{"translation":{"eng":"Jump.", "hoc":"U\u0107enn."}} {"translation":{"eng":"Hello, how are you?", "hoc":"Chia, chilika mena\u1E31pea?"}} {"translation":{"eng":"Go away.", "hoc":"Sen e\u1E5Ba\u1E31nn me."}} {"translation":{"eng":"Shut up!", "hoc":"Hapan me!"}} {"translation":{"eng":"During the next four decades, Indian GDP is expected to grow at an annualised average of 8%, making it potentially the world's fastest-growing major economy until 2050.", "hoc":"Kaloma\u1E31 barhisi sirma re, India a\u1E31 GDP do 8% sirmaa\u1E31 Average lo\u1E31 ayar tersana mente Expectation mena\u1E31a, enkare, India do potentially 2050 joo\u1E45 Otesaia\u1E31 fastest-growing major Economy o\u1E31a."}} {"translation":{"eng":"From being a comparatively destitute country in 1951, India has become a fast-growing major economy and a hub for information technology services, with an expanding middle class.", "hoc":"1951 sirma ren miat\u0301 comparatively ring\u00E2-renge\u0107 disum aete, India do nah\u1E31 \u00E3acha tersao\u1E31 tan major Economy an\u1E0Do\u1E31 osaro\u1E31 tan middle Class mena\u1E31 Information Technology Service ren Hub akana."}} {"translation":{"eng":"Why are you laughing?", "hoc":"Chikatem landa\u00EA tana?"}} {"translation":{"eng":"Come and dance with me!", "hoc":"Dola a\u0301 lo\u1E31 susun pe!"}} {"translation":{"eng":"Algeria is shifting towards a more market-oriented economy.", "hoc":"Algeriaren ko do, l\u0301\u1E31 Market-oriented akan Economy paa te ko shift enn tana."}} {"translation":{"eng":"We are in the same class.", "hoc":"Miad Class regebua."}} {"translation":{"eng":"“Enleka ge “India” nen nutum rea\u1E31 derivation-source do miat\u0301 tayom miat\u0301 Hellenistic Greek ren India ( Ἰνδ\u0301α), ancient Greek ren Indos ( Ἰνδ\u0301ς), Old Persian ren Hindush (Achaemenid Empire ren eastern province), an\u1E0Do\u1E31 tayomutar do Sanskrit ren enaa\u1E31 cognate Sindhu, chi “ga\u1E0Da” aete derive akana, nen “ga\u1E0Da” te specifically do Indus Ga\u1E5Ba\u0107 ingulo\u1E31 tana, an\u1E0Do\u1E31 implication te, enaa\u1E31 well-settled-southern-basin \u0301.”", "hoc":"“In turn the name “India” derived successively from Hellenistic Greek India ( Ἰνδ\u0301α), ancient Greek Indos ( Ἰνδ\u0301ς), Old Persian Hindush (an eastern province of the Achaemenid Empire), and ultimately its cognate, the Sanskrit Sindhu, or “river”, specifically the Indus River and, by implication, its well-settled southern basin“"}} {"translation":{"eng":"I miss the village.", "hoc":"Hatu esu u\u1E0Du\u1E31\u0301a."}} {"translation":{"eng":"What are you doing?", "hoc":"Chena\u1E31pe chika tana?"}} {"translation":{"eng":"It may rain.", "hoc":"Gama eman\u00EAa\u0107."}} {"translation":{"eng":"She wants a bigger home.", "hoc":"an\u1E0Do\u1E31 mara\u1E45 Oa\u1E31\u0107 nam tana."}} {"translation":{"eng":"She is not home, but at school.", "hoc":"Oa\u1E31 redo kaa School re mena\u1E31\u0107a."}} {"translation":{"eng":"Are you tired?", "hoc":"Laga eanape?"}} {"translation":{"eng":"You are in my heart today as always.", "hoc":"Jaoge leka tisi\u1E45 \u0301 a\u0301a\u1E31 Jibon remea."}} {"translation":{"eng":"Stay awake.", "hoc":"Evn akano\u1E31 me."}} {"translation":{"eng":"The village population has decreased.", "hoc":"Hatu rea\u1E31 Population adit\u0301 akana."}} {"translation":{"eng":"They wiped out entire villages.", "hoc":"Sam Hatu kok\u00F4 chaba ren\u0301 ket\u0301a."}} {"translation":{"eng":"Tom is an awful man.", "hoc":"Tom do et\u0301kan hoo."}} {"translation":{"eng":"Journalistic accounts of children raised by animals.", "hoc":"Birjivt\u0301 ko ta\u1E31 hara len Hon ko rea\u1E31 Journal Kanatai ko."}} {"translation":{"eng":"They didn't kill themselves.", "hoc":"Ako te do kak\u00F4 go\u0107en eana."}} {"translation":{"eng":"Is it scientifically plausible?", "hoc":"Ena Science lekate hoba daeo\u1E31 lekana\u1E31 chi?"}} {"translation":{"eng":"Mom will buy us a puppy.", "hoc":"M\u0301 Setahone\u0107 kiri\u1E45ala\u1E45a."}} {"translation":{"eng":"Why are you crying?", "hoc":"Chena\u1E31 mentem ra\u1E31 tana?"}} {"translation":{"eng":"These gradually developed into the Indus Valley Civilisation, the first urban culture in South Asia, which flourished during 2500–1900 BCE in Pakistan and western India.", "hoc":"Nena ko ge gradually 2500 BCE aete 1900 BCE re Pakistan an\u1E0Do\u1E31 western India re flourish len South Asia ren ayarutar urban culture Indus Valley Civilisation o\u1E31ge bai tersa eana."}} {"translation":{"eng":"Show me again.", "hoc":"an\u1E0Do\u1E31 misa udu\u0301a\u0301 me."}} {"translation":{"eng":"How far is the village?", "hoc":"Hatu chimin sani\u1E45 rea?"}} {"translation":{"eng":"Tom said that he was afraid of snakes.", "hoc":"Bi\u0301 ko\u0301 borotek\u00F4a' \u0107 men ket\u0301a Tom."}} {"translation":{"eng":"Could you send me a picture?", "hoc":"Miat\u0301 Photo pe kul daea\u0301a?"}} {"translation":{"eng":"Let's unearth the ginger.", "hoc":"Ada bu l\u0301 oo\u1E31l\u00EAa dola."}} {"translation":{"eng":"That may mean nothing to you, but it means a lot to me.", "hoc":"Ena ama\u1E31 lagit\u0301 jahn Gono\u1E45 bano\u1E31a, a\u0301a\u1E31 lagit\u0301 mendo esu gono\u1E45ana."}} {"translation":{"eng":"I love you.", "hoc":"Ama\u0301 sukua tana."}} {"translation":{"eng":"Why are they angry?", "hoc":"Chena\u1E31 mentek\u00F4 kurkur akana."}} {"translation":{"eng":"I want a bicycle.", "hoc":"A\u0301 miat\u0301 Bicycle hona\u1E45."}} {"translation":{"eng":"Say it again.", "hoc":"an\u1E0Do\u1E31 misa kaji\u00EAm."}} {"translation":{"eng":"Why didn't you come?", "hoc":"Chena\u1E31 mente kam hu\u0107o\u1E31 lena?"}} {"translation":{"eng":"Can I take a picture here?", "hoc":"Neta\u1E31 ko\u0301 photo\u00EA redo?"}} {"translation":{"eng":"However, a few species are visible to the unaided eye—for example, Thiomargarita namibiensis is up to half a millimetre long, Epulopiscium fishelsoni reaches 0.7 mm, and Thiomargarita magnifica can reach even 2 cm in length, which is 50 times larger than other known bacteria.", "hoc":"Enkare\u0301ge, chimina\u1E45 Bacteriahita ko do sama met\u0301 te ko nel daeo\u1E31a—Example do, tara-Millimetre jili\u1E45 Thiomargarita namibiensis,, 0.7 mm be\u1E6Da\u00EA Epulopiscium fishelsoni, urum akan e\u1E6Da\u1E31 Bacteria ko aete 50 sa mara\u1E45 2 cm jaket\u0301 be\u1E6Da\u00EA Thiomargarita magnifica."}} {"translation":{"eng":"Yanni is bleeding.", "hoc":"Yanni mayome\u0107 joro tana."}} {"translation":{"eng":"John Ssebunya, from Uganda, was a toddler when his father killed his mother and hanged himself.", "hoc":"Uganda ren John Ssebunya do, Apute, Engate\u0107 go\u0107 ket\u0301i\u0107 tayome\u0107 haka go\u0107en ean re, O\u0301mba\u1E31hone\u0107 taekena."}} {"translation":{"eng":"Along with his contemporary Robert Koch, Pasteur was an early advocate of the germ theory of disease.", "hoc":"A\u0107a\u1E31 Contemporary Robert Koch lo\u1E31, Pasteur do Ruahasu rea\u1E31 Germ Theory ren early Advocate e\u0107 taekena."}} {"translation":{"eng":"Flavio was in the village.", "hoc":"Flavio Hatu re\u0107 tae kena."}} {"translation":{"eng":"Crush the ginger.", "hoc":"Ada gun\u1E0Da\u00EA me."}} {"translation":{"eng":"The Vedas, the oldest scriptures associated with Hinduism, were composed during this period, and historians have analysed these to posit a Vedic culture in the Punjab region and the upper Gangetic Plain.", "hoc":"Hinduism lo\u1E31 topolan mariutar scripture Veda ko do, nen period rege compose len taekena, historian ko nena ko analyse keet\u0301 Vedic-culture do Punjab Region an\u1E0Do\u1E31 upper Gangetic Plain re taekena mente ko argue tat\u0301a."}} {"translation":{"eng":"Yanni lost forty pounds.", "hoc":"Yanni barhisi pound e\u0107 at\u0301 ket\u0301a."}} {"translation":{"eng":"Because of their ability to quickly grow and the relative ease with which they can be manipulated, bacteria are the workhorses for the fields of molecular biology, genetics, and biochemistry.", "hoc":"Akoa\u1E31 \u00E3\u0301cha sangenn Danae an\u1E0Do\u1E31 manipulate k\u00F4 daeo\u1E31 Relative Lanavar te, Bacteria do Molecular Biology, Genetics an\u1E0Do\u1E31 Biochemistry Pii ren Ar\u00E3a\u00F9ri\u0107."}} {"translation":{"eng":"The Tungabhadra, with rocky outcrops, flows into the peninsular Krishna River.", "hoc":"Rocky outcrops ann Tungabhadra do, peninsular Krishna Ga\u1E0Da re atu chabao\u1E31a."}} {"translation":{"eng":"The spices used in making speculaas biscuits are cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves, ginger and white pepper.", "hoc":"Speculaas Biscuit ba\u0301i re agujo\u1E45o\u1E31 Spice ko do, Cinnamon,, Nutmeg,, Clove,, Ada,, Pun\u1E0Di Gu\u1E6Di Marchi."}} {"translation":{"eng":"Let's go!", "hoc":"Dolabu!"}} {"translation":{"eng":"What are you cooking?", "hoc":"Chena\u1E31m isin tana?"}} {"translation":{"eng":"Their village is small.", "hoc":"Hatu tak\u00F4 hu\u1E0Di\u0301a."}} {"translation":{"eng":"He said that he was relaxed.", "hoc":"Jirao akana\u0107 mente\u0107 kaji ket\u0301a."}} {"translation":{"eng":"She lives in this village.", "hoc":"A\u0107 do nen Hatu re\u0107 taena."}} {"translation":{"eng":"The village has no electricity.", "hoc":"Hatu re Electricity bano\u1E31a."}} {"translation":{"eng":"Early advocates of eugenics in the 19th century regarded it as a way of improving groups of people.", "hoc":"19th century ren early Eugenicsadvocate ko, ena do Peoplegroup ko improve \u00EA Hora lekak\u00F4 nel\u00EA taekena."}} {"translation":{"eng":"Don't forget to turn off the TV before you go to sleep.", "hoc":"Giti\u0107 japit\u0301enn ayar TV off taa tea\u1E31 alam rii\u0301\u00EAa."}} {"translation":{"eng":"Where the frontier of science once was is now the centre.", "hoc":"Ayar Science a\u1E31 Chirmit\u0301 tae ken Pai ge, nah\u1E31 do Tala."}} {"translation":{"eng":"She bought a new car.", "hoc":"Nama Car e\u0107 kiri\u1E45 ket\u0301a."}} {"translation":{"eng":"She often sits there reading a book.", "hoc":"A\u0107 hanta\u1E31 du\u0301 akan aete Kitab ko\u0107 pa\u1E5Bao baa\u00EAa."}} {"translation":{"eng":"By 400 BCE, stratification and exclusion by caste had emerged within Hinduism, and Buddhism and Jainism had arisen, proclaiming social orders unlinked to heredity.", "hoc":"400 BCE lo\u1E31 do Hinduism re caste lekate Stratification an\u1E0Do\u1E31 Exclusion nelnam eana, an\u1E0Do\u1E31 Heredity lo\u1E31 Link bano\u1E31 Social Order proclaim \u00EA tan Buddhism an\u1E0Do\u1E31 Jainism eo\u0301 eana."}} {"translation":{"eng":"How often do you buy eggs?", "hoc":"Chimin chimin re Jarom dom ki\u0301ri\u0301a?"}} {"translation":{"eng":"Politically, by the 3rd century BCE, the kingdom of Magadha had annexed or reduced other states to emerge as the Mauryan Empire.", "hoc":"Politics nele redo, 300 BCE lo\u1E31 do, Magadha kingdom ge e\u1E6Da\u1E31 state ko annex keet\u0301 baredo reduce keet\u0301 Mauryan Empire bai eana."}} {"translation":{"eng":"Goodbye!", "hoc":"Bugite seno\u1E31 pe!"}} {"translation":{"eng":"Why did you cry?", "hoc":"Chena\u1E31 mentem ra\u1E31 ket\u0301a."}} {"translation":{"eng":"Fear your own shadow.", "hoc":"Ama\u1E31 Umbul ge borote me."}} {"translation":{"eng":"I don't have a CD player, but I bought the CD anyway.", "hoc":"A\u0301 ta\u1E31 CD Player bano\u1E31a, enre\u0301, CD do\u0301 kiri\u0301 ket\u0301 gea."}} {"translation":{"eng":"What makes it so plausible to assume that hypocrisy is the vice of vices is that integrity can indeed exist under the cover of all other vices except this one. Only crime and the criminal, it is true, confront us with the perplexity of radical evil; but only the hypocrite is really rotten to the core.", "hoc":"Sarite, Hypocrisy ge bage keet\u0301 saben Vice ko suba re Integrity dana\u1E45 daeo\u1E31 tea\u1E31 tege, ena do Vice ko ren Vice mente u\u1E0Du\u1E31 sarinn tea\u1E31 \u0301 imin sari ren\u0301 leka adao\u1E31a. Sarite, Crime an\u1E0Do\u1E31 Criminal te sekar Radical Evil rea\u1E31 Pana\u1E6Det\u0301 dobu nel sama\u1E45 ichi daeo\u1E31a; enre\u0301, Hypocrite sekar ge mendo Ja\u1E45mea jaket\u0301e\u0107 soya akana."}} {"translation":{"eng":"The eugenics movement became associated with Nazi Germany and the Holocaust when the defense of many of the defendants at the Nuremberg trials of 1945 to 1946 attempted to justify their human-rights abuses by claiming there was little difference between the Nazi eugenics programs and the US eugenics programs.", "hoc":"1945 aete 1946 rea\u1E31 Nuremberg trial kore, sapangi defendant koa\u1E31 defense ko do, Nazi koa\u1E31 Eugenics program re an\u1E0Do\u1E31 US a\u1E31 Eugenics program re bete\u1E31 ge sapani\u1E45 mena\u1E31 mente argue keet\u0301 akoa\u1E31 human rights abuse ko justify \u00EA tea\u1E31k\u00F4 attempt let\u0301 te, Eugenics movement do Nazi Germany o\u1E0Do\u1E31 Holocaust lo\u1E31 associate eana."}} {"translation":{"eng":"The dissemination of scientific knowledge is essential.", "hoc":"Science lekatenn S\u1EBDa rea\u1E31 Nitir Tenersa essential gea."}} {"translation":{"eng":"Early modern India", "hoc":"Eteo\u0301 modern India"}} {"translation":{"eng":"Do you want to play?", "hoc":"Inu\u1E45aben?"}} {"translation":{"eng":"I thought that it might be cocaine, but it was only flour.", "hoc":"Cocaine chi -mente\u0301 u\u1E0Du\u1E31 let\u0301a, ena mendo Holo\u1E45 ge sama."}} {"translation":{"eng":"Can I take a picture of you?", "hoc":"Photo ben redo\u0301?"}} {"translation":{"eng":"I want cheese.", "hoc":"Cheese hona\u1E45."}} {"translation":{"eng":"The Dunning–Kruger effect is usually measured by comparing self-assessment with objective performance.", "hoc":"Dunning–Kruger effect do usually, self-assessment an\u1E0Do\u1E31 objective performance umaa keet\u0301 measure o\u1E31a."}} {"translation":{"eng":"Eo\u0301 sidae re North-India lagit\u0301 taeken historical nutum Bharatavarsha a\u1E31 modern-form Bharat do 19th-century tala mala aete India a\u1E31 native nutum lekate popular akana.", "hoc":"A modern rendering of the historical name Bharatavarsha, which applied originally to North India, Bharat gained increased currency from the mid-19th century as a native name for India."}} {"translation":{"eng":"Have you finished washing the dishes?", "hoc":"Bela kope gasar chaba ket\u0301a chi?"}} {"translation":{"eng":"Bacteria, often lactic acid bacteria, such as Lactobacillus species and Lactococcus species, in combination with yeasts and moulds, have been used for thousands of years in the preparation of fermented foods, such as cheese, pickles, soy sauce, sauerkraut, vinegar, wine, and yogurt.", "hoc":"U\u0301put\u0301ja\u1E45 (Yeast),, Gumaja\u1E45 (Mould) ko lo\u1E31te, Toago\u0301lchari\u0107ja\u1E45hita (Lactobacillus species) an\u1E0Do\u1E31 Toa\u1E0D\u0301lja\u1E45hita (Lactococcus species) kodo, Cheese,, Pickle,, Soy Sauce,, Sauerkraut,, Vinegar,, Wine,, Yogurt lekan Uput\u0301joma\u1E31 bai re Thousand Thousand Serma agujo\u1E45 hu\u0107o\u1E31 akana."}} {"translation":{"eng":"Those chairs are in the way.", "hoc":"En Chair ko do se\u0301n Hora rea."}} {"translation":{"eng":"Does she have a passport?", "hoc":"A\u0107 ta\u1E31 Passport mena\u1E31a chi?"}} {"translation":{"eng":"I am in Rome now.", "hoc":"Nah\u1E31 Rome re mena\u1E31\u0301a."}} {"translation":{"eng":"“Semmelweis, who in the 1840s formulated his rules for handwashing in the hospital, prior to the advent of germ theory, attributed disease to “decomposing animal organic matter”.", "hoc":"“1840 kore Ra\u0301npai re T\u0301 abu\u1E45enn tea\u1E31 Rule ko formulate ken Semmelweis do Germ Theory hu\u0107o\u1E31 ayar, Ruahasu do “decompose o\u1E31 tan Animal Organic Matter” te hobana\u0107 men let\u0301a.”"}} {"translation":{"eng":"Widespread state intervention and regulation largely walled the economy off from the outside world.", "hoc":"Widespread len State Intervention an\u1E0Do\u1E31 Regulation te Economy do outside Otesai aete ginil tannga lena."}} {"translation":{"eng":"Before I die, in addition to my last will and testament, I want to write a love letter as well. No matter how shameful it may be, I don't have to be ashamed anymore.", "hoc":"Go\u0107o\u1E31 ayar, a\u0301a\u1E31 Last Will an\u1E0Do\u1E31 Testament lo\u1E31 te, miat\u0301 Love Letter \u0301 ol\u00EA tea\u1E31 sana\u1E45 mena\u1E31a ta\u0301. Ena jahchimin giu\u1E31 rea\u1E31 Kaji meno\u1E31 re\u0301, imita\u1E45 do\u0301 giu\u1E31nn tea\u1E31 jahna\u1E31 k\u0301 taena."}} {"translation":{"eng":"How are you?", "hoc":"Chilika mena\u1E31mea?"}} {"translation":{"eng":"You may write in any language you want. On Tatoeba, all languages are equal.", "hoc":"Jahn Jagar te\u0301m ol daea. Tatoeba re saben Jagar ko mit\u0301 gea."}} {"translation":{"eng":"He hit me over the head.", "hoc":"Boh\u1E31 chetan re\u0107 tam ket\u0301i\u0301a."}} {"translation":{"eng":"What is your name?", "hoc":"Ama\u1E31 Nutum do?"}} {"translation":{"eng":"These evolutionary domains are called Bacteria and Archaea.", "hoc":"Nen evolutionary Domain kin ge Bacteria an\u1E0Do\u1E31 Archaea meno\u1E31a."}} {"translation":{"eng":"Tom bought some sweet potatoes.", "hoc":"Tom joka Sanga\u0107 kiri\u0301 let\u0301a."}} {"translation":{"eng":"How long have you been here for?", "hoc":"Nenta\u1E31 chimin sirma aetepe taenn tana?"}} {"translation":{"eng":"Do you love me?", "hoc":"Jahna\u1E31 \u0301 ka\u0301\u00E0."}} {"translation":{"eng":"Many historians consider this to be the onset of India's colonial period.", "hoc":"Sangi historian ko do nena ge India a\u1E31 colonial period ren ana\u1E45 mentek\u00F4 meta\u00E0."}} {"translation":{"eng":"What do you want?", "hoc":"Chena\u1E31m nam tana?"}} {"translation":{"eng":"Where is the tree?", "hoc":"Daru do okon rea?"}} {"translation":{"eng":"Everyone went to sleep.", "hoc":"Saben ko giti\u0107 eana."}} {"translation":{"eng":"Why are you dancing?", "hoc":"Chikateben susun tana?"}} {"translation":{"eng":"India do go\u1E6Da Toasa\u1E45hita (Mammal) ko ren 8.6%,, Oehita ko ren 13.7%,, Le\u0301\u0301hita (Reptile) ko ren 7.9%,, Oteda\u1E31hita (Amphibians) ko ren 6%,, Hak\u00F4hita ko ren 12.2%,, an\u1E0Do\u1E31 go\u1E6Da Baho\u1E31si\u0301hita (Flowering Plant) ko ren 6% koa\u1E31 Basapai (habitat) tana.", "hoc":"India is a habitat for 8.6% of all mammal species, 13.7% of bird species, 7.9% of reptile species, 6% of amphibian species, 12.2% of fish species, and 6.0% of all flowering plant species."}} {"translation":{"eng":"Why are you angry?", "hoc":"Chiketaben r\u0301go akana?"}} {"translation":{"eng":"During the period 2000–500 BCE, many regions of the subcontinent transitioned from the Chalcolithic cultures to the Iron Age ones.", "hoc":"2000-500 BCE period re, nen subcontinent ren esu Region ko Chalcolithic-culture ko aete Iron-Age-culture paa te transition eana."}} {"translation":{"eng":"You look very tired.", "hoc":"Esu laga akan gepe nelo\u1E31 tana."}} {"translation":{"eng":"India, officially the Republic of India (ISO: Bhārat Gaṇarājya), is a country in South Asia.", "hoc":"India, official nutum Republic of India (Bhārat Gaṇarājya), do South Asia rea\u1E31 miat\u0301 disum tana."}} {"translation":{"eng":"Does Tom still do that every day?", "hoc":"Tom nah\u1E31 \u0301 ena\u0107 pae\u1E6Dia chi?"}} {"translation":{"eng":"My car is being fixed.", "hoc":"A\u0301a\u1E31 Ga\u1E0Di baio\u1E31 tana."}} {"translation":{"eng":"Do you have a cellphone?", "hoc":"Aben ta\u1E31 Cellphone mena\u1E31a?"}} {"translation":{"eng":"It is raining.", "hoc":"Gama\u00EA tana\u0107."}} {"translation":{"eng":"She lives in a village.", "hoc":"Miat\u0301 Hatu re\u0107 taena."}} {"translation":{"eng":"Ziri lives in a village.", "hoc":"Ziri do miat\u0301 Hatu re\u0107 taena."}} {"translation":{"eng":"I don't know when it will arrive.", "hoc":"Ena chuila hujo\u1E31a ka\u0301 adaana."}} {"translation":{"eng":"As of 2023, India's consumer market was the world's fifth-largest.", "hoc":"2023 rea\u1E31 Data lekate, India a\u1E31 Consumer Market do Otesaia\u1E31 m\u0301ea\u1E31 mara\u1E45 taekena."}} {"translation":{"eng":"Why are you dancing?", "hoc":"Chena\u1E31 mentem susun tana?"}} {"translation":{"eng":"Duck!", "hoc":"Boh\u1E31 nae\u0107!"}} {"translation":{"eng":"In the early medieval era, Christianity, Islam, Judaism, and Zoroastrianism became established on India's southern and western coasts.", "hoc":"Early-medieval-era re, India a\u1E31 southern an\u1E0Do\u1E31 western-coast kore Christianity, Islam, Judaism, an\u1E0Do\u1E31 Zoroastrianism ko establish eana."}} {"translation":{"eng":"Major Himalayan-origin rivers that substantially flow through India include the Ganges and the Brahmaputra, both of which drain into the Bay of Bengal.", "hoc":"Substantially India re atun major Himalayburusa\u1E45 (Himalayan-origin) Ga\u1E0Da ko re Ganga,, Brahmaputra mena\u1E31a, banar ge Bay of Bengal re atu chabao\u1E31a."}} {"translation":{"eng":"Tom lives in a small village.", "hoc":"Tom hu\u1E0Di\u1E45 lekan Hatu re\u0107 taena."}} {"translation":{"eng":"Why are you afraid?", "hoc":"Chena\u1E31 menteben boro\u00EA tana?"}} {"translation":{"eng":"The emerging urbanisation gave rise to non-Vedic religious movements, two of which became independent religions.", "hoc":"Undu\u0301 ean urbanisation te non-Vedic-religious-movement ko birit\u0301 eana, ena re barea do independent-religion bai eana."}} {"translation":{"eng":"Significance in technology and industry.", "hoc":"Technology,, Industry ren Significance."}} {"translation":{"eng":"They smiled.", "hoc":"Landa ket\u0301akin."}} {"translation":{"eng":"Tom and Mary were lucky that they didn't get killed.", "hoc":"Jahre\u0301 Tom an\u1E0Do\u1E31 Mary kakin go\u0107 lena."}} {"translation":{"eng":"Tom, Mary, John and Alice are all in the classroom.", "hoc":"Tom, Mary, John an\u1E0Do\u1E31 Alice saben do Classroom rek\u00F4a."}} {"translation":{"eng":"Are you Japanese?", "hoc":"Japan reni\u0107 tanam?"}} {"translation":{"eng":"Heroin isn't a good thing. Stay away from it!", "hoc":"Heroin kaa bugina, ena alam\u00E0!"}} {"translation":{"eng":"He informed all the villagers.", "hoc":"Hatu ren ko sabene\u0107 chirgal ichi ket\u0301koa."}} {"translation":{"eng":"Some bacteria may be even smaller, but these ultramicrobacteria are not well-studied.", "hoc":"Chimina\u1E45 Bacteria do an\u1E0Do\u1E31k\u00F4 hu\u1E0Di\u1E45a tora\u1E45, nen Uputarmanbacteria (Ultramicrobacteria) kodo bugi te kak\u00F4 study akana."}} {"translation":{"eng":"I didn't invite her.", "hoc":"Ka\u0301 dili ket\u0301i\u0107a."}} {"translation":{"eng":"Let's walk.", "hoc":"Dola\u1E45 sen baa\u00EAa."}} {"translation":{"eng":"No.", "hoc":"Kaa ge."}} {"translation":{"eng":"Let's play.", "hoc":"Dola\u1E45 inu\u1E45a."}} {"translation":{"eng":"Some countries use ordinal numbers to count millennia, whereas others count them using cardinal numbers.", "hoc":"Chimina\u1E45 Disumren ko, Sa\u0301rai Leneka te Millenia k\u00F4 leka\u00EAa, an\u1E0Do\u1E31 e\u1E6Da\u1E31 ko do, Cardinal Leneka te."}} {"translation":{"eng":"Since there are rice paddies near my house, I often hear frogs croaking all night long this time of year.", "hoc":"A\u0301a\u1E31 Oa\u1E31 japa\u1E31 Baba Ote ko mena\u1E31 te, sirma re nimita\u1E45 do Choke ko go\u1E6Da Nidak\u00F4 ra\u1E31 tane\u0301 ayum baak\u00F4a."}} {"translation":{"eng":"Tom was suspended until further notice.", "hoc":"Tom do hu\u0107o\u1E31 Notice joo\u1E45e\u0107 suspend lena."}} {"translation":{"eng":"I put the report card in the drawer so my mother wouldn't see it.", "hoc":"Enga\u0301 alaka\u0107 nel\u00EAk\u00E2 mente Report Card do Drawer re\u0301 em ket\u0301a."}} {"translation":{"eng":"I wonder what it tastes like.", "hoc":"Ena chilika tora\u1E45 jomo\u1E31a."}} {"translation":{"eng":"Ask him whether she is at home or not.", "hoc":"Oa\u1E31 re\u0107a ci kaa mente kuli\u0107me."}} {"translation":{"eng":"We walked to the river.", "hoc":"Ga\u1E0Da ta\u1E31le sen ket\u0301a."}} {"translation":{"eng":"Bacteria will not breed in alcohol.", "hoc":"Bacteria ko Alcohol re kak\u00F4 posa sangeo\u1E31a."}} {"translation":{"eng":"Your stomach will hurt if you eat that much.", "hoc":"Iminem jom kee redo L\u0301\u0107 hasumea."}} {"translation":{"eng":"“According to a local villager, when he was a child, the only forms of communication he was capable of were crying and demanding food, and he was a “wild boy” whom everyone feared.”", "hoc":"“Miat\u0301 Enpaihatureni\u0107a\u1E31 Kaji lekate, a\u0107 Hon len re, a\u0107 dae taeken Communication form do Ra\u1E31,, Joma\u1E31 asi sekar, an\u1E0Do\u1E31 a\u0107 do saben ko boroa\u0107 lekan “Bir ren hon” ge\u0107 taekena.“"}} {"translation":{"eng":"Indian royalty, big and small, and the temples they patronised drew citizens in great numbers to the capital cities, which became economic hubs as well.", "hoc":"India a\u1E31 hu\u1E5Bi\u1E45 mara\u1E45 saben lekan royalty koa\u1E31 iate, an\u1E0Do\u1E31 ako patronise let\u0301 temple ko iate, economic hub leka \u0301 bai ean capital city ko te esu sangi citizen ko or idi eana."}} {"translation":{"eng":"The United States intends to achieve an economy-wide target of reducing its emissions by 26%-28% below its 2005 level in 2025 and to make best efforts to reduce its emissions by 28%. China intends to achieve the peaking of CO₂ emissions around 2030 and to make best efforts to peak early and intends to increase the share of non-fossil fuels in primary energy consumption to around 20% by 2030.", "hoc":"2005 ren Level aete lataro\u1E31 leka 2025 re 26%-28% j\u0301\u1E45 Emission adit\u0301e tea\u1E31 an\u1E0Do\u1E31 28% j\u0301\u1E45 Emission a\u0301dit\u0301 lagit\u0301 Best Effort em\u00EA tea\u1E31 Economy-wide Target be\u1E6Da\u00EA Intention United States renkoa\u1E31 mena\u1E31a. China renkoa\u1E31 do 2030 j\u0301\u1E45 CO₂ Emission rea\u1E31 Peaking be\u1E6Da\u00EA tea\u1E31 an\u1E0Do\u1E31 anjaa peak o\u1E31 lagit\u0301 Best Effort em\u00EA tea\u1E31 an\u1E0Do\u1E31 Primary Energy Consumption re Non-fossil Fuel rea\u1E31 Share 2030 j\u0301\u1E45 re 20% leka increase \u00EA tea\u1E31 Intention mena\u1E31a."}} {"translation":{"eng":"I hope Tom and Mary are gone by the time we get there.", "hoc":"Enta\u1E31la\u1E45 be\u1E6Da\u00EA lo\u1E31 do Tom an\u1E0Do\u1E31 Mary kin seno\u1E31 antaa akano\u1E31k\u00E2\u0301 menea."}} {"translation":{"eng":"A small number of other unusual shapes have been described, such as star-shaped bacteria.", "hoc":"Chimin no\u1E31 leka do Star-shape Bacteria lekan e\u1E6Da\u1E31 unusual Shape renk\u00F4 \u0301 ko describe akana."}} {"translation":{"eng":"I'm eating dinner with my husband.", "hoc":"A\u0301a\u1E31 Koa lo\u1E31 Mandi\u0301 jom tana."}} {"translation":{"eng":"Do you think Tom will reach the top of the mountain?", "hoc":"Tom Buruchu\u1E6Di\u0107 be\u1E6Da\u00EA lekam ada\u00EA tana?"}} {"translation":{"eng":"In these fruiting bodies, the bacteria perform separate tasks; for example, about one in ten cells migrate to the top of a fruiting body and differentiate into a specialised dormant state called a myxospore, which is more resistant to drying and other adverse environmental conditions.", "hoc":"Nen Fruiting Body re, Bacteria do e\u1E6Da\u1E31-e\u1E6Da\u1E31 Pae\u1E6Di rek\u00F4 achuna; Example lekate, gelea re miat\u0301 Jivt\u0301okoa do Fruiting Body Chu\u1E6Di tek\u00F4 sen atomena, an\u1E0Do\u1E31 rooho\u1E31,, e\u1E6Da\u1E31 Adverse Environmental Condition ko l\u0301\u1E31 sahti\u1E45 dae lekan Myxospore meno\u1E31 Specialised Dormant State k\u00F4 bai tanngana."}} {"translation":{"eng":"There were also salutary effects: commercial cropping, especially in the newly canalled Punjab, led to increased food production for internal consumption.", "hoc":"Salutary effect ko \u0301 taeken gea: especially do nama ge Canal ko bai akan Punjab re Commercial Cropping te, Internal Consumption lagit\u0301 Food Production increase eana."}} {"translation":{"eng":"Where is Tom?", "hoc":"Tom do?"}} {"translation":{"eng":"One of the books is in French, and the other is in German.", "hoc":"Miat\u0301 Sapagom do French tea\u1E31a, an\u1E0Do\u1E31 miat\u0301 do German tea\u1E31."}} {"translation":{"eng":"The soldiers killed many villagers.", "hoc":"Soldier ko esu sange Hatu ren kok\u00F4 go\u0107 ket\u0301koa."}} {"translation":{"eng":"Are you winning?", "hoc":"Daeo\u1E31 tanaben chi?"}} {"translation":{"eng":"You have many books.", "hoc":"Aben ta\u1E31 sange Kita\u0301 ko mena\u1E31a."}} {"translation":{"eng":"Consequently, many countries adopted eugenic policies, intended to improve the quality of their populations' genetic stock.", "hoc":"Consequently, esu country ko re, akoa\u1E31 Population Genetic Stock improve \u00EA Intention lo\u1E31 Eugenic Policy ko adopt eana."}} {"translation":{"eng":"I don't understand.", "hoc":"Ka\u0301 somjaoo\u1E31 tana."}} {"translation":{"eng":"Tell me.", "hoc":"Kajia\u0301 me."}} {"translation":{"eng":"Now you're accusing me of murder.", "hoc":"Nah\u1E31 do Hoogo\u0107 rea\u1E31m chun\u1E0Duli\u0301 tana."}} {"translation":{"eng":"Don't worry. Everything is going well.", "hoc":"Alaben u\u1E5Bu\u1E31o\u1E31a. Sabena\u1E31 bugin ge sesen tana."}} {"translation":{"eng":"Why did you call me?", "hoc":"Chena\u1E31 mentem iyu let\u0301i\u0301a?"}}