@echo off SET INNOSETUP=%CD%\nvm.iss SET ORIG=%CD% REM SET GOPATH=%CD%\src SET GOBIN=%CD%\bin REM Support for older architectures SET GOARCH=386 REM Cleanup existing build if it exists if exist src\nvm.exe ( del src\nvm.exe ) REM Make the executable and add to the binary directory echo ---------------------------- echo Building nvm.exe echo ---------------------------- cd .\src go build nvm.go REM Group the file with the helper binaries move nvm.exe "%GOBIN%" cd ..\ REM Codesign the executable echo ---------------------------- echo Sign the nvm executable... echo ---------------------------- buildtools\signtool.exe sign /debug /tr http://timestamp.sectigo.com /td sha256 /fd sha256 /a "%GOBIN%\nvm.exe" for /f %%i in ('"%GOBIN%\nvm.exe" version') do set AppVersion=%%i echo nvm.exe v%AppVersion% built. REM Create the distribution folder SET DIST=%CD%\dist\%AppVersion% REM Remove old build files if they exist. if exist "%DIST%" ( echo ---------------------------- echo Clearing old build in %DIST% echo ---------------------------- rd /s /q "%DIST%" ) REM Create the distribution directory mkdir "%DIST%" REM Create the "no install" zip version for %%a in ("%GOBIN%") do (buildtools\zip -j -9 -r "%DIST%\nvm-noinstall.zip" "%CD%\LICENSE" %%a\* -x "%GOBIN%\nodejs.ico") REM Generate update utility echo ---------------------------- echo Generating update utility... echo ---------------------------- cd .\updater go build nvm-update.go move nvm-update.exe "%DIST%" cd ..\ REM Generate the installer (InnoSetup) echo ---------------------------- echo Generating installer... echo ---------------------------- buildtools\iscc "%INNOSETUP%" "/o%DIST%" echo ---------------------------- echo Sign the installer echo ---------------------------- buildtools\signtool.exe sign /debug /tr http://timestamp.sectigo.com /td sha256 /fd sha256 /a "%DIST%\nvm-setup.exe" echo ---------------------------- echo Sign the updater... echo ---------------------------- buildtools\signtool.exe sign /debug /tr http://timestamp.sectigo.com /td sha256 /fd sha256 /a "%DIST%\nvm-update.exe" echo ---------------------------- echo Bundle the installer... echo ---------------------------- buildtools\zip -j -9 -r "%DIST%\nvm-setup.zip" "%DIST%\nvm-setup.exe" echo ---------------------------- echo Bundle the updater... echo ---------------------------- buildtools\zip -j -9 -r "%DIST%\nvm-update.zip" "%DIST%\nvm-update.exe" del "%DIST%\nvm-update.exe" del "%DIST%\nvm-setup.exe" REM Generate checksums echo ---------------------------- echo Generating checksums... echo ---------------------------- for %%f in ("%DIST%"\*.*) do (certutil -hashfile "%%f" MD5 | find /i /v "md5" | find /i /v "certutil" >> "%%f.checksum.txt") echo complete echo ---------------------------- echo Cleaning up... echo ---------------------------- del "%GOBIN%\nvm.exe" echo complete @REM del %GOBIN%\nvm-update.exe @REM del %GOBIN%\nvm-setup.exe echo NVM for Windows v%AppVersion% build completed. Available in %DIST% @echo on