, so we might as well start off with a Magic Missile and then we'll go to the non-lethal attacks. Flourish. Man, my Ranger's missing everything. A lot of misses right now. Okay, let me close this door. Things did not go as planned. So let's go ahead and loot this chest now. Alright, we have a cabinet key, gold, alright, a gem, cabinet key. Oh, it's a soul coin book. The Drow poison coat your active weapon with poison. Targets must succeed a Constitution Saving Throw or become Poisoned and fall Asleep. Okay, really powerful poison right there. I've got a long road ahead. The evil thing's gone. Now where was I? Okay, alright, now the interesting thing is, is the entire Grove going to be hostile to me? My wolf companion is still alive. It's okay, the wolf can die because we can just summon it back. So let's try to get this over as fast as I can. Oh man, all the Tieflings. Come on, hurry up. There we go, alright. Alright, we got to get the hell out of here, man. We gotta get the hell out of here. I guess I might as well loot here, right? Druid's Ledger. Okay, let me go ahead and F5. Balzoru was actually the guy that we needed to talk to for Lae'zel's Quest. Don't exactly know how that's gonna play out now. You know what, Lae'zel is going to loot this guy. She doesn't like him. Storage key. Oh, this guy had the key to get into the shed here. So we could have started off by pickpocketing him. Hit Asterion back in my group. Alright, we'll just leave it. Okay, um, yeah, I'm a little bit nervous right now. Everybody out, let's close the door. Hopefully nobody checks that shed anytime soon. And I'm gonna kind of, I'm gonna try to just sneak. You know what, I'm just in case. I'm gonna shift C, we're gonna stealth. It looks like these Tieflings are not hostile towards me though. So nobody knows what happens. So I like that Larian has that mechanic because it did happen in secrecy. Not sure why the wolf scene went off. The wolf scene probably went off because the wolf was tied to my party. And just in case, I'm just gonna stealth through this area right here. Nope, that doesn't matter. Okay, they're showing yellow, so it doesn't matter. But let's push on. Okay, nice beautiful waterfall right here. And you know what, I'm not even going to talk to the Tiefling kids right now. We need to push on. We need, I'm a little bit nervous about what just happened, but you know what, it was fun. We're gonna turn off non-lethals. Alright, and we're back. The Grove. Volo is gone. He went to the goblin camp. And let's see if we can go talk to Kagha and Eddy. Story. I'm sorry, I wish to live in more interesting times. Please, I'm sorry. This is madness. Kagha, she's just a. . . What? Wrath? A thief? A poison threat? I will imprison the devil. And I will cast out every stranger. What's this girl's actual crime? Go. You mean. . . Parents are water, then steals our most holy idol. In thanks, Wrath. Lock her up. She remains here until the rite is complete. And keep still. Tila is restless. Come, Kagha. We took back the idol. Surely, do it. Nothing not right about this Kagha lady. Let's go ahead and read Kagha's mind. Do I still have that potion active? I am first Druid now. I will take control and prove my authority. A little bit too excited there to get power. Don't Druids cherish harmony? Jaylee and the girl disrupts nature's balance. Thank you. The devil sowed chaos. She remains until the rite is complete. Snakes hiss of approval reveals its intentions. Should the child struggle, it is poised to strike. Imprisoning or empowers the refugees. Are you willing to risk insurrection? I think that's my first 20. It is as you say. Tila to me. Out, thief. My grace has its limits. It hurts. The hell? Thank you, Kagha. Master Halsin isn't here. Keep his name off your tongue lest Tila pierce it. ", "length": 1027, "id": "3.2", "start": 238, "end": 369, "lp_part": 3}, {"content": " Okay, what was that with Shadowheart? We managed to save Arabella, who immediately ran to her parents. So after returning to those Tieflings, let me first have a chat with. . . As more venom in our heart than a. . . But at least a child is safe. What is youth if not a time to be forgiven for one's transgressions. Sounds like you have something to confess, Gale. Ha! Then you don't. You're holy without vice or sin or the occasional lapse in judgment. No, you don't strike me as quite that boring. Nice. Okay, I know that look. You're wondering why I was in pain before. Let's just clear the air about that now. It's just an old wound that hurts me from time to time. Nothing to be concerned about. It's nothing to do with the tadpoles. At least, in case your imagination is in danger of getting away from you. It's just something I have to live with. And how badly does it hurt, Shadowheart? Quite a lot, if I'm being honest. But it always passes quickly, so I can manage. Are you sure it's not connected to the tadpoles? Positive. You can trust me on that. Action, not Reaction. Okay, I thought I took that potion a long time ago. I wonder if the game's bugged a little bit and I have it at all times right now. It says last until long rest, so if it doesn't go away on the next long rest, I'll just end my concentration on it. Interesting. I don't remember where I thought I drank a potion for that. Yeah, if it's bugged out, then I'll end it myself. I don't want to cheese the game. We got a lot of animals in here that we're gonna talk to before we talk to Kagha here. Another stranger come to fix me. What will you do? Hunt me? Grab my tail? Shout until my head hurts? Hmm. No one's here to hurt you. Stupid or a liar. Neither is needed here. Go. Hey, sounds like he's been abused quite a lot. Doesn't respond. It simply bears it. The rat watches your movements but does not speak. The rat doesn't respond. You did well to speak up for the girl. That snake is fickle. A tragedy prevented. That Kagha seems dangerous. Well seen, well spotted. We've let a snake replace our leader. Hmm. Kagha seems happy to rule the roost. Who's your real leader? Master Halsin. Perhaps Goblin called. Perhaps dead. Mistress Kagha back in line. Hold her at the task. Stop this damn ritual. More will die if the rite is finished. So many more sent into a world gone mad. I'm looking for Nettie. Ah, I see. You will find her deeper in the caves. Okay. I don't know if I'm willing to just automatically work for these guys right now. So we're not going to say that we'll go looking for Halsin. I doubt it is what Silvanus wants. Silvanus is the Oakfather, one of the ancient gods of nature in the forest. Okay. Okay, alright. Let's have a little chat with Kagha here. And look at the art. Incredible. Have the right to defend our home. So that's what you want. And we will break all this down in future videos and then live streams. Really get into everything that we can see here. Hold on. Say it. You think I'm a monster? Only a monster would threaten a child. Yeah. Yes, defending her brood. I call her mother. You call her monster. No matter. I took back the idol of Silvanus and the righteous resumed. We will seal the Grove free from harm, free of intruders. Zevlor believes his people will perish on the road and mine perish if he stays. You showed great mettle at the gate. The mettle of a skilled sword for hire. I want you to provide your services to Zevlor. Offered to guide the Outlanders out of the Grove. I'm sure they'll reward you well. They're to be gone before final prayer. If they are not, the Viper must strike. Yeah, I'm definitely not doing anything for Kagha. Wouldn't be smart to attack right now. I mean, she's the leader of the Grove. Temporary leader of the Grove. Alright, we're just gonna say this to end this conversation. The refugees aren't my concern. Know the sting of my venom. Get out. We have no more business. I don't like you, Kagha. I don't like you one bit. Something finicky going on here. Something's not right. We just saw blood too. I was seized the battle done. The moonrise broke the darkest one. History, Ole Miss. Whatever is depicted here is long past. Man, we failed the religion check. Let's see if we can do it with Gale. Towers seized the battle done. The moonrise broke the darkest one. Recognize the mark of the dark goddess Shar on the broken helmet. This army marched in her name. So many dead, sent to the night singers embrace. Be of reference to Shar's divine sister, Saluna. Interesting, yes. If we can see what's on the plaque over here. And tooth from root to thorn, the old oaks grove to wildlings sworn. The mural shows druids claiming the Grove in the name of the old oak Silvanus, god of nature. Escape without consequence. We might as well have lain on the ground so much lore in the Forgotten Realms. The servant's quarters. Let's do some poking and prodding around here. Since I no longer trust Kagha, I should do a quick save in case we bug out. ", "length": 1036, "id": "3.3", "start": 370, "end": 501, "lp_part": 3}, {"content": " I like to wrath a lot though. And here we go. There's a chest hidden behind the bookshelf here. Grove artifacts. Hey, let's go investigate that. You know what? I think I want to bring my entire party up here. And we're gonna have Gale open it up. Come on up, folks. Good. Wow. Gonna be a great day. Baldur's Canticle, the Shadow Druid's Doctrine. Half-torn note. The marks crisscrossing the page don't look scribed so much as slashed. Kagha, swamp docks, tree, meet me. Loan bulletin. The book's spine is limber from overuse. The corner of one's page is full folds inwards. Balance is a myth. Where any clan treads, nature struggles. Unity is a fiction. Men of mere flesh seek only. To tame beast and raise Flora, we are the Thunder, we are the rain, we shatter mankind and grow new life in its place. [Music] As a Ranger who spent a lot of time with good druid factions, this is not what I like to read and awfully feels like I might be in the midst of a shadow druid. We also got an Inspiration Point from that, discover and read Feldorn's Canticle. Melbourne's actually from the original Baldur's Gate game and is a shadow Druid. My character is taking this quite personal right now. All right, Takago wants us to make the Tiefling leave. We found a note involving Kagha. Something is going on in the Grove, we should get to the bottom of it. We found a note addressed to Kagha that mentioned a meeting in the swamp. What is she up to? The Druid Wrath told us that the first Druid Halsin might be the only one capable of stopping Kagha from finishing the ritual. Alright, so we have an update with Shar's Quest 2 or Shadowheart Quest. We spoke to Shadowheart about the pain that our mysterious wound inflicted on her. She pleaded ignorance but she may be withholding something. As Asterion is a vampire, okay we already know that. Okay, it's time to go see what's up with Kagha right now. Father, can I go? I've got a long road ahead. But actually before I do that, hmm, what if they tried to steal from us? The game, never mind, let's confront her right now. We gotta figure this out. Let me talk to Wrath first, maybe I can tell him something about what I just found. In turns, my eyes must stay on Kagha. Away, I have no more need of you. Okay, so can't do anything at the moment but we did just pick that up, that little torn letter that says, Where'd it go? Who do I pick it up with? Here it is. Kagha, swamp, docks, tree, meet me alone. From Oladin. Let's go ahead and I'm definitely going to investigate that. There's something going on here at the Grove and if there's Shadow Druids around, they must die to keep going. [Music] But while we're here, instead of going to the swamps right now, let's go talk to Nettie who hopefully can help us with our parasite problem. I see you, just give me a moment. There, it's up to Hurna, life for death. Now, what was it you needed? A healing? It looks like I came to the right person. I do what I can for most folks, that's enough. Come here, let's have a look at you. Seem healthy enough, a bit tired around the eyes maybe. Yes, I'm very tired indeed. Then get some rest, there's no better magic. If you need to, come back to me if that doesn't do it. Hmm, okay. Let's talk to her again. Not satisfied with that and feeling any better? Come here, let's have a look at you. All right, I'm gonna tell her, tired around the eyes maybe. Something crawled into my eye, Nettie. Crawled in, it's nightmare, all slime, teeth and tentacles. Can you help me? Oh yeah, I'll do what I can. Come follow me, I might be able to help. Even though I have of course done this in Early Access, I'm trying to playlist Through The Eyes of my character who of course has no idea what the different permutations are or who any of these characters are. People can have a chat with a bird though, please. I'm resting, something took a chunk of you. What happened? The bird says nothing, trying to rest. Well, you can prod the bird's wing. Definitely not gonna do that. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to disturb you. The bird says nothing, only the sound of its labored breath fills the silence. Okay, as well that ends not as bad as it could have. You know, after finding those letters with Kagha, I'm definitely awfully suspicious about Nettie too. Shouldn't have wished to live in more interesting times. This one had the same problem as you, attacked us in the woods together with some goblins. Tadpole crawled out of his head soon after. The drow and I have the same kind of parasite, seems so. Cavemaster Halsin had a right start. That didn't look right. It's why he joined the adventurers on their expedition, to find out what was happening. I pity you got me instead of him. He understands these things, studied them. Still, we have options. ", "length": 1027, "id": "3.4", "start": 502, "end": 587, "lp_part": 3}, {"content": " All right, let's see what we can do. Now, what's that plant? Will it help? It might, but first things first, tell me about your symptoms. Have you noticed anything strange happening? Looking closer, you realize you've seen this thorn in the Wilds. Calumvor's Kiss, a briar from the Dalelands and a deadly poison. I wonder if I got that dialogue because I'm a ranger. Put the briar down and we'll talk. I want to help you, but I can't unless you work with me. So, has anything unusual happened to you? Hmm, I'm sorry, I don't trust you. I'm leaving. She's with it. Don't be a fool, I'd kill you before you could blink. Oh, we can do Sharm Person too. Might turn her hostile to us though. Let's do it anyways. Didn't need it. I'm sorry, but I can't let you go. If you transform out there, you'll kill everyone in the Grove, everyone for leagues around. Okay, let's go ahead and do another intimidation check here. I am a strong wood elf, you can't hit me, let alone kill me. Don't make me put you down. Awesome, you're right. I'm no use to the others dead. Master Halsin did say the drow's tadpole was dormant. Maybe yours is too. I just want to find a cure. All right, but on one condition. This is a vial of wyvern poison. Swear to me you'll swallow it if you feel any symptoms. All right, hand it over. Swear it. Yeah, I swear, Nettie. Sure, I hope it doesn't come to that, but thank you. Here, you know I've spent my life treating folk and never once saw a mind flayer infection. Then suddenly there's dozens of you, maybe more. Master Halsin and I were tracking them, studying, trying to figure out what the hell was going on. Because you should all be changing, there should be a small army of mind flayers out there. But you're not. Weird powers aside, you seem perfectly normal. You must have learned something from studying them. For one thing, in your head is like nothing we've ever seen from mind flayers. It's one of their worms for sure, but this one gives you powers, telepathic connections, and it doesn't turn you into one of them. Not yet, anyhow. You said that you're tracking other victims. Did they change? Hard to say. Looks like they have been converging on an old temple of Selune, and I've no idea why. When Master Halsin heard the adventurers were heading that way, he saw a chance to get answers, joined on the spot. Whatever he found there, he didn't make it back. Hmm, okay. So now we have a reason to actually search for Halsin outside of just simply helping them. Kind of lines up with what we're trying to figure out as well. You think he's still alive? I think so. You're one of them, technically speaking. I mean, they won't kill someone carrying their parasite. If you can find Halsin and get him out of there, we can discover what he learned, and perhaps he can save your life. How's that sound? All right, I'll find Halsin. All I can say for sure is they all went to the old temple of Selune, and Master Halsin didn't make it back. Good luck out there, and if things start to go bad, remember the vial, remember your oath. Okay, even though she tried to kill me, I think she probably has good intentions. Might just be going about it the wrong way, so. . . Then. . . I love that her own character has banter with the party now. Okay, so. . . Halsin's research suggests that the parasite is connected to a goblin camp located in Old Temple of Selune. He was researching the parasite. He might be one of the few people who understand our condition. Nettie couldn't help us. Instead, she tried to poison us with deadly venom, hoping to kill us before we turned into mind flayers. Alright, the adventurers were with Halsin when he disappeared. They might know what happened to him. Alright, let's search around this place a little bit more before we head out. Maybe try to find the swamps. As my character can't get the shadow druids off of his mind right now. There's something in that vessel. Take a closer look. Okay, so I'm gonna try something now. This will be a first use of Speak with the Dead. We'll use it on this dissected drow. Investigate a little bit further. The corpse regards you lifelessly. What happened to you? Scouting. And who killed you? How many drow are out there? In Philcam. So that must be the M in the letter. And where did you get your tadpole? The corpse remains silent. It doesn't understand the question. Where did you start following the Absolute? Initiation. The spell's power wanes. You can ask no more questions. Moonrise Towers. We had an Inspiration Point from that as well. This is Halsin's journal. Extraordinary happenings. While meditating in the forest, Nettie and I were ambushed by a pack of goblins led by a drow. We had no choice but to defend ourselves. That is not the extraordinary, or rather disturbing part. On the drow's death, the parasitic creature emerged from the corpse and attempted to escape. I managed to capture it and have the host cadaver here in my study. ", "length": 1034, "id": "3.5", "start": 588, "end": 689, "lp_part": 3}, {"content": " I've told no one of my fears that he suspects, but knows better than to ask. I'll investigate further before informing the others. Kagha will demand answers I don't have yet. I had better record any further findings in a separate volume, keep them upon my person, lest prying eyes jump to the wrong conclusions. Hmm, okay. Mindflayer parasite specimen, hanging suspended in murky slime. The living tadpole looks like some hideous cousin to the slug, only gorged and slick with remnants of brain fluid. Oh my gosh, we can consume it. We can consume it. Okay, we're gonna hang on to that. I don't think any sane person would consume that, especially when we don't understand what's going on yet with the tadpoles. So we're just gonna hang on to it and perhaps later on in our adventures, if I can find out that it's somewhat safe, whatever sacrifice it comes with, step by step, is not enough. To stop me from the potential power that it will give me. Okay, we have some Rune sockets here in the library. Okay, I think we're pretty much good here right now. Shouldn't have wished to live in more interesting times. I'm very, very tempted to try to pickpocket Nettie. I wonder if I should get Asterion in my group real fast. Might call him in just for that because Nettie has something on her person and I already just don't trust what's going on at the Grove right now. Something's not right, especially after reading that letter. All right, this could go really, really bad. But once again, we have Gale over here doing some risky actions. Such a long way down. Come on, there is work to do. Now if this bugs out, we will be restarting. If it doesn't, I guess I will just deal with the consequences. Apologetic already. Okay, so she's got Elixir of Silvanus on her, neutralize the effects of all poisons. Elixir of Fire Resistance, Camp Supply Pack. Okay, so there's nothing. I don't think there's anything worth actually stealing here. So it's not worth it doing the check. I'm just gonna back off. Man, I love that we have the full game now because I'm just so much more serious with the actions that I take, especially since I'm playing with the philosophy of not save scumming. I have to really, really think about every action that I take on this playthrough. If I'm gonna try something risky, I have to deal with the consequences. All right, so let's head out of the Grove. We like Wrath. Something definitely going wrong with Kagha. We're child. Let's go see if we can talk to the parents of Arabella. See if they have anything to say. You ever scare me like that again and I'll feed you to a null, mom. Fine, stop it. Our little Hellion told us what happened. Thank you. Don't know what we'd do without her. This could have ended badly. Keep her in line from now on. The Nine Hells will sooner freeze over, but we'll try. Arabella is safe. Her parents are grateful for our intervention and we received Kamira's locket, which gives us a Dancing Lights cantrip. Cool. I know Gale doesn't have dark vision. That could be useful. I don't know if Githyankis have dark vision. Okay, so let's go ahead and I'm gonna put that on. Which way to the nearest library? We'll put it on Shadowheart. Now we have Dancing Lights. You know what? I'll just show you all what it looks like. It just lights up the room, makes it easier to hit enemies in darker conditions. All right, so I wonder what that Zorro guy is up to now. I wonder if they're still knocked unconscious over there. I'm a little bit nervous to go near the Tiefling part right now. Let's go investigate this other part of the Grove over here on the east side. And then we're gonna head out in search of that swamp letter because my character really, really just needs to know more about that, especially as someone who's hunting Shadow Druids. Hmm, still breathing despite everything. Turns upon the stars tonight. Smile and pain or fade away. Words of mine will change no. Come. What's that tune that you're singing? More like butchering. I don't know why I bother. You all right? No, I'm moments away from a grisly death. Let me see if I can help. Can't hurt. I have hurt. I have an extra loot if you want. In IRL, I was a musician for a while, so I guess I'm RPing this correctly. Okay, so first things first, what's the song about? My teacher, Lihala. She loved dancing. The two left feet mind. I remember waking up one night on the road and seeing her dancing beneath the stars, a huge smile on her face. Thinking of it now, my heart hurts. Oh my gods, just seemed to crumble like ash. Wait, words of mine will. . . Ash, that's perfect. Okay, keep going. What would you say to your teacher if she were here right now? That, that it's okay. That'll be okay. And thank you for everything. All right, well that's what your lyrics need to say. All the love I can't repay. Wait, laughs. Upon the stars tonight, fade away. Words of mine was hard to wash when you called the last lights down. ", "length": 1037, "id": "3.6", "start": 690, "end": 787, "lp_part": 3}, {"content": " Who reminds me? If I can't replay. Oh, the love. Who's playing the background instruments? Lae'zel's smiling. Anyone who gets Lae'zel to smile is a friend of mine. Bravo, bravo. Shut the hell up. We got other things to do. Foreign. Makes you want to help the Tieflings though. Still going, oh God. Lady, listen up. I'd appreciate it if I didn't ask for a three-hour performance. Sorry, but don't worry. Actually, that song was beautiful. It's worthy of a few tears. Thanks. That's the first time I've played since Lihala died. Playing her loot. Didn't hear the news coming. There was so much blood. Still smell. Sure, your teacher would be proud to see you now. Finish the Weeping Dawn for her. I have a long way to go, but thank you. I needed this. Okay, she's lucky I don't pull out a Thunder Wave right now. But you know what? There will be a time and place for that. It was a beautiful song. I'll give her that. But she tested my patience. Yeah, we gotta get out of this area. The Cap of Curing. When you inspire an ally using Bardic Inspiration, they also regain 1d6 hit points. So that is a Bard-specific hat right there. I wonder if I should put it on anybody right now. We're gonna put it on Shadowheart. Not gonna do anything except be a cosmetic, but whoa, Shadowheart looks awesome. Yeah, we gotta get the hell out of here, man. And I love the song. I don't love it that much, though. I keep thinking about Thunderwave. That's not part of this RP playthrough. So, but then again, Gale could do the Thunderwave. And I'm not, you know, RPing Gale. If Gale's angry and he wants to do something, I can't stop him, right? No, never mind. Is someone singing? It's beautiful. What a beautiful, beautiful area of the game. Oh, did I just drink that? I did. Okay, I meant to do it with a different character. I drank a Potion of Flying. Yeah, it was ripe with magic. What? Really? Oh, I know why. I used Jump instead of Fly. Oh my God. Giant nest. That's a classic. Let's see what we can find. Ring of Color Spray. Awesome. A note in here. I'm sorry. I'm gonna put that note in my bag. We have enough that we're concentrating on right now. I used Jump. That's so funny. Running out of time. Are we going to turn? Oh, I ran out of time. Should have went into turn-based mode for that. Okay, well, we're gonna leave Gale over here for now. One with the wings. Let's see if we can take a short rest. Running kind of low on spell slots here, but not too bad. Let's go ahead and use Arcane Recovery. And we're gonna sneak Gale around to investigate the singing over here. That way, I really would have preferred Lae'zel to be the one that's over here. Please, you shouldn't be standing in the water. It's dangerous. Don't you hear it? It's so peaceful. Yeah, this kid's messed up. I don't hear anything. Come back to the shore. I only want to listen. Just a little closer. Well, that's not good. Yeah, everything's gonna be fine once I get there. The harpy. Okay, several harpies. Looks like Gale is still hidden, which is perfect. Okay, he's not hidden anymore. What are you doing, Gale? What are you doing? Why am I doing this? Interesting. Can't control him, but I am not in combat with that character. All right, so here we go. Let's, um. . . Wow, Lae'zel took a ton of damage. So let's try to focus fire here. I hope he's got 24 HP. Don't have any level two spell slots. Let's start off with an Inflict Wounds. 3d10 necrotic could technically kill it in one round. I did 14 damage. And I wonder if I can do a little shove too. Damn it. All right, Lae'zel, I still gotta get Lae'zel a two-handed sword. I'm slacking with that. She also has Jump too. I gotta remember that I have that. Fight, let's go. Forgot to call in my animal companion, man. I did take a short rest over here though. I wonder why it's showing that I can't use it. What a strike right there. Oh no. Oh no. Oh, this is not going too good right now. Huh. Getting focus fired on Shadowheart too. All right, let's see here. Time to strike, Lae'zel. I'm gonna need you to actually, we're gonna use the Jump spell. And then I'm gonna jump all the way up here. I think these guys need help more than Yale does. Our Shadowheart needs more help. And then let's go ahead and see if we can finish this guy off. I'm tempted to cast Bless, but I feel like I'm gonna lose concentration being attacked by both of them. So we'll just do Inflict Wounds. Okay, perfect. And actually I can even move away. It looks like I'm not gonna take an opportunity attack. Beautiful. I do have Longstrider active. Looks like I can actually make it there. Nope, I can't. And then I'll use a throw a javelin. ", "length": 1024, "id": "3.7", "start": 788, "end": 922, "lp_part": 3}, {"content": " Nice. Oh yeah, I forgot that this harpy was the one that was concentrating on that song. I should have went after that harpy first. In the future, if you all are watching, make sure to try to break the concentration of the harpy that's actually singing the song. The kid is out of his trance now. Mercon looks like he's running away. All right, Mr. Harpy, I am going to ask that you. . . Let's see, could I kill it in one? 2d8 thunder. This would actually be kind of cool if I could knock the harpy towards my ranger. Awesome. Actually, I killed the harpy. And then we're gonna Misty Step over here. Nice little opportunity attack. And there we go, beautiful. Are they gone? Lae'zel's the. . . One talking. Go back to your parents, kid. There's worse in the Wilds than harpies. Now there's just Mole. She'll be so mad I didn't get the gold from the nest. I got to go. Wait, um, you should meet Mole. So be grateful you helped me find a boy called Donnie. Tell him you want to see the Dragon's Lair. Okay. Pick up my Javelin real fast. I'm out of short rust, so we definitely got to take a long rest right now. Looks like Gale has something to say too. Group everybody together. How purdy the water is, like the beach in DOS too. Not sure if that exclamation point will go away if I ignore it, so let me talk to him right now so I don't risk that. Scamp reminds me of myself when I was a Nipper, always getting it when I was a Nipper. You met a lot of harpies, did you now? Gale and worse. One time my parents denied me a kitten, so I summoned myself a dress. Him, dear old Tara, beautiful creature. Benefits of a Wizard's education, you see. Of course, my considerable Talent didn't hurt either. [Music] Well, that depends on who you ask, I suppose. I may have summoned things rather more exotic than a winged cat. Such as? There was that magma method once, nice fellain. We kept in touch, of course. In walked the housekeeper, screaming, yelling, panic, and before you know it, fire everywhere. Anyway, I'm glad we got that boy out of his predicament. Poor lad would have been happy for you if it wasn't for us. I find Gale's character quite entertaining. I know a lot of people get bad vibes from him, and who knows what his actual story is, but I enjoy my conversations with him. Looking at it, okay, let's salute the harpies. Let me call, I can't call my animal companion actually. It's been a long time since I played a ranger. Anything good over here? Isle of Bones. There's a few things that I gotta get into the habit of doing. And of course, I have to have my trusty wolf companion with me. Aren't you worried your kind will punish you for consorting with us? My name is Elk Chucky, and my kin will understand my need for servants. They will help you, but only if I ask. Ed, enough waiting. I crave blood. We're gonna get Lae'zel out of dual wielding here when I get back to the camp. Sure, I'll take them both. Why not? Yeah, that was a fun little side area. Can't wait for my evil run though. I mean, this could end up being evil. I'm starting this game basically neutral with a character who has a kind heart but has a troubled past and is also willing to do things for power, such as wipe out the shadow Druids. So my character is a complicated fellow. Even though I am going to do kind things and I generally treat people with respect, this playthrough could go either way depending on what happens. No one does. We have to look after ourselves. That's what Mole's is, that girl. Okay, here's Donnie. We're told to talk to Donnie, but I'm gonna go ahead and just go right over to the Trader down here. A little bit nervous to be around the Tieflings because of the Zorru thing. Are they still in here sleeping? They're still knocked unconscious. Okay, it would be really bad to get into combat right now. I kind of want him to wake up though because of the Lae'zel Quest, but that's okay. Things turned out the way they turned out. We might not be able to talk to Zorru. That just means other things are going to present themselves in the game. In a game like this, you don't have to worry too much about things not going as planned. Sufficing off those goblins. If you need to replace any gear, task my selection is pretty slim. I had to leave most of my criminal. Okay, I'm gonna organize my inventory a little bit and I'll do a quick cut. I'll see you guys in a second. Okay, I'm cleaned out and I'm going to go ahead and purchase this Shield right here. Plus two Armor class, but it gives you a plus one to your saving throws. And I'm gonna give that to Shadowheart. And then I'm also going to pick up this mall right here so I can have a 2d6 plus weapon for Lae'zel. Get her off of the dual wielding scimitars. And yeah, now we should be good. ", "length": 1024, "id": "3.8", "start": 923, "end": 1015, "lp_part": 3}, {"content": " So let's go ahead and equip that. Noise, that's pretty badass. Depends how many people are dumb enough. I wouldn't mess with Lae'zel. True. It also has tenacity. When you miss an attack, you deal three bludgeoning damage. Anyway, nice. You're always dealing damage. And then we'll go ahead and give Shadowheart her slightly improved Shield. Plus one to saving throws is actually pretty significant for just a simple weapon upgrade. And yeah, in my character, I have taken off at least hats. The bicorn. And I put on the dexterity saving throw helm that I had before. We're gonna hold on to the gloves of power. I'm not sure if I want to end up using those types of items yet. Items that line up with the absolute. And let me just see if this guy sells. Looking for steel? I have. I'm looking for a trap disarm tool kits. I forgot about that. Doesn't look like he sells them. Okay, on our way out, I'll stop at the other Trader. I still haven't forgot about. Oh wait, here's the old. Let's talk to the old lady right here. Because the Tiefling inside of the shed right here, or the one that we had to knock unconscious, mentioned an old lady. Is the one that gave her that duped potion. So let's go over here and see what this is all about. Thank you. Saw you fighting those slimy bastards. Fancy a bowl? Best to fill your belly now while we still can. No thank you. The smell is more than enough. He knows of yours up. The only way we'll make it to Baldur's Gate is to run and run hard. If a gnoll catches your scent, you'll need every bit of strength. Trust me. Definitely don't trust her. We'll get to the city soon. I am not grumpy. Scale on your face. We'll be leaving soon. Make sure you stock up. Okay. We're exposed now. Alright, there's a few areas that I haven't explored here in the Grove, but that's fine. We're going to be coming back later. Such as in here. Actually, I think Zevlor might be in here. Let me go talk to Zevlor real fast. Yes, Zevlor is in here. Okay, I heard what happened. Thank you for protecting the child. If the Druids are this far gone, then it's not just goblins we have to fear. So we can risk violence here or face it for certain on the road. Quite the choice, isn't it? Can you delay the ritual? You saw what they were willing to do to a child just for trying. It's Kagha's influence. Without her twisting things, I believe the Druids might see sense. Why don't you get rid of her? A low sword, but I'd be lying if I said I hadn't considered it. But the Druids would slaughter us. We'd have to get close to Kagha within striking distance. I can't manage that. They've already let you pass once. I am not some murderer for hire, Zevlor. It doesn't sit well with me either, but to get these people to safety, there's nothing I won't do. You'd be well rewarded for the risk. But if that won't sway you, there's nothing more to discuss. Okay, definitely too risky, no sir. But if there's a clear path past those goblins, definitely going to cause quite a lot of violence in the Grove. But since we don't like Kagha and we're currently investigating her a little bit, if we can figure out what's in the swamp, that letter from Oladin, I will gladly come back and murder that elf. Can't wait to find some more cloaks. Such a nice addition to the game. Just see if he has any trap disarm tool kits real fast. Need anything else? Of course, but please remember, you're not the only one in need. We have thieves tools. Hey, there we go. Perfect. Okay, I'll grab three of those. Oh my god, did I screw that up? I did screw that up. You need anything else? Of course, but please remember, you're not the only one in need. Silvanus be with you. Okay, I'm gonna go ahead and skip the video. This seems like it's going to be. . . We're getting really close to a good stopping point for this episode. But what I'm going to do is I'm going to cut the video and I'm going to travel back to the ruins and we'll open up that sarcophagus. Okay, we have an engraved key and then the Watcher's Guide, Death's Promise. When the spear misses its target, the wielder's next attack roll against that target gains True Strike. True Strike gives advantage on the attack roll and the cantrip on its own isn't the greatest, but if you're getting it from a weapon, you don't really have to do anything. That could actually be kind of nice. We'll hang on to that spear and maybe find use for it later. I don't want to switch weapons though at the moment with any of my characters. And that'll be it for this episode. Thank you all so much for watching. We completed the first part of the Druid's Grove and we're gonna have to head out to investigate the swamp. That's the first thing that I want to do to try to figure out what that letter is to Kagha. ", "length": 1028, "id": "3.9", "start": 1016, "end": 1113, "lp_part": 3}, {"content": "Welcome back. Let's push on with episode four. We spent pretty much the entirety of episode three in The Druids Grove and we talked to Kagha. We don't like what we did find, a secret letter in one of Kagha's stashes. It tells us that she's working with somebody else, awfully suspect, and that letter pointed us to the swamps. So one of my goals in this session is to find the swamp. But at the same time, there's a lot of content in this game, so if other things get in the way, I think that's perfectly fine. We got The Druids Grove right here, but we're gonna head out west of the camp now. Looking at it, we also had an interesting conversation with Nettie, The Grove's healer. She did almost try to kill us, but we cordially solved the dialogue conversation and we agreed to help her find Halsin, who was with an adventuring party that went to go investigate the goblin camp in the region because there might be answers to the tadpole problem that's currently going on. So let's go ahead and start this session off with a long rest as I need to recharge my spell slots. We'll call my animal companion back in. Oh, why didn't it do. . . okay, I thought I hit long rest, didn't I? Oh, I don't know what I just did. Whatever, let's click on the bedrolls and that should actually make it nighttime. And we have a bunch of dialogue to get into with our companions. We'll start with Wyll. My sword's actually not on fire right now. There we go, now it's back on fire. A goal runs through your head and down to your feet. Ah, there it is, that shiver. Our little brain worms have made fast friends, it would seem. How do you feel? Surprisingly fine, in spite of it all. Surprising is just the word, isn't it? Before the illithids' unscheduled surgery, I'd felt hundreds of beasts and a fair few fiends. The tadpoles weakened me, suppressed greater talents, but beyond that, I have showed no signs of turning. No nausea, no pain, not even a hot flash. Wyll and Gale are kind of full of themselves, aren't they? The question is, do we believe them or not? It makes no sense, I know. Why haven't we turned? Perhaps the worm's vat was poisoned, perhaps we're uncommonly fit, or perhaps the tadpoles are merely on holiday. We could conjecture all night, I suppose. The why doesn't matter so much as the what next. And that answer is plain as the horns on a war devil's head. We get these things out. Let's get some rest. Dawn will come sooner than we think. Farewell, Wyll. A fine evening, don't you think? The moonlight shines warmly on us, the breeze caresses our faces. Hideous, all of it. Would that I were doing battle up there among the tears. What do you mean by the tears? Look, rocky bodies tumbling through the sea of night. One of them is my crush. Are all Githyanki from the tears? You'll. . . you'll. . . it's there I first saw a Kith rock mount a red dragon. Where I slipped my cousin's throats at the Varsh's command. But enough of this. Dawn, we resume our search for a crush. All right, fair enough. Morning. I hope last night's little unpleasantness hasn't left a bad taste in your. . . well, I hope there are no bad feelings. No, but I do have questions. How are you standing in the sun? Oh, I have no idea. By rights, I should be cinders in this light, but someone or something is keeping me alive. Standing in the sun, wading through a river, wandering into homes without an invitation, they're all perfectly mundane activities now. As for my other quirks, well, we can figure those out in time. We'll figure them out quickly, Astarion. I don't want any more surprises. No more surprises, you have my word. I'm just glad you're being sensible about these revelations. I was worried people might turn up with torches and pitchforks, although there's still time. A vampire, well that explains the power. Given our group's nature, I don't see much harm. We're each monsters in the making, after all. Oh, and a quick word of warning, Astarion. I taste absolutely awful. Keep your distance. Well, we need him, like it or not. He's not wrong. We're bound together, no matter what comes. Maybe we could get him to wear a bell, dissuade any nighttime prowling. There, now we're all friends again. Shall we go? There's a long day ahead of us. That would be pretty funny if you could actually get Astarion a bell. Pat comes to chat. What's on your mind? You must be pleased to have a clear path forward. The sooner we find the Druid Halsin, the better. I can't wait to get rid of this thing in my head. How are you feeling? The same, these parasites are proving suspiciously benign. But suppose I turn, what would you do? Well, I'd probably just end your misery then and there. Why? Why? I think I would if the positions were reversed. But you're right, if we're to make it through all this, there can be no room for hesitation. ", "length": 1032, "id": "4.0", "start": 0, "end": 89, "lp_part": 4}, {"content": " You're doing well. It's a beautiful night. I think I'll stay up to enjoy it while I still can. Rest well. Good night, Shadowheart. I do want to quickly check out the dye system here. You know, when I'm recording myself, sometimes I don't want to spend too much time getting too deep into some of the systems because I have to sit here and think about it. Let's give a few of them a try. So we have the Drake General dye and we can combine it with what I'm assuming is. . . I wonder if you can do it with armor. Oh my gosh, you can. Okay, let's combine it with camp clothes so we can see it. Right now, we can see the armor too, but we'll do the camp clothes first. Whoa, that's super cool. Okay, now let's do my ring mail armor. I have to find better heavy armor here soon. Let's go combine and we'll take my ring mail armor and we'll see what that does. It just like RNG. What if I can do it again? Okay. Let's take Gale's robes and see if we can do that real fast. Okay, so the Drake General dye is red, it appears. That looks pretty cool. We'll keep an eye out for other dyes, but let's go ahead and end the night. Cool, looks really good with the red princess cape. I kind of like that you don't just teleport back. It feels a little bit more immersive now that you go to the camp and you wake up into camp. Okay, let me first call in my trusty animal companion. And as we explore here, of course, I'm going to have Fern out with me. The game calls her Lupus. Hey Fern, what's up? That's a good girl. Okay, we'll cast Mage Armor. I want to cast Long Strider. These things have stayed in it. And also, Speak with Animals. Then Leizel is a champion fighter. It's pretty straightforward. I might end up respecting a little bit here in the different subclasses. I'm going to leave Shadowheart as a trickster cleric just for the time being because I haven't been running with Astarion and it's nice to have somebody in the group that can help out with stealth. But I'm tempted to change her into a light cleric. And then Gale is a necromancer. We're really not doing anything with necromancy spells yet, but we will be soon. We gotta level up a little bit more and get some better necromancy spells. Chronic spells, I know they do not. It is my responsibility to cleanse myself. Perhaps they were trying to free you, a vain notion. I am one of many and will not be a burden to my queen. I'm picking up all of these plants so we can do some more alchemy crafting. Dragon egg mushroom, I'm sure that's used for something. There we go, recipe unlocked: ashes of dragon egg mushroom. Okay, we need three of those. Go ahead and create ashes of Balsam. Recipe unlocked: potion of greater healing. Awesome. The more you discover and the more you craft, the more recipes you unlock. So we need ashes of Balsam for that and then also any salt. If I take a look down here, we need to find one more mugwort and then we'll have a salt because it says any salt and then we can make our first greater healing potion. Not as bad as it could have been. Or a road to damnation. Not to say for your journey is just beginning. Hmm, what would suit the occasion? Hmm, to a lullaby perhaps. The mouse smiled brightly, it outfoxed the cat. Then down came the claw and that love was that. They do know how to write them in Cormier, don't they? Well met, I am Raphael, very much at your service. And once again, I just want to remind you all, I am playing on the review copy and we did get a long list of bugs that Larian has planned to be fixed by official release. With that said, I'm assuming that the official release is also going to have probably a decent amount of bugs. The real question is, are they game-breaking and how fast can Larian fix them? But you're probably going to see quite a few throughout my playthrough. Am I talking to the mouse or the cat? Neither. The rather hiding in a word, a silent observer about to break the silence. Of course, what I have to say merits some privacy as well as some more, let's call it refinement. This quaint little scene is decidedly too middle of nowhere for my tastes. Come. Okay, the middle of somewhere. Be more specific than somewhere. The House of Hope, where the tired come to rest and the famished come to feed, lavishly. Go on, partake, enjoy your supper. After all, it might just be your last. Definitely don't trust this dude. I'm getting tired of your games. Fair enough. What's better than a devil you don't know? A devil you do. Am I a friend? Potentially. An adversary? Conceivably. But a savior? That's for certain. Look at those horns. Why would you help me, Raphael? Because my compassion is boundless. I stride among the needy, giving comfort where I can. And you're in dire need. One skull, two tenants, and no solution in sight. I could fix it all, like that. ", "length": 1026, "id": "4.1", "start": 90, "end": 180, "lp_part": 4}, {"content": " Look at this room, the House of Hope. Wonder who that is right there. If that's Asmodius, Asmodius, the ruler of the Nine Hells. You're mad if you think that I'll make a deal with the devil. And what is madness but a denial of reality? Still, I have a feeling you'll change your mind before it's changed for you. Try to cure yourself. If you shop around, beg, borrow and steal, exhaust every possibility until none are left, and when hope has been whittled down to the very marrow of despair, that's when you'll come knocking on my door. Hope, such a tease. And if I do want to take this deal, how would I find you? I'll be around, watching you squirm like a tadpole through a nice juicy brain. All those pretty little symptoms, sauntering skin, dissolving guts, they haven't manifested yet, have they? One might say you're a paragon of luck. I'll be there when it runs out. Yeah, that can't be good. But you know what, if I'm about to turn into a mind flare, maybe I'll be calling Rafael up. He's so cool. If this game actually lets you turn into a mind flare, the main problem with that is when somebody does turn into a mind flare, that person is basically gone. It's not like it's you in a mind flare body, it's a mind flare basically taking over your memories and your soul, and you no longer exist. So from an RP perspective, of course, you wouldn't want that to happen. Now, if you could actually morph into a mind player and still be yourself, that'll be a different story. We found a trap disarm tool kit and a silver pendant that gives us the guidance cantrip. We're in a cave, the Harpers were busy. Look at the view up here, that looks like the swamp over there. So we're gonna head over there. This is the nautiloid crash site, and we started over here on the beach. Amazing, I love sandboxy CRPGs like this. At the back of the crevice lies a bag, and folded in the magic swaddling of spiders, a shiny gold coin pokes from its mouth. The creatures clutch the pouch possessively, you have no doubt a spider egg is nestled within. We can do Ranger animal handling and speak softly to the spiders, or slide a hand. We're gonna go with animal handling because we have proficiency. We have a pouch, and we have a spider egg sac and also gold. We're gonna hang on to the spider egg sac because I do know what you can do with that because I played Early Access. Basically, you can throw it and then the spiders will come out and they'll fight for you until they die. We have to be careful about these traps in the room here. Goblins have disengaged as a bonus action. We have to hold our ground. We're gonna do a quick save. We got some gobbles entertained. That seems to activate and deactivate the trap perhaps. We have a heavy chest right there, and when opening the chest. . . It's probably a good idea in general, if you have it, to use resistance to get a plus 1d4 bonus to saving throws for whoever opens the trap. I'm gonna have my Ranger open it because he has the most HP. There are a lot of oil barrels around here which is kind of scary, and these things have stayed interesting, but let's go for it anyways. Actually, I'm quite nervous. What's next I wonder, what my magic. . . Is that blood? No, never mind. My face protects me. I'll clean out the area a little bit. Everybody's failing, not a long way for more today, their perception checks. Okay, perception is such an important skill. All right, let's have um seeing it. I was gonna try to disarm it with shadow with my Ranger initially. Okay, I have a low Sharisma and a low dexterity group right now which is pretty rough in this game but it should make for an interesting run. My face, there's no time to waste. You gotta be kidding me. Plenty of inspiration points though. I don't think I actually needed one right there though. I think I could have just used another trap disarm tool cut whatever. You know, I should have the key to this. You guys notice the difference between a character with dark vision and a character without dark vision? Nature's snare chance to ensnare Target if it's not a plant or a beast in a silk gland, a chemical solution web grenade. Okay, all right let's get the heck out of here. Interesting little secretive passageway, so distasteful. I'd rather not turn my back on you if it's all the same. They're not getting along, are they? All right so, it's like we have a body right there. The swamps are to the left but we'll investigate this little area first. Breathing despite everything, people up ahead, something's wrong. Okay, oh no, you're a true soul, you can't die. Stay with us. I don't think he's conscious. Can you hear us, Ed? You, not a step closer, strange. Marked on their flesh, with a new stairs in response. Okay, we have a chance to use the lifted wisdom power but I don't feel like it's necessary in this particular moment. ", "length": 1037, "id": "4.2", "start": 181, "end": 254, "lp_part": 4}, {"content": " Well, the story on it did feel like it was necessary because I needed to get to the bottom of that. In medicine, his wounds look deep. I might be able to help. He's hurt badly, an oil bear got him deep. Well, if there's anything you can do, I'm watching you. The injured man locks eyes with you, a familiar squirming chairs in your head. Okay, let's hold this there, your minds intertwine. Of blings andrick and Brenner new recruits, yours to Shepherd, protect them. She is a true soul, mind, she will see, sure. Edwin, Ed please, he's with the absolute now yo. You're a true soul, Edwin our brother, he was chosen like you. Do you have orders for us? We were reporting to Edwin. Is this true Soul business? True soul, what are you, are you testing us? A true Soul like you has been chosen by the absolute. You speak with her voice, your words are her command. She grants you the power to enforce her will and when the time comes, the true Souls You Will Rule. I will serve at no rule aside but my Queens. Maybe we should play along with it. Perhaps you can help me, I'm looking for the Druid helson. I don't know any Druids. Then why are you out here, the Wilderness is dangerous. We will do well man but, but we're looking for fugitives, survivors from that ship that crashed farther west of here. These fugitives, tell me more. We don't know what they look like but anyone who survived that crash is bound to be injured. That's enough to get us started. The absolute wants them found at any cost. The absolute is looking for fugitives from the nautiloid crash. Well, we're not going to tell him that we're fugitives or that we're survivors. Okay, let's play along with it. A crude summary, you have more to learn of our faith novice. I'm sorry true soul, I only repeated what I thought. Thought still has a great deal to teach me. Absolutely, get it, you know killer, oh shite. Mike, we're gonna have to rest soon so I might as well just call in spiritual weapon, why not right? Doesn't require concentration so, pretty good. I am death, you gotta be me. And look at that, I found some improved heavy armor finally. Awesome and it looks a bit more like heavy armor too, I like that a lot. You're gonna have to take off the red princess cape here soon. Hopefully, I can find another cape. I'm not entirely sure why that combat encounter went off but we'll just say that the dude just knew that one of us was lying I guess. I feel like I handled that right but maybe I didn't. Strange power resonates within the calls to you. Your limbs move with their own Accords, why let its host's memories go to waste? The tadpole has absorbed it all. Oh man, decisions decisions. We can let our body guide us, welcome the tadpole's influence. Force our minds shut to not be influenced or do a strength check, the tadpole is toying with you. As of now, I'm not completely opposed to becoming more powerful but I'm still just, I need more information on these tadpoles so I'm gonna do a strength check here, try to resist it. Oh no, no guidance. You know, I think I almost want to roll with this. Now we use our inspiration points, this is pretty serious. We'll use one of my inspiration points. There we go, now we got guidance. Your muscles loosen, the tadpole breaks free if it's deceased host. Your mind is your own again. Yeah, I love the gloves that I have. I can't wait for him to actually go off so I can see it. Well, that was an interesting scene. Whoa, dude that thing is freaking huge. Let's be on my way, resistant to acid. I'm definitely killing those things on site, that's freaking freaky man. Imagine knowing that you have one of those in your brain. I just don't get how that thing was in his freaking head, it's huge. All right, let me see if I can use speak with the dead on this guy because I didn't technically kill him. Oh, nothing. The corpse regards you lifelessly. Who are you? A chosen. Who chose you? Almighty God. And what were you doing here? Looking for her weapon and they were looking for survivors from the nautiloid crash. What do you know about this weapon crash? Okay, so the weapon was taken not necessarily one of us, it's an object. And of course, the first thing that you got to think about is that mysterious if Githyanki artifact that shadow heart had on her possession. What can you tell me about the absolute? Spells power wains, you can ask no more questions. Interesting, assume nothing. Okay, so I think we have a lot of new information now and this may be a good time to end this particular part of episode four but we'll continue on here in a few seconds and those of you guys that are taking a break, I'll see you guys soon. Let's continue on here. So we just met two cultists of the absolute and they worship a deity called the absolute. One of them could telepathically communicate with us which means they were infected too. ", "length": 1034, "id": "4.3", "start": 255, "end": 329, "lp_part": 4}, {"content": " Really interesting and we know that the absolute is searching for a weapon and currently sending out forces to look for survivors of that nautiloid ship. So I'm kind of interested in exploring the forest over here as those cultists mentioned in aloe bear and it looks like we have a cave right there. But my character is more invested into trying to figure out what's going on at the Druid Grove and we want to head to the swamp see if we can find a little bit more about Kagha. Looks like we have a few people up here, it's Eridan again. I used to live in more interesting times. Gotta make sure I keep picking up camp supplies. Hey look, it's Eridan. You got a problem buckle, you was busy with the foul bloods in elson's Grove. It's not very nice. I thought you were busy leading your crew. No more, contract didn't mention no goblins. I would have prepped the Lots, brought back weapons. What was the contract? The kind that leaves off your crew dead. There's a wizard in Boulders gay, little pig gobloods for a relic supposedly buried around these parts but gold ain't any use if you're too cold to spend it. Let's say I want that gold, where would I find The Relic? It's called The Night song. Supposed to be hidden under that Temple where the Goblins jumped us. I'd give you a map of the temple and wish you a happy funeral but my mate Brian kept hold of it like his own sodja. Goblins made sure to the Fatal chunk. Oh I've got is the contract, can show you where we turn back if you feel like dying. We have a lot of different storylines going on here. Thanks, I'll take it. Don't thank me, I'll be well on my way to Baldur's Gate when you die. I'm just glad to be rid of the bloody thing. Happy Hunting. Okay, stamped hand Ville. We now have a new Quest called find the Night song. A wizard in Baldur's Gate is offering a huge sum of money to anyone who brings him the Night song. Night song is in some kind of Temple, it must be in the goblin camp. One of the adventurers, the dwarf Brian, has a map leading to the Night song. However, he was killed by goblins at the temple. Oh, Adventure is wanted for perilous and profitable Quest. Master laroican, The Arcanist of at catla, a catla is a city south of Baldur's Gate. This is where Baldur's Gate 2 took place. The recluse of ramazette's tower seeks Brave and enterprising individuals to delve treacherous Temple to delve into the treacherous Temple and recover storied artifact, the Night song for preservation in Baldur's Gate. Only Stout of heart and king of Mind need apply. Fame, glory and incredible Fortune assured. Hmm, okay. That's quite interesting and if you all recall, we're talking to Roland and those teeth liens back in The Druids Grove and Roland wants to be the Royal King's apprentice and train with him and gal thinks that laroa can is a bit of a fraud so to say. You know, I kind of just press spacebar to take all but I like to look at every item and. As I'm looking, I just double click. We'll take all those. I'm gonna send the book to camp. Goblin's drawing, drawn in thick charcoal lines upon animal skin, this childlike portrait depicts three stick figures: a goblin with sparks in its hands, a square humanoid figure, and what seems to be an elf. Each of them is wearing a simple crown. We'll take that. Movement on the roofs, this is a classic ambush in the making. Alright, so before we go in here, we have another waypoint in there. Let's see if we can go over here to where the swamp appears to be. Purified at your crash, what does that mean exactly? Augusta will affix the safest the purity to our heads, instant. What the heck? Lae'zel just told us a little bit about the purification process and apparently, they put some magical device on her head. I don't think I trust that. There are a lot of perception checks in this game, luckily my character has proficiency. Fleet fingers running jump once per turn, after the wearer dashes or takes a similar action, they can jump without using a bonus action. Huh, cool. Glorious vaulting, drink this to triple your jump distance. You mentioned intrigues me, care to tell me a bit more? Filmmaker, the god of suffering, I'm ready, whatever it takes. Okay, we're gonna put that on Lae'zel because she's a strong character so she's gonna get the most out of the jump and see the gloves right there. Never went to the easy path. Recipe unlock basic poison and we're gonna make our first, oh we have antidote recipe too, potion of greater healing. Ash is a Balsam, any salts and there we go, awesome. Pretty straightforward, pretty simple. I think that's pretty good. This game has a lot to take in as it is. So many potions, I'm gonna forget about like 80% of the potions that I have in my inventory but that's just how it goes. Alright, looks like we're coming up to the swamp area. Oh, this is holy, I've never clapped eyes on your poor sister. Drop the yak hug, you was the last to see me Arena, just let her go, please. ", "length": 1041, "id": "4.4", "start": 330, "end": 396, "lp_part": 4}, {"content": " You there, please, I don't know what's come over these boys, I just want to go home. Stop it, we won't ask again. How about you all just calm down, what's going on here? Careful, don't trust a word out of her mouth, our sister went to the hug and we ain't seen her since. Harsh, I don't know their sister, I will gladly help you or look for her though. Enough, where is she? See, I'm trying to look at this from the perspective of my character as opposed to what my experience was like in early access. You know what, my natural instinct is to help her out but let's say, tell the truth, what did you do to their sister? Some advice, you have a darken my door, you'd best have that hate about Anthony an apology at the ready, uh-oh. Bye bye now. Okay, bloody house, she just disappeared. I ain't seen nothing like that before. She could shoot fireworks out of her backside for all I care, the hug has to bring her. Someone, please tell me what's going on. It's a sister Marina, she's well, she was in a bad way after her husband died. It's not a saying weird things like how she was gonna bring him back. Next thing she's gone looking for the hag of all the stupid things to do and we haven't seen her since. And no good ever came from dealing with a hag, none of this matters, alright, we need to get her back and fast. Hags are dangerous, unnatural things, even this place feels warped and twisted. I don't remember bloody asking you, I told you to say to me, let him talk. What would you suggest? I would suggest you walk away and live. Knew it, you're full of it. Thanks for the advice but we can't do that, we'll head there on our own. You know, I want to help them but your interest in the astral plane time, or rather the absence of it in the astral plane, everything is a turn which will be my home soon enough should Vlaakith will it. The astral plane is home to the Githyanki race. Looking at it, yeah, I wanted to help them out right there but you know, I feel like my character has more pressing concerns right now, we can't solve all of the world's problems. And I'm also just kind of really, really, really thinking about my past and wanting to avenge the death of my father and my mother. So let's take a look at this note again. I can never find it, who did I pick it up with, was it Gale? Florican's contract search by type, the marks crisscrossing the page don't look scribed, Kagha swamp docks tree meet me alone Bulletin. We got some docks over here, let's head on over this way. So that's progress, time to press ahead. Shell runs up your spine, you feel like you're being watched. Look for signs of unnatural activity. I guess I'm not that good of a ranger, am I? Don't know if I want to use my inspiration point for this, the place has a quiet sense of calm, you can't see anything strange. Let's get going, time to get going. Blood, I don't like where this is going. No ordinary creature did this, red caps to pieces, red caps you say. Despite everything, ah, finger. When you loot the barbed ball Rush, you have to do a dexterity check and if you fail, you get an open wound. Temperatures recently cut itself, a woman with shadows for eyes you said merely that if the eyes are the mirror to the soul, yours have dark curtains across them. I haven't made up my mind about you yet. You're a gigantic tree over here and we have some ancient mud methods over here. Oh, might be getting close to me, better shift hide real fast, that was close. We're gonna split up a little bit here without delay, do not, oh my gosh, I thought gal was gonna run that way, a little bit worried about the passing right there. Will I teach you, I'll pass thank you, I prefer objection over acrobatics. It's a sheep, I love the ambience, not reaction. Oh dang it, I can't, oh man, I have to long rest to get my jump back, I didn't realize that. I'll tell you what though, I know I have a potion. I'm running a little bit low on spell slots coming into this area. I wonder if I should take a long, you know what, screw it, let's just go for it. Oh, this is so, I don't know man, I really should take a long rest but then I have to get my party together and find a waypoint here in the swamp yet. You know what, let's just go for it, let's just see what happens. I think I have okay, good type of potions I have here, nothing, potion of speed, I could drink a bunch of those. Okay, oh desire, it's a nurse life for me, it's a gnome's life for me. Alright, let's do Arcane recovery. ", "length": 1028, "id": "4.5", "start": 397, "end": 448, "lp_part": 4}, {"content": " Wow, we got some patrolling methods here, in a bit of a risky spot. Oh no, we might have to do a stealth check right here, this is going to be interesting, okay, we made it, action not reaction. I wanted to get Lae'zel over here too but I don't think, yeah, I needed my jump spell. See how far I can get out onto the river, it doesn't look like I can make that jump with her. Okay, so we're gonna send Lae'zel back this way. You forget and I also have astral knowledge here, your proficiency in certain checks. I think I have to cast it out myself though. If I can cast that on another creature, that would be really, really good. I think it's casting out myself though, yeah, it just says gain proficiency. Lae'zel is not doing a ton of my checks, of my skill checks. Didn't mean to do that. Oh wow, that was close. This is really, really risky. I have to survive this and I get behind that rock, it doesn't look like I can. Afford to stay idle, sight. Wow, oh my gosh, this is so intense, holy crap, holy crap, holy crap. Oh, I think this guy did right here, okay, it was only Lae'zel though. Alright, nope, everybody else is in it too. My Ranger's still hidden. Come on Brother, come on. Gotta be kidding me, you gotta be kidding me. Okay, so here we go. I think I'm actually going to, yep, I can't make it over to that guy so let's have any good Scrolls. Let's take a shot, 65 percent. Okay, seven damage, alright. And actually, oh, I'm so tempted to do it again. No, I don't think I'm gonna get seven again so we're gonna hold off on using action surge. I'm gonna move over this way. We got the wood loads over here. This might actually be quite difficult without spell slots. Oh man, I only have one spell slot left for it, this is crazy. You gotta be kidding me. I feel like it's almost worth it to use guiding bolt, it's Overkill but like I need to make sure that I kill these methods can spawn other methods. I'll take it, I think it was worth it. Okay, let's go ahead and look at our inventory here. We're gonna bring gal into the fight here in a second too. Got a few potions of speed as well and actually, we're gonna drink one of those potions. Awesome, awesome, awesome, awesome. We got another one over here but we got these gigantic wood loads too. Alright so, I think I want to go after the ancient ones first because they can spawn other methods. So let me move over this way and let's see if we can get gal into the fights. Dang, it doesn't look like I can get up there. How can I get a nice shot off at this guy right here? Let me go ahead and check these guys out real fast, dark vision death Burst when they die they shoot out Force damage and resistant to poison, okay. Then the wood roads, yeah, so the bug in the reviewers version of this game shows everything as resistant but this should say fire vulnerability right here. So if it's like this on version 1. 0 when you guys are playing just look carefully, if you see the green or the blue arrow pointing up that's resistance and the arrow pointing down means double the damage. That would be confusing for somebody who doesn't understand that. Alright, so let's see what we can do here, 14, out of sight. Okay, this is, I could do a stealth check and try to make it over to here. I think I'm gonna use a can trip, don't have a shot from right here. Alright, we're gonna go with the stealth. Check. Oh, I guess that was okay. All right, never mind. All right, time to push my luck again. Kill this bastard. I don't have any action so look at my wolf right now. Ah, I feel so bad. All right, here we go. This is actually going to be, I think, this is going to be a tough fight. I don't think it's something clever here. This could be the first death of the game, first TPK. Really should have taken a long rest before coming into this. Oh no, Fern. All right so, back breaker backer enemy prone. Let's go ahead and just start working on. I really would like to work on the ancient method because I'm not sure if it's going to spawn more. We still have two ancient methods, one up here. Oh, it's a major, major problem. Okay, I should dip my, this will be a great time to dip my weapon into fire or poison my weapon. Let me see, are these guys piercing and bludgeoning resistance? Okay, so I could actually use a poison, the drow poison. I am deaf. No, I don't shite that coated my bow. Oh my God, I meant to do, oh you gotta be kidding me. I freaking coated my bow meant to try to coat my weapon. There's no way I get this that these shots are with disadvantage because I have an enemy in my face. ", "length": 1039, "id": "4.6", "start": 449, "end": 524, "lp_part": 4}, {"content": " Ah, damn it. Okay, man this is gonna be rough. No spell slots with my cleric either. Crazy, crazy, crazy, crazy, crazy. Okay, when I go, I feel like if I could polish off one of those guys, that would be a help. Awesome and the burst didn't even hurt my characters. Can't even catch my bro. All right so let's see if we can. I really need to kill this guy as fast as I can. Step so that's Hunter's Mark and then hope that our attack actually lands. 75% chance, come on game. No, no, oh definitely taking a potion of speed. I can't because it's a bonus action. I used Hunter's Mark. You know what, they leave me no choice. Unleash the spiders without flank, how smart. Okay so I really would like to kill this guy but 14 damages quite a lot for a cantrip. It ain't gonna happen. Ice Shard would do the job though. I think it's worth it. Still has one HP, gotta be kidding me. No choice but to keep going. I'm so worried about wiping right now that honestly I think it's worth one card. Wyll sucking up all these potions of speed right now. Okay, 75% chance, come on, you can do it. Okay, that was totally worth it. I got the spiders tank in front of me a little bit. Foreign, let's go to reactions and turn off ask for tenacity. They really have nothing good for her right now. Oh, I forgot I have Fireball cantrip. I get some high grounds. I already have advantage here. I get the plus two if I get a little bit of high ground. I don't think I can make it to high ground though. Nope, I can't. Forget, you get the cantrip. All right, come on Wolf, you can do it. What does, oh my gosh, 75, I missed twice. Are you kidding me? All right, we're gonna have to do uh, we're gonna have to do a little weapon action here. I don't need the weapon, I just need a regular attack. Just make it happen. See ya. Awesome, okay we're gonna reapply Hunter's Mark and we're gonna work on the lower HP Wood Road here. My animal companion is currently gone. I gotta start making better use out of my animal companion because if I don't, you might as well just play Hunter Ranger. But the animal companion, a lot of the Hunter Rangers subclass features will let you deal more damage on your attacks but if you have your animal companion, you're actually using your animal companion well. That additional damage can come close to what the Hunter Ranger gets too. And it's more fun to have an animal companion in my opinion so. All right, let's get Gale up on some High Ground here. Don't think these, I think I could probably sleep one of these creatures but the problem is sleep level two. Okay, I could try this. We gotta try it on this guy though. Never mind, I'm just gonna do damage because I have Hunter's Mark on that character so let's go ahead and. I think I'm gonna try ice knife again. Well, hell yeah. Okay, so we gotta watch out for that. It's a spider's turn. I can't move because we're currently in dangled. Get a little spider. Foreign, ER, three misses. Nice, lays out very nice. Yeah, I think it all worked out. I don't think I'm even gonna, nobody's even gonna, even gonna go down. Yep, we're getting the double fire damage. See how it says vulnerable but these creatures are showing as resistant. I'll definitely report that bug. Hopefully it's fixed on version 1. 0. Foreign, this fight that's for sure. Okay, we have come out Victorious. But that was awfully risky. Definitely got to take a long rest after we investigate this area. Mud Muffet Wing, elixir of poison resistance. Let's call in, it's called The Bear this time. Two wonders, the Bears got 19 HP and also Goten Roar. Awesome. Well, it didn't mind my step. S, [Music], time to rest. The Woodward Shield, plus two Armor class but you also get woads and snaring strike. You get the ensnaring strike spell. I'm assuming you can use once per short or long rest. Kind of cool. [Music], laughs, cleft there. Letter to Kagha, Kagha bulletin has sent word of your progress. I am pleased that the right of thorns has begun. I depart soon from Cloakwood to Baldur's Gate. Should you need further aid for my circle, now is the time to ask. Once cloistered, the Emerald Grove will be in the Shadow Druid's domain in you. It's first Druid in Feldorn's memory, Archdruid Alis. Are you kidding me? A second note proved that Kagha is in League with the Shadow Druids. This could explain why she wants the Tieflings gone. We must report back to The Grove immediately. As my character before the events in Baldur's Gate 3, before we got sucked up on a Nautiloid ship, we were headed to the Cloakwood forest. Already seeking to investigate a Cloister of Shadow Druids to enact our revenge on that radicalized sect of Druids. The sparkle hands inductive strikes on a hit with an unarmed attack, the wearer gains two lightning charges. ", "length": 1033, "id": "4.7", "start": 525, "end": 619, "lp_part": 4}, {"content": " All imbued with lightning charges, attacks against metal constructs and foes wearing metal armor gain advantage on a hit with unarmed attacks. [Applause], probably the best for the Monk class. Hang on to those though. I want to mess with lightning charges later in the game. All right, let's report immediately back to The Druids Grove to investigate. Um, or actually to talk to Wrath and Kagha about this Shadow Druid nonsense. Something tells me Kagha won't be alive for that much longer. I can't remember if there's a waypoint within the Druids Grove. I feel like there is. I don't know, maybe there's not. I can't remember so we just have to go back to the entrance. And then we'll explore the rest of the swamp some other time. I'm in no rush to uh to explore the entirety of the swamp. The main thing was just investigating that note. We do now have the quest called Save Merinas. Two brothers said that their sister Marina is being held against her will at Ethel's house, something that the old woman denied. All right, before we do this, definitely going to take a long rest because if we are accusing Kagha of being part of the Shadow Druid, something tells me this might turn bloody. I'm actually going to do a save point before this. I'm going to call this long rest before Aga. I still got the spiders with me, that's funny. I knew that would come in handy. Every time I go to Camp, I like to check in on the companions. There's something really important, you'll see the explanation point but hell's literally. It's when I think I've got a grasp on our dilemma, a devil shows up. No matter, we've dealt with every other Oddity thrown at us lately. We can handle this one too. Now as for this Raphael, he knows our secret. He claims he can help. What do you make of him? We haven't taken a long rest since we encountered Raphael on the top of that Cliff for the little spiders. Honestly, he's a devil. We shouldn't trust him, simple as that. No doubts at all. He seemed powerful and very knowledgeable about our problem. Not the worst Prospect we've stumbled across as long as you can look past what he hears. I've done enough readings on the nine Hells and Devils that that will be my last resort. I'm not going to just change my mind. Shadowheart, we can't trust Raphael. Good, people fair and self-doubt is sufficient. When actual pain comes, the victim's already done the heavy lifting for their torturer. There were no right answers with that devil. He was toying with his food, us. I think I detected a note of admiration in your voice. I respect his craft. Should you watch out for that devil. [Music], we still have Mr Withers over here. I don't think we are in need of his services at the moment. Nobody's died. I should hire uh Ireland at some point. And he might be right. We've had no luck so far. If you want to sell your soul, the Asterion be my guest. I'm not about a vampiric master for an infernal one. He's playing with us. Gazador, my old Master, liked to toy with people too. Let them think there was hope right until the end. Until he snatched it all. Creatures like them don't play games unless they know they can win. We're not as play things. We'll show him that, maybe. But he's not the only one spinning a web for us. The is no ordinary mindflare parasite. Who tampered with it and why? What do they have planned for us and why are we important enough that a devil comes knocking our door? If we find those answers, we might have a chance. Okay, let's see what Lae'zel has to say about Raphael. Francis, did you not next to a dragon the devil's a gnat. When I am Kithrak, I will take my queen Vlaakith his head as a trophy. Nice, Kithrak, what does that mean? The riders that chase the Nautiloid, they are the commissars and enforcers of my queen Vlaakith will. Vlaakith bestows no greater honor. To wield the Kithrak silver sword is my destiny. I will earn my Queen's favor and I will conquer every layer of hell should she command it. Why were those Knights chasing t. . . The Mind Flare ship. This is unusual, but I'm not one to question the wisdom of my queen. I can see but to the horizon, blackest sight pierces the many plays. Well, the Githyanki race was enslaved to mine players for thousands and thousands of years ago in the past. So if there's a mind flare flying around a nautoloid ship, of course, any Githyanki that know of it want to attack it on their Red Dragons because they want to kill all mind flares. But as Lae'zel says, they typically wouldn't follow a nautiloid into an Anatoloid ship into the nine Hells, yet they did. So the Githyanki are also probably looking for something more than just killing the Mind flares. Okay, two more companions to talk to. The Devil with the silver tongue, an old fairy tale my father read to me. The kind with a hero, a villain, and a moral. A farmer made a deal with the Devil, so the story goes. In exchange for the farmer's dearest fruit, the devil granted him a bottomless coin purse. The farmer's dearest fruit naturally was no apple, no peach, but his beloved daughter. ", "length": 1039, "id": "4.8", "start": 620, "end": 704, "lp_part": 4}, {"content": " We can learn a lot from fairy tales, don't you think? Well, the right teacher, yes. What are your thoughts on the devil? Will refuse him no matter how tempting the offer, no matter how delicious the feast he lays out for you. The cost is always too great. Don't worry, I have no interest in a devil's deal. That's because you still have hope. But when he becomes your last hope, remember this, he'll require of you only what you're least ready to part with and then require more still. You might think you'd give up anything for a cure, but the devil won't take just anything, he'll take everything. Hmm, okay, Wyll seems to know a lot about that. I did it die with him. You're familiar with Devil Ray then. A devil, but of course, I've read a great deal about them. Feigning a mortal form, it was easy to detect the whiff of sulfur about him, hmm, to spot the flicker of Hell Fire in his eyes. Don't let his bluster fool you, all that talk of desperation merely illustrates his own. I think he wants something from us badly. I mean that knowledge lies in our opportunity. But what is it that a devil wants so very badly? Our souls, but I suspect that's what his opening offer. Let me play The Devil's Advocate. He's too eager, do not dismiss his offer out of hand. If there's one quality all the denizens of the hell's embody, it's ambition, a quality they share with many humans come to think of it. What do you think Raphael's ambition could be? I'm the foggiest, but based on the evidence before us, certain deductions as to why he sought out our merry band. Fact one, there's something very strange and very powerful about our tadpoles. Fact two, a devil offers to take it away. Devils aren't known to aid mortals out of simple kindness. Whatever Raphael wants, we must be the key to getting it along with our tadpoles. So we'll say for now, we wait. If I'm right, Rafael will seek us out again and when he does, there's a mighty bargain to be made. Remember his call Mary and Ryan down, came the claw. Perhaps we should start growing our nails. Interesting perspective from Gale there. All right, let's go ahead and rest and then go confront Kagha. Fate spins, dost thou require a new ally? Look at my bear Ursa. Numbers. I wonder if the skeleton can cook bacon and eggs. That would be nice, actually do something around here. I might have to check my Gog bg3 because I still have Early Access on Gog. I have the full review copy on Steam to see if there was a waypoint within the druid's growth at the run all the way back in every time. Open up teeth leans, go ahead and start off of course, Long Strider, speak with animals. You know what, both are ritual too. That is so good. Both of these last until a long rest and they don't use up my limited Ranger spell slots, nor do they work off of my wisdom ability score. I think I like playing a ranger like this because the ranger really doesn't get like that many great wisdom spells anyways. Unless we multi-classed into the Druid class, then I would probably want my wisdom at 14 or 16 or whatever. Keep an eye out for a waypoint. There's still one area that we haven't messed with yet in The Druids Grove. I believe it's right there. We're going to focus on Kagha and wrap this episode up. The right of thorns. And let's go ahead and save this as confronting Kagha. I'm not quite sure how this is going to go, so let's get a couple of people on The High Ground. What am I to do now? Rest for the wicked, I see. We're all low, can't afford to stay idle. Oh damn it, rat guidance is melee. The rich, almost finished. What if they tried to steal from us again? We've shown them once we take Grove law seriously. Let's talk to Rath first. Until Master Houston returns, my eyes must stay on Kagha. We like Wrath of you. I know the truth, Kagha. You mean to take the Grove for the shadow Druids. What? This is like a dream come true for my character. Let's go. Foreign. I can explain. No need, it couldn't be helped, Kagha. What is the meaning of this? You think yourself quite the spy, don't you? Go on, tell him. The shadow Druids are taking over, the circle is overdue some change. Nope, I'm not saying that. Take this letter, Wrath. It will explain everything. What's in there, cloak word? Have you lost your mind? How sin is weak, Wrath. But in the shadows, we are strong, we are safe. There is no other way. You and Halsin welcome Untouchables to your midst. You defile The Grove for the sake of Harmony. Oladen speaks truth. Who among you disagrees? Who've in ruin. Hmm, the choice is made, Kagha. Burn the tainted away, start with a snitch. As you say, Oligen. Yeah, look at my heavy armor. All right, let's go ahead and detect Kagha's thoughts here and probe her mind. Damn. Might be using an Inspiration Point here. ", "length": 1026, "id": "4.9", "start": 705, "end": 787, "lp_part": 4}, {"content": " With the grove taken for Cliffwood, the circle will see that I'm right. The great mother will guard us from all danger. It's at this moment that my Ranger recognizes the face of one of the halflings of the Gnomes over here at Kagha's side and become overtaken by rage. Oh then, come get it. All Shadow Druids Must Die. We're outmatched right now. We'll see about that. All right, so it looks like Wyll and Shadowheart. Is Shadowheart on the combat? I can't tell. No, she's not. Let's go ahead and see if I can get off the guiding bolt on Kagha. That would be amazing. Yes, oh that's gonna be great. That's a great start right there. Next attack on Guiding bolt enemy has Advantage too. All right, Gale, what do you got for me, my friend? Somebody who's hold person. I think we're gonna have to focus fire here. These Druids like to shape change. We have Wrath on our side though. So let's go ahead and the next attack roll made against the creature has Advantage. So let's do magic Missile because it doesn't use a tackle. My next character, my Ranger will attack her with his great sword with advantage. Damn it, Lae'zel, I should have cast a jump. I got an idea though. Oh, what is that? Jump up and down, your strength effects. Why do I have a jump bike on right here? Did I do something? Oh, it's my fleet fingers, the gloves that I put on. Once per turn, off the wire dashes or takes a similar action, they can jump without using a bonus action. Cool, cool to see that in action. I don't need it though. And how did I get disarmed? You gotta be me. Somebody cast something that I didn't notice. My mall is all the way back here. Okay, well, we're gonna jump back but oh man, okay, hold on. You gotta be kidding me right now. Damn it. All right, well, I guess we're using the Scimitar. Oh, you have to have an action to do that. Shalali for this club for the 1d8 action. Oh, nice little poison spray. All right, Shadowheart still has a bonus action. Does anybody need a heel? Looks like Lae'zel does and honestly, I'm gonna use healing word. It's not that big of a heel but should have done that at level two. All right, so we should have advanced. We do, we have advantage on our next attack here. It's going to be great because I'm also gonna have Hunter's Mark. Excellent, excellent, excellent, excellent. And also, my Bearer is next to me in the order of turns. Let's go ahead and finish Kagha off, 45. Hmm, I think we gotta go for it. Damn it. Remember if Kagha Can wild shape or not but I want to make sure I take these Druids down when they're in their humanoid form because if they're wild shape, they get all that temporary HP. Nice. Brother Wolf. I wonder who cast hold person, was it Wrath? It must have been Wrath. Oh no, that's not good. Oh, nice, Wrath is such a badass. All right, Lae'zel, uh, you haven't really been doing much because you don't have a weapon. One's a simple mistake and lead you to being effectively useless. I could just use range attacks. I don't think I'm threatened right now. 25 disadvantage because okay, all right, hold on. I'm not taking an opportunity attack if I walk away. There we go, 50. I think that's worth it although we can only do, I have a short bow, we can only do so much damage. It's not possible to actually kill her in one attack so in that case, I'll do it anyways. Awesome, seven damage and then if I action surge, see if luck is on our side. It was not. All right, but the good thing is we have magic Missile now so I'm gonna do one uh 3d4 plus three-fourths so one magic Missile should be enough right there and then we'll put the rest on start working on Oladin right here. I think I gotta get out of that. I just used magic Missile all the time because it's so good and it can't mess like I'm gonna have to do a wizard build some time that doesn't use magic Missile at all. All right, let's do blasts targets too far. Dang it, really? Distant spell from the Sorcerer And I need a little bit of meta Magic. Okay, I don't think I can get close enough either so in that case let's just do guiding bolts or I could do spiritual weapon because it's fun, let's do that. Let's go ahead and detect Kagha's thoughts here and probe her mind. Damn. Might be using an Inspiration Point here. With the grove taken for Cliffwood, the circle will see that I'm right. The great mother will guard us from all danger. It's at this moment that my Ranger recognizes the face of one of the halflings of the Gnomes over here at Kagha's side and become overtaken by rage. Oh then, come get it. All Shadow Druids Must Die. We're outmatched right now. We'll see about that. All right, so it looks like Wyll and Shadowheart. ", "length": 1028, "id": "4.10", "start": 788, "end": 871, "lp_part": 4}, {"content": " Is Shadowheart on the combat? I can't tell. No, she's not. Let's go ahead and see if I can get off the guiding bolt on Kagha. That would be amazing. Yes, oh that's gonna be great. That's a great start right there. Next attack on Guiding bolt enemy has Advantage too. All right, Gale, what do you got for me, my friend? Somebody who's hold person. I think we're gonna have to focus fire here. These Druids like to shape change. We have Wrath on our side though. So let's go ahead and the next attack roll made against the creature has Advantage. So let's do magic Missile because it doesn't use a tackle. My next character, my Ranger will attack her with his great sword with advantage. Damn it, Lae'zel, I should have cast a jump. I got an idea though. Oh, what is that? Jump up and down, your strength effects. Why do I have a jump bike on right here? Did I do something? Oh, it's my fleet fingers, the gloves that I put on. Once per turn, off the wire dashes or takes a similar action, they can jump without using a bonus action. Cool, cool to see that in action. I don't need it though. And how did I get disarmed? You gotta be me. Somebody cast something that I didn't notice. My mall is all the way back here. Okay, well, we're gonna jump back but oh man, okay, hold on. You gotta be kidding me right now. Damn it. All right, well, I guess we're using the Scimitar. Oh, you have to have an action to do that. Shalali for this club for the 1d8 action. Oh, nice little poison spray. All right, Shadowheart still has a bonus action. Does anybody need a heel? Looks like Lae'zel does and honestly, I'm gonna use healing word. It's not that big of a heel but should have done that at level two. All right, so we should have advanced. We do, we have advantage on our next attack here. It's going to be great because I'm also gonna have Hunter's Mark. Excellent, excellent, excellent, excellent. And also, my Bearer is next to me in the order of turns. Let's go ahead and finish Kagha off, 45. Hmm, I think we gotta go for it. Damn it. Remember if Kagha Can wild shape or not but I want to make sure I take these Druids down when they're in their humanoid form because if they're wild shape, they get all that temporary HP. Nice. Brother Wolf. I wonder who cast hold person, was it Wrath? It must have been Wrath. Oh no, that's not good. Oh, nice, Wrath is such a badass. All right, Lae'zel, uh, you haven't really been doing much because you don't have a weapon. One's a simple mistake and lead you to being effectively useless. I could just use range attacks. I don't think I'm threatened right now. 25 disadvantage because okay, all right, hold on. I'm not taking an opportunity attack if I walk away. There we go, 50. I think that's worth it although we can only do, I have a short bow, we can only do so much damage. It's not possible to actually kill her in one attack so in that case, I'll do it anyways. Awesome, seven damage and then if I action surge, see if luck is on our side. It was not. All right, but the good thing is we have magic Missile now so I'm gonna do one uh 3d4 plus three-fourths so one magic Missile should be enough right there and then we'll put the rest on start working on Oladin right here. I think I gotta get out of that. I just used magic Missile all the time because it's so good and it can't mess like I'm gonna have to do a wizard build some time that doesn't use magic Missile at all. All right, let's do blasts targets too far. Dang it, really? Distant spell from the Sorcerer And I need a little bit of meta Magic. Okay, I don't think I can get close enough either so in that case let's just do guiding bolts or I could do spiritual weapon because it's fun, let's do that. Let's do spiritual weapon. They all deal the same damage. We'll do a spear this time. Look at that, spell visuals in this game are a tier. We'll put spiritual up and down right here. Awesome, okay and I keep forgetting that's a bonus action so that's actually a really good spell. It has 20 hp too, has more than the bear, interesting. 75 chance 94 on the whole person so we'll do that. We'll just say that Ren is the face that my Ranger recognized from his childhood. Ren was a shadow Druid of the Misty Forest back in the day and he came down to work in the cloak wood eventually. So my Ranger is going to turn all attention on Ren right now and actually maybe I can, oh yeah watch this, might be able to polish off Kagha and Ren in one right here. I don't think that's gonna hit. I don't think that hits friendlies, it's been a while since I've played. Oh my gosh, that is, that was incredible right there. ", "length": 1035, "id": "4.11", "start": 872, "end": 950, "lp_part": 4}, {"content": " That is a rage-filled ranger on a path of vengeance. I love it. All right, you're next, you're next up buddy. Come here, I still want the missile snaring to go off, let me see if I have that selected. I do have it on ask, okay. All right, I'm gonna send my Bear right here in the middle and we're gonna do a goading roar to test it out a little bit. They all succeeded on their save so that did nothing, didn't taunt any of the enemies. Love's whole person, the great spell. All right, can Lae'zel finally pick up her malt at this point? The battle's already over. Let's go ahead and use this Githyanki jump, that'll get us right back in it. For the most part, I'm out of movement speed though so I can't do jump. Never mind, Lae'zel is a big failure on this fight. I have to bring Asterion back in. All right, let's um, oh I like that. I like using these spells that weren't in Early Access. All right, it's time for you to die my friends. Unbelievable, oh I like that, I like that a lot. To keep going, okay we got Hunter's Mark right here and this is when I love Beastmaster when my character and my animal are just planking an enemy and working in unity. All right, so pommel strike makes a non-lethal attack against the enemy, possibly dazes them. I'm gonna hold off on using that because I want to make sure that the shadow Druids die here. Although I'll tell you what I could do, I can still make sure that he dies. Yes, yes, yes. We got an enemy Badger just killed the wolf. Druids are so good when they're low on HP, they just wild shape and then they have a whole new pool of HP. All right, check out the get Githyanki jump, watch this. Damn, that's bad, I forgot to equip my melee weapon. Every, that's okay. All right, I didn't really make a mistake, it cost an action so that's fine. We got anything going on here, any resistances? Nope, so let's go ahead and do, might as well just use all my spell slots, it looks like I'm gonna take a long rest after this anyways. I'm about to look into, I should have prepared Cloud, this is one of the best spells in the game. I should also have Shield prepared too. We're gonna have to take a look outside of combat what spells I actually want. I mean, but what I have right now is also working. Oh man, I was wondering if that was gonna happen. Right when The Shard was flying, I was like that might actually hurt Lae'zel. That is the first down I think, I don't know, is it? I can't remember, is that the first down of a friendly so far? I think it might be. And I'm actually out of spell slots with Shadowheart so I can't do healing word and this is what healing word is best at but I can throw a potion so let's see if we got a, I have 12 potions here, let's split that in half. We'll send some of them to shadow and we'll throw one of those. Oh, whose turn is it? Shadowheart, there we go, now Lae'zel's back up. Nobody's officially died yet, just knocked unconscious. Get up there, we'll make sure I leave room for my bear. Let's stay right on Lae'zel's left side. Damn, critical hit with that. Keep forgetting that this thing can fly too. Let's get it out of the way or I could just move over there, nope, we'll fly. No, commit speed to fly. And wild shape form number two, back to full HP with the badger, classic. Okay, fair enough. We're gonna take Shadowheart again and we're gonna throw another potion. I'm gonna leave her up, go back to Gale and let's do a, to a magic Missile. I would love clouded daggers right now. I could void bulb, get them both grouped up, clouded daggers. Okay, now it's time for you to die. Pull it in, the Bible is all that matters. Like I'm missing quite a lot with my Ranger. That's unfortunate because at level eight I tend to plan on taking great weapon Master which is going to make me miss even more. Who knows, maybe I'll respect and change up my build. Him, the AC she rocking here, 15, not bad. He just killed my bear. Nice wrath, nice, nice, nice. All right, now it's time to kick ass. What? Oh, it still did the bludgeoning damage. That's cool, so I turned off the reaction setting so now when I mess with this particular weapon it still does three damage which is why you saw blood splatter. Don't forget, dude I swear to get this freaking athlean, this is unbelievable. There we go, left on my feet. I think it's so cool to play a front line ranger, it's just different. And Fighters are always a little bit too bland to me but then like Rangers with their Companions and like a few of the spells that they have, it really makes that front line position more interesting in my opinion. ", "length": 1037, "id": "4.12", "start": 951, "end": 1017, "lp_part": 4}, {"content": " If it's not necessarily optimal, I missed again, that's crazy. Damn lunar mens, you're still not the only one that's missing. Fighting Druids is annoying, takes forever because they keep wild chafing. Thank you, let's finish, it doesn't help when I'm missing everything though. Oh my God, this is worth the cost. Okay, I think we can get it this time right? I've missed like three times in a row. God, oh jeez, oh my God. Ah, freaking Druids man. Yeah, get back into your athlean form. All right, one more attack. Come on, we can do it, we can do it. 55 chance, you know what, honestly, I'm gonna do sacred flame. Five percent less of a chance of landing but I feel like the lower the percentage chance the more likely I am to hit, the higher the more likely I'm going to miss. I just targeted the wrong freaking target, are you kidding me? I targeted my own spiritual weapon. Unbelievable, so much for peace. It doesn't help when you can't choose the actual enemy target. All right, here we go. There we go, what a strike right there, right across the neck. All right, we've killed a few Shadow Druids, that feels really good for Wolf especially considering his background. Kagha died before the Tiefling were forced out of the Grove. The Tiefling are safe for now but they still need to reach Baldur's Gate, that can't happen until the roads are safe from goblins. We defeated the shadow Druids and stopped the ritual, we should report our success to Zevlor. All right, but first, let's talk to Wrath. To think Kuga turned to the ways of shadow, a corruption ran so deep. Yeah, it's for her to die like this under the tree father's gaze. Perhaps it is justice, if only Justice soothed my heart. A Grove drenched in blood, there's no Sanctuary at all. Okay, definitely encourage a few of you guys to try to persuade Kagha after you confront her and rat her out. Kind of interested to see like what her significance later in the game will be. Is you got to think, you know, as you're playing the full game, characters that you kill now like they're not going to be later in the game but if you don't kill certain characters, you might see them in act three walking around the city of Baldur's Gate. All right, so let's go talk to Zevlor and then we'll call it an episode, this one's already quite long. Poor wolf died over here, do some quick looting though. I should have seen the signs. Hey, we have a book on the weave. How can I help? Oops, I clicked on Gale. Do you want to loot Kagha too? Looks like we get Kagha's key, I think that's probably to her chest that we already opened up. Get a whole chicken on her, you kidding me? And Brood Mother's Revenge, venomous Revenge. Whenever the wearer is healed, their weapon becomes coded in Magic and Deals an additional 1d6 poison, that's pretty nice. What do I currently have on? Nothing, so let's put that on my Ranger. And I can pop a healing word or even take a potion, then you get that one to six poison damage. And when you coat regular poison on your weapon, it's only one to four. Okay, I think we're good. Wooden Shield, carrot, gotta make sure that I do pick up all the camp supplies. What if Netty's still back there? What did I tell you? Let me talk to Amino real fast, see if he has anything to say. The right of thorns has ceased, it seems you will be allowed to stay but behave. Yes sir. And look, the Tiefling get to come down now, that's lovely. Love Komira, Arabella, the blade of Frontiers. Listen to that music, now that's a Borislav, AKA Bobby, one of the best music composers in all of Gaming. All right, Zevlor is going to be really happy. I'm told The Druids have stopped their damn chanting, what happened? Kagha's dead, truly? I'm sorry it had to come to this but she left us with no choice, thank you. We still have the Goblins to contend with but you've given us time to prepare. I need to ensure my people make the most of it. But here, left over from my soldiering days, it's sparse thanks for what you've done for us. And I'm afraid I have more yet to ask. Yeah, well let me guess, therefore you want something. You've bought us some time here but the Goblins are still messing out there. We'd need an army of our own to escort us safely to Baldur's Gate and while I don't doubt your abilities, you're no Army. There may be a way though, goblins are ill disciplined. It's unlike them to organize so cleverly. Somebody must be leading them, bringing discipline to their ranks. Take out that leadership and they'll scatter. It's no small thing to ask but I've seen you fight, you're equal to the task. I don't like any of these responses here. I more so want to say I'll consider it. I will be heading that way, but I think the best response for me here would be, I don't want him to pay me or the Tiefling refugees. ", "length": 1048, "id": "4.13", "start": 1018, "end": 1083, "lp_part": 4}, {"content": " Welcome back. Let's continue this epic adventure and start off episode 5 here. So, at the end of episode 4, we had an interesting conversation with Gale. He told us that he needs to consume The Weave from powerful magic items or a great catastrophe would occur. He doesn't need these items yet, but it's best to be prepared. So that was an interesting request out of Gale. We also killed Kagha because we found out that she was part of the Shadow Druids and the Grove is going through some restructuring now. The Tiefling are not being kicked out anymore, but they do have to make the trip to Baldur's Gate at some point. Zevlor asked us to take out the goblin leaders in the area if we could, to make their journey a little bit easier. So let's start this session off with a long rest. It's been a while. We'll call in my buddy Veris the boar. Nice. All right, let's make our rounds with the companions once again. You know, reflecting, when we find the Droid, will he know how to bring the worm under control? Will this little adventure of ours be over? Probably once the worm is gone. I'm going on my own way, Asterion, a pity, a great pity. You'll call it the ally after all, traversing a furnace, surviving the crash, surviving everything that's followed. I'm not easily impressed by people, but you're stronger than I gave you credit for. Just trying to survive like you, yes, we're more similar than I thought. You can stop staring now, Asterion. I just need to get some air, clear my head. I'll see you later, I'm sure. Sleep tight. I don't remember Asterion coming onto me that hard in Early Access. We got to establish our boundaries though. I should probably offload a few of my items that I'm not currently using. I probably will organize all of these into their own chests, but this time I think I'm gonna save most of these magical items to take a deeper look at them at a later date. Gloves of power, yeah, I think that's probably pretty good. We'll hang on to the mask of the shapeshifter. Almost pleasant traveling with company, if you ignore all the less pleasant aspects. I want to talk about all that's happened to us. Fine, mine, we're going to turn to other matters. I don't like either of these responses. Okay, we can store books in here, actually, I'm gonna have to do that too. Go ahead, I'm listening. I was wondering, that condition of yours, why does it require magic? Think of it as tribute, the car into King might pay to a more powerful neighbor to avoid invasion. As long as I pay, there will be peace. Should I ever stop, along comes a war. I can assure you the battlefield would extend well beyond the borders of my body alone. Starting to freak me out, Gale. Your enterprising approach to my problem is most encouraging, but it is a delicate process to keep my condition stable. I do not yet need to consume an item, keep it close by, it will not be too much longer. What do you make of having a vampire in our camp? We all have our burdens, one way or the other. The goblins still infest the roads. As long as their leaders live, Zevlor's people are trapped. You know what, I might actually have Wyll join my group for a little bit. I'm going to dismiss Lae'zel, but only a Githyanki's safest can cleanse an embedded tadpole. You believe you can survive without me, as you. He doesn't believe in our cause anyways, of going to search for Halsin, so let's go ahead and recruit Wyll. Well, I don't know how I want to level him yet though, that's the spirit. Where am I needed? Okay, so we've already got our subclass which was chosen at Wyll's level one, so we'd have to respect if we wanted to change that. Okay, so I get one spell out of this list right here and I'm definitely gonna take hex because even if I do go melee with this, hex is still a good spell, very similar to Hunter's Mark. And then we have Eldritch invocations, agonizing blast. When you cast Eldritch blast, add your charisma modifier to the damage that it deals. And then I'm also going to take repelling blast. When you hit a creature with Eldritch blast, you can push the creature up to 15 feet away from you. I do want to try Devil's sight at some point and do like a melee build that lives in the darkness. And for my next spell, I'm going to take, I'll take scorching ray, although Misty's step might be the better call right now. Or shatter for some more AOE, have Wyll and Gale both with a few AOE spells. Enthrall, reduce a creature's peripheral vision and make it look at you. Cool, mirror image is also a fantastic spell and of course clouded aggregates as well. I'm gonna go ahead and take, I'm gonna take this step. And I'm very tempted to take pack to the blade right now. You can summon a packed weapon or bind the one you're wielding, making it magical. Packed weapons use the wielder's spell casting ability modifier instead of strength or dexterity. ", "length": 1033, "id": "5.0", "start": 0, "end": 65, "lp_part": 5}, {"content": " Really good multi-class option here, especially with a class like the Paladin where you won't need your strength anymore, you use your charisma for your weapon attacks. Just don't know how I want to build it yet, so I think I'm gonna go with pack to the chain right now. And then I'm going to respect into pack to the blade once I lay out a plan for myself. And we get, find familiar, an imp and also a closet. Okay, and I just figured out actually, you don't have to fast travel out of the camp. If you click on the bedroll after a long rest, it will teleport you back to where you left off. At the ready. I feel like I'm playing Pathfinder right now with all this pre-buffing. I'm also going to select warding bond right here. I feel like this spell is insanely powerful. I almost don't believe it, it's so powerful. But actually, I can see why now. The downside to warding bond is, each time the ally takes damage, the creature takes the same amount of damage. So even though I have resistance to all damage and a boost to Armor class, Shadowheart takes damage at the same time. But let's keep an eye on that. Swift as my feet can carry me. And definitely be really good though when you need to save one of your front liners if one of your back liners like Shadowheart has really good HP. Let's give Wyll the cloak for a little bit, give him the dancing lights cantrip. I don't even have a crossbow for him, unbelievable. The pride of the gate, the blade of Frontiers, progress, we're going. Okay, so I think I'm going to start heading towards Karlach here. As Wyll is hunting down Karlach, I think we'll focus on that first here. And while we're here, we might as well investigate this cave, right? Oh, where am I needed? Foreign, s fly, invisibility and also claws. Beautiful cave, dead Albert, pray no doubt. The corpse is silent. An unusual place to find a shrine of Selune. Shadowheart's not gonna like this. Is this is Selune, the goddess of the moon, twin sister to Shar, which is the deity that Shadowheart currently worships. An ancient tome detailing how Selune came into being along with her sister Shar. The silver radiant Selune and the dark alluring Shar complemented each other and brought an orderly distinction between light and dark in the universe. A prayer dedicated to Selune, imploring all to accept the moon maiden's blessing and chair in her bounty. A prayer sheet, what's this symbol on it? No, never mind. I wonder if the gods are watching me. All right, let's read this Selune's prayer sheet. My prayers are answered. And that unlocked the Gilded chest right here which was magically trapped. But why, this rubbish is an offering to Selune. At best it's worthless, at worst, who knows, could be cursed. Do not trifle with that Moon witch or her trinkets, only trouble will follow. Why do you care so much? And it looks like the game, the full release version of the game, does not let you use Shadowheart of guidance to use it against her, so that's a nice update. You should have stayed quiet. You want the truth, fine. I worship Shaw, Mistress of the night, Selune's twin and foe. Now that you have the truth, please don't make a big fuss about it. A Shaw worshiper, not my usual quarry nor my usual ally. I don't care who you worship, we have bigger problems. Truth, I didn't think you'd react so pragmatically. Perhaps I should have told you sooner. In the future, I expect you to be honest, Shadowheart. Let's leave it at that for now. The moon drop pendants, when the wearer has 50 hit points or less, they don't provoke opportunity attacks. And at the bottom, you can see that Gale can absorb this item's magic, destroying it. Oh, what was that? Not sure why I had to do a dexterity check to pick that up. Barbaric nonsense. No rest for the wicked, I see. I shouldn't have wished to live in more interesting times. Let's put the moon drop pendant on Wolf. Yeah, I like that. The hero it hard, still breathing despite everything. I've got a long road ahead. These boots have seen everything. They do, bun fern, not as bad as fantasy. And there you have it folks, we have our first sighting of a wild owlbear and her cub. Creatures that are not to be messed with. Dark vision, multi-attack. But as a ranger with speak with animals, it's my duty to check in. Footsteps before we see it, beaked face looming out of the darkness. What's this, something weak, something tender. Won't even have to chew you before I feed you to my son. Self-mate. You're injured, there's still half a spear lodged in your head. It's a splinter, la, guttered bigger threat than you is worse. Yeah, let's try Ranger persuasion. I would never intrude on your nest knowingly, this was a simple mistake. Foreign, cost you your life if you posed any real danger. You can go, but you make. . . One wrong step and I'll rip you to shreds. We got an Inspiration Point out of that and you know what? As a ranger of the woodlands, I'm going to respect the mother's wishes. ", "length": 1042, "id": "5.1", "start": 66, "end": 145, "lp_part": 5}, {"content": " We have an owl bear egg here too. And we are going to respectfully exit the owl bear cave and continue our search for Karlach. ER, them all, this will be no different. I've always had a soft spot for the confident ones, they always keep moving, stranger. Quietly. What happened here? I told you to go. Let's appear at his collar with a perception check. What are you doing? Get back. Okay, I'm gonna try an intimidation check now. If I wanted to hurt either of you, I'd have done it already. Wow, this is a tough check right here. Amazing, perhaps that's true. Your scent is thick with blood. Still, you should go. My friend is injured, he needs rest. I don't think he's going to wake up. Scratch, of course, he will and then we'll return home. What's your name? He calls me Scratch, you can do the same. And what happened to your friend exactly? We were attacked, cackling furry things on two legs and I smell it was strange, rotten, evil. You know the creatures he describes, nulls. Come on Scratch, you can travel with me if you'd like. No, I won't leave him. If he doesn't wake up, follow my scent. I have a camp, if it comes to that, I may. Thank you. Oh, I have the Magic Touch. These things have stayed interesting. Calm work, be doubly careful on the way back to Balder's Gate. I've received more reports of attacks on travelers throughout the region. I can't have my best messenger winding up face down in a ditch somewhere. David, it's a boy. He's healthy and perfect. I've named him after his father. Come back and see us soon as soon as you can get leave. Love, Flora. Nine fingers, I won't come back to the city, not while you have your thugs looking for me. If you want the debt paid, you'll have to trust me and collect it yourself. Go to the graveyard and look for where M. Kerwin is buried. Get digging and you'll find enough valuables to settle matters between us. Don't go looking for me, I'll know when I'm safe. The Nine-Fingers Keene is the leader of the most prominent criminal organization in Baldur's Gates, known as The Guild. I'm not going to steal anything off the guy's body right now. Okay, we're getting really close to Karlach. I wonder if the plants respawn. You seem to know a good deal about our condition, game everything really. What if the two finder points, it's a humble specimen, aren't you? Otherwise, foreign, sharp as ever. I saw you training those children, so gentle. That's not how I was taught, cruel words, strength and neither heads nor hearts, shadow. I wouldn't quite say that. I learned a lesson after all. I'm trying to resent your tutor out there. I taught them to fuck again. Okay, we are now out of the circle where Karlach was. Is that what was there, was a bloodstone? Hmm, I don't know what use bloodstones have in the game yet. These bones speak of some old long-forgotten tragedy. Druid symbols on their equipment. You seemed quite forward with your compliments earlier, you'd only just met. He's the day I said it doesn't look too safe, so let's go back down and go back towards the quest location for Wyll. And then we'll come back to the bloody path. And there we have it, Karlach. 13 Armor class, Zariel Tiefling, danger sense which means that she's a barbarian, level 3 Barbarian. Let's get going. About that wrong. One horn, the stink of a furnace, advocates diaboli. God's Damned, the blade of Frontiers. Thought I'd shaken you for good, Wyll. Teach me to underestimate you. You're the devil we've been hunting, Karlach, right? Bloody right. An honor to be chased by the blade of Frontiers, but I agreed. Heat Wars through you, her heat, fiery as the hills. Then your last envisions of demonic armies as you tear through a landscape of Fire and Blood, the blood War. Resort from above as the nautiloid passed through awareness. This woman was on the front line. What was that? Evidence. You're a devil, a gladiator in the archdevil Zariel's army. I can explain, but it's a whole situation. If you just hear me out. Another Vision, Karlach's blade raised, slicing through Devils, Zariel's servants. As her eyes dart around seeking escape, her rage and desperation seep. She's a victim of the blood War, was an agent of it. Trying to trick us, don't believe her lies. You saw the truth. I never wanted to serve Mizora. I was enlisted in her Army against my will, forced to fight a fight I did. When I saw an opportunity to get away, I took it. Finally home, or near it anyway. You served her, that's enough to damn you. Be practical, Wyll. She's infected the same as you and powerful too. We can use her as an ally. Wyll catches his breath and his lips straighten. She had dread twists his face. You don't know what you're saying. You're asking me to trust the devil. You saw her thoughts, she poses no danger to the sword Coast. Can't you see I'm not what you think? You really are no devil, are you? I've received. ", "length": 1041, "id": "5.2", "start": 146, "end": 242, "lp_part": 5}, {"content": " Oh, thank the gods. Thought I was gonna have to take your head. You would have died in the attempt, but there have been enough threats today. Truce then, eh? Truce. I'm Karlach, but you already knew that. And you are? I'm Wolf. Well met, Soldier. Nice to meet a friendly around here. It's been tough going so far. I may not be a devil, but I can put the Blade's reputation to work. How would you feel about helping me kill some evil bastards? Little background if your moral compass needs something to point at. You already know I fought in the blood War. I was good, really good. It turns out I've got a knack for killing demons. That made me a valuable asset. Zariel, the arch devil herself, made me as her personal attack dog. I played along until I could get the fuck out of there. But Devils don't like to lose their assets. Because Mizora liked it so little, she sent a bunch of goons, so-called paladins of tear, to take me back. Problem is, I'm not going. Why should I do your dirty work? That's the only kind I like. But there are a lot of them and just the one of me. I'll take point and you flank him. Then we can work on evicting this parasite and take favor and buy their short hairs. Sound good? Hang on, I said I'd help you, not team up with you long term. Trust me and you see what I'm capable of, you won't regret it. Okay, I think I like Karlach. Let's do it. Cornered me outside the tall house just up the hill. Don't they've gone far after the scorching I gave him. Hang on though, looks like you've got enough backup at your side. Not sure there's room for me. I'll catch up with you when it's time to camp for now. But don't get to any of the fun stuff without me, got it? Okay. But why, why, why? A great uncle today. I just figured you've been witness to a pantomime, I'm sorry to say. And I've played my part all too poorly. I respect Wyll for admitting it that he was wrong. Someone set you on Karlach's tail. I'd like to know who this source of yours is. I can say only this. Karlach's not the only one who's had a villain's knife held to their throats. What's that supposed to mean? The truth will out before you know it. One night soon, when we make camp, the veil will be lifted and I'll pay my pennants. Penance, should I be worried? You're not in any danger, I promise. I can't say the same about me. Okay, so I think I actually want to. We did Wyll's quest for now. Spoke ominously about a Penance he must face. We should take a long rest when the opportunity strikes. There's clearly a lot of blade of Frontiers, clearly excuse me, there's clearly a lot the blade of Frontiers isn't telling us. We decided to let Karlach join us. The paladins will have something to say about it. Although Shadowheart tried to hide it, we discovered that she worships the goddess Shar. We need to ensure she doesn't keep anything else from us. Let's go to camp. No time to rest. Let's have a chat with Wyll. Well met. I think I have to make it night time. Hell's fire, she's coming. No way. You've been naughty and you know what happens when you're naughty. God's damn it, anyone but her. Well, this is incredible. We never saw this in Early Access. Just two in the nine Hells are you? Kept me a secret. Time to let the Hellcat out of the bag. I'm Wyll's Patron, the fount of his power. My Pet's been unruly and his leash needs a yank. We had a deal, Wyll. But Karlach's still breathing. I've taken more pleasant shits than you, Mizora. And at least those can be buried after. That's no kind of talk for a lady. By the way, Karlach, Zariel sends her regards. You told me. Devils only. She's a Tiefling, not a monster. How precious. The little popsters found his bark. Clause G section 9. Target shall be limited to The Infernal, the Demonic, the heartless and the soulless. Karlach meets the criteria, pet. Trust me. Al, this is a great scene so far. I like Mizora a lot and I really love the dynamic between Wyll and Karlach. And look at the choices that we have. If we kill Karlach now. Better not lay a damn finger on Karlach. Get to the point, devil. What do you want? The point, oh yes. Thanks for the reminder. The lightning storms of Death Strike his flesh. His soul passes through each layer of the health, gaining their essence and their torment. Oh my God. Hell's have you done? Almost broken a price paid. You know the terms, get used to the new form, Pat. There's no going back. Some magic even I can't undo. Now, let's see how the Frontiers fair without their precious blade. Karlach, keep an eye on him, would you? I'll be keeping mine on you. Oh, and well, don't forget our Pat still stands. Tata. I love her character. And Wyll is much more likable now. Larian did a good job rewriting his character. ", "length": 1030, "id": "5.3", "start": 243, "end": 349, "lp_part": 5}, {"content": " Okay, we have to make our rounds here. Everybody wants to talk about that. Hopefully, Larian cleans up those cut scenes a little bit where everybody just kind of like ap. Pears after the scene's over, everybody just teleports back to whatever spot they're supposed to be in. I have been getting a few patches already in the review build, so yeah, look at the horns, that is crazy. Imagine having to walk around with those horns. I mean, Tieflings have to, but Wyll's horns look like straight up devil horns. God's damn her straight back to the hells. Just look at me, I did what was right and Mizora made me pay for it. I'd be hunting devils and demons, she said, traitors and hypocrites, heartless evils of all sorts, but not Zarya's victims, not innocent Tieflings. Warlock pants tend to be unforgiving from what you know of them. Wyll was lucky he didn't face a more severe punishment. What did you expect? Well, she's a devil, hardly the paragon of honesty. All these years, you'd think it's a lesson I'd have well learned. It's Mizora who grants me the power to conjure armor and cast Eldritch blasts. Before I was infected, I could even call the hell beasts and summon festering clouds, but I promise you, every thrust of my blade and every flame I sparked was for the good of the coast. What are the terms of your pact? I can't utter the terms or circumstances of the pact. I can tell you most all else, but the pact is unforbidden unless Mizora permits it. But I'll say this, the moment I packed myself to Mizora, I have not regretted for a heartbeat. It was my proudest deed, it was worth the sacrifice. All I can give you on that is my solemn word. Okay, devil and devil hunter standing shoulder to shoulder against a common enemy, rather poetic I think. I'll be honest, Soldier Unrealing Wyll hardly knows me, but he chose my life over his. It's been a long time since someone stuck their neck out for me like that. I do get the feeling that Wyll is a good man, and in Early Access, I didn't necessarily feel that way. You must be relieved, gobsmacked really, really grateful. Could learn a thing or two from a man like that. Hopefully, we won't turn into mind flayers first. There you are, my friend. What happened, were you attacked? Oh, that scratch? I ran afoul of a bear. He took a little of my blood, I took all of his. Sounds like a dangerous meal, seems so, it's worth having on but significantly better than the rats and bugs Cazador served me. Flies, and what did you do to deserve that? I existed, that was enough for him. He reveled in having power over me because those with power can do whatever the hell they want. We're not powerless. Hmm, tadpoles are quite the assets. I'm starting to think about that a little bit, but I'm not ready to say that you think power lets you do anything free from consequence. The strong have a duty to protect the weak. Had two centuries to pluck me from torture, but no one came. No, it was the Mind flayers that rescued me. They gave me a gift, the strength to take my own freedom. I'm embracing this power, you should too. You know, it's really, really easy to think that somebody's perspective on life is completely wrong, but when you really, really put yourself in their shoes, it starts to make a lot more sense. Thinking about being Asterion, feeding off of rats, being a slave to a brutal vampire lord, and then you get snatched up by mind flayers which essentially free him, and now he has a newfound power. You can just kind of understand, like if you're in a situation, you wouldn't necessarily just be this goody two shoes person. I think that's true IRL too, you know, you got to really try to see life through the perspective of other people and try to understand why they have that perspective because many times it makes sense, even if you disagree with it. Okay, let's go ahead and finish our rest here. Actually, I think I want to take Karlach. Man, Wyll is looking so cool now, now I don't know who I want to take with me. The good thing is we don't have to choose companions. As long as companions like us, they'll probably hang out with us for the majority of the game. It's not like DOS 2 where by like act two you have to choose your set party heading out. But yeah, so I think I will actually substitute in and out players here. I want Gale because he's a wizard, and I want Shadowheart because she's a Clara can have healing word. But you know what, let's get rid of Shadowheart for this mission. Let me guess, you're wondering why I was in pain before. Best if we just get the subject out of the way now. The wound on my hand, it never quite heals, and sometimes it causes terrible pain to rip through me. It's my burden though, from Lady Shar. I can feel her influence somehow. Getting a lot of interesting dialogue that's run from the companions. Why would Shar subject you to such a thing? I cannot say, not with what I can recall, but even then it would not be for me to question her will. ", "length": 1054, "id": "5.4", "start": 350, "end": 411, "lp_part": 5}, {"content": " Lady Shar has her reasons. Is there anything I can do to help, Shadowheart? I don't think so, but you're sweet to ask. Maybe, be patient the next time you see me wince or cry out. It'll pass quickly enough, it always does. Pain is sacred to followers of Lady Shar. Pain will give way to loss and then to the peace of her eternal darkness. You can tolerate a great deal of suffering so long as it has meaning. Very true. So you knew more than you were letting on before. I hope you'll be more honest in the future. You know, I'm not even going to ask her that right now, still don't know each other that well, so decide. If you're sure, fine, I'll be here whenever you rediscover your taste. I'm happy that when you dismiss a companion, it doesn't drop their approval rating of you. We're gonna take Karlach now, we're gonna change it up a little bit. I haven't needed healing word so far. I'm sure I'm gonna need it a lot when we get to act 2 and we have these encounters that I've never experienced before. Yeah, oh, we got some more dialogue here too. Mizora said you'd fit the criteria for Wyll to hunt, what did she mean? Help me kill paladins of tear and I'll tell you a bit of good gossip for your good help. How did you end up fighting in the blood war? The blood war, for those of you guys that are unfamiliar, is the basically never-ending battle between devils and demons. Evil versus evil, and the majority of the battles take place in the uppermost layer of the nine hells in Avernus. And that's where she was during descent into Avernus when the city of El Torell was teleported to Avernus. Take care of the goons on my tail, okay, he doesn't want to answer any questions right now, so let's just leave. Hell yeah, okay, and we got Karlach so let me save this as Karlach level two to three, there we go. Barbarian's a really good class in this game. They also have the most HP. The danger sentence, you have an advantage on dexterity saving throws against traps, spells, and surfaces, so a really good scout class. And Reckless attack, until your next turn, you have an advantage on attack rolls, but enemies also have advantage against you. But that's okay because when you're a tank, you don't mind taking some damage. Foreign, in the new Barbarian subclass is wild magic or the one that wasn't in Early Access. The wild influence of magic has transformed you, suffusing you with an arcane power that churns within you, waiting to be released. Enter a rage that releases all the magic rolling inside of you, causing a random magical effect. If resistance to physical damage and advantage on strength checks and saving throws. And Magic awareness, anyone within range adds their proficiency bonus to saving throws against spells, wow. Anybody that's fighting on the front lines with her. And of course, we have Berserker which is super powerful, you get frenzy which is another attack. And then the Wild Heart Barbarian is really cool, there's some really cool choices. But we're gonna go ahead and go with wild magic, see what it's all about. Getting pretty close to level four, so that's, I don't think I even need to use camp supplies, nope, I'm pretty much full on spell slots, let's take a partial rest. Hey, look, Scratch showed up. I think this is going to be a nice stopping point for the halfway point in this episode. So episode 5 part one has concluded. I'll see you all again in a few moments or when you make it back. Welcome back, let's go ahead and talk to Scratch here, and then we're going to push down with Karlach's quest. I gotta do speak with animals, we'll pet them first. I got approval out of Gale, Wyll, and Karlach for petting the dog, that's cute. See if we can play fetch, look at it boy, where'd he go, Scratch? Huh, nobody wants to play fetch with me, throw it a little bit closer, okay, well that makes me sad. So we met Wyll's diabolical, excuse me, diabolical Patron Mizora, who is none too happy to find out that Wyll failed to slay Karlach. She punished Wyll for his disobedience by turning him into a devil and departed, though it seems likely that we'll meet her again. Like a brisk stroll through the forest to invigorate the spirit. Hey, we've got this Soul coin, right? Thing is, I think I can use it, my engine can anyway. Zariel used to top me up every now and again when she wanted me to go after an especially wicked target. Wow, so we finally are finding out a use for the soul coins, kind of similar to Gale. The gal needs magical artifacts, she needs Soul coins. You got a coin slot in your heart or what? Next time we find ourselves toe to toe with something we want to squash, point me, see what happens. Intriguing, next time we're in battle, we'll make sure that we get you one. Actually, try a coin now, I want to see this in action. ", "length": 1030, "id": "5.5", "start": 412, "end": 467, "lp_part": 5}, {"content": " I don't know if I want to waste the coin right now, but I feel like I need to see it first. Wow, it's not the kind of thing I'd like to squander, see a soul coin is a precious thing. Better used to find evil than show off, okay, trust me. Next time we're facing something nasty, I'll be all over him. Okay, fair enough. Hopefully, where we are in relation to wa. Okay, let's hunt the devil and confront the paladins. Let me just write something down in my notes right here. We have magic awareness, that's pretty cool. It lasts for one turn. Then of course, there's Reckless attack which all barbarians get. Once we get into combat, we can try out rage wild magic. I can't wait to see that. I gotta get some more gear though. Breathe deep and move. No time to rest, looking ahead. Very nice, now that we have a barbarian in our group, I don't think we need to stealth around at all. We can just walk up to these places. It's like a symbol of tear. We have a bunch of dead Knolls. Well, if we're confronting paladins of tear, let's go ahead and spread out a little bit here. We'll put Gale on the roof. Oh no, who's that? If she doesn't mind, yes, we'll put him in the shadows up here. Actually, I think I'll do the same with Wyll. Yeah, I'll put him up two steps at a time. Let's have a quick chat though with Sorel here. 'Need any supplies? How many did you lose? Two? Sworn to uphold Justice, what happened to you? Lord have sent us after a devil haunting, we lost. Talk to Anders if you want the details, I don't have it in me to recount the horror. Smoke powder bomb in Tia's name. ' I think Wyll looks pretty awesome with the horns actually. I wonder if there's a way to prevent that from happening. I can't wait to play this game again and try everything just like completely different. Okay, let's go ahead and check this place out. 'Cut it out, it's worse than those out there. Swift as my feet, no more. Leave us in peace and we shall leave you in kind. The crap, Anders, I know what you are. Don't let her hurt us, please, we just want to go home. ' That looks totally different from Early Access. Okay, we're definitely going to use detect thoughts. Actually, now let's do detect thoughts. I feel more confident in that than assessing his posture to make my determination as to whether or not I'll kill him. Minus one to intelligence though, but let's give it a shot. Beautiful, I want that armor. I just got a Twitchy leg. The arch Duchess will be delighted when we return with Karlach's head on a pike. The arch duchess, hmm. Okay, let's go ahead and also do the Insight check. I don't have Shadowheart for the guidance anymore, that's pretty rough. Of his eye, you suspect he's lying. Enough of the charade, I know who you really are. Enough, I'll not play pretend anymore. Karlach, you're going home in pieces if needs must and you, you'll soon learn what it means to ally yourself for the likes of this garbage. Damn, it's never my home, it was my prison. I'm free now and I'm never going back. Oh shit, how do I give her a soul point? That's what I want to know how to do. Check reactions real fast, okay we're looking pretty good. I'm not sure like when, maybe when it's my character's turn or hold on, maybe we can just consume it on our turn. Let's try this out, this is about to be crazy. Consume, oh my gosh, I'm gonna F5 this, I might want to come back to this. Okay, here we go. Okay, infernal Fury lasts until long rest. The hatred and pain of a captured Soul fuel Karlach's infernal machine. For weapon and unarmed attacks deal an additional one to four fire damage when she's raging or when her hit points drop below 25 percent. Or you could just use the ever burn blade, you know what I'm saying, a sword that I have to get that fire damage. Or you could dip your weapon. Okay, not bad, I thought it would be more powerful though, especially at the cost of a soul coin. But fair enough, it looks pretty awesome. Let's go kick some ass, I want to try out this wild magic stuff. Don't have a bonus action though to rage, so let's just go ahead and do a regular attack. Damn, oh my God, if I had rage, I would have survived that. Holy crap, okay we gotta get serious now, that was crazy. You gotta be kidding me, Larian, you closed this window, no way. Okay, Defender was the people, him just can't open doors. Are there any other windows in this place? Doesn't look like it. Man, I love tactical combat like this, so much fun and I'm so happy that Larian changed up some of these encounters from Early Access. We got to take down Anders as fast as possible because paladins are freaking deadly. ", "length": 1032, "id": "5.6", "start": 468, "end": 544, "lp_part": 5}, {"content": " Okay, let's see what we can do here. Kind of spell, I didn't prepare the right spells I don't think, forgot to cast a Mage Armor too. Let me do it back here, I'm a little bit worried it's going to put me in combat. Wait, did I cast Mage Armor? No, I didn't. Why did I use a spell slot? I'm missing one spell slot. For me, it's a gnome's life for me. Okay, let's go ahead and have time actually to prepare because I'm not in combat. Can't wait to get my necrotic spells, I haven't done anything with this sub, I should have taken evocation. All right, let's go, something cheaper to learn half the spells that I've learned. Let's take cloud of daggers now, we're gonna get rid of, they're getting rid of Thunder Wave temporarily. The problem is this guy's not really set up for cloud daggers right now. Let's go ahead and foreign, we're just going to start off with a yeah, we'll start off with a can trip. And then I'm gonna bring Willen, oh yeah we got all sorts of Bells here, he goes. Okay, we got Karlach back up, even if he attacks her again at least he's using his action. Okay, let's go baby, sixty percent chance on our attack. Should coat my weapon, I should start using poison more often. Okay, here we go. I'm currently dazed right now though, disadvantage on wisdom saving throws, can't take reactions and loses dexterity bonus to armor class. Okay, unbelievable. All right, I'm gonna go ahead and do it, so there's more. Okay, hold on, let's do, I got them both, yes I do. Damn it, my Bear's taunt hasn't even succeeded one time yet. Go ahead and get up in her face, we have another combatant coming in right now in a room that we haven't discovered. I think we have to go all out on Anders though, although this is, what class is she, the trader class? I think she's like a wizard or something, a little bit nervous about that. Oh man, I don't have an action. All right, okay, there it is, the opportunity attack, this car locks down again. Damn, I haven't had a chance to rage yet. Oh my God, that is crazy damage, paladins are just ridiculous. You gotta be kidding me, I'm gonna try it again. All right, go to this character, at least that's a start. Okay, this is the roughest encounter that we've been in so far because Anders is apparently a total badass. Okay, Gale, I would love to do clouded daggers but it's just not a good position for it. It's a 24 HP, put up cast sleep, take this character out of the fight or let me think here, would that be more valuable or throw in a potion? I think it's time to look for a potion of speed, some of the best potions in the game. Actually, I have a ton of potions, some interesting potions that weren't in Early Access here. All of my gear is on my Ranger because I have 17 strength. I can't wait to get to level four and finally take my feet. Okay, I don't see what I'm looking for so let's try, let's let me try this. I can have it, I gotta have a greater healing potion in here somewhere. There's one right there so let's send that to Gale. I know you can throw potions on the ground, just don't know how it's gonna, okay this should be fine actually. Larian has better visual representation now. I don't want to heal Anders so I got to make sure I back this up a little bit. Okay, so actually, so that didn't heal them, we'll see how that plays out. Let me back up a little bit. Okay, so do I have hex on him? So let's go ahead and do, we're gonna do an Elders blast. Man, I feel like I'm doing so good in Dialogue on this run so far but my combat roles are horrible. Oh man, this is gonna be tough. Okay, no time to waste. Okay, sounds good to me, we will make do. You gotta be kidding me, gosh man, what love, what level is it? He's level five. We're level three right now so that's partially the reason why this combat encounter has proven to be so difficult. Probably better to go, I kind of skipped a little bit to this area. I skipped like the whole moonhaven village area. But I think I can still do this. That's not good with him being up there though. We got to get creative now. So we have the potion on the floor but it's not enough to pick them up. So I think once I get them up though then they will catch the passive heal from that. Oh gosh, okay so let's go ahead and throw ocean. I'm gonna actually hit my character right now. Okay, so that gets him up and I think I'm gonna get another heel too, possibly. ", "length": 1024, "id": "5.7", "start": 545, "end": 605, "lp_part": 5}, {"content": " Then we're gonna miss these step the hell out of here man. I'm actually gonna miss these step down, oh nope I gotta be careful. Good messy stuff, I could try to bring this guy out here then I would want Thunder Wave again actually. Okay, I'll tell you what I'm gonna do. I don't have many spell slots as a warlock but you only have two until like level I don't know maybe 11 or 9, I can't remember what it is. Hold on, let me see what this is, off balance. The affected entity has disadvantage on strength and dexterity checks and attack rolls against it have advantage. I just try to take the hits, you know what I'm going to, have a mirror image scroll or blur, umbrella protection from evil. Tell you if creatures are evil, Let's test that out, you know why not right, why the hell not. Oh, I can't actually, okay. Oh cause it's an action, okay. All right, I'm gonna, I'm gonna miss these step. Trying to do this without, there we go, it's, I'm gonna go out the front door two steps at a time. Man, I wish I had freaking, damn it, I wish I had Thunder Wave right now. Okay, let's go ahead and do sleep level two. Target's out of sight, aren't you gonna move in sight, there we go. Okay, perfect, not sure if this guy is going to attack me if he. Tacks gal, I think I'm kind of screwed here. I'm actually gonna miss these steps all the way over here. Okay, he's coming back down for my Ranger. Oh wow, pushed her back up. Okay, I'm probably gonna die. Let me see if I can go it again. If I can hit this, that would be epic. Okay, I always succeed on his saving throw though. That wasn't very nice. Okay Gale, I'm gonna need you to get down. I wonder if you can do this. Nice, we did it okay. And then I'm going to, where's Shadowheart when you need her? The one fight where I actually need her. Diligence and care. Hey, we got Karlach back up and let's just start backing up. I'm tempted to throw another potion in there, try to help these guys out a little bit. Anders has got 21 HP. 60 with the Eldritch blast, it would not come back too. Or do I throw a potion? The thing is even if I throw a potion, I feel like he's so powerful if you still have spell slots for divine Smite. I'm scared either way. Oh, that was great. Okay, so here we go, finally wild. Yes, here we go. Oh, I have like no HP right now. Do I take that potion and run or do we get to see what the rage wild magic is all about? Okay, let's do it. Enter a rage that releases all the magic rolling inside of you. So let's see what the random magical effect is. I'm gonna move over here a little bit. Oh nice, I ran through the potion on the ground. Wow, look at that. That's badass. Whoa, to the end of your rage, flowers and vines sprout around you. Vine growth, difficult terrain for everyone other than the Barbarian. Yeah, so you got to be a little bit careful because this is also difficult to reign for my Ranger. Although Rangers, I think at level eight, get a feature that will allow them to move through difficult terrain at normal speeds. That's pretty badass. Okay, let's go ahead and, hmm, I think I want to stay here because I want to soak up damage. I don't want them to attack wolves. Let me get in front of the wolf right here. Oh, this is such a badass subclass. I thought it was set in stone on the ground, but it's a circle that moves with the Barbarian. Let's get right up in their faces, try to get it off of the wolf. Bastard, you gotta be kidding me. He's moving slow though, that's nice. Okay, so Hunter's Mark is currently off. Well, that's Hunter's Mark. I wonder if I can get a tack off without going too deep into the difficult Terrain. Dude, my hunter is just, it's bad how much I'm missing. It is real bad and that's not an opportunity. Interesting, no opportunity attack. Okay, foreign again. I'm actually gonna have to, how much HP do I have? Ah, okay. Thank God I succeeded in that, holy cow. All right, we'll flatte what we're gonna do here my friends. I'll tell you what we're gonna do, indubitably. Give him a little bit HP and back up. Well, let's see if we can get one Elder class to push this guy back. Awesome, finally. You know, I should have used Reckless attack the first time. I got it mixed up with a different ability. It's All Coming Back to Me Now. I haven't played Barbarian in like a year. Enemies do have advantage against you though when you use this. Awesome, and if I was gonna push him, I'd want to push him this way. ", "length": 1027, "id": "5.8", "start": 606, "end": 686, "lp_part": 5}, {"content": " Perfect, he's never getting to my other companions now. All right, so we still have Hunter's Mark on. I think maybe I'll just go help out my bear. I only have 11, no no, we're gonna, let's back up. Let's back her up. Foreign, okay we got 16 HP now. I do have a throwing weapon, hold on man. I should have thrown a weapon. I wonder if I can get a javelin toss off. Can't wait to play this on tactician. I don't got any javelins or any throwing axes. Are you kidding me? I thought I had a ton of those. I must have sold them. All right, I'm Gonna Keep The Bear here as long as I can. Jumped over my Bear's head. All right, perfect, perfect, perfect, back up again. Foreign, blast. Okay, do I just attack? I think I have to. I'm almost dead but if I can take out Anders, it's going to make a huge difference in this fight. Yes, now it's game over. The Sword of Justice gives you tears protection which is Shield of faith I can tell. Protect a creature from attacks, increase its armor class by two and last until a long rest. I wonder if they, you can still cheese that, where you just put the sword on, you use it and then you take the sword off. Sure, you probably can. I don't know how I feel about that. It's like a cheese but it's not a cheese too. All right Karlach, over there, get you at the door. I'm gonna back up. I wish I could ready in action right now. Wow, there's a lot of damage. All right, Karlach's almost dead again. You know what, I bet you could run in here and kill like, I guarantee I can. Let's do it. Awesome, only one enemy left. It's funny because it's hard, I can't really like get through either. So this is a really cool wild magic surge out of Karlach but your positioning really matters because it's really hard for me to get my characters in to fight now. So we'll let this guy come to us though. I'm just gonna skip my turn again. There you go Karlach, see if we can get her to come down. Watch HP, 15 HP, almost dead. You know what, screw it. Said in yogi beara, hmm, real tough with everything on the everything on the ground right now. Don't have enough strength to get back up top. I'm not sure what I want to do. I don't know if I can hit a shot from right here. It's gonna end my turn. Just an annoying positioning here. Okay, look you know what, it's, I'm not playing games anymore. I need a throne weapon right now, that would be great or Thorn whip would be amazing. Okay, there we go. This is worth the cost. One day I'll catch a break. Power Ranger sucks, it favors The Fearless. Thank you. I also have this Brazier right here, we could have shot down on top of Ender's head. Damage out of that Elder splash. Fuck, follow me. I won't go back, I'm never coming back. And if any of mummy's little friends want to pick up where the others left off, they'll find nothing but a pile of Ash. Damn, Zariel won't get near you again, we'll make sure of that. Can't he, couldn't even lay a finger. Cool, all right, we confronted the paladins chasing Karlach. She's joined our search for a cure for the parasite. Oh shit, what happened to, hell happened to him man, what's going on over here? Is he, that's pretty cool. To rage, can I control her? She's destroying everything. I literally don't have control over her anymore. Unbridled wrath, releasing a decade of pent-up rage in a blaze of infernal Fury. My companions are taking damage. I wonder if that's how gal died. Bruh, oh my gosh, I battle to do it. Okay, almost, you almost tpk the party, Karlach's sake. That's a let off a little steam after facing off with those ignots. Granted, the fire is lasting a little longer than it should. How do I look? Hot. Careful Soldier, if I burn any hotter I might explode. Hear that? Infernal engine for a heart lets me burn as hot as the hells. Excuse me, running in overdrive since I left a furnace. Won't be seeing my mechanic anytime soon, so I'll just make the most of the extra heat. Just don't get too close until I found a way to calm it down. How the hell else did you get an infernal engine for a heart? High pain tolerance and a dynamic Geo of truly shitty bosses but it's a bit early in the game to be getting into tragic backstories. Let's save the scar show for later, after we've worked up an appetite for tragedy. Meanwhile, I'll need to find someone who can tune up my engines, sooner rather than later. Believe me when I say this thing is hot. The first time I faced down those paladins, they let slip there was an infernal mechanic in the area. He might be able to stabilize things if I can find him. There are some Tiefling holed up in a Druids Grove nearby, we might look there. ", "length": 1038, "id": "5.9", "start": 687, "end": 772, "lp_part": 5}, {"content": " Sounds like a good lead. Hopefully our guy will be among them. Tune up would do this old turbo world of good. Infernal war machines are these gigantic, gigantic vehicles of War. The Devils used in the blood war to fight against demons and they're powered by Soul coins. And she has an infernal engine as her heart which is really interesting. I'm very curious about the lore behind that Karlach's story now. Karlach seems just like a fun character to have in your group like this is, this is cool. More money did, I didn't expect to like Karlach as much as I do right now. All right, we'll do some quick looting for camp supplies. A lot of food here. I know there's a basement here too. Little kind of struggling as to how much content I should do on the let's play series. Because I mean if I do like everything like, potentially 200 hours of a let's play, that's ridiculous. So we're gonna pretend that I didn't see that latch right there, okay. Your image, yay. Anders didn't have any armor that I could take. I thought I might get a heavy armor out of him. All right, let's go ahead and loot Trend and then we are out of here. Gotta push on with like the main quest for a little bit. Surprised that I haven't leveled up yet, like I'm leveling slower in the full game than Early Access. I could be wrong in saying that though. Played it already, and I'm off. Check the back side real fast. What looks so funny with the horns. What's that? I am way too big for a hole that tiny. A burrow hole, oh my gosh, you know what we can try here. No, well I can get it, wait hold on. Now I can't click it with the find familiar. I feel like Druid wild shape may be able to do this right here but perhaps they just don't let you do it with your familiar, it has to be your actual character. Go ahead and summon in, bring back fern. Hey girl, good to see you again. Man, now I'm really curious what that is. I'm way too big. I can't believe I can't get the rat in there. Okay, we're gonna have to try to remember, oh my gosh is this leopard arm right there. One day I'll catch you, ketchup which way to the nearest library. Okay, so Karlach needs an infernal mechanic to tune up the infernal engine that is her heart. We'll have to find him in the Druids Grove nearby. Hopefully, he'll be able to stabilize things. Meanwhile, I'll need to find someone who can tune up my engines, sooner rather than later. The first time I faced down those paladins, they let slip there was an infernal mechanic in the area. He might be able to stabilize things if I can find him. There are some Tiefling holed up in a Druids Grove nearby, we might look there. Sounds like a good lead. Hopefully our guy will be among them. Tune up would do this old turbo world of good. Infernal war machines are these gigantic, gigantic vehicles of War. The Devils used in the blood war to fight against demons and they're powered by Soul coins. And she has an infernal engine as her heart which is really interesting. I'm very curious about the lore behind that Karlach's story now. Karlach seems just like a fun character to have in your group like this is, this is cool. More money did, I didn't expect to like Karlach as much as I do right now. All right, we'll do some quick looting for camp supplies. A lot of food here. I know there's a basement here too. Little kind of struggling as to how much content I should do on the let's play series. Because I mean if I do like everything like, potentially 200 hours of a let's play, that's ridiculous. So we're gonna pretend that I didn't see that latch right there, okay. Your image, yay. Anders didn't have any armor that I could take. I thought I might get a heavy armor out of him. All right, let's go ahead and loot Trend and then we are out of here. Gotta push on with like the main quest for a little bit. Surprised that I haven't leveled up yet, like I'm leveling slower in the full game than Early Access. I could be wrong in saying that though. Played it already, and I'm off. Check the back side real fast. What looks so funny with the horns. What's that? I am way too big for a hole that tiny. A burrow hole, oh my gosh, you know what we can try here. No, well I can get it, wait hold on. Now I can't click it with the find familiar. I feel like Druid wild shape may be able to do this right here but perhaps they just don't let you do it with your familiar, it has to be your actual character. Go ahead and summon in, bring back fern. Hey girl, good to see you again. Man, now I'm really curious what that is. I'm way too big. I can't believe I can't get the rat in there. Okay, we're gonna have to try to remember, oh my gosh is this leopard arm right there. One day I'll catch you, ketchup which way to the nearest library. ", "length": 1035, "id": "5.10", "start": 773, "end": 853, "lp_part": 5}, {"content": " Okay, so Karlach needs an infernal mechanic to tune up the infernal engine that is her heart. We'll have to find him in the Druids Grove nearby. Hopefully, he'll be able to stabilize things. Meanwhile, I'll need to find someone who can tune up my engines, sooner rather than later. The first time I faced down those paladins, they let slip there was an infernal mechanic in the area. He might be able to stabilize things if I can find him. There are some Tiefling holed up in a Druids Grove nearby, we might look there. Sounds like a good lead. Hopefully our guy will be among them. Tune up would do this old turbo world of good. Infernal war machines are these gigantic, gigantic vehicles of War. The Devils used in the blood war to fight against demons and they're powered by Soul coins. And she has an infernal engine as her heart which is really interesting. I'm very curious about the lore behind that Karlach's story now. Karlach seems just like a fun character to have in your group like this is, this is cool. More money did, I didn't expect to like Karlach as much as I do right now. All right, we'll do some quick looting for camp supplies. A lot of food here. I know there's a basement here too. Little kind of struggling as to how much content I should do on the let's play series. Because I mean if I do like everything like, potentially 200 hours of a let's play, that's ridiculous. So we're gonna pretend that I didn't see that latch right there, okay. Your image, yay. Anders didn't have any armor that I could take. I thought I might get a heavy armor out of him. All right, let's go ahead and loot Trend and then we are out of here. Gotta push on with like the main quest for a little bit. Surprised that I haven't leveled up yet, like I'm leveling slower in the full game than Early Access. I could be wrong in saying that though. Played it already, and I'm off. Check the back side real fast. What looks so funny with the horns. What's that? I am way too big for a hole that tiny. A burrow hole, oh my gosh, you know what we can try here. No, well I can get it, wait hold on. Now I can't click it with the find familiar. I feel like Druid wild shape may be able to do this right here but perhaps they just don't let you do it with your familiar, it has to be your actual character. Go ahead and summon in, bring back fern. Hey girl, good to see you again. Man, now I'm really curious what that is. I'm way too big. I can't believe I can't get the rat in there. Okay, we're gonna have to try to remember, oh my gosh is this leopard arm right there. One day I'll catch you, ketchup which way to the nearest library. Okay, so Karlach needs an infernal mechanic to tune up the infernal engine that is her heart. We'll have to find him in the Druids Grove nearby. Hopefully, he'll be able to stabilize things. Meanwhile, I'll need to find someone who can tune up my engines, sooner rather than later. The first time I faced down those paladins, they let slip there was an infernal mechanic in the area. He might be able to stabilize things if I can find him. There are some Tiefling holed up in a Druids Grove nearby, we might look there. Sounds like a good lead. Hopefully our guy will be among them. Tune up would do this old turbo world of good. Infernal war machines are these gigantic, gigantic vehicles of War. The Devils used in the blood war to fight against demons and they're powered by Soul coins. And she has an infernal engine as her heart which is really interesting. I'm very curious about the lore behind that Karlach's story now. Karlach seems just like a fun character to have in your group like this is, this is cool. More money did, I didn't expect to like Karlach as much as I do right now. All right, we'll do some quick looting for camp supplies. A lot of food here. I know there's a basement here too. Little kind of struggling as to how much content I should do on the let's play series. Because I mean if I do like everything like, potentially 200 hours of a let's play, that's ridiculous. So we're gonna pretend that I didn't see that latch right there, okay. Your image, yay. Anders didn't have any armor that I could take. I thought I might get a heavy armor out of him. All right, let's go ahead and loot Trend and then we are out of here. Gotta push on with like the main quest for a little bit. Surprised that I haven't leveled up yet, like I'm leveling slower in the full game than Early Access. I could be wrong in saying that though. Played it already, and I'm off. Check the back side real fast. What looks so funny with the horns. What's that? I am way too big for a hole that tiny. A burrow hole, oh my gosh, you know what we can try here. No, well I can get it, wait hold on. Now I can't click it with the find familiar. ", "length": 1026, "id": "5.11", "start": 854, "end": 933, "lp_part": 5}, {"content": " I feel like Druid wild shape may be able to do this right here but perhaps they just don't let you do it with your familiar, it has to be your actual character. Go ahead and summon in, bring back fern. Hey girl, good to see you again. Man, now I'm really curious what that is. I'm way too big. I can't believe I can't get the rat in there. Okay, we're gonna have to try to remember, oh my gosh is this leopard arm right there. One day I'll catch you, ketchup which way to the nearest library. Okay, so Karlach needs an infernal mechanic to tune up the infernal engine that is her heart. We'll have to find him in the Druids Grove nearby. Hopefully, he'll be able to stabilize things. Meanwhile, I'll need to find someone who can tune up my engines, sooner rather than later. The first time I faced down those paladins, they let slip there was an infernal mechanic in the area. He might be able to stabilize things if I can find him. There are some Tiefling holed up in a Druids Grove nearby, we might look there. Sounds like a good lead. Hopefully our guy will be among them. Tune up would do this old turbo world of good. Infernal war machines are these gigantic, gigantic vehicles of War. The Devils used in the blood war to fight against demons and they're powered by Soul coins. And she has an infernal engine as her heart which is really interesting. I'm very curious about the lore behind that Karlach's story now. Karlach seems just like a fun character to have in your group like this is, this is cool. More money did, I didn't expect to like Karlach as much as I do right now. All right, we'll do some quick looting for camp supplies. A lot of food here. I know there's a basement here too. Little kind of struggling as to how much content I should do on the let's play series. Because I mean if I do like everything like, potentially 200 hours of a let's play, that's ridiculous. So we're gonna pretend that I didn't see that latch right there, okay. Your image, yay. Anders didn't have any armor that I could take. I thought I might get a heavy armor out of him. All right, let's go ahead and loot Trend and then we are out of here. Gotta push on with like the main quest for a little bit. Surprised that I haven't leveled up yet, like I'm leveling slower in the full game than Early Access. I could be wrong in saying that though. Played it already, and I'm off. Check the back side real fast. What looks so funny with the horns. What's that? I am way too big for a hole that tiny. A burrow hole, oh my gosh, you know what we can try here. No, well I can get it, wait hold on. Now I can't click it with the find familiar. I feel like Druid wild shape may be able to do this right here but perhaps they just don't let you do it with your familiar, it has to be your actual character. Go ahead and summon in, bring back fern. Hey girl, good to see you again. Man, now I'm really curious what that is. I'm way too big. I can't believe I can't get the rat in there. Okay, we're gonna have to try to remember, oh my gosh is this leopard arm right there. One day I'll catch you, ketchup which way to the nearest library. Okay, so Karlach needs an infernal mechanic to tune up the infernal engine that is her heart. We'll have to find him in the Druids Grove nearby. Hopefully, he'll be able to stabilize things. Meanwhile, I'll need to find someone who can tune up my engines, sooner rather than later. The first time I faced down those paladins, they let slip there was an infernal mechanic in the area. He might be able to stabilize things if I can find him. There are some Tiefling holed up in a Druids Grove nearby, we might look there. Sounds like a good lead. Hopefully our guy will be among them. Tune up would do this old turbo world of good. Infernal war machines are these gigantic, gigantic vehicles of War. The Devils used in the blood war to fight against demons and they're powered by Soul coins. And she has an infernal engine as her heart which is really interesting. I'm very curious about the lore behind that Karlach's story now. Karlach seems just like a fun character to have in your group like this is, this is cool. More money did, I didn't expect to like Karlach as much as I do right now. All right, we'll do some quick looting for camp supplies. A lot of food here. I know there's a basement here too. Little kind of struggling as to how much content I should do on the let's play series. Because I mean if I do like everything like, potentially 200 hours of a let's play, that's ridiculous. So we're gonna pretend that I didn't see that latch right there, okay. Your image, yay. Anders didn't have any armor that I could take. I thought I might get a heavy armor out of him. All right, let's go ahead and loot Trend and then we are out of here. ", "length": 1027, "id": "5.12", "start": 934, "end": 1011, "lp_part": 5}, {"content": " Gotta push on with like the main quest for a little bit. Surprised that I haven't leveled up yet, like I'm leveling slower in the full game than Early Access. I could be wrong in saying that though. Played it already, and I'm off. Check the back side real fast. What looks so funny with the horns. What's that? I am way too big for a hole that tiny. A burrow hole, oh my gosh, you know what we can try here. No, well I can get it, wait hold on. Now I can't click it with the find familiar. I feel like Druid wild shapeThe engine she has for a heart might be nearby. We defeated Zariel's followers, so Karlach is safe for now. Our main quest is to find a cure. We met some cultists who worship a deity called the Absolute. One of them could communicate with us, which means that they were infected. Okay, so let's start clearing the roads of goblins. I know exactly where we need to go. These goblins aren't going to offer much XP, I don't think, but we did kind of skip over one of the areas of the map. I still haven't been dipping my weapons yet. We need to be careful and probably take a long rest. We want to go back this way. Actually, hold on, I know that there's a travel point over here. No, I think it's up the road further. Let me just double check down here. Yes, there is a waypoint, perfect. I'm happy that I came back. This is the Risen Road. No, never mind, let's go back to camp. Soldier, I want to talk about your infernal engine. Rusty, how did you end up with such a contraption in your chest? A year ago, I was a delinquent from the outer city with everything to give and nothing to lose. I was a kid looking for a way to fill my days and make some cash when I fell into the wrong crowd. I worked for a guy I respected a lot. Turns out the feeling wasn't mutual. Through the jigs and the reels, he made a deal with Zariel behind my back. You know Zariel, right? Archdevil of Avernus. He put this thing in my chest and set me to work, to war. I learned quick how to stay alive and the engine served me when it came to killing devils. You mentioned a boss who gave you up to Zariel, who was it? A guy named Gortash, a politician, inventor, one of these wheeler-dealer types. He seems to have a finger in every pie. I guess I was naive to think everything he got up to was above board. What did I know? I saw a job, a good job, with people I liked doing work I was good at. Sometimes I'm jealous of that girl, oh to feel so invincible again. In your expert opinion, what's the best way to kill a devil? It depends on the type. Ice Devils hate an inferno, but that's an easy one. All thons love projectiles, what they don't love is getting their bombs lobbed right back in their faces. Demons, on the other hand, every demon is absolutely singular. You can't ever think you've got them typed out. Sharp instincts, sharp weapons, and a knack for improvisation, that's the only way to survive. Anyway, what are we talking about? Now that those paladins are out of your way, what's next on your agenda? First things first, I need to get this engine tuned up. It's powerful but it's been feeling volatile ever since I left the Hills. Can't be too hard to find an infernal mechanic around here, right? You and Mizora seem to know each other. We were both part of Zariel's inner circle, me by choice, her by force. In the grand scheme of things, I'm inconsequential to Zariel. Sure, I've got the engine, but I wasn't even her strongest fighter. She favored me like a child favors a captive pet. Mizora envied the attention, I suppose. I'm sure when Zariel gave her the order to hunt me down, Mizora was delighted. It's interesting because Zariel was actually an angel at one point, and then she fell when she was in the Nine Hells, fighting against devils and demons. Asmodius captured her and he liked her, actually, and he turned her into an archdevil. So it's kind of similar to Karlach's story here, as Zariel captured her and kind of forced her to fight for Zariel. You think she'll keep coming after you? I see why you were so keen to escape. I suppose you want to hear about Cazador, you said he was your master, my old master. The Mind Flayers took me from him before this strange, twisted freedom. Cazador is a vampire lord in Boulder's Gate, head of his coven and a monster obsessed with power. Not political power, military power, I mean power over people, the power to control them completely. He turned me nearly 200 years ago. I became his spawn and he became my tormentor. And how were you turned? Did he attack you? Not him, no. A gang of thugs attacked me, angry about a ruling that I'd handed down as Magistrate. They beat me to death's door when Cazador appeared. He chased them off and offered to save me, to give me eternal life. ", "length": 1028, "id": "5.13", "start": 1012, "end": 1082, "lp_part": 5}]