[{"from": "dorothy", "to": "wizard", "flag": true, "type": "DialogueMove", "val": {}, "utterance_asr": "Hi how are you ", "utterance_gt": "hi", "frame": 342, "act": {"span_index": [0, 2], "move": "Irrelevant", "slots": {}, "conditionality": "Null", "transaction": "Null", "exchange": 343, "chit_chat": true}}, {"from": "dorothy", "to": "wizard", "flag": true, "type": "DialogueMove", "val": {}, "utterance_asr": "Hi how are you ", "utterance_gt": "how are you", "frame": 343, "act": {"span_index": [3, 14], "move": "Irrelevant", "slots": {}, "conditionality": "Null", "transaction": "Null", "exchange": 343, "chit_chat": true}}, {"from": "wizard", "to": "dorothy", "flag": true, "type": "DialogueMove", "val": {}, "utterance_gt": "hi", "frame": 359, "act": {"span_index": [0, 2], "move": "Irrelevant", "slots": {}, "conditionality": "Null", "transaction": "Null", "exchange": 343, "chit_chat": true}}, {"from": "wizard", "to": "dorothy", "flag": true, "type": "DialogueMove", "val": {}, "utterance_gt": "I'm fine", "frame": 360, "act": {"span_index": [3, 11], "move": "Irrelevant", "slots": {}, "conditionality": "Null", "transaction": "Null", "exchange": 343, "chit_chat": true}}, {"from": "dorothy", "to": "wizard", "flag": true, "type": "DialogueMove", "val": {}, "utterance_asr": "please go to 7-Eleven ", "utterance_gt": "please go to uh Seven Eleven", "frame": 467, "act": {"span_index": [0, 28], "move": "Instruct", "slots": {"Landmark": ["SevenEleven"]}, "conditionality": "Null", "transaction": "SevenEleven", "exchange": 467, "chit_chat": false}}, {"from": "wizard", "to": "dorothy", "flag": true, "type": "DialogueMove", "val": {}, "utterance_gt": "okay", "frame": 481, "act": {"span_index": [0, 4], "move": "Acknowledge", "slots": {}, "conditionality": "Null", "transaction": "SevenEleven", "exchange": 467, "chit_chat": false}}, {"from": "wizard", "to": "dorothy", "flag": true, "type": "DialogueMove", "val": {}, "utterance_gt": "I'll go there", "frame": 482, "act": {"span_index": [5, 18], "move": "Confirm", "slots": {}, "conditionality": "Null", "transaction": "SevenEleven", "exchange": 467, "chit_chat": false}}, {"from": "dorothy", "to": "wizard", "flag": true, "type": "DialogueMove", "val": {}, "utterance_asr": "what's your farthest feed ", "utterance_gt": "what's your fa fastest speed", "frame": 597, "act": {"span_index": [0, 28], "move": "QueryW", "slots": {}, "conditionality": "Null", "transaction": "SevenEleven", "exchange": 597, "chit_chat": false}}, {"from": "wizard", "to": "dorothy", "flag": true, "type": "DialogueMove", "val": {}, "utterance_gt": "excuse me", "frame": 615, "act": {"span_index": [0, 9], "move": "Confuse", "slots": {}, "conditionality": "Null", "transaction": "SevenEleven", "exchange": 597, "chit_chat": false}}, {"from": "dorothy", "to": "wizard", "flag": true, "type": "DialogueMove", "val": {}, "utterance_asr": "play Smooth faster ", "utterance_gt": "please move faster", "frame": 797, "act": {"span_index": [0, 18], "move": "Instruct", "slots": {"Action": ["SpeedChange"]}, "conditionality": "Null", "transaction": "SevenEleven", "exchange": 797, "chit_chat": false}}, {"from": "wizard", "to": "dorothy", "flag": true, "type": "DialogueMove", "val": {}, "utterance_gt": "but it's foggy", "frame": 814, "act": {"span_index": [0, 14], "move": "Clarify", "slots": {}, "conditionality": "Null", "transaction": "SevenEleven", "exchange": 797, "chit_chat": false}}, {"from": "wizard", "to": "dorothy", "flag": true, "type": "DialogueMove", "val": {}, "utterance_gt": "I can't see many things", "frame": 815, "act": {"span_index": [15, 38], "move": "Clarify", "slots": {}, "conditionality": "Null", "transaction": "SevenEleven", "exchange": 797, "chit_chat": false}}, {"from": "dorothy", "to": "wizard", "flag": true, "type": "DialogueMove", "val": {}, "utterance_asr": "how old are you ", "utterance_gt": "how old are you", "frame": 883, "act": {"span_index": [0, 15], "move": "QueryW", "slots": {}, "conditionality": "Null", "transaction": "SevenEleven", "exchange": 883, "chit_chat": true}}, {"from": "wizard", "to": "dorothy", "flag": true, "type": "DialogueMove", "val": {}, "utterance_gt": "I don't know", "frame": 907, "act": {"span_index": [0, 12], "move": "ReplyW", "slots": {}, "conditionality": "Null", "transaction": "SevenEleven", "exchange": 883, "chit_chat": true}}, {"from": "wizard", "to": "dorothy", "flag": true, "type": "DialogueMove", "val": {}, "utterance_gt": "I think I've arrived at Seven Eleven", "frame": 966, "act": {"span_index": [0, 36], "move": "Explain", "slots": {"Landmark": ["SevenEleven"], "Status": ["Complete"]}, "conditionality": "Null", "transaction": "SevenEleven", "exchange": 966, "chit_chat": false}}, {"from": "wizard", "to": "dorothy", "flag": true, "type": "DialogueMove", "val": {}, "utterance_gt": "where should we go next", "frame": 967, "act": {"span_index": [37, 60], "move": "QueryW", "slots": {"Landmark": ["Queried"]}, "conditionality": "Null", "transaction": "KFC", "exchange": 966, "chit_chat": false}}, {"from": "dorothy", "to": "wizard", "flag": true, "type": "DialogueMove", "val": {}, "utterance_asr": "hey ", "utterance_gt": "hey", "frame": 995, "act": {"span_index": [0, 3], "move": "Align", "slots": {}, "conditionality": "Null", "transaction": "KFC", "exchange": 966, "chit_chat": false}}, {"from": "dorothy", "to": "wizard", "flag": true, "type": "DialogueMove", "val": {}, "utterance_asr": "let's go to the KFC ", "utterance_gt": "let's go to the KFC", "frame": 1026, "act": {"span_index": [0, 19], "move": "ReplyW", "slots": {"Landmark": ["KFC"]}, "conditionality": "Null", "transaction": "KFC", "exchange": 966, "chit_chat": false}}, {"from": "wizard", "to": "dorothy", "flag": true, "type": "DialogueMove", "val": {}, "utterance_gt": "okay", "frame": 1045, "act": {"span_index": [0, 4], "move": "Acknowledge", "slots": {}, "conditionality": "Null", "transaction": "KFC", "exchange": 966, "chit_chat": false}}, {"from": "dorothy", "to": "wizard", "flag": true, "type": "DialogueMove", "val": {}, "utterance_asr": "when do you think we will arrive at KFC ", "utterance_gt": "when do you think we will arrive at KFC", "frame": 1301, "act": {"span_index": [0, 39], "move": "QueryW", "slots": {"Landmark": ["KFC"], "Status": ["Complete"]}, "conditionality": "Null", "transaction": "KFC", "exchange": 1301, "chit_chat": false}}, {"from": "wizard", "to": "dorothy", "flag": true, "type": "DialogueMove", "val": {}, "utterance_gt": "it will be very soon", "frame": 1320, "act": {"span_index": [0, 20], "move": "ReplyW", "slots": {}, "conditionality": "Null", "transaction": "KFC", "exchange": 1301, "chit_chat": false}}, {"from": "dorothy", "to": "wizard", "flag": true, "type": "DialogueMove", "val": {}, "utterance_asr": "where do you want to go after we arrive at KFC ", "utterance_gt": "where do you want to go", "frame": 1432, "act": {"span_index": [0, 23], "move": "QueryW", "slots": {"Landmark": ["Queried"]}, "conditionality": "Conditioned", "transaction": "KFC", "exchange": 1433, "chit_chat": false}}, {"from": "dorothy", "to": "wizard", "flag": true, "type": "DialogueMove", "val": {}, "utterance_asr": "where do you want to go after we arrive at KFC ", "utterance_gt": "after we arrive at KFC", "frame": 1433, "act": {"span_index": [24, 46], "move": "Explain", "slots": {"Landmark": ["KFC"], "Status": ["Complete"]}, "conditionality": "Conditioning", "transaction": "KFC", "exchange": 1433, "chit_chat": false}}, {"from": "wizard", "to": "dorothy", "flag": true, "type": "DialogueMove", "val": {}, "utterance_gt": "I don't know", "frame": 1449, "act": {"span_index": [0, 12], "move": "ReplyU", "slots": {}, "conditionality": "Null", "transaction": "KFC", "exchange": 1433, "chit_chat": false}}, {"from": "dorothy", "to": "wizard", "flag": true, "type": "DialogueMove", "val": {}, "utterance_asr": "Twista right ", "utterance_gt": "please turn right", "frame": 1509, "act": {"span_index": [0, 17], "move": "Instruct", "slots": {"Action": ["JTurn"]}, "conditionality": "Null", "transaction": "KFC", "exchange": 1509, "chit_chat": false}}, {"from": "wizard", "to": "dorothy", "flag": true, "type": "DialogueMove", "val": {}, "utterance_gt": "okay", "frame": 1524, "act": {"span_index": [0, 4], "move": "Acknowledge", "slots": {}, "conditionality": "Null", "transaction": "KFC", "exchange": 1509, "chit_chat": false}}, {"from": "wizard", "to": "dorothy", "flag": true, "type": "DialogueMove", "val": {}, "utterance_gt": "it seems that we've arrived at KFC", "frame": 1574, "act": {"span_index": [0, 34], "move": "Explain", "slots": {"Landmark": ["KFC"], "Status": ["Complete"]}, "conditionality": "Null", "transaction": "KFC", "exchange": 1574, "chit_chat": false}}, {"from": "dorothy", "to": "wizard", "flag": true, "type": "DialogueMove", "val": {}, "utterance_asr": "Halo backward ", "utterance_gt": "can you move backward", "frame": 1637, "act": {"span_index": [0, 21], "move": "QueryYN", "slots": {"Action": ["Unknown"]}, "conditionality": "Null", "transaction": "Ikea", "exchange": 1637, "chit_chat": false}}, {"from": "wizard", "to": "dorothy", "flag": true, "type": "DialogueMove", "val": {}, "utterance_gt": "excuse me", "frame": 1655, "act": {"span_index": [0, 9], "move": "Confuse", "slots": {}, "conditionality": "Null", "transaction": "Ikea", "exchange": 1637, "chit_chat": false}}, {"from": "dorothy", "to": "wizard", "flag": true, "type": "DialogueMove", "val": {}, "utterance_asr": "let's move forward ", "utterance_gt": "let's move forward", "frame": 1707, "act": {"span_index": [0, 18], "move": "Instruct", "slots": {"Action": ["Start"]}, "conditionality": "Null", "transaction": "Ikea", "exchange": 1707, "chit_chat": false}}, {"from": "wizard", "to": "dorothy", "flag": true, "type": "DialogueMove", "val": {}, "utterance_gt": "okay", "frame": 1717, "act": {"span_index": [0, 4], "move": "Acknowledge", "slots": {}, "conditionality": "Null", "transaction": "Ikea", "exchange": 1707, "chit_chat": false}}, {"from": "dorothy", "to": "wizard", "flag": true, "type": "DialogueMove", "val": {}, "utterance_asr": "what's her for Net10 now ", "utterance_gt": "what your plan plan now", "frame": 1814, "act": {"span_index": [0, 23], "move": "QueryW", "slots": {}, "conditionality": "Null", "transaction": "Ikea", "exchange": 1814, "chit_chat": false}}, {"from": "wizard", "to": "dorothy", "flag": true, "type": "DialogueMove", "val": {}, "utterance_gt": "I don't know", "frame": 1842, "act": {"span_index": [0, 12], "move": "ReplyW", "slots": {}, "conditionality": "Null", "transaction": "Ikea", "exchange": 1814, "chit_chat": false}}, {"from": "wizard", "to": "dorothy", "flag": true, "type": "DialogueMove", "val": {}, "utterance_gt": "where should I turn", "frame": 1873, "act": {"span_index": [0, 19], "move": "QueryW", "slots": {"Action": ["JTurn"]}, "conditionality": "Null", "transaction": "Ikea", "exchange": 1873, "chit_chat": false}}, {"from": "wizard", "to": "dorothy", "flag": true, "type": "DialogueMove", "val": {}, "utterance_gt": "left right or go straight", "frame": 1886, "act": {"span_index": [0, 25], "move": "QueryW", "slots": {"Action": ["JTurn"]}, "conditionality": "Null", "transaction": "Ikea", "exchange": 1873, "chit_chat": false}}, {"from": "dorothy", "to": "wizard", "flag": true, "type": "DialogueMove", "val": {}, "utterance_asr": "go straight forward ", "utterance_gt": "go straight forward", "frame": 1916, "act": {"span_index": [0, 19], "move": "ReplyW", "slots": {"Action": ["JTurn"]}, "conditionality": "Null", "transaction": "Ikea", "exchange": 1873, "chit_chat": false}}, {"from": "wizard", "to": "dorothy", "flag": true, "type": "DialogueMove", "val": {}, "utterance_gt": "okay", "frame": 1924, "act": {"span_index": [0, 4], "move": "Acknowledge", "slots": {}, "conditionality": "Null", "transaction": "Ikea", "exchange": 1873, "chit_chat": false}}, {"from": "wizard", "to": "dorothy", "flag": true, "type": "DialogueMove", "val": {}, "utterance_gt": "I'm sorry", "frame": 1973, "act": {"span_index": [0, 9], "move": "Irrelevant", "slots": {}, "conditionality": "Null", "transaction": "Ikea", "exchange": 1973, "chit_chat": false}}, {"from": "wizard", "to": "dorothy", "flag": true, "type": "DialogueMove", "val": {}, "utterance_gt": "I need to hide from that car", "frame": 1974, "act": {"span_index": [10, 38], "move": "Explain", "slots": {"Action": ["JTurn"], "Object": ["Vehicles"]}, "conditionality": "Null", "transaction": "Ikea", "exchange": 1973, "chit_chat": false}}, {"from": "dorothy", "to": "wizard", "flag": true, "type": "DialogueMove", "val": {}, "utterance_asr": "Haywire ", "utterance_gt": "hey", "frame": 2004, "act": {"span_index": [0, 3], "move": "Align", "slots": {}, "conditionality": "Null", "transaction": "Ikea", "exchange": 2005, "chit_chat": false}}, {"from": "dorothy", "to": "wizard", "flag": true, "type": "DialogueMove", "val": {}, "utterance_asr": "Haywire ", "utterance_gt": "why you turn left", "frame": 2005, "act": {"span_index": [4, 21], "move": "QueryW", "slots": {"Action": ["JTurn"]}, "conditionality": "Null", "transaction": "Ikea", "exchange": 2005, "chit_chat": false}}, {"from": "dorothy", "to": "wizard", "flag": true, "type": "DialogueMove", "val": {}, "utterance_asr": "why did why did you hide from ", "utterance_gt": "what what did what did you hide from", "frame": 2032, "act": {"span_index": [0, 36], "move": "QueryW", "slots": {"Action": ["JTurn"], "Object": ["Queried"]}, "conditionality": "Null", "transaction": "Ikea", "exchange": 1973, "chit_chat": false}}, {"from": "wizard", "to": "dorothy", "flag": true, "type": "DialogueMove", "val": {}, "utterance_gt": "because I will crash into him if I go straight", "frame": 2043, "act": {"span_index": [0, 46], "move": "ReplyW", "slots": {"Action": ["JTurn"], "Object": ["Vehicles"]}, "conditionality": "Conditioning", "transaction": "Ikea", "exchange": 2005, "chit_chat": false}}, {"from": "dorothy", "to": "wizard", "flag": true, "type": "DialogueMove", "val": {}, "utterance_asr": "why not crash into him ", "utterance_gt": "why not crash into him", "frame": 2100, "act": {"span_index": [0, 22], "move": "QueryW", "slots": {"Action": ["JTurn"], "Object": ["Vehicles"]}, "conditionality": "Null", "transaction": "Ikea", "exchange": 2100, "chit_chat": true}}, {"from": "wizard", "to": "dorothy", "flag": true, "type": "DialogueMove", "val": {}, "utterance_gt": "because it will break my break me", "frame": 2131, "act": {"span_index": [0, 33], "move": "ReplyW", "slots": {}, "conditionality": "Null", "transaction": "Ikea", "exchange": 2100, "chit_chat": true}}, {"from": "wizard", "to": "dorothy", "flag": true, "type": "DialogueMove", "val": {}, "utterance_gt": "where should I go next", "frame": 2165, "act": {"span_index": [0, 22], "move": "QueryW", "slots": {"Landmark": ["Queried"]}, "conditionality": "Null", "transaction": "Ikea", "exchange": 2165, "chit_chat": false}}, {"from": "dorothy", "to": "wizard", "flag": true, "type": "DialogueMove", "val": {}, "utterance_asr": "please turn right ", "utterance_gt": "please turn right", "frame": 2194, "act": {"span_index": [0, 17], "move": "ReplyW", "slots": {"Action": ["JTurn"]}, "conditionality": "Null", "transaction": "Ikea", "exchange": 2165, "chit_chat": false}}, {"from": "wizard", "to": "dorothy", "flag": true, "type": "DialogueMove", "val": {}, "utterance_gt": "okay", "frame": 2201, "act": {"span_index": [0, 4], "move": "Acknowledge", "slots": {}, "conditionality": "Null", "transaction": "Ikea", "exchange": 2165, "chit_chat": false}}, {"from": "dorothy", "to": "wizard", "flag": true, "type": "DialogueMove", "val": {}, "utterance_asr": "what's in front of you ", "utterance_gt": "what's in front of you", "frame": 2307, "act": {"span_index": [0, 22], "move": "QueryW", "slots": {"Object": ["Queried"]}, "conditionality": "Null", "transaction": "Ikea", "exchange": 2307, "chit_chat": false}}, {"from": "wizard", "to": "dorothy", "flag": true, "type": "DialogueMove", "val": {}, "utterance_gt": "I don't know", "frame": 2328, "act": {"span_index": [0, 12], "move": "ReplyU", "slots": {}, "conditionality": "Null", "transaction": "Ikea", "exchange": 2307, "chit_chat": false}}, {"from": "dorothy", "to": "wizard", "flag": true, "type": "DialogueMove", "val": {}, "utterance_asr": "listen to close I was still want to move forward ", "utterance_gt": "this is too close", "frame": 2399, "act": {"span_index": [0, 17], "move": "Explain", "slots": {}, "conditionality": "Null", "transaction": "Shell", "exchange": 2400, "chit_chat": false}}, {"from": "dorothy", "to": "wizard", "flag": true, "type": "DialogueMove", "val": {}, "utterance_asr": "listen to close I was still want to move forward ", "utterance_gt": "um but but would still want to move forward", "frame": 2400, "act": {"span_index": [18, 61], "move": "Instruct", "slots": {"Action": ["LaneFollow"]}, "conditionality": "Null", "transaction": "Shell", "exchange": 2400, "chit_chat": false}}, {"from": "wizard", "to": "dorothy", "flag": true, "type": "DialogueMove", "val": {}, "utterance_gt": "where should I go now", "frame": 2430, "act": {"span_index": [0, 21], "move": "QueryW", "slots": {"Landmark": ["Queried"]}, "conditionality": "Null", "transaction": "Shell", "exchange": 2430, "chit_chat": false}}, {"from": "dorothy", "to": "wizard", "flag": true, "type": "DialogueMove", "val": {}, "utterance_asr": "Angela ", "utterance_gt": "can you go left", "frame": 2460, "act": {"span_index": [0, 15], "move": "QueryYN", "slots": {"Action": ["JTurn"]}, "conditionality": "Null", "transaction": "Shell", "exchange": 2430, "chit_chat": false}}, {"from": "wizard", "to": "dorothy", "flag": true, "type": "DialogueMove", "val": {}, "utterance_gt": "excuse me", "frame": 2471, "act": {"span_index": [0, 9], "move": "Confuse", "slots": {}, "conditionality": "Null", "transaction": "Shell", "exchange": 2430, "chit_chat": false}}, {"from": "dorothy", "to": "wizard", "flag": true, "type": "DialogueMove", "val": {}, "utterance_asr": "can you go live ", "utterance_gt": "can you go left", "frame": 2489, "act": {"span_index": [0, 15], "move": "QueryYN", "slots": {"Action": ["JTurn"]}, "conditionality": "Null", "transaction": "Shell", "exchange": 2430, "chit_chat": false}}, {"from": "wizard", "to": "dorothy", "flag": true, "type": "DialogueMove", "val": {}, "utterance_gt": "do you mean left", "frame": 2512, "act": {"span_index": [0, 16], "move": "Check", "slots": {"Action": ["JTurn"]}, "conditionality": "Null", "transaction": "Shell", "exchange": 2430, "chit_chat": false}}, {"from": "dorothy", "to": "wizard", "flag": true, "type": "DialogueMove", "val": {}, "utterance_asr": "can you go lift ", "utterance_gt": "can you go left", "frame": 2515, "act": {"span_index": [0, 15], "move": "QueryYN", "slots": {"Action": ["JTurn"]}, "conditionality": "Null", "transaction": "Shell", "exchange": 2430, "chit_chat": false}}, {"from": "wizard", "to": "dorothy", "flag": true, "type": "DialogueMove", "val": {}, "utterance_gt": "do you mean left", "frame": 2530, "act": {"span_index": [0, 16], "move": "Check", "slots": {"Action": ["JTurn"]}, "conditionality": "Null", "transaction": "Shell", "exchange": 2430, "chit_chat": false}}, {"from": "dorothy", "to": "wizard", "flag": true, "type": "DialogueMove", "val": {}, "utterance_asr": "no I don't mean love I mean to go left ", "utterance_gt": "no", "frame": 2587, "act": {"span_index": [0, 2], "move": "ReplyN", "slots": {}, "conditionality": "Null", "transaction": "Shell", "exchange": 2430, "chit_chat": false}}, {"from": "dorothy", "to": "wizard", "flag": true, "type": "DialogueMove", "val": {}, "utterance_asr": "no I don't mean love I mean to go left ", "utterance_gt": "I I don't left", "frame": 2588, "act": {"span_index": [3, 17], "move": "Clarify", "slots": {}, "conditionality": "Null", "transaction": "Shell", "exchange": 2430, "chit_chat": false}}, {"from": "dorothy", "to": "wizard", "flag": true, "type": "DialogueMove", "val": {}, "utterance_asr": "no I don't mean love I mean to go left ", "utterance_gt": "I mean can you go left", "frame": 2589, "act": {"span_index": [18, 40], "move": "Clarify", "slots": {"Action": ["JTurn"]}, "conditionality": "Null", "transaction": "Shell", "exchange": 2430, "chit_chat": false}}, {"from": "wizard", "to": "dorothy", "flag": true, "type": "DialogueMove", "val": {}, "utterance_gt": "okay", "frame": 2609, "act": {"span_index": [0, 4], "move": "Acknowledge", "slots": {}, "conditionality": "Null", "transaction": "Shell", "exchange": 2430, "chit_chat": false}}, {"from": "dorothy", "to": "wizard", "flag": true, "type": "DialogueMove", "val": {}, "utterance_asr": "why would stop hair for so long ", "utterance_gt": "why you stop here for so long", "frame": 2816, "act": {"span_index": [0, 29], "move": "QueryW", "slots": {"Action": ["Stop"]}, "conditionality": "Null", "transaction": "Shell", "exchange": 2816, "chit_chat": false}}, {"from": "wizard", "to": "dorothy", "flag": true, "type": "DialogueMove", "val": {}, "utterance_gt": "I'm waiting for red light", "frame": 2830, "act": {"span_index": [0, 25], "move": "ReplyW", "slots": {"Object": ["TrafficLight"]}, "conditionality": "Null", "transaction": "Shell", "exchange": 2816, "chit_chat": false}}, {"from": "dorothy", "to": "wizard", "flag": true, "type": "DialogueMove", "val": {}, "utterance_asr": "but using the red light is on the right hand side will download light controls of a parasite you are looking for ", "utterance_gt": "but isn't is it the red light is on the right hand side", "frame": 2979, "act": {"span_index": [0, 55], "move": "Clarify", "slots": {"Object": ["TrafficLight"]}, "conditionality": "Null", "transaction": "Shell", "exchange": 2816, "chit_chat": false}}, {"from": "dorothy", "to": "wizard", "flag": true, "type": "DialogueMove", "val": {}, "utterance_asr": "but using the red light is on the right hand side will download light controls of a parasite you are looking for ", "utterance_gt": "not the like not control the left hand side", "frame": 2980, "act": {"span_index": [56, 99], "move": "Explain", "slots": {"Object": ["TrafficLight"]}, "conditionality": "Null", "transaction": "Shell", "exchange": 2816, "chit_chat": false}}, {"from": "dorothy", "to": "wizard", "flag": true, "type": "DialogueMove", "val": {}, "utterance_asr": "but using the red light is on the right hand side will download light controls of a parasite you are looking for ", "utterance_gt": "where are the red light you are looking for", "frame": 2981, "act": {"span_index": [100, 143], "move": "QueryW", "slots": {"Object": ["TrafficLight"]}, "conditionality": "Null", "transaction": "Shell", "exchange": 2981, "chit_chat": false}}, {"from": "wizard", "to": "dorothy", "flag": true, "type": "DialogueMove", "val": {}, "utterance_gt": "sorry", "frame": 3043, "act": {"span_index": [0, 5], "move": "Irrelevant", "slots": {}, "conditionality": "Null", "transaction": "Shell", "exchange": 2981, "chit_chat": false}}, {"from": "wizard", "to": "dorothy", "flag": true, "type": "DialogueMove", "val": {}, "utterance_gt": "I don't understand", "frame": 3044, "act": {"span_index": [6, 24], "move": "Confuse", "slots": {}, "conditionality": "Null", "transaction": "Shell", "exchange": 2981, "chit_chat": false}}, {"from": "wizard", "to": "dorothy", "flag": true, "type": "DialogueMove", "val": {}, "utterance_gt": "where should we go now", "frame": 3079, "act": {"span_index": [0, 22], "move": "QueryW", "slots": {"Landmark": ["Queried"]}, "conditionality": "Null", "transaction": "Shell", "exchange": 3079, "chit_chat": false}}, {"from": "dorothy", "to": "wizard", "flag": true, "type": "DialogueMove", "val": {}, "utterance_asr": "forward as fast as possible ", "utterance_gt": "move forward", "frame": 3124, "act": {"span_index": [0, 12], "move": "ReplyW", "slots": {"Action": ["LaneFollow"]}, "conditionality": "Null", "transaction": "Shell", "exchange": 3079, "chit_chat": false}}, {"from": "dorothy", "to": "wizard", "flag": true, "type": "DialogueMove", "val": {}, "utterance_asr": "forward as fast as possible ", "utterance_gt": "as fast as possible", "frame": 3125, "act": {"span_index": [13, 32], "move": "ReplyW", "slots": {"Action": ["SpeedChange"]}, "conditionality": "Null", "transaction": "Shell", "exchange": 3079, "chit_chat": false}}, {"from": "wizard", "to": "dorothy", "flag": true, "type": "DialogueMove", "val": {}, "utterance_gt": "there is a fog", "frame": 3149, "act": {"span_index": [0, 14], "move": "Clarify", "slots": {"Object": ["Sky"]}, "conditionality": "Null", "transaction": "Shell", "exchange": 3079, "chit_chat": false}}, {"from": "wizard", "to": "dorothy", "flag": true, "type": "DialogueMove", "val": {}, "utterance_gt": "I can't go fast", "frame": 3150, "act": {"span_index": [15, 30], "move": "Clarify", "slots": {"Action": ["SpeedChange"]}, "conditionality": "Null", "transaction": "Shell", "exchange": 3079, "chit_chat": false}}, {"from": "wizard", "to": "dorothy", "flag": true, "type": "DialogueMove", "val": {}, "utterance_gt": "do you want me to go straight", "frame": 3204, "act": {"span_index": [0, 29], "move": "Check", "slots": {"Action": ["JTurn"]}, "conditionality": "Null", "transaction": "Shell", "exchange": 3204, "chit_chat": false}}, {"from": "dorothy", "to": "wizard", "flag": true, "type": "DialogueMove", "val": {}, "utterance_asr": "yes please ", "utterance_gt": "yes please", "frame": 3247, "act": {"span_index": [0, 10], "move": "ReplyY", "slots": {}, "conditionality": "Null", "transaction": "Shell", "exchange": 3204, "chit_chat": false}}, {"from": "wizard", "to": "dorothy", "flag": true, "type": "DialogueMove", "val": {}, "utterance_gt": "where should we go next", "frame": 3637, "act": {"span_index": [0, 23], "move": "QueryW", "slots": {"Landmark": ["Queried"]}, "conditionality": "Null", "transaction": "Shell", "exchange": 3637, "chit_chat": false}}, {"from": "dorothy", "to": "wizard", "flag": true, "type": "DialogueMove", "val": {}, "utterance_asr": "is a shill ", "utterance_gt": "do you know where the Shell", "frame": 3704, "act": {"span_index": [0, 27], "move": "Check", "slots": {"Landmark": ["Shell"]}, "conditionality": "Null", "transaction": "Shell", "exchange": 3637, "chit_chat": false}}, {"from": "wizard", "to": "dorothy", "flag": true, "type": "DialogueMove", "val": {}, "utterance_gt": "are we going to Shell", "frame": 3721, "act": {"span_index": [0, 21], "move": "Check", "slots": {"Landmark": ["Shell"]}, "conditionality": "Null", "transaction": "Shell", "exchange": 3637, "chit_chat": false}}, {"from": "dorothy", "to": "wizard", "flag": true, "type": "DialogueMove", "val": {}, "utterance_asr": "so I can go to the Shell ", "utterance_gt": "so uh can can you go to the Shell", "frame": 3904, "act": {"span_index": [0, 33], "move": "QueryYN", "slots": {"Landmark": ["Shell"]}, "conditionality": "Null", "transaction": "Shell", "exchange": 3637, "chit_chat": false}}, {"from": "dorothy", "to": "wizard", "flag": true, "type": "DialogueMove", "val": {}, "utterance_asr": "so I can go to the Shell ", "utterance_gt": "and add some fuel", "frame": 3905, "act": {"span_index": [34, 51], "move": "QueryYN", "slots": {}, "conditionality": "Null", "transaction": "Shell", "exchange": 3637, "chit_chat": false}}, {"from": "wizard", "to": "dorothy", "flag": true, "type": "DialogueMove", "val": {}, "utterance_gt": "okay", "frame": 3931, "act": {"span_index": [0, 4], "move": "Acknowledge", "slots": {}, "conditionality": "Null", "transaction": "Shell", "exchange": 3637, "chit_chat": false}}, {"from": "dorothy", "to": "wizard", "flag": true, "type": "DialogueMove", "val": {}, "utterance_asr": "please take a u-turn ", "utterance_gt": "uh please take a u-turn", "frame": 4027, "act": {"span_index": [0, 23], "move": "Instruct", "slots": {"Action": ["UTurn"]}, "conditionality": "Null", "transaction": "Shell", "exchange": 4027, "chit_chat": false}}, {"from": "wizard", "to": "dorothy", "flag": true, "type": "DialogueMove", "val": {}, "utterance_gt": "okay", "frame": 4038, "act": {"span_index": [0, 4], "move": "Acknowledge", "slots": {}, "conditionality": "Null", "transaction": "Shell", "exchange": 4027, "chit_chat": false}}, {"from": "dorothy", "to": "wizard", "flag": true, "type": "DialogueMove", "val": {}, "utterance_asr": "what's your plan now ", "utterance_gt": "what's your plan now", "frame": 4145, "act": {"span_index": [0, 20], "move": "QueryW", "slots": {}, "conditionality": "Null", "transaction": "Shell", "exchange": 4145, "chit_chat": false}}, {"from": "wizard", "to": "dorothy", "flag": true, "type": "DialogueMove", "val": {}, "utterance_gt": "I am planning to turn right at Duffield Street", "frame": 4208, "act": {"span_index": [0, 46], "move": "ReplyW", "slots": {"Street": ["Duffield"], "Action": ["JTurn"]}, "conditionality": "Null", "transaction": "Shell", "exchange": 4145, "chit_chat": false}}, {"from": "wizard", "to": "dorothy", "flag": true, "type": "DialogueMove", "val": {}, "utterance_gt": "and then turn right at Draper Avenue", "frame": 4209, "act": {"span_index": [47, 83], "move": "ReplyW", "slots": {"Street": ["Draper"], "Action": ["JTurn"]}, "conditionality": "Conditioned", "transaction": "Shell", "exchange": 4145, "chit_chat": false}}, {"from": "wizard", "to": "dorothy", "flag": true, "type": "DialogueMove", "val": {}, "utterance_gt": "and then turn right", "frame": 4210, "act": {"span_index": [47, 66], "move": "ReplyW", "slots": {"Action": ["JTurn"]}, "conditionality": "Conditioned", "transaction": "Shell", "exchange": 4145, "chit_chat": false}}, {"from": "dorothy", "to": "wizard", "flag": true, "type": "DialogueMove", "val": {}, "utterance_asr": "why you didn't stop at the Shell ", "utterance_gt": "why you didn't stop at the Shell", "frame": 4546, "act": {"span_index": [0, 32], "move": "QueryW", "slots": {"Landmark": ["Shell"], "Action": ["Stop"]}, "conditionality": "Null", "transaction": "Shell", "exchange": 4546, "chit_chat": false}}, {"from": "wizard", "to": "dorothy", "flag": true, "type": "DialogueMove", "val": {}, "utterance_gt": "because I need to turn around", "frame": 4594, "act": {"span_index": [0, 29], "move": "ReplyW", "slots": {"Action": ["JTurn"]}, "conditionality": "Null", "transaction": "Shell", "exchange": 4546, "chit_chat": false}}, {"from": "wizard", "to": "dorothy", "flag": true, "type": "DialogueMove", "val": {}, "utterance_gt": "and get into the subroad", "frame": 4595, "act": {"span_index": [30, 54], "move": "ReplyW", "slots": {"Action": ["JTurn"]}, "conditionality": "Null", "transaction": "Shell", "exchange": 4546, "chit_chat": false}}, {"from": "dorothy", "to": "wizard", "flag": true, "type": "DialogueMove", "val": {}, "utterance_asr": "how do you say Celtic car in front of you is pretty and beautiful ", "utterance_gt": "how do you think of the car in front of you", "frame": 4849, "act": {"span_index": [0, 43], "move": "QueryW", "slots": {"Object": ["Vehicles"]}, "conditionality": "Null", "transaction": "Shell", "exchange": 4850, "chit_chat": true}}, {"from": "dorothy", "to": "wizard", "flag": true, "type": "DialogueMove", "val": {}, "utterance_asr": "how do you say Celtic car in front of you is pretty and beautiful ", "utterance_gt": "do you think it is pretty and beautiful", "frame": 4850, "act": {"span_index": [44, 83], "move": "QueryYN", "slots": {"Object": ["Vehicles"]}, "conditionality": "Null", "transaction": "Shell", "exchange": 4850, "chit_chat": true}}, {"from": "wizard", "to": "dorothy", "flag": true, "type": "DialogueMove", "val": {}, "utterance_gt": "yes it is", "frame": 4890, "act": {"span_index": [0, 9], "move": "ReplyY", "slots": {}, "conditionality": "Null", "transaction": "Shell", "exchange": 4850, "chit_chat": true}}, {"from": "wizard", "to": "dorothy", "flag": true, "type": "DialogueMove", "val": {}, "utterance_gt": "I think I arrived arrived at Shell", "frame": 4899, "act": {"span_index": [0, 34], "move": "Explain", "slots": {"Landmark": ["Shell"], "Status": ["Complete"]}, "conditionality": "Null", "transaction": "Shell", "exchange": 4899, "chit_chat": false}}, {"from": "dorothy", "to": "wizard", "flag": true, "type": "DialogueMove", "val": {}, "utterance_asr": "I think so so now can you go to ", "utterance_gt": "I think so", "frame": 4941, "act": {"span_index": [0, 10], "move": "Confirm", "slots": {"Status": ["Complete"]}, "conditionality": "Null", "transaction": "Shell", "exchange": 4899, "chit_chat": false}}, {"from": "dorothy", "to": "wizard", "flag": true, "type": "DialogueMove", "val": {}, "utterance_asr": "I think so so now can you go to ", "utterance_gt": "so now can you go to", "frame": 4942, "act": {"span_index": [11, 31], "move": "Instruct", "slots": {}, "conditionality": "Null", "transaction": "House", "exchange": 4942, "chit_chat": false}}, {"from": "wizard", "to": "dorothy", "flag": true, "type": "DialogueMove", "val": {}, "utterance_gt": "where should I go", "frame": 4960, "act": {"span_index": [0, 17], "move": "QueryW", "slots": {"Landmark": ["Queried"]}, "conditionality": "Null", "transaction": "House", "exchange": 4942, "chit_chat": false}}, {"from": "dorothy", "to": "wizard", "flag": true, "type": "DialogueMove", "val": {}, "utterance_asr": "let's go to the whistle Stafford Avenue ", "utterance_gt": "let's go to the west of Duffield Avenue", "frame": 5041, "act": {"span_index": [0, 39], "move": "ReplyW", "slots": {"Street": ["Duffield"]}, "conditionality": "Null", "transaction": "House", "exchange": 4942, "chit_chat": false}}, {"from": "wizard", "to": "dorothy", "flag": true, "type": "DialogueMove", "val": {}, "utterance_gt": "excuse me", "frame": 5113, "act": {"span_index": [0, 9], "move": "Confuse", "slots": {}, "conditionality": "Null", "transaction": "House", "exchange": 4942, "chit_chat": false}}, {"from": "wizard", "to": "dorothy", "flag": true, "type": "DialogueMove", "val": {}, "utterance_gt": "which avenue", "frame": 5114, "act": {"span_index": [10, 22], "move": "QueryW", "slots": {"Street": ["Queried"]}, "conditionality": "Null", "transaction": "House", "exchange": 4942, "chit_chat": false}}, {"from": "dorothy", "to": "wizard", "flag": true, "type": "DialogueMove", "val": {}, "utterance_asr": "let's go to the West Health driver Avenue ", "utterance_gt": "let's go to the west of Draper Avenue", "frame": 5135, "act": {"span_index": [0, 37], "move": "ReplyW", "slots": {"Street": ["Draper"]}, "conditionality": "Null", "transaction": "House", "exchange": 4942, "chit_chat": false}}, {"from": "wizard", "to": "dorothy", "flag": true, "type": "DialogueMove", "val": {}, "utterance_gt": "I don't know this avenue", "frame": 5199, "act": {"span_index": [0, 24], "move": "ReplyU", "slots": {}, "conditionality": "Null", "transaction": "House", "exchange": 4942, "chit_chat": false}}, {"from": "dorothy", "to": "wizard", "flag": true, "type": "DialogueMove", "val": {}, "utterance_asr": "I'm not super confident about how to pronounce it but I think it is ", "utterance_gt": "I'm not super confident about how to pronounce it", "frame": 5233, "act": {"span_index": [0, 49], "move": "ReplyW", "slots": {}, "conditionality": "Null", "transaction": "House", "exchange": 4942, "chit_chat": false}}, {"from": "dorothy", "to": "wizard", "flag": true, "type": "DialogueMove", "val": {}, "utterance_asr": "I'm not super confident about how to pronounce it but I think it is ", "utterance_gt": "but I think it is", "frame": 5234, "act": {"span_index": [50, 67], "move": "ReplyW", "slots": {}, "conditionality": "Null", "transaction": "House", "exchange": 4942, "chit_chat": false}}, {"from": "dorothy", "to": "wizard", "flag": true, "type": "DialogueMove", "val": {}, "utterance_asr": "can you read out all the Avenue is a map ", "utterance_gt": "can you read out all the avenue in the map", "frame": 5267, "act": {"span_index": [0, 42], "move": "QueryW", "slots": {"Street": ["Queried"]}, "conditionality": "Null", "transaction": "House", "exchange": 5267, "chit_chat": false}}, {"from": "wizard", "to": "dorothy", "flag": true, "type": "DialogueMove", "val": {}, "utterance_gt": "we have Plymouth Avenue Murfin Avenue Draper Avenue Fuller Avenue and Hayward Hayward Avenue", "frame": 5289, "act": {"span_index": [0, 92], "move": "ReplyW", "slots": {"Street": ["Draper", "Fuller", "Hayward", "Murfin", "Plymouth"]}, "conditionality": "Null", "transaction": "House", "exchange": 5267, "chit_chat": false}}, {"from": "dorothy", "to": "wizard", "flag": true, "type": "DialogueMove", "val": {}, "utterance_asr": "let's go to the west of drip-drop her Avenue ", "utterance_gt": "let's go to the west of the Draper Avenue", "frame": 5425, "act": {"span_index": [0, 41], "move": "Instruct", "slots": {"Street": ["Draper"]}, "conditionality": "Null", "transaction": "House", "exchange": 5425, "chit_chat": false}}, {"from": "wizard", "to": "dorothy", "flag": true, "type": "DialogueMove", "val": {}, "utterance_gt": "okay", "frame": 5442, "act": {"span_index": [0, 4], "move": "Acknowledge", "slots": {}, "conditionality": "Null", "transaction": "House", "exchange": 5425, "chit_chat": false}}, {"from": "dorothy", "to": "wizard", "flag": true, "type": "DialogueMove", "val": {}, "utterance_asr": "where are you planning to go to ", "utterance_gt": "where uh are you planning to go to", "frame": 5534, "act": {"span_index": [0, 34], "move": "QueryW", "slots": {"Street": ["Queried"]}, "conditionality": "Null", "transaction": "House", "exchange": 5534, "chit_chat": false}}, {"from": "wizard", "to": "dorothy", "flag": true, "type": "DialogueMove", "val": {}, "utterance_gt": "I am planning to go to Murfin Avenue", "frame": 5598, "act": {"span_index": [0, 36], "move": "ReplyW", "slots": {"Street": ["Murfin"]}, "conditionality": "Null", "transaction": "House", "exchange": 5534, "chit_chat": false}}, {"from": "wizard", "to": "dorothy", "flag": true, "type": "DialogueMove", "val": {}, "utterance_gt": "go to the roundabout", "frame": 5599, "act": {"span_index": [37, 57], "move": "ReplyW", "slots": {"Street": ["Broadway"]}, "conditionality": "Conditioned", "transaction": "House", "exchange": 5534, "chit_chat": false}}, {"from": "wizard", "to": "dorothy", "flag": true, "type": "DialogueMove", "val": {}, "utterance_gt": "and go to Draper Avenue", "frame": 5600, "act": {"span_index": [58, 81], "move": "ReplyW", "slots": {"Street": ["Draper"]}, "conditionality": "Conditioned", "transaction": "House", "exchange": 5534, "chit_chat": false}}, {"from": "dorothy", "to": "wizard", "flag": true, "type": "DialogueMove", "val": {}, "utterance_asr": "sounds good ", "utterance_gt": "sounds good", "frame": 5682, "act": {"span_index": [0, 11], "move": "Acknowledge", "slots": {}, "conditionality": "Null", "transaction": "House", "exchange": 5534, "chit_chat": false}}, {"from": "wizard", "to": "dorothy", "flag": true, "type": "DialogueMove", "val": {}, "utterance_gt": "thank you", "frame": 5695, "act": {"span_index": [0, 9], "move": "Irrelevant", "slots": {}, "conditionality": "Null", "transaction": "House", "exchange": 5534, "chit_chat": false}}, {"from": "dorothy", "to": "wizard", "flag": true, "type": "DialogueMove", "val": {}, "utterance_asr": "what's your favorite place in the map ", "utterance_gt": "what's your favorite place in the map", "frame": 5740, "act": {"span_index": [0, 37], "move": "QueryW", "slots": {"Landmark": ["Queried"]}, "conditionality": "Null", "transaction": "House", "exchange": 5740, "chit_chat": true}}, {"from": "wizard", "to": "dorothy", "flag": true, "type": "DialogueMove", "val": {}, "utterance_gt": "My favorite is the KFC", "frame": 5760, "act": {"span_index": [0, 22], "move": "ReplyW", "slots": {"Landmark": ["KFC"]}, "conditionality": "Null", "transaction": "House", "exchange": 5740, "chit_chat": true}}, {"from": "dorothy", "to": "wizard", "flag": true, "type": "DialogueMove", "val": {}, "utterance_asr": "what's your favorite food in the KFC ", "utterance_gt": "what's your favorite food in the KFC", "frame": 5827, "act": {"span_index": [0, 36], "move": "QueryW", "slots": {"Landmark": ["KFC"]}, "conditionality": "Null", "transaction": "House", "exchange": 5827, "chit_chat": true}}, {"from": "wizard", "to": "dorothy", "flag": true, "type": "DialogueMove", "val": {}, "utterance_gt": "My favorite is chicken", "frame": 5856, "act": {"span_index": [0, 22], "move": "ReplyW", "slots": {}, "conditionality": "Null", "transaction": "House", "exchange": 5827, "chit_chat": true}}, {"from": "dorothy", "to": "wizard", "flag": true, "type": "DialogueMove", "val": {}, "utterance_asr": "oh I don't anything caves ", "utterance_gt": "oh I don't eat anything in KFC", "frame": 5920, "act": {"span_index": [0, 30], "move": "Explain", "slots": {"Landmark": ["KFC"]}, "conditionality": "Null", "transaction": "House", "exchange": 5920, "chit_chat": true}}, {"from": "wizard", "to": "dorothy", "flag": true, "type": "DialogueMove", "val": {}, "utterance_gt": "okay", "frame": 5955, "act": {"span_index": [0, 4], "move": "Acknowledge", "slots": {}, "conditionality": "Null", "transaction": "House", "exchange": 5920, "chit_chat": true}}, {"from": "dorothy", "to": "wizard", "flag": true, "type": "DialogueMove", "val": {}, "utterance_asr": "I'm happy today how about you ", "utterance_gt": "I'm happy", "frame": 6155, "act": {"span_index": [0, 9], "move": "Explain", "slots": {}, "conditionality": "Null", "transaction": "House", "exchange": 6156, "chit_chat": true}}, {"from": "dorothy", "to": "wizard", "flag": true, "type": "DialogueMove", "val": {}, "utterance_asr": "I'm happy today how about you ", "utterance_gt": "today how about you", "frame": 6156, "act": {"span_index": [10, 29], "move": "QueryW", "slots": {}, "conditionality": "Null", "transaction": "House", "exchange": 6156, "chit_chat": true}}, {"from": "wizard", "to": "dorothy", "flag": true, "type": "DialogueMove", "val": {}, "utterance_gt": "I am also happy", "frame": 6175, "act": {"span_index": [0, 15], "move": "ReplyW", "slots": {}, "conditionality": "Null", "transaction": "House", "exchange": 6156, "chit_chat": true}}, {"from": "wizard", "to": "dorothy", "flag": true, "type": "DialogueMove", "val": {}, "utterance_gt": "where should I stop", "frame": 6187, "act": {"span_index": [0, 19], "move": "QueryW", "slots": {"Action": ["Stop"]}, "conditionality": "Null", "transaction": "House", "exchange": 6187, "chit_chat": false}}, {"from": "dorothy", "to": "wizard", "flag": true, "type": "DialogueMove", "val": {}, "utterance_asr": "just keep going for ", "utterance_gt": "just keep going forward", "frame": 6290, "act": {"span_index": [0, 23], "move": "ReplyW", "slots": {"Action": ["LaneFollow"]}, "conditionality": "Null", "transaction": "House", "exchange": 6187, "chit_chat": false}}, {"from": "wizard", "to": "dorothy", "flag": true, "type": "DialogueMove", "val": {}, "utterance_gt": "okay", "frame": 6308, "act": {"span_index": [0, 4], "move": "Acknowledge", "slots": {}, "conditionality": "Null", "transaction": "House", "exchange": 6187, "chit_chat": false}}, {"from": "wizard", "to": "dorothy", "flag": true, "type": "DialogueMove", "val": {}, "utterance_gt": "where should I go", "frame": 6464, "act": {"span_index": [0, 17], "move": "QueryW", "slots": {"Landmark": ["Queried"]}, "conditionality": "Null", "transaction": "House", "exchange": 6464, "chit_chat": false}}, {"from": "dorothy", "to": "wizard", "flag": true, "type": "DialogueMove", "val": {}, "utterance_asr": "we have arrived at Tom's house can you remember here as a x house ", "utterance_gt": "uh thank you", "frame": 6536, "act": {"span_index": [0, 12], "move": "Irrelevant", "slots": {}, "conditionality": "Null", "transaction": "House", "exchange": 6538, "chit_chat": false}}, {"from": "dorothy", "to": "wizard", "flag": true, "type": "DialogueMove", "val": {}, "utterance_asr": "we have arrived at Tom's house can you remember here as a x house ", "utterance_gt": "we have arrived at Tony's house", "frame": 6537, "act": {"span_index": [13, 44], "move": "Explain", "slots": {"Landmark": ["House"], "Status": ["Complete"]}, "conditionality": "Null", "transaction": "House", "exchange": 6538, "chit_chat": false}}]