text "### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a page object definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: I enter the correct OTP in Login screen( but the old one| but the expired one)? ### Output: public void enterOtp(String correctOtp) { waitFor(otpTextFields); otpTextFields.clear(); otpTextFields.clear(); otpTextFields.clear(); otpTextFields.clear(); otpTextFields.clear(); otpTextFields.clear(); waitABit(200); typeInto(otpTextFields,correctOtp); }" "### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a step definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: Product list is displayed ### Output: public void productListIsDisplayed() { Assert.assertTrue(productListPage.searchResultPageIsDisplayed()); String actualResultTitle = productListPage.getResultTitle().toLowerCase(); String expectedProductName = testContext.scenarioContext.getContext(Context.EXPECTED_DATA).toString().toLowerCase(); Assert.assertEquals(expectedProductName, actualResultTitle); int totalProduct = Integer.parseInt(productListPage.getProductAmount()); for (int i = 0; i < totalProduct; i++) { String actualProductTitle = productListPage.getAllProductTitle(i).toLowerCase(); Assert.assertTrue(testContext.scenarioContext.isContains(Context.EXPECTED_DATA)); //Context assertion Assert.assertTrue(actualProductTitle.contains(expectedProductName)); //Common assertion } }" "### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a step definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: I should be successful in creating a new account (.* ### Output: public void isSuccessfullySignedUp(String userName){ assert dashboardPage.isUserLoggedByName(userName); }" "### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a step definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: After fetching data from data file )?I should get a masking on (email|mobile number) (.* ### Output: public void maskedEmailOrMobileNumber(String file, String emailOrMobile, String value) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException { if((file!=null) && (file.contains(""data file""))) { value=commonPage.fetchDataFromDataProperties(value); } if(emailOrMobile.equalsIgnoreCase(""email"")) loginSecondScreenPage.validateMaskingInEmail(value); else if(emailOrMobile.equalsIgnoreCase(""mobile number"")) loginSecondScreenPage.validateMaskingInMobile(value); } }" "### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a step definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: I (dont )?get error message (.*) for OTP textfields in Signup ### Output: public void validateErrorMeesage(String dontFlag, String expectedError) throws Exception { if((dontFlag!=null)&&(dontFlag.contains(""dont""))) { expectedError=null; signUpSecondScreenPage.validateNoErrorMessage(); } else { expectedError=commonPage.fetchErrorMessageConstantsfromEnum(expectedError); signUpSecondScreenPage.validateErrorMessage(expectedError); } }" "### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a step definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: After fetching data from data file )?I see prepopulated value (.*) in email or mobile textfield in Signup ### Output: public void validatePrepopulatedEmailOrMobileTextfield(String file, String value) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException { if((file!=null)&&(file.contains(""data file""))) value=commonPage.fetchDataFromDataProperties(value); signUpFirstPage.validatePrepopulatedEmailOrMobileTextfield(value); } }" "### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a page object definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: I add it again ### Output: public void addToCart(String productName) { String raw = ""a[aria-label='Add “"" + productName + ""” to your cart']""; byte[] bytes = raw.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8); String utf8Encoded = new String(bytes, StandardCharsets.UTF_8); By addToCartBtn = By.cssSelector(utf8Encoded); waitForElementVisibility(titleTxt); click(addToCartBtn); click(viewCartLink); }" "### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a page object definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: I provide the Utility Details ### Output: public void provideUtilityDetails() { waitABit(5000); clickOn(signinButton); getDriver().switchTo().frame(getDriver().findElement(By.xpath(""//div[@class='MuiDialogContent-root']//iframe""))); waitABit(5000); // typeInto(customerEmailTextfield,""incedo1@yopmail.com""); typeInto(uesrNameTextfield,""UAPI_TEST_residential""); typeInto(passwordTextfield,""TEST""); typeInto(digitalSignatureTextfield,""Siddharth""); waitABit(5000); waitFor(authorizeButton); clickOn(authorizeButton); waitABit(35000); getDriver().switchTo().defaultContent(); waitFor(iDontQualifyButton); }" "### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a step definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: I verify fuel details on property overview page and dataHealth dashboard Api are same ### Output: public void GivenIVerifyFuelDetailsOnPropertyOverviewPageAndDataHealthDashboardApiAreSame() throws Exception { String fuelType=propertyDetailsPage.getFuelUsageText(); System.out.println(fuelType); HashMap fuelDetails=response.jsonPath().get(""dashboardData[0].fuelDetails""); if(fuelDetails.containsKey(""fuelOilConsumption"") && fuelDetails.containsKey(""naturalGasConsumption"")) { Assert.assertTrue(fuelType.contains(""Fuel Oil"") && fuelType.contains(""Natural Gas"")); }else if(fuelDetails.containsKey(""fuelOilConsumption"")) { Assert.assertTrue(fuelType.contains(""Fuel Oil"")); }else if(fuelDetails.containsKey(""naturalGasConsumption"")) { Assert.assertTrue(fuelType.contains(""Natural Gas"")); }else { Assert.assertTrue(fuelType.contains(""--"")); } }" "### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a page object definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: I choose to Resend OTP in Signup ### Output: public void resendOtp() { clickOn(resendButton); }" "### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a step definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: I assign (.*) Project ### Output: public void Project(String projectName) { adminLoginPage.assignProject(projectName); }" "### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a page object definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: Login form in login page ### Output: public boolean defaultHomePageIsDisplayed() { headerLogoButton.isDisplayed(); searchInput.isDisplayed(); cartButton.isDisplayed(); bhinnekaCopyrightFooter.isDisplayed(); return true; }" "### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a page object definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: I get error message (.*) for select user role ### Output: public String fetchUserManagementErrorMessageConstantsfromEnum(String expectedError) throws Exception { switch(expectedError) { case ""INVALID_FIRSTNAME_ERROR"": expectedError=UserManagementErrorMessagesEnum.INVALID_FIRSTNAME_ERROR.getValue(); break; case ""INVALID_LASSTNAME_ERROR"": expectedError=UserManagementErrorMessagesEnum.INVALID_LASSTNAME_ERROR.getValue(); break; case ""FIRSTNAME_NUMBER_SPECIAL_CHAR_ERROR"": expectedError=UserManagementErrorMessagesEnum.FIRSTNAME_NUMBER_SPECIAL_CHAR_ERROR.getValue(); break; case ""LASTNAME_NUMBER_SPECIAL_CHAR_ERROR"": expectedError=UserManagementErrorMessagesEnum.LASTNAME_NUMBER_SPECIAL_CHAR_ERROR.getValue(); break; case ""INVALID_MOBILE_ERROR"": expectedError=UserManagementErrorMessagesEnum.INVALID_MOBILE_ERROR.getValue(); break; case ""MOBILE_START_ZERO_ERROR"": expectedError=UserManagementErrorMessagesEnum.MOBILE_START_ZERO_ERROR.getValue(); break; case ""INVALID_EMAIL_ERROR"": expectedError=UserManagementErrorMessagesEnum.INVALID_EMAIL_ERROR.getValue(); break; case ""EMAIL_MAX_50_CHARS"": expectedError=UserManagementErrorMessagesEnum.EMAIL_MAX_50_CHARS.getValue(); break; case ""SELECT_ROLE_ERROR"": expectedError=UserManagementErrorMessagesEnum.SELECT_ROLE_ERROR.getValue(); break; case ""SELECT_MAPPED_LOCATIONS_ERROR"": expectedError=UserManagementErrorMessagesEnum.SELECT_MAPPED_LOCATIONS_ERROR.getValue(); break; case ""FIRSTNAME_MAX_30_CHARS"": expectedError=UserManagementErrorMessagesEnum.FIRSTNAME_MAX_30_CHARS.getValue(); break; case ""LASTNAME_MAX_25_CHARS"": expectedError=UserManagementErrorMessagesEnum.LASTNAME_MAX_25_CHARS.getValue(); break; case ""INVALID_GROUPNAME_ERROR"": expectedError=UserManagementErrorMessagesEnum.INVALID_GROUPNAME_ERROR.getValue(); break; case ""GROUPNAME_NUMBER_SPECIAL_CHAR_ERROR"": expectedError=UserManagementErrorMessagesEnum.GROUPNAME_NUMBER_SPECIAL_CHAR_ERROR.getValue(); break; case ""GROUPNAME_MAX_30_CHARS"": expectedError=UserManagementErrorMessagesEnum.GROUPNAME_MAX_30_CHARS.getValue(); break; default: throw new Exception(""This Expected Error in feature file is not present in the list of expected errors in switch case or Enum file""); }" "### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a step definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: After fetching data from data file )?I enter value (.*) in Signup mobile textfield ### Output: public void enterEmailOrMobile(String file, String value) throws Throwable { if((file!=null)&&(file.contains(""data file""))) value=commonPage.fetchDataFromDataProperties(value); signUpFirstPage.enterLoginMobile(value); }" "### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a step definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: After fetching data from data file )?I set request specification with the (.*) API with headers and payload ### Output: public void add_API_Payload(String file, String apiURL) throws IOException { if((file!=null) && (file.contains(""data file""))) { apiURL=apiURL+""APIURL""; apiURL=commonPage.fetchDataFromDataProperties(apiURL); } // int index=apiURL.indexOf(""1006""); // if(index>=0) // apiURL=apiURL.replace(""1006"",customerId); RestAssured.baseURI=apiURL; RestAssured.useRelaxedHTTPSValidation(); httpRequest = RestAssured.given().headers(headersMap).body(payload.getBytes()); }" "### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a step definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: I click on dashboard ### Output: public void ThenIClickOnDashboard() { propertyDetailsPage.clickBreadcrumbLink(""Dashboard""); } }" "### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a step definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: I should successfully land to dashboard ### Output: public void landDashboard(){ dashboardPage.landDashboard(); } }" "### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a page object definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: I click on Submit button on edit group pop up ### Output: public void clickOnSubmitEditGroupButton() { clickOn(submitEditGroup); }" "### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a step definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: After fetching data from data file )?I verify (.*) rides saved with (.* ### Output: public void verifyRidesSaved(String file, String key,String totalRidesSaved) throws IOException { if((file!=null) && (file.contains(""data file""))) key=commonPage.fetchDataFromDataProperties(key); String value=getJsonPath(response,key); int l=value.length(); value=getJsonPath(response,key).substring(1, (l-1)); long sumOfAll=0; int sumOfAllMinus=0; int sumOfAllPlus=0; int responseSize=0; responseSize=response.body().jsonPath().getList(""cityPerformanceDataTOs"").size(); String[] arr = null; arr=value.split("",""); for(int i=0;i1000000){ sumOfAll=sumOfAll/1000000; resultFlag=""M""; assertTrue(total.endsWith(resultFlag)); total=total.substring(0, total.length()-1); sumOfAllMinus=(int)sumOfAll-1; sumOfAllPlus=(int)sumOfAll+1; assertTrue((valueOf(sumOfAll).equals(total))||(valueOf(sumOfAllPlus).equals(total))||(valueOf(sumOfAllMinus).equals(total))); }else if(sumOfAll>10000){ sumOfAll=sumOfAll/1000; resultFlag=""K""; sumOfAllMinus=(int)sumOfAll-1; sumOfAllPlus=(int)sumOfAll+1; assertTrue(total.endsWith(resultFlag)); total=total.substring(0, total.length()-1); assertTrue((valueOf(sumOfAll).equals(total))||(valueOf(sumOfAllPlus).equals(total))||(valueOf(sumOfAllMinus).equals(total))); }else { assertEquals(valueOf(sumOfAll),total); } System.out.println(""Rides saved matched""); }" "### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a step definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: After fetching data from data file )?I validate that (.*) field is prepopulated with (.*) value ### Output: public void verifyFieldIsPrepopulatedWithValue(String file, String field, String value) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException { if((file!=null)&&(file.contains(""data file""))) { helpAndSupportPage.verifyFieldsPrepopulated(field, commonPage.fetchDataFromDataProperties(value)); } else{ helpAndSupportPage.verifyFieldsPrepopulated(field, value); } }" "### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a step definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: After fetching data from data file )?I enter value (.*) in email or mobile textfield ### Output: public void enterEmailOrMobile(String file, String value) throws Throwable { if((file!=null)&&(file.contains(""data file""))) value=commonPage.fetchDataFromDataProperties(value); loginFirstScreenPage.enterLoginEmailOrMobile(value); }" "### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a page object definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: I click on pencil icon to edit group ### Output: public void clickOnPencilIconToEditGroup() { clickOn(editGroup); }" "### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a step definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: Go to cart page without authorizations ### Output: public void goToCartPageWithoutAuthorizations() { homePage.clickCartButton(); Assert.assertTrue(loginPage.emailLoginPageIsDisplayed()); } }" "### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a step definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: I click on continue button in Signup Screen-2 ### Output: public void ClickOnContinue() { signUpSecondScreenPage.clickOnContinue(); }" "### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a step definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: I click on Cancel button to close groups popup ### Output: public void ThenIClickOnCancelButtonToCloseGroupsPopup() { userManagementPage.clickCancelGroupspopup(); }" "### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a page object definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: I navigate to screen with static (text|subtext) (.*) in (Onboarding|Login|Signup) screen ### Output: public String fetchStaticTextConstantsfromEnum(String expectedStaticText) throws Exception { switch(expectedStaticText) { case ""LOGIN_SCREEN_STATIC_TEXT_BLUE_BAR"": expectedStaticText=SupReferralLoginStaticTextsEnum.LOGIN_SCREEN_STATIC_TEXT_BLUE_BAR.getValue(); break; case ""LOGIN_SCREEN1_STATIC_TEXT_HEADING"": expectedStaticText=SupReferralLoginStaticTextsEnum.LOGIN_SCREEN1_STATIC_TEXT_HEADING.getValue(); break; case ""LOGIN_SCREEN2_STATIC_TEXT_EMAIL_HEADING"": expectedStaticText=SupReferralLoginStaticTextsEnum.LOGIN_SCREEN2_STATIC_TEXT_EMAIL_HEADING.getValue(); break; case ""LOGIN_SCREEN2_STATIC_TEXT_MOBILE_HEADING"": expectedStaticText=SupReferralLoginStaticTextsEnum.LOGIN_SCREEN2_STATIC_TEXT_MOBILE_HEADING.getValue(); break; case ""ONBOARDING_EXPANDING_SCREEN_STATIC_TEXT_BLUE_BAR"": expectedStaticText=OnboardingStaticTextsEnum.ONBOARDING_EXPANDING_SCREEN_STATIC_TEXT_BLUE_BAR.getValue(); break; case ""ONBOARDING_FARM_AVAILABLE_MARYLAND_SCREEN_STATIC_TEXT_BLUE_BAR"": expectedStaticText=OnboardingStaticTextsEnum.ONBOARDING_FARM_AVAILABLE_MARYLAND_SCREEN_STATIC_TEXT_BLUE_BAR.getValue(); break; case ""ONBOARDING_FARM_AVAILABLE_HAWAII_SCREEN_STATIC_TEXT_BLUE_BAR"": expectedStaticText=OnboardingStaticTextsEnum.ONBOARDING_FARM_AVAILABLE_HAWAII_SCREEN_STATIC_TEXT_BLUE_BAR.getValue(); break; case ""ONBOARDING_FARM_AVAILABLE_NEW_JERSEY_SCREEN_STATIC_TEXT_BLUE_BAR"": expectedStaticText=OnboardingStaticTextsEnum.ONBOARDING_FARM_AVAILABLE_NEW_JERSEY_SCREEN_STATIC_TEXT_BLUE_BAR.getValue(); break; case ""ONBOARDING_FARM_AVAILABLE_SCREEN_STATIC_TEXT_BLUE_BAR"": expectedStaticText=OnboardingStaticTextsEnum.ONBOARDING_FARM_AVAILABLE_SCREEN_STATIC_TEXT_BLUE_BAR.getValue(); break; case ""ONBOARDING_MARYLAND_GETTING_CLEANER_SCREEN_STATIC_TEXT_BLUE_BAR"": expectedStaticText=OnboardingStaticTextsEnum.ONBOARDING_MARYLAND_GETTING_CLEANER_SCREEN_STATIC_TEXT_BLUE_BAR.getValue(); break; case ""ONBOARDING_HAWAII_GETTING_CLEANER_SCREEN_STATIC_TEXT_BLUE_BAR"": expectedStaticText=OnboardingStaticTextsEnum.ONBOARDING_HAWAII_GETTING_CLEANER_SCREEN_STATIC_TEXT_BLUE_BAR.getValue(); break; case ""ONBOARDING_NEW_JERSEY_GETTING_CLEANER_SCREEN_STATIC_TEXT_BLUE_BAR"": expectedStaticText=OnboardingStaticTextsEnum.ONBOARDING_NEW_JERSEY_GETTING_CLEANER_SCREEN_STATIC_TEXT_BLUE_BAR.getValue(); break; case ""ONBOARDING_COMMUNITY_GREEN_SCREEN_STATIC_TEXT_BLUE_BAR"": expectedStaticText=OnboardingStaticTextsEnum.ONBOARDING_COMMUNITY_GREEN_SCREEN_STATIC_TEXT_BLUE_BAR.getValue(); break; case ""ONBOARDING_YOU_ARE_ALL_DONE_SCREEN_STATIC_TEXT_BLUE_BAR"": expectedStaticText=OnboardingStaticTextsEnum.ONBOARDING_YOU_ARE_ALL_DONE_SCREEN_STATIC_TEXT_BLUE_BAR.getValue(); break; case ""ONBOARDING_THANK_YOU_SCREEN_STATIC_TEXT_BLUE_BAR"": expectedStaticText=OnboardingStaticTextsEnum.ONBOARDING_THANK_YOU_SCREEN_STATIC_TEXT_BLUE_BAR.getValue(); break; case ""ONBOARDING_THANK_YOU_SCREEN_FARM_UNAVAILABLE_STATIC_TEXT_BLUE_BAR"": expectedStaticText=OnboardingStaticTextsEnum.ONBOARDING_THANK_YOU_SCREEN_FARM_UNAVAILABLE_STATIC_TEXT_BLUE_BAR.getValue(); break; case ""ONBOARDING_ESTIMATE_SCREEN_STATIC_TEXT_BLUE_BAR"": expectedStaticText=OnboardingStaticTextsEnum.ONBOARDING_ESTIMATE_SCREEN_STATIC_TEXT_BLUE_BAR.getValue(); break; case ""ONBOARDING_UTILITY_SCREEN_STATIC_TEXT"": expectedStaticText=OnboardingStaticTextsEnum.ONBOARDING_UTILITY_SCREEN_STATIC_TEXT.getValue(); break; case ""ONBOARDING_LMI_SCREEN_STATIC_TEXT"": expectedStaticText=OnboardingStaticTextsEnum.ONBOARDING_LMI_SCREEN_STATIC_TEXT.getValue(); break; case ""ONBOARDING_BENEFIT_SCREEN_STATIC_TEXT"": expectedStaticText=OnboardingStaticTextsEnum.ONBOARDING_BENEFIT_SCREEN_STATIC_TEXT.getValue(); break; case ""ONBOARDING_PAYMENT_SCREEN_STATIC_TEXT_BLUE_BAR"": expectedStaticText=OnboardingStaticTextsEnum.ONBOARDING_PAYMENT_SCREEN_STATIC_TEXT_BLUE_BAR.getValue(); break; default: throw new Exception(""This Expected Static Text in feature file is not present in the list of expected static texts in switch case or Enum file""); }" "### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a step definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: After fetching data from data file)? I enter all mandatory fields first name (.*), last name, phone number, email id, role and mapped location (.*) from the list ### Output: public void GivenAfterFetchingDataFromDataFileIEnterAllMandatoryFieldsFirstNameLastNamePhoneNumberEmailIdRoleAndMappedLocationNikeFromTheList(String file, String value, String location) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException { if((file!=null)&&(file.contains(""data file""))) { value=commonPage.fetchDataFromDataProperties(value); location=commonPage.fetchDataFromDataProperties(location); } userManagementPage.enterFirstName(value+generatedString); userManagementPage.enterLastName(value+generatedString); userManagementPage.enterEmail(value+generatedString+""" "### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a step definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: I verify (.*) user is edited ### Output: public void ThenIVerifyUserIsEdited(String user) { userManagementPage.varifyUserCreatedOrEdited(user+generatedString); }" "### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a page object definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: Select product in {int} list ### Output: public boolean searchResultPageIsDisplayed() { Wait.untilPageReadyState(webDriver, 5L); resultTitle.isDisplayed(); urutkanOptionButton.isDisplayed(); listViewButton.isDisplayed(); gridViewButton.isDisplayed(); return true; }" "### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a step definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: I provide the Utility Details ### Output: public void provide_UtilityDetails() { utilityScreenPage.provideUtilityDetails(); } }" "### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a step definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: After fetching data from data file )?I prepare payload for email (.*) for (.*) API( with (.*) (project|location))? ### Output: public String preparePayload(String file, String email, String apiName, String anyProjectOrLocation, String specificProjectOrLocations, String projectOrlocation) throws Exception { if((file!=null) && (file.contains(""data file""))) { email=commonPage.fetchDataFromDataProperties(email); } clientid=commonPage.fetchDataFromDataProperties(""clientId""); int businessEntityId, cId; String landlordProjectIds, locationId, locationId1, locationId2, locationId3, groupName, bcAssetId, projectIds1, projectIds2, projectIds, bcAssetId1, bcAssetId2; switch(apiName) { case ""session"": payload=sessionAPIParameterizedPayload1+clientid+(String.format(sessionAPIParameterizedPayload2, email)); break; case ""authkey"": String payload1=String.format(authkeyAPIParameterizedPayload, email); String otpCode=CommonSteps.otp.toString(); String payload2=""\""},\""ClientId\"":\""""; String payload3=""\"",\""Session\"":\""""; String payload4=""\""}""; payload=payload1+otpCode+payload2+clientid+payload3+session+payload4; break; case ""consent"": payload=String.format(consentAPIParameterizedPayload, email); break; case ""landLease"": String projectId="""", vendorId=""""; if((file!=null) && (file.contains(""data file""))) { projectId=commonPage.fetchDataFromDataProperties(""projectIdForIncomeAPI""); // vendorId=commonPage.fetchDataFromDataProperties(""vendorIdForIncomeAPI""); } // String payload5=String.format(incomeAPIParameterizedPayload1, projectId); // String payload6=String.format(incomeAPIParameterizedPayload2, vendorId); // payload=payload5+payload6; // landlordProjectIds=commonPage.fetchDataFromDataProperties(""landlordProjectIds""); businessEntityId=Integer.parseInt(commonPage.fetchDataFromDataProperties(""businessEntityId2"")); cId=Integer.parseInt(commonPage.fetchDataFromDataProperties(""customerId2"")); payload=Payload.projectsForLandlord(businessEntityId, cId, projectId); break; case ""helpAndSupportEmail"": payload=String.format(helpAndSupportEmailParameterizedPayload, email); break; case ""createNewUser"": String firstName=commonPage.fetchDataFromDataProperties(""userFirstName""); String lastName=commonPage.fetchDataFromDataProperties(""userLastName""); String userEmail=""automationemail""+(commonPage.generatedString)+""" "### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a step definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: After fetching data from data file )?I upload (.*) Utility bill document ### Output: public void uploadLmiDocument(String file, String value) throws AWTException, IOException { if((file!=null)&&(file.contains(""data file""))) value=commonPage.fetchDataFromDataProperties(value); dataHealthPagePage.uploadDocument(value); }" "### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a page object definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: I click on Submit button on Login screen ### Output: public void submitLogin() { otpTextFields.submit(); waitABit(10000); }" "### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a page object definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: I click on Delete Group button on delete group pop up ### Output: public void clickDeleteGroupOnPopup(){ clickOn(deleteGroupPopupButton); }" "### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a step definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: I click on Continue button on success message ### Output: public void ThenIClickOnContinueButtonOnSuccessMessage() { userManagementPage.clickOnContinueButton(); }" "### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a page object definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: Input data with {string} in search bar ### Output: public void setSearchInput(String product) { searchInput.isEnabled(); searchInput.click(); searchInput.sendKeys(product); }" "### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a page object definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: After fetching data from data file )?I should get a masking on (email|mobile number) (.* ### Output: public String fetchDataFromDataProperties(String key) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException { properties=new Properties(); properties.load(new FileInputStream(new File(""./data.properties""))); String value=properties.getProperty(key); return value; }" "### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a page object definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: I verify property name (.*) in selected in dropdown and on property detail page is same ### Output: public void varifyPropertysSelectedOnDropdownAndPageAreSame(String propertyName) { String SelectedPropertyfromDropdown=String.format(parameterizedSelectedPropertyfromDropdown, propertyName); String PropertyNameOnPage=String.format(parameterizedPropertyNameOnPage, propertyName); WebElement SelectedPropertyfromDropdownEle=getDriver().findElement(By.xpath(SelectedPropertyfromDropdown)); WebElement PropertyNameOnPageEle=getDriver().findElement(By.xpath(PropertyNameOnPage)); Assert.isTrue((SelectedPropertyfromDropdownEle.getText()).equals(PropertyNameOnPageEle.getText())); }" "### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a step definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: After fetching data from data file )?I edit Address in Customer Profile ### Output: public void enterSecondScreenDetails(String file,DataTable dataTable) { List> data = dataTable.raw(); adminLoginPage.enterCity(data.get(0).get(0)); adminLoginPage.enterAddress1(data.get(0).get(1)); adminLoginPage.enterAddress2(data.get(0).get(2)); }" "### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a page object definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: I validate that Email is successfully sent ### Output: public void validateEmailSentSuccessfully() { waitFor(emailSentSuccessfullyMessage); }" "### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a step definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: After fetching data from data file)? I click on project (.* ### Output: public void userToEditInformationUser(String file,String value) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException { if((file!=null)&&(file.contains(""data file""))) value=commonPage.fetchDataFromDataProperties(value); propertyDetailsPage.clickOnProjectName(value); }" "### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a step definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: I choose to Go Back ### Output: public void goBack() { loginSecondScreenPage.goBack(); }" "### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a step definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: I fetch value of (.*) from response of (.*) API and write to data file ### Output: public void writeToDataFileFromResponse(String key, String apiName) throws IOException { String value=getJsonPath(response,key); if(apiName.contains(""history"")) { docId=value; System.out.println(""doc id value is: ""+docId); commonPage.writeToDataProperties(docId); } }" "### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a page object definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: I enter (card|US bank account) details for utility savings ### Output: public void enterCardDetails(String cardNumberValue, String expiryValue, String cvcValue, String dobValue) { getDriver().switchTo().frame(getDriver().findElement(By.xpath(""//div[@class='__PrivateStripeElement']//iframe[1]""))); waitFor(cardNumberTextField); typeInto(cardNumberTextField, cardNumberValue); typeInto(expiryTextField, expiryValue); typeInto(cvcTextField, cvcValue); getDriver().switchTo().defaultContent(); typeInto(dobTextField, dobValue); }" "### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a step definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: I click on (.*) page ### Output: public void change_page(String page) { billingPage.changePage(page); }" "### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a step definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: I click on (.*) tab ### Output: public void clickTab(String tabText) { commonPage.clickTab(tabText); }" "### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a step definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: I change to (.*) filter ### Output: public void change_filter(String filter) { billingPage.changeFilter(filter); }" "### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a page object definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: I see static text (.*) in Login screen ### Output: public String fetchStaticTextConstantsfromEnum(String expectedStaticText) throws Exception { switch(expectedStaticText) { case ""LOGIN_SCREEN_STATIC_TEXT_BLUE_BAR"": expectedStaticText=SupReferralLoginStaticTextsEnum.LOGIN_SCREEN_STATIC_TEXT_BLUE_BAR.getValue(); break; case ""LOGIN_SCREEN1_STATIC_TEXT_HEADING"": expectedStaticText=SupReferralLoginStaticTextsEnum.LOGIN_SCREEN1_STATIC_TEXT_HEADING.getValue(); break; case ""LOGIN_SCREEN2_STATIC_TEXT_EMAIL_HEADING"": expectedStaticText=SupReferralLoginStaticTextsEnum.LOGIN_SCREEN2_STATIC_TEXT_EMAIL_HEADING.getValue(); break; case ""LOGIN_SCREEN2_STATIC_TEXT_MOBILE_HEADING"": expectedStaticText=SupReferralLoginStaticTextsEnum.LOGIN_SCREEN2_STATIC_TEXT_MOBILE_HEADING.getValue(); break; case ""ONBOARDING_EXPANDING_SCREEN_STATIC_TEXT_BLUE_BAR"": expectedStaticText=OnboardingStaticTextsEnum.ONBOARDING_EXPANDING_SCREEN_STATIC_TEXT_BLUE_BAR.getValue(); break; case ""ONBOARDING_FARM_AVAILABLE_MARYLAND_SCREEN_STATIC_TEXT_BLUE_BAR"": expectedStaticText=OnboardingStaticTextsEnum.ONBOARDING_FARM_AVAILABLE_MARYLAND_SCREEN_STATIC_TEXT_BLUE_BAR.getValue(); break; case ""ONBOARDING_FARM_AVAILABLE_HAWAII_SCREEN_STATIC_TEXT_BLUE_BAR"": expectedStaticText=OnboardingStaticTextsEnum.ONBOARDING_FARM_AVAILABLE_HAWAII_SCREEN_STATIC_TEXT_BLUE_BAR.getValue(); break; case ""ONBOARDING_FARM_AVAILABLE_NEW_JERSEY_SCREEN_STATIC_TEXT_BLUE_BAR"": expectedStaticText=OnboardingStaticTextsEnum.ONBOARDING_FARM_AVAILABLE_NEW_JERSEY_SCREEN_STATIC_TEXT_BLUE_BAR.getValue(); break; case ""ONBOARDING_FARM_AVAILABLE_SCREEN_STATIC_TEXT_BLUE_BAR"": expectedStaticText=OnboardingStaticTextsEnum.ONBOARDING_FARM_AVAILABLE_SCREEN_STATIC_TEXT_BLUE_BAR.getValue(); break; case ""ONBOARDING_MARYLAND_GETTING_CLEANER_SCREEN_STATIC_TEXT_BLUE_BAR"": expectedStaticText=OnboardingStaticTextsEnum.ONBOARDING_MARYLAND_GETTING_CLEANER_SCREEN_STATIC_TEXT_BLUE_BAR.getValue(); break; case ""ONBOARDING_HAWAII_GETTING_CLEANER_SCREEN_STATIC_TEXT_BLUE_BAR"": expectedStaticText=OnboardingStaticTextsEnum.ONBOARDING_HAWAII_GETTING_CLEANER_SCREEN_STATIC_TEXT_BLUE_BAR.getValue(); break; case ""ONBOARDING_NEW_JERSEY_GETTING_CLEANER_SCREEN_STATIC_TEXT_BLUE_BAR"": expectedStaticText=OnboardingStaticTextsEnum.ONBOARDING_NEW_JERSEY_GETTING_CLEANER_SCREEN_STATIC_TEXT_BLUE_BAR.getValue(); break; case ""ONBOARDING_COMMUNITY_GREEN_SCREEN_STATIC_TEXT_BLUE_BAR"": expectedStaticText=OnboardingStaticTextsEnum.ONBOARDING_COMMUNITY_GREEN_SCREEN_STATIC_TEXT_BLUE_BAR.getValue(); break; case ""ONBOARDING_YOU_ARE_ALL_DONE_SCREEN_STATIC_TEXT_BLUE_BAR"": expectedStaticText=OnboardingStaticTextsEnum.ONBOARDING_YOU_ARE_ALL_DONE_SCREEN_STATIC_TEXT_BLUE_BAR.getValue(); break; case ""ONBOARDING_THANK_YOU_SCREEN_STATIC_TEXT_BLUE_BAR"": expectedStaticText=OnboardingStaticTextsEnum.ONBOARDING_THANK_YOU_SCREEN_STATIC_TEXT_BLUE_BAR.getValue(); break; case ""ONBOARDING_THANK_YOU_SCREEN_FARM_UNAVAILABLE_STATIC_TEXT_BLUE_BAR"": expectedStaticText=OnboardingStaticTextsEnum.ONBOARDING_THANK_YOU_SCREEN_FARM_UNAVAILABLE_STATIC_TEXT_BLUE_BAR.getValue(); break; case ""ONBOARDING_ESTIMATE_SCREEN_STATIC_TEXT_BLUE_BAR"": expectedStaticText=OnboardingStaticTextsEnum.ONBOARDING_ESTIMATE_SCREEN_STATIC_TEXT_BLUE_BAR.getValue(); break; case ""ONBOARDING_UTILITY_SCREEN_STATIC_TEXT"": expectedStaticText=OnboardingStaticTextsEnum.ONBOARDING_UTILITY_SCREEN_STATIC_TEXT.getValue(); break; case ""ONBOARDING_LMI_SCREEN_STATIC_TEXT"": expectedStaticText=OnboardingStaticTextsEnum.ONBOARDING_LMI_SCREEN_STATIC_TEXT.getValue(); break; case ""ONBOARDING_BENEFIT_SCREEN_STATIC_TEXT"": expectedStaticText=OnboardingStaticTextsEnum.ONBOARDING_BENEFIT_SCREEN_STATIC_TEXT.getValue(); break; case ""ONBOARDING_PAYMENT_SCREEN_STATIC_TEXT_BLUE_BAR"": expectedStaticText=OnboardingStaticTextsEnum.ONBOARDING_PAYMENT_SCREEN_STATIC_TEXT_BLUE_BAR.getValue(); break; default: throw new Exception(""This Expected Static Text in feature file is not present in the list of expected static texts in switch case or Enum file""); }" "### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a page object definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: I should see {int} {product} in the cart ### Output: public String getProductName() { return getElementText(productNameFld); }" "### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a step definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: I successfully download the Bill ### Output: public void downloadBill() { billingPage.downloadBill(); } }" "### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a step definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: I get error message (.*) for firstname ### Output: public void ThenIGetErrorMessageForFirstname(String expectedError) throws Exception { expectedError=commonPage.fetchUserManagementErrorMessageConstantsfromEnum(expectedError); userManagementPage.validateErrorMessage(""First Name"", expectedError); }" "### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a step definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: After fetching data from data file)? I enter first name (.*), last name, phone number, email id ### Output: public void ThenIEnterFirstNameLastNamePhoneNumberEmailId(String file, String value) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException { if((file!=null)&&(file.contains(""data file""))) value=commonPage.fetchDataFromDataProperties(value); Random objGenerator = new Random(); int randomNumber = objGenerator.nextInt(99); userManagementPage.enterFirstName(value+generatedString); userManagementPage.enterLastName(value+generatedString); userManagementPage.enterEmail(value+generatedString+""" "### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a page object definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: I click on (.*) button ### Output: public void clickButton(String buttonText) { String buttonXpath=String.format(parameterizedButton, buttonText); WebElement elem=getDriver().findElement(By.xpath(buttonXpath)); WebDriverWait wait=new WebDriverWait(getDriver(),15); wait.until(ExpectedConditions.elementToBeClickable(elem)); elem.click(); }" "### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a page object definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: After fetching data from data file)? I verify (.*) breadcrumb near to property breadcrumb ### Output: public String fetchDataFromDataProperties(String key) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException { properties=new Properties(); properties.load(new FileInputStream(new File(""./data.properties""))); String value=properties.getProperty(key); return value; }" "### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a page object definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: I select the role user ### Output: public void selectRole(int num) throws InterruptedException { String role=String.format(parameterizedRole, num); WebElement elem=getDriver().findElement(By.xpath(role)); WebDriverWait wait=new WebDriverWait(getDriver(),15); wait.until(ExpectedConditions.elementToBeClickable(elem)); Thread.sleep(2000); clickOn(elem); }" "### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a step definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: I add it again ### Output: public void iAddItAgain() { storePage.addToCart(context.product.getName()); }" "### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a step definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: I enter all the details for signing up in Signup Screen-2 ### Output: public void enterSecondScreenDetails(DataTable dataTable) { List> data = dataTable.raw(); signUpSecondScreenPage.enterAddress1(data.get(0).get(0)); signUpSecondScreenPage.enterAddress2(data.get(0).get(1)); signUpSecondScreenPage.enterZipCode(data.get(0).get(2)); signUpSecondScreenPage.enterCity(data.get(0).get(3)); signUpSecondScreenPage.selectState(data.get(0).get(4)); }" "### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a page object definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: I accept Hawaii Disclosure ### Output: public void acceptHawaiiDisclosure() { waitFor(acceptHawaiiDisclosureButton); JavascriptExecutor js = (JavascriptExecutor) getDriver(); // getDriver().switchTo().frame(getDriver().findElement(By.xpath(""//div[@class='__PrivateStripeElement']//iframe[1]""))); // JavascriptExecutor js = (JavascriptExecutor) getDriver(); waitFor(5000); js.executeScript(""window.scrollBy(0,550)"", """"); clickOn(acceptHawaiiDisclosureButton); getDriver().switchTo().defaultContent(); }" "### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a page object definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: After fetching data from data file )?I validate that (.*) field is prepopulated with (.*) value ### Output: public String fetchDataFromDataProperties(String key) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException { properties=new Properties(); properties.load(new FileInputStream(new File(""./data.properties""))); String value=properties.getProperty(key); return value; }" "### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a step definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: After fetching data from data file )?I enter value (.*) in Signup mobile textfield ### Output: public void enterEmailOrMobile(String file, String value) throws Throwable { if((file!=null)&&(file.contains(""data file""))) value=commonPage.fetchDataFromDataProperties(value); signUpFirstPage.enterLoginMobile(value); }" "### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a step definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: After fetching data from data file )?I enter all the details for signing up in Signup Screen-1 ### Output: public void enterFirstScreenSignUpDetails(String file,DataTable dataTable) throws IOException { List> data = dataTable.raw(); signUpFirstPage.enterFirstName(data.get(0).get(0)); signUpFirstPage.enterLastName(data.get(0).get(1)); if((file!=null)&&(file.contains(""data file""))) { signUpFirstPage.enterEmail(commonPage.fetchDataFromDataProperties(data.get(0).get(2))); signUpFirstPage.enterMobileNumber(commonPage.fetchDataFromDataProperties(data.get(0).get(3))); } else{ signUpFirstPage.enterEmail(data.get(0).get(2)); signUpFirstPage.enterMobileNumber(data.get(0).get(3)); } }" "### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a page object definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: After fetching data from data file )?I fetch OTP of Email (.* ### Output: public String fetchDataFromDataProperties(String key) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException { properties=new Properties(); properties.load(new FileInputStream(new File("".\\data.properties""))); String value=properties.getProperty(key); return value; }" "### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a page object definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: I place an order ### Output: public CheckoutPage placeOrder() { waitForOverlaysToDisappear(overlay); click(placeOrderBtn); return this; }" "### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a step definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: I verify that logged in user is at top with mentioned and does not have delete and edit icon ### Output: public void WhenIVerifyThatLoggedInUserIsAtTopWithMentionedAndDoesNotHaveDeleteAndEditIcon() { userManagementPage.varifyLoggedInUserShouldOnTOpOfGrid(); }" "### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a step definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: validate number of users asign to selected location or group ### Output: public void ThenValidateNumberOfUsersAsignToSelectedLocationOrGroup() { System.out.println(userManagementPage.getNumOfUsers()); } }" "### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a step definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: I see empty OTP textfields in Signup ### Output: public void validateEmptyOtpTextfields() { signUpSecondScreenPage.validateOtpIsEmpty(); }" "### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a step definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: This is for invalid locators ### Output: public void thisIsForInvalidLocators() { homePage.getInvalidLocators(); } }" "### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a step definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: I verify No payment available is displayed ### Output: public void verifyNoPaymentavailable() { dashboardPage.verifyNoPaymentavailable(); }" "### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a page object definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: I verify tooltip text ### Output: public String getToolTipText() { waitFor(toolTip); String ActualTotalNetMeteringToolTipText=toolTip.getText(); return ActualTotalNetMeteringToolTipText; }" "### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a page object definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: After fetching data from data file )?I enter group name (.*) in group pop up ### Output: public String fetchDataFromDataProperties(String key) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException { properties=new Properties(); properties.load(new FileInputStream(new File(""./data.properties""))); String value=properties.getProperty(key); return value; }" "### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a page object definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: I (dont )?get error message (.*) for OTP textfields ### Output: public String fetchErrorMessageConstantsfromEnum(String expectedError) throws Exception { switch(expectedError) { case ""INVALID_MOBILE_ERROR"": expectedError=LoginErrorMessagesEnum.INVALID_MOBILE_ERROR.getValue(); break; case ""INVALID_EMAIL_ERROR"": expectedError=LoginErrorMessagesEnum.INVALID_EMAIL_ERROR.getValue(); break; case ""EMAIL_MAX_50_CHARS"": expectedError=LoginErrorMessagesEnum.EMAIL_MAX_50_CHARS.getValue(); break; case ""INCORRECT_OTP"": expectedError=LoginErrorMessagesEnum.INCORRECT_OTP.getValue(); break; case ""INCOMPLETE_OTP"": expectedError=LoginErrorMessagesEnum.INCOMPLETE_OTP.getValue(); break; case ""INVALID_SESSION"": expectedError=LoginErrorMessagesEnum.INVALID_SESSION.getValue(); break; case ""INCORRECT_PASSWORD"": expectedError=LoginErrorMessagesEnum.INCORRECT_PASSWORD.getValue(); break; case ""USER_DISABLED"": expectedError=LoginErrorMessagesEnum.USER_DISABLED.getValue(); break; default: throw new Exception(""This Expected Error in feature file is not present in the list of expected errors in switch case or Enum file""); }" "### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a step definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: I select Flag customer application ### Output: public void flagCustomer() { adminLoginPage.clickFlagCustomer(); }" "### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a page object definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: I should see an error ### Output: public String getValidationMsg() { return getElementElementCustomAttribute(quantityInputFld, ""validationMessage""); }" "### Instruction: Use the Task below and the Input given to write the Response, which is a Java programming code that can solve the following Task: ### Task: Write automation script for UI Testing that contains only a step definition function, written using Cucumber and Selenium frameworks, for the following input: ### Input: I click on pencil icon to edit group ### Output: public void ThenIClickOnPencilIconToEditGroup() { userManagementPage.clickOnPencilIconToEditGroup(); }"