# coding=utf-8 # Copyright 2020 The HuggingFace Datasets Authors and the current dataset script contributor. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """AmbigQA: Answering Ambiguous Open-domain Questions""" import json import os import datasets _CITATION = """\ @inproceedings{ min2020ambigqa, title={ {A}mbig{QA}: Answering Ambiguous Open-domain Questions }, author={ Min, Sewon and Michael, Julian and Hajishirzi, Hannaneh and Zettlemoyer, Luke }, booktitle={ EMNLP }, year={2020} } """ _DESCRIPTION = """\ AmbigNQ, a dataset covering 14,042 questions from NQ-open, an existing open-domain QA benchmark. We find that over half of the questions in NQ-open are ambiguous. The types of ambiguity are diverse and sometimes subtle, many of which are only apparent after examining evidence provided by a very large text corpus. AMBIGNQ, a dataset with 14,042 annotations on NQ-OPEN questions containing diverse types of ambiguity. We provide two distributions of our new dataset AmbigNQ: a full version with all annotation metadata and a light version with only inputs and outputs. """ _HOMEPAGE = "https://nlp.cs.washington.edu/ambigqa/" _LICENSE = "CC BY-SA 3.0" _URL = "https://nlp.cs.washington.edu/ambigqa/data/" _URLS = { "light": _URL + "ambignq_light.zip", "full": _URL + "ambignq.zip", } class AmbigQa(datasets.GeneratorBasedBuilder): """AmbigQA dataset""" VERSION = datasets.Version("1.0.0") BUILDER_CONFIGS = [ datasets.BuilderConfig( name="light", version=VERSION, description="AmbigNQ light version with only inputs and outputs", ), datasets.BuilderConfig( name="full", version=VERSION, description="AmbigNQ full version with all annotation metadata", ), ] DEFAULT_CONFIG_NAME = "full" def _info(self): features_dict = { "id": datasets.Value("string"), "question": datasets.Value("string"), "annotations": datasets.features.Sequence( { "type": datasets.Value("string"), # datasets.ClassLabel(names = ["singleAnswer","multipleQAs"]) "answer": datasets.features.Sequence(datasets.Value("string")), "qaPairs": datasets.features.Sequence( { "question": datasets.Value("string"), "answer": datasets.features.Sequence(datasets.Value("string")), } ), } ), } if self.config.name == "full": detail_features = { "viewed_doc_titles": datasets.features.Sequence(datasets.Value("string")), "used_queries": datasets.features.Sequence( { "query": datasets.Value("string"), "results": datasets.features.Sequence( { "title": datasets.Value("string"), "snippet": datasets.Value("string"), } ), } ), "nq_answer": datasets.features.Sequence(datasets.Value("string")), "nq_doc_title": datasets.Value("string"), } features_dict.update(detail_features) features = datasets.Features(features_dict) return datasets.DatasetInfo( description=_DESCRIPTION, features=features, supervised_keys=None, homepage=_HOMEPAGE, license=_LICENSE, citation=_CITATION, ) def _split_generators(self, dl_manager): """Returns SplitGenerators.""" # download and extract URLs urls_to_download = _URLS downloaded_files = dl_manager.download_and_extract(urls_to_download) train_file_name = "train.json" if self.config.name == "full" else "train_light.json" dev_file_name = "dev.json" if self.config.name == "full" else "dev_light.json" return [ datasets.SplitGenerator( name=datasets.Split.TRAIN, gen_kwargs={"filepath": os.path.join(downloaded_files[self.config.name], train_file_name)}, ), datasets.SplitGenerator( name=datasets.Split.VALIDATION, gen_kwargs={"filepath": os.path.join(downloaded_files[self.config.name], dev_file_name)}, ), ] def _generate_examples(self, filepath): """Yields examples.""" with open(filepath, encoding="utf-8") as f: data = json.load(f) for example in data: id_ = example["id"] annotations = example["annotations"] # Add this because we cannot have None values (all keys in the schema should be present) for an in annotations: if "qaPairs" not in an: an["qaPairs"] = [] if "answer" not in an: an["answer"] = [] yield id_, example