{ "name": "Haqqani IED Facilitator detained with several others in Khost", "eventrefnumber": "2010-07-CA-041", "text": "July 8: Afghan, ISAF Operations in Khost Province\nISAF Joint Command - Afghanistan 

2010-07-CA-041\nFor Immediate Release\n KABUL, Afghanistan (July 8) - An Afghan-international security force captured a Haqqani network improvised explosive device (IED) material facilitator and several other suspected insurgents in Khost province last night. 

The combined security force detained the insurgents, one of whom identified himself as the targeted facilitator, while searching a compound near the village of Khvajeh Mohammad Kala, Terayzai district. The security force found multiple automatic weapons, ammunition and grenades on the scene. No shots were fired and women and children were protected by the combined security force. 

This is the third recent successful operation against this insurgent cell. Afghan and international forces killed Wahidullah, a Haqqani network commander and IED specialist, who was part of the captured facilitator's cell, May 13. A joint force also captured five of the facilitator's associates, including his direct subordinate, June 24.", "StartDate": "2010-07-07", "eventtype": "detention", "province": "Khost", "citydistrict": "Terayzai", "village": "Khvajeh Mohammad Kala", "targetgroup": "Haqqani", "commander": "", "position": "IED material facilitator", "minkilled": "0", "mincaptured": "4", "capturedcharacterisation": "facilitator;several other", "killedcharacterisation": "", "killq": "false", "captureq": "true", "killcaptureraid": "true", "airstrike": "false", "noshotsfired": "false", "dataprocessed": "true", "flagged": "false", "glossarymeta": "false", "minleaderskilled": "0", "minfacilitatorskilled": "0", "minleaderscaptured": "0", "minfacilitatorscaptured": "1","leaderq":"false"}