# Copyright (c) 2022, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved. import ftfy import json from langdetect import detect import numpy as np import time import os import sys from tokenizer import Tokenizer MIN_DOCUMENT_LENGHT = 128 def print_progress(prefix, start_time, num_docs, num_fixed_text, num_non_english_docs, chars_non_english_docs, num_small_docs, chars_small_docs): string = prefix + ' | ' string += 'elapsed time: {:.2f} | '.format(time.time() - start_time) string += 'documents: {} | '.format(num_docs) string += 'fixed text: {} | '.format(num_fixed_text) string += 'non-english: {} | '.format(num_non_english_docs) string += 'non-english chars: {} | '.format(chars_non_english_docs) string += 'small docs: {} | '.format(num_small_docs) string += 'small docs chars: {}'.format(chars_small_docs) print(string, flush=True) def filter_corpus(filename, out_filename, print_interval=10000): print(' > filtering {}'.format(filename)) tokenizer = Tokenizer(cache_dir='./cache') num_docs = 0 num_written_docs = 0 num_small_docs = 0 num_fixed_text = 0 num_non_english_docs = 0 chars_non_english_docs = 0 chars_small_docs = 0 start_time = time.time() with open(out_filename, 'wb') as f: with open(filename, 'r') as fin: for line in fin: try: num_docs += 1 myjson = json.loads(line) # Fix text text = ftfy.fix_text(myjson['text']) if text != myjson['text']: num_fixed_text += 1 myjson['text'] = text # Detect language. if detect(text) != 'en': print('[non-english text]', myjson) num_non_english_docs += 1 chars_non_english_docs += len(text) continue # On average each token is 5 characters so 8 is an # upper bound. if len(text) < (8 * MIN_DOCUMENT_LENGHT): tokens = tokenizer.tokenize_document(text) if len(tokens) < MIN_DOCUMENT_LENGHT: print('[small document, skipping]:', myjson) num_small_docs += 1 chars_small_docs += len(text) continue myjson = json.dumps(myjson, ensure_ascii=False) f.write(myjson.encode('utf-8')) f.write('\n'.encode('utf-8')) num_written_docs += 1 if num_docs % print_interval == 0: print_progress('[PROGRESS]', start_time, num_docs, num_fixed_text, num_non_english_docs, chars_non_english_docs, num_small_docs, chars_small_docs) except Exception as e: print(' skipping ', line, e) print_progress('[FINAL]', start_time, num_docs, num_fixed_text, num_non_english_docs, chars_non_english_docs, num_small_docs, chars_small_docs) if __name__ == '__main__': print('building gpt2 dataset ...') input_filename = sys.argv[1] output_filename = sys.argv[2] print('will be reading {}'.format(input_filename)) print('and will write the results to {}'.format(output_filename)) filter_corpus(input_filename, output_filename)