from datasets import load_dataset import os import re from pathlib import Path from zipfile import ZipFile import tarfile import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET FILE_PATH = "MedLexSp_v2" + os.sep + "MedLexSp_v2" + os.sep + "MedLexSp_v2.xml" path = Path(__file__).parent.absolute() tree = ET.parse(str(path) + os.sep + FILE_PATH) root = tree.getroot() sets = [] counterSeveralType = 0 counterDocument = 0 for group in root.findall("{}Lexicon"): for igroup in group.findall("{}LexicalEntry"): for item in igroup.findall("{}Lemma"): print (str(item.attrib['writtenForm']).capitalize()) counterDocument += 1 for doc in igroup.findall("{}SemanticType"): setID = doc.attrib['val'] print ("\t Type ==> " + str(setID).capitalize()) sets.append(setID) counterSeveralType += 1 print (f"Size of Document is {counterDocument}") print (f"Size of Types on Document is {counterSeveralType}") #print(sets)