import json import os import sys import types import torch def add_arguments(parser): group = parser.add_argument_group(title="Megatron loader") group.add_argument( "--true_vocab_size", type=int, default=None, help="original size of vocab, if specified will trim padding from embedding table.", ) group.add_argument( "--vocab_file", type=str, default=None, help="Path to the vocab file. If specified will use this to get vocab size and " "trim padding from the embedding table.", ) group.add_argument( "--megatron_path", type=str, default=None, help="Base directory of deepspeed repository", ) def _load_checkpoint(queue, args): # Search in directory above this sys.path.append( os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), os.path.pardir)) ) if args.megatron_path is not None: sys.path.insert(0, args.megatron_path) try: import megatron.arguments from megatron import fused_kernels from megatron.checkpointing import load_args_from_checkpoint, load_checkpoint from megatron.core import mpu from megatron.global_vars import set_global_variables from megatron.model import ModelType, module from megatron.model.enums import PositionEmbeddingType except ModuleNotFoundError: print( "Unable to import Megatron, please specify the path to Megatron using --megatron_path. Exiting." ) queue.put("exit") exit(1) # We want all arguments to come from us sys.argv = [ "", "--no_masked_softmax_fusion", "--no_bias_gelu_fusion", "--no_bias_dropout_fusion", "--use_cpu_initialization", "--micro_batch_size", "1", "--no_load_optim", "--no_load_rng", "--no_save_optim", "--no_save_rng", "--no_initialization", "--load", args.load_dir, ] if args.bf16: sys.argv += ["--bf16"] margs = megatron.arguments.parse_args() margs = load_args_from_checkpoint(margs) # Arguments do sanity checks on the world size, but we don't care, # so trick it into thinking we are plenty of processes margs.world_size = ( margs.tensor_model_parallel_size * margs.pipeline_model_parallel_size ) margs = megatron.arguments.validate_args(margs) def check_for_arg(arg_name): if getattr(margs, arg_name, None) is None: print(f"Checkpoint does not specify the argument {arg_name}. Exiting.") print(f"Arguments: {margs}") queue.put("exit") exit(1) check_for_arg("tensor_model_parallel_size") check_for_arg("pipeline_model_parallel_size") check_for_arg("num_layers") check_for_arg("hidden_size") check_for_arg("seq_length") check_for_arg("num_attention_heads") check_for_arg("max_position_embeddings") check_for_arg("tokenizer_type") check_for_arg("iteration") check_for_arg("params_dtype") if args.model_type == "BERT": check_for_arg("bert_binary_head") # Determine how to make our models if args.model_type == "GPT": from pretrain_gpt import model_provider margs.model_type = ModelType.encoder_or_decoder elif args.model_type in {"falcon", "llama", "llama2", "llama3", "codellama", "mistral", "gemma"}: from finetune import model_provider margs.model_name = args.model_type margs.model_type = ModelType.encoder_or_decoder if args.model_type=="gemma": margs.kv_channels = args.kv_channels elif args.model_type == "BERT": from pretrain_bert import model_provider margs.model_type = ModelType.encoder_or_decoder else: raise Exception(f"unrecognized model type: {args.model_type}") # supress warning about torch.distributed not being initialized module.MegatronModule.embedding_warning_printed = True consumed_train_samples = None consumed_valid_samples = None def _get_models(count, dtype, pre_process, post_process): nonlocal consumed_train_samples nonlocal consumed_valid_samples models = [] for rank in range(count): mpu.set_tensor_model_parallel_rank(rank) model_ = [model_provider(pre_process, post_process).to(dtype)] margs.consumed_train_samples = 0 margs.consumed_valid_samples = 0 load_checkpoint(model_, None, None) assert len(model_) == 1 model_ = model_[0] if consumed_train_samples is not None: assert margs.consumed_train_samples == consumed_train_samples else: consumed_train_samples = margs.consumed_train_samples if consumed_valid_samples is not None: assert margs.consumed_valid_samples == consumed_valid_samples else: consumed_valid_samples = margs.consumed_valid_samples models.append(model_) return models if margs.num_layers_per_virtual_pipeline_stage is not None: print("Model with an interleaved pipeline schedule are not yet supported.") queue.put("exit") exit(1) set_global_variables(margs) mpu._DATA_PARALLEL_GROUP = 0 mpu.set_tensor_model_parallel_world_size(margs.tensor_model_parallel_size) mpu.set_pipeline_model_parallel_world_size(margs.pipeline_model_parallel_size) fused_kernels.load(margs) # Get true (non-padded) vocab size if args.true_vocab_size is not None: true_vocab_size = args.true_vocab_size elif args.vocab_file is not None: vocab = json.load(open(args.vocab_file)) true_vocab_size = len(vocab) if args.true_vocab_size is not None and true_vocab_size != args.true_vocab_size: print( "Both --true_vocab_size and --vocab_file specified and the vocab size does not match, aborting." ) queue.put("exit") exit(1) else: true_vocab_size = None # short aliases tp_size = margs.tensor_model_parallel_size pp_size = margs.pipeline_model_parallel_size # metadata md = types.SimpleNamespace() md.model_type = args.model_type md.num_layers = margs.num_layers md.hidden_size = margs.hidden_size md.seq_length = margs.seq_length md.num_attention_heads = margs.num_attention_heads md.max_position_embeddings = margs.max_position_embeddings md.tokenizer_type = margs.tokenizer_type md.iteration = margs.iteration if args.model_type == "BERT": md.bert_binary_head = margs.bert_binary_head md.previous_tensor_parallel_size = margs.tensor_model_parallel_size md.previous_pipeline_parallel_size = margs.pipeline_model_parallel_size md.true_vocab_size = true_vocab_size md.make_vocab_size_divisible_by = margs.make_vocab_size_divisible_by md.num_attention_heads_kv = margs.num_attention_heads_kv md.parallel_attn = margs.parallel_attn md.parallel_layernorm = margs.parallel_layernorm md.use_flash_attn = margs.use_flash_attn md.hidden_dropout = margs.hidden_dropout md.lima_dropout = margs.lima_dropout md.use_bias = margs.use_bias md.use_rms_norm = margs.use_rms_norm md.ffn_hidden_size = margs.ffn_hidden_size md.glu_activation = margs.glu_activation md.tie_embed_logits = margs.tie_embed_logits md.params_dtype = margs.params_dtype md.sliding_window_size = margs.sliding_window_size md.kv_channels = margs.kv_channels if margs.position_embedding_type == PositionEmbeddingType.absolute: md.position_embedding_type = "absolute" elif margs.position_embedding_type == PositionEmbeddingType.rotary: md.position_embedding_type = "rotary" else: raise KeyError(f"Unknown position embedding {margs.position_embedding_type}") # Get first pipe stage mpu.set_pipeline_model_parallel_rank(0) post_process = pp_size == 1 models = _get_models(tp_size, md.params_dtype, True, post_process) models_init = models md.consumed_train_samples = consumed_train_samples md.consumed_valid_samples = consumed_valid_samples queue.put(md) def queue_put(name, msg): print(f"sending {name}") msg["name"] = name queue.put(msg) message = { "word embeddings": [ models[tp_rank] for tp_rank in range(tp_size) ], dim=0, ) } if margs.position_embedding_type == PositionEmbeddingType.absolute: message["position embeddings"] = models[ 0 ] queue_put("embeddings", message) # Get last pipe stage if lm_head needs to be sent if not margs.tie_embed_logits: mpu.set_pipeline_model_parallel_rank(pp_size - 1) pre_process = pp_size == 1 if pre_process: models = models_init else: models = _get_models(tp_size, md.params_dtype, pre_process, True) models_final = models queue_put( "lm_head", { "lm_head": [ models[tp_rank] for tp_rank in range(tp_size) ] ) }, ) total_layer_num = 0 for pp_rank in range(pp_size): # For later pipeline parallel ranks, make the new models mpu.set_pipeline_model_parallel_rank(pp_rank) post_process = pp_rank == pp_size - 1 if pp_rank == 0: models = models_init elif pp_rank == pp_size - 1 and not md.tie_embed_logits: models = models_final else: models = _get_models(tp_size, md.params_dtype, False, post_process) for layer_num in range(len(models[0].language_model.encoder.layers)): message = {} # Get non-parallel tensors from tp_rank 0 layer = models[0].language_model.encoder.layers[layer_num] message["input layernorm weight"] = if margs.parallel_layernorm: message["mlp layernorm weight"] = if not margs.use_rms_norm: message["input layernorm bias"] = if margs.parallel_layernorm: message["mlp layernorm bias"] = if not margs.parallel_attn: message[ "post layernorm weight" ] = if not margs.use_rms_norm: message[ "post layernorm bias" ] = if margs.use_bias: message["dense bias"] = message["mlp l1 bias"] = # Grab all parallel tensors for this layer qkv_weight = [] qkv_bias = [] dense_weight = [] mlp_l0_weight = [] mlp_l0_bias = [] mlp_l1_weight = [] for tp_rank, model in enumerate(models): layer = model.language_model.encoder.layers[layer_num] qkv_weight.append( if margs.use_bias: qkv_bias.append( dense_weight.append( mlp_l0_weight.append( if margs.use_bias: mlp_l0_bias.append( mlp_l1_weight.append( # concat them message["qkv weight"] =, dim=0) if margs.use_bias: message["qkv bias"] =, dim=0) message["dense weight"] =, dim=1) if margs.glu_activation is None: message["mlp l0 weight"] =, dim=0) else: up_weights = [] gate_weights = [] for weight in mlp_l0_weight: up, gate = torch.chunk(weight, 2, dim=0) up_weights.append(up) gate_weights.append(gate) message["mlp l0 weight"] = + gate_weights, dim=0) if margs.use_bias: message["mlp l0 bias"] =, dim=0) message["mlp l1 weight"] =, dim=1) queue_put(f"transformer layer {total_layer_num}", message) total_layer_num = total_layer_num + 1 # Send final layernorm from tp_rank 0 message = {"weight": models[0]} if not margs.use_rms_norm: message["bias"] = models[0] queue_put("final layernorm", message) # Send BERT lm head and binary head if it exists if md.model_type == "BERT": message = { "weight": models[0], "bias": models[0], } queue_put("pooler", message) message = { "dense weight": models[0], "dense bias": models[0], "layernorm weight": models[0], "layernorm bias": models[0], } queue_put("lm head", message) if args.model_type == "BERT" and md.bert_binary_head: print("Sending BERT Binary head") queue.put("binary head") message = { "weight": models[0], "bias": models[0], } queue_put("binary head", message) queue.put("done") def load_checkpoint(queue, args): try: _load_checkpoint(queue, args) except: queue.put("exit") raise