license: mit
- text-generation
- text2text-generation
- en
- Anime
- Dataset
pretty_name: Anime
# Anime Dataset

## Overview

This dataset contains detailed information about various anime series, including their genre, setting, protagonist demographics, themes, and ratings. The dataset is designed to provide a diverse collection of anime, capturing different genres, settings, and protagonist characteristics.

## Dataset Details

The dataset includes the following fields:

- **Title**: The title of the anime.
- **Genre**: The primary genre of the anime.
- **Subgenres**: Additional subgenres that describe the anime.
- **Setting**: The primary setting where the anime takes place.
- **Protagonist_Demographics**: Demographic information about the main protagonist.
- **Protagonist_Gender**: The gender of the main protagonist.
- **Protagonist_Ethnicity**: The ethnicity of the main protagonist.
- **Main_Studio**: The animation studio that produced the anime.
- **Theme1**: Key themes explored in the anime.
- **Theme2**:2nd Theme of anime.
- **Number_of_Episodes**: The total number of episodes in the series.
- **Rating**: The average rating of the anime.

## Sample Data

Below is a snippet of the dataset to give you an idea of its structure:

Hakugei: Legend of Moby Dick,Adventure,Sci-Fi,Space,Adult,Male,Multi-Ethnic,Madhouse,Whaling,Space,26,7.1
Casshern Sins,Action,Sci-Fi,Post-Apocalyptic,Adult,Male,Fictional,Madhouse,Robots,Survival,24,7.9
Shigurui: Death Frenzy,Action,Historical,Edo Period Japan,Adult,Male,Japanese,Madhouse,Swords,Brutality,12,7.6
Rainbow: Nisha Rokubou no Shichinin,Drama,Action,Post-WWII Japan,Teen,Male,Japanese,Madhouse,Friendship,Survival,26,8.2
## Usage
**This dataset can be used for various purposes, including but not limited to:**

**Data Analysis:** Analyzing trends and patterns in anime genres, themes, and ratings.

**Machine Learning:** Training models to predict anime ratings or recommend similar shows.

**Research:** Studying the representation of different demographics and themes in anime.

**Entertainment:** Discovering new anime to watch based on various attributes.

## Contributing
**If you have suggestions or improvements for this dataset, feel free to contribute by opening an issue or submitting a pull request.**