--- annotations_creators: - shibing624 language_creators: - shibing624 language: - zh license: - cc-by-4.0 multilinguality: - zh size_categories: - 100K wc -l *.jsonl 11690 cca.jsonl 11690 ccb.jsonl 11592 dca.jsonl 11593 dcb.jsonl 11512 dda.jsonl 11501 ddb.jsonl 69578 total ``` ### Curation Rationale 作为中文NLI(natural langauge inference)数据集,这里把这个数据集上传到huggingface的datasets,方便大家使用。 #### Who are the source language producers? 数据集的版权归原作者所有,使用各数据集时请尊重原数据集的版权。 #### Who are the annotators? 原作者。 ### Social Impact of Dataset This dataset was developed as a benchmark for evaluating representational systems for text, especially including those induced by representation learning methods, in the task of predicting truth conditions in a given context. Systems that are successful at such a task may be more successful in modeling semantic representations. ### Licensing Information 用于学术研究。 ### Contributions [shibing624](https://github.com/shibing624) upload this dataset.