{ "name": "Three detained in Khost", "eventrefnumber": "2011-03-S-019", "text": "ISAF Joint Command Evening Operational Update, March 06, 2011\nISAF Joint Command - Afghanistan
For Immediate Release

KABUL, Afghanistan (March 6) – Afghan and coalition forces detained a Hezb-E Islami Gulbuddin commander and two suspected insurgents during an operation in Sabari district, Khost province yesterday.

The commander is involved in command and control, transporting Hezb-E Islami Gulbuddin operatives, improvised explosive devices, weapons, and ammunition for use in attacks against Afghan and coalition forces. According to recent reporting he is also responsible for transporting insurgents, weapons and ammunition within Khost, Paktika and Paktiya.

Intelligence reports led the security force to the targeted compound where Afghan forces called for all occupants to exit the buildings peacefully before conducting a search. The Hezb-E Islami Gulbuddin commander identified himself to the security force. Two additional suspected insurgents were detained after initial questioning at the scene.", "StartDate": "2011-03-04", "eventtype": "detention", "province": "Khost", "citydistrict": "Sabari district", "village": "", "targetgroup": "HiG", "commander": "", "position": "commander", "minkilled": "0", "mincaptured": "3", "capturedcharacterisation": "1;2", "killedcharacterisation": "", "killq": "false", "captureq": "true", "killcaptureraid": "true", "airstrike": "false", "noshotsfired": "false", "dataprocessed": "true", "flagged": "false", "glossarymeta": "false", "minleaderskilled": "0", "minfacilitatorskilled": "0", "minleaderscaptured": "1", "minfacilitatorscaptured": "0","leaderq":"true"}