{ "name": "Two armed insurgents killed in Wardak", "eventrefnumber": "2011-01-S-055;2011-01-S-092", "text": "Afghan, Coalition Forces Target Taliban Leader in Wardak, Nimroz\nISAF Joint Command - Afghanistan
2011-01-S-055 For Immediate Release
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KABUL, Afghanistan (Jan. 5, 2011) – Afghan and coalition forces targeted a Taliban leader, killing two armed insurgents, during a security operation in Wardak province yesterday.

The targeted Taliban leader, who operates out of the Chak-e Wardak district, is responsible for the facilitation of weapons to Taliban, such as machine guns, rockets and rocket propelled grenades. He leads attacks against coalition forces operating in the province. He also has direct contacts with other Taliban leaders in the area.

Security forces followed leads to the targeted location in the district, where Afghan forces called for all occupants to exit the buildings peacefully before conducting a search. While clearing the area, the security force was threatened by two armed insurgents, resulting in the armed insurgents being killed. The force recovered an AK-47, pistol, chest racks and ammunition.
 No women or children were injured or detained during these operations.\n\n---\n\nUPDATE: ISAF Confirms Status of Taliban Leader\nISAF Joint Command - Afghanistan
For Immediate Release

 KABUL, Afghanistan (Jan. 8) – International Security Assistance Force confirmed Murach, a Taliban leader, was killed during an Afghan and coalition operation in Wardak province Jan. 5.

 The targeted Taliban leader, who operates out of the Chak-e Wardak district, is responsible for the facilitation of weapons to Taliban such as machine guns, rockets and rocket propelled grenades. He leads attacks against coalition forces operating in the province. He also has direct contacts with other Taliban leaders in the area.

This is an update to IJC News Release #2011-01-S-055", "StartDate": "2011-01-05", "eventtype": "insurgentskilled", "province": "Wardak", "citydistrict": "Chak-e Wardak", "village": "", "targetgroup": "Taliban", "commander": "", "position": "leader", "minkilled": "2", "mincaptured": "0", "capturedcharacterisation": "", "killedcharacterisation": "2", "killq": "true", "captureq": "false", "killcaptureraid": "true", "airstrike": "false", "noshotsfired": "false", "dataprocessed": "true", "flagged": "false", "glossarymeta": "false", "minleaderskilled": "1", "minfacilitatorskilled": "0", "minleaderscaptured": "0", "minfacilitatorscaptured": "0","leaderq":"true"}