{ "name": "Precision Strike Conducted on Taliban Commander in Paktika", "eventrefnumber": "2010-09-CA-020;2010-09-CA-132", "text": "Precision Strike Conducted on Taliban Commander in Paktika\nISAF Joint Command - Afghanistan
2010-09-CA-020 For Immediate Release
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KABUL, Afghanistan (Sept. 2) - Coalition forces conducted a precision air strike against a Taliban commander in Paktika province Wednesday. 

The target was the commander for a Taliban fighter cell in northern Paktika, which includes improvised explosive device builders and foreign fighters. 

Intelligence tips led to a Taliban insurgent traveling on a motorcycle outside Baratkheyl in Yosuf Khel district. After careful planning to ensure no civilians were present, coalition aircraft conducted a precision air strike against him. 

A follow-on ground force went to the site and confirmed the insurgent was killed. 

The security force also found an automatic weapon along with a rifle scope, multiple magazines and grenades. They also found IED material including a pressure plate, detonation cord, blasting caps and multiple remote control devices. The security force also targeted a compound reported to be frequented by the commander. As the security force approached, two insurgents fled the compound and hid in nearby trees. The security force pursued them, but as they tried to call them out of their hiding spot, one of the insurgents threatened the security force. They engaged the insurgent and killed him. 

The other insurgent then complied with the security force and was detained. The assault force found multiple automatic weapons, magazines and grenades during a search of the targeted compound, and discovered additional IED material, including a pressure plate IED. 

\"Indiscriminate IED attacks often kill and injure innocent Afghan civilians and the insurgents are solely responsible,\" said U.S. Army Col. Rafael Torres, International Security Assistance Force Joint Command Combined Joint Operations Center director. \"Afghan and coalition forces are doing everything in their power to remove these threats from the Afghan roads and bring to justice the criminals introducing such callous hazards.\"\n\n---\n\nUPDATE Status of Taliban Commander in Paktika Confirmed\nISAF Joint Command - Afghanistan
For Immediate Release
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 KABUL, Afghanistan (Sept. 12) - The International Security Assistance Force confirmed Salim, a Taliban commander in Paktika province, was killed during an Afghan and coalition force operation Sept. 1. 

After conducting a precision air strike targeting the commander outside the village of Baratkheyl in Yosuf Khel district, Afghan and coalition forces dispatched to the area to assess the results of the strike. The security force confirmed an armed insurgent killed in the strike and also found an automatic weapon along with a rifle scope, multiple magazines and grenades with the insurgent. They also found IED material including a pressure plate, detonation cord, blasting caps and multiple remote control devices. 

\"Salim was the commander for a Taliban fighter cell in northern Paktika. His cell included improvised explosive device builders and foreign fighters whose actions threatened the safety of the local population,\" said U.S. Army Col. Rafael Torres, ISAF Joint Command Combined Joint Operations Center director. 

Intelligence tips led the security force to target a nearby compound reportedly frequented by the commander. As the security force approached, two insurgents fled the compound and hid in the nearby trees. 

The security force pursued them, but as they tried to call them out of their hiding spot, one of the insurgents threatened the security force. They engaged the insurgent, now confirmed to be Salim, and killed him. The other insurgent then complied with the security force and was detained. The assault force found multiple automatic weapons, magazines and grenades with the hiding insurgents and during a search of the targeted compound, they discovered additional IED material, including a pressure plate IED. 

This is an update to IJC News Release 2010-09-CA-020", "StartDate": "2010-09-01", "eventtype": "airstrike", "province": "Paktika", "citydistrict": "Yusuf Khel", "village": "Baratkheyl", "targetgroup": "Taliban", "commander": "", "position": "commander", "minkilled": "2", "mincaptured": "1", "capturedcharacterisation": "", "killedcharacterisation": "one", "killq": "true", "captureq": "true", "killcaptureraid": "true", "airstrike": "true", "noshotsfired": "false", "dataprocessed": "true", "flagged": "false", "glossarymeta": "false", "minleaderskilled": "1", "minfacilitatorskilled": "0", "minleaderscaptured": "0", "minfacilitatorscaptured": "0","leaderq":"true"}