from datasets import load_dataset import os import re from pathlib import Path path = Path(__file__).parent.absolute() with open( str(path) + os.sep + 'example.txt',encoding='utf8') as file: """ # Build a dictionary with ICD-O-3 associated with # healtcare problems """ linesInFile = file.readlines() for index, iLine in enumerate(linesInFile): print([linesInFile[index]]) if len(linesInFile[index]) > 1 else print('**************') if linesInFile[index] == '\n' else print ('******* ERROR ********') # if re.match('^Las dilataciones bronquiales',iLine): # break # code = listOfData[0] # description = reduce(lambda a, b: a + " "+ b, listOfData[1:2], "") # royalListOfCode[code.strip()] = description.strip()