[ { "prompt": "This is a grid-like 2D world\nThe grid world consists of 12 rows and 12 columns, 0-based\nWe use (i,j) to represent the i-th column (from left to right) and j-th row (from top to bottom). \nThe following is a list of objects in this world. Each line starts with the object's position and is followed by its attributes\n(2, 9): ball, blue; represented by this label: G\n(8, 8): key, grey; represented by this label: H\n(9, 9): key, silver; represented by this label: I\n\nWalls are depicted using the symbol W\n\nThere is an agent at (7, 1) facing right\n\nThe agent can take the following actions:\n- left: makes the agent face left of where it is currently facing\n- right: makes the agent face right of where it is currently facing\n- forward: makes the agent move one step in the direction it is currently facing\n- open: makes the agent open a door that it is in front of\n- pickup: makes the agent pick up the object that it is in front of\n- drop: makes the agent drop an item that it is holding\n- stay: makes the agent stay where it currently is for a timestep\n\nThe agent is represented by the following labels depending on which direction it is facing:\n- Facing left: <\n- Facing up: ^\n- Facing right: >\n- Facing down: v\n\nThe agent has full observability, meaning it can see the entire world\n\nIn this scenario, the agent has been tasked with visiting all of the objects in the grid world\n\nThis is the starting state of the board:\n```\n 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 \n0 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n1 | W O O O O O O > O O O W \n2 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n3 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n4 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n5 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n6 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n7 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n8 | W O O O O O O O H O O W \n9 | W O G O O O O O O I O W \n10 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n11 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n```\nThis list contains a sequence of actions taken by the agent\n(Step 1) The agent took action right and is now at (7, 1) facing down\n(Step 2) The agent took action forward and is now at (7, 2) facing down\n(Step 3) The agent took action forward and is now at (7, 3) facing down\n(Step 4) The agent took action forward and is now at (7, 4) facing down\n(Step 5) The agent took action forward and is now at (7, 5) facing down\n(Step 6) The agent took action forward and is now at (7, 6) facing down\n(Step 7) The agent took action forward and is now at (7, 7) facing down\n(Step 8) The agent took action forward and is now at (7, 8) facing down\n(Step 9) The agent took action forward and is now at (7, 9) facing down\n(Step 10) The agent took action right and is now at (7, 9) facing left\n(Step 11) The agent took action forward and is now at (6, 9) facing left\n(Step 12) The agent took action forward and is now at (5, 9) facing left\n(Step 13) The agent took action forward and is now at (4, 9) facing left\n(Step 14) The agent took action forward and is now at (3, 9) facing left\n\nAfter having taken these actions, which item is the agent closer to?\nA: silver key\nB: blue ball\n\nPlease ONLY respond using the letter corresponding to your answer\nDo not generate any text other than the letter\n", "answer": "B" }, { "prompt": "This is a grid-like 2D world\nThe grid world consists of 12 rows and 12 columns, 0-based\nWe use (i,j) to represent the i-th column (from left to right) and j-th row (from top to bottom). \nThe following is a list of objects in this world. Each line starts with the object's position and is followed by its attributes\n(1, 5): ball, paleblue; represented by this label: G\n(1, 10): key, blue; represented by this label: H\n(3, 8): box, paleblue; represented by this label: I\n\nWalls are depicted using the symbol W\n\nThere is an agent at (8, 5) facing down\n\nThe agent can take the following actions:\n- left: makes the agent face left of where it is currently facing\n- right: makes the agent face right of where it is currently facing\n- forward: makes the agent move one step in the direction it is currently facing\n- open: makes the agent open a door that it is in front of\n- pickup: makes the agent pick up the object that it is in front of\n- drop: makes the agent drop an item that it is holding\n- stay: makes the agent stay where it currently is for a timestep\n\nThe agent is represented by the following labels depending on which direction it is facing:\n- Facing left: <\n- Facing up: ^\n- Facing right: >\n- Facing down: v\n\nThe agent has full observability, meaning it can see the entire world\n\nIn this scenario, the agent has been tasked with visiting all of the objects in the grid world\n\nThis is the starting state of the board:\n```\n 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 \n0 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n1 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n2 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n3 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n4 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n5 | W G O O O O O O v O O W \n6 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n7 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n8 | W O O I O O O O O O O W \n9 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n10 | W H O O O O O O O O O W \n11 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n```\nThis list contains a sequence of actions taken by the agent\n(Step 1) The agent took action forward and is now at (8, 6) facing down\n(Step 2) The agent took action forward and is now at (8, 7) facing down\n(Step 3) The agent took action forward and is now at (8, 8) facing down\n(Step 4) The agent took action right and is now at (8, 8) facing left\n(Step 5) The agent took action forward and is now at (7, 8) facing left\n(Step 6) The agent took action forward and is now at (6, 8) facing left\n(Step 7) The agent took action forward and is now at (5, 8) facing left\n(Step 8) The agent took action forward and is now at (4, 8) facing left\n\nAfter having taken these actions, which item is the agent closer to?\nA: paleblue ball\nB: paleblue box\n\nPlease ONLY respond using the letter corresponding to your answer\nDo not generate any text other than the letter\n", "answer": "B" }, { "prompt": "This is a grid-like 2D world\nThe grid world consists of 12 rows and 12 columns, 0-based\nWe use (i,j) to represent the i-th column (from left to right) and j-th row (from top to bottom). \nThe following is a list of objects in this world. Each line starts with the object's position and is followed by its attributes\n(4, 3): box, green; represented by this label: G\n(4, 4): box, silver; represented by this label: H\n(9, 6): box, blue; represented by this label: I\n\nWalls are depicted using the symbol W\n\nThere is an agent at (6, 3) facing right\n\nThe agent can take the following actions:\n- left: makes the agent face left of where it is currently facing\n- right: makes the agent face right of where it is currently facing\n- forward: makes the agent move one step in the direction it is currently facing\n- open: makes the agent open a door that it is in front of\n- pickup: makes the agent pick up the object that it is in front of\n- drop: makes the agent drop an item that it is holding\n- stay: makes the agent stay where it currently is for a timestep\n\nThe agent is represented by the following labels depending on which direction it is facing:\n- Facing left: <\n- Facing up: ^\n- Facing right: >\n- Facing down: v\n\nThe agent has full observability, meaning it can see the entire world\n\nIn this scenario, the agent has been tasked with visiting all of the objects in the grid world\n\nThis is the starting state of the board:\n```\n 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 \n0 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n1 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n2 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n3 | W O O O G O > O O O O W \n4 | W O O O H O O O O O O W \n5 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n6 | W O O O O O O O O I O W \n7 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n8 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n9 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n10 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n11 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n```\nThis list contains a sequence of actions taken by the agent\n(Step 1) The agent took action forward and is now at (7, 3) facing right\n(Step 2) The agent took action forward and is now at (8, 3) facing right\n(Step 3) The agent took action forward and is now at (9, 3) facing right\n(Step 4) The agent took action right and is now at (9, 3) facing down\n(Step 5) The agent took action forward and is now at (9, 4) facing down\n(Step 6) The agent took action forward and is now at (9, 5) facing down\n\nAfter having taken these actions, which item is the agent closer to?\nA: blue box\nB: green box\n\nPlease ONLY respond using the letter corresponding to your answer\nDo not generate any text other than the letter\n", "answer": "A" }, { "prompt": "This is a grid-like 2D world\nThe grid world consists of 12 rows and 12 columns, 0-based\nWe use (i,j) to represent the i-th column (from left to right) and j-th row (from top to bottom). \nThe following is a list of objects in this world. Each line starts with the object's position and is followed by its attributes\n(5, 10): box, brown; represented by this label: G\n(7, 4): box, orange; represented by this label: H\n(7, 6): box, yellow; represented by this label: I\n\nWalls are depicted using the symbol W\n\nThere is an agent at (9, 2) facing up\n\nThe agent can take the following actions:\n- left: makes the agent face left of where it is currently facing\n- right: makes the agent face right of where it is currently facing\n- forward: makes the agent move one step in the direction it is currently facing\n- open: makes the agent open a door that it is in front of\n- pickup: makes the agent pick up the object that it is in front of\n- drop: makes the agent drop an item that it is holding\n- stay: makes the agent stay where it currently is for a timestep\n\nThe agent is represented by the following labels depending on which direction it is facing:\n- Facing left: <\n- Facing up: ^\n- Facing right: >\n- Facing down: v\n\nThe agent has full observability, meaning it can see the entire world\n\nIn this scenario, the agent has been tasked with visiting all of the objects in the grid world\n\nThis is the starting state of the board:\n```\n 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 \n0 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n1 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n2 | W O O O O O O O O ^ O W \n3 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n4 | W O O O O O O H O O O W \n5 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n6 | W O O O O O O I O O O W \n7 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n8 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n9 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n10 | W O O O O G O O O O O W \n11 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n```\nThis list contains a sequence of actions taken by the agent\n(Step 1) The agent took action left and is now at (9, 2) facing left\n(Step 2) The agent took action forward and is now at (8, 2) facing left\n(Step 3) The agent took action left and is now at (8, 2) facing down\n(Step 4) The agent took action forward and is now at (8, 3) facing down\n(Step 5) The agent took action forward and is now at (8, 4) facing down\n(Step 6) The agent took action forward and is now at (8, 5) facing down\n(Step 7) The agent took action forward and is now at (8, 6) facing down\n(Step 8) The agent took action right and is now at (8, 6) facing left\n\nAfter having taken these actions, which item is the agent closer to?\nA: yellow box\nB: brown box\n\nPlease ONLY respond using the letter corresponding to your answer\nDo not generate any text other than the letter\n", "answer": "A" }, { "prompt": "This is a grid-like 2D world\nThe grid world consists of 12 rows and 12 columns, 0-based\nWe use (i,j) to represent the i-th column (from left to right) and j-th row (from top to bottom). \nThe following is a list of objects in this world. Each line starts with the object's position and is followed by its attributes\n(1, 10): key, white; represented by this label: G\n(6, 7): key, purple; represented by this label: H\n(7, 2): box, green; represented by this label: I\n\nWalls are depicted using the symbol W\n\nThere is an agent at (6, 2) facing down\n\nThe agent can take the following actions:\n- left: makes the agent face left of where it is currently facing\n- right: makes the agent face right of where it is currently facing\n- forward: makes the agent move one step in the direction it is currently facing\n- open: makes the agent open a door that it is in front of\n- pickup: makes the agent pick up the object that it is in front of\n- drop: makes the agent drop an item that it is holding\n- stay: makes the agent stay where it currently is for a timestep\n\nThe agent is represented by the following labels depending on which direction it is facing:\n- Facing left: <\n- Facing up: ^\n- Facing right: >\n- Facing down: v\n\nThe agent has full observability, meaning it can see the entire world\n\nIn this scenario, the agent has been tasked with visiting all of the objects in the grid world\n\nThis is the starting state of the board:\n```\n 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 \n0 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n1 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n2 | W O O O O O v I O O O W \n3 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n4 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n5 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n6 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n7 | W O O O O O H O O O O W \n8 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n9 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n10 | W G O O O O O O O O O W \n11 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n```\nThis list contains a sequence of actions taken by the agent\n(Step 1) The agent took action right and is now at (6, 2) facing left\n(Step 2) The agent took action right and is now at (6, 2) facing up\n(Step 3) The agent took action right and is now at (6, 2) facing right\n(Step 4) The agent took action right and is now at (6, 2) facing down\n(Step 5) The agent took action left and is now at (6, 2) facing right\n(Step 6) The agent took action forward and is now at (6, 2) facing right\n(Step 7) The agent took action forward and is now at (6, 2) facing right\n(Step 8) The agent took action right and is now at (6, 2) facing down\n(Step 9) The agent took action forward and is now at (6, 3) facing down\n(Step 10) The agent took action forward and is now at (6, 4) facing down\n\nAfter having taken these actions, which item is the agent closer to?\nA: white key\nB: purple key\n\nPlease ONLY respond using the letter corresponding to your answer\nDo not generate any text other than the letter\n", "answer": "B" }, { "prompt": "This is a grid-like 2D world\nThe grid world consists of 12 rows and 12 columns, 0-based\nWe use (i,j) to represent the i-th column (from left to right) and j-th row (from top to bottom). \nThe following is a list of objects in this world. Each line starts with the object's position and is followed by its attributes\n(7, 2): ball, red; represented by this label: G\n(7, 4): key, grey; represented by this label: H\n(9, 2): key, red; represented by this label: I\n\nWalls are depicted using the symbol W\n\nThere is an agent at (10, 10) facing left\n\nThe agent can take the following actions:\n- left: makes the agent face left of where it is currently facing\n- right: makes the agent face right of where it is currently facing\n- forward: makes the agent move one step in the direction it is currently facing\n- open: makes the agent open a door that it is in front of\n- pickup: makes the agent pick up the object that it is in front of\n- drop: makes the agent drop an item that it is holding\n- stay: makes the agent stay where it currently is for a timestep\n\nThe agent is represented by the following labels depending on which direction it is facing:\n- Facing left: <\n- Facing up: ^\n- Facing right: >\n- Facing down: v\n\nThe agent has full observability, meaning it can see the entire world\n\nIn this scenario, the agent has been tasked with visiting all of the objects in the grid world\n\nThis is the starting state of the board:\n```\n 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 \n0 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n1 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n2 | W O O O O O O G O I O W \n3 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n4 | W O O O O O O H O O O W \n5 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n6 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n7 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n8 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n9 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n10 | W O O O O O O O O O < W \n11 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n```\nThis list contains a sequence of actions taken by the agent\n(Step 1) The agent took action forward and is now at (9, 10) facing left\n(Step 2) The agent took action right and is now at (9, 10) facing up\n(Step 3) The agent took action forward and is now at (9, 9) facing up\n(Step 4) The agent took action forward and is now at (9, 8) facing up\n(Step 5) The agent took action forward and is now at (9, 7) facing up\n(Step 6) The agent took action forward and is now at (9, 6) facing up\n(Step 7) The agent took action forward and is now at (9, 5) facing up\n(Step 8) The agent took action forward and is now at (9, 4) facing up\n(Step 9) The agent took action forward and is now at (9, 3) facing up\n\nAfter having taken these actions, which item is the agent closer to?\nA: grey key\nB: red key\n\nPlease ONLY respond using the letter corresponding to your answer\nDo not generate any text other than the letter\n", "answer": "B" }, { "prompt": "This is a grid-like 2D world\nThe grid world consists of 12 rows and 12 columns, 0-based\nWe use (i,j) to represent the i-th column (from left to right) and j-th row (from top to bottom). \nThe following is a list of objects in this world. Each line starts with the object's position and is followed by its attributes\n(5, 3): key, blue; represented by this label: G\n(7, 8): ball, silver; represented by this label: H\n(8, 1): box, brown; represented by this label: I\n\nWalls are depicted using the symbol W\n\nThere is an agent at (3, 5) facing right\n\nThe agent can take the following actions:\n- left: makes the agent face left of where it is currently facing\n- right: makes the agent face right of where it is currently facing\n- forward: makes the agent move one step in the direction it is currently facing\n- open: makes the agent open a door that it is in front of\n- pickup: makes the agent pick up the object that it is in front of\n- drop: makes the agent drop an item that it is holding\n- stay: makes the agent stay where it currently is for a timestep\n\nThe agent is represented by the following labels depending on which direction it is facing:\n- Facing left: <\n- Facing up: ^\n- Facing right: >\n- Facing down: v\n\nThe agent has full observability, meaning it can see the entire world\n\nIn this scenario, the agent has been tasked with visiting all of the objects in the grid world\n\nThis is the starting state of the board:\n```\n 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 \n0 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n1 | W O O O O O O O I O O W \n2 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n3 | W O O O O G O O O O O W \n4 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n5 | W O O > O O O O O O O W \n6 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n7 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n8 | W O O O O O O H O O O W \n9 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n10 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n11 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n```\nThis list contains a sequence of actions taken by the agent\n(Step 1) The agent took action forward and is now at (4, 5) facing right\n(Step 2) The agent took action forward and is now at (5, 5) facing right\n(Step 3) The agent took action forward and is now at (6, 5) facing right\n(Step 4) The agent took action forward and is now at (7, 5) facing right\n(Step 5) The agent took action forward and is now at (8, 5) facing right\n(Step 6) The agent took action left and is now at (8, 5) facing up\n(Step 7) The agent took action forward and is now at (8, 4) facing up\n(Step 8) The agent took action forward and is now at (8, 3) facing up\n(Step 9) The agent took action forward and is now at (8, 2) facing up\n\nAfter having taken these actions, which item is the agent closer to?\nA: silver ball\nB: brown box\n\nPlease ONLY respond using the letter corresponding to your answer\nDo not generate any text other than the letter\n", "answer": "B" }, { "prompt": "This is a grid-like 2D world\nThe grid world consists of 12 rows and 12 columns, 0-based\nWe use (i,j) to represent the i-th column (from left to right) and j-th row (from top to bottom). \nThe following is a list of objects in this world. Each line starts with the object's position and is followed by its attributes\n(2, 3): ball, orange; represented by this label: G\n(8, 10): ball, white; represented by this label: H\n(10, 10): key, green; represented by this label: I\n\nWalls are depicted using the symbol W\n\nThere is an agent at (7, 7) facing up\n\nThe agent can take the following actions:\n- left: makes the agent face left of where it is currently facing\n- right: makes the agent face right of where it is currently facing\n- forward: makes the agent move one step in the direction it is currently facing\n- open: makes the agent open a door that it is in front of\n- pickup: makes the agent pick up the object that it is in front of\n- drop: makes the agent drop an item that it is holding\n- stay: makes the agent stay where it currently is for a timestep\n\nThe agent is represented by the following labels depending on which direction it is facing:\n- Facing left: <\n- Facing up: ^\n- Facing right: >\n- Facing down: v\n\nThe agent has full observability, meaning it can see the entire world\n\nIn this scenario, the agent has been tasked with visiting all of the objects in the grid world\n\nThis is the starting state of the board:\n```\n 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 \n0 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n1 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n2 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n3 | W O G O O O O O O O O W \n4 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n5 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n6 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n7 | W O O O O O O ^ O O O W \n8 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n9 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n10 | W O O O O O O O H O I W \n11 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n```\nThis list contains a sequence of actions taken by the agent\n(Step 1) The agent took action right and is now at (7, 7) facing right\n(Step 2) The agent took action forward and is now at (8, 7) facing right\n(Step 3) The agent took action forward and is now at (9, 7) facing right\n(Step 4) The agent took action forward and is now at (10, 7) facing right\n(Step 5) The agent took action right and is now at (10, 7) facing down\n(Step 6) The agent took action forward and is now at (10, 8) facing down\n(Step 7) The agent took action forward and is now at (10, 9) facing down\n(Step 8) The agent took action right and is now at (10, 9) facing left\n(Step 9) The agent took action forward and is now at (9, 9) facing left\n(Step 10) The agent took action forward and is now at (8, 9) facing left\n(Step 11) The agent took action forward and is now at (7, 9) facing left\n(Step 12) The agent took action forward and is now at (6, 9) facing left\n(Step 13) The agent took action forward and is now at (5, 9) facing left\n(Step 14) The agent took action forward and is now at (4, 9) facing left\n(Step 15) The agent took action forward and is now at (3, 9) facing left\n(Step 16) The agent took action forward and is now at (2, 9) facing left\n(Step 17) The agent took action right and is now at (2, 9) facing up\n(Step 18) The agent took action forward and is now at (2, 8) facing up\n(Step 19) The agent took action forward and is now at (2, 7) facing up\n(Step 20) The agent took action forward and is now at (2, 6) facing up\n(Step 21) The agent took action forward and is now at (2, 5) facing up\n(Step 22) The agent took action forward and is now at (2, 4) facing up\n\nAfter having taken these actions, which item is the agent closer to?\nA: green key\nB: orange ball\n\nPlease ONLY respond using the letter corresponding to your answer\nDo not generate any text other than the letter\n", "answer": "B" }, { "prompt": "This is a grid-like 2D world\nThe grid world consists of 12 rows and 12 columns, 0-based\nWe use (i,j) to represent the i-th column (from left to right) and j-th row (from top to bottom). \nThe following is a list of objects in this world. Each line starts with the object's position and is followed by its attributes\n(4, 4): key, yellow; represented by this label: G\n(4, 7): ball, yellow; represented by this label: H\n(7, 8): key, purple; represented by this label: I\n\nWalls are depicted using the symbol W\n\nThere is an agent at (3, 10) facing down\n\nThe agent can take the following actions:\n- left: makes the agent face left of where it is currently facing\n- right: makes the agent face right of where it is currently facing\n- forward: makes the agent move one step in the direction it is currently facing\n- open: makes the agent open a door that it is in front of\n- pickup: makes the agent pick up the object that it is in front of\n- drop: makes the agent drop an item that it is holding\n- stay: makes the agent stay where it currently is for a timestep\n\nThe agent is represented by the following labels depending on which direction it is facing:\n- Facing left: <\n- Facing up: ^\n- Facing right: >\n- Facing down: v\n\nThe agent has full observability, meaning it can see the entire world\n\nIn this scenario, the agent has been tasked with visiting all of the objects in the grid world\n\nThis is the starting state of the board:\n```\n 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 \n0 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n1 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n2 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n3 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n4 | W O O O G O O O O O O W \n5 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n6 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n7 | W O O O H O O O O O O W \n8 | W O O O O O O I O O O W \n9 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n10 | W O O v O O O O O O O W \n11 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n```\nThis list contains a sequence of actions taken by the agent\n(Step 1) The agent took action left and is now at (3, 10) facing right\n(Step 2) The agent took action forward and is now at (4, 10) facing right\n(Step 3) The agent took action forward and is now at (5, 10) facing right\n(Step 4) The agent took action forward and is now at (6, 10) facing right\n(Step 5) The agent took action forward and is now at (7, 10) facing right\n(Step 6) The agent took action left and is now at (7, 10) facing up\n(Step 7) The agent took action forward and is now at (7, 9) facing up\n(Step 8) The agent took action left and is now at (7, 9) facing left\n(Step 9) The agent took action forward and is now at (6, 9) facing left\n(Step 10) The agent took action forward and is now at (5, 9) facing left\n(Step 11) The agent took action right and is now at (5, 9) facing up\n(Step 12) The agent took action forward and is now at (5, 8) facing up\n(Step 13) The agent took action forward and is now at (5, 7) facing up\n(Step 14) The agent took action forward and is now at (5, 6) facing up\n(Step 15) The agent took action forward and is now at (5, 5) facing up\n(Step 16) The agent took action forward and is now at (5, 4) facing up\n(Step 17) The agent took action left and is now at (5, 4) facing left\n\nAfter having taken these actions, which item is the agent closer to?\nA: yellow key\nB: purple key\n\nPlease ONLY respond using the letter corresponding to your answer\nDo not generate any text other than the letter\n", "answer": "A" }, { "prompt": "This is a grid-like 2D world\nThe grid world consists of 12 rows and 12 columns, 0-based\nWe use (i,j) to represent the i-th column (from left to right) and j-th row (from top to bottom). \nThe following is a list of objects in this world. Each line starts with the object's position and is followed by its attributes\n(5, 4): box, yellow; represented by this label: G\n(5, 6): box, silver; represented by this label: H\n(9, 3): key, grey; represented by this label: I\n\nWalls are depicted using the symbol W\n\nThere is an agent at (5, 10) facing up\n\nThe agent can take the following actions:\n- left: makes the agent face left of where it is currently facing\n- right: makes the agent face right of where it is currently facing\n- forward: makes the agent move one step in the direction it is currently facing\n- open: makes the agent open a door that it is in front of\n- pickup: makes the agent pick up the object that it is in front of\n- drop: makes the agent drop an item that it is holding\n- stay: makes the agent stay where it currently is for a timestep\n\nThe agent is represented by the following labels depending on which direction it is facing:\n- Facing left: <\n- Facing up: ^\n- Facing right: >\n- Facing down: v\n\nThe agent has full observability, meaning it can see the entire world\n\nIn this scenario, the agent has been tasked with visiting all of the objects in the grid world\n\nThis is the starting state of the board:\n```\n 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 \n0 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n1 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n2 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n3 | W O O O O O O O O I O W \n4 | W O O O O G O O O O O W \n5 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n6 | W O O O O H O O O O O W \n7 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n8 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n9 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n10 | W O O O O ^ O O O O O W \n11 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n```\nThis list contains a sequence of actions taken by the agent\n(Step 1) The agent took action forward and is now at (5, 9) facing up\n(Step 2) The agent took action forward and is now at (5, 8) facing up\n(Step 3) The agent took action forward and is now at (5, 7) facing up\n\nAfter having taken these actions, which item is the agent closer to?\nA: silver box\nB: grey key\n\nPlease ONLY respond using the letter corresponding to your answer\nDo not generate any text other than the letter\n", "answer": "A" }, { "prompt": "This is a grid-like 2D world\nThe grid world consists of 12 rows and 12 columns, 0-based\nWe use (i,j) to represent the i-th column (from left to right) and j-th row (from top to bottom). \nThe following is a list of objects in this world. Each line starts with the object's position and is followed by its attributes\n(3, 4): ball, grey; represented by this label: G\n(4, 7): key, purple; represented by this label: H\n(5, 7): key, grey; represented by this label: I\n\nWalls are depicted using the symbol W\n\nThere is an agent at (9, 5) facing up\n\nThe agent can take the following actions:\n- left: makes the agent face left of where it is currently facing\n- right: makes the agent face right of where it is currently facing\n- forward: makes the agent move one step in the direction it is currently facing\n- open: makes the agent open a door that it is in front of\n- pickup: makes the agent pick up the object that it is in front of\n- drop: makes the agent drop an item that it is holding\n- stay: makes the agent stay where it currently is for a timestep\n\nThe agent is represented by the following labels depending on which direction it is facing:\n- Facing left: <\n- Facing up: ^\n- Facing right: >\n- Facing down: v\n\nThe agent has full observability, meaning it can see the entire world\n\nIn this scenario, the agent has been tasked with visiting all of the objects in the grid world\n\nThis is the starting state of the board:\n```\n 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 \n0 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n1 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n2 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n3 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n4 | W O O G O O O O O O O W \n5 | W O O O O O O O O ^ O W \n6 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n7 | W O O O H I O O O O O W \n8 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n9 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n10 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n11 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n```\nThis list contains a sequence of actions taken by the agent\n(Step 1) The agent took action left and is now at (9, 5) facing left\n(Step 2) The agent took action forward and is now at (8, 5) facing left\n(Step 3) The agent took action forward and is now at (7, 5) facing left\n(Step 4) The agent took action left and is now at (7, 5) facing down\n(Step 5) The agent took action right and is now at (7, 5) facing left\n(Step 6) The agent took action forward and is now at (6, 5) facing left\n(Step 7) The agent took action left and is now at (6, 5) facing down\n(Step 8) The agent took action left and is now at (6, 5) facing right\n(Step 9) The agent took action forward and is now at (7, 5) facing right\n(Step 10) The agent took action left and is now at (7, 5) facing up\n\nAfter having taken these actions, which item is the agent closer to?\nA: purple key\nB: grey key\n\nPlease ONLY respond using the letter corresponding to your answer\nDo not generate any text other than the letter\n", "answer": "B" }, { "prompt": "This is a grid-like 2D world\nThe grid world consists of 12 rows and 12 columns, 0-based\nWe use (i,j) to represent the i-th column (from left to right) and j-th row (from top to bottom). \nThe following is a list of objects in this world. Each line starts with the object's position and is followed by its attributes\n(3, 3): ball, green; represented by this label: G\n(5, 2): key, purple; represented by this label: H\n(7, 8): box, paleblue; represented by this label: I\n\nWalls are depicted using the symbol W\n\nThere is an agent at (2, 9) facing down\n\nThe agent can take the following actions:\n- left: makes the agent face left of where it is currently facing\n- right: makes the agent face right of where it is currently facing\n- forward: makes the agent move one step in the direction it is currently facing\n- open: makes the agent open a door that it is in front of\n- pickup: makes the agent pick up the object that it is in front of\n- drop: makes the agent drop an item that it is holding\n- stay: makes the agent stay where it currently is for a timestep\n\nThe agent is represented by the following labels depending on which direction it is facing:\n- Facing left: <\n- Facing up: ^\n- Facing right: >\n- Facing down: v\n\nThe agent has full observability, meaning it can see the entire world\n\nIn this scenario, the agent has been tasked with visiting all of the objects in the grid world\n\nThis is the starting state of the board:\n```\n 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 \n0 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n1 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n2 | W O O O O H O O O O O W \n3 | W O O G O O O O O O O W \n4 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n5 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n6 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n7 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n8 | W O O O O O O I O O O W \n9 | W O v O O O O O O O O W \n10 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n11 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n```\nThis list contains a sequence of actions taken by the agent\n(Step 1) The agent took action left and is now at (2, 9) facing right\n(Step 2) The agent took action forward and is now at (3, 9) facing right\n(Step 3) The agent took action forward and is now at (4, 9) facing right\n(Step 4) The agent took action forward and is now at (5, 9) facing right\n(Step 5) The agent took action forward and is now at (6, 9) facing right\n(Step 6) The agent took action forward and is now at (7, 9) facing right\n(Step 7) The agent took action left and is now at (7, 9) facing up\n\nAfter having taken these actions, which item is the agent closer to?\nA: paleblue box\nB: green ball\n\nPlease ONLY respond using the letter corresponding to your answer\nDo not generate any text other than the letter\n", "answer": "A" }, { "prompt": "This is a grid-like 2D world\nThe grid world consists of 12 rows and 12 columns, 0-based\nWe use (i,j) to represent the i-th column (from left to right) and j-th row (from top to bottom). \nThe following is a list of objects in this world. Each line starts with the object's position and is followed by its attributes\n(8, 7): box, blue; represented by this label: G\n(9, 9): key, red; represented by this label: H\n(10, 2): ball, blue; represented by this label: I\n\nWalls are depicted using the symbol W\n\nThere is an agent at (2, 2) facing down\n\nThe agent can take the following actions:\n- left: makes the agent face left of where it is currently facing\n- right: makes the agent face right of where it is currently facing\n- forward: makes the agent move one step in the direction it is currently facing\n- open: makes the agent open a door that it is in front of\n- pickup: makes the agent pick up the object that it is in front of\n- drop: makes the agent drop an item that it is holding\n- stay: makes the agent stay where it currently is for a timestep\n\nThe agent is represented by the following labels depending on which direction it is facing:\n- Facing left: <\n- Facing up: ^\n- Facing right: >\n- Facing down: v\n\nThe agent has full observability, meaning it can see the entire world\n\nIn this scenario, the agent has been tasked with visiting all of the objects in the grid world\n\nThis is the starting state of the board:\n```\n 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 \n0 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n1 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n2 | W O v O O O O O O O I W \n3 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n4 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n5 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n6 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n7 | W O O O O O O O G O O W \n8 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n9 | W O O O O O O O O H O W \n10 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n11 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n```\nThis list contains a sequence of actions taken by the agent\n(Step 1) The agent took action forward and is now at (2, 3) facing down\n(Step 2) The agent took action forward and is now at (2, 4) facing down\n(Step 3) The agent took action forward and is now at (2, 5) facing down\n(Step 4) The agent took action right and is now at (2, 5) facing left\n(Step 5) The agent took action forward and is now at (1, 5) facing left\n(Step 6) The agent took action forward and is now at (1, 5) facing left\n(Step 7) The agent took action right and is now at (1, 5) facing up\n(Step 8) The agent took action forward and is now at (1, 4) facing up\n(Step 9) The agent took action right and is now at (1, 4) facing right\n(Step 10) The agent took action forward and is now at (2, 4) facing right\n\nAfter having taken these actions, which item is the agent closer to?\nA: blue box\nB: red key\n\nPlease ONLY respond using the letter corresponding to your answer\nDo not generate any text other than the letter\n", "answer": "A" }, { "prompt": "This is a grid-like 2D world\nThe grid world consists of 12 rows and 12 columns, 0-based\nWe use (i,j) to represent the i-th column (from left to right) and j-th row (from top to bottom). \nThe following is a list of objects in this world. Each line starts with the object's position and is followed by its attributes\n(2, 6): ball, silver; represented by this label: G\n(3, 6): ball, green; represented by this label: H\n(5, 6): ball, orange; represented by this label: I\n\nWalls are depicted using the symbol W\n\nThere is an agent at (7, 10) facing left\n\nThe agent can take the following actions:\n- left: makes the agent face left of where it is currently facing\n- right: makes the agent face right of where it is currently facing\n- forward: makes the agent move one step in the direction it is currently facing\n- open: makes the agent open a door that it is in front of\n- pickup: makes the agent pick up the object that it is in front of\n- drop: makes the agent drop an item that it is holding\n- stay: makes the agent stay where it currently is for a timestep\n\nThe agent is represented by the following labels depending on which direction it is facing:\n- Facing left: <\n- Facing up: ^\n- Facing right: >\n- Facing down: v\n\nThe agent has full observability, meaning it can see the entire world\n\nIn this scenario, the agent has been tasked with visiting all of the objects in the grid world\n\nThis is the starting state of the board:\n```\n 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 \n0 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n1 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n2 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n3 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n4 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n5 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n6 | W O G H O I O O O O O W \n7 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n8 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n9 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n10 | W O O O O O O < O O O W \n11 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n```\nThis list contains a sequence of actions taken by the agent\n(Step 1) The agent took action forward and is now at (6, 10) facing left\n(Step 2) The agent took action forward and is now at (5, 10) facing left\n(Step 3) The agent took action right and is now at (5, 10) facing up\n(Step 4) The agent took action forward and is now at (5, 9) facing up\n(Step 5) The agent took action forward and is now at (5, 8) facing up\n(Step 6) The agent took action forward and is now at (5, 7) facing up\n(Step 7) The agent took action left and is now at (5, 7) facing left\n(Step 8) The agent took action forward and is now at (4, 7) facing left\n(Step 9) The agent took action forward and is now at (3, 7) facing left\n(Step 10) The agent took action forward and is now at (2, 7) facing left\n(Step 11) The agent took action right and is now at (2, 7) facing up\n\nAfter having taken these actions, which item is the agent closer to?\nA: orange ball\nB: silver ball\n\nPlease ONLY respond using the letter corresponding to your answer\nDo not generate any text other than the letter\n", "answer": "B" }, { "prompt": "This is a grid-like 2D world\nThe grid world consists of 12 rows and 12 columns, 0-based\nWe use (i,j) to represent the i-th column (from left to right) and j-th row (from top to bottom). \nThe following is a list of objects in this world. Each line starts with the object's position and is followed by its attributes\n(1, 4): ball, blue; represented by this label: G\n(6, 6): box, brown; represented by this label: H\n(9, 1): key, orange; represented by this label: I\n\nWalls are depicted using the symbol W\n\nThere is an agent at (3, 10) facing left\n\nThe agent can take the following actions:\n- left: makes the agent face left of where it is currently facing\n- right: makes the agent face right of where it is currently facing\n- forward: makes the agent move one step in the direction it is currently facing\n- open: makes the agent open a door that it is in front of\n- pickup: makes the agent pick up the object that it is in front of\n- drop: makes the agent drop an item that it is holding\n- stay: makes the agent stay where it currently is for a timestep\n\nThe agent is represented by the following labels depending on which direction it is facing:\n- Facing left: <\n- Facing up: ^\n- Facing right: >\n- Facing down: v\n\nThe agent has full observability, meaning it can see the entire world\n\nIn this scenario, the agent has been tasked with visiting all of the objects in the grid world\n\nThis is the starting state of the board:\n```\n 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 \n0 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n1 | W O O O O O O O O I O W \n2 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n3 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n4 | W G O O O O O O O O O W \n5 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n6 | W O O O O O H O O O O W \n7 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n8 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n9 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n10 | W O O < O O O O O O O W \n11 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n```\nThis list contains a sequence of actions taken by the agent\n(Step 1) The agent took action left and is now at (3, 10) facing down\n(Step 2) The agent took action forward and is now at (3, 10) facing down\n(Step 3) The agent took action right and is now at (3, 10) facing left\n(Step 4) The agent took action left and is now at (3, 10) facing down\n(Step 5) The agent took action forward and is now at (3, 10) facing down\n(Step 6) The agent took action right and is now at (3, 10) facing left\n(Step 7) The agent took action forward and is now at (2, 10) facing left\n(Step 8) The agent took action left and is now at (2, 10) facing down\n(Step 9) The agent took action forward and is now at (2, 10) facing down\n(Step 10) The agent took action forward and is now at (2, 10) facing down\n\nAfter having taken these actions, which item is the agent closer to?\nA: orange key\nB: blue ball\n\nPlease ONLY respond using the letter corresponding to your answer\nDo not generate any text other than the letter\n", "answer": "B" }, { "prompt": "This is a grid-like 2D world\nThe grid world consists of 12 rows and 12 columns, 0-based\nWe use (i,j) to represent the i-th column (from left to right) and j-th row (from top to bottom). \nThe following is a list of objects in this world. Each line starts with the object's position and is followed by its attributes\n(5, 1): ball, silver; represented by this label: G\n(7, 7): key, brown; represented by this label: H\n(10, 6): ball, paleblue; represented by this label: I\n\nWalls are depicted using the symbol W\n\nThere is an agent at (2, 8) facing right\n\nThe agent can take the following actions:\n- left: makes the agent face left of where it is currently facing\n- right: makes the agent face right of where it is currently facing\n- forward: makes the agent move one step in the direction it is currently facing\n- open: makes the agent open a door that it is in front of\n- pickup: makes the agent pick up the object that it is in front of\n- drop: makes the agent drop an item that it is holding\n- stay: makes the agent stay where it currently is for a timestep\n\nThe agent is represented by the following labels depending on which direction it is facing:\n- Facing left: <\n- Facing up: ^\n- Facing right: >\n- Facing down: v\n\nThe agent has full observability, meaning it can see the entire world\n\nIn this scenario, the agent has been tasked with visiting all of the objects in the grid world\n\nThis is the starting state of the board:\n```\n 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 \n0 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n1 | W O O O O G O O O O O W \n2 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n3 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n4 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n5 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n6 | W O O O O O O O O O I W \n7 | W O O O O O O H O O O W \n8 | W O > O O O O O O O O W \n9 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n10 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n11 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n```\nThis list contains a sequence of actions taken by the agent\n(Step 1) The agent took action left and is now at (2, 8) facing up\n(Step 2) The agent took action forward and is now at (2, 7) facing up\n(Step 3) The agent took action left and is now at (2, 7) facing left\n(Step 4) The agent took action forward and is now at (1, 7) facing left\n(Step 5) The agent took action left and is now at (1, 7) facing down\n(Step 6) The agent took action right and is now at (1, 7) facing left\n(Step 7) The agent took action right and is now at (1, 7) facing up\n(Step 8) The agent took action right and is now at (1, 7) facing right\n(Step 9) The agent took action forward and is now at (2, 7) facing right\n(Step 10) The agent took action left and is now at (2, 7) facing up\n\nAfter having taken these actions, which item is the agent closer to?\nA: brown key\nB: paleblue ball\n\nPlease ONLY respond using the letter corresponding to your answer\nDo not generate any text other than the letter\n", "answer": "A" }, { "prompt": "This is a grid-like 2D world\nThe grid world consists of 12 rows and 12 columns, 0-based\nWe use (i,j) to represent the i-th column (from left to right) and j-th row (from top to bottom). \nThe following is a list of objects in this world. Each line starts with the object's position and is followed by its attributes\n(3, 8): box, red; represented by this label: G\n(5, 5): key, orange; represented by this label: H\n(5, 8): ball, green; represented by this label: I\n\nWalls are depicted using the symbol W\n\nThere is an agent at (4, 5) facing down\n\nThe agent can take the following actions:\n- left: makes the agent face left of where it is currently facing\n- right: makes the agent face right of where it is currently facing\n- forward: makes the agent move one step in the direction it is currently facing\n- open: makes the agent open a door that it is in front of\n- pickup: makes the agent pick up the object that it is in front of\n- drop: makes the agent drop an item that it is holding\n- stay: makes the agent stay where it currently is for a timestep\n\nThe agent is represented by the following labels depending on which direction it is facing:\n- Facing left: <\n- Facing up: ^\n- Facing right: >\n- Facing down: v\n\nThe agent has full observability, meaning it can see the entire world\n\nIn this scenario, the agent has been tasked with visiting all of the objects in the grid world\n\nThis is the starting state of the board:\n```\n 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 \n0 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n1 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n2 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n3 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n4 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n5 | W O O O v H O O O O O W \n6 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n7 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n8 | W O O G O I O O O O O W \n9 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n10 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n11 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n```\nThis list contains a sequence of actions taken by the agent\n(Step 1) The agent took action right and is now at (4, 5) facing left\n(Step 2) The agent took action right and is now at (4, 5) facing up\n(Step 3) The agent took action right and is now at (4, 5) facing right\n(Step 4) The agent took action forward and is now at (4, 5) facing right\n(Step 5) The agent took action right and is now at (4, 5) facing down\n(Step 6) The agent took action left and is now at (4, 5) facing right\n(Step 7) The agent took action forward and is now at (4, 5) facing right\n(Step 8) The agent took action left and is now at (4, 5) facing up\n(Step 9) The agent took action left and is now at (4, 5) facing left\n(Step 10) The agent took action right and is now at (4, 5) facing up\n\nAfter having taken these actions, which item is the agent closer to?\nA: green ball\nB: orange key\n\nPlease ONLY respond using the letter corresponding to your answer\nDo not generate any text other than the letter\n", "answer": "B" }, { "prompt": "This is a grid-like 2D world\nThe grid world consists of 12 rows and 12 columns, 0-based\nWe use (i,j) to represent the i-th column (from left to right) and j-th row (from top to bottom). \nThe following is a list of objects in this world. Each line starts with the object's position and is followed by its attributes\n(1, 3): key, silver; represented by this label: G\n(9, 6): box, brown; represented by this label: H\n(10, 4): ball, silver; represented by this label: I\n\nWalls are depicted using the symbol W\n\nThere is an agent at (4, 8) facing left\n\nThe agent can take the following actions:\n- left: makes the agent face left of where it is currently facing\n- right: makes the agent face right of where it is currently facing\n- forward: makes the agent move one step in the direction it is currently facing\n- open: makes the agent open a door that it is in front of\n- pickup: makes the agent pick up the object that it is in front of\n- drop: makes the agent drop an item that it is holding\n- stay: makes the agent stay where it currently is for a timestep\n\nThe agent is represented by the following labels depending on which direction it is facing:\n- Facing left: <\n- Facing up: ^\n- Facing right: >\n- Facing down: v\n\nThe agent has full observability, meaning it can see the entire world\n\nIn this scenario, the agent has been tasked with visiting all of the objects in the grid world\n\nThis is the starting state of the board:\n```\n 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 \n0 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n1 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n2 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n3 | W G O O O O O O O O O W \n4 | W O O O O O O O O O I W \n5 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n6 | W O O O O O O O O H O W \n7 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n8 | W O O O < O O O O O O W \n9 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n10 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n11 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n```\nThis list contains a sequence of actions taken by the agent\n(Step 1) The agent took action right and is now at (4, 8) facing up\n(Step 2) The agent took action forward and is now at (4, 7) facing up\n(Step 3) The agent took action right and is now at (4, 7) facing right\n(Step 4) The agent took action forward and is now at (5, 7) facing right\n(Step 5) The agent took action left and is now at (5, 7) facing up\n(Step 6) The agent took action forward and is now at (5, 6) facing up\n(Step 7) The agent took action left and is now at (5, 6) facing left\n(Step 8) The agent took action forward and is now at (4, 6) facing left\n(Step 9) The agent took action right and is now at (4, 6) facing up\n(Step 10) The agent took action forward and is now at (4, 5) facing up\n\nAfter having taken these actions, which item is the agent closer to?\nA: silver key\nB: silver ball\n\nPlease ONLY respond using the letter corresponding to your answer\nDo not generate any text other than the letter\n", "answer": "A" }, { "prompt": "This is a grid-like 2D world\nThe grid world consists of 12 rows and 12 columns, 0-based\nWe use (i,j) to represent the i-th column (from left to right) and j-th row (from top to bottom). \nThe following is a list of objects in this world. Each line starts with the object's position and is followed by its attributes\n(5, 7): ball, silver; represented by this label: G\n(6, 1): key, grey; represented by this label: H\n(6, 9): ball, green; represented by this label: I\n\nWalls are depicted using the symbol W\n\nThere is an agent at (3, 5) facing up\n\nThe agent can take the following actions:\n- left: makes the agent face left of where it is currently facing\n- right: makes the agent face right of where it is currently facing\n- forward: makes the agent move one step in the direction it is currently facing\n- open: makes the agent open a door that it is in front of\n- pickup: makes the agent pick up the object that it is in front of\n- drop: makes the agent drop an item that it is holding\n- stay: makes the agent stay where it currently is for a timestep\n\nThe agent is represented by the following labels depending on which direction it is facing:\n- Facing left: <\n- Facing up: ^\n- Facing right: >\n- Facing down: v\n\nThe agent has full observability, meaning it can see the entire world\n\nIn this scenario, the agent has been tasked with visiting all of the objects in the grid world\n\nThis is the starting state of the board:\n```\n 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 \n0 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n1 | W O O O O O H O O O O W \n2 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n3 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n4 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n5 | W O O ^ O O O O O O O W \n6 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n7 | W O O O O G O O O O O W \n8 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n9 | W O O O O O I O O O O W \n10 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n11 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n```\nThis list contains a sequence of actions taken by the agent\n(Step 1) The agent took action right and is now at (3, 5) facing right\n(Step 2) The agent took action forward and is now at (4, 5) facing right\n(Step 3) The agent took action forward and is now at (5, 5) facing right\n(Step 4) The agent took action forward and is now at (6, 5) facing right\n(Step 5) The agent took action right and is now at (6, 5) facing down\n(Step 6) The agent took action forward and is now at (6, 6) facing down\n(Step 7) The agent took action forward and is now at (6, 7) facing down\n(Step 8) The agent took action forward and is now at (6, 8) facing down\n(Step 9) The agent took action right and is now at (6, 8) facing left\n(Step 10) The agent took action forward and is now at (5, 8) facing left\n(Step 11) The agent took action right and is now at (5, 8) facing up\n\nAfter having taken these actions, which item is the agent closer to?\nA: silver ball\nB: grey key\n\nPlease ONLY respond using the letter corresponding to your answer\nDo not generate any text other than the letter\n", "answer": "A" }, { "prompt": "This is a grid-like 2D world\nThe grid world consists of 12 rows and 12 columns, 0-based\nWe use (i,j) to represent the i-th column (from left to right) and j-th row (from top to bottom). \nThe following is a list of objects in this world. Each line starts with the object's position and is followed by its attributes\n(2, 2): ball, green; represented by this label: G\n(4, 8): key, paleblue; represented by this label: H\n(6, 9): box, paleblue; represented by this label: I\n\nWalls are depicted using the symbol W\n\nThere is an agent at (9, 9) facing down\n\nThe agent can take the following actions:\n- left: makes the agent face left of where it is currently facing\n- right: makes the agent face right of where it is currently facing\n- forward: makes the agent move one step in the direction it is currently facing\n- open: makes the agent open a door that it is in front of\n- pickup: makes the agent pick up the object that it is in front of\n- drop: makes the agent drop an item that it is holding\n- stay: makes the agent stay where it currently is for a timestep\n\nThe agent is represented by the following labels depending on which direction it is facing:\n- Facing left: <\n- Facing up: ^\n- Facing right: >\n- Facing down: v\n\nThe agent has full observability, meaning it can see the entire world\n\nIn this scenario, the agent has been tasked with visiting all of the objects in the grid world\n\nThis is the starting state of the board:\n```\n 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 \n0 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n1 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n2 | W O G O O O O O O O O W \n3 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n4 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n5 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n6 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n7 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n8 | W O O O H O O O O O O W \n9 | W O O O O O I O O v O W \n10 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n11 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n```\nThis list contains a sequence of actions taken by the agent\n(Step 1) The agent took action left and is now at (9, 9) facing right\n(Step 2) The agent took action left and is now at (9, 9) facing up\n(Step 3) The agent took action forward and is now at (9, 8) facing up\n(Step 4) The agent took action forward and is now at (9, 7) facing up\n(Step 5) The agent took action forward and is now at (9, 6) facing up\n(Step 6) The agent took action forward and is now at (9, 5) facing up\n(Step 7) The agent took action forward and is now at (9, 4) facing up\n(Step 8) The agent took action forward and is now at (9, 3) facing up\n(Step 9) The agent took action forward and is now at (9, 2) facing up\n(Step 10) The agent took action left and is now at (9, 2) facing left\n(Step 11) The agent took action forward and is now at (8, 2) facing left\n(Step 12) The agent took action forward and is now at (7, 2) facing left\n(Step 13) The agent took action forward and is now at (6, 2) facing left\n(Step 14) The agent took action forward and is now at (5, 2) facing left\n(Step 15) The agent took action forward and is now at (4, 2) facing left\n(Step 16) The agent took action forward and is now at (3, 2) facing left\n\nAfter having taken these actions, which item is the agent closer to?\nA: green ball\nB: paleblue box\n\nPlease ONLY respond using the letter corresponding to your answer\nDo not generate any text other than the letter\n", "answer": "A" }, { "prompt": "This is a grid-like 2D world\nThe grid world consists of 12 rows and 12 columns, 0-based\nWe use (i,j) to represent the i-th column (from left to right) and j-th row (from top to bottom). \nThe following is a list of objects in this world. Each line starts with the object's position and is followed by its attributes\n(3, 2): key, yellow; represented by this label: G\n(3, 7): box, yellow; represented by this label: H\n(3, 10): box, silver; represented by this label: I\n\nWalls are depicted using the symbol W\n\nThere is an agent at (1, 8) facing left\n\nThe agent can take the following actions:\n- left: makes the agent face left of where it is currently facing\n- right: makes the agent face right of where it is currently facing\n- forward: makes the agent move one step in the direction it is currently facing\n- open: makes the agent open a door that it is in front of\n- pickup: makes the agent pick up the object that it is in front of\n- drop: makes the agent drop an item that it is holding\n- stay: makes the agent stay where it currently is for a timestep\n\nThe agent is represented by the following labels depending on which direction it is facing:\n- Facing left: <\n- Facing up: ^\n- Facing right: >\n- Facing down: v\n\nThe agent has full observability, meaning it can see the entire world\n\nIn this scenario, the agent has been tasked with visiting all of the objects in the grid world\n\nThis is the starting state of the board:\n```\n 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 \n0 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n1 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n2 | W O O G O O O O O O O W \n3 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n4 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n5 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n6 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n7 | W O O H O O O O O O O W \n8 | W < O O O O O O O O O W \n9 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n10 | W O O I O O O O O O O W \n11 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n```\nThis list contains a sequence of actions taken by the agent\n(Step 1) The agent took action right and is now at (1, 8) facing up\n(Step 2) The agent took action forward and is now at (1, 7) facing up\n(Step 3) The agent took action right and is now at (1, 7) facing right\n(Step 4) The agent took action forward and is now at (2, 7) facing right\n\nAfter having taken these actions, which item is the agent closer to?\nA: yellow key\nB: yellow box\n\nPlease ONLY respond using the letter corresponding to your answer\nDo not generate any text other than the letter\n", "answer": "B" }, { "prompt": "This is a grid-like 2D world\nThe grid world consists of 12 rows and 12 columns, 0-based\nWe use (i,j) to represent the i-th column (from left to right) and j-th row (from top to bottom). \nThe following is a list of objects in this world. Each line starts with the object's position and is followed by its attributes\n(3, 6): ball, white; represented by this label: G\n(5, 3): ball, paleblue; represented by this label: H\n(8, 9): box, brown; represented by this label: I\n\nWalls are depicted using the symbol W\n\nThere is an agent at (8, 4) facing up\n\nThe agent can take the following actions:\n- left: makes the agent face left of where it is currently facing\n- right: makes the agent face right of where it is currently facing\n- forward: makes the agent move one step in the direction it is currently facing\n- open: makes the agent open a door that it is in front of\n- pickup: makes the agent pick up the object that it is in front of\n- drop: makes the agent drop an item that it is holding\n- stay: makes the agent stay where it currently is for a timestep\n\nThe agent is represented by the following labels depending on which direction it is facing:\n- Facing left: <\n- Facing up: ^\n- Facing right: >\n- Facing down: v\n\nThe agent has full observability, meaning it can see the entire world\n\nIn this scenario, the agent has been tasked with visiting all of the objects in the grid world\n\nThis is the starting state of the board:\n```\n 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 \n0 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n1 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n2 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n3 | W O O O O H O O O O O W \n4 | W O O O O O O O ^ O O W \n5 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n6 | W O O G O O O O O O O W \n7 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n8 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n9 | W O O O O O O O I O O W \n10 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n11 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n```\nThis list contains a sequence of actions taken by the agent\n(Step 1) The agent took action forward and is now at (8, 3) facing up\n(Step 2) The agent took action left and is now at (8, 3) facing left\n(Step 3) The agent took action forward and is now at (7, 3) facing left\n(Step 4) The agent took action forward and is now at (6, 3) facing left\n\nAfter having taken these actions, which item is the agent closer to?\nA: brown box\nB: paleblue ball\n\nPlease ONLY respond using the letter corresponding to your answer\nDo not generate any text other than the letter\n", "answer": "B" }, { "prompt": "This is a grid-like 2D world\nThe grid world consists of 12 rows and 12 columns, 0-based\nWe use (i,j) to represent the i-th column (from left to right) and j-th row (from top to bottom). \nThe following is a list of objects in this world. Each line starts with the object's position and is followed by its attributes\n(2, 5): ball, brown; represented by this label: G\n(3, 6): key, orange; represented by this label: H\n(9, 4): box, white; represented by this label: I\n\nWalls are depicted using the symbol W\n\nThere is an agent at (8, 9) facing right\n\nThe agent can take the following actions:\n- left: makes the agent face left of where it is currently facing\n- right: makes the agent face right of where it is currently facing\n- forward: makes the agent move one step in the direction it is currently facing\n- open: makes the agent open a door that it is in front of\n- pickup: makes the agent pick up the object that it is in front of\n- drop: makes the agent drop an item that it is holding\n- stay: makes the agent stay where it currently is for a timestep\n\nThe agent is represented by the following labels depending on which direction it is facing:\n- Facing left: <\n- Facing up: ^\n- Facing right: >\n- Facing down: v\n\nThe agent has full observability, meaning it can see the entire world\n\nIn this scenario, the agent has been tasked with visiting all of the objects in the grid world\n\nThis is the starting state of the board:\n```\n 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 \n0 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n1 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n2 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n3 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n4 | W O O O O O O O O I O W \n5 | W O G O O O O O O O O W \n6 | W O O H O O O O O O O W \n7 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n8 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n9 | W O O O O O O O > O O W \n10 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n11 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n```\nThis list contains a sequence of actions taken by the agent\n(Step 1) The agent took action left and is now at (8, 9) facing up\n(Step 2) The agent took action forward and is now at (8, 8) facing up\n(Step 3) The agent took action forward and is now at (8, 7) facing up\n(Step 4) The agent took action forward and is now at (8, 6) facing up\n(Step 5) The agent took action forward and is now at (8, 5) facing up\n(Step 6) The agent took action left and is now at (8, 5) facing left\n(Step 7) The agent took action forward and is now at (7, 5) facing left\n(Step 8) The agent took action forward and is now at (6, 5) facing left\n(Step 9) The agent took action forward and is now at (5, 5) facing left\n(Step 10) The agent took action forward and is now at (4, 5) facing left\n(Step 11) The agent took action forward and is now at (3, 5) facing left\n\nAfter having taken these actions, which item is the agent closer to?\nA: brown ball\nB: white box\n\nPlease ONLY respond using the letter corresponding to your answer\nDo not generate any text other than the letter\n", "answer": "A" }, { "prompt": "This is a grid-like 2D world\nThe grid world consists of 12 rows and 12 columns, 0-based\nWe use (i,j) to represent the i-th column (from left to right) and j-th row (from top to bottom). \nThe following is a list of objects in this world. Each line starts with the object's position and is followed by its attributes\n(1, 2): key, purple; represented by this label: G\n(8, 6): box, blue; represented by this label: H\n(10, 5): ball, grey; represented by this label: I\n\nWalls are depicted using the symbol W\n\nThere is an agent at (4, 10) facing up\n\nThe agent can take the following actions:\n- left: makes the agent face left of where it is currently facing\n- right: makes the agent face right of where it is currently facing\n- forward: makes the agent move one step in the direction it is currently facing\n- open: makes the agent open a door that it is in front of\n- pickup: makes the agent pick up the object that it is in front of\n- drop: makes the agent drop an item that it is holding\n- stay: makes the agent stay where it currently is for a timestep\n\nThe agent is represented by the following labels depending on which direction it is facing:\n- Facing left: <\n- Facing up: ^\n- Facing right: >\n- Facing down: v\n\nThe agent has full observability, meaning it can see the entire world\n\nIn this scenario, the agent has been tasked with visiting all of the objects in the grid world\n\nThis is the starting state of the board:\n```\n 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 \n0 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n1 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n2 | W G O O O O O O O O O W \n3 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n4 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n5 | W O O O O O O O O O I W \n6 | W O O O O O O O H O O W \n7 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n8 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n9 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n10 | W O O O ^ O O O O O O W \n11 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n```\nThis list contains a sequence of actions taken by the agent\n(Step 1) The agent took action forward and is now at (4, 9) facing up\n(Step 2) The agent took action forward and is now at (4, 8) facing up\n(Step 3) The agent took action forward and is now at (4, 7) facing up\n(Step 4) The agent took action forward and is now at (4, 6) facing up\n(Step 5) The agent took action forward and is now at (4, 5) facing up\n(Step 6) The agent took action forward and is now at (4, 4) facing up\n(Step 7) The agent took action forward and is now at (4, 3) facing up\n(Step 8) The agent took action forward and is now at (4, 2) facing up\n(Step 9) The agent took action left and is now at (4, 2) facing left\n(Step 10) The agent took action forward and is now at (3, 2) facing left\n(Step 11) The agent took action forward and is now at (2, 2) facing left\n\nAfter having taken these actions, which item is the agent closer to?\nA: grey ball\nB: purple key\n\nPlease ONLY respond using the letter corresponding to your answer\nDo not generate any text other than the letter\n", "answer": "B" }, { "prompt": "This is a grid-like 2D world\nThe grid world consists of 12 rows and 12 columns, 0-based\nWe use (i,j) to represent the i-th column (from left to right) and j-th row (from top to bottom). \nThe following is a list of objects in this world. Each line starts with the object's position and is followed by its attributes\n(8, 10): box, yellow; represented by this label: G\n(9, 6): box, brown; represented by this label: H\n(10, 4): ball, yellow; represented by this label: I\n\nWalls are depicted using the symbol W\n\nThere is an agent at (10, 6) facing down\n\nThe agent can take the following actions:\n- left: makes the agent face left of where it is currently facing\n- right: makes the agent face right of where it is currently facing\n- forward: makes the agent move one step in the direction it is currently facing\n- open: makes the agent open a door that it is in front of\n- pickup: makes the agent pick up the object that it is in front of\n- drop: makes the agent drop an item that it is holding\n- stay: makes the agent stay where it currently is for a timestep\n\nThe agent is represented by the following labels depending on which direction it is facing:\n- Facing left: <\n- Facing up: ^\n- Facing right: >\n- Facing down: v\n\nThe agent has full observability, meaning it can see the entire world\n\nIn this scenario, the agent has been tasked with visiting all of the objects in the grid world\n\nThis is the starting state of the board:\n```\n 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 \n0 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n1 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n2 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n3 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n4 | W O O O O O O O O O I W \n5 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n6 | W O O O O O O O O H v W \n7 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n8 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n9 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n10 | W O O O O O O O G O O W \n11 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n```\nThis list contains a sequence of actions taken by the agent\n(Step 1) The agent took action right and is now at (10, 6) facing left\n(Step 2) The agent took action right and is now at (10, 6) facing up\n(Step 3) The agent took action left and is now at (10, 6) facing left\n(Step 4) The agent took action forward and is now at (10, 6) facing left\n(Step 5) The agent took action left and is now at (10, 6) facing down\n(Step 6) The agent took action left and is now at (10, 6) facing right\n(Step 7) The agent took action left and is now at (10, 6) facing up\n(Step 8) The agent took action forward and is now at (10, 5) facing up\n(Step 9) The agent took action right and is now at (10, 5) facing right\n(Step 10) The agent took action forward and is now at (10, 5) facing right\n\nAfter having taken these actions, which item is the agent closer to?\nA: yellow box\nB: yellow ball\n\nPlease ONLY respond using the letter corresponding to your answer\nDo not generate any text other than the letter\n", "answer": "B" }, { "prompt": "This is a grid-like 2D world\nThe grid world consists of 12 rows and 12 columns, 0-based\nWe use (i,j) to represent the i-th column (from left to right) and j-th row (from top to bottom). \nThe following is a list of objects in this world. Each line starts with the object's position and is followed by its attributes\n(1, 2): key, silver; represented by this label: G\n(4, 3): ball, green; represented by this label: H\n(7, 3): box, purple; represented by this label: I\n\nWalls are depicted using the symbol W\n\nThere is an agent at (1, 8) facing left\n\nThe agent can take the following actions:\n- left: makes the agent face left of where it is currently facing\n- right: makes the agent face right of where it is currently facing\n- forward: makes the agent move one step in the direction it is currently facing\n- open: makes the agent open a door that it is in front of\n- pickup: makes the agent pick up the object that it is in front of\n- drop: makes the agent drop an item that it is holding\n- stay: makes the agent stay where it currently is for a timestep\n\nThe agent is represented by the following labels depending on which direction it is facing:\n- Facing left: <\n- Facing up: ^\n- Facing right: >\n- Facing down: v\n\nThe agent has full observability, meaning it can see the entire world\n\nIn this scenario, the agent has been tasked with visiting all of the objects in the grid world\n\nThis is the starting state of the board:\n```\n 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 \n0 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n1 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n2 | W G O O O O O O O O O W \n3 | W O O O H O O I O O O W \n4 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n5 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n6 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n7 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n8 | W < O O O O O O O O O W \n9 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n10 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n11 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n```\nThis list contains a sequence of actions taken by the agent\n(Step 1) The agent took action right and is now at (1, 8) facing up\n(Step 2) The agent took action forward and is now at (1, 7) facing up\n(Step 3) The agent took action forward and is now at (1, 6) facing up\n(Step 4) The agent took action forward and is now at (1, 5) facing up\n(Step 5) The agent took action forward and is now at (1, 4) facing up\n(Step 6) The agent took action forward and is now at (1, 3) facing up\n(Step 7) The agent took action right and is now at (1, 3) facing right\n(Step 8) The agent took action forward and is now at (2, 3) facing right\n(Step 9) The agent took action forward and is now at (3, 3) facing right\n\nAfter having taken these actions, which item is the agent closer to?\nA: green ball\nB: purple box\n\nPlease ONLY respond using the letter corresponding to your answer\nDo not generate any text other than the letter\n", "answer": "A" }, { "prompt": "This is a grid-like 2D world\nThe grid world consists of 12 rows and 12 columns, 0-based\nWe use (i,j) to represent the i-th column (from left to right) and j-th row (from top to bottom). \nThe following is a list of objects in this world. Each line starts with the object's position and is followed by its attributes\n(5, 9): ball, grey; represented by this label: G\n(7, 1): key, white; represented by this label: H\n(10, 10): box, yellow; represented by this label: I\n\nWalls are depicted using the symbol W\n\nThere is an agent at (10, 2) facing left\n\nThe agent can take the following actions:\n- left: makes the agent face left of where it is currently facing\n- right: makes the agent face right of where it is currently facing\n- forward: makes the agent move one step in the direction it is currently facing\n- open: makes the agent open a door that it is in front of\n- pickup: makes the agent pick up the object that it is in front of\n- drop: makes the agent drop an item that it is holding\n- stay: makes the agent stay where it currently is for a timestep\n\nThe agent is represented by the following labels depending on which direction it is facing:\n- Facing left: <\n- Facing up: ^\n- Facing right: >\n- Facing down: v\n\nThe agent has full observability, meaning it can see the entire world\n\nIn this scenario, the agent has been tasked with visiting all of the objects in the grid world\n\nThis is the starting state of the board:\n```\n 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 \n0 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n1 | W O O O O O O H O O O W \n2 | W O O O O O O O O O < W \n3 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n4 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n5 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n6 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n7 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n8 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n9 | W O O O O G O O O O O W \n10 | W O O O O O O O O O I W \n11 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n```\nThis list contains a sequence of actions taken by the agent\n(Step 1) The agent took action left and is now at (10, 2) facing down\n(Step 2) The agent took action right and is now at (10, 2) facing left\n(Step 3) The agent took action right and is now at (10, 2) facing up\n(Step 4) The agent took action left and is now at (10, 2) facing left\n(Step 5) The agent took action left and is now at (10, 2) facing down\n(Step 6) The agent took action left and is now at (10, 2) facing right\n(Step 7) The agent took action left and is now at (10, 2) facing up\n(Step 8) The agent took action forward and is now at (10, 1) facing up\n(Step 9) The agent took action left and is now at (10, 1) facing left\n(Step 10) The agent took action left and is now at (10, 1) facing down\n\nAfter having taken these actions, which item is the agent closer to?\nA: white key\nB: grey ball\n\nPlease ONLY respond using the letter corresponding to your answer\nDo not generate any text other than the letter\n", "answer": "A" }, { "prompt": "This is a grid-like 2D world\nThe grid world consists of 12 rows and 12 columns, 0-based\nWe use (i,j) to represent the i-th column (from left to right) and j-th row (from top to bottom). \nThe following is a list of objects in this world. Each line starts with the object's position and is followed by its attributes\n(4, 3): box, paleblue; represented by this label: G\n(7, 9): key, purple; represented by this label: H\n(9, 9): box, brown; represented by this label: I\n\nWalls are depicted using the symbol W\n\nThere is an agent at (1, 10) facing down\n\nThe agent can take the following actions:\n- left: makes the agent face left of where it is currently facing\n- right: makes the agent face right of where it is currently facing\n- forward: makes the agent move one step in the direction it is currently facing\n- open: makes the agent open a door that it is in front of\n- pickup: makes the agent pick up the object that it is in front of\n- drop: makes the agent drop an item that it is holding\n- stay: makes the agent stay where it currently is for a timestep\n\nThe agent is represented by the following labels depending on which direction it is facing:\n- Facing left: <\n- Facing up: ^\n- Facing right: >\n- Facing down: v\n\nThe agent has full observability, meaning it can see the entire world\n\nIn this scenario, the agent has been tasked with visiting all of the objects in the grid world\n\nThis is the starting state of the board:\n```\n 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 \n0 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n1 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n2 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n3 | W O O O G O O O O O O W \n4 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n5 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n6 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n7 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n8 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n9 | W O O O O O O H O I O W \n10 | W v O O O O O O O O O W \n11 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n```\nThis list contains a sequence of actions taken by the agent\n(Step 1) The agent took action right and is now at (1, 10) facing left\n(Step 2) The agent took action forward and is now at (1, 10) facing left\n(Step 3) The agent took action left and is now at (1, 10) facing down\n(Step 4) The agent took action forward and is now at (1, 10) facing down\n(Step 5) The agent took action forward and is now at (1, 10) facing down\n(Step 6) The agent took action left and is now at (1, 10) facing right\n(Step 7) The agent took action forward and is now at (2, 10) facing right\n(Step 8) The agent took action right and is now at (2, 10) facing down\n(Step 9) The agent took action right and is now at (2, 10) facing left\n(Step 10) The agent took action forward and is now at (1, 10) facing left\n\nAfter having taken these actions, which item is the agent closer to?\nA: paleblue box\nB: purple key\n\nPlease ONLY respond using the letter corresponding to your answer\nDo not generate any text other than the letter\n", "answer": "B" }, { "prompt": "This is a grid-like 2D world\nThe grid world consists of 12 rows and 12 columns, 0-based\nWe use (i,j) to represent the i-th column (from left to right) and j-th row (from top to bottom). \nThe following is a list of objects in this world. Each line starts with the object's position and is followed by its attributes\n(4, 8): box, silver; represented by this label: G\n(5, 9): ball, silver; represented by this label: H\n(10, 7): key, grey; represented by this label: I\n\nWalls are depicted using the symbol W\n\nThere is an agent at (8, 1) facing up\n\nThe agent can take the following actions:\n- left: makes the agent face left of where it is currently facing\n- right: makes the agent face right of where it is currently facing\n- forward: makes the agent move one step in the direction it is currently facing\n- open: makes the agent open a door that it is in front of\n- pickup: makes the agent pick up the object that it is in front of\n- drop: makes the agent drop an item that it is holding\n- stay: makes the agent stay where it currently is for a timestep\n\nThe agent is represented by the following labels depending on which direction it is facing:\n- Facing left: <\n- Facing up: ^\n- Facing right: >\n- Facing down: v\n\nThe agent has full observability, meaning it can see the entire world\n\nIn this scenario, the agent has been tasked with visiting all of the objects in the grid world\n\nThis is the starting state of the board:\n```\n 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 \n0 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n1 | W O O O O O O O ^ O O W \n2 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n3 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n4 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n5 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n6 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n7 | W O O O O O O O O O I W \n8 | W O O O G O O O O O O W \n9 | W O O O O H O O O O O W \n10 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n11 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n```\nThis list contains a sequence of actions taken by the agent\n(Step 1) The agent took action forward and is now at (8, 1) facing up\n(Step 2) The agent took action right and is now at (8, 1) facing right\n(Step 3) The agent took action forward and is now at (9, 1) facing right\n(Step 4) The agent took action forward and is now at (10, 1) facing right\n(Step 5) The agent took action left and is now at (10, 1) facing up\n(Step 6) The agent took action left and is now at (10, 1) facing left\n(Step 7) The agent took action right and is now at (10, 1) facing up\n(Step 8) The agent took action forward and is now at (10, 1) facing up\n(Step 9) The agent took action forward and is now at (10, 1) facing up\n(Step 10) The agent took action forward and is now at (10, 1) facing up\n\nAfter having taken these actions, which item is the agent closer to?\nA: silver ball\nB: grey key\n\nPlease ONLY respond using the letter corresponding to your answer\nDo not generate any text other than the letter\n", "answer": "B" }, { "prompt": "This is a grid-like 2D world\nThe grid world consists of 12 rows and 12 columns, 0-based\nWe use (i,j) to represent the i-th column (from left to right) and j-th row (from top to bottom). \nThe following is a list of objects in this world. Each line starts with the object's position and is followed by its attributes\n(3, 10): ball, grey; represented by this label: G\n(4, 1): box, yellow; represented by this label: H\n(5, 1): box, silver; represented by this label: I\n\nWalls are depicted using the symbol W\n\nThere is an agent at (5, 4) facing left\n\nThe agent can take the following actions:\n- left: makes the agent face left of where it is currently facing\n- right: makes the agent face right of where it is currently facing\n- forward: makes the agent move one step in the direction it is currently facing\n- open: makes the agent open a door that it is in front of\n- pickup: makes the agent pick up the object that it is in front of\n- drop: makes the agent drop an item that it is holding\n- stay: makes the agent stay where it currently is for a timestep\n\nThe agent is represented by the following labels depending on which direction it is facing:\n- Facing left: <\n- Facing up: ^\n- Facing right: >\n- Facing down: v\n\nThe agent has full observability, meaning it can see the entire world\n\nIn this scenario, the agent has been tasked with visiting all of the objects in the grid world\n\nThis is the starting state of the board:\n```\n 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 \n0 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n1 | W O O O H I O O O O O W \n2 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n3 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n4 | W O O O O < O O O O O W \n5 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n6 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n7 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n8 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n9 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n10 | W O O G O O O O O O O W \n11 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n```\nThis list contains a sequence of actions taken by the agent\n(Step 1) The agent took action right and is now at (5, 4) facing up\n(Step 2) The agent took action forward and is now at (5, 3) facing up\n(Step 3) The agent took action forward and is now at (5, 2) facing up\n(Step 4) The agent took action forward and is now at (5, 2) facing up\n(Step 5) The agent took action left and is now at (5, 2) facing left\n(Step 6) The agent took action forward and is now at (4, 2) facing left\n(Step 7) The agent took action forward and is now at (3, 2) facing left\n(Step 8) The agent took action forward and is now at (2, 2) facing left\n(Step 9) The agent took action forward and is now at (1, 2) facing left\n(Step 10) The agent took action left and is now at (1, 2) facing down\n\nAfter having taken these actions, which item is the agent closer to?\nA: yellow box\nB: grey ball\n\nPlease ONLY respond using the letter corresponding to your answer\nDo not generate any text other than the letter\n", "answer": "A" }, { "prompt": "This is a grid-like 2D world\nThe grid world consists of 12 rows and 12 columns, 0-based\nWe use (i,j) to represent the i-th column (from left to right) and j-th row (from top to bottom). \nThe following is a list of objects in this world. Each line starts with the object's position and is followed by its attributes\n(4, 3): box, paleblue; represented by this label: G\n(5, 2): ball, purple; represented by this label: H\n(6, 8): key, purple; represented by this label: I\n\nWalls are depicted using the symbol W\n\nThere is an agent at (3, 10) facing up\n\nThe agent can take the following actions:\n- left: makes the agent face left of where it is currently facing\n- right: makes the agent face right of where it is currently facing\n- forward: makes the agent move one step in the direction it is currently facing\n- open: makes the agent open a door that it is in front of\n- pickup: makes the agent pick up the object that it is in front of\n- drop: makes the agent drop an item that it is holding\n- stay: makes the agent stay where it currently is for a timestep\n\nThe agent is represented by the following labels depending on which direction it is facing:\n- Facing left: <\n- Facing up: ^\n- Facing right: >\n- Facing down: v\n\nThe agent has full observability, meaning it can see the entire world\n\nIn this scenario, the agent has been tasked with visiting all of the objects in the grid world\n\nThis is the starting state of the board:\n```\n 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 \n0 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n1 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n2 | W O O O O H O O O O O W \n3 | W O O O G O O O O O O W \n4 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n5 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n6 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n7 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n8 | W O O O O O I O O O O W \n9 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n10 | W O O ^ O O O O O O O W \n11 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n```\nThis list contains a sequence of actions taken by the agent\n(Step 1) The agent took action right and is now at (3, 10) facing right\n(Step 2) The agent took action forward and is now at (4, 10) facing right\n(Step 3) The agent took action forward and is now at (5, 10) facing right\n(Step 4) The agent took action right and is now at (5, 10) facing down\n(Step 5) The agent took action right and is now at (5, 10) facing left\n(Step 6) The agent took action right and is now at (5, 10) facing up\n(Step 7) The agent took action forward and is now at (5, 9) facing up\n(Step 8) The agent took action forward and is now at (5, 8) facing up\n(Step 9) The agent took action right and is now at (5, 8) facing right\n(Step 10) The agent took action right and is now at (5, 8) facing down\n\nAfter having taken these actions, which item is the agent closer to?\nA: purple key\nB: purple ball\n\nPlease ONLY respond using the letter corresponding to your answer\nDo not generate any text other than the letter\n", "answer": "A" }, { "prompt": "This is a grid-like 2D world\nThe grid world consists of 12 rows and 12 columns, 0-based\nWe use (i,j) to represent the i-th column (from left to right) and j-th row (from top to bottom). \nThe following is a list of objects in this world. Each line starts with the object's position and is followed by its attributes\n(4, 9): box, white; represented by this label: G\n(7, 7): box, orange; represented by this label: H\n(10, 7): box, silver; represented by this label: I\n\nWalls are depicted using the symbol W\n\nThere is an agent at (4, 5) facing up\n\nThe agent can take the following actions:\n- left: makes the agent face left of where it is currently facing\n- right: makes the agent face right of where it is currently facing\n- forward: makes the agent move one step in the direction it is currently facing\n- open: makes the agent open a door that it is in front of\n- pickup: makes the agent pick up the object that it is in front of\n- drop: makes the agent drop an item that it is holding\n- stay: makes the agent stay where it currently is for a timestep\n\nThe agent is represented by the following labels depending on which direction it is facing:\n- Facing left: <\n- Facing up: ^\n- Facing right: >\n- Facing down: v\n\nThe agent has full observability, meaning it can see the entire world\n\nIn this scenario, the agent has been tasked with visiting all of the objects in the grid world\n\nThis is the starting state of the board:\n```\n 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 \n0 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n1 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n2 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n3 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n4 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n5 | W O O O ^ O O O O O O W \n6 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n7 | W O O O O O O H O O I W \n8 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n9 | W O O O G O O O O O O W \n10 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n11 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n```\nThis list contains a sequence of actions taken by the agent\n(Step 1) The agent took action right and is now at (4, 5) facing right\n(Step 2) The agent took action forward and is now at (5, 5) facing right\n(Step 3) The agent took action forward and is now at (6, 5) facing right\n(Step 4) The agent took action forward and is now at (7, 5) facing right\n(Step 5) The agent took action right and is now at (7, 5) facing down\n(Step 6) The agent took action forward and is now at (7, 6) facing down\n(Step 7) The agent took action right and is now at (7, 6) facing left\n(Step 8) The agent took action forward and is now at (6, 6) facing left\n(Step 9) The agent took action forward and is now at (5, 6) facing left\n(Step 10) The agent took action forward and is now at (4, 6) facing left\n(Step 11) The agent took action left and is now at (4, 6) facing down\n(Step 12) The agent took action forward and is now at (4, 7) facing down\n(Step 13) The agent took action forward and is now at (4, 8) facing down\n\nAfter having taken these actions, which item is the agent closer to?\nA: white box\nB: silver box\n\nPlease ONLY respond using the letter corresponding to your answer\nDo not generate any text other than the letter\n", "answer": "A" }, { "prompt": "This is a grid-like 2D world\nThe grid world consists of 12 rows and 12 columns, 0-based\nWe use (i,j) to represent the i-th column (from left to right) and j-th row (from top to bottom). \nThe following is a list of objects in this world. Each line starts with the object's position and is followed by its attributes\n(1, 5): box, brown; represented by this label: G\n(4, 6): key, grey; represented by this label: H\n(10, 9): ball, grey; represented by this label: I\n\nWalls are depicted using the symbol W\n\nThere is an agent at (3, 3) facing up\n\nThe agent can take the following actions:\n- left: makes the agent face left of where it is currently facing\n- right: makes the agent face right of where it is currently facing\n- forward: makes the agent move one step in the direction it is currently facing\n- open: makes the agent open a door that it is in front of\n- pickup: makes the agent pick up the object that it is in front of\n- drop: makes the agent drop an item that it is holding\n- stay: makes the agent stay where it currently is for a timestep\n\nThe agent is represented by the following labels depending on which direction it is facing:\n- Facing left: <\n- Facing up: ^\n- Facing right: >\n- Facing down: v\n\nThe agent has full observability, meaning it can see the entire world\n\nIn this scenario, the agent has been tasked with visiting all of the objects in the grid world\n\nThis is the starting state of the board:\n```\n 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 \n0 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n1 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n2 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n3 | W O O ^ O O O O O O O W \n4 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n5 | W G O O O O O O O O O W \n6 | W O O O H O O O O O O W \n7 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n8 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n9 | W O O O O O O O O O I W \n10 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n11 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n```\nThis list contains a sequence of actions taken by the agent\n(Step 1) The agent took action right and is now at (3, 3) facing right\n(Step 2) The agent took action forward and is now at (4, 3) facing right\n(Step 3) The agent took action forward and is now at (5, 3) facing right\n(Step 4) The agent took action forward and is now at (6, 3) facing right\n(Step 5) The agent took action forward and is now at (7, 3) facing right\n(Step 6) The agent took action forward and is now at (8, 3) facing right\n(Step 7) The agent took action forward and is now at (9, 3) facing right\n(Step 8) The agent took action forward and is now at (10, 3) facing right\n(Step 9) The agent took action right and is now at (10, 3) facing down\n(Step 10) The agent took action forward and is now at (10, 4) facing down\n(Step 11) The agent took action forward and is now at (10, 5) facing down\n(Step 12) The agent took action forward and is now at (10, 6) facing down\n(Step 13) The agent took action forward and is now at (10, 7) facing down\n(Step 14) The agent took action forward and is now at (10, 8) facing down\n\nAfter having taken these actions, which item is the agent closer to?\nA: brown box\nB: grey ball\n\nPlease ONLY respond using the letter corresponding to your answer\nDo not generate any text other than the letter\n", "answer": "B" }, { "prompt": "This is a grid-like 2D world\nThe grid world consists of 12 rows and 12 columns, 0-based\nWe use (i,j) to represent the i-th column (from left to right) and j-th row (from top to bottom). \nThe following is a list of objects in this world. Each line starts with the object's position and is followed by its attributes\n(3, 9): key, red; represented by this label: G\n(4, 4): box, silver; represented by this label: H\n(10, 10): box, yellow; represented by this label: I\n\nWalls are depicted using the symbol W\n\nThere is an agent at (2, 4) facing right\n\nThe agent can take the following actions:\n- left: makes the agent face left of where it is currently facing\n- right: makes the agent face right of where it is currently facing\n- forward: makes the agent move one step in the direction it is currently facing\n- open: makes the agent open a door that it is in front of\n- pickup: makes the agent pick up the object that it is in front of\n- drop: makes the agent drop an item that it is holding\n- stay: makes the agent stay where it currently is for a timestep\n\nThe agent is represented by the following labels depending on which direction it is facing:\n- Facing left: <\n- Facing up: ^\n- Facing right: >\n- Facing down: v\n\nThe agent has full observability, meaning it can see the entire world\n\nIn this scenario, the agent has been tasked with visiting all of the objects in the grid world\n\nThis is the starting state of the board:\n```\n 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 \n0 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n1 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n2 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n3 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n4 | W O > O H O O O O O O W \n5 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n6 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n7 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n8 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n9 | W O O G O O O O O O O W \n10 | W O O O O O O O O O I W \n11 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n```\nThis list contains a sequence of actions taken by the agent\n(Step 1) The agent took action right and is now at (2, 4) facing down\n(Step 2) The agent took action left and is now at (2, 4) facing right\n(Step 3) The agent took action right and is now at (2, 4) facing down\n(Step 4) The agent took action right and is now at (2, 4) facing left\n(Step 5) The agent took action left and is now at (2, 4) facing down\n(Step 6) The agent took action forward and is now at (2, 5) facing down\n(Step 7) The agent took action left and is now at (2, 5) facing right\n(Step 8) The agent took action forward and is now at (3, 5) facing right\n(Step 9) The agent took action right and is now at (3, 5) facing down\n(Step 10) The agent took action right and is now at (3, 5) facing left\n\nAfter having taken these actions, which item is the agent closer to?\nA: silver box\nB: yellow box\n\nPlease ONLY respond using the letter corresponding to your answer\nDo not generate any text other than the letter\n", "answer": "A" }, { "prompt": "This is a grid-like 2D world\nThe grid world consists of 12 rows and 12 columns, 0-based\nWe use (i,j) to represent the i-th column (from left to right) and j-th row (from top to bottom). \nThe following is a list of objects in this world. Each line starts with the object's position and is followed by its attributes\n(3, 7): ball, blue; represented by this label: G\n(5, 8): key, white; represented by this label: H\n(6, 2): key, silver; represented by this label: I\n\nWalls are depicted using the symbol W\n\nThere is an agent at (9, 4) facing up\n\nThe agent can take the following actions:\n- left: makes the agent face left of where it is currently facing\n- right: makes the agent face right of where it is currently facing\n- forward: makes the agent move one step in the direction it is currently facing\n- open: makes the agent open a door that it is in front of\n- pickup: makes the agent pick up the object that it is in front of\n- drop: makes the agent drop an item that it is holding\n- stay: makes the agent stay where it currently is for a timestep\n\nThe agent is represented by the following labels depending on which direction it is facing:\n- Facing left: <\n- Facing up: ^\n- Facing right: >\n- Facing down: v\n\nThe agent has full observability, meaning it can see the entire world\n\nIn this scenario, the agent has been tasked with visiting all of the objects in the grid world\n\nThis is the starting state of the board:\n```\n 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 \n0 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n1 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n2 | W O O O O O I O O O O W \n3 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n4 | W O O O O O O O O ^ O W \n5 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n6 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n7 | W O O G O O O O O O O W \n8 | W O O O O H O O O O O W \n9 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n10 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n11 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n```\nThis list contains a sequence of actions taken by the agent\n(Step 1) The agent took action left and is now at (9, 4) facing left\n(Step 2) The agent took action forward and is now at (8, 4) facing left\n(Step 3) The agent took action forward and is now at (7, 4) facing left\n(Step 4) The agent took action forward and is now at (6, 4) facing left\n(Step 5) The agent took action forward and is now at (5, 4) facing left\n(Step 6) The agent took action left and is now at (5, 4) facing down\n(Step 7) The agent took action forward and is now at (5, 5) facing down\n(Step 8) The agent took action forward and is now at (5, 6) facing down\n(Step 9) The agent took action forward and is now at (5, 7) facing down\n\nAfter having taken these actions, which item is the agent closer to?\nA: white key\nB: silver key\n\nPlease ONLY respond using the letter corresponding to your answer\nDo not generate any text other than the letter\n", "answer": "A" }, { "prompt": "This is a grid-like 2D world\nThe grid world consists of 12 rows and 12 columns, 0-based\nWe use (i,j) to represent the i-th column (from left to right) and j-th row (from top to bottom). \nThe following is a list of objects in this world. Each line starts with the object's position and is followed by its attributes\n(2, 3): box, green; represented by this label: G\n(7, 3): box, grey; represented by this label: H\n(10, 6): key, green; represented by this label: I\n\nWalls are depicted using the symbol W\n\nThere is an agent at (2, 2) facing left\n\nThe agent can take the following actions:\n- left: makes the agent face left of where it is currently facing\n- right: makes the agent face right of where it is currently facing\n- forward: makes the agent move one step in the direction it is currently facing\n- open: makes the agent open a door that it is in front of\n- pickup: makes the agent pick up the object that it is in front of\n- drop: makes the agent drop an item that it is holding\n- stay: makes the agent stay where it currently is for a timestep\n\nThe agent is represented by the following labels depending on which direction it is facing:\n- Facing left: <\n- Facing up: ^\n- Facing right: >\n- Facing down: v\n\nThe agent has full observability, meaning it can see the entire world\n\nIn this scenario, the agent has been tasked with visiting all of the objects in the grid world\n\nThis is the starting state of the board:\n```\n 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 \n0 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n1 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n2 | W O < O O O O O O O O W \n3 | W O G O O O O H O O O W \n4 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n5 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n6 | W O O O O O O O O O I W \n7 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n8 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n9 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n10 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n11 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n```\nThis list contains a sequence of actions taken by the agent\n(Step 1) The agent took action left and is now at (2, 2) facing down\n(Step 2) The agent took action right and is now at (2, 2) facing left\n(Step 3) The agent took action forward and is now at (1, 2) facing left\n(Step 4) The agent took action right and is now at (1, 2) facing up\n(Step 5) The agent took action forward and is now at (1, 1) facing up\n(Step 6) The agent took action right and is now at (1, 1) facing right\n(Step 7) The agent took action forward and is now at (2, 1) facing right\n(Step 8) The agent took action forward and is now at (3, 1) facing right\n(Step 9) The agent took action right and is now at (3, 1) facing down\n(Step 10) The agent took action forward and is now at (3, 2) facing down\n\nAfter having taken these actions, which item is the agent closer to?\nA: green box\nB: green key\n\nPlease ONLY respond using the letter corresponding to your answer\nDo not generate any text other than the letter\n", "answer": "A" }, { "prompt": "This is a grid-like 2D world\nThe grid world consists of 12 rows and 12 columns, 0-based\nWe use (i,j) to represent the i-th column (from left to right) and j-th row (from top to bottom). \nThe following is a list of objects in this world. Each line starts with the object's position and is followed by its attributes\n(1, 7): box, red; represented by this label: G\n(5, 10): key, purple; represented by this label: H\n(7, 3): box, yellow; represented by this label: I\n\nWalls are depicted using the symbol W\n\nThere is an agent at (6, 6) facing left\n\nThe agent can take the following actions:\n- left: makes the agent face left of where it is currently facing\n- right: makes the agent face right of where it is currently facing\n- forward: makes the agent move one step in the direction it is currently facing\n- open: makes the agent open a door that it is in front of\n- pickup: makes the agent pick up the object that it is in front of\n- drop: makes the agent drop an item that it is holding\n- stay: makes the agent stay where it currently is for a timestep\n\nThe agent is represented by the following labels depending on which direction it is facing:\n- Facing left: <\n- Facing up: ^\n- Facing right: >\n- Facing down: v\n\nThe agent has full observability, meaning it can see the entire world\n\nIn this scenario, the agent has been tasked with visiting all of the objects in the grid world\n\nThis is the starting state of the board:\n```\n 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 \n0 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n1 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n2 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n3 | W O O O O O O I O O O W \n4 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n5 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n6 | W O O O O O < O O O O W \n7 | W G O O O O O O O O O W \n8 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n9 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n10 | W O O O O H O O O O O W \n11 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n```\nThis list contains a sequence of actions taken by the agent\n(Step 1) The agent took action forward and is now at (5, 6) facing left\n(Step 2) The agent took action forward and is now at (4, 6) facing left\n(Step 3) The agent took action forward and is now at (3, 6) facing left\n(Step 4) The agent took action forward and is now at (2, 6) facing left\n(Step 5) The agent took action forward and is now at (1, 6) facing left\n(Step 6) The agent took action left and is now at (1, 6) facing down\n\nAfter having taken these actions, which item is the agent closer to?\nA: yellow box\nB: red box\n\nPlease ONLY respond using the letter corresponding to your answer\nDo not generate any text other than the letter\n", "answer": "B" }, { "prompt": "This is a grid-like 2D world\nThe grid world consists of 12 rows and 12 columns, 0-based\nWe use (i,j) to represent the i-th column (from left to right) and j-th row (from top to bottom). \nThe following is a list of objects in this world. Each line starts with the object's position and is followed by its attributes\n(2, 6): key, white; represented by this label: G\n(4, 3): key, paleblue; represented by this label: H\n(7, 4): ball, green; represented by this label: I\n\nWalls are depicted using the symbol W\n\nThere is an agent at (8, 8) facing left\n\nThe agent can take the following actions:\n- left: makes the agent face left of where it is currently facing\n- right: makes the agent face right of where it is currently facing\n- forward: makes the agent move one step in the direction it is currently facing\n- open: makes the agent open a door that it is in front of\n- pickup: makes the agent pick up the object that it is in front of\n- drop: makes the agent drop an item that it is holding\n- stay: makes the agent stay where it currently is for a timestep\n\nThe agent is represented by the following labels depending on which direction it is facing:\n- Facing left: <\n- Facing up: ^\n- Facing right: >\n- Facing down: v\n\nThe agent has full observability, meaning it can see the entire world\n\nIn this scenario, the agent has been tasked with visiting all of the objects in the grid world\n\nThis is the starting state of the board:\n```\n 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 \n0 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n1 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n2 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n3 | W O O O H O O O O O O W \n4 | W O O O O O O I O O O W \n5 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n6 | W O G O O O O O O O O W \n7 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n8 | W O O O O O O O < O O W \n9 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n10 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n11 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n```\nThis list contains a sequence of actions taken by the agent\n(Step 1) The agent took action forward and is now at (7, 8) facing left\n(Step 2) The agent took action right and is now at (7, 8) facing up\n(Step 3) The agent took action forward and is now at (7, 7) facing up\n(Step 4) The agent took action forward and is now at (7, 6) facing up\n(Step 5) The agent took action forward and is now at (7, 5) facing up\n\nAfter having taken these actions, which item is the agent closer to?\nA: white key\nB: green ball\n\nPlease ONLY respond using the letter corresponding to your answer\nDo not generate any text other than the letter\n", "answer": "B" }, { "prompt": "This is a grid-like 2D world\nThe grid world consists of 12 rows and 12 columns, 0-based\nWe use (i,j) to represent the i-th column (from left to right) and j-th row (from top to bottom). \nThe following is a list of objects in this world. Each line starts with the object's position and is followed by its attributes\n(8, 7): box, white; represented by this label: G\n(9, 5): ball, red; represented by this label: H\n(10, 8): ball, brown; represented by this label: I\n\nWalls are depicted using the symbol W\n\nThere is an agent at (7, 8) facing down\n\nThe agent can take the following actions:\n- left: makes the agent face left of where it is currently facing\n- right: makes the agent face right of where it is currently facing\n- forward: makes the agent move one step in the direction it is currently facing\n- open: makes the agent open a door that it is in front of\n- pickup: makes the agent pick up the object that it is in front of\n- drop: makes the agent drop an item that it is holding\n- stay: makes the agent stay where it currently is for a timestep\n\nThe agent is represented by the following labels depending on which direction it is facing:\n- Facing left: <\n- Facing up: ^\n- Facing right: >\n- Facing down: v\n\nThe agent has full observability, meaning it can see the entire world\n\nIn this scenario, the agent has been tasked with visiting all of the objects in the grid world\n\nThis is the starting state of the board:\n```\n 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 \n0 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n1 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n2 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n3 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n4 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n5 | W O O O O O O O O H O W \n6 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n7 | W O O O O O O O G O O W \n8 | W O O O O O O v O O I W \n9 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n10 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n11 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n```\nThis list contains a sequence of actions taken by the agent\n(Step 1) The agent took action left and is now at (7, 8) facing right\n(Step 2) The agent took action forward and is now at (8, 8) facing right\n(Step 3) The agent took action forward and is now at (9, 8) facing right\n(Step 4) The agent took action left and is now at (9, 8) facing up\n(Step 5) The agent took action forward and is now at (9, 7) facing up\n(Step 6) The agent took action left and is now at (9, 7) facing left\n\nAfter having taken these actions, which item is the agent closer to?\nA: white box\nB: brown ball\n\nPlease ONLY respond using the letter corresponding to your answer\nDo not generate any text other than the letter\n", "answer": "A" }, { "prompt": "This is a grid-like 2D world\nThe grid world consists of 12 rows and 12 columns, 0-based\nWe use (i,j) to represent the i-th column (from left to right) and j-th row (from top to bottom). \nThe following is a list of objects in this world. Each line starts with the object's position and is followed by its attributes\n(3, 1): ball, white; represented by this label: G\n(7, 10): box, blue; represented by this label: H\n(10, 1): ball, paleblue; represented by this label: I\n\nWalls are depicted using the symbol W\n\nThere is an agent at (3, 5) facing down\n\nThe agent can take the following actions:\n- left: makes the agent face left of where it is currently facing\n- right: makes the agent face right of where it is currently facing\n- forward: makes the agent move one step in the direction it is currently facing\n- open: makes the agent open a door that it is in front of\n- pickup: makes the agent pick up the object that it is in front of\n- drop: makes the agent drop an item that it is holding\n- stay: makes the agent stay where it currently is for a timestep\n\nThe agent is represented by the following labels depending on which direction it is facing:\n- Facing left: <\n- Facing up: ^\n- Facing right: >\n- Facing down: v\n\nThe agent has full observability, meaning it can see the entire world\n\nIn this scenario, the agent has been tasked with visiting all of the objects in the grid world\n\nThis is the starting state of the board:\n```\n 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 \n0 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n1 | W O O G O O O O O O I W \n2 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n3 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n4 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n5 | W O O v O O O O O O O W \n6 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n7 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n8 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n9 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n10 | W O O O O O O H O O O W \n11 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n```\nThis list contains a sequence of actions taken by the agent\n(Step 1) The agent took action forward and is now at (3, 6) facing down\n(Step 2) The agent took action forward and is now at (3, 7) facing down\n(Step 3) The agent took action forward and is now at (3, 8) facing down\n(Step 4) The agent took action forward and is now at (3, 9) facing down\n(Step 5) The agent took action forward and is now at (3, 10) facing down\n(Step 6) The agent took action left and is now at (3, 10) facing right\n(Step 7) The agent took action forward and is now at (4, 10) facing right\n(Step 8) The agent took action forward and is now at (5, 10) facing right\n(Step 9) The agent took action forward and is now at (6, 10) facing right\n\nAfter having taken these actions, which item is the agent closer to?\nA: paleblue ball\nB: blue box\n\nPlease ONLY respond using the letter corresponding to your answer\nDo not generate any text other than the letter\n", "answer": "B" }, { "prompt": "This is a grid-like 2D world\nThe grid world consists of 12 rows and 12 columns, 0-based\nWe use (i,j) to represent the i-th column (from left to right) and j-th row (from top to bottom). \nThe following is a list of objects in this world. Each line starts with the object's position and is followed by its attributes\n(1, 8): box, brown; represented by this label: G\n(3, 10): key, purple; represented by this label: H\n(4, 7): key, paleblue; represented by this label: I\n\nWalls are depicted using the symbol W\n\nThere is an agent at (4, 2) facing left\n\nThe agent can take the following actions:\n- left: makes the agent face left of where it is currently facing\n- right: makes the agent face right of where it is currently facing\n- forward: makes the agent move one step in the direction it is currently facing\n- open: makes the agent open a door that it is in front of\n- pickup: makes the agent pick up the object that it is in front of\n- drop: makes the agent drop an item that it is holding\n- stay: makes the agent stay where it currently is for a timestep\n\nThe agent is represented by the following labels depending on which direction it is facing:\n- Facing left: <\n- Facing up: ^\n- Facing right: >\n- Facing down: v\n\nThe agent has full observability, meaning it can see the entire world\n\nIn this scenario, the agent has been tasked with visiting all of the objects in the grid world\n\nThis is the starting state of the board:\n```\n 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 \n0 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n1 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n2 | W O O O < O O O O O O W \n3 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n4 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n5 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n6 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n7 | W O O O I O O O O O O W \n8 | W G O O O O O O O O O W \n9 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n10 | W O O H O O O O O O O W \n11 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n```\nThis list contains a sequence of actions taken by the agent\n(Step 1) The agent took action forward and is now at (3, 2) facing left\n(Step 2) The agent took action left and is now at (3, 2) facing down\n(Step 3) The agent took action forward and is now at (3, 3) facing down\n(Step 4) The agent took action right and is now at (3, 3) facing left\n(Step 5) The agent took action left and is now at (3, 3) facing down\n(Step 6) The agent took action forward and is now at (3, 4) facing down\n(Step 7) The agent took action forward and is now at (3, 5) facing down\n(Step 8) The agent took action forward and is now at (3, 6) facing down\n(Step 9) The agent took action left and is now at (3, 6) facing right\n(Step 10) The agent took action left and is now at (3, 6) facing up\n\nAfter having taken these actions, which item is the agent closer to?\nA: paleblue key\nB: purple key\n\nPlease ONLY respond using the letter corresponding to your answer\nDo not generate any text other than the letter\n", "answer": "A" }, { "prompt": "This is a grid-like 2D world\nThe grid world consists of 12 rows and 12 columns, 0-based\nWe use (i,j) to represent the i-th column (from left to right) and j-th row (from top to bottom). \nThe following is a list of objects in this world. Each line starts with the object's position and is followed by its attributes\n(1, 9): key, yellow; represented by this label: G\n(4, 4): key, brown; represented by this label: H\n(4, 8): key, purple; represented by this label: I\n\nWalls are depicted using the symbol W\n\nThere is an agent at (6, 9) facing up\n\nThe agent can take the following actions:\n- left: makes the agent face left of where it is currently facing\n- right: makes the agent face right of where it is currently facing\n- forward: makes the agent move one step in the direction it is currently facing\n- open: makes the agent open a door that it is in front of\n- pickup: makes the agent pick up the object that it is in front of\n- drop: makes the agent drop an item that it is holding\n- stay: makes the agent stay where it currently is for a timestep\n\nThe agent is represented by the following labels depending on which direction it is facing:\n- Facing left: <\n- Facing up: ^\n- Facing right: >\n- Facing down: v\n\nThe agent has full observability, meaning it can see the entire world\n\nIn this scenario, the agent has been tasked with visiting all of the objects in the grid world\n\nThis is the starting state of the board:\n```\n 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 \n0 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n1 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n2 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n3 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n4 | W O O O H O O O O O O W \n5 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n6 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n7 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n8 | W O O O I O O O O O O W \n9 | W G O O O O ^ O O O O W \n10 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n11 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n```\nThis list contains a sequence of actions taken by the agent\n(Step 1) The agent took action left and is now at (6, 9) facing left\n(Step 2) The agent took action forward and is now at (5, 9) facing left\n(Step 3) The agent took action forward and is now at (4, 9) facing left\n(Step 4) The agent took action forward and is now at (3, 9) facing left\n(Step 5) The agent took action forward and is now at (2, 9) facing left\n(Step 6) The agent took action right and is now at (2, 9) facing up\n(Step 7) The agent took action forward and is now at (2, 8) facing up\n(Step 8) The agent took action right and is now at (2, 8) facing right\n(Step 9) The agent took action forward and is now at (3, 8) facing right\n\nAfter having taken these actions, which item is the agent closer to?\nA: purple key\nB: brown key\n\nPlease ONLY respond using the letter corresponding to your answer\nDo not generate any text other than the letter\n", "answer": "A" }, { "prompt": "This is a grid-like 2D world\nThe grid world consists of 12 rows and 12 columns, 0-based\nWe use (i,j) to represent the i-th column (from left to right) and j-th row (from top to bottom). \nThe following is a list of objects in this world. Each line starts with the object's position and is followed by its attributes\n(7, 1): box, red; represented by this label: G\n(8, 7): ball, yellow; represented by this label: H\n(9, 7): key, green; represented by this label: I\n\nWalls are depicted using the symbol W\n\nThere is an agent at (2, 1) facing down\n\nThe agent can take the following actions:\n- left: makes the agent face left of where it is currently facing\n- right: makes the agent face right of where it is currently facing\n- forward: makes the agent move one step in the direction it is currently facing\n- open: makes the agent open a door that it is in front of\n- pickup: makes the agent pick up the object that it is in front of\n- drop: makes the agent drop an item that it is holding\n- stay: makes the agent stay where it currently is for a timestep\n\nThe agent is represented by the following labels depending on which direction it is facing:\n- Facing left: <\n- Facing up: ^\n- Facing right: >\n- Facing down: v\n\nThe agent has full observability, meaning it can see the entire world\n\nIn this scenario, the agent has been tasked with visiting all of the objects in the grid world\n\nThis is the starting state of the board:\n```\n 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 \n0 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n1 | W O v O O O O G O O O W \n2 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n3 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n4 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n5 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n6 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n7 | W O O O O O O O H I O W \n8 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n9 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n10 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n11 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n```\nThis list contains a sequence of actions taken by the agent\n(Step 1) The agent took action left and is now at (2, 1) facing right\n(Step 2) The agent took action forward and is now at (3, 1) facing right\n(Step 3) The agent took action forward and is now at (4, 1) facing right\n(Step 4) The agent took action forward and is now at (5, 1) facing right\n(Step 5) The agent took action forward and is now at (6, 1) facing right\n\nAfter having taken these actions, which item is the agent closer to?\nA: green key\nB: red box\n\nPlease ONLY respond using the letter corresponding to your answer\nDo not generate any text other than the letter\n", "answer": "B" }, { "prompt": "This is a grid-like 2D world\nThe grid world consists of 12 rows and 12 columns, 0-based\nWe use (i,j) to represent the i-th column (from left to right) and j-th row (from top to bottom). \nThe following is a list of objects in this world. Each line starts with the object's position and is followed by its attributes\n(4, 1): ball, red; represented by this label: G\n(7, 6): ball, blue; represented by this label: H\n(10, 3): ball, paleblue; represented by this label: I\n\nWalls are depicted using the symbol W\n\nThere is an agent at (7, 5) facing left\n\nThe agent can take the following actions:\n- left: makes the agent face left of where it is currently facing\n- right: makes the agent face right of where it is currently facing\n- forward: makes the agent move one step in the direction it is currently facing\n- open: makes the agent open a door that it is in front of\n- pickup: makes the agent pick up the object that it is in front of\n- drop: makes the agent drop an item that it is holding\n- stay: makes the agent stay where it currently is for a timestep\n\nThe agent is represented by the following labels depending on which direction it is facing:\n- Facing left: <\n- Facing up: ^\n- Facing right: >\n- Facing down: v\n\nThe agent has full observability, meaning it can see the entire world\n\nIn this scenario, the agent has been tasked with visiting all of the objects in the grid world\n\nThis is the starting state of the board:\n```\n 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 \n0 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n1 | W O O O G O O O O O O W \n2 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n3 | W O O O O O O O O O I W \n4 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n5 | W O O O O O O < O O O W \n6 | W O O O O O O H O O O W \n7 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n8 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n9 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n10 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n11 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n```\nThis list contains a sequence of actions taken by the agent\n(Step 1) The agent took action forward and is now at (6, 5) facing left\n(Step 2) The agent took action forward and is now at (5, 5) facing left\n(Step 3) The agent took action forward and is now at (4, 5) facing left\n(Step 4) The agent took action right and is now at (4, 5) facing up\n(Step 5) The agent took action forward and is now at (4, 4) facing up\n(Step 6) The agent took action forward and is now at (4, 3) facing up\n(Step 7) The agent took action forward and is now at (4, 2) facing up\n(Step 8) The agent took action right and is now at (4, 2) facing right\n(Step 9) The agent took action forward and is now at (5, 2) facing right\n(Step 10) The agent took action forward and is now at (6, 2) facing right\n(Step 11) The agent took action forward and is now at (7, 2) facing right\n(Step 12) The agent took action right and is now at (7, 2) facing down\n(Step 13) The agent took action forward and is now at (7, 3) facing down\n(Step 14) The agent took action forward and is now at (7, 4) facing down\n(Step 15) The agent took action forward and is now at (7, 5) facing down\n\nAfter having taken these actions, which item is the agent closer to?\nA: red ball\nB: blue ball\n\nPlease ONLY respond using the letter corresponding to your answer\nDo not generate any text other than the letter\n", "answer": "B" }, { "prompt": "This is a grid-like 2D world\nThe grid world consists of 12 rows and 12 columns, 0-based\nWe use (i,j) to represent the i-th column (from left to right) and j-th row (from top to bottom). \nThe following is a list of objects in this world. Each line starts with the object's position and is followed by its attributes\n(2, 5): box, green; represented by this label: G\n(2, 10): box, white; represented by this label: H\n(5, 3): key, paleblue; represented by this label: I\n\nWalls are depicted using the symbol W\n\nThere is an agent at (7, 5) facing down\n\nThe agent can take the following actions:\n- left: makes the agent face left of where it is currently facing\n- right: makes the agent face right of where it is currently facing\n- forward: makes the agent move one step in the direction it is currently facing\n- open: makes the agent open a door that it is in front of\n- pickup: makes the agent pick up the object that it is in front of\n- drop: makes the agent drop an item that it is holding\n- stay: makes the agent stay where it currently is for a timestep\n\nThe agent is represented by the following labels depending on which direction it is facing:\n- Facing left: <\n- Facing up: ^\n- Facing right: >\n- Facing down: v\n\nThe agent has full observability, meaning it can see the entire world\n\nIn this scenario, the agent has been tasked with visiting all of the objects in the grid world\n\nThis is the starting state of the board:\n```\n 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 \n0 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n1 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n2 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n3 | W O O O O I O O O O O W \n4 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n5 | W O G O O O O v O O O W \n6 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n7 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n8 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n9 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n10 | W O H O O O O O O O O W \n11 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n```\nThis list contains a sequence of actions taken by the agent\n(Step 1) The agent took action right and is now at (7, 5) facing left\n(Step 2) The agent took action forward and is now at (6, 5) facing left\n(Step 3) The agent took action forward and is now at (5, 5) facing left\n(Step 4) The agent took action right and is now at (5, 5) facing up\n(Step 5) The agent took action forward and is now at (5, 4) facing up\n(Step 6) The agent took action left and is now at (5, 4) facing left\n(Step 7) The agent took action forward and is now at (4, 4) facing left\n(Step 8) The agent took action forward and is now at (3, 4) facing left\n(Step 9) The agent took action left and is now at (3, 4) facing down\n(Step 10) The agent took action forward and is now at (3, 5) facing down\n(Step 11) The agent took action forward and is now at (3, 6) facing down\n(Step 12) The agent took action forward and is now at (3, 7) facing down\n(Step 13) The agent took action forward and is now at (3, 8) facing down\n(Step 14) The agent took action forward and is now at (3, 9) facing down\n(Step 15) The agent took action forward and is now at (3, 10) facing down\n(Step 16) The agent took action right and is now at (3, 10) facing left\n\nAfter having taken these actions, which item is the agent closer to?\nA: white box\nB: paleblue key\n\nPlease ONLY respond using the letter corresponding to your answer\nDo not generate any text other than the letter\n", "answer": "A" }, { "prompt": "This is a grid-like 2D world\nThe grid world consists of 12 rows and 12 columns, 0-based\nWe use (i,j) to represent the i-th column (from left to right) and j-th row (from top to bottom). \nThe following is a list of objects in this world. Each line starts with the object's position and is followed by its attributes\n(1, 1): key, blue; represented by this label: G\n(2, 2): box, purple; represented by this label: H\n(4, 3): ball, silver; represented by this label: I\n\nWalls are depicted using the symbol W\n\nThere is an agent at (6, 1) facing up\n\nThe agent can take the following actions:\n- left: makes the agent face left of where it is currently facing\n- right: makes the agent face right of where it is currently facing\n- forward: makes the agent move one step in the direction it is currently facing\n- open: makes the agent open a door that it is in front of\n- pickup: makes the agent pick up the object that it is in front of\n- drop: makes the agent drop an item that it is holding\n- stay: makes the agent stay where it currently is for a timestep\n\nThe agent is represented by the following labels depending on which direction it is facing:\n- Facing left: <\n- Facing up: ^\n- Facing right: >\n- Facing down: v\n\nThe agent has full observability, meaning it can see the entire world\n\nIn this scenario, the agent has been tasked with visiting all of the objects in the grid world\n\nThis is the starting state of the board:\n```\n 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 \n0 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n1 | W G O O O O ^ O O O O W \n2 | W O H O O O O O O O O W \n3 | W O O O I O O O O O O W \n4 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n5 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n6 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n7 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n8 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n9 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n10 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n11 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n```\nThis list contains a sequence of actions taken by the agent\n(Step 1) The agent took action left and is now at (6, 1) facing left\n(Step 2) The agent took action forward and is now at (5, 1) facing left\n(Step 3) The agent took action forward and is now at (4, 1) facing left\n(Step 4) The agent took action left and is now at (4, 1) facing down\n(Step 5) The agent took action forward and is now at (4, 2) facing down\n\nAfter having taken these actions, which item is the agent closer to?\nA: blue key\nB: silver ball\n\nPlease ONLY respond using the letter corresponding to your answer\nDo not generate any text other than the letter\n", "answer": "B" }, { "prompt": "This is a grid-like 2D world\nThe grid world consists of 12 rows and 12 columns, 0-based\nWe use (i,j) to represent the i-th column (from left to right) and j-th row (from top to bottom). \nThe following is a list of objects in this world. Each line starts with the object's position and is followed by its attributes\n(4, 1): ball, blue; represented by this label: G\n(4, 5): key, white; represented by this label: H\n(8, 1): key, red; represented by this label: I\n\nWalls are depicted using the symbol W\n\nThere is an agent at (9, 9) facing down\n\nThe agent can take the following actions:\n- left: makes the agent face left of where it is currently facing\n- right: makes the agent face right of where it is currently facing\n- forward: makes the agent move one step in the direction it is currently facing\n- open: makes the agent open a door that it is in front of\n- pickup: makes the agent pick up the object that it is in front of\n- drop: makes the agent drop an item that it is holding\n- stay: makes the agent stay where it currently is for a timestep\n\nThe agent is represented by the following labels depending on which direction it is facing:\n- Facing left: <\n- Facing up: ^\n- Facing right: >\n- Facing down: v\n\nThe agent has full observability, meaning it can see the entire world\n\nIn this scenario, the agent has been tasked with visiting all of the objects in the grid world\n\nThis is the starting state of the board:\n```\n 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 \n0 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n1 | W O O O G O O O I O O W \n2 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n3 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n4 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n5 | W O O O H O O O O O O W \n6 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n7 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n8 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n9 | W O O O O O O O O v O W \n10 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n11 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n```\nThis list contains a sequence of actions taken by the agent\n(Step 1) The agent took action right and is now at (9, 9) facing left\n(Step 2) The agent took action forward and is now at (8, 9) facing left\n(Step 3) The agent took action right and is now at (8, 9) facing up\n(Step 4) The agent took action forward and is now at (8, 8) facing up\n(Step 5) The agent took action forward and is now at (8, 7) facing up\n(Step 6) The agent took action forward and is now at (8, 6) facing up\n(Step 7) The agent took action forward and is now at (8, 5) facing up\n(Step 8) The agent took action forward and is now at (8, 4) facing up\n(Step 9) The agent took action forward and is now at (8, 3) facing up\n(Step 10) The agent took action forward and is now at (8, 2) facing up\n\nAfter having taken these actions, which item is the agent closer to?\nA: red key\nB: white key\n\nPlease ONLY respond using the letter corresponding to your answer\nDo not generate any text other than the letter\n", "answer": "A" }, { "prompt": "This is a grid-like 2D world\nThe grid world consists of 12 rows and 12 columns, 0-based\nWe use (i,j) to represent the i-th column (from left to right) and j-th row (from top to bottom). \nThe following is a list of objects in this world. Each line starts with the object's position and is followed by its attributes\n(5, 6): box, silver; represented by this label: G\n(5, 10): ball, grey; represented by this label: H\n(10, 9): box, yellow; represented by this label: I\n\nWalls are depicted using the symbol W\n\nThere is an agent at (10, 1) facing down\n\nThe agent can take the following actions:\n- left: makes the agent face left of where it is currently facing\n- right: makes the agent face right of where it is currently facing\n- forward: makes the agent move one step in the direction it is currently facing\n- open: makes the agent open a door that it is in front of\n- pickup: makes the agent pick up the object that it is in front of\n- drop: makes the agent drop an item that it is holding\n- stay: makes the agent stay where it currently is for a timestep\n\nThe agent is represented by the following labels depending on which direction it is facing:\n- Facing left: <\n- Facing up: ^\n- Facing right: >\n- Facing down: v\n\nThe agent has full observability, meaning it can see the entire world\n\nIn this scenario, the agent has been tasked with visiting all of the objects in the grid world\n\nThis is the starting state of the board:\n```\n 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 \n0 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n1 | W O O O O O O O O O v W \n2 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n3 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n4 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n5 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n6 | W O O O O G O O O O O W \n7 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n8 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n9 | W O O O O O O O O O I W \n10 | W O O O O H O O O O O W \n11 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n```\nThis list contains a sequence of actions taken by the agent\n(Step 1) The agent took action forward and is now at (10, 2) facing down\n(Step 2) The agent took action forward and is now at (10, 3) facing down\n(Step 3) The agent took action forward and is now at (10, 4) facing down\n(Step 4) The agent took action forward and is now at (10, 5) facing down\n(Step 5) The agent took action forward and is now at (10, 6) facing down\n(Step 6) The agent took action forward and is now at (10, 7) facing down\n(Step 7) The agent took action forward and is now at (10, 8) facing down\n(Step 8) The agent took action right and is now at (10, 8) facing left\n(Step 9) The agent took action forward and is now at (9, 8) facing left\n(Step 10) The agent took action forward and is now at (8, 8) facing left\n(Step 11) The agent took action forward and is now at (7, 8) facing left\n(Step 12) The agent took action forward and is now at (6, 8) facing left\n(Step 13) The agent took action forward and is now at (5, 8) facing left\n(Step 14) The agent took action left and is now at (5, 8) facing down\n(Step 15) The agent took action forward and is now at (5, 9) facing down\n\nAfter having taken these actions, which item is the agent closer to?\nA: grey ball\nB: yellow box\n\nPlease ONLY respond using the letter corresponding to your answer\nDo not generate any text other than the letter\n", "answer": "A" }, { "prompt": "This is a grid-like 2D world\nThe grid world consists of 12 rows and 12 columns, 0-based\nWe use (i,j) to represent the i-th column (from left to right) and j-th row (from top to bottom). \nThe following is a list of objects in this world. Each line starts with the object's position and is followed by its attributes\n(4, 5): box, white; represented by this label: G\n(7, 9): box, blue; represented by this label: H\n(10, 9): ball, silver; represented by this label: I\n\nWalls are depicted using the symbol W\n\nThere is an agent at (8, 2) facing up\n\nThe agent can take the following actions:\n- left: makes the agent face left of where it is currently facing\n- right: makes the agent face right of where it is currently facing\n- forward: makes the agent move one step in the direction it is currently facing\n- open: makes the agent open a door that it is in front of\n- pickup: makes the agent pick up the object that it is in front of\n- drop: makes the agent drop an item that it is holding\n- stay: makes the agent stay where it currently is for a timestep\n\nThe agent is represented by the following labels depending on which direction it is facing:\n- Facing left: <\n- Facing up: ^\n- Facing right: >\n- Facing down: v\n\nThe agent has full observability, meaning it can see the entire world\n\nIn this scenario, the agent has been tasked with visiting all of the objects in the grid world\n\nThis is the starting state of the board:\n```\n 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 \n0 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n1 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n2 | W O O O O O O O ^ O O W \n3 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n4 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n5 | W O O O G O O O O O O W \n6 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n7 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n8 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n9 | W O O O O O O H O O I W \n10 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n11 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n```\nThis list contains a sequence of actions taken by the agent\n(Step 1) The agent took action forward and is now at (8, 1) facing up\n(Step 2) The agent took action forward and is now at (8, 1) facing up\n(Step 3) The agent took action right and is now at (8, 1) facing right\n(Step 4) The agent took action forward and is now at (9, 1) facing right\n(Step 5) The agent took action right and is now at (9, 1) facing down\n(Step 6) The agent took action forward and is now at (9, 2) facing down\n(Step 7) The agent took action left and is now at (9, 2) facing right\n(Step 8) The agent took action forward and is now at (10, 2) facing right\n(Step 9) The agent took action right and is now at (10, 2) facing down\n(Step 10) The agent took action left and is now at (10, 2) facing right\n\nAfter having taken these actions, which item is the agent closer to?\nA: blue box\nB: silver ball\n\nPlease ONLY respond using the letter corresponding to your answer\nDo not generate any text other than the letter\n", "answer": "B" }, { "prompt": "This is a grid-like 2D world\nThe grid world consists of 12 rows and 12 columns, 0-based\nWe use (i,j) to represent the i-th column (from left to right) and j-th row (from top to bottom). \nThe following is a list of objects in this world. Each line starts with the object's position and is followed by its attributes\n(3, 3): box, purple; represented by this label: G\n(4, 1): key, blue; represented by this label: H\n(10, 7): ball, red; represented by this label: I\n\nWalls are depicted using the symbol W\n\nThere is an agent at (9, 4) facing right\n\nThe agent can take the following actions:\n- left: makes the agent face left of where it is currently facing\n- right: makes the agent face right of where it is currently facing\n- forward: makes the agent move one step in the direction it is currently facing\n- open: makes the agent open a door that it is in front of\n- pickup: makes the agent pick up the object that it is in front of\n- drop: makes the agent drop an item that it is holding\n- stay: makes the agent stay where it currently is for a timestep\n\nThe agent is represented by the following labels depending on which direction it is facing:\n- Facing left: <\n- Facing up: ^\n- Facing right: >\n- Facing down: v\n\nThe agent has full observability, meaning it can see the entire world\n\nIn this scenario, the agent has been tasked with visiting all of the objects in the grid world\n\nThis is the starting state of the board:\n```\n 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 \n0 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n1 | W O O O H O O O O O O W \n2 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n3 | W O O G O O O O O O O W \n4 | W O O O O O O O O > O W \n5 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n6 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n7 | W O O O O O O O O O I W \n8 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n9 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n10 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n11 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n```\nThis list contains a sequence of actions taken by the agent\n(Step 1) The agent took action forward and is now at (10, 4) facing right\n(Step 2) The agent took action right and is now at (10, 4) facing down\n(Step 3) The agent took action forward and is now at (10, 5) facing down\n(Step 4) The agent took action forward and is now at (10, 6) facing down\n\nAfter having taken these actions, which item is the agent closer to?\nA: blue key\nB: red ball\n\nPlease ONLY respond using the letter corresponding to your answer\nDo not generate any text other than the letter\n", "answer": "B" }, { "prompt": "This is a grid-like 2D world\nThe grid world consists of 12 rows and 12 columns, 0-based\nWe use (i,j) to represent the i-th column (from left to right) and j-th row (from top to bottom). \nThe following is a list of objects in this world. Each line starts with the object's position and is followed by its attributes\n(2, 7): key, red; represented by this label: G\n(5, 6): box, purple; represented by this label: H\n(6, 2): ball, blue; represented by this label: I\n\nWalls are depicted using the symbol W\n\nThere is an agent at (5, 4) facing left\n\nThe agent can take the following actions:\n- left: makes the agent face left of where it is currently facing\n- right: makes the agent face right of where it is currently facing\n- forward: makes the agent move one step in the direction it is currently facing\n- open: makes the agent open a door that it is in front of\n- pickup: makes the agent pick up the object that it is in front of\n- drop: makes the agent drop an item that it is holding\n- stay: makes the agent stay where it currently is for a timestep\n\nThe agent is represented by the following labels depending on which direction it is facing:\n- Facing left: <\n- Facing up: ^\n- Facing right: >\n- Facing down: v\n\nThe agent has full observability, meaning it can see the entire world\n\nIn this scenario, the agent has been tasked with visiting all of the objects in the grid world\n\nThis is the starting state of the board:\n```\n 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 \n0 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n1 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n2 | W O O O O O I O O O O W \n3 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n4 | W O O O O < O O O O O W \n5 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n6 | W O O O O H O O O O O W \n7 | W O G O O O O O O O O W \n8 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n9 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n10 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n11 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n```\nThis list contains a sequence of actions taken by the agent\n(Step 1) The agent took action forward and is now at (4, 4) facing left\n(Step 2) The agent took action right and is now at (4, 4) facing up\n(Step 3) The agent took action left and is now at (4, 4) facing left\n(Step 4) The agent took action left and is now at (4, 4) facing down\n(Step 5) The agent took action forward and is now at (4, 5) facing down\n(Step 6) The agent took action forward and is now at (4, 6) facing down\n(Step 7) The agent took action left and is now at (4, 6) facing right\n(Step 8) The agent took action forward and is now at (4, 6) facing right\n(Step 9) The agent took action right and is now at (4, 6) facing down\n(Step 10) The agent took action forward and is now at (4, 7) facing down\n\nAfter having taken these actions, which item is the agent closer to?\nA: red key\nB: blue ball\n\nPlease ONLY respond using the letter corresponding to your answer\nDo not generate any text other than the letter\n", "answer": "A" }, { "prompt": "This is a grid-like 2D world\nThe grid world consists of 12 rows and 12 columns, 0-based\nWe use (i,j) to represent the i-th column (from left to right) and j-th row (from top to bottom). \nThe following is a list of objects in this world. Each line starts with the object's position and is followed by its attributes\n(1, 6): key, yellow; represented by this label: G\n(9, 6): box, red; represented by this label: H\n(9, 7): box, paleblue; represented by this label: I\n\nWalls are depicted using the symbol W\n\nThere is an agent at (6, 1) facing left\n\nThe agent can take the following actions:\n- left: makes the agent face left of where it is currently facing\n- right: makes the agent face right of where it is currently facing\n- forward: makes the agent move one step in the direction it is currently facing\n- open: makes the agent open a door that it is in front of\n- pickup: makes the agent pick up the object that it is in front of\n- drop: makes the agent drop an item that it is holding\n- stay: makes the agent stay where it currently is for a timestep\n\nThe agent is represented by the following labels depending on which direction it is facing:\n- Facing left: <\n- Facing up: ^\n- Facing right: >\n- Facing down: v\n\nThe agent has full observability, meaning it can see the entire world\n\nIn this scenario, the agent has been tasked with visiting all of the objects in the grid world\n\nThis is the starting state of the board:\n```\n 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 \n0 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n1 | W O O O O O < O O O O W \n2 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n3 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n4 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n5 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n6 | W G O O O O O O O H O W \n7 | W O O O O O O O O I O W \n8 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n9 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n10 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n11 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n```\nThis list contains a sequence of actions taken by the agent\n(Step 1) The agent took action left and is now at (6, 1) facing down\n(Step 2) The agent took action right and is now at (6, 1) facing left\n(Step 3) The agent took action left and is now at (6, 1) facing down\n(Step 4) The agent took action right and is now at (6, 1) facing left\n(Step 5) The agent took action left and is now at (6, 1) facing down\n(Step 6) The agent took action right and is now at (6, 1) facing left\n(Step 7) The agent took action forward and is now at (5, 1) facing left\n(Step 8) The agent took action forward and is now at (4, 1) facing left\n(Step 9) The agent took action right and is now at (4, 1) facing up\n(Step 10) The agent took action forward and is now at (4, 1) facing up\n\nAfter having taken these actions, which item is the agent closer to?\nA: paleblue box\nB: yellow key\n\nPlease ONLY respond using the letter corresponding to your answer\nDo not generate any text other than the letter\n", "answer": "B" }, { "prompt": "This is a grid-like 2D world\nThe grid world consists of 12 rows and 12 columns, 0-based\nWe use (i,j) to represent the i-th column (from left to right) and j-th row (from top to bottom). \nThe following is a list of objects in this world. Each line starts with the object's position and is followed by its attributes\n(2, 8): key, silver; represented by this label: G\n(3, 6): key, orange; represented by this label: H\n(5, 5): key, grey; represented by this label: I\n\nWalls are depicted using the symbol W\n\nThere is an agent at (5, 10) facing up\n\nThe agent can take the following actions:\n- left: makes the agent face left of where it is currently facing\n- right: makes the agent face right of where it is currently facing\n- forward: makes the agent move one step in the direction it is currently facing\n- open: makes the agent open a door that it is in front of\n- pickup: makes the agent pick up the object that it is in front of\n- drop: makes the agent drop an item that it is holding\n- stay: makes the agent stay where it currently is for a timestep\n\nThe agent is represented by the following labels depending on which direction it is facing:\n- Facing left: <\n- Facing up: ^\n- Facing right: >\n- Facing down: v\n\nThe agent has full observability, meaning it can see the entire world\n\nIn this scenario, the agent has been tasked with visiting all of the objects in the grid world\n\nThis is the starting state of the board:\n```\n 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 \n0 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n1 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n2 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n3 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n4 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n5 | W O O O O I O O O O O W \n6 | W O O H O O O O O O O W \n7 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n8 | W O G O O O O O O O O W \n9 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n10 | W O O O O ^ O O O O O W \n11 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n```\nThis list contains a sequence of actions taken by the agent\n(Step 1) The agent took action forward and is now at (5, 9) facing up\n(Step 2) The agent took action forward and is now at (5, 8) facing up\n(Step 3) The agent took action forward and is now at (5, 7) facing up\n(Step 4) The agent took action forward and is now at (5, 6) facing up\n\nAfter having taken these actions, which item is the agent closer to?\nA: silver key\nB: grey key\n\nPlease ONLY respond using the letter corresponding to your answer\nDo not generate any text other than the letter\n", "answer": "B" }, { "prompt": "This is a grid-like 2D world\nThe grid world consists of 12 rows and 12 columns, 0-based\nWe use (i,j) to represent the i-th column (from left to right) and j-th row (from top to bottom). \nThe following is a list of objects in this world. Each line starts with the object's position and is followed by its attributes\n(1, 8): box, orange; represented by this label: G\n(5, 2): key, silver; represented by this label: H\n(10, 7): ball, grey; represented by this label: I\n\nWalls are depicted using the symbol W\n\nThere is an agent at (9, 10) facing up\n\nThe agent can take the following actions:\n- left: makes the agent face left of where it is currently facing\n- right: makes the agent face right of where it is currently facing\n- forward: makes the agent move one step in the direction it is currently facing\n- open: makes the agent open a door that it is in front of\n- pickup: makes the agent pick up the object that it is in front of\n- drop: makes the agent drop an item that it is holding\n- stay: makes the agent stay where it currently is for a timestep\n\nThe agent is represented by the following labels depending on which direction it is facing:\n- Facing left: <\n- Facing up: ^\n- Facing right: >\n- Facing down: v\n\nThe agent has full observability, meaning it can see the entire world\n\nIn this scenario, the agent has been tasked with visiting all of the objects in the grid world\n\nThis is the starting state of the board:\n```\n 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 \n0 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n1 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n2 | W O O O O H O O O O O W \n3 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n4 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n5 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n6 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n7 | W O O O O O O O O O I W \n8 | W G O O O O O O O O O W \n9 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n10 | W O O O O O O O O ^ O W \n11 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n```\nThis list contains a sequence of actions taken by the agent\n(Step 1) The agent took action left and is now at (9, 10) facing left\n(Step 2) The agent took action right and is now at (9, 10) facing up\n(Step 3) The agent took action left and is now at (9, 10) facing left\n(Step 4) The agent took action forward and is now at (8, 10) facing left\n(Step 5) The agent took action left and is now at (8, 10) facing down\n(Step 6) The agent took action right and is now at (8, 10) facing left\n(Step 7) The agent took action right and is now at (8, 10) facing up\n(Step 8) The agent took action left and is now at (8, 10) facing left\n(Step 9) The agent took action right and is now at (8, 10) facing up\n(Step 10) The agent took action forward and is now at (8, 9) facing up\n\nAfter having taken these actions, which item is the agent closer to?\nA: grey ball\nB: silver key\n\nPlease ONLY respond using the letter corresponding to your answer\nDo not generate any text other than the letter\n", "answer": "A" }, { "prompt": "This is a grid-like 2D world\nThe grid world consists of 12 rows and 12 columns, 0-based\nWe use (i,j) to represent the i-th column (from left to right) and j-th row (from top to bottom). \nThe following is a list of objects in this world. Each line starts with the object's position and is followed by its attributes\n(6, 2): ball, blue; represented by this label: G\n(7, 2): key, purple; represented by this label: H\n(10, 9): box, paleblue; represented by this label: I\n\nWalls are depicted using the symbol W\n\nThere is an agent at (5, 3) facing up\n\nThe agent can take the following actions:\n- left: makes the agent face left of where it is currently facing\n- right: makes the agent face right of where it is currently facing\n- forward: makes the agent move one step in the direction it is currently facing\n- open: makes the agent open a door that it is in front of\n- pickup: makes the agent pick up the object that it is in front of\n- drop: makes the agent drop an item that it is holding\n- stay: makes the agent stay where it currently is for a timestep\n\nThe agent is represented by the following labels depending on which direction it is facing:\n- Facing left: <\n- Facing up: ^\n- Facing right: >\n- Facing down: v\n\nThe agent has full observability, meaning it can see the entire world\n\nIn this scenario, the agent has been tasked with visiting all of the objects in the grid world\n\nThis is the starting state of the board:\n```\n 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 \n0 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n1 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n2 | W O O O O O G H O O O W \n3 | W O O O O ^ O O O O O W \n4 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n5 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n6 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n7 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n8 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n9 | W O O O O O O O O O I W \n10 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n11 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n```\nThis list contains a sequence of actions taken by the agent\n(Step 1) The agent took action forward and is now at (5, 2) facing up\n(Step 2) The agent took action right and is now at (5, 2) facing right\n\nAfter having taken these actions, which item is the agent closer to?\nA: blue ball\nB: paleblue box\n\nPlease ONLY respond using the letter corresponding to your answer\nDo not generate any text other than the letter\n", "answer": "A" }, { "prompt": "This is a grid-like 2D world\nThe grid world consists of 12 rows and 12 columns, 0-based\nWe use (i,j) to represent the i-th column (from left to right) and j-th row (from top to bottom). \nThe following is a list of objects in this world. Each line starts with the object's position and is followed by its attributes\n(3, 1): box, green; represented by this label: G\n(6, 2): ball, white; represented by this label: H\n(7, 1): key, paleblue; represented by this label: I\n\nWalls are depicted using the symbol W\n\nThere is an agent at (2, 4) facing left\n\nThe agent can take the following actions:\n- left: makes the agent face left of where it is currently facing\n- right: makes the agent face right of where it is currently facing\n- forward: makes the agent move one step in the direction it is currently facing\n- open: makes the agent open a door that it is in front of\n- pickup: makes the agent pick up the object that it is in front of\n- drop: makes the agent drop an item that it is holding\n- stay: makes the agent stay where it currently is for a timestep\n\nThe agent is represented by the following labels depending on which direction it is facing:\n- Facing left: <\n- Facing up: ^\n- Facing right: >\n- Facing down: v\n\nThe agent has full observability, meaning it can see the entire world\n\nIn this scenario, the agent has been tasked with visiting all of the objects in the grid world\n\nThis is the starting state of the board:\n```\n 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 \n0 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n1 | W O O G O O O I O O O W \n2 | W O O O O O H O O O O W \n3 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n4 | W O < O O O O O O O O W \n5 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n6 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n7 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n8 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n9 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n10 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n11 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n```\nThis list contains a sequence of actions taken by the agent\n(Step 1) The agent took action left and is now at (2, 4) facing down\n(Step 2) The agent took action left and is now at (2, 4) facing right\n(Step 3) The agent took action forward and is now at (3, 4) facing right\n(Step 4) The agent took action forward and is now at (4, 4) facing right\n(Step 5) The agent took action forward and is now at (5, 4) facing right\n(Step 6) The agent took action forward and is now at (6, 4) facing right\n(Step 7) The agent took action forward and is now at (7, 4) facing right\n(Step 8) The agent took action left and is now at (7, 4) facing up\n(Step 9) The agent took action forward and is now at (7, 3) facing up\n(Step 10) The agent took action forward and is now at (7, 2) facing up\n\nAfter having taken these actions, which item is the agent closer to?\nA: green box\nB: white ball\n\nPlease ONLY respond using the letter corresponding to your answer\nDo not generate any text other than the letter\n", "answer": "B" }, { "prompt": "This is a grid-like 2D world\nThe grid world consists of 12 rows and 12 columns, 0-based\nWe use (i,j) to represent the i-th column (from left to right) and j-th row (from top to bottom). \nThe following is a list of objects in this world. Each line starts with the object's position and is followed by its attributes\n(1, 10): box, brown; represented by this label: G\n(8, 4): ball, white; represented by this label: H\n(9, 10): key, yellow; represented by this label: I\n\nWalls are depicted using the symbol W\n\nThere is an agent at (3, 9) facing left\n\nThe agent can take the following actions:\n- left: makes the agent face left of where it is currently facing\n- right: makes the agent face right of where it is currently facing\n- forward: makes the agent move one step in the direction it is currently facing\n- open: makes the agent open a door that it is in front of\n- pickup: makes the agent pick up the object that it is in front of\n- drop: makes the agent drop an item that it is holding\n- stay: makes the agent stay where it currently is for a timestep\n\nThe agent is represented by the following labels depending on which direction it is facing:\n- Facing left: <\n- Facing up: ^\n- Facing right: >\n- Facing down: v\n\nThe agent has full observability, meaning it can see the entire world\n\nIn this scenario, the agent has been tasked with visiting all of the objects in the grid world\n\nThis is the starting state of the board:\n```\n 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 \n0 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n1 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n2 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n3 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n4 | W O O O O O O O H O O W \n5 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n6 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n7 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n8 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n9 | W O O < O O O O O O O W \n10 | W G O O O O O O O I O W \n11 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n```\nThis list contains a sequence of actions taken by the agent\n(Step 1) The agent took action right and is now at (3, 9) facing up\n(Step 2) The agent took action forward and is now at (3, 8) facing up\n(Step 3) The agent took action left and is now at (3, 8) facing left\n(Step 4) The agent took action left and is now at (3, 8) facing down\n(Step 5) The agent took action forward and is now at (3, 9) facing down\n(Step 6) The agent took action forward and is now at (3, 10) facing down\n(Step 7) The agent took action forward and is now at (3, 10) facing down\n(Step 8) The agent took action forward and is now at (3, 10) facing down\n(Step 9) The agent took action forward and is now at (3, 10) facing down\n(Step 10) The agent took action left and is now at (3, 10) facing right\n\nAfter having taken these actions, which item is the agent closer to?\nA: brown box\nB: white ball\n\nPlease ONLY respond using the letter corresponding to your answer\nDo not generate any text other than the letter\n", "answer": "A" }, { "prompt": "This is a grid-like 2D world\nThe grid world consists of 12 rows and 12 columns, 0-based\nWe use (i,j) to represent the i-th column (from left to right) and j-th row (from top to bottom). \nThe following is a list of objects in this world. Each line starts with the object's position and is followed by its attributes\n(3, 5): key, grey; represented by this label: G\n(4, 5): box, silver; represented by this label: H\n(9, 6): box, white; represented by this label: I\n\nWalls are depicted using the symbol W\n\nThere is an agent at (6, 10) facing down\n\nThe agent can take the following actions:\n- left: makes the agent face left of where it is currently facing\n- right: makes the agent face right of where it is currently facing\n- forward: makes the agent move one step in the direction it is currently facing\n- open: makes the agent open a door that it is in front of\n- pickup: makes the agent pick up the object that it is in front of\n- drop: makes the agent drop an item that it is holding\n- stay: makes the agent stay where it currently is for a timestep\n\nThe agent is represented by the following labels depending on which direction it is facing:\n- Facing left: <\n- Facing up: ^\n- Facing right: >\n- Facing down: v\n\nThe agent has full observability, meaning it can see the entire world\n\nIn this scenario, the agent has been tasked with visiting all of the objects in the grid world\n\nThis is the starting state of the board:\n```\n 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 \n0 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n1 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n2 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n3 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n4 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n5 | W O O G H O O O O O O W \n6 | W O O O O O O O O I O W \n7 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n8 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n9 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n10 | W O O O O O v O O O O W \n11 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n```\nThis list contains a sequence of actions taken by the agent\n(Step 1) The agent took action right and is now at (6, 10) facing left\n(Step 2) The agent took action forward and is now at (5, 10) facing left\n(Step 3) The agent took action forward and is now at (4, 10) facing left\n(Step 4) The agent took action forward and is now at (3, 10) facing left\n(Step 5) The agent took action right and is now at (3, 10) facing up\n(Step 6) The agent took action forward and is now at (3, 9) facing up\n(Step 7) The agent took action forward and is now at (3, 8) facing up\n(Step 8) The agent took action forward and is now at (3, 7) facing up\n(Step 9) The agent took action forward and is now at (3, 6) facing up\n\nAfter having taken these actions, which item is the agent closer to?\nA: grey key\nB: white box\n\nPlease ONLY respond using the letter corresponding to your answer\nDo not generate any text other than the letter\n", "answer": "A" }, { "prompt": "This is a grid-like 2D world\nThe grid world consists of 12 rows and 12 columns, 0-based\nWe use (i,j) to represent the i-th column (from left to right) and j-th row (from top to bottom). \nThe following is a list of objects in this world. Each line starts with the object's position and is followed by its attributes\n(9, 1): box, white; represented by this label: G\n(10, 8): box, yellow; represented by this label: H\n(10, 9): box, green; represented by this label: I\n\nWalls are depicted using the symbol W\n\nThere is an agent at (1, 7) facing up\n\nThe agent can take the following actions:\n- left: makes the agent face left of where it is currently facing\n- right: makes the agent face right of where it is currently facing\n- forward: makes the agent move one step in the direction it is currently facing\n- open: makes the agent open a door that it is in front of\n- pickup: makes the agent pick up the object that it is in front of\n- drop: makes the agent drop an item that it is holding\n- stay: makes the agent stay where it currently is for a timestep\n\nThe agent is represented by the following labels depending on which direction it is facing:\n- Facing left: <\n- Facing up: ^\n- Facing right: >\n- Facing down: v\n\nThe agent has full observability, meaning it can see the entire world\n\nIn this scenario, the agent has been tasked with visiting all of the objects in the grid world\n\nThis is the starting state of the board:\n```\n 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 \n0 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n1 | W O O O O O O O O G O W \n2 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n3 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n4 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n5 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n6 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n7 | W ^ O O O O O O O O O W \n8 | W O O O O O O O O O H W \n9 | W O O O O O O O O O I W \n10 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n11 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n```\nThis list contains a sequence of actions taken by the agent\n(Step 1) The agent took action forward and is now at (1, 6) facing up\n(Step 2) The agent took action forward and is now at (1, 5) facing up\n(Step 3) The agent took action forward and is now at (1, 4) facing up\n(Step 4) The agent took action forward and is now at (1, 3) facing up\n(Step 5) The agent took action forward and is now at (1, 2) facing up\n(Step 6) The agent took action forward and is now at (1, 1) facing up\n(Step 7) The agent took action right and is now at (1, 1) facing right\n(Step 8) The agent took action forward and is now at (2, 1) facing right\n(Step 9) The agent took action forward and is now at (3, 1) facing right\n(Step 10) The agent took action forward and is now at (4, 1) facing right\n(Step 11) The agent took action forward and is now at (5, 1) facing right\n(Step 12) The agent took action forward and is now at (6, 1) facing right\n(Step 13) The agent took action forward and is now at (7, 1) facing right\n(Step 14) The agent took action forward and is now at (8, 1) facing right\n\nAfter having taken these actions, which item is the agent closer to?\nA: white box\nB: green box\n\nPlease ONLY respond using the letter corresponding to your answer\nDo not generate any text other than the letter\n", "answer": "A" }, { "prompt": "This is a grid-like 2D world\nThe grid world consists of 12 rows and 12 columns, 0-based\nWe use (i,j) to represent the i-th column (from left to right) and j-th row (from top to bottom). \nThe following is a list of objects in this world. Each line starts with the object's position and is followed by its attributes\n(7, 7): box, grey; represented by this label: G\n(9, 1): ball, red; represented by this label: H\n(9, 9): box, silver; represented by this label: I\n\nWalls are depicted using the symbol W\n\nThere is an agent at (3, 8) facing up\n\nThe agent can take the following actions:\n- left: makes the agent face left of where it is currently facing\n- right: makes the agent face right of where it is currently facing\n- forward: makes the agent move one step in the direction it is currently facing\n- open: makes the agent open a door that it is in front of\n- pickup: makes the agent pick up the object that it is in front of\n- drop: makes the agent drop an item that it is holding\n- stay: makes the agent stay where it currently is for a timestep\n\nThe agent is represented by the following labels depending on which direction it is facing:\n- Facing left: <\n- Facing up: ^\n- Facing right: >\n- Facing down: v\n\nThe agent has full observability, meaning it can see the entire world\n\nIn this scenario, the agent has been tasked with visiting all of the objects in the grid world\n\nThis is the starting state of the board:\n```\n 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 \n0 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n1 | W O O O O O O O O H O W \n2 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n3 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n4 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n5 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n6 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n7 | W O O O O O O G O O O W \n8 | W O O ^ O O O O O O O W \n9 | W O O O O O O O O I O W \n10 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n11 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n```\nThis list contains a sequence of actions taken by the agent\n(Step 1) The agent took action forward and is now at (3, 7) facing up\n(Step 2) The agent took action right and is now at (3, 7) facing right\n(Step 3) The agent took action forward and is now at (4, 7) facing right\n(Step 4) The agent took action forward and is now at (5, 7) facing right\n(Step 5) The agent took action forward and is now at (6, 7) facing right\n\nAfter having taken these actions, which item is the agent closer to?\nA: grey box\nB: red ball\n\nPlease ONLY respond using the letter corresponding to your answer\nDo not generate any text other than the letter\n", "answer": "A" }, { "prompt": "This is a grid-like 2D world\nThe grid world consists of 12 rows and 12 columns, 0-based\nWe use (i,j) to represent the i-th column (from left to right) and j-th row (from top to bottom). \nThe following is a list of objects in this world. Each line starts with the object's position and is followed by its attributes\n(2, 6): key, blue; represented by this label: G\n(7, 8): key, red; represented by this label: H\n(10, 7): ball, orange; represented by this label: I\n\nWalls are depicted using the symbol W\n\nThere is an agent at (10, 5) facing left\n\nThe agent can take the following actions:\n- left: makes the agent face left of where it is currently facing\n- right: makes the agent face right of where it is currently facing\n- forward: makes the agent move one step in the direction it is currently facing\n- open: makes the agent open a door that it is in front of\n- pickup: makes the agent pick up the object that it is in front of\n- drop: makes the agent drop an item that it is holding\n- stay: makes the agent stay where it currently is for a timestep\n\nThe agent is represented by the following labels depending on which direction it is facing:\n- Facing left: <\n- Facing up: ^\n- Facing right: >\n- Facing down: v\n\nThe agent has full observability, meaning it can see the entire world\n\nIn this scenario, the agent has been tasked with visiting all of the objects in the grid world\n\nThis is the starting state of the board:\n```\n 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 \n0 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n1 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n2 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n3 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n4 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n5 | W O O O O O O O O O < W \n6 | W O G O O O O O O O O W \n7 | W O O O O O O O O O I W \n8 | W O O O O O O H O O O W \n9 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n10 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n11 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n```\nThis list contains a sequence of actions taken by the agent\n(Step 1) The agent took action forward and is now at (9, 5) facing left\n(Step 2) The agent took action forward and is now at (8, 5) facing left\n(Step 3) The agent took action forward and is now at (7, 5) facing left\n(Step 4) The agent took action forward and is now at (6, 5) facing left\n(Step 5) The agent took action forward and is now at (5, 5) facing left\n(Step 6) The agent took action forward and is now at (4, 5) facing left\n(Step 7) The agent took action forward and is now at (3, 5) facing left\n(Step 8) The agent took action forward and is now at (2, 5) facing left\n(Step 9) The agent took action left and is now at (2, 5) facing down\n\nAfter having taken these actions, which item is the agent closer to?\nA: blue key\nB: orange ball\n\nPlease ONLY respond using the letter corresponding to your answer\nDo not generate any text other than the letter\n", "answer": "A" }, { "prompt": "This is a grid-like 2D world\nThe grid world consists of 12 rows and 12 columns, 0-based\nWe use (i,j) to represent the i-th column (from left to right) and j-th row (from top to bottom). \nThe following is a list of objects in this world. Each line starts with the object's position and is followed by its attributes\n(6, 3): box, red; represented by this label: G\n(9, 1): ball, yellow; represented by this label: H\n(9, 2): key, orange; represented by this label: I\n\nWalls are depicted using the symbol W\n\nThere is an agent at (10, 7) facing up\n\nThe agent can take the following actions:\n- left: makes the agent face left of where it is currently facing\n- right: makes the agent face right of where it is currently facing\n- forward: makes the agent move one step in the direction it is currently facing\n- open: makes the agent open a door that it is in front of\n- pickup: makes the agent pick up the object that it is in front of\n- drop: makes the agent drop an item that it is holding\n- stay: makes the agent stay where it currently is for a timestep\n\nThe agent is represented by the following labels depending on which direction it is facing:\n- Facing left: <\n- Facing up: ^\n- Facing right: >\n- Facing down: v\n\nThe agent has full observability, meaning it can see the entire world\n\nIn this scenario, the agent has been tasked with visiting all of the objects in the grid world\n\nThis is the starting state of the board:\n```\n 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 \n0 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n1 | W O O O O O O O O H O W \n2 | W O O O O O O O O I O W \n3 | W O O O O O G O O O O W \n4 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n5 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n6 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n7 | W O O O O O O O O O ^ W \n8 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n9 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n10 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n11 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n```\nThis list contains a sequence of actions taken by the agent\n(Step 1) The agent took action forward and is now at (10, 6) facing up\n(Step 2) The agent took action forward and is now at (10, 5) facing up\n(Step 3) The agent took action forward and is now at (10, 4) facing up\n(Step 4) The agent took action forward and is now at (10, 3) facing up\n(Step 5) The agent took action forward and is now at (10, 2) facing up\n(Step 6) The agent took action forward and is now at (10, 1) facing up\n(Step 7) The agent took action left and is now at (10, 1) facing left\n(Step 8) The agent took action left and is now at (10, 1) facing down\n(Step 9) The agent took action forward and is now at (10, 2) facing down\n(Step 10) The agent took action forward and is now at (10, 3) facing down\n(Step 11) The agent took action right and is now at (10, 3) facing left\n(Step 12) The agent took action forward and is now at (9, 3) facing left\n(Step 13) The agent took action forward and is now at (8, 3) facing left\n(Step 14) The agent took action forward and is now at (7, 3) facing left\n\nAfter having taken these actions, which item is the agent closer to?\nA: yellow ball\nB: red box\n\nPlease ONLY respond using the letter corresponding to your answer\nDo not generate any text other than the letter\n", "answer": "B" }, { "prompt": "This is a grid-like 2D world\nThe grid world consists of 12 rows and 12 columns, 0-based\nWe use (i,j) to represent the i-th column (from left to right) and j-th row (from top to bottom). \nThe following is a list of objects in this world. Each line starts with the object's position and is followed by its attributes\n(3, 7): box, brown; represented by this label: G\n(6, 2): key, paleblue; represented by this label: H\n(9, 3): key, purple; represented by this label: I\n\nWalls are depicted using the symbol W\n\nThere is an agent at (2, 2) facing down\n\nThe agent can take the following actions:\n- left: makes the agent face left of where it is currently facing\n- right: makes the agent face right of where it is currently facing\n- forward: makes the agent move one step in the direction it is currently facing\n- open: makes the agent open a door that it is in front of\n- pickup: makes the agent pick up the object that it is in front of\n- drop: makes the agent drop an item that it is holding\n- stay: makes the agent stay where it currently is for a timestep\n\nThe agent is represented by the following labels depending on which direction it is facing:\n- Facing left: <\n- Facing up: ^\n- Facing right: >\n- Facing down: v\n\nThe agent has full observability, meaning it can see the entire world\n\nIn this scenario, the agent has been tasked with visiting all of the objects in the grid world\n\nThis is the starting state of the board:\n```\n 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 \n0 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n1 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n2 | W O v O O O H O O O O W \n3 | W O O O O O O O O I O W \n4 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n5 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n6 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n7 | W O O G O O O O O O O W \n8 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n9 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n10 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n11 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n```\nThis list contains a sequence of actions taken by the agent\n(Step 1) The agent took action forward and is now at (2, 3) facing down\n(Step 2) The agent took action forward and is now at (2, 4) facing down\n(Step 3) The agent took action forward and is now at (2, 5) facing down\n(Step 4) The agent took action forward and is now at (2, 6) facing down\n(Step 5) The agent took action forward and is now at (2, 7) facing down\n(Step 6) The agent took action left and is now at (2, 7) facing right\n\nAfter having taken these actions, which item is the agent closer to?\nA: brown box\nB: purple key\n\nPlease ONLY respond using the letter corresponding to your answer\nDo not generate any text other than the letter\n", "answer": "A" }, { "prompt": "This is a grid-like 2D world\nThe grid world consists of 12 rows and 12 columns, 0-based\nWe use (i,j) to represent the i-th column (from left to right) and j-th row (from top to bottom). \nThe following is a list of objects in this world. Each line starts with the object's position and is followed by its attributes\n(1, 4): key, orange; represented by this label: G\n(4, 10): box, orange; represented by this label: H\n(5, 8): key, red; represented by this label: I\n\nWalls are depicted using the symbol W\n\nThere is an agent at (5, 10) facing up\n\nThe agent can take the following actions:\n- left: makes the agent face left of where it is currently facing\n- right: makes the agent face right of where it is currently facing\n- forward: makes the agent move one step in the direction it is currently facing\n- open: makes the agent open a door that it is in front of\n- pickup: makes the agent pick up the object that it is in front of\n- drop: makes the agent drop an item that it is holding\n- stay: makes the agent stay where it currently is for a timestep\n\nThe agent is represented by the following labels depending on which direction it is facing:\n- Facing left: <\n- Facing up: ^\n- Facing right: >\n- Facing down: v\n\nThe agent has full observability, meaning it can see the entire world\n\nIn this scenario, the agent has been tasked with visiting all of the objects in the grid world\n\nThis is the starting state of the board:\n```\n 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 \n0 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n1 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n2 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n3 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n4 | W G O O O O O O O O O W \n5 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n6 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n7 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n8 | W O O O O I O O O O O W \n9 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n10 | W O O O H ^ O O O O O W \n11 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n```\nThis list contains a sequence of actions taken by the agent\n(Step 1) The agent took action forward and is now at (5, 9) facing up\n(Step 2) The agent took action left and is now at (5, 9) facing left\n(Step 3) The agent took action left and is now at (5, 9) facing down\n(Step 4) The agent took action right and is now at (5, 9) facing left\n(Step 5) The agent took action forward and is now at (4, 9) facing left\n(Step 6) The agent took action right and is now at (4, 9) facing up\n(Step 7) The agent took action forward and is now at (4, 8) facing up\n(Step 8) The agent took action forward and is now at (4, 7) facing up\n(Step 9) The agent took action forward and is now at (4, 6) facing up\n(Step 10) The agent took action forward and is now at (4, 5) facing up\n\nAfter having taken these actions, which item is the agent closer to?\nA: orange box\nB: orange key\n\nPlease ONLY respond using the letter corresponding to your answer\nDo not generate any text other than the letter\n", "answer": "B" }, { "prompt": "This is a grid-like 2D world\nThe grid world consists of 12 rows and 12 columns, 0-based\nWe use (i,j) to represent the i-th column (from left to right) and j-th row (from top to bottom). \nThe following is a list of objects in this world. Each line starts with the object's position and is followed by its attributes\n(4, 5): key, brown; represented by this label: G\n(5, 10): key, blue; represented by this label: H\n(8, 9): key, paleblue; represented by this label: I\n\nWalls are depicted using the symbol W\n\nThere is an agent at (9, 5) facing up\n\nThe agent can take the following actions:\n- left: makes the agent face left of where it is currently facing\n- right: makes the agent face right of where it is currently facing\n- forward: makes the agent move one step in the direction it is currently facing\n- open: makes the agent open a door that it is in front of\n- pickup: makes the agent pick up the object that it is in front of\n- drop: makes the agent drop an item that it is holding\n- stay: makes the agent stay where it currently is for a timestep\n\nThe agent is represented by the following labels depending on which direction it is facing:\n- Facing left: <\n- Facing up: ^\n- Facing right: >\n- Facing down: v\n\nThe agent has full observability, meaning it can see the entire world\n\nIn this scenario, the agent has been tasked with visiting all of the objects in the grid world\n\nThis is the starting state of the board:\n```\n 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 \n0 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n1 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n2 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n3 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n4 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n5 | W O O O G O O O O ^ O W \n6 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n7 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n8 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n9 | W O O O O O O O I O O W \n10 | W O O O O H O O O O O W \n11 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n```\nThis list contains a sequence of actions taken by the agent\n(Step 1) The agent took action left and is now at (9, 5) facing left\n(Step 2) The agent took action forward and is now at (8, 5) facing left\n(Step 3) The agent took action left and is now at (8, 5) facing down\n(Step 4) The agent took action forward and is now at (8, 6) facing down\n(Step 5) The agent took action forward and is now at (8, 7) facing down\n(Step 6) The agent took action forward and is now at (8, 8) facing down\n\nAfter having taken these actions, which item is the agent closer to?\nA: brown key\nB: paleblue key\n\nPlease ONLY respond using the letter corresponding to your answer\nDo not generate any text other than the letter\n", "answer": "B" }, { "prompt": "This is a grid-like 2D world\nThe grid world consists of 12 rows and 12 columns, 0-based\nWe use (i,j) to represent the i-th column (from left to right) and j-th row (from top to bottom). \nThe following is a list of objects in this world. Each line starts with the object's position and is followed by its attributes\n(3, 6): box, yellow; represented by this label: G\n(7, 10): box, purple; represented by this label: H\n(9, 5): ball, blue; represented by this label: I\n\nWalls are depicted using the symbol W\n\nThere is an agent at (7, 3) facing up\n\nThe agent can take the following actions:\n- left: makes the agent face left of where it is currently facing\n- right: makes the agent face right of where it is currently facing\n- forward: makes the agent move one step in the direction it is currently facing\n- open: makes the agent open a door that it is in front of\n- pickup: makes the agent pick up the object that it is in front of\n- drop: makes the agent drop an item that it is holding\n- stay: makes the agent stay where it currently is for a timestep\n\nThe agent is represented by the following labels depending on which direction it is facing:\n- Facing left: <\n- Facing up: ^\n- Facing right: >\n- Facing down: v\n\nThe agent has full observability, meaning it can see the entire world\n\nIn this scenario, the agent has been tasked with visiting all of the objects in the grid world\n\nThis is the starting state of the board:\n```\n 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 \n0 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n1 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n2 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n3 | W O O O O O O ^ O O O W \n4 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n5 | W O O O O O O O O I O W \n6 | W O O G O O O O O O O W \n7 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n8 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n9 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n10 | W O O O O O O H O O O W \n11 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n```\nThis list contains a sequence of actions taken by the agent\n(Step 1) The agent took action forward and is now at (7, 2) facing up\n(Step 2) The agent took action forward and is now at (7, 1) facing up\n(Step 3) The agent took action left and is now at (7, 1) facing left\n(Step 4) The agent took action forward and is now at (6, 1) facing left\n(Step 5) The agent took action right and is now at (6, 1) facing up\n(Step 6) The agent took action forward and is now at (6, 1) facing up\n(Step 7) The agent took action forward and is now at (6, 1) facing up\n(Step 8) The agent took action forward and is now at (6, 1) facing up\n(Step 9) The agent took action forward and is now at (6, 1) facing up\n(Step 10) The agent took action forward and is now at (6, 1) facing up\n\nAfter having taken these actions, which item is the agent closer to?\nA: purple box\nB: blue ball\n\nPlease ONLY respond using the letter corresponding to your answer\nDo not generate any text other than the letter\n", "answer": "B" }, { "prompt": "This is a grid-like 2D world\nThe grid world consists of 12 rows and 12 columns, 0-based\nWe use (i,j) to represent the i-th column (from left to right) and j-th row (from top to bottom). \nThe following is a list of objects in this world. Each line starts with the object's position and is followed by its attributes\n(1, 6): key, red; represented by this label: G\n(1, 7): ball, grey; represented by this label: H\n(2, 8): box, yellow; represented by this label: I\n\nWalls are depicted using the symbol W\n\nThere is an agent at (2, 5) facing down\n\nThe agent can take the following actions:\n- left: makes the agent face left of where it is currently facing\n- right: makes the agent face right of where it is currently facing\n- forward: makes the agent move one step in the direction it is currently facing\n- open: makes the agent open a door that it is in front of\n- pickup: makes the agent pick up the object that it is in front of\n- drop: makes the agent drop an item that it is holding\n- stay: makes the agent stay where it currently is for a timestep\n\nThe agent is represented by the following labels depending on which direction it is facing:\n- Facing left: <\n- Facing up: ^\n- Facing right: >\n- Facing down: v\n\nThe agent has full observability, meaning it can see the entire world\n\nIn this scenario, the agent has been tasked with visiting all of the objects in the grid world\n\nThis is the starting state of the board:\n```\n 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 \n0 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n1 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n2 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n3 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n4 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n5 | W O v O O O O O O O O W \n6 | W G O O O O O O O O O W \n7 | W H O O O O O O O O O W \n8 | W O I O O O O O O O O W \n9 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n10 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n11 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n```\nThis list contains a sequence of actions taken by the agent\n(Step 1) The agent took action left and is now at (2, 5) facing right\n(Step 2) The agent took action forward and is now at (3, 5) facing right\n(Step 3) The agent took action forward and is now at (4, 5) facing right\n(Step 4) The agent took action right and is now at (4, 5) facing down\n(Step 5) The agent took action forward and is now at (4, 6) facing down\n(Step 6) The agent took action forward and is now at (4, 7) facing down\n(Step 7) The agent took action forward and is now at (4, 8) facing down\n(Step 8) The agent took action right and is now at (4, 8) facing left\n(Step 9) The agent took action forward and is now at (3, 8) facing left\n(Step 10) The agent took action forward and is now at (3, 8) facing left\n\nAfter having taken these actions, which item is the agent closer to?\nA: yellow box\nB: red key\n\nPlease ONLY respond using the letter corresponding to your answer\nDo not generate any text other than the letter\n", "answer": "A" }, { "prompt": "This is a grid-like 2D world\nThe grid world consists of 12 rows and 12 columns, 0-based\nWe use (i,j) to represent the i-th column (from left to right) and j-th row (from top to bottom). \nThe following is a list of objects in this world. Each line starts with the object's position and is followed by its attributes\n(4, 10): key, grey; represented by this label: G\n(7, 7): box, white; represented by this label: H\n(8, 8): key, red; represented by this label: I\n\nWalls are depicted using the symbol W\n\nThere is an agent at (7, 10) facing down\n\nThe agent can take the following actions:\n- left: makes the agent face left of where it is currently facing\n- right: makes the agent face right of where it is currently facing\n- forward: makes the agent move one step in the direction it is currently facing\n- open: makes the agent open a door that it is in front of\n- pickup: makes the agent pick up the object that it is in front of\n- drop: makes the agent drop an item that it is holding\n- stay: makes the agent stay where it currently is for a timestep\n\nThe agent is represented by the following labels depending on which direction it is facing:\n- Facing left: <\n- Facing up: ^\n- Facing right: >\n- Facing down: v\n\nThe agent has full observability, meaning it can see the entire world\n\nIn this scenario, the agent has been tasked with visiting all of the objects in the grid world\n\nThis is the starting state of the board:\n```\n 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 \n0 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n1 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n2 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n3 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n4 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n5 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n6 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n7 | W O O O O O O H O O O W \n8 | W O O O O O O O I O O W \n9 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n10 | W O O O G O O v O O O W \n11 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n```\nThis list contains a sequence of actions taken by the agent\n(Step 1) The agent took action left and is now at (7, 10) facing right\n(Step 2) The agent took action left and is now at (7, 10) facing up\n(Step 3) The agent took action forward and is now at (7, 9) facing up\n(Step 4) The agent took action forward and is now at (7, 8) facing up\n\nAfter having taken these actions, which item is the agent closer to?\nA: white box\nB: grey key\n\nPlease ONLY respond using the letter corresponding to your answer\nDo not generate any text other than the letter\n", "answer": "A" }, { "prompt": "This is a grid-like 2D world\nThe grid world consists of 12 rows and 12 columns, 0-based\nWe use (i,j) to represent the i-th column (from left to right) and j-th row (from top to bottom). \nThe following is a list of objects in this world. Each line starts with the object's position and is followed by its attributes\n(2, 3): ball, silver; represented by this label: G\n(4, 1): box, green; represented by this label: H\n(10, 7): ball, yellow; represented by this label: I\n\nWalls are depicted using the symbol W\n\nThere is an agent at (9, 8) facing down\n\nThe agent can take the following actions:\n- left: makes the agent face left of where it is currently facing\n- right: makes the agent face right of where it is currently facing\n- forward: makes the agent move one step in the direction it is currently facing\n- open: makes the agent open a door that it is in front of\n- pickup: makes the agent pick up the object that it is in front of\n- drop: makes the agent drop an item that it is holding\n- stay: makes the agent stay where it currently is for a timestep\n\nThe agent is represented by the following labels depending on which direction it is facing:\n- Facing left: <\n- Facing up: ^\n- Facing right: >\n- Facing down: v\n\nThe agent has full observability, meaning it can see the entire world\n\nIn this scenario, the agent has been tasked with visiting all of the objects in the grid world\n\nThis is the starting state of the board:\n```\n 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 \n0 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n1 | W O O O H O O O O O O W \n2 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n3 | W O G O O O O O O O O W \n4 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n5 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n6 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n7 | W O O O O O O O O O I W \n8 | W O O O O O O O O v O W \n9 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n10 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n11 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n```\nThis list contains a sequence of actions taken by the agent\n(Step 1) The agent took action right and is now at (9, 8) facing left\n(Step 2) The agent took action forward and is now at (8, 8) facing left\n(Step 3) The agent took action forward and is now at (7, 8) facing left\n(Step 4) The agent took action forward and is now at (6, 8) facing left\n(Step 5) The agent took action forward and is now at (5, 8) facing left\n(Step 6) The agent took action forward and is now at (4, 8) facing left\n(Step 7) The agent took action forward and is now at (3, 8) facing left\n(Step 8) The agent took action forward and is now at (2, 8) facing left\n(Step 9) The agent took action right and is now at (2, 8) facing up\n(Step 10) The agent took action forward and is now at (2, 7) facing up\n(Step 11) The agent took action forward and is now at (2, 6) facing up\n(Step 12) The agent took action forward and is now at (2, 5) facing up\n(Step 13) The agent took action forward and is now at (2, 4) facing up\n\nAfter having taken these actions, which item is the agent closer to?\nA: silver ball\nB: yellow ball\n\nPlease ONLY respond using the letter corresponding to your answer\nDo not generate any text other than the letter\n", "answer": "A" }, { "prompt": "This is a grid-like 2D world\nThe grid world consists of 12 rows and 12 columns, 0-based\nWe use (i,j) to represent the i-th column (from left to right) and j-th row (from top to bottom). \nThe following is a list of objects in this world. Each line starts with the object's position and is followed by its attributes\n(1, 3): box, red; represented by this label: G\n(8, 2): key, silver; represented by this label: H\n(8, 3): key, red; represented by this label: I\n\nWalls are depicted using the symbol W\n\nThere is an agent at (2, 5) facing right\n\nThe agent can take the following actions:\n- left: makes the agent face left of where it is currently facing\n- right: makes the agent face right of where it is currently facing\n- forward: makes the agent move one step in the direction it is currently facing\n- open: makes the agent open a door that it is in front of\n- pickup: makes the agent pick up the object that it is in front of\n- drop: makes the agent drop an item that it is holding\n- stay: makes the agent stay where it currently is for a timestep\n\nThe agent is represented by the following labels depending on which direction it is facing:\n- Facing left: <\n- Facing up: ^\n- Facing right: >\n- Facing down: v\n\nThe agent has full observability, meaning it can see the entire world\n\nIn this scenario, the agent has been tasked with visiting all of the objects in the grid world\n\nThis is the starting state of the board:\n```\n 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 \n0 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n1 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n2 | W O O O O O O O H O O W \n3 | W G O O O O O O I O O W \n4 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n5 | W O > O O O O O O O O W \n6 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n7 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n8 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n9 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n10 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n11 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n```\nThis list contains a sequence of actions taken by the agent\n(Step 1) The agent took action forward and is now at (3, 5) facing right\n(Step 2) The agent took action forward and is now at (4, 5) facing right\n(Step 3) The agent took action forward and is now at (5, 5) facing right\n(Step 4) The agent took action forward and is now at (6, 5) facing right\n(Step 5) The agent took action forward and is now at (7, 5) facing right\n(Step 6) The agent took action forward and is now at (8, 5) facing right\n(Step 7) The agent took action left and is now at (8, 5) facing up\n(Step 8) The agent took action forward and is now at (8, 4) facing up\n(Step 9) The agent took action left and is now at (8, 4) facing left\n(Step 10) The agent took action forward and is now at (7, 4) facing left\n(Step 11) The agent took action forward and is now at (6, 4) facing left\n(Step 12) The agent took action forward and is now at (5, 4) facing left\n(Step 13) The agent took action forward and is now at (4, 4) facing left\n(Step 14) The agent took action forward and is now at (3, 4) facing left\n(Step 15) The agent took action forward and is now at (2, 4) facing left\n(Step 16) The agent took action forward and is now at (1, 4) facing left\n(Step 17) The agent took action right and is now at (1, 4) facing up\n\nAfter having taken these actions, which item is the agent closer to?\nA: silver key\nB: red box\n\nPlease ONLY respond using the letter corresponding to your answer\nDo not generate any text other than the letter\n", "answer": "B" }, { "prompt": "This is a grid-like 2D world\nThe grid world consists of 12 rows and 12 columns, 0-based\nWe use (i,j) to represent the i-th column (from left to right) and j-th row (from top to bottom). \nThe following is a list of objects in this world. Each line starts with the object's position and is followed by its attributes\n(3, 7): ball, silver; represented by this label: G\n(6, 2): box, white; represented by this label: H\n(8, 3): key, white; represented by this label: I\n\nWalls are depicted using the symbol W\n\nThere is an agent at (8, 10) facing up\n\nThe agent can take the following actions:\n- left: makes the agent face left of where it is currently facing\n- right: makes the agent face right of where it is currently facing\n- forward: makes the agent move one step in the direction it is currently facing\n- open: makes the agent open a door that it is in front of\n- pickup: makes the agent pick up the object that it is in front of\n- drop: makes the agent drop an item that it is holding\n- stay: makes the agent stay where it currently is for a timestep\n\nThe agent is represented by the following labels depending on which direction it is facing:\n- Facing left: <\n- Facing up: ^\n- Facing right: >\n- Facing down: v\n\nThe agent has full observability, meaning it can see the entire world\n\nIn this scenario, the agent has been tasked with visiting all of the objects in the grid world\n\nThis is the starting state of the board:\n```\n 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 \n0 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n1 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n2 | W O O O O O H O O O O W \n3 | W O O O O O O O I O O W \n4 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n5 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n6 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n7 | W O O G O O O O O O O W \n8 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n9 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n10 | W O O O O O O O ^ O O W \n11 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n```\nThis list contains a sequence of actions taken by the agent\n(Step 1) The agent took action forward and is now at (8, 9) facing up\n(Step 2) The agent took action forward and is now at (8, 8) facing up\n(Step 3) The agent took action forward and is now at (8, 7) facing up\n(Step 4) The agent took action forward and is now at (8, 6) facing up\n(Step 5) The agent took action forward and is now at (8, 5) facing up\n(Step 6) The agent took action forward and is now at (8, 4) facing up\n(Step 7) The agent took action left and is now at (8, 4) facing left\n(Step 8) The agent took action forward and is now at (7, 4) facing left\n(Step 9) The agent took action forward and is now at (6, 4) facing left\n(Step 10) The agent took action right and is now at (6, 4) facing up\n(Step 11) The agent took action forward and is now at (6, 3) facing up\n(Step 12) The agent took action left and is now at (6, 3) facing left\n(Step 13) The agent took action forward and is now at (5, 3) facing left\n(Step 14) The agent took action forward and is now at (4, 3) facing left\n(Step 15) The agent took action forward and is now at (3, 3) facing left\n(Step 16) The agent took action left and is now at (3, 3) facing down\n(Step 17) The agent took action forward and is now at (3, 4) facing down\n(Step 18) The agent took action forward and is now at (3, 5) facing down\n(Step 19) The agent took action forward and is now at (3, 6) facing down\n\nAfter having taken these actions, which item is the agent closer to?\nA: silver ball\nB: white key\n\nPlease ONLY respond using the letter corresponding to your answer\nDo not generate any text other than the letter\n", "answer": "A" }, { "prompt": "This is a grid-like 2D world\nThe grid world consists of 12 rows and 12 columns, 0-based\nWe use (i,j) to represent the i-th column (from left to right) and j-th row (from top to bottom). \nThe following is a list of objects in this world. Each line starts with the object's position and is followed by its attributes\n(2, 8): key, white; represented by this label: G\n(5, 3): ball, paleblue; represented by this label: H\n(5, 10): key, grey; represented by this label: I\n\nWalls are depicted using the symbol W\n\nThere is an agent at (8, 3) facing right\n\nThe agent can take the following actions:\n- left: makes the agent face left of where it is currently facing\n- right: makes the agent face right of where it is currently facing\n- forward: makes the agent move one step in the direction it is currently facing\n- open: makes the agent open a door that it is in front of\n- pickup: makes the agent pick up the object that it is in front of\n- drop: makes the agent drop an item that it is holding\n- stay: makes the agent stay where it currently is for a timestep\n\nThe agent is represented by the following labels depending on which direction it is facing:\n- Facing left: <\n- Facing up: ^\n- Facing right: >\n- Facing down: v\n\nThe agent has full observability, meaning it can see the entire world\n\nIn this scenario, the agent has been tasked with visiting all of the objects in the grid world\n\nThis is the starting state of the board:\n```\n 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 \n0 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n1 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n2 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n3 | W O O O O H O O > O O W \n4 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n5 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n6 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n7 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n8 | W O G O O O O O O O O W \n9 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n10 | W O O O O I O O O O O W \n11 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n```\nThis list contains a sequence of actions taken by the agent\n(Step 1) The agent took action left and is now at (8, 3) facing up\n(Step 2) The agent took action forward and is now at (8, 2) facing up\n(Step 3) The agent took action left and is now at (8, 2) facing left\n(Step 4) The agent took action forward and is now at (7, 2) facing left\n(Step 5) The agent took action right and is now at (7, 2) facing up\n(Step 6) The agent took action right and is now at (7, 2) facing right\n(Step 7) The agent took action forward and is now at (8, 2) facing right\n(Step 8) The agent took action left and is now at (8, 2) facing up\n(Step 9) The agent took action forward and is now at (8, 1) facing up\n(Step 10) The agent took action forward and is now at (8, 1) facing up\n\nAfter having taken these actions, which item is the agent closer to?\nA: white key\nB: paleblue ball\n\nPlease ONLY respond using the letter corresponding to your answer\nDo not generate any text other than the letter\n", "answer": "B" }, { "prompt": "This is a grid-like 2D world\nThe grid world consists of 12 rows and 12 columns, 0-based\nWe use (i,j) to represent the i-th column (from left to right) and j-th row (from top to bottom). \nThe following is a list of objects in this world. Each line starts with the object's position and is followed by its attributes\n(3, 6): ball, white; represented by this label: G\n(4, 8): ball, orange; represented by this label: H\n(9, 10): key, red; represented by this label: I\n\nWalls are depicted using the symbol W\n\nThere is an agent at (7, 6) facing left\n\nThe agent can take the following actions:\n- left: makes the agent face left of where it is currently facing\n- right: makes the agent face right of where it is currently facing\n- forward: makes the agent move one step in the direction it is currently facing\n- open: makes the agent open a door that it is in front of\n- pickup: makes the agent pick up the object that it is in front of\n- drop: makes the agent drop an item that it is holding\n- stay: makes the agent stay where it currently is for a timestep\n\nThe agent is represented by the following labels depending on which direction it is facing:\n- Facing left: <\n- Facing up: ^\n- Facing right: >\n- Facing down: v\n\nThe agent has full observability, meaning it can see the entire world\n\nIn this scenario, the agent has been tasked with visiting all of the objects in the grid world\n\nThis is the starting state of the board:\n```\n 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 \n0 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n1 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n2 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n3 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n4 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n5 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n6 | W O O G O O O < O O O W \n7 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n8 | W O O O H O O O O O O W \n9 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n10 | W O O O O O O O O I O W \n11 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n```\nThis list contains a sequence of actions taken by the agent\n(Step 1) The agent took action forward and is now at (6, 6) facing left\n(Step 2) The agent took action right and is now at (6, 6) facing up\n(Step 3) The agent took action forward and is now at (6, 5) facing up\n(Step 4) The agent took action forward and is now at (6, 4) facing up\n(Step 5) The agent took action forward and is now at (6, 3) facing up\n(Step 6) The agent took action forward and is now at (6, 2) facing up\n(Step 7) The agent took action left and is now at (6, 2) facing left\n(Step 8) The agent took action right and is now at (6, 2) facing up\n(Step 9) The agent took action forward and is now at (6, 1) facing up\n(Step 10) The agent took action right and is now at (6, 1) facing right\n\nAfter having taken these actions, which item is the agent closer to?\nA: white ball\nB: red key\n\nPlease ONLY respond using the letter corresponding to your answer\nDo not generate any text other than the letter\n", "answer": "A" }, { "prompt": "This is a grid-like 2D world\nThe grid world consists of 12 rows and 12 columns, 0-based\nWe use (i,j) to represent the i-th column (from left to right) and j-th row (from top to bottom). \nThe following is a list of objects in this world. Each line starts with the object's position and is followed by its attributes\n(6, 3): box, red; represented by this label: G\n(6, 4): ball, white; represented by this label: H\n(9, 4): ball, red; represented by this label: I\n\nWalls are depicted using the symbol W\n\nThere is an agent at (1, 7) facing down\n\nThe agent can take the following actions:\n- left: makes the agent face left of where it is currently facing\n- right: makes the agent face right of where it is currently facing\n- forward: makes the agent move one step in the direction it is currently facing\n- open: makes the agent open a door that it is in front of\n- pickup: makes the agent pick up the object that it is in front of\n- drop: makes the agent drop an item that it is holding\n- stay: makes the agent stay where it currently is for a timestep\n\nThe agent is represented by the following labels depending on which direction it is facing:\n- Facing left: <\n- Facing up: ^\n- Facing right: >\n- Facing down: v\n\nThe agent has full observability, meaning it can see the entire world\n\nIn this scenario, the agent has been tasked with visiting all of the objects in the grid world\n\nThis is the starting state of the board:\n```\n 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 \n0 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n1 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n2 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n3 | W O O O O O G O O O O W \n4 | W O O O O O H O O I O W \n5 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n6 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n7 | W v O O O O O O O O O W \n8 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n9 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n10 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n11 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n```\nThis list contains a sequence of actions taken by the agent\n(Step 1) The agent took action left and is now at (1, 7) facing right\n(Step 2) The agent took action forward and is now at (2, 7) facing right\n(Step 3) The agent took action forward and is now at (3, 7) facing right\n(Step 4) The agent took action forward and is now at (4, 7) facing right\n(Step 5) The agent took action forward and is now at (5, 7) facing right\n(Step 6) The agent took action forward and is now at (6, 7) facing right\n(Step 7) The agent took action left and is now at (6, 7) facing up\n(Step 8) The agent took action forward and is now at (6, 6) facing up\n(Step 9) The agent took action forward and is now at (6, 5) facing up\n\nAfter having taken these actions, which item is the agent closer to?\nA: red ball\nB: white ball\n\nPlease ONLY respond using the letter corresponding to your answer\nDo not generate any text other than the letter\n", "answer": "B" }, { "prompt": "This is a grid-like 2D world\nThe grid world consists of 12 rows and 12 columns, 0-based\nWe use (i,j) to represent the i-th column (from left to right) and j-th row (from top to bottom). \nThe following is a list of objects in this world. Each line starts with the object's position and is followed by its attributes\n(1, 1): ball, purple; represented by this label: G\n(2, 7): ball, silver; represented by this label: H\n(6, 3): box, paleblue; represented by this label: I\n\nWalls are depicted using the symbol W\n\nThere is an agent at (7, 3) facing right\n\nThe agent can take the following actions:\n- left: makes the agent face left of where it is currently facing\n- right: makes the agent face right of where it is currently facing\n- forward: makes the agent move one step in the direction it is currently facing\n- open: makes the agent open a door that it is in front of\n- pickup: makes the agent pick up the object that it is in front of\n- drop: makes the agent drop an item that it is holding\n- stay: makes the agent stay where it currently is for a timestep\n\nThe agent is represented by the following labels depending on which direction it is facing:\n- Facing left: <\n- Facing up: ^\n- Facing right: >\n- Facing down: v\n\nThe agent has full observability, meaning it can see the entire world\n\nIn this scenario, the agent has been tasked with visiting all of the objects in the grid world\n\nThis is the starting state of the board:\n```\n 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 \n0 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n1 | W G O O O O O O O O O W \n2 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n3 | W O O O O O I > O O O W \n4 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n5 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n6 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n7 | W O H O O O O O O O O W \n8 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n9 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n10 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n11 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n```\nThis list contains a sequence of actions taken by the agent\n(Step 1) The agent took action left and is now at (7, 3) facing up\n(Step 2) The agent took action right and is now at (7, 3) facing right\n(Step 3) The agent took action forward and is now at (8, 3) facing right\n(Step 4) The agent took action right and is now at (8, 3) facing down\n(Step 5) The agent took action forward and is now at (8, 4) facing down\n(Step 6) The agent took action forward and is now at (8, 5) facing down\n(Step 7) The agent took action right and is now at (8, 5) facing left\n(Step 8) The agent took action left and is now at (8, 5) facing down\n(Step 9) The agent took action right and is now at (8, 5) facing left\n(Step 10) The agent took action forward and is now at (7, 5) facing left\n\nAfter having taken these actions, which item is the agent closer to?\nA: paleblue box\nB: purple ball\n\nPlease ONLY respond using the letter corresponding to your answer\nDo not generate any text other than the letter\n", "answer": "A" }, { "prompt": "This is a grid-like 2D world\nThe grid world consists of 12 rows and 12 columns, 0-based\nWe use (i,j) to represent the i-th column (from left to right) and j-th row (from top to bottom). \nThe following is a list of objects in this world. Each line starts with the object's position and is followed by its attributes\n(1, 2): key, yellow; represented by this label: G\n(4, 4): box, red; represented by this label: H\n(6, 5): box, purple; represented by this label: I\n\nWalls are depicted using the symbol W\n\nThere is an agent at (1, 8) facing left\n\nThe agent can take the following actions:\n- left: makes the agent face left of where it is currently facing\n- right: makes the agent face right of where it is currently facing\n- forward: makes the agent move one step in the direction it is currently facing\n- open: makes the agent open a door that it is in front of\n- pickup: makes the agent pick up the object that it is in front of\n- drop: makes the agent drop an item that it is holding\n- stay: makes the agent stay where it currently is for a timestep\n\nThe agent is represented by the following labels depending on which direction it is facing:\n- Facing left: <\n- Facing up: ^\n- Facing right: >\n- Facing down: v\n\nThe agent has full observability, meaning it can see the entire world\n\nIn this scenario, the agent has been tasked with visiting all of the objects in the grid world\n\nThis is the starting state of the board:\n```\n 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 \n0 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n1 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n2 | W G O O O O O O O O O W \n3 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n4 | W O O O H O O O O O O W \n5 | W O O O O O I O O O O W \n6 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n7 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n8 | W < O O O O O O O O O W \n9 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n10 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n11 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n```\nThis list contains a sequence of actions taken by the agent\n(Step 1) The agent took action right and is now at (1, 8) facing up\n(Step 2) The agent took action forward and is now at (1, 7) facing up\n(Step 3) The agent took action forward and is now at (1, 6) facing up\n(Step 4) The agent took action forward and is now at (1, 5) facing up\n(Step 5) The agent took action forward and is now at (1, 4) facing up\n(Step 6) The agent took action forward and is now at (1, 3) facing up\n(Step 7) The agent took action right and is now at (1, 3) facing right\n(Step 8) The agent took action forward and is now at (2, 3) facing right\n(Step 9) The agent took action forward and is now at (3, 3) facing right\n(Step 10) The agent took action forward and is now at (4, 3) facing right\n(Step 11) The agent took action forward and is now at (5, 3) facing right\n(Step 12) The agent took action forward and is now at (6, 3) facing right\n(Step 13) The agent took action right and is now at (6, 3) facing down\n(Step 14) The agent took action forward and is now at (6, 4) facing down\n\nAfter having taken these actions, which item is the agent closer to?\nA: purple box\nB: yellow key\n\nPlease ONLY respond using the letter corresponding to your answer\nDo not generate any text other than the letter\n", "answer": "A" }, { "prompt": "This is a grid-like 2D world\nThe grid world consists of 12 rows and 12 columns, 0-based\nWe use (i,j) to represent the i-th column (from left to right) and j-th row (from top to bottom). \nThe following is a list of objects in this world. Each line starts with the object's position and is followed by its attributes\n(8, 1): ball, purple; represented by this label: G\n(10, 8): box, red; represented by this label: H\n(10, 9): key, yellow; represented by this label: I\n\nWalls are depicted using the symbol W\n\nThere is an agent at (4, 5) facing right\n\nThe agent can take the following actions:\n- left: makes the agent face left of where it is currently facing\n- right: makes the agent face right of where it is currently facing\n- forward: makes the agent move one step in the direction it is currently facing\n- open: makes the agent open a door that it is in front of\n- pickup: makes the agent pick up the object that it is in front of\n- drop: makes the agent drop an item that it is holding\n- stay: makes the agent stay where it currently is for a timestep\n\nThe agent is represented by the following labels depending on which direction it is facing:\n- Facing left: <\n- Facing up: ^\n- Facing right: >\n- Facing down: v\n\nThe agent has full observability, meaning it can see the entire world\n\nIn this scenario, the agent has been tasked with visiting all of the objects in the grid world\n\nThis is the starting state of the board:\n```\n 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 \n0 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n1 | W O O O O O O O G O O W \n2 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n3 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n4 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n5 | W O O O > O O O O O O W \n6 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n7 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n8 | W O O O O O O O O O H W \n9 | W O O O O O O O O O I W \n10 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n11 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n```\nThis list contains a sequence of actions taken by the agent\n(Step 1) The agent took action forward and is now at (5, 5) facing right\n(Step 2) The agent took action forward and is now at (6, 5) facing right\n(Step 3) The agent took action forward and is now at (7, 5) facing right\n(Step 4) The agent took action forward and is now at (8, 5) facing right\n(Step 5) The agent took action forward and is now at (9, 5) facing right\n(Step 6) The agent took action forward and is now at (10, 5) facing right\n(Step 7) The agent took action right and is now at (10, 5) facing down\n(Step 8) The agent took action forward and is now at (10, 6) facing down\n(Step 9) The agent took action forward and is now at (10, 7) facing down\n\nAfter having taken these actions, which item is the agent closer to?\nA: red box\nB: purple ball\n\nPlease ONLY respond using the letter corresponding to your answer\nDo not generate any text other than the letter\n", "answer": "A" }, { "prompt": "This is a grid-like 2D world\nThe grid world consists of 12 rows and 12 columns, 0-based\nWe use (i,j) to represent the i-th column (from left to right) and j-th row (from top to bottom). \nThe following is a list of objects in this world. Each line starts with the object's position and is followed by its attributes\n(3, 5): ball, paleblue; represented by this label: G\n(7, 4): box, brown; represented by this label: H\n(10, 2): ball, white; represented by this label: I\n\nWalls are depicted using the symbol W\n\nThere is an agent at (3, 4) facing right\n\nThe agent can take the following actions:\n- left: makes the agent face left of where it is currently facing\n- right: makes the agent face right of where it is currently facing\n- forward: makes the agent move one step in the direction it is currently facing\n- open: makes the agent open a door that it is in front of\n- pickup: makes the agent pick up the object that it is in front of\n- drop: makes the agent drop an item that it is holding\n- stay: makes the agent stay where it currently is for a timestep\n\nThe agent is represented by the following labels depending on which direction it is facing:\n- Facing left: <\n- Facing up: ^\n- Facing right: >\n- Facing down: v\n\nThe agent has full observability, meaning it can see the entire world\n\nIn this scenario, the agent has been tasked with visiting all of the objects in the grid world\n\nThis is the starting state of the board:\n```\n 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 \n0 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n1 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n2 | W O O O O O O O O O I W \n3 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n4 | W O O > O O O H O O O W \n5 | W O O G O O O O O O O W \n6 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n7 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n8 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n9 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n10 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n11 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n```\nThis list contains a sequence of actions taken by the agent\n(Step 1) The agent took action forward and is now at (4, 4) facing right\n(Step 2) The agent took action forward and is now at (5, 4) facing right\n(Step 3) The agent took action forward and is now at (6, 4) facing right\n(Step 4) The agent took action left and is now at (6, 4) facing up\n(Step 5) The agent took action forward and is now at (6, 3) facing up\n(Step 6) The agent took action forward and is now at (6, 2) facing up\n(Step 7) The agent took action right and is now at (6, 2) facing right\n(Step 8) The agent took action forward and is now at (7, 2) facing right\n(Step 9) The agent took action forward and is now at (8, 2) facing right\n(Step 10) The agent took action forward and is now at (9, 2) facing right\n\nAfter having taken these actions, which item is the agent closer to?\nA: paleblue ball\nB: white ball\n\nPlease ONLY respond using the letter corresponding to your answer\nDo not generate any text other than the letter\n", "answer": "B" }, { "prompt": "This is a grid-like 2D world\nThe grid world consists of 12 rows and 12 columns, 0-based\nWe use (i,j) to represent the i-th column (from left to right) and j-th row (from top to bottom). \nThe following is a list of objects in this world. Each line starts with the object's position and is followed by its attributes\n(3, 3): key, paleblue; represented by this label: G\n(5, 3): box, silver; represented by this label: H\n(6, 5): ball, red; represented by this label: I\n\nWalls are depicted using the symbol W\n\nThere is an agent at (10, 4) facing right\n\nThe agent can take the following actions:\n- left: makes the agent face left of where it is currently facing\n- right: makes the agent face right of where it is currently facing\n- forward: makes the agent move one step in the direction it is currently facing\n- open: makes the agent open a door that it is in front of\n- pickup: makes the agent pick up the object that it is in front of\n- drop: makes the agent drop an item that it is holding\n- stay: makes the agent stay where it currently is for a timestep\n\nThe agent is represented by the following labels depending on which direction it is facing:\n- Facing left: <\n- Facing up: ^\n- Facing right: >\n- Facing down: v\n\nThe agent has full observability, meaning it can see the entire world\n\nIn this scenario, the agent has been tasked with visiting all of the objects in the grid world\n\nThis is the starting state of the board:\n```\n 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 \n0 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n1 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n2 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n3 | W O O G O H O O O O O W \n4 | W O O O O O O O O O > W \n5 | W O O O O O I O O O O W \n6 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n7 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n8 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n9 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n10 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n11 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n```\nThis list contains a sequence of actions taken by the agent\n(Step 1) The agent took action left and is now at (10, 4) facing up\n(Step 2) The agent took action forward and is now at (10, 3) facing up\n(Step 3) The agent took action left and is now at (10, 3) facing left\n(Step 4) The agent took action forward and is now at (9, 3) facing left\n(Step 5) The agent took action forward and is now at (8, 3) facing left\n(Step 6) The agent took action forward and is now at (7, 3) facing left\n(Step 7) The agent took action forward and is now at (6, 3) facing left\n\nAfter having taken these actions, which item is the agent closer to?\nA: silver box\nB: paleblue key\n\nPlease ONLY respond using the letter corresponding to your answer\nDo not generate any text other than the letter\n", "answer": "A" }, { "prompt": "This is a grid-like 2D world\nThe grid world consists of 12 rows and 12 columns, 0-based\nWe use (i,j) to represent the i-th column (from left to right) and j-th row (from top to bottom). \nThe following is a list of objects in this world. Each line starts with the object's position and is followed by its attributes\n(4, 10): ball, white; represented by this label: G\n(5, 3): key, blue; represented by this label: H\n(9, 4): ball, purple; represented by this label: I\n\nWalls are depicted using the symbol W\n\nThere is an agent at (2, 8) facing up\n\nThe agent can take the following actions:\n- left: makes the agent face left of where it is currently facing\n- right: makes the agent face right of where it is currently facing\n- forward: makes the agent move one step in the direction it is currently facing\n- open: makes the agent open a door that it is in front of\n- pickup: makes the agent pick up the object that it is in front of\n- drop: makes the agent drop an item that it is holding\n- stay: makes the agent stay where it currently is for a timestep\n\nThe agent is represented by the following labels depending on which direction it is facing:\n- Facing left: <\n- Facing up: ^\n- Facing right: >\n- Facing down: v\n\nThe agent has full observability, meaning it can see the entire world\n\nIn this scenario, the agent has been tasked with visiting all of the objects in the grid world\n\nThis is the starting state of the board:\n```\n 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 \n0 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n1 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n2 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n3 | W O O O O H O O O O O W \n4 | W O O O O O O O O I O W \n5 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n6 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n7 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n8 | W O ^ O O O O O O O O W \n9 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n10 | W O O O G O O O O O O W \n11 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n```\nThis list contains a sequence of actions taken by the agent\n(Step 1) The agent took action forward and is now at (2, 7) facing up\n(Step 2) The agent took action forward and is now at (2, 6) facing up\n(Step 3) The agent took action forward and is now at (2, 5) facing up\n(Step 4) The agent took action forward and is now at (2, 4) facing up\n(Step 5) The agent took action forward and is now at (2, 3) facing up\n(Step 6) The agent took action right and is now at (2, 3) facing right\n(Step 7) The agent took action forward and is now at (3, 3) facing right\n(Step 8) The agent took action forward and is now at (4, 3) facing right\n\nAfter having taken these actions, which item is the agent closer to?\nA: blue key\nB: white ball\n\nPlease ONLY respond using the letter corresponding to your answer\nDo not generate any text other than the letter\n", "answer": "A" }, { "prompt": "This is a grid-like 2D world\nThe grid world consists of 12 rows and 12 columns, 0-based\nWe use (i,j) to represent the i-th column (from left to right) and j-th row (from top to bottom). \nThe following is a list of objects in this world. Each line starts with the object's position and is followed by its attributes\n(5, 4): key, yellow; represented by this label: G\n(6, 10): ball, yellow; represented by this label: H\n(10, 6): ball, blue; represented by this label: I\n\nWalls are depicted using the symbol W\n\nThere is an agent at (10, 3) facing up\n\nThe agent can take the following actions:\n- left: makes the agent face left of where it is currently facing\n- right: makes the agent face right of where it is currently facing\n- forward: makes the agent move one step in the direction it is currently facing\n- open: makes the agent open a door that it is in front of\n- pickup: makes the agent pick up the object that it is in front of\n- drop: makes the agent drop an item that it is holding\n- stay: makes the agent stay where it currently is for a timestep\n\nThe agent is represented by the following labels depending on which direction it is facing:\n- Facing left: <\n- Facing up: ^\n- Facing right: >\n- Facing down: v\n\nThe agent has full observability, meaning it can see the entire world\n\nIn this scenario, the agent has been tasked with visiting all of the objects in the grid world\n\nThis is the starting state of the board:\n```\n 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 \n0 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n1 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n2 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n3 | W O O O O O O O O O ^ W \n4 | W O O O O G O O O O O W \n5 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n6 | W O O O O O O O O O I W \n7 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n8 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n9 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n10 | W O O O O O H O O O O W \n11 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n```\nThis list contains a sequence of actions taken by the agent\n(Step 1) The agent took action left and is now at (10, 3) facing left\n(Step 2) The agent took action forward and is now at (9, 3) facing left\n(Step 3) The agent took action forward and is now at (8, 3) facing left\n(Step 4) The agent took action forward and is now at (7, 3) facing left\n(Step 5) The agent took action forward and is now at (6, 3) facing left\n(Step 6) The agent took action left and is now at (6, 3) facing down\n(Step 7) The agent took action forward and is now at (6, 4) facing down\n(Step 8) The agent took action forward and is now at (6, 5) facing down\n(Step 9) The agent took action forward and is now at (6, 6) facing down\n(Step 10) The agent took action forward and is now at (6, 7) facing down\n(Step 11) The agent took action forward and is now at (6, 8) facing down\n(Step 12) The agent took action forward and is now at (6, 9) facing down\n(Step 13) The agent took action right and is now at (6, 9) facing left\n(Step 14) The agent took action forward and is now at (5, 9) facing left\n(Step 15) The agent took action right and is now at (5, 9) facing up\n(Step 16) The agent took action forward and is now at (5, 8) facing up\n(Step 17) The agent took action forward and is now at (5, 7) facing up\n(Step 18) The agent took action forward and is now at (5, 6) facing up\n(Step 19) The agent took action forward and is now at (5, 5) facing up\n\nAfter having taken these actions, which item is the agent closer to?\nA: yellow key\nB: blue ball\n\nPlease ONLY respond using the letter corresponding to your answer\nDo not generate any text other than the letter\n", "answer": "A" }, { "prompt": "This is a grid-like 2D world\nThe grid world consists of 12 rows and 12 columns, 0-based\nWe use (i,j) to represent the i-th column (from left to right) and j-th row (from top to bottom). \nThe following is a list of objects in this world. Each line starts with the object's position and is followed by its attributes\n(1, 4): ball, brown; represented by this label: G\n(1, 10): key, purple; represented by this label: H\n(10, 7): box, orange; represented by this label: I\n\nWalls are depicted using the symbol W\n\nThere is an agent at (8, 4) facing down\n\nThe agent can take the following actions:\n- left: makes the agent face left of where it is currently facing\n- right: makes the agent face right of where it is currently facing\n- forward: makes the agent move one step in the direction it is currently facing\n- open: makes the agent open a door that it is in front of\n- pickup: makes the agent pick up the object that it is in front of\n- drop: makes the agent drop an item that it is holding\n- stay: makes the agent stay where it currently is for a timestep\n\nThe agent is represented by the following labels depending on which direction it is facing:\n- Facing left: <\n- Facing up: ^\n- Facing right: >\n- Facing down: v\n\nThe agent has full observability, meaning it can see the entire world\n\nIn this scenario, the agent has been tasked with visiting all of the objects in the grid world\n\nThis is the starting state of the board:\n```\n 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 \n0 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n1 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n2 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n3 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n4 | W G O O O O O O v O O W \n5 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n6 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n7 | W O O O O O O O O O I W \n8 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n9 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n10 | W H O O O O O O O O O W \n11 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n```\nThis list contains a sequence of actions taken by the agent\n(Step 1) The agent took action forward and is now at (8, 5) facing down\n(Step 2) The agent took action left and is now at (8, 5) facing right\n(Step 3) The agent took action left and is now at (8, 5) facing up\n(Step 4) The agent took action right and is now at (8, 5) facing right\n(Step 5) The agent took action forward and is now at (9, 5) facing right\n(Step 6) The agent took action forward and is now at (10, 5) facing right\n(Step 7) The agent took action forward and is now at (10, 5) facing right\n(Step 8) The agent took action forward and is now at (10, 5) facing right\n(Step 9) The agent took action forward and is now at (10, 5) facing right\n(Step 10) The agent took action left and is now at (10, 5) facing up\n\nAfter having taken these actions, which item is the agent closer to?\nA: orange box\nB: purple key\n\nPlease ONLY respond using the letter corresponding to your answer\nDo not generate any text other than the letter\n", "answer": "A" }, { "prompt": "This is a grid-like 2D world\nThe grid world consists of 12 rows and 12 columns, 0-based\nWe use (i,j) to represent the i-th column (from left to right) and j-th row (from top to bottom). \nThe following is a list of objects in this world. Each line starts with the object's position and is followed by its attributes\n(4, 4): key, grey; represented by this label: G\n(6, 4): box, green; represented by this label: H\n(10, 8): ball, purple; represented by this label: I\n\nWalls are depicted using the symbol W\n\nThere is an agent at (5, 4) facing right\n\nThe agent can take the following actions:\n- left: makes the agent face left of where it is currently facing\n- right: makes the agent face right of where it is currently facing\n- forward: makes the agent move one step in the direction it is currently facing\n- open: makes the agent open a door that it is in front of\n- pickup: makes the agent pick up the object that it is in front of\n- drop: makes the agent drop an item that it is holding\n- stay: makes the agent stay where it currently is for a timestep\n\nThe agent is represented by the following labels depending on which direction it is facing:\n- Facing left: <\n- Facing up: ^\n- Facing right: >\n- Facing down: v\n\nThe agent has full observability, meaning it can see the entire world\n\nIn this scenario, the agent has been tasked with visiting all of the objects in the grid world\n\nThis is the starting state of the board:\n```\n 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 \n0 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n1 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n2 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n3 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n4 | W O O O G > H O O O O W \n5 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n6 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n7 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n8 | W O O O O O O O O O I W \n9 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n10 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n11 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n```\nThis list contains a sequence of actions taken by the agent\n\nAfter having taken these actions, which item is the agent closer to?\nA: grey key\nB: purple ball\n\nPlease ONLY respond using the letter corresponding to your answer\nDo not generate any text other than the letter\n", "answer": "A" }, { "prompt": "This is a grid-like 2D world\nThe grid world consists of 12 rows and 12 columns, 0-based\nWe use (i,j) to represent the i-th column (from left to right) and j-th row (from top to bottom). \nThe following is a list of objects in this world. Each line starts with the object's position and is followed by its attributes\n(2, 1): box, orange; represented by this label: G\n(8, 4): key, silver; represented by this label: H\n(9, 1): key, brown; represented by this label: I\n\nWalls are depicted using the symbol W\n\nThere is an agent at (6, 2) facing up\n\nThe agent can take the following actions:\n- left: makes the agent face left of where it is currently facing\n- right: makes the agent face right of where it is currently facing\n- forward: makes the agent move one step in the direction it is currently facing\n- open: makes the agent open a door that it is in front of\n- pickup: makes the agent pick up the object that it is in front of\n- drop: makes the agent drop an item that it is holding\n- stay: makes the agent stay where it currently is for a timestep\n\nThe agent is represented by the following labels depending on which direction it is facing:\n- Facing left: <\n- Facing up: ^\n- Facing right: >\n- Facing down: v\n\nThe agent has full observability, meaning it can see the entire world\n\nIn this scenario, the agent has been tasked with visiting all of the objects in the grid world\n\nThis is the starting state of the board:\n```\n 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 \n0 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n1 | W O G O O O O O O I O W \n2 | W O O O O O ^ O O O O W \n3 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n4 | W O O O O O O O H O O W \n5 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n6 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n7 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n8 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n9 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n10 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n11 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n```\nThis list contains a sequence of actions taken by the agent\n(Step 1) The agent took action forward and is now at (6, 1) facing up\n(Step 2) The agent took action left and is now at (6, 1) facing left\n(Step 3) The agent took action forward and is now at (5, 1) facing left\n(Step 4) The agent took action forward and is now at (4, 1) facing left\n(Step 5) The agent took action forward and is now at (3, 1) facing left\n(Step 6) The agent took action left and is now at (3, 1) facing down\n(Step 7) The agent took action forward and is now at (3, 2) facing down\n(Step 8) The agent took action forward and is now at (3, 3) facing down\n(Step 9) The agent took action forward and is now at (3, 4) facing down\n(Step 10) The agent took action left and is now at (3, 4) facing right\n(Step 11) The agent took action forward and is now at (4, 4) facing right\n(Step 12) The agent took action forward and is now at (5, 4) facing right\n(Step 13) The agent took action forward and is now at (6, 4) facing right\n(Step 14) The agent took action forward and is now at (7, 4) facing right\n\nAfter having taken these actions, which item is the agent closer to?\nA: silver key\nB: orange box\n\nPlease ONLY respond using the letter corresponding to your answer\nDo not generate any text other than the letter\n", "answer": "A" }, { "prompt": "This is a grid-like 2D world\nThe grid world consists of 12 rows and 12 columns, 0-based\nWe use (i,j) to represent the i-th column (from left to right) and j-th row (from top to bottom). \nThe following is a list of objects in this world. Each line starts with the object's position and is followed by its attributes\n(3, 5): ball, silver; represented by this label: G\n(7, 10): key, silver; represented by this label: H\n(10, 6): key, grey; represented by this label: I\n\nWalls are depicted using the symbol W\n\nThere is an agent at (3, 2) facing up\n\nThe agent can take the following actions:\n- left: makes the agent face left of where it is currently facing\n- right: makes the agent face right of where it is currently facing\n- forward: makes the agent move one step in the direction it is currently facing\n- open: makes the agent open a door that it is in front of\n- pickup: makes the agent pick up the object that it is in front of\n- drop: makes the agent drop an item that it is holding\n- stay: makes the agent stay where it currently is for a timestep\n\nThe agent is represented by the following labels depending on which direction it is facing:\n- Facing left: <\n- Facing up: ^\n- Facing right: >\n- Facing down: v\n\nThe agent has full observability, meaning it can see the entire world\n\nIn this scenario, the agent has been tasked with visiting all of the objects in the grid world\n\nThis is the starting state of the board:\n```\n 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 \n0 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n1 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n2 | W O O ^ O O O O O O O W \n3 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n4 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n5 | W O O G O O O O O O O W \n6 | W O O O O O O O O O I W \n7 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n8 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n9 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n10 | W O O O O O O H O O O W \n11 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n```\nThis list contains a sequence of actions taken by the agent\n(Step 1) The agent took action right and is now at (3, 2) facing right\n(Step 2) The agent took action forward and is now at (4, 2) facing right\n(Step 3) The agent took action forward and is now at (5, 2) facing right\n(Step 4) The agent took action forward and is now at (6, 2) facing right\n(Step 5) The agent took action forward and is now at (7, 2) facing right\n(Step 6) The agent took action forward and is now at (8, 2) facing right\n(Step 7) The agent took action forward and is now at (9, 2) facing right\n(Step 8) The agent took action forward and is now at (10, 2) facing right\n(Step 9) The agent took action right and is now at (10, 2) facing down\n(Step 10) The agent took action forward and is now at (10, 3) facing down\n(Step 11) The agent took action forward and is now at (10, 4) facing down\n(Step 12) The agent took action forward and is now at (10, 5) facing down\n\nAfter having taken these actions, which item is the agent closer to?\nA: silver key\nB: grey key\n\nPlease ONLY respond using the letter corresponding to your answer\nDo not generate any text other than the letter\n", "answer": "B" }, { "prompt": "This is a grid-like 2D world\nThe grid world consists of 12 rows and 12 columns, 0-based\nWe use (i,j) to represent the i-th column (from left to right) and j-th row (from top to bottom). \nThe following is a list of objects in this world. Each line starts with the object's position and is followed by its attributes\n(3, 7): box, white; represented by this label: G\n(4, 4): ball, white; represented by this label: H\n(8, 1): box, paleblue; represented by this label: I\n\nWalls are depicted using the symbol W\n\nThere is an agent at (2, 9) facing right\n\nThe agent can take the following actions:\n- left: makes the agent face left of where it is currently facing\n- right: makes the agent face right of where it is currently facing\n- forward: makes the agent move one step in the direction it is currently facing\n- open: makes the agent open a door that it is in front of\n- pickup: makes the agent pick up the object that it is in front of\n- drop: makes the agent drop an item that it is holding\n- stay: makes the agent stay where it currently is for a timestep\n\nThe agent is represented by the following labels depending on which direction it is facing:\n- Facing left: <\n- Facing up: ^\n- Facing right: >\n- Facing down: v\n\nThe agent has full observability, meaning it can see the entire world\n\nIn this scenario, the agent has been tasked with visiting all of the objects in the grid world\n\nThis is the starting state of the board:\n```\n 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 \n0 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n1 | W O O O O O O O I O O W \n2 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n3 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n4 | W O O O H O O O O O O W \n5 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n6 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n7 | W O O G O O O O O O O W \n8 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n9 | W O > O O O O O O O O W \n10 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n11 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n```\nThis list contains a sequence of actions taken by the agent\n(Step 1) The agent took action forward and is now at (3, 9) facing right\n(Step 2) The agent took action left and is now at (3, 9) facing up\n(Step 3) The agent took action forward and is now at (3, 8) facing up\n\nAfter having taken these actions, which item is the agent closer to?\nA: white box\nB: paleblue box\n\nPlease ONLY respond using the letter corresponding to your answer\nDo not generate any text other than the letter\n", "answer": "A" }, { "prompt": "This is a grid-like 2D world\nThe grid world consists of 12 rows and 12 columns, 0-based\nWe use (i,j) to represent the i-th column (from left to right) and j-th row (from top to bottom). \nThe following is a list of objects in this world. Each line starts with the object's position and is followed by its attributes\n(7, 7): key, orange; represented by this label: G\n(9, 7): key, brown; represented by this label: H\n(9, 8): ball, white; represented by this label: I\n\nWalls are depicted using the symbol W\n\nThere is an agent at (4, 10) facing down\n\nThe agent can take the following actions:\n- left: makes the agent face left of where it is currently facing\n- right: makes the agent face right of where it is currently facing\n- forward: makes the agent move one step in the direction it is currently facing\n- open: makes the agent open a door that it is in front of\n- pickup: makes the agent pick up the object that it is in front of\n- drop: makes the agent drop an item that it is holding\n- stay: makes the agent stay where it currently is for a timestep\n\nThe agent is represented by the following labels depending on which direction it is facing:\n- Facing left: <\n- Facing up: ^\n- Facing right: >\n- Facing down: v\n\nThe agent has full observability, meaning it can see the entire world\n\nIn this scenario, the agent has been tasked with visiting all of the objects in the grid world\n\nThis is the starting state of the board:\n```\n 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 \n0 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n1 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n2 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n3 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n4 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n5 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n6 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n7 | W O O O O O O G O H O W \n8 | W O O O O O O O O I O W \n9 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n10 | W O O O v O O O O O O W \n11 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n```\nThis list contains a sequence of actions taken by the agent\n(Step 1) The agent took action left and is now at (4, 10) facing right\n(Step 2) The agent took action forward and is now at (5, 10) facing right\n(Step 3) The agent took action forward and is now at (6, 10) facing right\n(Step 4) The agent took action forward and is now at (7, 10) facing right\n(Step 5) The agent took action forward and is now at (8, 10) facing right\n(Step 6) The agent took action forward and is now at (9, 10) facing right\n(Step 7) The agent took action left and is now at (9, 10) facing up\n(Step 8) The agent took action forward and is now at (9, 9) facing up\n\nAfter having taken these actions, which item is the agent closer to?\nA: orange key\nB: white ball\n\nPlease ONLY respond using the letter corresponding to your answer\nDo not generate any text other than the letter\n", "answer": "B" }, { "prompt": "This is a grid-like 2D world\nThe grid world consists of 12 rows and 12 columns, 0-based\nWe use (i,j) to represent the i-th column (from left to right) and j-th row (from top to bottom). \nThe following is a list of objects in this world. Each line starts with the object's position and is followed by its attributes\n(2, 1): box, paleblue; represented by this label: G\n(4, 9): box, green; represented by this label: H\n(10, 3): box, blue; represented by this label: I\n\nWalls are depicted using the symbol W\n\nThere is an agent at (4, 6) facing right\n\nThe agent can take the following actions:\n- left: makes the agent face left of where it is currently facing\n- right: makes the agent face right of where it is currently facing\n- forward: makes the agent move one step in the direction it is currently facing\n- open: makes the agent open a door that it is in front of\n- pickup: makes the agent pick up the object that it is in front of\n- drop: makes the agent drop an item that it is holding\n- stay: makes the agent stay where it currently is for a timestep\n\nThe agent is represented by the following labels depending on which direction it is facing:\n- Facing left: <\n- Facing up: ^\n- Facing right: >\n- Facing down: v\n\nThe agent has full observability, meaning it can see the entire world\n\nIn this scenario, the agent has been tasked with visiting all of the objects in the grid world\n\nThis is the starting state of the board:\n```\n 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 \n0 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n1 | W O G O O O O O O O O W \n2 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n3 | W O O O O O O O O O I W \n4 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n5 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n6 | W O O O > O O O O O O W \n7 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n8 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n9 | W O O O H O O O O O O W \n10 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n11 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n```\nThis list contains a sequence of actions taken by the agent\n(Step 1) The agent took action forward and is now at (5, 6) facing right\n(Step 2) The agent took action forward and is now at (6, 6) facing right\n(Step 3) The agent took action forward and is now at (7, 6) facing right\n(Step 4) The agent took action forward and is now at (8, 6) facing right\n(Step 5) The agent took action forward and is now at (9, 6) facing right\n(Step 6) The agent took action forward and is now at (10, 6) facing right\n(Step 7) The agent took action left and is now at (10, 6) facing up\n(Step 8) The agent took action forward and is now at (10, 5) facing up\n(Step 9) The agent took action forward and is now at (10, 4) facing up\n\nAfter having taken these actions, which item is the agent closer to?\nA: green box\nB: blue box\n\nPlease ONLY respond using the letter corresponding to your answer\nDo not generate any text other than the letter\n", "answer": "B" }, { "prompt": "This is a grid-like 2D world\nThe grid world consists of 12 rows and 12 columns, 0-based\nWe use (i,j) to represent the i-th column (from left to right) and j-th row (from top to bottom). \nThe following is a list of objects in this world. Each line starts with the object's position and is followed by its attributes\n(3, 10): ball, orange; represented by this label: G\n(7, 7): key, yellow; represented by this label: H\n(8, 7): ball, white; represented by this label: I\n\nWalls are depicted using the symbol W\n\nThere is an agent at (4, 7) facing down\n\nThe agent can take the following actions:\n- left: makes the agent face left of where it is currently facing\n- right: makes the agent face right of where it is currently facing\n- forward: makes the agent move one step in the direction it is currently facing\n- open: makes the agent open a door that it is in front of\n- pickup: makes the agent pick up the object that it is in front of\n- drop: makes the agent drop an item that it is holding\n- stay: makes the agent stay where it currently is for a timestep\n\nThe agent is represented by the following labels depending on which direction it is facing:\n- Facing left: <\n- Facing up: ^\n- Facing right: >\n- Facing down: v\n\nThe agent has full observability, meaning it can see the entire world\n\nIn this scenario, the agent has been tasked with visiting all of the objects in the grid world\n\nThis is the starting state of the board:\n```\n 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 \n0 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n1 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n2 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n3 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n4 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n5 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n6 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n7 | W O O O v O O H I O O W \n8 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n9 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n10 | W O O G O O O O O O O W \n11 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n```\nThis list contains a sequence of actions taken by the agent\n(Step 1) The agent took action left and is now at (4, 7) facing right\n(Step 2) The agent took action forward and is now at (5, 7) facing right\n(Step 3) The agent took action forward and is now at (6, 7) facing right\n\nAfter having taken these actions, which item is the agent closer to?\nA: yellow key\nB: orange ball\n\nPlease ONLY respond using the letter corresponding to your answer\nDo not generate any text other than the letter\n", "answer": "A" }, { "prompt": "This is a grid-like 2D world\nThe grid world consists of 12 rows and 12 columns, 0-based\nWe use (i,j) to represent the i-th column (from left to right) and j-th row (from top to bottom). \nThe following is a list of objects in this world. Each line starts with the object's position and is followed by its attributes\n(2, 2): box, blue; represented by this label: G\n(5, 3): box, white; represented by this label: H\n(7, 4): key, red; represented by this label: I\n\nWalls are depicted using the symbol W\n\nThere is an agent at (5, 4) facing up\n\nThe agent can take the following actions:\n- left: makes the agent face left of where it is currently facing\n- right: makes the agent face right of where it is currently facing\n- forward: makes the agent move one step in the direction it is currently facing\n- open: makes the agent open a door that it is in front of\n- pickup: makes the agent pick up the object that it is in front of\n- drop: makes the agent drop an item that it is holding\n- stay: makes the agent stay where it currently is for a timestep\n\nThe agent is represented by the following labels depending on which direction it is facing:\n- Facing left: <\n- Facing up: ^\n- Facing right: >\n- Facing down: v\n\nThe agent has full observability, meaning it can see the entire world\n\nIn this scenario, the agent has been tasked with visiting all of the objects in the grid world\n\nThis is the starting state of the board:\n```\n 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 \n0 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n1 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n2 | W O G O O O O O O O O W \n3 | W O O O O H O O O O O W \n4 | W O O O O ^ O I O O O W \n5 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n6 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n7 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n8 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n9 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n10 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n11 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n```\nThis list contains a sequence of actions taken by the agent\n(Step 1) The agent took action left and is now at (5, 4) facing left\n(Step 2) The agent took action right and is now at (5, 4) facing up\n(Step 3) The agent took action left and is now at (5, 4) facing left\n(Step 4) The agent took action left and is now at (5, 4) facing down\n(Step 5) The agent took action right and is now at (5, 4) facing left\n(Step 6) The agent took action right and is now at (5, 4) facing up\n(Step 7) The agent took action forward and is now at (5, 4) facing up\n(Step 8) The agent took action forward and is now at (5, 4) facing up\n(Step 9) The agent took action right and is now at (5, 4) facing right\n(Step 10) The agent took action forward and is now at (6, 4) facing right\n\nAfter having taken these actions, which item is the agent closer to?\nA: red key\nB: blue box\n\nPlease ONLY respond using the letter corresponding to your answer\nDo not generate any text other than the letter\n", "answer": "A" }, { "prompt": "This is a grid-like 2D world\nThe grid world consists of 12 rows and 12 columns, 0-based\nWe use (i,j) to represent the i-th column (from left to right) and j-th row (from top to bottom). \nThe following is a list of objects in this world. Each line starts with the object's position and is followed by its attributes\n(1, 2): ball, blue; represented by this label: G\n(4, 6): ball, orange; represented by this label: H\n(6, 2): box, red; represented by this label: I\n\nWalls are depicted using the symbol W\n\nThere is an agent at (7, 8) facing up\n\nThe agent can take the following actions:\n- left: makes the agent face left of where it is currently facing\n- right: makes the agent face right of where it is currently facing\n- forward: makes the agent move one step in the direction it is currently facing\n- open: makes the agent open a door that it is in front of\n- pickup: makes the agent pick up the object that it is in front of\n- drop: makes the agent drop an item that it is holding\n- stay: makes the agent stay where it currently is for a timestep\n\nThe agent is represented by the following labels depending on which direction it is facing:\n- Facing left: <\n- Facing up: ^\n- Facing right: >\n- Facing down: v\n\nThe agent has full observability, meaning it can see the entire world\n\nIn this scenario, the agent has been tasked with visiting all of the objects in the grid world\n\nThis is the starting state of the board:\n```\n 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 \n0 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n1 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n2 | W G O O O O I O O O O W \n3 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n4 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n5 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n6 | W O O O H O O O O O O W \n7 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n8 | W O O O O O O ^ O O O W \n9 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n10 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n11 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n```\nThis list contains a sequence of actions taken by the agent\n(Step 1) The agent took action forward and is now at (7, 7) facing up\n(Step 2) The agent took action forward and is now at (7, 6) facing up\n(Step 3) The agent took action forward and is now at (7, 5) facing up\n(Step 4) The agent took action forward and is now at (7, 4) facing up\n(Step 5) The agent took action forward and is now at (7, 3) facing up\n(Step 6) The agent took action left and is now at (7, 3) facing left\n(Step 7) The agent took action forward and is now at (6, 3) facing left\n(Step 8) The agent took action forward and is now at (5, 3) facing left\n(Step 9) The agent took action forward and is now at (4, 3) facing left\n(Step 10) The agent took action forward and is now at (3, 3) facing left\n(Step 11) The agent took action forward and is now at (2, 3) facing left\n(Step 12) The agent took action forward and is now at (1, 3) facing left\n(Step 13) The agent took action right and is now at (1, 3) facing up\n\nAfter having taken these actions, which item is the agent closer to?\nA: blue ball\nB: red box\n\nPlease ONLY respond using the letter corresponding to your answer\nDo not generate any text other than the letter\n", "answer": "A" }, { "prompt": "This is a grid-like 2D world\nThe grid world consists of 12 rows and 12 columns, 0-based\nWe use (i,j) to represent the i-th column (from left to right) and j-th row (from top to bottom). \nThe following is a list of objects in this world. Each line starts with the object's position and is followed by its attributes\n(1, 4): ball, green; represented by this label: G\n(2, 5): key, silver; represented by this label: H\n(7, 6): box, green; represented by this label: I\n\nWalls are depicted using the symbol W\n\nThere is an agent at (8, 3) facing up\n\nThe agent can take the following actions:\n- left: makes the agent face left of where it is currently facing\n- right: makes the agent face right of where it is currently facing\n- forward: makes the agent move one step in the direction it is currently facing\n- open: makes the agent open a door that it is in front of\n- pickup: makes the agent pick up the object that it is in front of\n- drop: makes the agent drop an item that it is holding\n- stay: makes the agent stay where it currently is for a timestep\n\nThe agent is represented by the following labels depending on which direction it is facing:\n- Facing left: <\n- Facing up: ^\n- Facing right: >\n- Facing down: v\n\nThe agent has full observability, meaning it can see the entire world\n\nIn this scenario, the agent has been tasked with visiting all of the objects in the grid world\n\nThis is the starting state of the board:\n```\n 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 \n0 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n1 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n2 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n3 | W O O O O O O O ^ O O W \n4 | W G O O O O O O O O O W \n5 | W O H O O O O O O O O W \n6 | W O O O O O O I O O O W \n7 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n8 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n9 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n10 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n11 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n```\nThis list contains a sequence of actions taken by the agent\n(Step 1) The agent took action left and is now at (8, 3) facing left\n(Step 2) The agent took action forward and is now at (7, 3) facing left\n(Step 3) The agent took action forward and is now at (6, 3) facing left\n(Step 4) The agent took action forward and is now at (5, 3) facing left\n(Step 5) The agent took action forward and is now at (4, 3) facing left\n(Step 6) The agent took action forward and is now at (3, 3) facing left\n(Step 7) The agent took action forward and is now at (2, 3) facing left\n(Step 8) The agent took action left and is now at (2, 3) facing down\n(Step 9) The agent took action forward and is now at (2, 4) facing down\n\nAfter having taken these actions, which item is the agent closer to?\nA: green ball\nB: green box\n\nPlease ONLY respond using the letter corresponding to your answer\nDo not generate any text other than the letter\n", "answer": "A" }, { "prompt": "This is a grid-like 2D world\nThe grid world consists of 12 rows and 12 columns, 0-based\nWe use (i,j) to represent the i-th column (from left to right) and j-th row (from top to bottom). \nThe following is a list of objects in this world. Each line starts with the object's position and is followed by its attributes\n(3, 4): ball, grey; represented by this label: G\n(5, 10): box, blue; represented by this label: H\n(6, 8): ball, orange; represented by this label: I\n\nWalls are depicted using the symbol W\n\nThere is an agent at (1, 4) facing left\n\nThe agent can take the following actions:\n- left: makes the agent face left of where it is currently facing\n- right: makes the agent face right of where it is currently facing\n- forward: makes the agent move one step in the direction it is currently facing\n- open: makes the agent open a door that it is in front of\n- pickup: makes the agent pick up the object that it is in front of\n- drop: makes the agent drop an item that it is holding\n- stay: makes the agent stay where it currently is for a timestep\n\nThe agent is represented by the following labels depending on which direction it is facing:\n- Facing left: <\n- Facing up: ^\n- Facing right: >\n- Facing down: v\n\nThe agent has full observability, meaning it can see the entire world\n\nIn this scenario, the agent has been tasked with visiting all of the objects in the grid world\n\nThis is the starting state of the board:\n```\n 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 \n0 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n1 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n2 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n3 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n4 | W < O G O O O O O O O W \n5 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n6 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n7 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n8 | W O O O O O I O O O O W \n9 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n10 | W O O O O H O O O O O W \n11 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n```\nThis list contains a sequence of actions taken by the agent\n(Step 1) The agent took action left and is now at (1, 4) facing down\n(Step 2) The agent took action forward and is now at (1, 5) facing down\n(Step 3) The agent took action forward and is now at (1, 6) facing down\n(Step 4) The agent took action forward and is now at (1, 7) facing down\n(Step 5) The agent took action forward and is now at (1, 8) facing down\n(Step 6) The agent took action forward and is now at (1, 9) facing down\n(Step 7) The agent took action forward and is now at (1, 10) facing down\n(Step 8) The agent took action left and is now at (1, 10) facing right\n(Step 9) The agent took action forward and is now at (2, 10) facing right\n(Step 10) The agent took action forward and is now at (3, 10) facing right\n(Step 11) The agent took action forward and is now at (4, 10) facing right\n\nAfter having taken these actions, which item is the agent closer to?\nA: blue box\nB: grey ball\n\nPlease ONLY respond using the letter corresponding to your answer\nDo not generate any text other than the letter\n", "answer": "A" }, { "prompt": "This is a grid-like 2D world\nThe grid world consists of 12 rows and 12 columns, 0-based\nWe use (i,j) to represent the i-th column (from left to right) and j-th row (from top to bottom). \nThe following is a list of objects in this world. Each line starts with the object's position and is followed by its attributes\n(7, 10): box, paleblue; represented by this label: G\n(8, 4): box, grey; represented by this label: H\n(10, 3): box, white; represented by this label: I\n\nWalls are depicted using the symbol W\n\nThere is an agent at (3, 9) facing right\n\nThe agent can take the following actions:\n- left: makes the agent face left of where it is currently facing\n- right: makes the agent face right of where it is currently facing\n- forward: makes the agent move one step in the direction it is currently facing\n- open: makes the agent open a door that it is in front of\n- pickup: makes the agent pick up the object that it is in front of\n- drop: makes the agent drop an item that it is holding\n- stay: makes the agent stay where it currently is for a timestep\n\nThe agent is represented by the following labels depending on which direction it is facing:\n- Facing left: <\n- Facing up: ^\n- Facing right: >\n- Facing down: v\n\nThe agent has full observability, meaning it can see the entire world\n\nIn this scenario, the agent has been tasked with visiting all of the objects in the grid world\n\nThis is the starting state of the board:\n```\n 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 \n0 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n1 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n2 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n3 | W O O O O O O O O O I W \n4 | W O O O O O O O H O O W \n5 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n6 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n7 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n8 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n9 | W O O > O O O O O O O W \n10 | W O O O O O O G O O O W \n11 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n```\nThis list contains a sequence of actions taken by the agent\n(Step 1) The agent took action forward and is now at (4, 9) facing right\n(Step 2) The agent took action forward and is now at (5, 9) facing right\n(Step 3) The agent took action forward and is now at (6, 9) facing right\n(Step 4) The agent took action forward and is now at (7, 9) facing right\n(Step 5) The agent took action forward and is now at (8, 9) facing right\n(Step 6) The agent took action left and is now at (8, 9) facing up\n(Step 7) The agent took action forward and is now at (8, 8) facing up\n(Step 8) The agent took action forward and is now at (8, 7) facing up\n(Step 9) The agent took action forward and is now at (8, 6) facing up\n(Step 10) The agent took action forward and is now at (8, 5) facing up\n(Step 11) The agent took action right and is now at (8, 5) facing right\n(Step 12) The agent took action forward and is now at (9, 5) facing right\n(Step 13) The agent took action forward and is now at (10, 5) facing right\n(Step 14) The agent took action left and is now at (10, 5) facing up\n(Step 15) The agent took action forward and is now at (10, 4) facing up\n\nAfter having taken these actions, which item is the agent closer to?\nA: paleblue box\nB: white box\n\nPlease ONLY respond using the letter corresponding to your answer\nDo not generate any text other than the letter\n", "answer": "B" }, { "prompt": "This is a grid-like 2D world\nThe grid world consists of 12 rows and 12 columns, 0-based\nWe use (i,j) to represent the i-th column (from left to right) and j-th row (from top to bottom). \nThe following is a list of objects in this world. Each line starts with the object's position and is followed by its attributes\n(2, 5): ball, green; represented by this label: G\n(5, 7): box, grey; represented by this label: H\n(6, 5): box, brown; represented by this label: I\n\nWalls are depicted using the symbol W\n\nThere is an agent at (2, 1) facing down\n\nThe agent can take the following actions:\n- left: makes the agent face left of where it is currently facing\n- right: makes the agent face right of where it is currently facing\n- forward: makes the agent move one step in the direction it is currently facing\n- open: makes the agent open a door that it is in front of\n- pickup: makes the agent pick up the object that it is in front of\n- drop: makes the agent drop an item that it is holding\n- stay: makes the agent stay where it currently is for a timestep\n\nThe agent is represented by the following labels depending on which direction it is facing:\n- Facing left: <\n- Facing up: ^\n- Facing right: >\n- Facing down: v\n\nThe agent has full observability, meaning it can see the entire world\n\nIn this scenario, the agent has been tasked with visiting all of the objects in the grid world\n\nThis is the starting state of the board:\n```\n 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 \n0 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n1 | W O v O O O O O O O O W \n2 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n3 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n4 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n5 | W O G O O O I O O O O W \n6 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n7 | W O O O O H O O O O O W \n8 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n9 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n10 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n11 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n```\nThis list contains a sequence of actions taken by the agent\n(Step 1) The agent took action forward and is now at (2, 2) facing down\n(Step 2) The agent took action forward and is now at (2, 3) facing down\n(Step 3) The agent took action forward and is now at (2, 4) facing down\n\nAfter having taken these actions, which item is the agent closer to?\nA: grey box\nB: green ball\n\nPlease ONLY respond using the letter corresponding to your answer\nDo not generate any text other than the letter\n", "answer": "B" }, { "prompt": "This is a grid-like 2D world\nThe grid world consists of 12 rows and 12 columns, 0-based\nWe use (i,j) to represent the i-th column (from left to right) and j-th row (from top to bottom). \nThe following is a list of objects in this world. Each line starts with the object's position and is followed by its attributes\n(5, 5): box, orange; represented by this label: G\n(9, 1): key, brown; represented by this label: H\n(10, 5): ball, paleblue; represented by this label: I\n\nWalls are depicted using the symbol W\n\nThere is an agent at (3, 10) facing left\n\nThe agent can take the following actions:\n- left: makes the agent face left of where it is currently facing\n- right: makes the agent face right of where it is currently facing\n- forward: makes the agent move one step in the direction it is currently facing\n- open: makes the agent open a door that it is in front of\n- pickup: makes the agent pick up the object that it is in front of\n- drop: makes the agent drop an item that it is holding\n- stay: makes the agent stay where it currently is for a timestep\n\nThe agent is represented by the following labels depending on which direction it is facing:\n- Facing left: <\n- Facing up: ^\n- Facing right: >\n- Facing down: v\n\nThe agent has full observability, meaning it can see the entire world\n\nIn this scenario, the agent has been tasked with visiting all of the objects in the grid world\n\nThis is the starting state of the board:\n```\n 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 \n0 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n1 | W O O O O O O O O H O W \n2 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n3 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n4 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n5 | W O O O O G O O O O I W \n6 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n7 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n8 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n9 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n10 | W O O < O O O O O O O W \n11 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n```\nThis list contains a sequence of actions taken by the agent\n(Step 1) The agent took action right and is now at (3, 10) facing up\n(Step 2) The agent took action forward and is now at (3, 9) facing up\n(Step 3) The agent took action left and is now at (3, 9) facing left\n(Step 4) The agent took action forward and is now at (2, 9) facing left\n(Step 5) The agent took action forward and is now at (1, 9) facing left\n(Step 6) The agent took action right and is now at (1, 9) facing up\n(Step 7) The agent took action forward and is now at (1, 8) facing up\n(Step 8) The agent took action right and is now at (1, 8) facing right\n(Step 9) The agent took action forward and is now at (2, 8) facing right\n(Step 10) The agent took action forward and is now at (3, 8) facing right\n\nAfter having taken these actions, which item is the agent closer to?\nA: brown key\nB: orange box\n\nPlease ONLY respond using the letter corresponding to your answer\nDo not generate any text other than the letter\n", "answer": "B" }, { "prompt": "This is a grid-like 2D world\nThe grid world consists of 12 rows and 12 columns, 0-based\nWe use (i,j) to represent the i-th column (from left to right) and j-th row (from top to bottom). \nThe following is a list of objects in this world. Each line starts with the object's position and is followed by its attributes\n(5, 2): ball, silver; represented by this label: G\n(5, 8): box, silver; represented by this label: H\n(6, 3): box, green; represented by this label: I\n\nWalls are depicted using the symbol W\n\nThere is an agent at (1, 10) facing right\n\nThe agent can take the following actions:\n- left: makes the agent face left of where it is currently facing\n- right: makes the agent face right of where it is currently facing\n- forward: makes the agent move one step in the direction it is currently facing\n- open: makes the agent open a door that it is in front of\n- pickup: makes the agent pick up the object that it is in front of\n- drop: makes the agent drop an item that it is holding\n- stay: makes the agent stay where it currently is for a timestep\n\nThe agent is represented by the following labels depending on which direction it is facing:\n- Facing left: <\n- Facing up: ^\n- Facing right: >\n- Facing down: v\n\nThe agent has full observability, meaning it can see the entire world\n\nIn this scenario, the agent has been tasked with visiting all of the objects in the grid world\n\nThis is the starting state of the board:\n```\n 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 \n0 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n1 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n2 | W O O O O G O O O O O W \n3 | W O O O O O I O O O O W \n4 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n5 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n6 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n7 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n8 | W O O O O H O O O O O W \n9 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n10 | W > O O O O O O O O O W \n11 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n```\nThis list contains a sequence of actions taken by the agent\n(Step 1) The agent took action left and is now at (1, 10) facing up\n(Step 2) The agent took action forward and is now at (1, 9) facing up\n(Step 3) The agent took action left and is now at (1, 9) facing left\n(Step 4) The agent took action forward and is now at (1, 9) facing left\n(Step 5) The agent took action right and is now at (1, 9) facing up\n(Step 6) The agent took action left and is now at (1, 9) facing left\n(Step 7) The agent took action forward and is now at (1, 9) facing left\n(Step 8) The agent took action right and is now at (1, 9) facing up\n(Step 9) The agent took action forward and is now at (1, 8) facing up\n(Step 10) The agent took action forward and is now at (1, 7) facing up\n\nAfter having taken these actions, which item is the agent closer to?\nA: green box\nB: silver box\n\nPlease ONLY respond using the letter corresponding to your answer\nDo not generate any text other than the letter\n", "answer": "B" }, { "prompt": "This is a grid-like 2D world\nThe grid world consists of 12 rows and 12 columns, 0-based\nWe use (i,j) to represent the i-th column (from left to right) and j-th row (from top to bottom). \nThe following is a list of objects in this world. Each line starts with the object's position and is followed by its attributes\n(2, 6): key, purple; represented by this label: G\n(3, 8): key, silver; represented by this label: H\n(8, 6): ball, orange; represented by this label: I\n\nWalls are depicted using the symbol W\n\nThere is an agent at (8, 9) facing up\n\nThe agent can take the following actions:\n- left: makes the agent face left of where it is currently facing\n- right: makes the agent face right of where it is currently facing\n- forward: makes the agent move one step in the direction it is currently facing\n- open: makes the agent open a door that it is in front of\n- pickup: makes the agent pick up the object that it is in front of\n- drop: makes the agent drop an item that it is holding\n- stay: makes the agent stay where it currently is for a timestep\n\nThe agent is represented by the following labels depending on which direction it is facing:\n- Facing left: <\n- Facing up: ^\n- Facing right: >\n- Facing down: v\n\nThe agent has full observability, meaning it can see the entire world\n\nIn this scenario, the agent has been tasked with visiting all of the objects in the grid world\n\nThis is the starting state of the board:\n```\n 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 \n0 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n1 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n2 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n3 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n4 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n5 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n6 | W O G O O O O O I O O W \n7 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n8 | W O O H O O O O O O O W \n9 | W O O O O O O O ^ O O W \n10 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n11 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n```\nThis list contains a sequence of actions taken by the agent\n(Step 1) The agent took action forward and is now at (8, 8) facing up\n(Step 2) The agent took action left and is now at (8, 8) facing left\n(Step 3) The agent took action forward and is now at (7, 8) facing left\n(Step 4) The agent took action forward and is now at (6, 8) facing left\n(Step 5) The agent took action forward and is now at (5, 8) facing left\n(Step 6) The agent took action forward and is now at (4, 8) facing left\n\nAfter having taken these actions, which item is the agent closer to?\nA: orange ball\nB: silver key\n\nPlease ONLY respond using the letter corresponding to your answer\nDo not generate any text other than the letter\n", "answer": "B" }, { "prompt": "This is a grid-like 2D world\nThe grid world consists of 12 rows and 12 columns, 0-based\nWe use (i,j) to represent the i-th column (from left to right) and j-th row (from top to bottom). \nThe following is a list of objects in this world. Each line starts with the object's position and is followed by its attributes\n(1, 4): box, grey; represented by this label: G\n(9, 9): key, blue; represented by this label: H\n(10, 8): ball, red; represented by this label: I\n\nWalls are depicted using the symbol W\n\nThere is an agent at (9, 2) facing right\n\nThe agent can take the following actions:\n- left: makes the agent face left of where it is currently facing\n- right: makes the agent face right of where it is currently facing\n- forward: makes the agent move one step in the direction it is currently facing\n- open: makes the agent open a door that it is in front of\n- pickup: makes the agent pick up the object that it is in front of\n- drop: makes the agent drop an item that it is holding\n- stay: makes the agent stay where it currently is for a timestep\n\nThe agent is represented by the following labels depending on which direction it is facing:\n- Facing left: <\n- Facing up: ^\n- Facing right: >\n- Facing down: v\n\nThe agent has full observability, meaning it can see the entire world\n\nIn this scenario, the agent has been tasked with visiting all of the objects in the grid world\n\nThis is the starting state of the board:\n```\n 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 \n0 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n1 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n2 | W O O O O O O O O > O W \n3 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n4 | W G O O O O O O O O O W \n5 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n6 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n7 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n8 | W O O O O O O O O O I W \n9 | W O O O O O O O O H O W \n10 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n11 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n```\nThis list contains a sequence of actions taken by the agent\n(Step 1) The agent took action right and is now at (9, 2) facing down\n(Step 2) The agent took action forward and is now at (9, 3) facing down\n(Step 3) The agent took action forward and is now at (9, 4) facing down\n(Step 4) The agent took action forward and is now at (9, 5) facing down\n(Step 5) The agent took action forward and is now at (9, 6) facing down\n(Step 6) The agent took action forward and is now at (9, 7) facing down\n(Step 7) The agent took action forward and is now at (9, 8) facing down\n\nAfter having taken these actions, which item is the agent closer to?\nA: grey box\nB: blue key\n\nPlease ONLY respond using the letter corresponding to your answer\nDo not generate any text other than the letter\n", "answer": "B" }, { "prompt": "This is a grid-like 2D world\nThe grid world consists of 12 rows and 12 columns, 0-based\nWe use (i,j) to represent the i-th column (from left to right) and j-th row (from top to bottom). \nThe following is a list of objects in this world. Each line starts with the object's position and is followed by its attributes\n(2, 10): box, yellow; represented by this label: G\n(6, 4): key, yellow; represented by this label: H\n(9, 9): box, brown; represented by this label: I\n\nWalls are depicted using the symbol W\n\nThere is an agent at (10, 6) facing left\n\nThe agent can take the following actions:\n- left: makes the agent face left of where it is currently facing\n- right: makes the agent face right of where it is currently facing\n- forward: makes the agent move one step in the direction it is currently facing\n- open: makes the agent open a door that it is in front of\n- pickup: makes the agent pick up the object that it is in front of\n- drop: makes the agent drop an item that it is holding\n- stay: makes the agent stay where it currently is for a timestep\n\nThe agent is represented by the following labels depending on which direction it is facing:\n- Facing left: <\n- Facing up: ^\n- Facing right: >\n- Facing down: v\n\nThe agent has full observability, meaning it can see the entire world\n\nIn this scenario, the agent has been tasked with visiting all of the objects in the grid world\n\nThis is the starting state of the board:\n```\n 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 \n0 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n1 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n2 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n3 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n4 | W O O O O O H O O O O W \n5 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n6 | W O O O O O O O O O < W \n7 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n8 | W O O O O O O O O O O W \n9 | W O O O O O O O O I O W \n10 | W O G O O O O O O O O W \n11 | W W W W W W W W W W W W \n```\nThis list contains a sequence of actions taken by the agent\n(Step 1) The agent took action forward and is now at (9, 6) facing left\n(Step 2) The agent took action forward and is now at (8, 6) facing left\n(Step 3) The agent took action forward and is now at (7, 6) facing left\n(Step 4) The agent took action forward and is now at (6, 6) facing left\n(Step 5) The agent took action right and is now at (6, 6) facing up\n(Step 6) The agent took action forward and is now at (6, 5) facing up\n\nAfter having taken these actions, which item is the agent closer to?\nA: yellow box\nB: yellow key\n\nPlease ONLY respond using the letter corresponding to your answer\nDo not generate any text other than the letter\n", "answer": "B" } ]