--- license: mit Programminglanguage: "Java" version: "N/A" Date: "May 2019 paper release date for https://arxiv.org/pdf/1812.08693.pdf" Contaminated: "Very Likely" Size: "Standard Tokenizer " --- ### Dataset is imported from CodeXGLUE and pre-processed using their script. # Where to find in Semeru: The dataset can be found at /nfs/semeru/semeru_datasets/code_xglue/code-to-code/code-refinement/data/medium in Semeru ## Task Definition Code refinement aims to automatically fix bugs in the code, which can contribute to reducing the cost of bug-fixes for developers. In CodeXGLUE, given a piece of Java code with bugs, the task is to remove the bugs to output the refined code. Models are evaluated by BLEU scores, accuracy (exactly match) and [CodeBLEU](https://github.com/microsoft/CodeXGLUE/blob/main/code-to-code-trans/CodeBLEU.MD). ## Dataset We use the dataset released by this paper(https://arxiv.org/pdf/1812.08693.pdf). The source side is a Java function with bugs and the target side is the refined one. All the function and variable names are normalized. Their dataset contains two subsets ( i.e.small and medium) based on the function length. This dataset is medium. ### Data Statistics Data statistics of this dataset are shown in the below table: | | #Examples | | ------- | :-------: | | | Medium | | Train | 52,364 | | Valid | 6,545 | | Test | 6,545 | # Reference
  title={An empirical study on learning bug-fixing patches in the wild via neural machine translation},
  author={Tufano, Michele and Watson, Cody and Bavota, Gabriele and Penta, Massimiliano Di and White, Martin and Poshyvanyk, Denys},
  journal={ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology (TOSEM)},
  publisher={ACM New York, NY, USA}